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Blake U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, and WELFARE Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Bethesda, Maryland 1979 DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 79-104 National Library of Medicine Cataloging in Publication Data Z National Library of Medicine. 675.M4 A short title catalogue of eighteenth century N278sa printed books in the National Library of Medicine / compiled by John B. Blake. — Bethesda, Md. : U. S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Library of Medicine ; Washington : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1979. (DHEW publication ; no. (NIH) 79-104) 1. Bibliography of Medicine 2. Libraries, Medical - Maryland - catalogs I. Blake, John Ballard, 1922- II. Title III. Series ® All or portions of this publication are protected against copying or other reproduction outside of the United States in accordance with the provisions of Article II of the Universal Copyright Convention. INTRODUCTION The present catalogue continues the series of special century catalogues begun in 1950 with Dorothy Schullian's A Catalogue of Incunabula and Manuscripts in the Army Medical Library. It lists, with some omissions, works printed from 1701 through 1800 which are held in the History of Medicine collection of the National Library of Medicine. Altogether it includes approximately 25,000 items. Between 30 and 40 per cent have not been recorded in either the Index-Catalogue or The National Union Catalog pre-1956 Imprints. It thus reveals as never before the breadth and depth of this great collection which successive generations of librarians have been building for over a century. It includes both monographs and serials. Multivolume monographic sets published partly in the seventeenth century have been omitted; those published partly in the nineteenth have been included in their entirety. Serial entries include only those volumes of which one or more parts were printed in the eighteenth century: holdings of earlier and later volumes are not included, even if the serial continued from the previous or continued into the next century. Also omitted are dissertations written or defended by a student in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the doctorate in medicine or a comparable degree and the corresponding program dissertations announcing the student's forthcoming disputation. Reissues without a dissertation statement, revised editions, collections, and translations of dissertations have been included, however, as have dissertations prepared in competition for a chair and for a variety of other academic exercises. In general, an effort has been made to bring the entries into conformance with the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules. However, since the work on which this catalog is based has been carried out over many years, this has not always proved practicable. Classical forms of early authors' names have been retained rather than changed to the common English form where such exists; serials issued by institutions and societies will still generally be found under their respective names rather than under title; collections of independent works are likely to be under the compiler or the first named author. Title transcriptions have quite generally been abbreviated. Regrettably this sometimes results in the omission of information that might more fully elucidate the contents of a work, but it is hoped that none has been rendered so short as to prevent its identification. Omissions within the transcription of a title proper have been indicated in the standard manner; omissions at the end have not. Titles printed in non-Roman alphabets have been trans- literated. The repetition of a title is indicated by a dash; minor spelling variations or misprints in such cases have generally been ignored. Edition statements are given if brief, or if readily abbreviated. The first-named place of printing or publication is given, whether deemed to be 'he primary one or not, and no effort has been made to identify those which may be fictitious; if "[etc. ]" appears after the place name in an imprint, it means that the first named place differs in one or more of the succeeding volumes of a serial or set. The names of printers, publishers, and booksellers have been omitted. Major pagination only has been included in the collation statement; nota- tions of plates, illustrations, format, or size have been omitted. Exceptions to these rules have been introduced only occasionally when necessary to distinguish between different issues or editions within the Library's collection, or for other special reasons. Should anyone need a more complete description of a particular volume, the Library will be glad to supply it. In general notes have been added to show imperfections in the Library's copy of a book, or gaps in the holdings of multivolume sets and serials. Minor imperfections not affecting the text, such as missing half-titles, have not been noticed. Other notes bring out separately paged parts of books with special title pages that differ significantly from the main title, and the editors or compilers of serials if named on the title page. Added entries have been restricted largely to those instances in which it was believed that the entry might offer some difficulty, such as anonymous and composite works and those the ostensible author of which is not the true one, and to parts of books which, if standing alone, would appear to be bibliographically independent and complete. The work of many persons, predecessors as well as present and former colleagues in the History of Medicine Division, is represented in this catalogue. In no other way could it have been accomplished. While many have contributed, it is not individuous to cite especially the work of Marjorie A. Stuff, whose persevering effort over a long period to establish the authors of a high proportion of the works included deserves special recognition. A AASKOW, Urban Bruun, 1742-1806. Diarii medici navalis in expeditione Algeriensi conscripti annus primus. Havniae, 1774. 147 p. AB INDAGINE. See Hagen, Christian Thedel Heinrich von,1714-1776. ABBOT, George, 1562-1633. The case of impotency, as debated in England. 3d ed. London, 1715-19 [v. 1,1719] 2 v. Vol. 2 without ed. statement. ABBT, Thomas, 1738-1766. Alexander Gottlieb Baum- gartens Leben und Character. Halle im Magdebur- gischen, 1765. 32 p. - Vom Verdienste. 2 Aufl. Goslar, 1766. 351 p. ABD ALLAH IBN AHMAD, called Ibn al-Baitar. See Ibn al-Baytar, 'Abd Allah ibn Ahmad, d. 1248. ABDEKER. See Le Camus, A. ABEL, Heinrich Kaspar. Lang gewiinschter medicinischer Gewissens-Spiegel. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1720. 366 p. — Reformirter und gantz vollkommener Leib-Medicus der Studenten. Leipzig, 1720. 712 p. — Wohlerfahrner Leib-Medicus der Studenten. Leipzig, 1701. 338, 45 p. -----Leipzig, 1707. 338, 40, 45 p. ABEL, Jacob Friedrich, 1751-1829. Einleitung in die Seelen- lehre. Stutgart, 1786. 459 p. ABERCROMBY, David, d. 1701 or 2. Nova medicinae, turn speculativae, turn practicae, clavis. Ed. nova. Pari- siis, 1740. 43 p. — Der spanische oder frantzosische Pocken-Meister. Dres- den, 1702. 442 p. ABERDEEN MEDICAL SOCIETY. An account of the Aberdeen Medical Society: containing the laws, regula- tions, &c. Aberdeen, 1796. 40 p. "7 ABERDOUR, Alexander. Observations on the small-pox and inoculation. Edinburgh, 1791. 93 p. ABERNETHY, John, 1764-1831. Surgical and physiologi- cal essays. London, 1793-97. 3 v. in 1. ABGENOTHIGTE Beantwortung der von einigen Medi- cis wider die Chirurgos mit vielen aufgebiirdeten Un- billigkeiten herausgegebenen Schriften. [n.p.] 1758. 16 p. — Abgenothigte Bekanntmachung einer Krankenge- schichte der Schweine. See Schipper. ABHANDLUNG iiber das Faulfieber, ein Geschenke fur heilende Landarzte. Solothurn, 1786. 52, 19 p. — Abhandlung iiber den Stein. See Forbes, M. — Abhandlung iiber die Kenntniss und Heilart der Schlag- fliisse. Lagensalza, 1775. 264 p. — Abhandlung von dem Einflusse der Musik in die Ge- sundheit der Menschen. Leipzig, 1770. 50 p. — Abhandlung von dem Ursprung der Venusseuche. See Sanches, A. N. R. — Abhandlung von den . . . Krankheiten der . .. Hunde. See Kiinigl, L. von. — Abhandlung von den Zehrwiirmern der Kinder. Leipzig, 1792. 52 p. — Abhandlung von der Moglichkeit einer Universal- Arzney . . . und deren wirklichen Existenz in dem Ail- haudischen Pulver. Strassburg, 1769. 23 p. — Abhandlung von der Verdickung des Gebliites in der Lung. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1751. 42 p. ABHANDLUNGEN und Beobachtungen aus der Arzeney- gelahrtheit. Hamburg, 1776. 357 p. Ed. by P. D. Giseke. — Der Herrn Le Blanc und Hoin Abhandlungen von einer neuen Methode. See Le Blanc, L. ABILDGAARD, Peter Christian, 1740-1801. Pferde- und Vieharzt. Wien, 1785. 95 p. ABLAINCOURT, Jacques Jean Bruhier d\ See Bruhier d'Ablaincourt, Jacques Jean, d. 1756. ABRAHAM A SANCTA CLARA, Father, 1644-1709. lets voor alien. Amsteldam, 1736-[41] 4 v. ABREGE d'osteologie. [Paris, 1747] 32, 45 p. Pt. 2 has caption title: Abrege de myologie. Incomplete? — Abrege de l'anatomie. See Verdier, C. — Abrege de l'histoire des magnetiseurs de Lyon, [n.p., ca. 1784] 8 p. — Abrege de la doctrine de Paracelse. See Colonna, F. M. P. — Abrege economique de l'anatomie. See Le Dran, H. F. — Abrege pharmaceutique a 1'usage des hopitaux mili- taires. See France. Conseil de sante. ABREU, Bras Luis de, 1692-1756. Portugal medico; ou Monarchia medico-Lusitana. Pt. 1. Coimbra, 1726. 763 p. ABREU, Jose Rodrigues de, 1682-1752? Luz de cirurgioens embarcadissos. Lisboa, 1711. 76 p. ABSTRACT of a dissertation . . . concerning the system of the earth. See Hutton, J. — An abstract of A treatise of the virtues of Dr. Bate- man's pectoral drops. [London, 1739?] 64 p. ABULCASIS, 936?-1013? De chirurgia. Oxonii, 1778. 2 v. in 1. Les ABUS de la saignee. See Boyer de Prebandier, P. The ABUSES and scandals. See Douglass, W. 1 ACADEMIA CAESAREA REGIA JOSEPHINA ACADEMIA CAESAREA REGIA JOSEPHINA MEDI- CO-CHIRURGICA VINDOBONENSIS. See Medici- nisch-Chirurgische Josephs-Akademie zu Wien. ACADEMIA CAESAREO-LEOPOLDINA NATURAE CURIOSORUM. See Academia Naturae Curiosorum. ACADEMIA DAS CIENCIAS DE LISBOA. Adverten cias dos meios que os particulares podem usar para preservar-se da peste. Lsiboa [sic] 1800. 37 p. ------Another issue. Imprint corrected: Lisboa. — Short directions for the cure ... of the plague. See Berchtold, L. von. ACADEMIA ELECTORALIS MOGUNTINA SCIEN- TIARUM UTILIUM. See Akademie Gemeinnutziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt. ACADEMIA MEDICA DE MADRID. Memorias. t. 1. Madrid, 1797. 497 p. ACADEMIA MEDICO-PRACTICA DE BARCELONA. Dictamen . . . sobre frequencia de las muertes repen- tinas y apoplegias que en ella acontecen. Barcelona, 1784. 109 p. — Memorias. t. 1. Madrid, 1798. 656 p. ACADEMIA NATURAE CURIOSORUM. Acta physico- medica. v. 2-10. Norimbergae, 1730-54. 9 v. -----Ed. 2. v. 1. Norimbergae [17—] 1 v. — Auserlesene medicinisch- chirurgisch- anatomisch- chymisch- und botanische Abhandlungen. Th. 1-20; [1670-91] Niirnberg, 1755-71. 20 v. — Emphemerides; sive, Observationum medico-physi- carum . . . centuria 1/2-9/10. Francofurti [etc.] 1712- 22. 5 v. — Examen et castigationes Animadversionum Graeb- nerianarum in Historiam morborum. [Vratislaviae?] 1703. 90 p. - Historia morborum, qui annis MDCIC, MDCC, MDCCI Vratislaviae grassati sunt. Vratislaviae, 1706.318,39 p. Pt. 2 has title: Tractatus philosophico-medicus de experi- entia. — Historia morborum qui annis MDCXCIX, MDCC, MDCCI, MDCCII Vratislaviae grassati sunt. Lausannae, 1746. 480 p. — Historia morborum qui anno MDCCII Vratislaviae grassati sunt. Vratislaviae, 1710. 236 p. — Miscellanea curiosa; sive, Ephemeridum medico- physicarum Germanicarum . . . decuriae III, annus 7/8-9/10; 1699/1700-1701/05. Norimbergae, 1702-06. 2 v. in 1. _____Sylloge Dnn. patronorum, fautorum & collegarum Academiae Caesareo-Leopoldinae Naturae Curioso- rum, quorum observationes in tertia decuria Epheme- ridum Germanicarum legentur. Francofurti, 1713. [64]p. - Nova acta physico-medica. 1.1-8. Norimbergae, 1757- 91. 8 v. — Observationes practicae de hydrope pectoris. Vratis- laviae, 1706. 62 p. Has been atributed, at least in part, to Christian Helwich. — Synopsis observationum medicarum et physicarum quas decuriae III ac centuriae X Ephemeridum . . ■ continent. Norimbergae, 1739. 1388 p. in 2 v. Prepared by W. A. Kellner. ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM IMPERIALIS PETRO- POLITANA. See Imperatorskaia akademiia nauk. ACADEMICUS. See Greenwood, Isaac, 1702-1745. AC ADEMICUS, Phileleutherus. See Phileleutherus Aca- demicus. ACADEMIE DE MEDECINE, Paris. See Societe royale de medecine. ACADEMIE DE PHARMACIE, Paris. See Societe libre des pharmaciens de Paris. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, Paris. See Academie royale des sciences. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, ARTS ET BELLES-LET- TRES DE DIJON. Nouveaux memoires, ou cahiers semestres . . . proposes par souscription. [Dijon, 1782] 4 p. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, BELLES-LETTRES ET ARTS DE LYON. Memoires . .. sur l'utilite des lichens. Lyon, 1787. 3 pts. in 1 v. Pt. 1 has title: Lichenographie economique, par M. Wille- met; pt. 2: Recherches ... sur les divers lichens, par M. Amoreaux, fils; pt. 3: Commentario de vario lichenum usu, par M. G. Fr. Hoffmann. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, INSCRIPTIONS, BEL- LES LETTRES, BEAUX ARTS, &C, Troyes, France. See Grosley, P. J. ACADEMIE IMPERIALE ET ROYALE DES SCIEN- CES ET BELLES-LETTRES DE BRUXELLES. Me- moires. t. 1-5. Bruxelles, 1777-88. 5 v. — Memoires sur les questions ... qui ont remportes les prix. 1773-1788. Bruxelles, 1774-89. v. Incomplete: have 1777, 1778, 1787. ACADEMIE ROYALE DE CHIRURGIE, Paris. Me moires, t. 1-5. Paris, 1743-74. 5 v. quarto. ------t. 1-15. Paris, 1771-87. 15 v. duodecimo. A made-up set: 1.1., pt. 1, 1781; 1.1, pt. 2-3 [i.e., t. 2-3] 1780; t. 4-6, 1787; t. 7-9, 1771; t. 10-12, 1783-84; t. 13-15, 1774. — Memoires sur les sujets proposes pour le prix. t. 9-13. Paris. 1778. 5 v. duodecimo. — Memoirs . .. Being a collection of observations and experiments. London, 1759. 3 v. — Memoirs . . . containing, a great variety of cases. London, 1750. 2 v. — Recueil des pieces qui ont concouru pour le prix t 1-3; 1732/43-1750/58. Paris, 1753-59. 3 v. quarto. ------t. 5-8. Paris, 1755-59. 4 v. duodecimo. 2 ACCOUNT -----t. 1-8. Paris, 1775-83. 8 v. duodecimo. A made-up set: t. 1-2, 1778; t. 3, 1783; t. 4-5, 1782; t. 6-8, 1775. — Reglement pour une academie de chirurgie. [Paris, 1732]7 p. — Sammlung der Preisschriften. [Bd. 1; 1732/43] Alten- burg, 1756. 376 p. — Seance publique . .. du 11 avril 1793 . . . Discours pro- nonces par le Citoyen Sue. Paris, 1793. 107 p. -----Another issue. 7, 107 p. — Seances publiques ... ou Ton traite de diverses matieres interessantes, & particulierement de la section de la symphise. Paris, 1779. 154 p. ACADEMIE ROYALE DE PRUSSE. See Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, Paris. Anato- mische, chymische und botanische Abhandlungen. Th. 1-9; 1692/1701-1735/37. Bresslau, 1749-60. 9 v. — Extrait des registres ... du 22 novembre 1786. Rapport des commissaires charges . . . de l'examen du projet d'un nouvel Hotel-Dieu. Paris, 1786. 128 p. — Extrait des registres ... du 20 juin 1787. Rapport des commissaires charges . . . des projets relatifs a l'etablis- sement des quatre hopitaux. Paris, 1787. 15 p. - Histoire. t. 1-2; 1666/86-1686/99. Paris, 1733. 2 v. — Histoire . . . avec les memoires de mathematique et de physique, annee 1705-1789. Paris, 1706-An II [1793/94] 85 v. in 86. -----annee 1700-1744. Amsterdam, 1706-51. 62 v. in 60. 1707-10, 1718. 1733-44 issued in 2 v. Vol. 2 has title: Suite des memoires de mathematique et de physique. -----2. ed. annee 1699-1704. Paris, 1718-22. 6 v. -----3. ed. annee 1699. Paris, 1732. 1 v. -----annee 1705-1715, 1717-1718. Paris, 1730-41. 13v. Without ed. statement, except annee 1710, nouv. ed. -----annee 1701-1702, 1704. Paris, 1743-45. 3 v. Annee 1701, 2. ed. [!] -----annee 1700. 2. ed. (!) Paris, 1761. 1 v. -----See also Templeman, P. — Machines et inventions approuvees. 1.1-7; 1666/1701- 1734/54. Paris, 1735-77. 7 v. Compiled by J. F. Gallon. — Medical essays and observation. See Southwell, T. — Memoires . . . depuis 1666 jusqu'a 1699. t. 3-11. Paris, 1729-34. 9 v. in 12. — Memoires de mathematique et de physique, presentes ... par divers scavans. t. 1-11. Paris, 1750-86. 11 v. — Memoires pour servir a l'histoire naturelle des animaux et des plantes. La Haye, 1731. 536 p. (Memoires . . . contenant les ouvrages adoptez par cette Academie avant. . . 1699. t. 1) — Memoirs for a natural history of animals. London, 1701. 267, 40 p. Imperfect: plate opposite p. 166 wanting. — Nouvelle table des articles . . . depuis 1666 jusqu'en 1770. Paris, 1775-76. 4 v. — The philosophical history and memoires ... or, An abridgment of all the papers . . . from ... 1699 to 1720. London, 1742. 5 v. — Prix proposes ... pourl'annee 1787. [Paris, 1786?] 4 p. — Recueil des pieces qui ont remporte les prix. t. 1-9; 1720/27-1764/72. Paris, 1752-77. 9 v. Incomplete: v. 9 wanting. Several memoirs are in earlier separate printings, each with special t.p. — Suite des memoires. Paris, 1720-68. 9 v. Set comprises those numbered II (both issues) through VIII and XV in the Library of Congress Catalog, v. 1, 1942, p. 285. No. V, VI, VIII, and XV are not designated in the respective volumes as part of the series. — Table alphabetique des matieres contenues dans l'Histoire & les memoires. t. 1-4; 1666/98-1721/30. Paris, 1729-34 [v. 1, 1734] 4 v. — Table generale des matieres contenues dans l'Histoire & dans les memoires. t. 5-8; 1731/40-1761/70. Paris, 1747-74. 4 v. ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES DE STOCK- HOLM. See Svenska vetenskapsakademien. ACADEMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES, DES LETTRES ET DES BEAUX-ARTS DE BELGIQUE. See Aca- demie imperiale et royale des sciences et belles-lettres de Bruxelles. ACADEMY OF MEDICINE OF PHILADELPHIA. Con- stitution. [Philadelphia, 1799] 4 p. - Laws. [Philadelphia, 1799] 7 p. — Letter ... on the origin and means of preventing the return of the yellow fever. {In The spectator. New York. Dec. 15, 1798) — Proofs of the origin of the yellow fever. Philadelphia, 1798. 49 p. ACCADEMIA DEL CIMENTO, Florence. Tentamina experimentorum naturalium. Viennae, 1756. 193,192 p. ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DELLINSTITUTO DI BOLOGNA. See Instituto delle scienze e arti liberali. ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DETTA DE' FISIO- CRITICI, Siena. Atti. t. 1-8. Siena, 1761-1800. 8 v. ACCADEMIA DI SCIENZE, LETTERE ED ARTI DI PADOVA. Saggi scientifici e letterarj. t. 1-3. Padova, 1786-94. 3 v. in 4. L'ACCOUCHEUR par supercherie. See Pifpouf, H. An ACCOUNT of a medical controversy in the city of Cork, in which five physicians are engaged. London, 1749. 60 p. — Account of a strange and wonderful dream. See Woodward, J. — An account of a very infectious distemper. See Gil- 3 ACCOUNT christ. E. — An account of some new microscopical discoveries. See Needham, J. T. — Account of the battle. See Blane, G. — An account of the late Captain M---'s case. [Man- chester, 1783]7 p. — An account of the life ... of Herman Boerhaave. See Burton, W. — An account of the medical properties of a bark, lately procured from South America. [London] 1789. 12 p. — An account of the method and success of inoculating. See Mather, C. — An account of the numbers. See Fitch, J. — Account of the progress made in rebuilding the College of Edinburgh. [Edinburgh, 1791] 11 p. Reprinted from Medical commentaries. — An account of the progress of an epidemical madness. London, 1735. 72 p. — Account of the reparation of Dr. Pitcairne's monument in the Grayfriars Churchyard. [Edinburgh, 1800?] 8 p. — An account of the rise, progress, and termination, of the malignant fever, lately prevalent. Philadelphia, 1793. 36, 12 p. — An account of the sickness and death of Dr. W--dw-rd. See Technicum, Dr. — An account of the tenia, and method of treating it. 2d ed. London, 1778. 77 p. Imperfect: plate 3 wanting — An account of the tenia or long tape worm, and of the method of treating it. London, 1777. 61 p. -----Another issue. London, 1777 [i.e. 1778] 77 [i.e. 83] p. Imperfect: plate 1 wanting -----Another issue. London, 1777 [i.e. 1778] 61, 29 p. Pt. 2 has title: Appendix to An account of the tenia. London, 1778. ACHER, d'. See Dacher, Bernard Joseph. ACKERMANN, Jacob Fidelis, 1765-1815. Ueber die korperliche Verschiedenheit des Mannes vom Weibe ausser den Geschlechtstheilen. Koblenz, 1788. 150 p. — Uber die Kretinen, eine besondre Menschenabart in den Alpen. Gotha, 1790. 124 p. ACKERMANN, Johann Christian Gottlieb, 1756-1801. Abhandlung iiber die Kenntniss und Heilung des Tris- mus. 2. Ausg. Nurnberg, 1778. 207 p. — Anleitung zur allgemeinen Heilungswissenschaft. Nurn- berg, 1795. 2 v. in 1. — De Antonio Musa. Altorfii, 1786. 24 p. — De dysenteriae antiquitatibus dissertatio prior. Halae [1775] 32 p. — De dysenteriae antiquitatibus liber bipartitus. Lipsiae, 1777. 154 p. [ — ] Handbuch der Kriegsarzneykunde. Leipzig, 1795. 2 v. -----Wien, 1799. 270 p. Pt. 3 only. — Institutiones historiae medicinae. Norimbergae, 1792. 404 p. — Institutiones therapiae generalis. Norimbergae, 1794- 95. 2 v. — Opuscula ad medicinae historiam pertinentia. Norim- bergae, 1797. 432 p. — Pathologisch-praktische Abhandlung iiber die Bla- hungen. Altdorf, 1800. 319 p. — Ueber die Krankheiten der Gelehrten. Nurnberg, 1777. 314 p. ACKERMANN, Johann Friedrich, 1726-1804. Oratio professionis medicinae extraordinariae adeundae caus- sa. Kilonii [1760] xxiv p. — Prolusio de incognito apud veteres instrumentorum physicorum usu. Kilonii [1760] xxiv p. ACKERMANN, Johann Karl Heinrich, 1765-1810. Ueber das Medicinalwesen in Deutschland. Zeitz, 1794.82 p. — Versuch iiber die Prufung der Luftgiite. Leipzig, 1791. 60 p. ACQUA, Girolamo Maria dell'. See Dell'Acqua, Giro- lamo Maria. ACREL, Olof af, 1717-1806. Chirurgische Geschichte. Lubeck,1772. 388 p. — Chirurgische Vorfalle. Gottingen, 1777. 2 v. — Chirurgiske handelser. Stockholm, 1759. 379 p. -----Stockholm, 1775. 650 p. — Genaste sattet at inratta och underhalla et lazaret eller sjukhus. Stockholm, 1746. 18 p. — Heelkundige waarneemingen. 's Gravenhage, 1771. 581 p. — Tal, om de lysande framsteg, som lakere-vetenskapen tilvunnit sig i Sverige, inom de senare sextio aren. Stockholm, 1793. 28 p. — Tal, om fostrets sjukdomar i moderlifvet. Stockholm [1750?]44 p. — Utforlig forklaring om friska sars egenskaper. Stock- holm, 1745. 339 p. ACTA eruditorum. anno 1701-1731. Lipsiae. 31 v. in 29. -----Actorum eruditorum quae Lipsiae publicantur supplementa. t. 3-10. Lipsiae, 1702-34. 8 v. -----Indices generales ... secundi Actorum eruditorum ... decennii [1692-1701] Lipsiae, 1704. 1 v. (unpaged) -----Opuscula omnia . . . inserta. See under title. — Acta Helvetica physico-mathematico-anatomico-bota- nico-medica. v. 1-8. Basileae, 1751-77. 8 v. in 4. Vol. 1 has title: Acta Helvetica physico-mathematico-bota- nico-medica. — Acta medicorum Berolinensium. decad. 1, v. 1-10; decad. 2, v. 1-10; decad. 3, v. 1. Berolini, 1717-31,21 v. in 2. -----Ed. 2. decad. 1, v. 1-3. Berolini, 1719-20.3 v. in 1. — Acta medicorum Suecicorum. 1.1. Holmiae, 1783.484 p. 4 ADEPTUS INEPTUS ACTAEON, Kynophilus. Ausfuhrliche Geschichte der Hunde. Leipzig, 1781. 374 p. ACTE passe pardevant notaires, contenant plusieurs pieces au sujet du miracle opere en la personne de Mademoiselle Hardouin. [Paris? 1731?] 16 p. ACTORUM Laboratorii Stockholmensis parasceve. See Hjarne,U. ACTUARIUS, Joannes. See Joannes Actuarius, 13th cent. ACUENZA Y MOSA, Pedro. See Aquenza y Mossa, Pedro, fl. 1696-1726. ACUNA, Sebastian de. Dissertaciones, sobre el orden, que los medicos deben observar en las juntas, para evitar discordias. Madrid, 1746. 147 p. ACURSIO DE TAVARES, Jose. See Morganti, Bento, b. 1709. AD . . . Conier. Middletoni... dissertationem responsio. See Ward, J. — Ad virum clarissimum Danielem Turner. See Porter, R. [ ADAIR, James Makittrick ] 1728-1802. Anecdotes of the life, adventures, and vindication, of a medical character metaphorically defunct... by Benjamin Goosequill and Peter Paragraph. London, 1790. 370 p. — Commentaries on the principles and practice of physic. London, 1772. 605 p. — An essay on regimen. Air, 1799. 208 p. [ — ] Essays on fashionable diseases ... By Benjamin Goosequill, and Peter Paragraph. London [ 1790?] 260 p. — Medical cautions. Bath, 1786. 215 p. -----2nd ed. Bath, 1787. 543 p. — A philosophical and medical sketch of the natural history of the human body and mind. Bath, 1787.318 p. — Physiologische und diatetische Schriften. Zittau, 1788- 91. 2 v. Each v. has also special t.p.: Philosophisch-medicinischer Abriss der Natur-Geschichte des Menschen [&] Medicinische Warnungen fur schwachliche Personen. ADAM, Melchior, 1551-1622. Vitae Germanorum medi- corum. Ed. 3. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1706. 102 (i.e. 202) p. — Vitae Germanorum philosophorum. Ed. 3. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1706. 250 p. ADAMI, Paul, 1739-1795. Bibliotheca loimica. Vindo- bonae, 1784. 215 p. {In Memoria epidemiarum et pestium omni aevi . . . quam dissertationis inauguralis loco . . . submittit Fr. Max. Valentics) ADAMS, George, 1720-1773. Micrographia illustrata; or, The knowledge of the microscope explain'd. London, 1746. 263 p. _____2d ed. London, 1747. 236 p. Imperfect: plates 1, 3, 12, and 19 wanting. — Micrographia illustrata; or, The microscope explained. 4th ed. London, 1771. 325 p. Imperfect: plate 56 wanting. ADAMS, George, 1750-1795. An essay on electricity. London, 1784. 367 p. -----2d ed. London, 1785. 476 p. -----3d ed. London, 1787. 473 p. Imperfect: p. xli-xlii and plate 2 in photocopy. -----4th ed. London, 1792, 588 p. -----5th ed. London, 1799. 594 p. — An essay on vision. London, 1789. 153 p. -----2d ed. London, 1792. 157 p. — Essays on the microscope. London, 1787. 724 p. and atlas of plates. -----2d ed. London, 1798. 724 p. Atlas of plates folded and bound at end. ADAMS, Joseph, 1756-1818. Bemerkungen uber Krank- heitsgifte, Phagedana und Krebs. Breslau, 1796.303 p. — Observations on morbid poisons, phagedaena, and cancer. London, 1795. 328 p. Imperfect: p. 327-328 in photocopy. ADDENBROOKE'S HOSPITAL, Cambridge, Eng. Rules and orders. Cambridge, 1770. 34 p. ADDINGTON, Anthony, 1713-1790. An essay on the sea- scurvy. Reading, 1753. 47 p. ADDITION a la Suite du recueil. See Recueuil de pieces importantes sur l'operation de la taille. ADDIZIONE de' capi anche di varj autori per maggior comdo de' speziali. Milano, 1733. 23 p. Running title: Antidotarii Mediol. additio. An ADDRESS to Doctor Cadogan. See Falconer, W. — Address to the citizens of Edinburgh [on the election of a successor to Dr. Rutherford] Edinburgh, 1764.26p. — An address to the College of Physicians ... occasion'd by the late swarms of Scotch and Leyden physicians. London, 1747. 27 p. — Address to the inhabitants of the city and liberties of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1797. broadside. — Address to the medical society of students. See Blane, G. — An address to the members of the Corporation of Surgeons. London, 1798. 15 p. ADELSBACH, Johann Joseph Heinrich Bauer, Edler von. See Bauer von Adelsbach, Johann Joseph Heinrich, 1719-1802. [ADELUNG, Johann Christoph] 1732-1806. Geschichte der menslichen Narrheit. Leipzig, 1785-89. 7 v. Vol. 8, published in 1799 as Gallerie der neuen Propheten, wanting. — See also Jocher, C. G. ADEPTUS FATALIS. See Volckamer, J. G. ADEPTUS INEPTUS. See Wegener, G. W. 5 ADLER ADLER, Bernhard. Chemische medicinische Abhandlung vom egerschen Gesundbrunnen. Eger, 1785. 95 p. Les ADMIRABLES qualitez du kinkina, confirmees par plusieurs experiences. Paris, 1705. 180 p. Sometimes attributed to Sir Robert Talbor. ADOLPH, Johann Traugott, 1728-1771. De nervorum longitudine in compensationem multitudinis et vice versa. [Altdorf, 1769] xvi p. ADOLPHI, Christian Michael, 1676-1753. De equitationis eximio usu medico. Lipsiae, 1729. 100 p. — Dissertationes physico-medicae. Lipsiae, 1747. 979 p. — Tractatus de fontibus. Lipsiae, 1733. 252 p. Imperfect: t.p. trimmed, with loss of date. — Trias dissertationum medicarum ad diaeteticam potis- simum spectantium. Lipsiae, 1726. 173 p. — Trias dissertationum medicarum turn physiologico- anatomicarum turn pathologico-therapeuticarum. Lip- siae, 1728. 126 p. — Trias dissertationum medico-chirurgicarum. Lipsiae, 1730. 86 p. — Trias dissertationum physico-medicarum chorograph- iam medicam potissimum spectantium. Lipsiae, 1725. 156 p. ADULTERY anatomized: in a select collection of tryals, for criminal conversation. London, 1761. 2 v. The ADVENTURES of Mrs. Tend--. Dublin, 1768.40 p. ADVERSARIA medico practica. See Ludwig, C. G. ADVERTENCIAS dos meios . . . para preservar-se da peste. See Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa. ADVICE to John Ranby . . . with some observations on his Narrative of the last illness of. . . the Earl of Orford. London, 1745. 22 p. — Advice to the officers. See Grose, F. — Advice to the people, upon the epidemic catarrhal fever. Dublin, 1775. 48 p. AELIANUS, Claudius. De natura animalium. Londini, 1744. 2v. Greek and Latin title and text. -----Heilbronnae, 1765. 2 v. -----Lipsiae, 1784. 585, 228 p. AEPLI, Alexander, 1767-1832. Eine medicinisch-pole- mische Probschrift von den Canthariden. [n.p.] 1788. 102 p. AEPLI, Johann Melchior, 1744-1813. Abhandlung von dem bosartigen Fieber. Zurich, 1775. 157 p. — Priifung der spanischen Fliege im bosartigen Fieber. Zurich, 1777. 56 p. — Die sichere Zuriiklassung der Nachgeburt in be- stimmten Fallen. Zurich, 1776. 134 p. The AESCULAPIAN labyrinth. See Taplin, W. AETIUS, of Amida. D. Joannis Ernesti Hebenstreit. . . Tentamen philologicum medicum super Aetii Amideni synopsis medicorum veterum libris octo. Lipsiae, 1757. 32 p. AFHANDLING om de fordelar. See Landais. AGERBECH, Andreas, 1702-1770. Den filosofiske laege. Kiribenhavn,1758. 243 p. AGESILAUS. See Gerbezius, Marcus, ca. 1658-1718. AGMER-BEN-AB-DALA. See Ahmad ibn 'Abd Allah, al-Tulaitill. AGNES of Blannbekin, Saint. See Blannbek, Agnes. AGNESE SCASSI, Onuphrius. See Scassi, Onofrio,1768- 1836. AGNETHLER, Michael Gottlieb, 1719-1752. Laurent. Joann.NepomucenusReen . .. plagii literarii... accu- satus, convictus atque Halensium musarum decreto condemnatus. Halae ad Salam, 1750. 44 p. AGNOMASTIX, K. Apologia Haariana; of, Ernstige verdediging voor den heere Jacob van der Haar. Am- sterdam [1761?] 110 p. AGOSTINI, Antonio, fl. 1763. Stranguria, quae venerea dicitur, mercurii aliquando esse potest effectus. Vene- tiis, 1763. 60 p. AGOSTINI, Giovanni degli. See Degli Agostini, Giovanni, 1701-1755. AGOTY, Jacques Gautier d'. See Gautier d'Agoty, Jacques, 1717-1755. AGRIPPA VON NETTESHEIM, Heinrich Cornelius, 1486-1535. Dell'eccellenza e preeminenza del femminil sesso sopra il maschile. Londra, 1776. 108 p. — La philosophic occulte. La Haye, 1727. 2 v. LAGRONOME. See Alletz, P. A. AGUILAR, Antonio. See Ferrer y Beaumont, Vicente. AHLERS, Cyriacus. Some observations concerning the woman of Godlyman. London, 1726. 28 p. AHMAD IBN ABD ALLAH, al-Tulaitili. Tratado de las aguas medicinales de Salam-Bir. Madrid, 1761. 239 p. AHRENS, Johann Heinrich Hermann. Unmassgeblicher Entwurf von der Beschaffenheit und Abhelfung der im holsteinischen wiitenden Horn-Vieh-Seuche. Plon, 1745. [16] p. AIGNAN, Francois, 1644-1709. Traite de la goutte. Paris, 1707. 257 p. AIKIN, John, 1747-1822. Beobachtungen uber den aus- erlichen Gebrauch der Bleymittel. Altenburg, 1776. 124 p. — Biographical memoirs of medicine in Great Britain. London, 1780. 338 p. 6 AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN — An essay on the application of natural history to poetry. Warrington, 1777. 156 p. — Letters from a father to his son. Philadelphia, 1794. 328 p. — A manual of materia medica. Yarmouth, 1785. 194 p. — Observations on the external use of preparations of lead. London, 1771. 104 p. — Observations sur les hopitaux. Londres, 1788. 134 p. — A specimen of the medical biography of Great Britain. London, 1775. 28 p. — Thoughts on hospitals. London, 1771. 98 p. — A view of the character and public services of the late John Howard. London, 1792. 248 p. — A view of the life, travels, and philanthropic labors of the late John Howard. Philadelphia, 1794. 196 p. ------Boston, 1794 [i.e. 1795] 178 p. Ode inscribed to John Howard, p. [163]-178, has special t.p. dated 1795. AILHAUD, Jean, 1674 or 5-1756. Abhandlung vom Ur- sprung der Krankheiten und dem Gebrauch des ab- fiihrenden Pulvers. 3 Aufl. Bresslau, 1753. 207 p. — Carta, en que el Doct. D. Juan Ailhaud . . . se quexa al Lie. D. Juan de Zuniga, sobre permitir este, y aun dar materiales a el P. Fr. Vicente Ferrer, [n.p., not before 1752]30 p. [ — ] Carta segunda del medico de Aix ... con que muestra al Lie. Zuniga el gozo, que le ha causado la resurrec- cion de su polvo purgative [Aix, 1753?] 24 p. Imperfect: p. 11-20 trimmed. — Dictionnaire abrege. See under title. — Instruction sur l'usage et les proprietes de la poudre purgative. [Aix, 1744?] 4 p. — Traite de l'origine des maladies et de l'usage de la poudre purgative. Avignon, 1742. 53 p. Imperfect: p. 53 wanting Title and text in French and Latin. ------Avignon, 1748. 181 p. French only. ------Avignon, 1753. 241 p. -----Carpentras, 1755. 256 p. -----Another issue. (Ailhaud, Jean Gaspard. Medecine universelle. Carpentras, 1764. pt. 1) Last 4 lines of preface omitted. — Trattato dell'origine delle malatie e dell'uso della polvere purgativa. Carpentras, 1756. 249 p. — Trattato dell'origine delle malattie, e delle virtu, e maniera d'usare la polvere purgativa. Bologna, 1763. 172 (i.e. 273) p. — A treatise on the origin of diseases, and the use of the purging powder. 2d ed. London [1769] 119 p. — Universal-Arzney; oder, Abhandlung von dem Ur- sprunge der Krankheiten, und dem Gebrauche des ab- fuhrenden Pulvers. Strassburg, 1765. 38 p. — See also Kurzer Auszung der merkwurdigsten Gene- sungen. AILHAUD, Jean Gaspard, baron de Caste let, d. 1800. L'ami des malades; ou, Discours historique & apolo- getique sur la poudre purgative. Carpentras, 1769.351 p. -----Paris, 1770. 365 p. — Kurzer Auszug des Systems der Herren von Ailhaud. Strassburg, 1766. 104 p. Imperfect: p. 45-52 wanting. — Lettres de guerisons. See under title. — Medecine universelle prouvee par le raisonnement demontree par l'experience: en quatre parties. Car- pentras, 1764. 4 pts. in 1 v. Each pt. has specil t.p. — Medecine universelle prouvee par le raisonnement demontree par l'experience; ou, Precis du traite de Messire Jean Ailhaud. Nouv. ed. Carpentras, 1762.356 p. -----Another issue. {His Medecine universelle. Car- pentras, 1764. pt. 2) — Precis du sisteme de MM. d'Ailhaud. Strasbourg, 1766. 90 p. — Reponse ... a la lettre de M. Lorentz. Carpentras, 1772. 184 p. — Reponse a une lettre anonime contre la poudre d'Ail- haud. Carpentras, 1764. 240 p. {His Medecine univers- elle. Carpentras, 1764. pt. 4) — Traite de la vraie cause des maladies, et maniere la plus sure de les guerir. Carpentras, 1776. 764 p. AILIANOS. See Aelianus, Claudius. AIME LAIR, Pierre. See Lair, Pierre Aime, 1769-1853. AITKEN, John, d. 1790. An address to the Chirurgo- obstetrical Society. Edinburgh, 1786. 15 p. — Elements of the theory and practice of physic and surgery. London, 1782-83. 2 v. — Essays and cases in surgery. London, 1775. 241 p. — Essays on fractures and luxations. London, 1790.173 p. -----New ed. London, 1800. 173 p. — Grundsaze der Entbindungskunst. Nurnberg, 1789. 287 p. — Medical improvement: an address. Edinburgh, 1777. 35 p. — Principles of anatomy and physiology. London, 1786. 2v. Imperfect: plate to accompany table D, v. 2, in photocopy. — Principles of midwifery, or puerperal medicine. Edin- burgh [1784] 95 p. -----2d ed. Edinburgh [1785] 216 p. -----3d ed. London [1786] 210 p. — Systematic elements of the theory and practice of surgery. Edinburgh, 1779. 574 p. AIX, France. See Hopital-general la charite d'Aix Hopital general Saint Jacques Hopital la misericorde AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN, Berlin. Me moires de l'Academie royale de Prusse. t. 1-9, ptie. 2. 7 AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN Avignon |etc] 1768-74. 9 v. in 10. Selections ed. by F. Paul. - — t. 1-7. Paris, 1770. 7 v. — Physicalische und medicinische Abhandlungen. Bd. 1-4. Gotha, 1781-86. 4 v. Ed. by J. L. C. Mumler. AKADEMIE GEMEINNUTZIGER WISSENSCHAF- TEN ZU ERFURT. Acta Academiae Electoralis Mo- guntinae Scientiarum Utilium quae Erfordiae est. t. 1-2. Erfordiae, 1757-61. 2 v. -----1776-1780/81. Erfurti, 1777-82. AKADEMIA NAUK SSSR. See Imperatorskaia aka- demiia nauk. AKEN, Frans Mikael von, 1698-1760. Hus- och land- apotheque. 2. upl. Skara, 1747. 157 p. AKENSIDE, Mark, 1721-1770. A commentary on the dysentery. London, 1767. 96 p. — De dysenteria commentarius. Londini, 1764. 81 p. [ — ] Notes on the postscript to a pamphlet intitled, Obser- vations anatomical and physiological, &c. by Alexander Monro, Junior. London, 1758. 24 p. — The pleasures of imagination. A poem. Exeter, 1794. 147 p. -----New-York, 1795. 196 p. AL ANSON, Edward, 1747-1823. Manuel pratique de l'am- putation des membres. Paris, 1784. 208 p. — Practical observations upon amputation. London, 1779. 64 p. -----2d ed. London, 1782. 296 p. — Praktische Bemerkungen iiber die Amputation. Gotha, 1785. 136, 172 p. ALBARDA, Johannes, 1761-1838. Dissertatio physio- logico medica, de fluxu menstruo. Franequerae, 1785. 51 p. ALBERA, Giovanni Maria, 1742-1808. Trattato teorico pratico delle febbri, e malattie putride prodotte dalla alcalescenza. [Novara, 1775] 251 p. — Trattato teorico pratico delle malattie dell'insolato di primavera, volgarmente dette della pellagra. Varese [1784]163 p. ALBERGHETTI, Dominicus Augustinus. De naturali quarumdam corporis humani partium anastesia. Vene- ris, 1770. 112 p. ALBERIZZI, Pietro Giuseppe, 1692-1722. Critologia medica. Milano, 1721. 151 p. ALBERS, Friderich Bernhard. Geschichte und Cur einer hartnackigten Venuskrankheit. Kopenhagen [1777] 16 p. L'ALBERT moderne. See Alletz, P.A. ALBERT D'AILLY, Louis Marie Joseph Romain d', due de Chaulnes. See Chaulnes, Louis Marie Joseph Ro- main d'Albert d'Ailly, due de, 1741-1792? ALBERT D'AILLY, Michel Ferdinand d\ due de Chaul- nes. See Chaulnes, Michel Ferdinand d'Albert d'Ailly, due de, 1714-1769. ALBERTI, Jacopo. Dell'epidemica mortalita de' gelsi. Salo, 1773. exci p. ALBERTI, Johannes, 1698-1762. Oratio inaugurahs de theologiae et critices connubio. [Lugduni Batavorum] 1740. 33 p. ALBERTI, Michael, 1682-1757. Commentatio in constitu- tionem criminalem Carolinam medica. Halae, 1739. 364 p. — Disquisitio medica de energia naturae in actibus vitali- bus sine medico salutariter exercendis. Islebiae, 1707. 19 p. — Disquisitio medica de medicamentorum modo ope- randi in corpore vivo. Halae Magd., 1720. 236 p. — Epistola gratulatoria mysterium naturae in medicina explicatur. Halae Magdeburgicae [1707] [8] p. — Epistola gratulatoria qua fata doctrinae temperamen- torum exponit. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1712. 12 p. — Epistola gratulatoria qua morbos mortiferos describit. Halae Magdeburgicae [1711] [8] p. — Epistola gratulatoria qua podagram sine sale explicat. [Hal. Magdeb., 1713] [20] p. — Epistola gratulatoria qua thermarum et acidularum idolummedicumdestruit. [Halae Magdeb., 1713] 16p. — Fata theoriae medicae. Halae Magdeburgicae [1711] [8] p. — Introductio in universam medicinam. Halae Magde- burgicae, 1718-21. 3 v. in 1. — Isagoge formulas medicamentosas artificiosa methodo conscribendi. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1726. 88 p. — Meditationes atque observationes, de admirandis ani- mae praecipue humanae effectibus. Halae Magd. [1713] 36 p. — Oratio valedictoria de autochiria litteratorum. Halae Magdeb. [1727] 32 p. — Philosophische Gedancken von den Unterschied der Kraffte der Seelen nach den Unterscheid der Menschen. Halle im Magdeburgischen, 1740. 16 p. — Physices propositiones et positiones fundamentales ad veram cognitionem macrocosmi et microcosmi colli- mantes. Halae, 1721. 88 p. — Sincera & justa responsio in que De paedantismo medico candide agitur. [Halae?] 1708. 99 p. — Specimen medicinae theologicae. Halae Magdebur- gicae, 1726. 688 p. — Systema jurisprudentiae medicae. Halae [etc.] 1733- 47 [v. 1-2, 1736] 6 v. Vol. 1, 2. ed. Title varies. 8 ALCHYMIA — Tentamen lexici realis observationum medicarum. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1727-31. 2 v. — Tractatio medica, de longaevitate hominis. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1732. 4 pts. in 1 v. Each pt. is a separate dissertation. — Tractatio medico-forensis de torturae subjectis aptis et ineptis. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1730. 90 p. — Tractatus de haemorrhoidibus. Halae, 1722.418,210 p. [ — ] Tractatus medico-historicus de tribus imposturibus; oder, Freymuthige Gedancken von denen drey beriich- tigten Verfuhrern des Volcks . . . Von Andronico. Cos- mopoli, 1731. 64 p. ALBERTIZ, Antonius Germanus de. Prodromus recen- sionis criticae historiae medicae. Viennae Austriae, 1765.119 p. ALBERTUS, Lucius, Parvus. Secrets merveilleux de la magie naturelle. Nouv. ed. Lion, 1743. 252 p. Imperfect: p. 79-90, 235-238, and 245-248 wanting. ALBERTUS MAGNUS, Saint, Bp. of Ratisbon, 1193?- 1280. Les admirables secrets. Cologne, 1706. 292 p. -----Lion, 1729. 306 p. -----Lion, 1743. 306 p. -----Lion, 1755. 312 p. -----Lyon, 1758. 312 p. Imperfect: p. 127-130, 283-292, 295-304 in photocopy. -----Lyon, 1793. 275 p. -----Lyon, 1800. 223 p. — De secretis mulierum libellus. Amstelodami, 1760.316 p. — De secretis mulierum; or, The mysteries of human generation. London, 1725. 108 p. ALBIN, Eleazar, fl. 1713-1759. A natural history of English insects. London, 1720. 1 v. (unpaged) ALBINUS, Bernhard, 1653-1721. Causae et signa mor- borum. Tom. 1. Gedani, 1791. 120 p. — Oratio de incrementis et statu artis medicae seculi decimi septimi. Lugduni Batavorum, 1711. 59 p. — Oratio de ortu & progressu medicinae. Lugduni Ba- tavorum, 1702. 23 p. -----Lugduni Batavorum, 1702. 32 p. ALBINUS, Bernhard Siegfried, 1697-1770. Academi- carum annotationum liber primus [-octavus]. Leidae, 1754-68. 8 v. in 2. — The anatomy of painting. London, 1769. 76 p. — De ossibus corporis humani. Leidae Batavorum, 1726. 309 p. -----[Vindobonae] 1746. 308 p. -----[Vindobonae] 1757. 308 p. — De sceleto humano. Leidae, 1762. 489 p. — Dissertatio de arteriis et venis intestinorum hominis. Leidae Batavorum, 1736. 10 p. — Dissertatio secunda. De sede et caussa coloris Aethio- pum et caeterorum hominum. Leidae Batavorum, 1737. 16 p. — The explanation of Albinus's anatomical figures of the human skeleton and muscles. London, 1754.332,106 p. Pt. 2 has title: A compleat system of the blood-vessels and nerves. — Explication tabularum .. . Eustachii. SeeEustachi,B. — Historia musculorum hominis. Leidae Batavorum, 1734. 696 p. -----Ed. 2. Francofurti, 1784. 604 p. -----Bambergae, 1796. 604 p. — Icones ossium foetus humani. Leidae Batavorum, 1737. 162 p. — Index supellectilis anatomicae quam . . . legavit. . . Johannes Jacobus Rau. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1725.48 p. — Index supellectilis anatomicae: rerum anatomicarum. Lugduni Batavorum [1771] 65 p. — Oratio inaugurahs de anatome comparata. Lugduni Batavorum, 1719. 46 p. — Oratio qua in veram viam, quae ad fabricae humani corporis cognitionem ducat, inquiritur. Lugduni Bata- vorum, 1721. 67 p. — Supellex anatomica. See Albinus, F. B. De natura hominis. — Tables of the skeleton and muscles of the human body. London, 1749. [92] p. Imperfect: some pages of explanatory matter mutilated. -----Edinburgh, 1777-78. 2 pts. in 1 v. Pt. 2 has special t.p.: Tables of the human muscles. -----See also Bell, A. Anatomia Britannica. — Tabulae ossium humanorum. Leidae, 1753. [4] p. — Tabulae sceleti et musculorum corporis humani. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1747. [98], 2 p. Imperfect: plates wanting. -----Londini, 1749. [94] p. — Tabulae VII uteri mulieris gravidae. Lugduni Bata- vorum, 1748-51. 8 plates. ALBINUS, Christian Bernhard, 1696-1752. Dissertatio physica, de igne. Lugduni Batavorum, 1725. 28 p. — Oratio inaugurahs, de anatome prodente errores in medicis. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1723. 35 p. — Specimen anatomicum, exhibens novam tenuium ho- minis intestinorum descriptionem. Denuo editum. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1724. 57 p. ALBINUS, Friedrich Bernhard, 1715-1778. De natura hominis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1775. 2 v. Vol. 2 has only half title: Supellex anatomica Bern. Siegfr. Albini. ALBRECHT, Johann Wilhelm, 1703-1736. De vitandis erroribus in medicina mechanica. Gottingae [ 1735 ] 8 p. — Observationes anatomicae, circa duo cadavera mascu- lina. Erfurti[1730] 12 p. — Tractatus physicus de effectibus musices in corpus animatum. Lipsiae, 1734. 136 p. ALBUCASIS. See Abulcasis, 936?-1013? ALCHYMIA denudata. See Naxagoras, E. von. 9 ALCOCK ALCOCK, Thomas, 1709-1798. The endemial colic of Devon, not caused by a solution of lead in the cyder. Plymouth [1768?] 141 p. | — | Some memoirs of the life of Dr. Nathan Alcock. London, 1780. 64 p. ALCUNE formole inservienti alle preparazioni e com- posizioni farmaceutiche dell'antimonio, del mercurio e dell'oppio. Genova, 1791. 48 p. — Alcune riflessioni di un medico Genovese sopra alcuni articoli di due stampe del signore Andrea Bologna. Lund, 1786. 62 p. — Alcune riflessioni sullo stato presente della farmacia. See Batt, W. ALDEGONDE DE NOLDE, Helena. See Noldi, Helena Aldegundis de, called Frau Baden. ALDERSGATE STREET DISPENSARY, London. See General Dispensary, London. ALDERSON, John, 1758-1829. An essay on the nature and origin of the contagion of fevers. Hull, 1788. 58 p. — An essay on the Rhus toxicodendron. Hull [1794?] 34 p. — Versuch iiber die Natur und Entstehung des Anstec- kungsgiftes bey Fiebern. Jena, 1790. 100 p. ALDINI, Giovanni, 1762-1834. De animali electricitate. Bononiae, 1794. xli p. — Dell'uso e dell'attivita. See under title. — Lettera . . . relativa al meteorismo critico dell dottore Ambrogi. [Siena? 1793?] 70 p. ALEJANDRO Y PALOMARES, Antonio. See Ferrer y Beaumont, Vicente. [ ALEMBERT, Jean Le Rond d] 1717-1783. Melanges de litterature, d'histoire, et de philosophic Amsterdam, 1759-67. 5 v. Incomplete: v. 5 only. — Reflexions sur la cause generale des vents. Paris, 1747. 194, 138 p. ALESSIO PIEMONTESE,/M*?ud. ?Secreti. Venezia, 1749. 464 p. Often attributed to Girolamo Ruscelli. ALETOPHILUS SINCERUS. Via ad transmutationem metallorum fideliter aperta. Norimbergae, 1742.304 p. Author sometimes identified as Sigismund Schmieder. ALEXANDER TRALLIANUS, 6th cent. De arte medica. Lausannae,1772. 2 v. — See also Haller, A. von. Artis medicae principes. ALEXANDER, Disney. A treatise on the nature and cure of the cynanche trachealis. 2d ed. Huddersfield [1794] 79 p. ALEXANDER, Drawcansir, pseud. See Smollett, Tobias George, 1721-1771. ALEXANDER, William, d. 1783. Esperienze mediche. Venezia, 1783. 156 p. — An experimental enquiry concerning the causes which have generally been said to produce putrid diseases. London, 1771. 256 p. — Experimental essays. London, 1768. 219 p. -----2d ed. London, 1770. 238 p. — The history of women. London, 1779. 2 v. in 1. — Plain and easy directions for the use of Harrowgate waters. Edinburgh, 1773. 92 p. Author uncertain: perhaps by another William Alexander. — Saggi di esperienze. Milano, 1782. 222 p. [ALEXANDRE, Nicolas] 1654-1728. Dictionnaire bota- nique et pharmaceutique. Paris, 1748. 814 p. [-] — Paris, 1751. 796 p. [-] — Paris, 1759. 627 p. [-] — Paris, 1768. 627 p. Imperfect: "Explication des . . . caracteres chymiques" (un- numbered leaf) wanting. [-] — Rouen, 1790. 677 p. [ — ] La medecine et la chirurgie des pauvres. Paris, 1733. 557 p. [-] — Paris, 1741. 557 p. [-] — Paris, 1749. 557 p. [-] — Paris, 1757. 454 p. [-] — Paris, 1758. 559 p. [-]---Paris, 1763. 454 p. [ —] — Nouv. ed. Paris, 1766. 454 p. [-] — Nouv. ed. Paris, 1771. 454 p. [-] — Nouv. ed. Rouen, 1780. 454 p. [-] — Nouv. ed. Rouen, 1782. 454 p. ALEXIS PEDEMONTANUS. See Alessio Piemontese. ALFONSO DE SOTOS, Andres. See Sotos y Ochando, Andres Alfonso de. ALGEMEENE genees-, natuur- en huishoud-kundige jaarboeken. deel 1-6. Dortrecht, 1785-87. 6 v. ALGHISI, Girolamo. Dei vantaggi fisici e morale dell'al- lattare i propri bambini. Verona [1796] 40 p. — Memoria sui mezzi di prevenire le malattie dei colti- vatori del riso. Pavia, 1794. 32 p. ALGHISI, Tommaso, 1669-1713. Litotomia. Firenze, 1707. ex p. -----Venezia, 1708. ex p. ALIDIO, Carlo Antonio. Somnia medica varia doctrina referta. Laudae, 1720. 159 p. ALIX, Mathias Franz, 1738-1782. Observata chirurgica. Altenburgi [etc.] 1774-78. 4 v. in 2. ALIZERI, Bartolommeo, ca. 1660-ca. 1721. Censure di Parnaso sopra alcuni medici d'oggidi. Genova, 1721. 403 p. Imperfect: p. 393-396 wanting. - Delia peste. Genova, 1721. 160 p. ALKMAAR, Netherlands. Ordinances, local laws, etc. 10 ALMEIDA Keure, ende ordonnantie op het Collegium Medico- Pharmaceuticum, binnen de stad Alkmaar. Alkmaar, 1723. 24 p. ALLARDI, Christian, 1747-1822. Oratio de summa mentis voluptate, ex ipso artis sanandi usu haurienda. Leovardiae [1797] 61 p. ALLE de lauwerkranssen, gevlogten om de hoof den der voornaamste chirurgyns. Rotterdam [1731-32] 1 v. (various pagings). ALLEN, Benjamin, 1663-1738. The natural history of the mineral-waters of Great-Britain. London, 1711. 104 p. ALLEN, Israel. A treatise on the scarlatina anginosa, and dysentery. Leominster, 1796. 60 p. ----Another issue. "Errata" (13 lines) on slip mounted over original "Errata." ALLEN, John. 1660?-1741. Abrege de toute la medecine pratique. Paris, 1728. 3 v. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1737. 6 v. Vol. 6 has title: Supplement de 1'Abrege de toute la mede- cine pratique. -----4. ed. Paris, 1752. 7 v. — Kurtzer Begriff der gantzen medicinischen Praxis. Budissin, 1726. 879 p. — De practyk der chirurgie. See Garengeot, R. J. C. de, Nieuwe verhandeling. — Synopsis medicinae: or, A brief and general collec- tion of the whole practice of physick. London, 1730. 2 v. — Synopsis medicinae: or, A summary view of the whole practice of physick. London, 1733. 2 v. -----2d ed. London, 1740. 2 v. -----3d ed. London, 1749. 2 v. -----4th ed. London, 1761. 2 v. — Synopsis universae medicinae practicae. Londini, 1719. 422 p. -----Ed. 3. Londini, 1729. 2 v. -----Ed. 5. Amstelaedami, 1730. 505, 210 p. -----Ed. 1. Veneta. Venetiis, 1732. 2 v. in 1. -----Ed. nova Veneta. Venetiis, 1748. 2 v. -----Ed. nova. Amstelodami, 1749. 655 p. -----Ed. nova. Francofurti, 1753. 655 p. -----Ed. nova Veneta. Venetiis, 1762. 3 v. ALLEN, Richard, 1760-1831. See Jones, A. ALLEON-DULAC, Jean Louis, 1723-1788? comp. Me- langes d'histoire naturelle. Lyon, 1765. 6 v. [ALLETZ, Pons Augustin] 1703-1785. L'agronome; ou, Dictionnaire portatif du cultivateur. Liege, 1761. 2 v. [ — ] L'Albert moderne; ou, Nouveaux secrets eprouves, et licites. Paris, 1768. 430 p. [_j---Paris, 1769. 314 p. [ _ ]___Nouv. ed. Paris, 1770. 360 p. [_]___3. ed. Paris, 1772. 351 p. [-] — Liege, 1774. 415 p. I - ] — Paris, 1776. 329 p. [ - ] — 5. ed. Neuchatel, 1780. 2 v. [ - ] — Nouv. ed. Paris. 1782. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 1 wanting. [ — ] L'Albert moderne; ou Nouveaux secrets et procedes. 4. ed. Paris, 1793. 3 v. Imperfect: t.p. and p. 1-45 of v. 1 damaged. ALLEYNE, James, comp. A new English dispensatory. London, 1733. 646 p. ALLGEMEINE anleitung zur Vorbeugung ... der Hunds- wuth. See Storck, A. — Allgemeine Bemerkungen iiber die Teplitzer Wasser. See Troschel, H. G. N. — Allgemeine medizinische Annalen. 1800. Altenburg. 1214 (i.e. 1246) col. — Allgemeine und besondere Regeln. See Hygiander. ALLGEMEINES Journal der Chemie. Bd. 1-5.1798-1800. Leipzig. 5 v. Ed. by A. N. Scherer. ALLGEMEINES KRANKENHAUS DER STADT WIEN. Plan zu ebener Erde des .. . neuen Allgemeinen Spitals in Wien. [Wien? 1784?] 1 portfolio (2 plates) Plate 2: Plan des ersten Stocks. ALLIES. Traite des maladies de l'urethre. Paris, 1755. 144 p. Imperfect: index leaves mutilated. ALLIONI, Carlo, 1728-1804. Abhandlung vom Ursprunge, Fortgang, der Natur und Heilung des Friesels. Miihl- hausen, 1785. 243 p. — Abhandlung vom Ursprung, Verlauf, Natur und Hei- lung des Friesels. Winterthur, 1794. 256 p. — Conspectus praesentaneae morborum conditionis. Augustae Taurinorum, 1793. 367 p. — Ragionamento sopra la pellagra. Torino, 1795. 160 p. — Rariorum Pedemontii stirpium specimen primum. Augustae Taurinorum, 1755. 55 p. — Tractatio de miliarium origine, progressu, natura, et curatione. Augustae Taurinorum, 1758. 130 p. -----Ed. 2. Augustae Taurinorum, 1792. 195 p. ALMANACH fur Aerzte und Nichtaerzte. 1782-96. Jena. 15 v. Incomplete: 1784, 1787-89, 1793-95 wanting. Ed. by C. G. Gruner. — Almanach oder Taschen-Buch fur Scheidekunstler und Apotheker. See Taschen-Buch. ALMEIDA, Antonio d', 1761-1822. Dissertacao sobre o methodo mais simples, e seguro de curar as feridas das armas de fogo. Lisboa, 1797. 62 p. — Tratado completo de medicina operatoria. Lisboa, 1800. 4 v. ALMEIDA, Antonio de, 1767-1839. Historia da febre 11 ALMEIDA que grassou na cidade de Penafiel. Coimbra, 1792.29 p. ALMEIDA, Caietano Jose Pinto de, 1738-1802? Prima chirurgicae therapeuticeselementa. Conimbricae, 1790. 278 p. ALMEIDA, Feliciano de, d. 1726. Cirurgia reformada. Lisboa, 1715. 2 v. in 1. ------Lisboa Occidental, 1738. 2 v. in 1. ALMEIDA, Francisco Jose de, 1756-1844. Exposicao fiel da molestia da excellentissima Marqueza das Minas. Lisboa, 1787. 80 p. — Tratado da educacao fysica dos meninos. Lisboa, 1791. 142 p. ALMEIDA BEJA E NORONHA, Francisco de. See Noronha, Francisco de Almeida Beja e. ALOISIO, Gian Andrea d'. See d'Aloisio, Gian Andrea. ALPHABETISCHE Sammlung gefahrlicher ... Zeichen. See Braunstein, J. ALPHONSO DE SOTOS, Andres. See Sotos y Ochando, Andres Alfonso de. ALPINI, Prosper, 1553-1617. De medicina methodica. Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1719. 765 p. — De praesagienda vita & morte aegrotantium. Ed. nova. Lugduni Batavorum, 1710. 541 p. ------Ed. 2. Leidensis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1773. 558 p. ------Ed. 3. Hamburgi, 1734. 576 p. ------Venetiis, 1735. 410, 20 p. Pt. 2 has title: Hieronymi Fracastorii. . . De diebus criticis. ------Ed. 2. Veneta. Venetiis, 1751. 314, 16 p. ------Francofurti, 1754. 559 (i.e. 558) p. ------Ed. 3. Veneta. Bassani, 1774. 286, 31 p. — Medicina Aegyptiorum. Ed. nova. Lugduni Batavorum, 1718. 3 v. in 1. Vol. 2 has title: De balsamo dialogus; v. 3: Jacobi Bontii. . . De medicina Indorum. ------Ed. nova. Lugduni Batavorum, 1719. 4 v. in 1. Vol. 4 has title: De rhapontico. Lugduni Batavorum, 1718. ------Ed. nova. Lugduni Batavorum, 1745.325,73-258 p. — The presages of life and death in diseases. London, 1746. 2 v. — Rerum Aegyptiarum libri quatuor. Lugduni Batavorum, 1735. 2 v. in 1. Vol. 2 has title: De plantis Aegypti. ALSINET, Jose. Nuevas utilidades de la quina. Madrid, 1774. 166 p. ALSO hatten die Pflanzen Vorstellungen und Bewusstseyn ihrer Existenz? Frankfurt, 1790. 60 p. ALSOP, Anthony, d. 1726. Odarum libri duo. Londini, 1752. 88 p. ALSTON, Charles, 1683-1760. A dissertation on quick- lime and lime-water. Edinburgh, 1752. 60 p. — Index medicamentorum simplicium triplex. Edinburgi, 1752. 172 p. — Lectures on the materia medica. London, 1770. 2 v. — A third dissertation on quick-lime and lime-water. Edinburgh, 1757. 46 p. ALTDORF. See Universitat Altdorf. ALTENBURG, Leonhard von. See Leonhard von Alten- burg. ALTHOF, Ludwig Christoph, 1758-1832. De efficacia terrae ponderosae salitae. Goettingae, 1794. 16 p. — Practische Bemerkungen iiber einige Arzneymittel. Bdchn. 1. Gottingen, 1791. 300 p. ALVAREZ DEL CORRAL, Antonio. Hippocrates vindi- cado. Madrid, 1713. 687 p. ALYON, Pierre Philippe, 17587-1816. Ensaio sobre as propriedades medicinaes do oxigenio. Lisboa, 1799. 206 p. — Ensayo sobre las propiedades medicinales del oxigeno. [Madrid] 1798. 204 p. — Essai sur les proprietes medicinales de l'oxigene. Paris [1797]159 p. — Versuch iiber die Eigenschaften des Sauerstoffs als Heilmittels. Leipzig, 1798. 110 p. ALZATE Y RAMIREZ, Jose Antonio, 1738-1799, ed. Asuntos varios. See under title. AMAND, Pierre, d. 1720. Nouvelles observations sur la pratique des accouchemens. Paris, 1714. 432 p. ------2. ed. Paris, 1715. 432 p. AMAR Y ARGUEDAS, Jose, ca. 1750-1779. Instruccion curativa de las calenturas conocidas vulgarmente con el nombre de tabardillo. Madrid, 1775. 327 p. — Instruccion curativa de las viruelas. Madrid, 1774. 164 p. — Instruccion curativa, y preservativa de dolores de cos- tado, y pulmonias. Madrid, 1777. 204 p. AMARAL, Francisco Correia do. Apologia & decernida explicacam do verdadeyro methodo com que se deve usar da agoa ardente. Lisboa, 1718. 96 p. AMAYA, Pedro Francisco Domenech y. See Domenech y Amaya, Pedro Francisco. AMBODIK, Nestor Maksimovich. See Maksimovich- Ambodik, Nestor, 1744-1812. AMBROZY, Wenzer Carl, d. 1818. Physisch-chemische Untersuchung der warmen Mineralquellen zu und bey Teplitz. Leipzig, 1797. 201 p. — Versuch einer Anleitung zum Gebrauche der warmen Mineralquellen zu Teplitz. Leipzig, 1799. 140 p. AMBURGER, Johann Andreas August, 1750-ca. 1809. Versuche mit dem Rheingauer Stahlwasser. Mainz, 1786. 3 pts. in 1 v. Pt. 1 has title: Versuche mit dem Wasser im Rheingau; pt. 12 ANATOMISCHE 2: Versuche mit dem Schwefelwasser bey Weilbach; pt. 3: Ver- suche mit dem Sauerwasser bey Oberlahnstein. — Versuche und Beobachtungen mit dem Sauerwasser bei Geilnau an der Lahn. Offenbach, 1795. 84 p. AMELLER, Carlos Fransciso, 1753-1830. Descripcion de la enfermedad epidemica que tuvo principio en la ciu- dad de Cadiz. [Cadiz, 1800] xxiv p. AMELLER, Ignacio Francisco. Preventivo saludable par- ticular; o, Botiquin para si mismo con el qual se provee de ciertos medicamentos. Barcelona [not before 1777] 190 p. AMELUNG, Karl Christian Gottlieb, 1769-1823. See Neue chemische . . . Erfahrungen. La AMERICA vindicada. See Sanchez Valverde, A. AMERICAN poems, selected and original. Vol. 1. Litch- field [1793] 304 p. — The American Rush-light. See Cobbett, W. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Memoirs, v. 1-2, pt. 1. Boston, 1785-93. 2 v. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Transac- tions, v. 1-2. Philadelphia, 1771-86. 2 v. ------2d ed. v. 1. Philadelphia, 1789. 407 p. AMES, Joseph, 1689-1759. Typographical antiquities. London, 1785-90. 3 v. AMES, Nathaniel, 1708-1764. Ames's almanack. See under title. — An astronomical diary. See under title. AMES'S almanack 1759. Boston [1758] [24] p. L'AMI des malades. See Ailhaud, J. G. AMIENS (Diocese) Bishop, 1774-1790 (Machault d'Arnou- ville) Mandement . . . pour l'etablissement d'un bureau de charite. [Amiens? 1778?] 12 p. AMMAN, Johann Conrad, 1669-1724. Surdus loquens. See Wallis, J. AMMANN, Johann, 1707-1742? Stirpium rariorum in Imperio Rutheno sponte provenientium icones et descriptiones. Petropoli, 1793. 210 p. Imperfect: plate xvi wanting. AMMANN, Paul, 1634-1691. Praxis vulnerum lethalium. Francofurti, 1701. 480 p. AMOENITATES literariae. See Schelhorn, J. G. AMORE fisico. See Marcucci, G. AMORETTI, Giuseppe Agostino. Osservazioni pratiche sul mercurio ossigenato. Torino, 1794. 44 p. AMOREUX, Pierre Joseph, 1741-1824. Notice des in- sectes de la France, reputes venimeaux. Paris, 1789. 302 p. — Recherches . . . sur les divers lichens. See Academie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon. Memoires. AMSTEL, Cornelis Ploos van. See Ploos van Amstel, Cornells, 1726-1798. AMSTERDAM. Commissie van Geneeskundig Toe- voorzicht. Addres . . . betreffende zekere brochure, getyteld: J. de Bree . . . aan het publiek. Amsterdam, 1800. 22 p. — See also Chirurgijns Gilde te Amsterdam Genootschap ter Bevordering der Heelkunde te Amster- dam Maatschappij tot Redding van Drenkelingen Les AMUSEMENS de Spa. See Pollnitz, K. L. — Amusemens des eaux de Schwalbach. See Marveilleux, D. F. de. [AMY, Joseph] 1697-1760. Avis au public sur l'usage des nouvelles fontaines domestiques. [Paris? 175-?] 24 p. — Extrait du livre intitule Nouvelles fontaines domestiques. Paris, 1752. 95 p. — Filtroirs militaires. See under title. — Nouvelles fontaines domestiques. Paris, 1750. 220 p. — Nouvelles fontaines filtrantes. Paris, 1752. 71, 46 p. — Suite du livre intitule Nouvelles fontaines filtrantes. Paris, 1754. 332 p. ANALISI delle osservazioni salvadoriane. See Canella, B. ANALYSIS litteraria quaestionis agitatae, inter authorem anonimum et Exp. D. A. D. Sassenum authorem Descrip- tionis anatomicae. Athenis, 1712. 86 p. — An analysis of the medicinal waters of Tunbridge Wells. London, 1792. 31 p. ANATOMICAL dialogues; or, A breviary of anatomy. London, 1778. 371 p. Imperfect: plate 7 and second figure of plate 6 wanting. ------2d ed. London, 1785. 387 p. ------3d ed. London, 1792. 387 p. ------4th ed. London, 1796. 387 p. — An anatomical essay, in two discourses. I. Pointing at many things curious ... in the structure of the viscera ... II. An anatomical explication, of the first six verses of the twelfth chapter of Ecclesiastes. Edinburgh, 1702. 148, 48 p. The first two discourses have been attributed to Robert Elliot. — Anatomical lectures; or, The anatomy of the human bones, nerves, and lacteal sac and duct. London, 1775. 172 p. — Anatomical treatise of the liver. See Wainewright, J. L'ANATOMIE universelle. See Du Laurens, A. ANATOMISCH-chirurgisches Lexicon oder Worterbuch. Berlin, 1753. 1096 col. Has been attributed to E. G. Kurella. ANATOMISCHE merckwurdige Nachrichten. See 13 ANATOMIST Queitsch, A. P. The ANATOMIST dissected. See Gulliver, L. The anatomist; or. The sham doctor. See Ravenscroft, E. ANATOMY epitomized and illustrated; containing, I. A concise and plain description of all the parts of the human body ... II. A large and choice collection of sculptures. London, 1737. 182 p. [ANCILLON, Charles] 1659-1715. Eunuchism display'd. London, 1718. 240 p. [ — ] Traite des eunuques. [n.p.] 1707. 187 p. — — Another printing. Errors in paging: 185-187 numbered 361,162,163 respectively. ANDACHTIGES Gebeth, fur die christliche Gemeine in Dantzig . . . wegen der in benachbarten Orten grassiren- den Pestilentz-Seuche. [Dantzig? 17087] [3] p. ANDERLINI, Lucio Francesco, d. 1765. L'anatomico in Parnaso; o sia, Compendio delle parti del corpo umano, esposto in versi. Pesaro, 1739. 112 p. -----Pesaro, MDDCXLIX [i.e. 1749] 112 p. ANDERLINI, Paolo Giovanni. Analisi delle acque di Fontebuono. Jesi, 1798. 62 p. ANDERSCH, Karl Samuel, 1732-1777. Tractatio ana- tomico-physiologica de nervis. Regiomonti, 1797. 2 v. in 1. ANDERSEN, Lorentz, 1751-1834. Bemerkning om en metastasis. Kitfbenhavn [ 1781 ] 8 p. ANDERSON, James, 1738-1809, comp. The conclusion of letters on cochineal. Madras, 1790. 21 p. — Correspondence for the introduction of cochineal insects from America. Madras, 1791. 78, 6 p. — comp. Letters on cochineal continued. Madras, 1789. 36 p. — Letters to Sir Joseph Banks . . . on the subject of cochi- neal insects. Madras, 1788. 26 p. ANDERSON, James, d. 1826. A few facts and observa- tions on the yellow fever of the West Indies. Edinburgh, 1798. 47 p. ANDERSON, John, d. 1804. Medical remarks on natural, spontaneous and artificial evacuation. London, 1787. 122 p. -----2d ed. London, 1788. 171 p. — A preliminary introduction to the act of sea-bathing. Margate, 1795. 28 p. ANDRE, Francois de. See Saint Andre, Francois de, fl. 1677-1725. ANDRE, Jean Baptiste. Dissertation sur les maladies laiteuses croniques. Paris, 1791. 107 p. ANDRE, Nicolas, 1704-ca. 1780. Dissertation sur les maladies de l'uretre. Paris, 1751. 226 p. — Maniere de faire usage des bougies. | Paris, 1758 ] 46 p. ANDREAE, Johann Gerhard Reinhard, 1724-1793. Briefe aus der Schweiz. 2. Abdruk. Zurich, 1776. 245 (i.e. 345) p. ANDREAE, Martin. Instructio pestilentiae; oder, Kurtzer Unterricht, wie der gemeine Mann . . . fur pestilentzia- lischer Contagion sich praeserviren . . . moge. Dressden, 1710. 39 p. ANDREE, John, 16997-1785. An account of the Tilbury water. 5th ed. London, 1781. 39 p. — Cases of the epilepsy, hysteric fits, and St. Vitus dance. London, 1746. 298 p. -----2d ed. London, 1753. 298 p. — Observations upon a treatise on the virtues of hemlock. London [1761]80 p. ANDREE, John, fl. 1790. Abhandlungen uber den vene- rischen Tripper und die venerischen Krankheiten iiber- haupt. Leipzig, 1781. 204 p. — Account of an elastic trochar ... for tapping the hydro- cele. London, 1781. 41 p. — Considerations on bilious diseases. Hertford, 1788. 38 (i.e. 58) p. -----2d ed. London, 1790. 61 p. — An essay on the theory and cure of the venereal gon- orrhoea. 2d ed. London, 1781. 85 p. — Observations on the theory and cure of the venereal disease. London, 1779. 146 p. — Osservazioni sulle malattie croniche del fegato. Pavia [179-?] 114 p. — Some few cases and observations on the treatment of fistula in ano. London, 1799. 47 p. ANDRES ROMERO, Miguel. Memorial anthiectico al tribunal de Apolo. Sevilla, 1711. 92 p. ANDREW, John, fl. 1761-1766. The practice of inocula- tion. See Swieten, G. Account. ANDREWS, John, 1746-1813. An address to the graduates in medicine. Philadelphia, 1797. 19 p. ANDRIA, Nicola, 1748-1814. Medicinae theoreticae elementa. Neapoli, 1788. 152 p. — Trattato delle acque minerali. 2. ed. Napoli, 1783. 2 v. in 1. ANDRIEU, Antoine. Agenda anti-siphillitique pour con- noitre & bien guerir les maladies veneriennes. Paris 1786. 48 p. — Avis aux citoyens, sur les causes . . . de l'aveuglement, de la surdite, & des principaux accidents veneriens. Paris, 1780. 86 p. — Avis conservateur du citoyen, sur les causes de maladie violente & de mort imprevue. Paris, 1786 [i.e. 1787] 72 p. -----Paris, 1787. 14 p. A synopsis of the preceding. 14 ANNALEN ANDRIOLI, Michaelangelo, 1672-1713. De febribus et morbis acutis. Venetiis, 1711. 176 p. ANDRONICUS. See Alberti, Michael, 1682-1757. ANDROPHILUS ASCLEPIADEUS. Liber, in quo pauca explicantur, quorum scitu sanitas conservari et vita hominis ab ignorantia medicorum poterit esse secura. Neostadii in Austria, 1747. cviii p. — ---Francofurti, 1747. cxxxiii p. ANDRY, Charles Louis Francois, 1741-1829. Discours prononce aux Ecoles de medecine . . . Combien la chirurgie doit aux travaux des medecins. Paris, 1773. 40 p. — Lettre . . . a M. Le Vacher de La Feutrie. See Leroux des Tillets, J. J. [ — ] Matiere medicale, extraite des meilleurs auteurs, et principalement du traite . .. de M. de Tournefort. Paris, 1770. 3 v. — Recherches sur la rage. Paris, 1778. 99 p. ------Nouv. ed. Paris, 1779. 228 p. ------Nouv. ed. Paris, 1780. 424, 142 p. Pt. 2 has caption title: Histoire du traitement fait a Senlis. . . par MM. Poissonier-Desperrieres [et al.] — Recherches sur l'endurcissement du tissu cellulaire des enfans nouveaux-nes. Paris, 1788. 16 p. - & THOURET, Michael Augustin, 1748 or 9-1810. Rapport sur les aimans presentes par M. l'abbe Le Noble. [Paris, 1783?] 15 p. ANDRY DE BOISREGARD, Nicolas, 1658-1742. An account of the breeding of worms in human bodies. London, 1701. 266 p. — Cleon a Eudoxe, touchant la preeminence de la mede- cine sur la chirurgie. Paris, 1738. 185 p. — De la generation des vers dans le corps de l'homme. Amsterdam, 1701. 317 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1715. 533 p. Imperfect: plates wanting. -----3. ed. Paris, 1741. 2 v. — Eclaircissement sur le livre De la generation des vers. 2. ed. Amsterdam, 1705. 62 p. — Examen de divers points d'anatomie, de chirurgie, de physique, de medecine, &c. Paris, 1725. 188 p. — Griindlicher Unterricht von Erzeugung der Wurmer in menschlichen Leibe. Leipzig, 1716. 326 p. — Orthopaedia; or, The art of correcting and preventing deformities in children. London, 1743. 2 v. — Orthopadie; oder, Die Kunst, bei den Kindern die Ungestaltheit des Leibes zu verhiiten und zu verbessern. Berlin, 1744. 603 p. — L'orthopedie; ou, L'art de prevenir et de corriger dans les enfans, les difformites du corps. Paris, 1741. 2 v. [ — ] Preservatif contre les fievres malignes; ou, Le the de l'Europe. Lyon, 1710. 59 p. — Le regime du caresme. Paris, 1710. 631 p. — Remarques de medecine sur differens sujets. Paris, 1710. 291 p. -----2. ed. Paris, 1711. 291, 42 p. [ — ] Le the de l'Europe; ou, Les proprietez de la veronique. Paris, 1704. 55 p. — Traite des alimens de caresme. Paris, 1713. 2 v. [ — ] Vers solitaires et autres de diverses especes. Paris, 1718. 44 p. ANECDOTES de medecine. See Du Monchaux, P. J. — Anecdotes historiques . . . sur la medecine. See Sue, P. — Anecdotes of the life ... of a medical character. See Adair, J. M. ANEL, Dominique, ca. 1678-ca. 1722. L'art de succer les plaies sans se servir de la bouche d'un homme. Amster- dam, 1707. 87 p. — Dissertation sur la nouvelle decouverte de l'hydropisie du conduit lacrimal! Paris, 1716. 70 p. — Nouvelle methode de guerir les fistules lacrimales. Turin, 1713. 3 pts. in 1 v. Pt. 1 has title: Observation singuliere sur la fistule lacrimale; pt. 2: Informazione fatta dal chirurgo Francesco Signorotti. . . contra Monsu Domenico Anel. Genova [1713]; pt 3: Lettres diverses. ANEL LE REBOURS, Marie Angelique. See Le Rebours, Marie Angelique Anel, 1731 or 2-1821. ANFANGSGRUNDE der Muskellehre. See Barth, J. ANGELI, Luigi, 1739-1829. Memoria sulla coltivazione del riso introdotta dal cavalier Morelli. 2. ed. Venezia, 1790. 72 p. ANHANG zu . . . Fur Damen. See Fiir Damen. ANIMADVERSIONS on a late idle pamphlet entitled, A short dissertation on the gout. London [1741?] 48 p. — Animadversions on a late pamphlet. See Phileleutherus Academicus. — Animadversions on a late treatise on the kink-cough. See Kirkland, T. — Animadversions on the constitution of physick in this kingdom . . . interspersed with reflections on . . . the College of Physicians. London, 1768. 76 p. ANLEITUNG fiir Hebammen, wie sie die . . . Todtschei- nende Kinder zum Leben bringen sollen. Miinchen, 1782. [16] p. — Anleitung zum Gebrauche des Saitschitzer Bitter- wassers. [n.p., 178-?] [4] p. Presumably issued by Industrial-Amt zu Bilin. — Anleitung zum Unterrichte der Taubstummen. See Stork,F. ANMERKUNGEN uber des Herrn Jodokus Ehrhart . . . Sammlung. See Kolderer, J. G. — Anmerckungen iiber eine Kranckheit, so das Horn- Vieh angreifft. [Strasburg, 1731?] [3] p. ANNALEN der geburtshulfe, Frauenzimmer- und Kinder- krankheiten. 1790-91. Winterthur, 1793-94. 2 v. 15 ANNALEN Prepared by J. J. Romer. — Annalen der neusten englischen und franzosischen Chrirugie und Geburtshiilfe. Bd. 1, Stuck 1-3. Erlangen, 1799-1800. 505 p. Ed. by B. N. G. Schreger and J. C. F. Harless. — Annalen der Staatsarzneykunde. Bd. 1, Stuck 1-3. Ztillichau, 1790-91. 3 pts. in 1 v. Ed. by J. D. Metzger. — Annalen zur Geschichte der Klinik. See Sebald, J. A. ANNALES de chimie. t. 1-36; 1789-30 vendemiaire An IX [1800] Paris. 36 v. in 18. Incomplete: v. 33-34 wanting. Title varies slightly. ANNALI di chimica. t. 1-18. Pavia, 1790-1800. 18 v. Ed. by L. Brugnatelli. ANNALS of medicine, v. 1-4; 1796-1799. Edinburgh, 1796 [i.e. 1797]-1800. 4 v. Ed. by Andrew Duncan, Sr. and Jr. ANONYMI dilucidationes uberiores arduae doctrinae de origine animae et malo haereditario. Ed. 3. Holmiae, 1751. 88 p. — Anonymi dilucidationum de origine animae et malo haereditario pars posterior. Ed. 2. Holmiae, 1742.48 p. — Anonymi introductio anatomica. See Lauremberg, P. ANOTHER state of facts relative to Greenwich Hospital. [London? 1779]22 p. L'ANOTOMIA del corpo umano. See Saint Hilaire. ANSBACH. See Collegium Medicum, Ansbach. ANSCHEL, Salomon. Thanatologia: sive, In mortis naturam, causas, genera ac species et diagnosin dis- quisitiones. Goettingae, 1795. 240 p. ANSELMO, Gabriele. Ut in . . . Medicorum Collegium cooptaretur publice disputabat. . . facta cuilibet a sexto argumentandi facultate. Augustae Taurinorum [1797] 132 p. Imperfect: p. 39-72 wanting. The ANSWER of a barrister at law to the curate of En—, concerning the birth of a suppositious child. London, 1713. 32 p. — An answer to a late pamphlet, intituled, A letter to Dr. Smellie. See Smellie, W. — An answer to a late scurrilous pamphlet, published by one Baker . . . respecting Dr. James's powder. London [not before 1752] 74 p. — An answer to a pamphlet, written by Doctor Lettsom, entitled Observations preparatory to the use of Dr. Mayersbach's medicines. London, 1776. 44 p. — An answer to Dr. Baker's Essay concerning the cause of the endemial colic of Devonshire. Exeter, 1767.24 p. ANTERO MARIA DA SAN BON A VENTURA, 1620- 1686. Lazzeretti della citta, e riviere di Genova. Genova, 1744. 203, 20 p. ANTES, John. Observations on the manners and customs of the Egyptians . . . with remarks on the plague. London, 1800. 139 p. ANTHES, Johann Baptista. Zufallige Gedanken vom Zweck der Ehe. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1774. 136 p. ANTHROPOPHILUS, Sincerus. See Sincerus Anthropo- philus. ANTHROPOSCOPUS, Orbilius. See Franz, Johann Georg Friedrich, 1737-1789. ANTHROPOTOMIE. See Tarin, P. ANTI. L'anti-Cornaro; ou, Remarques critiques sur le traite de la vie sobre de Louis Cornaro. Paris, 1702. 63 p. ANTIDOTARIUM Bononiense. See Pharmacopoeia. Bologna. — Antidotarium Collegii Medicorum Bononiensis. See Pharmacopoeia. Bologna. An ANTIDOTE. See Jove Mercurius. The ANTIENT physician's legacy impartially survey'd. See Turner, D. L'ANTIMAGNETISME. See Paulet, J. J. ANTIMAGNETISMUS. See Paulet, J. J. ANTONIO, Nicolas, 1617-1684. Bibliotheca Hispana nova. Matriti, 1783-88 [i.e. 1788] 2 v. — Bibliotheca Hispana vetus. Matriti, 1788. 2 v. ANTONIUS MUSA. See Musa, Antonius, fl. B.C. 23. ANTRECHAUS, Jean d', 1693-1762. Merkwurdige Nach- richten von der Pest in Toulon. Hamburg, 1794.180 p. — Relation de la peste dont la ville de Toulon fut affligee. Paris, 1756. 380 p. ANTROPOSOPHIA theomagica. See Vaughan, T. ANTWERP. See Genootschap ter Bevoordering van Genees- en Heel-Kunde Opgeregt tot Antwerpen. ANVIISNING til at kiende og helbrede radesygen. See Matthiesen, J. ANWEISUNG, wie den Menschen, welche im Wasser, oder von Kalte erstarret... gesundenworden,zuhelfen sey. 2. Aufl. Braunschweig, 1770. 38 p. — Anweisung zur Verhutung . . . der Ruhr. See Bern. Sanitats-Kanzley. ANZEIGE uber die Eigenschaften ... des bohmischen- . . . Bitterwassers. See Industrial-Amt zu Bilin. APEL, Justus Gottfried. Viro clarissimo Polychronio Demetrio ... gratulatur ... De morbis e sanguine male proportionato oriundis. Lipsiae, 1778. 8 p. APHRODISIAQUE externe. See Doppet, F. A. APICIUS. De opsoniis et condimentis, sive arte coqui- 16 ARCADIO DE ORTEGA naria. Ed. 2. Amstelodami, 1709. 277 p. APIN, Johann Ludwig, 1668-1703. Fasciculus disserta- tionum academicarum praemittitur oratio inaugurahs. Altorfii, 1718. 214 p. APIN, Siegmund Jakob, 1693-1732. Dissertatio ex jure naturae an liceat brutorum corpora mutilare. Altorphii Noricorum, 1722. 32 p. APOLLO Anglicanus: the English Apollo. By Richard Saunder. 1716. London. [48] p. APOLOGIA dell'autore della Relazione della constituzio- nale malattia. See Bologna, A. — Apologia Haariana. See Agnomastix, K. APOLOGIE de M. Mesmer, ou reponse a la brochure intitulee: Memoire pour servir a I'histoire de la jon- glerie. [n.p., 17847] 8 p. — Apologie du jeune. Geneve, 1787. 124 p. The APOSTOLICAL decree at Jerusalem proved to be still in force, both from scripture and tradition: in answer to The question about eating of blood stated, &c. London, 1734. 83 p. Sometimes attributed to William Burscough, Bp. of Limerick. The APOTHECARY display'd; or, An answer to the apothecary's pamphlet, called Frauds detected in drugs. London, 1748. 44 p. — The apothecary's mirror. See Discriminator. APOTHEEK der Oostenrijksche staaten. See Pharma- copoeia. Austria. — Apotheek van het Koninglyk Genootschap der Genees- heeren te Edinburgh. See Pharmacopoeia. Edinburgh. APPARATUS medicaminum ad usum nosocomii Ticinen- sis. TiciniRegii[1790]84p. An APPEAL to humanity, in an account of the life and cruel actions of Elizabeth Brownrigg. London, 1767. 64 p. APPEL, Johann Justus. Discursus de epilepsia. Das ist, eine... Beschreibung von . . . der Epilepsie. Altenburg, 1713. 40 p. APPEL au public sur le magnetisme animal. See Mouil- leseaux, de. APPELIUS, Johann Wilhelm. Historisch-moralischer Entwurff der Temperamenten. 2. Aufl. Hamburg, 1737. 292 p. APPERLEY, Thomas, 1673 or 4-1735. Observations in physick, both rational and practical. London, 1731. 300 p. APPLES, Marc d', 1760-1840, ed. Instructions pour les personnes qui gardent les malades. See Serain, P. E. AOUAPENDENTE, Hieronymus Fabricius ab. See Fab- ricius, Hieronymus, ab Aquapendente, ca. 1533-1619. AQUENZA Y MOSSA, Pedro, fl. 1696-1726. Breves apuntamientos en defensa de la medicina. [Madrid? 1726?]10 p. AQUIN, Joseph d'. See Daquin, Joseph, 1732-1815. AQUINO, Carlo d', 1654-1737. Lexici militaris . . . pars I [-II]Romae, 1724. 2 v. Imperfect: p. 409-416 of v. 2 wanting. ARAND, Franz Jakob, 1747-1803. Abhandlung von drei Krankheiten unter dem Volke. Gottingen, 1773.230 p. — Observationes medico-chirurgicae. Goetingae, 1770. 45 p. ARAUJO Y ASCARRAGA, Bernardo Lopez de. See Lopez de Araujo y Acarraga, Bernardo. ARBOE, Niels, 1723-1797. Drei Abhandlungen. See under title. ARBOS, Antonio Gimbernat. See Gimbernat Arbos, Antonio, 1734-1816. ARBUTHNOT, Charles, d. 1731. Tabulae antiquorum nummorum. See Arbuthnot, J. [ARBUTHNOT, John] 1667-1735. An account of the sick- ness and death of Dr. W—dw—rd. See Technicum, Dr. — Entwurf von den Eigenschaften der Speisen und Getranke. 3. Ausg. Hamburg, 1744. 2 v. in 1. Vol. 2 has title: Deutliche Regeln. — Essai des effets de l'air, sur le corps-humain. Paris. 1742. 320 p. — Essai sur la nature, et le choix des alimens. Paris, 1741. 330 p. ------Paris, 1755. 330 p. — An essay concerning the effects of air on human bodies. London, 1733. 242 p. ------London, 1751. 224 p. — An essay concerning the nature of aliments. London, 1731. 232 p. ------Dublin, 1731. 108 p. ------2d ed. London, 1732. 430 p. ------3d ed. London, 1735-36. 2 v. in 1. Vol. 2 has title: Practical rules of diet. ------4th ed. London, 1756. 365 p. — The Jife and adventures of Don Bilioso de l'Estomac. See under title. — Miscellaneous works. New ed. London, 1770. 2 v. — Oratio anniversaria Harvaeana. Londini, 1727. 23 p. — Specimen edfectuum aeris in humano corpore. Neapoli, 1753.335 p. [ — ] Tables of ancient coins, weights and measures. London, 1727. 327 p. [ — ] Caroli Arbuthnotii Tabulae antiquorum nummorum, mensurarum et ponderum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1764. 300 p. ARCADIO DE ORTEGA, Jose. See Ortega, Jose Arcadio, d. 1761. 17 ARCHER ARCHER, Clement, b. 1725 or 6. Miscellaneous observa- tions on the effects of oxygen. Pt. l.Bath, 1798.144p. ARCHIOSPEDALE DI SANTO SPIRITO IN SASSIA DI ROMA. See Ospedale di Santo Spirito in Saxia. Rome. ARCHIV der Aerzte und Seelsorger wider die Pocken- noth. Stuck 1-7; 1796-99. Leipzig. 7 v. Incomplete: Stuck 5, Ostermesse 1798, only. Ed. by J. C. W. Juncker. — Archiv der medizinischen Polizey und der gemein- nutzigen Arzneikunde. Bd. 1-6. Leipzig, 1783-87. 6 v. Ed. by J. C. F. Scherf — Archiv der praktischen Arzneykunst fiir Aerzte, Wundarzte, und Apotheker. Bd. 1-3. Leipzig, 1785-87. 3v. — Archiv der praktischen Heilkunde fiir Schlesien und Sudpreussen. Bd. 1, Stuck 1-4. Breslau, 1799-1800.564 p. — Archiv fiir die allgemeine Heilkunde. Bd. 1-2. Berlin, 1790-92. 2 v. Ed. by A. F. Hecker — Archiv fiir die Geburtshiilfe, Frauenzimmer- und neu- gebohrner Kinder-Krankheiten. Bd. 1-6. Jena, 1787- 97. 6 v. Incomplete: Bd. 6, St. 4 wanting. Prepared by J. C. Stark. — Archiv fiir die Geschichte der Arzneykunde. Bd. 1, Stuck 1. Nurnberg, 1790. 222 p. Ed. by P. L. Wittwer. - Archiv fur die Physiologic Bd. 1-4. Halle, 1795-1800. 4v. Ed by J. C. Reil. — Archiv fiir Magnetismus und Somnambulismus. Stuck 1-8. Strasburg, 1787-88. 8 no. in 1 v. Ed. by J. L. Boeckmann. — Archiv gemeinnutziger physischer und medizinischer Kenntnisse. Bd. 1-3. Zurich, 1787-91. 3 v. Ed. by J. H. Rahn. ARCISPEDALE DI SANTA MARIA NUOVA, Florence. Nosografia o sia descrizione delle malattie ricevute e curate. Firenze, 1790. 389 p. — Regolamento dei Regi Spedali di Santa Maria Nuova e di Bonifazio. Firenze, 1789. 416 p. — Regolamento del Regio Arcispedale di Santa Maria Nuova. Firenze, 1783. 313 p. — Regolamento della spezieria. [Firenze, 1780] 10 p. ARCONVILLE, Genevieve Charlotte d'Artus. See Thi- roux d'Arconville, Marie Genevieve Charlotte (Darius) dame, 1720-1805. [ARDENE, Jean Paul de Rome d'] 1689 or 90-1769. Lettres interessantes pour les medecins . .. utile aux ecclesia- tiques. . .&curieuses pour tout lecteur. Avignon, 1759. 2 v. in 1. ARETAEUS. Aretaeus, consisting of eight books, on the causes, symptoms and cure of acute and chronic diseases. London [1785?] 502 p. — De causis et signis acutorum et diuturnorum morborum, libri quatuor. De curatione acutorum et diuturnorum morborum, libri quatuor. Oxoniae, 1723. 1 v. (various pagings) -----Lugduni Batavorum, 1731. 604 (i.e. 514) p. -----Lugduni Batavorum, 1735. 604 (i.e. 514) p. — De pulmonum inflammatione. Sectio prior. Lipsiae, 1790.xxxv p. — Libri septem ... a Junio Paulo Crasso . . . versi. Ed. noviss. Venetiis, 1763. 232 p. -----Argentorati, 1768. 286 p. — Von den Ursachen und Kennzeichen rascher und langwieriger Krankheiten. Vier Biicher. Wien, 1790. 346 p. — See also Haller, A. von. Artis medicae principes. ARGANDONA, Alejandro Martinez. See Martinez Ar- gandona, Alejandro. ARGELLATI, Filippo, 1685-1755. Bibliotheca scriptorum Mediolanensium. Mediolani, 1745. 2 v. in 4. ARGIS, Antoine Gaspard Boucher d\ See Boucher d'Argis, Antoine Gaspard, 1708-1791. ARGUEDAS, Jose Amar y. See Amar y Arguedas, Jose, ca. 1750-1779. ARGUELLO, Agustin. Methodo exemplar de el doctor Mejano, para el estudio de la medicina. Malaga, 1765. 27 p. The ARGUMENT of sulphur or no sulphur in waters discussed. Dublin, 1762. 3 pts. in 1 v. By John Rutty and others ARIAS, Gomez. See Gomez Arias. ARISI, Francesco, 1657-1743. Cremona literata. Parmae [etc.] 1702-41. 3 v. in 1. ARISTIDES, Aelius. Opera omnia Graece & Latine. Oxonii, 1722-30. 2 v. in 1. ARISTOTELES. Aristotle's book of problems, with other astronomers, astrologers, physicians, and philosophers. 27th ed. London [176-?] 156 p. -----27th ed. London [176-?] 156 p. Setting of type differs from preceding. -----See also Aristotle, pseud. Works. — Histoire des animaux. Paris, 1783. 2 v. Greek and French texts. — The problems of Aristotle: with other philosophers and physicians. 23d ed. London, 1704. 1 v. (unpaged) ARISTOTLE, pseud. Aristotle's compleat and experi- ence midwife. 10th ed. London [ca. 1749] 156 p. Setting of type differs from edition issued with The works of Aristotle compleat. -----11th ed. London [176-?] 165 p. — Aristotle's compleat master piece, in three parts: dis- playing the secrets of nature in the generation of man. 18 ARNAULT DE NOBLEVILLE 29th ed. London, 1763. 144 p. ------29th ed. London, 1772. 144 p. [ —] The experienced midwife: absolutely necessary for surgeons, midwives, nurses, and child-bearing women. New ed. Philadelphia, 1799. 100 p. — Kurzgefasstes Weiber-Biichlein. See under title. — Aristotle's last legacy, unfolding the mystery of nature in the generation of man. London, 1766. 120 p. \— Aristotle's master-piece compleated, in two parts: the first containing the secrets of generation ... The second part, being A private looking-glass for the female-sex. London, 1702. 181 p. ------Glasgow, 1781. 140 p. ------New York, 1793. 130 p. — Aristotle's master-piece improved. In four parts. Con- taining Part I. Of marriages . . . Part II. Of monsters . . . Part III. What conception is . . . Part IV. Directions for midwives. London [17667] 156 p. — The whole of Aristotle's compleat master-piece, in three [i.e. four] parts: displaying the secrets of nature in the generation of man. 53rd ed. London, 1780.148 p. — The works of Aristotle compleat. In four parts. London [17497] 4v.ini. Each pt. has special t.p. Pt. 1: Aristotle's compleat master- piece. 23d ed. [n.p.] 1749; pt. 2: Aristotle's compleat and experi- enc'd midwife. 10th ed. London [n.d.]; pt. 3: Aristotle's book of problems. 25th ed. London [n.d.]; pt. 4: Aristotle's last legacy. London, 1749. — The works of Aristotle. In four parts. Containing I. his Complete master-piece . . . II. his Experienced mid- wife . . . III. his Book of problems. . . IV. his Last legacy. New ed. London, 1796. 411 p. Imperfect: p. 27-28 wanting. ------New ed. London, 1798. 407 p. ARLES, France. See Hopital general la charite. ARME, Pietro Paolo dall'. See Dall'Arme, Pietro Paolo, 1726-1767. ARMILLEI, Gaetano, comp. Consulti medici di varj professori. Venezia, 1743-45. 2 v. Vol. 2, pt. 2 has title: Consultationum medicarum centuria. Venetiis, 1744. ARMSTRONG, Charles. An essay, on the symptoms and cure of the virulent gonorrhoea. London, 1783. 44 p. ARMSTRONG, George, 1719-1789. An account of the diseases most incident to children. London, 1777.216 p. ______New ed. London, 1783. 200 p. — An essay on the diseases most fatal to infants. London, 1767. 148 p. ______2d ed. London, 1771. 188 p. — Trattato sulle malattie piu comuni ai bambini. Londra, 1792. 301 p. — Ueber die gewohnlichsten Kinderkrankheiten. See Schaeffer, J. C. G. von. [ARMSTRONG, John] 1709-1779. The art of preserving health: a poem. London, 1744. 134 p. [-] — Philadelphia, 1745. 88 p. ------2d ed. London, 1745. 128 p. -----3d ed. London, 1748. 128 p. ------London, 1754. 99 p. ------Dublin, 1756. 72 p. ------London, 1757. 99 p. ------4th ed. Boston, 1757. 68 p. ------London, 1765. 99 p. ------London, 1774. 96 p. ------London, 1795. 150 p. [ — ] An essay for abridging the study of physick. London, 1735. 52 p. [ — ] comp. A full view. See under title. — Medical essays. London, 1773. 41 p. — Miscellanies. London, 1770. 2 v. — The oeconomy of love. 4th ed. London, 1742. 32 p. — A synopsis of the history and cure of venereal diseases. London,1737. 519 p. ARNAUD, Jasper. An alarm to all persons touching their health and lives. London, 1740. 24 p. ARNAUD DE RONSIL, George, 16987-1774. Anato- misch-chirurgische Abhandlung iiber die Hermaphro- diten. Strassburg, 1777. 116 p. — Directions for the use of Goulard's original extract of Saturn, or lead. [London, 177-] 8 p. — A dissertation of hermaphrodites. London, 1750.58 p. — A dissertation on hernias, or ruptures. London, 1748. 439 p. — A dissertation on the use of Goulard's original extract of Saturn, or lead. London, 1774. 16 p. — Instructions simples & aisees sur les maladies de l'urethre et de la vessie. Amsterdam, 1764. 308 p. — Memoires de chirurgie. Londres, 1768. 2 v. in 1. — A plain and easy method of curing the disorders of the bladder and urethra. 3d ed. London, 1769. 272, 70 p. — Plain and familiar instructions for persons afflicted with ruptures. 5th ed. London, 1761. 51 p. [ — ] Traite des hernies ou descentes. Paris, 1749. 2 v. ARNAULT DE NOBLEVILLE, Louis Daniel, 1701-1778. Cours de medecine pratique. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1781.3 v. — Le manuel des dames de charite. Orleans, 1747.256 p. ______4. ed. Paris, 1758. 480 (i.e. 380) p. ______5. ed. Paris, 1765. lxvi, 556 p. ______5 ed. Paris, 1765. lxxii, 556 (i.e. 560) p. Includes "Astringent par excellence" (4 p. after p. 408) ______6. ed. Rouen, 1782. 374 p. — Medicina facile; ovvero, Formulario di medicamenti di agevole preparazione. Lucca, 1758. 311 p. ------Venezia, 1779. 256 p. ------Venezia, 1784. 240 p. — & SALERNE, Francois, d. 1760. Histoire naturelle des animaux. Paris, 1756. 3 v. 19 ARNAULT DE NOBLEVILLE — & — Suite de la matiere medical de M. Geoffroy. Paris, 1756-57. 6 v. Incomplete: v. 1-3wanting. Vol. 1-3 also issued under title Histoire naturelle des ani- maux. ARNEMANN, Justus, 1763-1806? Bemerkungen uber die Durchbohrung des Processus mastoideus in gewissen Fallen der Taubheit. Gottingen, 1792. 62 p. — Bilbiothek fiir Chirurgie und praktische Medicin. See under title. — Bibliothek fiir die Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburtshulfe. See under title. — Chirurgische Arneymittellehre. 3. Aufl. Wien, 1799. 210 p. — Commentatio de aphthis. Gottingae, 1787. 89 p. — Commentatio de oleis unguinosis. Goettingae [1785] 83 p. — Handbuch der praktischen Medicin. [Abth. 1] Gottin- gen, 1800. 296 p. — ed. Magazin fiir die Wundarzneiwissenschaft. See under title. — Neue medicinische Litteratur. See under title. — Praktische Arzneimittelehre. 3. Aufl. Gottingen, 1798. 572 p. - System der Chirurgie. Gottingen, 1798-1802.2 v. in 3. — Uebersicht der beriihmtesten und gebrauchlichsten chirurgischen Instrumente. Gottingen, 1796. 236 p. — Versuche iiber die Regeneration an lebenden Thieren. Gottingen, 1787. 2 v. in 1. Vol. 2 has title: Versuche iiber das Gehirn und Ruckenmark. ARNOLD, Georg Christian, 1747-1827. Observationum physico-medicarum annus MDCCLXXII. Vratislaviae, 1777. 72 p. — Tractatus de partu serotino CCCXXIIII dierum ex oedemate uterino cum singulari graviditate et puer- perio. Lipsiae, 1775. 134 p. ARNOLD, Theodor, 1683-1771. A compleat vocabulary, English and German; oder, Vollstandig kleines Worter- buch, englisch und deutsch. 5. Aufl. Leipzig, 1796.584 p. ARNOLD, Thomas, 1742-1816. A case of hydrophobia. London, 1793. 245 p. — Observations on . . . insanity, lunacy, or madness. Lei- cester, 1782-86. 2 v. ARNOLT, Ludwig Andreas. Nach den Gesatzen der Chimie veranstaltete . . . Beschreibung des uralten der . . . Badsprudels Johannisbrunn. Prag, 1795. 96 p. ARNOT, Hugo, 1749-1786, ed. A collection and abridge- ment of celebrated criminal trials in Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1785. 400 p. ARNOULT, Guillaume. Dissertation en forme de lettre, sur l'effet des topiques dans les maladies internes. 6. ed. Paris, 1764. 104 p. -----7. ed. Paris, 1769 [i.e. 1772?] 118 p. — Dissertation sur l'effet des topiques dans les maladies internes. 7. ed. Paris, 1783. 118 p. ARNTZENIUS, Willem, 1704-1735. Amicum de quodam morbo dissidium. Neomagi, 1734. 66 p. AROSTEGUI, Juan Jose. Disertacion medico-chirurgica. See Louis, A. ARPAJEAN, Dassy d'. See Dassy-d'Arpajean, b. 1738. ARPE, Peter Friedrich, 1682-1740. De prodigiosis naturae et artis operibus talismanes et amuleta dictis. Ham- burgi, 1717. 184 p. ARREDONDO, Martin, 1598-1670. Obras de albeyteria. Zaragoza, 1704. 422+ p. Imperfect: t.p. mutilated; final pages of "Tabla" (after p. 422) wanting. ARRESE, Pedro Jose de, d. 1795, comp. Rudimentos fisico-canonico-morales. Nueva Guatemala, 1786.58 p. ARRIGHI, Antonio. Risposta apologetica . . . sopra a certi effetti morbosi malamente attribuiti aH'impedita traspirazione. Amsterdam, 1749. 189 p. — Della mania, della frenesia, e della rabbia. [Lodi? 1757] 56 p. Title and imprint from dedicatory epistle. [ — ] Jasimeccanica; o, Trattato dei rimedj naturali mecca- nici. Lodi, 1775. 2 v. — Osservazioni intorno alia malattia della rabbia. Milano, 1767. 83 p. — Riflessioni mediche-critico-pratiche intorno all'epatitide del fu sig. Odoardo Manusardi. Milano, 1772. 74 p. ARROTT, James. Remarks on the present mode of chirur- gical attendance in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1800. 14 p. ARROYO, Felix Perez. See Perez Arroyo, Felix. ARRUFAT, Andres Piquer y. See Piquer, Andres, 1711- 1772. ARS medendi; sive, Doses et vires medicamentorum . . . in Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londi- nensis. Londini, 1760. 565 p. L'ART de conserver la sante des princes. See Ramazzini, B. - L'art de faire des garcons. See Procope-Couteaux, M. C. - L'art de faire les raports en chirurgie. See Devaux, J. — L'art de jouir. See La Mettrie, J. O. de. — L'art de saigner. See Meurisse, H. E. — L'art de se traiter soi-meme. See Bourru, E. C. — L'art iatrique. See Bourdelin, L. H. — The art of cookery. See King, W. - The art of cookery made plain and easy. See Glasse H. - The art of getting into practice. See Woodward, J. - The art of nursing: or, The method of bringing up young children according to the rules of physick. 2d ed. London, 1733. 172 p. 20 ASTI - The art of preserving health. See Armstrong, J. L'ARTE di conoscere i buoni da' cattivi medici. See Mahon, P. A. O. — L'arte di viver sano e lungamente. See Morardi, G. ARTE DE' MEDICI E DEGLI SPEZIALI, Florence. Istruzione al popolo circ'ai tentativi da farsi per ravvi- vare gli annegati. Firenze, 1772. 54, 16 p. Also attributed to Giovanni Targioni Tozzetti. — Relazione delle febbri che si sono provate epidemiche in diverse parti della Toscana. Firenze, 1767. 435 p. "Scritta per ordine delfillustriss. e clar. Magistrato di sanita . .. di Firenze dai dottori Gio. Giorgio Hasenohrt de Lagusi [et al.)" — Ripubblicazione del bando sopra le matricole, e tasse da pagarsi all'Arte de' medici, e speziali di Firenze da' suoisottopostidi campagna. [Firenze, 17— ] broadside. ARTHAUD, Charles. Description de l'Hopital general du Cap. [n.p., 1792] 14 p. — Discours prononce a l'ouverture de la premiere seance publique du Cercle des Philadelphes, tenue au Cap- Francois. Paris, 1785. 55 p. — Dissertations sur la dilatation des arteres, et sur la sensibilite. Paris, 1771. 62 p. — ed. Recherches, memoires et observations. See Cercle des Philadelphes, Cap-Ha'i'tien, Haiti. ARTHY, Elliot. The seaman's medical advocate. London, 1798. 248 p. De ARTZ der moeders. See Smith, H. — De artz, of genees-heer. deel 1-6. Amsterdam, 1765- 71. 6 v. -----2. druk. deel 2-3. Amsterdam, 1767-70. -----3. druk. deel 1, stuk 2. Amsterdam, 1767. -----5. druk. deel 1, stuk 1. Amsterdam, 1770. ARTZENEIEN, eine. .. Monatschrift. See Baldinger, E. G. ARTZNEY Buchlein vor Menschen und Vieh &c. [n.p., 17-7] [32] p. - Artzney-Teuffel. See Horerus, Ananias. ARZNEYKUNDIGE Annalen. Heft 1-13. Kopenhagen, 1787-92. 13 v. Incomplete: Heft 9-12 wanting. Prepared by J. C. Tode. Der ARZT. Th. 3-12. Hamburg, 1760-64. 10 v. Prepared by J. A. Unzer. _____2. Aufl. Th. 1-2. Hamburg, 1760. 2 v. _____Neue Aufl. Th. 1-12. Hamburg, 1767-68. 12 v. Ed. statement in Th. 1 only. _____Neueste Ausg. Bd. 1-6 (Th. 1-12) Hamburg, 1769. _____Neueste Ausg. 2. Druck. Bd. 1-6 (Th. 1-12) Wien, 1778. 6 v. — Der arzt der Frauenzimmer. Bd. 1-3. Leipzig, 1771-73. 3 v. in 1. — Der Arzt des Gottesgelehrten. See Franz, J. G. F. — Der Arzt fur Kiinstler. See Bahrens, J. C. F. ASBROECK, Jean Francois van. See Vanasbroeck, Jean Francois. ASCANAGELFI, Giusto, pseud. See Sciugliaga, Stefano, d. 1791. ASCARRAGA, Bernardo Lopez de Araujo y. See Lopez de Araujo y Ascarraga, Bernardo. ASCLEPIADES BITHYNUS. Fragmenta. Vinariae, 1794. 188 p. ASCLEPIADEUS, Androphilus. See Androphilus Asclepia- deus. ASDRUBALI, Francesco, 1756-1832. Elementi di oste- tricia. [Roma] 1795-97. 2 v. in 4. ASED Y LATORRE, Antonio de, 1753-1794. Historia de la epidemia acaecida en la ciudad de Barbastro. Zarag. [1786]84 p. ASH, John, 1723-1798. Experiments and observations, to investigate .. . mineral waters. London, 1788. 400 p. — Oratio anniversaria ... ex Harveii institute Londini, 1790. 38 p. ASHBURNHAM, Sir William, 4th bart, 1710-1797. A sermon preached before... the governors of the London- Hospital. London, 1764. 20, 12 p. ASKEW, Anthony, 1722-1774. Bibliotheca Askeviana; sive, Catalogus librorum . .. quorum auctio fiet. [Lon- dini, 1775] 149 p. ------Another issue. Large paper ed. ASPINWALL, George, 1774-1816? A dissertation on the cynanche maligna. Dedham, 1798. 20 p. ASSALINI, Paolo, 1759-1846? Discorso sopra un nuovo stromento per l'estrazione della cateratta. Pavia, 1792. 34 p. — Essai medical sur les vaisseaux lymphatiques. Turin, 1787. 156 p. ASSIGNY, Marius d'. See D'Assigny, Marius, 1643-1717. ASSMANN, Christian Gottfried, 1752-1822. De erudi- tione metallicorum universa. [Vitebergae, 1785] 26 p. [ ASSO Y DEL RIO, Ignacio Jordan de ] 1742-1814? Synop- sis stirpium indigenarum Aragoniae. Massiliae, 1779. 160 p. ASSOCIATION OF TALLOW CHANDLERS AND SOAP MAKERS, New York. The case of the manufacturers of soap & candles, in the city of New-York, stated and examined. New York, 1797. 62 p. AST, Johann Gottlieb. Diatribe historico-litteraria . . . exhibens... succinctam medicorum medicaeve historiae delineationem. Lipsiae [1715] 24 p. ASTI, Felice, 1714-1798. Compendio di notizie interessanti 21 ASTI circa il veleno de' rabbiosi animali. Mantova, 1778.109 p. — Entwurf der nothwendigsten Kenntnisse von dem Gifte toller Thiere. Lemgo, 1787. 294 p. — Memoria o dissertazione sopra la nuova china china. Mantova, 1786. 63 p. -----2. ed. Venezia, 1791. 91 p. ASTI, Paolo Maria d'. See Paolo Maria d'Asti, padre. An ASTRONOMICAL diary; or, Almanack for . . . 1762 [and 1770] By Nathaniel Ames. Boston [1761,1769] 2 v. — An astronomical diary; or, Almanack for. . .1781 [and 1782] by Nathanael Low. Boston [1780, 1781 ] 2 v. Imperfect: p. [12-22] of almanac for 1781 wanting. ASTRUC, Jean, 1684-1766. Abhandlung aller Venuskrank- heiten. Frankfurth, 1764. 718 p. — Abhandlung von Geschwiilsten und Geschwtiren. Dres- den, 1761. 2 v. in 1. — Academical lectures on fevers. London, 1747. 357 p. — L'art d'accoucher. Paris, 1766. 392 p. -----Paris, 1768. 308 p. -----Paris, 1771. 312 p. -----Paris, 1785. 392 p. — The art of midwifery. London, 1767. 362 p. — Catalogue des livres de feu M. Astruc. Paris, 1766. 27 (i.e. 271) p. — De morbis venereis. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1736.600 p. -----Parisiis, 1738. 628 p. -----Ed. 2. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1740. 2 v. ------Ed. 1. Veneta. Venetiis, 1741. 639 p. ------Ed. 2. Veneta. Venetiis, 1748. 2 v. -----Noviss. ed. Venetiis, 1756. 2 v. -----Noviss. ed. Venetiis, 1760. 2 v. -----Noviss. ed. Neapoli, 1768. 2 v. -----Noviss. ed. Venetiis, 1790. 2 v. [ — ] Dissertation sur l'origine des maladies epidemiques. Montpellier, 1721. 118 p. [ — ] Dissertation sur la contagion de la peste. Toulouse, 1724. 152 p. [ —j Dissertation sur la peste de Provence. Tiguri, 1721. 63, 77 p. Text of pt. 1 in Latin and French. Pt. 2 has title: Beschreibung der provencalischen Pest. Zurich, 1721. — Elements of midwifry. London, 1766. 196 p. — Epistolae . . . quibus respondetur epistolari dissertationi Thomae Boeri. [Tolosae? 17157] 75 p. [ — ] Etat des contestations entre la Faculte de medecine . . . et la Communaute de maitres-chirurgiens-jures de la ville de Paris. Paris, 1747. 18 p. — A general and compleat treatise on all the diseases incident to children. London, 1746. 229 p. — Memoire, sur la cause de la digestion des alimens. [Montpelier, 1711] 24 p. — Memoires pour I'histoire naturelle de la province de Languedoc. Paris, 1737. 630 p. — Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de la Faculte de medecine de Montpellier. Paris, 1767. 432 p. — Recueil de plusieurs pieces. See under title. — Theoretisch-practische Abhandlung von den Frauen- zimmer-Krankheiten. Dresden, 1768-76. 6 v. Incomplete: v. 1 only. — Tractatus de morbis mulierum. Venetiis, 1763-67.2 v. -----Neapoli, 1769. 2 v. -----Venetiis, 1783. 2 v. in 1. — Tractatus de motus fermentativi causa novam et mecha- nicam hypothesim continens. Monspelii, 1702. 177 p — Tractatus de tumoribus & ulceribus. Venetiis, 1766. 234 (i.e. 240) p. — Tractatus pathologicus. Genevae, 1743. 232 p. -----Ed. 3. Genevae, 1753. 232 p. -----Ed. 4. Parisiis, 1767. 299 p. — Tractatus therapeuticus. Genevae, 1743. 480 p. ------Ed. 2. Genevae, 1750. 383 p. — Traite de la cause p. BIKCHELM ANN, Johann Philipp, 1718-1783. Dehydro- pc ascite in gravida cum febre quartana conjuncto. Gissae. 1753. 24 (i.e. 28) p. — Sammlung merckwiirdiger Abhandlung vom Krebs. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1764. 580 (i.e. 280) p. BERCHEM, Jacob Pierre Berthout van, 1763-1832. See Levade, L. IBERCHTOLD, Leopold, Graf von] 1759-1809. Beschrei- bung einiger. in England erfundenen Maschinen, um verschiedene Arbeiten . . . ganzunschadlich zu machen. London,1798. 20 p. — ed. Descrizione del nuovo rimedio curativo e preserva- tive contro la peste. Vienna, 1797. 28 p. -----IGenova, 1800] |3] p. — Ensaio de varios meios com que se intenta salvar, e conservar a vida dos homens em diversos perigos. Lisboa, 1792. 110 p. — ed. Exposicao de hum novo remedio curativo, e pre- servative da peste. Lisboa, 1797. 28 p. — Projet pour prevenir les dangers tres-frequens des in- humations precipitees. Paris, 1791. 24 p. — ed. Short directions for the cure and prevention of the plague. [Lisboa, 1797] [12] p. Abstracts in English, Arabic, French and Portuguese of the editor's Descrizione del nuovo rimedio curativo, prepared and published by the Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa. Title sup- plied from English abstract, p. |3| BERDMORE, Thomas, 1740-1785. Abhandlung von den Krankheiten der Zahne und des Zahnfleisches. Alten- burg. 1771. 207 p. — A treatise on the disorders and deformities of the teeth and gums. London, 1768. 267 p. -----New ed. London, 1770. 279 p. BERDOE, Marmaduke. An enquiry into the influence of the electric-fluid. Bath, 1771. 183 p. — An essay on the nature and causes of the gout. Bath, 1772. 140 p. — Essay on the pudendagra. Bath, 1771. 80 p. BERDOT. Charles Louis. Memoire sur les effets el Tac- tion de l'opium. Strasbourg, An VII (1799) 71 p. BERDOT. David Charles Emmanuel, 1738-1780. Abrege de l'art d'accoucher. Basle, 1774. 2 v. in 1. BERENDS. Karl August Wilhelm, 1754-1826. Ueber den Unterricht junger Aerzte vor dem Krankenbette. Ber- lin. 1789. 45 p. BERENDT. Nathanael, 1756-1838. Medizinisch-prak- tische Abhandlung von den Versetzungen der Milch by Kindbetterinnen. Leipzig, 1784. 110 p. BERENGARIO, Jacopo, ca. 1460-1530. De fractura cra- nii. Ed. nova. Lugduni Batavorum, 1715. 355 p. [ BERENGER, Laurent Pierre ] 1749-1822. De la prostitu- tion. Cahier et doleances. |Paris, 1789] 29 p. BERETTA, Francesco. Dissertatio de miliaris natura differentiis et curatione. Mediolani, 1778. 80 p. BERETTINI, Pietro, 1596-1669. Tabulae anatomicae. Romae, 1741. 84 p. -----Romae, 1788. 104 p. BERGASSE, Nicolas, 1750-1832. Betrachtungen uber den thierischen Magnetismum. Dresden, 1790. 146 p. — Confession d'un medecin. See under title. — Considerations sur la magnetisme animal. La Haye, 1784.149 p. -----A La Haye, et se trouve a Paris, 1784. 149 p. — Considerazioni sopra il magnetismo animale. Cremo- na, 1785. 180 p. [ — ] Lettre d'un medecin de la Faculte de Paris . . . dans lequel on prouve . . . que le magnetisme animal n'existe pas. La Haye, 1781. 70 p. [ — J Theorie du monde & des etres organises suivant les principes de M . . . Paris, 1784. 15, 21, 16 p. Sometimes attributed to F. A. Mesmer. BERGEN, Karl August von, 17047-1759? A . . . Friderico Wilhelmo . . . demandatam sibi professionem medicinae extraordinariam, solemni oratione . . . auspicaturus . . . invitat. Francof. ad Viadrum [1732] [11] p. — De thermometris mensurae constantis commentatio. Francofurti ad Viadrum [1745] 71 p. — Dissertatio botanica de aloide. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1753. 22 p. — Methodus cranii ossa dissuendi. Francofurti ad Via- drum, 1741. 14 p. BERGER, Christoph Wilhelm von, b. 1727. Commen- tarius medicus de praesagiis ex algore in febribus acutis. Gottingae |1748] 84 p. BERGER, Johann Gottfried von, 1659-1736. Bericht vom Carls-Bade. Wittenberg, 1709. 300 p. — De thermis Carolinis. Vitembergae, 1709. 158 p. — Physiologia medica. Vitembergae, 1702. 499 p. -----Francofurti, 1737. 499 p. BERGERET, Jean Pierre, 1751-1813. Phytonomatotech- nie universelle. Paris, 1783-84. 3 v. Incomplete: v. 3 wanting. [BERGIER, Antoine] 1704-1748. Suite de la matiere medical de M. Geoffroy, par M.***. Paris, 1750. 3 v. BERGIUS, Peter Jonas, 1730-1790. Abhandlung von denen kalten Badern. Stettin, 1766. 125 p. - Intrades-tal, om Stockholm for 200 ar sen, och Stock- holm nu for tiden, i anseende til handel, och veten- skaper, sardeles den medicinska. Stockholm, 1758. 42 BERLINGHIERI 272 p. - Materia medica e regno vegetabili. Stockholmiae, 1778. 2 v. -----Ed- 2 Stockholmiae, 1782. 2 v. - Von den Nutzen der kalten Bader. Neue Ausg Mar- burg, 1793. 137 p. BERGMAN, Torbern Olof, 1735-1784. Abhandlung von dem Arsenick. Altenburg, 1778. 102 p. - A dissertation on elective attractions. London 1785 382 p. - An essay on the usefulness of chemistry. London 1783 163 p. -----London, 1784. 163 p. [ - ] Geschichte des Wachsthums und der Erfindungen in der Chemie. Berlin, 1792. 260 p. - Kleine physische und chymische Werke. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1782-90. 6 v. Imperfect: plates for v. 2 wanting. - Opuscules chymiques et physiques. Dijon, 1780-85 2v. — Physical and chemical essays. London, 1788-91. 3 v. Incomplete: v. 3 and t.p. of v. 1 wanting. — Tal, om chemiens nyaste framsteg. Stockkolm 1777 48 p. — Traite des affinites chymiques, ou attractions electives. Paris, 1788. 444 p. BERGMANN, Friedrich Conrad. De dignitate et prae- stantia medicinae. Lipsiae [1756] 12 p. BERGMULLER, Johann Georg, 1688-1762. Anthropo- metria; sive, Statura hominis . . . Oder: Statur des Menschen. Augspurg, 1723. [4] p. [BERGONZONI, Michelangelo] 1748-1819. Della edu- cazione letteraria e scientifica del medico pratico. Bologna, 1781. 375 p. Sometimes attributed to Matteo Borso. BERICHTE und Bedenken die Kriebelkrankheit be- treffend, welche von den schleswigholsteinschen Physi- cis an die Konigl. deutsche Kammer zu Kopenhagen eingesandt worden. Kopenhagen, 1722. 140 p. BERINGER, Johann Bartholomaus Adam, d. 1740Grund- lich- und richtigste Untersuchung deren Kissinger Heyl- und Gesundheits-Brunnen. Wirtzburg, 1738. 139 p. BERKELEY, George, Bp. ofCloyne, 1685-1753. An essay towards a new theory of vision, Dublin, 1709. 187 p. -----2d ed. Dublin, 1709. 198 p. [ — ] A letter to T— P— . . . Containing some farther re- marks on the virtues of tar-water. London, 1744. 28 p. [-] — 3d ed. London, 1744. 32 p. — A miscellany, containing several tracts on various subjects. Dublin, 1752. 264 p. -----London, 1752. 267 p. — Nachricht vom Theer-Wasser. [n.p.] 1745. 80 p. -----[n.p.] 1747. 80 p. -----[n.p.] 1748. 80 p. — Philosophical reflexions and inquiries concerning the virtues of tar water. London, 1744. 176 p. - Recherches sur les vertus de l'eau de goudron. Liege [not before 1744] 132 p. -----Amsterdam, 1745. 343 p. Keynes, Bibliog. of Berkeley, no. 73. -----Geneve, 1748. 331 p. [ — ] Siris: a chain of philosophical reflexions and inquiries concerning the virtues of tar water. Dublin, 1744.261 p. [-]---2d ed. Dublin, 1744. 150, 14 p. Pt. 2 has title: A letter to T—- P—. ---1— 2d ed. London, 1744. 174 p. On the t.p. "Siris:" is 78 mm. long; p. 38, paragraph 80 has 20 lines. -----Another printing. "Siris:" is 69 mm.; p. 38, paragraph 80 has 21 lines; contents (final unnumbered leaf) is enlarged. -----Another issue. "Siris:" is 61 mm. -----New ed. London, 1744. 174 p. -----New ed. London, 1747. 174 p. [ — ] Siris; or, An abstract of the treatise on the virtues of tar-water. Dublin, 1744. 36 p. — A treatise concerning the principles of human know- lege. Dublin, 1710. 214 p. -----London, 1734. 355 p. — Two letters. . . concerning the usefulness of tar-water. London, 1747. 36 p. BERKENHOUT, John, 17307-1791. Clavis Angelica lin- guae botanicae; or, A botanical lexicon. London, 1764. 1 v. (unpaged) -----2. ed. London, 1789. 1 v. (unpaged) — Doctor Cadogan's Dissertation on the gout . . . exam- ined and refuted. London, 1772. 38 p. — An essay on the bite of a mad dog. London, 1783.83 p. — First lines of the theory and practice of philosophical chemistry. London, 1788. 434 p. — Pharmacopoeia medici. Londini, 1766. 93 p. -----Ed. 2. Londini, 1768. 117 p. -----Ed. 3. Londini, 1782. 117 p. — Symptomatology. London, 1784. 124 (i.e. 134) p. — A volume of letters ... to his son at the university. Cambridge, 1790. 374 p. BERKHEY, Joannes le Francq van. See Francq van Berkhey,Johannes le,1729-1812. BERLIA, Simon. Analytica poetico-anotomica. Viterbii, 1728. 50 p. BERLIN, See Akademie der Wissenschaften Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin Prussia. Collegium Medicum Prussia. Ober-Collegium Medicum. BERLINGHIERI, Andrea Vacca. See Vacca Berlinghieri, 43 BERLINGHHKI Andrea. 1772-1826. BERLINGHIERI, Francesco Vacca. See Vacca Berlin- ghieri, Francesco. 1732-1812. BERLINISCHE Sammlungen zur Beforderung der Arzney- wissenschaft, der Naturgeschichte . . . und der dahin einschlagenden Litteratur. Bd. 1-10. Berlin, 1768-79. 10 v. BERLINISCHES Jahrbuch fur die Pharmacie. Bd. 1-6; 1795-1800. Berlin. 6 v. Incomplete: v. 1, 3-4 in later editions. — Berlinisches Magazin, oder gesammlete Schriften und Nachrichten fiir die Liebhaber der Arzneywissenschaft. Bd. 1-4. Berlin, 1765-69 [i.e. -67) 4 v. Bd. 1, Stuck 1,2. Aufl., 1767. BERLU, John Jacob. The treasury of drugs unlock'd. 3d ed. London, 1733. 166 p. -----2d ed. London, 1738. 166 p. BERN. Laws, statutes, etc. Instructions pour les medecins de campagne et chirurgiens, sur la maniere dont ils doivent proceder, en des cas criminels. Berne, 1789. 19 p. — Sanitats-Kanzley. Anweisung zur Verhiitung und Be- handlung der Ruhr. Bern, 1794. 32 p. BERNABEI, Antonio Nicola. Dissertazione delle morti improvise, nella quale si ragiona delle perucche, e degli acid. Roma, 1708. 84, 40 p. BERNARD, Charles, 1650-1711. Bibliotheca Bemardiana; or, A catalogue of the library. |London, 1711] 221 p. BERNARD, Jacques, 1658-1718. Oratio inaugurahs de philosophiae utilitate. Lugduni Batavorum, 1712.46 p. BERNARDI, Francesco, 1741-1827. Prospetto storico- critico dell'origine . . . del Collegio medico-chirurgico. Venezia, 1797. 76 p. BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE, Jacques Henri. See Saint-Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernardin de, 1737-1814. BERNE, Miguel Borbon y. See Borbon y Berne, Miguel de, b. 1691. BERNER, Gottlieb Ephraim, fl. 1696-ca. 1738. Exercitatio physico-medica de applicatione mechanismi ad medici- nam. Amstelodami, 1720. 583 p. — Exercitatio physico-medica de efficacia et usu aeris mechanico in corpore humano. Amstelodami, 1723. 340 p. — — Ed. nova. Amstelaedami, 1738. 677 p. BERNIARD. Memoire sur la terre des os, & sur la terre calcaire en general, [n.p., not before 1782] 27 p. BERNIER, Francois, 1620-1688. Voyages . . . contenant la description des etats du Grand Mogol. Amsterdam, 1709-10 |v.l, 1710]2 v. BERNKASTEL, Lion. Darstellung, der als wahre Wasser- scheu . . . erkliirten Krankheit des Burgers Paul Becker. Trier. Jahr VIII 11799/18001 23 p. BERNOULLI, Daniel, 1700-1782. Positiones miscellaneae medico-anatomico-botanicae. Basileae [1721J [8| p. BERNOULLI, Johann, 1667-1748. De motu musculorum, de effervescentia, & fermentatione. Ed. 2. Venetiis, 1721. 123 p. BERNSTEIN, Johann Gottlob, 1747-1835. Chirurgische Krankengeschichten. Erfurt, 1792. 284 p. — Neues chirurgisches Lexicon. Gotha, 1783-84. 2 v. -----Neue Aufl. Gotha, 1787-88. 2 v. - Praktisches Handbuch der Geburtshulfe. Frankenthal, 1791.4v. - Praktisches Handbuch fiir Wundarzte. Leipzig, 1786. 2 v. -----Frankenthal, 1787-90 [v. 1, 17891 8 v. in 4. -----Neue Ausg. Leipzig, 1799-1800. 4 v. — Systematische Darstellung des chirurgischen Ver- bandes. Jena, 1798. 544 p. -----Frankenthal, 1800. 568 p. — Zusatze zum Praktischen Handbuch fiir Geburtshelfer. Frankenthal, 1792. 126 p. BERRETTINI, Pietro. See Berettini, Pietro, 1596-1669. BERTHE, Jean Nicolas. Quaestiones medicae duodecim. Monspelii, 1790. 56 p. BERTHOLDI, Johann Jacob. Dissertatio anatomico- physiologico-medica exhibens primas lineas nosologi- cas morborum venae portae. Vindobonae [1777] 31 p. BERTHOLON, Pierre, 1741-1800. Anwendung und Wirk- samkeit der Elektrizitat zur Erhaltung . . . der Gesund- heit. Weissenfels, 1788-89. 2 v. in 1. — De la salubrite de l'air des villes. Montpellier, 1786. 102 p. — De l'electricite des vegetaux. Paris, 1783. 468 p. — De l'electricite du corps humain. Paris, 1780. 541 p. -----Lyon,1780. 541 p. -----Paris, 1786. 2 v. — Die Electricitat aus medicinischen Gesichtspuncten betrachtet. Bern, 1781. 410, 73 p. BERTHOUD VAN BERCHEM, Jacob Pierre. See Ber chem, Jacob Pierre Berthout van, 1763-1832. BERTI, Giovanni Lorenzo, 1696-1776. See Calvi, G. BERTIER, Joseph Etienne, 17107-1783. Dissertation sur cette question si l'air de la respiration passe dans le sang. Bordeaux,1739. 95 p. [ — ] Physique des corps animes. Paris, 1755. 416 p. Also attributed to Laurent Beraud. [BERTIN] Des moyens de conserver la sante des blancs et des negres, aux Antilles. Saint-Domingue, 1786.126 p. [BERTIN, Exupere Joseph] 1712-1781. Lettre a M. D*** sur le nouveau systeme de la voix. La Haye, 1745.40 p. 44 BEST — Traite d'osteologie. Paris, 1754. 4 v. -----Paris, 1783. 4 v. [BERTINI, Antonio Francesco] 1658-1726. La falsita scoperta nel libro intitolato La verita senza maschera dal Gobbo die Sancasciano. Francfort, 1711. 155 p. [ — ] Parere del signor dottor N. N. intorno la domanda fattagli dal signor dottor Matteo Giorgi. Genova [ 1713] 276 p. [ — ] Risposta di Anton Giuseppe Branchi ... a quanto oppone . . . Giovan Paolo Lucardesi al libro dell'. . . sig. dottore Anton Francesco Bertini. 2. ed. Firenze, 1756. 227 p. BERTINI, Giuseppe Maria Saverio, 16957-1756. Dell'uso esterno, e interno del mercurio. Firenze, 1744. 46 p. BERTINI, Luigi. Del latte per uso della medicina capi- tolo. Perugia, 1774. xxviii p. BERTOSSI, Giuseppe. Delia sensibilita, ed irritabilita delle parti del corpo umano. Padova [1756] lxxvii p. — Delle terme padovane volgarmente dette bagni d'Aba- no. Venezia, 1759. 104 p. [BERTRAND, Bernard Nicolas] 1715-1780. Elemens de physiologic Paris, 1756. 537 p. BERTRAND, J. B. Dissertatio de hygieine. See under title. BERTRAND, Jean Baptiste, 1670-1752. Lettre ... a Mr. Deidier. Avignon, 1732. 30 p. — Observations faites sur la peste ... a Marseille. Lyon, 1721.62, 29, 24 p. — Relation historique de la peste. See under title. BERTRAND-RIVAL, Jean Francois. Tableau historique et moral, des principaux objets en cire ... qui composent le cabinet. Paris, An VII [1798/99] 100 p. BERTRANDI, Giovanni Ambrogio Maria, 1723-1765. Abhandlung von den chirurgischen Operationen. Wien, 1770. 544 p. — Abhandlung von den Geschwiilsten. Leipzig, 1788. 656 p. — Abhandlung von den venerischen Krankheiten. Nurn- berg, 1790-91. 2 v. — Dissertationes anatomicae. De hepate, et oculo. Au- gustae Taurinorum, 1748. 96 p. — Lehre von den Knochenkrankheiten. Dresden, 1792. 356 p. - Opere. Torino, 1786-1802. 14 v. Incomplete: v. 12-14 wanting. - Theoretisch-praktische Abhandlung von den Geschwu- ren. Erfurt, 1790. 608 p. — Traite des operations de chirurgie. Paris, 1769. 581 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1784. 579 p. — Trattato delle operazioni di chirurgia. Nizza, 1763.2 v. in 1. -----Nizza, 1770. 2 v. -----Napoli, 1781.2v. -----Napoli, 1786. 2 v. -----Venezia, 1786. 2 v. -----Napoli, 1798. 2 v. in 1. BERTRANDI, J. Dissertations du nitre, du serein, des vents, et de la gelee. Clermont, 1704. 17 p. BERTUCCIONI, Fabrizio. Discorso fisico-medico . . . intorno ad una vespa. Genova, 1755. xxix p. BERZI, Francesco, d. 1764. Nuova scoperta a felicemente suscitare il vajuolo per artificiale contatto. Padova, 1758. cxi p. BESCHE, Johan Abraham de, 1755-1831. Etwas vom Scharlachfieber. Kopenhagen [1779] 7 p. BESCHEIDE beantwoording. See Sterk, A. BESCHOUWING van het adres. See Bree, J. de. BESCHREIBUNG der Epidemie, welche im Friihjahr des 1782 . . . geherrschet. See Miiller, C. W. C. von. — Beschreibung der provencalischen Pest. See Astruc, J. Dissertation sur la peste de Provence. — Beschreibung derer in Nieder-Schlesien, Oelssnischen Fiirstenthumbs zu Skarsine befindlichen . . . Gesund- Quellen. Oelsse [1716] 78 p. Dedication signed by Maximilian Preuss and others. — Beschreibung des Bandwurmes, nebst den Mitteln wieder denselben. 2. Aufl. Stadt Kempten, 1777. 24 p. — Beschreibung des unweit Stuttgart gelegenen Hirsch- Bads. See Gesner, J. A. — Beschreibung einiger, in England erfundenen Maschi- nen. See Berchtold, L. von. — Beschreibung von Karlsbad. See Hoser, J. C. E. — Beschreibung von Teplitz in Bdhmen. Prag, 1798.178 p. BESCHREIBUNGEN der zu Heilung der trockenen, und nassen Raude, dann der Egeln beym Schaafvieh, durch veranstaltete Versuche bewahrt- und nutzlich befun- denen Mitteln. Freyburg im Breisgau, 1787. [13] p. BESCHRYVING van . . . Aken. See Blondel, F. — Beschryving van de epidemische zinkingkoorts en derzelver gevolgen. Haarlem, 1782. 226 p. Dedication signed by Adrianus Dicten and others. BESEKE, Johann Melchior Gottlieb, 1746-1802. Versuch einer Geschichte der Hypothesen iiber die Erzeugung der Thiere. Mitau, 1797. 130 p. BESNIER, Pierre Charles Louis, 1668-1761. Le jardinier botaniste. Paris, 1705. 341 p. BESSE, Jean, b. 1670. Lettre a monsieur*** auteur du nouveau livre de l'oeconomie animale. Paris, 1728.302 p. — Recherche analytique de la structure des parties du corps humain. Toulouse, 1701. 2 v. in 1. The BEST and easiest method of preserving uninterrup- ted health to extreme old age. London, 1748. 204 p. — The best preservative against the plague. With a short 45 BETBEDER account of the state of this nation. London. 1721. 51 p. A political tract. BETBEDER, Jean. Dissertation sur les eaux minerales du Mont de Marsan. Bordeaux, 1750. 95 p. — Histoire de l'hydrocephale de Begle. Bordeaux, 1755. 73 p. [BETHISY DE MEZIERES, Eugene Eleonore, marquis de Mezieres] 1709-1782. Effets de fair sur le corps humain. consideres dans le son. Amsterdam, 1760.71 p. BETHKE, Karl Christlieb, 1739-1812. Uber Schlagflusse und Lahmungen. Ofen, 1799. 2 v. in 1. BETHLEM HOSPITAL, London. See Bridewell Hospital. [BETHUNE, John] A short view of the human faculties and passions. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1770. 128 p. BETRACHTUNGEN von dem grossen Nutzen und Scha- den der vierfussigen Thiere. Bunzlau, 1776. 79 p. BETTON, Michael. See Directions for taking. BEUTHER, David. Universal und Particularia, worin die Verwandelung geringer Metalle in Gold und Silber klahr und deutlich gelehret wird. Hamburg, 1718. 140 p. Imperfect: p. 1-2 and plates (except front.) wanting. BEVERWIJCK, Jan van, 1594-1647. Eloge de la medecine et de la chirurgie. Paris, 1730. 2 v. in 1. Vol. 2 has title: Lettres de . . . Anne-Marie Schurmans. BEVILACQUA, Francesco. Breve discorso sopra le fistole. [Venezia, 1742] 8 p. — Circa li cancri. |n.p., ca. 17427] broadside. — [Letter of Maria Antonia Badini to Francesco Bevi- lacqua requesting treatment, with the latter's reply] [Venezia? 1742?] [2] p.. — [Testimonials of four successful cures] [Padova, 17427] Hip. BEVILACQUA, Gaetano. Memoria intorno ad alcuni necessarj milgioramenti fatti alia macchina per le frat- ture delle gambe. Verona, 1786. 37 p. BEVIS, John, 1693-1771. An experimental enquiry con- cerning the . . . mineral waters ... at Bagnigge Wells. London, 1760. 61 p. BEWAHRTES und approbirtes Ross-Artzney-Buch. Wolf- fenbuttel, 1716. 406 p. BEWLEY, Richard, pseud. See Harrington, Robert, fl. 1781-ca. 1815. BEYER, Johann Franz. Novi prorectoratus auspicia . . . indicit . . . Inest brevis de Zacharia Rosenbachio nar- ratio. [Herbornae, 1800] 36 p. BEYER, Justus Israel, d. 1762. Honores in arte salutari. . . Christiano Friderico Daniel. . . gratulatur . . . praemissa brevi dissertatiuncula de medicis honoratissimis. Halae- Magdeburgicae [1742) [12] p. BEYNON, Elias, 17th cent. Barmhertziger Samariter. Sultzbach, 1702. 3 pts. in 1 v. BEYTRAGE. See Beitrage. BEZERRA, Manuel Gomez de Lima. See Gomes de Lima Bezerra, Manuel, 1727-1806. BIANCHI, Giovanni, 1693-1775. Breve storia ragionata de' mali, che afflissero . . . Enea Silvio Piccolomini. [Rimino, 1768] viiip. — De' bagni di Pisa. Firenze, 1757. 95 p. [ — ] Jani Planci... De monstris ac monstrosis . . . epistola. Venetiis, 1749. [36] p. — De' vesicicatori. [Vinegia] 1746. xlvi p. [ — ] Delle virtu e degli usi della magnesia arsenicale . . . Lettera di Marco Chillenio. Pesaro, 1720 [i.e. 1722] 18 p. — A dissertation against blisters. London, 1751. 50 p. [ —) Simonis Cosmopolitae Epistola apologetica pro Jano Planco. Arimini, 1745. xlviii p. — Lettera . . . sopra un preteso supplimento alia Storia medica d'una postema del lobo destro del cerebello. Arimino, 1755. xix p. — Se il vitto pittagorico di soli vegetabili sia giovevole per conservare la sanita. Venezia, 1752. 94 p. BIANCHI, Giovanni, fl. 1795. Saggio riguardante l'im- pressioni sui nervi in generate. Pisa, 1795. 156 p. BIANCHI, Giovanni Battista, 1681-1761. De naturali in humano corpore, vitiosa morbosaque generatione his- toria. Augustae Taurinorum, 1741. 468 p. — Discorsi sue epistolari sopra una terra salina purgante. Torino [17577] xvi p. — Ductus lacrymales novi. Augustae Taurinorum, 1715. 51 p. — Historia hepatica. 3. ed. Genevae, 1725. 2 v. — Historia hepatis. Augustae Taurinorum, 1711. 156 p. — Opera anatomico-practica. Augustae Taurinorum [17157]51 p. Reissue of Ductus lacrymales novi, with new t.p. — Storia del mostro di due corpi. Torino [17497] 139 p. — See also Quatuor luculentorum opusculorum anatomi- corum fasciculus. BIANCHI, Giuseppe, d. 1790. Osservazioni chirurgiche. Cremona, 1758. 102 p. BIANCHINI, Giovanni Fortunato, 1719-1779. Continua- zione degli esperimenti sopra gl'innesti del vajuolo. [Udine, 1770?) 28 p. — An essay on the force of imagination. See under title. — Lettere medico-pratiche intorno all'indole delle febbri maligne. Venezia, 1750. 254 p. — La medicina d'Asclepiade. Venezia [1769] cxxvii p. — Saggio d'esperienze intorno la medicina elettrica. Venezia, 1749. cxvi. p. BIANCHINI, Giuseppe, 1704-1764. Parere sopra la cagio- ne della signora contessa Cornelia Zangari ne' Bandi. 46 BIENVILLE 4. ed. Roma, 1758. cxlvii p. [BIANCONI, Giovanni Ludovico] 1717-1781. Lettere sopra A. Cornelio Celso. Roma, 1779. 294 p. — Sendschreiben uber den A. Cornelius Celsus. Leipzig, 1781. 248 p. BIBLIOGRAPHIE medicinale raisonnee. See Du Mon- chaux, P. J. BIBLIOTECA della piu recente letteratura medico-chirur- gica. t. 1-3, pt. 1. Pavia, 1790-94. 3 v. - Biblioteca fisica d'Europa. 1.1-20; 1788-91. Pavia. 20 v. in 7. Ed. by L. Brugnatelli. — Biblioteca medica Browniana. See Belluomini, G.; Frank, L. BIBLIOTECA MEDICEO-LAURENZIANA. Catalogus. Florentiae, 1752-[57] 2 v. in 1. BIBLIOTHECA anatomica, medica, chirurgica, &c. con- taining a description of the several parts of the body. [London] 1711-14. 3 v. Imperfect: v. 1, pi. I in photocopy; v. 1, pi. XI and XXII and v. 3, pi. X, tab. 2, wanting. BIBLIOTHEK der neuesten medicinisch-chirurgischen Literatur. Bd. 1-4, Stuck 1. Wien, 1789-93. Incomplete: v. 3-4 wanting. — Bibliothek der practischen Heilkunde. Bd. 1-3. Jena [etc.] 1799-1800. 3 v. Ed. by C. W. Hufeland. — Bibliothek der wichtigsten praktischen Aerzte des siebzehnten Jahrhunderts. Leipzig, 1785-86. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. Vol. 1, pt. 1 has title: Karl Piso . . . Von denen Krankheiten welche aus dem Blutwasser entstehen; v. 1, pt. 2: Johann Maria Lancisi. . . Abhandlung von plozlichen und seltsamen Todes- fallen. — Bibliothek for physik, medicin, og oekonomie. Bd. 13- 18. Kjefoenhavn, 1798-1800. 6 v. — Bibliothek fiir Chirurgie und praktische Medicin. Bd. 1, Stuck 1-3. Gottingen, 1790-93. 512 p. Prepared by J. Arnemann. — Bibliothek fiir die Medicin, Chirurgie und Geburts- hiilfe. Bd. 1, Heft 1-2. Gottingen, 1799-1800.168,148 p. Incomplete: pt. 2 wanting. Ed. by Justus Arnemann. BIBLIOTHEKE fiir Kinderarzte. Bd. 1-2. Wien, 1792- 98. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. BIBLIOTHEQUE des philosophes chimiques. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1741-54. 4 v. Incomplete: v. 4 wanting. - Bibliotheque en abrege de la vraye medecine. See Des- maillet. - Bibliotheque germanique medico-chirurgicale. annee 1-2 (t 1-4) Paris, vendemiaire An VH-germinal An VIII [1798-1800] 4 v. Ed. by Brewer and Daniel Delaroche. — Bibliotheque medico-physique du nord. t. 1-3. Lau- sanne, 1783-84. 3 v. Vol. 1-2 ed. by P. R. Vicat; v. 3 by Vicat and H. Struve. BICAISE, Honore, b. 1590. Manuale medicorum. See Hippocrates. Selections and adaptations. BICCHIERAI, Alessandro, 1734-1797. Dei bagni di Mon- tecatini. Firenze, 1788. 347 p. — Raccolta dei disegni delle fabbriche regie de' bagni di Montecatini. Firenze, 1787. [6] p. BICETTI DE' BUTTINONI, Giovanni Maria Giuseppe, 1708-1778. Osservazioni sopra alcuni innesti di vajuolo. Milano, 1765. 205 p. BICHAT, Xavier, 1771-1802. Recherches physiologiques sur la vie et la mort. Paris, An VIII [ 1799/1800] 449 p. - Traite des membranes. Paris, An VIII [ 1799/1800] 326 p. BICKER, Georg, 1754-1823. Materia medica practica. Bremae, 1778. 134 p. BICKER, Lambertus, 1732-1801. Aanmerkingen, op het werkje van den Heere B. Tersier, getijteld De behan- deling der ingeente. Haarlem, 1798. 80 p. — By voegsel van het Dagblad. See Netherlands (Batavian Republic, 1795-1806) — Verhandeling van het zog der vrouwen. Leyden, 1763. 224 p. — Vertoog van de voornaamste redenen . . . van de inen- ting der kinderpokjes. Rotterdam, 1777. 155 p. BICKERSTAFF, Isaac, pseud., ed. of almanacs. See West, Benjamin, 1730-1813. BICKERTON, G. Accurate disquisitions in physick. Lon- don, 1719. 223 p. BIDLOO, Govard, 1649-1713. Bericht von der letzten Kranckheit und Tode Wilhelm des III. Leipzig, 1703. 126 p. — De oculis et visu variorum animalium. Lugduni Bata- vorum, 1715.51 p. — Exercitationum anatomico-chirurgicarum decades duae. Lugd. Batavorum, 1708. 216 p. — Opera omnia anatomico-chirurgica. Lugduni Bata- vorum, 1715. 1 v. (various pagings) BIEL, Ahasuerus Johannes. De vera et nimia simplicitate elementorum. Lipsiae [1745] 26 p. BIENVILLE, J. D. T. de. Der Familienarzt, und der Arzt der Gelehrten. Strasburg, 1776. 172 (i.e. 272) p. — La ninfomania; o sia, II furore uterino. Venezia, 1783. 141 p. ------Venezia, 1786. 92 p. -----Venezia, 1789. 91 p. ------Venezia, 1792. 96 p. — Nymphomania; or, A dissertation concerning the furor 47 BIENVILLE uterinus. London. 1775. 189, 16 p. Le nymphomanie; ou, Traite de la fureur uterine. Amsterdam. 1771. 168 p. Nouv. ed. Amsterdam, 1778. 179 p. Nouv. ed. Amsterdam, 17M. 203 p. -----Lausanne, 1788. 190 p. ----Nouv. ed. Londres, 1789. 198 p. — Le pour et le contre de l'inoculation. Rotterdam [ 1771 ] 154 p. — Reflexions importantes sur les abus de la saignee. Amsterdam, 1781. 76 p. — Traite des erreurs populaires sur la sante. La Haye, 1775. 300 p. BIERCHEN, Peter. See Bjerken, Pehr af, 1731-1774. BIGEL. Topographie medicale de Macon. Macon, An VII |1798/99|105 p. BIGLAND, Ralph, 1711-1784. Observations on marriages, baptisms, and burials, as preserved in parochial regis- ters. London, 1764. 96 p. BIKER, J. G., plaintiff The tryal between J. G. Biker, plaintiff; and M. Morley, doctor of physic, defendant; for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wife. Lon- don, 1741. 26 p. BIKKER, Lambertus. See Bicker, Lambertus, 1732-1801. BILFINGER, Christian Ludwig, 1736-1803. De tetano. Lindaviae, 1763. 130 p. BILGUER, Johann Ulrich, 1720-1796. Abhandlung von dem sehr seltenen Gebrauch . . . des Ablosens der menschlichen Glieder. 2. Aufl. Frankfurth, 1767.172p. — Anweisung zur ausiibenden Wundarzneykunst in Feld- lazarethen. Glogau, 1763. 868 p. — Chirurgische Wahrnehmungen. Berlin, 1763. 607 p. — A dissertation on the inutility of the amputation of limbs. London, 1764. 100 p. — Dissertation sur I'inutilite de l'amputation des mem- bres. Paris, 1764. 151 p. -----Paris, 1773. 131 p. -----Lausanne, 1784. 130 p. — Modo de remediar el abuso que hay en las amputa- ciones de los miembros. Madrid, 1773. 78 p. — Sopra l'inutilita dell'amputazione de' membri. Firenze, 1769. 107 p. -----Venezia. 1771. 98 p. ----- Napoli. 1775. 112 p. BILLY Bohemia. See Industrial-Amt zu Bilin. BILLI, Domenico. Breve trattato delle malatie degli oc- chi. Ancona. 1749. 224 p. -----Ancona, 1769. 224 p. BILLING. Jan Jakob. De motu musculorum voluntario. Lipsiae ]1780] 11 p. BILLY, J. B. M. de. Nouveau traite de la memoire. Paris, 1708.127 p. BIMIUS, Paulus Hieronymus. See Biumi, Paolo Giro lamo, d. 1731. BIOGRAPHIEN der Selbstmorder. See Spiess, C. H. BION, Nicolas, 16527-1733. Traite de la construction . . . des instrumens de mathematique. Nouv. ed. La Haye, 1723.389 p. BIRCH, Thomas, 1705-1766. The history of the Royal Society. London, 1756-57. 4 v. - The life of the Honourable Robert Boyle. London, 1744. 458 p. BICHEROD, Thomas Broder, 1661-1731. Historia natura- lis quatuor costarum bubularum. Havniae, 1723. 40 p. BIRNSTIEL, Franz Heinrich. De dysenteria. Mannhemii, 1786. 316 p. — Gesammelte Acten-Stiicke zu Aufdeckung des Ge- heimnisses des sogenannten thierschen Magnetismus. Marburg, 1787. 96 p. BISCHOF, K. J. Versuch iiber den freiwilligen Tod. Nurn- berg, 1797. 232 p. BISCHOFF, Frederick. A treatise on the extraction of the cataract. London, 1793. 80 p. BISCHOFF, Johann, 1716-1779. Practische Abhandlung der Dioptrik. Stutgart, 1772. 344 p. BISSET, Charles, 1717-1791. An essay on the medical constitution of Great Britain. London, 1762. 344 p. — Medical essays and observations. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1766. 304 p. — Versuche und Bemerkungen in der Arzney- und Wund- arzneykunde. Breslau, 1781. 260 p. BITE of a mad dog. Directions to prevent canine madness by ablution, [n.p., ca. 17887] broadside. BITTERLING, Christian Gottlieb. Geschichte und Hei- lung einer Kehlwunde. Kopenhagen [1774] 7 p. BIUMI, Francesco. Lettera . . . sull'efficacia de' purganti nel volvolo. [n.p., 17747] 38 p. BIUMI, Paolo Girolamo, d. 1731. Esamina d'alcuni cana- letti chiliferi. Milano, 1728. 223 p. — Scrutinio teorico pratico di notomia, e cirogia. Milano, 1712. 595 p. BIUMI RESTA, Carlo Mateo Utta. See Litta Biumi Resta, Carlo Mateo. BIURETA, Pedro de. Libro de medicina. Madrid, 1703. 245 p. BIZET. Baignoire dite a circulation. [Paris? 17-?] 8 p. BIZZOZERO, Carlo Antonio. Eccezzioni prodotte con- tra il disinganno preteso nel giornale XXI. cart. 452. dal sig. N. N. Milano, 1715. 65 p. 48 BLANDY BJERKEN, Pehr af, 1731-1774. Abhandlung von den wahren kennzeichen der Krebsschaden. Gottingen, 1775. 120 p. BJORNLUND, Bengt, 1727-1815. Materia medica selecta. Aboae, 1797. 178 p. BLACK, Joseph, 1728-1799. Experiments upon magnesia alba. Edinburgh, 1777. 133 p. ------Edinburgh, 1782. 137 p. BLACK, William, 1749-1829. An arithmetical and medical analysis of the diseases and mortality of the human species. 2d ed. London, 1789. 265 p. — A comparative view of the mortality of the human species. London, 1788. 430 p. — Entwurf einer Geschichte der Arzeneywissenschaft und Wundarzeneykunst. Lemgo, 1789. 639 p. — Esquisse d'une histoire de la medecine et de la chi- rurgie. Paris, An VI (1798) 478 p. — An historical sketch of medicine and surgery. London, 1782. 315 p. — Observations medical and political. London, 1781. 202 p. ------2d ed. London, 1781. 284 p. — Observations medicales et politiques. Paris, 1788. 237 p. — A state of facts, relative to William Black. [Edinburgh?] 1770. 23 p. BLACKEN, Henry. See Bracken, Henry, 1697-1764. BLACKLOCK, Thomas, 1721-1791. Poems . . . together with An essay on the education of the blind. Edinburgh, 1793. 262 p. BLACKMORE, Sir Richard, 16507-1729. A critical dis- sertation upon the spleen. London, 1725. 76 p. — A discourse upon the plague. London, 1721. 99 p. ------2d ed. London, 1722. 99 p. — Discourses on the gout, a rheumatism, and the king's evil. London, 1726. 167 p. ------2d ed. London, 1735. 167 p. — Dissertations on a dropsy, a tympany . . . and a diabetes. London,1727. 230 p. — A treatise of consumptions. London, 1724. 223 p. ------2d ed. London, 1725. 211 p. ------3d ed. London, 1735. 211 p. — A treatise of the spleen and vapours. London, 1725. 284 p. ------2d ed. London, 1726. 284, 76 p. Pt. 2 has title: A critical dissertation upon the spleen. Lon- don, 1725. — A treatise upon the small-pox. London, 1723. 114 p. ------2d ed. London, 1723. 114 p. BLACKRIE, Alexander, d. 1772. A disquisition on medi- cines that dissolve the stone. London, 1766. 123 p. ______London, 1771. 206 p. — Recherches sur les remedes capables de dissoudre la pierre. Londres, 1775. 192 p. BLACKSTONE, John, d. 1753. Specimen botanicum quo plantarum plurium rariorum Angliae indigenarum loci natales illustrantur. Londini, 1746. 106 p. BLACKWELL, Elizabeth, ca. 1700-1758. A curious her- bal. London, 1737-39. 2 v. Imperfect: leaf 73 wanting. — Herbarium Blackwellianum emendatum. Norimber- gae, 1750-73. 6 v. Imperfect: plates 589-600 and explanatory text to plates 142- 200 and 551-600 wanting. Vols. 2 and 6 lack t.p. and pref. Latin t.p. for v. 5 bound in v. 6. Added t.p. in German: Vermehrtes und verbessertes Black- wellisches Krauter-Buch. Text in Latin and German. BLAIR, Patrick, 16667-1728. Botanick essays. London, 1720 [i.e. 1719] 414 p. — Miscellaneous observations in the practise of physick. London, 1718. 149 p. BLAIR, Robert, d. 1828. Experiments and observations on the unequal refragibility of light. [Edinburgh, 17917] 76 p. Reprinted from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh. BLAIR, William, 1766-1822. Essays on the venereal disease. London, 1798-1800. 2 v. in 1. — The soldier's friend; or, The means of preserving the health of military men. London, 1798. 155 p. BLAKE, John. A letter to a surgeon on inoculation. Lon- don, 1771. 81 p. BLAKEY, William, b. 1711 or 12. Essay on the manner of preserving children and grown persons from rup- tures. 5th ed. London, 1793. 128 p. — Observations concerning ruptures. London, 1764. 28 p. BLAKSTONE, J. See Blackstone, John, d. 1753. BLANCARD, Stephen. See Blankaart, Steven, 1650-1702. BLANCHET, ofCours, France. Nachricht von einer hochst merkwiirdigen Krankheit. [n.p.] 1780. 67 p. BLANCHET, Francois Xavier, 1776-1830. Recherches sur la medecine. New-York, 1800. 246 p. BLANCHET, Leopold Poli de. See Poli de Blanchet, Leopold. BLANCKEN, Gerardus. Catalogue. See Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Anatomisch Kabinet. BLAND, James. An essay in praise of women. Edinburgh, 1767. 249 p. BLAND, Robert, 1730-1816. Observations on human and on comparative parturition. London, 1794. 223 p. BLANDY, Mary, 1720-1752. A letter from a clergyman ... As also Miss Blandy's own narrative of the crime. London, 1752. 26 p. — defendant. The tryal of Mary Blandy, spinster; for the 49 BLANE murder of her father. London, 1752. 46 p. ! BLANE, Sir Gilbert, bart. \ 1744-1834. Account of the battle between the British and French fleets. [London? 1782?| 20 p. — Account of the Nardus Indica, or spikenard. [London? 17907] 11 p. Reprinted from Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society. | — ] Address to the medical society of students at Edin- burgh. [Edinburgh? 1775?] 20 p. — Beobachtungen iiber die Krankheiten der Seeleute. Marburg, 1788. 380 p. — The Croonian lecture on muscular motion. London, 1790. 57 p. — A lecture on muscular motion. London (1788] 57 p. — Letters, &c. on the subject of quarantine. London, 1799. 29 p. — Observations on the diseases incident to seamen. Lon- don, 1785. 502 p. -----2d ed. London, 1789. 560, 4 p. -----3d ed. London, 1799. 626 p. BLANKAART, Steven, 1650-1702. Arzneiwissenschaft- liches Worterbuch. Wien. 1788. 3 v. — Die belagert- und entsetzte Venus. Augspurg, 1710. 530 p. — Eigentliche Abhandlung von dem Podagra und der lauftenden Gicht. Leipzig, 1733. 343 p. — Lexicon medicum Graeco-Latino-Germanicum. Ed. 4. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1705. 344 p. ---— Ed. 5. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1718. 344 p. — Lexicon medicum . . . Joann.HenriciSchulzii opera in- signiter auctum. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1748. 726 p. — Lexicon medicum renovatum. Ed. noviss. Lugduni Batavorum, 1717. 688 p. -----Ed. noviss. Lugduni Batavorum, 1735. 933 p. -----Ed. 3. Halae Magdeburgica. 1739. 820 p. Imperfect: t.p. mutilated. — — Ed. noviss. Lugduni Batavorum, 1756. 1015 p. — Lexicon medicum tripertitum, renovatum. Ed. noviss. Lipsiae, 1777. 2 v. — Lexicon novum medicum Graeco-Latinum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1702. 661 p. — De Nederlandschen herbarius of kruidboek. 2. druk. Amsterdam, 1714. 614 p. — En nette verhandeling van de leger-ziekten, als mede van de scheeps-ziekten. Amsterdam, 1703. 195 p. — Neue und besondere Manier alle verstorbene Corper . . . zu balsamiren. Hannover, 1705. 96 p. — Neuscheinende Praxis der Medicinae. Hannover, 1704. 76u p. — Nieuwe konstkamer der chirurgie. 5. druk. Amster- dam .1716.368.156 p. — Opera medica, theoretica, practica et chirurgica. Lug- duni Batavorum. 1701. 2 v. -----Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1714. 2 v. - The physical dictionary. 4th ed. London, 1702. 334 p. ----_ 5th ed. London, 1708. 318 p. -----6th ed. London, 1715. 376 p. -----7th ed. London, 1726. 370 p. — Reformirte Anatomia. Leipzig, 1705. 1070 p. — Verhandeling van de operatien ofte werkingen der medicamenten. 3. druk. Amsterdam, 1729. 332 p. BLANKERT, Arent. Scheeps-geneesoeffening. 2 druk. Amsterdam, 1722. 155 p. BLANNBEK, Agnes. See Ven. Agnetis Blannbekin . . . vita. BLANVAL, Micolon de, chanoine. See Micolon de Blan- val, chanoine. BLASCO Y JORRO, Maximo Antonio. Delineatio ma- teriae medicae juxta novi systematis Browniani prin- cipia. Valentiae, 1800. viii p. — Principios o elementos de materia medica. Valencia, 1800. 136, 47 p. BLAZER, Melchior Caspar, ed. See Stahl, G. E. Speci- men. BLEGNY, Nicolas de, 16427-1722. The art of curing venereal diseases. London, 1707. 290 (i.e. 292) p. BLEULAND, Jan, 1756-1838. Experimentum anatomi- cum, quo arteriolarum lymphaticarum existentia proba- biliter adstruitur. Lugduni Batavorum, 1784. 36 p. — Icon hepatis foetus octimestris. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1789. 8 p. — Icon tunicae villosae intestini duodeni. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1789. 10 p. — Observationes anatomico-medicae de sana et morbosa oesophagi structura. Lugduni Batavorum, 1785. 120 p. — Oratio de fabrica et functionibus corporis humani. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1796. 53 p. — Oratio, qua memoria Hieronymi Davidis Gaubii . . . commendatur. Hardervici [1792) 50 p. — Tractatus de difficili aut impedito alimentorum ex ventriculo in duodenum progressu. Lugduni Batavo- rum, 1787. 144 p. — Vasculorum, in intestinorum tenuium tunicis . . . de- scriptio. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1797. 33 p. BLICKE, S/VCharles, 1745-1815. An essay on the bilious or yellow fever of Jamaica. London, 1772. 71 p. Des BLINDEN Rosshandlers Arzneymittel. [Frederick, ca. 1800?| broadside. BLIZARD, Sir William, 1743-1835. Experiments and observations on the danger of copper and bell-metal. London, 1786. 19 p. — A lecture, containing plain descriptions of the situ- ation of the large blood-vessels of the extremities. Lon- don, 1786. 31 p. 50 BOECKELMANN — A lecture, on the situation of the large blood-vessels of the extremities. 3d ed. London, 1798. 84 p. — Suggestions for the improvement of hospitals. London, 1796. 109 p. — See also Maddocks, J. BLOCH, Marcus Elieser, 1723-1799. Abhandlung von der Erzeugung der Eingeweidewurmer. Berlin, 1782. 54 p. — Medicinische Bemerkungen. Berlin, 1774. 229 p. — Traite de la generation des vers des intestins. Stras- bourg, 1788. 127 p. BLOCK, Magnus Gabriel von, 1669-1722. Atskillige an- markningar ofwer narwarande pestilentias beskaffen- het motande, botande och utrotande uti Ostergotland. Linkoping, 1711. 120 p. IBLONDEL, Francois] 1613-1703. Beschryving van de beroemde . . . stad Aken, mitsgaders van alle desselfs fonteinen, en minerale wateren. Leiden, 1727. 223 p. BLONDEL, James Augustus, ca. 1666-1734. Dissertation physique sur la force de l'imagination des femmes enceintes. Leyde, 1737. 175 (i.e. 181) p. — Dissertazione. Ferrara, 1760. 212 p. — Drey merkwiirdige physikalische Abhandlungen. See under title. — Natuurkundige verhandeling. Wegens het vermoogen der inbeelding van zwangere vrouwen. Rotterdam, 1737. 160 p. — The power of the mother's imagination over the foetus examin'd. London, 1729. 143 p. [ — ] The strength of imagination in pregnant women examin'd. London, 1727. 106 p. BLONDET, d. 1759. A dissertation on the epidemical distemper among the horn'd cattle. London, 1751.55 p. BLOXAM, Dr. A collection of receipts. See under title. BLUHM, Hermann, 1743-1810. Versuch einer Beschrei- bung der hauptsachlichsten in Reval herschenden Krank- heiten. Marburg, 1790. 160 p. BLUMENBACH, Johann Friedrich, 1752-1840. Anfangs- griinde der Physiologic Wien, 1789. 418 p. ______2. Aufl. Wien, 1795. 418 p. — De generis humani varietate nativa. Goettingae, 1776. 100 p. ______Ed. 2. Goettingae, 1781. 128 p. ______Ed. 3. Gottingae, 1795. 326 p. - De nisu formativo et generationis negotio. Gottingae, 1787. xxxii p. Imperfect: plate I wanting. - De oculis leucaethiopum et iridis motu. Goettingae, 1786.38 p. - Decas [una-quarta] collections suae craniorum diver- sarum gentium illustrata. Gottingae, 1790-1800. 4 v. -Elements of physiology. Philadelphia, 1795. 2 v. in 1. — An essay on generation. London [17927] 84 p. — Geschichte und Beschreibung der Knochen. Gottin- gen, 1786.480 p. — Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. 6. Aufl. Gottingen, 1799.708 p. — Institutiones physiologicae, Gottingae, 1786. 511 p. ------Gottingae, 1787. 511 p. ------Ed. nova. Gottingae, 1798. 519 p. Imperfect: plates wanting. — Institutions physiologiques. Lyon, 1797. 328 p. — Introductio in historiam medicinae litterariam. Goet- tingae, 1786. 462 p. — ed. Medicinische Bibliothek. See under title. — Prolusio anatomica de sinibus frontalibus. Gottingae, 1779. 27 p. — Specimen physiologiae comparatae inter animantia calidi et frigidi sanguinis. Gottingae, 1787. xxxvi p. ------Gottingae, 1787. xxxvi, xxxii p. Pt. 2 has title: De nisu formativo. — Specimen physiologiae comparatae inter animantia calidi sanguinis vivipara et ovipara. Gottingae, 1789. 24 p. — Uber den Bildungstrieb. Gottingen, 1781. 87 p. ------Gottingen, 1789. 108 p. ------Gottingen, 1791. 116 p. — Uber die natiirlichen Verschiedenheiten im Menschen- geschlechte. Leipzig, 1798. 291 p. BLUMENTHAL, Karl August. Nahere Priifung der Aetio- logie der Zahnarbeit der Kinder. Stendahl, 1799.76 p. BLUMENTROST, Laurentius, 1619-1705. Vermehrte und verbesserte Hauss- und Reiss-Apotheck. Leipzig, 1716. 464 p. BLUNT, John, pseud. See Fores, S. W. Die BLUT Medicina, nach welcher das Geheimnis der Gesundheit und Krankheit aus dem Umlauf und der Reinigung des Blutes erklaret wird. Gorlitz, 1763.224 p. BOARD, Andrew. See Boorde, Andrew, 14907-1549. BOCALOSI, Girolamo. Delia fisonomia. 5. ed. Milano, Anno VI [1797/98] 98 p. BOCHAUTE, Charles van, 1732-1790. Dissertatio physio- logico-chemica de bile. Lovanii, 1778. 72 p. BOCK, Johann Friedrich, b. 1748. An Herm Hofrath Hagen . . . uber dessen Sendschreiben . . . Geburtsfalle be- treffend. Berlin, 1791. 32 p. BODENSTAFF, G. Waarneming wegens de omwending van de lijf- of baarmoeder. Nijmegen, 1788. 14 p. BODIN, Pierre Joseph Francois, 1748-1809. Essai sur les accouchemens. Paris, An V [1796/97] 136 p. IBOECKELMANN, Johann Friedrich] 16337-1681. Me- dicus Romanus servus sexaginta solidis aestimatus. Lugduni Batavorum, 1671 [colophon: 1746] 46 p. 51 BOECKMANN BOECKMANN. Johann Lorenz, 1741-1802, ed. Archiv fiir Magnetismus. See under title. - Ueber Anwendung der Electricitat bei Kranken. Dur- lach. 1787. 63 p. BOECLER, Johann, 1681-1733. Cynosura materiae me- dicae continuata. Argentorati, 1729-31. 2 v. -----Ed. 2. Argentorati, 1747-54. 2 v. — Occasione fraudulentae mulieris . . . epistola. [n.p., 17287]14 p. BOEHMER, Georg Ludwig, 1715-1797. Anniversaria inaugurationis . . . indicit praemissa populari de opti- mismo disputatione. Goettingae [1759] ]4] p. BOEHMER, Georg Rudolf, 1723-1803. Bibliotheca scrip- torum historiae naturalis oeconomiae aliarumque ar- tium ac scientiarum ad illam pertinentium. Lipsiae, 1785-89. 5 pts. in 8 v. Added t.p. in German: Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. — Freundschaftliche Beantwortung der. . . Recension . . . des Systematisch literaerischen Handbuches. Witten- berg, 1786.xxx p. — Orationem a . . . Ernesto Gottlob Wolff de Gersdorff ... in memoriam beneficii Schutzio-Gersdorfiani . . . significat [Racematio in tacito VII| [Vitembergae, 1780] [8[ p. — Orationem a Johanne Jacobo Knoeffelio . . . stipendii Vateriani lege . . . recitandam . . . significat. [Analecta oeconomiae animalis et vegetabilis circa organa et actiones sexus analogiam illustrantia] IVitembergae, 1789]8 p. — Orationem ab Antonio Hartmann ... in memoriam beneficii Vateriani . . . indicit [De incrementis Acade- miae Wittebergensis ex liberalitate medicorum] [Vite- bergae, 1783] xii p. — Orationem ab Ernesto Christiano Ludovico Charitio ... in beneficii Vateriani memoriam . . . recitandam . . . commendat. De meritis Vaterorum II. Wittebergae [1795]10 p. BOEHMER, Johann Benjamin, 1719-1754. De ossium callo. Lipsiae [1748] xxvii p. — Prolusio ad anatomicas exercitationes . . . qua callum ossium . . . describit. [Lipsiae, 1752] xii p. — See also Hoffman, J. G. BOEHMER, Johann Franz Wilhelm. Commentatio anato- mico-physiologica de nono pare nervorum cerebri. Goettingae, 1777. 61 p. BOEHMER, Justus Christoph, 1671-1732. Memoriae professorum Helmstadiensium in medicorum ordine. Guelferbyti, 1719. 62 p. BOEHMER, PhUipp Adolph, 1717-1789. Epistola anato- mica problematica de ductibus mammarum lactiferis. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1742. xviii p. — Institutiones osteologicae. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1751. 379 p. — Observationes binae anatomicae, de quatuor et quin- que ramis ex arcu arteriae magnae adscendentibus. 2. ed. Halae Magdeburgicae [ 1744 ] x p. Imperfect: plate wanting. — Observationes binas anatomicas, de quatuor et quin- que ramis ex arcu arteriae magnae adscendentibus, brevibus describit. Halae, 1741. x p. — Praefamen academicum, quo situs uteri gravidi, foe- tusque a sede placentae in utero per regulas mecha- nismi deducitur. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1741. 32 p. — Observationum anatomicarum rariorum fasciculus [et fasciculus alter] notabilia circa uterum humanum con- tinens. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1752-56. 2 v. in 1. BONNEKEN, Johann Wolff gang Friedrich, 1706-1769. Kurtze jedoch auf Vernunfft und Erfahrung gegrtindete Abhandlung von denen Erdhaften Mitteln. Wertheim, 1742. 86 p. BOER, Lukas Johann, 1751-1835. Abhandlung von dem Gebrauche . . . des Hebels in der Entbindungskunst. Wien, 1785. 68 p. — Abhandlungen und Versuche geburtshilflichen Inhalts. Wien, 1802-06 [i.e. 1791-1806] 2 v. in 3. BOERHAAVE, Abraham Kaau. See Kaau Boerhaave, Abraham, 1715-1758. BOERHAAVE, Herman, 1668-1738. Abrege de la theorie chymique. Paris, 1741. 301 p. — Academical lectures on the lues venerea. London, 1763. 362 p. — Academical lectures on the theory of physic. London, 1742-46. 6 v. ----Vol. 1. 2d ed. London, 1751. 367 p. -----Vol. 4-6. London, 1757. 3 v. -----Vol. 1-3. 3d ed. London, 1766-73. 3 v. — Academische Vorlesungen oder medicinisch-prac- tische Abhandlung von der Venus-Seuche. Bresslau, 1753. 1037 p. - Anfangsgrunde der Chymie. Berlin, 1762. 440, 272 p. — Aphorismes ... sur la connoissance et la cure des mala- dies. Rennes, 1738. 508 p. -----Paris, 1739. 560 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1745. 550 p. - Aphorismi de cognoscendis et curandis morbis. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1709. 371 p. -----Francofurti ad Moenum, 1710. 377 p. -----Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1715. 344 p. -----Nova ed. Parisiis, 1720. 267 (i.e. 277) p. -----Ed. 3. Lugduni Batavorum, 1721. 271 p. -----Ed. 3. Lugduni Batavorum, 1722. 349 p. Ed. 3. Juxta exemplar Lugdun. Batavorum, Apud Johannem van der Linden. |n.p.] 1727. 349 p. -----Ed. Leydensis4. Lugduni Batavorum, 1728. 350p. -----Ed. nova. Parisiis, 1728. 267 (i.e. 277) p. Ed. Leydensis 5. Lugduni Batavorum, 1737. 370 p. -----Lipsiae [1739] 560 p. 52 BOERHAAVE Ed. Leydensis 6. Lugduni Batavorum, 1742. 370p. -----Ed. 6. Edinburgi, 1744. 330 p. Ed. noviss. Parisiis, 1745. 304 p. -----Norimbergae, 1747. 370 p. -----Ed. 6. Lovanii, 1752. 329, 44 p. -----Ed. nova. Norimbergae, 1755. 370 p. -----Ed. Leydensis 6. Lugduni Batavorum, 1758. 370p. -----Matriti, 1798-1801. 2 v. — — See also Swieten, G. — Aphorisms: concerning the knowledge and cure of diseases. London, 1715. 400 p. -----London, 1724. 444 p. -----London, 1735. 444 p. -----London, 1742. 444 p. -----3d ed. London, 1755. 444 p. -----See also James, R. The modern practice. — Atrocis, nee descripti prius, morbi historia. Lugduni Batavorum, 1724. 60 p. — Atrocis, rarissimique morbi historia altera. Lugduni Batavorum, 1728. 31 p. — Bibliotheca Boerhaaviana, sive Catalogus librorum instructissimae bibliothecae . . . Hermanni Boerhaave. Lugduni in Batavis, 1739. 88, 68, 14 p. — Boekje . . . handelende over de geneesmiddelen en voorschriften, welke dienen ter kennis en geneezing der ziektens. Amsterdam, 1793. 110 p. — Briefe an Johann Baptist Bassand. Frankfurt, 1781. 446 p. — Commentationes novae de lue venerea. Londini, 1728. 68 p. — Consultationes medicae; sive, Sylloge epistolarum cum responsis. Gottingae, 1744. 178, 29, 102 p. Imperfect: p. 87-102 at end in photocopy. -----Hagae-Comitum, 1743 [i.e. 1744] 231, 34 p. Special t.p. dated 1744 and designated " Volumen primum." -----Venetiis, 1744. 196 p. -----Ed. nova. Parisiis, 1750. 416 p. -----Ed. Gottingensis 2. Gottingae, 1752. 2 v. in 1. -----Venetiis, 1753. 274 p. -----Venetiis, 1757. 254 p. -----Venetiis, 1766. 256 p. - Cursus medicinae; or, A complete theory of physic . . . Done, principally, from those admirable institutions of Boerhaave ... by John Crawford. London, 1724. 382 p. Essentially a translation. — De cognoscendis et curandis morbis aphorismi. Lip- siae, 1758. 560 p. _____Lugduni Batavorum, 1760. 560 p. -----Lovanii, 1765. 398, 36 p. - De morbis oculorum praelectiones publicae. Ed. Got- tingensis 2. Gottingae, 1750. 238 p. - De usu ratiocinii mechanici in medicina oratio. Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1709. 58 p. ______Ed. 3. Lugduni Batavorum, 1730. 46 p. — De utilitate explorandorum in aegris excrementorum ut signorum. Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1742. 33 p. — De viribus medicamentorum; or, A treatise of the virtue and energy of medicines. London, 1720. 328 p. — Des maladies des yeux. Paris, 1749. 371 p. — Elemens de chymie. La Haye, 1748. 2 v. -----Amsterdam, 1752. 2 v. -----Paris, 1754. 6 v. — Elementa chemiae. Lugduni Batavorum, Apud Isaa- cum Severinum, 1732. 2 v. -----Lugduni Batavorum, Sumtibus Joannis Rudolphi Im-hoff, 1732. 2 v. -----Lipsiae, 1732. 2 v. in 1. -----Ed. 2. Parisiis, 1733. 2 v. -----Venetiis, 1737. 2 v. -----Basileae, 1745. 2 v. in 1. -----Venetiis, 1749. 2 v. -----Venetiis, 1759. 2 v. — Elementa chemiae; oder, Anfangs-Griinde der Chy- mie. Halberstadt, 1733-34. 1044 p. Issued in 9 pts., each with special t.p. -----Leipzig, 1753. 1032 p. — Elements of chemistry. London, 1735. 2 v. in 1. — Elements of chymistry, faithfully abridg'd. London, 1732. 210, 208 p. -----2d ed. London, 1737. 210, 208 p. — Epistolae ad Joannem Baptistam Bassand. Vindobon- nae, 1778. eclxxvi p. — De geneeskundigen onderwyzingen. Amsterdam, 1745. 651 p. — Historia plantarum, quae in Horto Academico Lug- duni-Batavorum crescunt. Romae, 1727. 2 v. in 1. -----Ed. noviss. Londini, 1738. 2 v. — Index alter plantarum quae in Horto Academico Lug- duno-Batavo aluntur. Lugduni Batavorum, 1720. 2 v. in 1. -----Lugduni Batavorum, 1727. 2 v. in 1. — Index plantarum quae in Horto Academico Lugduno Batavo reperiuntur. [Lugduni Batavorum] 1710.278 p. — Institutiones et experimenta chemiae. Parisiis, 1724. 2v. -----Venetiis [1726] 2 v. in 1. — Institutiones medicae. Lugduni Batavorum, 1708.250 p. -----Francofurti ad Moenum, 1710. 257 p. -----Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1713. 464 p. -----Ed. 3. Lugduni Batavorum, 1720. 502 p. -----Ed. 4. Juxta exemplar Lugdun. Batavorum, Apud Johannem vander Linden, [n.p.] 1721. 389 p. -----Ed. 4. Parisiis, 1722. 360 p. -----Ed. Leydensis 4. Lugduni Batavorum, 1727. 526 p. -----Ed. 3. Juxta exemplar Lugdun. Batavorum, Apud Isaacum Severinum. [n.p.] 1730. 502 p. -----Ed. Leydensis 5. Lugduni Batavorum, 1734. 548 p. -----Ed. 6. Parisiis, 1735. 584 p. -----Ed. Leydensis 6. Lugduni Batavorum, 1746. 548 p. 53 BOERHAAVE — Ultima ed. Parisiis, 1747. 54K p. ------Edinburgh 1752. 456 p. ------Viennae, 1775. 442 p. ------Matriti. 1796-97. 2 v. - Institutions de medecine. 2. ed. Paris, 1742-50. 8 v. Incomplete: v. 6-8 wanting. - Institutions in physick, collected from the writings of the most eminent physicians... By J. Browne. London 1714. 348 p. ------2d ed. London, 1715. 348 p. - Introductio in praxin clinicam. Lugduni Batavorum 1740. 24 p. - Kortbondige spreuken wegens de ziektens, te kennen en te geneezen. Amsterdam, 1741. 330 p. Imperfect: p. 329-330 wanting. - Kurtze doch grundliche Abhandlung von Augen- kranckheiten. Niirnberg, 1751. 288 p. ------2. Aufl. Nurnberg, 1759. 310 p. ------4. Aufl. Nurnberg, 1771. 316 p. — Kurtze Lehr-Satze von Erkennung und Heilung der Krankheiten. Berlin, 1763. 487 p. Imperfect: final leaf mutilated. - Lessen over de venus-ziekte. 2. uitg. Amsterdam 1791 480 p. - Libellusdematerie medica. Lugduni Batavorum 1719 259 p. ------Nova ed. Parisiis, 1720. 186 p. ------Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1727. 259 p. ------Juxta exemplar Lugdun. Batavorum, Apud Isaa- cum Severinum. (n.p.) 1727. 184 p. ------Ed. 3. Lugduni Batavorum, 1740. 279 p. ------Ed. 4. Lugduni Batavorum, 1740. 279 p. ------Ed. noviss. Parisiis, 1745. 228 p. ------Norimbergae, 1747. 279 p. ------Ed. nova. Norimbergae, 1755. 279 p. ------Ed. 4. Lugduni Batavorum, 1762. 279 p. - Materia medica; or, A series of prescriptions. London 1741. 208 p. - Materia medica; or. The druggist's guide. London 1755. 280 p. — Medical correspondence. London, 1745. 231, 35 p. - Die Meinung ... von der Alchemic See Nickel, J. — A method of studying physick. London, 1719. 331 p. | — ] Methodus discendi artem medicam. Londini, 1734 514 p. [-[Londini, 1744. 514 p. ------Venetiis, 1747. 480 p. — Methodus discendi medicinam. Amstelodami, 1726. 458 p. ------Londini, 1726. 458 p. ------Venetiis, 1727. 378 p. ------Ed. 2. Veneta. Venetiis, 1747. 378 p. - Methodus studii medici. Amstelaedami, 1751. 2 v. ------Index. See Pereboom, C. ------Ed. 1. Veneta. Venetiis, 1753. 2 v. Imperfect: p. 81-N8 of v. 1 wanting. - A new method of chemistry. London, 1727.383,334 p. ------2d ed. London, 1741. 2 v. ------3d ed. London, 1753. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 2. wanting. — Opera omnia medica. [Venetiis, 1722] 499 p. Title from general half-title; pts. 1-3 each have special t.p.: pt. 4 has half-title. ------[Venetiis, 1723] 499 p. Pt. 1 has special t.p. dated 1723; pts. 2-3, 1722; pt. 4 has half- title. ------Venetiis, 1735. 493 p. ------3. Veneta ed. Venetiis, 1742. 516 p. ------Nova ed. Neapoli, 1751. 524 p. Pts. 2-3 each have special t.p. dated 1755. ------Nova ed. Venetiis, 1751. 524 p. ------Venetiis, 1757. 621 (i.e. 567) p. ------Venetiis, 1766. 547 p. ------Ed. noviss. Venetiis, 1771. 471 p. ------Venetiis, 1783. 579 p. ------Venetiis, 1790. 579 p. — Opuscula omnia. Parisiis, 1733. 231 p. ------Hagae-Comitis, 1738. 139 p. — Opuscula quae hactenus desiderantur in edictione Ve- netiis per acta, [n.p., 1735?] 96 p. — Opusculum anatomicum de fabrica glandularum. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1722. 81 p. ------Amstelaedami, 1733. 81 p. — Oratio academica de vita et obitu . . . Bernhardi Albini. Lugduni Batavorum, 1721. 56 p. — Oratio de commendando studio Hippocratico. Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1709. 52 p. ------Ed. 3. Lugduni Batavorum, 1721. 36 p. - Oratio qua repurgatae medicinae facilis asseritur simplicitas. Lugduni Batavorum, 1709. 22 p. ------Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1721. 32 p. - Phisiologie. Halle im Magdeburgischen, 1754. 1128 p. ------2- Aufl. Halle im Magdeburgischen, 1780. 704 p. - Physiologike; seu, Oeconomia animalis. Londini 1741 164 p. - Praelectiones academicae de lue venerea. Franeque- rae, 1751. 167 p. ------Lugduni Batavorum, 1762. 420 p. - Praelectiones academicae de morbis nervorum. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1761. 2 v. ------Francofurti, 1762. 2 v. in 1. ------Venetiis, 1762. 2 v. in 1. ------Venetiis, 1763. 2 v. in 1. - Praelectiones academicae in proprias institutiones rei medicae. Gottingae, 1740-44. 6 v. in 4. Vol. 1, ed. 2. ------Taurini, 1742-45. 5 v. in 3. ------Ed. 1. Veneta. Venetiis, 1743-45. 6 v. in 4. ------Gottingae, 1744-48. 6 v. in 7. Vol. 1-2, ed. 2., 1745; v. 3, 1745; v. 4, 1748; v. 5-6, 1744 ------Ed. 1. Neapolitana. Neapoli, 1750-55. 7 v. 54 BOSSEL -----Lugduni Batavorum, 1758. 6 v. in 7. Vol. 1, ed. nova. - Praelectiones publicae de morbis oculorum. Gottin- gae, 1746. 200 p. -----Parisiis, 1748. 376 p. ----Ed. noviss. Venezia, 1748. 240 p. ----2. ed. Venetiis, 1752. 240, 87 p. Pt. 2 has title: Dissertatio anatomica de tunica oculi choro- idea, quam praeside D. Laurentio Heistero. . . defendet Joannes Sigismundus Leincker. ----3. ed. Venetiis, 1764. 231, 64 p. - Praxis medica Boerhaaveana, being a compleat body of prescriptions. London, 1716. 136 p. - Praxis medica; sive, Commentarium in aphorismos. Petavii, 1728. 5 v. ----Ed. 2. Londini, 1731. 5 v. ----Ed. 3. Londini, 1738. 5 v. ----Ed. 4. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1745. 5 v. - Rariorum morborum historiae prior et altera. Francof., 1771. 98 p. - Sermo academicus de chemia suos errores expurgante. Lugduni Batavorum, 1718. 42 p. - Sermo academicus, de comparando certo in physicis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1715. 52 p. - Sermo academicus de honore medici, servitute. Lug- duni Batavorum [1731] 41 p. - Sermo academicus, quern habuit, quum, honesta mis- sione impetrata, botanicam et chemicam professionem publice poneret. Lugduni Batavorum, 1729. 38 p. - Some experiments concerning mercury. London, 1734. 55 p. - Systeme . . . sur les maladies veneriennes. Paris, 1735. 213 p. - Tractatio medico-practica de lue aphrodisiaca. Vene- tiis, 1753. 281 p. - Tractatio medico practica de lue venerea. Lugduni Batavorum, 1751. 392 p. - Tractatus de viribus medicamentorum. Parisiis, 1723. 352 p. -----Venetiis, 1724. 292 p. ----Ed. 2. Parisiis, 1726. 352 p. ----Ed. nova. Parisiis, 1727. 460 p. ----Ed. nova. Venetiis, 1730. 467 p. ----Ed. 3. Parisiis, 1736. 362 p. ----Ed. nova. Venetiis, 1736. 467 p. ----Ed. noviss. Parisiis, 1740. 564 p. ____Ed. noviss. Venetiis, 1744. 564 p. ----Ed. noviss. Jenae, 1752. 256 p. ____Ed. noviss. Venetiis, 1752. 564 p. ____Ed. noviss. Venetiis, 1753. 564 p. ____Ed. noviss. Venetiis, 1761. 462 (i.e. 464) p. ____Ed. 3. Venetiis, 1774. 443 p. - Tractatus medico-practicus de lue aphrodisiaca. Vene- tiis, 1765. 279 p. - Tractatus medico-practicus de lue venerea. Bassani, 1784. 264 p. — Traite de la matiere medicale. Paris, 1739. 560 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1756. 466 p. — Traite de la vertu des medicamens. Paris, 1729.471 p. -----Paris, 1739. 471 p. -----Paris, 1747. 471 p. — Traite des maladies veneriennes. Paris, 1753. 324 p. — Treatise of the materia medica. London, 1739. 245 p. — A treatise on the powers of medicines. London, 1740. 382 p. — A treatise on the venereal disease. London, 1729. 80 p. — Verhandeling over de kragten der geneesmiddelen. Rotterdam, 1756. 378 p. — Verhandlung der Venus-Seuche. Bremen, 1737. 334 (i.e. 234) p. — Wichtige Abhandlung vom Krebs. See Swieten, G. van. Herrmann Boerhavens Wichtige Abhandlung. BOERNER, Friedrich, 1723-1761. Bibliothecae librorum rariorum physico-medicorum historico-criticae speci- men primum [-secundum] Helmstadii [ 1751 ]-52. 67 p. — De Aemilio Macro ejusque . . . De virtutibus herbarum. Lipsiae, 1754. 20 p. — De Cosma et Damiano. Helmestadii, 1751. 11 p. — De tabe sicca lethali amirabili duodeni angustia et praeternaturali plane ventriculi situ. Lipsiae, 1752. xxiv p. — De vera medicinae origine. Vitembergae, 1754. xxiv p. — Dissertatio epistolica de medico reipublicae conserva- tore legumque custode. Lipsiae [1754] 12 p. — Institutiones medicinae legalis. Vitembergae, 1756. 294 p. — Memoriae professorum medicinae in Academia Wit- tembergensi. Wittembergae [1755-56] 2 v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. — Nachrichten von den vornehmsten Lebensumstanden und Schriften jeztlebender beruhmter Aerzte und Naturforscher. Wolfenbiittel, 1749-64. 14 pts. in 3 v. Vol. 3, pt. 5 has title: Nachrichten jetzlebender beruhmter Aerzte und Naturforscher . . . von Ernst Gottfried Baldinger. -----See also Baldinger, E. G. Herrn Friedrich Borners . . . Nachrichten . . . erganzt. — Noctes Guelphicae; sive, Opuscula argumenti medico- literarii. Rostochii, 1755. 289 p. — Relationes de libris physico-medicis. Fasc. 1. Vitem- bergae, 1756. 148 p. — Super locum Hippocratis in Jurejurando maxime vexa- tum meditationes. Lipsiae, 1751 [i.e. 1752] 22 p. BORNER, Nicolaus, 1693-1770. Medicus sui ipsius; oder, Sein selbst Artzt. Franckfurt, 1744. 680 p. — Physica; oder, Verniinftige Abhandlung naturlicher Wissenschaften. Verm. Aufl. Franckf urth, 1742.800 p. BOESNIER DE LA TOUCHE, Henry. A short account of the disease of the stone. London, 1765. 35 p. BOSSEL, Georg Daniel, b. 1704. Grundlegung zur He- 55 BOSSEL bammenkunstvordieWehmiitter. Leipzig. 1776. 168 p. - Von der Wendung. Flensburg, 1764. 56 p. BOTTCHER, Johann Friedrich. Abhandlung von den Krankheiten der Knochen, Knorpel und Sehnen. Konigs- berg, 1789-96 |v. 1, 3. Aufl., 1796] 3 v. in 2. - Auswahl des chirugischen Verbandes. Berlin, 1795. 240 p. — Bemerkungen iiber Medicinalverfassung, Hospitaler und Kurarten. Konigsberg, 1800. 2 v. in 1. — Vorschlag zur Verbesserung des doppelten Leisten- bruchbandes. Berlin, 1796. 16 p. BOTTGER, Christoph Heinrich, 1737-1781, comp. Be schreibung der Gesundbrunnen und Bader bey Hofgeis- mar. Cassell, 1772. 150 p. BOTTICHER, Johann Gottlieb von, 1677-1762. Disser- tatio epistolica physiologico-medica, de vera fludissimi nervei seu succi nervosi existentia. Berolini, 1721. [15] p. — Kurtze, doch griindliche Betrachtung . . . iiber die . . . Pest-Horn-Vieh-Seuche. Franckfurt, 1747. 109 p. — Morborum malignorum, imprimis pestis et pestilentiae, brevis & genuina explicatio. Hamburgh 1713. 142 p. BOHAC, Jan Kritel, 1724-1768. De quibusdam animali- bus marinis. Dresdae, 1761. 169 p. BOHL, Johann Christoph, 1703-1785. Dissertatio episto- lica . . . de usu novarum cavae propaginum in systemate chylopoeo. Amstelodami, 1727. 13 p. BOHLEN, Johann Daniel. Ex neglectis haemorrhoidibus polypi cordis sub schemate asthmatis convulsivi; das ist, Umstandliche Relation eines extraordinairen Casus von convulsivscher Engbriistigkeit. Berlin, 1710. 32 p. BOHN, Johann, 1640-1718. Chirurgia rationalis; oder, Verniinfftige Abhandlung aller chirurgischen Opera- tionen. Braunschweig, 1732. 514 p. — Circulus anatomico-physiologicus; seu, Oeconomia corporis animalis. Lipsiae, 1710. 672 p. — De officio medici duplici, clinici nimirum ac forensis. Lipsiae, 1704. 685 p. — De renunciatione vulnerum; seu, Vulnerum lethalium examen. Ed. 2. Amstelodami, 1710. 296 p. -----Lipsiae, 1711. 198 p. -----Ed. 2. Amstelodami, 1732. 296 p. -----Lipsiae, 1755. 394 p. BOILEAU, Jacques, 1635-1716. Histoire des flagellans. 2. ed. Amsterdam, 1732. 306 p. — The history of the flagellants. See Lolme, J. L. de. BOISMONT, Nicolas Thyrel de, 1715-1786. Sermon pour lassemblee extraordinaire de charite ... a l'occasion de l'etablissement d'une maison royale de sante. Paris, 1782.51 p. BOISSIER, A. Recueil de lettres au sujet des malefices et du sortilege. Paris, 1731. 387 p. BOISSIER DE SAUVAGES DE LA CROIX, Francois. See Sauvages de La Croix, Francois Boissier de, 1706- 1767. BOISSIERE, Valleton de. See Valleton de Boissiere. BOISSIEU, Barthelemy Camille de, 1734-1770. Disserta tions sur les antiseptiques. See under title. BOISSY, Louis de, 1694-1758. La frivolite; comedie en un acte. Paris, 1753. 43 p. BOIX Y MOLINER, Miguel Marcelino, b. 1646? Hippo crates aclarado: y sistema de Galeno impugnado, por estar fundado sobre dos Aphorismos de Hippocrates non bien entendidos. Madrid, 1716. 303 p. BOLAINE, Noah. A letter to the Rev. Mr. Delafaye, in answer to his sermon . . . Inoculation an indefensible practice. London, 1753. 35 p. BOLDO, Baltasar Manuel, d. 1799. Discurso sobre las ventajas que los xergones llevan a los colchones, para los hospitales de exercito. Barcelona, 1794. 84 p. BOLDUCIO, Francisco Antonio Marrugat y. See Mar- rugat y Bolducio, Francisco Antonio, d. 1808. BOLES, Katherine. An answer to a book, entitled, The history of ruptures ... by Robert Houstoun. London, 1726. 64 p. BOLLETTI, Giuseppe Gaetano, d. 1769. Dell'origine e de' progressi dell'Instituto delle scienze di Bologna e di tutte le accademie ad esso unite. Bologna, 1769.111 p. [BOLOGNA, Andrea] Apologia dell'autore della Rela- zione della constituzionale malattia. Genova, 1785. liip. — Relazione della costituzionale malattia occorsa . . . nella compagna di Sarzana. Genova, 1785. lxxxii p. BOLOGNA, Giovanni Stefano. Discorso famigliare e succinto intorno alle febbri. Venetia, 1706. 172 p. BOLOGNA. Laws, statutes, etc. Bando, e provisione sopra gli abusi introdotti in Bologna, intorno la profes- sione della medicina. Bologna, 1768. broadside. — Ufficio di sanita. Notificazione sopra il soccorrere gli annegati. Bologna [1774] 20 p. — See also Instituto delle scienze e arti liberali Universita di Bologna. Collegio di Medicina. BOLOGNINI, Emerico, d. 1777. Memorie dell'antico, e presente stato delle paludi pontine. Roma, 1759. 88 p. BOLTEN, Joachim Friedrich, 1718-1796. Ausfuhrlich beschriebene Krankengeschichte der Jungfer Marianna Brandon. Hamburg, 1779. 32 p. — Dissertatio epistolaris . . . continens meditationes . . . de tussis phthisicae incompescibilis vera caussa. Halae Magdeburgicae [1739] 24 p. — Dissertatio epistolaris . . . de auditu difficili qui in 56 BONN febrium acutarum decremento saepius observatur. Altonae [1741] 8 p. BOLUS, Whirligig. See The quackade. BOMARE, Jacques Christophe Valmont de. See Valmont de Bomare, Jacques Christophe, 1731-1807. [BOMBAY] 17257-1785. Precedes du magnetisme animal. [n.p., 17847] 53 p. BOME, Antoine. See Baume, Antoine, 1728-1804. BON DE SAINT HILAIRE, Francois Xavier, 1678-1761. Dissertation sur l'utilite de la soye des araignees. Mont- pellier, 1726. 52 p. -----Avignon, 1748. Ill p. BONA, Giovanni dalla. See Dalla Bona, Giovanni, 1712- 1786. BONA, Paolo dalla. See Dalla Bona, Paolo. BONANNI, Michele. See Buonanni, Michele. BONCERF, Pierre Francois, 1745-1794. De la necessite et des moyens d'occuper avantageusement tous lesgros ouvriers. Paris, 1790. 40 p. BOND, John. An essay on the incubus, or night-mare. London, 1753. 84 p. BOND, Thomas, 1712-1784. Vertheidigung der Einpf rop- fung der Pocken. Nurnberg, 1787. 96 p. BONDAROY, Auguste Denis Fougeroux de. See Fouge- roux de Bondaroy, Auguste Denis, 1732-1789. BONDE, Gustaf, grefve, 1682-1764. Tal om aske-tradets nytta. Stockholm, 1756. 20 p. BONDIOLI, Giuseppe. Raccolta d'osservazioni di chi- rurgia intorno a varie ferite. Brescia, 1788. 64 p. BONDIOLI, Pietro Antonio, 1765-1808. Sul numero delle vaginali del testicolo. Padova, 1790. xxiv p. BONDT, Jakob de, 1592-1631. An account of the diseases, natural history, and medicines of the East Indies. London, 1769. 231 p. — De medicina Indorum. See Alpini, P. Medicina Aegyp- tiorum. BONDT, Nicolaas, 1765-1796. Dr. Joh. Diet. Eggert [ed.] Commentatio de virtute anthelmintica Geoffraeae Surinamensis. Marburgi, 1791. 60 p. — Dissertatio de cortice Geoffraeae Surinamensis. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1788. 106 p. — Verhandeling over de middelen, welke de natuur gebruikt, om de gewassen geduurende den winter in het leven te bewaaren. [n.p., not before 1794] 28 p. — Verhandeling over de platina of het wit goud. [n.p., not before 1794] 26 p. BONELLI, Giorgio, 1724-1803 or 4? Lettera ... al . . . padre Urbano Tosetti. .. destinata per prefazione alia . . . Risposta alia dimostrazione apologetica. Torino, 1763. xix p. — Memoria intorno all'olio di ricino volgare. Roma, 1782. 279 p. -----Verona, 1785. 124 p. — Risposta . . . alia dimostrazione apologetica dell' . . . signor dottore Gio: Battista Bassani. Pt. 1. Roma, 1762. 289 p. BONELLS, Jaime. Discurso inaugural sobre la utilidad y necesidad de las academias de medicina-practica. Barce- lona [1780] 70 p. — Perjuicios que acarrean al genero humano y al estado las madres que rehusan criar a sus hijos. Madrid, 1786. 479 p. - & LACABA Y VILA, Ignacio, 1745-1814. Curso com- pleto de anatomia del cuerpo humano. Madrid, 1796- 1800. 5 v. BONET, TheophUe, 1620-1689. Bibliotheque de mede- cine et de chirurgie. Geneve, 1708. 4 v. BONFIGLI, Onufrius. See Buonfigli, Onofrio. BONGIOVANNI, Zenone. Trattato storico-critico in- torno al male epidemico contagioso de' buoi. [Verona, 1784] 184 p. BONHARD, Georg Christian, 1770-1836. Ueber ein epide- misches Fieber gallichter Art. Frankfurt am Main, 1795. 68 p. [BONHOMME, Jean] Traite de la cephalatomie. Avignon, 1748.448 p. BONIOLI, Cammillo Giuseppe, 1729-1791. Dissertazione medico-chirurgica . . . intorno alia malattia d'un braccio e d'una mano disseccati. Vicenza, 1768. xxiv p. — See also Pagani, O. M. BONIS, Giovanni Battista de. See De Bonis Giovanni Battista, 1699-1772. BONN, Andreas, 1738-1817. Anatomische und chirur- gische Bemerkungen iiber die Harnverhaltung. Leipzig, 1794. 102 p. — Commentatio de humero luxato. Lugduni Batavorum, 1782. 60 p. — Descriptio thesauri ossium morbosorum Hoviani. Am- stelaedami, 1783. 200 p. — Nadere beschryving eener samengestelde wanschapen- heid. [Amsterdam, 1790] 4 p. — Nadere beschryving en afbeelding eener wanstaltige roede en van den open pisweg. Haarlem, 1783. [12] p. — Ontleed- en heelkundig onderzoek der schouderont- wrichting. Amsterdam, 1781-82. 120 p. — Ontleed- en heel-kundige aanmerkingen en onderzoek eener algemeene oorzaak van verschillende wanstal- tigheden der roede en pisblaas. [Amsterdam, 1791?] 60 p. 57 BONN — Oratio de simplicitate naturae, anatomicorum admira- tione, chirurgorum imitatione, dignissima. Amstelae- dami. 1772. 47 p. — Physiologische und chirurgische Abhandlung. See under title. — Tabulae ossium morbosorum . . . Afbeeldingen van zieke beenderen. Amstelaedami, 1788. 16 p. — Translation of a Dutch description of a complicated deformity, [n.p., 1719?1 4 p. — Uber eine seltene und widernatiirliche Beschaffenheit der Harnblase und Geburtstheile. Strasburg, 1782.47 p. — Verhandeling over eene bijzondere wanschaapenheid der pisblaas en teeldeelen. Leyden [ 1782?) 28 p. BONNAUD. Degradation de l'espece humaine par l'usage des corps a baleine. Paris, 1770. 219 p. BONNEAU, fl. 1704-1706. Teinture alcaline. Toulouse, 1706. 309 p. BONNEFOY, Jean Baptiste, 1756-1790. Analyse raisonnee des rapports des commissaires charges par le roy de I'examen du magnetisme animal. Lyon, 1784. 98 p. — De l'application de l'electricite a l'art de guerir. Lyon, 1782. 163 p. — De l'influence des passions de l'ame dans les maladies chirurgicales. [n.p.| 1786. 88 p. BONNEL DE LA BRAGERESSE. Dissertation sur la nature, l'usage et l'abus des eaux thermales de Bagnols en Gevaudan. Mende [1774] 108 p. BONNET, Charles, 1720-1793. Betrachtung uber die Natur. Wien, 1789-90. 3 v. -y— Considerations sur les corps organises. Amsterdam, 1762.2v. /-----2. ed. Amsterdam, 1768. 2 v. in 1. _,-----3. ed. Amsterdam, 1776. 2 v. , — Contemplation de la nature. Amsterdam, 1764. 2 v. -----2. ed. Amsterdam, 1769. 2 v. -----Nouv. ed. Lausanne, 1770. 2 v. - — Contemplazione della natura. Modena, 1769-70. 2 v. -----Ed. noviss. Venezia, 1797. 4 v. — Essai analytique sur les facultes de l'ame. Copenhague, 1760. 552 p. -----2. ed. Copenhague, 1769. 2 v. in 1. -----3. ed. Copenhague, 1775. 2 v. in 1. ] — ] Essai de psychologic Londres, 1755. 390 p. — Entretiens psychologiques. See Formey, J. H. S. — Oeuvres d'histoire naturelle et de philosophic Neu- chatel, 1779-83. 18 v. _—-■ > — La palingenesie philosophique. Geneve, 1769. 2 v. — Recherches sur l'usage des fejiilles dans les plantes. Gottingue, 1754. 343 p. — Traite d'insectologic Paris, 1745. 2 v. BONNET, Louis Ferdinand, 1760-1839. Plaidoyer pour le citoyen Lanefranque . . . contre la citoyenne Penicaud, son espouse. (Paris? An IX, i.e. 1800/01?] 68 p. — Replique pour le cit. Lanefranque. |Paris? An IX, ■•£• 1800/01] 92 p. BONNET, Theophile.S dans l'hopital de Bethleem de Londres. Amsterdam, f 1787. 56 p. — An historical account of the origin, progress, and present state of Bethlem Hospital. London, 1783.16 p. -----London, 1784. 16 p. BOWLES, William Lisle, 1762-1850. Verses to John Howard. Bath, 1789. 17 p. BOXBERGER, Johann Caspar. Media sine remediis et medicamentis e pharmacopoeia depromptis, sanitatem ' diutius conservandi. Herbipoli, 1729. 132 p. BOY, Adrien Simon, d. 1795. Quelques reflexions sur le traitement des plaies. [Strasbourg? 17947] 83 p. ^BOY, Simon, d. 1789. Abrege sur les maladies des femmes grosses. Paris, 1788. 222 p. ~jS BOYER, chirurgien major. Lettre ... a Monsieur Mon- // tagne. [n.p.] 1746. 15 p. y BOYER, Alexis, baron, 1757-1833. Memoire sur la meil- leure forme des aiguilles propres a la reunion des plaies. [Paris, 1800] 72 p. BOYER, Jean Baptiste Nicolas, 1693-1768. Methode a suivre dans le traitement des differentes maladies epi- demiques. Paris, 1761. 45 p. ^-----Paris, 1762. 48 p. ----Valenciennes, 1762. 40 p. - Metodo da seguirsi nella cura di varie infermita epide- miche. See Cantera, S. ~/ BOYER, Pierre, of Toulon. Dissertation abregee sur la maladie de Marseilles. Toulon, 1720. 22 p. U [BOYER DE PREBANDIER, Pierre] Les abus de la saignee. Paris, 1759. 468 p. BOYLE, Hon. Robert, 1627-1691. Medicinal experiments. 4th ed. London, 1703. 3 v. in 1 (168, 60 p.) -----5th ed. London, 1712. 3 v. in 1 (168, 60 p.) -----6th ed. London, 1718. 3 v. in 1 (168, 61 p.) -------7th ed. London, 1731. 3 v. in 1 (168, 61 p.) _ — The philosophical works . . . abridged. London, 1725. 3v. */'------2d ed. London, 1738. 3 v. — The works. London, 1744. 5 v. -----New ed. London, 1772. 6 v. BOYLSTON, Zabdiel, 1680-1766. An historical account of the small-pox inoculated in New England. 2d ed. Boston, 1730. 53 p. BOYVEAU-LAFFECTEUR, Denys. See Laffecteur, Denis. BOYVEAU-LAFFECTEUR, Pierre, 1743-1812. Essai sur ^ les maladies physiques et morales des femmes. Paris [1798?)316 p. , — Nouvelles observations sur les effets du rob anti-syphi- ' litique. [Paris, 1781] 34, 4 p. V^- Observations sur I'histoire et les effets du rob anti- syphilitique. Demiere ed. Paris [ 1799?] 120 p. y^— Observations sur le rob anti-syphilitique. [n.p., 1779?] 16 p. -O- Observations sur les effets du rob anti-syphilitique. [Paris, 1785] 71 p. \y^- Osservazioni sopra la storia e gli effetti del rob anti- sifilitico. Ultima ed. Parigi [1800?] 162 p. y^ Recherches sur la methode la plus propre a guerir les maladies veneriennes. Nouv. ed. Paris, An II (1794) 266 p. V1 Traite des maladies physiques et morales des femmes. 2. ed. Paris [179-?] 270 p. \y^ Traite des maladies veneriennes. Paris, An VIII [ 1799/ 1800] 388 p. BOZE, Claude Gros de, 1680-1753. Dissertation sur le culte que les anciens ont rendu a la deesse de la sante. Paris, 1705. 37 p. —;/^BOZZA, Vincenzo. Delle acque marziali ne' monti Vero- nesi di Rovere di Velo. [Verona, 1767] 73 p. ^ BRACKEN, Henry, 1697-1764. Farriery improved. Lon- don, 1737. 616 p. i^^ — 4th ed. London, 1742. 363 p. x^ — 5th ed. London, 1745. 363 p. w— — 6th ed. London, 1749. 363 p. ^ — Vol. 2. 2d ed. London, 1740. 298 p. s^ — Vol. 2. 4th ed. London, 1749. 298 p. — The gentleman's pocket-farrier. See Burdon, W. ^—= Lithiasis anglicana; or, A philosophical enquiry into the nature and origin of the stone. London, 1739.55 p. Imperfect: t.p. mutilated. ^-^ The midwife's companion. London, 1737. 321 p. —JThe traveller's pocket-farrier. 4th ed. London, 1747. ^150 p. BRADLEY, Henry. Physical and philosophical remarks on Dr. Dover's late pamphlet. London, 1733. 132 p. [ — ] A treatise on mercury. London, 1733. 52 p. BRADLEY, Richard, 1688-1732. The country housewife and lady's director. Dublin, 1727. 120 p. — A course of lectures, upon the materia medica. Lon- don, 1730. 170 p. — A philosophical account of the works of nature. Lon- don, 1721. 194 p. -----2d ed. London, 1739. 299 p. — The plague at Marseilles. London, 1721. 60 p. -----2d ed. London, 1721. 60 p. -----3d ed. London, 1721. 48 p. — Precautions against infection. London [17227] 34 p. — The virtue and use of coffee, with regard to the plague. London, 1721. 34 p. BRADY, Samuel. Some remarks upon Dr. Wagstaffe's letter .. . against inoculating the small-pox. London 1722. 40 p. 62 BRANDIS BRANDLI, Johann Jacob. Ueber den Gebrauch der Fieber- —/f— Storia delle scoperte fisico-medico-anatomico-chirur- rinde bey Blutflussen. Zurich, 1793. 18 p. giche. [Milano, 1780-82] 2 v. in 3. BRAUNER, Johann Jacob. Ausserlefsener?] ... in NT/^ Trattato chirurgico pratico sopra il flemmone. 1 /Classes [eingetheilte?" medicinalisch Hand-Biichlein. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1717. 708 p. ^ Imperfect: t.p. mutilated. — Pest-Buchlein. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1714. 400 p. — Thesaurus sanitatis [1. Theil] oder, Neueroffneter u'' Schatz menschlicher Gesundheit. . . Methode. Frank- furt am Mayn, 1712. 1022, 50 p. U-------4. ed. Franckfurth am Mayn, 1732. 1066 p. — Thesaurus sanitatis [2. Theil].. . Operationes et experi- *" menta chirurgica. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1725. 1240 p. -Thesaurussanitatis. . .dritterTheil. . .Krauter-Buch. Franckfurt, 1728. 1244 p. Thesaurus sanitatis [4. Theil ]... Apotheck und Material- Kammer. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1725. 2 v. in 1. Vol. 2 has title: Thesauri sanitatis partis IV continuatio. F" ^ Tractatus de formulis medicamentorum conscribendis . oder, Eine sichere Fundamental-Anleitung. Franck- furt am Mayn, 1717. 480 p. — Der treu-meinende teutsche Weiber- und Kinder- Artzt. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1713. 992 p. BRAMBILLA, Giovanni Alessandro, 1728-1800. Chirur ,/gisch-praktische Abhandlung von der Phlegmone. Wien, 1775. 2 v. in 1. Discours sur la preeminence et l'utilite de la chirurgie. Bruxelles, 1786. 90 p. 1777. 2 v. y^ Trattato chirurgico pratico sopra le ulcere delle estre- mita inferiori. Milano, 1793. lvii p. v.^- Uiber die Entzundungsgeschwulst. Neue Ausg. Wien, 1786. 2 v. j^- Verfassung und Statuten der Josephinischen medi- zinisch-chirurgischen Akademie. Wien, 1786. 63 p. ^- Zwey Abhandlungen uber den . . . Gebrauch des Oxi- krats. Wien, 1777. 97 p. BRANCHI, Anton Giuseppe. See Bertini, Antonio Fran- cesco, 1658-1726. BRAND, Jacob Hieronymus. Sorgfaltiger und gewissen- hafter Land- und Bauren-Doctor. Franckfurt, 1753. 176 p. -----Heilbronn [etc.] 1754-56. 2 v. in 1. BRAND, Robert. The true method of reducing ruptures. London, 1771. 47 p. BRAND, Thomas. Chirurgical essays, on the causes and symptoms of ruptures. London, 1782. 108 p. — Chirurgical essays on the cure of ruptures. 2d ed. London, 1785. 119 p. ^jjf1 Original letters that passed between Mess. Brand and f Ford. London, 1784. 48 p. BRANDAO, Francisco Jose, 1738-1773. Instruccao breve Bruxelles, 1787. 52 p. 7t sobre a circulacam do sangue. Porto, 1761. 64 p. 7*> Geschichte der von den beruhmtesten Maennern Italiens gemachten entdeckungen in der Phisik. Bd. 1. Wien, 1789. 315 p. Instruktion fiir die Professoren der k. k. chirurgischen Militarakademic Wien, 1784. 2 v. '— Instrumentarium chirurgicum militare Austriacum. [Viennae] 1782. 160 p. — Instrumentarium chirurgicum Viennense oder wien- nerische chirurgische Instrumenten Sammlung. [Wien, 1781]159 p. !_— Lettera critica . . . se le infiammazioni ... si debbano — abbandonar alia natura sola. Milano, 1765. 58 p. v/— Modo di richiamare alia vita i soffocati. Milano, 1790. 23 p. •y— Orazione sulla preminenza ed utilita della chirurgia. Milano, 1787. 63 p. vX Reglement fur die kaiseri. konigl. Feldchirurgen. Wien, 1788-89 [v. 1, 1789] 2 v. ^/— Regolamento per la Cesarea Accademia chirurgica di Vienna. Pt.1-2. Milano, 1786. 169 p. Riflessioni fisico-medico-chirurgiche. Milano, 1769. 187 p. sephinae Medico-Chirurgicac Viennae, 1787. 155 (i.e. 55) p. BRANDAO, Joaquim Ignacio de Seixas. Memorias . . . para servirem de historia a' analysi, e virtudes das agoas thermaes de villa das Caldas de Rainha. Lisboa, 1781. 281 p. v/BRANDAU, Konrad Heinrich, 1752-1791. Dissertatio philosophico-medica sistens observationes quasdam de intemperantia. Marburgi [1785] 28 p. BRANDE, Augustus Everard. Experiments and observa- tions on the angustura bark. London, 1791. 86 p. 2d ed. London, 1793. 133 p. BRANDENBURG-ANSBACH (Margraviate) Laws, stat- __>. utes, etc. Hochfurstl. Brandenburg-Onolzbachische ' Medicinalordnung, nebst denen dazu gehorigen In- struktionen. Onolzbach [1780] 1 v. (various pagings) — — Verbesserte Brandenburgische Apothecker- und >7 Tax-Ordnung. Onolzbach [1745] 68 p. k,., BRANDER, Georg Friedrich, 1713-1783. Kurze Beschrei- bung einer kleinen Luftpumpe. Augsburg, 1774. 40 p. BRANDIS, Joachim Dietrich, 1762-1845. Anleitung zum Gebrauche des Driburger Bades und Brunnens. Miins- ter, 1792. 225 p. — Commentatio de oleorum unguinosorum natura. Got- tingae [1785] 1 [i.e. 50] p. 63 BRANDIS — Versuch iiber die Lebenskraft. Hannover, 1795. 174 p. — Versuch iiber die Metastasen. Hannover, 1798.232 p. BRATHWAITE, Thomas. Remarks on A short narrative of an extraordinary delivery of rabbets. London, 1726. 32 p. BRAUN, Joseph Adam, 1712-1768. De admirando frigore artificiali quo mercurius est congelatus. Petropolitanae [1760] 30 p. — Oratio academica de atmosphaerae mutationibus. / Petropoli, 1759. 68 p. /^y- Sermo academicus de insignioribus telluris mutatio- / nibus. Petropoli [1756] 59 p. BRAUNE, Christian Gottfried Karl, 1765-1814. Versuch iiber den Pemphigus und das Blasenfieber. Leipzig, 1795. 79 p. Imperfect: plate wanting. — Viris experientissimis ... Jo. Christiano Gottlob Baum- garten et Carolo Weigel. . . gratulatur. . . Quaedam de carcinomatis semiotice. Lipsiae, 1791. xvi p. BRENDEL, Johann Gottfried, 1712-1758. De chyli ad v sanguinem publico privatoque potissimum commeatu per venas mesaraicas non improbabili disserit. Got- tingae [1738] 31 p. \s* De valvula Eustachiana. Vitembergae [1738] 16 p. — Medicina legalis sive forensis. Hannoverac 1789. 202 p. — Opusculorum mathematici et medici argumenti pars I [-III] Goettingae, 1769-75. 3 v. in 2. — Praelectiones de Coacis praenotionibus. Berolini, 1796. 304 p. — Praelectionum academicarum . . . tomus primus [-ter- tius] Lipsiae, 1792-94. 3 v. BRENDLI, Johann Jacob. See Brandli, Johann Jacob. BRENNER, Ernst Wilhelm. Commentatio de fallacia signorum graviditatis. Marburgi Cattorum, 1791. 54 p. BRERA, Valeriano Luigi, 1772-1840. Anatripsologia; ^ ossia, Dottrina delle frizioni. Ed. 4. Pavia, 1799-1800. 2 v. in 1. Anatripsologie; oder, Die Lehre von den Einreibun- .-T^/BRAUNSTEIN, Joachim, ed. and trans. Alphabetische ^n- Wjen' .1800"^1;]2 VJ" \[. Sammlung gefahrlicher und todtlicher Zeichen. Stadt- amhof, 1800. 422 p. CY-i < ■ . [0 i/c<<*~ BRAVO, Diego Perez. See Perez Bravo, Diego. y BRAVO, Francisco Carbonell y. See Carbonell y Bravo, Francisco, 1768-1837. BRAVO DE LAGUNAS Y CASTILLA, Pedro Jose, 1704- 1759. Discurso historico-juridico del origen . . . del Hospital de San Lazaro de Lima. Lima, 1761. 272 p. y*y Classificazione delle malattie secondo i principj di Brown. 1. ed. Venezia, 1799. 47 p. „;.y- Divisao das enfermidades, feita segundo os principios do systema de Brown. Lisboa, 1800. 72 p. ■y Programma de vitae vegetabilis ac animalis analogia. Ticini, 1796. 44 p. -Yf— Programma del modo d'agire sul corpo umano per mezzo di frizioni. Pavia, Anno V (1797) 32 p. ^'Sylloge opusculorum selectorum. Ticini, 1797-1811. 10 v. BRECHILLET JOURDAIN, Anselme Louis Bernard. n_, w TO ,„™ „0^ „ , See Jourdain, Anselme Louis Bernard Brechillet, 1734-^BR^ ,ea" **"* i.760;1816 Recherches sur 1 existence 1816 ' du fngonque. Pans, An VIII [1799/1800] 144 p. norn,., . . -., , „'„ • v*oRESCON, Pierre. Traite de l'epilepsic Nouv. ed. Bor- BREDIN, Louis. Observations en reponse au memoire * ' v t^. >--"»• ^* de M. Lafosse sur l'Ecole royale veterinaire. Lyon, 1790. deaux' lW' 98 p' 14 p. -^BRESCOU DUMOURET, Paul, d. 1758. Traite du scor- BREE, Jan de. Aan het publiek. Amsteldam [1800] 48 p. BRESMAL, Jean Francois, b. ca. 1660. Hidro-analise des ••? minerales chaudes & froides de la ville imperiale d'Aix La Chapele. Liege, 1703. 176 p. **— Paralelle des eaux minerales actuellement chaudes et actuellement froides. Liege, 1721. 164, 128 p. *• [ — ] Beschouwing van het adres der Commissie van Genees- ') kundig Toevoorzicht. Amsteldam, 1800. 24 p. ^>^— Verhandeling over het gebruik van den Roonhuizi- ' ) aanschen hefboom. [Amsterdam, 1793] 15 p. BREE, Robert, 1759-1839. Praktische Untersuchung uber krankhaftes Athemholen. Leipzig, 1800. 352 p. BREITHAUPT, Johann Christian. Anweisung zum me- chanischen Gebrauche der Steinischen Brustpumpe. Cassel, 1774. 12 p. BREMBILLA, Mansueto di, fra. See Mansueto di Brem- billa, fra, d. 1736. BREMOND, Francois de, 1713-1742. See Morand, S. F. BRENDEL, Adam, d. 1719. Nobilissimis artis salutaris. . . cultoribus... ad recitationes publicas de visu. . . invitat. Vitembergae in Saxonibus [1702] [12] p. BRESSY, Joseph. Recherches sur les vapeurs. Londres, 1789. 143 p. BREST, Vincent. An analytical inquiry into the specifick property of mercury. London, 1732. 24 p. — Dissertation sur l'usage du mercure. Londres, 1735. 60 p. BREST. See Hopital royal de la marine de Brest. BRETHOUS. Lettres . . . sur differens points d'anatomie. Lyon, 1723. 233 p. BRETSCHNEIDER, Friedrich Ferdinand, b. 1759. Com- 64 BRODUM w mentatio prima de generatione crustae sic dictate in- flammatoriae secundum mentem Hewsoni. Jenae [ 1788] 15 p. BREUNER, Johann Jacob. See Brauner, Johann Jacob. BREVE descrizzione delle malattie. See Swieten, G. van. — Breve instruzione, o ricetta ultimamente venuta da Verona, che si e trovata utilissima nelle corrente epi- demia de' bovi &c. Bologna, 1732. broadside. — Breve metodo di educare fisicamente i bambini dalla lore nascita sino alio spoppamento. Torino, 1786. 164 p. BREVET de calotte, pour les chirurgiens de Paris, [n.p., 17-] 7 p. BREWER, ed. Bibliotheque germanique. See under title. BRIAN, Thomas, fl. 1637. Der englische Wahrsager aus dem Urin. Hamburg, 1722. 167, 107 p. Added t.p. (for pt. 2): Urin-Buchlein . . . durch Theodorum Majum. -----Hamburg, 1738. 147, 107 p. — — Langensalza, 1771. 230 p. BRIAND DE CREVECOEUR, Frederik Otto de, b. 1710. Kort og nyttige underretning for land-boerne. Kjoben- havn[1750?]26p. BRIDEWELL HOSPITAL, London. Reglemens de la Maison de travail de Bridewell et de l'Hopital des fous, a Londres. Paris, An VII [1798/99] 110 p. — Rules and orders for the government of the Royal Hos- pitals of Bridewell and Bethlem. London, 1778. 77 p. . A BRIEF abstract of the virtues of the American tobacco plant. London [1783] 36 p. •■' ? * il i - - ' ^— A brief account of the Hospital of St. Elisabeth, annexed to the Imperial monastery of St. Maximin. of the Bene- dictines. London, 1786. 112 p. — A brief essay on the small-pox. See Phil-Anthropos, M.D. y — Brief, geschreeven uit Haerlem . . . nopens den echten toestand der ziekte in de stad Haerlem. [Haerlem, 1780] 8 p. - A brief journal of what passed in the city of Marseilles. See Marseille. Conseil. — Brief van een chirurgyn in Rotterdam . . . over de ver- xy taaling der Verhandeling over de venusziekte, van J. J. Plenck. Amsterdam [1781?] 13 p. BRIEFE eines Schweizers uber das Wilhelmsbad. See Schafer, A. — Briefe uber verschiedene Gegenstande. See Franz, J. G.F. BRIEUDE, Jean Joseph de, 1728-1812. Observations sur les eaux thermales de Bourbon-l'Archambault, de Vichy et du Mont-d'Or. Paris, 1788. 156 p. Le BRIGANDAGE de la medecine. See Hecquet, P. BRILL, Abraham. Observatio de humore lacteo coagulato in placenta humana reperto. Groningae, 1768. 47 p. BRILLOUET. Essai theorique. See under title. BRINCKMANN, Johann Peter, 1746-1785. Anweisung "~"fur Arzte und Wundarztc 2. Aufl. Diisseldorf, 1791. 85 p. ^— Patriotische Vorschlage zur Verbesserung der chirur- gischen Anstalten. 2. Aufl. Diisseldorf, 1790. 52 p. L — Patriotische Vorschlage zur Verbesserung der medici- nal-Anstalten. Diisseldorf, 1778. 60, 38 p. .-BRISBANE, John, d. 1776? Select cases in the practice of medicine. London, 1772. 62 p. BRISSEAU, Michel, 1676-1743. Abhandlung von dem grauen Stahr und dem Glaucoma. Berlin, 1743. 208 p. u— Observations. Douay, 1716. 83 p. l— Traite de la cataracte et du glaucoma. Paris, 1709. 260 p. JBRISSON, Mathurin Jacques, 1723-1806. Elemens ou principes physico-chymiques. Paris, An VIII (1800) 412 p. l— La regne animal. Paris, 1756. 382 p. Added t.p. in Latin; text in French and Latin. — Traite elementaire ou principes de physique. 2. ed. Tom. 1. Paris, An V (1797) 319 p. BRISTOL, Philip, Bp. of. See Yonge, Philip, 1709 or 10- 1783. v BRISTOL INFIRMARY. Pharmacopoeia in usum Noso- comii Bristoliensis. Bristolii, 1785. 72 p. »-■ The BRITISH dispensatory. See Pharmacopoeia. London. \^-•— The British jewel, or, Complete housewife's best com- panion. London, 1776. 108 p. BRITISH LYING-IN HOSPITAL, London. An account Yfii the British Lying-in Hospital for Married Women, in ' ' Brownlow-Street. London, 1763. 31 p. v- — An account of the rise, progress, and state of the Bri- tish Lying-in Hospital. London, 1756. 42 p. *■'— The laws, orders, and regulations. London, 1781.48 p. BROCKLESBY, Richard, 1722-1797. An essay concern- ~yf\xv% the mortality, now prevailing among the horned cattle. London, 1746. 70 p. ^— Eulogium medicum, sive oratio anniversaria Harvae- ana. Londini, 1760. 16 p. t^1 Oeconomical and medical observations. London, 1764. 320 p. yjf— ] Reflections on antient and modern musick, with the application to the cure of diseases. London, 1749.82 p. ,; BRODIN DE LA JUTAIS, Pierre, d. 1765. Vertus et pro- prietes de l'arcane celeste. La Haye, 1762. 10 p. t BRODUM, William. A guide to old age. London, 1795. 2 v. in 1. \<- — 5th ed. [v. 2, 4th ed.] London, 1797. 2 v. in 1. 65 BROEN BROEN, Johann, fl. 1678-ca. 1695. Animadversiones medicae, theoretico-praticae in Henrici Regii praxin medicam. Neapoli, 1721. 2 v. — Opera medica. Roterodami, 1703. 414 p. N>/ BR0STRUP, Frederik Cornelius, 1760-1802. Bemerkung von einer besondern Hautkrankheit. Kopenhagen [1780]6 p. BROGIANI, Domenico, b. 1716. De veneno animantium naturali et acquisito. Florentiae, 1752. 152 p. -----Ed. Italica 2. Florentiae, 1755. 148 p. BROMFIELD, William, 1712-1792. An account of the English nightshades. London, 1757. 94 p. — Chirurgical observations and cases. London, 1773. 2 v. — Chirurgische Wahmehmungen. Leipzig, 1774. 495 p. — Observations sur les vertus des differentes especes de solanum. Paris, 1761. 127 p. — Thoughts arising from experience, concerning the present peculiar method of treating persons inoculated. London, 1767. 88 p. ------Dublin [1767?] 87 p. BROMLEY, Henry, pseud. See Wilson, Anthony. BRONZET, Pierre. See Brouzet, Pierre, 1714-ca. 1772. BROOKES, Richard, fl. 1750. The general dispensatory. London, 1753. 408 p. ->------2d ed. London, 1765. 388 p. Imperfect: t.p. wanting. ,-----London, 1773. 388 p. — The general practice of physic. London, 1751. 2 v. -----2d ed. London, 1754. 2 v. -----3d ed. London, 1758. 2 v. -----4th ed. London, 1763. 2 v. -----6th ed. London, 1771. 2 v. — A history of the most remarkable pestilential distem- pers. London, 1721. 47 p. S-)------2d ed. London, 1722. 72 p. , — An introduction to physic and surgery. London, 1754. 536 (i.e. 556) p. - ' ■^-^-■/•i-Vfl^-----jsA"--f-^/ */------2d ed. London, 1763. 390 p. — A new and accurate system of natural history. London, 1763. 6 v. Each v. has special t.p. -----2d ed. London, 1772. 6 v. ------3d ed. London, 1782-91. 6 v. Vol. 1, 3-5, 1790; v. 2, 1782; v. 6, 1791. BROOKS, Catharine. The complete English cook. 4th ed. London [1770?] 132 p. BROOKS, John, fl. 1750. England's interest; or, Free thoughts on the starch duty. London, 1752. 40 p. BROOKS, John, 1752-1825. A discourse delivered before the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. Boston, 1795. 32 p. [BROSSES, Charles de] 1709-1777. Du culte des dieux fetiches. [n.p.[ 1760. 285 p. BROSSGEBAUER, PhUippus. See Grossgebauer, Philipp, 1653-1711. BROTBECK, Christ. David. Selectus materiae medicae ... ad normam pharmacopoeae Wirtembergicae direc- tus. Ulmae, 1749. 126 p. BROTHERS HOSPITALLERS OF ST. JOHN OF GOD. Regla de S. Augustin . . . Constituciones de la Orden de la Hospitd. de S. Juan de Dios. [Madrid, 1799] 246,65 p. BROUGHTON, Arthur, d. 1796. Observations on the influenza. London [1782] 31 p. BROUSSONET, Jean Louis Victor, 1771-1846. Tableau elementaire de la semeiotique. Montpellier, An VI 11797/98]200 p. BROUWER, Jacobus. Korte Verhandeling over het ader- laaten. Amsterdam, 1756. 94 p. BROUZET, Pierre, 1714-ca. 1772. Abhandlung von der medicinischen Erziehung der Kinder. Altenburg, 1764. 2 v. in 1. — Essai sur l'education medicinale, des enfans. Paris, 1754.2v. — An essay on the medicinal education of children. Lon- don, 1755. 364 p. BROWN, Charles, fl. 1797-1799. A treatise on scrophu- lous diseases. London, 1798. 168 p. BROWN, John, 1735-1788. Compendio della nuova dottri- na medica. Venezia, 1793. 2 v. in 1. ------2. ed. Venezia, 1796. 2 v. ------3. ed. Venezia, 1799. 2 v. in 1. — Elementa medicinae. [Vol. 1] Edinburgi, 1780. 421 p. ------Ed. 2. Edinburgi, 1784. 2 v. ------Ed. 1. Italica. Mediolani, 1792. 330 p. — Elementi di medicina. Napoli, 1796. 3 v. in 2. -----Palermo [1796] 2 v. ------Venezia, 1800. 2 v. — Elementos de medicina. Madrid, 1800. 2 v. — The elements of medicine. London, 1788. 2 v. in 1. ------New ed. Philadelphia, 1790. 390 p. -----Philadelphia, Worcester, 1791. 2 v. in 1. ------Philadelphia, 1793. 390 p. ------New ed. London, 1795. 2 v. ------Philadelphia, 1795. 390 p. ------6th ed. Fairhaven, 1797. 404 p. — Errores y perjuicios del sistema espasmodico. Madrid, 1796. 208 p. — Grundsatze der Arzeneylehre. Frankfurt am Main, 1795. 367 p. [ —) Observations on the principles of the old system of physic. Edinburgh, 1787. ccxliii, 141 p. - System der Heilkunde. Wien [1796] 410 p. -----2. Aufl. Kopenhagen, 1798. 444 p. BROWN, Richard. A letter . . . giving an account of the 66 BRUCKMANN Montpellier practice in curing the venereal disease. London,1730. 24 p. BROWN, Samuel, 1768-1805. A treatise on the nature, origin and progress of the yellow fever. Boston, 1800. 112 p. [BROWN, Sarah] A letter to a lady on the mode of con- ducting herself during pregnancy. London, 1777. 32 p. BROWN, Thaddeus, d. 1803. An address in Christian love ... on the awful dispensation of the yellow fever. Phila- delphia, 1798. 71 p. Egypt, and Syria. London, 1799. 496 p. BROWNRIGG, William, 1712-1800. Considerations on the means of preventing . . . pestilential contagion. Lon- ./don, 1771. 40 p. ' BROXHOLME, Noel, 16897-1748. Oratio anniversaria Harvaeana. Londini, 1731. 12 p. ^RU. Instruction sur le traitement des maladies venerien- nes. Toulon, 1784. 59 p. ^—Methode nouvelle de traiter les maladies veneriennes. Paris, 1789. 2 v. in 1. BROWN, Thomas, 1778-1820. Observations on the \_ ^ nomia of Erasmus Darwin. Edinburgh, 1798. 560 p. [BROWN, William] 1748-1792. Pharmacopoeia simplicio- s- rum et efficaciorum, in usum nosocomii militaris, ad Exercitum Foederatarum Americae Civitatum perti- nentis. Philadelphiae, 1778. 32 p. JBROWNE, John, 1642-ca. 1702. Myographia nova; or, A graphical description of all the muscles. 2d ed. London, 1705. 186 p. —V The surgeons assistant. London, 1703. 183 p. lit ;''.'.',; Verteutschte neue Beschreibung derer in dem mensch- lichen Corper befindlichen Musculen. Berlin, 1704.98 p. -----Leipzig, 1715. 98 p. BROWNE, Joseph, fl. 1700-1721. An account of the u-Nvonderful cures perform'd by the cold baths. 2d ed. London [1707]144 p. -rr Antidotaria; or, A collection of antidotes against the plague. London, 1721. 39 p. i— An essay towards the forming a true idea of funda- mentals in physick. London, 1709. 167 p. — Institutions in physick. See Boerhaave, H. ■v.— A lecture of anatomy, against the circulation of the blood. London [1701] 30 p. Imperfect: p. 25-30 wanting. \y The modern practice of physick vindicated. London, 1703. 194 p. W- A practical treatise of the plague. London, 1720.79 p. y^l — 2d ed. London, 1720. 79 p.^ / / si. T BROWNE, Richard, fl. 1674-1494. Medicina musica; or, y' A mechanical essay on the effects of singing, musick, and dancing. London, 1729. 125 p. BROWNE, Sir Thomas, 1605-1682. Christian morals. 2d ^ ed. London, 1756. 136 p. u _ Posthumous works. London, 1712. 1 v. (various pag- ings) -^— Religion eines Arztes. Prenzlau, 1746. 344 p. . BROWNE, Sir William, 1692-1774. Oratio Harveiana. Londini [1751 [35 p. A vindication of the Royal College of Physicians. Lon- don, 1753. 22 p. \^ BROWNE, WiUiam George, 1768-1813. Travels in Africa, rj —O— Neue . . . Methode die venerischen Patienten . . . zu kuriren. Leipzig, 1792-93. 2 v. in 1. BRUAND, Pierre Francois, 1716-1786. Memoire sur les maladies contagieuses et epidemiques des betes a comes. Besancon, 1766. 2 v. in 1. BRUAS, Isaac Hendrik de. Het gebruik des lepels her- u-- steld. Middelburg, 1755. 28 p. [BRUCE, Alexander] fl. ca. 1759. An inquiry concerning the cause of the pestilence, and the diseases in fleets and armies. Edinburgh, 1759. 112, 154 p. BRUCH, Friedrich Christian. Beobachtungen iiber die vortheilhafte Anwendung der kalten Aufschlage bey entstehenden Gebahrmutterblutstiirzen. Marburg, 1793. 44 p. BRUCKER, Johann Jakob, 1696-1770. Historia vitae \f Adolphorum Occonum. Lipsiae, 1734. 118 p. [BRUCKNER, John] 1726-1804. A philosophical survey of the animal creation. New ed. London, 1791. 166 p. BRUCKNER, Wilhelm Hieronymus. De magicis personis Q et artibus. Jenae 11712] [ 16] p. BRUCKMANN, Ernst Ludwig. Epistola . . . de petrifica- tionis fiendi modo. Jenae, 1750. xii p. BRUCKMANN, Franz Ernst, 1697-1753. Ausfiihrliche — Beschreibung einer seltsahmen Wunder-Geburt. Wolf- fenbuttel[1732]24p. — Bibliotheca animalis, oder Verzeichniss der meisten ; Schriften so von Thieren . . . handeln. Wolffenbuttel, 1743. 277 p. — Catalogus exhibens appelationes et denominationes <.- omnium potus generum. Helmstadii, 1722. 112 p. — Epistola de fungo hypoxylo digitate Helmstadii, 1725. v lip. - Epistola itineraria I [-LXXXIV] Wolffenbuttelae,. 1728-39. 84 pts. in 2 v. Each Epistola has special t.p. — Observatio botanica de ocymastro flore viridi pleno. / [Woffenbuttelae, 1732] [2] p. [ — ] Observatio medica curiosa de excretione veimis., Wolffenbuttelae, 1723. 15 p. — Relatio brevis historico-physico medica de cerevisia Regio-Lothariensi. Helmstadii, 1722. 56 p. 67 BRUCKMANN - Relatio brevis physica de curiosissimis duabus conchis marinis. Brunsvigae, 1722. 24 p. — Specimen physicum exhibens historiam naturalem oolithi. Helmestadii, 1721. 21 p. Imperfect: plate or plates wanting. . — Specimen posterius botanico-medicum exhibens arbo- rem Limbowe Drewo. Brunsvigae, 1727. 20 p. Imperfect: plate wanting. . — Specimen prius botanico-medium exhibens fruticem Koszodrewina. Brunsvigae, 1727. 28 p. BRUCKMANN, Franz Hieronymus, 1755-1795. Bemer kungen auf einer Reise nach Karlsbad. Braunschweig, 1785. 80 p. BRUCKMANN, Karl Philipp, 1741-1790. Enarratio cho- reae Sti. Viti et epilepsiac Francofurti ad Moenum, 1786. 40 p. BRUCKNER, August. Ueber die Natur, Ursachen und Behandlung der einwarts gekriimmten Fiisse. Gotha, 1796. 143 p. BRUEHL, Johann Wilhelm Christian. Futuri prorectoris inauguration!. . . celebrandae. . . rogat.. . de generaliori temperamentorum doctrina pauca disseruntur. Mar- burgi[1795]22p. BRUNING, Georg Florentin Heinrich, b. 1734. Consti tutio epidemica Essendiensis. Vesaliae [1770] 128 p. — Tractatus de ictero spasmodico infantum. Vesaliae, 1773. 403 p. BRUNNINGHAUSEN, Hermann Joseph, 1761-1834. Uber den Bruch des Schenkelbeinhalses. Wirzburg, 1789. 119 p. BRUGMANS, Sebald Justinus, 1763-1819. Dissertatio de puogenia. Groningae, 1785. 118 p. -----Lugduni Batavorum, 1787. 118 p. — Lithologia Groningana. Groningae, 1781. 120 p. BRUGNATELLI, Luigi Vincenzo, 1761-1818, ed. Annali di chimica. See under title. — ed. Biblioteca fisica d'Europa. See under title. ^ — Elementi di chimica. Pavia, 1795-98. 3 v. — ed. Giomale fisico-medico. See under title. — Memorie sull elettricita animalc Pavia, 1792. 147 p. — Saggio d'un'analisi chimica de' sughi gastrici. Pavia, 1784. 32 p. BRUGNONE, Carlo Giovanni, 1741-1818. La mascalcia o sia la medicina veterinaria. Torino, 1774. 279 p. BRUHIER D'ABLAINCOURT, Jacques Jean, d. 1756. Dissertation sur l'incertitude des signes de la mort. See Winslow, J. B. — Memoire sur la necessite d'un reglement general au sujet des enterremens. Paris, 1745-[46] 36, 24 p. Pt. 2: Addition au Memoire. -----[Paris, 1745-46] 13, 8 p. -----2. ed. Paris, MDCCXLXIX [i.e. 1749] 78 p. BRUHM, Anton Heinrich Ludwig. De empiria medica utili et noxia. Lipsiae, 1780. xvi p. BRULLEY, Claude Antoine. La physiologie reduite a sa juste valeur. Paris, MDCCLXCI [i.e. 17911 44 p. - — Paris, MDCLXCII [i.e. 1792] 44 p. BRUMMERSTEDT, Johan Conrad, 1755-1816. Bemer kung von einer Erstickung. Kopenhagen [1774] 7 p. — Geschichte und Heilung eines Krebsschadens. Kopen- hagen [1775] 16 p. — Heilungsgeschichte eines Beinfrasses. Kopenhagen [1780]8 p. BRUMORE, de, pseud. See Guyton de Morveau, N. BRUN, Henri Louis. Quaestiones medicae duodecim. .]-' Monspelii, 1777. 46 p. BRUNACCI, Giovanni, 1711-1772? Conforti della medi- catura degli occhi. Padova [1765?] 76 p. BRUNAZZI, Giuseppe Maria. Memoria su di un nuovo metodo di unire il labbro leporino. Faenza, 1790. 57 p. BRUNEL. Observations sur les avantages du rob anti- venerien purement vegetal. Avignon, 1787. 20 p. BRUNEL, Pedro. Memoria sobre las enfermedades . . . lacteas. Madrid, 1791. 294 p. BRUNNER, Adam Anton. Abhandlung von der Hervor- brechung der Milchzahne. Wien, 1771. 139 p. — Einleitung zur nothigen Wissenschaft eines Zahn- arztes. Wien, 1765. 182 p. BRUNNER, Balthasar, 1533-1604. Consiliorum medico- rum liber unicus. Francofurti, 1727. 466 p. BRUNNER, Johann Conrad, 1653-1727. Dissertatio me- dica de methodo tuta & facili, citra salivationem, curan- di luem veneream. Scaphusii, 1739. 80 p. — Experimenta nova circa pancreas. Lugduni Batavo- rum, 1722.189 p. — Glandulae duodeni seu pancreas secundarium. Fran- cofurti, 1715.199 p. BRUNO FERNANDEZ, Francisco. See Fernandez, Fran- cisco Bruno. The BRUNONIAD. See Heald, W. M. BRUNORI, CamUlo, 1681-1765. II medico poeta. Fabria- C no, 1726. 472 p. BRUNS, Johann Christian, 1734-1792. An den konigl. preussischen Herm Hofrath, Herrn Joachim Friederich Henckel. Hannover, 1774. 44 p. BRUNSWICK (Duchy) Laws, statutes, etc. Hoch-furst- liche Braunschweig-Wolffenbuttelsche Medicinal-Ord- nung, nebst beygefiigter Apothecker-Taxa. Braun- schweig, 1721.120 p. ----Von gottes Gnaden, Carl, Herzog zu Braunschweig und Luneberg &c. Nachdem Uns unterthanigst vorge- 68 BUCHAN tragen worden, dass die austehenden Schulden bey den Apotheken sich von einer Zeit zur andern immer mehr undmehranhausen... Wolfenbiittel, 1751. broadside. BRUSSELS. See Academie imperiale et royale des sciences et belles- lettres de Bruxelles Societe de medecine, chirurgie et pharmacie de Bru- xelles Societe litteraire de Bruxelles BRUSSELSCHE apotheek. See Pharmacopoeia. Brussels. BRYANT, Charles, d. 1799? Flora diaetetica; or, History of esculent plants. London, 1783. 379 p. — Verzeichniss der zur Nahrung dienenden . . .Pflanzen. Leipzig, 1785-86. 2 v. BRYANT, Jacob, 1715-1804. Observations upon the plagues inflicted upon the Egyptians. London, 1794. 441 p. BRYCE, James. An account of the yellow fever. Edin- burgh, 1796.97 p. BUBBE, Johann. Kurtze doch zureichliche Nachricht was von dem Blutlassen . . . zu halten sey. Gotha, 1729. Ill p. BUCHAN, Alexander Peter, 1764-1824. Enchiridion syphi- liticum; or, Directions for the conduct of venereal patients. London, 1797. 64 p. BUCHAN, WilUam, 1729-1805. Cautions concerning cold bathing. London, 1786. 20 p. — Domestic medicine. Edinburgh, 1769. 624 p. -----Philadelphia [1772?] 368 p. -----Philadelphia, 1772. 368, 39 p. Imperfect: all after p. 344 wanting. -----2d ed. London, 1772. 758 p. -----2d American ed. Philadelphia, 1774. 461 p. -----3d ed. London, 1774. 749 p. -----5th ed. London, 1776. 756 p. -----6th ed. Dublin, 1777. 544 p. -----3d American ed. Norwich, 1778. 436 p. -----6th ed. London, 1779. 756 p. -----7th ed. London, 1781. 754 p. -----8th ed. London, 1784. 767 p. -----Philadelphia, 1784. 540 p. -----9th ed. London, 1786. 767 p. -----10th ed. London, 1788. 780 p. -----Hth ed. Hartford, 1789. 780 p. Imperfect: p. 735-736 wanting. -----12th ed. Dublin, 1792. 676 p. -----14th ed. Boston, 1793. 484 p. -----14th ed. London, 1794. 712 p. -----Philadelphia, 1795. 757 p. -----9th ed. Dublin, 1796. 571 p. _____15th ed. London, 1797. 746 p. _____Philadelphia, Printed by Richard Folwell, 1797. 512 p. -----Philadelphia, Printed by Richard Folwell, for Henry Sweitzer, 1797. 512 p. -----Philadelphia, Printed by Richard Folwell [for] John Dickins, 1797. 512 p. -----Philadelphia, Printed [by Richard Folwell] for H. & P. Rice, and sold by James Rice, Baltimore, 1797. 512 p. Imperfect: p. 511-512 mutilated. -----Philadelphia, Printed by Richard Folwell, for S. Campbell, New-York, 1797. 512 p. -----2d ed. Philadelphia, Printed by Thomas Dobson, 1797.757 p. -----20th ed. Waterford, 1797. 475 p. Imperfect: p. 185-186 mutilated. -----1st Vermont ed. Fairhaven, 1798. 476 p. -----16th ed. London, 1798. 746 p. -----Philadelphia, 1799. 512 p. -----17th ed. London, 1800. 746 p. — Hausarztneykunst. Altenburg, 1774. 892 p. — Huislyke geneeskunde. Utrecht, 1775. 810 p. -----2. druk. Utrecht, 1780. 2 v. in 1. — A letter to the patentee, concerning the medical properties of the fleecy hosiery. London, 1790. 20 p. -----3d ed. London, 1790. 34 p. -----4th ed. London, 1791. 39 p. -----5th ed. London, 1792. 39 p. -----1st American ed. New-York, 1794. 34 p. -----6th ed. London, 1798. 39 p. — Medecine domestique.Nouv. ed. Geneve, 1781-82.6 v. -----3 ed. Paris, 1783. 5 v. -----4. ed. Paris, 1785. 5 v. -----4. ed. Paris, 1788. 5 v. -----4. ed. Paris, 1789. 7 v. Vols. 6-7, without ed. statement, are by J. F. von Herren- schwand. -----4. ed. Paris, 1792. 5 v. Incomplete: v. 5 wanting. — Medicina domestica. Padova, 1783. 5 v. -----Milano, 1785-86. 5 v. -----Napoli, 1787-90. 7 v. -----Padova, 1789. 5 v. — Medicina domestica. Madrid, 1785. 708 p. -----Madrid, 1786. 680 p. -----2. ed. Madrid, 1792. 5 v. Incomplete: v. 1 only. -----Madrid, 1798. 688 p. — Observations concerning the diet of the common people. London,1797. 44 p. — Observations concerning the prevention and cure of the venereal disease. Dublin, 1796. 144 p. -----London, Printed for T. Chapman [etc.] 1796.248p. -----London, Printed for the author, and sold by T. Chapman [etc.] 1796. 248 p. -----2d ed. London, 1797. 256 p. 69 BICHHAVE BUCHHAVE, Rudolph, 1737-1796. De gei urbani utili- tate in febribus intermittentibus. Marburgi, 1786.72 p. — Descriptionis arteriarum corporis humani praeparati particulam primam . . . submittet. Hafniae, 1764. 16 p. — Observationes circa radicis gei urbani, sive caryophyl- latae vires in febribus. Hafniae, 1781. 146 p. -----Ed. 2. Hafniae, 1784. 262 p. BUCHNER, Johann Peter. Tractatus de rachitide. Argen- torati, 1755. 40 p. BUCHOLTZ, Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian, 1734-1798. Das Bad zu Ruhla. Eisenach, 1795. 48 p. — Beytrage zur gerichtlichen Arzneygelahrheit. Weimar, 1782-93. 4 v. in 2. — Commentatio chemico-medica de sulphure minerali. Jenae,1763. 28 p. BUCHOLZ, Christian Friedrich, 1770-1818. Taschenbuch fiir Aerzte, Physici und Apotheker. 2. ed. Altona, 1796. 168 p. BUC'HOZ, Pierre Joseph, 1731-1807. L'art alimentaire. Paris, 1783. 352 p. — Choix des meilleurs medicamens. Paris, 1784. 375 p. [ — ] Dictionnaire des eaux minerales. Paris, 1775. 2 v. — Dictionnaire universel des plantes, arbres et arbustes de la France. Paris, 1770-71. 4 v. — Dissertation sur le cacao. Paris, 1787. 60 p. — Dissertation sur le cafe. Paris, 1787. 91 p. — Dissertation sur le tabac. Paris, 1787. 47 p. — Dissertation sur le the. Paris, 1787. 65 p. — Dissertations sur l'utilite & les bons effets du tabac, du cafe, du cacao et du the. Liege, 1789. 4 pts. in 1 v. — Herbier colorie de l'Amerique. Paris, 1783. [ 1 ] p. [ 100] plates. [ — ] Histoire des insectes nuisibles a 1'homme. Paris, 1781. 342 p. [ —] Laboratoire de flore; ou, Chymie champetre vege- tale. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1773. 384 p. — Manuel alimentaire des plantes. Paris, 1771. 663 p. — Manuel cosmetique et odoriferant des plantes. Paris, An VIII (1800) 288 p. Imperfect: p. 119-122 in photocopy. — Manuel de medecine pratique. Paris, 1771. 496 p. — Manuel tabacal et stemutatoire des plantes. Paris, An VIII (1800) 102 p. — Medecine des animaux domestiques. 2. ed. Paris, 1785- 87. 2 v. in 1. Vol. 2 without ed. statement. — Medecine rurale et pratique. Paris, 1768. 426 p. — Medecine vegetalc Yverdon, 1770. 447 p. [BUCKLER, Benjamin] 1718-1780. Oinos krithinos. A dissertation concerning . . . barley wine. Oxford, 1750. 38 p. Also ascribed to Samuel Rolleston. [ — ] A philosophical dialogue concerning decency. Lon- don, 1751. 47 p. Also ascribed to Samuel Rolleston. BUCQUET, Jean Baptiste Michel, 1746-1780. Memoire sur la maniere dont les animaux sont affectes par diffe- rens fluides aeriformes, mephitiques. Paris, 1778.93 p. BUCRETIUS, Daniel, d. 1631. See Casserio, G. BUDAEUS, Gottlieb, 1664-1734. Consilium medicum von der Krampf-Sucht. Budissin, 1717. 96 p. — Consilium medicum, wie Man . . . wegen der . . . Pesti- lentz. . . sich verhalten . . . konne. Budissin, 1714.80 p. — Miscellanea medico-chirurgica, practica et forensia. Leipzig, 1732-37. 7 v. in 1. Text in German. BUCHNER, Andreas Elias, 1701-1769. Abhandlung von einer besondem und leichten Art Taube horend zu machen. Halle, 1759-60. 2 v. in 1. Vol. 2 has title: Besondere Abhandlungen. — Fundamenta materiae medicae. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1754. 736 p. — ed. Miscellanea physico-medico-mathematica. See under title. — Syllabus materiae medicae selectioris. Halae Magde- burgicae, 1755. 101 p. BUCKING, Johann Jakob Heinrich, b. 1749. Der gutar- _ tige Carbunkel. Stendal, 1786. 64 p. — Medicinische und physikalische Erklarung deutscher Yr~ Sprichworter. Stendal, 1797. 560 p. BUNEMANN, August Rudolf Jesaias, 1716-1774. Epistola gratulatoria de servo apud Romanos medico. Halae Vened. |1735] 15 p. BUENO, Cosme, 1711-1798. El conocimiento de los __ tiempos, efemeride del ano de 1794. [Lima, 1793?] [64] p. BURCKNER, Christian Gottlieb. De aere vectorc [Ge- " rae, 1768]112] p. BURING, Johann. Neue und sichere Einleitung zu der y Artzney-Kunst. Franckfurt, 1711. 96 p. BUSCH, Paul Heinrich, 1755 or 6-1837. Verhaltungs- regeln fiir Schwangere, Gebarende und Wochnerinnen. 2. Aufl. Hamburg, 1782. 126 p. ____ BUTTNER, Christoph Gottlieb, 1708-1776. Anatomische Anmerckung . . . dass ein Kind, mit dem aus der Brust gewachsenen . . . Hertz . . . leben konne. Konigsberg, 1747. 32 p. — Anatomische Anmerckungen bey einem mit auswarts- hangendem Herzen lebendig gebornen Kinde. Konigs- berg, 1752. 64 p. — Anvveisung fiir angehende Arzeneybeflissene, worauf sie bey Ausstellung eines Obductions-Attestes . . . zu geben haben. Konigsberg, 1768. 64 p. — Aufrichtiger Unterricht von der Todtlichkeit der Wun- den. 2. Ausg. Konigsberg, 1776. 305 p. 70 BURGGRAVE — Beschreibung des innern Wasserkopfs und des ganzen Beindorpers. Konigsberg, 1773. 36 p. — In vielen Jahren gesammlete anatomische Wahrneh- mungen. Konigsberg, 1768. 208 p. -----Konigsberg, 1769. 208 p. — Sechs seltene anatomisch-chirurgische Wahrnehmun- gen. Konigsberg, 1774. 76 p. — Vollstandige Anweisung wie durch anzustellende Be- sichtigungen ein verubter Kindermord auszumitteln sey. Konigsberg, 1771. 137, 242 p. BUFFON, Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de, 1707-1788. Genie de M. de Buffon. Paris, 1778. 360 p. - Histoire naturelle. Paris, 1749-1804. 44 v. — Histoire naturelle des mineraux. Deux-Ponts, 1790.9 v. Incomplete: v. 6-7 wanting. — Natural history. Containing a theory of the earth . . . &c. London, 1797. 10 v. At head of title: Barr's Buffon. — Natural history, general and particular. 3d ed. London, 1791.9v. — The natural history of birds. London, 1793. 9 v. — The natural history of the horse. London, 1762.340 p. BUIZEN, Henricus. See Buyzen, Henricus. BULDRINI, Giambattista. De tuenda nobilium valetu- dinc Bononiae, 1792. 100 p. — Saggio sopra la salute e conservazione dei comodi cittadini. 2. ed. Bologna, 1797. 93 p. BULLIARD, Pierre, 1752-1793. Dictionnaire elementaire de botanique. Paris, 1783. 242 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, An VI (1797) 242 p. -----Paris, An VII [1798/99] 228 p. — Flora Parisiensis. [Paris, 1776] 4 p. Prospectus. — Histoire des plantes veneneuses. Paris, 1784. 177 p. -----2. ed. Paris, An VI (1798) 398 p. BUMALDI, Giovanni Antonio, pseud. See Montalbani, Ovidio, 1601-1671. BUNIVA, Michele Francesco, 1761-1834. Memorie . . . intorno alle providenze emanate dagli. . . magistrati di sanita . . . di Berna contro la corrente epizoozia nelle bovine. Torino, 1797. 240 p. — [Theses] Ut in amplissimum Medicorum collegium cooptaretur publice disputabat. [Augustae Taurino- rum, 1788] 332 p. BUNO, Georg Wilhelm. Medicus philoscepus, oder . . . Policey- Hauss- und Kleider-Ordnung. Celle, 1720.199 p. BUNON, Robert, 1702-1748. Dissertation sur . . . les maux de dents qui surviennent aux femmes grosses. Paris, 1741. 20 p. — Essay sur les maladies des dents. Paris, 1743. 237 p. — Experiences et demonstrations. Paris, 1746. 410 p. [BUONAFEDE, Appiano] 1716-1793. Istoria critica e filosofica del suicidio ragionato di Agatopisto Croma- ziano. Lucca, 1761. 289 p. BUONANNI, Michele. Rapporto [I-III ] delle osservazioni occorse nell'innesto del vaiuolo. Napoli, 1773-78. 3 v. in 1. BUONFIGLI, Onofrio. De plica Polonica. Vratislaviae, 1712. 34 p. — Dissertationes. [Cracoviae, 1720) 3 pts. (unpaged) in 1 v. Each pt. has special t.p.; pt. 1: Plica Polonica; pt. 2: De peste; pt. 3: De abusu in cura putridarum . . . febrium. BURCHARD, Christoph Martin, 1680-1742. Meditationes de principio movente primo in animatis. Rostochii [1726J68 p. BURCHARD, Ernst Friedrich. Ad solemne iter . . . invitat atque de terra coemiterii B. Gerthrudae disserit. Ros- tochii, 1797.[8] p. BURDACH, Karl Friedrich, 1776-1847. Apoplexiae per epilepsiam solutae observatio. Lipsiae, 1798. 16 p. — Asklepiades und John Brown. Leipzig, 1800. 170 p. BURDIN, Jean, d. 1835. See Moreau de La Sarthe, J. L. BURDON, Henry. The fountain of health; or, A view of nature. London, 1734. 67 p. [BURDON, William] The gentleman's pocket-farrier; shewing how to use your horse on a journey. London,- 1788.35 p. — The gentleman's pocket-farrier, with large additions and remarks, by Henry Bracken. 3d ed. London, 1735. 76 p. Bracken's "Remarks" are printed as footnotes to Burdon's text. -----4th ed. London, 1737. 76 p. BURE, Guillame de. See Debure, Guillame, 1734-1820. BUREAU, James. An essay on the erysipelas. London, 1777. 32 p. BURETTE, Pierre Jean, 1665-1747. Catalogue de la bibliotheque. Paris, 1748. 3 v. in 2. BURGES, James. An account of the preparation and management necessary to inoculation. London, 1754. 44 p. BURGGRAVE, Johann Philipp, 1673-1746. Iatrice omi- num lethique curiosa; sive, De morte, ejusque praesen- sione. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1706. 136 p. — Libitina ovans fatis hygieae. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1701. 96 p. BURGGRAVE, Johann Philipp, 1700-1775. De aere, aquis & locis urbis Francofurtanae ad Moenum. Fran- cofurti ad Moenum, 1751. 180 p. — De existentia spirituum nervosorum. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1725. 93 p. 71 BURGGRAVE — Spiritus nervosus immerens exul. . . restitutus. Franco- furti ad Moenum, 1729. 75 p. BURGHART, Gottfried Heinrich, 1705-1776, ed. Medi- corum Silesiacorum satyrac Wratislaviae, 1736-42. 8 v. in 1. — Zum allgemeinen Gebrauch wohleingerichtete De- stillier-Kunst. Bresslau, 1736. 402 p. BURGHEIM, Salomo Hirsch. See Hirsch-Burgheim, Salo- mon. BURGHESIUS, Caesar. See Borghesi, Cesar. BURGHESIUS, Julius Joseph. See Borghese, Giulio Giu- seppe. BURGMANN, Peter Christoph. Ad . . . Laurentium Heiste- rum . . . dissertatio epistolica. De singulari tunicarum utriusque oculi expansione. Rostochii, 1729. 30 p. BURGUNDY. Laws, statutes, etc. Ordonnance de Mgr. 1'Intendant du Comte de Bourgogne, pour l'etablis- sement d'un cours gratuit d'accouchemens a Besancon. [Besancon, 1777] 6 p. BURMAN, Pieter, 1668-1741, ed. Poetae Latini minores. Leidae, 1731. 2 v. — Somnium, sive iter in Arcadiam novam. [Trajecti ad Rhenum? 1710] [39] p. BURNET, Sir Thomas, 16327-1715? Geist Hippokrat's. See Hippocrates. Selections and adaptations. — Hippocrates contractus. See Hippocrates. Selections and adaptations. — Thesaurus medicinae practicac Ed. noviss. Lugduni, 1702. 1012 p. -----Ed. noviss. Venetiis, 1733. 690, 105 p. Pt. 2 has title: Hippocrates contractus. BURNS, John, 1774-1850. The anatomy of the gravid uterus. Glasgow, 1799. 248 p. — Dissertations on inflammation. Glasgow, 1800. 2 v. [BURRIDGE, Richard ] Hell in an uproar. A satyr. London, 1750. 22 p. BURROWS, John. A dissertation on the nature and effects of a new vegetable remedy. 3d ed. London, 1780.75 p. — A new practical essay on cancers. London, 1767.76 p. BURSCOUGH, William, 16767-1755. The Apostolical decree. See under title. BURSERIUS DE KANILFELD, Joannes Baptist. See Bor- sieri de Kanilfeld, Giambattista, 1725-1785. BURTON, John, 1710-1771. An essay towards a complete new system of midwifery. London, 1751. 391 p. — A letter to William Smellie. London, 1753. 250 p. — A new and complete system of midwifry. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1758. 391 p. — Systeme nouveau et complet de l'art des accouche- ments. Paris, 1771-73. 2 v. — A treatise on the non-naturals. York, 1738. 367 p. [BURTON, William] 17037-1750. An account of the life and writings of Herman Boerhaave. London, 1743.226 p. -----2d ed. London, 1746. 226 p. BUSCH, Jean Jacob. Recherches sur la nature et le traite- ment de la phthisie pulmonaire. Strasbourg, An IX (1800)144 p. BUSSIERE DE LAMURE, Francois Bourguignon de. See Lamure, Francois Bourguignon de Bussiere de, 1717- 1787. BUSTOS, Diego Perez de. See Perez de Bustos, Diego, 17th cent. BUTINI, Jean Antoine, 1723-1810. Afhandling om de ved indpropningen tilbragte bome-kopper. Kiefoenhavn, 1753. 60 p. — Traite de la petite verole, communiquee par l'inocula- tion. Paris, 1752. 91 p. BUTINI, Pierre, 1759-1838. Nouvelles observations et recherches analytiques sur la magnesie du sel d'epsom. Geneve, 1781. 263 p. BUTLER, John, 1717-1802. A sermon preached ... on occasion of the anniversary meeting of the trustees of the Public Infirmary in James-street, Westminster. Lon- don, 1754. 30 p. Imperfect: p. 21-30 wanting. BUTLER, Richard. An essay concerning blood-letting. London, 1734. 148 p. BUTLER, Thomas. A safe, easy, and expeditious method of procuring any quantity of fresh water at sea. London, 1755. 43 p. [BUTLER, Weeden] 1742-1823. The Cheltenham guide, or useful companion, in journey of health and pleasure. London, 1781. 110 p. BUTT ATS, Frants. Ueber den Phosphor als Arzney- mittel. Gottingen, 1800. 116 p. BUTTER, William, 1726-1805. Abhandlung von dem Keichhusten. Stendal, 1782. 176 p. — An account of puerperal fevers. London, 1775. 124 p. — An improved method of opening the temporal artery. London,1783. 213 p. — A treatise on the disease commonly called angina pec- toris. London, 1791. 62 p. — A treatise on the infantile remittent fever. London, 1782. 50 p. — A treatise on the kinkcough. London, 1773. 206 p. — A treatise on the venereal rose. [London) 1799. 78 p. BUTTINONI, Giovanni Maria Giuseppe Bicetti de'. See Bicetti de' Buttinoni, Giovanni Maria Giuseppe, 1708- 1778. BUXTORF, Johann. Theses anatomicae. Basileae [ 1731 ] 72 CADOGAN 8 p. — Theses anatomico-botanicac Basileae [1733] 8 p. BUXTORF, Johann Ludwig. Cura valetudinis religioso- rum. Basileae, 1768. 44 p. -----Ed. 2. Basileae, 1770. 110 p. — Dissertatio medica de curatione morborum individuali. Basileae [1777] 16 p. — Die Pflege der Gesundheit beym Gebrauche eines Gesund-Brunnens. Basel, 1772. 75 p. BUXTORF, Johann Rudolf. Specimen historicum de magno Hippocrate Coo. Basiliae [1785] 12 p. BUYZEN, Henricus. Practyk der medicine. 2. druk. Haar- lem, 1712. 426 p. -----3. druk. Haarlem, 1729. 426 p. — Verhandelinge van de uitwerpingen des menschelyken lighaams. Amsterdam, 1706. 240 p. -----Rotterdam, 1731. 191 p. CABANIS, Pierre Jean Georges, 1757-1808. Discours. . . sur les inconveniens que presente la salle du Conseil. [Paris, An VI, i.e. 1798] 8 p. — Du degre de certitude de la medecine. Paris, An VI (1798) 144 p. — Journal de la maladie et de la mort d'Honore-Gabriel- Victor Riquetti Mirabeau. Paris, 1791. 66 p. — Rapport. . . sur 1'organisation des ecoles de medecine. [Paris, An VII, i.e. 1798] 27 p. CAB ANNE, chirurgien en chef. See Hopital militaire, Grenoble. CABRERA Y QUINTERO, Cayetano, d. 1775. Escudo de armas de Mexico: celestial proteccion de esta nobi- lissima ciudad, de la Nueva-Espana ... en la angustia que ocasiono la pestilencia. Mexico, 1746. 522 p. CACCIALUPI, Luigi. De halituum vaporum suffituum- que in morbis respirationis organa obsidentibus usu ac praestantia. Ticini, 1795. 207 p. CACCIUTTOLO, Domenico. Lettera sulla costituzione epidemica accaduta nell'isola di Procida. [n.p., 1787?] HOp. CACHERANO, Giuseppe Francesco Maria, 1736-1809. De' mezzi per introdurre ed assicurare stabilmente la coltivazione e la popolazione neH'agro romano. Roma, 1785. 406 p. CADET DE GASSICOURT, Louis Claude, 1731-1799. BUZAGLO, Abraham. A treatise on the gout. London, 1778. 55 p. -----3d ed. London, 1778. 70 p. BUZZEGOLI, Alberto Giuseppe. Dell'acqua marziale di Rio nell'isola dell'Elba. Firenze, 1762. 259 p. BUZZI, Francesco. Dissertazione storico-anatomica sop- ra una varieta particolare d'uomini bianchi eliofobi. Milano, 1784. 26 p. BYFIELD, Timothy. The devil and the doctor. London, 1719.Ill p. A reissue of the anonymous Mandragora; or, The quacks, purporting to be by Byfield. — A letter to . . . Dr. Woodward. See Freind, J. [ — ] Mandragora; or, The quacks: a poem. London, 1717. Ill p. [BYRD, William] 1674-1744. A discourse concerning the plague, with some preservatives against it. London, 1721. 40 p. Analyse des eaux minerales de M. de Calsabigi. [Paris? 1755?]37 p. — Catalogue des remedes dont on peut s'approvisionner pour avoir une cassette de pharmacie bien fournic Paris, 1765. 72 p. CADET DE VAUX, Antoine Alexis, 1743-1828. Avis sur les moyens de diminuer 1'insalubrite des habitations qui ont etc exposees aux inondations. Paris, 1784. 16 p. — See also Laborie, L. G. CADIZ. See Sociedad Medica Gaditana. CADOGAN, William, 1711-1797. Afhandling om gikt, och alia chroniska sjukdomar. Stockholm, 1783. 96 p. -----3. upl. Stockholm, 1785. 96 p. — A dissertaion on the gout, and all chronic diseases. London, 1771. 88 p. -----Dublin, 1771. 102 p. -----3d ed. London, 1771. 99 p. -----5th ed. London, 1771. 100 p. -----6th ed. London, 1771. 100 p. -----7th ed. London, 1771. 100 p. -----8th ed. London, 1771. 100 p. -----10th ed. London, 1772. 100 p. -----10th ed. Boston, 1772. 49 p. -----10th ed. Boston, 1772. 76 p. Half title and last leaf in photocopy. -----Philadelphia, 1772. 50 p. -----Hth ed. London, 1772. 100 p. c 73 CADOGAN ----Providence, 1785. 59 p. | — ] An essay upon nursing, and the management of child- ren. London, 1748. 34 p. -----4th ed. London, 1750. 38 p. -----5th ed. London, 1752. 43 p. -----6th ed. London, 1753. 43 p. -----9th ed. London, 1769. 45 (i.e. 53) p. -----10th ed. London, 1772. 53 p. -----5th ed. Philadelphia, 1773. 36 p. — Oratio anniversaria ... ex Harvaei institute Londini, 1764. 23 p. — Traite de la goutte, et de toutes les maladies chroniques. Paris, 1773. 168 p. — Uber das Saugen und Verpflegen der Kinder. Miinster, 1782. 52 (i.e. 53) p. — Verhandeling over de jigt en alle andere slepende ziekten. Rotterdam, 1772. 108 p. CADWALADER, Thomas, 1707 or 8-1779. An essay on the West-India dry-gripes. Philadelphia, 1745. 42 p. CADWALLADER, Jonathan. The physicians out-done; or, The gout curable. London [17—] 16 p. CAELIUS AURELIANUS. See Aurelianus, Caelius. CAELS, Theodoric Pierre, 1739-1819. De Belgii plantis qualitate quadam hominibus caeterisve animalibus nociva seu venenata praeditis. Bruxellis, 1774. 66 p. — Ratio occurendi morbis a mineralium abusu produci solitis. Amstelodami, 1781. 117 p. -----Romae, 1783. 134 p. -----Ed. 2. Basileae, 1786. 84 p. — Remarques.. . sur ... La nature medecin par... Vanas- broeck. Bruxelles, An V (1797) 10 p. CAESAR, Karl Adolf, 1744-1810. Ad orationem memo- riae Joannis Augusti Ernesti. . . invitat. . . Inest explicatio dicti: homo sibi ipse phaenomenon. [Lipsiae, 1799) xii p. CAGNACCI, Pietro. Memorie chirurgiche singolarmente appartenenti all'ostetricia. Arezzo, 1791. 128 p. CAILLER DES BARBALIERES, Pierre. Hyeronimo Bignon . . . has medicinae theses . . . D. D. D. Rupellae [1729[ 10 p. CAILLETEL, Etienne. Quaestio medica ... An aquae potus prophylacticum hydropis remedium? [Cadomi, 1744|7 p. [CAILLOT) Lettre sur les nouveaux bains medicinaux. Paris, 1752. 84 p. CAILUS, de. See Quelus, D. de. CAIRO. See Institut d'Egypte (1798-1801) CAIUS, John, 1510-1573. De canibus Britannicis. Londini, 1729. 249 p. — De ephemera Britannica. Londini, 1721. 133 p. CALDANI, Floriano, 1772-1836. Osservazioni sulla mem- brana del timpano. Padova, 1794. 198 p. — Riflessioni sopra alcuni punti di un nuovo sistema vasi assorbenti. Padova, 1792. 182 p. CALDANI, Leopoldo Marco Antonio, 1725-1813. Com mentationes academicae medicinales praesertim ana- tomiam spectantes. Fasc. 1. Gottingae, 1799. 66 p. — Congetture intorno alle cagioni del vario colore degh Africani. [n.p., 1799?] 15 p. — Dialoghi di fisiologia e patologia. Padova, 1778. 2 v. in 1. — Innesto felice di vajuolo instituito e descritto. Padova, 1768. liv p. — Institutiones anatomicae. Venetiis, 1791. 4 pts. in 2 v. — Institutiones pathologicac Patavii, 1772. 314 p. -----Ed. 2. Patavii, 1776. 343 p. -----Ed. 3. Italica. Venetiis, 1786. 280 p. -----Ed. 1. Neapolitana. Neapoli, 1787. 432 p. — Institutiones physiologicae. Patavii, 1773. 477 p. -----Ed. 2. Patavii, 1778. 471 p. -----Ed. noviss. Lipsiae, 1785. 385 p. -----Ed. 3. Italica. Venetiis, 1786. 372 p. -----Ed. 1. Neapolitana. Neapoli, 1787. 2 v. — Instituzioni di fisiologia, e patologia ridotte a dialoghi. 2. ed. Padova, 1793. 2 v. — Riflessioni fisiologiche . . . sopra due dissertazioni del signor Claudio Nicola Le Cat. Venezia, 1767. 283 p. CALDWELL, Charles, 1772-1853. An eulogium to the memory of Dr. Samuel Cooper. Philadelphia, 1799.48 p. — A semi-annual oration, on the origin of pestilential diseases. Philadelphia, 1799. 59 p. CALLENFELS, Godefridus Wilhelmus, 1755-1822. Ver handelingen over de waare oorzaaken en kenteekenen, van de najaars-koortsen. Middelburg, 1783. 312 p. CALLISEN, Henrich, 1740-1824. Abhandlung iiber die Mittel, die Seefahrenden . .. gesund zu erhalten. Copen- hagen, 1778.86 p. — Einleitungssatze in die Chirurgie unserer Zeit. Frank- furt, 1783-84. 2 v. — Grundsatze der heutigen Chrirugic 2. Aufl. Wien, 1786-92. 3 v. Vol. 3, without ed. statement, has title: Zusatze zu seinen Grundsatzen. — Principia systematis chirurgiae hodiernac Hafniae, 1788-90. 2 v. — Svar efter letfte . . . i anledning af min erklaering til mine medborgerc Kitfbenhavn, 1785. 30 p. — System der neuern Wundarzneykunst. Kopenhagen 1788-91. 2 v. — Systema chirurgiae hodiernac Ed. nova. Hafniae 1798-1800. 2 v. — Til mine medborgerc Kiobenhavn, 1785. 29 p. CALLOT, Francois Joseph, 1690-1773. Discours pour l'assemblee du Bureau des pauvres. Luneville, 172Q 74 CAMPER 20 p. - L'idee et le triomphe de la vraie medecine. Commercy, 1742. 163 p. - Le triomphe de la medecine. Nancy, 1742. 163 p. CALLOUD, Enrico. Lettera . . . intorno ad una contro- versia riguardante la vaginale del testicolo. Parma [1789]21 p. CALMET, Augustin, 1672-1757. Dissertations sur les apparitions des anges, des demons & des esprits. Paris, 1746. 500 p. — Dissertations sur les apparitions des esprits. Nouv. ed. Einsidlen, 1749. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. — Traite historique des eaux. See Durand, L. — Traite sur les apparitions des esprits. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1751.2v. CALURI, Francesco. Dell'innestare il vajuolo. Siena, 1760. 48 p. CALVI, Giovanni, 17217-1780? De medicamentis pro nosocomiorum levamine moderandis. Ed. 2. Pisis, 1763. 52 p. — ed. Raccolta di osservazioni, e ragionamenti teologici e medici sopra la necessita dell'innesto del vajolo. Pisa, 1766.114 p. By G. L. Berti and others. — ed. Tre consulti, fatti in difesa dell'innesto del vaiuolo. Milano, 1762. 132 p. By. G. L. Berti and others. -----Ed. 2. Pisa, 1763. 114 p. CALVO, Juan, fl. 1568-ca. 1580. Primeraysegunda parte de la cirugia universal. Valencia, 1703. 590 p. CALVO, Paolo Bernardo. Chirurgia teorico-pratica. To- rino, 1712. 505 p. CALVOLI, Giovanni Cinelli. See Cinelli Calvoli, Giovan- ni, 1625-1706. CAM, Joseph. A miscellaneous essay on the rheumatism, gout, and stone. London, 1722. 55 p. — A practical treatise: or, second thoughts on the con- sequences of the venereal disease. London, 1724.90 p. -----2d ed. London [1724?] 114, 56 p. Pt. 2 has title: The practice of salivating vindicated. London, 1724. -----3d ed. London, 1729. 160 p. -----4th ed. London, 1729. 160 p. [ —] The practice of salivating vindicated. London, 1724. 56 p. Also issued with his A practical treatise. 2d ed. — A rational and useful account of the venereal disease. 7th ed. London [172-?] 74 p. — A short account of the venereal disease. London, 1717. 52 p. CAMBON, de. Eloge historique de Jean Baseilhac, dit Frere Come. Paris, 1781. 31 p. — Lettre a Monsieur de Branvilla . . . sur trois operations de la symphyse. Mons, 1780. 25 p. CAMBRIDGE, Eng See Addenbrooke's Hospital. CAMBRY, Jacques, 1749-1807. Rapport sur les sepul- tures. Paris, An VII [ 1799] 83 p. CAMERARIUS, Elias, 1673-1734. Eclecticae medicinae ac physicae specimina quaedam miscellanea. Franco- furti, 1713. 359 p. — Kurtze Anmerckungen von ansteckenden Kranck- heiten. Tubingen, 1712. 64 p. — Systema cautelarum medicarum. Francofurti ad Moe- num, 1721. 656 p. CAMETTI, Ottaviano, 1711-1789. Ragionamento sopra la selva contigua alia citta di Pisa detta la fagianaja. Pisa, 1762. 44 p. CAMPAILLA, Tommaso, 1668-1740. Del moto degli ani- mali. Palermo, 1710. 273 p. CAMPANI, Antonio, b. 1738. Odontologia. Firenze, 1786. 283 p. CAMPBELL, David. Beobachtungen iiber den Typhus. Altenburg, 1788. 160 p. — Observations on the typhus. Lancaster, 1785. 128 p. CAMPBELL, Duncan, 16807-1730. Secret memoirs. Lon- don, 1732. 239 p. Sometimes attributed to Daniel Defoe. CAMPBELL, J. A letter . . . occasion'd by the case of. . . Thomas Winington. London, 1746. 42 (i.e. 24) p. CAMPDOMERCUS, Johannes Jacobus, fl. 1693-1696. Epistola anatomica . . . De glandulis, fibris, cellulisque lienalibus, &c. Amstelaedami, 1714. 12 p. -----Amstelaedami, 1725. 10 p. CAMPER, Adriaan Gilles, 1759-1820. Levens-schets van Petrus Camper. Leeuwarden, 1791. 51 p. CAMPER, Petrus, 1722-1820. Aanmerkingen over de inentinge der kinderziekte. Leeuwarden, 1770. 163 p. — Aanmerkingen over de veranderingen, welke de stee- nen in de pisblaas der menschen ondergaan. Amster- dam, 1782. 203 p. — Abhandlung von den Kennzeichen des Lebens und des Todes bey neugebornen Kindem. Frankfurt, 1777.152 p. — ed. Abhandlungen des Hippokrates, C. Celsus und Pauls von Aegina iiber die Fisteln und Vorfalle des Afters. Verm. Ausg. Leipzig, 1781. 110 p. — Les avantages de l'inoculation. Toulouse [ 177-7] 81 p. — Betrachtungen iiber einige Gegenstande aus der Ge- burtshulfe. Leipzig, 1777. 116, 80 p. — Brief.. . [aan de uitgeevers des Hedendaagsche vader- landsche letter-oeffeningen] [Franeker, 1775] 12 p. — Brief.. . aan den heere David van Gesscher. [Gronin- 75 CAMPER gen, 1771] 30 p. — Brief. . . aan . . . Jan de Reus. Leeuwarden, 1767.14 p. — Brief . . . over het steensnyden in twee reizen. [n.p., 1777]9 p. — Demonstrationum anatomico-pathologicarum liber primus [etsecundus] Amstelaedami, 1760-62.2v. in 1. — Discours . . . sur le moyen de representer... les diverses passions qui se manifestent sur le visage. Utrecht, 1792. 107 p. — Dissertatio de emolumentis, et optima methodo insitio- nis variolarum. Groningae, 1774. 248 p. -----Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1789. 248 p. — Dissertatio de fractura patellae et olecrani. Hagae Comitum, 1789. 75 p. — Dissertation physique . . . sur les differences reeles que presentent les traits du visage. Utrecht, 1791. 114 p. — Dissertation sur la meilleure forme des souliers. [n.p., 1781] 80 p. — Dissertation sur les varietes naturelles qui caracterisent la physionomie des hommes. Paris, 1791. 168 p. — Dissertationes decern. Lingae, 1798-1800. 2 v. — Epistola ad anatomicorum principem magnum Albinum. Groningae, 1767. 29 p. — Gedagten . . . over de misdaad van kindermoord. Leeu- warden, 1774. 66 p. — Gerechtelyke en ontleedkundige verhandeling over de tekenen van leven, en dood in nieuwgeborene kin- deren. Leeuwarden, 1774. 129 p. — Lessen over de thans zweevende veesterfte. Leeu- warden, 1769. 110 p. — Naturgeschichte des Orang-Utang. Diisseldorf, 1791. 224 p. — Observationes circa mutationes quas subeunt calculi in vesica. Pestini, 1784. [40] p. — Oratio de analogia inter animalia et stirpes. Gronin- gae, 1764. 56 p. — Oratio inaugurahs de certo in medicina. Amstelae- dami, 1758. 34 p. — Pars bibliothecae Camperianae. Lugduni Batavorum [1790] 66 p. — Redenvoeringen. Utrecht, 1792. 95 p. — Sammtliche kleinere Schriften die Arzney-Wundarz- neykunst und Naturgeschichte betreffend. Leipzig, 1782-90. 3 v. (6 pts.) in 1. Incomplete: v. 3, pt. 2 wanting. Each pt. has special t.p. — Tweede brief . . . aan . . . Jan de Reus. Leeuwarden, 1767. 12 p. — Ueber das Anstecken der Viehseuche. Greifswald, 1783. 122 p. — Uber den naturlichen Unterschied der Gesichtszuge in Menschen. Berlin, 1792. 77 p. — Verhaal van de konstbewerking, en den gelukkigen uitslag, der doorsnede van de schaambeenderen. [n.p., 1784?]23 p. — Verhandeling over het bestuur van kinderen. Amstel- dam, 1800. 114 p. — Verhandeling . .. over het natuurlijk verschil der wezen- strekken in menschen. Utrecht, 1791. 108 p. — ed. and tr. De verhandelingen van Hippocrates, C. Celsus, en Paulus Aegineta, over de pypzweeren, en uitzakkingen van den aars. Amsterdam, 1778. Ill p. — Vorlesungen . . . iiber den Ausdruck der verschiedenen Leidenschaften durch die Gesichtszuge. Berlin, 1793. 87 p. — The works ... on the connexion between . . . anatomy and the arts. London, 1794. 175 p. CAMPILLO, Francisco Salva y. See Salva y Campillo, Francisco, 1751-1828. CAMPO, Angelo Tomas de Elizondo y del. See Elizondo y del Campo, Angelo Tomas de. [CAMPOMANES, Pedro Rodriguez, conde de] 1723- 1803. Discurso sobre el fometo de la industria popular. Madrid, 1774. cxcviii p. [CAMUSAT, Denis Francois] 1695-1732. Critique de la charlataneric See under title. A CANDID enquiry into the merits. See Shebbeare, J. CANDOLLE, Augustin Pyramus de, 1778-1841. See De- lessert, B. CANEFRI, Cesare Niccolo, 1752-1800. Analisi della Di- chiarazione del signor dottor Covercelli. [Genova, 1790?][4] p. — Dissertazione sulla legatura del cordone ombilicale. Genova, 1781. 24 p. — Esame della Lettera del sig. dottor Covercelli intorno la Storia della malattia del signor Giovanni David. [Genova, 17907] viii p. — Storia della malattia del pittore sig. Giovanni David. [Genova, 1790] 7 p. [CANELLA, Benigno] Analisi delle osservazioni salva- doriane sul morbo tisico. Mantova, 1791. 100 p. CANEPARI, Pietro Maria. De atramentis cujuscunque generis. Roterodami, 1718. 502 p. CANESTRI, Alessandro. Risposta . . . alle osservazioni apologetiche critiche del signor dottore Cartenio Fidau- ri. Firenze, 1754. 34 p. CANET Y PONS, Jose. Quaestiones medicae tres . . . pro cathedra institutionum medicorum minus antiqua. Cer- variae Lacetanorum [1784] [8] p. - Quaestiones medicae tres ... pro cathedra materiae medicae. Cervariae Lacetanorum [1784] [8] p. CANEVESE, Pietro Francesco. See II grande marescalco francese. CANGIAMILA, Francesco Emmanuele, 1702-1763. A- brege de l'embryologie sacrec Paris, 1762. 428 p. 76 CARAVAGGI ------Par M. l'abbe Dinouart. 2 ed. Paris, 1766. 596 p. Ed. and trans, by J. A. T. Dinouart. ------2. ed. Paris, 1774. 592 p. ------Nouv. ed. Paris, 1775. 596 p. — Embriologia sacra, overo dell'uffizio de' sacerdoti, medici, e superiori, circa 1'eterna salute de' bambini racchiusi nell'utero. Palermo, 1745. 326 p. ------Milano, 1751. 319 p. — Embriologia sagrada. Madrid, 1774. 2 v. ------2. ed. Madrid, 1785. 474 p. — Embryologia sacra. Panormi, 1758. 358 p. -----Venetiis, 1763. 260 p. — Kort begryp van de embryologia sacra. Antwerpen, 1780. 170 p. — Sacra embryologia. Ed. 1. in Germania. Monachii, 1764. 580 p. CANIVELL, Francisco. Tratado de las heridas de armas de fuego. Cadiz, 1789. 156 p. — Tratado de vendages, y apositos. Barcelona, 1763. 144 p. -----Madrid, 1785. 144 p. ------2. ed. Madrid, 1786. 155 p. -----Madrid, 1796. 146 p. CANNETI, Pierfrancesco, d. 1750. Dell'uso, e dell'abuso delle acque minerali di Recoaro. Venezia, 1749. xxvi p. CANT, Arent, 1695-1723. Domino D. Petro Cant, patri suo, hocce suae artis specimen, debitae in observantiae signum D. D. D. [3] p. col. plate. — Impetus primi anatomici ex lustratis cadaveribus nati. Lugduni Batavorum, 1721. 28 p. CANTABRO, Michael Zabala. See Zabala, Michael. CANTARELLA, Giacomo Zappala. See Zappala Canta- rella, Giacomo. CANTERA, Sebastiano. Saggio su le malattie di quest'an- no 1764. Napoli, 1764. 74, 33, 47 p. Pt. 3 has title: Metodo da seguirsi nella cura di varie infermi- ta epidemiche . . . Del signor Boyer. CANTWELL, Andrew, d. 1764. Dissertation sur l'inocula- tion pour servire de reponse a celle de M. de La Conda- minc Paris, 1755. 82 p. — Quaestiones medicae duodecim. Monspelii, 1732.28 p. — Tableau de la petite verole. Paris, 1758. 445 p. CANVANE, Peter, 1720-1786. A dissertaion on the oleum palmae Christi. Bath [17667] 88 p. ------2d ed. London, 1769. 88 p. ------3d ed. London, 1775. 88 p. — Dissertation sur l'huile de palma Christi. Londres, 1777. 129 p. CANZ, Gottlieb Eberhard Friedrich, b. 1767. Beschrei- bung einer Schleim- Faul- und Nervenfieber-Epidemic Tubingen, 1795. 110 p. CAPELLO, Giovanni Battista, d. 1763. Lessico farmaceu- tico-chimico. 4. impres. Venezia, 1745. 472 p. ------6. impres. Venezia, 1754. 252 p. ------8. impres. Venezia, 1763. 308 p. ------9. impres. Venezia, 1769. 293 p. ------10. impres. Venezia, 1775. 268 p. ------11. impres. Venezia, 1792. 284 p. CAPELLO, Giovanni Francesco. Epilogo de maravigliosi, & esperimentati antidoti contro la peste. 2. impres. Genova, 1721. 95 p. — Epilogo de maravillosos, y experimentados antidotos contra la peste. Sevilla, 1721. 49 p. CAP-HAITIEN, Haiti. See Cercle des Philadelphes. ICAPIAUMONT, Henri Joseph] 1743-1808. Cours ele- mentaire des accouchemens. Mons, 1775. 341 p. Often attributed to N. F. J. Eloy. CAPOA, Lionardo di. See Di Capoa, Lionardo, 1617-1695. CAPON, John. The new booke of Mr. John Capons wits, dedicated to all witty folkes. [n.p., 17—?] 4 p. CAPPEL, Ludwig Christoph Wilhelm, 1772-1804. Ad audiendam orationem professionis medicinae extra- ordinariae . . . invitat. Gottingae [1800] 32 p. — De pneumonia typhode sive nervosa. Gottingae, 1799. 216 p. CAPPELLINI, Thomas. De obstetriciis ad partum natura- lem conducentibus. Ticini, 1792. 85 p. CAPPONI, Alessandro Gregorio, marchese, 1683-1746. Catalogo della libreria Capponi. Roma, 1747. 476 p. CAPPURI, Antonio. De peculiari cataracta in anterio- rem oculi cameram prolapsa. Bononiae, 1794. 19 p. CAPRESI, Giampaolo. Annotazioni medico-critiche . . . concernente l'uso del bagno tiepido nella cura de' vajuoli. Siena, 1749. 143 p. CAPRILEO, Antonio. Ristretto teorico pratico di tutto cid, che si ricerca per lungamente conservarsi in salute. Venezia, 1732. xv p. CAPTAIN. Capt. Cranstoun's account of the poisoning [of] the late Mr. Francis Blandy. London [1752?] 17 p. [CAPUEEL, Engelbertus] 1642-1733. Enchiridion medi- cum oft medicyn boexken. 3. druck. Antwerpen, 1724. 75, 31, 86 p. [ — [---Den laesten druk. Antwerpen, 1757.78,31,86 p. CAPURRI, Paganino. Istoria delle febbri epidemiche che corsero nella citta di Novi. Milano, 1786. 71 p. CAPUTO, Nicolo. De tarantulae anatome, et morsu. Lycii, 1741. 252 p. CARACTERES des medecins. See Limbourg, J. P. de. CARAVAGGI, Felice, d. 1826. Istruzioni medico-pra- tiche ad uso dei chirurghi di campagna. Montefiascone, 1784. 104, 88 p. 77 CARBALLO NUNEZ DE CASTRO CARBALLO NUNEZ DE CASTRO, Jose Ignacio. See Carvallo Nunez de Castro, Jose Ignacio. CARBONAJO, Giovanni. Lettera . . . intorno all'estrazione del feto [Girgenti? 1771?] 155 p. CARBONELL Y BRAVO, Francisco, 1768-1837. Phar- maciae elementa chemiae recentioris fundamentis in- nixa. Barcinone, 1800. 150 p. CARDOSO DE MIRANDA, Joao, d. 1773. Relacao cirur- gica, e medica, na qual se trata, e declara especial- mente hum novo methodo para curar a infeccao escor- butica. Lisboa, 1741. 255 p. -----Lisboa, 1747. 235 p. CARDOSO DE SEQUEIRA, Caspar, 16th-17th cent. Thesouro de prudentes. Lisboa, 1712. 355 p. CARENO, Giovanni Battista. De aeris ingressu in ventri- culum. Mediolani, 1757. 44 p. CARENO, Luigi, 1766-1810, comp. Dissertazioni medico- chirurgico-pratiche estratte dagli atti della R. I. Acca- demia Giosseffina. Vienna, 1790. 222 p. — Observationes de epidemica constitutione anni MDCCLXXXIX in civico nosocomio Viennensi. Vin- dobonae, 1794. 140 p. — Versuch iiber die Art die Kinder beym Wasser zu erziehen. Wien, 1794. 60 p. CAREY Mathew, 1760-1839. Histoire succincte de la fievre maligne qui a regne dernierement a Philadelphic Philadelphie [1794] 102 p. — Eine kurze Nachricht von dem bosartigen Fieber welches kiirzlich in Philadelphia grassiret. [Chestnut Hill] 1794. 176 p. -----Lancaster, 1794. 176 p. — Narrativa della febbre maligna detta febbre gialla che ha ultimamente regnato in Filadelfia. Livorno, 1794. 137 p. — Observations on Dr. Rush's Enquiry. Philadelphia, 1793. 23 p. — comp. Select pamphlets respecting the yellow fever. See under title. — A short account of the malignant fever, lately preva- lent in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1793. 103 p. -----2d ed. Philadelphia, 1793. 103 p. -----3d ed. Philadelphia, 1793. 112, 16 p. -----4th ed. Philadelphia, 1794. 160 p. — ---Another issue. 164 p. -----Another issue. 164 p. Without comma after the word "subject" in the title. -----4th ed. Philadelphia, 1794 [i.e. 1799] 160 p. (Select pamphlets respecting the yellow fever. Philadelphia [1799] no. 1) — A short account of the plague, or malignant fever lately prevalent in Philadelphia. London, 1794. 92 p. CARL. Johann Samuel, 1676-1757. Armen-Apotheckc 7. Aufl. Biidingen, 1764. 254 p. — Decorum medici von denen Machiavellischen Thor- heiten gereiniget. Biidingen, 1719. 174, 14 p. Pt. 2 has half-title: Nosocomiuni academicum; das ist, Pia desiderata von Anrichtung eines Lazareths. — Diaetetica sacra, hoc est disciplina corporis ad sanctimo- niam animae accommodata. Hafniae, 1737.91 (i.e. 5~>) P- — Erfahrungs-Grunde von des Blutlassens wahren Ge- brauch und Missbrauch. Flensburg, 1739. 120 p. -----2. Aufl. Flensburg, 1742. Ill p. — Historia medica pathologico-therapeutica. Hafniae [1737] 2 v. in 1. [ — ] Hygieine lumine revelationis, rationis, experientiae, gratiae, naturae, sensus commendata. [Hafniae] 1740. 112 p. — Ichnographia praxeos clinicac Budingae, 1722. 4 pts. in 1 v. — Medicina aulica in einigen notigen taglich vorkom- menden Betrachtungen . . . betreffend die Gesundheits- Sorge. Altona [etc.] 1740-43. 2 v. in 1. — Medicina pauperum oder Armen-Apotheck. Biidingen, 1719.159 p. — Medicina universalis in Wasser und Massigkeit. Copen- hagen ]17407]40 p. — Medicinische Rathschlage. Biidingen, 1733. 224 p. — Medicinische und moralische Einleitung in die Natur- Ordnung. Halle, 1747. 542 p. — Otia medica dictata contemplationibus philosophicis. Budingae, 1725. 32 p. — Praxeos medicae therapia generalis et specialis. [Ha- lae] 1718. 147 p. — Specimen historiae medicae ex solidae experientiae documentis. Halae, 1719. 304 p. — Therapia dogmatico-clinica ichnographice delineata. Ed. 2. Budingae, 1737. 480 p. — Vom Pest-Engel. [Biidingen, 17211 62 p. — Von der Diaet vor Gesunde und Krancke. 2. Aufl. Biidingen, 1719. 302 p. — Vorstellung von decoro medici. 2. Aufl. Biidingen, 1723. 174,79 p. Pt. 2 has title: Vorstellungen von dreyfacher Einleitung in die Medicin. — Zeugnisse von Medicina morali. Stuck 1. Schaffhausen, 1724. 77 p. [CARLE, Pierre ] 1666-1730. Critique de la charlataneric See under title. CARLI, Giovanni Rinaldo, conte, 1720-1795. Lettera . . . sulla podagra. Udine, 1792. 16 p. — Lettere sulla podagra. Rovereto, 1795. 15 p. CARMICHAEL-SMYTH, James. See Smyth, James Car- michael, 1741-1821. CARMINATI, Bassiano, 1750-1830. De animalium ex mephitibus, et noxiis halitibus interitu. Laude Pompeja 1777. 218 p. 78 CARTHEUSER — Hygiene, terapeutice, et materia medica. Papiae, 1791- 95. 4 v. [ - ] Jacobi Sacchi... In principio theoriae Brunonianae animadversiones. Papiae, 1793. 110 p. - Ricerche sulla natura e sugli usi del suco gastrico. Milano, 1785. 130 p. — Risultati di sperienze, e osservazioni sui vasi sanguigni, e sul sangue. Pavia, 1783. 55 p. CARMINATI, Domenico, d. 1807. Esposizione apologetica sopra un giudizio dato in un caso chirurgico. Venezia, 1792. 50 p. CARMONA Y MARTINEZ, Jose. Methodo racional, y goviemo chyrurgico, para conocer, y curar las enferme- dades exteriores. Madrid, 1732. 185 p. CARNELLI, Antonio. Instruction sur les maladies des gencives et des dents. Aix, 1782. 16 p. — Instruzione sopra le malattie delle gengive, e delli denti. Napoli, 1792. 16 p. Imperfect: trimmed, with some loss of text; last leaf muti- lated. — Projet d'abonnement propose par le sieur Carnelly, dentiste italien, recu maitre-chirurgien-dentiste d'Ami- ens. [Amiens, 17—] [2] p. — Unterricht iiber die Krankheiten der Zahne und des Zahnfleisches. [n.p.] 1800. 45 p. CARO, Vincenzio de. See De Caro, Vincenzio. CARON, Jean Charles Felix, 1745-1824. Dissertation sur l'effet mechanique de Fair dans les poumons. Paris, An VI[1797/98] 71 p. — Memoire sur la couleur du sang. Paris, An VI [1797/ 98]31 p. — Recherches critiques, sur . . . un ouvrage ayant pour titre: De la connexion de la vie, avec la respiration, etc. par Edme Goodwyn. Paris. An VI (1798) 54 p. CARONELLI, Pietro. Saggio sopra l'ospitalita e gli spe- dali. Venezia, 1792. 30 p. CARPI, Jacopo. See Berengario, Jacopo, ca. 1460-1530. CARR, Richard, 1651-1706. Medicinal epistles. London, 1714. 168 p. CARRA, Jean Louis, 1743-1793. Examen physique du magnetisme animal. Londres, 1785. 98 p. CARRADORI, Giovacchino, 1758-1818. Lettera sopra la virtu anti-odontalgica di piii insetti. Prato, 1793. 17 p. — Lettere sopra l'elettricita animate. Firenze, 1793.36 p. CARRERE, Joseph Barthelemy Francois, 1740-1802. Ab- handlung iiber die Eigenschaften . . , des Nachtschattens oder Bitter-Susses. Jena, 1786. 316 p. — Bibliotheque litteraire, historique et critique de la me- decine. Paris, 1776. 2 v. — Catalogue raisonne des ouvrages . . . sur les eaux minerales. Paris, 1785. 584 p. — Dissertation medico-pratique, sur l'usage des rafrai- chissans et des echauffans dans les fievres exanthe- matiques. Amsterdam, 1778. 159 p. — Manual para el servicio de los enfermos. Barcelona [1786?[287 p. — Manuel pour le service des malades. Paris, 1786. 215 p. ----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1787. 215 p. — Le medecin ministre de la nature. Amsterdam, 1776. 260 p. — Recherches sur les maladies veneriennes-chroniques. Paris, 1788. 204 p. — Reponse a un ouvrage qui a pour titre: Recherches anatomiques par Louis-Michel Costa. Perpignan, 1771. 63 p. — Traite des eaux minerales du Roussillon. Perpignan [1756]166 p. — Traite des proprietes, usages et effets de la douce- amerc Paris, 1781. 170 p. — Traite theorique et pratique des maladies inflamma- toires. Paris, 1774. 600 p. — Untersuchungen iiber die . . . venerisch-chronischen Krankheiten. Frankfurt, 1789. 152 p. ---2. Aufl. Frankfurt am Main, 1799. 152 p. CARRICK, Andrew. Dissertation on the chemical & medical properties of the Bristol Hotwell water. Bris- tol, 1797. 167 p. CARROZZA, Giovanni, b. 1678. Anthropologia . . . tomus primus, in quo . . . medendi teoria & praxis palamsit. Messanae, 1704. 278 p. — Contra vulgo scientias acquisitas per disciplinam opus- culum. Rothomac 1702. 144 p. CARTA ao author do Exame de sangradores. See Silva, J. F. da. — Carta critica sobre o metodo curativo dos medicos funchalenses. See Silva, J. F. da. — Carta de despedida, deixada pela medicina aos senho- res portuguezes. Lisboa, 1780. 42 p. — Carta escrita por un regnicola recien llegado a esta Capital a un paisano suyo residente en Madrid. [Mexi- co, 1789) 11 p. — Carta familiar de un sacerdote ... en que la da cuenta de la admirable conquista espiritual del vasto imperio del gran Thibet. Mexico, 1765. 48 p. — Carta segunda del medico de Aix. See Ailhaud, J. CARTER, Charles. The compleat city and country cook. London, 1732. 280 p. CARTER, Francis. An account of the various systems of medicine. London, 1788. 2 v. in 1. CARTER, William, 17117-1799. A free and candid ex- amination of Dr. Cadogan's dissertation on the gout. Canterbury [17717] 46 p. CARTHEUSER, Johann Friedrich, 1704-1777. De morbis endemiis. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1771. 368 p. 79 CARTHEUSER - Dissertationes nonnullae selectiores physico-chymicae ac medicae. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1775. 366 p. — Dissertationes physico-chymico-medicac Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1774. 168 p. — Elementa chemiae medicae dogmatico-experimentalis. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1736. 360 p. — Fundamenta materiae medicae. Parisiis, 1752. 2 v. ------Ed. 1. Veneta. Venetiis, 1755. 396 p. ------Ed. nova. Parisiis, 1769. 4 v. — Fundamenta pathologiae et therapiac Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1758-62. 2 v. — Matiere medicale. Paris, 1755. 4 v. ------Paris, 1765. 2 v. — Pharmacologia theoretico-practica. Berolini, 1745. 756 p. ------Venetiis, 1756. 3 v. in 1. Vol. 2 has title: Elementa chymiae dogmatico-experimenta- lis; v. 3: Tabulae formularum medicarum praescriptioni inser- vientes. — Rudimenta materiae medicae rationalis. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1741.501 p. — Tabulae formularum praescriptioni inservientes. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1740. 140 p. CARTWRIGHT, John. An essay upon the virtues of balm of Gilead. London, 1760. 26 p. CARVALHO, Jeronimo Moreira de. Methodo verdadeiro para curar radicalmente as carnosidades. Lisboa, 1758. 46 p. CARVALLO NUNEZ DE CASTRO, Jose Ignacio. El medico de si mismo. See Ferrer y Beaumont, V. CARYOPHILUS, Blasius. See Garofalo, Biagio, 1677-1762. CARYOPHILUS, Paschalis. See Garofalo, Pasqualc CASA DE NINOS EXPOSITOS, Mexico. Constituciones. Mexico [17757] 56 p. CASABONA, Babil Garate y. See Garate y Casabona, Babil. CASAGRANDE, Giuseppe Amico, b. 1745. Ragguaglio razionato-dissertatorio . . . sulla natura . . . dell'acqua minerale sub-amara. Sinigaglia, 1792. 64 p. CASAL, Gaspar, 1680-1759. Historia natural, y medica de el principado de Asturias. Madrid, 1762. 404 p. CASALBON, Rafael. Actas de S. Cosme y S. Damian. Madrid, 1785. 232 p. CASATI, Paolo, 1617-1707. Dissertationes physicae de visibilibus, visione, et apparentiis visus. Graecii, 1722. 153 p. — Opticae dissertationes, in quibus plura physice ex- plicantur de visibilibus, de visione, de apparentiis visus. Parmae, 1705. 92 p. The CASE of Miss Blandy and Miss Jeffreys fairly stated and compared. London, 1752. 28 p. - The case of the inhabitants. Sec Westminster, bng. Citizens. - Case of the Licentiates, and the College of Physicians. [London,1796]11 p. CASPAR, Samuel, fl. 1693-1733. Beschreibung des Sauer- Bronnens zu Imnau. Ulm, 1733. 108 p. CASSEBOHM, Johann Friedrich, d. 1743. Methodus se- candi et contemplandi corporis humani musculos. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1740. 93 p. — Methodus secandi; oder, Deutliche Anweisung zur anatomischen Betrachtung und Zergliederung des menschlichen Corpers. Berlin, 1746. 664 p. — Methodus succincta secandi et contemplandi viscera hominis. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1740. 62 p. — Tractatus quatuor anatomici de aure humana. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1734. 84 p. — Tractatus quintus anatomicus de aure humana. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1735. 64 p. CASSERIO, Giulio, d. 1616. Julii Casserii. . . und Danielis Bucretii Anatomische Tafeln. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1707. 4 pts. in 1 v. Imperfect: p. [3]-8 of pt. 2 wanting. Pt. 2 has title: Adriani Spigelii . . . Griindlicher Unterricht von der Frucht in Mutter-Leibe; pts. 3 & 4 are by Simon Paulii. CASSINA, Ubaldo, 1736-1824. Congetture su i sogni. Parma, 1783. 66 p. CASSIUS, Jean Jacques Joseph. Essai sur les moyens d'aneantir la contagion variolique. Gueret 117997] 23 p. CASSIVUCH, Giuseppe. Lessico farmaceutico chimico. Venezia, 1781. 343 p. CAST, Matthaeus. Thermae Teplicenses. Das ist, Eine kurtze Beschreibung der Toplitzer neuen Bader. Dres- den, 1701. 46 p. CASTAGNETO, Giovanni Battista. Attesto io infrascritta chirurgo con mio giuramento avere questa mattina visitato il sig. Niccolo Costantino Ferro . . . [Genova, 1786[[4] p. Medical testimony of G. B. Castagneto and others. — Disputa intorno ad una non cancrena. [Genova? 178-?] 8 p. CASTEL, Louis, 1770-1852. Analyse critique et impartiale de la nosographie philosophique du Ph. Pinel. Paris, An VII [1798] 68 p. CASTELET, Jean Gaspard Ailhaud, baron de. See Ailhaud, Jean Gaspard, baron de Castelet, d. 1800. CASTELLANI, Luigi Francesco, 1727-1794. De vita An- tonii Musae Brasavoli. Mantuae, 1767. 214 p. — Delia insussistenza del contagio tisico. Mantova, 1777. 142 p. — Lettera. . . intorno alia quistione se . . -MarcelloDonati possa dirsi anche correggesco. Guastalla, 1792. 37 p. 80 CATHOLIC CHURCH - Vita del celebre medico mantovano Marcello Donati. Mantova, 1788. 140 p. CASTELLEZ, Anton. Thermarum Toeplicensium in In- feriori Camiolia existentium examen. Wien, 1777.62 p. Title page and text in Latin and German. CASTELLI, Bartolomeo, d. ca. 1607. Amaltheum Castello- Brunonianum, sive lexicon medicum. Patavii, 1713.826 p. -----Patavii, 1721. 826 p. — Lexicon medicum Graeco-Latinum. Lipsiae, 1713. 788 p. — — Ed. nova. Genevae, 1746. 788 p. -----Patavii, 1755. 2 v. in 1. -----Ed. 1. Neapolitana. Neapoli, 1761. 2 v. -----Patavii, 1762. 2 v. in 1. -----Patavii, 1792. 2 v. CASTELLS, Raimundo. Quaestiones medicinae theore- ticae tres . . . pro cathedra institutionum medicarum minus antiqua. Cervariae Lacetanorum [ 1787] xix (i.e. xviii) p. CASTIGLIONE, Giovanni Onorato, d. 1679. Prospectus pharmaceutici editio tertia sub quo Antidotarium Medio- lanense . . . denuo emendatum. Mediolani, 1729. 3 v. in 2. [CASTIGLIONI, Luigi, conte] 1757-1832. Storia delle piante forastierc Milano, 1791-94. 4 v. in 2. CASTILLA, Pedro Jose Bravo de Lagunas y. See Bravo de Lagunas y Castilla, Pedro Jose, 1704-1759. CASTILLO, Antonio Diaz del. See Diaz del Castillo, Antonio. CASTRILLO, Hernando, 1586-1667. Historia, y magia natural, o ciencia de filosofia oculta. Madrid, 1723. 324 (i.e. 342) p. CASTRO, Jose Ignacio Carvallo Nunez de. See Carvallo Nunez de Castro, Jose Ignacio. CASTRO, Nazario Fernandez de. See Fernandez de Castro, Nazario. CASTRO, Pedro de, 1603-ca. 1657. Bibliotheca medici eruditi. Bergomi, 1742. 166 p. — Febris maligna puncticularis aphorismis delineata. Bergomi, 1726. 239 p. CASTRO SARMENTO, Jacob de. See Sarmento, Jacob de Castro, 1691-1762. CATALOGO de' medicamenti semplici, e composti gale- nici, e chimici, ad uso interno, ed esterno coll'aggiunta di diverse recette officinali e magistrali per lo Spedale di Parma. Parma, 1772. 112 p. CATALOGUE de ce qu'on voit. See Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Anatomisch Kabinet. — Catalogue de livres rares. See Le Camus de Limarc — Catalogue des plantes. See Descemet, J. — Catalogue des remedes dont on peut s'approvisionner pour avoir une casette de pharmacie bien fournic Paris, 1784. 70 p. — A catalogue of all the cheifest rarities. See Rijksuni- versiteit te Leiden. Anatomisch Kabinet. — A catalogue of drugs, &c. prepared and sold by [blank] London, 1799. 53 p. CATALOGUS dissertationum academicarum sub prae- sidio Dn. D. Joannis Juckeri . . . ventilatarum. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1749. [8] p. — Catalogus et valor medicamentorum. See Collegium Medicum, Stockholm. — Catalogus plantarum officinalium, secundum earum facultates dispositus. Parisiis, 1739. 116 p. — Catalogus rerum memorabilium. See Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Anatomisch Kabinet. — Catalogus van alle de principaalste rariteiten. See Rijks- universiteit te Leiden. Anatomisch Kabinet. CATANI, Alessandro, b. 1722. Dichiarazione . . . sopra alcune accuse contenute nelle Efemeridi di Roma num. XXV. Napoli, 1774. 50 p. — Riflessioni fisico-mediche sopra di un nuovo antilisso. Napoli, 1756. 100 p. CATECHISM, physico-medicum. See Minor, J. CATHERWOOD, John. A new method of curing the apoplexy. London, 1715. 77 p. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Camera Apostolica. Editto . . . Avendo la santita di nostro signore papa Clememte [sic ] XII. . . ridotte le botteghe de' barbieri di Roma. . . [Roma, 1731] [3] p. ----Editto sull'istruzione delle ostetrici, e de' cerusici. Roma, 1786. broadside. — Congregatio ConciUi. Matrimonii pro. . . Maria Brigno- lc Summarium. Romae, 1783. 1 v. (unpaged) ----Matrimonii pro . . . Paulo Francisco Spinula cum . . . Maria Hieronyma Mari. Restrictus facti, & juris. Romae, 1794. 1 v. (unpaged) — Liturgy and ritual. The ceremonies for the healing. See under title. - Pope, 1724-1730 (Benedictus XIII) Chirografo ema- nato a favore delli speziali di tutto lo Stato Ecclesiastico . . . novamente ristampato. Roma, 1764. broadside. — Pope, 1730-1740 (Clemens XII) Cum sanctissimus dominus noster Clemens . . . XII supplicationibus DD. consolum Universitatis & Collegii Barbitonsorum urbis benigne inclinatus . . . (Romae, 1732] 13 p. At head of title: Petrus . . . Card. Otthobonus. — — Exponi nobis nuper fecerunt dilecti filii Universita- tis, & Consules Barbitonsorum de urbe . . . [Romae, 1733]10 p. ----Sommario del giubileo . . . per implorare il divino ajuto contro il Turco, e contro la peste. Roma, 1739. broadside. — Signatura Gratiae. See Silva, O. de. 81 CATHRALL CATHRALL, Isaac, 1764-1819. A medical sketch of the svnochus maligna, or malignant contagious fever. Phila- delphia, 1794. 72 p. — Memoir on the analysis of the black vomit. Philadelphia, 1800. 32 p. CATO, Peter Diederich. Bemerkung von einer gehaue- nen Wunde. Kopenhagen [1780] 8 p. — Kurzer Begriff von den vomehmsten innerlichen Schiffs- krankheiten auf einen Chinafahrer. Kopenhagen (1774] 8 p. CATTANI, Alessandro. See Catani, Alessandro, b. 1722. CATTANI, Niccolo Antonio. Dissertazioni fisico-medico- pratiche. Venezia, 1748. 104 p. — Opuscoli o' dissertazioni fisico-mediche d'intorno alle qualita salubri, ed insalubri dell'aere. Assisi, 1745. 195 p. CATZIUS, Noel. Tableau de la pratique moderne de la medecine methodique de la Flandre occidentale. Bruges, 1704. 266 p. [CAUSANS, Joseph Louis Vincent du Mauleon de] Le spectacle de 1'homme. Paris, 1751. 78 p. The CAUSES of the discontents. See Gibson, E. CAVALLERY, Antoine, 1698-1765. Dissertation sur la cause de la chaleur et de la froideur des eaux minerales. Bordeaux, 1739. 47 p. CAVALLINI, Giuseppe. Collezione istorica di casi chi- rurgici. Firenze, 1762-72. 4 pts. in 2 v. — Storia di una reumatica paralisia. Venezia, 1769.135 p. — Tentamina medico-chirurgica de felici in quibusdam animantibus uteri extractione. Fasc. 1. Florentiae, 1768. liv p. CAVALLO, Tiberius, 1749-1809. A complete treatise on electricity. 3d ed. London, 1786. 2 v. -----4th ed. London, 1795. 3 v. — An essay on the medicinal properties of factitious airs. London, 1798. 256 p. — An essay on the theory and practice of medical electri- city. London, 1780. 112 p. -----2d ed. London, 1781. 124 p. — Teoria e pratica dell'elettricita medica. Napoli, 1784. 157 p. — Traite complet d'electricite. Paris, 1785. 343 p. — A treatise on the nature and properties of air. London, 1781. 835 p. — Versuch iiber die medicinische Anwendung der Gasar- ten. Leipzig, 1799. 369 p. — Versuch iiber die Theorie und Anwendung der medi- cinischen Elektricitat. Leipzig, 1782. 84 p. CAVELIER, Guillaume (firm) Paris. Catalogue de livres sur toutes sortes de matieres. Paris, 1729. 93 p. CAVERHILL, John, d. 1781. A treatise on the cause and cure of the gout. London, 1769. 187 p. CA VICCHI, Gioseffo. Risposta . . . alia storia d'una febbre migliare,scritta dal signor. . . Vittore Vettori. I Ferrara, 1757]107 p. CAYAUX. See Caillot. [CAYLUS, Anne Claude Philippe, comte de] 1692-1765. Quelques avantures des bals de bois. [n.p.] 1745. 64 p. CAZALES, Francois Masars de. See Masars de Cazeles, Francois. The CELESTIAL beds; or, A review of the votaries of the Temple of Health, Adelphi, and the Temple of Hymen, Pall-Mail. London, 1781. 34 p. CELLAI, Alessandro. Betrachtungen uber das Verfahren den Urin aus der Blase zu ziehen. 2. Aufl. Breslau, 1776. 94 p. — Riflessioni intorno al modo d'estrarre dalla vescica le orine. Firenze, 1774. 67 p. CELLARIUS, Salomo, 1676-1700. Origines et antiquita- tes medicae. Jenae, 1701. 62 p. CELONI, Tommaso Maria. Dell'abuso degli unguenti e delli ceroti. Roma, 1775. 49 p. CELSUS, Aulus Cornelius. De medicina. Amstelaedami, 1713. 574 p. -----Jenae, 1713. 590 p. -----Patavii, 1722. 998 (i.e. 598) p. -----Lugduni Batavorum, 1730. 688 p. -----Lugduni Batavorum, 1746. 749 p. -----Basileae, 1748. 749 p. -----Rotterodami, 1750. 749 p. -----Lipsiae, 1766. 777 p. -----Lausannae, 1772. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. -----Biponti, 1786. 553 p. — A. Cornel. Celsus et Q. Serenus Samonicus De medi- cina. Patavii, 1750. 2 v. -----Venetiis, 1763. 2 v. — De re medica. Glasguae, 1766. 400 p. -----Parisiis, 1772. 553 p. — De tuenda sanitate. See Closs, J. F. — Della medicina. Venezia, 1747. 2 v. in 1. — Kritischer Versuch einer deutschen Uebersetzung der acht Biicher von der Arzneykunst. Liineburg, 1768.126p. — Medicinae libri octo. Patavii, 1769. 586 p. -----Lugduni Batavorum, 1785. 678, 463 p. — Of medicine. London, 1756. 519 p. — Traduction des ouvrages ... sur la medecine. Paris, 1753.2 v. Pages 329-336 of v. 2 in manuscript. - Von der Arzneiwissenschaft. Jena, 1799. 509 p. - See also Haller, A. von. Artis medicae principes. The CENSOR censur'd; or, The antidote examin'd. Where- in the designs of Dr. Pitt, and the dispensary physicians are detected. London, 1704. 109 p. 82 CHAMBON DE MONTAUX CENSORINUS PHILALETHES,/w^- See Poree, Charles Gabriel, 1685-1770. CEPPI, Luigi Antonio. Dissertazione serio-giocosa sul- 1'elettricita artifizialc Vercelli, 1784. 345 p. CERA, Sebastian, 1759-1820. Abhandlung vom Lazareth- fieber. Wien, 1784. 125 p. — De febri nosocomica. [Mediolani, 1789) 120 p. -----Ticini, 1792. 141 p. CERCLE DES PHILADELPHES, Cap-Haitien, Haiti. Memoires. t. 1. Port-au-Prince, 1788. 264 p. — Recherches, memoires et observations sur les maladies epizootiques de Saint-Domingue. Cap-Francois, 1788. 245 p. Ed. by Charles Arthaud. The CEREMONIES for the healing of them that be diseased with the kings evil. London, 1789. 8, 8 p. CERRI, Giuseppe. Dissertazione . . . intorno al polso. Milano, 1786. 219 p. — Observationes quaedam de puerperarum morbis. Medio- lani, 1788. 115 p. CERVANTES, Vicente de, ca. 1759-1829. Discurso pro- nunciado en el Real Jardin Botanico. [Mexico, 1794] 35 p. CERVERA, Spain. See Universidad de Cervera. CESIO, Carlo, 1626-1686. L'anatomia dei pittori . . . das ist, Deutliche Anweisung . . . von der Anatomie der Mahler. 7. Aufl. Nurnberg, 1780. [4] p. 16 plates. Imperfect: plates 1, 2, 12 and 14 wanting. — Eine herrliche Anweisung und wolgegriindete Fiirstel- lung von der Anatomie dess gantzen menschlichen Corpers. Augspurg, 1708. [6] p. 16 plates. CESONIUS, aliter De Cesis. Epistola medicinalis histo- rica . . . de lue venerea. Lutetiae, 1705. 16 p. CESTARI, Gian Gaspare. Breve medico fisico saggio intorno l'epidemica costituzione della febbre putrido- infiammatoria-nervina. Perugia, 1780. 166 p. CEZAN, Louis Alexandre de. Manuel anti-syphillitique. Londres, 1774. 328 p. CHABERT. Observations de chirurgie pratique. Paris, 1724. 476 p. CHABERT, Philibert, 1737-1814. Description et traite- ment du charbon dans les animaux. Paris, 1780. 28 p. - Du sommeil. 2. ed. Paris, An IX (1800) 38 p. - Instruction sur la peripneumonic Paris, An II [1793/ 94[ 16 p. — Instruction sur les moyens de s'assurer de l'existence de la morve. Bordeaux, 1785. 69 p. — ed. Instructions et observations. See under title. - Traite de la gale et des dartres. Paris, 1787. 56 p. — Traite des maladies vermineuses dans les animaux. Paris, 1782. 120 p. -----Paris, 1787. 194 p. — Traite du charbon ou anthrax dans les animaux. Paris, 1782. 109 p. - & HUZARD, Jean Baptiste, 1755-1838. Instructions sur les moyens de s'assurer de l'existence de la morve. 4. ed. Paris, An V (1797) 104 p. CHAIGNEBRUN, Henri Audouin de. See Audouin de Chaignebrun, Henri, 1713 or 14-1781. CHAIS, Charles, 1701-1785. Essai apologetique sur la methode de communiquer la petite verole par inocula- tion. La Haye, 1754. 123 p. — Lettre . . . sur la nouvelle methode d'inoculer la petite verole. La Haye, 1768. 31 p. — Versuch einer Vertheidigung, der Einpfropfung der Blattern. Gotha, 1775. 144 p. CHALIBERT, oculist. A dissertation upon the gutta serena. London, 1774. 29 p. CHALMERS, Lionel, 17157-1777. An account of the weather and diseases of South-Carolina. London, 1776. 2 v. in 1. — An essay on fevers. London, 1768. 96 p. — Nachrichten iiber die Witterung und Krankheiten in Sudcarolina. Stendal, 1788-92. 2 v. in 1. — Ein Versuch iiber die Fieber. Riga, 1773. 104 p. CHAMBAUD, Jean Jacques Menuret de. See Menuret de Chambaud, Jean Jacques, 1733-1815. CHAMBERLAINE, William. A practical treatise on the efficacy of stizolobium, or, cowhage. 2d ed. London, 1784. 77 p. -----5th ed. London, 1792. 92 p. CHAMBERLAND. Discours sur l'utilite des passions moderees. Oxford, 1781. 35 p. CHAMBERLEN, Paul. See A hole to creep out at. CHAMBERS, Ephraim, ca. 1680-1740. Cyclopaedia; or, An universal dictionary of arts and sciences. 5th ed. London, 1741-43. 2 v. — A supplement to Mr. Chambers's Cyclopaedia. Lon- don, 1753. 2 v. CHAMBERS, John. A pocket herbal. Bury, 1800. 328 p. CHAMBOISSIER, Jean Baptiste. Essai sur le mouve- ment. Londres, 1785. 256 p. CHAMBON, Jean Antoine Francois. Compte rendu de mes etudes. Montpellier, 1790. 79 p. CHAMBON, Joseph, 1647-ca. 1733. Traite des metaux, et des mineraux, et des remedes qu'on en peut tirer. Paris, 1714. 547 p. CHAMBON DE MONTAUX, Nicolas, 1748-1826. Der Arzt fiir Schwangerc Bremen, 1792. 491 p. — Des maladies de la grossesse. Paris, 1785. 2 v. — Des maladies des enfans. Paris, An VII [ 1798/991 2 v. 83 CHAMBON DE MONTAUX Des maladies des femmes. Paris, 1784. 2 v. — Des maladies des filles. Paris, 1785. 2 v. in 1. Maladies des femmes. 2. ed. Paris, An VII 11798/99] 5 pts. in 8 v. Medicinisch-practische Abhandlung von den Krank- heiten der Frauen. Erfurt, 1789-90. 2 v. in 1. — Medicinisch-praktische Abhandlung von den Krank- heiten unverheiratheter Frauenzimmer. Niirnberg, 1787. 491 p. — Merkwiirdige Krankengeschichten und Leichenof- nungen. Leipzig, 1791. 612 p. — Moyens de rendre les hopitaux plus utiles a la nation. Paris, 1787. 274 p. — Observationes clinicac Parisiis, 1789. 478 p. — Traite de l'anthrax. Neuchatel, 1781. 236 p. — Traite de la fievre. Paris, 1787. 4 v. CHAMOUSSET, Claude Humbert Piarron de. See Piar ron de Chamousset, Claude Humbert, 1717-1773. CHAMPEAUX, Claude. Discours prononce a l'ouverture du cours d'anatomie. Geneve, 1776. 42 p. | —] Reflexions sur les hermaphrodites. Avignon, 1765. 55 p. — & FAISSOLE, Jean. Experiences et observations sur la cause de la mort des noyes. Lyon, 1768. 372 p. — See also Faissole, J. CHAMPNEY, Thomas. Medical and chirurgical reform proposed. London, 1797. 126 p. CHAMPNEYS, James. See Cuthbertson, J. CHANDLER, Banjamin, 1737-1786. An enquiry into the various theories and methods of cure in apoplexies and palsies. Canterbury, 1785. 148 p. — An essay towards an investigation of the present . . . method of inoculation. London, 1767. 47 p. CHANDLER, George. Abhandlung iiber die Krankheiten des Auges. Leipzig, 1782. 200 p. — A treatise of a cataract. London, 1775. 116 p. — A treatise on the diseases of the eye. London, 1780. 191 p. CHANDLER, John, 1700-1780. A discourse concerning the small pox. 2d ed. London, 1729. 64 p. [ — ] Frauds detected . . . shewing the necessity of some more effectual provision against deceits ... in drugs. London, 1748. 34 p. — A treatise of the disease called a cold. London, 1761. 123 p. -----2d ed. London, 1761. 123 p. CHANTELOUP, Jean Antoine Claude Chaptal de, comte. See Chaptal de Chanteloup, Jean Antoine Claude, comte, 1756-1832. CHAPMAN, Edmund, 16807-1756. Abhandlung zu Ver- besserung der Hebammen-Kunst. Neue Aufl. Magde- burg, 1769. 148 p. — An essay on the improvement of midwifery. London, 1733. 119 p. — A reply to Mr. Douglass's Short account of the state of midwifery. London, 1737. 68 p. — A treatise on the improvement of midwifery. 2d ed. London, 1735. 186 p. -----3d ed. London, 1759. 264 p. CHAPMAN, Samuel. An essay on the venereal gleet. London, 1751. 41 p. CHAPPOT, Mathieu Francois, ca. 1720-1791. Systeme de la nature, sur le virus ecroulleux, ou medecine empy- rique. Tom. 1. Toulouse, 1779. 480 p. CHAPTAL DE CHANTELOUP, Jean Antoine Claude, comte, 1756-1832. Elemens de chimic Montpellier, 1790. 3 v. -----3. ed. Paris, An V (1796) 3 v. — Elementi di chimica. Venezia, 1792. 3 v. — Elements of chemistry. London, 1791. 3 v. -----2d ed. London, 1795. 3 v. -----Philadelphia, 1796. 673 p. — Essai sur le perfectionnement des arts chimiques. Paris, An VIII [1799/1800] 88 p. — Memoire sur les causes de l'insalubrite des lieux voi- sins de nos etangs. Montpellier, 1783. 25 p. CHARAS, Moyse, 1618-1698. Pharmacopee royale gale- nique et chymique. Nouv. ed. Lyon, 1704. 884 p. -----Nouv. ed. Lyon, 1753. 876 p. CHARBONNIERE, Louis. Memoire pour Louis Char- bonniere. . . contre lesieur Astruc. [Paris, 1743] 48 p. CHARDIN, Charles. Reponse ... a la lettre vraiment contre-revolutionnaire de Leymeric [n.p., 179-] 12 p. The CHARGE to the jury. See Fielding, H. CHARISIUS, Christian Ludwig, 1692-1741. Dissertatio medica solennis, de bulimo. Regiomonti [1720] 16 p. CHARITIUS, Ernst Christian Ludwig. De arteria crurali ossea per oedema gangraenamque siccam lethali. Vite- bergae[1799] 12 p. CHARITY FOR THE RELIEF OF POOR LYING-IN WOMEN AT THEIR OWN HOUSES, Newcastle upon Tyne. An address to the public on behalf of the Chari- ty. Newcastle, 1761. 16 p. CHARLARD, Louis Martin, d. 1798. See Bayen, P. CHARLES, Rene, d. 1752. Dissertation sur les eaux de Bourbonne. Besancon, 1749. 405 p. — Lettre . . . au sujet de la toux. Besancon, 1743. 17 p. CHARLES, Richard. An essay on the treatment of con- sumptions. London, 1787. 30 p. — Observations on antimonial preparations. London, 1785. 24 p. CHARLETON, Rice, 1710-1789. Cases of patients admit- 84 CHEMISCHES ted into the hospital at Bath. Bath, 1776. 104 p. — A chymical analysis of the Bath waters. 2d ed. Bath, 1776. 56 p. — An inquiry into the efficacy of Bath waters in palsies. 2d ed. Bath, 1776. 96 p. — An inquiry into the efficacy of warm bathing in palsies. Oxford, 1770. 99 p. — Three tracts on Bath water. Bath, 1774. 3 pts. in 1 v. — A treatise on the Bath waters. Bath, 1754. 74 p. CHARLETON, Walter, 1619-1707. Oratio anniversaria ... in commemorationem beneficiorum a . . . Harveo. Londini, 1705. 22 p. CHARMETTON, Jean Baptiste, 1710-1781. Essai theo rique et pratique sur les ecrouelles. Avignon, & se vend a Lyon,1752. 449 p. -----Avignon, & se vend a Paris, 1752. 449 p. — Traite des ecrouelles. Nouv. ed. Lyon, 1755. 452 p. CHARP. See La Mettrie, Julien Offray de, 1709-1751. CHASSAGNE, de Roziere de La. See Roziere de La Chassagne, de. CHASSANIS, Jean Joseph. Dissertation sur la maladie epidemique, qui a regne a Lodeve. Avignon, 1753.167 p. CHASTANET, Leonard, 1715-1790. Lettres sur la litho- tomic Londres, 1768. 199 p. CHASTANIER, Benedict. Observations on a new practi- cal method of curing . . . Used by Dr. J. A. Scheppelin. London, 1767. 39 p. [CHASTELLUX, Francois Jean, marquis de] 1734-1788. Reponse a une des principales objections qu'un oppose maintenant aux partisans de I'inoculaion. [Paris? 1763?] 24 p. Also attributed to Angelo Gatti. CHASTENET DE PUYSEGUR, Armand Marie Jacques. See Puysegur, Armand Marie Jacques de Chastenet, marquis de, 1751-1825. CHASTENET DE PUYSEGUR, Jacques Maxime Paul, comte de. See Puysegur, Jacques Maxime Paul de Chaste- net, comte de, 1755-1820. CHAUFEPIE, Johann Heinrich de, 1773-1855. Specimen sistens historiam febris flavae Americanac Barcinone [179-7]84 p. CHAUFEPIE, Pierre Samuel de, 1730-1784. Neuer He- bammen-Wegweiser. Liibeck, 1758. 204 p. CHAULNES, Louis Marie Joseph Romain d'Albert d'Ailly, due de, 1741-1792? Memoire [sur la maniere de prepa- rer . le sel fusible d'urine blanc ]. . . Read at the Royal Society, March 13, 1783. [London? 1783?] 16 p. CHAULNES, Michel Ferdinand d'Albert d'Ailly, due de, 1714-1769. Description d'un microscope, et de diffe- rents micrometres. [Paris] 1768. 18 p. CHAUNCY, Charles, 1705-1787. The idle-poor secluded from the bread of charity. Boston, 1752. 26 p. CHAUSSIER, Bernard & CHAUSSIER, Francois, 1746- 1828. Observations sur quelques abus dans le service des officiers de same, attaches aux regimens & aux hopitaux militaires. (Dijon, 1793] 24 p. CHAUSSIER, Francois, 1746-1828. Description et usage d'un bandage pour le bec-de-lievre. [n.p., 1776?] 8 p. — Exposition sommaire des muscles du corps humain. Dijon, 1789. 120 p. — Memoire sur quelques abus dans la constitution des corps & colleges de chirurgie. Dijon, 1789. 46 p. - Observations chirurgico-legales. Dijon, 1790. 62 p. — Tableau synoptique des muscles de rhomme. Paris, An V (1797) 112 p. [- ] [Tables synoptiques] Paris [1789?]-1815. 19 tables. Some tables are 2d or 3d ed. — See also Enaux, J. CHAUVOT DE BEAUCHENE, Pierre Edme. See Beau chene, Pierre Edme Chauvot de, 17497-1825? CHAVET, Heinrich, 1742-1819. De phthisi pulmonali haereditaria. Monasterii Westphalorum, 1787. 183 p. CHAVIGNY, Jean Aime de, ca. 1524-ca. 1604. La vie et le testament de Michel Nostradamus. Paris, 1789.179 p. CHAVY DE MONGERBET. Observations curieuses et interessantes sur la goutte. Bourg-en-Bresse [17597] 68 p. A CHEAP, sure, and ready guide to health; or, A cure for a disease call'd the doctor. London, 1742. 36 p. -----2d ed. London, 1742. 36 p. The CHEATS and illusions. See Aubin, N. CHEEVER, Abijah, 1760-1843. History of a case, of incisted dropsy. Boston [1794] 14 p. CHEGHMENY, Mahmood. See Mahmud ibn Muham- mad, al Jaghmlnl, d. 1344 or 5? The CHELTENHAM guide. See Butler, W. CHELUS, D. de. See Quelus, D. de. CHEMANT, Nicolas Dubois de. See Dubois de Chemant, Nicolas, 1753-1824. CHEMISCHE Annalen fur die Freunde der Naturiehre, Arzneygelahrtheit, Haushaltungskunst und Manufac- turer 1784-1800. Helmstadt. 34 v. Incomplete: 1788, Bd. 2; 1791, Bd. 1; 1799, Bd. 2: 1800, Bd. 1-2 wanting. Ed. by L. Crell. — Chemische oefeningen. See Kasteleyn, P. J. — Chemische en physische oefeningen. See Kasteleyn, P.J. — See also Chymische. CHEMISCHES Journal fur die Freunde der Naturiehre, Arzneygelahrtheit, Haushaltungskunst und Manufac- 85 CHENOT turen. Th. 1-6. Lemgo, 1778-81. 6 v. in 3. Fd. by L. Crell. CHENOT, Adam, 1721-1789. Hinterlassene Schriften iiber die artzlichen und politischen Anstalten bey der Pestseuche. Wien, 1798. 238 p. — Historia pestis Transilvanicac Budae, 1799. 139 p. — Tractatus de peste. Vindobonae, 1766. 246 p. CHESELDEN, William, 1688-1752. Anatomical tables of the human body. Boston, 1796. 46 p. — Anatomie des menschlichen Korpers. Gottingen, 1790. 324 p. — The anatomy of the humane body. London, 1713.269 p. -----2d ed. London, 1722. 326 p. — ---3d ed. London, 1726. 376 p. -----4th ed. London, 1730. 355 p. -----5th ed. London, 1740. 336 p. -----6th ed. London, 1741. 336 p. -----7th ed. London, 1750. 334 p. -----7th ed. London, 1756. 334 p. Imperfect: 6 plates wanting. The 6 in the imprint date appears to have been altered from 0 by pen and ink. ----- 9th ed. London, 1768. 334 p. -----10th ed. London, 1773. 334 p. -----11th ed. London, 1778. 334 p. — 12th ed. London, 1784. 334 p. -----13th ed. London, 1792. 334 p. — — 1st American ed. Boston, 1795. 350 p. — Osteographia; or, The anatomy of the bones. London, 1733. 1 v. (unpaged) — Osteographia; or. The anatomy of the bones. In fifty- six plates. London [ 174-?] [2] 1. front, (port.) 56 plates. The frontispiece portrait, dated 1753. is probably a later addition. — A treatise on the high operation for the stone. London, 1723. 180 p. CHESHIRE, John, 1695-1762. The gouty man's com- panion. Nottingham, 1747. 97 p. — A treatise upon the rheumatism. London, 1723. 36 p. -----London, 1735. 202 p. CHESNEAU, Nicolas, ca 160l-ca. 1680. Observationum medicarum libri quinque. Ed. nova. Lugduni Batavo- rum, 1719. 610 p. -----Ed. nova. Lugduni Batavorum, 1743. 610 p. CHESTER, Eng. See General Infirmary at Chester. CHESTON, Richard Browne. Pathological inquiries and observations in surgery. Glocester, 1766. 144 p. CHEVALIER. Memoires et observations sur les effets des eaux de Bourbonne-les-Bains. Paris, 1772. 232 p. CHEVALIER, Claude. Dissertation physico-medicale . . . sur des proprietes d'une liqueur purgative & vulneraire. Paris. 1758. 225 p. — Pacotille de sante pour les voyageurs, ou choix des meilleurs remedes. Paris, 1769. 138 p. CHEVALIER, Jean Damien, 1682-1755. Lettres ... sur les maladies de St. Domingue. Paris, 1752. 224 (i.e. 254) p. — Reflexions critiques sur le traite de l'usage des dif- ferentes saignees. Paris, 1730. 500 p. -----Paris, 1751. 500 p. CHEVALIER, Thomas, 1767-1824. Observations in de- fence of a bill . . . for erecting the corporation of sur- geons of London into a college. London, 1797. 105 p. CHEYNE, George, 1673-1743. L'art de conserver la sante des personnes valetudinaires. Paris, 1755. 417 (i.e. 517) p. — De natura fibrae ejusque laxae sive resolutae morbis. Londini, 1725. 98 p. -----Paris, 1741. 107, 52 p. — Dr. Cheyne's account of himself and of his writings. 2d ed. London, 1743. 63 p. — The English malady; or, A treatise of nervous diseases. London, 1733. 370 p. -----Dublin, 1733. 256 p. -----2d ed. London, 1734. 370 p. -----3d ed. London, 1734. 370 p. -----5th ed. London, 1735. 370 p. — Essai sur la sante, et sur les moyens de prolonger la vie. Paris, 1725. 367 p. — An essay of health and long life. London, 1724. 232 p. -----2d ed. London, 1725. 232 p. -----3d ed. London, 1725. 232 p. -----4th ed. London, 1725. 232 p. -----5th ed. London, 1725. 232 p. -----6th ed. London, 1725. 232 p. -----7th ed. London, 1725. 232 p. -----8th ed. London, 1734. 232 p. -----10th ed. London, 1745. 232 p. — An essay of the true nature and due method of treating the gout. 4th ed. London, 1722. 133 p. -----5th ed. London, 1723. 133 p. -----6th ed. London, 1724. 133 p. -----7th ed. London, 1725. 133 p. -----Dublin, 1725. 125 p. -----9th ed. London, 1738. 133 p. — An essay on regimen. London, 1740. 344 p. — An essay on the gout. 2d ed. London, 1720. 98 p. -----3d ed. London, 1721. 98 p. — Fluxionum methodus inversa. Londini, 1703, 128 p. — Hygiene. Das ist, Griindlicher Unterricht zur Gesund- heit. Franckfurth am Mayn, 1744. 351, 128 p. — Methode naturelle de guerir. Paris, 1749. 2 v. — II metodo naturale di cura. Padova, 1765. 337 p. — The natural method of cureing. London, 1742. 316 p. -----2d ed. London, 1742. 316 p. -----3d ed. London, 1742. 316 p. ] — ] A new theory of acute and slow continu'd fevers. 3d ed. London, 1722. 168 p. 86 CHIRURGIJNS GILDE TE AMSTERDAM [-]---4th ed. London, 1724. 168 p. [-]---5th ed. London, 1740. 150 p. [-1---6th ed. London, 1744. 150 p. ------7th ed. London, 1753. 150 p. [ —]A new theory of continual fevers. London, 1701. 123 p. — Observations concerning the nature and due method of treating the gout. London, 1720. 98 p. — Philosophical principles of religion. 5th ed. London, 1733-36 [v. 1, 1736] 2 v. in 1. Vol. 2 without ed. statement. — Regies sur la sante. Paris, 1726. 236 p. -----2. ed. Bruxelles, 1727. 236 p. — Remarks on two late pamphlets written by Dr. Oliphant. Edinburgh, 1702. 56 p. — Rules and observations for the enjoyment of health and long life. Leeds [ 17— ] 23 p. — Tractatus de infirmorum sanitate tuenda. Londini, 1726. 248 p. -----Parisiis, 1742. 268 p. CHI cerca, truova. Dialoghi. . . sopra la cura de' vajuoli . . . praticata dal dottor Ludovico Viti. Perugia, 1713. 144 p. CHIARAMONTI, Giovanni Battista, ed. Dissertazione istoriche, scientifiche, erudite recitate da diversi autori. Brescia, 1765. 2 v. CHIARENTI, Francesco. Lettera ... in risposta alle obbiezioni fatte dal sig. Chiarugi. |n.p.j 1798. 38 p. Imperfect: p. 33-38 wanting. — Ragionamento sulla digestione. Firenze, 1792. 85 p. -----2. ed. Firenze, 1796. 182 p. CHIARIANA, Mariano. II desiderato amico medico ministro della natura. 2. ed. Verona, 1724. 368 p. — L'obbligo de' medici, chirurghi, e speciali. Verona, 1724. 152 p. CHIARUGI, Vincenzio, 1759-1820. Abhandlung iiber den Wahnsinn. Leipzig, 1795. 708 p. — Della pazzia. Firenze, 1793-94. 3 v. — Lettera . . . scritta all'eccellentiss. sig. dottore Antonio Durazzini. Firenze, 1783. 22 p. — Saggio teorico-pratico sulle malattie cutanee sordide. Firenze, 1799. 199 p. - Sull'uso esterno dell'oppio. Firenze, 1797. 32 p. CHICHESTER, Matthias, Bp. of See Mawson, Matthias, 1683-1770. CHICOYNEAU, Francis, 1672-1752. Oratio habita ad publicam scholarum instaurationem. Monspelii, 1724. 48 p. — Oratio qua communis de contagio pestilenti opinio refellitur. Monspelii [1722] 28 p. Imperfect: trimmed. — The practice of salivating shewn to be of no use or efficacy in the cure of the venereal disease. London, 1723. 27 p. - Traduction du discours latin ... par lequel on tache de refuter l'opinion .. . que la peste est contagieusc Montpellier, 1723. 77 p. [-]& [SENAC, Jean Baptiste] 1693-1770. Traite des causes, des accidens, et de la cure de la peste. Paris 1744. 602, 272 p. - VERNY, Jean & SOULIER. Beknopt verhaal raakende de toevallen van de pest te Marseille. Leyden 1721 32 p. ----& — Detaglio della peste de Marsiglia. See Muratori, L. A. Del governo della peste. ----& — Observations et reflexions propres a confirmer ce qui est avance ... touchant... la peste de Marseille Aix [1721]163 p. ----& — Observations et reflexions, touchant la nature ... de la peste de Marseille. Lyon, 1721. 338 p. ----& — Relation de la peste de Marseille. |n.p.] Jouxte la copie imprimee a Marseille, 1721. 34 p. ----&-----[Aries, 1721] 32 p. Imperfect: t.p. wanting. ----& — Relazione della peste di Marsiglia. See Mura- tori, L. A. Del governo della peste. ----& — A succinct account of the plague at Marseilles. London, 1721. 38 p. CHILLENIO, Marco, pseud. See Bianchi, Giovanni, 1693-1775. CHEV1IE du gout. See Poncelet, P. CHIRAC, Pierre, 1650-1732. Dissertations et consultations medicinales. Paris, 1744-55. 3 v. A collection of works by Chirac and others. — Observations de chirurgie. Paris, 1742. 444 p. -----Paris, 1750. 442 p. — Three chirurgical dissertations. London, 1750. 267 p. [ — ] Traite des fievres. Paris, 1742. 2 v. [-] — Paris, 1750.2v. CHIROL. Idees neuves sur la construction des hopitaux. Paris, 1787. 30 p. — Lettre . . . ou 1'on prouve la possibility des naissances tardives, [n.p.] 1764. 15 p. CHIRONE. Dialogo terzo famigliarc See under title. La CHIRURGIA completa. See Planque, F. — La chirurgia svellata, o sia continuazione dello Chirone in campo. Nella quale si contiene, una lettera ... da Jacopo Antonio Lupi. Venezia, 1716. 287 p. Subsequently published as v. 2 of A. Belloste, II chirone in campo. CHIRURGIE complete. See Planque, F. Le CHIRURGIEN converti. See La Mettrie, J. O. de. — Le chirurgien medecin. See Hunauld, F. J. Dissertation. CHIRURGDNS GILDE TE AMSTERDAM. Privilegien, willekeuren en ordonnantien. Amsterdam, 1736.154 p. -----Amsterdam, 1766. 56, 48 p. 87 CHIRURGISCHE CHIRURGISCHE Bibliothek. Bd. 1-15. Gottingen, 1771- 96. 15 v. Ed. by A. G. Richter. -----Allgemeines Register iiber die ersten [und zweyten] sechs Bande. Gottingen, 1794-96. 2 v. CHIRURGISKA SOCIETETEN. Chirurgiska handelser. Stockholm, 1769. 256 p. CHISHOLM, Colin, 1755-1825. An essay on the malignant pestilential fever. London, 1795. 279 p. -----Philadelphia, 1799. 308 p. CHIUSOLE, Giovanni Battista. I grand ajuti dell'arte impediti dalla natura nella curazione de mali. Trento, 1727. 482 p. CHOISEL, Claude du. See Du Choisel, Claude, b. 1717. CHOISY, Fournier. See Foumier-Choisy. CHOMEL, Jacques Francois, 1678-1756. Traite des eaux minerales, bains, et douches de Vichy. Clermont- Ferrand, 1734. 348 p. CHOMEL, Jean Baptiste Louis, 1709-1765. Dissertation historique sur l'espece de mal de gorge gangreneux qui a regne parmi les enfans. Paris, 1749. 135 p. — Essai historique sur la medecine en France. Paris, 1762. 288 p. CHOMEL, Noel, 1632-1712. Dictionaire oeconomique; or, The family dictionary. Dublin, 1727. 2 v. — Dictionnaire oeconomique. 2. ed. Lyon, 1718. 2 v. -----3. ed. Amsterdam, 1732. 2 v. in 1. -----4. ed. Lyon, 1740. 2 v. -----4. ed. Commercy, 1741. 2 v. in 1. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1767. 3 v. — Huishoudelyk woordboek. Leyden, 1743. 2 v. — Supplement au dictionnaire oeconomique. Amsterdam, 1740. 2 v. in 1. -----[t. 2, 4. ed.] Commercy, 1741. 2 v. in 1. -----Lyon, 1743. 2 v. -----Paris, 1743.2v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. CHOMEL, Pierre Jean Baptiste, 1671-1740. Abrege de I'histoire des plantes usuelles. 4. ed. Paris, 1730. 3 v. Vol. 3 has title: Supplement a l'abrege. -----5. ed. Paris, 1738. 3 v. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1761. 3 v. CHOPART, Francis, 1743-1795. Traite des maladies des voies urinaires. Paris, 1791-92. 2 v. - & DESAULT, Pierre Joseph, 1738-1795. Anleitung zur Kenntniss aller chirurgischen Krankheiten. Frank- furt, 1784. 2 v. — & — Traite des maladies chirurgicales. Paris, 1779. 2 v. in 1. - &-----Paris, An IV [1795/96] 2 v. Pages 273-274 of v. 1 in manuscript. CHOVET, Abraham, 1704-1790. A syllabus, or index, of all the parts ... of the human body. London, 1732. 26 p. CHRIST, Johann Friedrich, 1700-1756. Noctium academi- carum libri sive specimina quatuor. Halae Magde- burgicae, 1729. 358 p. CHRISTAN, Thomas, 1735-1800. Beitrage zur Geschichte und Behandlung der naturlichen Pocken. Wien, 1781. 216 p. — Kurze Geschichte, und pathologische Schilderung der neuen Epidemic Wien, 1782. 120 p. — Observationum medicarum liber I. Viennae Austriae, 1773. 80 p. CHRISTIAN, WoUgang, d. 1745. Thesaurus Ludovicianus; sive, Compendium materiae medicae selectum, ex B. Dan. Ludovici Pharmacia. Norimbergae, 1731. 96 p. -----Venetiis, 1763. 79 p. -----See also Fuller, T. Pharmacopoeia extemporanea. CHRISTIANOPULI, Georgius. Descriptio historica quo- rundam morborum gravissimorum curatu maxime dif- ficilium, usu intemo mercurii sublimati corrosivi feliciter sanatorum. Brixiae, 1767. 77 p. CHRISTIANUS DEMOCRITUS, pseud. See Dippel, Johann Conrad, 1672 or 3-1734. CHRISTLICHE Aufmunterun. See Evangelische Gemeine in Regensburg. — Christliche Erinnerung. See Evangelische Gemeine in Regensburg. CHRISTOVAO DOS REIS. See Reis, Christovao dos. CHUDEN, Christian Friedrich, 1686-1747. Methodus nova praeservandi et curandi atrophiam seu maciem infantum. Lipsiae, 1726. 24 p. -----Lipsiae, 1726. 16 p. CHURCH, James. Important information to the afflicted. [New York] 1800. 31 p. [CHURCH, Thomas] 1707-1756. An essay towards vindi- cating the literal sense of the demoniacks, in the New Testament. London, 1737. 123 p. [ — ] A reply to the Farther enquiry into the meaning of the demoniacks. London, 1738. 96 p. [ — ] A short state of the controversy about the meaning of the demoniacks. London, 1739. 32 p. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Liturgy and ritual. A form of prayer, to be used in all churches ... on Friday the six- teenth day of December . . . particularly for beseeching God to preserve us from the plague. London, 1720. 63 p. ----A form of prayer, to be used in all churches ... on Friday the eighth day of December . . . particularly for beseeching God to preserve us from the plague. London, 1721. 32 p. 88 CLARET DE LA TOURRETTE CHURFURSTLICHES SANITATS COLLEGIUM, Dres- den. See Saxony. Sanitats Collegium. CHYMIE du gout. See Poncelet, P. CHYMIPHILUS, J. J. Der wahren chymischen Weisheit Offenbahrung ... aus vielen Theophrastischen Hand- schrifften ... in offenen Truck gegeben von J. J. Chymiphilo. [n.p.] 1720. 219 p. CHYMISCHE Lehrsatze der Hohenschule zu Montpellier. Frankfurt, 1755. 198 p. - Chymische Versuche ... in welchen die Kunst Gold und Silber, Gesundheit und ein langes Leben zu finden, enthalten. Frankfurt, 1767. 2 v. in 1. — See also Chemische. Der CHYMISCHEN und heutigen Welt. See Sincerus Hydrophilus. CIANCIARELLI, Francesco. Notizie storiche del celebre anatomico e chirurgo Andrea Massimini. Roma, 1792. 72 p. CICERO, Marcus Tullius. Of the nature of the Gods. New ed. London, 1775. 320 p. CICOGNA, Alessandro. Memoria . .. sui vantaggi dell'olio di ricino comunc Milano, 1789. 16 p. CID, Francisco Xavier. Tarantismo observado en Espaha. Madrid, 1787. 324 p. CIGNA, Giovanni Francesco, 1734-1790. Theses anato- micae. [Taurini, 177-?] 1 v. (various pagings) CIGNOZZI, Giuseppe, 1652-1730. La cura delle piaghe. See Hippocrates. Single works. De ulceribus. CINELLI CALVOLI, Giovanni, 1625-1706. Biblioteca volante. Ed. 2. Venezia, 1734-47. 4 v. CIRILLO, Domenico, 1739-1799. Ad botanicas institu- tiones introductio. Neapoli, 1766. xxviii p. — De essentialibus nonnullarum plantarum characteribus. Neapoli, 1784. lxxv p. - Discorsi accademici. [Napoli?] 1799. 191 p. — Formulae medicamentorum usitatiores. See under title. - Fundamenta botanica. Ed. 3. Neapoli, 1785-87. 2 v. — Materia medica regni mineralis. Neapoli, 1792. 133 p. - Metodo di amministrare la polvere antifebbrile del dottor James. Napoli, 1794. 120 p. -----Napoli, 1799. 120 p. — Nosologiae methodicae rudimenta. Neapoli, 1780.126 p. - Osservazioni pratiche intomo alia lue venerea. Napoli, 1783. 288 p. _____Venezia, 1786. 288 p. ______Ultima ed. [Napoli?] 1800. 288 p. - Praktische Bemerkungen uber die venerischen Krank- heiten. Leipzig, 1790. 450 p. _____Wien, 1791. 495 p. - Riflessioni intomo alia qualita delle acque nella concia de' cuoi. Ed. 2. Napoli, 1786. 80 p. CIRILLO, Giovanni. L'istinto, operetta medica. Napoli, 1795.95 p. CIRILLO, Niccolo, 1671-1734. Consulti medici. Napoli, 1738. 3 v. -----Venezia, 1741. 3 v. in 1. -----Ed. 2. Venezia, 1756. 3 v. in 1. -----Ed. 3. Venezia, 1770. 4 v. in 1. — Historia medica nobilissimae virginis monialis. Vigiliis, 1720. 44 p. CRJCCI, Antonio Filippo, fl. 1679-1681. Filo d'Arianna, o vero fedelissima scorta alii esercenti di chirurgia. Nova ed. Macerata, 1703. 312 p. CLACIUS, Georg. Consilia medica uber gantz besondere, schwere, auch rare Casus. Franckfurt, 1739. 88 p. — Observationes chirurgico-practicae; oder, Chirurgische practische Anmerckungen. Hanover, 1718. 152 p. CLAIRIER. Le tableau naturel de 1'homme. Strasbourg, An II [1793/94] 261 p. CLAIRON, Claude Joseph Terrier de. See Terrier de Cleron, Claude Joseph, 1697-1765. CLAPJES, Jean de, 1670-1740. Sur les manieres de niveler, et de mesurer les eaux d'une source. [Montpellier? 1712?]13 p. CLARE, Martin, d. 1751. The motion of fluids. London, 1735.323 p. -----2d ed. London, 1737. 369 p. -----3d ed. London, 1747. 375 p. CLARE, Peter, 1738-1786. An essay on the ct-re of abscesses by caustic. London, 1779. 154 p. -----2d ed. London, 1779. 83, 245 p. - Methode nouvelle et facile de guerir la maladie vene- rienne. Londres, 1785. 336 p. — Miscellaneous remarks on Mr. Clare's new method of applying mercury. London, 1782. 45 p. — A new and easy method of curing the lues venerea. 3d ed. London, 1780. 143 p. — Observations on the nature and treatment of the variolous abscess. London, 1781. 61 p. — A practical treatise on the gonorrhoea. New ed. Lon- don, 1783. 48 p. -----4th ed. London, 1784. 48 p. Imperfect: p. 25-32 and any following p. 48 wanting. _____5th ed. London, 1789. 34 p. — Vermischte medicinisch-chirurgische Abhandlungen. Leipzig, 1782. 415 p. CLARELLIS, Ludovicus de. See De Clarellis, Ludovicus. CLARENDON, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of, 1609-1674. The life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon. Oxford, 1759. 3 v. [CLARET DE LA TOURRETTE, Marc Antoine Louis] 89 CLARET DE LA TOURRETTE 1729-1793 & [ROZIER, Fran9ois] 1734-1793. Demon- strations elementaires de botanique. Lyon, 1766. 2 v. [-]&[-] --- Nouv. ed. Lyon, 1773. 2 v. - &-----3. ed. Lyon, 1787. 3 v. CLARK, James, farrier. Anmerkungen von dem hufschlage der Pferde. Leipzig, 1777. 137 p. — Observations on the shoeing of horses. 3d ed. Edinburgh 1782. 213 p. — A treatise on the prevention of diseases incidental to horses. Edinburgh, 1788. 425 p. -----2d ed. Edinburgh, 1790. 427 p. CLARK, James, of Dominica, d. 1819. A treatise on the yellow fever, as it appeared in the island of Dominica. London, 1797. 168 p. CLARK, John, 1744-1805. Observations on fevers. Lon- don, 1780. 398 p. -----London, 1792. 398 p. — Observations on the diseases in long voyages to hot countries. London, 1773. 366 p. — Observations on the diseases which prevail in long voyages to hot countries. 2d ed. London, 1792. 2 v. CLARK, Thaddeus. An account of a remarkable case of the tetanus. Norwich, 1794. 30 p. — A treatise on the scarlatina anginosa. Norwich, 1795. 48 p. CLARK, WilUam, 1698-1790? A medical dissertation con- cerning the effects of the passions on human bodies. London, 1752. 63 p. CLARKE, Adam, 17607-1832. A dissertation on the use and abuse of tobacco. London, 1797. 32 p. -----2d ed. London, 1798. 32 p. CLARKE, John, 1755-1798. A discourse, delivered . . . after the interment of Nathaniel W. Appleton, M. D. Boston, 1796. 22 p. — A discourse, delivered before the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Boston, 1793. 36 p. CLARKE, John, 1761-1815. An essay on the epidemic disease of lying-in women. London, 1788. 43 p. — Practical essays on the management of pregnancy and labour. London, 1793. 170 p. — Versuch iiber die epidemische Krankheit der Kind- betterinnen. Marburg, 1792. 46 p. CLARKE, Richard, 1723-ca. 1780. A warning to the world; or, The prophetical numbers of Daniel and John calculated. London, 1759. 24 p. CLARUS, Johann Christian August, 1774-1854. Momenta quaedam historica de methodicae scholae principibus. Lipsiae, 1799. xv p. CLAUBRY, Charles Daniel Gaultier de. See Gaultier de Claubry, Charles Daniel, 1757-1821. CLAUDER, Christian Ernst, b. 1694. 90.rgon.eac^! morphosis, sive mirabilis calculi humani historia. nidi, 1728. 32 p. — Praxis medico-legalis. Altenburg, 1736. 98 p. CLEFFEL, Johann Christoph. Antiquitates Germanorum potissimum septentrionalium selectae. Francof., 1733. 479 p. CLEGHORN, George, 1716-1789. Beobachtungen uber die epidemischen Krankheiten ... in Minorca. Gotha, 1776. 282 p. — Index of an annual course of lectures. Dublin, 1756. 56 p. — Observations on the epidemical diseases in Minorca. London, 1751. 288 p. -----2d ed. London, 1762. 288 p. -----3d ed. London, 1768. 311 p. -----4th ed. London, 1779. 311 p. CLEGHORN, Robert. A biographical account of Mr. William Hamilton. [Edinburgh, 1798] 29 p. Reprinted from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh. CLEMENT, David, 1701-1760. Bibliotheque curieuse historique et critique. Gottingen [etc.] 1750-60. 9 v. in 5. CLEMENTI, Giuseppe. Dissertazione anatomico-fisico- matematica intorno alia struttura dell'occhio. Fermo, 1757. xxxiv p. CLERC, Nicolas Gabriel, called Le Clerc, 1726-1798. Histoire naturelle de 1'homme considere dans l'etat de maladic Paris, 1767. 2 v. -----Paris, 1768. 2 v. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1784. 2 v. — Medicus veri amator ad Apollineae artis alumnos. [Moscoviae?] 1764. 244 p. — Theoretisch- und praktischer Versuch uber die an- steckenden Viehseuchen. Wien, 1767. 52 p. CLERCK, Carl Alexander, 1710-1765. Icones insectorum rariorum. Holmiae, 1759-64. 2 pts. in 1 v. CLERICI, Vincenzo. De vita hominis diutius tuenda. Parmae, 1742. 152 p. CLERICUS, Joannes. See Le Clerc, Jean, 1657-1736. CLERKE, Sir WilUam Henry, 1751-1818. Thoughts upon the means of preserving the health of the poor. London 1790. 27 p. CLERON, Claude Joseph Terrier de. See Terrier de Cleron, Claude Joseph, 1697-1765. [CLEVELAND] Institutes of health. London, 1761. 131 p CLIFTON, Francis, d. 1736. Etat de la medecine ancienne et moderne. Paris, 1742. 298 p. 90 COCHU — The state of physick, ancient and modern. London, 1732. 192 p. — Tabular observations recommended, as the plainest and surest way of practising and improving physick. London, 1731.31 p. CLINCH, William. De tuenda valetudinc Londini, 1728. 86 p. — Historiae medicae. Londini, 1733. 63 p. — An historical essay on the rise and progress of the small-pox. 2d ed. London, 1725. 59, 20 p. CLOSS, Johann Friedrich, 1735-1787. A. Cornelii Celsi De tuenda sanitata volumen, elegis Latinis expressum. Tubingae, 1785. 80 p. — A new method of curing the small-pox. London, 1767. 63 p. — Nova variolis medendi methodus. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1766. 144 p. — Specimen observationum criticarum in A. Cornelium Celsum. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1768. 64 p. CLOSS, Karl Friedrich, 1768-1797. Abhandlung uber die Durchbohrung des Brustbeins. Marburg, 1799. 72 p. — Anmerckungen iiber die Lehre von der Empfindlich- keit und Reizbarkeit der Theile. Tubingen, 1795. 72 p. — Tractatus de ductoribus cultri lithotomi sulcatis. Mar- purgi Hessorum [1792] 123 p. — Uber die Krankheiten der Knochen. Tubingen, 1798. 366 p. — Uber die Lustseuche. Tubingen, 1797. 430 p. -----2. Aufl. Tubingen, 1799. 429 p. CLOSSY, Samuel, 17247-1786. Observations on some of the diseases of the parts of the human body. London, 1763. 195 p. CLUBBE, John. An essay on the virulent gonorrhoea. London, 1786. 77 p. — An inquiry into the nature of the venereal poison. Ips- wich [1782] 80 p. — A treatise upon the inflammation in the breasts, pecul- iar to lying-in women. Ipswich [1779] 66 p. CLUTTERBUCK, Henry, 1767-1856. An account of a new and successful method of treating those affections which arise from the poison of lead. London, 1794. 69 p. — Remarks on some of the opinions of the late Mr. John Hunter respecting the venereal disease. London, 1799. 72 p. CLUTTON, Joseph. A short and certain method of curing continu'd fevers. 2d ed. London, 1735. 133 p. ______3d ed. London, 1748. 133 p. — A true and candid relation of . .. Joshua Ward's pill and drop. London, 1736. 114 p. [COBB, James, 1756-1818] The doctor and the apothe- cary. A musical entertainment. Dublin, 1789. 47 p. [COBBETT, William] 1763-1835. The American Rush- light ... by Peter Porcupine, [no. 1-4] London, 1800. 192 p. [ —) Observations on the emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestly. New-York, 1794. 40 p. [ - [ — 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1795. 88 p. Imperfect: sig. F wrongly perfected; p. 41, 44-45, and 48 duplicated and p. 42-43 and 46-47 omitted. [ — ] — By Peter Porcupine. 4th ed. London, 1798. 73 p. l-]The Rush-light, v. 1, no. 1-6; 15th Feb.-30th Aug. 1800; v. 2, no. 1. By Peter Porcupine. New York [etc.] 1800 [-017] 309, 48 p. No. 7 (v. 2, no. 1) undated, has title: The republican Rush- light. COCCHI, Antonio, 1695-1758. Consulti medici. Ber- gamo, 1791.2v. — De usu artis anatomicae. Florentiae, 1736. 48 p. — Dei bagni di Pisa. Firenze, 1750. 415 p. — Dei discorsi Toscani. Firenze, 1761-62. 2 v. — Dei vermi cucurbitini dell'uomo. Pisa, 1758. xv p. — Del vitto pitagorico. Firenze, 1743. 84 p. -----Venezia, 1744. 72 p. -----Venezia, 1757. 71 p. -----Vicenza[17-?]68p. -----See also Lessius, L. — Dell'anatomia. Firenze, 1745. 91 p. — Discorso primo . . . sopra Asclepiade. Firenze, 1758. xc p. — Du regime de vivre pythagoricien. Geneve, 1750. Ill p. — Elogio di Pietro Antonio Micheli. Firenze, 1737. 39 p. — ed. Graecorum chirurgici libri. Florentiae, 1754. 173p. — The life of Asclepiades. London, 1762. 79 p. — Pieces interessantes sur la medecine. See under title. — The Pythagorean diet. London, 1745. 91 p. COCCHI, Antonio Celestino, 1699-1747. Corticis Peru- viani vindiciae dissertatio physico-practica. Romae, 1746. 83 p. — Dissertatio physico-practica continens vindicias cor- ticis Peruviani. Lugduni Batavorum, 1750. 63 p. — Epistolae physico-medicae ad clarissimos viros Lan- cisium et Morgagnum. Romae, 1725. 85 p. -----Parisiis, 1732. 66 p. — Lectio de musculis et motu musculorum. Romae, 1743. [27] p. COCCHI, Raimondo, 1736-1775. Lezioni fisico-anato- miche. Livorno, 1775. 119 p. COCCHI, Virgilio, 1692-1736. II buon'uso dell'acqua fredda nelle malattie. Perugia, 1735. lvi p. COCCI, Alessandro, 1634-1707. Praxis morborum, qui in dies accidunt renibus, ureteribus, et vesicae. Romae, 1708. 422 p. COCHU, Francois Felicite. Observations sommaires . . . au sujet de l'inoculation. Paris, 1765. 19 p. 91 COCK COCK, William. Meteorologia; oder, Witterungs-Lehre. Wiirtzburg, 1729. 71 p. COCKBURN, William, 1669-1739. An account of the nature, causes, symptoms and cure of loosenesses. 2d ed. London, 1710. 262 p. [ — ] The danger of improving physick. London, 1730. 39 p. — The nature and cures of fluxes. 3d ed. London, 1724. 344 p. — Preparation anatomique des parties de 1'homme ser- vant a la generation. [London, 1721?] [2] p. col. plate. — Profluvia ventris; or, The nature and causes of loose- nesses. London, 1701. 178 p. — Redenering en aanmerkingen omtrent de ziektens ter zee voorvallende. Leiden, 1701. 478 p. — Sea diseases. 2d ed. London, 1706. 272 p. -----3d ed. London, 1736. 264 p. — Some observations of the power and efficacy of a medicine against loosenesses. London, 1757. 72 p. [ — ] The symptoms, nature, cause, and cure of a gonor- rhoea. London, 1713. 188 p. -----2d ed. London, 1715. 224 p. -----3d ed. London, 1718. 304 p. -----4th ed. London, 1728. 332 p. — Traite de la nature, des causes, des symptomes, et de la curation . . . du mal venerien. Paris, 1730. 277 p. — Virulentae gonorrhoeae symptomata, natura, causa & curationes. Lugduni Batavorum, 1716. 175 p. -----Lugduni Batavorum 1717. 175 p. COCKER, Edward, 1631-1675. English dictionary. 2d ed. London, 1715. 1 v. (unpaged) CODE des nourrices. See France. Laws, statutes, etc. — Code ou nouveau reglement sur les lieux de prostitu- tions dans la ville de Paris. Londres, 1775. 191 p. CODEX medicamentarius, seu pharmacopoea Parisiensis. See Pharmacopoeia. Paris. CODICE farmaceutico. See Pharmacopoeia. Venice. COE, Thomas, d. 1761. Abhandlung von den Gallen- steinen. Leipzig, 1783. 473 p. — A treatise on biliary concretions. London, 1757. 345 p. The COELESTIAL diary. See Pearse, S. COELHO, Manuel Rodrigues, b. 1687. Pharmacopea Tubalense chimico-galenica. Lisboa Occidental, 1735. 896 p. COELHO DE SAM-PAYO, Manoel. See Sam -Pay o, Ma noel Coelhode. COELHO DE SEABRA SILVA TELLES, Vicente. See Telles, Vicente Coelho de Seabra Silva, 17647-1804. COESFELD, Conrad Zumbach von. See Zumbach van Koesfeld, Conrad, 1697-1780. COETLOGON, Dennis de. See De Coetlogon, Dennis, d. 1749. COGHLAN. See Recensio critica. COGROSSI, Carlo Francesco, 1682-1769. Delia natura, effetti, ed'uso della corteccia del Peru. Crema, 1711. 112 p. - Giunta al trattato della china-china. Crema, 1716.64 p. — Nuova giunta al trattato della china-china. Crema, 1718. 35 p. — Pro medicorum virtute adversus fortunam medicam. Brixiae, 1721. 24 p. — Saggi della medicina italiana. Padoa, 1727. 115 p. COHAUSEN, Heinrich Joseph. Europae arcana medica; id est, Collectanea physico-medico-practica. Franco- furti, 1757. 598 p. COHAUSEN, Johann Heinrich, 1665-1750. Dissertatio satyrica physico-medico-moralis de pica nasi. Am- stelodami, 1716. 177 p. [ — ] Ermippo redivivo o sia il metodo di prolungar la vita e il vigorc Livorno, 1756. 210 p. — Helmontius ecstaticus. Amstelodami, 1731. 333 p. — Hermippus redivivus; or, The sage's triumph over old age and the grave. Dublin, 1744. 131 p. -----London, 1744. 168 p. -----2d ed. London, 1749. 248 p. -----3d ed. London, 1771. 248 p. — Hermippus redivivus; ou, Le triomphe du sage, sur la viellesse et le tombeau. Bruxelles, 1789. 2 v. in 1. — Hermippus redivivus; sive, Exercitatio physico-medica curiosa de methodo rara ad CXV annos prorogandae senectutis. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1742. 90 p. — Lucina Ruyschiana, sive musculus uteri orbicularis. Amstelodami, 1731. 93 p. — Lumen novum phosphoris accensum. Amstelodami, 1717. 306 p. — Neo-thea, of nieuwe theetafel. Amsterdam, 1719. 508 p. — Neu-angerichtete medicinische Thee-Tafel. 2. Aufl. Lemgo, 1728. 670 p. — Ossilegium historico-physicum. Francofurti, 1714.58 p. — Raptus ecstaticus in Montem Pamassum . . . sive, Sa- tyricon novum ... in modemum tabaci stemutatorii abusum. Amstelodami, 1726. 128 p. — Ruysch, over de baarmoeder of de ronde spier van de lyfmoeder. Amsterdam, 1731. 130 p. — Satyrische Gedancken von der Pica Nasi. Leipzig, 1720. 284 p. COHAUSEN, Salentin Ernst Eugen, 1730-1779. Exerci- tatio encomica, sive theses, de dolorosa et gloriosa podagra. Francofurti, 1749. 180 p. — Kurtzer Unterricht von denen jetzo hin und wieder grassirenden Catharralfieberen und Seythenstechen Coblentz[17-]21 p. — Medicinal Rathschlag wie die jetzo grassirende weisse und rothe Ruhr theils zu genesen, theils zu praeser- 92 COLLECTION viren. [Coblentz? 17-] [10] p. — Periculum physico-medicum Crenographiae Bertlicho- Birresbomo-Trevirensis; das ist, Kurtze . . . Beschrei- bung ... zweyer ... Gesundheits-Brunnen. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1748. 160 p. — See also Medicinal Vorschlage. COHEN, Meyer Kalman, b. 1739. Theoretische und praktische Abhandlung vom Stein. Halle, 1774.108 p. COHEN, Tobias, 16527-1729. Ma'aseh Toviyah. [Venezia, 1708] 1581. COIVART, G. Pratique abregee de medecine et de medicamens. Paris, 1711. 373, 45 p. [COL DE VILLARS, Elie] 1675-1747. Alphabetische Sammlung. See Braunstein, J. — Cours de chirurgie. Paris, 1745-53. 6 v. Vol. 5 has title: Suite du cours de chirurgie; v. [6|: Diction- naire francois-latin des termes de medecine et de chirurgie. A made-up set: v. 1-2, 1745; v. 3, 1746; v. 4-5, 1749; v. 6, 1753. -----Paris, 1746-64. 6 v. A made-up set: v. 1-2, 1764; v. 3, 1746; v. 4, 1757; v. 5, 1749; v. 6, 1747. -----Paris, 1759. 6 v. [ — [Recueil alphabetique de prognostics dangereux. Paris, 1736. 270 p. [-]---Paris, 1746. 270 p. -----Paris, 1755. 237 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1759. 237 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1770. 237 p. COLANERI, Filippo. Novissima methodus curandi mor- bos acutos inedia, & aqua. Neapoli, 1747. lvi p. COLBATCH, Sir John, 1670-1728. Abhandlung von dem Mistel. Altenburg, 1776. 88 p. — A collection of tracts, chirurgical and medical. 2d ed. London, 1704. 568 p. — A dissertation concerning mistletoe. London, 1719. 30 p. -----2d ed. London, 1720. 2 v. in 1. -----3d ed. London, 1723. 30, 41 p. -----5th ed. London, 1730. 30, 41 p. -----6th ed. London [17-] 72 p. — Dr. Colbatch's legacy; or, The family physician. [No. 1 ] London, 1733. 32+ p. Imperfect: all after p. 32 wanting. — The generous physician; or, Medicine made easy. Lon- don [17337] 90 p. — Observations upon the scheme lately published. Lon- .don, 1721. 35 p. — A scheme for proper methods to be taken, should it please God to visit us with the plague. London, 1721. 21 p. — Sicher-erprobtes Heilmittel der bis jetzt unheilbar gewesenen hinfallenden Sucht. 3. Aufl. Regensburg [17—7] broadside. COLBORNE, Robert. A complete English dispensatory. London, 1756. 348 p. COLDEN, Cadwallader, 1688-1776. Explication des pre- mieres causes de Taction dans la matiere. Paris, 1751. 103 p. — An explication of the first causes of action in matter. London, 1746. 75 p. COLE, William, 1635-1716. Consilium aetiologicum de casu quodam epileptico. Londini, 1702. 151 p. — Novae hypotheseos, ad explicanda febrium inter- mittentium symptomata. Ed. noviss. Genevae, 1727. 95 p. — Tractatus de secretione animali. Ed. noviss. Genevae, 1727. 72 p. COLEMAN, Edward, 1765-1839. Abhandlung uber das durch Ertrinken, Erdrosseln und Ersticken gehemmte Athemholen. Leipzig, 1793. 218 p. — A dissertation on suspended respiration, from drown- ing, hanging, and suffocation. London, 1791. 284 p. — Observations on the structure, oeconomy, and diseases of the foot of the horse. London, 1798-1802. 2 v. COLES, Elisha, 16407-1680. An English dictionary. Lon- don, 1724. 1 v. (unpaged) COLIGNON, Charles. See Collignon, Charles, 1725-1785. [COLIN, Sebastien] 15197-1578? Lisetti Benancii Ent- deckung derer von einigen Apotheckern begangenen listigen Fiindlein und Fehlem. Franckfurth, 1753. 176 p. COLLA, Luigi A. Saggio elementare su l'arte ostetricia. Parma, 1800. 68, 216 p. COLLADON, J. P. Lettres . . . sur la vaccine. Paris, An IX (1800) 24 p. COLLAND, Friedrich, 1754-1815. Untersuchung der gewohnlichsten Ursachen so vieler friihzeitig-todt- gebohrner . . . Kinder. Wien, 1800. 142 p. COLLECTIO dissertationum et programmatum quas in usus medicos elaboravere inch Academiae Heidelberg. professores . . . Volumen primum. Continens Gatten- hofii dissertationes medicas. Heidelbergae, 1791. 384 p. — Collectio dissertationum medicarum in alma Uni- versitate Lovaniensi . . . defensarum. Lovanii, 1795- 96. 4 v. COLLECTION academique [Ptic etrangere] t. 1-13. Dijon [etc.] 1755-79. 13 v. — Collection academique. Ptic francoise. t. 4-16. Paris, 1770-87. 13 v. — Collection de differentes pieces, concernant la chi- rurgie, l'anatomie & la medecine pratique. Tom. 1. Paris, 1761. 192 p. Compiled by J. F. Simon. — A collection of above three hundred receipts. See Kettilby, M. 93 COLLECTION — A collection of receipts in physic, being the practice of. . . Dr. Bloxam. 2d ed. London, 1754. 108 p. — A collection of the yearly bills of mortality. London, 1759. 2 pts. in 1 v. — A collection of very valuable and scarce pieces relating to the last plague in the year 1665. London, 1721. 88 p. The compilation has been ascribed to William Beckett. -----2d ed. London, 1721. 88 p. COLLECTIONUM dissertationum medicarum in Aca- demia Goettingensi habitarum torn. I |-II] Goettingae, 1790-95. 2 v. in 3. COLLEGE. The college: A satire. London, 1797. 77 p. — Le College et Academie royale de chirurgie. See Pey- rilhe, B. COLLEGE DE CHIRURGIE DE PARIS. Petition a l'Assemblee nationalc [Paris, 1792] 10 p. COLLEGE DE MEDECINE DE LAUSANNE. Instruc tion pour traiter les personnes mordues par un chien enrage, [n.p.] 1797. 15 p. COLLEGE DES MAITRES EN CHIRURGIE DE PARIS. See La Martiniere, G. P. de. COLLEGE DES MEDECINS, Lyons. Avis salutaire con- tre la maladie epidemique ... qui regnoit... en l'annee 1628. Lyon, 1721. 24 p. — Concours public et distribution de prix fondes par messieurs les prevot des marchands et echevins, en faveur des eleves en chirurgie. Lyon, 1782. 15 p. COLLEGE OF PHILADELPHIA. Medical School. This day ... the following gentlemen were admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Physick; viz. Messrs. John Archer . . . Benjamin Cowell . . . and Nicholas Way. {In The Boston chronicle. Boston. July 4-11, 1768) COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS IN LONDON. See Royal College of Physicians. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF PHILADELPHIA. The charter, constitution and bye laws. Philadelphia, 1790. 15 p. — Facts and observations relative to the nature and origin of the pestilential fever. Philadelphia, 1798. 52 p. -----London, 1799. 40 p. — Proceedings ... relative to the prevention ... of con- tagious diseases. Philadelphia, 1798. 37 p. - Transactions, v. 1, pt. 1. Philadelphia, 1793. 254 p. COLLEGIO DE' MEDICI DI FIRENZE. See Arte de' medici e degli speziali. COLLEGIO DEGLI SPEZIALI, Venice. Taxa anni MDCCI seu praetia Veneta rerum medicinalium. [Ve- netiis, 1701] 19 p. COLLEGIO DEI FISICI, Genoa. Deliberazione. [Geno- va. 1786][4] p. Relates to William Batt. COLLEGIO DI MEDICINA, Bologna. See Universita di Bologna. Collegio di medicina. COLLEGIUM CHIRURGICUM AMSTELAEDAMENSE. See Chirurgijns Gilde te Amsterdam. COLLEGIUM CURIOSORUM IN DEUTSCHLAND. Geheime Unterredungen. See under title. COLLEGIUM MEDICO-PHARMACEUTICUM, Alk- maar. See Alkmaar, Netherlands. Ordinances, local laws, etc. COLLEGIUM MEDICORUM CIVITATIS SALERNI. Sommario num. I [-VII] in causa almi Collegii Medico- rum Civitatis Salemi cum almo Collegio Medicorum .. . Neapolis ut in actis. [Neapoli? 17377] 10 p. Bound with (as issued?) Mogaveri, Giuseppe. Ragguaglio. [Neapoli? 1737?] COLLEGIUM MEDICUM, Ansbach. See Hasenest, J.G. COLLEGIUM MEDICUM, Berlin. See Prussia. Colle- gium Medicum. COLLEGIUM MEDICUM, Copenhagen. Prodromus praevertens continuata acta medica Hafniensia. Ed. nova. Hafniae, 1775. 167 p. — Taxa, seu pretium tarn simplicium quam composito- rum juxta Pharmacopoeam Danicam. Havniae, 1772. 56 p. In Latin and German. COLLEGIUM MEDICUM, Kassel. See Hesse Kassel (Landgraviate) Laws, statutes, etc. COLLEGIUM MEDICUM, Munster. Unterricht von dem Collegium der Aerzte in Miinster ... nebst den miinster- schen Medicinalgesetzen, entworffen durch C. L. Hoff- manns. Munster in Westphalen, 1777. 389 p. COLLEGIUM MEDICUM, Munich. Kurze Abhandlung von den scheinbaren Todesarten ertrunkener . . . und erdriickter Personen. Miinchen, 1775. 32 p. COLLEGIUM MEDICUM, Stockholm. Berattelser. Stock- holm, 1765. 342 p. - Berattelser. Upsala, 1769. 479 p. — Catalogus et valor medicamentorum in officinis phar- maceuticis regni Sveciae prostantium. Stockholm, 1741. 89 p. — Reglemente for apothekarne i riket. Stockholm [ 17867] [7] p. — Socken-apothek. See Darelli, J. A. af. — Underrattelse . . . huru den nu gangse-warande flack- siukan, eller sa kallade masslingen, igenkannas, skiotas och nast Gudz hielp botas kan. Stockholm, 1722. [4] p. COLLEGIUM PHARMACOPOLARUM, Venice. See Collegio degli speziali. COLLEGIUM SANITATIS, Halle. See Halle. Collegium Sanitatis. 94 COMBALUSIER COLLEGIUM SANITATIS, Regensburg. See Regens- burg. Collegium Sanitatis. COLLENBUSCH, Daniel, 1759-1841, comp. Merkwiir- dige Abhandlungen Hollandischer Aerzte. Bd. 1, Stuck 1-2. Leipzig, 1794-97. 2 v. in 1. Pt. 1 has half title: Maximilian Jacob de Man. .. Abhandlung uber das bosartige Faulfieber. Pt. 2 has added t.p.: Geschichte und Denkschriften der Amsterdamer Rettungs-Anstalten fiir im Wasser verungliickte Menschen eilftes Stuck. — Mildheimische Gesundheitslehre. Gotha, 1799-1801. 3 v. in 1. COLLIER, John. Essays on the progress of the vital princi- ple. London, 1800. 376 p. COLLIGNON, Charles, 1725-1785. An enquiry into the structure of the human body. Cambridge, 1764. 67 p. ------2d ed. Cambridge, 1764. 65, 67 p. — Medicina politica; or, Reflections on the art of physic. Cambridge, 1765. 43 p. — The miscellaneous works. Cambridge, 1786. 345 p. — Moral and medical dialogues. Cambridge, 1769. 116 p. — Tyrocinium anatomicum; or, An introduction to anato- my. Cambridge, 1763. 37 p. COLLIN. Rouge vegetal. See Deshais-Gendron, L. F. COLLIN, Heinrich Joseph, 1731-1784? Heilkrafte des Wolverley. Bresslau, 1777. 380 p. — Nosocomii civici Pazmanniani annus medicus tertius; sive, Observationum circa morbos acutos et chronicos . . . factarum pars prima [-sexta] Vindobonae, 1764- 80. 6 v. in 3. Incomplete: pt. 6 wanting. Each pt. has special t.p.: pt. 2: Observationum circa morbos acutos et chronicos factarum pars secunda; pt. 3: Camphorae vires; pt. 4: Florum arnicae vires; pt. 5: Arnicae, in febribus et aliis morbis putridis vires; pt. 6: Lactucae sylvestris contra hydropem vires. ------See also Storck, A. Anni medici. — Wahmehmungen von den heilsamen Kraften der bit- tern Kreuzblumenwurzel. Wien, 1780. 263 p. COLLIN, Matthaus von, 1739-1817. Pathologia thera- piaque. Vindobonae, 1793. 223 p. COLLINET, L. P. De la petite verole par la methode naturelle. Paris, An IX [1800/01] 122 p. [COLLINS, Anthony] 1676-1729. A philosophical inquiry concerning human liberty. London, 1717. 115 p. COLLOMB. Lettre . . . sur un cours de physiologie experi- mentale fait. . . par M. Portal. Amsterdam, 1771. 60 p. COLLOMB, Barthelemy, 1718-1798. Oeuvres medico- chirurgicales. Lyon, An VI (1798) 544 p. ------Lyon, et Paris, An VI (1798) 544 p. COLLOQUIA chirurgica. See Handley, J. COLLOT, Francois. See Colot, Francois, d. 1706. COLMAN, Benjamin, 1673-1747. Ausfiihrliche Nachricht von der Beschaffenheit und Success des Blatter-Belt- zens in Neu-Engelland. Wittenberg, 1723. 52 p. — A narrative of the method and success of inoculating the small pox in New England. London, 1722. 48 p. — Some observations on the new method of receiving the small-pox. Boston, 1721. 16 p. [COLOMB DE SEILLANS] d. 1758. L'esculapedie, poeme divise en huit chants. Amsterdam, 1757. 98 p. COLOMBANI, Giuseppe, b. 1689. II tutto ristretto in poco. Venezia, 1724. 157 p. COLOMBIER, Jean, 1736-1789. Code de medecine mili- taire. Paris, 1772. 5 v. — Dissertatio nova de suffusione seu cataracta. Amstelo- dami, 1765. 194 p. - Du lait. Ptic 1. Paris, 1782. 288 p. — Instruccion para precaver la rabia. Madrid, 1786. 58 p. | — ] Instruction sur la rage, publiee par les ordres de M. l'lntendant de la Generalite de Paris. [Paris, 1785] 8 p. — Medecine militaire. Paris, 1778. 7 v. [-] & [DOUBLET, Francois] 1751-1795. Instruction sur la maniere de gouvemer les insenses. Paris, 1785.44 p. COLON, Francois, 1764-1812. Essai sur l'inoculation de la vaccine. Paris, An IX [1800/01 ] 32 p. ----— Another issue. 36 p. -----Another issue. Typographical errors (p. 6, 7, 16, 29, and 33) are not cor- rected; p. 27-32 are cancels. — Recueil d'observations et de faits relatifs a la vaccine. Paris, Nivose An IX [1800/01 ] 69 p. COLONNA, Fabio, 1567-1650. Phytobasanos, cui accessit vita Fabii et Lynceorum notitia. Florentiae, 1744. 134 p. [COLONNA, Francesco Maria Pompeo] ca. 1649-1726. Abrege de la doctrine de Paracelse, et de ses archi- doxes. Paris, 1724. 442 p. — See also Le Crom, A. COLOT, Francois, d. 1706. Traite de l'operation de la taille. Paris, 1727. 322 p. COLTELLI, Michel. See Procope-Couteaux, Michel Col- telli, 1684-1753. COLTHEART, P. The quacks unmask'd. London, 1727. 28 p. COLUMELLA, Lucius Junius Moderatus. Of husbandry. London, 1745. 600 p. [COMBALUSIER, Francois de Paule] 1713-1762. Defense de la Faculte de medecine de Paris . . . au sujet de la place de medecin de l'Hopital general. Paris, 1762. 192 p. — Memoire au roy. Pour . .. l'Universite de medecine de Montpellier . .. contre les maitres chirurgiens de la meme ville. [Paris, 1749] 42 p. 95 COMBALUSIER — Observations et reflexions sur la colique de Poitou ou des peintres. Ptic 1. Paris, 1761. 300 p. — Pneumato-pathologia; seu, Tractatus de flatulentis humani corporis affectibus. Parisiis, 1747. 536 p. — Pneumato-pathologie, ou Traite des maladies venteu- ses. Paris, 1754. 2 v. COMBE-BLANCHE, Jean Janin de. See Janin de Combe Blanche,Jean,1731-1811. COMBER, Thomas, d. 1778. Real improvements in agri- culture. London, 1772. 83 p. ICOMBLES, de ] d. 1770? L'ecole du jardin potager. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1752. 2 v. COME, Frere. See Baseilhac, Jean, 1703-1781. COMINALE, Celestino, 1722-1785. Historia physico- medica epidemiae Neapolitanae. Neapoli, 1764. 208 p. COMINCIOLI, Giacomo, d. 1734. Phlebotomiae usus & abusus. Venetiis, 1721. 192 p. COMMELIN, Caspar, 1667-1731. Horti Medici Amstelae- damensis plantae rariores et exoticac Lugduni Batavo- rum, 1715. 48 p. — Horti Medici Amstelaedamensis plantarum usualium catalogus. Ed. 3. Amstelaedami [1724] 107 p. — Praeludia botanica. Lugduni Batavorum, 1703. 85 p. — — Lugduni Batavorum, 1715. 85 p. COMMELIN, Johannes, 1629-1692. Catalogus plantamm indigenarum Hollandiac Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1709.80, 117 p. COMMENTARIEN der neuern Arzneykunde. Bd. 1-6. Tubingen, 1793-1800. 6 v. Ed. by C. G. Hopf. COMMENTARH de rebus in scientia naturali e medicina gestis. v. 1-37. Lipsiae, 1752-1808. 37 v. Incomplete: v. 37, 1798/1808, wanting. -----Primae [-tertiae] decadis supplementum I [-IV] Lipsiae, 1763-85. 3 v. Quartae decadis supplementum I, 1796, wanting. -----Primae [-tertiae] decadis index triplex. Lipsiae, 1770-93. 3 v. — Commentarii in pharmacopoeam Austriacam milita- rem novam. Viennae Austriae, 1800. 216 p. Le COMMERCE dangereux. See Drouet De Maupertuy, J. B. COMMERCIUM litterarium ad rei medicae et scientiae naturalis incrementum institutum. 1731-45. Norim- bergae. 15 v. COMMERELL, abbe de, d. ca. 1799. An account of the culture and use of the mangel wurzel. 4th ed. London, 1788. 52 p. COMMISSIE VAN GENEESKUNDIG BESTUUR. See Netherlands (Batavian Republic, 1795-1806) COMMISSIE VAN GENEESKUNDIG TOEVOOR- ZICHT, Amsterdam. See Amsterdam. COMMISSION CHARGEE DE L'EXAMEN DU MAG- NETISME ANIMAL. See France. COMMISSIONE SOPRA IL SALNITRIO. Rapporto al governo centrale del Padovano, Polesine di Roviga, e d'Adria. |Padova, 1797] 30 p. COMMUNAUTE DES MAITRES EN CHIRURGIE DE MONTPELLIER. See Maltres en chirurgie de Mont- pellier. COMPAGNIE DES EAUX DE PARIS. Deliberation. [Paris? 178-7] 9 p. COMPAGNIE DES MAITRES APOTHICAIRES, Paris. messieurs les doyen et docteurs regens de la Faculte de medecine. Precis pour la Compagnie des maitres apothicaires. [n.p., 177-7] 15 p. Signed Laborie, Despres, Trevez. COMPAGNIE DES MAITRES CHIRURGIENS DE MONTPELLIER. See Maitres en chirurgie de Mont- pellier. COMPAGNONI, Giuseppe, 1754-1833. La chimica per le donne. Venezia, 1796. 2 v. in 1. COMPANY OF BARBER SURGEONS, London. See Barber-Surgeons' Company. COMPANY OF PARISH CLERKS OF LONDON. See London. Company of Parish Clerks. COMPANY OF SURGEONS, London. See Surgeons' Company. A COMPARATIVE statement of facts. See Paytherus,T. — A comparative view of . . . man. See Gregory, John. COMPARETTI, Andrea, 1746-1801. Observationes ana- tomicae de aure interna comparata. Patavii, 1789. 396 p. — Observationes dioptricae et anatomicae comparatae de coloribus apparentibus, visu, et oculo. Patavii, 1798.112 p. - Observationes opticae de luce inflexa et coloribus. Patavii, 1787. 140 p. — Occursus medici de vaga aegritudine infirmitatis ner- vorum. Venetiis, 1780. 396 p. — Riscontri medici delle febbri larvate periodiche perni- ciose. Padova, 1795. 2 v. - Saggio della Scuola clinica nello Spedale di Padova. Padova, 1793. 192 p. COMPARINI, Teodoro Clemente. Sicuro e portentoso rimedio alia odontalgia. Firenze, 1793. 34 p. COMPAYRE, Lascazes de. See Lascazes de Compayre. COMPENDIEUSER Bericht von der Structur des mensch- lichen Leibes und Beschaffenheit des naturlichen Le- bens. [n.p.j 1722. 148 p. 96 CONSIDERATIONS COMPENDIO de el arte de partear. Barcelona, 1765. 104 p. — Compendio de secreti. Esperimentati in molte parti del mondo. Fiorenza [17 — 7] [16] p. — Compendio di cognizioni veterinaric See Moscati, P. A COMPENDIOUS system of anatomy. See Fyfe, A. A COMPENDIUM of physic and surgery. London, 1769. 492 p. Ascribed to Joseph Flowerden in the Index-Catalogue and elsewhere, apparently on the basis of an ownership mark in this copy. Cf. M. D. Warren, Medicine in 1769, Medicine illus- trated, v. 5 (1951), p. 358-362. COMPIANI, Giambattista. Prima disertazione sopra della apoplesia. Genova, 1758. 51 p. The COMPLEAT cook: prescribing the most ready ways for dressing flesh . . . etc. London, 1710. 138 p. — The complete dictionary of arts and sciences. See Croker, T. H. — The compleat family companion; or, The whole art of cookery made plain and easy . . . Calculated for the preservation of health. London, 1753. 128 p. — The complete family-piece; and, country gentleman, and farmer's, best guide. 2d ed. London, 1737. 526 p. — The compleat gentlewoman and chamber-maid's closet newly opened: richly stored with many choice receipts in physick and chirurgery. London [170-7] 24 p. — The complete grazier; or, Gentleman and farmer's di- rectory. London, 1767. 252 p. — The compleat herbal; or, Family physician, giving an account of all such plants as are now used in the practice of physic. Manchester, 1787. 2 v. in 1. — A compleat key to the dispensary. London, 1726. 35 p. Someitimes attributed to Samuel Garth. ------4th ed. London, 1746. 48 p. — A compleat system of the blood-vessels and nerves, taken from Albinus's edition of Eustachius, also from Ruysch [et al.] London, 1758. [35] p. Imperfect: some figures wanting; some pages mutilated, with considerable loss of text. ------See also Albinus, B. S. The explanation. — A compleat treatise of urines. See Hickes, T. — The compleat vermin-killer. 2d ed. London, 1777. 88p. — The complete vermin-killer. 3d ed. London, 1777. 87p. ------4th ed. London, 1777. 87 p. COMPLETE. See Compleat. COMUS. See Ledru, Nicolas Philippe, 1731-1807. [CONCINA, Daniele) ca. 1686-1756. Memorie storiche •sopra l'uso della cioccolata. Venezia, 1748. cxcvi p. [ _ ] — 2. ed. Lucca, 1749. cxliii, lx p. CONDE, Pedro Garcia. See Garcia Conde, Pedro, fl. 1681-1685. CONDIE, Thomas & FOLWELL, Richard. History of the pestilence, commonly called yellow fever. Phila- delphia [1799] 108, xxxii p. — &------Another issue. (Select pamphlets respecting the yellow fever. Philadelphia [1799] no. 5) [CONDILLAC, Etienne Bonnot de] 1714-1780. Essai sur l'origine des connoissances humaines. Amsterdam, 1746. 2v. — Traite des animaux. Amsterdam, 1755. 232 p. -----Amsterdam, 1766. 200 p. — Traite des sensations. Londres, 1754. 2 v. CONDORCET, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de, 1743-1794. Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progres de l'esprit humain. Paris, An III [1794/95] 389 p. CONFERMA ed apologia. See Ferrari, Girolamon, fl. 1786. CONFESSION d'un medecin, academicien, & commis- saire d'un rapport sur le magnetisme animal, [n.p., 1785]70 p. Attributed to Charles d'Eslon by Dureau, Notes bibliographi- ques . . . du magnetisme animal, p. 182 (correcting attribution to Nicolas Bergasse on p. 59) CONNECTICUT. Laws, statutes, etc. Acts and laws, made and passed in and by the General Court. . . holden at Hartford . . . May, anno Domini, 1797. [Hartford, 1797] 455-462 p. CONNOR, Bernard, 16667-1698. Evangelium medici; seu, Medicina mystica. Ed. 3. Jenae, 1706. 193 p. -----Ed. 4. Jenae, 1724. 193 p. El CONOCIMIENTO de los tiempos. See Bueno, C. CONRADI, Andreas Peter, fl. 1685-1714. Monita dysen- terica; das ist, Kurtze und einfaltige Erinnerungen, welche bey der jetzo grassirenden Rothen-Ruhr niitz- lich . . . sind. Duderstadt, 1714. 16 p. CONRAD, Georg Christoph, 1767-1798. Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. Hannover, 1796. 572 p. CONRADI, Johann Gottfried, 1702-1776. Kurze Ab- handlung von den Krankheiten der Zahne. Copen- hagen [1755] 90 p. CONRING, Hermann, 1606-1681. Introductio in univer- sam artem medicam. Halae, 1726. 424, 163 p. [CONSBRUCH, Georg Wilhelm Christoph] 1764-1837. Medicinische Ephemeriden nebst einer medicinischen Topographie der Graftschaft Ravensberg. Chemnitz, 1793. 268 p. [ — ] Taschenbuch fiir angehende practische Arzte. Leipzig, 1794-95. 2 v. CONSIDERATIONS concerning the distemper which still spreads itself among the horned cattle. London, 1749. 131 p. — Considerations on the nature ... of pestilences. See 97 CONSIDERATIONS Free-thinker. — Considerations on the use and abuse of antimonial medicines in fevers. London, 1773. 48 p. -----2 ed. London, 1773. 48 p. CONSPECTUS disserationum librorum omniumque scrip- torum quae ab anno MDCLXXXI us>que ad ann. MDCCXXIX edidit Fridericus Hoffmannus. |Halae, 1730?]40 p. ------[ad ann. MDCCXXXIV] Halae Magdeburgicae 11734] 44 p. CONST ANCIO, Francisco Solano, 17727-1846. An appeal to the gentlemen studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. 2d ed. London, 1797. 22 p. CONSTANT DE REBECQUE, Jacob de, 1635-1730. Essay de la pharmacopee des Suisses. Berne, 1709. 274 p. CONSULTATION contre la legitimite des naissances pretendues tardives, [n.p.) 1764. 41 p. Signed by Bouvart and 8 others. — Consultation de chirurgie. See Puy. — Consultation medicinale pour faciliter 1'accouche- ment d'une prudente constitution francoisc Cap de Bonne Esperance, 1795. 22 p. — Consultation . . . sur le Traite de la dissolution du mariage. See Fromageot, J. B. — Consultation sur les convulsions. [Paris? 1735] 17 p. — Consultation sur une naissance tardive. See Bouvart, M.P. CONSULTATIONS choisies de plusieurs medecins cele- bres de l'Universite de Montpellier, sur des maladies aigues et chroniques. Paris, 1750-57 [v. 1-4,1757] 10 v. CONTE, Nicolaus. Aquae frigidae antiquissima metho- dus ad praxim iterum revocata. Neapoli, 1732. 269 p. The CONTENTS, virtues, and uses of Nevil-Holt spaw- water. See Short, T. CONTI, Antonio, 1677-1749. Risposta . . . alia Difesa del libro delle considerazioni intorno alia generazione de' viventi. Venezia, 1716. 172 p. CONTINUATION der Nachricht, was von dem Gebrauch des . . . Gesund-Brunnens bey Danckeroda . . . vor be- sondere curen . . . geschehen. [n.p., 1729) 24 p. — Continuation of the Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital. See Pennsylvania Hospital. CONTRA vindicias salsas doctas et Candidas antidotus. [Genuac 1784] 8 p. CONTROVERSIE di alcuni medici. See Gandini, C. U CONVITO amoroso! See Vestina, H. CONYERS, Richard, 1707?-ca. 1759. De morbis infantum dissertatio. Londini, 1748. 48 p. — Oratio anniversaria ... ex Harveii institute Londini, 1757. 23 p. COOK, John. An anatomical and mechanical essay on the whole animal oeconomy. London, 1730. 2 v. — Maladies des enfans. Yverdon, 1770. 82 p. - Malattie de fanciulli. Napoli, 1781. 87 p. — A plain account of the diseases incident to children. London, 1769. 66 p. — The natural history of lac, amber, and myrrh. London, 1770. 31 p. — The new theory of generation, according to the best and latest discoveries in anatomy. Vol. 1. London, 1762. 339 p. — A treatise of poisons, vegetable, animal and mineral. London, 1770. 81 p. COOKE, James, 1614-1694? Mellificium chirurgiae; or, The marrow of chirurgery. 5th ed. London 11704 ] 616 p. Imperfect: plate facing p. 165 wanting. ------6th ed. London, 1717. 616 p. Imperfect: 3 plates (at p. 2, 117, and 203), and final leaf of index wanting. [COOKE, John| 1738-1823 & [MAULE, John] Descrip- tion abregee de l'Hopital royal de la marine a Green- wich. [London? 1789?) 40 p. — & — An historical account of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich. London [1789] 142 p. COOKSON, James, 1752-1835. Thoughts on polygamy. Winchester, 1782. 484 p. COOPER, Ambrose. The complete distiller. London, 1757. 266 p. ------London, 1800. 266 p. COOPER, Sir Astley Paston, bart., 1768-1841. Observa- tions on the effects which take place from the destruc- tion of the membrana tympani of the ear. [London] 1800. 12 p. Reprinted from Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society. COOPER, Thomas, accoucheur. A compendium of mid- wifery, [n.p.| 1766. 300 p. — Proposals for teaching the art of midwifery. (London, 1766?]15 p. COOPER, William, 1694-1743. Beantvvoording van ge- moedlijke bezwaaren tegen de inenting der kinder- ziekte. Rotterdam, 1792. 31 p. [ — ] A letter to a friend in the country, attempting a solu- tion of the scruples . . . made against the new way of receiving the small-pox. Boston, 1721. 13 p. — A reply to the objections made against taking the small pox in the way of inoculation. 3d impres. Boston, 1730. 14 p. COOPMANS, Gadso, 1746-1810. Oratio de medicamentis indigenis ad morbos Belgio familiares feliciter depellen- dos suffecturis. Franequerae, 1774. 45 p. 98 CORPORATION OF BARBERS AND CHIRURGEONS — Varis; sive, Carmen de variolis. Franequerae, 1783. 26 p. — Varis; sive, De variolis carmen. Leyden, 1787. 53 p. Title and text in Latin and Dutch. COOPMANS, George, 1717-1800. Neurologia, et obser- vatio de calculo, ex urethra excreto. Franequerae, 1789 261 p. COPE, Henry. Demonstratio medico-practica prognos- ticorum Hippocratis. (Dublin] 1736. 320 p. -----Gandavi [1754] 180, 70 p. -----Jenae, 1772. 320 p. -----Amstelodami, 1785. 320 p. ----- Ed. 1. Veneta. Venetiis, 1786. 356 p. COPENHAGEN. See Collegium Medicum, Copenhagen Medicinsk selskab i Kjeibenhavn COPIE de Facte passe devant le notaire de Moisy . . . par Louise Tremasse guerie . . . par l'iatercession [sic] du Bienheureux Paris, [n.p., 17377] 10 p. [COQUEAU, Claude Philibert) d. 1794. Essai sur l'etab- lissement des hopitaux dans les grandes villes. Paris, 1787. 153 p. [ — ] Memoire sur la necessite de transferer et reconstruire l'Hotel-Dieu de Paris. [Paris] 1785. 44 p. | — ] Supplement au Memoire sur la necessite de trans- ferer l'Hotel-Dieu de Paris. Londres, 1786. 63 p. [COQUELET, Louis] 1676-1754. Critique de la char- lataneric See under title. CORAZZI, Ercole, 1669-1726. Praelectio in Bononiensi Archigynnasio habita . . . loco, unde olim Marcellus Malpighius res philosophicas & medicas magna homi- num celebritate tradebat. (Bononiae, 1716) xxviii p. CORBELLA Y FONDEBILA, Antonio. Tratado de las enfermedades mas principales, agudas y cronicas del pecho. Madrid, 1795. 359 p. — Tratado medico teorico-practico sobre las enferme- dades internas y mas agudas del vientre. Madrid, 1797. 455 p. CORCHO, Francisco Rodriguez. See Rodriguez Corcho, Francisco. CORNACCHINI, Pietro. Della pazzia. Siena, 1758. 159 p. — Lettere fisico-mediche. Siena, 1751. 334 p. — Osservazioni . . . alia lettera sopra a' certi effetti mor- bosi malamente attribuiti all'impedita traspirazione. Siena, 1749. 59 p. CORNARO, Luigi, 1475-1566. Et aedrue levnets gavn og nytte. Kjcfbenhavn, 1753. 54 p. — Les avantages de la vie sobre. See Ramazzini, B. L'art de conserver la sante des princes. — Conseils et moyens tres assurez & faciles pour vivre plus de cent ans. Amsterdam, 1749. 140 p. — Conseils pour vivre long-tems. Paris, 1707. 156 p. — Consilia und Mittel. See Ludovici, Christian. — Discorsi della vita sobria. See Regimen sanitatis Saler- nitanum. La scuola Salernitana. — Discourses on a sober and temperate life. London, 1768. 281 p. -----New ed. London, 1779. 188 p. -----Philadelphia, 1791. 202 p. -----New ed. London, 1798. 166 p. — The immortal mentor. See under title. — Raad-geeving, en verseekerde middelen, om seer gemakkelijk honderd en meer jaaren in een volkoomen goede gesondheid te konnen leeven. Leyden, 1703. 84 p. — Sure and certain methods of attaining a long and healthful life. 2d ed. London, 1704. 081 (i.e. 108) p. -----3d ed. London, 1722. 120 p. -----4th ed. London, 1727. 120 p. Imperfect: table of contents wanting. -----5th ed. London, 1737. 120 p. -----3d ed. Dublin, 1740. 66 p. -----1st Amer. ed. Philadelphia, 1793. 156 p. — Sure methods of attaining a long and healthful life. Glasgow, 1753. 120 p. -----London, 1763. 116 p. Imperfect: t.p. mutilated. -----Edinburgh, 1768. 147 p. -----24th ed. Edinburgh, 1771. 116 (i.e. 136) p. — Vorstellung von dem Nutzen eines nuchtern und massigen Lebens. Dressden, 1755. 100 p. — See also Lessius, L. [CORNEILLE, Thomas] 1625-1709. Le dictionaire des arts et des sciences. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1731. 2 v. The CORNUTOR of seventy-five. See Douglas, John. CORNWELL, Bryan. The domestic physician, or guar- dian of health. London, 1788. 650 p. CORONA, Camillo. Dissertazione fisico-medica sopra la supposta impotenza virile di . . . Paolo Francesco Spi- nola. Roma, 1794. [65] p. — Dissertazione sopra i caratteri e le differenze della gonorrea benigna e virulenta. |n.p., 1795?] [24] p. — Risposta alio specchio in cui appariscono le contra- dizioni della Dissertazione del dottor Camillo Corona. [n.p., 1794?] [8] p. CORONA, Niccola. Saggio chimico medico ed econo- mico delle qualita venefiche del rame e della salubrita del ferro. Roma, 1796. 235 p. CORP, William. An essay on the changes produced in the body by operations of the mind. London, M.DCC.PCI. [i.e., 1791 [102 p. — An essay on the jaundice. Bath, 1785. 75 p. CORPORATION OF BARBERS AND CHIRURGEONS, APOTHECARIES AND PERIWIG MAKERS, Dublin. 99 CORRAL Instructions of the Corporation ... to their representa- tives in Common Council. Dublin, 1744. 14 p. CORRAL, Antonio Alvarez del. See Alvarez del Corral, Antonio. CORREA, Joao Lopes, d. 1729. Castello forte contra todas as infirmidades, que perseguem o corpo humano. Lisboa Occidental, 1723-26. 2 v. Vol. 2 has title: Castello forte contra todo o genero de feridas, chagas, deslocacoens, e fracturas. CORREA, Joao Marques, 1671-1745. Tractado physio- logico-medico-phisico, chirurgico, e anathomico da circulacam do sangue. Porto, 1761. 171 p. — Tratado physiologico, medico-physico, e anatomico da circulacao do sangue. Lisboa Occidental, 1735. 107 p. CORREA DE AMARAL, Francisco. See Amaral, Fran- cisco Correia do. CORRESPONDANCE de M. M*****. See Fortia de Piles, A. T.J. A.M. M. LA CORRESPONDANCE GENERALE ET GRATUITE POUR LES SCIENCES ET LES ARTS. Extrait des registres du conseil d'administration. Paris, 1786. 6 p. CORRIE, James. An essay on the vitality of the blood. London, 1791. 100 p. CORRON, Mme., pseud. See Pajon de Moncets, Pierre Abraham. CORSE, John. Observations on the different species of Asiatic elephants. [London, 1799] 32 p. Reprinted from Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society. — Observations on the manners, habits and natural history, of the elephant. (London, 1799] 27 p. Reprinted from Phil, trans. CORTE, Bartolomeo, 1666-1738. Epistola ad ... Carolum Richam. Mediolani, 1722. 29 p. — Lettera apologetica intorno agli efluvj, se organici, 6 inorganici cagioni della peste. Milano [1721] 112 p. — Lettera intorno all'aria, 6 vermicciuoli se cagioni della peste. [Milano, 1720] 78 p. — Notizie istoriche intorno a' medici scrittori milanesi. Milano, 1718. 312 p. Colophon and port, dated 1719. — Osservazioni. . . sopra la relazione fatta del suo opus- colo intitolato Riflessioni &c. Milano, 1714. 23 p. — Riflessioni. . . sopra alcune opposizioni addotte contro del salasso. Milano, 1713. 251 p. CORTES, Jeronimo, fl. 1600. Fisonomia, y varios secre- tos de naturaleza. 13. impres. Madrid, 1746. 256 p. — Fysionomia, e varios segredos da natureza. Lisboa, 1786. 232 p. CORTES, Juan Vazquez de. See Vazquez de Cortes, Juan. CORTI, Bonaventura, 1729-1813. Osservazioni micro- scopiche sulla tremella. Lucca, 1774. 207 p. CORTIAL, Jean Joseph. See Courtial, Jean Joseph, fl. 1684-1704. COSCHWITZ, Georg Daniel, 1679-1729. De gravidarum et puerperarum . . . regimine et affectibus. Lipsiae, 1732. 40 p. — Ductus salivalis novus, per glandulas maxillares, sub- linguals, linguamque excurrens. Halae Magdeburgi- cae, 1724. 25 p. — Ductus salivalis novus, pluribus observationibus illustra- tus confirmatusque. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1729. 32 p. — Organismus et mechanismus in homine vivo obvius, destructus et labefactatus. Lipsiae, 1728. 434 p. — Organismus et mechanismus in homine vivo obvius et stabilitus. Lipsiae, 1725. 312 p. — Theatri anatomici . . . natalitia declamatione inaugurali de studii anatomici praestantia, utilitate, ac necessitate . . . concelebrata. Halae Magdeburgicae [1727] 49 p. COSCOLL Y LLIMONA, Joseph de Matas. See Matas Coscoll y Llimona, Joseph de. COSMOPOLITA, Simone, pseud. See Bianchi, Giovanni, 1693-1775. COSNIER. See Ledru, N. P. COSTA RHAETUS, Bernardus Franciscus. Dierum criti- corum ut imparium & numero signatorum in morbis methodi . . . confutationes. Brixiae, 1757. 75 p. ICOSTARD, George] 1710-1782. A critical dissertation concerning the words daimon and daimonion. London, 1738. 29 p. Signed Philalethes. Attributed also to John Swinton. COSTE, junior, surgeon. Observations pratiques sur les maladies veneriennes. Berlin, 1760. cix p. — Osservazioni pratiche sopra le malattie venerec Fi- renze, 1765. 144 p. — Traite de la verole et de toutes les maladies vene- riennes. Nouv. ed. Berlin, 1769. 175 p. COSTE, Fr., physician. A plan to carry the art of sur- gery to its highest perfection in a short time. London, 1758. 31 p. - Traite des maladies du poumon. Paris, 1767. 132 p. — Traite pratique sur la goutte. Amsterdam, 1757. 99 p. -----3. ed. Paris, 1768. 202 p. — Tratado practico de la gota. Alcala, 1791. 186, 91 p. - Trattato pratico sopra la gotta. Lucca, 1764. 95 p. COSTE, Jean Francois, 1741-1819. Compendium phar- maceuticum, militaribus Gallorum nosocomiis, in orbo novo boreali adscriptum. Newporti, 1780. 16 p. — Du genre de philosophic propre a l'etude . . . de la medecine. Nancy, 1775. 48 p. — Du service des hopitaux militaires. Paris, 1790. 338 p. 100 COVERCELLI — Eloge de M. Cupers. Nancy, 1775. 16 p. — Essai sur les moyens d'ameliorer la salubrite du sejour de Nancy. Nancy, 1774. 52 p. - Lettres . . . a M. Paulet. Cantorbery, 1776. 4 pts. in 1 v. — Oratio habita in capitolio Gulielmopolitano in comitiis Universitatis Virginiac Lugduni Batavorum, 1783. 103 p. COSTEL, Jean Baptiste Louis, 1729-1800. See Raulin, J. Observations sur l'usage des eaux minerales de Pougues. COSTEN, Edward. See The several depositions. COSTITUZIONE epidemica di Firenze dell'inverno MDCCLXXX-MDCCLXXXI. Firenze, 1781. 454 p. Preface signed Gio. Luigi Targioni. Prepared by D. G. Giovannelli and others. COTELLI, Michel. See Procope-Couteaux, Michel Col- telli, 1684-1753. COTES, Charles, d. 1748. Oratio anniversaria ... ex Harvaei institute Londini, 1746. 19 p. COTHENIUS, Christian Andreas, 1708-1789. Chemische Untersuchung der rothen Chinarinde. Berlin, 1783. 42 p. — Scheikundig onderzoek van de roode bast van kina. Amsterdam, 1784. 67 p. COTTON, Nathaniel, 1705-1788. Observations on a par- ticular kind of scarlet fever. London, 1749. 22 p. COTUGNO, Domenico, 1736-1822. De aquaeductibus auris humanae internae. Neapoli, 1761. 80 p. -----Viennae, 1774. 187 p. — De ischiade nervosa. Neapoli, 1764. 88 p. -----Viennae, 1770. 123 p. -----Neapoli, 1775. 102 p. -----Neapoli, 1779. 158 p. -----Venetiis, 1782. 100 p. -----Neapoli, 1789. 122 p. — De sedibus variolarum. Neapoli, 1769. 208 p. -----Viennae, 1771. 274 p. -----Neapoli, 1775. 171 p. -----Lovanii, 1786. 216 p. -----Bononiae, 1795. 169 p. — A treatise on the nervous sciatica.London, 1775.172p. COUILLARD, Joseph, d. 1660. Observations iatrochi- rurgiques. 2. ed. Strasbourg, 1791. 370 p. COULET, Etienne. L'eloge de la goute. Leide, 1728. 141 p. — Le gouteux en belle-humeur. See Guedeville, N. Amuse- ment philosophique. — Tractatus historicus de ascaridibus, et lumbrico lato. Lugduni Batavorum, 1729. 228 p. COUNSELL, George. The art of midwifry. London, 1752. 195 p. — The London new art of midwifry. London, 1758. 195 p. A COUNTER-APPEAL to the public, touching the death of George Clarke. London, 1769. 34 p. COUNTY HOSPITAL, Northampton, Eng. Statutes, rules, and orders. Northampton, 1743. 48 p. ICOUPER, Robert] 1750-1818. Speculations on the mode and appearances of impregnation in the human female. Edinburgh, 1789. 149 p. -----2d ed. Edinburgh, 1797. 194 p. COURCELLES, de. See Decourcelle, Gilles Joseph, d.1788. COURCELLES, Anne Therese de Marguenat de. See Lambert, Ann Therese de Marguenat de Courcelles, marquise de, 1647-1733. COURCELLES, David Cornells de. Icones musculorum capitis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1743. 83 p. — Icones musculorum plantae pedis. Lugduni Batavo- rum, 1739. 68 p. COURCELLES, Hofkens de. Two papers on the use of ol: asphalti . . . taken from the Verhandelingen van de Maatschappye te Haarlem, by Thomas Healde. [Lon- don, 1768?] 25 p. COURS de chymie de Montpellier. See Gontard, J. A. — Cours de physiologie experimentalc See Universite de Paris. Faculte de medecine. — Cours elementaire des accouchemens. See Capiau- mont, H. J. COURT DE GEBELIN, Antoine, 1719-1784. Histoire naturelle de la parole. Paris, 1776. 400 p. — Lettre de l'auteur du Monde primitif a messieurs ses souscripteurs. [Paris, 1783) 47 p. COURTIAL, Jean Joseph, fl. 1684-1704. Nouvelles ob- servations anatomiques sur les os. Paris, 1705. 221 p. -----See also Description exacte des os. COURTOIS, Honore Gaillard. Le dentiste observateur. Paris, 1775. 343 p. COUSIN. Dissertation chirurgico-medicale, sur le traite- ment de 1'hydropisie de matrice. Paris, 1783. 23 p. COUSIN, Jean, lejeune, ca. 1522-1594? L'art de dessiner. Paris, 1750. 71 p. COUTANCEAU, Marguerite Guillomance, 1775-1825. Elements de l'art d'accoucher. Bordeaux, 1784. 356 p. COUTEAUX, Michel Coltelli Procope. See Procope- Couteaux, Michel Coltelli, 1684-1753. COUTINHO, Joao Pinheiro Pereira. Allegacao medico- legal. Lisboa Occidental, 1731. 92 p. COVA, Antonio Maria. Dissertatio de renum calculo. Ticini, 1790. 45 p. COVERCELLI. Dichiarazione . . . su la questione mossa dal sig. Cesare Canefri . . . intorno la malattia del fu sig. Giovanni David. Genova [1790?] 15 p. — Lettera . . . intorno la Storia della malattia del pittore sig. Giovanni David [Genova, 1790] 4 p. 101 COVILLARD COVILLARD, Joseph. See Couillard, Joseph, d. 1660. COW pox. Extract of a letter from a physician of the first eminence in London, to Dr. Waterhouse in Cam- bridge in July. (In Political focus. Leominster, Mass. Oct. 31, 1799) COWARD, WilUam, 16577-1725. Ophthalmiatria. London, 1706. 188 p. ICOWPER, Ashley] d. 1788. The progress of physic. By Timothy Scribble. London, 1743. 20 p. [-]--London, 1750. 20 p. COWPER, James. A narrative of the effects of a medicine, newly discovered, by Mr. Keyser. London, 1760. 59 p. COWPER, William, 1666-1709. Anatomia corporum hu- manorum. Lugduni Batavorum, 1739. 1 v. (unpaged) ------Ultrajecti, 1750. 1 v. (unpaged) — The anatomy of humane bodies. 2d ed. Leyden, 1737. 1 v.(unpaged) — Glandularum quarundam, nuper detectarum, duc- tuumque earum excretoriorum, descriptio. Londini, 1702. 72 p. — Myotomia reformata; or, An anatomical treatise on the muscles. London, 1724. 194 p. ]-][---London, 1724?] 1 v. Consists of the plates of Cowper's Myotomia reformata, 1724, plus four plates of head and tail pieces, without text. COX, Daniel, chemist. Family medical compendium; or, Directions for medicine chests. New ed. Glocester [1790?]107 p. |COX, Daniel] d. 1759? A letter from a physician in town to his friend in the country. London, 1753. 55 p. | — ]---Another printing. — A letter to a friend on the subject of inoculation. London, 1757. 52 p. — Nouvelles observations sur le pouls intermittent. Am- sterdam, 1760. 246 p. — ---Nouv. ed. Amsterdam, 1766. 246 p. — Observations on the intermitting pulse. London, 1758. 144 p. COXE, John Redman, 1773-1864. A short view of the importance and respectability of the science of medi- cine. Philadelphia, 1800. 33 p. COXE, William, 1747-1828. Account of the prisons and hospitals in Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. London, 1781.55 p. COZENS, Alexander, d. 1786. Principles of beauty, rela- tive to the human head. London, 1778. 15, 15 p. Added t.p. in French, dated 1777. Text in English and French. CRAANEN, Theodorus, 1620-1688 or 90. Oeconomia animalis. Amstelaedami, 1703. 306 p. — Tractatus physico-medicus de homine. Neapoli, 1722. 608 p. in 2 v. CRAMER, Jean Antoine, 1707-1775 & JOLY, Gaspard, b. 1718. Een kort berigt over de inenting der kinder- pokjes ... als mede De inenting der kinderpokjes gebillykt . . . door den Heer Tyssot. Rotterdam, 1775r 165 p. ff CRAMER, Johann Andreas, 1710-1777. Elementa artis docimasticac Lugduni Batavorum, 1739. 2 v. — Elements of the art of assaying metals. London, 1741. 470 p. CRAMOND, Hercules. Outlines of human life. [London] 1785. 257 p. CRANSTOUN, William Henry, 1714-1752. Capt. Cran stoun's account. See under title. CRANTZ, Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von, 1722-1799. Analyses thermarum Herculanarum. Viennae, 1773. 96 p. Imperfect: t.p. wanting. — Commentarius de rupto in partus doloribus a foetu utero. Lipsiae, 1756. 68 p. ------Neapoli, 1776. 76 p. — Dissertatio de re instrumentaria in arte obstetricia. Norimbergae, 1757. 74 p. — Einleitung in eine wahre und gegriindete Hebammen- kunst. Wien, 1768. 167 p. — Gesundbrunnen der oesterreichischen Monarchic Wien, 1777. 306 p. — Institutiones rei herbariac [Viennae] 1766. 2 v. — Materia medica et chirurgica. Viennae Austriae, 1762. 3 v. in 1. Materiae medicae et chirurgicae . . . editio secunda. [Viennae] 1765. 3 v. in 1. ------Lovanii, 1772. 3 v. in 1. ------[Viennae] 1779. 3 v. in 1. — Solutiones difficultatum circa cordis irritabilitatem. Viennae Austriae, 1761. 76 p. — Stirpium Austriacarum Pars I [-II] Ed. 2. [Viennae] 1769. 508 p. Pt. 2 is 1st ed. [ — ] Synopsis fontium Austriae provinciarumque sub- ditarum. Viennae Austriae, 1778. 182 p. CRAWFORD, A. A circumstantial account of the con- duct and behaviour of Mr. Stirn. London, 1760. 40 p. CRAWFORD, Adair, 1748-1795. Del calore animale e della combustione sperienze ed osservazioni. Bologna, 1800. 434 p. — Experiments and observations on animal heat. London, 1779. 120 p. ------Philadelphia, 1787. 94 p. ------2d ed. London, 1788. 491 p. CRAWFORD, John, fl. 1724. Cursus medicinae. See Boerhaave, H. 102 CRON CRAWFORD, John, fl. 1772-1793. An essay on the nature, cause and cure, of a disease incident to the liver. London, 1772. 66 p. CRELL, Carl Justus Ludwig von, 1772-1793. Commen- tatio de optima extracta parandi methodo. Gottingae [1793] 32 p. CRELL, Johann Friedrich, 1707-1747. De glandularum in caecas et apertas divisione. Helmstadii, 1741. [20] p. CRELL, Lorenz Florenz Friedrich von, 1744-1816, ed. Chemische Annalen. See under title. — ed. Chemisches Journal. See under title. CRELL, Ludwig Christian, 1671-1733. Thaumatolitho- logia sive portentosus calculus in rene . . . Gottlob Fri- derici Seligmanni. . . carmine descriptus. Ed. 2. [Lipsiae? 1708?][24] p. CREMADELLS, Francesco. Nova physiologiae elementa. Romae, 1779. 167 p. CREMERS, Ferdinand Henri. Ostentationes excusatio- nesque inoculatorum super variolas. Lovanii, 1778. 55 p. CREN, Fortunatus Antonius. Tractatus physico-medicus de Americana lue. Melitae, 1762. 207 p. CRENDAL, G. F. Traite de quelques maladies de la poi- trine. Paris, 1739. 360 p. CRESCENZO, Niccolo. Ragionamenti intorno alia nuova medicina dell'acqua. Napoli, 1727. 371 p. — Tractatus physico-medicus, in quo morborum expli- candorum, potissimum febrium nova exponitur ratio. Neapoli, 1711. 189 p. CRESCIMBENI, Giovanni Mario, 1663-1728. Vita di monsignor Gio. Maria Lancisi. Roma, 1721. 188 p. CRESPIN, Guillaume Andre. Quaestiones medicae duo- decim. Monspelii, 1790. 63 p. [CRETTE DE PALLUELL, Francois] 1741-1798. Me moire sur l'amelioration des biens communaux. Paris, 1790. 32 p. CREUTZENFELD, Stephan Hieronymus de Vigiliis. See Vigiliis von Creutzenfeld, Stephan Hieronymus de. CREVE, Carl Caspar, 1769-1835. Vom Baue des weiblichen Beckens. Leipzig, 1794. 96 p. — Vom Metallreize, einem neuentdeckten untriiglichen Pruffungsmittel des wahren Todes. Leipzig, 1796. 226 p. — Von den Krankheiten des weiblichen Beckens. Berlin, 1795. 180 p. CREVECOEUR, Frederik Otto Briand de. See Briand de Crevecoeur, Frederik Otto de, b. 1710. CRIBB, William. Considerations on the use of injections in the gonorrhoea. London, 1773. 68 p. CRICHTON, Sir Alexander, 1763-1856. An inquiry into the nature and origin of mental derangement. London, 1798. 2 v. CRINE, George, pseud. See Hill, John, 17077-1775. CRISP, John. Observations on the nature and theory of vision. London, 1796. 178 p. A CRITICAL dissertation concerning the words daimon and daimonion. See Costard, G. — A critical dissertation upon the manner of the prepara- tion of mercurial medicines, and their operation on human bodies . . . Addressed to the Royal College of Physicians, by T-- K~, a member of the same. London, 1734. 64 p. Presumably by Thomas Knight, the only T. K. listed in Munk's Roll active in 1734. II CRITICO criticato; lettera apologetica del Compendio di notizie interessanti circa il veleno de' rabbiosi animali. Cosmopoli, 1779. 83 p. CRITIQUE de la charlataneric Paris, 1726-27. 2 v. in 1. Variously attributed to D. F. Camusat, P. Carle, and L. Coquelet. CRIVELLATI, Cesare, fl. 1596-1602. Trattato de' bagni di Viterbo. Viterbo, 1706. 185 p. CROESER, Jakob Hendrik, 1691-1753. Nader betogend berigt der betekenis van een dryvende en zinkende long van eerst geboren kinders. Groningen, 1741. 28 p. CROHARE, apothecary. Analyse de l'eau du Sr. Dor. (Paris, 1786] 8 p. Reprinted from Gazette de sante. — Examen chymique de la poudre dite supreme . . . de M. de Godemaux. (Paris, 1783] 8 p. Reprinted from Gazette de sante. - Lettre a M. Maret. [Paris, 1781 ] 14 p. Reprinted from Journal de medecine. — Precede pour faire l'aethiops martial, par l'intermede de l'acide nitreux. [Paris, 1779] 15 p. Reprinted from Journal de medecine. — Tableau des medicamens choisis, qui composent la pharmacie de M. de Saint J***, [n.p., 17—) 20 p. CROIX, L. J. de. See Decroix, L. J., ca. 1725-1815. CROKER, Temple Henry, 17307-1790? The complete dictionary of arts and sciences. London, 1764-66. 3 v. CROLLIUS, Georg Christian, 1728-1767. De illustri olim bibliotheca ducali Bipontina. Biponti [ 17— ] 34 p. CROMAZIANO, Agatopisto, pseud. See Buonafede, Appiano, 1716-1793. CRON, Johann Christoph. De praestantia et utilitate studii chymici. Goettingae [1735] 8 p. CRON, Ludwig. Der bey dem Ader-lassen und Zahn- ausziehen sicher-geschwind-gliicklich und recht quali- ficirte Candidatus Chirurgiae oder Barbier-Geselle. Leipzig, 1717. 236 p. 103 CROPP CROPP, Friderich Ludewig Christian, b. 1718. Abge drungene Vertheidigung gegen die von . . . Thomas Georg Suter, streitig gemachte Ursache einer Hals- Krankheit. Hamburg, 1759. 56 p. CROWIHER, Bryan, 1765-1840. Practical observations on the disease of the joints, commonly called white- swelling. London, 1797. 122 p. CRUGER, Daniel. Getreuer Unterricht von der Pest. Stargardt, 1705. 40 p. CRUGER, Joannes, b. 1678. Casus medicus de morbo litteratorum, sive affectione hypochondrica. Zittaviae, 1703. 48 p. — Casus tres medici. Budissae, 1708. 76 p. — Epicrisis XII curiosa theologico-medico-chimica . . . Et epicrisis XIII. |n.p.] 1712. 16 p. — Tractatus de virgine, chlorosi laborante. [n.p.] 1715. 65 (i.e. 56) p. CRUELS effets de la vengeance. See Aubin, N. CRUIKSHANK, William, 1745-1800. Anatomie des vais- seaux absorbans du corps humain. Paris, 1787. 406 p. — The anatomy of the absorbing vessels of the human body. London, 1786. 192 p. ------2d ed. London, 1790. 214 p. Imperfect: plate I wanting. — Experiments in which, on the third day after impreg- nation, the ova of rabbits were found in the Fallopian tubes. (London, 1797) 18 p. Reprinted from Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society. — Experiments on the insensible perspiration of the human body. London, 1795. 104 p. — Experiments on the nerves, particularly on their repro- duction. [London, 1795] 13 p. Reprinted from Philosophical transactions. — William Cruikshank's und Paul Mascagni's Geschichte und Beschreibung der Saugadem des menschlichen Korpers. [Leipzig, 1789-94] 3 v. Half title; each v. has special t.p. CRUMPE, Samuel, 1766-1796. Auf Versuche gegriindete Untersuchung der Natur und Eigenschaften des Opiums. Kopenhagen, 1796. 216 p. — An inquiry into the nature and properties of opium. London, 1793. 304 p. CRUSIUS, Samuel Gotthelf, 1726-ca. 1840. De mamma- rum fabrica et lactis secretione. Lipsiae, 1785. 12 p. — Von der Tollheit, Wasserscheu oder Hundeswuth. Leipzig, 1795. 90 p. CRUSO, John. Arzneyschatz. Mitau, 1773. 384 p. — Medicamentorum euporiston thesaurus. London, 1701. 140 p. — A treasure of easy medicines. London, 1771. 266 p. CRUZ, Manoel Alvares da. Arte medica. Coimbra, 1759. 287 p. Imperfect: t.p. in manuscript. CUCCHI, Caspar. Phlebotomia absoluta. Bergomi, 1720. 240 p. CUCURRON SICARD, Roch Ambroise. See Sicard, Roch Ambroise Cucurron, 1742-1822. CUISINE et office de sante. See Menon. CULLEN, William, 1710-1790. Abhandlung uber die Materia medika. Leipzig, 1790. 2 v. — Anfangsgrunde der praktischen Arzneywissenschaft. Leipzig, 1778-85. 4 v. — Anfangsgrunde der praktischen Arzneykunst. 3. Ausg. Leipzig, 1800. 4 v. — Apparatus ad nosologiam methodicam. Ed. nova. Am- stelodami, 1775. 284 p. — Catalogue of books, chiefly medical, being the library of the late William Cullen. Edinburgh, 1792. 153 p. — Clinical lectures. London, 1797. 338 p. — Cours de matiere medicale. Paris, 1787-88. 2 v. — Elemens de medecine-pratique. Paris, 1785-87. 2 v. ------Paris, 1795.2v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. — Elementi di medicina pratica. Venezia, 1788. 4 v. ------Ed. 2. Venezia, 1792. 4 v. Vol. 2 without ed. statement. ------Ed. 3. Venezia, 1796. 4 v. Vols. 2-4 without ed. statement. — Elementos de medicina practica. 3. ed. Madrid, 1799. 4v. — First lines of the practice of physic. Edinburgh, 1778- 79. 2 v. -----Edinburgh [etc.] 1778-84. 4 v. Vol. 1, 2d ed. - — 3d ed. Vol. 2. Edinburgh, 1781. 406 p. Incomplete set. ----Philadelphia, 1781-85. 3 v. Incomplete: v. 3 wanting. ------4th ed. Edinburgh, 1784. 4 v. Vol. 1 has also general t.p.: First lines . . . New ed. Vol. 4 without ed. statement. ------4th ed. Dublin, 1784. 4 v. in 2. Vols. 2 and 4 without ed. statement. ------New ed. Edinburgh, 1786. 4 v. ------New ed. Edinburgh, 1787. 4 v. ------New ed. Edinburgh, 1789. 4 v. Imperfect: v. 4, p. 183-84 mutilated. ------New ed. Worcester, 1790. 3 v. ------New ed. Dublin, 1791. 2 v. ------Edinburgh, 1791. 4 v. ------Philadelphia, 1792. 2 v. ------New York, 1793. 2 v. ------New ed. Edinburgh, 1796. 4 v. ------Dublin, 1796. 2 v. — Institutions de medecine-pratique. Paris, 1785. 2 v. — Institutions of medicine. Part I. Physiology. 2d ed. 104 CURIOSER Edinburgh, 1777. 255 p. ------3d ed. Edinburgh, 1785. 240 p. ------4th ed. Boston, 1788. 126 p. — Kurzer Inbegriff der medicinischen Nosologic Leipzig, 1786. 2 v. — Lectures on the materia medica. London, 1772. 512 p. ------Dublin, 1773. 451 p. Imperfect: some pages inkstained. ------London, v1773. 512 p. ------Philadelphia, 1775. 512 p. ------2d ed. Dublin, 1781. 452 p. — A letter to Lord Cathcart. . . concerning the recovery of persons drowned, and seemingly dead. Edinburgh, 1776. 41 p. ------London, 1776. 45 p. ------Edinburgh, 1784. 40 p. ------London, 1791. 39 p. — Nosology; or, A systematic arrangement of diseases. Edinburgh, 1800. 238 p. - Physiologia. Venetiis, 1788. 168 p. - Physiologic Paris, 1785. 207 p. — Prime linee di pratica medica. Siena, 1788-89. 4 v. — Synopsis and nosology, being an arrangement and def- inition of diseases. Hartford, Nathaniel Patten, 1792. 80 p. ------Hartford, Nathaniel Patten, for Isaiah Thomas, Worcester [etc.] 1792. 80 p. ------2d ed. Springfield, 1793. 80 p. — Synopsis nosologiae methodicae. Ed. 2. Edinburgi, 1772. 414 p. ------Ed. 3. Edinburgi, 1780. 2 v. ------Americae [New York?] 1783. 392 p. ------Ed. 4. Edinburgi, 1785. 2 v. ------Ed. 4. Ticini Regii, 1787. 308 p. ------Ed. 1. Veneta. Venetiis, 1787. 2 v. ------Ed. 2. Ticinensis. Ticini, 1790. 308 p. ------Ed. 2. Veneta. Venetiis, 1795. 2 v. in 1. — A synopsis of methodical nosology. Philadelphia, 1793 [i.e. 1795] 183 p. — Traite de matiere medicale. Paris, 1789-90. 2 v. ------Pavie, 1791.3v. — Tratado de materia medica. Madrid, 1792-95. 3 v. — Trattato di materia medica. Padova, 1792-94. 6 v. ------Ed. 2. Padova, 1798-1800 [v. 1, 1800] 6 v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. — A treatise of the materia medica. Edinburgh, 1789.2 v. ------Dublin, 1789. 2 v. ------Philadelphia [etc.] 1789. 2 v. CULPEPER, Nicholas, 1616-1654. A directory for mid- wives. London, 1724. 374 p. ------London, 1777. 2 v. Vol. 2 has title: The English physician; or, A treatise of practical physic, on the diseases of women. — Culpeper's English physician; and complete herbal. London, 1789 [v. 2, n.d.] 2 v. in 1. Imperfect: p. 97-98 and plates 36-38 of v. 2 wanting. Vol. 2 has title: Culpeper's English physician . . . Volume the second. ------London [1794?] 2 v. in 1. Imperfect: t.p. of v. 1 wanting; t.p. of v. 2 bound before v. 1. Dedication dated In the year of Masonry 5798. Vol. 2 has title: Culpeper's English physician . . . The medi- cal part. ------Volume the second. London [1794?] 256 p. Another printing. — The English physician enlarged. London, 1725. 386 p. ------London, 1733. 386 p. ------London, 1765. 387 p. ------London, 1770. 387 p. ------Edinburgh, 1778. 407 p. Imperfect: p. 99-100 mutilated. ------London, J. Barker [etc., 178-] 348 p. The works advertised on the verso of the t.p. were printed in the 1780's. ------London, 1784. 348 p. ------London, 1787. 348 p. ------London, 1788. 371 p. ------London, 1794. 345 p. ------London, 1799. 348 p. — Pharmacopoeia Londinensis; or, The London dispen- satory further adorned. London, 1702. 482 (i.e. 382) p. Imperfect: p. 7-14 wanting. ------ Boston, 1720. 305 p. CUNHA, Alexandre da, comp. Ramalhete de duvidas, colhido no jardim aulico de Pedro da Fonseca Ferreyra. Porto, 1759. 291 p. CUNHA PESSOA, Jose Martins da. See Pessoa, Jose Martins da Cunha. [CUNNINGHAM, Timothy] d. 1789, comp. The law of physicians, surgeons, and apothecaries: containing all the statutes, cases at large, arguments, resolutions, and judgments concerning them. London, 1767. 109 p. CUNO, Cosmus Conrad, 1652-1745. Observationes durch dessen verfertigte Microscopia deren unterschiedlichen Insecten. Augspurg, 1734. lip. CURATIONES pro examine laureandorum. See Univer- sita di Pavia. CURBO SEMMEDO, Juan. See Curvo Semmedo, Joao, 1635-1719. A CURE for the epidemical madness of drinking tar water. See Reeve, T. — The cure of the miliary fever. To which is annex'd, advice to the apothecaries. London, 1751. 92 p. Die CURIOSE Medicine. See Tschirnhaus, E. W. von. — Der curiose Patiente. See Groschuff, F. CURIOSER Botanicus . . . Der curiose Chymicus. See Mueller, S. 105 CURIOSITIES The CURIOSITIES of Paris. London, 1757. 169 p. A CURIOUS collection of receipts. See Eales, M. CURRADI, Giuseppe. Relazione di una complicata malattia. |Firenze, 1795] 51 p. CURRIE, James, 1756-1805. An abridgment of the sec- ond edition of a work ... on the use of water, in diseases of the human frame. Augusta [ 1799] 53 p. — Medical reports, on the effects of water, cold and warm, as a remedy. Liverpool, 1797. 252, 45 p. -----2d ed. Liverpool, 1798. 273, 63 p. CURRIE, William, 1754-1828. A description of the malig- nant, infectious fever ... in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1793. 36 p. — An historical account of the climates and diseases of the United States. Philadelphia, 1792. 409 p. — Memoirs of the yellow fever. Philadelphia, 1798.145 p. — Observations on the causes and cure of remitting or bilious fevers. Philadelphia, 1798. 227 p. | - ] Of the cholera. [Philadelphia, 1798] 14 p. Probably issued with his Observations on . . . remitting or bilious fevers, with which it is bound. — A sketch of the rise and progress of the yellow fever. Philadelphia, 1800. 112 p. — A treatise on the synochus icteroides, or yellow fever. Philadelphia, 1794. 85 p. -----Another issue. 1794 (i.e. 1799] (Select pamphlets respecting the yellow fever. Philadelphia [ 1799] no. 3) CURRY, James. Observations on apparent death from drowning, suffocation, &c. Northampton [1792?] 113p. — Observations sur les morts apparentes. Geneve, An VIII [1799/1800] 160 p. — Popular observations on apparent death from drown- ing. Northampton, 1792. 113 p. CURRY, John, d. 1780. An essay on ordinary fevers. London, 1743. 75 p. — Reflexiones y avisos importantes, para que qualquiera, por si mismo, pueda conocer la calentura. Madrid, 1786. 148 p. — Some thoughts on the nature of fevers. London, 1774. 94 p. CURSORY observations on emetic tartar. See Jenner, E. — Cursory remarks on the nature and cause of the marine scurvy. See Sherwen, J. — Cursory remarks on the new pharmacopoeia. By Liquor volatilis cornu cervi. [London] 1788. 28 p. CURTEIS, Thomas. Essays on the preservation & re- covery of health. London, 1704. 234 p. CURTET. Observations et reflexions sur les depots consecutifs qui ont lieu au foic Bruxelles, An VIII [1799/1800] 25 p. Reprinted from Actes de la Societe de medecine, chirurgie et pharmacie de Bruxelles. CURTIS, Richard, fl. 1769. Abhandlung von dem Bau und der Bildung der Zahne. Altenburg, 1770. 79 p. — A treatise on the structure and formation of the teeth. Oxford, 1769. 82 p. CURTIS, Sir Roger, bart., 1746-1816. The means used to eradicate a malignant fever . . . on . . . His Majesty's Ship Brunswick, [n.p., 1791?] 24 p. CURTIS, William, 1746-1799. A catalogue of the British, medicinal, culinary, and agricultural plants, cultivated in the London botanic garden. London, 1783. 149 p. — Flora Londinensis; or, Plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London. Lon- don. London, 1777 [i.e. 1775J-98. 2 v. in 6. — Linnaeus's system of botany. London, 1777. 15 p. CURTIUS, Bartholomaeus. See Corte, Bartolomeo, 1666- 1738. CURVO SEMMEDO, Joao, 1635-1719. Atalaya da vida contra as hostilidades da morte. Lisboa Occidental, 1720 [i.e. 1721] 696 p. — Compendio dos segredos medicinaes. Lisboa, 1783. 138 p. — Manifesto . . . faz aos amantes de saude. [Lisboa, 1706] 7 p. [ — ] Memorial de varios simplices que da India oriental . . . vem ao nosso reyno para remedio de muitas doencas. [Lisboa, 17-] 32 p. — Observacoens medicas doutrinaes de cem casos gra- vissimos. Lisboa, 1707. 594, 11 p. Pt. 2 has caption title: Manifesto . . . faz aos amantes de saude. -----Impres. 3. Lisboa Occidental, 1741. 594, 32, 11 p. Pt. 2 has caption title: Memorial de varios simplices; pt. 3: Manifesto ... faz aos amantes da saude. — Observationes aegritudinum fere incurabilium. Ulys- sipone Occidentali, 1718. 250 p. -----Ulyssipone Occidentali, 1740. 250 p. — Polyanthea medicinal. Lisboa, 1704. 991 p. -----4. impres. Lisboa Occidental, 1727. 879, 32, 11 p. Pt. 2 has caption title: Memorial de varios simplices; pt. 3: Manifesto faz aos amantes da saude. — Ricette di varj rimedj orientali. Roma, 1751. xxvii p. — Secretos medicos, y chirurgicos. Madrid 11731 ] 136 p. -----2. impres. Madrid, 1735. 136 p. CURZIO, Carlo. Discussioni anatomico-pratiche di un raro, e stravagante morbo cutaneo. Napoli, 1753. lxxxiii p. — Dissertation anatomique et pratique sur une maladie de la peau. Paris, 1755. 136 p. CUSSON, Pierre, 1727-1783. Remarques sur la cataracte. Montpellier, 1779. 43 p. CUSTODIO, Manuel. Disertacion fisico-teologica, en que se establece el preciso instante de la animacion racional del feto. Sevilla, 1779. 96 p. 106 DALLAPORTA CUTHBERTSON, John & CHAMPNEYS, James. Ver- zameling van eenige fraaie proeven, voor de tafel- lugtpomp. [Amsterdam, 1770] 61 p. CUVIER, Georges, baron, 1769-1832. Lecons d'anatomie comparec Paris, An VIII [ 1800]-XIV (1805) 5 v. — Tableau elementaire de I'histoire naturelle des ani- maux. Paris, An VI 11797/98] 710 p. CYCLOPAEDIA; or, An universal dictionary. See Cham- bers, E. DABLAING, Jean Adrien Joseph. Dissertatio patho- logica. De angina, imprimis gangraenosa. Duaci [ 1782] [4] p. DACHER, Bernard Joseph. Essai sur l'influence de l'es- tomac. Amsterdam, 1783. 141 p. DAEHNE, Johann Gottlieb, 1755-1830. Epistola qua . . . Joahno Guilielmo . . . et Ludovico Godohelfo . . . Wil- denhayniis . . . gratulatur . . . Disseritur de medicina Homeri. Lipsiae [1776] 12 p. — Viro clarissimo Carolo Frider. Agnero . . . gratulatur . . . Aromatum usus nimius quid nervis noceat ostendi- tur. Lipsiae, 1780. 8 p. — Viro experientissimo . . . Christiano Frider. Ludwig . . . gratulatur . . . Consensus fluidarum et solidarum corporis humani partium exemplis illustratur. Lipsiae, 1779. 12 p. |DAFFY, Anthony] Directions for taking elixir salutis. |n.p., 17-||83] p. — Elixir salutis: of den uytgelesen gesondheyts-drank. London [17-?] [8] p. DAIGNAN, Guillaume, 1732-1812. Gesundheitslehre in Beziehung auf das kindliche und mannbare Alter. Leipzig, 1788. 526 p. — Gymnastique militaire. Besancon, 1790. 54 p. — Schilderung der Veriinderungen des menschlichen Lebens. Gera, 1789. 2 v. — Tableau des varietes de la vie humaine. Paris, 1786. 2v. DALBERG, Nils, 1736-1820. Tal, om nagra det svenska climatets formaner och oliigenheter i anseende til halsan. Stockholm, 1777. 44 p. DAL BOSCO, Francesco, d. 1640. La prattica dell'infer- miero. Venetia, 1702. 396 p. _____Venezia, 1725. 396 p. CYPRIAN, Abraham, ca. 1655-ca. 1730. Cystitomia hypo- gastrica. See under title. — Lettre . . . raportant I'histoire d'un foetus. See Belloste, A. Le chirurgien d'hopital. CYSTITOMIA hypogastrica; or. The method of per- forming the high operation . . . collected from the writings of . . . Francis Rosset . . . John Douglas . . . William Cheselden. London, 1724. 28 p. Sometimes attributed to Abraham Cyprian. DALBY, Joseph. The virtues of cinnabar and musk, against the bite of a mad dog. Birmingham, 1762. 55 p. — — Birmingham, 1764. 55 p. DALE, Samuel, 16597-1739. Pharmacologia, seu manu- ductio ad materiam medicam. 2. ed. Londini, 1710. 652 p. -----3 ed. Londini, 1737. 460 p. -----5. ed. Lugduni Batavorum, 1751. 459 p. — Pharmacologiae, seu manuductionis ad materiam medicam supplementum. Londini, 1705. 389 p. DALHAM, Florian, 1713-1795. Psychologia seu doctrina de conditione nostrorum animorum. Viennae Austriae, 1756. 128 p. DALLA BONA, Giovanni, 1712-1786. Dell'uso e dell'abuso del caffe. 2. ed. Verona, 1760. 99 p. -----3. ed. Livorno, 1762. 123 p. — Dissertazione teorico-pratica dell'utilita del salasso nel vajuolo. Verona, 1754. 55 p. — Esortazione all'innesto del vajuolo. Padova, 1769. 122 p. — Observationes medicae. Patavii, 1766. ccv p. — Tractatus de scorbuto. Veronae, 1761. 259 p. — L'uso, e l'abuso del caffe. Verona, 1751. 70 p. DALLA BONA, Paolo. Discorso comparative sopra la pellagra. Venezia, 1791. 152 p. [DALLA DECIMA, Angelo, conte] 1752-1825. Rifles- sioni sopra varj veleni. [Venezia, 1783] 134 p. DALLA FABRA, Egidio, 1683-1752. L'aria considerata in molte sue azioni, e proprieta. Venezia, 1727. 80 p. DALLA FABRA, Luigi, 1655-1723. Dioptra physico- medica pro nutritione. Ferrariae, 1701. 252 p. — Dissertatio de animi affectionum physica causa. Fer- rariae, 1702. 107 p. DALLAPORTA, Niccolo. Trattato elementare dei gas. Padova[1793[77 p. D 107 DALL'ARME DALL'ARME, Pietro Paolo, 1726-1767. Saggi di medi- cina pratica. Faenza, 1768. 330 p. D'ALOISIO, Gian Andrea. L'infermo istruito ... nel vero salutevole uso de' rimedj minerali dell'isola d'Ischia. Napoli, 1757. 488 p. DAL PINO, Antonio Domenico. Pensieri sopra la gene- razione. Lucca, 1706. 133 p. DA MAROLA, Pasquale. See Pasquale da Marola, fra, d. 1828. DAMEN, Hendrik, d. 1782. Heelkundige waameemin- gen aangaande de gezwellen, bekend onder den naam van tumores cystici. 's Gravenhage, 1780. 88 p. DAMILANO, Carlo Giuseppe, 1732-1810. Abhandlung iiber den Friesel im Piemontesischen. Gottingen, 1782. 168 p. — Nuovo trattato pratico sopra la malattia delle migliari in Piemonte. Mondovi, 1774. 143 p. DAMM, Franz & MITTERBACHER, Bernard. Unter- suchung des Gisshiibler-Sauerbrunns. Wien, 1798.58 p. [DAMPIERRE, Antoine Esmonin, marquis de] 1743-1824. Reflexions impartiales sur le magnetisme animal. Ge- neve, 1784.50 p. DANCE OF DEATH. The dance of death, from the original designs of Hans Holbein . . . engraved by Thomas and John Bewick. Newcastle, 1789. 51 p. — Emblems of mortality. London, 1789. 51 p. — La grande danse macabre des hommes et des femmes. Troyes[1728(76p. — Der sogenannte Sinn- Lehr- und Geist-volle . . . Toden- tanz. Wien, 1767. 1 v. (unpaged) — Todten-Tanz, wie derselbe in . . . Basel als ein Spiegel menschlicher Beschaffenheit kiinstlich gemahlet und zu sehen ist. Basel, 1744. 132 p. DANCER, Thomas, 17557-1811. A brief history of the late expedition against Fort San Juan, so far as it re- lates to the diseases of the troops. Kingston, 1781. 63 p. — A short dissertation on the Jamaica bath waters. Kingston, Jamaica, 1784. 96 p. DANDOLO, Alvise, b. 1667. Trattato . . . sopra le qualita del buon cavallo. Padova, 1722. 72 p. DANDOLO, Vincenzo, conte, 1758-1819. Fondamenti della scienza chimico-fisica. Venezia, 1795. 528, 72 p. The DANGER and immodesty of . . . employing men- midwives. London, 1772. 64 p. -----2d ed. London, 1772. 73 p. — The danger of improving physick. See Cockbum, W. DANIEL, Christian Friedrich, 1714-1771. Beytrage zur medicinischen Gelehrsamkeit. Halle im Magdebur- gischen. 1749-55. 3 v. in 1. — Sammlung medicinischer Gutachten und Zeugnissc Leipzig, 1776. 300 p. DANIEL, Christian Friedrich, 1753-1798. Anhang zu der D. Christ. Friedr. Daniels medicinischen Gutachten beygefiigten Abhandlung. Leipzig, 1777, 16 p. — Commentatio de infantum nuper natorum umbilico et pulmonibus. Hallae, 1780. 224 p. — Entwurf einer Bibliothek der Staats-Arzneikunde. Halle, 1784. 231 p. — Institutionum medicinae publicae edendarum adum- bratio. Lipsiae, 1778. 157 p. — Systema aegritudinum. Lipsiae [etc.] 1781-82. 2 v. in 1. DANNI che arreca all'umanita l'uso del vino per ordi- naria bevanda non sendo assai coll'acqua temperate Torino, 1794. 70 p. DANTY D'ISNARD, Antoine. See Isnard, Danty d', 1663-1743. DANZ, Ferdinand Georg, 17707-1793. De arte obste- tricia Aegyptiorum. Giessae, 1791. 20 p. — Grundriss der Zergliederungskunde des ungebomen Kindes. Frankfurt [etc.] 1792-93. 2 v. in 1. — Semiotic oder Handbuch der allgemeinen Zeichen- lehre. Leipzig, 1793. 376 p. — Versuch einer allgemeinen Geschichte des Keich- hustens. Marburg, 1791. 162 p. DANZMANN, Heinrich Wilhelm, b. 1759. Beytrage zur Erhaltung des Schifs-Volkes. Kopenhagen [1781 ] 8 p. — Heilungsgeschichte eines Verwundeten. Kopenhagen, 1778. 8 p. DAPPLES, Jean Marc Samuel Louis. See Apples, Marc d\ 1760-1840. DAQUIN, Joseph, 1732-1815. Analyse des eaux thermales d'Aix en Savoye. Chambery, 1772. 184 p. — La philosophie de la folic Paris, 1792. 106 p. — Topographie medicale de la ville de Chambery. Cham- bery 1787.151 p. D'AQUINO, Carlo. See Aquino, Carlo d', 1654-1737. DARAN, Jacques, 1701-1784. Chirurgical observations on the disorders of the urethra. London, 1750. 386 p. — Composition du remede. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1780. 322 p. -----3. ed. Paris, 1783. 372 p. — Observations chirurgicales, sur les maladies de l'ure- thre. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1748. 429 p. -----3. ed. Paris, 1750. 429 p. -----4. ed. Paris, 1758. 290 p. — Precis, contenant quelques observations sur ... les maladies de l'uretre. [London, 1765] 23 p. Title and text in French and English. -----[London, 1766] 34 p. Appendix (p. |25]-34) in English only. — Recueil d'observations chirurgicales, sur les maladies 108 DA VIES de 1'uretrc Avignon, 1745. 222 p. — Traite complet de la gonorrhee virulente. Paris, 1756. 246 p. DARDANA, Giuseppe Antonio, 1743-1796. Acta ad . . . Victorium Picum. Augustae Taurinorum, 1788. 32 p. — Memoria . . . intorno ai mezzi di togliere agli apparta- menti il fetore comunicato dai luoghi segreti. Vercelli, 1790. Ill p. DARELLI, Johan Anders af, 1718-1780. Socken-apothek och nagre hus-curer, utgifne under Kongl. Collegii Medici ofwerseende och besorjande. Stockholm, 1760. 257 p. Title vignette signed Bergquist sc. — — Another issue. Title vignette signed C. B. sc. -----2. upl. Stockholm, 1771. 257 p. DARIES, Petrus Joannes Andreas. De amygdalis et oleo amararum aethereo. Lipsiae, 1776. 41 (i.e. 14) p. DA RIO, Niccolo, conte, 1765-1845. Al nobile sig. conte Marco Carburi . . . lettera ... in risposta ad un suo manifesto. [Padova, 1798] vii p. DARLUC, Michel, 17177-1783. L'inoculation victorieusc Avignon, 1773. 174 p. DARSSON, Marc Antoine Petit. See Petit, Marc An- toine, 1766-1811. DARSTELLUNG der Griinde fiir und gegen die Blattern- einpfropfung. Memmingen, 1789. 142 p. DARTIGUELONGUE, Johannes. Apographe rerum phy- siologico medicarum contra Cartesium. Amstelodami, 1708. Ill p. DARWIN, Charles, 1758-1778. Experiments establishing a criterion between mucaginous and purulent matter. Lichfield, 1780. 134 p. DARWIN, Erasmus, 1731-1802. Phytologia; or, The phi- losophy of agriculture. Dublin, 1800. 556 p. — Zoonomia; or. The laws of organic life. London, 1794- 96. 2 v. — Vol. 1. 2d ed. London, 1796. 586 p. -----Vol. 1. New-York, 1796. 433 p. ----Pt. 2. New ed. Philadelphia, 1797. 2 v. -----Dublin, 1800. 2 v. — Zoonomie; oder, Gesetze des organischen Lebens. Hannover, 1795-99. 4 v. DARWIN, Robert Waring, 1766-1848. Appeal to the faculty, concerning the case of Mrs. Houlston. Shrews- bury, 1789. 45 p. D'ASSIGNY, Marius, 1643-1717. The art of memory. 3d ed. London, 1706. 79 p. — De voortreffelykheit van 's menschen geheugen. Ut- recht, 1745. 201 p. DASSY-D'ARPAJEAN, b. 1738. Observation sur la gueri- son d'une phthisie pulmonaire. Lausanne, 1778. 63 p. D'ASTI, Paolo Maria. See Paolo Maria d'Asti, padre. DAUBENTON, Louis Jean Marie, 1716-1799. Memoire sur les indigestions. Paris, 1785. 31 p. - Tableau methodique des mineraux. [Paris, 1784] 36 1. [DAUGIS, Antoine Louis] Traite sur la magie. Paris, 1732. 304, 18 p. DAUTER, Nathanael Ernst, b. 1756. Von dem ausser- lichen, ortlichen Gebrauche des kalten Wassers in verschiedenen Krankheiten. Leipzig, 1784. 110 p. DAVACH DE LA RIVIERE, Jean, fl. 1696. Le miroir des urines. 3. ed. Paris, 1722. 341 p. -----4. ed. Paris, 1752. 315 p. -----5. ed. Paris, 1762. 315 p. -----5. ed. Paris, 1763. 315 p. DAVID, Jean Pierre, 1737-1784. Dissertation sur ce qu'il convient faire pour diminuer ou supprimer le lait des femmes. Paris, 1763. 96 p. — Dissertation sur la cause de la pesanteur. Amsterdam, 1767. 156 p. — Dissertation sur le mechanisme et les usages de la re- spiration. Paris, 1766. 133 p. — Dissertation sur les effets du mouvement et du repos dans les maladies chirurgicales. Rouen, 1779. 164 p. — Observations sur une maladie d'os. Paris, 1782. 28 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1798. 36 p. — Prize dissertations . . . First, on the effects of motion and rest. . . Secondly, on the various effects of counter- strokes. London, 1790. 165 p. — Recherches sur la maniere d'agir de la saignee. Paris, 1762. 333 p. -----2 ed. Paris, 1763. 333 p. — Traite de la nutrition. Paris, 1771. 350 p. DAVIDGE, John Beale, 1768-1829. Dissertatio physio- logica, de causis catameniorum. Birminghamiae, 1794. 27 p. — A treatise on the autumnal endemial epidemick of tropical climates, vulgarly called the yellow fever. Balti- more, 1798. 65 p. DAVIDSON, Samuel. The history and obvious properties of Wingate Spaw. London, 1792. 84 p. — The history of medicine; and a review of. . . prevailing theories on fevers. Newcastle, 1791. 150 p. DAVIDSON, William, fl. 1795. Observations, anatomical, physiological, and pathological, on the pulmonary system. London [1795] 226 p. DAVIDSON, Wolf, 1772-1800. Ueber den Schlaf. Berlin, 1796. 98 p. DA VIES, Myles, 1662-1715? ed. The physical post. See under title. 109 DAMES | DA VIES, Richard] d. 1761. An essay concerning pesti- lential contagion. By later. London, 1748. 72 p. — — 2d ed. London, 1757. 72 p. — The general state of education in the universities. Bath, 1759. 58 p. — To promote the experimental analysis of the human blood. Essay the first. Bath, 1760. 55 p. DAVINI, Giovanni Battista, 16527-1733. De potu vini calidi. Mutinae, 1720. 75 p. DAVIS, Matthew Livingston, 1773-1850. A brief account of the epidemical fever which lately prevailed in the city of New York. New York, 1795. 67 p. DAVIS, Richard. An important narrative of facts ... on . . . The history of the royal malady. London, 1789.56 p. DAVY, Sir Humphry, bart., 1778-1829. Researches, chemical and philosophical; chiefly concerning nitrous oxide. London, 1800. 580 p. DAWKES, Thomas. The midwife rightly instructed. Lon- don, 1736. 90 p. — Prodigium Willinghamense; or. Authentic memoirs of ... a boy . . . who, before he was three years old, was three feet, eight inches high. London [1747] 51 (i.e. 67) p. DAWNE, Dabry, pseud. See Baynard, Edward, b. 1641. DAWPLUCKER, Jonathan. Number second. See Bell, John, 1763-1820. — Remarks on . . . Bell's Anatomy. See Barclay, J. DAWSON, Thomas, 17257-1782. An account of a safe and an efficacious medicine in sore-eyes and eye-lids. London, 1782. 15 p. — Cases in the acute rheumatism and the gout. London, 1774. 104 p. -----2d ed. London, 1775. 132 p. -----3d ed. London, 1776. 194 p. -----4th ed. London, 1776. 194 p. -----5th ed. London, 1781. 227, 60 p. DAY, Thomas. Gedanken iiber die verschiedenen Me- thoden und Mittel, ansteckende und eingeschlossene Luft zu reinigen. Altenburg, 1788. 80 p. — Some considerations on the different ways of removing confined and infectious air. Maidstone [1784] 56 p. DAZILLE, Jean Barthelemy, 1732 or 3-1812. Observa- tions generates sur les maladies des climats chauds. Paris, 1785. 256 p. — Observations sur le tetanos. Paris, 1788. 478 p. — Observations sur les maladies des Negres. Paris, 1776. 316 p. -----2. ed. Paris, 1792. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 2. wanting. DE ambigue prolatis in judicium criminationibus consul- tationes physico-medicae nonnullae. Bononiae, 1742. 78 p. Includes three consulations by Matteo Bazzani and one by Giuseppe Pozzi. — De arte medendi apud priscos. See Michell, H. — De conservatione virium vivarum. See Phileleutherus Londinensis. — De curatione apposite ad sanandum adhibenda aegre convalescenti a vomitione sanguinis. Ratisbonae, 1763. 28 p. — De embryulcia, sive foetus vivi extractione per uncos, non illicita. Veronae, 1756. viii p. — De epidemicis et contagiosis acroasis. See Rosa, M. — De hydrophobia, Graece & Latinc [Arenaci, 1791] 31 p. Imperfect: p. 21-28 wanting. — De l'esprit. See Helvetius, C. A. — De 1'homme et de la femme. See Lignac, de. — De 1'homme, et de la reproduction. See Panckoucke, C.J. — De l'indecence aux hommes d'accoucher les femmes. See Hecquet, P. — De l'inoculation. Extrait d'un ouvrage intitule Le guerisseur. Eleutheropole, 1774. 126 p. — De l'onanisme. See Dutoit-Membrini, J. P. — De la digestion. See Hecquet, P. — De la philosophic corpusculaire. See Delandine, A. F. — De la prostitution. See Berenger, L. P. — De la sante. See Jacquin, A. P. — De monstris ac monstrosis. See Bianchi, Giovanni. — De morbis litteratorum. See Franz, J. G. F. — De morbis venereis topicis tractatus. Londoni [sic] 1747. 19 p. — De natura cholericorum; sive, De vita . . . illorum quibus temperamentum cholericum tribui solet commentatio. Viennae, 1776. 304 p. — De obsequio . . . Justo Godofredo Gunzio. See Heben- streit, J. E. — De purganda medicina a curarum sordibus. See Hec- quet, P. — De recondita febrium . . . natura. See Senac, J. B. — De sensuum usu. See Testa, G. D. — De splenis usu. See Schroeder, F. J. W. — De usu arenae externo in curandis quibusdam morbis. Lipsiae [1734] 12 p. DEACON, H. A compendious treatise on the venereal disease. London [1789] 132 p. DEASE, William, ca. 1752-1798. Bemerkungen uber die Entbindungskunst. Zittau, 1788. 260 p. — Erfahrungsmassige Heilart der Lustseuche. Zittau, 1790. 162 p. — An introduction to the theory and practice of surgery. Vol. 1. London, 1780. 159 p. — Observations in midwifery. Dublin, 1783. 212 p. 110 DEGLI - Observations on the different methods made use of for the radical cure of the hydrocele. Dublin, 1782. 149 p. — Observations on the different methods of treating the venereal disease. Dublin, 1779. 131 p. — Observations on wounds of the head. Dublin, 1776. 177 p. ------London, 1776. 175 p. ------2d ed. Dublin, 1778. 262, 40 p. [ —] Remarks on medical jurisprudence. Dublin, 1793. 32 p. DE AUGUSTINIS, Antonio, 1724-1783. Osservazioni teorico-pratiche . . . intorno alle febbri migliari. Milano [1756]98 p. DE BARTOLOMEIS, Gio. Francesco. II mondo s'in- ganna nella medicina. Roma, 1762. 203 p. DE BATTISTI DI SAN GIORGIO, Bartolommeo. See Battisti, Bartolommeo. 1755-1831. DEBAUVE. See Bauve, de. DE BONIS, Giovanni Battista, 1699-1772. Hydroposia; seu, De potu aquae in morbis. Neapoli, 1754. 107 p. DEBURE, Guillaume, 1734-1820. Catalogue de livres rares. See Le Camus de Limarc DEBURE, Guillaume Francois, 1731-1782. Bibliographic instructive. Paris, 1763-82. 10 v. Vol. [8-9] have title: Supplement a la Bibliographic instruc- tive. DECANDOLLE, Augustin Pyramus. See Candolle, Au- gustin Pyramus de, 1778-1841. DE CARO, Vincenzio. Saggi sulla podagra. Napoli, 1790. 100 p. DECAZELES, Francois Masars. See Masars de Cazeles, Francois. DE CHEMANT, Nicholas Dubois. See Dubois de Che- mant, Nicolas, 1753-1824. DECIMA, Angelo dalla. See Dalla Decima, Angelo, conte, 1752-1825. DECLAMATIO de arcanis in combinandis nuptiis arti- bus. Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1732. 62 p. DE CLARELLIS, Ludovicus. Disquisitio physico-medico- mathematica, qua spiritus animates e medico systemate exturbantur, et morbi mechanice exponuntur. Neapoli, 1745. 170 p. [DE COETLOGON, Dennis| d. 1749. One physician is e'en just as good as t'other, and surgeons are not less knowing. London, 1739. 28 p. [ — ] Physick is a jest, a whim, an humour. London, 1739. 35 p. | — ] Various ironic and serious discourses. London, 1749. 7 pts. in 1 v. Contains 6 pamphlets, each with special t.p.: (1) A full examination . . . of. . . Mrs. Stephens's cures, 1750 & [pt. 2] Mrs. Stephens's receipt, 1739 (2) A letter on the origin ... of the degrees of doctor, 1736 (3) Physic is a jest, 1739 [imperfect| (4) One physician is e'en just as good, 1739 (5) Natural sagacity the principal secret... in physick, 1742 (6) A Gothic oration. in praise of a bad . . . practice, 1745. DECOURCELLE, Gilles Joseph, d. 1788. Elexir [sic] americain. Chaalons, 1771. 266 p. — Elixir americain. 2. ed. Chaalons-sur-Marne, 1783.320 p. ------3. ed. Chaalons-sur-Marne, 1787. 382 p. ------4. ed. Vitry, 1792. 330 p. — Elixir americain . . . Maniere de le prendre. [ Vitry-sur- Marne, not before 1788] [2] p. — Elixir americain . . . Noms et doses des drogues. [Chaa- lons, 17877][3] p. DECROIX, L. J., ca. 1725-1815. Physico-chymie theo- rique, en dialogue. Lille, 1768. 291 p. DECROIZILLES, Francois. See Descroizilles, Francois, 1707-1788. DEDEKIND, Johann JuUus Wilhelm, 1742-1799. De reme- diis contra formicas. Helmstadii,1777. xxiv p. A DEFENCE of Dr. Pocus and Dr. Malus against the petition of the unborn babes to the censors of the Royal College of Physicians of London. London, 1751. 9 p. — A defence of the Enquiry about the lawfulness of eating blood. See Sharp, T. DEFENSE de la Faculte de medecine. See Combalusier, F. de P. [DEFOE, Daniel] 16617-1731. The dreadful visitation in a short account of. . . the plague. Germantown, 1763. 16 p. [ - ] — Philadelphia, 1767. 16 p. [ - ] — Philadelphia, 1774. 16 p. [ — ] Due preparations for the plague. London, 1722. 272 p. | —] Flagellum; or, A dry answer to Dr. Hancock's won- derfully-comical liquid book. By Gabriel John. London, 1723.48 p. Often attributed to Defoe, but omitted from his list of works by the Camb. bib. Eng. lit., v. 2 (1940), p. 497-510. [ _ j---2d ed. London, 1723. 64 p. [ — ] The history of the great plague in London. London, 1754. 376 p. | — ] Secret memoirs of. . . Duncan Campbel. See Camp- bell, D. DEFRENNE, J. J. Beschryving der genees-middelen. Amsterdam, 1786. 31 p. — Medecine simplifiee; ou, Manuel de medecine et de chirurgie pratique. Amsterdam, 1783. 214 p. DEGLI orrendi tremuoti che ne' mesi di novembre e di- cembre dell'anno MDCCLV hanno desolato Lisbona. Ill DEGLI AGOSTINI Venezia. 1756. 72 p. DEGLI AGOSTINI, Giovanni, 1701-1755. Notizie isto- rico-critiche intorno la vita, e le opere degli scrittori viniziani. Venezia, 1752-54. 2 v. DEGLUTITIO difficilis. See Ploucquet, W. G. DEGNER, Johann Hartmann, 1687-1756. Acidulae Ub- bergenses, of Kort verhaal, van een mineraale gezond- bron. Nymegen, 1745. 112 p. — Historia medica de dysenteria bilioso-contagiosa. Tra- jecti ad Rhenum, 1738. 259 p. ------Ed. ultima. Lovanii, 1751. 252 p. ------Ed. noviss. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1754. 389 p. ------Ed. noviss. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1755. 389 p. — Teutschlands neu-entdeckte Gold-Grube, das ist: . . . Phys. und chymische Erorterung vom Torf. Franckfurt, 1731. 114 (i.e. 214) p. DEGRAVERS, Peter. See Gravers, Pierre de. DEHNE, Johann Christian Conrad, d. 1791. Versuch einer vollstandigen Abhandlung von dem Maywurme. Leipzig, 1788. 2 v. DEHO, Pietro. Sulla malattia attualmente regnante ne' bovini. Pavia, 1795. 42 p. — Ueber die wirklich herrschende Hornviehseuche. See Weikard, M. A. Geschichte der Brownischen Lehre. DEIDIER, Antoine, d. 1746. Anatomie raisonnee. Paris, 1742. 443 p. — Chimie raisonnee. Lyon, 1715. 522 p. — Consultations et observations medicinales. Paris, 1754, 3v. — Deux dissertations . . . l'une sur la maladie venerienne . . . l'autre sur la nature . . . des tumeurs. Paris, 1725. 329 p. — Dissertatio medica de morbis venereis, cui adjungitur dissertatio medico chirurgica de tumoribus. Londini, 1724. 129 p. — Dissertatio medico-chirurgica de tumoribus praeter- naturam. Monspelii, 1715. 67 p. — Dissertation medecinale sur les maladies veneriennes. 6. ed. Paris, 1735. 416 p. — Dissertaion, ou Ton a etabli un sentiment particulier sur la contagion de la peste. Paris, 1727. 69 p. Text in Latin and French. — Experiences sur la bile & les cadavres des pestiferes. Zuric, 1722. 76 p. — Institutiones medicinae theoricae, phisiologiam et pathologiam complectentes. Parisiis, 1731. 413 p. — Instituts de medecine, comprenant la physiologie & la pathologic Paris, 1735. 399 p. — Traite des tumeurs contre nature. 5. ed. Paris, 1732. 399 p. ------6. ed. Paris, 1738. 518 p. DEIGENDESCH, Johannes. Nachrichters niizliches und aufrichtiges Pferd- oder Ross-Arzneybuch. Neue Aufl. Tubingen, 1780. 259 p. — Nachrichters: oder Nutzliches und aufrichtiges Ross- Artzney-Biichlein. Zum 2. Mai gedruckt. Germantown, 1771.208, 12 p. DEIMAN, Johan Rudolph, 1743-1808? Geneeskundige proeve en waameemingen, omtrent de goede uitwer- king der electriciteit, in verscheiden ziektens. Amster- dam, 1779. 308 p. - & PAETS VAN TROOSTWIJK, A., 1752-1837. Ver handeling over het nut van den groei der boomen en planten, tot zuivering der lucht. Amsterdam, 1780. 133 p. DEISCH, Johann Andreas, b. 1713. Dissertatio de usu cultrorum atque uncinorum scindentium eximio in partu praetematurali. Suobaci, 1759. 48 p. — Kurze und in der Erfahrung gegrundete Abhandlung dass weder die Wendung noch englische Zange in alien Geburtsfallen . . . sicher gebrauchet. . . werden konnen. Augsburg, 1754. 107 p. — Vermehrte und in der Erfahrung gegrundete Abhand- lung, dass weder die Wendung noch englische Zange in alien Geburtsfallen . . . sicher gebrauchet. . . werden konnen. Frankfurth, 1766. 256 p. DEJEAN. Ouvrage touchant les hernies ou descentes. Paris, 1762. 345 p. — Regies et observations tres-importantes pour les per- sonnes attaquees de hernies. Paris, 1755. 55 p. DEJEAN, distillateur. See Hornot, Antoine. DEJEAN, Ferdinand, ca. 1728-1797. Erlauterungen uber Gaub's Anfangsgrunde der medicinischen Krankheits- lehre. Berlin, 1794-95. 2 v. DEKKERS, Frederik, 1648-1720. Exercitationes practicae circa medendi methodum. Nova ed. Neapoli, 1726. 479 p. DEL Collegio Petroniano. See Gigli, G. - Del salasso. Roma, 1770. 58 p. Sometimes attributed to Francesco Milizia. Sections I-IX, p. 3-51, are a translation of the article "Saignee, Med. therapeu- tique" in the Encyclopedie which, although unsigned, has been attributed to Antoine Louis. DELACOSTE, Jean, b. 1678 or 9. Lettre sur l'inoculation de la petite verole Paris, 1723. 123 p. DELAFAYE, Theodore, 17047-1772. Inoculation an in- defensible practice. A sermon. London, 1753. 31 p. ------2d ed. London, 1753. 31 p. DELAFONT. Dissertation sommaire sur les maladies de l'uretre, appellees callosites. [Paris, 1763] 23 p. DELAISTRE, C. L. Le chariatanisme devoile par l'exa- men analytique de l'elixir americain. Chaalons 1790 71 p. IDELANDINE. Antoine Francois] 1756-1820. De la philo- 112 DELL sophie corpusculaire. Paris, 1785. 200 p. [DELANY, Patrick] 16857-1768. The doctrine of absti- nence from blood defended. London, 1734. 180 p. | — ] Reflections upon polygamy. By Phileleutherus Dub- liniensis. 2d ed. London, 1739. 188 p. DELAPORTE. See Fourcroy, A. F. de. DELAPORTE, Jean Baptiste Francois, 1755-1824. Rap- port. See France. Corps legislatif. Conseil de cinq- cents. Commission des hospices. DELAROCHE, Daniel, 1743-1813. Analyse des fonctions du systeme nerveux. Geneve, 1778. 2 v. — Avis aux peres et meres, sur l'inoculation de la petite verole. Paris [17997] 48 p. — Encyclopedic methodique. Chirurgie. See under title. — Recherches sur la nature et le traitement de la fievre puerperalc Paris, 1783. 332 p. — Untersuchungen iiber die Natur und Behandlung des Kindbetterinnenfiebers. Berlin, 1785. 187 (i.e. 221) p. — Zergliederung der Verrichtungen des Nervensystems. Halle, 1794-95. 2 v. in 1. -, ODIER, Louis, 1748-1817 & DUNANT, Charles GuU- laume, 1744-1808. Pharmacopoea Genevensis ad usum nosocomiorum. Genevae, 1780. 199 p. DE LA RUE, Pieter. See Rue, Pieter de la, 1695-1770. DE LA TOUCHE, Henry Boesnier. See Boesnier de La Touche, Henry. DELAUNAY. Analyse raisonnee des eaux minerales medi- cinales d'Availles. Paris, 1771. 22 p. DELARVATIO tincturae philosophorum. See Leonhard von Altenburg. DELAYE, A. J. Formules de medicamens, redigees par ordre du roi, a l'usage des hopitaux militaire . . . suivie d'un recueil des medicamens. Marseille, 1786. 537 p. DEL CAMPO, Angelo Tomas de EUzondo y. See Elizondo y del Campo, Angelo Tomas de. DELECOURT, Pierre Francois. Memoire . . . contre le Sieur Gabriel-Hubert Retz. [Arras, 1779] 47 p. DELESSERT, Benjamin, baron, 1773-1847 & CAN- DOLLE, Augustin Pyramus de, 1778-1841. Sur les four- neaux a la Rumford, et les soupes economiqes. Paris, An VIII [1800] 40 p. Imperfect: t.p. wanting. DELETANVILLE, Thomas. A new French dictionary. 2d ed. London, 1779. 2 v. in 1. Imperfect: t.p. wanting. DELEURYE, Francois Ange, 17377-1780. Abhandlung uber die Geburten. Breslau, 1778. 403 p. — Discours prononce aux ecoles de chirurgie. Paris, 1776. 32 p. - La mere selon l'ordre de la nature. Paris, 1772. 333, lip. — Traite des accouchemens. Paris, 1770. 430 p. -----2. ed. Paris, 1777. 556 p. IDELEYRE, Alexandre] 1726-1797. Eloge de M. Roux. Amsterdam, 1777. 72 p. DELICATA, Octavius Cajetanus. Oratio . . . De factis in theoria medica progressibus. Monspelii, 1731. 34 p. DELICIAE medicae et chirurgicae, oder: Curiose An- merckungen. Praesent 1-10. [4-5, 2. Aufl.] Leipzig, 1703-05. 10 v. in 1. DELIUS, Heinrich Friedrich von, 1720-1791. Adversaria argumenti physico medici. Erlangae [1778?]-87. 5 v. — Animadversiones in doctrinam de irritabilitate. Er- langae, 1752. xxx p. — De catalepsi diatribe medica. Ed. 2. Erlangae, 1754. xxxvi p. — De cholelithis observationes et experimenta. Erlangae, 1782. 54 p. — Einige Beobachtungen und Untersuchungen welche das Geschafte der Erzeugung und die Geburtshulfe betreffen. Nurnberg, 1767. 126 p. — Indiculum scriptorum. Erlangae, 1778. 16 p. — Nachricht von dem Gesund Brunnen bey Sichers- reuth. Bayreuth, 1774. 38 p. — Nachricht von dem Wild-Bade bey Burgbemhein. Bay- reuth, 1775. 32 p. — Natuur- en geneeskundige verhandeling van het ope- nend natuurlyk wonder-zout van Glauber, 's Haage, 1777. 34 p. — Philyra . . . de nupero et praesenti dictae academiae statu. Erlangae [1788) xii p. — Primae lineae semiologiae pathologicac Erlangae, 1776.101 p. — Priifung einiger Stellen aus den siebenzig Dolmet- schern worin die Auferstehung der Aerzte gelaugnet wird. Halle, 1746. 16 p. — Synopsis introductionis in medicinam universam ejus- que historiam literariam. Erlangae, 1779. 24 p. — Theoria et foecundus in medicina usus principii: sen- sationem sequitur motus sensationi proportionatus. Erlangae [1749] xxviii p. — Untersuchungen und Nachrichten von den Gesund- brunnen. Erlangen, 1770. 102 p. DELL. Dell'acqua subamara di Modena, e del sale catar- tico amaro che dalla medesima si estrac Modena, 1790. 31 p. — Dell'elettricismo. See Squario, E. — Dell'uso e dell'attivita dell'arco conduttore nelle con- trazioni dei muscoli. Bologna, 1794. 168, 23 p. Imperfect: supplement (23 p.) wanting. Variously attributed to Giovanni Aldini, Luigi Galvani. or the two jointly. 113 DELLA DELLA educazione letteraria. See Bergonzoni, M. - Della morte apparente degli animali non dipendenta da malattia. Genova, 1751. 42 p. - Della peste di Costantinopoli del MDCCLXXVIII. Yverdun, 1779. 117 p. - Della rachitide. Mantova, 1776. 27 p. — Della tabe dorsale ovvero della cura della consunzione negli uomini e nelle donne. Venezia, 1785. 56 p. DELLA BONA, Giovanni. See Dalla Bona, Giovanni, 1712-1786. DELL'ACQUA, Girolamo Maria. Parallelo critico-meto- dico fatto alia scuola nannoniana. Venezia, 1770. 503 p. DELLA DECIMA, Angelo, conte. See Dalla Decima, Angelo, conte, 1752-1825. DELLA PORTA, Antonio Maria. Dei danni del vitto moderno e del modo di usarne utilmente. Pavia [ 1772] 128 p. — Saggio di osservazioni e memorie sopra le principali malattie di Como. Pavia [1780] 286 p. DELLA PORTA, Giovanni Battista, 15357-1615. Magia naturalis; oder, Hauss- Kunst- und Wunder-Buch. Nurn- berg, 1713. 1048 p. DELLA PORTA, Ippolito. Compendioso trattato della peste. Milano, 1715. 118 p. DELLA TORRE, Giovanni Maria, 17107-1782. Nuove osservazioni microscopiche. Napoli, 1776. 135 p. DELLE cause dei differenti talenti degli uomini. Venezia, 1766. xxiii p. — Delle origini della pazzia. See Soldini, F. M. — Delle parotidi ne' mali acuti opuscoli due. Perugia, 1785-186] 64, xxx p. By Annibale Mariotti & Onofrio Valentini. — Delle terme porrenttanc See Bassi, F. — Delle virtu . . . della magnesia arsenicalc See Bianchi, Giovanni. DELLE FABRA, Luigi. See Dalla Fabra, Luigi, 1655- 1723. DELOLME, John Louis. See Lolme, Jean Louis de, 1740- 1806. DELONNES, Ange Bernard Imbert. See Imbert-Delonnes, Ange Bernard, 1745-1820. DELORME, gentilhomme ordin. du roi. See Lorme, de, chevalier de Saint Louis. DEL PAPA, Giuseppe, 1648 or 9-1735. Consulti medici. Roma. 1733. 2 v. in 1. ------Venezia, 1734. 2 v. in 1. ------Venezia, 1738. 2 v. in 1. ------Roma, 1743-44. 2 v. ------Venezia, 1751. 2 v. in 1. ------Venezia, 1766. 2 v. — De praecipuis humoribus, qui humano in corpore reperiuntur. Florentiae, 1733. 104 p. ------Lugduni Batavorum, 1736. 203 p. — Trattati vari. Firenze, 1734. 228 p. DELPHINUS, Hieronymus,pseud, fl. 1685. Eunuchi con- jugium. Die Capaunen-Heyrath. Ed. noviss. Jenae, 1730. 152 p. ------Ed. noviss. Jenae, 1737. 152 p. DEL PINO, Domenico Antonio. See Dal Pino, Antonio Domenico. DELSENBACH, Johann Adam, 1687-1765. Kurtzer Be griff der Anatomie. Nurnberg, 1733. [11] p. DELUC, Jean Andre, 1727-1817. Recherches sur les mo- difications de l'atmospherc Geneve, 1772. 2 v. DE LUCA, Giulia Grimani. Relazione di quanto e ac- caduto a me infrascritta in occasione di gravissimo male sofferto nella mammella destra. [Venezia, 1742] 16 p. DE MAINAUDUC, John Boniot, d. 1797. The lectures. Pt. 1. London, 1798. 230 p. DE MAJO, Raimondo. Trattato delle acque acidole che sono nella citta di Castellammare di Stabia. Napoli, 1754. 160 p. DEMANGEON, Jean Baptiste, 1764-1844. Examen cri- tique de la doctrine et des precedes du Cen. Sacombe, dans l'art des accouchements. Paris, An VII [1798/99] 223 p. — Tableau historique d'un triple etablissement reunis en un seul hospice a Copenhague. Paris, An VII [1798/99] 72 p. DEMARCO, Giuseppe. De lana rite in secundo et ad- verse valetudine adhibenda. Melitae in Palatio, 1759- [60] 367, xxviii p. Pt. 2, 1760, has title: Dissertatio de cocholata [sic] DEMESTE, Jean, 17457-1783. Lettres . . . au Docteur Bernard ... sur la chymie. Paris, 1779. 2 v. DEMETRIUS PEPAGOMENUS. Uber de podagra Graece et Latinc Lugduni Batavorum, 1743. 97 p. ------Arnhemiae, 1753. 97 p. DEMETRIUS, Aletheius. See La Mettrie, Julien Of fray de, 1709-1751. DEMETRIUS, Polychronius. De medicis cinnabaris viri- bus. Lipsiae [1778] viii p. — Viro clarissimo Immanueli Gottlob Gerdessen gratulatur . . . Praemittitur disquisitio quantum aer in juvanda sanguinis circulatione valeat. Lipsiae, 1778. xvi p. — Viro clarissimo Petro Joanni Danieli Lutheritz gratulatur . . . Galenus adversus Vesalium defenditur [Lipsiae] 1777. 12 p. 114 DE QUINTIS DEMOCRITUS, Christianus. See Dippel, Johann Conrad, 1672 or 3-1734. DEMONSTRATIO, methodum ... Joannis Josephi Gass- ner . . . qua vario morborum genere affectis mederi solet, principiis evangelicis, sensui, et praxi primae ec- clesiae omnino esse conformem. Augustae Vindeli- corum, 1775. 88 p. DEMONSTRATION de l'existence de la medecine uni- verselle. Paris, 1749. 31 p. DEMONSTRATIONS elementaires de botanique. See Claret de La Tourrette, M. A. L. DE MONTE, Egnatius. De novo signo certo futurae mortis praenuntio. Ticini Regii, 1785. 142 p. DEMOURS, Antoine Pierre, 1762-1836. Memoire . . . Lu a l'Assemblee . . . le ler novembre 1784. [Paris, 1784]12 p. — Observation sur une pupille artificielle ouverte tout aupres de la sclerotique. [Paris, 18007] 12 p. "Extrait du Journal de medecine." DEMOURS, Pierre, 1702-1795. Lettre . . . a M. Petit. . . En reponse a sa critique d'un rapport sur une maladie de l'oeil. Paris, 1767. 31 p. — Nouvelles reflexions sur la lame cartilagineuse de la cornee. [Paris, 1770] 19 p. "Extraites du Journal de medecne." DENCKWURDIGES und jetzt lebendes Kayser Carols- Baad. Eger, 1729. 63 p. DENIJS, Jacobus, ca. 1681-1741. Heelkundige aanmer- kingen over den steen der nieren, blaaze, en waterpyp. Leyden,1730. 200 p. -----2. druk. Amhem, 1753. 200 p. — Observationes chirurgicae de calculo renum, vesicae, urethrac Lugduni Batavorum, 1731. 152 p. — Verhandelingen over het ampt der vroed-meesters, en vroed-vrouwen. Leyden, 1733. 694 p. DENIS. Journal d'observations de medecine, chirurgie et pharmacie . . . 1763 . .. a .. . 1786. Calais [178-7] 351 p. DENISART, Jean Baptiste, 1713-1765. Collection de decisions nouvelles et de notions relatives a la juris- prudence actuelle. Paris, 1763-64. 3 v. — Supplement a la collection. 2. ed. Paris, 1768. 365 p. DENISON, J., ed. The child's physician; or, The mother and nurse instructed. London [1795?] 190 p. DENKWURDIGKEITEN fur die Heilkunde und Geburts- hiilfe. Bd. 1-2. Gottingen, 1794-95. 2 v. Ed. by F. B. Osiander. DENMAN, Joseph. Observations on the effects of Bux- ton water. London, 1793. 144 p. DENMAN, Thomas, 1733-1815. Abhandlung von dem Fieber der Kindbetterinnen. Altenburg, 1777. 75 p. - Aphorisms on the application and use of the forceps and vectis. 4th ed. London, 1793. 104 1. - Essai sur la fievre puerperalc Lyon, An VI [1797/98] 92 p. - An essay on difficult labours. London, 1787-91. 3 v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. — An essay on natural labours. [London] 1786. 52 p. — An essay on preternatural labours. 2d ed. London, 1786. 56 p. — An essay on the puerperal fever. 3d ed. London, 1785. 43 p. — An essay on uterine hemorrhages. 2d ed. London, 1786.76 p. — Essays on the puerperal fever, and on puerperal convulsions. London, 1768. 74 p. — Introduction to the practice of midwifery. Pt. 1. Lon- don, 1782. 148 p. — An introduction to the practice of midwifery. Lon- don, 1794-95. 2 v. -----2d ed. London, 1798. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 1 wanting. — A letter to Dr. Richard Huck, on . . . vapor baths. [London,1768] 14 p. — [On the separation of the symphysis of the pubes in labour] [n.p., 1780] 15 p. DENMARK. Laws, statutes, etc. Forordning, angaaende straf for quaksalvere, huilke, under ravn af kloge moend eller quinder. Kjobenhavn [1794] [4] p. ----Forordning anlangende de fomefdne heilpemidler, til de blandt almuen opkommende smitsomme syg- dommes helbredelse og at forekomme deres videre udbredelse. Kiefbenhavn [1782] [7] p. DENONCIATION des principaux abus de l'Hotel-Dieu de Paris. Paris, 1789. 48 p. DENOUE. See Desnoues, Guillaume. DENZLER, Hans Jakob, 1622-1705. Clavis linguae Lati- nae . . . et Clavis Germanico-Latino. Basileae, 1716. 2 v. in 1. Imperfect: t.p. wanting. DEPARCIEUX, Antoine, 1703-1768. Addition a l'essai sur les probabilites de la duree de la vie humainc Paris, 1760. 32, 16 p. — Essai sur les probabilites de la duree de la vie humainc Paris, 1746. 132 p. DE PILES, Roger. See Piles, Roger de, 1635-1709. DEPRE, Johann Friedrich, d. 1727. Physicalische und medicinische Untersuchung vom Brauch und Miss- brauch des Brandteweins. Franckfurt, 1723. [24] p. [-] — Franckfurth, 1737. [23] p. DE QUINTIS, Camillo Eucherio, 1670-1733. Inarime seu de balneis Pithecusarum libri VI. Neapoli, 1726. 320 p. 115 DERHAM DERIIAM, William, 1657-1735. Physico-theology; or, A demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from his works of creation. 11th ed. Glasgow, 1745. 444 p. DE ROSSI, Giuseppe. Voto medico. See under title. DES achtzehenten Jahrhunderts Geschichte der Erfin- dungen. See Hecker, A. F. — Des aufrichtigen Hermogensis Apocalypsis spagyrica. See Hermogenes. — Des causes et des remedes de l'amour, considere comme maladic Londres, 1773. 119 p. — Des Magens Vertheidigiing der edlen Aiistem. Prag. 1731. 76 p. — Des moyens de conserver la sante. See Bertin. DESARNOD, Joseph Francois. Memoire sur les foyers economiques et salubres. Paris, 1789. 112 p. DESAULT, Pierre, 1675-1737. Dissertation sur la goutte. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1738. 397 p. — Dissertation sur les maladies venerienes. Bordeaux, 1733. 412 p. -----Paris, 1738. 370 (i.e. 412) p. — Dissertations de medecine, contenant une disserta- tion sur la pierre. Paris, 1736. 307 p. I — ] Dissertazione sopra la tisichezza pulmonare pre- sentata ... da Domenico Vici. Macerata, 1781. 60 p. [ — | Dissertazione sopra la tisichezza pulmonale, di un anonimo Franzese, pubblicata ... dal signor Domenico Vici. 2. ed. Napoli, 1781. 67 p. — A treatise on the venereal distemper. London, 1738. 332 p. DESAULT, Pierre Joseph, 1738-1795. Chirurgischer Nachlass. Gottingen, 1799-1800. 4 v. in 2. — ed. Journal de chirurgie. See under title. — Lezioni sopra le malattie delle vie urinaric Pavia, 1794. 248 p. -----Pavia [179-?] 205 p. — Oeuvres chirurgicales. Paris, An VI (1798) 2 v. — ed. Parisian chirurgical journal. See under title. — Traite des maladies des voies urinaires. Paris, An VII [1798/99]332 p. — See also Chopart, F. DESBANS, Peter Paul. Specimen practicum de hydrope peritonaei saccato. Gottingae, 1761. 40 p. DES BARBALIERES, Pierre Cailler. See Cailler Des Barbalieres. Pierre. DESBOIS, Francois Alexandre La Chenaye. See Aubert de La Chesnaye Des Bois, Francois Alexandre, 1699- 1784. DESBOIS DE ROCHEFORT, Louis, 1750-1786. Cours elementaire de matiere medicale. Paris, 1789. 2 v. -----Paris, 1779 [i.e. 1789?] 2 v. A different setting of type from the ed. dated 1789. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1793. 2 v. DESBOROUGH, C. The case of John Ames Andrews. Huntingdon |1786| 74 p. DESBOUT, Luigi. Dissertation sur l'effet de la musique dans les maladies nerveuses. St. Petersbourg, 1784. 75 p. — Ragionamento fisico-chirurgico sopra l'effetto della musica nelle malattie nervose. Livorno, 1780. 40 p. DESBREST. Lettre a MM. les auteurs du Journal de medecine. Clermont-Ferrand, 1779. 35 p. — Traite des eaux minerales de Chateldon. Moulins, 1778. 301 p. DESCARTES, Rene, 1596-1650. Opuscula posthuma, physica et mathematica. Amstelodami, 1701. 6 pts. in 1 v. [DESCEMET, Jean] 1732-1810. Catalogue des plantes du jardin de Mrs. les apoticaires de Paris. (Paris?] 1759. 136 p. DESCHAMPS, Claude Francois, 1745-1791. Cours ele- mentaire d'education des sourds et muets. Paris, 1779. 362 p. — De la maniere de suppleer aux oreilles par les yeux. Paris, 1783. 97 p. DESCHAMPS, Joseph Francois Louis, 1740-1824. Ob servations et reflexions sur la ligature des principales arteres. 2. ed. Paris, 1797. 124 p. — Observations sur la ligature des principales arteres. Paris, 1793. 56 p. — Traite historique et dogmatique de l'operation de la taille. Paris, An IV (1796) 4 v. D'ESCHERNY, David, b. ca. 1730. An essay on the causes and effects of the gout. London, 1760. 39, 8 p. Pt. 2 has title: Some short reflections upon patents. — Traite des causes et symptomes de la pierre. Dublin, 1755. 184 p. — A treatise of the causes and symptoms of the stone. London, 1755. 146 p. — Verhandeling van de oorzaken en toevallen van het graved en den steen. Amsteldam, 1774. 206 p. DESCRIPTION. Description abregee de I'Hopital royal de la marine a Greenwich. See Cooke, John. — Description des bains d'Aix en Savoye. See Durand. — Description des epidemies qui ont regne depuis quel- ques annees dans la generalite de Paris. Paris, 1783. 192 p. — Description exacte des os, comprise en ces trois traitez: I. Nouvelles observations anatomiques . . . par Jean Joseph Cortial... II. L'art de guerir les maladies des os . . . par J. L. Petit. . . III. Dissertation sur la nour- riture des os . . . par Mr. Louis Lemery. |Nouv. ed.] Leide, 1709. 3 pts. in 1 v. Each pt. has special t.p. — Description historico-chymique et medicale des eaux 116 DES ROSIERS et des bains d'Embs. Embs, 1787. 62 p. — A description of Bedlam. London, 1722. 52 (i.e. 68) p. Imperfect: p. 49-52 at end wanting. — Description physique de la contree de la Tauride. See Hablitz, K. I. DESCRIZIONE del nuovo rimedio curativo. See Berch- told, L. von. DESCROIZILLES, Francois, 1707-1788. Nouvelles ob- servations sur le sel purgatif, fondant et calmant. Rouen, 1762. 102 p. DESESSARTZ, Jean Charles, 1729-1811. Extrait de la notice sur les maladies qui ont regne pendant . . . Fan VI. [Paris? 1798?] 4 p. — Resultats des observations . . . sur les maladies . . . de Fan VIII. Paris, An VIII [1800] 15 p. — Traite de l'education corporelle des enfans. Paris, 1760. 429 p. -----2. ed. Paris, An VII 11798/99] 514 p. - , PORTAL, Antoine, 1742-1832 & LE ROY, Jean Bap- tiste. Rapport. . . sur le projet d'etablissement d'une maison d'inoculation. [Paris, ca. 1799] 15 p. [DESFONTAINES, Pierre Francois Guyot] 1685-1745. Memoire ou l'on fait voir en quoi peut consister la preeminence de la medecine sur la chirurgie. [Paris, ca. 1737] 20 p. DES FOUCAUX, Antoine Francois Lomet. See Lomet Des Foucaux, Antoine Francois, 1759-1826. DESGENETTES, Rene Nicolas Dufriche, 1762-1835. Analyse du systeme absorbant ou lymphatique. [Mont- pellier, 1791] 36 p. ----- Paris, 1792. 50 p. — Avis sur la petite verole. Kaire, Le 27 nivose An VIII [1800]43 p. In French and Arabic. DESGRANGES, Jean Baptiste, 1751-1831. Memoire sur les moyens de perfectionner l'etablissement public, forme a Lyon, en faveur des personnes noyees. Lyon, 1790. 42 p. — Reflexions sur la section de la symphyse des os pubis. [n.p.] 1781. 59 p. DESHAIES-GENDRON, Claude, ca. 1663-1750. Enquiries into the nature, knowledge, and cure of cancers. Lon- don, 1701. 132 p. — Recherches sur la nature et la guerison des cancers. Paris, 1701. 155 p. DESHAIS-GENDRON, Louis Florent. Lettre ... sur plu- sieurs maladies des yeux, causees par l'usage du rouge. Paris, 1760. 27 p. Preceded by Rouge vegetal a l'usage des dames, by Collin. - Traite des maladies des yeux. Paris, 1770. 2 v. DESHA YES, P. B. Observations de medecine-pratique. Paris, 1781. 338 p. The DESIDERATUM; or. Electricity made plain and useful. See Wesley, J. DESLANDES, Pierre Joseph Morisot. See Morisot Des- landes, Pierre Joseph. DESLOGES, Pierre, b. 1747. Observations d'un sourd et muet sur un Cours elementaire d'education . . . par I'Abbe Deschamps. Amsterdam, 1779. 66 p. DESLON, Charles. See Eslon, Charles d\ 1750-1786. DESLONCHAMPS, Nicolas Gervais. Observations sur la nature du sang. Rouen, 1748. 224 p. DES LONGROIS, Jean Baptiste Claude Jeannet. See Jeannet des Longrois, Jean Baptiste Claude. [DESMAILLET] Bibliotheque en abrege de la vraye medecine conduite par la lumiere. [Amsterdam, 1745] 2 v. in 1. Imprint from v. 2. DESMILLEVILLE. Essai historique et analytique des eaux et des boues de Saint Amand. Valenciennes [1767]128 p. DESMOGRAPHIE; ou, Description des ligamens. See Weitbrecht, J. DESMONCEAUX, abbe, 1734-1806. Lettre et observa- tions a M. Janin . . . sur . . . Memoires et observations . . . sur l'oeil. Amsterdam, 1772. 60 p. — Lettres et observations . . . sur la vue des enfans nais- sans. [n.p.] 1775. 63 p. — Traite des maladies des yeux et des orielles. Paris, 1786.2v. DESMORTIERS, Urbain Rene Thomas Le Bouvyer. See Le Bouvier-Desmortiers, Urbain Rene Thomas, 1739- 1827. DESMOUEUX, Charles Nicolas. Quaestio medica . . . An rachitidi tonica? [Cadomi, 1755] 12 p. DESNOUES, Guillaume. Lettres de G. Desnoues . . . et d'autres savans sur differentes nouvelles decouvertes. Rome, 1706. 262 p. DESOTEUX, Francois, See Dezoteux, Francois, 1724- 1803. DESPERRIERES, Antoine Poissonnier. See Poissonnier- Desperrieres, Antoine, 1722-1793. DESPORT, Francois, d. ca. 1760. Traite des plaies d'armes a feu. Paris, 1749. 415 p. DESPORTES, Jean Baptiste Pouppee, 1704-1748. His- toire des maladies de S. Domingue. Paris, 1770. 3 v. Vol. 3 has title: Traite ou abrege des plantes usuelles. DES ROSIERS. Reponse a l'ecrit intitule: Cleon a Eudoxe, touchant la preeminence pretendue des medecins sur 117 DES ROSIERS les chirurgiens. (n.p., 1738?] 56 p. - Reponse a la Lettre de M. *** a un ami de province. |n.p., 1737?] 15 p. [ — | Reponse de Mr. D. *** au medecin auteur du Baillon. [n.p., ca. 1737] 12 p. DES TILLETS, Jean Jacques Leroux. See Leroux des Tillets, Jean Jacques, 1749-1832. DETAGLIO della peste di Marsiglia. See Muratori, L. A. Del governo della peste. DETAIL de ce qui s'est passe dans les experiences faites par M. Janin. See Societe royale de medecine. — Detail des cures operees a Buzancy . . . par le magne- tisme animal. Soissons, 1784. 42 p. DETHARDING, Georg, 1671-1747. Elementa diaetae, sive Regulae physico-medico-ethicac Hafniae, 1734. 64 p. — Fundamenta physiologica. Hafniae, 1735. 125 p. — Fundamenta scientiae naturalis. Havniae, 1735.125 p. — Fundamenta semiologiae medicae. Havniae, 1740. 143 p. — Manuductio ad vitam longam tradens regulas diaeteti- cas. Rostochii, 1724. 112 p. — Programma quo ad anatomiam in corpore masculino . . . invitat. Rostochii [1708] [8] p. — Scrutinium physico-medicum, quo indoles intellectus animae insiti, ab adventitio probe discemendi eruitur. Rostochii, 1723. 156 p. DETHARDING, Georg Christoph, 1699-1784. Meditatio academica physico-pathologico-therapeutica de morte. Rostochii, 1723. 102 p. DETHARDING, Georg Gustav, 1765-1838. Commentatio chirurgico-obstetricia de utero inverso. Rostochii, 1788. 22 p. DETHARDING, Georg Wilhelm, b. 1701. Scrutinium academicum de necessitate inspectionis vulnerum in crimine homicidii commisso. Rostochii, 1726. 82 p. DETTMAR, Johan Joachim, 1743-1825. Bemerkung einer Wassergeschwulst am Gelenke des Oberarms mit der Schulter. Kopenhagen [1779] 8 p. — Bemerkung vom Haarwurme. Kopenhagen [1779] 7 p. — Heilung einer verharteten Geschwulst an der Brust. Kopenhagen [ 1775] 7 p. — Zwo Beobachtungen. Kopenhagen [1776] 8 p. DEUTSCH, Christian Friedrich, 1768-1848. De necessi- tate obstetrices bene institutas publica auctoritate constituendi. Erlangae [1798] 30 p. DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE DER NATURFORSCHER. See Academia Naturae Curiosorum. DEUX memoires: le premier, Sur la conservation des enfans. See Piarron de Chamousset, C. H. DEVARENNE, Nizet. See Nizet-Devarenne. [DEVAUX, Jean ] 1649-1729. L'art de faire les raports en chirurgie. Paris, 1703. 550, 71 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1730. 659 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1743. 689 (i.e. 633) p. Pages 9/10-23/24 and 577/578-671/672 have two numbers per page. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1746. 635 p. [ — ] Index funereus chirurgorum Parisiensium. Trivoltii, 1714. 118 p. [ — ] Die Kunst chirurgische Berichte und Wund-Zettul abzufassen. Budissin, 1713. 431 p. [ —] Le medecin de soi-meme; ou, L'art de se conserver la sante. Nouv. ed. La Haye, 1709. 316 p. DE VENTER, Hendrik van, 1651-1724. The art of mid- wifery improv'd. 3d ed. London, 1728. 328 p. -----4th ed. London, 1746. 328 p. — Beschryving, van de ziektens der beenderen. Leyden, 1739. 203 p. — Manuale operation, zijnde een nieuw ligt voor vroed- meesters en vroed-vrouwen. 2. druk. Leiden, 1734.465 p. -----3. druk. Leyden, 1746. 555 p. -----4. druk. Amsterdam, 1765. 555 p. — Neues Hebammen-Licht. Jena, 1717. 489 p. Imperfect: part of index wanting. -----3. Aufl. Jena, 1728. 489 p. -----4. Aufl. Jena, 1740. 489 p. — Neues Hebammen-Licht, anderer Theil. Jena, 1724. 118 p. -----2. Aufl. Jena, 1731. 118 p. -----3. Aufl. Jena, 1744. 118 p. — New improvements in the art of midwifery. London, 1724. 104 p. - — London, 1728. 104 p. — Observations importantes sur le manuel des accouche- mens. Paris, 1733. 431 p. -----Paris, 1734. 431 p. -----Paris, 1739. 431 p. — Operationes chirurgicae novum lumen exhibentes ob- stetricantibus. Lugduni Batavorum, 1701. 274 p. — Operationum chirurgicarum, novum lumen, exhiben- tium obstetricantibus, pars prima [et secunda] Lugduni Batavorum, 1724-25 [v. 1, 1725] 2 v. in 1. -----Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1733. 2 v. in 1. DEVEZE, Jean, 1753-1829. An enquiry into ... the epi- demic disease, which raged in Philadelphia. Philadel- phia, 1794. 145 p. In English and French. DEVILLAINE, Antoine Louis. Tableau des maladies aigues et chroniques, qui affectant les bestiaux de toute espece. Neuchatel, 1782. 136 p. DEVILLE, Jean Baptiste. Histoire des plantes. See under title. 118 DICTIONNAIRE DEVILLE, Nicolas. Histoire des plantes. See under title. DEVILLERS, Charles, 1724-1809. Le Colosse aux pieds d'argille. [n.p.] 1784. 174 p. DEWELL, T. The philosophy of physic, or, phlogistic system. Marlborough [1784] 47 p. DEYEUX, Nicolas, 1745-1837. See Parmentier, A. A. DEZON. Lettres sur les principales maladies qui ont regne dans les hopitaux de l'armee du roi, en Italic Paris, 1741. 388 p. DEZOTEUX, Francois, 1724-1803 & VALENTIN, Louis, 1758-1829. Traite historique et pratique de l'inocula- tion. An VIII [1799/1800] 436 p. DIATETISCHES Wochenblatt. See Graumann, P. B. C. DIAETOPHILUS, pseud. See Drais von Sauerbronn, Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Friedrich, Freiherr von, 1755- 1830. DIALOGO terzo famigliare, scherzoso infra Chirone chirurgo e lo speziale di Poggibonzi, sopra la risposta ... pubblicata dal signor dottore Carlo Gandini. Colonia. 1761. 140 p. DIALOGUES in a library. London, 1797. 278 p. Sometimes attributed to Dr. Thomson. DIARIO universal de medicina, cirurgia, pharmacia &c. jan.-mar., 1764. Lisboa. 506 p. Ed. by VI. Gomes de Lima Bezerra. DIAS PIMENTA, Miguel. See Pimenta, Miguel Dias. DIATRIBE juridico-practica, de testimoniis sanitatis; das ist, Griindlicher Bericht von Gesundheits-Briefen. [n.p.] 1710. 124 p. DIAZ DEL CASTILLO, Antonio. Hyppocrates enten- dido: a beneficio de la doctrina de Galeno, su fiel interpretc Alcala, 1719. 400 p. DIAZ SALGADO, Juan. Sistema fisico medico-politico de la peste. Madrid, 1800. 148 p. — Systema physico medico-politico de la peste. Madrid, 1756. Ill p. DIAZ SERRANO, Julian. Querella ante el tribunal de Apolo. Cordoba, 1740. 32 p. DIBBETZ, R. &ONTIJD, Coenraad Gerard, 1776-1844. Proeven en waarneemingen over de inenting der koe- pokken. In den Haage, 1800. 58 p. DIBON, Roger, d. 1777. Dissertation sur les maladies veneriennes. Paris, 1724. 274 p. — Lettre .. . dans laquelle il repond aux reproches d'un anonime, defenseur de M. Astruc. [n.p.] 1742. 95 p. DI CAPOA, Lionardo, 1617-1695. Del parere . . . ne' quali partitamente narrandosi l'origine, e'l progresso della medicina. Cologna, 1714. 3 v. Vol. 3 has title: Lezioni intorno alia natura delle mofete. DICEOFILO, medico. See Gandini, Luigi, 1724-1779. [DICKINSON, Caleb] An inquiry into the nature and causes of fever. Edinburgh, 1785. 192 p. ------Edinburgh, 1785. 192 p. — Untersuchung der Natur und Ursachen des Fiebers. Gottingen, 1787. 134 p. DICKINSON, Edmund, 1624-1707. Physica vetus & vera; sive, Tractatus de naturali veritate hexaemeri Mosaici. Londini, 1702. 340 p. DICKINSON, Jonathan, 1688-1747. Observations on that terrible disease vulgarly called the throat-distemper. Boston, 1740. 11 p. DICKINSON, Robert. An essay on cutaneous diseases. London, 1800. 72 p. — A parlour companion (gratis.) [London, 17947] 48 p. DICKSON, David. An essay on the possibility and proba- bility of a child's being born alive, and live, in the latter end of the fifth solar ... month. Edinburgh, 1712. 120 p. DICKSON, Thomas, ca. 1726-1784. A treatise on blood- letting. Pt. 1. London, 1765. 27 p. DICKSONS & CO., Edinburgh. Catalogue of hot-house, green-house, hardy, and herbaceous plants. Edinburgh, 1794. 192 p. DICTEN, Adrianus. Beschryving van de epidemische zinkingkoorts. See under title. DICTIONAIRE. See Dictionnaire. DICTIONNAIRE abrege des maladies gueries par le remede universel. Carpentras, 1769. 340 p. Compiled from Lettres de guerisons addressed to Jean and Jean Gaspard Ailhaud. — Dictionnaire anatomique et chirurgical. Paris, 1771.2 v. Atributed to A. F. Thomas Le Vacher de La Feutrie and others. — Dictionnaire anatomique, latin-francois. Paris, 1753. 463 p. Attributed to Jacques Peras. — Dictionnaire bibliographique. See Duclos, R. — Dictionnaire botanique et pharmaceutique. See Ale- xandre, N. — Dictionnaire de chirurgie. Paris, 1767. 2 v. Attributed to A. F. Thomas Le Vacher de La Feutrie and others. — Dictionnaire de chymie. See Macquer, P. J. — Le dictionaire des arts et des sciences. See Corneille,T. — Dictionnaire des eaux minerales. See Buc'hoz, P. J. — Dictionnaire des plantes usuelles . .. des animaux . . . et des mineraux. Paris, An II [1793/94] 8 v. — Dictionnaire des pronostics. Paris, 1770. 372 p. — Dictionaire medecinal. See Guyot, J. — Dictionnaire portatif de cuisine, d'office, et de distilla- tion. Paris, 1767. 2 v. in 1. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1772. 372, 367 p. 119 DICTIONNAIRE — Dictionnaire portatif de sante. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1760. 2v. Generally attributed to Charles Augustin Vandermonde. -----3. ed. Paris, 1761. 2 v. -----3. ed. Paris, 1764. 2 v. -----3. ed. Paris, 1768. 2 v. -----4. ed. Paris, 1771. 3 v. Vol. 3, without ed. statement, has title: Dictionnaire portatif de chirurgie. ou tome Hie du Dictionnaire de sante. Par M. Sue. ------5. ed. |v. 3, 2. ed.] Paris, 1783. 3 v. Incomplete: v. 3 only. ------6. ed. (v. 3, 3. ed.] Rouen, 1788. 3 v. — Dictionnaire raisonne d'anatomie et de physiologic See Dufieu, J. F. — Dictionnaire raisonne . . . des animaux. See Aubert de La Chesnaye Des Bois, F. A. — Dictionnaire raisonne-universel de matiere medicale. Paris, 1773. 4 v. DIDELOT, Charles Gabriel. Avis aux personnes qui font usage des eaux de Plombieres. Bruyeres, 1782. 283 p. Also ascribed to Nicolas Didelot. [ — ] Examen sur les eaux minerales de la fontaine de Bussang. Epinal, 1777. 198 p. Also ascribed to Nicolas Didelot. — Instruction pour les sages-femmes. Nancy [1770] 122 p. Also ascribed (wrongly) to Nicolas Didelot. DIDELOT, Nicolas, d. ca. 1790. Precis des maladies chro- niques et aigues. Nanci, 1774. 2 v. — See also Didelot, C. G. DIDERICH, Andreas Christian. Historia pestis; das ist, Umstandlige Beschreibung wie die Pest und Flekk- Fiber sich aufffiihren. Hamburg, 1710. 128 p. DIDEROT, Denis, 1713-1784, ed. Encyclopedie. See under title. — An essay on blindness. London, 1773. 134 p. [ — ] Lettre sur les aveugles. Londres, 1749. 220 p. [ — ] Lettre sur les sourds et muets. [n.p.] 1751. 400 p. [ - ]---Amsterdam, 1772. 372 p. DIDIER, Constantius. Commentatio medica de febre flava Americana. Gottingae [1800] 32 p. DIDIER, Francois Michel. See Disdier, Francois Michel, 1708-1781. DIEGO, Julian de. See Martin Garcilaso de la Vega, Julian de Diego. DIEGO GARCILASO DE LA VEGA, Julian de. Instruc- cion curativa, y conocimiento, causas, y sehales de la aplopegia. Malaga [ 179-1 84 p. — See also Martin Garcilaso de la Vega, Julian de Diego. DIEMERBROECK, IJsbrand van, 1609-1674 L'anatomie du corps humain. Lyon, 1727. 2 v. — Tractatus copiosissimus de peste. Genevae. 1721. 902 p. — A treatise concerning the pestilence. London. 1722. 34 p. DIENER, Anton Ludvig Christian, 1754-1783. Bemerk- ning om en blodspytning. Kiobenhavn 11778] 7 p. — Heilungsgeschichte einer krampfhaften Colik. Kopen- hagen |1779]7 p. DIENERT, Alexandre Denis, d. 1769. Introduction a la matiere medicale. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1765. 550 p. DIETERICH, Carl Friedrich, 1734-1805. Anfangsgrunde zu der Pflanzenkenntniss. Leipzig, 1775. 360 p. DIETERICHS, Johann Georg Nicolaus, 1681-1737. Ge naue Untersuchung der Seuche welche zu Regenspurg anno 1713 grassirte. Regenspurg, 1714. 104 p. DIETERICHS, Ludwig Michael, 1716-1769. De fratribus Italis ad epigastrium connatis. Ratisponae, 1749. 20 p. — Observationes de usu corticis Peruviani in cancro mammae. Ratisponae, 1746. 14 p. — Rede . . . von einem wahren Vorfall . . . bey einer . . . Weibs Persohn. Regenspurg [1745] 28 p. DIEZ, Immanuel Carl, b. 1766. Ueber die Methode in der Arzneymittellehre. Jena, 1793. 23 p. DIEZ DE MEDINA, Joseph. Declaracion de los verdade- ros diezy siete secretos de Curvo. Madrid, 1735. 142 p. DIFESA delle Considerazioni intorno alia generazione de' viventi. See Travini, D. A. DIGBY, John, tr. A philosophical account of nature. See under title. [DIGBY, Sir Kenelmj 1603-1665. Das aufgeklarte Ge- heimniss der Sympathie . . . die Wunden . . . zu heilen. Linz. 1784. 140 p. — Eroffnung unterschiedlicher Heimlichkeiten der Natur. Zum 7. Mahl gedruckt. Ratzeburg, 1718. 179 p. — Theatrum sympateticum. See under title. DI GREGORIO E RUSSO, Giuseppe, 1703-1771. Dis sertazioni critico-fisiche delle vane osservazioni della luna intorno a' salassi, e alle purghe. Palermo, 1742. 258 p. DIJON. See Academie des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Dijon. DILLENIUS, Johann Jakob, 1687-1747. Catalogus plan- tarum sponte circa Gissam nascentium. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1719. 240, 160, 20 p. DI LUCA, GiuUa Grimani. See De Luca, Giulia Grimani. DILUCIDATIONES. Anonymi dilucidationes uberiores. See Anonymi. DIMSDALE. Thomas, baron, 1712-1800. Methodo actual de inocular as bexigas. Porto, 1793. 250 p. — Observations on the introduction to the plan of the dispensary for general inoculation. London, 1778. 136 p. 120 DIRECTIONS - The present method of inoculating for the small-pox. 2d ed. London, 1767. 160 p. -----3d ed. Dublin, 1767. 171 p. -----3d ed. London, 1767. 160 p. -----5th ed. London, 1769. 160 p. -----6th ed. London, 1772. 160 p. -----7th ed. Dublin, 1774. 129 p. -----7th ed. London, 1779. 181 p. — II presente metodo d'innestare il vajuolo. Napoli, 1768. 88 p. — Remarks on A letter .. . upon general inoculation, by John Coakley Lettsom. London, 1779. 16 p. — A review of Dr. Lettsom's Observations. London, 1779. 21 p. — Thoughts on general and partial inoculations. London, 1776. 70 p. — Tracts on inoculation. London, 1781. 249 p. — Unterricht von der gegenwartigen Methode die Kin- derblattem einzupfropfen. Leipzig, 1768. 160 p. DI NATALE, Antonio Maria. Dialoghi anotomici, fisiolo- gici, medici per istruzione delle donne. Napoli, 1791- 93. 2 v. DINGLEY, Amasa, d. 1798. An oration on the improve- ment of medicine. New-York [1794] 39 p. -----2d ed. New-York, 1795. 39 p. DINGLEY, Robert. Proposals for establishing a public place of reception for penitent prostitutes. London, 1758. 17 p. DINOUART, Joseph Antoine Toussaint, 1716-1786, ed. and trans. Abrege de I'embryologie sacrec See Cangia- mila, F. E. DIODATO DI CUNEO, Father. Notizie fisico-storico- morali conducenti alia salvezza de' bambini nonnati, abortivi, e projetti. Venezia, 1760. 387 p. DIONIS, Charles, 1710-1776. Dissertation sur le taenia ou ver-plat. Paris, 1749. 266 p. DIONIS, Pierre, 1643-1718. L'anatomie de 1'homme. 3. ed. Lyon, 1701. 634 p. -----4. ed. Paris, 1705. 710 p. -----4. ed. Paris, 1706. 634 p. -----5. ed. Paris, 1716. 734 p. -----6. ed. Paris, 1723. 636 p. -----6. ed. Paris, 1729. 781 p. -----6. ed. Paris, 1780. 781 p. — The anatomy of humane bodies. London, 1703.451 p. -----2d ed. London, 1716. 451 p. Imperfect: plate 10 wanting. — Chirurgie, oder chirurgische Operationes. 2. Aufl. Augspurg, 1734. 958 p. — Cours d'operations de chirurgie. Paris, 1707. 746 p. -----Bruxelles, 1708. 615 p. _____2. ed. Paris, 1714. 752 p. -----3. ed. Paris, 1716. 752 p. -----3. ed. Paris, 1738. 752 p. -----4. ed. Paris, 1740. 923 p. -----4. ed. Paris, 1746. 920 p. -----4. ed. Paris, 1750. 914 p. -----4. ed. Paris, 1751. 920 (i.e. 914) p. -----5. ed. Paris, 1757. 923 p. -----5. ed. Paris, 1765. 920 p. -----7. ed. Paris, 1773. 920 p. -----8. ed. Paris, 1777. 724 p. -----8. ed. Paris, 1782. 2 v. in 1. — A course of chirurgical operations. London, 1710. 496 p. -----2d ed. London, 1733. 496 p. Imperfect: plates 1 and 30 wanting. — Dissertation sur la mort subite. Avec I'histoire d'une fille cataleptique. Paris, 1710. 189 p. — Dissertation sur la mort subite, et sur la catalepsie. 2. ed. Paris, 1718. 152, 115 p. — A general treatise of midwifery. London, 1719. 374 p. — Traite general des accouchemens. Paris, 1718. 488 p. -----Liege, 1721. 488 p. -----Paris, 1724. 476 p. — Verhandeling van alle de chirurgicale operatien. Rot- terdam, 1710. 694 p. — Johannis Timmii... Vermehrter und erlauterter Dionis. Oder Anmerckungen uber . . . Tractat von Erzeugung und Geburth der Menschen. Franckfurt, 1733. 696, 64 p. -----Neue. Aufl. Bremen, 1745. 696, 64 p. DIOS AYUDA, Juan de. See Ayuda, Juan de Dios. DIOS Y GUADALUPE, Francisco Sanz de. See Sanz de Dios y Guadalupe, Francisco. DIOSDADO, Jose Francisco de Malpica. See Malpica Diosdado, Jose Francisco de. DI PAOLO, Antonio. See Piccoli di Paolo, Antonio. DIPLOMA col quale da Ferdinando III . . . fu nell'anno 1643 ampiamente ristaurata l'antica nobilita della fa- miglia del dottor Bartolomeo Dominiceti. Londra, 1776. 143 p. DIPPEL, Johann Conrad] 1672 or 3-1734. Christiani Democriti Kranckheit und Artzney des animalischen Lebens. Franckfurth, 1736. 412 p. — ] Die Kranckheit und Arzney des thierisch-sinnlichen Lebens. Durch Christian Democritum. Franckfurt, 1713.118 p. _ ]---Zum andemmahl Teutsch gedruckt. Franckfurt, 1727. 224 p. — ] Vitae animalis morbus et medicina. Auctore Chris- tiano Democrito. Lugduni Batavorum, 1711. 160 p. _] — Ed. 2. Hamburgi, 1730. 148 p. DIRECTIONS and observations relative to food, exercise and sleep. London, 1772. 23 p. 121 DIRECTIONS — Directions and prayers for the use of the patients in the foul wards of the hospital in Southwark. London, 1734. 24 p. — Directions for preparing aerated medicinal waters, by means of the improved glass machines made at Leith glass-works. Edinburgh, 1787. 12 p. Presumably issued by the Edinburgh Glass-House Company, Leith. — Directions for taking and using Betton's true and genuine British oil. [n.p., 17— ] 8 p. — Directions for taking elixir salutis. See Daffy, A. — Directions for the medicine chest. North Shields, 1795. 25 p. DISAMINA imparziale delle riflessioni all'Istoria delle malattie di Sarzana &c. pubblicate ... dal signor Gugliel- mo Batt. Lund, 1786. 15 p. DISCORSI due epistolari. See Bianchi, G. B. — Discorsi due .. . sopra le fasce de' bambini. See Roberti, G. B. DISCOURS sur l'utilite de l'anatomie [n.p.] 1764. 61 p. — Discours touchant les merveilleux effets de la pierre nephrytique sumommee divine. Orleans, 1713. 81 p. A DISCOURSE concerning fevers. See Turner, D. — A discourse concerning the plague. See Byrd, W. — A discourse on the nature and uses of Neville-Holt- water. London, 1742. 30 p. DISCRIMINATOR, pseud. The apothecary's mirror; or, The present state of pharmacy exploded. London, 1790. 31 p. DISCURSO sobre el fomento de la industria popular. See Campomanes, P. R. DISCURSUS de epilepsia. See Appel, J. J. — Discursus medicus de abortu. See Liiders, J. N. DISDIER, Francis Michel, 1708-1781. Exposition exacte, ou tableaux anatomiques ... du corps humain. Paris, 1758. 601. -----Paris, 1784. 60 1. — Histoire exacte des os. 2. ed. Paris, 1745. 317 (i.e. 265) p. — Recueil complet de l'osteologic Lyon, 1751. 196 p. -----Lyon,1761. 159 p. -----Lyon,1764. 156 p. — Sarcologie, ou Traite des parties molles. Paris, 1748. 253, 44 p. Pt. 2 has half-title: Myologie abregee. — Traite des bandages. Paris, 1741. 119 p. -----Paris, 1761. 119 p. -----Paris. 1761. 123 p. -----Paris, 1763. 112 p. The DISEASES of Bath. A satire. London, 1737. 20 p. DISERTACION medico-chirurgica, en la que se propone el mas seguro methodo de curar la tisis pulmonar. See Louis, A. The DISPENSARIANS are the patriots of Great-Britain. London, 1708. 61 p. The DISPENSARY. See Garth, S. — The dispensary transvers'd; or, The consult of physi- cians. A poem. London, 1701. 84 p. DISPENSATORIUM Fuldensc See Schlereth, F. A. von. — Dispensatorium Hamburgense. See Kalde, J. — Dispensatorium Lippiacum. See Pharmacopoeia. Lip- pe. — Dispensatorium medico-pharmaceuticum ... a Con- cilio Medico Electorali Palatine See Pharmacopoeia. Palatinate. — Dispensatorium medico-pharmaceuticum Pragense. See Pharmacopoeia. Prague. — Dispensatorium pharmaceuticum Austriaco-Viennen- sc See Pharmacopoeia. Austria. — Dispensatorium regium et electorale Borusso-Branden- burgicum. See Pharmacopoeia. Prussia. The DISPENSATORY of the Royal College of Physi- cians. See Pharmacopoeia. London. — The dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh. See Pharmacopoeia. Edinburgh. DISPUTATIO medica generis historici de variolis. Ratis- bonae, 1763. 48 p. DISSERTATIO de gemellis. [n.p., 17-?] [6] p. — Dissertatio de hygieine, tuendae sanitatis, & praeca- vendorum imminentium morborum praecepta tradens. Valentiae Cavarum, 1710. 320 p. Attributed by Barbier to J. B. Bertrand. — Dissertatio historico-critica, moralis, ac juridica de origine, usu et administratione aedificii e capillis in fronte erecti, et vulgo cacadou dicti. [n.p.] 1772. 29 p. A DISSERTATION concerning inoculation. See Doug- lass, W. — Dissertation en forme de lettres. See Hunauld, F. J. — Dissertation neutre sur l'inoculation de la petite verole. Amsterdam, 1764. 68 p. — A dissertation on endemical diseases. See James, R. — A dissertation on royal societies. See Hill, John. — A dissertation on sea-water. London [17— ] 45 p. — A dissertation on the contents ... of cold and hot mineral springs. See Shaw, P. — A dissertation on the method of inoculating. See Sar- mento, J. de C. — A dissertation on the origin of the venereal disease; proving that it was not brought from America, but began in Europe. London, 1751. 92 p. — A dissertation on the stone. See Shaw, W. — A dissertation on the use and abuse of tobacco. Lon-* don, 1720. 24 p. 122 DOD — Dissertation physique a l'occasion du Negre blanc. See Maupertuis, P. L. M. de. — Dissertation ou essai sur le pouvoir de la nature et de l'art pour la guerison des maladies. Londres, 1786. 48 p. — Dissertation sur l'origine des idees. See Basselin, R. — Dissertation sur l'origine des maladies epidemiques. See Astruc, J. — Dissertation sur la contagion de la peste. See Astruc, J. — Dissertation sur la peste de Provence. See Astruc, J. — Dissertation sur les noyes. See Vitet, L. — Dissertation sur une machine. See Bottentuit, J. B. — A dissertation upon the nervous system to show its in- fluence upon the soul, [n.p.] 1780. 64 p. DISSERTATIONES duae; de febribus una, altera de succo nervorum. Romae, 1740. 60 p. Dedication signed: Felix Roseti. — Dissertationes et quaestiones medicae. See Benve- nuti, G. — Dissertationes in novam, tutam, ac utilem methodum inoculationis, seu transplantationis variolarum. Prima methodus ... a Jacobo a Castro . . . Altera methodus praelecta a Gualtero Harris. Tertia . . . ab Antonio Le Due. Lugduni Batavorum, 1722. 117 p. -----Ed. noviss. Genevae, 1727. 36 p. — Dissertationes medicae quarum prior . . . De membrana allantoide versatur, authore Ludovico de Neufville . . . posterior . . . De clitoride disserit, authore Theodore Tronchin. Ed. nova. Lugduni Batavorum, 1736. 94 p. DISSERTATIONS . . . Middletoni . . . defensio exami- nata. See Ward, J. DISSERTATIONS anatomiques sur la generation de rhomme, et sur l'origine & la nourriture du foetus. Blois, 1706. 158 p. — Dissertations et consultations medicinales. See Chi- rac, P. — Dissertations sur les antiseptiques [par B. C. de Bois- sieu et al.] Dijon, 1769. 416 p. — Dissertations upon the ingraftment of the small-pox. See Strother, E. DISSERTAZIONE che instruisce intorno alle pillole pur- gative di Ricius. [n.p., 179-?] 4 p. Imperfect: trimmed, with loss of some marginal text. — Dissertazione istoriche, scientifiche. See Chiaramonti, G. B. DISSERTAZIONI e lettere scritte sopra varie materie da diversi illustri autori viventi. Firenze, 1749-53. 3 v. in 1. — Dissertazioni medico-chirurgico-pratiche. See Care- no, L. A DISSUASIVE against inoculating for the small-pox. London, 1751. 54 p. DISTINCT notions of the plague, with the rise and fall of pestilential contagion. By the Explainer. London, 1722. 131 p. — The distinct symptoms of the gravel and stone, ex- plained to the patient. London, 1759. 51 p. DISTINTA, e vera relazione del principio, e de' progressi del mal contagioso nella citta di Marsiglia. [Bologna, 1720]8 p. DITTMER, Johann Joachim. See Dettmar, Johan Joa- chim, 1743-1825. DITTRICH, Justine. See Siegemund, Justine Dittrich, 1648-1705. DIZIONARIO compendioso di sanita. Ed. 3. Venezia, 1770-71. 4 v. in 2. Vol. 4 has title: Supplemento al Dizionario di sanita. — Dizionario pratico-medico e cerusico portatile, o sia compendio dell'intera pratica medica, e cerusica del dottor James. 1. ed. veneta. Venezia, 1784. 3 v. Vol. 2 has title: Dizionario farmaceutico chimico portatile; v. 3: Dizionario medico-botanico portatile. -----Ed. 2. Napoli, 1774-77. 2 v. DOBSON, Matthew, d. 1784. A medical commentary on fixed air. Chester, 1779. 196 p. -----2d ed. Dublin, 1785. 230 p. -----3d ed. London, 1787. 172, 126 p. Les DOCTEURS modernes. See Barre, P. Y. The DOCTOR and the apothecary. See Cobb, J. — The doctor dissected; or, Willy Cadogan in the kitchen. London, 1771. 21 p. Sometimes attributed to Mrs. Ireland. — Doctor Mead's Short discourse explain'd. Being a clearer account of pestilential contagion, and prevent- ing. London, 1721. 64 p. — Doctor Mead's Short discourse explain'd. Or, his ac- count of pestilential contagion, and preventing, ex- ploded. 2d ed. London, 1722. 103 p. — Dr. Radcliffe's life, and letters. See Pittis, W. — Doctor Rock's incurable; or Fugantia, the wand'ring nymph. An humourous tale. London, 1747. 32 p. Signed Tho. Piquestaff, Jur. — Doctor Thomson vindicated; or, Cursory reflections on the case of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Winnington, Esq. London, 1746. 27 p. DR. STEEVENS'S HOSPITAL, Dublin. The present state of Doctor Steevens's Hospital; together, with a scheme to enlarge the fund. [Dublin, 1735] broadside. The DOCTRINE of abstinence from blood defended. See Delany, P. DOCUMENTI relativi alia quistione tra il sig. Andrea Bologna, [n.p., 1785] 16 p. DOD, Peirce, 1683-1754. Oratio ... ex instituto Har- veiano. Londini [1729] 16 p. 123 DOD — Several cases in physick. London, 1746. 58 p. DODART, Claude Jean Baptiste, 1664-1730. Relation . . . du commencement, du progres & de la fin de la maladie du roy. [Paris, 1721] 3 p. DODD, James Solas, 1721-1805. A physical account of the case of Elizabeth Canning. Dublin, 1753. 24 p. DODD, William, 1729-1777. An account. See Magdalen Hospital, London. — The practice of inoculation recommended. London [1767]20 p. IDODSLEY, Robert] 1703-1764, ed. Fugitive pieces, on various subjects. London, 1761. 2 v. [ — ] Oeconomie de la vie humainc Edimbourg, 1752. 160 p. DOBELIUS, Ernestus Fridericus. Meditationes suas de sudorc Regiomonti [1713] 32 p. DOMLING, Johann Joseph, 1771-1803. Giebt es urspriing- liche Krankheiten der Safte, welche sind es, und welche sind es nicht? Bamberg, 1800. 167 p. — 1st die Leber Reinigungsorgan? Wien, 1798. 87 p. DORFFURT, August Ferdinand Ludwig, d. 1825. Abhand- lung iiber den Kampher. Wittenberg, 1793. 264 p. DOERING, Sebastian Johann Ludwig, 1773-1835. Com- mentatio medica de vomitu. Marburgi, 1792. 32 p. DOERNER, Christian Friedrich, 1776-1806. De graviori- bus quibusdam cartilaginum mutationibus. Tubingae, 1798. 77 p. DOEVEREN, Wouter van, 1730-1783. Brief. .. aan . .. Eduard Sandifort . . . behelsende een berigt van den gelukkigen uitslag der inentinge der kinderpokjes. 's Gravenhage, 1770. 24 p. — Musei Doevereniani catalogus. [Lugduni Batavorum, 1785]150 p. — Observations physico-medicales sur les vers. Lyon, 1763. 369, [310]-328 p -----Lyon, 1764. 369, [310J-328 p. — Primae lineae de cognoscendis mulierum morbis. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1775. 53 p. -----Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1777. 53 p. -----Ed. 2. Ticini [177-?] 61 p. -----Ed. 1. Italica. Ticini, 1787. 58 p. — Sermo academicus de erroribus medicorum sua utili- tate non carentibus. Groningae, 1762. 46 p. — Sermo academicus de imprudenti ratiocinio ex obser- vationibus et experimentis medicis. Groningae, 1754. 63 p. — Sermo academicus de recentiorum inventis medicinam hodiemam veteri praestantiorem reddentibus. Lugduni Batavorum, 1771. 66 p. — Sermo academicus de sanitatis Groninganorum prae- sidiis. Groningae, 1770. 64 p. — Specimen observationum academicarum. Groningae, 1765. 298 p. D'OIGNIES, Emmanuel Joseph. Practici opera. Ant- verpiae 11765] 151 p. DOLAUS, Johann, 1651-1707. Opera omnia. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1703. 2 v. — Tractatus novus . . . de furia podagrae lacte victa & mitigata. Amstelodami, 1705. 135 p. -----Amstelodami, 1707. 135 p. -----Leidae, 1740. 135 p. — Upon the cure of the gout by milk-diet. London, 1732. 182 p. DOMBAY. See Bombay, 17257-1785. DOMENECH Y AMAYA, Pedro Francisco. Memoria medico-practica sobre que los riegos y chorros de agua pura y fria en la cabeza son el remedio de la insolacion. Madrid, 1794. 56 p. DOMERGUE, fl. 1687. Moyens faciles et assurez pour conserver la sante. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1706. 119 p. DOMIN, Jozsef Ferencz, petruseveczi, 1754-1819. Ars electricitatem aegris tuto adhibendi. Ed. 2. Pestini, 1796. 127 p. DOMINICETI, Bartholomew di, fl. 1735-1782. Medical anecdotes. London, 1781. 580 p. — A short and calm apology. Bristol, 1762. 40 p. — See also Diploma. DOMINICETI, Rhodomonte. A dissertation on the arti- ficial medicated water baths. 2d ed. London, 1782. 144 p. DON Ricardo Honeywater vindicated. In a letter to Doctor Salguod. London, 1748. 52 p. DONDUZZI, Girolamo Mario Lorenzo, 1671-1744. Delle precauzioni, e regole da usarsi da' cerusici in mezzo alle pesti. Bologna, 1721. 46 p. DONNET. Traite des eaux et des fontaines minerales de Forges. Paris, 1751. 59, lxi p. DONZELLI, Giuseppe, 1596-1670. Symposium medicum sive quaestio convivalis de usu mathematum in arte medica. Venetiis, 1707. 95 p. — Teatro farmaceutico dogmatico, e spagirico. Venezia, 1704. 695 p. -----19. ed. Napoli, 1726. 690 p. -----Ed. 20. Venezia, 1728. 599 p. -----Noviss". ed. Venezia, 1763. 360 p. DONZELLI, Pietro Paolo. Apologia seconda . . . Concer- nente la cura delle febbri puerperali. Milano, 1790 46 p. IDOPPET, Framjois Amedee] 1753-1800. Aphrodisiaque externe; ou, Traite du fouet, et de ses effets sur le phy- sique de l'amour. [Geneve] 1788. 158 p. 124 DOUGLAS — Le medecin de l'amour. Paphos, 1787. 278 p. — Le medecin philosophic Turin, 1787. 78 p. [ — ] Medecine occulte, ou traite de magie naturelle et medicinalc Paris, 1791. 93 p. [ — ] Oraison funebre du celebre Mesmer. Grenoble, 1785. 39 p. [ — ] Traite du fouet, ee [sic] de ses effets sur le physique de l'amour; ou, Aphrodisiaque externe. [n.p.] 1788 [i.e., 182-7] 107 p. [ — ] Traite de fouet; ou, Aphrodisiaque externe. Paris [1788]158 p. — Traite theorique et pratique du magnetisme animal. Turin, 1784. 61 p. — Trattato teorico e pratico del magnetismo animalc 1. ed. Rimino, 1785. 57 p. DORASCENTIUS, Lucas. De usu chalybis atque mer- curii in obstructione curanda. Romae, 1745. 40 p. [DORIGNY, Anne Claude] Examen de l'inoculation. Londres. 1764. 340 p. DORTHES, Jacques Anselme, 1759-1794. Quaestiones medicae duodecim. Monspelii, 1790. 99 p. [DOSSIE, Robert] 1717-1777. The elaboratory laid open; or, The secrets of modern chemistry and pharmacy revealed. London, 1758. 375 p. [ - ] — 2d ed. London, 1768. 456 p. [ — ] Theory and practice of chirurgical pharmacy. Dub- lin, 1761. 380 p. [ - ] — London, 1761. 485 p. DOU, Liborius Matari y. See Matari y Dou, Liborius. DOUBLET, Francois, 1751-1795. Abhandlung von den Zufallen und der Curart der Lustseuche bey neuge- bornen Kindern. Frankfurt, 1783. 84 p. - Memoire sur les symptomes et le traitement de la ma- ladie venerienne dans les enfans nouveaux-nes. Paris, 1781. 77 p. - Nouvelles recherches sur la fievre puerperale. Paris, 1791. 355 p. - Remarques sur la fievre puerperale. [n.p.] 1783. 70 p. "Extrait du Journal de medecine." — See also Colombier, J. DOUESNELLE, Pierre. Relation du miracle opere en la personne de Pierre Douesnelle. [Paris] 1734. 13 p. DOUGLAS, Andrew, 1736-1806. Observations on an extraordinary case of ruptured uterus. London, 1785. 74 p. - Observations on the rupture of the gravid uterus. Lon- don, 1789.135 p. DOUGLAS, G. Archibald. The nature and causes of impotence. London, 1758. 54 p. -----6th ed. London, 1772. 64 p. DOUGLAS, James, 1675-1742. An advertisement oc- casion'd by some passages in Sir R. Manningham's diary. Lonon, 1727. 38 p. — An appendix to The history of the lateral operation for the stone. Containing Mr. Cheselden's present method. London, 1731. 47 p. — Bibliographiae anatomicae specimen. Londini, 1715. 226 p. -----Ed. 2. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1734. 263 p. — Descriptio comparata musculorum. Lugduni Batavo- rum, 1729.210 p. -----Ed. 2. Lugd. Batavorum, 1738. 211 p. — Descriptio peritonaei et membranae cellularis. Helm- stadii, 1733. 122 p. — Descriptio peritonaei, nee non illius portiunculae membranae cellularis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1737. 67 p. — A description of the peritonaeum. London, 1730.47 p. — Historiae lateralis ad extrahendum calculum sectionis appendix; sive cystotomia Cheseldeniana. Lugduni Batavorum, 1733. 28, 38 p. — The history of the lateral operation. London, 1726. 88 p. — Lateralis operationis historia. Lugduni Batavorum, 1728. 102 p. — Myographiae comparatae specimen; or, A compara- tive description of all the muscles. London, 1707. 216, 16 p. -----Edinburgh, 1750. 219 p. -----New ed. Dublin, 1755. 265 p. -----Edinburgh, 1760. 219 p. -----New ed. London, 1763. 240 p. -----New ed. Edinburgh, 1775. 256, 124 p. -----New ed. Dublin, 1777. 264, 110 p. — Nauwkeurige beschryving wegens den oorsprong . . . der spieren. Leyden, 1732. 326 p. — Nine anatomical figures. London, 1748. [ 1 ] p., 9 plates. DOUGLAS, John, d. 17~fe? Animadversions on a late pompous book, intituled, Osteographia ... by William Cheselden. London, 1735. 45 p. — An answer to the Remarks on A treatise upon the hydrocele. London, 1758. 34 p. , (' [ — ] The comutor of seventy-five. London [ 1748) 29 p.J - — A dissertation on the venereal disease. London, 1737- [39] 3v.ini. — Lithotomia Douglassiana; or, An account of a new method of making the high operation ... to extract the stone. London, 1720. 28 p. — Lithotomia Douglassiana: or, A new method of cutting for the stone. London, 1723. 126 p. — Lithotomia Douglassiana ofte een niewe wijze van steen-snyden. Utrecht, 1726. 239 p. — Nouvelle maniere de faire l'operation de la taille. Paris, 1724. 192, 24 p. — A short account of mortifications. London, 1732.48 p. — A short account of the state of midwifery in London. London, 1736. 75 p. e- u 125 DOUGLAS - A short dissertation on the gout. London, 1741. 24 p. — Syllabus of chirurgical operations. London, 1727. 38 p. — A syllabus of what is to be perform'd in a course of anatomy, chirurgical operations, and bandages. Lon- ,5 don, 1719. 48 p. 0^] „//( — A treatise on the hydrocele. London, 1755. 122 (i.e. J" — Verhandlung einer neuen Methode . . . den so genann- ten Apparatum ahum ins Werck zu richten. Bremen, 1729. 54 p. DOUGLAS, Robert. An essay concerning the generation of heat in animals. London, 1747. 144 p. DOUGLAS, William, b. 1711 or 12. A letter to Dr. Smelle. *kc ctf/luy>: Shewing the impropriety of his new-invented wooden 4 i^/t^ -1" forceps. London, 1748. 25 p. — A letter to Dr. Thomson, in answer to the case of. . . Thomas Winnington. London, 1746. 27 p. -----2d ed. London, 1746. 27 p. — A second letter to Dr. Smelle . . . confirming the im- propriety of his wooden forceps. London [ 17487] 32 p. [DOUGLASS, William] ca. 1691-1752. The abuses and scandals of some late pamphlets in favour of inocula- tion. Boston, 1722. 11 p. [ — ] A dissertation concerning inoculation of the small- pox. Boston, 1730. 28 p. | — ] Inoculation of the small pox as practised in Boston. Boston, 1722. 20 p. | — ] Postscript to Abuses, &c. obviated. [Boston, 1722] 8 p. — The practical history of a new epidemical eruptive miliary fever. Boston, 1736. 18 p. — A summary, historical and political, of. . . the British settlements in North-America. Boston, 1749-51 [i.e. '52) 2 v. -----London, 1755. 2 v. DOUSSIN-DUBREUIL, Jacques Louis, 1762-1831. De la gonorrhee benigne. Paris, An VI [1797/98] 130 p. DOUTES d'un provincial. See Servan, J. M. A. [DOVE, WilUam Taube ] A short account of several excel- lent medicines lately discovered in the argol or tartar. London, 1755-[57] 38, 20 p. Pt. 2, Addenda, includes letters dated 1757. ------2d ed. London, 1757. 69 p. — Tartarologia brevis; or, A short account of several excellent medicines. 3d ed. London, 1761. 72 p. ------4th ed. London, 1766. 75 p. DOVER, Thomas, 1662-1742. The ancient physician's legacy to his country. 2d ed. London, 1732. 255 (i.e. 155) p. ------4th ed. London, 1733. 188 p. -----5th ed. London, 1733. 188 p. -----London, 1733. 197 p. -----6th ed. London, 1742. 245 p. -----7th ed. London, 1762. 245 p. ------8th ed. London, 1771. 245 p. [ —] Encomium argenti vivi: a treatise upon the use and properties of quicksilver. London [ 1733] 64 p. — Legs d'un ancien medecin. La Haye, 1734. 186 p. — Prophylacticum. See under title. DOVERI annessi alio stato conjugalc Torino, 1779. 237 p. DOWMAN, G. An answer to Dr. Thomson's case of . . . Tho. Winnington. London, 1746. 24 p. DOWNMAN, Hugh, 1740-1809. Infancy. A poem. Lon- don, 1774-76. 3 v. in 1. D'OYLY, Thomas. A sermon preached ... at the anniver- sary meeting ... of the Hospitals for the Small-pox and Inoculation. London [1766] 36 p. DRAGHETTI, Andrea, 1736-1825. Psychologiae speci- men. [Mediolani, 1771] 2 v. in 1. DRAGHI, Gaetano. Fatto storico-medico sottoposto agl'intelligenti di medicina. Mantova, 1787. 24 p. [DRAIS VON SAUERBRONN, Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Friedrich, Freiherr von] 1755-1830. Physische und psychologische Geschichte einer siebenjaehrigen Epi- lepsic Zurich, 1798. 2 v. Each v. has alternate t.p. with author's pseud., Diaetophilus, at head of title. DRAKE, James, 1667-1707. Anthropologia nova; or, A new system of anatomy. London, 1707. 2 v. ------2d ed. London, 1717. 2 v. -----3d ed. London, 1727-28. 3 v. in 2. Vol. 3 has title: The appendix to Dr. Drake's Anthropologia nova. Imperfect: plate 50 of appendix in photocopy. — Orationes tres; de febre intermittente, de variolis et morbillis, et de pharmacia hodiema. Londini, 1742. 52 p. DRAKE, R. A candid and impartial account of... a spe- cific for the gout. London, 1771. 70 p. — An essay on the nature and manner of treating the gout. London, 1758. 185 p. — An essay on the nature and method of treating the gout. London, 1751. 72 p. DRAWITZ, Johann, fl. 1642-1647. Bericht und Unterricht von der Kranckheit des schmertzmachenden Schar- bocks. Leipzig, 1704. 421 p. DRAY, Thomas. Reflections, serving to illustrate the doctrine advanced by Dr. Cadogan on the gout. Canter- bury [1772?] 33 p. The DREADFUL visitation. See Defoe, D. DREBING, Johan Henrik Ludvig, 1746-1828. Heilung einer Kopfbeschadigung. Kopenhagen [1775] 8 p. 126 DUCASSE DRECHSSLER, Friedrich Melchior. De meconio ejusque expurgatione epistola. Lipsiae [ 1782] 16 p. DRECKMANN, Bernhard Georg. Kurtze Nachricht von dem Zustande der Artzney-Kunst sonderlich in den Tagen der Alten. Halle im Magdeburgischen [1752] 20 p. DREI Abhandlungen von den Kennzeichen, Ursachen und der Heilmethode der norwegischen Pest . . . von Arbo, Mangor und Pfefferkom. Altona, 1799. 295, 40 p. Ed. by P. G. Hensler. Pt. 2 has title: Ueber die norwegische Radesyge und Spe- dalskhed . . . von Wilhelm Georg Pfefferkom. Altona, 1797. — Drey merkwurdige physikalische Abhandlungen von der Einbildungskraft der schwangern Wieber, und derselben Wirkung auf ihre Leibesfrucht. Strasburg, 1756. 488 p. By J. H. Blondel and others. — Drei Preisschriften iiber die Frage: Welches sind die besten ausfiihrbarsten Mittel dem Kindermorde abzu- helfen, ohne die Unzucht zu begiinstigen? Mannheim, 1784. 150 p. By J. G. B. Pfeil and others. DRELINCOURT, Charles, 1633-1697. Dissertatio ana- torn, practica de lienosis. Ed. 3. Lugduni Batavorum, 1711. 188 p. — Opuscula medica. Hagae Comitum, 1727. 806 p. DRESDE, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1740-1805. Cruentatum linteum virginitatis signum. Lipsiae [1768] 28 p. — Orationem ab Joanne Friderico Zeunio . . . commen- dat. De peripneumonia, inprimis nervosa, meditatio- nes repetitae. Pt. 2. Vitebergae [1800] 8 p. DRESDEN. Ordinances, local laws, etc. Ordnung, wie bey ereignenden gefahrlichen Seuchen, und anderen ansteckenden Kranckheiten, die Inwohner und Biirger- schaft. . . sich zu verhalten. Dresden, 1711. 22 p. — See also Konigliche Naturalienkammer Saxony. Sanitats Collegium DRESLER, Johann Jakob. Epistola . . . de necessitate analyseos in tota eruditione generatim et in arte medica speciatim. Halae Magdeburgicae [1742] 8 p. DREY. See Drei. DREYHUNDERT auseriesene amerikanische Gewachse. See Zorn, J. DRIESSEN, Petrus, 1753-1828. Oratio inaugurahs, de arte pharmaceutica. Groningae, 1788. 56 p. - Scheikundige verhandeling over de magnesia alba. Amsterdam, 1786. 47 p. [DROUET DE MAUPERTUY, Jean Baptiste | 1650-1730. Le commerce dangereux entre les deux sexes. Bruxel- les, 1715. 406 p. DRUMMOND, Alexander, d. 1769. Travels through dif- ferent cities of Germany, Italy, Greece, and . . . Asia. London, 1754.311 p. DU culte des dieux fetiches. See Brasses, C. de. DUBAN, Claude, fl. 1701-1734. Idee des principes de la chirurgie. Dresde, 1734. 680 p. Added t.p. in German: Begriff derer Grund-Satze der Wund- Artzney-Kunst. Text in French and German. DUBE, Paul, 17th cent. Le medecin et le chirurgien des pauvres. Demiere ed. Paris, 1738. 391, 91 p. Pt. 2 has half title dated 1727. — II medico de' poveri. Bassano, 1715. 420 p. -----Bassano, 1734. 420 p. — The poor man's physician and surgeon. London, 1704. 420 p. DU BLE, Charles Louis L'Agascherie. See L'Agascherie Du Ble, Charles Louis. DUBLIN. See Corporation of Barbers and Chirurgeons, Apothecaries and Periwig Makers Dr. Steevens's Hospital Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Royal Hospital of King Charles II, near Dublin DU BOIS, GuUielmus. Dissertatio medica de passione hysterica. Vindobonae, 1765. 19 p. DUBOIS, P. Violette. Nouveau traite des maladies ve- neriennes. Paris, 1725. 217 p. — Nouveau traite des scrofules. Paris, 1726. 203 p. DUBOIS DE CHEMANT, Nicolas, 1753-1824. A disserta- tion on artificial teeth. London, 1797. 28 p. — Dissertation sur les dents artificielles. Londres, 1797. 27 p. DUBOSCQ DE LA ROBERDIERE, Jean Thomas Guil- laume. Recherches sur la rougeolc Paris, 1776. 180 (i.e. 160) p. DUBOSQUET, Fabre. See Fabre-Dubosquet. DUBOURG, Jacques Barbeu. See Barbeu-Dubourg, Jacques, 1709-1779. DUBREUIL, Jacques Louis Doussin. See Doussin-Dubreuil, Jacques Louis, 1762-1831. DUBUISSON, distiller. L'art du distillateur et marchand de liqueurs considerees comme alimens medicamen- teux. Paris, 1779. 2 v. — Memoire sur les acides natifs du verjus, de l'orange, et du citron. Paris, 1783. 30 p. DU CANGE, Charles Du Fresne, sieur, 1610-1688. Glos- sarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae Latinitatis. Ed. nova. Venetiis, 1736-40. 6 v. DUCASSE. Traite des vapeurs. Sens, 1782. 127 p. 127 DUCCINl DUCCINl, Giuseppe. De' bagni di Lucca. Lucca. 1711. 224 p. -----Nuova ed. Lucca, 1738. 255 p. — Nuovo, e moderne trattato sopra la natura de' liquidi del corpo umano. Lucca, 1729. 296 p. DUCHANOY, Claude Francois, 1742-1827. Consultation medico-legalc [Paris, 1777] 19 p. — Essais sur l'art d'imiter les eaux minerales. Paris, 1780. 402 p. — Lettre ... a Monsieur Portal. . . sur la critique . . . des ouvrages anatomiques de M. A. Petit. Amsterdam, 1771. 79 p. — Memoire sur l'usage des narcotiques dans les fievres intermittentes. Paris, 1780. 35 p. DUCHE, Jacob, 1737-1798. A sermon ... for the benefit of the Humane Society. London, 1781. 32 p. [DUCHESNE, Henri Gabriel] 1739-1822. Notice histo- rique sur la vie et les ouvrages de J. -B. Porta. Paris, An IX [1800/01] 383 p. DU CHOISEL, Claude, b. 1717. An easy, short, and certain method of treating persons bit by mad animals. London, 1756. 27 p. — Nouvelle methode . .. pour le traitement des personnes attaquees de la rage. Paris, 1756. 23 p. -----Nouv. ed. Pondichery, 1781. 38 p. [DUCLOS, R.] Dictionnaire bibliographique, historique et critique des livres rares. [Paris] 1791. 3 v. Incomplete: v. 2 only. DUCLUZEAU. Aux deux sexes. Le cit. Ducluzeau ... continue toujours ses traitemens pour toutes maladies veneriennes. [n.p., 179-?] [2] p. DU COUDRAY, Angelique Marguerite Le Boursier. See Le Boursier Du Coudray, Angelique Marguerite. DU CREST, Michael. See Micheli Du Crest, Jacques Barthelemi, 1690-1766. DUDDELL, Benedict. An appendix to the treatise of the homey-coat of the eye. London, 1733. 136 p. — A supplement to the Treatise of the diseases of the homy-coat... of the eye. London, 1736. 80 p. — A treatise of the diseases of the homy-coat of the eye. London, 1729. 232 p. DUE preparations for the plague. See Defoe, D. DUTTEL, Philipp Jacob. Tractatio medico-practica, de virulenta purgantium indole Augustae Vindelicorum, 1722. 186 p. [DU FAU, Julien] Remarques sur la conduite du sieur Mesmer. [n.p.] 1784. 30 p. [DUFIEU, Jean Ferapie] 1737-1769. Dictionnaire raisonne d'anatomie et de physiologic Paris, 1766. 2 v. — Traite de physiologic Lyon, 1763. 2 v. DUFOT, Anne Amable Augier. See Augier du Fot, Anne Amable, 17357-1775. DUFOUR, Jean Francois. Essai sur les operations de l'entendement humain. Amsterdam, 1770. 487 p. DU FRESNE, Charles, sieur Du Cange. See Du Cange, Charles Du Fresne, sieur, 1610-1688. DUFRESNOY, Andre, 1733-1801. Des proprietes de la piante appellee rhus-radicans. Leipsick, 1788. 48 p. DUFRESNOY, Nicolas Lenglet. See Lenglet Dufresnoy, Nicolas, 1674-1755. DUFRICHE-DESGENETTES, Rene Nicolas, baron. See Desgenettes, Rene Nicolas Dufriche, 1762-1835. DU HAMEL, Jean Baptiste, 1624-1706. Regiae Scientia- rum Academiae historia. 2. ed. Parisiis, 1701. 615 p. DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, Henri Louis, 1700-1781? Moyens de conserver la sante aux equipages des vais- seux. Paris, 1759. 252 p. DUHAUME, Etienne Grossin. See Grossin-Duhaume, Etienne. DUISING, Justin Gerhard, 1705-1761. Commentatio physica de salubritate aeris Marburgensis. Marburgi, 1753. 128 p. Special title pages for 16 dissertations are inserted, one at the beginning of each signature. They are not included in the pagination. DUJARDIN, Francois, 1738-1775. Histoire de la chirurgie. Paris, 1774-80. 2 v. Vol. 2 is by Bernard Peyrilhe. DUJERON, Jean Halle de La Touche. See Halle de La Touche, Jean. DULAC, Jean Louis AUeon. See Alleon-Dulac, Jean Louis, 1723-1788? [DULAURE, Jacques Antoine ] 1755-1835. Pogonologia; or, A philosophical and historical essay on beards. Exeter, 1786. 143 p. [ — ] Pogonologie; ou, Histoire philosophique de la barbe. Constantinople, 1786. 210 p. [DU LAURENS, Andre] 1558-1609. L'anatomie univer- selle de toutes les parties du corps humain. Paris, 1730. 55 p. [-] — Paris, 1731. 55 p. -----Paris, 1741. 55 p. -----Paris, 1748. 55 p. -----Paris, 1764. 55 p. DULAURENS, Joseph Michel, 1726-1789. Essai sur les etablissemens necessaires .. . pour rendre ... les hopi- taux vraiment utile. Paris, 1787. 158 p. DUMAS, Charles Louis, 1765-1813. Discours. [Mont- pellier, An VI, i.e. 1797] 36 p. 128 DUPUI — Essais sur la vie. Montpellier, 1785. 84 p. — Memoire .. . sur la nature de la fievre. Montpellier, 1787. 112 (i.e. 212) p. — Principes de physiologic Paris, An VIII (1800)-XI (1803)4 v. — Quaestiones medicae duodecim. Monspelii, 1790.67 p. — Systeme methodique de nomenclature et de classifi- cation des muscles. Montpellier, An V (1797) 195,26 p. DUMAS, Jean, 1725-1799. Traite du suicide. Amster- dam, 1773. 444 p. DU MAULEON DE CAUSANS, Joseph Louis Vincent. See Causans, Joseph Louis Vincent du Mauleon de. DU MONCEAU, Henri Louis Duhamel. See Duhamel Du Monceau, Henri Louis, 1700-1781? [DU MONCHAUX, Pierre Jean] 1733-1766. Anecdotes de medecine. [n.p.] 1762. 343 p. [-] — Lille, 1766. 2 v. — Bibliographic medicinale raisonnee. Paris, 1756. 468, 39 p. -----Paris, 1783. 468, 39 p. [— ] Medicinische Anekdoten. [2. Aufl. ] Frankfurt; 1767. 2 v. Vol. 2 has half title only. DUMONT, Andres, marques de Montseme. Carta . . . al doctor don Vicente Mitjavila.. . tocante a su papel... Noticia de los danos, que causan ... las preparaciones del plomo. Barcelona [1791 ] 18 p. DUMOULIN, Jacques, 1666-1755. Nouveau traite du rhumatisme et des vapeurs. Paris, 1703. 315 p. -----2. ed. Paris, 1710. 315 p. DUMOULIN, Madeleine Therese. Relation de la mala- die et de la guerison miraculeusc [Paris] 1735. 29 p. DUMOURET, Paul Brescou. See Brescou Dumouret, Paul, d. 1758. DUNANT, Charles Guillaume, 1744-1808. See Dela- roche, D. DUNCAN, Andrew, 1744-1828. Abhandlung von der Wurkung und dem Nutzen des Quecksilbers in der venerischen Krankheit. Frankfurt, 1773. 110 p. — An account of the life and writings of the late Alexr. Monro Senr. Edinburgh, 1780. 39 p. — An account of the life, writings, and character, of the late Dr. John Hope. Edinburgh, 1789. 31 p. — An address to the students of medicine at Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1776. 27, 8 p. — An alphabetical list of the materia medica. Edinburgh, 1784. 32 p. — ed. Annals of medicine. See under title. — Casus medicinales. Lugduni Batavorum, 1783. 325 p. — De laudibus Gulielmi Harvei oratio. Edinburgi, 1778. 23 p. — ed. The Edinburgh new dispensatory. See under title. — Elements of therapeutics. Ediburgh, 1770. 276 p. -----2d. ed. Edinburgh, 1773. 2 v. in 1. — Heads of lectures on medical jurisprudenee. Edinburgh, 1792. 24 p. -----Edinburgh, 1795. 30 p. — Heads of lectures on pathological physiology. Edin- burgh, 1796. 87 p. — Heads of lectures on pathology. Edinburgh, 1782.43 p. — Heads of lectures on the materia medica. Edinburgh, 1786. 80 p. — Heads of lectures on the theory and practice of medi- cine. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1781. 427 p. -----4th ed. Edinburgh, 1790. 300 p. — Heads of lectures on therapeutics. Edinburgh, 1794. 64 p. — A letter to Dr. Robert Jones. Edinburgh, 1782. 46 p. — Medical cases. Edinburgh, 1778. 370 p. -----2d ed. Edinburgh, 1781. 399 p. -----3d ed. Edinburgh, 1784. 435 p. -----New ed. Edinburgh, 1790. 435 p. — ed. Medical commentaries. See under title. — Observations on a proposal for establishing at Edin- burgh a public dispensary. Edinburgh, 1777. 60 p. — Observations on the operation and use of mercury in the venereal disease. Edinburgh, 1772. 175 p. Imperfect: p. 37-40 wanting. DUNCAN, Daniel, 1649-1735. Avis salutaire a tout le monde contre l'abus des choses chaudes. Rotterdam, 1705. 279 p. — Chymiae naturalis specimen. Hagae, 1707. 366 p. — Wholesome advice against the abuse of hot liquors. London, 1706. 280 p. DUNN, Edward. A compendious and new method of performing chirurgical operations. London, 1724. 215 p. DUNNING, Richard. Some observations on vaccination. London, 1800. 122 p. [DUNTON, John] 1659-1733. An essay on death-bed- charity. London, 1728. 38 p. DUPAU, Jacques. Observations sur l'usage des vegetaux exotiques ... dans les maladies veneriennes. Paris, 1782. 103 p. DUPORT, Charles Gardanne. See Gardanne-Duport, Charles, 1746-1815. DU PORT, Francois, 1548-1624. De signis morborum. Londini, 1765. 45 p. DUPRE DE LISLE. Traite des maladies de la poitrine. Paris, 1769. 335 p. — Traite sur le vice cancereux. Paris, 1774. 2 v. in 1. — Trattato delle malattie del petto. Napoli, 1778. 248 p. -----Venezia, 1784. 214 p. DU PUI, Meinard Simon, 1754-1834. De affectionibus 129 DUPUI morbosis hominis dextri et sinistri. Lugduni Batavo- rum, 1780. 191 p. -----Amstelaedami, 1780. 191 p. — Oratio initialis de legum naturalium vi et ratione. Lug- duni Batavorum, 1791. 32 p. DU PUI, Pieter. Vermaakelykheden ontrent de vryheyd der heelkonst. Leyden, 1733. 358 p. DURADE, J. Georges. Dissertation sur la nutrition. Ber- lin, 1767. 62 p. — Traite physiologique et chymique, sur la nutrition. Paris, 1767. 158 p. DURAND, of Cahors. Memoire sur les fievres intermit- tentes. Paris, 1788. 66 p. [DURAND, Bernard] 1631-1726. Description des bains d'Aix en Savoye. [n.p., 17— ] [4] p. -----[n.p., 17-] [4] p. Signed at end. DURAND, Leopold, 1666-1749. Traite historique des eaux et bains de Plombieres ... Par le R. P. Dom Calmet. Nancy, 1748. 333 p. Ed. with additions by A. Calmet. DURANDE, Jean Francois, 1730-1794. Beobachtungen uber die Wurkung der Mischung von Schwefelather und dem fluchtigen Terpentine^ bey Leberschmerzen. Helmstadt, 1791. 128 p. — Memoire sur I'abus de I'ensevelissement des morts. Strasbourg, 1789. 78 p. — Observations sur l'efficacite du melange d'ether sul- furique et d'huile volatile de terebenthine, dans les coliques hepatiques. Strasbourg, 1790. 166 p. — Riflessioni sul costume di sepellire i morti. Venezia, 1795. 61 p. DURANT, T. A treatise on the king's evil. London, 1762. 52 p. DURANTE, Castore, 1529-1590. Herbario nuovo. Venetia, 1718. 480 p. DURET, Louis, 1527-1586. Hippocratis Coi De humoribus purgandis... cum commentariis. Lipsiae, 1745.444 p. — Interpretationes.. . in. . . Hippocratis Coacas praeno- tiones. See Hippocrates. Single works. Coacae praeno- tiones. DUROSELLE. Traite utile au public, ou Ton enseigne la methode & les moyens d'entretenir la bouche en bon etat. La Haye, 1761. 23 p. DUSSAUSOY, Andre, 1755-1820. Cure radicale de Hydro- cele par le caustiquc [n.p.] 1787. 223 p. — Dissertation et observations sur la gangrene des hopitaux. Geneve, 1787. 93 p. DU TENNETAR, Michel. See Michel Du Tennetar. DUTENS, Louis, 1730-1812. Abhandlung von den Edelstei- nen. Nurnberg, 1779. 126 p. — Des pierres precieuses et des pierres fines. Paris, 1778. 128 p. — An inquiry into the origin of the discoveries attributed to the moderns. London, 1769. 459 p. — Origine delle scoperte attribuite a' moderni. 1. ed. ve- neta. Venezia, 1789. 3 v. in 2. Incomplete: v. 3 wanting. — Recherches sur l'origine des decouvertes attributes aux modernes. Paris, 1766. 2 v. DU TERTRE DE LA MARCHE, Marguerite. See La Marche, Marguerite Du Tertre de, 1638-1706. [DUTOIT-MEMBRINI, Jean Philippe] 1721-1793. De l'onanismc Lausanne, 1760. See L'Onanisme. DUVAL, Jean Jacques. Dissertatio medica de inhalatione externa. Lugduni Batavorum, 1761. 43 p. DUVAL, Louis Francois. Observations interessantes de medecine. Paris, 1775. 403 p. DUVAL D'EPREMESNIL, Jean Jacques. See Epremesnil, Jean Jacques Duval d', 1746-1794. DUVERGE. Memoire sur les moyens de reconnoitre les contre-coups dans le corps humain. Tours, 1771.199 p. DU VERGER, Francois Guislier, fl. 1688-1728. Traite des liqueurs, esprits ou essences. Louvain, 1728.169 p. DUVERNEY, Guichard Joseph, 1648-1730. L'art de dis sequer methodiquement les muscles du corps humain. Paris, 1749. 216 p. — The diseases of the bones. London, 1762. 368 p. — Genees- en heelkundige verhandeling van alle de ge- breken der beenderen. Amsterdam, 1756. 2 v. in 1. — Oeuvres anatomiques. Paris, 1761. 2 v. — Tractatus de organo auditus. Lugduni Batavorum, 1730. 76 p. — Tractatus de organo auditus; oder, Abhandlung vom Gehor. Berlin [1732] 146 (i.e. 246) p. — Traite de l'organe de l'ouie. Nouv. ed. Leide, 1731. 196 p. — Traite des maladies des os. Paris, 1751. 2 v. — A treatise of the organ of hearing. London, 1737.145 p. DUVERNEY, Jacques Francois Marie, 1661-1748. See Gautier d'Agoty, J. DUVIVIER. See Lansel de Magny, d. 1775. DUVRAC, Louis. See La Vigne de Frechville, C. de. DWIGHT, Samuel, 1668-1737. De hydropibus deque me- dicamentis, ad eos utilibus expellendos. Londini, 1725. 48 p. — De vomitione, ejusque excessu curando. Londini, 1722. 73 p. DYVERNOIS, J. L. A dissertation upon the surgar of milk. London, 1753. 32 p. 130 ECOLE DE SANTE DE PARIS E EALES, Mary. The compleat confectioner. 3d ed. Lon- don, 1742.100,103 p. Pt. 2 has title: A curious collection of receipts in cookery, pickling, family physic, &c. EARLE, Sir James, 1755-1817. An appendix to A treatise on the hydrocele. London, 1793. 40 p. — An essay on the means of lessening the effects of fire on the human body. London, 1799. 44 p. — Observations on haemorrhoidal excrescences. [Lon- don, 1790] 18 p. Reprinted from Earle's ed. of Pott's Works. — Observations on the cure of the curved spine. London, 1799. 81 p. — Practical observations on the operation for the stone. London, 1793. 99 p. ----2d ed. London, 1796. 99, 21 p. Pt. 2, Appendix, has special t.p. — Radical cure of the hydrocele. [London, 1790] 36 p. Reprinted from Earle's ed. of Pott's Works. — A treatise on the hydrocele. London, 1791. 163 p. -----2d ed. London, 1796. 163, 82 p. EASTON, James. Human longevity. Salisbury, 1799.292 p. An EASY way to prolong life. See Trusler, J. EATON, Robert, 16887-1728. An account of Dr. Eaton's styptick balsam. London, 1723. 71 p. — An account of Dr. Robert Eaton's balsamick styptick. 2ded. London, 4726. 80 p. EBEL, Johann Gottfried, 1764-1830. Observationes neu- rologicae ex anatome comparata. Trajectici ad Viadrum [17897]36 p. EBELL, Georg August, b. 1745. Die Bleyglasur des ir- denen Ktichengeschirrs als eine unerkannte Haupt- quelle vieler unserer Krankheiten. Hannover, 1794.692 p. EBEMBITAR. See Ibn al-Baytar, 'Abd Allah ibn Ahmad, d. 1248. EBERHARD, Johann Gunther. Commentatio morborum urethrac Sectio 1. Jenae, 1788. 48 p. EBERHARD, Johann Peter, 1727-1779. Conspectus medi- cinae theoreticae. Halae Magdeburicae, 1757-61. 2 v. — Conspectus physiologiae et diaeteticac Halae Magde- burgicae, 1753. 120 p. — Gedanken von der Wiirkung der Arzneimittel. Halle im Magdeburgischen, 1750. 212 p. — Methodus conscribendi formulas medicas. Halae Magde- burgicae, 1754. 120 p. EBERMAIER, Johann Erdwin Christoph, 1769-1825. Commentatio de lucis in corpus humanum vivum prae- ter visum efficacia. Gottingae [1797] 75 p. ECCARD, GottUeb Heinrich. Viro clarissimo M. Theodor Traugott Jaehkelio... gratulatur... De ossium cylindra- ceorum fissura longitudinali. Lipsiae [1784] 9 p. [ECCLES, William] fl. 1695-1722. An historical account of the rights and priviledges of the Royal College of Physicians, and of the incorporation of chirurgions in Edinburgh, [n.p.] 1707. 55 p. ECKARTH, pseud. See Ettner, J. C. von. ECKARTSHAUSEN, Karl von, 1752-1803. Aufschlusse zur Magie aus gepriiften Erfahrungen iiber verborgene philosophische Wissenschaften. Miinchen, 1788.488 p. — Entwurf zu einer ganz neuen Chimic Regensburg, 1800. 300 p. — Ideen iiber das affirmative Princip des Lebens. Frank- furt, 1798.126 p. — Ueber die Nothwendigkeit physiologischer Kenntnisse. Miinchen, 1791. 39 p. ECKER, Johann Matthias Alexander, 1766-1829. Preis- frage, welche Ursachen konnen eine Geringe durch scharfe oder stumpfe Werkzeuge Verursachte Wunde gefaehrlich oder todtlich machen? Wien, 1794. 82 p. ECKHARD, David. Goliath, of anders den Heer Doctor Schlichting in zyn onlangs uitgegeven libel handelende over de wonden, naar 't leven afgebeeld. Amsterdam, 1748. 144 p. ECKHOFF, Johann Heinrich von, 1750-1810. Beschrei- bung des baldohnschen und barbernschen Mineral- Wassers. Mitau, 1795. 64 p. ECKNER, Karl Christoph, 1743-1807. Beytrag zur Ge- schichte epidemischer Gallenfieber. Leipzig, 1790.92 p. ECKOLDT, Johann Gottlob, 1746-1809. Uber das aus- ziehen fremder Korper aus dem Speisekanale und der Luftrohre. Leipzig, 1799. 172 p. L'ECOLE du jardin potager. See Combles, de. ECOLE DE MEDECINE DE MONTPELLIER. Opinion . .. sur... la fievre observee dans les hopitaux de cette commune. Montpellier, An VIII [18001 122 p. Prepared by Simon Rogery and Cesar Caizergues. ECOLE DE MEDECINE DE PARIS. Rapport ... sur la Clinique d'inoculation. [Paris] An VII [1799] 38 p. By P. Pinel and J. J. Leroux des Tillets. ECOLE DE SANTE DE MONTPELLIER. Observations sur les moyens de perfectionner l'enseignement de la medecine en France. Montpellier, An V [ 1796/97] 76 p. ECOLE DE SANTE DE PARIS. Plan general de l'enseigne- ment. [Paris] An III [1795] 49 p. 131 EDINBURGH The EDINBURGH new dispensatory . . . being an improve- ment on The new dispensatory of Dr. Lewis. Edinburgh, 1786. 720 p. Ed. by Charles Webster and Ralph Irving. -----2d ed. Edinburgh, 1789. 656 p. Ed. by Andrew Duncan. -----2d ed. Edinburgh, 1790. 656 p. -----3d ed. Edinburgh, 1791. 665 (i.e. 656) p. -----New ed. Philadelphia, 1791. 656 p. -----4th ed. Edinburgh, 1794. 622 p. Ed. by John Rotheram. -----4th ed. Philadelphia, 1796. 622 p. -----3d Amer. ed. Walpole, Newhampshire, 1796.622 p. EDINBURGH ASYLUM FOR RELIEF OF THE INDI- GENT AND INDUSTRIOUS BLIND. Report.. . from 20th May 1794, to 20th May 1795. [Edinburgh, 1795] 16 p. EDINBURGH GENERAL LYING-IN HOSPITAL. An address to the public from the directors. [Edinburgh, 1792|3 p. — Laws, orders, and regulations. [ Edinburgh? 1793? ] 4 p. -----Edinburgh, 1793. 16 p. — See also Memorials, &c, in relation to Mr. John Wat- son's charity. EDINBURGH GLASS-HOUSE COMPANY, Leith. Direc tions for preparing. See under title. EDINBURGH. See also Hibernian Medical Society Maiden Hospital Orphan Hospital and Workhouse at Edinburgh Public Dispensary Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh Royal Society of Edinburgh Surgeons Hospital Trinity Hospital University of Edinburgh Der EDLE Scharbocks- oder Fieber-Klee. Budissin, 1725. 72 p. EDWARDS, George, 1694-1773. Essays upon natural history. London, 1770. 231 (i.e. 261) p. EDWARDS, George, fl. 1776. Elements of fossilogy. Lon- don, 1776. 120 p. EDWARDS, John, b. 1742. A short treatise on the plant, called goose grass, or clivers. London [1784] 15 p. EENHOORN, WUhelmus van, 1690-1759. Euthanasia. See Hoombeek, J. EENIGE algemeene regelen tot de bewaring der gezond- heid en voorkoming van ziekten onder de bewoonders der gei'nundeerde landen. [n.p., 17 — ?] 3 p. EFFETS de Fair sur le corps humain. See Bethisy de Mezierese, E. E. — Effets de la tisane carai'be . . . [par] de Saint-Leger [et al. | Paris, 1779. 101 p. — Effets du sommeil. See Tissot, C. J. EGERIN, Susanna. Leipziger Koch-Buch. Leipzig, 1723. 462, 132 p. EGGERDES, Alardus Mauritius. Der grausamen Pest- Seuche. Bresslau, 1720. 120 p. — Neue, warhaffte Idea und Abbildung der Pest. Franck- furt, 1715. 86 p. — Pestis per custodiam infectorum & sanorum profligan- dae, & evitandae modus solus, [n.p.] 1710. 46 p. EGGERT, Johann Dietrich. Commentatio. See Bondt, N. EGGERT, Johann Friedrich Christian. Ad . . . Justum Gott- fried Apel. . . epistola. Insunt quaedam de materia arthri- tica. [Lipsiae, 1779] xiii p. EGLINGER, Christoph, 1686-1733. Dissertatio medica verum usum variarum scientiarum in medicina. Basileae [1724] 12 p. — Theses ex anatome et botanica. Basileae [ 1711 ] [ 11 ] p. EGUIA Y HARRIETA, Felix Fermin, d. 1749. Diserta tion medica, sobre el buen uso de los banos de agua dulce. 4. impres. Madrid, 1792. 39 p. — Historia, y noticia del prodigioso caso ... en la muerte . . . de monsiur Febre. Madrid, 1747. 20 p. EGUIA Y MURO, Joaquin Pio. See Mexico (Viceroyalty) Real Tribunal del Protomedicato. EGUIZALE, Severino. Carta escrita por un regnicola. See under title. EHESTANDSALMANACH fur das Jahr 1798. Regens- burg [1797] 312 p. Ed. by Joseph August Schultes. EHRENBERGER, Bonifaz Heinrich, 1681-1759. De ama trice lumen et scintillas spargente. Coburgi [ 1745 ] [8] p. — De deceptionibus catoptricis programma I. Coburgi [1743][8] p. — De deceptionibus opticis programma II. Coburgi [ 1742] [8] p. — De deceptionibus opticis programma III. Coburgi [1743][8] p. — . . . [Programma] de fonte Heronis duplici. Coburgi [1745] [8[ p. — . . . [Programma] de nova obscura et telescopio re- ciproco. Coburgi [1743] [8] p. EHRENFRIED, Wolf, Freiherr von Reitzenstein. See Reitzenstein, Wolf Ehrenfried, Freiherr von, 1712-1778. EHRHART, Balthasar, 1700-1756. De belemnitis Suevicis dissertatio. Ed. 2. Augustae Vindelicorum, 1727. 57 p. 132 ELLERBECK EHRHART, Gottlieb von, 1763-1826. Tractatus de as- phyxia neophytorum. Memmingae, 1789. 50 p. EHRHART, Jodocus, 1740-1805. Sammlung von Beo- bachtungen zur Geburtshulfe. Frankfurt, 1773. 286 p. EHRLICH, Bernhard. Weihefest des Liebwerder Denk- mahls. Eine Cantate. [n.p., 17—7] 14 p. EHRLICH, Johann August, 1760-1833. Chirurgische, auf Reisen . . . gemachte Beobachtungen. Bd. 1. Leipzig, 1795. 279 p. EHRLICH, Johann Christian. Empiria denudata. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1729. 72 p. — Mors ex sepulchris. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1729.50 p. EHRMANN, Johann Christian, 1749-1827. Beytrage zur Aufklarung des Trippers, [n.p.] 1780. 46 p. — Unterricht wie Personen, welche von wiithenden Thieren gebissen worden sind, am sichersten geheilet werden konnen. Strasburg, 1778. 16 p. Sometimes attributed to J. C. Ehrmann the elder. EICHELBERG, Christoph Albrecht, 1713-1786. De causis phaenomenorum. Neomagi, 1776. 130 p. [EICKEN, Gerhard Wilhelm von) b. 1764. Bemerkungen iiber die Brownische Arzneilehre. Offenbach, 1796.72 p. — ed. Neues medicinisches Archiv. See under title. EILENBURG, Christian Heinrich, d. 1771. Kurzer Ent wurf. See Konigliche Naturalienkammer, Dresden. EILERTS, Johann. Epistola medica, qua de principio corporis humani automatico . . . mentem suam strictim aperit. Lugduni Batavorum, 1749. 18 p. EINFELD, VUhelm Jakob, b. 1738. Versuch einer Theorie der Entzundung. Kopenhagen [ 1774] 24 p. EINHUNDERT Paragraphen uber medizinische Dissonan- zen auf der grossen politischen Bassgeige. Frankfurt, 1786. 202 p. EINIGE von denen Medicis approbirte und theils probirte Praeservativ- und Curativ-Recepta. Miinchen, 1753. [8] p. EINSIEDEL, Curt Heinrich von. See Schamberg, C. F. EISEN, Johann Georg, 1717-1779. Die Blatterimpfung erleichtert. Riga, 1774. 24 p. [ - ] Fortsetzung von der erleichterten .. . Blatterimpfung. Riga, 1774. 36 p. EISENDRAGH, Joh., comp. See Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Anatomisch Kabinet. EISENMANN, Georg Heinrich, 1693-1768. Quatre tables anatomiques ... d'une double matrice. Strasbourg, 1752. [14] p. — Tabulae anatomicae quatuor uteri duplicis. Argen- torati, 1752.[13] p. EKENSTEDT, Christian, 1763-1808. Specimen chirur- gicum de vulneribus arteriarum. Havniae [1787] 35 p. EKER, Johann Alexander. See Ecker, Johann Matthias Alexander, 1766-1829. The ELABORATORY laid open. See Dossie, R. The ELECTRICAL eel. See Perry, J. An ELEGY on the unexpected death of an excellent physician . .. John Martin Butt. London, 1769. 10 p. ELEMENS de chymie. See Guyton de Morveau, L. B. — Elemens de physiologic See Bertrand, B. N. ELEMENTA chirurgiae medicae. See Stahl, G. E. ELEMENTI di medicina teorica. Pisa, 1797. 390 p. ELEMENTS. Elements de semeiotique. See Michel du Tennetar. — Elements of the practice of physic. See Guy's Hospital. Das ELEND, bey der Klage des Uiberfluss. [n.p.] 1782. 32 p. ELEONORA MARIA ROSALIA, Herzogin zu Troppau und Jagerndorf. See Troppau und Jagerndorf, Eleonora Maria Rosalia, Herzogin zu, 1647-1704. ELFVENBERG, Emanuel. See Haartman, J. ELHUYAR, Juan Jose de & ELHUYAR, Fausto de, 1755- 1833. A chemical analysis of wolfram. London, 1785.67 p. ELIAS, Christoph Friedrich, 1772-1813. Versuch einer Zeichenlehre der Geburtshulfe. Marburg, 1798.162 p. ELIE DE LA POTERIE, Jean Antoine, 1733-1794. Exa- men de la doctrine d'Hippocrate, sur la nature des etres animes. Brest, 1785. 87 p. ELIOT, Isaac, d. 1733? Certidao, do que passou Isaac Eliot, com o R. P. Luiz Bautista no dia da sua morte. [Lisboa Occidental, 1733?) 4 p. ELIZONDO Y DEL CAMPO, Angelo Tomas de. Refle- xiones a la instruccion popular de los sarampiones. Zaragoza[1781|36p. ELLER, Johann Theodor, 1689-1760. De la connoissance et du traitement des maladies. Paris, 1774. 492 p. — Nutzliche und auseriesene medicinische und chirur- gische Anmerckungen. Berlin [1730?] 254 p. -----Berlin [1730?) 255 p. — Observationes de cognoscendis et curandis morbis. Regiomonti, 1762. 307 p. -----Amstelodami, 1766. 307 p. -----Venetiis, 1767. 244 p. — Physikalisch- chymisch- medicinische Abhandlungen. Berlin, 1764. 414 p. — Physiologia et pathologia medica. 2. Ausg. Schneeberg, 1757. 1062, 43 p. - Vollstandige Chirurgie. Berlin, 1763. 816 p. ELLERBECK, Joan Ferdinand. Verhandeling over de rotkoortzen. Rotterdam, 1780. 176 p. 133 ELLERKER ELLERKER, Rafael & FERNANDEZ BAREA, Manuel, d. 1785. Coleccion de los mas preciosos adelantamien- tos de la medicina. Malaga, 1768. 6 pts. in 1 v. ELLIOT, Robert, 1669-1714. An anatomical essay. See under title. ELLIOTT, Sir John, bart., 1736-1786. An account of the nature and medicinal virtues of the principal mineral waters. London, 1781. 236 p. ------2d ed. London, 1789. 296 p. — The medical pocket-book. London, 1781. 138 p. ------Philadelphia, 1784. 74 p. ------2d ed. London, 1784. 136 p. ------10th ed. Boston, 1791. 117 p. ------4th ed. London, 1794. 183 p. ------3d American ed. Boston, 1795. 154 p. ------5th ed. London, 1800. 178 p. — Philosophical observations on the senses of vision and hearing. London, 1780. 222 p. [ELLIS, John] 1698-1790. The surprize; or, The gentle- man turn'd apothecary. London, 1739. 139 p. ELLIS, John, 17107-1776. Essai sur I'histoire naturelle des corallines. La Haye, 1756. 125 p. — An essay towards a natural history of the corallines. London, 1755. 103 p. — An historical account of coffee. London, 1774. 71 p. — The natural history of many curious and uncommon zoophytes, collected ... by the late John Ellis . . . and described by the late Daniel Solander. London, 1786. 208 p. ELLIS, William. An essay on the cure of the venereal gonorrhoea. 2d ed. London, 1773. 40 p. ELLISON, John, apothecary. See Higgins, B. ELLIUS, Claus Pedersen, d. 1773. Investigationum luis bovillae . . . specimen primum . . . exponit Havniae, 1764. 34 p. ELOGE de Charles Bonnet. See Levesque de Pouilly, J. S. — Eloge de Francois Quesnay. See Mesmon, G. H. de R., marquis de. — Eloge de M. Roux. See Deleyre, A. — Eloge du Sieur La Mettrie. See Friedrich II. — Eloge historique de M. Gandoger. See Francois de Neufchateau, N. L. — Eloge historique de M. Venel. See Menuret de Cham- baud, J. J. ELOGIO di Francesco Redi. See Fabroni, G. V. M. — Elogio storico del dottore Pietro Tabarrani. Siena, 1779. 29 p. |ELOY, Nicolas Francois Joseph] 1714-1788. Cours elementaire des accouchemens. See Capiaumont, H. J. — Dictionnaire historique de la medecine. Liege, 1755. 2v. -----Mons, 1778. 4 v. — Dizionario storico della medicina. Napoli, 1761-65. 7 v. — Examen de la question medico-politique: si l'usage habituel du caffe est avantageux. Mons [ 17811 47 p. ELSACKER, Petrus van, 1725-1798. Verklaring ende raedgeeving over de dysenteria ofte loop-ziekte. Ant- werpen [17847]113 p. ELSE, Joseph, d. 1780. An essay on the cure of the hydro- cele. London, 1770. 68 p. -----2d ed. London, 1772. 72 p. - The works. London, 1782. 144 p. ELSNER, Christoph Friedrich, 1749-1820. Beytrage zur Fieberlehre. Stuck 1.2. Aufl. Konigsberg, 1789.103 p. — ed. Medicinisch-gerichtliche Bibliothek. See under title. ELTZMAN, Johan Luca. De febribus intermittentibus continuatis, vulgo continuis. Sylvae-Ducis, 1741. 108 p. — Officium medici coram aegris. Sylvae Ducis, 1743.214 p. EL VERT, Emanuel Gottlieb, 1759-1811. Einige Falle aus der gerichtlichen Arzneikunde. Tubingen, 1792. 164 p. — Ueber den Selbstmord. Tubingen, 1794. 132 p. EL WERT, Johann Kaspar Philipp, 1760-1827. Nachrich- ten von dem Leben und den Schriften jeztlebender teutscher Aerzte. Bd. 1. Hildesheim, 1799. 690 p. ELZEMER, Kornelis, 1717-1761. Lexicon galeno-chymico- pharmaceuticum, of apothekers woordenboek. Amstel- dam, 1755. 2 v. EMBLEMS of mortality. See Dance of death. EMERIC, Antoine Aucane. See Aucane-Emeric, Antoine. EMERSON, William, 1701-1782. The elements of optics. London, 1768.244, 111 p. Pt. 2 has title: Perspective. EMERY, sieur d'. New curiosities in art and nature. London, 1711. 354 p. — Nouveau recueil de secrets et curiositez. 8. ed. Am- sterdam, 1709. 2 v. Vol. 2, without author, vol., or ed. statement, has title: Recueil des plus beaux secrets de medecine. — Nouveau recueil de secrets, de recettes et d'experi- ences. Tom. 2. Amsterdam, 1724. 396 p. — Nouveau recueil des plus beaux secrets de medecine. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1737. 4 v. — Raccolta di segreti medicinali. Venezia, 1718. 216 p. EMETT, Robert. Essais de medecine sur le flux-menstruel et la curation des maladies de la tetc Paris, 1754.252 p. — Tentamina medica, de mensium fluxu, & de curatione morborum cephalicorum [n.p.] 1753. 105, 44 p. — Theorie nouvelle du flux menstruel; et traite des maladies de la tetc Paris, 1757. 252 p. EMILIANI, Luigi. Analisi delle proposizioni fondamentali della teoria medica di Brown. Bologna, Anno IX 134 EPISTLE [1800/01J 165 p. EMMERICH, Georg, 1672-1727. Dissertationum medi- carum de connubio astraeae cum Apolline, circa medi- cinam forensem . .. pro loco ... submittit. Regiomonti [1710J 32 p. EMMET, Thomas Addis, 1764-1827. Oratio coram Soci- etate Physica. Edinburgi, 1784. 22 p. ENAUX, Joseph, 1726-1798 & CHAUSSIER, Francois, 1746-1828. Methode de traiter les morsures des ani- maux enrages. Dijon, 1785. 275 p. — & — Precis sur la nature ... de la pustule maligne. Dijon, 1785. 115 p. -, LEROUX, 1730-1792 & CHAUSSIER, Francois, 1746- 1828. Consultation medico-legalc [Dijon, 1789] 8 p. ENCHIRIDION medicum oft medicyn boexken. See Capueel, E. LT1NCICLOPEDIE perruquierc See Marchand, J. H. ENCINA, Juan de la, pseud. See Isla, Jose Francisco de, 1703-1781. ENCOMIUM argenti vivi. See Dover, T. ENCYCLOPEDIA methodique. Chirurgie, par M. de La Roche & M. Petit-Radel. Paris, 1790-An VII [1798/99] 3v. Vol. 3 has title: Recueil des planches du dictionnaire de chirurgie. — Encyclopedic methodique. Medecine. Paris, 1787-1830. 13 v. — Encyclopedic; ou, Dictionnaire raisonne des sciences, des arts et des metiers. Mis en ordre... par M. Diderot. Lausanne, 1780-82. 36 v. -----Recueil de planches. Lausanne, 1779-81. 3 v. ENDEN, Cornelis van den. Verloskundige waarnee- mingen en aanmerkingen. Utrecht, 1789. 2 v. in 1. ENDTER, Christian Ernst, d. 1783. Ausfuhrlicher Bericht von denen schmertzhaften Glieder-Kranckheiten. Franck- furt, 1741.189 p. — Das hundertjahrige Alter, welches etliche Manner und Frauen, die noch am Leben sind, gliicklich zuriick geleget haben. 2. Aufl. Frankfurt, 1764. 114 p. — Sammlungen von verborgenen und offenen Krebs. Hamburg, 1745. 752 p. — Utforliga berattelse om the smartefulla ledamot-krampor. Gotheborg, 1750. 192 p. ENGEL, Karl Christian, 1752-1801. Specimina medica. Berolini, 1781. 202 p. ENGELEN, Jacob Voegen van, ed. Genees- natuur- en huishoud-kundig kabinet. deel 1-3; 1779-82. Leyden. 3v. - Index. See Marrherr, P. A. — ed. De Surinaamsche Artz. See under title. — Verhandelingen over de schijnbaar gestorvenen. Ley- den, 1779. 348 p. Der ENGLISCHE Kinderarzt, nach den Grundsatzen der Herren Moss und Underwood. Leipzig, 1786. 282 p. An ENGLISH fellow's answer to a Scotch licentiate's letter. London, 1753. 50 p. — The English malady removed. See Mardon, L. ENKE, Christoph Friedrich, b. 1752. Viro excellentissimo . . .FridericoAndreaeGallisch. . .gratulatur. . .Super quodam Jo. Bodini loco de medicorum dignitate. Lipsiae, 1777. xii p. An ENQUIRY about the lawfulness of eating blood. See Sharp, T. — An enquiry into Dr. Ward's practice of physick. London, 1749. 29 p. — An enquiry into the advantage received by the first eight years inoculation. London, 1731. 32 p. — An enquiry into the designs of the late petition pre- sented to Parliament by the Company of Apothecaries. London, 1748. 54 p. — An enquiry into the general effects of heat. London, 1770.119 p. — An enquiry into the meaning of demoniacks. See Sykes, A. A. — An enquiry into the nature of the human soul. See Baxter, A. — See also Inquiry. ENS, Abraham, d. 1770. Disquisitio anatomico-patho- logica de morbo bourn Ostervicensium pro peste non habendo. Ed. 3. Regiomonti Borussorum, 1764. 134 p. The ENSIGN of peace. Shewing, how the health, both of body and mind, may be preserved. London, 1775. 215 p. ENSLIN, Johann Christoph. De Boleto suaveolente Linn. Mannhemii, 1785. 32 p. Der ENTDECKTE Betrug aller Menschen im Handel und Wandel. Eroffnung 1-3. Franckf. [17-?] 265 p. ENTRETIENS familiers de deux garcons apotiquairies, sur la medecine generalement prise. [La Haye? 1748?] 24 p. ENTWURF einer Geschichte des Kollegiums der Aerzte. See Wittwer, P. L. ENTWURFF eines bey diesen sorglichen ... Pest-Laufften . . . Consilii. See Prussia. Collegium Medicum. EOBANUS HESSUS,HeUus. See Hessus, Helius Eobanus, 1488-1540. An EPISTLE to *** ***, doctor of physick ... on his plan of his present method of practice. London, 1744.10 p. — An epistle to John Ranby ... on ... his narrative of the last illness of the late Earl of Orford. London, 1745. 27 p. 135 EPISTLE Probably written by James Jurin, according to D.N.B. ----2d ed. London, 1745. 34 p. EPISTOLA apologetica pro Jano Planco. See Bianchi, Giovanni. — Epistola quam de vindiciis Haenii ad illustrissimum Albertum de Haller mittunt lippi et tonsores Haenii. Hanoviae, 1762. 11 p. EPISTOLAE ad Joannem Kepplerum. See Kepler, J. EPISTOLARUM ab eruditis viris ad Alb. Hallerum scriptarum pars I. Bernae, 1773-75. 6 v. EPITOME totius medicinae. See Ettmuller, M. IEPREMESNIL, Jean Jacques Duval d'| 1746-1794. Re flexions preliminaries a l'occasion de la piece intitulee: Les docteurs modernes. [n.p., 1784?] 8 p. ERBSTEIN, Johann Jakob. De spermatis ad sanguinem regressu. Vitembergae [1790] 8 p. ERDMANN, Charles. Das gelbe Fieber in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1799. 85 (i.e. 89) p. ERFAHRUNGSMASSIGE Abhandlung von den ver- schiedenen Seuchen. See Benekendorf, K. F. von. ERFURT. See Akademie Gemeinnutziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt. ERHARD, Johann Gottlieb. De involuntario et continuo lotii stillicidio, peculiarem ob causam notabili. Erfor- diae, 1790. 20 p. ERHART, F. Auffoderung an die Fiirsten wegen dem, vom Dr. Paur in Wien angekiindigten untruglichen Verwahrungsmittel wider die Lustseuche. Frankfurth, 1784. 30 p. ERKENNTNISSE, Warnungen und Hulfsmittel gegen eine immer mehr sich ausbreitende und hochstge- fahrliche Frauenzimmerkrankheit. Leipzig, 1789. 178 p. ERLAUTERUNGEN der neuen osterreichischen Militar- Pharmakopoe. Wien, 1795. 268 p. -----Wien, 1800. 268 p. ERLOSUNG der philosophen aus dem Fegfeur der Chy- misten. [Amsterdam?] 1701. 54 p. ERLSFELD, Johann Franz Loew von. See Loew von Erlsfeld, Johann Franz, Ritter, 1648-1725. ERMEL, Johann Friedrich, 1696-1764. Physiologische und anatomische Tafeln. Dresden, 1727. 280 p. Added t.p. in Latin; text in German and Latin. ERMIPPO redivivo. See Cohausen, J. H. ERNDL, Christian Heinrich, 1676-1734. De itinere suo Anglicano et Batavo. Amstelodami, 1711. 149 p. [ —) The relation of a journey into England and Holland. London, 1711. 140 p. — Warsavia physice illustrata, sive de aere, aquis, locis et incolis Warsaviae. Dresdae, 1730. 247, 132 p. ERNEUERT- und verbesserte Medicinal. . . Ordnungen. See Muhlhausen. Ordinances, local laws, etc. ERNEUERTE und erweiterte Ordnung fur das Collegium Medicum zu Cassel. See Hesse-Kassel (Landgraviate) Laws, statutes, etc. ERNSTING, Arthur Conrad, 1709-1768. Nucleus totius medicinae. Helmstadt, 1741. 6 pts. in 2 v. Pt. 6 has title: Appendix chymica. -----2. Aufl. Lemgo, 1770. 2 v. EROFFNUNG der Thure des koniglichen Pallasts, dass sie sey das rohe Antimonium und materia secunda lapidis philosophorum. Dressden, 1718. 160 p. EROTIANUS. Erotiani . . . glossaria. See Franz, J. G. F. EROTO-MACHIA. Cnidi, anno amoris 5746 [i.e. 17-] 24 p. ERPEL, Johann Philipp, 1726-1763. Nachricht, von einer Frau, welche zugleich fiinf Kinder, vier Missgeburthen und ein Mondkalb gebohren. Halle im Magdeburgi- schen, 1750. 32 p. ERPENBECK, Wilhelm Christian . . . [Programma) circa rabiem caninam. Burgo-Steinfurti [1784] 44 p. Imperfect: p. [3-4] wanting. ERR A PATER. The book of knowledge; treating of the wisdom of the ancients. London [1710?] 165 p. Imperfect: p. 27-28 wanting. -----Haverhill, 1795. 118 p. Imperfect: p. 89-92 wanting; p. 111-112, 117-118 mutilated. ERWARMENDE und erquickende wohlgegriindete medicinische Universal-Sonne. Hamburg, 1706. 32 p. ERWIESENE Unmoghchkeit. See Schuster, G. ERXLEBEN, Johann Christian Polykarp, 1744-1777. An- fangsgrunde der Naturgeschichte. Wien, 1787. 756 p. — Physikalisch-chemische Abhandlungen. Bd. 1. Leipzig, 1776.357 p. — Systema regni animalis. Lipsiae, 1777. 636 p. — Theoretischer Unterricht in der Vieharzneykunst. Gottingen, 1798.511 p. — Underrattelse uti boskaps-medecin. Stockholm, 1773- 74. 2 v.in 1. ESBERARD DE LA NEUVILLE, N. Les delices de la medecine, ou la medecine des dames. Pont-a-Mousson, 1748. 49 p. ESBERG, Johan, 1665-1735. Laudatio funebris . . . Olao Rudbeckio. Upsaliae [1702 J 48 p. ESCHARD. Reflexions importantes sur la nature et le traitement des maladies anti-sociales. Paris, An V [1796/97]37 p. ESCHENBACH, Christian Ehrenfried, 1712-1788. Beden- ken von der Schadlichkeit des Mutterkorns. Rostock, 136 ESSAY 1771. 64 p. - Chirurgie. Rostok, 1754. 1130 p. [ — ] Grundlage zum Unterricht einer Hebamme. Rostok, 1765. 128'p. — Observata anatomico-chirurgico-medica rariora. Ed. 2. Rostochii, 1769. 447 p. — Observata quaedam anatomico-chirurgico-medica rariora. Rostochii, 1753. 56 p. — Observatorum rariorum continuatio. Rostochii, 1755. [57J-135 p. — Scripta medico-biblica. Rostochii, 1779. 134 p. — Vulnerum ut plurimum lethalium dictorum nullitatem demonstrans commentatio. Rostochii, 1748. xxiv p. ESCHENBACH, Christian Gotthold, 1753-1831. Ad au diendam orationem . . . invitat ... Praemittuntur de quisbusdam auri calcibus et salibus mercurialibus observationes. Lipsiae [1785] xviii p. — Noxios quosdam neglecti corporis motus effectus recenset. Lipsiae, 1779. 8 p. [ — ] Viro clarissimo Carolo Gottlob Schubartho . . . gratu- lantur Societatis disputatoriae . . . sodales. Quatenus dura cerebri meninx matris mereatur nomen? Lipsiae, 1778. viii p. — Viro clarissimo Christiano Gottlob Demiani. . . gratu- latur . . . Spermatis ad sanguinem regressus negatur. Lipsiae, 1777. xii p. ESCHENBACH, Johann Friedrich, b. 1757. Diatribe de physiologia seminum. Lipsiae [1777] xii p. — Diatribe epistolaris nectariorum usum exhibens. Lip- siae, 1776. xi p. — Epistola qua . . . Theodore Thomae Weichardto .. . gratulatur . . . Defenditur anatome Aegyptiorum. Lip- siae [17761 12 p. ESCHENBACH, Michael Christian Justus, 1748-1807. Epistola ad ... Gotthelf Leberecht Wockaz... De Celso non medico practico disseritur. Lipsiae [1772] xvi p. ESCHERNY, David d'. See D'Escherny, David, b. ca. 1730. ESCOBAR, Antonio Perez de. See Perez de Escobar, Antonio. L'ESCULAPEDIE. See Colomb de Seillans. [ESLON, Charles d'J 1750-1786. Confession d'un medecin. See under title. - Lettre . . . a M. Philip. La Haye, 1782. 144 p. — Observations sur le magnetisme animal. Londres, 1780. 151 p. -----Londres, 1781. 124 p. — Observations sur les deux rapports de MM. les com- missaires. Philadelphie, 1784. 31 p. [ — ] Supplement aux deux rapports. Amsterdam, 1784. 78 p. ESMONIN DE DAMPIERRE, Antoine, marquis. See Dampierre, Antoine Esmonin, marquis de, 1743-1824. ESPINOSA, Manuel Pellaz y. See Pellaz y Espinosa, Manuel. ESPOSIZIONE apologetica. See Carminati, D. ESPREMESNIL, Jean Jacques Duval d'. See Epremesnil, Jean Jacques Duval d', 1746-1794. ESQUIROU, Jean Baptiste. Recherche analytique de la nature . . . des eaux minerales de Vic. Aurillac, 1718. 147 p. ESSAI de chymie mechanique. See Le Sage, G. L. — Essai de psychologic See Bonnet, C. — Essai pour servir a I'histoire de la putrefaction. See Thiroux d'Arconville, M. G. C. — Essai sur l'epilepsie. See Geoffrey, J. — Essai sur l'etablissement des hopitaux. See Coqueau, C. P. — Essai sur l'origine des connoissances humaines. See Condillac, E. B. de. — Essai sur l'usage . . . de l'ecorce du garou. See Le Roy, J. A. — Essai sur la caractere du grand medecin. See Maty, M. — Essai sur la physiologic See Bordenave, T. — Essai sur la theorie du somnabulisme magnetique. See Tardy de Montravel, A. A. — Essai sur les maladies qui attaquent... les gens de mer. See Mauran, G. — Essai sur les probabilites du somnambulisme. See Fournel, J. F. — Essai theorique et pratique sur les maladies des nerfs. Paris, 1766. 69 p. Variously ascribed to J. A. Millard and to Brillouet. ESSAIS et observations de medecine de la societe d'Edin- bourg. t. 1-7. Paris, 1740-47. 7 v. — Essais philosophiques sur les moeurs de divers ani- maux. See Foucher d'Obsonville. An ESSAY concerning pestilential contagion. See Davies,R. — An essay for abridging the study of physick. See Arm- strong, J. — An essay for reforming the modern way of practising medicine in Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1727. 30 p. — An essay, occasioned by the distemper of the cattle. 2d ed. London [1749?] 26 p. — An essay on comparative anatomy. See Monro, Alex- ander, 1697-1767. — An essay on death-bed-charity. See Dunton, J. — An essay on external appended remedies. 6th ed. London, 1716. 24 p. — An essay on matter. See Ledyard, I. — An essay on the character of the late Alexander Rus- sel. See Fothergill, J. — An essay on the force of imagination in pregnant wom- en. London, 1772. 33 p. 137 ESSAY Doubtfully ascribed to G. F. Bianchini by Halkett and Laing. — An essay on the more common West-India diseases. See Grainger, J. — An essay on the most efficacious means of treating ulcerated legs. London, 1783. 31 p. — An essay on the nature and conduct of the passions. See Hutcheson, F. — An essay on the nature and cure of the king's evil. See Morley, J. — An essay on the nature and method of treating the gout. London, 1746. 22 p. — An essay, on the nature, causes, and cure of the rheu- matism. London, 1776. 68 p. — An essay on the nature, use, and abuse, of tea. London, 1722. 63 p. — An essay on the practice of midwifery. Sherborne, 1766. 63 p. — An essay on the transmutation of blood. See Knight, T. — An essay on the use and abuse of tea. 2d ed. London, 1725. 63 p. — An essay on the virtues, uses, and effects of some valuable genuine patent and public medicines. London [17927]44 p. — Essay sur la nature de Fame. See Louis, A. — An essay towards vindicating the literal sense of the demoniacks. See Church, T. — An essay upon nursing. See Cadogan, W. — An essay upon the duty of physicians and patients. See Parker, S. ESSAYS and observations, physical and literary, v. 1-3. Edinburgh, 1754-71. 3 v. ------2d ed.v. 1-2. Edinburgh, 1770-71 [v. 1.1771] 2 v. Vol. 2 without ed. statement. — Essays, by a society of gentlemen, at Exeter. Exeter [1796] 573 p. — Essays on fashionable diseases. See Adair, J. M. ESSICH, Johann Gottfried, 1744-1806. Auswahl der bessten und ausserlesensten diatetischen Mittel zur Vorbauung oder Kur der Krankheiten. Augsburg, 1784. 384 p. — Bewahrte Rettungsmittel. Augsburg, 1788. 222 p. — Chemisches Handbuch. Augsburg, 1786. 418 p. — Gesundheitsworterbuch fiir das Landvolk. Augsburg, 1789.374 p. [ — ] Der Landarzt; oder, Archiv fiir das Landvolk. Augs- burg, 1794.517 p. — Medicinisches Lexicon. Augsburg, 1787. 2 v. — Praktischer Unterricht fur die Stadt- und Landhebam- men. Augsburg, 1780. 656 p. — Vorbereitungslehre zum Krankenbette. Augsburg, 1791. 288 p. — Zwo Abhandlungen, uber die Gebrechen der Fiisse . . . wie auch iiber den Nuzzen und Schaden der Ergoz- lichkeiten. Augsburg, 1789. 264 p. ESTE, Charles. Tracts on medical subjects. London, 1776. 39 p. ESTEVAN DE VILLA, fray. See Villa, Esteban de, d. 1660. [ESTEVE, Louis] Examen d'une brochure qui a pour titre: Caroli Le Roy . . . De aquarum mineralium. Mont- pellier, 1758. 47 p. [ — ] Lettre de Monsieur E***** ... a Messieurs V**** & Le R**. Avignon, 1758. 28 p. — Quaestiones chemico-medicae duodecim. Monspelii, 1759. 24 p. ESTEYNEFFER, Juan de, 1664-1716. Florilegio medi- cinal. Madrid [1729] 520 p. ------4. impres. Madrid, 1732. 520 p. ------Madrid [1755] 535 p. ESTIENNE, Robert, 15037-1559. Thesaurus linguae Lati- nac Ed. nova. Londini, 1734-35. 4 v. Imperfect: t.p. of v. 1 in photocopy. ETAT de I'Hopital la misericorde. See Haitze, P. J. de. — Etat de medecine, chirurgie et pharmacie en Europe. 1776-77. Paris. 2 v. Title varies slightly. — Etat des contestations. See Astruc, J. — Etat general des unions faites des biens et revenus des maladeries ... et autres lieux pieux, aux hopitaux des pauvres malades. Paris, 1705. 1 v. (various pagings) ETHERINGTON, George E. General cautions in the cure of fevers. London, 1760. 116 p. ETRENNES d'un medecin, ou description alphabetique & raisonnee des maladies les plus communes. Pour la presente annee. Paris, 1787. 154 p. — Etrennes d'un medecin, ouvrage ou Ton donne les moyens stirs de remedier promptement aux differens accidens qui menacent la vie. Nyon en Suisse [n.d] 150p. ------Annee 1776. Paris [1775] 144 p. ETTMULLER, Christian Friedrich Benedict, 1773-1848. Abhandlung uber die Krankheiten der Auguen. Leip- zig, 1799. 400 p. — Medizinisch-chirurgische Abhandlung iiber die Krank- heiten der Zahne. Leipzig, 1798. 164 p. — Sammling der besten und aus Erfahrung bestatigen Rezepte. Leipzig, 1798. 150 p. ETTMULLER, Michael, 1644-1683. Compendium medi- cinae universac Basileae, 1724. 2 v. Ed. by T. Zwinger. Vol. 2 has half title: Epitome praxeos medicae. — De virtute opii diaphoretica. See Wedel, G. W. Opio- logia. — Epitome totius medicinae. Lugduni, 1705. 861, 88 p. Pt. 2 has title: Dissertatio medica de adquirenda vitae longaevitate . . . Auctore Theodoro Zvingero. Basileae [n.d.[ — Ettmullerus abridg'd; or, A compleat system of the 138 EXAMEN theory and practice of physic. 2d ed. London, 1703. 664 p. ------3d ed. London, 1712. 624 p. - Nouvelle chirurgie, medicale et raisonnee. 3. ed. Lyon, 1703. 518 p. — Opera medica theorico-practica. Ed. noviss. Genevae, 1736. 4 v. — Opera omnia. Neapoli, 1728. 5 v. ------Ed. noviss. Veneta. Venetiis, 1734. 5 v. — Opera omnia in compendium redacta. Londini, 1701. 184, 194, 104 p. ------Ed. 2. Amstelaedami, 1702. 493 p. ------Ed. noviss. Venetiis, 1704. 454 p. ------Ed. noviss. Venetiis, 1727. 454, 35 p. Pt. 2 has title: De virtute opii diaphoretica. ETTMULLER, Michael Ernst, 1673-1732. Diligentiam Hippocratis continuandam commendat. Lipsiae [1719] [16]| p. — Epistola anatomica . . . de cerebri corticali substantia. Amstelodami, 1721. 28 p. — Epistola problematica . . . de ovario novo. See Ruysch, F. Adversariorum . . . decas prima. — Magnificum AcademiaeRectorem [etal.]. . .adoratio- nem inauguralem . . . invitat. [Lipsiae, 1702] [8] p. [ETTNER, Johann Christoph von] b. 1654. Des getreuen Eckarths unvorsichtige Heb-Amme. Leipzig, 1715. 944 p. — Griindliche Beschreibung dess egerischen Sauer-Brunns. Nurnberg, 1710. 212 p. ETTRUP, Niels Christensen, 1754-1775. Geschichte und Heilung einer Fingerwunde. Kopenhagen [1775] 8 p. EVDOXUS,pseud. &?eNieuhoff,Bemardus, 1747-1831. EUGALENUS, Severinus, b. 1535. De morbo scorbuto. Ed. t'ltima. Amstelodami, 1720. 272, 46 p. — De scorbuto. Ed. ultima. Venetiis, 1766. 399 p. EULER, Leonhard, 1707-1783. Constructio lentium objectivarum ex duplici vitro. Petropoli, 1762. 31 p. — Dioptricae pars prima [-tertia] Petropoli, 1769-71.3 v. — See also Fuss, N. I. EUNUCHI conjugium. See Delphinus, H. EUNUCHISM display'd. See Ancillon, C. EUSTACHI, Bartolomeo, d. 1574. A compleat system of the blood-vessels. See under title. — Bernardi Siegfried Albini . . . Explicatio tabularum anatomicarum Bartholomaei Eustachii. Leidae Bata- vorum, 1744. 277 p. ______Leidae, 1761. 295 p. - De ontleedkundige plaaten. Amsterdam [1798] 1 v. (unpaged) — Libellus de multitudine, sive de plethora. Ed. 3. Argen- torati, 1783. 138 p. - Opuscula anatomica. Lugduni Batavorum, 1707. 358, 98, 47 p. Pt. 2 has title: Tractatus de dentibus; pt. 3: Lealis Lealis peri spermatizonton organon; sive, De partibus semen confi- cientibus. -----Delphis, 1726. 358, 98, 47 p. — Romanae archetypae tabulae anatomicae. Romae, 1783. 130 p. — Tabulae anatomicae. Romae, 1714. 115 p. -----Amstelaedami, 1722. 115 p. -----Ed. Romana 2. Romae, 1728. 79 p. Imperfect: plate 9 wanting. -----Venetiis, 1769. 34 p. EVANGELISCHE GEMEINE IN REGENSBURG. Christ- liche Aufmunterung zu einen Gott-gefalligen Danck- Opffer, nach gnadigst-geminderten Seuchen. [Regens- burg, 1713) [8j p. — Christliche Erinnerung an die Evangelische Gemeine in Regensburg, wegen nothwendiger Einschranckung des bissherigen offentlichen Gottesdienstes. [Regens- burg, 1713] [8] p. [ — ] Last uns ferner bethen [Regensburg? 1713?] [4] p. Prayer in time of pestilence, presumably used by members of the Evangelische Gemeine in Regensburg. L'EVANGILE du jour. Pour servir d'eclaircissement aux Doutes d'un provincial, [n.p., 17847] 8 p. EVELYN, John, 1620-1706. Acetaria. A discourse of sallets. 2d ed. London, 1706. 192 p. — Fumifugium; or, The inconvenience of the aer, and smoake of London dissipated. London, 1772. 49 p. EVERS, Otto Justus, 1728-1800. Neue vollstandige Be- merkungen und Erfahrungen zur Bereicherung der Wundarzneykunst. Gotingen, 1787. 123 p. — Praktische Anleitung, wie der heilende Wundarzt bey einer gerichtlich angeklagten Kur an criminell ver- wundeten Personen sich zu verhalten habc Stendal, 1791. 62 p. EVERY lady her own physician; or, The closet compan- ion. London, 1788. 124 p. — Every man his own doctor. See Tennent, J. EWALDT, Benjamin, 1674-1719. In dissertatione solemni obstetricem inculpatam . . . pro loco . . . committit. Regiomonti, 1707. 16 p. EWART, John. The history of two cases of ulcerated cancer of the mamma. Bath, 1794. 62 p. EXAMEN d'un livre. See Bouvart, M. P. — Examen d'une brochure. See Esteve, L. — Examen de l'inoculation. See Dorigny, A. C. — Examen et castigationes Animadversionum Graeb- nerianarum. See Academia Naturae Curiosorum. — Examen historique sur ... la maladie venerienne. See Sanches, A. N. R. — Examen impartial des contestations. See Quesnay, F. — Examen physique, de l'hypothese sur laquelle M. Mes- 139 EXAMEN mer et ses sectateurs fondent la doctrine du magne- tisme animal, [n.p.] 1785. 32 p. — Examen sur les eaux minerales . . . de Bussang. See Didelot, C. G. EXCUSATIO respondens examini. See Stahl, G. E. EXEGETISCHE UND PHILANTHROPISCHE GESELL- SCHAFT IN STOCKHOLM. See Societe exegetique et philanthropique de Stockholm. EXERCISE de sourds et muets. See L'Epee, C. M. de. EXERCITATIONES binac See Philoistore, A. The EXPERIENCED midwife. See Aristotle, pseud. EXPERIMENTAL observations on the water of the mine- ral spring near Islington, commonly called New Tun- bridge Wells. New ed. London, 1773. 42 p. EXPERIMENTS lately made by several eminent physi- cians, on the surprising and terrible effects, of almond- water and black-cherry-water. London, 1741. 62 p. EXPLAINER. Distinct notions. See under title. An EXPLANATION of the terms of art in the several branches of medicine. London, 1769. p. 497-556. EXPLANATORY remarks on the great utility of hospi- tals for the sick and poor. Cambridge, 1776. 18 p. EXPLICATION physique et mechanique. See Hecquet, P. EXPOSE de differentes cures. See Societe harmonique des amis-reunis de Strasbourg. EXPOSITION des effets d'un nouveau remede. See Bellet, I. An EXPOSTULATORY address to John Ranby. See Jurin, J. EXTON, Brudenell. A new and general system of mid- wifery. London, 1751. 180 p. -----3d ed. London, 1753. 180 p. -----4th ed. London, 1771. 180 p. EXTRAIT d'une lettre ... a... la Societe royale de mede- cine, sur la fondation d'un prix. [Paris, 1788] 4 p. — Extrait de la Decade philosophique, du 20 brumaire an 9. Operation nouvelle qui a rendu la vue a un aveugle. [n.p., 1800?] 8 p. — Extrait des joumaux dun magnetiseur. See Lutzel- bourg, comte de. — Extrait du journal d'une cure magnetique. See Lutzel- bourg, comte de. — Extrait du Second memoire sur 1'inoculation . . • par M. de La Condamine [n.p., 17597] 28 p. A critique of La Condamine. EYBESCHUTZ, Jonathan, 1690-1764. Hidushei halakhot Nidah. [Karlsruhe, 5533, i.e. 1773] 124 p. EYEREL, Joseph, 1745-1821. Commentaria in Maximi- liani Stolii aphorismos. Vindobonae, 1788-93. 6 v. — comp. Dissertationes medicae in Universitate Vindo- bonensi habitae ad morbos chronicos pertinentes. Viennae, 1788-92. 4 v. — ed. Medicinische Chronik. See under title. — Observationes medicae varii argumenti. Viennae, 1786. 6 v. in 1. -----Viennae, 1794. 6 v. in 1. EYRE, Henry. An account of the mineral waters of Spa. London, 1733. 36 p. — A brief account of the Holt waters. London, 1731.155 p. EYRE, Richard. A sermon, preached ... on the anniver- sary meeting, of the governors, of the small-pox hospi- tals. London [1765] 22, [33J-48 p. EYSEL, Johann Philipp, 1652-1717. Appendix operatio- num chirurgicarum. Erfordiae, 1715. 92 p. — Compendium chirurgicum. Erfordiae, 1714. 273 p. — Compendium de formulis medicis praescribendis. Er- fordiae, 1710. 200 p. — Compendium pathologicum. Erfordiae, 1712. 239 p. -----Erfordiae, 1712. 240 p. — Compendium physiologicum. Erfordiae, 1710. 198 p. — Compendium practicum. Erfordiae, 1710. 187 p. — Compendium semiologicum. Erfordiae, 1701. 241 p. — Opera medica et chirurgica. Francofurti, 1718. 7 v. in 1. Each v. has special t.p., with dates ranging from 1699 to 1715. EYSENDRACH, John. See Eisendragh, Joh. EZPELETA, Martin Joseph de Izuriaga y. See Izuriaga y Ezpeleta, Martin Joseph de. 140 FABRICIUS F FABA, Appio Anneo de. See Buonafede, Appiano, 1716- 1793. FABBRI, Lorenzo Gaetano, b. 1680. Appendice al tratta- to Dell'uso del mercurio. Lucca, 1751. 121 p. — Dell'uso del mercurio sempre temerario in medicina. Colonia, 1749. 155 p. — Dissertationes . . . de variolis. Florentiae, 1746. 81 p. — Dissertazione terza intorno ad alcune malattie. [Fi- renze?] 1747. 296 p. — Dissertazioni toscane intorno alia febbre. Firenze, 1745. 77 p. FABBRONI, Adamo. Dell'arte di fare il vino. Firenze, 1787. 264 p. FABBRONI, Giovanni Valentino Matteo. See Fabroni, Giovanni Valentino Mattia, 1752-1822. FABER, GottUeb Benjamin, 1731-1760. Ulterior expositio novae methodi Kaempfianae curandi morbos chroni- cos inveteratos, praecipue malum hypochodriacum. Tubingae [1755] 34 p. FABER, Johann Ernst, 1745-1774. See Reiske, J. J. FABER, Petrus Joannes. See Fabre, Pierre Jean, d. ca. 1650. FABERT, Jean Joseph de. Essai historique sur les eaux de Luxeuil. Paris, 1773. 195 p. FABIANI, Pietro. Resumen de las virtudes y metodo de aplicar el agua vulneraria, compuesta por Julian Landi. Madrid, 1773. 31 p. FABRA, Egidio daUa. See Dalla Fabra, Egidio, 1683-1752. FABRA, Luigi dalla. See Dalla Fabra, Luigi, 1655-1723. FABRE, of Avignon. Traite d'observations de chirurgie. Avignon, 1778. 212 p. FABRE, Pierre, 1716-1793. Essai sur les facultes de Fame. Amsterdam, 1785. 212 p. — Essai sur les maladies veneriennes. Paris, 1758. 344 p. — Essai sur differens points de physiologie, de pathologie, et de therapeutique. Paris, 1770. 413 p. — Lettres . . . pour servir de supplement a son Traite des maladies veneriennes. Edimbourg, 1786. 130 p. — Nouvelles observations sur les maladies veneriennes. Paris, 1779. 120 p. — Recherches des vrais principes de l'art de guerir. Paris, 1790. 588 p. — Recherches sur differens points de physiologie, de pathologie et de therapeutique. Paris, 1783. 362 p. — Recherches sur la nature de 1'homme. Paris, 1776.430 p. — Reflexions sur divers ouvrages... touchant les maladies veneriennes. Paris, 1780. 64 p. — Reflexions sur la chaleur animalc Paris, 1784. 31 p. — Suite des recherches sur differens points de physio- logie, de pathologie et de therapeutique. Paris, 1794 [i.e. 1784) 242 p. — Traite des maladies veneriennes. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1765. 2v. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1768. 2 v. -----3. ed. Paris, 1773. 592 p. -----3. ed. Paris, 1775. 592 p. -----4. ed. Paris, 1782. 526 p. -----4. ed. Paris, 1795. 576 p. — Trattato delle malattie venerec Milano, 1787. 2 v. — Vollstandige Abhandlung von der Erkenntniss und Cur der venerischen Krankheiten. Kopenhagen, 1777. 536 p. FABRE, Pierre Jean, d. ca. 1650. Alle in zwey Theile ver- fassete chymische Schriften. Hamburg, 1713. 2 v. in 1. [FABRE-DUBOSQUET] Mes idees sur la nature et les causes de Fair dephlogistique. Londres, 1785. 110 p. FABRI, Giacinto Bartolomeo, ed. Sulla insensitivita ed irritabilita Halleriana. Bologna, 1757-59. 3 v. FABRI, Gottlieb Leberecht, 1758-1814. Tractatus patho- logicus de catalepsi. Halae, 1780. 96 p. FABRICIUS, Hieronymus, ab Aquapendente, ca. 1533- 1619. Opera chirurgica. Lugduni Batavorum, 1723.743 p. — Opera omnia anatomica et physiologica. Ed. noviss. Lugduni Batavorum, 1737. 452 p. -----Ed. noviss. Lugduni Batavorum, 1738. 452 p. — Le opere chirurgiche. Padova, 1711. 284 p. — L'opere cirugiche. Bologna, 1709. 292 p. FABRICIUS, Johann Albert, 1668-1736. Bibliographia antiquaria. Ed. 3. Hamburgi, 1760. 1039 p. — Bibliotheca latina mediae et infimae aetatis. Hamburgi, 1734-46. 6 v. — Bibliotheca latina, nunc melius delecta . . . diligentia Jo. Aug. Ernesti. Lipsiae, 1773-74. 3 v. FABRICIUS, Philipp Conrad, 1714-1774. Animadver- siones varii argumenti medicas ex scriptis ejusdem minoribus collegit . . . Georg. Rudolph. Lichtenstein. Helmstadii, 1783. 140 p. — De fonte martiali medicato Helmstadiensi. Helmstadii, 1756. 39 p. — Enumeratio methodica plantarum horti medici Helm- stadiensis. Helmstadii, 1759. 239 p. -----Ed. 2. Helmstadii, 1763. 448 p. — Idea anatomiae practicac Wetzlariae, 1741. 144 p. 141 FABRICIUS — Methodus cadavera humana rite secandi. Ed. 2. Halae, 1774. 178 p. — Oratio inaugurahs de autopsiae in medicina utilitate et praestantia. Helmstadii [ 1748 J 32 p. — Oratio sollemnis de insignibus incrementis et cultura, quae scientia medica fundationi academiarum accepta refert. Helmstadii [1749] 32 p. — Oratio sollemnis de vita bene morata optimo. Helm- stadii [1755) 36 p. — Programma academicum quo caussas infrequentiae vulnerum lethalium prae minus lethiferis . .. emit. Helm- stadii [17531 16 p. — Programma academicum quo observationes nonnullas anatomicas nuperis sectionibus collectas recensere per- git. Helmstadii [1754 J 28 p. — Programma quo morbum et curationem juvenis prae- grandi musculorum abdominis inflammatione et peri- culosa puris in cavum illius effusione laborantis para- centesi in integrum restituti anatomice et medice con- siderat. Helmstadii [1749] 16 p. — Sermo de praestantioribus hujus saeculi emendatio- nibus et incrementis studii medici practici. Helmstadii [1755] 23 p. — Von der Kunst zu zergeliedem. Kopenhagen, 1776. 256 p. FABRICIUS VON HILDEN, Wilhelm, 1560-1634. Obser vationum et epistolarum chirurgico-medicarum cen- turiac Argentorati, 1713. 653 p. -----Argentorati, 1716-17 [v. 1, 1717J 2 v. in 1. FABRIZIO, Girolamo. See Fabricius, Hieronymus, ab Aquapendente, ca. 1533-1619. FABRONI, Adamo. See Fabbroni, Adamo. [FABRONI, Giovanni Valentino Mattia] 1752-1822. Elo- gio di Francesco Redi. Firenze, 1781. 136 p. FACCIOLATI, Jacopo, 1682-1769. Fasti Gymnasii Pata- vini. Patavii, 1757. 3 v. in 1. FACOLTA MEDICA DEL SUPREMO MAGISTRATO DI SANITA DI NAPOLI. See Naples. Supremo magis- trato di sanita. Facolta medica. La FACULTE vengee. See La Mettrie, J. O. de. FAISSOLE, Jean & CHAMPEAUX, Claude. Lettre a M. Louis . . . pour justifier le rapport des causes de mort de Claudine Rouge. Lyon, 1768. 84 p. Sig.: A-C'2, D6. — &-----Another issue. Sig.: A-P, P. — See also Champeaux, C. A FAITHFUL narrative of the base and unhuman arts. See Smollett, T. G. FALCK, Nikolai Detlef, 1736-1798? Abhandlung uber die venerischen Krankheiten. Hamburg, 1775. 474 p. — The seaman's medical instructor. London, 1774. 244 p. — A treatise on the medical qualities of mercury. Lon- don, 1776. 328 p. — A treatise on the venereal disease. London, 1772.474 p. -----2d ed. London, 1774. 384 p. — Untersuchung der sogenannten Viehseuche. Hamburg, 1781. 128 p. FALCONAR, Magnus, 1754-1778. A synopsis of a course of lectures on anatomy and surgery. London [no prin- ter] 1777. 44 [+?] p. Imperfect? All after p. 44 wanting? -----London, J. Dixwell, 1777. 250 p. — A syllabus of a course of lectures on anatomy, on physiology, and on . . . surgery. [London? 177-] 23 p. — A syllabus of a course of lectures on physiology. [Lon- don? 177-]8 p. FALCONE, Giuseppe. Remedii. . . dove s'insegna, molti, e varii secreti per medicar bue. Milano [17—?] 48 p. FALCONER, William, 1744-1824. An account of the effi- cacy of the aqua mephitica alkalina... in calculous dis- orders. 2d ed. London, 1787. 126 p. -----3d ed. London, 1789. 163 p. -----4th ed. London, 1792. 208 p. -----5th ed. London, 1798. 208 p. [ — ] An address to Doctor Cadogan, occasioned by his Dissertation on the gout. London, 1771. 36 p. — Anmarkninger ofver Herr Cadogans Afhandling om gikt. Stockholm, 1783. 112 p. — Bemerkungen iiber den Einfluss des Himmelstrichs. Leipzig, 1782. 698 p. — Beobachtungen iiber den Puis. Leipzig, 1797. 178 p. — De l'influence des passions sur les maladies. Paris, 1788. 134 p. — A dissertation on the influence of the passions upon disorders of the body. London, 1788. 105 p. -----2d ed. London, 1791. 148 p. -----3d ed. London, 1796. 176 p. — An essay on the Bath waters. London, 1770. 275 p. -----London [etc.] 1772-[75?] 2 v. — An essay on the preservation of the health of persons employed in agriculture. Bath, 1789. 88 p. — Experiments and observations. London, 1776. 136 p. — Miscellaneous tracts and collections relating to natural history. Cambridge, 1793. 203 p. — Observations and experiments on the poison of cop- per. London, 1774. 116 p — Observations on Dr. Cadogan's Dissertation on the gout. London [1771?] 115 p. -----2d ed. Bath, 1772. 115 p. — Observations respecting the pulse. London, 1796.158 p. — A practical dissertation on the medicinal effects of the Bath waters. Bath, 1790. 188 p. -----2d ed. Bath, 1798. 154 p. — Ragguaglio dell'efficacia dell'acqua mefitica alcalina 142 FASANO . . . ne' mali de' calcoli. Ed. 1. veneta. Venezia, 1790. 100 p. — Remarks on the influence of climate. London, 1781. 552 p. — Sulle malattie degli agricoltori. 3. ed. Londra, 1794. 134 p. — Versuch iiber die mineralischen Wasser, und warmen Bader. Leipzig, 1777-78. 2 v. FALCONET, Camille, 1671-1762. Catalogue de la biblio- theque* Paris, 1763. 2 v. in 3. — Question de medicine ... Si on doit rejetter entiere- ment l'usage des vaiseaux de cuivre dans la preparation des alimens. [Paris? 1750?] 72 p. Original text and French translation of thesis (F. Thiery, respondent) with additional material. Bound with (as issued?) Amy, Joseph. Nouvelles fontaines domestiques. FALCONET, Noel, 1644-1734. Systeme des fievres et des crises. Paris, 1723. 473 p. FALESE, Franco. Trattato della idrofobia. Lucca, 1739. 195 p. FALKENTHAL, Tobias Frederik, 1754-1820. Bemerkung von dem Nutzen des Senfs in einem Faulfieber. Kopen- hagen [1780] 16 p. FALLOPPIO, Gabriele, 1523-1562. Neu eroffnete vor- treffliche und rare Geheimnisse der Natur. Franckfurth am Mayn [1715] 3 v. in 1. Imperfect: lower portion of t.p. cut away with loss of im- print date. La FALSITA scoperta. See Bertini, A. F. The FAMILY companion for health. See Strother, E. — The family guide to health; or, A general practice of physic, in a familiar way. London, 1767. 331 p. — A family jewel; or, The womans councellor. London, 1704-05. 4 pts. in 1 v. — The family magazine: in two parts. Part I. Containing useful directions in all the branches of house-keeping . . . Part II. Containing a compendious body of physick. London, 1741. 2 v. in 1. Preface signed Arabella Atkyns. -----2d ed. London, 1743. 126, 305 p. -----.3d ed. London, 1747. 126, 305 p. — The family physician, containing some of the most ap- proved receipts and opinions, of Sydenham, Tissot. . . &c. Manchester, 1798. 191 p. [FANGE, Augustin| ca. 1720-ca. 1791. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de la barbe. Liege, 1774. 317 p. FANTASTI, Girolamo Cesare. L'insegnamento alle fa- miglie del modo di preservarsi dalla peste. Mantova, 1715.91 p. — La simplicita di chi non e medico, ammaestrata sull'uso vano dell triaca. Vicenza [1715] 35 p. FANTONI, Giovanni, 1675-1758. Commentariolum de quibusdam aquis medicatis. Augustae Taurinorum, 1747.117 p. — De thermis Valderianis. Genevae, 1725. 82 p. — Dissertationes anatomicae. Taurini, 1701. 360 p. -----Taurini, 1745. 348 p. — Opuscula medica et physiologica. Genevae, 1738.322 p. — Specimen observationum de acutis febribus miliariis. Nicaeae, 1762. 292 p. — ed. See Remmelin, J. Anatome integra. FANTONI, Giovanni Battista, 1652-1692. Observationes anatomico-medicac 3. ed. Venetiis, 1713. 165 p. FANTUZZI, Giovanni, 1718-1799. Memorie della vita di Ulisse Aldrovandi. Bologna, 1774. 263 p. — Notizie degli scrittori bolognesi. Bologna, 1781-94.9 v. FANZAGO, Francesco Luigi, 1764-1836. Paralelli tra la pellagra ed alcune malattie che piu le rassomigliano. Padova, 1792. 163 p. FARINONI, Antonio. Anti-dissertazione appologetico- critica sopra la dissertazione medico-chirurgica del signor Camillo Bonioli. Vicenza, 1768. xxv (i.e. xxxi) p. FARJON, Jacques. Quaestiones medicae duodecim. Mon- spelii, 1749. 29 p. FARLEY, John. The London art of cookery. 6th ed. Lon- don, 1789. 455 p. FARMACOPEA cerusica ovvero scelta d'efficaci rimedj universali e particolari alle diverse malattie cerusiche adattati. Vercelli, 1772. 218 p. — Farmacopea quirurgica de Londres. Madrid, 1797.256 p. FARMER, Hugh, 1714-1787. An essay on the demoniacs of the New Testament. London, 1775. 416 p. FARMER, John, d. ca. 1770. Select cases in surgery. Lon- don, 1758. 28 p. FARR, Samuel, 1741-1795. Aphorismi de marasmo. Bris- toliae, 1772. 106 p. -----Altenburgi, 1774. 144 p. — Elements of medical jurisprudence. London, 1788.144 p. — Enquiry into the propriety of blood-letting in consump- tions. London, 1775. 42 p. — A philosophical enquiry into the nature, origin, and extent, of animal motion. London, 1771. 399 p. FARRA, Grassino. Trattato dell'ipocondria. Bergamo, 1725. 70 p. -----Asti, 1729. 119 p. FARVACQUES, Robert de, d. 1689. Medicina pharma- ceutica, of groote algemeene schatkamer der drog- bereidende geneeskonst. Leiden, 1741. 3 v. in 1. Vol. 3 has title: Ontslote kabinet der simplicia, of enkele drogeryen . . . uitgegeeven door Johannes Schroder. FASANO, Tommaso. De vita, muniis et scriptis Francisci Serai. Neapoli, 1784. 198 p. 143 FASANO - Delle febbre epidemica sofferta in Napoli. Napoli, 1765 465 p. -----2. ed. Napoli, 1783. 315 p. — Discorso della tisichezza. Napoli, 1782. 74 p. FASCICULUS dissertationum anatomico-medicarum. Amstelaedami, 1764. 173 p. — Fasciculus disssertationum medicarum . . . De tunica choroidea. Auctore Laurentio Heister. Lugduni Bata- vorum, 1745.116 p. — Fasciculus variarum resolutionum de officio et obliga- tione parochi, et modo administrandi sacramenta tem- pore pestis. Eystadii, 1714. 166 p. FASELIUS, Johann Friedrich, 1721-1767. Dissertatio anatomico-physiologica inaugurahs de circulo Willisii. Jenae[1759]32 p. — Elementa medicinae forensis. Jenae, 1767. 109 p. — Gerichtliche Arzeneygelahrheit. 2. Aufl. Leipzig, 1770. 150 p. FATIO, Johann, b. 1649. Helvetisch-verntinftige Wehe- Mutter. Basel, 1752. 468 p. FAUCHARD, Pierre, 1678-1761. Le chirurgien dentiste. Paris, 1728. 2 v. in 1. -----2. ed. Paris, 1746. 2 v. -----3. ed. Paris, 1786. 2 v. — Frantzosischer Zahn-Artzt. Berlin, 1733. 2 v. in 1. FAUCHET, Claude, 1744-1793. Oraison funebre de Charles-Michel de l'Epec Paris, 1790. 51 p. FAUDACQ, Charles Francois, b. 1691. Nouveau traite des plaies d'armes-a-feu. Namur, 1746. 331 p. — Reflexions sur les playes. Namur, 1735. 577 p. -----Paris, 1736. 577 p. FAUGERES, Peter, d. 1798. A treatise on febris asthenica gravis. New-York, 1791. 35 p. FAUKEN, Johann Peter Franz Xaver, 1740-1794. Dia- gramma pro studio medico. Gottingae, 1794. 102 p. — Entwurf zu einem allgemeinen Krankenhausc Wien, 1784. 156 p. — Das in Wien ... sehr viele Menschen anfallende Fau- lungsfieber. Wien, 1772. 70 p. FAUST, Bernhard Christoph, 1755-1842. Catechism of health. Dublin, 1794. 112 p. -----London, 1794. 190 p. -----Edinburgh, 1797. 146 p. -----New-York, 1798. 146 p. — Gesundheits-Catechismus fiir Aeltern und Lehrer in zusammenhangende Rede gebracht. Hannover, 1794. 191 p. — Gesundheits-Katechismus zum Gebrauche in den Schulen und beym hauslichen Unterrichte. 2. Aufl. Gera, 1794. 96 p. -----2. Aufl. Leipzig, 1794. 96 p. -----4. Aufl. Frankfurt, 1797. 112 p. -----9. Aufl. Leipzig, 1800. 152 p. — Hommage fait a l'Asemblee nationale de quelques idees sur un vetement uniforme et raisonne, a l'usage des enfans. Strasbourg, An III [1794/95] 48 p. — Libellus, sanitatis tuendae elementa complectens. Lipsiae, 1796. 144 p. — Die Perioden des menschlichen Lebens. Berlin, 1794. 80 p. - Ueber die Rindvieh-Pest. Leipzig, 1797. 110 p. — Untersuchung des Wehrts der Trennung der Schoos- beine bei schweren Geburten. Gotha, 1780. 92 p. FAUVEL, sieur. Fauvel, expert, recu a Saint Come pour les hernies ou descentes, traite ces maladies par. . . une nouvelles espece de bandage . . . Paris [17—7] broadside. FAVELET, Jean Francois, 1674-1743. Novarum, quae in medicina a paucis annis repullularunt hypotheseon Lydius lapis. Aquisgrani, 1737. 520 p. FAWCETT, Benjamin, 1715-1780. Observations on the nature, causes and cure of melancholy. Shrewsbury, 1780. 77 p. FAXE, Arvid, 1733-1793. Lakare-bok for landtmannen. Carlskrona, 1792. 254 p. — Minnes:bok for skepps-lakarc Stockholm, 1785.83 p. FA YE, F. Essai sur les eaux minerales et medicinales de la ville de Bourbon-l'Archambault. Moulins, 1768 [i.e. 1778] 464 p. FAZIO, Johann. See Fatio, Johann, b. 1649. FEARON, Henry, d. ca. 1825. A treatise on cancers. London, 1784. 77 p. -----London, 1786. 136 p. -----3d ed. London, 1790. 230 p. FEBRIFUGUM magnum, morbifugum magnum; or, The grand febrifuge improved. London, 1726. 288 p. FEDER, Johann Georg Heinrich, 1740-1821. Untersu- chungen uber den menschlichen Willen. Neueste Aufl. Wien, 1792-94. 4 v. FEDERIGO, Gaspare, 1769-1840. Riflessioni imparziali sopra il nuovo sistema medico del sig. Brown. Venezia, 1797. 82 p. FEDRIGHINI, Giovanni Faustino, d. 1764. Ricerca del piede statutario di Brescia fra diverse altre misure antiche e moderne. Brescia, 1752. 61 p. FEGFEUER der chymisten. See Soldner. Die FEHLER der Menschen, nebst deren Verbesserung in saubern Kupfern und moralischen Versen vorge- stellet. Nurnberg, 1751. [1] p. 36 plates. [FEHR, Joseph] 17427-1831. Auch noch ein Hebammen- Catechismus. Rothenburg, 1780. 112 p. — Ausfiihrliche Nachricht von einer todlichen Krankheit nach dem tollen Hundsbisse. Gottingen, 1790. 168 p. 144 FERREIN FEIJOO Y MONTENEGRO, Benito Jeronimo, 1676-1764. An exposition of the uncertainties in the practice of physic. London, 1751. 64 p. — Justa repulsa de iniquas acusaciones. 2. impres. Madrid, 1749. 115 p. - Rules for preserving health, particularly with regard to studious persons. London [1800?] 125 p. FELDECK, Joseph von. Kern einer vollstandigen Hauss- und Landes-Wirthschafft. Leipzig, 1717. 796 p. FELDMANN, Bernhard, 1701-1777. Dissertatio de com- paratione plantamm et animalium. Berolini, 1780.111 p. FELICI, Joannes Maria de. Ratio medendi. Ticini, 1800. FELLER, Christian Gotthold, 1755-1785. De methodis suffusionem oculorum curandi, a Casaamata et Simone cultis. Lipsiae, 1782. 29 p. — Viris experientissimis, Benjamin Gotthelf Knothe [et al.] gratulatur. .. Insunt quaedam de enematibus, atque nova fumum tabaci infiandi methodus. Lipsiae, 1781. xii p. -----Lipsiae, 1782. xii p. — Viro amplissimo M. Johanni Guilielmo Wildenhayn . . . gratulatur . . . De utero canino observatio. Lipsiae, 1777. viii p. FEMALE virtues: a poem. London, 1787. 34 p. FERARO, Battista. See Ferraro, Giovanni Battista, d. 1569? [FERGUSON, Adam] 1723-1816. Memorial relating to the University of Edinburgh. See Robertson, W. FERGUSON, James, 1710-1776. Analysis of a course of lectures on mechanics .. . electricity, and astronomy. 6th ed. London, 1769. 48 p. — An introduction to electricity. London, 1770. 140 p. — Tables and tracts relative to several arts and sciences. London, 1767. 328 p. FERMIN, Philippe, 1720-1790. Instructions importantes au peuple sur l'oeconomie animalc La Haye, 1767.344 p. — Instructions importantes au peuple sur les maladies chroniques. Paris, 1768. 2 v. in 1. — Istruzioni importanti al popolo sull'economia animalc Venezia, 1771. 2 v in 1. Vol. 2 has title: Istruzioni importanti al popolo sopra le malattie croniche. -----Another issue. Has half title: Continuazione degli Avvisi al popolo del sig. Tissot. . . tomo III et tomo IV. -----Tom. 2. Napoli, 1775. 256 p. — Traite des maladies les plus frequentes a Surinam. Maestricht, 1764. 157 p. FERMOR, William. Reflections on the cow-pox. Oxford, 1800. 47 p. FERN, Thomas. A perfect cure for the king's evil. London [17091 58 p. FERNANDES, Joseph da Sylva. Discurso apologetico cirurgico-medico. Lisboa Occidental, 1729. 138 p. FERNANDES DA SILVA, Juliao. See Silva, Juliao Fer- nandes da. FERNANDEZ, Francisco Bruno. De quadam pustularum specie. [Matriti, 17687] 14 p. — Disertacion fisico-legal de los sitios, y parages, que se deven destinar para las sepulturas. Madrid, 1783.131 p. — Instrucciones para el bien publico, y comun de la conservacion, y aumento de las problaciones. Pt. 1. Madrid, 1769. 116 p. — El juicio de Paris, verdadero desengano del agua. Madrid, 1755. 95 p. — Observaciones nuevas. Madrid, 1769. 32 p. FERNANDEZ BAREA, Manuel, d. 1785. Varias disserta- ciones academicas. Malaga 117647] 213 p. — See also Ellerker. R. FERNANDEZ DE CASTRO, Nazario. Dialogos criticos . . . sobre el agua frigido thermal. Malaga, 1785.111 p. FERNANDEZ DEL VALLE, Juan. Cirugia forense, gene- ral y particular. Madrid, 1796-97. 3 v. — Tratado completo de la flebotomia. Madrid, 1794. 276 p. FERNANDEZ NAVARRETE, Francisco. El nereo direc- tor, y juez medicinal, entre las verdaderas, y supuestas virtudes, y uso legitimo del agua pura. Granada, 1719. 70 p. FERRAND, chirurgien-major de la marine. Observations sur les differentes methodes de traiter les.maladies veneriennes. Narbonne, 1770. 103 p. FERRARA, Pasquale. Della morte subitanea e suoi umani preservativi. Napoli, 1766. 96 p. FERRARI, Ferrante, d. 1757. Mutinensium medicorum methodus antipyretica vindicata. Mutinae, 1719. 7, 55 p. FERRARI, Giovanni Paolo, b. 1663. Polyanthon physi- cum. Parmae, 1708. 255 p. — Risposta ... ad alcuni quesiti. . . intorno all medicina. Lucca,1712. 435 p. FERRARI, Girolamo, 1701-1754. See Fortunato da Bres- cia, padre, 1701-1754. FERRARI, Girolamo, fl. 1786. Conferma ed apologia delle Riflessioni sopra un giudizio relativo ad un caso chirurgico. Venezia, 1786. 54 p. [ — | Riflessioni sopra un giudizio relativo ad un caso chi- rurgico. Venezia, 1786. xxxvii p. FERRARO, Giovanni Battista, d. 1569? Trattato utile, e necessario ad ogni agricoltore per guanre cavalli, bovi . . . ed uccelli di gabbia. Venezia, 1725. 84 p. FERREIN, Antoine, 1693-1769. Quaestiones medicae 145 FERREIRA duodecim. Monspelii, 1732. 40 p. FERREIRA, Antonio, 16267-1679. Luz verdadeyra, e recopilado exame de toda a cirurgia. 4. impres. Lisboa, 1705. 527 p. -----Lisboa, 1757. 527 p. FERREIRA, Jose, b. 1711. Cirurgia medico-pharmaceu- tica deduzida da doutrina Stahliana. Livro 1. Lisboa Occidental, 1740. 357 p. FERREIRA, Jose Henriques, d. 1781. Discurso critico. Lisboa, 1785. 124 p. FERREIRA LEONARDO, Manuel. See Leonardo, Manuel Ferreira, b. 1728. [FERRER Y BEAUMONT, Vicente ] El medico de si mismo .. . por .. . Joseph Ignacio Carballo Nunez de Castro. Barcelona [1754] 88 p. [ — ] El promotor de la salud. See Perez, V. [ — ] El secreto a voces. See Perez, V. [ — ] Sobre el medico (vulgarmente) de el agua. Sueno jocoso. Nueva reimpres. Por . . . Antonio Aguilar. Ma- drid, 1753. 20 p. FERRET, Laurent. Consultation de medecine, au sujet du naufrage de sept personnes, arrive au Bacq d'Argen- teuil. [Paris, 1752] 14 p. FERRIAR, John, 1761-1815. An essay on the medical properties of the Digitalis purpurea. Manchester, 1799. 66 p. — Illustrations of Sterne: with other essays and verses. London, 1798. 314 p. — Medical histories and reflections. Warrington [etc.] 1792-98. 3 v. FERRIS, Samuel, 1760-1831. A dissertation on milk. [London, 1785] 206 p. — A general view of the establishment of physic as a science in England. London, 1795. 168 p. FERRO, Paschal Joseph von, 1753-1809. Ephemerides medicae. Vindobonae, 1792. 289 p. — Medicinische Ephemeriden. Jena, 1795. 264 p. — Nahere Untersuchung der Pestanstekung. Wien, 1787. 198 p. — ed. Sammlung aller Sanitatsverordnungen. See Aus- tria, Lower. Laws, statutes, etc. — Vom Gebrauche des kalten Bades. 2. Aufl. Wien, 1790. 352 p. — Von der Ansteckung der epidemischen Krankheiten. Leipzig, 1782. 103 p. FEUILLEE, Louis, 1660-1732. Beschreibung zur Arzeney dienlicher Pflanzen. Nurnberg, 1756-58. 2 v. in 1. — Journal des observations physiques, mathematiques et botaniques. Paris, 1714-25. 3 v. -----Plates only, colored, from Histoire des plantes medecinales. FEYENS, Jean, d. 1585. Tractat von denen Flatibus oder Blehungen im menschlichen Leibe. 2. Aufl. Schnee- berg, 1754. 232 p. FEYENS, Thomas, 1567-1631. Libri chirurgici duodecim. Ed. 2. Londini, 1733. 180 p. FEYJOO Y MONTENEGRO, Benito Jeronimo. See Feijoo y Montenegro, Benito Jeronimo, 1676-1764. FICHET DE FLECHY, Philippe. Observations particu- lieres sur la medecine et la chirurgie. Paris, 1765. 568 p. — Observations sur differens cas singuliers, relatifs a la medecine-pratique. Paris, 1761. 568 p. FICK, Johann Jakob, 1663-1730. Disputatio academica de frigoris noxa in corpore humano. Jenae [ 1720 ] 30 p. FICKER, Wilhelm Anton, 1768-1824. Commentatio de temperamentis hominum quatenus ex fabrica corporis et structura pendent. Gottingae [1791 ] 38 p. FIDAURI, Cartenio. Replica . . . alia risposta fatta in difesa del signor Alessandro Canestri. Faenza, 1755. 39 p. Cartenio Fidauri may be a pseud, of Giovanni Battista Moli- nari. FIDELIS, Sincerus. See Sincerus Fidelis. FIEL, Miguel Ballesteros. See Ballesteros Fiel, Miguel. [FIELDING, Henry] 1707-1754. The charge to the jury: or, the sum of the evidence, on the trial of A.B. CD. and E.F., all M.D. for the death of one Robert at*Or- fud. London, 1745. 46 p. — A clear state of the case of Elizabeth Canning. 2d ed. London, 1753. 62 p. [FIELITZ, Friedrich Gottlieb Heinrich] 1749-1820. Ver- such einer Hebammenverbessemng. Leipzig, 1786.56 p. FIENUS, Joannes. See Feyens, Jean, d. 1585. FIENUS, Thomas. See Feyens, Thomas, 1567-1631. FILIPANI, Fulvio. Della malattia, e morte della ch. mem. del signor cardinale Luca Melchiorre Tempi. Roma, 1762. 17 p. FILOMENA, Francesco. Breve saggio sull'operazione dell'oppio, e dell'aria fissa, ed infiammabile negli ani- mali. Napoli, 1781. 88 p. FILTER, Franz Ernst, 1768-1807. See Neue chemische .. . Erfahrungen. FILTROIRS militaires marins et domestiques [Paris? 175-?J2p. Largely advertisement of the invention of Joseph Amy. FINE, Pierre, 17587-1814. De la submersion, ou recher- ches sur l'asphyxie des noyes. Paris, An VIII (1800) 160 p. FINKE, Leonhard Ludwig, 1747-1837. Abhandlung von den anomalischen Gallenkrankheiten. Frankfurt am 146 FITCH Main, 1791. 320 p. — Abhandlung von Gallenkrankheiten. Nurnberg, 1787. 285 p. — De morbis biliosis anomalis. Monasterii Westphalo- rum, 1780. 178 p. -----Monasterii Westphalorum, 1780. 193 p. — Specimen medicum historiam sistens insitionis variola- rum in comitatibus Tecklaburgensi atque Lingensi. Lingae, 1792. 60 p. — Versuch einer allgemeinen medicinisch-praktischen Geographic Leipzig, 1792-95. 3 v. — Von dem verschiedenen Verfahren der Volker bei Kranken, Sterbenden und Gestorbenen. Lingen, 1789. 110 p. FINSBURY DISPENSARY, London. Plan of the Fins- bury Dispensary ... for administering advice & medi- cines to the poor. [London, 1797] 35 p. FIOCCHETTO, Giovanni Francesco, 1564-1642. Trat tato della peste. 2. ed. Torino, 1720. 167 p. FIORANI, Francesco. Saggio su la infiammazione. Pisa, 1784. 2 v. in 1. FIORAVANTI, Leonardo, 1517-1588. Reggimento della peste. Napoli, 1720. 100, 119 p. FIORENTINI, Girolamo, 1602-1678. De hominibus dubiis sive abortivis baptizandis, pia prothesis. Ed. in Ger- mania noviss. Augustae Vindelicorum, 1761. 312 p. FISCHER, Caspar. Der in dem Furstenthum Coburg zu Grub am Forst befindliche Gesund-Brunnen. Coburg, 1735. 64 p. FISCHER, Christian Ernst, 1772-1850. Bemerkungen iiber die englische Geburtshulfe. Gottingen, 1797.182 p. — Medicinische und chirurgische Bemerkungen iiber London und die englische Heilkunde. Gottingen, 1796. 188 p. — Versuch einer Anleitung zur medizinischen Armen- praxis. Gottingen, 1799. 398 p. FISCHER, Christian Gabriel, d. 1751. Par I lapidum in agro Prussico sine praejudicio contemplandorum. Regio- monti [1715] 30 p. FISCHER, Daniel, 1695-1746. Commentationes physicae de calore athmosphaerico non a sole, sed pyrite fervente deducendo. Budissae, 1722. 68 p. — Consilium pestilentiale; oder, Medicinisches Gutachten von der Pest. Leipzig, 1740. 119 p. ______Another issue. Dedicatory page from a different setting of type. — De remedio rusticano, variolas per balneum primo aquae dulcis post vero seri lactis feliciter curandi. Erfor- diae [1745] 128 p. — De terra medicinali Tokayensi. Wratislaviae, 1732.144 p. — Epistola invitatoria eruditis Pannoniac Brigae [1732] 30 p. FISCHER, Johann Andreas, 1667-1729. Consilia medica. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1705-12. 3 v. in 1. — Responsa practica et forensia selecta. Francofurti, 1719. 163 p. FISCHER, Johann Bernhard von, 1685-1772. Abhandlung von dem Hohen Alter des Menschen. Leipzig, 1777. 292 p. — Defebremiliari, purpura alba dicta. Rigae, 1767.126 p. - De senio. Ed. 2. Erfordiae, 1760. 324 p. FISCHER, Johann Heinrich von, 1759-1814. De morbis cutaneis specimen I. Gottingae [1785 J xx p. FISCHER, Johann Leonhard, 1760-1833. Anweisung zur praktischen Zergliederungskunst. Leipzig, 1791. 306 p. — Descriptio anatomica nervorum lumbalium sacralium et extremitatum inferiorum. Lipsiae, 1791. 57 p. Imperfect: plate 2 wanting. — Taeniae hydatigenae in plexu choroideo inventae historia. Lipsiae, 1789. 44 p. FISCHER, Johann Nepomuk, 1749-1805. Theorie des Schielens. Ingolstadt, 1781. 71 p. FISCHER, Levin, fl. 1620-ca. 1640. De aurea auri tinctura sive veri auri potabilis medicina. Brunopoli, 1704. 18 p. FISCHER, Philipp, 1744-1800. Dissertatio medico-foren- sis an deligatio funiculi umbilicalis in neonatis absolute necessaria sit? Ingolstadii, 1777. 38 p. — Von den Gebrechlichtkeiten des menschlichen Ver- standes. [n.p., 1790?] 32 p. FISCHER, Wolfgang Martin Gabriel, b. 1675 or 6. Ratio- nalis medicinae via regia. [Oeniponti, 1717] 462 p. FISCHER VON WALDHEIM, Gotthelf, 1771-1853. Beschreibung einiger typographischen seltenheiten. Mainz [etc.] 1800-04. 6 pt. in 2 v. Title varies. — Memoire pour servir d'introduction a un ouvrage sur la respiration des animaux. Paris, An VI (1798) 106 p. — Ueber die verschiedene Form des Intermaxillarkno- chens in verschiedenen Thieren. Leipzig, 1800. 151 p. FISHER, George. The American instructor ... To which is added, The poor planter's physician. 14th ed. New York, 1770. 390 p. FISHER, Lydia. The prudent housewife. 25th ed. Lon- don [17-7] 120 p. Imperfect: p. 37-48 wanting. FISHER, SAMUEL AND MIERS (Firm) Philadelphia. [Cir- cular letter, dated] Philadelphia, 11th month, 18th, 1793. [Signed in manuscript] Philadelphia, 1793. [2] p. IFITCH, Jabez] 1672-1746. An account of the numbers that have died of the distemper in the throat. Boston, 147 FITCH 1736. 14 p. - Two sermons, on occasion of the fatal distemper which prevail'd in . . . New-Hampshire. Boston, 1736. 27 p. FITZGERALD, Gerald, ca. 1686-1748. Traite des mala- dies des femmes. 1. ed. Avignon, 1758. 355 p. -----1. ed. Paris, 1758. 355 p. FITZMAURICE, Thomas. Quaestiones medicae duo- decim. Monspelii, 1749. 29 p. FITZPATRICK, Sir Jeremiah, d. 1810. An essay on gaol- abuses. Dublin, 1784. 144 p. — Suggestions on the slave trade. London, 1797. 62 p. FIZES, Antoine, 1689-1765. De hominis liene sano. Mon- spelii, 1716. 138 p. [ — ] Lecons de chymie de l'Universite de Montpellier. Paris, 1750. 191 p. — Opera medica. Monspelii, 1742. 204 p. — Partium humani corporis solidarum conspectus anato- mico-mechanicus. Monspelii, 1729. 80 p. — Quaestiones medicae duodecim. Monspelii, 1731. 28 p. — Tractatus de febribus. Ed. 2. Amstelodami, 1749. 360 p. -----Ed. 3. Hagae-Comitum, 1753. 324 p. -----Ed. 4. Hagae-Comitum, 1754. 328 p. — Tractatus de physiologia. Avenione, 1750. 446 (i.e. 346) p. — Traite des fievres. Paris, 1755. 352 p. -----Paris, 1757. 355 p. FLACHSLAND, Jakob Konrad, 1758-1825. Observationes pathologico-anatomicac Rastadii, 1800. 78 p. A FLAGELLATION for a certain apothecary. 2d ed. London, 1773. 46 p. FLAGELLUM; or, A dry answer. See Defoe, D. FLAJANI, Giuseppe, 1741-1808. Collezione d'osserva- zioni, e riflessioni di chirurgia. Roma, Anno VI [1798]- 1803. 4 v. — Nuovo metodo di medicare alcune malattie spettanti alia chirurgia. Roma, 1786. 148 p. — Osservazioni pratiche sopra l'amputazione. Roma, 1791. 223 p. — Praktische Beobachtungen iiber die Schlagaderge- schwiilstc Nurnberg, 1799. 260 p. FLAMANT, fl. 1690. Die Kunst, sein eigner Medicus zu seyn. See under title. FLECHY, Philippe Fichet de. See Fichet de Flechy, Phi- lippe. FLEET, John, 1766-1813. A discourse relative to the sub- ject of animation. Boston, 1797. 25 p. FLEMING, James. A treatise upon the formation of the human species. London, 1767. 160 p. FLEMMING, Johann Gottfried, b. 1750. Unterricht fur angehende Hebammen. Leipzig, 1778. 194 p. FLEMYNG, Malcolm, d. 1764. Abhandlung von der Natur, Ursache, und Heilung der iibermassigen Fettig- keit des Korpers. Wien, 1769. 64 p. — Adhesions, or accretions of the lungs to the pleura. London, 1762. 36 p. -----2d ed. London, 1763. 52 p. — De Francisci Solani inventis circa arteriarum pulsum. Londini, 1753. 28 p. — Del mal de' nervi. Roma, 1755. 231 p. — A discourse on the nature, causes, and cure of corpu- lency. London, 1760. 28 p. — A dissertation on Dr. James's fever powder. London, 1760. 39 (i.e. 41) p. — An introduction to physiology. London, 1759. 396 p. — The nature of the nervous fluid. London, 1751. 40 p. — Neuropathia; sive, De morbis hypochondriacis, et hystericis. Eboraci, 1740. lxxiv, 73 p. -----Amstelaedami, 1741. lxxiv, 72 p. FLETCHER, Charles. A maritime state considered, as to the health of seamen. Dublin, 1786. 342 p. FLEURY, sieur, apothicaire. Avis sur un puissant vermi- fuge. See under title. FLINTBERG, Jacob Albrecht, 1751-1804. Apothekares badares och chirurgers fdrmoner och skyldigheter, i stod af forfattningar. Stockholm, 1786. 102 p. [FLITTNER, Christian Gottfried 11770-1828. Gynaologic Berlin, 1794-[1803?| [Bd. 1, 2. Ausg., 1795] 23 v. Incomplete: v. 1-8, 11, 14, 17 only. FLLOYD, Thomas. Bibliotheca biographica: a synopsis of universal biography. London, 1760. 3 v. FLOOD, Frances. The Devonshire woman; or, A won- derful narrative of Frances Flood. Reading [ 1723? 18 p. FLORENCE. Camera delle comunita. Gl'illustrissimi signori auditori della Camera delle comunita &c. dello stato Fiorentino . . . concemente il nuovo metodo da osservarsi circa i partiti di elezione, e conferma di di- versi stipendiati delle communita. Firenze, 1772. broad- side. — Ordinances, local laws, etc. Notificazione. L'illustrissi- mo sig. Presidente del Buon Governo in esecuzione degli ordini. . . de' 17 dicembre 1785___fa publicamente notificare . . . effetti delle cicerchie nostrali. . . funeste conseguenze . . . Firenze, 1785. broadside. — See also Accademia del cimento Arcispedale di Santa Maria Nuova Arte de' medici e degli speziali Biblioteca mediceo-laurenziana FLORENTINIUS, Hieronymus. See Fiorentini, Girola- mo, 1602-1678. FLORES, Jorge Basilio. Mesue defendido, contra D. Felix Palacios. Murcia, 1721. 481 p. 148 FONSECA FLORES, Jose Felipe, 1751-1824. Del maraviglioso speci- fico delle lucertole . . . scoperto dal signor D. Giuseppe Flores. Torino, 1784. 87 p. Ed. with additional material by Carlo Maria Toscanelli. -----Venezia, 1785. Ill p. — Especifico nuevamente descubierto en al reyno de Goatemala, para la curacion . . . del cancro. Cadiz, 1783. 21 p. — Specifique simple ... nouvellement decouvert dans le royaume de Guatimala. Lausanne, 1784. 62 p. -----2. ed. Lausanne, 1785. 63 p. FLOREZ, Enrique, 1702-1773. Clave historial. Madrid, 1771. 440 p. FLORINUS, Franciscus PhUippus, pseud. Oeconomus pmdens et legalis. Oder, Allgemeiner kluger und rechts- verstandiger Haus-Vatter. Nurnberg, 1722.1230,178 p. FLORIS, Cornelius. Wahmehmung von einer Versetzung. Kopenhagen [1774]8 p. FLORISOONE, Prosper. Nieuwen genees-middel. . . van het flerecyn, sciatica en rheumatismus geneezen te worden. 2. druk. Brugge, 1783. 131 p. FLOWER, Henry. Incontestible proofs of curing the gout. 2d ed. London, 1771. 26 p. — Observations on the gout and rheumatism. London, 1766. 31 p. FLOWERDEN, Joseph. A compendium of physic. See under title. FLOYER, Sir John, 1649-1734. Abhandlung von der Eng- briistigkeit. Leipzig, 1782. 334 p. — The ancient psykhroloysia revived; or, An essay to prove cold bathing both safe and useful. London, 1702. 328 p. — A comment on forty two histories discribed [sic[ by Hippocrates. London, 1726. 232 p. — Letter to the Hon. Mr. Ch— St—: concerning the regi- men of the health of the younger years and adults. London, 1725. 27 p. — Medicina gerocomica; or, The Galenic art of preserv- ing old men's healths. London, 1724. 135 p. — L'oriuolo da polso de medici. Venezia, 1715. 296 p. — The physician's pulse-watch. London, 1707-10. 2 v. — Psykhroloysia; or, The history of cold bathing. 2d ed. London, 1706. 192, 240 p. -----3d ed. London, 1709. 426 p. -----4th ed. London, 1715. 484 p. -----5th ed. London, 1722. 491 p. _____6th ed. London, 1732. 491 p. - Traite de l'asthme. Paris, 1761. 286 p. _____Paris, 1785. 286 p. — A treatise of the asthma. 2d ed. London, 1717. 208 p. _____3d ed. London, 1726. 208 p. _____3d ed. London, 1745. 208 p. - Wieder belebte alte psykhroloysia; oder, Versuch, zu beweisen, dass kaltes Baden gesund und nutzlich sey. Bresslau, 1749. 292 p. FOCHETTI, Madama. See Fouquet, Marie de Maupeou, vicomtesse de Vaux, 1590-1681. FOCKE, Johann Ludolf Albrecht. Tractatio de panaritio. Goettingae, 1786. 97 p. FOCKEN, Joh. Ludolff. Versuche, Beobachtungen, Er- fahrungen, und Cur-Art, in der sogenannten Kribbel- sucht. Zelle, 1771. 46 p. FODERE, Francois Emmanuel, 1764-1835. Essai sur le goitre et le cretinage. Turin, 1792. 290 p. — Les lois eclairees par les sciences physiques; ou, Traite de medecine-legalc Paris, An VII [1798/99] 3 v. - Memoires de medecine pratique. Paris, An VIII (1800) 175 p. - Traite du goitre et du cretinisme. Paris, An VIII [1800] 248 p. — Uber den Kropf und den Cretinismus. Berlin, 1796. 268 p. FOERSTER, Johann Christian, 1735-1798. De deliriis. Halae, 1758. xvii p. FOIT, Marton. Disquisitio medica, de motu in corpore humano. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1734. 48 p. FOIGNY, Pierre Louis Gandoger de. See Gandoger de Foigny, Pierre Louis, 1732-1770. FOLESANI RIVIERA, Tarsizio Giuseppe. See Riviera, Tarsizio. FOLIA, Didacus. Morbi nervosi singularis historia. Me- diolani, 1773. 43 p. Les FOLIES du tems, apotheose de M. L*** [i.e. M. Lau- rent] . .. inventeur posthume des bras artificiels. [n.p.] 1761. 24 p. FOLLINI, Giorgio, 1756-1831. Memoria fisica sull'uso del fuoco elettrico in medicina. Casale [1798] 76 p. — Sul passaggio del fulmine che... scoppio nel magnifico tempio di S. Andrea. Vercelli [1795] 49 p. — Teoria elettrica. Jurea, 1791. 164 p. [FOLWELL, Richard] Short history of the yellow fever ... in the city of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1797. 64 (i.e. 56) p. [ - ] — 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1798. 64 (i.e. 56) p. [-] — Another issue. 1798 [i.e. 1799] (Select pamphlets respecting the yellow fever. Philadelphia [1799] no. 4) — See also Condie, T. FONDEBILA, Antonio Corbella y. See Corbella y Fonde- bila, Antonio. FONSECA, Manoel Joze da. Exame de sangradores. Lis- boa, 1769. 88 p. 149 FONSECA FONSECA, Rodrigo de, d. 1622. Commentaria in septem libros Aphorismorum Hippocratis. Patavii, 1708.360 p. FONSECA HENRIQUES, Francisco da. See Henriques, Francisco da Fonseca, 1665-1731. FONTANA, Felice, 1730-1805. Abhandlung uber das Viperngift. Berlin, 1787. 500 p. — Beobachtungen und Versuche iiber die Natur der thierischen Korper. Leipzig, 1785. 336 p. — De irritabilitatis legibus. Lucae, 1767. 144 p. — Dei moti dell'iride. Lucca, 1765. 106 p. — Descrizione, e usi di alcuni stromenti per misurare la salubrita dell'aria. Firenze, 1775. xlii p. — Memoria in difesa. See under title. — Nuove osservazioni sopra i globetti rossi del sangue. Lucca,1766. 45 p. — Opuscoli scientifici. Firenze, 1783. 219 p. -----Napoli, 1787. 159 p. — Opuscules physiques et chymiques. Paris, 1784. 264 p. — Recherches physiques sur la nature de Fair nitreux et de Fair dephlogistique. Paris, 1776. 184 p. — Ricerche fisiche sopra il veleno della vipera. Lucca, 1767. 170 p. — Ricerche fisiche sopra l'aria fissa. Firenze, 1775. xxiii p. — Saggio di osservazioni sopra il falso ergot, e tremella. Firenze, 1775. xxix p. — Traite sur le venin de la viperc Florence, 1781. 2 v. — Trattato del veleno della vipera. Napoli, 1787.4 v. in 2. — Treatise on the venom of the viper. London, 1787.2 v. -----2d ed. London, 1795. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. FONTANA, Giovanni Maria Urbano, 1753-1791. Analyse des eaux thermales de Vinay. Turin, 1786. 64 p. FONTANA, Nicola. Bemerkungen iiber die Krankheiten, womit die Europaer in warmen Himmelsstrichen . . . befallen werden. Stendal, 1790. 123 p. — Osservazioni intomo alle malattie che attaccano gli Europei ne' climi caldi. Livorno, 1781. 163 p. FONTENELLE, Bernard Le Bovier de, 1657-1757. The eloge of Professor Boerhaave. London, 1749. 52 p. — Eloges des academiciens. La Haye, 1731. 2 v. — The lives of the French, Italian and German philos- ophers. London, 1717. 464 p. FOOT, Jesse, 1744-1826. Abhandlung iiber die Lust- seuche und die Urinverhaltungen. Leipzig, 1793-94.2 v. — Cases of the successful practice of vesicae lotura in the cure of diseased bladders. London, 1798-1803.2 v. — A complete treatise, on . . . the lues venerea, and ob- structions in the urethra. London, 1792. 675 p. — A critical enquiry into the ancient and modem manner of treating the diseases of the urethra. London, 1774. 65 p. -----New. ed. London [177-?] 72 p. -----4th ed. London, 1786. 76 p. — Dialogues between a pupil of the late John Hunter, and Jesse Foot. London, 1795. 102 p. — An essay on the bite of a mad dog. London, 1788.86 p. - The life of John Hunter. London, 1794. 287 p. — A new critical enquiry into the ancient and modern method of curing diseases in the urethra and bladder. 5th ed. London, 1792. 108 p. — Observations upon the new opinions of John Hunter, in his late treatise on the venereal disease. London, 1786-87. 3v.ini. -----2d ed. [Pt. 1] London, 1787. 110 p. — A plan for preventing the fatal effects from the bite of a mad dog. London, 1793. 15 p. FOOT, John. An appeal to the public, touching the death of Mr. George Clarke. London, 1769. 51 p. [FORBES, Murray] Abhandlung iiber den Stein und die Gicht. Zittau, 1789. 152 p. [ — ] A treatise upon gout. London, 1786. 180 p. [ — ] A treatise upon gravel and upon gout. London, 1787. 184 p. -----London, 1793. 258 p. FORD, Edward, 1746-1809. Bemerkungen uber die Krank- heit des Huftgelenks. Bresslau, 1795. 204 p. — Observations on the disease of the hip joint. London, 1794. 258 p. FORDYCE, George, 1736-1802. Anfangsgrunde der theo- retischen und praktischen Arzneiwissenschaft. Breslau, 1797. 270 p. — A dissertation on simple fever. London, 1794. 238 p. -----Another issue. Fordyce listed on t.p. as "Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians" etc. -----2d ed. London, 1800. 238 p. — Elements of agriculture and vegetation. London, 1771. 100 p. -----4th ed. London, 1789. 112 p. — Elements of the practice of physic. London, 1768-70 [pt. 1,1770] 2v.ini. -----Pt. 2. 2d ed. London, 1768. 136 p. -----3d ed. London, 1771. 379 p. -----4th ed. London, 1777. 378 p. -----5th ed. London, 1784. 378 p. -----6th ed. London, 1791. 376 p. — Grundsatze der ausubenden Arzneigelahrtheit. Kopen- hagen, 1769.198 p. — Neue Untersuchung des Verdauungsgeschaftes der Nahrungsmittel. Zittau, 1793. 154 p. — A second dissertation on fever. London, 1795. 156 p. — A third disseration on fever. London, 1798-99. 2 v. inl. - A treatise on the digestion of food. London, 1791.204 p. -----2d ed. London, 1791. 204 p. FORDYCE, John. Historia febris miliaris. Londini, 1758. 150 FORSTER 106 p. -----Lovanii, 1765. 101 p. FORDYCE, Sir William, 1724-1792. Fragmenta chirurgi- ca & medica. Londini, 1784. 102 p. Imperfect: t.p. wanting. — Genaue Untersuchung der venerischen Krankheit. Altenburg, 1769. 116 p. — The great importance and proper method of cultiva- ting and curing rhubarb in Britain. London, 1792.27 p. — A letter. . .concerning the virtues of the muriatic acid. London, 1790. 34 p. — A new inquiry into . . . putrid and inflammatory fevers. London,1773. 228 p. Imperfect: p. 225-228 in photocopy. -----2d ed. London, 1774. 228 p. -----3d ed. London, 1777. 228 p. -----4th ed. London, 1777. 228 p. — Precis sur les maladies veneriennes. Grenoble, 1791. lxiv, 45 p. — A review of the venereal disease. London, 1767. 95 p. -----2d ed. London, 1768. 95 p. -----3d ed. London, 1772. 146 p. -----4th ed. London, 1777. 151 p. -----5th ed. London, 1785. 151 p. FOREIGN medical review, v. 1, pt. 1-4. London, 1779-80. 4 pts. in 2 v. [FORES, S. W.] Man-midwifery dissected; or, The ob- stetric family-instructor ... By John Blunt. London [1793]236 p. A FORM of prayer. See Church of England. FORMEY, Jean Henri Samuel, 1711-1797. Les avantages de la vieillesse. Berlin, 1759. 202 p. — Betrachtungen vom Tode. Berlin, 1760. 172 p. — Eloge de Mr. le Professeur Meckel. Berlin, 1775. xivp. — Entretiens psychologiques, tires de I'Essai analytique sur les facultes de l'ame, de Mr. Bonnet. Berlin, 1769. 470 p. — Essai sur la perfection. Utrecht, 1751. 90 p. — Systesme du vrai bonheur. Utrecht, 1751. 94 p. — Melanges philosophiques. Leyde, 1754. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. — Trostgrunde fiir Personen, die ein sieches Leben fuhren. Leipzig, 1758. 127 p. — Die Vortheile des hohen Alters. Berlin, 1760. 210 p. Imperfect: t.p. wanting. FORMEY, Johann Ludwig, 1766-1823, ed. Medicinische Ephemeriden von Berlin. See under title. — Versuch einer medicinischen Topographie von Berlin. Berlin, 1796. 382 p. FORMOLARIO farmaceutico. See Pharmacopoeia. Genoa. FORMULAE medicamentorum ex pharmacopoeia Lon- dinensi excerptae. See Pharmacopoeia. London. — Formulae medicamentorum jussu regis digestae. See Pharmacopoeia. France. — Formulae medicamentorum nonnullac See Public Dis- pensary, Edinburgh. — Formulae medicamentomm usitatiores. Ed. 2. Neapoli, 1791. 348 p. Attributed to Domenico Cirillo by Melzi. FORMULAIRE pharmaceutique, a l'usage des hopitaux militaires. See France. Conseil de sante. FORMULARIO de medicamentos. See Pharmacopoeia. Spain. — Formulario farmaceutica per uso dell'Ospedale di Pammatone. [Genova? 1800?] 46 p. — Formulario 6 recetario quirurgico. See Pharmaco- poeia. Spain. FORMULES de medicamens, usitees dans les differens hopitaux de la ville de Paris. Paris, 1767. 477 p. In Latin and French. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1780. 499 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1783. 499 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1792. 498 p. — Formules de pharmacie pour les hopitaux militaires. See Morand, S. F. & Geoffrey, C. J. — Formules medicinales de Hostel-Dieu de Paris; ou Pharmacopee, contenant la composition & la dose des remedes les plus usites. Paris, 1753. 212 p. FORNES, Jose. Tractatus de peste. Barcin., 1725. 120, 264 p. FORSTEN, Rudolph, 1751-1807. Disquisitio medica can- tharidum historiam . . . exhibens. Ed. 2. Argentorati, 1776. 240 p. — Oratio de Belgarum meritis in oeconomia corporis humani extricanda. Harderovici [1776] 67 p. — Sermo academicus pro legum providentia, in homine, nondum nato, etiam exstincta matre, servando. Harder- vici Gelrorum, 1788. 58 p. — De vee-pest. Arnhem, 1797. 61 p. FORSTEN-VERSCHUIR, Wolter. See Verschuir, Wolter Forsten, 1739-1793. FORSTER, Edward. See Foster, Edward, d. 1780. FORSTER, Georg, 1754-1794. Florulae insularum Aus- tralium prodromus. Gottingae, 1786. 103 p. FORSTER, Johann Reinhold, 1729-1798. A catalogue of the animals of North America. London, 1771. 43 p. — Enchiridion botanicae inserviens. Ed. 2. Lugduni Ba- tavorum, 1792. 62 p. — Flora Americae Septentrionalis; or, A catalogue of the plants of North America. London, 1771. 51 p. — Observations made during a voyage round the world. London, 1778. 649 p. FORSTER, WUliam. A treatise on the causes of most 151 FORSTER diseases. Leeds, 1745. 236 p. — A treatise on the various kinds and qualities of foods. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1738. 108 p. [FORTIA DE PILES, Alphonse Toussaint Joseph Andre Marie Marseille, comtede[ 1758-1826. Correspondance de M. M***** [i.e. Mesmer ] sur les nouvelles decouver- tes du baquet octogone, de l'homme-baquet, et du baquet moral. Libourne, 1785. 167 p. FORTIS, Raimondo Giovanni, 1603-1678. Consultatio- num, et responsionum medicin. centuriae quatuor. Patavii, 1701. 2 v. in 1. Vol. 2 has title: Consilia de febribus, et morbis mulierum. FORTSETZUNG von der erleichterten . . . Blatterimp- fung. See Eisen, J. G. FORTUNATO DA BRESCIA, padre, 1701-1754. Philo- sophia sensuum mechanica. Brixiae, 1735-36. 2 v. FOSS, Jens Christensen, 1674-1757. Dissertatio episto- lica prima de vera medicinam instituendi et promo- vendi methodo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1702. 40 p. FOSTER, Edward, d. 1780. An essay on hospitals. Dublin, 1768. 72, 39 p. — The principles and practice of midwifery. London, 1781. 316 p. — Theoretische und practische Anweisung zur Geburts- hulfe. Leipzig, 1786.308 p. FOTHERGILL, Anthony, 17327-1813. Cautions to the heads of families. Bath, 1790. 95 p. — A new experimental inquiry into the nature and quali- ties of the Cheltenham water. Bath, 1785. 71 p. -----Bath, 1788. 122 p. — A new inquiry into the suspension of vital action, in cases of drowning and suffocation. Bath, 1795. 189 p. -----3d ed. Bath [ca. 1796] 189 p. — Preservative plan, or hints for the preservation of per- sons exposed to those accidents which suddenly sus- pend or extinguish vital action. London, 1798. 43 p. FOTHERGILL, John, 1712-1780. An account of the pu- trid sore throat. 5th ed. London, 1769. 72 p. -----6th ed. London, 1777. 72 p. — An account of the sore throat attended with ulcers. London, 1748. 72 p. Imperfect: p. 3-6 in photocopy. -----2d ed. London, 1748. 62 p. -----3d ed. London, 1751. 72 p. -----4th ed. London, 1754. 72 p. — The case of a hydrophobia. London, 1778. 36 p. — A complete collection of the medical and philosophi- cal works. London, 1781. 661 p. -----London, 1782. 661 p. — Conseils aux femmes de quarante-cinq a cinquante ans. 2. ed. Paris, An VIII [1799/1800] 46 p. — Description du mal de gorge, accompagne d'ulceres. Paris, 1749. 139 p. [ — ] An essay on the character of the late Alexander Russel. London, 1770. 19 p. — Rules for the preservation of health. London, 1762. 137 p. — Samtliche medizinische und philosophische Schriften. Altenburg, 1785. 2 v. in 1. — A sketch of the late epidemick disease ... in London. [London,1775]4 p. — The works. London, 1783-84. 3 v. -----London, 1784. 657 p. FOUBERT, Pierre, 1696-1766. Nouvelle methode de tirer la pierre de la vessic [n.p.] 1743. 52 p. FOUCAUX, baron de. See Lomet Des Foucaux, Antoine Francois, 1759-1826. [FOUCHER D'OBSONVILLE] 1734-1802. Essais philo- sophiques sur les moeurs de divers animaux. Paris, 1783.430 p. FOUCHY, Jean Paul Grandjean de. See Grandjean de Fouchy, Jean Paul, 1707-1788. FOUGEROUX DE BONDAROY, Auguste Denis, 1732- 1789. Memoires sur les os. Paris, 1760. 240 p. FOUNDLING HOSPITAL, London. An account of the Hospital for the Maintenance and Education of Ex- posed and Deserted Young Children. London, 1749. 82 p. — The charter, act of Parliament, by-laws, and regula- tions. London,1799. 104 p. — A copy of the royal charter, establishing an Hospital for the maintenance and Education of Exposed and Deserted Young Children. London, 1739. 23 p. — Regulations for managing the Hospital. London, 1757. 56 p. — The report of the general committee. London, 1740. 47 p. — The royal charter establishing an Hospital for the Maintenance and Education of Exposed and Deserted Young Children. London, 1746. 48 p. The FOUNTAIN of knowledge; or, British legacy ... To which is added, every one their own physician. London [17607]130 p. FOUQUET, Henri, 1727-1806. Essai sur le pouls. Mont- pellier, 1767. 399,38 p. — Observations sur la constitution des six premiers mois de Fan V. Montpellier, An VI [1797/98] 110 p. — Praelectiones medicae decern. Monspelii, 1777.110 p. — Quaestiones medicae duodecim. Monspelii, 1776.68 p. — Traitement de la petite verole des enfans. Amsterdam, 1772. 2v.ini. FOUQUET, Marie de Maupeou, vicomtesse de Vaux, 1590-1681. Obras medico-chirurgicas. 3. impres. Va- lencia, 1771. 2 v. 152 FOWLER — Recopilacam de remedios. 5. imprecam. Lisboa, 1712 [i.e. 17131-14.2v.ini. Vol. 2 has title: Terceyra parte da Recopilacam. — Recueil de receptes. Toulouse, 1703. 424 p. — Recueil des remedes faciles et domestiques. Dijon, 1701.2v. Vol. 2 has title: Suite du Recueil. -----5. ed. Imprime a Dijon, & se vend a Paris, 1701. 2 v. Vol. 1, pt. 2 has special t.p. with imprint: Dijon, 1699; v. 2 has title: Suite du Recueil. -----Paris, 1739. 2 v. -----Paris, 1765. 2 v. — Recueil et suite des remedes faciles et domestiques. 6. ed. Amsterdam, 1704. 597 p. — Secretti overo rimedii di madama Fochetti. Venetia, 1702. 336, 20 p. Pt. 3 (20 p. at end) has title: Aggiunta de' secreti. Venetia, 1697. -----Venetia, 1717. 339 (i.e. 336), 20 p. — Sehr nutzliches Artzney-Buch. Dresden, 1708. 749 p. FOUR dissertations, on the reciprocal advantages of a perpetual union between Great-Britain and her Ameri- can colonies. Philadelphia, 1766. 112 p. The first dissertation is by John Morgan. FOURCROY, Antoine Francois de, comte, 1755-1809. L'art de connoitre et d'employer les medicamens. Paris, 1785. 2 v. — Elemens d'histoire naturelle et de chimic 2. ed. Paris, 1786. 4 v. -----3. ed. Paris, 1789. 5 v. -----4. ed. Paris, 1791. 5 v. in 6. -----5. ed. Paris, An II [1793/94] 5 v. — Elementary lectures on chemistry and natural history. Edinburgh, 1785. 2 v. — Elementi di storia naturale e di chimica. Venezia, 1800- 02. 5 v. — Elements of chemistry, and natural history. London, 1796. 4 v. -----5th ed. Edinburgh, 1800. 3 v. — Elements of natural history, and of chemistry. London, 1788-89. 5 v. Vol. 5 has title: Supplement to the elements. -----London, 1790. 3 v. — Entomologia Parisiensis; sive, Catalogus insectorum quae in agro Parisiensi reperiuntur. Parisiis, 1785. 2 v. inl. — Filosofia chimica. Pavia, 1793. 182 p. -----Venezia, 1797. 255 p. — Leenhavn. 3 v. Ed. by J. C. Tode. SUPPLEMENT a la relation du miracle de Mile. Guelon. See Relation de la maladie. — Supplement au memoire sur la necessite de transferer l'Hotel-Dieu. See Coqueau, C. P. — Supplement aux deux rapports. See Eslon, C. d'. — Supplement de I'Abrege de toute la medecine pratique. See Allen, J. Abrege. — A supplement to the Onania. See Onania. SUPPRIAN, Friedrich Leberecht, 1723-1789. Programma de utilitate harmoniae praestabilitae in re medica. Halae Magdeburgicae [1747] 22 p. A SURE way to order bees and fruit-trees; or, A compleat bee-master. London [ca. 1726] 4 pts. in 1 v. SUREMAIN DE MISSERY, Antoine, b. 1767. Theorie acoustico-musicalc Paris, 1793. 404 p. SURGEONS' COMPANY, London. Bye laws, orders, rules, and ordinances. London, 1783. 42 p. — Orders, rules and ordinances. London, 1774. 32 p. -----London, 1778. 32 p. — See also Barber-Surgeons' Company, London; Royal College of Surgeons in London. SURGEONS HOSPITAL, Edinburgh. Memorial concern- ing the Surgeons Hospital. [Edinburgh, 1737] 15 p. De SURINAAMSCHE Artz. stuk 1 (no. 1-13); 18 sept. 1786-1788. Paramaribo. 106 p. Incomplete: no. 6-7, p. 41-56, and p. 81-82 in no. 10 wanting. Prepared by J. V. van Engelen. The SURPRIZE. See Ellis, John, 1698-1790. SUSSISTENZA dell'avvelenamento accaduto nella per- sona del sig. Beauregard per mezzo dell'oppio. [Genova, 1793]30 p. SUSTOS da vida nos perigos da cura. See Morganti, B. SUTHERLAND, Alexander. An attempt to ascertain and extend the virtues of Bath and Bristol waters. 2d ed. London, 1764. 328 p. — Attempts to revive antient medical doctrines. London, 1763. 2v.ini. — Experimental essays on the virtues of the Bath and Bristol waters. 3d ed. London, 1772. 328 p. — A medical essay, with observations, towards ascer- taining a new, safe, and easy method for promoting the eruption, and completing the maturation, in the small pox. London, 1750. 20 (i.e. 28) p. — The nature and qualities of Bristol-water. Bristol, 1758. 153 p. SUTTON, Daniel, 1735-1819. The inoculator; or, Sut- tonian system of inoculation. London, 1796. 160 p. [ — ] Instructions for the conduct of patients under inocu- lation. [London, 1796?] [4] p. — See The tryal of Mr. Daniel Sutton. SUTTON, Samuel. An historical account of a new method for extracting the foul air out of ships. London, 1745. 48 p. ------2d ed. London, 1749. 120 p. — Nouvelle methode pour pomper le mauvais air des vaisseaux. Paris, 1749. 225 p. SVENSKA VETENSKAPSAKADEMIEN. Almanach for aret efter war fralsares Christi fodelse, 1753 [-1771 ] til Stockholms [Gotheborgs & Lunds] horizont. Stock- holm [1752-70] 51 pieces in 1 box. Each issue contains an article by Nils Rosen von Rosenstein, all of which together constitute the first edition of his Under- rattelser om barn-sjukdomar. — Geneeskundige verhandelingen, aan de Koninglyke Sweedsche Academie medegedeeld. Leiden, 1775-78. 4v. Ed. and trans, by J. B. Sandifort. — Medical, chirurgical and anatomical cases and experi- ments; communicated ... to the Royal-Academy of Sciences at Stockholm. London, 1758. 293 p. — Paminnelser vid Herr Bousquets Ron, om fistlar in ano. Stockholm, 1766. 28 p. Reports by Roland Martin and O. Acrel. — Recherches sur les maladies epizootiques ... tirees des 439 SWAGERMAN Memoires de l'Academie royale des sciences de Stock- holm. Paris, 1776. 72 p. — See also Vetenskaps academien. SWAGERMAN, E. P. Ontleed en heelkundige verhande- ling. Amsterdam, 1767. 424 p. SWAINSON, Isaac. An account of cures by Velnos' vegetable syrup. London, 1790. 151 p. — Directions for the use of Velnos' vegetable syrup. [London, 179-7] 7 p. — Mercury stark naked. London, 1797. 78 p. SWAINSTON, AUen. Thoughts physiological, pathological, and practical. York, 1790. 290 p. SWAMMERDAM, Jan, 1637-1680. Bibel der Natur. Leip- zig, 1752. 410 p. — Biblia naturae; sive, Historia insectorum. Leydae, 1737-38. 2 v. Text in Latin and Dutch. — The book of nature; or, The history of insects. London, 1758. 2v.ini. — Historia insectorum generalis. Ed. nova. Lugduni Batavorum, 1733. 212 p. — Miraculum naturae sive uteri muliebris fabrica. Ed. 4. Lugduni Batavorum, 1717. 57 p. -----Ed. 5. Lugduni Batavorum, 1729. 57 p. — Tractatus physico-anatomico-medicus, de respiratione. Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1738. 95 p. SWEDEN. Hofratt. President. Wi, Friherre Johan Rosir . . . helse . . . Kongl. Maj:t har . . . forklarat, at, i an- seende til the swarigheter som mota for provincial medici och stads physici at hwarje gang wid domstolen beediga theras bewis om under-domares forfall af siukdom . . . [Stockholm? 1784?] [2] p. — Kammerkollegium. Kungorelse, angaende lazarettets i Stockholm exclusiva rattighet at inforskrifwa och forsalja sa kallade halliske medicamenter. Stockholm [1785] folder (4 p.) — Laws, statutes, etc. Bref . . . angaende ett lotterie til thet i Stockholm inrattade lazarettet. Stockholm, 1754. [4] p. ----Forklaring ofwer forbudet af then 14 augusti 1786 och 1. § uti forordningen af then 15 juni 1787, angaende at icke andre an apothekare hwarken i stademe eller pa landet ma nagot slags gift til salu halla. Stockholm [1789] [4] p. ----Fornyade ... instruction for des CoUegium-Medicum. Stockholm, 1798. [18] p. ----Forordning, angaende hospitals och barnhus in- rattningarne i riket. (Stockholm, 1763] [8] p. --------[Stockholm, 1766] [16] p. ----Forordning, angaende thet som wid forsalgning af arsenik eller rottgift af kopare och apothekare bor i akt tagas, samt the senares answar om theremot brytes. Stockholm [17877] [4] p. ----Instruction for Kongl. Maj:ts Collegium Medicum, sasom nodig tillaggning uti 1688 ars medicinal-ordmng. [Stockholm, 17637] [8] p. ----Instruction hwarefter . . . directionen ofwer alia barnhusen och hospitalerae i riket sig hafwer at ratta. [Stockholm, 17667] [24] p. ----Instruction hwarefter the provincial doctorer. Stock- holm [17447] [12] p. --------[Stockholm, 17667] [8] p. ----Kungorelse, angaende nagon jemkning af de i 1777 ars medicinal-taxa utsatte forsalgnings-pris. Stockholm. 1799. 17 p. ----Medicinal ordningar af trycket utgagne ar 1699. Nu a nyo uplagde. Stockholm, 1742. [32] p. ----Medicinal-taxa. Stockholm [1782] [66] p. ----Placat, huruledes forhallas skal wid timande dodz- fallen, sa lange den nu gangbahre masslings -eller flack- siukan wahrar. Stockholm, 1722. [4] p. ----Reglemente for apothekare och dem, som med apothekare-konstens larande och utofning sig wilja befatta. Stockholm, 1799. [12] p. ----Reglemente, for chirurgiska underwisningen och dem som i faltskars-konsten sig wilja inofwa. Stockholm, 1798. [11] p. ---- Reglemente for jorde-gummorne. Stockholm [17777] [16] p. ----Reglemente for styrelsen och forwaltningen af Gustaf Adolphs Hospital. Stockholm, 1798. [16] p. — — Resolution for apothekame har i Stockholm. Stock- holm, 1748.[4] p. ----Samling af Kongl. Maj:ts nadiga forordningar rorande nya medicinal-staten. Stockholm, 1774. [36] p. ----Yterligare forordning, angaende de fran besmittade orter ankommande farkostar och passagerare. Stock- holm, 1710. [4] p. [SWEDENBORG, Emmanuel) 1688-1772. Oeconomia regni animalis. Londini, 1740-41. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. — Opera philosophica et mineralia [Dresdae, 1734) 3 v. — Prodromus philosophiae ratiocinantis de infinito. Dresdae, 1734. 270 p. — Regnum animate anatomice, physice et philosophice perlustratum. Pars 1-3. Hagae Comitium [etc.) 1744- 45. 3 v. in 1. SWEDIAUR, Francois Xavier, 1748-1824. Observations pratiques sur les maladies veneriennes. Paris, 1785. 384 p. — Osservazioni pratiche intorno alle malattie venerec 3. ed. Pavia, 1792-93. 2 v. in 1. -----1. ed. Venezia, 1794. 2 v. — Pharmacopoeia syphilitica. Mediolani, Anno IX [1800/01] 52 p. — Practical observations on venereal complaints. 2d ed. London, 1786. 234 p. -----3d ed. Edinburgh, 1788. 315 p. 440 SWIETEN -----3d ed. New-York, 1788. 128 p. -----3d ed. Edinburgh [17887] 311 p. — Practical observations on the more obstinate and in- veterate venereal complaints. By F. Swedia'r. London, 1784. 233 p. -----By F. Schwediauer. London, 1784. 233 p. — Praktische Beobachtungen iiber hartnackige und eingewurzelte venerische Zufalle. Wien, 1786. 317 p. — Traite complet sur les symptomes, les effets, la nature et te traitement des maladies syphilitiques. Paris, An VI (1798) 2 v. -----Paris, An VI (1798) 2 v. A reprint of the edition published in Paris earlier in the same year. — Von der Lustseuche. Berlin, 1799. 2 v. SWENSKA WETENSKAPS ACADEMIEN. See Svenska vetenskapsakademien. SWIETEN, Gerard, Freiherr van, 1700-1772. An abridg- ment of Baron Van Swieten's Commentaries upon the Aphorisms of... Boerhaave. London, 1773-75. 5 v. in 4. — An account of the most common diseases incident to armies ... To which is added, The practice of in- oculation impartially considered. By John Andrew. Dublin, 1766 [pt. 2, 1765] 122, 69 p. Imperfect: t.p. in photocopy. Each pt. has special t.p. — Aphorismes de chirurgie d'Herman Boerhaave ... com- mentes par M. Van-Swieten. Paris, 1765-68 [v. 1-5, 1768; v. 6-7, 1765] 7 v. — Aphorismos de cirugia de Herman Boerhaave . . . co- mentados por Gerardo Van-Swieten. Madrid, 1774- 88. 8 v. Incomplete: v. 3, 5-8 wanting. [ — ] Breve descrizzione delle malattie che regnano piu comunemente nelle armate. Vienna, 1759. 157 p. -----Napoli, 1768. 40 p. — Commentaires sur les Aphorismes d'Hermann Boer- haave . . . Traite des fievres. Lyon, 1770. 6 v. — Commentaria in Hermanni Boerhaave Aphorismos. Lugduni Batavorum, Verbeek, 1742-72. 5 v. ------Indicis in Swietenii Commentariorum tomos quinque supplementum ... a Johanne Adolpho Glad- bachio. Lugduni Batavorum, 1776. 231 p. -----Ed. 2. Tom. 1-4. Lugduni Batavorum, Verbeek, 1745-70. 4 v. -----Venetiis, 1745-53. 4 v. Vol. 3 in 2 pts. -----Hildburghusae, 1747-53. 5 v. ------Ed. 3. Tom. 1. Lugduni Batavorum, Verbeek, 1752. 1 v. -----Neapoli, 1755. 4 v. in 2. -----Parisiis, 1755-73. 5 v. -----Ed. 4. Leidensis. Tom. 1. Lugduni Batavorum, Verbeek, 1766. 1 v. -----Ed. 3. Parisiensis. Parisiis, 1769-73. 5 v. Vol. 2-5 without ed. statement. -----Ed. 1. Veneta. Tom. 6-7. Venetiis, 1772-78. 2 v. -----Neapoli, 1775. 10 v. -----Ed. 3. Tom. 3 & 5. Lugduni Batavorum, Lucht- mans, 1785-87. 2 v. -----Ed. 4. Tom. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, Luchtmans, 1791. 1 v. — Commentaria in omnes aphorismos Hermanni Boer- haave. Ed. 1. Veneta. Tom. 5. Venetiis, 1764. 1 v. -----Ed. postrema Veneta. Venetiis, 1775. 6 v. -----Ed. postrema Veneta. Bassani, 1788. 7 v. Title pages of v. 2-7 are cancels. Cancelland title pages are also present in v. 2-5 (Bassani, 1770) and v. 6 (Venetiis, 1775) — Commentaries abridged. By Dr. [Ralph] Schomberg. London, 1762-74. 4 v. — Commentaries upon Boerhaave's Aphorisms. Edinburgh, 1776. 18 v. — The commentaries upon the Aphorisms of Dr. Herman Boerhaave. London, 1744-54. 10 v. Vols. 1-2, 1744; v. 3-4, 1745; v. 5-8, 1747; v. 9-10, 1754. -----London, 1754-65. 14 v. Vols. 1-2, 1759; v. 3-4, 1754; v. 5-6, 1757; v. 7-8, 1758; v. 9-11, 1754; v. 12-14, 1765. — Commentariorum in Hermanni Boerhaave Aphorismos compendium. Francofurti, 1765. 237 p. — Constitutiones epidemicae et morbi potissimum Lugduni- Batavorum observati. Vindobonae, 1782. 2 v. -----Ed. noviss. Coloniae Allobrogum, 1783. 544 p. — Descripcao compendiosa das infirmidades mais com- muas dos exercitos. Valensa, 1764. 242 p. — Description abregee des maladies qui regnent le plus communement dans les armees. Paris, 1760. 271 p. -----Amsterdam, 1761. 179 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1761. 271 p. -----Liege, 1765. 173 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1777. 275 p. — The diseases incident to armies. Philadelphia, 1776. 164 p. -----Boston, 1777. 167 p. — Disertacion historica sobre la inflamacion y sus remedios. Madrid, 1772. 251 p. — A disquisition on remedies which dissolve the stone. London, 1773. 50 p. — Epidemieen und Krankengeschichten. Leipzig, 1785. 2v. — Erlauterungen der Boerhaavischen Lehrsaze. Wien, 1755-75. 5 pts. in 10 v. [ — ] Herrmann Boerhavens Wichtige Abhandlung vom Krebs und Kranckheiten der Knochen .. . mit vielen Anmerckungen. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1765. 269 p. — Herrn Hermann Boerhaaves kurzgefasste Lehrsatze von Erkenntniss und Heilung der so genannten chirur- gischen Krankheiten mit dem commentario Herrn Gerard van Swieten. Danzig, 1749-53. 2 v. 441 SWIETEN — Korte beschryving en geneeswys der ziekten, die veelzints in de krygsheirleegers voorkomen. Amsteldam, 1760. 128 p. [ — | Kurze Beschreibung und Heilungsart der Krank- heiten, welche am oftesten in dem Feldlager beobachtet werden. Wien. 1758. 198 p. -----2. Aufl. Zurich, 1760. 120 p. | - ]---2. Aufl. Wien, 1771. 198 p. — Oratio de morte dubia habita . . . anno MDCCLXVII. Viennae, 1778. 35 p. — A short account of the most common diseases incident to armies. London, 1762. 110 p. -----2d ed. London, 1767. 108+ p. Imperfect: t.p. mutilated; all after p. 108 wanting. — Traite de la peripneumonic Paris, 1760. cviii, 334 p. — Traite de la petite verole. Paris, 1776. 383 p. — Traite de la pleuresic Paris, 1763. xc, 236 p. — Traite des fievres intermittentes. Paris, 1766. 2 v. in 1. — Traite des maladies des enfans. Avignon, 1759. 386 p. — Verklaaring der korte steUingen van Herman Boerhaave. Deel 1-2. Leyden, 1760-63. 2 v. Includes §1-557. -----Deel 2, stuk 1-2. Amsterdam, 1776. 1 v. in 2. Includes § 558-874. SWIFT, Charles. Salivation exploded; or, A practical essay on the venereal disease. 2d ed. London, 1780. 115 p. -----8th ed. London, 1791. |SWIFT, Jonathan] 1667-1745. Human ordure, botanically considered. London, 1748. 21 p. — The right of precedence between physicians and civilians enquir'd into. 2d ed. London [1720] 32 p. [ — ] A serious and useful scheme, to make an hospital for incurables. London, 1733. 34 p. [SWINTON, John] 1703-1777. A critical dissertation. See Costard, G. SWITZER, Stephen, 16827-1745. A compendious method for the raising of the Italian brocoli. 4th ed. Dublin, 1729. 39 p. SYDENHAM, Thomas, 1624-1689. Anweisung zur Cur der mehresten Krankheiten. 2. Aufl. Nurnberg, 1777. 224 p. — Brevis morbos curandi methodus, dat is Korte leerwys om ziekten te geneezen. Haarlem, 1714. 512 p. -----3. dmk. Amsterdam, 1741. 512 p. — Compendium praxeos medicae. Londini, 1719. 96 p. — Compleat method of curing almost all diseases. 4th ed. London. 1710. 202 p. -----5th ed. London, 1713. 202 p. -----6th ed. London, 1724. 202 p. -----7th ed. London, 1737. 202 p. — The entire works. London, 1742. 623 p. -----2d ed. London, 1749. 685 p. -----3d ed. London. 1753. 672 p. -----4th ed. London, 1763. 666 p. -----5th ed. London, 1769. 666 p. — Medecine pratique. Paris, 1774. 728 p. -----Paris, 1784. 728 p. ----- Nouv. ed. Avignon, An VII (1799) 2 v. - Medizinische Werke. Wien, 1786-87. 2 v. — Opera medica. Ed. noviss. Genevae, 1716. 2 v. in 1 (815,88, 170 p.) William Musgrave, De arthritide symptomatica |&] De arthritide anomala, each with special t.p., at end in this and subsequent Geneva editions. -----Ed. noviss. Genevae, 1723. 2 v. in 1. -----Ed. noviss. Venetiis, 1735. 574 p. -----Ed. noviss. Genevae, 1736. 2 v. -----Ed. noviss. Genevae, 1749. 2 v. -----Ed. noviss. Genevae, 1757. 2 v. in 1. -----Noviss. ed. Venetiis, 1762. 438 p. -----Ed. noviss. Neapoli, 1767. 2 v. -----Ed. noviss. Genevae, 1769. 2 v. — Opera omnia medica. Ed. noviss. Patavii, 1725. 736 p. — Opera universa. Ed. 3. Londini, 1705. 2 v. -----Ed. noviss. Lugduni Batavorum, 1726. 640 p. -----Ed. noviss. Lugduni Batavorum, 1741. 640 p. -----Ed. noviss. Lugduni Batavorum, 1754. 640 p. — Praxis medica experimentahs, sive opuscula universa. Lipsiae, 1711. 800 p. — Praxis medica. The practice of physic. 2d ed. London, 1707. 739 p. -----3d ed. London, 1716. 580 p. — Processus integri in morbis fere omnibus curandis. Ed. 4. Londini, 1712. 107 p. -----Ed. 5. Londini, 1726. 107 p. -----Ed. noviss. Genevae, 1727. 44 p. -----Edinburgi, 1750. 122 p. - Samtliche Werke. Leipzig, 1795. 325 p. — The whole works. 3d ed. London, 1701. 453 p. -----4th ed. London, 1705. 453 p. -----5th ed. London [17127] 453 p. -----6th ed. London, 1715. 453 p. -----7th ed. London, 1717. 447 p. -----8th ed. London, 1722. 447 p. -----9th ed. London, 1729. 447 p. -----10th ed. London, 1734. 447 p. -----11th ed. London, 1740. 447 p. - The works. London, 1788. 2 v. SYGOGNE, Jacques Bouez de. See Bouez de Sigogne, Jacques. [SYKES, Arthur Ashley] 16847-1756. An enquiry into the meaning of demoniacks in the New Testament 2d ed. London, 1737. 79 p. [ - ] A further enquiry into the meaning of demoniacks in the New Testament. London, 1737. 116 p [ - ] Recherches sur ce qu'il faut entendre par les demoni- aques dont il est parte dans le Nouveau Testament 442 TAILLIERE Leide, 1738. 232 p. A SYLLABUS of the animal oeconomy. See Umbraticus, Dr. — A syllabus of the lectures on midwifery delivered at Guy's Hospital. London, 1799. 84 p. — Syllabus seu index omnium partium corporis humani figuris illustratus. Petropoli [ 1744?] 69 p. — Syllabus viscemm humani corporis, praelectionibus aptatus mox habendis in celeberrimo Chirurgorum Londinensium theatre anatomico. Londini, 1725. 23 1. SYLLOGE Dnn. patronorum, fautorum & collegarum. See Academia Naturae Curiosorum. MisceUanea curiosa. SYLVA DE AZEVEDO, Joseph da. See Azevedo, Jose da Silva de. 1680-1752. SYLVA FERNANDES, Joseph da. See Femandes, Joseph da Sylva. SYLVA LEITAO, Manuel da. See Leitao, Manuel da Sylva, b. 1682. SYLVA PEREYRA, Emmanuel de. See Pereyra, Em- manuel de Sylva. SYLVIUS, Franciscus. See Le Boe, Frans de, 1614-1672. SYLVIUS, Jacobus, 16487-1689. Novissima idea de febribus. Dublinii, 1705. 274 p. SYMONS, John. Observations on vapor-bathing. Bristol [1766] 103 p. TABARRANI, Pietro, 1702-1779. Lettere. Siena, 1766. 178 p. — Observationes anatomicae. Lucae, 1742. 62 p. -----Ed. 2. Lucae, 1753. 108 p. TABERNA, Laurentius. See Herba, H. TABES dorsalis; or, The cause of consumption. 3d ed. London, 1758. 40 p. -----4th ed. London, 1764. 40 p. -----6th ed. London [17-] 40 p. Imperfect: p. [3-4] wanting. TABLE synoptique. See Chaussier, F. TABLEAU de l'ecole de botanique. See Morel, J. M. — Tableau de Spa. Manuel indispensable a ceux qui frequentent les eaux de ce bourg. [n.p.] 1782. 61 p. — Tableau des maladies veneriennes. See Thion de La Chaume, C. E. TABLES de comparaison entre les mesures anciennes. Die SYMPATHIE, ein Universalmittel. See Gassner, J. J. SYMPATHY defended; or, The state of medical criticism in London in the year MDCCLXXXI. London, 1784. 51 p. The SYMPTOMS ... of a gonorrhoea. See Cockburn, W. SYNESIUS, fl. ca. 1170?-ca. 1180? De febribus. Am- stelaedami, 1749. 307, 56 p. SYNOPSIS da phisonomia. Lisboa Occidental, 1741.36 p. — Synopsis fontium Austriae. See Crantz, H. J. N. von. — Synopsis medicinae Stahlianae. See Stahl, G. E. — Synopsis stirpium indigenarum Aragoniac See Asso y Del Rio, I. J. de. A SYSTEM of anatomy. See Fyfe, A. — A system of chemistry: comprehending the history, theory, and practice of the science . . . Extracted from the American edition of the Encyclopaedia. PhUadelphia, 1791. 269 p. SYSTEMATISCHE Beschreibung alter Gesundbrunnen und Bader der bekannten Lander. Jena, 1798-99. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 1 wanting. SYSTEME d'un medecin anglois sur la cause de toutes les especes de maladies. Paris, 1726. 34 p. -----Paris, 1726; se vend a Bruxelles, 1726 [i.e. 1727] 34, 22 p. Pt. 2, Suite du Systeme, has special t.p. dated 1727. See France. Agence temporaire des poids et mesures. - Tables of ancient coins. See Arbuthnot, J. TABOR, Heinrich, 1751-1795. Ueber den Gebrauch und Missbrauch der peruvianischen Rinde. Heidelberg, 1788. 84 p. TACCONI, Gaetano, 1689-1782. De nonnuUis cranii ossiumque fracturis eommque conjunctione. Bononiae 1751. 70 p. — De raris quibusdam hepatis aliorumque viscemm af- fectibus observationes. Bononiae, 1740. 30 p. TAGEBUCH von der lezten Krankheit Maximilian des III. Neue Ausg. Frankfurt, 1778. 1 v. (unpaged) TAGLINI, Carlo, 1679-1747. Libri duo de aere ejusque natura et effectis. Florentiae, 1736. 377 (i.e. 395) p. TAILLIERE, Francois. Quaestio physiologica ... Quaenam est causa inspirationem & expirationem alternans? [Nanceii, 1771] 4 p. T 443 TAK TAK, Joannes. Specimen obstetricium de partu difficih. Lugduni Batavorum, 1755. 36 p. TALBOR, Sir Robert, 1642-1681. Les admirabtes qualitez du kinkina. See under title. TALBOT, William. The Rev. Mr. Talbot's narrative of the whole of his proceedings relative to Jonathan Britain. Bristol [1772] 93 p. TALMA, Francois Michel. Instructions necessaires pour l'entretien des dents. Paris, 1770. 21 p. TAM, Franz Joseph, Freiherr von. In danknehmigst- pflichtmassiger Lieb immergriinend entsprossenes vier- faches Kleeblatt, worin ... 300 Hilfsmittel fiir Horn- Schaf- Pferd- und Federvieh . . . aufgezeichnet. Wien, 1764. 605 p. TAMAYO Y PADILLA, Jose Ortega de. See Ortega de Tamayo y Padilla, Jose. TANARON, Pietro Paolo. II chirurgo-raccoglitore mo- demo. Bassano, 1774. 3 v. — Opere chirurgiche. Lucca, 1763-64. 4 v. — L'ostetricia. Firenze, 1768. 286 p. -----Venezia, 1769. 248 p. -----Ed. 2. Venezia, 1775. 248 p. TANDON, Antoine, 1717-1806. Memoire sur la maladie epidemique qui a regne a Meymeis. Montpellier, 1769. 65 p. TANNER, Thomas, 1674-1735. Bibliotheca Britannico- Hibernica; sive, De scriptoribus, qui in Angli, Scotia, et Hibernia ad saeculi XVII initium floruerunt. Londini, 1748. 788 p. TANNER, Thomas, fl. 1745. A practical treatise on the small-pox and measles. Worcester, 1745. 19 p. TANSILLO, Luigi, 1510-1568. La balia; poemetto. VerceUi, 1767. 74 p. — The nurse, a poem. Liverpool, 1798. 14, 67, 12 p. -----New-York, 1800. 30, 44, 34 p. -----2d ed. Liverpool, 1800. 31, 89, 34 p. [TAPLIN, William] d. 1807. The Aesculapian labyrinth explored; or, Medical mystery illustrated. By Gregory Glyster. Dublin, 1789. 70 p. — A compendium of practical and experimental farriery. Brentford, 1796. 274 p. -----Philadelphia, 1797. 290 p. -----Wilmington, 1797. 290 p. — The gentleman's stable directory; or, Modern system of farriery. 6th ed. London, 1788. 448 p. -----7th ed. London, 1789-91. 2 v. Vol. 2 without ed. statement. -----11th ed. London, 1791. 519 p. -----13th ed. [v. 2, 4th ed.] London, 1796. 2 v. al-TARASUSI, Jabir ibn Haiyan. See Jabir ibn Haiyan, al-Tarasusi. TARBES, Roch. Manuel de la saignee. Paris, An \ [1796/97] 300 p. TARBOCHE. Reponse a la seconde lettre de M. Guerin. [n.p.] 1788. 52 p. TARDIN, Jean, fl. 1609. Disquisitio medica de ea quae undecimo mense peperit in qua, sententia Hippocratis de summo gestationis termino examinatur. Parisiis, 1765. 31 p. [TARDY DE MONTREVAL, A. A.] Essai sur la theorie du somnambulisme magnetique. Londres, 1786. 74 p. [ - ] — Londres, 1786. 86 p. [-]---Nouv. ed. Londres, 1787. 84 p. [ — ] Journal du traitement magnetique de la demoiselle N. Londres, 1786. 255 p. [ — ] Journal du traitement magnetique de Madame B. Strasbourg [1787] 279 p. [ — ] Lettres pour servir de suite a l'Essai sur la theorie du somnambulisme magnetique. Londres, 1787. 65 p. [ — ] Suite du traitement magnetique de la demoiselle N. Londres, 1786. 206 p. TARGIONI, Giovanni Luigi. Costituzione epidemica. See under title. — ed. Raccolta di opuscoli fisico-medici. See under title. — ed. Raccolta di opuscoli medico-pratici. See under title. — Riflessioni sopra il generale metodo di cura da praticarsi nelle febrri. Firenze, 1775. 118 p. TARGIONI TOZZETTI, Giovanni, 1712-1783. Con siderazioni... sopra il parere deU'eccellentissimo signor dottore Pierantonio Nenci intorno le acque stagnanti delle colmate. Firenze, 1760. 48, 92 p. — Istruzione al popolo ... per ravvivare gli annegati. See Arte de' medici e degli speziali, Florence. — Prima raccolta di osservazioni mediche. Firenze, 1752. 176 p. — Raccolta di teorie, osservazioni, e regole per ben dis- tinguere, e prontamente dissipare le asfissie o morti apparenti. Firenze, 1773. 411 p. — Ragionamento . . . sopra le cause, e sopra i rimedi deU'insalubrita d'aria della Valdinievote. Firenze, 1761. 2v. — Relazioni d'innesti di vaiuolo fatti in Firenze. Firenze, 1757. 97 p. TARGIONI TOZZETTI, Ottaviano, 1755-1826. Lettera . . . contenente l'istoria d'una malattia prodotta dal Rhus vernix [n.p., 179-7] 24 p. TARIFA, 6 regulacion de los precios. See Spain. Tribunal del Real Protomedicato. TARIN, Pierre, ca. 1700-1761. Adversaria anatomica. Parisiis, 1750. 46 p. [ —] Anthropotomie; ou, L'art de dissequer. Paris 1750 2 v. 444 TAYLOR — Dictionaire anatomique, suivi d'une bibliotheque anatomique et physiologique. Paris, 1753. 102, 107 p. — Myo-graphic Paris, 1753. 171 p. — Osteo-graphic Paris, 1753. 56, 126 p. TARON, Esaias. Heilungsgeschichte eines Fingerwurms. Kopenhagen [1775] 8 p. TARTAGLIA, Michele, 1762-1839. Trattato di chimrgia. Napoli, 1789. 291 p. — Trattato di chirurgia .. . ove sono considerate le ferite, le fratture, l'ulcerc la carte. Napoli, 1792. 356 p. A different text from the preceding. TARUFFI, Gianandrea, 1667-1744. Antica fondazione della citta di Bologna. Bologna, 1738. 125 p. TASCHENBUCH fiir angehende practische Arzte. See Consbruch, G. W. C. — Taschenbuch fiir deutsch Wundarzte. 1789-90. Alten- burg. 2 v. in 1. — Taschen-Buch fiir Scheidekiinstler und Apotheker. Jahr [11-21; 1780-1800. Weimar. 21 v. Incomplete: Jahr 7, 9-11, 13 (1786, 1788-90, 1792) wanting. Jahr 12 and 19 (1791 and 1798) have title: Almanach oder Taschen-Buch fiir Scheidekiinstler und Apotheker. -----Almanach oder Taschen-Buch. Jahr [1 & 3[; 1780 & 1782. 3. Aufl. Weimar [17847] -----VoUstandiges Register. [Nr. l]-3; 1780/85-1792/97. Weimar [17867-98?] 3 v. TASSA de medicinali semplici. See Universita di Bologna. Collegio di medicina. TASSIN, Leonard, d. 1687. De behandeling van de ontleedkonst. Amsterdam, 1732. 260 p. TATTERSALL, William. A brief view of the anatomical arguments for the doctrine of materialism. London [1794] 30 p. TAUBE, Johann, 1725-1799. Die Geschichte der Kriebel- Krankheit. Gottingen, 1782. 920 p. TAUBE, William Dove. See Dove, William Taube. TAUT, Tobias, d. 1722. Physica medica. Lipsiae, 1723. 662 p. TAUVRY, Daniel, 1669-1701. A new rational anatomy. London, 1701.301 (i.e. 287) p. — Nouvelle anatomie raisonnee. 4. ed. Paris, 1721. 424 p. — Pratique des maladies aigues. 3. ed. Paris, 1713. 2 v. -----4. ed. Paris, 1720. 2 v. — Pratique des maladies croniques. Paris, 1712. 575 p. — Traite des medicamens. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1722. 2 v. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1736. 2 v. TAVARES, Francisco, d. 1812. Advertencias sobre os abusos, e legitimo uso das aguas mineraes das Caldas da Rainha. Lisboa, 1791. 37 p. — De pharmacologia. Conimbricae, 1786. 299 p. — Medicamentorum sylloge. Conimbricae, 1787. 343 p. — Resultado das observacoes feitas no Hospital Real da inoculacao das bexigas. Lisboa, 1799. 38 p. TAVARES, Jose Acursio de. See Morganti, Bento, b. 1709. TAVERNA, Laurentius. See Taberna, Laurentius. TAVERNER, James, fl. 1726-1737. An essay upon the Witham Spa. London, 1737. 60 p. TAYLER, Peter. Tayler's ready doctor. Falkirk, 1785. 99 p. TAYLOR, Brook, 1685-1731. Nouveaux principes de la perspective lineaire, traduction de deux ouvrages ... du Docteur Brook Taylor [et] de M. Patrice Murdoch. Amsterdam, 1757. 127 p. TAYLOR, John, 1580-1653. The old, old, very old man; or, The age and long life of Thomas Parr. London, 1794. 25 p. TAYLOR, John, 1703-1772. Abhandlung von denen Kranckheiten des unmittelbahren Werckzeugs des Gesichts. Berlin, 1735. 63 p. — An account of the mechanism of the eye. Norwich, 1727. 74 p. — Dissertazione sopra l'arte ed un modo nuovo di ristabilire la vista. Pesaro, 1755. 50 p. — Extrait d'un ouvrage qui a pour titre Les sentimens des tetes couronnees . . . sur le succes merveilleux des operations . . . de Monsieur le Chevalier Taylor, [n.p., 17507] 49 (i.e. 88) p. Text mostly in German. — The history of the travels and adventures of the Che- valier John Taylor. London, 1761-62. 3 v. — An impartial inquiry into the seat of the immediate organ of sight. London, 1743. 56 p. — Imparziale ricerca deUa vera sede deU'organo immediato della vista. Bologna, 1754. 55 p. — Le mechanisme ou te nouveau traite de l'anatomie du globe de l'oeil. Paris, 1738. 413 p. — Mechanismus oder neue Abhandlung von der kiinst- lichen Zusammensezung des menschlichen Auges. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1750. 3 pts. in 1 v. Pt. 2 has title: Kurzer Begrif einer anatomischen Abhandlung, von den Gebrechen und Heilungs Arten des menschlichen Auges; pt. 3: Kurzer Auszug, oder genaue Beschreibung von zwey hundert und zwey und vierzig Krankheiten. — Morbi oculorum in systema compendiosum redacti. [n.p., 17-] 10 p. — Mostra d'un corso di discorsi accademici sopra la vista. [n.p.,ca. 1757] [4] p. — Neue Augen-Erhaltungs-Kunst. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1757. 64, 46 p. PL 2 has title: Neues Verzeichniss der gedruckten ... Wercken — Nova nosographia opthalmica. Hamburgi, 1766. 66 p. — On the recovery of the sight of the celebrated Mr. Handel, by the Chevalier Taylor, 1758. [Tunbridge 445 TAYLOR Wells'.' 1758?] broadside. - Sammlung von Urtheilen der vernehmsten Academien von Europa uber den begliickten Fortgang der Opera- tionen des Herrn Johann Taylor. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1750. 88 p. — — Supplement. Leipzig, 1750. 16 p. — The sentiments of the professors of physick, in the foreign universities, concerning the operations and method of curing the diseases incident to the eye, as practised by John Taylor. London, 1742. 23 p. — Syllabus de nuit. Echantillon du corps de 45 lecons publiques sur l'oeil. [n.p., not before 1749] 4 p. — Tractat von Augenkrankheiten. Frankfurt, 1750. 70 p. — Traite sur les maladies de l'organe immediat de la vtie. Amsterdam, 1735. 41 p. TAYLOR, John, 1724-1787. The life and extraordinary history of the Chevalier John Taylor. London, 1761. 2 v. TAYLOR, John, fl. 1790-1800. A medical treatise on the virtues of Fir-Hill well. Aberdeen, 1800. 44 p. — A medical treatise on the virtues of St. Bernard's well. Edinburgh, 1790. 141 p. TAYLOR, Joseph, 1761 or 2-1844. Thoughts on the pro- duction and formation of animal bodies. Whitby [ 17— ] 56 p. TAYLOR, Robert, 1710-1762. Oratio anniversaria ... ex Harveii instituto. Londini, 1756. 53 p. TAYLOR, Thomas. Kick for kick, and cuff for cuff. London, 1723. 28 p. TAYLOR AND DAVY, Druggists, London. An account of the medical properties of a bark. See under title. TAZEWELL, William. Vade-mecum medicum. Lutetiae Parisiorum, Anno VI (1798) 210 p. TECHNICUM, Dr. An account of the sickness and death of Dr. W-dw-rd. London, 1719. 12 p. Sometimes attributed to John Arbuthnot. TEGUT, Enrico. Le mirabili virtu della kinakina. Venezia, 1785. 132 p. TEICHMEYER, Hermann Friedrich, 1685-1744. Dis- sertatio medica solennis sistens vindicias quorundam inventorum meomm anatomicomm a nonnuUis celebra- tissimis anatomicis in dubium vocatorum. Jenae [1727] 28 p. — De corporum solutione. Jenae, 1717. 50 p. — Elementa anthropologiac Jenae, 1719. 280 p. -----Ed. 2.Jenae, 1738. 286 p. — Elementa philosophiae naturalis experimentahs. Ed. 3. Jenae, 1733. 259 p. — Institutiones chemiae. Ed. 2. Jenae, 1752. 280 p. — Institutiones materiae medicae. Jenae, 1737. 234, 20 p. — Institutiones medicinae legalis. Jenae, 1723. 256 p. -----Ed.3.Jenae, 1740. 256 p. -----Ed. 5. Jenae, 1767. 262 p. -----Florentiae, 1771. 260 p. - Institutiones medicinae pathologicae et practicac Jenae, 1741. 448 p. - Medicinisch- und chemische Abhandlung vom seignetti- schen Saltze. Breslau, 1749. 283 p. TEISSIER. Memoire sur les stylets ou sondes solides, et sur les sondes cannelees. Paris, 1784. 51 p. TEISSIER, Jas. Verhandeling over de magnesia alba. Amsterdam, 1782. 53 p. TEKELENBURG, J. van. Waarneeming van een kanker- gebrek, staavende . . . het onvermogen . . . der zooge- naamde kankermiddelen van den heer C. Relijk. Haarlem [1791] 28 p. TELLER, Johann Friedrich. Vernunft- und schriftmasige Abhandlung iiber den Selbstmord. Leipzig, 1776. 102 p. TELLES, Vicente Coelho de Seabra Silva, 17647-1804. Elementos de chimica. Coimbra, 1788-90. 2 v. in 1. — Memoria sobre a cultura do arros em Portugal, e suas conquistas. Lisboa, 1800. 29 p. — Memoria sobre os prejuisos causados pelas sepulturas dos cadaveres nos templos. Lisboa, 1800. 35 p. TELLIAMED. See Maillet, B. de. TEMPEL, Karl Friedrich, b. 1768. Receptas consuetudines temere non abrogandas sed lenta tandem festinatione esse deponendas probare studet. Vitebergae [1789] 10 p. TEMPIA, Giovanni Battista. Themata ex physica, & medi- cina depromta. Augustae Taurinorum [1747] 48 p. TEMPLE, Richard, d. 1826. Practice of physic. London, 1792. 452 p. -----2d ed. London, 1798. 344 p. TEMPLEMAN, Peter, 1711-1769. Curious remarks and observations in physics, anatomy, chirurgery, chemistry, botany, and medicine. Extracted from the History and memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris. London, 1753-54. 2 v. TEN minutes advice to every gentleman going to purchase a horse. London, 1788. 20 p. TENDUCCI, Mrs. See Kingsman, Dorothea Maunsell. TENNENT, John, ca. 1700-1748. Detection of a con- spiracy, to suppress a general good in physic. London, 1743. 23 p. - An epistle to Dr. Richard Mead, concerning the epi- demical diseases of Virginia. Edinburgh, 1742. 102 p. [ - ] Every man his own doctor; or, The poor planter's physician. 3d ed. Philadelphia, 1734. 56 p. - Physical enquiries: discovering the mode of translation in the constitutions of northern inhabitants, on going to . . . southern climates. London, 1742. 69 p. -----2d ed. London, 1749. 69 p. - A reprieve from death: in two physical chapters. 446 THEBESIUS London, 1741. 32 p. — A supplement to physical enquiries. London, 1742. 36 p. — Tmth stifled, and an appeal to the genius of the ancient Romans. London, 1741. 61 p. TENNER, Joannes Gottlob, b. 1748. De organi olfactus differentia. Lipsiae, 1777. 24 p. TENON, Jacques, 1724-1816. Memoires sur les hopitaux de Paris. Paris, 1788. 472 p. — Observations sur les obstacles qui s'opposent aux progres de l'anatomie Paris, 1785. 47 p. TENQUE, Jerome, d. 1687. Formules de medecine tirees de la pharmacie galenique et chymique. 4. ed. Lyon, 1732. 498 p. — Instrumenta curationis morborum, deprompta ex pharmacia Galenica et chymica, chirurgia et diaeta. Ed. 4. Lugduni, 1755. 413 p. TENTZEL, Andreas, fl. 1614-1625. Medicinisch-philo- sophisch- und sympathetische Schrifften, so bestehen in desselben Medicina diastatica. Leipzig, 1725. 286 p. TERENZONI, Giovanni Antonio, 1663-1746. Commen- tatio ad crises diesque criticos auctorum morborum spectans. Pisis, 1729. 168 p. — De morbis uteri. Lucae, 1715. 344 p. — Exercitationes physico-medicae circa res fere omnes non naturales ad valetudinem spectantes. Lucae, 1708. 149 p. — Exercitationes physico medicae circa valetudinem, et res aliquas non naturales ad illam spectantes. Pisis, 1705. 148 p. TERMINI botanici. See Hope, J. TERNE, C. Lucina ontdekkende. Leyden, 1784. 172 p. TERRADES, Josef Masdevall y. See Masdevall, Jose, d. 1801. TERRANEO, Lorenzo, 1666-1714. De glandulis. Turin, 1709. 136 p. -----Lugduni Batavorum, 1729. 116 p. TERRIER DE CLERON, Claude Joseph, 1697-1765. Memoires presentes a Sa Majeste Louis XV . . . au sujet de la decouverte qu'il a fait pour la guerison des fievres. [n.p.] 1759. 1 v. (various pagings) TESORO di varj secreti, e rimedj per sanare le infermita, e malori del corpo umano. Nuova ed. Venezia, 1749. 192 p. — Tesoro di varj segreti, e rimedj provati contra il mate contagioso de' buoi. Venezia, 1712. 160 p. [TESSARI, Lodovico] Materia medica contracta. Venetiis, 1762. 472 p. TESSIER, Alexandre Henri, 1741-1837. Observations sur plusieurs maladies de bestiaux. Paris, 1782. 199 p. — Traite des maladies des grains. Paris, 1783. 351 p. TESTA, Antonio Giuseppe, 1756-1814. Bemerkungen uber die periodischen Veranderungen und Erscheinungen im kranken und gesunden Zustande des menschlichen Korpers. Leipzig, 1790. 408 p. — De re medica et chirurgica. Ferrariae, 1781. 376 p. — De vitalibus periodis aegrotantium et sanomm. Londini. 1787.2v. in 1. — Delia morte apparente degli annegati. Firenze, 1780. 208 p. TESTA, Francesco, 1705-1773. Relazione istorica della peste. Palermo, 1745. 139, 275 p. TESTA, Giovanni Domenico, 1746-1832. De sensuum usu in perquirenda veritate. Romae, 1776. 86 p. — Riflessioni suite memorie ... dal signor Du Tour . . . intorno ad una questione d'ottica. Roma, 1780. 138 p. TESTA, Giuseppe Francesco. Sovra la Dissertazione della venefica indole del rame scritta dal sig. dottore Ignazio Vari. Ferrara, 1753. 90 p. TETENS, Johann Nicolaus, 17367-1807. Philosophische Versuche iiber die menschhche Natur und ihre Entwicke- lung. Leipzig, 1777. 2 v. TEW, Edmund, 1699 or 1700-1770. Frugality the support of charity, a sermon preached ... before the governors of the Infirmary for the counties of Durham, New- castle, and Northumberland. Newcastle, 1756. 24+ p. Imperfect: all after p. 24 wanting. TEYTAUD, Fr., b. ca. 1750. Traite de la gonorrhee et des maladies des voies urinaires. Paris, 1791. 298 p. -----3. ed. Paris, An VI [1797/98] 366 p. THACHER, Thomas, 1620-1678. A brief rule to guide the common people of New-England how to order them- selves and theirs in the small-pox and mease Is. [Boston, ca. 1721]8 p. THACHER, Thomas, 1756-1812. A discourse delivered at Boston, before the Humane Society of the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts. Boston, 1800. 31 p. THACKER, John. The art of cookery. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1758. 322 p. THARSANDER. See Wegener, Georg Wilhelm. Le THE de l'Europe. See Andry de Boisregard, N. THEATRUM naturae et artis. See Schmid, J. A. — Theatmm sympateticum ofte wonder toneel der natuirs verborgentheden behelsende een uitstekende Oratie ... door Kenelmus Dygby . .. benevens twee waardige vervolgen . . . door N. Papinius en A. Kircherus. 3. druk. Amsterdam, 1709. 2 v. in 1. THEBESIUS, Adam Christian, 1686-1732. Dissertatio medica de circulo sanguinis in corde. Ed. nova. Lugduni Batavorum, 1716. 31 p. 447 THEBESIUS - -— Lipsiae. 1739. 23 p. — — Ed. nova. Lugduni Batavomm, 1740. See Hovius, J. Tractatus. THEBESIUS, Johann Ehrenfried, 1717-1758. Hebammen- kunst. Hirschberg, 1756. 620 p. -----2. Aufl. Liegnitz. 1759. 620 p. -----3. Aufl. Liegnitz, 1767. 620 p. THEDEN, Johann Christian Anton, 1714-1797. Genees- en heelkundig onderwys voor land- en zee-chirurgyns. Amsteldam, 1782. 439 p. — Neue Bemerkungen und Erfahrungen zur Bereichemng der Wundarzneykunst und Arzneygelahrheit. Berlin, 1782-95. 3 v. in 2. -----Neue Aufl. Berlin, 1795. 3 v. in 1. Vol. 3 without ed. statement. — Neue Bemerkungen und Erfahrungen zur Bereichemng der Wundarzneykunst und Medicin. Berlin, 1771. 208 p. — Progres ulterieurs de la chirurgie. Bouillon, 1777. 247 p. — Sendschreiben an den beruhmten Herrn Professor Richter in Gottingen, die neuerfundenen Catheter aus der Resina elastica betreffend. Berlin, 1777. 32 p. — Unterricht fiir die Unterwundarzte bey Armeen. 2 Aufl. Berlin, 1778. 334 p. -----3. Aufl. Berlin, 1782. 352 p. THELWALL, John, 1764-1834. An essay, towards a definition of animal vitality. London, 1793. 21 (i.e. 40) p. THELYPHTHORA. See Madan, M. THEMEL, Johann Christian, 1709-1767. Commentatio medica qua nutritionem foetus in utero per vasa umbilicalia solum fieri occasione monstri ovilli sine ore et faucibus nato ostenditur. Lipsiae, 1751. 28 p. — Hebammenkunst. Leipzig, 1747. 232 p. — Saccus, sanguine repletus, hydropem ascitem mentiens, d.i. Ausfiihrliche anatomische Nachricht von einem erstaunlichen mit Blut angefiillten Sack. Chemnitz, 1740. 88 p. THEOBALD, John, d. 1760. Abrege de la medecine pratique, ou nouveUe pharmacopee. Paris, 1753. 174 p. — Every man his own physician. London, 1764. 48 p. -----2d ed. London, 1764. 51 p. -----3d ed. London, 1764. 51 p. -----4th ed. London, 1764. 50 p. -----New ed. London, 1766. 61 p. -----New ed. London, 1766. 76 p. -----10th ed. Boston, 1767. 61 p. -----New ed. London, 1770. 76 p. -----7th ed. Philadelphia. 1794. 87 p. -----8th ed. Hartford, 1800. 108 p. [ — ] MeduUa medicinae universae; or, A new compendious dispensary. London, 1747. 62 p. [ - ] — 2d ed. London, 1748. 108 p. [ - ]---4th ed. London, 1752. 226 p. -----5th ed. London, J. Whiston and B. White. 1756. 216 p. -----5th ed. London, W. Reeve, 1756. 216 p. -----6th ed. London, 1761. 215 p. -----6th ed. Dublin, 1765. 138 p. -----7th ed. London, 1771. 215 p. [ — ] MeduUa medicinae universae: ovvero nuova com- pendiosa farmacopea. Ed. 1. veneta. Venezia, 1750. 127 p. A THEOLOGICO-philosophical dissertation concerning worms. See Ramesey, W. THEOPHANES NONNUS. See Nonnus, Theophanes, 10th cent. THEOPHILUS PHILANTHROPOS. See Poole, Robert, 1708-1752. THEOPHILUS PROTOSPATHARIUS. De urinis libellus Lugduni Batavorum, 1703. 271 p. THEORIE du monde. See Bergasse, N. THEORY and practice of chirurgical pharmacy. See Dossie, R. THESAURUS dissertationum medicarum rariorum. Tom. 1. Heidelbergae, 1784. 211 p. — Thesaurus medicaminum. See Pearson, R. — Thesaurus medicus Edinburgensis novus; sive, Dis- sertationum in Academia Edinensi, ad rem medicam pertinentium, ab anno 1759 ad annum 1785 . . . habitus. Edinburgi, 1785. 2 v. Compiled by Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh. — Thesaurus medicus; sive, Disputationum, in Academia Edinensi, ad rem medicam pertinentium . . . habitus. Edinburgi, 1778-85. 4 v. Vols. 1-2 compiled by William Smellie; v. 3-4 by Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh. — Thesaurus novus experientiae medicae. See Konig, E. — Thesaurus secretorum curiosorum. Coloniae Allobro- gum, 1709. 668 p. THICKNESSE, PhiUp, 1719-1792. An epistle, to Dr. Wm. Falconer, of Bath. Bath [1782?] 36 p. — A further account of Abbe Mann's case and perfect cure of the gout. London, 1785. 33 p. — The valetudinarians Bath guide; or, The means of ob- taining long life and health. London, 1780. 74 p. -----2d ed. London, 1780. 74, 15 p. THIERMAIR, Franz Ignaz, 1626-1680. Kurtzer Unterricht in besorglich- und befahrlichen Seuchen. Nurnberg, 1713. 102 p. THIERS DE MARCONNEY. Nouvelles decouvertes en medecine. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1728. 48, 100 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1729. 283 p. THIERY, Francois, b. 1719. Erfahrungen in der Arzney- wissenschaft. Leipzig, 1778. 180 p. 448 THOMSON [ — | Medecine experimentalc ou resultat de nouvelles observations pratiques et anatomiques. Paris, 1755. 340 p. — Observations de physique et de medecine, faites en differens lieux de l'Espagne. Paris, 1791. 2 v. — Physisch-medicinische Beobachtungen, an verschie- denen Orten in Spanien gesammelt. Hildburghausen, 1794. 2 v. — Question de medecine. See Falconet, C. — La vie de 1'homme respectee & defendue dans ses demiers momens. Paris, 1787. 229 p. — Voeux d'un patriote, sur la medecine en France. Paris, 1789. 214 p. THIERY DE MENONVILLE, Nicolas Joseph, 1739-1780. Traite de la culture du nopal et de I'education de la cochenille. Cap-Francais, 1787. 2 v. THILENIUS, Moriz Gerhard, 1745-1809. Beschreibung des gemeinnuzigen Fachinger Mineralwassers und seiner heilsamen Wirkungen. Marburg, 1791. 32 p. — Beschryving van het Fachinger mineraalwater en deszelfs heilzaame werkingen. 's Hage, 1791. 16 p. — Kurzer Unterricht fiir die Hebammen, Schwangeren und Wochnerinnen. 2 Aufl. Cassel, 1775. 200 p. — Medicinische und chirurgische Bemerkungen. Frank- furt am Mayn, 1789. 467 p. THILLAYE, Jean Baptiste Jacques, 1752-1822. Traite de bandages et appareils. Paris, An VI (1798) 263 p. [THION DE LA CHAUME, Claude Esprit] 1750-1786. Tableau des maladies veneriennes. Paris, 1776. 236 p. [THIROUX D'ARCOIWTLLE, Marie Genevieve Charlotte Darius, dame] 1720-1805. Essai pour servir a I'histoire de la putrefaction. Paris, 1766. 578 p. THOM, Georg, 1757-1808. Erfahrungen und Bemerkungen aus der Arznei- Wundarznei- und Entbindungswissen- schaft. Frankfurt am Main, 1799. 264 p. THOMANN, Joseph Nikolaus, 1764-1805, ed. Annates Instituti Medico-Clinici Wirceburgensis. See Julius- hospital, Wiirzburg. Klinische Anstalt. — De fluxu menstruo ejusque vitiis. Programma I. Wirceburgi, 1796. 92 p. — De mania ac amentia commentatio. Wirceburgi, 1798. 42 p. THOMAS, Robert, 1753-1835. Medical advice to the inhabitants of warm climates. London, 1790. 342 p. THOMAS, WUUam. An essay on the gonorrhoea. London, 1780. 40+ p. Imperfect: all after p. 40 wanting. THOMAS D'ONGLEE, Francois Louis. Rapport au pub- lic, de quelques abus auxquels le magnetisme animal a donne lieu. Paris, 1785. 165 p. THOMASIUS, Christian, 1655-1728. De jure circa somnum et somnia. Regiomonti, 1712. [51 ] p. — Tractatio juridica de jure circa somnum et somnia. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1749. 106 p. THOMASIUS, Jakob, 1622-1684. Tractatio physica de origine animae humanae. Halae Magdeb., 1725. 66 p. THOMASSEN A THUESSINK, Evert Jan, 1762-1832. Dissertatio de opii usu in siphylide. Lugduni-Batavorum, 1785. 72 p. — Oratio de eo, quod medicus in arte facienda inprimis agat. Groningae, 1798. 26 p. — Oratio de nonnuUis praesertim medicinae practicae locis, ulterius elaborandis et perficiendis. Groningae [1794?] 67 p. THOMASSIN, Jean Francois, 1750-1828. Abhandlung iiber das herausziehen fremder Korper aus Wunden. Strassburg, 1788. 120 p. — Description abregee des muscles avec la nouvelle nomenclature. Besancon, An VIII [1799/1800] 89 p. — Dissertation sur le charbon malin de la Bourgogne. Dijon, 1780. 88 p. -----2. ed. Baste, 1782. 76 p. — Dissertation sur l'extraction des corps etrangers des plaies. Strasbourg, 1788. 114 p. — Precis sur I'abus de la compression et l'utilite des contr'ouvertures dans le traitement des abces. Stras- bourg, 1786. 60 p. — Traitement des gangrenes en general, et du charbon en particulier. 2. ed. Berne, 1792. 76 p. THOMIN, Marc Mitouflet. Instruction sur l'usage des lunettes. Paris, 1746. 130 p. -----Paris, 1749. 130 p. — Traite d'optique mechanique. Paris, 1749. 327 p. THOMPSON, Gilbert, 1728-1803. Memoirs of. . . Dr. John Fothergill. London, 1782. 45 p. THOMPSON, John Weeks. The poor man's medicine chest; or, Thompson's box of antibilious alterative pills. London, 1791. 36 p. THOMPSON, Thomas. The case of the right honourable Thomas Winnington. London, 1746. 24 p. — Consulti medici sopra diverse malattie. Pavia, 1792. 233 p. — An enquiry into the origin, nature and cure of the small-pox. London, 1752. 134 p. — The genuine tryal of Dr. Nosmoth. See under title. — An historical, critical and practical treatise of the gout. London, 1740. 230 p. — Medical consultations on various diseases. London, 1773. 308 p. — Medicinische Rathpflege iiber mannigfaltige Krank- heiten. Leipzig, 1779. 278 p. THOMSON, Dr. Dialogues in a library. See under title. THOMSON, Adam, d. 1767. A discourse on the prepara- 449 THOMSON tion of the body for the small-pox. Philadelphia. 1750. 24 p. THOMSON, Alexander, fl. 1698-1705. Dissertationes medicae. Lugduni Batavorum. 1705. 155 p. THOMSON, Alexander, fl. 1767-1801? An enquiry into the nature, causes, and method of cure, of nervous disorders. London, 1781. 35 p. — Untersuchung der Natur, Ursachen und Heilmethode der Nervenbeschwerden. Hannover, 1798. 88 p. THOMSON, Anthony Todd, 1778-1849. An essay on the general study of experimental phUosophy. London [1800] 55 p. THOMSON, Frederick. An essay on the scurvy. London, 1790. 206 p. THOMSON, George, fl. 1734-1740. The anatomy of the human bones. London, 1734. 299 p. — Syllabus. Pointing out every part of the human system. London [1739]136 p. THOMSONUS redivivus. See Sangrado, Dr. [THORILD, Thomas] 1759-1808. Handbok for omtank- sama hushald i diaten. Lund, 1795. 102 p. THORIUS, Raphael, d. 1625. Tobacco: a poem. London, 1716. 40 p. THORNTON, Bonnell, 1724-1768. The battle of the wigs. London, 1768. 25 p. [THORNTON, Robert John] 17687-1837. Medical ex- tracts on the nature of health. New ed. London, 1796- 97. 4 v. [ - ] — 3d ed. London, 1798. 3 v. [ — ] The philosophy of medicine; or, Medical extracts on the nature of health. 4th ed. London, 1799-1800. 5v. [ — ] Plates illustrative of the circulation of the blood. London, 1795. 2 1., 4 plates. THOURET, Michel Augustin, 1748 or 9-1810. Extrait de la correspondance de la Societe royale de medecine, relativement au magnetisme animal. Paris, 1785. 74 p. — Rapport sur les exhumations du cimetiere et de l'eglise des Saints Innocents. Paris, 1789. 51 p. — Recherches et doutes sur le magnetisme animal. Paris, 1784. 251 p. — See also Andry, C. L. F. THOUVENEL, Pierre, 1747-1815. Memoire chimique et medicinal sur la nature, les usages et les effets de l'air et des airs, des alimens et des medicamens. Paris, 1780. 60 p. — Memoire chymique et medicinal sur le mechanisme et les produits de la sanguification. St. Petersbourg, 1777. 64 p. [ — ] Memoire physique et medicinal montrant des rapports evidens entre les phenomenes de la baguette divinatoirc du magnetisme et de l'electricite. Londres, 1781. 304 p. [ -1 Second memoire physique et medicinal. Londres, 1784. 268 p. [-] Traite sur le climat de l'ltalic Verone, 1797-98. 4 v. in 2. THREE remarkable and scarce trials. London, 1764. 32 p. THRELFAL, William. Essay on epilepsy. London, 1772. 33 p. THRELKELD, Caleb, 1676-1728. Synopsis stirpium Hibemicamm . . . being a short treatise of native plants, especially ... in the vicinity of Dublin. Dublin, 1727. 1 v. (unpaged) and appendix (60 p.) THRUSTON, Malachi, fl. 1665-1681. De respirationis usu primario diatriba. Lugduni Batavorum, 1708. 165, 57 p. THUCYDIDES. The plague. See under title. THUMMIG, Heinrich Martin, 1693-1778. Observationes physicae de acidulis stebensibus. Curiae 11722] 12 p. THUESSINK, Evert Jan Thomassen a. See Thomassen a Thuessink, Evert Jan, 1762-1832. THUILLIER, Charles, fl. 1684-1703. Observations sur les maladies venerienes. Paris, 1707. 305 p. THUNBERG, Carl Peter; 1743-1828. Icones plantarum Japonicarum. Upsaliae, 1794-1805. 5 pts. in 1 v. THURNEYSEN, Johann Jakob, 1758-1804. Theses medi- cae miscellaneae. Basileae [1777] 8 p. THYM, Johann Caspar, 1662-1718. Kurtze Beschreibung der schlesisch-altwasserischen Sauer-Brunnen. Schweid- nitz, 1732. 63 p. THYREL DE BOISMONT, Nicolas. See Boismont, Nicolas Thyrel de, 1715-1786. TICKELL, William. Concise account of a new chymical medicine, entitled spiritus aethereus anodynus. Bath, 1787. 179 p. -----2d ed. Bath, 1788. 380 p. TIEBOEL, Jacobus. Dissertatio exhibens observationes quasdam pharmaceuticas, patriae praesertim dispen- satoria spectantes. Groningae, 1791. 83 p. TIETZ, Johann Daniel. See Titius, Johann Daniel, 1729- 1796. [TILESIUS VON TILENAU, Wilhelm Gottlieb] 1769- 1857. Historia pathologica singularis cutis turpitudinis Jo. Godofredi Rheinhardi. Leipzig, 1793. 17 p. In Latin and German. [TILING, Mathias] 1634-1685. Nephrologia nova et curiosa. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1709. 312 p. TILLET, Mathieu, 17147-1791. Experiences et observa- tions sur te poids du pain. Paris, 1781. 46 p. 450 TISSOT TILLI, Michel Angelo, 1655-1740. Catalogus plantarum horti Pisani. Florentiae, 1723. 187 p. TILLING, Johann Christian. De eorum qui aquis minerali- bus utuntur diaeta. Lipsiae [1768] 38 p. — Nachricht vom Carlsbade. Leipzig, 1756. 139 p. — Observationes medicae singulares circa vemm usum thermarum Carolinarum. Lipsiae, 1751. 72 p. TILLY, Claas. Omstandig berigt van het worden en ontworden des steens en graveels in ons, en veeler- hande qualen. Haarlem, 1728. 56 p. [ —] — Verm, en verb, door Leendert Jonkhout Tilly. 7. druk. Haerlem, 1792. 71 p. [ — ] UmstandUcher Bericht von dem Ursprung und Vertrei- bung des Nieren- und Blasen-Steins im Menschen. Gliick- stadt, 1744. 63 p. TILLY, Nicolaas de Koning. The virtues and effect of the remedy, named medicamentum gratia probatum. [Haarlem, 17-?] [2] p. TIMAEUS VON GULDENKLEE, Balthasar, 1600-1667 Opera medico-practica. Lipsiae, 1715. 1026 p. TIMME, Johann, 1690-1738. Cogitationes medico-physico- historicac Bremen, 1732. 128 p. Text in German. — Collectanea ad praxin anatomes spectantia. Bremen, 1735. 254, 70 p. Text in German. — Observationes aliquot anatomico-practicae rariores. Bremen, 1735. 128 p. Text in German. — Vermehrter und erlauterter Dionis. See Dionis, P. TIMMERMANN, Theodor Gerhard, 1727-1792. Peri culum medicum belladonnae prolusio academica. Rintelii [1765] 35 p. TIMONI, Emanuele, d. ca. 1718. See Tractatus bini. TIMONY, Antoine. Dissertation sur l'inoculation de la petite verole. Vienne, 1762. 28 p. — Dissertation sur les bains des orientaux. [n.p.] 1762. 33 p. TIPALDO, Giovanni. Metodo di analizare le acque minerali praticamente dimostrato nell'acqua acetosa di Roma. Roma, 1782. 83 p. TIPHAIGNE DE LA ROCHE, Charles Francois, 1729- 1774. Amilec, ou la graine d'hommes. [n.p.| 1753.113 p. TIRABOSCHI, Girolamo, 1731-1794. Biblioteca modenese. Modena, 1781-86. 6 v. — Histoire de la litterature d'ltalic Berne, 1784. 5 v. TIROCINIUM medicum; oder, Kurtze Anleitung zu den medicinischen Terminis. Breslau, 1723. 208 p. Der TIROLISCHE Arzt. Jahrg. 1-2, Nr. 11; 1 Marz 1791-22 Mai 1792. Innsbruck. 2 v. TISSOT, Clement Joseph, 1747-1826. Del influxo de las pasiones del alma en las enfermedades. Madrid, 1798. 344 p. [ — ] Effets du sommeil et de la veille dans le traitement des maladies extemes. Besancon, An III [1794/95] 136 p. -----Paris [17957] 136 p. — Ginnastica medico-chirurgica. Venezia, 1782. 237 p. -----Napoli, 1785. 272 p. -----2. ed. Venezia, 1785. 237 p. — Gymnastique medicinale et chirurgicalc Paris, 1780. 406 p. — Medicinische und chirurgische Gymnastik. Leipzig, 1782.325 p. — Medicinsk och chirurgisk gymnastik. Stockholm, 1797. 260 p. TISSOT, Samuel Auguste Andre David, 1728-1797. Abhandlung iiber die Nerven und deren Krankheiten. Leipzig, 1781-82. 3 v. Incomplete: v. 3 only. Trans, by J. C. G. Ackermann. -----2. Ausg. Leipzig, 1790-1807. 3 v. Incomplete: v. 3 wanting. — Abhandlungen iiber verschiedene Gegenstande der Arzeneywissenschaft. Leipzig, 1770. 388 p. -----Leipzig, 1780. 388 p. — Abhandlung von den Marktschreiem und Dorfartzten. 2 Aufl. Lagensalza, 1768. 31 p. — Abhandlung von den Nerven und ihren Krankheiten. Winterthur, 1781-83. 4 v. Trans, by F. A. Weber. — Abhandlung von der Einpfropfung der Blattern. See Baldinger, E. G. — Abhandlung von der fallenden Sucht. Leipzig, 1771. 388 p. — Advice to people in general, with respect to their health. Edinburgh, 1766. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. -----Edinburgh, 1768. 2 v. -----6th ed. Dublin, 1774. 2 v. in 1. -----9th ed. Edinburgh, 1778. 407 p. — Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health. London, 1765. 608 p. -----Dublin, 1766. 368 p. -----2d ed. London, 1766. 620 p. -----London [i.e. Boston] 1767. 2 v. -----3d ed. London, 1768. 620 p. -----4th ed. London, 1771. 620 p. -----4th ed. Philadelphia, 1771. 307 p. — Advices, with respect to health. Bristol, 1769. 218 p. — Allgemeine Regeln, seine Gesundheit lang zu erhalten. 2. Aufl. Griitz, 1797. 212 p. -----3. Aufl. Griitz, 1798. 212 p. — Anleitung fiir das Landvolk in Absicht auf seine Gesund- heit. 2. Aufl. Zurich, 1763. 671 p. 451 TISSOT ----Neueste Aufl. Augsburg, 1769. 652 p. -----Zurich, 1775. 628 p. -----Zurich, 1785. 482 p. — Anleitung fiir den gemeinen Mann, in Absicht auf seine Gesundheit. Neueste Aufl. Frankfurt, 1770. 724 p. — Anleitung fur Gelehrte, und Personen von einer sitzen- den Lebensart, in Absicht auf ihre Gesundheit. Hamburg, 1768. 166 p. — Anweisung wie man sich bey grassirenden und anstec- kenden Krankheiten als Pocken, Masera ... &c. zu verhalten. [n.p.[ 1771. 100 p. — Avis au peuple sur sa sante. Lausanne, 1761. 564 p. -----Nouv. ed. Liege, 1763. 458 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1763. 372 p. -----Nouv. ed. Amsterdam, 1764. 2 v. in 1. -----Nouv. ed. Geneve, 1764. 493 p. -----Nouv. ed. Lyon, 1764. 2 v. -----3. ed. Lausanne, 1766. 2 v. in 1. -----3. ed. Lyon, 1767. 2 v. in 1. -----3. ed. Paris, 1770. 2 v. in 1. -----5. ed. Lausanne, 1770. 2 v. -----3. ed. Lyon, 1771. 2 v. in 1. -----3. ed. Lyon, 1774. 2 v. in 1. -----6. ed. Lausanne, 1775. 2 v. in 1. -----7. ed. Lausanne, 1777. 2 v. in 1. -----Nouv. ed. Nancy, 1780. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 1 wanting. -----Demiere ed. Paris, 1782. 2 v. in 1. -----Demiere ed. Paris, 1786. 2 v. in 1. -----10. ed. Lausanne, 1789. 2 v. in 1. -----11. ed. Lausanne, 1792. 2 v. -----Rouen, An III [1794/95] 2 v. — Avis aux gens de lettres et aux personnes sedentaires sur leur sante. Paris, 1767. 119 p. -----Paris [n.d.] 119 p. Approbation and privilege signed 1767. Cancel t.p. — Aviso al pueblo acerca de su salud. 5. ed. Madrid, 1790. 651 p. — Aviso ao povo sobre a sua saude. 2. impres. Lisboa, 1777. 2 v. — Avvertimenti al popolo sopra la sua salute. 3. ed. Venezia, 1768. 2 v. in 1. -----5. ed. Venezia, 1780. 2 v. in 1. — Avviso al popolo sulla sua salute. Napoli, 1764. 2 v. — Breve tratado da raiva dos que vulgarmente se chamao damnados. Lisboa, 1769. 29 p. — Collection des ouvrages. Paris, 1769-71. 5 v. Incomplete: v. 3 wanting. — De la sante des gens de lettres. Lausanne. 1758 [i.e. 1768]246 p. -----Lausanne. 1768. 246 p. -----Lausanne, 1769. 224 p. -----Paris, 1769. 246 p. -----Lausanne. 1770. 204 p. -----Lausanne, 1772. 189 p. -----Lausanne. 1775. 210 (i.e. 262) p. -----3. ed. Lausanne, 1775. 242 p. -----3. ed. Lausanne. 1775. 182 (i.e. 218) p. -----4. ed. Lausanne. 1784. 242 p. — De variolis, apoplexia et hydrope. Accedit epistola ad illustr. J. G. Zimmermann, De morbo nigro. Lovanii, 1783. 160 p. Incomplete? The Epistola is not present in this copy, which is bound with a 1764 edition of the same work. — Del morbo negro. Napoli, 1778. 214 p. -----Venezia. 1784. 188 p. — Dell'apoplessia ed idropisia, e della colica saturnina. Venezia, 1780. 208 p. -----Venezia, 1784. 208 p. — Delia cura del vajuolo. Napoli, 1778. 260 p. -----Venezia, 1779. 192 p. -----Venezia, 1784. 192 p. — Della salute de' letterati. Milano, 1768. 170 p. -----Venezia, 1769. 204 p. -----2. ed. Venezia, 1771. 204 p. -----Ed. 5. Napoli. 1773. 192 p. -----3. ed. Venezia, 1775. 204 p. -----4. ed. Venezia, 1780. 131 p. -----5. ed. Venezia, 1791. 131 p. — Dissertatio de febribus biliosis . . . Accedit Tentamen de morbis ex manustupratione. Lausannae, 1758. 264 p. -----Lovanii, 1760. 186 p. -----Venetiis, 1761. 189 p. -----Neapoli, 1762. 263 p. -----Venetiis, 1769. 189 p. -----Lausannae, 1780. 279 p. -----Ed. nova. Lausannae, 1790. 208 p. — Dissertation sur les fievres bilieuses. Paris, An VIII [1799/1800]355 p. — Dissertazione intorno le febbri biliose. Napoli, 1772. 260 p. -----Venezia, 1772. 280 p. -----2. ed. Venezia, 1782. 216 p. — Epistolae medicae. Ed. 1. Veneta. Venetiis, 1770. 212 p. -----Venetiis, 1789. 216 p. — Epistolae medico-practicac Lausannae, 1770. 522 p. -----Jenae, 1771. 264 p. — Essai sur les maladies des gens du monde. Lausanne, 1770. 212 p. -----Milan. 1770. 226 p. -----2. ed. Lausanne, 1770. 239 p. -----3. ed. Lyon, 1771. 356 p. -----3. ed. Paris, 1771. 284 (i.e. 266) p. -----Lausanne, 1781. 187 p. — Essai sur les moyens de perfectionner les etudes de medecine. Lausanne, 1785. 167 p. — An essay on bilious fevers. London. 1760. 228 p. — An essay on diseases incidental to literary and seden- tary persons. London, 1768. 183 p. 452 TISSOT -----2d ed. London, 1769. 189 p. — An essay on the disorders of people of fashion. London [1771] 163 p. -----Edinburgh, 1772. 135 p. — The family physician; or, Advice with respect to health. 6th ed. London, 1797. 212 p. — Goda rad och underrattelser, angaende halsan, for dem, som bo pa landet och som ej latteligen kunna hafwa nagon forfaren lakare at radfraga. Stockholm, 1764. 568 p. — De inenting der kinderpokjes gebillykt. See Cramer, Jean Antoine & Joly, G. Een kort berigt. — L'inoculation justifiee. Lausanne, 1754. 179 p. -----Paris, 1773. 168 p. -----Lausanne, 1778. 168 p. -----Paris, 1781. 167 p. — L'inoculazione giustificata. Venezia, 1775. 158 p. -----Napoli, 1776. 195 p. -----2. ed. Venezia, 1781. 2 v. — Leben des Ritters von Zimmermann. Hannover, 1797. 280 p. — A letter ... to Dr. Zimmerman, on the morbus niger. London, 1776. 45 p. -) — Lettere mediche scritte a vari amici. Venezia, 17^1. 270 p. -----Ed. 2. Napoli, 1771. 236 p. -----Venezia, 1777. 249 p. — Lettre a Monsieur de Haen ... en reponse a ses ques- tions sur l'inoculation. Lausanne, 1759. 142 p. -----Vienne, 1759. 102 p. — Lettre a Monsieur Hirzel. . . sur quelques critiques de M. de Haen. Lausanne, 1762. 144 p. — Lettre a Monsieur Zimmerman . . . sur l'epidemie courante. Lausanne, 1765. 122 p. -----Geneve, 1765. 62 p. — Lettres a Monsieur Zimmerman . . . sur l'epidemie courante. Lausanne, 1771. 140 p. — The life of M. Zimmerman. London, 1797. 154 p. — Nachricht von der Kriebelkrankheit. Leipzig, 1771. 141 p. — Nobilissimo iUustrissimo Alb. v. Habere ... De variolis, apoplexia, et hydrope. Lausannae, 1761. 241 p. -----Lausannae, 1765. 241 p. -----Neapoli, 1769. 152 p. — Nobilissimo iUustrissimo J. G. Zimmermanno, M.D. De morbo nigro, scirris viscemm, cephalea, inocula- tione, irritabilitate, cum cadavemm sectionibus. Lau- sannae, 1760. 72 p. -----Lovanii, 1764. 62 p. -----Lausannae, 1765. 72 p. — Observations et dissertations de medecine pratique. Lausanne, 1780. 2 v. in 1. — Oeuvres. Nouv. ed. Lausanne, 1788. 10 v. in 8. The individual treatises also have special title pages dated 1785-89. -----Nouv. ed. Lausanne, 1790. 14 v. The individual treatises also have special title pages dated 1778-91. — Onanism. London, 1766. 184 p. -----3d ed. London, 1767. 184 p. — L'onanisme. Dissertation sur les maladies produites par la masturbation. 3. ed. Lausanne, 1764. 264 p. -----3. ed. Lausanne, 1765. 264 p. -----4. ed. Lausanne, 1768. 264 p. -----3. ed. Lausanne, 1769. 264 p. -----4. ed. Lausanne, 1769. 272 p. -----4. ed. Geneve, 1769. 264 p. -----5. ed. Lausanne, 1772. 263 p. -----6. ed. Lausanne, 1775. 266 p. -----4. ed. Lausanne, 1776. 204 p. -----6. ed. Lausanne, 1777. 266 p. -----Nouv. ed. Lausanne, 1791. 207 p. — L'onanisme; ou, Dissertation physique, sur les maladies produites par la masturbation. Lausanne, 1760. See L'onanisme. — L'onanismo. [Venezia] Nel secolo decimo ottavo [i.e. 1770?]164 p. -----Venezia, 1771. 245 p. -----Venezia, 1774. 164 p. -----Venezia, 1784. 164 p. -----3. ed. Venezia, 1785. 182 p. -----4. ed. Venezia, 1792. 174 p. — Het onanismus. Utrecht, 1771. 218 p. — Physische Abhandlung von der mutterlichen Pflicht des Selbststillens. Augsburg, 1788. 80 p. — Practical observations on the small pox, apoplexy, and dropsy. London, 1772. 213 p. — Practical observations on the small pox, the apoplexy, dropsy and nervous cholic. Dublin, 1773. 213 p. — Practische Vertheidigung des Einpfropfens der Pocken. Halle, 1756. 196 p. — Raadgevingen betrekkelyk de gezondheid en ziektens der geleerden. Utrecht, 1775. 264 p. — Raedgevinge voor de gezondheid van den gemeenen man. Brugge, 1765. 563 p. — Sammtliche zur Arztneykunst gehorige Schriften. Leipzig, 1780-90. 7 v. — Saggio intorno alle malattie, a cui e soggetta la gente dedita a' piaceri del mondo. Napoli, 1771. 156 p. — Saggio sopra i mezzi di perfezionare gU studi di medicina. Venezia, 1786. 127 p. — Saggio sopra te malattie deUa persone del gran mondo. Venezia, 1770. 167 p. License (p. [xvi]) dated 12 Aug. 1769. -----Another printing. License dated 19 May 1770. -----Venezia, 1775. 167 p. — Saggio su i mezzi di perfezionare gli studi di medicina. Napoli, 1785. 119 p. -----Napoli, 1785. 191 p. 453 TISSOT — Seconde lettre a Monsieur Zimmerman . . . sur l'epi- demie de 1766. Lausanne, 1766. 50 p. — Sermo inaugurahs de valetudine litteratomm. Neapoli, 1769. 84 p. — Three essays: first, On the disorders of people of fashion. Second, On diseases incidental to Uterary and sedentary persons . . . Third, on onanism. Dublin, 1772. 3 pts. in 1 v. — Traite de l'epilepsic Lausanne, 1770. 419 p. Constitutes t. 3, ptie. 1 of his Traite des nerfs. -----Paris, 1772. 419 p. -----Paris, 1785. 419 p. — Traite des nerfs et de leurs maladies. Tom. 1, ptie. 1- t.2, ptie. 2. Paris, 1778-80. 2 v. in 4. ------Lausanne, 1784. 2 v. in 4. -----Tom. 1-4. Avignon, 1800. 4 v. Contents same as preceding. ------[Tom. 3, ptie. 1 ] See his Traite de l'epilepsic ------[Tom. 3, ptie. 2] Geneve, 1783. 272 p. Includes chap. 21-23. -----Tom. 3, ptie 2. Paris, 1783. 272 p. — Traites sur differents objets de medecine. Paris, 1769. 2v. — Tratado de las enfermedades mas frequentes de las gentes del campo. 2. ed. Madrid, 1776. 620 p. -----3. ed. Madrid, 1778. 620 p. -----4. ed. Madrid, 1781. 634 p. — Trattato de' nervi, e delle lore malattie. Tom. 1, pt. 1-t. 2, pt. 2. Venezia, 1781-82. 2 v. in 4. — Trattato della epilessia. Venezia, 1772. 319 p. -----Napoli, 1774. 340 p. -----Ed nuova. Venezia, 1782. 304 p. — Trattato .. . sopra le malatie a cui sono soggette le persone dedite ai piaceri del mondo. Losanna, 1770. 189 p. — A treatise on the crime of Onan. London, 1766. 232 p. — Underretning for landmanden, angaaende sundheden. Kiobenhavn, 1770. 640 p. — Unterricht fiir das Landvolk Krankheiten in ihrem Anfange durch bewahrte Hausmittel zu heben. 2. Aufl. Augsburg, 1790. 96 p. — Verhandeling over de ziekten der geleerden. Utrecht, 1768. 196 p. — Versuch von denen Krankheiten, welche aus der Selbstbestekung entstehen. Frankfurt, 1760. 132 p. — Vie de M. Zimmerman. Geneve, 1797. 122 p. — Von den Krankheiten vornehmer und reicher Personen an Hofen und in grossen Stadten. Neue Ausg. Franck- furt, 1770. 191 p. -----Neue Ausg. Frankfurt, 171. 260 p. — Von der Epidemie in Lausanne im Jahr 1766. Zurich, 1767. 70 p. — Von der Gesundheit der Gelehrten. Leipzig, 1768. 190 p. -----Zurich. 1768. 263 p. -----Wien, 1770. 190 p. — Von der Onanie. Hamburg, 1767. 261 p. -----Eisenach, 1771. 261 p. TISSOT, Wilhelm, pseud. See Kritzinger, Friedrich Adolph, 1726-1793. TITIUS, Johann Daniel, 1729-1796. De divisione animalium generali. Wittebergae, 1760. 16 p. — De electrici experimenti Lugdunensis inventore primo. Wittebergae, 1771. 12 p. — De modo inveniendi per rationem quae experiundo in physicis inventa sunt. Wittebergae [1789] 16 p. — Generalem experimentorum criticam tradit. Vittebergae, 1775. 23 p. — Pams minimus Polonomm remiz Bononiensium pendu- linus descriptus. Lipsiae, 1755. 48 p. — Prolusio academica de commentis physicis. Viteber- gae[1797] 12 p. — Thermometri metallici ab inventione . . . Comitis Loeseri descriptio. Lipsiae, 1765. 24 p. TITIUS, Salomo Constantin, 1766-1801. Commentatio de analysi calculomm et humanorum et animalium chemica. Specimen I. Lipsiae, 1789. 42 p. — Viro experientissimo . . . Friderico Anselmo Brevel . . . gratulatur . . . De acido vegetabilium elementari, ejusque varia modificatione. Lipsiae, 1788. 16 p. — Viro Ulustri... Johanni Ehrenfried Pohlio ... gratulatur . . . De variis contagionum modis. Lipsiae, 1788. 19 p. TITSINGH, Abraham, 1684-1776. Cypria tot schrik van haar bondgenooten, en redding der gestruikelden. Amsterdam, 1742. 2 v. — Diana, ontdekkende het geheim der dwaazen, die zig vroedmeesters noemen. Amsterdam, 1750. 802 p. — Heelkundige verhandeling over de steen en het steen- snyden. Amsterdam [1731 ] 246 p. — Heelkundige verhandeling over de tegen-natuurlyke splytinge der rugge-graat. Amsterdam [1732] 190 p. — Konst-broederlyke lessen, of noodige aanmerkingen, wegens de koortszen op schepen van oorlog. Amster- dam, 1742. 472 p. — Rust-uuren, besteed tot opbouw der loffelyke heelkonst. Amsterdam, 1751. 600 p. — De verdonkerde heelkonst der Amsterdammers. Alk- maar, 1730. 800 p. TITTMANN, Johann August, 1774-1840. Doctrinae physio- logicae de somno ejusque causis brevis expositio. Lipsiae 1799. 24 p. TOALDO, Giuseppe, 1719-1798. Della vera influenza degli astri. delle stagioni, e mutazioni di tempo, saggio meteorologico. Padova, 1770. 222 p. — Essai meteorologique sur la veritable influence des astres, des saisons et changemens de terns. Nouv. ed Chambery, 1784. 317 p. 454 TORTI TOD, T. Observations on Dr. M'Farlan's Inquiries con- cerning the state of the poor. Edinburgh, 1783. 155, 12 p. TODE, Johann Clemens, 1736-1806. Adversaria clinica fasciculus primus. Hafniae, 1775. xciv p. — Die allgemeine Heilkunde. Kopenhagen, 1797-99. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. — Arzneykundige Annalen. See under title. — Doctor Ernst Gottfried Baldinger beanwortet. Kopen- hagen, 1778. 32 p. — En fornuftig laegmands erfaringer i en haardnakket gigt og hypochondric Kiobenhavn, 1797. 72 p. — Medicinischchirurgische Bibliothek. See under title. — Medicinisch-chirurgisches Journal. See under title. — Medicinisches Journal. See under title. — Merkwiirdige Beyspiele von der Unschadlichkeit kup- ferner Kuchengeschirre. Kopenhagen [1777] 8 p. — Nothige Erinnerungen fiir Aerzte und Kranke, die den Tripper heilen wollen. Kopenhagen, 1777. 224 p. — Oien-Raad, eller Adams, Biisch og Lichtenberg om nogle vigtige pligter imod oinene. Kiobenhavn, 1796. 70 p. — Das Receptschreiben. Kopenhagen, 1792-98. 5 v. in 2. — Vom Tripper, in Ansehung seiner Natur und Geschichte. Kopenhagen, 1774. 218 p. — Von dem Begraben in Kirchen und auf Kirchhofen in Stadten. Kopenhagen. 1789. 32 p. — ed. See Hygaea og muserne; Nye sundhedstidende; Sundhed og underholdning; Sundhedsblade; Sundheds- journal; Sundheds-raad; Sundhedstidende. TODTEN-TANZ. See Dance of death. TOLET, Francois, 1647-1724. Traite de la lithotomie. 5. ed.Paris, 1708. 351 p. TOLNAY, Sandor, d. 1818? Barmokat orvoslo-konyv. Pesten, 1795. 309 p. — Von der Nothwendigkeit und dem Nutzen der Thier- arzney.Pest, 1787. [16] p. TOLVER, A. The present state of midwifery in Paris. London, 1770. 83 p. — A treatise on the teeth. 2d ed. London, 1752. 51 p. The TOMB of Venus; or, A plain and certain method, by which all people that ever labour'd under any venereal distemper may infallibly know whether they are cured or not. London. 1710. 87 p. Imperfect: p. iii-iv mutilated. TOMMASINI, Giacomo, 1768-1846. Quanto influisca il cuore su la circolazione del sangue. [Parma] 1794. 116 p. — Storia ragionata di un diabetc [Parma] 1794. 74 p. TONCI, Salvatore, pseud. See Gigli, Girolamo, 1660- 1722. TONELLI, Carlo, b. 1759. DeUe acque minerali di Levico. Rovereto, 1785. 110 p. TOPHAM, Thomas. A new compendious system on several diseases incident to cattle. York, 1787. 432 p. TORKOS, Jusztusz Janos, 1699-1770. Bericht von dem naturlichen alcalischen hungarischen Mineral-Salz, und von denen aus demselben bereiteten liquor alcalicus polychrestus. Pressburg, 1766. 23 p. — Bericht von der Koniglichen . . . Frey-Stadt Pressburg Lage, Wassern und Lufft. Pressburg, 1764. 59 p. — Sal minerale alcalicum nativum Pannonicum et ex eodem parata remedia liquor polychrestus alcalicus. Posonii, 1763. 16 p. — Schediasma de thermis Postheniensibus. Posonii, 1745. 59 p. TORRACA, Gaetano. DeU'epidemica costituzione di Civitavecchia. Roma, 1768. 87 p. — Specimen experimentorum, et observationum quibus corticis Peruviani vis antiseptica, atque putris inter- mittentium fomes comprobari videntur. Romae, 1765. 55 p. TORRE, Giovanni Maria della. See Della Torre, Giovanni Maria, 17107-1782. TORRE, Marco & BALSARINI, Jacopo. De poena stupri cum puella immatura. Romae, 1754. 52, xx p. Pt. 2 has title: Dissertatio phisico-anatomica de membrana hymen . . . opere . . . elaborata . . . Cajetani Petrioli. TORRES, Santos de. Promptuario pharmaco, e cirurgico. Lisboa, 1756. 160 p. TORRES Y VILLARROEL, Diego, de, 16937-1770. Auxi- lios eficaces, remedios poderosos, y medicinas felices, breves, y baratas, para librar el cuerpo, y el espiritu de los bodocazos melancolicos. Salamanca [17607] 26 p. — Libros en que estan reatados diferentes quademos physicos, medicos, astrologicos, poeticos, morales, y mysticos. Salamanca, 1752. 2 v. in 1. Vol. 2 has title: Suefios morales. — Noticias indefectible de lo que passa en los paises altos del cielo, y sospechas prudentes de lo que puede tronar en los baxos de la tierra. Madrid [17627] 19 p. - Respuesta ... a una carta de D. Joseph Herrando. Madrid [17617] 15 p. - Vida natural, y catholica. Madrid, 1743. 115 p. TORRIANO, N. Compendium obstetricii; or, A small tract on the formation of the foetus, and the practice of midwifery. London, 1753. 80 p. TORRIANO, Orazio. Relazione del contagio sofferto da' Messinesi. [Modena. 1744] [8] p. TORTEBAT, Francois, pseud. See Piles, Roger de, 1635-1709. TORTI, Francesco, 1658-1741. Ad criticam dissertationem de abusu chinae chinae Mutinensibus medicis perperam objecto a . . . Bernardino Ramazzino . . . responsiones iatroapologeticac Mutinae, 1715. 191 p. 455 TORTI — Therapeutice specialis. Mutinae, 1712. 736 p. -----Ed. 2. Mutinae. 1730. 576 p. -----Ed. 3. Venetiis. 1732. 526 p. ------4. ed. Venetiis, 1743. 520 p. ------5. ed. Venetiis, 1755. 496 p. -----5. ed. Francofurti, 1756. 496, 200 p. Pt. 2 has title: Responsiones iatro-apologeticae. ------6. ed. Venetiis, 1769. 484 p. TORTORA, Luigi. Considerazioni fisico-cemsiche. Napoli, 1733. 190 p. TOSCANELLI, Carlo Maria. Del maraviglioso specifico delle lucertolc See Flores, J. F. TOSETTI, Urbano, 1714-1768. SuU'insensibilita di alcune parti degli animali lettera quarta. [Roma, 1757] 28 p. TOULMIN, George Hoggart. The instruments of medicine; or, The philosophical digest and practice of physic. London.1789. 265 p. TOULON, Maurice de. See Maurice de Toulon, pere, d. 1668. TOURDES, Joseph, 1770-1851. Lettre sur les medicaments administres a l'exterieur de la peau dans les maladies internes. Pavie, An VI [1797/98] 62 p. — Notices sur la vie litteraire de Lazare Spallanzani. Milan, An VIII [1799/1800] 111 p. ------2. ed. Milan, 1800. 183 p. TOURNATORIS, Pierre Claude Jean, 1730-1794? Obser- vationes anatomicae de tendinum fabrica in homine et in brutis. Bononiae, 1793. 16 p. TOURNEFORT, Joseph Pitton de, 1656-1708. The com- pleat herbal. London, 1719-30. 2 v. ------No. XIII-XV. London, 1717-18. 345-440 p. Three fascicles of v. 1, as issued. — Elemens de botanique. Lyon, 1797. 6 v. Imperfect: t.p. of v. 6 wanting. — Histoire des plantes qui naissent aux environs de Paris. 2. ed. Paris, 1725. 2 v. — History of plants growing about Paris. London, 1732. 2v. — Institutiones rei herbariac Ed. 3. Parisiis, 1719. 3 v. — Materia medica; or, A description of simple medicines generally us'd in physick. London, 1708. 406 p. -----2d ed. London, 1716. 406 p. — Matiere medicale, extraite ... du traite des medicamens. See Andry, C. L. F. TOURNER, Enrico. Istruzione al popolo sulla maniera di salvare la vita a gli annegati. Roma, 1775. 108 p. TOURNON, Alexandre, ca. 1760-1794. Moyens de rendre parfaitement propres les rues de Paris. Paris, 1789. 76 p. TOURNON, Dominique Jerome, b. 1770? Liste chrono- logique des ouvrages des medecins et chirurgiens de Bordeaux. Bordeaux, An VII (1799) 47 p. TOURTELLE, Etienne, 1756-1801. Elemens d'hygiene. Strasbourg, An V [1796/97] 2 v. — Elemens de medecine. Strasbourg. An VII 11798/99] 3v. Incomplete: v. 3 wanting. TOUSSAINT, Francois Vincent, 1715-1772, ed. Obser- vations periodiques, sur la physique. See under title. TOUSSAINT, Nicolas. Quaestio medica ... An vera dentur specifica? [Nanceii, 1763] 4 p. TOWNE, Richard. A treatise of the diseases most fre- quent in the West-Indies. London, 1726. 192 p. TOWN'S HOSPITAL, Glasgow. The regulations . . . with an abstract of the first year's expense. Glasgow, 1735. 30 p. TOWNSEND, David. Principles and observations applied to the manufacture and inspection of pot and pearl ashes. Boston, 1793. 48 p. TOWNSEND, Joseph, 1739-1816. Elements of the thera- peutics; or, A guide to health. London, 1799. 2 v. Incomplete: v. 2 wanting. - A guide to health. 2d ed. London, 1795-96. 2 v. Vol. 2 without ed. statement. — Guide to Health oder Anleitung seine Gesundheit zu erhalten. Leipzig, 1797. 398 p. — The physicians' vade mecum; being a compendium of nosology and therapeutics, for the use of students. 5th ed. London, 1799. 148 p. Imperfect: p. 147-148 wanting. — The physician's vade mecum; or, A concise system of the practice of physic. See under title. TOWNSON, Robert, fl. 1792-1799. Observationes physi- ologicae de amphibiis. Goettingae, 1794-95. 26, 42 p. — Tracts and observations in natural history and physi- ology. London, 1799. 232 p. TOZZETTI, Giovanni Targioni. See Targioni Tozzetti, Giovanni, 1712-1783. TOZZETTI, Ottaviano Targioni. See Targioni Tozzetti, Ottaviano, 1755-1826. TOZZI, Luca, 1638-1717. In librum artis medicinalis Galeni paraphrastike anakephalaiosis. Patavii, 1711. 695 p. — In reliquos Hippocratis aphorismos commentaria. Neapoli, 1703. 544, 36 p. (His [Opera physico-medica] t.4) — Opera omnia. [Venetiis, 1711] 5 v. in 3. Each v. has special t.p. ------[Venetiis, 1721] 5 v. in 2. ------[Venetiis, 1728] 5 v. in 2. ------[Venetiis, 1747] 5 v. in 2. TRACTATUS bini de nova variolas per transplantationem excitandi methodo. Lugduni Batavorum, 1721. 45 p. 456 TRALLES By Giacomo Pilarino and Emanuele Timoni. — Tractatus duo pathologici. See Sauvages de La Croix, F. B. de. — Tractatus mechanicus de non naturalibus. Avenione, 1748. 402 p. — Tractatus medico-historicus de tribus imposturibus. See Alberti, M. — Tractatus schedius de peste. See Iatrotechnus. — Tractatus von Erkantnus der magnetischen Ursachen. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1701. 40 p. TRAITE contenant les remedes pour les maladies des bestiaux. Lyon, 1714. 62 p. — Traite d'[h]ygiene, partie de la science medicale qui peut etre la plus avantageuse au genre humain. Thiers, An III [1794/95] 195 p. — Traite d'osteologie, ou la maniere aisee d'apprendre les premiers principes de l'anatomie Par J. B. D. L. G. Amsterdam, 1719. 118 p. — Traitte de l'angejologie; ou, Discours des vaisseaux. Par J. B. D. L. G. Amsterdam, 1719. 110 p. — Traitte de l'esplanchnologie; ou, La science qui traitte des visceres. Par J. B. D. L. G. Amsterdam, 1719.132 p. — Traite de l'oeconomie animate, et des causes premieres des maladies. Geneve, 1763. 349 p. — Traite de l'osteologie du corps humain. Avignon, 1759. 321 p. — Traite de la cephalatomic See Bonhomme, J. — Traite de la communication des maladies et des passions. See Moreau de Saint-Elier, L. M. — Traite de la dissolution du mariage. See Bouhier, J. — Traite de la goutte, qui contient une maniere sure et facile de la guerir. Amsterdam, 1713. 67 p. — Traitte de la miologic Par J. B. D. L. C. Amsterdam, 1719. 132 p. — Traite de la peste. See Hecquet, P. — Traite de la peste, enseignant ce qu'il faut faire. See ■ Maurice de Toulon, pere. — Traite des appareils et des bandages. See Sue, Jean Joseph,1710-1792. — Traitte des bandages. Par J. B. D. L. G. Amsterdam, 1719. 91 p. — Traite des bandages de chimrgie. See Sue, Jean Joseph, 1710-1792. — Traite des bandages et appareils. See Sue, Jean Joseph, 1710-1792. — Traite des causes . . . de la peste. See Chicoyneau, F. & Senac, J. B. — Traite des causes physiques et morales du rire. See Poinsinet de Sivry, L. — Traite des dispenses du careme. See Hecquet, P. — Traite des eunuques. See Ancillon, C. — Traite des fievres. See Chirac, P. — Traite des hernies. See Vitet, A. — Traite des hernies ou descentes. See Arnaud de Ronsil, G. — Traite des odeurs. See Hornot, A. — Traite des principales maladies aigues. See Richard de Hautesierck, F. M. C. — Traite des tumeurs. See Astruc, J. — Traite du bon chyle. See Viridet, J. — Traite du cassis, contenant ses vertus & qualites ... & les effets merveilleux qu'il produit, dans une infinite de maladies. Nancy, 1749. 24 p. — Traite du fouet. See Doppet, F. A. — Traite du mercure, par Augustin Belloste. [Paris] 1785. 70 p. Issued by the current patent-holders, Jean Baptiste and Antoine Belloste, grandsons of Augustin. Cf. pref. Text differs from earlier works by Belloste with same title. — Traite pour connoltre & guerir la peste qui regne actuellement; publie a Vienne en 1738. La Haye, 1739. 71 p. Added t.p. in Dutch; text in French and Dutch. — Traite raisonne de la distillation. See Hornot, A. — Traite sur la magic See Daugis, A. L. — Traite sur le climat de l'ltalic See Thouvenel, P. TRAITEMENT contre te tenia ou ver solitaire. Paris, 1775. 30 p. TRAITES nouveaux de medecine. See Barbeyrac, C. de. TRAITTE. See Traite. TRAKTAT von den ersten Elementen in einem geheimen Unterricht eines Adepten an seinen Sohn. Leipzig, 1784. 135 p. TRALLES, Balthasar Ludwig, 1708-1797. Ad illustris viri Christiani Gottlieb Ludwigii . . . disquisitionem de vi opii cardiaca adversariis medico-practicis insertam humanissima responsio. Vratislaviae, 1771. 67 p. — Das Aderlassen als ein offtmals unentbehrliches Hiilffs- Mittel zu einer glucklichen Blatter-Kur. Breslau, 1736. 120 p. — De limitandis laudibus et abusu moschi, in medela morborum. Vratislaviae, 1783. 150 p. — De machina et anima humana prorsus a se invicem distinctis. Lipsiae, 1749. 270 p. — De methodo medendi Sydenhami, Tissoti, aliorumque illustrium virorum in curatione variolarum . . . epistola apologetica. Vratislaviae, 1764. 55 p. ------Neapoli, 1778. 57 p. — De methodo medendi variolis. Vratislaviae, 1761. 135 p. — De usu vesicantium in febribus acutis. Wratislaviae, 1776. 266 p. — De vena jugulari frequentius secanda. Vratislaviae, 1735.336 p. — Exercitatione physico-medica virtutem camphorae refrigerantem . . . edisserit. Vratislaviae, 1734. 207 p. — Hafwande qwinnors fomuftiga omsorg for sig och sina ofodda barns lif och halso. Stockholm, 1748. 248 p. — Historia cholerae atrocissimac Vratislaviae, 1753. 391 p. 457 TRALLES — Das Kaiser-Carls-Bad in Bohmen. Bresslau, 1756. 164 p. — Usus opii salubris et noxius, in morborum medela. Vratislaviae, 1757-62. 4 v. in 2. -----Neapoli, 1778-79. 4 v. — Usus vesicantium salubris et noxius, in morborum medela. Sectio 1-2. Vratislaviae, 1782-83. 2 v. in 1. -----Neapoli, 1783. 392 p. Sectio 1 only. — Vera patrem patriae ... sanum et longaevum praestandi methodus. Vratislaviae, 1767. 412 p. — Vexatissimum nostra aetate, de insitione variolarum, vel admittenda, vel repudianda, argumentum. Vratis- laviae, 1765. 304 p. -----Neapoli, 1778. 240 p. — Virium, quae terreis remediis gratis hactenus adscriptae sunt, examen rigorosius. Vratislaviae, 1740. 52, 484 p. TRALLIANUS, Alexander. See Alexander Trallianus, 6th cent. TRAMPEL, Johann Erhard, 1737-1818. Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen medicinischen und chirurgischen Inhalts. Lemgo, 1788-89. 2 v. — Beschreibung der Meinberger Mineralquellen in der Grafschaft Lippe. 2. Aufl. Lemgo, 1775. 160 p. TRATADO da conservacao da saude dos povos. See Sanches, A. N. R. — Tratado de la conservacion de la salud de los pueblos. See Sanches, A. N. R. — Tratado de las fuentes intermitentes. Santiago, 1781. 202 p. — Tratado sobre os meyos da preservacao da peste. Lisboa, 1748. 61 p. TRATTATO de' rimedi per le malattie del corpo umano. See Saint Hilaire. TRAUTENBERG, Ferdinand Anton von. Anleitung zur sichem und griindlichen Heilung der Pferdekrankheiten. Erlangen, 1796. 256 p. [TRAVINI, Domenico Antonio] Difesa delle Considera- zioni intomo alia generazione de' viventi del sig. dottore Francesco Maria Nigrisoli. [Ferrara, 1714] 108 p. TRE consulti. See Calvi, G. A TREATISE of diseases of the head, brain, & nerves. London, 1711. 127 p. -----5th ed. London, 1727. 74 p. -----6th ed. London, 1738. 74 p. — A treatise of feavers. See La Calmette, F. de. — A treatise of the gout. London, 1731. 32 p. — A treatise of the pestilence. London, 1721. 22 p. — A treatise of the plague. By a physician in York. London, 1721. 34 p. — A treatise of the plague. By Eugenius Philalethes, Jun. See Samber, R. 1 *71 1 - A treatise of the small-pox and measles. London, 78 p. — A treatise on mercury. See Bradley, H. - A treatise on the diseases of infants and children. London, 1772. 258 p. - A treatise on the dismal effects of low-spiritedness. London [17-] 62 p. - A treatise on the nature and virtues of Buxton waters. See Hunter, A. — A treatise on the plague and pestilential fevers. London, 1751. 84 p. — A treatise on the various kinds of permanently elastic fluids. See Keir, J. — A treatise on the virtues and efficacy of a crust of bread. See Robinson, N. — A treatise upon gout. See Forbes, M. — A treatise upon gravel. See Forbes, M. — A treatise upon the herb tobacco. London 11789] 63 p. TRECOURT, ca. 1716-ca. 1785. Memoires et observations de chirurgie. Bouillon, 1769. 459 p. TREMASSE, Louise. Copie de I'actc See under title. TREMBLEY, Abraham, 1710-1784. Abhandlungen zur Geschichte einer Polypenart des siissen Wassers. Quedlinburg, 1775. 572 p. — Memoires, pour servir a I'histoire d'un genre de polypes d'eau douce. Leide, 1744. 324 p. -----Paris, 1744. 2 v. [TREMBLEY, Jean] 1749-1811. Memoire pour servir a I'histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de M. Charles Bonnet. Berne, 1794. 128 p. TRES elegantes tractatus. See Vallerius, N. TREUTLER, Friedrich August, 1766-1819. Observationes pathologico-anatomicae auctarium ad helminthologiam humani corporis continentes. Lipsiae, 1793. 44 p. TREW, Christoph Jacob, 1695-1769. Abhandlung von einigen Verschiedenheiten welche an dem Menschen vor und nach seiner Geburt wahrgenommen werden. Nurnberg, 1770. 156 p. — Ad . .. Albertum Hallerum .. . de vasis linguae saliva- libus atque sanguiferis epistola. Norimbergae [1734] 12 p. — Aneurysmatis spurii post venae basilicae sectionem orti historia et curatio. Norimbergae, 1769. 46 p. — Dissertatio epistolica de differentiis quibusdam inter hominem natum et nascendum intercedentibus. Norim- bergae, 1736. 118 p. — Osteologie, oder eigentliche Fiirstellung und Be- schreibung alter Beine eines erwachsenen mensch- lichen Korpers. Nurnberg, 1740. [23+] 1. Imperfect: leaves following sig. K to sig. (a) and leaves following sig. (b)2 to Table I wanting. — Tabulae osteologicae . . . Osteologische Tafeln. Norim- bergae, 1767. 92 p. 458 Text in Latin and German. - Vertheidigung der Anatomie. Nurnberg, 1729. 80 p. TRIAL. See Tryal. TRIBOLET, Albrecht von, 1771-1832. Sorgfalt fur die Briiste junger Frauen. Leipzig, 1795. 195 p. TRIBUNAL DEL PROTOMEDICATO, Mexico. See Mexico (Viceroyalty) Real Tribunal del Protomedicato. TRIBUTIIS, Roman. See Roman-Tributiis, avocat. TRICHTER, Valentin, ca. 1680-ca. 1750. Anatomia et medicina equorum nova; das ist, Neu-auserlesenes Pferd-Buch. Frankfurt, 1715. 546 p. — Zweyter Theil der Pferd-Anatomie, oder neu-auserlesen- vollkommen-verbessert-und erganztes Ross-Artzeney- Buch. Franckfurt, 1716. 1172 p. TRICKOLOGY; or, A letter of advice to a student of medicine. Edinburg, 1723. 24 p. TRIER, Johann Wolfgang, 1686-ca. 1750. Kurtze Fragen von den menschlichen Gemuths-Bewegungen. Leipzig, 1708. 418, 356 p. TRIESTE. Provisori alia sanita. Noi Provisori alia sanita della citta e porto-franco di Trieste. Partono da questa citta, sana e libera . . . [Trieste, 178-] broadside. TRILLER, Daniel Wilhelm, 1695-1782. Clinotechnia medica antiquaria. Francofurti, 1774. 270 p. — De veterum chirurgorum arundinibus atque habenis. Vitembergae [1749] xvi p. — Dispensatorium pharmaceuticum universale. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1764. 2 v. in 1. -----Neapoli, 1779. 2 v. -----Lovanii, 1781. 2 v. — Gepriifte Pocken-Inoculation. Frankfurt, 1766. 215 p. Imperfect: all preceding sig. b wanting. — Hesychianarum emendationum specimen novum, sive Appendix observationum criticarum. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1742. 48 p. [ — ] Hippocrates atheismi falso accusatus. Rudolstadii, 1719. 112 p. — Observationum criticarum in varios Graecos et Latinos auctores, libri quatuor. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1742. 519 p. — Opuscula medica ac medico philologica. Francofurti, 1766-72. 3 v. in 1. — Succincta commentatio de pleuritide ejusque curatione. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1740. 215 p. -----Venetiis, 1756. 171 p. -----Ed. 3. Veneta. Venetiis, 1769. 164 p. -----Ed. 4. Veneta. Venetiis, 1778. 164 p. TRILLER, Johann Moritz, fl. 1686-1701. Tractatus practi- cus de officio medici. Jenae, 1701. 171 p. TRILLER, Karl Friedrich. De personis quibus singularis reverentia debetur. Vitembergae, 1775. xx p. — Exercitatio de vinculo quo medicina cum jurisprudentia cohaeret. Vitebergae, 1778. xvi p. TRINDER, William Martin, ca. 1747-1818. Chymical experiments on the Barnet well water. London, 1800. 14 p. — An essay concerning the outward and salutary appli- cation of oils on the human body. London, 1797. 31 p. TRINITY HOSPITAL, Edinburgh. Statutes. Edinburgh, 1720. 16 p. TRIOEN, Cornelis, 1686-1746. Genees- en heelkundige waarneemingen. Leide, 1743. 197 p. — Observationum medico chirurgicarum fasciculus. Lugduni Batavorum, 1743. 143 p. TRIPE, Andrew. A letter from the facetious Dr. Andrew Tripe at Bath . . . showing that the scribendi cacoethes is a distemper arising from a redundancy of biliose salts. London, 1719. 48 p. TRISMI tonici cum anepithymia, agrypnia, caet. XL fere hebdomatum curatio ab illustri philiatro de Wocher per magnetem facta, [n.p.] 1780. 24 p. TRIUM virorum chymicorum . . . collectanea curiosa de bismutho. See Franckenberg, A. von. TRIUMPH der Heilkunst. Bd. 1; 1800. Breslau. 492 p. Ed. by C. A. Struve. TRNKA, Vaclav, 1739-1791. Abhandlung uber das Magen- weh. Leipzig, 1788. 344 p. — Commentarius de tetano. Vindobonae, 1777. 465 p. — De diabete commentarius. Vindobonae, 1778. 169 p. — Geschichte des hektischen Fiebers. Leipzig, 1784. 311 p. — Geschichte des schwarzen Staares. Th. 1. Breslau, 1790.322 p. — Historia amauroseos. Vindobonae, 1781. 2 v. in 1. — Historia cardialgiac Vindobonae, 1785. 390 p. — Historia cophoseos et baryecoiac Vindobonae, 1778. 232 p. — Historia febris hecticae. Vindobonae, 1783. 415 p. — Historia febrium intermittentium. Vol. 1. Vindobonae, 1775. 728 p. — Historia haemorrhoidum. Vindobonae, 1794-95. 3 v. inl. — Historia leucorrhoeae. Vindobonae, 1781. 337 p. — Historia ophthalmiac Vindobonae, 1783. 592 p. — Historia rachitidis. Vindobonae, 1787. 339 p. — Historia tympanitidis. Vindobonae, 1788. 405 p. TROJA, Michele, 1747-1827. De novorum ossium, in integris aut maximis, ob morbos, deperditionibus, regene- ratione experimenta. Lutetiae Parisiorum, 1775. 240 p. — Lezioni intorno alle malattie degli occhi. Napoli, 1780. 463 p. — Ueber die Krankheiten der Nieren. Leipzig, 1788. 258 p. 459 TROJA — Versuche iiber den Anwachs neuer, durch Krankheiten entweder ganz, oder doch grosstentheils zerstohrter Knochen. Strassburg, 1780. 204 p. TROLLI, Giuseppe Antonio. Delle febbri maligne epi- demiche. Pavia [1781] 341 p. TROMMSDORFF, Johann Bartholomaus, J 770-1837. Chemische Receptirkunst oder Taschenbuch fur prak- tische Aerzte. 2. Aufl. Erfurt, 1799. 350 p. — Journal der Pharmacie. See under title. — Systematisches Handbuch der Pharmacie. Erfurt, 1792. 346 p. TRONCHIN, Theodore, 1709-1781. De colica pictonum. Genevae, 1757. 82 p. -----Jenae, 1771. 74 p. — Lettre . . . [&] sa declaration sur la maladie de Madame la Dauphine . . . avec des reflexions, [n.p., 17677] 23 p. — A treatise on the colica pictonum; or the dry belly-ach. [Trans.] by Ralph Schomberg. London, 1764. 152 p. Den TROOST der armen. See Simons, G. TROOSTWIJK, A. Paets van. See Paets van Troostwijk, A., 1752-1837. TROPPANNEGER, Christian GottUeb. Decisiones medico- forenses. Dresden, 1733. 336 p. — Grundlicher und kurtzgefasster Unterricht wie sich ein Mensch . . . bey guter Gesundheit erhalten . . . konne. Halle [17-] 64 p. TROPPAU UND JAGERNDORF, Eleonora Maria RosaUa, Herzogin zu, 1647-1704. Freywillig-auffgesprungener Granat-Apffel dess christlichen Samaritans. Wienn in Oesterreich, 1704. 499, 120 p. -----Leipzig, 1709-13. 2 v. in 1. -----Nurnberg, 1733. 588 p. -----Weinn in Oesterreich, 1752-53. 2 v. [TROSCHEL, Heinrich Gottlob Nepomuk] Allgemeine Bemerkungen iiber die Teplitzer Wasser. [Greiz] 1761. [78] p. — Dissertatio medica de morbis ex situ alieno uteri. Pragae 11760] [34] p. — Erforderliche Nachrichten von dem Biliner Sauer- Brunnen. [Pima] 1762. 242 p. — Nothwendige Nachricht von dem wahrhaften Boh- mischen Bitter-Wasser. Leitmeritz, 1761. [57] p. TROTTER, Thomas, 1760-1832. Medical and chemical essays. London, 1795. 155 p. — Medicina nautica: an essay on the diseases of seamen. London. 1797-1803. 3 v. — Medicina nautica, ein Versuch iiber die Krankheiten der Seeleute. Bdchn. 1. Erfurt, 1798. 235 p. — Observations on the scurvy. Edinburgh, 1786. 107 p. -----2d ed. London, 1792. 243 p. -----Philadelphia, 1793. 76 p. — A review of the medical department in the British navy, with a method of reform proposed. London, 1790. 52 p. TROTULA. Curandarum aegritudinum muliebrium ante, in et post partum libellus. Lipsiae, 1778. 324 p. TROUSSET, Etienne Bernard, 1769 or 70-1807. Histoire de la fievre qui a regne epidemiquement a Grenoble. Grenoble, An VIII [1800] 91 p. TROVATINI, Gaetano Maria. Dissertazione chemico- fisica sull'analisi delle acque de' bagni minerali della citta di Lipari. Napoli, 1779. xxvii p. TROYA, Michele. See Troja, Michele, 1747-1827. A TRUE relation of the wonderful cure of Mary Maillard. London, 1787. 48 p. TRUMPH, Johann Conrad. Historia naturalis urbis Verdae. Norimbergae, 1744. 24 p. [TRUSLER, John] 1735-1820. An easy way to prolong life [pt. 2] by a little attention to our manner of living. London [1774?] 39 p. [ — ] An easy way to prolong life [pt. 11 by a little attention to what we eat and drink. Dublin, 1773. 72 p. [-] — [pt. 1 and 2] 3d ed. London [ca. 1775] 2 v. [-] — [pt. t] 4th ed. London [ca. 1777?] 79 p. [-]---[pt. 1 and 2] 4th ed. Dover, 1796. 129 p. TRUTTA, Giovanni Battista. Novello giardino deUa pratica ed esperienza. Napoli, 1785. 484 p. The TRYAL of Mr. Daniel Sutton, for the high crime of preserving the lives of His Majesty's liege subjects, by means of inoculation. London, 1767. 78 p. ------2d ed. London, 1767. 78 p. TRYE, Charles Brandon, 1757-1811. An essay on the swelling of the lower extremities, incident to lying-in women. London, 1792. 80 p. — Remarks on morbid retentions of urine. Glocester. 1784. 84 p. TRYON, Thomas, 1634-1703. Some memoirs of the life of Mr. Tho. Tryon. London, 1705. 128 p. TSCHAPECK, Adalbert Wenzl. Fons aquae vitae, das ist, Wasser dess uhralten und heylsamen Gesund-Brunnens S. Nicolai. Konig-Gratz, 1726. 115 p. TSCHARNER, Vinzenz Bernhard von, 1728-1778. Eloge de Mr. Alb. Halter. Bern, 1778. 84 p. TSCHIASKA VON STERNSTEIN, Ferdinand. Beschrei bung dess beruhmten uralten S. Nicolai Baads. Konig- Gratz, 1739. 110 p. — Kurtze Beschreibung des heylsamben Swataniowitzer oder Schwadowitzer-Bads. Konig-Gratz, 1736. 78 p. [TSCHIRNHAUS, Ehrenfried Walther von| 1651-1708. Die curiose Medicin, darinnen die Gesundheit des Leibes durch sehr wahrscheinliche Gedancken in XII Reguln vorgestellet. 3. Druck. Luneburg, 1705. 117 p. 460 TWELLS TUESSINK, A. Dell'uso dell'oppio nelle malattie veneree. Bergamo, 1789. 63 p. al-TULAITILl, Ahmad ibn 'Abd Allah. See Ahmad ibn 'Abd Allah, al-fulaitill. TULIP, Timothy. The merry mountebank; or. The humour- ous quack-doctor. Vol. 1. London, 1732. 132 p. TULLY, Florent Guillaume. Essai sur les maladies de Dunkerque. Dunkerque, 1760. 266 p. TULP, Nicolaas, 1593-'674. Geneeskundige waarnemingen. Leiden, 1740. 532 p. — Observationes medicae. Ed. 5. Lugduni Batavorum, 1716. 392 p. -----Ed. 6. Lugduni Batavorum, 1739. 392 p. TUMI ATI, Giovanni, 1761-1804. Ricerche anatomiche intorno alle tonache dei testicoli. Venezia, 1790. cxxx p. TURBEN, Francois. See Banau, J. B. TURENNE, Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, vicomte de, 1611-1675. Memoires sur la guerre. La Haye, 1738. 2 v. in 1. TURLINGTON, Robert. Turlington's balsam of life . . . The efficacy and virtues of which incomparable medi- cine . .. [London? 1753?] 75 p. [TURMEAU DE LA MORANDIERE] Representations a Monsieur le lieutenant general de police de Paris. Sur les courtisanes a la mode. Paris, 1762. 177 p. TURNBULL, Robert James, 1775-1833. A visit to the Philadelphia prison. London, 1797. 93 p. TURNBULL, William, fl. 1779-1806. A few general rules and instructions, very necessary to be attended to by those of both sexes, who are afflicted with ruptures. London, 1798. 46 p. — An inquiry into the origin and antiquity of the lues venerea. London, 1786. 115 p. -----3d ed. London, 1797. 115 p. — A letter to Mr. Clare, surgeon, on his new and easy method of introducing mercury into the system. London, 1783. 12 p. — Ursprung und Alter der Lustseuche. Zittau, 1789. 110 p. TURNER, Daniel, 1667-1741. The ancient physician's legacy impartially survey'd. London, 1733. 275 p. [ - ] — 2d ed. London, 1734. 306 p. — The art of surgery. London, 1722. 2 v. -----2d ed. London, 1725. 2 v. -----3d ed. London, 1729. 2 v. -----4th ed. London, 1732. 2 v. -----5th ed. London, 1736. 2 v. -----6th ed. London, 1741-42. 2 v. — De morbis cutaneis. A treatise of diseases incident to the skin. London, 1714. 374 p. _____2d ed. London, 1723. 524 p. -----3d ed. London, 1726. 524 p. -----4th ed. London, 1731. 524 p. -----5th ed. London, 1736. 524 p. | — ] A discourse concerning fevers. London, 1727.377 p. -----2d ed. London, 1732. 377 p. -----3d ed. London, 1739. 364 p. — A discourse concerning gleets. London, 1729. 162 p. — Dissertation sur les maladies veneriennes. Paris, 1767. 2v. — The drop and pill of Mr. Ward. London, 1735. 38 p. -----2d ed. London, 1735. 41 p. [ —] The modern quack; or, Medicinal impostor. 2d ed. London, 1724. 206 p. [ — ] The modern quacks detected. London, 1752. 62 p. — Syphilis. A practical dissertation on the venereal disease. London, 1717. 239 p. -----3d ed. London, 1727. 378 p. -----4th ed. London, 1732. 476 p. -----London, 1737. 476 p. — Syphilis; oder, Practische Abhandlung von der Venus- Seuche, in zweyen Theilen. Zelle, 1754. 786 p. — Syphilis, the second part. Containing some farther obser- vations on the venereal disease. London, 1739. 268 p. — Traite des maladies de la peau. Paris, 1743. 2 v. TURNER, George, ed. and trans. A brief and distinct account of the mineral waters of Pyrmont. See Seip, J. P. — A full and distinct account of the mineral waters of Pyrmont. See Seip, J. P. TURNER, John, fl. 1708-1713. De febre Britannica anni 1712. Londini, 1713. 7 p. TURNER, Matthew, d. 1788? An account of the extra- ordinary medicinal fluid, called aether. London [ca. 1743]16 p. -----[London? ca. 1743] broadside. TURRA, Antonio, 1730-1796. Qualita ed indicazioni diverse del polso e della urina nella malattie. Vincenza, 1792. 84 p. TURRIANO, Orazio. Memoria istorica del contagio della citta de Messina. Napoli, 1745. 214 p. TURTON, WiUiam, 1762-1835. A medical glossary. London, 1797. 622 p. TWEEDE brief van eenen chirurgyn in Rotterdam, wegens de vertaling der Verhandeling over de venusziekte, van J. J. Plenck, door D. Lambertus Nolst. Amsterdam [ 1781?] 13 p. TWEEDIE, James. Hints on temperance and exercise. London, 1799. 56 p. TWEEDY, John. A catalogue of druggs and of chymical and Galenical medicines. [Newport? 1760?] [28] p. TWELLS, Leonard, d. 1742. An answer to the Enquiry 461 TWELLS into the meaning of demoniacks in the New Testament. London. 1737. 74 p. — An answer to the Further enquiry into the meaning of demoniacks in the New Testament. London, 1738.92 p. TWENT, Hendrik. Bibliotheca Twentiana; sive, Catalogus libromm bibliothecae, in praecipuis facultatibus, artibus, scientiis et Unguis. [Lugduni Batavorum, 1790] 95 p. TWO discourses, shewing the fatal consequences of the habitual drinking of distilled spirituous liquors, [n.p. 1736?]64 p. — Two tetters from a physician in London to a gentleman UBEZIO, Giovanni Francesco. Notizie istoriche intorno l'origine e progressi del vajuolo e della inoculazione. Vercelli [ 1770] 74 p. UCAY, Gervais, fl. 1668-1695. Traite de la maladie venerienne. 3. ed. Paris, 1702. 315, 23 p. -----4. ed. Paris, 1718. 315, 23 p. Imperfect: p. 305-315 wanting. UDEN, Konrad Friedrich. Briefe iiber Beobachtungen aus der praktischen Arzneiwissenschaft. Stendal, 1779. 412 p. — Medizinische Politik. Leipzig, 1783. 318 p. [ — ] Ueber die Glaubwiirdigkeit der Medizinalberichte in peinlichen Rechtshandeln. Berlin, 1780. 172 p. UDENIUS, Utes, pseud. See Wedel, Georg Wolffgang, 1645-1721. UDKAST til en medicina ruralis. See Metzger, J. D. UBER Arzeneikunst und Aerzte. Berlin, 1796. 23 p. — Uber das schwere Gehor. See Niceus, C. F. — Ueber das schwere Zahnen der Kinder. Leipzig, 1799. 92 p. — Ueber die Behandlung der gonorrhoc Augsburg, 1781. 80 p. — Ueber die Bestandtheile und Heilkrafte der Bad- und Trinkquelle zu Knuthwyl. Luzern, 1791. 19 p. — Ueber die Glaubwiirdigkeit der Medizinalberichte. See Uden, K. F. — Ueber die medicinisch physischen Lehranstalten der ganzen Welt. Zweytes Stiick iiber Wien. [n.p.] 1796. 48 p. — Uber die Schaedlichkeit der Schnurbruste zwey Preis- schriften. Leipzig, 1788. 192 p. Ed. by C. G. Salzmann. The 1st essay is by S. T. von Soemmerring: the 2d is anonymous. at Bath. The first containing such plain and easy rules as will preserve health. London, 1749. 78 p. TYMOGUE, sieur de, pseud. See Guyot, Edme, d. ca. 1740. TYSON, Edward, 1650-1708. The anatomy of a pygmy. 2d ed. London, 1751. 108, 58, 78 p. [TYTLER, James] 17477-1805. A review of Mr. Aitken's Outlines of the theory and cure of fever. [Edinburgh, 1789]24 p. — A treatise on the plague and yellow fever. Salem, 1799. 568 p. - Ueber Familienkrankheiten besonders die Skrofelartigen und deren besste Heilmethode. Leipzig, 1799. 424 p. — Ueber Gesezgebung und Kindermort. See Pestalozzi, J. H. UEBERLACHER, Gregor, d. 1808. Abhandlung vom Scharlach-Fieber. Wien, 1789. 67 p. UEBERZEUGENDE und bewegliche Warnung. See Sarganeck, G. UITGELEZENE heelkundige verhandelingen en waarne- mingen. Rotterdam, 1762. 513 p. UITGEZOCHTE genees- en heelkundige verhandelingen en waernemingen. deel 1, stuk 1-2. Dordrecht, 1773- 74. 378 p. Ed. by A. Lentfrinck. ULHOORN, Hendrik, 1692-1749. Osteologia; dat is, Beschryving der beenderen van 's menschen lighaam. Amsterdam [176-7] 109 p. ULLOA, Antonio de, 1716-1795. Voyage historique de l'Amerique Meridionale fait par don George Juan . . . et par don Antoine de Ulloa. Amsterdam, 1752.2 v. in 3. Imperfect: plates 26 and 29 wanting. — A voyage to South-America ... by Don George Juan, and Don Antonio de Ulloa. London, 1758. 2 v. ULRICH, Johann. Analysis des Brownischen Systems der Heilkunde zur moglichen Ubereinkunst dariiber. Wien, 1800. 394 p. UMBRATICUS, Dr. A syllabus of the animal oeconomy ... in Hudibrastick verse. London, 1748. 42 p. UMFREVILLE, Edward. Lex coronatoria; or, The office and duty of coroners. London, 1761. 2 v. UMFREVILLE, Thomas. The case of Mr. John Ferguson. London, 1743. 44 p. u 462 UNIVERSITAT INGOLSTADT UMSTANDLICHER Bericht von dem Ursprung ... des Nieren-. . . Steins. See Tilly, C. The UNCERTAINTY of the signs of death. See Winslow, J. B. UNDERRATTELSE och upsatz af the medel som mot durchlop och rodsoot tienlige finnas, at dem som intet machta sig dyrbarare hielpe-medel. [Stockholm? ca. 1750] [8] p. — Underrattelse om halsans bevarande. See Westerdahl, F. UNDERSOKNING om koppors ympande. See La Conda- mine, C. M. de. UNDERWOOD, Michael, 1736-1820. Abhandlung von den Geschwuren an den Ftissen. Leipzig, 1786. 294 p. — Surgical tracts, containing a treatise upon ulcers of the legs. 2d ed. London. 1788. 151. 77 p. -----3d ed. London, 1799. 291 p. — Traite des maladies des enfans. Paris, 1786. 485 p. — Traite sur les ulceres des jambes. Paris. 1744 [i.e. 1784] 228 p. — Tratado sobre las ulceras de las piernas. 2. ed. Madrid, 1799. 191 p. — A treatise on the diseases of children. London, 1784. 288 p. -----New ed. London, 1789. 2 v. in 1. -----New ed. Philadelphia. 1793. 2 v. in 1. -----3d ed. London. 1795. 2 v. -----4th ed. London, 1799. 3 v. — A treatise on the disorders of childhood. London, 1797. 3v. — A treatise upon ulcers of the legs. London, 1783.158 p. UNGEBAUER, Johannes Andreas, d. 1781. Epistola osteologica de ossium tmnci corporis humani epiphysibus sero osseis visis, earundemque genesi. Lipsiae, 1739. xvi p. UNITED SOCIETY FOR VISITING AND RELIEVING THE SICK. An account. London. 1783. 20 p. U. S. Continental Congress, 1775. Rules and articles, for the better government of the troops. Philadelphia, 1775. 16 p. - Inspector General's Office. Regulations for the order and discipline of the troops. Philadelphia, 1786.143 p. --------New ed. Exeter, 1794. 91 p. Imperfect: first plate wanting; two plates mutilated. — Laws, statutes, etc. An act respecting quarantines and health laws. [Philadelphia? 1799] [2| p. The UNIVERSAL family physician, and surgeon. Perth, 1796. 766 p. -----2d ed. Blackburn. 1800. 756 p. The UNIVERSALLY experienced family physitian; or. Every man and woman their own doctor and chirurgeon. London. 1720. 173 p. UNIVERSIDAD DE CERVERA. Quaestiones medicae sortitae et . . . typis mandatae a . . . Caietano Rojas, Francisco Ginesta, Carolo Nogues, Bonaventura Monnar pro cathedra primaria vacante competitoribus. Cervariae. 1785. 4 pts. in 1 v. — Quaestiones medicae sortitae et... typis mandatae a ... Carolo Nogues, Francisco Ginesta, Bonaventura Monnar, Liborio Matari. Dominico Rissa pro cathedra insti- tutionum medicamm antiquiori vacante competitoribus. Cervariae, 1786. 5 pts. in 1 v. UNIVERSIDAD DE MEXICO. Facultad de Medicina. Per hoc publicum instrumentum cunctis pateat, & sit notum . . . D. Michael Maria Ramires de Arellano, et CevaUos ... Gradum Baccalaureatus in Medica Facultate recepit. [Mexici, 176-?] broadside. Names and dates in manuscript. UNIVERSITA DI BOLOGNA. Collegio di medicina. Antidotarium. See Pharmacopoeia. Bologna. ----Riforma delle convenzioni fra l'illustrissimo . . . Collegio de' medici con l'onoranda Compagnia degli speziali di Bologna. Bologna, 1727. 22 p. ----Tassa de medicinali semplici, composti, e spagirici. Bologna [1701] 40 p. UNIVERSITA DI PAVIA. Curationes pro examine laureandorum in Ticinensi Universitate. [Ticini Regii, 17-?[ 93 p. UNIVERSITA E COLLEGIO DE'BARBIERI DI ROMA. Statuti, ordini e costitutioni. Roma, 1713-[18] 62, 8 p. UNIVERSITAT ALTDORF. Catalogus dissertationum inauguralium medicarum. Altorfii, 1797. 28 p. UNIVERSITAT GOTTINGEN. See Georg-August-Univer- sitat, Gottingen. UNIVERSITAT GREIFSWALD. Gesetze fur das Convic- torium auf der Akademie zu Greifswald. Greifswald [1774[ 8 p. UNIVERSITAT HALLE. See Friedrichs-Universitat in Halle. UNIVERSITAT HELMSTADT. Prorector et senatus Academiae Juliae Carolinae memoriam . . . Petri Ge- rike . . . civibus et posteritati commendant. [Helmstadii, 1750] xxxvi p. — Supremum honoris et amoris officium ... Eliae Friderico Heistero . . . defuncto moesti et lugentes persolvunt Prorector et Senatus Academiae Juliae. Helmstadii [ 1740] [40] p. UNIVERSITAT INGOLSTADT. Collegia publica et privata, quae . . . in . . . Universitate Anglipolitana a quatuor facultatum professoribus ... a Novembri anni MDCCLXXX ad Septembrem anni MDCCLXXXI tra- dentur. [Ingolstadii, 1780] [8] p. — Medizinische Fakultat. Historia trium seculorum Medicae 463 UNIVERSITAT JENA Ingolstadiensis Facultatis. [Ingolstadii] 1722. 88 p. UNIVERSITAT JENA. Supremum officium juvenis gene- rossissimi Caspar de Buchwald .. . manibus praestandum indicit. [Jenae] 1762. [4] p. "Rector Academiae Jenensis Laur. Joan. Dan. Succowius.. . una cum professoribus reliquis s. d. civibus": p. [2] UNIVERSITAT KIEL. Prorector et senatus Academiae Kiloniensis exsequias funeris . . . Joannis Christophori Lischwitzii . . . indicunt. Kilonii [1743] [23] p. UNIVERSITAT LEIPZIG. Ad memoriam anniversa- riam .. . Baronis de SUverstein et PUnickau . .. MDCCXL . . . invitant. [Lipsiae, 1740] [8] p. — Ad memoriam anniversariam . . . Baronis de SUverstein et Pilnickau . . . MDCCLVIII . . . invitant. [Lipsiae, 1758] xvi p. — De criteriis vitae et mortis physico-medicis. P. I. [Lipsiae, 1796] xi p. (Ad memoriam Baronis de SUverstein et Pilnickau) — De cura oculomm in literarum studiis. [Lipsiae, 1766] xvi p. (Ad memoriam Baronis de SUverstein et Pilnickau) — De cura pascuorum. (Lipsiae, 1752] [8] p. (Ad memoriam Baronis de SUverstein et Pilnickau) — De exercitatione corporis cum literarum studiis con- jungenda. [Lipsiae, 1772) xvi p. (Ad memoriam Baronis de SUverstein et Pilnickau) — De laesionibus ex dispositione morbosa vulnerati lethiferis. [Lipsiae, 1755] xx p. (Ad memoriam Baronis de SUverstein et Pilnickau) — De lucubrationis damnis. [Lipsiae, 1769] xvi p. (Ad memoriam Baronis de SUverstein et Pilnickau) — De necessario eruditis otio. Lipsiae [1781] xvi p. (Ad memoriam Baronis de SUverstein et Pilnickau) — De nimio sanitatis studio saepe sanitatem vel optimam frangente. [Lipsiae, 1790] xx p. (Ad memoriam Baronis de SUverstein et Pilnickau) — De nimio sanitatis studio saepe vel optimam sanitatem frangente. Continuatio I. [Lipsiae, 1790] xii p. (Ad memoriam Bestuchefianam) -----Continuatio II. [Lipsiae, 1793] xv p. (Ad memoriam Baronis de SUverstein et Pilnickau) — De noxa e nimis praecipitato medicinae studio oriunda. [Lipsiae, 1792] xv p. (Ad memoriam Kregelio-Stem- bachianum) — De noxis ex nimia mentis contentione. [Lipsiae, 1786] xii p. (Ad memoriam Bestuchefianam) — De potioribus studiorum impedimentis. [Lipsiae, 1784] xii p. (Ad memoriam Baronis de SUverstein et Pilnickau) — De putredine a corporibusarcenda. [Lipsiae, 1775] xvi p. (Ad memoriam Baronis de SUverstein et Pilnickau) — Medicinae studium octo semestribus descriptum. Pr. VIII. [Lipsiae, 1799] x p. (Ad memoriam Baronis de SUverstein et Pilnickau) — Momenta quaedam, quae ad vitam hominum sub- mersorum restituendam multum facere videntur. | Lipsiae, 1793] xii p. (Ad memoriam Kregelio-Sternbachianam) — Paraenesis ad studiosos, studia litterarum cum assiduitate tractanda esse. |Lipsiae, 1787] xv p. (Ad memoriam Baronis de SUverstein et Pilnickau) — Quaestiones medicinae forensis VI. Facta violenta epilepticorum quamvis malefaciendi et ulciscendi consiUo suscepta amentiae excusatione non carerc [Lipsiae, 1798] viii p. (Ad memoriam Bestuchefianam) — Salubritas habitationum e placitis recentiorum physi- corum dijudicata. Pars I. [Lipsiae, 1794] xii p. (Ad memoriam Bestuchefianam) — Medizinische Fakultat. De obsequio principum erga medicos viro desideratae memoriae ... Justo Godofredo Gunzio . . . scribunt, et. . . ad audiendam . . . orationem . . . invitant. [Lipsiae, 1755] 16 p. ----Eupragian agathoy iatroy . . . exemplo . . . Joannis Zachariae Platneri . . . defuncti. . . sistunt et orationem anniversariam . . . indicunt. [Lipsiae, 1748) xxiv p. ----Memoriam . . . Antonii Guilielmi Plazii. . . oratione anniversaria pie recolendam indicunt. [Lipsiae, 1785] xxviii p. ----Memoriam . . . Augustini Friderici Waltheri . . . oratione anniversaria pie recolendam indicunt. [Lipsiae, 1747]xvi p. — — Memoriam . . . Christiani Gottlieb Ludwigii . . . oratione solenni recolendam indicunt . . . Exponiturde medicina per hypotheses corrupta. [Lipsiae, 1774] xviii p. — — Memoriam ... Jo. Caspari Kuchleri . . . oratione anniversaria recolendam indicunt. [Lipsiae, 1747] [4] p. ----Memoriam . . . Johannis Ernesti Hebenstreitii . . . oratione anniversaria pie recolendam indicunt. [Fines officii medentium in morbis contagio nocentibus] [Lipsiae, 1758] xvi p. ----Memoriam . . . Johannis Godofredi Jankii . . . oratione anniversaria pie recolendam indicunt. [Lipsiae, 1764] xvi p. ----Memoriam . . . Samuel Theodori Quellmalzii . .. oratione anniversaria pie recolendam indicunt. [Eruditio medica placidae mortis adjumentum] [Lipsiae, 1759] xvi p. ----Misericordiae limites in exercenda arte sistit et. . . Joannem Valentinum Harttramfftium . . . lugens . . . orationem solennem . . . habendam indicit. [Lipsiae, 1756] xvi p. ----Orationem quae in memoriam Ernesti Gottlob Bosii. . . habebitur indicunt. [Lipsiae, 1789] xiv p. UNIVERSITAT MARBURG. Medizinische Fakultat. De convulsione cereali epidemica. See Gruner, C. G. UNIVERSITAT WIEN. Medizinische Fakultat. See Storck, A. Instituta. 464 UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH UNIVERSITAT WITTENBERG. Anatomisches Museum. Regii in Academia ad Albim Musei Anatomici Augustei catalogi appendix continens accessiones novas. Vitem- bergae [1746] 16 p. Prepared by Abraham Vater. ----Regii in Academia ad Albim Musei Anatomici Augustei catalogus universalis praeparata anatomica Ruyschiana ... exhibens. Wittenbergae [1736] 54 p. Prepared by Abraham Vater. UNIVERSITE DE MEDECINE DE MONTPELLIER. Memoire au roy . . . contre les maitres chirurgiens. See Combalusier, F. de P. UNIVERSITE DE PARIS. Faculte de medecine. Codex medicamentarius. See Pharmacopoeia. Paris. ----Consultation pour la Faculte de medecine, en l'Universite de Paris. [Paris, 1777] 19 p. ----Cours de physiologie experimentate. [Paris, 1771] 8 p. Announcement of a course to be taught by M. Varnier [i.e. Charles Louis?] ----Decreta, ritus, usus, ac laudabiles saluberrimi medicomm Parisiensium ordinis consuetudines. Parisiis, 1714. 173, 176 p. Pl 2 has half-title: De antiquitate et dignitate Scholae Medicae Parisiensis panegyris . . . auctore Gabr. Naudaeo. ----Decretum saluberrimae Facultatis Parisiensis. Die Sabbati vigesimo octavo Januarii 1747, latum. [Parisiis, 1747]8 p. Text in Latin and French. ----Defense . . . au sujet de la place de medecin. See Combalusier, F. de P. ----Extrait des Registres de la Faculte de medecine de Paris. Du premier decembre 1784. [Paris? 1784?) 8 p. On animal magnetism. ----Memoire pour les doyen & docteurs-regens de la Faculte de medecine en l'Universite de Paris, demandeurs . . . Contre la Communaute des maitres-barbiers- chirurgiens, et contre le sieur Petit, maitre barbier- chirurgien, defendeurs. [Paris, 1726?] 91 p. --------[Paris, 1730] 34, 7, 3 p. ----Memoire pour les doyen et docteurs-regens de la Faculte de medecine en l'Universite de Paris, demandeurs. Contre les prevots et Communaute des maitre chimrgiens jures, defendeurs. [Paris, 1743] 68 p. ----Precis pour la Faculte de medecine de Paris. Contre le sieur Guilbert de Preval. [Paris, 1777] 14 p. ----Prix propose par la Faculte . . . Le traitement de la fievre miliare des femmes en couches. [Paris, 1778] [2] p. ----Quaestionum medicarum, quae circa medicinae theoriam et praxim ... in Scholis Facultatis Medicinae Parisiensis, agitatae sunt. Parisiis, 1752. 3 pts. in 1 v. --------[Continuatio prima] Parisiis, 1763. 37 p. ----Question d'imperitie en matiere de medecine & d'accouchement. [Paris, 1770] 23 p. ____Rapport sur le fait de l'inoculation de la petite verole Paris, 1765. 125 p. ----Representations faites au roy par la Faculte de medecine de Paris; avec les plaintes des provinces, sur le desordre general introduit par les chirurgiens dans l'exercice de la medecine. [Paris, 1749] 3, 28 p. Pt. 2 has caption title: Les plaintes des provinces. ----Requete au roy, pour les doyen & docteurs-regens de la Faculte de medecine en l'Universite de Paris. Contre le premier chirurgien du roy, & contre les prevots & Communaute des chirurgiens-jures de Paris. Sur le faux des articles, que les chirurgiens qualifient de statuts de leur Communaute. [Paris, 1747] 11, 16 p. ----Requete au roy. Pour les doyen & docteurs-regens de la Faculte de medecine en l'Universite de Paris. Contre le sieur Pichaut de La Martiniere, premier chirurgien de Sa Majeste, & les prevots & Communaute des chirurgiens-jures de Saint Come. Sur la rejection 1°. des statuts que les chimrgiens avoient produits ... [Paris, 1748]16 p. ----Res gestae in saluberrima Facultate Parisiensi circa sectionem symphiseos ossium pubis, supra muliere dicta Souchot, celebratam. Paris, 1777. 13, 16 p. Pt. 2 has caption title: Memoire de M. Sigault. ----Ritus et insigniora saluberrimi medicorum Parisien- sium ordinis decreta. Ed. 2. Parisiis, 1716. 173, 176 p. Pl 2 has half-title: De antiquitate et dignitate Scholae Medicae Parisiensis panegyris . . . auctore Gabr. Naudaeo. ----Ritus usus et laudabiles Facultatis Medicinae Parisien- sis consuetudines. Parisiis, 1751. 200, 176 p. Pt 2 has half-title: De antiquitate et dignitate Scholae Medicae Parisiensis panegyris . . . auctore Gabr. Naudaeo. ----Seance publique .. . tenue le 9 decembre 1779. Paris, 1780. 135 p. ----Seance publique tenue .. . le 5 novembre 1778. Paris, 1779. 122 p. ----Second memoire pour les doien & docteurs-regens de la Faculte de medecine en L'Universite de Paris. Contre le sieur de La Peyronie, premier chirurgien du roy, & les prevots & Communaute des maitres chirurgiens- jures de Paris. [Paris, 1745] 124 p. ----Statuta Facultatis Medicinae Parisiensis. Parisiis, 1751. 130 p. ----Traduction des statuts. Paris, 1754. 94 p. ----T res-humbles et tres-respectueuses representations .. . au roi, contre la Societe royale de medecine. [Paris, 1778]32 p. ----Troisieme memoire pour les doyen & docteurs-regens de la Faculte de medecine en l'Universite de Paris. Contre le sieur Pichaut de La Martiniere, premier chirurgien du roy, & les prevots & Communaute des maitres chirurgiens-jures de Paris. [Paris, 1748] 131 p. UNIVERSITEIT TE UTRECHT. Medische Faculteit. Rapport... rakende de proeven, door dezelven ... in eenige koebeesten genomen. [Utrecht, 1769] 27 p. UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. Address of the students 465 UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH of medicine, to the Right Hon. the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Town-Council | Edinburgh ] 1766.8 p. — Catalogus librorum, ad rem medicam spectantium, in Bibliotheca Academiae Edinburgenac Edinburgi, 1773-]787] 279, 60 p. Pt. 2, Appendix, contains publications dated 1778. -----Ed. 2. Edinburgi, 1798. 408, 36 p. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. See College of Philadelphia. UNTERRICHT durch welche mittel plozlich verunglukte und todtscheinende Personen in den meisten Fallen gerettet werden konnen. 2. Aufl. Lingen, 1794. 20 p. — Unterricht fiir die pfalzischen Hebammen. See May, F. A. — Unterricht fiir diejenigen, welche in ihren korperlichen Anliegenheiten, bey . . . Johann Joseph Gassner . . . entweder Hiilfe zu suchen gedenken, oder selbe schon gesucht, und gefunden haben. Augsburg, 1775. 96 p. — Unterricht fiir Hebammen. See May, F. A. — Unterricht fiir Personen, welche den Kranken warten. See Serain, P. E. — Unterricht von dem Gebrauch des saltzer Wassers. Berlin, 1720. 15 p. -----Leipzig, 1725. [16] p. — Unterricht vors Volk gegen die Pest. Danzig, 1770. 61 p. — Unterricht, womach eines jeden Orts obrigkeit bey gefahrhchen Pest-Zeiten, die von der Contagion inficirte Hauser zu reinigen veranstalten kan. Stettin [ 17— ] [8] p. UNTERSUCHUNG der vermeinten Nothwendigkeit eines autorisirten Kollegii medizi. See Reimarus, J. A. H. UNTERSUCHUNGEN und Nachrichten von des beruhmten Seltzer-Wassers . . . Gebrauch. See Reuss, C. F. UNVORGREIFFLICHE Gedancken von alchymischen Schrifften. (n.p.] 1708. 32 p. Die UNVORSICHTIG verlohrne aber doch glucklich wiederum gefundene philosophische Brieff-Tasche. Strasburg, 1728. 306 p. UNZER, Johann August, 1727-1799. Der Arzt. See under title. — Einleitung zur algemeinen Pathologie der ansteckenden Krankheiten. Leipzig, 1782. 592 p. — Medicinisches Handbuch. Liineburg, 1770. 418 p. -----Neue Aufl. Leipzig, 1776. 616 p. -----Neue Aufl. Leipzig, 1780. 725 p. -----Leipzig, 1789. 1194 p. — Philosophische Betrachtung des menschlichen Korpers uberhaupt. Halle im Magdeburgischen, 1750. 231 p. — Sammlung kleiner Schriften. Rinteln, 1766-67. 3 v. — Uber die Ansteckung besonders der Pocken. Leipzig, 1778. 240 p. — Verzameling van mengelschriften. Amsterdam, 1767- 69. 5 v. UNZER, Johann Christoph, 1747-1809. Geneeskundige proefneeming met den door konst gemaakten magneet. Amsterdam, 1775. 112 p. UPPSALA UNIVERSITET. Catalogus praelectionum publicarum, quas . . . omnium facultatum professores, in Academia Upsalensi, hoc semestri, itemque sequenti, auditoribus suis tradere constituerunt. 1711. Upsaliae [1711] broadside. Imperfect: slightly mutilated URIM & Thumim Moysis. See Mensenriet, D. URSIN, Theodor Christoph, 1702-1748. De auxilio uxoris in tuenda sanitate mariti. Halae Magdeburgicae [1744] [16] p. URTHEIL eines altglaubigen Philosophen. See Leutner, D. The USE and abuse of physic. London [17— ] 32 p. USEFUL transactions. See King, W. L'USO dell'acqua. Sassari, 1780. 36 p. USTERI, Paul, 1768-1831, ed. Medicinische Litteratur. See under title. — ed. Repertorium der medicinischen Litteratur. See under title. UTRECHT. Ordinances, local laws, etc. Publicatie ter voorkominge van het herwaards overbrengen der besmettinge van den rooden loop. Utrecht, 1779. [6] p. --------[Utrecht, 1783] [4] p. — See also Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen Universiteit te Utrecht UVEDALE, Christian,pseud. See Hill, John, 17077-1775. D'UYTSTEKENDE deugden ende gebruyck van de elixir magnum vitae, ofte den grooten elixir des levens. [Amsterdam? 17-] [8] p. 466 VALENTINI V VACCA BERLINGHIERI, Andrea, 1772-1826. Traite des maladies veneriennes. Paris, An VIII (1800) 302 p. VACCA BERLINGHIERI, Francesco, 1732-1812. Codice elementare di medicina pratica. Venezia, 1800.2 v in 1. — Considerazioni intorno alle malattie dette volgarmente putride. Lucca, 1781. 131 p. — DeUa nutrizione, accrescimento, decrescimento, e morte senile del corpo umano. Pisa, 1762. 131 p. -----Pisa, 1766. 131 p. — Elementi di fisica del corpo umano in stato di salute. Pisa, 1783. 186 p. — Lettere fisico-mediche. Pisa, 1790. 123 p. — Liber de inflammationis morbosac Florentiae, 1765. 93 p. — Meditazioni sull'uomo malato e sulla nuova dottrina medica di Brown. Pisa, 1795. 222 p. -----Venezia, 1796. 176 p. — Pensieri intorno a vari soggetti di medicine fisica, e chirurgica. Lucca, 1778. 144 p. — Riflessioni su' mezzi di stabilire e conservare nell'uomo la sanita e la robustezza. Pisa, 1792. 220 p. — Riflessioni... sul trattato di chimrgia del sig. Begnamino Bell. Pisa, 1793-94. 2 v. in 1. — Saggio intorno alle principali e piu frequenti malattie del corpo umano. Pisa, 1787. 2 v. -----2. ed. Pisa, 1799. 2 v. VACHER, Gilles. See Le Vacher, Gilles, 1693-1760. VACHIER, Cleriade. Behandlungsart alter Krankheiten. Th. 1-2. Leipzig, 1787. 2 v. in 1. — Methode pour traiter toutes les maladies. Paris, 1785- 91. 14 v. VAILLANT, Sebastien, 1669-1722. Botanicon Parisiense. Leide, 1727. 205 p. -----Ed. nova. Lugduni Batavorum, 1743. 131 p. VALANGIN, Francis de, 1724 or 5-1805. An abstract of a course of lectures on practical medicines. London, 1766. 268 p. — A treatise on diet. London, 1768. 342 p. VALCARENGHI, Paolo, d. 1780. Continuatio epidemi- carum Cremonensium constitutionum annorum 1737, 1738, 1739, 1740. Cremonae, 1742. 160, xcii p. — De aortae aneurysmate. Cremonae, 1741. 99 p. — De Cremonensis et Mantuanae endemicae Lipyriae febris essentia, & differentia a Lipyria Aetii. Mediolani, 1765. 59 p. — De praecipuis febribus specimen practicum. Cremonae, 1761. 298 p. — De saxis, acubus, ferreis vitreisque frustis. Cremonae, 1746. 172 p. — In Ebenbitar tractatum de malis limoniis commentaria. Cremonae, 1758. 232 p. — Medicina rationalis. Cremonae, 1737. 280 p. — Riflessioni medico-pratiche sopra la lettera familiare del sig. dottore Ignazio Pedratti. Cremona, 1749.286 p. VALDAMBRINI, Giuseppe. Dell'uso del mercurio crudo praticato nell cura delle maligne. Firenze, 1744. 31 p. VALENTICS, Ferencz Miska. See Adami, P. VALENTIN, Louis, 1758-1829. See Dezoteux, F. VALENTIN, Louis Antoine, 1735-1823. Eloge de M. Le Cat. Londres, 1769. 59 p. — Question chirurgico-legale, relative a l'affaire de Demoiselle Famin. Berlin, 1768. 92 p. — Recherches critiques sur la chirurgie moderne. Am- sterdam, 1772. 319 p. VALENTINI, Michael Bernhard, 1657-1729. Amphi- theatrum zootomicum. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1720. 231,231, 114 p. — Aurifodina medica. Ed. 2. Giessae, 1723. 664 p. — Corpus juris medico-legate. Ed. noviss. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1722. 528, 570 p. — Historia literaria S. R. I. Academiae Naturae Curiosorum. Gissae-Hassorum, 1708. 152 p. — Historia simplicium reformata. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1716. 664 p. , — Medicina nov-antiqua. Ed. 2. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1713. 750 p. — Museum museorum, oder Vollstandige Schau-Buhne alter Materialien und Specereyen. 2. Ed. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1714. 3 v. in 2. — Novellae medico-legates. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1711. 1250 p. ' / — Pandectae medico-legates. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1701 [pt. 4, 1700] 4 pts. in 1 v. Pt 3 has title: Declamationum panegyricarum dekas; pt. 4: Polychresta exotica. — Polychresta exotica. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1701. 293 p. — Praxis medicinae infallibilis. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1711.750,72, 212 p. Imperfect: plate 18 wanting. Pt. 2 has title: Animadversiones in Machiavellum medicum; pt. 3: Continuatio declamationum panegyricarum. -----Ed. 2. Francofurti ad Moenum. 1721. 856, 320 p. — Praxeos medicinae infallibilis pars altera chirurgica. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1715. 952 p. 467 VALENTINI — Prodromus historiae naturalis Hassiae. Gissae-Hassorum [1707|38 p. — Relatio de magnesia alba, novo . .. pharmaco purgante. Gissae-Hassorum, 1707. 15 p. — Viridarium reformatum, seu regnum vegetabile, das ist: Neu-eingerichtetes und vollstandiges Krauter-Buch. Franckfurth am Mayn, 1719. 584 p. VALENTINI, Nicolo Ignazio, 1722-1783. De arte gym- nastica. Neapoli, 1746. 160 p. VALENTINI, Onofrio, See DeUe parotidi. . . opuscoli due. VALENTINUS, Basilius. See Basilius Valentinus. VALFRE Andrea. Observationes astronomico-medicae, et interjecta paradoxa. Astae, 1714. 209 p. VALINGEN, Francis de. See Valangin, Francis de, 1724 or 5-1805. VALK, Evert. Genees-kundig verhaal van de algemeene in zwang gegaan hebbende loop-ziekte. Haarlem, 1745. 98, 32 p. VALLE, Juan Fernandez del. See Fernandez del Valle, Juan. [VALLEMONT, Pierre Le Lorrain, abbe de] 1649-1721. Naauw-keurige waarneemingen ontrent de seldsaam- heeden en uitwerkselen der natuur. Leyden, 1719.375 p. VALLERIUS, Nicolaus, fl. 1699. Tres elegantes tractatus de aquis medicatis Nic. Vallerii, Rob. Boyle, Joh. Floyeri editi cum praefatione Joh. Fred. Helvetii. Amstelaedami, 1718. 282 p. VALLETON DE BOISSIERE. Lettre .. . aM.Thouret . . relativement au magnetisme animal. Philadelphie, 1785. 240 p. VALLETTA, Lodovico. De phalangio apulo. Neapoli, 1706. 173 p. VALLI, Eusebio, 1755-1816. Discorso sopra il sangue. Mondovi, 1789. 158 p. — Dissertazione . . . nella quale si esaminano le teorie deU'acrimonie e l'epidemie in generc Pisa, 1783.99 p. — Experiments on animal electricity. London, 1793. 323 p. — Memoria sulla peste di Smyrne del 1784. Losanna, 1788. 150 p. — Saggio sopra diverse malattie croniche. Pavia, 1792. 152 p. VALLI, Francesco. Les cris de la nature et de l'humanite, dedies au beau sexe. [n.p., 179-?] 31 p. — Opera d'ostetricia. Firenze, 1792. 3 v. — Trattato del parto naturale. Parigi, 1767. 301 p. VALLISNIERl, Antonio, 1661-1730. Considerazioni, ed esperienze intorno al creduto cervello di bue impietrito, vivente ancor 1'animate. Padoa, 1710. 51 p. — Considerazioni, ed esperienze intorno alia generazione de' vermi ordinarj del corpo umano. Padoa, 1710.160 p. — De corpi marini. 2. ed. Venezia, 1728. 272 p. — Dell'uso e dell'abuso delle bevande, e bagnature calde, o fredde. Modena, 1725. 196 p. ------3. impres. Napoli, 1727. 124, 48 p. — Esperienze, ed osservazioni intorno aU'origine, sviluppi, e costumi di varj insetti. Padoa, 1713. 232 p. ------2. ed. Padova, 1726. 2 v. in 1. Vol. 2 has title: Nuove osservazioni ed esperienze intorno all'ovaja scoperta ne' vermi tondi dell'uomo, e de' vitelli. — Historie von der Erzeugung der Menschen und Thierc Lemgo, 1739. 726 p. — Istoria della generazione dell'uomo, e degli animali, se sia da' vermicelli spermatid, o dalle uova. Venezia, 1721. 490 p. (His Opere diverse, pt. 3) — Lezione accademica intorno aU'origine delle fontanc Venezia, 1715. 87 p. ------2. ed. Venezia, 1726. 407, 40 p. Pt. 2 has title: Conclusiones physico-medicae quas . .. defendit . . . Leo Bernhardus Pagliai. — Nuove osservazioni, ed esperienze intorno all'ovaja scoperta ne' vermi tondi dell'uomo, e de' vitelli. Padova, 1713. 184 p. — Opere diverse . . . cioe: I. Istoria del camaleonte africano ... II. Lezione accademica intorno aU'origine delle fontanc [Venezia, 1715] 200, 87 p. Istoria del camaleonte has special t.p. — Opere fisico-mediche. Venezia, 1733. 3 v. — Raccolta di varj trattati. Venezia, 1715. 261 p. VALMONT DE BOMARE, Jacques Christophe, 1731- 1807. Dictionnaire reisonne universel d'histoire naturelle. Paris, 1764. 5 v. ------Supplement a la premiere edition. Paris, 1768. 807 p. ------Yverdon, 1768-69. 12 v. ------Nouv ed. Paris, 1775. 6 v. ------4. ed. En Suisse, 1780. 12 v. ------4. ed. Lyon, 1791. 8 v. VALSALVA, Antonio Maria, 1666-1723. De aure humana. Bononiae, 1704. 184 p. ------Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1707. 143 p. ------Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1717. 143 p. ------Lugduni Batavorum, 1735. 143 p. - Opera. Venetiis, 1740. 3 v. in 2. Vol. 2-3 have title: Joannis Baptistae Morgagni Epistolarum anatomicarum duodeviginti ad scripta pertinentium . . . Antonii Mariae Valsalvae pars prior [& altera] ------Venetiis, 1741. 2 v. VALTOLINI, Giovambattista. Delia fistola dell'ano. Bergamo, 1790. 47 p. — Difesa e discorso . . . sopra la cura de' cancri mam- millari. Bergamo, 1792. 85 p. 468 VATER VALVERDE, Antonio Sanchez. See Sanchez Valverde, Antonio, d. 1790. VANASBROECK, Jean Francois. La nature medecin. Bruxelles, An V( 1796) 68 p. VANDELLI, Domenico, 1735-1816. Analisi d'alcune acque medicinali del Modonese. Padova, 1760. 158 p. — Dell'acqua di Brandola. Modeno, 1763. 48 p. — Dissertationes tres. Patavii, 1758. 167 p. — Epistola de sensibilitate pericranii. Padova, 1756. lxxii p. — Epistola secunda, et tertia de sensitivitate Halleriana. Patavii, 1758. lxxx p. — Tractatus de thermis agri Patavini. Accessit bibliotheca hydrographica, & apologia contra eel: Hallerum. Patavii, 1761.234,44, 53 p. Pt. 2 has title: Apologia contra eel: Hallerum. Patavii, 1760. VANDELLI, Girolamo, 1699-1776. Succincta descrizione delle terme di Padova. Padova, 1775. xxiv p. VANDERBEEG, I. C. von. Manductio hermetico-philo- sophica, oder richtige Handleitung zu der wahren phUosophischen Medicin. 2. Aufl. Vermehrt mit dem Tractatlein: Sol sine veste. Hof [17397] 312, 23 p. Pt. 2 has title: Sol sine veste. . . von J. C. O. [i.e. Johann Christian Orschal] [n.p.] 1739. VANDERMONDE, Charles Augustin, 1727-1762. Diction- naire portatif de sante. See under title. — Essai sur la maniere de perfectionner l'espece humain. Paris, 1756. 2 v. VANNETTI, Giuseppe Valeriano, 1719-1764. Barbalogia owero ragionamento intorno alia barba. Roveredo, 1759. 174 p. VANNUCCI, Gian Antonio. Dialogo quarto familiare scherzoso. Genova, 1763. 83 p. — Piccolospecchiodidisinganno. Milano [1762] lxxxii p. — Praeterita symptomata. [Massae, 1745] 15 p. VARI, Ignazio, d. 1761. Dichiarazione e pentimento . . . sopra la menzogna spacciata per mezzo delle stampe, e calunniosamente intitolata Giustificazione di Francesco Pecci. [Ferrara? 1754] 6 p. — Lezione seconda ... intorno all'indole venefica del rame in difesa della sua dissertazione. Ferrara, 1754. 120 p. VARIAS dissertaciones medicas, theoretico-practicas . . . enunciadas ... en la Real Sociedad de Sevilla. Tom. 1. Sevilla, 1736. 537 p. VARIE regole usate in diverse citta in occasione di pesti- lenze. Modena, 1743. 64 p. VARIOUS ironic . . . discourses. See De Coetlogon, D. VARNIER, Charles Louis. Cours de physiologie experi- mentate. See Universite de Paris. Faculte de medecine. — Memoire justificatif ... sur un decret de radiation prononce par la Faculte de Paris. Paris, 1785. 61 p. — Memoire pour Me. Charles-Louis Varnier . . . contre les doyen & docteurs de ladite Faculte [de medecine] [Paris, 1785] 54, 14 p. VASOLI, Pietro Carlo, 1663-1746. De pulsus naturali insensibilitate in carpis et de systolis arteriarum usu. Massae, 1731. 174 p. VASTAPANI, Giovanni Pietro Melchiorre, 1739-1819. De china china in synochis putribus animadversiones. Taurini, 1779. 152 p. ------Argentorati, 1783. 162 p. VATER, Abraham, 1684-1751. Ad orationem inauguralem de anatomico acerbius castigato ... invitat et de mecha- nismo quo natura utitur in obturando foramine ovali et ductu arterioso, conjecturas suas ... exponit. Vitem- bergae [1719] [16] p. — Das Blatter-Beltzen. Wittenberg, 1721. 40 p. — Brief aan . . . Fredrik Ruysch . . . aangaande de kring- wyze spier, in den bodem van de baermoeder ontdeckt. Amsteldam, 1728. 45 p. — Dissertatio anatomico-pathologica qua uterus gravidus physiologice et pathologice consideratus exposita simul ejus structura sinuosa et orificiorum menses et lochia fundentium fabrica sistitur. Wittenbergae, 1725. 32 p. — Dissertatio chirurgico-medica qua casus oppido rams sarcomatis uteri quid sirrule exhibentis salva vita e pudendo muliebri sectione sublati historiam continens anatomice et pathologice consideratur. Vitembergae [1728] 32 p. — Dissertatio . . . qua ductus salivalis in lingua noviter antehac detectus, nunc elucidatus . . . prodit. Witten- bergae, 1723. 48 p. — Epistola anatomica, problematica decima & sexta, ad . . . Fredericum Ruyschium . . . de viis absconditis pulmonum, quibus aer, respirando receptus, in sanguinem penetrat. Amstelaedami, 1714. 12 p. ------Amstelodami, 1727. 10 p. — Epistola gratulatoria ad .. . Fredericum Ruyschium ... in qua de musculo orbiculari in fundo uteri detecto gratulatur. Amstelodami, 1727. 23 p. ------Wittenbergae, 1727. 27 p. — Hepar in hydrope saepius insons esse . . . demonstrat. Vittembergae[1720][8]p. — Lectiones publicas de incrementis artis medicae ex remediis exoticis . . . habendas intimat. Vitembergae [1718] [16] p. — Lectiones publicas in B. Parentis semioticam medicam . . . indicit. [Vitembergae, 1746] [8] p. — Museum anatomicum proprium. Helmstadii, 1750. 148 p. — Novum ductum salivalem ... demonstrat. Wittenbergae, 1721.[16] p. — Regii in Academia ad Albim Musei Anatomici Augustei catalogus. See Universitat Wittenberg. Anatomisches Museum. 469 VATER VATER, Christian, 1651-1732. De praesagiis vitae et mortis. Papiae, 1783. 56 p. — Dissertazione intorno i presagi di vita, e di morte. Padova, 1783. 76 p. -----Napoli, 1785. 64 p. — Institutiones medicae. Vitembergae, 1722. 61 p. — Physiologia experimentahs. Ed. 2. Wittenbergae, 1712. 859 p. — Semiotica medica succinctis aphorismis comprehensa. Vitembergae, 1722. 164 p. VAUGHAN, Henry. See Halford, Sir Henry, bart., 1766- 1844. VAUGHAN, James, 1740-1813. Cases and observations on the hydrophobia. 2d ed. London [1778?] 98 p. VAUGHAN, John, 1775-1807. Observations on animal electricity. In explanation of the metallic operation of Doctor Perkins. Wilmington, 1797. 32 p. [VAUGHAN, Thomas] 1622-1666. Antroposophia theo- magica; das ist, Eine Rede von der Natur des Menschen. Von EugeniusPhilaletha. [Amsterdam] 1704.75,83 p. Pt. 2 has title: Anima magica abscondita; oder, Eine Rede von dem allgemeinen Geiste der Natur. Issued with his Magia Adamica [ — ] Magia Adamica; oder, Das Alterthum der Magic Durch Eugenius Philaletha. Amsterdam, 1704. 160 p. VAUGHAN, Walter, 1766-1828. An essay, philosophical and medical, concerning modern clothing. Rochester, 1792. 114 p. — An exposition of the principles of anatomy and physi- ology. London, 1791. 2 v. VAUME, Jean Sebastien, 1746-ca. 1840. Reflexions sur la nouvelle methode d'inoculer la petite verole. Paris, An VIII [1799/1800] 11 p. — Traite de la fievre putride, precedee d'une dissertation sur les remedes generaux. Paris, An IV (1796) 291 p. — Traite de medecine-pratique sur les remedes generaux et sur la fievre putride. Paris, An VI (1798) 191 (i.e. 291) p. VAUX, Antoine Alexis Cadet de. See Cadet de Vaux, Antoine Alexis, 1743-1828. VAUX, Jean de. See Devaux, Jean, 1649-1729. VAUZESME, Augustin Roussel de. See Roussel de Vauzesme, Augustin, b. 1754. VAZQUEZ DE CORTES, Juan. Medicina en las fuentes; corriente de la medicina del agua; purgas sin corriente. Madrid [1753] 36 p. VECKO-SKRIFT for lakare och naturforskarc bd. 1-7; 1781-86. Stockholm. 7 v. Some volumes have title or caption title: Wecko-skrift for lakare och naturforskarc VEGA, JuUan de Diego Garcilaso de la. See Diego GarcUaso de la Vega, Julian de. VEGA, Julian de Diego Martin Garcilaso de la. See Martin Garcilaso de la Vega, Julian de Diego. VEGA, Leandro de. Carta apologetica. Cordoba [1748] 100 p. — Censura critico-medica epistolar. El Puerto de Santa Maria [1745] 59 p. — Phaimacopea de la armada. Cadiz [1759] 165, 165 p. Added L p.: Pharmacopoeia classica Text in Latin and Spanish -----Cadiz, 1760. 127 p. VEGETIUS RENATUS, Flavius. Artis veterinariae sive mulomedicinae libri quatuor. Mannhemii, 1781.370 p. VEIRAC, Johannes, 1745-1795. Twee verhandelingen over de besmettelyke rotkoorts, op de uitgaande Oost-Indische schepen dezer landen. Door Johannes Veirac en B. Hussem. Middleburg, 1778. 221 p. — Verhandeling over de rachitis. Utrecht, 1793. 243 p. VEITH, Jan Adam. Thermae Podolenses. Wytisstena w Parze, 1728. 49 p. VELANI, Giovanni Francesco. Quadriennalium morbo- sarum observationum ab anno 1771 in Mutinae noso- comio . . . pars prima. Mutinae, 1776. 182 p. VELASCO, Diego & VILLA VERDE, Francisco. Curso theorico-practico de operaciones de cirugia. Bare. [1763?]-1780. 2v. in 1. - &-----Madrid, 1780. 2 v. in 1. VELDE, Jacobus van den, fl. 1700-1717. Diatriba academica qua doctrina medica de crisi sive naturae medicina, purgatur a vanitate & offuciis dierum criticorum. Marburgi Cattorum, 1717. 46 p. VELNOS, Jean Joseph Vergely de. See Vergely de Velnos, Jean Joseph. VEN. Agnetis Blannbekin . . . vita et revelationes . . . Accessit Pothonis . . . Liber de miraculis sanctae Dei genitricis Mariae. Viennae, 1731. 456 p. VENEGAS, Juan Manuel. Compendio de la medicina. Mexico, 1788. 377 p. VENEL, Gabriel Francois, 1723-1775. De medicamentis compositis praelectiones. Monspelii, 1761. 19 p. [ —] Lettre de Monsieur V*** ... a Monsieur de M**. [n.p.] 1758. 16 p. — Precis de matiere medicale. Paris, 1787. 2 v. — Quaestiones chemicae duodecim. See Le Roy, C. VENEL, Jean Andre, 1740-1791. Essai sur la sante et sur I'education medicinale des filles destinees au mariage. Yverdon, 1776. 205 p. — Nouveaux secours pour les corps arretes dans l'oesophagc Lausanne, 1769. 42 p. VENEMA, Herman, 1697-1787. Oratio funebris in me- moriam . . . Wyeri Gulielmi Muys. Franequerae, 1744. 139 p. 470 VERDUYN VENETTE, Nicolas, 1633-1698. Abhandlung von den Steinen. Sorau, 1763. 182 p. — Abhandlung von Erzeugung der Menschen. Leipzig, 1711. 678 p. — De la generation de 1'homme, ou tableau de l'amour conjugal. 8. ed. Cologne, 1702. 642 p. -----8. ed. Cologne, 1716. 642 p. - La generation de 1'homme. Nouv. ed. Hambourg, 1751. 2v. -----Nouv. ed. [Londres] 1763-64 [v. 2, 1763] 2 v. -----Nouv. ed. Londres, 1768. 2 v. — Tableau de l'amour conjugal. Nouv. ed. Paris, An III (1795) 4 v. - Traite des pierres. Amsterdam, 1701. 326 p. -----Amsterdam, & se vend a Paris, 1701. 326 p. [ — ] Venus minsieke gasthuis. 7. druk. Amsterdam, 1715. 652 p. VENICE. Regio supremo tribunale di sanita. Doveri da osservarsi nelli lazzeretti. [Venezia, 1798] 26 p. VENICE (Republic, to 1797) Giustizia vecchia. Taxa anni MDCCI. See Collegio degli speziali, Venice. — Magistrato della sanita. Terminazione degl'illustrissimi signori sopra provveditori e provveditori alia sanita. [Venezia] 1768. Iv p. --------[Venezia] 1768. clxiv p. --------[Venezia] 1770. broadside. --------[Venezia, 17947] broadside. VENICE. See also Collegio degli speziali. VENTOSA Y LLEDO, Tomas. Quaestiones medicae tres . . . pro cathedra institutionum medicarum minus antiqua. Cervariae Lacetanorum [1784] [8] p. — Quaestiones medicae tres . . . pro cathedra materiae medicae. Cervariae Lacetanorum [1784] [8] p. VENTRE DE LA TOULOUBRE, Christophe Felix Louis. See Montjoie, Christophe Felix Louis Ventre de La Touloubre, 1746-1816. VENTURA PASTOR, Jose. Preceptos generales sobre las operaciones de los partos. Madrid, 1789-90. 2 v. VENTURI, Alberto. De mellis origine et usu. Venetiis, 1763. 36 p. VENTURINI, Alessandro. Le medicine che da tutti gl'animali si pud cavare a beneficio deU'huomo. 8. impres. Venezia, 1704. 154 p. — Secreti medicinali. . . ne' quali si contengono i piu scelti rimedi, che si cavano da gli animali per salute deU'huomo. Bologna, 1708. 171 p. VENUS la populaire. See Mandeville, B. — Venus minsieke gasthuis. See Venette, N. — Venus physique. See Maupertuis, P. L. M. de. VERARDI ZEVIANI, Giovanni. See Zeviani, Giovanni Verardo, 1725-1808. VERATTI, Giuseppe, 1707-1793. Osservazioni fisico- mediche intorno alia elettricita. Bologna, 1748. 143 p. De VERBETERDE Haarlemmer apotheek. See Pharma- copoeia. Haarlem. VERBRUGGE, Johannes. Het nieuw hervormde examen van land- en zee-chirurgic 8. druk. Amsterdam, 1742. 600 p. VERCELLONE, Jacopo, b. 1676. De glandulis oesophagi conglomeratis. Astae, 1711. 273 p. — De pudendorum morbis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1722. 258 p. — Traite des maladies qui arrivent aux parties genitales des deux sexes. Paris, 1730. 464 p. [VERDIER, Cesar] 1685-1759. Abrege de l'anatomie du corps humain. Paris, 1734. 2 v. -----2. ed. Paris, 1745-47 [v. 1, 1747] 2 v. in 1. -----Nouv. ed. Bruxelles, 1765. 2 v. -----4. ed. Paris, 1768. 2 v. -----2. ed. Paris, 1769. 2 v. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1782. 2 v. — An abstract of the anatomy of the human body. London, 1753. 106, 89, 274 p. VERDIER, Jean, 1735-1820. Essai sur la jurisprudence de la medecine en France. Alencon, 1763. 383 p. — La jurisprudence de la medecine en France. Alencon, 1762-63 [v. 1,1763] 2 v. — La jurisprudence particuliere de la chirurgie en France. Paris, 1764. 2 v. VERDRIES, Johann Melchior, 1679-1735. De aequilibrio mentis & corporis. Giessae, 1726. 258 p. - Physica. Gissae, 1728. 560 p. — Vera ad veram medicinam via. Gissae, 1614 [i.e. 1714] 48 p. VERDUC, Jean Baptiste. Chirurgische Schrifften. Leipzig, 1712. 432, 344 p. — De l'usage des parties. 2. ed. Paris, 1711. 2 v. — Pathologie de chirurgie. 3. ed. Paris, 1703. 2 v. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1727. 3 v. Vol. 3 has title: Nouvelle osteologie. — A treatise of the parts of a humane body. London, 1704. 359 p. VERDUC, Laurent, d. 1695. La maniere de guerir par le moyen des bandages, les fractures et les luxations. 3 ed. Paris, 1712. 408 p. — The manner of curing all fractures and dislocations . . . by the means of bandages. London, 1706. 190 p. -----See also Belloste, A. The hospital surgeon. VERDUC, Laurent, d. 1703, ed. Le maistre en chirurgie. See Guy de Chauliac. VERDUYN, Henricus. Disquisitio juridica de testamento atque hereditate Lazari bis mortui, aliorumque bis mortuorum. Amstelaedami, 1705. 99 p. 471 VERDUYN VERDUYN, Pieter Adriaanszoon, 1625?-ca. 1700. De l'amputation a lambeau, ou nouvelle methode d'amputer les membres. Paris, 1756. 203 p. VERE, James. A physical and moral enquiry into the causes of that internal restlessness and disorder in man, which has been the complaint of all ages. [London] 1778. 151 p. VERGELY DE VELNOS, Jean Joseph. Dissertation sur un nouveau remede antivenerien vegetal. Paris, 1765. 95 p. VERHANDELING over den lintworm. Amsteldam, 1776. 46 p. — Verhandeling over den tabak. See Nieuwe en naauw- keurige verhandeling. — Verhandeling van de gevaarlyke ziekte der hond's raasernye. Gorinchem, 1738. 124 p. VERHANDELINGEN bekroond met den prijs van het legaat van Johannes Monnikhoff. deel 1-2. Amsterdam, 1797-99. 2 v. — VerhandeUngen over de bybelsche ziekten. See Mead, R. — Verhandelingen over de waare oorzaaken. See Callen- fels, G. W. VERHEYEN, Philipp, 1648-1710. Anatomiae corporis humani liber primus [et secundus | Ed. noviss. Coloniae, 1712.2v. in 1. Vol. 2 has title: Supplementum anatomicum sive anatomiae corporis humani liber secundus. -----Ed. noviss. Coloniae, 1712-13. 2 v. in 1. — Anatomie oder Zerlegung des menschlichen Leibes. Leipzig, 1704. 742 p. -----Leipzig, 1708. 742 p. -----Leipzig, 1714. 878 p. -----Leipzig, 1722. 815 p. — Anatomie oft ontleed-kundige beschryvinge van het menschen lichaem. Brussel, 1711. 798 p. — Animadversiones in anatomiam Blancardianam. [n.p., n.d.] 24 p. Issued as supplement to his Corporis humani anatomia, Lovanii, 1706. — Appendix ad anatomiae corporis humani tractatum secundum, et tertium. [n.p., n.d.] 8 p. Issued as supplement to his Corporis humani anatomia, Lovanii, 1706. — Corporis humani anatomia. Lipsiae, 1705. 622 p. -----Lovanii, 1706-12. 2 v. Vol. 2 has title: Supplementum anatomicum. -----Ed. 2. Bruxellis, 1710. 2 v. in 1. Vol. 2, without ed. statement, has title: Supplementum anatomicum. -----Ed. 3. Neap., 1717. 403 p. Liber primus only. -----Ed. nova. Lipsiae, 1718. 680 p. Liber primus only. -----Ed. 3. Bruxellis, 1726. 2 v. Vol. 2 without ed. statement. -----Ed. nova. Amstelodami, 1731. 2 v. -----Neapoli, 1734. 2 v. — Curacion milagrosa de un extraordinario fluxo de sangre. [n.p., 170-?] 47 p. — Vera historia de horrendo sanguinis fluxu ex oculis, naribus, auribus, et ore, Reverendi Patris Joannis Baptistae Onraet. Lovanii, 1708. 164 p. La VERITABLE maniere d'instruire les sourds et muets. See L'Epee, C. M. de. La VERITE du miracle opere en la personne de Marguerite Hutin . . . guerie par l'intercession du bienheureux Francois de Paris. [Paris] 1734. 64 p. VERMAKELYKE en onderrigtende reyse na de Viaansche gezondheids-bron. Gorinchem, 1754. 74 p. VERMEIL, Francois Michel, 1732-1810. Memoire pour Anne Grandjean ... accuse & appellant.. . Un herma- phrodite qui a epouse une fille, peut-il etre repute pro- fanateur du sacrement de mariage. Paris, 1765. 23 p. The VERMIN-killer. London [17-] 84 p. VERNA, Giovanni Battista. Princeps medicaminum om- nium phlebotomia. Patavii, 1716. 243 p. — Princeps morborum acutorum pleuritis. Venetiis, 1713. 208 p. VERNEUERTES medicinisches Pest-Consilium. [Stral- sund? ca. 1735][16] p. VERNIEUWDE Amsterdamsche apotheek. See Pharma- copoeia. Amsterdam. VERNON, Edward, 1694 or 5-1761. A sermon preached before the Royal College of Physicians . . . 1753.2d ed. London, 1756. 16 p. VERONA (Province) Cancelleria de sanita. Nota delle cose medicinali. Verona, 1751. xii p. VERS solitaires. See Andry de Boisregard, N. VERSCHUIR, Wolther Forsten, 1739-1793. Oratio in auguralis de recentiomm medicomm, inprimis Belgarum, meritis, in phaenomenis et effectibus principii, quod vitam animalem constituit, indagandis. Groningae, 1781. 64 p. VERSUCH einer Auflosung des Stollischen Problems. See Friedlander, D. J. von. — Versuch einer einfachen praktischen ArzneymitteUehre. See Neurohr, J. A. — Versuch einer Hebammenverbesserung. See Fielitz, F. G. H. — Versuch einer systematischen DarsteUung der Splanc- nologic Magdeburg, 1799. 286 p. — Versuch iiber den Character des grossen Arztes. See Maty, M. VERTOT, Rene Aubert de, 1655-1735. The history of 472 VICQ D'AZYR the Knights HospitaUers of St. John of Jerusalem. Edin- burgh, 1770. 5 v. VERTRAUTE Briefe uber eine . . . Pockenkur. See Baader, F. M. Les VERTUS medicinales de l'eau commune. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1730. 2 v. VERULAM, Francis Bacon, Baron. See Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Albans, 1561-1626. VERVEER, Hendrik. Verhandeling over zydewee en longontsteking. Amsteldam, 1786. 47 p. VERZAMELING van genees-, heel- en artzeny-kundige aanmerkingen. Delft, 1755-56. 2 v. Comp. by J. F. Simon, according to Bib. med. Neer. — Verzameling van verhandelingen, de geneeskunde, wijsbegeerte en natuurlijke historie betreffende. Am- steldam, 1790. 106 p. VESALIUS, Andreas, 1514-1564. Opera omnia. Lugduni Batavomm, 1725. 2 v. — Tabulae ossium humanorum. Lugduni Batavomm, 1782. 50 p. — Zergliederung dess menschlichen Korpers. Augspurg, 1706.[8] p. VESEY, Francis, 17657-1845. Case upon the will, of the late Peter Thellusson, esq. London [17997] 135 p. VESLING, Johann, 1598-1649. Observationes anatomicae. Hagae Comitum, 1740. 248 p. -----See also Bartholin, T. De insolitis partus humani viis. — Tavole anatomiche. Padova, 1745. [26] p. VESPA, Giuseppe, 1727-1804. DeU'arte ostetricia. Firenze, 1761. 70 p. — Lettera . . . scritta ... in occasione d'un nuovo stru- mento inventato per tagliare la cornea lucida. Firenze, 1769. xxviii p. VESTINA, Hebe. II convito amoroso! Or, A serio-comico- philosophical lecture on the causes, nature, and effects of love and beauty. 2d ed. London, 1782. 102 p. A satire on James Graham, sometimes attributed to him. VESZPREMI, Istvan. See Weszpremi, Istvan, 1723-1799. VETENSKAPS-handlingar for lakare och faltskarer. t. 1-6; 1793/94-98/99. Stockholm. 6 v. Prepared by S. Hedin. - Vetenskaps-journal for lakare och faltskarer. t. 1; 1800. Stockholm. 1 v. Prepared by S. Hedin. VETENSKAPS ACADEMIEN. Nya handlinger. t. 1-17; 1780-96. Stockholm. 17 v. - See also Svenska vetenskapsakademien. VETILLART DU RIBERT, Michel Noel Patrice, 1729- 1782. Histoire medicale des maladies dyssenteriques qui affligent la province du Maine. Mans, 1779. 74 p. VETTER, Aloys Rudolph, 1765-1806. Anatomische Grund- begriffe von den Eingeweiden des Menschen. Wien, 1788. 360 p. — Auszug aus der neuern Knochenlehre. Wien, 1788. 251 p. — Kurzgefaszte Beschreibung alter Gefasse und Nerven des menschlichen Korpers. Wien, 1789. 491 p. — Neue Kurart alter venerischen Krankheiten. Wien, 1793. 488 p. — Neueingerichtete Muskellehre fiir Schiiler der Arzney- kunde. Wien, 1790. 215 p. VETTER, Johann Friedrich. Meditationes philosophicae de gravium aestimatione. [n.p., 1743] 40 p. VIA ad transmutationem. See Aletophilus Sincerus. VIAL DE SAINBEL, Charles, 1753-1793. Elements of the veterinary art. 3d ed. London, 1797. 4 pts. in 1 v. — The works. London, 1795. 3 pts. in 1 v. VIARDEL, Cosme, fl. 1671-1674. Observations sur la pratique des accouchemens. Paris, 1748. 344 p. Imperfect: 2 plates wanting. VICARIUS, Johann Jacob Franz, 1664-1716. Basis uni- versae medicinae. Ed. 2. Argentorati, 1710. 380 p. — Tractatus de intemperato Hippocratico, seu cacochy- miis Galeni. Argentorati, 1712. 201 p. VICAT, PhUippe Rodolphe, 1720-1783, ed. Bibliotheque medico-physique du nord. See under title. — Delectus observationum practicarum. Vitodurum, 1780. 318 p. — Histoire des plantes veneneuses de la Suisse. Yverdon, 1776.392, 112 p. — Memoire sur la plique polonoisc Lausanne, 1775. 64 p. — Der praktische Arzt am Krankenbette. Wien, 1794. 174 p. VICENTE, P. Fr. See Ferrer y Beaumont, Vicente. VICENTINI, Franceso. Memoria intorno al metodo di soccorrere i sommersi. Milano, 1769. 64 p. VICI, Domenico, tr. Dissertazione sopra la tisichezza pulmonarc See Desault, P. VICKERS, WUUam. A brief account of a specifick remedy for curing the king's evil. 2d ed. London, 1709. 15 p. — An easie and safe method for curing the king's evil. 10th ed. London, 1716. 83 p. -----11th ed. London, 1716. 83 p. VICO, Carlos de. Theatro universal de novidades, em o qual se expressa huma nova pragmatica declarando os estylos impyrico, methodico, e dogmatico. Lisboa Occidental, 1739. 22 p. VICQ D'AZYR, Felix, 1748-1794. Expose des moyens curatifs & preservatifs qui peuvent etre employes contre 473 VICQ D'AZYR les maladies pestilentielles des betes a comes. Paris, 1776. 728 p. — Recueil d'observations sur les differentes methodes proposees pour guerir la maladie epidemique qui attaque les betes a comes. Paris, 1775. 35 p. — Traite d'anatomie et de physiologie. Tome premier. Paris, 1786. 123, 111 p. VIDAL, Domingo. Cirugia forense. Barcelona, 1783. 90 p. -----2. impres. Barcelona, 1791. 128 p. Imperfect: t.p. wanting. — Tratado de las enfermedades de ojos. Barcelona [1785] 216 p. VIDAL, Francisco. Observacion sobre un vomito perio- dico. Madrid, 1742. 28 p. VIDAL, Geronimo Mas y. See Mas y Vidal, Geronimo. VIDOS Y MIRO, Juan de, fl. 1674-1699? Medicina, y cirugia racional, y espagirica. 6. impres. Zaragoca, 1709. 436 p. -----7. impres. Madrid [1732] 508 p. La VIE privee. See Guyton de Morveau, N. VIENNA. See AUgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien Krancken-Spital zur allerheiligsten Dreyfaltigkeit Medicinisch-chirurgische Josephs-Akademie zu Wien Universitat Wien VIER Tractatlein von der ansteckenden Seuche. See Kirchoff, G. VIEUSSENS, Francois Rene. Observation sur la maladie de Monsieur Manot de Bergerat. [Montpellier? 1730?] 32 p. VIEUSSENS, Raymond, 1641-1715? Epistola nova quae- dam in corpore humajio inventa exhibens. Lipsiae, 1704. 16 p. — Experiences et reflexions sur la structure et l'usage des visceres. Paris, 1755. 483 p. — Histoire des maladies internes. Toulouse, 1774-75.4 v. Vol. 3, pt. 2 has title: Novum vasorum corporis humani systema 4. ed. Tolosae, 1774; v. 4: Neurographia universalis. Nova ed. Tolosae, 1775. — Neurographia universalis. Ed. noviss. Lugduni, 1716. 252 p. — Novum vasorum corporis humani systema. Amstelo- dami, 1705. 260 p. — Oeuvres francoises. [Toulouse] 1715. 2 v. in 1. Each v. has special t.p.; v. 1: Traite nouveau de la structure . . . du coeur; v. 2: Traite nouveau des liqueurs du corps humain. — Tractatus duo. Ultima ed. Lugduni, 1715. 348 p. VIEUSSEUX, Gaspard, 1746-1814. Traite de la nouvelle methode d'inoculer la petite verole. Geneve, 1773. 246 p. VIGAROUS, Barthelemi, 1725-1790. Observations et remarques sur la complication des symptomes venenens avec d'autres virus. Montpellier, 1780. 176 p. — Opuscules sur la regeneration des os. Paris, 1788. 223 p. VIGAROUS, Francois, d. 1792. Quaestiones medicae duodecim ab . . . Joanne-Francisco Imbert [et al.] propositae. Monspelii, 1760. 34 p. — Quaestiones medicae duodecim ab . . . Paulo-Josepho Barthez [et al.] propositae. Monspelii, 1776. 39 p. VIGAROUS, Joseph Marie Joachim, 1759-1829. Quaes tiones medicae duodecim, ab ... Gaspard-Joanne Rene [et al.] propositae. Monspelii, 1790. 67 p. VIGIER, Joao. Historia das plantas da Europa. Lion, 1718.2v. — Pharmacopea Ulyssiponense, galenica, e chymica. Lisboa, 1716. 475, 102 p. — Thesouro apollineo, galenico, chimico, chirurgico, pharmaceutico. Lisboa, 1714. 518 p. -----Coimbra, 1745. 518 p. VIGILIIS VON CREUTZENFELD, Stephan Hieronymus de. Bibliotheca chirurgica. Vindobonae, 1781. 2 v. VIGNET, Joannes Henricus de. Clare Beschreibung derer uralten, heylsamben und hdchstberiimbten warmen Toplitzer Bader. Prag, 1720. 48 p. VIGNON DE VIGNOLES. Essai de medecine-pratique pour l'usage des pauvres gens de la campagne. Paris, 1745. 2 v. VIGO, Giovanni de, 14607-1525? Teorica, y practica en cirugia. Madrid, 1717. 401 p. VILCHES, Rafael Ramos de. See Ramos de Vilches, Rafael. VILGUER. See Bilguer, Johann Ulrich, 1720-1796. VILLA, Esteban de, d. 1660. Exame de boticarios. Lisboa Occidental, 1736. 366 p. VILLANUEVA, Martin Martin de. See Martin de Villa- nueva, Martin. VILLARREAL, Juan Joseph de. Satisfaccion a una calumnia imaginaria, y defensa de una verdadera calumnia. [Lima] 1759. [24] p. VILLARROEL, Diego de Torres y. See Torres y Villarroel, Diego de, 16937-1770. VILLARS, Charles Rene Girard de. Questiones medicae, cum ex phisiologia turn ex pathologia selectae. [RupeUae, 1728] 14 p. VILLARS, Dominique, 1745-1814. Catalogue des sub- stances vegetates qui peuvent servir a la nourriture de 1'homme. Grenoble [An II, i.e. 1793/94] 48 p. — Histoire des plantes de Dauphine. Grenoble, 1786-89. 3 v. in 4. — Memoire sur les maladies les plus frequentes a Grenoble. Grenoble, 1787. 77 p. 474 VITET — Observations de medecine, sur une fievre epidemique. Grenoble, 1781. 182 p. — Principes de medecine et de chirurgie. Lyon, 1797. 236 p. VILLARS, Elie Col de. See Col de Villars, Elie, 1675- 1747. VILLARS, Nicolas Pierre Henri de Montfaucon, ca. 1635-1673. Le comte de Gabalis, Nouv. ed. Londres, 1742. 2 v. in 3. VILLASCUSA, Francisco Martinez. See Martinez Villa- scusa, Francisco. VILLAUME, Peter, 1746-1806. Histoire de 1'homme. 2. ed. Wolfenbuttel, 1786. 467 p. -----3. ed. Bronsvic, 1792. 478 p. — Versuche iiber einige psychologische Fragen. Leipzig, 1789. 467 p. VILLA VERDE, Francisco. See Velasco, D. VILLBOURG, Charles Ant. See Willburg, Anton Karl von, d. 1790. VILLE, Jean Baptiste de. See Deville, Jean Baptiste. VILLE, Nicolas de. See Deville, Nicolas. VILLENEUVE, Olivier de. See Olivier de Villeneuve. VILLERS, Servais Augustin de, 1701-1759. Dissertatio medica de haemorrhoidibus. Lovanii [1748] 98 p. — Institutionum medicarum libri duo. Lovanii, 1736. 420 p. VILLETTE, John. A genuine account of the behaviour, confession, and dying-words of William Hawke and William Jones. London [1774] 24 p. VILLIERS, Jacques Francois de, 1727-1793 or 4. Methode pour rappeler les noyes a la vie. Metz, 1771. 79 p. -----Strasbourg, 1771. 55 p. VINCENDON, avocat. Precis pour les chirurgiens du Chateau-du-Loire contre Pierre Gabeau. [Paris, 1782] 13 p. VINCENT, Thomas, 1634-1678. God's terrible voice in the city. London, 1722. 261 p. VINCENTI, Domenico. Lettere idrologiche intorno all'uso, e all'abuso delle acque minerali. Venezia, 1750. xxvi p. — Pubblica notificazione idromantica. Venezia, 1745. xi p. — comp. Raccolta di opuscoli inediti riguardanti l'acque minerali. Venezia, 1760. 84 p. - comp. Tre lettere nelle quali si ragiona di varie quistioni appartenenti all'uso delle acque minerali. Venezia, 1746.[25] p. A VINDICATION of Mr. Ward. See Philalethes, Eugenius, fl. 1735. — A vindication of the forceps described and recom- mended by Dr. Leake. London, 1774. 21 p. -----[n.p.] 1783. 21 p. -----[n.p.] 1785. 28 p. — A vindication of the ministers of Boston, from the abuses & scandals, lately cast upon them. Boston, 1722. 14 p. VINK, Daniel. Amoenitates philologico-medicae in quibus medicina a servitute liberatur. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1730. 528 p. VINUM Britannicum. See Sedgwick, J. VIOLANTE, PhUippus de. De variolis et morbillis. Dresdae, 1750. 164 p. -----Venetiis, 1752. 153 p. VIOLETTE, Jacques. Relation du miracle, opere le 10 Juin 1735. Par l'intercession du B. H. Francois de Paris, sur Jacques Violette. [Paris, 1735] 8 p. VIRARD, P. Essai sur la sante des filles nubiles. Londres, 1776. 43 p. -----2. ed. Londres, 1779. 89 p. VIRICEL, Jean Marie, 1773-1855. Memoire sur l'art de preparer les malades aux grandes operations. [Lyon] An VII [1798/99] 80 p. VIRIDET, Jean, 1655-1736. Dissertation sur les vapeurs. Yverdon, 1726. 266 p. [ — ] Traite du bon chyle. Lausanne, 1736. 2 v. VIRREY Y MANGE, Pasqual Francisco, d. 1746? Promp- tuario aphoristico, laconica exposicion sobre los siete libros de Hypocrates. Madrid, 1746. 316 p. VIRTUDES de las aguas del Pehol. See Mexico (Vice- royalty) Real Tribunal del Protomedicato. VIRTUES and efficacy of the water of Glastonbury. See Wilt thou be made whole. — The virtues of honey. See Hill, John. VISIONE, Luigi. Util uso delle battiture in medicina. Venezia, 1741. 140 p. VISSCHER, Jacobus de & POLL, Hugo van de. Het Roon- huysiaansch geheim, in de vroedkunde ontdekt. Leiden, 1754. 1 v. (various pagings) VITA et gesta . . . Sancti Sebastiani. See Hemer, M. VITAE animalis morbus. See Dippel, J. C. VITALI, Buonafede, 1686-1745. Lettera e risposta ... che tratta delle malattie contagiose. Verona [17— ] 62 p. [ — ] Lettera scritta ad un cavaliere suo padrone dall'a- nonimo in diffesa della professione del salimbanco. Venezia [17-] 79 p. [ - ] — Venezia, 1740. 96 p. — Le terme del Masino in Valtellina. Milano, 1734.134 p. VITET, Aymar. Traite des hernies . .. et un Traite de la 475 VITET generation. Trevoux, 1702. 143, 153 p. -----Trevoux, 1702. 143, 307 p. [VITET, Louis] 1736-1809. Dissertation sur les noyes. [Lyon,1768]48 p. — Instmction pour les eleves du cours gratuit d'accouche- mens, etabli par M. l'lntendant. . . de Lyon. [Lyon, 1786]8 p. — Matiere medicale reformee; ou, Pharmacopee medico- chirurgicalc Lyon, 1780. 552, 144 p. — Medecine veterinaire. Nouv. ed. Lyon, 1783. 2 v. — Pharmacopee de Lyon; ou, Exposition methodique des medicaments simples et composes. Lyon, 1778. 552, 144 p. - & PETETIN, Jacques Henri Desire, 1744-1808. Ob- servations sur les maladies regnantes a Lyon. 1782-84. Lyon. 1 v. No. 4 and 6 for 1784 in ms. VITI, Ludovico. See Chi cerca. VITMAN, Fulgenzio, 1728-1806. De medicatis herbamm facultatibus. Faventiae, 1770. 2 v. — Summa plantarum. Mediolani, 1789-92. 6 v. Incomplete: v. 3-4 only. VIZCAINO, Jose Pinilla y. See Pinilla y Vizcaino, Jose. VLYSIUS, Egbertus. De vmcht in 't moederlyke lichchaam. Groningen, 1713. 274 p. VOEGEN VAN ENGELEN, Jacobus. See Engelen, Jacob Voegen van. VOLTER, Christoph, 1616 or 17-ca. 1682. Neueroffnete Hebammen-Schul. Stuttgart, 1722. 448, 78 p. VOEWINA, Maria Francisca de. See Levanti, Maria Francisca de. VOGEL, Adolph Friedrich, 1748-1785. Chirurgische Wahrnehmungen. Lubeck, 1778-80. 2 v. in 1. VOGEL, Benedikt Christian, 1745-1825. Sichere und leichte Methode den Ileus von eingeklemmten Darm- briichen zu heilen. Nurnberg, 1797. 50 p. VOGEL, Friedrich Gerhard. De medicorum dignitate et existimatione apud veteres Romanos disquisitio. Lubecae [1757] xxiv p. VOGEL, Jacob Christian. De fistula lacmmali eamque sanandi methodis tractatus. Ed. 2. Gryphiswaldiae, 1757. 98 p. VOGEL, Johann Hermann. Commentatio physiologica, qua foetum in utero non liquore amnii, sed sanguine per venam umbilicalem advecto, nutriri ostenditur. Gottingae, Apud Victorinum Bossiegehum, 1761. 43 p. -----Gottingae, Litteris Schulziani, 1761. 43 p. VOGEL, Rudolph Augustin, 1724-1774. Academicae prae- lectiones de cognoscendis et curandis praecipuis cor- poris humani affectibus. Gottingae, 1772. 668 p. -----Ed. nova. Lausannae Helvetiorum, 1781. 2 v. -----Ed. 2. Gottingae, 1785. 666 p. -----Ed. nova. Lausannae Helvetiorum, 1788. 2 v. -----Ed. 1. Italica. Neapoli, 1790. 2 v. — Experimenta chemicorum de incremento ponderis cor- poram quomndam igne calcinatorum examinat. Gottin- gae [1753] 24 p. — Historia materiae medicae. Lugd. Batav., 1758. 408 p. -----Ed. nova. Francofurti, 1760. 410 p. -----Ed. nova. Francofurti, 1764. 404 p. -----Ed. nova. Francofurti, 1774. 404 p. — Institutiones chemiae. Gottingae, 1755. 412 p. -----Ed. nova. Francofurti, 1762. 382 p. — Neue medicinische Bibliothek. See under title. — Opuscula medica selecta. Gottingae, 1768. 273 p. VOGEL, Samuel GottUeb von, 1750-1837. Diatribe medico politica de causis quare tot submersi in vitam non re- vocentur. Hamburgi, 1790. 112 p. — Fratri suo . . . gratulatur atque simul observationem de sectionis arteriae temporalis subitaneo effectu ... narrat. [n.p., 17—] [11] p. — Handbuch der praktischen Arzneywissenschaft. Stendal, 1781-1816. 6 v. -----2. Ausg. Th. 1-3. Stendal, 1785-94. 3 v. Incomplete: v. 1 wanting. -----3. Ausg. Th. 1. Stendal, 1789. 1 v. — Historisch-medizinische Abhandlung von dem zu Ilfeld verstorbenen und geofneten Vielfrass und Steinfresser. Berlin, 1781. 100 p. — Das Kranken-Examen . . . von Samuel Gottlieb Vogel. Stendal, 1796. 355 p. Engraved Lp. — Samuel Gottlieb Vogels . .. Kranken-Examen. Stendal, 1796. 355 p. -----Wien, 1797. 232 p. — Kurze Anleitung zum griindlichen Studium der Arzney- wissenschaft. Stendal, 1791. 208 p. — Manuale praxeos medicae. Stendaliae, 1790-92. 3 v. — Medicinisch-politische Untersuchung der Ursachen, welche die Wiederherstellung Ertrunkener so selten machen. Hamburg, 1791. 178 p. — Onderwijs voor ouders, opvoeders en opzieners van kinderen. Haarlem, 1790. 195 p. — Uber den Nutzen und Gebrauch der Seebader. Bdchn. 1. Stendal, 1794. 150 p. — Underviisning for foraeldre, opdragere og bomevartere. Kjobenhavn,1792. 141 p. — Versuch einiger medicinisch-practischen Beobach- tungen. Gottingen, 1777. 99 p. VOGEL, Zacharias, 1708-1772. Abhandelung alter Arten der Bruche. 2. Aufl. Leipzig, 1746. 267 p. — Anatomische, chimrgische und medicinische Beobach- tungen und Untersuchungen. Rostock, 1759. 432 p. — Verhandeling van alle soorten der breuken. Utrecht, 1743. 318 p. 476 VOULLONNE VOGHT, Kaspar, Freiherr von, 1752-1839. Account of the management of the poor in Hamburgh. Edinburgh, 1798. 30 p. VOGLER, Johann Philipp, 1746-1816. Erfahrungen uber Geburt und Geburtshulfe. Marburg, 1797. 146 p. — Pharmaca selecta, observationibus clinicis compro- bata. Denuo edita. Wetzlariae, 1788. 122 p. -----3. ed. Wetzlariae, 1792. 118 p. Imperfect: t.p. wanting. - Von der Ruhr und ihrer Heilart. Th. 1. Giessen, 1797. 256 p. VOGLI, Giovanni Giacinto, 1697-1762. De anthropogonia. Bononiae, 1718. 2 v. — Fluidi nervei historia. Bononiae, 1720. 94 p. VOGT, Gottlob Heinrich. Der eingeschlichene, non aber wieder ausgemertze dritte Theil des Menschen. Leipzig, 1732. 40 p. VOGT, Traugott Karl August, 1762-1807. Anatomisch- physiologisch-chirurgische Abhandlung eines .. . Bmchs beyder Schulterblatter. Leipzig, 1800. 92 p. — De condimentis corporis inprimis faciei. Vitebergae [1791] 16 p. — De forma vestimentorum morbifera. Wittenbergae [1789| 12 p. — De materia vestimentorum morbifera. Vitebergae [1790] 15 p. — Programma invitatorium de turgescentiae impuritatum gastricarum diagnosi. Vitembergae [1800] 16 p. VOGTHER, Konrad Burghard. Schediasma de variolis adultorum. Ulmae, 1712. 30 p. VOIGTEL, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1766-1844. Bruchstucke aus der Zeichenlehre der Entbindungskunst. Marburg, 1799. 216 p. VOIGTEL, Karl Traugott Liebegott, 1766-1843. Versuch eines hochdeutschen Handworterbuches. Halle, 1793- 95. 3 v. VOISIN, Benoit. See Voysin, Benedetto, b. 1686. [VOLCKAMER, Johann Georg] 1616-1693. Adeptus fatalis, das ist: Geld, spricht die Welt! Freyburg, 1721. [29] p. [ —] Spectrum spagiricum, das ist: Der guldene Irrwisch oder spagirische Wauwau. [n.p.] 1721. 56 p. VOLCKART, G. L. Der Doctor Medicinae; oder, Ohnmass- gebliche Gedancken von einem Menschen, der sich vor einem Arzt ausgiebt. Miihlhausen, 1769. 30 p. VOLDER, Burchardus de, 1643-1709. Oratio de novis et antiquis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1709. 24 p. VOLLKOMMENER Bericht vom Gebrauch und Tugenden des goldenen Carmeliter-Geistes. [Regensburg, 17—7] [4] p. [VOLLMOLLER, Johann Georg] Was bin ich, wenn ich nicht unsterblich bin? Offenbach am Mayn, 1776. 88 p. VOLLSTANDIGES systematisches Verzeichniss alter Gewachse Teutschlandes. See Honckeny, G. A. VOLPINO, Giovanni Battista, 1644-ca. 1722. Spasmologia. Astae, 1710. 458 p. VOLPRECHT, David Heinrich. De saliva ejusque ortu ex glandula parotide. Lipsiae, 1741. [8[ p. VOLTAIRE, Francois Marie Arouet de, 1694-1778. The man of forty crowns. Glasgow, 1768. 182 p. VOLTELEN, Floris Jacob, 17537-1795. Diatribe, memora- bilem septennis apositiae historiam exhibens. Lugduni Batavorum, 1777. 120 p. — Oratio de magnetismo animali. Lugduni Batavorum, 1791. 45 p. — Pharmacologiae universae pars I [-III] Lugduni Bata- vorum, 1797-1802. 3 v. VOM so genannten epidemischen Zungenkrebs. Gottingen, 1787. 44 p. Sometimes attributed to G. H. L. C. Wedemeyer. VON der Nothwendigkeit und dem Nutzen einer medi- cinischen Policey in einem Staat. [n.p.] 1781. 68 p. — Von der Unschadlichkeit der Pocken in Russland. See Schlozer, A. L. von. — Die von einigen schon langst verlangte richtige, bey unterschiedenen aber vielleicht unangenehme und gehassige Medicinal-Ordnung, womach sich doch billich die Medici, insonderheit aber Physici, bey ihrem Amte . . . zu richten haben . . . Kranckenthal, 1711. 31 p. — Von Krafft und Tugend der gerechten Allermanns- Harnisch Wurtzel. [n.p., 17—7] broadside. VOS, Abraham Lenertsz. See Vrolingh, Abraham Lenertsz, fl. 1621-1646. VOS, Cornelius Joannes. Genees- en heelkundige ver- handeling over het been en spek-gezwel. Utrecht, 1791. 68 p. VOTO medico per la verita nella causa matrimoniale tra gl'illmi. signori conte Giulio Bussi e contessa Gentile Montogli. Roma, 1786. [18] p. Signed by Giuseppe De Rossi [ et al.] VOULLONNE, Ignace Vincent, d. 1807. Memoire qui a remporte le prix ... sur la question ... Determiner ... le caractere des fievres intermittentes. Avignon, 1786. 186 p. -----Paris, An IV (1796) 96 p. — Memoire qui a remporte le prix ... sur la question ... Determiner quelles sont les maladies dans lesquelles la medecine agissante est preferable. Avignon, 1776. 248 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1792. 126 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, An VII [1798/99] 128 p. 477 VOULLONNE - Uber die handelnde und beobachtende Arzeneywissen- schaft. Wien, 1798. 259 p. VOX oculis subjecta. See Green, F. VOYAGES interessans. See Nougaret, P. J. B. VOYSIN, Benedetto, b. 1686. Avis tres salutaire et tres utile au public qui aprendra les grandes et admirabtes vertus du depuratif du sang. Annecy [17407] 12 p. — Le medecin familier et sincere. Turin, 1741. 132 p. -----2. ed. Turin, 1747. 176 p. VRIEMOET, Emo Lucius, 1699-1760. Athenarum Frisia- carum libri duo. Leovardiae, 1758. 920 p. VRIES, Simon de, b. 1630. Oude en nieuwe-tijds wonder- toneel. 2 druk. Leeuwarden, 1717. 236 p. VROLIK, Gerardus, 1775-1859. Abbildung der Gefasse, welche man in der Operation eines mannhchen Schenkel- bruches sorgfaltig zu schonen hat. Amsterdam, 1800. vii p. WABST, Christianus Xaverius. De hydrargyro tentamen physico-chemico-medicum. Pars prior. Vindobonae, 1754. 218 p. WADDINGTON, WUUam. Considerations on the original ... objects of the Royal Hospital of Bridewell. London, 1798. 58 p. WADE, John Peter, d. 1802. Nature and effects of emetics, purgatives, mercurials, and low diet, in disorders of Bengal and similar latitudes. London, 1792. 352 p. -----London, 1793. 352 p. — A paper on the prevention and treatment of the dis- orders of seamen and soldiers in Bengal. London, 1793. 172 p. — Select evidences of a successful method of treating fever and dysentery in Bengal. London, 1791. 335 p. WADSTROM, Johan Adolf, 1748-1809. Anwisning at kanna och bota de sa kallade granlats-sjukdomar hos bada konen. Linkoping, 1797. 60 p. — Korta underrattelser fiir allmoge och tjenstefolk. Linkoping, 1796. 31 p. — Underrattelser om veneriska sjukdomens botande. Linkoping, 1797. 34 p. WADSWORTH, Benjamin, 1669-1737. Christian advice to the sick and weU. Boston, 1714. 107 p. WAGENISIUS, Melchior Ernst. See Wagnitz, Melchior Emst, fl. 1693-1702. — Observationes de defoliatione vegetabilium. Lugduni Batavorum, 1797. 61 p. — Oratio de eo, quod Amstelaedamenses ad rem botanicam exomandam contulemnt. Amstelaedami, 1797. 70 p. VROLINGH, Abraham Lenertsz, fl. 1621-1646. Der Matrosen Gesundheit; oder, Ein nutzlicher Tractat vom Scharbocke oder Schimmel-Seuche. Dressden, 1702. 378 p. Der VROUWEN, vrysteren en kinderen dokter. Am- sterdam, 1751. 138 p. VUES generales sur les cours d'instruction. See France. Inspection generale du service de sante des armees. — Vues sur la proprete des rues de Paris. See Ronesse, J. H. VULPINUS, Joannes Baptista. See Volpino, Giovanni Battista, 1644-ca. 1722. [VULSON DE LA COLOMBIERE, Marc] d. 1658. Le palais des curieux. Madrid, 1793. 178 p. WAGENSEIL, Johann Christoph, 1633-1705. Exercita- tiones varii argumenti. Norimbergae, 1719. 244 p. WAGLER, Karl Gottlieb, 1731-1778. See Roederer, J. G. WAGNER, Friedrich August, b. 1766. Viris experientissimis ... Christiano Friderico Richter et Johanni Friderico Barthel.. .gratulatur ... Accedit commentariolus de morbomm insanabilium curatione. Lipsiae [1792] xii p. WAGNER, Gottfried. Dem ... Herm D. Joh. Gottlob Leidenfrost... bei dessen funfzigjahriger akademischer Jubelfeier . . .gewiedmet. [n.p., 1793?] 16 p. WAGNER, Johann Gerhard, d. 1759. De haemoptoes inprimis vero habitualis seu phthisicae . . . curatione. Lipsiae, 1742. 32 p. — De medicamento quodam ad puerperarum febres mali moris inprimis sic dictam purpuratam specifico epistola. Lubecae, 1742. 12 p. — Exercitatio physico chemico medica de medicamento arcano polychresto lacrymae Jobi dicto. [n.p.] 1733. 16 p. — Den Griinden der Medicin gemasses Bedencken, uber eine von einem sich in die Liibecksche Praxin medicam seit vielen Jahren mischenden Wind-Miiller, schlecht gefuhrte Cur. [n.p.] 1734. 64 p. — Warhaffter Bericht von einem in diesen Tagen vorge- fallenen casu medico. Lubeck, 1743. 20 p. WAGNER, Johann Jakob. De experientia medica, tituloque w 478 WALL medicorum, quo experientissimi audiunt. Isleb. [1724] [ll]p. WAGNER, Johann Konrad, b. 1685. Epistola gratulatoria, malum theoreticum non esse bonum practicum os- tendens. Jenae [1706] [8] p. WAGNER, Peter Christian, 1703-1764. Epistola de acidulis Sichersreuthensibus. Erlangae, 1753. 23 p. WAGNITZ, Melchior Ernst, fl. 1693-1702. Meditatio medica cursoria de mercurio dulci pulverato. Qued- linburgi, 1703. 46 p. WAGRET, J. P. Observations de medecine et de chimrgie, contenant le remede pour guerir seurement les pleuresies. Valenciennes, 1720. 318 p. WAGSTAFFE, WiUiam, 1685-1725. A letter to Dr. Freind, shewing the danger and uncertainty of inoculating the small pox. London, 1722. 69, 15 p. -----2d ed. London, 1722. 69, 15 p. -----3d ed. London, 1722. 48, 15 p. — Miscellaneous works. London, 1726. 414 p. WAHLBOM, Johan Gustaf, 1724-1808. Tal, om en pro- vincial-medici vidstrackta men for det allmanna nyttiga goromal. Stockholm, 1766. 24 p. Der WAHREN chymischen Weisheit Offenbahmng. See Chymiphilus, J. J. WAHRHAFFTE Abbildung dess halb Thier-halb Mensch gestalten Meer-Wunders. Franckfurth [1706?] broadside. — Wahrhaffte und merckwurdige Beschreibung und Abbildung zweyer seltsamen Wunder-Kinder. Schwa- bach [17427] broadside. WAHRHAFFTIGE Beschreibung des Gesundbrunnens so unweit Dolitzsch, nahe bey einem Dorffe, Drossig gennant, entsprungen. Leipzig, 1704. 64 p. WAHRMUND, Ursinus, pseud. See Gohl, Johann Daniel, 1674-1731. [WAINEWRIGHT, Jeremiah] b. 1700. An anatomical treatise of the liver, with the diseases incident to it. London, 1722. 100 p. — A mechanical account of the non-naturals. London, 1707. 196 p. -----2d ed. London, 1708. 196 p. -----3d ed. London, 1718. 196 p. -----4th ed. London, 1722. 196 p. -----5th ed. London, 1737. 224, 100 p. -----5th ed. London, 1737. 224, 64 p. [WAISEN- TOL- UND KRANKENHAUS ZU PFORZ- HEIM] [Ordnung und Verfassung] [Carlsruhe, 1758] 193 p. Imperfect: t.p. wanting. WAISENHAUS ZU GLAUCHA AN HALLE. Apothek. Ausfuhrlicher Bericht von der Artzney Essentia dulcis. Zum Drittenmal in Druck gegeben. Halle, 1703. 41 p. WAITZ, Friedrich August. See Weiz, Friedrich August, 1739-1815. WALBAUM, Johann JuUus, 1724-1799. Die BeschwerUch- keiten der Geburtshulfe. Butzow, 1769. 45 p. WALCH, Johann Ernst Immanual, 1725-1778. Antiquitates medicae selectae. Jenae, 1772. 180 p. - Sigillum medici ocularii Romani. Jenae, 1763. 44 p. [WALCHIN, Dorothea Juliana] Das mineralische Gluten, doppelter Schlangen-Stab, Mercurius Philosophomm, langer und kurtzer Weg zur Universal-Tinctur. Leipzig, 1705. 118 p. WALCKIERS, P. Dissertatio de vomitoriomm usu, abusu et delectu. Lovanii, 1781. 128 p. WALDHEIM, Gotthelf Fischer von. See Fischer von Waldheim, Gotthelf, 1771-1853. WALDSCHMIDT, Johann Jakob, 1644-1689. Opera medico-practica. Ed. nova. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1707. 2 v. -----Lugduni, 1717. 2 v. WALDSCHMIDT, Wilhelm Ulrich, 1669-1731. De super- foetatione falso praetensa, dissertatio. Hamburgi, 1727. [36] p. — Programma, quo ad publicas plantarum demonstra- tiones . . . invitat. Kiliae [1710] [8] p. WALKER, Adam, 1730 or 1-1821. A philosophical estimate of the causes, effects, and cure, of unwholsome air in large cities. [London] 1777. 43 p. WALKER, John, 1759-1830. On the necessity for contract- ing cavities between the venous trunks and the ventricles of the heart. Edinburgh, 1799. 34 p. WALKER, Richard, fl. 1789-1806. Memoirs of medicine; including a sketch of medical history. London, 1799. 250 p. WALKER, Robert, fl. 1787-1790. An inquiry, into the small-pox, medical and political. London, 1790. 499 p. WALKER, Sayer, 1748-1826. A treatise on nervous diseases. London, 1796. 224 p. WALL, Herman van de, 1672-1733. Catalogus variorum et insignium librorum in omni studiorum genere, facultate, & lingua, nitidissime compactomm. Amstelo- dami, 1734. 5 pts. in 1 v. WALL, J., surgeon. Plain directions, &c. for the cure of the venereal disease. London, 1764. 45 p. WALL, John, 1708-1776. Experiments, and observations on the Malvern waters. Worcester, 1756. 14 p. -----2d ed. London [1757] 76 p. -----3d ed. Worcester, 1763. 158 p. - Medical tracts. Oxford, 1780. 355 p. 479 WALL WALL, Martin, 1747-1824. Clinical observations on the use of opium in low fevers. Oxford, 1786. 73 p. ------2d ed. Oxford, 1786. 73 p. — Dissertations on select subjects in chemistry and medi- cine. Oxford, 1783. 166 p. — Practische Beobachtungen iiber den Gebrauch des Mohnsafts. Altenburg, 1789. 83 p. WALLERIUS, Johan Gottschalk, 1709-1785. Hydrologie, oder Wasserreich. Berlin, 1751. 182, 45 p. WALLERIUS, Nicolaus. See Vallerius, Nicolaus, fl. 1699. WALLICHIN, Dorothea Juliana. See Walchin, Dorothea Juliana. WALLIS, George, 1740-1802. The art of preventing diseases, and restoring health. London, 1793. 852 p. ------New York, 1794. 571 p. ------2d ed. London, 1796. 770 p. Imperfect: p. 387-388 wanting. — An essay on the evil consequences attending injudicious bleeding in pregnancy. London, 1778. 75 p. — An essay on the gout. London, 1798. 203 p. — Die Kunst Krankheiten vorzubeugen und die Gesund- heit wieder herzustellen. Ofen, 1799. 2 v. WALLIS, John, 1616-1703. Johannis Wallis Sonorum formatio: ut et Jo: Conradi Amman Surdus loquens, sive De loquela dissertatio. [Lugduni Batavorum, 1727] 2 v. in 1. WALLIS, Thomas, fl. 1759-1775. The farrier's and horseman's complete dictionary. London, 1759. 1 v. (unpaged) ------2d ed. London, 1764. 330 p. WALPOLE, Robert, Earl of Orford, 1676-1745. An authentick copy of the last will and testament. London [17457] 20 p. WALSH, Philip Pitt, 17617-1787? Practical observations on the puerperal fever. London, 1787. 59 p. — Praktische Bemerkungen iiber das Kindbetterinnen- fieber. Leipzig, 1788. 84 p. WALTER, Friedrich August, 1764-1826. Angiologisches Handbuch zum Gebrauch seiner Zuhorer. Berlin, 1789. 172 p. — Annotationes academicae. Berolini, 1786. 115 p. — Einige Krankheiten der Nieren und Hamblase. Berlin, 1800. 46 p. WALTER, Johann GottUeb, 1734-1818. Abhandlung von troknen Knochen des menschlichen Korpers. 2. Aufl. Berlin, 1778. 415 p. ------3. Aufl. Berlin, 1789. 382 p. — Anatomische Beobachtungen. Berlin, 1782. Ill p. — Anatomisches Museum. Berlin, 1796. 2 v. in 1. — Anatomisches Sendschreiben an den ... Herrn Will- helm Hunter ... von den Blutarden des Auges. BeroUni, 1778. 52 p. Text and t.p. in Latin and German. — Betrachtungen iiber die Geburths-Theile des weiblichen Geschlechts. Berlin, 1776. 42 p. ------Neue Aufl. Berlin, 1793. 34 p. — De dissectione synchondroseos ossium pubis in partu difficih. Berolini, 1782. 32 p. Text and Lp. in Latin and German. — Geschichte einer Frau, die in ihrem Unterleibe ein verhartetes Kind zwey und zwanzig Jahre getragen hat. Berlin, 1778. 35 p. - Myologisches Hand-Buch. Berlin, 1777. 196 p. ------2. Aufl. Berlin, 1784. 190 p. ------3. Aufl. Berlin, 1795. 164 p. — Observationes anatomicae. Berolini, 1775. 88 p. — Tabulae nervorum thoracis et abdominis. Berolini, 1783. 17 p. — Die trocknen Knochen des menschlichen Korpers. 4. Aufl. Berlin, 1798. 412 p. — Von den Krankheiten des Bauchfells und dem Schlag- fluss. Berlin, 1785. 92 p. Text and t.p. in Latin and German. WALTER, William, 1737-1800. A discourse delivered before the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Boston, 1798. 48 p. WALTHER, Augustin Friedrich, 1688-1746. Ad anatomiam publicam cadaveris feminae morbo convulsivo . . . affectae . . . invitat. [Lipsiae, 1727] [8] p. — Arteriae coeliacae tabulam in anatomes studio desidera- tam et reliqua publici juris facit. Lipsiae [1729] [14] p. — De articulis ligamentis et musculis hominis. Lipsiae, 1728. 120 p. — De lingua humana novis inventis octo sublingualibus salivae rivis, nunc ex suis fontibus glandulis sublingualibus eductis irrigua, exercitatio. Lipsiae, 1724. 39 p. ------Ed. nova. Harlemi, 1745. 96 p. — Dissertatio medica de fibra motrice et influente nervorum liquido. Lipsiae [1723] 32 p. — Exercitatione angiologica de vasis vertebralibus observa- tionem novam inter alia tradit. [Lipsiae, 1730] 18 p. — Observationes novas de musculis ... exhibet. [Lipsiae, 1733]20 p. — Teneriorum musculorum humani corporis anatome repetita. Lipsiae, 1731. 24 p. — Tractionis de articulis ligamentis et musculis incessu dirigendis supplementum . . . exhibens. Lipsiae [1731] 16 p. WALTHER, Conrad Ludwig. Specimen chimrgicum, hoc est: Casus spinae ventosae admodum rarus ejusque explicatio solida. Leipzig, 1715. 92 p. — Thesaums medico-chirurgicarum observationum curio- sarum. Das ist: Medicin-chirurgischer Schatz. Leipzig, 1715. 359 p. WALTHER, Johann. Kurtze Beschreibung der Pferde- und Vieh-Zucht. Leipzig, 1715. 212 p. 480 WARREN WALTHIER, Balthasar. Neue Beschreibung des Halts vom weltberiihmtesten Pfafferser-Mineral-Wasser. Zug, 1749. 352 p. WALTON, John, 1694-1764. An essay on fevers, the rattles, & canker. Boston, 1732. 16, 8 p. WALWIJK, Paul van. An exact relation of the strange and uncommon sleepy distemper of Dirk Klaasz Bakker. [London, 1707] 8 p. WANLEY, Nathaniel, 1634-1680. The wonders of the little world; or, A general history of man. London, 1788.752 p. WARBURTON, WUUam, 1698-1779. A sermon preached at the Abbey-Church at Bath, for promoting the charity and subscription towards the General Hospital or In- firmary in that city. London, 1742. 39 p. — A sermon preached before . .. the . .. presidents, the vice-presidents and governors of the Hospital for the Small-Pox, and for Inoculation. London [1755] 28 p. [WARD, John] 16797-1758. Ad ... Conier. Middletoni . . . dissertationem . . . responsio. Londini, 1727. 224 p. [ — ] Dissertationis . . . Con. Middletoni de medicorum Romae degentium conditione ignobili et servili defensio examinata. Londini, 1728. 99 p. — The Uves of the professors of Gresham CoUege. London, 1740. 338, 156 p. WARDENBURG, Jakob Georg Adam, 1769-1804. Briefe eines Arztes. Gottingen, 1798-99. 2 v. (v.l, pt.l, and v.2, pt.l) WARDROP, Andrew. An address to the members of the Royal College of Surgeons, on the regulation of the surgical department of the Royal Infirmary. Edinburgh, 1800. 16 p. WARD'S pill dissected and examined. London, 1736. 24 p. WARE, James, 1756-1815. Chirurgical observations rela- tive to the epiphora, or watery eye, the scrophulous and intermittent ophthalmy, the extraction of the cata- ract, and the introduction of the male catheter. London, 1792. 78 p. — Chirurgical observations relative to the eye, &c. London, 1798. 2 v. — An enquiry into the causes which have most commonly prevented success in the operation of extracting the cataract. London, 1795. 172 p. — Observaciones sobre la ophthalmia, psorophthalmia y ojos pumlentos. Madrid, 1796. 160 p. — Remarks on the fistula lachrymalis. London, 1798. 86, 30, 33 p. — Remarks on the ophthalmy, psorophthalmy, and purulent eye. London, 1780. 133 p. -----2d ed. London, 1787. 156 p. -----3d ed. London, 1795. 179 p. WARLITZ, Christian, 1648-1717. Diatribe medico-sacra de morbis Biblicis. Vitembergae, 1714. 390 p. — Nobiliss. ac clariss. Dnn. SS. theologiae ac medicinae operam dantibus. Vitembergae [1702] [4] p. — Scmtinium lacrymarum medico-sacrum. Vitembergae, 1705. 166 p. WARLTIRE, John. Tables of the various combinations and specific attraction of the substances employed in chemistry. London, 1769. 23 p. WARM beer, a treatise. Proving from reason, authority and experience, that beer so qualify'd, is far more wholesome than that which is drank cold. [Ed.] by Martin Grindal. London, 1741. 50 p. — Warm beer: or, A treatise, wherein is declared by many reasons, that beer so qualified, is far more whole- some than that which is drank cold. London, 1724. 48 p. WARNER, Ferdinando, 1703-1768. A full and plain ac- count of the gout. London, 1768. 290 p. -----2d ed. London, 1768. 306 p. -----3d ed. London, 1772. 306 p. — Vollstandige und deutliche Beschreibung der Gicht. [n.p.] 1770. 343 p. WARNER, Joseph, 1717-1801. An account of the testicles. London, 1774. 90 p. -----2d ed. London, 1779. 100 p. — Cases in surgery. London, 1754. 167 p. -----2d ed. London, 1754. 168 p. -----3d ed. London, 1760. 401 p. -----4th ed. London, 1784. 408 p. — A description of the human eye. London, 1773. 109 p. -----2d ed. London, 1775. 109 p. — Observations de chirurgie. Paris, 1757. 214, 70 p. -----Paris, 1757. 330 p. -----Paris, 1785. 330 p. — Von den Krankheiten der Hoden und ihrer Haute. Gotha, 1775. 84 p. WARNUNG an das Landvolk zu Zurich, wegen den Gefahren der Milzsucht, und andern hitzigen Krank- heiten, welche sich hin und wieder unter dem Hornvieh zeigen. Chur, 1775. 4 p. WARREN, Henry. A treatise concerning the malignant fever in Barbados. London, 1740. 75 p. WARREN, John, 1753-1815. An eulogy on the Honourable Thomas Russell. Boston, 1796. 31 p. WARREN, John, fl. 1770-1771. A new method of curing and preventing the virulent gonorrhea. London, 1771. 39 p. — Nouvelle methode . . . pour guerir la gonorrhee viru- lente et pour s'en garantir. Amsterdam, 1771. 42 p. WARREN, Joseph, 1741-1775. An oration delivered 481 WARREN March 5th, 1772 ... to commemorate the bloody tragedy of the fifth of March, 1770. Boston, 1772. 18 p. — An oration; delivered March sixth, 1775 ... to com- memorate the bloody tragedy of the fifth of March, 1770. Boston, 1775. 23 p. -----Newport, Rhode Island, 1775. 22 p. WARREN, Martin. Dr. Warren's epistle to his friend, of the method and manner of curing the late raging fevers. London, 1733. 79 p. WARREN, Richard, 1731-1797. Oratio ex Harveii in- stituto. Londini, 1769. 14 p. WAS bin ich. See Vollmoller, J. G. WASSERBERG, Franz August Xaver von, 1748-1791. Aphorismi physiologici de principiis corporis humani in generc Vienne, 1771. 56 p. — Beytrage zur Chemic Wien, 1791. 149 p. — Fasciculus primus [-quartus] operum minorum medi- corum et dissertationum. Vindobonae, 1775-76. 4 v. — Institutiones chemiae. Vindobonae, 1778-79. 2 v. in 3. — Von dem Nutzen und der Weise die Luft rein, und die Stadte und Hauser sauber zu halten, besonders bey Gefahr ansteckender Krankheiten. Wien, 1772. 64 p. WASTELL, Henry. Observations on the efficacy of a new mercurial preparation for the cure of the venereal disease. London, 1779. 104 p. WATERHOUSE, Benjamin, 1754-1846. Kine-pox-con- firmation. (In The independent chronicle. Boston. Sept. 18, 1800) -----(In The telescope. Leominster, Mass. Sept. 25, 1800) — On the principle of vitality. Boston, 1790. 24 p. — A prospect of exterminating the small-pox. Cambridge, 1800. 40 p. — The rise, progress, and present state of medicine. Boston, 1792. 31 p. — Something curious in the medical line. (In The tele- scope. Leominster, Mass. Sept. 18, 1800) — A synopsis of a course of lectures, on the theory and practice of medicine. Boston, 1786. 44 p. WATERLAND, Daniel, 1683-1740. The Christian sacrifice explained. London, 1738. 47, 61 p. WATHEN, Jonathan. An answer to the letter of Mr. Keyser ... in which the insufficiency of his medicine, for the cure of the venereal disease, is further con- sidered. London, 1765. 34 p. — The conductor, and containing splints ... for ... frac- tures of the teg. London, 1767. 20 p. -----2d ed. London, 1767. 20 p. -----London, 1781. 28 p. — A dissertation on the theory and cure of the cataract. London, 1785. 166 p. — A new and easy method of curing the fistula lacrymahs. 2d ed. London, 1792. 104 p. — Practical observations concerning the cure of the venereal disease by mercurials. 2d ed. London, 1765. 71 p. WATKINS, Francis. L'exercise du microscope. Londres, 1754. 97 p. WATKINSON, John. An examination of a charge brought against inoculation. London, 1777. 46 p. WATSON, Richard, 1737-1816. Chemical essays. Cam- bridge, 1781-86. 4 v. -----3d ed. Dublin, 1783. 480 p. -----4th ed. London, 1784-86. 4 v. Vol. 4 [ 1st ed] Cambridge. -----5th ed. London, 1787-91. 5 v. Vol. 1-2, 5th ed., 1789; v. 3-4, 4th ed., 1787-91; v. 5, 1789. — An essay on the subjects of chemistry. Cambridge, 1771. 43 p. — A sermon preached before the stewards of the West- minster Dispensary. 2d ed. London, 1793. 38 p. WATSON, Sir William, 1715-1787. An account of a series of experiments, instituted with a view of ascertaining the most successful method of inoculating the small- pox. London, 1768. 58 p. — Experiences et observations. See Recueil de traites. — Experiments and observations tending to illustrate the nature and properties of electricity. 3d ed. London, 1746. 59 p. — Het nut en de veUigste wyze van de inenting der kinder- pokjes beschouwd in het verhaal van eene reeks van proefneemingen . . . Als mede in eene verhandeling over het zelfde onderwerp door Wolter Forsten Ver- schuir. Amsterdam, 1769. 68, 162 p. — Observations upon the effects of electricity, applied to a tetanus. London, 1763. 16 p. — Observations upon the effects of lightning. London, 1764. 27 p. — A sequel to the experiments and observations tending to illustrate the nature and properties of electricity. 2d ed. London, 1746. 80 p. WATT, James, 1736-1819. See Beddoes, T. WATTS, GUes. A dissertation on the ... doctrine of revul- sion and derivation. London, 1754. 69 p. — A tetter to Dr. Frewen. London, 1755. 44+ p. Imperfect: all after p. 44 wanting. — Reflections on slow and painful labours, and other subjects in midwifery. London, 1755. 78 p. — A vindication of the new method of inoculating the small-pox. London, 1767. 66 p. WAUTERS, Pierre Englebert, 1745-1840. Dissertation sur la maniere de faire l'uytzet. Gand, An VI [1798] 127 p. The WAY to health and long life; or, A discourse of tem- 482 WEDEKIND perance; shewing how every man may know his own constitution and complection. London, 1726. 72 p. WEAVER, Edmund. The British telescope ... for ... 1749. 27th impres. London [1748] [48] p. WEBEL, Christian Gotthelf Friedrich, b. 1754. De erroribus matrum in lactatu epistola. [n.p.] 1778. 15 p. — De vi et auctoritate praeceptorum medicorum in educatione liberorum ingenua epistola. [Lipsiae] 1778. 23 p. WEBELL, Christian Ludwig Knochen. Physischmedi- cinische Betrachtung des ohnweit Bilin in Bohmen befindlichen Gesund Brunnens und dessens Wassers. Friedrichstadt, 1762. 64 p. WEBER, August Gottlob, 1762-1807. Allgemeine Hel- kologie oder nosologisch-therapeutische Darstellung der Geschwure. Berlin, 1792. 268 p. — Vermischte Abhandlungen aus der Arzneiwissenschaft. Leipzig, 1788. 262 p. WEBER, Carl Martin, 1734-1800. Entwurf einer auser- lesenen medicinischpraktischen Bibliothek fiir ange- hende Aerzte. Dessau, 1784. 538 p. WEBER, Christophorus, 1734-1787. Observationum medi- carum fasciculus primus [et alter] Cellis, 1764-65. 2 v. in 1. WEBER, Friedrich August, 1753-1806. De causis et signis morborum. Heidelbergae, 1786-87. 2 v. in 1. [ — ] Onomatologia medico-practica. Encyklopadisches Handbuch fiir ausiibende Aerzte. Nurnberg, 1783-86. 4v. — Opuscula semiologica. I. De signis ex sputo. Ulmae, 1778. 163 p. [WEBER, Friedrich Christian TheophU] 1727-1770. Casus et observationes medicinales selectiores et rariores. Francofurti, 1783. 64 p. — Observationes medicae selectae. Vratislaviae, 1776. 64 p. WEBER, Georg Heinrich, 1751-1828, tr. Abhandlung von dem Ursprung der Venusseuche. See Sanches, A. N. R. — Einige Erfahrungen uber die Behandlung der jetzigen Ruhr-Epidemic Kiel, 1798. 32 p. — Vollstandige Auszuge aus neuern Dissertationen physicalisch-medicinischen Inhalts. Bremen, 1775-76. 2 v. in 1. [WEBER, Jacob Andreas] 1741-1792. Beschreibung einiger zum Gebrauch der dephlogistisirten Luft bey dem Blaserohr und Schmelzfeuer eingerichteten Maschinen. Tubingen, 1785. 45 p. — Geschichte der Ruhr und Faulfiebers die am Rhein, und der Krankheit die in Schwaben, gewiitet haben. Tubingen, 1789. 176 p. WEBER, Michael, d. 1833. Orationem ... in memoriam beneficii Vateriani. . . indicit. De meritis Vaterorum I. Wittebergae [1792] [8] p. WEBSTER, Charles, 1750-1795. An account of the life and writings of the celebrated Dr. Archibald Pitcairne. Edinburgh, 1781. 42 p. — ed. The Edinburgh new dispensatory. See under title. — Facts, tending to show the connection of the stomach with life, disease, and recovery. London, 1793. 59 p. — ed. Medicinae praxeos systema. Edinburgi, 1781. 3 v. — ed. The new dispensatory. See under title. WEBSTER, J. A tme and brief account... of the cerevisia Anglicana, or celebrated English diet drink. London, 1799. 32 p. WEBSTER, Noah, 1758-1843. A brief history of epidemic and pestilential diseases. Hartford, 1799. 2 v. -----London, 1800. 2 v. — comp. A collection of papers on the subject of bilious fevers, prevalent in the United States for a few years past. New-York, 1796. 246 p. — [Letters on yellow fever addressed to Dr. William Currie] I-XXV. (In The spectator. New York. 1797) Incomplete: VII, VIII, X1I-XIII, XVII only. — [Observations on epidemic and pestilential diseases with allusions to the author's forthcoming history of the subject] (In The spectator. New York. Sept. 29, 1798) — Ten letters to Dr. Joseph Priestly [sic], in answer to his Letters to the inhabitants of Northumberland. New Haven, 1800. 29 p. WECKER, Johann Jacob, 1528-1586, ed. De secretis libri XVII. 3. ed. Basileae, 1701. 764 p. -----Basileae, 1750. 764 p. WECKHERLIN, M. C. C. F. Ueber die Einrichtung der Schulen in Rucksicht auf die korperliche Gesundheit der Jugend. Stuttgart, 1799. 220 p. WECKO-SKRIFT for lakare och naturforskarc See Vecko- skrift. WEDEKIND, Georg Christian Gottlieb, Freiherr von, 1761-1831. Abhandlung von der wahren Kenntniss und Kur der Krankheiten der ersten Wege. Niirnberg, 1795. 251 p. — Allgemeine Theorie der Entzundungen und ihrer Ausgange. Leipzig, 1791. 292 p. — Aufsatze uber verschiedene wichtige Gegenstande der Arzneiwissenschaft. Leipzig, 1791. 392 p. — De morborum primarum viarum vera notitia et cura- tione. Norimbergae, 1792. 172 p. — Fragmente iiber die Erkenntniss venerischer Krank- heiten. Hannover, 1790. 171 (i.e. 177) p. — Nachrichten iiber das franzosische Kriegsspitalwesen. Leipzig, 1797-98. 2 v. — Uber die Kachexie im allgemeinen und uber die Hos- 483 WEDEKIND pitalkachexie insbesonderc Leipzig, 1796. 252 p. -----Ofen, 1798. 208 p. WEDEL, Christian, 1678-1714. Epistola anatomica, pro- blematica, tertia & decima ... De oculomm tunicis. Amstelaedami, 1720. 32 p. WEDEL, Ernst Heinrich, 1671-1709. Commentatio medica de morbis concionatorum. Ed. 3. Jenae, 1742. 32 p. — Tractatio de morbis concionatomm. Francofurti, 1758. 39 p. WEDEL, Georg Wolffgang, 1645-1721. Adlocutio subjectis- sima ad .. . Guilielmum Henricum, Ducem Saxoniae . . . post habitam disputationem publicam de maro. Jenae [1703] [4] p. — Amoenitates materiae medicae. Jenae, 1704. 512 p. — Centuria exercitationum medico-philologicarum sacra- rum et profanarum. Jenae, 1702. 1 v. (various pagings) — Centuriae secundae exercitationum medico-philolo- gicarum sacrarum et profanarum decas I [-V] Jenae, 1704-20. 5v.ini. -----Decas I [-IV] Jenae, 1705-15. 4 v. in 1. — Compendium chimiae, theoreticae et practicae, methodo analytica propositae. Jenae, 1715. 208 p. — Compendium praxeos clinicae exemplaris. Jenae, 1707. 213 p. — De medicamentorum compositione extemporanea, ad praxin clinicam et usum hodiernum accommodata. Jenae, 1736. 212 p. — Diaeta literatorum. Ed. 4. Erfurti, 1704. 32 p. — Epitomes praxeos clinicae sectio prima, de morbis capitis. Jenae, 1710. 214 p. — Experimentum curiosum de colchico. Jenae, 1718. 20 p. — Introductio in alchimiam. Jenae, 1705. 60 p. — Liber de morbis infantum. Jenae, 1717. 152 p. - Opiologia. Ed. 3. Jena, 1739. 170, 46 p. Pt. 2 has title: Michaelis Ettmulleri. . . De virtute opii dia- phoretica Lipsiae. — Physiologia medica, quatuor sectionibus distincta. Ed. 2. Jenae, 1704. 382 (i.e. 328) p. — Schediasma de sale volatili oleoso. Jenae, 1711. 52 p. [ —] Syllabus materiae medicae selectioris. Jenae, 1701. 40 p. — Tabulae synopticae de compositione medicamentomm extemporanea. Ed. 2. Jenae, 1701. [4] p. 22 tables. — Tractatio de diaeta literatorum. Lipsiae, 1753. 48 p. WEDEL, Johann Adolph, 1675-1747. Exercitatio medica, de punctis medicis. Jenae, 1701. 32 p. — Synkrisin et diakrisin humomm vitalium & inde ortorum. Jenae[1713]40 p. WEDEL, Johann Wolfgang, 1708-1757. Tentamen botani- cum flores plantarum in classes genera superiora et inferiora per characteres ex ipsis floribus desumtos dividendo. Jenae, 1747. 90 p. WEDEMEYER, Georg H. Ludwig C, fl. 1787 Vom so genannten epidemischen Zungenkrebs. See under title. WEEKELYKS discours over de grasserende ziektens. no. 1-30; 17 nov. 1721-1 juny 1722. Amsterdam. 240 p. No. 1-8 have title: Weekelyk discours over de pest; no. 9- 12, Weekelyks discours over de pest. [WEGENER, Georg Wilhelm) Adeptus ineptus, oder Entdeckung der falsch beruhmten Kunst Alchimie genannt. Berlin, 1744. 495 p. WEGER, Heinrich Reinhold. Dissertatio de nonnullorum hominum ephemeridibus. Halae Magdeb., 1722. 29 p. — Meditationes morales medicae, de mala quondam edu- catione in teneris, multorum morborum occasione in adultis. [Regiomonti, 1720] 20 p. WEICHARDT, Teodor Tomasz, Epistola ad . . . Christi- anum Godofredum Langium . . . Disseritur de somnam- bulis. Lipsiae [1775] 16 p. — Succedaneorum coffeae inveniendorum regulas pro- ponit. Lipsiae, 1774. 12 p. WEIDENFELD, Johann Seger von. De secretis adeptomm. Lipsiae, 1768. 548 p. WEIDLER, Johann Friedrich, 1691-1755. Exercitationes duae de lacrymis vitreis et facibus noctu rotundam majoremque figuram mentientibus. Vittembergae Saxonum, 1714. 38 p. WEIDMANN, Johann Peter, 1751-1819. De necrosi ossium. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1793. 60 p. WEIDMANNIN, Barbe. See Widenmann, Barbara, b. 1695? WEIKARD, Melchior Adam, 1742-1803. Biographie des Doktors M. A. Weikard von ihm selber herausgegeben. Berlin, 1784. 96 p. — Chave da pratica medico-Browniana. Lisboa, 1800. 94 p. — Dello stato stenico ed astenico predominante nelle malattie distinto secondo la dottrina Browniana [Napoli?] 1800. 66 p. — Doctrine medicale simplifiee, ou eclaircissement et confirmation du nouveau systeme de medecine de Brown. Paris, An VI (1798) 2 v. in 1. — Einzeln herausgegebene kleine Schriften verschiedenen Inhalts. Mannheim, 1782. 296 p. — Entwurf einer einfachem Arzeneykunst oder Erlauterung und Bestatigung der Brownischen Arzeneylehre. Frank- furt am Main, 1795. 335 p. -----2. Ausg. Frankfurt am Main, 1797. 389 p. — Exposition d'un systeme plus simple de medecine, ou eclaircissement et confirmation de la nouvelle doctrine medicale de Brown. Paris, An VI (1798) 433 p. — comp. Geschichte der Brownischen Lehre in drey Aufsatzen ... 1) Rede iiber die Brownischen Lehre von 484 WEIZ Dr. Rasori 2) Ueber die Viehseuche von Dr. Deho. 3) Ueber d - Brownischen Lehre von Dr. Frank. Frank- furt am Main, 1796. 3 pts. in 1 v. — Llave de la practica medico-Browniana, o conocimiento del estado estenico y astenico predominante en las enfermedades. Barcelona [1799] 75 p. [ — ] Le medecin philosophe. Ptie. 1. Londres, 1787. 327 p. [ — ] Medicinisches Bedenken ueber das . . . Faulfieber. Fuld, 1772. 32 p. — Medizinische Fragmenten und Erinnemngen. Frank- furt am Main, 1791.218, 47 p. — Medizinisches-praktisches Handbuch auf Brownische Grundsatze und Erfahrung gegriindet. Wien, 1798. 3 v. in 2. ------Heilbronn am Neckar, 1799-1802. 3 v. in 2. Vol. 1-2, 3. Aufl., 1802; v. 3, 2 Aufl., 1799. — Observationes medicae. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1775. 175 p. [ —]Der philosophische Arzt. Frankfurt [etc.] 1775-77. 4v. ] - ]---2. Aufl. Frankfurt, 1782-84. 4 v. Incomplete: v. 1 only. [ - ]---3. Aufl. Linz, 1787. 4 v. ------Neue Aufl. Frankfurt am Main, 1798-99. 3 v. — Den philosophiske lakaren. Stockholm, 1798-1802. 3 v. in 2. — Prospetto di un sistema piu semplice di medicina; ossia, Dissertazione e conferma della nuova dottrina medica di Brown. Napoli, 1796. 2 v. in 1. ------Venezia, 1796. 2 v. — Vermischte medicinische Schriften. Frankfurt am Main, 1778-82 4 v. in 2. WEINBRENNER, Christoph Frederik, 1751-1790. Ge- schichte und Heilung einer Brustwunde. Kopenhagen [1774]8 p. — Wahmehmung von einem Beinbruche. Kopenhagen [1775]8 p. — Wahmehmung von einer Darmentztindung. Kopen- hagen [1777] 8 p. WEINBRENNER, Frederik Wilhelm. Theoretische Ab- handlung von der Natur . . . der spanischen Fliege. Kopenhagen [1778] 7 p. WEINHART, Ferdinand Karl. Medicus officiosus. Oeni- ponti, 1703. 358 p. ------Norimbergae, 1715. 477 p. ------Venetiis, 1724. 422 p. ------Venetiis, 1735. 422 p. ------Venetiis, 1751. 407 p. — Nucleus universae medicinae practicae. [Oeniponti] 1709. 526 p. ------Oeniponti, 1725. 2 v. ------Ed. 2. Patavina. [Patavii] 1728. 2 v. WEINLIG, Christian Gottlob. Index singulorum tam sim- plicium quam compositorum medicamentorum, quibus officina medicinalis, quae . . . Dresdae jam floret, in- structa est. Fridricostadii [1761] 56 p. WEISMANN, Immanuel, b. 1683. Historia lithotocae mulieris. Tubingae, 1716. 112 p. WEISS, Johann Christian. A motu et in motu omnia evincit. Lipsiae, 1776. xv p. — De anginosis juvenum passionibus ex tarda et difficih eruptione dentium sapientiac Lipsiae, 1776. [8] p. WEISS, Johann Nikolaus, 1702 or 3-1783. Ad anatomen publicam . . . invitat [V] et praefaminis loco observa- tiones anatomicas quasdam in sectionibus praegressis adnotatas praemittit. Altorfii [1745] 16 p. — Lectorem benevolum ad orationem . .. invitat non nihil de aquae adminiculo in administratione anatomica jam praefatus. Altorfii [1733] 12 p. WEISS, Nikolaus. Kurzgefaszte Abhandlung einer unge- wohnlich und sonderbaren Krankheit der weiblichen Fortpflanzungstheile. Rastadt, 1785. 28 p. WEISSBACH, Christian. Wahrhaffte und grundliche Cur alter dem menschlichen Leibe zustossenden Kranck- heiten. 4. Aufl. Strassburg, 1722. 569 p. ------8. Auffl. Strassburg, 1739. 569 p. ------9. Auffl. Strasburg, 1751. 569 p. WEISSENBORN, Johann Friedrich, 1750-1799. Anleitung zur Geburtshulfe fiir die Hebammen des erfurtischen Gebietes. Erfurt, 1780. 286 p. — Bemerkungen uber die zeitherige Gewohnheit, hohe Beinkleider zu tragen. Erfurt, 1794. 16 p. — Observationes duae de partu caesareo. Erfordiae, 1792. 56 p. — Von den Eitergeschwiiren der Leber durch einen merkwurdigen Fall erlaeutert. Erfurt, 1786. 24 p. WEISZ, Joannes. Continuatio prima tentaminis pyretologiae practicae, sistens febres cardinales primas, inflamma- torias. Viennae, 1783. 124 p. — Pyretologiae practicae tentamen. Ed. 2. Viennae, 1783. 94 p. [WEITBRECHT, Josias] 1702-1747. Desmographie; ou, Description des ligamens du corps humain. Paris, 1752. 144 p. — Syndesmologia; sive, Historia ligamentorum corporis humani. Petropoli, 1742. 276 p. — Syndesmologie; oder, Beschreibung der Baender des menschlichen Korpers. Strassburg, 1779. 336 p. WEIZ, Friedrich August, 1739-1815. Anatomisch-chirur- gischer Catechismus fiir Lehrlinge in der Wundarzney- kunst. Leipzig, 1783-84. 3 v. in 1. — ed. Medicinisch-chirurgische Aufsatze. See under title. — Neue Auszuge aus Dissertationen fiir Wundarzte. Frank- furt, 1774-83. 18 v. in 9. — Vermischte Beytrage zur gerichthchen Arzneygelahrheit in verschiedenen vorgekommenen Fallen fiir Aerzte 485 WEIZ und Rechtsgelehrte. Leipzig, 1776. 296 p. -----Frankenthal, 1787. 424 p. — Vollstandige Ausziige, aus den besten chirurgischen Disputen alter Akademien. Budissin, 1769-74. 6 v. in 3. Vol. 2, 2. Aufl., 1774. WELDON, Walter. Observations on the different modes of puncturing the bladder, in cases of retention of urine. Southampton, 1793. 171 p. — Observations physiological and chirurgical on com- pound fractures. Southampton, 1794. 137 p. -----2d ed. London [1794] 137 p. WELL, Johann Jakob von, 1725-1787. Kurz verfassete Grande zur Pflanzenlehre. Wien, 1785. 236 p. WELLICK, Joseph. Anleitung zum Gebrauche des mineraU- schen Stahlbmnnes in Liebwerda. [Prag] 1794. 16 p. — Anleitung zum Gebrauche des neuen Sauerlings, Chris- tiansbrunn genannt zu Liebwerda. [Prag?] 1793. 15 p. WELLS, Edward, 1667-1727. The young gentleman's op- ticks. London, 1713. 171 p. WELLS, William Charles, 1757-1817. An essay upon single vision with two eyes. London, 1792. 144 p. — A letter to the Right Hon. Lloyd Lord Kenyon, relative to some conduct of the College of Physicians of London ... in the case of Dr. Stanger. London, 1799. 136 p. WELSCH, Christian Ludwig, 1669-1719. Rectorem Aca- demiae magnificum ... ad orationem primordialem . . . invitat. [Lipsiae 1709] 16 p. WELSCH, Gottfried, 1618-1690. Consilium medicum contra pestem. Oder, Eine kurtze Nachricht wie ein jeder sich bey befurchtlicher Contagion oder Pest wieder dieselbe so viel moglich zu praeserviren und verwahren haben mogen. Berlin, 1709. 18 p. Text in German. WELSTED, Robert, 1671-1735. De medicina mentis liber. Londini, 1726. 319 p. WENDELSTADT, Georg Friedrich Christian, 1774-1819. Uber die Pflicht gesunder Mutter ihre Kinder selbst zu stillen. Frankfurt, 1798. 100 p. WENDT, Friedrich, 1738-1818. De febribus remittentibus. Erlangae, 1796. 80 p. — De pulsus mutatione. Erlangae [1778] xxiii p. WENZEL, Jacob de, b. 1755. Abhandlung vom Staar. Numberg, 1788. 202 p. — Traite de la cataractc Paris, 1786. 224 p. — A treatise on the cataract. London, 1791. 290 p. WEPFER, Johann Jakob, 1620-1695. Historia cicutae aquaticac Basileae, 1716. 3 pts. in 1 v. -----Lugduni Batavorum, 1733. 481 p. — Historiae apoplecticorum. Amstelaedami, 1710. 464 p. -----Amstelaedami, 1724. 690 p. -----Lugduni Batavorum, 1734. 690 p. — Observationes medico-practicae, de affectibus capitis. Scaphusii, 1727. 984 p. WERENFELS, Samuel, 1657-1740. A dissertation upon superstition in natural things ... To which are added, Occasional thoughts on the power of curing the king's- evil ascribed to the kings of England. London, 1748. 75 p. Issued later with Occasional thoughts named first on the t.p. WERLHOF, Paul Gottlieb, 1699-1767, ed. Actorum medicomm Edinburgensium specimina duo. Hannoverae, 1735. 50 p. — Auseriesene Aufsatze und Schriften iiber die Fieber. Kopenhagen, 1785. 516 p. — Cautiones medicae de limitandis laudibus et vituperiis morbomm et remediorum. Hannoverae, 1734.2 pts. in 1 v. — Disquisitio medica et philologica de variolis et anthra- cibus ... Accedit Rudolphi Augusti Behrens Disser- tatio ad auctorem epistolica de affectionibus a comestis mytulis. Hannoverae, 1735. 130, 28 p. — Observationes de febribus. Hannoverae, 1745. 334 p. -----Ed. 1. Veneta. Venetiis, 1757. 356 p. -----Ed. 2. Veneta. Venetiis, 1764. 327 p. -----Ed. 3. Veneta. Venetiis, 1784. 330 p. — Opera medica. Hannoverae, 1775-76. 3 v. — Tractatus varii. Venetiis, 1759. 188 p. WERLOSCHNIG, Johannes Baptista. Curationis verno- autumnalis purgationi, venaesectioni, vomitioni, &c. innitentis abusus. Francofurti, 1713. 530, 216 p. — Dissertatio de peste. Lincii [1713] 166 p. — Loimographia, seu Historia pestis. Styrae, 1716.497 p. WERNER, Abraham Gottlob, 1750-1817. Kurze Klassi- fikation und Beschreibung der verschiedenen Gebirgs- arten. Dresden, 1787. 28 p. WERNER, Carl, Edler von, 1763-1814. Apologie des Brownischen systems der Heilkunde. Wien, 1799. 2 v. WERNER, Paul Christian Friedrich, 1751-1785. De un- guibus humanis. Lipsiae, 1773. viii p. — Observata quaedam in morbis et sectionibus cadavemm humanorum proponit. Lipsiae, 1776. x p. — Vasorum lacteorum atque lymphaticorum anatomico physiologica descriptio. Fasc. 1. Lipsiae, 1784. 70 p. — Vermium intestinalium praesertim taeniae humanae brevis expositio. Lipsiae, 1782-88. 4 v. in 2. WERNHER, Heinrich Ludwig. Disputatio physica de tonitm hiemali. Lipsiae [1705] [20] p. WERNISCHEK, Jacob, 1743-1804. Regulae venaesectionis secundum ipsas morborum causas effectrices. Vindo- bonae, 1783. 137 p. — Tractatus, physicam astrorum notitiam, ex principiis mechanicae proponens. Viennae, 1764. 162 p. 486 WHITE WERNSDORF, Ernst Friedrich. De ritu sternutantibus bene precandi. [Lipsiae 1741] xvi p. [WESLEY, John] 1703-1791. The desideratum; or, Elec- tricity made plain and useful. London, 1760. 72 p. [ - ] — 3d ed. London, 1790. 72 p. — Medecine primitive. Lyon, 1772. 300 p. [ —] Primitive physick: or, An easy and natural method of curing most diseases. London, 1747. 119 p. [-] — Dublin, 1752. 136 p. -----8th ed. Bristol, 1759. 129 p. -----12th ed. Philadelphia, 1764. 80 p. -----13th ed. Bristol, 1768. 140 p. -----14th ed. Bristol, 1770. 156 p. -----14th ed. Philadelphia, 1770. 83 p. -----21st ed. London, 1785. 120 p. -----22d ed. London, 1788. 119 p. -----21st ed. Philadelphia, 1789. 196 p. -----22d ed. Philadelphia, 1791. 191 p. -----24th ed. London, 1792. 120 p. -----See also Wilkins, H. WESLINGIUS, Johannes. See Vesling, Johann, 1598- 1649. WEST, Benjamin, 1730-1813. The New-England almanack. See under title. WESTENBERG, Gerhardus. Oratio de praecipuis ana- tomiae utilitatibus. Daventriae, 1790. 26 p. [WESTERDAHL, Frans] Underrattelse om halsans beva- rande. Upsala, 1764. 480 p. -----2. upl. Upsala, 1768. 494 p. WESTHOVEN, Hermann Werner Engelbert von. Con- sultatio philogico-theologico-medica curiosa de peste. Lemgoviae, 1721. 136 p. WESTMINSTER, Eng. Citizens. The case of the inhabi- tants . . . against the clauses, proposed by the justices of the peace, to a biU now passing, to require quarentine. [London, 1710?] 2 p. WESTMINSTER NEW LYING-IN HOSPITAL, London. An account of the Westminster New Lying-in Hospital. [n.p., ca. 1767] [4] p. — Laws, mles, and orders. London, 1793. 43 p. WESTON, Richard, 1733-1806. The universal botanist and nurseryman. London, 1770-77. 4 v. WESTPHAL, Andreas, 1720-1788. Anatomen cadaveris foeminei indicit insimulque litigia quaedam de genera- tione hominum orta recenset. Gryphiswaldiae [1762] 16 p. — Curationes morborum intemomm quae a chirurgis suscipiuntur a magistratu non esse tolerandas demonstrat. [Gryphiswaldiae, 1747] 8 p. — De medicis non semper salutis humanae vindicibus ac custodibus. Gryphiswaldiae [1773] 11 p. — Famam istam calamitosam: novi medici, nova coeme- teria; a medicis junioribus depellit. Gryphiswaldiae [1743] xii p. — Specimen de injectionibus anatomicis primum. [Gryphis- waldiae, 1744] xvi p. WESTPHAL, Johann Kasper, d. 1722. Pathologia daemoni- aca. Lipsiae, 1707. 148 p. WESZPREMI, Istvan, 1723-1799. Succincta medicorum Hungariae et Transilvaniae biographia. Lipsiae, 1774- 88. 4 v. in 3. — Tentamen de inoculanda peste. Londini, 1755. 30 p. [WETSCH, Ignaz Josephus] 1737-1799. Medicina ex pulsu. Pragae, 1770. 268 p. WETTSTEIN, Johann Rudolf, 1647-1711. Thermae Favarienses . . . carmine elegiaco descriptae. Basileae, 1706. [8] p. WEYDLICH, Joseph. Lehre der Geburtshilfe. Th. 1. Wien, 1797. 308 p. WEYLAND, Stahls de. See Stahls de Weyland. WHARTON, Thomas, 1614-1673. Adenographia sive glandularum totius corporis descriptio. Dusseldorpii, 1730. 261 p. WHATELY, Thomas, d. 1821. Practical observations on the cure of wounds and ulcers on the legs. London, 1799. 352 p. WHEELER'S North-American calendar, or An almanack, for the year of our Lord, 1791. Providence [1790] [24] p. WHELER, J. A treatise on the small-pox and fevers; wherein is demonstrated the salutary effects of a medi- cine, known by the name of Sexton's powder. London, 1761. 35 p. Imperfect: p. 7-8 wanting. WHISTLING, Christian Gottfried, 1748-1807, ed. Aeltere und neuere Kurmethoden des offenen Krebses. Alten- burg, 1796. 314 p. WHISTON, William, 1667-1752. An account of a sur- prizing meteor, seen in the air, March the 6th, 1715/16. 2d ed. London, 1716. 78 p. — An account of a surprizing meteor, seen in the air March 19, 1718/19. 2d ed. London, 1719. 56 p. — An account of the daemoniacks, and of the power of casting out daemons, both in the New Testament, and in the four first centuries. London, 1737. 88 p. WHITE, Charles, 1728-1813. An account of the regular gradation in man. London, 1799. 146 p. — An account of the topical application of the spunge, in the stoppage of haemorrhages. London, 1762. 55 p. — An appendix to the second edition of Mr. White's treatise on the management of pregnant and lying-in 487 WHITE women. London, 1777. 88 p. — Avis aux femmes enceintes et en couches. Paris, 1774. 408 p. — Bemerkungen iiber den kalten Brand. Hannover, 1793. 48 p. — Cases in surgery, with remarks. Pt. 1. London, 1770. 198 p. — [et al.] A further statement of the case of Elizabeth Thompson. Manchester, 1799. 7 p. — An inquiry into the nature and cause of that swelling, in one or both of the lower extremities, which some- times happens to lying-in women. Warrington, 1784- 1801.2v. -----2d ed. London, 1792. 84 p. — Observations on gangrenes and mortifications. Warring- ton, 1790. 29 p. — Osservazioni suUe cancrene e la mortificazioni. Bergamo, 1794. 41 p. — A particular narrative of what has happened relative to a paper published in the 51st vol. of the Philosophical transactions. London, 1762. 17, 35 p. — A treatise on the management of pregnant and lying- in women. London, 1773. 353 p. -----2d ed. London, 1777. 462 p. -----3d ed. London, 1785. 475 p. -----5th ed. London, 1791. 476 p. -----1st Worcester ed. Worcester, Mass., 1793. 328 p. — Untersuchung der Geschwulst bei Kindbetterinnen an den untern Gliedmassen. Wien, 1785. 75 p. — Von der Behandlung der Schwangern und Kindbette- rinnen. Leipzig, 1775. 283 p. WHITE, J. De recta sanguinis missione: or, new and exact observations of fevers. London, 1712. 188 p. WHITE, J., chemist. Observations on the present state of the late Dr. Ward's medicines [London? 177-?] 4 p. WHITE, John, 1757 or 8-1832. Journal of a voyage to New South Wales. London, 1790. 299 p. — Voyage a la Nouvelle Galles du Sud, a Botany-Bay, au Port Jackson en 1787, 1788, 1789. Paris, An VI (1798) 256 p. WHITE, Robert. Entwurf einer praktischen Wundarzney- kunst fiir unser Zeitalter. Leipzig, 1793. 514 p. — Observations on fevers. London [1777] 72 p. — Practical surgery. 2d ed. London, 1796. 399 p. — The present practice of surgery. Bury St. Edmund's, 1786. 479 p. — A summary of the pneumato-chemical theory. [London, 1796] 26 p. — The use and abuse of sea-water. Bury St. Edmund's 1791. 76 p. WHITE, Thomas, surgeon. A treatise on struma or scrofula. London, 1784. 110 p. -----2d ed. London, 1787. 100 p. -----3d ed. London, 1794. 218 p. — Uber Skropheln und Kropfe. Offenbach am Main, 1788. 140 p. WHITE, William, M.R.C.S. Observations and experi- ments on the broad-leaved willow bark. Bath, 1798. 58 p. WHITE, William, 1744-1790. An essay on the diseases of the bile, more particularly its calculous concretions, called gall-stones. York, 1771. 66 p. — Observations on the nature and method of cure of the phthisis pulmonalis. York, 1792. 159, 26 p. — Observations on the use of Dr. James's powder, emetic tartar, and other antimonial preparations, in fevers. London, 1774. 194 p. — Recherches sur la nature et les moyens curatifs de la phtisie pulmonaire. Londres, 1793. 192 p. -----2. ed. Paris, 1795. 215 p. WHITEHEAD, Paul, 1710-1774. An epistle to Dr. Thomp- son. [London,1755] 23 p. The WHOLE duty of a woman. 8th ed. London, 1735. 167 p. WHYTT, Robert, 1714-1766. Beobachtungen uber die Natur, Ursachen und Heilung der Krankheiten, die man gemeiniglich Nerven-hypochondrische und hy- sterische Zufalle nennet. Leipzig, 1766. 394 p. — Essai sur les vertus de l'eau de chaux, pour la guerison de la pierre. Paris, 1757. 309 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1766. cxxvi, 309 p. — An essay on the virtues of lime-water in the cure of the stone. Edinburgh, 1752. 178 p. -----2d ed. Edinburgh, 1755 213 p. -----3d ed. Edinburgh, 1761. 220 p. -----3d ed. Dublin, 1762. 213 p. — An essay on the vital and other involuntary motions of animals. Edinburgh, 1751. 392 p. -----2d ed. Edinburgh, 1763. 437 p. — Observations on the dropsy in the brain. Edinburgh, 1768. 193 p. — Observations on the nature, causes, and cure of those disorders which have been commonly called nervous, hypochondriac, or hysteric. Edinburgh, 1765. 520 p. -----2d ed. Edinburgh, 1765. 520 p. -----3d ed. Edinburgh, 1767. 507 p. — Physiological essays. Edinburgh, 1755. 223 p. -----2d ed. Edinburgh, 1761. 314 p. -----3d ed. Edinburgh, 1766. 294 p. — Sammtliche zur practischen Arzneykunst gehorige Schriften. Leipzig, 1771. 696 p. — Sammtliche zur theoretischen Arzneikunst gehorige Schriften. Berlin, 1790. 570 p. — Traite des maladies nerveuses, hypocondriaques et hysteriques. Nouv. ed. Paris, 1777. 2 v. 488 WILDT — Underrattelse om de sjukdomar, som gemenligen fa namn af nerwe-hypochondriske- och hysteriske til- falligheter. Stockholm, 1786. 356 p. — Les vapeurs et maladies nerveuses, hypocondriaques, ou hysteriques. Paris, 1767. 2 v. - The works. Edinburgh, 1768. 762 p. W1BEL, August Wilhelm Eberhard Christoph, 1775-1814. Beytrage zur Beforderung der Pflanzenkunde. Bd. 1, Abth. 1. Frankfurt am Main, 1800. 116 p. WIBER, Johann Heinrich. Medicinalische Unterrichtung die gegenwartige Gesundheit lang zu erhalten. Wtirtz- burg, 1715. 328 p. WICHELHAUSEN, Engelbert, 1760-1814. Ideen uber die beste Anwendung der Wachsbildnerei, nebst Nach- richten von den anatomische Wachspraparaten in Florenz. Frankfurt am Main, 1798. 122 p. WICHMAND, Berthel, 1720-1770. Kort underviisning for jordemodre. Aalborg, 1755. 192 p. WICHMANN, Jacob Nicolaus, 1750-1807. Bemerkung von einer Fallendensucht nach einem zugeheilten Fontanell. Kopenhagen [1780] 7 p. — Bemerkung von einer Leberentzundung. Kopenhagen [1781]8 p. WICHMANN, Johann Ernst, 1740-1802. Aetiologie der Kratze. Hannover, 1786. 140 p. -----2. Ausg. Hannover, 1791. 176 p. — Beytrag zur Geschichte der Kribelkrankheit im Jahre 1770. Leipzig, 1771. 78 p. — Beytrag zur Kenntniss des Pemphigus. Erfurt, 1791. 16 p. — De pollutione diurna frequentiori sed rarius observata tabescentiae caussa. Goettingae, 1782. 62 p. — Ideen zur Diagnostik. Hannover, 1794-1802. 3 v. -----2. Aufl. Hannover, 1800-21. 4 v. in 2. — Johann Georg Zimmermann's Krankheits-Geschichte. Ein biographisches Fragment. Hannover, 1796. 48 p. — Kleine medicinische Schriften. Hannover, 1799. 238 p. — Ueber die Wiirkung mineralischer Wasser besonders des Wildunger. Hannover, 1797. 64 p. — Wichtige Entdeckung einer hausig vorkommenden aber unerkannten Ursach einer Abzehrung bey Manns- personen. Altenburg, 1791. 70 p. WIDEBURG, Joannes Bernardus. See Wiedeburg, Johann Bernhard, 1687-1766. WIDENMANN, Barbara, b. 1695? Kurtze, jedoch hinlang- liche und grundliche Anweisung Christlicher Hebam- men. Augspurg, 1735. 216 p. WIDENMANN, Frantz. Collegium chirurgicum uber die Bandagen. 2. Aufl. Augspurg, 1735. 120 p. -----3. Aufl. Augspurg, 1745. 120 p. — Neuer curieuser und ausfuhrlicher Bericht, Stein und Briiche, so wohl mit als ohne Castrierung, zuschneiden, wie auch Staaren zustechen. Augspurg, 1719. 176 p. WIDMER, Georg, 1722-1757. Chymia corporis animalis cum lithogeognosia et artificio aquas salsas dulcificandi methodo scientifica pertractata. Argentorati, 1751. 36 p. -----Argentorati, 1752. 36 p. — Theoria chimificationis, chylificationis, et lactifica- tionis, methodo scientifica pertractata. Argentorati, 1753. 24 p. WIE dieser Warmstein zu gebrauchen. [n.p., 17—] broadside. — Wie hat man sich nach einem verdachtigen Beischlafe zu verhalten? London, 1792. 110 p. -----London, 1792. 110 p. Different setting of type. WIEBER, Johann Heinrich von. See Wiber, Johann Heinrich. WIEDEBURG, Johann Bernhard, 1687-1766. Oratio panegyrica de influxu siderum in temperamentum hominis. Jenae [1720] 20 p. WIEGLEB, Johann Christian, 1732-1800. Historisch- kritische Untersuchung der Alchemic Weimar, 1777. 437 p. - Die naturliche Magic 2. Aufl. Berlin, 1782. 461 p. WIEL, Cornelius Stalpart van der. See Stalpart van der Wiel, Cornelis, 1620-1702. WIENER medizinische Monatschrift. Bd. 1-4; Jan.-Dez. 1789. Wien. 4 v. Ed. by G. E Kletten. WIENERISCHE Beytrage zur praktischen Arzneykunde, Wundarzneykunst und Geburtshilfe. Bd. 1-2; 1781- 83. Dessau. 2 v. Ed. by J. Mohrenheim. WIGAND, Justus Heinrich, 1769-1817. Beitrage zur theore- tischen . . . Geburtshulfe. See under title. WIJ, Gerrit Jan van. See Wy, Gerrit Jan van, 1748-1810. WIJK, J. van. See Wyck, Johan van. WILCKENS, Heinrich David. Von den Pflichten, Arbeiten und dabey nothigen Vorsichten eines Chemisten. Gottingen, 1790. 24 p. WILDBERG, Christian Friedrich Ludwig, 1765-1850. Versuch einer anatomisch- physiologisch- pathologischen Abhandlung iiber die Gehorwerkzeuge des Menschen. Iena,1795. 336 p. WILDRIK, W. Ernstig doch teffens schertzend onderzoek, of de oorzaaken van de kinderpokjes, mazelen ... en van veele andere ziekten. Amsterdam, 1781. 345 p. WILDT, Johann Christian Daniel, 1770-1844. Ad audien- dam orationem de methodo physica ... invitat.. . Inest 489 WILDVOGEL de compositione et resolutione virium disquisitio physica. [Gottingae, 1797] 17 p. WILDVOGEL, Christian, 1644-1728. LibeUus de balneis et balneatoribus. Francofurti, 1754. 220 p. WILHELM, Franz Heinrich Menolph, 1728-1794. Histori- am febris scariatinae anno MDCCLXVI Herbipoli epidemice grassantis . . . recenset. Wirceburgi [17697] 25 p. WILHELMI, Christophorus Ludovicus, b. 1681. Colchi- cum, auf eine sonderbare Art gebrauchet, als ein von Gott gezeigtes und geoffenbahrtes Mittel wider die Pest vorgestellet. Leipzig, 1721. 62 p. — Das entkrafftete und entseelte Podagra. Leipzig, 1719. 32 p. -----Zum 2. Mahl vorgestellet. Leipzig, 1720. 52 p. -----Zum 3. Mahl vorgestellet. Leipzig, 1723. 52 p. WILKES, Richard, 1691-1760. An historical essay on the dropsy. London, 1777. 492 p. -----2d ed. London, 1781. 339 p. WILKINS, Henry, 1767-1847. The family adviser; or, A plain and modem practice of physic. Philadelphia, 1793. 97, 103 p. Pt. 2 has title: Primitive physic. By John Wesley. 23d ed -----2d ed. Philadelphia, 1795. 98, 103 p. Pt. 2, 24th ed. WILKINSON, Charles Hunnings, 1763 or 4-1850. The effects of electricity in paralytic and rheumatic affec- tions. London, 1799. 220 p. — Essays, physiological and philosophical, on the dis- tortion of the spine, the motive power of animals, the fallacy of the senses, and the properties of matter. London, 1798. 190 p. WILKINSON, James. A sermon, preached at St. Paul's Church, in Sheffield, upon the occasion of the opening of the General Infirmary. Sheffield [17977] 34 p. WILKINSON, John. The seaman's preservation; or, Safety in shipwreck. To which are added, admonitions and precepts, to prevent. . . the diseases incident to sea- faring people. London, 1759. 91 p. WILL, Anton, 1752-1821. Breve istruzione sugl'indizi, preservativi, e rimedi del cancro volatile. Macerata, 1786. 31 p. WILLAN, Robert, fl. 1746-ca. 1757. An essay on the king's-evil. London, 1746. 41 p. WILLAN, Robert, 1757-1812. Die Hautkrankheiten und ihre Behandlung. Breslau, 1799-1806. 3 v. in 1. — Observations on the sulphur-water, at Croft. London, 1782. 56 p. — On cutaneous diseases. Vol. 1. London [1796]-1808. 556 p. Issued in parts under title: Description and treatment of cutaneous diseases. WILLBURG, Anton Karl von, d. 1790. Medecine veteri- naire. Berne, 1785. 287 p. WILLDENOW, Karl Ludwig, 1765-1812. Grundriss der Krauterkunde zu Voriesungen. 2. Ausg. Wien, 1799. 454 p. WILLEBRAND, Johann Peter, 1719-1786. Freundschaft- liche Nachrichten von einer Carlsbader Brunnenreisc Leipzig, 1780. 360 p. — Grundriss einer schoner Stadt, in Absicht ihrer Anlage und Einrichtung. Hamburg, 1775. 3 pts. in 2 v. WILLEMET, Remi, 1735-1807. Lichenographie econo- mique. See Academie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon. Memoires. WILLENBERG, Daniel. Epistola ad Germaniae medicos scripta, qua ad solutionem quinque problematum, mathematico-physico-chemico-medicomm ... invitantur. Hamburgi, 1704. [12] p. WILLERDINGEN, Anne Sophie. Gottliche, wie auch naturliche und elementische Erkantniss, von denen von Gott durch die Natur, auch Elementen entstandenen Geschopffen. Franckfurt, 1739. 99 p. WILLIAMS, John, fl. 1721. Several arguments, proving, that inoculating the small pox is not contained in the law of physick, either natural or divine. Boston, 1721. 20 p. WILLIAMS, John, d. 1750. An essay on the bilious, or yellow fever of Jamaica. Kingston, 1750. 55 p. Imperfect: p. 29-34 wanting; p. 55 mutilated. — Essays on the bilious fever, containing the different opinions of those eminent physicians John Williams and Parker Bennett, of Jamaica. London, 1752. 76 p. WILLIAMS, John, fl. ca. 1771-1774. Advice to people afflicted with the gout. London, 1774. 86 p. — Select cases in physic, which have been treated at the waters of Aix la Chapelle. London, 1774. 136 p. — A treatise on the medicinal virtues of the waters of Aix la Chappie [sic] and Borset. London, 1772. lxxxvii, 243 p. WILLIAMS, Nathaniel, 1675-1738. The method of practice in the small-pox, with observations on the way of inocu- lation. Boston, 1752. 16 p. WILLIAMS, Perrott. Some remarks upon Dr. Wagstaff's tetter against inoculating the small-pox. London, 1725. 35 p. WILLIAMS, Stephen. An experimental history of Road water in Wiltshire. London, 1731. 72 p. WILLIAMSON, Hugh, 1735-1819. Letter ... to Dr. David Hosack [on measures to prevent the return of yellow fever in New York] (In The spectator. New York. Nov. 7, 1798) 490 WINCKLER WILLICH, Anthony Florian Madinger. Lectures on diet and regimen. London, 1799. 643 p. -----2d ed. London, 1799. 708 p. -----1st Boston ed. Boston, 1800. 2 v. -----Two volumes abridged in one. 1st Boston ed. Boston, 1800. 381 p. -----3d ed. London, 1800. 674 (i.e. 694) p. WILLIS, Thomas, 1621-1675. Opera omnia. Venetiis, 1708. 586 p. -----Venetiis, 1720. 2 v. in 1. — A preservative from the infection of the plague. London, 1721. 58 p. — Receipts for the cure of all distempers. London, 1701. 226 p. WILLISON, John, 1680-1750. The afflicted man's com- panion; or, A directory for persons and families, afflicted with sickness or any other distress. Wilmington, 1796. 272 p. WBoMER, Bradford. Cases and remarks in surgery. London, 1779. 260 p. — Observations on the poisonous vegetables which are either indigenous in Great-Britain, or cultivated for ornament. London, 1781. 103 p. WILMOT, Sir Edward, 1693-1786. Oratio anniversaria ... ex Harvaei instituto. Londini, 1735. 24 p. WILSON, Alexander. Beobachtungen iiber den Einfluss des Klimas auf Pflanzen und Thierc Leipzig, 1781. 180 p. — Some observations relative to the influence of climate on vegetable and animal bodies. London, 1780. 288 p. WILSON, Alexander PhUips. See Philip, Alexander Philips Wilson, 1770-1847. WILSON, Andrew, 1718-1792. Aforismi ad uso di testo per lezioni pratiche suite malattie de' bambini. Pavia, 1793. 208 p. — An enquiry into the moving powers employed in the circulation of the blood. London, 1774. 64 p. — An essay on the autumnal dysentery. London, 1761. 68 p. -----2d ed. London, 1777. 82 p. — Medical researches: being an enquiry into the nature and origin of the hysterics in the female constitution. London, 1776. 312 p. -----London, 1777. 316 p. — Rational advice to the military, when exposed to the inclemency of hot climates and seasons. London, 1780. 48 p. — Short remarks upon autumnal disorders of the bowels. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1765. 85 p. [WILSON, Anthony] b. 1750. A catalogue of engraved British portraits ... By Henry Bromley. London, 1793. 479, 56 p. WILSON, Benjamin, 1721-1788. See Hoadly, B. WILSON, George, b. 1631 or 2. A compleat course of chymistry. 3d ed. London, 1709. 413 p. -----4th ed. London, 1721. 383 p. WILSON, James, 1765-1821. A description of a very unusual formation of the human heart. [London, 1798] 13 p. WILSON, John, d. 1751. A synopsis of British plants. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1744. 272 p. WILT thou be made whole; or, The virtues and efficacy of the water of Glastonbury. London, 1751. 72 p. WINCKLER, Carolus Godofredus. De mortis voluntariae prohibitione ac poenis. Lipsiae, 1775. 112 p. WINCKLER, Heinrich, b. 1704. Grundliche und vemunff- tige Untersuchung des Podgra, Chiragra, Gonagra, und alter andem Glieder-Schmertzen. Leipzig (1737] 27 (i.e. 34) p. -----2. Aufl. Leipzig [17397] 44 p. — Grundlicher und bewahrter Vorschlag, sich von alien venerischen und podagrischen . . . Krankheiten . . . gewiss zu befreyen. Freyberg, 1752. 299 p. WINCKLER, Johann Heinrich, 1703-1770. Caussas frigoris et glaciei expositas . . . disquisitioni subjicit. Lipsiae [1737] 40 p. — De anima corporis organici architecta disserit. Lipsiae [1739] 16 p. — De avertendi fulminis artificio ex doctrina electricitatis disserit. Lipsiae [1753] 20 p. — De commercio luminis borealis cum acu magnetica exponit. Lipsiae [1767] 8 p. — De ratione audiendi per dentes disserit. [Lipsiae, 1759] viii p. — De vi luminis borealis in commovenda acu magnetica disserit. Lipsiae [1768] 12 p. — Essai sur . . . l'electricite. See Recueil de traites. — Oratio qua quam mirabiles sint quamque necessariae in animalibus parvitates exposuit. Lipsiae [1739] 16 p. — Praelectionum suarum rationem reddit et de imagine motuum caelestium viribus electricis efficta praefatur. Lipsiae, 1750. xx p. — Qua ratione frigescant corpora in caelo frigido disquirit. Lipsiae [1760] viii p. — Qua ratione ignis et materia electrica inter se differant disquirit. Lipsiae [1767] 8 p. — Sententias primarias de caussis conjunctionis corporum naturalis modeste expensas . . . disquisitioni subjicit. Lipsiae [1736] 40 p. — Tentamina circa soni celeritatem per aerem atmos- phaericum exponit. Lipsiae [1763] 11 p. — Tentamina, quaestiones et conjecturas circa electri- citatem animantium exponit. Lipsiae [1770] 16 p. 491 UINCKLER WINCKLER, Samuel Reinhold von. Sec Winkler, Samuel Reinhold von. 17M-1839. WINCKLER, Wolffgang Heinrich. See Ludovici. C. G. WIND, Gerard de. 1730-1800. Oratio inaugurahs de sapientia divina in admirabili corporis humani fabrica. Medioburgi. 1772. 30 p. WIND, Paulus de, 1714-1771. De vraag, is het niet afbinden der navelstreng volstrekt doodelyk voor een eerstge- boren kind? Middelburg, 1757. 64 p. - T geklemd hoofd geredt. Middelburg 11754| 109 p. WINDLE, William, b. 1706 or 7. An enquiry into the im- materiality of thinking substances. London, 1738. 124 p. WINKLER, Heinrich. See Winckler, Heinrich, b. 1704. WINKLER, Johann Heinrich. See Winckler, Johann Heinrich, 1703-1770. WINKLER, Samuel Reinhold von, 1764-1839. Von einigen der gewohnlichsten Krankheiten der ehstlandischen Bauern. Reval, 1793. 442 p. WINSL0W, Frederik Christian, 1752-1811. Zwo chirur- gische Beobachtungen. Kopenhagen [1775] 16 p. WINSLOW, Jacques Benigne, 1669-1760. Abhandlung von dem Bau und der Zergliderung des menschlichen Leibes. Basel, 1754. 5 v. in 2. — An anatomical exposition of the structure of the human body. London. 1733-34 [v. 1. 1734] 2 v. in 1. — ---2d ed. London, 1743. 2 v. in 1. -----3d ed. London, 1749. 2 v. in 1. -----4th ed. London. 1756. 2 v. in 1. -----5th ed. Edinburgh. 1763. 2 v. -----5th ed. London, 1763. 2 v. in 1. -----6th ed. Edinburgh. 1772. 2 v. -----5th ed. London. 1776. 2 v. in 1. — Anatomische Abhandelung von dem Bau des mensch- lichen Leibes. Berlin. 1733. 4 v. in 2. — Dissertation sur l'incertitude des signes de la mort. Traduite & commentee par Jacques-Jean Bruhier. Paris. 1742. 364 p. [ — ] --- Par Jacques-Jean Bruhier. 2. ed. Paris, 1749. 2 v. — Esposizione anatomica della struttura del corpo umano. Bologna. 1743-44. 6 v. — --- 1. ed. veneta. Venezia. 1747. 2 v. -----2. ed. Napoli. 1763. 6 v. in 3. — --- 2. ed. veneta. Venezia. 1767. 2 v. ----- 3. ed. Napoli. 1775. 3 v. — Expositio anatomica structurae corporis humani. Francofurti, 1753. 4 v. in 2. -----Venetiis. 1758. 2 v. in 1. — Exposition anatomique de la stmcture du corps humain. Paris. 1732. 4 \. in 5. — — Nouv. ed. Amsterdam. 1752. 4 v. -----Nouv. ed. Amsterdam. 1754-57 |v. 1, 1757| 4 v. - — Nouv. ed. Paris. 1766*3 v. in 4. — Opuscoli anatomici. Bologna, 1744. 416 p. — Remarques . . . sur te memoire de M. Ferrein. Paris, 1755. 84, 23 p. [ — ] The uncertainty of the signs of death. London, 1746. 219 p. [-]---Dublin, 1748. 169 p. | - ] — 2d ed. London, 1751. 219 p. WINTER, Frederik, 1712-1760. Oratio de certitudine in medicina. Leovardiae [1740] 52 p. — Oratio inaugurahs de certitudine in medicina practica. Franequerae, 1746. 151 p. WINTRINGHAM, Clifton, 1689-1748. Commentarium nosologicum morbos epidemicos et aeris variationes in urbe Eboracenci. . . grassantes complectens. Londini, 1727. 64 p. -----Londini, 1733. 168 p. — An essay on contagious diseases. York, 1721. 63 p. — Observations on Dr. Freind's History of physick. London, 1726. 65 p. — Tractatus de podagra. Eboraci, 1714. 164 p. — A treatise of endemic diseases. York, 1718. 123 p. — Von den endemischen und epidemischen Krankheiten. Berlin, 1791.2v. — The works. London, 1752. 2 v. WINTRINGHAM, Sir Clifton, bart., 1710-1794. De morbis quibusdam commentarii. Londini, 1782-91. 2 v. — An enquiry into the exility of the vessels in a human body. London, 1743. 44 p. — An experimental inquiry on some parts of the animal structure. London, 1740. 304 p. — Notationes et observationes. See Mead, R. Monita et praecepta. WIPACHER, David, b. 1723. De thermis Ribariensibus in Hungaria liber singularis. Lipsiae, 1763. 95 p. — Genuina ratio cur pleuritide vera saeviente venae sectio affecti lateris alias derivatoria dicta praeoptanda sit. Lugduni Batavorum, 1756. 177 p. WIR Joseph . .. See Holy Roman Empire. Laws, statutes, etc. — Wir Karl der Sechste . . . See Holy Roman Empire. Laws, statutes, etc. WIRDIG, Sebastian, 1613-1687. Nova medicina spirituum. Franckfurt, 1707. 2 v. in 1. WIRKLICHE und wahre mit Urkunden erlauterte Ge- schichten und Begebenheiten von lebendig begrabenen Personen, welche wiedemm aus Sarg und Grab erstanden sind. Frankfurt, 1798. 88 p. [WIRTENSOHN, Carl Joseph] Abhandlung vom Mohn- safte, welche erweiset, dass er die bewegenden Krafte des Herzens vermindert und dennoch die Bewegung des Blutes vermehret. Cassel, 1778. 70 p. 492 WOLF The WISDOM of the nation is foolishness ... or, The necessity of dissolving the Apothecaries Company. London, 1706. 256 p. WISEMAN, Richard, 16227-1676. Eight chirurgical treatises. 4th ed. London, 1705. 540 p. -----5th ed. London, 1719. 2 v. -----6th ed. London, 1734. 2 v. WISLICENUS, Johann Andreas. Lapides bilioso-lympha- ticos per metastasin febris catarrhalis exortos . .. de- scripsit. Lipsiae, 1742. 15 p. " WISSBADISCHE Kranckengeschichte, oder Erzehlung merckwtirdiger Curen, welch in besonderen und schweh- ren Kranckheiten durch den Gebrauch des Wissbader warmen Wassers bewtircket worden. Franckfurt, 1760. 140 p. WIT, Jacob de, 1695-1754. Teekenboek der proportien van't menschelyke lighaam . . . Proportions du corps humain. Amsterdam, 1747. [6] p. 12 plates. WITHERING, William, 1741-1799. An account of the foxglove. Birmingham, 1785. 207 p. — An account of the scarlet fever and sore throat. London, 1779. 132 p. -----2d ed. Birmingham, 1793. 127 p. — Analyse chimica da agoa das Caldas da Rainha. Lisboa, 1795. 61 p. Text in Portuguese and English. — An arrangement of British plants. London, 1796. 4 v. — Beschreibung des mit einem wehen Hals verkniipften Scharlachfiebers. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1781. 136 p. — A botanical arrangement of all the vegetables naturally growing in Great Britain. Birmingham, 1776. 2 v. — A botanical arrangement of British plants. 2d ed. Birmingham, 1787-92. 3 v. in 4. [WITHERS, Philip] d. 1790. History of the royal malady, with variety of entertaining anecdotes. London, 1789. 88 p. WITHERS, Thomas. Bermerkungen iiber die Fehler, die bey dem Gebrauch der Arzneymittel begangen werden. Leipzig, 1776. 366 p. — Bemerkungen iiber die langwierige Mattigkeit. Alten- burg, 1779. 200 p. — Observations on chronic weakness. York, 1777.169 p. — Observations on the abuse of medicine. London, 1775. 356 p. — Observations on the use and abuse of medicine. New ed. London, 1794. 347 p. — Osservazioni sull'uso, abuso, e trascuraggine de' rimedi. Roma, 1779. 235 p. — A treatise on the asthma. London, 1786. 444 p. WITHOF, Johann Philipp Lorenz, 1725-1789. De castratis. Duisburgi, 1756. 169 p. -----Lausannae, 1762. 115 p. — Oratio de religione medica. Hammonae [17527] 76 p. WITTENBERG. See Universitat Wittenberg. WITTWER, Philipp Ludwig, 1752-1792, ed. Archiv fiir die Geschichte der Arzneykunde. See under title. — comp. Delectus dissertationum medicarum Argentora- tensium. Norimbergae, 1777-81. 4 v. in 2. [ — ] Entwurf einer Geschichte des Kollegiums der Aerzte in der Reichsstadt Nurnberg. Nurnberg [1792] 40 p. — [Ueber den jtingsten epidemischen Katarrh] [Leipzig, 1782]88 p. Imperfect: t. p. wanting. WOCHER, de. Trismi tonici. See under title. WOELTGE, Heinrich Christian. Observationum medicamm fasciculus. Goettingae, 1783. 48 p. WOENSEL, Pieter van, 1747-1808. Memoire sur la peste. St. Petersbourg, 1788. 52 p. WORGER, Friderich, d. 1781. Bemerkung von einem Speichelsteinc Kopenhagen, 1778. 6 p. — Heilungsgeschichte einer Hodengeschwulst. Kopen- hagen [1779] 7 p. WOERTMAN, Jacobus Gisbertus. De proxima sede, quam anima in corpore humano occupat, oratio. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1752. 53 p. WOHL-EINGERICHTETES Vieh-Arzney-Buch, worin enthalten die Wartung und Pflege, sowol als die Krank- heiten und Heilungsmittel I. Der Pferde . . . und V. Der Ganse und Hiiner. Philadelphia, 1771. 184 p. WOHLERT, Johan Gottlieb, 1755-1812. Bemerkung von einer Beingeschwiire. Kopenhagen [1777] 8 p. — Bemerkung von einer eingeklemmten Bruche. Kopen- hagen [1779] 7 p. — Bemerkung von einer Verrenkung mit starker Entziin- dung. Kopenhagen [1774] 6 p. — Geschichte und Heilung einer Kopfwunde. Kopen- hagen [1776] 8 p. WOHLFAHRT, Johann August, fl. 1748-1768. Observatio de vermibus per nares excretis. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1768. 24 p. Der WOLBEWAHRTE Krauter Artzt. Franckfurt, 1725. 334 p. WOLF, David Gottlob. De rebus ex Homero medicis. Vitebergae, 1791. 32 p. WOLF, Elcan Isaac. Von den Krankheiten der Juden. Mannheim, 1777. 95 p. WOLF,Ido, 1615-1694. Observationum chirurgico-medi- carum libri duo. Quedlimburgi, 1704. 250 p. WOLF, Johann Gottfried. Viro experientissimo . . . Joanni Guilielmo Luickio . . . gratulatur . . . De viribus Inulae helenii in scabie persananda. Lipsiae [1787] viii p. 493 WOLF WOLF, Karl August Friedrich. De limitum inter regnum animate et vegetabile constituendorum difficultatibus. [Vitebergae, 1787] 8 p. WOLF, Salomo Jakob, b. 1766. Beweis dass eine leichte Kleidung der Gesundheit vortheilhaft sey. Halle, 1799. 59 p. WOLF ART, Karl Christian, 1778-1832. Abhandlung uber die Verandemng des Krankheitsgenius. Marburg, 1799. 80 p. WOLFART, Peter, 1675-1726. Invitatio ad scholas curiosas. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1703. [8] p. — Neue Beschreibung der warmen Brunnen und Bader zu Embs. Cassel, 1716. 80 p. WOLFF, Caspar Friedrich, 1733-1794. Theoria generationis. Ed. nova. Halae ad Salam, 1774. 231 p. WOLFF, Christian, Freiherr von, 1679-1754. Auszug aus den Anfangs-Griinden alter mathematischen Wissen- schafften. 7. Aufl. Franckfurt, 1740. 734 p. — Grond-beginzelen van alle de mathematische weeten- schappen. Amsterdam, 1738. 2 v. — Psychologia empirica. Ed. noviss. Veronae, 1736.459 p. — Psychologia rationalis. Ed. noviss. Veronae, 1737. 397 p. — Psychologie; ou, Traite sur l'ame Amsterdam, 1756. 339 p. — Vemunfftige Gedancken von dem Gebrauche der Theile in Menschen, Thieren und Pflantzen. Franckfurt, 1725. 746 p. -----4. Aufl. Halle im Magdeburgischen, 1743. 746 p. WOLFF, Elizabeth Bekker, 1738-1804. Proeve over de opvoeding, aan de nederlandsche moeders. 2. druk. Amsterdam, 1780. 120 p. WOLFF, Gisbert Jacob. Arzeneykundige Abhandlung iiber den Nutzen der Wasser oder Lymphen-Gefasse. Lingen, 1795. 107 p. — Geneeskundige verhandeling over het nut der watervaten. Haarlem, 1794. 135 p. WOLFF, Johann Christian, 1673-1723. Epistola anatomica, problematica, undecima . . . de intestinorum tunicis, glandulis, &c. Amstelodami, 1721. 10 p. WOLFF, Johann Christian Jacob. Entwurf zur Verminderung der Lagerfieber bey Armeen. Frankfurt am Main, 1791. 242 p. WOLFF, Josephus. Casus medico-practicus ascitico-tympa- nitici exponens hydropem renalem. Olomucii, 1750. 31 p. WOLFF, Pancraz, fl. 1674-1726. Epistola gratulatoria in qua secundum Hippocratem opinionum medicarum insomnia, adumbrantur. Halae Magdeburgicae [1707] [12] p. — Mogligkeit sowohl, als Wahrheit, des, vor unmoglich gehaltenen Mechansmi des menschlichen Leibes. Naum- burg[1726][24]p. — Physica Hippocratica, qua exponitur humanae naturae mechanismus geometrico-chymicus. Lipsiae, 1713. 296 p. [WOLFF, Valentin] d. 1770. Spada barns nodiga ans och skotsel, alia Christeliga foraldrar aliggande. Stockholm, 1755. 16 p. WOLFF-METTERNICH ZUR GRACHT, Franz Arnold von. See Franz Arnold, Bishop of Munster and Paderborn, d. 1718. WOLLEB, Lukas, fl. 1698-1721. Dissertatio botanico- chymico-medica, de hellebore nigro. Basileae [1721] 24 p. — Dissertatio medica de methodo herbas lustrandi. Basileae [1711] 24 p. WOLSTEIN, Johann Gottlieb, 1738-1820. Anmerkungen iiber das Aderlassen der Menschen und der Thierc Wien, 1791. 107 p. — Das Buch von den Seuchen und Krankheiten das Homviehes, der Schaafe und der Schweinc Wien, 1791. 116 p. — Das Buch von innerlichen Krankheiten der Fiillen, der Kriegs- und Burgerpferde. Wien, 1787. 359 p. — Trattato sopra le epidemie e malattie degli animali bovini delle pecore e dei porci. Venezia, 1796. 100 p. WOLTER, J. A. von. Pharmacopaea theoretico-practica formulas, ad usum nosocomiorum militum . . . selectas. Monachii, 1754. 108 p. The WONDER of art; or, Dr. L—n's method of curing the small pox for three pence. London, 1715. 12, 12 p. Pt. 2 has title: The second part of the wonder of art. WOOD, James, d. 1822. Thoughts on the effects of the application and abstraction of stimuli on the human body. London, 1793. 78 p. WOOD, John, 17057-1754. A description of Bath. 2d ed. London, 1765. 2 v. — An essay towards a description of Bath ... in two parts. Bath, 1742. 92 p. Pt. 1 only. WOOD, Loftus. Observations on a new and easy method of curing disorders, by factitious air, without the use of drugs. London, 1780. 31 p. WOOD, Samuel. Strictures on the gout. London, 1775. 66 p. WOOD, William, b. ca. 1688. A mechanical essay upon the heart. London, 1729. 42 p. — Oratio anniversaria ... ex Harvaei instituto. Londini, 1733. 12 p. WOODHOUSE, James, 1770-1809. Observations on the combination of acids, bitters, and astringents. Philadel- phia, 1793. 20 p. 494 WRISBERG WOOD VILLE, William, 1752-1805. Beschreibung einer Reihe von Kuh-Pocken-Impfungen, nebst Bemerkungen und Beobachtungen uber diese Krankheit. Breslau, 1800. 152 p. — The history of the inoculation of the small-pox, in Great Britain. Vol. 1. London, 1796. 387 p. — Medical botany. London, 1790-94. 3 v. in 4. — Observations on the cow-pox. London, 1800. 43 p. — Rapport sur le cowpox ou la petite verole des vaches. Paris, An VIII [1799/1800] Ixvi, 112 p. — Reports of a series of inoculations for the variolae vaccinae, or cow-pox. London, 1799. 156 p. [WOODWARD, John) 1665-1728. An account of a strange and wonderful dream. Dedicated to Doctor M~d. London, 1719. 20 p. [-] — 2d ed. London, 1719. 20 p. [ — ] The art of getting into practice in physick. London, 1722. 22 p. — An attempt towards a natural history of the fossils of England. London, 1729. 2 v. in 1. — A catalogue of the library, antiquities, &c. of the late learned Dr. Woodward. [London, 1728] 287 p. — An essay towards a natural history of the earth. 3d ed. London, 1723. 304 p. — Medicinae & morborum status. Tiguri, 1720. 231 p. — The natural history of the earth, illustrated, inlarged, and defended. London, 1726. 2 v. in 1. — Naturalis historia telluris. Londini, 1714. 105 p. — Select cases, and consultations, in physick. London, 1757. 424 p. — The state of physick and of diseases. London, 1718. 274 p. WOOFFENDALE, Robert, 1742-1828. Practical obser- vations on the human teeth. London, 1783. 158 p. WOOLHOUSE, John Thomas, 16507-1734. Dissertationes ophthalmicae de cataracta et glaucomate. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1719. 350 p. — Gewisse Prob-Stucke in Augen-Kranckheiten. Jenae, 1715. 58 p. WORCESTER, Isaac, Bp. of. See Maddox, Isaac, 1697- 1759. WORTH, W. Y. See Y-Worth, William, fl. 1690. WORTHINGTON, William, 1703-1778. An impartial enquiry into the case of the Gospel demoniacks. London, 1777. 349 p. WOULFE, Peter, 17277-1803. Experiments on the distilla- tion of acids, volatile alkalies, &c. London, 1768.22 p. WOYT, Johann Jakob, 1671-1709. Abhandlung aUer inner- lichen und ausserlichen Kranckheiten. 3. Aufl. Leipzig, 1753.1112 p. — Die curiose Chirurgie. Dresden, 1715. 512 p. — Gazophylacium medico-physicum, oder Schatz-Kammer medicinisch- und naturlicher Dinge. 4. Aufl. Leipzig, 1724. 1035 p. -----5. Aufl. Leipzig, 1727. 1035 p. -----6. Aufl. Leipzig, 1729. 1035 p. -----12. Aufl. Leipzig, 1746. 1035 p. -----i3. Aufl. Leipzig, 1751. 2380 col. -----14. Aufl. Leipzig, 1755. 2380 col. -----15. Aufl. Leipzig. 1761. 2524 col. [ — ] Der neu- vermehrt- und verbesserte Galanterie Artzt. Dresden, 1710. 336 p. Added t.p.: Kurtze magische Kunst-Geheimnusse der Natur . . . Offenbahret von S. Philalethe. — Physicalische und medicinische Abhandlung von sein Selbst-Erkanntniss. Dressden, 1723. 456 p. — Unterricht von den todtlichen Wunden des gantzen menschlichen Leibes. Dressden, 1716. 482 p. WREDEN, Johann Ernst. An essay on the inoculation of the small pox. London, 1729. 49 p. — Untersuchung der jetzt grassirenden Vieh-Seuchc Hannover, 1745. 48 p. WREDEN, Otto Just. Deutlicher und griindUcher Unterricht von der Nutrition. [Hannover] 1731. 120 p. — Kurzer u. deutlicher Unterricht von denen Theilen des menschlichen Corpers. Hannover, 1737. 280 p. — Kurtzer Unterricht vom chirurgischen Feld-Kasten. Hannover, 1743. 304 p. -----Hannover, 1757. 304 p. WREEDEN, J. B. Kurtzer Unterricht wie man in der Rohte-Ruhr und denen Fiebern sich zu verhalten habe. Hannover, 1730. [45] p. — Wohleingerichteter Feld-Kasten. Hannover, 1730.32 p. WRIGHT, John, fl. 1792-1795. An essay on wines. London, 1795. 68 p. WRIGHT, Thomas, ca. 1758-1812. A concise history of the human muscles. Dublin, 1791. 224 p. WRISBERG, Heinrich August, 1739-1808. Commentatio de singulari genitalium deformitate in puero herma- phroditum mentiente. Gottingae, 1796. 40 p. — Commentatio de uteri mox post partum naturalem resectione non lethali. Gottingae, 1787. 32 p. — Commentationum medici, physiologici, anatomici et obstetricii argumenti... volumen primum. Gottingae, 1800. 572 p. — De insitione variolarum. Goettingae [1765] 28 p. — De respiratione prima, nervo phrenico et calore animali. Gottingae, 1763. xvi p. — Descriptio anatomica embryonis. Goettingae, 1764. 80 p. — Dissertatio de praeternaturali et rare intestini recti cum vesica urinaria coalitu, et inde pendente ani defectu. Goettingae, 1779. 23 p. — Experimenta et observationes anatomicae de utero 495 WRISBERG gravido, tubis, ovariis, et corpore luteo. Goettingae, 1782. 40 p. — Observationes anatomicae de quinto pare nervorum encephali. Goettingae, 1777. 28 p. — Observationes anatomicae de testiculomm ex abdomine in scrotum descensu. Goettingae, 1779. 60 p. — Observationes anatomicae de vena azyga duplici. Gottingae, 1778. 22 p. — Observationes anatomico-obstetriciae de structura ovi et secundinamm humanar. Goettingae, 1783. 32 p. — Observationum anatomicarum de nervis viscerum abdominalium particula prima quae de ganglio plexuque semilunari agit. Goettingae, 1780. 39 p. — Observationum de animalculis infusoriis satura. Goet- tingae, 1765. 110 p. — Sylloge commentationum anatomicarum. Goettingae, 1786. 92 p. WUCHERER, Christianus Ludovicus, b. 1686. Semiotica specialis, signa diagnostica et prognostica morborum, causarum morbificarum, atque symptomatum, corpus humanum adficientium, exponens. Jenae, 1722. 182 p. — Signa de morbis, caussis morbificis, atque symptomati- bus, corpus humanum adficientibus. Jenae, 1729.182 p. WUNSCH, Christian Emst, 1744-1828. Visus phaenomena quaedam explicat. Lipsiae, 1774. 12 p. WURGER, Friderich. See Worger, Friderich, d. 1781. WURTZ, Georg Christoph. See Wurtz, George Christophe, 1756-1823. WURZBURG (Diocese) Prince-Bishop, 1719-1724 (Jo- hann Phillipp Franz) Publicirtes femer weiteres hoch- furstlich-wurtzburgisches aUgemeines Mandatum, wegen der im Konigreich Franckreich nicht allein an vorigen Orth- und Provinzien annoch anhaltend: sondera anjetzo gegen die Normandie fortlauffender Contagion. [Wiirz- burg, 1721][8] p. ----Publicirtes hochfurstlich-wiirtzburgisches aUge- meines Mandatum, wegen der zu Marsilien . . . wie auch in Pohlen continuirender Contagion. [Wiirzburg, 1721] [14] p. - Prince-Bishop, 1729-1746 (Friedrich Karl) Hochfurst- liche wirtzburgische Hebammen-Ordnung vom Jahr 1739. Wirtsburg [17397] [10] p. WURZBURG. See also Juliushospital, Wiirzburg. Kli- nische Anstalt. WULSON, Marc, sieur de La Colombiere. See Vulson de La Colombiere, Marc, d. 1658. WUNDERLICHES Gespraeh uber die ausgedeckte Gassnerische Wunderkuren. [n.p.] 1775. 23 p. WURTZ, George Christophe, 1756-1823. Conamen mappae generalis medicamentorum simplicium secun- dum affinitates virium naturalium. Argentorati, 1778. 221 p. — Memoire sur l'etablissement des ecoles de medecine- pratique. Paris, 1784. 41 p. — Prospectus d'un nouveau cours theorique et pratique de magnetisme animal. Strasbourg, 1787. 62 p. WURZ, Ignaz, 1731-1784. Trauerrede auf . . . Gerard Freyherm van Swieten. Wien, 1772. 85 p. WURZER, Ferdinand, 1765-1844. Versuch uber die physische Erziehung der Kinder. Bonn, 1796. 195 p. WUTHWEHR, Matthaus Mederer, Edler von. See Me- derer, Matthaus, Edler von Wuthwehr, 1739-1805. WY, Gerrit Jan van, 1748-1810. Eenige voornaame hee- len vroedkundige gevallen. Amsterdam, 1791. 42 p. — Heelkundige mengelstoffen. Deel 2, stuk 1. Amsterdam, 1785. 120 p. — Verhandeling over de uitwendige hulpmiddelen tegen de breuken. Amsterdam, 1798. 190 p. — Verhandeling over eene byzondere bereiding en gebruik van de bytende sublimaat in de Venus-Ziekte. Amster- dam, 1777. 87 p. WYCK, Johan van. Proeve der redelyke heelkunst. Rotterdam, 1738. 341 p. WYNTER, John. Cyclus metasyncriticus; or, An essay on chronical diseases. London, 1725. 122 p. — An essay on chronical diseases. 2d ed. London, 1728. 122 p. — Of bathing in the hot-baths, at Bathe; chiefly with regard to the palsie, and some diseases in women. London, 1728. 95 p. X XIGALEA, Francisco Mendoza. See Mendoza Xigalea, Francisco. XIMENES DE MOLINA, Juan. Cartilla physiologica, galenico-espagirica, mathematico-medica. Murcia, 1731. 281 p. 496 ZAFF Y-WORTH, William, fl. 1690. The compleat distiller; or, The whole art of distillation practically stated. 2d ed. London, 1705. 276 p. YALE COLLEGE. Catalogus senatus academici, et eomm qui munera et officia academica gesserunt, quique aliquovis gradu exomati fuerunt in Collegio Yalensi. Novi-Portus[1799]34p. YATES, William, fl. 1792-1798 & MACLEAN, Charles, fl. 1788-1824. A view of the science of life; on the principles established in the Elements of medicine, of the late ... John Brown. Calcutta, 1797. 3 v. in 1. Each v. has special Lp.; v. 1: A view of the science of life; v. 2: A treatise on the action of mercury; v. 3: A dissertation on the source of epidemic and pestilential diseases. Vol. 2 and 3 are by Maclean alone. - &-----Philadelphia, 1797. 231 p. YDELE Y, Etienne, b. 1540? Veritables secrets et remedes contre la peste. Chambery [1720] 76 p. YEATS, Grant David, 1773-1836. Observations on the claims of the moderns, to some discoveries in chemistry and physiology. London, 1798. 403 p. YELLOW fever. See Bordley, J. B. YONGE, Philip, 1709 or 10-1783. A sermon preached before . . . the governors of the London Hospital at Mile-end. London, 1760. 20+ p. Imperfect: all after p. 20 wanting. YORK LUNATIC ASYLUM. [Report] York [1800][4] p. YORKSHIRE, Eng. West Riding. Court of Quarter Ses- sions. See Great Britain. Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace (Yorkshire. West Riding) YOUNG, George. A treatise on opium. London, 1753. 182 p. YOUNG, Joseph, fl. 1800-1809. A new physical system of astronomy ... To which is annexed, A physiological treatise; in which the first stage of animation is con- sidered. New-York, 1800. 188 p. YOUNG, Thomas, d. 1783. Dissertatio medica, de natura et usu lactis in diversis animalibus. Edinburgi, 1776. 76 p. YOUNG, Thomas, 1773-1829. De corporis humani viribus conservatricibus dissertatio. Gottingae, 1796. 76 p. — Outlines of experiments and inquiries respecting sound and light . . . From the Philosophical transactions. [London] 1800. 47 p. YPEY, Adolph, 17427-1820. Introductio in materiem medicam. Lugduni Batavorum, 1799. 384 p. — Observationes physiologicae de motu musculorum voluntario et vitali. Leovardiae, 1775. 212 p. YVOIRY, Lenel d'. Manuel des enrages, ou coUection des remedes publics & employes avec succes contre la rage. Lyon, 1782. 19 p. — Porte-feuille antivenerien. Basle, 1785. 234 p. ZABALA, Michael. Opuscula medica. Romae, 1791. 199 p. -----Ed. 2. Romae, 1793. 232 p. ZACCHIA, Paolo, 1584-1659. Novus Zacchias sive opera ... sub inscriptione Quaestionum medico-legahum in breve compendium redacta. Caesenae, 1774. 202 p. — Quaestiones medico-legates. Ed. 2. Veneta. Venetiis, 1751.3v. — Quaestionum medico-legalium tomus primus [-tertius] Ed. nova. Lugduni, 1701. 3 v. in 1. ______Ed. nova. Lugduni, 1726. 3 v. in 1. ZACCHIROLI, Francesco, d. 1826. L'inoculazione. Poemetto. Napoli, 1775. 78 p. -----Torino, 1783. 46 p. — Ricerche ... sulla sensibilita. Venezia, 1790. 152 p. — Versi. Venezia, 1781. 266 p. ZACCHIROLI, Matteo. Sopra la riforma delle spezieric Fermo, 1791. 77 p. ZAFF, Rudolphus. Bysondere aanmerkingen over de geneesmiddelen. Leiden, 1746. 139 p. — Synopsis observationum medicarum, de selectiorum medicamentorum viribus. Lugduni Batavorum, 1751. 90 p. 497 ZAHN ZAHN, Godfridus Andreas. Dissertatio de origine, pro- gressu, & dignitate medicinae. Vesaliae, 1708. 167 p. ZAHN, Johann, 1641-1707. Oculus artificialis teledioptricus sive telescopium. 2. ed. Norimbergae, 1702. 797 p. ZALLINGER, Johann Baptista, 1731-1785. De morbis plantarum cognoscendis et curandis dissertatio. Oeni- ponti, 1773. 137 p. ZAMBECCARI, Giuseppe, 1653-1728. Breve trattato de' bagni di Pisa, e di Lucca. Padova, 1712. 64 p. ZAMBOTTI, Stefano. Modo di adoperare il vero oglio di bacche di ginepro distillato. Dispensato da me Stefano Zambotti. Venezia [ca. 1742] broadside. ZAMORA, Joseph Perez. See Perez Zamora, Joseph. ZANNETTINI, Cristoforo. Parere, o giudizio per la verita. [n.p., 17-] 58 p. ZANNICHELLI, Gian Girolamo, 1662-1729. Promp tuarium remediorum chymicorum. Venetiis, 1701. 201 p. ZANON, Antonio, 1696-1770. Saggio di storia della medicina veterinaria. Venezia, 1770. 112 p. ZANONI, Giacomo, 1615-1682. Rariorum stirpium historia. Bononiae, 1742. 247 p. ZANOTTI, Francesco Maria, 1692-1777. DeUa forza de' corpi che chiamano viva libri tre. Bologna, 1752. 311 p. — Sermones ... habiti in Bononiensi scientiamm instituto. Venetiis, 1774. cl p. ZANOTTI, Jacopo Maria. Disamina . . . sopra la lettera spettante il rare fenomeno della Giovane Cremonese. Milano, 1750. 126 p. ZAPPALA CANTARELLA, Giacomo. Institutiones medi- cinae theoreticae pathologiae videlicet, semiologiae, et therapeutices. Catinae, 1795. 2 v. ZARINI, Santo. De curatione per sanguinis missionem libri quatuor. Lucae, 1732. 517 p. [ZAUNSCHLIFFER, Otto Philipp] 1653-1729. Opizii Jocoserii... Dissertatiojuridica, deeo quod justum est circa spiritus familiares foeminarum, hoc est, pulices. Recusa [Marpurgi?] 1724. 32 p. ZAUSCHNER, Johann Baptist Joseph, 1737-1799. Dis- sertatio de elementis, et viribus medicis trium aquarum mineralium Teplensium. Pragae [1766] 317 p. — Dissertatio de sale a mineralogis haud descripto, opera ejus invento. Pragae, 1768. 183 p. ZEA, Antonio Francisco Portichuelo y. See Portichuelo y Zea, Antonio Francisco. ZECCHINI, Petronio Ignazio, 1739-1793. De Gorteriana corporum vitalitate praelectionem anatomicam . . . dedicat. Bononiae, 1772. xxxv p. ZEIHER, Johann Ernst, 1720-1784. De novis dioptricae augmentis iterum praefatus. Vitembergae [1773] 12 p. — De novis dioptricae augmentis praefatus. Wittenbergae [1768] 22 p. — De studio mathematico eruditis non satis commendando. Vitebergae [1784] 11 p. — Mistionum metallicarum examen hydrostaticum. Witte- bergae [1764] xii p. — Sermo de novis quibusdam inventis physico-mechanicis. Petropoli, 1757. 23 p. ZEITLANG. Die eine zeitlang bekannt, gewordne . . . Haber-Cur. See Lower, R. ZELLER, Johann Gottfried, 1656-1734. Disputatio medico- forensis, quod pulmonum infantis in aqua subsidentia, infanticidas non absolvat. Halae Magdeburgicae, 1725. 39 p. -----Halae Magdeburgicae, 1745. 39 p. ZELLER, Simon, Edler von Zellenberg, 1746-1816. Bemer- kungen iiber einige Gegenstande aus der pracktischen Entbindungskunst. Wien, 1789. 108 p. — Grundsatze der Geburtshilfe. Wien, 1781. 206 p. — Praktische Bemerkungen iiber den vorziiglichen Nutzen des aUgemein bekannten Baadschwamms, und des kalten Wassers, bey chimrgischen Operationen, Verwundungen und Verblutungen uberhaupt. Wien, 1797. 87 p. ZELST, Theodorus van. Libellus singularis, de podagra, et dolore colico. Amstelaedami, 1738. 191 p. ZENDRINI, Bernardino, 1679-1747. Trattato della china- china. Venezia, 1715. 55, 112 p. -----Firenze, 1750. 38, 114 p. [ZENEROLI, Lucca ] Avvertimenti dietetici, ossia maniera di vivere da osservarsi dalli concorrenti alle terme por- rettanc Bologna, 1771. 32 p. — Scelta di storie mediche spettanti alle terme porrettane 1770 [-1772] Bologna, 1771-73. 3 v. in 1. ZENGUARDINUS, D. I. Genees- en heelkundige aanmer- kingen. Amsterdam, 1734. 330 p. ZERENER, Johann Michael. See Zerener, J. N. [ZERENER, Johann Nicolaus] Kurtze doch hinlangliche Nachricht, vom niitzlichen Gebrauch und krafftiger Wurckung verschiedener bewahrt gefundener Medi- camenten, welche von Johann Michael Zerener ... ver- fertiget und daselbst ausgegeben werden. [n.p.] 1764. 151 p. — Succincta recensio quorundam longo usu et experientia comprobatorum medicamentorum cum subjuncta in- structione quibus in morbis quibusque sub circum- stantiis ea tuto adhiberi possint. [Halae Magdeburgicae?] 1749. 121 p. ZEVIANI, Giovanni Verardo, 1725-1808. Dei morbi purulenti del corpo umano. Verona, 1771. 352 p. 498 ZOCCHI — Del flato a favore degl'ipocondriaci. Verona, 1755. 220 p. -----2. ed. Verona, 1761. 208 p. — DeUa cura de' bambini attaccati dalla rachitide. Verona, 1761. 164 p. -----Napoli, 1775. 163 p. — Delia parapleuritide. Napoli, 1776. 75 p. — Dissertazione sopra il quesito qual sia il preferibile fra i rimedi preservativi dallo scorbuto, specialmente di terra. Mantova, 1769. 32 p. — Metodo circa l'uso della purga e del salasso. Verona, 1752. 132 p. -----Napoli, 1775. 160 p. — Nuovo fonte da cavar pronostici nelle malattie. Verona, 1754. 91 p. -----Napoli, 1775. 108 p. — Sopra lo scorbuto dissertazione. Verona, 1770. 43 p. — Uber die Hypochondrie, hypochondrische Flatulenz, Windsucht und die ubrigen Blahungsbeschwerden. Leipzig, 1794. 218 p. ZIBETTI, Pietro. De vasorum humani corporis. Lucae, 1750. 16 p. ZIEGENHAGEN, Georg J. Beytrag zur Berichtigung der Entziindungslehre. Strassburg [1790] 76 p. — Grundliche Unterweisung aUe venerische Krankheiten praktisch zu behandeln. 2. Aufl. Strasburg, 1791.270 p. ZIEGER, Christian Gottlob, b. 1734. De vita inter plantas optimo sanitatis tuendae praesidio. Lipsiae [1757] 12 p. ZIEGLER, Christoph Jakob August, 1735-1795. Beobach- tungen aus der Arzneywissenschaft, Chirurgie und gerichthchen Arzneykunde. Leipzig, 1787. 232 p. ZIEGLER, Jakob, 1775-1863. Bemerkungen iiber gemeines Wasser, und besonders iiber naturliche und kiinstliche Mineralwasser. Winterthur, 1799. 68 p. ZIMMERMANN, Eberhard August Wilhelm von, 1743- 1815. Beschreibung und Abbildung eines ungebornen Elephanten. Erlangen, 1783. 16 p. — Geographische Geschichte des Menschen, und der allgemein verbreiteten vierfussigen Thierc Leipzig, 1778-83. 3v.ini. — Traite de l'elasticite de l'eau et d'autres fluides. Amster- dam, 1780. 128 p. ZIMMERMANN, Johann Georg, Ritter von, 1728-1795. An Herrn Johann Gottlieb Hempel. [Hannover? 1778] 15 p. — Della esperienza nella medicina. 1. ed. veneta. Venezia, 1790-91. 3v.ini. — Das Leben des Herrn von Haller. Zurich, 1755.430 p. — Solitude considered with respect to its dangerous in- fluence upon the mind and heart. London, 1798.346 p. — Solitude considered with respect to its influence upon the mind and the heart. 2d ed. London, 1792. 420 p. -----Albany, 1796. 280 p. -----Wilmington, 1797. 298 p. — La solitude, consideree relativement a l'esprit et au coeur. 2. ed. Paris, 1788. 344 p. — SuU'insensibilita di alcune parti degli animali. Napoli, 1756. 331 p. — Traite de la dyssenteric Paris, 1775. 406 p. -----Nouv. ed. Paris, 1787. 409 p. -----Nouv. ed. Lausane, 1794. 408 p. — Traite de l'experience en general, et en particulier dans l'art de guerir. Paris, 1774. 3 v. -----Nouv. ed. Montpellier, 1797. 3 v. -----Avignon, 1800. 3 v. Incomplete: v. 3 wanting. — Trattato deUa disenteria biliosa. Venezia, 1784.2 v. in 1. — A treatise on experience in physic. London, 1782.2 v. — A treatise on the dysentery. London, 1771. 294 p. -----2d ed. London, 1774. 294 p. — Ueber die Einsamkeit. Leipzig, 1784. 4 v. — Verhandeling over de roode loop. Arnhem, 1770.495 p. — Von der Erfahrung in der Arzneykunst. Zurich, 1763- 64. 2 v. -----Neue Aufl. Zurich, 1777. 800 p. — Von der Ruhr unter dem Volke im Jahr 1765. Zurich, 1767. 544 p. -----Neue Aufl. Zurich, 1787. 319 p. ZINN, Johann Gottfried, 1727-1759. De ligamentis ciliari- bus. Gottingae, 1753. 16 p. — Descriptio anatomica oculi humani. Gottingae, 1755. 272 p. -----Goettingae, 1780. 248 p. — Observationes quaedam botanicae, et anatomicae de vasis subtilioribus oculi et cochlea auris internac Gottingae, 1753. 41 p. ZINZENDORF, Nicolaus Ludwig, Graf von, 1700-1760. Erwartete Erklarung iiber Herrn A. G[ross] in Franck- furt unter dem nahmen eines verniinfftigen und un- partheyischen Berichts . . . Klag-Schrifft. Biidingen, 1740. 144 p. ZIROTTI, Giovanni Battista. DeUa cateratta e sua de- pressione. Como, 1786. 104 p. — Sopra la natura, e l'origine delle malattie nervose dis- sertazione. Sondrio, 1786. 48 p. ZITTMANN, Johann Friedrich, 1671-1757. Medicina forensis. Das ist: Eroffnete Pforte zur Medicin und Chirurgie. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1706. 1648 p. — Practische Anmerkungen von den Toplitzer-Badern. Dressden, 1752. 95 p. -----Neue Aufl. Dressden, 1756. 95 p. ZOBEL, Friedrich, d. 1647. Tartarologia spagirica, seu medicamentomm ex tartaro ... descriptio. Ed. 2. Jenae, 1708. 100 p. ZOCCHI, Giuseppe. Osservazioni sulla natura, e forza 499 ZODIACUS medicamentosa della corteccia d'angustura. Napoli, 1798. 80 p. ZODIACUS vitae. See Manzoli, P. A. ZOLLNER, Joseph. Nachricht an das Publicum, besonders an Personen, die auf dem Lande von Arzten entfernt leben, wie sie sich bey den jezt herrschenden faulen Fiebern sowohl curative als preservative zu verhalten haben. 3. Aufl. Regensburg [1772] 39 p. ZOOLOGIA medicinalis Hibernica. See Keogh, J. ZORN, Bartholomaeus, 1639-1717. Botanologia medica. Berlin, 1714. 741 p. [ZORN, Johann] 1739-1799. Afbeeldingen der artseny- gewassen. Amsterdam, 1796-1800. 6 v. — Dreyhundert auseriesene amerikanische Gewachse nach Linneischer Ordnung. Nurnberg, 1785-88. 6 v. in 3. — Icones plantarum medicinalium. Centuria I [-VI]. Abbildungen von Arzneygewachsen. Erstes [-Sechstes] Hundert. Nurnberg, 1779-90. 6 v. Imperfect: text of v. 1 wanting. -----2. Aufl. Nurnberg, 1784. 63 p. Centuria I only. ZUCKERT, Johann Friedrich, 1737-1778. Allgemeine Abhandlung von den Nahrungsmitteln. Berlin, 1775. 329 p. -----2. Aufl. Berlin, 1790. 340 p. — Diat der Schwangern und Sechswochnerinnen. Berlin, 1767. 198 p. — Materia alimentaria in genera, classes, et species disposita. Berlin, 1769. 427 p. — Medicinische und moralische Abhandlung von den Leidenschaften. Berlin, 1764. 102 p. — Medicinisches Tischbuch oder Cur und Preservation der Krankheiten durch diatetische Mittel. Berlin, 1771. 354 p. -----2. Aufl. Heidelberg, 1784. 355 p. (Auseriesene Sammlung der besten Medicinischen Schriften. Bd. 1) -----2. Aufl. Frankenthal, 1785. 355 p. (Auseriesene Sammlung der besten Medicinischen und Chirargischen Schriften. Bd. 1) -----Neueste Aufl. Frankenthal, 1789. 402 p. — Physikalisch diatetische Abhandlung von der Luft und Witterung und der davon abhangenden Gesundheit der Menschen. Berlin, 1770. 215 p. — Systematische Beschreibung alter Gesundbrunnen und Bader Deutschlands. Berlin, 1768. 333 p. -----2. Aufl. Konigsberg, 1776. 752 p. — Unterricht fiir rechtschaffene Eltern, zur diatetischen Pflege ihrer Sauglinge. Berlin, 1764. 152 p. -----2. Aufl. Berlin, 1771. 172 p. — Vom Meinberger Mineralwasser. Lemgo, 1774. 32 p. — Von den Speisen aus dem Pflanzenreich. Berlin, 1778. 292 p. — Von der diatetischen Erziehung der entwohnten und erwachsenen Kinder bis in ihr mannbares Alter. 2. Aufl. Berlin, 1771. 264 p. ZURICH. Ordinances, local laws, etc. Erneuerte Gschau- Ordnung. [Zurich] 1769. 14 p. — Sanitats-Rath. Anleitung fur das liebe Land-Volk gegen die Gefahren der Faul-Fieber und bosartigen Hals- Wehen. [Zurich] 1772. [14] p. ----Warnungen und Anleitung fur das liebe Landvolk gegen die Gefahren der rothen Ruhr. [Zurich] 1768. [12] p. --------[Zurich] 1771. [14] p. ----Warnungen und Anleitung fur das liebe Landvolk, gegen die Gefahren der vergiftenden Speisen und Getranke, und einiger dem Leben schadlichen Miss- brauche. [Zurich] 1768. 8 p. ZURICH (Canton) Laws, statutes, etc. Erneuerte Ordnung fiir die Wund-Aerzte der Landschaft Zurich. [Zurich] 1768. 12 p. ZURICH. See also Gesellschaft auf dem schwarzen Garten Medicinisch-chirurgisches Institut Naturforschende Gesellschaft ZULATTI, Angelo, 1732-1798. Lettera . . . sopra le riflessioni sul vitto pitagorico di Giuseppe Antonio Puiati. Firenze, 1752. 76 p. ZULATTI, Giovanni Francesco, 1762-1805. Saggio sopra alcuni fenomeni della peste. Venezia, 1792. 108 p. ZULIANI, Francesco, 1743-1806. De apoplexia prae- sertim nervea commentarius. Brixiae, 1789. 292 p. -----Ed. nova. Lipsiae, 1790. 184 p. ZUMBACH VAN KOESFELD, Conrad, 1697-1780. De pulsibus ac urinis. Lugduni Batavorum, 1741. 140 p. ZUNIGA, Juan de. Consulta politica, sobre crisis medica . . . sobre los polvos de Aix, en la Provenza. Pamplona, 1750. 35 p. ZURMUHLEN, Hermannus Paulus Ignatius. Nucleus chymico-pharmaceuticus. See Munster (Diocese) Bishop, 1719-1761. ZUVERLASSIGER Unterricht, wie man sich bey gegen- wartiger Seuche, unter Gottlichem Seegen, praeserviren und curiren konne. [Regenspurg] 1713. [14] p. De ZWEEDSCHE apotheek. See Pharmacopoeia. Sweden. ZWEERTS, PhUip, 1745-1799. Geneeskundige verhande- ling over den steen in de blaas. Amsteldam, 1777.204 p. ZWEIFEL gegen die Entwicklungstheoric See Patrin, E. M. L. ZWE YER gelehrter Engelander Abhandlungen. See Huth, G. L. 500 ZYPE ZWEYTES Gespraeh von dem von Ellwangen kommen- den Dorfschulmeister und Bauren, wegen dem erst neulich heraus gegebnen Buchel, so den Titel fiihret: Die aufgedeckte Gassnerische Wunderkuren. [n.p., 1755]16 p. ZWIERLEIN, Konrad Anton, 1755-1825. Allgemeine Brunnenschrift fiir Brunnengaste und Aerzte. Weissen- fels, 1793. 274 p. — Der Arzt fiir Liebhaberinnen der Schonheit. Neue Aufl. Heidelberg, 1789. 266 p. — Vermischte medizinische Schriften. Heidelberg, 1788. 250 p. ZWINGER, Friedrich, 1707-1776. Positiones anatomico- botanicac Basileae [1731] 11 p. ZWINGER, Johann. Die Gestalt eines fursichtigen Freundes in der Noth. Neue Aufl. Nurnberg, 1721.508 p. ZWINGER, Johann Rudolph, 1692-1777. Dissertatio academica de divinitate medicinae. Basileae [ 1721 ] 20 p. — Speculum Hippocraticum. See Hippocrates. Selections and adaptations. ZWINGER, Theodor, 1658-1724, ed. Compendium medi- cinae universae. See Ettmiiller, M. — Dissertatio medica de adquirenda vitae longaevitatc Basileae [1703] [44] p. -----See also Ettmiiller, M. Epitome. — ed. Fasciculus dissertationum medicarum selectiorum. Basileae, 1710. 649 p. — Paedojatreja practica. Basileae, 1722. 736 p. — Sicherer und geschwinder Artzt. Zum 4. Mahl auffgelegt. Basel, 1703. 912 p. — Specimen materiae medicae. Basileae, 1722. 352 p. — Theatrum botanicum; das ist, Vollkommenes Krauter- Buch. Basel, 1744. 1216 p. — Theatrum praxeos medicae. Basileae, 1710.556,615 p. ZYPE, Franz van den, fl. 1683-1692. Fundamenta medici- nae reformata physico-anatomica. Ed. noviss. Bruxellis, 1731.368 p. H U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1979 O - 284-339 < / i;:;:iJi«!^;«i:i;.::;i:: :..)-;^;Hf..t..'. ' • :-. 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