A COMPANION TO THE MEDICINE CHEST; OR, PLAIN DIRECTIONS FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE VARIOUS MEDICINES AND UTENSILS CONTAINED INJT; AND FOR THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. NEW YORK: W. LUNT BRADBURY, PRINTER. NO. % HANOVER SQUARE. 1834. t* -4 A * Zs;**'{* FOR FAMILIES, SHIPS, PLANTATIONS, &c. Put up with care, and in the most approved .nanner, By HULL twentieth. GENERAL INDEX. Page. Acids, - - - - 24,29 Acidities, .... 18 Agues, ----- 13 Alkali, .... 29 Alteratives, - - - - 22,24 Anodynes, .... 26, 31 Anodyne Liniment, 41 Antimonials, - 26,27,28 Appetite, .... 39 Arrow Root, .... 46 Asthma, ----- 38 Astringents, ... - 19 Bilious Pills, - ... 47 Bilious disorders, - - - 25,26,47 Bitters, .... 15; 33,45 Bleeding, see Haemorrhage. Blistering, .... 43 Blood-letting, - - - 49,50,51 Brandy, ----- 36 Breathing, see Respiration. 56 Page. Bruises, - 41 Burns and Scalds, 43, 45 Calculous Complaints, - 29 Calomel, 21 Cathartics, see Purgatives. Cholic, 31 Coldness at the Stomach, 37, 33 Cordials, - 33,37 Costivencss, - 14,19,32, 3"), 37 Coughs, - 32,41 Cream of Tartar, 20 Cutaneous Diseases, ■42 Cuts, Wounds, &c. 42 Debility, 14, 26, 33 Diarrhiras, - 15, 18, 24, 30, 35 Digestion, 06, 38, 45 Diuretics, ... 20 Dropsy, 21 Emetics, 13, 24, 26, 28, 29 Emetic Tartar, - 26 Epsom Salt, 16 Fainting and Swooning, - 33,40, 45 Fevers, - 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 30, 32, 34 Flatulency, - - . - 18,37 Fluxes, ----- 25 57