■■■<;:;,.;;;;■■:,. &!&& 1-YrCti :>^* ^/f%>. ■$* '■'*' ' NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM DD5ST743 1 ..,-,»*.*>;■* * ^ It * mouth. envelope, and again within this a Respiratory 6, vent; c, ganglion ; sac, which may be considered as the dilated d> muscular sac- pharynx of the animal. At the bottom of this last is the entrance to the stomach, which, Avith the other viscera, lies at the lower end of the muscular sac. The external envelopes have two orifices ; a mouth (a) to admit water into the pharyngeal sac; and a vent (b) for the expulsion of the water which has served for respira- tion, and of that which has passed through the alimentary canal, together with the fsecal matter, the ova, &c. A current of water is continually being drawn into the pharyngeal sac, by the vibration of the cilia that line it; and part of this is driven into the stomach, conveying to it the necessary supply of aliment in a very finely divided state ; whilst a part is destined merely for the aeration of the circulating fluid, and is transmitted more directly to the vent after having served that purpose. These animals are for the most part fixed to one spot, during all save the earliest period of their existence ; and they give but little external manifestation of life, beyond the continual entrance and 4.6 Nervous System and its Functions. exit of the currents just mentioned, which, being driven by ciliary action, are altogether independent of the Nervous system. When any substance, however, the entrance of which Avould be injurious, is drawn-in by the current, its presence excites a general con- traction of the muscular envelope ; and this causes a jet of water to issue from one or both orifices, which carries the offending body to a distance. And in the same manner, if the exterior of the body be touched, the muscular envelope suddenly and violently contracts, and expels the contents of the sac. 46. These are the only actions, so far as we know, to which the Nervous system of these animals is subservient. They scarcely exhibit a trace of eyes, or of other organs of special sense ; and the only parts that appear peculiarly sensitive, are the small "tentacula" or feelers that guard the oral orifice. Between the two apertures in the mantle we find a solitary ganglion (c), which receives branches from both orifices, and sends others over the muscular sac (d). This simple apparatus seems to constitute the whole Nervous system of the animal; and it is fully sufficient to account for the movements which have been described. For the impression produced by the contact of any hard substance with the tentacula, or with the general surface of the mantle, being conveyed by the afferent fibres to this ganglion, will excite in it a motor impulse ; which, being transmitted to the muscular fibres of the contractile sac, as well as to those circular bands that surround the orifices and act as sphincters, will call forth the movements in question. 47. We have here a characteristic example of what is designated as the re/lex action of a Nerve-centre ; being the response which it makes, through the motor fibres, to the impression that has been conveyed to it by the afferent or excitor fibres,—the whole constituting what has been termed the nervous circle. This response is purely automatic or involuntary; depending like the contraction of a Muscle stimulated by electricity, upon the Reflex Actions of Coughing aud Swalloiving. 47 inherent endowments of the Nervous apparatus. Whether such " reflex action " is or is not attended with Consciousness, depends on the other endowments of the ganglion which performs it; but it is certain that actions which seem to indicate a definite purpose and will, may be called forth by mere stimulation, under circum- stances which forbid us to attribute them to anything else than the automatic and unconscious action of the Nerve-centre (§ 66).— Now the contraction of the muscular sac of the Ascidian, when called forth by the entrance of some irritating particle through the oral orifice, has its precise parallel in the act of coughing in ourselves. This is a combined succession of Respiratory movements, consisting of (1) a full inspiration ; (2) a closure of the glottis (or aperture of the windpipe) ; and (3) the bursting open of the glottis by a violent expiratory blast, so that the offending body (such as a particle of food, or a drop of liquid, that has " gone the wrong way,"—or an irritating vapour that has been drawn in with the breath,—or a morbid secretion from the membrane of the air-passages) may be forcibly ejected. Now we are constantly made aware by our own experience, how completely automatic this action is; for not only is it per- formed without any will of our own, but even against the strongest volitional effort we may make to restrain it; and when Ave cough voluntarily, as to give a signal, or to put down a tedious speaker, we simply make use of the automatic apparatus. We could not ourselves devise or imagine anything better adapted than the above combination, to produce the required result. Yet that combination is assuredly made for us, not by us. An Infant coughs prior to all experience; and even in a state of entire insensibility, provided the patient can still swallow, coughing will be excited by the passage of any of the food or drink " the wrong way.'' 48. The act of swallowing affords another example of the same reflex action; for though we are accustomed to regard it as 48 Nervous System and its Functions. altogether voluntary, inasmuch as we only swallow when we choose, yet it is not so in reality. For what the Will does, is to carry back the particle to be swallowed, by a movement of the tongue, so as to bring it into contact with the membrane lining the pharynx ; and this contact serves to call the.muscles of the pharynx into automatic action, whereby the particle is grasped and carried downwards into the gullet. It has several times happened that a feather, with which the back of the mouth was being tickled in order to excite vomiting (another form of reflex action), having been carried down a little too far, has been thus grasped by the pharyngeal muscles, and drawn out of the fingers of the operator.—In sucking, again, there is a combination of respiratory movements, producing the vacuum which draws forth the milk, with the movements by which it is swallowed; and the whole combination is a purely reflex action, performed by the instru- mentality of a ganglionic centre which forms no part of the Brain proper, and called-forth by the contact, either of the nipple of the mother, or of something Avhich produces the like impression, with the lips of the offspring (§ 69).—This last act is sometimes spoken of as instinctive, and has been even taken as a type of that class of operations; and in the broad sense of the term Instinct, it may doubtless be so regarded. But, in common with the ordinary and extraordinary movements of respiration, with swallowing, and, with many other actions that are immediately concerned in the maintenance of the Organic functions, it may be executed unconsciously ; requiring nothing for its performance but an automatic Mechanism of nerves and muscles, Avhich, in its normal state, responds as precisely to the stimulus made upon it, as the Locomotive steam-engine does to the directing actions of its driver.—The actions to Avhich it seems preferable to limit the term instinctive, are those to Avhich the prompting is given by sensations. These are not less "reflex'' than the preceding in their essential nature, being the automatic responses given by the Nervous System of Mo Husks. 49 Nervous mechanism to the impressions made upon it, in virtue of its original or acquired endowments ; but the Nerve-centres concerned in them being of a higher order, their reflex activity cannot be called forth without affecting the consciousness of the Animal that executes them (§§ 57, 77, 78). 49. In ascending through the Molluscous series, we find the Nervous system increasing in complexity, in accordance with the increasing complexity of the general organization ; the addition of new organs of special Sensation, and of new parts to be moved by Muscles, involving the addition of new ganglionic centres, whose functions are respectively adapted to these purposes. The possession of a distinct Iiead, in which are located the organs of Vision, the rudimentary organs of Hearing, and the organs (if any such exist) of Smell and Taste, constitutes the distinction between the two primary divisions of the series,—the cephalous and the acephalous; the Snail and Whelk being typical examples of the former, the Oyster and Cockle of the latter. In the Cephalous Mollusks, we always find a pair of ganglia situated in the head; which pair, termed the cephalic ganglia, is really made up of several distinct ganglionic centres, and is connected by cords that pass round the oesophagus, with other ganglia disposed in various parts of the trunk. Still, generally speaking, the Nervous system bears but .a small proportion to the whole mass of the body ; and the ganglia which minister to its general movements, are often small in proportion to those which serve some special purpose, such as the actions of Respiration. This is what Ave should expect from the general inertness of the character of these animals (typified by the term sluggish), and from the small amount of Muscular structure which they possess. 50. Again, we find no other multiplication of similar centres, than a doubling on the two sides of the body ; excepting in a few cases in which the organs they supply are correspondingly multiplied,— as in the arms of the Cuttle-fish, which are furnished with great 4 50 Nervous System audits Functions. numbers of contractile suckers, every one possessing a ganglion of its own. Here we can trace very clearly the distinction between the reflex actions of each individual sucker, depending upon the powers of its own ganglion ; and the actions prompted by Sensation, which are called forth through its connection with the Cephalic ganglia. For the Nerve-trunk which proceeds to each arm may be distinctly divided into two tracts; one containing the ganglia which appertain to the suckers and are connected with them by distinct filaments ; whilst the other consists of fibres that form a direct communication between these and the Cephalic ganglia. Thus each sucker has a separate relation with a ganglion of its own, whilst all are alike connected Avith the Cephalic ganglia, and are placed under their control; and we see the results of this arrangement, in the mode in Avhich the contractile power of the suckers may be called into operation. When the animal embraces any substance Avith its arm (being directed to this action by its Sight or some other sensation), it can bring all the suckers simul- taneously to bear upon it; evidently by a determinate impulse transmitted along the connecting cords that proceed from the Cephalic ganglia to the ganglia of the suckers. On the other hand, any individual sucker may be made to contract and attach itself, by placing a substance in contact with it alone ; and this action Avill take place equally well-when the arm is separated from the body, or even in a small piece of the arm when recently severed from the rest,— thus proving that when it is directly excited by an impression made upon itself, it is a reflex act, quite independent of the Cephalic ganglia, not involving Sensation, and taking place through the medium of its own ganglion alone.* 51. In the Articulated series, on the other hand, in which the * A very curious example of the independent activity of the gangliated cord in the arm "of the Cuttle-fish, and of its similarity, both in structure and action, to the ventral cord of Articulata, is presented in the detached Jlcctocotylus-mn of the male of the Argonaut (Paper-Nautilus), which, when first discovered, was mistaken for a Worm. Structure of Ventral Cord of Articulala. 51 Locomotive apparatus is highly developed, and its actions are of the most energetic kind, we find the Nervous system almost entirely subservient to this function. In its usual form, it consists of a chain of ganglia connected by a double cord; commencing in the head, and passing backwards through the body (Fig. 7). The ganglia, though they usually appear single, are really double ; being composed of two equal halves closely united on the median line. In general we find a ganglion in each segment, giving-off nerves to the muscles of the legs, as in Insects, F;o. 7 Centipedes, &c.; or to the muscles that move the rings of the body when no extremities are developed, as in the Leech, Worm, &c. In the lower Vermiform (or worm-like) tribes, especially in the marine species, the number of segments is frequently very great, amounting eAren to several hundreds ; and the number of ganglia increases in the same proportion. But whatever be their degree of multiplication, they seem but repeti- tions of one another; the functions of each segment being the same Avith those of the rest. The cephalic ganglia, however, are always larger and more important; they are connected with the organs of special Sense; and they evidently possess a power of directing and controlling the movements of the entire body, whilst the power of each ganglion of the trunk is for the most part con- fined to its own segment. 52. The Cephalic ganglia lie above the mouth, in the immediate neighbourhood of the eyes, with which they are connected by nerve-trunks. And from the constancy of the relation between the size of these ganglia and the development of the Visual organs, it cannot be doubted that they are to be regarded as essentially optic ganglia, though also containing the GrANGLTATED NERVOUS COED OF CENTIPEDE. 5 2 Nervous System and its Functions. ganglionic centres of the nerves of other Senses, altogether con- stituting the Sensorium.—These Cephalic ganglia are connected with the ganglion of the first segment of the trunk, by a band on either side ; and the pair of bands, with the ganglia above and below, form a ring through which the oesophagus passes, so that the chain of ganglia comes to lie nearer the lower or ventral surface, beneath the alimentary canal, instead of just beneath the dorsal surface, above the alimentary canal, Avhich is the position of the Spinal cord of Vertebrata. Hence the longitudinal gangliated chain of Articulated animals is often distinguished as the ventral cord. 53. A marked difference is observable in the arrangement of the ganglia of the Ventral cord, according as the act of Locomotion is performed by muscles uniformly repeated through the succes- sive segments of the body, as in the crawling of the Maggot or Caterpillar ; or by the muscles of special appendages, attached to particular segments, as in the perfect Insect. In the former case, the ganglionic chain is uniform throughout; whilst in the latter, the ganglia of the thorax, with which are connected the nerves that supply the legs and wings, are greatly increased in size, whilst those of the abdomen, the segments of which no longer take any share in the act of locomotion, are proportionally reduced. The change from one condition to the other takes place during the metamorphosis.—When the structure of the Ventral cord is more particularly inquired into, it is found to consist of two distinct tracts; one of which, composed of nerve-fibres only, passes backwards from the Cephalic ganglia over the surface of all the ganglia of the trunk : Avhilst the other includes the collections of nerve-cells which constitute ganglia. Hence every part of the body has two sets of nervous connections; one with the ganglion of its own segment, and another with the Cephalic ganglia. Each of the ganglia of the Ventral cord ministers to the reflex actions of its own segment, and, to a certain extent also, to those of other segments : for by Reflex Actions of Articulata. 53 the peculiar arrangement of the fibres of the Cord, an impression conveyed by an afferent fibre to any one of these ganglia may excite contraction in the muscles of the same side of its own seg- ment, or in those of the opposite side, or in those of segments at a greater or less distance, according to the point at Avhich the motor fibres leave the cord. On the other hand, impressions made upon the afferent fibres which proceed from any part of the body to the Cephalic ganglia, give rise to sensations when convejred to the latter; whilst, in response to these, the influence of the Sensations received through the Cephalic ganglia, being reflected through the motor fibres proceeding from them, harmonizes and directs the general movements of the body. 54. The general conformation of Articulated animals, and the arrangement of the parts of their Nervous system, render them peculiarly favourable subjects for the study of the reflex actions ; some of the principal phenomena of which will now be described.— If the head of a Centipede be cut off whilst it is in motion, the body will continue to move onwards by the action of its legs; and the same will take place in the separate parts, if the body be divided into several distinct portions. After these actions have come to an end, they may be excited again by irritating any part of the Nerve-centres, or the cut extremity of the nervous cord. The body is moved forwards by the regular and successive action of the legs, as in the natural state ; but its movements are always forwards, never backwards, and are only directed to one side when the forward movement is checked by an interposed obstacle. Hence, although they might seem to indicate Consciousness and a guiding Will, they do not do so in reality; for they are performed as it were "mechanically;" and show no direction of object, no avoidance of danger. If the body be opposed in its progress by an obstacle of not more than half of its own height, it mounts over it and moves directly onwards, as in its natural state ; but if the obstacle be equal to its own height, its progress is arrested, 54 Nervous System and its Functions. and the cut extremity of the body remains forced-np against the opposing substance, the legs still continuing to move.—If, again, the Ventral cord of a Centipede be divided in the middle of the trunk, so that the hinder legs are cut off from connection with the Cephalic ganglia, they will continue to move, but not in harmony with those of the fore-part of the body; being completely paralysed, as far as the animal's controlling poAver is concerned, though still capable of performing reflex movements by the influence of their own ganglia, Avhich may thus continue to propel the body in opposition to the determinations of the animal itself. —The case is still more remarkable when the Ventral cord is not merely divided, but a portion of it is entirely removed from the middle of the trunk : for the anterior legs still remain obedient to the animal's control; the legs of the segments from which the nervous cord has been removed are altogether motionless; Avhilst those of the posterior segments continue to act through the reflex powers of their own ganglia, in a manner which shows that the animal has no power of checking or directing them. 55. Another curious phenomenon of this kind is presented by the Mantis, a large Insect allied to the Grasshoppers aud Crickets, but of less active habits; its conformation fitting it to lie in wait for its prey, rather than to go in search of it. The first segment of its thorax is greatly prolonged, and is furnished with a pair of large and strong legs, ending in sharp claws; whilst the two posterior segments, and the legs attached to them, are of the ordinary type. From its resting on these last, and lifting up the first segment, with its legs stretched out as arms, in the attitude of prayer, though really in readiness for the capture of prey, the Mantis is regarded by the peasantry of Italy and the South of France, where it is common, Avith superstitious veneration, under the name of Prie-Dieu, and has hence acquired the specific name of religiosa. Now, if the head be cut off, the body still Reflex Actions of Insects. 55 retains its position, and resists attempts to overthrow it; while the arms close round anything that is introduced between them, and mpress their claws upon it. But further, if the first segment of the thorax with its attached members be cut off, the posterior part of the body will still remain balanced upon the four legs that support it, not only resisting any attempts to overthrow it, but recovering its position when disturbed, and performing the same agitated movements of the wings and wing-covers as Avhen the entire Insect is irritated ; while the arms attached to the separated segment of the thorax will still act in the manner just described. Hence it is obvious that the ordinary movements of this Insect immediately depend on the reflex powers of the ganglia of the Ventral cord ; and that while the prey is actually captured by their instrumentality, the control exercised over these movements by the Cephalic ganglia serves to direct them towards the prey,— just as our own movements in walking, which are themselves acquired reflex actions of the Spinal cord (§ 71), are still directed by the Sight, while maintained without either Volitional or even conscious effort. 56. The stimulus to the Reflex movements of the legs, in the foregoing cases, appears to be given by the contact of the extre- mities with the solid surface on which they rest. In other cases, the appropriate impression can only be made by the contact of liquid: thus a Dytucus (a kind of Avater-beetle) from which the Cephalic ganglia had been removed, remained motionless so long as it rested upon a dry surface ; but when cast into water, it executed the usual swimming motions with great energy and rapidity, striking all its comrades to one side by its violence, and persisting in these for more than half an hour.—Other movements, again, may be excited through the Respiratory surface. Thus, if the head of \ Centipede be cut off, and, while the trunk remains at rest, some irritating vapour (such as that of ammonia or muriatic acid) be caused to enter the air-tubes on one side of it through the spiracles 56 Nervous System and its Functions. or breathing-pores of that side, the body will be immediately bent in the opposite direction, so as to withdraw itself as much as possible from the influence of the vapour; if the same irritation be then applied on the other side, the reverse movement will take place ; and the body may be caused to bend in tAvo or three dif- ferent curves, by bringing the irritating vapour into the neighbour- hood of different parts of either side. This movement is evidently (like the acts of Coughing and Sneezing in the higher animals, § 47) a reflex one, and serves to withdraw the entrances of the air-tubes from the source of irritation. 57. From these and similar facts it appears that the ordinary movements of the legs and w7ings of Articulated animals are of a simply-reflex nature, being effected solely through the ganglia with which these organs are severally connected; whilst in the perfect creature they are harmonized, controlled, and directed by the guidance they receive from the Cephalic ganglia, Avhich combines them into those composite movements which are dis- tinguished as instinctive. This designation is now properly re- stricted to actions which, being performed without any guidance from experience, and executed in precisely the same manner (when the circumstances are similar) by all the individuals of a species, must be regarded as proceeding from an innate or con- stitutional tendency, corresponding with that which prompts our own primarily-automatic movements (§ 15). Instinctive actions, then, are as truly " reflex " in their character as are those we have been already considering, but differ from them only in their greater complexity; a combination of many separate impressions being needed to call them forth, and a combination of many distinct movements being concerned in their execution. The special directing power exerted by the Cephalic ganglia obviously depends upon their Sensorial attributes ; for the directness of their connection with the organs of special Sense, and the con- stancy of the proportion which their size bears to the develop- Instinctive Actions of Insects. 5 7 ment of the Eyes, places it beyond doubt that they furnish the instrumentality whereby (1) the Animal is rendered conscious of Sense-impressions, and (2) that Consciousness prompts and directs its actions. Thus the truly Instinctive actions of the lower Animals correspond in character with the Sensori-motor or con- sensual actions in Man (§§ 78, 79), but constitute a far larger proportion of their entire life-work. In fact, it would appear that Instinct culminates in the Articulated series, and especially in the class of Insects; just as Intelligence does in the Verte- brated series, of which Man is the highest representative. In proportion as Instinct predominates, may we predict Avith cer- tainty the actions of the individual, Avhen we know the life-history of the species; its whole aim being to work out a design which is formed for it, not by it, and the tendency to which is embodied (as it were) in its organization. In proportion, on the other hand, as the lower animals possess any share of the Rational nature of Man, which enables them to profit by experience, the mental processes which determine their actions become more complex and seem more variable in their results, so that our power of accurate- prediction proportionally diminishes. Of this Ave have a curious illustration in the contrast between the Architectural operations of Insects and those of Birds (§ 82). 58. The most remarkable examples of instinctive action that the entire Animal Kingdom can furnish, are presented in the operations of Bees, Wasps, Ants, and other Social Insects; which construct habitations for themselves upon a plan which the most enlightened Human intelligence, working according to the most refined geometrical principles, could not surpass; but which yet do so without education communicated by their parents, or progressive attempts of their own, and with no trace of hesitation, confusion, or interruption; the several individuals of a community all labouring effectively to one common end, because their Instinctive or Consensual impulses are the same. 58 Nervous System and its Functions. —It might, indeed, be argued in the case of II'ue-Bees (on whoso life-history our notions of the range of Instinct are chiefly founded), that the extraordinary perfection of their workmanship, and the uniformity of the course they take under each of a great variety of contingencies, are to be accounted for by the experiential acquire- ment of knowledge, progressively improved, and transmitted from one generation to another ; but this cannot possibly be admitted in the case of certain of the solitary Bees. For with regard to these it may be positively affirmed that the offspring can know nothin« of the construction of its nest, either from its own experience, or from instruction communicated by its parent; so that when it makes a nest of the very same pattern, we cannot regard it as anything else than a machine acting in accordance with its Nervous organization,—unless we suppose its actions to be directly prompted by "an overruling mind or purpose" outside itself, which takes them out of the category of Scientific investigation.— Still, that even Insects can learn by experience, must be obvious to those who study the actions of Bees Avhen they have been newly hived; for if the hive be placed among several others having similar entrances, the bees are obviously undecided, fur the first few days, Avhich entrance to make for; but soon come to recognize their own, as is shown by the straightness of their flight towards it. And Sir John Lubbock has succeeded in taming a Wasp to perform various actions that indicated a purposive direction guided by its individual experience. 59. In the change from the larva to the perfect or imago state of the Insect, besides the modifications already noted (§ 53), the Cephalic ganglia undergo a great increase in size. This evidently has reference to the increased development of the organs of special Sense in the latter ; the Eyes being much more perfectly formed, Antenna) and other appendages used for feeling beino- eA'olved and organs of Hearing and Smell being added. In respondence to the new sensations which the animal must thus acquire, a but they may, perhaps, be more properly regarded as representing the bodies termed corpora striata, which, in the Brains of the higher Vertebrata, form part of that series of ganglionic masses 66 Nervous System and its Functions. lying along the floor of the skull, on which the Cerebrum is superposed (Figs. 12, 13). Behind the Optic ganglia is a single ganglionic mass, ce, the Cerebellum ; an organ which seems related rather to the regulation of the Movements of the Animal, than to its Psychical faculties, but of which the precise function has not been determined. The Spinal cord, sp, is seen to be divided at the top by a fissure, which is most wide and deep beneath the Cerebellum, where there is a complete separation between its two halves.—In the Shark, of which, though the skeleton is only cartilaginous, the general organization is very high, we find the olfactive ganglia, ol, lying at some distance in front of the Brains of fish :—a, Cod ; b, Shark ol, Olfactory ganglia; ch, Cerebral ganglia; op, Optic ganglia; ce, Cerebral ganglia, ch, and con- Cerebellum ; sp, Spinal Cord. nected with them by peduncles or footstalks; the cerebral Ganglia are not only relatively much larger, but contain a more distinct rudiment of true Hemispheres separated from the Corpora Striata by a " ventricle " or cavity; the Cerebellum, too, is relatively larger.—In some Fish, separate ganglionic centres of the nerves of Hearing and Taste are found on the under side of the Brain; whilst in others they are imbedded in the Medulla Oblongata, as is the case in Man. In the Vermiform Fishes, the Spinal cord is nearly uniform in size from one end to the other; but in those which haAre powerful pectoral and ventral fins (the representatives of the fore and hind limbs of land-animals) there is an enlargement of the Spinal cord in the segments which are connected with the nerves of each of these pairs of members. 65. In Reptiles we do not find any considerable advance in the Brain of Reptiles. 67 development of the Brain, save that the Cerebral Hemispheres are somewhat larger, extending forwards so as to cover-in the Olfactive ganglia, and backwards so as partly to overlie the Optic ganglia (Fig. 9). The Cerebellum is almost invariably small, in conformity with the general inertness of these animals, and the want of variety in their moAremcnts. The Spinal cord is still very large in proportion to the Brain ; and experiment proves (as will be presently shown) that the greater part of the ordinary movements of these animals are simply reflex, being excited through the afferent nerves proceed- ing to their ganglionic centre in the Spinal cord, which then reacts on the Muscles through the motor nerves. Where there is a unifor- mity of motor action through the whole series of Vertebral seg- ments, as in the Serpent, we find a uniformity in the size of the Spinal cord, and in the amount of ganglionic matter it contains, throughout its Avhole length,—just as in the Ventral cord of the Brain of turtle, with diagrammatic representation of the increased development of the Cerebrum in higher Vertebrata:—A, Olfactory ganglia; B, Cerebral ganglia ; C, Optic ganglia; d, Cerebellum ; e, Spinal Cord; olf, Olfactory nerve; op, Optic nerve; 3, Third pair ; 4, Fourth pair ; 5, Fifth pair. Centipede (§ 51). But where the locomotive power is delegated to limbs which are appendages of particular segments, we find specia ganglionic enlargements of the Spinal cord in those segments,— 68 Nervous System and its Functions. just as in the Ventral cord of the perfect Insect (§ 53). Thus in the Lizards and Turtles, whose two pairs of members are nearly similar in locomotive power, we find an anterior and a posterior enlargement of the Spinal cord at the origins of their nerves; whilst in the Frog, whose movements are chiefly effected by its hind legs, the posterior enlargement is the principal. 66. As it has been chiefly by experiments on Frogs and other Reptiles (in which the excitability of the Nervo-muscular apparatus is much longer retained after death than in warm-blooded animals) that the independent endowments of the Spinal cord as a centre of Reflex action, have been ascertained, it may be advantageous here to describe the results of these inquiries; and to compare them with what has been learned from observation of the results I of disease or accident in Man.—When the Brain has been removed, or its functions haA7e been suspended by a severe blow upon the head, a variety of motions may still be excited by appropriate stimuli. Thus, if the foot be pinched, or burned wuth a lighted taper, it is withdraAvn; and (if the subject of the experiment be a Frog) the animal will leap away, as if to escape from the source of I irritation. If the vent of a Frog be irritated with a probe, the | hind-legs will endeavour to push it away. And if acetic acid be applied over the upper and inner part of the thigh, the foot of the same side will wipe it away; but if that foot be cut off, after some ineffectual efforts and a short period of inaction, the same movement will be made by the foot of the opposite side. 67. Now the performance of these as well as of many other movements that show a most remarkable adaptation to a purpose, might be supposed to indicate that sensations are called-up by the impressions ; and that the animal can not only feel, but can voluntarily direct its movements, so as to get rid of the irritation which annoys it. But such an inference would be inconsistent Avith other facts. —In the first place, the motions performed by an animal under such circumstances are never spontaneous, but are Reflex Actions of Frog. 69 always excited by a stimidus of some kind. Thus, a decapitated Frog, after the first violent convulsive movements occasioned by the operation have passed away, remains at rest until it is touched ; and then the leg or its whole body may be throvvn into sudden action, which immediately subsides again. Again, we find that such movements may be performed, not only when the Brain has been removed, the Spinal cord remaining entire, but also when the Spinal cord has been itself cut across, so as to be divided into two or more portions, each of them completely isolated from each other, and from other parts of the nervous centres. Thus, if the head of a Frog be cut-off, and its Spinal cord be divided in the middle of the back, so that its fore-legs remain connected with the upper part, and its hind-legs Avith the lower, each pair of members may be excited to movement by a stimulus applied to itself; but the two pairs will not exhibit any con- sentaneous motions, as they will do when the Spinal cord is undivided. Or, if the Spinal cord be cut across, without the removal of the Brain, the lower limbs may be excited to movement bv an appropriate stimulus, though the animal has clearly no power over them ; Avhilst the upper remain under its control as completely as before. Now it is scarcely conceivable that, in this last case, Sensations should be felt and Volition exercised through the instrumentality of that portion of the Spinal cord which remains connected with the nerves of the posterior extre- mities, but which is cut-off from the Brain. For, if it were so, there must be two distinct centres of Sensation and Will in the same animal, the attributes of the Brain not being affected ; and, by dividing the Spinal cord into two or more segments, we might thus create in the body of one animal two or more such inde- pendent centres, in addition to that which still holds its proper place within the head. To say that two or more distinct centres of Sensation and Will are present in such a case, would really be the same as saying that we have the power of constituting 70 Nervous System and its Functions. two or more distinct Egos in one body,—which is manifestly absurd. 68. But the best proofs of this limitation of the endowments of the Spinal Cord, are derived from the phenomena presented by the Human subject, in cases where that organ has suffered injury by disease or accident in the middle of the back. We find that when this injury has been severe enough to produce the effect of a complete division of the Cord, there is not only a total want of Volitional control over the lower extremities, but a complete absence of Sensibility also,—the individual not being in the least conscious of any impression made upon them. But when the lower segment of the Cord remains sound, and its nervous connexions with the limbs are unimpaired, distinct reflex movements may be excited in the limbs by stimuli directly applied to them; and this without the least Sensation on the part of the patient, either of the cause of the movement, or of the movement itself:— a. Among the notes left by John Hunter, there was the record of a case of Paralysis of the lower extremities, in which it appeared that Hunter had witnessed reflex movements of the lesrs of the patient, occasioned by excitation which did not produce Sensation. When the patient was asked whether he felt the irritation by which the motions were excited, he significantly replied—glancing at his limbs,—" No, Sir, but you see my legs do." (Of this interesting fact, the Writer was informed by his friend Sir James Paget, to whom Hunter's notes furnished materials for the admirable Catalogue which he drew up of the Pathological portion of the Hunterian Museum.) b. In a case of Paralysis, recorded by Dr. William Budd, in which injurious pressure on the Spinal cord in the back was produced by angular distortion of the spine, the sensibility of the legs was extremely feeble, and the power of voluntary motion was almost entirely lost. When, however, any part of the skin of the legs was pinched or pricked, the limb thus acted-on jumped with great viva- city ; the toes were retracted towards the instep, the foot raised on Reflex Actions in Man. yi the heel, and the knee so bent as to raise it off the bed; the limb was maintained in this state of tension for several seconds after the withdrawal of the stimulus, and then became suddenly relaxed. In general, while one leg was convulsea, its fellow remained quiet, unless stimulus was applied to both at once. In these instances, the pricking and pinching were perceived by the patient; but much more violent contractions were excited by a stimulus of whose presence he ivas unconscious. When a feather was passed lightly over the skin, in the hollow of the instep, as if to tickle, convulsions occurred in the corresponding limb, much more vigorous than those induced by pinching or pricking; they succeeded ono another in a rapid series of jerks, and these were repeated as long as the stimulus was maintained. But when any other part of the limb was irritated in the same way, the convulsions which ensued were very feeble, and much less powerful than those induced by pricking or pinching.—This patient gradually regained both the sensibility of the lower extremities, and voluntary power over them; and as voluntary power increased, the susceptibility to involuntary movements diminished, as did also their extent and power.—This case, then, exhibits an increased tendency to perform reflex actions, when the control of the Brain was suspended ; and it also shows that a slight impression upon the surface, of which the patient was not conscious, was more efficacious in exciting the Automatic movements, than were others of a more powerful nature which affected the Sensorium. c. In another case recorded by Dr. W. Budd, the Paralysis was more extensive and complete, having been produced by an injury (resulting from a fall into the hold of a vessel) at the lower part of the neck. There was at first a total loss of Voluntary power over the lower extremities, trunk, and hands; slight voluntary power remained in the wrists, rather more in the elbows, and still more in the shoulders. The Sensibility of the hands and feet was greatly impaired. Recovery took place very gradually ; and during its progress, several remark- able phenomena of reflex action were observed. At first, tickling one sole excited to movement that limb only which was acted upon; afterwards, tickling either sole excited both legs, and, on the 26th day, not only the lower extremities, but the trunk and upper extremities also. Irritating the soles, by tickling or otherwise, was 72 Nervous System and its Functions. at first the only method, and always the most efficient one, by which convulsions could be excited. On the 41st day, a hot plate of metal was applied to the soles, and was found to be a more powerful excitor of movement than any before tried. The movements continued as long as the hot plate was kept applied; but the same plate, at the common temperature, excited no movements after the first contact. Though the contact was distinctly felt by the patient, no sensation of heat was perceived by him, even when the plate was applied hot enough to cause blistering.—On the first return of Voluntary power the patient was enabled to restrain in some measure the excited movements ; but this required a distinct effort of his Will; and his first attempts to walk were curiously affected by the persistence of the susceptibility to reflex excitement. When he first attempted to stand, the hnees immediately became forcibly bent under him; this action of the legs being excited by contact of the soles with the ground. On the 95th day this effect did not take place, until the ] atient had made a few steps; the legs then had a tendency to bend up, a movement which he counteracted by rubbing the surface of the abdomen ; this rubbing excited the extensors to action, and the legs became extended with a jerk. A few more steps were then made, the manoeuvre was repeated, and so on. This susceptibility to involuntary movements from impressions on the soles, gradually diminished ; and on the 141st day, the patient was able to walk about, supporting himself on the back of a chair which he pushed before him; but his gait was unsteady. Sensation improved very slowly : it was on the 53rd day that he first slightly perceived the heat of the metal plate. —Now in this case, the abolition of Common Sensation was not so complete as in the former instance; but of the peculiar kind of im- pression which was found most efficacious in exciting reflex move- ments, no consciousness whatever was experienced. It is further interesting to remark, that the reflex actions were very feeble during the first seven days, in comparison with their subsequent energy; being limited to slight movements of the feet, which could not always be excited by tickling the soles. It is evident, then, that the Spinal Cord must have been in a state of concussion, which prevented the manifestation of its peculiar functions so long as this effect lasted ; and it is easy, therefore, to perceive, that a still more severe shock might permanently destroy its power, so as to prevent Reflex Actions in Man. 72 the exhibition of any of the phenomena of reflex action.—(Medico- Chirurgical Transactions, vol. xxii., 1839.) 69. The dependence of the movements of Respiration and Deglutition (swallowing) upon the independent endowments of the ganglionic centres contained in the upper part of the Spinal cord, (§ 62) is equally well established.—It has occasionally happened that, even Human infants have been born alive without any Brain ; and have lived and breathed for some hours—crying and even sucking,—though they had no Nerve-centres above the Medulla Oblongata. And new-born puppies, reduced to the same condition by the removal of the whole contents of the skull except the Medulla Oblongata, have continued to perform the same actions. The independence of the Ganglionic centres, not only of the ordinary Spinal nerves, but of those which supply the muscles concerned in the acts of Breathing and Sucking, has been thus fully demon- strated. And the purely reflex character of the movement of Sucking in the new-born Mammal, is proved by the fact that it is immediately excited in a brainless puppy by introducing the finger moistened with milk between its lips. Now this act requires a combined contraction of a number of muscles,—those of grasping by the lips, those by which a vacuum is produced in the mouth, those of respiration, and those of swallowing,—all of which mani- fest the most perfect adaptation of means to ends; but it is clear that this adaptation is not made by any intention on the part of the Ego, but is the result of the working of its Nervous mechanism. If an Animal from which everything above the Medulla Oblongata has been removed has any Consciousness at all, it can be of no higher kind than that sense of need, which we ourselves experience when we hold our breath for a short time, and which directly prompts the movements that tend to its relief, without the least Idea, on our own parts, of the purpose which those movements will tnswer. 70. These facts, taken in connexion with the preceding experi- 5 74 Nervous System and its Functions. ments both upon Vertebrated and Articulated animals, distinctly prove that Sensation is not a necessary link in the chain of reflex actions; but that all which is required is the " nervous circle" already described (§47). Thus these movements are all necessarily linked with the stimulus that excites them; that is, the same stimulus will always produce the same movement, when the con- dition of the body is the same. Hence it is evident that the Judgment and Will are not concerned in producing them, and that the adaptiveness of the movements is no proof of the existence of consciousness and discrimination in the being that executes them ; such adaptation being made for the being—by the peculiar structure of its Nervous apparatus, which causes a certain move- ment to be executed in respondence to a given impression,—not by it. An animal thus circumstanced may be not unaptly com- pared to an Automaton, in which particular movements, each adapted to produce a given effect, are produced by touching certain springs. 71. It seems not improbable, however, that some of these reflex movements,—such as are performed by the legs of a Frog as if with the purpose of removing a source of irritation (§ 66), —were not originally automatic, but have become so by habit; these. secondarily automatic actions (as Hartley well designated them) coming to be performed with the same absence of Will or Intention, as the originally or primarily automatic. Such is pretty certainly the character we are to assign to the ordinary Locomotive actions of Man. For though we are accus- tomed to regard these as Voluntary, and although they are so in the sense that we can commence and stop them at will, yet they continue of themselves, when—having been once set going— our Will has been entirely withdrawn from them ; our whole attention being engrossed by some train of thought of our own, or by conversation with a companion. And it seems clear that in this case the succession of movements is purely reflex ; being Secondai'ily-Automatic Movements in Man. 75 sustained by the successive contacts of our feet with the ground, each exciting the next action (§ 16). For numerous instances are on record, in which Soldiers have continued to march in a sound sleep ; riding on horseback (which requires a constant exercise of the balancing power) during sleep is a not unfrequent occurrence ; and the Writer has been assured by an intelligent witness, that he has seen a very accomplished Pianist complete the performance of a piece of music in the same state.* A case has been mentioned to him by Dr. William Budd, of a patient subject to sudden attacks of temporary suspension of consciousness without con- vulsion, who, whenever the paroxysm came-on, persisted in the kind of movement in which he was engaged at the moment; and thus on one occasion fell into the water through continuing to walk onwards, and frequently (being a shoemaker by trade) wounded his fingers with the awl in his hand, by a repetition of the movement by which he was endeavouring to pierce the leather. 72. Now in all these forms of secondarily-automatic activity, it seems reasonable to infer that the same kind of connection between the excitor and the motor nerves comes to be formed by a process of gradual development, as originally exists in the Nervous systems of those animals whose movements are primarily auto- matic ; this portion of the Nervous mechanism of Man being so constituted, as to grow-to the mode in which it is habitually called into play.—Such an idea is supported by all that we know of the formation and persistence of habits of Nervo-muscular action. For it is a matter of universal experience, that such habits are far more readily acquired during the periods of Infancy, Childhood, and Youth, than they are after the attainment of * In playing by memory on a musical instrument, the muscular sense (§ 80) often suggests the sequence of movements with more certainty than the auditory ; and since"it :s certain that impressions derived from the Muscles may prompt and regulate successional Movements without affecting the Consciousness, there is no such improbability in the above statement as might at first sight appear. j6 Nervous System and its Functions. adult age ; and that, the earlier they are acquired, the more tenaciously are they retained. Now it is whilst the Organism is growing most rapidly, and the greatest amount of new tissue is consequently being formed, that we should expect such new connections to be most readily established : and, it is then, too, that the nutritive processes most readily take-on that new mode of action (§ 276), which often becomes so completely a "second nature" as to keep-up a certain acquired mode of Nutrition through the whole subsequent life.—It is an additional and most important confirmation of this view, that (as was shown by Dr. Waller) when a Nerve-trunk has been cut-across, the re-establish- ment of its conductive power which takes-place after a certain interval, is not effected by the re-union of the divided fibres, but by the development of a new set of fibres beyond the point of section, in the place of the old ones (which undergo a gradual degenera- tion), the fibres on the central side remaining unaltered. And the same may be pretty certainly affirmed of that complete recovery of Nervous power in the hinder part of the body and limbs, which has been shown to take place by M. Brown-Sequard, after they had been entirely paralysed by complete division of the Spinal cord in the back. For if this recovery had been the result of simple re-union of the divided surfaces (as in an ordinary cut finger), the restoration of power,—of which no indication can be perceived for some weeks, and which altogether requires several months—would be much more speedy. The length of time required, which corresponds with that needed in Man after severe injuries to the Spine (§ 68), affords clear evidence that the process in these cases is really one of regeneration; and this fact, hi connection with many others, shows that the Nervous substance is not only more capable of such complete regeneration than any other tissue in the body, but is in a state of more constant and rapid change. It will be shown hereafter (§§ 277-282) how intimate is the relation between Mental and Bodily habits ; and Convulsive Movements. — Tetanus. 7 7 how the formation and maintenance of both are dependent on this Nutritive reconstruction of the Nervous apparatus. 73. There are many irregular or abnormal Reflex actions, known as convulsive, performed through the instrumentality of the Spinal cord, the study of Avhich is peculiarly instructive. These move- ments are not produced by injuries of the Cerebral hemispheres ; but, in the production of them, the Sensory ganglia are often asso- ciated with the Spinal cord. They may either be (1) simply reflex, being the natural result of some extraordinary irritation; or (2) simply centric, depending upon an excited condition of the gan- glionic centres of the Spinal cord, which occasions muscular move- ments without any stimulation ; or (3) they may depend upon combined action on both principles ; the Nerve-centres being in a highly irritable state, which causes very slight irritations (such as would otherwise be inoperative) to excite violent reflex or convulsive movements. The undue excitability of the Spinal cord may have its origin in an abnormal state of the Blood : thus we know that it may be produced by the introduction of certain poisons (as Strychnia) into the circulation ; and it is probable that morbid matters generated within the body may have the same effect, and that the convulsive actions which occur in various diseased con- ditions of the system are generally due in part to that condition. In the case of the convulsions which are not unfrequent during the period of teething, being immediately excited by the irritation which results from the pressure of the tooth as it rises against the unyielding gum, the stimulus would be insufficient to produce the violent result, were it not for a peculiarly excitable state of the Spinal cord, brought about by various causes, amongst which im- pure air and unwholesome food are the most potent. In like manner, when such an excitable state exists, to which children are peculiarly liable, convulsions may be occasioned by the presence of intestinal worms, of irritating substances, or even simply of un- digested matters, in the alimentary canal; and will cease as soon 78 Nervous System and its Functions. as they are cleared-out, in the same manner as the convulsions of teething may often be at once checked by the free lancing of the gums. A change to a purer atmosphere is commonly found the most efficacious means of reducing the morbid excitability of the Spinal cord, and thus of diminishing the liability to the recurrence of the Convulsion. 74. The influence of the condition of the Spinal cord itself is manifested in the convulsive diseases known as Tetanus, Epilepsy, and Hysteria.—In Tetanus (commonly known as " lock-jaw ") there is a peculiarly excitable state of the Spinal cord and Medulla oblongata, not extending to the higher centres. This may be the result of causes altogether internal; the condition exactly re- sembling that which may be artificially induced by the adminis- tration of Strychnia, or by its application to the Cord. Or it may be first occasioned by some local irritation, as that of a lacerated wound ; the irritation of the injured nerve being propa- gated to the Nerve-centres, and establishing the excitable state in them.—In like manner, Epilepsy, which consists in a combi- nation of Convulsive actions with temporary suspension of Consciousness, may result from the irritation of local causes, like the convulsions of teething; and may cease, like them, Avhen the sources of irritation are removed. It appears probable from recent researches, that the sudden but temporary suspension of the functions of the Brain, may be due to the spasmodic contraction of the vessels of the Sensorium, induced by the extension of the reflex motor impulse to the "vaso-motor" Nerves (§ 113). Certain forms of Epilepsy, on the other hand, are distinctly traceable to diseased states of the highest Nerve-centres. (See Appendix.) 75. These and other forms of Convulsive disorder, Avhen pro- ductive of a fatal result, usually act by suspending the Respiratory movements; the muscles that effect these being fixed by the spasm, which thus prevents the air from passing either in or out; so that suffocation takes place as completely as if the entrance to the air- Brain of Birds.—Instinctive Actions. 79 passages were closed.—It is remarkable that nearly every one of them may be imitated by Hysteria ; a state of the Nervous system which is characterized by its peculiar excitability, but in which there is no such fixed tendency to irregular action as would indicate any positive disease ; one form of convulsion often taking the place of another, at short intervals, with the most wonderful variety. This state is generally connected with an undue excita- bility of the Emotions; and, from their known influence on the " vaso-motor" Nerves (§§ 113, 565), it seems likely that many of its manifestations are produced through the instrumentality of that system. 76. Proceeding now to the Class of Birds, we find a considerable advance in the character of the Brain as compared with that of Reptiles. The Cerebral hemispheres are greatly increased in size; so as to cover-in not merely the Olfactory ganglia, but in great part also the Optic ganglia. The former are of comparatively small size, the organ of Smell in Birds not being much developed : the latter are very large, in conformity with the acuteness of Sight which is their special characteristic. The Cerebellum is of large size, in conformity with the active and varied muscular movements per- formed by animals of this class; but it consists chiefly of the central lobe, with little appearance of lateral hemispheres. The Spinal cord is still of considerable size in comparison with the Brain ; and it is much enlarged at the points whence the legs and wings originate. In the species which have the most energetic flight, such as the Swallow, the enlargement is the greatest where the nerves of the wings come off; but in those which, like the Ostrich, move princi- pally by running on the ground, the posterior enlargement, from which the legs are supplied with nerves, is much the more considerable. 77. It is not a little curious that Birds,—which present so many points of analogy to Insects in structure as well as in mode 80 Nervous System and its Functions of life, as to have been called the " Insects of the Vertebrated series,"—should strongly resemble Insects also in the high develop- ment of their instincts; i.e., the marked tendencies they show to particular kinds of movement, at the stimulus and under the guidance of particular sensations, without any experience to direct them. Thus, even the Chick within the egg sets itself free by tapping with its bill (furnished at that time with a sharp horny scale, which soon afterwards falls off) against the shell that encloses it; and, having once penetrated this, carries its chipping in a regular circle round the large end of the shell, which then drops off. In no long time after its escape, it raises itself upon its legs, and soon begins to run about, and to peck at insects, grains, &c, with a very sure aim. Mr. Spalding, who has recently made a series of very interesting observations on this point, found that if he "hooded" Chicks, or put them into a bag immediately on coming forth from the egg, and kept them so for two or three days until they could run about, the first effect of uncovering their eyes was to produce a sort of stunned condition; but recovering from this in a minute or two, they would immediately follow the movements of crawling insects, and peck at them with unerring aim. So, he tells us, chickens hatched and kept in the bag for a day or two, when taken out and kept nine or ten feet from a box in which a hen with chicks was concealed, after standing for a minute or two, uniformly set off straight for the box in answer to the call of the hen, though they had never seen her, and had never before heard her voice. This they did, struggling through grass, and over rough ground, when not yet able to stand steadily upon their legs. Even hooded chicks tried to make their way towards the hen, obviously guided by sound alone. So, on the other hand, a turkey only ten days old, which had never in its life seen a hawk, was so alarmed by the note of a hawk secreted in a cupboard, that it fled in the direction opposite to the cupboard with every sign of terror.* * Macmillan's Magazine, Feb., 1873. Scnsori-motor or Instinctive Actions hi Man. 81 78. Now these actions clearly belong to the class which the Phy- siologist terms Sensori-motor or Consensual; being the reflex actions of that higher division of the Nerve-centres, which con- sists of the Sensory ganglia as distinguished from the Cerebrum. The sense of Sight obviously affords the chief direction of the movements of Birds : and that the Sensory ganglia, in these higher Vertebrata, continue to furnish the instrumentality through which Sensations are excited by impressions made on the organs of Sense, and respondent motions are called forth, appears from the effect of experimental removal of the Cerebral hemispheres of Birds, the Sensory ganglia being left intact. For a Bird thus mutilated maintains its equilibrium, and recovers it when it has been disturbed ; if pushed, it walks ; if thrown into the air, it flies. A Pigeon deprived of its Cerebrum has been observed to seek out the light parts of a partially-illuminated room in which it was confined, and to avoid objects that lay in its way ; and at night, when sleeping with closed eyes and its head under its wing, it raised its head and opened its eyes upon the slightest noise.—So, again, the removal or destruction of either pair of these Sensory centres appears to involve the loss of the particu- lar Sense to which it ministers ; and frequently, also, to occasion such a disturbance in the ordinary movements of the animal, as shows the importance of these centres in-regulating them. Such experiments have been chiefly made upon the Optic ganglia; the partial loss of which on one side produces temporary blindness in the eye of the opposite side, and partial loss of muscular power on the opposite side of the body; whilst the removal of a larger portion, or the complete extirpation of it, occasions permanent blindness and immobility of the pupil, and temporary muscular weakness, on the opposite side. This temporary disorder of the Muscular system sometimes manifests itself in a tendency to move on the axis, as if the animal were giddy ; and sometimes in irregular convulsive movements.—Here, then, we have proof of the 82 Nervous System and its Functions. necessity of the integrity of this ganglionic centre, for the possession of the sense of Vision ; and Ave have further proof that the ganglion is connected with the Muscular apparatus by motor fibres issuing from it. The reason why the Eye of the opposite side is affected, is to be found in the crossing of the optic nerves in their course towards the optic ganglia; whilst the influence of the operation on the Muscles of the opposite side of the body, results from the like crossing of the motor fibres in their downward course through the Medulla oblongata.— Similar disturbances of movement have been produced by injuries to the organs of Sense themselves, or to the nerves connecting them with the Sensorial centres. Thus the division of one of the "semicircular canals" of the Ear in pigeons and rabbits has been found to occasion constant efforts to move in the plane of that canal. (See Appendix.) 79. Notwithstanding that, in Man, the high development of Intelligence, and the exercise of the Will, supersede in great degree the operations of Instinct, we still find that there are in ourselves certain movements which can be distinguished as neither Volitional nor Excito-motor ; being as truly Automatic as the latter, but requiring that the impressions wdiich originate them should be felt as Sensations.—As examples of this group, we may advert to the start upon a loud and unexpected sound ; the sudden closure of the eyes to a dazzling light, or on the approach of bodies that might injure them, which has been observed to take place even in cases of paralysis, in which the eyelids could not be voluntarily closed; the act of sneezing excited by an irritation within the nostril, and sometimes also by a dazzling light; the semi- convulsive movements and the laughter called forth by tickling; and the vomiting occasioned by the sight or the smell of a loath- some object. So, again, the act of yawning, ordinarily called forth by certain uneasy sensations within ourselves, is also excited by the sight or hearing of the act as performed by another.—Various Influence of Guiding Sensations in Man. 83 phenomena of Disease exhibit the powerful influence of Sensations in producing automatic motions. In Hydrophobia, for example the stimuli most effectual in exciting the convulsive movements, are those which act through the nerves of special Sense ; thus the sight or the sound of water will bring on the paroxysm, and any attempt to taste it increases the severity of the convulsions ; and it is further not a little significant, that the suggestion of the idea of water will produce the same result (§ 105).—In many Hysteric subjects, again, the sight of a paroxysm in another individual is the most certain means of its induction in them- selves.—The most remarkable examples, however, of automatic movements depending upon Sensations, are those which we come to perform habitually, and as we commonly say mechanically, when the attention and the voluntary effort are directed in quite a different channel (§§ 191-194). The man who is walking through the streets in a complete reverie, unravelling some knotty subject, or working-out a mathematical problem, not only performs the movements of progression (which are themselves excito-motor, § 71) with great regularity, but also directs these in a manner which plainly indicates the guidance of Sight. For he will avoid obstacles in the line of his path, and he will follow the course which he has been accustomed to take, although he may have intended to pass along some very different route ; and it is not until his attention is recalled to his situation, that his train of thought suffers the least intermission, so that his Will is brought to bear upon his motions (§ 117). 80. We may recognize the agency of the Sensory ganglia, how- ever in Man, not merely in their direct and independent operation upon his muscular system, but also in the manner in which they participate in all his Voluntary actions. The existence of a sensation of some kind, in connection with muscular exertion, seems essen- tial to the continuance of the latter. Our ordinary movements are guided by vvhat is termed the muscular sense ; that is, by a feeling 84 Nervous System and its Functions. of the condition of the muscles, that comes to us through their own afferent nerves. How necessary this is to the exercise of Muscular power, may be best judged-of from cases in which it has been deficient. Thus a woman who had suffered complete loss of sensation in one arm, but who retained its motor power, found that she could not support her infant upon it without constantly looking at the child; and that if she were to remove her eyes for a moment, the child would fall, in spite of her knowledge that her infant Avas resting upon her arm, and of her desire to sustain it. Here, the Muscular sense being entirely deficient, the sense of Vision supplied what was required, so long as it was exercised upon the object; but as soon as this guiding influence was withdrawn, the strongest Will could not sustain the muscular contraction.—Again, in the produc- tion of Vocal sounds, the nice adjustment of the muscles of the larynx, which is requisite to produce determinate tones, can only be effected in obedience to a Mental conception of the tone to be uttered ; and this conception cannot be formed, unless the sense of Hearing has previously brought similar tones to the mind. Hence it is that persons who are born deaf are also dumb. They may have no malformation of the organs of Speech; but they are un- able to utter distinct vocal sounds or musical tones, because they have not the guiding conception or recalled sensation of the nature of these. By long training, and by efforts directed by the Muscular sense of the larynx itself, some persons thus circum- stanced have acquired the power of speech ; but the want of sufficiently definite control over the vocal muscles, is always very evident in their use of the organ.—So, again, all the combinations of diverse Muscular actions which take place in the conjoint move- ments of the eyes, can be shown to be executed by this automatic Mechanism under the guidance of the Visual sense ; the mandate to direct the eyes to a given point, being all that is issued by the Will (§ 21). 81. There seems no adequate reason for the belief that the In telligence of Birds. 8 5 addition of the Cerebrum in the Vertebrated series alters the endowments of the Sensory ganglia on which it is superposed ; on the contrary, we everywhere see that the addition of new ganglionic centres, as instruments of new functions, leaves those which were previously existing in the discharge of their original duties. Hence we should be led to regard them as the instruments of Consciousness, even in Man,—each pair of ganglionic centres ministering to that peculiar kind of sensation for which its nerves and the organs they supply are set apart; thus we should consider the Optic ganglia to be the seat of Visual sensations, the Auditory to be the seat of the sense of Hearing, and so on. And we should also consider them as the instruments Avhereby Sensations, of whatever kind, either originate or direct instinctive movements. The mechanism of all such movements, in fact, may be regarded as consisting of that part of the Nervous system which answers to the entire gangliated Cord of Articulated Animals, whose active life may be characterised as almost purely instinctive. And we shall presently see that this automatic Apparatus is as readily distinguishable from the Cerebrum (which is the instrument of Intelligence) even in Man, as it is in the lower Vertebrata; pro- vided that we study the structure of his Brain under the guidance of Comparative Anatomy. 82. It would be impossible to find a better illustration of the contrast between Instinct and Intelligence as springs of action, than is afforded by the comparison of the habits of Birds in a state of Nature, with those which they acquire when brought into relation with Man. There can be no reasonable doubt that their Architectural constructions, like those of Insects, proceed from an internal impulse, which prompts each individual of a species to build after one particular pattern, to choose a situation suitable to its requirements, and to go in search of materials of a certain kind, though others might be much more easily obtained. But, on the other hand, in the working-out of this design, it is clear that Birds 86 Nervous System and its Functions. often profit by experience, and learn to use special means when special ends have to be provided for.—The folloAving case, narrated by Mr. Jesse, supplies a very good example of this intelligential modification of the instinctive tendency :— a. A pair of Jackdaws endeavoured to construct their nest in one of the small windows that lighted the spiral staircase of an old church tower. As is usual, however, in such windows, the sill sloped inwards, with a considerable inclination; and, consequently, there being no level base for the nest, as soon as a few sticks had been laid, and it was beginning to acquire weight, it slid down. This seems to have happened two or three times; nevertheless the birds clung with great pertinacity to the site they had selected, and at last devised a most ingenious method of overcoming the difficulty. Col- lecting a great number of sticks, they built up a sort of cone upon the staircase, the summit of which rose to the level of the window- sill, and afforded the requisite support to the nest; this cone was not less .than six feet high, and so large at its base as quite to obstruct the passage up the staircase; yet, notwithstanding the large amount of material which it contained, it was known to have been constructed within four or five days.—Now as this was a device quite foreign to the natural habit of the bird, and only hit-upon after the repeated failure of its ordinary method of nest-building, the curious adaptation of means to ends which it displayed can scarcely be regarded in any other light, than as proceeding from a design in the minds of the individuals who executed it. The following circumstance, again, which was related to the Writer by a friend who witnessed it, shows how readily some Birds will spontaneously learn to profit by experience in matters which arise out of their relation to Man :— b. A Wren having built her nest in a rather dangerous situation in the slate-quarries at Penrhyn, was liable to great disturbance from the occasional explosions. She soon learned, however, to take warning by the sound of the bell, which was rung to give notice to the work- men when a blast was about to be made; and would then quit her nest and fly to a little distance, remaining there until the shock of the ex- Intelligence and Educability of Birds. 87 plosion had passed off. This was noticed by the workmen ; and the sagacity of the Wren was made a subject of exhibition to the visitors at the quarries, the bell being frequently rung for the mere purposo of causing her to quit her nest. After a tim«, however, it was observed that the bird no longer flew away upon the ringing of the bell, but that she remained until she saw whether or no the workmen began to move^ if they drew off, she would go too ; but if they re- mained in their places, she would not stir.—Now this conduct, saga- cious as it may appear, is evidently explicable on a very simple hypothesis of the Mental operations of the bird. Observant, from its elevated post, of all that took place in its neighbourhood, the wren in the first instance learnt by experience to associate the ringing of the bell with the coming explosion, so as to anticipate the latter on the occurrence of the former. Being frequently disturbed, however, by the demonstration of her sagacity, and driven without occasion from her nest, the bird would perceive that this first association no longer held good ; and nothing but a further period of observation was re- quired for the bird to derive a more positive warning from the departure of the workmen, from which she learned by experience that a certain indication of the approaching explosion might be derived. None of those higher processes which enter into our more complex trains of Reasoning, were here required; the mere formation of an association, which gives the data for all these, which is the foundation of all knowledge derived from experience, and which appears to be the faculty first called into action in the mind of the Human infant, being quite sufficient to account for it (§ 217). Another instance in which a Bird, without any direct teaching, learned to perform a particular action altogether foreign to its nature, was related to the Writer by a Swiss friend who had often witnessed the occurrence :— c. In the town in which he was brought up, was a domesticated Stork, which was accustomed to receive its food every evening about six o'clock, along with the ordinary poultry ; and the latter, being usually allowed to roam at large in the streets, were collected to- gether, at the proper time, by a man who went through the town in search of them. The Stork, after having thus learned not to expect 88 Nervous System and its Functions. its food until the poultry had been all collected, spontaneously accom- panied the collector, and assisted him in bringing the fowls together: and after doing this for a considerable time, becoming gradually more and more independent and self-relying, it became quite competent to perform this duty for itself, and was at last intrusted with it, so that it might be seen on any evening, gravely perambulating the town, collecting its flock of poultry, and driving it home, just as a Shepherd's Dog collects the sheep. So, again, Rooks and other birds which live in the neighbour- hood of Man, and are liable to be shot-at, often show in their actions that they distinguish whether a man Avho approaches them carries a gun, or not; and are said to be able to distinguish a gun from a walking-stick put to the shoulder after the manner of a gun. And it is further noticeable that they distinguish Sunday from other days; flying lower than usual, and sometimes visiting gardens where they would not venture on the days on which they would be liable to be molested. Whether they distinguish the day by some of its outward signs, or are guided by that remarkable power of measuring Time which many animals certainly possess, cannot be stated with certainty.—The following circumstance, of which the Writer is personally cognizant, indicates the acquirement of the same kind of knowledge :— d. In a Ladies' school formerly kept near Bristol, it was customary for the young people to go into the play-ground for a few minutes every week-day, soon after twelve o'clock, and there to eat their luncheon. The crumbs of bread which they dropped on the ground proved very attractive to the sparrows in the neighbourhood, which would congre- gate on the walls of the garden a little before twelve every day, waiting for the appearance of their young friends, and patiently anticipating the time when the return of the ladies into the school- room would allow them to profit by their leavings. But on Sundays, the habits of the family were altogether different; the visit to the play-ground gave place to attendance on public worship, and the mid- day luncheon to an early dinner ; on that day, therefore, the sparrows went without their accustomed meal. But it was obvious that they Intelligence and Educability of Birds. 89 did not expect it; for it might be observed by any one who happened to remain at home on Sunday morning, that the usual mid-day gathering did not present itself,—the sparrows having evidently learned, not merely to judge very accurately of the approach of noon on the week-days on which they might expect their feed, but also to distinguish the day on which they must dispense with it. 83. The Birds of the Parrot tribe are pre-eminent for their edu- cability and apparent intelligence : but this educability chiefly depends upon their great imitative "power ; and their intelligence is really of a very low order, consisting in an exercise of the simple faculty of Association, the manifestations of which are chiefly re- markable as taking the form of vocal utterances. The associations which the Parrot forms between certain vocal sounds and certain visual objects, lead it often to give forth the former under circum- stances of singular appropriateness ; but it would be quite a mis- take to attribute such utterances to any higher intelligence than that of a young child just learning to talk, which repeats the phrases it has learned by imitation, without any distinct idea of their meaning, but sometimes brings them in remarkably ct, propos. A very good illustration of both faculties is afforded by a couple of anecdotes which the Writer remembers to have heard in his youth from his aged friend Mr. Palmer of Bristol :— In Mr. Palmer's younger days, when Bristol was largely engaged in the African slave-trade, the large grey Parrots (which are far more intelligent than the green) were very numerous in that city, and often created great amusement. There was one which hung outside a shop in the neighbourhood of the quay, and had a remarkable tact in distinguishing sailors ; and if a sailor happened to stop before his cage when he was in the middle of singing Handel's 104th psalm (which he performed most correctly), he would break off from " My soul praise the Lord, " into " D----n your eyes, you fool, what are you looking at ? " The sight of a sailor obviously called forth the phraseology which the bird had been accustomed to associate with that class.—Another Parrot caused no small degree of personal 90 Nef votis System and its Functions. annoyance to Mr. Palmer himself. In his younger days, when a'i attorney's clerk, he was somewhat given to dandyism, and particularly rejoiced in a very long queue. A parrot, which was accustomed to hang outside the window of a house that he passed in his way between his residence and his office, was taught by some waggish boys to salute him with—" There goes the man with the long pig- tail ; " and this the parrot learned to sing-out, without any prompt- ing, whenever Mr. Palmer made his appearance; the continual repetition of which remark was so disagreeable to him, that hu changed his route, and went through another street, to avoid it.— Now we have no reason to suppose that the bird knew the meaning of what it uttered, or was itself cognizant of the remarkable length of Mr. Palmer's pigtail; it simply learned to distinguish the individual, and to utter the phrase which it had been taught to associate with the sight of him.—On the same simple principles we may explain most, if not all, of what appears most marA'ellous in the accounts of wonderful Parrots, given to the world from time to time. (See, for example, Jesse's Gleanings in Natural History, 5th Edit., p. 220.) 84. It is a fact of no little interest, that Birds which inhabit localities not frequented by Man, know no fear of him, but allow him to approach them closely. Thus, when Mr. Darwin visited the Galapagos islands, he found that mocking-birds and finches, doves, and hawks, would allow him to come near enough to kill them with a stick, and sometimes even to catch them with the hand. The early visitors to the Falkland islands, a century previously, made the same report of the tameness of the birds they found there ; and the descendants of these birds still exhibit very little of that apprehension which is shown by the birds of the same species in Tierra del Fuego, Avhere they have been persecuted by man for ages past. The experience of many generations seems to be needed for the acquirement of this fear of man; which, as Mr. Darwin remarked, appears to have the character of an hereditary instinct, rather than to proceed from knowledge tradi- tionally communicated from one generation to another __the experience being gradually embodied, as it were, in the constitu- Brain of Mammalia. 91 tions of the Birds, and showing itself, like other congenital tendencies, in the actions they perform without any process of education. Here, then, we have a simple case of that hereditary transmission of acquired Psychical peculiarities, which seems to have a large share in the progressive development of the Human Mind (§§ 93, 97). 85. We arrive, lastly, at the Class of Mammalta ; in which the development of the Cerebrum comes to be so predominant, as to Brains of Rodents :—I, Rabbit; II. Beaver, with the Hemispheres drawn apart:—A, Olfactory Ganglia ; b, Cerebral Hemispheres ; c, Optic Ganglia ; d, Cerebellum ; e, Spinal Cord; k, Thalami Optici; m, Corpora Striata. mask Avhat has been shown to constitute the fundamental part of the organization of the Brain,—namely the Sensorial tract at its base. Still, among those lower Mammals in which the Brain does not present any great advance upon that of Birds, the Sensorial tract can be at once recognized as something altogether distinct from the Cerebrum, if we simply draw apart the Hemispheres, 92 Nervous System and its Functions. which, in their natural position, cover it in. Thus, in the Order Rodentia, the Cerebrum (b, Fig. 10) is smooth externally, as it is in Birds and Reptiles ; it is pointed in front, and is not prolonged sufficiently far forwards to cover the olfactive ganglia (a, a) ; but it is wider behind, and is prolonged so far backwards as completely to cover-in the optic ganglia, and even partly to overlap the Cerebellum (d). But, on drawing its hemispheres apart, we find the optic ganglia (c) lying immediately in front of the Cerebellum; whilst in front of these, again, are two pairs of ganglionic masses, known as the Tlialami optici (k) and the Corpora striata (m), which may be probably regarded as the terminations of the sensory and motor columns of the Spinal cord, and as ministering to the sense of Touch, and to the movements immediately related to it. The Thalami have also a connection with the optic nerves; and it does not seem improbable that this connection is instrumental in the establishment of that co-ordination between the senses of Sight and of Touch, which is so essential to the formation of trust- worthy Perceptions of external objects (§ 167). 86. The large proportion which the Sensory ganglia still bear to the Cerebral hemispheres, and the low development of the latter —as marked by the smoothness of their surface, not less than by their relative size—are in accordance with the predominance of Instinct over Intelligence, which still marks the psychical character of these lower Mammalia, and of which we have a conspicuous example in the Beaver. There could scarcely be a better example of the irrationality of Instinct, than is afforded by the following account, given by Mr. Broderip, of a Beaver which he kept in his house :— '' The building instinct showed itself immediately it was let out of its cage, and materials were placed in its way; and this before it had been a week in its new quarters. Its strength, even before it was half-grown, was great. It would drag along a large sweeping-brush, or a warming-pan, grasping the handle with its teeth so that the load Building Instinct of Beaver. 93 came over its shoulder, and advancing in an oblique direction till it arrived at the point where it wished to place it. The long and large materials were always taken first, and two of the longest were gene- rally laid crosswise, with one of the ends of each touching the wall, and the other end projecting out into the room. The area formed by the cross-brushes and the wall he would fill up with hand-brushes, rush-baskets, boots, books, sticks, cloths, dried turf, or anything portable. As the work grew high, he supported himself on his tail, which propped him up admirably ; and he would often, after laying on one of his building materials, sit up over against it, appearing to consider his work, or, as the country people say, 'judge it.' This pause was sometimes followed by changing the position of the mate- rial 'judged,' and sometimes it was left in its place. After he had piled up his materials in one part of the room (for he generally chose the same place), he proceeded to wall up the space between the feet of a chest of drawers which stood at a little distance from it, high enough on its legs to make the bottom a roof for him, using for this purpose dried turf and sticks, which he laid very even, and filling up the interstices with bits of coal, hay, cloth, or anything he could pick up. This last place he seemed to appropriate for his dwelling ; the former work seemed to be intended for a dam." Nothing could be more absurd, from the reasoning point of view, than the attempt of the animal to construct a dam where there was no water, or to build up a house Avhere he was already comfortably lodged ; but the innate architectural impulse was obviously uncontrolled by any perception of the entire unsuit- ableness of the work to the conditions under which it was being carried out, under the guidance of a "judgment" Avhich had reference to conditions that did not exist. 87. As we rise through the Mammalian series towards Man, we find not only a marked increase in the absolute bulk of the Cerebral hemispheres, and a yet greater relative excess in their size as compared with the aggregate of that of the Sensory ganglia, but an augmentation of their functional poAvers beyond all proportion to their size, which is derived from the peculiar manner in which 94 Nervous System and its Functions. their ganglionic matter is disposed. In all ordinary ganglia, the Nerve-cells on whose presence their special attributes depend (§ 36), form a sort of internal nucleus; but in the Cerebrum they are spread-out on the surface, forming an external or cortical layer. This layer is covered by a membrane termed the pia mater, which is entirely composed of Blood-vessels held together by connec- tive tissue ; and thus a copious supply of blood is brought to this important part. But the extent of the cortical layer, and of its contact with the pia mater, is enormously increased by its being thrown into folds, so as to produce what is known as the con- voluted surface of the Hemispheres (Figs. 11-13) ; for the pia mater everywhere dips-dowm into the furrows between the convolutions, so as to supply the deepest parts of this plicated ganglionic layer, equally with the most superficial. And thus it comes to pass that the supply of Blood to the Cortical layer is far larger in proportion to the amount of its substance, than it is to any other part of the body. Of the enormous amount distributed to the Brain as a whole (§ 40), by far the greater part goes to the cortical layer of "grey" or "ganglionic" substance; the "white" or "fibrous" structure of the interior, often termed the Medullary substance, which constitutes by far the larger portion of the bulk of the Brain (Figs. 12, 13), receiving comparatively little. It is clear, therefore, that the functional activity of the Cerebrum is immensely aug- mented by the folding of its Cortical layer; and that its capacity for the production of Nerve-force is marked by the number and depth of its plications, no less than by its absolute.size. In the higher orders of Mammalia, the convolutions are well marked; but we do not find them either numerous or complex in their arrangement until we approach Man ; and even in the highest Apes they are considerably shallower and less numerous than in the lowest examples of the Human brain. (See Appendix.) 88. The Brain of Man (Fig. 11) differs from that of the animals that most nearly approach him, rather in its large size__as com- Brain of Man. 95 pared alike with the Body generally, and with the Spinal cord,— than in any other character. For in the higher Apes, as in Man, we find that backward development of the Cerebrum into a posterior lobe, which makes it cover-in the Cerebellum ; whilst in them, as in him, the anterior lobes have a much greater breadth, as well as greater forward extension, than in the lower Mammalia. There is, however, a marked diversity in respect Fig. 11. 7 11 9 10 6 F Brain and cephalic nerves op Man, as shown in vertical section through the median plane : —A, b, c, anterior, middle, and posterior lobes of the Cerebrum, showing its convoluted surface; d, Optic ganglia; E, Cerebellum ; r, Spinal Cord; c, corpus callosum;—1, Olfactory bulb ; 2, Eye, with Optic nerve; 5, 5', 5', Fifth pair of Nerves; 6, Sixth pair; 7, Seventh pair; 9, Glosso-pharyngeal nerve; 10, Par Vagum ; 11, Hypo- glossal ; 12, Spinal Accessory; 13, 14, ordinary double-rooted Spinal Nerves. of size between the Brains of different Races of men ; those of the most civilized stocks, whose powers have been culti- 96 Nervous System and its Functions. vated and improved by Education through a long series of generations, being for the most part considerably larger than those of Savage tribes, or of the least advanced among our own peasantry. So far as can be judged from the few cases which have furnished adequate materials for the determination, the brains of those earliest Races of men, which (like the old "flint- folk") had made but a very slight advance in the arts of life, Fig. 12. Diagram of the mutual relations op the principal Encephalic Centres, as shown in vertical section :—a, Cerebrum; b, Cere- bellum ; c, Sensori-motor tract, including the Olfactive ganglion olf, the Optic opt, and the Auditory aud, with the Thalami optici thai, and the Corpora striata cs ; d, Medulla oblongata ; e, Spinal cord ;— a, olfactive nerve; 6, optic; c, auditory ; d, pneumogastric ; e, hypo- glossal ; /, spinal :—radiating fibres of the Medullary substance of the Cerebrum are shown, connecting its cortical layer with the Thalami optici and Corpora striata. were extremely small. Thus the inference, based on Comparative Anatomy, as to the relation between the development of the Brain of Man. 97 Cerebrum and the predominance of Intelligence over Instinct, seems to hold good when applied to the diversities we encounter in the Human type ; and of this Ave have a further confirmation in the fact, that where the Cerebrum is so imperfectly developed as to be greatly under the average size, there is a marked deficiency in Intelligence, amounting to absolute Idiocy. The unfortunate Diagram op the mutual relations op the Cerebrum and the Sensori-motor tract, as shown in horizontal section : —a, a, Cortical layer of Cerebral Hemispheres, connected with Sensori-motor tract by ascending fibres (shown on the left side) radiating from thai, the Thalami optici, and by descending fibres (shown on the right side) con- verging to cs, the Corpora striata; olf, Olfactive ganglia ; opt, Optic ganglia ; aud, Auditory ganglia ; a, a, Olfactive nerves ; 6, b, Optic nerves ; c, c, Auditory nerves ; e, Spinal Cord. beings thus characterized, are guided almost solely by their Instinctive tendencies, which frequently manifest themselves with a degree of strength that would not have been supposed to exist; 6 9 3 Nervous System and its Functions. and Instincts occasionally present themselves, of which the Human being is ordinarily regarded as destitute, and Avhich may be presumed to be survivcds of those Avhich characterized some lower grade of his development. On the other hand, those who have obtained most influence over the understandings of others, have generally been large-brained persons, of strong Intellectual and Volitional powers, whose Emotional tendencies have been sub- ordinated to their Reason and Will, and who have devoted their whole energy to the particular objects of their pursuit.—It is very different, however, with those who are chiefly actuated by what is ordinarily termed genius; and whose influence is rather upon the feelings and intuitions, than upon the understandings, of others. Such persons are often very deficient in the power of even com- prehending the ordinary affairs of life; and still more commonly, they show a Avant of judgment in the management of them, being too much under the immediate influence of their Passions and Emotions, which they do not sufficiently endeavour to control by their Intelligent Will. The life of a " genius," whether his bent be towards poetry, music, painting, or pursuits of a more material character, is too often one which cannot be held-up for imitation. In such persons, when the general power of the mind is low, the Cerebrum is not usually found of any great size.—The mere com- parative size of the Cerebrum, however, affords no accurate measure of the amount of Mental power; for we not unfrequently meet with men possessing large and well-formed heads, whose Psychical capability is not greater than that of others, the dimensions of whose crania have the same general proportion, but are of much less absolute size. Large brains, with deficient activity, are commonly found in persons of what is termed the phlegmatic temperament, in Avhom the general processes of life seem in a torpid and indolent state; whilst small brains and great activity, betoken what are known as the sanguine and nervous temperaments. Brain of Man:—Cerebral Hemispheres. 99 89. It is not only, however, by their size, and by the special de- velopment of their Cortical layer, that the Cerebral hemispheres of Man are distinguished from those of the loAver Mammalia ; for they are further remarkable for the elaborateness of their internal structure, which shows itself especially in the complexity of the arrangement of the nerve-fibres of which the Medullary substance is composed. These may be grouped under three principal divisions. The first, which may be distinguished as the radiating fibres, connect the different parts of the Cortical layer with the Sensori- motor tract on which the Cerebrum is superposed (Figs. 12, 13); and it is probable that there are two sets of these,—one ascending from the Thalami optici (which seem to form the terminals of the sensory tract of the Axial cord) to the Cortical layer, and conveying to it the result of the Physical changes produced in them by the Sense-impressions wmich they receive ;—the other descending from the Cortical layer to the Corpora striata (which seem to form the terminals of the motor tract of the Axial cord), and conveying to them the Physical results of the changes which take place in itself. These fibres, which bring the instrument of Intelligence and Will into relation with that portion of the Nervous apparatus which furnishes the Mechanism of sensation and of the automatic or instinctive motions, were called by a sagacious old Anatomist, Reil, the nerves of the internal senses; and under that name they will be frequently referred-to in this Treatise.—The second set of fibres brings the several parts of the Cortical layer of each Hemisphere into mutual communica- tion. The arrangement of these commissural fibres is peculiarly complex in Man : one particular group of them is known as the Fornix, or great longitudinal commissure.—The third set of fibres, termed inter-cerebral, connects the two Hemispheres together, through the medium of a broad band which is known as the Corpus callosum, or great transverse commissure (Fig. 11, c). This also is much more developed in Man, relatively to the size of his loo Nervous System and its Functions. Cerebrum, than it is in any of the lower Mammalia. It is altogether wanting in Fishes, Reptiles, and Birds ; and there is little more than a rudiment of it in Marsupials and Rodents. Cases have occurred in which it has been nearly, or even entirely, deficient in Man ; and it is significant that the chief defect in the characters of such individuals has been observed to be a want of forethought, i. e., of power to apply the experience of the past to the anticipation of the future. 90. Thus, then, we see that the Cerebrum is a special organ superadded to that automatic Mechanism which constitutes the fundamental and essential part of the Nervous system, even in Man; and which not only supplies the conditions requisite for the maintenance of his Organic functions (§ 32), but ministers to the operations of the Cerebrum itself. For it is through the fibres ascending from the Sensorium to the Cortical layer of the Cerebrum, that the latter derives all that stimulus to its activity, Avhich is furnished by the Ego's consciousness of the changes taking place in the external world ;* while it is through the descending fibres that the results of Cerebral change are en- abled to produce, through the motor portion of the apparatus, those Muscular movements by which the Mind expresses itself in action. We have now to enquire more closely into the mode in which the Cerebrum is subservient to those higher Mental operations, the capacity for which constitutes the distinguishing characteristic of Man, but to Avhich we may trace very distinct approximations among the lower Mammalia. 91. We have seen that, so far as any Animal is dominated by instinct, it is a creature of necessity; performing its instrumental part in the economy of Nature from no design or will of its own, but as an automaton executing that limited series of actions for * Here and elsewhere, the term "external world" is meant to include all that is external to the Mind itself,— thus taking-in the changes which occui in the Ego's own Bodily organism. Progressive Evolution of Intelligence. 101 which its Mechanism fits it: and further, that the highest develop- ment of the Instincti\'e tendencies, with the lowest proportional manifestation of Intelligence, is to be found in Insects. On the other hand, that type of Psychical perfection Avhich consists in the highest development of the reason, and in the supreme domi- nation of the will, to Avhich all the automatic actions—save those which are absolutely essential to the maintenance of the Organic functions—are brought under subjection, is presented in Man; who, in his most elevated phase, is not only a thinking and reflecting, but a self-determining and self-controlling agent, all whose actions are performed with a definite purpose which is distinctly within his own view, and are adapted to the attainment of that purpose by his own Intelligence. But as, in ascending the Vertebrated series, we observe that the Cerebrum is at first a mere rudimentary organ, and approximates but very gradually to the high development it attains in Man, so do we observe that the Psychical manifestations of its successive types exhibit a greater and yet greater approximation in kind to those of which he is capable. And this approximation becomes more obvious, when we compare them, not with those of the Adult, but with those of the Infant and young Child. For whilst the actions of the new-born Infant are entirely automatic, being directly prompted by present sensations, it soon becomes* obvious that simple ideas are being formed as to the objects which excite those sensations, and that the actions begin to be guided by the experience with which these ideas are associated ; and this is just what we recognize in studying the actions of such of the lower Vertebrata as Ave can bring under our observation. In the acts of the higher Mammals, as in those of the Child, we cannot fail to perceive the manifestations of true reasoning processes, analogous to those Avhich we ourselves perform; together with the expressions of emotional states corresponding more or less closely to our own. Such are especially noticeable in the Dog, the Horse, and the 102 Nervous System and its Functions. Elephant; which, having been trained into subservience to Man's requirements, and having come to possess a peculiar sympathetic attachment to him of which other species seem incapable, acquire a peculiar insight into Avhat is passing in his mind, Avhich helps to shape their course of action. In so far as that action is based upon the distinct conception of a purpose, and is carried-out by the means suggested by their experience as most suitable to its attain- ment, these animals participate in the rational nature of MaD. But there seems no adequate ground for crediting them with that power of rejecting upon their own Mental states, which is required for the Intellectual processes of Abstraction and Generalization (§ 227); their most sagacious performances being readily accounted for by the automatic action of Association (§ 218). 92. Of all breeds of Dogs, there is none more distinguished for sagacity than the one which has probably been longest asso- ciated with Man,—namely the Shepherd's Dog. " The shepherd," says Mr. T. Bell (British Quadrupeds, p. 234) " who tends his hundreds or thousands of sheep on the moors and mountain-sides of Scotland and of Wales, or on the extensive and trackless downs of Wiltshire, commits his almost countless charge to the care of his Dogs, with the certainty that their safety and welfare will be surely provided-for by the activity, watchfulness, and courage of these intelligent and faithful guardians. Some of the recorded instances of the almost human sagacity evinced by this valuable race would exceed belief, were they not authenticated by the most credible witnesses. In Scotland, particularly, where the flocks are so liable to be lost in snow-wreaths, these qualities are beyond all price ; and are often exhibited in a manner equally affecting and wonderful."—The following is a very remarkable case of this kind, which occurred in the experience of James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, the associate of Walter Scott and Christopher Nurth :— "He was," quoth the Shepherd, "beyond all comparison, the best dog I ever saw. He was of a surly, unsociable temper, dis- Intelligence of Dogs. 103 darning all flattery, and refused to be caressed; hut his attention to his Master's commands and interests will never again be equalled by any of the canine race. When he first came into my possession, he was scarcely a year old, and knew so little of herding, that he had never turned a sheep in his life ; but as soon as he discovered that it was his duty to do so, and that it obliged me, I can never forget with what anxiety and eagerness he learned his different evolutions. He would try every way deliberately, till he found out what I wanted him to do; and when once I made him to understand a direction, he never forgot or mistook it again. Well as I knew him, he often astonished me ; for when hard pressed in accomplishing the task he was put to, he had expedients of the moment that bespoke a great share of the reasoning faculty." Mr. Hogg goes on to narrate the following, among other remarkablo exploits, in illustration of Sirrah's sagacity. About SGven hundred lambs, which were at once under his care at weaning-time, broke up at midnight, and scampered off in three divisions across the hills, in spite of all that the Shepherd and an assistant lad could do to keep them together. " Sirrah," cried the Shepherd in great affliction, " my man, they're a' awa." The night was so dark that he did not see Sirrah ; but the faithful animal had heard his master's words—words such as of all others were sure to set him most on the alert; and without any delay, he silently set off in quest of the recreant flock. Meanwhile the Shepherd and his companion did not fail to do all that was in their power to recover their lost charge; they spent the whole night in scouring the hills for miles around, but of neither the lambs nor Sirrah could they obtain the slightest trace. "It was the most extraordinary circumstance," says the Shepherd, "that had ever occurred in the annals of the pastoral life. We had nothing for it (day having dawned), but to return to our master, and inform him that we had lost his whole flock of lambs, and knew not what was become of one of them. On our way home, however, we discovered a body of lambs at the bottom of a deep ravine, called the Flesh Clench, and the indefatigable Sirrah standing in front of them, looking all around for some relief, but still standing true to his charge. The sun was then up; and when we first came in view of them, we concluded that it was one of the divisions of the lambs, which Sirrah had been unable to manage until he camo to that commanding situation. But 104 Nervous System and its Functions. what was our astonishment, when we discovered by degrees that not one lamb of the whole flock was wanting! How he had got all the divisions collected in the dark is beyond my comprehension. The charge was left entirely to himself, from midnight until the rising of the sun; and if all the shepherds in the forest had been there to have assisted him, they could not have effected it with greater propriety. All that I can further say is, that I never felt so grateful to any creature below the sun, as I did to my honest Sirrah that morning." 93. In this and other exercises of Intelligence, we may trace the manifestations of an hereditary transmission of aptitudes for par- ticular kinds of Mental action, which have been originally acquired by habit. Dogs of other breeds cannot be taught to herd sheep in the manner which " comes naturally" to the young of the Shep- herd's Dog. And it is well known that young Pointers and Retrievers, when first taken into the field, will often " work" as well as if they had been long trained to the requirements of the sportsman. The curious fact Avas observed by Mr. Knight, that the young of a breed of Springing Spaniels which had been trained for several successive generations to find Woodcocks, seemed to know as well as the old dogs what degree of frost would drive the birds to seek their food in unfrozen springs and rills.—Among the descendants of the Dogs originally introduced into South America by the Spaniards, there are breeds which have learned by their own experience, Avithout any Human training, the best modes of attacking the wild animals they pursue; and since young dogs have been observed to practise these methods the very first time they engage in the chase, with as much address as old dogs, it can scarcely be questioned that the tendency to the performance of them has been embodied in the Organization of the Race, and is thus transmitted hereditarily.—There seems reason to believe that such hereditary transmission is limited to acquired peculiarities which are simply modifications of the natural constitution of the Race, and would not extend to such as may be altogether foreign to it. Hereditary Transmission of Acquired Faculties. 105 But the foregoing facts would seem to justify the belief that the like hereditary transmission of acquired aptitudes may take place in Man; and that, in accordance with the far wider range of his faculties, it may become the means of a far higher exaltation of them (§ 97). 94. Whilst, hoAvever, we fully recognize the possession, by many of the lower Animals, of an Intelligence comparable (up to a certain point) with that of Man, Ave find no evidence that any of them have a Volitional power of directing their Mental operations, at all similar to his. These operations, indeed, seem to be of very much the same character as those which we perform in Reverie or connected Dreams ; different " trains of thought " commencing as they are suggested, and proceeding according to the laws of Association until some other disturb them. So long, in fact, as the current of thought and feeling flows on under the sole guidance of Suggestion, and without any interference from the Will, it may be considered as the expression of the reflex action of the Cerebrum, called forth, like that of other Nerve-centres, by the stimulus conveyed to it from without; the seat of that activity being its expanded layer of Cortical substance* This reflex action manifests itself not only in Psychical change, but also in Muscular movements : and these may either proceed from simple Ideas, without any excitement of Feeling, in which case they may be designated 'ideo-motor; whilst, if they are prompted by a Passion or Emotion, they are known as emotional. The nature of the response made by the reflex action of the Cerebrum will depend upon the condition of that organ at the time when it receives the impression ; and that condition, among the lower Animals, may be regarded as the remltant, in each individual, of * The extension of the doctrine of Reflex action to the Brain was first advocated by Dr. Laycoct in a very important Essay read before the British Association in 1841; and published in the "British and Foreign Medical Eeviow " for January, 1815. [ 06 Nervous System and its Functions. the modifications which its inherited Constitution has undergone from the influence of external circumstances. 95. But whilst the Cerebrum of Man, in common with that of the lower Animals, has a reflex activity of its own—which, in the first instance, may be regarded as the direct resultant of his congenital Constitution, modified by early training,—an additional and most important influence subsequently comes into play; namely, the directing and controlling power of the Ego's own Will, in virtue of which he can to a great degree direct his thoughts and control his feelings, and can thus rise superior to circumstances, make the most advantageous use of the intellectual faculties Avith which he may be endowed, and keep his appetites and passions under subordination to his higher nature. And in proportion as he does this, will he so shape his Cerebral mechanism (which, like all other parts of the organism, grows-to the manner in which it is habitually exercised), that its automatic responses will be the expressions of the modes of activity in which he has brought it habitually to work,—just as the "trained" Horse auto- matically does that of itself, which it did originally under the will of its master. Thus each Human Ego, at any one moment, may be said to be the general resultant of his whole Conscious Life ; the direction of which has been determined in the first instance by his congenital Constitution, secondly by the education he has received from the Will of others or from the discipline of circumstances, and thirdly by the Volitional power he has himself exercised. 96. It is not only, however, in the possession of this self- determining power, that the Psychical nature of Man is distin- guished from that of the animals whose organization most nearly approaches his OAvn ; for if his Intellectual and Moral capacity were limited, as narrowly as theirs seems to be, by the Mechanism of his Brain, he could never pass that limit. So far as the lower animals are guided by Instinct, the actions of each species are prompted by its own sense of need, and have a direct (though not a self- Capacity for Psychical Improvement. 107 designed) adaptation to the supply of them. And these actions we see repeated from generation to generation, with no other variation than may arise from a change of circumstances, which necessitates some modification of the habit. Even where Intelligence comes into play, and a designed adaptation of means to ends, of actions to circumstances, is made by an individual, the Race does not seem to profit by that experience. And where the influence of Man has been exerted in the domestication of wild animals, it does not appear to produce any permanent improvement in their Psychical characters, but merely developes it in the manner suitable to his own requirements (§ 91) ; so that when such domesticated Races are left to themselves, they cease in a few generations to show any indication of the training they have received, and relapse into their original wildness. In the Human species, on the other hand, we observe not merely an unlimited capacity for Psychical eleva- tion, but an unlimited desire to attain it; and this desire serves to stimulate Man not merely to the acquirement of knowledge, and to the application of it in the amelioration of his physical con- dition, but to the improvement of his Moral nature, by determi- nately repressing its lower propensities, and by fostering those which he feels to constitute the true nobility of his character. 97. But there is an element in Human nature ranging eA'en beyond this desire and capacity for progress; which, though diffi- cult to define, manifestly interpenetrates and blends-Avith his whole Psychical character. " The Soul," says Francis Newman, " is that side of our nature Avhich is in relation with the Infinite ;•'' and it is the existence of this relation, in whatever Avay we may describe it, which seems to constitute Man's most distinctive peculiarity. For it is in the aspiration after a nobler and purer ideal, that the highest spring of Human progress may be said to consist; and it is this which is the source of those notions of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in the abstract, which seem peculiar to the higher types of Humanity. AVhatever capacity for progress may exist among the 108 Nervous System and its Functions. lower Races (and this is a question which still remains open to determination by experience), the desire for it—as among the lowest part of our own "practical heathen" population—seems altogether dormant. When once thoroughly awakened, however, it " grows by what it feeds on ;" and the advance once commenced, little external stimulus is needed, for the desire increases at least as fast as the capacity. In the higher grades of Mental development, there is a continual looking-upwards, not (as in the loAver) towards a more elevated Human standard, but at once to something beyond and above Man and material nature (§ 213). And in proportion as the love of truth for its own sake constitutes the incentive of our Intellectual efforts, as the love of goodness for its own sake animates our endeavours to bring our own Moral nature into conformity with it, and our love of the highest type of beauty withdraws us from all that is low and sensual, are we not only elevating ourselves towards our Ideal, but contributing to the elevation of our race. For we seem justified by the whole tendency of modern Physiological research, in the belief that alike by the discipline we exert over ourselves, and by the influence we exercise over others, will every effort judiciously directed towards the improvement of our Psychical nature impress itself upon our Physical constitution; and that, by the genetic transmission of such modifications, will the capacity of future generations for yet higher elevation be progressively augmented. 98. It is, in fact, upon the course of our strictly Mental operations, that the Will exerts its most powerful, and what is commonly regarded as its most direct influence. But it appears to the Writer that this influence is by no means so direct as is com- monly supposed; and that observation of our own Psychical phenomena entirely justifies the belief, which Physiological consi- derations tend to establish,—that the operations of the Cerebrum are in themselves as automatic as are those of other Nerve-centres and that the Volitional control which we exercise over our Relation of Cerebrum to Sensorium. 109 thoughts, feelings, and actions, operates through the selective attention we determinately bestow upon certain of the impressions made upon the Sensorium, out of the entire aggregate brought thither by the " nerves of the internal senses " (§ 89). In this point of view, it is the Sensorium, not the Cerebrum, with which the AVill is in most direct relation; and in order that this doctrine (which lies at the basis of the Avliole inquiry as to the relation of the Will to motives, and the mode in which it determines our character and actions) may be rightly apprehended, it is necessary here to consider the following Physiological question :—Whether Cerebral changes are in themselves attended with consciousness, or whether we only become conscious of Cerebral changes as states of ideation, emotion, &'c, through the instrumentality of the Sensorium, —that is, of that aggregate of Sense-ganglia, through the instru- mentality of which Ave become* conscious of external Sense-im- pressions, and thus feel sensations. 99. The Brain, as a whole, has been commonly regarded, alike by Psychologists and by Physiologists, as " the seat of conscious- ness •"—or, to speak more precisely, as the instrument through which we become conscious of the impressions made by external objects upon our organs of Sense: whilst the Ego has been sup- posed by Metaphysicians to be directly conscious of all Mental operations; or rather, these operations are regarded as " states of consciousness," not in any way requiring material instrumentality. Those Psychologists, howeA^er, who recognize the cogency of those considerations which force on the Physiologist the conviction that " Brain-change" is a necessary condition of all Mental action, appear generally to take for granted that all " Brain-change" must be attended Avith Consciousness : entirely ignoring the fact that the Brain is an aggregate of ganglionic centres having very distinct functions ; and that the Cerebrum, Avhich in Man is by far the largest of those centres, is not the part of the brain which ministers to what may be called the " outer life " of the 110 Nervous System and its Functions. Animal, but is the instrument exclusively of its "inner life,"—that is, of those psychical operations, of which the sensations received from the outer world constitute the mental pabulum. Now this inner life seems to have no existence in that vast section of the Animal Kingdom, which is most distinguished by the activity of its outer life, viz. the Class of Insects : and taking the Nervous system of that Class as the type of an automatic Apparatus which furnishes all the conditions required for Sensation and Motion, as well as for the working of those fixed or mechanical modes of action which we term instincts, wre have found that a precisely analogous Automatic apparatus exists through the entire Vertebrated series, that it constitutes almost the whole Nervous system of the Fish, and that it is distinctly recognizable as the fundamental or essential part of that of Man, in whom the vast relative development of the Cerebrum merely indicates a superaddition of new functions, without affording the least ground to believe that there is any transfer to it of the proper attributes of the automatic Apparatus. And it has been shown that this indication is confirmed by the results of the experimental removal of the Cerebrum in Birds (§ 78) ; which prove that (due allow- ance being made for the disturbance in the action of other parts of the Brain, necessarily produced by the operation) the Sensori- motor apparatus, Avhich ministers to the outer life, retains its functional activity. Further, it has been positively established, alike by experiments on Animals, and by observation of the phenomena of disease and accident in Man, that the substance of the Cerebrum is itself insensible; that is, no injury done to it, or physical impression made upon it, is felt by the subject of it (See Appendix). As it is clear, therefore, that the presence of the Cerebrum is not essential to Consciousness, we have next to inquire in what way it seems most likely that the Consciousness is affected by Cerebral changes. 100. When we compare the anatomical relation of the Sensorium, Relation of Cerebrtim to Sensorium. 111 on the one hand to the Cortical layer of the Cerebrum, and on the other to that Retinal expansion of ganglionic matter which is the recipient of Visual impressions, Ave find the two to be so precisely identical (§ 89), as to suggest that its physiological relation to those two organs must be the same. And as we only become conscious of the luminous impression by which Nerve- force has been excited in the retina, when the transmission of that nerve-force through the nerve of external sense has excited a change in the Sensorium, so it would seem probable that wTe only become conscious of the further change excited in our Cerebrum by the Sensorial stimulus transmitted along its ascending fibres, when the reflexion of the Cerebral modification along its descend- ing fibres—the nerves of the internal senses—has brought it to re-act on the Sensorium. In this point of view, the Sensorium is the one centre of consciousness for Visual impressions on the Eye (and, by analogy, on the other Organs of Sense), and for Ideational or Emotional modifications in the Cerebrum :—that is, in the one case, for sensations, when we become conscious of Sense- impressions ; and, on the other, for ideas and emotions, when our consciousness has been affected by Cerebral changes. Accord- ing to this view, Ave no more think or feel with our Cerebrum, than we see with pur eyes ; but the Ego becomes conscious through the same instrumentality of the retinal changes which are translated (as it were) by the Sensorium into visual sensa- tions, and of the Cerebral changes Avhich it translates into Ideas or Emotions. The mystery lies in the act of translation; and is no greater in the excitement of ideational or emotional consciousness by Cerebral change, than in the excitement of sensational consciousness by Retinal change. 101. Now although there may seem no d, priori objection to this view, yet it may be thought to introduce needless complication into what was previously a simple account of the relation of the Brain to Mental phenomena. But this notion of "simplicity" 112 Nervous System arid its Functions. is really based on ignorance; and when the phenomena of repro- duced Sensations are carefully considered, they will be found to fit in with it so exactly, as scarcely to admit of being accounted for in any other way. There are many persons who can bring up before the " mind's eye," with extraordinary vividness, the pictures of scenes or persons they have been formerly familiar with ; while to many who cannot thus recall them volitionally, these pictures present themselves automatically, as in dreaming or delirium. Thus Dr. Abercrombie relates of Niebuhr, the celebrated Danish traveller, that:— a. " When old, blind, and so infirm that he was able only to he carried from his bed to his chair, he used to describe to his friends the scenes which he had visited in his early days, with wonderful minuteness and vivacity. When they expressed their astonishment, he told them that as he lay in bed, all visible objects shut out, the pictures of what he had seen in the East continually floated before his mind's eye, so that it was no wonder he could speak of them as if he had seen them yesterday. With like vividness, the deep intense sky of Asia, with its brilliant and twinkling host of stars, which he had so often gazed at by night, or its lofty blue vault by day, was reflected, in the hours of stillness and darkness, on his inmost soul."—Intellectual Powers, 5th Edit., p. 130. The same Author relates the following very remarkable example of the volitional reproduction of a picture formerly impressed on the mental vision, which would be almost too wonderful for belief, if it had not been vouched for by so trustworthy an authority as the late Dr. Duncan, who had himself seen and compared the original picture and the copy reproduced memoriter :— b. " In the church of St. Peter at Cologne, the altar-piece is a large and valuable picture by Rubens, representing the martyrdom of the Apostle. This picture having been carried away by the French in 1805, to the great regret of the inhabitants, a painter of that city undertook to make a copy of it from recollection ; and succeeded in doing so in such a manner, that the most delicate tints of the Production of Spectral Illusions. 113 original are preserved with the most minute accuracy. The original painting has now been restored, but the copy is preserAred along with it; and even when they are rigidly compared, it is scarcely possible to distinguish the one from the other."—Op. cit. p. 131. 102. Now it will not be questioned by any Psychologist, that what were perceived in these two cases were the ideational representations or concepts of what were formerly presented to the Mind as objects of sensation; and it would seem scarcely to admit of question, that the same Sensorial state must be excited in the one case as in the other,—that state of the Sensorium which was originally excited by impressions conveyed to it by the nerves of the external senses, being reproduced by impressions brought down to it from the Cerebrum by the nerves of the internal senses. In fact, the real complexity lies in supposing that Mental states so closely related as the perception of a prresent object, and the conception of a remembered object, are produced through the instrumentality of two different " seats of conscious- ness," the Sensorium in the one case, and the Cerebrum in the other. 103. Still stronger evidence of the same associated action of the Cerebrum and' Sensorium, is furnished by the study of the phenomena designated as Spectral Illusions. These are clearly Sensorial states not excited by external objects; and it is also clear that they frequently originate in Cerebral changes, since they represent creations of the Mind, and are not mere reproductions of past sensations. The following Arery interesting experience, Avhich was several years ago communicated to the Writer by the distinguished subject of it (who subsequently published it in fuller detail), affords a striking confirmation, not only of the doctrine here advocated, but also of that further development of it which will be made hereafter under the title of " Unconscious Cerebration" (Chap. XIII.); and it seems to give the clue to the rationale of another large class of obscure phenomena, that may now be fairly regarded as results of Physical changes of Avhich we [ 14 Nervous System and its Functions. are unconscious even when our Attention is directed to them (§ 424). Sir John Herschel stated that he was subject to the involuntary occurrence of Visual impressions, into which Geometrical regularity of form enters as the leading character. These were not of the nature of those ocular Spectra which may be attributed with pro- bability to retinal changes (§ 140) ; " for what is to determine the in- cidence of pressure or the arrival of vibrations from without, upon a geometrically devised pattern on the retinal surface, rather than on its general ground?" " They are evidently not Dreams. The mind is not dormant, hut active and conscious of the direction of its thoughts ; while these things obtrude themselves on notice, and, by calling attention to them, direct the train of thought into a channel it would not have taken of itself." Even supposing the phenomenon to be the result of a retinal change excited through the Optic nerve, instead of ah externo, the question re- mains—'' Where does the pattern itself, or its prototype in the intellect, ori- ginate ? Certainly not in any action consciously exerted by the Mind; for both the particular pattern to be formed, and the time of its appearance, are not merely beyond our will or control, but beyond our knowledge. If it be true that the conception of a regular geometrical pattern implies the exercise of thought aud intelligence, it would almost seem that in such cases as those above adduced we have evidence of a thought, an intelligence, working within our own organization dis- tinct from that of our own personalit}r, in a manner we have absolutely no part in, except as spectators of the exhibition of its results."— Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects, pp. 406-412. We have here not a reproduction of Sensorial impressions formerly received ; but a construction of new forms, by a process which, if it had been carried on consciously, we should have called Imagination. And it is difficult to see how it is to be accounted for in any other Avay, than by an unconscious action of the Cerebrum ; the products of which impress themselves on the Sensorial con- sciousness, just as, in other cases, they express themselves through the Motor apparatus (§ 425), Singleness of the Sensorium. 115 104. It may not improbably be in this manner, that a number of those so-called "spiritual" phenomena are produced, in which "subjective" Sensations of various kinds are distinctly felt by persons who are not only wide awake, but are entirely trustworthy on all other matters, though self-deceived as to the reality of the objective sources of their sensations. Having resigned the exercise of their Common Sense quoad this particular set of beliefs, and having allowed them to gain a mastery over their ordinary course of thought, there is nothing wonderful in the automatic and unconscious evolution of results corresponding to these beliefs ; which results, impressing themselves on the Sen- sorium, are felt as true sensations. And just as Sir John Herschel truly saw as geometrical forms the unconscious constructions of his own Cerebrum, so, it seems probable, may the " spiritualist" truly see the strange things he describes as actual occurrences, although they have no foundation whatever in fact (§ 147). 105. Another consideration wdiich strongly indicates that the action of Cerebral changes on the Muscular apparatus is exerted through the instrumentality of the Sensorial apparatus, is the identity of the effects often produced by ideas, with those pro- duced by sights, sounds, or other Sensations which call forth respondent motions. Thus in a person predisposed to yawn, the verbal suggestion of the notion of yawning is almost as pro- vocative of the act, as the sight or sound of a yawn in another. So, again, a " ticklish" person is affected in the same way by the mental state suggested by the pointing of a finger, as by the actual contact. And so in a hydrophobic patient, the same paroxysm is excited by the idea of water suggested by words or pictures, as by the actual sight or sound of it. So far, then, from being a source of additional complexity, the doctrine of the singleness of the Sensorial nerve-centre, through the instru- mentality of which we become conscious alike of Sense-im- pressions and of Cerebral changes, and from Avhich the Motor 116 Nervous Sysle7n and its Functions. impulses to respondent action immediately proceed, will be found (the Writer believes) to lead to a real simplification in the inter- pretation of a large class of phenomena occupying the border ground between Physical and Psychical action. 106. That the different portions of the Cerebrum should have different parts to perform in that wonderful series of operations by which the Brain as a whole becomes the instrument of the Mind, can scarcely be regarded as in itself improbable. But no deter- mination of this kind can ha\*e the least scientific value, that is not based on the facts of Comparative Anatomy and Embryonic Development. In ascending the Vertebrate series, we find that this organ not only increases in relative size, and becomes more complex in general structure, but undergoes progressive additions which can be defined with considerable precision. For the Cere- brum of Oviparous Vertebrata is not a miniature representative of the entire Cerebrum of Man, but corresponds only with its " anterior lobe ;" and is entirely deficient in that great transverse commissure, the corpus callosum (§ 89), the first appearance of which, in the Placental Mammals, constitutes "the greatest and most sudden modification exhibited by the brain in the whole Vertebrated series" (Huxley). It is among the smooth-brained Rodentia that we meet Avith the first distinct indication of a " middle lobe," marked off from the anterior by the " fissure of Sylvius;" this lobe attains a considerably greater development in the Carnivora ; but even in the Lemurs it still forms the hindermost portion of the Cerebrum. The " posterior lobe " makes its first appearance in Monkeys ; and is distinctly present in the anthropoid Apes. The evolution of the Human Cerebrum follows the same course. For in the first phase of its development which presents itself during the second and third months, there is no indication of any but the anterior lobes ; in the second, which lasts from the latter part of the third month to the beginning of the fifth, the middle lobes make their appearance ; and it is not until the latter Localization of Cerebral Functions. 117 part of the fifth month that the third period commences, cha- racterized by the development of the posterior lobes, which sprout, as it were, from the back of the middle lobes, and remain for some time distinctly marked off from them by a furrow. The exact mutual confirmation afforded by these two sources of knowledge seems fatal to the ordinary Phrenological doctrine, which locates in the posterior part of the Cerebrum those Instincts and Propen- sities which Man shares with the lower Animals; while it would lead us to regard the posterior lobes as the instruments of those higher forms of Ideational activity by which Man is especially dis- tinguished, and the anterior and middle lobes as the instruments of those simpler Ideational states which are the most general forms of Mental activity, being most directly excited by Sensorial sug- gestions. And it seems probable that evidence to this effect may be derived from a careful comparison of the Cerebral convolutions in different animals ; the researches of Leuret, Gratiolet, and others having made it clear that notwithstanding the apparent indefiniteness of their distribution in Man, a distinct plan shows itself in their arrangement in each Family (this being simpler in the smaller members of it, and more complex in the larger), and that certain identities are traceable between the fundamental con- volutions in representatives of different Families. The lower Quadrumana, for example, present a sort of sketch of the plan on which the convolutions are arranged in the higher Apes; and whilst the study of the latter gives the key to the complex arrangement of the convolutions in the Human Cerebrum, that of the former enables the Simioid plan to be correlated Avith that of inferior types. (See Appendix.)—One remarkable localization of function to which recent Pathological enquiry has been thought to point, will be considered hereafter (§ 355). 118 Nervous System and its Functions. Section 4. General Summary: — Functional Relations of the Ganglionic Centres of the Cerebro-Spinal System of Man: — Sympathetic System. 107. It was well remarked by Cuvier, that the different tribes of Animals may be said to be so many " experiments ready prepared for us by Nature; who adds to, or takes from, the aggregate of their organs, just as we might wish to do in our laboratories, showing us at the same time in their actions the results of such addition or subtraction." And to no part of the organization of Animals is this view more applicable, than it is to the Nervous apparatus ; for the different Ganglionic centres which are combined in the Cerebrospinal system of Man and the higher Vertebrates, have such an intimate structural relation to each other, and so much more frequently act consentaneously than separately, that, notwithstanding the abundant evidence of the diversity of their respective endowments, there is considerable difficulty in the determination of their special functions ; since the destruction or removal of any one portion of the Nervous system, not only puts a stop to the phenomena to which that portion is directly sub- servient, but so deranges the general train of nervous activity, that it often becomes impossible to ascertain, by any such method, what is its real share in the entire performance.—Under the guidance of Comparative Anatomy, however, we are enabled to recognize the folloAving Ganglionic centres as essentially distinct in function, howeArer intimately connected in structure :— i.—The Spinal Cord, consisting of a tract of ganglionic matter enclosed within strands of longitudinal fibres, and giving-off suc- cessive pairs of nerves which are connected at their roots with both of these components. This obviously corresponds Avith the gangliated Ventral cord of the Articulata; chiefly differing from it in the continuity of the ganglionic tract which occupies its Functional, Relations of Ganglionic Centres. 119 interior. And each segmental division of it, which serves as the centre of Reflex action for its own pair of nerves, may be con- sidered, like each ganglion of the ventral cord of the Articulata, as a repetition of the single "pedal" ganglion of those Mollusca which have but one instrument of locomotion. 11.—The Medulla Oblongata, or prolongation of the Spinal Cord within the skull: Avhich consists of a set of strands that essentially correspond with the cords passing round the oesophagus in Inverte- brated animals, and connecting the cephalic ganglia with the first ganglion of the trunk; although, as the whole Cerebro-spinal axis of the Vertebrata lies above the alimentary canal (the trunk being supposed to be in a horizontal position), there is no divergence of these strands to give it passage. Interposed among them, how- ever, are certain collections of ganglionic matter, which serve as the centres for the reflex movements of Respiration and Deglutition, corresponding with the separate respiratory and stomato-gastric ganglia found in many Invertebrated animals.—This incorporation of so many distinct centres into one system, would seem destined in part to afford to all of them the protection of the Vertebral column; and in part to secure that cousentaneousness of action, and that ready means of mutual influence, which are peculiarly requisite in beings in whom the activity of the Nervous system is so predominant. Thus the»close connection which is established in the higher Vertebrated animals, between the Respiratory and the general Motor apparatus, is obviously subservient to the use which the former makes of the latter in the performance of its functions ; whilst, on the other hand, the control which their Cephalic centres possess over the actions of the Respiratory ganglia, enables the Will to regulate the inspiratory and expiratory move- ments in the manner required for the acts of Vocalization. in.—The Sensory Ganglia, comprehending that assemblage of ganglionic masses lying along the base of the skull in Man, and partly included in the Medulla Oblongata, in Avhich the nerves of 120 Nervous System and its Functions. the special Senses,—Taste, Hearing, Sight, and Smell,—have their central terminations. With these may probably be associated the two pairs of ganglionic bodies known as the Corpora Striata and Thalami Optici; into which may be traced the greater proportion of the fibres that constitute the various strands of the Medulla Oblongata, and which seem to stand in the same kind of relation to the nerves of Touch or common sensation, that the Olfactive, Optic, Auditory, and Gustative ganglia bear to their several nerve- trunks.—These Ganglia, the aggregate of which constitutes the Sensorium, are the centres of Reflex movements prompted by the impressions brought to them by the several nerves of sense. The foregoing together constitute the Automatic Apparatus which ministers to our purely animal or outer life, namely, the functions of Sensation and Locomotion ; and which also sustains the movements that are necessary for the maintenance of our Organic functions. To this apparatus is superadded :— IV.—The Cerebrum,—the instrument of our Psychical or inner life; of which organ, although it is so enormously developed in Man as apparently to supersede the Sensorial centres, scarcely a trace exists in the lowest Vertebrates; and the relative proportion borne by which to the Sensorial centres, in regard alike to size and to complexity of structure, corresponds closely with the degree of predominance which the Intelligence pos- j sesses over the Animal Instincts. Much of its action, how- j ever, may still be purely automatic in its nature; for so long as the current of Thought and Feeling floAvs-on in accordance with the direct promptings of suggestion, and Avithout any inter- ference from Volition, it may be considered as a manifestation of the j reflex activity of the Cerebrum, which takes the form of a I mental instinct. This reflex activity manifests itself not only in the Psychical operations themselves, but also in Muscular move- ments : and these, Avhen they proceed from simple Ideas, without ' any excitement of feeling, may be designated as ideo-motor; Functional Relations of Ganglionic Centres. 121 whilst, if they spring from a Passion or Emotion, they are termed emotional. The mental Instincts, however, are by no means as invariable in the different individuals of the same species, as are the animal Instincts of that inferior part of the Nervous apparatus which is more closely connected with the maintenance of the Organic life: the particular changes which any given suggestion will excite in each individual, being partly determined by original constitution, and partly by acquired habits; and the hereditary constitution being itself determined to a large extent by the acquired habits of the ancestral Race.—There seems a strong probability that there is not (as was formerly supposed) a direct continuity between even all or any of the Nerve-fibres dis- tributed to the body, and those of the Medullary substance of the Cerebrum. For Avhilst the nerves of special sense haAre their own ganglionic centres, it cannot be shown that the nerves of common Sensation have any higher destination than the thalami optici. So, the Motor fibres which pass-forth from the Brain, though commonly designated as cerebral, cannot be certainly said to have a higher origin than the corpora striata. And there is strong reason to believe that the Cerebrum has no communication with the external world, otherwise than by its con- nection with the Sensori-motor apparatus; and that even the movements which are usually designated voluntary (or more correctly volitional), are only so as regards their original source, —the stimulus which immediately calls the Muscles into contraction being still supplied from the automatic centres. v.—Wherever a Cerebrum is superimposed upon the Sensory ganglia, we find another ganglionic mass, the Cerebellum, super- imposed upon the Medulla oblongata. The development of this organ bears a general, but by no means a constant, relation to that of the Cerebrum; for in the lowest Fishes it is a thin lamina of nervous matter on the median line, only partially covering-in the fissure between the two lateral halves of the upper part of the 7 12 2 Nervous System and its Functions. Spinal cord (§ 64); whilst in the higher Mammalia, as in Man, it is a mass of considerable size, having two lateral lobes or hemispheres, in addition to its central portion (Fig. 11). The direct communication which the Cerebellum has with both columns of the Spinal cord, and the comparatively slight connection which it possesses with the higher portions of the Brain, justify the sup- position that it is rather concerned in the regulation and co-ordina- tion of the Muscular movements, than in any proper Psychical operations ; and though its precise function is still unknown, that general conclusion seems in harmony Avith our best knowledge on the subject. (See Appendix.) 108. Now although e\Tery segment of the Spinal cord and every pair of the Sensory ganglia, may be considered, in common with the Cerebrum, as an independent centre of Nervous power, yet this independence is only manifested when these organs are sepa- rated from each other; either structurally—by actual division, or functionally—by partial suspension of activity. In their state of perfect integrity and complete functional activity, they are for the most part (at least in Man) in such subordination to the Cerebrum, that they only minister to its actions ; except in so far as they are subservient to the maintenance of the Organic functions, as in the automatic acts of breathing and swallowing. The impressions Avhich call forth these and similar movements, ordinarily excite them by the direct reflex action of the lower centres, without passing-on to the Cerebrum ; so that we only perceive them when we specially direct our attention to them, or when they exist in unusual potency. Thus we are ordinarily unconscious of that internal need for air, by which our movements of Respiration are prompted ; and it is only Avhen we have refrained Irom breathing for a few seconds, that we experience a sensation of uneasiness > which impels us to make forcible efforts for its relief. Notwith- standing, however, that the Cerebrum is unconcerned in the Functional Relations of Ganglionic Centres. 123 ordinary performance of those automatic movements, yet it can exert a certain degree of control over many of them, so as even to suspend them for a time ; but in no instance can it carry this sus- pension to such an extent, as seriously to disarrange the Organic functions. Thus, when we have voluntarily refrained from breath- ing for a few seconds, the inspiratory impulse so rapidly increases in strength with the continuance of the suspension, that it at last overcomes the most powerful effort we can make for the repression of the movements to which it prompts. That the Will should have a certain degree of control over such movements, is necessary in order that they may be rendered subservient to various actions which are necessary for the due exercise of Man's Psychical powers ; but that they should not be left dependent upon its exercise, and should even be executed in opposition to it, when the wants of the system imperatively demand their performance, constitutes an essential provision for the security of Life against the chance of inattention or momentary caprice, as well as for maintaining it during the unconsciousness of sleep. 109. In that action and reaction, hoAvever, between the Mind and all that is outside it, in Avhich the Conscious Life of every Human Ego consists, the whole Cejebro-spinal system participates. For in virtue of the peculiar arrangement of the Nervous ap- paratus, every excitor impression travels in the upward direction, if it meet Avith no interruption, until it reaches the Cerebrum, without exciting any reflex movements in its course. When it arrives at the Sensorium, it makes an impression on the con- sciousness of the individual, and thus gives rise to a sensation; and the change there induced, being propagated onwards to the Cerebrum, becomes the occasion of further changes in its cortical substance, the downward reflexion of Avhose results to the Sen- sorium gives rise to the formation of an idea. If with this idea any pleasurable or painful feeling should be associated, it assumes the character of an emotion ; and either as a simple or as an emotional 124 Nervous System and its Functions. idea, it becomes the stimulus to further Cerebral changes, which, when we become conscious of them, we call Intellectual operations. These may express themselves either directly in respondent Move- ments ; or indirectly, by supplying motives to the Will; which may exert itself either in producing or in checking Muscular movement, or in controlling or directing the current of Thought and Feeling. 110. But if this ordinary upward course be anywhere interrupted, the impression will then exert its power in a transverse direction, and a reflex action will be the result; the nature of this being dependent upon the part of the Cerebrospinal axis at Avhich the ascent had been checked. Thus if the interruption be produced by division or injury of the Spinal cord, so that its lower part is cut-off from communication with the Cephalic centres, this portion then acts as an independent centre; aud impressions made upon it, through the afferent nerves proceeding to it from the lower ex- tremities, excite violent reflex movements, which, being thus pro- duced without sensation, are designated as excito-motor.—So, again, if the impression should be conveyed to the Sensorium, but should be prevented by the removal of the Cerebrum, or by its state of functional inactivity, or by the direction of its activity into some other channel, from calling-forth Ideas through the instru- mentality of that organ, it may re-act upon the Motor apparatus by the reflex power of the Sensory ganglia themselves. Such actions, being dependent upon the prompting of Sensations, are sensori- motor or consensual.—But further, even the Cerebrum responds automatically to impressions fitted to excite it to reflex action, when from any cause the Will is in abeyance, so that its power cannot be exerted either over the muscular system or over the direction of the thoughts and feelings. Thus in the states of Reverie, Dreaming, Somnambulism, &c, whether spontaneous or artificially induced (Chaps. XIV.—XVI.), ideas which take full pos- session of the mind, and from which it cannot free itself, may Functional Relations of'Ganglionic Centres. 125 excite respondent ideo-motor actions ; as happens also when the force of the Idea is morbidly exaggerated, and the Will is not suspended, but merely weakened, as in many forms of Insanity (Chap. XIX). 111. The general views here put-forth in regard to the indepen- dent and connected actions of the several primary divisions of the Cerebrospinal apparatus, may perhaps be rendered more intelligible by the following Table; which is intended to represent (1) the THE AVILL Intellectual Operations A t Emotions Ideas t T ^ Cerebrum centre of Emotional and Ideo-motor reflexion Sensations Sensory Ganc.lia. t centrcol5cJisori-?(ioto/'reflexion Impressions . Spinal Cord Motor Impulse centre of Excito-motor reflexion ordinary course of operation, when the whole is in a state of complete functional activity, and (2) the character of the Reflex actions to which each part is subservient, when it is the highest centre that the impression can reach. 112. The Cerebro-spinal system is intimately blended with an- other set of Ganglionic centres and Nerve-trunks, scattered through different parts of the body, but mutually connected with each other, which is termed the Sympathetic system.* The principal ganglionic * This System has been sometimes termed the ganglionic system, on account of the connection of its nerve trunks with isolated and scattered centres, in striking contrast with the continuity and apparent fusion of the ganglionic 126 Nervous System and its Functions. centres of this system are the two great Semilunar Ganglia, which lie in the abdominal cavity near the spine, and from which there issues a radiating series of trunks and branches, constituting the great Solar plexus, to be distributed to the muscular walls of the Intestinal canal along its whole length, and also to the various Glandular organs in connection Avith it. There are two other principal though smaller s}rstems of ganglia and nerves ; one in connection with the Heart and great bloodvessels, constituting the Cardiac plexus; and the other in connection with the organs of reproduction and other viscera contained in the cavity of the pelvis, constituting the Hypogastric plexus. These plexuses com- municate by connecting cords with a chain of Prevertebral ganglia, which lies along the front of .the Spine on each side ; and this, in its turn, communicates with the Spinal ganglia, which are ganglionic enlargements on the posterior roots of the Spinal nerves (§ 62). There are also several small ganglionic centres in the Head; which have the same kind of connection Avith its ordinary sensory and motor nerves, that the prevertebral ganglia have with those of the trunk. In virtue of these communications, the trunks and branches of the Sympathetic system contain, in addition to their own fibres (which are distinguished from the Cerebro-spinal by not possessing the double border that is given by the " white substance of Schwann," § 36), a great number of fibres derived from the Cerebro-spinal system. On the other hand, the Cerebro-spinal nerves contain Sympathetic fibres, sometimes in considerable quantity. 113. The Sympathetic system is sometimes designated the centres of the Cerebro-spinal system. And an analogy has even been drawn between the chain of prevertebral ganglia of the Sympathetic, and the Ventral cord of Articulated animals. But this analogy entirely fails when we look at the distribution of the two sets of nerves, and the functions to which they respectively minister ; since it is perfectly clear from such comparison, that it ia the Spinal cord of Vertebrata which really represents the Ventral cord of Articulata, as a series of locomotive or Pedal ganglia. Sympathetic System. 127 nervous system of Organic Life, to distinguish it from the Cerebro- spinal sj'stem, which is the nervous system of Animal Life. Its motor action is exerted upon the Muscular walls of the Alimentary canal, of the Heart and Arteries, of the Gland-ducts, Uterus, and other organs; as has been experimentally proved by irritating these trunks immediately after the death of an animal. But as the very same contractions may be excited by irritating the roots of those Spinal nerves from which the several Sympathetic plexuses receive fibres, there is reason to believe that the motor endowments of the Sympathetic system are chiefly dependent on its connec- tion with the Cerebro-spinal. And this seems to be especially the case with that very important division of the Sympathetic which is distributed on the walls of the Arteries, now known as the Vaso- motor system. For the real centre of this system, which has for its function to regulate the supply of blood to different parts, by its action on the calibre of. the Arteries, appears to lie in the Medulla oblongata; from which also proceed certain nerve-fibres (included in the trunks of the Pneumogastric or Par vagum), which have a special influence on the movements of the Heart, and which probably regulate their rate in accordance with that of Respiratory action.—No motor power can be exerted through the Sympathetic system by any act of Will; but the muscular actions of many of the parts just enumerated are greatly affected by Emotional states; and this is particularly the case in regard to those of the Heart and Arteries. Thus we continually see the action of the heart quickened by Emotional excitement ; whilst a violent "shock" to the feelings may seriously reduce it (as in fainting), or may even completely paralyse it. Of the action of the Emotions, through the same channel, on the Blood-vessels, Ave have a familiar example in the phenomenon of blushing ; and this is only one of (probably) a vast number of changes thus induced, some of which have a very important influence on our Mental operations (§§ 356, 472). The blood-vessels that supply some of the Glands 128 Nervous System and its Functions. most directly affected by Mental states—such as the Lachrymal, the Salivary, and the Mammary,—seem to receive their supply of vaso-motor nerves direct from the Cerebro-spinal System ; and it is by the influence of those nerves in determining the calibre of their arteries, that the quantity of the Secretion is regulated; as in the sudden flow of Tears, of Saliva, or of Milk. Those portions of the Glandular apparatus, on the other hand, the amount of Avhose secretions is affected, not so much by mental conditions, as by states of other parts of the Visceral apparatus, are supplied by the Sympathetic exclusively, or nearly so. 114. Whatever Sensory endowments are possessed by the parts supplied by the Sympathetic system, must be referred to the same connection with the Cerebro-spinal system. In the ordinary condition of the body, there is no evidence of the possession of any such endowments ; for the organs exclusively supplied by the Sympathetic system perform their functions without our conscious- ness, and no sign of pain is given when the Sympathetic nerve-trunks are irritated. But in diseased conditions of those organs, violent pains are often felt in them ; and experiment shows that whilst slight irritations of the healthy organs call forth no indications of suffering, such indications are manifested when the impression is made stronger. It is clear, therefore, that the effect of such impressions, when unusually strong, must be transmitted to the Sensorium; and the reason why they do not ordinarily proceed thither, is probably because the excitor impulse is usually expended in calling forth reflex movement through the Sympathetic ganglia themselves. There is a remarkable tendency to radiation in such impulses, in virtue of the extraordinary intercommunication between different parts of the Sympathetic system ; and it is in this manner that those "morbid sympathies " between remote organs are established, which have a very important share in the phenomena of disease. 115. There is considerable evidence, moreover, that the Sympathetic System. 129 Sympathetic system has a modifying influence on the Nutrition of the body, and on the quality (as well as on the quantity) of the Secretions. And it seems probable that this is exerted through the proper fibres of the Sympathetic, rather than through those of the Cerebro-spinal system. This influence has been especially studied in the case of the Fifth Pair (Fig. 11), which is the nerve of common Sensation for the head and face, and which contains a great number of Sympathetic fibres that have their centre in a large ganglion on its sensory root. For it has been found that if its trunk be divided after having passed through the ganglion, a disorganizing inflammation of the Eye always follows ; whilst if the roots be divided, so as to cut off all the Cerebro-spinal fibres from their centre, whilst the fibres proceeding from the Sympathetic ganglion can still go on to the eye, the derangement of its nutrition is either wanting altogether, or is greatly diminished in intensity. — There can be no doubt whatever, that though the Will can exert no modifying influence on the Nutritive operations, yet that these are very much affected by mental states; and especially by the persistence of that Avhich may be termed expectant attention, whose remarkable action will form the subject of special consideration hereafter (Chap. XIX.). Note. Since the foregoing Chapter was in type, Dr. Ferrier has obtained a very remarkable series of Experimental results, by the application of Faradic Electricity to the Cortical substance of the Cerebrum, and to other Ganglionic centres of the Brain, in different animals. As these results—so far as they have been yet made public—do not appear to the Writer in any way inconsistent with the views set forth in the preceding pages, but, on the contrary, serve to confirm and extend them, he has thought it preferable to leave in its original shape the expression of the opinions at which he had arrived long previously, and had recorded in nearly the same words ; deferring to the Appendix an account of Dr. Eeriier's experiments, with the inferences which they seem in the Writer's judgment to warrant. CHAPTER III. OF ATTENTION. 116. It has been the Writer's object in the preceding Chapter, not only to explain the general structure and working of the Nervous mechanism, but also to indoctrinate the Reader with that idea of its reflex activity, which we derive from experiment on the lower Animals, and from observation of the phenomena of disease or injury in Man. For the information we obtain from the study of the lower centres, in regard to that form of reaction which mani- fests itself directly in Musculai motion, furnishes the key to the study of that reflex activity of the higher centres, which expresses itself in states of Consciousness, — namely, in the production of Sensations, the formation of Ideas, and the excitement of Emotions; these states of activity being either the excitors of other Cerebral changes of the like kind, or discharging them- selves (so to speak) by operating dowmvards on the Muscular apparatus.—It seems desirable, at our Arery entrance upon the enquiry into the action of these higher centres (which is, in fact, the Physiology of the Mind), to take special note of the active as distinguished from the passive state of recipiency for impressions which are brought to the Sensorium, whether by the nerves of the external or by those of the internal senses (§ 89); in virtue of which we fix our Attention either on something that is going on outside us, or on something that is going on within us, instead of being affected by each impression exactly in proportion to its strength. For it is in the power which the Will possesses over the direction of this active recipiency, or Attention, that the capacity of the Ego, alike for the systematic acquirement of Knowledge, for the Active Receptivity for Impressions. 131 control of the Passions and Emotions, and for the regulation of the Conduct, mainly consists. In studying the working of the " Mechanism of Thought and Feeling," therefore, we must first trace the effect of Attention on each principal form of Mental activity. 117. The augmented recipiency of the Sensorium for some particu- lar kind of impression, involves—apparently as its direct consequence ■—a proportionate reduction, or eATen an entire suspension, of its reci- piency for impressions of other kinds. The Philosopher who is walking in a crowded thoroughfare, may have his attention so completely engrossed by an internal "train of thought," that he takes no heed Avhatever of what is going on around him, so long as this does not interfere with his onward progress ; his vision having been passively exercised merely in directing his Muscular move- ments, and none of its impressions having gone up further than the Sensorium, the activity of which has been limited for the time to its Cerebral side. The Writer was informed by Mr. John S. Mill, when his " System of Logic" was first published, that he had thought-out the greater part of it during his daily walks between Kensington and the India House ; and himself more than once mot Mr. Mill in Cheapside, at its fullest afternoon tide, threading his way among the foot-pas- sengers with which its narrow pavement was crowded, with the air of a man so deeply absorbed in his own contemplations that he would not recognize a friend, and yet not jostling his fellows or coming iuto collision with lamp-posts. On the other hand, the Countryman wrho comes up to London for the first time, may haAre his attention so attracted by the novelties he sees at every step, as to be led with difficulty to discuss a matter of business with the friend with whom he is walking. But suppose the Philosopher's course to be checked by some unusual obstruction, — such as a procession, or a street-accident,—the activity of his Sensorium is diverted from its Cerebral (or Intel- lectual) to its Sensational side; in other words, his attention is I32 Of Attention. given to what is passing outside himself, rather than to Avhat is passing within himself; his train of thought is completely in- terrupted; and he cannot recover it, until his attention is no longer occupied by the difficulty of making his Avay onward, which has temporarily diverted it. On the.other hand, the nature of the communication Avhich the Countryman receives from his friend, may be of a kind so poAverfully to interest him, whether pleasure- ably or painfully,—as, for example, his inheritance of a fortune, or the success of a commercial speculation ; or, on the other hand, a serious loss of property, or the adverse decision of a law-suit,— that from the moment he receives the news, he takes no note of the novelties which previously attracted him so strongly ; but gives his whole attentionto the particulars which his friend has to com- municate. 118. Now this state of active as compared with passive recipiency, —of Attention as compared with mere Insouciance—may be either volitional or automatic; that is, it may be either intentionally induced by an act of the Will, or it may be produced unintentionally by the powerful attraction which the object (whether external or internal) has for the Ego. Hence, when y,efix our Attention on a particular object by a determinate act of our own, the strength of the effort required to do so is greater, in proportion to the attrac- tiveness of some other object. Thus, the Student Avho is earnestly endeavouring to comprehend a passage in " Prometheus," or to solve a Mathematical problem, may have his attention grievously distracted by the sound of a neighbouring piano, which will make him think of the fair one who is playing it, or of the beloved object with whom he last waltzed to the same measure. Here the Will may do its very utmost to keep the attention fixed, and may yet be overmastered by an involuntary attraction too potent for it; just as if a powerful electro-magnet were to snatch from our hands a piece of iron Avhich we do our very utmost to retain within our grasp. Or, again, when "the thoughts begin to Education of Attention. 133 wander" through atigue of Brain, a powerful effort of the Will may be needed to keep them fixed on the completion of a task which the Ego has determined to execute, until the strongest Volition can no longer resist the imperious demand of the Physical mechanism for repose. Yet even then, the attractiveness of some new object (the coming-in, for example, of an anxiously-desired book, or the unexpected arrival of a friend charged with important news) shall produce not only a complete awakening of the atten- tion, but an irresistible diversion of it into a new channel. 119. The power of the Will over the state of attention is there- fore not unlimited; and its degree varies greatly in different individuals. In the young Child, as among the lower Animals, the Attention seems purely automatic, being solely determined by the attractiveness of the object; and the diversion of it from one object to another simply depends upon the relative force of the two attractions. It is this automatic fixation of the attention on the Sense-impressions received from the external world, that enables the Infant to effect that marvellous combination of visual and tactile perceptions, which guides the whole subsequent inter- pretation of its phenomena (§ 167). When an attractive object is presented to it, which it grasps in its little hands, carries to its lips, and holds at different distances, earnestly gazing at it all the while, it is learning a most valuable lesson ; and the judicious Mother or Nurse will not interrupt this process, but will allow the infant to go on with its examination of the object as long as it is so disposed.—During the earlier stage of Childhood, it is mainly the attractiveness which the changes going on in the world around have for the observing faculties, which leads to the employment of them in connection with Ideational activity; the child wanting to know the meaning of what it sees, breaking open its toys to find out what makes them move, and asking the " why " of everything that excites its curiosity. In this stage, it is of great importance that the child should be led to limit his enquiries to some one 134 Of Attention. object, until he has made himself acquainted with all that he can learn of its characters ; and here a judiciously-devised system of " object lessons" answers the double purpose of communicating information and of cultivating the habit of fixity of the attention, which, at first purely automatic, gradually comes to be under the control of the Ego. 120. So soon, however, as the work of systematic instruction com- mences, other influences come into play. It is the aim of the Teacher to fix the attention of the Pupil upon objects which may have in themselves little or no attraction for it; and in this stage, the direct operation of motives becomes very apparent. The " unconscious influence" which the Parent or Nurse has acquired by Habit (§ 290), the desire of approbation or reward, or the fear of punishment, first call forth the effort which is required to keep the Attention steadily fixed, even for a short time, upon some un- attractive object, and to resist the solicitations of a new toy or a game of play. And in this early stage, all experience shows the advantage of moderating this effort, by giving to the object to which the Attention is to be directed, such attractiveness as it may be capable of, and by not requiring the attention to be too long sustained. Thus a picture-alphabet, with jingling rhymes, will often do what a simpler and severer method of " teaching the child its letters" fails to accomplish ; and the "multiplication table" is much sooner acquired by being put into rhyme and sung in the march of an Infant-school, than when presented in the repulsive nakedness of 2 x 2 = 4. Those " strong-minded" Teachers who object to these modes of " making things pleasant," as an un- worthy and undesirable " weakness," are ignorant that in this stage of the child-mind, the Will—that is, the power of se?/-control—is weak ; and that the primary object of Education is to encourage and strengthen, not to repress, that power. Great mistakes are often made by Parents and Teachers, who, being ignorant of this fundamental fact of child-nature, treat as zuilfulness what is Education of A ttention. 135 in reality just the contrary of Will-fullness; being the direct yesult of the want of Volitional control over the automatic activity of the Brain. To punish a child for the want of obedience which it has not t/ie power to render, is to inflict an injury which may almost be said to be irreparable. For nothing tends so much to prevent the healthful development of the Moral Sense, as the infliction of punishment Avhich the child feels to be unjust; and nothing retards the acquirement of the power of directing the Intellectual processes, so much as the Emotional disturbance which the feeling of injustice provokes. Hence the determination often expressed to "break the will" of an obstinate child by punish- ment, is almost certain to strengthen these reactionary influences. Many a child is put into " durance vile " for not learning " the little busy bee," avIio simply cannot give its small mind to the task, whilst disturbed by stern commands and threats of yet severer punishment for a disobedience it cannot help ; Avhen a suggestion kindly and skilfully adapted to its automatic nature, by directing the turbid current of thought and feeling into a smoother channel, and guiding the activity Avhich it does not attempt to oppose, shall bring about the desired result, to the surprise alike of the baffled teacher, the passionate pupil, and the perplexed bystanders. 121. The habit of Attention, at first purely automatic, gradually becomes, by judicious training, in great degree amenable to the Will of the Teacher; who encourages it by the suggestion of appropriate motives, whilst taking care not to overstrain the child's mind by too long dwelling upon one object. Even at a very early period, there will be found marked differences among individuals, as to their power of sustained attention : some being distracted by eveiy passing occurrence; whilst others have not much difficulty in keeping their minds fixed upon an object, for a sufficient length of time to enable them to learn all that the exercise of their senses can teach them; while with others, again, the difficulty lies in the transference of their attention from one 136 Of Attention. object to another, so that, when the Teacher thinks that the Pupil's mind is being exercised on B, he is still " ruminating , upon A. And thus many children require special modifications of this disciplinary process; the " bird-witted " being encouraged to fix their attention, whilst those in whom the opposite tendency predominates should be exercised in mobilizing it. These opposite tendencies are noticeable in after life, and give a marked direction to the Intellectual character. Many a " dull " boy is supposed to be stupid, when he is simply introspective ; his attention being given rather to the ideas which are passing through his mind, than to what is going on around him. On the other hand, many a " quick-witted " boy gets a reputation for cleverness which he does not deserve; his mind being keenly alive to all that is passing outside, so that he rapidly takes-in neAV impressions, but loses their traces as quickly, one set of impressions superseding another before any have had time to fix themselves. 122. As the power of determinately fixing the Attention gains strength, only requiring adequate motiAres for its exercise, the influence of a system of discipline by which each individual feels himself borne along as if by a Fate, still more that of an Instructor possessing a strong Will guided by sound judgment (especially when united Avith qualities that attract the affection, as well as command the respect, of the pupil, § 290, 111.), greatly aid him in learning to use that power. As Archbishop Manning has truly said {Contem- porary Review, Feb. 1871), " During the earlier period of our lives, the potentiality of our intellectual and moral nature is elicited and educed by the Will of others. ..... Our ' plagiosus Orbilius' did for our brain in boyhood, what our developed Will, when we could wield the ferule, did for it in after life." With the general progress of Mental development, the direction of the Attention to ideas rather than to sense-impressions, which was at first difficult, becomes more and more easy ; its continuous fixation upon one subject becomes so completely habitual, that it is often Volitional and A utomatie A ttention. 137 less easy to break the continuity than to sustain it; and the time at last arrives, when the direction of that Attention is given by the individual's own Will, instead of by the will of another. 123. It will serve to help us in the study of the manner in which volitional Attention operates in the higher spheres of Thought and Emotion, if Ave first study its action in the reception of Sense-impressions.— When we wish to make ourselves thoroughly acquainted with a Landscape or a Picture, we intentionally direct the axes of our eyes to each part of it successively, and study that part in its details until we have formed a composite concep- tion of the whole. Whilst we do this, the determinate fixation of the Attention upon any one part weakens the impression made by all the rest; so that of what lies within the Visual range at any one moment, nothing is distinctly seen, except the limited spot at which we are fixedly looking. Again, the practised Microscopist, whilst applying one of his eyes to his instrument, and determinately giving his whole Attention to the visual picture he receives through it, can keep his other eye open, without being in the least disturbed by the picture of the objects on the table which must be formed upon its retina, but Avhich he does not see, unless their brightness should make him perceive them.— So in the act of listening, wre are not only distinctly conscious of sounds so faint that they would not excite our notice but for the volitional direction of the Attention; but we can single out these from the midst of others by a determined and sustained effort, which may even make us quite unconscious of the rest, so long as that effort is kept up. Thus, a person with a practised " musical ear" (as it is commonly but erroneously termed, it being not the ear, but the brain, which exerts this power), Avhilst listening to a piece of music played by a large orchestra, can single out any one part in the harmony, and follow it through all its mazes; or can distinguish the sound of the weakest instrument in the whole band, and follow its strain through the whole performance. '33 Of Attention. And aa: experienced Conductor will not only distinguish when some instrumentalist is playing out of tune, but will at once single out the offender from the midst of a numerous band. 124. The contrast between the volitional and the automatic states of Attention is particularly well shown in the effects of painful impressions on the Nervous system. It is well known that such impressions as Avould ordinarily produce severe pain, may for a time be completely unfelt, through the exclusive direction of the Attention elsewhere ; and this direction may either depend (a) upon the determination of the Ego, or (6) upon the attractiveness of the object, or (c, d, e,) on the combination of both. a. Thus, before the introduction of Chloroform, patients sometimes went through severe operations without giving any sign of pain, and afterwards declared that they felt none; having concentrated their thoughts, by a powerful effort of abstraction, on some subject which held them engaged throughout. b. On the other hand, many a Martyr has suffered at the stake with a calm serenity that he declared himself to have no difficulty in maintaining; his entranced attention being so engrossed by the beatific visions which presented themselves to his enraptured gaze, that the burning of his body gave him no pain whatever. c. Some of Robert Hall's most eloquent discourses were poured forth whilst he was suffering under a bodily disorder which caused him to roll in agony on the floor when he descended from the pulpit; jret he was entirely unconscious of the irritation of his nerves by the calculus which shot forth its jagged points through the whole substance of his kidney, so long as his soul continued to be " pos- sessed " by the great subjects on which a powerful effort of his Will originally fixed it. d. The Writer has himself frequently begun a lecture, whilst suffer- ing neuralgic pain so severe as to make him apprehend that he would find it impossible to proceed; yet no sooner has he, by a determined effort, fairly launched himself into the stream of thought, than he has found himself continuously borne along without the least dis- traction, until the end has come, and the attention has been released; when the pain has recurred with a force that has over-mastered all Effects of L imitation of A ttention. 139 resistance, making him wonder how he could have ever ceased to feel it. e. A similar experience in the case of Sir Walter Scott is thus recorded by his biographer: — "John Ballantyne (whom Scott, while suffering under a prolonged and painful illness, employed as his amanuensis) told me that though Scott often turned himself on his pillow with a groan of torment, he usually continued the sentence in the same breath. But when dialogue of peculiar animation was in progress, spirit seemed to triumph altogether over matter,—he arose from his couch, and walked up and down the room, raising and lowering his voice, and as it were acting the parts. It was in this fashion that Scott produced the far greater portion of the Bride of Lammermoor,—the whole of the Legend of Montrose,— and almost the whole of Ivanhoe." — (Lockhart's Life of Scott, chap, xliv.) See also § 352 a, for a curious sequel to the foregoing. 125. These facts throw considerable light upon a question which will hereafter come to be considered, whether Cerebral changes by which Intellectual results are evolved may not go on without our consciousness (§ 417). For there are Metaphysicians who fully admit the automatic nature of the operations referred to, but at the same time assert that, as they are truly Mental, we cannot be really unconscious of them, but merely do not remember them, in conse- quence either of the occupation of our attention by another train of thought, or of the severance of the connection between our sleeping and our waking consciousness. But this assertion does not constitute proof. In the case of the Physical impressions that produce the sense of pain, we have ample evidence that they must have been made; and the only question is as to their having been felt. "Did Robert Hall, for example, really feel the pain which he declared that he did not feel?" If it be replied that he did, but that he did not remember it, it may be further inquired, "What is the evidence of his having felt it?" His consciousness and memory said that he did not; and what higher evidence is attainable ? No doubt, if his attention had been for a 140 Of A ttention. moment withdrawn from the subject of his discourse, the pointed calculus in his kidney would have made its presence most distress- ingly perceptible ; but there is no more evidence that pain Avas consciously felt, though not remembered, whilst he Avas preaching, than that he felt it when a large dose of opium procured for him the refreshment of sound sleep. When Damiens, worn out by his protracted sufferings, slept on the rack (§ 471), enjoying a remis- sion of suffering until awoke by some new and more exquisite torture, did he feel his pain ] It would be a mere gratuitous assumption to say that he must have felt it, because the organic condition was present that would make him feel it if he Avere awake; since the presence of this organic condition goes for nothing, unless there be a receptive condition on the part of the Sensorium. And there seems just as much evidence that this receptivity may be entirely suspended quoad any one set of impres- sions (whether internal or external) by the complete engrossment of the attention upon another, as that it may be suspended altogether in Sleep or Coma (see § 488). 126. Now, just as the Organic impressions which make themselves felt in pain, when the sensorium is receptive of them, may exist without consciousness if the sensorium be otherwise engaged, so (it appears to the Writer) may it be affirmed—and on precisely the same evidence—that the Organic changes which are concerned in the automatic production of Thought, and of which we become conscious as ideas when the Sensorium takes cognizance of them, may go on without consciousness if the sensorium be otherwise engaged. The affirmation that such automatic changes cannot take place without the consciousness of them, is, as Sir William Hamilton has pointed out (§ 418), a mere petitio principii; and may be regarded as a " survival" of those older notions of the essential independence of Mind and Body, which a truly philoso- phical Psychology can no longer accept as consistent with the fundamental facts of our composite nature. Effects of Limitation of Attention. 141 127. It is to the habitual direction of the Attention to some particular kind of Sense-impressions, that we are to attribute the increase in discriminative power, Avhich is specially remarkable in the case of such as suffer under deprivation of other Senses. This is most frequently seen in the case of the Touch, AA'hich may be brought by practice to such wonderful acuteness, that some blind persons can read from raised print not much larger than that of an ordinary folio Bible, by merely passing the point of the finger along the lines; whilst by attending to minute differences which ordinarily pass entirely unnoticed, they can not only distinguish persons among whom they are living, but can also recognize such as have not been near them for months or even years previously, by the mere contact of their hands. (Thus Laura Bridgeman unhesitatingly recognized the Writer's brother, after the lapse of a year from his previous inteiwiew with her, by the " feel" of his hand.) It is well known that an extraordinary acuteness of Touch is possessed by the weavers of the finest of those textile fabrics for which India is celebrated; and as this manufacture, like others, is handed down in the same families, it does not seem improbable that a special aptitude for it, originally acquired by the experience of the individual, may be transmitted hereditarily with progressiAre im- provement.—The like improvement is also occasionally noticed in regard to the Smell, which may acquire an acuteness rivalling that of the lower animals ; and this not only in the blind, but among races of Men whose existence depends upon such discriminative power. Thus we are told by Humboldt that the Peruvian Indians in the darkest night can not merely perceive through their scent the approach of a stranger whilst yet far distant, but can say whether he is an Indian, European, or Negro. And it is said that the Arabs of the Sahara can recognise the smell of a fire thirty or forty miles distant.—In the same manner, the sense of Taste may be trained to the recognition of differences which would ordinarily pass unnoticed ; of which we have an example in the Wine-taster 142 Of Attention. who can tell the vineyard by which any particular choice wine was yielded, and the year of the vintage which produced it; a not less striking case being furnished by the Tea-taster, the delicacy of Avhose sense is said to be seldom preserved for more than a few yCars.—The familiar case of the Seaman who makes out the dis- tinct " loom of the land," where a landsman can discern nothing but an indefinite haze above the horizon-line, illustrates the improve- ment in the Visual sense of individuals, which arises from the habitual direction of the Attention to a particular class of impres- sions. But the possession of this faculty, also, seems occasionally to be an attribute of Race ; the power of descrying objects at vast distances being (it is asserted) hereditarily possessed by the Mongols of Northern Asia and the Hottentots of Southern Africa, both of which races habitually dwell on vast plains, that seem to stretch without limit in every direction. As no dweller among them seems able to acquire the same visual power by any amount of individual experience, and as even half-breeds do not possess the aptitude in a degree by any means equal to that which charac- terizes the men of pure race, it seems probable that, as in the cases already referred to, the power acquired by habitual Attention in the first instance has become fixedly hereditary, improving with habitual use in successive generations. 128. Whilst, however, Ave give full credit to the cumulative effect ff Hereditary transmission, in cases in which the same habit is kept up by force of circumstances through successive generations, there is adequate evidence that an extraordinary increase in the dis- criminative power of individuals may be brought about by the con- centration of the Attention upon the Sensorial impression received through the organ of sense, rather than upon an improvement produced by practice in the organ itself. For the same exaltation often shows itself without any practice at all, in that curious form of Somnambulism (natural or induced), in which the Attention is entirely engrossed by the particular thought or feeling which Effects of Limitation of Attention. 143 may be before the consciousness at the moment (§§ 494, 498). And it is not a little remarkable that this exaltation should sIioav itself especially in the muscular sense, to the indications of which we ordinarily give very little heed. Thus, the Writer has re- peatedly seen Hypnotized patients write with the most perfect regularity, when an opaque screen* was interposed between their eyes and the paper; the lines being equidistant and parallel, and the words at a regular distance from each other. He has seen, too, an algebraical problem thus worked out, with a neatness which could not have been exceeded in the waking state.—But the most curious proof of the exaltation of this Muscular sense, which conveys to the mind of the Somnambule that exact appre- ciation of distance and relative position for which we ordinarily trust to our Vision (§ 192), is derived from the manner in which the writer will sometimes cany back his pen or pencil to dot an i or cross a t, or to make a correction in a letter or Avord. Mr. Braid had one patient (in whom the sense of Smell also was remarkably exalted, § 498), who could thus go back and correct with accuracy the writing on a whole page of note-paper; but if the paper was moved from the position it had previously occupied on the table, all the corrections were on the wrong points of the paper as regarded the then place of the writing, though on the right points as regarded its previous place. Sometimes, however, he took a fresh departure (to use a nautical phrase) from the upper left- hand corner of the paper; and all his corrections were then made in their right position, notwithstanding the displacement of the paper. " This," says Mr. Braid, " I once saw him do, even to the double-dotting a vowel in a German word at the bottom of the * This is a far more satisfactory test than bandaging the eyes. It i; impossible to see through a slate, a music book, or a piece of pasteboard; but those who have carefully experimented on ths asserted clairvoyance of Mesmerized "subjects," know well that the best-arranged bandage? maybe shifted, by the working of the muscles of the face, sufficiently to \ ermit the use of the eyes in certain directions. 144 Of A ttention. page, a feat which greatly astonished his German master, who was present at the time." 129. The effects of Attention in either augmenting or diminish- ing the intensity of Sensations, are manifested, not only in regard to those which are excited by external Impressions, but also in respect to those which originate within the body. Every one is aware how difficult it is to remain perfectly at rest, especially when there is a particular motive for doing so, and when the attentionis strongly directed to the object. This is experienced whilst a Photographic likeness is being taken, even when the position is chosen by the individual, and a support is adapted to assist him in retaining it; and it is still more strongly felt by the performers in " Tableaux Vivans," Avho cannot keep up the effort for more than three or four minutes.—On the other hand, when the Attention is strongly directed to an entirely different object (as, for example, in listening to an eloquent sermon or an interesting lecture), the body may remain perfectly motionless for a much longer period, the Sense-impressions which would otherwise have induced the individual to change his position, not being felt; while no sooner is the discourse ended, than a simultaneous movement of the whole audience takes place, every one then becoming conscious of some discomfort, which he seeks to relieve. This is especially the case in regard to the Respira- tory sense: for it may generally be observed that the usual reflex mo\*ements do not suffice for the perfect aeration of the blood, and that a more prolonged inspiration, prompted by an uneasy feeling, takes place at intervals; but under such circumstances as those just alluded to, this feeling is not ex- perienced until the Attention ceases to be engaged by a more powerful stimulus, and then it manifests itself by the deep inspirations which accompany, in almost every individual, the general movement of the body.—Sensations may even be called into existence, as Sir II. Holland has pointed out, by the deter- Effects of Localized A ttention. 145 minate direction of the Attention to particular parts of the body : a. " The Attention by an effort of Will concentrated on the senso- rium, creates certain vague feelings of tension and uneasiness, caused possibly by some change in the circulation of the part; though it may be an effect, however difficult to conceive, on the nervous system itself. Persistence in this effort, which is seldom indeed possible beyond a short time without confusion, pro- duces results of much more complex nature, and scarcely to be defined by any common terms of language." " Stimulated attention will frequently give a local sense of arterial pulsation where not previously felt, and create or augment those singing and rushing noises in the ears, which probably depend on the circulation through the capillary vessels." "A similar concentration of consciousness on the region of the stomach, creates in this part a sense of weight, oppression, or other less definite uneasiness; and, when the stomach is full, appears greatly to disturb the due digestion of the food." The state and action of the bladder and the bowels are much influenced by the same cause. A peculiar sense of weight and restlessness approaching to cramp, is felt in a limb to which the attention is particularly directed. So, again, if the attention be steadily directed to almost any part of the surface of the body, some feeling of itching, creeping, or tickling will soon be experienced.—{Chapters on Mental Physiology, pp. 18—24.) Evidence will hereafter be adduced, that this direction of the Attention changes the local action of the part; so that, if habitually maintained, it may produce important modifications in its Nutrition. In this way it often happens that a real malady supervenes upon the fancied ailments of those, in whom the want of healthful occupation for the mind leaves it free to dwell upon its own Sensations; whilst, on the other hand, the strong expec- tation of benefit from a particular mode of treatment, Avill often cure diseases that involve serious organic change (Chap. XIX.). Hence it seems probable that in the cases just cited, as in others to be presently noticed (§ 140), the Sensations really originate 8 146 Of Attention. in an impression on the nerves of the part to which they are referred. 130. The difference between volitional and automatic Attention, again, is well shown by the difference between an observant and an unobservant person; still more by the phenomena of that state Avhich is strangely misnamed " absence of mind." One man is designated as observant, whose Will prevents his attention from being so far enchained by the attractiveness of any one object, whether a Sense-perception or an internal train of Thought, as to interfere with the reception of other impressions; whilst another is spoken of as unobservant, who, by allowing his attention to remain engrossed by one object, whether a Sense-perception or a train of Thought, is kept from bestoAving a legitimate share of it upon the other impressions which he receives through either his external or his internal senses. The state of Abstraction is only an intensified condition of this last form of exclusive im-volitional attention (§ 445). 131. The effect of Attention in the limitation and intensification of our external sense-impressions, is exerted also upon those Cerebral operations of which we become conscious as states of Thought and Emotion, and which may be conveniently distinguished as internal sense-impressions. For these, like the preceding, may excite no more than a passive cognizance of them ; whilst, on the other hand, our attention may be actively directed to them. And the result of this direction is similar: for the Mental state, of whatever nature it may be, upon which the attention is fixed, becomes intensified to such a degree, as to exclude for the time the cognizance of other impressions ; whilst it acquires a special power of suggesting other Mental states.—This direction of the attention to states of Cerebral activity, may, like its direction to impressions received through the organs of Sense, be either automatic or volitional. When it is automatic, the Mind is engrossed for the time by some Idea or Emotion, in virtue of the intensity with which it has been called Regulation of Mental States. 147 up, or of the peculiar hold which it has upon our nature; and it may remain thus fixed, until this Mental state shall have given-rise to some other, or shall have expended its force in bodily action, or until the attention has been determinately detached from it by an exertion of the Will. But volitional Attention consists in the fixation of the Mental gaze, by a purposive effort, upon some single state, or on some class of Ideas or Feelings, which the Ego desires to make the special object of his contemplation; and it is by means of this selecting power, and of the tendency of the Mental state thus intensified to call-forth other states Avith which it has pre-formed links of association, that the Will acquires that directing power over the current of Thought and Feeling, which characterizes the fully developed Man (§§ 25-28).—Thus it is in the degree of Attention which we bestow upon certain classes of Ideas presented to us by suggestion, that our power of determinately using our Minds in any particular mode consists ; and hence Ave see the fundamen- tal importance of early learning to fix our attention, and to resist all influences which would tend to distract it. And this is essen- tial, not merely to the advantageous employment of our Intellec- tual powers in the acquirement of Knowledge, but also to the due regulation of our Emotional nature : for it is by fixing the Atten- tion upon those states of feeling which we desire to intensify, and, conversely, by withdrawing it from those we desire to repress (which is most easily effected by choosing some other object that exercises a healthful attraction for us), that wre can ericourage the growth of what we recognize as worthy, and can keep in check what we know to be wrong or undesirable.—This part of the subject will be more fully treated hereafter (Chaps. VI—IX). CHAPTER IV. OP SENSATION. 132. Sensation is that primary change in the condition of the conscious Ego* which results from some change in the Non-ego or External World,—this last term including the Bodily organism itself; for it is through the instrumentality of a certain part of the Nervous apparatus, that the change in the Non-ego is enabled to affect the Ego. A physical impression made upon an afferent nerve, is propagated by it to its Ganglionic centre forming part of the Sensorium; and according to the particular centre which is thus affected, will be the nature of the Sensation produced. Thus impressions on the Olfactive, Optic, or Auditory nerves excite sensations of Smell, Sight, or Hearing, in virtue of their trans- mission to the Olfactive, Optic, or Auditory ganglia respectively. This is proved by the fact that similar Impressions will produce entirely diverse Sensations, according as they are made on one or another of the nerves of Sense. Electric stimulation does this most effectively, producing in each Sensory nerve the change which is necessary to call forth the particular affection of the Conscious- ness to which it ministers; so that, by proper management, the Ego may be made conscious at the same time of flashes of light, of distinct sounds, of a phosphoric odour, of a peculiar taste, and of a feeling of pricking, all excited by the same stimulus, the effects of which are modified by the respective peculiarities of the instru- * Some Physiologists, it is true, have spoken of Sensation without Conscious- ness ; but it seems very desirable, for the sake of clearness and accuracy, to limit the application of the word to the mental change ; especially since the term '' impression" serves to designate that change in the state of the Nervous system, which is its immediate antecedent. Special Sensations.—Localization of Sensation. 149 ments through Avhich it operates. So pressure, which produces through the nerves of common Sensation the feeling of resistance, is well known to occasion, Avhen exerted on the Eye, the sensation of light and colours ; and when made with some violence on the Ear, to produce a ringing sound. It is not so easy to excite sensa- tions of Taste and Smell by mechanical irritation; and yet, as Avas shown by Dr. Baly, a sharp light tap on the papillae of the tongue excites a Taste which is sometimes acid, sometimes saline. The sense of nausea may be easily produced, as is familiarly knoAvn, by mechanical irritation of the fauces.—But although there are some stimuli which can produce sensory impressions on all the nerves of Sense, those to which any one is specially fitted to respond, produce little or no effect upon the rest. Thus the Ear cannot distinguish the slightest difference between a luminous and a dark object. A tuning-fork, which, when laid upon the Ear whilst vibrating, pro- duces a distinct musical tone, excites no other sensation when placed upon the Eye, than a slight jarring feeling, which is a modi- fication of common not of visual sensation. The most delicate Touch cannot distinguish a substance Avhich is sweet to the Taste, from one which is bitter; nor can the Taste (if the communication between the mouth and the nose be cut-off) perceive anything peculiar in the most strongly odorous bodies.—It may hence be inferred that no nerve of special Sense can take-on the function of another, any more than it can minister to common Sensation (§ 38). 133. The first stage in the Mental operation excited by a Sense- impression, is the localization of the Sensation ; and this is clearly an automatic action, in regard to which it is impossible to say Avith certainty whether it is primary or secondary, a congenital Intuition, or an acquired Instinct. The latter view is perhaps the more pro- bable ; for though the young Infant cries when it feels pain, it does not show by any sign that it refers that pain to any particular seat; and we ourselves often wake out of sleep with a feeling of 15 o Of Sensation. discomfort or distress, which Ave are not at first sufficiently wide-awake to refer to a local origin. Yet the fully-developed Consciousness unhesitatingly refers Sense-impressions to the origins of the nerves that convey them to the Sensorium; those of any special Sense to the particular organ of that sense, and those of common Sensation to the part in which the afferent nerve- trunks have their roots. There is, as Professor Huxley has phrased it, " an extradition of that consciousness which has its seat in the Brain, to a definite point of the body; which takes place without our volition, and may give rise to ideas which are contrary to fact." Thus after amputations, the patients are for some time affected with sensations (probably excited by irritation at the cut ends of the nerves), which they refer to the fingers or toes of the lost limbs; and flashes of light are often experienced when the Eye has been completely extirpated, as also Avhen its structure has been destroyed by disease. The effects of the Taliacotian operation afford a curiously-illustrative example of this principle ; for until the flap of skin from which the new nose is formed, obtains vascular and nervous connections in its changed situation, the sensation produced by touching it is referred to the forehead. 134. There are cases, however, in which Sensations are referred to parts quite remote from those on which the impressions are made that give rise to them. Thus, disease of the hip-joint is often first indicated by pain in the knee ; various disorders of the liver occasion pain under the left scapula; attention is often draAvn to disease of the heart by shooting pains along the arms; the sense of nausea is more commonly excited by conditions of the stomach, than by the direct contact of the nauseating substance with the tongue or fauces; the sudden introduction of ice into the stomach will cause intense pain in the supra-orbital region; and the same pain is frequently occasioned by the presence of acid in the stomach, and may be very quickly relieved by its neutralization with an alkali. It will be seen that in most of these cases, it is Local Diminution of Sensibility. 151 impossible to refer the sensations to any direct nervous connection with the parts on which the impressions are made ; and they can scarcely be otherwise accounted-for, than by supposing that these impressions produce Sensorial changes, which are referred to other parts in virtue of some central track of communication with them, analogous to that through which reflex movements are excited. There are circumstances, indeed, Avhich seem to render it not im- probable, that just as the impression brought by the afferent nerves to the central organs, calls forth a reflex Motion by exciting the nerve-force of a motor nerve, it may produce a reflex Sensa- tion by a like excitation of a sensory nerve. Certain it is, that, after a long continuance of some of these reflex sensations, the organs to which they are referred often themselves become diseased, although previously quite healthy; this perversion of their normal action being not improbably due to that habitual direction of the Attention to the part, Avhich is prompted by the habitual Sensation (§ 129). 135. It has already been pointed out (§ 41) that, for the pro- duction of Sensations, each part of the Nervous apparatus must be in a state of activity, which can only be maintained by the con- stant Circulation of blood;—this being specially needed at what may be considered the origins of the Sensory nerves in the general surface of the Skin and in the organs of special Sense, and at their terminations in the Ganglionic centres. An enfeeblement of the circulation where impressions are first received, diminishes their strength, as we see in the numbness produced by an obstruc- tion to the flow of blood through the main artery of a limb ; and a like enfeeblement of the circulation in the Ganglionic centre through the instrumentality of which we are rendered conscious of the physical impression, produces a corresponding torpor of Sensi- bility. The local action of Cold, in like manner, produces numb- ness, not only by retarding the blood-circulation, but also (it would appear) by directly lowering the conducting power of the Nerve 152 Of Sensation. itself; for if cold be applied to an afferent nerve-trunk in its course, complete insensibility is produced in all the parts from which it receives fibres. So, local anaesthesia or want of sensibility may be produced by the action of Ether or Chloroform on the nerves of the part.—On the other hand, in that first stage of local Inflam- mation in which the capillary circulation is unduly active, and the heat of the part is augmented, there is an unusual susceptibility, or " tenderness," which renders ordinary impressions productive of pain. 136. The like diminution or exaltation of Sensibility may arise from states of the Sensorium. Thus in Sleep there is a want of receptivity for ordinary Sense-impressions; though extraordinary impressions will make themselves felt, recalling the sleeper to consciousness. In the profound Coma of apoplexy or of narco- tism, on the other hand, complete suspension of Sensorial activity is produced, in the one case by continued pressure within the skull (which probably acts by disturbing the circulation), in the other by the direct action of the poison on the nerve-sub- stance; whilst the torpor which is produced by continued exposure to severe Cold, is attributable to the congestion of the veins of the brain, which results from the contraction called-forth by the cold in the vessels of the general surface of the body. On the other hand, there are states of general exaltation of Sensibility, which obviously depend upon affections 6f the Sensorial centres. Thus the first stage of Inflammation of the Brain is characterized by an extreme susceptibility of this kind; the most ordinary impressions of light, sound, &c, giving rise to sensations of unbearable violence. The presence of certain poisons, as lead, in the blood, sometimes incjuces the condition termed hyperesthesia, or excessive sensibility; though it more commonly induces local anaesthesia, or want of sensibility. —In all these cases it is perfectly clear to the Physiologist, that the degree in Avhich Sensations are felt, entirely depends upon the condition of the Mechanism by General Exaltation of Sensibility. 153 the instrumentality of which Physical Impressions are received and are translated into states of Consciousness. 137. It is no less certain, however, that the intensity of Sensations is greatly affected by the degree in which the recipient Mind is directed towards them; and this may operate in regard either to Sensory impressions generally, or to those of some particular class. Of the former we have a characteristic example in what is known as the hysterical condition; in which the patient's Attention is so fixed upon her own bodily state, that the most trivial impressions are magnified iuto severe pains; while there is often such an extraordinary acuteness to sounds, that she overhears a conversation carried-on in an undertone in an adjoining room, or (as in a case known to the Writer) in a room on the second floor beneath. There is here, doubtless, a peculiar Physical susceptibility to Nervous impressions, which is to a certain degree remediable by medical treatment; but much depends upon the diversion of the patient's Attention from her own fancied ailments ; and Ave here see the importance of the se/f-determining power of the Will, which, if duly exercised, can substitute a healthful direc- tion of the Mental activity, for the morbid imaginings to which the patient has previously yielded herself.*—The transition is easy from the cases in which there is an exaggeration of real Sensations, to those in which there is an actual production of sensations not originating in any external impressions, by an expectation generated in the Mind itself (§ 147). 138. The vividness of Sensations usually depends rather on the degree of change which they produce in the system, than on * This condition is by no means peculiar to Females ; although, from the greater impressibility of the Nervous system, and the lower development of Volitional power, by which the Sex is ordinarily characterized, it is more common among them than in males. It is often fostered, from a very early date, by the habit in which injudicious Parents and Nurses indulge, of fixing the Child's attention on any little hurt or ache, instead of withdrawing it by the counttr- attraction of some object of interest. (See § 269.) [54 Of Sensation. the absolute amount of the impressing force; and this is the case with regard alike to special and to ordinary sensations. Thus, our sensations of Heat and Cold are entirely governed by the previous condition of the parts affected; as is shown by the well-known experiment of putting one hand into hot water, the other into cold, and then transferring both into tepid water, which will seem cool to one hand, and warm to the other. Every one knows, too, how much more we are affected by a warm day at the commencement of summer, than by an equally hot day later in the season. The same is the case in regard to Light and Sound, Smell and Taste. A person going out of a totally dark room into one moderately bright, is for the time painfully impressed by the light, but soon becomes habituated to it; whilst another, who enters it from a room brilliantly illuminated, will consider it dark and gloomy. Those who are constantly exposed to very loud noises, become almost unconscious of them, and are even undisturbed by them in illness ; and the medical student well knows that even the effluvia of the dissecting-room are not per- ceived, when the Sensorium has been habituated to impressions they produce: although an intermission of sufficient length would, in either instance, occasion a renewal of the first unpleasant feelings, when the individual is again subjected to the impression.—Thus there seems reason to believe that Sensorial changes of frequent occurrence, produce a modification in the nutrition of the Sen- sorium itself, Avhichgrows-to them, as it were, just as the Nervous system generally may be considered as growing-to "nervine stimulants" habitually taken-in (§ 155); for not only would the production of such a modification be quite in accordance with the general phenomena of Nutrition,* but we can scarcely other- * We have a remarkable exemplification of this, in the tolerance which may be gradually established in the system for various Poisons, especially for such as par- ticularly affect the Nervous substance, such as Opium or Alcohol. It seems impossible to explain this tolerance on any other hypothesis, than that of the Subjective Sensations. 155 wise explain the progressive formation of that connection between Sensorial changes and Motor actions, Avhich gives rise to the "secondarily automatic" movements (§ 191). Hence it seems reasonable to attribute that diminution in the force of Sensations which is the ordinary consequence of their habitual recurrence, to the want of such a change in the condition of the Sensorium, as is needful to produce an impression on the Consciousness; the effects Avhich they at first induced being no longer experienced in the same degree, when the structure of that part has accommodated itself to them.—But the same principle does not apply to those impressions to which the attention is habitually directed; for these lose none of their power of exciting Sensations by frequent repetition; on the contrary, they are so much more readily re- cognized, that they affect the Consciousness under circumstances in which the Ego is insensible to much stronger impressions of other kinds (§ 480). 139. Subjective Sensations.—The designation " subjective " is commonly given to all those Sensations Avhich arise out of cither bodily or mental states, whose existence is not consequent upon any " objective" or external change. But, strictly speaking, it should be limited to those which arise from the Avorkings of the Ego's own Mind; since those which are produced by Physical impressions made on the nerves within his Body, just as truly belong to the Non-ego, as do those made by impressions operating from without. Thus, for example, when incipient Inflammation of a part produces the sense of Heat in it, exactly resembling that which would be excited by the proximity of a heated body, it can scarcely be doubted that the Physical impression on the afferent nerves of the part, exciting Sensorial change, is the same in both cases: such a Sensation, therefore, is no more truly "subjective" in the one case than in the other. But when a " biologized" alteration of the Nutrition of the tissue by repeated doses, so that no further change can be produced by the quantity originally taken. 156 Of Sensation. subject is made to believe that a body he holds in his hands is unbearably hot, and throws it down accordingly (§ 458), the sensorial change is produced by the Mental suggestion ; the Sensation, which is only referred to the locality by the mental preconception, being the creation of the Ego himself. 140. Of those so-called " subjective" Sensations which have their origin in local changes that produce impressions on the nerves of the parts to which they are referred, we have examples in the flashes of light which are symptomatic of disease of the Retina or of the Optic nerve ; and in the ringing in the ears, which, while sometimes due to a disordered condition affecting the nervous apparatus within the ears themselves, appears more frequently to arise from an affection of the Auditory nerve in its course by the pulsations of a neighbouring artery. And it is probable that the persistence of a bad taste or of an unpleasant odour, having no source outside the body, is often to be attri- buted to analogous local changes within it. — On the other hand, there is probably no kind of Sensation that may not be produced by physical conditions of the Sensorium, wmich have not been induced by impressions transmitted thither by the afferent nerves, but which arise from morbid changes, either in its own sub- stance, or in the blood wrhich circulates through it. For subjective sensations are among the commonest indications of incipient Brain-disease; and they are especially noticeable as results of the presence of poisons in the blood, whose action is specially exerted on the Cephalic nerve-centres. 141. We have now to consider, however, that class of truly "subjective" Sensations, of which the origin is to be looked-for, neither in local impressions on the nerves of the external senses, nor in abnormal affections of the Sensorium; but in impressions transmitted to the Sensorium by the " nerves of the internal senses," which convey to it the results of changes taking place in that cortical layer of the Cerebrum which we have seen reason Production of Sensations by Ideas. 15 7 to regard as the instrument of the higher Psychical operations (§ 100). 142. Every one is familiar with the fact that Sensations formerly experienced are reproduced in Dreaming, with a vividness and reality quite equal to that with which his consciousness was originally impressed by the actual objects. And this not unfrequently happens also in the waking state; in which we are able distinctly to trace-out the causation of this reproduction, in the suggestive action of pre-formed Ideational associations (§§ 101, 103). Of these associative actions, it cannot be reasonably doubted that the Cerebrum is the instrument; and the mechanism by which they occasion the reproduction of Sensations, has been already explained to be (according to the Writer's view) the trans- mission to the Sensorium, along the nerves of the internal senses, of an impression equivalent to that which it originally received through the nerves of the external senses (§§ 99—105).—But if Cerebral (ideational) states can reproduce Sensations, they can also produce them; and as this fact is of fundamental importance iu our interpretation of a large class of phenomena to which attention has been drawn of late years under the designations " Odylism," " Spiritualism," &c, it will be desirable to adduce the proofs of it in some detail. For nothing is more common than to hear the advocates of these doctrines appealing to " the evidence of their senses" as conclusive in regard to the actual occurrence of the phenomena Avhich they believe themselves to have witnessed; in utter ignorance of the fact that nothing is more fallacious than that evidence, when the Mind is previously "possessed" by an idea of what the Sense-impressions are to be. Of this we have an apposite illustration in the well-known exclamation of Dr. Pearson, " Bless me, how heavy it is," when he first poised upon his finger the globule of Potassium produced by the battery of Sir H. Davy; his preconception of the coincidence between metallic lustre and high specific gravity, causing him to feel that as ponderous, *58 Of Sensation. which the unerring test of the balance determined to be lighter than water. The excitement of the peculiar sensation of tickling in a "ticklish" person, by a threatening movement that suggests the idea, and of that of creeping or itching by the mention of bed-infesting insects to those who are pecu- liarly liable to their attacks, are familiar instances of the same fact. 143. In the two following cases related by Professor Bennett, the effect of the Idea was not limited to the production of the Sensations, but extended itself to the consequences which would have folloAved those sensations, if their supposed cause had been real:— a. "A clergyman told me, that some time ago suspicions were entertained in his parish, of a woman who was supposed to have poisoned her newly-born infant. The coffin was exhumed, and the Procurator-fiscal, who attended with the medical men to examine the body, declared that he already perceived the odour of decomposition, which made him feel faint, and in consequence he withdrew. But, on opening the coffin, it was found to be empty; and it was after- wards ascertained that no child had been born, and consequently no murder committed." b. The second case is y etmore remarkable. '' A butcher was brought into the shop of Mr. Macfarlan, the druggist, from the market-place opposite, labouring under a terrible accident. The man, on trying to hook-up a heavy piece of meat above his head, slipped, and the sharp hook penetrated his arm, so that he himself was suspended. On being examined, he was pale, almost pulseless, and expressed himself as suffering acute agony. The arm could not be moved without causing excessive pain ; and in cutting-off the sleeve, he frequently cried out; yet when the arm was exposed, it was found to be quite uninjured, the hook having only traversed the sleeve of his coat." ■—{The Mesmeric Mania of 1851.) No evidence could be stronger than that afforded by the almost pulseless condition of the subject of the second of these cases, as to the reality of the severe pain Avhich he experienced; and yet Production of Sensations by Ideas. 159 this pain entirely arose from his Mental conviction that the hook had penetrated the flesh of his arm. 144. Nearly thirty years ago, the scientific world was startled by the announcement made by Baron von Reichenbach (who had previously attained considerable reputation as a chemist) of the discovery of " a new Imponderable,"—a peculiar Force existing in nature and embracing the Universe, distinct from all known forces —to Avhich he gave the name Odyle. This force could only be recognised by the effects it produced on certain " sensitive sub- jects ;" who could see, it was averred, flames streaming from the poles of magnets, could smell odours issuing from them, and could feel sensations of warmth or coolness when magnets were drawn over any part of the surface of the body; some of them being also similarly affected by crystals; and one, in particular, by almost any substance whatever, so that she saw (in the dark) flames issuing from nails or hooks in a wall, or streaming from the finger-ends of human beings. Experienced Physicians, however, at once recog- nized in Baron Reichenbach's descriptions, the influence of the ideas with which these " sensitives " had become " possessed ;" the phenomena being only, under another form, the manifestations of a tendency with which they were previously familiar in Hystc- rical and Hypochondriacal patients. Hence there was to them nothing in the least surprising in the fact, that such persons, placed in a perfectly dark room for two hours, could be brought to see a multitude of luminous phenomena, could hear varied sounds, could smell odours, and could touch intangible things, quite inde- pendently of any " Odyle" Avhatever, by the mere suggestion of what they were to experience. And although Reichenbach him- self considered that he had taken adequate precautions to exclude the conveyance of any suggestion of which his " sensitives " should be conscious, yet those Avho were familiar with the extraordinary re- ceptivity for Sense-impressions Avhich is a special characteristic of Hysterical subjects (§ 137), could readily discern the modes in i6o Of Sensation. which such suggestions would reach the " sensitives," without any intention on the part of the operator. 145. The very fact that no manifestation of this supposed Force could be obtained, except through the conscious Human being* was quite sufficient to convince every philosophic investigator, that he had to do, not with a new Physical Force, but with a peculiar phase of Psychical action, by no means unfamiliar to such as had previously studied the influence of the Mind upon the Body. From this point of view, Reichenbach's researches were accepted as an important contribution to Mental Physiology; and this estimate of their character wTas entirely confirmed by the inquiries of Mr. Braid, of Manchester, who was early led to the adoption of it by the experience he had already gained in a parallel line of investiga- tion, the results of which had thrown great light on the pheno- mena of Mesmerism (Chaps. XIV, XV). For he found that whatever Sensations were producible by the agency of magnets, crystals, &c, the very same sensations occurred when the "subjects" believed that such agency was being employed, although nothing Avhatever was really being done; and further, that the character of the Sensations experienced by the " subjects " depended very much on the Ideas they had been led to form of them, either by their own mental action, or by the suggestion of others. The following are a few examples of the results obtained by Mr. Braid, of many of which the Writer was himself a witness :— "A lady, upwards of fifty-six years of age, in perfect health, and wide awake, having been taken into a dark closet, and desired to look at the poles of the powerful horse-shoe magnet of nine elements, and describe what she saw, declared, after looking a considerable * Thus although certain of the "sensitives" felt their hands powerfully attracted towards a magnet, yet, as Reichenbach himself confessed, when the magnet was poised in a delicate balance, and the hand was placed above or beneath it, the magnet was never draion towards the hand. The "attraction " therefore, although real to the " subject " of it, was generated by the Idea in the "sensitive's" own Mind (§448). Production of Sensations by Ideas. 161 time, that she saw nothing. However, after I told her to look attentively, and she would see fire come out of it, she speedily saw sparks, and presently it seemed to her to burst forth, as she had witnessed an artificial representation of the volcano of Mount Vesuvius at some public gardens. Without her knowledge, I closed down the lid of the trunk which contained the magnet, but still the same appearances were described as visible. By putting leading questions, and asking her to describe what she saw from another part of the closet (where there was nothing but bare walls), she went on describing various shades of most brilliant coruscations and flame, according to the leading questions I had put for the purpose of changing the fundamental ideas. On repeating the experiments, similar results were repeatedly realised by this patient. On taking thisTady into the said closet after the magnet had been removed to another part of the house, she still perceived the same visible appearances of light and flame when there was nothing but the bare walls to produce them ; and, two weeks after the magnet was removed, when she went into the closet by herself, the mere association of ideas was sufficient to cause her to realize a visible representation of the same light and flames. Indeed such had been the case with her on entering the closet, ever since the few first times she saw the light and flames. In like manner, when she was made to touch the poles of the magnet when wide awake, no manifestations of attraction took place between her hand and the magnet; but the moment the idea was suggested that she would be held fast by its powerful attraction, so that she would be utterly unable to separate her hands from it, such result was realized; and, on separating it by the suggestion of a new idea, and causing her to touch the other pole in like manner, predicating that it would exert no attractive power for the fingers or hand, such negative effects were at once manifested.—I know this lady was incapable of trying to deceive myself, or others present; but she was self-deceived and spell-bound by the predominance of a pre-conceived idea, and was not less surprised at the varying powers of the instrument than others who witnessed the results."—{The Poiuer of the Mind over the Body, 1846, p. 20.) 146. Other "subjects " taken by Mr. Braid into his dark closet, and unable to see anything in the first instance, Avhen told to look 16 2 Of Sensation. steadily at a certain point (though there was no magnet there), and assured that they would see flame and light of various colours issuing from it, very soon declared that they saw them; and in some of them, " individuals of a highly concentrative and imagina- tive turn of mind," the same sensations could be called up in open daylight. The following was an experiment made with and without the magnet, upon the sensations of the general surface; the "sub- ject " being a young gentleman twenty-one years of age :— a. " I first operated on his right hand, by drawing a powerful horse- shoe magnet over the hand, without contact, whilst the armature was attached. He immediately observed a sensation of cold follow the course of the magnet. I reversed the passes, an*d he felt it less cold, but he felt no attraction between his hand and the magnet. I then removed the cross-bar, and tried the effect with both poles alternately, but still there was no change in the effect, and decidedly no proof of attraction between his hand and the magnet.—In the afternoon of the same day I desired him to look aside and hold his hat between his eyes and his hand, and observe the effects when I operated on him, whilst he could not see my proceedings. He very soon described a recurrence of the same sort of sensations as those he felt in the morning, but they speedily became more intense, and extended up the arm, producing rigidity of the member. In tho course of two minutes this feeling attacked the other arm, and to some extent the whole body; and he was, moreover, seized with a fit of involuntary laughter, like that of hysteria, which continued for several minutes—in fact, until I put an end to the experiment. His first remark was, ' Now this experiment clearly proves that there must be some intimate connection between mineral Magnetism and Mesmerism; for I was most strangely affected, and could not possibly resist laughing during the extraordinary sensations with which my whole body was seized, as you drew the magnet ov6r my hand and arm.' I replied that I drew a very different conclusion from the experiments, as / had never used the magnet at all, nor held it, nor anything else, near to him; and that the whole proved the truth of my position as to the extraordinary power of the Mind over the Bod}'."—{Op. cit., p. id.) Production of Sensatio?is by Ideas. 163 Phenomena of the same kind were found to be producible without the use of a Magnet at all:— b. "Another interesting caseof a marriedlady, I experimented within presence of her husband, was as follows. I requested her to place her hand on the table, with the palm upwards, so situated as to enable her to observe the process I was about to resort to. I had previously remarked, that by my drawing something slowly over the hand, without contact, whilst the patient concentrated her attention on the process, she would experience some peculiar sensations in consequence. I took a pair of her scissors, and drew the bowl of the handle slowly from the wrist downwards. I had only done so a few times, when she felt a creeping, chilly sensation, which was immediately followed by a spasmodic twitching of the muscles, so as to toss the hand from the table, as the members of a prepared frog are agitated when gal- vanized. I next desired her to place her other hand on the table, in like manner, but in such a position, that by turning her head in the opposite direction she might not see what was being done, and to watch her sensations in that hand, and tell us the result. In about the same length of time, similar phenomena were manifested as with the other hand, although in this instance / had done nothing whatever, and was not near her hand. I now desired her to watch what happened to her hand, when I predicted that she would feel it become cold; and the result was as predicted; and vice versa, predicting that she would feel it become intensely hot, such wa3 realized. When I desired her to think of the tip of her nose, the predicted result either of heat or cold was speedily realized in that part. "Another lady, twenty-eight years of age, being operated on in the same manner, whilst looking at my proceedings, in the course of half a minute, described the sensation as that of the blood rushing into the fingers; and when the motion of my pencil-case, was from below upwards, the sensation was that of the current of blood being reversed, but less rapid in its motion. On resuming the downward direction, the original feeling recurred, still more powerfully than at first.—This lady being requested now to look aside, whilst I operated, realized similar sensations, and that whilst I was doing nothing. " The husband of this lady, twenty-eight and a half years of age, came Into the room, shortly after the above experiment was finished. 164 Of Sensation. She was very desirous of my trying the effect upon him, as he was in perfect health. I requested him to extend his right arm laterally, and let it rest on a chair with the palm upwards, to turn his head in the opposite direction, so that he might not see what I was doing, and to concentrate his attention on the feelings which might arise during my process. In about half-a-minute he felt an aura like a breath of air passing along the hand; in a little after, a slight pricking, and presently a feeling passed along the arm, as far as the elbow, which he described as similar to that of being slightly electrified :—all this, while 1 had been doing nothing, beyond watching what might be realized. I then desired him to tell me what he felt now,—speaking in such a tone of voice, as was calculated to lead him to believe I was operating in some different manner. The result was that the former sensations ceased; but when I requested him once more to tell me what ho felt now, the former sensations recurred. I then whispered to his wife, but in a tone sufficiently loud to be overheard by him, observe now, and you will find his fingers begin to draw, and his hand will become clenched,—see how the little, finger begins to move, and such was the case ; see the next one also going in like manner, and such effects followed; and finally, the entire hand closed firmly, with a very unpleasant drawing motion of the whole flexor-muscles of the fore-arm. I did nothing whatever to this patient until the fingers were nearly closed, when I touched the palm of his hand with the point of my finger, which caused it to close more rapidly and firmly. After it had remained so for a short time, I blew upon the hand, which dissipated the previously existing mental impression, and instantly the hand became relaxed. The high respectability and intelligence of this gentleman rendered his testimony very valuable; and especially so, since he was not only wide awake, but had never been either mesmerised, hypnotised, or so tested before.—{Op. cit., pp. 15—17.) 147. The results thus obtained by experiment, being at the same time consistent with ordinary Medical experience, and accordant with Physiological probability, have an adequate claim to accept- ance as Scientific facts; and it is obvious that, if the principle be once admitted that real Sensations are producible by Mental states, Spiritualistic Experiences.—Spectral Illusions. 165 this principle furnishes the key to the explanation of a large number of those " spiritualistic" experiences, in which objects are affirmed to be actually seen and felt, that only exist in the Imagination of the " subjects" of them. It has been no less happily than philosophically said by the Laureate, that " Dreams ore true while they last;" but we become conscious in our waking state of the "objective" unreality of what was for the time real to us, by its discordance with that general resultant of our waking experiences which we call "Common Sense." (Chap. XL) Occa- sionally we are puzzled to answer the question, " Did this really happen, or did I dream it 1"—our perplexity arising from the fact, that the " trace" of what passed in our dream equals in vividness that which would have been left by the actual occurrence, and that there is nothing inconsistent with our experience, in the idea that it might have happened.—Now when a number of persons who are " possessed" with the current ideas in regard to Spiritual- istic manifestations, sit for some time in a dark room in a state of " expectant attention," it is conformable to all scientific pro- bability that they should see luminous manifestations, should mell flowers, should feel the contact of spirit-hands or the crawl- ing of live lobsters, or should hear musical sounds or the voices of departed friends,—just as they are prompted to do by their own course of thought, or by the suggestions of others; the correction of these dreamy imaginings, by bringing common sense and scientific knowledge to bear upon them, being just what the votaries of the doctrine referred-to scornfully repudiate. 148. Very nearly connected with the foregoing, are the pheno- mena of Spectral Illusions ; which, like the creations of dreaming or delirium, are the products of the excitement of Sensorial activity by Cerebral change, operating through the " nerves of the internal senses;" the essential difference being that as the Sensorium is not closed to external impressions, these mental images mingle with the sensations called forth by objective realities. A simple but 166 Of Sensation. very illustrative case of this kind, which occurred in the experience of Sir John Herschel, has already been cited (§103); and it is probable that we are to regard in the same light that Spectrum of the Sun, which Sir Isaac Newton was able to recall by going into the dark and directing his mind intensely, " as when a man looks earnestly to see a thing wmich is difficult to be seen," and which, after a frequent repetition of this process, came (he says) to return " as often as I began to meditate on the phenomena, even though I lay in bed at midnight with my curtains drawn." For although phenomena of this class are often regarded as ocular spectra produced by retinal change, their reproduction by mental states seems to place them in the same category as the visual sensations which are distinctly reproduced by Memory, that is, by cerebral change (§102). In fact, there is such a gradational transition from the one state to another, that it seems clear that they have a common origin. Thus Dr. Aber- crombie {Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers, 5th Edit., p. 382) mentions the case of a gentleman who was all his life haunted by Spectral figures, and could call up any at will, by directing his attention steadily to some conception of his own mind, which might either consist of a figure or a scene that he had seen, or might be a composition of his own imagination: but although possessing the faculty of producing the illusion, he had no power of banishing it; so that when he had called-up any particular figure or scene, he could not say how long it might continue to haunt him. In this case the Sensorial state produced by Cerebral action so closely resembled the impression produced by the actual object, that, on meeting a friend in the street, the subject of it could not satisfy himself Avhether he saw the real individual or the spectral figure, save by touching his body, or by hearing the sound of his footsteps,—the correction being here supplied by other Sense-impressions. In certain instances the unreality of these phantasms, however vivid, is recognized by the Intellect, from the consideration of the circum- Spectral Illusions. 167 stances under wdiich they occur: as in the well-known case of Nicolai, who, Avhen suffering from intermittent fever, saw coloured pictures of landscapes, trees, and rocks, resembling framed paint- ings, but of half the natural size ; so long as he kept his eyes closed, they underwent constant changes, some figures disappearing while new ones showed themselves ; but as soon as he opened his eyes, the whole vanished. The following is another case of this kind, in which the same Sensorial condition as in dreaming or delirium was accompanied by an Intellectual recognition of its objective unreality :— "We knew a gentleman of strong mind, and a most accomplished Scholar, who was for many years subject to such phantasms, some sufficiently grotesque; and he would occasionally laugh heartily at their antics. Sometimes it appeared as if they interrupted a con- versation in which he was engaged; and then, if with his family or intimate friends, he would turn to empty space, and say, ' I don't care a farthing for ye; ye amuse me greatly sometimes, but you are a bore just now.' His spectra, when so addressed, would to his eye resume their antics, at which he would laugh, turn to his friend, and continue his conversation. In other respects he was perfectly healthy, his mind was of more than ordinary strength, and he would speak of his phantoms, and reason upon their appearance, being perfectly conscious that the whole was illusive." 149. It is a curious confirmation of the view here advocated as to the distinctness between the parts of the Brain which are the instruments of sensorial and of ideational states respectively, and of the immediate relation of the former to the motor apparatus, that the presence of a Spectral illusion will often operate in directing movement, even though there be an intel- lectual consciousness that there is no objective cause for it, and that the movement is consequently inappropriate. A lady nearly connected with the Writer, having been frightened in childhood by a black cat, which sprang-up from beneath her pillow just as 168 Of Sensation. she was laying her head upon it, was accustomed for many years afterwards, whenever she was at all indisposed, to see a black cat on the ground before her ; and although intellectually aware of the spectral character of the appearance, yet she could never avoid lifting her foot as if to step over the cat, when it seemed to be lying in her path.* 150. When, as the cases last cited, the Spectral image distinctly represents an external object, it must be regarded as not merely a Sensorial but as a Perceptional illusion. A far more frequent cause of false perceptions, however, lies in the misinterpretation of real Sense-impressions, under the influence of pre-existing Ideational states,—a subject which will be more fitly considered hereafter (§ 186). 151. Relation of Sensations to other Mental States.—It is through the medium of Sensation, that we acquire a knowledge of the Universe external to us, by the Psychical operations which its changes excite in ourselves. The Psychologist of the present day views Matter entirely through the light of his own consciousness: —his idea of matter in the abstract being that it is a " something " which has a permanent power of exciting Sensations; his idea of any property of matter being the mental Representation of some kind of sense-impression he has received from it; and his idea of any particular kind of matter being the Representation of the whole aggregate of the sense-perceptions Avhich its presence has called up in his mind. " Thus when I press my hand against this table, I recognise its unyieldingness through the conjoint medium of my sense of Touch, my Muscular sense, and my Mental sense of Effort, to which it will be convenient to give the general designation of the Tactile sense; and I attribute to that table a hardness which resists the effort I * A very interesting collection of cases of Spectral Illusions will be found in Dr. Abercrombie's Treatise, and in Sir B. Brodie's " Psychological Inquiries ;" see also Sir John Herschel's own experiences in his "Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects," pp. 403-5. Cognition of Properties of Matter. 169 make to press my hand into its substance, whilst I also recognise^ the fact that the force I haA*e employed is not sufficient to move its mass. But I press my hand against a lump of dough; and finding that its substance yields under my pressure, I call it soft. Or again, I press my hand against this desk ; and I find that although I do not thereby change its form, I change its place ; and so I get the Tactile idea of Motion. Again, by the impressions received through the same Sensorial apparatus, when I lift this book in my hand, I am led to attach to it the notion of weight or ponderosity ; and by lifting different solids of about the same size, I am enabled, by the different degrees of exertion I find myself obliged to make in order to sustain them, to distinguish some of them as light, and others as heavy. Through the medium of another set of Sense-impressions (which some regard as belonging to a different category), we distinguish between bodies that/eeZ 'hot' and those that/erf 'cold'; and in this manner we arrive at the notion of differences of Temperature. And it is through the medium of our Tactile sense, without any aid from Vision, that we first gain the idea of solid form, or the three dimensions of Space. "Again, by the extension of our Tactile experiences, we acquire the notion of liquids, as forms of matter yielding readily to pressure, but possessing a sensible weight which may equal that of solids: and of air, whose resisting power is much slighter, and whose weight is so small that it can only be made sensible by artificial means. Thus, then, we arrive at the notions of resistance and of weight as properties common to all forms of Matter ; and now that we have got rid of that idea of Light and Heat, Electricity and Magnetism, as ' im- ponderable fluids,' which used to vex our souls in our scientific childhood, and of which the popular term ' electric fluid' is a 'survival,' we accept these properties as affording the practical distinction between the ' material' and the 'immaterial.' " Turning, now, to that other great portal of Sensation, the Sight, through which we receive most of the messages sent to us from the Universe around, we recognise the same truth. Thus it is agreed alike by Physicists and Physiologists, that colour does not exist as such in the object itself; which has merely the power of reflecting or transmitting a certain number of millions of undulations in a second; and these ouly produce that affection of our consciousness which we 9 £ jo Of Sensation. call Colour, when they fall upon the retina of the living percipient. And if there be that defect either in the retina or in the apparatus behind it, which wo call ' colour-blindness ' or ' Daltonism,' some particular hues cannot be distinguished, or there may even be no power of distinguishing any colour whatever. If we were all like Dalton, we should see no difference, except in form, between ripe cherries hanging on a tree, and the green leaves around them ; if we were all affected with the severest form of colour-blindness, the fair face of Nature would be seen by us as in the chiaroscuro of an engraving of one of Turner's landscapes, not as in the glowing hues of the wondrous picture itself."—(Address to the Meeting of the British Association, 1872.) 152. If it were possible for a Human being to come into the world with a Brain perfectly prepared to be the instrument of Psychical operations, but with all the inlets to Sense-impressions closed, we have every reason to believe that the Mind would remain dormant, like a seed buried deep in the earth. The attentive study of cases in which there is congenital deficiency of one or more Sensations, makes it evident that the Mind is utterly incapable of forming any definite Ideas in regard to those proper- ties of objects, of Avhich those particular sensations are adapted to take cognizance. Thus the man who is born blind, can form no conception of colour; nor the congenitally-deaf, of musical tones. And in those lamentable cases in which the sense of Touch is the only one through which Ideas can be called-forth, the Mental operations necessarily remain of the simplest and most limited character,—unless the utmost attention be giAren by a judicious instructor, to the development of the Intellectual faculties, and the cultivation of the Moral feelings, through that restricted class of ideas which there is a possibility of exciting.* 153. The activity of the Mind, then, is just as much the result of its consciousness of external impressions, by which its faculties * Of the extent to which this may be accomplished, the well-known case of Laura Bridgeman affords a most remarkable exemplification. Dependence of Mental Activity upon Sensations. 171 are called into play, as the life of the Body is dependent upon the appropriation of nutrient materials, and the constant influence of external forces. But there is this difference between the two cases,—that whilst the Body continually requires new materials and a continued action of external agencies, the Mind, when it has been once called into activity, and has become stored with Ideas, may remain active, and may develope new relations and combina- tions amongst these, after the complete closure of the Sensorial inlets by which new ideas can be excited ab externo. Such, in fact, is what is continually going-on in the state of Dreaming ; but examples yet more remarkable are furnished in the vivid con- ceptions which may be formed of a landscape or a picture, from oral description, by those wdio have once enjoyed sight; or in the composition of music, even such as involves new combinations of sounds, by those wTho have become deaf, as in the well-known case of Beethoven. The mind thus feeds, as it were, upon the store of Ideas which it has laid-up during the activity of its Sensory organs : and not only are those impressions which it consciously retains, worked-up into a never-ending variety of combinations and successions of ideas, thus continuing to afford new sources of mental actiA'ity, even to the very end of life; but impressions of Avhich the Mind, though once conscious of them, seems even to itself to have entirely lost the traces, may recur spontaneously, and influence its trains of thought, at periods long subsequent to their reception. (Chap. X.) 154. With particular Sensations are connected feelings of Pain or Pleasure, which cannot (for the most part at least) be explained upon any other principle than that of the necessary association of these feelings, by an original law of our nature, with the sensa- tions in question. As a general rule, it may be stated that the violent excitement of any sensation is disagreeable, even when the same sensation in a moderate degree may be a source of extreme pleasure. This is the case alike with those impressions which are 172 Of Sensation. communicated through the organs of Sight, Hearing, Smell, and Taste, as with those that are received through the nerves of Com- mon sensation; and the association of painful feelings with such violent excitement, serves to stimulate the individual to remove himself from what would be injurious in its effects. Thus, the pain resulting from violent pressure on the cutaneous surface, or from the proximity of a heated body, gives warning of the danger of injury, and excites mental operations destined to remove the part from the influence of the injurious cause ; and this is shown by the fact, that loss of sensibility is frequently the indirect occa- sion of severe lesions,—the individual not receiving the customary intimation that an injurious process is taking place.* Thus, violent inflammation of the membrane lining the air-passages has resulted from the effects of ammoniacal vapours incautiously introduced into them during a fainting-fit,—the patient not receiving that notice of the irritation, which, in the active condition of his Nervous * The following case, recorded in the "Journal of a Naturalist," affords a remarkable instance of this general fact. The correctness of the statement having been called in question, it was fully confirmed by Mr. Richard Smith, the late senior Surgeon of the Bristol Infirmary, under whose care the sufferer had been :—"A travelling man, one winter's evening, laid himself down upon the platform of a lime-kiln, placing his feet, probably numbed with cold, upon the heap of stones newly put on to burn through the night. Sleep overcame him in this situation ; the fire gradually rising and increasing, until it ignited the stones upon which his feet were placed. Lulled by the warmth, the man slept on : the fire increased until it burned one foot (which probably was extended over a vent- hole) and part of the leg above the ankle entirely off, consuming that part so effectually that a cinder-like fragment was alone remaining,—and still the wretch slept on ! and in this state was found by the kiln-man in the morning. Insensible to any pain, and ignorant of his misfortune, he attempted to rise and pursue hia journey ; but missing his shoe, requested to have it found ; and when he was raised, putting his burnt limb to the ground to support his body, the extremity of his leg-bone, the tibia, crumbled into fragments, having been calcined into lime. Still he expressed no sense of pain, and probably experienced none ; from the gradual operation of the fire, and his own torpidity during the hours his foot was consuming. This poor drover survived his misfortunes in the hospital about a fortnight ; but the fire having extended to other parts of his body, recovery was hopeless." Association of Pain or Pleasure with Sensations. 173 system, would have prevented him from inhaling the noxious agent. 155. The feelings of Pain or Pleasure which unaccustomed sensations excite, are often exchanged for each other when the system is habituated to them; this is especially the case in regard to impressions communicated through the organs of Smell and Taste. There are many articles in common use among mankind,— such as Tobacco, Alcoholic liquors, &c, the use of Avhich cannot be said to produce a natural enjoyment, since they are at first un- pleasant to most persons; and yet they first become tolerable, then agreeable ; and at last the want of them is felt as a painful privation, and the stimulus must be applied in an increasing degree in order to produce the usual effect. These all belong to the class of " nervine stimulants;" and it can scarcely be questioned that the result of their continual employment is to pro- duce a modification of the nutrition of the Nervous system, which engenders a Physical wTant when they are withheld, comparable to that of Hunger or Thirst (§ 138). 156. On the same level with the simple feelings of Pleasure and Pain which are associated with particular Sensations, but distinct from these in the manner in Avhich they affect us, are those general feelings of personal well-being, orofits reverse malaise, Avhich, whilst so intimately connected with states of the Bodily system as to be producible by them alone, are also the rudimentary forms of those higher Psychical states which we term emotions. These feelings, in their lowest stage of development, are purely "subjective;" the individual being simply conscious of them, and not referring them to any external source. There are many persons who are so keenly susceptible of both, that they pass their whole lives in an alternation between cheerfulness and depression: the former state being favoured by freedom from anxiety, by the healthful activity of all the organic functions, by a bright sun and a dry bracing atmosphere ; whilst the latter is immediately induced by [ 74 Of Sensation. mental disquietude, by a slight disorder of digestion or excretion, or by a dull oppressive day. And a concurrence of favourable condi- tions may even exalt this Coencesthesis (or self-feeling) into exhilara- tion or absolute joy ; whilst the combined influence of those of the opposite kind may produce gloom, which may be exaggerated almost to despair. We shall hereafter see cogent reasons for re- garding these conditions as purely Physical (§§ 535, 552). The con- dition of " the spirits " (as these Mental affections are commonly designated) most to be desired, however, is that of tranquil com- fort ; which is far more favourable than the alternation of ex- tremes, to healthful activity and to sustained energy, alike of Body and of Mind. And this may be cherished by cultivating the habit of Volitional self-control (§ 271), whereby any tendency to undue exhilaration is moderated, and excessive depression is resisted by a determinate effort not to yield to it. 157. Similar states of Consciousness may be excited by causes purely Psychical; and although we are then accustomed to desig- nate them as Emotions, yet their nature and their seat are pro- bably the same in the one case as the other. The simple feeling which we experience from a piece of " good " or of " bad neAvs," is so nearly allied to the Pleasure or Pain we experience in connection with Sensations, that we may fairly regard the instrumentality by which we become conscious of it as sensorial rather than Cerebral; the state of the Sensorium being affected, in the one case, by impressions conveyed to it by the " nerves of the internal senses," just as it is in the other by those brought to it by the nerves of the external senses. It often happens, moreover, that the impression thus made upon the " emotional sensibility " is more persistent than the ideational state which gave rise to it; for after some disagreeable occurrence, or the receipt of ill-tidings, we feel an abiding consciousness of discomfort or distress, although Ave determinately keep from our Mental view the recollection of the unpleasant idea, in order that Ave may not be disturbed by dAvelling Simple Forms of Emotional Sensibility. 175 too painfully on it. It may often be observed, moreover, that when the passions have been stirred in states of Somnambulism, Hypno- tism, &c, a disturbed coencesthesis is carried-on into the ordinary state, although the "subject" is altogether unconscious of the nature or causes of the emotional excitement (§ 491).—There are few other forms of emotional sensibility which are so completely subjective as the foregoing ; most of them having reference to some object which is felt to be external to Self, and therefore belonging to the next category (§ 189). But we seem justified in referring to this group, as being nearly allied to the foregoing, though scarcely capable of being grouped together Avith them, the sense of enjoyment in activity, and its converse the sense of tedium in inactivity (commonly known as ennui) ; both of which are purely subjective states, and are obviously manifested by the lower Animals,—chiefly, however, in connection with their bodily functions,—whilst in Man it is the want of mental occupation that is the chief source of Ennui.* * The "Writer would here express his obligations to his friend Dr. Noble, of Manchester, for many valuable suggestions in regard to the diversified forms of "Emotional Sensibility," and its relations to Sensational, Perceptional, and Ideational states respectively—See his "Elements of Psychological Medicine" 2nd Ed., 1855), and his subsequent treatise on "The Human Mind" (1858). CHAPTER V. OP PERCEPTION AND INSTINCT. 158. Neither the operations of the Intellectual PoAvers, nor the higher Emotional states, are immediately called-forth by Sensa- tions ; for in that stage of consciousness we merely recognize the fact that certain changes have occurred in our own " subjective" state, and do not refer these changes to any external or " objective" source. Of such a limitation, we occasionally meet with examples among the phenomena of Sleep, and in some of the conditions resulting from the use of Anaesthetic agents : for if we fall asleep whilst suffering from bodily pain, we may entirely lose all percep- tion of the cause of that pain, and yet remain conscious of a per- turbed state of feeling, which may affect the course of our dream ; and when a surgical operation is performed in a state of incom- plete anaesthesia, it is obvious that pain is felt without any dis- tinct consciousness of its source, and the patient may subsequently describe his state as an uneasy dream. Such, it is probable, is the condition of the infant at the commencement of its Psychical life. " If," as has been well remarked by Dr. J. D. Morell {Philosophy of Religion, p. 7), " we could by any means transport ourselves into the mind of an Infant before the Perceptive consciousness is awakened, we should find it in a state of absolute isolation from everything else in the world around it. Whatever objects may be presented to the Eye, the Ear, or the Touch, they are treated simply as subjective feelings, Avith- out the Mind's possessing any consciousness of them as objects at all. To it, the inward Avorld is everything, the outward world is nothing."—However difficult it may be, under the influence of our Nature of Perception. 177 life-long experience, to dissociate any Sensation of Avhich we are cognizant, from the notion of its external cause—since, the moment the feeling is experienced, and the Mind is directed to it, the object from which it arises is immediately suggested,—yet nothing is more certain than that all of Avhich we are primarily con- scious in any case whatever, is a certain internal or subjective state, a change in our previous Consciousness; and that the mental recognition of the object to which that change is due, is dependent upon a higher process, to which the name of Perception is now generally accorded. We may recognize the manifestation of this process in the Child, as it advances beyond the first few months of its helplessness. " A sight or a sound," remarks Dr. Morell (Op. cit.), " AArhich at first produced simply an involuntary start, now awakens a smile or a look of recognition. The mind is evidently struggling out of itself; it begins to throw itself into the objects around, and to liATe in the Avorld of outAvard realities." A similar transition, more rapidly effected, may be distinguished in ourselves, during the passage from Sleep, or from the insensibility of a swoon, to the state of wakeful activity; when we are at first conscious only of our own sensations, and gradually come to the knoAvledge of our condition as it relates to the world around, and of the position and circumstances, new and strange as they may be, in which we find ourselves. 159. Now the apprehension, or the formation of an elementary Notion, of the outness or externality of the cause of a Sensational change, is an operation which the Mind seems necessarily to per- form, Avhen it has attained a certain stage of development; in- stinctively or intuitively making a definite distinction between the self and the not-self the subject and the object. We do not infer the existence of objective realities by any act of the Reason; in fact, the strict application of logical processes tends rather to shake than to confirm the belief in the External World ; but our Minds being at first subjectively impressed by the qualities of matter, 178 Of Perception and Instinct. we gradually learn to interpret and combine the impressions they make upon our consciousness, so as to derive from them a more or less definite notion of the object (§ 151). Some of these Notions are so simple, and so constantly excited by certain Sensations, that we can scarcely do otherwise than attribute their formation to original and fundamental properties of the Mind, called into activity by the sensations in question; thus, the notion of hard- ness seems to connect itself from the first with the sense of abso- lute resistance, the notion of direction with the consciousness of diversity of parts in the visual picture. Such perceptions are said to be instinctive or original. In other cases, however, the notions are connected with the sensations by habit alone ; the connection being the result of the association which gradually establishes itself between them, so that a certain sense-impression invariably calls up a certain notion of an object answering to it. And thus it may happen that a wrong interpretation may be put upon the sensational state, merely through some change in the con- ditions under wdiich it has been habitually received; as in the following very simple experiment :—If the middle finger of either hand be crossed behind the fore-finger, so that its extremity is on the thumb-side of the latter, and the ends of the two fingers thus disposed be rolled over a marble, pea, or other round body, a sensation Avill be produced, which, if uncorrected by reason, would cause the mind to believe in the existence of tAvo distinct bodies; this being due to the impression being made at the same time upon two spots, which, in the ordinary position of the fingers, are at a considerable distance from each other. 160. There can be no doubt that, during the period of Infancy, a very rapid and energetic process of self-education is going on; the whole mind, so far as it is yet developed, being concentrated upon its Perceptive activity: and Avhen once a complete inter- pretation has thus been attained of any particular group of Sensations, it so immediately occurs to the consciousness Avhenever Acquirement of Perceptions in Man. 179 those sensations may be renewed, as to have all the directness of an original perception. Thus it is very difficult, at later periods of life, to discriminate the Perceptions which are really instinctive, from those which have been acquired during Infancy. It would be wrong to draw inferences on this point from the actions of the lower Animals ; for in those cases in which the young are dependent from the first on the exertion of their own powers, it is obvious that they have a larger range of Instinctive perceptions than is possessed by those which derive their early sustenance from their parents. Many of them, for example, manifest a guiding appreciation of direction and distance, which Man can only gain by long experience. Thus, a Fly-catcher just come out of its shell, has been seen to peck-at and capture an Insect, with an aim as perfect as if it had been all its life engaged in learning the art.*—Still more remarkable is the perception that guides the actions of a little Fish, the Chatodon rostratus, which shoots-out drops of fluid from its prolonged snout, so as to strike Insects that happen to be near the surface of the water, thus causing them to fall-in, and to be brought within its reach. Now by the refraction of light, the real place of the Insect in the air will not be that at which it appears to the Fish in the water, but will be a little below its apparent place; and to this point the aim must be directed. The difference between the real and the apparent place, moreover, will not be constant; for the more perpendicularly the rays enter the water, the less will be the variation; and, on the other hand, the more oblique the direction, the greater will be the difference. 161. It has been recently maintained that the want, both of the apprehension of distance, and of the power of directing the Muscular movements so as at once to lay hold of an object, which every one who carefully observes the actions of the Human Infant must recognize, is a mere matter of development; the human infant coming into the world in a less advanced condition * See the experiments of Mr. Spalding on this subject, detailed in his paper in "Macmillan's Magazine" for February, 1873, to which reference has already been made (§ 77). i8o Of Perception and Instinct. than the young of many other animals, which are able to run about and seek their own sustenance from the first. But the Writer has strong personal reasons for asserting that such is not the fact. Having been introduced into the Medical profession by an eminent Surgeon of Bristol (the late Mr. J. B. Estlin), who had a large Ophthalmic practice in the West of England and South Wales, he had the opportunity of seeing many cases of congenital Cataract cured by operation; the condition of these children being exactly parallel in respect of Vision, to that of Mr. Spalding's hooded chicks. Generally speaking, the operation was performed within the first twelvemonths; but he distinctly remembers two cases, in one of which the subject was a remarkably sturdy little fellow of three years old, whilst the other was a lad of nine. In the latter, however, there had been more visual power before the operation, than in the former; and he therefore presents the well remembered case of Jemmy Morgan as the basis of his assertion, that the acquirement of the power of visually guiding the muscular movements is experiential in the case of the Human Infant:— Jemmy had most assuredly come to that stage of his development, which would justify the expectation that if he had his Sight he would at once use it for his guidance, supposing the power of doing so to be congenital, for his father being a farmer a few miles out of Bristol, he was accustomed to go about by himself in the farm- yard, where he made friends with eArery one of its inhabitants, and picked up from the labourers a very improper accomplishment,— that of swearing most horribly. He was so strong, that it was necessary for the performance of the operation that his body should be bound down upon a table, and that each of his limbs and his head should be held by a separate"assistant. The Writer remembers that he had charge of his head, which he found it impossible altogether to prevent him from rolling from side to side; whilst his roars and cursea seem even now ringing in the Writer's ears. The operation, performed with consummate dexterity,—the handle of the cataract-needle being left by Mr. Estlin to "play" between his fingers, as Jemmy's head Acquirement of Visual Perceptions. i 81 would move in spite of the strongest efforts to restrain it,—was entirely successful. In a few days both pupils were almost clear; and it was obvious from his actions that he had distinct Visual Per- ceptions. But though he clearly recognised the direction of a candle or other bright object, he was as unable as an Infant to apprehend its distance; so that when told to lay hold of a watch, he groped at it, just like a young child lying in its cradle. It was very gradually that he came to use his Sight for the guidance of his movements : and when going about the house at which he was staying in Bristol, with which he had familiarized himself before the operation, he generally shut his eyes, as if puzzled rather than aided by them. When he came up to Mr. Estlin's house, however, he would show that he was acquiring a considerable amount of visual power; and it was his favourite amuse- ment there, to blow about with his breath a piece of white paper on the surface of a dark mahogany table, round and round which he would run, as he wafted the paper from one side to another, shouting with glee at his novel exploit. Nevertheless, when he returned home to his father's house and farm-yard, his parents (very intelligent people) remarked that he was for some time obviously puzzled by his Sight, shutting his eyes as he went about in his old way; though whenever he went to a new place, he was obviously aided by it. But it was several months before he came to trust to it for his guidance, as other children of his age would do.—Jemmy's case was very carefully observed, both by Mr. Estlin and the Writer, with full knowledge of the interest attaching to such observations; and every fact the Writer has here stated remains as distinctly impressed on his mind at the distance of more than forty years, as if it had only happened yesterday,—the image of Jemmy, in his red frock, and with his still redder legs, being more vivid than any other reminiscence of his early professional life. 162. This formation of acquired Perceptions, anl their gradual assumption of the immediate character of those which belong to our original constitution (§§ 167, 168), bear a striking analogy to the process by which habitual Movements come to be linked-on to the Sensations that prompt them, so as at last to be automatically performed, although originally directed by the Will. And it can scarcely be regarded as improbable, that, in the one case as in the 18 2 Of Perception and Instinct. other, the Nervous Mechanism grows-to particular modes of activity (§ 138); so that successions of change are uniformly excited by particular stimuli, which were not provided-for in its original construction. Such a view harmonizes well with the fact, that such associations, alike between Sensations and respon- dent movements, and between Sensations and respondent ideas, are formed much more readily during the period of Childhood and Adolescence, than they are after the full measure of development has been attained; and that they are much more durable in the former case than in the latter. Throughout the whole Consti- tution of Man, as well Physical as Mental, we witness a marked capacity of adaptation to a great variety of circumstances ; and by the self-education directed by those circumstances, he gradually acquires those modes of action, which in other Animals are originally and uniformly prompted by their Instinctive tendencies. It will be shown hereafter (§ 275) to be accordant with the general laws of Nutrition, that such habitual modes of action should express themselves in the formation of the Nervous mechanism, so as to develope in it arrangements corresponding to those which it elsewhere originally possessed; and that such arrangements, when once formed, should be kept-up through life, provided that they are not allowed to pass into disuse. Hence, although placed at a disadvantage in comparison with other Animals during the earlier periods of his life, Man is enabled ultimately to attain to a far wider range of Perceptive appreciation than that to which they are limited; there being, in fact, no class of Sense-impres- sions, from which, by habitual Attention to them (§ 127), he may not draw information of a far more precise and varied nature, than they seemed at first to be capable of affording. 163. We have seen that, for the production of a Sensation, a conscious state of Mind is all that is required ; Avhilst, on the other hand, for the exercise of the Perceptive power, a certain degree of Attention is requisite ; or, in other Avords, the Mind must be directed No Perception without Attention. 183 towards the sensation. And thus it happens that, when the Mind is either inactive, or is completely engrossed by some other subject of thought, the Sensation may neither be perceived nor remem- bered, notwithstanding that we have evidence, derived from the respondent movements of the body, that it has been felt. Thus a person in a state of imperfect Sleep may start at a loud sound, or may turn-away from a light shining on his face; being conscious of the Sensation, and acting automatically upon it, but forming no kind of appreciation of the externality of its source. And, in like manner, a person in a state of profound Abstraction (§ 443) may perform many automatic movements, which cannot (so far as we know) be excited otherwise than through the medium of Sensation ; and yet the exciting sensations are neither perceived by him at the time, nor are they afterwards remembered; so that when he is aroused from his reverie, he may be astonished to find himself in circumstances altogether different from those under which he passed into it. Sometimes, however, the Sense-impression may excite a sort of imperfect Perception, which is subsequently remembered and completed. For example, the Student who does not hear the repeated strokes of the clock, when his mind is entirely given-up to his object of pursuit, may have a sort of vague consciousness of them if his attention be less completely engrossed by his studies ; and although the sounds may not suggest at the moment any distinct idea of the passage of time, yet, when he subsequently gives his attention to the Sensorial impression, he may remember to have heard the clock strike, and may even be able to retrace the number of strokes.* When the Attention • It is curious that, in so retracing a number, we are often assisted by mentally reproducing the succession of strokes ; imagining their recurrence, until we feel that we have counted-up to the impression that was left upon our Sensorium.—In the same way, if asked how many stairs there are in a staircase which we are in the habit of using, we may not be able to name the number ; yet, when actually ascending or descending, we are conscious that we have arrived at the top or the bottom, by the completion of that series of Sensorial changes which has become habitual to us. 184 Of Perception and Instinct. is directed, however, to the sonorous impressions (as when we are listening for the striking of the clock), or when it is not so closely fixed on any other object as to prevent it from being attracted by the Sense-impressions, the sounds are not only recognized as proceeding from an external source, which is a simple act of Perception, but the sensations we perceive are dis- criminated from all others of like nature ; and it is by this kind of mental intensification of the perceptive change to which they give rise, that the sensations themselves are impressed with bo much additional force on our consciousness, as to seem extra- ordinarily increased in acuteness. Although we are accustomed to see this chiefly in cases Avhere some particular kind of perceptive acuteness has been acquired by habit (§ 127), yet we may learn from certain phenomena of Somnambulism (both spontaneous and artificial) that nothing more is needed, than that concen- tration of the whole mind upon the Sensorial indications, which is the natural state of the Infant (§ 498). 164. Taking as the basis of the knowledge possessed by Man of any object external to him (and therefore of the External World generally), first, a subjective Sensation called forth by the presence of that object; secondly, the recognition of the externality of the cause of that sensation ; and thirdly, the formation of a notion re- specting the quality of the object which called it forth,—we have next to inquire into the mode in which such elementary Notions or Cognitions (which are afterwards to be combined into the composite Idea of the object) are generated. How far any of them are original or intuitive, is a question which has been much dis- cussed by Psychologists : some maintaining that all such Notions are generalizations based on experience; Avhilst others regard them as the products of Intuition, that is, as mental instincts, of which no other account can be given, than that such cognitions are formed—like the sensations that excite them—from " a law of our nature." Psychologists of both schools agree in considering the Sense of Direction. 185 formation of these elementary Notions, like the performance of movements prompted or guided by them, as an automatic action ; the difference in their views consisting in this,—that Intuition- alists regard this action as primarily automatic, while Psycho- logists of the Experience-school regard it as secondarily automatic. As it appears to the Writer that Physiology can throw consider- able light on this question, he will here examine in some detail the mode in wdiich those visual perceptions are formed, whereon we mainly depend for our ordinary guidance. 165. One of the most elementary of our Visual cognitions is the Sense of Directum, whereby we recognize the relations of the points from which luminous rays issue, and thus see objects erect, though their pictures on the retina are inverted. Some Psychologists have gone so far as to assert that Infants really see all objects inverted, and only acquire the true notion of their position in reference to themselves, by the corrective experience gained by touching and handling them. But this is a pure assumption, founded on an entirely erroneous notion of the nature of Sensa- tion. For it supposes that we look at the picture formed on the retina, by the "mind's eye" placed behind it, just as we look at the picture formed by a camera with the bodily eye ; whereas the fact is unquestionable, that Sensation is a state of consciousness excited by the transmission to the Sensorium (through the optic nerve) of the impression produced by the picture on the retina ; and as we know nothing whatever of the mode in which the Physical change is translated, so to speak, into the Mental, there is no reason why it should be less natural for the retinal impres- sion to suggest to the mind the notion of the real position of an object, than to call up a representation corresponding to its inverted picture. As a matter of fact, it is found that persons who have for the first time acquired Sight by operation, at an age when they can describe .their sensations, are able to recognise the direction of any luminous object, though quite incapable of appreciating its 186 Of Perception and Instinct. distance. And it appears from the experiments of Dr. Serre,* that the luminous spectra produced when pressure is made upon the eye in a dark room, are seen in a direction which has in each case a constant and definite relation to the part of the retina that is affected by the pressure, either directly, or secondarily through its transmission to the opposite side of the globe. By an extensive series of observations on the relation of the positions of these primary and secondaiy plwsphenes, both to each other and to the seat of compression, Dr. Serre has been able to deduce the im- portant conclusion, that the lines joining these spectra and the spots of the retina by the affection of which they are produced, all pass through a common " centre of direction," which is situated nearly in the middle of the crystalline lens. And from these facts it seems a legitimate conclusion, that our sense of the relative directions of external objects, which affect different points of our retina by their luminous rays, is primarily derived from a kind of extradition of the Visual sensation, corresponding to that which takes place in the case of our Tactile (§ 132). The Writer quite agrees, however, with Professor Bain, that in our ordinary use o Vision w^e are greatly guided as to the recognition of relative direction, by the Muscular Sense called forth in the movements we give to our eyeballs, when we transfer our gaze from one point of a visual picture to another. 166. The recognition of the singleness of the object which forms a simultaneous visual picture on both eyes, has been very gener- ally regarded by Physiologists as necessarily arising, by "a law of our nature," from a certain structural relation between what have been termed " corresponding points " on the two retinae; " double vision," or the recognition of two distinct images, taking place whenever, through a want of harmony in the action of the muscles, the axes of the two eyes do not converge in the object looked-at. But this view of the case is inconsistent with the fact, that if such * "Essai surles Phosphenes," Paris, 1853. Single and Double Vision. 187 abnormal conditions should become permanent (as in squinting) the vision after a time becomes " single " again, notAvithstanding that the pictures are formed on parts of the retinas which do not correspond. Further, if the Muscular irregularity be rectified by surgical means, so that the axes of the two eyes can be again brought into convergence in the object looked at, double vision recurs for a time, although the images are now formed upon the original " corresponding points." It is also a fact well known to Ophthalmic Surgeons, that if an opaque spot has been formed in the centre of the cornea, or an artificial pupil has been made at the margin of the iris, so that the most distinct vision is gained when the axis of one eye is directed, not to the object, but to some other point, such direction will become habitual; yet although, when the two eyes work together, there is a decided squint, there is no " double vision." Since it is clear from these facts, that the recognition of the singleness of the object of sensation is the result of experience, in the cases in which it supersedes a temporaiy double vision, it may be fairly so regarded in the case of the Infant; more particularly since observation shows that the con- vergence of its eyes upon the object looked-at, is, in the first in- stance, by no means so immediate or exact as it subsequently becomes. And, further, it is obvious that if (as seems not im- probable) there is some structural arrangement which conduces to singleness of vision when the images are thrown on the originally corresponding points of the two retinae, such mechanism must have developed itself de novo, whenever single vision is the result of the habitual conjoint use of two eyes whose axes do not converge so as to meet in the object. 167. A like process of experiential acquirement of Perceptional cognitions having the immediateness and trustworthiness of the Sensations on which they are based, is demonstrable in regard to those notions of form which we derive from the Visual sense alone, when it has been educated by co-ordination with the Tactile. It 18 8 Of Perception and Instinct. may now be affirmed with certainty, that Sight originally informs' us only of Avhat can be represented in a Picture—that is, light and; shade, and colour; and it may be affirmed, with equal certainty,! that the notions of form which Ave obtain through the sense of j Touch (when exercised in combination with muscular movements, of which the " muscular sense " renders us cognizant) are originally unrelated to those derived from Sight; so that when a blind adult; first acquires vision, objects with which he (or she) possesses the greatest tactile familiarity, are not recognized by its means, until1 the two sets of Sense-impressions have been co-ordinated by re- peated experience. The best evidence of this kind is derived from . observations made upon persons born blind, to whom sight has^ been communicated by an operation, at a period of life which enabled them to give an accurate description of their sensa-i tions :— a. The case long ago recorded by Cheselden still remains one of the: most interesting of these. The youth (about twelve years of ago), for some time after tolerably distinct vision had been obtained, saw everything flat as in a picture, simply receiving the consciousness of the impression made upon his retina; and it was some time before he acquired the power of judging, by his sight, of the real forms and distances of the objects around him. An amusing anecdote recorded | of him, shows the complete want which there is in Man of anyj original or intuitive connection between the ideas formed through; visual and through tactile sensations. He was well acquainted with a Dog and a Cat by feeling, but could not remember their respective characters when he saw them ; and one day, when thus puzzled, he took up the cat in his arms, and felt her attentively, so as to associate the two sets of cognitions, and then, setting her down, said, "So puss, I shall know you another time." The same indication, moreover, is obviously afforded by the case of Jemmy Morgan already cited (§ 161).—In a recently-recorded case in which sight was imparted by an operation to a young woman who had been blind from birth, it was interesting to contrast the Co-ordination of Visual and Tactile Perceptions. 189 rapidity and accuracy of her Tactile perception, which was highly educated, with the slow, laborious process by means of which she arrived at a conception of the shape and nature of an object through the medium of her newly-acquired and imperfectly-educated Vision :— , 6. "I found," says the operator, "that she was never able to ascer- tain what an object really was by Sight alone, although she could cor- rectly describe its shape and colour; but that after she had once in- structed one sense, through the medium of the other, and compared the impressions conveyed by touch and sight, she was ever after able to recognise the object without touching it. In this respect her memory was very perfect: I never knew her fail in a single instance, though 'I put this power frequently to the test of experiment. It was curious to place before her some very familiar object that she had : never compared in this way, such as a pair of scissors. She would describe their shape, colour, glistening metallic character, but would fail in ascertaining what they really were, until she put a finger on them, when in an instant she would name them, and laugh at her own stupidity, as she called it, in not having made them out before." —(See Critchett, in Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, vol. xxxviii.) 168. Still more remarkable is the acquirement of those Percep- tions of solid form or Relief, which we derive, as Sir C. Wheat- stone's admirable investigations have shown, from the Mental combination of the dissimilar perspectives that are projected by solid objects upon our two retinae. When we bring to our right and left eyes respectively, by means of the Stereoscope, pictures corresponding to those wrhich would be formed on their two retinae by the actual object if placed before them at a moderate distance, the resulting perception of the solidity of the image seems as necessary and immediate as if it Avere the product of an original Intuition; and this perception is strong enough to assert itself, in spite of our intellectual knowledge that we are looking at two plane surfaces. Now, although it may be inferred from the actions of many of the loAver Animals, that the perception of the relative r 90 Of Perception and Instinct. distances of near objects or parts of an object (which constitutes the basis of the conception of solidity) is in their case intuitive, it may be affirmed, as a conclusion beyond reasonable doubt, that this also is acquired by the Human infant during the earliest months of its life, by a co-ordination of its muscular and visual sensations; which enables the automatic mechanism to adopt the dissimilarity of position between corresponding points in the two pictures, as the measure of their relative distances. The self- education of this Perceptive faculty Avhich goes on during the first few months of infantile life, is the basis of our subsequent Visual knowledge of the External World, as it seems to be for the most part also of the primary belief in its objective reality (§ 159). 169. In this Visual recognition of the solid form of an object by the mental combination of its two dissimilar perspectives, we have an exercise of judgment, the decision of which may be as implicitly trusted (at least under ordinary circumstances) as if it were authoritatively delivered by a congenital faculty, but which really rests on a basis of Experience. It is scarcely conceivable that the Infant consciously asks itself the question, " What do I see 1" But there can be little doubt that, in the earlier stages of its ex- perience, it is incapable (like the newly-seeing adult) of distinguish- ing between a picture and the solid object which it represents ; and that the essential condition of a judgment—the possibility of the opposite, or of something else—therefore exists for it. But with every consentaneous exercise of the Arisual, tactile, and muscular sensations, during the Infant's gaze at an object grasped in its hands and carried to different distances by the motion of its arms, there is a new co-ordination, which helps to supply the deficiency in the sum of all that preceded; and this process is repeated until the complement of the whole serves as the basis of the cognition, which we thenceforth rightly characterize as "self- evident." 170. It is not a little remarkable that even that Visual percep- Binocular Perception of Solidity:—Pseudoscope. 191 tion of Solidity, which is based on the Binocular combination of dissimilar perspectives, may, under certain circumstances, be antagonized by a higher experience, so as to be for a time, or even permanently, excluded. The very ingenious Pseudoscope con- trived by Sir C. Whcatstone, effects a lateral reversal of the perspective projections of actual objects on the two retinae, corre- sponding to that Avhich would be made by " crossing" the pictures in the Stereoscope; and thus, in viewing through it any solid object, we ought at once, if the visual perception Avere a necessary product (as Sir DaAud Brewster maintained) of the geometrical relations of the two images, to see all its projections and depres- sions reArersed,—the exterior of a basin, for example, being changed into a concave interior; and the projecting rim on which it rests, into a deep furrow. But this " conversion of relief" is generally resisted, for a time at least, by the preconception of the actual form which is based on habitual experience ; and it only takes place immediately, in cases in which the converted form is at least as familiar to the mind as the actual form. Thus, when we look with the Pseudoscope at Wig interior of a mask, or at a holloav mould of a plaster bust, the mental representation of the image in relief is at once called-up. But when we look pseudoscopically at the face of a plaster bust, or at the outside of a mask, it is only after a lengthened gaze that such " conversion of relief" occurs; the mind being so much more familiar Avith the actual form, that the mental image of the interior of a mould or mask is not called-up, until the visual perception has overcome, as if by continued pressure, the resistance of the preconception ; and for this a considerable time is often required. In the case of the living human face, however, it seems that no protraction of the Pseudoscopic gaze is sufficient 0 bring about a " conversion of relief" ; the perceptive conscious- ness (probably here under the complete domination of the Intellectual) refusing to entertain the notion of an actual visage having the form of the interior of a mask. 192 Of Perception and Instinct. 171. The notion of Solidity or projection in three dimensions, ns distinct from a representation of an object on a plane surface, may, under certain circumstances, be derived from a single flat picture, no less strongly than from the combination of the. two dissimilar perspectives of the object. It has long been known that if we gaze steadily at a picture, whose perspective projection, lights and shadows, and general arrangement of details, are such as accurately correspond with the reality which it represents, the impression it produces will be much more vivid when wre look with one eye only, than when we use both ; and that the effect will be further heightened, when we carefully shut out the surroundings of the picture, by looking through a tube of appropriate size and shape. This fact has been commonly accounted-for in a very erroneous manner. " We see more exquisitely," says Lord Bacon, " with one eye than with both, because the vital spirits thus unite them- selves the more and become the stronger;" and other writers, though in different language, agree with Bacon in attributing the result to the concentration of the visual power, when only one eye is used. But the fact is, that when we look with both eyes at a picture within a moderate distance, we are forced to recognize it as a flat surface ; whilst, when we look with only one, our Minds are at liberty to be acted-on by the suggestions furnished by the per- spective, chiaroscuro, &c.; so that, after we have gazed for a little time, the picture may begin to start into relief, and may even come to possess the solidity of a model. The completeness of this illusion will essentially depend upon the exactness with which the picture represents the real "projection" of its object upon aflat surface. It is very rarely that pictures painted by human hands " come out" after this fashion in a degree at all comparable to sun- pictures ; for the obvious reason that the Photograph represents not merely the exact perspective of the scene or object, but the actual chiaroscuro as it was at any one moment, with a fidelity which the Artist, who requires time for his work, cannot possibly Monocular Perception of Solidity. —Photographs. 19 3 equal, since the shadows on the object are so constantly changing as he proceeds, that he can scarcely by any possibility avoid a departure from strict truth in his combinations.—The nearest approach to sun-pictures in respect to the truthfulness of the chiaroscuro, is presented by pictures painted by artificial light, the uniformity of which can be maintained Avhile the " sitting'' lasts. a. The Writer possesses three Photographs, two of bassi-relievi, and one of an alto-relievo, by Lucca della Bobia; which, when looked at with one eye in the manner now described, give rise to a feeling of solidity so vivid, that it is almost impossible not to credit it. b. As the shadows are. strong in all these Photographs, the illusion is promoted by causing the light by which they are viewed, to fall on them in the direction corresponding to that in which it fell on the originals, when (so to speak) they sat to the photographic camera for their portraits; but this is by no means a necessary condition, the effect being produced with nearly the same vividness in diffused day- light.—If, indeed, a strong light be seen to proceed from the opposite side, so that the direction of the shadows in the Photograph is reversed with reference to it, a picture may be turned (as it were) inside-out, so as no longer to present the relievo, but its hollow mould, provided that the Mind will readily accept the conversion. This effect the Writer can produce most effectively with a beautiful Photograph of a large American Trilobite imbedded in its rocky matrix; for according to the direction in which the light is allowed to fall upon it, the surface of the back of the Trilobite appears to project, or is turned into a concave reverse, representing the " cast" of that surface in the surrounding rock,—the effect in either case being aided by a Mental predetermination as to which view shall he seen. c. In the beautiful Medallion-engravings (produced by mechanical means) that were in fashion some years ago, the like illusion could be produced; the same picture being caused to represent either a rameo or an intaglio, by such a disposition as made its lights and shadows correspond with those which would have been thrown from the source of illumination, had the rays fallen on an actual cameo or an actual intaglio. It is remarkable that the effect of this mode of viewing Photo- 10 194 Of Perception and Instinct. graphic pictures is not limited to bringing out the solid forms of objects; for other features are thus seen in a manner more true to the reality, and therefore more suggestive of it. This may be noticed especially with regard to the representation of still water, which is generally one of the most unsatisfactory parts of a Photo- graph ; for although, when looked at with both eyes, its surface appears opaque, like white wax, a wonderful depth and transparence are often given to it by viewing it with only one.—And the same holds good also in regard to the characters of surfaces from which light is reflected,—as bronze or ivory; the material of the object from which the Photograph was taken being recognized much more cer- tainly when the picture is looked at with one eye, than when both are used, unless in stereoscopic combinations. 172. The superiority of Monocular to Binocular vision depends in these cases upon the freedom with which the Mind is left to interpret the picture after its own fashion, when no longer forced to vieAv it as a flat surface; and the interpretation is here so obviously based on experience, which gives to every incident of the picture a suggestive power of its own, as to destroy the force of any argument that might be erected on the immediateness and uniformity of the perception of Relief derived from the binocular combination of two dissimilar perspectives, as to the original or intuitive character of that perception. For it thus becomes clear that this combination is only one out of several modes of suggestion by wdiich that notion is formed; whilst the phenomena of the Pseudoscope shoAv that the notion is by no means necessarily called up by the visual impressions which ordinarily produce it. 173. But further, it is not a little curious that an actual conversion of relief may be produced by a Mental preconception, when Ave look at certain solid forms with one eye only. For just as the want of poAver to appreciate distance monocularly, enables us to invest a pictorial representation with the attribute of solid form, so is a solid form represented to the mind as a flat picture; and to this picture Ave may mentally give a solid form the very Conversion of Relief 195 opposite of that Avhich it really possesses. Of this fact, which is of no small importance in elucidating the nature of false perception (§ 186), the folloAving are illustrations :— a. It has long been known that when a seal is looked-at through a Microscope, it will appear sometimes projecting as a cameo, some- times excavated as an intaglio; this " conversion of relief" taking place alike with the engraven stone or its waxen impression. That it is due, not (as some have supposed) to an optical change effected by the Microscope, but simply to the limitation of the visual impression to a single eye, which deprives the judgment of the positive guidance whereon it ordinarily relies, is clearly proved by the fact that no such conversion can be produced under a properly constructed Binocular Microscope,—a seal, like every other object, being represented in its true projection ; while it is readily effected in regard to larger objects of a suitable nature, without the interven- tion of any optical instrument. Thus, as Sir D. Brewster pointed out in his " Natural Magic," if we take the intaglio mould of a bas- relief, and look steadily on it for a time with one eye, excluding surrounding objects as much as possible from our attention, We may distinctly see the bas-relief as if projecting. "After a little practice," he says, " I have succeeded in raising a complete hollow mask of the human face, the size of life, into a projecting head." 6. If instead of a plaster mould, we take a common pasteboard mask (such as is sold in every toy-shop), and paint the inside, which is usually left in the rough, so that the colours of its different parts may imitate, as closely as possible, those of the corresponding parts of its exterior, and the inside or hollow surface of the mask be then held at arm's length from the eye, with the light so arranged that no shadow falls anywhere upon it,—not only will the image of the projecting face very readily present itself, but it will be difficult for an observer who has once caught this, to see the mask as it really is, even by a determinate effort. The illusion is the more complete, if his view be limited to the mask itself, and he be brought to the proper point of sight without being aware of what he is to see ; so that, of a large number of persons on whom the Writer has tried this experiment, almost all have at once pronounced that they were looking at the projecting surface of the mask, and have only been convinced to the contrary by the conjoint use of both eyes. 196 Of Perception and Instinct. The facility with which these conversions, and others of like nature, occur to the " mind's eye," may be readily shoAvn to depend upon the degree of readiness with Avhich, in virtue of our previous habits and experiences, the visual picture suggests the real form, or its converse. c. In tho case of a seal, the hollow mould and its projecting cast are objects almost equally familiar; hence the representation of either may offer itself, and the one may be substituted for the other by a slight effort of the A'olitional power of Conception. The conversion of the hollow mask into the projecting face is, to most persons, still more easy, because they are more accustomed to the life-like features of the plaster-model, than they are to the concave mould which has no similitude in nature; whilst, on the other hand, the Writer has not found it possible to convert the face of a bust into the likeness of a hollow mask by the simple monocular gaze, however long continued, even with the aid of the strongest effort so to conceive it.—When a seal is looked at in a Microscope, or larger objects of the same kind are seen through an inverting Telescope, the " conversion of relief" is aided by the fact that the optical inversion of the images has caused the relation of the shadows to the known source of the light to he also reversed, so that they fall as they would do if the cameo were really replaced by the intaglio, or the intaglio by the cameo. 174. Another singularly.interesting demonstration of the inabi- lity of monocular vision to afford any certainly-true idea of solid form, was given by Sir C. Wheatstone in the first of his two re- markable memoirs on Binocular Vision :— If we hold up at arm's length a small skeleton-cube made of wire or ebony-beading, and look at it with one eye whilst placing it in a variety of positions by turning it between the fingers, so long as the Mind perceives the cube, its various perspective projections are interpreted by it as so many different representations of one object, all of them suggesting the same primitive form. But as certain of these perspective projections might be given by an object of very different shape, it will probably happen that in some position of the cube one of these dissimilar figures will suggest itself fo the mind; and, if this new conception be fixed by a steady gaze for a short Visual Perception an Act of yudgment. 197 time, it will take such possession of the Mind, that some effort is required to bring back the original conception, so long, that is, as the position of the cube remains unchanged. But if, whilst the Mind is thus possessed with the false idea, the cube be again made to turn between the fingers, the series of successive projections then presented not being reconcilable with the converse form, either the Mind reverts to the original conception of the cube as the only one with which they are consistent, or (if this should not bo adopted) the skeleton-figure seems to be continually undergoing a change of thape, as if its sides, ivere hinged together and fell into new inclinations with every new position given to the object.—{Philosophical Trans- actions, 1838.) 175. Thus our Perception of solid form, when only one eye is used, is clearly a matter of judgment, determined by the tendency of the Mind to interpret the visual picture according to its previous familiarity with the forms which that picture may represent: its choice between two or more of these being quite involuntary, when one is decidedly more familiar to the mind than another; but being to a certain extent under volitional control, when they present themselves Avith equal or nearly equal readiness, through the poAver possessed by the Will of fixing the attention upon either one, to the exclusion of the others.—In ordinary Binocular Vision of a moderately near object, on the other hand, there is no waver- in"'; we feel that there can be no mistake. There is but one solid form that can furnish the two dissimilar perspective projections. Hence that form presents itself to our Minds, independently of any previous acquaintance Avith it, as the necessary resultant of the combination of those pictures ; and this is the case even with pairs of pictures which differ in a degree that is itself quite inconsistent with our experience, provided that the resultant suggested by their combination is conformable to our experience. Thus, when we look at an actual Landscape, the perspective views we receive through the right and left eyes respectively, of every part of it save the fore-ground, are so nearly the same, as to convey no sugges- 198 Of Perception and Instinct. tion of their relative distances; that suggestion being here conveyed by other differences, as of size, distinctness, and the like (§ 180). But the two Photographs of such a landscape taken for the Stereoscope, represent it as seen from two points of view sufficiently remote from each other, to produce that degree of dissimilarity in the pictures to which we are accustomed in looking at a near object; and thus the idea of the relative distances of the different parts of the landscape, is suggested with all the force derived from that difference. So, the Photographs of the Moon Avhich are taken at the extremes of her " libration in longitude," are sufficiently dissimilar to one another to "pair" in the Stereoscope, and thus to bring out not only the solid form of her globe, but even the projection of some of the principal craters, Avith unmistakcable effect. And further, a most striking effect is sometimes produced by the Stereoscopic combination of a pair of pictures, of Avhich neither by itself suggests any idea of the scene it represents. But in all these cases, the result of the combination is consistent with our previous experience, or, at any rate, is not inconsistent Avith it. As we intellectually know that the Moon is really globular, though her face—as ordinarily seen by us—looh flat, we are quite prepared for the acceptance of the suggestion made by the Stereoscopic vieAV of it. And when a dark patch upon the apparent face of an ice-cliff is carried back stereoscopically to a remote distance beyond, we interpret it as representing a far-off village seen through an arch in the cliff,—a view readily conceiv- able by our minds, though we may have never actually seen it. 176. However different in kind, then, may be the visual data on which our ordinary Monocular and Binocular perceptions are based, the mental operation by which we build upon them is essentially the same in both cases. For the binocular view of an object, like the monocular, does nothing else than suggest to the Mind the con- ception of a certain solid form; and that the adoption of this conception depends much more upon the antecedent condition of Estimation of Distance. 199 the mind, than it does upon the purely optical relations of the two retinal pictures, is rendered quite certain (in the Writer's opinion) by the application of the pseudoscopic test (§170). For according to the theory of intuitive cognition, based on the optical differences of the two pictures, every tiling at Avhich Ave look wuth the Pseudo- scope ought to be at once " turned inside-out." But a large pro- portion of the objects on which we try its converting powers, are proof against them; those only being readily metamorphosed, whose new forms can be readily conceived. And the percipient Mind will not admit too strange a novelty ; it obstinately clings to so much of the reality, as is recognized by its previous Tactile experience to be the necessary interpretation of the Visual impression ordinarily received from the object; and it can only accept such modifica- tions as are capable of being fitted-on to the results of that ex- perience. 177. Our visual recognition of solid form is aided by sugges- tions of another kind, which are furnished by that measurement of the relative distances of the different points of an object, which we make by bringing the axes of the eyes into convergence upon those points successively; the degree of such convergence being indicated to us by the "muscular sense" that originates in the state of the Muscles we put in action to produce it. Here, again, it is obvious from what has been already stated, that our interpretation of that sensation is acquired, not intuitive ; and it will be presently shown that, under certain circumstances, an increase or diminution of the angle of convergence rather suggests change of size, than change of distance (§ 182). How much of our right estimation of the relative distances of objects not far removed from the eye, depends upon the conjoint use of both eyes, is made evident by the fact that if we close one eye, we find ourselves unable to execute with ce:laiiity any actions Avhich require the guidance of that estima- tion,—such as threading a needle, or passing a crooked stick throuo-h a suspended ring. And it has sometimes happened that 200 Of Perception and Instinct. persons who have lost the sight of one eye, have been first made aware of its want by their inability to execute such actions. 178. It will now be apparent how, when one eye is closed, we lose that power of certainly distinguishing a flat picture from a projecting relievo, or either from a concave mould, Avhich we derive from the conjoint use of both organs. We can make'no mistake in our binocular estimation of such objects, provided their dimen- sions and distances be such as to make their two retinal projections appreciably different, and to require a sensible difference in the convergence of the optic axes as they are successively directed to different points. We are forced to see that a picture is nothing but a plane-surface, that the outside of a mask represents the actual features of a human face, and that the hollow mould is the concave reflex of the cast Avhich has been turned out of it, so long as these objects are within a few feet distance, and are seen by both eyes at once. And thus it becomes evident that the remarkable converting power of monocular vision, by which a single picture may be raised into stereoscopic relief, and cameos and intaglios be mistaken for each other (§§ 171-173), is—however interesting as a Psychological phenomenon—really a mark of imperfection in the visual sense wThen thus exercised. 179. That such is the true view of the case, appears further from this ; that we are liable to be thus deceived in regard to the very same objects, even when we look at them with both eyes, provided that they are removed to a sufficient distance to render the difference of their retinal projections inappreciable, and to prevent the relative distances of their parts from being measured through the sense of convergence. The large Architectural pictures formerly exhibited in the Diorama often gave such an impression of projection, that almost everyone who saw them would have been ready to affirm that a particular column or statue must have been painted on a different surface from the rest, liko a detached part of a scene in a theatre ;—until, Estimation of Distance and Size. 201 on slightly moving the head from side to side, the absence of any alteration in its apparent position made it evident that it must bo on the same plane with the adjacent parts. The perplexing vividness of this deception was due, as is now well known, to the early possession by MM. Daguerre and Niepce of one form of the Photographic art; which enabled them to impart to their architectural pictures a truthfulness previously unattainable, and therefore gave to these pictures an extraordinary power of suggesting the solid forms of the objects they represented.—Many of the apartments in the Louvre are decorated with cornices which so vividly represent projecting forms, as to be generally mistaken for them by such as see them for the first time; and visitors to the Bourse of Paris will recollect the large allegorical paintings in its interior, which are so executed, and so disposed, as very strongly to suggest to those who only view them from a distance the perception of high relief. 180. Our estimate of the distance of remote objects is clearly a matter of judgment based on • experience > being chiefly founded upon their apparent size, if their actual size be known or guessed; or, if we have no knowledge of this, and our view does not range over the intervening space, upon that modification of their distinct- ness of colour and outline, which is known to Artists as " aerial perspective." Hence this estimate is liable to be greatly affected by varying states of the atmosphere : the same mountain-peak, for example, being apparently brought much nearer than it is in reality, when an extraordinary clearness of the air enables all its- features to be distinctly seen ; and carried to a much greater apparent distance, when a slight haziness of the air softens them all down. This alteration has a very curious effect upon our appreciation of the sizes of distant objects (§ 181). * 181. Of the relative sizes of objects, our estimate is partly based on the sizes of the pictures formed of them on our retina, or, in other words, on the " visual angles " they subtend ; and partly on our appreciation of their distances,—the apparent size of an object seen under a given visual angle being estimated as larger or smaller than the reality, according as Ave suppose it to be more or 202 Of Perception and Instinct. less distant than it really is. Thus the apparent height of moun- tains is so greatly affected by our estimate of their distance, that, according to the varying atmospheric conditions which modify the latter (§ 180), the same mountain may appear much higher or much lower than it really is; its height being tMiefer-estimated when the peak is made to seem very near, and over-estimated wlien its apparent distance is exaggerated,—just as, Avhen wTe are walking across a common in a fog, a child dimly seen through it seems to have the stature of a man, and a man that of a giant. In the case of a near object, hoAvever, we are not liable to any such error; since, if we truly appreciate its distance in the mode already described (§ 177), the appreciation of its size can be derived with certainty from the dimensions of*its visual picture. 182. The appreciation of size, like that of solid form, is a matter of immediate judgment,- but there is strong evidence that in this, as in the preceding case, the power of forming that judgment has been acquired by experience. Much light has been thrown upon this as upon other phenomena of Binocular Vision, by the ingenious experimental researches of Sir Charles Wheatstone. A simple modification of his mirror-stereoscope enables the observer to vary the distances of the pair of pictures from his eyes, Avithout altering the angle of their convergence; and, conversely, to alter the angle of convergence of the optic axes, Avithout altering the distance of the pictures. Now in the first case, the perceived dimensions of the pictures change—diminishing as their distance increases, and vice versd,—in accordance with the change in the actual dimensions of the retinal pictures; the effect being very much like that of the phantasmagoria. But in the second case, a most remarkabl^ change takes place in the perceived dimensions of the pictures, although the actual dimensions of their retinal pictures remain unaltered. For when the optic axes are made to converge upon them more and more, as they would do if they Avere fixed upon a single picture gradually brought very near the eyes, tlie apparent Estimation of Size. 203 size of ilie pictures undergoes a most remarkable reduction ; Avhilst, if the arms of the stereoscope are so turned, that the optic axes, instead of being moderately convergent, are brought into parallelism, or even into slight divergence, the apparent dimensions of the pictures undergo a not less remarkable increase. (Phil. Trans., 1852). 183. It does not seem possible to account for this fact in any other way, than by supposing that the percipient Mechanism has been developed in conformity with the experience gained during the early part of Infantile life ; in which objects held in the hand are brought nearer to, or removed further from, the eyes, the axes of which are steadily directed to them at varying angles of conver- gence. The identity of the object being recognized throughout, the two sets of changes are brought into mutally corrective action; but when either of them takes place without the other, the Mechanism evolves a wrong result. If the angle of convergence remain unaltered, changes in the size of the retinal images produce corresponding changes in the apparent size of the picture; whilst if the size of the retinal image remain unaltered, changes in the angle of convergence, acting on the Mechanism in the same manner that a change of distance would do, cause (as it were) an organic expectation that the size of the retinal image will vaiy accordingly : and, as it does not change, it is instinctively inter- preted exactly like the image of a mountain or other distant object, which is made to seem larger by an increase, and smaller by a diminution of its apparent distance.—It is a curious illustration of the same principle, that if we take up such a position at a Railway-station as to see a train approaching " end on," it seems to s%ell-out as it approaches our stand-point; the retinal image being rapidly enlarged, without any such corresponding indication of diminished distance, as would serve to account (so to speak) to our percipient Mechanism for that enlargement. 184. Every acquired visual Perception, then, may be regarded as the resultant of our whole previous experience relating to the 204 Of Perception and Instinct. object of it; such resultant, however, not being worked out by a process of conscious reasoning, but being the reflex action of the nervous Mechanism of the Ego, which has formed itself in accordance with that experience, so as to acquire powers of reaction of a far higher kind than it originally possessed. The "self- evidence" of the truthfulness of the Perception is of the same kind, therefore, as that of the Sensation which has called it forth; the Mental affection being in each case the immediate and invariable response of the organization to the impression made upon it. But Avhilst that response, in the case of the deliverances of our sensa- tional consciousness, is given by our original constitution, it is given in the case of our perceptional consciousness by our acquired constitution; in which are embodied those results of primary experience, which are common to every normally-constituted Human being. 185. The power of immediate and acute Perception is one eminently capable of being increased by habitual Attention. We are here concerned not so much with that exaltation of the discriminating consciousness of Sense-impressions, which has been already noticed (§ 127); as with the augmentation of the power of taking cognizance of the objects that excite Sensations, which depends upon a rapid exercise of that higher faculty by which those sensations are interpreted. It would be easy to adduce many examples of the improvement of this faculty by practice; so that individuals who have cultivated it in particular modes, derive from ordinary Sense-impressions an amount of information which they could scarcely have been supposed capable of conveying. The following, however, will suffice :— ' a. It has long been known that individuals among the Deaf-and- Dumb have acquired the power of "lip-reading"; that is, of so interpreting the visible movements of the mouth and lips of a speaker, as to apprehend the words he utters, no less accurately than if they were heard. And it has been latterly proposed to make this a Effects of Attention. 205 matter of systematic instruction ; so that every deaf-mute should be enabled to understand what is said, without the aid of the " sign- language" or the "finger-alphabet."—It appears, however, that it is not every one who is capable of acquiring this power; and it is still questionable whether it can be even generally attained by any amount of practice. But that it should have been even exceptionally acquired, shows the extraordinary improvability of the Perceptive faculty. b. The celebrated conjuror, Bobert Houdin, relates in his Auto- biography the mode in which he prepared himself and his son for the performance of the trick which he termed "second sight;" the success of it mainly depending upon the rapidity with which the information given by Sense-impressions could be apprehended and interpreted, and the accuracy with which (for a short time at least) they could be remembered :—In the first instance, Houdin put down a single domino, and required his son to name the total number of points tvithout counting them, which each could readily do. Two dominoes were then tried; and, after a little practice, the total number of points on both was correctly named by each at the first glance. The next day the lesson was resumed, and they succeeded in naming the points on four dominoes at a single glance; on the following day those of six; and, at length, they found themselves able to give, without counting, the sum of the points on twelve dominoes.—This result haA'ing been attained, they applied themselves to a far more difficult task, over which they spent a month. The father and son passed rapidly before a toy-shop, or any other displaying a variety of wares ; and each cast an attentive glance upon it. A few steps further on, each drew paper and pencil from his pocket, and tried which could enumerate the greater number of the objects momentarily seen in passing. The son surpassed the father in quickness of apprehension, being often able to write down forty objects, whilst his father could scarcely reach thirty; yet, on their returning to verify his statement, he was rarely found to have made a mistake. The following remarkable proof of the efficacy of this training may be best given in Houdin's own Avords:— c. " One evening, at a house in the Chaussee d'Antin, and at the end 206 Of IPerception and Instinct. of a performance which had been as successful as it was loudly applauded, I remembered that while passing through the next room to the one we were now in, I had begged my son to cast a glance at the library, and remember the titles of some of the books, as well as the order they were arranged in. No one had noticed this rapid examination. " 'To end the second-sight experiment, Sir,' I said to the master of the house, ' I will prove to you that my son can read through a wall. Will you lend me a book ? ' " I was naturally conducted to the library in question, which I pretended now to see for the first time; and I laid my finger on a book. " ' Emile,' I said to my son, ' what is the name of this work? ' " ' It is Buffon,' he replied, quickly. " ' And the one by its side ? ' an incredulous spectator hastened to ask. " ' On the right or the left ?' my son asked. " ' On the right,' the speaker said, having a good reason for choosing this book, for the lettering was very small. "'The Travels of Anacharsis the Younger,' the hoy replied. ' But,' he added, ' had you asked the name of the book on the left, Sir, I should have said Lamartine's Poetry; a little to the right of this row, I see Crebillon's works; below, two volumes of Fleury's Memoirs; ' and my son thus named a dozen books before he stopped. " The spectators had not said a word during this description, as they felt so amazed; but when the experiment had ended, they all complimented us by loud plaudits." — {Autobiography of Robert Houdin, p. 206.) 186. False Perceptions.—It has been shown (§ 148) that the action of ideational states upon the Sensorium can modify or even produce sensations. But the action of pre-existing states of Mind is still more frequently shown in modifying the interpretation which we put upon our sense-impressions. For since almost ' every such interpretation is an act of judgmenthascd on experience, that judgment will vary according to our Mental condition at the time it is delivered; and will be greatly affected by any domi- False Perceptions. 207 nant idea or feeling, so as even to occasion a complete mis- interpretation of the objective source of the sense-impression, as often occurs in what is termed " absence of mind" (§ 445). The following case, mentioned by Dr. Tuke as occurring Avithin his own knowledge, affords a good example of this fallacy:— a. " A lady was walking one day from Penryn to Falmouth, and her mind being at that time, or recently, occupied by the subject of driuking-fountains, thought she saw in the road a newly erected fountain, and even distinguished an inscription upon it, namely— " $f anii man thirst, Itt {nut touts nnto mc trnb brinh." Some time afterwards, she mentioned the fact with pleasure to tho daughters of a gentleman who was supposed to have erected it. They expressed their surprise at her statement, and assured her that she must be quite mistaken. Perplexed with the contradiction between the testimony of her senses and of those Avho would haA'e been aware of the fact had it been true, and feeling that she could not have been deceived (" for seeing is belieA'ing "), she repaired to tho spot, and found to her astonishment that no drinking fountain was in existence—only a few scattered stones, which had formed the foundation upon which the suggestion of an expectant imagination had built the super-structure. The subject having previously occupied her attention, these sufficed to form, not only a definite erection, but one inscribed by an appropriate motto corresponding to the leading idea."—{Influence of the Mind upon the Body, p. 44.) So it is mentioned by Sir Walter Scott, in his " Demonology and Witchcraft," that having been engaged in reading with much interest, soon after the death of Lord Byron, an account of his habits and opinions, he wTas the subject of the folloAving illusion :— b. " Passing from his sitting-room into the entrance-hall, fitted up with the skins of wild beasts, armour, &c, he saw right before him, and in a standing posture, the exact representation of his departed friend, whose recollection had been so strongly brought to his imagination. He stopped, for a single moment, so as to notice the wonderful 208 Of Perception and Instinct. accuracy with which fancy had impressed upon the bodily eye the peculiarities of dress and posture of the illustrious poet. Sensible, however, of the delusion, he felt no sentiment save that of wonder at the extraordinary accuracy of the resemblance; and stepped onwards towards the figure, which resolved itself, as he approached, into the various materials of which it was composed. These were merely a screen occupied by great-coats, shawls, plaids, and such other articles as are usually found in a country entrance-hall. Sir Walter returned to the spot from which he had seen this product of what may be called imagination proper, and tried with all his might to recall it by the force of his Will, but in vain—a good illustration of the slight influence of volition over sensation, compared with that of a vivid Mental image or idea acting upon the Sensorial centres, and distorting or moulding into other forms the impressions received from objects of sense."—{Op. cit., p. 45.) 187. Moreover, if not only a single individual, but several persons, should be "possessed" by one and the same idea or feeling, the same misinterpretation may be made by all of them; and in such a case the concurrence of their testimony does not add the least strength to it.—Of this we have a good example in the following occurrence cited by Dr. Tuke as showing the influence of a " dominant idea " in falsifying the perceptions of a number of persons at once :—■ d. " During the conflagration at the Crystal Palace in the Winter of 1866-67, when the animals were destroyed by the fire, it was supposed that the Chimpanzee had succeeded in escaping from hia cage. Attracted to the roof, with this expectation in full force, men saw the unhappy animal holding on to it, and writhing in agony to get astride one of the iron ribs. It need not be said that its struggles were watched by those below with breathless suspense, and, as the newspapers informed us, ' with sickening dread.' But there was no animal whatever there; and all this feeling was thrown away upon a tattered piece of blind, so torn as to resemble, to the eye of fancy, the body, arms, and legs of an ape ! "—{Op. cit., p. 44.) Another example of a like influence affecting several individuals False Perceptions—Delusions. 209 simultaneously in a similar manner, is mentioned by Dr. Hibbert in his well-knoAvn Treatise on Apparitions :— b. Awhole ship's company was thrown into the utmost consternation, by the apparition of a cook who had died a few days before. He was distinctly seen walking a-head of the ship, with a peculiar gait by which he was distinguished when alive, through having one of his legs shorter than the other. On steering the ship towards the object, it was found to be a piece of floating wreck. Many similar cases might be referred-to, in which the Imagination has worked-up into " apparitions" some common-place objects, which it has invested Avith attributes derived from the previous Mental state of the observer; and the belief in such an apparition as a reality, Avhich usually exists in such cases, unless antagonized by an effort of the reason, constitutes a delusion.—The delusions of Insanity usually have their origin in a perverted state of feel- ing; AA'hich begins by imparting a false colouring to real occur- rences ; and then, if not checked or diverted, goes on to suggest Ideas having no foundation in fact, Avhich are accepted as realities on account of the incapacity of the disordered mind to bring them to the test of Common Sense (§ 562). And there are many persons quite sane upon ordinary matters, and even (it may be) distinguished by some special form of ability, who are yet affected Avith Avhat the writer once heard Mr. Carlyle term a " diluted Insanity " ; alloAving their minds to become so completely "possessed" by "dominant ideas," that their testimony as to what they declare themselves to have witnessed—even when several individuals concur in giving exactly the same account of it — must be regarded as utterly untrustworthy. Of this we have examples at the present time, alike in the asserted appearances of the Virgin, and in the marvels of " Spiritualism ; " while the same lesson is taught by the records of the prevalent delusions of past ages, and pre-eminently by those of Witchcraft. 188. Instinctive Feelings.—The attainment of that grade of 21 o Of Perception and Instinct. Mental development which enables us to apprehend the objective reality of external things, seems to make us capable of experiencing certain feelings in regard to them, which are nearly akin to those that are immediately associated with Sensations (§ 154), but constitute the germs (so to speak) of higher forms of consciousness. Thus the aesthetic sense of the beautiful, of the sublime, of the harmonious, &c, seems in its most elementary form to connect itself immediately with the Perceptions which arise out of the contact of our Minds with external Nature. " All those," says Dr. J. D. Morell, " Avho have shown a remarkable appreciation of form and beauty, date their first impressions from a period lying far behind the existence of definite ideas or verbal instruction. The germs of all their ^Esthetic impressions manifested themselves, first of all, as a spontaneous Feeling or Instinct, wThich, from the earliest dawn of reason, was awakened by the presentation of the phenomena which correspond objectively with it in the Universe." These primitive feelings exist in very different intensity in dif- ferent individuals ; and it is where they have most strongly mani- fested themselves at a very early period of life (the sense of Harmony, for example, in the infant Mozart, § 206), that we can see how fundamental a part of our nature they constitute, although they may be but faintly shadowed-forth in a large part of Man- kind. They are peculiarly susceptible of development, however, by appropriate culture; under the influence of which they not merely grow-up in the individual, but manifest themselves with increased vigour and more extended range in successive generations (§§ 201-203). 189. The same may be said of those simple forms of Emotioml sensibility (§ 157), which, being no longer purely subjective, require as a condition of their existence that they shall relate to an ex- ternal object. This is pre-eminently the case with all those which are termed emotions of sympathy: thus, the Perception of the pain or distress of another tends to call forth (except in individuals of a Instinctive Feelings. 211 peculiarly unsympathetic temperament) a corresponding affection in the percipient Self; and the opposite state of cheerfulness or mirth has a like tendency to affect those wdio are brought into contact Avith it, provided that there be nothing positively antago- nistic in their OAvn condition. But further, the Perception of enjoyment in others calls-forth a respondent gladness in ourselves ; whilst the perception of suffering tends to excite in ourselves that feeling of soitoav wdiich wre term pity ; and either of these feelings may be experienced, even when we do not ourselves share in the state of elevation or depression which excited them.—More closely connected with the foregoing than is commonly conceived, is that sense of the humorous, which attaches itself to certain manifesta- tions of character presented to us in the actions of others; that sympathy with human nature in which the former have their source, being the foundation of the latter also ; and thus it hap- pened that those writers who have the strongest power of exciting our sense of Humour, are usually distinguished also by their mastery of the Pathetic. To the sense of the humorous, that of the ludicrous is obviously related. Both these, however, when excited by operations of the Intellect, instead of by external objects, belong to a different category (§ 404). The same may be said of the sense of wonder ; which in its simplest form may be connected with our Sense-perceptions, but which is more commonly experienced in regard to the Ideas which they excite.—Another group of In- stinctive feelings belonging to the same category, is that which may receive the general designation of attractions and repulsions. These are the elementary states of those Emotions which involve a distinct idea of the object which attracts or repels, and which then assume the forms of desires and aversions (§ 261) ; but it is in this form that they seem to act in the lower Animals and in young Children, Avhose minds are not yet fully developed into the stage of Ideational consciousness. The various terms like and dislike, partiality and distaste, love and hatred, which we use to 212 Of Perception and Instinct. signify the modes in Avhich we ourselves feel affected by external objects, indicate the existence of this elementary form of Emotional sensibility in connection with the Perceptive consciousness.—There are other Emotional states, some of them rising to the intensity of Passions, which seem to belong to this category ; but the examples already cited are sufficient to illustrate the principle, that the elemen- tary forms of Emotion belong to the Perceptional stage of con- sciousness. 190. So, too, there seems to lie in this Perceptional stage of Mental activity, the germ wdiich, in a higher phase of development, is evolved into the Moral sense. Experience shows, as Dr. J. D. Morell justly remarks, " that an Instinctive apprehension of 'right' and ' wrong,' as attached to certain actions, precedes in the child any distinct comprehension of the language by which we convey Moral truths. Moreover, the power and the purity of Moral feeling not unfrequently exist even to the highest degree, amongst those Avho never made the question of Morals in any Avay the object of direct thought, and may perchance be unconscious of the treasure they possess in their bosoms." Of these elementary Moral feel- ings, those of the lower Animals which associate most closely Avith Man are obviously capable. The sense of duty towards a being of a higher nature, which shows itself in the actions of the young Child towards its Parent or Nurse, long before any Ideational comprehension of it can have been attained, is exactly paralleled by that of the Dog or the Horse toAvards its Master. " Man," as Burns truly said, " is the God of the Dog." It is the substitution of the superior for the inferior directing principle, the distinct Intellectual comprehension of it, and the Volitional direction of the Attention to it, which constitutes the essential difference between the most conscientious effort of the enlightened Christian, and the honest and self-sacrificing response to his sense of Duty, Avhich is seen in the Horse that falls down dead from exhaustion after putting forth his utmost power at the behest of his rider, or Instinctive Movements in Man. 213 in the Dog who uses his utmost skill and intelligence in seeking and collecting his master's flock (§ 92).—The elementary form of the Religious sense appears to connect itself, not merely with that simple apprehension of a PoAver external to ourselves which comes to us from the recognition of its manifestations, but with those feelings of Awe and Solemnity which are directly excited by objects of sublimity, grandeur, and mystery. Its higher develop- ment, howrever, requires an Ideational exercise of the Mind; and with this are connected Emotional states of a more elevated character (§§ 213—215). 191. Instinctive Movements.—It has been already shown that the Instinctive actions of the lower Animals may be regarded as con- stituting the direct and immediate response of their Nervous Mechanism to the impressions made upon it; and that there is reason to beheve that, in some instances at least, this mechanism has shaped itself in accordance with the manner in which it has been habitually called into activity (§§ 84, 93). Now there are, perhaps, no movements in Man of a higher character than those immediately related to the maintenance of his Organic Functions (§ 32), which originally have this character; but there is a very large class in Avhich the immediate response comes to be made, in conse- quence of the habitual "training" of the Automatic mechanism to a certain sequence of movements, under the direction of a certain sequence of Sense-perceptions. 192. One of the most universal of these secondarily automatic actions is that of walking erect; for which the whole Human organization is so obviously adapted, that it seems probable that every Child would acquire the habit proprio motu, Avithout either teaching or example. But this acquirement depends upon the establishment of a very complicated set of relations between Sense perceptions and respondent Muscular contractions ; in virtue of which the latter come to be instinctively prompted by the former. Thus the effort needed for the mere support of the body is 214 Of Perception and Instinct. ordinarily kept up by the " muscular sense ;" of which, indeed, we only become cognizant when our attention is directed to it; but the necessity for which is evidenced by the fact, that if the sensory nerve of a limb be paralysed, the contraction of its muscles cannot be sustained by the strongest exertion of the Will, unless the Sight be used to replace the lost Feeling (§ 80). The existence of this partial paralysis may sometimes be recognized by the per- sistent looking-downwards of those who suffer from it; for if, Avhilst walking, they were to withdraw their eyes from their feet, their legs would at once give way under them. In the ordinary balancing of the body, our movements are still prompted in great degree by the Muscular sense; and this is alone sufficient to the blind, as it is to the seeing man when walking in the dark. It frequently happens, indeed, that Vision, instead of aiding and guiding, brings to us sensations of an antagonistic character; and our movements then become uncertain, from the loss of that poAver of control over them, which the harmony of the two sensations usually affords. Thus a person unaccustomed to look doAvn heights, feels insecure at the top of a towrer or a precipice, although he knows that his body is properly supported ; for the void A\diich ho sees below him contradicts (as it were) the Muscular sense by Avhich he is made conscious of its due equilibrium. So, again, although any one can walk along a narrow plank which forms part of the floor of a room, or which is elevated but little above it, Avithout the least difficulty, and even without any consciousness of effort, yet if that plank be laid across a chasm, the bottom of which is so far removed from the eye that the Visual sense gives no assistance, even those who have braced their nerves against all Emotional distraction, feel that an effort is requisite to maintain the equilibrium during their passage over it; that effort being aided by the AvithdraAval of the eyes from the depth below, and the fixation of them on a point beyond, Avhich at the same time helps to give steadiness to the movements, and distracts the Instinctive Movements in Man. 215 mind from the sense of its danger. On the other hand, the sufficiency of the Muscular sense, when the Mind has no conscious- ness of the danger, and when the Visual sense neither affords aid nor contributes to distract the attention, is remarkably illustrated by the phenomena of Somnambulism; forthe slecp-Avalker traverses, without the least hesitation, the narrow parapet of a house, crosses narrow and insecure planks, clambers roofs, &c.—But Iioav soon a new co-ordination of this kind can be acquired, is shoAvn (as Mr. H. Mayo pointed-out) by Avhat happens to a landsman on first going to sea. " It is long before the passenger acquires his ' sea- legs.' At first, as the ship moves, he can hardly keep his feet; the shifting lines of the vessel and surface of the Avater unsettle his Visual stability; the different inclinations of the planks he stands-on, his Muscular sense. In a short time, he learns to disregard the shifting images and changing motions, or acquires facility in adapting himself (like one on horseback) to the different alterations in the line of direction in his frame." And Avhen a person who has thus learned by habit to maintain his equilibrium on a shifting surface, first treads upon firm ground, he feels himself almost as much at fault as he did when he first went to sea : and it is only after being some time on shore, that he is able to resume his original manner of walking. Indeed, most of those who spend the greater part of their time at sea, acquire a peculiar gait, which becomes so habitual to them, that they are never able to throw it off. 193. Not less universal, in the ordinarily constituted Human being, is some definite form of Vocalization; requiring a very exact and complicated co-ordination between the Respiratory movements, and those of the Larynx, the Tongue, and the Lips, which is ordinarily directed by the sense of Hearing. This co-ordination is acquired, in the first instance, under the guidance of the Sounds actually heard; but, Avhen subsequently called into action vohtionally, it depends on the presence of a mental conception 216 Of Perception and Instinct. (or internal sensation) of the tone to be uttered,—save in those cases in which a special training has brought "deaf-mutes" to regulate the action of their organs of Speech by the guiding sensations originating in the muscles themselves (§ 80). It is very rarely that a person who has once enjoyed the sense of Hearing, afterwards becomes so completely deaf, as to lose all auditory control over his vocal organs. An example of this kind, however, was communicated to the public by a well-known Author, as having occurred in himself; and the record of his experiences contains many points of much interest:— The deafness was the result of an accident occurring in childhood, which left him for some time in a state of extreme debility ; and when he made the attempt to speak, it was with considerable pain in the vocal organs. This pain probably resulted from the unaccustomed Muscular effort which it was necessary to make, when the usual guid- ance was wanting; being analogous to the uneasiness we experience when we attempt to move our eyes with the lids closed. His voice at that time is described as being very similar to that of a person born deaf-and-dumb, but who has been taught to speak. With tho uneasiness in the use of the vocal organs, was associated an extreme mental indisposition to their employment; and thus, for some years, the voice was very little exercised. Circumstances afterwards forced it, however, into constant employment; and great improvement subsequently took place in the power of vocalization, evidently by attention to the indications of the Muscular sense. It is a curioua circumstance fully confirming this view, that the words which had been in use previously to the supervention of the deafness, were still pronounced (such of them, at least, as were kept in employment) as they had been in childhood ; the muscular movements concerned in their articulation being still guided by the original Auditory conception, in spite of the knowledge derived from the information of others that such pronunciation was erroneous. On the other hand, all the words subsequently learned were pronounced according to their spelling; the acquired associations between the Muscular sensations and the written signs being in this case the obvious guide. —(See Dr. Kitto's Lost Senses, vol. i., chaps. 2, 3.) Instinctive Movements in Man. 217 194. The extraordinary adaptiveness of the Organism of Man, is shown in his power of acquiring a vast number of more special actions, which have no direct relation to his bodily wants, but minister to requirements of his own creation. These often become, by a process of prolonged " training," not less automatic than the act of walking; as is shown by the fact that, when once set going, they will continue in regular sequence, not only without any Volitional exertion, but whilst the Attention is wholly directed elsewhere. Thus a Musical performer will play a piece which has become familiar by repetition, whilst carrying on an animated conversation, or whilst continuously engrossed by some train of deeply interesting thought; the accustomed sequence of move- ments being directly prompted by the sight of the notes, or by the remembered succession of the sounds (if the piece is played from memory), aided in both cases by the guiding sensations derived from the Muscles themselves. But further, a higher degree of the same " training" (acting on an Organism specially fitted to profit by it) enables an accomplished Pianist to play a difficult piece of music at sight; the movements of the hands and fingers following so immediately upon the sight of the notes, that it seems impossible to believe that any but the very shortest and most direct track can be the channel of the Nervous communication through which they are called forth. The following curious example of the same class of acquired aptitudes, which differ from Instincts only in being prompted to action by the WiU, is furnished by Robert Houdin :— With a view of cultivating the rapidity of visual and tactile Per- ception, and the precision of respondent Movements, which are necessary for success in every kind of "prestidigitation," Houdin early practised the art of juggling with balls in the air ; and having, after a month's practice, become thorough master of the art of keeping up four balls at once, he placed a book before him, and, while the balls were in the air, accustomed himself to read without hesitation. "This," he says, "will probably seem to my readers very extraordi- 11 218 Of Pei'ception and Instinct. nary ; but I shall surprise them still more when I say that I have just amused myself with repeating this curious experiment. Though thirty years have elapsed since the time I was writing, and though I have scarcely once touched my balls during that period, I can still manage to read with ease while keeping three balls up."—{Auto- biography, p. 26.) This last fact appears to the Writer to be one of peculiar significance, for it seems to justify the conclusion, that even a most complex series of actions which essentially depends on guiding perceptions, may be performed by the automatic mechanism, Avithout any other Volitional action than that which " starts" it, Avhen once this mechanism has been developed by the habitual exercise originally imposed on the Nerve-centres by the Will. And further, it shows that this mechanism, having been originally so shaped at an early period of life, is kept up by Nutritive action, even though not called into use (§ 276); just as the "traces" of our early mental acquirements are persistently retained in our organism, long after we have lost the conscious Memory of them (§ 339). 195. To the same category as Instinctive movements, may be referred those movements of expression, which are automatically prompted by states of feeling connected Avith the Perceptional con- sciousness. These Movements are often more poAverfully significant than any verbal language can be ; for they convey the immediate experiences of the percipient mind, which have not been (and are often incapable of being) evolved into ideas, and thence translated into words (§ 198); and they are immediately or instinctively apprehended by other minds. It may be noticed that long before Children have attained to any comprehension of verbal language, they intuitively interpret the expressions of emotion, and are sympathetically affected by them; as seems the case, too, with regard to such of the loAver Animals as habitually associate Avith Man, and thus acquire that sympathy with his emotional nature, Instinctive Movements in Man. 219 which enables them to recognize its manifestations. And they often reveal the state of Mind of the individual even more truly than his spoken words ; being less under the control of his Will, Avhich may use his Speech rather to conceal than to make known his thoughts .* * The subject of the Movements of Expression being too large to be here discussed in detail, the reader who seeks further information upon it may be referred to the recent Treatise of Mr. Darwin, by whom it is handled with his usual ability. CHAPTER VI. OP IDEATION AND IDEO-MOTOR ACTION. Section i.—Of Ideation Generally. 196. In ascending the scale of Psychical activity, we find the operations of the Intelligent Mind becoming more and more independent of the Sensorial changes which first excited them. It has been shown that in the first or sensational stage, the Consciousness is engrossed with self, not being as yet awake to the existence of any external cause for the subjective change it experiences; whilst in the second or perceptive stage, in which that objective cause is apprehended as something not-self the Mind is entirely given-up to the contemplation of it, and recognizes its properties as the sources of the various affections it experiences. Some of these affections relate to knowledge, whilst others partake more of the nature of feeling; but in all of them the percipient mind is brought face to face, as it were, with the object per- ceived ; and the knowledge which comes to us from this direct relation, wdiether through our original or our acquired intuitions, has a certainty to which no other kind of knowledge can lay claim. But it is not until the Mind attains a still higher kind of activity, that it forms that distinct mental representation, or idea* of the object, wdiich stands altogether apart from our * The "Writer does not think it expedient to enter into the inquiry which has been the subject of so many abstruse and laboured Metaphysical discussions, as to whether our fundamental Ideas originate altogether without, or altogether within, the Mind ; or partly without, and partly witbin. It will be sufficient for him to express his own conviction, that the latter is the view at which any Psychological inquirer must arrive, who looks at the subject from the Physiological side. An Idea can no more correctly be designated a "transformed sensation," than a Sensation could be designated "a transformed impression," or Muscular Con- Representative Faculty:—Language. 221 immediate experience, and assumes the character of an inde- pendent Intellectual reality. Thus Ideation forms, as it were, the climax of that reaction between the external world and the intelligent Ego, of which sensation and perception constituted the lower stages; and looking at the Cerebrum (as we seem justified in doing) as the instrument of that activity, we see how its operations, prompted in the first instance by changes in the Sensorium, may come to be entirely independent of them, by that singular power of recording ideational changes, which con- stitutes the Physiological basis of Memory (§ 314). And in all the higher intellectual operations, it is by its own ideational activity, rather than by sensorial promptings, that the further action of the Cerebrum is sustained.—In forming these "mental repre- sentations," the Mind is determined by the nature and intensity of the various affections of its consciousness which have been excited by the object; and as these depend in part upon the original constitution of the Cerebrum, and in part upon the mode in which its activity has been habitually exercised, it folloAvs that the ideas of the same object or occurrence which are formed by different individuals, may be widely discrepant. This, indeed, continually proves to be the case ; and we cannot have a better example of the fact, than is afforded by the variety of modes in which the same face or landscape shall be depicted by different Artists, each expressing in his peculiar " manner " that represen- tation of the object which his Mind has formed. As Carlyle has well said, " The eye sees Avhat it brings the power to see." traction could be called a "transformed stimulation." The one is antecedent; the other is consequent. Just as an electrical or chemical stimulus, applied to a Muscle, calls it into contraction, so does the sensational stimulus, acting on the Cerebrum, excite the changes which give rise to the Ideational form of conscious- ness. On the other hand, to affirm that ideas are either "innate," or are in any way generated by the mind itself without original excitement by sensations ah extra, is a position so entirely inconsistent with experience, as not to bear any careful scrutiny. —For a concise view of the various doctrines which have been propounded on this subject, see Dr. J. D. Morell's "Elements of Psychology," pp. 269 et scq. 222 Of Ideation Generally. How much more the Artist's pencil is guided by his mental than by bis sensorial view of certain objects, has been recently pointed out by Mr. Ilamerton, Avho states it as a fact that every Landscape-painter represents mountains much higher than he sees them; as is shown by the comparison of his drawings either with photographs, or with tracings taken by a perspective apparatus {Thoughts about Art, p. 62).—Another departure from visual truth, for the purposo of producing ideal truth, is made by eveiy Artist in his pictorial repre- sentation of the perpendicular lines of a building as vertical and parallel; notwithstanding that, as projected upon his retina, they converge towards a vanishing point in the sky.* 197. The influence either of preconceived notions, or of the feel- ings by which the Mind is habitually pervaded, may be continually recognized by the observant, as modifying the ideas which every one forms of what is presented to his observation : and it is by an exaggeration of such influences, in such as allow them- selves to become " possessed " by " dominant ideas " without bringing them to the test of Common Sense, that those mis-repre- sentations come to be accepted as realities, which have the same source as the delusions of Insanity; differing from them only in their degree of fixity and intensity, and in the kind* of influence which they exert OArer the conduct (§§ 187, 561).—This want of con- formity between the ideal and the actual is peculiarly apt to arise in the minds of those who live too much in the former and too * The Writer's statement on this point has been- called in question, on the ground that a perspective projection on a vertical plane snows perpendicular lines as vertical and parallel. But when we are looking at a lofty building, like tho west front of York Minster, we do not direct our eyes horizontally, but look towards a point some way up, so that the retinal plane becomes oblique; and what our visual picture really is under such circumstances, is proved by the unerring test of Photography. For, in taking a picture of a lofty building, the ] hotographer tilts his camera upwards, so that the plane of the picture becomes oblique ; and in every Photograph thus taken, the perpendiculars of the building most unmistakably converge. Now when a pair of such Photographs, taken stereoscopically, are so viewed in the Stereoscope that their planes are brought into parallelism to that on which they were taken (which is easily done by doping the pictures, so that their upper edges are brought nearer to tho eye), tho perpendicularity of the verticals is restored. Representative Faculty:—Language. 223 .ittle in the latter; for in proportion as the Mind dwells too exclusively upon its own conceptions, and refrains from bringing these into contact with the realities of every-day life, do aberra- tions which would speedily be checked by experience, progressively gain a preponderating influence, until at last they may acquire the character of settled delusions, and may altogether upset the balance of the Intellect. 198. The whole tendency of the Ideational activity of the Mind, being thus to separate the "representation" formed by itsalf, from the restraints of outward experience, so as to make it a distinct and intelligible object of contemplation, it is requisite for the perfection of this objectifying process, that we should possess some mode of signifying our ideas, so that they may at the same time be made clear and distinct to ourselves, and be rendered intelligible to other minds. This may be accomplished by means of signs visible to the eye, or transmissible through the touch; or by means of spoken language, in which certain combina- tions of sounds are made to symbolize ideas. The deaf-and-dumb are trained to communicate with each other, not merely by the "finger-language," by which words are alpha- betically spelled, but also by the " sign-language," by which ideas are conveyed through the much more direct medium of single signs. These signs, though partly conventional, are made to conform as nearly as possible to the natural expressions of ideas ; and are usually acquired very quickly by the deaf-and-dumb, whose want of other modes of utterance forces into activity a mode of expressing their ideas and emotions, which is unnecessary to those who have the command of language, and is consequently but little exercised by them. Young Children, however, who associate much with tho deaf- and-dumb, very readily acquire this sign-language, and will often prefer the continued use of it to the acquirement of spoken language. —The inquiries of Mr. E. B. Tylor (" Besearches into the Early History of Mankind," chaps, ii., hi.) have shown that the sign- language is very generally used among the least civilized Eaces ; and that it presents such a remarkable uniformity among differont 224 Of Ideation Generally. FamiUes of Mankind, that it must be regarded as the most natural and direct mode in which ideas can be expressed. The range of such signs, however, is necessarily very limited ; and every Family of Mankind has substituted for them a set of arbitrary sounds, which are not only much more perfect in them- selves as instruments for the expression of ideas, but are capable of being made to convey (by means of that wonderful apparatus of articulation with which Man is provided) an unlimited variety of meanings. In proportion as, by inflexion and combination, a verbal Language is capable of readily and precisely embodying the results of the Intellectual processes, in that proportion can these results be object if ed by each individual, and be thus made the basis of further operations; and in the same proportion can they be clearly presented to the minds of others, and be employed by them for the same purpose. Thus whilst the structure of the Language of any people is to a certain extent a measure of its mental development, it comes to exert a most important influence over the further progress and direction of that development; different languages being in their very nature adapted for the expression, both of different classes, and of different relations, of Ideas, and having very different capacities for further development. Some have maintained that Words which are used to designate external objects are the signs of those objects, and that such words form a class distinct from that of the words which stand as signs of abstract ideas. It is true that to the Child first learning the use of language, as among the lower Baces of Mankind, every such noun is originally a proper name, standing as the symbol of the individual object with which it has become associated. But tho Child is very early led by the familiar experiences of its nursery, to apply such words as chair, table, bed, to classes of objects, and thus to appreciate their significance as symbols of generalized or abstract ideas. And when that process has been accomplished in a few instances, the child's intellect soon extends it to others (its chief activity in this stage of its development being directed to the expansion and multi- Words the Signs of Ideas. 225 plication of its ideas); and thus—except in the case of proper names which are only applicable to individuals—all words come really to express generalized representations of the objects to which they refer. If, for example, we attempt to define the most familiar object, such as a house, a table, or a basket, by any verbal description, we find it extremely difficult to frame a definition that shall include all houses, all tables, all baskets; notwithstanding that our idea of a house, of a table, or of a basket, is sufficiently precise to enable us to say at once with regard to any particular object, whether it does, or does not, fall under one of these categories. Hence Words do not appeal directly to the Intuitions of other minds, but must be comprehended by translation through their Ideational consciousness; signifying to each one the ideas he is prepared by his previous habits of thought to attach to them. Thus every branch of Knowledge has its own Language, the terms of which, even when identical with words in ordinary use, can only convey their full and peculiar signification to those who have already gained an extensive acquaintance with the department of thought to which they relate. So, in rendering from one Language into another, great difficulty is continually experienced in the choice of words which shall convey in the translation the precise ideas signified in the original; the difficulty being greater in proportion to the diversity between the habits of thought of the two nations respectively. We can scarcely have a more " pregnant instance" of the obstruction thus created to the transmission of ideas through language, by the peculiarity of Scientific Terminology, in combination with diversity of National habitudes of thought, than is presented in the attempt to bring the abstract refinements of German Metaphysics within the comprehension of a " common-sense " English mind. It is from their purely ideational significance, that, as expressions of feeling, words are often less potent than tones or gestures, which directly appeal to the emotional sensibility of the Percipient. And it is a striking testimony to the correctness of the view to be hereafter advocated in regard to the composite nature of the Emotions (§ 260), that they are most strongly excited by language 226 Of Ideation Generally. that appeals to their ideational component, uttered in a tone and •manner that calls forth the associated feeling. 199. There are certain Ideas which spring up in the Mind durino- the course of its own operations, whenever it attends to these ; presenting themselves so universally, being so little subject to modification by peculiarities of individual character (whether original or acquired), and being so unhesitatingly recognized as " necessary" Truths, either Avhen they spontaneously occur to ourselves, or are presented to our acceptance by others, that they take rank as Primary Beliefs, or Fundamental Axioms. Such are :— I. The belief in our own present existence, or the faith which we repose in the evidence of Consciousness ; this idea being necessarily associated with every form and condition of Mental Activity. n. The belief in our past existence, and in our personal identity so far as our Memory extends (§ 3G4); with this, again, is con- nected the general Idea of Time. in. The belief in the external and independent existence of the causes of our Sensations, leading to the recognition of the External World as distinct from the Ego ; out of this arises the general idea of Space. iv. The belief in the existence of an efficient Cause for the changes that we witness around us, which springs from the recognition of our own conscious agency in the production of such changes; whence is derived our idea of Power. v. The belief in the Uniformity of the Order of Nature, or in the invariable sequence of similar effects to similar causes, which also springs from the perception of external changes, and is the founda- tion of all applications of our own experience, or of that of others, to the Conduct of our lives, or to the extension of our Knowledge. vi. The belief in our own free tvill, involving the general idea of Volitional agency; which is in like manner a direct result of our recognition of a self-determining power (§ 5) Avithin ourselves. Origin of Primary Beliefs. 227 200. Again, those Axioms or first truths upon which the whole fabric of Geometry rests (such as " Things which are equal to the same thing, are equal to one another"), are statements of universal fact, necessarily true under all circumstances; which we unhesita- tingly accept as such, because any statement inconsistent with them would be inconceivable. And so every step of a Mathematical or a Logical demonstration, which is based on such fundamental axioms, derives its validity from the fact, that either the contrary or anything else than the fact asserted is " unthinkable." Where each step is thus necessarily true to our Minds, the final Q. E. D. carries with it the same authority. So, too, the deliverances of our "Common Sense" (§ 378) derive their trustworthiness from what we consider the "self-evidence" of the propositions affirmed. Hence it is evident that "the only foundation of much of our belief, and the only source of much of our knowledge, is to be found in the Constitution of our own Minds." 201. The origin of these Primary Beliefs is one of the great Philosophical problems of our day, wdiich has been discussed by Logicians aud Metaphysicians of the very highest ability as leaders of opposing Schools, with the one result of showing Iioav much can be said on each side.—By the Intuitionalists it is asserted that the tendency to form them is an intellectual instinct inborn in Man, an original part of his Mental organization; so that they grow up spontaneously in his mind as its faculties are gradually unfolded and developed, requiring no other ex- perience for their genesis, than that which suffices to call these faculties into exercise. But by the advocates of the doctrine which regards Experience as the basis of all our knoAvledge, it is maintained that the primary beliefs of each individual are nothing else than generalizations which he forms of such experiences as he has cither himself acquired, or has consciously learned from others; and they deny that there is any original or intuitive tendency to the formation of such beliefs, beyond that 228 Of Ideation Generally. which consists in the power of retaining and generalizing experiences.—A careful study, however, of the manner in which those Beliefs grow-up in our minds, seems to supply a means of reconcilement between these opposing doctrines. Even the gener- alization of actual experiences requires a certain preparedness of Intellect; and we can readily trace the growth of this in the Child, whose mind, like that of the untutored savage, dwells minutely on the particular, long before any idea "of the general occurs to it; whilst a far higher development is required for it to pass from the general to the universal, to extend its conceptions from the ex- periential sphere of the actual to the imaginary range of the possible. And this development can only take place in a Mind which is continually acquiring new experiences; these being as necessary a pabulum to the mental organism, as food is to the bodily. But as the growth of the Body and the increase of its capabilities are dependent, not on the accumulation, but on the assimilation, of the food it has ingested, even so it is not in the accumulation of experiences, but in the increase of its capacity to deal with them, that the growth of the Mind essentially con- sists ; of which capacity one most essential feature is the power of direct apprehension of truth. And in view of the many considera- tions hereafter to be adduced, no Physiologist can deem it improb- able that the Intuitions which we recognise in our own Mental constitution have been thus acquired by a process of gradual development in the Bace, corresponding to that which we trace by observation in the Individual.—That the great Master of the Experiential school, Mr. J. S. Mill, was latterly tending towards the acceptance of this view, will hereafter appear (p. 486). The doctrine that the Intellectual and Moral Intuitions of any one Generation are the embodiments in its Mental constitution of the experiences of the Bace, was first explicitly put forth by Mr. Herbert Spencer, in whose Philosophical Treatises it will be found most ably developed. But it had been distinctly foreshadowed as regards the Origin of Intuitions. 229 Instincts of animals (which are only lower forms of Man's intel- lectual Intuitions) by Sir John Sebright, Mr. T. A. Knight, and M. Eoulin; of whose observations a summary has been given by the Writer in the " Contemporary Be view," January, 1873. Sir John Sebright went so far as to express it as his decided conviction '' that by far the greater part of the propensities which are generally supposed to be instinctive, are not implanted in animals by Nature, but are the results of long experience, acquired and accumulated through many generations, so as, in the course of time, to assume the characters of instinct." And in the Fourth and Fifth Editions of his "Human Physiology," published respectively in 1852 and 1855, the Writer had distinctly expressed his belief that the Cerebrum of Man grows-to the modes of thought in which it is habitually exercised ; and that such modifications in Us structure are transmissible hereditarily. (See § 838 of the Fourth Edition, and §§ 629, 630, of the.Fifth Edition.) He here refers to this fact, merely to show that the general doctrine above enunciated (which he believes to have been held also by other Physiologists who had made Psychology their study, such as Sir H. Holland, Sir B. Brodie, and Dr. Laycock), is much older than Mr. Herbert Spencer. 202. We have an illustration of this progress in the fact of con- tinual occurrence, that Conceptions which prove'inadmissible to the minds of one generation, in consequence either of their want of Intellectual power to apprehend them, or of their pre-occupation by older habits of thought, subsequently find a universal acceptance, and even come to be approved as " self-evident." Thus the First Law of Motion, divined by the genius of Newton, though opposed by many Philosophers of his time as contrary to all experience, is now accepted by common consent, not merely as a legitimate inference from experiment, but as the expression of a necessary and universal truth. And the same axiomatic value is extended to the still more general doctrine, that Energy of any kind, whether manifested in the "molar" motion of masses, or consisting in the "molecular" motion of atoms, m'ust continue under some form or other without abatement or decay; that which all admit in 2 3° Of Ideation Generally. regard to the indestructibility of Matter, being accepted as no less true of Force, namely, that as ex nihilo nil fit, so nil fit ad nihilum* 203. But, it may be urged, the very conception of these and similar great truths is in itself a typical example of Intuition. The men who divined and enunciated them stand out above their fellows, as possessed of a Genius which could not only combine but create, of an Insight which could clearly discern what Beason could but dimly shadow forth. Granting this freely, it may yet be shown that the Intuitions of individual Genius are but specially-exalted forms of endowments which are the general property of the Bace at the timCj and which have come to be so in virtue of its whole previous culture.—This appears readily capable of proof in the case of two forms of Mental activity, the tendency to which occasionally mani- fests itself so remarkably in individuals as a congenital aptitude, that it must be considered as embodied in their Constitution ; and which are yet so completely the products of culture, that we are able to trace pretty clearly the history of their development. These are the Ideas which relate to Number, and those which relate to Music. 204. There can be no reasonable question that the definite Ideas which we now form of numbers and of the relations of numbers are the products of Intellectual operations based on experience. There are Savages at the present time, who cannot count beyond five; and even among races that have attained to a considerable proficiency in the arts of life, the range of numerical power seems extremely low. In Eastern nations generally, it would appear that definite conceptions of Number are more limited than their language implies; for in their descriptions of Avhat they have themselves witnessed, they are in the habit of using what to our * This is the form in which the doctrine now known as that of the "Con- servation of Energy" was eminciated by Dr. Mayer, in the very remarkable Essay published by him in 1815, entitled "Die organische Dewegung in ibrem Zusammenhangc init dem Stoffvvcchscl." Numerical Intuition. 231 " matter-of-fact" apprehension are ludicrous exaggerations in regard to numbers, although these descriptions would probably not convey any erroneous ideas to those for whom they were intended.* Although the ancient Greeks developed the science of Arithmetic up to a certain point, they were incapacitated from carrying it further by the clumsiness of their mode of expressing large numbers ; which made it necessary for their higher com- putations to use symbols borrowed from Geometry—the science of Space ; as when they spoke of the square or the cube of a number. It Avas the introduction into Europe, from India, of what we are accustomed to call the "Arabic notation," that gave an entirely new deArelopment to Arithmetical science ; the essential features of this notation being the combination of the local value of each of the figures representing any number, with the decimal multiplication in the \-alue given to them by their position. The science of Arithmetic, as at present existing, may be regarded as the accumulated product of the intellectual ability of successive generations; each generation building up some addition to the knowledge which it has received from its predecessor. But it can scarcely be questioned by any observant person, that an aptitude for the apprehension of numerical ideas has come to be embodied in the congenital Constitution of races which haA*e long cultivated this branch of knowledge ; so that it is far easier to teach Arith- metic to the child of an educated stock, than it would be to a young Yanco of the Amazons, Avho, according to La Condamine, can count no higher than three, his name for which is Poettarrar- orincoaroac. 205. The most satisfactory evidence of the existence of a numerical intuition, or congenital aptitude for recognising the relations of Numbers, is furnished by the not unfrequent display of * A very interesting example of this tendency was presented by the "Journal of Two Parsee Shipbuilders," who visited this country about forty years ago, and published their experiences for the benefit of their countrymen. 232 Of Ideation Generally. this faculty among Children ; for, as the Writer is informed by a friend who has a large field of observation among Primary Schools in which "mental arithmetic " is cultivated, it often happens that individuals who have received very little instruction surpass their fellows in the quickness and accuracy of their replies to numerical questions proposed to them, though they cannot be brought to explain the processes by which they have worked-out their results. More remarkable instances, however, are presented by the occasional display of very extraordinary Arithmetical ability on the part of individuals, who, having received very little instruction, have not only anticipated, but have gone far beyond, any power derivable from instruction, in almost immediately arriving at the answers to questions, which, according to ordinary Arithmetical methods, wrould involve long computations of a very elaborate character. The case of Zerah Colburn, the son of an American peasant, is especially remarkable among these, not only for the immediateness and correctness with which he gave the answers to questions re- solvable by simple but prolonged computation,—such as the product of two numbers, each consisting of two, three, or four figures; the exact number of minutes and seconds in a given period of time; the raising of numbers up to high powers ; or the extraction of the square and cube roots;—but, still more, for his power of at once answering questions to which no rules known to Mathematicians would apply. It was when the lad was under six years of age, and before he had received any instruction either in writing or in arithmetic, that he surprised his father by repeating the products of several numbers; and then, on various arithmetical questions being proposed to him, by solving them all with facility and correctness. Having been brought over to London in 1812, at the age of eight years, his powers were tested by several eminent Mathematicians ; among them Francis Baily, from whose account of him the following examples are selected : — He raised any number consisting cf one figure progressively to the Numerical Intuition—Zerah Colburn. 233 tenth power ; giving the results (by actual multiplication, and not by memory) faster than they coidd be set down in figures by the person appointed to record them. He raised the number 8 progressively to the sixteenth power ; and in naming the last result, which consisted of fifteen figures, he was right in every one. Some numbers consisting of two figures he raised as high as the eighth power; though he found a difficulty in proceeding when the products became very large. On being asked the square root of 106929, he answered 327, before the original number could be ivritten down. He was then required to find the cube root of 268,336,125; and with equal facility and promptness he replied 645. He was asked how many minutes there are in 48 years; and before the question could be written doAvn, he replied 25,22S,S00, and im- mediately afterwards he gave the correct number of seconds. On being requested to give the factors which would produce tho number 247483, he immediately named 941 and 263, which are the only two numbers from the multiplication of which it would result. —On 171395 being proposed, he named 5x34279, 7x24485, 59x2905, 83x2065, 35x4897, 295x581, and 413x415.—Ho was then asked to give the factors of 36083, but he immediately replied that it had none, which is really the case, this being a prime number.—Other numbers being proposed to him indiscriminately, ho always succeeded in giving the correct factors, except in the case of prime numbers, which he generally discovered almost as soon as pro- posed. The number 4,294,967,297, which is 2S2+1, having been given to him, he discovered (as Euler had previously done) that it is not the prime number which Fermat had supposed it to be, but that it is the product of the factors 6,700,417x641. The solution of this problem was only given after the lapse of some weeks; but the method he took to obtain it clearly showed that he had not derived his information from any extraneous source. When he was asked to multiply together numbers both consisting of more than three figures, ho seemed to decompose one or both of them into its factors, and to work with these separately. Thus, on being asked to give the square of 4395, he multiplied 293 by itself, and then twice multiplied the product by 15. And on being asked to tell the square of 999,999, he obtained the correct result, 234 Of Ideation Generally. 999,998, 000,001, by twice multiplying the square of 37037 by 27. He then of his own accord multiplied that product by 49 ; and said that the result (viz. 48,999,902,000,049) was equal to the square of 6,999,993. He afterwards multiplied this product by 49; and observed that the result (viz. 2,400,995,198,002,401) was equal to the square of 48,999,951. He was again asked to multiply this pro- duct by 25 ; and in naming the result (viz. 60,024,879,950,060,025) he said that it was equal to the square of 244,999,755. On being interrogated as to the method by which he obtained these results, the boy constantly declared that he did not know how the answers came into his mind. In the act of multiplying two numbers together, and in the raising of powers, it was evident (alike from the facts just stated, and from the motion of his lips) that some operation was going forward in his mind ; yet that operation could not (from the readiness with which the answers were furnished) have been at all allied to the usual modes of procedure, of which, indeed, he was entirely ignorant, not being able to perform on paper a simple sum in multiplication or division. But in the extraction of r«ots and in the discovery of factors of large numbers, it did not appear that any operation could take place: since he gave answers immediately, or in a very few seconds, which, according to the ordinary methods, would have required very difficult and laborious calculations; and prime numbers cannot be recognized as such by any known rule. It is remarked by Mr. Baily that the same faculty, improved by cultivation, appears to have been possessed by the illustrious Euler • who had not only a most extraordinary memory for numbers__to the extent, it is said, of being able to recall the first six powers of any number under 100,—but also a kind of divining power, by which " he perceived, almost at a glance, the factors of which his formula) were composed ; the particular system of factors belon terms. When we praise what has been done, it is with the co-existent conception of something else that might have been done ; and when we resolve on a course as right, it is to the exclusion of some other that is wrong:' If it be asked, how are the relative values of these motives to be decided, the answer must be sought in the Moral consciousness of Mankind in general; which is found to be more and more accordant in this respect, the more faithfully it is interpreted, the more habitually it is acted-on, and the more the whole Intelligence is expanded and enlightened.—It is this tendency towards universal agree- " Prospective Review " for November, 1845, pp. 587-9. Moral Responsibility. 245 ment, which shows that there is really as good a foundation for Moral Science in the Psychical nature of Man, as there is for that of Music in the pleasure which he derives from certain com- binations and successions of Sounds. 212. On the other hand, as we cannot attach any Moral character to the actions of Animals that are performed under the direction of a blind undiscerning Instinct, leaving them no choice between one course and another, neither can we attach it to those which are executed by Human beings, even when possessed of their full Intelligence, who are dominated by impulses which they have it not in their power to restrain (§ 264) ; nor, again, to those performed by individuals whose Moral sense has either been never awakened, or has been so completely misdirected by early education, that their standard of right and wrong is altogether opposite to that which the enlightened Conscience of Mankind agrees in adopting (§ 8). But, although there are doubtless many cases in which Criminal actions are committed under the impulse of passions (such as anger, lust, &c.) which the individual has not at the moment the power to control, so that he must be absolved from Moral responsibility quoad the immediate impulses to those particular actions, yet these impulses too frequently derive all their force from the habit of yielding to their promptings in lesser matters, which gradually gives them a " dominance," such as the Will (Aveakened by want of exercise in the habit of self- restraint) is unable to resist (§ 287). Hence the Criminal action is to be regarded as but the expression of a long previous course of Criminal thought, for which, in so far as he could have otherwise directed it, the individual may legitimately be held responsible- just as he is for actions committed in the state of Intoxication, in which he has temporarily lost, by his own voluntary act, the power of self-control. 213. Closely connected with many of the foregoing Tendencies to Thought, and arising in most minds from some or other of them 246 ' Of Ideation Generally. by the very nature of our Psychical constitution, are those Ideas which relate to the Being and Attributes of the Deity. There is, in fact, no part of man's Psychical nature, which does not speak to him, Avhen it is rightly questioned, of something beyond and above himself. The very perception of finite existence, whether in Time or Space, leads to the idea of the Infinite. The perception of dependent existence leads to the idea of the Self-existent. The perception of change in the Universe around leads to the idea of an unseen Power as its cause. The perception of the order and constancy underlying all those diversities which the surface of Nature presents, leads to the idea of the Unity of that power. The recognition of Intelligent Will as the source of the power we ourselves exert, leads to the idea of a like Will as operating in the Universe. And our own capacity for Beasoning, which we know not to have been obtained by our individual exertions, is a direct testimony to the Intelligence of the Being who implanted it.—So are Ave led from the very existence of our Moral feelings, to the conception of the existence of attributes, the same in kind, how- ever exalted in degree, in the Divine Being. The sense of Truth implies its actual existence in a being who is Himself its source and centre; and the longing for a yet higher measure of it, Avhich is experienced in the greatest force by those who have already attained the truest and widest view, is the testimony of our own souls to the Truth of the Divine Nature. The perception of Bight, in like manner, leads us to the Absolute lawgiver who implanted it in our constitution; and, as has been Avell remarked, " all the appeals of innocence against unrighteous force are appeals to eternal justice, and all the visions of moral purity are glimpses of the infinite excellence." The aspirations of the more exalted Moral natures after a yet higher state of holiness and purity (§ 97), can only be satisfied by the contemplation of such perfection as no merely Human being has ever attained ; and it is only in the contemplation of the Divine Ideal that they meet their Moral and Religious Ideas. 247 appropriate object. And tho sentiment of Beauty, especially as it rises from the material to the spiritual, passes beyond the noblest creations of Art and the most perfect realization of it in the outward life, and soars into the region of the Unseen, where alone the Imagination can freely expand itself in the contemplation of such beauty as no objective representation can embody.—And it is by combining, so far as our capacity will admit, the ideas Avhich Ave thus derive from reflection upon the facts of our own consciousness, with those which Ave draw from the contemplation of the Universe around us, that Ave form the justest conception of the Divine Being of which our finite minds are capable. We are led to conceive of Him as the absolute, unchangeable, self- existent,—infinite in duration,—illimitable in space,—the highest ideal of Truth, Bight, and Beauty,—the all-Powerful source of that agency which we recognize in the phenomena of Nature,— the all-Wise designer of that wondrous plan, whose original perfection is the real source of the uniformity and harmony which we recognise in its operation,—the all-Benevolent contriver of the happiness of His sentient creatures,—the all-Just disposer of events in the Moral world, for the evolution of the ultimate ends for which Man Avas called into existence. In proportion to the elevation of our own spiritual nature, and the harmonious development of its several tendencies, will be the elevation and harmoniousness of our conception of the Divine; and in proportion, more particularly, as we succeed in raising ourselves towards that ideal of perfection wdiich has been graciously presented to us in the " Avell-beloved Son of God," are the relations of the Divine Nature to our own felt to be more intimate. And it is from the consciousness of our relation to God, as His creatures, as His children, and as independent but responsible fellow-workers with Him in accomplishing His great purposes, that all those ideas and sentiments arise, which are designated as Beligious, aud which constitute that most exalted portion of our nature. 248 Of Ideation Generally. 214. The pervading consciousness of that relation expresses itself in the notion of Duty ; which attaches itself to every action as to which the Ego may believe that the Divine Will has been expressed. But the dictates of this sense will vary with the ideas entertained respecting the Divine character and requirements ; and actions may be sincerely regarded as an acceptable sacrifice by one class of religionists, which are loathed as barbarous and detestable by another. Moreover, the difficulty which attends the determination of what is Morally right (§ 210), often occurs in regard to Beligious duty; each of two or more possible modes of action being recom- mended by its conformity to the Divine law on certain points, whilst it seems opposed to it on others. Thus if a man who might be urged to conceal a Political refugee in immediate danger of capture, were to refuse to do so merely on the fear of unpleasant consequences to himself, he would be justly branded with the character of a cold-hearted coward; but if his refusal should proceed from the conviction that the Divine Law requires the preference of rigid Truthfulness over every other motive, and that, by concealing the suppliant, he should be forced into a violation of that law, he cannot be blamed even by those who believe that the Law of Compassion " written upon our hearts " is at least equally imperative.—Similar difficulties beset the upholders of the non-resistance creed, which teaches that love is the aU-powerful principle in the Moral world, and that it should entirely supersede all those lower impulses of our nature which lead us to oppose force to force, and to resist an unjust and unprovoked assault. Here, again, we might readily understand and sympathise-with those, who consider that the fear of personal suffering does not warrant our doing a severe injury to another in warding-off a threatened attack; but when the question comes to be, not of sc7/-defence, but of protection to others who are helpless dependents upon our succour, and who are bound to us by tho closest ties of natural affection, we feel that the comparative nobility of the latter motive warrants actions which our individual peril might scarcely justify. 215. But as in Morals, so in Beligion, does it become increasingly Succession of Ideas. 249 obvious, that the more elevated are the ideas of Mankind in regard to the character and will of the Deity, the more do they approach to a general accordance in regard to what constitutes Beligious duty ; and the complete coincidence which is thus found to exist between the dictates of the Christian law and the highest principles of pure Morality, should preA^ent one set of motives from ever coming into antagonism with the other.—The Conscience of the religious man, indeed, may be said to be the resultant of the combination of his Moral sense Avith the idea of Duty which arises out of his sense of relation to the Deity. With the former are closely associated all those emotions and dispositions, which render him considerate of the welfare of his fellow-men, as of his own ; and with the notion of duty to God are closely united the desire of His favour, the fear of His displeasure, the aspiration after His perfec- tion, all Avhich act like other motives in deciding the Will. Then- relative force on any occasion, as compared with that of the lower propensities aud sensual desires, greatly depends on the degree in which they are habitually brought to influence the mind; and it is in its power of fixing the attention on those higher considera- tions Avhich ought to be paramount to all others, and of withdrawing it from the lower, that the Will has the chief influence in the direction of the conduct according to the dictates of virtue (Chap. IX.). Section 2.—Succession of Ideas :—Laws of Thought. 216. The conscious Mind, when not engrossed in Sensational or Perceptive acts, is incessantly occupied in thinking, with or without the accompaniment of feeling ; its whole inner life being a succession of ideas and emotions, only suspended by Sleep and Death, or interrupted by the concentration of its attention on Sense- impressions. Now whatever difference of opinion there may be in regard to the degree in which the ordinary Lawrs of Causation are applicable to Mental phenomena (in other words, as to how far 250 Succession of Ideas. each state of consciousness may be considered as determined by its antecedents), all are agreed that there are certain "Laws of Thought," expressive of the uniformities of succession which are observable in Mankind in general; whilst there are others which are characteristic of llaces and Individuals; arising either from peculiarities in original constitution, or from the special direction which its congenital activities haATe acquired, or from both combined. It is not so much, however, the presence or absence of particular attributes, as their proportional development, that differentiate Minds from one another; and it is the habitual predominance (whether original or acquired) of particular sequences of thought and feeling, determined by that proportion, Avhich constitutes the Character of each race or individual. Thus Ave find the Intellectual character to consist in the predominance of certain Faculties, Avhich, as we shall presently see, are only designations of particular modes of intellectual activity; and a knowledge of these enables us to predicate, to a certain extent, the nature of the result at which any individual Mind Avill arrive, by its exercise upon a given subject previously thought-out by others. So, again, the Moral character will depend upon the relative predominance Avhich may exist in the individual nature, of those Emotional tendencies, which not merely furnish a laroe share of the governing motives of the conduct, but Avhich also contribute in a very important measure to the habitual direction of the thoughts: and in proportion to the completeness of our knowledge of the Moral character of any individual, will be our power of predicting the manner in Avhich he will act under any particular contingency. 217. But these uniformities of succession are predicable only of the automatic activity of the Mind : and our OAvn consciousness tells us that there is something in our Psychical nature, Avhich is beyond and above this automatic exercise of our powers • . and that the direction of our thoughts is placed, within certain limits, under Laws of Association. 2 51 the control of the Will (§ 25). These limits, like those of the automatic activities, are partly universal, and partly peculiar to the individual. It is a universal fact that the Will cannot originate anything; but that it has a power of selecting any one out of several objects that present themselves either simultaneously or successively before the mental vision, and of so limiting and intensifying the impression Avhich that particular object makes upon the consciousness, that all others shall be (for the time) non-existent to it. On the other hand, the degree in which this Volitional poAver is possessed by different individuals, is subject to wide variation. In some it is weak from the beginning, and no training seems effectual in developing it to a degree of full efficiency. In others it shoAvs itself very early in a " masterful" disposition, A\rhich aims to bring others under subjection to itself; and here the aim of the Educator should be to cultivate self- mastery, by showing how much nobler is "he that ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh a city." It often happens, however, that strong passions are mistaken for strong Will; and that an entirely wrong method of discipline is adopted Avith a view to " break the Child's will," when Avhat is really needed is to direct its Mental action aright (§ 120). Not unfrequently a strong Volitional poAver originally exists, but lies dormant for Avant of being called into exercise (§ 8); and here it is that judicious training can Avork its greatest Avonders. 218. Laws of Association.—The most powerful agency in the automatic determination of the succession of our Mental states, is undoubtedly that tendency Avhich exists in all minds that have attained the ideational stage of development, to the association of ideas ; that is, to the formation of such a connection between two or more Ideas, that the presence of one tends to bring the other also before the consciousness,—or, in other Avords, that the one suggests the other. Certain Laws of Association, expressive of the conditions under Avhich this connection is formed, and the 252 Succession of Ideas. mode iii which it acts, have been formularized by Psychologists; * of these the most important Avill be now specified. 219. Two or more states of consciousness, habitually existing together or in immediate succession, tend to cohere, so that the future occurrence of any one of them restores or revives the other; this is designated the law of contiguity. It is thus (to take a simple illustration) that the impressions made upon our Sensational consciousness by natural objects, which are usually received through two or more senses at once, become compacted into those composite notions, which, however simple they may appear, really result from the intimate combination of many distinct states of ideation. Thus our notion of the form of an object is made-up of separate notions derived from the visual and muscular senses respectiATely; our notion of the character of its surface, from the combination of impressions receiAred through the visual and tactile senses; and with both of these our notion of colour, as in the case of an orange, may be so blended, that we do not readily conceive of its characteristic form and surface, without also having before our minds the hue with which these have been always associated in our experience. So, again, the external aspect of a body suggests to our minds its internal arrangement and qualities, such as we have before found them invariably to be; thus, to use the preceding illustration, the shape and colour of the orange bring before our consciousness its fragrant odour and agree- able taste, as well as the internal structure of the fruit. And our idea of "an orange " must be considered as the aggregate of all the preceding notions.—Not only the different ideas excited by one object, but those called-up by objects entirely dissimilar, may thus come to be associated, provided that the mind has been accustomed * In the writings of Prof. Bain will be found the fullest and ablest exposition yet given of the Laws of Association, with copious illustrations of their operation drawn from a great variety of Mental phenomena, by which the Writer has profited in the outline here given. Association by Contiguity. 253 to the presentation of them in frequent contiguity one with the other. Such conjunctions may be natural, that is, they may arise out of the " order of nature ;" or they may be artificial, being due to human arrangements; all that is requisite is, that they should have sufficient permanence and constancy to habituate our minds to the association.—Of this Law of Contiguity, more- over, we have a most.important example in the association which the mind early learns to form between successive events, so that when the first has been followed by the second a sufficient number of times to form the association, the occurrence of the first suggests the idea of the second ; if that idea be verified by its occurrence, a definite expectation is formed; and if that expectation be un- failingly realized, the idea acquires the strength of a belief And thus it is that we come to acquire that part of the notion of "cause and effect," which rests upon the " invariability of sequence ;" and to form our fundamental conception of the " uniformity of nature" (§ 199, v). It is by the same kind of operation, again, that we come to employ Words as the symbols of ideas, for the convenience of intercommunication and reference (§ 198) ; a certain number of repetitions of the sound, concurrently Avith the sight of the object, or the suggestion of the notion of that object, being suf- ficient to establish the required relation in our minds.—Of the large share which this kind of action has in the operations of Memory and Becollection, evidence will be hereafter given (Chap. X). 220. But a not less important tendency of thought, and one Avhose operation is even more concerned in all the higher exercises of our Beason, is that which may be designated the law of simi- larity; and Avhich expresses the general fact that any present state of consciousness tends to revive previous states wdiich are similar to it. It is thus that Ave instinctively invest a new object Avith the attributes Ave have come to recognise in one we have previously examined, if the neAV object bears such a resem- blance to it, that the sight of the second suggests those ideas Avhich 254 Succession oj Ideas. our minds have connected with the first. Thus, we will suppose a man to have once seen and eaten an orange ; when he sees an orange a second time, although it may be someAvhat larger or smaller, somewhat rougher or smoother, someAvhat lighter or darker in hue, he recognizes it as " an orange," and mentally assigns to it the fragrance and sweetish acidity of the one which he had previously eaten. But if, instead of being yellow, the fruit were green, he would doubt its being an orange ; and if assured that it still was, but had not come to maturity, he would no longer expect to find it sweet; the notion of acidity being suggested to his mind by his previous experience of other green and unripe fruit.—It is in virtue of this kind of action, that we extend those elementary notions which are primarily excited by sensation, to neAv objects. Thus, the idea of roundness (like other notions of form) is originally based on the combination of the tactile and visual sensations, and must be first acquired by a process of con- siderable complexity; but when once derived from the examina- tion of a single object, it is readily extended to other objects of the same character.—So, again, it is by the operation of this mental tendency, that we recognize similarity Avhere it exists in the midst of difference, and separate the points of agreement from those of discordance ; and this, again, not merely as regards objects Avhich are before our consciousness at the same time or in close succes- sion, but also Avith regard to all past states of consciousness. It is thus that Ave identify and compare, that Ave lay the foundations of classification, and that Ave recover all past impressions Avhich have anything in common Avith our present state of consciousness.—The intensity of this tendency, and the habitual direction Avhich it takes, vary extremely in different individuals. Some have so great an incapacity for recognizing similarity, that they can only perceive it Avhen it is in marked prominence, their minds taking much stronger note of differences ; Avhilst others have a strong bias for the detection of resemblances and analogies, and discover them Association by Similarity. 255 wdiere ordinary minds cannot recognize them. Some, again, address themselves to the discovery of similarity among objects of sense, whilst others study only those ideas Avhich are the objects of our internal consciousness ; aud it is in the detection of what is essentially similar among the latter, that all the higher operations of the Intellect essentially consist. Even here we find that some aro contented Avith superficial analogies, Avhilst others are not satisfied until they have penetrated-by analysis to the depths of the subject, and are able to compare its "fundamental idea" Avith others of like kind.—It may be remarked that this mode of action of the mind is hi some degree opposed to the preceding; for whilst contiguity leads to the arranging of ideas as they happen to present thcmselAres in actual juxtaposition, and thus to induce a routine Avhich is often most unmeaning (§ 285), similarity breaks through juxtaposition, and brings together from all quarters objects which have an Ideational likeness. 221. It is this habit of mind, which is of essential value in all the sciences of classification and induction. Thus, in the formation of generic definitions to include the characters Avhich a number of objects haA'c in common, their subordinate or specific differences being for a time left out of view, we are entirely guided by the recognition of similarity between the objects we are arranging; and the same is the case in the formation of all the higher groups of Families, Orders, and Classes, the points of similarity becoming fewer and fewer as wre proceed to the more comprehensive groups, whilst those of difference increase in corresponding proportion. The sagacity of the Naturalist is sIioavu in the selection of the best points of resemblance, as the foundation of his Classification ; the value of characters being determined, on the one hand by their constancy, and on the other by their degree of coincidence with important features of general organization or of physiological history.—In the determination of Physical laws by the process of Induction, the process is someAvhat of the same kind; but the 256 Succession of Ideas. similarities with which we have here to do, are not, as in the preceding case, objective resemblances, but exist only among our subjective ideas of the nature and causes of the phenomena brought under our consideration. Thus, there is no obvious relation between the fall of a stone to the Earth, and the motion of the Moon in an elliptical orbit around it; but the penetrating mind of Newton detected a relation of common causation between these tAvo phenomena, Avhich enabled him to express them both under one LaAV. It was by a like Intellectual perception of similarity, that Franklin Avas led to determine the identity of lightning with the spark from an electrical machine. And it would be easy to shoAV that it has been in their extraordinary development of this power of recognizing causative similarity, leading to a kind of intuitive perception of its existence, where no adequate ground could be assigned by the Beason for such a relationship, that those men have been eminent, who have done the most to advance Science by the process of inductive generalization. 222. The same kind of Mental activity is also exercised in the contrary direction : namely, in that application of general laAvs to particular instances, Avhich constitutes deductive reasoning; and in that extension of generic definitions to neAV objects, which takes place upon every discovery of a new species. We may trace it, again, even in the extension of the meaning of words so as to become applicable to neAV orders of ideas, in consequence of the resemblances felt to exist between the latter and the ideas of Avhich the Avords were previously the symbols ;—as in the applica- tion of the word " head," wdiich primarily designated the most elevated part of the human body, in such phrases as the " head of a house," the " head of a state," the " head of an army," the " head of a mob," in each of Avhich the idea of superiority and command is involved;—or in the phrases the " heads of a discourse," or the " heads of an argument," in which we still trace the idea of authority or direction;—or in the phrases the "head of a Association by Similarity. 257 table," the "head of a river," in which the idea of superi- ority or origin comes to be locally applied;—or in the "head of a bed," or "head of a coffin," in which we have the more distinct local association with the position of the head of Man. Of the foregoing applications (the presence of which in Lan- guages of entirely different families indicates their origin in wide spread identities of modes of thought), those first cited belong to the nature of a metaphor, which has been defined to be " a simile comprised in a word ;" and the judicious use of metaphors, which frequently adds force as well as ornamental A'ariety to the diction, is most seen amongst those Avho possess a great poAver of bringing together the like in the midst of the unlike. 223. Every effort, in fact, to trace-out unity, consistency, and harmony, in the midst of the wonderful and (at first sight) per- plexing variety of objects and phenomena amidst which we are placed, is a manifestation of this tendency of the Human mind: and, Avhen conducted in accordance with the highest teachings of the intellect, or guided by that insight which in some minds supersedes and anticipates all reasoning, it enables us to rise to- wards the comprehension of that great Idea of the Universe, which we believe to exist in the Divine Mind in a majestic simplicity of which we can here but faintly conceive, and of Avhich all the phenomena of Nature are but the manifestations to our consciousness.—With this purely Intellectual operation, there is frequently associated a peculiar feeling of pleasure, which consti- tutes a true Emotional state. There are few Avho devote them- selves to the pursuit of Science, who do not experience this pleasure, either from the detection of new relations of similarity by their own perception of them, or in the recognition of them as developed by others. It is, however, much more intense in some minds than in others; and according to its intensity, will it act as a motive in the prosecution of the search for Truth amidst dis couragements and difficulties. But all discoveries of identifica- 258 Succession of Ideas. tion, where use and wont are suddenly broken through, and a common feature is discerned among objects previously looked-on as entirely different, produce a flash of agreeable surprise, and the kind of sparkling cheerfulness that arises from the sudden lighten- ing of the burden. And it is in this, that our enjoyment of wit seems essentially to consist (§ 402). 224. Although the single relations established between ideas, either through Contiguity or through Similarity, may suffice for their mutual connection, yet that connection becomes much stronger when two or more such relations exist consentaneously. Thus, if there be present to our minds two states of consciousness, each of them associated, either by contiguity or similarity, with some third state that is past and " out of mind " at the time, the compound action is more effective than either action would be separately; that is, although the suggestions might be separately too weak to revive the past state of consciousness, they reproduce it by acting together. Of this, which has been termed the law of compound association, we have examples continually occurring to us in the phenomena of Memory ; but it is especially brought into operation in the volitional act of Becollection (§ 372). 225. Another mode in which the Associative tendency operates, is in the formation of aggregate conceptions of things that have never been brought before our consciousness by sense-impres- sions. This faculty, which has been termed constructive associa- tion, is the foundation of Imagination (§ 396); and it is exercised in every other mental operation in which we pass from the known to the unknown. When we attempt to form a concep- tion Avhich shall differ from one that we have already experienced, as a matter of objective reality, by the introduction of only a single neAv element,—as when Ave imagine a brick building replaced by one of stone, in every respect similar as to size and form,— we substitute in our minds the idea of stone for that of brick, and associate it by the principle of contiguity with those other ideas, Constructive A ssociation. 259 of which that of the whole building is an aggregate. So, again, if we conceive a known building transferred from its actual site to some other already known to us, we dissociate the existing com- binations, and keep-together the ideas which were previously separated, until their contiguity has so intimately united them, that the picture of the supposed combination may present itself to the mind exactly as if it had been a real scene Avhich we had long and familiarly known. By a further extension of the same poAver, we may conceive the elements to be varied, as well as the mode of their combination; and thus we may bring before our consciousness a representation in AAdiich no particular has ever been present to our minds under any similar relations, and which is, therefore, entirely iicav to us as a whole, notwithstanding that, Avhen we decompose it into its ultimate elements, we shall find that each of these has been previously before our consciousness. Such a representation, by being continually dAvelt-on, may come to have all the force and vividness of one derived from an actual sensory impression; and we can scarcely conceive but that the actual state of the Sensorium itself must be the same in both cases, though this state is induced in the one case by an act of mind, and in the other by objective impressions (§ 100).—A very common modus operandi of this " constructiAre association," is the realization of a landscape, a figure, or a countenance, from a pictorial representa- tion of it. Every picture must be essentially defective in some of the attributes of the original, as, for example, in the representation of the projection of objects ; and all, therefore, that the picture can do, is to suggest to the mind an idea, wdiich it completes for itself by this constructive process, so as to form an aggregate Avhich may or may not bear a resemblance to the original, according to the fidelity of the picture, and the mode in Avhich it acts upon the mind of the individual. Thus, a mere sketch shall convey to one person a much more accurate notion of the object represented, than a more finished picture shall give to another; because from 260 Succession of Ideas. practice in this kind of mental reconstruction, the former recog- nizes the true meaning of the sketch, and fills it up in his " mind's eye;" whilst the latter can see little but what is actually before his bodily vision, and interprets as a literal presentation that which was intended merely as a suggestion. And it is now generally admitted, that in all the higher forms of representative Art, the aim should be, not to caU into exercise the faculty of mere objec- tive realization, but to address that higher power of idealization, which invests the conception suggested by the representation Avith attributes more exalted than those actually possessed by the original, yet not inconsistent wdth them. It depends, however, as much on the mind of the individual addressed, as on that of the Artist himself, whether such conceptions shall be formed; since by those who do not possess this power, the highest work of Art is only appreciated, in so far as it enables them to realize the object which it may represent. 226. Having thus pointed out what may be considered the most elementary forms of Mental action, we shall briefly pass in review those more complex operations which may be regarded as in great part compounded of them. The capacity for performing these is known as the Intellect or the reasoning power; and the capacities for those various forms of intellectual activity, which it is con- venient to distinguish for the sake of making ourselves more fully acquainted with them, are termed "intellectual faculties." It appears to the Writer, however, to be a fundamental error to suppose, that the entire Intellect can be split-up into a certain number of faculties ; for each faculty that is distinguished by the Psychologist, expresses nothing else than a mode of activity in Avhich the whole power of the Mind may be engaged at once,—just as the whole power of the locomotive steam-engine may be em- ployed in carrying its load forwards or backwards, according to the direction given to its action. It is the direction of the attention to external objects, for example, that constitutes the " faculty " otobser- Acts of Reasoning. 261 ration ; wdiich is simply that form of activity, in Avhich the Mind is occupied by the Sense-impressions it is receiving, either from a number of sources at once, or from a more limited area, the im- pressions in the latter case being proportionally intensified (§ 123). On the other hand, it is the direction of our attention to what is passing within us,—not merely intensifying the Mental state, but separating and bringing it forward as an object of contemplation, —which is designated as reflection, but is more appropriately termed introspection. In each of these the whole Mind may be so completely engaged, that the two activities cannot go on simul- taneously (§ 117). So, again, in that reproduction of past states of consciousness which we term memory, and, still more in that volitional recall of them which constitutes recollection, we have the whole mind at work in certain definite sequences expressed by the " laws of association." 227. Upon the various Ideational states, which are either directly excited by Sense-impressions, or are reproduced by Memory, and are sequentially connected in " trains of thought" by suggestions arising out of pre-formed associations, all acts of Reasoning are founded. These consist, for the most part, in the aggregation and collocation of ideas, the decomposition of complex ideas into more simple ones, and the combination of simple ideas into general expressions; in wdiich processes are exercised the faculty of comparison, by which the relations and connections of ideas are perceived,—that of abstraction, by which we mentally isolate from the rest any particular quality of the object of cur* thought, —and that of generalization, by Avhich we recognize the common properties we have abstracted, as composing a distinct notion, that of some genus in which the objects are comprehended. These operations, when carefully analyzed, seem capable of reduction to this one expression,—namely, the fixation of our Attention either on some particular classes of ideas, from among those which sug- gestion brings before our consciousness, or on some particular 262 Succession of Ideas. relations of those ideas ; and this fixation may depend, as already shown, either on the peculiar attractiveness which these ideas or relations have for us (the constitution of individual minds varying greatly in this respect), or on the determination of our OAvn Will. All these faculties are exercised in the act of judgment; which is a summary expression of the entire process—how simple or how complex soever—by which we arrive at a decision either as to the absolute or probable truth or falsehood of any proposition, or as to the moral or prudential bearing of any course of action. —There is strong reason to believe that these processes may be performed automatically to a very considerable extent, without any other than a permissive act of Will. It is clearly by such automatic action, that the before-mentioned "fundamental axioms" or "secondary intuitions " (§ 199) are evolved; and there is not one of the operations above described which may not be performed quite involuntarily, especially by an individual who is naturally disposed to it. Thus, to some persons, the tendency to compare any new object of consciousness with objects that have been previously before the mind, is so strong as to be almost irresistible; and this, or any other original tendency, is strengthened by the habit of acting in conformity with it. So, again, the tendency to abstract is equally strong in the minds of others, Avho instinctively seek to separate what is fundamental and essential in the proper- ties of objects, from what is superficial and accidental; and their attention being most attracted by the former, they readily recognize the same characters elseAvhere, and are thus as prone to combine and generalize, as others are to analyse and distinguish. 228. It is only, in fact, when we intentionally divert the current of thought from the direction in which it was previously running, ■—when we determine to put our minds in operation in some parti- cular manner,—and make a choice of means adapted to our end (as in the act of recollection (§ 370), by purposely fixing our attention upon one class of objects to the exclusion of others,—that we can be Automatic Activity and Volitional Control. 263 said to use the Will in our intellectual processes; and this exercise of it is shown, by the analysis of our own consciousness, to be less constant than is commonly supposed. Thus we may imagine a man sitting-down at a fixed hour every day, to write a treatise upon a subject Avhich he has previously thought-out: after that first effort of Will by Avhich his determination was made, the daily. continuance of his task becomes so habitual to him, that no fresh exertion of it is required to bring him to his desk; and, unless he feel unfit for his work, or some other object of interest tempt him away from it, so that he is called-upon to decide between contending motives, his will cannot be fairly said to be brought into exercise. It may need, perhaps, some Volitional fixation of his attention upon the topics upon which he had been engaged when he last dropped the thread, to enable him to recover it, so as to commence his new labours in continuity with the preceding ; but when once his mind is fairly engrossed with the subject, this developes itself before his consciousness according to his previous habits of mental action; ideas foUow one another in rapid and continuous succes- sion, clothe themselves in words, and prompt the movements by which those Avords are expressed in writing; and this automatic action may continue uninterruptedly for hours (§ 236 a), without any tendency of the mind to wander from its subject, the Will being only called into play when the feeling of fatigue or the distraction of other objects renders it difficult to keep the attention fixed upon that which has previously held it by its own attractive power (§ 315).—The converse of this condition is expe- rienced, wdien some powerful interest tends to draw-off the attention elsewhere, and the thoughts are found to wander continually from the subject in hand; or when, from the undue protraction of mental exertion, the physical condition is such, that the thoughts no longer develope themselves consecutively, nor shape themselves into appropriate forms of expression. In either of these cases, the Intellectual powers can only be kept in action upon the 264 Succession of Ideas. pre-determined subject, by a strong effort of the will : of this effort we are conscious at the time, and feel that we need to put forth even a greater power than that which would be required to generate a large amount of physical force through the muscular system ; and we subsequently experience the results of it, in the feeling of excessive fatigue which always follows any such exertion. 229. The more carefully the actions of early Childhood are ob- served, the more obvious does it become that they are solely prompted by ideas and feelings Avhich automatically succeed one another, in uncontrolled accordance Avith the lavrs of suggestion. This principle has already been referred to (§ 120); but the following illustrations of it, which show that a Child very early comes to adapt the expression of its wants, or the communication of its ideas, to the receptivity of the person addressed,—and this not by intention, but in accordance Avith an acquired intuition based on its everyday experience,—may be here appropriately intro- duced :— a. Dr. Kitto, whose experience of entire loss of the sense of Hearing has formed the subject of a very interesting Autobiography, tells us that his children, in their successive infancies, would begin to imitate the finger-language whenever they saw him, even whilst they were yet in arms, and could have had no true cognizance of his peculiar condition.—{The Lost Senses, vol. i., p. 97.) b. The following case, originally recorded by Dr. C. B. Badcliffe, has been found by the subsequent enquiries of the Writer to be one of very common occurrence.—A child of English parents residing in Germany, being under the care of a German nurse, had acquired the power of speaking on ordinary matters either in German or English, without confusing tho words or idioms; but yet seemed invariably compelled to reply in the language used by the person he was addressing. Thus, in conveying a message to his German nurse, he delivered it in German, though he had received it the moment previously in English; but on returning to the English family in the parlour, if asked what the maid had said, he answered in English as often as the question was proposed in English; and even though A utomatic A ctivity of Childhood. 265 pressed to give the words he had heard in the nursery, he still continued to do the same, without seeming to be aware of the difference. But if the question was put to him in Gorman, the answer was in German ; there being the same inability to reply in English, as there had previously been to give a German answer to the English question.—{Philosophy of Vital Motion, p. 137). c. In another instance known to the Writer, the child of a Prench father resident in England, and of an English-speaking mother, who was growing-up to speak to his father in French and to his mother in English, was taken by his father to spend the summer in Switzer- land, where he never heard anything but French spoken, and for several weeks himself spoke French exclusively. One day, as the father and child were walking together, they met some English friends, who addressed the boy in English, but could get no reply from him, though he answered them at once in French when they spoke to him in that language. The father feared that the boy had already lost his mother tongue; but on returning home the lad at once found it again, telling his mother in English of all that had happened to him abroad. These two cases, though in some respects dissimilar, are obviously referable to the same principle ; for the result was determined in each by the automatic action of the Mind, in accordance with the laws of association. In the former case, the language of each answer was suggested by that in Avhich the question was put; whilst in the latter, it Avas determined in the first instance by the last acquired habit, and in the second by the recurrence of the circumstances under wdiich the original habit had been formed. 230. Even in the adult, the predominance of the automatic activity of the Mind over that Avhich is regulated, by the will, is often seen as a result of a want of balance between the two; arising either from the excessive force of the former, or from the unusual weakness of the latter. We have an example of it in the loose rambling talk of persons Avho have never schooled themselves to the maintenance of a coherent train of thought, but are perpetually "flying off in a tangent,"—sometimes at a mere sensorial suggestion (conveyed 13 266 Succession of Ideas. by the sound or the visual conception of a Avord), sometimes at the prompting of an ideational association of a most irrelevant kind. A most truthful portraiture of a low type of this order of mind is presented in the " Mrs. Nickleby" of Dickens : while, in real life, Ave have had a most striking exemplification of its most exalted form in Coleridge, whose talk was just as disjointed as Mrs. Nickleby's; though relating to the highest instead of the most trivial subjects. His career, indeed, affords so remarkable a "study" to the Psychologist who takes as his guiding idea the relation bctAveen automatic activity and volitional direction, that tho principal features of it will be here brought under review. 231. There was probably no man of his time, or perhaps of any time, who surpassed Coleridge in the combination of the reasoning powers of the Philosopher with the imagination of the Poet and the inspiration of the Seer; and there was perhaps not one of the last generation, who has left so strong an impress of himself in the subsequent course of thought of reflective minds engaged in tho highest subjects of human contemplation. And yet there was probably never a man endowed with such remarkable gifts, who accomplished so little that was worthy of them,—the great defect of his character being the want of Will to turn his gifts to account; ■ so that, Avith numerous gigantic projects constantly floating in his mind, he never brought himself even seriously to attempt to execute any one of them. It used to be said of him, that whenever either natural obligation or voluntary undertaking made it his duty to do anything, the fact seemed a sufficient reason for his not doing it. Thus at the very outset of his career, when he had found a book- seller (Mr. Cottle) generous enough to promise him thirty guineas for poems which he recited to him, and might have received the whole sum immediately on delivering the manuscript, he went on, week after week, begging and borrowing for his daily needs in the most humiliating manner, until he had drawn from his patron the whole of the promised purchase-money, without supplying A utomatic A ctivity:—Coleridge. 267 him with a line of that poetry which he had only to write down to free himself from obligation.—The habit of recourse to nervine stimulants (alcohol and opium) which he early formed, and from which he never seemed able to free himself, doubtless still further weakened his power of Volitional self-control; so that it became necessary for his Avelfare, that he should yield himself to the control of others. The character of his Intellect was eminently speculative. 1 He tells us, in his "Biographia Literaria," that even before reaching his fifteenth year, he had bewildered himself in metaphysics and theological controversy ; that nothing else pleased him ; and that, in especial, history and particular facts had no interest for him. This complete isolation of his mind from all the realities of life, except the friendships to wdiich he was held by personal sympathy, marked his character throughout; what he would himself have called its subjective side having so great a predominance, that he seldom seemed to care to bring his ideas to the test of conformity with objective facts. All accounts of Coleridge's habits of thought, as manifested in his conversation (which was a sort of thinking aloud), agree in showing that his train of mental operations, once started, went on of itself,—sometimes for a long distance in the original direction, sometimes Avith a divergence into some other track, according to the consecutive suggestions of his own mind, or to new suggestions introduced into it from Avithout. a. The Writer once heard a very characteristic instance of this, from a gentleman who had obtained an introduction to him when he was domiciled with the Gillmans at Highgate. After presenting his credentials, his visitor expressed a hope that he was better, havin" heard that he had been ill. " Yes," said Coleridge, "I am better, but I should bo better still if I did not dream so much. These sub- jective states are very curious." And then he discoursed for two hours continuously on "subject" and "object;" or, as Carlyle graphically tells us, on what "he sang and snuffled into «om__m__. inject,' and ' sum— m- inject,' with a kind of solemn shake or quaver as he rolled along." 263 Succession of Ideas. b. How little he thought of his listeners, when he was once fairly launched, is proved by the following account of his habits, narrated to the Writer by a friend who was a school-girl at Highgate at tho time of Coleridge's residence there. Being accustomed to walk every fray in the " Grove," at an hour when the girls were at play there, ho would sometimes draw one of the children to him, and begin by caressing and coaxing her to talk to him; but very soon the con- versation would pass into the accustomed monologue, altogether beyond the comprehension of the poor child, who was like the " wedding-guest" under the spell of the "ancient mariner," vainly endeavouring to free herself that she might resume her sport. Thus " old Coley," as the school-girls irreverently nicknamed him, became the terror of the children of the neighbourhood, who learned sedulously to keep out of his way. c. Charles Lamb's story of his having cut off the button by which Coleridge was holding him one morning, when he was going in to London by the Enfield stage; of his leaving Coleridge in full talk, with the button in one hand, and sawing the air with the other; and of his finding him discoursing in exactly the same attitude when he came back to Enfield in the afternoon,—is, of course, a ludicrous exaggeration ; but it conveys, like other "myths," a true idea of the degree in which Coleridge was habitually " possessed " by the train of thought that happened to be passing through his mind at the time, In fact, Coleridge's whole life might almost be regarded as a sort of waking dream. The composition of the poetical fragment " Kubla Khan" in his sleep, as told in his " Biographia Literaria," is a typical example of automatic mental action. d. He fell asleep whilst reading the passage in "Purchas's Pilgrim- age" in which the "stately pleasure-house" is mentioned; and, on awaking, he felt as if he had composed from two to three hundred lines, which he had nothing to do but to write down, "the images rising up as things, with a parallel production of the correspondent expressions, without any sensation or consciousness of effort." The whole of this singular fragment, as it stands, consisting of fifty-four line?, was written as fast as his pen could trace the words; but having been interrupted by a person on business, who stayed with him above an . lutomatic Activity :—Coleridge. 269 hour, he found, to his surprise and mortification, that, " though he v still retained some vague and dim recollection of tho general purport • of the vision, yet, with the exception of some eight or ten scattered r lines and images, all -the rest had passed away, like the images on the surface of a stream into which a stone had been cast; but, alas! with- out the after-restoration of the latter." ; In the wonderfully graphic description of Coleridge's appearance and style of discourse, given by Carlyle (" Life of John Sterling," Chap. VIII.), it is necessary to bear in mind the essential difference, one might almost say the contrariety, between the characters of the " subject" and his pourtrayer : the "history and particular facts" which had "no interest" for the one, being the favourite mental food for the other ; while the purely speculative problems in which Coleridge delighted (parodied by his friend Charles Lamb, in the question " How many angels can dance on the point of one needle?"), would have been regarded by Carlyle as altogether futile. e. " Coleridge's whole figure and air," says Carlyle, "good and amiable otherwise, might be called flabby and irresolute ; expressive of weakness under possibility of strength. He hung loosely on his limbs, with knees bent, and stooping attitude. In walking ho rather shuffled than decisively stept; and a lady once remarked he never could fix which side of the garden-walk would suit him best, but continually shifted in corkscrew fashion, and kept trying both. " Nothing could be more copious than his talk; and, furthermore, it was always virtually or literally of the nature of a monologue; suffering no interruption, however reverent; hastily putting aside : all foreign additions, annotations, or most ingenuous desires for elucidation, as well-meant superfluities which would never do. Besides, it was talk not flowing any whither like a river, but spreading every whither in inextricable currents and regurgitations like a lake or sea ; terribly deficient in definite goal or aim—nay, often in logical intelligibility ; ichat you were to believe or do, on any earthly or heavenly thing, obstinately refusing to appear from it. So that, most times, you felt logically lost, swamped, near to 270 Succession of Ideas. drowning, in this tide of ingenious vocables, spreading out boundless as if to submerge the world. "He began anywhere. Tou put some question to him, made ' some suggestive observation ; instead of answering this, or decidedly setting out towards answering it, ho would accumulate formidable apparatus, logical-swim bladders, transcendental life-preservers, and other precautionary and vehiculatory gear, for setting out; perhaps did at last get under weigh, but was swiftly solicited, turned aside by the glance of some radiant new game on this hand or that, into new courses, and ever into new, and before long into all the universe, where it was uncertain what game j-ou would catch, or whether any. His talk, alas ! was distinguished, like himself, by irresolution; it disliked to be troubled with conditions, abstinences, definite fulfil- ments ; loved to wander at its own sweet will, and make its auditor and his claims and humble wishes a mero passive bucket for itself. '' Glorious islets, too—balmy, sunny islets—islets of the blest aud the intelligible ! I have seen rise out of the haze, but they were few, and soon swallowed in the general element again. " Eloquent, artistically expressive words you always had; piercing radiances of a most subtle insight came at intervals; tones of noble pious sympathy, recognisable as pious, though strangely coloured, were never wanting long; but, in general, you could not call this aimless, cloud-capt, cloud-based, lawlessly meandering human dis- course of reason by the name of ' excellent talk,' but only of ' surprising;' and were reminded bitterly of Hazlitt's account of it: ' Excellent talker, very—if you let him start from no premises, and come to no conclusion.' " - It was by the brilliance and subtlety of those occasional flashes of thought wdiich Carlyle designates as " islets of the blest and tho intelligible,'' and by the profound suggestiveness of those frag- mentary writings wdiich constitute all he ever executed of his colossal project of a system of Mental Philosophy in its widest meaning, that Coleridge exerted that influence over the thinkers of the succeeding generation, wdiich no one acquainted with its Intel- lectual history can question. 232. So, again, the artistic life of Mozart, from his infancy to his A utomatic A ctivity:—Mozart. 2 71 death, presents a typical example of the spontaneous or automatic production of Musical conceptions ; which, under the skilful training he received from his father, deATeloped themselves into creations of the very highest order, whose number, considering the early age at which he died (less than thirty-six years) is nothing less than marvellous. In fact, whether Ave estimate Mozart by the spon- taneity, the productiveness, or the variety of his inventive power, as attested by the multitude of those "things of beauty " he called into existence, every one of wdiich will be " a joy for ever,"—or by that wonderful divining faculty which enabled him, as a boy, to anticipate almost everything that was then known in Music, and as a man, to advance, in every style he took up, far beyond his greatest predecessors in each department,—or by the permanent impress he has left upon his Art, not merely in furnishing the most perfect models for the study of those who especially cultivate it, but in eleA'ating that general appreciation of the highest order of beauty, which only the wrorks of a consummate Artist can call forth,—Mozart certainly stands alone among Musicians, and deserves to rank as a typical example of genius. Mozart, like Coleridge was a man whose Will was weak in proportion to the automatic activity of his mind ; and it is probable that if he had not been under the guidance, in the first instance, of a judicious father, and afterwards of an excellent wife, to both of whom he had the good sense to submit himself, his career would have been comparatively inglorious. For his lively sensibility made him the sport of every kind of impulse, so that he could neither keep firm to a resolution, nor resist a temptation : and hence he would never of his own accord have subjected himself to the discipline which his father imposed upon him, and without which he could not have been anything else than a " musical prodigy ;" nor would he have had the motive which his conjugal affection supplied, for the steady application that was required for the elaboration of his greatest works. Hence his life becomes a most interesting study to the 272 Succession of Ideas. Psychologist, no less than to the Musician. Of the general features of his career, a sketch has already been given (§ 20G); we shall now endeavour to trace-out the manner in which ho worked; and of this we fortunately have a pretty full account from himself, in a letter to a friend :— '' You say you should like to know my way of composing, and what method I follow in writing works of some extent. I can really say no more on the subject than the following, for I myself know no more about it, and cannot account for it. When I am, as it were, completely myself, entirely alone, and of good cheer, say, travelling in a carriage, or walking after a good meal, or during the night when I cannot sleep; it is on such occasions that my ideas flow best and most abundantly. Whence and how they come, I know not, nor can I force them. Those ideas that please me I retain in my memory, and am accustomed (as I have been told) to hum them to myself. If I continue in this way, it soon occurs to me how I may turn this or that morceau to account, so as to to make a good dish of it, that is to say, agreeably to the rules of counterpoint, to the peculiarities of the various instruments, &c. "All this fires my soul, and, provided I am not disturbed, my subject enlarges itself, becomes methodised and defined, and the whole, though it be long, stands almost complete and finished in my mind, so that I can survey it like a fine picture, or a beautiful statue, at a glance. Nor do I hear in my imagination the parts successively, hut I hear them, as it were, all at once {gleich alks zusammen). What a delight this is, I cannot tell! All this inventing, this pondering, takes place in a pleasing lively dream. Still the actual hearing of the tout ensemble is after all the best. What has been thus produced I do not easily forget, and this is perhaps tho best gift I have my Divine Maker to thank for. '' When I proceed to write down my ideas, I take out of the bag of my memory, if I may use that phrase, what has previously been collected into it in the way I haA'e mentioned. For this reason, the committing to paper is done easily enough; for everything is, as I said before, already finished; and it rarely differs on paper from what it was in my imagination. At this occupation I can therefore suffer myself to be disturbed; for whatever may be going on around me, I A utomatic A ctivity :—Mozart. 273 write and even talk, but only of fowls and geese, or of Gretel or Barbel or some such matters.* But why my productions take from my hand that particular form and stylo that makes them Mozartish, and different from the works of other composers, is probably owing to the same cause which renders my nose so, or so large, so aquiline, or in short, makes it Mozart's, and different from that of other people. For I really do not study or aim at any originality; I should in fact not be able to describe in what mine consists, though I think it quite natural that persons who have really an individual appearance of their own, are also differently organised from others, both externally and internally. At least I know that I have not constituted myself, either one way or the other."—(Holmes's Life of Mozart, p. 318.) An interesting pendant to this remarkable self-analysis is supplied by Mozart's answer to the question asked him by a lad of twelve * The story of the production of the Overture to "Don Giovanni" affords so idmirable an illustration of the above description, that, though often told, it ought not to be omitted here :—On the very evening before the first performance of this Opera, not a note of the Overture had been written ; and Mozart was giving himself up to social enjoyment at the house of Dussek, for whose wife (a finished singer) he had been that day composing a highly scientific scena, peculiarly suited to her style. About midnight he retired to his apartment, desiring his wife to make him some punch, and to stay with him to keep him awake while he wrote. She accordingly began to tell him fairy tales and odd stories, which made him laugh till the tears came. The punch, however, occasioned such a drowsiness, that he could only go on while his wife was talking ; as soon as she ceased, he dropped asleep. The efforts which he made to keep himself awake, the continual alternation of sleep and watching, so fatigued him, that his wife persuaded him to take some rest, promising to awake him in an hour's time; but he slept so profoundly, that she suffered him to repose for two hours. At five in the morning she awoke him ; and by seven o'clock, the hour at which he had appointed the music-copiers to come to him, the Overture was finished. The commencement of the evening per- formance was delayed, because the copiers had not completed their work ; and the parts were brought into the orchestra with the notes still covered with the sand which had been used to dry up the ink.—Of course the Overture had to be per- formed without any rehearsal; and Mr. Holmes thinks it not unlikely that this tour deforce was intended by Mozart as a compliment to the Prague Orchestra. It is clear that the Overture must have previously evolved itself in all its com- pleteness in his creative imagination ; since the mere writing it down must have engrossed the whole of the time within which it was committed to paper. As a mere feat of Memory, its production was therefore most marvellous ; to say nothing of the transcendant merits of the work itself, which none but a Mozart could have produced. 274 Succession of Ideas. years old, who already played the pianoforte very skilfully. "Herr Kapellmeister, I should very much like to compose something. How am I to begin?" " Pho-pho, " said Mozart, " you must wait." " You, " said the boy, " composed much earlier. " " But, " replied Mozart, " I asked nothing about it. If one has the spirit of a composer, one writes because one cannot help it."—What can be a better description of the exuberant automatic activity of his Musical faculty f When he was " in the vein " for composition, it was difficult to tear him from his desk; and when he was in the mood to improvise upon the pianoforte, either alone or in the society of a friend, sitting down to the instrument in the evening, he commonly pursued the train of his musical thoughts till long after midnight. That, notwithstanding the exuberance of his own creative power, Mozart constantly disciplined it by the most sedulous study, and that he could, without being chargeable with imitation, assimilate (so to speak) into his own Musical constitution all that he found suitable in the works of others as pabulum for his genius, is one of its most re- markable features. " It is a very great error," he wrote to a friend, " to suppose that my art has become so exceedingly easy to me. I assure you there is scarcely any one who has worked at the study of composition as I have. You could hardly mention any famous composer, whose writings I have not diligently and repeatedly studied throughout." And, in this self-education, as Mr. Holmes remarks, " whatever of striking, new, or beautiful he met with in the worka of others, left its impression on him; and he often reproduced these effects, not servilely, but mingling his own nature and feeling with them, in a manner not less surprising than delightful." Thus no musician more thoroughly appreciated, than did Mozart, the surpassing greatness, in his own particular walk, of Handel. "Handel," he said, "understands effects better than any of us; when he chooses, he strikes like a thunderbolt." Mozart's "addi- tional accompaniments" to the "Messiah" show how thoroughly impregnated he had become with the feeling which pervades that immortal work; so as to be able to fill up,—with the rich colouring of an instrumentation, and with the telling effects of harmonies, that Handel could not have devised,—the grand outlines traced by the Master's hand, in such a manner that none but a pedant could take exception to difference of style. Let any competent Automatic Activity :—Mozart. 275 listener compare the effect produced on his own Musical sense by that wonderful song, " The people that walked in darkness," as accompanied with and without the wind-instrument parts added by Mozart; and he must acknowledge how admirably they carry out the ~ "groping" sentiment of the air itself, which in Handel's score is merely repeated in octaves by the stringed instruments. It would seem as if Mozart had made this air (as it, were) a part of himself, and ' that these accompaniments then evolved themselves in what was to him its most natural form of complete expression. Only second to Mozart's creative genius, was his executive skill; which enabled him to render his own Musical ideas, and to express - his own feelings, on the pianoforte, in a w7ay which, by the judg- . ment of his ablest contemporaries, it would be impossible even now to surpass. The testimony of Haydn, in particular, who Avas a - frequent guest at the parties at which Mozart was wont to intro- duce his new compositions to his friends, and who constantly showed the most cordial appreciation of the genius of one whom - less disinterested men depreciated as a dangerous rival, is singularly ; emphatic. " Mozart's playing,'' he said, " I can never forget." Doubtless, this executive skill was partly due to the early and - excellent training he received from his father ; and was partly the result of the animating influence of the genius which thus found expression. But looking to the fact of no unfrequent occurrence in every department of invention, that genius has often to struggle for its expression, and looking also to the peculiar mobility of Mozart's physical constitution, which showed itself in a variety of ways, it can scarcely be doubted that his was a case in which there w7as that complete harmony between his bodily and his mental organisation, Avhich enables each to minister in the highest degree to the requirements of the other.—If the self-discipline which Mozart so admirably exercised in the culture of his Musical gifts, had been carried into his Moral nature, so as to restrain the . impulses of his ardent temperament within due bounds, and to preA'ent him from consuming the energy of his frail body in the 2 7 6 Succession of Ideas. pursuit of exhausting pleasures, the world might haAre profited by a still higher development of his genius, and a still larger bequest of treasures of pure and elevated enjoyment. 233. It may be Avell to contrast Avith these examples, two others drawn from the careers of men by whom inferior endowments were turned to their best account, under the direction of a steady Will Coleridge's brother-in-law, Southey, was as honourably di* tinguished by his strong sense of duty, and strict fidelity to his engagements and resolutions, as Coleridge himself was lamentably notorious for the reverse. Although few of Southey's poems may retain a lasting celebrity, yet his prose writings will always bo models of excellence in composition ; and he had his powers under such complete command, that he never failed (save from physical incapacity) to perform those promises which are too often made by men of genius " only to be broken," and never shrank from what he felt to be a task of disagreeable drudgery, when once he had undertaken it. And it is specially worthy of note, that even his poetic faculty seemed to be so far under his command, that he could fix how many lines he should write per day, so as to complete a poem of a given length within a specified time. Though poetry of the higliest eminence cannot be thus " made to order," few in Southey's day could have produced what would have equalled his, either in opulence of imagination, or in splendour and appropriate- ness of diction. " His mind," it has been said, «although a teeming, was not an inventive or creative one. It returned manifold the seed deposited in it, but communicated to it com- paratively little of any new nature or quality." What his poetry wanted, was the true vitality of the mens diviniur; and this it was not in Southey's nature to impart. 234. The contrast between Haydn and Mozart, as regards both their artistic genius and their personal character, is scarcely less striking. Haydn's musical ability, like Mozart's, manifested itself in childhood ; but it received a far less complete training. Being Volitional Control:—Haydn. 277 early thrown, however, in a great degree upon his own resources, he displayed that steadiness of purpose which mainly contributed to his subsequent distinction, in acquiring from books, and from such chance instruction as he could obtain, the theoretical know- ledge which he felt that he needed for succeeding as a Composer. By giving a few lessons in music, and occasionally performing in the orchestra, he managed to supply himself with Avhat, frugally \ husbanded, served to provide him with absolute necessaries, and to enable him to maintain a decent appearance; and having thus - gradually acquired a reputation as an able Musician, at the age of twenty-nine (before attaining which Mozart had produced some of his master-pieces), he Avas appointed Maestro di Capella to Brince Esterhazy, in whose service he remained to the end of his long life of seventy-seven years. a. Comfortably settled in the palace of Eisenstadt, in Hungary, enjoying in moderation his favourite diversions of hunting and fishing, and relieved from care for the future, Haydn there composed the long series of works in various styles which he produced before his visit to London at nearly sixty years of age; which visit was the immediate occasion of his bringing out his " Twelve Grand Symphonies," and indirectly (by the impression which his hearing of Handel's music made upon him) prompted the composition of the " Creation," which he produced in his sixty-fifth year. During the whole period of his residence with Brince Esterhazy, he may be said to have been edu- cating himself, under peculiar advantages, for those great works of his advanced life, on which his reputation now chiefly rests. He had a full and choice band living under the same roof with him, at his command every hour in the day; he had only to order, and they were ready to try the effect of any piece, or even of any passage, which, quietly seated in his study, he might commit to paper. Thus at leisure he heard, corrected, and refined whatever he conceived; and never sent forth his compositions, until they were in a state to fear- lessly challenge criticism. There can be no question of Haydn's inferiority to Mozart in creative power; but the steadiness of his application to his art, 2 78 Succession of Ideas. and the advantage he possessed in being constantly able to test his productions by actual trial, enabled him ultimately to attain a place among the first of modern Musicians, which Mozart had reached at a bound. He did not possess enough of the emotional temperament to succeed In dramatic composition ; and his Operas have been long forgotten. But his forte lay in the development of musical ideas, and in the construction of elaborate Orchestral combinations; so that he is commonly regarded as "the father of modern orchestral music." As already pointed out (§ 206), however, Mozart is fully entitled to share in this distinction; his marvellous intuition having directly led him to anticipate many of those effects, which Haydn was engaged in elabor- ating by successive steps. It is worthy of note, as showing the different temperaments of these two illustrious contem- poraries, that while Mozart's musical ideas were almost always in free flow (§ 400)—their character changing with the mood in Avhich he happened to be—those of Haydn seemed only to come when he set himself to compose, which he usually did at a fixed hour every day, in this respect strongly resembling Southey. b. It is related of him that, when he sat down to compose, he always dressed himself with the utmost care, had his hair nicely powdered, and put on his best suit. Frederick II. had given him a diamond ring; and Haydn declared that, if he happened to begin without it, he could not summon a single idea. He could write only on the finest paper; and was as particular in forming his notes, as if he had been engraving them on copper-plate. After all these minute pre- parations, he began by choosing the theme of his subject, and fixing into what keys he wished to modulate it; and he varied, as it were, the action of his subject, b3r imagining to himself the incidents of some little adventure or romance.—Haydn had strong religious feeling; and when, in composing, he found his imagination at fault, or was stopped by some difficulty which appeared insurmountable, he rose from the pianoforte and began to run over his rosary, and was ac- customed to say that he never found this method fail. Ideo-motor Action. 279 This last fact is a "pregnant instance" of the principle of action which we shall hereafter have to consider (Chap. XIII.);— that, namely, of the Avorking of a mechanism beneath the consciousness, which, when once set going, runs on of itself; and which is more likely to evolve the desiderated result, Avhen the conscious activity of the mind is exerted in a direction altogether different. Section 3.—Ideo-Motor Action. 235. Although it has been usual to designate by the term volun- tary all those muscular movements Avhich take-place as the result of mental operations, save when they are the expression of emotional states, yet a careful analysis of the sources from which many of even our ordinary actions proceed, will show that the Will has no direct participation in producing them ; aud that they are, psycho- logically speaking, the direct manifestations of Ideational states excited to a certain measure of intensity, or, in physiological language, reflex actions of the Cerebrum. This mode of opera- tion has been already shown (§§ 94—111) not only to be fully conformable to the general plan of the activity of the Nervous system, but even to complete or fill-up a part of it which would otherwise be left void; and we shall find that it takes account of a great number of phenomena which had not previously been included under any general category, and Avhich, when thus com- bined and generalized, form a most interesting and remarkable group, well deserving of attentive study.—It is, of course, when the Intellect is in a state of exalted (though it may be aberrant) activity, but when the directing power of the Will is suspended or weakened, that -we should expect to see the most remarkable manifestations of this "reflex" power of the Cerebrum ; and such is the condition of the Somnambulist who acts his dreams (§ 492), and of the Biologized subject who acts his reverie (§ 451). In 28o Ideo-motor Action. each case, the mind is " possessed " by a succession of Ideas, which may either be spontaneously evolved by its own operations, or may be directly suggested through the senses, or may be the products of associative action called forth by the promptings which it receives from without. In Avhatever mode the Ideas have been generated, it is the essential characteristic of these states, that the mind is entirely given-up to whatever may happen to be before it at the time ; wdiich consequently exerts an uncontrolled directing power over the actions, there being no antagonistic agency to keep it in check. 236. We may range under the same category all those actions performed by us in our ordinary course of life, Avhich are rather the automatic expressions of the ideas that may be dominant in our minds at the time, than prompted by distinct volitional efforts (§ 228). Of this kind, the act of expressing the thoughts in Language, whether by speech or by writing, may be considered as a good example : for the attention may be so completely given-up to the choice of words and to the composition of the sentences, that the movements by which the Avords and sentences already conceived are uttered by the voice or traced on paper, no more partake of the truly Volitional character, than do those of our limbs when we walk through the streets in a state of abstraction (§ 16). And it is a curious evidence of the influence of Ideas, rather than of the agency of the Will, in producing them, that, as our conceptions are a little in advance of our speech or AATiting, it occasionally happens that we mis-pronounce or mis-spell a word, by introducing into it a letter or syllable of some other whose turn is shortly to come ; or, it may be, the Avhole of the anticipated word is substituted for the one which ought to have been expressed. Now it is obvious that there could be neither any consciously-formed intention of break- ing the regular sequence, nor any volitional effort to do so ; and the result is evidently the automatic expression of the Idea repre- sented by the anticipated word, which interferes with the working Anticipation of Words in Dictation. 281 out of that which we have previously given it in charge to our automaton to execute.— An interesting example of this familiar phenomenon (which, like many other mental phenomena, has not attracted the notice it merits, simply because it is so familiar) is given us by the amanuensis to whom Sir Walter Scott dictated his " Life of Napoleon Buonaparte " :— a. " His thoughts flowed easily and felicitously, without any difficulty to lay hold of them or to find appropriate language ; which was evident by the absence of all solicitude {miseria cogitandi) from his countenance. He sat in his chair, from which he rose now and then, took a volume from the book-case, consulted it, and restored it to the shelf,—all without intermission in the current of ideas, which con- tinued to be delivered with no less readiness than if his mind had been wholly occupied with the words he was uttering. It soon became apparent to me, however, that he was carrying on two distinct trains of thought, one of which was already arranged, and in the act of being spoken, while at the same time ho was in advance, considering what was afterwards to be said. This I discovered by his sometimes introducing a word which was wholly out of place—entertained in- stead of denied, for example,—but which I presently found to belong to the next sentence, perhaps, four or five lines further on, which he had been preparing at the very moment that he gave me the words of the one that preceded it."—{Life of Sir Walter Scott, Chap. lxxiii.) 237. It is the dominant Idea, then, which really determines these movements, the Will simply permitting them; and the more com- pletely the volitional power is directed to other objects, the more completely automatic are the actions of this class. They may, indeed, come to be performed even Avithout the consciousness, or at least without the remembered consciousness, of the agent; as we see in the case of those who have the habit of "thinking aloud," and who are subsequently quite surprised on learning what they have uttered. The one-sided conversation of some persons, who are far more attentive to their oavh trains of thought, than they are to what may be expressed by others, and who are 282 Ideo-motor Action. allowed to proceed with little or no interruption, is often a sort of "thinking aloud."—This was pre-eminently the habit of Cole- ridge, whose Avliole life was little else than a waking dream, and whose usual talk has been shown to have been the outpouring of his "dominant ideas." (See § 231.)—The following case, recently communicated to the Writer, shows how strongly, the mode of expression of our ideas is influenced by habit; and how, after the chain would seem to have been completely broken, it may come to renew itself Avhen the circumstances recur under which it had been formed :— b. A Military Officer, who had seen much hard service at a time when a command was scarcely ever given without the accompaniment of an oath, and who had thus acquired the habit of continual swearing, determined, on retiring into private life, to do his best to forego this practice; and by keeping a constant check upon himself, with the assist- ance of the friendly monitions of others, he entirely succeeded. After the lapse of many years, however, he found himself called upon to perform some Military duty ;. and, in the discharge of it, he used much of the bad language to which he had formerly accustomed himself. A friend who happened to notice this, having afterwards expressed his regret that he should have relapsed into his old habit of swearing, the Officer assured him (and he was a man whose word could be implicitly relied on) that lie was not at the time in the least degree conscious of uttering an oath, and that he hud not the slightest recollection of having done so. 238. Much attention has recently been given to a set of Involun- tary movements, Avhich, however diverse the circumstances under wdiich they occur, all have their source in one and the same mental condition,—that of expectant attention :—the whole Mind being "possessed" with the idea that a certain action will take place, and being eagerly directed (generally with more or less of emo- tional excitement) towards the indications of its occurrence. This is a very curious subject of inquiry, and one on which adequate scrutiny has scarcely yet been bestowed ; the phenomena Expectant A ttention:—Suspended Buttons. 283 which are referable to the principle of action here enunciated, having been very commonly explained by the agency of some other hypothetical Force.—Thus, if a button or ring be suspended from the end of the finger or thumb, in such a position that, Avhen slightly oscillating, it shall strike against a glass tumbler, it has been affirmed by many who have made the experiment, that the button continues to swing with great regularity, striking the glass at tolerably-regular intervals, until it has sounded the hour of the day, after which it ceases for a time to swing far enough to make another stroke. This certainly does come to pass, in many in- stances, without any intention on the part of the performer ; Avho may be really doing all in his power to keep his hand perfectly stationary. Now it is impossible, by any voluntary effort, to keep the hand absolutely still, for any length of time, in the position required; an involuntary tremulousness is always observable in the suspended body; and if the attention be fixed upon the part, with the expectation that the vibrations will take a determinate direction, they are very likely to do so.""'—Their persistence in this direction, hoAvever, only takes place so long as they are guided by the visual sensations; a fact which at once points to the real spring of their performance. "When the performer is impressed with the conviction that the hour will be thus indicated, the result is very likely to happen ; and when it has once occurred, his confidence is sufficiently established to make its recurrence a matter of tolerable certainty. On the other hand, the experiment seldom succeeds with sceptical subjects; the "expectant idea" not having in them the requisite potencj'. That it is through the Mind that these movements are regulated, however involuntarily, appears evident from these two considerations :—first, that if the performer be * This was long since pointed out by M. Chevreul, who investigated the subject in a truly philosophic spirit. See his letter to M. Ampere, in the " Kevue des Dcux-Mondes," Mai 1833; aiffl his more recent treatise " De la Baguette Divinatoire, du Pendule dit Explorateur, et des Tables Tournantes," Paris, 1854. 284 Ideo-motor Action. entirely ignorant of the hour, the strokes on the glass do not indicate its number, except by a casual coincidence ;—and second, that the division of the entire period of the earth's rotation into twenty-four hours, and the very nomenclature of these hours, being entirely arbitrary and conventional, no other modus operandi can be imagined. For example, the button which strikes eleven at night in London, should strike twenty-three in Italy, where (as in the astronomer's Observatory) the cycle of hours is continued through the whole twenty-four; and if an Act of Barliament were to introduce the Italian horary arrangement into this country, all the swinging buttons in her Majesty's dominions would have to add twelve to their number of post- meridiem strokes; all which would doubtless come to pass, if the experimenters' expectation of the result were sufficiently strong. These phenomena, in which no hypothetical " odylic" or other "occult" agency can be reasonably supposed to operate, are here alluded-to only for the sake of illustrating those next to be described, Avhich have been imagined to prove the existence of a new Force in Nature. 239. If " a fragment of anything, of any shape," be suspended from the end of the fore-finger or thumb, and the Attention be intently fixed upon it, regular oscillations will be frequently seen to take place in it; and if changes of various kinds be made in the conditions of the experiment, corresponding changes in the direc- tion of the movements will very commonly follow. a. The public mind was directed to these facts, about the year 1850, by Dr. Herbert Mayo; who, having brought himself to accept Baron Beichenbach's "Od3de" as a "new force in Nature," accepted these oscillations as a manifestation of it, and gave to this suspended body the designation of " odometer." After varying his experiments in a great variety of modes, Dr. Mayo came to the conclusion that the direction and extent of the oscillations were capable of being altered, either by a change in the nature of the substances placed beneath the odometer, or by the contact of the Expectant Attcntion:—Suspended Buttons. 285 hand of a person of the opposite sex, or even of the experimenter's other hand, with that from which the odometer was suspended, or by various other changes of the like nature. And he gradually reduced his results to a series of definite Laws, to which he seems to have imagined them to be as amenable, as are the motions of the heavenly bodies to the law of Gravitation.—{The Truths con- tained in Popular Superstitions, 3rd edition, 1851, Letter xn.) b. Other observers, however, who were induced by Dr. Mayo's earlier experiments to take-up the subject, and who worked it out with like perseverance and good faith, framed a very different code; so that it at once became apparent to those who knew the. influence which "expectant attention" exerts in determining involuntary muscular movements, that this was only another case of the samo kind ; and that tho cause of the change of direction in each case lay in the Idea that some such change would result from a certain variation in the conditions of the experiment. Hence the general conclusions which each experimenter works out for himself, so far from being entitled to rank as "laws of Ody lie force," are merely expressions of what has been passing (though perhaps almost unconsciously to himself) in Jiis own mind.—The truth of this rationale was proved by the results of a few very simple variations in the conditions of the experiment. When it was tried upon new subjects, who were entirely devoid of any expectant idea of their own, and who received no intimation, by word, sign, or look, of what was anticipated by others, the results were found to have no uniformity whatever. And even those who had previously been most successful in this line of performance, found all their success vanish, from the moment that they withdrew their eyes from the oscil- lating body, its movements thenceforth presenting no regularity whatever.—Thus it became obvious that the definite direction which the oscillations previously possessed, was due, not to any Magnetic, Electric, or Odylic force of which the* operator was the medium, but to the influence directly exercised by his Ideas over his muscles, under the guidance of his visual sense. 240. Now this will occur, notwithstanding the strong Volitional determination of the experimenter to maintain a complete immobility in the suspending finger. And it is very easily proved that, as 286 Ideo-motor Action. in the preceding case, the movements are guided by his Visual sensations, and that the impulse to them is entirely derived from his expectation of a given result. For if he be ignorant of the change which is made in the conditions of the experiment, and should expect or guess something different from that which really exists, the movement will be in accordance Avith his Idea, not with the reality :— a. Bather more than twenty years ago, when no inconsiderable portion of the British public was amusing itself with swinging buttons and rings from its finger-ends, the attention of Scientific men was invited by Mr. Butter of Brighton to the fact, that a very definite series of movements of a like kind was exhibited by a ball suspended from a metallic frame which was itself considered a fixture, when the finger was kept for a short time in contact with it; and that these movements varied in direction and intensity, according aa the operator touched other individuals with his disengaged hand, laid hold with it of bodies of various kinds, or altered his condition in various other modes. These experiments appeared to many persons of great general intelligence, to indicate some new and mysterious agency not hitherto recognised in our philosophy; for even among those who might be disposed to attribute the oscillations of a button suspended from the finger, to the involuntary move- ments of the hand itself, some were slow to believe that the simple contact of the finger with a frame of solid metal could produce the like vibrations through such a medium. Yet there were certain troublesome sceptics, who persisted in asserting that this was but pro another case of " expectant attention; " and such it was soon proved to be. b. The mode in which the denouement took place, however, was not a little curious. Among Mr. Butter's disciples was a Homoeopathic ' Bhysician at Brighton, Dr. H. Madden; who conceived the notable idea of testing the value of the indications of the Magnetometer (as it was called), by questioning it as to the characters of his remedies, in regard to which he was of course himself " possessed" with certain foregone conclusions. Globules in hand, therefore, he consulted its oscillations, and found that they corresponded exactly with his idea of what they ought to be; a medicine of one class producing longi- . Expectant Attention : — Rutlers Magnetometer. 287 iudinal movements, which were at once exchanged for transverse when a medicine of opposite virtues was substituted for it. In this way Dr. Madden was sjTstematically going through the whole Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia; when circumstances led him to investi- gate the subject de novo, with a precaution which had never occurred to him as requisite in the first instance, but of which the importance is obvious to every one who holds tho real clue to the mystery ;— namely, that he should not know what were the substances on which he was experimenting, the globules being placed in his hand by another party, who should give him no indication whatever of their nature. From the moment that he began to work upon this plan, the whole aspect of affairs w7as altered. The results ceased altogether to present any constancy. Oscillations at one time transverse, at other times longitudinal, were produced by the very same globules ; whilst remedies of the most opposite kinds frequently gave no sign of difference. And thus, in a very short time, Dr. Madden was led to the conviction, which he aA'Owed with a candour that was very creditable to him, that the whole system which he had built-up had no better foundation than his oivn anticipation of ivhat the results should be.—{Lancet, Nov. 15, 1851.) 241. This case—which seems so easily disposed of by the phrase " all humbug," or " all imagination,"—is, in truth, neither the one nor the other; but a singularly complete and satisfactory example of the general principle, that, in certain individuals, and in a certain state of mental concentration, the expectation of a result is sufficient to determine,—without any voluntary effort, and even in opposition to the Will (for this may be honestly exerted in the attempt to keep the hand perfectly unmoved),—the Muscular movements by which it is produced. It is obvious, too, that the unconscious rhythmical motion of the hand constituted the vera causa of the vibrations of the magnetometer : a fact which will not surprise any one Avho knows how difficult it is to prevent the tremors of a Telescope or a Microscope, by the most careful con- struction of its supporting frame-work; or Avho bears in mind that the form of the great speculum of Lord Bosse's telescope, weighing 288 Ideo-motor Action. five tons, having a thickness of eight inches, and composed of the hardest known combination of metals, is perceptibly altered (as is demonstrated by the immediate impairment of the distinctness of its reflection) by a moderate pressure of the hand against its back. Moreover, as Dr. Madden justly remarked, the arrangement of Mr. Butter's apparatus was such as to admit of the greatest sensible effect being produced by the smallest amount of imparted motion; and every modification of it which increased its immo- bility, decreased in the same proportion its apparent sensibility to the so-called "magnetic currents." It was further ascertained that no definite vibrations took place, unless the pendulum Avas watched; showing that, as in the preceding cases, the guidance of the visual sense was required to determine their direction. It is a curious example, however, of the hold which the belief in the "occult" has upon the Imagination, that, notwithstanding the complete proof thus givTen of the dependence of these vibrations upon the unconscious movements of the operator himself, the vague hypothesis of " human electricity " long continued to be entertained by Mr. Butter and his disciples ; just as the Spiri- tualists of the present day will not accept Faraday's demonstration (§ 245) that tables are really "turned" and "tilted" by the pressure of the hands placed on them,—refusing to submit the question to the test of Physical experiment, because (as they say) it cannot negative their own conviction that they are exerting no pressure whatever. 212. It is clearly on the very same Physiological principle, that we are to explain the mysterious phenomena of the " Divining rod ;" which have been accepted as true, or rejected as altogether fabulous, according to the preA-ious habits of thought of those who have given their attention to the subject.—That the end of a hazel-fork, whose limbs are grasped firmly in the hands of a person whose good faith can scarcely be doubted, frequently points upAvards or downwards without any intentional direction on his own Expectant Attention :—Divining-Rod. 289 part, and often thus moves Avhen there is metal or water beneath the surface of the ground at or near the spot, is a fact which is vouched-for by such testimony that we have scarcely a right to reject it; and Avhen Ave come to examine into the conditions of the occurrence, Ave shall find that they are such as justify us in attributing it to a state of expectant attention, which (as Ave have seen) is fully competent to induce muscular movement. For, in the first place, as not above one individual in forty, even in the localities wdiere the virtues of the divining-rod are still held as an article of faith, is found to succeed in the performance of this experiment, it is obvious that the agency which produces the deflection—whatever be its nature—must operate by affecting the holder of the rod, and not by attracting or repelling the rod itself. And when experiments are carefully made with the view of deter- mining the nature of this agency, they are found to indicate most clearly that the state of expectant attention, induced by the anticipation of certain results, is fully competent to produce them. For the mere act of holding the rod for some time in the required position, and of attending to its indications, is sufficient to pro- duce a tendency to spasmodic contraction in the grasping muscles, notwithstanding a strong effort of the Will to the contrary; and Avhen, by such contractions, the limbs of the fork are made to approximate-towards or to separate-from each other, the point of the fork will be caused to move either upwards or doAvnwards, according to the position in winch it is held. If, when the muscles have this tendency to contract, occasioned by their continued restraint in one position, the mind be possessed with the expecta- tion that a certain movement will ensue, that movement will actually take-place, even though a strong effort may be made by the Will to prevent any change in the condition of themuscles. And a sufficient ground for such expectation exists, on the part of those who are "possessed" by the idea of the peculiar powers of the divining-rod, in the belief, or even in the surmise, that water or 14 290 Ideo-motor Action. metal may lie beneath particular points of the surface over which they pass. a. Thus Dr. H. Mayo, notwithstanding his belief in the existence of an " Od-forcey' governing the movements of tho divining-rod, admitted that he found in the course of his experiments, that when his " diviner" knew which way he expected the fork to move, it invariably answered his expectations ; but when he had the man blindfolded, the results were uncertain and contradictory. Hence he became certain that several of those in whose hands the divining- rod moves, set it in motion, and direct its motion (however unin- tentionally and unconsciously) by the pressure of their fingers, and by carrying their hands near-to or apart-from each other.—{Op. cit,, Letter I.) b. The following statement of the results obtained by a very intelli- gent friend of the Writer, who took up tho inquiry some years ago, with a strong prepossession (derived from the assurances of men of high scientific note) in favour of the reality of the supposed influence, but yet with a desire to investigate the whole matter carefully and philosophically for himself, will serve as a complete illustration of the doctrine enunciated above:—Having duly provided himself with a hazel-fork, he set out upon a survey of the neighbourhood in which he happened to be staying on a visit; this district was one known to be traversed by Mineral Veins, with the direction of some of which he was acquainted. With his " divining-rod" in his hand, and with his attention closely fixed upon his instrument of research, he walked forth upon his experimental tour; and it was not long before, to his great satisfaction, he observed the point of the fork to be in motion, at the very spot where he knew that he was crossing a metallic lode. For many less cautious investigators, this would have been enough; hut it served only £0 satisfy this gentleman that he was a favourable subject for the trial, and to stimulate him to further inquiry. Pro- ceeding in his walk, and still holding his fork secundum artem, he frequently noticed its point in motion, and made a record of the localities in which this occurred. He repeated these trials on several consecutive days, until he had pretty thoroughly examined the neighbourhood, going over some parts of it several times. When he came to compare and analyse the results, he found that there was by Expectant Attention :—Divining Rod. 291 no means a satisfactory accordance amongst them ; for there were many spots over which the rod had moved on one occasion, at which it had been obstinately stationary on others, and vice versa ; so that the constancy of a physical agency seemed altogether wanting. Further, he found that whilst some of the spots over which the rod had moved, were those known to be tra\'ersed by Mineral Veins, there were many others in which its indications had been no less positive, but in which those familiar with the Mining Geology of the neigh- bourhood were well assured that no veins existed. On the other hand, the rod had remained motionless at many points where it ought to have moved, if its direction had been affected by any kind of terrestial emanation.—These facts led the experimenter to a strong suspicion that the cause existed in himself alone; and by carrying out his experiments still further, he ascertained that he could not hold the fork in his hand for many minutes consecutively, concentrating his attention fixedly upon it, without an alteration in the direction of its point, in consequence of an involuntary though almost imper- ceptible movement of his hands; so that in the greater number of instances in which the rod exhibited motion, the phenomenon was clearly attributable to this cause; and it was a matter of pure accident whether the movement took place over a Mineral Vein, or over a blank spot. But further, he ascertained on a comparison of his results, that the movement took-pi ace more frequently where he knew or suspected the existence of mineral veins, than in other situations ; and thus he came, wdthout any knowledge of the theory of expectant attention, to the practical conclusion that the motions of the Bod were produced by his own Muscles, and that their actions were in great degree regulated automatically by the Ideas which possessed his mind. The same instrument appears to have been used, even from a very early period, by those who were supposed to possess " a spirit of divination," for the purpose of giving replies to questions by its moArements, precisely after the fashion of the "talking tables" of our own day ; the hands of the operators (where they really believed in their power, and were not impostors) being automati- cally impelled to execute the appropriate moArements of the rod, r 9 2 Ideo- motor A ction. either by their consciously-formed idea of what the answer should be,* or by Cerebral changes which excite reflex movements that give expression to them, without themselves rising into the "sphere of consciousness " (§§ 424, 425). 243. No difficulty can be felt by any one who has been led by the preceding considerations to recognize the principle of Ideo-motor action, in applying this principle to the phenomena of " Table- turning" and " Table-talking ;'' which, when rightly analysed, prove to be among the very best examples of the " reflex action of the Cerebrum," that are exhibited by individuals Avhose state of mind can scarcely be considered as abnormal. The facts, when stripped of the investment of the marvellous with which they have too commonly been clothed, are simply as follows :—A number of individuals seat themselves round a table, on wdiich they place their hands, with the idea impressed on their minds that the table will move in a rotatory direction ; the direction of the" movement, to the right or to the left, being generally arranged at the commencement of the experiment. The party sits, often for a considerable time, in a state of expectation, Avith the whole attention fixed upon the table, and looking eagerly for the first sign of the anticipated motion. Generally one or two slight changes in its place herald the approaching revolution ; these tend still more to excite the eager attention of the performers, and then the actual "turning" begins. If the parties retain their seats, the revolution only continues as far as the length of their arms will allow; but not unfrequently they all rise, feeling themselves obliged (as they assert) to follow the table ; and from a walk, their pace may be accelerated to a run, until the table actually spins-round so fast that they can no longer keep-up Avith it. All this is done, not merely Avithout the least consciousness on the part of the performers that they are exercising any force of their * See Chevreul, Op. cit., premiere partie. Expectant Attention : — Table-turning 293 own, but for the most part under the full conviction that they are not. 244. Now the rationale of these and other phenomena of a like kind, is simply as follows. The continued concentration of Atten- tion upon a certain idea gives it a dominant power, not only over the mind, but over the body; and the muscles become the involuntary instruments whereby it is carried into operation. In this case, too, as in that of the divining-rod, the movement is favoured by the state of muscular tension, which ensues when the hands have been kept for some time in a fixed position. And just as in the case of the victims of the Dancing Mania (§ 259), it is by the con- tinued influence of the "dominant idea" that the performers are impelled to follow (as they belie\-e) the revolution of the table, which they really maintain by their continued propulsion. How- ever conscientiously they may believe that the "attraction of the table" carries them along with it, instead of the table being propelled by an impulse Avhich originates in themselves, yet no one feels the least difficulty in withdrawing his hand, if he really wills to do so. But it is the characteristic of the state of mind from which these Ideo-motor actions proceed, that the Volitional power is for the time in abeyance; the whole mental power being absorbed (as it were) in the high state of tension to which the Ideational con- sciousness has been wrought-up. 245. The demonstration that the table is really moved by the hands placed upon it, notwithstanding the positive conviction of the performers to the contrary, Avas first afforded by the very iugenious "indicator," devised by Professor Faraday, which is constructed as follows :— A couple of boards of the size of a quarto sheet of paper, a couple of small rulers or cedar-pencils, a couple of india-rubber bands, a couple of pins, and a strip of light wood or cardboard eight or ten inches long, constituted its materials. The rulers being laid on one of the boards, each at a little distance from one of its sides and 294 Ideo-motor Action. parallel to it, tho other board was laid upon the uilers, so that it would roll on them from side to side; and its movements woro restrained, without being prevented, by stretching the india-rubber bands over both boards, so as to pass above and beneath the rulers. One of the pins was fixed upright into the lower board close to the middle of its farther edge, the corresponding part of the upper bein» cut away at that part, so that the pin should not bear against it; the second pin was fixed into the upper board, about an inch back from the first; and the strip of wood or cardboard was so fixed on these pins, as to constitute a leA'er of which the pin on the lower board was the fulcrum, while motion was imparted to the short arm of it by the pin on the upper board. Any lateral motion given to the upper board by the hands laid upon it, would thus cause tho index-point of the long arm of the lever to move through a Ion" arc in the .opposite direction; the amount of that motion being dependent on the ratio between the long and the short arms of the lever. The first point tested by Faraday, in the spirit of the true Philosopher, Avas whether the interposition of his "indicators" between the hands of the operators and the table in any way interfered with the movements of the latter; and he found, by tying the boards together, and taking off the index, that no such interference Avas observable, the table then going round as before. When, however, the upper board was free to move, and each performer fixed his (or her) eyes upon the index, so as to be made cognizant by its movement of the slightest lateral pressure of the hands, any communication of motion to the table was usually kept in check ; but if the table did go round under this condition, its motion was always preceded by a very decided movement of the index in the opposite direction. And the same indication was given when the index was hidden from the operator, but was watched by another person ; any movement shown by the table under that condition being always preceded by a considerable motion of the index in the opposite direction. And thus it may be considered as demonstrated that as the table Expectant A ttention:—Table-turn ing. 295 never went round unless the " indicator" showred that lateral muscular pressure had been exerted in the direction of its move- ment, and as it always did go round when the "indicator" showed that such lateral pressure was adequately exerted, its motion was solely due to the unconscious muscular action of the performers.* 246. A sufficient explanation of these wonders, then, being found in the known principles of Mental Physiology, it is against all the rules of Philosophy to assume that any other force is concerned in their production. Yet experience has shown that when the Common Sense of the public once allows itself to be led away by the love of the marvellous, there is nothing too monstrous for its credulity. And the greatest difficulty in this case was to convince the performers that the movement of the table was really due to the impulse which it received from their hands : their conviction being generally most positive, that as they were not conscious of any effort, the table must have been propelled by some other agency, and tliat their hands were draAvn along by its attraction. So resolutely was this believed, that when the table was intentionally prevented from moving by the determined pressure of the hands of one of the parties, so that those of another —automatically moving in the expected direction—slid over its surface, instead of carrying the table with them, the fact, instead of being received as evidence that the hands would have moved the table had it been free to turn, Avas set down to a "repulsive" influence exerted by the table on the hands ! It might have been thought that Common Sense would teach, that, if half-a-dozen persons lay their hands on a table, any movements Avhich it executes are to be fairly attributed to muscular force communicated by them, until proof shall have been * See his memorable letter on Table Turning, in the " Atheneeum," of July 2 1853.—It would be well that experimenters on " Psychic Force " should profit by the admirable models set before them in this Letter, and in the Treatise "De la Baguette Divinatoire " of M. Chevreul, by two of the greatest Masters of Experi- mental Science. 296 Ideo-motor Action. given to the contrary ; and that the absence of conscious effort on the part of the performers is no valid proof to the contrary, since it is wdthin the experience of every one that muscular movements are continually being executed without such effort,— as in the case of a man Avho continues to wTalk, to read aloud, or to play on a musical instrument, Avhilst his Avliole Attention is given to some train of thought which deeply interests him. Put the table-turners would seldom listen to Common Sense, so com- pletely were they engrossed by their dominant idea. And even when Professor Faraday's "indicator" had supplied the most unequivocal proof that the movement of the table, instead of anticipating and producing that of the hands, is consequent upon the pressure which they impart, this proof was disposed of by the simple assertion that it had nothing to do with the case; inasmuch as it only showed that Professor Faraday's performers moved the tables with their hands, whereas "we know that we do not." Those who make this assertion are (of course) scientifically bound to demonstrate it, by showing that in their case the table does go round without any deflection of the index by lateral pressure; but they have uniformly refused to apply this test to their own performance, though repeatedly challenged to do so,— in the very spirit of the opponents of Galileo, who would not look through his telescope at the satellites of Jupiter, because they supplied evidence in favour of the Copernican theory. 247. In the investigation of these phenomena, moreover, it was found necessary to treat with complete disregard all the testimony of such as had given themselves up to the "domination" of the table-turning " idea;" for it continually became apparent that — no doubt, quite unintentionally and unconsciously—they would omit from their narrative the point most essential to the elucidation of the mystery :— Thus, the Writer's scepticism was on one occasion gravely rebuked by a lady, who assured him that, in her house, a table had moved round Expectant Attention :— Table-turning. 297 and round, without being touched. On inquiring into the circumstances, he found that a hat had been placed upon the table, which was very small and light, and the hands of the performers upon the hat; but the narrator was as sure that the hat could not have carried the table along with it, as she was that the hat moved round without any mechanical force communicated from the hands!—In another case, again, the Writer was seriously informed that a table had been moved round by the will of a gentleman sitting at a distance from it; but it came out, upon cross-examination, that a number of hands were laid upon it in the usual way, and that after the performers had sat for some time in silent expectation, the operator called upon the spirit of "Samson" to move the table, which obediently went round:—the rationale being obvious enough to any one who reflects upon the analogy of the whole group with an Electro-biological "operator" and his " subjects" (§ 452). A long list might be given of similar absurdities; the Writer's experience of which most fully confirmed the conclusions he had previously been led to form, in regard to the want of credibility which attaches to all testimony borne by the champions of Mesmerism to the wonders which they declare themselves (doubt- less most honestly) to have witnessed ; wdiile it prepared him for finding exactly the same sources of fallacy, in the testimony on which the scientific inquirer is called on to accept the marvels of "Spiritualism" (§§ 365, 366). 248. The application of the same principle to the ordinary phenomena of "Table-talking," is no less obvious. There can be no reasonable doubt that these phenomena are manifested in a large number of instances, through the agency" of individuals who would not wilfully be parties to deception of any kind ; and that the movements which they involuntarily and unconsciously gave to the tables, are the expressions of the Ideas with which their own Minds are " possessed," as to what the answers should be to the questions propounded. Thus when, in 1853, "Table- talking " first grew out of " Table-turning," several Clergymen, strongly impressed with the belief that it was a manifestation of 298 Ideo-motor Action. Satanic agency, put to the tables a series of what they regarded as test-questions, or performed test-experiments, the responses to which would (as they supposed) afford convincing proof of their hypothesis. In his Table-moving tested, the Bev. N. S. Godfrey began by " tracing the existence of Satanic influence from the time of Moses to tho time of Jesus ; connecting the ' witch,' the ' familiar spirit,' the spirit of Python, with the Evil Spirit in its actual and separate existence : " and asserted wdthout the least hesitation, that although " so long as the supernatural gifts of the Spirit remained among men, so long the evil spirits were cast out and their presence detected," yet that when those miraculous powers Were withdrawn, they could no longer be discerned, but have continued to exist to the present time, and make themselves known in these " latter times " as the "wander- ing (seducing) spirits, " whose appearance was predicted by St. Paul (1 Tim., iv., 10). That the answers to the "test questions." were exactly contrary to Mr. Godfrey's ideas of truth, was, in his judg- ment, peculiarly convincing ; " for if indeed these tables do become possessed by some of the ' wandering spirits' at the command of the Devil, it would be most impolitic, and quite at variance with the subtlety of his character, to scare people at the very outset. " The following answers, therefore, are obviously what Mr. G. expected:— "I spoko to the table, and said, 'If you move by electricity, stop. ' It stopped instantly! I commanded it to go on again, and said, while it was moving, ' If an evil spirit cause you to move, stop. ' It moved round without stopping ! I again said, ' If thero be any evil agency in this, stop. ' It went on as before. I was now prepared with an experiment of a far more solemn character. I whispered to the schoolmaster to bring a small Bible, and to lay it ou the table when I should tell him. I then caused the table to revolve rapidly, and gave the signal. .The Bible was gently laid on the table, and it instantly stopped. We were horror-struck. How- ever, I determined to persevere. I had other books in succession laid on the table, to see whether the fact of a book lying upon it altered any of the conditions under which it revolved. It went round with them without making any difference. I then tried with the Bible four different times, and each time with the same result: it would not move so long as that precious volume lay upon it. * * I Expectant A ttention:— Table-talking. 299 now said, ' If there be a hell, I command you to knock on the floor with this log (the one next me) twice.' It was motionless. ' If there be not a hell, knock twice ; ' no answer. ' If there be a devil, knock twice ;' no motion. ' If there be not a devil, knock twice ; ' to our horror the leg slowly rose and knocked twice ! I then said, ' In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, if there be no devil, knock twice;' it was motionless. This I tried four several times, and each time with the same result. " 219. It is clear that Mr. Godfrey and his associates, if they had not distinctly anticipated these results, were fully pre- pared for them. Thus although he assures his readers that, when the Bible was placed on the table, the emotion in the minds of all the parties -was curiosity, and that, if they Jiad a bias, it wras against the table stopping, the very fact of the experiment being- tried by a man imbued with his prepossessions on the subject of Evil Spirits, "Witchcraft, &c, sufficiently indicates what his real state of mind was, although he may not have been himself aware of it (§ 252 c). His involuntary muscular actions responded to this, although no voluntary movement would have done so, because he had not consciously accepted the Idea Avhich had been shaping itself in the under-stratum. The experience of every one must have convinced him that there is often a contrariety between our beliefs as to our own states of mind, and the facts of that state as they afterwards come to be self revealed to us (§ 439); and it is a very marked peculiarity of these movements, that they often express more truly what is buried (as it were) in the vaults of our store- house, than what is displayed in the ware-rooms above.—The Rev. E. Gillson, M.A., a Clergyman of Bath, fully partaking of his predecessor's convictions on the subject of Satanic Agency, and also in the excitement prevailing in many circles at that time on the subject of "Papal aggression," gave the following inter alia as his experiences (Table-Talking: Satanic Wonders and Prophetic Signs, 1853) :— ^oo Ideo-motor Action. " I placed my hand upon the table, and put a variety of questions, all of which were instantly and correctly answered. Various ages were asked, and all correctly told. In reply to trifling questions, possessing no particular interest, the table answered by quietly lifting up the leg and rapping. But in answer to questions of a more exciting character, it would become violently agitated, and sometimes to such a degree that I can only describe the motion by the word frantic. I inquired, ' Are you a departed spirit ?' The answer was ' Yes,' indicated by a rap. ' Are you unhappy ?' The table answered by a sort of writhing motion (!), which no natural power over it could imitate. It was then asked, ' Shall you be for over unhappy ? ' The same kind of writhing motion was returned. ' Do you know Satan ? ' ' Yes.' ' Is he the Prince of Devils ?' ' Yes.' ' Will he be bound ?' ' Yes. ' ' Will he be cast into the abyss ?' ' Yes.' ' Will you be cast in with him ?' * Yes.' ' How long will it be before he is cast out ? ' He rapped ten. ' Will wars and commotions intervene ? ' The table rocked and reeled backwards and forwards for a length of time, as if it intended a pantomimic acting of the prophet's predictions (Isaiah xxiv., 20). I then asked 'Where are Satan's head-quarters ? Are they in England ?' There was a slight movement. ' Are they in France ? ' A violent movement. ' Are they in Spain ?' Similar agitation. ' Are they at Borne ? ' The table literally seemed frantic. At the close of these experiments, which occupied about two hours, the invisible agent, in answer to some questions about himself, did not agree with what had been said before. I therefore asked, ' Are you the same spirit that was in the table when we began ? ' ' No. ' ' How many spirits have been in the table this evening ? ' ' Four. ' This spirit informed us that he had been an infidel, and had embraced Popery about five years before his death. Amongst other questions, he was asked, 'Do you know the Pope ?' The table was violently agitated. I asked, ' How long will Popery continue ?' He rapped ten; exactly coinciding with the other spirits' account of the binding of Satan. Many questions were asked, and experiments tried, in order to ascertain whether the results would agree with Mr. Godfrey's ; and on every occasion they did, especially that of stopping the movement of the table with the Bible. As we proceeded with our questions, we found an indescribable facility in the conversation, from the extraordinary intelligence and ingenuity Expectant A ttention :— Table-talking. 301 displayed in the table (/) E. g.—I inquired if many devils were posted in Bath. He replied by the most extraordinary and rapid knocking of the three feet in succession, round and round, for some time, as if to intimate that they were innumerable ! " 250. A third Clergyman, the Bcv. B. W. Dibdin, M.A.,—who com- municated to the public the results of his experiences in a Lecture at the Store Street Music Hall, Nov. 8, 1853,—while agreeing AAuth his predecessors in the belief that the movements of the tables are the result of Satanic (or diabolic) agency, differed from them in maintaining "that devils alone (not departed spirits) are the agents in these cases ; and being lying spirits, it is quite credible that, for purposes of their own, they might assume the names of departed men and women." Of course he got the answers he expected on this hypothesis. The following is his set of 'test-questions,' the answers to which—being entirely opposed to his own notions of truth—satisfied him, and were expected to satisfy his partners in the experiment, of the diabolical character of the respondent :— '"Are we justified by works?' ' Yes.'—* By faith alone ?' 'No.' -' Is the whole Bible true ? ' ' No. '—' Were the miracles of the New Testament wrought by supernatural power?' 'No.'—'By some hidden law of Nature ?' ' Yes.'—' Was Oliver Cromwell good ? ' ' No.'—' Was Charles I. a good man ? ' ' Yes.'—' Is it right to pray to the Virgin ?' ' Yes.'—' Is Christ God ? * ' No. '— ' Is he a man ? ' ' No.' —' Is he something between God and man, a sort of angel ? ' ' Yes.'—' Is he in heaven ? ' 'No.'—' Where is he?' It spelt slowly II E L L.—As the last letter was indicated, the girl drew her hands quickly off the table, much as a person would do who was drawing them off a hot iron. Her brother-in-law turned very pale, and took his hands off the table also. " 251. These phenomena have been cited in fuller detail than may seem requisite ; because the character, position, and obvious sincerity of 'the actors and narrators place them beyond suspicion of intentional deception; and because they afford a singularly 302 Ideo-motor Action. apposite illustration of the principle which the Writer desires to enforce. But that such obvious products of the questioners' own mental states should have been accepted by men of education, occupying the position of religious teachers in the National Church, as the lying responses of evil spirits, sent expressly to delude them, can only be deemed—by such, at least, as are prepared to accept a scientific rationale of the phenomena—a pitiable instance of the readiness with which minds of a certain type may allow themselves to become "possessed" by dominant ideas. 252. Absurd as their belief may now seem, however, it is in no respect more destitute of foundation than that which is entertained at the present time, by multitudes of persons of high culture and great general intelligence, in the genuineness of messages supposed to be transmitted by good " spirits " of departed relatives and friends, to those whom they haATe left behind them on Earth. These communications always take place through human agency of some kind ; the individual who is the supposed recipient of them being termed a " medium. " The mode of intercourse with " spirits" afforded by the turning and tilting of tables, has now for the most part given place to others of a much simpler and more direct character. Some " mediums " use a small Avooden platform, only large enough for the hands to be laid on it, and running easily on castors. This planchette was in the first instance furnished with a pointer, which directed itself in succession to the letters or figures of an alphabet-card placed on the table over wdiich it rolled; and thus spelled out words, or indicated numbers. But a simpler process than this has since come into vogue ; for if a pencil be attached to the under side of the " planchette," with its point downwards, it will write on a piece of paper placed beneath it, in accordance Avith the movement of the planchette under the hands of the " medium " laid upon it. In each case, the " mediums" declare that the movements of the planchette are not produced by any manual exertion of their own, but that they are guided by Expectant A ttention :— Table-talking. 303 some agency external to themselves, their hands being simply passive. But other " mediums " take the pencil into their own hands, and write (in the ordinary way) what they conceive to be the messages dictated to them by the " spirits " with which they are in communication. And some, again, carry on supposed con- versations with the " spirits ;" not only asking questions of them by word of mouth, but giving forth through the same direct channel, the answers which they affirm that they receive.—Now there can be no reasonable doubt that a great many of these phenomena are genuine to this extent, that the " mediums " are honest, aud believe themselves to be the Aphides of "spiritual" communications. Putting intentional deceit out of the question for the present (§ 254), it is perfectly obvious to such as have had adequate opportunities of studying the natural conditions of Beverie and Abstraction (§§ 443—447), and the artificially-induced states known as "Electro-biological" and " Hypnotic" (§§448,493), that the condition of the Spiritualistic "mediums" is exactly parallel to that of the "subjects" in these states ; and that the supposed communications are nothing else than products of their own automatic mental operations, guided by the principle of sug- gestion, and expressing themselves in accordance with a certain preformed conception of the mode in wdiich the message is to be made known. Of the influence of such conceptions on the course of thought and action in these curious states, ample evidence will be given hereafter (§ 451, et seq.). At present it will be sufficient to cite—as illustrations of the action of dominant ideas of a totally different order from those which brought out the terrifying responses obtained by the clerical seers,—two cases more recently recorded as having occurred wdthin his own experience, by the author of an article on "Spiritualism and its Recent Converts." a. " Several years ago we were invited, with two medical friends, to a very select siance, to witness the performance of a lady, the Hon. 304 Ideo-motor Action. Miss X1----, who was described to us as a peculiarly gifted ' medium ; ' not merely being the vehicle of ' spiritual' revelations of the most elevating character, but being able to convince incredu- lous philosophers like ourselves of the reality of her ' spiritual' gifts, by ' physical' manifestations of the most unmistakeable kind. Unfortunately, however, the Hon. Miss N-----was not in great force on the occasion of our visit; and nothing would go right. It was suggested that she might be exhausted by a most successful perfor- mance which had taken place on the previous evening ; and that ' tho spirits' should be asked whether she stood in need of refreshment. The question was put by our host (a wine-merchant, be it observed), who repeated the alphabet rapidly until he came to N, and then went on slowly ; the table tilted at P. The same process was repeated, until the letters successively indicated were P, O, R, T. But this was not enough. The spirits might prescribe either port or porter; and the alphabet was then repeated slowly from the beginning, a pro- longed pause being made at E ; as the table did not tilt, a bumper of port was administered ' as directed. ' It did not, however, produce the expected effect; and with the exception of a ' manifestation ' we shall hereafter notice under another head (§ 530), the seance was an entire failure. b. "On another occasion, we happened to be on a visit at a house at which two ladies were staying, who worked the planchette on the original method (that of attaching to it a pointer, which indicated letters and figures on a card), and our long previous knowledge of whom placed them beyond all suspicion of anything but se//-decep- tion. One of them was a firm believer in the reality of her inter- course with the spirit-world; and her ' planchette ' was continually at work beneath her hands, its index pointing to successive letters and figures on the card before it, just as if it had been that of a telegraph-dial acted on by galvanic communication. After having watched the operation for some time, and assured ourselves that the answers she obtained to the questions she put to her 'spiritual' visitants were just what her own simple and devout nature would suggest, we addressed her thus :—< You believe that your replies are dictated to you by your ' spiritual' friends, and that your hands are the passive vehicles of the ' spiritual' agency by which the planchette is directed m spelling them out. TFe believe, on the other hand that Expectant Attention:— Table-talking. 305 the answers are the products of your own Brain, and that the plan- chette is moved by your own Muscles. Now we can test, by a very simple experiment, whether your view or ours is the correct one. Will you be kind enough to shut your eyes when you ask your question, and to let us watch what the planchette spells out ? If ' the spirits' guide it, there is no reason why they should not do so as well when your eyes are shut, as when they are open. If the table is moved by your own hands, it will not give definite replies except under the guidance of your own vision.' To this appeal our friend replied that she could not think of making such an experiment, as ' it would show a want of faith; ' and all our arguments and persuasions could only bring her to the point of asking the spirits whether she might comply with our request. The reply was, ' No.' She then, at our continued urgency, asked 'Why not?' The reply was, 'Want of faith.' Putting a still stronger pressure upon her, we induced her to ask, ' Faith in what ?' The reply was, ' In God.' c. "Of course, any further appeal in that quarter would have been useless; and we consequently addressed ourselves to our other fair friend, whose high culture and great general intelligence had pre- pared her for our own rationalistic explanation of marvels which had seriously perplexed her. For having been engaged a short time before in promoting a public movement, which had brought her into contact with a number of persons who had previously been strangers to her, she had asked questions respecting them, which elicited replies that were in many instances such as she declared to be quite un- expected by herself,—specially tending to inculpate some of her coadjutors as influenced by unworthy motives. After a little questioning, however, she admitted to us that she had previously entertained lurking suspicions on this point, which she had scarcely even acknowledged to herself, far less made known to others; and was much relieved when we pointed out that the planchette merely revealed what was going on in the understratum of her own mind. Her conversion to our view was complete, when, on her trying the working of the planchette with her eyes shut, its pointer went astray altogether."—{Quarterly Review, Oct. 1871, p. 315.) 253. It is often cited as a proof that the performers are not expressing by involuntary muscular actions Avhat is passing in 306 Ideo-motor Action. their own minds, that the answers given by the tables are not known to any of themselves, though known to some other person in the room. Of this an instance was early recorded by Mr. Godfrey, which corresponds in all essential particulars with cases repeatedly described to the Writer by persons in whose veracity he could place confidence :— a. " I procured an alphabet on a board, such as is used in a National School; this board I laid down on the floor at some little distance from the table, and I lay down on the ground beside it. I then requested one of the three persons at the table to command it to spell the Christian names of Mr. L----, of B---—, by lifting up the leg next him as I pointed to the letters of the alphabet in succession. He did so, and I began to point, keeping the pointer about three seconds on each letter in succession (I must say, that neither of the three persons at the table had ever heard of Mr. L----; and B----is 150 miles from this place). When I arrived at G, they said, "That's it; the table is lifting its leg." When I came to E, it rose again; and in this way it spelt "George Peter," which was quite correct. b. So, again, the late Dr. Hare, an American Chemist and Phy- sicist of some reputation, thought that he had obtained a precise experimental proof of the immortality of the soul (!) by means of an apparatus by which the answers communicated through the "medium" were spelled out by a hand pointing to an alphabet-dial which was hidden from her eyes. But it is clear from his narrative of the experiment, that her eyes were fixed upon the person to whom the expected answer was known, and that her movements were guided by the indications she received from his Involuntary move- ments. 254. Such "movements of expression" constitute another very curious illustration of the general principle of Ideo-motor action. For the state of expectant attention from which they proceed is almost always mixed up with some degree of emotional excite- ment (§ 265) ; and there are many persons who cannot, by the strongest exercise of Volitional control, refrain from showing what Unconscious Movements of Expression. 307 is the letter or figure they expect, when the pointer comes to it. Still more is this likely to be the case, when the questioner is not on his guard against this source of fallacy ; so that, unless a screen be interposed between the "medium" and the person to whom the answer is known, there is no proof whatever of its being derived from any other source than his mind. This source of fallacy was very early found out by a sagacious observer, when " spirit rapping" was first introduced into this country by Mrs. Hay den : — a. Mr. G. H. Lewes, having formed his own conclusions on the matter, from the accounts he had heard of Mrs. Hay den's per- formances from those who had witnessed them, took an opportunity of personally testing their correctness, with the most satisfactory result. He considered that Mrs. Hayden probably derived her indi- cations as to the times at which to "rap," from some involuntary sign given by the questioner, when his pointer had arrived at the letter which should form the next component of the expected answer; this sign being either an unusual delay in passing to the next letter, or some slight look or gesture which would be perceived by an observer habitually on the watch for such indications. Accordingly, by purposely giving such indications, he caused Mrs. Hayden to rap out answers of the most absurdly erroneous character, to a series of questions which he had previously written down, and which he had also communicated to another member of the party, for the sake of negativing any subsequent charge of unfairness that might be raised against him; the only true reply being the one given to the final question—"Is Mrs. Hayden an impostor?" to which the answer was given by unhesitating raps, as his pointer came upon the letters Y, E, s. b. The truth of this view of the case was soon confirmed by the results of many similar experiments; and a long series of ludicrous replies could be given, which were spelled-out on various occasions by the direction of waggish questioners. It thus became clear that the raps were made by the "medium" herself (it having been proved that the sounds can be produced by a movement in the foot, which shall not be perceptible even to those who are watching it), 308 Ideo-motor Action. and that she derived her indications from the promptings supplied by the questioners themselves, however unintentionally and even unconsciously on their own p irts. And this conclusion was fully borne out by a comparison of the conditions under which Mrs. Hayden was most successful, with those under which her failures (for many failures there were) took place. It was uniformly found that those whose questions had been most accurately and completely answered, were persons of excitable temperament and demonstrative habits, who were accustomed to signify more or less of what was passing in their minds by the automatic movements of gesture, expression, &c. On the other hand, those to whom "the spirits" would give no information, were persons of comparatively imperturbable nature, possessing considerable command over their muscles, and habitually yielding very little to those influences which so strongly manifest themselves in individuals of the opposite temperament. And on one occasion, an eminent man of science, who belongs to the former category, but also possesses a very strong will,—having been at first much surprised at the accuracy of the replies to certain questions which he had put (not being at that time cognizant of the rationale of the operation), but having observed that none could be furnished to a gentleman whose temperament was of the opposite kind,—made a second trial, with the strong determination to prevent any indication escaping him of tho times at which he expected the "raps;" which trial was as complete a failure on Mrs. Hayden's part, as the first had been a success. 255. The following is a more recent case of the same kind, relating to another American professional "medium," whose gifts (like those of Mrs. Hayden) chiefly lay in playing on the credulity of such as lent themselves to his clever deceptions :— a. " We were requested by a lady who had known Mr. Foster in America, to accompany her and her son-in-law (an eminent London Physician) on a visit to Mr. Foster, who had arrived in London only a few days previously. We were not introduced to him by name, and we do not think that he could have had any opportunity of know- ing our person. Nevertheless, he not only answered, in a variety of modes, the questions we put to him respecting the time and cause of the death of several of our departed friends and relatives, whose names Unconscious Movements of Expression. we had written down on slips of paper which had been folded-up and crumpled into pellets before being placed in his hands; but he brought out names and dates correctly, in large red letters, on his bare arm, the redness being produced by the turgescence of the minute vessels of the skin, and passing away after a few minutes, like a blush. We must own to have been strongly impressed at the time by th.:s performance ; but on subsequently thinking it over, we could see that Mr. Foster's divining power was probably derived from his having acquired the faculty of interpreting the movements of the top of a pen or pencil, though the point and what was written by it was hid from his sight, with the aid of an observing power sharpened by practice,* which enabled him to guide his own movements by the indications unconsciously given by ourselves of the answers we expected. For though we were fully armed with the knowledge which had been acquired of the source from which Mrs. Hayden drew her inspiration, and did our utmost to repress every sign of anticipation, we came, on reflection, to an assured conviction that Mr. Foster had been keen- sighted enough to detect such signs, notwithstanding our attempt to baffle him. For, having asked him the month of the death of a friend, whose name had previously appeared in red letters on his arm, and the year of whose death had also been correctly indicated in another way, he desired us to take up the alphabet-card and to point to the successive letters. This we did, as we believed, with pendulum- like regularity ; nevertheless, distinct raps were heard at the letters j, v. When, however, on the next repetition, we came to ii, M, N, Mr. Foster was obviously baffled. He directed us to " try back" two or three times, and at last confessed that he could not certainly tell whether the month was June or July. The secret of this was, that we did not ourselves recollect. b. "Wishing to clear up the matter further, we called on Mr. Foster, revealed ourselves to him in propria persona, and asked him if he would object to meet a few scientific investigators, who should be allowed to subject his powers to fair tests. As he professed his readiness to do so, we brought together such a meeting at our own house; and previously to Mr. Foster's arrival, we explained to our friends the arrangements we proposed. One of these was, that one * To what a pitch of keenness and rapidity this discerning power may be brought by the special education of it has been already shown (§ 185). 31 o Ideo-motor Ac.tion. of the party should sit outside the " circle," and should devote himself to observing and recording all that passed, without taking any part whatever in the performance. Another was, that instead of writing down names on slips of paper, whilst sitting at the table within Mr. Foster's view, we should write them at a side-table, with our backs turned to him. On explaining these arrangements to Mr. Foster, he immediately said that the first could not be permitted, for that every person present must form part of the circle. To the second he made no objection. After handing him our slips of paper carefully folded-up, we took our seats at the table, and waited for the announce- ment of spiritual Ausitors. The only one, however, who presented himself during an hour's stance, was the spirit of our own old master, whose name Mr. Foster might very readily have learned previously, but about whom he could give no particulars whatever. Not one of the names written on the papers was revealed. c. "The patience of our friends being exhausted, they took their leave; but as Mr. Foster's carriage had been ordered for a later hour, we requested him to sit down again with the members of our own family. ' Now,' we said, ' that these incredulous philosophers are gone, perhaps the spirits will favour us with a visit.' We purposely fol- lowed his lead, as on our first interview, and everything went on as successfully as on that occasion; until, whilst the name of a relative we had recently lost was being spelled out on our alphabet-card, the raps suddenly ceased on the interposition of a large music-book, which was set-up at a preconcerted signal so as to hide the top as well as tho bottom of our pointer from Mr. Foster's eyes.—Nothing could more conclusively prove that Mr. Foster's knowledge was derived from observation of the movements of the pointer, although he could only see the portion of it not hidden by the card, which was so held as to conceal the lower part of it; and nothing could be a better illustra- tion of the principle of ' unconscious ideo-motor action,' than the fact, that whilst we were most carefully abstaining from any pause or look from which he might derive guidance, we had enabled him to divine the answer we expected.—-The trick by which the red letters were produced was discovered by the inquiries of our medical friends."—{Quarterly Review, October, 1871, p. 332.) 256. It is further asserted, however, that the tables or planchettes Unconscious Muscular Movement. 311 often give true answers to questions proposed to them as to matters of fact, though none of the parties present may have any knowledge of what the answers should be; but this, if it be really so, is not only far from being opposed to the Physiological doctrines here advanced, but affords a curious illustration and extension of them. For, as there is no doubt that impressions of which we were once conscious, though we have entirely lost our recollection of them, may direct our trains of thought in Delirium and Dreaming, or may even, as in Somnambulism, govern our actions ; so does it seem quite reasonable to attribute the move- ments by which the table gives its answers, to impressions left by past ideas upon the Cerebrum, which may express themselves through the muscular system, without any consciousness of their existence on the part of the operator (§ 425). 257. To this same category are doubtless to be referred a large number of those actions of Mesmeric " subjects," which have been considered by some as most unequivocal indications of the existence of an agency sui generis, whilst by others they have been regarded as the results of intentional deception. Many of them are of a kind which the Will could not feign, being violent convulsive movements, such as no voluntary effort could produce : but the Mesmeric " subject" being previously "possessed" with the expectation that certain results will follow certain actions (as, for instance, that convulsive movements will be brought on by touching a piece of " mesmerized" metal), and the whole nervous power being concentrated, as it were, upon the performance, the movements follow when the "subject" believes the conditions to have been fulfilled, whether they have been or not (§ 518).—These facts were most completely established by the Commission appointed to investigate the pretensions of Mesmer himself; and whilst they demonstrate the unreality of the supposed "mesmeric" influence (so far, at least, as this class of phenomena is concerned), they also prove the position here contended for; namely, the 312 Ideo-motor Action. sufficiency of the state of expectant attention, in those whose Minds can be completely "possessed" by it, to produce effects of the same nature with those which are induced in Hysterical sub- jects by Emotional excitement (§ 270). 258. Under the same head may be ranked a variety of still more aberrant actions, bordering on Insanity, of which the History of Mankind in successive ages furnishes us with abundant examples :— what is common to all being the entire " possession" of those who perform them by some strongly-excited dominant idea, the intensity of which blinds the Common Sense and subjugates the Will, so that it expresses itself in bodily action without the least restraint. The notion may, or may not, be in itself an absurd one. It may be confined to a single individual, or it may spread epidemically through a multitude. It may be one that interests the feelings, or it may be (though seldom) of a nature purely intellectual. The wild but transient vagaries of religious enthusiasm in all ages,—as shown in the Pythonic inspiration of the Delphic priestesses; the ecstatic revelations of Catholic and Protestant visionaries; the Flagellant processions of the 13th and 14th centuries ; the Preaching epidemic among the Hugue- nots in France, and more recently in Lutheran Sweden ; the strange performances of the " convulsionnaires " of St. Medard, which have been since almost paralleled at "revivals" and "camp-meetings;" the Dancing IMania of the Middle Ages, the Tarentism of southern Italy, the Tigretier of Abyssinia, and the Leaping-ague of Scotland in later times,*—are all, like the "table-turning" and " table-talking " epidemic, wdiich spread through almost the whole civilized world in 1852-3, to be ranged under the same category. 259. The following account given by Dr. Hecker of the prin- * On the greater number of the foregoing subjects, much curious information will be found in Dr. Hecker s account of the " Dancing Mania," forming part of his Treatise " On the Epidemics of the Middle Ages," translated for the Syden- ham Society by Dr. Babington. Dancing Mania. 313 cipal features of the Dancing Mania which spread through a large part of Middle Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries, will serve to illustrate those forms of ideo-motor action which are intensified by emotional excitement :— a. " In the year 1374, assemblages of men and women were seen at Aix-la-Chapelle, who had come out of Germany, and who, united by one common delusion, exhibited to the public, both in the streets and in the churches, the following strange spectacle:—They formed circles hand in hand, and appearing to have lost aU control over their senses, continued dancing, regardless of the bystanders, for hours together, in wild delirium, until at length they fell to the ground in a state of exhaustion. They then complained of extreme oppression, and groaned as if in the agonies of death, until they were swathed in clothes bound tightly round their waists; upon which they again recovered, and remained free from complaint until the next attack. This practice of swathing was resorted to, on account of the tympany which followed these spasmodic ravings; but the bystanders frequently relieved patients in a less artificial manner, by thumping and trampling upon the parts affected. While dancing they neither saw nor heard, being insensible to external impressions through the senses; but were haunted by visions, their fancies conjuring up spirits, whose names they shrieked out; and some of them afterwards asserted that they felt as if they had been immersed in a stream of blood, which obliged them to leap so high. Others, during the paroxysm, saw the heavens open, and the Saviour enthroned with the Virgin Mary ; according as the religious notions of the age were strangely and variously reflected in their imaginations. " Where the disease was completely deA'eloped, the attack com- menced with epileptic convulsions. Those affected fell to the ground senseless, panting and labouring for breath. They foamed at the mouth, and suddenly springing up began their dance amidst strange contortions.—A few months after this dancing malady had made its appearance at Aix-la-Chapelle, it broke out at Cologne, where the number of those possessed amounted to more than five hundred ; and about the same time at Metz, the streets of which place are said to have been filled with eleven hundred dancers. Peasants left their ploughs, mechanics their workshops, housewives their domestic 15 3J4 Ideo-motor Action. duties, to join the wild revels ; and this rich commercial city became the scene of the most ruinous disorder. "The St. Vitus's dance attacked people of all stations, especially those who led a sedentary life, such as shoemakers' and tailors; but even the most robust peasants abandoned their labours in their fields, as if they were possessed by evil spirits; and those affected were seen assembling indiscriminately, from time to time, at certain appointed places, and, unless prevented by the lookers-on, continued to dance without intermission, until their very last breath was expended. Their fury and extravagance of demeanour so completely deprived them of their senses, that many of them dashed their brains out against the walls and corners of buildings, or rushed headlong into rapid rivers, where they found a watery grave. Boaring and foaming as they were, the bystanders could only succeed in restrain- ing them by placing benches and chairs in their way, so that, by the high leaps they were thus tempted to take, their strength might be exhausted. As soon as this was the case, they fell, as it were, lifeless to the ground, and, by very slow degrees, recovered their strength. Many there were, who, even with aU this exertion, had not expended the violence of the tempest which raged within them; but awoke with newly revived powers, and again and again mixed with the crowd of dancers; until at length the violent excitement of their disordered nerves was allayed by the great involuntary exertion of their limbs ; and the mental disorder was calmed by the exhaustion of the body. The cure effected by these stormy attacks was in many cases so perfect, that some patients returned to the factory or the plough, as if nothing had happened. Others, on the contrary, paid the penalty of their folly by so total a loss of power, that they could not regain their former health, even by the employ- ment of the most strengthening remedies."—{Epidemics of the Middle Ages, pp. 87-104.) In this case we see a notable manifestation of the tendency to imitation, which is, in fact, the result of the " hold " taken of the Mind by an idea suggested to it (§ 550); that hold being the stronger, in proportion to the Avant of other sources of healthful activity, as in the two following cases related by Zimmerman :__ b. A Nun, in a very large convent in France, began to mew like a Effects of Imitative Tendency. 315 cat; shortly afterwards other nuns also mewed. At last all the nuns began to mew together every day at a certain time, and continued mewing for several hours together. This daily cat-concert continued, until the nuns were informed that a company of soldiers was placed by the police before the entrance of the convent, and that the soldiers were provided with rods with which they would whip the nuns until they promised not to mew any more. c. In the 15th Century, a Nun in a German nunnery fell to biting all her companions. In the course of a short time, all the nuns of this convent began biting each other. The news of this infatuation among the nuns soon spread, and excited the same elsewhere; the biting mania passing from convent to convent through a great part of Germany. It afterwards \usited the nunneries of HoUand, and even spread as far as Borne.—{On Solitude, Vol. ii). Such " dominant ideas," like emotions, very commonly decline in intensity, when they expend their force in action (§ 265), and the Mind spontaneously returns to its previous condition : and thus it is that we generally find these epidemic delusions passing-away of themselves, without any ostensible cause for their cessation. Some- times, however, such an Idea may continue to exert a dominant influence over the whole of life ; and if the conduct which it dictates should pass the bounds of enthusiasm or eccentricity, we say that the individual is the subject of Monomania.—The nature of this state Avill be more fully considered hereafter (§ 559). CHAPTER VII. OF THE EMOTIONS. ■ 260. Although, as we have seen (§§ 189, 190), there are various forms of Emotional sensibility which are directly called into activity by Sense-perceptions, yet those Emotional states of Mind which directly or indirectly determine a great part of our conduct, belong to the level of the Ideational consciousness ; being, in fact, the result of the attachment of the feelings of pleasure and pain, and of other forms of emotional sensibility, to certain classes of ideas. Thus the Cerebrum and the Sensorium would seem jointly concerned in their production; for whilst the Cerebral hemi- spheres furnish the ideational part of the material, the Sensory ganglia not only give us the consciousness of their result, but invest that result with the peculiar feeling which renders it capable of actively influencing our conduct as a motive powrer. This we see clearly, when the Emotional state takes the form of a true desire ; for when this is felt, even as regards the gratification of a bodily appetite, it involves the existence of an idea of the object of desire; but it is only when this idea is associated with the contempla- tion of enjoyment in the act to which it relates, or of discom- fort in the abstinence from that act, that it becomes an impelling force towards the performance of it.—All the higher forms of Emotional consciousness may be decomposed (as it seems to the Writer) in a similar manner. Thus, Benevolence is the pleasur- able contemplation of the happiness or welfare of others • and shows itself alike in the habitual entertainment of the abstract or general idea, and in the direction of the conduct with a vicAV to promote this result in any particular instance on which the bene- Composite Nature of Emotions. 317 volent desire may be fixed. So there is a positive pleasure, in some ill-constituted minds, in the contemplation of the wnhappiness of others ; and this (of which Dickens's Quilp is an impersonation) we designate as Malevolence. Combativeness, again, in so far as it is a Psychical attribute, is the pleasurable idea of setting one's self in antagonism with others. There are individuals who never manifest the least degree of physical Combativeness, who yet show a remarkable love of opposition in all their psychical relations with others. That objections will be raised by such persons to any plan that may be proposed, we can always feel sure, though we may not have the remotest idea as to what the objection may be in each particular case. Persons in whom this tendency exists in a less prominent degree, are apt to see objections and difficulties first, although their good sense may sub- sequently lead them to consider these as of less account, or to be outweighed by the advantages of the scheme. Such was the case with the late Sir Bobert Peel. On the other hand, those who are spoken-of as of sanguine temperament, are apt to lose sight of the intervening difficulties, in the pleasurable anticipation of the result. So, Pride (or self-esteem) consists in the pleasurable contemplation of our own superior excellencies ; whilst the essence of Vanity (or love of approbation) lies in the pleasurable idea of the applause of others. Again, in Conscientiousness we have the love of right, that is, the association of pleasure with the idea of right; Vene- ration may be defined as the pleasurable contemplation of rank or perfections superior to our own; and the source of Ambition, which is in some degree the antagonistic tendency, lies in the pleasur- able idea of self-exaltation. In like manner, Hope is the pleasur- able contemplation of future enjoyment; Fear is the painful contemplation of future evil; and Cautiousness is the combination of the desire to avoid anticipated pain, with the pleasurable con- templation (an extremely strong feeling in many individuals) of precautions adapted to ward it off—The same view may be applied to the love of Order, of Possessions, of Country, of Wit, of 318 Of the Emotions. Humour, &c, and to many conditions usually considered as purely Intellectual. And, in fact, the association of any kind of that emotioml sensibility (§157) of which pleasure and pain afford the simplest type, with any idea, or class of ideas, gives to it an Emo- tional character; so that emotional states are not by any means limited within the categories under which Psychologists have attempted to range them,—these being, for the most part, generic terms, which comprehend certain groups of ideas bearing more or less similarity to each other, but not by any means including all possible combinations. The truth of this statement must be apparent to aU who are familiar with the manifestations of eccentricity and insanity; for we frequently see pleasurable feelings associating themselves with Ideas, which to ordinary minds appear indifferent, or are even regarded with pain ; and thus are engendered Motives which exert a most powerful influence over the conduct, and which, if not kept in restraint by the Will, render the whole being their slave. Thus one weak-minded youth was driven to commit a murder, by a passion for living where he could see a wind-miU; and another by a passion for possessing. himself of every shoe of a particular kind which he chanced to see.— It may be also remarked, in this place, that the impossibility of classing all the Emotional states of mind under a Bruited number of categories constitutes a most serious and fundamental objection to any system which professes to mark-out in the Cerebrum distinct seats for the animal propensities, moral feelings, &c. 261. By those who regard the Propensities, Moral Feelings, &c, as simple states of mind, it is usually said that their indulgence or exercise is attended Avith pleasure, and the restraint of them with pain. But, if the view here taken be correct, it is the very co- existence of pleasurable or painful feelings with the idea of a given object, that causes desire or aversion as regards that object; since the mind instinctively pursues Avhat is pleasurable, and avoids Avhat is painful. And thus, according to the readiness Avith which these different classes of Ideas are excited in different minds (partly Emotional Movements. 319 depending upon original constitution, and partly upon the habitual direction of the thoughts), and to the respective degrees in which they respectively call-forth the different kinds of Emotional sensi- bility (as to which there is obviously an inherent difference amongst individuals, analogous to that which exists wdth regard to the feelings of pleasure or pain excited by external sensations,—sights, sounds, tastes, odours, or contacts), Avill be the tendency of the mind to entertain them, the frequency Avith which they will present themselves before the mental view, and the influence they will exert in the determination of our conduct. 262. The influence of Emotional conditions, -when strongly excited, in directly producing involuntary movements, is readily explained on the idea that the Sensory Ganglia act as the centre of all consciousness, and that the Axial Cord is the real source of all movement. For the excitement of peculiar states of the sensorial centres through the instrumentality of the Cerebrum, will just as readily give rise to automatic movements, as the excitement of similar states by impressions made upon the organs of Sense. And the correspondence is seen to be very close, when the idea distinctly reproduces the sensorial state. Thus, the laughter excited by the act of tickling is a purely consensual movement (§ 79) ; but, in a very "ticklish" person, the mere idea of tickling, suggested by pointing a finger at him, is sufficient to provoke it.—So, again, as laughter may be excited by odd sights or sounds which do not in themselves excite any ideational state, but which act at once upon the " sense of the ludicrous," the same action may be called-forth by the vivid recollection of these occurrences; which, being attended with a state of the Sensorium corresponding to that originally produced by the sensation, gives rise to the same involuntary cachinnation. But laughter may also be excited by ideas that are much more removed from actual sensations ; as, for example, by those unexpected combinations of ideas of a purely intellectual nature, which we designate as 3 2 o Of the Emotions. " witty;" and here, too, we may recognize the very same modus operandi. For the mere sound or sight of the words excites no feeling of the ludicrous ; the sensation must develope an ideational change; and it is the latter alone, which, reacting downwards upon the Sensorium, and there becoming associated with the Emotional sensibility, excites the impulse to laugh.—The same might be shoAvn to be the case with regard to the act of crying; which may be either purely consensual, being excited by painful sensations • or may be induced by the vivid recollection of past or the antici- pation of future sensations; or may be excited by ideas which have no direct relation.to sensational states.—Again, the move- ments which take place under the violent excitement of the passion of anger, are of the same involuntary character; being directly prompted by feelings which may be caUed-up either by external sensations, or by internal ideas that have a like poAver of exciting them. Thus the passionate man wTho receives a blow, instinctively makes another blow in the direction from which it seemed to him to come, Avithout any thought of whether the blow was accidental or intentional; while the idea of an insult, which is a source of mental disturbance, may excite the very same movement, although no bodily suffering had been experienced. There are many of the movements of Expression that are referable in like manner to sensorial states, whether pleasurable or painful, which may arise from ideational as well as from sensational conditions. Thus, as we have seen (§ 156), the cheerful aspect of some individuals is due to a sense of general physical weU-being, and is altogether discomposed by anything Avhich disturbs this; wdiilst in others, it may proceed from a happy frame of mind (which may be partly the result of original constitution, and partly of habitual self- direction), disposing them to take the cheerful view of eveiything that affects themselves or others, notwithstanding (it may be) great bodily discomfort. And the reverse aspect of gloom may in like manner proceed alike from bodily or from mental uneasiness.—All Emotional Movements. 3 21 these facts point, therefore, to "the conclusion, that whether tho elementary states of Emotional sensibility associate themselves with Sensations, with Perceptions, or with Ideas, they arc simple modes of consciousness, the organic seat of which must be in the Sensorial centres; and this corresponds weU with the character of the purely Emotional movements, atliich, as Ave have seen, are closely allied to the Sensori-motor in the directness Avith Avhich they respond to the stimuli that excite them. 263. That the Emotional and Volitional movements differ as to their primal sources, is obA'ious, not merely from the fact that they are frequently in antagonism with each other,—the Will endeavouring to restrain the Emotional impulse, and either suc- ceeding in doing so, or being vanquished by the superior force of the latter,—but also from the curious fact which Pathological observation has brought to light, that muscles which will still act in obedience to emotional impulses, may be paralysed to volitional, and vice versd. Thus, for example, the arm of a man affected with paralysis, which no effort of his will could move, has been seen to be violently jerked under the influence of the emotional agitation consequent upon the sight of a friend. And in a case of softening of the Spinal cord, the jerking moA'ements which were brought-on by the mere approach of any one to the patient's bed, and still more strongly by putting a question to him, were most violent in the lower limbs, over which he had not the least voluntary poAver. —It is in the different forms of paralysis of the Facial nerve, how- ever, wdiich is the one most peculiarly subservient to the move- ments of Expression (§ 195), that Ave have the best evidence of this distinctness. For it sometimes happens that the muscles supplied by this nerve are paralysed so far as regards the will, and yet are still affected by emotional states of mind, and take their usual part in the automatic actions of respiration, &c. ; retaining also their usual tension, so that no distortion is apparent unless voluntary movements be attempted. Thus, to select an action 322 Of the Emotions. which may be performed either consensually, emotionally, or voluntarily, a patient affected with this form of paralysis cannot close the eyelid by an act of his Will, although he winks when he feels the uneasy sensation that excites the action, and shutfj the lids when the sudden approach of an object to the eye cxcite3 the fear of injury to that organ. On the other hand, the paralysed condition may exist in regard to the Automatic and Emotional actions only, so that the muscles lose their tension, the mouth is drawn to one side, the movements of expression are not performed, and there is no involuntary winking : yet the Will may still exert its accustomed control, and may produce that closure of the lids which docs not take place in respondence to any other impulse.* 264. The Emotions are concerned in Man, however, in many actions, which are in themselves strictly voluntary. Unless they be so strongly excited as to get the better of the Will, they do not operate downwards upon the Automatic centres, but upAvards upon the Cerebral; supplying the motives by which the course of thought and of action is habitually determined (§ 331). Thus, of two individuals with differently-constituted minds, one shall judge of everything through the medium of a gloomy morose temper, which, like a darkened glass, represents to his judgment the whole world in league to injure him ; and his determinations being all based upon this erroneous view, its indications are ex- hibited in his actions, which are themselves, nevertheless, of an entirely voluntary character. On the other hand, a person of a cheerful, benevolent disposition, looks at the world around as through a Claude-Lorraine-glass, seeing everything in its brightest and sunniest aspect; and, with intellectual faculties (it may be) precisely similar to those of the former individual, he would come to opposite conclusions; because the materials Avhich form the * See the detailed accounts of such cases in Sir C. Bell's work on "The Nervous System of the Human Body;" also "Brit, and For. Med. Rev.," vol. iv. p. 500, and vol. xiii. p. 5.13. Impulsive Action. m basis of his judgment, are submitted to it in a very different con- dition.—Various forms of Moral Insanity exhibit the same contrast in a yet more striking light (§ 556); and the distinction between the sane and the insane is far more difficult to draw in this form of mental disorder, than when Intellectual perversion manifests itself. For we not unfrequently meet with individuals still holding their place in society, Avho are accustomed to act so much on impulse, and to be so little guided by the rational will, that they can scarcely be regarded as sane ; and a very little exaggeration of such impulses causes the actions to be so injurious to the individual himself or to those around him, that restraint is required, although the intellect is in no way disordered, nor are any of the feelings perverted. We may often observe similar inconsistencies, result- ing from the habitual indulgence of one particular feeling, or from a morbid exaggeration of it. The mother wTho, through weakness of will, yields to her instinctive fondness for her offspring, in allowing it gratifications which she knows to be injurious to it, is placing herself below the level of many less gifted beings. The habit of yielding to a natural infirmity of temper often leads into paroxysms of ungovernable rage, wdiich, in their turn, pass into a state of maniacal excitement. The poor girl who drowms herself after a quarrel wdth her lover, or the nursemaid who cuts the throat of a child to whom she is tenderly attached, because her mistress has rebuked her for wearing too fine a bonnet, may be really labouring under a " temporary insanity" which drives her irresistibly to a great crime ; yet, just as the man who commits a murder in a state of drunken frenzy is responsible for his irresponsi- bility (§ 545), so is the suicide or the murderess, in so far as she aas habitually neglected to control the wayward feelings whose strong excitement has impelled her to the commission of her crime.— It not unfrequently occurs, moreover, that a delusion of the intellect (constituting what is commonly known as Monomania) has had its source in a disordered state of the feelings, which have represented 324 Of the Emotions. every occurrence in a wrong light to the mind of the individual (§ 559). All such conditions are of extreme interest, when com- pared with those wdiich are met-with amongst Idiots, and in animals enjoying a much loAver degree of intelligence: for the result is much the same in wdiatever way the balance between the feelings and the rational will (which is so beautifully adjusted in the Avell-ordered mind of Man) is disturbed ; whether by a diminution of the Volitional control, or by an undue exaltation of the Emo- tions and Passions. 265. This double mode of action of the Emotions—downwards through the nerve-trunks upon the Muscular apparatus, and also upon many of the Organic functions (Chap. XIX.),—and upwards upon those Cerebral actions which give rise to the higher states of Mental consciousness,—affords a satisfactory explanation of a fact which is practically familiar to most observers of Human nature; namely, that violent excitement of the Feelings most speedily sub- sides, when these unrestrainedly expend themselves (so to speak) in their natural expressions. Thus it may be commonly noticed that those who are termed demonstrative persons are less firm and deep in their attachments, than those wdio manifest their feelings less : for, without any real insincerity or intentional fickleness, the strongly-excited feelings of the former are rapidly calmed-down by the expenditure of the impulse to bodily action wdiich they have generated ; wdiilst in the latter the very same feelings, acting inter- nally, acquire a permanent place in the Psychical nature, and habitually operate as motives to the conduct. So, again, persons who are "quick-tempered," manifesting great irascibility upon small provocations, real or supposed, are usually soon appeased, and speedily forget the affront; whilst many who make little or no display of anger, are very apt to brood-over and cherish their feelings of indignation, and may visit them upon the unfortunate object of them on some favourable opportunity, long after he had supposed that the occurrence Avhich had given rise to them was Emotional Movements. 325 forgotten. There is an instinctive restlessness, or tendency to general bodily movement, in some individuals, when they are suffering under Emotional excitement; the indulgence of which appears to be a sort of safety-valve for the excess of Nerve-force, whilst the attempt at its repression is attended with an increase in the excitement. Most persons are conscious of the difficulty of sitting still when they are labouring under violent agitation, and of the relief which is afforded by active exercise ; and this is par- ticularly the case Avhen the movements are such as naturally express the passion that is excited. Thus the combative propen- sities of the Irish peasant commonly evaporate speedily Avith the free play of his shillelagh, many irascible persons find great relief in a hearty explosion of oaths, others in a violent slamming of the door, and others (whose excitement is more moderate but less transient) in a prolonged fit of grumbling. a. This vdew is most fully confirmed by certain phenomena of Insanity. It is a doctrine now generally received among practical men, that paroxysms of violent Emotional excitement are much more likely to subside, when they are allowed to "work themselves off" freely, without any attempt at mechanical restraint; and maniacal patients are now placed, in all well-managed Asylums, in padded rooms, in which their movements can do no injury to themselves or others.—The following case was related to the Writer by his friend Dr. Howe, of Boston, N.E., the instructor of Laura Bridgman. A half-idiotic j-outh in the Lunatic Asylum of that place, was the subject (like many in his condition) of frequent and violent paroxysms of anger; and with the view of moderating these, it was suggested that he should be kept for some time every day in rather fatiguing exercise. Accordingly he was employed for two or three hours daily in sawing wood, to which task he made no objection ; and the paroxysms of rage never displayed themselves, except on Sundays, when his employment was intermitted. As it was considered, however, to be better for him to spend a part of that day in sawing wood, than to be irascible during the whole of it, his occupation was continued through the entire week, when 326 Of the Emotions. he became completely tamed-down, and never gave any more trouble by his passionate displays. So, again, if a ludicrous idea be suggested to our consciousness, occasioning an impulse to laugh, a hearty "guffaw" generally works-off the excitement, and we may be surprised a short time afterwards that-such an absurdity should have provoked our risi- bility ; but if we restrain the explosion, the idea continues to " haunt" us, and is continually perturbing our trains of thought until we have given free vent to the expression of it.—Again, it is Avell knoAvn that the depressing emotions are often worked-off by a fit of crying and sobbing ; and the " relief of tears " seems mani- festly due to the expenditure of the pent-up nerve-force, in the production of an increased secretion. It is noticed in this case, too, that the absence of any such external manifestations of the depressing emotions, gives them- a much greater influence upon the course of thought, and upon the bodily state of the individual. Those who really " die of grief," are not those who are loud and vehement in their lamentations, for their sorrow is commonly transient, however vehement and sincere while it lasts; but they are those who have either designedly repressed any such mani- festations, or who have experienced no tendency to their display; and their deep-seated sorrow seems to exert the same kind of anti- vital influence upon the Organic functions, that is exercised more violently by "shock" (§ 41); producing their entire cessation Avithout any structural lesion. b. The Writer once heard the following singular case of this kind :— One of two sisters, orphans, who were strongly attached to each other, became tho subject of consumption; she was most tenderly nursed by her sister during a long illness; but on her death, the latter, instead of giving way to grief in the manner that might have been anticipated, appeared perfectly unmoved, and actod almost as if nothing had happened. About a fortnight after her sister's death, however, she was found dead in her bed; yet neither had there been Their Influence on Volitional Effect. 327 any symptoms during life, nor was there any post-mortem appear- ance, which in the least degree accounted for this event,—of which no explanation seems admissible, except the depressing influence of her pent-up grief upon her frame generally, through the Nervous system. 266, The influence of Emotional excitement may operate upon the Muscles, however, not only in giving-rise to the movements Avhich it directly calls forth, but also in affecting the power of the Will over the muscular system, by intensifying or weakening its action. For there can be no doubt that, under the streng influence of one class of feelings, the Will can effect results such as the individual would scarcely even attempt in his calmer moments; wdiilst the influence of another class of feelings is exer- cised in precisely the opposite direction, weakening or even paralysing the force which was previously in full activity. It must be within the knowledge of every one, that, when first attempting to perform some new kind of action, the power we feel capable of exerting depends in great measure upon the degree of our assurance of success. Of this we have a good example in the process of learning to swim; which is greatly facilitated, as Dr. Franklin pointed-out, by our first taking means to satisfy ourselves of the buoyancy of our bodies in the water, by attempting to pick up an object from the bottom. And every one is aware of the assistance derived from the encouragement of others, when we are ourselves doubtful of our powers; and of the detrimental influence of dis- couragement or suggested doubt, even when wo previously felt a considerable confidence of success. Of the almost superhuman strength and agility with which the body seems endowed, when the whole energy is concentrated upon some Nervo-muscular effort, especially under the influence of an overpowering emotion, the following remarkable example has been communicated to the Writer by a gentleman on whom he can place full reliance, and who was personally cognizant of the fact :—An old cook-maid, tottering with age, having heard an alarm of fire, seized an enormous box con- taining her whole property, and ran down stairs with it, as easily as she would have carried a dish of meat. After the fire had been 328 Of the Emotions. extinguished, she could not lift the box a hair's breadth from the ground, and it required two men to convey it upstairs again. 267. But the same Emotion does not always act in the same mode: thus, the fear of danger may nerve one man to the most daring and vigorous efforts to aA^ert it, whilst another is rendered power- less, and gives-way to unavailing lamentations; and the ardent anticipation of success may so unsettle the determinative energy of one aspirant, as to prevent him from attaining his object, whilst another may only be sustained by it in the toilsome struggle of which it is the final reward. Now in order that this variety may be explained, and the modus operandi of the Emotions on strictly Volitional actions may be duly comprehended, wre must here state two of the essential conditions of the latter : one of which is, that there should be not merely a distinct conception of the purpose to be attained, but also a belief that the purpose will or at least may be attained; whilst the other is, that the attention should be to a great extent withdrawn from other objects, and should be concentrated upon that towards which the Will is directed. The following cases illustrate these principles :— a. The Writer well remembers being among those, who, forty years ago, tested the validity of the statement put-forth in Sir D. Brewster's " Natural Magic," that four persons can lift a full-sized individual from the ground, high into the air, with the greatest facility, provided they all take-in a full breath previously to the effort, the person lifted doing the same. He could readily understand upon Physio- logical principles, that a full inspiration on the part of the lifters would have a certain degreee of efficacy in augmenting their Nervo- muscular power ; but he could not percei\re how the performance of the same act by the person lifted could have any appreciable effect; and while many of his acquaintances assured him that, when all the conditions were duly observed, the body went up " like a feather," and that they felt satisfied of being able to support it upon the points of their fingers, he found his own experience quite different. Hence he came to the conclusion, after much observation, that the facility Their Influence on Volitional Effect. 329 afforded by this method entirely depended upon the degree in which it fulfilled the above-mentioned conditions, namely, the fixation of the attention upon the effort, and the conviction of the success of the method. Whenever the attention was distracted, and confidence weakened by scepticism as to the result, the promised assistance was not experienced. b. The following little circumstance communicated to the Writer by a friend, is a very characteristic illustration of the same principle. This gentleman related that, having been accustomed in his boy- hood to play at bagatelle with other juniors of his family, the party was occasionally joined by a relative who was noted for her success at the game, and who was consequently much dreaded as an oppo- nent ; and that, on one occasion, when she was about to take her turn against him, he roguishly exclaimed, " Now, aunty, you will not be able to make a hit;'' the effect of which suggestion was, that she missed every stroke,—and not only at that turn, but through the remainder of the evening. 268. Since, then, there is nothing which tends so much to the success of a Volitional effort as a confident expectation of its success, whilst nothing is so likely to induce failure as the appre- hension of it, and since the tendency of the cheerful or joyous Emotions is to suggest and keep-alive the favourable anticipations, whilst that of the depressing emotions is to bring before the view all the chances of failure, the former wiU increase the power of the Volitional effort, and the latter wiU diminish it. And they exert also a direct influence on the Physical powers, through the organs of cir- culation and respiration ; the heart's impulses being more vigorous and regular, and the aeration of the blood being more effectually performed, in the former of these conditions than in the latter.—But an altogether contrary effect may be produced by the operation of these two classes of Emotions on the concentrative power. For the more completely the mental energy can be brought into one focus, and aU distracting objects excluded, the more poAverful will be the Volitional effort; and the effect of emotional excitement will thus in a great degree depend upon the Intellectual constitution 33° Of the Emotions. which the individual may happen to possess. For if he have a considerable power of Abstraction and Concentration, and a full conviction that he has selected the best or the only means to accomplish his end, the intensest fear of the consequences of failure wiB only increase the force of the motive which prompts the effort; and the whole energy of which his nature is capable, will be put forth in the attempt. In a man of this temperament, the most joyous anticipation of success will produce no abatement of his efforts, no distraction" of his attention, but will rather tend to keep 4 him steady to his purpose until it shall have been accomplished. But the mind which is deficient in concentrative power is lamentably deranged by any kind of Emotional excitement, in the performance of any Volitional effort. For the fear of failure is constantly suggesting to him new distresses, weakens his confidence in any method suggested for his action, and makes him direct his attention, not to some fixed plan as the best or the only feasible one, but to any and every means that may present a chance of success, or may even serve to avert his thoughts from the dreaded catastrophe; whilst, on the other hand, the joyous anticipation of success leads him to allow his thoughts to direct themselves towards all its agree- able consequences, instead of fixing his Intellectual and Voli- tional energy upon the means by wdiich that success is to be attained. 269. We have now to inquire into the influence which the Will has upon the Emotions ;—a subject of the highest importance in regard to the direction of the current of thought and the determina- tion of our actions. That the Will has such a power, is recognised in those common forms of admonition, " Control your passions," '■' Govern your temper," and the like. But the success of its exertion will mainly depend upon the judiciousness of the mode in which it is attempted; and here, as it seems to the Writer, much assistance is gained from the Physiological method of study Volitional Control over Emotions. 331 which it has been his aim to develope.—In the first place, it may be unhesitatingly affirmed that the Will has no direct poAver over the emotional Sensibility. We can no more avoid feeling mental " hurt," than we can avoid feeling bodily " hurt." But we have exactly the same power of withdrawing the attention from the mental " hurt," that we have of withdrawing it from bodily pain (§ 124), by determinatelyfixing it upon some other object; and this is the mode in which (as all experience shows) the passions of Children, which are often excited to a degree that is out of all pro- portion to the exciting cause, and are but little dependent upon «* Ideational states, are most readily controUed. The difference between a judicious and an injudicious Mother or Nurse is strikingly shown in the ways in which they respectively deal with the most familiar incident of Child-life. When the little one falls down and hurts itself, and sets up the loud cry of pain and alarm, there are (as Sir Bobert Peel used to say), three courses open, —to soothe and ' coddle,' to rebuke and frighten, and to distract the attention by the interposition of some new object attractive enough to engage it. Now, the first method, however kindly meant, has the disadvantage of making the Child attend to its hurt, and of thus intensifying the feelings connected with it; which, being the very thing to be avoided, should never be had recourse to unless the injury is really serious. The second no doubt gives a motive to self- control ; but that motive is inappropriate to the occasion, adding a sense of injustice to the smart of the injury. Whilst the third, by leading the Child to transfer its attention to a more vivid and pleasurable impression, affords time for the smart to die away, and makes the child feel that even when fresh it can be disregarded.—As age advances, the judicious Parent no longer trusts to mere sensory impressions for the diversion of the emotional excitement; but calls up in the mind of the Child such ideas and feelings as it is capable of appreciating, and endeavours to keep the attention fixed upon these until its violence has subsided. And recourse is to be had to the same process, whenever it is desired to check any tendency to action which depends upon the selfish propensities; appeal being always made to the highest motives which the Child is capable 332 Of the Emotions. of recoonising, and recourse being had to punishment only for tho purpose of supplying an additional set of motives when all others fail. For a time this process of external Suggestion may need to be continually repeated, especially where there are strong impulses whose unworthy character calls for repression; but if it be judiciously adapted and constantly persevered-in, a very slight suggestion serves to recall the superior motives to the conflict. And in a yet more advanced stage, the Child comes to feel that he has himself the power of recalling them, and of controlling his urgent impulses to immediate action. # 270. In the second place, the Will can exert itself, as already shown, in preventing the expression of the excited feelings in action; by determinately bringing the Volitional control over the muscles to antagonize the Emotional impulse,—as in the cases already cited. It seems to the Writer, however, quite a mistake to suppose that the suppression of the muscular expression of an emotion, represses the emotion itself; on the contrary, as he has already shown (§ 265), the emotional state is more likely to last, if it does not vent itself in action,—unless, as sometimes happens when persons in- ! tentionally " work themselves up into a passion," the muscular' movements themselves operate suggestively on the mind, so as to augment, instead of relieving, the excitement (§ 494). This reaction is very manifest in persons of the Hysterical tempera- ment, who, either from an injudicious system of education, or ' from habitual want of self-control, or from bodily disorder, give way to the most exaggerated and inconsistent expressions of their feelings,—smiles and tears, laughter and sobbing, being strangely intermingled, and being excited by the most trivial cause. That the deficiency here lies rather in the power of controlling the thoughts and feelings, rather than in that of directing the action of the muscles, appears from the fact that an Hysterical paroxysm may often be kept off by the threat of severe discipline; whilst, by judicious guidance, the patient may be led to cultivate her own power of repressing the first risings of the Emotional excitement, Volitional Control over Emotions. 333 by the determinate direction of her attention to some other object than her own feelings. 271. But where, thirdly, the Emotion is not a mere passion, but is a state of feeling connected with some definite idea, the power of the Will is most effectually exerted in withdrawing the mind from the influence of that idea, by fixing the attention upon some other. The power of self-control, usually acquired in the first instance in regard to those Emotional impmlses which directly prompt to action (§ 262), thus gradually extends itself to the habitual succession of the thoughts ; which, directed to the acquirement of knowledge in the first instance by the dominating Will of the instructor, who uses his pupil's love of praise or fear of punishment as a motive power, comes in time to be so regulated by the Ego himself, as to give him a great indirect power over the emotional sensibilities connected with them. For just as, by a determined effort, we restrain ourselves from laughing when laughing would be unseemly, so can a strong Volition keep out of view the idea that excites risibility, by a determined direction of the thoughts into another channel; as when, for example, in a place of worship, it fixes on the prayer or the discourse the attention which had been distracted by some ludicrous interruption. And this determinate transference of the attention affords the surest means of escape from the domination of thoughts and feelings which wre feel it wrong to entertain. We cannot prevent the rise of these in our minds. As Archbishop Manning has truly said—" The memory of insults or great wrongs will arise in the mind, or brain, if you will, at the sight of the person who has outraged us; or by associations of time, place, or any one of endless circumstances ; or, again, by the direct suggestion of others. So far, the thouodits [and, it may be added, the feelings prompted by them] may be spontaneous or involuntary on our part. Their presence in the mind is neither good nor evil. Their first impression on the mind, even though it become a fascination or an attraction to Of the Emotions. an immoral act, is not immoral, because, as yet, though the j Thought has conceived them, the Will has not accepted them."* It is the acceptance of them by the permission of the Will, that makes I them Voluntary, and brings them within the sphere of Moral i control; whilst it is the intentional direction of the Attention to them which gives them their Volitional character, and makes the Ego fully responsible for Avhatever he may do at their prompting.— The experience of the Physician here comes in to the aid of the Psychologist, in showing how Volitional control over Emotional states is best maintained : We will take the case of a Man who has sustained a great shock by the loss of a dearly-loved wife, child, or friend, a disappointed affection, or commercial ruin. His Physical condition is lowered, the power of his Will is weakened, the painful impression seems branded into his innermost nature, he cannot help feeling it most acutely, he seems powerless to withdraw himself from it. He may be exhorted to "rouse himself;" every conceivable motive may be suggested to him for doing so ; but all in vain. What is needed ia the complete distraction of his attention from brooding over his mis- fortune; and the force which the weakened Will cannot of itself exert, must be supplied by the attractive influence of new scenes and persons, and the complete severance from painful associations. He yields himself passively to his advisers; at first "all seems barren, from Dan to Beersheba " ; he looks up into the dome of St. Peter's, or down into the crater of Vesuvius, and finds "nothing in it." But gradually his bodily health improves; he begins to show some interest in what he sees and hears; and a judicious companion, like a good nurse, watches for every sign, and encourages every movement in the right direction, noticing what proves most attractive, and secretly planning to bring its attractions into play. At first, the patient seems ashamed of being cheerful, and falls back int* his moodiness, as if he felt it a duty to hug the memory of his lost happiness ; but these relapses, after a time, become less and less frequent. He begins to find that it is really much pleasanter to * Contemporary Review, Feb. 1871, p 475. Volitional Control over Emotions. 335 forget himself, and to make himself agreeable to others, than it is to brood morosely over his troubles. With the re-invigoration of his bodily health, his Volitional power gradually returns ; and he comes to feel that he can resist the tendency to revert to them, by determinately giving his attention to the objects around him. The resisting power required becomes less and less, the more frequently it is exerted; and at length the Mental health is completely restored,—the brood- ing tendency, however, being apt to recur, either when the Will is weakened by physical fatigue, or when old associations are revived with peculiar force and vividness. 272. A valuable lesson maybe drawn from these familiar experi- ences, in regard to the mode of dealing with those unrighteous Thoughts and Feelings, which furnish temptations to immoral action of any kind. The WiU may put forth its utmost strength in the way of direct repression, and may entirely fail; whilst by exerting the same amount of force in changing the direction, complete success may be attained. _ When the question is not of restraining some sudden impulse of excited passion, but of keeping down an habitual tendency to evil thoughts of some particular class, and of preventing them from gaining a dominant influence, it does not answer to be continually repeating to oneself, " I will not alloAv myself to think of this;" for the repetition, by fixing the attention on the very thought or feeling from which we desire to escape, gives it an additional and even overpowering intensity, as many a poor misguided but well-intentioned sufferer has found to his cost. The real remedy is to be found in the determined effort to think of some- thing else, and to turn into a wholesome and useful pursuit the energy which, wrongly directed, is injurious to the individual and to society; just as, in " The Caxtons," the Poacher w hose love of sport no fear of punishment could restrain, becomes a most valuable Bush- man when persuaded to accompany Pisistratus to Australia.— Whilst, then, the Intellectual faculties are exercised in the acquirement of Knowledge and in the pursuit of Truth, by the Volitional direction of their own spontaneous and automatic 336 . Of the Emotions. activity, the Moral character is formed, and the Conduct mainly determined, by the direction we determinately give to those Motive powers which give energy to all our work in hfe. And there is a strong Physiological probability that the effect of such habitual self-discipline does not end with the Individual, but is exerted upon the Bace ; the Emotional tendencies having so much of the character of Instincts, that the Hereditary transmission of the form they have acquired may be expected in the ono case as in the other (§ 84). CHAPTER VIII. OF HABIT. 273. TriEitF ir no part of Man's composite nature, in which the intimate relation between Mind and Body is more obvious, than it is in the formation of habitual modes of activity, whether Psychical or Corporeal; the former, like the latter, being entirely conformable to the LaAvs which express the ordinary course of the Nutritive operations. A general knowledge of these Laws being therefore essential to the student of Mental Physiology, a concise statement of them will be here given. 274. In the first place, it is characteristic of every living Organism to build itself up according to a certain inherited type or pattern ; so that we must attribute to its germ a " formative capacity," in virtue of which it turns to account both the food and the force which it derives from without,—like the Architect who directs the construction of an edifice, which is raised out of the materials brought together by one set of workmen, by means of the labour furnished by another. But this constructive process may undergo considerable modification under the influence of external conditions; so that the reproduction of the parental model is attended with more or less of variation. This influence is peculiarly manifested in the lower types both of Animal and Vegetable life ; many of which display a remarkable polymorphism. Thus the germs of the simpler Fungi, falling upon different kinds of decomposing matter, will develop themselves into forms that differ so strikingly from each other, as to have been accounted not only specifically but generically distinct. And in the case of the higher types, it is during the early stages of development that the modi- 16 338 Of Habit. fying influence of external conditions is most strongly exerted; the Constitution of the individual then adapting itself to changes, which, when that constitution has once been fixed, are powerless to alter it. Of this early modifiability no more striking example could be adduced, than the artificial production of Queen-bees from Worker-larvse (§ 59); the whole course of the develop- ment, and the subsequent life-history of the Insect, as well Psychical as Physical, being here determined for each individual by the food and nurture it receives. Although among higher animals we know of no case that is comparable to this iu degree, yet there is ample evidence of the same kind of modifiability ; of Avhich the following fact mentioned by Sir Charles Lyell affords a good example :— "Some of our countrymen engaged about the year 1825 in conducting one of the principal mining associations in Mexico, that of Beal del Monte, carried out with them some English greyhounds of the best breed, to hunt the hares which abound in that country. The great platform which is here the scene of sport is at an elevation of about 9,000 feet above the level of the sea, and the mercury in the barometer stands habitually at the height of about 19 inches. It was found that the greyhounds could not support the fatigues of a long chase in this attenuated atmosphere, and before they could come up with their prey, they lay down gasping for breath; but these same animals have produced whelps which have grown up, and are not in the least degree incommoded by the want of density in the air, but run down the hares with as much ease as the fleetest of their race in this country."—(Principles' of Geology, 11th edit. vol. ii. p. 297.) 275. But, secondly, the building-up of the Organism of man or of any one of the higher animals, is not a mere process of addition and extension ; for its evolution involves a continual reconstruction of every part of the fabric, the intimate substance of each con- stituent organ being subject to rapid and incessant change. It is this which makes the demand for food so much greater in propor- Influence of Modifying Conditions. 339 tion to the size of the body during the period of growth, than after its completion ; the quantity of new material applied to actual increase, bearing but a very small proportion to that which is required for the constant renewal which that increase involves.— Bu'; during the whole period of growth, there is also a development of new parts, the original plan not being completed until provision has been made for the perpetuation of the race, as well as for the continued life of the individual. And it is the special charac- teristic of Man, that the period required for the attainment of complete maturity is much longer in proportion to the entire term of life, than it is among the lower animals. During the whole of this period, each component part of the organism may be said to be undergoing a continual rejuvenescence; which is especially shown in the rapidity and completeness with which the effects of injuries are repaired. And thus the modifiability which is characteristic of the organism as a whole during its earliest stages, continues to show itself in each indi\'idual organ until its evolution is complete. Thus it is a matter of universal experience, that every kind of training for special aptitudes, is both far more effective, and leaves a more permanent impress, when exerted on the (/rowing organism, than when brought to bear on the adult. The effect of such training is shown in the tendency of the organ to "grow to" the mode in which it is habitually exercised; as is evidenced by the increased size and power of particular sets of Muscles, and the extraordinary flexibility of Joints,' which are acquired by such as have been early exercised in gymnastic performances. 276. In the third place, after the Organism has come to its full r iaturity, it requires to be maintained by the constant exercise of the Nutritive functions ; every exertion of its animal Force in- volving a " waste of tissue," which, unless compensated by a corre- sponding renovation, would speedily end in death. In fact, it may be said that the whole function of the complicated apparatus 340 Of Habit. of Organic life (§ 31), when the development of the apparatus of Animal life has been once completed, is to keep it in " Avorking order," and to supply it with the oxygenated blood which is required for the excitement of its activity (§§ 41, 42). But farther, while the apparatus of Animal life is subject to " waste " as the very condition of its production of Force, that of Organic life is also subject to "waste" in the course of its construc- tive operations ; so that the entire organism needs a continual renovation by Nutritive action; the rate of that renovation being mainly determined by the functional activity of each part, but the fundamental plan or law being the same throughout. Thus we everywhere observe a tendency to the maintenance of the perfect type; the neAV materials being substituted for the old in such a manner that, notwithstanding the incessant change in the actual components of the Organism, there is no change in its structure or composition. And this is seen most remarkably in the reparation of injuries; which, though not so rapid in the adult, and more limited in its range, is not less complete within that range than it is in the child. There may be said, in fact, to be a continual rejuvenescence throughout the whole of vigorous manhood, differing from that of the period of growth only in degree ; so that each organ has still, to a certain extent, the power of growing-to the mode in which it is habitually exercised. And, as Sir James Paget long since pointed-out, the formative power is often exer- cised, not only in maintaining the original type, but also in keeping up some acquired peculiarity ; as, for example, in the perpetuation of the scar left after the healing of a wound. For the tissue of the cicatrix grows and assimilates nutrient material, exactly as does that of the skin which surrounds it; and thus it not only " grows with the growth" of the child, but is maintained during the whole life of the adult. So, if a child of originally healthy con- stitution be subjected for a sufficient length of time to such injurious physical conditions as produce a tendency to some par- Influence of Modifying Conditions. 341 ticular type of disease, by modifying the normal course of Nutritive action, such tendency (known in Medicine as a diathesis), unless early counteracted, not only tends to establish itself during the life of the individual, but to transmit itself hereditarily to the offspring (§299). If, on the other hand, a child should inherit such a constitutional tendency, it is duriug the period of growth and development that appropriate treatment is most efficacious in the removal of it, by restoring the healthy play of the nutritive functions. 277. Familiar as these general facts are, their special application to the Physiology of Habit has not been generally apprehended. There is no part of the Organism of Man, in which the reconstructive activity is so great, during the whole period of life, as it is in the ganglionic substance of the Brain. This is indicated alike by the enormous supply of Blood which it receives (for of that large amount which goes to the brain as a whole, § 40, by far the greater proportion is distributed to the "grey matter" of the Cere- bral convolutions, of the Sensorial centres, and the Cerebellum); by the evidence furnished by the presence of the products of its oxidation in the excretions, that it undergoes a "waste" pro- portioned to the demand made upon its functional activity; and by those Microscopic appearances of its tissues, which mark a rapid succession of developmental changes whereby that " waste" is repaired. It is, moreover, a fact of great significance, that the Nerve-substance is specially distinguished by its reparative power. For whilst injuries of other tissues (such as the Muscular) which are distinguished by the speciality of their structure and endow- ments, are repaired by substance of a lower or less special- ized type, those of Nerve-substance are repaired by a com- plete reproduction of the normal tissue; as is evidenced in the sensibility of the newly-forming skin which is closing over an open wound, or in the recovery of the sensibility of a piece of " transplanted" skin, which has for a time been rendered 342 Of Habit. insensible by the complete interruption of the continuity of its nerves. The most remarkable example of this reproduc- tion, however, is afforded by the results of M. Brown- Scquard's experiments upon the gradual restoration of the func- tional activity of the Spinal Cord after its complete division; which takes place in a way that indicates rather a reproduction of the whole of the lower part of the Cord and of the Nerves proceeding from it, than a mere reunion of divided surfaces (§ 72). This reproduction is but a special manifestion of the reconstructive change which is always taking place in the Nervous system; it being not less obvious to the eye of Beason, that the "waste" occasioned by its functional activity must be constantly repaired by the production of new tissue, than it is to the eye of Sense, that such reparation supplies an actual loss of substance by disease or injury. 278. Now in this constant and active reconstruction of the Nervous system, we recognize a most marked conformity to the' general plan already shown to be manifested in the Nutrition of the Organism as a whole. For, in the first place, it is obvious that there is a tendency to the production of a determinate type of structure; which type is often not merely that of the Species, but some special modification of it which characterized one or both of the progenitors. But this type is peculiarly liable to modification during the early period of life ; in which the functional activity of the Nervous system (and particularly of the Brain) is extraordi- narily great, and the reconstructive process proportionally active. And this modifiability expresses itself in the formation of the Mechanism by which those secondarily-automatic modes of Move- ment come to be established, which, in Man, take the place of those that are congenital in most of the animals beneath him (§§ 191-194) ; and those modes of Sense-perception come to be acquired, which are elsewhere clearly instinctive (§§ 160-184). For there can be no reasonable doubt that, in both cases, a Nervous Formation of the Nervous Mechanism. 343 Mechanism is developed in the course of this self-education, corresponding with that which the lower animals inherit from their parents. The plan of that rebuilding process, which is necessary to maintain the integrity of the organism generally (§ 276), and Avhich goes on with peculiar activity in this portion of it, is thus being incessantly modified ; and in this manner all that portion of it which ministers to the external life of sense and motion that is shared by Man with the Animal kingdom at large, becomes at adult age the expression of the habits which the individual has acquired during the period of growth and develop- ment. Of these Habits, some are common to the race generally, whilst others are peculiar to the individual; those of the former kind (such as walking erect) being universally acquired, save Avhere physical inability prevents ; whilst for the latter a special training is needed, which is usually the more effective the earlier it is begun,—as is remarkably seen in the case of such feats of dexterity as require a conjoint education of the per- ceptive and of the motor powers. And when thus developed during the period of growth, so as to have become a part of the Constitution of the adult, the acquired mechanism is thenceforth maintained in the ordinary course of the Nutritive operations, so as to be ready for use when called-upon, even after long in- action (§ 194). 279. What is so clearly true of the Nervous Apparatus of Animal Life, can scarcely be otherwise than true of that which ministers to the automatic activity of the Mind. For, as already shown, the study of Psychology has evolved no more certain result, than that there are uniformities of mental action, which are so entirely conformable to those of bodily action, as to indicate their intimate relation to a " Mechanism of Thought and Feeling," actino- under the like conditions Avith that of Sense and Motion. The Psychical principles of association (§ 218), indeed, and the Physiological principles of nutrition (§§ 275-7), simply express— 344 Of Habit. the former in terms of Mind, the latter in terms of Brain—the uni- versally admitted fact, that any sequence of mental action which has been frequently repeated, tends to perpetuate itself; so that we find ourselves automatically prompted to think, feel, or do what we have been before accustomed to think, feel, or do, under like circumstances, without any consciously-formed purpose, or antici- pation of results. For there is no reason to regard the Cerebrum as an exception to the general principle, that, whilst each part of the organism tends to form itself in accordance with the mode in which it is habitually exercised, this tendency will be especially strong in the Nervous apparatus, in virtue of that incessant regene- ration which is the very condition of its functional activity. It scarcely, indeed, admits of doubt, that every state of ideational consciousness which is either very strong or is habitually repeated, leaves an organic impression on the Cerebrum ; in virtue of which that same state may be reproduced at any future time, in re- spondence to a suggestion fitted to excite it (§ 363). And this Psychical response, Avhich is for the Cerebrum what a secondarily automatic movement is for the sensori-motor apparatus, no less certainly depends (in the view of the Physiologist) upon a reflex action of the Cerebrum (§ 94), than does an habitual Movement on the reflex action of the Axial Cord. 280. The " strength of early associations" is a fact so univer- sally recognized, that the expression of it has become proverbial; and this precisely accords with the Physiological principle, that, during the period of growth and development, the formative activity of the Brain will be most amenable to directing influences. It is in this way that what is early " learned by heart " becomes branded-in (as it were) upon the Cerebrum; so that its "traces" are never lost, even though the conscious memory of it may have completely faded-out (§ 344). For when the organic modification has been once fixed in the growing Brain, it becomes a part of the normal fabric, and is regularly maintained by nutritive substitu- Fixation of Mental Habit. 345 tion ; so that it may endure to the end of life, like the scar of a wound (§ 276). And there is strong reason for belieA'ing that such impressions may unconsciously modify our ordinary course of Thought and Feeling (§ 441); while they may themselves be unconsciously modified by it, so as, when awakened to activity after a long period of " latency," to express themselves in a form different from that of the experiences which they originally recorded (§ 365). 281. On the other hand, from the time that the Brain has attained its full maturity, the acquirement of new modes of action, and the discontinuance of those which have become habitual, are alike difficult. Both the Intellectual and the Moral character have become in great degree fixed ; so that, although new impres- sions are being constantly received, they have much less power in directing the course of Psychical action than they had at an earlier period,—that course being henceforth rather determined by the established uniformities, and by the Volitional power of selective attention ( § 131). The readiness with which new Knowledge is now acquired, depends much more upon the degree in which it " fits-in" with those previous habits of thought, which are the expression of the nutritive maintenance of the Cerebral mechanism, than it does upon the recording power which expresses a new formation; and the record made of it is generally rather that of the results of a certain Mental process (involving, it may be, a long sequence of operations), than of the steps of the process itself. Thus nothing is more common than for a man to say, when questioned for the grounds of a confident opinion h?s may have given upon a particular point,—" I know that I carefully studied the subject before arriving at that opinion ; but I have entirely forgotten the reasons which led me to form it." The fixity which certain modes of mental activity acquire by habit, is most remark- ably shown by the phenomena of Dreaming and Somnambulism ; in Avhich states the Cerebrum works automatically, without any 346 Of Habit. Volitional control. For there is ample evidence that just as, in these states, the intense direction of the consciousness to the in- dications of the " muscular sense" may guide the Movements with extraordinary precision (the distracting influence of .vision being for the time suspended, § 192), so the complete engrossment of the consciousness by a particular series of Cerebral changes, without any distracting influences, enables those changes to proceed with more sequential regularity, and thus to evolve a more satis- factory result, than if they were liable to be disturbed either by. new sense-impressions, or by volitional interference. But in all such cases, the automatic action follows the course of the habitual lines of Thought, and expresses the residt of the whole of that pre- vious training and discipline of the Intellect, which has been carried on under Volitional direction. The Lawyer could not have written in his sleep a lucid opinion, unravelling the perplexities of a com- plicated case, if he had not assiduously cultivated the mental habit by which it was elaborated. Nor could the Mathematician in the same state have not merely executed with perfect correct- ness a lengthened computation, the complexity of which had baffled him in the waking state, but found out a much more direct means of obtaining the result, if his previous training had not been of a kind to develope this particular form of reasoning power. Nor could the Preacher have composed a well-constructed discourse, nor the Poet have evolved an imaginative but consistent and rhythmical series of verses, unless the special faculty required by each had been previously cultivated. (See §§ 231c?, 487.) 282. During the Decline of life, the influence of early habits and associations often asserts itself in a very remarkable degree; those which have been formed during the middle period being retained with far less of tenacity. And thus it happens that the knowledge last acquired is often forgotten first; whilst that which was earliest learned is retained to the latest period. " I am too old to learn" is-the continual lament of the aged ; the cases in which Habit in Animals. 347 the Intellectual activity is retained to such a degree as to enable new forms of thought to be acquired at an advanced period of life, being very rare.—Now this is in precise accordance with the Phy- siological fact, that Decline essentially consists in the diminu- tion of the formative activity of the organism ; AA'hich no longer serves even for the maintenance of the Cerebrum, according to the model into which it has gradually shaped itself; so that whilst new modifications of the acquired type are scarcely possible, even those of long standing tend to fade away, the original type being the most enduring. 283. Our best illustrations of the Physiology of Habit are derived from cases in which certain actions, or series of actions, determined by Psychical (cerebral) changes, take place with the least inter- ference from Volitional direction. Such illustrations are afforded by observation of the lower Animals, of Children, and of Idiots. —The whole training of a Horse or a Dog to particular per- formances, proceeds on the Psychological principle of " contiguous association " ; a set of secondarily-automatic sequences being thus established in the actions of its nervous mechanism, by which a certain response is evoked from it, in accordance with each sugges- tion to which the animal has been taught to attend. And the tendency of any such series of changes, once established by use, to perpetuate itself organically, is very curiously evidenced by the recurrence of particular actions at fixed intervals of time, without any means of consciously determining its passage, or any incidents that can suggest the return of the period. Thus a Dog that has been accustomed to receive food at a certain hour and place every day, will come in quest of it with extraordinary punctuality.—The Writer once knew a similar fact in the case of a Swan, which came and tapped with its beak at the door of a cottage at which it received a supply of food, at a certain hour every after- noon.—In like manner, in a family known to the Writer, a Dog, which was acci_oi.omed to be washed—to its great dislike—once a fortnight, always kept out of the way on "washing day"; its 348 Of Habit. absence being frequently noticed, and the meaning of it inquired into, before the return of the day had been thought of. -7- So the Horse of a commercial traveller, after going the same journey a few times, is often known to stop of himself at the houses of the customers, and to stand stiff for the length of time during which his master's visit usually lasts, becoming restless if it is prolonged; and, if pulled up at a new point on one journey, to stop of his own accord at the same point on the next. (See also § 82 d.) 284. The passage of Time would seem to be measured in these cases,—as in another to be presently cited (§ 286),—by that uncon- scious chronometry which determines the duration of Sleep in those who can fix the time of their awaking (§ 481); this chrono- metry being probably dependent, as was pointed-out by Sir James Paget, on some sequence of organic changes of which the body is the subject. And thus, when the relation of any particular action to some definite lapse of time has once become fixed by association, the action tends to recur automatically, at the intervals determined by habit. There is, however, a considerable difference among indi- vidual animals, as to the readiness with which such associations are formed ; some having a much more methodical tendency than others. 285. No one who observes Avith intelligence the gradual evolu- tion of the Mind in young Children, can fail to see how constant is the anticipation that what has happened a few times, will recur again under the like circumstances; and how independent is the sense of dissatisfaction at the non-recurrence, of any idea of grati- fication to be derived from the occurrence itself. This becomes peculiarly obvious in those " children of a larger growth," who, from want of general culture and of volitional poAver, have become the slaves of routine; their whole course of thought and action being determined rather by what they have been " used to," than by what even ordinary Common Sense would tell them was the best for themselves. Influence of Routine:—Habit in Idiots. 349 Thus the Writer knew a case in which a family reduced to absolute want during a long depression of trade and manufactures, declined a supply of excellent soup, thickened with barley, merely because "they hadn't been used to barley"; and were only brought to accept it " under protest" by a twenty-four hours' fast.—Again, it was stated by the able Beporter on the Printed Cottons exhibited in the International Exhibition of 1851, that the great obstacle to the improvement of designs lay with the buyers, not with the manu- facturers ; for that the attempt to introduce the least variation in the patterns of the cheap prints worn by females of the humbler classes had invariably failed; no print being extensively bought by them that departed in the least degree from the pattern which long habit had worked-in (so to speak) upon their brain.—And, quite recently, the Writer has been assured by a large Outfitter, that all his workwomen in a particular department refused to work for a fort- night, merely because they were required to make a slight alteration (not productive of the least additional trouble to themselves) in the pattern of a particular garment. 286. The unreasoning folly shown in these and similar cases of tenacious adhesion to long-established Habits, indicates the strength of the organic tendency which produces the persistence ; and this is quite conformable to what the Physiological principles already stated would lead us to anticipate. The tendency is sometimes shown with peculiar force in Idiots, whose whole course of Mental action may be regarded as automatic, the power of Volitional control having never been acquired. The following account was given by Miss Martineau, of a youth under her own observation, who, in consequence of early injury to the brain, never acquired the power of speech, or of understanding the language of others, or of in any way recognizing other minds; but was at the same time strongly affected by sensory impressions. " He could endure nothing out of its position in space or its order in time. If any new thing was done to him at any minute of the day, the same thing must be done at the same minute every day thenceforward." Thus, although he disliked personal interference, his hair and nails having been one day cut at ten minutes past eleven, the next day and every 350 Of Habit. day after, at ten minutes past eleven, he "as if by a fate," brought comb, scissors, and towel; and it was necessary to cut a snip of hair before he would release himself. Yet he had no knowledge whatever of the measurement of time by clocks and watches, and was no less minutely punctual in his observances when placed beyond the reach of these aids. So in regard to form, number, and quantity, his actions were equally methodical. He occupied himself much in making paper-cuttings, which were remarkable for their symmetry. If, when he was out of the room, a brick were taken from the heap with which he amused himself, he would pass his hand over them, spread them a little, and then lament and wander about till the missing one was restored. If seven comfits had once been put into his hand, he would not rest with six; and if nine were given, he would not touch any until he had returned two.—{Letters on the Laws of Mail's Nature and Development, p. 71. See also Household Words, vol. ix. p. 198.) 287. The tendency to Habitual action is so universally recog- nized as an important part of our Psychical nature, that Man has been said to " be a bundle of habits." Where the Habits have been judiciously formed in the first instance, the tendency is an extremely useful one, prompting us to do that spontaneously, which might otherwise require a powerful effort of the Will. This is especially the case with regard to habits of Intellectual exertion, which are in themselves peculiarly free from any Emotional complication. The Author can speak from long and varied experience, of the immense saving of exertion Avhich arises from the formation of metlwdical habits of mental labour; which cause the ordinary routine to be performed wdth a far less amount of fatigue, than Avould be required on a more desultory system (§ 228). Even here, however, care should be taken to avoid allowing oneself to be so much the " slave of habit," that all mental labour, save that which is undertaken at a particular time, or in a particular place, becomes difficult and wearisome. —But, on the other hand, if a bad set of Habits have grown-up Habit of Self-discipline. 3 51 with the growth of the individual, or if a single bad tendency be allowed to become an habitual spring of action, a far stronger effort of Volition will be required to determine the conduct in opposition to them. . This is especially the case, when the habitual idea possesses an Emotional character, and becomes the source of desires (§ 261); for the more frequently these are yielded-to, the more powerful is the solicitation they exert. And the Ego may at last be so completely subjugated by them, as scarcely to retain any power of resistance ; his Will being weakened by the habit of yielding, as the Desire gains strength by the habit of acting upon it. 288. We have thus a definite Physiological rationale for that "government of the thoughts," which every Moralist and Be- ligionist teaches to be the basis of the formation of right character, and therefore of right conduct. And the Wiiter cannot but believe that there are many upon whom the essentiality of Intel- lectual and Moral discipline will be likely to impress itself with greater force, when they are enabled thus to trace out its Physical action, and to see that in the Mental as in the Bodily organism, the present is the resultant of the past; so that whateA^er we learn, think, or do in our Youth, will come again in later life either as a Nemesis or as an Angel's visit. 289. Whilst, then, every one admits the special strength of those early impressions which are received when the Mind is most "plastic,"—most fitted to receive and retain them, and to embody them (as it Avere) into its own Constitution,— the importance of rightly directing the habits of thought and feeling during the whole stage of Bodily growth, comes to be still more apparent, Avhen we regard these habits as really shaping that Mechanism, whose subsequent action mainly deter- mines our Intellectual and Moral character, and, consequently, the whole course ci our conscious lives. For large as is the influence wdiich the steady exertion of the adult Will, under the guidance of an elevated Moral sense, and of a judgment 352 Of Habit. matured by experience, can exert in directing and sustaining the activity of that mechanism, the Ego can only utilize the means which it furnishes ; the formation of the mechanism being greatly dependent upon the se£/-discipline exerted during the stage of adolescence. But the very possession of such self-disciplining power greatly depends on the right exercise, in a yet earlier stage, of the Will, the Moral sense, and the Judgment of the Educator; save where the discipline of " circumstances " has called into activity the best parts of the Child's nature, and has given them the most healthful training. There is nothing, for example, more remarkable than the extraordinary power of thoughtful self-direction, or more beautiful than the complete moral self-abnegation, Avhich is often shown by a very young girl, upon whom the charge of a still younger family has fallen, through the prolonged ill-health or death of the mother. On the other hand, nothing is more mischievous than the wrongly-directed, though well-intended, discipline often admin- istered by Parents and Teachers who are ignorant of the funda- mental facts of child-nature (§ 120); unless it be the education of the Volitional power by " circumstances " that guide it in the worst instead of the best direction. 290. It has been from the depth of his conviction as a Physiologist and Psychologist, of the inseparable relation between Corporeal and Mental action, that the Writer has been led, during a life of Educational occupation, to what he may call the Scientific study of that relation, as manifested within the range of his own observation. And the following outline attempts to systematize the general result of the experience thus acquired, on the basis of the rationale afforded by the Physiological doctrine of " Unconscious Cerebration," or, in the language of German Psychologists, the " Preconscious Activity of the Soul," hereafter to be expounded (Chap. XIII.). To himself it seems comparativery unimportant whether the doctrine be expressed in terms of Physiology or in terms of Metaphysics; if the principle be duly recognized, and the enor- Order and Regularity. 353 mous practical importance of directing the " preconscious " activity through the Physical nature be admitted and systematically acted on,—especially in that very earliest stage of Infant Education, which lays the foundation for the Intellectual aud Moral Habits of the conscious Life. For as Physiology teaches that external agencies exert their most potent influences on the bodily Organism during the period of its development, so Educational experience proves that nothing exerts so great an influence on the psychical Organism, as what may be called the moral atmosphere which is breathed by it, from the very earliest stage of conscious existence, up to the time of its full maturity. This influence—exerted, on the one hand, through the medium of the body, on the other, through the unconscious action of example, in shaping these habits of Feeling Avhich give the tone to the character,—is far more potent than is generally supposed; and commencing in the Nursery, it prolongs itself alike in the Home and in the School, through the Avhole period of Childhood and Youth, and by no means dies out in Adult age. What may be termed the composition of that Atmosphere, is, therefore, of fundamental importance ; and the following appear to the Writer to be the constituents which science and experience alike recommend :— (1.) Order and Regularity.—This should begin even with Infant life, as to times of feeding, repose, &c. The bodily habit thus formed, greatly helps to shape the mental habit at a later period. On the other hand, nothing tends more to generate a habit of self- indulgence, than to feed a child, or to allow it to remain out of bed, at unseasonable times, merely because it cries. It is wonderful how soon the actions of a young Infant (like those of a young Dog or Horse), come into harmony with systematic " training," judiciously exercised. The following little incident affords an apposite illustration of the principle just stated, as well as a useful example of the kind of 354 Of Habit. Nursery-discipline above advocated.—The first child of a young mother was accustomed, before being put into his cradle for his mid- day sleep, to be "hushed off" in the arms of his mother or his nurse. But having been told that this was an undesirable practice, his mother, wishing to break him of the habit, one day laid him down awake in his cradle, and remained behind the head of it, so as to be out of the infant's sight. He screamed so long and so violently, that several times she almost relented, fearing that he would injure himself; but she had firmness to persevere; and after a while the child " cried himself to sleep." Next day the screaming-fit was much shorter, and on the following day shorter still; and in a few days the child ceased to cry when laid down, and never did so again. Now the child was too young to have learned by any process of reasoning upon conscious experience, that, as crying was of no use, it might as well keep quiet; but its nature simply adapted itself to the change of circumstances. And in the case of four other children afterwards successively brought up in the same nursery, the habit was established from the beginning. Again, while an Infant of a few months old, being allowed to sleep with its mother, and suckled by her every time that it wakes and cries, contracts not only a habit of wakefulness, but an organic long- ing (so to speak) for the accustomed solace, another that is kept away during the night from the smell of the milk (which seems to be the immediate provocative), will soon accustom itself to bo fed at stated intervals only, and will only wake at these. And so, in those later stages in which the conscious influence of Order and Regularity comes to exert itself, there is still an unconscious persistence of the habits early shaped upon them, which tends to repress desire in that earliest phase in which it has not shaped itself into a definite idea. Every one who has been practically engaged in Education, well knows the Moral value of orderly discipline ; but few are fully aware of the enormous influence which it uncon- sciously exercises over the formation of that " Mechanism of Thought and Feeling," which determines a large part of our conscious life. Tho Writer has been thus led to regard Military DriU as an Order and Reg idarity. 355 important part of Education; not merely as promoting a healthy physical development, and as preparing every youth, if occasion should require, to serve in the ranks of National defenders; but even more for the Moral value of the enforcement of strict order and discipline, and prompt obedience to the "word of command." This is especially seen in those Industrial Schools and Beformatories, the boys in which have been previously accustomed to a life of uncon- trolled freedom. That they have a power of se7/-control, seems to them an entirely new idea ; and there is no better way of bringing it to their apprehension, than this systematic "playing at soldiers," in which they usually feel a great enjoyment.—It may be further remarked that the whole system of " making a soldier " out of a raw recruit, proceeds upon the same principle of the unconscious forma- tion of acquired Instincts, through the combined action of bodily and mental Habit. The "pluck" by which the British Soldier is especially distinguished, is clearly as much Physical as Psychical; and much of it seems to depend on the unfclt sense of mutual support, which is derived from the maintenance of order. Every officer of experience knows full weff that if the " formation " of tho British ranks is once " broken," a panic sauve qui pent is almost certain to spread; and that the success of a " storm" mainly depends upon whether tho "forlorn hope" by which it is led, can "form" within the fortress. The determined maintenance of the admirable "formation" in squares, directed by Wellington, was what enabled the inferior British force to hold its ground at Waterloo until the Prussians came up; whilst the failure of the first attack upon the Bedan at Sebastopol, was attributed by the officers concerned in it to the impossibility of "forming" the men who had gained an entrance into the fortress.—This Moral influence of discipline was never more grandly exhibited, than in the manner in which the soldiers on board the "Birkenhead" went to their death; while the want of it was as sadly shown in the behaviour of the " navvies " on board the " Northfleet." Yet the " raw material " of the latter was just as good as that of the former ; and a few months' drill would probably have turned out as good a product. The Writer does not agree with the "Spectator" (Jan 25, 1873) in regarding this influence as exercised through the ideational and moral consciousness. For it Beems to him to operate much more directly, through a channel 356 Of Habit. which has been formed by habit, without any distinct consciousness of the how and the why. Herodotus tells us that the Scythian warriors, returning victorious from a campaign, found that their slaves had risen in their absence, and had fortified themselves in a stronghold from which it would have been very difficult to dislodge them by force ; but that they lost all their courage at the cracking of their masters' whips, which terrified them into submission. In this case—as also, after the battle of Gravelotte, when the riderless horses assembled at the bugle-call,—there was surely nothing higher than an immediate automatic response to the sound which had habitually called it forth; that response being Emotional in the one case, Motorial in the other. But, with the advance of years, and the development of the power of se£/-control, the aim should be rather to foster its independence by relaxing external coercion, so far as may prove safe, than systematically to restrain the healthy spontaneity of the individual within trammels that tend to become formal and mechanical; the consequence of such prolonged restraint too often being, that when the individual is freed from it, he runs altogether wild, through not having been trained in the habit of se^/-dis- cipline. (n.) With the preceding, there naturally connects itself the principle of Duty or Obligation; which, indeed, grows up as the internal correlative to the external coercion. The child very early comes to feel what it ought to do; and this sense of obligation, which at first has its Mother or its Nurse as its object, extends itself after a while to its Father and its Schoolmaster ; the feeling of Duty becoming religious, when the notion of obligation to an unseen Power is first comprehended. Now the child is uncon- sciously impressed, long before it distinctly shapes out an idea of the fact, by the manifestation of this sense of duty on the part of those around it; and is very quick to perceive what it supposes (perhaps wrongly) to be a departure from it. And while every such example tends unconsciously to weaken the feeling on the part Sense of Obligation. 357 of the child, the unconscious influence of steady persistence, espe- cially when the child is made aware that such persistence is dis- agreeable, is enormous. Particularly is this the case with respect to Punishment; for when the child can be brought to feel that its infliction is not vindictive, but is prompted only by a sense of duty, and is guided by love, so that it is as painful to the Parent as it is to the Child, the basis is unconsciously laid for the habit of trust- ful submission to the life-discipline of an All-wise and All-merciful Father. But here, again, it is essential to healthful development, that with the advance of years this submission, even to Duty, should not be maintained in its slavish form ; but that the growth of that highes't form of submission should be fostered and encour- aged, which consists in the identification of our own Will with the Divine (§ 338). (in.) In order that the feeling of Duty may be led to develop itself into notions of Right and Justice, it is essential that the Moral atmosphere should be pervaded by those attributes. There is in most Children a very strong instinctive sense of their own rights, or what they consider to be such; the action of which is so admirably delineated in the " Bejected Addresses," that the description, in "The Baby's Debut," of the nursery quarrel it provoked, is almost worthy of the great Poet whom it parodied :— " Tli is made him cry with rage and spite : Well, let him cry, it serves him right. A pretty thing, forsooth ! If he's to melt, all scalding hot, Half my doll's nose, and I am not To draw his peg-top's tooth." And respect for the rights of others is one of the earliest lessons which the child has to be taught through his consciousness. But that lesson is far more effectual, when the preparation for it has been made, and the illustration of it afforded, by the habitual example of the elders of the family ; that of older brothers and 358 Of Habit. sisters being in this respect (as in many others) even more im- pressive than that of parents, Avhom the child is apt to regard un- consciously as in a distinct category from itself. Hence arises the vast importance of giving a right direction to the character of the first child in a family ; and those Avho have had the opportunity of observing the immense influence, either for good or for evil, which that example insensibly as well as sensibly exerts, will fully confirm the Writer's estimate of its importance.—It is wonderful how powerfully what may be called the current of daily life carries along with it, without any consciousness of its influence, those who are subject to it. Thus, in a Household, or in a School, where order and regularity prevail, and where the sense of duty is pre- dominant, the preference of duty to pleasure comes to be the general habit; the lessons are prepared as a " matter of course," before mere amusement (proper intervals of recreation being presupposed) is had recourse to ; and no written rule, or system of punishments, to enforce it, is found requisite. The Child's knowledge (when it comes to think on the matter) that its neglect or carelessness as to the preparation of lessons will give pain to a Parent whom it loves, unconsciously determines its habit of application; and the Schoolboy's feeling towards a Master who has acquired his respect and confidence, instinctively governs his whole conduct towards him. " It's a shame to tell Arnold a lie, because he always believes one," was the resultant of a very large number of impressions made by the character of that noble type of an educator upon the mind of the lad Avho gave utterance to this oft-quoted phrase; and if these impressions could be sepa- rately reAuewed, it would assuredly be found that the operation of many of them had never distinctly come before the consciousness of their recipient. Of one who, within a narrower sphere, exercised a power probably not inferior to Arnold's " of commanding the reverence and reconsti- tuting the wills, of the least manageable class of human beings," it was Sense of Right and Justice. 359 said by one of his most distinguished pupils, whose own character rendered him peculiarly amenable to that influence, " I have often reflected on this singular power, and tried to make out where the secret of it lay. Though there were doubtless cases which it could not reach, it daily achieved triumphs which most teachers would believe impos- sible."* He traces it mainly to the combination of great and varied Intellectual power, acting through well-formed habits of thought, with profound sense of right pervading the whole life and conver. sation, and with the insight derived from a thorough and affectionate sympathy with boy-nature, quickened by a temperament of peculiar vivacity. " The spirit of duty in his house was no withered ghost of custom, but such a living reality as it befalls few to witness. Though the machinery of rules and habits devised for the maintenance of punctuality and order was more complicated and extensive than I have ever seen in operation elsewhere, never was there less indolent trust in mere routine. The mechanism served, and never ruled; and at the remotest point, felt the thrill of some high purpose as its moving power.". . . " The earnestness with which he insisted on the smallest things being done well, was an indication of the same kind; manifesting his watchfulness against the least slovenliness of conscience, his resolu- tion to olose the most trivial aperture through which looseness and disorder could find entrance into hfe." . . . "Boyhood, which detests, as they deserve, all kinds of sham and pretence, easily places itself at the disposal of a sincerity so profound as this ; owns as a true guide one who lives under an authority of the rules he imposes, and whose administration of command is in itself an exercise of obedience."—It may be doubted whether this was consciously owned, save by those whose own Intelligence was sufficiently developed to analyse the sources of the.power thus exerted; to the Writer (whose privilege it was to experience it from his earliest years) it seems to have acted in the first instance through the deeper and more direct channels of Un- conscious Influence. It must have been as the resultant of a multi- tude of separate impressions, many of them not rising to the level of conscious apprehension, that '' his perceptive eye looked into order a thousand things for which there was no audible guidance or com- mand." * See the Rev. James Atartineau's admirable lelineation of the Character of Dr. Lant Carpenter as a Schoolmaster, in the Memoirs of his Life, pp. 342-352. 2,6o Of Habit. (iv.) Last, but not least, among the components of a healthy Moral atmosphere, is love towards others ; showing itself in that habitual kindness, which springs from consideration for their feelings as well as for their rights. The fostering of this principle by her own example, is one of the most important functions of the Mother or Nurse; upon whom falls the whole of the earliest direction of the Infant's nature, and the formation of those dispositions which colour the wdiole future life. It is a beautiful fact in Human Nature, that the Maternal instinct, which manifests itself among the lower animals in the supply of the mere Physical wants of the offspring, extends itself to the sphere of Mental and Moral development: so that the first affections of the infant spring out of its earliest association between its own simple sense of well' being, gradually quickened into happiness, and the personality of the Mother; who in the first instance imparts sustenance and comfort to its body, and who, when this duty has been discharged, delights to call into exercise its powers of observation, to cherish its awakening intelligence, and to minister in every suitable way to its pleasures. This association is formed, and shows itself in the Infant's actions, long before it can have risen into the sphere of distinct consciousness; but the foundation is thus laid for that abiding affection, which, if sustained by judicious culture, as infancy passes into childhood, and childhood into youth and adolescence, makes the link between Mother and Off- spring more enduring than any other. It is the experience of those who have endeavoured to awaken any dormant sense of good, which may not have been crushed-out from the nature of the most hardened Criminals by a Hfe of brutal indulgence in every bad passion, that if they retain any recollection of a Mother's love, this affords a loop-hole through which what remains of their better nature may be reached, though the wall of sullenness and obstinacy within which it was shut up may at first seem utterly impenetrable.—The Writer weU remembers, at a distance of forty years, the impression produced on his mind by hearing a case of this Influence of Maternal Love. 361 kind narrated by Dr. Tuckermann, of Boston, N.E. ; a man probably unequalled for his success in the line of action above indicated, which was entirely prompted and guided by his implicit confidence in the principle of Love. But whilst the unconscious influence of Love is essential to the due formation of the affectional part of Child-nature, it is no less important that it should be rightly directed. Nothing is more common among Mothers whose own characters have not been judi- ciously trained, either by their own experience or by the discipline of others, than that indulgence of their children's desires, which, when it grows into a habit, forms both the Physical and the Psychical constitution in accordance with it; so that a " Mechanism of Thought and Feeling" comes to be established, which re-acts in direct response to the impressions made upon it from without. 291. Every observant Educator must have seen instances in which the same Child has almost seemed two different individuals, accord- ing to the "atmosphere" in which it happens to be. Where a nature originally good and docile has been " spoiled" for a time by injudi- cious indulgence and by irregularity in the habits of the family, and where the child has early been transplanted into a household in which strict rule, judiciously tempered by kindness, has created a more healthy atmosphere, it is wonderful how the whole character shapes itself insensibly on an improved model, so long as that atmosphere is breathed ; while it is no less wonderful how rapidly and completely the child falls back into the old ways, when it is again subjected to the old influences, before the improved habits have become ingrained, and it has come to the stage of conscious re- cognition of their superiority.—It is the great advantage of the early establishment of a judicious system of Nursery-management, that the habits formed under its influence make the Child directly connect the avell-being of which it is conscious, not merely with the love that gives, but with the love that withholds ; so that by the time the Mother can impress its consciousness with the idea that 17 362 Of Habit. the truest kindness may consist in the refusal of a gratification, the foundation for the apprehension and recognition of that idea has already been unconsciously laid. And when, with advancing years, this assurance comes to be strengthened, at the same time by Paternal authority, and by the child's own enlarging experience, —Avhen a firm trust has grown up in the loving wisdom and justice of the Father, and in the judicious love of the Mother,—this constitutes the surest basis for the recognition of the like attributes in the dispensations (whether joyous or grievous) of that Infinite Being, whom Theodore Parker used thus to address, "0 God, our Father and our Mother too !" 292. AVhile the early Habits are thus in a great degree determined for each individual by the family influences under which he is brought up, he soon comes under those social influences which in a great degree shape the future course of his Mental life,— constituting that aggregate which was designated by the Greeks as the Nd/xor. This term (sometimes translated " custom" and sometimes "law") may be considered as expressing the custom which has the force of law, and Avhich is often far less easily changed than any written law; becoming so completely in- grained in the Constitution of a People or a Class, as to constitute a "second nature," which only a long course of the "discipline of circumstances" can alter. The following admirable analysis by Mr. Grote of the Greek conception of the No'^oy, is as applicable to the present time as to the Classical epoch :— " This aggregate of beliefs and predispositions to believe, Ethical, Beligious, iEsthetical, Social, respecting what is true or false, probable or improbable, just or unjust, holy or unholy, honourable or base, respectable or contemptible, pure or impure, beautiful or ugly, decent or indecent, obligatory to do or obligatory to avoid, respect- ing the status and relations of each individual in the society, respect- ing even the admissible fashions of amusement and recreation,__this is an established fact and condition of things, the real origin of which Formation of Mental Habits. o>^o is for the most part unknown, but which each new member of the society is born to and finds subsisting. It is transmitted by tradition from parents to children, and is imbibed by the latter almost uncon- sciously from what they see and hear around, wuthout any special season of teaching or special persons to teach. It becomes a part of each person's nature,—a standing-habit of mind, or fixed set of mental tendencies, according to which particular experience is interpreted and particular persons appreciated. It is not set forth in systematic proclamations, nor impugned nor defended: it is enforced by a sanction of its own,—the same real sanction or force, in all countries,—by fear of displeasure from the Gods, and by certainty of evil from neighbours or fellow-citizens. The community hate, despise, or deride any individual member who proclaims his dissent from their social creed, or even openly calls it in question. Their hatred manifests itself in different ways, at different times and occasions; sometimes by burning or excommunication, sometimes by banishment or interdiction of fire and water; at the very least, by exclusion from that amount of forbearance, goodwill, and estimation, without which the life of an individual becomes in- supportable ; for society, though its power to make an individual happy is but limited, has complete power, easily exercised, to make him miserable. The orthodox public do not recognize in any individual citizen a right to scrutinize their creed, and to reject it if not approved by his own rational judgment. They expect that he will embrace it in the natural course of things, by the mere force of authority and contagion, as they have adopted it themselves; as they have adopted also the current language, weights, measures, divisions of time, &c. ' Nomos (Law and Custom), King of all' (to borrow the phrase which Herodotus cites from Pindar), exercises plenary power, spiritual as well as temporal, over individual minds; moulding the emotions as well as the intellect, according to the local type,—deter- mining the sentiments, the beliefs, and the predisposition in regard to new matters tendered for belief, of every one,—fashioning thought, speech, points of view, no less than action,—and reigning under the appearance of habitual, self-suggested tendencies."—{Plato and the other Companions of Sokrates, A*ol. i. p. 249.) 293. It thus becomes extremely difficult—in fact, in most cases 364 Of Habit. impossible—to discriminate clearly between the tendencies to Thought and Feeling which are shaped by the No/noj, and those which grow out of the congenital Constitution;—that constitution having itself (it seems probable) been moulded under the pressure of the like No/xoS on the ancestral Bace. Some information may doubtless be drawn from the comparison of the diverse mental habits of the several children of the same family, brought up, as nearly as may be, under the same influences. But we find a better evidence of congenital peculiarity in the distinctive characteristics of those who have been very early transplanted from one N6>oj into another of an entirely different character. True it is that during that earlier period when the general characters of Humanity are evolving themselves, when the observing powers are most active, and the mental development is chiefly sustained by the direct assimilation of the pabulum they afford, the child of one Bace readily adapts itself to the habits of another; and, as a general rule, the children Of the less civilized races show a remarkable quickness of perception, which sometimes engenders the belief that their capacity is not below our own. But their Intellectual development very commonly stops at a point which leaves them " great children" all their lives; and the special characters of the type then begin to manifest themselves unmistakeably. This is particularly noticeable where the ancestral habits have been nomadic; the craving for a return to them being often so strong, as to render the restraints of a settled life irksome or even insupportable. Thus the Writer has been informed of several cases in which boys of the native races of Australia, who have been brought up in schools either in the Colonial capitals or in Britain, and who have seemed to profit very fairly by the education they have received, and to form attachments to those among whom they have lived have seized the very earliest opportunity of going off to the " bush" and of rejoining their countrymen.-And the same tendency shows itself Influence of Age on Mental Tendencies. 365 generally in our own "street Arabs," who can only be trained to Bteady habits by an elastic system of discipline skilfully adapted to their nature ; * the restraints of the ordinary school-system, which are well suited to the children of the settled members of our labouring population, being quite intolerable to those who have been wanderers for generations back. Here, then, we haA^e another very striking instance of that Here- ditary Transmission of acquired tendencies, which would be probably found by careful investigation to be scarcely less clearly manifested among the different Baces of Men, than among different Breeds of Dogs (§§ 93, 301). 294. Again, the Psychical tendencies of every individual under- go a consecutive change during the progress of his life, which is quite independent of external influences. Infancy, Childhood, Youth, Adolescence, Adult age, the period of Decline, and Senility, have all their characteristic phases of Mental as of Corporeal development and decline : this being shown, not merely in the general advance of the Intellectual powers up- to the period of middle life, and in their subsequent decay; but in a gradual change in the balance of those springs of action which are furnished by the Emotional states, the pleasures and pains of each period being (to a certain extent) of a different order from those of every other. This diversity may be in great part attributed to changes in the Physical constitution. Thus, the Sexual feeling which has a most powerful influence on the direc- tion of the thoughts in adolescence, adult' age, and middle life, has comparatively little effect at the earlier and later periods. * The existence of a distinct Class of this kind, a good deal resembling that of the Bushmen of the Hottentot country and the Pariahs of India, is well known to tliose who have investigated the social condition of our Great Cities. It is continually receiving additions from the degraded members of the class above, into .which, on the other hand, some of its own are occasionally elevated ; but, if left to itself, it maintains its ground with remarkable persistence, and furnishes a large proportion of our professional Criminals. 366 Of Habit. So, again, the thirst for novelty, and the pleasure in mental activity, which so remarkably characterize the young, when contrasted with the obtuseness to new impressions and the pleasure in tranquil occupations, which mark the decline of life, seem related to the greater activity of the changes of which the Nervous system is the subject during the earlier part of life, and to its diminished activity as years advance. There are other changes, however, which cannot be so distinctly traced to any Physical source, but Avhich yet are sufficiently constant in their occurrence to justify their being regarded as a part of the developmental history of the Psychical nature; so that each of the " Seven Ages of Man " has its own character, which may be Avith difficulty defined in words, but which is recog- nized by the apprehension, as it forces itself upon the experience, of every one. 295. But whilst recognizing, as a fact of observation, the large share Avhich congenital Constitution and external influences have in the formation* of those tendencies of Thought and Feeling, which make up the Character of each individual, we must equally rely on the assurance of our own Consciousness, that we have within us a Power, which, if we use it aright, can in great measure control the excesses and supplement the deficiencies of these tendencies, and can direct them to good and useful instead of evil and injurious ends. The strength of this Power, which we term Will, mainly depends upon the constancy with which it is exercised; the ascendancy of principles of action determinately adopted by the Beason, over the strong impulses of passion or desire, being only possible (as will be shown hereafter, § 333), when that ascendancy has been habitually maintained; and this not only in the ordinary course of conduct, but in the government of the thoughts. There is, in fact, a continual action and reaction between Habit and Will, in our mental, just as there is in our bodily life. For as, when we train ourselves to execute a parti- Hereditary Transmission of Acquired Tendencies. 367 cular movement, the Bodily mechanism in the first instance shapes itself into accordance with our Will, and then comes to execute the same movement without or even (it may be) against our inten- tion, so does our Mental mechanism in the first instance grow-to the mode in which the Will exercises it, and then, having taken on a particular method of actiAuty, tends, by the automatic power it has acquired, either to supply a strong motive to the determi- nation of the Will, or to act altogether independently of it (§ 331). 296. Tt is, moreover, by an action and reaction between Habit and Will, similar to that which regulates our conduct, that our Beliefs are determined. For although it is often maintained that, as Belief is in itself involuntary, Ave are not responsible for what we believe, yet a careful examination of the conditions under which Beliefs are generated, will show that in so far as we vohtionally regulate those conditions, we make ourselves to that extent indi- rectly responsible for the Beliefs which automatically spring from them (§§ 321-326). And in the same proportion we become responsible for our share in the direction of that No/zoj, wdiich exerts so powerful an influence on the formation of the Beliefs of the rising generation. 297. But, further, there is strong reason to believe that our power of benefiting the future, of our Bace by the formation of rioht Habits of Thought, is not limited to those results which we give to the world, whether by the publication of our opinions, or by our conduct in life ; being even more directly exerted in that Hereditary transmission, which the Physiologist cannot but reo-ard as no less evidently manifested in tendencies to Thought, than it is in tendencies to Action. And it will be appropriate, therefore, here briefly to consider this subject; which is one, however, that especially needs all the elucidation that close, prolonged, and extensive study of facts can alone afford. 298. Hereditary Transmission. — The vieAV of the relation of Mental Habits to peculiarities of Bodily organization, whether 368 Of Habit. congenital or acquired, which it has been the object of this chapter to develope, must be extended to that remarkable hereditary transmission of Psychical character, which presents itself under circumstances that entirely forbid our attributing it to anv agency that can operate subsequently to birth ; and which it would seem impossible to account for on any other hypothesis, than that the " formative capacity" of the Germ (§ 274) in great degree determines the subsequent development of the Brain, as of other parts of the body, and (through this) its mode of activity. And this formative capacity, which is the Physiological expres- sion of what is commonly spoken of as the " original constitution " of each individual, is essentially determined by the conditions, dynamical and material, of the Parent-organisms. That "like produces like " is certainly the general rule. For not only do Species maintain their fixity, so long as the continuance of the same external conditions tends to keep up the mode of Life Avhich belongs to each ; but Races, whose origination in varietal modifications of the specific type can be distinctly traced his- torically, often display a scarcely inferior permanence. It is, therefore, by a limitation of this general rule, that Family or Individual peculiarities do not tend to reproduce themselves in anything like the same degree ; and the explanation of that limitation seems to lie in the fact, that while the characters of Species or of Baces express the most general and constant of those influences which tend to produce varietal modifications, those of Families or Individuals express influences of far inferior range, and of far less duration. In particular, it is to be noted that while the more ejeneral characters are shared by both parents, the more special commonly belong to one only.—A great deal of dis- cussion has taken place, as to whether the Male or the Female parent exerts the greater influence over the character of the offspring; and while experience does not yet justify any definite conclusion on this point, the question seems to have been Hereditary Transmission ofAcquirea Tendencies. 369 entirely ignored, whether the union of two different natures may not produce—as in the combination of an acid and a base—a resultant essentially dissimilar to either of them. 299. This much, however, may be confidently affirmed, that where general Constitutional taints, that is to say, abnormal liabitudes of Nutrition, have been acquired, these tend to pro- pagate themselves hereditarily; and that they do so with the most certainty, when both parents partake of them. It may also be affirmed that every repetition of such transmission tends to increase the mischief; so that by "breeding in and in," the injurious external conditions remaining the same, a very slight original departure from healthy nutrition may become intensified in successive generations into a most serious abnormality. Of this we have an example in the production of Cretinism, which may be characterized as Idiocy combined with bodily deformity. (This is not essentially connected, as some have supposed, with Goitre ; for it presents itself in some localities where goitre does not prevail, whilst elsewhere goitre prevails without developing itself into cretinism. But in the Vallais of the Alps, the con- ditions of the two appear concurrent; and the result of their conjoint action through a succession of generations becomes most distressingly apparent.)—There is one class of cases, moreover, in which a particular abnormal form of Nutrition that is dis- tinctly acquired by the individual, exerts a most injurious influence upon the offspring ;—that, namely, which is the result of such habitual Alcoholic excess, as modifies the nutrition of the Nervous . system (§§ 138, 155). a. We have a far larger experience of the results of habitual Alcoholic excess, than we have in regard to any other "Nervine Stimulant;" and all such experience is decidedly in favour of the hereditary transmission of that acquired perversion of the normal Nutrition which it has engendered in the individual. That this manifests itself sometimes in congenital Idiocy, sometimes in a predisposition to 370 Of Habit. Insanity, which requires but a very slight exciting cause to develop it, and sometimes in a strong craving for Alcoholic drinks, which the unhappy subject of it strives in vain to resist, is the concurrent testimony of all who have directed their attention to the inquiry. Thus Dr. Howe, in his Report on the Statistics of Idiocy in Massa- chusetts, states that the habits of the parents of 300 idiots having been learned, 145, or nearly one half, were found to be habitual drunkards. In one instance, in which both parents were drunkards, seven idiotic children were born to them. Dr. Down, whose experi- ence of Idiocy is greater than that of any other man in this country, has assured the Writer that he does not consider Dr. Howe's state- ment as at all exaggerated. Dr. W. A. F. Browne, the first Medical Lunacy Commissioner for Scotland, thus wrote when himself in charge of a large Asylum:—"The drunkard not only injures and enfeebles his own nervous system, but entails mental disease upon his family. His daughters are nervous and hysterical; his sons are weak, wayward, eccentric, and sink under the pressure of excitement of some unforeseen exigency, or the ordinary calls of duty." Dr. Howe remarks that the children of drunkards are deficient in bodily and vital energy, and are predisposed by their very organization to have cravings for Alcoholic stimulants. If they pursue the course of their fathers, which they have more temptation to follow, and less power to avoid, than the children of the temperate, they add to their hereditary weakness, and increase the tendency to Idiocy or Insanity in their constitution; and this they leave to their children after them. The experiences of those who, like Hartley Coleridge, have inherited the craving for Alcoholic excitement, together with the weakness of Will which makes them powerless to resist it, whilst all their better nature prompts the struggle, must satisfy any one who carefully weighs them, how closely connected their Psychical state is with the Physical constitution which they inherit, and how small is their own moral responsibility for errors which are mainly attributable to the faults of their progenitors. As Robert Collyer (of Chicago) has well said in an admirable sermon on " The thorn in the flesh:"—"In the far-reaching influences that go to every life, and away backward as certainly as forward, children are sometimes born with appetites fatally strong in their nature. As they grow up, the appetite grows with them, and speedily becomes a master, the master Hereditary Transmission of Acquired Tendencies. 371 a tyrant, and by the time he arrives at his manhood the man is a slave. I heard a man say that for eight-and-twenty years the'soul within him had had to stand, like an unsleeping sentinel, guarding his appetite for strong drink. To be a man at last under such a disadvantage, not to mention a saint, is as fine a piece of grace as can well be seen. There is no doctrine that demands a larger vision than this of the depravity of human nature. Old Dr. Mason used to say that as much grace as would make John a saint, would barely keep Peter from knocking a man down." 300. With such evidence of the Hereditary Transmission of general diatheses, or modes of Nutrition, of Avhich Ave can distinctly trace the acquirement in the history of the progenitor, Ave seem fully justified in applying the same doctrine to such particular Imbits as may be regarded, from the Physiologist's point of view in the light of expressions of special modifications of Nervous organization. A very curious example of the transmission of tendencies to special Automatic movements, the secondary acquirement of which tendencies is altogether beyond doubt, is afforded by the following curious fact established by the researches of M. Brown-Sequard :—In the course of his masterly experimental investigations on the functions of the Nervous system, he discovered that, after a particular lesion of the Spinal cord of Guinea-pigs, a slight pinching of the skin of the face would throw the animals into a kind of Epileptic convulsion. That this artificial Epilepsy should be constantly producible in Guinea- pigs, and not in any other animals experimented on, was in itself sufficiently singular; and it was not less surprising that the tendency to it persisted, after the lesion of the Spinal cord seemed to have been entirely recovered from. But it was far more wonderful that when these epileptic Guinea-pigs bred together, their offspring showed the same predisposition, without having been themselves subjected to any lesion whatever; whilst no such tendency showed itself in any of the large number of young, which were bred by the same accurate observer from parents that had not thus been operated on. 372 Of Habit. 301. The same view may be extended to that higher class of secondarily automatic actions, which can only be performed under the guidance of Sensation, and which therefore involve some Psvchical change in each case, as one of the links in the sequence. For as it is impossible not to recognize the influence of Habit,— that is to say of the Voluntary repetition of similar acts under similar circumstances,—in establishing a condition of the Nervous apparatus which leads to the Automatic performance of such acts, it is conformable to all Physiological probability that a tendency to them should be hereditarily transmitted. a. " On what a curious combination of corporeal structure, mental character, and training," says Mr. Darwin, "must handwriting depend! Yet e\rery one must have noted the occasional close pimilarity of the handwriting in father and son, although the father had not taught his son. A great collector of franks assured me that in his collection there were several franks of father and son hardly distinguishable except by their dates. Hofacker, in Germany, remarks on the inheritance of handwriting; and it has been even asserted that English boys, when taught to write in France, naturally cling to their English manner of writing." b. The Writer has been assured by Miss Cobbe, that in her family a very characteristic type of handwriting is traceable through five generations. c. The following case which occurred in the Writer's own family, and which (he is assured) can be exactly paralleled elsewhere, indicates the "constitutional" character of handwriting:—A gentleman who emigrated to the United States, and settled in the backwoods, before the end of last century, was accustomed from time to time to write long letters to his sister in England, giving an account of his family affairs. Having lost his right arm by an accident, the correspond- ence was temporarily kept up by one or other of his children ; but in the course of a few months he learned to write with his left hand; and, before long, the handwriting of the letters thus written came to be indistinguishable from that of his former letters. d. Again, there are some "nervous" men who always seem to require to do something with their hands when they are speaking Hereditary Transmission of Acquired Tendencies. $75 earnestly; and what particular "trick" each individual may learn, depends very much upon accident. Thus, in the old times of depen- dent watch-chains and massive bunches of seals, these were the readiest playthings; and now that watches are commonly worn in the waistcoat pocket, the hands of such persons may often be seen unconsciously stealing upwards to "twiddle" with their watch- keys.—There is a well-known story of a barrister who acquired the " trick " of winding and unwinding a piece of string on his fingers when addressing the court, and who was thrown into confusion when the opposing counsel stole " the thread of his discourse."—Not long since, when listening to a very interesting extempore sermon, the Writer observed that the preacher was continually opening and shutting his Bible, and shifting it from side to side of the pulpit; this being probably a mere "trick" of which the preacher was quite unconscious, and the Bible merely supplying the place of the hunch of seals, the watch-key, or the bit of string, in giving his " idle hands" something "to do."—Such "tricks," like particular "gestures " indicative of Emotional excitement, are often repeated in successive generations, under circumstances that forbid the idea of their having been learned by imitation. 302. The case seems to be even stronger in regard to drawing, and to playing on Musical instruments ; for it seems quite certain that the power of attaining Artistic proficiency in either, and the readi- ness with Avhich it is acquired, depends in great degree upon con- genital Temperament. No doubt every child may be taught to draw, or to play a musical instrument, after a certain fashion : but there are some whom no teaching or self-effort wiU ever carry beyond a certain mechanical exactness ; whilst there are others who " take to " drawing or to musical performance as their natural language, and who, with very little instruction, learn to express themselves in either with singular force and beauty. The Writer knows one family in which this Artistic temperament is widely diffused; the several members of it almost always '' taking " either to Drawing or to Music, and sometimes to both. On the other hand, he knows other cases, in which, with a considerable acquired 374 Of Habit. interest (rather Intellectual, however, than Artistic) both in Pictorial and Musical art, and with considerable manual dexterity (as shown in other ways), there is a greatly-regretted inability to acquire any- thing more than a stiff formal execution, either in Drawing or in Music. To the first, "free-hand" Drawing, to the second, "me- chanical " Drawing, comes most naturally. 303. Hence it seems clear that there is a different Hereditary ten- dency to the performance of certain classes of Movements; just as, in different Nations, there is a different hereditary tendency to the production of certain Vocal sounds. As in the case of Hand- writing, it is impossible to say how much of this is due to what we are accustomed to call "spontaneous" variation (this being itself the expression of organic influences on the Parental constitution), and how much to intentional "culture;" but it may- be fairly affirmed as probable that both are concerned in it; and that the manual dexterity with which a Mozart or a Caracci could express his conceptions, was as much an inherited gift, as the Genius from which those conceptions emanated. 304. From these the transition is direct to those special Mental aptitudes, which we can scarcely do otherwise than regard as dependent on the conformation of the Physical mechanism (§ 516), and of whose original acquirement and subsequent trans- mission we have evidence that can scarcely be gainsaid (§§93, 201—207). And if this be the case with special tendencies to Thought, much more is it likely to be true of such as are common to Mankind in general. For these, being parts of Man's ordinary nature, are in great degree susceptible of modification by early training; and in proportion as the modifications so acquired tend to become constitutional in the individual, will the probability of their hereditary transmission be increased. And thus we are justi- fied in believing, that in so far as we improve our own Intellectual powers and elevate our own Moral nature by watchful Self- Discipline, we are not merely benefiting ourselves and those to Hereditary Transmission of Mental Aptituaes. 375 whom our personal influence extends, but are improving the Intellectual and Moral Constitution which our children and our children's children will inherit from us. It is when we regard not merely the accumulation of Knowledge, but the development of the thinking power of the Bace—the "universal Human Beason" —as progressive, that we feel the strongest call to exert ourselves to foster and direct that development. For every man who leaves behind him the expressions of great Thoughts, the record of noble Deeds, or the creations of a lofty Imagination, not merely helps to educate each successive generation, as it comes, in the use and enjoyment of them, but contributes to enlarge its capacity pr such use and enjoyment, and this in an ever-increasing degree.— What motives to the highest exertion of our powers can be more inspiring or more disinterested 1 And yet they spring directly from a Philosophy which is stigmatized by many as " material" and " degrading." CHAPTER IX. OF THE WILL. Section 1.—Influence of the Will on Bodily Movement. 305. " I am, I ought, I can, I will," are (as has been recently well said) the only firm foundation-stones on which we can base our attempt to climb into a higher sphere of existence. The first implies that we have a faculty of Introspection, which converts a simple state of consciousness into se(/-consciousness, and thus makes it the object of our own contemplation:—the second, that we have submitted that state of consciousness (whether Thought or Feeling) to our moral judgment, which has pro- nounced its verdict upon it:—the third, that we are conscious of a freedom and a power to act in accordance with that judg- ment, though drawn by cogent motives in some different direction;—and the fourth, that we determinately exercise that power. Hence we may define Volition or Will as a determinate effort to carry out a purpose previously conceived; and this effort may be directed to the performance of either the Mental or the Bodily acts Avhich are adapted to carry that purpose into execution.—The manner in which this Volitional power is exerted in either case, and the conditions of its exercise, constitute our present subject of enquiry. 306. In our examination of the different forms of Nervous activity presented to us in the ascending series of Animal life (Chap. II.), we have found, as we approach Man, blind unreasoning Instinct gradually giving place as a spring of action to rational Intelligence. But neither the performance of Reasoning processes, nor the execution of their results, necessarily involves the exercise Voluntary and Involuntary Movements. 377 of Will—at least in the sense in which it is here defined. For we have seen that, even in Man, intellectual operations of a high order may go on automatically,—one state of consciousness calling forth another in strict accordance with the "laws of thought," without any Volitional interference (§ 216); and also that idea- tional as well as emotional states may express themselves in Muscular action, not only without any exertion of the Will, but even in opposition to it (§ 210). And this will hereafter become still more obvious, when we investigate the phenomena of those abnormal states in which the Will is in more or less complete abeyance (Chaps. XIV. XV.).—Now if, under the light afforded by this principle, we carefully study the actions of even those among brutes whose nature has been most completely shaped into accord- ance with that of Man by habitual association with him, we see that they afford no indication of the existence of any other spring, than the Idea or Feeling with which the mind of the animal may be at the moment possessed ; in this respect corresponding closely with those of the young Child, in whom the power of se^f-control has not yet come into exercise, and whose conduct is entirely determined by the " preponderance of motives." * a. Thus a Dog which is fondly attached to its master, and awaits his return home with pleasurable anticipation, at once runs to meet * Exception has been taken to this phrase, on the ground that Motives are of such different orders as not to be commensurable in force ; and that we have no other ground for the estimation of their relative strength, than the actual pre- ponderance of one aggregate when weighed against the other. But it seems to be forgotten that this is our only criterion of the relative weights {i. e. of the forces of downward attraction) of any different material substances— e. g. lead and feathers ; and that no one disputes its applicability in the case of moral evidence, in which the cons derations for or against any particular proposition are at least as diverge in kind as the motives inclining us to or from any particular action. We say that our judgment is determined pro or con. by the way in which the "balance of evidence'' inclines; and when, as sometimes happens, the verdict of a jury is given against what an impartial judge considers to be the "preponderance of evidence," it is because some motive has swayed their decision, which ought not to have been admitted into the scale. o7 8 Of the Will. him on hearing his voice or his step, and manifests its delight in seeing him by expressive movements. But if the dog is conscious of having done something at which its master will be displeased, it slinks away and tries to keep out of his sight. b. The whole system of "training" a dog or a horse, like the early education of a child, consists in bringing such "motives" to bear upon it, as are adapted to its " nature." A creature that has no capacity for loving light or hating wrong for its own sake, can only be made to comprehend that certain actions will bring reward, certain others punishment. And the direction of its conduct is clearly determined by the preponderance of such motives. Thus if a dog or a child which has a propensity to thieve, he punished in the first instance by a slight castigation, the deterrent influence of the prospective repetition of that punishment may be outweighed by the attractive influence of a tempting bonne bouche, and the offence may be repeated; the infliction of a sufficiently severe punishment, however, will then serve as a deterrent; and so long as the memory of the punishment remains vivid, this will continue effective against a temptation of like strength, although it may be overborne by a yet stronger attraction. c. The well-known lines of Dr. Watts, commencing " Let dogs delight to bark and bite," embody, as it seems to the Writer, the true idea of the relation of the self-determining power to the auto- matic tendencies. When "bears and lions growl and fight," it is because "it is their nature to ;" they cannot make themselves other than they are; and we can only mould them to our wills, by bring- ing to bear upon them a motive strong enough to restrain their own automatic impulses. But when we urge our children not to "let their angry passions lise," it is because we believe that they can acquire, if they can be led to try hard enough, the independent self- regulating power which we are ourselves conscious of exercising. 307. Now the Man in full possession of his-Volitional power can use it (1) in giving bodily effect to his mental decision, by either putting in action the Muscles which will execute the movement he has determined-on, or by restraining them from the action to which they are prompted by some other impulse; and (2) in controlling and directing that succession of Mental operations, by Voluntary and Involuntary Movements. 379 which the determination is arrived at.—In the prosecution of our enquiry as to the mechanism of Mental self-direction, we shaU find ourselves greatly aided by the indications we may draw from the study of the mode in which the Will operates on the Bodily organism.—The distinction betwreen voluntary and involuntary movements, is recognized by every Physiologist; but it has been customary to assign these characters to the muscles by which certain of these two classes of movements are respectively performed. Thus the Heart, the Muscular coat of the Stomach and Intestines, the Iris, &c, are said to be " involuntary" muscles, because no intentional effort of the conscious Ego can either excite or check their contractions, although some of them may be acted on by Emotional states. On the other hand, the muscles of our limbs are termed "voluntary," because we can use them to carry out the purposive determinations of the Will. But the muscles which are concerned in the act of Bespiration, are both " volun- tary " and " involuntary;" for while the ordinary movements of breathing are as " automatic" as are those of the Heart, we yet have a certain measure of Volitional control over them, by which we can regulate their actions in subservience to the purposes of Speech. And, further, there is not a single one of the so-called "voluntary" muscles, which may not be automatically thrown into violent contraction (as in cramp or tetanus), which the Will vainly attempts to restrain ; Avhilst a large part of their ordinary sequential actions are performed " mechanicaUy," without anything more than an initiation by the WiU, which, though it can check them at any time, is not exercised in constantly sustaining them (§§16,VI).—Hence we see that the distinction between voluntary and involuntary Muscles is good only to this extent, that there are certain muscles which are entirely removed from the control of the Will, their contractions being altogether involuntary; while the actions of all others may be either voluntary or involun- tary, according as they are called into exercise by the Will, 38o Of the Will. or by an automatic prompting of which we may or may not be conscious. And Ave must, therefore, look higher—that is, to the sources and the channels of the Nerve-force that excites the Muscles to contraction,—for the real distinction between their several modes of activity. 308. It has been shown that the development of Nerve-force, whatever may be the mode in which it manifests itself, depends upon a reaction between the Nervous substance (especially its vesicular form) and the circulating Blood (§§ 40—42). And this Blood has a double function ; for, on the one hand, it supplies the material at the expense of which the Nerve-substance is formed, or rather forms itself, by Nutritive action, and so, as it Avere, lays up a store of potential energy ; whilst, on the other, it supplies the Oxygen, by the action of which upon the Nerve-substance (as in the oxidation of the zinc-element of the galvanic battery) this potential energy is converted into actual energy. Of this conversion we have the most conspicuous example in the production of the Nerve-force which calls forth Muscular movement, and its trans- mission along the motor nerves ; this production and transmission being extremely analogous to that generation of an Electric current, which takes place in a Galvanic ajiparatus of battery and wires, immediately that the circuit is closed. Now the ordinary state of activity of the Nervous system would seem to correspond closely with that of a moderately-charged Electric battery, which can be discharged by the completion of the circuit; this discharge relieving the tension for the moment, until it is restored by the chemical reaction between the blood and the ganglionic substance. And as there is strong reason to believe that the amount of the Nerve-force generated stands in no less direct a relation than the strength of the Electric current to the activity of that reaction, it is obvious that this, in its turn, will essentially depend on the amount of oxygenated blood which is allowed to pass through the capillaries of the ganglionic substance. It will be hereafter shown Relation of Nerve-force to Blood-supply. 381 that a reduced supply of Blood, which may be attributed with great probability to contraction of the Arteries supplying the Brain, called forth by the Vaso-motor system of nerves, is the essential condition of Sleep, as of other states of inactivity of the Sensorial centres (§§ 472, 473) in Avhich the ordinary stimuli call forth no response. On the other hand, we have a yet stronger assurance in the phenomena of morbid excess of activity in the Brain or Spinal cord, that an enlargement of the Arterial trunks, and an increase in the quantity of Blood which passes through the Capillaries — constituting the state termed hyperemia — becomes the cause of an augmented tension of the Nerve-centres ; so that- they are much more easily called into action by slight stimuli, aud discharge themselves with greater force; whilst the tension may increase to such a degree, that a spontaneous Centric discharge takes place, analogous to that of an overcharged Leyden jar.—Under the guidance of this clue, it seems possible to arrive at a tolerably distinct conception of the nature of the Physical antecedence of every kind of Nervo-muscular action, from the simple Excito-motor up to the Volitional. 309. Starting, then, with the act of Coughing, as one which may be either reflex, centric, or volitional, it is to be re- marked that the very same Muscles are employed in executing it, and that they are co-ordinated in the very same manner (presumably, therefore, by the same mechanism), whether the impulse to cough originates in an irritation of the lining membrane of the air-passages, or arises from a hyperamiia of the Bcspiratory ganglion, or is produced by an act of Will (§ 17). In the former case, the gradual increase of the feeling of irritation excited by the impression conveyed to the ganglion by the afferent nerve, may be considered to represent a progressively augmenting tension of that centre, which, when it arrives at a certain strength, discharges itself in motor nerve-force ; fliist as a Leyden jar that is being oradually charged by an electrical machine, discharges itself, 382 Of the Will. if fitted with a " discharging electrometer," so soon as its electric tension has risen to the degree to which the electrometer is ad- justed. This discharge of nerve-force will take place in spite of the strongest Volitional effort to restrain it; and immediately that it has occurred, the feeling of irritation subsides for a time, to return again by gradual accumulation, and again to relieve itself in the same manner. But sometimes (as in Hooping-cough) it is clear that there is, combined with the local irritation, an unduly excitable state of the Bespiratory nerve-centres, so that a very small stimulus shall call forth a most violent paroxysm of coughing; and this, it can scarcely be doubted, is the expression of a hypercvmic state of their ganglionic substance. In the later or "spasmodic" stage of that malady, after the local irritation has subsided altogether, the paroxysmal cough is still kept up by the hypereemic state of the centres, producing spontaneous discharges of nerve-force, each relieving its tension for a time. 310. Ascending to those centres whose action is more intimately related to Mental states, we seem able to recognize so intimate a connection between the Nervous tension which expresses itself in muscular movement, and the state of Mental attention (Chap. III.), that the two may be fairly regarded as dependent on the same Physical antecedent,—a hypercemia of the particular centre whose activity is thus exalted, resulting from the regulative action of the Vaso-motor system of nerves on the Muscular Avails of the Arteries. Thus, Avhen we are intently listening for some sound, we not only hear distinctly what might be otherwise inaudible to us, but we start when it occurs; and, if any strong Emotion be connected with the sound, not only is our sensorial perception quickened, but the involuntary start is more violent.—This, again, points to the same locally-augmented afflux of blood to the centres of emotional action, as an essential condition of Emotional excite- ment ; a view which corresponds well with the known effects of Emotion upon the local Circulation, as is shown in the act of Relation of Nerve-force to Blood-supply. 383 blushing, and, still more remarkably, in the modification Avhich Emotional excitement produces in the Secretions (§§ 565, 566).— The same view, again, will apply to Ideational states; for, as has been shown, these states, when excited with sufficient intensity, express themselves in movements which the Will vainly endeavours to restrain (§§ 235, el seq.),—these movements being particularly violent and uncontrollable, wdien the Ideas in which they originate are accompanied by strongly excited Feelings (§§ 258, 259). It may, therefore, be fairly inferred that the intensity of any ideational state is the expression of the hypersemic condition of some particular part of the Cerebrum, as that of a sensational state is of a hypersemic condition of some part of the Sensorium.—An Ideational hypercemia, or determination of blood to some part of the Cerebral convolutions, may discharge itself either (1) in calling-forth a directly respondent Movement, by stimulating the motor centres through the descending fibres of the medullary substance, or (2) by exciting a like Ideational hyper- amiia in some other part of the Cerebral convolutions, through the commissural fibres, or (3) by calling up Sensorial states similar to those primarily excited by sense-impressions. Of the first of these modes of discharge, we have an example in such ideo-motor actions as the yawning that is producible in a pre- disposed subject by the mere verbal suggestion of the idea; the second is that which may be presumed to operate in the suggestive maintenance of every " train of thought ; " whilst the third is the source of those truly "subjective sensations" which are generated by ideational states (§§ 141—150).—Now as we have it in our own power, by the Volitional act of Attention, to intensify any of these states, it seems probable that the physiological condition of that intensification must be the increase of the local hyperemia in the nervous centre or part of a nervous centre which is its instru- ment, through the agency of the Vaso-motor system of nerves. 311. Carrying back our inquiry, now, to the nature of the 384 Of the Will. Cerebral change which initiates a Volitional action, we find reason for attributing this also to a local hyperoemia of some part of that cortical layer which constitutes the instrument of Ideation. For all Volitional action, it will be remembered, is based on an idea of what is to be done (§ 305), whether this have reference to Bodily movements, or to Mental exertion. And it seems clear that the same Vaso-motor action which is the condition of the state of attention to that idea, will, if exerted to produce a still greater local hypercemia, give effect to it in a spontaneous motorial dis- charge. And thus we are led to regard the immediate source of ideo-motor and of volitional movements as the same; and the Volitional effort as really exerted in augmenting the nervous ten- sion of the part of the cortical substance of the Cerebrum, which is concerned in the formation of the Idea of the thing to be done. This doctrine finds a remarkable confirmation in two orders of facts; —(1) that there is practically every gradation between those voluntary actions, which (under permission of the Will) simply express dominant ideas, and tliose actions which proceed from distinct .and cogent volitional determinations;—and (2) that emotioned states have a most powerful influence either in augmenting or in diminishing the motor force which the Will can call forth (§§ 2G6—268). For the known influence of the Emotions on the Vaso-motor system of nerves, and the manner in which they intensify those Ideational states which express themselves in movement, afford a strong indication that they exert their effect on Volitional action by increasing the local hypersemia of the cortical substance. And this conclusion will be shown to derive yet stronger confirmation from the remark- able result of Dr. Ferrier's recent experiments. (See Appendix.) —The restraining influence of the Will on bodily movement (as when we make an effort to stifle a cough, to resist a yawn, to repress laughter, or to keep down the expression of some passionate impulse) seems really to consist in putting the antngonist Muscles Mechanism of Volitional Movement. 385 into action ; and we experience just the same sense of effort in doing this, that we do in trying to stop a horse that is running away, or to check the rotation of a wheel. •312. Now the strongest Volitional effort may be inoperative, through some defect of the apparatus by Avhich the Nerve-force is transmitted to the muscles vdiich are to execute the behests of the Will; as happens in paralysis. But there are states of absolute incapacity for such effort; the mental desire existing, while the energy needed to carry it into effect is deficient. That this incapa- city arises from deficient supply of blood to the ideational (Cere- bral) nerve-centre, appears probable from the familiar fact, that a general deficiency of Volitional power over the muscles is a marked feature of the physical depression which betokens feebleness of the circulation, being especially noticeable in sea-sickness; while a defect in the distributive action of the Vaso-motor system of nerves (such as that of which we have evidence in many local congestions) might very well account for such cases as the two following, which are recorded by Professor J. H. Bennett {Mesmeric Mania of 1851) on the authority of Sir Bobert Christison :— a. " The first was that of a gentleman who frequently could not carry out what he wished to perform. Often, on endeavouring to un- dress, he was two hours before he could get off his coat, all his mental faculties, Volition excepted, being perfect. On one occasion, having ordered a glass of water, it was presented to him on a tray, but he could not take it, though anxious to do so; and he kept the servant standing before him half an hour, when the obstruction was overcome." b. "In the other case the peculiarity was limited. If, when walking in the street, this individual came to a gap in the line of house?, his will suddenly became inoperative, and he could not proceed. An unbuilt-on space in the street was sure to stop him. Crossing a street also was very difficult; and on going in or out of a door, he was always arrested for some minutes. Both tliese gentlemen graphically described their feelings to be ' As if another person had taken possession of their will.' "—{The Mesmeric Mania of 1851, p. 16.) 18 386 Of the Will. This state seems akin to that form of hysterical paralysis, in which the defect lies not so much in the want of power, as in the want of that belief in tlie possession of the power, which is essential to its exercise (§ 267). A strong motive will here sometimes take the place of Volition; and no motive is so efficacious, as that confident expectation of cure, Avhich is awakened either by Beligious faith, or by the belief in the occult powrers of Mesmerism, Spiritualism, &c. Thus it has been that numberless pseudo-miracles have been wrorked on patients of this class by Beligious Enthusiasts; whilst they furnish to Mesmerists and Spiritualists the subjects of " wonderful cures,'' effected by the agencies Avhich they profess to wield.—Such cases are peculiarly interesting to the Psycho- logist, from their parallelism to those in which there is a like suspension of volitional control over the course of Thought (§ 454). Section 2.—Influence of the Will on Mental Action. 313. Now since, according to the view which it has been the special purpose of this Treatise to develope, the relation of the Will to mental is essentially the same as that which it has to bodily action, the measure of its exertion will be the sense of effort which we experience, in intentionally exciting, directing, or restraining any particular form of mental activity. It has been already pointed out (Chap. III.) that the Attention may be involuntarily fixed upon certain states of consciousness, through the attraction they exert upon the individual Mind, in virtue either of its original constitution, or of its acquired habitudes; and further that this attraction determines much of the automatic action of our faculties (§ 228). When most strongly exerted, it causes the consciousness to be so completely engrossed by one train of ideas, that the mind is, for the time, incapable of any other ideational change : external impressions on the Sensorium, cither not being perceived at all (the individual being as insensible to Power of the Will over Attention. them as if he were in a profound sleep), or not giving rise to any Cerebral action (§ 124). — But these automatic tendencies of the Mind may be to a certain extent antagonized by the Will, which keeps them in check (just as it restrains many of the automatic impulses to bodily movement) by the special power which it exerts over the Attention. This it can detach from subjects which have at the time the greatest attractiveness for it, and can forcibly direct it to others from which their attraction would otherwise divert it. And in its most complete and powerful exercise (which is not within the capacity of every one), it can so entirely limit the Mind to one train of thought, that the state of Abstraction induced by the Will may be as complete as that which in some individuals is of spontaneous occurrence (§ 446). 314. Now Avhen our current of Thought is flowing-on smoothly and uninterruptedly, we are no more conscious of effort than we are in the act of breathing; in fact, an effort may be required either to check the current, or to turn it into another channel. But so soon as a difficulty or obstruction arises,—as when the Mathematician finds a "hitch" in his computations, the Poet wants a phrase to complete his verse, or the Lawyer does not see his way through some intricacy in his " case,"—the Will is called into play to overcome it, by determinately projecting the Mind in search (as it were) of the desiderated idea. So, when the Attention is distracted, either by some sense-impression, or by the intrusion of some inappropriate idea or feeling, Ave have to "make an effort" to keep it fixed upon our " train of thought;" the degree of that conscious effort being the measure of our Volitional exertion. And the same is the case when Cerebral fatigue weakens the hold of even an attractive subject; and we have to force ourselves to keep our attention fixed upon it, so as to complete the task we may have set ourselves to perform. 315. In proportion as Ave are able thus to concentrate our Attention on the subject proper to the time, and to exclude all 388 Of the Will. distracting considerations whilst pursuing the trains of thought which the contemplation of it suggests, Avill be our power of advantageously employing our Intellectual Faculties in the acquirement of Knowledge and in the pursuit of Truth; and all men who have been distinguished by their Intellectual achievements, have possessed this faculty in a considerable degree. It is one which is " eminently capable of cultivation by steady intention of mind and habitual exercise;" and the more frequently it is put in practice, the easier the exercise becomes. In fact, when a man has once brought his Intellectual faculties under the mastery of his Will, to such an extent as to induce the state of Abstraction whenever he pleases, this state becomes secondarily automatic ; and the fixed direction of the thoughts, which at first required a constant volitional effort for its main- tenance, comes to be continued without any consciousness of exertion, so long as the Will may permit.—We have in our own consciousness of effort, and in our experience of subsequent fatigue, a very strong indication that the power which thus controls and directs the current of thought, is of the same kind with that which calls forth Volitional contraction in the muscles, though exerted in a-different mode. And just as the strongest exertion of Willis required to produce or sustain muscular contraction, either when the sense of muscular fatigue is already strongly experienced, or Avhen we are antagonizing a powerful automatic impulse, so in the determination of Mental effort in a particular direction, we find ourselves necessitated to make the greatest Volitional, exertion, Avhen we are already labouring under the sense of Cerebral fatigue, or when the attention is powerfully solicited by some other attractive object. And it is after any such contest with our natural tendencies, that wc experience the greatest degree of exhaustion ; the merely automatic action of the Mind, which is attended with no effort, being followed by comparatively little fatigue. Volitional Direction of Course of Thought. 389 The Writer is satisfied from his own experience, that a most valuable indication may be hence drawn, in regard to the regulation of the habits of Intellectual labour. To individuals of ordinary mental activity, who have been trained in the habit of methodical and connected thinking, a very considerable amount of work is quite natural; and when such persons are in good bodily health, and the subject of their labour is congenial to them,—especially if it be one that has been chosen by themselves, as furnishing a centre of attraction around which their thoughts spontaneously tend to range themselves,—their intellectual operations require but little of the controlling or directing power of the will, and may be continued for long periods together without fatigue. But from the moment when an indisposition is experienced to keep the attention fixed upon the subject, and the thoughts wander from it unless coerced by the Will, the mental activity loses its spontaneous or automatic charac- ter; and (as in the act of walking, § 1G) more effort is required to maintain it vohtionally during a brief period, and more fatigue is subsequently experienced from such exertion, than would be involved in the continuance of an automatic operation through a period many times as long. Hence he has found it practically the greatest economy of Mental labour, to work vigorously when he feels disposed to do so, and to refrain from exertion, so far as possible, tvhen it is felt to be an exertion.—Of course this rule is by no means universally applicable; for there are many individuals who would pass their whole time in listless inactivity, if not actually spurred-on by the feeling of necessity. But it holds good for those who are sufficiently attracted by objects of interest before them, or who have in their worldly position a sufficiently strong motive to exertjpn, to mahe them feel that they must work; the question with them being, how they can attain their desired results with the least expenditure of mental effort (§ 228). 316. In the foregoing instances we are distinctly conscious of the Volitional effort, because there is a struggle between opposing ten- dencies. But there are many other cases in Avhich the guidance of the Will is exercised so gently, that we are only aware of its exer- cise when our attention is drawn to its effects. Thus, as already pointed out, whilst the movements of Bespiration are essentially 390 Of the Will. automatic (being probably altogether so in most of the loAver animals), they are in Man so far under the control of his Will, that he can utilize them'for the purposes of speech; and yet, unless an un- usually severe or long-continued strain is put upon the vocal organs, requiring an actual effort for its sustentation, we are not aware that during all the time we have been speaking, we have been interfering by an act of Will with the automatic uniformity of our respiratory movements.—Now this has its precise counterpart in Mental action; for the determining power of Volition is employed, in however slight a degree, whenever the succession of thought is not perfectly spontaneous,—whenever, in fact, we purposely guide its course in any particular direction, even for the apprehension of ideas most familiar to us. Thus, as wiU be shown hereafter (§ 372), all determinate Recollection involves the exercise of volitional control over tlie direction of the thoughts; and hence, if this control be sus- pended, and the mind be left to its own automatic activity, the power of recalling e\Ten the most familiar ideas is completely annihilated. So, again, the determinate exercise of the Judgment, which involves the comparison of ideas, can only take place under the guidance of the Will; which selects those which are appropriate, and brings them into collocation with each other (§ 227). And it is the readiness with which this process is usually performed, which constitutes the source of that Common Sense, whereon we rely in the ordinary conduct of life (Chap. XL). But we cannot use this test? even in the simplest case, without a Volitional selec- tion from among the records of our experience, of that which may be brought into comparison with the idea whose validity is to be tried. The simple credulity of the Child depends upon his having no stock of experience upon which to faU back, for the correction of the erroneous notions which he may himself form, or Avhich may be imparted to him by others. But the deficiency of Common Sense, which Ave occasionally meet-with in groAvn-up Men and Women, depends, not so much upon the want of experience, as on the Volitional Direction of Course of Thought. 391 want of power to profit by it; their minds not having been duly trained in that volitional exercise, which, when it once comes to be habitual, is performed with so slight an effort that it is scarcely perceptible even to ourselves. Slight as this effort may be, how- ever, it is the one thing needful; and it may be unhesitatingly laid down, that, if tlie directing power of the Will be entirely suspended, tlie capability of correcting the most illusory ideas by an appeal to Common Sense is for the time annihilated. 317. Of this we ha\Te a typical example, familiar to every one, in the state of Dreaming (§ 482) : which is a condition of Auto- matic mental activity, usually of an irregular kind; the combina- tions and successions of Ideas being often of the most extraordi- nary character, and inconsistent not merely with our most familiar experience, but also with each other. Yet, as has been most truly remarked, nothing surprises us in dreams. We are never struck with the impossibility of the events which we seem to witness; but we accept as genuine, with child-like simplicity, all the wonderful combinations which successively rise to our conscious- ness.—The same must be the case in any state of mental activity in which there is a similar abrogation of Volitional control: and the records of "absence of mind" (§ 445) afford abundant examples of the absurd incongruities which occur, when the Will is temporarily prevented by the mental preoccupation from summoning Common Sense to check the ideas which external impressions suggest; while those of Insanity, in which there is a persistent deficiency in the power of self-direction of the thoughts, show that no belief is too absurd to be accepted, however inconsis- tent with the most direct and most constant experience (§ 559).— Hence we see that if the Mind should lose for a time all power of Volitional self-direction, it cannot recall any fact, even the most familiar, that is beyond its immediate grasp ;—its attention being engrossed with the idea that may be before it for the moment, no incongruity prevents that idea from presenting itself Avith all the 392 Of the Will. vividness of reality ;—it cannot bring any notion wdth which it may be possessed to the test of " Common Sense," but must accept it as a belief, if it be impressed on the consciousness with adequate force;—it cannot shake off the yoke of any "dominant idea" however tyrannical, but must execute its behests. 318. We have, now, however, to consider a much more obscure question,—namely, the nature of that self-determining agency to which we give the name of Will. Is it, as some think, the mere resultant of the general (spontaneous or automatic) activity of the Mind, and dependent, like it, upon Physical antecedents ] Or is it a PoAver, which, being completely independent of these conditions, is capable of acting against the preponderance of motives 1—as if, Avhen one scale of a balance is inclining dovmwards, a hand placed on the beam from which the other scale is suspended, were to cause that lighter scale to go down. 319. Now that the Will is something essentially different from the general resultant of the automatic activity of the Mind, appears to the Writer to be proved, notmerely by the evidence of our own con- sciousness of the possession of a se^"-detcrmining power (Chap. I.), but by observation of the striking contrasts which are continually presented in abnormal states of Mind, between the automatic activity and the poAver of volitional control. For, in the first place, it is the special attribute of all " nervine stimulants," such as Alcohol, Opium, and Hachisch, as well as of those morbid poisons which induce Delirium, to exalt the automatic activity of the Mind, while diminishing the powrcr of volitional control; and this not only relatively but absolutely. A most instructive example of this general fact is furnished by the description given by Dr. Moreau of his own experience in regard to the Hachisch (§ 537)'; and the "Confessions of an English Opium-cater" exhibit *he same characteristic phenomena (§ 542). Moreover, the con- tinual use of tliese stimulants has a manifest tendency to produce a permanent weakening of the Volitional poAver (§ 543), Avhich often Volitional Direction of Course of Thought. 393 shows itself hereditarily even where the offspring have not them- selves given way to the habit (§ 299 a). Wo have seen that the whole mental life of Coleridge was one of singular automatic activity (§231), whilst there was a no less marked deficiency in the power of volitional self-direction; and there can be little doubt that this deficiency, probably constitutional in the first instance, was aggravated by the habitual use of the nervine stimulants which augmented the automatic activity of his Psychical nature.—But, further, the complete suspension of the power of vohtionally direct- ing the current of thought and feeling, wdU be shown to be the essential feature, not merely of the states of Dreaming and Delirium, but also of natural and induced Bevcrie, and of natural and in- duced Somnambulism ; while the weakening of that power, usually in concurrence with an exaltation of some Emotional tendency, is the special characteristic of Insanity. The variety of phases which these different states present, is chiefly dependent upon the following conditions:—(1) The relative degree in which the Mind is in a state of receptivity for external impres- sions, or is attending only to what passes within itself; (2) the degree in which the coherence of the successive states is maintained by preformed Associations ; and (3) the degree in which the normal operation of the Intellectual faculties is disturbed by Emotional excitement, either general, or limited to one class of feelings.—The influence of the first of these elements is remarkably seen in the con- trast between natural and artificial Beverie (§§ 443, 448), also between some forms of natural and artificial Somnambulism (§§ 48S, 492) : and not less between different forms of Insanity, in which last condition we find some patients constantly brooding over particular trains of thought, and almost incapable of being turned from the contempla- tion of these by external suggestions ; whilst others are no less remarkable for the instability of their mental states, and for the readiness with which a new direction may be given to the thoughts by sensory impressions..—The influence of the second element is strikingly manifested in the difference between the various phases of the state of Dreaming, and in the contrast between the incoherence 394 Of the Will. of the commoner forms of this (§ 482), and that consistency in tho trains of thought which generally characterizes the state of Som- nambulism ; this last again being strongly contrasted with the states of Delirium and Mania (§ 548, 5*53), which are especially charac- terized by the complete confusion of the Intellectual powers, all previous states of consciousness being (as it were) jumbled together, and the order of their recurrence and the nature of the new combina- tions which may arise out of them, being irreducible to any principle of orderly sequence.—The influence of the third element is well seen in those forms of artificial Beverio and Somnambulism, in which the feelings as well as the ideas admit of being played upon by external influences; for it is easy to bring tho mind of the "subject" under the domination of any particular Emotion, by taking the appropriate means to excite it; and, so long as this may continue, the language and actions most obviously display its impress. Thus it is often sufficient to ask the Biologized subject (§ 451), "Why are you so angry?" " Why are you so sad ?" &c,—to induce these conditions respectively, the suggestions being here conveyed verbally: whilst in the Hypnotic state there is often a very curious Emotional susceptibility to the influence of Muscular associations (§ 494). But it is in Insanity (Chap. XVIII.) that we best see the influence of Emotional states upon the course of thought and action. For here we find them supplying impulses to bodily movements, which the weakened Will cannot resist, although the Intellect distinctly apprehends the evil consequences of such actions; or, on the other hand, we find them directing the whole course of mental activity, giving a wrong colour to all the ideas which call them into exercise, and so attracting the attention to the trains of thought founded upon these, that they come to attain a complete domination over the mind, and hence over the conduct, to which they supply motives of such potency that the weakened Will can neither resist them, nor withdraw the mind from attending to them. 320. It Avill aid us in the examination of the mode in which the Will determines our actions, if we first examine the influence it has on the formation of our opinions,—a subject on Avhich, in the Writer's judgment, a grave misapprehension is prevalent. For it is very frequently asserted that it does not rest with any Man to Influence of the Will on Beliefs. 395 determine what he shall believe or what he shall disbelieve; that he cannot help giving or refusing his assent, according to the pre- ponderance of evidence; and that he is, therefore, "no more responsible for his opinions, than he is for the colour of his skin." Now whilst fully recognizing it as a fundamental fact of conscious- ness, that Assent is an automatic action, over which the Will can exert no direct influence, the Writer has now to show that the Will has an immense indirect power of a twofold nature ;—(1) through the habitual discipline by which it gives shape to the Intellectual fabric; and (2) through its power of modifying the relative force of different evidentiary considerations, by the degree of Attention given to each. Section 3.-^-Influence of the Will on the Formation of Beliefs. 321. It may be freely admitted that there are certain Proposi- tions which claim our immediate and entire assent; but between these and the Beliefs to which we give our assent as on the whole preferable, after mentally balancing a variety of considerations bearing upon them, there is every gradation. The cogency of the propositions of the first kind depends upon the fact that they are consistent with our previous convictions, and that nothing can be said against them; whilst the uncertainty we feel as to the second, results from the fact that there is " much to be said on both sides." And further, whilst those of the first kind are equally ac- cordant with the Mental Constitution (whether original or acquired) of every one (§ 377), those of the second are very differently estimated by different individuals, all equally desirous of arriving at the truth, according to their conformity or disaccordance with that aggregate of preformed opinion Avhich has grown up in the Mind of each. For just as—if so rude a comparison be permitted—we try whether a new piece of furniture which is offered us does or does not fit into a certain recess in our apartment, and accept or decline it accord- 396 Of the Will. ingly, so we try a new Proposition Avhich is offered to our Mental acceptance. If it either at once fits-in, or can by argument or dis- cussion be brought to fit-in, to some recess in our fabric of Thought, Ave give our assent to it, by admitting it to its appro- priate place. But if it neither fits in the first instance, nor can by any means be brought to fit, the Mind automatically rejects it. a. Of this we have a marked illustration in the opposite receptions given to the asserted wonders of Spiritualism. To those, for example, who have been trained in Scientific habits of thought, the statement of a dozen persons that a lady was transported two miles through the air, in a state of trance, and came down upon the table of a darkened room, the doors and windows of which wero securely closed,—or that Mr. Home, in a like condition, floated out of the open window of one room, and into that of another, at a height of seventy feet above the ground,—seems a simple absurdity, to which no ordinary testimony would induce their assent. And, further, to any one who has so far studied the constitution of the Human Mind, as to be aware of the influence of "dominant ideas" in producing false perceptions (§ 186), it becomes obvious that no amount of testimony given by witnesses who are "possessed" by such ideas has the least evi- dentiary value.—On the other hand, to those whose previous training utterly incapacitates them for the appreciation of Scientific truth, who scornfully repudiate the objections urged by men of science as those of prejudiced or interested opponents, who have a craving for "spiritual manifestations" as proofs of the continued existence of their departed friends, who are utterly ignorant of the nature of the "subjective" as distinguished from the "objective," who implicitly believe what they term the "evidence of their senses," and who are consequently quite prepared to mistake the creations of their own imaginations for external realities, such statements appear not only credible but probable; in fact, the moro inconsistent the asserted phenomena are with every-day experience, the more readily do they give their entire assent to them, as fitting-in with their previous conceptions of the supernatural powers of " the Spirits." Again, since the preformed Mental habits thus determine not merely the primary acceptance or rejection of the Proposition, but the Influence of the Will on Beliefs. 397 issue of the further attempts to make it fit, not only will different individuals draw very different conclusions from the same data, but the same Ego will form different judgments as to the very same matter at different stages of his Mental life; without any change in the external materials of his judgment, but solely from changes in his own fabric of Thought,—one recess (to revert to our former simile) having grown large enough to admit what it formerly refused, and another having contracted so as no longer to give place to Avhat it originally admitted. b. Every one who has gone through a sufficiently long course of Intellectual experiences, and has been accustomed to reflect upon them, must be conscious that this has often occurred to himself. The Writer, in common (ho doubts not) with many Men of Science, has often been surprised, on turning over the records of his earlier beliefs, to find how many of them he would now absolutely reject; not because they have been disproved by additional eAudence, but because he has himself grown out of them; either from no longer attaching the same value to evidence on which he formerly relied, or from looking at the whole subject from an entirely different stand-point. These purely Intellectual diversities of judgment are closely related to those modifications in our Memory of actual occurrences, which are "unconsciously produced by our habits of thought in relation to the subject of them (§ 365). How much our conclusions on any matter into which Emotional considerations enter, are swayed by the state of feeling in which we may be at the time, is a matter of familiar experience; a night's rest often completely reversing our judgment, by altering our estimation of the data on which that judgment was based. 322. Thus, then, while no one, constituted as he is at the time, may be able to help giving his assent to certain propositions, and refusing his assent to others, every one who has learned to direct his own Intellectual activity is responsible for the use he has made of his power, in the construction of that Mental fabric, the aptitude or inaptitude of Avhich for the reception of a new proposition deter- mines his acceptance or rejection of it.—There are numerous pro- 398 Of the Will. positions which are scarcely less " self-evident" to the minds of such as have given special attention to the subjects to Avhich they relate, than are the Axioms of Geometry to the Common-Sense of Mankind generally (§ 200) ; the admission of them into the Mental fabric of such persons being immediate, and their fit into appropriate places being exact, in virtue of its special preparedness for their reception. And thus the unhesitating assent which one man gives to a proposition or set of propositions, the nescience of another who avowedly forms no opinion about them (pronouncing the matter " unknowable "), and the positive denial of them by a third who denounces them as altogether monstrous and absurd, are all the expressions of antecedent states of mind, which partly arise out of the original constitution of each individual, but partly depend on the self-discipline he has habitually exercised in his search for Truth. Every one, for example, who has been trained in ScientiDc habits of thought, recognises the cogency of the evidence afforded by Spectroscopic observation, in regard to the Chemistry and Physics of the Celestial luminaries. For if he has not himself observed the phenomena, he accepts the testimony of those who have ; the concur- rence of independent observers, and the accordance of their state-. ments with the antecedent probabilities established by other investi- gations, giving the fullest validity to that testimony. And the deduc- tions from those phenomena are so simple and direct, requiring neither the elaborate computations of Astronomy, nor the combinations of probabilities which Geological reasonings involve, that no special education is required for the recognition of their claim on his assent. Hence it may be fairly said that any man who refuses to accept them, is responsible for the state of mind which dictates that refusal; unless his mind is so deficient (either by original constitution, or through want of appropriate training) in the power of apprehending scientific Truth, that he cannot yield his assent to that which becomes perfectly obvious to every man of ordinary intelligence who bestows sufficient attention on the matter. 323. But a large part of the Propositions offered to our accept- Influence of the Will on Beliefs. 399 ance, relate to matters as to which the evidence is far less cogent and conclusive; and the question is not so much whether they do or do not^ at once, as whether they can be brought to fit by argu- ment and discussion. Now here, again, a sincere desire to arrive at Truth, without the least ivish to come to any particular con- clusion, being presupposed, the balance of judgment will be en- tirely determined by the individual's previous habits of thought; as on these will depend the relative weight he attaches to the several arguments pro and con. (This is so Avell understood at the Bar, that a skilful advocate, in pleading before a Judge, will shape his argument according to his knowledge of that judge's "turn of mind.") And there are very few persons who are so entirely devoid of Intellectual prejudices, or inclinations to particular modes of thought, as to be altogether free from their influence; that influence being especially dangerous, when we are altogether unconscious of its existence (§ 389). Those in whom it is chiefly "conspicuous by its absence" are said to be distinguished by their "judicial habit of mind." 324. As soon, however, as any other motive than the desire to arrive at Truth enters into the formation of our beliefs, the Will comes to have a far more powerful influence. That " we easily believe what we wish" is a proverb which Experience shows to be so often true, that Science is called on to give the rationale of a fact which seems opposed to Avhat has been said of the automatic nature of our Intellectual decisions. The opposition, however, is more apparent than real. In the discussion of a question of Intellectual Truth, as in debating with one's self a question of Morals (§ 210), the Will has the power of keeping some considera- tions out of view, and thereby diminishing their force, whilst it fixes the attention upon others, and thereby increases their force. And in this manner the Will can indirectly determine the inclina- tion of the balance of evidence which commands belief, as it can the balance of motives which determines conduct. 400 Of the Will. Its action may bo compared to that (now happily, in our own country, a matter of history) of a partisan Judge presiding over a Political trial, in which the Prisoner's life or death depends on the verdict of an impartial Jury. For a Judge who is determined to procure an adverse verdict, has various means of influencing the decision. In the first place he refuses even to consider the objections which the prisoner's counsel may be justified in urging against the indictment; and accepts the reply of the crown lawyer as all-sufficient, when it does not really meet one of the points raised for the defence. Again, he treats the witnesses for the crown with the utmost con- sideration, assumes the truth of every statement they make, and not only asks no inconvenient questions himself, but places every obstacle he can in the way of the cross-examination which tends to expose the inconsistencies of their testimony, or to convict them of interested mo- tives. On the other hand, he treats the witnesses for the defence as if they were utterly unworthy of credit; and allows the utmost licence to the crown-counsel who endeavours to lower the value of their testimony by unjustifiable insinuations or bullying assumptions. And in his " summing-up," he so forcibly presents to the jury both the law and the evidence on one side, and so determinately keeps down the force of law and evidence on the other, that the Jury, however honest their intentions, may be forced into giving a most iniquitous verdict, for the injustice of which it is the Judge who is really responsible. 325. This influence of the Will is all the more powerful, when we do not discuss the question with others, but only with ourselves. For we can far more easily withdraw our attention from the suggestions which occur to our own minds, than we can from the very same considerations forcibly urged as arguments by others. And, further, if we only look at the matter from our own point of sight, we are almost sure to take but a limited view of it. Eveiy one, therefore, who really desires to arrive at Truth upon a subject which is open to question, will seek to acquaint himself with the view that may be taken of it by others;—as when a Judge says " I should like to hear that point argued," knowing that the Counsel on the two sides will bring forwards all that is to be said on each. Influence of the Will on Beliefs. Upon his candid readiness to listen to all that they can fairly urge, and his trained ability to estimate their arguments at their just weight, will depend the worth of his final decision. This pro- cedure is especially important with Minds which have been habituated to the worship of Idols of any kind whatever ; for to tliese they are perpetually, without being aware of it, " sacrificing their intellectual and moral independence." a. Thus Dr. Channing was led by the representations of Samuel J. May, to perceive that he had been thus sacrificing to the idol of " unanimity " in holding his peace upon the Slavery question. Tho conduct of those two great and good men, as recorded in the Memoir of the former (vol. hi., pp. 156-159), is a noble moral as well as •intellectual lesson, which should teach charity, as well as fidelity to principle. "At first," said Mrs. L. M. Child, who seems to have made the earliest attempt to draw Dr. Channing's attention to tho subject, " I thought him timid, and even slightly time-serving; but I soon found that I formed that estimate from ignorance of his cha- racter. I learned that it was justice to all, not popularity {or himself, which made him so cautious. He constantly grew upon my respect, until I came to regard him as the wisest, as well as the gentlest, apostle of humanity."—When subsequently appealed-to by Mr. May, he did not raise any objections to the fundamental doctrines of tho Abolitionists; but excused himself from participating in their agitation, on account of the severity of their denunciations, and the vehemence, heat, and excitement caused by their meetings. This called forth an indignant protest from the Abolitionist advocate; who urged that any imprudences of this kind were due to tho silence of such men as Dr. Channing, who, acknowledging the awful injustice of Slavery, had not raised their voices in remonstrance against it. " It is not our fault," he said, " that those who might have pleaded for the enslaved so much more wisely and eloquently, both with the pen and the living voice, than we can, have been silent. Why, Sir, have you not spoken?"—This appeal went "home."—"Brother May," replied Channing, after some minutes' consideration, " I acknowledge the justice of your reproof: I have been silent tOolong." And he forthwith prepared himself to "speak out."—No one who knew Dr. Channing could suspect for a moment that ho would have refused 402 Of the Will. to this argument, if it had suggested itself to his own mind, the same weight that it had with him wheh brought forwards by another. His unconscious bias in the opposite direction had prevented it from ever occurring to him. b. The case of the Bev. Blanco White affords another illustration of the same principle. Born in Spain, and brought up as a Boman Catholic Priest, but rebelling against the principle of Authority, he found refuge in the Church of England, specially attaching himself to the Liberals of Oxford, by whom he was highly esteemed; so that when Dr. Whately was appointed to the Archbishopric of Dublin, he named Blanco White his domestic chaplain. Whilst holding this position, he published a controversial work entitled " Second Travels of an Irish Gentleman in search of a Beligion," which feU under the notice of the Bev. George Armstrong, who had already, on conscien- , tious grounds, resigned his preferment in the Irish Church; and a correspondence took place between them. Mr. Armstrong urged upon Blanco White, that, upon the principles he had avowedly adopted, it was not possible for him, as a matter of logical consistency, to con- tinue in the position he was then holding ; and being brought to admit this, he at once relinquished it, though by so doing, he severed ties of the closest nature, personal as well as professional.— The whole life of Blanco White showed such a thorough fidelity to principle, such a readiness to make any and every sacrifice which his conscience demanded, that it cannot for a moment be imputed to him that he had intentionally kept out of his view the logical result of hia own train of reasoning. He simply did not see it, until it was pointed out to him. On the other hand, it not unfrequently happens in a controversy between honest opponents, that the effect of an adverse argument is in the first instance to stir up an antagonistic spirit, which pre- vents its weight from being duly appreciated ; and that it is only Avhen the argument is calmly and quietly reviewed at a subsequent time, that its real cogency makes itself felt. With most personsl indeed, the first effect of an assertion which runs counter to their settled beliefs, is to make them think what can be said against it; bo that the most candid and truth-seeking of men generally require Influence of the Will on Beliefs. 403 time for the digestion and assimilation (so to speak) of any such proposition. 32G. But another Proverb, or concrete expression of a vast body of familiar experience,—tells us that " there are none so blind as those that won't see ; " and it is in wilfully turning away the eyes of their minds from inconvenient truths, whether facts of Nature or results of Thought, that the moral responsibility of such persons for their opinions really consists. As the opponents of the Coperni- can system refused to look at the satellites of Jupiter through the telescope of Galileo, so there are too many who refuse to admit even a gleam of reason into the dark chambers of their Intellects: where they hide as sacred treasures the antiquated beliefs of past a^es, the worthlessness of which would be at once apparent if the full light of day were permitted to shine in upon them.—On the other hand, as Nelson at Copenhagen turned his blind eye to the signal for his recall, which he did not think it for the honour of his country to obey, so may we rightly keep from our Mental vision, not merely the direct promptings of self-interest, but such arguments as we instinctively feel to be sophistical, though we may not be able logically to expose their fallacy ; and it is in cultivating and quickening this instinct, that the habitual desire to act on the highest principle of right most powerfully operates on the Intellect (§ 389). 327. There is no subject as to which the influence of the No'/*os (§ 292) shows itself more strongly, than it does in regard to Beligion and Morals ; none as to which it is more difficult for a man to free himself from the influence of those Habits of thought and feeling, which, impressed upon him at the earliest dawn of his Intelligence, have "groAvn with his growth, and strengthened with his strength." But as there are many signs which it is impossible to disregard, of the awakening of a general spirit of inquiry into the foundation of our Beliefs on these subjects, it may not be inappropriate here to consider the three principal tendencies to 404 Of the Will. thought which are most potent in the direction of that enquiry, and the three modes in which we make ourselves responsible for its results, by the deliberate adoption of one or other of them. I. The first of these is implicit reliance on Authority, which is the fundamental tenet of the Boman Catholic Church. This tendency, when originally implanted in the mind, and fostered by a system of training most skilfully devised to fix and develope it, acquires a most powerful hold over Intellects which are free and independent upon all other matters. Taught from his earliest years that Faith and Morals are beyond Human ken, impressed with the claims of the successors to the Apostles as the conservators of Divine Truth, warned that to doubt is sinful, alarmed by the dangers which he sees to be inseparable from unrestrained freedom, and feeling com- fort in being relieved from all responsibility as to the formation of his opinions, the sincere Catholic submits himself unreservedly to the dictation of his Church, and gives his unhesitating assent to every dogma she imposes upon him. And it is only when, in endeavouring to strengthen her grasp upon the Intellect of her members, she asserts a control over matters on which they cannot help thinking for themselves, that she incurs any danger of a general revolt against her authority.—That there is a certain type of mind, to the Constitution of which (whether original or acquired) the system of implicit reliance on external support is most con- genial, is shown by the thorough acceptance of it by men of rare acquirements and great ability, who have been brought up in Protestant Churches, and have made great sacrifices in quitting them. Upon such, however, lies a much heavier responsibility for the adoption of this system, than upon the former for their simple acceptance of it. For they determinately surrender, in regard to the most momentous of all subjects, that freedom to form their own opinions, which they would regard it as not only their right, but their duty, to exercise in all other matters; and submit Responsibility for our Beliefs. 405 to such limitations upon that freedom, in every Philosophical or Scientific investigation which can have even the remotest bearing upon Beligion, as the Church may at any time see fit to impose. While holding themselves free from all responsibility, therefore, they do in effect make themselves responsible for whatever they may think, say, or do, at the bidding of the Authority to Avhich they have deliberately chosen to submit themselves. 11. The truly independent thinker, on the other hand, who upholds the duty of individual judgment on all subjects, is respon- sible, not directly for the conclusions he arrives at, but for the right use of his reason in the search for Truth. It is not the least among the evil results of the tyranny of the No/w, that it tends to drive into antagonism every one who feels called on to resist it; and thus to engender a defiant attitude where firmness alone is needed, an iconoclastic and controversial disposition where the judi- cial habit of Mind is specially required. Those who put themselves forwards to attack the cherished beliefs of the world at large, are bound to master the whole of each question they bring under discus- sion, and not to content themselves with a one-sided or imperfect view of it; and they have no more right to put aside an evidentiary fact or deduction merely because it looks old and worn out, than to adopt another without due examination because it is new and specious. In particular it behoves those who rest on experience as the basis of all knowledge, to beware of excluding all experience save their own. As a man who has no " musical ear" may deny the soul- stirring power of a Handel or a Beethoven, or as one who is "colour- blind" cannot recognize either the glorious hues of Nature herself, or the reflection of them in the picture of a consummate artist, so the man whose Mental constitution leads him to fix his attention too exclusively on experiences of one kind, is too prone to deny the reality of those in which he does not himself share, and to regard as "unknowable" what other Minds assert to be within their apprehension (§ 328). So, again, there is a tendency on the part of 406 Of the Will. independent thinkers to an excessive confidence in their own conclusions, which a due sense of Human frailty would restrain ; and to a corresponding intolerance of the different conclusions of others, who, while honestly exercising the like independence of thought, may have acquired, by the greater comprehensiveness of their survey of the subject, a better title to the acceptance of their judgment upon it. The very fact that a man has emancipated himself from the tyranny of the No'/xo?, is evidence that he has a power of Will which enables himself to exercise se?/-discipline; and it is all the more incumbent on him, therefore, to take heed that he does not, in abjuring the worship of one Idol, set up another—his own Individuality—in the place of it. A due respect for the " common consciousness of Mankind," though he may not himself share it, will engender a wholesome distrust of any belief that directly opposes it; and this will lead him, before finally adopting that belief, to subject its basis to the most careful scrutiny. And while rejoicing in his own freedom, and doing what in him lies to stir up in others a desire for the same " glorious liberty," it especially behoves him not to think too hardly of those whose Mental constitution and habits of thought are diffe- rent from his own, for their assent to propositions which to him appear not only untrue, but irrational, perhaps even immoral (§ 441). in. Between these two tendencies, there is a third which is Jfar more widely prevalent than either,—that, namely, of passive acquiescence in the forms of thought in which the Ego has been brought-up. For one man who determinately sets himself to seek a definite basis for the opinions he professes,—who, after making the best use of his faculties and opportunities, finds that basis either in external Authority or in the authority of his own Beason,—and who, having found what his Intellect approves as Truth, acts upon his convictions to his personal detriment (or, what is far more trying, to the injury of those most dear to him),—there are multi- Responsibility for our Beliefs. 407 tudes who do not feel called upon to enquire for themselves, but consider themselves justified not only in accepting a body of doctrine which they regard as on the whole beneficial, but in recommending it to the acceptance of others. Such persons cannot be truly said to believe a set of propositions, the evidence of which they have never studied, and the very language of which (framed as the expression of ideas that have long since passed away) they do not 1 understand. But e&belief in them is equally out of their thoughts. Their Mental fabric has been built up under the direction of a No'/xos which has shaped it into accordance with the furniture it is to receive. And unless something occurs to make them question the validity of their position, they continue to hold it without any suspicion of its possible untenability.—Now such persons are responsible for their acquiescence, in so far as this has been induced either by passive indolence, or by a timorous apprehension of the possible results of inquiry, whether in unsettling and disturbing their own minds, or in injuriously affecting their worldly interests. The results of such enquiry, honestly pursued, may be so far satisfactory to their reason, as fully to justify them in resting where they are. Some, again, may be led to the conclusion that the adoption, to however small an extent, of the principle of Authority, leaves them no other logical basis than the Authority of the Church. While others, in whom the spirit of independence is more pro- nounced, find themselves driven by it in the opposite direction; and are led by the application of the very same logical tests, to pure Individualism,—that is, to the implicit adoption of those opinions, and those only, which express the experiences of the individual's own mind. 328. It is of great importance, in our search for Truth, that we should set out with clear ideas respecting the object of that search and our means of attaining it. From the Fsychological point of view, what is accepted as truth by each individual is " that which he troweth;" in other words, that which is consistent with the 408 Of the Will. constitution of his own Mind, and with his previously-acquired convictions (§ 321). But the Truths which claim our acceptance may be ranged under two distinct orders :—the first of which includes all such propositions as are purely subjective, the evidence of their truth being internal, and consisting in their conformity to ideas which are essentially the creations of our own minds ;—whilst the second includes all such propositions as represent objective realities, the evidence of the truth of which is external, consisting in the conformity of these ideal representations to actual facts. There is a third order, consisting of propositions, which are supported by evidence of both kinds ; but these need not be separately considered.—Now to the first of these orders belong all the so- called " necessary truths;" their necessity to us arising out of the existing constitution of our own minds, whether original or acquired (§ 201), or out of their exact conformity with some other ideas, which we have already either accepted as " self-evident," or assume as the foundation of our reasoning. a. Thus Geometry, which consists in the study of the relations of Space, is founded upon two sets of propositions ; one set being the self-evident axioms or "first truths" we have already considered (§ 200); whilst the other consists of definitions, which, while pro- fessing to represent objective realities, are really, for the most part, intellectual abstractions, with which nothing external to the mind actually corresponds. Now many simple propositions often cited as examples of "necessary truths," carry their own conviction to our minds, simply because either the contrary cr anything else would be obviously inconsistent with some ono of these fundamental ideas. Thus we at once see that the proposition that "two straight lines can enclose a space " is absolutely contradictory to that " common- sense " conception of a straight line, which is clearer than any definition yet framed; as is also the proposition that " any two sides of a triangle can be either equal to or less than the third side."-—It is by a succession of such steps, each securely cemented to the one on which it rests, that we are led to the higher propositions of Geometry, every one of which is as "necessary " a truth to him who has thoroughly Progressive Approximation to Truth. 409 mastered it, as are those just cited to the tyro; its " self-evidence" consisting in tho mutual and indissoluble cohesion of the entire succession of ideas, which cohesion they derive from nothing else than the constitution of our own minds. b. The higher Mathematics, again, rest on a new set of ideas, which carry us still further from the range of objective experience; these ideas, in some form or other, involving the notions of the infi- nitely-great and the infinitely-small, and of never-ending approxima- tion to one or to tho other. By the student whose mind has attained a certain stage of de\-elopment, these ideas are as readily apprehended as are the ideas of a geometrical point or line by the tyro; and tho propositions which he builds upon them are no less " necessary truths " to him, than is the 47th of the first Book of Euclid to the youth who has thoroughly masteied the train of reasoning which leads up to it. Hence it seems clear that our capacity for apprehending Truths of the first order, entirely depends on the Constitution of our own Minds; and must necessarily be, like it, progressive. And for this view we have ample historic confirmation in the fact, that many propositions formerly accepted universally as " necessary truths " are now no less universally abandoned as untenable or even absurd • whilst, on the other hand, we now accept as " necessary" many propositions Avhich our ancestors would have scouted as prepos- terous. c. Thus the dogma of the Aristotelian philosophy, that, the Circle being the most perfect of figures, the celestial bodies must therefore move in circles, continued to hold its sway until the time of Kepler. And in like manner the proposition that Celestial motions continue without diminution because "natural," whilst Terrestrial motions must come to an end because " unnatural," was part of the unquestioned philosophical creed until the time of Newton; whose first Law of Motion is based on the idea that motion, whether celestial or terrestiial, is just as "natural" as rest. How far what we now regard as " necessary truths " may require. modification in the future, it is impossible for us to judge; 19 4io Of the Will. simply because wTe can no more conceive of anything beyond the range of mental development we have ourselves attained than a man born blind can picture visual objects. But foreshadowings of such a requirement are not wanting :— d. From certain recondite investigations which have been recently prosecuted by Mathematicians of distinguished ability, the unexpected conclusion has been drawn that more than three dimensions in Space are ideally possible. The antagonism of this proposition, however, not only to our actual experience, but to any conceivable extension of it, leads to the suspicion that some fallacy lurks in the primary mathematical expression of "dimensions of space," on which the whole train of reasoning is founded; and that although the result may be perfectly true as regards its conformity to that fundamental idea, it may not be true as representing any possible objective reality,—being, in fact, an ingenious mathematical quibble, not a real extension of our know- ledge. That we have no right, however, to tie ourselves down to the limits of our own experience in such a matter, has been ably urged by Prof. Helmholtz ; who has worked out the case of an Insect living on a plane surface, which could only know two dimensions of space by experience, and to which the notion of three would bo probably aa "unthinkable" as that of four or more is to ourselves. 329. Proceeding now to propositions of the second order, the Truth of which depends on the conformity of the ideal statement to the objective reality, it is obvious that their basis is entirely experiential; and that it must, therefore, be subject to continual modification from the enlargement of our range of observation, aud the increasing precision of our methods. The first question in regard to any particular proposition, is whether it accurately represents the facts of the case ; and the first question in regard to any general proposition, is whether it accurately represents the facts of all the particular cases to which it applies. The conviction we feel as to any of the Truths of this order, rests on a basis very different from the preceding. There are fallacies of observation, fallacies of testimony, and fallacies of reasoning, against each of Progressive Approximation to Truth. 411 which it is necessary to guard ; and it is rather on the cumulative value of the evidence in their favour, on the mutual confirmation afforded by different methods of investigation, and on the absence of opposing considerations, that our convictions are based. The strength of such convictions may be such as to make them scarcely inferior in practical reliableness to the "necessary truths" of the purely subjective order. But even those which command our most unhesitating assent, will be accepted by the real Philo- sopher with a certain "reserve of possibility;" as the nearest approximations to objective reality that the present state of know- ledge may justify, but as liable to modification by the extension of that knowledge. a. Thus, while no one doubts that there is an actual distance between the Earth and the Sun, no Astronomer expects that we shall ever be able to obtain more than an approximate determination of it; and yet it is upon the basis of this determination, that the estimate of the distances of the other Planets entirely rests. b. So, while no Chemist doubts that the different Elements have precise "combining equivalents" or "atomic weights," no one would venture to affirm that these are at present exactly known. And while our present knowledge of these numerical relations is sufficiently precise for our existing requirements, it cannot be ac- counted improbable that new methods of research may modify our present estimates, perhaps by opening-up altogether new views of these relations. Thus, then, all the Truths of our second order must be progressive; that is, as our ideas can only approach to precise conformity with the objective realities they represent, a nearer approach will be for ever possible ; and this not merely from increased exactitude of observation, but from the augmented capacity of our minds to utilize its results. For, as has been well remarked, what we look upon as a straight line, the prolongation of which to infinity would only increase the distance between its two extremities, may really be seen by beings of a wider range of vision as part of a circle 412 Of the Will. returning into itself.—It is this progressive character which imparts to objective Science one of its greatest elements of value as an intellectual discipline, and one of its greatest attractions as a pursuit. For what can be more conducive to a noble but self-restrained independence of thought, than the conviction that Avhatever we may accept as authoritative in the teachinos of tliose whom we regard as our best guides in any department of investigation, must be accepted provisionally, to be tested by the results of further inquiry, as our own conclusions will be in their turn 1 What, again, can be a better lesson of humility, than the remembrance that our own work will in its turn be reviewed by those who shall come after us ; and that however complete and satisfactory it may appear to ourselves, our successors will find much to add, if not to correct 1 And what can be a stronger stimulus to the zealous exercise of our best powers, than the con- viction that though Ave may never be able to attain to " absolute" truth, yet we can be for ever approximating to it; ever striving up- wards, so as either ourselves to reach, or to help our successors to reach, a still loftier elevation, whence a yet more comprehensive view may be obtained? " Tendre a la perfection, sans jamais y pretendre," will eA^er be the animating spirit of the genuine Philosopher ; as the "forgetting the things behind, and reaching forth unto the things before " of the greatest of Christian Apostles, Avill continue to the end of time to nerve the efforts of every true aspirant after Moral excellence. And if we sedulously cultivate this spirit, our Habits of Thought will shape themselves in accordance with it; provided that we set before us an end which is not only worthy in itself, but is also suited to our capacity. " Let every man find his work," Carlyle has somewhere wisely said, " and do it." The conformity between the objects of Human Knowledge and the faculties of the Human Mind, is such—however we may account for it—as to provide fitting Avork for every one ; and in proportion as each does "with his might" whatsoever he "findeth to do," will be the Influence of the Will on the Conduct. 413 value of his own share in that progress in which true Vitality consists, and of his contribution to the progress of others,— not merely by the additions he may make to the general stock of Knowledge, but through the influence he exerts by his mode of seeking for it. For, as was admirably said by Dr. Thomas Brown,— " There is a Philosophic Spirit which is far more valuable than any limited attainments in Philosophy; and the cultivation of which, therefore, is the most precious advantage that can be derived from the lessons and studies of many Academic years :— a spirit which is quick to pursue whatever is within the reach of human intellect; but which is not less quick to discern the bounds that limit every human inquiry, and which, therefore, in seeking much, seeks only what man may learn:—which knows how to distinguish what is just in itself from what is merely accredited by illustrious names; adopting a truth which no one has sanctioned, and rejecting an error of which all approve, with the same calmness as if no judgment were opposed to its own:— but which, at the same time, alive with congenial feeling to every intellectual excellence, and candid to the weakness from which no excellence is wholly privileged, can dissent and confute without triumph, as it admires without envy; applauding gladly whatever is worthy of applause in a rival system, and venerating the very genius which it demonstrates to have erred." Section 4.—Influence of the Will on the Direction of the Conduct. 330. While the actions of the Biologized or Hypnotized subject are entirely determined, as wdll be shown hereafter (Chaps. XIV., XV.), by the motive power of Ideas and Feelings, the man in full possession of his Volitional faculty has the power (1) of refraining from bodily action under the immediate pressure of motives; and (2) of so far modifying the relative force of motives by the mode in which he mentally contemplates them, that their preponderance may be completely reversed. Hence his ultimate determination, Avhilst still governed by the preponderance 414 Of the Will. of motices, may be entirely different from that on which he would have acted if he had given Avay to his first impulse. For just as we may direct our intellectual operations by an exercise of Voli- tion, so as to fix upon certain ideas only, out of the many which present themselves to our consciousness, and to limit our attention to certain peculiar aspects of these (§ 324), so may we fix our attent'on upon any one or more among the motives Avhich tend to determine our action, and keep these (as it were) in a strong light before the mental eye ; whilst, by withdrawing our attention from others, we virtually throw them into the back-ground, as we can do Avith regard to objects of sensation (§ 123). And further, by calling the Beasoning powers into operation, and bringing them to bear upon the questions at issue, so as to follow-out each of the modes of action that are before the mind to its probable conse- quences, the Will indirectly brings a set of new motives, arising out of these consequences, before the judgment; and these, at first overlooked, may become important elements in the decision. On the other hand, by thus reasoning-out the probable con- sequences of an action, motives which at first presented them- selves in great strength, may lose more or less of their force, and even become altogether futile. 331. Now if we examine into the different kinds of motive powers, which, under the permission or the intentional direction of the Will, are the sources of Human action, we shall find that they may be ranged under the following heads :—(1). Previously acquired habits, which automatically incite us to do as we have bocn before accustomed to do under the like circumstances, with- out the idea of prospective pleasure or pain, or of right or wrong, being at all present to our minds (Chap. VIII). Where the habits have been judiciously formed in the first instance, this tendency is an extremely useful one, prompting us to do that spontaneously, Avhich might otherwise require a powerful effort of the Will: but if on the other hand, a bad set of habits have grown-up with the Influence of the Will on the Conduct. 415 growth of the individual, or if a single bad tendency be allowed to become an habitual spring of action, a far stronger effort of Voli- tion Avill be required to determine the conduct in opposition to them. This is especially the case, when the habitual idea possesses an Emotional character, and thus becomes the source of desires; for the more frequently these are yielded-to, the more powerful is the solicitation they exert.—(2). Emotional states, which incite us to particular actions, by the expectation of gratifi- cation, either in the acts themselves, or in some consequences which our reason leads us to anticipate from them; or by the expectation of pain, if the act be not performed. All those desires and aversions which have so large a share in determining our con- duct, come under this category : and to it must likewise be referred all those considerations which are simply prudential; these usually having reference to the remoter effects which our actions are likely to have upon our own welfare or upon that of others, and thus bringing before the mind, as elements in its determination, certain additional objects of desire or aversion.— (3). Notions of Right and of Duty, wThich, so far as they attach themselves to our actions, give them a moral and religious character. These may act simply as Ideas, whose coercive poAver depends upon the intensity with wdiich they are brought before the mind ; but they obtain a much stronger influence, Avhen they acquire an Emotional character, from the association of the feeling of desire with the idea of obligation,—that is, when we feel a wish to do that which we are conscious wTe ought to do,—an associa- tion which it is peculiarly within the capability of the Will to cherish and strengthen. And still more potent is the opera- tion of these combined motives, when a constant habit of acting upon them has been formed, so as to give them the force of fixed principles; for if the question be always looked-at first in its Moral aspect, and a clear perception is attained of its right and its wrong side, the strongest desires and the strongest aversions 416 Of the Will. are repressed in their nascent stage, without exerting any influence. The difference between the habitual, the prudential, and the moral aspects of the very same action, may be made apparent by a very simple illustration:—We will suppose that a man has been accustomed to take a ride every day at a particular hour; his whole nature so accommodates itself to the habit, that he feels both mentally and physically uncomfortable at any interruption to the usual rhythm. But suppose that, just as the appointed hour comes round, the sky becomes overcast, threatening the rider with a drenching if he perseveres in his intention; his decision will then be founded on a prudential consideration of the relative probabilities of his escaping or of his being exposed to the shower, and of how far the enjoyment he may derive from his ride is likely to be replaced by the discomfort of a thorough wetting. But suppose, further, that instead of taking a mere pleasure-ride, a Medical man is about to set-forth on a professional visit to a patient whose condition requires his aid; a new motive is thus introduced, which alters the condition of the whole question, making it no longer one of prudence only, but one of morality. Another motive which should give the question a Moral aspect, would be consideration for himself, and the risk of life or health he might run : this should be decisive, where the motive which impels him to the act in question is merely that of self-gratification; but if it bring into antagonism his duty to his patient and his desire to benefit him, and on the other hand his duty to himself and his regard for the ulterior welfare of those who may be immediately dependent upon him, tho question has its right and its wrong aspect on both sides (§ 210), and the right may only be determinable after a careful balance of tho considerations involved. 332. In connection with the foregoing, it will not be inappro- priate to notice the manner in which the principle of Love, early fostered by judicious Nursery training (§ 290, iv.), comes to modify the strictness of Volitional action on the principles of Bight and Justice in the subsequent intercourses of life. For it is genuine consideration for the feelings of others, which con- Influence of the Will on the Conduct. 417 stitutes the distinction between the courtesy of tlie true "gen- tleman" or "lady" (in whatever rank of life), and that mere external politeness which is nothing more than a social habit, and which may veil the meanest and most selfish dispositions. There is nowhere, perhaps, a more beautiful instance of com- plementary adjustment between the Male and the Female character, than that which consists in the predominance of the Intellect and Will, which is required to make a man successful in the "battle of life," and of the lively Sensibility, the quick Sympathy, the unselfish Kindliness, which give to woman the power of making the happiness of the home, and of promoting the purest pleasures of social existence. When we analyse the nature of that tact which is usually so much more strongly dis- played by Women than by Men, we find it (strange as this may seem) to rest in part on the same basis as Man's ordinary common sense (§ 374); being, like it (as was suggested to the Writer by Mr. J. S. Mill, p. 486), the resultant of the unconscious co-ordi- nation of " a long succession of small experiences, mostly forgotten, or perhaps never brought out into distinct consciousness;" these experiences, however, being of a kind to impress the Sensibilities rather than the Beason, to be perceived by Sympathy rather than by Ideation. Like the higher form of " common sense" (§ 383), Tact is often so strongly manifested at a very early period of life, that we can scarcely refuse to it the character of an original intuition; whilst it is also eminently capable of being acquired, or at any rate improved, by a Volitional culture which directs the attention to the impressions fitted to develope it: and it is in this way that a Woman comes to possess a direct insight as to what is clue to consideration for others, which the duUer and more rational- stic apprehension of Man can seldom attain. This, unchecked. by a disciplined Moral sense, is apt to run to excess ; tending to " make things pleasant," at the expense of honest consistency But, when so restrained, it is an endoAvment so trustAvorthy, that 4-iS Of the Will. every wise man will trust to the guidance of womanly Tact, wherever the question is one Avhich it can fittingly resolve. 333. If, now, taking our stand upon the foregoing Physiological and Psychological facts, and leaving out of view all embarrassing questions about " freedom " and " necessity," we apply ourselves to the practical inquiry as to the mode in which the Will re- gulates the ordinary course of our daily life, Ave shall be led to the folloAving conclusions :— I. The Will is constantly initiating movement (as in walking or writing), or directing movement (as in speaking, § 307), without any present consciousness of motives; this initiation or direction being, in fact, the expression of a remotely-formed determination deliberately made and systematically acted on Thus when a man chooses a certain profession, or undertakes a certain office, and does so with the fixed purpose of faithfully discharging its responsibilities, the habits he forms become a " second nature " to him ; he does not " stop to think " whether he shall or shall not perform any action wdiich clearly forms part of his duties; but his Will says to his body, " Do this," and the body does it accordingly :— Thus, no right-minded Medical man ever " allows himself to think" of his own personal risk, when called to attend a case of malignant Scarlatina: he determinately puts either himself or his horse in motion, to obey a summons which comes to him in tho ordinary course of his professional duty; and if he does " allow him- self to think " of the risk of conveying the infection to his family, or to other patients, it is only as a motive to taking all possible pre- cautions against doing so.—Again, cases every now and then occur, in which a Medical man may feel sorely tempted by feelings of pure humanity, as well for the sufferer as for those around him, to put an early termination to the hopeless agony of his patient, just as he would put a dog or a horse " out of its pain ; " and his Moral right, or even duty, to practise such a Euthanasia, has been seriously advanced and supported by arguments of no little force. But here Influence of the Will on the Conduct. 419 he wiU fall back on that general rule of the Profession, which binds every member of it to do his utmost to prolong Hfe and to mitigate suffering ; this being clearly beneficent on the whole, while the least infraction of it would lead to the gravest dangers in practice. In such circumstances, the Will carries out fixed principles of action; which, having been adopted by the Beason, under the guidance of the Moral sense, habitually rule the Conduct. 11. But suppose, in the next place, that, as is constantly happening, these fixed principles of action come into coUision with other motives, which strongly appeal to the " likes " or " dislikes " of the individual:— The Official, for example, may be sorely tempted to desert his post for a day, by some prospect of pleasure or advantage to himself; or the ill-paid Union-doctor to "shirk" attendance on some tedious and uninteresting " case," which will bring him neither credit nor remuneration. Now, a man who is determined to make duty his first consideration, will not allow himself to dwell upon his personal prefer- ences, but will say to himself, "I ought," or " I ought not," as the case may be; thus fixing his attention on the principle of action which he has deliberately adopted, and thereby strengthening his determination to adhere to it ; whilst, in the same measure, he weakens the force of the temptation by withdrawing his attention from it. Here, again, the Will (though less immediately) carries out a fixed principle of action; its power being secondarily exerted in intensifying the sense of obligation, and in keeping out of vieAV the advantages and pleasures to be derived from an in- fraction of the strict rule of duty. And this secondary action of the WiU comes to be the principal mode of its operation, when the subject of the temptation so far hesitates, as to discuss the question with himself; the ruling principle being abandoned, and the question coming to be decided by motive influences of a loAver class. Thus, the Official may say to himself, "What harm will come of 420 Of the Will. my absence r" or, "Would not a day's holiday do me a great deal of good!'"—And the Union-doctor may find excuses for himse'f, in his hopelessness of doing any effectual service, in the unthankful spirit with which his best endeavours have been treated, and in the t xhaustion of his own power which seems likely to result from the continuance of his efforts. But, in such a discussion with one's self, the Will may still take an important part. For it can select, among the motives which present themselves, those which the Moral Sense approves as the most worthy, and can intensify the force of these by fixing the attention upon them; whilst it can, in like manner, keep to a great extent out of sight those which it feels ought not to be admitted, and can thus diminish their force. And thus at last, while the decision is really formed by the "preponderance of motives," it is the action of the Will in modifying the force of those motives, that really determines which shaU preponderate.— The Will is here, therefore, the expression of the higher Bcason, controlling the operation of the selfish Propensities. in. But, further, the Will can put a check upon the bodily action to which some strong internal impulse wrould directly prompt; so that time is gained for consideration, by wdiich the further course is guided. This exertion of the Will may proceed from a fixed determination " not to give way " to such impulses; and this determination, originally formed on a deliberate Moral judgment, becomes strengthened by every exercise of it. Here, again, our Volitional action is the expression of a Habit, which has become a part of our "second nature," overcoming the promptings of our original disposition.—If, after restraining the immediate impulse to action, wre deliberate upon further steps, the Will has exactly the same poAver of modifying the decision as in the preceding instance : — Thus, to take a not uncommon case, a man considers himself to have received an affront or injury, which his first impulse is to Influence of the Will on the Conduct. 421 resent. He restrains himself, however, by a strong effort, from immediate action ; that effort being the determinate expression of tho general conclusion he may have long ago arrived at, that such immediate action is undesirable. Still he thinks that the matter requires some notice; and his judgment tells him that whilst he is still labouring under an excitement of feeling, he is not in a fit condition to decide what is best to be done. * And when, after a further prolongation of this Volitional restraint, he comes at last calmly to consider the matter, his action is at last determined by the preponderance of tho motives which his Will has selected as most fitting to be admitted into the discussion. iv. These experiences of Self-regulation have their parallel in the experience of our endeavours to influence the conduct of others. For suppose, in the first place, that we are appealing to a man whom wTe know to act habitually and determinately upon his "sense of duty;" — our whole aim is to convince his Beason that his Duty points in a certain direction, and wc feel assured that, if once satisfied of this, he wiU carry out his determination to the best of his ability (§ 325 a, b). v. Again, we have to do with a less " resolute" man,—one who may admit that he ought to pursue a certain course, but who distrusts his own power to foUow it out. We then endeavour to strengthen both his sense of Moral obligation, and his Volitional power of acting upon it; for here the encouraging assurance that he can do so if he will only try, gives the same kind of added force to the mental as it does to the bodily effort (§ 2G6). It is by giving a fixed basis of principle, or point dappui, to this effort, that a * It is within the experience of many, that nothing so much relieves the mind under such circumstances, or forms such a good basis for subsequent action or inac- tion, as writing a letter, in which adequate expression is given to the disturbed feel- ing. The act itself discharges the mind of much of its Emotional excitement, on the principle formerly stated (§ 265) ; the fact that everything which has to be said has been said, relieves the thoughts from the recurring tendency to seek for the modes of expressing it ; and when, after the lapse of a day or two, the letter (not having been sent) is reconsidered, the judgment can be calmly exercised in either toning it down, or putting it aside altogether. 422 Of the Will. definite " resolution" or " pledge" is often valuable. Thus it is proved by ample experience, that many a man who has not enough strength of Will to keep him from yielding to Alcoholic seduction, has enough to make him " keep the pledge " he has taken against it: the mere repetition to himself of a determina- tion to do so, having the good effect of augmenting the force of that determination, and of helping him to keep out of the way of temptation. As it has been said that " a woman who deli- berates is lost,"—the mere entertainment of the idea of a violation of chastity showing how strong a hold the temptation to it has already gained upon her,—so may it be said of the man who is strongly tempted to " break his pledge," that if he once allows himself to " think " about it, the force of that principle is grievously weakened. But we may strengthen his determination by directing his attention to the various coUateral motives which we may deem most likely to influence him ; the operation of these, however, being most advantageous, when they give steadiness and fixity to the principle of action. vi. But, lasthT, when we are dealing with a man of brutal nature, who is callous to all appeals to his sense of duty, and whose attitude is one of dogged defiance, we have to search out the most impressible part of his nature, and endeavour to work upon this by an appeal to some feeling that may be roused into motive force. Thus, on one side there may be some lingering affection for mother or sister, wife or child, wdiich may be vivified by a skilful touch (§ 290 iv.). On the other, the dread of consequences may be wrought-upon; the grief and shame that will be brought upon those for whom there is still a regard, being often more potent deterrents than the prospect of punishment to the individual. It is in the direction of the attention towards all the deterrent motives which are found to have any potency, in the withdrawal of it from all those which attract to ill-doing, and in the prospect of reward for every exertion of self-control, Influence of the Will on the Conduct. that the work of Criminal Beformation essentially consists ; the efficacy of that work being largely increased by the patient sympathy that has a softening influence on even the most brutal natures, and by the encouragement to " try again " after repeated lapses. And so, in time, the tendency to act on the "impulse of the moment" comes to be amenable to the control of the Moral Will; while principles grow up under judicious discipline, which, approving themselves to the reason, may ultimately acquire fixity and steadiness sufficient to determine the conduct, Avithout any recurrence of the conflict between opposing motives.—This is, of course, more feasible wdth juvenile than Avith adult Criminals ; since bad habits, once constitutionaUy established, are not easily changed; whilst during the period of growth, not only may bad habits be more easily and completely eradicated, but good habits may be planted and fostered, growing with the growth, and strengthening with the strength (§ 289). 334. Thus we see that, the less the potency of Volitional con- trol, the more completely is the Conduct of the individual governed by the direct " preponderance of motives;" whilst the interposition of the Will operates for the most part in one of two ways; either (1) by the determinate adherence to some fixed principle of action,—just-as a man who is falling over a precipice tenaciously holds-on to any ledge to Avhich he can cling;—or (2) by that modification of the relative force of opposing motives, which is effected by the determinate attention to some, and determinate inattention to others. It is in that important period of each life, when the Youth is first left to his oavii direction, and has to make his own choice of the principles which are henceforth to be the guides of his life, that the value of a resolute determina- tion to " turn to the right, and keep straight on," is the greatest; and however potent may huve been the influence of judicious training and discipline in giving a right direction to the thoughts and feelings, and in repressing or diverting the violence of 424 Of the Will. passion, it is only the established habit of se//-dircction and se(/-control that can give real steadiness to a resolution, real force to a determination. And thus we may truly say that the power which the Will of any individual can exert in a great crisis, is the " resultant" of his whole previous Mental life; being proportional to the degree in Avhich he has habituated himself to keep the spontaneous or automatic activity of his mind under Volitional control, instead of allowing himself to be the sport of his intellectual vagaries, the slave of his passionate impulses. As Dr. J. D. Morell has well said {Introduction to Mental Philo- sophy, p. 375), "The educalion of the Wiil is really of far greater importance, as shaping the destiny of the individual, than that of the Intellect; and it should never be lost sight of by the practical Educator, that it is only by the amassing and consolidating our volitional residua in certain given directions, that this end can be secured. Theory and doctrine, and inculcation of laws and pro- positions, will never of themselves lead to the uniform habit of right action. It- is by doing, that we learn to do; by overcoming, that we learn to overcome; by obeying reason and conscience, that we learn to obey; and every right act which we cause to spring out of pure principles, whether by authority, precept, or example, will have a greater weight in the formation of character than all the theory in the world." 335. But to carry into action the Volitional determination, to give to the I will its practical effect, something more is usually needed than the mere " preponderance of motives." The Idea of the thing to be done (which we have seen to be the necessary ante- cedent of all Volitional action, § 305), may, indeed, be so decided and forcible, when once fully adopted, as of itself to produce a degree of Nervous tension that serves to call forth respondent Muscular movements,—as in the purely Ideo-motor form of action (§ 235). Thus, cases are not uncommon, in Avhich persons who have had some difficulty in " making up their minds " to a particular course, find themselves borne along, as by the rush of a stream that has Influence of the Will on the Conduct. 425 been let out by the opening of a flood-gate, when once they have committed themselves to it. But in general, a distinct exertion of the Will is needed to give to the Ideational state the energy requisite to call forth the action that expresses it ; and this is especially the case, wdicre either some powerfully opposing motive diminishes the force of the preponderance, or a state of fatigue causes the bodily mechanism to be less easily called into action. Beasons have been already adduced (§§ 308, 309) for the belief, that the Volitional exertion really consists in an intensifica- tion of the hyperamiic state of the Ideational centre; which will produce an augmented tension of its nerve-force, whose discharge through the motor centres calls forth the muscular movement. And this may take place without a corresponding intensification of the idea itself; if, according to the doctrine previously ad- vanced (§ 100), we only become conscious of Cerebral changes as Ideas when their influence has been reflected downwards to the Sensorium. 336. It must not be forgotten, howxver, that the Volitional power may be turned to a bad as wTeU as to a good account; and that the value of its results will entirely depend upon the direction in which it is employed. The thoughts may be so determinately drawn away from the higher class of motives, the suggestions of Conscience, of' Affection, or of Benevolence, so habitually dis- regarded, and the whole attention so completely fixed upon the gratification of the selfish or malevolent propensities, that the Human nature acquires far more of the Satanic than of the Divine character; the highest development of this type being displayed by those Who use their power of self-control for the purposes of hypocrisy and dissimulation, and cover the most malignant designs under the veil of friendship. Such men (whose portraiture is presented by our great Dramatist in the character of Iago) show us to what evil account the highest Intellect and the most powerful Will may be turned, Avhen directed by the baser class of motives; 426 Of the Will. and we cannot but feel that they are far loAver in the Moral scale, than those who have never known the meaning of Love and Truth, Kindness and Honesty, 337. Of this latter class there are some, who, from original consti- tution and early influences of the most degrading kind, are altogether destitute of anything but a brutal nature : these ought to be treated as irresponsible beings, and, as such, restrained by exter- nal coercion from doing injury to society. But this class is small in proportion to that of individuals wdio act viciously, simply because they have never been led to know that any other course is open to them, or to feel any motives that might give them a different impulse. The experience of those who have undertaken the noble work of Juvenile Beformation, has satisfied them that the cases are few, if any, in which there is not " a holy spot in the child's heart," on which an impression may be made by appro- priate suggestions ; and that by foUowing the method of the good nurse (§ 269), the power of self-control, which seems in the first instance altogether absent, may be awrakened and cherished, the lower propensities repressed by a judicious mixture of restraint and distraction, and the higher tendencies called by the genial warmth of sympathy into full activity, so that the little reprobate most truly becomes "a new creature."—If it be assumed as a fundamental principle, that every part of our Nature has its use as well as its abuse,—our propensities and passions not being evil in themselves, but evil only in their excess and misdirection,—it is wonderful what effects may be produced by the judicious guidance of their energy towards innocent or worthy objects. A latent nobleness and vigour of character not unfrequently shows itself under such treatment, in youths who have been (in a manner) forced into antagonism by the ill-judged sternness of parents, and who, when left to themselves, haArc committed extravagances of conduct that have caused, them to be stigmatized as hopeless outcasts; while many a naughty girl who has been driven Influence of the Will on the Conduct. 427 by mismanagement into rebellion at home, has been moulded into an admirable Avoman by the skilful discipline of a wise schoolmistress (§ 272). 338. There is a negative type of character again, on which the wisest Educator finds it difficult to make any permanent impres- sion, through constitutional want of self-determining power. The intellectual capacity may not be below, or may even be above, the average, and generally the disposition may be amiable; and yet there may be little power of resisting a seductive temptation, or of holding fast to any fixed principle of action. Individuals of this type are, to a great degree, the " creatines of circumstances." Under conditions favourable to the operation of the better part of their Nature, they may not only lead blameless and useful lives, but be credited with Moral excellencies which they do not really possess. For let the same individuals be subjected to the insidious influence of attractive but immoral companionship, or come to a rugged and thorny place in a path of Duty that had previously been smooth and pleasant to them, having no stability of purpose, they fall away; and wdien they have once entered on the downward course, they can only be checked in it by volun- tarily submitting themselves to renewed control. It is an old and just observation, that youths who have been " brought up at their mothers' apron-strings," are the most likely to "go wrong " when first thrown upon their own guidance; and that when such once begin to go astray, they soonest run into wild ex- cesses. The rationale of this seems to be, that the tendency of such an education is usually to repress, instead of fostering, habits of independence and self-regulation; and too frequently to weaken, instead of strengthening, the force of Moral obligation, by attach- ing to small things the same importance as to great. If a lad is constantly watched and never trusted, he is almost sure to abuse his liberty when he first acquires it. And if he is taken to task as severely for spilling ink on a table-cloth or for tearing his clothes, as for telling- a Be or appropriating what does not belong to him, it 428 Of the Will. is not to be wondered-at that he should come to regard the graver offences in the same light as those which he feels to be venial. With a character of this type, the object of the judicious Educator will be to invigorate the whole nature, corporeal as well as physical; to find out what worthy objects of pursuit have the most attraction for his pupil, and to aid and encourage his steady pursuit of them, not by removing difficulties from his path, but by helping him to surmount them; „and in this manner to foster habits of self-reliance, which, when once formed, whether in regard to manly exercises, or to the Avork of the intellect, may be looked to as available for the Moral direction of the conduct. 339. The highest exercise of the Will is shown in those who are endowed with vigorous Intellectual powers, and whose strong Emotional nature gives force to all their tendencies to action ; but who determinately fix their attention on the divine ideal, and steadily endeavour to shape their character and direct their con- duct in accordance with it. This is not to be effected by dwelling exclusively on any one set of motives, or by endeavouring to repress the energy AA'hich is in itself healthful. Even the idea of Duty, operating alone, tends to reduce the individual to the subservience of a slave doing his master's bidding, rather than to make him master of himself; but it gives most powerful aid in the acquire- ment of that power of fixing the thoughts and affections on " things on high," which most effectively detaches them from Avhat is earthly and debasing. It is by the assimilation, rather than by the subjugation, of the Human Will to the Divine, that Man is really lifted towards God; and in proportion as this assimilation has been effected, does it manifest itself in the life and conduct; so that even the lowliest actions become holy ministrations in a temple consecrated by the felt presence of the Divinity. Such was the Life of the Saviour; towards that stan- dard it is for the Christian disciple to aspire. BOOK II. SBECIAL BHYSIOLOGV. CHAPTER X. OF MEMORY. 340. There is no part of our purely Psychical activity, the relation of which to Physical conditions is more obvious and more intimate, than that reproduction of past states of consciousness, which, when supplemented by the recognition of them as having been formerly experienced, we call Memory. It is now very generally accepted by Psychologists as (to say the least) a probable doctrine, that any Idea which has once passed through the Mind may be thus repro- duced, at however long an interval, through the instrumentality. of suggestive action ; the recurrence of any other state of con- sciousness with which that idea was originally linked by Associa- tion, being adequate to awaken it also from its dormant or "latent" condition, and to bring it within the "sphere of con- sciousness." And as our ideas are thus linked in "trains" or " series," which further inosculate with each other like the branch lines of a railway or the ramifications of an artery, so, it is considered, an idea which has been "hidden in the obscure recesses of the mind" for years—perhaps for a lifetime,—and which seems to have completely faded out of the conscious Memory (havinir never either recurred spontaneously, 01 been found 4 3 o Of Memory. capable of recall by volitional Becollection), may be reproduced, as by the touching of a spring, through a nexus of suggestions, which we can sometimes trace-out continuously, but of which it does not seem necessary that all the intermediate steps should fall Avithin our cognizance.* Such a reproduction not unfrequently takes place, when persons revisiting certain scenes of their child- hood, have found the renewal of the sensorial impressions of places bring vividly back to their minds the remembrance of events which had occurred in connection with them; and which had not only been long forgotten by themselves, but, if narrated to them by others, wrould not have been recognised by them as having ever formed part of their own experience. And it is not a little significant that the basis of such memories appears capable of being laid at a very early period of life ; as in the two following cases, of which the first is recorded by Dr. Abercrombie, whilst the second was mentioned to the Writer by the subject of it:— a. " A lady, in the last stage of chronic disease, was carried from London to a lodging in tho country :—there her infant daughter was taken to visit her, and, after a short interview, carried back to town. The lady died a few days after, and the daughter grew up without any recollection of her mother, till she was of mature age. At this time she happened to be taken into the room in which her mother died, without knowing it to have been so :—she started on entering it, and, when a friend who was with her asked the cause of her agitation, replied, ' I haA'e a distinct impression of having been in this room before, and that a lady who lay in that corner and seemed very ill, leaned over me and wept.' "—{Intellectual Powers, 5th Ed. p. 120.) b. Several years ago, the Bev. S. Hansard, now Eector of Bethnal Green, was doing clerical duty for a time at Hurstmonceaux in Sussex; and while there, he one day went over with a party of * This disappearance of some of the links from Consciousness, " as completely as if they had never formed part of the series," is a fact admitted by Psychologists of all schools, whatever may be their rationale of it.—See Mr. John Mill's Note to his Edition of James Mill's "Analysis," vol. i. p. 106. Alemory the Reproduction of Ideas. 431 friends to Pevensey Castle, which he did not remember to have ever previously visited. As he approached the gateway, he became conscious of a very vivid impression of having seen it before; and he " seemed to himself to see " not only the gateway itself, but donkeys beneath the arch, and people on the top of it. His conviction that he must have visited the Castle on some former occasion,—although he had neither the slightest remembrance of such a visit, nor any knowledge of having ever been in the neighbourhood previously to his residence at Hurstmonceaux,—made him enquire from his mother if she could throw any light on the matter. She at once informed him that being in that part of the country when he was about eighteen months old, she had gone over with a large part}', and had taken him in the pannier of a donkey; that the elders of the party, having brought lunch with them, had eaten it on the roof of the gateway where they would have been seen from below, whilst he had been left on the ground with the attendants and donkeys.—This case is remarkable for the vividness of the Sensorial impression (it may be worth mentioning that Mr. Hansard has a decidedly Artistic temperament), and for the reproduction of details which were not likely to have been brought up in conversation, even if he had happened to hear the visit itself mentioned as an event of his childhood, and of such mention ho has no remembrance whatever. c. "A remarkable case is mentioned by a writer (Miss H. Marti- neau?) of a congenital idiot who had lost his mother when he was under two years old, and who could not have subsequently been made cognizant of anything relating to her; and who yet, when dying at the age of thirty, " suddenly turned his head, looked bright and sensible, and exclaimed in a tone never heard from him before, ' Oh my mother! how beautiful!' and sunk round again—dead.'"—{House- hold Words, vol. ix. p. 200.) 341. Although it is commonly stated that Memory consists in the renewal of past Sensations and of the Ideas they have excited, it may be questioned whether impressions are really left on our minds by anything else than Ideas; and whether the repro- duction of Sensations, independently of the presence of the object of them, is not a secondary change, dependent upon the reaction 432 Of Memory. of Ideational (Cerebral) changes upon the Sensorium. It is certain that the most vivid reproduction of sensations is often consequent upon the recurrence of the ideational states with which they were originally associated. Thus a Boman Catholic friend of the Writer, who, when a boy, had gone to Confession for the first time with his mouth full of the taste of a sweet cake, which he had been eating just before, and his digestion of which had been emotionally disturbed, never went on the same errand for some years, without the distinct recurrence of the same flavour. Again, it is by no means uncommon for those who suffer acutely from Sea- sickness, to experience nausea at the mere sight of an agitated ocean, especially if a wave-tossed vessel be within view ; and a like feeling, it is said, has been excited by the sight of a toy, in which (by a peculiar combination of levers) the motion of a ship was imitated with peculiar fidelity. The Writer, indeed, was once as- sured by a lady that she had herself been affected with an actual paroxysm of sea-sickness, through having witnessed the departure of a friend by sea on a stormy day.-^Such facts, indeed, are so familiar as to have become proverbial; for the common expression " it makes me sick to think of it" is nothing else than the expression of a Sensorial feeling excited by an Ideational state. 342. This Sensorial feeling may, indeed, be so intense, as to repro- duce any bodily action that originally supervened on its first excite- ment. Thus Van Swieten relates of himself, that, having chanced to pass a spot where the bursting of the dead body of a dog produced such a stench as made him vomit, on passing the same spot some years afterwards he was so vividly affected by the recollection, that the sickness and even vomiting recurred. So it must be within the experience of every one, that tears rise at some painful or tender reminiscence; that the mental reproduction of circumstances which originally produced a blush of shame or self-consciousness, Avill call forth not merely the same emotion, but the same expres- sion of it; and that laughter is as often provoked by the remem- Automatic Reproduction of Ideas. 433 brance of some ludicrous incident, as it is by its actual occurrence. These facts, indeed, are so familiar, that they may seem too trivial to deserve notice ; but they have just the same significance as the equally familiar fact, that Coughing may be produced either by the stimulus of an irritation in the throat, or by the stimulus of a Volitional, i. e., Cerebral determination (§ 17). For they all tend to show that the immediate instrumentality of our Sensational con- sciousness is always the same, whether its remote Physical antecedent be au impression on the organs of the external senses, trans- mitted to the Sensorium through their afferent nerves, or be a change in the cortical substance of the Cerebrum—the instru- ment of the internal senses—transmitted downwards to the Sensorium by the nerve-fibres which constitute its medullary substance (§ 100). 312. It seems a strong confirmation of this doctrine, that if we wish to reproduce any Sensational state,—whether Visual, Auditory, Olfactive, Gustative, or Tactile,—we first recall by Recollection (§ 370) the notion of some object by which that state was for- merly produced; and it is only by giving our attention strongly to that notion, that we can bring ourselves to see, hear, smell, taste, or feel that which we desire to experience. Indeed it is not every one who can thus reproduce Sensational states, the general notion being most commonly all that is arrived-at; of this we have a good illustration in the conception we form of the face of an absent friend,—the number of persons Avho are able to reproduce the Visual image with sufficient distinctness to serve as a model for delineation, being comparatively small, although a much larger number would be able to say how far such a delineation realized their own conception of the countenance, and to point-out in what it might depart from this.—A further confirmation of this view is to be found in the familiar fact, that the expression of a countenance, which directly appeals to our Ideational conscious- ness, is much more distinctly recollected by most persons than 20 434 Of Memory. the features, the recognition of which is more dependent upou the recall of antecedent Sensational experiences.—What is true of the act of Becollection in this particular, is probably true also in great degree of spontaneous Memory; for although ' such a case as that to be presently related (§ 344 d) might seem to indicate that there may be a mere Sensorial memory—words and phrases being reproduced by their sound alone, without the attachment of any distinct meaning to them,—yet it can scarcely , be doubted by those who have carefully studied the phenomena of j Dreaming and Delirium, that wdiat was really reproduced in the the first instance was the patient's idea of her old master reciting as he walked up and down his passage; and that it was this idea which prompted her utterance of the words and phrases whose ^ sounds had come to be habitually associated with it. * 343. Now, it is obviously upon this recording of impressions, so that they are reproduced as Ideas when the appropriate suggesting} strings are pulled, that all our accumulated knoAvledge depends. For when we say that Ave " know" a language, or an author, or a depart- ment of science, Ave do not mean that the Avliole or eAren any part of that knowledge is present to our minds at the time ; since, as Sir | William Hamilton has justly remarked, "the infinitely greater part j of our spiritual treasures lies always beyond the sphere of our consciousness." The perfection of our knowledge consists, in fact, in the readiness and precision with which the appropriate words or ideas spontaneously present themselves, whenever we desire to . bring them ivithin the sphere of our consciousness ; aud this action ' depends upon the strength of the association previously formed between the word or idea actually before the mind at each moment, I and that Avhich furnishes the response to it. Thus, in speaking ' a foreign language with which we are thoroughly conversant, the automatic play of suggestion calls up the successive words or phrases that express the equivalents of those in which our thoughts have shaped themselves. In quoting a book with which we are \ Automatic Reproduction of Ideas. 435 familiar, the sequence of a long passage may be suggested by the mention of its first words, or by the starting of the idea that forms the subject of it. And when the man of science is called upon to "explain" a fact, his mind goes forth, as it were, in the direction most likely to lead to the recall of similar facts which he has pre- viously learned, and to that of some principle common to them all. —On the other hand, we say that we have " forgotten" a word or an idea, when we are conscious of the fact that we must have once known it, but cannot reproduce it at the moment. Thus, as a recent writer has remarked :— a. "If we have ever known a thing, the question whether we can be said to know it at any particular time, is simply whether we can readily reproduce it from the storehouse of our memory.—There are some ideas, which, if we may use so material an illustration, are systematically arranged in cupboards to which we have immediate access, so that we generally know exactly where to find what we want; this is the case with the knowledge that we have in constant daily use. And yet to whom has it not occurred to be unable to recollect, on the spur of the moment, a name or a phrase that is generally most familiar to him; just as he often fails to remember where he laid his spectacles, or his pencil-case, only five minutes before?—There are other icteas, again, which we know we have got put away somewhere, but cannot find without looking for them; as when we meet an acquaintance whom we have not seen for a long time, and recognise his face without being able to recall his name; or when we go to a foreign country, the language of which we have once thoroughly mastered, and find ourselves in the first instance unable either to speak or to understand it. In these cases, the lost ideas are pretty certain mther to be found, if we look for them, by putting in action that associative train of thought which we term recollection; or to turn up, spontaneously and unex- pectedly, when the effort to recollect has proved a failure, and we have abandoned the search as hopeless.—There is other knowledge, again, which we are not conscious either of possessing, or of ever having possessed; as in the conjugal experience familiar to most of us, in which a husband assures the wife of his bosom (the 436 Of Memory. converse case being perhaps hardly less frequent) that she never did tell him of some occurrence which he should most certainly have remembered if she had : and yet he may be brought to recollect, days or weeks afterwards, by the accidental shining-in of a light upon some dark corner of his ' chamber of imagery,' that the communication was really made, but was put away without any account being taken of it at the time."—{Quarterly Review, Oct. 1871, p. 318.) A distinguished Equity Judge has recently favoured the Writer with the following experience :— b. It has frequently occurred to him that "further proceedings" having been taken in a " cause " which he had " heard" some years previously, and had dismissed altogether from his mind, he has found himself in the first instance to have totally forgotten the whole of the former proceedings, not being even able to recollect that the " cause " had been previously before him. But in the course of the' argument, some word, phrase, or incident has furnished a suggestion, that has served at once to bring the whole case vividly into his recol- lection ; as if a curtain had been drawn away, and a complete picture presented to his view.—The entireness of his previous forget- fulness was probably due to the habit common to Barristers, of "getting up" their cases only to forget them as soon as possible (§ 362). • 344. Now there is very strong Physiological reason to believe that this " storing-up of ideas " in the Memory is the psychological expression of physical changes in the Cerebrum, by Avhich idea- tional states are permanently registered or recorded ; so that any "trace" left by them, although remaining so long outside the "sphere of consciousness" as to have seemed non-existent, may be revived again in full vividness under certain special conditions, ■—just as the invisible impression left upon the sensitive paper of the Photographer, is developed into a picture by the application of particular chemical re-agents. For in no other Avay does it teem possible to account for the fact of very frequent occurrence, that the presence of a fever-poison in the blood,—perverting the Automatic Reproduction of Ideas. 437 normal activity of the Cerebrum, so as to produce Delirium (§ 548) —brings within the "sphere of consciousness" the "traces" of mental experiences long since past, of which, in the ordinary condition, there was no remembrance whatever. Thus, the revival, in the delirium of fever, of the remembrance of a Language once familiarly known, but long forgotten, has been often noticed. The following case was mentioned to the Writer many years ago by a Medical friend, as having fallen under his own observation :— a. " An old Welch man-servant, who had left Wales at a very early age, and had lived with one branch or another of this gentleman's family for fifty years, had so entirely forgotten his native language, that when any of his Welch relatives came to see him, and spoke in the tongue most familiar to them, he was quite unable to understand it; but having an attack of fever when ho was past seventy, he talked Welch fluently in his Delirium." The following cases, recorded by Dr. Bush of Philadelphia, have points of interest peculiar to each :— 0. " An Italian gentleman, who died of yellow fever in New York, in the beginning of his illness spoke English, in the middle of it French, but on the day of his death only Italian." c. " A Lutheran clergyman of Philadelphia informed Dr. B. that Germans and Swedes, of whom he had a considerable number in his congregation, when near death always prayed in their native languages ; though some of them, he was confident, had not spoken these languages for fifty or sixty years." The following case, mentioned by Coleridge, is one of the most remarkable on record : its distinguishing feature being that the patient could never have known anything of the meaning of the sentences she uttered :— d. "In aBoman Catholic town in Germany, a young woman, who could neither read nor write, was seized with a fever, and was said by the priests to be possessed of a devil, because she was heard 438 Of Memory. talking Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Whole sheets of her ravines were written out, and found to consist of sentences intelligible in themselves, but having slight connection with each other. Of her Hebrew sayings, only a few could be traced to the Bible, and most seemed to be in the Babbinical dialect. All trick was out of the question ; the woman was a simple creature; there was no doubt aa to the fever. It was long before any explanation, save that of demoniacal possession, could be obtained. At last the mystery was unveiled by a physician, who determined to trace back the girl's history, and who, after much trouble, discovered that at the a»o of nine she had been charitably taken by an old Protestant pastor a great Hebrew scholar, in whose house she lived till his death. On further inquiry it appeared to have been the old man's custom for years to walk up and down a passage of his house into which the kitchen opened, and to read to himself with a loud voice out of his books. The books were ransacked, and among them were found several of the Greek and Latin Fathers, together with a collection of Babbinical writings. In these works so many of the passages taken down at tho young woman's bed-side were identified, that there could be no reasonable doubt as to their source."—Biograplua Literaria, edit. 1847, vol. i. p. 117. 315. The same occurrence has been noticed as a consequence of accidental blows on the head; though these more commonly occasion the loss than the recovery of a language. The following case of this kind is mentioned by Dr. Abercrombie, as having occurred in St. Thomas's Hospital :—■ " A man who had been in a state of stupor consequent upon an injury of the head, on his partial recovery spoke a language which nobody in the hospital understood, but which was soon ascertained to be Welch. It was then discovered that he had been thirty years absent from Wales, and that, before the accident, he had entirely forgotten his native language. On his perfect recovery he completely forgot his Welch again, and recovered the English language."—Op. cit. p. 148. 34G. If the following case, given by Dr. Abercrombie as having been related to him, be correctly recorded, the "traces" may be Automatic Reproduction of Ideas. 439 registered under conditions in which the Mind seems altogethe. dormant:— " A boy at the age of four suffered fracture of the skull, for which he underwent the operation of the trepan. He was at the time in a state of perfect stupor, and, after his recovery, retained no recollection either of the accident, or of the operation. At the age of fifteen, however, during the delirium of fever, he gave his mother an account of the operation, and the persons who were present at it, with a correct description of their dress, and other minute particulars. He had never been observed to allude to it before; and no means were known by which he could have acquired the circumstances which he mentioned."—Op. cit., p. 149.* 347. It seems perfectly clear, then, that under what we cannot but term purely physical conditions, strictly mental phenomena present themselves. It is common to the whole series of cases, that the automatic action of the " Mechanism of Thought" does that which Volition is unable to effect. Whether it be the toxic condition of the blood, or the simple excitement of the cerebral circulation generally, or the special direction of blood to a particular part of the brain, it is beyond our present power to tell; but as all Brain-change is (like the action of any other mechanism) the expression of Force, the production of these unusual mental phenomena by the instrumentality of an unusual reaction between the blood and the brain-substance is no more difficult of comprehension, than that of those ordinary forms of Psychical activity, which we have seen reason to regard as the results of the translation (so to speak) of one form of Force into another (§ 42). 348. It must be freely admitted that we have at present no certain knowledge of the mode in which the recording process is effected : * A variety of interesting cases, illustrating the general principles above stated, will be found in Dr. Abercrombie's little volume, and in Dr. Trichard's valuable Treatise on Insanity. 440 Of Memory. but looking to the considerations already adduced, as to the manner in which the Sensori-motor apparatus—the instrument of our bodily activity—appears to grow to the mode in which it is habitually exercised (§ 278), we seem justified in assuming that the same thing is true of the Cerebrum, which is the instrument of our mental activity; and the following may be suggested as a Physiological rationale for the phenomena under consideration:— The record of each of those states of consciousness, of the aggregate of which the acquirement of a Language is made up, must consist in some change in the nutrition of the brain; say, for example, the development of a certain group of nerve cells and nerve-fibres, constituting one connected system. The material particles constituting this system are continually changing; but, according to the laws of Nutrition (§ 27G), the structure itself is kept up by re-position of new matter in the precise form of the old. So long as this structure remains in acting connection with other parts of the Brain habitually called into play, the conscious memory of the Language is retained; that is, the individual wishing to recall the word or phrase that expresses the idea present to his mind, can do so. But by disuse this becomes more and more difficult. Thus it happens to the Writer, as doubtless to many others, that if an unusually long interval elapses without his having occasion to speak French, he finds him- self unable to call to mind French words and phrases, which, if spoken to him, or seen in writing, he at once understands; and yet, after being a week or two in France, and in the daily habit of speaking the language, he finds his ideas shaping themselves in French in the first instance, without the process of translation. The Physiologist would say that the nerve-tracks which disuse has ren- dered imperfe3t, have restored themselves by use; so that the part of the brain wdiich has recorded the Language, has been brought back into ready connection with that which ministers to the current play of ordinary Thought. But a more prolonged disuse Mechanism of Recording Process. 441 gradually produces such a disseverance, that no Volitional effort can bring about the recall of equiA-alents in a language once even more familiar than that of later years; and yet the Mechanism of the earlier thought is still preserved in working order, ready to be called into action by some unwonted stimulus. 349. The intimacy of the relation between the Psychical phenomena of Memory and the Physical condition of the Brain, is further shown by the effect of fatigue and of the impaired nutrition of old age in weakening the Memory; and of disease and injury of the brain in impairing it or destroying it. 350. Every one is conscious of the difference in the activity of the reproductive faculty on which Memory depends, according as his mind is fresh, or his head feels tired. The latter state, in wdiich the automatic activity and the directing power of the Will are alike reduced, is clearly dependent, like the feeling of Muscular fatigue, on the deterioration either of the organ, or of the blood, or of both combined, which results from the prolonged exercise of it (§ 474); and it is especially in our inability to recollect something which wre wish to call to mind, that the failure of power shows itself. An interval of repose completely restores the powers, obviously (to the mind of the Physiologist) by the renovation of the worn-out brain-tissue, and by the purification of the blood that has become charged with the products of its " waste."—So, transient lapses of Memory are often traceable to-a general lowering of the circulation produced by exhaustion ; the memory returning with the recovery of general power. Thus Sir H. Holland tells us :—" I descended on the same day two very deep mines in the Hartz Mountains, remaining some hours under ground in each. While in the second mine, and exhausted both from fatigue and inanition, I felt the utter impossibility of talking longer with the German Inspector who accompanied me. Every German word and phrase deserted my recoUection; and it was not until I had taken food and wine, and been some time at rest, that I regained them again."—Op. cit., p. 160. 442 Of Memory. 351. The impairment of the Memory in Old Age commonly shows itself in regard to new impressions ; those of the earlier period of life not only remaining in full distinctness, but even, it Avould seem, increasing in vividness, from the fact that the Ego is not distracted from attending to them by the continual influx of impressions produced by passing eArents. The ex- traordinary persistence of early impressions, when the mind seems almost to have ceased to register new ones, is in remark- able accordance with the law of Nutrition already referred to (§ 282). It is Avhen the Brain is growing, that a definite direction can be most strongly and persistently given to its structure. Thus the habits of thought come to be formed, and those nerve- tracks laid-down which (as the Physiologist believes) constitute tho mechanism of association, by the time that the brain has reached it maturity ; and the nutrition of the organ continues to keep up the same mechanism in accordance with the demands upon its activity, so long as it is being called into use. Further, during the entire period of vigorous manhood, the Brain, like the Muscles, may be taking-on some additional growth, either as a whole or in special parts; new tissue being developed and kept up by the nutritive process, in accordance with the modes of action to Avhich the organ is trained. And in this manner a store of "impressions" or "traces" is accumulated, which may be brought within the sphere of con- sciousness, whenever the right suggesting-strings are touched. But as the nutritive activity diminishes, the "waste" becomes more active than the renovation ; and it would seem that while (to use a commercial analogy) the "old-established houses" keep their ground, those later firms whose basis is less secure, are the first to crumble away,—the nutritive activity, which yet suffices to main- tain the original structure, not being capable of keeping the subse- quent additions to it in working order. This earlier degeneration of later-formed structures is a general fact perfectly familiar to the Physiologist. Effects of Old Agey Disease, and Injury. 443 352. The effects of Disease and Injury on the Memory are so mar- vellous and diverse, that only a very general indication of them can be here given. Cases are very common, in which the form of im- pairment just spoken of as characteristic of old age, shows itself to a yet greater extent; the Brain being so disordered by attacks of apoplexy or epilepsy (for example), as to be altogether in- capable of registering any new impressions; so that the patient does not remember anything that passes from day to day, whilst the impressions of events which happened long before the commence- ment of his malady, recur with greater vividness than ever. On the other hand, the Memory of the long-since-past is sometimes entirely destroyed; whilst that of events which have happened subsequently to the malady is but little weakened. The Memory of particular classes of ideas is frequently destroyed; that (for example) of a certain Language or some other branch of know- lenfe, or of the patient's domestic or social relations. Thus, a case was recorded by Dr. Beattie, of a gentleman, who, after a blow on the head, found that he had lost his knowdedge of Greek, but did not appear to have suffered in any other way. A similar case has been recently communicated to the Writer, in Avhich a lad, who lay for three days insensible in consequence of a severe blow on the head found himself on recovering to have lost all the Music he had learned, though nothing else had been thus " knocked out of him." Similar losses of acquired Languages have been noted as results of Fevers.__Dr. Abercrombie relates a curious case, on the authority of an eminent medical friend, in which a surgeon who suffered an injury of the head by a fall from his horse, on recovering from insensibility, gave minute directions in regard to his own treatment, but was found to have lost all remembrance of having a wife and children ; and this did not return until the third day. {Op. cit. p. 156). One of the most curious examples of this limited loss of Memory occurred in the case of Sir Walter Scott, who, having produced one of his best works under the 444 Of Memory. pressure of severe illness (§ 124 e), was afterwards found to have entirely forgotten what he had thus constructed. a. " The book (says James Ballantyne) was not only written hut published, before Mr. Scott was able to rise from his bed; and he assured me, that when it was first put into his hands in a complete shape, he did not recollect one single incident, character, or conversation it contained ! He did not desire me to understand, nor did I under- stand, that his illness had erased from his memory the original incidents of the story, with which he had been acquainted from his boyhood. These remained rooted where they had ever been; or, to speak more explicitly, he remembered the general facts of the existence of the father and mother, of the son and daughter, of the rival lovers, of the compulsory marriage, and the attack made by the bride upon the hapless bridegroom, with the general catastrophe of the whole. All these things he recollected, just as he did before he took to his bed ; but he literally recollected nothing else,—not a single character woven by the romancer, not one of the many scenes and points of humour, nor anything with which he was himself connected, as the writer of the work."—{Life of Walter Scott, chap, xliv.) b. A case has been lately mentioned to the Writer by his friend Dr. J. B. Beynolds, in which a Dissenting minister, apparently in perfectly sound health, went through an entire pulpit service on a certain Sunday morning with the most perfect consistency,—his choice of hymns and lessons, and his extempore prayer, being all related to the subject of his sermon. On the following Sunday morning, he went through the introductory part of the service in precisely the same manner,—giving out the same hymns, reading the same lessons, and directing his extempore prayer in the same channel. He then gave out the same text, and preached the very same sermon as he had done on the previous Sunday. When he came down from the pulpit, it was found that he had not the smallest remembrance of having gone through precisely the same service on the previous Sunday ; and when he was assured of it, he felt considerable uneasi- ness lest his lapse of memory should indicate some impending attack of brain-disease. None such, however, supervened; and no rationale can be given of this curious occurrence, the subject of it not being liable to fits of " absence of mind," and not having had his thoughts engrossed at the time by any other special pre-occupation. Partial Losses of Memory. 445 353. Sometimes, again, the Memory of persons is unimpaired, whilst that of places remains vigorous ; so that persons are only recognized when seen in the accustomed localities. This was remarkably shown in the case of a gentleman of con- siderable Scientific ability, with whom the Writer had been in close intimacy from boyhood, and who had been accustomed frequently to spend an evening at his house. When he had passed the age of seventy, but while retaining an unusual degree of bodily vigour, he was observed by his friends to be forgetful of circumstances which had happened not long previously, and occasionally to show a want of comprehension of any unusual words. For example, when the Writer happened to speak of the beautiful Comet then visible (1855), his friend said, " What do you mean ?", and could only be made to understand by being shown the comet from a window. Again, though continually at the British Museum, the Boyal Society, and the Geological Society, he would be unable to refer to either by name, but would speak of "that public place." He still continued his visits to his friends, and recognized them in their own homes, or in other places (as the Scientific Societies) where he had been accus- tomed to meet them; but the Writer, on meeting him at the house of one of the oldest friends of both, usually residing in London, but then staying at Brighton, found that he was not recognized; and the same want of recognition showed itself when the meeting took place out of doors. The want of memory of words then showed itself more conspicuously; one word being substituted for another, sometimes in a manner that showed the chain of association to be (as it were) bent or distorted, but sometimes without any recognizable relation. Thus on calling one day at the Writer's residence, and finding neither him nor Mrs. C. at home, he asked his son (then quite a lad) " how his wife was," meaning, of course, his mother. But about the same time, he told a friend that " he had had his umbrella washed," the meaning of which was gradually discovered to be, that he had had his hair cut. This impairment progressively increased to such a degree that he could with difficulty make himself understood, though he was generally able to recognise the meaning of what was said to him, and would assent if the right words were supplied. His general health con- tinued vigorous for some time, but his Memory progressively failed; and 446 Of Memory. at last he became obviously unfit to take care of himself. It was curious that after he had lost the ordinary power of expressing himself intelligibly, and even that of comprehending what was said to him, he would swear most tremendously when opposed in anything he tried to do, although he had not been accustomed to use such language in his previous life ; and the same has been noticed in other cases of a like kind. His life was terminated by an attack of apoplexy; which confirmed the judgment that had been previously formed as to the progressive impairment of tho nutrition of the Brain (§ 355). 354. The loss of the Memory of Words, exemplified in the preced- ing case, is a special disorder which not unfrequently presents itself: the patient understanding perfectly well what is said, but not being able to reply in any other terms than yes or no, or by affirmative or negative gestures ; not from any paralysis of the muscles of articulation, but from incapability of expressing the ideas in language. To this condition, the term Aphasia has been recently applied. Sometimes the memory of words is impaired merely, so that the patient mistakes the proper terms. And in some instances there is an obvious association, though an irrelevant one, between the word used and the Avord that ought to have been used ; thus the case of a Clergyman has been lately mentioned to the Writer, who continually confuses "father" and "son,'' "brother" and "sister," "gospel" and "epistle," or the like. But sometimes there is no recognizable relation, so that the patient speaks a most curious jargon. Again, the Memory of only a particular class of words, such as Nouns or Verbs, may be lost; or the patient may remember the letters of which a word is composed, and may be able to spell his wants, though he cannot speak the word itself; asking for bread (for example) by the separate letters b, r, e, a, d.—A very curious affection of the Memory is that in which the sound of spoken words does not convey any idea to the mind; yet the individual may recognize in a written or printed list of words, those which have been uttered by the speaker, the sight of them enabling Partial Loss of Memory:—Aphasia. 44 7 him to understand their meaning. Conversely, the sound of the word may be remembered, and the idea it conveys fully appreciated; but the visual memory of its written form may be altogether lost, although the component letters may be recognized.—For this class of phenomena, in which there is rather a severance of the Associa- tive connections that have been formed between distinct states of consciousness, than an actual annihilation of the impression left by any of the latter, the term " Dislocation of Memory " has been proposed by Sir H. Holland ; but, as he justly remarks, "no single term can express the various effects of accident, disease, or decay, upon this faculty, so strangely partial in their aspect, and so abrupt in the changes they undergo, that the attempt to classify them is almost as vain as the research into their cause." {Chapters on Mental Physiology, p. 146.) 355. It has been recently affirmed that this class of cases affords distinct evidence of the dependence of a particular affection of the Mind upon a particular disorder of the Brain ; for a large number of cases of Aphasia have been collected, in which a degeneration of structure was found after death in a certain part of the anterior lobe of one side (usually the left) of the Cerebrum. This degeneration seems most commonly due to an impairment of Nutrition, con- sequent upon deficient supply of blood; the arterial trunk Avhich supplies this part being plugged up either by a fibrinous clot* (constituting the condition termed " embolism "), or by a morbid deposit upon its lining membrane ; the latter being the condition found in a case recently communicated to the Writer by a Medical friend, who was a near relative of the patient.—But it would certainly be premature to speak of this relation as an established * The fibrinous clot is brought from the Heart, where it is produced as a consequence of valvular disease ; and the acute observation of Dr. J. Hughlinga Jackson, who first pointed out the frequent dependence of this brain-lesion upon "embolism" of the middle meningeal artery, has supplied the rationale of the frequent occurrence of Apoplexy in connection with Heart-disease, which had long since been recognised as a fact of observation. 448 Of Memory. fact; for the association between the Mental state and the Cerebral lesion has been shown to be by no means constant * ; and there is, moreover, good reason to think that several states essentially different have been grouped together under the general designation Aphasia. 356. It is not a little remarkable that even in some of those cases in which the impairment of Memory has resulted from a fever or other disease, or from an accident, the lost power should suddenly return. Thus Dr. Bush, of Philadelphia, was acquainted with a person of considerable attainments, who, on recovering from a fever, was found to have lost all his acquired knowledge. When his health was restored, he began to apply himself to the Latin Grammar; and while, one day, making a strong effort to recollect a part of his lesson, the whole of his lost impressions suddenly returned to his remembrance, so that he found himself at once in possession of all his former acquirements. The like sudden restor- ation, after an equally sudden loss for a much longer period, is a remarkable feature of a very interesting case presently to be detailed (§ 360 a). And the Physiologist who accepts the doctrine of the original dependence of Memory on a physical registration, and the dependence of the reproductive power upon the activity of the Blood-circulation, will be disposed to look for the causation of such limited and temporary lapses, in modifications in the Cir- culation produced by local and transient alterations in the calibre of the arteries, under the influence of the Vaso-motor system of nerves (§ 113). And it seems a confirmation of this view, that in both these cases the recovery took place under Emotional excite- ment, Avhich exerts a peculiar power over that portion of the Nervous system. 357. There is another class of familiar phenomena, which affords strong evidence of the dependence of the recording process upon Nutritive changes in the brain. Every one is aware that what is * See especially Dr. Bateman's Treatise on Aphasia, London, 1870. Physical Nature of Recording Process. 449 rapidly learned—that is, merely " committed to Memory,''—is very commonly forgotten as quickly, " one set of ideas driving out an- other." That thorough apprehension of what is learned, on the other hand, by which it is made (as it were) part of the Mental fabric, is a much slower process. The difference between the two is expressed by the colloquial term " cramming," as distinguished from " learning ;" the analogy being obvious to the overloading the stomach with a mass of food too great to be digested and assimi- lated within a given time, so that a large part of it passes out of the body without having been applied to any good purpose in it. A part of this difference obviously consists in the formation of Mental Associations between the newly acquired knowledge and that previously possessed ; so that the new ideas become linked on with the old by suggesting chains. Such is especially the case when we are applying ourselves to the study of any branch of knowledge, with the view of permanently mastering it; and here the element of time is found practically to be very important. Thus it is recorded of Lord St. Leonards, that having (as Sir Edward Sugden) been asked by Sir T. F. Buxton what was the secret of his success, his answer was,—" I resolved, when beginning to read Law, to make everything I acquired perfectly my own, and never to go to a second thing till I had entirely accomplished the first. Many of my competitors read as much in a day as I read in a week ; but at the end of twelve months, my knowledge was as fresh as on the day it was acquired, whilst theirs had glided away from their recol- lection."—{Memoirs of Sir T. F. Buxton, chap, xxiv.) 358. In this Assimilating process it is obvious that the new knowledge is (as it were) turned OArer and over in the Mind, and viewed in all its aspects ; so that by coming to be not merely an addition to the old, but to interpenetrate it, the old can scarcely be brought into the " sphere of consciousness " without bringing the new with it. And from the considerations already adduced, it seems almost beyond doubt that the formation of this Asso- 45o Of Memory. ciative nexus expresses itself in the Physical structure of the Brain, so as to create a mechanism whereby it is perpetuated so long as the Nutrition of the organ is normally maintained. 359. Still more direct and cogent evidence of the dependence of Memory upon a registering process that consists in some Nutritive modification of the Brain-tissue, is afforded by the fact well known to Medical men, that when a person has sustained a severe injury to the head which has rendered him temporarily insensible, he generally finds himself, on recovering from his insensibility, unable to retrace the events which had immediately preceded, though his remembrance of what had gone before is not at all impaired. The following example of this frequent occurrence has been com- municated to the Writer by his friend the Bev. S. Hansard, whose remarkable reminiscence of a very early impression has been already noticed (§ 339 b). He was driving his wife and child in a phaeton, when the horse took fright and ran away ; and all attempts to pull him in being unsuccessful, the phaeton was at last violently dashed against a wall, and Mr. H. was thrown out, sustaining a severe concussion of the brain. On recovering, he found that he had forgotten the immediate antecedents of the accident; the last thing he remembered being that he had met an acquaintance on the road about two miles from the scene of it. Of the efforts he had made, and the terror of his wife and child, he has not, to this day, any recollection whatever. 360. The same indication that time is needed for the effectual performance of the registration, may be drawn from another class of phenomena familiar to all. In what we call " learning by heart,"—which should be rather called learning by Sense, instead of by Mind,—we try to imprint on our memory a certain sequence of words, numbers, musical notes, or the like ; the reproduction of these being mainly dependent upon the association of each item with that Avhich follows it, so that the utterance of the former, or the picture of it in the mind's eye, suggests the next. We see this plainly enough, when children are set to learn a piece of Physical Nature of Recording Process. 451 poetry of which their Minds do not take-in the meaning ; for the rhythm affords here a great help to the suggestive action; and nothing is more common than to hear words or clauses—transferred, perhaps, from some other part of the poem—substituted for the right ones, though not only inappropriate, but absolutely absurd, in the lines as uttered. So, again, if the child is at fault, he does not think of the meaning of the sentence, and of what is wanted to complete it, but "tries back" over the preceding words, that their sound may suggest that of the Avord he has forgotten. This form of Memory sometimes endures through life, even in in- dividuals of great acquirements ; and where it exists in unusual strength, it seems rather to impede than to aid the formation of that nexus of associations, which makes the acquired knowledge a part of the Mind itself. Thus it is stated by Dr. Abercrombie, that Dr. Leyden, who was distinguished for his extraordinary power of learning languages, could repeat correctly a long Act of Parliament, or any similar document, after having once read it. Being congratulated by a friend on his remarkable gift, he replied that instead of being an advantage, it was often a source of great inconvenience to him. This he explained by saying that when he wished to recollect a particular point in anything which he had read, he could only do it by repeating to himself the whole from the commencement, till he had reached the point he wished to recall.— Op. cit., p. 101. Here the "recording process" would seem to be very little higher in character than that by which the brain of the German servant-maid became impressed by the sounds of the Hebrew sentences recited by her master (§ 344 d). For it must have been the sequence of words, rather than the relations of the ideas conveyed by them, that constituted the chain of association. And we seem able to trace the Physiological working of this process, in the fact known to every school-boy who has to commit to memory fifty lines of Virgil, that if he can " say them to himself," even 452 Of Memory. slowly and bunglingly, just before going to sleep, he Avill be able to recite them much more fluently in the morning. For we have here an obvious indication that the renovation of the brain-substance Avhich takes place during sleep, going on without interruption by new impressions on the Sensorium, gives time for the fixation of the last impressions by nutritive change.—We have, moreover, a remarkable converse phenomenon in the rapid fading-away of a Dream, which, at the moment of waking, we can reproduce with extraordinaiy vividness; for the "trace" left by its details is soon obliterated by the new and stronger impressions made on our waking consciousness: so that, a few hours afterwards, we are often unable to revive more than the general outline of the dream, and perhaps not even that, unless we have told it to another when it was fresh in our minds, of which act a " trace" would be left. 361. There are two classes of persons who are professionally called upon for great temporary exercises of Memory, viz., Dramatic performers and Barristers. An Actor, when about to perform a new " part," not only commits it to memory, but " studies " it, so as to make it part of himself; and all really great actors identify them- selves for the time with the characters they are performing (§ 463). When a "part" has once been thoroughly mastered, the per- former is usually able to go through it, even after a long interval, with very little previous preparation. But an Actor is sometimes called upon to take a new " part" at a very short notice ; he then simply learns it by heart, and speedily forgets it. A case of this kind is cited by Dr. Abercrombie, as having been the experience of a distinguished Actor, on being called on to prepare himself in a long and difficult part, at a few hours' notice, in consequence of the illness of another performer. He acquired it in a very short time, and went through it with perfect accuracy; but forgot it to such a degree, immediately after the performance, that although he performed the character for several days in succea- Limitation of Memory. 453 sion, he was obliged every day to prepare it anew, not having time to go through tho process of " studying " it. When questioned respect- ing the mental process which he employed the first time he performed the part, he said that he entirely lost sight of the audience, and seemed to have nothing before him but the pages of the book from which he had learned it; and that, if anything had occurred to interrupt this illusion, he should have instantly stopped.—Op. cit., p. 103. 362. In the case of Barristers, who are called upon to "get up " the " briefs " which are supplied to them, to master the facts, to apply to them the principles of Law, and to present them in the Court in the form which they deem most advantageous to the cause they have undertaken to plead, the very highest faculties of Mind are called into active exercise : but in consequence, it would seem, of the w-ant of previous connection with the case (of which they know nothing but what is set down in their brief), and of the complete cessation of that connection so soon as the decision has been given, they very commonly "forget all about it," by the time that they haA'e transferred their attention to their next brief. A curious case of this kind was mentioned to the Writer a few years ago by an eminent Barrister (since-elevated to the Judicial Bench), whose great scientific attainments led to his being frequently employed in Patent-cases. A heavy case of this kind being placed in his hands, ho was reminded of having been engaged by the same parties in the same case, when it had been first brought to trial about a year previously. He had not the slightest remem- brance of its having ever been before him ; none of the particulars of it seemed familiar to him ; and he was only convinced that he really had taken part in the previous trial, by finding the record of his engagement in his fee-book. Even when he came to "get up" the case again, no remembrance of his former attention to it came within his " sphere of consciousness."—(See also § 343 b). 363. It seems, then, to admit of question, whether everything that passes through our Minds thus leaves its impression on their 454 Of Memory. material instrument; and whether a somewhat too extensive generalization has not been erected on a rather limited basis. For the doctrine of the indelibility of Memory rests on the spontaneous revival, under circumstances indicative of some change in the physical condition of the Brain, of the long dormant "traces" left by such former impressions as are referable to one or other of the three following categories :—(1) States of Consciousness as to places, persons, languages, &c, which are habitual in early life, and which are, therefore, likely to have directed the growth of the Brain ; (2) Modes of Thought in which the forma- tion of Associations largely participates, and which are likely to have modified the course of its maintenance by Nutrition after the attainment of maturity; or (3) Single experiences of peculiar force and vividness, such as are likely to have left very decided " traces," although the circumstances of their formation were so unusual as to keep them out of ordinary Associational remem- brance. Thus, in the remarkable case mentioned in § 316, it would seem that all the Mind the patient then had must have been concentrated upon the impressions made upon his Sensorium, which were thus indelibly branded, as it were, upon his Organism; but that these "traces," being soon covered up by those resulting from the new experiences of restored activity, remained outside the " sphere of consciousness," until revived by a Physical change, Avhich reproduced the images of the objects that had left them. 364. This Beproduction, however, is not all that constitutes Memory; for there must be, in addition, a recognition of the reproduced state.of Consciousness as one Avhich has been formerly experienced; and this involves a distinct Mental state, Avhich has been termed the "consciousness of agreement." Without this recognition, we should live in the present alone ; for the repro- duction of past states of Consciousness Avould affect us only like the succession of fantasies presented to us in the play of the Consciousness of Personal Identity. 455 Imagination. We should only be conscious of them as present to us at the time of their recurrence, and should not in any way connect them with the past. Hence this Consciousness of Agreement be- tween our present and our past Mental experiences, constitutes the basis of our feeling of personal identity; for, if it were entirely extinguished, there would be nothing to carry on that feeling of identity from one moment to another. I am satisfied that 7" am the person to whom such >aud such experiences happened yesterday or a month, or a year, or twenty years ago ; because I am not only conscious at this moment of the ideas which represent those experiences, but because I recognize them as the revived represen- tations of my past experiences. But I may be told by others that things have happened to me in the past, of which I can call up no remembrance whatever, even when they mention circumstances likely to revive their traces by Association. And in this case, I cannot recognize my own identity with the subject of these experiences, save as I do so indirectly by reliance on the testimony of those who relate them. Sometimes, indeed, we come so com- pletely to realize such forgotten experiences, by repeatedly picturing them to ourselves, that the ideas of them attain a force and vivid- ness which equals or even exceeds that which the actual memory of them would afford. In like manner, when the Imagination has been exercised in a sustained and determinate manner,—as in the composition of a work of fiction,—its ideal creations may be reproduced with the force of actual experiences; and the sense of personal identity may be projected backwards (so to speak) into the characters which the Author has " evolved out of the depths of his own consciousness,"—as Dickens states to have been continually the case with himself. And something of the same kind has happened to most persons, however unimaginative they may be, in the reproduction of ideas which have previously only passed through the mind in Dreams; for almost every one has had occasion, at some time or other, to say " Did this really happen to 456 Of Memory. me, or did I dream it ? "—the past mental experience having been as complete in the one case as in the other. a. A remarkable case of this kind has lately been related to the Writer.—A Lady of advanced age, who retains a remarkable degree of general Mental activity, continually dreams about passing event-', and seems entirely unable to distinguish between her dreaming and her waking experiences, narrating the former with implicit belief in them, and giving directions based upon them, until corrected. Though at first impatient of such corrections, she now readily accepts them, having become quite aware of her infirmity. 365. Though we are accustomed to speak of Memory as if it consisted in an exact reproduction of past states of Consciousness, yet experience is continually showing us that this reproduction is very often inexact, through the modification which the " trace" has undergone in the interval. Sometimes the trace has been partially obliterated; and what remains may serve to give a very erroneous (because imperfect) view of the occurrence. And where it is one in which our own Feelings are interested, we are extremely apt to lose sight of what goes against them, so that the representation givTen by Memory is altogether one- sided. This is continually demonstrated by the entire dis- similarity of the accounts of the same occurrence or conversa- tion, which shall be given by two or more parties concerned in it, even when the matter is fresh in their minds, and they are honestly desirous of telling the truth. And this diversity will usually become still more pronounced with the lapse of time: the trace becoming gradually but unconsciously modified by the habitual course of thought and feeling; so that when it is so acted on after a lengthened interval as to bring up a reminiscence of the original occurrence, that reminiscence really represents, not the actual occurrence, but the modified trace of it. And this is the source of an enormous number of "fallacies of testimony," which recent experiences of Mesmerism and Fallacies of l\Icmory. 457 Spiritualism have brought into strong light. For the very pre- valent disposition to believe in the marvellous is found so to change the form of the original record, without the least intention of doing so, that the most truthful narrator may come to believe implicitly in a version of an occurrence, which differs in some most essential point from the facts of the case as known to himself (or herself) at the time.—The following example of this change is given by Miss Cobbe, who has specially directed attention to these " Fallacies of Memory :— "It happened once to the Writer to hear a most scrupulously conscientious friend narrate an incident of Table-turning, to which she appended an assurance that the table rapped when nobody was within a yard of it. The writer being confounded by this latter fact, the lady, though fully satisfied of the accuracy of her statement, promised to look at the note she had made ten years previously of the transaction. The note was examined, and was found to contain the distinct statement that the table rapped when the hands of six persons rested on it! The lady's memory as to all other points proved to be strictly correct; and in this point she had erred in entire good faith."—{Hours of Work and Play, p. 100.) 366. The old story of "the three black crows" is, in fact, con- tinually being repeated ; so that incidents in which there is really nothing wonderful, come to be magnified into most surprising and perplexing phenomena. If some sagacious inquirer, however, would perseveringly take up the clue, and carry a searching investigation backwards to the fans et origo of every such narrative, he would probably succeed as well as Dr. Noble did in the following case, which be has kindly communicated to the Writer for publication :— "It was, I think, in 1845, that Mesmerism was exciting much interest in Manchester, as in many other parts of the country; and a great deal was made, by enthusiastic advocates, of Miss Martineau's adhesion to the cause. This lady had a maid, whom, in her record of mesmeric experiences, she called J. This person was said to be a wonderful clairvoyant; and besides what was published of her doings. 21 458 Of Memory. unauthenticated representations of the same became tho frequent topic in discussions on the subject. It was stated to me again and again, as to a sceptic, that Miss Martineau's J. could converse, when in her mesmeric state, in languages that she had never learnt, and of which she knew nothing when in her ordinary condition. Of course, I could not admit the verity of such an astonishing fact upon moro hearsay. But it was confidently averred that Lord Morpeth (the late Earl of Carlisle) had tested J. as to this power, and had found it real. It happened about this time, soon after I had heard these things, that being in Liverpool I met at dinner a brother-in-law of Miss Marti- neau ; and him I questioned as to what he knew of the thaumaturgic doings of which I had heard. He told me that what I had heard was not quite accurate; but that the fact was, J. had replied in the verna- cular to questions proposed by Lord Morpeth in the foreign tongue. This statement, I thought, though wonderful enough, diminished the marvellous character of the incident materially ; for I reasoned that, probably, the nature of the queries might approximately be inferred from the intonation used in putting them. However, a few weeks later, Lord Morpeth had occasion to come to Manchester, pre- siding at an Athenaeum Soiree ; and the late Mr. Braid, during this visit, invited Lord Morpeth to come and witness his own particular experiments, suggestive of the true interpretation to be affixed to Mesmeric phenomena, so far as they were real. I was present during the exhibition, whereat Lord Morpeth assisted, actively and with great interest. I remembered the story about J., and took advantage of the opportunity to ask his Lordship what really happened. Lord Morpeth said, " No, it was not so ; I certainly spoke to J. in a foreign language, and, by an unmeaning articulation of sound, she imitated my speech after a fashion ; that was all! " And thus disappeared the last shred of this marvel.—I have told this anecdote so frequently since the period in question, that I am absolutely sure of the literal accuracy of my recollection in this matter." 367. This modification of the " traces " left by the original events or narrations, in accordance with the preconceptions of those through whom they are successively transmitted, has doubtless been, in all ages, a fertile source of those Beligious Myths, which are accepted by some as representations of actual events, and repudiated by Double Consciousness. 459 others as mendacious inventions ; whilst others again regard them, with more justice, as having grown up by a process of gradual accretion and modification, and as representing the Ideas current among the disciples of any particular Creed, between the time of the occurrences on wdiich they are based, and that of their full develop- ment as a body of doctrine. Modern criticism has done no greater service, than in shoAving that disbelief in the Myths themselves may be perfectly consistent with a full recognition of the honesty and good intentions of those with whom they originated, their memory alone being in fault. 368. In that remarkable abnormality known as Double Conscious- ness (§ 489), there is a break, more or less complete, between the two states, A and B, as regards the conscious Memory of the occur- rences of each ; for the experiences of state A constitute one phase of existence, and the experiences of state B an entirely distinct phase. Still, although the memory of actual occurrences may be wanting, there is often recognizable a persistence of habitual modes of thought or feeling, such as in their aggregate constitute the Character. Thus in a -very interesting case elsewhere cited (§ 418 a) as having been shown to the Writer by Mr. Braid, the subject of it, who was a firm teetotaller, haAing been repeatedly assured by Mr. Braid that he was drunk, and his own feelings of unsteadiness (induced by Muscular suggestion) falling in with this assurance, it Avas most amusing to witness the conflict in his mind between, the idea thus forced into it, and the idea derived from his habitual practice that he " could not have had any gin and water." And so in other cases (§§ 453, 490) in which considerable excitement of feeling had been induced during the abnormal state, the " trace " of it obviously lasted into the ordinary state, without any ideational remembrance, either of the excitement itself, or of the occurrences that had called it forth.—Hence, then, we may conclude, that if it were possible completely to obliterate all memory of the past, so that the conscious life of the individual 460 Of Memory. would begin altogether de novo, there Avould be this degree of connection between the new and the old life,—that the modes of thought and feeling established by Habit would tend to reproduce themselves ; in so far, that is, as the similarity of external conditions should tend to call them into corresponding action. Considering, however, the extraordinary complexity of the associa- tions Avhich make up that record of past experiences whereon nearly all our Mental operations are based, it could not be expected that the new experiences should act on the mechanism altogether in the same manner as they would do if the old could be recalled. And it will suffice to confirm the view here advocated, if it can be shown that there are definite indications of such action. Such, the Writer believes, may be clearly recognized in the following case; which is here cited at length as probably being the most remark- able instance of the temporary extinction of all memory of the past, without the stupor which would prevent the reception of new im- pressions, that has ever been recorded by an intelligent observer.* a. The subject of this case was a young woman of robust constitution and good health, who accidentally fen into a river and was nearly drowned. She remained insensible for six hours after the immersion; but recovered so far as to be able to give some account of the accident and of her subsequent feelings, though she continued far from well. Ten days subsequently, however, she was seized with a fit of complete stupor, which lasted for four hours ; at the end of which time she opened her eyes, but did not seem to recognize any of her frienda around her : and she appeared to be utterly deprived of the senses of hearing, taste, and smell, as well as of the power of speech. Her Mental faculties seemed to be entirely suspended; her only medium of communication with the external world being through the senses of Sight and Touch, neither of which appeared to arouse ideas in her mind, though respondent movements of various kinds were excited mrough them. Her vision at short distances was quick ; and so great was the exaltation of the general sensibility upon the surface of tho * See Mr. Dunn's Narrative in the Lancet, November lo and 29, 1815. Temporary Suspension of Memory. 461 body, that tho slightest touch would startle her; still, unless sho was touched, or an object or a person was so placed that she could not help seeing the one or the other, she appeared to be quite lost to eveiything that was passing around her. She had no notion that she was at home, not the least knowledge of anything about her; sho did not even know her own mother, who attended upon her with tho most unwearied assiduity and kindness. Wherever she was placed, there she remained during the day.....Her appetite was good ; but having neither taste nor smell, she ate alike indifferently whatever she was fed with, and took nauseous medicines as readily as delicious viands. All the automatic movements unconnected with sensation, of which the Spinal Cord is the instrument, seemed to go on without interference ; as did also those dependent upon the sensa- tions of sight and touch; whilst the functions of the other Sensory ganglia, together with those of the Cerebral hemispheres, appeared to be in complete abeyance. The analysis of the facts stated regarding her ingestion of food seems to make this clear. She swallowed food when it was put into her mouth; this was a purely automatic action, the reception by the lips being excited by tactile sensation, whilst the act of deglutition, when the food has been carried within reach of the pharyngeal muscles, is excited without the necessary concurrence of sensation. But she made no spontaneous effort to feed herself with the spoon, showing that she had not even that simple idea of helping herself, which infants so early acquire ; though after her mother had conveyed the spoon a few times to her mouth, so as to renew the association between the muscular action and the sensorial stimulus, the patient continued the operation. It appears, however, to have been necessary to repeat this lesson on every occasion; showing the complete absence of memory for any idea, even one so simple and so immediately connected with the supply of the bodily wants. The difference between an instinct and a desire or propensity (§§ 57, 261) is here most strikingly manifested. This patient had an instinctive tendency to ingest food, as is shown by her performance of the actions already alluded to ; but these actions required the stimulus of the present sensation, and do not seem to have been connected with any notion of the character of the object as food; at any rate, there was no manifestation of the existence of any such notion or idea, for sho displayed no desire for food or drink q.62 Of Memory. in the absence of the objects, even when she must have been con- scious of the uneasy sensations of hunger and thirst.—The very limited nature of her faculties, and the automatic life she was leading, appear further evident from the following particulars. One of her first acts on recovering from the fit, had been to busy herself in picking the bed-clothes ; and as soon as she was able to sit up and bo dressed, she continued the habit by incessantly picking some portion of her dress. She seemed to want an occupation for her fingers, and accordingly part of an old straw bonnet was given to her, which she pulled into pieces of great minuteness: she was afterwards bounti- fully supplied with roses; she picked off the leaves, and then tore them into the smallest particles imaginable. A few days subsequently, she began forming upon the table, out of these minute particles, rude figures of roses and other common garden-flowers ; she had never received any instructions in drawing. Boses not being so plentiful in London, waste paper and a pair of scissors were put into her hands ; and for some days she found an occupation in cutting tho paper into shreds; after a time these cuttings assumed rude figures and shapes, and more particularly the shapes used in patchwork. At length she was supplied with proper materials for patchwork; and after some initiatory instruction, she took to her needle and to this employment in good earnest. She now laboured incessantly at patchwork from morning till night, and on Sundays and week-days, for she knew no difference of days; nor could she be made to comprehend the difference. She had no remem- brance from day to day of what she had been doing on the previous day, and so every morning commenced de novo. Whatever she began, that she continued to work at while daylight lasted; mani- festing no uneasiness for anything to eat or drink, taking not the slightest heed of anything which was going on around her, but intent only on her patchwork. She gradually began, like a child, to register ideas and acquire experience. This was first shown in connexion with her manual occupation, From patchwork, after having exhausted all the materials within her reach, she was led to the higher art of worsted-work, by which her attention was soon engrossed as constantly as it had before been by her humbler employ- ment. She was delighted with the colours and the flowers upon the patterns that were brought to her, and seemed to derive special Temporary Suspension of Memory. 463 enjoyment from the harmony of colours; nor did she conceal her want of respect towards any specimen of work that was placed before her, but immediately threw it aside if the arrangement dis- pleased her. She still had no recollection from day to day of what she had done, and every morning began something new, unless her unfinished work was placed before her; and after imitating tho patterns of others, she began devising some of her own. The first ideas derived from her former experience, that seemed to be awakened within her, were connected with two subjects which had naturally made a strong impression upon her ; namely, her fall into the river, and a love-affair. It will be obvious that her pleasure in the symmetrical arrangement of patterns, the harmony of colours, &c, was at first simply sensorial; but she gradually took an interest in looking at pictures or prints, more especially of flowers, trees, and animals. When, however, she was shown a landscape in which there was a river, or the view of a troubled sea, she became intensely excited and violently agitated; and one of her fits of spasmodic rigidity and insensibility immediately followed. If the picture were removed before the paroxysm had subsided, she manifested no recol- lection of what had taken place; but so great was her feeling of dread or fright associated with water, that the mere sight of it in motion, its mere running from one vessel to another, made her shudder and tremble; and in the act of washing her hands, they were merely placed in water. From this it may be inferred that simple ideas were now being formed ; for whilst the actual sight or contact of moving water excited them by the direct Sensorial channel, the sight of a picture containing a river or water in movement could only do so by giving rise to the notion of water.—From an early stage of her illness, she had derived obvious pleasure from the proximity of a young man to whom she had been attached; he was evidently an object of interest when nothing else would rouse her; and nothing seemed to give her so much-pleasure as his presence. He came regu- larly every evening to see her, and she as regularly looked for his coming. At a time when she did not remember from one hour to another what she was doing, she would look anxiously for the open- ing of the door about the time he was accustomed to pay her a visit; and if he camo not, sho was fidgetty and fretful throughout tho ovening. When by her removal into the country she lost sight of 464 Of Memory. him for some time, she became unhappy and irritable, manifested no pleasure in anything, and suffered very frequently from fits of spasmodic rigidity and insensibility. When, on tho other hand, he remained constantly near her, she improved in bodily health, early associations were gradually awakened, and her Intellectual powers and memory of words progressively returned.—We here see very clearly the composite nature of the Emotion of Affection. At first, there was simple pleasure in the presence of her lover, excited by the gratification which the impress of former associations had con- _ nected with the sensation. Afterwards, however, it was evident that the pleasure became connected with the idea; she thought of him when absent, expected his return (even showing a power of measuring time, when she had no memory for anything else), and manifested discomfort if he did not make his appearance. Here we see the true Emotion, namely, the association of pleasure with the idea; and the manner in which the desire would spring out of it. The desire, in her then condition, would be inoperative in causing voluntary move- ment for its gratification; simply because there was no Intellect for it to act upon. Her Mental powers, however, were gradually returning. She took greater heed of the objects by which she was surrounded ; and on one occasion, seeing her mother in a state of excessive agitation and grief, she became excited herself, and in the emotional excitement of the moment suddenly ejaculated, with some hesitation, "What's the matter ? " From this time she began to articulate a few words; but she neither called persons nor things by their right names. The pronoun '' this'' was her favourite word ; and it was applied alike to every individual object, animate and inanimate. The first objects which she called by their right names were wild flowers, for which she had shown quite a passion when a child; and it is remarkable, that her interest in these and her recollection of their names should have manifested itself, at a time when she exhibited not the least recollection of the "old familiar friends and places" of her child- hood. As her Intellect gradually expanded, and her ideas became more numerous and definite, they manifested themselves chiefly in the form of emotions; that is, the chief indications of them wero through the signs of Emotional excitement. These last were fre- quently exhibited in the attacks of insensibility and spasmodic Temporary Suspension of Memory. 465 rbndity, which came on at the slightest alarm. It is worth remarking that similar attacks, throughout this period, were apt to recur three or four times a day, when her eyes had been long directed intently upon her work; which affords another proof how closely the Emotional cause of them must have been akin to the influence of Sensory impressions, the effects of the two being precisely the same. The mode of recovery of this patient was quite as remarkable as anything in her history. Her health and bodily strength seemed completely re-established, her vocabulary was being extended, and her mental capacity was improving; when she became aware that her lover was paying attention to another woman. This idea imme- diately and very naturally excited the Emotion of jealousy ; which, if we analyse it, will appear to be nothing else than a painful feeling connected with the idea of the faithlessness of the object beloved. On one occasion this feeling was so strongly excited, that she fell down in a fit of insensibility, which resembled her first attack in duration and severity. This, however, proved sanatory. When the insensibi- lity passed off, she was no longer spell-bound. The veil of oblivion was withdrawn; and, as if awakening from a sleep of twelve months' duration, she found herself surrounded by her grandfather, grand- mother, and their familiar friends and acquaintances, in the old house at Shoreham. She awoke in the possession of her natural faculties and former knowledge; but without the slightest remembrance of anything which had taken place in the year'1 s interval, from the invasion of the first fit up to the present time. She spoke, but she heard not; she was still deaf, but being able to read and write as formerly, she was no longer cut off from communication with others. From this time she rapidly improved, but for some time continued deaf. She soon per- fectly understood by the motion of the lips what her mother said ; they conversed with facility and quickness together, but she did not understand the language of the lips of a stranger. She was completely unaware of the change in her lover's affections, which had taken place in her state of " second consciousness;" and a painful explana- tion was necessary. This, however, she bore very well; and she has since recovered her previous bodily and mental health. 369. It is clear from what has preceded, that Memory is essentially an automatic form of Mental activity. By far the larger part of our 466 Of Memory. Psychical operations depend on the mechanism by which past states of consciousness spontaneously reproduce themselves : and while the Metaphysician accounts for this reproduction on the principle of " association of ideas," the Physiologist holds that in the formation of such associations, certain modifica- tions took place in the organization of the Brain, which determine its mode of responding to subsequent suggestions; so that, under the stimulus of new impressions either from without or from within the long-dormant " traces " of former mental states are caused to reproduce themselves as Ideas and Feelings.—But while this faculty is essentially automatic, it is one which is peculiarly capable of being guided and disciplined by the Will; and as there is no part of our Mental action, in which what the Will can and what it cannot do is more clearly distinguishable, it will he worth while to dwell somewhat particularly on the subject. 370. The act of Recollection is the Volitional exercise of the Auto- matic power of "reproduction," which we put in practice whenever we try to remember something that does not spontaneously present itself when wanted; our knowledge of what is wanted, which directs the action of the Will (§ 324), extending only to the con- viction that we have once known it, and that the desiderated Idea would be found hid away somewhere in the recesses of our minds, if we could only tell in what direction to look for it. This conviction may be derived from the very circumstances of the case : —as when we meet a man Avhose face is perfectly familiar to us, and with whom we feel sure that we have been in personal communication on some previous occasion, but whose name we forget;' or when, in speaking a foreign language, the word or phrase that would express our thought does not occur to us, although we know that we must have not only have once learned it, but also retained it in our minds. Or it may be impressed on us by the assurance of others that a certain communication has been made to us, of which we have entirely lost the remembrance. i Nature of Volitional Recollection. 46 7 371. In the first place, it may be positively affirmed that we cannot call up any Idea by a direct exertion of Volition; for it is as necessary a condition of the operation of the Will on the Brain, as it is of its action on the Muscles, that we should have before our consciousness the idea of what is willed; and if we have got this already, it cannot be what Ave want. How, then, do we " call to mind " an idea, of which all that we know is, that it represents a something which has at some former time been an object of consciousness 1 372. The process really consists in the fixation of the Attention upon one or more of the ideas already present to the mind, which may directly recall, by suggestion, that which is desiderated; the very act of thus attending to a particular idea serving not only to intensify the idea itself, but also to strengthen the associations by which it is connected with others. There are certain ideas so familiar to us, that they seem necessarily to recur upon the slightest prompting of suggestion ; yet even with regard to these, the volitional Becollection at any particular time involves tho process just described. Thus if a man be asked his own name, he usually finds no difficulty iu giving the proper answer ; because it only requires that his attention should be directed to the idea involved in the words "my name," to suggest the words of which that name may consist. But if the individual should be in that state of "absence of mind," which really consists in the fixation of the attention upon some internal train of thought (§ 445), he may not be able on a sudden to transfer his attention to the new idea that is forced upon his consciousness ab externo; and may thus hesitate and bungle, before he is able to answer the question with positiveness.—So, again, it sometimes happens in old age, that men fail to recollect their own names, or the names of persons most familiar to them, in consequence of the Aveakening of the bond of direct association ; and they then only recall it by the operation to be presently described. And in tliose abnormal states 468 Of Memory. of mind, in wdiich the power of Vohtionally directing the current of thought is for a time suspended, the individual cannot recall either his own name or any other most familiar idea, if "pos- sessed" with the conviction that such recollection is impossible (§ 462). 373. But supposing that—the Mind being in full possession of its ordinary powrers—the desiderated idea does not at once recur suggestively, on the direction of the attention to some idea already present to our consciousness : Ave then apply the same process to other ideas which successively come before us, selecting those which we recognize as most likely to suggest that which wo require, and following out one train of thought after another, in the directions which Ave deem most suitable ; until we either succeed in finding the idea of which we are in search, or give-up the pursuit as hopeless. Thus a man who is making up his accounts, and finds that he has expended a sum in a mode which he cannot recollect, sets himself to consider what business he has done, where he has recently been, what shops he may have entered, and so on. Or when a man meets another whom he recognizes as an acquaintance without remembering his name, he runs over a number of names (one being suggested by another, when the attention is directed to them), in hopes that some one of these may prove to be that which will furnish the clue to the one he has forgotten ; or he thinks of the place in which he may have previously seen him, this being recalled by fixing the attention on the association suggested by the sight of his face and figure, or by the sound of his voice, or by his personality altogether ; or he endeavours to retrace the time which has elapsed since he last met with him, the persons amongst whom he then was, or the actions in which he was engaged ; that some one or other of these various associations may suggest the desiderated name. Or, when a man tries to retrace some "train of thought" Avhich has formerly passed through his mind, but of which he only remembers that the subject of it had been before Culture of the Memory. 469 him, he may often recover it by following it out (as it were) from the original starting-point; when the whole, with its conclusion" will often flash into the mind at once. Thus, the Writer well recollects that, when going to register the birth of one of his own children, he found, when approaching the Office, that he had entirely forgotten the intended name, which had been decided on after a considerable amount of domestic discussion; and only brought it to his remembrance by "trying back" over the reasons which had determined the one finaBy selected. 374. Nothing can more clearly prove the essentially automatic nature of the process, than the fact familiar to every one, that when we have been striving by all the means at our command to recover a lost idea—as, for example, to remember where Ave have put away an important paper—and have abandoned the effort as hopeless, it " comes into our heads" some time afterwards, under circum- stances which seem to justify the conclusion that we have started, by our volitional effort,* a train of Cerebral mechanism, which unconsciously evolves a result that is then brought to our con- sciousness by being transmitted to the Sensorium. This subject) however, will be better discussed hereafter, in connection with other phenomena of "Unconscious Cerebration" (§§ 419—423). —The automatic action of Memory, as contrasted with its volitional exercise, is further shown by its activity in the states of Dreaming, Somnambulism, Intoxication, Delirium, and Insanity ; in which the directing power of the Will is suspended, while the Automatic power of the Brain is in full play. (See Chaps. XV.—XVII.) 375. But while the faculty of Memory immediately depends upon a mechanism over the working of which the Will has only an indirect control, the culture and discipline by which that mechanism is shaped and directed is essentially Volitional. And since all acquirement of knowledge depends, in the first place, on our recording power, and, in the second, on our power of finding 470 Of Memory. what has been stored-away (so to speak) in our " Becord-office," the culture of an exact and ready Memory is one of the most im- portant parts of Intellectual Education.*—Now the recording power mainly depends upon the degree of Attention we give, whether automatically or volitionally (§ 118), to the idea to be remembered ; and this will depend, for the most part, upon the degree of attraction it has for us. Thus a person who is fond of any particular study, will generally have a better memory for the ideas which come before him in the pursuit of it, than for those belonging to any other subject; wdiilst, on the other hand, how- ever determinately a student may labour to acquire some branch of knowledge for which he has no natural aptitude, he finds that it is not only much more difficult to keep his Attention fixed upon it, but that a more close and prolonged fixation is required to im- print it on his Memory.—The reproducing power, again, altogether depends upon the nature of the Associations by which the new idea has been linked-on to other ideas wh;ch have been previously recorded, and which enter into our habitual current of thought. Some associations are local or accidental, forming themselves, instead of being formed at any bidding of our own; over these we have very little control. But those which are most useful to us in the acquirement of Knowledge, and over the formation of which we have the most power, may be distinguished as rational; being based on the fundamental relations of the ideas themselves, the perception of which gives to the new idea a definite place in our fabric of thought (§ 321). This is the kind of Memory which it is most desirable to cultivate to volitional attention; since it tends to bring-up the ideas we have previously acquired, whenever we have special occasion to reproduce them. A merely verbal memory can scarcely be said to give us knowledge; it merely supplies us with the symbols by which knowledge can be acquired (§ 198). * This subject is treated with great practical ability in Dr. Abercrombie's " Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers." CHAPTER XI. OF COMMOX SENSE. 3)o. The term "Common Sense" has been used in a vast variety of acceptations, of which a most learned collection will be found in Sir William Hamilton's supplemental note to Dr. Beid's Essay; but it will be convenient here to use that of Dr. Beid himself, who says that the office of Common Sense, or the " first degree of reason," ia to "judge of things self-evident," as contrasted with the office of " the second degree of reason" (or Batiocination), which is "to draw conclusions that are not self-evident from those that are."—The distinction between " Common Sense," and "Batiocination" or the "discursive power," is regarded by Sir William Hamilton as equivalent to that which the Greek philoso- phers meant to indicate by the terms vovs and biavoia; and our colloquial use of the former, as corresponding to that cultivated Common Sense which is often distinguished as " good sense," is thereby justified.—There are, however, two principal forms of this capacity, which it is desirable clearly to distinguish. 377. The first is wdiat the philosopher means by Common Sense, when he attributes to it the formation of those original convictions or ultimate beliefs, which cannot be resolved into simpler elements, and which are accepted by every normally-constituted human being as direct cognitions of his own mental states (§199). It might, indeed, be maintained that this " necessary " acceptance of propositions which only need to be intelligibly stated to command unhesitating and universal assent, cannot be rightly termed an act of judgment. But just as Sense-perceptions, which are intuitive in the lower Animals, have to be acquired in Man by a process of 472 Of Common Sense. self-education in the earliest stages, in which acts of judgment are continually called-for (§§ 1G0—184), so may avc regard the autocratic deliverances of the universal Common Sense of Mankind as really having, in the first instance, the characters of true judgments, each expressing the general resultant of uniform experience,—Avhich may be partly that of the Individual, and partly that of the Bace embodied in the Constitution of each member of it (§§ 201, 202). 378. The second or popular acceptation of the term Common Sense, on the other hand, is that of an attribute which judges of things wdiose self-evidence is not equally apparent to every individual, but presents itself to different individuals in very different degrees, according in part to the original cohstitution of each, and in part to the range of his experience and the degree in which he has profited by it. This is the form of Common Sense by which Ave are mainly guided in the ordinary affairs of life : but inasmuch as we no longer find its deliverances in uniform ac- cordance, but encounter continual divergences of judgment as to what things are " self-evident,"—some being so to A whilst they are not so to B, and others being self-evident to B which are not so to A,—it cannot be trusted as an autocratic or infallible authority. And yet, as Dr. Beid truly says, " disputes very often terminate in an appeal to common sense;" this being especially the case, when to doubt its judgment would be ridiculous. 379. If the view here taken be correct, these two forms—which may be designated respectively as elementary and as ordinary Com- mon Sense—have fundamentally the same basis; and Ave may further connect with them as having a similar genesis, those special forms of Common Sense, Avhich are the attribute of such as have applied themselves in a Scientific spirit to any particular course of inquiry, ■—things coming to be perfectly " self-evident" to men of such special culture, which ordinary men, or men Avhose special culture has lain in a different direction, do not apprehend as such. A Nature of Common-Sense Judgments. 473 380. The judgment of Common Sense as to any " self-evident " truth may be defined as the immediate or instinctive response that is given (in Psychological language) by the automatic action of the mind, or (in Physiological language), by the reflex action of the brain to any question which can be ansAvered by such a direct appeal. The nature and value of that response will depend upon the acquired condition of the mind, or of the brain, at the time it is given; that condition being the general resultant of the whole Psychical activity of the individual. The particular form of that activity is determined, as we have seen, in the first place, by his original constitution; secondly, by the influences Avhich have been early brought to bear upon it from without; and thirdly, by his own poAver of self-direction. And it may be said that while the elementary form of Common Sense depends mainly upon the first of these factors, its ordinary form chiefly arises out of the first and second, and its special forms almost exclusively out of the third;—the response being given, in each case, by a nervous mechanism, in the organization of which the generalized results of the past experiences of consciousness (Avhether of the race or of the individual) have become embodied.—This doctrine may be made more intelligible to those Avho have not been accustomed to look at questions of this kind from the Physiological point of view, by reverting to what has been shown as to the Sense-perceptions and the Instinctive movements dependent upon them (Chap. V.) ; the capacity for each of these forms of activity, like that for "judging of things self-evident," being acquired by the action of experience on the original constitution. 381. The parallel between the Cerebral action which furnishes the mechanism of thought now under consideration, and the action of the Sensori-motor apparatus which furnishes the mechanism of sense and motion, is extremely close. We have seen that there are certain Sense-perceptions, which, although not absolutely intuitive, very early come to possess—in every normally 174 Of Common Sense. constituted Human being—the immediatcness and perfection of tliose corresponding perceptions which are intuitive in the lower animals (§ 161) ; and that with these are associated certain respon- dent motions, which, though acquired by practice in the first in- stance, ultimately come to be performed as by a " second nature." Certain of these motions, such as walking-erect, are universally acquired; and thus obviously come to be the expressions of the original endowments of the mechanism, trained by an experience very similar in the uniformity of its character to that which educates the elementary form of Common Sense. For it must be clear to any one who compares the erect progression of a child who has just learned to walk, Avith that of a "dancing dog'' or even of a chimpanzee, that while experience makes its acquirement possible in each case, only an organism which is at the same time structu- rally adapted for erect progression, and possessed of a special co-or- dinating faculty, can turn such experience to full account (§ 192). The balancing the body in the erect position at starting, the mainte- nance of that balance by a new adjustment of the centre of gravity as the base of support is shifted from side to side and from behind forwards, and the alternate lifting and advance of the legs, involve the harmonious co-operation of almost all the muscles in the body. Although this co-operation is brought about in the first instance by the purposive direction of our efforts towards a given end, under the guidance of our visual and muscular sensations, yet when we have once learned to walk erect, we find ourselves able to maintain our balance without any exertion of wdiich we are conscious ; all that is necessary for the performance of this move- ment being that a certain stimulus (volitional, or some other) shall call the mechanism into activity.—But further, we have seen that special powers of Sense-perception can be acquired by the habitual direction of the attention to particular classes of objects; and that special movements come to be the secondarily automatic expres- sions of them (§ 193). How nearly related these arc to the preced- Analogy of Secondarily-automatic Movements. 475 ing, avc may assure ourselves by attending to the process by which an adult learns to Avalk on a narrow base, such as a rope or the edge of a plank. For the co-ordinating action has here to be gone through afresh under altered and more special conditions, so as to give a greater development to the balancing power; yet when this has been fully acquired, it is exerted automatically with such an immediateness and perfection, that a Blondin can cross Niagara on his rope with no more danger of falling into the torrent beneath, than any ordinary man would experience if walking without side- rails along the broad platform of the suspension-bridge which spans it. Now since in those cases in which Man acquires powers that arc original or intuitive in the lower animals, there is the strongest reason for believing that a mechanism forms itself in him which is equivalent to that congenitally possessed by them, we seem fully justified in the belief that in those more special forms of activity which are the result of prolonged " training," the Sensori- motor apparatus grows-to the mode in Avhich it is habitually exer- cised, so as to become fit for the immediate execution of the mandate it receives (§ 194): it being often found to act not only without intelligent direction, but Avithout any consciousness of exertion, in immediate response to some particular kind of stimu- lus,—just as an Automaton that executes one motion when a certain spring is touched, will execute a very different one when set going in some other way. 382. There is strong analogical ground, then, for the belief that the higher part of the Nervous mechanism which is concerned in Psychical action, will follow.the same law; embodying the gene- ralized result of its experiences, so as to become able to evolve, by a direct response, a result of which the attainment originally required the intervention of the conscious mind at several inter- mediate stages of the process. What there is strong ground for believing in regard to the perceptional consciousness, may fairly be extended to the ideational, which is so intimately related to it, 476 Of Common Sense. that it may be said to be only a higher development of the same form of Psychical activity. And thus our Intellectual conviction of the existence of the external world (for example) would be derived from the effect produced upon our original constitution by the automatic generalization of a multitude of separate experiences; tho resultant of this generalization having probably been embodied in the Nervous mechanism, long before the Intelligence is sufficiently developed to cognosce the idea which mentally represents it. The conviction, however, that those other " first truths" of a purely Intellectual character (§ 199), the aggregate of which constitutes the elementary Common Sense of the Philosopher, are not only true within tho range of actual experience, but must be universally true, is one which requires not only a more advanced stage of Intel lectual development for its formation, but a Mental fabric specially prepared for its reception. And the unhesitating adoption of any proposition as " self-evident," which thus distinctly transcends the experience of the Individual, implies a congenital tendency to that mode of thought, which belongs to the constitution of the Bace (§ 201). 383. The like view may be extended to that acquired aptitude " for judging of things self-evident," here designated as ordinary Common Sense; the deliverances of which may be regarded as based on the aggregate of our past experiences, which have ranged themselves in the unconscious depths of our Intellectual nature by a process of automatic co-ordination, and have become embodied in our Cerebral organization. We often find it strongly manifested by persons of very limited acquirements, who are said to have a " fund of native good sense." On the other hand, we often meet Avith a singular want of it in persons of great learning, whose judgments about things that arc " self-evident" to men of ordinaiy capacity are obviously untrustworthy. And if we examine into the nature of this difference, we shall find it to lie partly in the original Constitution of the individual, and partly in the range of A Unconscious Co-ordination of Experiences. 477 the unconscious co-ordinating action, which in the former case brings the whole experience to bear upon the question, whilst the decisions of the latter are based upon a limited, and therefore one-sided, view 0f jt,—tihe defect of judgment being clue either to an original want of the co-ordinating power, or to disuse of the exercise of it through the limitation of the attention to special fields of study. It may often be noticed that Children display a poAver of bringing "common sense" to bear upon the ordinary affairs of life, which seems much beyond that of their elders; and yet a very sensible child will often grow into a much less sensible man. Now the reason of this seems to be, that the Child perceives the application of "self-evident" considerations to the case at issue, without being embarrassed by a number of other considerations (perhaps of a trivial or conventional nature) Avhich distract the attention and unduly influence the judgment of the adult. And the deliverances of a child's " common sense" thus often resemble tliose of the olo* "Court Fools" or "Jesters," whose function seems to have been to speak out "home truths" Avhich timid courtiers would not venture to utter. Moreover, as has been well remarked, " it is quite possible for minds of limited power to manage a small range of experience much better than a large, to get confused (as it were) with re- sources on too great a scale, and therefore to show far more Common Sense within the comparatively limited field of childish experience, than in the greater world of society or public life. This is probably the explanation of a thing often seen,—how very sagacious people instinctively shrink from a field Avhich their tact tells them is too large for them to manage, and keep to one where they are really supreme." {Spectator, Feb. 3, 1872.) 384. Now, in so far as our conscious Mental activity is under the direction of our Will, we can improve this form of Common Sense, as to both its range and the trustAVorthiness of its judgments, by appropriate training. Such training, as regards the purely Intel- lectual aspect of Common Sense, wiU consist in the determinate I 478 Of Common Sense. culture of the habit of honestly seeking for Truth,—dismissing prejudice, setting aside self-interest, searching out all that can be uro-ed on each side of the question at issue, endeavouring to assign to every fact and argument its real value, and then weighing the two aggregates against each other with judicial impartiality. For in proportion to the steadiness with which this course is volitionally pursued, must be its effectiveness in shaping the mechanism Avhose automatic action constitutes the " unconscious thinking," of which the results express themselves in our Common-Sense judgments. Such was eminently the habit of mind of Joseph Hume; a man whom it was tho fashion to abuse and ridicule, simply because his honest and consistent advocacy of great principles now universally accepted, placed him in advance of his time; but who in private life, as the Writer has been informed by a member of his family, was so noted for the excellence of his judgment, that he was continually re- sorted to by his friends for advice. This was readily and explicitly given, and was almost invariably justified by the event; but he could seldom assign reasons for his conclusions. All he would say was, " Such is my opinion, but I cannot tell you how I have arrived at it." And thus his judgments were obviously the deliverances of his originally strong " Common Sense," improved by the discipline of the determinate and systematic direction of his conscious thinking to the attainment of Truth, the reaction of which on his automatic mechanism imparted to its operations the like tendency. 385. The ordinary Common Sense of mankind, disciplined and enlarged by appropriate culture,, becomes one of the most valuable instruments of Scientific inquiry ; affording in many instances the best, and sometimes the only, basis for a rational conclusion. A typical case, in which no special knowledge is required, is afforded by the "flint implements" of the Abbeville and Amiens gravel beds. No logical proof can be adduced that the peculiar shapes of these flints were given to them by Human hands; but no unprejudiced person Avho has examined them now doubts it. The evidence of design, to which, after an examination of one or two A Ordinary and Special Common Sense. 479 such specimens, we should only be justified in attaching a probable value, derives an irresistible cogency from accumulation. On the other hand, the improbability that these flints acquired their peculiar shape by accident, becomes to our minds greater and greater as more and more such specimens are found; until at last this hypothesis, although it cannot be directly disproved, is felt to be almost inconceivable, except by minds previously "possessed" by the " dominant idea " of the modern origin of Man. And thus what was in the first instance a matter of discussion, has now become one of those "self-evident" propositions, which claim the unhesitating assent of all Avhose opinion on the subject is entitled to the least weight. 38G. We proceed upwards, however, from#such questions as the Common Sense of mankind generally is competent to decide, to those in AA-hich special knowdedge is required to give value to the judgment: and here we must distinguish between those depart- ments of inquiry in which Scientific conclusions are arrived-at by a process of strict reasoning, and those in which they partake of the nature of Common-Sense judgments. Of the former class Ave have a typical example in Mathematics, and in those "exact sciences" Avhich make use of mathematics as their instrument of proof; but even in these, it is "common-sense" which affords not only the basis, but the materials of the fabric. For while the Axioms of Geometry are " self-eAident" truths Avhich not only do not require proof, but are not capable of being proved in all their uni- versality (§ 200), every step of a " demonstration" is an assertion of which our acceptance depends on our incapability of conceiving either the contrary or anything else than the thing asserted. And thus the certain assurance of the Q. E. D. felt by every person capable of understanding a Mathematical demonstration, depends upon the conclusive "self-evidence" of each step of it. But we not unfrequently meet with individuals, not deficient in ordinary Com- mon Sense, wdio cannot be brought to see this "self-evidence;'' wdiilst 480 Of Common Sense. on the other hand, the advanced Mathematician, when adventuring into new paths of inquiry, is able to take a great deal for granted as " self-evident," Avhich at an earlier stage of his researches would not have so presented itself to his mind. The deliverances of this acquired intuition can in most cases be readily justified by the reasoning process which they have anticipated. But the genius of a Mathematician—that is, his special aptitude developed by special culture—will occasionally enable him to divine a truth, of which, though he may be able to prove it experientially, neither he nor any other can at the time furnish a logical demonstration (§ 205). In this divining power Ave ha\re clear evidence of the existence of a capacity which cannot be accounted for by the mere "co- ordination " of antecedent experiences, whether of the Individual or of the Bace ; and yet, as already shown, such co-ordination has furnished the stimulus to its development (§§ 202—207). 387. Of those departments of Science, on the other hand, in which our conclusions rest (like those of ordinary Common Sense) not on any one set of experiences, but upon our unconscious co-ordination of the whole aggregate of our experiences,—not on the conclusiveness of any one train of reasoning, but on the convergence of all our lines of thought towards one centre,—Geology may be taken as a typical example. For this inquiry brings (as it were) into one focus, the light afforded by a great variety of studies,— Physical and Chemical, Geographical and Biological; and throws it on the pages of that great Stone Book in which the past history of our globe is recorded. And its real progress dates from the time when that " common sense " method of interpretation came to be generally adopted, which consists in seeking the explanation of past changes in the forces at present in operation, instead of invoking (as the older Geologists were wont to do) the aid of extraordinary and mysterious agencies. Of the adequacy of common sense to arrive at a decisive judgment under the guidance of the convergence just indicated, we have a good Co-ordination of Special Experiences. 481 example in the following occurrence :—A man having had his pocket ricked of a purse, and the suspected thief having been taken with a purse upon him, the loser was asked if he could swear to it as his property. This he could not do; but as he was able to name not only the precise sum which the purse contained, but also the pieces of money of which that sum consisted, the jury unhesitatingly assigned to him the ownership of the purse and its contents.—A mathematician could have calculated, from the number of the coins, what were the chances against the correctness of a mere guess ; but no such calculation could have added to the assurance afforded by common sense, that the man who could tell not only the number of the coins in the purse, but the value of each one ' of them, must have been its possessor. 388. Familiar instances of the like formation of a basis of ' Judgment by the unconscious co-ordination of experiences, will be found in many occurrences of daily life ; in which the effect of special training manifests itself in the formation of decisions, that are not the less to be trusted because they do not rest on assign- able reasons :— a. Thus, a Literary man, who has acquired by culture the art of writing correctly and forcibly, without having ever formally studied either grammar, the logical analysis of sentences, or the artifices of rhetoric, will continually feel, in criticizing his own writings or those of others, that there is something faulty in style or construction, and may be able to furnish the required correction, whilst altogether unable to say in what the passage is wrong, or why his amendment sets it right. 0. Or, to pass into an entirely different sphere, a practised Detective will often arrive, by a sort of divination, at a conviction of the guilt or innocence of a suspected person, which ultimately turns out to be correct; and yet he could not convey to another any adequate reasons for his assurance, which depends upon the impression made upon his mind by minutice of look, tone, gesture, or manner, which have little or no significance to ordinary observers, but which his specially-cultured Common Sense instinctively apprehends (§ 423). 389. But, in the ordinary affairs of life, our Common-Senso 23 482 Of Common Sense. judgments are so largely influenced by the Emotional part of our nature—our individual likes and dislikes, the predominance of our so'fish or of our benevolent affections, and so on,—that then value Avill still more essentially depend upon the earnestness and per- sistency of our self-direction towards the Bight. The more faithfully, strictly, and perseveringly we try to disentangle our- selves from all selfish aims, all conscious prejudices, the more shall we find ourselves progressively emancipated from those unconscious prejudices, which cling around us as results of early misdirection and habits of thought, and Avhich (having become embodied in our organization) are more dangerous than those against which wc knowingly put ourselves on our guard. And so, in proportion to the degree in which we habituate ourselves to try every question by firs>t principles, rather than by the supposed dictates of a temporarv expediency, will the Mechanism of our "unconscious thinking" form itself in accordance with those principles, so as often to evolve results Avhich satisfy both ourselves and others Avith their " self-evident" truthfulness and rectitude.—It has been well remarked by a man of large experience of Human nature and action, that the habitual determination to do the right thing, marvellously clears the Judgment as to matters purely intellectual or prudential, having in themselves no moral hearing. Of this we have a good illustration in the advice which an eminent and experienced Judge (the story is told of Lord Mansfield) is said to have given to a younger friend, newly appointed to a Colonial judge- ship :—" Never give reasons for your decisions ; your judgments will very probably be right, but your reasons will almost certainly be wrong." The meaning of this may be taken to be:—" Your legal instinct, or specially-trained Common Sense, based on your general knowledge of Law, guided by your honesty of intention, will very probably lead you to correct conclusions ; but your knowledge of the technicalities of law is not sufficient to enable you to give reasons for those conclusions, which shall bear the test of hostile scrutiny." 390. But further, in any of those complicated questions that are Progressive Improvement of Common Sense. 483 pretty sure to come before us all at some time or other in our lives,—as to which there is " a great deal to be said on both Bides;" in which it is difficult to say what is prudent and even what is right; in which it is not "duty and inclination that are at issue, but one set of duties and inclinations at issue with another, —Experience justifies the conclusion to which Science seems to point, that the habitually well-regulated mind forms its surest judgment by trusting to the automatic guidance of its Common Sense ; just as a rider who has lost his road is more likely to find his way home by dropping the reins on his horse's neck, than by continuing to jerk them to this side or that in the vain search for it. For continued argument and discussion, in which the feelings arc excited on one side, provoke antagonistic feelings on the other; and no true balance can bo struck until all these adventitious influences have ceased to operate. When all the considerations which ought to be taken into the account have been once brought fully before the mind, it is far better to leave them to arrange themselves, by turning the conscious activity of the mind into some other direction, or by giving it a complete repose. If adequate time be given for this unconscious co-ordination, which is especially necessary when the Feelings have been strongly and deeply moved, we find, when we bring the question again under consideration, that the direction in which the mind gravitates is a safer guide than any judgment formed when we are fresh from its discussion (§ 431). 391. Not only may the range and value of such Common-Sense judgments be increased by appropriate culture in the individual, for, of all parts of our higher nature, the aptitude for forming them is probably that which is most capable of being transmitted hereditarily; so that the descendant of a well-educated ancestiy constitutionally possesses it in much higher measure than the progeny of any savage race. And it seems to be in virtue of this automatic co-ordination of the elements of j udgmcnt, rather than 484 Of Common Sense. of any process of conscious ratiocination—by the exercise of the vovs rather than of the Siivoia—that the Bace, like the Individual, emancipates itself from early prejudices, gets rid of worn-out beliefs, and learns to look at things as they are, rather than as they have been traditionally represented. This is Avhat is really expressed by the " Progress of nationalism." For although that progress undoubtedly depends in great part upon the more general diffusion of knowledge, and the higher culture of those intellectual powers which are exercised in the acquirement of it, yet this alone Avould be of little avail, if the self-discipline thus exerted did not act downwards in improving the mechanism that evolves the "self-evident" material of our reasoning processes, as well as upwards in more highly elaborating their product. If we examine, for instance, the history of the decline of the belief in Witchcraft, we find that it was not killed by discussion, but perished of neglect. The Common Sense of the best part of mankind has come to be ashamed of ever having put any faith in things whose absurdity now appears "self-evident;" no discussion of evidence once regarded as comincing is any longer needed; and it is only among those of our hereditarily-uneducated population, Avhose general intelligence is about upon a par with that of a Hottentot or an Esquimaux, that we any longer find such faith entertained. —In the Writer's belief, the " Spiritualistic" doctrines of the present day will be looked upon by the Intelligence of future generations, with the same pitying wonder that we extend to the old belief in Witchcraft. 392. There is, in fact, a sort of under-current, not of actually formed Opinion, but of tendency to the formation of opinions, in certain directions, which bursts up every noAV and then to the sur- face ; exhibiting a latent preparedness in the public mind to look at great questions in a new point of view, which leads to most striking results when adequately guided. That "the hour is come—and the man," is what History continually reproduces; Development of Intuitive Power. 485 neither can do anything effectively without the other. But a great idea thrown out by a mind in advance of its age, takes root and germinates in secret, shapes the " unconscious thought " of a few individuals of the next generation, is by them diffused still more widely, and thus silently matures itself in the "womb of time," until it comes forth, like Minerva, in full panoply of poAver. 393. Those who are able to look back with intelligent retrospect over the Political history of the last half-century, and who witness the now general pervasion of the public mind by truths which it accepts as " self-evident," and by Moral principles which it regards as beyond dispute, can scarcely realise to themselves the fact that within their own recoBection the fearless assertors of those truths and principles were scoffed at as visionaries or reviled as de- structives. And those whose experience is limited to a more recent period, must see, in the rapid development of public opinion on subjects of the highest importance, the evidence of a previous unconscious preparedness, which may be believed to consist mainly in the higher development and more general diffusion of that automatic co-ordinating power, which constitutes the essence of Bcason as distinct from Beasoning. 394. Thus, then, every course of Intellectual and Moral self-dis- cipline, steadily and honestly pursued, tends not merely to clear the mental vision of the Individual, but to ennoble the Bace; by helping to develope that Intuitive power, which arises in the first instance from the embodiment in the Human Constitution of the general resultants of antecedent experience, but which, in its highest form, far transcends the experience that has furnished the materials for its evolution,—just as the a-eative power of Imagination shapes-out conceptions Avhich no merely constructive skill could devise (§ 408). The following extract from a letter addressed to the Writer by the late Mr. J. S. Mill, Jan. 29, 1872, will be interesting as an expression 486 Of Common Sense. of his matured views on several questions discussed in the preceding pages:— " I have long recognized as a fact that judgments really grounded on a long succession of small experiences mostly forgotten, or perhaps never brought out into very distinct consciousness, often grow into the likeness of intuitive perceptions. I believe this to be the expla- nation of the intuitive insight thought to be characteristic of women ; and of that which is often found in experienced practical persons who have not attended much to theory, nor been often called on to explain the grounds of their judgments. I explain in the same manner whatever truth there is in presentiments. And I should agree with you that a mind which is fitted by constitution and habits to receive truly and retain well the impressions made by its passing experiences, will often be safer in relying on its intuitive judgments, representa- tive of the aggregate of its past experience, than on the inferences that can be drawn from such facts or reasonings as can he distinctly called to mind at the moment.—Now you seem to think that judgment by what is called Common Sense is a faculty of this kind; and, so far as the genesis of it is concerned, I think you are right; but it seems to me that there is a great practical difference. [The difference which Mr. Mill goes on to point out, is that which the Writer has above defined as the distinction between the ordinary and the special forms of Common Sense.] " On the Physiological side of Psychology, your paper raises questions of great and increasing interest.—When states of Mind in no respect innate or instinctive have been frequently repeated, the Mind acquires, as is proved by the power of Habit, a greatly increased facility of passing into those states; and this increased facility must be owing to some change of a physical character, in the organic action of the Brain. There is also considerable evidence that such acquired facilities of passing into certain modes of Cerebral action can in many cases be transmitted, more or less completely, by Inheritance. The limits of this transmission, and the conditions on which it depends, are a subject now fairly before the scientific world; and we shall doubtless in time know much more about them than we do now. But so far as my imperfect knowledge of the subject extends, I take much the same view of it that you do, at least in principle." CHAPTER XII. OF IMAGINATION. 395. The form of Ideational activity wdiich we distinguish as Imagi- nation, has the same basis as that which exerts itself in Seasoning processes; but works in a very different manner. In its lowest and simplest exercise, Imagination, or the image-making power, consists in that reproduction of the mental " idea" or representation of an object formerly perceived through the senses, which is more generally understood by the term Conception. In strict language, every such reproduction of an image, however distinctly traceable to the laws of Association, is an act of Imagination. This, however, is not the generally understood meaning of the term ; which is usually applied to the faculty by which, in the first place, the materials supplied by experience or direct apprehension are recombined in such forms as to gratify the sense of beauty or fitness, rather than to satisfy the reason ; and by which, in the second place, some higher form of Beauty than experience has ever presented, or some more profound Truth than reason could bring within our grasp, is discerned by direct" insight,"—the " vision and the faculty divine." Thus we may distinguish between the constructive and the creative Imagination; and each may be exercised in every department of Human knowledge, whether relating to external Nature or to Human nature. It is a very limited view of the Imagination to regard its operation as restricted to works of Art, of which the object is to gratify the /Esthetic sense ; for, as will be presently shown, its highest exercise is put forth in the discovery of great fundamental Truths, as well in Science as in Art, in the Universe around as in the Miud of Man. 488 Of Imag (nation. 396. The exercise of the constructive Imagination requires a mind not only richly stored with materials, but endowed with the power of readily reproducing them; together with a judgment guided by correct taste and artistic sensibility, whereby the most appropriate images are selected and combined into the forms most effective for the production of the desired impression. In fact, the mental process by which the constructive Imagination works, is only an ideal rendering of that which Praxiteles is said have employed when commissioned to produce a statue of Venus for the people of Cos, —namely the selection of the most beautiful parts of the most beau- tiful female figures he could obtain as models, and the combination of these into one harmonious whole. It is that by which, for the most part, the Architects of the present time essay to produce their designs. And it differs but little in kind from that Avhich the Mechanician employs, when devising a piece of Machinery for a given purpose, which only requires some new combination of levers, wheels, &o, involving no new principle of action. The following description seems accurately to represent the method in which the constructive Imagination ordinarily works :— " The general idea, or the subject in its outlines, must be supposed to be already present to the mind of the writer. He accordingly commences the task before him with the expectation and the desire of developing the subject more or less fully, of giving to it not only a greater continuity and a better arrangement, but an increased interest in every respect. As he feels interested in the topic which he pro- poses to write upon, he can, of course, by a mere act of the WiU— although he might not have been able, in the first instance, to have originated it by such an act—detain it before him for any length of time. Various conceptions continue, in the meanwhile, to arise in the mind, on the common principles of Association; but, as the general outline of the subject remains the same, they have all a greater or less relation to it. And partaking, in some measure, of the per- manency of the outline to which they have relation, the writer has an opportunity to approve some and to reject others, according aa they impress him as being suitable or unsuitable to the naturo of the A Constructive Imagination. 489 subject. Those which affect him with emotions of pleasure, on account of their perceived fitness for the subject, are retained and committed to writing; while others, which do not thus affect and interest him, soon fade away altogether."—{Upham's Elements of Mental Philosophy, Vol. i. p. 3S5.) The process of selection among the variety of Conceptions that spontaneously occur to the mind, and then rapidly give place to others if not Vohtionally retained, has been thus graphically described by Dr. Beid :— " We seem to treat the thoughts that present themselves to the fancy in crowds, as a great man treats the courtiers who attend at his levee. They are aU ambitious of his attention. He goes round the circle, bestowing a bow upon one, a smile upon another; asks a 6hort question of a third, while a fourth is honoured with a particular conference ; and the greater part have no particular mark of attention, but go as they came. It is true, he can give no mark of his atten- tion to those who were not there; but he has a sufficient number for making a choice and distinction."—{Essay iv. chap. 4.) 397. The faculty of Imagination, therefore, works within the same limits as that of Recollection (§ 373). The recurrence of images is essentially automatic; but the mind can determinately place itself in the condition most favourable to their reproduction, and can project itself, as it wrere, in search of them. While some persons are obliged to wait until the memory supplies them with the image they desiderate, there are others who are distinguished by the exuberance of this reproductive power; so that they have only to ask themselves for an appropriate simile or metaphor, and it immediately occurs to them. When apologising for the "lavish imagery" of Scott's historical style (which caused the French to designate his Life of Napoleon as " Walter Scott's last novel"), his biographer says of him :—"Metaphorical illustrations, which men born with prose in their souls hunt for painfully, aud find only to murder, were, to him, the natural and necessary offsprino- and playthings of ever-teeming fancy. He could not write a note 490 Of Imagination. to his printer, he could not speak to himself in his diary, without introducing them." Some, again, use images merely as illustra- tions, dismissing each as it has served its purpose, and availing themselves of new figures as they pass before the mental vision. But the " constructive" Imagination is most characteristically exercised in the elaboration of some work which consists of a methodical aggregation of separate images, that are grouped round what may be termed a central idea. Thus Walter Scott, whom we may regard as a typical instance of this form of imagination (without by any means denying his possession of the higher attribute), generally took as the basis of his novels (as Shakspere did of his plays) some story or stories previously existing; and meditated on this fundamental conception, until it had taken a distinct form in his own mind. When it had reached this stage, the further development of it seems to have been generally very easy to him. Waking early, he used to lie " simmering " for an hour or two ; and then, rising and seating himself at his writing-table, he would throw off chapter after chapter as fast as his pen could trace the words. How much he was aided by Memory, is curiously shown in the use which he made of casual suggestions or occurrences. Thus Ave are told by Mr. Lockhart, with reference to the composition of " Ivanhoe " (of which the earlier part was written towards the close of the severe illness in which the " Bride of Lammermoor" was produced, § 124 e), that— a. " The introduction of the charming Jewess and her father originated in a conversation Scott held with his friend Skene during the severest season of his bodily sufferings. ' Mr. Skene,' says that gentleman's wife, ' sitting by his bedside, and trying to amuse him as weB as he could in the intervals of pain, happened to get upon the subject of the Jews, as he had observed them when he spent some time in Germany in his youth. Their situation had naturally made a strong impression; for in those days they retained their own dresa and manners entire, and were treated with considerablo austerity by Constructive Imagination. 491 their Christian neighbours, being still locked up at night in their own quarter by great gates; and Mr. Skene, partly in seriousness, but partly from the mere wish to turn his mind at the moment upon something that might occupy and divert it, suggested that a group of Jews would be an interesting feature if he could contrive to bring them into his next novel.' Upon the appearance of 'Ivanhoe,' he reminded Mr. Skene of this conversation, and said, ' You will find this book owes not a little to your German reminiscences.' Mrs. Skene adds—' Dining with us one day, not long before 'Ivanhoe' was begun, something that was mentioned led him to describe the sudden death of an Advocate of his acquaintance—a Mr. Elphinstone—which occurred in the Outer-house soon after he was called to the bar. It was, he said, no wonder that it had left a vivid impression on his mind, for it was the first sudden death he had ever witnessed; and he now related it so as to make us all feel as if the scene was passing before our eyes. In the death of the Templar in ' Ivanhoe,' I recognised the very picture—I believe I may safely say the very words.' "Before 'Ivanhoe' made its appearance, I had myself been formally admitted to the author's secret; but had he favoured me with no such confidence, it would have been impossible for me to doubt that I had been present some months before at the conversation which suggested, and indeed supplied, the materials of one of its most amusing chapters. I allude to that in which our Saxon terms for animals in the field, and our Norman equivalents for them as they appear on the table, and so on, are explained and commented on. All this Scott owed to the after-dinner talk one day, in Castle Street, of his old friend, Mr. William Clerk."—{Life of Scott, chap, xlvi.) The following particulars supplied by Mr. Morritt of Bokeby, respecting Scott's mode of obtaining materials for the romantic poem he was composing on the traditions connected with that pic- turesque seat, are interesting from the additional light they throAv on the method in which Scott's "constructive" imagination made use of the materials supplied by fact and legend ; sometimes fitting the scene to the legend, and sometimes the legend to the scene :— 6. " I had of course," says Mr. Morritt, " had many previous oppor- 492 Of Imagination. tunities of testing the almost conscientious fidelity of his local descrip- tions; but I could not help being singularly' struck with tho liglit which this visit threw on that characteristic of his compositions. The morning after he arrived, he said, ' You have often given me materials for romance : now I want a good robber's cave, and an old church of the right sort.' We rode out, and he found what he wanted in the ancient slate quarries of Brignal and the ruined Abbey of Eggleston. I observed him noting down even the peculiar little wild flowers and herbs that accidentally grew round and on the side of a bold crag near his intended cave of Guy Denzil ; and could not help saying that, as he was not to be upon oath in his work, daisies, violets, and primroses would be as poetical as any of the humbler plants he was examining. I laughed, in short, at his scrupulousness ; but I understood him when he replied, that in Nature herself no two scenes were exactly alike, and that whoever copied truly what was before his eyes, would possess the same variety in his descriptions, and exhibit apparently an imagination as boundless as the range of nature in the scenes he recorded ; whereas whoever trusted to Imagination would soon find his own mind circumscribed, and contracted to a few favourite images, and the repetition of these would sooner or later produce that very monotony and barrenness which had always haunted descriptive poetry in the hands of any but the patient worshippers of truth. Besides which, he said, ' local names and peculiarities make a fictitious story look so much better in the face.' In fact, from his boyish habits he was but half satisfied with the most beautiful scenery, when he could not connect with it some local legend; and when I was forced sometimes to confess with the Knife-grinder, ' Story ! God bless you ! I have none to tell, sir !'—he would laugh and say, ' Then let us make one : nothing so easy as to make a tradition.' "—(Op. cit., chap, xxv.) 398. The practice of the Italian improvisatori, who, without pre- paration, compose and utter a long series of verses upon any given subject, affords a characteristic example of the readiness with which the Memory supplies the requisite materials to such as have a special gift for versification, and have improved that gift by culture. The practice rs of frequent occurrence in Italy; and the facilities Constructive Imagination :—Improvisation. 493 which the structure of the Italian language affords to versification and rhyme, are of great assistance towards it. The improvisatore delivers his verse, generally accompanied by a guitar, and with a sort of chanting cadence; and he spins out hundreds, nay at times thousands, of lines with apparent ease; whole dramas have indeed been thus delivered. It must not be imagined, however, that this kind of extempore poetry is of the best kind; in reality, very few of these compositions can stand the test of publication. Still they have the merit of the flow of language, and the quick adaptation of accessory ideas and images to the main subject, which rivet the attention and excite the surprise of the listeners. Some examples there are, indeed, of improvisatori, Avho, uniting high culture to a great original gift of extemporaneous versifi- cation, have acquired, by continual practice, a facility in producing unpremeditated verses Avhich would not only bear perusal, but even pass the ordeal of severe criticism.—Another species of impromptu peculiar to Italy is the extempore Comedy; in which only the outline of the plot, with an indication of the characters, is given to be filled up at the spur of the moment by the performers. It is said that the great painter, Salvator Bosa, had a remarkable gift for this kind of performance; in which, in more recent times, Louis Biccoboni and his wife Plamenia showed a proficiency so extraordinary, that it wras suspected that they did not really act all' improvista, but that they were imposing on the public by preconcerted schemes. This, however, was clearly proved not to be the case; and Biccoboni gave the following account of the peculiar combination of endowments required for success in this role:—"An actor of this description, always supposing an actor of genius, is more vividly affected than one Avho has coldly got his part by rote. But figure, memory, voice, and even sensibility, are not sufficient for the actor alV improviste ; he must be in the habit of cultivating the imagination, pouring forth the flow of expression, and prompt in those flashes which instantaneously vibrate in the plaudits of the audience." 494 Of Imagination. 399. The most remarkable example of Improvisation which our own country has supplied, was one of an entirely different character ; Theodore Hook's improvised versification being rather witty and humorous, than what is ordinarily understood as imaginative. a. " Thus, very early in his career, he displayed his extraordinary gift of extemporaneous singing, at a dinner given by the Drury Lane Company to Sheridan. The company was numerous, and generally strangers to Mr. Hook; but, without a moment's pre- meditation, he composed a verse upon every person in the room, full of tho most pointed wit and with the truest rhymes, unhesitatingly gathering into his subject, as he rapidly proceeded, in addition to what had passed during the dinner, every trivial incident of the moment. Every action was turned to account; every circumstance, the look, the gesture, or any other accidental effects, served a a occasion for more wit; and even the singer's ignorance of the names and condition of many of the party seemed to give greater facility to his brilliant hits, than even acquaintance with them might have furnished. Mr. Sheridan was astonished at his extraordinary facility. No description, he said, could have convinced him of so peculiar an instance of genius; and he protested that he should not have believed it to be an unstudied effort, had he not seen proof that no anticipation could have been formed of what might arise to furnish matter and opportunities for the exercise of this rare talent."—{Life of Mathews, vol. ii., p. 59.) We are told by the writer of a notice of Theodore Hook in the " Quarterly Beview " (vol. Ixxii.), that, either early in the evening or very late, his improvisation was indifferent; the reason appa- rently being that his gift required the stimulus of Avine and society, but that too much of the former would prevent him from keeping up the necessary continuity of idea. b. Another friend describes a meeting between Coleridge and Hook, at which the latter "burst into a bacchanal of egregious luxury, every line of which had reference to the author of the ' Lay Sermons and ' Aids to Beflection ' " An absurd scene followed, every indi- Constructive Imagination:—Improvisation. 495 vidual's share in which " had apt, in ma«y cases exquisitely witty commemoration." In walking home, Coleridge gave the narrator " a most excellent lecture on the distinction between talent and genius; and declared that Hook was as true a genius as Bante." But Hook further enjoyed, in a very remarkable degree, that faculty of dramatic imagination, which enables its possessor to identify himself for a time with the personality of another, so as not merely to act the part of that other, but (ideally) to be that other (§ 3G4). Thus, when staying in a country house with men distinguished in Parliamentary or Forensic oratory, he would give, when "in the vein," a whole series of imitations ; representing not merely the manner but the matter of each speaker so closely, that the audience could almost believe that they were listening to the man himself. It w-as only when he was "primed" for such a performance by alcoholic stimulants, and encouraged by the admiration of his audience, that his gift wrould manifest itself in full force; and its automatic rather than its volitional character is obvious from the fact, that its greatest displays took place just at that stage of alcoholic excitement, in which the Automatic activity of the mind is increased, whilst the controlling power of Volition is weakened (§ 544). 400. The power of Improvisation for which certain Musicians have been especially distinguished, requires for its highest exercise a combination of the constructive power acquired by training, with the creative powrer which nothing but Genius can supply. Any Musician who practises the art, can extemporise a set of "variations" upon an air, or work up a "subject'' into a fugue, according to certain set forms ; and the product can be in a great degree anticipated by any one who is familiar with the " manner " of the player. To this extent, therefore, the power is under Volitional control; whilst, in so far as the improvisation is creative, it is purely Automatic ; and all that the Musician can himself do, 496 Of Imagination. is to place himself in conditions favourable to the spontaneous flow of his ideas. a. Of aff Musicians, Mozart seems to have had inventive power most completely at call, so that he could never draw upon it, without (in commercial phrase) his draft being instantly " honoured." Thus, it is recorded of him that, '' in the performance of his own Concertos, ho never confined himself to the precise melody before him, but varied it from time to time with singular grace and beauty, according to the inspiration of the moment." This feat seems the more remarkable, as, in such a performance, he could not give free scope to his invention, as in a solo fantasia, but had always to keep himself in due relation to his Orchestra.—In the following incident, we have an examplo of his unsurpassed inventive power when working entirely unfettered, and under the stimulus of the warmest sympathy. It should be pro- mised that the Concert at which it occurred was one given by Mozart at Prague, the inhabitants of which ancient city had shown them- selves singularly appreciative of " Le Nozze di Figaro," which had been produced there a short time before. The concert, every piece in which was of Mozart's own composition, was to end with an improvisa- tion on the pianoforte. '' Having preluded and played a fantasia, which lasted a good half-hour, Mozart rose; but the stormy and outrageous applause of his Bohemian audience was not to be appeased, and he again sat down. His second fantasia, which was of an entirely different character, met with the same success; the applause was without end; and, long after he had retired to the withdrawing room, he heard the people in the theatre thundering for his reap- pearance. Inwardly delighted, he presented himself for the third time. Just as he was about to begin, when every noise was hushed, and the stillness of death reigned throughout the theatre, a voice in the pit cried, ' From Figaro.' He took the hint, and ended this triumphal display of skill by extemporising a dozen of the most interesting and scientific variations upon the air Non piu andrai. It is needless to mention the uproar that followed."—{Holmes's Life of Mozart,-p. 278.) 401. The mental processes which are concerned in the exercise of constructive Imagination, are also in operation in the production of other embellisdiments of ordinary prosaic language to Avhich we give Distinctive Character of Fancy. 497 distinctive names. That which comes nearest to Imagination—so near, indeed, that no distinct line of demarcation can be drawn between them—is Fancy. Notwithstanding that much has been written on the relative characters of these two attributes,* it seems impossible to define them otherwise than by the states of Mind to which their products are respectively addressed. For whilst the Imagination works on the sense of beauty, of grandeur, of sub- limity, or, by way of contrast, on that of aversion, awe, or even terror,—Fancy plays with the grotesque, the whimsical, the ridicu- lous, in short, Avith the "fanciful;" its function being rather to amuse by its superficial "caprices" and "strange conceits," than to appeal to the deeper nature. "Fancy," says Wordsworth, "is given to quicken and beguile the temporal part of our nature; Imagination, to incite and support the eternal." And he gives, as an example, the use of the same image by two writers ; in the one case as a mere " conceit," in the other as a grand stroke of imaginative genius. The effect of the following couplet, ascribed to Lord Chesterfield— " The dews of the evening most carefully shun, They are tears of the sky for the loss of the sun," " is a flash of surprise, and nothing more; for the nature of things does not sustain the combination." But when Milton marks the sympathy of Nature with the transgression of Adam, in the grand lines— "Sky lowered, and muttering thunder, some sad drops Wept at completion of the mortal sin." "the effects from the act, of which there is this immediate conse- quence and visible sign, are so momentous, that the mind acknowledges *Dr. Trench, in his "Study of Words," assigns to Wordsworth tho credit of having, in his original preface to his " Lyrical Ballads " (reprinted separately in his collected works), distinctly limited the respective provinces of Fancy and Imagination. Eut, however clear may be the boundary lines which Wordsworth marked out in the domain of Poetry, we fail to trace them when Ave follow the Imagination into other departments of Art, still more into Science and Human Nature. 498 Of Imagination. the justice and reasonableness of the sky weeping drops of water as if with human eyes." The pages of Shakspere, and many of those of Jeremy Taylor, are full of the products both of Fancy and Imagination; but while in George Wither and Charles Lamb the Fancy predomi- nates, Milton is the pre-eminent type of Imagination (as distin- guished from fancy) in Poetry, as Walter Scott may be considered to be in Prose. 402. Closely akin to Fancy, but differing from it in the kind of feeling which it excites, is Wit; the distinctive character of which (as now understood) is "a felicitous association of objects not usually connected, so as to produce a pleasant surprise." It is this intellectual surprise which is the essence of pure Wit; but Humour is often mixed up with it. The lowest form of wit is that mere play on words, which is known as "punning;" this being, according to the definition of Addison, " a conceit arising from the use of two words that agree in sound but differ in the sense," or, as might be said in certain cases, use of the same word in two different senses (§ 403 b.). Thus a man having undertaken to pun on any subject that might be given him, and the word "King" having been named, replied that " the King was no subject." Here the wit lay in the double meaning attached to the word "subject," or, as Addison would say, to the unexpectedness of the relation brought out between what are really two distinct words agreeing only in sound. The effect is heightened when this double entendre presents itself more than once in the same sentence :— a. Thus Bishop Mountain, being asked by George II., to whom he Bhould give the Archbishopric of York then vacant, rephed, " If thou hadst faith as a grain of mustard seed, thou wouldst say to this mountain" (pointing to himself), '" Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea (see).' " 1. The Writer once heard another felicitous application of the same idea, at a meeting of the Geological Society, at which Dr. Buckland, Relation of Wit and Humour. 499 then Dean of Westminster, had been speaking on a paper by Sir Roderick Murchison, in which much stress was laid on the effects of "waves of translation," as carrying large blocks of stone onwards until their force was spent, when the blocks sank to the bottom. As the Dean sat down, a facetious member expressed the hope " that the Right Reverend gentleman might be speedily carried along by a wave of translation, and deposited in a sea (see) as good as that of his predecessor," the Bishop ti Oxford, who was sitting by his side. 403. But in the higher form of Wit, the play is rather upon ideas than upon words, the effect consisting in the peculiar felicity of the illustration; as Avhen Douglas Jerrold characterized tfoymatism as being puppyism, full grown,—a remark most true and apposite in itself, while deriving a peculiar "point" from the unexpected- ness of the ideal relation developed betAveen the two words, and from the ludicrous contrast between the real derivation of the first of them and the humorous one assigned to it. In repartees, the effect very often depends on the unexpectedness of the contrast between the idea conveyed by the original remark and that of the reply; or by the happy turn given to the former, by which it is made to convey something very different from, perhaps quite contrary to, what the speaker intended. a. Of the first kind, the matter-of-factness of the Scotch mind fur- nishes many admirable illustrations, of which the following is per- haps one of the most characteristic:—During an agitation to put down Sunday trains between Edinburgh and Glasgow, a Minister in the latter city was accustomed to go down to the railway-station in the morning, and endeavour to dissuade any persons whom he knew from setting-off by the train then starting. Happening to encounter a lady of his congregation, who was going to spend the day with a relative at Falkirk, and having learned from her where she was going, he said, "You are not going to Falkirk, you are going to hell; " to which she replied very composedly, '' Well, anyhow, I have got a return-ticket." 6. Of the second kind, a good example is offered by the ready answer given to a debater, who, addressing tho adversary who 500 Of Imagination. was to reply to him, somewhat magniloquently enounced, "I want common sense; " to which the quiet rejoinder was, " Exactly." The turn thus given was to the meaning of the word " want; " which the speaker used as expressing his sense of its deficiency in his adversary, who neatly directed it against himself. 404. These two examples, again, serve to illustrate the connection between Wit and Humour. Whilst the^formcr, in its purity, is purely intellectual, the latter, in its purity, has reference to the varieties of human character and the actions which proceed from them. But in a large number of cases, the two are commingled ; and the amusement Ave derive from their exercise often arises from the concomitant circumstances, or from the manner of utterance; so that a joke which was felt to be admirable at the time, falls comparatively flat when repeated under other conditions. a. Thus, in the well-known reply made by Charles Lamb to Cole- ridge's question, " Lamb, did you ever hear me preach ? " " Why, I never heard you do anything else,"—the effect is described by one who was present as having been most ludicrously heightened by the ' grand manner" in which the question was asked by Coleridge, and the stammering utterance, ending in a kind of explosion, of his friend's witticism. 405. It may be affirmed, Avithout hesitation, that the power of presenting the peculiar combinations and contrasts in which Wit consists, is purely automatic; being one of which many persons, highly distinguished for general ability, and possessing a keen enjoyment of the good things said by others, are themselves entirely destitute. And all that the Will can do, as in other operations of the constructive Imagination, is to place tho mind in the conditions most favourable for its exercise. Of such conditions, sympathetic appreciation undoubtedly ranks among the first. A brilliant talker, Avho, in congenial society, can give forth an unceasing succession of coruscations of Wit, like meteor- streams, feels the dulness of a set of matter-of-fact listeners as a Distinuive Character of Humour. 501 complete extinguisher of the internal glow from which the flashes emanate.—The power is doubtless capable of improvement by culture and exercise; but it cannot be acquired by any one who has not a native capacity fur it.—The following example, wdiich recently presented itself within the Writer's own experience, is so singularly illustrative of the contrast between the Volitional and the Automatic forms of Intellectual operation, that those who recognize the case to which he alludes will excuse him for making it public :— a. " A gentleman distinguished alike for his great and varied ability, for his faculty of scientific exposition, and for his conversational gifts, found himself the subject of a sudden failure of Intellectual power, the result of continued overstrain ; which manifested itself especially in the inability to keep up a continuous train of thought, such as was required in lecturing. Having determined at once to suspend his work and go abroad, he was dining with a few of his most intimate friends a few days before his departure ; and surprised them by the undiminished flow of his wit, and the readiness of his repartee. As one of them afterwards said to tho writer, ' He never was more brilliant.'" 40G. It would not be correct to say that Humour is itself de- pendent upon the Imagination ; since what we term humorous may derive its character entirely from the oddity of the mode of expres- sion or action as it presents itself to ourselves. Dean Bamsay truly says of one of his good stories:—" The humour of the narrative is unquestionable, and yet no one has tried to be humorous; the same idea differently expressed might have no point at all;" as in the following case :— a. "The Laird of Balnamoon, having dined at the house of a friend who by mistake had given him cherry brandy, instead of his usual beverage, port-wine, found himself more than ordinarily affected by his liquor; and while being driven home by his servant Harry in an open carriage, over an intervening moor, his unsteadiness of head caused his hat and wig to fall on the ground. Harry having got 502 Of Imagination. down to pick them up, and having restored them to his master, tho laird was satisfied with the hat, but demurred to the wig. ' It's no my wig, Harry, lad; it's no my wig,' and refused to have anything to do with it. Harry lost his patience ; and, anxious to get home, remonstrated with his master, ' Ye'd better tak it, sir, for there's nae waile (choice) o' wigs on Munrimmon Moor.' This was a simple matter-of-fact remark on the part of the servant; and its humour consists in its contrast with the circumstances under which it was made, heightened by its quaint form of expression." 407. But in all works of Imagination which aim to present varieties of Human character, a power of ideally developing and combining such varieties is essential; and without the sense of Humour, the portraiture wants warmth and reality. Of all great masters in the art of construction, Milton is the one who shows the least of this sense ; in fact he scarcely seems to have possessed it at all. In Shakspero, on the other hand, Humour is redundant; and every- one of his humorous characters has an individuality of his (or her) own. Thus Falstaff will occur to every one as the very incarnation of Humour, with no small addition of Wit; while Dogberry and Verges, Bottom and Snug, with the whole series of Clowns and Jesters, no one of whom is a repetition of another, bespeak the wonderful acuteness of his discriminative observation, the readiness with which his memory reproduced its stores, and the sympathy which his own many-sided nature possessed with every phase of Humour delineated. In tliose of Sir Walter Scott's novels in which the scenes and characters are those of his own country, we find abundant examples of the richest Humour; every one of which seems either to have had an individual prototype, or to have been a generalised form derived from a variety of sources. Thus the Baron of Bradwardine, the Antiquary, Paulus Pleydell, Dominie Sampson, Mause and Cuddie Headrigg, Meg Dods, and a number of others, are felt by those who are well acquainted with the Scottish life of the past to be so intensely natural, that every one of them might have been a real character. And the same is true Genius and Ingenuity. 503 of the best of Dickens's and of Thackeray's imaginary constructions ; in which these great Humourists have so completely identified themselves, as it were, with the several types they delineated, as to make each of them speak and act as he (or she) would have done in actual life. It is certain, indeed, that most of these (as in Walter Scott's case) are developments of actual types; while those which are purely ideal—the work of the creative rather than of the constructive Imagination—lack " flesh-and-blood " reality. 408. The exercise of the creative Imagination involves that peculiar quality of mind which we distinguish as Genius;—a special gift of which no definite account can be given, the possessor of it not being himself able either to trace its origin, or to describe (save as regards its external conditions) its mode of working. Although this term is often applied to superior Intellectual power of any kind, yet it may certainly be most appropriately limited to that of which invention, origination, or insight is the distinctive charac- teristic, and of which the products bear the well-marked stamp of individuality. Working upon the materials it derives from obser- vation and reflection, Creative genius not merely developes and rccombines these, but evolves products altogether new, beyond the scope of the reasoning power, and deriving their value from their expression of a higher truth than is at the time attainable in any other way. When Dr. Channing, in discoursing of Poetry, said that " Genius is not a creator, in the sense of fancying or feigning what does not exist : its distinction is, to discern more of Truth than ordinary minds," he himself uttered a truth of which the profundity and generality bear the stamp of true genius ; for it is equally applicable to every exercise of the highest form of creative imagination. Its lower form may be distinguished as Ingenuity* the products of which may either be altogether worth- less, or may approach those of true genius. * Although this word is now commonly used with reference chiefly to Mechanical invention, yet it was often applied by the older writers to Poets and Advocates. 504 Of Imagination. a. A typical example of the difference between Ingenuity and truo Genius is afforded by the contrast between Kepler and Newton. Strongly impressed with the belief that some " harmonic" relation must exist among tho distances of the several Planets from the Sun, and also among the respective times of their revolution, Kepler passed a large part of his early life in working out a sories of guessea at this relation ; some of which now strike us as not merely most improbable, but positively ridiculous. His single-minded devotion to Truth, however, led him to abandon each of these hypotheses in its turn, so soon as he had proved its fallacy by submitting it to the test of its conformity to observed facts ; while his fertile Ingenuity furnished him with a continual supply of new guesses, which pre- sented themselves in turn as creations of his Imagination, to bo successively dismissed when they proved to be nothing else than imaginary. But he was at last rewarded by the discovery of that relation between the times and the distances of the Planetary revolu- tions, which, with the discovery of the ellipticity of the orbits, and of the passage of the " radius vector" over equal areas in equal times, has given him immortality as an Astronomical discoverer. But these discoveries cannot be regarded as based on any higher Mental attri- bute than persevering ingenuity; for so far was he from divining the true rationale of the planetary revolutions, that we learn from his own honest confessions that he was led to the discovery of the elliptic orbit of Mars by a series of happy accidents, which turned his erroneous guesses into a right direction, and to that of the "equal areas" by the notion of whirling force emanating from the Sun; whilst his discovery of the relation between the times and distances was the fortunate guess which closed a long series of unfortunate ones, many of which were no less " ingenious."—Now it was by a grand exertion of Newton's constructive imagination, based on his wonderful mastery of Geometrical reasoning, that, starting with the conception of two forces, one of them tending to produce continuous uniform motion in a straight line, the other tending to produce a uniformly-accelerated motion towards a fixed point, he was able to show that if these Wc speak even now of an "ingenious argument," when we have in view rather the skill with which it is conducted, than the truth it is to support; in fact, our admiration is sometimes most called forth by the Ingenuity winch is exerted to sustain a position we regard as untenable. Creative Imagination in Science. 505 dynamical assumptions be granted, Kepler's phenomenal " laws," being necessary consequences of them, must be universally true. And while that demonstration would have been alone sufficient to give him an imperishable renown, it was his still greater glory to divine the profound truth, that the fall of the Moon towards the Earth—that is, the deflection of her path from a tangential line to an ellipse—is a phenomenon of the same order as the fall of a stone to the ground; and thus to show that the mutual attraction of all masses of matter which we call Gravitation, pervades the whole Universe, and everywhere follows the same Law. The grand scientific Truth thus divined by the "insight" of Newton, was at once proved to be such, not only by its conformity with all the phenonema of Nature then known, but by the power which it furnished of predicting phenomena as yet undiscovered— such as the " perturbations " produced by the mutual attractions of the Planets. 409. Iu the provinces of ^Esthetics and Morals, however, the test of the Truths brought to light by real Genius lies not in the confirmation of them by reasoning processes, but in that conformity to our own highest Nature, which enables us to recognise them by " direct apprehension." In this way, it has been well said, a great Moral or Beligious Teacher, who first proclaims truths which we feel to be of universal applicability, " reveals us to ourselves." And the Poet who, as Dr. Channing says of Wordsworth, " sees under disguises and humble forms everlasting beauty," and makes us conscious of the loveliness of the primitive feelings which constitute the universal affections of Humanity, strikes chords to which our own hearts instinctively respond. It is the undoubted attribute of real Genius, that the Intellectual Truth, the Moral Power, or the Artistic Beauty of its conceptions ultimately gains the recognition of such as seek the highest good in either pursuit. That recog- nition may not be immediate, because the advance upon the previous culture may have been too sudden. But all really great Thought tends to elevate Human nature to its own level; and 23 506 Of Imagination. the Philosophers, the Prophets, and the Poets, whom we now venerate as the noblest benefactors of our Bace, have earned their claim to that distinction, not by bringing to us messages from other spheres which they alone were privileged to visit, but by enunciating Truths wdiich our expanded Intellect accepts as self- evident, by proclaiming great Principles which our deepened insight perceives to constitute the basis of all Morality', by creating forms of Beauty to which our heightened and purified sense looks up as standards of Ideal perfection. And this could not be, unless the intuitions of Genius call forth echoes from the depths of our own souls; awaking dormant faculties, wdiich can apprehend if they cannot create, wdiich can respond if they cannot originate. The "Brincipia" of Newton, unintelligible to the great mass of his most learned contemporaries, arc hoav the A B C of the student of the higher Mathematics. The dramas of Shakspere, appreciated by the theatre-goers of his day only for the pleasure to be derived from their poetry and their action, are now read and pondered by every student of Human Nature as the embodiment of the pro- foundest and most universal knowledge. And the grand Symphony of Beethoven, which was laid aside as incomprehensible by the most cultivated Musicians of his time, is now the delight, not alone of the select few, but of the many whom the more advanced culture of the present generation has made capable of appreciating a great work of Musical art. 410. It cannot be questioned by any one who carefully considers the subject under the light of adequate knowledge,* that the creative * To represent Science and Poetry as antagonistic, and to maintain (as Mr. Rnskin continually does) that the Poet sees into Nature both more deeply and more truly than the Scientific inquirer, simply shows this able writer's ignorance of what science really is. The Truths which the man of Science and tlie Poet respectively discover, are of different orders, but cannot be antagonistic. Anil if Mr. Ruskin would acquaint himself with the methods and results of Spectrum Analysis, he would find that the strictest scientific reasoning has led to the discovery of truths which the boldest imagination of the Poet would scarcely have conceived, and which his profoundest insight could not possibly have discerned. Creative Imagination in Art. 507 Imagination is exercised in at least as high a degree in Science, as it is in Art or in Poetry. Even in the strictest of Sciences—Mathe- matics—it can be easily shown that no really great advance, such as the invention of Fluxions by Newton, and of the Differential Calculus by Leibnitz—can be made, without the exercise of the Imagination; and it is interesting to obseiwe that whilst the fundamental idea of both systems had been long pondered over by previous thinkers, it was reserved for the genius of Newton and Leibnitz to divine the two modes of realising and applying it, the introduction of which marks the most important era in the modern history of the science.*—Not less conspicuous evidence of the exercise of this faculty is presented in the highest forms of Mechanical invention. Some of the greatest triumphs of modern ingenuity, however, have been the products rather of the con- structive than of the creative imagination. Thus the Steam-engine of Newcomen was developed into the Steam-engine of Watt by a succession of steps, each of which was to a certain degree suggestive of the next; and it would perhaps not be incorrect to affirm that the genius of Watt was more displayed in his invention of the " governor," than in any other part of the wonderful mechanism he devised. When the complete Double-action Steam-engine, with its heavy fly-wheel, was employed for the execution of any work which was variable iu regard to the resistance to be overcome, it became apparent that some means must be found of adjusting the force of the engine to that variation ; since, if the engine were suddenly relieved of any large part of that resistance, and were still driven by the same quantity and pressure of steam, its velocity would imme- diately be accelerated to an injurious and perhaps dangerous extent. * An eloquent defence of Mathematical Science from the charge of cramping the exercise of the Imagination, was ma>lc a few years since by Professor Sylvester (whose own contributions to it have been eminently marked by the exhibition of this faculty), in his address as President of the Mathematical Section of the British Association. See "Nature," vol. I., p. 238. 5 o8 Of Imagination. Watt, therefore, set himself to devise for his cngino some means of self-regulation; and sought it in an entirely new direction—the application of centrifugal force. The "governor" consists of a pair of heavy balls, which are so fixed to a vertical spindle as to revolve with it, and to diverge from one another in proportion to its rate of revolution, which depends on that of the fly-wheel. This divergence, by a system of levers, acts on a throttle-valve in the steam-pipe; and thus, whenever a diminution in the work of the engine causes the fly-wheel to revolve more rapidly, the divergence of the balls reduces the quantity of steam admitted to the cylinder, so as to keep the power proportional to the resistance ; whilst, on the other hand, when more work is thrown on the engine, the diminished rate of the fly-wheel causes the balls to approach each other, so as to open tho throttle-valve and admit more steam to do it. Tho great beauty of this invention, beyond its perfect adaptation to the required purpose, consists in its utilisation of the very Force which constitutes the source of danger. For it has several times happened that where tho "governor" has been accidentally out of gear, the fly-wheel of the engine has revolved so rapidly, when work was taken off, as to break in pieces by its own centrifugal force; the pieces flying apart, and causing loss of life and destruction of property. The Steam-Hammer of Nasmyth may be cited as a more recent product of creative Imagination ; and it is worthy of note that its inventor is the son of a distinguished Artist, and himself strongly partakes of the Artistic temperament. 411. In the domain of Art, the creative Imagination shows itself in the production of ideal representations, whose grandeur and beauty transcend all actual experience, and wdiich appeal to our most refined sensibilities, our most elevated emotions. As typical examples of such creations, no one who is capable of what is truly great in Art would hesitate in naming the finest Madonnas of Baffaelle, and the best Landscapes of Turner, the Venus of Milo, and the Theseus or the Apollo Belvedere. In each of these glorious works, the mens divinior most clearly displays itself to all whose own nature is capable of discerning it; and, as already remarked, it is their A Creative Imagination in Art. 509 noble prerogative to raise the nature of such as cultivate the appreciation of them.—Lastly, in the domain of Poetry, feAV would hesitate in ascribing the highest measure of creative power to Shakspere; Avho possessed, in an unrivalled degree, the pOAver of idealising every tyype of humanity wdiich he brought before our mental vision; and in so doing displayed to us the working of every variety of character, with a fundamental truth which makes his delineations represent, not the men or women of any particular time or place, but tliose of all time and every place ;—his marvellous insight enabling us to see them in his pages more truly than if they were actually performing their several parts in the world's drama before our own eyes. 412. If, uoav, we inquire into the mode in which Genius works, we find ourselves baffled at the outset by the slightness of our materials; since no one who is unpossessed of the creative Imagination can study its mode of operation in himself, Avhile those who do possess it are seldom given to self-analysis. This much, however, is very clear :—that from Avhatever source the creative power of Genius is derived, it is capable of being improved, by culture ; and that in its highest exercise it is directed by knowledge acquired by study, and disciplined by judgment based on extended experience. As was well said by Sir Joshua Beynolds in one of his Biscourses, "it is by being conversant with the inventions of others, that we learn to invent, as by reading the thoughts of others we learn to think. It is in \rain for Painters or Poets to endeavour to invent, without materials on wdiich the mind may work, and from which inventions must originate. Nothing can come of nothing. Homer is supposed to have been possessed of all the learning of his time; and we are certain that Michael Angelo and Baffaelle were equally possessed of all the knowledge in the art, which had been discovered in the works of their predecessors." The same is un- doubtedly true of Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, and all other great Musical inventors.—Another condition, essential to the exercise of 51 o Of Imagination. Genius, is the power of fixing the attention on the object to be at- tained ; and this power may be exerted, as already shown (Chap. III.) either automatically or volitionally. With some inventors the interest of the subject on which their minds may be cn«m<*ed is so absorbing, that they can with difficulty be drawn off from it • with others, the fixation of the attention can only be sustained by a determined effort. When Newton was asked how he attained his grand results, he replied, " By always thinking about them." But even "always thinking about them " might not have enabled any other mind than Newton's to arrive at them. A somewhat parallel case is afforded by Wordsworth ; who has himself given us such an insight into his mode of working, as distinctly marks the dependence of his creative power upon continued meditation on the great themes he had set before himself, and, at the same time, upon the influences surrounding him, alike in his daily life, and during his meditative moods. Still, neither reflection nor the influences of Nature could have made Wordsworth a poet; and we can only attribute the faculty he possessed to an inborn gift, the working of which is essentially automatic. And it will be shown in the next chapter that there is strong reason to regard this automatic opera- tion as often carried on beneath the consciousness, by a mechanism which the Will may bring into action, but of which it thenceforth loses the control. This automatic action of Genius, originally prompted volitionally, is thus distinctly set forth by Wordsworth himself:— The poems in these volumes (the " Lyrical Ballads") will be found distinguished by this—that each of them has a worthy purpose. Not that I always began to write with a distinct purpose formally conceived; but habits of meditation have, I trust, so prompted and regulated my feelings, that my descriptions of such objects as strongly excite those feelings will be found to carry along with them a purpose, If this opinion be erroneous, I can have little right to the name of a Poet. For all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings ; and though this be true, poems to which any value can be Influence of the Will on Imagination. 511 attached were never produced on any variety of subjects but by a man who, being possessed of more than usual organic sensibility, has also thought long and deeply. For our continued influxes of feeling are modified and directed by our thoughts, which are, indeed, the representatives of all our past feelings ; and as, by contemplating the relation of these general representatives to each other, we discover what is really important to men, so by the repetition and continuance of this act, our feelings will be connected with important subjects ; till at length, if we be originally possessed of much sensibility, such habits of mind will be produced, that, by obeying blindly and mechanically the impulses of those habits, we shall describe objects, and utter sentiments, of such a nature, and in such connection with each other, that the understanding of the reader must necessarily be in some degree enlightened, and his affections strengthened and purified. That power which was thus acquired by Wordsworth, as the result of self-discipline, may be almost certainly said to have been original with Shakspere, the type of the Poet " of imagination all compact," whose instinctive genius seems to haAre been alone sufficient, with the aid of his large general culture, to enable him to find the solu- tion of those problems in Human Nature, which Wordsworth set himself purposively and patiently to unravel.—A somewhat parallel contrast has been already drawn (§§ 232, 231) between the pure spontaneity of Mozart's creative genius, originally cultured by rigorous training, and the painstaking manner in which Haydn, throughout his whole life, applied himself to Musical Composition. 413. Thus, then, we are able to arrive at a pretty clear understand- ing of Avhat the Will can, and what it cannot do, in regard to the exercise of the Imagination. As already pointed out, the Will can no more reproduce images which are not actually before the con- sciousness, than it can recall a word or a fact which has faded from the Memory. It can only select from the ideas Avhich spontaneously present themselves, those which are most suitable to the object in view; and, intensifying these by fixing the attention upon them, it can use them (so to speak) as " feelers " for others,—just as when Ave 512 Of Imagination. try to recollect something that has been forgotten, by dwelling on the idea most likely to suggest it (§§ 370-374). Then, again, the Will can exercise a most important control over the Imagina- tion, by withdrawing the Attention from ideas wdiich the Judgment, guided and chastened by the habitual direction of the thoughts to pure and noble objects, rejects as degrading and unseemly. And it is for want of such control, that some of those Poets and Prose writers who show the strongest evidences of genius, let their ima- gination run riot in scenes of impurity, and use their gifts to deprave the Taste and confuse the Moral seuse of their readers.'"" 414. Thus, although the work of the Imagination is itself purely automatic, yet the Will can both set it going and keep it going by the fixation of the attention ; it can in great degree guide its activity; and it has (in the Avell-balanced mind) an entire control over its results, so far as regards the expression of them. In fact, there is no part of our Intellectual nature, to which the simile of the relation of the horse and his rider (§ 24) is more exactly applicable.—But indirectly the Will may do a great deal to improve the action of the Imagination, by the culture and discipline to which it subjects the general activity of the Mind. For there can be no doubt that the automatic succession of our Ideas and Feelings is greatly influenced by the direction Ave voluntarily give to them; so that the imaginative creations of the Poet or the Artist show the impress of the habitual tone of his thoughts; while the inventive powerof theScicntific discoverer mainly depends upon the thorough- ness of the grasp of his subject, which he has attained by his previous study of it. Further, the development given to the primary Idea will in great degree depend upon the constructive * The disciples of what has been recently termed the "fleshly school" of Poetry, adopting the theory that all pas.sions, however gross, are fitting subjects for it, because they are Human, push that theory to the extent of endeavouring to glorify the merely animal lust by vivid descriptions of its unrestrained exercise ; instead of, like Shakspere, pourtraying it in such a manner as to bring into strong relief the superior beauty of pure love. Volitional Culture of the Imagination. 513 power which has been acquired by systematic training : thus, the Painter or Sculptor must have mastered, both the principles and practice of his art, before he can produce any really great work; and the Musician must have diligently applied himself to the study of counterpoint and instrumentation, in order to be able to give the fullest expression to his Ideas. In these modes, then, the Imaginative faculty may be directed and invigorated, culti- vated and chastened, by Volitional effort; while its productiveness depends essentially on its own inherent fertility, and on the energy of its automatic action (§§ 232, 397). 415. Before quitting the subject of the Imagination, it may be well to remark, that although no one can acquire (if he has it not in his original constitution) the creative power of Genius, yet every one can train himself to appreciate its products; his capacity for such appreciation growing and intensifying in proportion as it is exercised aright. The more we fix our attention on the highest ideals cf Art, and withdraw ourselves from the influence of those lower forms of it which in any way connect themselves with the grosser parts of our nature (§ 413, note), the stronger will be the intuitive preference we shall acquire for what is noble and elevating, the more thorough our intuitive distaste for all that is mean and degrading. And a truly great work of Art not only commands the admiration of such as are already capable of ap- preciating its excellence, and contributes to form the taste of that much larger number whose dormant capacity for the enjoyment of it needs only to be called forth and rightly directed ; but tends to develope in successive generations an ever-increasing capacity for such enjoyment, which will thus add largely to the happiness of the Bace. Thus there can be no doubt that the enjoyment which all persons of cultivated taste now feel in the Picturesque, is a growth of modern times ; its germ having been furnished (as the very word imphes) by that perception of the beautiful in landscape-scenery, 514 Of Imagination. which first began to show Itself in the works of Painters scarcely three centuries ago. Not many generations back, Switzerland, now "the playground" of Europe," was regarded but as a rugged and toilsome pass, that had to be surmounted by the traveller who desired to find his way to "sunny Italy;" and the reply given to the Writer by a domestic of average intelligence, who had been visiting Tin tern Abbey, "Yes, it's very pretty; but what a pity it's in ruins !" would have expressed the general sentiment of the educated public. That even the least cultivated, however, may have real apprecia- tion for Pictures which express a high ideal of Humanity, appears from the marked preference shown for the best works of this class in tho collection of Sir Bichard Wallace, during its exhibition at the Bethnal Green Museum.—" Who would not try to be a good woman, who had such a child as that?" was the spontaneous utterance of a female of the artizan class, who had been gazing intently at one of the beautiful representations by Murillo of the Infant Jesus in the arms of his Mother. CHAPTER XIII. OF UXCOXSCIOUS CEREBRATIOX. 416. Having thus found reason to conclude that a large part of our Intellectual activity—whether it consist in Seasoning processes, or in the exercise of the Imagination—is essentially automatic, and may be described in Physiological language as the reflex action of the Cerebrum, we have next to consider Avhether this action may not take place unconsciously. To affirm that the Cerebrum may act upon impressions transmitted to it, and may elaborate Intellectual results, such as Ave might have attained by the intentional direction of our minds to the subject, without any consciousness on our own parts, is held by many Metaphysicians, more especially in Britain, to be an altogether untenable and even a most objectionable doctrine. But this affirmation is only the Physiological expression of a doctrine which has been current among the Metaphysicians of Germany, from the time of Leibnitz to the present date, and which was systemati- cally expounded by Sir William Hamilton,—that the Mind may undergo modifications, sometimes of very considerable importance, without being itself conscious of the process, until its results present themselves to the consciousness, in the new ideas, or new combi- nations of ideas, which the process has evolved. This "Unconscious Cerebration," or "Latent Mental modification," is the precise parallel, in the higher sphere of Cerebral or Mental activity, to the movements of our limbs, and to the direction of those movements through our visual sense, which we put in train volitionally when we set out on some habitually-repeated walk, but which then proceed not only automatically, but unconsciously, so long as our attention continues to be uninterruptedly diverted from them. 516 Of Unconscious Cerebration. (§ 16). And it was by reflection on this parallelism, and on the peculiar structural relation of the Cerebrum to the Ganglionic tract which seems to constitute the Sensorium or centre of conscious- ness, alike for the external and for the internal senses (§ 100), that the Writer was led (in ignorance of the teachings both of German Metaphysicians, and of Sir William Hamilton, whose lectures had not at that time been published) to the idea that Cerebral changes may take place unconsciously, if the Sensorium be either in a state of absolute torpor, or be for a time non-receptive as regards those changes, its activity being exerted in some other direction; or, to express the same fact Psychologically, that mental (?) changes, of whose results we subsequently become conscious, may go on below the plane of consciousness, either during profound sleep, or whilo the attention is wholly engrossed by some entirely different train of thought.* 417. To the Writer it seems a matter of no practical conse- quence, wdiether the doctrine be stated in terms of Metaphysics or in terms of Physiology—in terms of mind, or in terms of brain,—provided it be recognised as having a positive scientific basis. But since, in the systems of Philosophy long prevalent in this country, consciousness has been almost uniformly taken as tho basis of all strictly mental activity, it seems convenient to designate as Functions of the Nervous System all those operations which lie * Subsequently to the first publication of his views on this subject (in the fourth edition of his "Human Physiology," 1852) the Author learned from his friend, Dr. Laycock, to whose Essay on the " Reflex Action of the Brain " he has already referred (§ 9i note) as a most important contribution to Mental Physiology, that he had fully intended to convey the idea that such reflex action might be unconscious. As no distinct statement was made to that effect, and as all Dr. Laycock's illustrative examples were of a kind in which consciousness was involved, the Writer may be excused for having—in common with others who were following the same line of enquiry—failed to apprehend Dr. Laycock's meaning on this point. But he willingly accepts Dr. Laycock's statement of it: and now re- states the grounds on which he himself independently arrived at the same con- elusion, simply as justifying the claim which the question has to a thorough re-consideration on the part of British Metaphysicians. Reflex Action of the Cerebrum. 51 7 below that level. And there is this advantage in approaching tho subject from the Physiological side,—that the study of the auto- matic actions of other parts of the Nervous System furnishes a clue, by the guidance of which we may be led to the scientific elucidation of many phenomena thatwould otherwise remain obscure and meaningless. For, as we have seen, each of the Nervous centres has an independent " reflex" activity of its own, sometimes "primary'' or " original," sometimes "secondary" or "acquired;" while our consciousness of its exercise depends upon the impression which it makes upon the Sensorium, Avhich is the instrument alike of the external and of the internal senses. Looking, therefore, at all the automatic operations of the Mind in the light of "reflex actions" of the Cerebrum, there is no more difficulty in com- prehending that such reflex actions may proceed without our cognizance,—their results being evolved as intellectual products, when we become conscious of the impressions transmitted along the "nerves of the internal senses" from the Cerebrum to the Senso- rium,—than there is in understanding that impressions may excite muscular movements through the " reflex" poAver of the Spinal Cord without the necessary intervention of sensation (§ 68). In both cases, the condition of this mode of unconscious operation is, that the receptivity of the Sensorium shall be suspended quoad the changes in question; either by its own functional inactivity, or through its temporary engrossment by other impressions. —It is difficult to find an appropriate term for this class of operations. They can scarcely be designated as Beasoning pro- cesses, since " unconscious reasoning" seems a contradiction in terms. The designation unconscious cerebration is perhaps as unobjectionable as any other, and has been found readily in- telligible. (See § 428.) 118. The following passages from Sir William Hamilton's Lectures will show the aspect in which this subject presented itself to a pure Metaphysician :— 518 Of Unconscious Cerebration. " Are there, in ordinary, Mental modifications—i.e. Mental acti- vities and passivities—of which we are unconscious, but which manifest their existence by effects of which we are conscious ? " I do not hesitate to affirm that what we are conscious of is con- structed out of what we are not conscious of;—that our whole know- ledge, in fact, is made up of the unknown and the incognisable. . . There are many things which we neither know nor can know in them- selves,' but which manifest their existence indirectly through tho medium of their effects. This is the case with the Mental modifi- cations in question: they are not in themselves revealed to Con- sciousness ; but as certain facts of Consciousness necessarily suppose them to exist, and to exert an influence on the mental processes, we are thus constrained to admit, as Modifications of Mind, what are not phenomena of Consciousness. " Consciousness cannot exist independently of some peculiar modi- fication of Mind. We are only conscious, as we are conscious of a de- terminate state or Mental modification, the existence of which supposes a change or transition from some other state or modification. But as the modification must be present before we have a consciousness of it, vwe can have no consciousness of its rise or awakening, for this is also the rise or awakening of consciousness.—{Lectures, Vol. i., pp. 348,319.) "To Leibnitz belongs the honour of originating this opinion, and of having supplied some of the strongest arguments in its support. He was, however, unfortunate in the terms which he employed to propound his doctrine. The latent modifications—the unconscious activities of mind—he denominated ' obscure ideas,' ' obscure repre- sentations,' ' perceptions without apperception or consciousness,' ' insensible perceptions,' &c. In this he violated the universal uso of language. For perception, and idea, and representation all properly involve the notion of consciousness;—it being, in fact, contradictory to speak of a representation not actually represented—a perception not really perceived—an actual idea of whose presence we are not aware. It has been in consequence of this misuse of terms, that the Leibnitzian doctrine has not been more generally adopted; and that, in France and in Britain, succeeding philosophers have admitted as an almost self-evident truth, that there can be no modification of mind devoid of consciousness. As to any refutation of the Leibnitzian doctrine, I know of none."—{Op. cit. p. 262.) Leibnitz and Sir William Hamilton. 519 Mr. J. S. Mill, however, wdiile fully accepting Sir William Hamil- ton's statement as to the facts on which his doctrine of " Mental Latency" is based, objects to his mode of expressing them as r.o less erroneous than that of Leibnitz : considering " unconscious mental modification "as a contradiction in terms ; and attributing the phenomena to unrecognized changes in the substance of the Brain, which he regards as the constant physical antecedents of mental modifications,—thus explicitly accepting the doctrine of "unconscious cerebration." * 419. A very apposite example of this form of activity is afforded by a phenomenon, which, although familiar to every one who takes note of the workings of his own mind, has been scarcely recognised by Metaphysical inquirers ; namely, that when we have been trying to recollect (§ 373) some name, phrase, occurrence, &c.,—and, after vainly employing all the expedients we can think-of for bringing the desiderated idea to our minds, have abandoned the attempt as useless,—it will often occur spontaneously a little Avhile afterwards, suddenly flashing (as it were) into our consciousness, either when we are thinking of something altogether different, or on awaking out of profound sleep.—Now it is important to note, in the first case, that the Mind may have been entirely engrossed in the mean time by some entirely different subject of contemplation, and that we cannot detect any link of association Avhereby the result has been obtained, notwithstanding that the whole "train of thought" which has passed through the mind in the interval may be most distinctly remembered; and, in the second, that the missing idea seems more likely to present itself when the sleep has been profound, than when it has been dis- turbed. The first form of the phenomenon has been thus admirably described by Miss Cobbe:— " It is an every-day occurrence to most of us to forget a particular * See his Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy, chap. xv. 20 Of Unconscious Cerebration. word, or a line of poetry, and to remember it some hours later, whon wo have ceased consciously to seek for it. We try, perhaps anxiously, at first to recover it, well aware that it lies somewhere hidden in our memory, but unable to seize it. As the saying is, we ' ransack our brains for it,' but, failing to find it, we at last turn our attention to other matters. By-and-bye, when, so far as consciousness goes, our whole minds are absorbed in a different topic, we exclaim, ' Eureka 1 the word or verse is so-and-so.' So familiar is this phenomenon, that we are accustomed in similar straits to say, ' Never mind; I Bhall think of the missing word by-and-bye, when I am attending to something else'; and we deliberately turn away, not intending finally to abandon the pursuit, but precisely as if we were possessed of an obedient secretary or librarian, whom we could order to hunt up a missing document, or turn out a word in a dictionary, while we amused ourselves with something else. The more this common phenomenon is studied, the more I think the observer of his own mental processes will be obliged to concede, that, so far as his own conscious self is concerned, the research is made absolutely without him. He has neither pain, nor pleasure, nor sense of labour in tho task, any more than if it were performed by somebody else; and his conscious self is all the time suffering, enjoying, or labouring on totally different grounds." — {Macmillan'a Magazine, November, 1870, p. 25.) So says also Oliver Wendell Holmes :— " We wish to remember something in the courso of conversation. No effort of the will can reach it; but we say, ' Wait a minute, and it will come to me,' and go on talking. Presently, perhaps, some minutes later, the idea we are in search of comes all at once into the mind, delivered like a prepaid parcel laid at the door of consciousness, like a foundling in a basket. How it came there, we know not. Tho mind must have been at work, groping and feeling for it in the dark; it cannot have come of itself. Yet, all the while, our consciousness, so far as we are conscious of our consciousness, was busy with other thoughts."—{Mechanism in Thought and Morals, p. 43.) 420. So frequently has this occurred within the Writer's experi- ence, that he is now in the habit of trusting to this method of recol- Recovery of Lost Ideas. 521 lection, wiiere he has reason to feel sure that the desired idea is not far off, if the mind can only find its track ;—as when it relates to some occurrence (such as a payment of money, or meeting with a person whose face is familiar to him, but whose name he cannot recall) which he knows to have taken place within a few days previously. For he has found himself much more certain of recovering it, by withdrawing his mind from the search when it is not speedily successful, and by giving himself up to the occupation appropriate to the time, than by inducing Fatigue by unsuccessful efforts. And this is not his own experience onlyr, but that of many others. The fact has been noticed by Sir H. Holland ; * from whom he has learned that the above plan has been put into successful action by many to whom he had recommended it. By Sir Henry, however, the success was regarded as due simply to the refreshment which the mind has received by change of thought : but the considerations to be presently adduced seem to justify the belief, that the train of action, which we volitionally set going in the Cerebrum in the first instance, continues to work by itself after our attention has been fixed upon some other object of thought; so that it goes on to the evolution of its result, not only without any continued exertion on our own parts, but also without our con- sciousness of any continued activity. The advantage of thus detach- ing our attention from it seems to be, that it runs on undisturbed by our fruitless and distracting attempts ; just as, to use Miss Cobbe's happy illustration, our "obedient secretary " is more likely to find what we want, when we leave him to search for it in his own way, instead of worrying him with continual directions to look in this, that, or the other place. 421. The following circumstance, mentioned by Mr. Macgregor in his " Thousand Miles in the Bob Boy Canoe," is a good example of this automatic reproduction of a lost idea, after the will had searched for it in vain :— * " Chapters on Mental Physiology," p. 66. 522 Of Unconscious Cerebration. When on the Mourthe, he saw three women on the bank of tho river, in great alarm, who searched in vain for two boys supposed to have gone away to fish, but missing for many hours. They eagerly asked Mr. Macgregor to tell them whether he had seen them, and implored him with tears to advise them what to do. " I tried," he says, " all I could to recollect; but no, I had not seen the boys; and so tho women went away distracted, and left me sorrowful. But suddenly, when toiling in the middle of a very difficult piece of rock- work, lowering the boat (and therefore no longer trying to remember), I remembered having seen those boys, so I ran over the fields after the anxious mamma, and soon assured her that the children had been safe an hour ago." 422. Another instance, which has been kindly communicated to the Writer (with others to be cited hereafter, § 435) by a Graduate of the University of London, as having occurred to himself, is interesting from the evidence it affords that the automatic repro- duction of the lost impression is a matter of time; the process i having apparently not been completed, so as to produce the recog- nition by the mind of the desiderated name, when it was first presented to the eye :— " One day I was summoned to a Town at some distance, to see a friend lying dangerously ill at a Physician's house. While in the railway-train, I found that I could not remember either the name of the Physician or his address. I vainly endeavoured to recall them. I became much excited ; but bethought me that if I consulted a Post Office Directory, I should see and recognize the name. I consulted the Directory on reaching the hotel, but the name seemed not to be there. Soon after, while I was ordering some refreshment, the name flashed on my consciousness. I left the astounded waiter, rushed to the Directory, and there saw the name ; and what is more, / am sure that I had noticed it on my first inspection, without recognizing it as the name I sought." 423. Of the recovery of a lost idea after profound sleep, the following incident (which was communicated to the Writer as of recent occurrence, after a Lecture he had been giving on this J Recovery of L osl Ideas. 523 subject, in 18G8, at the Boyal Institution) affords a remarkable example :— The Manager of a Bank in a certain large town in Yorkshire could not find a duplicate key, which gave access to all the safes and desks in the office, and which ought to have been in a place accessible only to himself and to the Assistant-manager. Tho latter being absent on a holiday in Wales, the Manager's first impression was that the key had probably been taken away by his Assistant in mistake ; but on writing to him, he learned to his great surprise and distress that he had not got the key, and knew nothing of it. Of course, the idea that this key, which gave access to every valuable in the bank, was in the hands of any wrong person, having been taken with a felonious intention, was to him most distressing. He made search everywhere, tried to think of every place in which the key might possibly be, and could not find it. The Assistant-manager was recalled, both he and every person in the bank were questioned, but no one could give any idea of where the key could be. Of course, although no robbery had taken place up to this point, there was the apprehension that a robbery might be committed after the storm had blown over, when a better opportunity might be afforded by the absence of the same degree of watchfulness. A first-class detective was then brought down from London, and this man had the fullest opportunity given him of making inquiries; every person in the bank was brought up before him; he applied all those means of investigation which a very able man of this class knows how to employ ; and at last he came to the Manager and said, "I am perfectly satisfied that no one in the bank knows anything about this lost key. You may rest assured that you have put it away somewhere yourself; but you have been worrying your- self so much about it, that you have forgotten where you put it away. As long as you worry yourself in this manner, you will not remember it; but go to bed to-night with the assurance that it will he all right; get a good night's sleep; and in the morning you will most likely remember where you have put the key." This turned out exactly as was predicted. The key was found the next morning in some extra- ordinarily secure place, which the Manager had not previously thought of, but in which ho then felt sure he must himself hava put it. 524 Of Unconscious Cerebration. 424. It is a most remarkable confirmation of this view, that Ideas which have passed out of the conscious memory, sometimes express themselves in involuntary muscular movements, to the great surprise of the individuals executing them. Thus, while the answers given by the " talking-tables," or by the pointing or writing of the " planchette," in most instances express the ideas consciously present to the minds of the operators (§ 252), true answers are often given to questions as to matters of fact, notwithstanding that there may be either entire ignorance (proceeding from complete forgct- fulness) of those facts, or absolute disbelief in the statement of them. The following examples of this remarkable occurrence (which wero attributed by their narrators to "spiritual" agency) are selected from many that might be cited to the same effect:— a. The Writer was assured that a "planchette," made in Bath, which had been on a visit in various families for several months, having been asked where it was made, replied " Bath ; " although the ques- tioners all thought it came from London, and disbelieved its state- ment, which was afterwards verified. 6. The Bev. Mr. Dibdin, M.A. (in his Lecture on Table-Tumi ivj published in 1853), states that he and a friend having directed tho table to say, " How many years is it since her Majesty came to tho throne ? " the table struck sixteen, though no one present knew the date of her accession; and having directed it to " give the age of the Prince of Wales," which was not known either to Mr. Dibdin or his friend, the table struck eleven, and then raised the foot a little way. On referring to an Almanack, both these numbers were found to bo correct.—Further, the question being put (in the house of a tailor), " How many men are at work in the shop below ? " the table replied by striking three, and giving two gentle rises ; on which tho employer, who was one of the party, said, " There are four men and two boys, so three is a mistake; " but he afterwards remembered that one of the young men was out of town. i25. This last fact affords a simple and direct clue to much that seems mysterious in these phenomeua : for it is obviously as un- philosophical to attribute to an assumed " spiritual" agency the Automatic Expression of Lost Ideas. 525 motions of the hands which give written expression to ideas formerly—though not at the time—present to the consciousness, as it would be to attribute to the like " possession " the utterance of words and sentences in a language that has been entirely forgotten, and was perhaps never even understood (§344 d). In the one case, as in the other, the records of the old impressions, left in the deeper stratum of unconsciousness, disclose their existence through the automatic motor apparatus. And that this is the true account of the phenomena in question, seems evident from other examples, in which (as in the last of the cases just now cited) the subsequent reminiscence proved that the idea, which was contrary to the belief of the questioner at the time, wTas the correct reproduction of one which had been formerly recorded, but Avhich had passed out of the conscious memory :— a. The author of an article on " Spiritualism and its Becent Con- verts," states himself to have been informed by an eminent literary man, in whose veracity he had the fullest confidence, that " the spirit of a friend, whose decease had taken place some months previously, having announced itself in the usual way, and the question having been put, ' When did I last see you in life ?' the answer given was inconsistent with the recollection of the interrogator. But, on his subsequently talking over the matter with his family, it was brought to his remembrance that he had seen his deceased friend on the occa- sion mentioned, and had spoken of it to them at the time, although he had afterwards quite forgotten the circumstance."—{Quarterly Review, October, 1871, p. 319.) 6. Another instance, supplied by Mr. Dibdin {pp. cit.), affords yet more remarkable evidence to the same effect; especially as being related by a firm believer in the "diabolical" origin of Table-talking:—A gentle- man, who was at the time a believer in the "spiritual" agency of his table, assured Mr. Dibdin that he had raised a good spirit instead of -.vil ones—that, namely, of Edward Young, the poet. The " spirit " having been desired to prove his identity by citing a line of his poetry, (ho table spelled out, "Man was not made to question, but adore." "Is that in your 'Night Thoughts'?" was then asked. "No." 526 Of Unconscious Cerebration. "Where is it, then?" The reply was, "J o B." Not bein- familiar with Young's Poems, the questioner did not know what this meant; but the next day he bought a copy of them ; and at the end of the " Night Thoughts " he found a paraphrase of the Book of Job, the last line of which is, " Man was not made to question, but adore." Of course he was very much astonished; but not long afterwards ho camo to Mr. Dibdin, and assured him that he had satisfied himself that the whole thing was a delusion,—numerous answers ho had obtained being obviously the results of an influence unconsciously exerted on the table by those who had their hands upon it; and when asked by Mr. Dibdin how he accounted for the dictation of tho line by the spirit of Young, ho very honestly confessed, "Well, the fact is, I must tell you, that I had the book in my house all the time, although I bought another copy; and / found that I had read it before. My opinion is that it was a latent idea, and that the table brought it out." 426. There are other cases, again, in which two distinct trains of Mental action are carried on simultaneously,—one consciously, tho other unconsciously ; the latter guiding the movements, which may express something quite unrelated to the subject that entirely and continuously engrosses the attention. This is only a higher form of the automatic movements already referred to (§ 194) as ex- ecuted under the like circumstances ; those now in question being the expressions of mental, not of mere bodily habit,—that is to say, the resultants of a previous training, which has left its impress on the organization. Here, again, we profit by Miss Cobbe's graphic sketches {loc. cit., p. 26) :— "We read aloud, taking-in the appearance and proper sound of each word, and the punctuation of each sentence; and all the time we are not thinking of these matters, but of the argument of the author; or picturing the scene he describes; or, possibly, following a wholly different train of thought. " Similarly, in writing with ' the pen of a ready writer,' it would almost seem as if the pen itself took the business of forming the letters and dipping itself in tho ink at proper intervals, so engrossed Dropping-out of Links of A ssociatiou. 527 are we in the thoughts which we are trying to express. We uncon- sciously cerebrate—while wo are all tho time consciously buriod in our subject—that it will not answer to begin two consecutive sentences in the same way ; that we must introduce a query here, or an ejaculation there, and close our paragraphs with a sonorous word and not with a preposition. All this we do, not of malice 'prepense, but because the well-tutored sprite, whose business it is to look after our p's and q's, settles it for us, as a clerk does the formal part of a merchant's correspondence. " Music-playing is of all others the most extraordinary mani- festation of the powers of unconscious cerebration. Here we seem not to have one slave, but a dozen. Two different lines of hiero- glyphics have to be read at once, and the right hand has to be guided to attend to one of them, the left to another. All the ten fingers have their work assigned as quickly as they can move. The mind, or something which does duty as mind, interprets scores of A sharps and B flats and C naturals into black ivory keys and white ones, crotchets and quavers and demi-semiquavers, rests, and all the mysteries of music. The feet are not idle, but have something to do with the pedals ; and, if the instrument be a double-action harp [or an organ], a task of pushings and pullings more difficult than that of the hands. And all this time the performer, the conscious performer, is in a seventh heaven of artistic rapture at the results of all this tremendous business, or perchance lost in a flirtation with the individual who turns the leaves of the music-book, and is justly persuaded she is giving him the whole of her soul." 427. Another example of " latent" mental or rather Cerebral action is afforded, as Sir William Hamilton has pointed out, by the process (first noticed by Hartley) whereby one idea, A, comes directly to suggest another idea, C, to which it is unrelated; the link of connection being supplied by a former intermediate idea, B, which has passed altogether out of the consciousness. A careful analysis of the sequence of our conscious mental action would show that this is an extremely common occurrence ; in fact, it is the basis of the whole doctrine of resultants, which has been already advanced as the rationale of our Common-sense judgments (§ 382). 1 528 Of Unconscious Cerebration. The following circumstance, which happened to the Writer within a few hours after penning the above sentences, might seem almost too trivial to bo recorded, if it were not so exactly "to the point." His friend Dr. Sharpey having for years acted as one of the Secre- taries to the Boyal Society, the writer had been in the constant habit of communicating with him on Boyal Society business. But a few months previously, Dr. S. had resigned this post; a fact of which tho writer was most fully cognizant at the time, and the recollection of which would have prevented him from applying to Dr. S. on any secretarial matter. Having wished to obtain some information which it would have been the function of the Secretary to give, and meet- ing Dr. S. at the " Athenaeum," he at once asked him for it, as he had been wont to do; the mere recognition of Dr. S. prompting this application (as a reflex action of the Cerebrum), withoid the con- scious excitement of the idea of Dr. Sharpey's Secretariat, which had originally been the connecting link. Had this idea been brought up, the writer is sure that he should have at once remembered Dr. Sharpey's resignation; more especially since he had been speakin" to Professor Huxley, his successor in the Secretariat, only a few minutes before, in the same room, with reference to the duties of hia office. 428. The explanation of this fact usually adopted by British Meta- physicians, is that the intermediate idea, B, is in reality momen- tarily present to the consciousness, but that its presence is not remembered. This is, however, a mere assumption, resting entirely on a foregone conclusion, and incapable of any kind of proof. For, as Mr. J. S. Mill has Avell remarked, when this obliteration of the intermediate ideas is complete " it is, to our subsequent conscious- ness, exactly as if we did not have them at all; we arc incapable, by any self-examination, of being aware of them." Mr. Mill entirely agrees with Sir William Hamilton as to the facts; but prefers the Physiological mode of expressing them : " If we admit (what physiology is rendering more and more probable) that our mental feelings, as well as our sensations, have for their physical antecedents particular states of the nerves ; it may well be believed J A bbrevialion of Mental Processes. 529 that the apparently suppressed links in a chain of association really are so; that they are not, even momentarily, felt; the chain of causation being continued only physically by one organic state of the nerves succeeding another so rapidly that the state of mental consciousness appropriate to each is not produced."—{Ex- amination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy, p. 285.) 429. It is by a process of direct suggestion of ideas through sensa- tions which have originally acted through an intermediate succession of Mental states, that, as already pointed out, we derive our notion of solid form, by a process of mental construction, from the two dis- similar perspectives projected on our retinae (§ 168). And alike case of abbreviation, by the omission of the intermediate processes by which a composite idea was originally formed, is supplied by the two operations -to be next adverted to ; the first of them familiar to every one, the second well known among experts :— When we apply ourselves to the perusal of a book, for the purpose of making ourselves acquainted Avith the author's meaning, if its subject be one into which wTe readily enter, if the writer's flow of thought be in a course which we easily follow, and if his lan- guage be appropriate to express his ideas, we acquire the meaning of one sentence after another, without any conscious recognition of the meaning of each of its component words ; it being only when the language is ill chosen, or when we do not readily folloAv the author's train of thought, that we direct our attention to the signi- fication of the individual words, and become conscious of their separate meaning. Yet it is certain that a particular impression must have been made by each of these w?ords upon the Cerebrum, before we can comprehend the notion which they were collectively intended to convey; and when a child is first learning to read, that impression gives rise to a distinct idea of the meaning of each word separately.—So an expert calculator, who may have originally had no more than an ordinary facility in apprehending the relations of numbers, casting his eye rapidly from the bottom to the top of 24 5 3° Of Unconscious Cerebration. a column of figures, will name the total without any conscious appreciation of the value of each individual figure ; having acquired by practice somewhat of that immediate insight, which is so remark- able a form of intuition in certain rare cases (§ 205). It is certain that a distinct ideational state must have been originally called up by the sight of each individual figure ; and yet an impression made by it upon the Cerebrum, which does not produce any con- scious recognition of its numerical value, comes to bo adequate for the evolution of the result. 430. But whilst, in the preceding instances, no higher act of Mind is required, than the production of one ideational resultant from the combination of simpler elements, there are cases in which processes of a far more elaborate nature are carried on, without necessarily affecting our consciousness. Most persons who attend to their own Mental operations are aware, that when they have been occupied for some time about a particular subject, and have then transferred their attention to some other, the first, when they return to the consideration of it, may be found to present an aspect very different from that which it possessed before it was put aside ; notwith- standing that the mind has since been so completely engrossed with the second subject, as not to have been consciously directed towards the first in the interval. Now a part of this change may depend upon the altered condition of the Mind itself; such as we experience when wre take up a subject in the morning, with all the vigour which we derive from the refreshment of sleep, and find no difficulty in overcoming obstacles and disentangling perplexities, which checked our further progress the night before, when we were too weary to give more than a languid attention to the points to be made out, and could use no exertion in the search for their solutions. But this by no means accounts for the entirely new development which the subject is frequently found to havre under- gone, when we return to it after a considerable interval; a develop- ment which cannot be reasonably explained in any other mode, Unconscious Evolution of Judgments. 531 than by attributing it to an intermediate activity of the Cerebrum, which has automatically evolved the result without our conscious- ness. This was long since pointed out by Abraham Tucker, who says :—" With all our care to digest our materials, we cannot do it completely ; but after a night's rest, or some recreation, or the mind being turned into some different course of thinking, she finds tliey have ranged themselves anew during her absence, and in such manner as exhibits almost at one view all their mutual relations, dependences, and consequences ;—which shows that our organs do not stand idle the moment we cease to employ them, but continue the motions we put into them after they have gone out of sight, thereby working themselves to a glibness and smoothness, and fall- ing into a more regular and orderly posture than we could have placed tliem with all our skill and industry."* This experience was thus recorded by Sir Benjamin Brodie :— " It seems to me that on some occasions a still more remarkable process takes place in the Mind, which is even more independent of volition than that of which we are speaking; as if there were in the mind a principle of order, which operates without our being at the time conscious of it. It has often happened to me to have been occupied by a particular subject of inquiry; to have accumulated a store of facts connected with it; but to have been able to proceed no further. Then, after an interval of time, without any addition to my stock of knowledge, I have found the obscurity and confusion in which the subject was originally enveloped to have cleared away; the facts have seemed all to settle themselves in their right places, and their mutual relations to have become apparent, although I have not been sensible of having made any distinct effort for that purpose."—{Psychological Inquiries, vol. i. p. 20.) 431. There is considerable ground to believe that the best judgments are often mentally delivered, in difficult cases, by the unconscious resolution of the difficulties in the way of arriving at a conclusion, when the question (after being well considered in the * " Light of Nature Pursued," 2nd edition (1805), vol. i. p. 358. 532 Of Unconscious Cerebration. first place) is left to settle itself. The following extract from the Beport of a Lecture delivered by the Writer, not long since, expresses not merely his own experience, but Avhat he has gathered from the experience of others :— " It has on several occasions occurred to me to have to form a decision as to some important change, either in my own plans of life, or in those of members of my family, in which were involved a great many of what we are accustomed to call pros and cons,—that is, in which there was a great deal to be said on both sides. I heard the expression once used by a Naturalist, with regard to Classification, ' It is very easy to deal with the white and the black; but the difficulty is to deal with the grey.' And so it is in Life. It is perfectly easy to deal with the white and the black;—there are things which are clearly right, and things which are clearly wrong; there are things which are clearly prudent, and things which aie clearly imprudent;—but a great many cases arise, in which even right and wrong may seem questionable, or opposing motives in them- selves good may be so balanced that it is difficult to see where our duty lies ; and again there are cases in which it is difficult to say ivhat is prudent:—and I believe that in all such cases, where we aro not hurried and pressed for a decision, our best plan is to let the question settle itself by Unconscious Cerebration ; having first brought before our minds, as fully as possible, everything that can be fairly urged on both sides. We discuss the question in our own family circle; then we go to our friends, who very probably suggest con- siderations that did not occur to ourselves, but who cannot feel as we do the strength of some of the considerations involved; and then it will be found the best way to put the matter altogdltcr aside for a month or two (if that time can be allowed), and to turn the current of thought and feeling into some entirely different channel. It is often wonderful, on returning to the subject after such an interval, to find how unhesitatingly the Mind then gravitates, how distinctly the balance of judgment then turns. I feel convinced that, in tbo habitually well-disciplined nature, this unconscious operation of the Brain, in balancing for itself all these considerations, in puttins,' all in order (so to speak), and in working out the result, is far more likely to lead U3 to a good and true decision, than continual discus- Unconscious Evolution of Judgments. 533 sion and argumentation. For when one argument is pressed with what we feel to be undue force, this leads us to bring up something on the other side ; so that we are driven into antagonism by what we think the undue pressure of the force which is being exerted. No true balance can be struck until this excitement has subsided; and when it has, the inclination of the balance will be determined by the whole previous training and discipline of our Minds, which will be the more likely to give to it the right direction, in proportion as we have habitually and determinately shaped our course of conscious action under the direction of the highest motives." 432. The Writer has received from a distinguished Prelate the following account of his own frequently-repeated experience of another form of the same kind of action :— " I have for years been accustomed to act upon your principle of 'Unconscious Cerebration,' with very satisfactory results. I am frequently asked, as you may suppose, to preach occasional sermons ; and when I have undertaken any such duty, I am in the habit of setting down and thinking over the topics I wish to introduce, with- out in the first instance endeavouring to frame them into any con- sistent scheme. I then put aside my sketch for a time, and give my mind to some altogether different subject; and when I come to write my sermon, perhaps a week or two afterwards, I very com- monly find that the topics I set down have arranged themselves, so that I can at once apply myself to develope them on the plan in which they then present themselves before me." 433. The following example, furnished by 0. Wendell Holmes, is interesting as one in which the individual was conscious of the flow of an under-current of mental action, although this did not rise to the level of distinct ideation :— a. " I was told, within a week, of a business-man in Boston, who, having an important question under consideration, had given it up for the time as too much for him. But he was conscious of an action going on in his brain, which was so unusual and painful as to excite his apprehensions that he was threatened with palsy, or something of 1 534 Of Unconscious Cerebration. that sort. After some hours of this uneasiness, his perplexity was all at once cleared up by the natural solution of his doubts coming to him—worked out, as he believed, in that obscure and troubled interval."—{Op. cit., p. 47.) And it is well said by the same able author, who combines no small measure of the intuition of the Boot with the acquired knowledge of the Physiologist and the Physician :— b. " I question whether persons who think most—that is, have most conscious thought pass through their minds—necessarily do most mental work. The tree you are sticking in ' will be growing when you are sleeping.' So with every new idea that is planted in a real thinker's mind: it will be growing when he is least conscious of it. An idea in the brain is not a legend carved on a marble slab: it is an impression made on a living tissue, which is the seat of active nutritive processes. Shall the initials I carved in bark increase from year to year with the tree ? and shaB not my recorded thought deve- lope into new forms and relations with my growing brain?"—{Op. cit., p. 68.) 434. The same mode of action seems to have a large share in the process of invention, Avhether Artistic or Poetical, Scientific or Mechanical. For it is a common experience of inventors (whether Artists, Poets, or Mechanicians), that when they have been brought to a stand by some difficulty, the tangle will be more likely to unravel itself (so to speak) if the attention be completely withdrawn from it, than by any amount of continued effort. The Writer has taken every opportunity that has presented itself to him, of asking creators in various departments of Art and Science, what their experience has been in regard to difficulties which they have felt, and which they have after a time overcome; and the experience has been almost always the same. They have kept the result which they have wished to obtain strongly before their attention in the first instance, just as we do wdien we "try to recollect" something we have forgotten, by thinking of everything likely to lead to it; but, if they do not succeed, they put it aside for a Unconscious Exercise of the Inventive Faculty. 535 time, and give their minds to something else, endeavouring to obtain either complete repose of mind, or refreshment by change of occupation ; and they find that either after sleep, or after some period of recreation by a variety of employment, just what they want "comes into their heads.".—The following is told of Charlotte Bronte by her Biographer, Mrs. Gaskell:— a. " She said that it was not every clay that she could write. Some- times weeks or even months elapsed before she felt that she had any- thing to add to that portion of her story wdiich was already written. Then, some morning she would waken up, and the progress of her tale lay clear and bright before her in distinct vision, its incidents and consequent thoughts being at such times more present to her mind than her actual hfe itself. "—{Life, p. 234.) 6. " Whenever she had to describe anything which had not fallen within her own experience, it was her habit ' to think of it intently many and many a night before falling to sleep, wondering what it was like, or how it would be;' till at length, sometimes after the progress of her story had been arrested at this one point for weeks, Bhe wakened up in the morning with all clear before her, as if she had in reality gone through the experience, and then could describe it word for word as it had happened."—{Life, p. 425.) So of the late Mr. Appold—the inventor of the centrifugal pump, which attracted much attention in the International Exhibition of 1851, as well as of many other ingenious applications of scientific principles to practical purposes—it is recorded that:— c. "It was his habit, when a difficulty arose, carefully to consider the exact result he required; and having satisfied himself upon that point, he would direct his attention to the simplest mode in which the end could be attained. With that view he would during the day bring together in his mind ah the facts and principles relating to the case ; and the solution of the problem usually occurred to him in the early morning after sleep. If the matter was difficult, he would be restless and uneasy during the night; but after repose, when the brain had recovered from fatigue, and when in the quiet of the early morning no external influences distracted his attention, the resultant of all 1 536 Of Unconscious Cerebration. known scientific principles bearing upon the question presented itself to his mind."—{Proceedings of the Boyal Society, vol. xv. p. 5.) 435. The following instances, communicated to the Writer by the gentleman (§ 422) in whose experience they have occurred, are of special interest, as showing, first, how nearly complete the " circuit of thought'' (as in the subsequent illustration) may remain for a long time without being " closed ; " and secondly, how readily its result may fade from the conscious memory, if it is not recorded at the moment of production. It is within the experience of most persons of active minds, that they can distinctly remember being struck by some particular "happy thought," which has after- wards entirely escaped them through not having been noted down at the time ; and it is a prudent system, therefore, to have a memorandum-book always at hand, for the registration of all note- worthy ideas. a. " When at school, I was fond of trying my hand at geometrical problems. One baffled me. I often returned to it, in fact kept by me an elaborate figure. Some years after, and when the problem had not been touched by me for some time, I had been sitting up till the small hours, deciphering a cryptograph for one of my pupils. Exulting in the successful solution, I turned into bed; and suddenly there flashed across my mind the secret of the solution of the problem I had so long vainly dealt with, this secret being a slight addition to my elaborate figure. The effect on me was strango. I trembled, as if in the presence of another being who had communicated tho secret to me. b. " Another time, an algebraical sum had plagued me for a day or two. I could not get the desired result. Some weeks after, on returning from a social gathering, I retired, thinking of the pleasant evening I had spent; when suddenly it flashed across me that there was an error in the sum as set. I leaped out of bed with the same mysterious feeling upon me, wrote down the involved expression with the suggested correction, worked the sum, and obtained the desired result. Strange to say, some weeks afterwards I took the sum from tho book, but could not discover what change should be made; and Unconscious Exercise of the Inventive Facidty. 537 it was not until I found the scrap of paper upon which I had worked it that night, that I could correct tho sum in the book. " I select the above from a large number of similar experiences. In fact, it is my habit to retire to bed, if I meet with any great difficulty in mathematics; and frequently, when my mind seems occupied with something else, and generally just as I seem falling asleep, the difficulty vanishes, the problem is solved. This has often caused me some anxiety; for I have regarded it as an unhealthy action of tho brain." 43G. We seem justified in citing as an example of the same pro- cess, one of the most admirable discoveries in modern Mathematics, —that of the method of " Quaternions."" Its author, the late Sir W. Itowan Hamilton, was eminently distinguished for the possession of that Poetic faculty, which some have supposed to be incompatible in its very nature with the severe requirements of Mathematical study; but which shows itself in his exposition of his system, in "that exquisite charm of combined beauty, power, and originality, which made Hamilton himself compare Lagrange's great work to a scientific poem," and which flashes out in the following descrip- tion he gave (in a letter to a friend) of the mode in which the first conception of his great discovery occurred to him :— "To-morrow wiU be the fifteenth birthday of the Quaternions. They started into life, or light, full-grown, on the 16th of October, 1843, as I was walking with Lady Hamilton to Dublin, and came up to Brougham Bridge. That is to say, I then and there felt the galvanic circuit of thought close; and the sparks which fell from it wore the fundamental equations between i, j, k; exactly such as I have used them ever since. I pulled out, on the spot, a pocket-book, which still exists, and made an entry, on which, at the very moment, I felt that it might be worth my while to expend the labour of at least ten (or it might be fifteen) years to come. But then it is fair to say that this was because I felt a problem to have been at that moment solved, —an intellectual want relieved,—which had haunted me for at least fifteen years before."—{North British Biview, Vol. xlv. p. 57.) 137. The following statement of the mode in which an important 1 538 Of Unconscious Cerebration. scientific invention came into being, was furnished to the Writer by the inventor himself, Mr. F. H. Wenham; an amateur Optician of great ability, who has devoted much time and attention to the construction of the Microscope, and has devised many useful im- provements, both in the instrument itself, and in the apparatus associated with it. The first form of Binocular Microscope (designed to take advantage of the principle of Stereoscopic combination of two dissimilar perspec- tives, discovered by Wheatstone, § 168) was devised by M. Nachet, on a plan which might readily suggest itself to any well-informed Optician, who should give sufficient thought to the requirements of the case:—that of dividing the cone of rays proceeding from tho object-glass, into its right-hand and its left-hand halves, by the inter- position of an equiangular prism ; and then subjecting each half to a second reflection, by which it should be brought into the required direction. This construction was perfect in theory, but had two practical defects; (1.) that both half-cones were subjected to two reflections, and to transmission through four surfaces, each of which changes involved a certain loss of light and a certain liability to error; and (2.) that the instrument could only be used as a binocular Microscope.—Now it occurred to Mr. Wenham, that it might ho possible so to divide the cone of rays, that one-half of it should go straight on without any interruption, while the other half alone should be deflected by a single prism, passing through two surfaces only; whereby greater distinctness would be secured in the direct image, whilst, by the withdrawal of the prism, the instrument might be used in the ordinary way for purposes to which the Binocular microscope could not be applied. He thought of this a great deal, without being able to hit upon the form of prism which would do what was required; and as he was going into business as an Engineer, he put his microscopic studies entirely aside for more than a fortnight, attending only to his other affairs. One evening, after his day's work was done, and " while he was reading a stupid novel," thinking nothing whatever of his microscope, the form of the prism that should answer the purpose flashed into his mind. He fetched his mathe- matical instruments, drew a diagram of it, and worked out the angles which would he required ; the next morning he made his Unconscious Action of Mechanism of Thought. 539 prism, and found that it answered perfectly weB; and it has been on this plan that aU the " binoculars " hitherto in ordinary use in this country have been since constructed, 438. The more thoroughly, then, we examine into what may be termed the Mechanism of Thought, the more clear does it become that not only an automatic, but an unconscious action enters largely into all its processes. As 0. Wendell Holmes has well re- marked :— a. "Our definite ideas are stepping-stones; how we get from one to the other, we do not know: something carries us ; we [i. e. our conscious selves] do not take the step. A creating and informing spirit, which is with us, and not of us, is recognised every where in real and in 6toiied life. It is the Zeus that kindled the rage of AchiBes; it is the Muse of Homer ; it is the Daimon of Socrates ; it is the inspira- tion of the Seer; it is tho mocking spirit that whispers to Margaret as she kneels at the altar ; and the_ hobgoblin that cried " Sell him, sell him!" in the ear of John Bunyan; it shaped the forms that filled the soul of Michael Angelo, when he saw tho figure of the great lawgiver in the yet unhewn marble, and the dome of the world's yet unbuilt Basilica against the black horizon ; it comes to the least of us as a voice that will be heard ; it tells us what we must believe ; it frames our sentences; it lends a sudden gleam of sense or eloquence to the dullest of us all; we wonder at ourselves, or rather not at ourselves, but at this divine visitor, who chooses our brain as his dwelling-place, and invests our naked thought with the purple of the kings of speech or song."—{Op. cit. p. 59.) 439. But it is not intellectual work alone, that is done in this manner; for it seems equally clear that emotional states, or rather states which constitute Emotions when we become conscious of them, may be developed by the same process ; so that our feelings towards persons and objects may undergo most important changes, without our being in the least degree aware, until we have our attention directed to our own mental state, of the alteration which has taken place in them.—A characteristic example of this kind of action, is afforded by an occurrence extremely common in real life, and con- 54-0 Of Unconscious Cerebration. tinually reproduced in fiction ; namely, the growing-up of a power- ful attachment between individuals of opposite sexes, without eithor being aware of the fact; its full strength being only revealed to the consciousness of each, when circumstances threaten a separa- tion, or when both are exposed to a common danger. An eclaircisse- ment then takes place ; the Love which each has come unconsciously to entertain for the other is first self-revealed, and then, that of each becoming apparent to the other, it suddenly bursts forth, like a smouldering fire, into full flame. The existence of a mutual attach- ment, indeed, is often recognised by a by-stander (especially if the perception be sharpened by jealousy, which leads to an intuitive interpretation of many minute occurrences that would be without significance to an ordinary observer), before either of the parties has made the discovery, whether as regards the individual self, or the beloved object; the Cerebral state manifesting itself in action, although no distinct consciousness of that state has been attained, chiefly because, the whole attention being attracted by the present enjoyment, there is little disposition to introspection.—The fact, indeed, is recognised in our ordinary language ; for we continually speak of the " feelings " wdiich we unconsciously entertain towards another, and of our not becoming aware of them until some circum- stance calls them into activity. 440. Here again, it would seem as if the material organ of these Feelings tends to form itself in accordance with tho impres- sions habitually made upon it; whilst we may be as completely unaware of the changes which ha\Te taken place in it, as we are of those by which passing events have been registered in. our memory, until some circumstance calls-forth the conscious manifestation, which is the " reflex " of the new condition which the organ has acquired. And it is desirable, in this connection, to recaU the fact that the Emotional state seems often to be determined by circum- stances of which the individual has no Ideational consciousness, and especially by the emotional states of those by whom he is surrounded Unconscious Influences. 541 (§180); a mode of influence which acts with peculiar potency on the minds of Children, and which is a most important element in their Moral education. As Dr. Bushnell (an American Divine) has well remarked :—■ " Men are ever touching unconsciously the springs of motion in each other; one man, without thought or intention or even a conscious- ness of the fact, is ever leading some others after him. There are two sorts of influence belonging to Man: that which is active and voluntary, and that which is unconscious; that which we exert purposely, or in the endeavour to sway another, as by teaching, by argument, by persuasion, by threatenings, by offers and promises, and that which flows out from us, unawares to ourselves. The more stress needs to be laid on this subject of insensible influence, because it is insensible, because it is out of mind, and, when we seek to trace it, beyond a full discovery. If the doubt occur whether we are properly responsible for an influence which we exert insensibly, I reply that we are not, except so far as this influence flows directly from our character and conduct. And this it does even much more uniformly than our active conduct. In the latter we may fail in our end, though animated by the best motives, through a want of wisdom or skill; or, again, we may really succeed and do great good by our active endeavours, from motives altogether base and hypocritical. But the influences we exert unconsciously will hardly ever disagree with our real character. They are honest influences, following our character as the shadow follows the sun. And therefore we are much more certainly responsible for them, and for their effects on the world. They go streaming from us in aU directions, though in channels that we do not see, poisoning or healing, around the roots of society, and among the hidden wells of character. If good ourselves, they are good; if bad, they are bad. " Then, if we go over to others, that is to the subjects of influence, we find every man endowed with two inlets of impression : the ear and the understanding for the reception of speech; and the sympa- thetic powers, the sensibilities or affections, for tinder to those sparks of emotion revealed by looks, tones, manners, and general conduct. And these sympathetic powers, though not immediately rational, are yet inlets, open on all sides, to the understanding and character. 542 Of Unconscious Cerebration. They have a certain wonderful capacity to receive impressions, and catch the meaning of signs, and propagate in us whatsoever falls into their passive moulds, from others. The impressions they receive do not come from verbal propositions, and are never received into verbal propositions, it may be, in the mind; and therefore many think nothing of them. But precisely on this account are they the more powerful. " Influences of this kind are not insignificant because they are unnoticed and noiseless. How is it in the natural world ? Behind the mere show, its outward noise and stir, Nature always conceals her hand of control. Who ever saw with the eye, for example, or heard with the ear, the exertions of that tremendous Astronomic force, which every moment holds the compact of the Physical universe together ? The lightning is, in fact, but a mere firefly spark in comparison; but, because it glares on the clouds, and thunders so terribly in the ears, and rives the tree or the rock where it falls, many will be ready to think that it is a vastly more potent agent than gravity."—{Unconscious Influence, a Discourse, by Horace Bushnell, D.D.) 441. The unconscious influence of what may be called the Moral Atmosphere breathed during the earlier period of life, in formino- the habits, and thereby determining the Mechanism of Thought and Feeling, is a subject of such great practical importance, as to have required separate treatment (§ 290). But it is not one of the least valuable teachings of that doctrine, that it should lead us (as Mr. Lecky has very justly pointed out) to a very large toleration for those, who, having been brought up in a different " school" from ourselves, entertain views entirely different from our own as to many questions of practical life ; not being able to recognise what are to ourselves "self-evident" conclusions, and even regarding many things as "right" which seem to us to be plainly " wrong," or vice versd. How completely such decisions are matters of judgment—depending not only upon the early direction of the Mind, but frequently also, it seems probable, upon hereditary tendencies,—has been already showui (§§ 210, 292). The Recurrence of Early Mental Stales. 543 unconscious prejudices wdiich we thus form, are often stronger than 'die conscious; and they are the more dangerous, because we cannot knowingly guard against them. And further (as Mr. Lecky has well remarked), though the reason, in her full strength, may pierce the clouds of prejudice, and may even rejoice and triumph in her liberty, yet " the conceptions of childhood will long remain latent in the mind, to reappear in every hour of weakness, when the tension of the reason is relaxed, and the power of old associations is supreme." " This very painful recurrence, which occupies such an important place in aB religious biographies, seems to be attached to an extremely remarkable and obscure department of Mental phenomena, which has only been investigated with earnestness within tho last few years, and which is termed by Psychologists ' latent conscious- ness,' and by Physiologists ' unconscious cerebration,' or ' the reflex action of the brain.' That certain facts remain so hidden in the mind, that it is only by a strong act of volition they can be recalled to recoBection, is a fact of daily experience; but it is now fully established that a multitude of events which are so completely for- gotten that no effort of the will can revive them, and that the state- ment of them caBs up no reminiscences, may nevertheless be, so to speak, imbedded in the memory, and may be reproduced with intense vividness under certain physical conditions. * * * It is in con- nection with these facts, that we should view that reappearance of opinions, modes of thought, and emotions, belonging to a former stage of our inteBectual history, which is often the result of the Automatic action of the mind, when VoBtion is altogether suspended. * * * There can he Bttle doubt that when we are actively reasoning, this automatic action of the mind stiB continues; but the ideas and trains of thought that are thus produced are so combined and transformed by the reason, that we are unconscious of their existence. They exist, nevertheless; and form (or greatly contribute to) our mental bias."—{History of nationalism, vol. i. p. 101.) CHAPTER XIV. OP REVERIE AND ABSTRACTION ;—- ELECTRO-BIOLOGY. 442. It has been shown (Chap. VI., Sect. 2) that the sequence of the Thoughts and Feelings, wdien left to follow their own course by the suspension of the controlling power of the Will, may be determined by suggestions either from within or from without; that is, by the promptings of previous ideational states recorded in the Cerebrum, or by those of new sensorial impressions. In the former case, the attention is so engrossed by the objects which present themselves to the internal senses, that impressions made on the external are either not felt at all, or their meaning is not apprehended. But wdien the Mind is not following any definite direction of its own, one idea may be readily substituted for another by new suggestions from without; and thus the whole state of the convictions, the feelings, and the impulses to action, may be altered from time to time, without the least perception of the strangeness of the transition.—Such are the characteristics of the states known as Reverie and Abstraction; which are funda- mentally the same in their character, though the form of their products differs with the temperament and previous habits of tlie individual, and with the degree in which his consciousness may remain open to external impressions,—Reverie being the automatic mental action of the Poet, Abstraction that of the Beasoner. 443. The Poet who is fond of communing with Nature in her „ various moods, and of resigning himself freely to her influences, is apt to give the reins to his Imagination, Avhilst gazing fixedly upon some picturesque cloud, or upon the ever-varying surface of a pebbly brook, or whilst listening to the breezy murmurs of a neighbouring Relation bchvccn Reverie and Abstraction. 545 wood, or the gently-repeated ripple of the quiet waves ; or he falls into a reverie as he sits before his winter fire, and contem- plates the shapes and hues of its burning caverns, following with intent gaze every variation of light and shade produced by their ever-changing flames, and every alteration in form that results from the wasting combustion of their walls. In his attention to such monotonous series of impressions, his Will seems, as it were, to glide away ; and his thoughts and feelings are thus left free to wander hither and thither, according as they are SAvaycd by changes in the external impressions which prompt them, or by those seemingly erratic suggestions which proceed from that play of association to wdiich we give the name of Fancy (§ 401).—On the other hand, it has been the constant habit of the Philosopher to reflect rather upon his own ideas, than upon the impressions he receives through his organs of sense : in fact, he purposely keeps these as much as possible outside his cognizance, in order that they may not exercise any distracting influence upon his thoughts; the promptings of fancy or imagination—if he should happen to possess any share of such endowments—are at once repressed, and the attention is kept steadily fixed upon the logical sequence of the ideas ; and thus it happens that his Mind, even Avhen he gi\res it up to its own automatic action, in the monotonous solitude of his study, works with more or less of logical consistency, and that the fabric which it rears possesses a unity and stability which is in striking contrast with the airy castle-building of the poetic day-dreamer. 444. In neither of these two states are we cognizant of the in- consistency of the notions which possess our minds, with the actual experience of realities. It is true that this inconsistency seldom rises to the same extravagant height, that it attains in true Dreaming. The incongruities of poetic Beverie are not often actually absurd ; and the conclusions at which we arrive in a fit of intellectual Abstraction usually have a show of truth, even when 546 Of Reverie and A bstraction ;—Electro-biology. their correctness is altogether vitiated by some false step in the reasoning process. And this limitation seems to depend upon the fact, that when the train of suggestion is bringing some very extra- vagant notion before the consciousness, the shock to the lingering remnant of Common Sense which still survives, is enough to put an abrupt termination to the reverie. 445. But it is one of the most curious phenomena of the state of Abstraction, that external impressions, if received by the con- sciousness at all, are very often wrongly perceived; being interpreted in accordance Avith the ideas which happen to be dominant in the mind at the time (§ 18G), instead of giving rise to those new ideas which ordinarily connect themselves with them, in virtue of the individual's habitual experience. The records of " absence of mind" are full of amusing instances of such misinterpretation. Nothing seems too strange for the individual to believe, nothing too absurd for him to do under the influence of that belief. Thus of Dr. Bobert Hamilton, a well-known Professor at Aber- deen, who was the author of many productions distinguished for their profound and accurate science, their beautiful arrangement, and their clear expression, we are informed that, " In pubBc, the man was a shadow; pulled-off his hat to his own wife in the streets, and apolo- gised for not having the pleasure of her acquaintance ; went to his classes in the coBege on the dark mornings, with one of her white Btockings on the one leg, and one of his own black ones on the other; often spent the whole time of the meeting in moving from the table the hats of the students, which they as constantly returned; some- times invited them to call on him, and then fined them for coming to insult him. He would run against a cow in the road, turn round, beg her pardon, call her ' Madam,' and hope she was not hurt. At other times he would run against posts, and chide them for not getting out of his way." (See New Monthly Magazine, vol. xxvii. p. 510.) 44G. The influence of some habitual form of thought often shows itself very curiously in the strange turn given to communica- Automatic Mental Action. 547 tions made to persons whose whole attention is engrossed by what is passing in their own minds. The well-known story of the philo- sopher, who, when interrupted in his meditations by the intelligence that his house was on fire, coolly replied to the servant who had burst in upon him with the terrible news, " Go and tell your mistress; you know that I never interfere about domestic matters," is uot more incredible than the following circumstance, which, as the Writer has been informed on good authority, actually occurred in the case of the late celebrated German mathematician Gauss :— Being engaged in one of his most profound investigations, at a time when his wife, to whom he was known to be deeply attached, was suffering from a severe illness, his study was one day broken into by a servant, who came to teB him that her mistress had suddenly become much worse. He seemed to hear what was said, but either he did not comprehend it, or immediately forgot it, and went on with his work. After some Uttle time, the servant came again to say that her mistress was much worse, and to beg that he would come to her at once, to which he replied, " I wiB come presently." Again he relapsed into his previous train of thought, entirely forgetting the intention he had expressed, most probably without having distinctly reahsed to himseK the import either of the communication itself or of his answer to it. For not long afterwards, when the servant came again, and assured him that her mistress was dying, and that if he did not come immediately he would probably not find her alive, he lifted up his head and calmly rephed, " Tell her to wait till I come;" —a message he had doubtless often before sent, when pressed by bis wife's requests for his presence, while he was himself similarly engaged. 447. There are many individuals, who, though not prone either to Beverie or to Abstraction as distinctly isolated states, are really the subjects of the same automatic mental action, either (1) when sleep is stealing over them, or (2) when they are passing out of sleep into the state of full wakeful activity. With some, it is true, the transition from the one state to the other is usually sudden and complete ; the state of full activity giving place to one of entire f 548 Of Reverie and Abstraction ;—Electro-biology. torpor, and vice versd. But even these, if they will take the trouble to make observations upon their own consciousness, will find that on some occasions the process is much more gradual, and that it consists of several stages. In the first, the directing and controlling power of the Will is suspended, and the thoughts flow onwards automatically, as in Bc\Terie or Abstraction, according to the direc- tion which they may have previously received. Secondly, the ideas lose their ordinary coherence, so that the strangest and most inconsistent notions are brought into collocation ; and in this state, as in reverie, it not unfrequently happens that we are recalled to full activity by the shock we receive from the absurdity of the images which thus rise before our view. But, thirdly, if this does not occur, the automatic activity seems gradually to subside ; the succession of thoughts becomes less and less rapid, and they present themselves with diminishing vividness ; and at last, as the ideational changes ' cease to make a definite impression on the consciousness, the state of complete repose supervenes.—On the other hand, on our first awaking, we frequently experience a considerable degree of mental confusion, especially if we find ourselves in an unac- customed place. We do not know where we are, Ave do not recollect what has last occurred to us, Ave are almost destitute of the consciousness of personal identity. By degrees all these things come back to us, and the confusion of our ideas gives place to orderly arrangement. But it may be some little time before we can determinately perform any Mental operation which involves the Volitional direction of the thoughts ; this being the power that is the first to leave us, and the last to be regained. 448. Induced Reverie, or Electro-Biology.—In the course of that important series of researches, carried on about thirty years ago by the late Mr. Braid, of Manchester, by which, in the Writer's opinion, more light has been thrown upon the reflex actions of the Cerebrum than by any other investigations, Mr. B. discovered Artificial Induction of Reverie. 549 that there are many persons in whom a state may be artificially induced, resembling profound reverie; save that the subjects of it are yet more amenable than the subjects of natural reverie, to external suggestions conveyed to their minds through their Senses ; whilst, in the absence of such suggestions, the Mind (having in itself no poAver of altering the current of its ideas) remains as completely "possessed" by its own internal train of thought, as it is in profound abstraction. This state may be superinduced in certain susceptible or " sensitive " individuals, upon the ordinary Avaking state, without a previous passage through the stage of insensibility ; it being often sufficient for its induction, that the attention should be fixed for a few minutes, or even for a few seconds, upon any object whatever. By " leading'' or suggestive questions addressed to his " sensitives," Mr. B. could not only bring them to feel any kind of sensation (pricking, burning, streaming, creeping, and the like) which he chose that they should describe, Avhen magnets were drawn along their limbs, or elicit descriptions of small Arolcanoes of flame seen by them to issue from the poles of the magnet; but he could cause their hands to be powerfully attracted towards magnets or crystals, or to be repelled by them : in short, he could repeat all the phenomena adduced by Baron Von Beichenbach* as proofs of " odylfc force," and this as well witlurut magnets as with them, provided only that the " subjects" believed that some operation was being performed, and were led to expect some result (§§ 144—146). a. The Writer himself witnessed a most remarkable series of such experiments, about the year 1S47, upon a gentleman of high literary and scientific attainments, who possessed in an unusual degree the power of self-concentration. It was sufficient for him to place his hand upon the table, and to fix his attention upon it for half a minute, to be entirely unable to withdraw it, if assured in a determined tone * Researches in Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, CrystaUization, and Chemical Attraction., in their relations to the Vital Force. Translated by Dr. Gregory. London, 1850. ! 5 50 Of Reverie and A bstraction ;—Electro-biology. that he could not possibly do so.—When his gaze had been steadily kept for a short time upon the poles of a Magnet, he could be brought to see flames issuing from them, of any form or colour that Mr. Braid chose to name. And when he had been desired to place his hand upon one of the poles, and to fix his attention for a brief period upon it, the peremptory assurance that he could not detach it was sufficient to hold it there with such tenacity, that Mr. Braid positively dragged him round the room, in a manner that most amusingly realised the German fairy story of the Golden Goose.—Some may, perhaps, think the Writer rather credulous in at once yielding his assent to the genuineness of such a strange performance. But the character and position of the " subject" of it were such as to place him beyond the suspicion of intentional deceit; and the Writer's previous inquiries had prepared him to find nothing too strange for his belief, that could be referred to the one simple and intelligible principle of "possession" by a " dominant idea" excited through suggestion. 449. Notwithstanding that Mr. Braid's investigations were thus carried on for several years, with every disposition on his part to euable the public to judge of their nature and results, they did not attract by any means the amount of general attention that might have been anticipated for them. But about the year 1850, "the world was turned upside down" by a couple of itinerant Americans, who styled themselves "professors" of a new art which they termed Electro-Biology ; asserting that, by an influence of which the secret was known only to themselves, but which was partly derived from a little disk of zinc and copper held in the hand of the "subject" and steadily gazed on by him (whence the designation Avhich they adopted), they could subjugate the most determined will, paralyse the strongest muscles, pervert the evidence of the senses, destroy the memory of even the most familar things or of the most recent occurrences, induce obedience to any command, or make the individual believe himself transformed into any one else,—all this, and much more, being done while he was still wide awake. They soon attracted large assemblages to witness their performances ; and there was an appearance of good Artificial Induction of Reverie. faith about them which made a favourable impression, as they showed themselves ready to operate upon any who might offer, and seldom failed to elicit some of the most remarkable phenomena from individuals whose honesty could not be called in question, and who had previously been entire strangers to them. Ever on the watch, however, for any novelties in his favourite study, Mr. Braid set himself to inquire into the real nature of the so-called " electro-biological" process : and he soon proved that the little disk of copper and zinc may be replaced by any object which furnishes a point dajipui for the fixed gaze; the whole secret consisting in the induction—through the steady direction of the eyes to one point, at the ordinary reading distance, for a period usually varying from about five to twenty minutes—of a state of reverie, in every respect similar to that Avhich had previously fallen under his notice. Thus, in place of a few peculiarly sus- ceptible "subjects" difficult to be met Avith, and open to suspicion ou various grounds, every member of the public came to be furnished with a ready means of experimenting for himself upon his OAvn family and friends, the student upon his fellow-students, the officer on the members of his mess; everybody, in fact, upon somebody else on whom he felt that he could place reliance. " Electro- biology," or "Biology" (as it came to be very commonly desig- nated), was not merely introduced at scientific reunions, but became a fashionable amusement, in some circles, at ordinary evening parties. And thus it happened that a very large proportion of the public became familiarised with its pheuomena; though still labouring under the perplexing difficulty of not knowing what to believe as to their genuineness, or to what scientific principles to refer them if their genuineness were admitted. 450. Considered in their relation to other states in which the Mind is "possessed" by "dominant ideas," and acts in accordance with them, the Biological phenomena are so far from being absurd or incredible, that they are simply manifestations of a condition to 552 Of Reverie and A bstraction ;—Electro-biologv. which we may frequently detect very close approximations within our ordinary experience; the most special peculiarity which attends them, consisting in the method by which the peculiar condition in question may be artificially induced—in such individuals, at least, as are constitutionally susceptible of its influence. In some "subjects " five, ten, or twenty minutes may be necessary to produce the effect; in others, a single minute, or even half a minute, is sufficient. It may be regarded as certain that the " biological" state may be thus induced in individuals who were previously quite incredulous in regard to its reality; so that it does not require any mental preparation on the part of the "subject." But it seems no less certain that the anticipation of the result tends to produce it in a shorter time than would otherwise be necessary; and it is for the most part among individuals who have repeatedly subjected them- selves to the operation, that the greatest facility presents itself, The longer the steady gaze is sustained, the more is the Will of the individual withdrawn from the direction of his thoughts, and concentrated upon that of his eyes, so that at last it seems to become entirely transferred to the latter; and, in the mean time, the continued monotony is tending, as in the induction of Sleep or of Beverie, to produce a corresponding state of mind, which, like the body of a cataleptic subject, can be moulded into any position, aud remains in that position until subjected to pres- sure from without.* * It is curious that the artificial induction of similar states, varying in decree from simple Reverie to apparent Death, is practised among the Yogi, a set of Hindoo devotees, by whom it is connected with a system of religious philosophy very much akin to the " Spiritualism " of our own country. The subjects of the lower states are considered to be peculiarly susceptible of spiritual impressions ; whilst those of the higher are supposed to be completely " possessed " by Brahma,' tlie "supreme soul," and to be incapable of sin in thought, word, or deed.—It is a question of great interest whether the state of mind of those who were resorted to as "oracles " in ancient times was not very similar to this. See Mr. Plumi.tre's article on " Urim and Thummim " in Dr. William Smith's Dictionary of the Bible. J J Influence of Suggestion on Biologized Subjects. 553 451. When this state is complete, the Mind of the Biologized "subject" seems to remain entirely dormant, until aroused to activity by some suggestion which it receives through the ordinary channels of sensation, and to which it responds as automatically as a ship obeys the movements of its rudder ; the whole course of the individual's thought and action being completely under external direction. He is, indeed, for the time, a mere thinking automaton. His mind is entirely given up to the domination of any idea that may transiently possess it; and of that idea his conversation and actions are the exponents. He has no power of judging of the consistency of his idea with actual facts, because he cannot determinately bring it into comparison Avith them. He cannot of himself turn the current of his thoughts, because all his power of self-direction is in abeyance. And thus he may be played-on, like a musical instrument, by those around him; thinking, feeling, speaking, acting, just as they will that he should think, feel, speak, or act. But this is not, as has been represented, because his will has been brought into direct subjection to theirs ; but because, his will being in abeyance, all his mental operations are directed by such suggestions as they may choose to impress on his conscious- ness.—This distinction may seem unimportant; but it is essential (in the Writer's opinion) to that comprehension of the true nature of this peculiar state, and of its relations with others, which gives to it its special place in Psychological Science. 452. In the public exhibitions of professed "Biologists," much assumption was made of a peculiar power possessed by the operator over his " subject; " his suggestions were conveyed in the form of commands, and the delusion was kept up by a frequent recourse to "passes" resembling those of the Mesmerists. There is no good reason to believe, however, that any such relation actually exists, save where it has been established by previous habit, or by a strong antecedent expectation on the part of the "subject." When an individual brings himself into this state of artificial Beverie or 25 554 Of Reverie and A bstraction ;—Electro-biology. Abstraction for the first time, and without any previous idea that he is to be controlled by one person rather than by another, he is amenable (as the Writer has frequently proved) to suggestions from any of the bystanders ; and the directing force of such suggestions depends in great degree upon the tone and manner in which they are given. But as previous expectation, or acquired habit, affect the facility with which this condition may be induced, so do they influence every part of its phemomena ; and if the " subject" be " possessed " with a previous conviction that a particular individual is destined to exert a special influence over him, the suggestions of that individual are obviously received Avith greater readiness, and are responded to with greater certainty, than are those of any other bystander.—This is the whole mystery of the relationship between the "Biologizer " and his "subject;" a relationship which is quite conformable, on the one hand, to what wre see in the daily experience of life, as to the influence acquired by certain indi- viduals over the course of thought and action of others; whilst on the other, it becomes, when still more concentrated and esta- blished, the source of that peculiar and exclusive rapport, which the Mesmerist claims to be able to establish between his " subject" and himself (§ 521). The assumption of the tone of command has simply the effect of strongly impressing the " subject" (whose condition in this respect resembles that of a Child) Avith the feeling of the necessity of the action enjoined ; and the earnest reiteration of the phrases "you must" or "you cannot," is found to be quite as efficacious as the vehement tone of mastery in which the directions are frequently given. So, again, the effect of the " passes " is merely to concentrate the attention of the "sub- ject" upon the part to which the injunction refers; for, as Pro- fessor Bennett pointed out, they are made over the part which is to move or to be fixed (as over the mouth when it is to be prevented from opening, or over the foot which is to be riveted to a certain spot of the floor), andnot over the muscles by which the action is produced Influence of Suggestion on Biologized Subjects. 555 453. The Biologized "subject," like a person in an ordinary Beverie, must be considered as awake; that is, he has generally the use of all his senses, and preserves, in most cases, a distinct recollec- tion of what takes place. There is every gradation, however, between this condition and that of true Somnambulism (§ 487) ; in which one or more of the inlets to sensation are closed, and no remem- brance is afterwards preserved (save in a renewed condition of the same kind) of anything that may have been thought, felt, or acted. In fact, the two conditions are essentially the same in every respect, save their intensity; and the one graduates insensibly into the other. Different individuals preserve very different degrees of recollection of what may have passed in the Biological state ; and this may be the case, too, with the same individual on different occasions. Sometimes everything can be retraced, sometimes only the general course of thought and action; some- times the fact of Emotional excitement is more strongly remembered than that of the circumstances which produced it; and whilst, in other instances, not the slightest memorial trace remains of the most passionately expressed feelings, the particular incidents by Avhich these were excited may have left their distinct impressions. 454. The same kind of variety shows itself in the psychical pheno- mena manifested during the persistence of the " Biological" state. Suggestions of different kinds are received and acted-on by different individuals with very varying degrees of readiness; and few are equally amenable to all. Thus we meet with one individual whose muscular movements may be entirely governed by the authoritative assurance " you must do this," or " you cannot do that;" his whole mind being, for the time, possessed with the fixed idea thus introduced of the absolute necessity of the action commanded, and of the impossibility of that which is forbidden. His hands being placed in contact with each other, he is assured that he cannot separate them ; and they remain as if firmly glued together, in spite of all his apparent efforts to draw them apart. Or, the 5 5 ^ Of Reverie and Abstraction ;—Electro-biology. band of the operator being held up before him, he is assured that he cannot succeed in striking it; aud all his power seems, and actually is, inadequate to the performance of this simple action, so long as he remains convinced of its Entire impossibility. The Writer has seen a strong man thus chained down to his chair,—prevented from stepping over a stick on the floor,—or obliged to remain almost doubled upon himself in a stooping posture,—by the assurance that he could not move ; and when on the first occasion this assurance seemed not to have its full effect, its repetition, in a more vehement tone, was sufficient to retain him. So he has seen a very Hvely young lady struggling in vain for utterance, with a most ludicrous expression of distress, when assured that she could not open her mouth to speak a word; and he has been obliged to put forth all his strength to drag another lady across the threshold of the door, who had been thus convinced of the impossibility of her crossing it. 455. There is no end to the strange performances which may be thus called forth ; but they are all referable to the one simple principle already laid down as the characteristic of this state,—the "possession" of the mind by a dominant idea, which the individual himself has lost all power of testing by his previous or present expe- rience, simply because he cannot himself direct his thoughts to any other object (§ 316). Of this "dominant idea," introduced by sugges- tions ah extra, all his actions are the direct expressions, so long as he remains possessed by it; but as soon as his attention is directed into another channel, or his previous idea of the necessity or of the impossibility of an action (as the case may be) is dissipated by a Avord, a sign, or a look on the part of the indi\idual who is thus directing his thoughts and actions, the potent spell by which he appeared to be enchained is at once dissolved, the effort to fulfil the supposed necessity immediately subsides, the most violent strangle with the assumed impossibility at once comes to an end, and the "subject" appears to be "himself again." Yet he is not so in Determination of Actions by Suggestion. 557 reality; for his volitional power is still withdrawn from the direction of his thoughts, so that the peremptory command of another exerts its former influence over him, even after a consi- derable interval may have elapsed. It is impossible to state how long this state may continue ; the Writer has himself known it to last for several hours ; and he is inclined to think that the Biologized " subject" does, not usually regain his proper control over himself, until he has experienced the renovating influence of Sleep. 456. It will be frequently observed that the mandates of the operator are not immediately or implicitly obeyed. The " subject" makes attempts, wdiich are often successful, to resist them ; doing, though with difficulty, what has been asserted to be impossible ; and refraining, though with obvious effort, from the performance of that which he has been assured that he must do. This is obviously due to the persistence of a certain degree of self-directing power, which preserves to the imperfectly Biologized "subject" some little capacity of judging and acting for himself: but such volun- tary efforts may yet be defeated by the assumption of a more and more peremptory tone and manner on the part of the operator, who at last succeeds in impressing on the mind of his victim the assurance of the futility of further opposition. From henceforth (as we too often see in ordinary life, when a strong volition has brought a weak one into subjection to itself) the "subject" becomes the mere slavish tool of his arbitrary will; his actions being directly prompted by the ideas with Avhich he is possessed, and thus falling into the category of ideo-motor (§ 235 et sea.) as distinguished from volitional. 457. In like manner, what has been described as a control of the sensations of the Biologized " subject," is really a csntrol over his belief (§ 145). A glass of water is presented to him, and he is directed to drink it, with the assurance at the same time that it is milk, coffee, porter, wine, or any other liquid the operator may 5 5 8 Of Reverie and A bstraction ;—Electi v-biology. choose to name. The liquid is tasted, and all the indications of ap- proval may be given by the " subject," who obviously believes most firmly that he is actually partaking of the liquor in question; his Ideational consciousness being so fully " possessed " by the strong assurance Avhich has been conveyed to his mind through his sense of Hearing, that the impressions made by the liquid itself upon his sight and taste are not sufficient to correct the erroneous notion. Here, as in regard to control over the Muscular movements, a very curious result often presents itself, in consequence of the imperfect degree in which the mind of the " subject" is pos- sessed by the notion which the operator has endeavoured to impress upon him. He often, after tasting or looking at the liquid, expresses hesitation, or downright disbelief in the asserted metamorphosis; and reiterated and very forcible assurances may be required to convince him that it is anything else than what it really is. Convinced, however, he usually is at last; although it is a very curious fact that some Biologized " subjects," whose Muscular movements are entirely amenable to the control of the operator, never give up their Senses to his direction; wdiilst, on the other hand, some of tliose who may be most successfully played-on as regards their Sensations, altogether resist the influ- ence of suggestion with respect to their Muscular movements, continuing to keep them under their own exclusive control. Nay, further, the Writer has seen iiibtances in which the " subject" Avould believe himself to be tasting anything Avhich the operator might please to assure him that he ought to taste, but was instantly dis- abused by looking at the liquid, if its appearance was inconsistent with that representation ; whilst, on the other hand, another would see milk or porter, wine or coffee, as he was directed to see it, but would instantly set himself right when directed to taste the liquid. 458. Nothing can be more amusing, however, than to experi- ment upon a " subject" who has no misgivings of this kind, but whose Perceptive Consciousness is entirely given up to the direc- Determination of Perceptions by Suggestion. 559 tion of external suggestions. He may be made to exhibit all the manifestations of delight, which would be called forth by an unlimited supply of the viands or liquors of which he may happen to be most fond ; and these may be turned in a moment into expressions of the strongest disgust, by simply giving the word that the liquid which he is imbibing so eagerly is something which he holds in utter abomination. Or, when he believes himself to be drinking a cup of tea or coffee, let him be assured that it is so hot that he cannot take more than a sip at a time, neither per- suasion nor bribery will induce him to swallow a mouthful at once; yet, a moment afterwards, if assured that he can do so without inconvenience, he Avill be ready to swallow the whole at a draught. Tell him that his seat is growing hot under him, and that he cannot remain upon it, however strongly he may endea- vour to do so ; and he will fidget uneasily for some time, and at last start up with all the indications of having really found his place no longer bearable. Whilst he is firmly grasping a stick in his hand, let him be assured that it will burn him if he continue to hold it, or that it is becoming so heavy that he can no longer sustain it, and he will presently drop it, with gestures conformable to the impression with which his mind is occupied. 459. To tliose who would say "there is no proof that all this is not acted," or, " nothing can be easier than to pretend such obedience," it can only be replied, that as the proof rests upon the double basis of the conformity of the phenomena to known principles, and the character of the "subjects,"—these phenomena having been frequently presented by individuals entirely beyond suspicion, who had never previously witnessed such experiments, and who were altogether incredulous with regard to the reality of this peculiar state,—their genuineness cannot be fairly called in question, even were they far more strange than they prove to be when carefully investigated. Those, on the other hand, who dispose of them by turning them over to the limbo of " imagina- 560 Of Reverie and Abstraction ;—Electro-biology. tion," have more reason on their side ; for it is quite true that the Biologized "subject" imagines himself to be something different from the reality, and that it is from his perverted con- ceptions that all his strange performances proceed. But it is clearly from the suspension of Volitional control over the direction of the thoughts, that the possibility of this perversion arises. 460. It has been already shown (§§ 142-7, 186) that Sense- perceptions of various kinds may be excited in the mind, not merely by impressions made upon the corresponding organs of sense, but also by ideas with which the mind becomes possessed through other channels. And applying this principle (fully recognised by every Scientific Psychologist) to the case before us, we shall see that it affords the key which unlocks the whole of this part of the " biological" mystery. For when the " subject " is assured, whilst drinking a glass of water, that it is coffee or porter, that assurance, taking firm possession of his consciousness, produces the very same effect upon it, as would be induced by the actual contact of the liquid in question with his tongue and palate. He tastes it (so to speak) with his mind, though he does not. taste it with his tongue ; and it is the mental, not the bodily impression, that constitutes the actual Perception. This false perception is not contradicted by the inconsistent impression transmitted from the Organ of Sense; because it is the characteristic of the Biological state, that the mind of the " subject," being entirely possessed by the idea which may chance to be before it at the time, can entertain no other, and is incapable therefore of bringing it to the test of experience. And it thus becomes a mere question of the rela- tive strength of the two suggestions,—that conveyed by the assurances of the bystanders, and that derived from the sensory impression. The latter may prevail in the first instance, and may yet be o\-ercome by the augmented force which the former will derive from repetition Avith added earnestness or vehemence. Influence of Suggestion on Course of Thought. 561 461. It is only necessary to glance at some of the most familiar features of Insanity, to be assured that the strangest perversions of Sense-perceptions exhibited by the Biologized " subject," have their counterparts in tliose morbid states in which the control- ling power of the will is altogether suspended, and the mind is possessed, not transiently but enduringly, by some " dominant idea" (§ 559). 162. Passing now to the higher Psychical phenomena of the Biological condition, we find that even such of these as are most extraordinary, or even incredible, in the apprehension of the unin- structed observer, are readily explained on the same general prin- ciple. The operator assumes the power of controlling the Memory of his " subject;" aud proves that he possesses it, by assuring him that he cannot remember his own name, the first letter of the alphabet, or something else equally familiar. The " subject" ex- hibits a puzzled and somewhat vacant aspect, and confesses that he cannot recall the desiderated idea. Nothing is more simple than the explanation of this phenomenon, when we call to mind that the very simplest act of determinate Becollection involves a Volitional change in the direction of our thought, from the idea which may occupy the consciousness at the moment, towards that which it is desired to bring before it (§ 372). It must be within the experience of every one—if not to have forgotten his own name (as many "absent" gentlemen have done)—at any rate to have lost the recollection of some name, fact, or date, usually most familiar to the consciousness, and not at once to be able to find the clue for its recovery (§ 419). The state of the Biologized "subject" pre- cisely resembles this in kind, being simply more intense in degree. Entirely "possessed" as he is with the one idea which may at the time be present to his mind, and unable to escape from it by any determinate act of his own, the "subject," peremptorily assured of his inability to remember the most familiar thing, surrenders himself to the conviction thus enforced upon him; even his own 562 Of Reverie and Abstraction ;—Electro-biology. name, or the first letter of the alphabet, being as much beyond the reach of his Mental apprehension, whilst his Volitional power remains thus paralysed, as a bunch of grapes lying on a plate at his side would be beyond the grasp of his hands, if his arms had been smitten with a complete palsy. In fact, there is a complete parallelism between his bodily and mental state, whilst in this condition; the Will being temporarily withdrawn from control over both alike (§ 312). He is unable to lay hold of a bank-note of a hundred pounds, though offered him as a reward for his success- ful effort, if he has been completely possessed with the conviction that he cannot stretch out his arm towards it. And he is unable to lay his Mental grasp upon any idea, however familiar, if he has been completely possessed by the assurance that he cannot succeed in bringing it to his recollection. 463. So, again, the loss of the sense of personal Identity, or the actual change of personality, which the Biological operator asserts that he is able to induce, and of which the Writer has seen some very amusing and (he is satisfied) genuine cases, is readily explicable upon the same principle of suggestion acting upon a mind entirely amenable to it, and not able by any effort of its own to escape from the idea thus forced upon it. Mr. A. is repeatedly assured that he is Mrs. B., or Mrs. C. is brought by reiterated assertion to the belief that she is Dr. D. ; their own Common Sense does not correct this absurd perversion, because the sense of personal Identity is de- pendent upon memory (§ 364), and they can recollect nothing when forbidden to do so ; and, when once under its domination, all their language aud actions are conformable to their metamorphosed personality, or, at least, to their conception of it. (This state has its parallel in that of some of our greatest Actors—especially of the female sex— who become so completely engrossed in the " parts" they play, as to lose altogether, for the time, the sense of their own personality, and to be rather than to act the characters they have assumed.) It is not by any means in all Biologized Metamorphosis of Personality. 563 "subjects" that we meet with a capability of being thus affected; for there are many whose muscular movements, and whose ordinary course of thought and feeling, can be entirely directed by external suggestion, wdio yet obstinately cling to their own personality. But when the metamorphosis is made, it is usually complete ; and nothing can be more remarkable than the assumption of the tone, manner, habits of thought, forms of expression, and other characteristic peculiarities of the individual Avhose personality the " subject" has been made to assume. a. The Writer can never forget the intensity of the lackadaisical tone in which a Lady thus metamorphosed into the worthy Clergyman on whose ministry she attended, and with whom she was personally intimate, replied to the matrimonial counsels of the Physician to whom he (she) had been led to give a long detail of his (her) hypo- chondriacal symptoms—"A wife for a dying man, doctor!" No intentional simulation could have approached the exactness of the imitation, alike in tone, manner, and language, which spon- taneously proceeded from the idea with which the fair " subject" was possessed, that she herself experienced aB the discomforts, whoso detail she had doubtless frequently heard from the real sufferer. 464. The precise counterpart of this condition is one of the com- monest forms of Insanity. Every large asylum contains patients who imagine themselves to be kings, queens, princes, lords, bishops, and the like ; nay, the metamorphosis may proceed to yet greater extremes, the lunatic persisting that he is the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ, or even the Eternal Father. No reasoning can dispossess him of this conviction: because, whilst his mind remains possessed with this " dominant idea," all the arguments that can be employed are to his apprehension entirely irrelevant. And even in our ordi- nary experience of life, we meet with individuals who are possessed by notions scarcely less absurd, from which they cannot be driven by any appeals to their Common Sense, simply because the "domi- nant idea" presents itself to their consciousness with greater force than does any other that can be brought before it. 564 Of Reverie and A bs traction ;—Electro-biology. 465. So, again, by a judicious use of the principle of suggestion, the thoughts of the Biologized " subject " may be readily directed into any channel whatever by appropriate hints ; and descriptions may be called forth, by leading questions, of any scene which the operator may choose to name. This " mental travelling," as it has been called, is not accomplished with equal readiness on the part of any " subject;" and the manifestations of it, as given in the replies elicited, are obviously determined by the previous knowledge and habits of thought of the individual " subject," where they are not directly suggested by the words or tone of the questioner. The same Lady who underwent the metamorphosis into a hypo- chondriacal Clergyman, was kind enough to ascend in a balloon at the Writer's request, and to proceed to the North Pole in search of Sir John Franklin, whom she found alive; and her description of his appearance and that of his companions was given with an inimitable expression of sorrow and pity. 466. It has thus been shown by the analysis of the prin- cipal phenomena of the " Biological" state, how easily they may be all reduced to the one simple principle of suggestion, acting on a mind which has lost for a time the power of volitional direction; and Iioav much this state of mind, anomalous as it appears at first vieAv, has in common with mental conditions with which every one is more or less familiar. Such being the case, there would seem no reason to doubt the genuineness of these phenomena, notwithstanding that, in particular instances, they may have been simulated for the purpose of satisfying the spectators at a public exhibition, or for the gratification of a love of fun or mischief on the part of the performer ; and the chief marvel lies in the dis- covery that a continued steady gaze at a fixed object will induce this peculiar state in certain individuals,—chiefly such as are con- stitutionally predisposed to Abstraction or Beverie, or who possess that kind of imaginative power, which transports them without Induction of Sleep. c^ effort into scenes and circumstances altogether different from those which really surround them. The proportion of such individuals is stated, by tliose who have extensively experimented upon this subject, to be from one in twelve to one in twenty; so that in a company of fifty or sixty persons, there are pretty sure to be two or three who will prove to be good Biological " subjects," if they take the appropriate means. The undue repetition of such experiments, however, and especially their frequent repetition upon the same individuals, are to be strongly deprecated; for the state of Mind thus induced is essentially a morbid one; and the reiterated suspension of that volitional power over the direction of the thoughts, wdiich is the highest attribute of the Human mind, can scarcely do otherwise than tend to its permanent impairment. 467. One of the most remarkable of all the phenomena of this condition, however, yet remains to be considered; namely, the superinduction of genuine Sleep, which may often be accomplished in a few minutes, or even seconds, by the expressed determination of the operator that the " subject" shall sleep, or even, in some cases, by the simple prediction that he will. This has been repeatedly witnessed by the Writer ; who has assured himself of the genuine- ness of the condition by all the tests he could venture to apply, as well as by his reliance upon the good faith of the parties operated on. Here, again, however, wTe find that the greatest apparent marvel disappears under an intelligent consideration of the case ; for the first great step in the induction of sleep—the reduction of the spontaneous activity of the mind—has been already gained by the antecedent process, which in many individuals will of itself produce the whole effect. And when the Biologized " subject" is left in a state of perfect inactivity, and the whole attention is con- centrated upon the idea of sleep, it seems quite consistent with our knowledge of the conditions which most favour the superven- tion of ordinary sleep, that the undisturbed and imperturbable 566 Of Reverie and A bstraction ;—Electro-biology. monotony of impression, though continued but for a short time, should be adequate to produce the result. 468. The duration of this Sleep, however, and the mode of its termination, may be decided in a most remarkable manner by the impression made upon the minds of the "subject" before passing into it. If he be directed to go to sleep for a short time only, and to awake spontaneously, he will do so; and the same result will ensue upon a like suggestion conveyed in other ways. a. Thus, the Writer has seen a lady sent off to sleep, by the conviction that a handkerchief held beneath her nose was charged with chloro- form ; the same symptoms were observable as if she had actually inhaled the narcotic vapour (which she had really done on two or three previous occasions), and she gradually passed into a state of profound insensibility, from which, however, she awoke spontaneously in the course of a few minutes, as she would have done had she been really " chloroformed." But this same lady, having been put to sleep by the assurance of the operator that she could not remain awake for two minutes, and having also received from him the injunction not to awaken until called upon by him to do so, resisted all the Writer's attempts to awaken her by any ordinary means he could employ ; showing no sign of consciousness when a large hand- bell was rung close to her ear, when she was somewhat roughly shaken, or when a feather was passed fully two inches up her nostril. Her slumber appeared likely to be of indefinite duration; but it was instantly terminated by the operator's voice, calling the lady by her name in a gentle tone. The Writer was assured by Sir James Simpson that in one instance a patient of his thus slept for thirty-five hours, with only two short intervals of permitted awakening. 469. The influence thus exerted over the duration of the Sleep and the mode of its termination, and the susceptibility of the " sub- ject " to certain sensory impressions whilst utterly insensible to all others, are points of extreme interest; and have a very important bearing on tliose phenomena of Mesmerism, which have been supposed to indicate a peculiar relation between the Mesmerizer Induction of Sleep. 567 and his " subject." That they are entirely conformable to certain well-known phenomena of Sleep and of natural Somnambulism, will be hereafter made apparent (§§ 480, 488). And whatever may be considered as the most feasible explanation of those facts, that same explanation will be found equally applicable to the phenomena now under consideration. Thus, when B goes to sleep at the suggestion or bidding of A, and is also told by A that she will awake spontaneously at a certain hour, which really happens, the case differs in no essential respect from that of the sleeper who spontaneously awakens in accordance with a pre- formed determination ; the requisite state of mind being produced by the assurance of another, instead of by the intention of the individual herself. Or, again, when B is told, on going to sleep, that she is to awake at the sound of A's voice, and that no other sounds are to recall her to consciousness, all of which really occurs ; the case does not differ from those to be presently cited, except in the production of the peculiar susceptibility to the one kind of sound by a mental impression forced (as it were) upon the indivi- dual, instead of by the habit of attention to it. In the one ; instance, as in the other, the effect is obviously dependent upon the previous mental state of the " subject" of it; and there is no need to refer it to any new or special force, so long as Ave have evidence, not merely of the spontaneous occurrence of such impressible states —exceptional though they be,—but of the possibility of inducing similar states in many to whom they are not habitual, by the adoption of a method which gives to the "dominant idea" a complete mastery over the mind into which it has been intro- duced. CHAPTER XV. OP SLEEP, DKEAMING, AND SOMNAMBULISM. 470. A large portion of the Life of every Human being is passed in a state of more or less complete suspension of the Animal powers of sense and motion ; the continued maintenance of those powTcrs requiring periodic intervals of repose, which seem to be employed in the removal of the products of the " waste " of the Nervous and Muscular tissues that is produced by the exercise of them, and in the repair of the deteriorated mechanism by Nutri. tive regeneration. The degree of this suspension, however, varies so greatly, as to render it inappropriate to include under one cate- gory all the states that are intermediate between ordinary pro- found Sleep and complete Wakefulness. And as, in the preceding Chapter, we have considered the most characteristic of those which may be regarded as modifications of the waking state, so we shall hoav treat of those of Avhich sleep may be taken as the type. In so doing, it will be convenient to commence with the state of ordinary profound Sleep, which may be defined as one of complete suspension of sensorial activity: the consciousness of the Ego being neither excited by impressions made on the nerves of his external senses and transmitted upwards to his Sensorium nor by the downward transmission through the nerves of his internal senses of the results of changes taking place in his Cerebrum (§ 100). The activity of the entire Axial Cord below the Sensorium, how- ever, is not in the least diminished; and thus not merely do the movements of Bespiration continue Avithout interruption, Avhile those of Swallowing may be excited by the appropriate stimulus (§48); but other reflex movements, not (like the foregoing) directly related Adaptive Movements in Sleep. to the maintenance of the Organic functions, may be called-forth, with such a semblance of adaptiveness, that their performance is commonly regarded as indicative of a partial, though momentary, awakening. There is, however, no evidence that the conscious- ness of the sleeper is aroused, merely because he withdraws a limb from a source of initation, puts doAvn his hand to rub any part of his body on which such an irritation is acting, or even turns round in his bed after lying long in the same position. For Ave find ample evidence in the results of experiments on Animals, and in patho- logical observations on Man, that secojidarily-axLtomntic actions involving a combination or sequence of movements adapted to a definite purpose, may come to be performed without the least Consciousness (§§ 67—71). It is said that the Dacoits or professional thieves of India have been known to steal a mattress from beneath a sleeper, by taking advantage of this tendency. They begin with intensifying his sleep, by gently fanning his face; and then, when they judge him to be in a state of profound insensibility, they gently tickle whatever part of his body may lie most conveniently for their purpose. The sleeper withdrawing himself from this irritation towards the edge of the mattress, the thief again fans his face for a while, and repeats the tickling, which causes a further movement. And at last the sleeper edges himself off the mattress, with which the thief makes away. 471. It is characteristic, however, of this state, that Avhile ordi- nary sense-impressions do not awaken the consciousness, the sleeper can be aroused to activity by impressions Avhich are cither in themselves of extraordinary strength, or which exert a special effect on the nerve-centres in virtue of a peculiar receptivity of the latter (§ 480). And it is by this that natural sleep is distinguished from the morbid state of insensibility termed coma; which, so long as the suspended activity affects the Sensorium alone, resembles profound sleep in every particular, save that the patient cannot be aroused from it; but in which, if the cause of it bo 570 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. sufficiently potent (as happens in apoplexy, narcotic poisoning, &c.), the suspension of activity extends downwards to the Respira- tory nerve-centres (§ 62), so that death ensues from the stoppage of the movements of breathing. Between these two conditions, however, there is every gradation. For the effect of an overdose of Opium or any other powerful narcotic, shows itself at first in ordinary sleep, from which the patient may be aroused by calling him by name ; but he graduaBy becomes more and more insensible to sense-impressions of any kind, and at last no stimulus will draw from him the least manifestation of consciousness. Even natural sleep, when following upon extreme fatigue, may be so intensified as almost to resemble coma, as in the following examples :— a. It is on record, that, during the heat of the battle of the Nile, some of the over-fatigued boys fell asleep upon the deck: and during the attack upon Bangoon, in the Burmese War, the Captain of one of the steam-frigates most actively engaged, worn-out by the excess of continued mental tension, fell asleep, and remained perfectly unconscious for two hours, within a yard of one of his largest guns, which was being worked energetically during the whole period. b. So even the severest bodily pain yields before the imperative demand occasioned by the continued exhaustion of the powers of the sensorial centres: thus Damiens slept upon the rack during the intervals of his cruel sufferings; the North American Indian at the stake of torture will go to sleep on the least remission of agony, and will slumber until the fire is applied to awaken him; and the Medical practitioner has frequent illustrations of the same fact. c. Previously to the shortening of the hours of work, Factory- children frequently fell asleep whilst attending to their machines, although weB aware that they should incur severe punishment by doing so. On the other hand, a series of gradational states between ordinary profound sleep and the condition of full activity of the animal and psychical powers, is often exhibited during the transi- tion from one to the other (§ 447); as well in the process of going to sleep, as in that of aAvaking. Any attempt, there- State of the Brain-Circulation in Sleep. 5 71 fore, to give a Physiological rationale of the difference between the sleeping and the waking states, must take account of these intermediate phases. 472. There is strong reason to believe that in profound Sleep there is a greatly diminished activity of the Blood-circulation through the Brain; but whether that diminution is the cause, or the effect, of the diminished functional activity of the organ, is a question on which there is more ground for difference of opinion. In the experimental inquiries of Mr. A. Durham, made by removing (under chloroform) a portion of the skull of a dog, so as to expose the cortical layer of the Cerebrum, it was observed that as the effects of the chloroform passed off, and the animal sank into a natural sleep, the surface of the brain, which had previously been turgid with blood and inclined to rise into the opening through the bone, became pale,-and sank below its level. On the animal being roused after a time, a blush seemed to start over tho surface of the brain, which again rose into the opening through the bone. And as the animal was more and more excited, the brain-substance became more and more turgid with blood, numerous vessels which were invisible during the sleep being now conspicuous, and those before visible being greatly distended. After a short time the animal was fed; and when it again sank into repose, these vessels contracted again, and the surface of the brain became pale as before.—{Guy's Hospital Reports, 1860, p. 153). b. Similar experiments, with the Bke results, have been made by Dr. W. A. Hammond, of New York. c. Dr. J. Hughlings Jackson having examined, by means of the ophthalmoscope, the condition of the retina during profound sleep, found it paler, and its arteries more contracted, than in the waking state.—{Boyal Lond. Ophthalm. Hosp. Beports). The value of this last observation depends, first, upon the fact that the retina may developmentally be regarded as a kind of off-shoot from the Optic Ganglion, with which it corresponds in structure (§ 38) ; and secondly, upon the circumstance that no 572 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. disturbance of the circulation was produced (as in Mr. Durham's experiments) by operative interference.—Now that the contraction of the vessels is the cause, not the effect, of the reduction of the Cerebral activity, may be fairly inferred from the fact already stated, that the entire stoppage of the arterial flow produces immediate and complete insensibility (§ 41). And it has been found by the experiments of Dr. A. Fleming, that a state closely resembling profound sleep may be induced with great certainty, by simple compression of the carotid arteries in the neck:— " The best mode of operating is to place the thumb of each hand under the angle of the lower jaw, and, feeling the artery, to press backwards and obstruct the circulation through it. . . . It is some- times difficult to catch the vessel accurately; but once it is fairly under the thumb, the effect is immediate and decided. There is felt a soft humming in the ears; a sense of tingling steals over the body; and, in a few seconds, complete unconsciousness and insensibility supervene, and continue so long as the pressure is maintained. On its removal, there is confusion of thought, with return of tho tingling sensation, and in a few seconds consciousness is restored. The mind dreams with much activity, and a few seconds appear as hours, from the number and rapid succession of thoughts passing through the brain. The period of profound sleep, in my experiments, has seldom exceeded fifteen seconds, and never half a minute."—That the effect is not due to the obstruction of the internal jugular vein (which must be more or less compressed at the same time with the carotid artery), appears from the fact that it is most decided and rapid when the arterial pulsation is distinctly controlled by the finger, and some pallor shows itself in the face; whilst it is manifestly postponed and rendered imperfect when an impediment to the return of the blood through the veins is indicated by any approach to Hvidity of the face.—{Brit, and For. Med.-Chirurg. Beview, vol. xv., p. 530.) 473. The Writer has thus come to agree Avith Mr. Charles H. Moore {On going to Sleep), that the state of Sleep is essentially dependent on a reduction of the enormous blood-supply Avhich is essential to the functional activity of the Brain (S 42) • and that Stale of the Brain-Circulation in Sleep. 573 this reduction is effected by the control which the vaso-motor system of Nerves (§113) has over the calibre of the Arteries. That such a reduction may be suddenly effected, and may as suddenly give * place to enlargement (as when a person turns pale and blushes by turns), is in accordance with the frequently sudden passage from waking to sleep or from sleep to waking: wdiich is yet more remarkable in the state known as hysteric coma,—the supervention of which will sometimes interrupt a patient while speaking; whilst its departure, after a longer or shorter period of complete insensibility, will show itself in her completion of the broken sentence, without any consciousness of the suspension. On the other hand, there is ample evidence that the passage from contraction to dilatation of the vessels, and from dilatation to contraction, may be gradual; and this corresponds with the grada- tional passage between the sleeping and the waking state (§ 447). Moreover, if there should be a contracted state of the vessels of the part of the Sensorium which receives the nerves of the external senses, whilst there should be an only partial reduction in the blood-supply of the portion which serves as the centre to the nerves of the internal senses, we have the rationale of the state of Dreaming ; in which there is consciousness of Cerebral changes, whilst there is none of sense-impressions. Finally, a strong Physiological probability in favour of this view* is afforded * It does not appear to the Writer to be in any way opposed to it, that a state of Coma may Le induced either by pressure within the cranium, or by an obstruction to the free return of venous blood. For in the first of these cases, the pressure will produce a direct reduction of the arterial blood-supply, in consequence of th: unyielding nature of the brain-case: while in the second, the obstruction will extend b.ickwards, so as to retard ths flow of blood through the capillaries, even though they may b3 themsebes distended. And in the case cf Asphyxia, it was long since shown by Dr. Kay (now Sir James Kay Shuttlewcrth), that the obstruc- tion to the passage of blood through the lungs gradually diminishes the stream which should pass back to the heart, and thence into the general circulation ; so that the left side of the heart at ast becomes empty, and there is no blood at all Lo be sent into the arte.ies of the Brain. 574 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. by the fact now clearly established, that the occasional increase of activity in many Glandular organs, is distinctly regulated by the "vaso-motor" system of Nerves (§ 565). 474. When the ordinary waking activity has continued during a considerable proportion of the twenty-four hours, a sense of fatigue is usually experienced, which indicates that the Brain requires repose ; and it is only under some very strong physical or moral stimulus, that the Mental energy can be sustained through the whole cycle. In fact, unless some decidedly abnormal condi- tion of the Cerebrum be induced by the protraction of its functional activity, Sleep Avill at last supervene, from the absolute inability of the organ to sustain any further demands upon its energy, even in the midst of opposing influences of the most powerful nature. That the strongest Volitional determination to remain awake, is forced to give-way to sleep, when this is required by the exhaus- tion of nervous power, must be within the experience of every one; and the only way in which the will can even retard its access, is by determinately fixing the attention upon some definite object (§ 118), and resisting every tendency in the thoughts to Avander from this. It does not appear to be of any consequence, whether this exhaustion be produced by the active exercise of volition, reflection, emotion, or simple sensation; still we find that the volitional direction of the thoughts, in a course different from that in which they tend spontaneously to flow, is productive of far more exhaustion than the automatic activity of the mind (§ 228); whilst, on the other hand, an excess of automatic activity, whether as regards the intellectual operations or emotional excite- 'ment, tends to prevent sleep. This is particularly the case when the feelings are strongly interested : thus, the strong desire to work-out a result, or to complete the survey of a subject, is often sufficient to keep-up the intellectual activity as long as may be requisite (a state of restlessness, however, being often induced, which prevents the access of sleep for some time longer); so, Conditions Predisposing to Sleep. 575 again, anxiety or distress is a most frequent cause of wakeful- ness. It is generally to be observed that the state of suspense is more opposed to the access of sleep, than the greatest joy or the direst calamity when certainty has been attained : thus it is a common observation, that criminals under sentence of death sleep badly, so long as they entertain any hopes of a reprieve; but when once they are satisfied that their death is inevitable, they usually sleep more soundly, and this even on the very last night of their lives.—But although an excess of automatic activity is opposed, so long as it continues, to the coming-on of Sleep, yet it cannot be long protracted without occasioning an extreme exhaustion of nervous power, which necessitates a long period of tranquillity for its complete restoration. 475. Whilst, however, the necessity for Sleep arises out of the state of the Nerve-centres, there are certain external conditions which favour its access; and these, in common parlance, are termed its "predisposing causes." Among the most powerful of these, is the absence of sensorial impressions: thus, darkness and silence usually promote repose; and the cessation of the sense of muscular effort, which takes place when we assume a position that is sustained without it, is no less conducive to slumber. There are cases, how- ever, in which the continuance of an accustomed sound is necessary, instead of positive silence, the cessation of the sound being a complete preventive of sleep : thus it happens that persons living in the neighbourhood of the noisiest mills or forges, cannot readily sleep elsewhere ; for their Nerve-centres, having grown to a parti- cular-set of constantly-recurring impressions (§ 138), are as much affected by the want of them, as those of ordinary persons are by their incidence. Again, the monotonous repetition of sensorial im- pressions is often more favourable to sleep than their complete absence. Thus it is within the experience of every one, that the droning voice of a heavy reader on a dull subject, is often a most 576 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. effectual hypnotic ; in like manner, the ripple of the calm ocean on the shore, the sound of a distant waterfall, the rustling of foliage, the hum of bees, and similar impressions upon the auditory sense, are usually favourable to sleep; and the muscular and tactile senses may be in like manner affected by an uniform succession of gentle movements, as we see in the mode in which nurses "hush off" infants, or in the practice of gently rubbing some part of the body, which has been successfully employed by many who could not otherwise compose themselves to sleep. The reading of a dull book acts in the same mode through the visual sense ; for the eyes wander-on from line to line and from page to page, receiving a series of sensorial impressions which are themselves of a very monotonous kind, and which only tend to keep the attention alive, in proportion as they excite interesting ideas. 476. In these and similar cases, the influence of external im- pressions would seem to be exerted in withdrawing the Mind from the distinct consciousness of its own operations (the loss of which is the transition-state towards that of complete unconsciousness), and in suspending the directing poAver of the AViB. And this is the case, even where the attention is in the first instance voli- tionally directed to them; as in some of the plans which have been recommended for the induction of sleep, when there exists no spontaneous disposition to it. Thus it has been recommended that the attention should be determinately fixed upon the respiratory acts; and that the entering air should be mentally followed in its course through the air-passages, down into the lungs, and then out again. In other methods, the attention is fixed upon some internal train of thought, Avhich, when once set-going, may be carried-on automatically; such as counting numbers, or repeating a French, Latin, or Greek verb. In either case, when the sensorial consciousness has been once steadily fixed, the monotony of the impression (Avhether received from the organs of Sense, or from the Cerebrum) tends to retain it there; so that the Will abandons, Conditions Predisposing to Sleep. 577 as it Avere, aB control over the operations of the mind, and aBows it to yield itself up to the soporific influence. This last method is peculiarly effectual, when the restlessness is dependent upon some mental agitation; provided -that the will has power to withdraw the thoughts from the exciting subject, and to reduce them to the tranquiBizing state of a mere mechanical repetition. 477. Though the access of Sleep is sometimes quite sudden, the individual passing at once from a state of complete mental activity to one of entire torpor, it is more generally gradual; and various intermediate phases may be detected, some of Avhich bear a close resemblance to the state of reverie (§ 447). When we try to compose ourselves to sleep, we " drop the reins " of our thoughts, and let them wander as they will; and it sometimes happens that we find ourselves suddenly " pulled-up," as it were, by the strange incongruity betAveen some idea which has been brought before our consciousness by suggestive association, and our Common Sense, which has not, as in dreaming, altogether abandoned its post of guardianship. So, the transition from the state of sleep to that of wakeful activity, may be sudden and complete, although it usually consists of a succession of stages; the complete conscious- ness of the Ego's relation to the external world, and the power of directing his thoughts and actions to any subject about which he may be required to exert himself, being the last to return to him. There may be a rapid alternation of these different states; the loss and recovery of the Avaking consciousness being many times re- peated in the course of a few minutes, when the circumstances are such as to prevent the access of profound sleep by the recurrence of sensory impressions: as when a man on horseback, wearied from want of rest, lapses at every moment into a dozing state, from which the loss of the balance of his body as frequently and suddenly arouses him. So, when a man going to sleep in a sitting posture gradually loses the support of the muscles which keep his head erect, his head droops by degrees and at last falls forwards 26 57§ Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. on his chest; the slight shock thence ensuing partially arouses and restores his voluntary power, which again raises the head; and we see this partial awakening recur over and over again, with- out any complete awakening. Similar fluctuations occur in regard to sense-perceptions; and these may be often artificially induced by very simple means. "We find, for example, one condition of sleep so light, that a question asked restores consciousness enough for momentary under- standing and reply; and it is an old trick to bring sleepers into this state, by putting the hand into cold water, or producing some other sensation, not so active as to awaken, but sufficient to draw the mind from a more profound to a lighter slumber. This may be often repeated, sleep still going on ; but make the sound louder and more sudden, and complete waking at once ensues. The same with other sensations. Let the sleeper be gently touched, and he shows sensi- bility, if at all, by some slight muscular movement. A ruder touch excites more disturbance and motion, and probably changes the current of dreaming; yet sleep will go on; and it often requires a rough shaking, particularly in young persons, before full wake- fulness can be obtained." * * * " It is certain that the faculties of sensibility and volition are often unequally awakened from sleep. The case may be stated, familiar to many, of a person sleeping in an upright posture, with the head falling, over the breast; in whom sensibility is suddenly aroused by some external impression, but who is unable, for a certain time, to raise his head, though the sensation produced by this delay of voluntary action is singularly distressing." Thus, as Sir Henry Holland has justly remarked,* Avhat we call Sleep is not a single state capable of being distinctly differentiated from that of waking activity; but is a gradational scries of states, intermediate between that of complete possession of the mental faculties, and that of complete suspension of all psychical See the excellent Chapter on "Sleep," from which the preceding extracts are taken, in his Medical Notes and Refections, and his Chapters on Mental Physiology. Influence of Previous Expectation. ■ 579 action. And among those intermediate states between sleep and waking, which either occur spontaneously, or can be induced in numerous individuals by very simple processes (§§ 449, 493), there are several which exhibit peculiarities that are not in themselves at aB less remarkable, than are those which are regarded with so much wonder by the uninformed observer, when induced by the asserted Mesmeric influence, and paraded aa specimens of its power. (See § 469.) 47S. It is unquestionable that the supervention of Sleep may be promoted by the strong previous expectation of it; and this is true, not merely of ordinary natural sleep, but of the states of artificial Beverie and Somnambulism. Every one knows the influence of habit, not only in regard to " time," but also as to "place and circumstance," in predisposing to Sleep. Thus, the celebrated pedestrian Capt. Barclay, when accomplishing his extra- ordinary feat of walking 1000 miles in as many successive hours, obtained at last such a mastery over himself, that he fell asleep the instant he lay down. And the sleep of soldiers, sailors, and others, who are prevented by "duty" from obtaining regular periods of repose, but are obliged to take their rest at short intervals, may be almost said to come at command; nothing more being necessary to induce it, than the placing the body in an easy position, and the closure of the eyes. It is related that the Abbe Faria, who acquired notoriety through his power of inducing Somnambulism, was accustomed merely to place his patient in an arm-chair, and then, after teBing him to shut his eyes and collect himself, to pro- nounce in a strong voice and imperative tone the word " dormez," which was usually successful. The Writer had frequent oppor- tunities of satisfying himself, that the greater success which attended the Hypnotic mode of inducing Somnambulism (§ 493), in the hands of Mr. Braid, its discoverer, than in that of others, chiefly lay in the mental condition of his subjects, who came to him for the most part under the confident expectation of its production, 580 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. and were further assured by a man of very determined will, that it could not be resisted. And it is one of the most curious phenomena of the "Biological" state (§ 467), that, in many subjects at least, Sleep may be induced in a minute or less, by the positive assur- ance, with which the mind of the individual becomes possessed, that it will and must supervene. (See also § 518.) 479. The influence of previous Mental states is yet more remarkable, in determining the effects produced upon the sleeper by different Sensory impressions. The general rule is, that habitual impressions of any kind have much less effect in arousing the slumberer, than those of a new or unaccustomed character. An amusing instance of this kind has been related, which, even if not literally true, serves extremely weB as an illustration of what is unquestionably the ordinary fact:— A gentleman, who had obtained a passage on board a ship of war, was aroused on the first morning by the report of the morning gun, which chanced to be fired just above his berth; the shock was so violent as to cause him to jump out of bed. On the second morning, he was again awoke, but this time he merely started and sat-up in bed ; on the third morning, tho report had simply the effect of causing him to open his eyes for a moment, and turn in his bed; on the fourth morning, it ceased to affect him at all; and his slum- bers continued to be undisturbed by the report, so long as he re- mained on board. It often happens that sleep is terminated by the cessation of an accustomed sound, especially if this be one whose monotony or continuous repetition had been the original inducement to repose. Thus, a person who has been read or preached to. sleep, wiBaAvake, if his slumber be not very profound, on the cessation of the voice; and a naval officer, sleeping beneath the measured tread of the watch on deck, will awake if that tread be suspended.—In this latter case, the influence of the simple cessation of the impression will be augmented by the circumstance next to be alluded-to, A wakening Influence of Particular Impressions. 5 81 which is of peculiar interest both in a Physiological and Psychologi- cal point of view, and is practically familiar to almost every one. 480. The awakening power of Sensory impressions is greatly modified by our habitual state of mind in regard to them. Thus, if we are accustomed to attend to these impressions, and our perception of them is thus increased in acuteness, we are much more easily aroused by them, than we are by others which arc in themselves much stronger, but which we have been accustomed to disregard. a. Thus, most sleepers are awoke by the sound of their own names uttered in a low tone; when it requires a much louder 60und of a different description to produce any manifestation of consciousness. The same thing is seen in comatose states; a patient being often found capable of being momentarily aroused by shouting his name into his ear, when no other sound produces the least effect.—The Medical practitioner, in his first profound sleep after a laborious day, is awoke by the first stroke of the clapper of his night-beB, or even by the movement of the bell- wire which precedes it.—The Telegraph-clerk, however deep the repose in which he has lost the remembrance of his previous vigils, is recalled to activity by the faintest sound produced by the vibration of the signalling needle, to whose indications he is required to give diligent heed.—The Mother, whose anxiety for her offspring is for a time the dominant feeling in her mind, is aroused from the refreshing slumber in which all her cares have been forgot, by the slightest wail of uneasiness proceeding from her Infant charge. These familiar facts cannot be explained upon the supposition that the sleep, prevented from becoming profound by the persistence of the previous excitement, is consequently interrupted by trifling disturbances: for in aB these instances the sleeper may remain unaffected by much louder sounds, which have not the same rela- tion to his (or her) previous mental state :— I. Thus the Doctor's wife shaB not be aroused by the full peal of 582 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. the night-bell, whose first tingle awakes her snoring husband; and he may go forth upon his errand and return to his couch, without disturbing the slumbers of his partner. But her turn next comes; the cries of her child arouse her maternal vigilance; and she may spend hours in attempting to soothe it to repose, which are passed by her husband in a state of blissful unconsciousness.—This is no imaginary picture, but one of daily, or rather nightly, occurrence. It is the very familiarity of these facts, which prevents their import from being duly apprehended. The following remarkable example of this class of phenomena was mentioned to the Writer by the late Sir Edward Codrington :— c. When a young man, he was serving as Signal-lieutenant under Lord Hood at the time of the investment of Toulon ; and being desirous of obtaining the favourable notice of his commander, ho applied himself to his duty—that of watching for signals made by the " look-out " frigates—with such energy and perseverance, that he often remained on deck eighteen or nineteen hours out of the twenty-four, going below only to sleep.. During the few hours which he spent in repose, his slumber was so profound that no noise of an ordinary kind, however loud, would awake him; and it used to be a favourite amusement with his comrades, to try various experiments devised to test the soundness of his sleep. But if the word "signal" was even whispered in his ear, he was instantly aroused, and was fit for immediate duty; the constant direction of his mind towards this one object, having given to the impression produced by the softest mention of its name, a power over his Brain which no other could exert. It seems impossible to account for these facts in any other way, than by attributing to the Nerve-centres a peculiar Physical receptivity for impressions of some particular class, which they Lave acquired in virtue of the previous direction of the mind to them. To affirm that it is the persistent consciousness of the Ego which makes the brain receptive to these impressions, is equivalent to saying that consciousness is never entirely suspendod even during the most profound sleep. But although we have no right Awaking at Fixed Time. 583 to affirm with certainty that the consciousness of cerebral changes is so suspended, yet the complete suspension of sensorial con- sciousness in profound sleep seems to be as clearly indicated as such a condition can possibly be (§ 125). 481. But it is not requisite that the Sensory impression should be one habitually attended to during the Avaking hours ; for it is generaBy sufficient to produce the effect, that the attention should have been strongly fixed upon it, previously to the access of the sleep, as one at which the skunbercr is to be aroused. Thus, the traveBer who requires to set forth upon his joimney at an early hour in the morning, and has given directions to be called accord- ingly, is awakened by a gentle tap at the door of his chamber; although he may have previously slept through a succession of far louder noises with Avhich he had no concern. And the student who has set his heart upon rising at a particular hour, in order to continue some literary task, is aroused by that recurrence of the stroke of the clock, although no other may have affected him throughout the night, and although he may have habitually slept to a later hour without being disturbed by it. Nay, more, there are many individuals who have the power of determining, at the time of going to rest, the hour at Avhich they shall awake ; and Avho arouse themselves at the precise time fixed upon,— not from the restless sleep which such a determination Avould ordinarily induce (the Writer, for example, would be prevented by it from obtaining an hour of continuous repose through the whole night), but from a slumber that remains unbroken until the appointed time arrives.—This fact is even more significant than the pre- ceding ; and seems to point to a kind of unconscious chronometry, which is in some way connected with the sequence of the Organic functions (§ 82 d). The Avhole series of such phenomena has a peculiar interest, in connection with the pretensions advanced by Mesmcrizcrs to exercise a special control over the " subjects " of their manipulations. 584 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. 482. Breaming.—We have hitherto spoken of Sleep in its most complete or profound form ; that is, the state of complete uncon- sciousness. But Avith the absence of consciousness of external things, there may be a state of Mental activity, of Avhich wc are more or less distinctly cognizant at the time, and of which our subsequent remembrance in the waking state varies greatly in com- pleteness. The chief peculiarity of the state of dreaming appears to be, that there is an entire suspension of volitional control over the current of thought, which flowrs-on automatically, sometimes in a uniform, coherent order, but more commonly in a strangely in- congruous sequence. The former is most likely to occur, when the mind simply takes-up the train of thought on which it had been engaged during the waking-hours, not long previously; and it may even happen that, in consequence of the freedom from distraction resulting from the suspension of external influences, the reasoning processes may thus be carried-on during sleep with unusual vigour and success, and the imagination may develope new and har- monious forms of beauty. a. Thus, Condorcet saw in his dreams the final steps of a difficult calculation which had puzzled him during the day; and Condillac tells us that, when engaged in his "Cours d'Etude," he frequently developed and finished a subject in his dreams, which he had broken off before retiring to rest. Coleridge's dream-poem of Ivubla Khan has been already noticed (§ 23Id); a similar occurrence happened in the Writer's own family; and two cases of the like kind are given by Miss Cobbe {MacmiUan's Magazine, April, 1871). So the Sonata which Tartini thought in his dream that he heard the arch-fiend play at his request, and which he afterwards endeavoured to note down, was of course the production of his own brain. And the Writer has been assured by a distinguished artist, that he once had revealed to him in a Dream the solution of a difficulty which had been for some time puzzling him, as to the mode of working-out a part of a picture he was painting; the finished work presenting itsetf to his mental vision with such vividness, that, on awaking, ho at Myth-making Tendency in Dreams. 585 onco went to his picture, and was able to record enough of the impression to guide him in its completion. The more general fact is, however, that there is an entire want of any ostensible coherence between the ideas which suc- cessively present themselves to the consciousness; and yet, like the " Biologized" subject (§ 455), we are completely unaware of the incongruity of the combinations which are thus formed. It has been weB remarked that nothing surprises us in dreams. All probabilities .of " time, place, and circumstance" are violated; the dead pass before us as if alive and well; even the sages of antiquity hold personal converse with us; our friends upon the antipodes are brought upon the scene, or we ourselves are con- veyed thither, without the least perception of the intervening distance; and occurrences, such as in our waking state would excite the strongest emotions, may be contemplated without the slightest feeling of a painful or pleasurable nature. b. We have in dreams, as Miss Cobbe remarks {Macmillan's Magazine, Nov. 1870), a manifestation of that "myth-making" tendency of.the human mind, which is continually "transmuting sentiments into ideas." Even during the waking state, our minds are ever at work of this sort, "giving to airy nothing" (or at least to what is merely a subjective feeling) "a local habitation and a name." The automatic action of the Brain during sleep proceeds on the same track. Our sentiments of love, hate, fear, anxiety, are each one of them the fertile source of a whole series of illustrative dreams; which have their parallel in the delusions that spring out of any fixed emotional perversion in Insanity (§ 559). Tho difference between the two states, indeed, is only that the one is transient, the other persistent. " Dreams," as the Laureate says, " are true while they last," that is, they are true to us, because it is our nature to believe in our own states of consciousness. But we awake, and "behold it was a dream." Our Common Sense at once repudiates its incongruities, how vivid soever our recollection of them may be ; and it is only when we feel that the occurrences might have taken place, that we are tempted to put 586 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. the question to ourselves, " Did this really happen, or did I dream it ?"—Of this tendency to compose ingenious fables explanatory of the phenomena around us, which has given rise to the Mythology of Greece and Borne, India and Scandinavia, &c, the effect of sense- impressions in shaping the course of Dreams gives a most remarkable series of examples (§ 485). " Have we not here, then," (says Miss Cobbe), "evidence that there is a real law of the human mind causing us constantly to compose ingenious fables explanatory of the phenomena around us, — a law which only sinks into abeyance in the waking hours of persons in whom the reason has been Highly cultivated, and which resumes its sway even over their well-tutored brains when they sleep ? " As the suspension of the power of forming Common Sense judgments prevents us from being struck with the improbabilities or impossibilities of our dreams, so the suspension of the power of forming Moral judgments usually prevents any check of con- science from being felt, even by persons Avhose Avaking hours are profoundly imbued with moral feeling. " We commit in dreams," says Miss Cobbe {Joe. cit.), " acts for which we should weep tears of blood if they were real, and yet never feel the slightest remorse. Tho familiar check of waking hours, ' I must not do it because it would be unjust or unkind,' never once seems to arrest us in the satisfaction of any whim which may blow about our wayward fancies in sleep. A distinguished philanthropist, exer- cising for many years high judicial functions, continually commits forgery; and only regrets the act when he learns that he is to be hanged. A woman whose life was devoted to the instruction of pauper children, seeing one of them make a face at her, doubled him up in the smallest compass, and poked him through the bars of the lion's cage. One of the most benevolent of men (the late Mr. Bichard Napier), who shared not at all .'in the enthusiasm of his warlike brothers, ran his best friend through the body, and ever after recalled the extreme gratification he had experienced on seeing the point of his sword come out through the shoulders of his beloved companion." 483. Thus it may be said that a great part of our dreams Influence of Past Impressions. 587 consists in the exercise of our constructive Imagination (§ 396), working automatically without guidance or restraint. And the creative faculty, in those who possess it, occasionally evolves con- ceptions which seem to pass all experience (§ 408); though the subsequent memory of them is usually too vague to allow of their being turned to good account—There can be no doubt that the materials of our dreams are often furnished by the "traces" left upon the brain by occurrences long since past, which have com- pletely faded-out of the conscious memory. And there is similar reason for believing that the course of dreams is sometimes deter- mined by the "traces" of impressions, which, if they ever really affected the consciousness of the Ego, did so in such a slight and transient manner as not to be at all remembered. Many curious instances are on record, in which particulars that the memory has been repeatedly and vainly called-on to retrace during the waking state, have presented themselves in dreams with great vivid- ness ; and thus lost documents have been recovered, and explanations have been furnished of perplexing difficulties. In some of these cases (of which an interesting collection will be found in Dr. Abercrombie's " Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers,") it would appear that the mind of the dreamer had worked upon suggestions which would not have given his waking thoughts the same direction. And it seems probable that the limitation of the Cerebral action to one set of impressions, gives to these, as in the state of attention, an unusual potency; so that from this action ideas are evolved, which would not havo suggested themselves through the consciousness. It is probably in this mode that we are to explain (where the case is not one of mere coincidence) the fact of discoveries of crimes or of intended crimes being made through dreams; some impression, or succession of impressions, having been left upon the Ego, which suggested nothing to his waking consciousness, but which took full possession of the limited capacity that remained to him when dreaming.—The following circumstance recently mentioned to the Writer by an eminent Judge, one of whose mental experiences has already been cited (§ 362), affords a characteristic illustration of this kind of 588 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. Cerebral action. Having been retained, before his elevation to tho Bench, in a case which was to be tried in the North of England, he slept at the house of one of the parties in it; and dreamed through the night that lizards were crawling over him. He could not imagine what had suggested such an idea to his mind, until, on going into the apartment in which he had passed the evening, he noticed a mantel-piece clock on the base of which were figures of crawling lizards. This he must have seen without noticing it; and the sight must have left a "trace" in his brain, though it left no record in his conscious memory. 484. One of the most remarkable of all the peculiarities in the state of Dreaming, is the rapidity with which trains of thought pass through the mind; for a dream in which a long series of events has seemed to occur, and a multitude of images has been successively raised-up, has been often certainly known to have occupied only a few minutes, or even seconds, although whole years may seem to the dreamer to have elapsed. There would not appear, in truth, to be any limit to the amount of thought which may thus pass ^through the mind of the dreamer, in an interval so brief as to be scarcely capable of measurement; as is obvious from the fact, that a dream involving a long succession of supposed events, has often distinctly originated in a sound which has also awoke the sleeper, so that the whole must have passed during the almost inappreciable period of transition between the previous state of sleep and the full waking consciousness.* Hence it has been argued by some, that all our dreams really take place in the momentary passage between the states of sleeping and waking; but such an idea is not consistent with the fact, that the * ^ The only phase of the waking state, in which any such intensely-rapid suc- cession of Thoughts presents itself, is that which is now well attested as a frequent occurrence, under circumstances in which there is imminent danger of Death, especially by Drowning ; the whole previous life of the individual seeming to be presented instantaneously to his view, with its every important incident vividly impressed on his consciousness, just as if all were combined in a picture, the whole of which could be taken-in at a glance. Influence of Sense-impressions. 589 course of a dream may often be traced, by observing the successive changes of expression in the countenance of the dreamer, or by listening to the Avords he utters from time to time. It seems, however, that those dreams are most distinctly remem- bered in the waking state, which have passed through the mind during the transitional phase just alluded-to ; whilst those which occur in a state more allied to Somnambulism, are more com- pletely isolated from the ordinary consciousness.—There is a phase of the dreaming state, wdiich is worthy of notice as marking another gradation between this and the waking state; that, namely, in which the dreamer has a consciousness that he is dreaming, being aware of the unreality of the images Avhich present themselves before his mind. He may even make a voluntary and successful effort to prolong them if agreeable, or to dissipate them if unpleasing; thus eAincing the possession of a certain degree of that directing power, the entire wrant of which is the characteristic of the true state of dreaming. 485. But the sensibility to external impressions may not be entirely suspended in Dreaming; and it is curious that even where sensations are not perceived by the mind of the dreamer as proceeding from external objects, they may affect the course of its own thoughts; so that the character of the dreams may be in some degree predetermined by such an arrangement of sensory impressions as is likely to modify them. This is especially the case in regard to the dreamy state induced by certain nar- cotics, such as Opium, or Hachisch (§ 537) ; and as sense-im- pressions are here intensified in a most extraordinary degree, so does it seem Bkcly that in ordinary dreaming the course of thought may be affected by sense-impressions too faint to be per- ceived at all in the waking state. Thus General Sleeman mentions that while charged to put down Thuggee in India, being in pursuit of Thugs up the country, his wife one morning urgently entreated him to move their tents from the 590 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. spot—a lovely opening in a jungle—where they had been pitched the previous evening. She said she had been haunted all night by tho sight of dead men. Information received during the day induced the General to order digging under the ground whereon they had camped ; and beneath Mrs. Sleeman's tent were found fourteen corpses, victims of the Thugs. " It is easily conceivable," says Miss Cobbe {foe. cit.), "that the foul odour of death suggested to the lady, in the unconscious cerebration of her dream, her horrible vision. Had she been in a state of Mesmeric trance, the same occurrence would have formed a splendid instance of supernatural revelation." Again, Dr. Beid tells us that having had his head blistered on account of a fall, and a plaster having been put on it which pained him excessively during the night, on falling asleep towards morning he dreamed very distinctly that he had fallen into the hands of a party of Indians, and was scalped. Now here, as Miss Cobbe says, '' the number of mental operations needful for the transmutation of a blistered head into a dream of Bed Indians, is very worthy of remark. First, Perception of pain, and allotment of it to its true place in the body. Secondly, Beason seeking the true cause of the phenomenon. Thirdly, Memory suppressing the real cause, and supplying from its stores of knowledge an hypothesis of a cause suited to produce tho phenomenon. Lastly, Imagination stepping in precisely at this juncture, fastening on this suggestion of memory, and instantly presenting it as a tableau vivant, with proper decorations and ' local colour.' The only Intellectual faculty which remains dormant seems to be the Judgment, which has allowed Memory and Imagina- tion to work regardless of those limits of probability which would have been set to them awake. If, when awake, we feel a pain which we do not wholly understand, say a twinge of the foot, we speculate upon its cause only within the very narrow series of actual proba- bilities. It may be a nail in our boot, a chilblain, a wasp, or so on. It does not even cross our minds that it may be a sworn tormentor with red-hot pincers; hut the very same sensation experienced asleep wiB very probably be explained by a Dream of the sworn tormentor or some other cause which the relations of time and space render equally inapplicable."—{Macmillan's Magazine, April, 1871.) 486. In ordinary Dreaming, then, there may be intense Cerebral Expression of Dreams in Action. 591 activity; but this is entirely of the automatic kind. And it is quite possible that this activity may go on without affecting the conscious- ness of the sleeper, so as to evolve important ideational results, with- out any recollection on his part of having dreamed of thcm(§ 434). But, again, with the suspension of Sensorial activity, which seems more complete in regard to special than to common sensation, there is also an entire suspension of Muscular activity, save such as is purely reflex (§ 69); the only movements which express what is going on Avithin, being slight gestures or changes of countenance. If the dreamer acts his dreams, that is, if the ideational or emotional state calls forth Muscular movements corresponding to it, wTe term the state not Sleep, but Somnam- bulism, or sleep-walking ; this being the most common form of movement executed by the dreamer. Between the two states there is a gradational transition. There are many, for instance, who talk much in their sleep, yet never attempt to leave their beds and wall: And among sleep-takers there are some who merely utter meaningless sequences of words, or strangely jumbled phrases, and are utterly incapable of being influenced by suggested ideas ; whilst there are others who give utterance to a coherent train of thought, still without any receptivity of external suggestion ; and others, again, obviously hear what is said to them, and attend to it or not according to the impression it makes upon them (§ 488). 487. Somnambulism.—It seems common to every phase of this condition, that there is the same want of Volitional control over the current of thought, and the same complete subjection of the consciousness to the idea which may for a time possess it, as in dreaming : but the Somnambulist differs from the ordinary dreamer in possessing such a control over his nervo-muscular apparatus, as to be enabled to execute, or at any rate to attempt, whatever it may be in his mind to do; while some of the inlets to sensation ordinarily remain open, so that the Somnam- bulist may hear, though he does not see or feel, or may feel, while 1 592 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. he does not see or hear. The Muscular Sense, indeed, seems always active ; and many of the most remarkable performances both of natural and of induced Somnambulism, seem referable to the extraordinary intensity with which impressions on it are per- ceived, in consequence of the exclusive fixation of the attention on its guidance (§ 128).—The phenomena of Somnambulism present a very curious diversity, which in some respects corresponds to the difference between Abstraction and Beverie (§§ 442, 443). Some- times, as in the former of these states, the Somnambulist's attention is so completely fixed upon his own trains of thought, that he is only conscious of such external impressions as are in harmony with them ; and a definite and connected sequence of ideas is not unfrequently followed-out, with a steadiness and consistency which contrasts very strikingly with the strange incongruities and abrupt transitions of an ordinary dream. When this is the case, we may usually trace the operation of some one dominant idea or feeling—the key-note (so to speak) of the entire piece,—to which all the thoughts which pass through the mind are related, and of which everything that is done by the body is an expression. A Mathematician will work out a difficult problem; an Orator will make a most effective speech ; a Preacher will address an imaginary congregation with such earnestness and pathos as deeply to movre his real auditors ; a Musician will draw forth most enchanting harmonies from his accustomed instrument; a Poet will improvise a torrent of verses ; a Mimic will keep the spec- tators in a roar of laughter at the drollness of his imitations. The Beasoning processes may be earned on with remarkable accuracy and clearness, so that the conclusion may be quite sound, if the data have been correct and adequate; and it is si very remarkable fact that their purely Automatic action in this state will frequently evolve conclusions which Volitional exertion has vainly striven to attain. The following are well-attested examples of this singular phenomenon; in wdiich not merely did Occasional Coherence of Trains of Thought. 593 solutions of the difficulties present themselves to the mind (as in dreaming, § 483), but these expressed themselves in appropriate bodily actions.—The first case is given by Dr. Abercrombie, on the authority of the family of a distinguished Scottish lawyer of the 1 last age :— a. "This eminent person had been consulted respecting a case of great importance and much difficulty; and he had been study- ing it with intense anxiety and attention. After several days had been occupied in this manner, he was observed by his wife to rise from his bed in the night, and go to a writing-desk which stood in the bedroom. He then sat down, and wrote a long paper which he carefuBy put by in his desk, and returned to bed. The following morning he told his wife that he had had a most interesting dream ;—that he had dreamt of deUvering a clear and luminous opinion respecting a case which had ex- ceedingly perplexed him; and that he would give anything to recover the train of thought which had passed before him in his dream. She then directed him to the writing-desk, where ho found the opinion clearly and fully written out; and this was afterwards found to he perfectly correct." {Intellectual Powers, 5th Edit., p. 30G.) The following was narrated by the Bev. John de Liefde, as the experience of a brother Clergyman, on Avhose veracity he could fully rely :— 6. " I was a Student of the Mennonite Seminary at Amsterdam, and attended the Mathematical lectures of Professor Van Swinden. Now, it happened that once a Banking-house had given the Professor a question to resolve, which required a difficult and prolix calcu- lation ; and often already had the Mathematician tried to find out the problem; but as, to effect this, some sheets of paper had to be covered with figures, the learned man at each trial had made a mistake. Thus not to fatigue himself, he communicated the puzzle to ten of his stud'ents—me amongst the number; and begged us to attempt its unravelling at home. My ambition did not allow me any delay. I set to work the same evening, but without success. 594 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. Another evening was sacrificed to my undertaking, but fruitlessly. At last I bent myself over my figures for a third evening. It was winter, and I calculated till half-past one in the morning—all to no purpose! The product was erroneous. Low at heart, I threw down my pencil, which already that time had beciphered three slates. I hesitated whether I would toil the night through, and begin my calculation anew; as I knew that the Professor wanted an answer the very same morning. But lo ! my candle was already burning in the socket; and, alas, the persons with whom I lived had long gone to rest. Then I also went to bed; my head filled with ciphers ; and tired in mind I fell asleep. In the morning, I awoke just early enough to dress and prepare myself to go to the Lecture; vexed at heart at not having been able to solve the question, and at having to disappoint my teacher. But, 0 wonder! as I approach my writing table, I find on it a paper, with figures in my own hand, and (think of my astonishment!) the whole problem on it solved quite aright, and without a single blunder. I wanted to ask my hospita whether any one had been in my room; but was stopped by my own writing. Afterwards I told her what had occurred, and she herself wondered at the event, for she assured me no one had entered my apartment. Thus I must have calculated the problem in my sleep, and in the dark to boot; and what is most remarkable, the compu- tation was so succinct, that what I saw now before me on a single folio sheet, had required three slatefuls closely beciphered on both sides during my waking state. Professor Von Swinden was quite amazed at the event, and declared to me that whilst calculating the problem himself, he had never once thought of a solution so simple and concise." {Notes and Queries, Jan. 14, 1860.) Another case of a similar kind has been lately communicated to the Writer, by the gentleman to whom he is indebted for his own experiences of unconscious cerebration (§§ 422, 435) :__ c. " My father, when a student of Divinity at Basle, was required in due course to compose a discourse for public delivery on a given text of scripture. All power to grapple with the subject seemed gone from him; and he was for days in a state of nervous agitation, unable to deal with the matter in any way satisfactory to himself. The evening before the day of ordeal, he composed something, and Occasional Coherence of Trains of Thought. 595 lay down utterly disgusted with his performance. He fell asleep; dreamed of a novel method of handling and illustrating the subject'; awoke; leaped out of bed to commit the ideas to paper; and, on opening his desk, found that they were so committed already in his own writing, the ink being hardly dry." It is a frequent defect, however, of the Intellectual operations carried on in this condition, that, owing to their very intensity and exclusiveness, the attention is drawn off from the considerations which ought to modify them ; and thus it happens that the result is often palpably inconsistent with the teachings of ordinary experi- ence ; which, if they present themselves to the consciousness at all, are not perceived by it with sufficient vividness for the exercise of their due corrective influence. 488. Now in this form of Somnambulism, there is usually as com- plete an insensibility as in ordinary sleep to all sensory impres- sions, excepting to such as fall-in with the existing current of ideas. No ordinary sights or sounds, odours or tastes, pricks, pinches, or blows, make themselves felt; and yet, if anything be addressed to the sleep-talker through either of his senses, which is in harmony with the notion that occupies his mind at the time, he may take cognizance of it, and interweave it (as it were) with his web of thought, which may receive a new colour or design therefrom. Thus a young lady was formerly known to the Writer, who, when at school, frequently began to talk, after having been asleep an hour or two ; her ideas almost always ran upon the events of the previous day; and, if encouraged by leading questions addressed to her, she would give a very distinct and coherent account of them, frequently disclosing her own peccadilloes and those of her school-feBows, and expressing great penitence for the former, whilst she seemed to hesitate about making known the latter. To all ordinary sounds, however, she seemed perfectly insensible. A loud noise would awake her, but was never perceived in the sleep-talking state ; and if the interlocutor addressed to her any questions or observations that did not fall in with her train of thought, they were completely ! 596 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. disregarded. By a little adroitness, however, she might be led to talk upon almost any subject,—a transition being gradually made from one to another, by means of leading questions. 489. It is an important and distinctive feature of the Somnambu- listic state, that neither the trains of thought wdiich have passed through the mind, nor the actions which have resulted from them, are usually remembered in the waking state ; and that, if any recollection of them be preserved, they are retraced only as passages of an ordinary dream. Both the trains of thought and the occurrences of the somnambulistic state, however, are frequently remembered with the utmost vividness on the recurrence of that state, even at a very distant interval; and of this interval, however long it may have been, there seems to be no conscious- ness whatever. The same thing happens, but more rarely, in ordinary dreaming; the dreamer sometimes recollecting a previous dream, and even taking it up and continuing its thread;—a cir- cumstance which marks the close affinity of this state to that of somnambulism, since it is only when the dream-idea possesses the fixity and congruity characteristic of the latter, that it shows this tendency to recurrence. The following case, which happened in the Writer's own family, affords a good exemplification of the " acted dream," and of the continuity of the impression from one such state to another, whilst it was altogether lost to the waking consciousness :— A Servant-maid, rather given to sleep-walking, missed one of her combs; and being unable to discover it, on making the most diligent search, charged the fellow-servant who slept in her room with having taken it. One morning, however, she awoke with the comb in her hand ; so that there can be no doubt that she had put it away on a previous night, without preserving any waking remembrance of the occurrence ; and that she had recovered it when the remembrance of its hiding-place was brought to her, by the recurrence of the state in which it had been secreted. Possession by Dominant Ideas. 597 490. Many of the most characteristic features of this form of Somnambulism are presented by the following case, which occurred within the AVriter's own experience :__ The subject of it was a young lady of highly nervous tempera- ment ; and the affection occurred in the course of a long and trying illness, in which all the severest forms of hysterical disorder had successively presented themselves. The state of Somnambulism usually supervened in this case upon the waking state; instead of arising, as it more commonly does, out of the condition of ordinary sleep.—In this condition, her ideas were at first entirely fixed upon one subject, the death of her only brother, which had occurred some years previously. To this brother she had been very strongly attached; she had nursed him in his last illnes3; and it was perhaps the return of the anniversary of his death, about the time when the somnam- bulism first occurred, that gave to her thoughts that particular direction. She talked constantly of him, retraced all the circum- stances of his illness, and was unconscious of anything that was said to her which had not reference to this subject. On one occasion she mistook her sister's husband for her lost brother ; imagined that he was come from heaven to visit her; and kept up a long con- versation with him under this impression. This conversation was perfectly rational on her side, allowance being made for the funda- mental error of her data. Thus she begged her supposed brother to pray with her; and on his repeating the Lord's Prayer, she inter- rupted him after the sentence "forgive us our trespasses," with the remark, "But you need not pray thus; your sins are already forgiven." Although her eyes were open, she recognized no one in this state,—not even her own sister, who, it should be mentioned, had not been at home at the time of her brother's last illness. On another occasion it happened that, when she passed into this condition, her sister, who was present, was wearing a locket con- taining some of their deceased brother's hair. As soon as she perceived this locket, she made a violent snatch at it, and would not be satisfied until she had got it into her own possession, when she began to talk to it in the most endearing and even extravagant tennis. Her feelings were so strongly excited on this subject, that it was judged prudent to check them; and as she was inaccessible 1 598 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. to all entreaties for the relinquishment of the locket, force was employed to obtain it from her. She was so determined, however, not to give it up, and was so angry at the gentle violence used, that it was found necessary to abandon the attempt; and having become calmer, after a time, she passed off into ordinary sleep. Before going to sleep, however, she placed the locket under her pillow, remarking, " Now I have hid it safely, and they shall not take it. from me." On awaking in the morning, she had not the slightest consciousness of what had passed ; but the impression of the excited feelings still remained; for she remarked to her sister, " I cannot tell what it is that makes me feel so; but every time that S----cornea near me I have a kind of shuddering sensation," the individual named being a servant, whose constant attention to her had given rise to a feeling of strong attachment on the side of the invalid, but who had been the chief actor in the scene of the previous evening. This feeling wore off in the course of a day or two. A few days afterwards, the somnambulism again recurred; and the patient, being upon her bed at the time, immediately began to search for the locket under her pillow. In consequence of its having been removed in the interval (in order that she might not, by accidentally finding it there, be led to inquire into the cause of its presence, of which it was thought better to keep her in ignorance) she was unable to find it; at which she expressed great disappoint- ment, and continued searching for it, with the remark, " It must be there; I put it there myself a few minutes ago, and no one can have taken it away."—In this state, the presence of S-----renewed her previous feelings of anger; and it was only by sending S----out of the room, that she could be calmed and induced to sleep. This patient was the subject of many subsequent attacks, in every one of which the anger against S-----revived ; until the current of thought changed, no longer running exclusively upon what related to her brother, but becoming capable of direction by suggestions of various kinds presented to her mind, either in conversation, or, more directly, through the several organs of sense. 491. Here, then, we perceive the complete limitation of the consciousness to the one train of ideas which was immediately connected with the object of strong affection, and the want of Possession by Dominant Ideas. 599 receptivity for all impressions which did not call forth a responsive association in the Somnambulist's mind. Her recognition of the locket which her sister wore, when she did not recognize the wearer, was extremely curious ; and may be explained in two modes, each of them in accordance with the known facts of somnambulism. Either the concentration of her thoughts on this one subject caused her to remember only that which Avas immediately connected with her brother; while her want of recognition of her sister might be due to the absence of the latter at the time of his death, which caused her to be less connected with him in the thoughts of the patient. Or it may have happened that she was directed to this locket by the sense of Smell, Avhich is frequently exalted in the hypnotic state to a very remarkable degree ( § 498). The continuity of the train of thought from one fit to the next, was extremely wrell marked in this instance ; and the prolongation of the emotional disturbance throughout the interval, without any idea as to the cause of that disturbance, is a feature of peculiar interest, as showing that some organic impression must have been left by the mental operations of the Somnambulist, of which her waking consciousness could take no ideational cognizance.—The personal experience of most persons will furnish them with facts of the same order : a sense of undefined uneasiness often remaining as a consequence of a troubled dream, of whose course there is no definite remembrance; and this uneasiness sometimes mani- festing itself especially in regard to certain persons or objects, the sight of which calls forth a vague recollection that they have been recently before the mind in some peculiarly disagreeable associa- tion. When the entire engrossment of the thoughts by some one subject, and the intensity of their occupation upon it, which constitute the characteristic features of Somnambulism, are kept in mind, it is not surprising that the impressions which they leave behind should possess a remarkable degree of strength, and should re-act Avith unwonted potency. 600 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. 492. But there is another and very different phase of the Som- nambulistic state, in Avhich the mind, though not less possessed for the time by its own idea than it is in the preceding form, is yet capable of having the direction of its thoughts, and con- sequently of the bodily actions which they prompt, readily altered by external impressions. Between tliese two forms, again, there is every shade of transitional gradation; the facility with which the mind of the somnambulist is amenable to the guidance of external Suggestions, being always inversely proportional to the degree in wdiich it is possessed by some one dominant idea. a. Of the form of natural Somnambulism in which the influence of external impressions is complete, so that all the actions of the subject of it are performed in respondence to them, the case of the Officer who served in the expedition to Louisburgh in 1758 (given by Dr. Abercrombie, on the authority of Dr. James Gregory), is an apt illustration. This is frequently spoken of as a case of Dreaming; but as the dream was acted, it most legitimately falls under the present head. The course of this individual's dreams could be completely directed by whispering into his ear, especially if this was done by a friend with whose voice he was familiar (another illustra- tion of the fact that the consciousness of sensory impressions in this condition is in great degree governed by the degree of attention habitually paid to them in the waking state); and his companions in the transport were in the constant habit of thus amusing themselves at his expense. "At one time they conducted him through the whole progress of a quarrel, which ended in a duel; and when the parties were supposed to be met, a pistol was put in his hand, which he fired, and was awakened by the report. On another occasion they found him asleep on the top of a locker or bunker in the cabin, when they made him believe he had fallen overboard, and exhorted him to save himself by swimming. He immediately imitated all the motions of swimming. They then told him that a shark was pur- suing him, and entreated him to dive for his life. He instantly did so, with such force as to throw himself entirely from the locker upon the cabin floor, by which he was much bruised, and awakened of A rtificial Induction of Somnambulism. 601 course. After the landing of the army at Louisburgh, his friends found him one day asleep in his tent, and evidently much annoyed by the cannonading. They then made him believe that he was engaged, when he expressed great fear, and showed an evident disposition to run away. Against this they remonstrated, but at the same time increased his fears, by imitating the groans of the wounded and the dying; and when he asked, as he often did, who was down, they named his particular friends. At last they told him that the man next to himself in the line had fallen, when he instantly sprang from his bed, rushed out of the tent, and was aroused from bis danger and his dream together by falling over the tent-ropes. After these experiments he had no distinct recollection of his dreams, but only a confused feeling of oppression and fatigue, and used to tell his friends "that he was sure they had been playing some trick upon him."—{Intellectual Powers, 5th Edit., p. 278). 493. Induced Somnambulism, or Hypnotism.—We have now to consider the phenomena of a state which bears the same relation to the preceding, that the " Electro-Biological" bears to Beverie and Abstraction; its peculiarity consisting in its being artificially in- duced. The method, discovered by Mr. Braid, of producing this state of artificial Somnambulism, which Avas appropriately designated by bim as Hypnotism, consists in the maintenance of a fixed gaze, for several minutes consecutively, on a bright object placed some- what above and in front of the eyes, at so short a distance that the convergence of their axes upon it is accompanied with a sense of effort, even amounting to pain. This process, it will be at once perceived, is of the same kind as that employed for the induc- tion of the "Biological" state (§ 449) ; the only difference lying in the greater intensity of the gaze, and in the more complete concen- tration of Will upon the direction of the eyes, Avhich the nearer approximation of the object requires for the maintenance of the convergence.__In Hypnotism, as in ordinary Somnambulism, no remembrance whatever is preserved in the waking state, of anything that may have occurred during its continuance; although 27 1 5o2 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. the previous train of thought may be taken up and continued un- interruptedly, on the next occasion that the hypnotism is induced. And wdien the mind is not excited to activity by the stimulus of external impressions, the hypnotized subject appears to be pro- foundly asleep ; a state of complete torpor, in fact, being usually the first result of the process just described, and any subsequent manifestation of activity being procurable only by the prompting of the operator. The hypnotized subject, too, rarely opens his eyes; his bodily movements are usually slow ; his mental opera- tions require a considerable time for their performance; and there is altogether an appearance of heaviness about him, which contrasts strongly with the comparatively wide-awake air of him who has not passed beyond the ordinary " Biological" state. 494. In regard to the influence of external Suggestion in directing the current of thought and action, the two states are essentially the same ; and it is unnecessary, therefore, to repeat with re- gard to Hypnotism wdiat has been already described so fully. There seems, however, to be a state of greater concentration about the Hypnotized somnambule, than exists in the Biologized subject. The whole man seems given to each perception. No doubts or difficulties present themselves to distract the attention ; and, in consequence, there is a greater apprehensiveness for suggestions, and their results are more vividly displayed. This is the case especially in regard to emotional states, which are aroused with the greatest facility, and which can be governed by a word, or even by a tone, or—as Mr. Braid discovered—by the subject's own Muscular sense, which suggests to his mind ideas or feelings corresponding to the attitude or gesture into which he may be brought by the operator. Thus, if the hand be placed upon the top of the head, the Somnambulist will frequently, of his own accord, draw his body up to its fullest height, and throw his head slightly back; his countenance then assumes an expression of the most lofty pride, and his whole mind is obviously possessed Phenomena of Hypnotism. 603 by that feeling. Where the first action does not of itself call forth the rest, it is sufficient for the operator to straighten the legs and spine, and to throw the head somewhat back, to arouse that feeling and the corresponding expression to its fullest intensity. During the most complete domination of this emotion, let the bead be bent forward, and the body and limbs gently flexed ; and tlie most profound humility then instantaneously takes its place. Of the reality and suddenness of these changes the Writer is fully assured, not only from having been an eye-witness of them on various occasions, but also from the reliance he places on the testimony of an intelligent friend, who submitted himself to Mr. Braid's manipulations, but retained enough self-consciousness and voluntary power to endeavour to exercise some resistance to their influence at the time, and subsequently to retrace his course of thought and feeling. This gentleman declares that, although accustomed to the study of character and to self-observation, he could not have conceived that the whole mental state should have undergone so instantaneous and complete a metamorphosis, as he remembers it to have done, when his head and body were bent forward hi the attitude of humility, after having been drawn to their full height in that of self-esteem. These phenomena are most graphically described by Dr. Garth Wilkinson, in the following extract : •— a. "The preliminary state is that of Abstraction produced by fixed gaze upon some unexciting and empty thing (for poverty of object engenders abstraction), and this abstraction is the logical premise of what follows. Abstraction tends to become more and more abstract, narrower and narrower; it tends to unity, and afterwards to nullity. There, then, the patient is, at the summit of attention, with no object left, a mere statue of attention, a listening, expectant life; a perfectly undistracted faculty, dreaming of a lessening and lessening mathematical point; the end of his mind sharpened away to nothing. What happens? Any sensation that appeals is met by this brilliant attention, and receives its diamond glare; being perceived with a 604 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. force of leisure of which our distracted life affords only the rudiments. External influences are sensated, sympathized with, to an extra- ordinary degree; harmonious music sways the body into graces the most affecting; discords jar it, as though they would tear it limb from limb. Cold and heat are perceived with similar exaltation ; so also smells and touches. In short, the whole man appears to be given to each perception. The body trembles like down with the wafts of the atmosphere ; the world plays upon it as upon a spiritual instrument finely attuned. b. "This is the natural Hypnotic state, but it may be modified artificially. The power of suggestions over the patient is excessive. If you say, ' What animal is it ?' the patient will tell you it is a lamb, or a rabbit, or any other. ' Does he see it ?' ' Yes.' 'What animal is it now?' putting depth and gloom into the tone of now, and thereby suggesting a difference. ' Oh ! ' with a shudder, ' it is a wolf! ' ' What colour is it ? ' still glooming the phrase. 'Black.' 'What colour is it now?' giving the now a cheerful air. ' Oh ! a beautiful blue !' spoken with the utmost delight. And so you lead the subject through any dreams you please, by variation of questions and of inflections of the voice ; and he sees and feels all as real. c. " Another curious study is the influence of the patient's postures on his mind in this state. Double his fist, and pull up his arm, if you dare, for you will have the strength of jour ribs rudely tested. Put him on his knees, and clasp his hands ; and the saints and devotees of the artists will pale before the trueness of his devout actings. Baise his head while in prayer, and his lips pour forth exulting glorifications, as he sees heaven opened and the majesty of God raising him to his place; then in a moment depress the head, and he is dust and ashes, an unworthy sinner, with the pit of hell yawning at his feet. Or compress the forehead, so as to wrinkle it vertically, and thorny-toothed clouds contract in from the very horizcn; and, what is remarkable, the smallest pinch and wrinkle, such as will lie between your nipping nails, is sufficient nucleus to crystallize the man into that shape, and to make him all foreboding; as, again, the smallest expansion in a moment brings the opposite state, with a full breathing of delight. Baise the head next, and ask (if it be a young lady) whether she or some other is the prettier; and Suggestion through Muscular Sense. 605 observe the inexpressible hauteur, and the puff sneers let off from the lips, which indicate a conclusion too certain to need utterance. Depress the head, and repeat the question, and mark the self- abasement with which she now says, ' She is,' as hardly worthy to make the comparison. In this state, whatever posture of any passion is induced, the passion comes into it at once, and dramatizes the body accordingly."—(" The Human Body and its Connection with Man," p. 473.) 495. The suggestion of the ideas connected with particular actions, through the same channel, is not less curious. Thus, if the hand be raised above the head, and the fingers be bent upon the palm, the notion of climbing, swinging, or pulling at a rope, is called up; if, on the other hand, the fingers are bent when the arm is hanging at the side, the idea excited is that of lifting some object from the ground; and if the same be done when the arm is advanced forwards in the position of striking a blow, the idea of fighting is at once aroused, and the Somnambulist is very apt to put it into immediate execution. On one occasion on which the Writer witnessed this result, a violent blow was struck, which chanced to alight upon a second somnambulist within reach ; his combativeness being thereby excited, the two closed, and began to belabour one another with such energy that they were with difficulty separated. Although their passions wrere at the moment so strongly excited, that, even when separated, they continued to utter furious denunciations against each other, yet a little discreet manipulation of their muscles soon calmed them, and put them into perfect good humour. 496. Not only may the Mind be thus played upon through impres- sions communicated to it from the body, but it can re-act upon the body in a way which at first sight appears almost incredible, but which is in perfect conformity with the principles already laid down (§ 267). Thus, an extraordinary degree of power may be thrown into any set of Muscles, by assuring the Somnambulist 606 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. that the action which he is called upon to perform is one which ho can accomplish with the greatest facility. The Writer saw one of Mr. Braid's hypnotized subjects—a man so remarkable for the poverty of his physical development, that he had not for many years ventured to lift a weight of twenty pounds in his ordinary state—take up a quarter of a hundred-weight upon his little finger, and swing it round his head with the greatest apparent facility, upon being assured that it was as light as a feather. On another occasion he lifted a half hundred weight on the last joint of his fore-finger, as high as his knee. The personal character of this individual placed him, in the opinion of those to whom he was well known, above all suspicion of deceit; and the impossibility of any trickery in such a case would be evident to the educated eye; since, if he had practised such feats (which very few, even of the strongest men, could accomplish without practice), the effect would have made itself visible in his muscular development. Consequently, when the same individual afterwards declared himself unable, with the greatest effort, to lift a handkerchief from the table, after having been assured that he could not possibly move it, there was no reason for questioning the truth of his conviction, based as this was upon the same kind of suggestion as that bv which he had been just before prompted to what seemed an otherwise impossible action (§ 454). It is well known to Physio- logists, that in our ordinary Volitional contraction of any muscle, we do not employ more than a small part of it at any one time ; whilst, on the other hand, every experienced Medical practitioner knows that in Convulsive contraction far more force is often put forth, than the strongest exertion of the will could bring into action. 497. In like manner may various other Muscular movements be induced, by the exclusive direction of the Somnambule's attention to their performance, of which the same individual would not be capable in the natural state. One of the most remarkable of these Exalted Sensibility in Hypnotized Subjects. 607 phenomena was the exact imitation of Mademoiselle Jenny Lind's vocal performances, which was given by a factory girl, whose musical powers had received scarcely any cultivation, and who could not speak her own language grammatically. The Writer was assured by most competent witnesses, that this girl, in the hypnotized state, followed the Swedish Nightingale's songs in different languages so instantaneously and correctly, as to both words and music, that it was difficult to distinguish the two voices. Iu order to test the powers of this Somnambule to the utmost, Mademoiselle Lind extemporised a long and elaborate chromatic exercise, wdiich the girl imitated with no less precision, though in her waking state she durst not even attempt anything of the sort. 498. So, again, the Writer has seen abundant evidence that the sensibility of a Hypnotized subject may be exalted to an extraordinary degree, in regard to some particular class of impressions ; this being due, as before, to the concentration of the whole attention upon the objects which excited them. Thus he has known a youth in the hypnotized state find out, by the sense of Smell, the owner of a glove which was placed in his hand, from amongst a party of more than sixty persons ; scenting at each of them one after the other, until he came to the right indiAidual. In another case, the owner of a ring was unhesitatingly found out from amongst a company of twelve ; the ring having been withdrawn from the finger before the Somnambule was introduced. The Writer has seen other cases, again, in which the sense of Temperature was extraordinarily exalted,—very slight differences, inappreciable to ordinaiy touch, being at once detected; and any considerable change, such as the admission of a current of cold air by the open- ing of a door, producing the greatest distress.-Some of the most remarkable examples of this kind, however, are afforded by that exaltation of the muscular Sense, Avhich seems to be an almost 608 Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. constant character of the Somnambulistic state, replacing the sense of sight in the direction of the movements (§ 128). That Sleep-walkers can clamber wralls and roofs, traverse narrow planks step firmly along high parapets, and perform other feats which they would shrink from attempting in their waking state, is simply because they are not distracted by the sense of danger which their Vision would call-up, from concentrating their exclusive attention on the guidance afforded by their Muscular sense (§ 102). 499. Many pages might be filled with the record of such marvels which present themselves alike in natural, .and in artificial or " induced Somnambulism: but all such phenomena are easily reducible to the general principles we have already laid down as characteristic of this state ;—namely (1), the entire engross- ment of the Mind with whatever may be for a time the object of its attention; so that sensory impressions are perceived with extreme vividness, long-forgotten ideas retraced with the most remarkable distinctness, and muscular movements performed with extraordinary energy and the most precise adaptiveness;—and (2) the passive receptivity of the Mind (when not previously engrossed by some dominant idea of its own) for any notion that may be suggested to it; the particular course which such suggested train of ideas will take, being much influenced by the temperament of the "subject," and by the previous habits of thought and feeling. 500. But there is one point that was brought into prominent relief by.Mr. Braid's experiments, which is too important, on account of its bearing on the supposed curative poAvers of Mesmerism and Spiritualism, to be passed by in this general sketch. The influence of the state of " expectant attention " upon the Organic functions of the body (Chap. XIX.) being fully admitted among scientific Physiologists, there need be no difficulty in making the further admission, that the peculiar concentration of the attention which can be obtained in the Hypnotic state, should produce still more striking results. And there is nothing in the least degree in- Influence of Hypnotism on Organic Functions. 609 credible, therefore, in the phenomena which Mr. Braid recorded, many of which the Writer himself witnessed. The pulsations of the heart aud the respiratory movements may be accelerated or retarded; and various secretions may be altered both in quantity and quality, of which the following is a striking example :— a. A lady, who was leaving off nursing from defect of milk, the baby being thirteen months old, was hypnotized by Mr. Braid ; and whilst she was in this state he made passes over the right breast to caB her attention to it. In a few moments her gestures showed that the baby was sucking, and in two minutes the breast was distended with milk, at which, when subsequently awakened, she expressed the greatest surprise. The flow of milk from that side continued most abundant; and, in order to restore symmetry to her figure, Mr. Braid subsequently produced the same change on the other; after which she had a copious supply of milk for nine months. The removal of morbid deposits under the same influence, seems quite as well attested as the charming-away of warts (§ 570), and the Physiologist who holds with the illustrious Midler, that " an idea that a structural defect will certainly be removed by a certain act, increases the organic action in the part," will see no inherent improbability in the following statement :— 6. A female relative of Mr. Braid was the subject of a severe rheu- matic fever, during the course of which the left eye became seriously implicated, so that after the inflammatory action had passed away, there was an opacity over more than one half of the cornea, which not only prevented distinct vision, but occasioned an annoying dis- figurement. Having placed herself under Mr. Braid's hypnotic treat- ment for the relief of violent pain in her arm and shoulder, she found, to the surprise alike of herself and Mr. B., that her sight began to improve very perceptibly. The operation was therefore continued daily; and in a very short time the cornea became so transparent that close inspection was required to discover any remains of the opacity.—{Neurhypnology, p. 175.) The Writer has known other cases, in which secretions that had 6 ro Of Sleep, Dreaming, and Somnambulism. been morbidly suspended, have been re-induced by this process; and is satisfied that, if applied with skill and discrimination, it would take rank as one of the most potent methods of treatment Avhich the Physician has at his command. The channel of influence is obviously the vaso-motor system of Nerves ; which, though not directly under subjection to the Will, is peculiarly affected by Emo- tional states (§§ 113, 565). CHAPTER XVI. OF MESMERISM AND SPIRITUALISM. "When the Mind is once pleased with certain things, it draws all others to consent, and go along with them ; and though the power and number of instances that make for the contrary, are greater, yet it either attends not to them, or despises them, or else removes them by a distinction, with a strong and pernicious prejudice to maintain the authority of the first choice unviolated. And hence in most cases of Superstition, as of Astrology, Dreams, Omens, Judgments, &c, those who find pleasure in such kind of vanities, always observe where the event answers, but slight and pass by the instances where it fails, which are much the more numerous."— Bacon, in Novum Organon. 501. "What to Believe]" as to that diversified series of phenomena termed " Mesmeric" and "Spiritualistic," is a question which most persons have at times asked themselves during the last few years ; and to which the responses have varied with the amount of information possessed by each questioner, with his previous habits of thought, and with his tendency to credulity or to scepticism,—his love of the marvellous and occult, or his desire .to bring everything to the test of Science and Common Sense. 502. Some there are, who persist in the determination to dis believe in the genuineness of all the asserted facts; designating them as "all humbug," and maintaining that none but fools or knaves could uphold such nonsense. Such persons, however, must now find themselves in the unenviable predicament of being obliged to place some of their best friends in one or other of these two categories; since it is impossible to go into any kind of society, literary or scientific, professional or lay, gentle or simple, without finding a large proportion of intelligent and truthful persons, such as would be regarded as trustworthy on all other subjects, 612 Of Mesmerism and Spiritualism. who affirm that they have been themselves the actors in some or other of the performances in question, and that, however strange the phenomena may seem, they arc nevertheless genuine. 503. Others, again> admit such of the facts as seem to them least repugnant to Common Sense ; but, without attempting to give any rational explanation of these, consider that they have sufficiently disposed of them by characterising them as " all Imagination:" not informing us, however, whether it be the actors or the spectators, whose imaginative faculty has been worked upon ; or in what way the mysterious performances of a clairvoyante or a medium are related to those glorious creations, which have sprung from the legitimate exercise of the imaginative faculty in a Shakspere or a Milton, a Mozart or a Beethoven, a Baffaelle or a Turner. 501. The members of the Medical profession, accustomed to the vagaries of Hysteria, and recognizing the hysterical constitu- tion in a large proportion of the subjects of Mesmeric and Spiritualistic agency, have too generally satisfied themselves with the phrase " all hysterical :" a reply which affords no real in- formation to those inquirers who think that their doctors ought to help them to a solution of such difficulties, and which has now been fully proved to be incorrect by the fact, that steady, sensible, middle-aged men, having all their wits about them, are sometimes found to be as good subjects of certain of these operations, as the susceptible young females who are deservedly regarded with so much suspicion. 505. Then there is a class of partial believers, who admit that there is " something in it "—they cannot exactly tell what; and who are sorely puzzled between the dictates of their own Common Sense, and the assurances pressed on them, that what they find rather too strong for their belief, is just as well authenticated as what they profess themselves disposed to receive. 506. And the ascending series is terminated by that assemblage of horough-going believers, who find nothing too hard for "spiritual" Different Phases of Belief. 613 agency, nothing improbable (much less impossible) in any of its reputed performances ; and who recognise in the wondrous revela- tions of a clairvoyante or a medium, and in the dispersion of a tumour,—in the communications of departed spirits with their surviving friends, and in the rotation of a table,—in the induction of profound insensibility during the performance of a severe operation, and in the oscillations of a suspended button,—in the subjugation of the actions of one individual to the will of another, and in the flexure of a hazel twig,—in everything, in short, great and small, which they cannot otherwise explain,—the manifesta- tions of some " occult" power, to be ranked among the Cosmical forces, but not to be identified with any one of those previously admitted ; which is capable, not only of raising heavy tables from the ground, and keeping them suspended in the air, but of making musical instruments play Avithout being touched by visible hands, and even of transporting living men and women through the air, and bringing them into apartments of wdiich all the entrances had been securely closed. 507. It is a phenomenon ot no small interest to the student of Human Nature, that from the first of these classes the transition should often be immediate and abrupt to the last. Every one has heard of determined scoffers, who, having been teased into "assisting" at a Mesmeric or a Spiritualistic seance, have left it metamorphosed into true believers; and the conversion of these individuals is triumphantly cited by the partisans of these systems, as a bright example of the progress of truth. Magna est Veritas, et prevalebit, is their continual cry ; and we are assured that we have only to witness the facts as these have done, to be ourselves convinced.—But it requires no great discrimination to see that little value is to be attached to opinions thus embraced. There is a class of persons who begin by straining at gnats, and end by swallowing camels. At first they take exception to every- thing, declare there must be fraud somewhere, and consequently 614 Of Mesmerism and Spiritualism. refuse their confidence to any one of the parties ooncerned ; but then, having allowed themselves to be put in communication with a clairvoyant or a medium, are so staggered by the wonderful revelations they receive, that they pass at once to the opposite extreme, and seem to yield their belief the most readily to that which makes the largest demands upon their credulity. It is an old observation that some of the greatest sceptics in Beligion are the most credulous in other matters ; and of one such person it was happily said by a distinguished wit, that "She believes anything that is not in the Bible." It is, in fact, from the very same disposition to jump at important conclusions, without due exami- nation,—to hazard a decision, where a sound judgment would still hold the balance free to oscillate—to give up the entire mind to any idea which makes a strong impression upon it, without opening it to the reception of those considerations which might modify, if not entirely metamorphose, its condition,—that a large proportion of Mankind become utter sceptics on the one hand, or thorough-going believers on the other. A feather's weight will often turn the scale, when it is vibrating between these two states. 508. The antithesis to this condition is presented by those sincere and earnest seekers after Truth, Avho see in the class of facts under consideration a group of natural phenomena strongly calling for scientific and painstaking investigation ; who enter upon the inquiry with all the assistance that a knowledge of Physiology and Patho- logy, mental as well as bodily, can afford them ; and with minds trained in those habits of philosophical scrutiny, which are far more valuable than any amount of mere knowledge;—who commence with the systematic study of the phenomena which are least removed from the previous circle of admitted principles, and, if satisfied of their reality by careful and testing investigations, set themselves to consider whether they can be legitimately brought within that circle, or Avhether its radius may be fairly lengthened so Different Phases of Belief 615 as to comprehend them, or whether it is necessary to have recourse to the hypothesis of a new and hitherto unknown agency for their explanation ;—who are not ashamed to halt and hesitate, when they cannot obtain the definite basis which they require for a sound decision ;—and Avho thus proceed, step by step, clearing the ground as they advance ; so that the way they have already made is rendered plain to all who may come after them, and the most pro- mising paths are opened for further researches. 509. Now, to this class of inquirers, whom the true Philosopher, whatever be his special object of pursuit, welcomes as his most valuable coadjutors, Mesmerists and Spiritualists have ever shown a decided repugnance. " All or nothing" seems to be the motto of the latter, who act as if a rational explanation of any one of their marvels were a thing to be deprecated rather than welcomed. In order to reconcile this discouraging treatment Avith their loud professions of readiness to court investigation, they have been obliged to have recourse to the hypothesis, that, just as a damp atmosphere around an electrical machine prevents a high state of electric tension from being maintained, the presence of even a candid sceptic weakens the Mesmeric or the Spiritual force; and this, not merely Avhen he manifests his incredulity by his lan- guage, his tones, his looks, or his gestures, but even when he keeps it concealed beneath the semblance of indifference. The following are the rules laid down, by M. Deleuze {Histoire Critique du Magnetisme Animal, 1813), for the attainment of curative success:—" Eorget for a while all your knowledge of Physics and Metaphysics.—Dismiss from, your mind all objections that may occur. —Imagine that it is in your power to take the malady in hand, and throw it on one side.—Never reason for six weeks after you have commenced to study.—Bemove from the patient all persons who might be troublesome to you.—Have an active desire to do good, a firm belief in tho power of Magnetism, and an entire confidence in employ- ing it. In short, repel all doubts, desire success, and act with sim- plicity and attention."—This is tantamount to saying, " Be very 1 616 Of Mesmerism and Spiritualism. credulous; be very persevering; reject all past experience; and do not listen to reason." 510. It is attributable, then, to the difficulties which honest truth-seeking investigators have encountered, through finding themselves disqualified by their very scepticism from evoking the phenomena of which they were in search, and through being treated as enemies, or (at best) as suspicious allies, by those to whom they might naturally look for what they require, that they are not in a position to elucidate all the marvels which are continually being brought before the public, by witnesses whose truthful testimony as to what they themselves believe must be accepted as valid, if Human testimony is to be accepted on any subject whatever. For it is the experience of the Writer, as it is of many of his sceptical friends, that none of the marvellous phenomena which are related to them as of indubitable occurrence, can be brought to recur in their pre- sence ; so .that the evidence on which they are called upon to believe in their actual occurrence, entirely consists in the belief of others, as to matters on wdiich it has been amply proved, (§§ 142-147) that there is an extraordinary tendency to self-deception and inac- curacy of memory (§ 365) under the influence of " dominant ideas." 511. The most important contribution to the elucidation of what is really true in Mesmeric, and (by anticipation) in Spiritual- istic phenomena, was undoubtedly that made by the researches of Mr. Braid, on that state of artificial or induced Somnambulism to which he gave the appropriate designation of Hypnotism, and of which the principal features Avere described in the last chapter. For while this condition may be induced by the individual himself (or herself), without any external agency whatever, its phenomena are so essentially the same with those of the (so-called) Mesmeric Somnambulism, as to afford the most valuable assistance in the analysis of the real nature of the latter. Many grave sources of error have thus been eliminated; for not merely do we at once get rid—so far as the phenomena in question are concerned— Relation of Mesmeric to Biological State. 617 of any pretext for the assumption of a new and special force passing forth from the eyes or finger-ends of the operator nto the body of his subject, but we are also able to select our own subjects from among a large body of individuals, of all ranks, ages, and temperaments, who are found to present the requisite susceptibility ; we can vary the conditions of our experiments at our pleasure, so as to educe the greatest variety of results for comparison with each other; and we can apply any tests we may be able to devise, for discriminating between the fictitious and the real, the acting of a part, and the natural expres- sion of the subject's genuine state of mind. 512. It has been shown that the Hypnotized subject, like the natural or the mesmeric Somnambulist (§ 494), is entirely destitute of the power of se//*-direction over either his ideas, his feelings, or his actions; and seems entirely amenable to the will of another, who may govern the course of his subject's thoughts at his own pleasure, and may thus oblige him to perform any actions which he may choose to determine. The clue to the real nature of this condition, however, having been found by Mr. Braid, in the undisturbed and concentrated operation of that principle of suggestion, which has long been well known to Bsy- chologists, he subsequently, under the guidance of this idea, fol- lowed-up the investigation of its varied manifestations with great zeal and intelligence. The general result of these investigations was to give a definite basis for the study of the reputed phenomena of both Mesmerism and Spiritualism ; enabling the inquirer who is armed with the knowledge of them to distinguish what improbable from what is incredible,—Avhat may be readily admitted as Scientific truth, from what must be unhesitatingly rejected as depending either on fraud or on self-deception. 513. In the first place, then, it may be freely admitted that Mes- merized subjects have exhibited all the phenomena which are identical with, or analogous to, those which are presented in the 1 618 Of Mesmerism and Spiritualism. states of Electro-biology and Hypnotism ; the artificial reverie and somnambulism which are produced by the Mesmerist, being in all essential particulars the same as those wdiich are self-induced by the fixation of the vision. A state resembling the Biological reverie can be induced by Mesmerism, as well as the condition of true Somnambulism; and it may be witnessed in somnam- bules who have not been completely restored to the natural com- mand of their faculties,—any direction given to them bein<* automatically obeyed, although they had been awrakened in the ordinary mode. It is unquestionable, moreover, that the mode in which these conditions are usually produced by the Mesmerizer, is such as to produce a monotony of impression and a fixation of the attention. Some, for instance, content themselves with directing the subject to gaze fixedly at their eyes; the effect of which will be presumably the same as that of looking at a shilling in the hand, or at Mr. Braid's lancet-case. In fact, the "lively young lady" formerly referred to (§ 454) was "biologized" either by staring at her own fingers or at the eyes of the operator; and the effect was precisely the same in both cases, her rapport with the operator being as complete in the one case as in the other. Other Mesmerizers employ certain strokings and waftings of the hand, termed " passes;" and these ha\Te a two-fold effect, serving to produce that monotony of impression which is favourable to the access of the sleep, and also to direct the attention of the patient towards any part upon which it may be intended specially to act. 514. All the ordinary methods of the Mesmerist, then, may be legitimately considered to act in the manner in which they operate when practised by those who employ them merely as means of fixing the attention of the "subject;" and their efficacy may be fairly explained on the principles already so fully dwelt on. Tho question of any mysterious Magnetic or other dynamical agency, wdiich is the fundamental article of faith in the Mesmeric creed, Phenomena Dependent on Expectancy. 619 must, therefore, be decided by quite a different kind of evidence ; —that, namely, which should demonstrate the possibility of the induction either of the somnambulistic state, or of some other characteristic phenomenon, without any consciousness on the part of the "subject" that any agency was being exerted. 515. The Writer does not hesitate to express the conviction, based on long, protracted, and careful examination of the evidence adduced to prove the existence of a Mesmeric force acting inde- pendently of the consciousness of the " subject," that there is none which possesses the least claim to acceptance as scientific truth. It is far more difficult to guard against sources of fallacy,— arising out of the guesses or anticipations at wdiich the " sensitives " are mar- vellously ready, and the unconscious intimations of what is expected, of which they are wonderfully alert in taking advantage (not inten- tionally but suggestively),—than most persons who have not care- fully studied these phenomena are at all aware: and those who go into the inquiry with a prepossession that the result will be affirma- tive, are certainly not tliose wdio are to be trusted as to their exclu- sion of all possibilities of error. It has been repeatedly found that Mesmerizers who had no hesitation in asserting that they could send particular individuals to sleep, or affect them in other ways by an effort of " silent will," have altogether failed to do so when the subjects were carefully kept from any suspicion that such will was being exercised; whilst, on the other hand, sensitive subjects have repeatedly gone to sleep under the impjression that they were being mesmerized from a distance, when the supposed Mesmerizer was not even thinking of them. 516. The following experiment, one of several tried by Dr. Noble of Manchester, is worthy of being cited in detail; as affording a good illustration of the precautions which are needed to obtain trust- worthy results :— " An intelligent and well-educated friend had a female servant, whom he had repeatedly thrown into a sleep-waking state, and on 620 Of Mesmerism and Spiritualism. whom he had tried a variety of experiments, many of which wo ourselves witnessed. We were at length informed that he had succeeded in magnetizing her from another room, and without her knowledge ; that he had paralysed particular limbs by a fixed gaze, unseen by the patient ; and we hardly know what besides. These things were circumstantially related to us by many eye-witnesses; amongst others, by the medical attendant of the family, a most respectable and intelligent friend of our own. We were yet unsatis- fied : we considered that these experiments were so constantly going on, that the presence of a visitor, or the occurrence of anything unusual, was sure to excite expectation of some Mesmeric process. We were invited to come and judge for ourselves, and to propose whatever test we pleased. Now, had we visited the house, we should have felt dissatisfied with any result; we therefore proposed that the experiment should be carried out at our own residence; and it was made under the following circumstances :—The gentleman, early one evening, wrote a note, as if on business, directing it to ourselves. He thereupon summoned the female servant (the mesmeric subject), requesting her to convey the note to its destination, and to wait for an answer. The gentleman himself, in her hearing, ordered a cab, stating that if any one called he was going to a place named, but was expected to return by a certain hour. Whilst the female servant was dressing for her errand, the master placed himself in the vehicle, and rapidly arrived at our dwelling. In about ten minutes afterwards the note arrived, the gentleman in the meantime being secreted in an adjoining apartment. We requested the young woman, who had been shown into our study, to take a seat whilst we wrote the answer; at the same time placing the chair with its back to the door leading into the next room, which was left ajar. It had been agreed that after the admission of the girl into the place where we were, the Magnetizer, approaching the door in silence on the other side, should commence operations. There, then, was the patient, or ' subject,' placed within two feet of her magnetizer,— a door only intervening, and that but partially closed,—but she, all tho while, perfectly free from all idea of what was going on. We were careful to avoid any unnecessary conversation with the girl, or even to look towards her, lest we should raise some suspicion in her own mind. We wrote our letter (as if in answer) for nearly a Phenomena Dependent on Expectancy. 621 quarter of an hour, once or twice only making an indifferent remark; and on leaving the room for a light to seal the supposed letter, we beckoned the operator away. No effect whatever had been produced, although we had been told that two or three minutes were sufficient, even when mesmerizing from the drawing-room, through walls and apartments, into the kitchen. In our own experiment the intervening distance had been very much less, and only one solid substance inter- posed, and that not completely; but here, we suspect, was the difference—the 'subject' was unconscious of the magnetism and expected nothing." — {British and Foreign Medical Review, 1845, vol. xix. p. 478.) 517. The following is a converse experiment performed by the same acute investigator :— " We were one evening in company with a young lady, who, we had been informed, had evinced high Mesmeric susceptibility. We requested permission to test this ourselves, and were obligingly per- mitted to do so. Accordingly we commenced to magnetize the lady, by keeping our thumbs in apposition with those of our subject, and fixing the gaze at the same time upon her eyes, with all the intensity our wBl could command; in a few minutes a sort of hysteric somnolency ensued. Having satisfied ourselves thus far, we de- magnetized. We next proceeded to hypnotize the same lady, adopting Mr. Braid's mode of directing the stare at a fixed point. The result varied in no respect from that which had taken place in the foregoing experiment; the duration of the process was the same, and its intensity of effect neither greater nor less. De-hypnotization again placed us where we were. And now we requested our patient to rest quietly at the fire-place, to think of just what she liked, and to look where 6he pleased, excepting at ourselves, who retreated behind her chair, saying that a new mode was about to be tried, and that her turning round would disturb the process. We very composedly took up a volume which lay upon a table, and amused ourselves with it for about five minutes; when, on raising our eyes, we could see by the excited features of other members of the party, that the young lady was once more magnetized. We were informed by those who had attentively watched her during the progress of our little stratagem, that all had been in every respect just as before. The 622 Of Mesmerism and Spiritualism. lady herself, before she was undeceived, expressed a distinct con- sciousness of having felt our unseen passes streaming down the neck." —{Op. cit. p. 477.) 518. That the expectation of the result affords an adequate explanation of its occurrence, was also the conclusion arrived at by M. Bertrand, who was the first to undertake a really scientific investigation of the phenomena of Mesmerism. The following is one out of several cases of this kind, which occurred within his own experience :—■ " I had, amongst others, a female Somnambule who exhibited very curious phenomena, of a character not to be doubted. Being after some time compelled to be absent, I left her in the hands of one of my friends, who was very anxious to continue the treatment. The perusal of a great number of works, and my conversations with Magnetizers who doubted of nothing, suggested to me to see if I could not influence my Somnambulist, in spite of the distance of a hundred leagues which separated me from her. I wrote in conse- quence to my friend, and sent to him a Bttle magnetized note, which I prayed him to place upon the stomach of the patient; I indicated the epigastrium, because I had always heard this locality mentioned in these experiments. The experiment was made ; it succeeded, and the patient had a sleep accompanied with all the customary pheno- mena. However, I did not conceal from myself that as the patient had been apprized of the experiment which we were anxious to try, it might be that the sleep, although quite real, had been produced by the imagination alone. I therefore made another trial, to know what to think of it. I wrote a second letter, which I did not magnetize, and sent it as if it had been magnetized, warning the patient that it would cause her to fall into somnambulism ; in fact, she fell into this state, which presented all the characters which had been usual. I communicated this result of my experiment to the magnetizers whom I frequented; they appeared greatly surprised thereat; and, not being able to recognize the power of Imagination in a manner so marked, they pretended that if the last letter had produced the effect which I stated, it was only because, in writing it, I had (even unintentionally) impregnated it with my fluid. I set Phenomena Dependent on Expectancy. 623 about an experiment which should teach me what was the real state of the case. I asked one of my friends to write a few lines in my place, and to strive to imitate my writing, so that those who should read the letter should mistake it for mine (I knew he could do so). He did this; our stratagem succeeded; and the sleep was produced just as it would have been by one of my own letters."—(Du Magnetisme Animate en France, Paris, 1826.) 519. That the Imagination would supply the place of what he maintained to be the real Mesmeric influence, was admitted even by Dr. Elliotson :— "Mere imagination was at length sufficient; for I one day told her and two others that I would retire into the next room, and mesmerize them through the door. I retired, shut the door, performed no mesmeric passes, but tried to forget her, walked away from the door, and busied mysebf with something else,—even walked through into a third room ; and, on returning in less than ten minutes from the first, found her soundly asleep, and she answered me just as was usualinher sleep-waking condition."—Zoist, 1846, vol. xxxvi. p. 47. 520. It is further to be borne in mind, that (putting aside the hypothesis of intentional deceit) the "sensitives" are often affected by impressions so slight as to be imperceptible to others. In this mode they may become aware, through slight differences in tem- perature or in odour, whether certain objects presented to them have, or have not, been mesmerized by contact with the hand of the operator. There would be nothing, in such an exaltation of ordinaiy Sensibility, at all transcending the accepted verities of science. (See §§128, 498.) 521. But, it is asserted, the existence of a special Mesmeric force is proved by the existence of the peculiar rapport between the Mesmerizer and his " subject," which is not manifested to- wards any other individuals, save such as may be placed en rapport with the subject by the mesmeriser. Nothing is more easy, however, than to explain this on the principle of "dominant 1 624 Of Mesmerism and Spiritualism. ideas." It will be readily understood from what has preceded, that if the mind of the subject be so yielded up to that of the mesmerizer, as to receive and act upon any impression which the latter forces upon, or even suggests to. it, the idea of such a pecu- liar relation is as easily communicable as any other, and may exert a complete domination over the subject through the whole of the sleep-waking state. Hence the commands or sugges- tions of the mesmerizer meet with a response which those of no other individual may produce; in fact, the latter usually seem to be unheard by the somnambule, simply because they are not related to the dominant impression,—a phenomenon of which the experience of natural somnambulism is continually presenting examples (§ 488). And further, it being a fact that individuals, of what may be termed the " susceptible" constitution, have brought themselves, by the habit of obedience, into complete subjection to the expressed or understood will of some other person, even in the Avaking state, without any mesmeric influence wdiatever (§ 452), it is easy to understand how such a habit of attending to the operator, and to him alone, should be peculiarly developed in the state of Somnambulism, in which the mind has lost its self-acting power, and is the passive recipient of external impressions.—The same explanation applies to the other phenomena of this rapport, such as its establishment with any bystander by his joining hands with the mesmerizer and the somnambule ; for it is quite sufficient that the somnambule should be previously possessed with the idea that this new voice will thus be audible to her, and that she must obey its behests, for it to produce all the same effects upon her as that of the mesmerizer had previously done. 522. The History of Mesmerism, indeed, when candidly and philo- sophically examined (as it was by M. Bertrand), affords abundant evidence in support of the foregoing position : for the rapport was not discoArered until long after the practice of Mesmerism had come into vogue, having been-unknown alike to Mesmer himself and to his Rationale of Mesm eric Rapport. 625 immediate disciples ; and its phenomena only acquired constancy and fixity, in proportion as their (supposed) "laws" were announced and received. It is an important fact that Mesmerizers who began to experiment for themselves without any knowledge of what they were to expect, and whe succeeded in producing a great variety of remarkable phenomena, never discovered this rapport; though they obtained immediate evidence of it, wdien once the idea of it was put into their own minds, and thence transferred into those of their subjects.—In all the experiments witnessed by the Writer which seemed to indicate its existence, the previous idea had either been distinctly present, or it had obviously been suggested by the methods bv which the mesmeric somnambulism had been induced : whilst in a large number of other cases which have fallen under his notice, but of which the subjects had not been among the habitut s of mesmeric seances, the phenomena of this class could not be made to show themselves; the consciousness of the som- nambulist not being limited to the mesmerizer, or to tliose placed by him en rapport with them, but being either equally limited, or as equally extended, to all around. 523. It is not within the scope of the present treatise, to enter into a detailed examination of the multitudinous phenomena of Mesmerism. All that can be now attempted is to give the clue by which those who desire to use it, may explore this mysterious labyrinth for themselves. And the same may be said of the pheno- mena of like kind, to which public attention has more recently been called under the designation of Spiritualism. To those who, in common with the Writer, have gone through a course of study of Mesmeric phenomena, under the guidance of a scientific knowledge of those parts of Psychology which relate to the subject, it is - erfectly obvious that the same general principles afford the clue to the explanation of what is genuine, in the latter as in the former class of phenomena ; and that the same tendencies to self-deception conspire to produce, in minds predisposed to it, an acceptance of 28 626 Of Mesmerism and Spiritualism. beliefs which are altogether repugnant to educated Common Sense (§ 385). 524. The asserted phenomena of Mesmerism and Spiritualism may be fairly grouped under the following Classes :— 1. Those whose genuineness may be readily admitted, witlvout any extraordinary weight of evidence in their support; since they are quite conformable to our previous knowledge, and are readily assignable to principles determined by the Scientific study of the class of facts to wdiich they belong. 11. Those wdiich, not being conformable to our previous know- ledge, or explicable upon principles already admitted, cannot be accepted as genuine, without a greater body of satisfactory evidence in their favour; but which, not being in absolute opposition to what w7e deem the best established Laws of Nature, avc may receive upon adequate evidence, without doing violence to our Common Sense,—holding ourselves ready to seek their explanation in a more extended acquaintance with the powers of Mind and of Matter. in. Tliose which not only lie beyond our existing knowledge, but are in direct contrariety to it. Here, even though the external evidence in their favour should be the same with that on Avhich the facts of the preceding groups find a secure support, the internal evidence is altogether antagonistic to their reception (§ 321); and its force in the well-ordered mind must remain conclusi\re against the validity of all statements, save those which shall haAre been carefully, sagaciously, and perseveringiy investigated, by observers fully qualified for the task by habits of philosophical discrimination, by entire freedom from prejudice, and by a full acquaintance with the numerous and varied sources of fallacy which attend this particu- lar department of inquiry. These being the rules of all other branches of Scientific research, there is no reason Avhy they should be departed from in one which so pre-eminently needs a constant reference to the canons of sound philosophy. Entertaining, as the Writer has been forced Relative Credibility of Phenomena. 627 to do, an extremely Ioav opinion of the logical powers of the great bulk of the upholders of the Mesmeric and Spiritualistic systems,* —their belief being founded on certain foregone conclusions which they have adopted without due examination, and which they sustain by nothing better than insensate reiteration,—it has given him the greatest astonishment to find any men of high attainments in particular departments of Science committing themselves to the extraordinary proposition, that if we admit the reality of the lower phenomena (Class 1.), the testimony which we accept as good for them ought to convince us of the higher (Classes 11. and m.).t Such men seem totally oblivious of the difference between external and internal evidence,—the testimony of our senses (or of those of other individuals), and that of our sense. 525. Under the first of these categories may be ranked the occurrence of Mental states showing every gradation between mere expectant attention and the most profound coma; the characteristic which is common to all these states being the more or less complete surrender of the guiding and controlling action of the Will, while there is a greater or less degree of receptivity for external impressions. The current of mental activity thus comes to be essentially automatic ; and the corrective action of Common Sense—Avdiich is the general resultant of antecedent experience— being thus suspended (as in dreaming), the Ego comes to believe implicitly in the ideas wdiich may possess him at the time, * Thus, nothing is more common than the assertion that Faraday's experimental demonstration that " table-turning " is produced by unconscious muscular action (§ 245) does not touch the question ; because the operators know that they do not themselves move the tables. When, by the use of Faraday's or any other properly constructed testing apparatus, they can prove that the tables on which hands are placed will turn or tilt without receiving any pressure from those hands, they will have made out a case for further enquiry ; but until they have clone so, their assertions are of no scientific value. f This is the position which has been repeatedly taken by Mr. Alfred R. Wallace ; a gentleman whose admirable researches as a Naturalist have justly gained fo'r him a reputation of the highest order. 628 Of Mesmerism and Spiritualism. whether these have been directly suggested to him .by external prompting, or have been evolved by the operations of his own mind. Not only may all the phenomena which have been de- scribed under the heads of Electro-Biology (§§ 448-4G9) and Somnambulism (§§ 487-500), but a great variety of others too numerous to particularize—such as the induction of cataleptic rigidity or of convulsive movements in particular groups of Muscles, or of unconsciousness to Sensory impressions of a par- ticular class or affecting a particular part of the body,—which are adduced as evidence of a special Mesmeric poAver or Spiritual agency, be thus accounted-for in accordance with definite Physio- logical principles. For to the very same " possession," voluntarily permitted by persons who yield themselves up to the domination of a certain set of ideas, we are fully justified in attributing an amount of self-deception as to matters of fact, which—extraordinary as it may seem—is perfectly intelligible on Scientific principles. Nothing is more common at the present time, than for the advocates of Spiritualism to appeal to "the evidence of their own senses" as conclusive in regard to any thing done by "the spirits"; and to claim that their testimony and that of others should be received as that of honest and truthful Avitnesses to what Common Sense rejects as altogether preposterous and incredible : such persons being altogether ignorant of the fact Avell known to the Physiologist and Psychologist, that, when the Mind has been previously possessed by a " dominant idea," nothing is more fallacious than the " evidence of the senses" (§§ 139-148, 186, 187). 526. To this category, again, may be referred a large ATariety of Movements by wdiich those mental states are expressed in action ; as Table-talking, Plancliette-Avriting, Spirit-drawing, and the like. Putting aside the large amount of intentional decepjtion practised by those who trade upon public credulity in regard to such matters, there can be no reasonable doubt that all these thing Relative Credibility of Phenomena. 629 are done in good faith, by persons who honestly believe themselves to be "mediums " of communication with the spiritual world (§ 252 b). Some of these communications come to them spontaneously in a state resembling profound Beverie ; Avhile others are made in answer to questions having more or less of a suggestive character. Now where the answers given are such as the " medium " himself (or herself) may haAre given, there is obviously no ground for affirming that they indicate any occult agency ; any more than the replies of Biologized subjects, or of Hypnotic or Mesmeric somnambules. In some cases it seems likely that the supposed "revelations" are merely the reproductions of im- pressions long since recorded, which have so completely passed out of the conscious memory, that the " medium" may honestly believe that they never either had or could have been made. Such cases, being precisely paralleled by the recovery of the lost " traces " in Dreaming and Somnambulism (§§ 483, 487a), obviously in no respect lie outside the ordinary course of Psychical action. 527. But secondly, it is affirmed of the Spiritual "mediums," as of Mesmeric " clairvoyants," that they occasionally give informa- tion as to matters of fact, of Avhich they cannot conceivably have become aware through • any ordinary channel; so that they must be credited either with the possession of some " psychic force " at present unknown to Science, or with the reception of communica- tions from another sphere of existence. Now in regard to a large proportion of these cases, it may be unhesitatingly asserted that they would break down altogether, if submitted to the same searching enquiry that has been bestowed upon others of their kind, by men who were specially armed with a knowledge of the probable sources of fallacy. It need not be imputed to the narrators of them, that they have intentionally stated what they know to be untrue ; for experience shows that the memory of the most truthful persons is very treacherous in regard to matters as to which they have a preformed bias; so that round a nucleus of 630 Of Mesmerism and Spiritualism. truth an accretion of error will often form, without the least intention to deceive 011 the part of the contributors to it (§§ 3G5, 366). In the course of his own enquiries on this subject, the Writer has had numerous opportunities of observing the readiness with which occurrences have been caught-at by sympathizing witnesses, and worked-up into marvels ; some of which were obviously the results of suggestions, — sometimes designedly made by himself; while others were mere guesses, often very wide of the mark, which were made to fit the facts, by progressive though unintentional modification,—the myth-making process just referred to. 528. But in addition to the cases in which no intentional decep- tion has been practised, the Scientific enquirer has to deal with tliose in which the results have been obtained by a system of cheating and trickery, devised to play upon the credulity of tliose who are predisposed to fall into the trap laid for them, and veiled by ingenious artifices from the detection of such as are desirous and able to expose it. For the performers in such cases are suffi- ciently keen-sighted to perceive the existence of a sceptical dis- position on the part of any of the "circle," and take their measures accordingly; assigning as a pretext that the Mesmeric agency cannot manifest itself, or that " the spirits" Avill not be propitious, unless certain conditions are complied with, which are tantamount to the exclusion of all thorough scrutiny. Or, if they submit to these tests, it is Avith the distinct warning that no mani- festation is likely to be vouchsafed to such suspicious sceptics,— which, so far as the Writer's experience has extended, has been the invariable result. Scientific men have been continually taunted with their unwillingness to investigate phenomena of this class; but those who have had to encounter these negative results over and over again, are not to be blamed if they not only refuse to accept the testimony of those who have not been trained in habits of scientific investigation, as to matters on which they Relative Credibility of Phenomena. 631 hncw that there are peculiar liabilities to error, but decline to waste valuable time in repetitions of similar futile attempts to obtain manifestations that will bear being submitted to such tests as would be required in any other department of enquiry. 529. That a large number of the so-called Physical manifesta- tions have no other existence than in the belief of those wdio report them, the Writer has come to feel a complete assurance, alike from what he has himself Avitnessed, and from the testimony of others. But it may be said,—"Why do you belieAre the " evidence of your senses, and tell us in the same breath that we " are not to believe that of ours ? And why do you accept the " testimony of the witnesses on your side, and refuse to credit that "of the witnesses who confirm our statements ? "—The answer is simple. When either our own senses, or the testimony of others, inform us of something that is either accordant with inherent pro- bability, or is not discordant with inherent possibility, we receive that evidence as valid, until it is rebutted by some counter-proof. But if either our own senses, or the testimony of others, inform us of something that is entirely inconsistent with inherent possibility, we refuse to accept the information, feeling assured that a fallacy must lurk somewhere. Thus when we witness the deceptions of a clever Conjuror, we know perfectly well that we are not to trust the evidence of our own senses; and we set our ingenuity to work to discover how the trick is done. Thus in some cases it is managed by pure sleight of hand; one thing being substituted for another with such dexterity and rapidity, that—the attention of the observer being purposely distracted —his eye does not follow the movement. In others, it depends on certain optical pre-arrangements, which make us believe that we see what we really do not see; as in the case of the "talking head," which seems to rest on a table that appears to be supported only on four legs, so that we suppose ourselves to be looking beneath it at the drapery behind,—instead of which we are really looking at a pair of mirrors meeting at a right angle in front, so as to reflect to us the 5 3 2 Of Mesmerism and Spiritualism. drapery at the sides, the body of the "head" being concealed behind them. 530. Now it has happened over and over again in the Writer's experience, that what he considered as simple facts admitting a perfectly natural explanation, were interpreted as the results of some occult agency, Mesmeric or Spiritual, as the case might be. And from these cases the transition is easy to others, in which subjectiA'e sensations are referred to objective realities. Thus when two spiritualistic performers, in perfectly good faith, asserted that a table rose from the floor beneath their hands, whilst a third person, who was carefully watching the feet of the table, declared that one of them had never left the ground, it turned out that the first assertion entirely rested upon their mental conviction that they had " felt it pressing upwards against their hands,"—a tactile sensation obviously producible by their expectation of such an occurrence (§ 146). And so, when Mr. Varley assures us that he has seen, in broad daylight, a large dining-table lifted bodily off the floor, and moved in the direction which he mentally requested it to take, we have to consider whether it is more con- sistent with inherent probability that Mr. Varley interpreted subjective visual perceptions produced by his mental expectation (§ 186), as objective realities, or that the table was actually raised, either by his own " psychic force," or by the agency of disembodied spirits {Quarterly Ileview, Oct. 1871, pp. 330, 348). The process by which the mind of a person given up to the "possession" of dominant ideas, is first led to misinterpret actual occurrences, and then (as in dreams, § 482 b) to invent objective explanations of his own sensations, is perfectly familiar to all who have carefully studied the phenomena of Insanity (§ 559). And every one who accepts as facts, merely on the evidence of his own senses, or on the testi- mony of others who partake of his own beliefs, what Common Sense tells him to be much more probably the fiction of his own imagination—even though confirmed by the testimony of hundreds Relative Credibility of Phenomena. 633 affected with the same epidemic delusion,—must be regarded as the subject of "a diluted insanity." 531. At the same time, every one who admits that " there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philo- sophy," will be Avise in maintaining a " reserve of possibility" as to phenomena which are not altogether opposed to the Laws of Physics or Physiology, but rather transcend them. Some of the Writer's own experiences have led him to suspect that a powrer of intuitively perceiving what is passing in the mind of another, which has been designated as "thought-reading," may, like certain forms of sense-perception (§§ 128, 498), be extraordinarily exalted by that entire concentration of the attention, which is characteristic of the states we have been considering. There can be no question that this divining power is naturally possessed in a very remarkable degree by certain individuals, and that it may be greatly improved by cultivation. So far, however, as we are acquainted with the conditions of its exercise, it seems to depend upon the unconscious interpretation of indications (many of them indefinable) furnished by the expression of the countenance, by style of conversation, aud by various involuntary movements; that interpretation, however, going in many instances far beyond what can have been learned by experience as to the meaning of such indications. Some very curious examples of this kind are related in the Autobiography of Heinrich Zschokke, who, according to his own statement (p. 170), possessed this power in a very remarkable degree, frequently being able to describe not only the general course, but even many particulars, of the past life of a person whom he saw for the first time, and of whose history he knew nothing whatever.—Looking at Nerve- force as a special form of Physical energy, it may be deemed not altogether incredible that it should exert itself from a distance, so as to bring the Brain of one person into direct dynamical com- munication with that of another, without the intermediation either of verbal language or of movements of expression. A 634 Of Mesmerism and Spiritualism. large amount of evidence, sifted with the utmost care, Avould be needed to establish even a probability of such communication. But would any Man of Science have a right to say that it is impossible ? 532. The case is altogether different, however, in regard to the third order of asserted facts; Avhich every one whose mind has been trained in a conviction of the universality of the Law of Gravitation, must regard as incredible. That a living woman should be caught up by " the spirits," conveyed two miles through the air over the streets of London, and then introduced into a room of which the doors and windows were fastened, and to which there was no other access than the chimney, can only be believed even as a possibility by such as have entirely surrendered their Common Sense quoad this particular subject. And the explanation of the accordance of testimony as to the asserted fact, lies in the preAious condition of the witnesses, whose minds were possessed Avith the expectation of its occurrence. Those who have studied the history of Epidemic Delusions, and especially that of the Witch-persecutions which took place in Great Britain and New England not two centuries ago, will at once see the parallel between the two cases. Thus in 1657, Bichard Jones, a sprightly lad of twelve years old, living at Shepton Mallet, was bewitched by one Jane Brooks; he was seen to rise in the air, and pass over a garden wall some thirty yards; and at other times was found in a room with his hands flat against a beam at the top of the room, and his body two or three feet from the ground, nine people at a time seeing him in this position. Jane Brooks was accordingly condemned and executed at Chard Assizes, in March, 1658. The fact that such beliefs not only have been, but even now are, entertained by " educated " men and women, is a most curious mani- festation of the myth-making tendency which seems inherent in Human nature, and which ever and anon breaks out in some new form. It is not a little curious, however, that, as Mr. EdAvard Tylor Relative Credibility of Phenomena. 635 has pointed out, tho various asserted Physical manifestations of modern Spiritualism are but repetitions of those wdiich constitute, even at the present day, the means by which the Sorcerers of various uncultivated races maintain an influence over their dupes. " The received Spiritualistic theory belongs to the philosophy of savages. As to such matters as apparitions or possessions, this is obvious ; and it holds in more extreme cases. Suppose a wild North American Indian looking on at a spirit-seance in London. As to the presence of disembodied spirits, manifesting themselves by raps, noises, voices, and other physical actions, the savage would be per- fectly at home in the proceedings ; for such things are part and parcel of his recognized system of Nature. The part of the affair really strange to him would be the introduction of such arts as spelling and writing, which do belong to a different state of civilization from his. The issue raised by the comparison of savage, barbaric, and civilized Spiritualism, is this :—Do the Bed Indian medicine-man, the Tatar- necromancer, the Highland ghost-seer, and the Boston medium, share the possession of belief and knowledge of the highest truth and im- port, which, nevertheless, the great intellectual movement of the last two centuries has simply thrown aside as worthless ? Is what we are habituaBy boasting of, and calling new enlightenment, then, in fact, a decay of knowledge ? If so, this is a truly remarkable case of degeneration ; and the savages whom some Ethnographers look on as degenerate from a higher civilization, may turn on their accusers, and charge them with having fallen from the high level of savage knowledge."—{Primitive Culture, vol. i. p. 141.) Those who yield their ready assent to the claims set up by pre- tenders to occult powers of any kind, are really placing them- selves on the level of the poor Greenlander who buys a fair wind from his Angekok, or of the credulous servant-girl who is cheated out of her savings by the cunning old woman who promises so to "rule the planets" as to bring her love-affair to a favourable issue. CHAPTER XVII. OF INTOXICATION AND DELIRIUM. 533. There is no class of aberrant Mental phenomena which ia more deserving of careful scientific study, than that which is pro- duced by the introduction into the Blood of substances Avhich are foreign to its composition, and Avhich have the special property of perverting its norcnal action on the Brain. For, in the first place, these phenomena bring into strong relief the contrast betAAreen that augmented automatic activity of the Cerebrum, which manifests itself in the rapid succession of thoughts, the vividness of images, and the strong excitement of feelings,—and the diminished volitional control, of wdiich wre have the evidence in the incoherence of thought, the incongruity of the imaginary crea- tions, and the extravagance of the feelings. And in the second place, it is perfectly clear that this disturbance of purely psychical action, affecting not merely what may be regarded as the functions of the Brain, but the exercise of that attribute of Man's nature which seems most strongly indicative of a PoAver beyond and above it ( § 26), is produced by agencies purely physical. For it is not only that the balance between the automatic activity of the Brain, and the directing and controlling power of the Will, is disturbed by the exaltation of the former, so as to give it a predominance over the latter. On the contrary, the absolute weakening of Volitional control is clearly a primary effect of these agencies ; being as strongly manifested when the automatic activity (as often happens) is reduced, as wdien it is augmented. And this Aveakening is still more obvious, when not merely the quality of the Blood, but the nutrition of the Brain, has been deteriorated by the prolonged Fantasia of Hach isch. 6->j action of " nervine stimulants;" the Will becoming, as it were, paralysed, so that the mental powers are not under its command for any exertion whatever, while even its controlling power over bodily movement may be greatly diminished. 534. The states of Mind temporarily produced by intoxicating agents—Alcohol, Opium, Hachisch, and the like,—are closely akin to one another in this fundamental character; as they are also to the delirium of fevers or other diseases, which is due to the introduction of a morbid matter into the Blood, whereby a zymosis or fermentation of its own materials is produced, which gives it a poisonous action on the Brain. In the second case, as in the first, the effect is transient; the poison being gradually eliminated Bom the circulation by the excretory apparatus (in- cluding the respiratory organs), so that the blood regains its original purity. And it is this temporary character alone, which differentiates the mental perversion of Intoxication and Delirium, from that which is persistent in Insanity (§ 550). Nowr although Alcoholic intoxication usually differs in some of its phenomena from the dreamy reverie produced by Opium, as this again does from the fantasia of the Hachisch, yet the differences in the states produced by any one of them—especially alcohol—in different individuals, are not less remarkable than those which ordinarily characterize the action of these different intoxicants. And as the one last named has been made the subject of special study (by experiment on his friends as well as on himself) on the part of a French Physician thoroughly conversant with the parallel phenomena of Insanity, it will be convenient to take his account of its action as furnishing the type of Avhat may be called artificial Delirium.* 535. The Hachisch is a peculiar preparation of the Cannabis Indica or Indian Hemp, wBich has been used in the Levant as an * Du Hanhisch et d'Alienation Mentale, Etudes Psychologiques ; par I>v. T. Morcau (d3 Tours) ; Paris, 1845. 638 Of Intoxication and Delirium. Intoxicating agent from a very remote period ; the Assassins—a peculiar military and religious order of Mussulmans, founded in Persia in the eleventh century, Avhose representatives are still to be found in Bombay—deriving their name (originally Hachischin) from the use made of it by their chief to bring his followers into blind devotion to his service. It is a curious feature in the action of the Hachisch, that, except wrhen under the complete in- fluence of a very powerful dose, the person who has taken it docs not altogether lose his power of introspection, and is subsequently able to retrace most of what he has felt and acted dining the state of excitement. Its effects vary extremely, not only according to the dose that is taken, but also according to the susceptibility of the individual; and there are some persons on Avhom it seems to produce no impression whatever. A smaB dose seems usually to produce no other effect than a moderate exhilaration of the spirits, or, at most, a tendency to unseasonable laughter; and the first result of a dose sufficient to produce what is termed in the Levant the fantasia, is usually an intense sentiment of happiness, which attends all the operations of the mind. " It is really happiness, " says M. Moreau, " which is produced by the Hachisch; and by this I imply an enjoyment entirely moral, and by no means sensual, as we might be induced to suppose. This is surely a very curious circumstance; and some remarkable inferences might be drawn from it; this for instance among others,—that every feeling of joy and gladness, even when the cause of it is exclusively Moral,—that those enjoyments which are least connected with material objects, tho most spiritual, the most ideal,—may be nothing else than sensations purely physical, developed in the interior of the system, as are those procured by the Hachisch. At least, so far as relates to that of which we are internally conscious, there is no dis- tinction between these two orders of sensations, in spite of the diversity in the causes to which they are due; for the Hachisch eater is happy, not like the gourmand or the famished man when satisfying his appetite, or tho voluptuary in gratifying his amative Fantasia of Hachisch. 639 desires, but like him who hears tidings which fill him with joy, like the miser counting his treasures, the gambler who is successful at play, or the ambitious man who is intoxicated with success."—{Op. cit, p. 54.) 536. Most persons will be able to recall analogous states of exhi- laration, and the reverse condition of depression, in themselves; the former being characterized by a feeling of general well-being, a sentiment of pleasure in the use of all the bodily and mental powers, and a disposition to look with enjoyment upon the present, and with hope to the future ; whilst in the latter state there is a feeling of general but indefinable discomfort. Every exertion, whether mental or bodily, is felt as a burden ; the present is weari- some, and the future is gloomy (§ 156). These, like all other phases of Human nature, are faithfully delineated by Shakspere. Thus Borneo gives expression to the feelings inspired by the first state :— " My bosom's lord sits lightly in his throne, And all this day an unaccustomed spirit Lifts me above the ground with cheerful thought. " {Borneo and Juliet, v., 1.) While the reverse state is delineated by Hamlet in his Avell- knoAvn soldoquy— " I have of late (but, wherefore, I know not) lost all my mirth, foregone all customs of exercises : and, indeed, it goes so heavily with my disposition, that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appears no other thing to me, than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours." {Hamlet, ii., 1.) In the conditions here referred to, the same feelings of pleasure and of discomfort attend all the operations of the Mind,—the merely sensational, and the ideational. In the state of exhilaration, we feel a gratification from Sensations which at other times pass 640 Of Intoxication and Delirium. unnoticed, whilst those which are usually pleasurable are remark- ably enhanced ; while in like manner, the trains of Ideas which are started being generally attended with similar agreeable feelings, we are said to be under the influence of the pleasurable or elevating Emotions. On the other hand, in the state of depression we feel an indescribable discomfort from the very sensations which before produced the liveliest gratification; and the thoughts of the past, the present, and the future, which we before dwelt on with delight, now excite no feelings but those of pain, or at best of indifference. These conditions are essentially Physical (§ 552). 537. One of the first appreciable effects of the Hachisch, is the gradual weakening of that power of volitionally controlling and directing the thoughts, which is so characteristic of the vigorous mind. The individual feels himself incapable of fixing his atten- tion upon any subject; the continuity of his thoughts being continually drawn off by a succession of disconnected ideas, which force themselves (as it were) into his mind, without his being able in the least to trace their origin. These speedily engross his attention, and present themselves in strange combinations, so as to produce the most impossible and fantastic creations. By a strong effort of the Will, howrever, the original thread of the ideas may still be recovered, and the interlopers may be driven away; their remembrance, however, being preserved, like that of a dream recalling events long since past. These lucid intervals become pro- gressively of shorter duration, and can be less frequently procured by a voluntary effort; for the internal tempest becomes more violent, the torrents of disconnected ideas are so powerful as completely to arrest the attention, and the mind is gradually withdrawn alto- gether from the contemplation of external realities, being conscious only of its own internal workings. There is always preserved, however, a much greater amount of "self-consciousness" thau exists in ordinary Dreaming; the condition rather corresponding with that in which the sleeper knows that he dreams, and, if his Fantasia of Hachisch. 641 dream be agreeable, makes an effort to prolong it, being conscious of a fear lest he should by awaking cause the dissipation of the pleasant illusion. It is another characteristic of the action of the Hachisch, that the succession of ideas has at first less of incoherence than in ordinary Dreaming, and the ideal events do not so far depart from possible realities ; the disorder of the mind being pri- marily manifested in errors of sense, in false convictions, or in the predominance of one or more extravagant ideas. These ideas and convictions are generally not altogether of an imaginary character, but are rather suggested by external impressions ; these impressions being erroneously interpreted by the perceptive faculties, and giving origin, therefore, to fallacious notions of the objects wdiich excited them. It is in that more advanced stage of the " fantasia," which immediately precedes the complete withdrawal of the mind from external things, and in wdiich the self-consciousness and Vo- litional poAver are weakened, that this perverted impressibility becomes most remarkable; more especially as the general excite- ment of the feelings causes the erroneous notions to have a powerful effect in arousing them :— " We become the sport of impressions of the most opposite kind ; the continuity of our ideas may be broken by the slightest cause. We are turned, to use a common expression, by every wind. By a word or a gesture our thoughts may be successively directed to a multitude of different subjects, with a rapidity and a lucidity which are truly marvellous. The mind becomes possessed with a feeling of pride, corresponding with the exaltation of its faculties, of whose increase in energy and power it becomes conscious. It will be entirely dependent on the circumstances in which we are placed, the objects which strike our eyes, the words which fall on our ears, whether the most lively sentiments of gaiety or of sadness shall be produced, or passions of the most opposite character shall be excited, sometimes with extraordinary violence ; for irritation shall rapidly pass into rage, dislike to hatred and desire of vengeance, and the calmest affection to the most transporting passion. Fear becomes terror; courage is developed into rashness, which nothing checks, and which 642 Of Intoxication and Delirium. seems not to be conscious of danger; and the most unfounded doubt or suspicion becomes a certainty. The mind has a tendency to exaggerate everything ; and the slightest impulse carries it along. Those who make use of tho Hachisch in the East, when they wish to give themselves up to the intoxication of the fantasia, take care to withdraw themselves from everything which could give to their delirium a tendency to melancholy, or excite in them anything else than feelings of pleasurable enjoyment; and they profit by all the means which the dissolute manners of the East place at their dis- posal."—{Up. cit., p. 67.) 538. The disturbance of the perceptive faculties is remarkably shown in regard to time and space. Minutes seem hours, and hours are prolonged into years ; and at last all idea of time seems oblite- rated, and the past and present are confounded together. M. Moreau mentious as an illustration, that on one evening he was traversing the passage of the Opera wThen under the influence of a moderate dose of Hachisch : he had made but a few steps, when it seemed to him as if he had been there two or three hours ; and, as he advanced, the passage appeared to him interminable, its extremity receding as he pressed forwards. But he gives another more remarkable instance. In walking along the Boulevards, he has frequently seen persons and things at a certain distance presenting the same aspect as if he had viewed them through the large end of an opera-glass ; that is, diminished in apparent size, and there- fore suggesting the idea of increased distance.—This erroneous perception of space is one of the effects of the Amanita muscaria, an intoxicating fungus used by the Tartars; a person under its influence being said to take a jump or a stride sufficient to clear the trunk of a tree, when he wishes only to step over a straw or a small stick. Such erroneous perceptions are common enough among Lunatics, and become the foundations of fixed illusions; whilst in the person intoxicated by Hachisch there is still a certain consciousness of their deceptive character. 539. Though all the Senses appear to be peculiarly impressible in Fantasia of Hachisch. 643 this condition, yet that of hearing seems the one through which the greatest influence may be exerted upon the mind, especially through the medium of musical sounds. The celebrated artist, M. Theodore Gaultier, describes himself as hearing sounds from colours, which produced undulations that were perfectly distinct to him. But he goes on to say that the slightest deep sound produced the effect of rolling thunder ; his own voice seemed so tremendous to him, that he did not dare to speak out, for fear of throwing down the walls, or of himself bursting like a bomb ; more than five hundred clocks seemed to be striking the hour with a variety of tones, &c, with passionate excitement upon every point which in the least degree affects the Feelings. There is, however, a considerable amount of variety in the symptoms of Mania, depending upon differences in the relate degree of intellectual and of emotional disturbance. For there may be such a derangement of the former, as gives-rise to complete incoherence in the succession of ideas, so that the reasoning poAver is altogether suspended; and yet there may be at the same time an entire absence of emotional excitement, so that the condition of the mind is closely allied to that of Dreaming or of rambling Delirium. On the other hand, the intellectual powers may be themselves but little disturbed, Mania. —Intellectual Disorder. 661 the trains of thought being coherent, and the reasoning pro- cesses correctly performed; but there may be such a state of general emotional excitability,- that nothing is felt as it should be, and the most violent passion may be aroused and sustained by the most trivial incidents, or by the wrong ideas which are formed by the mind as a consequence of their misinterpretation (§ 264). Between these two opposite states, and that in which the disturbance affects at the same time the intellectual and the emotional part of the mental nature, there is a complete suc- cession of transitional links; but, -underlying all phases of this condition (these often passing into each other in the same individual), there is one constant element, namely, the deficiency of Volitional control over the succession of thought and feeling. This deficiency appears to be a primary element in those forms which essentially consist in InteBectual disturbance; Avhilst in those of which Emotional excitement is the prominent feature, it results apparently from the overpowering mastery that is exercised over the Will, by the states of uncontrollable passion which succeed each other with little or no interval. It seems probable, however, from the phenomena of Intoxication (§§ 537, 544), that the very same agency which is the cause of the undue emotional excitability, also tends to produce an absolute diminution in the power of volitional control. 554. It is chiefly (but not solely) in those cases in which the Cerebral power has been weakened by a succession of attacks of Mania, Epilepsy, or some other disorder which consists in a perverted action of the whole organ, that we find the intellectual powers specially and permanently disordered; the succession of thought becoming incoherent, and the perception of those relations of ideas on which all reasoning processes depend, being more or less completely obscured. The failure usually shows itself first in the power of volitional direction, and especially in the faculty of recollection. In proportion as the mind is unable 662 Of Insanity. to bring the results of past experience to bear on its present operations, do these lose their connectedness and consistency; and at last all the ordinary Bnks of association appear to be severed, and the succession of ideas seems altogether disconnected, as in the most incoherent kinds of Dreaming. All this may take place with or without emotional excitement; not unfrequently the latter occurs in paroxysms, which interrupt the otherAvise tranquil life of the subjects of this form of Insanity ; and it is not at all incompatible with this condition, that there should be a special excitabilility upon some one point, which, owing to the annihilation of the Volitional controlling power, acquires a temporary predominance whenever it is called into play. It is the general characteristic, however, of this type of Insanity, that there are no settled delusions ; the mind not being disposed to dwell long upon any one topic, but wandering-off in a rambling manner, so as speedily to lose all trace of the starting-point. Such patients are unable to recollect what passed through their thoughts but a few minutes previously; if any object of desire be placed before them, which it requires a consistent reasoning process to attain, they are utterly unable to carry this through; and the direction of their desires is perpetually varying, and may be readily altered by external suggestion. Cases of Intel- lectual insanity, depending (as this form of the disease usually does) upon structural disorder of the Cerebrum, are less amenable to treatment than are those of the other forms presently to be described ; and their tendency is usually towards complete fatuity. 555. There may, however, be no primary disorder of the Intellectual faculties; and the Insanity may essentially consist in a tendency to disordered emotional excitement; which affects the course of thought, and consequently of action, without dis- turbing the reasoning processes in any other way than by sup- plying wrong materials to them (§ 264). Now the Emotional disturbance may be either general or special: that is, there may Emotional Disorder. 663 be a derangement of feeling upon almost every subject, matters previously indifferent becoming invested with strong pleasurable or painful interest, things which were previously repulsive being greedily sought, and those which were previously the most attractive being in like manner repelled; or, on the other hand, there may be a peculiar intensification of some one class of feelings or impulses, which thus acquire, a settled domination over the whole character, and cause every idea with which they connect themselves to be presented to the mind under an erroneous aspect.—The first of these forms, now generally termed Moral Insanity, may and frequently does exist without any disorder of the inteBectual powrers, or any delusion whatever; it being (as we shall presently see) a result of the generality of the affection of the emotional tendencies, that no one of them maintains any constant hold upon the mind, one excitement being (as it were) driven-out by another. Such patients are among those -whose treatment requires the nicest care, but who may be most benefited by judicious influences. Nothing else is requisite, than that they should exercise an adequate amount of self-control; but the best- directed moral treatment cannot enforce this, if the patient do not himself (or herself) co-operate. Much may be effected, however, as in the education of children, by presenting adequate motives to self-control; and the more frequently this is exerted, the more easy does the exertion become.—This form of Insanity is particularly common among females of naturally " quick temper," who, by not placing an habitual restraint upon them selves, gradually cease to retain any command over it. The Writer well remembers that wBen going with Dr. Conolly through one of the wards on the female side of the Lunatic Asylum at Hanwell, Dr. C. remarked to him,—" It is my belief that two- thirds of the women here have come to require restraint, through the habitual indulgence of an originally bad temper." 556. The more limited and settled disorder of any one portion 664 Of Insanity. of the Emotional nature, however, gives an entirely different aspect to the character, and produces an altogether dissimilar effect upon the conduct. It is the essential feature of this state, that some one particular tendency acquires a dominance over the rest; and this may happen, it would seem, either from an extra- ordinary exaggeration of the tendency, Avhereby it comes to over- master even a strongly-exercised volitional control; or, on the other hand, from a primary weakening of the volitional control, which leaves the predominant bias of the individual free to exercise itself. Again, the exaggerated tendency may operate (hke an ordinaiy emotion), either in directly prompting to some kind of action which is the expression of it, or in modifying the course of thought, by habitually presenting erroneous notions upon the subjects to which the disordered feeling relates, as the basis of intellectual operations. 557; The first of these forms of Monomania is that which is known as impulsive insanity; and the recognition of its existence is of peculiar importance in a juridical point of view. For whilst the LaAV of England only recognizes as irresponsible, on the ground of Insanity, those Avho are incapable of distinguishing right from wrong, or of recognizing the consequences of their acts, it is unquestionable that many criminal actions are committed under the irresistible dominance of some insane impulse, the individual being at the time perfectly aware of the evil nature of those actions, and of his amenableness to punishment for them. The following very characteristic example of the Homicidal form of impulsive insanity, was given in the Eeport of the Morningside (Edinburgh) Lunatic Asylum for the year 1850.—The case was that of a female, who was not affected with any disorder of her Intellec- tual powers, and who laboured under no delusions or hallucinations, but who was tormented by "a simple abstract desire to kill, or rather, for it took a specific form, to strangle. She made repeated attempts to effect her purpose, attacking all and sundiy, even her Influence of Dominant Ideas. 665 own nieces and other relatives; indeed, it seemed to be a matter of indifference to her whom she strangled, so that she succeeded in killing some one. She recovered, under strict discipline, so much self- control as to be permitted to work in the washing-house and laundry; but she still continued to assert that she ' must do it,' that she was ' certain she would do it some day,'—that she could not help it, that ' surely no one had ever suffered as she had done,'—was not hers * an awful case; ' and, approaching any one, she would gently bring her hand near their throat, and say mildly and persuasively, ' I would just like to do it.' She frequently expressed a wish that all tho men and women in the world had only one neck, that she might strangle it. Yet this female had kind and amiable dispositions, was beloved by her fellow-patients, so much so that one of them insisted on sleeping with her, although she herself declared that she was afraid she would not be able to resist the impulse to get up during the night and strangle her. She had been a very pious woman, exemplary in her conduct, very fond of attending prayer- meetings, and of visiting the sick, praying with them and reading the Scriptures, or repeating to them the sermons she had heard. It was the second attack of Insanity. During the former she had attempted suicide. The disease was hereditary, and it may be believed that she was strongly predisposed to morbid impulses of this character, when it was stated that her sister and mother both committed suicide. There could be no doubt as to the sincerity of her morbid desires. She was brought to the Institution under very severe restraint, and the parties who brought her were under great alarm upon the restraint being removed. After its removal, she made repeated and very determined attacks upon the other patients, the attendants, and the officers of the Asylum, and was only brought to exercise sufficient self-control by a system of rigid discipline. This female was perfectly aware that her impulses were wrong, and that if she had committed any crime of violence under their influence, she would have been ex- posed to punishment. She deplored, in piteous terms, the horrible propensity under which she laboured."—In the Beport of the same institution for 1853, it is mentioned that this female had been re- admitted, after nearly succeeding in strangling her sister's child under the prompting of her homicidal impulse. " She displays no delusion or perversion of ideas, but is urged-on by an abstract and 666 Of Insanity. uncontrollable impulse to do what she knows to be wrong, and deeply deplores." Such impulses may drive the subjects of them to kill, to commit a rape, to. steal, to burn, and so on, without any malicious feeling towards the persons injured; and many instances have occurred, in which the individuals thus affected have voluntarily withdraAvn themselves from the circumstauces of whose exciting influence they were conscious, and have even begged to be put under restraint. 558. It is a remarkable fact, moreover, and one that strikingly confirms the view of the nature of Emotional states which has been previously advocated (§ 260), that the insane impulse appears to be not unfrequently the expression of a dominant idea, with which there is no such association of pleasurable feehng as makes the action prompted by it an object of desire, but Avhich operates by taking full possession of the mind, and by forcing the body (so to speak) into the movements which express it. The indi- vidual thus affected regards himself as the victim of a necessity which he cannot resist, and may be perfectly conscious (as when the impulse proceeds from a strong desire) that what he is doing Avill be injurious to others or to himself. This state bears a close resemblance to that of the Biologized " subject," who is peremptorily told, " You must do this," and does it accordingly (§ 454); and it is one that is particularly liable to be induced in persons who habitually exercise but little Volitional control over the direction of their thoughts, by the influence of suggestions from without, and especially by occurrences which take a strong hold of their attention. ' a. To this condition are to be referred many of the Insane actions which are commonly set down to the account of imitation. This term would be best restricted to that state of mind, in which there is an intention to imitate ; for what is called " involuntary imitation " is merely tho expression of the fact, that the consciousness of the Influence of Dominant Ideas. 667 performance of a certain act by one individual gives-rise to a tendency to its performance by the other (§ 259 b, c), as in the case of the act of yawning. So, the commission of suicide or homicide, after an occur- rence of the same kind which has previously fixed itself strongly upon the attention, is an ideo-motor action, prompted by a suggesting idea. Thus, it is well known that after the suicide of Lord Castlereagh, a large number of persons destroyed themselves in a similar manner- Within a week after the " Pentonville Tragedy," in which a man cut the throats of his four children, and then his own, there were two similar occurrences elsewhere. After the trial of Henriette Cornier for child-murder, which excited a considerable amount of public dis- cussion on the question of homicidal insanity, Esquirol was con- sulted by numerous mothers, who were haunted by a propensity to destroy their offspring. b. The following is a remarkable example of the sudden domina- tion of a morbid impulse, to which no tendency seems to have been previously experienced, and which appears to have been altogether devoid of any emotional character. Dr. Oppenheim, of Hamburg, having received for dissection the body of a man who had committed suicide by cutting his throat, but who had done this in such a manner that his death did not take place untB after an interval of great suffering, jokingly remarked to his attendant,—" If you have any fancy to cut your throat, don't do it in such a bungling way as this; a little more to the left here, and you will cut the carotid artery." The individual to whom this dangerous advice was addressed, was a sober, steady man, with a family and a comfortable subsist- ence ; he had never manifested the sBghtest tendency to suicide, and had no motive to commit it. Yet, strange to say, the sight of the corpse, and the observation made by Dr. O., suggested to his mind the idea of self-destruction; and this took such firm hold of him that he carried it into execution, fortunately, however, without duly pro- fiting by the anatomical instructions he had received; for he did not cut the carotid, and recovered. 559. In most forms of Monomania, however, there is more or less of disorder in the ideational process, leading to the formation of positive delusions or hallucinations, that is to say, of fixed beliefs or dominant ideas which are palpably inconsistent with 668 Of Insanity. reality. These delusions, however, are not attributable to original perversions of the Beasoning process, but arise out of the perverted Emotional state. This gives rise, in the first place, to a mis-inter- pretation of actual facts or occurrences, in accordance with the prevalent state of the feelings (§ 264). Thus, a lunatic who is possessed with an exaggerated feeling of his ow-n importance, may suppose himself to be a sovereign prince; and under the influence of this dominant idea, looks upon the place of his confinement as his palace, believes his keepers to be his obsequious officers, and his feBow-patients to be his obedient subjects; the plainest fare is converted into a banquet of the choicest dainties, and the most homely dress into royal apparel. His condition, therefore, closely corresponds with that of a Biologized subject, whose mind may become possessed for a time by similar ideas through the influence of external suggestion (§ 451), and who is not undeceived by their discordance with objective realities, because the force with which the consciousness is impressed by the latter, is less than that with which it is acted-on by the former. Now and then, perhaps, the Lunatic, hke the Biologized sub- ject, is visited by a gleam of common-sense, which enables him to view certain objects in their true light, so that he becomes sensible of some inconsistency between his real and his imaginary condition; as when a patient in a Scotch pauper-lunatic asylum, after dilating upon the imaginary splendours of his regal state, confessed that there was one thing which he could not quite comprehend, namely, that all his food tasted of oatmeal! In a more advanced state of the disorder, however, ideas which have had their origin in the imagination alone, and which it has at first presented faintly and transiently, are habitually dwelt on in consequence of the interest with which they are invested; and at last become realities to the consciousness of the Ego, simply because he docs not bring them to the test of actual experience. Emotional Origin of Delusions. 669 -—■----------------------------------------------------*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------------- o. The Writer remembers to have heard the following case from Dr. A. T.* Thomson:—He was requested to see a gentleman whose friends were desirous of placing him under restraint, being well assured of his Insanity from the supervention of uncontrollable out- breaks of temper (to which he had never previously given way), though they could find no ostensible ground in his conversation or actions, which would legally justify the use of coercive measures. Several medical men had been consulted, who had failed to obtain any such justification, notwithstanding that they had employed all the means which their experience dictated for gaining an insight into the nature of his disorder. Dr. Thomson having been introduced to him as a scientific man in whose conversation he would feel interested, was struck, on entering the room, with the evidence of paroxysms of vio- lent passion afforded by the shivering of a large pier-glass, the fracture of the arms and legs of chairs, and other damages to the handsome furniture of the apartments; and he felt convinced that there was some perversion of this gentleman's feelings or intellect, which it was his business to discover. For this purpose he directed the conversation into a great variety of channels; and being himself a man of very comprehensive information and fluent speech, and finding a ready response on the other side, he ran through a great variety of topics in the course of a couple of hours. He said that he had never enjoyed a more agreeable or instructive conversation ; his patient being evi- dently a gentleman of great attainments in literature, science, and art, and having a most original as well as pleasing manner of ex- pressing himself upon every subject that came before him. Dr. Thomson was beginning to despair of finding out the mystery of his disorder, when it chanced that Animal Magnetism was adverted to; on which the patient began to speak of an influence which some of his relatives had acquired over him by this agency, described in the most vehement language the sufferings he endured through their means, and vowed vengeance against his persecutors with such terrible excite- ment, that it was obviously necessary, alike for their security and his own welfare, that he should be placed under restraint. Here, it is obvious, the Emotional excitement was the essence of the disorder, and the Intellectual delusion was merely the ex- pression of it. 560. This view of the Emotional source of most, if not all, of 670 Of Insanity. the delusions of the Insane, occurred to the Writer in early hfe, through having had his attention strongly drawn to a case in which he had the opportunity of observing from its commencement the progressive formation of such delusions, and in which the varying tenacity of their hold over the intellectual belief (which sometimes appeared disposed to get rid of them) corresponded exactly with the varying degrees of intensity of the dominant emotion. His subsequent experience of other forms of Monomania, and the results of his inquiries among those who have made In- sanity their special study, have fully confirmed this view. a. Thus Dr. Skae remarks in the "Morningside Eeport" for 1853, that " nothing can be further from the truth, than to believe that in every case of Insanity there must be some delusion, or some perturba- tion cf the Intellect. Of all the features of Insanity, morbid impulses, emotions, and feelings, and the loss of control over them, are the most essential and constant. Delusions, Blusions, and hallucinations are, comparatively speaking, the accidental concomitants of the disease. The former, perhaps, invariably accompany the invasion of disease; the latter are frequently only developed during its progress, and are sometimes never present at all." b. It is not a little interesting, in this connexion, as well as in the additional relation which it indicates between Insanity and the various phases of Delirium, Dreaming, &c, that the particular delusion seems often to be suggested by accidental circumstances, the mind being previously under the influence of some morbid tendency which has given the general direction to the thoughts. Thus we find it mentioned in the "Morningside Eeport" for 1850, that the Queen's public visit to Scotland seemed to give a special direction to the ideas of several individuals who became insane at that period, the attack of insanity being itself in some instances traceable to the excitement produced by that event. One of the patients, who was affected with puerperal mania, believed that, in consequence of her confinement having taken place on such a remarkable occasion, she must have given birth to a person of royal or divine dignity.—During the religious excitement which prevailed at the time of the " disruption" of the Scottish Church, an unusually-large number of patients were admitted into the various asylums of Scotland, labouring under delusions connected with reli- Emotional Origin of Delusions. 671 gion ; the disorder having here also doubtless commenced in an exag- geration of this class of feelings, and the erroneous beliefs having been formed under their influence.—Again, in the Eeport of the same Institution for 1851, it is stated that, as in former instances " the cur- rent topics of the day gave colouring and form to the delusions of the disordered fancy. We have thus had no less than five individuals admitted during the year, wdio believe themselves the victims of Mes- moric agency (a sort of " Mesmeric mania " having been prevalent in Edinburgh during that period); " three of the inmates talked much of California, and of the bags full of gold wdiich they had obtained from the diggings; and one of them arrived at the persuasion that his body was transmuted into gold." 561. Every one who observes the ordinary working of his own mind, must be aware how differently he looks at the very same occurrences, according to the state of Feeling he is in at the time ; and no judicious man wiB aBow himself to act upon any conclusion I1.3 may have formed under the influence of emotional excitement. It is, in fact, in the persistence and exaggeration of some emotional tendency, leading to an erroneous interpretation of everything that may be in any way related to it, that Insanity very frequently commences; and it is in this stage that a strong effort at self- control may be exerted with effect, not merely in keeping down the exaggerated emotion, but in determinately directing the thoughts into another channel. For there can be no doubt that while the tendency to brood upon a particular class of ideas and on the feelings connected with them, gives them, if this tendency be habitually yielded to, an increasing dominance,—so that they at last take full possession of the mind, overmaster the will, and consequently direct the conduct,—there is a stage in which the will has a great power of preserving the right balance, by steadily resisting the "brooding" tendency, calling-off the attention from the contemplation of ideas which ought not to be entertained (§ 271), and directing it into some entirely different channel. The.records of Crime abound in cases in which murder or attempt 672 Of Insanity. to murder has been committed under the dominance of an idea or feeling, that has taken such complete possession of the mind, as to render the Ego no longer morally responsible for his act at the time of its commission ; but for which act he is nevertheless remotely responsible (like the drunkard, § 545), because he has allowed himself to become thus possessed, when the means of escape lay in his own power. And in the infliction of punishment, the same principle ought to be applied to both cases,—that of bringing the strongest possible deterrent motives to bear upon the minds of those who are meditating such criminalities. An extremely good example of the deterrent influence of a judi- ciously-devised punishment, was afforded by Hie stop which was put to the repeated alarms to which the Queen was subjected, after the real attempt upon her life made by Oxford. The motive in his case seemed to be nothing else than morbid vanity; which was gratified by his being tried for high-treason, and made an object of public notoriety. Being found " not guilty" on the ground of Insanity (to which it was proved that he had an hereditary predisposition), and being placed in Bethlehem Hospital as a lunatic, no corrective impression as to punish- ment was made upon the class from which he sprung; and the like morbid love of notoriety led one young fellow after another to threaten the life of the Queen, by presenting pistols or other weapons when sho appeared in public. In order to protect her from the repetition of this outrage, a bill was carried through the Legislature in the shortest possible time, making the offence of presenting any fire-arm at the Queen (even if unloaded), a disgraceful one, to be punished with whip- ping ; and no more was heard of such attempts for many years, tho next attempt—that of Lieutenant Pate—being the result of " brood- ing " over some fancied injuries. 562. It is singular how closely the ordinary history of the access of Monomania corresponds Avith that of intoxication by Hachisch. A man who has been for some time under the strain of severe mental labour, perhaps with the addition of emotional ex- citement, breaks doAvn in mental and bodily health ; and becomes subject to morbid ideas, of wdiose abnormal character he is in the Origin and Progress of Monomania. 673 first instance quite aware. He may see spectral illusions, but he knows that they are illusive. He may hear imaginary conversa- tions, but is conscious that they are empty words. He feels an extreme depression of spirits, but is willing to attribute this to some physical cause. He exhibits an excessive irritability of temper, but is conscious of his irascibility and endeavours to restrain it. He has strange thoughts respecting those Avho are most dear to him, suspects his Avife of infidelity, his children of wilful disobedience, his most intimate friends of injurious designs; but he ha3 still intelligence enough to question the validity of these suspicions, and shrinks from giving them permanent lodgment in his breast. Dark visions of future ruin and disgrace flit before him ; but he may refuse to contemplate them, may be reasoned into the admission of their utter baselessness, and may second the efforts of his friends to direct his thoughts and feelings into a different channel. It is in this stage that change of scene, the withdrawal from painful associations, the invigoration of the bodily health, and the direction of the Mental activity towards any subject that has a healthful attraction for it, exert a most beneficial influence (§ 271 a); and there can be no doubt that many a man has been saved from an attack of Insanity, by the resolute determination of his Will not to yield to his morbid tendencies.—But if he should give way to tliese tendencies, and should dwell upon his morbid ideas instead of endeavouring to escape from them, they come at last to acquire a complete mastery over him; and his Will, his Common sense, and his Moral sense, at last succumb to their domination. The visual appearances Avhich he at first dis- missed as unreal, become to his mind objects of actual sight; the airy words are conversations which he distinctly hears, and to which he gives full credence, hoAvever repugnant their import may be to his sober sense ; his suspicions of wife, children, and friends acquire the force of certainties, although they may not have the slightest basis of reality ; the conviction of impending ruin is ever 30 674 Of Insanity. before him, and he makes no effort to escape from it; no reason- ing can now dispel his delusions ; no proof, however clear to the sane mind, can demonstrate the groundlessness of his notions. His temper, now entirely uncontrolled, becomes more and more irritable ; the slightest provocations occasion the most violent out- breaks ; and these are excited, not merely by the exaggeration or misinterpretation of actual occurrences, but by the fictions of his own imagination. No conception can be too obviously fallacious or absurd, as judged by the sound intellect, to command his assent and govern his actions ; for wdien the directing power of the Will is altogether lost, he is as incapable as a Biologized or Hypnotized subject, of testing his ideas by their conformity to the general result of his previous experience (§ 451), or of keeping his emo- tions under due control. 563. But, it may be said, if Insanity be the expression of dis- ordered physical action of the Cerebrum, it is inconsistent to expect that a man can control this by any effort of his own ; or that moral treatment can have any efficacy in the restoration of mental health. Those, however, who have followed the course of the argument expounded in this Treatise, will haAre no difficulty in reconciling the two orders of facts. For whilst the disordered physical action of the Cerebrum, when once established, puts the automatic action of his mind altogether beyond the control of the Ego, there is frequently a stage in which he has the power of so directing and controlling that action, as to prevent the establishment of the disorder; just as, in the state of perfect health, he has the power of forming habits of Mental action, to which the nutrition of the Brain responds, so as ultimately to render them automatic (§ § 287, 288). And so, the judicious Physician, in the treatment of an insane patient, whilst doing everything he can to invigorate the bodily health, to ward off sources of mental disturbance, and to divert the current of thought and feeling from a morbid into a healthful channel, wiB sedulously watch for eveiy opportunity of Treatment of Insanity. $j c fostering the power of self-control, will seek out the motives most likely to act upon the individual, will bring these into play upon every suitable occasion, will approve and reward its successful exercise, wiU sympathize with failure even when having recourse to the restraint which it has rendered necessary, will encourage every renewed exertion, and will thus give every aid he can" to the re-acquirement of that Volitional direction, which, as the bodily malady abates, is alone needed to prevent the recurrence of tho disordered mental action. It is when the patient has so far recovered, as to be capable of being made to feel that he can do what he ought, if he will only try, that moral treatment becomes efficacious. And thus the judicious Physician, when endeavouring either to ward-off or to cure Mental disorder, brings to bear upon his patient exactly the same power as that which is exerted by an Educator of the highest type (§ 290, in). Each has the high prerogative of calling into exercise that element in Man's nature which is the noblest gift of his Creator, enabling him to turn to the best account whatever mental endowments he may possess "for the glory of God, and the good of Man's estate." CHAPTER XIX. INFLUENCE OP MENTAL STATES ON THE ORGANIC FUNCTIONS. 564. It has been shown in the preceding Chapters how close is. the dependence of the normal action of the Brain upon an adequate supply of pure Blood: serious reduction in its quantity at once producing deficient mental activity; whilst a depravation of its quality occasions a perversion of that activity. And thus it comes to pass that very slight departures from the health of the Body exert a most powerful influence upon our intellectual, and still more upon our emotional condition, through the deterioration they produce in the circulating fluid (§ 552). The functional activity of the Brain is also affected, through its nervous connections, by the physical condition of remote parts of the body; various aberrant phenomena being traceable to such " morbid sympathies."* But what we have now to consider is the converse power exerted by Mental states over the functions of Nutrition and Secretion, so as to modify not merely the movements, but the molecular actions, of various parts of the body. This power (it has Been already shown, §§ 112-115) is for the most part exercised through the Sympathetic system of Nerves; and whilst the regulation of the calibre of the arteries, which determines the quantity of blood supplied to each part, seems to be effected through the motor fibres which that system receives from the Cerebro-spinal, its influence over the condition of the Blood itself, and the use that is made of it, appears to be exerted through its own proper fibres and ganglia. * See especially Dr. Laycock's Treatise " On, the Nervous Diseases of Women." Excitement of Secretions by Mental States. 677 565. Much of the action exerted by the Vaso-motor system of Nerves (§ 113) has obvious reference to the harmonization of the Organic functions with each other. Thus, to take a very simple and familiar case, when a particle of dust lodges between the eye and the eyelid, an increased flow of tears is produced by the dilata- tion of the artery that supplies the lachrymal gland; so as, if the particle be not too large, to wash it down into the inner corner of the eye, from which it may be easily removed. So, again, the introduction of food into the mouth produces an immediate Aoav of saliva for its mastication; while at the same time there is an out- pouring of gastric juice into the stomach, in preparation for its diges- tion; the production of both these secretions being due to the increase of the supply of blood proceeding in the one case to the salivary glands, and in the other to the gastric follicles contained in the coats of the stomach. But a flow of saliva may be occasioned in a hungry man, by the sight, the smell, or even the thought, of savoury food; and it has been ascertained by experiments on dogs, that a flow of gastric juice takes place into their stomachs, when, after long fasting, attractive food is placed before them. So, the free secretion of milk, excited by suction applied to the nipple, is also producible in the nursing mother by the sight, by the cry, or even by the thought of her infant (§ 500 a), which occa- sions the dilatation of the mammary artery (analogous to the act of blushing) that permits the rush of blood to the Mammary gland known as "the draught."—Now in none of these cases has the will any influence whatever; the mental state which determines the result being an emotional one, which may be linked-on either to a perception or to an idea, according as the object that calls it forth is actually or only " subjectively" present. And the direct influence of the Emotions upon the quantity of tliese Secretions is shown by numerous other facts. a. Thus, the secretion of Tears, which is continually being formed to an extent sufficient to lubricate the surface of the eyes, is poured 678 Influence of Mental States on Organic Functions. out in great abundance under the moderate excitement of the emo- tions, either of joy, tenderness, or grief. It is checked, however, by violent grief; and it is a well-known indication of moderated sorrow, when tears " come to the relief" of the sufferer. b. So, the Salivary secretion may be suspended by strong emotion ; a fact of which advantage is taken in India for the discovery of a thief among the servants of a family,—each of them being required to hold a certain quantity of rice in his mouth during a few minutes, and the offender being generally distinguished by the dryness of his mouthful. c. That the Gastric secretion may be entirely suspended by power- ful emotion, clearly appears as weB from the results of experiments on animals, as from the well-known influence exerted by a sudden Mental shock (whether painful or pleasurable), in dissipating tho appetite for food, and in suspending the digestive process when in active operation. Several other secretions are affected in a similar manner by emotional excitement: thus the special odoriferous secre- tions of many animals are poured forth under alarm with such potency as to constitute their special means of defence ; and in some human beings the cutaneous secretion becomes strongly ammoniacal, when either fear or bashfulness is strongly excited. 566. There is no Secretion, however, on the quality as well as the quantity of which Emotional states have so obvious an influence, as they have upon that of milk ; and this point, being one of great practical importance, as well as of scientific interest, will be here dwelt-on in some detail,—conclusive evidence of such alterations being afforded by the disorder produced by the altered secretion in the digestive system of the infant, which is a more delicate apparatus for testing its quality, than any that the chemist could devise. The following general statements on this subject were made by Sir Astley Cooper, as the result of extended and careful enquiries :— a. " The secretion of Milk proceeds best in a tranquil state of mind, and with a cheerful temper; then the milk is regularly abundant, and agrees well with the child. On the contrary, a fretful temper lessens the quantity of milk, makes it thin and serous, and causes it to disturb the child's bowels, producing intestinal fever and much griping. Fits Perversion of Secretions by Emotional Excitement. 6 79 of anger produce a very irritating milk, followed by griping in the infant, with green stools. Grief has a great influence on lactation, and consequently upon the child. The loss of a near and dear rela- tion, or a change of fortune, will often so much diminish the secretion of milk, as to render adventitious aid necessary for the support of tho child. Anxiety of mind diminishes the quantity, and alters the quality, of the milk. The reception of a letter which leaves the mind in anxious suspense, lessens the draught, and the breast becomes empty. If the child be ill, and the mother is anxious respecting it, she complains to her medical attendant that she has little milk, and that her infant is griped and has frequent green and frothy motions. Fear has a powerful influence on the secretion of milk. I am informed by a medical man wh© practises much among the poor, that the apprehension of the brutal conduct of a drunken husband will put a stop for a time to the secretion of milk. When this happens, the breast feels knotted and hard, flaccid from the absence of milk, and that which is secreted is highly irritating; and some time elapses before a healthy secretion returns. Terror, which is sudden and great fear, instantly stops this secretion." Of this, two striking instances, in which the secretion, although previously abundant, was completely arrested by this emotion, are detailed by Sir A. Cooper. There is even evidence that the Mammary secretion may acquire an actually 2:>0isonous character, under the influence of violent mental excitement; for certain phenomena which might otherwise be regarded in no other light than as simple coincidences, appear to justify this inference, when interpreted by the less striking but equally decisive facts already mentioned. I. "A carpenter fell into a quarrel with a soldier biBeted in his house, and was set-upon by the latter with his drawn sword. The wife of the carpenter at first trembled from fear and terror, and then suddenly threw herself furiously between the combatants, wrested the sword from the soldier's hand, broke it in pieces, and threw it away. During the tumult, some neighbours came in and separated the men. While in this state of strong excitement, the mother took up her child from the cradle, where it lay playing and in the most perfect health, never having had a moment's illness ; she gave it the breast, and in so doing sealed its fate. In a few minutes the infant left-off 680 Influence of Mental States on Organic Functions. sucking, became restless, panted, and sank dead upon its mother's bosom. The physician who was instantly called-in, found the child lying in the cradle, as if asleep, and with its features undisturbed; but all his resources were fruitless. It was irrecoverably gone."* In this interesting case, the milk seems to have undergone a change which gave it a powerful sedative action upon the susceptible nervous system of the infant. c. Similar facts are recorded by other writers.—Mr. Wardrop mentions (" Lancet," No. 516), that having removed a small tumour from behind the ear of a -mother, all went weB until she fell into a violent passion ; and the child, being suckled soon afterwards, died in convulsions. He was sent-for hastily to see another child in convul- sions, after taking the breast of a nurse who had just been severely reprimanded; and he was informed by Sir Bichard Croft, that he had seen many similar instances.—Three others are recorded by Burdach {l'Fhysiologie," § 522). In one of them, the infant was seized with convulsions on the right side and hemiplegia on the left, on sucking immediately after its mother had met with some distressing occur- rence. Another case was that of a puppy, which was seized with epileptic convulsions, on sucking its mother after a fit of rage. The foBoAving, Avhich occurred Avithin the Writer's own knowledge, is perhaps equally valuable to the Physiologist, as an example of the similarly-fatal influence of undue emotion of a different cha- racter ; and should serve, with the preceding, as a salutary warning to Mothers, to prevent themselves from brooding over depressing ideas, as they Avould from indulging in passionate excitement. d. A lady having several children, of which none had manifested any particular tendency to cerebral disease, and of which the youngest was a healthy infant a few months old, heard of the death (from acute hydrocephalus) of the infant child of a friend residing at a distance, with whom she had been on terms of close intimacy, and whoso family had increased almost simultaneously with her own. The cir- cumstance naturally made a strong impression on her mind; and she * Dr. Von Aiamon, quoteJ in Dr. A. Combe's excellent little work on " The Manngemeut of Infancy."—See also Dr. Kellogs case, quoted in Dr. Tuke's " Illustrations of the Influence of the Mind upon the Body." Perversion of Nutrition by Emotional Excitement. 681 seems to have dwelt upon it the more, as she happened at that period to be separated from the rest of her family, and to be much alone With her babe. One morning, shortly after having nursed it, she laid the infant in its cradle, asleep and apparently in perfect health; her attention was shortly attracted to it by a noise; and on going to the cradle, she found her infant in a convulsion, which lasted a few moments and then left it dead. Now, although the influence of the Emotion is less unequivocally displayed in this case than in the preceding, it can scarcely be a matter of doubt; since it is natural that no feeling should be stronger in the Mother's mind under such circumstances, than the fear that her own beloved child should be taken from her, as that of her friend had been ; and it is probable that she had been par- ticularly dwelling on it, at the time of nursing the infant on that morning. 567. There is abundant evidence that a sudden and violent ex- citement of some depressing emotion, especially terror, may pro- duce a severe and even a fatal disturbance of the Organic functions ; with general symptoms (as Guislain has remarked) so strongly resembling those of sedative poisoning, as to make it highly probable that the blood is directly affected by the emotional state, through nervous agency; and, in fact, the emotional alteration of the secretions seems much more probably attributable to some such affection of the Blood, than to a primary disturbance of the secret- ing process itself. Although there can be no doubt that the habitual state of the emotional sensibility has an important influence upon the general activity and perfection of the nutritive processes,—as is shown by the well-nourished appearance usually exhibited by those who are free from mental anxiety as well as from bodily ailment, contrasted with the " lean and hungiy look" of those who are a prey to continual disquietude,—yet it is not often that we have the opportunity of obseiwing the production of disorder in the Nutrition of any specific part, by such influence. The two folloAving cases, however, in which local disorder of nutrition followed upon power- 682 Influence of Mental States on Organic Functions. ful emotion, determined as to their seat by the intense direction of the attention to a particular part of the body, rest upon excellent authority. a. " A lady, who was watching her little child at play, saw a heavy window-sash fall upon its hand, cutting off three of the fingers; and she was so much overcome by fright and distress, as to be unable to render it any assistance. A surgeon was speedily obtained, who, having dressed the wounds, turned himself to the mother, whom ho found seated, moaning, and complaining of pain in her hand. On examination, three fingers, corresponding to those injured in the child, were discovered to be swollen and inflamed, although they had ailed nothing prior to the accident. In four-and-twenty hours, inci- sions were made into them, and pus was evacuated; sloughs were afterwards discharged, and the wounds ultimately healed."—{Carter on the Pathology and Treatment of Hysteria, p. 24.) b. " A highly intelligent lady known to Dr. Tuke related to him that one day she was walking past a public institution, and observed a child, in whom she was particularly interested, coming out through an iron gate. She saw that he let go the gate after opening it, and that it seemed likely to close upon him, and concluded that it would do so with such force as to crush his ankle; however, this did not happen. ' It was impossible,' she says, ' by word or act to be quick enough to meet the supposed emergency; and, in fact, I found I could not move, for such intense pain came on in the ankle, corresponding to the ono wdiich I thought the boy would have injured, that I could only put my hand on it to lessen its extreme painfulness. I am sure I did not move so as to strain or sprain it. The walk home—a distance about a quarter of a mile—was very laborious, and in taking off my stocking I found a circle round the ankle, as if it had been painted with red cur- rant juice, with a large spot of the same on the outer part. By morning the whole foot was inflamed, and I was a prisoner to my bed many days.' "—{Influence of the Mind upon the Body, p. 260.) 568. The influence of the state of expectant attention, in modi- fying the processes of Nutrition and Secretion, is not less remark- able than we have seen it to be in the production of muscular movements (§ 238 et seq.) The Volitional direction of the con- sciousness to a part, independently of emotional excitement, suffices Cure of Diseases by Expectant Attention. 6&3 to call forth sensations in it, which seem to depend upon a change in its circulation (§ 129); and if this state be kept up automatically by the attraction of the attention, the change may become a source of modification, not only in the functional action, but in the Nutrition of the part. Thus, there can be no doubt that real disease often supervenes upon fancied ailment, especially through the indulgence of what is knoAvn as the hypochondriacal tendency to dwell-upon uneasy sensations ; these sensations being themselves, in many instances, purely "subjective" (§ 143). In many individuals (especially females) whose sympathies are strong, a pain in any part of the body may be produced by witnessing in another, or even by hearing described, the sufferings occasioned by disease or injury of that part; and if this pain be attended-to and believed-in as an indication of serious mischief, injurious consequences are very likely to foBow. So, again, the self-tormenting hypochondriac will imagine himself the victim of any malady that he may " fancy;" and if this fancy should be sufficiently persistent and engrossing, it is not unlikely to lead to real disease of the organ to wdiich it relates. This persistent direction of the attention has a much greater potency, when com- bined with the expectation of a particular result; and thus it happens that the spells of pretenders to occult powers, in all ages and nations, often produce the predicted maladies in the subjects who are credulous enough to believe in their efficacy. Such was formerly the case among the Negroes of the British West Indies, to such a degree that it was found necessary to repress Avhat were known as " Obeah practices" by penal legislation; a slow pining-away, ending in death, being the not uncommon result of the fixed beBef on the part of the victim, that " Obi" had been put upon him by some old man or woman reputed to possess the injurious power. So great, indeed, was the dread of these spells, that the mere threat of one party to a quarrel to " put Obi" upon the other, was often sufficient to terrify the latter into submission. 1 684 Influence of Mental States on Organic Functions. And there is adequate ground for the assertion, that even amongst the better instructed classes of our own country, a fixed belief that a mortal disease had seized upon the frame, or that a particular operation or system of treatment would prove unsuccessful, has been in numerous instances the real occasion of a fatal result. 569. But, on the other hand, the same Mental state may operate beneficially, in checking a morbid action and restoring the healthy state. That the confident expectation of a cure is the most potent means of bringing it about, doing that which no Medical treatment can accomplish, may be affirmed as the generalized result of expe- riences of the most varied kind, extending through a long series of ages. For it is this wdiich is common to methods of the most diverse character; some of them,—as the Metallic Tractors, Mesmerism, and Homoeopathy,—pretending to some physical power; whilst to others, as the invocations of Prince Hohenlohe, and the commands of Dr. Vernon or the Zouave Jacob, some miraculous influence was attributed. It has been customary, on the part of those who do not accept either the " physical" or the " miraculous" hypo- thesis as the interpretation of these facts, to refer the effects either to "imagination" or to "faith;"—tAVO mental states apparently incongruous, and neither of them rightly expressing the condition on which they depend. For although there can be no doubt that in a great number of cases the patients have believed themselves to be cured, when no real amelioration of their condition had taken place, yet there is a large body of trustworthy evidence, that permanent amendment of a kind perfectly obvious to others, has shown itself in a great variety of local maladies, when the patients have been sufficiently possessedby the expectation of benefit, and by faith in the efficacy of the means employed.* " Any system of treatment," it has been recently remarked, " however absurd, that can be ' puffed' into public notoriety for efficacy,—any individual who, by accident * A valuable collection of such evidence is contained in Dr. Tuke's " Illustrations of the Influence of the Mind upon the Body in Health and Disease," Chap. XVI. Cure of Diseases by Expectant A ttcntion. 685 or design obtains a reputation for the possession of a special gift of healing,—is certain to attract a multitude of sufferers, among whom will be several who are capable of being really benefited by a strong assurance of relief, whilst others, for a time, believe them- selves to have experienced it. And there is, for the same reason, no religious system that has attained a powerful hold on the minds of its votaries, wdiich cannot boast its 'miracles' of this order." " a. Nothing, for example, can be more complete than the attesta- tion of a very remarkable cure which took place in the Nunnery of Port Boyal, in the person of one of the young scholars, a niece of Pascal, who was affected with an aggravated fistula lachrymalis, at a time wdien the hostility of the Jesuits and the Jansenists was at its height. The poor girl had been threatened with the ' actual cautery ' by the eminent surgeon under whose care she was, as the only way of getting rid of the disease of the bones of the nose, which manifested itself in intolerable fcetor; and the day was fixed for its application. Two days previously, however, the patient walked in procession before a ' Holy Thorn,' which wras being exhibited with great ceremony in the chapel of the convent; and was recommended by the nuns, as she passed before the altar, to apply the precious relic to her eye, and implore rehef from the dreaded infliction. This she did, no doubt, with the most childlike confidence and heartfelt sincerity; and her faith was rewarded by the favourable change which took place within a few hours, and which had so far advanced by the time of the surgeon's next visit, that he wisely did not interfere, the cure in a short time becoming complete. Of course, this ' miracle' was vaunted by the Jansenist party as indicating the special favour of the Virgin, whilst the Jesuits could scarcely bring themselves to believe in its reality. A most careful enquiry was made by direction of the Court; the testimony of the surgeons and others, who knew the exact condi- tion of the patient both before and after the ' miracle ' (that condition being patent to their observation), was conclusive; and the reality of the cure could no longer be denied, though it remained inconceivable to the Jesuits that a miracle should have been worked in favour of their opponents.— FuB details of this remarkable incident are given in Mrs. Schimmelpenninck's ' History of the Port Eoyalists.' " b. No fact of this kind rests on a wider basis of testimony, than 1 686 Influence of Mental States on Organic Attention. the efficacy of the royal touch in the 'king's evil.' The readers of Macaulay's ' History' will remember that when the honest good sense of William the Third made him refuse to exercise the power with which he was undoubtedly credited by the great mass of his subjects, an overwhelming mass of evidence was brought together as to the ' balsamic virtues of the royal hand.' Not only theologians of eminent learning, ability, and virtue, gave the sanction of their authority to this belief; but some of the principal surgeons of the day certified that the cures were so numerous and rapid that they could not bo attributed to any natural cause, and that the failures were to hi ascribed to want of faith on the part of the patients. Charles tho Second, in the course of his reign, had 'touched' near a hundred thousand persons; and James, in one of his progresses, ' touched' eight hundred persons in Chester Cathedral. William's refusal ti continue the practice brought upon him the outcries of the parents of scrofulous children against his cruelty; whilst bigots lifted up their hands and eyes in horror at his impiety. Jacobites sarcastically praised him for not presuming to arrogate to himself a power which belonged only to legitimate sovereigns; and even some Whigs thought that he acted unwisely in treating with such marked contempt a superstition which had so strong a hold on the vulgar mind. " c. There are, probably, persons yet living who remember the reputed efficacy of ' Perkins's Metallic Tractors,' which was made tho subject of a very careful investigation by Dr. Haygarth, an eminent physician of Bath, and Mr. Bichard Smith, a distinguished surgeon of Bristol, in the early part of the present century. These gentlemen satisfied themselves that real benefit was often derived from the use of the Tractors, wdiich were supposed to exert the ' galvanic agency' then newly discovered; but that the same benefit was obtainable from the similar manipulation of two pieces of wood painted to resemble them, the faith of the patient being the condition required. " d. Within our own recollection, the ' miracles' of Prince Hohenlohe were as weB attested as any of the kind that have been worked before or since; these were succeeded by the therapeutic marvels of Mesmerism, which can all be accounted for by the like agency; and within the last few years we have seen the ' spiritual' cures of Dr. Newton at least equalled by those worked by the Zouave Jacob." " Each reputation of this kind has its period of groAvth. maturity, Cure of Diseases by Expectant Attention. 687 decline, and death; and we should confidently anticipate that before the lapse of many years, the 'Spiritual' cures will, in like manner, have passed into the limbo of forgotten wonders of the same description, if it were not that the belief in them is only one of the manifestations of a morbid condition of the popular mind, the origin of Avhich unfortunately lies very deep in its constitu- tion."—{Quarterly Review, Oct. 1871, pp. 323-5). 570. There is no more satisfactory example of the influence of Expectant Attention " pure and simple," than is afforded by the charming-away of warts: for the disappearance of these ex- crescences has so frequently occurred within the experience of trustworthy observers, in close connection with this psychical treatment, that we must disbelieve in the efficacy of any remedies, if we do not accept this. a. "In one case," says Dr. Tuke {op. cit., p. 365), " a relative of mine had a troublesome wart on the hand, for which I made use of the usual local remedies, but without effect. After they were discontinued, it remained in statu quo for some time, when a gentleman ' charmed' it away in a few days." b. The same author continues:—"A surgeon informs me that some years ago his daughter had about a dozen warts on her hands. They had been there about eighteen months, and her father had applied caustic and other remedies without success. One day a gentleman called, and, in shaking hands with Miss O, remarked upon her disfigured hand. He asked her how many she had; sho replied that she did not know, but thought about a dozen. ' Count them, will you,' said the caBer; and, taking out a piece of paper, he solemnly took down her counting, remarking, ' You will not be troubled with your warts after next Sunday.' By the day named the warts disappeared, and did not return." c. Two similar cases have occurred within the Writer's personal knowledge. In one, the warts were disposed of by "counting;" in the other, by touching each singly with coloured water;—the assured conviction of its success being (of course) the condition of the efficacy of the " spell." 688 Influence of Mental States on Organic Functions. 571. It is not a little remarkable that the influence of Mental states should be unmistakeably manifested, not only in maladies in which Nervous disorder has a large share, but also in some—aa Scurvy and Gout—which seem to depend upon the existence of a definite perversion in the condition of the Blood. a. Thus, during the Siege of Breda in 1625, the garrison having been reduced to a state of extreme distress by Scurvy in its severest form, attended with a great mortality, so that the city was on the point of capitulating, the Prince of Orange managed to send word that the sufferers should soon be provided with medicines of the greatest efficacy. Three small phials, containing a decoction of camomile, wormwood, and camphor, were put in the hands of each physician; and it was publicly given out that three or four drops were sufficient to impart a healing virtue to a gallon of liquor,—not even the com- manders being let into the secret. The effect of the soldiers' faith in the efficacy of the " prince's'remedy " was most marvellous; for not only was the further spread of the disease checked, but a largo propor- tion of those who were then suffering under it, including many who had been for some time completely invalided, recovered very rapidly. (See Bind on Scurvy, p. 352.)—It is well known, on the other hand, that mental depression is one of the most potent of the " predisposing causes " of Scurvy. b. There are numerous well-authenticated cases, in which a severe fit of Gout has been suddenly dissipated by violent emotion. And Dr. Bush recorded one in which an old farmer, languishing under severe infirmity caused by repeated attacks of this disease, was not only cured of the particular fit, but was restored to perfect health, by tho fright and anger brought on by the careless driving of one of his sons, which caused the window-sash near which he was lying to be broken- in. —(See Tuke, op. cit., pp. 368.) 572. In all ages, the possession of men's minds by " dominant ideas" has been most complete, when these ideas have been re- ligious aberrations. And hence it is only to be expected that the effects of such "possession" should exert an unusually powerful influence on the Organic functions, as we have seen it to do on Muscular actions (§§ 258, 259). There is to the Writer's mind, Somatization of Ecstaticas. 689 therefore, nothing either incredible or miraculous in the numerous recorded cases of " somatization," i.e., the appearance of wounds upon the hands and feet, on the forehead, and on the side,— corresponding with those of the crucified Jesus,—from which blood has periodically flowed. The subjects of these cases were mostly "Ecstaticas;" i.e., females of strongly Emotional temperament, who feB into a state of profound Beverie, in which their minds were entirely engrossed by the contemplation of their Saviour's sufferings, with an intense direction of their sympathetic attention to his several wounds. And the power which this state of Mind would have on the local action of the corresponding parts of their own bodies (§ 567, a, b), gives a definite Physiological rationale for what some persons accept as genuine miracles, and others repudiate as the tricks of imposture. a. The most recent case of this kind, that of Louise Lateau, has undergone a scrutiny so careful, on the part of Medical men deter- mined to find out the deceit, if such should exist, that there seems no adequate reason for doubting its genuineness. This young Belgian peasant had been the subject of an exhausting illness, from which she recovered rapidly after receiving the Sacrament; a cir- cumstance which obviously mado a strong impression on her mind. Soon afterwards, blood began to issue every Friday from a spot in her left side; in the course of a few months, similar bleeding spots estab- lished themselves on the front and back of each hand, and on the upper surface of each foot, while a circle of small spots formed on the fore- head ; and the haemorrhage from these recurred every Friday, some- times to a considerable amount. About the same time, fits of "ecstasy" began to occur, commencing every Friday between 8 and 9 a.m., and ending at about 6 P.M.; interrupting her in conversation, in prayer, or in manual occupations. This state appears to have been intermediate between that of the Biologized and that of the Hyp- notized subject; for whilst as unconscious as the latter of all Sense- impressions, she retained, like the former, a recollection of all that had passed through her mind during the " ecstasy." She described herself as suddenly plunged into a vast flood of bright light, from which more or less distinct forms soon began to evolve themselves ; 690 Influence of Mental States on Organic Functions. and she then witnessed the several scenes of the Passion successively passing before her. She minutely described the cross and the vest- ments, the wounds, the crown of thorns about the head of tho Saviour; and gave various details regarding the persons about the cross,—the disciples, holy women, Jews, and Eoman soldiers. And the progress of her vision might be traced by the succession of actions she performed at different stages of it; most of these being movements expressive of her own emotions; whilst regularly about 3 p.m. she extended her limbs in the form of a cross. The fit terminated with a state of extreme physical prostration: the pulse being scarcely perceptible, the breathing slow and feeble, and the whole surface bedewed with a cold perspiration. After this state had continued for about ten minutes, a return to the normal condition rapidly took place.—These last phenomena, which were paralleled to a certain degree in Mr. Braid's experiments, seem quite beyond the power of inten- tional simulation; while the tests applied to determine the possibility of the artificial production of the stigmata and of the issue of blood from them, appear no less conclusive as to their non-simulation. {MacmillarCs Magazine, April, 1871.) As the transudation of Blood from the skin through the per- spiratory ducts (apparently through the rupture of the walls of the cutaneous capillaries) under strong Emotional excitement, is a well-authenticated fact (see Tuke, op. cit., p. 267), there is nothing in the foregoing narration that the Physiologist need find any difficulty in accepting. CHAPTER XX. OP MIXD AND WILL IN NATURE. 573. The views expressed in the preceding pages as to the constitution of the Mind of Man, and its relation to his Bodily Organism, appear to the Writer to be capable of legitimate exten- sion to the notion which Ave form of the Mind of the Deity in its relation to that Universe, whose phenomena, so interpreted, are but a continual revelation of His universal presence and ceaseless agency. And he deems it desirable here to advert to this subject (foreign though it may seem to the proper object of this Treatise)) for the sake of showing not merely that the doctrine herein pro- pounded is strictly conformable to the highest teachings of Beli- gion, but that it affords some guidance towards the solution of difficulties which have perplexed many deep-thinking men, and which have (especially of late) tended to keep Science and Religion in mutual antagonism, instead of in that harmonious co-operation Avhich should spring from the intimacy of their relationship. For, as Mr. Martineau has well said, " Science discloses the Method of the world, but not its Cause ; Beligion its Cause, but not its Method; and there is no conflict between them, except when either forgets its ignorance of wdiat the other alone can know." {Xationcd Review, Vol. xv., p. 398.) If, then, a means can be found for their complete reconcilement, it is obvious that each will gain by their accord :—Science, by being led to regard all the pheno- mena of Nature as manifestations of the constant and all-pervading energy of a Mind of infinite perfection;—Beligion, by obtaining that expansion and definition of its ideas as to the unlimited range 692 Of Mind and Will in Nature. and predetermined order of the Divine operations, which the Scientific conception of them can alone afford (§§ 586-588). 574. In the first place, it should be clearly understood that Science is nothing else than Man's Intellectual representation cf the phenomena of Nature,—his conception of the Order of the Universe in the midst of which he is placed. That conception is formulated in what he terms Laws of Nature; which, in their primary sense, are simply expressions of phenomenal uniformities, having no coercive power whatever. The whole problem of the Scientific investigation of Nature from this point of view has been thus stated by Mr. J. S. Mill in his System of Logic :—" What are the fewest assumptions, which being granted, the Order of Nature as it exists would be the result 1 What are the fewest general propositions, from which all the Uniformities existing in Nature could be deduced ]"—Of such propositions we have a characteristic type in Kepler's three Laws of Planetary Motion ; which simply express the systematized results he obtained by his comparison of the observed places of Mars, and the definite proportion he dis- covered between the times and distances of the six Planets known to him ; without affording any valid ground for the assurance that the same Laws would hold good elsewhere. And the motions of other Planets could no more be said to be "explained" or " accounted for," by their conformity to those of Mars, than the fall of a stone to the ground would be "explained" or "accounted-for" by the statement that " all stones (unsupported) fall to the ground,"— the multiplication of similar phenomena only leading to the con- clusion that there is a common Cause for the whole, without giving any indication of what that cause is.—The utmost hold that purely phenomenal Laws can have upon our minds, is derived from that Belief in the Uniformity of Nature, which has become one of our primary Tendencies of Thought (§ 201). As Mr. Herbert Spencer has well remarked {First Principles, p. 112):— " AB minds have been advancing towards a belief in the constancy Docfrine of Causation. 693 of surrounding co-existences and sequences. Familiarity with special uniformities has generated the abstract conception of Uniformity— the idea of Law ; and this idea has been in successive generations slowly gaining fixity and clearness. . . . Wherever there exist phenomena of which the dependence is not yet ascertained, these most cultivated intellects, impelled by the conviction that here, too, there is some invariable connection, proceed to observe, compare, and experiment; and when they discover the law to which the phenomena conform, as they eventually do, their general belief in the universality of Law is further strengthened.....This habitual recognition of Law distinguishes modern thought from ancient thought." To speak of such phenomenal Laws, however, as governing pheno- mena, is altogether unscientific ; such laws being nothing else than comprehensive expressions of aggregates of particular facts, and nivinjr no rationale of them whatever. 575. When, however, we not only look at bodies in motion, but tiy to resist their motion by an exertion of our own, or use a similar exertion in giving motion to a body at rest, we «re led by our own sense of effort in making it to an entirely new conception, that of Force ; and no advance in the Philosophy of Science has been greater, than that which has of late years extended the notion of Force, from the agency wdiich produces or resists the Motion of masses, to the agencies which are concerned in producing the molecular changes which Ave refer to Heat, Light, Electricity, Magnetism, cVrc. The Man of Science of the present day is thus enabled to attach a distinct idea to that efficient causation, which Logicians have con- tinually denied, but which the Common Sense of Mankind has universally recognized.—When the Cause of any event is spoken of, in common parlance, we certainly attach to the term the idea of power, at the same time that we include the notion of the conditions under which that power operates ; and this view of the case can be shown to be scientifically correct. For though the Logician may define the " cause " of any event to be " the antecedent, or the con- " currence of antecedents, on which it is invariably and uncondition- 694 Of Mind and Will in Nature. ally consequent" (Mill, Op. cit), it is uniformly found, wdien this assemblage of antecedents is analyzed, that they may be resolved into two categories, which may be distinguished as the dynamical and the material; the former supplying a force or power to which the change must be attributed, wdiilst the latter afford the condi- tions under which that power is exerted. Thus in a Steam-Engine, we see the dynamical agency of Heat made to produce Mechanical power, by the mode in which it is applied- first, to impart a mutual repulsion to the particles of water,—and then, by means of that mutual repulsion, to give motion to the various solid parts of which the machine is composed. And thus, if asked what is the cause of the movement of the Steam-Engine, we distinguish in our reply between the dynamical condition supplied by the Heat, and tho assemblage of material conditions afforded by the collocation of the boiler, cylinder, piston, valves, &c.—So, again, if we are asked what is the cause of the movement of a Spinning-mule, we refer it to its con- nection by bands or wheels with some shaft, which itself derives its power to move from a Steam-engine or a Water-wheel; these material collocations here again serving to supply the conditions under which the Force (which, in each case, is ultimately Heat) becomes opera- tive.—In like manner, if we inquire into the cause of the germination of a Seed, which has been brought to the surface of the earth, after remaining dormant, through having been buried deep beneath the soil, for (it may be) thousands of years, we are told that the phenomenon depends upon warmth, moisture, and oxygen: but out of these wo single Heat as the dynamical condition ; whilst the oxygen and the water, with the organized structure of the seed itself, and the organic compounds which are stored up in its substance, constitute the matirial conditions. The Material conditions, in fact, merely furnish the fuel and the mechanism; it is the Force or Power that does the work. 576. The strictest Scientific inquiry, then, must recognize Dynamical agency as fundamentally distinct from Material con- ditions ; and by this recognition we bring our Scientific concep- tion into harmony with the universal Consciousness of Mankind, which, as Sir John Herschel has truly said, is as completely in lazus of Nature. 695 accord in regard to the existence of a real and intimate connection between Cause and Effect, as it is in regard to the existence of an External World. Now as it is universally admitted that our notion of that External World would be very incomplete, if our Visual perceptions were not supplemented by our Tactile, so our interpretation of the phenomena of the Universe would be very inadequate, if we did not mentally co-ordinate the idea of Force with that of Motion ; and it has been by such co-ordination that all those higher conceptions of the Order of Nature have been arrived at, Avhich it is the greatest glory of Science to have attained, and which are the chief sources of Mau's power. 577. The grandest and most comprehensive of these, the Law of Gravitation, is an expression of the fact that everywhere and under all circumstances, two masses of matter attract one another in certain definite ratios ; and the term " attract" implies that they are drawn together by a force, similar to that which directly impresses itself upon our consciousness by the sense of effort Ave experience when we lift a pound-wTeight from the ground, and which furnishes the unit by which the weights of the Earth, the Sun, and the other bodies of the Solar System are estimated. From this dynamical assumption, combined with those other assumptions that are embodied in the Newtonian " Laws of Motion," not only bave all the observed Uniformities both of Celestial and Terrestrial Motion (including those embodied in Kepler's Laws) been derived .deductively, but predictions have been draAvn in advance of obser- vation, of which the verification has never yet been wanting. And thus a Law which expresses the invariable conditions (so far as known to us) of the action of a Force of whose existence we are directly cognizant, impresses our minds with an assurance of its universality and its constancy, which no mere generalized expression of " co-existences and sequences " could carry with it. 578. In like manner, the Undulatory Theory of Sound, Light, Heat, and Actinism, and the Doctrine of Electric and Magnetic 696 Of Mind and Will in Nature. Polarity, are dynamical conceptions, whose gradual approximation in completeness and simplicity to the Law of Gravitation, constb tutes the strongest assurance of their truth. Another hypothesis recently propounded, that of Molecular Motion, is regarded by some of our most advanced Physicists as likely to bring under one and the same dynamical expression the Newtonian Law of Universal Gravitation, the Laws of Diffusion of Liquids and Gases, and many other subordinate Laws of which no rationale has yet been given. And the intimate relations which have been proved to exist between Chemical Affinity, on the one hand, and Heat, Electricity, and even Mechanical Force, on the other, leave it scarcely open to question that the Laws of Chemical Combination, which are at present only in their phenomenal stage, will ere long be brought within a definite dynamical expression. This is also the tendency of modern Physiological inquiry ; which, abandoning the old dqctrine of a " Vital Principle " as a mere refuge for ignor- ance, fixes its attention on the dynamical conception of a Vital Force, differing in its manifestations from Heat, Electricity, Mechanical Force, &c, as the several manifestations of those Forces differ from each other; but definitely " correlated" with them, as they are correlated to each other. It has been one object of this Treatise to show that the like " correlation" exists between Nerve-force (one of the modes of Vital Force) and Mind- force ; and that the latter is thus mediately brought into relation with the Physical Forces of Nature. 579. The culminating point of Man's Intellectual interpretation of Nature, may be said to be his recognition of the Unity of the Power, of which her phenomena are the diversified manifestations. Towards this point all Scientific inquiry now tends. For the Convertibility of the Physical Forces, the Correlation of these with the Vital, and the intimacy of that nexus between Mental and Bodily activity, which, explain it as we may, cannot be denied, all lead upward towards one and the same conclusion,—the Unity of Causative Power. 697 source of all Power in Mind ; and that philosophical conclu- sion is the apex of a pyramid, which has its foundation in the primitive instincts of Humanity. By our own remote progenitors, as by the untutored savage of the present day, every change in which Human agency was not apparent, was referred to a particular Animating Intelligence.* And thus they attributed not only the movements of the Heavenly bodies, but all the phenomena of Nature, each to its own Deity. These deities were invested with more than human poAver ; but they were also supposed capable of human passions, and subject to human capriciousness. As the Uniformities of Nature came to be more distinctly recognized, some of these deities were invested with a dominant control, while others were supposed to be their subordinate ministers. A serene majesty was attributed to the greater Gods who sit above the clouds; wdiilst their inferiors might " come down to earth in the likeness of men." With the growth of the Scientific study of Nature, the conception of its harmony and unity gained ever-increasing strength. Among the most enlightened of the Greek and Boman philosophers, wre find a distinct recognition of the idea of the Unity of the directing Mind from which the Order of Nature proceeds ; for they obviously believed that, as our modern poet has expressed it,— '' All are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose body Nature is, and God the Soul." And thus, whilst the deep-seated instincts of Humanity, and the profoundest researches of Philosophy, alike point to Mind as the one and only source of Power, it is the high prerogative of Science to demonstrate the unity of the Power which is operating through the limitless extent and variety of the Universe, and to trace its continuity through the vast series of ages that have been occupied in its evolution. * See Tylor's Piimitive Culture (London, 1871), Chaps, xi.-xvii. 31 698 Of Mind and Will in Nature. 580. But if such be the legitimate tendency of Scientific inquiry, the question arises why—especially in these days—so many of its votaries should place themselves in an attitude of direct antagonism to Beligion. The answer to this question seems threefold ; and each point needs a separate consideration. 581. In the first place, there has been, for several centuries past, a constant endeavour on the part of the upholders of Theological creeds and Ecclesiastical systems, either to repress Scientific inquiry altogether, or to limit its range. While accepting, with the rest of the world, those results of Scientific labour which contribute to their own comfort or enjoyment,— making no objection to Science, so long as it confines itself to giving them Steam-engines and Bailroads, Gas-lighting and Electric Telegraphs,—such Theologians maintain that the minds of men wdio devote the best powers of their lives to the search for the Truth as it is in Nature, are to be " cribb'd, cabin'd, and con- fined " by narrow interpretations of the Bible ; and now think to put down the great Scientific hypothesis which is engaging much of the best thought of our time, by citing the text, " God made man in His own image," just as, three centuries ago, they declared the Copernican system to be a pernicious error, because Joshua commanded the Sun and Moon to stand still, and even yet denounce Geologists as sceptics or even infidels, because they refuse to accept as revealed truth that God made heaven and earth in six days, and rested the seventh day.—It is not strange, then, that Men of Science should not only rebel against such self-constituted domination, but should repudiate the whole system of Belief of which it is the expression. For all History shows that nothing drives men to the extreme of license, so surely as tyrannical restriction. The juste milieu can only be found by those who arc free to seek for it. 582. In the second place, there is in what claims to be the " orthodox" systems of Theology, so much that runs counter to Antagonism of Theology to Science. 699 the strongest and best instincts of Humanity, that those who have been led by Scientific study to build up their " fabric of thought" on the basis of their own Intellectual and Moral Intuitions, find it impossible to fit into this (§ 321) a set of doctrines which are altogether conformable to it. They cannot reconcile, for example, the everlasting damnation of all such as are unable to accept a body of unintelligible Dogma, with any conception they can form cither of a Righteous Creator or of a Loving Father. Nor can they conceive that either the performance of the Baptismal rite, or the Atoning sacrifice of a Divinity, can be the condition on Avhich depends the rescue of an innocent child from eternal torment. Xor, again, can they regard as acceptable worship of a Beneficent Cod, the utterance of imprecations conceived in a spirit of hatred and vengeance worthy only of the votaries of a Moloch, and alto- gether inconsistent with those later teachings of Christianity, which have revealed to us the highest and holiest elements of our own nature, elements which most distinctly bear the impress of the Divine.—So long as this is the haven to which " orthodox" Theology invites Men of Science, the great mass of them will most assuredly avoid it altogether; and, unless they can find an anchorage elsewhere, will drift away into either vague w?ibelief or absolute disbelief. 583. While Theologlical Systems are thus answrerable for two sources of Scientific antagonism to Beligion, a third arises out of the tendencies of Scientific research itself. For the more constant and invariable the great Agencies of Nature are found to be, and the more what at first seemed exceptional phenomena are brought within the domain of LawT,—the more, on a superficial view, does it appear as if the Order of Nature were simply mechanical, going on of itself, as it has done through all the past, and will continue to do through the future. But a deeper scrutiny has shown us that the Man of Science cannot dispense with the notion of a Tower always working throughout the Mechanism of the Universe; 1 700 Of Mind and Will in Nature. and that, on Scientific grounds alone, this Power may be regarded as the expression of Mind. And anything else than unvarying Uniformity in the mode of operation of that Mind, would be an indication of its defect rather than of its perfection. For if all tho agencies of Nature are the unconscious ministers of an All-wise and All-powerful Buler, they Avill work-out His bidding like the dis- ciplined members of a large and well-ordered household, in which everyone knows his work and does it. Surely it would be strange if any who should watch these servants in the performance of their several duties,—should study the successions of every hour, should find each doing at a certain prefixed time and place exactly that Avhich proves most suitable to the occasion, and should thus finally arrive at a conception of the harmony and complete- ness of the whole scheme of domestic economy,—were to be led by this very harmony and completeness to regard that as a mere mechanical routine, which is really the silent invisible action of the directing Will, and were to see the operation of that Will only in such departures from the system as may be required to meet contingencies for which no human foresight can provide.* 584. Turning now to the other side of the inquiry, w*e have to consider briefly what is the real basis of Beligion, what is its essen- tial nature, and whether there is anything necessarily inconsistent in its teachings with the results of Scientific inquiry.—The only secure basis for Beligion consists in Man's own religious conscious- ness ; since it is as impossible that any Bevelation should make a man religious, whose inner nature does not respond to its teach- ings, as that any instruction should make a man a Musician, who has not got a " musical ear." This Beligious Consciousness maybe considered to arise, in the first place, from that capacity for the ideal which seems to be the distinctive attribute of Man (§97); whilst it is progressively developed, refined, and elevated, in accordance * See Dr. Chalmers's Sermon on The Constancy of Nature and the Failhfulnest of God, in Vol. vii. of his collected "Works. Pantheism and Anthropomorphism. 701 with the general expansion of his Intellect, the exaltation of his Moral Sense, and the purification of his Aspirations, so as to shape out for itself, more and more distinctly, a Divine Ideal (§ 213). And in proportion as every one determinately endeavours to bring his own character and conduct into accordance with that ideal (§ 339), is he (in the truest sense of the term) a religious man. 585. Now whilst the conception which each individual forms of the Divine Nature will depend in great degree upon his own habits of thought, there are two extremes towards one or other of which most of the current notions on this subject may be said to tend, and between which they have oscillated in all periods of the history of Monotheism. These are Pantheism aud Anthropomorphism. —Towards the Pantheistic aspect of Deity, we are especially led by the philosophic contemplation of His agency in external Nature; for in proportion as we fix our attention exclusively upon the "laws" which express the orderly sequence of its phenomena, and upon the "forces" whose agency we recognize as their efficient causes, do we come to think of the Divine Being as the mere first principle of the Universe,—as an all-comprehensive " law" to which all other laws are subordinate, as that most general "cause" of which all the Physical forces are but mani- festations. This conception embodies a great truth, and a fundamental error. Its truth is the recognition of the universal and all-controlling agency of the Deity, and of His presence in Creation rather than on the outside of it. Its error lies in the absence of any distinct recognition of that conscious volitional agency, which is the essential attribute of Personality; for without this there can be no Moral Government, and Man's worthiest aspirations after the Divine Ideal would have no real object.—The Anthropo- morphic conception of Deity, on the other hand, arises from the too exclusive contemplation of our own nature as the type of the Divine : and although, in the highest form in which it may be held, it represents the Deity as a Being in whom all Man's 702 Of Mind and Will in Nature. noblest attributes are expanded to Infinity, yet it is practically limited and degraded by the impossibility of fully realizing such au existence to our minds; the failings and imperfections in- cident to our Human nature being attributed to the Divine, in proportion as the standard of Intellectual and Moral de- velopment attained by each individual limits his idea of possible excellence. Even the lowest form of any such conception, hoAvever, embodies (like the Pantheistic) a great truth, though mingled with a large amount of error. It represents the Deity as a person ,■ that is, as possessed of that Intelligent Volition, wdiich we recognize in ourselves as the source of the power we determinately exert, through our bodily organism, upon the world around; and it invests Him also with those Moral attributes, which place Him in sympathetic relation with His sentient creatures. But this con- ception is erroneous, in so far as it represents the Divine Nature as restrained in its operations by any of those limitations which are inherent in the very constitution of Man ; and, in particular, because it leads tliose who accept it, to think of the Creator as " a remote and retired mechanician, inspecting from without the engine of creation to see how it performs," and as either leaving it entirely to itself when once it has been brought into full activity, or as only interfering at intervals to change the mode of its operation. 58Q. Now the Truths which these views separately contain, are in perfect harmony with each other; and the very act of bringing them into combination effects the elimination of the errors with which they were previously associated. For the idea of the universal and all-controlling agency of the Deity, and of His immediate presence throughout Creation, is not found to be in the least degree inconsistent with the idea of His personality ; when that idea is freed from the limitations which cling to it in the minds of those who have not expanded their Anthropomorphic conception by the Scientific contemplation of Nature. And tho Harmony of Science and Religion. 703 Man of Science who studies not only the Mechanism of Nature, but the Forces which give Life and Motion to that Mechanism, and who fixes his thought on that conception of force as an ex- pression of will, which we derive from our own experience of its production, is thus led to recognize the universal and constantly sustaining agency of the Deity in every phenomenon of the Universe; and to feel that in the Material Creation itself, he has the same distinct evidence of His personal existence and ceaseless activity, as he has of the agency of Intelligent Mind in the creations of Artistic Genius, or in the elaborate products of Mechanical skill, or in those written records of Thought and Feeling which arouse our own Psychical nature into kindred activity. 587. That any antagonism should be supposed to exist between tliose " Laws" which express the Uniformities of Nature dis- covered by Science, and the Will of the Author of Nature as manifested in those uniformities,—so as for the acceptance of the former to exclude the notion of the latter,—can only arise either from an unworthy conception of the Deity as an arbitrary and capricious ruler, or from an unphilosophical conception of the real meaning of Science as the intellectual interpretation of Naturae It is on the highest, not on the lowest, form of Human Will, that we should base our ideas of the Divine;—upon such a Will as sets before it a great and good object, steadily perseveres in the course that leads towards its accomplishment, shapes its mode of operation to the best of its limited foreknowledge, is not dis- couraged by temporary failures, and finally succeeds because the means employed were on the whole adapted to bring about the result, Now, if the Foreknowledge be iufinite, there will be no failures, because all fruitless efforts will be prevented by the prevision of the inadequacy of the means. And if the Power be infinite, there will be no limitation of choice, except as to the means which will best conduce to the end in view. 704 Of Mind and Will in Nature. 588. Hence there is a perfect conformity between the Scientific idea of "Law," as expressive of Uniformity of action, and the Theological idea of " Will" exerting itself with a fixed purpose according to a predetermined plan ; and of the existence of such a plan, the Bevelations of Science furnish Theology with its best evidence. For the Immutability of the Divine Nature is nowhere more clearly manifested, than in that continuance of the same mode of action,—not merely through the limited period of Human experience, but, as we have now strong reason to believe (on Scientific grounds alone), from the very commencement of the present system of the Universe,—which enables us to discern somewhat of the Plan on which the Creator has acted, and is still acting. If His every action were immediately prompted by present contingencies, instead of being the result of predetermination based on perfect knowledge of the future, there could be no Law. If that knowledge were, like Man's, imperfect, though we might trace a general method when the arrangements were viewed in their totality, the details would have much of that unsteadiness and occasional want of consistency, which we perceive in the actions of even the best-regulated Human mind. The laws would be made to bend to the necessities of the time ; and new interpositions would be continually necessary, to correct the errors that would occasionally arise in the working of the machine. So far, however, is this from being the case in the Divine operations, that, in the only department of Science (Astro- nomy) in which the Philosopher has been able, from the simplicity of the phenomena, to attain to anything like a complete generaliza- tion of them, he has every reason to believe that the same Laws have been in operation from the beginning, or, in other words, that the work of Creation was commenced upon a plan so perfect, that no subsequent change in this plan has been required; 589. The Scientific sense of the term "Law," therefore,—con- sidered simply as Man's expression of Uniformity of Sequence Uniformity of Sequence in Nature. 705 within the range of his limited experience,—so far from being in antagonism with the motion of Will, is only in antagonism with that idea of inconstancy in its mode of exercise, which belongs to a Theology now disowned by the best thinkers of our time. Not even Mr. Herbert Spencer could express himself on the constancy of Nature (§ 574) more explicitly than did Dr. Chalmers more than forty years ago :—■ " It is no longer doubted by men of science, that every remaining semblance of irregularity in the Universe is due, not to the fickleness of Nature, but to the ignorance of Man,—that her most hidden movements are conducted with a uniformity as rigorous as Fate,— that even the fitful agitations of the weather have their law and their principle,—that the intensity of every breeze, and the number of drops in every shower, and the formation of every cloud, and all the recurring alternations of storm and sunshine, and the endless shiftings of temperature, and those tremulous vibrations of the air which our instruments have enabled us to discover, but have not enabled us to explain,—that still, they follow each other by a method of succes- sion, which, though greatly more intricate, is yet as absolute in itself as the order of the seasons, or the mathematical courses of astronomy. This is the impression of every philosophical mind with regard to Nature; and it is strengthened by each new accession that is made to Science. The more we are acquainted with her, the more are we led to recognise her constancy, and to view her as a mighty though complicated machine, all whose results are sure, and all whose workings are invariable."—{Chalmers s Works, vol. vh., p. 204.) This constancy, on Avhich every man counts in the plans and intentions he forms for his future action, is, to him who has found the reconcilement between Science and Beligion, nothing else than an abiding testimony to the Infinity of the Divine Perfections. 590. There seems to be another source, howTever, for the supposed antagonism between the notion of Law and that of Will, as the governing and sustaining power of the Universe ; namely, the idea that when God is said to " govern by law," it is implied that some agency exists between Himself and Nature. This idea seems to 706 Of Mind and Will in Nature. have its origin in the imperfect analogy supplied by Human legislation,—an analogy so misleading that it might be wished that the term "law" could be altogether banished from Science, if it were not that, Avhen carefully examined, any Law of Man's devising is found to be nothing else than an expression of certain predetermined uniformities of action of the Governing Power. Whether that Power be wielded by a single individual who rules by his personal supremacy, or be vested in him as the impersona- tion of the Will of the community, or be directly exerted by the community itself, the action of the Law upon those who are subject to it, is simply the constant, though silent, operation of such Power; for the law loses all its coercive efficac3r, the moment that the power which enforces it is withdrawn by the overthrow or the paralysis of the Government which exercised it. Now if the Law, as first laid down by a Human legislator, prove inade- quate, though backed by adequate PoAver, to produce the desired effect, he modifies or changes it; such alteration being required simply on account of his limited foreknowledge. But sup- posing his ForeknoAvledge to be Infinite, all the results of any exertion of his Will that he might embody in a Law, would be so completely foreseen in the first instance, that (supposing him possessed also of adequate Power) he could adapt his Law to the purpose it is to serve, with such perfection as to render any subsequent alteration unnecessary.—In regard to the Physical Universe, then, it might be better to substitute for the phrase " Government by laws," " Government according to laws;"— meaning thereby, the direct exertion of the Divine Will, or operation of the First Cause, in the Forces of Nature, according to certain constant Uniformities, which are simply unchangeable, because—having been originally the expressions of Infinite Wisdom —any change would be for the worse. 591. Looking at the Deity, finally, in His relation to his Human offspring, we draw a like conclusion from the best results of our own Patcnial Relation of God to Man. 707 limited experience. For if aloving Father had foreknowledge enough to form at the outset all his future plans for the education of his children, and wisdom enough to adapt these plans in the best possible manner to their respective characters as progressively developed, and to all the conditions in which they may hereafter find them- selves, and power enough to carry these plans into operation, so that the course of events would not require the alteration of one tittle in their fulfilment,—surely this would be a far more perfect mani- festation of a Paternal character, than the continual change in his schemes which the Human parent is usually obliged to make, in order to adapt them to the purpose he has in view. The per- petual recurrence of obvious design, in the latter case, may be, to an ordinary bystander, more suggestive of the intentions of the parent; but the more profound observer will take another view, and will have reason to doubt, from the necessity of the perpetual change, the absolute wisdom of the controlling power. The notion of constancy and invariability in the Creator's plan, therefore,—by referring all those provisions for Man's benefit which He has placed before him, either in possession or in prospect, to the period when this present system of things had a beginning,—simply antedates the exercise of His discerning Lo\Te ; and so far from our idea of its nature losing any of its force on this account, it ought to be strengthened and enlarged, in precisely the same ratio as our ideas of His Power and Wisdom are extended by the elevation of the point from which avc view His operations, and the consequent range of the survey we take. 592. Thus, then, if Theologians will once bring themselves to look upon Nature, or the Material Universe, as the embodiment of the Divine Thought, and at the Scientific study of Nature as the endeavour to discover and apprehend that Thought (to have "thought the thoughts of God" was the privilege most highly esteemed by Kepler), they will see that it is their duty, instead of holding themselves altogether aloof from the pursuit of Science, 708 Of Mind and Will in Nature. or stopping short in the search for Scientific Truth wherever it points towards a result that seems in discordance with thcii preformed conceptions, to apply themselves honestly to the study of it, as a Bevelation of the Mind and Will of the Deity, which is certainly not less authoritative than that which He has made to us through the recorded thoughts of religiously- inspired Men, and which is fitted, in many cases, to afford its true interpretation. And they cannot more powerfully attract the Scientific student to Beligion, than by taking up his highest and grandest Thought, and placing it in that Beligious light Avhich imparts to it a yet greater glory. They will then perceh'e that although, if God be outside the Physical Universe, those extended ideas of its vastness which modern Science opens to us, remove Him further and further from us, yet, if he he embodied in it, every such extension enlarges our notion of His being. As Mr. Martineau has nobly said:—"What, indeed, have we found by moving out along all radii into the Infinite ? That the whole is woven together in one sublime tissue of intellectual relations, geometric and physical,—the realized original, of which all our Science is but the partial copy. That Science is the crowning product and supreme expression of Human reason.....Unless, therefore, it takes more mental faculty to construe a Universe than to cause it, to read the Book of Nature than to write it, we must more than ever look upon its sublime face as the living appeal of Thought to Thought." But the Theo- logian cannot rise to the height of this conception, unless he is ready to abandon the worship of every idol that is "graven by art and man's device ;"—to accept as a fellow-worker with himself every truth-seeker who uses the understanding given him by " the inspiration of the Almighty " in tracing out the Divine Order of the Universe ;—and to admit into Christian communion every one who desires to be accounted a disciple of Christ, and humbly endeavours to follow in the steps of his Divine Master (§ 339). APPENDIX, The whole of the foregoing Treatise was in type, when the Writer became acquainted with the remarkable results of the Experimental Researches which have been recently prosecuted by Dr. Ferrier into the Functions of different parts of the Brain.* Of these results, some afford full confirmation of certain general doctrines set forth in the preceding pages, giving to those doctrines an unexpected definitencss and extension; others are clear additions to our previous knowledge, which are not only important in themselves, but valuable as affording a clue to further inquiry; whilst of others, again, the precise meaning seems at present obscure. As none of them, however, appear to the Writer in any way opposed to his previous teachings, he has thought it preferable, in the present stage of the inquiry, to leave these as they stand; and to give a separate account of Dr. Ferrier's results, so far as they have yet been made public, with the conclusions which they at present seem to himseK to justify. Dr. Ferrier's researches were made by the localized application of an Electric current to different parts of the Cortical substance of the Cerebrum, and to other ganglionic centres forming part of the Brain ; the animal having been previously rendered insensible by Chloroform, so that the movements excited by this stimulation may be regarded as the direct products of the physical changes it induced. The method of applying Electricity found most effective, was that which is known as faradization; namely, the use of the interrupted current of an induction-coil, which could be increased or diminished at pleasure to meet the requirements of the case. As a rule, the current was not stronger than could be borne without great discomfort on the * Medical Reports of the Vest Riding Lunatic Asylum, vol. iii., 1873. 710 Appendix.—Dr. Ferrier on the Drain. tip of the tongue ; hut very considerable variations in its tension were found necessary, in order to produce the samo effects in different animals, and at different times in the same animal. These variations were obviously related in part to the condition of the Blood-circula- tion : the excitability of the Nerve-centres being lowered alike by tho effect of the " shock " of the severe operation necessary to expose the brain to the requisite extent, which enfeebles the action of the heart (§ 41); by the inevitable loss of Blood, which both directly di- minishes the supply, and reduces the heart's action ; and also by the depressing influence of the continued administration of chloroform upon the heart's action. It thus came about, that after great haemorrhage, and when the brain no longer showed the pulsation which marks the influx of successive waves of blood, the strongest faradization failed to stimulate. But, again, the excitability of the nerve-centres was further depressed by the direct influence of tho chloroform; though this seems to be much less strongly exerted upon the Motor, than it is upon the Sensorial centres. And, lastly, the excitability was pro- gressively reduced by repeated stimulation ; so that at last no move- ment could be called forth, though the current was much increased in strength. Yet even then, after an intermission of the experiments, during which the use of the chloroform was suspended, and the powers of the animal were refreshed by food and by the respiration of pure air, the excitability was found to have been restored. This is obviously in full accordance with the principle stated in (§§ 404-2); for while the nutritive components of the blood supply the materials whereby the nerve-substance generates and repairs itself, and its '' potential energy " accumulates, it is by the combination of the oxygen of the blood with those materials, that the potential is converted into actual energy (§ 308). The faradization of the cortical substance of the Cerebrum imme- diately produces an intense hyperemia; that is, a greatly-increased flow of blood through its closely-compacted plexus of minute vessels. This is made apparent in two ways ; first, in the increase in the size of the vessels, which is obvious to the eye; and second, in the profuse flow of venous blood that takes place from the great sinuses, which, in the quiescent state of the brain, had ceased to bleed. Several applies- tions of the electrodes to the cortical substance of the Cerebrum in rabbits, convert it into the likeness of that morbid growth, mainly consisting of blood-vessels and connective tissue, which is known as " fungus haemat-odes." The first set of Dr. Ferrier's experiments had reference to the patho- logy of Epilepsy; and were made by applying the two electrodes to Relation of Nerve-Force to -Blood-supply. 711 points of the Cerebral surface at some distance from each ether. This application excited either partial or general convulsion; the most severe fits being induced when the electrodes were applied at the greatest distance. "In all cases," says Dr. Ferrier, " whether the fits were partial or more general, the immediate, antecedent was an excited hyperEemic condition of the cortical matter of the hemispheres. The irritation was entirely confined- to the surface of the ^ hemispheres; the electrodes being simply applied, without causing mechanical or deep-seated lesion." And not only was there in every case a distinct interval between the application of the electrodes and the first convulsive movement ; but there was occasionally " a distinct interval of time after the withdrawal of the stimulation, before the condition of the grey matter had reached the pitch of tension requisite for an explosive discharge. This of itself is sufficient to show that the effects were not due to conducted currents or direct stimulation of the motor nerves of the muscles, but to an abnormal excitability or irritability of parts, whose function, it might be inferred, was to initiate those changes which would result in normal contraction of the muscles affected."—{Op. cit., p. 39.) Nothing, it must be obvious, could more strikingly illustrate the principle, that while the ordinaiy Circulation suffices to keep up the nervous tension of the ganglionic centres to the point required for motorial discharge by automatic or volitional '' closure of the circuit," the higher state of tension induced by hyperemia is itself sufficient to produce spontaneous motorial discharges (§§ 308-311). It seems to the Writer that the above principles may be fairly ex - tended to all the cases in which local faradization produced special motor results; for although the immediateness of these results in the slate of normal excitability might seem to indicate they proceeded from direct stimulation of the ganghonic nerve-substance itself, yet when the excitability is depressed by exhaustion, a distinct interval is perceptible. And that the "expressive" movements excited by the localized faradization really depend (like the epileptic con- vulsion) upon the hyperaemic state which it induces, seems to bo further indicated by their frequent persistence after the discon- tinuance of the stimulation;—a dog, for example, continuing to hold up his head and wag his tail, or to utter cries as of pain (though completely stupefied by chloroform), after the withdrawal of the electrodes from the respective centres of these actions. For this could scarcely be the case, if the stimulus acted directly on the nerve-sub- stance ; whilst it is quite consistent with the fact that the hyperaemic state does not immediately subside. And further, it is a consideration of no small importance, that no motor effect is produced by the faradiza- tion of the fibres which make-up the medullary substance of the Cerebrum, which might be expected to respond to this stimulus if 712 Appendix.—Dr. Ferrier on the Brain. it acted directly upon the elements of the nerve-tissue, as in tho galvanization of an ordinaiy nerve. The general characteristic of the Movements called forth by the local stimulation of the cortical substance of the Cerebrum, is that they are such as involve the co-ordination of several distinct muscular actions ; and resemble those which, in an animal in possession of its senses, we should regard as expressive of Ideas and Emotions. Thus, in a Cat, the application of the electrodes at point 2 (Fig. 14) caused "elevation of the shoulder and adduction of the limb, exactly as when a cat strikes a ball with its paw ;" at point 4, "immediate corrugation of the left eye- brow, and drawing downwards and inwards of the left ear;" at point 5, "the Fig. 14. Side View op Brain of Cat :—a, crucial sulcus dividing anterior convolutions ; b, fissure of Sylvius ; c, olfactory bulb. animal exhibits signs of pain, screams and kicks with both hind legs, especially the left, at the same time turning its head round and looking behind in an astonished manner ;" at point 6, " clutching movement of the left paw, with pro- trusion of the claws;" at point 13, "twitching backwards of the left ear, and rotation of the head to the left and slightly upwards, as if the animal were listening ;" at point 17, "restlessness, opening of the mouth, and long-continued cries as if of rage or pain ;" at point 18 (on the under side of the hemisphere, not shown in the figure), "the animal suddenly starts up, throws back its head, opens its eyes widely, lashes its tail, pants, screams and spits as if in furious rage ; " and at point 20, " sudden contraction of the muscles of the front of the chest and neck, and of the depressors of the lower jaw, with panting movement."— Similar results were so constantly obtained, with variations obviously depending upon the degree of excitability and the strength of the stimulus, that the localiza- tion of the centres of these and other actions was placed beyond doubt; the movements of the paws being centralized in the region between points 1, 2, and 6 ; those of the eyelids and face between 7 and 8 ; the lateral movements of the head and ear in the region of points 9 to 14 ; and the movements of the mouth, tongue, and jaws, with certain associated movements of the neck, bein<* localized in the convolutions bordering On the fissure of Sylvius (b), which marks the divi- sion between the anterior and middle lobes of tlie Cerebrum,—tho centre for Localized Functions of Cerebral Convolutions. 713 opening the mouth being in front of the under part of the fissure, while that which acts in closure of the jaws is more in the fissure. A similar series of experiments on Dogs gave results that closely accorded with the foregoing ; allowance being made for the somewhat different disposition of the convolutions, in accordance with the dif- ferent habits of the animals, showing itself in the higher development of the centres for fhe paw in cats, and for the tail in dogs. Thus when the electrodes were applied at point 9 (Fig. 15), " the tail was moved from side to side, and ultimately became rigidly erect;" within the circle 10, the application " elicited only cries, as if of pain ;" at point 14 a continued applica- tion gave rise to the following remarkable series of actions :—"It began with wagging of the tail and spasmodic twitching of the left ear. After the cessation Fie:. 15. Side View of Brain of Dog :—a, crucial sulcus ; b, fissure of Sylvius ; c, olfactory bulb of the more violent spasms, the animal held up its head, opened its eyes wide with tlie most animated expression, and wagged its tail in a fawning manner. The change was so striking, that I and those about me at first thought that the animal had completely recovered from its stupor. But notwithstanding all attempts to call its attention by patting it and addressing it in soothing terms, it looked stead- fastly in the distance with the same expression, and continued to wag its tail for a minute or two, after which it suddenly relapsed into its previous state of narcotic stupor." The application of the electrodes to point 21 produced "drawing back of the head and opening of the mouth, with a feeble attempt at a cry or growl (the animal very much exhausted), ltepeated applications of the electrodes to this point and its neighbourhood caused whining and growling noises," like those which a dog makes in its sleep, and which are supposed to indicate that it is dreaming. Similar experiments having been made upon Babbits, the results were again as accordant as it would be fair to expect; especially con- 714 Appendix.—Dr. Ferrier on the Brain. sidering the difficulty in exactly localizing the different centres, which arises from the absence of the landmarks afforded by the convolutions. It is curious that in this animal the centres of the mouth-movements seem to be the most highly developed; when these (2, 7, Fig. 16) are faradized, " there are munching movements of the upper" lip, and grinding of the jaws, as if the animal were eating vigorously." Dr. Ferrier has since made a series of experiments on the Monkey; of which the details are as yet unpublished, but which seem to be yet more remarkable than the preceding, in the far greater variety of the movements called forth from different cen- tres, and their more distinctly expressive character. These results will also be of peculiar interest, on account of the close conformity which the simple arrangement of the convolutions in the Monkey bears to their more complex disposition in the Human Cerebrum (§ 10G). They correspond with those of the previous experiments in this important particular— that those centres of movement which may be regarded as giving ex- pression to attributes that Man shares with the higher Mammalia, are all located in the anterior lobes and the anterior portion of the middle lobes, the part of Man's Cerebrum which corresponds with the entire Cerebrum of the lower Mammalia (§ 106). In the Cat and the Dog, which have the middle lobes fully developed, stimulation of their posterior portion produces no respondent movement. And not only is this the case in the Monkey also; hut the ivhole of the posterior lobe is similarly irresponsive, as is also that front portion of the anterior lobes, which, in all the higher Mammalia, as in Man, is produced by that forward as well as lateral development, which markedly distinguishes it from the corresponding part of the Cerebrum of the Eabbit. What may be the special functions of these parts, we can scarcely, do more than guess at; but the negative fact just stated maybe considered-as a decided confirmation of the conclusion arrived at by the Writer twunty-seven years ago, on the basis of Comparative Anatomy and Embryology*,—that the posterior lobes of the Cerebrum are the * See his Review of " Noble on the Brain and its Physiology," in the "British and Foreign Medical Review," for October, 1846. Upper surface of Brain of Rabbit :—a, Cere- brum ; b, Cerebellum ; c, Olfactory bulb. Functions of Lower Ganglionic Centres. 715 instruments, not {as maintainedby Phrenologists) of those passions and propensities which Man shares with the lower Animals, but of attributes peculiar to Man, which we fairly may suppose to consist in such Mental operations of a purely Intellectual character as do not express themselves in bodily action. Before considering the further conclusions to be drawn from tho results of Dr. Ferrier's experiments on the Cerebrum, it will be well to take into account those which he obtained from the application of the like stimulation to other ganglionic centres forming part of the Brain. When either of the Corpora Striata (§ 89) was thus excited to activity, an immediate and rigid pleurosthotonos, or bending of the body to one side, was excited in the opposite half of the body; the head being made to approximate the tail, the muscles of the face and neck being thrown into rigid tonic spasm, and the fore and hind limbs fixed and rigidly flexed. Apparently every muscle or group of muscles represented in the convolutions, along with the lateral muscles of the body, were stimulated to contraction from tho corpus striatum; the predominance of the flexors over the extensors, however, being very marked. Similar excitation of the Thalami Optici, on the other hand, gave no motor result whatever; from which it may be concluded that they have no direct connection with movement. That the irritation did not call forth cries or other signs of pain, might be supposed equally conclusive against the idea that these ganglionic centres are instrumentally connected with sensation; but when it is borne in mind, not only that the animal was under the influence of chloroform, but that the connection of the irritated Thalamus with the Cerebral centres of the movements which express pain had been destroyed in order to expose this ganglion, the absence of any such expression seems adequately accounted for.—Experiments on the Corpora Quadrigemina (or Optic Ganglia) were chiefly made on Babbits, in which these centres are relatively very large and are easily exposed (§ 85). The application of the electrodes to the anterior tubercles immediately calls forth a violent opisthotonos, or backward flexure of the body; so that, if the animal be not tied down, it executes a backward summersault which throws it off the table. The jaws are always violently clenched, and the pupils are dilated. These results do not militate against the idea of the connection of these ganglionic centres with the sense of Vision, which seems to he well established by other evidences ; but they show that they are also motor centres, especially for the extensor muscles. Stimulation of the posterior tubercles occasioned noises of various kinds. Dr. Fender's experiments on tho Cerebellum have led him to tho 716 Appendix.—Dr. Ferrier on the Brain. unexpected conclusion that it is the ganglionic centre of tho motor nerves of the Eye; every kind of movement of the eye-balls,—even rotation on their antero-posterior axes,—being capable of excitation by stimulating some particular portion of the organ. The localization of the centres of combined movements of the two eyeballs in particular lobules of the Cerebellum in the Babbit was extremely curious. Thus, when the electrodes were applied to the median lobe at point 1 (Fig. 17), " the right eye moved outwards, and the left inwards, in a horizontal plane;" at points 2 and 3, the "right eye moved inwards, and the left outwards on the same horizontal plane." Thus it appears that the middle lobe regulates those horizontal movements of the eyes which are harmonious but not symme- trical ; and that the upper part of the median lobe, and its middle and lower parts, are in functional antagonism. 'When the electrodes were applied to point 4 on the left lateral lobe, "the right eye moved downwards and outwards, Fisr. 17. the left eye upwards and inwards;" and when the corresponding point of the right lateral lobe was stimulated, " the right eye moved upwards and inwards, and the left eye downwards and outwards ; " while conjoint irritation of both lateral points neutralizes both effects. When the middle division of the left lateral lobe was irritated at point 5, a downward movement of the right eye, and an upward movement of the left eye, were combined with a rotation of each globe on its antero-posterior axis, tlie left in the direction of the hands of a clock, the right in the contrary direction. But when the irrita- tion was applied at point 6 to the lowest division of the left lateral lobe, the two eyes rotated on their antero-posterior axes in the same direc- tion, contrary to that of the hands of the clock, so that their vertical meridians retained their parallelism.—This last action is what takes place automatically when we fix our gaze at any object, and incline our head to the right side; the rotation of the eyeballs in the opposite direction serving to keep the image of the object on the same spot of the retina, just as do the auto- matic movements of the eyeballs in the vertical or horizontal plane, when the head is moved upwards and downwards, or from side to side (5 21). These results throw great light upon the obscurity which previously enveloped the precise function of the Cerebellum. That it was in some way concerned in the regulation and co-ordination of the Muscular movements, especially those concerned in the maintenance of the equilibrium of the body, has long been a general opinion among Physiologists, based in part on the results of experiments, and in part Upper surface of Bhain of Rabbit. Functions of Cerebellum.—General Results. 71 7 upon Pathological observation ; the doctrine of the Phrenologists, who regarded it as the organ of the generative instinct, having been long abandoned as untenable. But of the manner in which this power was exerted, nothing could be said to be precisely known. Now there can be no question as to the intimate relation between the guiding sensa- tions we derive from Vision, and the co-ordination of our ordinaiy movements of Locomotion (§ 192). In the affection termed " nystag- mus," which consists in a restless motion of the eye-balls from side to side, there is a difficulty in maintaining the equilibrium; and in the state called "locomotor ataxy," in which disease of the posterior columns cuts off the Cerebellum from its normal relation with the Spinal cord, it is impossible for the patient to maintain his equilibrium with his eyes shut (§ 80). So in the giddiness which most persons experience when they have rapidly turned round-and-round several times, it can scarcely be doubted that part at least of the result is occasioned by confusion of those visible perceptions, which would come through the oculo-motorial centres.—That this regulation of the movements of the Eyes, and the harmonization with them of the general movements of the body, constitute the entire function of the Cerebellum, it would be premature yet to assert; but Dr. Ferrier's experiments seem clearly to establish the first of these, and strongly to indicate the second, as essential parts of its action. We now return to the inquiry as to the import of the experimental results previously detailed, in regard to the localization of Cerebral action in the production of Movement, and its relation to Mental states. In the first place, they unmistakably prove the correctness of the doctrine, that the Cerebrum, like the nerve-centres on which it is superposed, has a reflex action of its own; which manifests itself in tho production of co-ordinated movements, such as, in the normal condi- tion of the animal, would he the expressions of Ideas and Emotions called forth by Sensations. The Cortical ganglion is ordinarily excited to activity by the nerve-force transmitted upwards along the ascending fibres from the Sensorium; this calls forth respondent physical changes in its substance, which changes excite the states of con- sciousness that we designate as Ideas and Emotions; and respondent Movements are involuntarily called forth, which we regard as expressions of those states. The same movements are called forth (as in other instances) by stimulation applied to their motor centres ■ which are now proved to be definitely localized in the Cerebral con- Volutions. 718 Appendix.—Dr. Ferrier on the Brain. But, secondly, it seems equally clear that these movements arc called forth, not by the Mental states themselves, but by the Cerebral changes which are their physical antecedents. For we can scarcely believe that Ideas and Emotions can be called up by faradization of the cortical substance, in animals completely stupefied by chloroform. And if we attribute any of those "expressive" actions which are called forth by such localized stimulation, to the states of conscious- ness they would ordinarily represent,* we cannot refuse the like character to the Epileptic convulsion caUed forth by the more general stimulation; a supposition at once disproved by the fact, that in tho typical forms of Epilepsy, convulsive movements, such as have now been traced to "discharging lesions" of the Cerebrum, t take place without any' consciousness whatever. Viewed in this aspect, Dr. Ferrier's results obviously afford additional support to the doctrine of "Unconscious Cerebration;" by showing that important Cerebral modifications of which only the results make themselves known, may take place outside the " sphere of consciousness" (§§ 416-418). In the third place, we seem able to draw from these experimental results a more definite rationale than we previously possessed, as to tho automatic performance in Man, of movements which originally pro- ceeded from intentional direction. For it is clear that in Dogs, Cats, Babbits, &c, the co-ordinated actions which result from localized stimulation of the Cerebral convolutions,—expressing, by the Nervous mechanism proper to each species, the Mental states naturally called up by their sensational experiences,—are as truly the "reflex actions of the Cerebrum," as the simpler forms of movement are of the Axial Cord. Now the Nervous mechanism of Man, as has been pointed out over and over again in the preceding pages, forms itself in accord- ance with the modes in which it is habitually called into action ; and thus, it may well be believed, any special modes of co-ordinated movement to which an individual has been trained, or has trained himself, come to be so completely the reflex actions of particular * Dr. Ferrier was himself so much impressed in one case by the intelligent character of the succession of actions thus called-forth, as to speak of it as "evidently an acted dream." But if this was, then every other must be regarded in the same light; and the Writer fails to see in what the evidence of conscious- ness consists. It seems to him that it might just as well be faid that the healless body of a Frog is animated by a directing Will, when one leg wipes off an irritant applied to the other (§ 67). _ f This view of the origin of those forms of Epilepsy which commence with convul- sive spasm of the muscles ordinarily put in action voluntarily, as distinguished from those which primarily affect the muscles of Respiration whose centre of act'mn is the Medulla Oblongata, is due to the clinical sagacity of Dr. Hughlings Jackson. General Results. 719 centres of his Cerebrum, that, if we could stimulate those centres by Electricity, respondent movements of the kind acquired by such special training would be the result. And since we now seem justified in asserting that such movements may be executed unconsciously, we may further regard it as at any rate conceivable that they may be excited unconsciously, even though such excitement conies through one of the organs of Special Sense. The following statement recently made to the Writer by a gentleman of hi"h intelligence, the Editor of a most important Provincial Newspaper, would %e almost incredible, if cases somewhat similar were not already familiar to us •__ "I was formerly," he said, "a Reporter in the House of "Commons ; and it several times happened to me, that having fallen asleep from sheer fatigue to- wards the end of a debate, I found, on awaking after a short interval of entire unconsciousness, that I had continued to note down correctly the speaker's words. —I believe," he added, " that this is not an uncommon experience among Parlia- mentary Reporters." _ (Compare §§ 71, 194.)—The reading aloud with correct emphasis and intonation, or the performance of a piece of music, or (as in the case of Albert Smith) the recitation of a frequently-repeated composition, whilst the conscious mind is entirely engrossed in its own thoughts and feelings, may thus be accounted for without the supposition that the Mind is actively en^a^ed in two different operations at the same moment; which would seem tantamount to saying that there are two Egos in the same organism. Bat, fourthly, these results entirely harmonize with the view formerly expressed(§§23, 89), that the Cerebrum does not act immediately on the motor nerves, but that it plays downwards on the motor centres con^ tained within the Axial Cord ; from which, and not from the Cerebral convolutions, the motor neiwes take their real departure. For although either mechanical or electric stimulation of a motor nerve in any part of its course, of the motor columns of the Spinal Cord, or of the fibrous strands which constitute the upward prolongations of these into tho corpora striata, calls forth muscular contractions, no such contractions were excited by the faradization of the fibres of which the medullary substance of the Cerebrum is composed, any more than by mechanical stimulation. And the fact that aU the muscles concerned in the ordinary movements of the body can be thrown into contraction by stimulation of these lower centres,—the extensors through the cor- pora quadrigemina, while the flexors predominated when the corpora striata were stimulated,—seems to show that the office of the Cere- brum is not immediately to evoke, but to co-ordinate and direct the muscular contractions excited through these antagonistic primary centres; just as it controls the Respiratory movements whose centre is in the medulla oblongata. La the fifth place, these experiments throw great light on the •' crossed " action of the several ganglionic centres contained within /20 Appendix.—Dr. Ferrier on the Brain. the skull, wdiich had previously been a matter of considerable obscurity; some phenomena of disease appearing to show that the motor centres of one side act on the nerves of the opposite sido exclusively, whilst others seem to indicate that those of one side may affect the muscles on both sides. Anatomical investigation favoured the latter view, by showing that whilst some of the motor strands {corpora pyramidalia) which connect the Brain with the Spinal Cord, decussate, or cross to the opposite side, others pass continuously downwards without decussation. Now Dr. Ferrier found that the motor action of the corpora striata is strictly limited to the muscles of the opposite side of the body; being probably exerted solely through the decussa- ting strands. On the other hand, the motor action of the corpora quadrigemina is not thus limited; the extensors of both sides being called into contraction by the application of the stimulus to either Literal half of the anterior pair ; so that they would seem to act through both the decussating and the non-decussating strands. In his experi- ments on the Cerebral Hemispheres, again, Dr. Ferrier found the motor action to be generally limited to the opposite side of the body; though in some movements, particularly those of the mouth, it was obvious that muscles of both sides were put in action. Now it is well known that extensive destruction of the substance of either hemisphere, if result- ing from the gradual action of disease, may occur without any obvious loss of voluntary movement; though sudden injuries of a certain severity occasion paralysis of the opposite half of the body, which, however, is usually incomplete and of transitory duration. And Dr. F. inclines to accept the conclusion drawn by Dr. Broadbent from clinical observation, that the movements which are most independent on the two sides, are those which are most completely paralyzed by injury to one side of the Cerebrum; whilst those in which the co- operation of the muscles on both sides is required, may be sustained by the action of either hemisphere. Not improbably the great transverse commissure {corpus callosum) here comes into action, enabling either hemisphere singly to do the work—to a certain extent—of both; while there seems some ground for the belief that the left hemisphere, which chiefly directs the movements of the rigid half of the body, is the " driving " side. For in all save "left-handed" persons, any movement which may be initiated by either limb, is almost sure to be initiated by the right: thus in beginning to walk, we almost invariably put the right foot foremost; and a person desired to hold up his hand, wiU as probably hold up his right hand.* * In the well-known case of the murder of Mr Blight by Patch, in which the General Results. 721 But, sixthly, we have to inquire how far these experimental results justify the belief that there is any such localization of strictly mental states, as there is of the centres of the expression of those states in movement. And as to this it must be confessed that we are still very much in the dark,—the only fact that seems to afford any clue to the solution of the mystery, being the apparent coincidence between the motor centre of the lips and tongue in the lower animals, and that region in the human Cerebrum of which disease is so often found to be associated with Aphasia (§ 355). This association, however, seems by no means so constant as to establish a causative relation between the Physical and the Psychical state; and a careful examination of the phenomena of Aphasia would probably lead to the conclusion, that several distinct forms of disorder have been grouped under one designation. The typical Aphasia consists (as stated in § 354), in the loss of the memory of words, or rather of the power of recalling them; the patient understanding what is said to him, but not being able to reply verbally, because he is unable to call to mind the words which would express his thoughts. Such patients are exactly in the condition of the "Biologized" subject (§462), who, being assured that he cannot recollect his own name, finds himself absolutely unable to do so. But in other instances, it would seem as if the defect were not so much in tho want of the memory of words, as in the want of power to express them vocaUy; and this, not from paralysis of the nerves of speech, but from an interruption to the action of the Will on the motor centres (§ 312). And although there would seem strong ground for the belief that the memory of particular classes of ideas may be thus localized, yet it would be certainly premature to affirm that either the phenomena of disease, or the results of experiments, at present justify the belief that the region in question is the seat of the memory of words.—The analogy afforded by the specialization of downward (motor) action, would lead us to anticipate that a like contralization may exist for upward (sensory) action; and that particular parts of the convolutions may be the special centres of the classes of perceptional Ideas that are automatically called up by sense-impressions; and anatomical investiga- tion, particularly in the lower animals—in which such ideas may be supposed to prevail almost to the exclusion of the intellectual ideas- may not improbably throw light on this relation. But in regard to those Mental processes which mainly consist in the selection, classification, Bagacity of Sir Astley Cooper enabled him to infer from an examination of the local circumstances, that the pistol must have been fired by a left-handed man, the prisoner, when called upon to plead and hold up his right hand, held up his left. 722 Appendix.-—Dr. Ferrier on the Brain. and comparison of distinct Ideas (§ 227), whether these processes be carried on volitionally or automatically, it still seems to the Writer just as absurd as it formerly did *, to suppose that there can be special " organs " for their performance, such as those named Comparison and Causality in the Phrenological system. * British and Foreign Medical Review, October, 1846, INDEX. Abercrombie, Dr., cited from, on reproduction of sensorial states, 112; on spectral illusions, 166; on memory, 430, 438, 439, 443, 451, 452 ; on dreaming, 587; on somnambulism, 593, 600 Abstraction, state of, 544-543 Acquired Habits, 213-217; mainte- nance of, 218, 345-351; heredi- tary transmission of, 90,104., 371- 374; (see Habit) Acquired Intuition of common sense, 473 Acquired Perceptions, 181-204 ; (see Perceptions) Actors, memory of, 452 ^Esthetic Sense, 210 ; improvement of in race, 513, 514 Afferent nerve-fibres, 37, 38, 62, 63 Age, influence of, on psychical ten- dencies, 365-3G6 Alcoholic intoxication, 649-653 Alcoholism, 650, hereditary transmis- sion of, 369, 370 Amanita, intoxication by, 642 Amoeba, 41, 42 Amphioxus, nervous system of, 65 Anaesthesia, 152 Animal Life, apparatus of, 29, 31 Anthropomorphism, 701, 702 Aphasia, 446-448, 721 Apparent Death of Hindoo devotees, 552 note Apparitions, 209 Appold, Mr., his mode of invention, 535 Arabs of Sahara, scent of, 141 Aristotelian dogmas, 409 Arithmetic, science of, 231 Armstrong, Rev. G., and Blanco White, 402 Arnold, Dr., influence of, 358 . Articulated animals, nervous system of, 50-61 Artistic Power, hereditary, 373, 374 Artistic Representation, mental action in, 222, 259, 260 Ascending fibres of Cerebrum, 99, 100 Ascidian Mollusk, nervous system of, 45-47 Assent, automatic nature of, 395 Assimilating process, in memory, 449 Association, laws of, 251-259; con- structive, 259, 260; dropping- out of links of, 527-529; (see Suggestion) Associations, early, strength of, 344 Atkinson, Mr., his philosophy, 4 Attention, state of, 25, 130-132; phy- sical condition in, 382-384; either volitional or automatic, 132—138; training of, 133, 136 Automatic, 132 ; in children, 133-135; contrasted with vo- litional, 138 Expectant, influence of, on pro- duction of movements, 283- 392 ; on organic actions 682- 690 Volitional, 386-391; contrasted with automatic, 132-136 ; exercise of, in sensation, 137-147; in perception, 182, 183, 204-206 ; in succession of thought, 251, 262-264; in control over emotions, 330-336; in formation of be- liefs, 399-403 ; in determina- tion of conduct, 414, 420, 724 Index. 422 ; in recollection, 467; in imagination, 510-512 Authority, submission to, in matters of belief, 404, 405,412 Automatic Action of Body, 16-24; 74-76: mechanism- of, 213-218, 342, 343 ; (see Reflex Action) A utomntic Action of Mind, 25-28 ; in attention, 132-135 ; in succession of thought, 262-275 ; in memory, 465-469; in common sense, 475, 476; in judgments, IS^i; in imagination, 489-511; in ab- straction and reverie, 544—548 ; in electro-biology, 548-567 ; in dreaming, 584-591 ; in somnam- bulism, 591-601; in hypnotism, 601-610; in intoxication, 636- 656; (see Children) Aversions, elementary forms of, 211 Awakening, conditions of, 567, 580- 583 Axioms, fundamental, 226, 227 ; origin of, 227-230 Axial Cord, general functions of, 23, 24,64,719 Axioms self-evident, 226, 297, 408 Axis-oyliiider of nerve-fibres, 33 Baily, Francis, his account of Zerah Colburn, 232-235 Bain, Prof., on association, 252 balancing, action of, 214, 215, 474, 4 75 Dank, loss of key in, 523 Barclay, Captain, bis power of sleep- ing, 579 Barristers, memory of, 436, 452, 453 Beattie, Dr., his case of loss of (Jreek, 443 Beauty, elementary notion of, 242 Btaver, brain of, 91 ; instincts of, 92 Bees, instincts of, 57-61 Beethoven, his deafness, 171 Beliefs, formation of, 395 ; conform- ableness to fabric of thought, 395-399; influence of will on, 399-403; influence of Nomos on 362,4 03; (see Truth) Beliefs, Primary, 226 ; origin of, 227- 230 Bell, Mr. T., on shepherd's dog. 102 Bennett, Prof., his cases of subjective sensation, 158; of paralysis of will, 3S5 Bertrand, M., on influence of expec- tancy, 622 Binocular Microscope, invention of 538 Binocular Vision, 189-191 Biology, (seemElcctro-Biology) Birds, brain of, 79; .instincts of, 80, 81; intelligence of, 85-90; ac- quired instincts of, 90 Birkenhead, loss of, 355 Biting Epidemic of nuns, 315 Blanco White and Mr. Armstrong, 402 Blind, tactile reading by, 141 Blindness, congenital, cases of, 180, 181, 188, 189 Blood, special supply of to nervous system, 33 ; to brain, 39, 40 Blood-supply, dependence of nerve- force on, 380-385, 710, 711 Bodv and Wind, general relations of, 1-15, 26-28 Braid, Mr., his case of exalted muscu- lar sense, 143 ; of exalted sense of smell, 607; his experiments on subjective sensations, It,0-164 ; on odylic force, 518-550; on electro-biology, 550-551; on hypnotism, 001-610 Brain, of fishes, 65, 66 ; of reptiles, 66- 68 ; of birds, 79-82; of mammals, 91-94, 116; of man,95-100,116; (see Cerebrum, Cerebellum) Breathing, movements of, 16-19, 73 Breda, siege of, 088 Brewster, iSir I")., on conversion of relief, 195; his natural magic, 32.S Bridguian. Laura, her tactile discrimi- nation, 141 Brodie, Sir B.. on unconscious cere- bration, 531 Bronte, Miss, her experiences of un- conscious cerebration, 535 Brown, Dr. T., on philosophic spirit, 413 Brown-St'quard, on reparation of spinal cord, 76, 342 ; on epileptic guinea-pigs, 371 Brutal type, 425 Budd, Dr. W\, his cases of reflex action, 70-72; bis case of secondarily automatic action, 75 Index. 725 Bushnell, Dr., on unconscious influ- ences, 541, 542 Buttons, suspended, movements of, 283 Buxton, Charles, ix Carlyle, Thomas, 209, 412; his por- trait of Coleridge, 269, 270 Carpenter, Dr. Laut, character of, 359 Carter, Mr., on emotional influence, 6S2 Cataract, congenital, cases of, 180, 181, 188, 189 Caterpillar, instincts of, 61 Causation, meaning of, 693, 694; unity of, 696, 697 Centric discharge of nerve force, 381, 332,710, 711 Cerebellum, in fishes, 66; in reptiles, 67; in birds, 79; in mammals, 121, 122 ; functions of, 716 Cerebration, Unconscious (see Uncon- scious Cerebration) Cerebrum, its general functions, 23-24; effects of its removal, 81; a super- added organ, 64-85; in fishes, 65, 6G ; in reptiles, 67 ; in birds, 79 ; its evolution in mammalian series, 93-100, 116, 117 ; its rela- tion to intelligence, 95-93; its cortical layer, 94 ; its convolu- tions, 95, 117; of man, 94-100; its anatomical relation to sensorial centres, 99, 109-111; its auto- matic action, 105-109; the in- strument of psychical or inner life, 120 ; its growth to habitual modes of action, 343-34 5; its subsequent maintenance, 345- 347; special functions of convo- lution.-!, 710-714 Centipede, its nervous system, 50-52 ; reflex action of, 53-55 Cephalic Ganglia, of Mollusks, 49-50 ; of Articulata, 51, 52 Chsetodon, shooting of, 179 Chalmers, Dr., on uniformity of Nature, 705 Channing, Dr., on slavery, 401; on genius, 503, 505 Character, in what it consists, 250 Cheselden, his case, 188 Chevreul, M., on oscillations of sus- pended buttons, 283; on divining- rod, 292 Chicks, newly-hatched, actions of, 80 Children, training of, 133-136 ; wilful- ness of, 134, 135 ; first perceptions of, 176, 177; will of, 251; auto- matic mental action in, 264, 265 ; elementary feelings of, 210, 211 ; intellectual development of, 228; arithmetical powers of, 232; training of emotions in, 330, 331, 378 ; formation of habits in, 352- 362; common sense of, 477 Christison, Sir R., h;s cases of para- lysis of will, 385 Chronometry, unconscious, (see Time) Cineritious nerve substance, 35 Circle of Willis, 39 Clairvoyance, reputed, 629 Classification, nature of, 255 Cobbe, Miss, on hereditary hand- writing, 372; on fallacies of memory, 457; on dreaming, 585, 586, 590 Cod, brain of, 66 Codriugton, Sir E., anecdote of, 580 Cccmesthesis, 174, 175 Colburn, Zerah, his numerical intui- tion, 232-235 Coleridge, Hartley, 370, 649, 653 Coleridge, S. T. automatic mental ac- tivity of, 267-270; his case of reproduced language, 437, 438; Charles Lamb's reply to, 500 Collyer, Rev. R., on hereditary alco- holism, 370 Common Sense, different definitions of, 471; universal or intuitive, 472; ordinary, 472, 476-479; special, 472, 479-481; genesis of, 473-476; in children, 477; judgments formed by, 478, 481- 483 ; use of, in science, 479-481 ; progress of, in race, 4^3-485; nse of, dependent on will, 390, 391 ; suspension of, in dreams, 585. 586 Compound Association, law of, 258 Conduct, determination of, by prepon- derance of motives, 377, 418-423 ; by volitional control, 424-428 Conscience, nature of, 243-245, 249 Consciousness, seat of, 109-111 Consensual actions, 81-85 726 Index. Conservation of energy, law of, 230 Constitutional taints, hereditary trans- mission of, 369, 370 Constructive Association, 259, 260 Constructive Imagination, 487-503 Contiguity, law of, 252-253 Convergence of optic axes, 202, 203 Conversion of relief, 191, 194-196 Convolutions of Cerebrum, 95, 117; special functions of, 710-714 Convulsive actions, 77-79 Cooper. Sir A., on secretion of milk, 678 Correlation of Mind and Force, 6,11-14 Corpora Quadrigemina, functions of, 715 Corpora Striata, 92, 99, 121, 715 Corpus Callosum, 99, 116, 720 Cortical layer of Cerebrum, 95, 710 Coughing, act of, 17, 19, 47, 381, 382 Cretinism, hereditary transmission of, 369 Criminal reformation, 360, 423, 42G Critchett, Mr., hi.s case of cataract, 189 Crystal Palace, Chimpanzee at, 209 Crystals, sensations attributed to, 159, 160 Cuttle-fish, reflex action of, 49, 50 Dacoits of India, 569 Damiens, his sleeping on the rack, 140, 570 Dancing Mania, 312-314 Darwin, Mr., on acquired instincts of Birds, 90; on handwriting, 372 Deaf and Dumb, vocalization of, 84, 206 ; lip-reading of, 204 Death, from grief, 326; apparent of, Hindoo devotees, 552 note Deductive reasoning, 256 Deity, notions of, ^see Gon) Deleuze, M., his directions to mes- merizers, 615 De Liefde, Rev. J., his case of som- nambulism, 593, 594 Delirium, 653-656; phenomena of, 654; influence of suggestion in, 655 Delirium tremens, 656, 666 Delusions of lusanity, 667-672; genesis of, 672-674 Demonstration, nature of, 227 ; com- mon-sense basis of, 479, 480 De Quincey, on opium, 644-648 Descending fibres of Cerebrum, 99, 100 Desires, elementary forms of, 211 Diatheses, hereditary transmission of, 369, 370 Dibdin, Rev. R. W., on Table-talking, 301, 524-526 Dictation, anticipation of words in, 281 Dimensions of Space, 410 Diorama, pictures in, 201, 202 Direction, sense of, 185, 186 Discipline, value of, 355 Discrimination of Sense-impressions, 141, 142 Distance, perception of, 199-201 Divining power of genius, 480 Divining-Kod, 288-292 Dogs, sagacity of, 102-104; habitual actions of, 347 ; automatic action of, 377, 373 Domestication, influence of, 102,107 Dominant Ideas, influence of, 281-315; in electro-biological state, 556- 560; in somnambulism, 592 Double Consciousness, 459 Double Vision, 186, 187 Dramatic Imagination, 455, 495 Drawing, hereditary aptitude for, 373 Dreaming, 584-591; sensations in, 157, 165,171; suspension of volitional direction in, 391, 584; myth- making in, 585 ; rapid thought in, 5SS Drowning, vivid memory in, 588 note Drunkards, responsibility of, 323, 651, 652 Duty, sense of, elementary, 212; moral and religious, notion of, 248, 24 9 ; habitual sense of, 356; its motive action, 415-424; not to act alone, 428 Durham, Mr. A., his experiments on Sleep, 571 Dytiscus, reflex actions of, 55 Ecstatics, stigmatization of, 689 Educability, of Bees, 58; of Wasps, 58 ; of Birds, 87-90 Education basis of, 9,10 ; of will, 135, 251, 423-428 ; of attention, 133- 136; of self-control, 331-336 378 ; of habits, 352-362 Index. 727 Efferent nerve-fibres, 37, 38 Effort, sense of, 387-389 Ego, self-determining power of, 4-6, 25-28, 40, 37t>; distinguished from Non-ego, ] 77 Electric Discharge, its analogy to that of nerve-force, 380-382 Electro-Biology, 548-551 ; nature of the state, 552-555; its pheno- mena dependent on suggestion, 555-557, 564 ; possession by dominant ideas, 556; change of sensations, 567-560; direc- tion of mental states, 561, 562; change of personal identity, 562, 563 ; mental travelling, 564 ; in- duction of sleep, 565 ; duration of sleep, 566; awakening from, 567 Elliotson, Dr., on expectancy, 623 Emotional movements, 319-322, 325 Emotional sensibility, simple forms of, 173-175; higher forms of, 210-212 Emotional states, their action through sympathetic system, 127 ; their influence on voluntary action, 322,323,384; on conduct, 415- 423 ; on judgments, 482 ; affected by intoxicating agents, 638-640, 643, 649, 650; disorder of, in insanity, 660-671 Emotions, composite nature of, 316— 318; production of movements by, 319-322 ; their influence on voluntary action, 322, 323 ; vent for, in movement, 324-326; in crying, 326 ; their effect on voli- tional effort, 327-330, 384; influ- ence of will on, 330-336; their in- fluence on judgments, 482; on secretion, 677-681; on nutrition, 681-690 Epidemic Delusions, 312-315 Epilepsy, 78; artificial, 710, 711 Epileptic guinea-pigs, 371 Equilibrium, maintenance of, 214, 215,717 Erect progression, 213-215 Estlin, Mr., his case of congenital cataract, 180, 181 Evidence, balance of, 377 note, 395 Excito-motor actions, 124, 125 Excitor nerve-fibres, 37, 38, 62, 63 Expectant Attention, movements due to, 282; its influence on organic functions, 608-610; on produc- tion of disease, 683, 6.89 ; on cure of disease, 684-6S8 Expectation of success, its influence on volitional effort, 327-330 Experiences, co-ordination of, 475- 481 Expression of Emotions, in move- ment, 218, 219, 319-322, 325 ; in mental states, 323, 324 ; in secre- tions, 326, 677-680; in nutritive action, 681-690 Externality, 6 ; sense of, 177, 226 Eyes, movements of, 22 ; convergence of, 202, 203 ; direction by Cere- bellum, 716, 717 Fabric of thought, 396-399, 407 Faculties, Intellectual, 250, 260-262 ; automatic action of, 250, 262, 264-275 ; volitional direction of, 251, 263, 276-278 Faith, its efficacy in cure of disease, 684-688 Fallacies of Memory, 456-459 False Perceptions, 206-209 Fancy, 4 97 Fantasia of hachisch, 635-644 Faraday, Prof , on table-turning, 293, 294, 627 note Faria, Abbe, his mode of inducing sleep, 579 Fatigue, sense of, bodily, 18 ; mental, 388,389 Feelings, simple, 171-175 ; instinctive, 209-213 Feelings of others, consideration for, 417 Ferrier, Dr., his experiments on the Brain, 709-722 Fish, nervous system of, 61-66 Fistula lachrymalis, cure of, 685 Fleming, Dr., his experiments on sleep, 572 Force, relation of, to Mind, 10-14; notion of, in causation, 693, 694 Forces, Correlation of, 693-696 Form, perception of, 187-189; solid, perception of, 189-201 . Foster, Mr., his spiritualistic per- formances, 308-310 ;28 Index. Franklin, Dr., on learning to swim, 327 Frog, reflex actions of, 68, 69 Ganglia, nervous, 32, 35 Gangliated cord, of Articulata, 51-53 ; of cuttle fish, 49, 50 Gauss, Prof., his abstraction, 547 Genius, nature of, 503 ; working of, 5(19-511 ; not to be acquired, 25 ; intuitions of, 230; divining power of, 480 Geology, common sense basis of, 480 Geometry, axioms of, 226, 227; basis of, 408, 409 Gillson, Rev. E., on table-talking, 299, 300 God, being aud attributes of, 246, 247, 697-708 Godfrey, Rev. N. S., on table-talking, 298, 299, 306 Goitre, hereditary transmission of, 369 Gout cured by expectancy, 688 Governor of steam-engine, 507, 508 Gregory, Dr. James, his case of som- nambulism, 601 Greyhounds, adaptiveness of, 338 Grey nerve-substance, 35 Grief, death from, 326 Grog, reduction of, in Navy, 649, 650 Gromia, 42 Grote. Mr., on influence of Nomos, 362 Growth, physiology of, 337-339; of nervous system, 342-345; relation of, to habit, 344 Guinea-pigs, epileptic, 371 Habit, relation of mental to corporeal, 337 ; connection of, with nutri- tiveaction, 337-341; with growth and maintenance of nervous sys- tem, 341-347 ; illustrations of, 347-350; importance of right direction of, 350-352; early formation of, 352-362; subse- quent determination of, 362-366; volitional control over, 366-367 ; hereditary transmission of, 367- 375 ; influence of, on sensations, 154, 155; on perception, 17s ; on movement, 213-218; on con- duct, 414-424 Habits, influence of early, in religion and morals, 24 3, 362, 363, 403- 405 ; tenacity of, 349, 542, 543 Hachisch, fantasia of, 635-646 Hall, Robert, his mastery of pain, 13"*, 139 Hamerton, Mr., referred to, 222 Hamilton, Dr. R., his abstraction, 547 Hamilton, Sir Wm., on attention, 25; on unconscious record, 434 ; on common sense, 471 ; on latent mental modifications, 518, 527 529 Hamilton, Sir W. R., his invention of quaternions, 537 Hammock of Caterpillars, 61 Handwriting, hereditary, 372 Hansard, Rev. S., his e;irly memory, 430, 431; effect of accident to, 450 Hare, Dr., on Spiritualism, 306 Hartley, Dr., on mental automatism, viii, note ; his class of secondarily automatic movements, 16 note, 74 Hayden, Mrs., her spirit-rapping, 3U7, 308 Haydn, his volitional culture, 275, 276-279 Hearing, remarkable acuteness of, 153: discriminative power of, 137 Heart, beating of, 16, 32 Uiirulilary Transmission in animals, 90, 104; doctrine of, 367, 368; of constitutional taints, 369; of results of alcoholic excess, 369, 370; of acquired peculiarities, 371-374; of mental aptitudes, 374, 375 Herodotus, his story of Scythians, 356 Hersehel, Sir J., his visual spectra, 114 Hibbert, Dr., on Apparitions, 209 Hogg, James, on shepherd's dog, 102— 104 Holland, Sir H., on effects of attention on rodily organs, 145 ; his tem- porary loss of memory, 441 ; on dislocation of memory, 447 ; on recovery of lost ideas, 521 : on intermediate states between sleep and waking, 578 Holmes, O. W., on unconscious cere- bration, 520-533. 534, 539 Holy Thorn, miracle of, 685 Index. 729 Homicidal Insanity, 664, 665 Hook, Theodore, his improvisation, 494,495, 649 Hooping-cough, 382 Horse, control of by rider, 24; habitual actions of, 348 Hottentots, visual sense of, 142 Houdin, Robert, his culture of acute perception, 205, 206 ; his second- arily-acquired automatic move- ments, 217 Howe, Dr., on emotional excitement of idiot, 325 Huber, on instinct of Caterpillar, 61 Hume, Joseph,his common-sense judg- ments, 478 Humour, 500-502 Hunter, John, his case of reflex action, 70 Huss, Dr., on alcoholism, 650 Huxley, Prof., on corpus callosum, 116 ; on sensation, 150 Hydrophobia, excitement of convul- sion of, 83, 115 Hyperemia, of nerve-centres, effects of, 381-384, 425,710, 7U Hyperesthesia, 152 ; hysterical, 153 llypnotism, mode of induction of, 601; state of, 602 ; phenomena of, 143, 603-608 Hypochondriacal tendency, 683 Hysteria, convulsion of, 79, 83 ; acute- ness of sensibility in, 153; re- markable case of, 597 Hysterical temperament, 332; para- lysis, 3S6 I.vjo, 425 Ideal, aspiration after, 107; divine, 428, 701 Idealization, artistic, 260 Ideas, nature and formation of, 220- 223; excitement of, by sensa- tions, 168-171; signified by lan- guage, 223-225; succession of, 249, 250; automatic, 250-258; volitional, 251, 263; production of sensations by, 158-164; pro- duction of movements by, 279- 315; participation of, in emo- tions, 316-318 Ideation, the representative faculty, 220 Ideational hyperemia, production of movement by, 383 Identity, personal (see Personal iden- tity) Ideo-motor actions, 124, 125, 279- 315 Idiot, emotional excitement of, 325: habitual actions of, 349, 350; early memory of, 431 Idols, mental, worship of, 401; re- ligious, 708 Illusions, spectral, 113, 114, 165-168, 206-209 Imagination, nature of, 487; Con- structive, 488; automatic basis of, 489 ; volitional direction of, 4!S8-492; action of, in improvisa- tion, 492-496 ; in fancy, 497 ; in wit, 498; in humour, 500-502; Creative, 503; action of, in dis- covery and invention, 504-508; in art, 508-511; volitional action in, 511-512; culture of, 513, 514 Imago, its relation to Larva, 58, 59. Imitation, morbid tendency to, 314, 315, 654, 655, 666, 667 Improvisation, 492-496 Impulsive Insanity, 664-666 Independent thinkers, tendencies of, 405, 406 Induction, nature of, 256 Infauts, nursery training of, 353, 354 Ingenuity, nature of, 503, 504 Injuries, impairment of memory by, 443-448 Insanity, 657; deficient volitional control in, 658; connection of, with physical states, 658-660; mania, 660, 661; intellectual in- sanity, 661, 662; moral insanity, 663 ; monomania, 664 ; impulsive insanity, 664-667 ; delusions of, 667-672; genesis of, 672-674; influence of self-control on, 673- 675 : temporary, 323, 651 ; emo- tional excitement in, 325 ; change of identity in, 563; its relation to intoxication, 644, 651, 652 Insight of women, 417, 486 Instinct, contrasted with Intelligence, 57, 100, 101 ; unprogressive cha- racter of, 106, 107 730 Index. Instinctive Actions, 48; compound reflex nature of, 56; of Insects, 57-61; of Birds, 79-81; of Beaver, 92, 93 Instinctive Feelings, 209-213 Instinctive Movements in Man, 213- 219 Intellectual Operations, (see Faculties) Intelligence, contrasted with Instinct, 101, 102; of birds, 85-90; of dogs, 102-104 ; proportioned to development of Cerebrum, 64; in Man, 95-98 Internal Senses, nerves of, 99, 111 Internuncial fuuction of nervoua system, 44 Intoxication, state of, 636; by ha- chisch, 635-644; by opium, 644- 648; by alcohol, 649-653 ; affinity of, to Insanity, 644, 651, 652; (see Delirium) Intuitions, primary, 226; origin of, 227-230; numerical, 231-2.35; musical, 235-241 ; secondary, 486 Intuitive Perceptions, 184, 185 Irrationality of Instinct, in Bees, 60; in Beaver, 92, 93 Invention, 5o7, 508,534-538 Involuntary Movements, 379 ; (see Au- tomatic and Reflex A etion) Involuntary Muscles, 379 Jackdaws, nest of, 86 Jelly-specks, 41-44 Jesse, Mr., on nest of jackdaws, 86 Judgment, 262 ; immediate, action of in perception, 197, 198, 202 ; its exercise in common sense, 471, 472, 476, 477, 481 ; by un- conscious cerebration, 531-533 Justice, formation of idea of, 357-359 Juvenile Reformation, 9, 10, 423, 426 Kepler, ingenuity of, 504; lawn of, 692 Key, loss of, in bank, 523 King's Evil, touching for, 686 Kitto, Dr., case of, 216; children of, 264 Knight, Mr. T. A., on hereditary trans- mission, 104 Lamb, Charles, 269, 500 Lancelet, nervous system of, 65 Language, the expression of ideas, 223-225 Languages, memory of, 440 ; forgotten and recovered, 437, 438 ; Larva, relation of to Imago, 58, 59; nervous system of, 52 Lateau, Louise*stigmatizatiou of, 689, 690 Latent Mental modification, 514, 517 Law, government by, 706 Laws of Association, 251-259 Laws of Nature, 692-696 Laycock, Dr., on reflex action of the brain, 105 ; on unconscious cere- bration, 516; on aconite, 643, 644 Learning by heart, 344 Lecky, Mr., on toleration, 542; on return of early states of feeling, 543 Leibnitz, on unconscious mental action, 514, 518, 5!9 Lewes, Mr. G. H., on spirit-rapping, 307 Leyden, Dr, his power of memory, 451 Lind, Jenny, imitation of, by factory girl, 607 Lip-reading, 204 Listening, act of, 137, 382 Locomotion, movements of, 17-19 Loss of memory, case of complete, 460-465; partial, 442-448 Love, early influence of, 360-362; action of principle of, 417 ; un- conscious growth of, 540 Lyell, Sir C, on adaptiveness of grey- hounds, 338 Macgregor, Mr.,his instance of uncon- scious cerebration, 521 Madden, Dr., on Rutter's Magneto- meter, 286 Magnetism, Animal (see Mesmerism) Magnetometer, Rutter's, 286, 288 Magnets, sensations attributed to, 159-164 Maintenance, nutritive, 339, 340; of nervous system, 345, 346 Malaise, sense of, 173 Mammalia, brain of, 91-100 Man, Brain of, 91-100; Psychical peculiarities of, 106-108 Mauia, 660, 661 Index. 73* Manning, Archbishop, referred to, 5,6, 136,333 Mansfield, Lord, his advice, 482 Mantis, reflex actions of, 54, 55 Martineau, Miss H., her philosophy, 4 ; her account of an idiot, 349, 350, 431 Martineau, Rev. J., his character of Dr. Lant Carpenter, 358, 359 ; on conscience, 244; on relation of Science to Religion, 691, 708 Mask, conversion of relief of, 195,196 Materialistic hypothesis, 2-7 Mathematics, 226, 227 ; basis of, 408, 409; nature of reasoning in, 479, 480 ; imagination in, 507 Matter, its relations to Force, 11 Mayer, Dr., on conservatiun of energy, 230 Mayo, Mr. H., on maintenance of equilibrium, 215 ; on movements of suspended bodies, 284, 285; on divining-rod, 290 Medallion-engravings, monocular view of, 193 Medulla Oblongata, 63, 73, 119 Medullary substance of cerebrum, 94 Memory, nature of, 409; automatic character of, 465,466; instances of early, 430, 431 ; reproduction of sensations by, 432, 433; repro- duction of ideas by, 433, 434; re- cord left by impressions, 434-436; physical traces of, 436-439 ; con- ditions of, 439-441; impairment of, in old age, 442 ; by disease and injury, 443-448; assimilating action in, 449; time required for recording process, 450; different kinds of, 450-453; not everything recorded, 454; recognition re- quired, 454-456; fallacies of, 456-458; double consciousness, 459; complete loss of, 460-465; culture of, 469, 470; (see Recol- lection) Mental action, dependence of, on Phy- sical antecedents, 12, 13, 40, 382 Mental aptitudes, hereditary trans- mission of, 374, 375 Mesmeric Force, supposed, 618-623 Mesmerism, 311; different phases of belief in, 609-616; phenomena of, elucidated by those of hypnotism, 616—618 ; influence of expect- ancy in, 61S-623; no special rapport, 623-625; tendency to self-deception in, 626; relative credibility of asserted phenomena of, 626-635 Metallic Tractors, 686 Mewing Epidemic of nuns, 315 Milk, induction of renewed flow of, 609 ; influence of Emotions on, 678-681 Mill, Mr. J. S., referred to, 131, 519, 529, 692; letter from, 486 Mind and Body, general relations of, 1-15, 26-28 Mind, automatic activity of, 25-28 ; (see Automatic action of Mind) Mollusks, simple nervous system of, 45-47 ; higher forms of, 49, 50 Mongols, visual sense of, 142 Monocular vision, 192-197 Monomania, 664; delusions of, 667- 674 Moon, stereoscopic photographs of, 198 Moore, Mr. C. H., on going to sleep, 572 Moral Insanity. 323, 663 Moral Sense, elementary form of, 212; nature of, 243-245; its suspen- sion in dreams, 586 Moreau, M., on hachisch, 635-644 Morell, Dr. J. D., on perception, 176, 177; on esthetic sense, 210; on ideas, 220 note; on education of will, 424 Morgan, Jemmy, case of, 180, 181 Motives, different classes of, 414-418; relation of, to will, 418-423 Motor nerve-fibres, 37, 38, 62, 63 Mozart, intuitive gifts of, L36-241; automatic action of, 271-275; his improvisation, 49 S Muscular Power, influence of emo- tion on, 327, 328; in hypnotism, 606 Muscular Sense, 83, 84; guidance afforded by, 214, 215 ; exaltation of in somnambulism, 143 Muscular Suggestion in hypnotism, 605 Music, science of, 235; loss of memory for, 443 732 Index. Musical Intuition, 236-241 - Musical Performance,automatic nature of, 217; hereditary apti- tude for, 373 Myths, origin of, 458, 459 Myth-making, in dreams, 585, 586, 590 ; in mesmerism and spiritual- ism, 630, 634 Nasmyth's steam-hammer, 508 Nature, Laws of, 692-696 Order of, 692, 697, 703-708 Uniformity of, 226, 241, 705 Unity of, 696 Will in, 703-708 Nausea, reproduction of, 432 Navy, reduction of spirit-allowance in, 649,650 Nerve-cells, 33, 35, 36 Nerve-fibres, structure of, 33-38 Nerve-force, production of, 13, 14, 380; dependence of, on blood- supply, 380-385; discharge of, 381-384. 710-712 Nerve-trunks, 32, 33 Nervine Stimulants, habituation of system to, 154, 173, 653 Nervous circle, 46 Nervous System, simplest form of, 32, 33 ; elementary structure of, 33- 38; in Ascidian, 45-47 ; of higher Mollusks, 4 9, 50; of Articulata, 51-53; of Insects, 52-54; of Vertebrata, 61-64; of Fishes, 65, 66 ; of Reptiles, 66-69; of Birds, 79-82; of Mammals, 91-100; general relations of parts of, 118-125 ; habituation of, to ner- vine stimulants, 154, 173; its growth to its mode of exercise, 75, 76; to particular modes of feeling, 154, 155, 173; to ac- quired perceptions, 181,182, 204 ; to secondarily-automatic move- ments, 213-218; to modes of thought, 228, 229; its recon- structive activity, 341-344; greatest during growth, 344 ; its subsequent maintenance, 345, 346; its decline. 346, 347 (see Cerebrum, Cerebellum,Spinal Cord, Sympathetic System) Newman, Francis, on the Soul, 107 Newton, Sir I., his ocular spectra, 166; his formula for solution of equations, 235; his genius, 504- 507 Nicolai, case of, 167 Niebuhr, his reproduction of visual sensations, 112 Noble, Dr., on emotional sensibility, 175 ; on fallacies of memory, 457, 458 ; his mesmeric experiments, 619-622 Nomadic habits, persistence of, 364, 365 Nomos, influence of, 362, 363, 403, 405 Numerical Intuition, 230-235 Nuns, mewing and biting of, 315 Nutrition, general laws of, 337-310; affection of, by nervine stimu- lants, 154, 173; by emotions, 678-681 Obeaii practices, 683 Objective Truth, 410, 411 Obligation, habitual sense of, 350 Odyle, sensations attributed to, 159, 160; movements attributed to, 2S4,285 Odylic force, Mr. Braid on, 548-550 Old Age, impairment of Memory in, 442 Order, formation of habit of, 353— 356 Order of Nature, 692, 697, 703-708. Organic Functions, influence of emo- tions on, 676-682 ; influence of expectancy on, 608-610, 632— 6,^8; of religious impressions on, 6S8-700 Organic Life, apparatus of, 30, 31 Oxygenated Blood, need of, for Mental activity, 40 Paget, Sir J., on formative action, 340; on unconscious chronometry, 348 Pain, feelings of, 171-173 ; distraction of attention from, 138-140 Palmer, Mr., on parrots, 89, 90 Pantheism, 701, 702 PapilUc of Touch, 36 Paralysis of lower limbs, reflex move- ments in, 70-72 Index. 733 Paralysis of will, 3S5, 647 ; hysterical, 386 Parrots, their intelligence, 89, 90 Paternal Character of God, 707 Perception, elementary, nature of, 176,177 ; formation of, 178, 179 ; acquirement of, 180-1S2; atten- tion required for, 183, 184; of direction, 185, 186; of singleness of object, 186-187; of form, 187-189; of relief, 189-199; of distance, 199-201; of size, 201- 204; an act of judgment, 197, 198, 202 Perceptions, first, of children, 176, 177; instinctive, 179; acquired, 180-182; false, 206-209 Perkinses Metallic Tractors, 686 Personal Identity, sense of, 455; change of, in biologized subjects, 562, 563 ; in insanity, 668 Personality of the Deity, 701, 702 Perspective, rules of, 222 Peruvian Indians, scent of, 141 Phosphenes, Dr. Serre on, 186 Photographs, monocular view of, 193 Physical Causation of Mental ac- tion, 12, 13, 40, 382 Physical manifestations, reputed, of Mesmerism and Spiritualism, 631, 632 Picturesque, sense of, 513, 514 Pigeon, actions of, without Cerebrum, 81 Planchette-writing, 302-305 Pleasure, feelings of, 171-173 ; their share in Emotions, 316-319 Poet, imagination of, 488-492, 509- 512 ; reverie of, 544, 545 Power, notion of, in causation, 693, 694; unity of, in Nature, 696, 697 Preconscious activity of the Soul, 352, 353; (see Unconscious Cerebration) Preponderance of evidence, 377 note, 395 ; of motives, 377, 418-424 Primary Beliefs, 226; origin of, 227- 230 Principles of Action, 418-425 Progress, of common sense 483-485; of imagination, 513, 514 ; (see Race) Progressive nature of Truth, 409, 411 Protoplasm, 41-46 Pseudopodia of Rhizopods, 36, 41, 42 Pseudoscope, 191, 199 Prudential motives, 415, 416 Quaternions, invention of, 537 Queen-bees, artificial production of, 59, 60 Rabbit, brain of, 91 Race, improvement of. 107, 108; in acuteness of sensibility, 141, 142 ; in primary intuitions, 228-230; in numerical faculty, 230, 231; in musical faculty, 235-241 ; in moral and religious ideas, 249 ; in intellectual and moral nature, 336, 374, 375; in common sense, 483-486; in sense of beauty, 513, 514 ; (see Hereditary Transmis- sion) Radcliffe, Dr. C. B., 264 Radiating fibres of Cerebrum, 99 Rapport, supposed mesmeric, 623- 625 Rationalism, progress of, 484 Reason (see Intelligence) Reasoning processes, 260-262 Recollection, of sensations, 433; of ideas, 466-469, 519-523 Reconstructive activity of nervous system, 341-344 Recording process, physical nature of, 436-452 Reflex Action of Nervous System, 46 ; in Ascidian, 47; in Centipede, 53, 54 ; in Mantis, 54, 55 ; in Dytis- cus, 55: of spinal cord in Frog, 68, 69 ; in Man, 70-79 ; of sensory ganglia, 81-85 ; of cerebrum, 105, 123, 124, 130, 279, 473, 717 Reformation, criminal, 360, 423, 426 Regularity, formation of habit of, 353- 356 Reichenbach, on Odyle, 159, 160 . Reid, Dr., on common sense, 471 ; on dreaming, 590 Rejuvenescence, continual, 339 Relief, perception of, 189, 190; con- version of, by pseudoscope, 191; notion of, given by flat picture, 192-194; conversion of, by single eye, 194-196 734 Index. Religion, real nature of, 700, 701; harmony of, with science, 703- 708 Religious Ideas, 246, 247 Religious Impressions, their influence on bodily action, 312-315, 688- 690 Representation, mental, 220, 221 Respiration, movements of, 16-19, 73 Retina, structure of, 36 Reverie, state of, 544-548 (see Electro- Biology) Reynolds, Dr. J. R, his case of loss of memory, 444 Reynolds, Sir J., on genius, 509 Rhizopods, pseudopodia of, 36, 41, 42 ; casings constructed by, 42, 43 Right, elementary notion of. 243 ; for- mation of notion of, 357-359 ; its motive action, 415-424 Rooks, their recognition of Sunday, 88 Routine, slavery to, 348, 349 Rush, Dr., his cases of recovery of forgotten langmge, 437, 448 Rusk in, Mr., on science and poetry, 506 note Rutter, Mr., his magnetometer, 286, 283 Satanic type, 425 Scar, nutritive maintenance of, 340, 345 Schwann, white substance of, 33, 35 Science, supposed atheistic tendency of, 698-700; harmony of, with religion, 703-708 Scott, Sir Walter, his mastery of pain, 139 ; his spectral image of Byron, 207; his dictation, 281; his loss of memory, 444; his constructive imagination, 490 - 492; his humour, 502 Scurvy, cured by expectancy, 688 Seal, conversion of relief of, 195, 196 Sea sickness, paralysis of will in, 385; induction of, by suggestion, 432 Secretions, influence of emotions on, 677-681 Secondarily-automatic Movements, 16- 24, 74-76; growth of nervous system to, 213-218, 342, 343, 473-475 Secondary Intuitions, 486 Selective Attention, 147 (see Attention) fc'elf control, acquirement of, 330-336; influence of, in insanity, 663 673-675 Self-determining power, a funda- mental fact of consciousness, 5, 6 Self-direction of conduct, 418, 420 Sensation, nature of, 111, 148; general and special, 149; localization of, 150: radiation of, 150, 151; de- pendence of, on blood-supply, 151; diminution and exaltation of, 152, 153; its dependence on change of state, 154, 155; depen- dence of ideas upon, 168-171 ; association of pain or pleasure with, 171-178 Sensations, production of, by cerebral states. 111-116, 157-168; repro- duction of, by memory, 112, 413, 431-134; change of, in electro- biological state, 557-560 Sensations, subjective, 155-168 Sensibility, emotional, simple forms of, 173-175 exalted, of hypnotized subjects, 143, 607 Sensori-motor actions, 57, 81-85,124, 125 ., Sensorium, relation of, to Cerebrum, 109-111 /reproduced states of, 113 Sensory Ganglia, 81-85, 119, 120 Sensory Nerves, 37, 38 Serre, Dr., on phosphenes, 186 Shakspere, his pre-eminent gnius, 509; its spontaneity, 511; his humour, 502 Shark, brain of, 66 Shepherd's dog, 102-104 Sign-language, 223 Similarity, law of, 253-258 Simpson, Sir J., on electro-biological sleep, 566 Single Vision, conditions of, 186,187 Size, estimation of, 201-201 Sleeman, Mrs., her dream, 589, 590 Sleep, state of, 568, 569 ; necessity for, 570 ; state of brain-circulation in, 571-573 ; conditions predisposing to, 574-576 ; intermediate states, 577, 578; influence of expecta- tion, 579-580; awakening from, 580-583; induction of, in electro- Index. 735 biological state, 565, 566 ; dura- tion of, 566; awakening from, 567; riling in, 75; reporting in, 719; piano-performance in, 75 (see Breaming and Hypnotism) Sleep-talking, 591, 559, 597, 598 Sleep-walking, 215, 591, 596, 608 Smell, exaltation of sense of, 141; in hypnotic state, 607 Sneezing, act of, 17, 82 Solidity, perception of, 189-201 Solitary bees, instincts of, 58 Somnambulism, £91-601 ; (see Hypno- tism). Soul of Man, 107 Southey, his volitional power, 276 Spalding, Mr., his experiments on newly-hatched chicks, 80 Sparrows, measurement of time by, 88 Spectral Illusions, 113, 114, 165-168, 206-209 Speech, act of, 20, 21; of deaf and dumb, 84; movements of, 215, 216 Spencer, Mr. Herbert, on origin of Primary Beliefs, 228 ; on Uni- formity of Nature, 692, 693 Spinal Cord of Vertebrata 61, 62; of Fishes, 66; of Reptile*, 67, of Birds, 79; reflex actions of, 6S- 70; in Man, 70-79; its reunion after section, 76, 342 Spiritualistic hypothesis, 7-10 Spiritual communieations, 296; by tables, 297-301 ; by planchette, _ 302-305; by raps, 307-310 Spiritualism, different phases of belief in, 609-616; phenomena of, 115, 165; elucidated by those of Electro-biology and Hypnotism, 616-618; incredible marvels of, 396; tendency to self-deception in, 625; relative credibility of phenomena of, 626-635; (see Planchette-writing, Table-talking, and Table-turning) Steam-engine, invention of, 507 Steam-hammer, invention of, 503 Stereoscope, 189, 190, 198 Stewart, Prof. Dugald, 1 Stigmatization of Ecstatics, 689 Stork, intelligence of, 87, 88 Stunning, nature of, 39 Subjective Sensations, 155-168 Subjective Truth, 408-410 Succession of Mental states, 249-250 ; uniformities of, 250 ; influence of will on, 250-251 Sucking, act of, 48, 73 Sugden, Sir E., his memory, 449 Suggestion, effect of, 18, 27; in direct- ing child's mind, 135; in elec- tro-biological state, 555-557, 564 ; in hypnotism, 603-605; in in- toxication, 641, 644. 646; in delirium, 654, 655; in insanity, 667, 670, 671 (see Association) Suicide, imitative tendency to, 666, 667 Sunday, recognition of, by Birds, 88, 89 Suspended bodies, movements of, 233- 288 Swallowing, act of, 47, 48 Swearing, involuntary, 282 Sylvester, Prof., his rationale of New- ton's formula, 235; on imagina- tion in mathematics, 507 note Sympathetic System, 125-129 ; its connection with the cerebro- spinal, 126; its vaso-motor action, 127; its sensory endowments, 128 ; its influence on nutrition, 129 Table-talking, 297 ; Mr. Godfrey on, 298, 299 ; Mr. Gillson on, 299, 300; Mr. Dibdin on, 301, 524, 525; other experiences of, 303, 304, 457; unconscious cerebration in, 524-526 Table-turning, 293 ; Prof. Faraday on, 293, 294 ; self-deception in, 295- 297, 627 note Tact, nature of, 417 Tears, secretion of, 677; relief by, 326 Teething, convulsions of, 77 Telegraph, Electric, analogy of, to nervous system, 37, 38, 40 Temperature, extraordinary acuteness of sense of, 607, 623 Temporary Insanity, 323, 651 Tension, nervous, 3S0-384 Tetanus, 78 Terebella, formation of tube by, 43 736 Index. Thalami Optici, 92, 99, 121; functions of, 715 Theology, its antagonism to Science, 69^, 699, 708 Three, Yanco name for, 231 Tickling, idea of, 319 Tunc, measurement of, by animals, 88, 347, 348; by idiot, 349; in sleep, 566, 5S3 Todd, Dr., on delirium, 654 Toleration, Mr. Lecky on, 542 Touching for the King's Evil, 686 Training, effect of, 355, 356, 378 Tricks, tendency to, 373 Truth, elementary notion of, 242; search for, 399, 407-413; neces- sary, 226, 408-411; subjective, 40a; objective, 410; progressive nature of each, 409, 412 Tubercula Quadrigemina, functions of, 715 Tubular nerve-substance, 35 Tucker, Abraham, on unconscious cerebration, 531 Tuke, Dr., his cases of false percep- tion, 207, 208; on emotional in- fluence, 682; on cure of warts, 687 Turtle, brain of, 67 Tylor, Mr. E., on sign language, 223; on Spiritualism, 635 Type, acquirement of, by develop- ment, 337-339, 342-345; main- tenance of, 339-342, 345-347 Unconscious Cerebration, nature of, 515-517 ; Sir W. Hamilton 011, 518, 527-529; Mr. J. S. Mill on, 519, 529; Miss Cobbe on, 519, 520, 526, 527; Sir H. Holland on, 521 ; 0. W. Holmes on, 520, 533,534, 539; Abr. Tucker on, 531 ; Sir B. Brodie on, 531 ; Sir J. Herschel on, 114; action of, in recollection, 519-523; in table- talking, 524-526; in directing movements, 526-527; in supply- ing links of suggestion, 527-531); in arrangement of thoughts, 531; in formation of judgments, 531- 533 ; in invention, 534-539; in emotional ptates, 539, 540 ; in unconscious influences, 541, 542 ; in recurrence of early states of feeling, 543 Unconscious Chronometry (see Time) Unconscious Co-ordination of experi- ences, 475-481 Unconscious Influences, 541, 542 Unconscious Muscular action, 283-315 Uniformity of Nature, 705 ; idea of, 226; its genesis, 241 Unity of Nature, 696 Van Swieten, reproduced nausea of, 432 Vaso-motor nerves, 127, 128 ; regula- tion of nerve-force by, 3S 0-385; influence of, on memory, 44S; on' sleep, 573 ; on hysteric coma, 573 Ventral Cord of Articulata, 52-61 Vertebrated animals, Nervous system of, 61-64 Visual discrimination, 142 Vocalisation, act of, 20, 21, 215, 216 Volitional Actions, distinguished from voluntary, 16-24, 384 ; from automatic, 16-20, 378-380; phy- sical conditions of, 380-386,421, 425; influence of emotions on, 327-330 Volitional Control over succession of thought, 251, 262-264, 270-27S, 386-395; over habit, 366, 367; over beliefs, 395-413; over con- duct, 413-42S; (see WiU) Voluntary Movements, distinguished from volitional, 16, 24, 384 Voluntary Muscles, 379 Walking, act of, 18-20 Walking erect, 213-215, 474 Wallace, Air. A. R., referred to, 027 note Waller, Dr., on regeneration of Nerves, 76 Warts, charming of, 6S7 Watt, James, his invention of the steam-engine, 507 ; of the gover- nor, 507, 508 Watts, Dr. 378 Welch language, loss and recovery of, 437,438 Well-being, sense of, 173 Wenham, Mr., hi.s invention of the binocular microscope, 538 Index. 737 Wheatstone, Sir C, on binocular vision, 189-191, 196, 202-203 White nerve-substance, 35 Wilfulness of children, 131, 135 Wilkinson, Dr. Garth, on hypnotism 603-605 WiU, definition of, 376, 392; action of, on bodily mechanism, 21-24; control of, over muscular move- ment, 123, 281, 377-384, 424, 425; paralysis of, 385, 647; con- trol of mental activity by, 25-28 ; exerted through selective atten- tion, 109, 132-136 ; influence of, | on succession of thought, 251, 262-264, 276-278, 386-390 ; in- fluence of, on emotions, 330-336 ; control of habit by, 366, 367; initiating power of, 378, 418; re- straining power of, 378, 384, 420; directing power of, 386-391; in- fluence of, on beliefs, 395-413 ; on conduct, 413-428; relation of, to motives, 413-423; modifying power of, 414, 420; determining power of, 423-428; education of, 423, 424, 427, 428 ; action of, in memory, 466-470; in common sense, 482; in constructive imagi- nation, 488-4 92 ; in creative imagination, 509-511 ; suspen- sion of, in reverie and abstrac- tion. 544-548; in electro-biolo- gical state, 553; suspension of, in dreaming, 584; in somnambulism, 591 ; in intoxication, 636, 640, 647, 649-653; in insanity, 657, 658, 673, 674; (see Volitional A ctions.) Will in Nature, 703-708 Willis, circle of, 39 Witchcraft, delusions of, 654, 655; decline of belief in, 484 ; testi- mony in, 634 Wit, 498 Words, the signs of ideas, 223-225 ; unconscious combination of, 529 Wordsworth, on imagination and fancy, 4 97; on working of genius, 510, 511 Worker-bees, 59, 60 Wren, intelligence of, 86, 87 Yawxing, excitation of, 82, 115 Zerah Colburn, 232-235 Zschokke, Heinrich, his asserted di- vining power, 633 Opinions of the Press on the "International Scientific Series." I. Tyndall's Forms of Water. I vol., l2mo. Cloth. Illustrated........Price, $1.50. " In the volume now published, Professor Tyndall has presented a noble illustration of the acuteness and subtlety of his intellectual powers, the scope and insight of his scientific vision, his singular command of the appropriate language of exposition, and the peculiar vivacity and grace with which he unfolds the results of intricate scientific research."—N. Y. Tribune. 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The first volume, by Professor Tyndall, was a model of lucid and attractive scientific exposition ; and now we have a second, by Mr. Walter Bagehot, which is not only very lucid and charming, but also original and suggestive in the highest degree. Nowhere since the publication of Sir Henry Maine's 'Ancient Law,' have we seen so many fruitful thoughts sug- gested in the course of a couple of hundred pages. . . . To do justice to Mr. Bage- hot's fertile book, would require a long article. With the best of intentions, we are conscious of having given but a sorry account of it in these brief paragraphs. But we hope we have said enough to commend it to the attention of the thoughtful leader."— Prof. John Fiske, in the Atlantic Monthly. " Mr. Bagehot's style is clear and vigorous. We refrain from giving a fuller ac- count of these suggestive essays, only because we are sure that our readers will find it worth their while to peruse the book for themselves; and we sincerely hope that the forthcoming parts of the 'International Scientific Series' will be as interesting."— Athenceum. " Mr. Bagehot discusses an immense variety of topics connected with the progress of societies and nations, and the development of their distinctive peculiarities; and his book shows an abundance of ingenious and original thought"—Alfred Russeh Wallace, in Nature. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. Opinions of the Press on the "International Scientific Scries." ill. Foods. By Dr. EDWARD SMITH. i vol., i2mo. Cloth. Illustrated........Price, $1.75. In making up The International Scientific Series, Dr. Edward Smith was se- lected as the ablest man in England to treat the important subject of Foods. His services were secured for the undertaking, and the little treatise he has produced shows that the choice of a writer on this subject was most fortunate, as the book is unquestionably the clearest and best-digested compend of the Science of Foods that has appeared in our language. " The book contains a series of. diagrams, dispteying the effects of sleep and meals on pulsation and respiration, and of various kinds of food on respiration, which, as the results of Dr. Smith's own experiments, possess a very high value. We have not far to go in this work for occasions of favorable criticism; they occur throughout, but are perhaps most apparent in those parts of the subject with which Dr. Smith's name is es- pecially linked."—London Examiner. " The union of scientific and popular treatment in the composition of this work will afford an attraction to many readers who would have been indifferent to purely theoreti- cal details. . . . 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While, in the strongest manner, asserting the union of mind with brain, he yet denies 'the association of union in place,' but asserts the union of close succession in time,' holding that 'the same being is, by alternate fits, un- der extended and under unextended consciousness." '—Christian Register. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. Opinions of the Press on the " International Scientific Scries." v. The Study of Sociology. By HERBERT SPENCER. I vol., l2mo. Cloth.............Price, $1.50. " The philosopher whose distinguished name gives weight and influence to this vol- ume, has given in its pages some of the finest specimens of reasoning in all its forms and departments. There is a fascination in his array of facts, incidents, and opinions, which draws on the reader to ascertain his conclusions. 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It not only well sustains the char- acter of the volumes with which it is associated, but its reproduction in European coun- tries will be an honor to American science."—New York Tribune. "All the chemists in the country will enjoy its perusal, and many will seize upon it as a thing longed for. For, to those advanced students who have kept well abreast of the chemical tide, it offers a calm philosophy. To those others, youngest of the class, who have emerged from the schools since new methods have prevailed, it presents a generalization, drawing to its'use all the data, the relations of which the newly-fledged fact-seeker may but dimly perceive without its aid. ... To the old chemists, Prof. Cooke's treatise is like a message from beyond the mountain. They have heard of changes in the science; the clash of the battle of old and new theories has stirred them from afar. The tidings, too, had come that the old had given way; and little more than this they knew. . . . 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APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. 9811 8 Opinions of the Press on the " International Scientific Series." IX. Responsibility in Mental Disease. By HENRY MAUDSLEY, M. D., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in University College, London. lvol.,l2mo. Cloth.....Price, $1.50. " Having lectured in a medical college on Mental Disease, this book has been a feast to us. It handles a great subject in a masterly manner, and, in our judgment, the positions taken by the author are correct and well sustained. In his second chap- ter he has well marked out the border-line between sanity and insanity, speaks of the prophets of the Old Testament, the epileptic nature of Mahomet's visions, crime and insanity, epileptic insanity, etc. Here we can bear testimony to the truth of his re- marks from professional experience, having had probably more epileptic paUents than any other physician of our day to treat."—Pastor and People. 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In the chapter on Law and Insanity the author commends himself, by his acute criticisms and judicial deliverances, to the attention of lawyers."—The Christian Era. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 & 551 Broadway, N. Y. A New Magazine for Students and Cultivated Readers. THE POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, CONDUCTED BY Professor E. L. YOUMANS. The growing importance of scientific knowledge to all classes of the community calls for more efficient means of diffusing it. The Popular Science Monthly has been started to promote this object, and supplies a want met by no other periodical in the United States. It contains instructive and attractive articles, and abstracts of articles, original, selected, and illustrated, from the leading scientific men of differ- ent countries, giving the latest interpretations of natural phenomena, ex- plaining the applications of science to the practical arts, and to the opera- tions of domestic life. 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