SAUNDERS’ New Aid Series of Manuals. Volumes Now Ready. PHYSIOLOGY, by Joseph Howard Raymond, A M., M. D., Professor of Physiologv and Hygiene and Lecturer on Gynecology in the Long Island College Hospital, etc. Price, $1.25 nc.. Publication. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS, by Henry A. Griffin, A. B., M. D., Assistant Physician to the Roosevelt Hospital, Out-Patient Department, New York City. NERVOUS DISEASES, by Charles W. Burr, M. IX, Philadelphia. NOSE AND THROAT, by D. Braden Kyle, M.D., Philadelphia. *** There will be published in the same series, at close inter- vals, carefully prepared works on the subjects of Anatomy. Gynecology, Pathology, Hygiene, etc., by prominent specialists. Detailed circulars will be furnished on application. PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING FOR Nurses in Private Practice APPENDIX CONTAINING RL OR FEEDING LHjySICK; RECIPES FOR INVALID FOODS AND BEVi-: a£&0cW*[GHTS AND MEAS- URES|I^iSlk.«^'?fQBrv\ OF MEDI- THp mtiKlGttilEN\AHTNG TREATMENT EMILY A. M. STONEY BY Graduate of the Training School for Nurses, Lawrence, Massachusetts; Superintendent of Training School for Nurses^Carnev Hospital, South Boston, Massachus^^s ILLUSTRATED WITH 73 ENGRAVINGS INS^BCrtt^t) AND 9 COLORED AND HALF-TONE PLATES PHILADELPHIA W. B. SAUNDERS 925 Walnut Street 1896. Copyright, 1896, by W. B. SAUNDERS. ELECTROTYPED BY WESTCOTT & THOMSON, PHILADA PRESS OF W. B. SAUNDERS, PHILADA. PREFACE. In preparing the subject-matter of this volume, whose title-page clearly indicates its design, the author has attempted to explain, in popular language and in the shortest possible form, the entire range of private nurs- ing as distinguished from hospital nursing, and to instruct the nurse how best to meet the various emergencies of medical and surgical cases when distant from medical or surgical aid, or when thrown on her own resources, stu- diously refraining, however, from advising the nurse to act upon her own responsibility or to assume personal treatment of the patient except under circumstances of great urgency. There is simply placed before the nurse what the different diseases are, their characters and chief points of distinction and the attention required, their possible complications, and the treatment likely to be adopted in a given case by the family physician, so that suitable preparations may be made by the nurse. An especially valuable feature of the work will be found in the directions to the nurse how to improvise everything ordinarily needed in the illness of her patient. In the sick-room the embarrassment of the nurse, through want of proper appliances due to unexpected conditions or to her environments, is frequently extreme; the diffi- culty may frequently be overcome by the simplest means when one possesses a knowledge of how to apply them. There has also been attempted a logical division of the text, which includes the following sections : 11 12 PREFACE. I. The Nurse; her responsibilities,qualifications,equip- ment, etc. II. The Sick-room ; its selection, preparation, and man- agement. III. The Patient; duties of the nurse in medical, surgi- cal, obstetric, and gynecologic cases. IV. Nursing in Accidents and Emergencies. V. Nursing in Special Medical Cases. VI. Nursing of the New-born and Sick Children. VII. Physiology and Descriptive Anatomy. The latter section, while sketched briefly, will be ample for the purposes of the nurse. The Appendix contains much information in compact form that will be of value, and the full Index presents a ready medium for quickly consulting any desired topic. The numerous illustrations added will be serviceable aids in making clear the application of certain lines of treatment falling specifically to the work of the nurse. Finally, this discussion, being based on a series of lectures delivered before the Carney Training-school for Nurses, will serve as a text-book for student nurses and a useful teaching-book for those occupying positions as teachers in training-schools ; and it may prove interesting to the “ home ” nurse who wishes to comprehend some- thing of the purposes of the different methods adopted in nursing-treatment. The Author’s sincere thanks are due to Dr. John R. Slattery for his technical revision of the work and for other kind assistance, and to all who have helped by friendly suggestions. EMILY A. M. STONEY. CONTENTS. I. THE NURSE J7 Responsibilities of the Nurse, 17—Qualifications of the Nurse, 19—Duties of the Nurse, 20—Hospital Etiquette; the Nurse’s Duties to her Superiors, 23—Etiquette when out Private Nursing, 24—Dress and Personal Habits of the Nurse, 25 Equipment of the Nurse’s Bag, 25—Keeping the Records, 25. II. THE SICK-ROOM 29 Selection and Preparation of the Sick-room, 29—Preparation of the Bed, 29—Changing the Bed-clothing, 30—Bed-making for Different Cases, 32—Appliances for the Relief of Bed-patients, 34—Care of the Sick-room, 36—Hygiene of the Sick-room, 36. III. THE PATIENT 39 1. Nursing in Medical Cases 39 1. General Observations in Medical Cases: The Pulse, 39—Body- temperature, 41—Respiration, 44—Observation of Symptoms, 45- 2. Bodily Care of the Patient: Changing the Clothing, 52- Toilet of the Patient, 53—Baths, 55—Feeding of the Patient, 56—Moving of the Patient, 57. 3. Relief of Functional Disturbances: Enemata, 59—Rectal Feeding, 64—Douches, 65—Catheterization, 68—Washing out the Bladder, 69—Washing out the Stomach, 70. 4. Administration of Medicines: Rapidity of Absorption of Medicines, 70—Action of Medicines, 71—Precautions to be Observed in Handling and Administering Medicines, 72. (1) Medicines by the Mouth, 74. (2) Medicines Administered per Rectum, 76. (3) Subcutaneous Administration of Medicine ; Hypodermatic Injection, 76. (4) Inunctions, 78. (5) Inhala- tions, 80. PAGE 13 14 CONTENTS. 5. General and Local External Applications : Baths, 81—Symp- toms of Inflammation, 91—Treatment of Inflammation, 91- Bleeding, 92—Fomentations, 94—Poultices, 95—Dry Heat, 101—Application of Cold, 101—Counter-irritants, 104— Blisters, 106—Massage, 108—Liniments, 110—Lotions, no— Gargles, Sprays, etc., no—Eye-drops, 112. 11. Nursing in Obstetric Cases 115 Pregnancy, 115—Signs and Symptoms, 115—Duration of Preg- nancy, 116—Conception and Date of Confinement, 116—The Fetus, 117—Fetal Movements, 118—Disorders of Pregnancy, 119—Termination of Pregnancy, and Nurse’s Preparations for the Confinement, 120—Labor, 122—Stages of Normal Labor, 123.—Duration of Labor, 126—Conduct of Normal Labor, 126 —Management of the Puerperium, 129—Pathology of the Puer- perium, 133—Extra-uterine Pregnancy, 136—Cesarean Section, 136. hi. Nursing in Gynecologic Cases 137 Preparation for Gynecologic Examination, 137—Positions for Examination, 137—Preparation for Operation, 140—After-care of Patient, 143. iv. Duties of the Nurse in General Surgical Cases . . . 144 Preparation of the Operating-room, 144—Preparations for the Operation, 146—Preparation of the Patient, 149—Duties of the Nurse in Emergency Cases, 151—Nurse’s Duties in Operating-room, 156—Arranging the Patient for Operation, 158— After-care of the Patient, 159—Sequelae of Operation, 159— After-treatment of Patient, 163—Surgical Disinfection and Materials, 167. IV. ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES 172 1. Surgical Accidents: Fractures, 172—Dislocations, 176— Sprains, 176—Surgical Dressings, 176—Bandages, 178— Splints, 186—Extension, 187—Wounds, 188—Gangrene, 191 —Abscess, 192—Boil, 192—Carbuncle, 192—Ulcer, 192— Fistula, 192—Sinus, 192. 2. Common Emergencies : Hemorrhages, 193—Burns and Scalds, 197—Sunstroke, 200—Heat-exhaustion, 200—Light- ning-stroke, 201—Fainting, 201—Drowning, 201—Accidents from Fire, 203—Retention of Urine, 203—Head-accidents, 203—Cuts and Bruises, 204—Foreign Bodies, 204—Insect PAGE CONTENTS. 15 Bites and Stings, 205—Dysmenorrhea, 205—Vomiting, 205— Flatulence, 206—Toothache, 206—Insomnia, 206—Sunburn, 206—Frost-bite, 207—Chilblains, 207. 3. Accidental Poisoning : Poison Defined, 208—Classification and Action of Poisons, 208—What to do in Case of Poison- ing, 208—Irritant Poisons, 209—Narcotic Poisons, 211—Bites of Rabid Animals, 212. V. NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL CASES 213 1. Infections and Contagious Diseases : Infectious Diseases, 213 —Contagious Diseases, 214—Typhoid Fever, 215—Scarlet Fever, 222—Typhus Fever, 225—Small-pox, 226—Measles, 228—Diphtheria, 229—Fumigation of Sick-room after Con- tagious Diseases, 234—Phthisis, 236—Simple Croup, 237— Membranous Croup, 238—Whooping Cough, 238. 2. Functional and Idiopathic Diseases : Influenza, 239—Croupous Pneumonia, 241—Bronchitis, 242—Asthma, 243—Pleurisy, 243—Empyema, 243—Angina Pectoris, 244—Gastritis, 244— Peritonitis, 245—Appendicitis, 246—Dysentery, 248—Cholera Morbus, 249—Acute Diarrhea, 250—Uremia, 250—Cerebro- spinal Meningitis, 251—Cerebral Apoplexy, 251—Paralysis, 254—Epilepsy, 254—Hysteria, 256—Neurasthenia, 257— Dropsy, 257—Diabetes, 258—Rheumatism, 258—Diseases of the Skin : Eczema, 259—Scabies, 259—Ringworm, 260— Herpes Zoster, 260—Caring for the Dead, 261. VI. NURSING OF SICK CHILDREN 262 Care of the New-born, 262—Care of Premature Infants, 269— Diseases of Infancy, 270—Diseases of Childhood, 278—Sur- gical Diseases of Children, 280—Nurse’s Management of Children, 281. PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY 285 1. Physiology: Blood-circulation, 285—Respiration, 289—Diges- tion, 290—Secretions, 292—Excretions, 293—Urinary Organs, 293- 2. Descriptive Anatomy : The Skin, 296—The Bones of the Body, 296—The Muscles of the Body, 299—Heart, Blood-vessels, and Lymphatics, 300—Brain, Cord, Nerves, and Organs of the Senses, 301—Respiratory, Digestive, and Urinary Organs, 305 —Internal Female Organs of Generation, 309. i6 CONTENTS. PAGE APPENDIX 3” I. General Rules for Feeding the Sick and How to make Certain Articles of Food 311 1. Serving the Food 311 2. Recipes for Invalid Foods and Beverages o17 Simple Farinaceous Foods, 317—Beef-teas and Extracts, 319—Broths, 321—Oysters, 322—Puddings, 323—Soups, 324—Miscellaneous Dishes, 325—Prepared Milk, 327- Toasts , 328—Desserts, 329—Beverages, 333—Mineral Waters, 337. II. Weights and Measures 34° III. Table for Computing Date of Labor 343 IV. Abbreviations 344 V. Dose List VI. Glossary Index Practical Points in Nursing FOR NURSES IN PRIVATE PRACTICE. I. THE NURSE. Responsibilities of the Nurse.—In these pages the writer will endeavor to tell the nurse what she can do when private nursing, especially among the poor, who have not the proper things to do with; what she can use in place of the things used in the hospital; also what she can do in an emergency when at a distance from medical aid, and when she must use her own knowledge and judgment. It is for this reason that the writer de- sires the nurse fully to understand, and to have an intel- ligent idea about, the different cases which are most likely to come under her care. These instructions are not intended for hospital use; indeed, there would be no possible excuse for the nurse to act on her own respon- sibility in the hospital, as there is always a doctor within calling distance, while in private practice she is left alone with the patient, and is expected by the doctor or the surgeon to know what to observe and to do in emer- gencies until he arrives. The profession of nursing is one in which there is no limit to the good that can be done; it is also one in 17 18 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. which every woman embracing it must “ walk worthy of the vocation wherewith she is called.” “A nurse should have such tact, as well as skill, that she will do what is best for the patients, even against their will, knowing how to manage the weakest and most irritable, and doing all that is necessary for them without their know- ing it.” “She must be scrupulously clean and neat in her own person, especially with regard to the arrange- ment of her hair, which should be smooth and well kept. The office of nurse is too high and too holy for any woman called to it to wish to devote much time to the adornment of her person. Her one object, as regards herself, should be to be clean, simple, neat, modest, sweet-tempered, and to know how to mind her own business ”—to keep her health unimpaired by securing sufficient rest, sleep, food, and exercise, without which the best will break down and suffer in health. A nurse should improve her mind by reading the best books at her command, by going out and visiting friends, and by attending the theatre twice a month : this will keep her in touch with outside affairs, and she will be able to converse intelligently with her patients. Her manner toward her patients and toward all with whom she comes in contact should be kind, pleasant, courteous, and cheer- ful—repressing all attempts at familiarity. It should be remembered that while we cannot dictate the manner of other people toward us, yet we can to a certain extent have it what we would like it to be; and we can always control our bearing toward them. The nurse should cultivate a contented mind and a cheerful face, avoid affectation and all temptation to air her knowledge—a mistake that many nurses are prone to make—and learn to control her emotions. The patients should be made THE NURSE. 19 to feel that they are her first thought, and they will learn to have faith and trust in her. Unlike physicians, nurses are not called upon to attend charity calls. Very few nurses during their first year of private practice are worth the large fees they ask and receive. This mercenary spirit is steadily increasing, instead of decreasing. It would be well for all nurses to remember the words of the late Dr Agnew: “It is a great and a good thing to feel that you are not always working for mere money.” This feeling a nurse will not have if she enters into the work for the love of the good that can be done in lessening the weariness of pain and misery with which she comes in contact. No nurse should take up the work unless she feels that to serve the poor is her vocation. She must try how much she can do for each patient, remembering that, so far as the nature of the work admits of it, every poor person should be as well and as tenderly nursed as if he were the highest in the land. The very essence of nursing in the homes of the poor is management, tact, and thinking for the patient. Applications of poultices are not the only duties of a nurse, although they are in themselves of vast importance. The writer wishes particularly to impress upon the nurse the responsibilities of night duty. It is in the night-time that a very large majority of patients require the most careful watching and nursing. It requires a very competent nurse to do night duty—one who is gentle, kind, charitable, and patient; a large stock of patience is always necessary because of the large de- mands that are made upon it during the night. Qualifications of the Nurse.—The questions asked by physicians and surgeons before employing a nurse 20 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. are: Is she neat and clean, and does she understand all the recent antiseptic methods ? Is she competent to meet an emergency ? Does she know what to look out for in the cases under her care, and when to send for the physi- cian ? Is she modest in assuming responsibility? faith- ful to the physician’s orders ? patient, and fitted for the cares of a severe and critical illness ? All these ques- tions are asked, together with others, and it is a nurse possessing just these qualifications that each one should wish to be. Duties of the Nurse.—On first going to the house the duty of the nurse is to find out where everything that will be needed is kept, then to wait on herself quietly and without intruding. The time of the nurse belongs to the family em- ploying her, but she has full control of the patient and the sick-room. There is no place where the presence of mind and powers of observation of a nurse show so plainly as in the operating-room; so do the gentle- ness, modesty, refinement, and cheerfulness of a nurse shine clearly in the sick-room. A nurse should be as little trouble to the family as possible, and improvise all she can, remembering that they are under very great expense. The same caution should be observed in dealing with the servants: she should be kind to them, and add as little as possible to their work in the kitchen or the laundry. She should wash and put away all glasses and dishes used for the patient, as is done in the hospital; they must not be left in the kitchen for some member of the family or the ser- vants to wash; the nurse must do it herself. The patient should closely be observed, and all that can be done to make her comfortable should be antici- THE NURSE. 21 pated, not waiting to be asked for anything. The nurse should wear noiseless shoes, and move about the room quietly; she should look where she is going, and not knock against the bed or the furniture, avoiding every- thing which may annoy the patient. The nurse should begin early in the evening to pre- pare for the night—to get everything that will be needed, and when moving around in the night should make no noise, so that the patient and the family will not be dis- turbed. Sleep must be taken when it is most convenient for some member of the family to relieve her; the same with the meals, which should be taken alone, unless the family really wish her presence at their table. At such times, when she is away from the patient, written orders for the substitute must be left, and she should make sure that the one who takes charge understands thor- oughly how everything is to be done. The answer to the question, Should a nurse refuse to take her meals in the kitchen ? depends on the circum- stances of the family. It does not at all lessen the dig- nity of the nurse to eat in the kitchen, a gentlewoman being always treated as one wherever she is. It is not degrading to assist in the kitchen when emergencies arise; it shows the true spirit of a nurse, and the kind- ness is not lost. A nurse must not talk of her hospital days; she will find a number of patients very curious to hear of the different cases and operations that she has seen, but they must not be talked of; it has a depressing effect on the patient. A nurse must be cheerful and talk of cheerful things. Nor must she tell of her experiences in other families: all that she hears or sees in the family 22 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. for whom she is working must be kept secret and re- vealed to no one; she has no right to speak of one patient to another in private or hospital practice, or to criticise or discuss her patient’s peculiarities outside her report to the physician. The directions of the doctor must faithfully be carried out, and in the absence of directions the nurse should think what he would like to have done. When she makes a mistake, it should be confessed at the first opportunity ; the physician will always be found very kind; but if mistakes are left for him to find out, he will naturally lose confidence in his nurse. If any trouble should arise regarding meals, sleep, getting fresh air, or anything else, the nurse must not worry the patient about it, but speak to the physician, who will always be found a warm friend. A nurse will often work for doctors who treat their cases entirely different from the way she has been used to seeing them treated. The doctor makes the diagno- sis and gives his orders as to the treatment of the case, and, no matter what the nurse may think, it must not interfere with her accurate and faithful execution of those orders. She should never be guilty of making sugges- tions to the doctor: she is there to carry out his orders, to observe every little thing about the patient, and to re- port to him in a clear, simple way; her judgment must never be allowed to prevent her from doing her duty to the physician in charge. Some families may question the nurse very closely about the attending physician. She must be very careful how she speaks of him, and inspire all pos- sible confidence in him, whether she has or has not worked for him before. The family may likewise ques- THE NURSE. 23 tion the doctor about the nurse; the battle E half won when the family has confidence in both physician and nurse. Hospital Etiquette; the Nurse’s Duties to her Su- periors.—The difference between hospital nursing and private nursing is very great. The regularity of hospital life and the strict discipline which prevails are of great benefit to a nurse in assisting her to become punctual, trustworthy, patient, obedient, and courteous. Every- thing needed in the care of the sick is at hand in the hospital, and a sister-nurse and a doctor within calling distance. She has a number of patients under her care, whereas in private nursing she has to do with a single patient, and her success depends mainly upon making the relation one of satisfaction and esteem, and upon her ability to meet the sudden emergencies which may arise, having no longer the sister or doctor to call upon. There are also anxious friends and relatives to meet, and who in their own opinion know how everything ought to be done. The presence of a senior or a junior member of the hospital staff, the superintendent of the hospital, the superintendent of nurses, or strangers visiting the hos- pital is a severe test of the professional manners of a nurse. A nurse must always receive any hospital officials standing, and remain standing like a sentinel on duty until they have left the ward or room. It is a courtesy due to the position which they hold. During the visit of a physician the nurses must be ready to accompany him, and answer any questions he may ask. If the head-nurse is in the ward, she will accompany the doc- tor on his rounds and answer all questions. A nurse must never answer a question or give the doctor any 24 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. information about a patient or patients when the head- nurse is present, unless the question is put directly to her. The head-nurse is responsible for everything that occurs on the floor of which she has charge, and it is the duty of the nurses to keep her fully informed of everything relating to the patients. Perfect quiet must prevail while the doctor is using the stethoscope. Etiquette when out Private Nursing.—Regarding the etiquette when private nursing, there are no definite rules to be observed. It is a mark of respect for the nurse to rise when the physician enters the room, and to remain standing unless asked to be seated; she should hand him her report, answer all questions, then quietly leave the room. This is a good plan in both private practice and for hospital private patients, for in many cases the physician is the family friend, and there may be many things about which the patient would like to speak with the doctor, and not care to have the nurse hear. If the nurse observes this course from the beginning, it will save her the probable embarrassment of being asked to leave the room. Then, again, she will have an opportunity of speaking to the doctor of anything relating to the case of which the patient should not know. She should also leave the room when a visitor comes, so that patient and friend can enjoy their talk alone; if the visit is limited, the visitor should be told when the time has expired. A nurse should not whisper in the sick-room; it makes the patient think she is being talked about: it should be remembered that the hearing of a patient who is apparently insensible, unable to move or to speak, is often very acute, hearing the lowest whisper; so the THE NURSE. 25 case should not be discussed nor any but the kindest things be said before a patient. Dress and Personal Habits.—The dress of a nurse should be of cotton goods. She should always wear her cap; it is her “ badge of authority.” Her appearance must at all times be as though she had just been lifted out of a bandbox. At night she should wear a flannel wrapper and soft shoes and look as neat as in the daytime. She should shun curl-papers; under no consideration must she be seen with them or even be seen using curling- irons, or she will lose the respect of the patient, the family, and the physician. Equipment of the Nurse’s Bag.—Some of the things which every nurse should carry in her bag are—a clin- ical thermometer; a pair of surgical scissors and forceps ; small bottles of brandy; tincture of digitalis; strychnia tablets, grain ; morphia tablets, grain -jfth; normal liquid ergot; a hypodermic syringe; a fountain syringe ; two glass catheters; a flexible catheter; small bottles of corrosive tablets; carbolic acid, 1:20; permanganate-of- potash crystals ; oxalic-acid crystals and washing soda; rubber tubing; a razor; large and small safety-pins; needles and white thread; one-ounce graduate minim- glass ; a medicine-dropper; temperature and nourish- ment charts; gauze sponges of various sizes; a small ice-pick ; matches. A fountain syringe will be found very handy in pri- vate practice. It can be used for a number of things—to wash out the stomach and bladder, for douches, as an irrigator, and the rubber-tubing attachment can be de- tached and be used as a tourniquet. Keeping the Records.—It is a good plan to write out the physician’s orders on paper, for instance : 26 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Milk, 6 ounces, at IO, 12 A. M. 2, 4, 6, 8 P. M. Ordered medicine, 1 teaspoonful, at II A. M. 3, 7 P. M. Whisky, | ounce, at 8.30, 10.30 A. M. 12.30, 2.30, 4.30 p. M. Flaxseed poultices to chest, at *1 ApMM The hours must be checked off as they are filled. If the orders keep about the same, the paper will last two days by checking the opposite way on the second day. The day or night Report will run somewhat as follows : Day Report. Mrs. Extra-uterine. Milk, 2 ounces, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 A. M; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 p. M. Total, 24 ounces. Whisky, 2 drachms, 830, 930, io30, u30, 1230 A. M.; I30, 230, 330, 430, 530, 630, 730 p. M. Total, 3 ounces. Strychnia, gr. subcutaneously, 9, 11 A. M.; 1, 3, 5, 7 p. m. Total, Aths. Milk, 4 ounces, Whisky, jounce, by rectum, io A. M.; 2, 6 P. M. Retained. Effervescent citrate of magnesia, bottle I. Given in divided doses dur- ing the day. Low enema of— Turpentine, \ ounce, Epsom salts, 3 ounces, Glycerin, 4 ounces, Warm water, 12 ounces, at 9 A. M. Was not retained. Returned soon as injected. High enema of— Turpentine, I ounce, Magnesia sulphate, I ounce, Glycerin, 4 ounces, Warm water, 8 ounces, at io, ii A. M., i p. M. Was not re- tained. Returned soon as injected. Rectal tube inserted, very little gas expelled. Abdomen very much distended. THE NURSE 2; Urinated at 10 A. m., 3 ounces, “ “ 3 P. M., 6 ounces, “ “ 6 p. m., 4 ounces, Total, 13 ounces. Bowels did not move. Though patient did not sleep, yet she had a comfortable day. Night Report. Mrs. Magnesia sulphate, 1 drachm, Hot coffee, 1 drachm, 8 P. M. Strychnia, gr. subcutaneously, 9, 11 p. m. ; 1, 3, 5, 7 A. M. Total, zyhs. Whisky, j ounce, 8, 10, 12 p. m. ; 4, 6 A. M. Total, 2\ ounces. Oxalate cerium, grs. 5, at 9, 10. Total, 10 grains. Nourishment— Milk, 10 ounces, Beef-tea, 5 ounces, Total, 15 ounces through the night. Temperature and pulse taken every two hours and recorded on chart. Urinated at 9 p. M., 2 ounces, “ “ 11 p. M., 3 ounces, “ “ 2 A. M., 5 ounces, Total, 7 ounces. Bowels moved at 9, 11.30 p. m. “ “ “ 2 A. M. Very good movements, character loose; movements, though small, were very good. After bowels moved at 9 o’clock distention gradually disappeared; very little distention this morning. Passed considerable gas. Slept continuously l | hours, « U r 1 « “ at intervals 2 “ Total, 5 hours. Had a comfortable night Another favorite way is to rule a sheet of paper, leav- ing spaces for the hour, temperature, pulse, nourish- ment, stimulant, medicine, sleep, and remarks. For in- stance : 28 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Date Hour. 7 A. M. 8 “ 9 “ 10 “ 11 “ 12 “ 1 P. M. 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 5 “ 6 “ 7 “ 8 “ 9 “ 10 “ 11 “ 12 midnight. 1 A. M. 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 5 “ 6 “ 7 “ Total. Temp. Pulse. Nourishment. Stimulants. Medicine. Urine. Bowels. Sleep. Remarks. These twenty-four-hour charts, or records, are very useful for operative cases where the treatment is con- tinually changing. The report should be made out and ready for the physician, and everything that has hap- pened since his last visit be written clearly and defi- nitely ; also what the nurse has done. This detailed re- port will save questioning in the presence of the patient. THE SICK-ROOM. 29 II. THE SICK-ROOM. Selection and Preparation of the Sick-room.—The sick-room should be on the sunny side of the house and capable of thorough ventilation. If there is a stationary basin in the room, it should be covered with paper or a board, or be kept filled with water, which must be changed often; this will prevent impure air coming up through the waste-pipe should the pipe not be properly trapped. The room should be as near the top of the house as possible, for the reason that the higher we go the purer is the air, and also that if a room on the lower floor is used the germs of the disease will be carried upward. If the light is too bright, the bed should be so made that the patient will lie with the back to the window, or a screen may be put before the window. If the case is disease of the brain or the eye, the room must be darkened; the curtains so arranged that there will be no flapping when the window is open, nor flashes of light. Preparation of the Bed.—Probably the first thing that will need the attention of the nurse will be the bed. In very few families will she find the mattress protected, which should be done both for cleanliness and expense. Many think that in the absence of a rubber sheet or an oilcloth an old blanket or a comforter will do to protect the mattress, but such substitutes must not be used if it can possibly be avoided, as it is impossible to know where they have been or how dirty they are; they may be filled with germs. Newspapers can always be pro- cured, which will absorb the discharges, and which can be burned when removed. They are to be placed be- 30 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. tween the under sheet and draw-sheet, which, if put on here, will keep the under sheet clean much longer. In making the bed the under sheet should be well tucked in at the top and sides, even if it is a little short at the bottom, for it is easier to pull an under sheet down from the bottom than to pull it up from the top. Next comes the rubber sheet, oilcloth, or newspapers. The four corners of the rubber sheet must be pinned to prevent wrinkling. The smooth end of the draw-sheet must come under the patient’s back. The upper cloth- ing must be well tucked in at the foot, still not too tightly, and the nurse should guard against a weight of clothing lying on the patient’s chest; if the sheets or blankets are very long, the surplus must be brought down to the foot of the bed. Changing the Bed-clothing.—Before beginning to change the bed- or body-linen the nurse should get everything ready and thoroughly aired and warmed. The patient is moved to the other side of the bed, and the upper and under sheets are loosened; then the upper Fig. i.—Changing the bed-sheet without removing patient from the bed (a, sheet partly rolled ; B, sheet partly folded). clothing and under sheets are pushed well over against the patient’s back, and the clean sheet, rubber, and draw- sheet inserted, the under sheet being tucked in at the top and sides, and rolled up close to the soiled sheet (Fig. i). THE SICK-ROOM. 31 The upper clothing is then spread out, and the patient moved back to the clean side, after which the soiled sheets can be removed, and the clean sheets be well stretched and tucked in at the top and sides. To change the upper sheet, the spread and one blanket are removed; over the soiled sheet put the clean sheet and blanket; then, with one hand holding the clean sheet and blanket, the soiled sheet and blanket are drawn down toward the foot of the bed and removed with the other hand. In changing the bed in this way we guard against exposing and chilling the patient. When the patient cannot turn on the side, the bed should be changed from the top, the soiled sheet being first loosened at the top and sides and pushed well down under the pillow. Another person must assist at the other side of the bed in working down the two sheets ; the shoulders, back, and upper part of the thighs of the patient must be raised with one hand, while the sheets are worked down with the other hand. In case of a fractured limb, one person must support the limb above and below the fracture, taking care to raise the limb very gently. When arranging the pillows, the head of the patient should be lifted and supported by the nurse’s arm, her hand supporting the back ; with the other hand the pil- low is turned, the lower pillow being brought under the shoulders to support the back, the upper one to support the head without bringing it too far forward or too far backward. The patient must be permitted to suit herself in arranging her pillows, as every patient has a favorite way. A pillow should never be shaken up on the bed; the upper pillow should be removed and shaken away from the bed, then the second pillow taken out, replacing 32 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. it with the fresh one, so that the patient will always have one. Bed-making for Different Cases.—We will now con- sider the making of beds for the different cases which come under the nurse’s care. In private practice the supply of bed-linen may be very limited, and for this reason it would be well first to put on the under sheet, then the protector, which may be of rubber, ordinary table oilcloth, or newspapers, then the draw-sheet; by so doing the under sheet will be kept clean much longer. Medical and Surgical Beds.—A medical and a surgical bed is made with an under sheet, a protector, a draw- sheet, and the usual upper clothing. If the bed is to be prepared for a patient with a broken limb, a wide board, table-leaf, or small strips of board (slats) or an ironing- board must be placed across the middle of the bed, under the mattress, to make the bed firm and prevent sagging. Obstetric Bed.—An obstetric bed is made with an under sheet, a protector, and a draw-sheet, then over these a second protector and sheet; this is called a “ temporary ” bed, which, after all is over, is easily re- moved, and the patient lies on a clean bed; both beds during labor must be pinned securely to the mattress at each corner, the protectors also being pinned at their four corners. If the bed is a large double bed, then one side of it should be prepared, or the lower part of one side. After delivery the patient is lifted to the other side, or to the upper part of the bed, whichever has been prepared. Here the writer again warns the nurse not to use old comforters or blankets, unless positively sure that they are clean ; if there is any doubt about it, then give way to the doubt by not using them. THE SICK-ROOM. 33 Cross-bed.—A cross-bed is very often used for gyne- cologic examinations and minor operations : the pillows are arranged across the bed in the middle, which arrange- ment brings the hips of the patient to the edge of the bed; across the mattress under the sheet is slipped a table-leaf or board, which will, to a certain extent, take the place of the examining table; the patient lies upon a hard surface, thus preventing the body sinking into the bed. A sheet and a blanket are the upper coverings. Divided Bed.—Some surgeons like the upper bed-cloth- ing divided for abdominal cases. For this form of bed there are needed two sheets and two single blankets, which are doubled, placed over the patient, and meet in the centre, the sheets first, then the blankets. The upper clothing is thus divided into two distinct halves; the bed-spread being put on as usual. When the dressing is to be done, the spread is thrown back and the sheets and blankets parted, so that unnecessary exposure of the patient is guarded against. Water-bed and Air-bed.—Water- and air-beds are used in cases of long illness, and in cases where bed-sores are formed or where there is a tendency to them, and where there is much moisture. The water-bed is placed on the bed-springs, which should be covered with rubber sheet- ing, a comforter, or paper, to prevent rusting, and the bed filled with water (at a temperature of about ioo° F.) by means of a funnel and pitcher. To empty a water- bed, it is laid in a slanting position until all the water has run out; it is then rolled up and laid away. India rub- ber, if unused for any length of time, becomes hard and is apt to break, and for this reason the bed should be filled every six weeks or oftener, the water remaining in it three or four hours. The air-bed is filled with air by 34 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. means of a pair of bellows or an air-pump ; after filling, it is made up in the usual way. Care must be taken that these beds are not pricked with pins, or they will collapse. Appliances for the Relief of Bed-patients.—In very few families will a nurse find a bed-cradle, a screen, a bed- rest, pads, and rings. The cradle (Fig. 2) can be improvised by taking one or two chairs, placing them backs uppermost, and securing them by tying their two lower legs to the sides of the bed; to be sure, they look clumsy, but a chair is always to be had in the absence of anything else. Half barrel-hoops, with a string fastened to each end to be tied to the sides of the bed, make a good cradle; three halves are all that are needed. A cradle must always be placed under the blankets, the sheet covering the patient to prevent her taking cold. Bed-rest.—A straight-backed chair answers nicely for a bed-rest; one pillow should be carried well down in the small of the back, another (if there are only two) is placed above for the head and shoulders. Bed-screen.—A clothes-horse covered with a sheet, a blanket, or a shawl makes a very good screen; it can be made quite attractive by tying the corners of the covering with ribbon and pinning on it photographs or pictures cut from illustrated papers; they will help to amuse the patient, and should be renewed from time to time: if the Fig. 2.—Cradle for protecting patient from pres- sure of bed-clothes. THE SICK-ROOM. 35 case is contagious, of course the pictures should be burnt each time they are renewed. Pads and rings (Fig. 3) to relieve pressure are made of cotton-batting, blanket, compress, oakum, horse-hair, straw, or even of a sheet, formed into a circular pad (having a hole in the centre), covered with compress, and wound around with a band- age to keep it in place. Fig. 3.—Heel-pad or ring : a, end of bandage. Fig. 4.—Bed-cushion. A cushion (Fig. 4) for the foot of the bed to prevent Fig. 5.—Nightingale wrap. the patient slipping down, or to be placed under the knees to relax the abdominal muscles, may be impro- 36 rRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. vised by putting a clean blanket or a comforter in a pillow-case. During convalescence the Nightingale wrap will be found useful. It is made of two yards of flannel of ordinary width. A straight slit 6 inches deep is cut in the middle of one side; the points are turned back to form the collar. The points farthest from the collar are turned back to form cuffs. Buttons and button-holes are added, as shown in the illustration (Fig. 5). The wrap can be ornamented if desired. Care of the Sick-room.—It should be remembered that the sick-room is the home of the patient during the time she is in it; hence great pains should be taken by the nurse to keep the room clean, the air pure and fresh, and herself bright, cheerful, quiet, and gentle, so that when the illness of the patient is a thing of the past, she will look back to the pleasant room, the systematic way in which everything was done, the kindness of the physician and nurse. Sweeping must be done slowly, the broom being kept near the floor, lest the dust be thrown around and back ; the sweepings must be gathered up and burned. A damp cloth should be used to dust with; if a feather- duster or a dry cloth be used, the dust is thrown around the room and settles again. If there is a fire in the room, the coal should be wrapped in paper or placed in paper bags before carrying it to the room; it can then be dropped on the fire without noise. Hygiene of the Sick-room. — Temperature.—The temperature of the room must be kept as even as pos- sible ; for lung troubles it should be kept about yo° F., but in fevers it should be lower, about 65° F. A point to be remembered is that the temperature decreases at night, and that between the hours of 12 and 4 a. m. the vital THE SICK-ROOM. 37 powers are at their lowest ebb; the sick patient must carefully be watched and hot drinks be given, and extra blankets and heaters be applied if necessary. The tem- perature must be regulated by opening or closing the registers, and applying extra clothing, not by closing the windows, thus shutting off the fresh air. Dry air, which is irritating, can be made moist by keeping a kettle of boiling water in the room, or by dropping very hot bricks into a pail of water, or, if there is a fire or register in the room, blankets or sheets wrung out of water may be hung up to dry. Air.—The air of the room must be kept pure, whole- some, and cool. To keep a room cool in hot weather is not always an easy matter, but good results have been obtained by keeping the windows and blinds closed dur- ing the day, thus shutting out the hot air and sun, and opening them in the evening when the air has become cooler, because, if the hot air be let into the room during the day, it remains, and the room is hot for the patient at night; whereas, if the windows and blinds be kept closed during the day and opened in the evening, when the air is cooler, the patient will be able to sleep. An- other way, and one which also gives to the room a very cool appearance, is to place near the window the branch of a tree in a tub containing large pieces of ice. Ventilation.—Ventilation is pure fresh air displacing impure air, and it is the duty of the nurse to see that the patient is kept supplied with fresh air. In almost every case the window can be kept open I ]/2 inches at the top without injury to the patient; hot air rises and displaces the cold air, which becomes warmed as it de- scends. If there is a fireplace in the room, a small fire may be made, which will direct the impure air up the chim- 38 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. ney; a lighted lamp or candle will also direct an upward current. A board from 4 to 6 inches wide may be placed under the lower window-sash, and the fresh air will enter between the sashes (Fig. 6), thus preventing a draught. Opening the window widely top and bottom, and cover- ing the patient, who, if afraid of the air, may hold an open umbrella before her or may have a screen placed before the bed, will air the room thoroughly; airing should be done for a few minutes every morn- ing and evening. Many patients will object to the window being open at night, but the night air is purer than that of the day. It is said that the air in Manchester, that great manufacturing dis- trict—“ the workshop of England,” as it is called— is purest after 10 p. m., as then there is no smoke from the immense factory chimneys, and other conditions which tend to make the air impure are lacking. There should always be removed immediately from the room movements, urine, vomited matter, soiled linen, or dress- ings, as all these make the air of the room impure. The patient should have all the sun possible. Fig. 6.—Window ventilation. THE PATIENT. 39 III. THE PATIENT. I. NURSING IN MEDICAL CASES. In reporting to the doctor the nurse must remember two things—namely, that he wants facts, not opinions, and that he is dependent upon her for a faithful and ac- curate account of the patient’s condition since his last visit; he must be told things just as they are, nothing added to or taken from the facts. Many things which the nurse may think too simple to report may, to the doctor, be very important, and may considerably help him in making his diagnosis. The temperature, pulse, and respirations must be taken and be recorded on the chart. 1. General Observations in Medical Cases. The Pulse.—The pulse, temperature, and respiration, which are called the “ three vital signs,” are so closely connected that whatever affects one generally affects the others. Every time the heart contracts blood is thrown into the arteries (see p. 287), which are distended on re- ceiving the blood ; it is this distention, this rising up of the wall of the artery at regular intervals, which corre- sponds with the beatings of the heart, that is called “ the pulse.” By taking the pulse we know the number of times the heart beats per minute, its fulness, and its regular- ity. Position and action alter its rate; for instance, it is generally faster when standing than when sitting, and faster when sitting than when lying; it is slower in sleep and faster when dying; it is slower in old age than in mid- 40 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. die life, slower in men than in women, faster in children than in adults, faster, again, during excitement or exercise. Frequency and Varieties of Pulse.—We notice the fre- quency of the pulse—that is, how fast or how slow it is; when we say a pulse is frequent, we mean that it beats about from 105 to no times per minute; a rapid pulse is from 120 to 140; and a running pulse is above that. A pulse is regidar when the beats come at regular in- tervals and are of the same strength ; a full pulse is when the beat is strong and long. In an irregular pulse the intervals between the beats are unequal, or some beats are feebler than the others. A pulse is intermittent when a beat is dropped out every few beats, the pulse being generally otherwise regular; this pulse may occur in health or may be due to some heart trouble or to ex- haustion. A pulse is compressible when it is easily stopped, and incompressible when it is very hard to stop; of high tension when the artery seems to be full of blood between the beats, and the force of the beat is increased and is incompressible; in a low-tension pulse the beat is easily compressed. The dicrotic pulse is one in which there seems to be two beats, the second beat being smaller than the first. There really is only one beat, the first one which is counted; the second must not be counted, as it is called “ the dicrotic wave,” or a secondary wave in the blood-current, not another beat of the heart. This fact is very important for the nurse to remember; the large beat is to be counted, and not the small wave which comes directly after it. If there be any difficulty in making the distinction, place one hand over the heart, the other at the temple or the wrist, and the difference will at once be noticed. Taking the Pulse.—The way to take the pulse is to THE PATIENT. 41 place two or three fingers on the artery at the wrist or the temple, and count by tenths of one minute, then mul- tiply. The thumb must not be placed on the artery, be- cause there is an artery in the thumb, and the nurse would thus be taking her own pulse. The pulse in the fetus is about . . from 130 to 160 per minute. In the infant at birth “ 120 to 150 “ At 1 month 120 “ At 1 year from 120 to 130 “ At 2 years “ 90 to 115 “ At 3 “ “ 80 to no “ At 7 “ “ 72 to 90 “ At 12 “ “ 70 to 76 “ This latter rate is the average normal pulse. At puberty the pulse is from 80 to 85, because at this time the nervous system is more or less excitable; in the prime of life, from 70 to 75 per minute; in old age, from 60 to 65. In very old age it rises until it is almost as high as that of an infant. The normal pulse of some persons is rather high, while that of others is as low as from 60 to 40. Body-temperature.—The normal temperature of the body is from 98.5° to 98.6° F., though it may, like the pulse, be slightly higher or lower, and be the normal temperature for that person. The temperature is higher after meals, on account of the activity of digestion; it is increased by exercise or by emotion; in children or in hysterical patients it is accelerated by excitement. Alcoholic drinks will lower the temperature, as will also profuse perspiration. It is lowest between 12 and 4 A. m., and highest between 5 and 8 p. m., because dur- ing the night we are resting, and the temperature natu- rally lowers, while during the day food, exercise, and 42 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. excitement all tend to increase it. A temperature above 108° or below 950 F. is generally fatal. The temperature of Algid collapse is below 950 F. Collapse is from 950 to 970 F. Subnormal, “ 970 to 98° F. Normal, “ 98.4° to 98.6° F. Subfebrile, “ 99.50 to ioi° F. Moderate fever is from io.i0 to 10.30 F. High fever, “ 103° to 1050 F. Hyperpyrexia, “ 106° F. and above. Hyperpyrexia generally indicates approaching death, when the temperature has been known to rise as high as 1 io° F. In a case of tetanus recently seen the ther- mometer just before death registered a temperature of 109° F., one hour after death m° F., and two hours after death 1120 F. In sunstroke the temperature may be 1120 F. or above. Hysterical patients have been known to put the bulb of the thermometer in a cup of hot milk or tea, or a hot-water bag, and to shake the mercury up, when the attention of the nurse has been called to other things, thus producing an alarmingly high temperature. Subnormal temperatures are observed during conva- lescence after typhoid fever and pneumonia, when the temperature may be subnormal for a few days. It may also result from hemorrhage from the lung, stomach, or bowel, perforation of the bowel, and from shock. The temperature of a child is normal after the first week; at birth it is about 990 F. The pulse generally rises from eight to ten beats with each degree of tem- perature ; for instance— THE PATIENT. 43 A temperature of 98° F. generally corresponds with a pulse-rate of 60. “ 99° “ “ “ 70. “ ioo° “ “ “ 80. “ IOI° “ « “ go. “ 102° “ « « JOO. “ 10 30 “ “ “ no. “ 104° “ “ “ I20. “ 105° « “ “ 130. “ 1060 “ « “ 140. Taking the Body-temperature.—The temperature of the body is taken with a clinical thermometer (Fig. 7) in the mouth, the axilla, the groin, the vagina, or the rectum. The temperature of the axilla is about half a degree lower than that of the mouth. The temperature of the rectum and vagina is about half a degree higher than that of the mouth, because these cavities are constantly closed. For convenience the temperature is generally taken in Fig. 7.—Clinical thermometer. the mouth. The thermometer is washed in cold water and wiped dry, the mercury is shaken down to 95 °, and the bulb of the thermometer is placed under the tongue and the lips kept closed for five minutes. The patient must be told not to open the lips while the temperature is being taken, or cold air will enter the mouth and the instrument will register a temperature lower than it should. Hot or cold drinks given immediately before taking a temperature in the mouth will make the re- corded temperature higher or lower than it really is. The temperature of very weak patients, unable to keep the mouth closed, and of unconscious and delirious patients, should be taken in the axilla or the rectum. 44 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. The clothing is removed from under the arm, the arm- pit is dried from perspiration, the bulb of the thermome- ter is placed between the folds of the skin of the armpit, the elbow is bent, and the arm is held close to the side, the hand touching the opposite shoulder. The ther- mometer should remain in the axilla from seven to ten minutes. Before taking the temperature in the rectum the latter must be emptied if full, or the thermometer will become imbedded in the fecal matter and will not come in contact with the mucous membrane. The ther- mometer is oiled and inserted for about IJ inches, and is allowed to remain five minutes. The same length of time is allowed for taking the temperature in the va- gina. Fevers are said to end by lysis or by crisis. By lysis the temperature falls gradually, as in typhoid fever, while crisis is a sudden fall to normal, as in pneumonia. A sudden rise or fall must always be reported promptly, as some complication has probably set in, though with hys- terical patients the temperature may rise to 103° F. or above, and fall, without indicating anything serious. The same is also true of children. Very little things will often cause in a child a rise of temperature, which falls in a short time, so that a high temperature in a child is not so serious as that in an adult. Respiration.—The normal number of respirations in an adult are 16 to 18 per minute; we breathe once to four beats of the heart. With man the breathing is abdominal, and with women it is thoracic. When taking the respirations one should notice if they are regular or irregular, frequent, quiet, deep, shallow, thoracic, or abdominal. The respirations can be counted by watch- ing the rise and fall of the chest after having taken the THE PATIENT 45 pulse, the fingers being still on the wrist. The most accurate way is to lay the hand lightly on the chest, but there is the danger of the patient breathing slower or faster when he knows they are being counted. It is always best to count the respirations when he is asleep, as they are then slower, but natural; excitement and exertion increase them. The respirations in Infants are about from 30 to 35. At the fifth year “ 20 to 25. “ “ eighth year . . . the same as those of an adult. The Cheyne-Stokes respiration is a very peculiar form of breathing. The respirations gradually increase until they reach a certain height; then they gradually decrease until they entirely cease for a few moments, when they begin again in the same order. The Cheyne-Stokes respiration, which usually occurs in certain diseases of the heart, brain, or kidneys, is a fatal symptom. The pulse, temperature, and respirations must accu- rately be recorded on paper or on a chart; when there is any doubt as to their correctness, a question-mark should be made, so that the attention of the attending physician will be drawn to the record. A patient must not see her temperature chart or even be informed of the run of her temperature, because if the fever con- tinues the patient becomes depressed. If unusual symp- toms have developed, it is a good plan to leave a note downstairs for the doctor informing him. Observation of Symptoms.—The accurate observa- tion of symptoms in the cases which a nurse will have under her care is of the utmost importance, so that she may know how to give the doctor a faithful and accurate account of everything that has happened since his last visit. 46 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Position.—Notice must be taken of the position the patient assumes when lying in bed, because he always takes a position which gives him the most comfort. A patient ill with peritonitis lies on the back with the knees drawn up, to relax the muscles of the abdomen; one ill with pleurisy or asthma will breathe much easier when propped up. If one lung is affected, the patient will generally be found lying on the affected side, so that the sound lung can work better. Again, when a patient has been very ill, and has been lying on the back continually, it is a good sign when he turns over on the side. Nausea and Vomiting.—Under all circumstances nau- sea and vomiting must be reported, and the following symptoms of the condition be noted: Is the patient con- tinually nauseated without vomiting, or does the vomit- ing occur soon after taking medicine or nourishment ? is the color of the ejected matter green, as it may be in any case where there is straining ? does it contain blood, as in hemorrhage from the stomach ? is it fecal or dark like coffee-grounds, such as we get in intestinal obstruc- tion ? or are the contents of the stomach rejected with- out any distress or nausea? Food.—A record should be kept of the exact amount of food the patient takes: Does he like or dislike it ? is there a craving for other food than that he is taking ? is there any difficulty in swallowing ? The Mouth.—The state of the mouth should be ob- served : Is there any pain ? is the mouth hot ? are the teeth decayed or unclean ? The condition of the gums should also be examined: are they a normal red or very pale, swollen, bleeding, or rather blue ? The Tongue.—The condition of the tongue should be noted : Is it coated ? if so, is the color light, the coat gray, THE PATIENT. 47 dry, and brown, as seen in typhoid fever, or is the tongue red like beef, or of the so-called “ strawberry-tongue ” type, which is rather peculiar, having a white fur through which project bright red dots or points ? This form is seen in scarlet fever. Another condition of the tongue to be noticed is the trembling which accompanies typhoid and other fevers. Pain.—In reporting pain, which is a condition that can neither be heard nor seen, the nurse can tell the doctor only what the patient says respecting the location of the pain and its character—throbbing, steady, or a shooting pain, and so on. Facial Expression.—The expression of the face must carefully be watched: Is it anxious and pinched ? does the patient seem to take an interest in what is going on ? or is he dull and listless ? Are there hot flushes of the face, paleness, blueness (commonly called “ cyanosis,” which is caused by insufficient oxygen in the blood) ? or does the color come more in one cheek than in the other ? Cough and Expectoration.—The nature of the cough and expectoration must be determined: Is the cough hard and dry, without expectoration, or moist, loose, or hacking ? does it tire the patient to cough ? and does he cough more when lying upon his back than upon his side ? and upon which side ? or does the attack come on in paroxysms or fits of coughing ? The expectoration may be frothy and watery, rusty, and adhere to the vessel; it may be the color of prune-juice, as is seen in gangrene of the lung, and have an offensive odor; it may also re- semble pus; it may be streaked with blood, or be thick and yellow. The expectoration should always be saved for the doctor’s inspection and its character and quantity 48 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. noted. Line a sputum-cup (Fig. 64) with paper, which can be taken out and burned and the cup boiled. This should be done at least three times a day, especially in infectious diseases, such as pneumonia and consumption, where the germ leaves the body through the expec- toration. The Breath.—The character of the breath should be observed: Is its odor sweetish like chloroform ? or has it a fetid odor caused by decayed teeth, dyspepsia, con- stipation, etc. ? Sleep must be noted: Is it quiet and restful ? or does the patient sleep all night and awake very tired, entirely unrefreshed ? at what time did she fall asleep, and how long did she sleep ? was it in the first or the latter part of the night ? or would she fall asleep and awake at intervals, and remain awake for a few minutes, an hour, or a few hours, then drop off to sleep again ? was she restless when asleep? Notice whether the patient is hard to waken; is there twitching of the muscles during sleep, muttering, or any sign of delirium ? The character of the breathing: Was it quiet, deep, shallow, rapid, regular, irregular, or snoring (stertorous), with flapping out of both cheeks, or of one cheek more than the other ? This condition must always be reported promptly, as it generally denotes unconsciousness. Delirium.—Note the kind of delirium : is it quiet and busy; muttering; picking at the bed-clothes or at imaginary objects; or violent; if so, when is it most violent ? Patients are very often quiet during the physi- cian’s visit; indeed, they seem to know the instant he enters the house. They are, as a rule, very cunning, and must not be left alone for a single moment, no mat- ter how mild the delirium, as they may get out of bed THE PATIENT. 49 and harm themselves, or may even jump out of the win- dow. Terrible accidents have happened through delir- ious patients being left alone; hence the nurse should always remain near a delirious patient until some one can relieve her. Chills.—In reporting a chill there should be given the time it occurred, how long it lasted, and the temperature, pulse, and respirations. As very many diseases and com- plications begin with a chill, it is very necessaiy that a chill should be reported at once. It may vary from a mere chilly feeling to a violent shivering or chattering of teeth; even the bed may be shaken. A chill may be divided into three stages: first, the cold, shivering stage; second, the hot stage, during which, if the tem- perature be taken, one will find it elevated, often in se- vere cases from 104° to 106° F. The second stage passes into the third, the stage of perspiration. For the first stage the nurse should apply heaters well covered, extra blankets, and give hot drinks of any kind—hot milk, tea, coffee, or cocoa; for the second she should gradually remove the heaters and extra covering; and for the third the patient should be wiped dry under the bedclothes with warm towels. If the perspiration is very profuse, the clothing may be changed, but the nurse must be sure that it is thoroughly aired and warmed before changing, thus guarding against another chill. The Skin, etc.—The color of the skin must be noted, its pallor, blueness, or yellowness; any discoloration, hardness, or edema, which is a watery swelling caused by a collection of serum in the cellular tissue, and which pits on pressure; note if the skin is hot and dry, or if there are hot flushes of the head and face, sue- 50 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. ceeded by creeping chills down the spine alone or over the whole body; also, the condition of the nails: are they discolored, blue, dry, and brittle? Is there any dis- charge from the nose, the ears, or the eyes ? The Bowels.—The condition of the bowels must care- fully be watched, noting if there is constipation or diarrhea; also the color of the movements. Black movements follow the use of certain medicines, such as bismuth, iron, charcoal, and tannin. When hemor- rhage has taken place and the blood has been retained in the bowels, as will sometimes occur in typhoid fever, the movements are then of a black or tarry color, but when the hemorrhage has occurred and the blood passes immediately from the bowels, the color is very little if any changed, and the movements are of a red color. It should be noticed if the feces contain mucus or pus, undigested food, or even pills which may pass through the bowels without being dissolved. The patient may have diarrhea accompanied by the so-called “ packed ” feces—that is, the bowels are packed with small, round, hard lumps like marbles; the movements are then fre- quent and watery or contain these small lumps, and still the bowels may not be emptied. This condition must be reported, and whether the movements are attended with pain. Pain, tenderness, and distention of the abdo- men, also flatulence, must be reported. The passage of gas by the rectum after an abdominal operation is a very good sign. The Bladder: Urine.—The condition of the bladder must be recorded : is the normal amount of urine passed, or is the amount decreased or increased ? is there reten- tion, suppression, or a constant dribbling of urine (incon- tinence) ? is there a constant desire to urinate, and is the THE PATIENT. 5i urine passed with difficulty or pain ? Anything abnor- mal in the color, odor, etc. of the contents of either bowels or bladder must always lead the nurse to save a specimen for inspection. A specimen of the mor?iing urine should always be saved for examination, because the secretion has not generally been influenced by food or medicine, and a better knowledge is obtained as to its specific gravity and the amount of solids excreted. The urine must be drawn with a glass catheter into a clean bottle or a tumbler, and be labelled with the name, date, quantity, and hour that it was drawn. The bottle must be cov- ered tightly and placed in a cool place, because warmth increases the acidity of the urine, the color becomes high, and the normal cloud settles to the bottom. In hot weather the reaction may change to alkaline and the color become pale. The general points to be noted about the urine are the amount passed during the twenty-four hours; its odor, color, and appearance; whether perfectly clear or cloudy; the time the urine was passed, its reaction and specific gravity. It must be noticed whether there is retention or suppression of urine: is the urine passed with pain or in very small quantities ? does it contain blood or pus ? To record the twenty-four hours’ amount, the excretion should be taken from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. and from 6 p. m. to 6 a. m., and both amounts be added together. When the bladder is very full, it must not be emptied at once, but one part must be drawn off, and the other later on, as sudden emptying of the bladder would bring the walls together, and inflammation or cystitis might set in. Hiccough and the periods of its occurrence must be reported. It is a spasmodic contraction or movement 52 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. of the diaphragm, and may come on after eating or drink- ing, on account of nervousness, or when there is great exhaustion following acute diseases. Sometimes hot drinks, or holding the breath for a few seconds or as long as possible, will relieve hiccough. Menstruation.—Report menstruation, the amount and regularity: does pain come before, with, or after the flow begins? and does it last a few hours, one or two days, or does it last all through the period ? Also report the locality and character of the pain; the character of the flow, whether it is of a normal color and odor, or scanty, dark, or pale, and, if clots come away with it, their number and size. If there is any leucorrhea, the character and quantity should be noted : is it profuse, thick, and stringy, or does it resemble the white of an egg ? Leucorrhea is not a disease, but is generally a symptom of inflamma- tion of the vagina or the lining membrane of the uterus. 2. Bodily Care of the Patient. Changing the Clothing.—To change the nightdress and undershirt, they are loosened at the neck and wrists, and brought well up under the shoulders on one side of the patient; the arm is taken out of the soiled garments, and the corresponding clean sleeves are put on, and both sets of garments slipped over the head; this slips the soiled shirts off and the clean shirts on. The nurse now goes to the other side of the bed, removes the soiled clothing, and puts on the sleeves of the clean clothing, raising the patient slightly and pulling the clothing down smoothly at the back. It is generally well to have the body-linen open all the way down the front, and to button or tie it with tapes. Where one side is injured or paralyzed, the clothes should be THE PATIENT. 53 taken off at the sound side first, and be put on at the injured side first; this will save the patient a good deal of unnecessary pain. Should one or both arms be frac- tured, the sleeves can be opened from wrist to neck and tapes be stitched on either side from 4 to 6 inches apart; the arm is then raised, the sleeve placed under, and the tapes tied. Toilet of the Patient.— The Hair.—The hair must be combed every day, and be braided in two braids: if it is done up in a tight knot at the back of the head, the patient has a hard lump to lie on. If the hair is much matted through neglect, it must be gently combed, a little at one time, not jerked. The nurse will find it easier to comb upward. She must not tire herself and the patient by trying to comb it all at one time, but must do one part and leave the other until later in the day. If vermin are in the hair, tincture of larkspur, which is about the best exterminator to use, or carbolic acid (1 : 40), or kerosene oil, should be rubbed into the hair, and the head be wrapped in a towel or cloth for two or three days. When the hair is dry, the nits can be destroyed by very thoroughly rubbing it with alcohol. The Mouth.—The patient’s mouth should be attended to each day punctually. The mouth, to be kept perfectly clean, should be washed at least three times a day, and the teeth carefully brushed. Nothing is more refreshing in illness than a clean mouth and well-brushed teeth. If the patient has no tooth-brush, a piece of cotton wrapped around the end of a toothpick or a matchstick will serve to clean the teeth with. The nails must be cleaned and trimmed if necessary. The hands and face should be bathed and the teeth brushed just before settling down for the night. 54 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. The Body.—The nurse should be careful to keep the bed- and body-linen perfectly dry and free from wrinkles, and the bed free from crumbs, and should guard against bed-sores, which are generally the result of careless nursing in allowing continued pressure upon the promi- nent parts of the body, except in cases such as those of fractured spine resulting in paralysis, and where the nerve-supply is injured, when bed-sores will form under the best of care. It must not be forgotten that a bed- sore is a disgrace to a nurse, except, of course, in these exceptional cases, and every good nurse will do all in her power to prevent it. She must not wait for redness to appear before beginning to bathe the back. Alcohol in any form, cologne, vinegar, or lemon-juice, may be used to harden the skin; and there may be used to powder the back oxid of zinc, powdered laundry starch, corn- starch, baby-powder, bismuth, or borax. In the absence of alcohol and powder the sheets should be kept perfectly dry and free from crumbs and wrinkles, the parts be kept clean, and pressure be removed by pads and rings made of oakum, muslin, sheet-wadding or compress, and wound round with a bandage (Fig. 3). The patient’s position should frequently be changed. If there is much moisture, the back may be rubbed with any kind of oil, sweet oil, mutton-tallow, lard, or even melted candle, any one of which will prevent the moisture from being absorbed. There are some patients so very thin and emaciated that bed-sores form notwithstanding all the care that can be taken. Should one form, the pressure must be removed with a ring, the part painted with the white of an egg, which will be the next best application to collodion and will exclude the air, or be dressed with oxid-of-zinc- ointment. If the nurse is at a distance from an apothe- THE PATIENT. 55 cary store, and has oxid-of-zinc powder and pure lard, four parts of the lard should be mixed with one part of powder; the regular ointment is prepared with benzoated lard, but the nurse may use common lard in an emergency. Baths.—Foot-bath.—It is only the work of a few min- utes to give a foot-bath: everything should be made ready, the upper bed-clothes then loosened at the foot of the bed, and across the lower part is spread a rubber, newspapers, or a soiled sheet, on which the foot-tub or a large basin is placed. The patient puts her feet in the tub, and the nurse draws the upper clothing around the limbs to protect them from cold. After the bath the nurse should see that the feet are properly dried; if they are cold, a well-covered hot-water bottle may be put to them. Sponge-bath.—To give a sponge-bath to a patient in bed, the nurse first gets everything ready, and sees that the fresh clothing is thoroughly aired ; the patient is then wrapped in a blanket, the clothing removed, and one part bathed at a time. She begins with the patient’s face and neck, then the chest, abdomen, and arms, then the back, bathing the lower extremities last of all. The water should be changed at least three times, and the patient have the full benefit of the water as far as possi- ble ; the arms, the legs, and the feet placed in the basin and bathed thoroughly. Care must be taken not to expose more than one part at a time. It will be found that some of the patients in private practice will take a sponge-bath every day, while others will take one only once a week. The nurse must go according to the inclinations of the patient, unless, of course, the physician should otherwise order. Tub-bath.—When a tub-bath is ordered, and there is 56 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. no bath-tub, a wash-tub will answer, the patient* being seated in it and pailsful of water poured over the body. The Bed-pan.—When inserting a bed-pan the patient should be requested to raise herself a little; the nurse then puts her hand under the patient’s back and inserts the pan : if this method is followed, the pan will rub against the back of her hand, thus preventing the patient’s back becoming irritated and a bed-sore forming. The nurse should raise the patient when removing the pan ; it must not be dragged out: if the patient is very heavy, some one may be asked to assist in lifting her on and off the pan, which must first be warmed, to prevent chilling the patient, either by holding the pan over a register or by pouring over it warm water. Feeding of the Patient.—Serving the Meal.—At meal-times the nurse should have the napkin and tray- cloth spotless, and the china, glassware, and silver of the best that the house affords ; hot food should be served hot, not lukewarm, and cold food and cold drinks cold. It is better to serve too little than too much, and there should be a variety. Plenty of time should be allowed for the meal; the patient must not be hurried, so that the food can be thoroughly masticated and mixed with the digestive juices. The liquid must not be spilled, nor must a tumbler or cup be held at the rim where the patient is going to drink, but it should be held at the bottom. The tray must be removed when the meal is over, and if the patient has left anything to eat later, it should be put away, and on no account be left in the room. It is perhaps needless to add that the nurse’s hands must be washed before preparing the food, also the hands of the patient before each meal. Feeding Feeble Patients.—The principal thing to ob- THE PATIENT. 57 serve in feeding a feeble patient is to feed often and a little at a time. One will be astonished at the end of the day to find how much nourishment a patient has taken by giving it in small quantities every ten or fifteen minutes, gradually increasing the amount of the food and length- ening the intervals between the meals. Milk (which must be fresh and pure, and to which can be added the white of an egg), gruel, beef-tea, oyster-broth, raw oysters (which are very nourishing and easily digested), and eggnog, may all be given (see Dietary, p. 315); as the patient gains strength the food may be gradually changed to soft solids. When feeding an unconscious patient pass the spoon far back into the mouth, empty it slowly, and then close the lips and nostrils; the patient will involuntarily swallow. Milk and brandy dropped on the tongue will be absorbed. When feeding an unconscious patient by rectum the enema should be given as high up into the intestine as possible, so that the fluid will be injected into the colon rather than into the rectum, because, according to some authorities, absorption goes on very slowly from the rectum, but very rapidly from the colon itself. Both the colon and rectum must be free from feces before the enema is injected. When supplying a patient with ice to suck, a piece of flannel or of cotton should be laid over the top of a tumbler, and a dent made in the centre in which to put the small pieces of ice; then as the ice melts the water drops into the tumbler, and the ice keeps much longer than it would if allowed to stand in the water. Moving of the Patient.—The nurse should never attempt to lift a helpless patient alone: she should ask some one to help, nurse and assistant standing at the same side of the bed. The nurse places one arm under the 58 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. neck of the patient; this brings the head resting on her arm, her hand being passed under the arm on the other side; the other hand and arm are passed under the middle of the back. The assistant passes one arm under the lower part of the back and the other under the knees, and both lift the patient toward the head of the bed. If a limb is injured, a second assistant will be needed to support the limb above and below the seat of injury. A patient can be moved from one side of the bed to the other by the nurse placing one hand and arm down the patient’s back, thus supporting the head and shoul- ders, and by passing her other hand over and slipping it under the upper part of the back; the upper part of the body can then be moved to the fresh side of the bed. The nurse’s hands are then placed, one under the lower part of the back and the other under the knees, and the lower part of the body is lifted over. Or the under sheet can be secured to the mattress with safety-pins, the draw- sheet loosened, and the patient on the draw-sheet be drawn to the fresh side of the bed; the draw-sheet being then replaced. The best way is to have two beds of equal height, one for day and one for night, each having its own set of bedding; when changing the patient the beds are placed side by side, the nurse taking the sheet at the head, an assistant at the foot; the patient in this way is lifted to the fresh bed without jarring. If the patient is very heavy, an assistant will be needed at each corner, or if there are broken limbs, other assistants will be needed to support the limbs. If alone, the nurse should loosen the under sheet, gather in her hands the side nearest to her top and bottom, and draw the patient to the fresh bed. When two beds cannot be obtained, a sofa or a lounge may be used for the daytime. If the patient is in a large THE PATIENT. 59 double bed, one half of it should be kept for the day, the other half for the night. It needs two persons to carry a patient, and this is done by each grasping the forearms of her companion at the patient’s back and under the knees, thus forming a chair, the patient resting an arm on the shoulder of each; but a much better way is to improvise a stretcher by rolling two long broom-handles or poles tightly in each side of the under sheet; in this way, with an assistant at the head and foot, the patient may be car- ried steadily to any part of the room or the house. The nurse must first make sure that the under sheet is good and stout, or she may have an accident by the sheet tearing and the patient falling. To carry a baby, one arm is passed downward under the shoulders, with the head resting on the upper part of the arm; the other arm is passed under the knees, the lower part of the back resting on the hand. A child should never be carried with one arm around the neck, the other under the knees, thus allowing the body to sink between the arms and the head to hang down over the arm. One will readily see that by carry- ing a child in this way the blood is apt to leave the brain and go to the abdomen. The head must always be supported. 3. Relief of Functional Disturbances. Enemata.—An enema is a liquid preparation for in- jection into the rectum, and is given to relieve constipa- tion or to check diarrhea ; to give nourishment, stimu- lants, or medicines when they cannot be retained by the stomach; to relieve the bowels of flatulence; and for other purposes. For all large enemata a Davidson or 6o PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. a fountain syringe should be used, and a hard-rubber syringe for small enemata. After being used the syringe must be cleansed by running hot soapsuds, and after- ward hot water, through it, the outside wiped dry, and the instrument hung up to drain. If a hard-rubber syringe leaks and is not tight enough, filling it with water and leaving it full will cause the washer to swell and fit tightly; it always shrinks when not in use, and for this reason it is always well to soak rubber syringes every other day or so, that they may always be ready for use. Evacuant Enema.—A simple enema, to relieve the bowels, is of soapsuds, made with castile or brown soap; the amount of warm water varies from one to three pints. A sheet or rubber sheet should be placed under the patient, who should lie upon the left side with the knees drawn up, or upon the back. Both ends of the syringe should be put in the water, and the air expelled; the tube is oiled, and also the first finger of the nurse’s left hand, which is passed under the clothes to the rec- tum, the finger acting as a guide. With the right hand the tube is inserted, as gently as possible, upward and slightly backward, following the natural curve of the rectum; the tube is held in place with the left hand and the injection slowly made with the right. If there is any difficulty in inserting the tube, it should be re- moved. No force is to be used; the resistance may be caused by the rectum being packed with fecal matter (which can be removed with the fingers), or obstructed by hemorrhoids (piles) or other obstacles. Should the enema give pain to the patient, the nurse should rest a few moments until the pain has passed away; then the injection can generally be continued THE PATIENT. 61 until all the fluid has been given. The tube is gently removed, and to the anus is placed a folded towel, which will apply pressure and help the patient to retain the enema a few minutes. The result must always be accurately reported. If there is no result from one enema, it is safe to repeat it in half an hour. High Enema.—A high enema is an injection of fluid high up in the bowels in cases of obstinate constipation. There are needed a rectal tube and a soft-rubber catheter, or a piece of rubber tubing which is connected with the tube of the syringe and inserted up the rectum about 8 inches. If there is no rectal tube or rubber tubing, and the nurse has a fountain syringe, the hard-rubber or metal tip can be taken off, and the soft tubing will answer. If the syringe is a Davidson, the patient’s head is lowered, the hips raised by placing a pillow under them, and the foot of the bed is also raised as high as possi- ble on chairs. This position of the patient will send the flow higher up in the bowel, as will also the knee-chest position (Fig. 34; seep. 140). When the tubing is used there is always the possibility of its coiling up inside the rectum. Should the nurse suspect this, she should insert a finger, and if a coil is found, the tubing should be drawn out a little, then inserted again. Purgative Enemata.—An enema of olive oil or castor oil is to soften the feces. Six ounces of oil are warmed and injected as high as possible, this injection being followed in half an hour with an enema of 1 quart of soapsuds. For a glycerin enema from an ounce to 2 ounces of glycerin are mixed with the same amount of warm soap- suds. In many poor families the nurse may not find olive oil, castor oil, nor glycerin, in which case either 62 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. vaselin, butter, or lard melted and strained before inject- ing may be used. If a turpentine enema is ordered, 1 ounce of turpen- tine added to 3 ounces of warm water, is given first, followed with an enema of 1 pint of soapsuds. Rochelle salt and Epsom salt (sulphate of magnesia) are each given as a purgative enema, 1 ounce of the salt and 1 ounce of turpentine being mixed with 1 pint of warm soapsuds. Molasses is an excellent purgative: from 2 to 10 ounces are mixed with 1 pint of soapsuds, or the mo- lasses heated will readily pass through the syringe, the molasses enema being followed in half an hour with a soapsuds enema. Enemata that have been used with success are— 1. Glycerin, 4 ounces, Turpentine, 1 ounce, Warm soapsuds, 8 ounces. 2. Molasses, 2 ounces, Glycerin, 4 ounces, Magnesia sulphate, 1 ounce, Turpentine, 1 ounce, Warm soapsuds, 8 ounces. 3. Rochelle salt, 2 ounces, Turpentine, 1 ounce, Warm soapsuds, 1 pint. Astringent Enema.—A starch-and-laudanum enema is to check diarrhea. The starch is prepared as for laundry- use, except that it should be thin enough to pass through the syringe; then the quantity to be used is measured, which is usually 2\ or 3 ounces, and there is added 30 drops of laudanum, this being the usual quantity or- THE PATIENT. 63 dered. The enema is to stand until lukewarm before being injected. Bland Enemata.—Barley, flaxseed, oatmeal, and Indian- meal enemata are very soothing to an irritated membrane. They are each made thin enough to pass easily through the syringe, and must be strained before being injected. Stimulating Enemata.—A salt enema is given for a stimulating effect: i|- teaspoonsful of common salt are dissolved in 1 quart of hot water. Other stimulating enemata are black coffee, half a pint (to be strained be- fore injected); plain hot water; or whisky or brandy, 1 ounce added to 2 ounces of hot water. If there is no brandy or whisky at hand, but there is pure alcohol, only one-half this amount should be given, because the spirits are only half as strong as pure alcohol, but of the same strength as diluted alcohol, the wines, port and sherry, being still weaker; so where the nurse is di- rected to give 4 teaspoonsful (half an ounce) of brandy or whisky, she should give the same amount of diluted alcohol, or 2 teaspoonsful of pure alcohol, or 1 ounce of the wines. If the pulse becomes nearer normal, the temperature lower, the patient quieter, and an improvement takes place, the nurse will know that the stimulants are doing good ; but if the face becomes flushed, the pulse full and bounding, and the restlessness increased, she will know that they are not doing good, and must be stopped and the physician be notified. A stimulating nutritive enema generally consists of— Milk, 4 ounces, Whisky, \ ounce, Tincture digitalis, io or 15 minims, the enema being injected high up in the bowel. 64 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Rectal Feeding.—Nutritive enemata must be injected as high up into the intestine as possible, because the colon absorbs more quickly than the rectum, and if the enema is not given high it is very apt to remain in the lower bowel, and is incompletely absorbed when the second one is given; as a result the second and part of the first are rejected. A nutritive enema consists of— Milk, 4 ounces, Whisky, ounce, White of egg. Or, Milk, 4 ounces, and one egg. Beef-tea, beef-juice, liquid foods, extracts of beef, cream, and oyster-broth are given per rectum. Stimu- lants are very irritating to the mucous membrane, and for this reason they should not be put into every enema, but only into every other one. The nurse should report whether the enema is or is not retained, also as to the presence of food in the movements. A nutritive enema must not be given oftener than once in every three or four hours, and must not exceed from 4 to 6 ounces each time, unless differently ordered by the physician. A cleansing enema of warm water must be given first, to clean the bowel and to prevent irritation of the mucous membrane. If the patient is very weak and does not retain the enema very well, it is a good plan to plug the bowel with soft linen or gauze, the end inserted having first been oiled. This measure will prevent the enema from being returned. THE PATIENT. 65 Douches.—A douche is a stream of water directed against a part for cleanliness, for stimulation, and to re- lieve inflammation or hemorrhage. Three of the com- monest douches are the aural, the vaginal, and the rectal. Vaginal Douche.—The vaginal douche is generally for cleansing purposes and to relieve inflammation. The surgical antiseptic douche is for cleansing purposes, from i to 3 quarts of warm water being used. The gynecological hot douche is to relieve inflammation. The amount of water used is from 5 to 6 quarts, begin- ning with a temperature of 1 io° F., and gradually in- creasing it each day until it reaches 1190 F. The tem- perature must always be tested with a bath-thermometer. The Baker douche apparatus (Fig. 8) is the best to use, as the pail and pan each hold five quarts of water, and the patient can lie in the proper position for the fifteen minutes required for the water to run out of the pail. Fig. 8.—Apparatus for vaginal douche. 66 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. When taking" a douche the patient should lie on her back, with the hips raised by means of a pillow and the knees drawn up. In this position the water comes in contact with the whole vagina, for it is for the womb and ovaries that a douche is given, and if taken sitting over a vessel the water runs down by the side of the tube as fast as it runs in, the water reaching only as high as the nozzle. The fountain syringe, when used, must be hung high enough over the bed for it to take fifteen or twenty min- utes for the water to run out of the syringe. Air must be expelled, the tube oiled, and the water must run warm before the tube is inserted into the vagina. The vagina being a curved and not a straight canal, the tube must be inserted slightly downward, then up- ward. Again, the injection does not flow into the womb, as many think : if one will study a vaginal tube with the three small holes pierced in its sides, it will be seen that the injection is not intended to enter the womb, but is for the surrounding parts; if a few drops of water should accidentally enter the uterus, there would follow a severe attack of uterine colic. A hard-rubber tube is the best, as glass or metal will burn the parts, though a glass nozzle can be rendered aseptic more thoroughly than one of any other material. All have noticed how red and swollen the hands be- come on putting them into hot water, caused by the blood-vessels dilating and bringing more blood to the parts; then after a while the vessels contract and the blood is driven away, and the hands have a wrinkled appearance, commonly called “ washerwoman’s hands.” A vaginal douche given to relieve inflammation has ex- actly the same effect. The hot water dilates the blood- THE PATIENT. 67 vessels and brings more blood to the parts; then, on continuation of the hot water, the vessels contract, the blood is driven away from the parts, and the inflamma- tion is subdued. The nurse will therefore see why she must be faithful in keeping up the douches as ordered, giving them at the proper time and temperature and length of time. A patient should lie quietly for half an hour after taking a douche; if she is taking only one a day, it is best to give it at night, because then the womb is most congested and needs the hot water most, and the temporary weak feeling which follows a douche will be gone before morning. However, the nurse should go according to the orders given by the physician. Many patients object to taking douches, and will neglect them on account of the inconvenience, especially if they live in apartments and there are children in the family; but this can be overcome by taking them in the bath-tub. Halfway across the bottom of the tub there is made to fit a piece of board, on which the patient can lie. Douches are easily taken in this way, which obvi- ates a great deal of annoyance. Antiseptic Douches.—Corrosive sublimate, carbolic acid, creolin, and boric acid are used for antiseptic douches. Corrosive sublimate and carbolic acid are very poisonous. Creolin is irritating, and to prevent absorption and irrita- tion a plain water douche is often ordered to follow any of these antiseptics when a strong solution has been used. Rectal Douche.—Rectal douches are for cleanliness and to relieve inflammation. Hot rectal injections to relieve inflammation are given with a fountain syringe and a rectal tube. The patient lies on her back with the knees drawn up, and a small pillow is placed under the 68 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. hips to direct the flow upward. The physician will give directions as to the amount of water to be used, its tem- perature, etc. Douches to the external genitals, to the perineum, or to the anus for the relief of inflammation or hemorrhoids may be given with the patient in the sitting position and with an ordinary rectal tube. The force of the stream and the temperature of the water are decided by the physician. Catheterization.—Before catheterizing a patient great care must be taken in cleansing the hands, the catheter, and the parts, as there is danger of infecting the bladder, and thus causing septic poisoning by passing a dirty catheter or in neglecting to wash the hands and parts. Germs are in this way introduced into the bladder, and produce septic poisoning. The catheter should be of glass or of silver, and be boiled five minutes before being used; then be put in a solution of carbolic acid (i : 20). If a gum-elastic or a rubber catheter is to be used, it should be soaked in 1 : 1000 corrosive sublimate for half an hour, then put it into very hot water until needed. Glass catheters are the best; they are easily rendered aseptic, and show whether they are or are not perfectly clean. Besides the catheter, which is taken to the bed- side in a basin of very hot water, there are needed a basin of corrosive-sublimate solution (1 : 1000), sterilized gauze or cotton, a vessel to receive the urine, and a lubricant of sterilized oil to render the entrance of the catheter as easy as possible. Gynecologists prefer that no lubricant should be used, and when one is necessary it should be a mixture of carbolic-acid solution (1 :40) and glycerin. The Operation.—The patient lies on her back with the knees drawn up and separated, the upper clothing being THE PATIENT. 69 divided over each knee to guard against unnecessary exposure. The labia are separated with the thumb and fore finger of one hand, and the parts washed with the corrosive solution. The catheter is inserted into the urethra, the opening just above the vagina (PI. 9). If there is any difficulty, the catheter should be withdrawn a little, and gently pointed a little downward or upward, to the right or to the left. If the flow should cease before enough urine has been drawn, the catheter is withdrawn a little or is inserted a little farther than be- fore. Before removing the catheter a finger should be placed over its end to prevent any drops of urine wetting the bed. After the operation the parts are again washed, and the catheter boiled and placed in a bottle containing a solution of carbolic acid (1 : 20), unless the catheter is of rubber; carbolic acid ruins rubber. A bladder very full of urine must be emptied grad- ually, or the walls will be brought suddenly together, resulting in cystitis. Cystitis is due to many causes, one being the introduction of germs into the bladder by means of a dirty catheter, and the nurse who passes the catheter is always blamed. Washing out the Bladder.—To wash out the blad- der there are needed a fountain syringe, which must have boiling water and a disinfectant run through to cleanse it, and a glass catheter, which is cleansed in the same way as for catheterizing; the parts are also bathed. The patient is first catheterized; the catheter is then rinsed with boiling water and attached to the rubber tubing of the syringe which contains the ordered solu- tion, its temperature being about ioo° F. The solution must run warm before the catheter is inserted. When the bladder is distended or the patient complains of pain, 70 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. the flow must be stopped, and after a few moments the tubing removed from the catheter, the fluid will then come away. This operation is generally repeated until the fluid returns perfectly clear. A flexible rubber cath- eter with a funnel attached can be used in the absence of a fountain syringe. Washing- out the Stomach.—A fountain syringe is also used in the absence of a stomach-pump to wash out the stomach. The hard-rubber nozzle is removed, the syringe is cleansed and filled with lukewarm water, the tubing is oiled and passed far back in the mouth, and the patient is told to swallow. The syringe is raised and the fluid poured into the stomach ; when the latter is filled there will be retching; the bag is then detached, and the tubing placed over a basin or pail, and the contents of the stomach removed. This washing is continued until the fluid returns clear, after which the tube must be removed quickly to avoid retching. Liquid food is gen- erally given directly afterward. Should there not be a fountain syringe at hand, a piece of rubber tubing and a small funnel may be used, or the patient may drink large quantities of lukewarm water until the water is returned clear (lavage). 4. Administration of Medicines. The five ways of introducing medicine into the system are by the stomach, the rectum, the cellular tissue (sub- cutaneously), the skin (inunction), and the lungs (inhala- tions). Rapidity of Absorption of Medicines.—The rapidity of absorption depends upon the parts to which the med- icine is applied, the state of the circulation, the solubility of the medicine, and the power it has of passing rapidly through a living membrane. Absorption takes place THE PATIENT. 7l more rapidly when the medicine is given subcutaneously, it taking only about five minutes for the drug to act, because it enters directly into the circulation; it is more slowly absorbed by the vessels of the mucous mem- brane of the stomach, and slower still by the intestines. Absorption through the lungs is rapid on account of their large blood-supply. It takes about twenty minutes for a drug to act when given by the stomach, and about three-quarters of an hour when given by the rectum. It is absorbed more quickly if given on an empty stomach and if given in solution, because it then comes in contact with all parts of the mucous membrane of the stomach, and is not diluted with food. Pills and powders are absorbed more slowly; they require to be first dissolved. There are some medicines—for instance, iron and arsenic—which must be given after meals, so as to be diluted with the food, to avoid irritating the stomach. Action of Medicines.—The action of medicines must always be reported, as sometimes it is the reverse of what is expected: this is called an “ idiosyncrasy,” which means an individual peculiarity in regard to the action of certain drugs. Some drugs have what is called a “ cumulative ” action ; that is, the excretion of the drug is so very slow that one dose is not excreted from the body when the next one is given, the drug thus accumu- lates in the body, and after a while symptoms of poison- ing may develop through cumulative action. When patients have been taking a drug for some time they become accustomed to it, and can take a large quantity without injury, a habit being formed. It there- fore takes a larger quantity to produce the result, and a longer time for the drug to take effect. It is in this way 72 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. that the opium, morphin, chloral, and cocain habits originate. Some medicines act as tonics, some as stimulants and sedatives—heart and nerve stimulants, heart and nerve sedatives ; others as narcotics, hypnotics, astrin- gents, etc. Tonics.—A tonic is a medicine which increases the strength and vigor, and gives tone to the whole body. There are many kinds of tonics, all of which act upon and improve the tone of the organs upon which they have a special effect. Stimulants are to prevent some depressing effect, as in shock, collapse, or in typhoid fever, when the heart’s action is depressed. To do good, they should strengthen and slow the pulse and respirations, lower the tempera- ture, moisten the tongue, cool the skin, lessen delirium, and induce sleep. An opposite effect would show that the stimulants were doing harm instead of good, and that they must be stopped and reported. Sedatives lessen the force and frequency of the heart’s action; they have a soothing influence on the system, and lessen pain to a certain extent. Cerebral stimulants increase the activity of the brain, and cerebral sedatives lower its activity. Vascular stim- ulants dilate the superficial blood-vessels and increase the circulation through them. Vascular sedatives con- tract the vessels, lessening the flow of blood through them. Hypnotics produce sleep, and narcotics produce pro- found sleep characterized by stupor. Precautions to be Observed in Handling and Ad- ministering Medicines.—Medicines must be kept out of the reach of patients, especially children and delirious THE PATIENT. 7 3 patients; what is left of the medicine when it is discon- tinued must always be disposed of. The nurse should look at the label three times before giving the medicine—before measuring it, afterward, and when putting the bottle on its shelf; this rule must not be departed from, we hear of so many sad mistakes being made. She should also be sure that the one who is to have charge of her patient while she is absent fully understands how to give the medicine. Medicine-glasses (Fig. io) and medicine-spoons (Fig. 12) must be thoroughly washed after being used, the nurse having sepa- rate ones for strong-smelling medi- cines and for oils. When ordered before meals, medicines should be given half an hour before, and those to be given after meals should be given about half an hour after, unless Fig. 9.—Medicine-dropper Fig. io.—Medicine- glass. Fig. ii.—Double-scale minim- glass (natural size). otherwise ordered An unconscious patient must have the medicine dropped far back on the tongue, and it will 74 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. be absorbed, if not swallowed. Powders must not be given an unconscious patient by the mouth, as with a patient in this condition they may cause suffocation. Fig. 12.—Medicine-spoons. 1. Medicines by the Mouth.—The nurse should always give minim doses when minims are ordered, and drops if drops are ordered, because of the tinctures two drops are equal to one minim, but of fluid extracts the minims and drops are equal. Drops may be given upon a piece of lump sugar or in a little water. Pozvdcrs may be given dry upon the tongue and be swallowed by drinking water, or may be dissolved in Fig. 13.—Wafers or cachets : a, small wafer closed; b, large wafer closed ; c, showing two sections of the wafer (b); d, cross-section of a wafer filled. water or hot milk. Powders that are unpleasant to take, such as quinin, are now enclosed in wafers (Fig. 13) or THE PATIENT. 75 in gelatin capsules (Fig. 14). The wafers, which are made of rice paper, may be obtained from most chemists, and are from if to if inches in diameter. One is moist- ened, and the powder is laid in its centre, another wafer is laid over the powder, and the two secured together by firm pressure. The wafer is then laid on the patient’s tongue, and swallowed by drinking water. Or a spoon containing the wafer may be filled with water and the mass swallowed. Pills should be placed at the back of the tongue and be swallowed with water. For children, who find it very hard to swallow a pill, the pill may be finely crushed and given with a little preserve, molasses, honey, or sugar. Powders may also be administered in this form. Acids, which injure the teeth, should be taken through a glass tube and the mouth thoroughly rinsed afterward. Oils may be taken in coffee, hot beef-tea, milk, ale, or brandy, or in lemon- or orange-juice. Oily medicines are sometimes given in gelatin capsules. Purgatives must be given early in the day, so that the patient will not be disturbed at night, but laxatives should be given late in the evening; a result is then had the next morning. Many medicines of unpleasant flavor are given in wafers and capsules. Should a patient vomit directly after, or in five or ten Fig. 14.—Empty hard capsules. 76 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. minutes after, taking a medicine by the mouth, or if the medicine is returned when given by rectum, it is safe to repeat the dose in from fifteen to twenty minutes. 2. Medicines Administered per Rectum.—Medi- cines given by the rectum are in the form of supposi- tories or of enemata, which latter should be given high up in the bowel (see p. 59). Suppositories.—Suppositories are drugs incorporated Fig. 15.—Different forms of suppositories: a, vaginal suppository; b-e rectal sup- positories ; f, urethral suppository (Thornton). with cacao-butter and then made up into conical shapes (Fig. 15) for their convenient introduction into the rec- tum, the vagina, or the urethra. The finger is first oiled ; then the suppository is inserted, and pushed well up in the rectum until it cannot be felt by the finger, a cloth being applied and pressed against the part. The patient is in the same position as that for giving an enema. 3. Hypodermatic Injection.—A hypodermatic or THE PATIENT. 77 subcutaneous injection means the injecting of a medicine under the skin for a more rapid and certain effect than we would get if given by stomach or the rectum. The most convenient places for the injection are the outside Fig. 16.—Hypodermic syringe. of the arms, the forearms, the thighs, the chest, and the abdomen, the injection being made into the fleshy part, avoiding the large blood-vessels, nerves, and bone. The syringe (Fig. 16) is cleansed by drawing through it sev- eral times a 1 : 20 solution of carbolic acid, followed by very hot water. The needle is boiled in a large spoonful Fig. 17.—Method of giving a hypodermatic injection. of water over a gas-flame. The syringe is loaded with the ordered solution, the needle is screwed on tightly, making sure that it does not leak at the junction, and the air is expelled. After cleansing the part a fold of skin is pinched up between the thumb and finger (Fig. 17), the needle quickly and slantingly inserted, then withdrawn slightly, and the fluid is slowly injected. A gentle friction over the 7 8 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. part will distribute the fluid and aid the absorption. The needle is quickly removed, and the friction is kept up for a few moments. If a large quantity, half a drachm or more, is to be injected, it is better to inject deep in the muscle, to avoid irritation. The syringe must afterward be thoroughly washed, by drawing through it the carbolic-acid solution and hot water, and the thin wire kept constantly in the needle to keep it clear. If not often used, the syringe should be soaked every few days in hot water to prevent the pack- ing from shrinking. Abscesses following hypodermatic injections are generally caused by the syringe and needle not being thoroughly clean and the solution not fresh or pure. If the syringe is in constant use, it should be kept in a solution (i : 20) of carbolic acid. Hypodermic syr- inges hold from 20 to 30 minims. Intravenous injection, which is the injection of solutions into a vein, is only practised in cases of emergency, as, for instance, the injection of blood or of salt-solution when there has been an excessive hemorrhage. 4. Inunctions.—Inunction is the rubbing of an oil or an ointment into the skin for medicinal purposes, as in the application of mercury. Mercurial Inunction.—When applying mercurial oint- ment, it must be rubbed on some part where the skin is thin, such as the inner sides of the thighs; absorption will then take place much quicker. The order of appli- cation differs somewhat. One way is for the patient to take a full bath the first evening, and put on fresh under- clothing. The second evening a piece of ointment, about the size of a small nut, is with the hand rubbed in on the inner side of the right thigh. The third evening the left thigh is taken, then on successive evenings the left arm- THE PATIENT. 79 pit and the right are taken. In this way one part is taken each evening, and irritation on account of excessive fric- tion on the same part is avoided. The rubbing should take about fifteen minutes, the ointment being thor- oughly rubbed in. The application is to be omitted on the sixth evening, and on the seventh the patient takes a warm bath, changes the underclothing, and resumes treatment. Dr. W. H. Devine in his lectures on medi- cines gives the following order: First evening, the buttocks ; Second “ the thighs ; Third “ the side of the chest, but not the armpit; Fourth “ the internal surface of the arms and forearms; Fifth “ the back and abdomen; Sixth “ omit treatment; Seventh “ bathe, change underclothing, and re- sume treatment. This method of applying mercury to the skin is resorted to when the stomach will not bear any mer- curial, and also to obtain the general action of mercury. The mercury passes through the skin without producing any irritation, and is absorbed into the general circula- tion, where the general effects of the drug are produced. The symptoms of mercurial poisoning are an increased amount of saliva, a fetid breath, swollen and spongy gums, with a bluish line along their margins, and a metallic taste in the mouth; any one of these symptoms must promptly be reported. Children are not easily salivated, but when the breath becomes fetid the mercury must be stopped at once. When applied to children, it is a good plan to put the 8o PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. ointment on a piece of flannel and fasten the flannel to the part with a bandage. There is then no danger of the child getting the ointment over other parts of the body. Fresh ointment is put on the flannel every day, even if the latter does look soiled. The nurse should wash her hands thoroughly after each application, or absorption may take place through the skin of the hands. 5. Inhalations.—Inhalation is the administration of a drug in the form of a vapor, whose action is on the air- passages. Moist Inhalation.—In the absence of a steam-inhaler the vaporized substances may be inhaled from a tea- or a coffee-pot standing over an oil or a spirit lamp by the bedside, the spout being directed toward the patient; or the solution may be put into a pitcher or a tin pan, cov- ered with paper, which is perforated, and through which the patient can inhale the vapor. The patient must breathe quite naturally, taking in the vapor through the mouth, then closing the mouth, and letting it escape through the nose, breathing five or six times in succession before withdrawing the face for a few moments; then the pa- tient begins again, and continues in the same way for the length of time ordered. If the patient is not in bed, he should inhale the vapor before going to bed; if done in the daytime, he should not go out for about an hour after. The inhalation of moist air may be obtained by means of kettles of boiling water in the room or by placing small pieces of unslaked lime in pans of water. Dry inhalations may be taken from a heated shovel or a plate. The drug is placed on the shovel, and a paper cone is made; one end of the cone is put over the drug, which is lighted, the vapors being inhaled from the nar- row end of the cone and taken into the lungs. THE PATIENT. 81 5. General and Local External Applications. Baths. — Temperature. — The temperature of baths varies, and the water must be tested with a bath-ther- mometer (Fig. 18). A hot bath varies from 98° to 1 io° F. A warm “ “ 85° to 98° “ A tepid “ “ 70° to 85° “ A bath must never be given earlier than two hours after eating, for the reason that after eating the digestive organs, as a rule, are congested, owing to the increased activity with which they are obliged to do their work in the process of digestion. Action of Baths.—A hot bath stimulates the nervous system through its action on the cutaneous nerves, which are connected, in a manner too varied and difficult for us to trace out, with the main nerves of the heart and with the respiratory and digestive sys- tems. The nerves being already in a state of increased activity, a bath would lead to over- stimulation and might lead to shock, fainting, vomiting, etc. In simpler words, food increases the circulation, and a bath stimulates and ex- cites the nervous system, hence one might get a shock through over-stimulation if a bath was given directly after a meal. A patient should never be left alone while in the bath- tub, as faintness may come on, the patient may lose consciousness, slip under the water, and be drowned. Vapor-baths also act as stimulants to the nervous sys- tem and induce perspiration. A warm bath acts as a seda- Fig. 18.—Bath- thermometer. 82 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. tive; it relieves inflammation, stupor, and delirium. The vessels of the surface of the body are dilated, but not so much as by the hot and vapor-baths; the blood is drawn from the brain, its activity is lessened, and the patient fells asleep. The warm and the hot sitz-bath, also the hot foot-bath, increase the circulation in the pelvic organs. They relieve retarded menstruation by dilating the ar- teries, so that the supply of blood is increased in the pelvic organs. Mustard, being a powerful stimulant, increases the effect of the hot bath. The amount used is teaspoonsful to i gallon of water. Tepid and cold baths reduce inflammation and fever, and act as tonics and sedatives. The first effect of a cold bath is chilliness, through contraction of the blood- vessels ; but later they relax, and the warm blood comes to the surface, and if the patient be rubbed, the circulation will be increased. To reduce the temperature the patient must have the full benefit of the bath. If in bed, each part must be bathed separately; each limb must be put into the water and well bathed by pouring the water over it, using a sponge or a wash-cloth; the other parts of the body must be well bathed with a very wet cloth, then mopped with towels, and allowed to dry. As above stated, cold water contracts the small blood-ves- sels ; therefore, in sea-bathing or cold baths we apply cold water to the head to prevent a rush of blood to the brain, because, as the lower limbs are the first to be placed in the cold water, the blood-vessels of the legs are the first to contract, sending the blood upward. It will be found that cold and tepid bathing will relieve thirst. When one is thirsty, it is a sign that the system is in need of water, though one feels the thirst only in the mouth and throat; but if the body is bathed, the THE PATIENT. 83 skin will absorb the water, and the system will get enough water to satisfy its demands. Water when in- jected will also relieve thirst. After an abdominal ope- ration, when nothing is given by the mouth for several hours, the bathing of the hands and face greatly relieves the extreme thirst. Hunger, which is felt in the stomach, may also be relieved otherwise than by the mouth. If nourishment be given by rectum, it will be absorbed by the intestines, and the hunger be alleviated to the same extent as though nourishment had been taken by mouth. Cold Tub-bath.—Should a patient be ordered a cold tub-bath, the water at first should be about yo° F.; the patient, wrapped in a sheet or blanket, is put into the bath, and the temperature is gradually lowered either by ice or cold water. When taken out of the bath the wet blanket should be replaced by a dry one, and the patient be carried to bed and wiped dry. The nurse should watch for chilliness and shock. The pulse and tem- perature must be taken before and after the bath. The length of time to keep the patient in the bath varies from ten to twenty minutes. Hot Baths.—Hot baths and vapor-baths are given to produce perspiration. When the kidneys are not work- ing properly and the waste material is not carried away from the body, hot baths and vapor-baths dilate the super- ficial blood-vessels (those near the surface of the body), causing the patient to perspire profusely and a large amount of the waste material to be thus thrown off. If a tub-bath is ordered, the tub may partly be filled with warm water, the patient be lifted in, and then the tem- perature gradually increased by adding very hot water. At the end of fifteen minutes the patient is taken out, put to bed, and wrapped in blankets, which are tucked 84 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. in very securely about the neck and body so that no air can enter. Cold cloths are applied to the head, and water is given to drink, because when there is a large quantity of water in the body the perspiration becomes much more profuse, and consequently the impurities thrown off are larger in amount. After the bath is com- pleted the blankets are gradually removed, and the patient sponged with warm water or with alcohol and water. Hot Foot-baths.—When giving hot foot-baths the nurse must remember to keep the temperature of the water even by adding hot water. The bed-clothes at the foot of the bed are loosened, newspapers or a rubber cloth is spread across to prevent the bed from getting wet, the patient’s knees are drawn up, the feet are placed in the tub, and the clothing is drawn around the limbs to prevent chilling. When taken out the feet are to be wiped dry, and care be taken that they are comfortably warm by either wrapping them in a blanket or applying heaters. Hot-air Bath.—To give a hot-air bath, a rubber cloth or an oilcloth and blanket are put on the bed (the pa- tient being turned on one side, as is done in changing the bed); the patient’s clothing is removed, and he is then wrapped snugly in the blanket, the upper cloth- ing being supported by means of a cradle. The clothing should be well tucked in about the patient’s neck and the sides of the bed, under the mattress, to pre- vent the escape of air, and another oilcloth put over all will make the covering much more air-tight. Under the clothing, at the foot of the bed, is inserted the spout of a kettle of boiling water, which can stand over a gas- or an oil-stove or a spirit-lamp placed on a chair or a THE PATIENT. 85 table, the whole being covered with a blanket to direct the steam under the blankets (Fig. 19). If the bed has Fig. 19.—Simple arrangement for giving a hot-air bath. a high footboard, the steam can be directed from one side of the foot of the bed. The nurse should guard against fire. The doctor will give orders as to the length of time the patient is to remain in the bath. He may order a thermometer to be placed in the bed, and the steam continued until the thermometer registers 120° F. or above, when the steam is stopped and the patient is treated as after the hot bath. As the water in the kettle boils down it must be replaced with boiling water, not with hot or cold water, or the steam will stop until the water boils again. Careful watch must be kept over the patient’s pulse, which can be taken at the temples. In the absence of an oil-stove or a spirit-lamp, very hot bricks, smoothing-irons, or plates may be wrapped in wet flannel or cloths; the hot bricks in contact with the wet cloths will make steam. The cloths must be placed about the patient on plates or in dishes to prevent wetting the bed, and care be taken not to burn the patient. 86 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. If able to sit up, the patient can be seated on a cane-bottom chair, the clothing being removed, and surrounded with blankets or comfortables, which must be fastened from the neck down (Fig. 20). A kettle of boiling water over a spirit- lamp or an oil-stove, or a pan or pail of boiling water, is placed under the chair. The feet may be put into a pail of hot water to increase the effect, because the blood-vessels of the surface of the body are dilated, and remain so while the heat or vapor is continued; in this way the activity of the skin is increased, the pores of the skin are opened, and perspiration is produced. The nurse should be sure that the blankets or coverings are fastened closely around the patient’s neck and about the chair to prevent the steam escaping. Cold is applied to the head, and water is given to drink, for the same reason as that given in describing the hot baths, and the after-treatment is the same. Acid Steam-bath.—An acid steam-bath, which is a valuable application in rheumatism, is given by prepar- ing the patient in the usual manner, and placing around her very hot bricks wrapped in flannel which has been steeped in vinegar. The bath is continued for fifteen minutes, after which the body is wiped over with a towel wrung out of cold water, then thoroughly dried. Shower-bath.—A shower-bath is given by directing the water from an ordinary watering-can, a pitcher, or a Fig. 20.—Arrangement of blankets in giving a hot-air bath to patient in sitting position. (Thornton). THE PATIENT. *7 pail elevated a few feet above the patient. To douche the head the patient generally lies upon her stomach, her head hanging over the side of the bed, or the bath may be given her lying in bed. The patient lies on her side or back; the pillows are removed, the clothing loosened and pushed well down under the shoulders to prevent wetting; a pad is made with rubber cloth, oilcloth, or newspapers, by rolling the cloth at each side and at one end; the pad is put under the shoulders of the patient, her head resting on it, and the unrolled end hangs in a pail. The pad will prevent the water from running down the patient’s back and the sides of the pad, and will also keep the bed dry. The water is poured upon the patient’s head from a pitcher elevated a little dis- tance above. After the douche the patient’s head and shoulders are raised and wiped, the pad is slipped down into the pail, and the clothing and pillows are re- placed. Sheet-bath [Drip-sheet).— The sheet-bath, or drip-sheet, which is frequently applied in nervous diseases, is generally given in the following way: The patient, with clothing removed, stands in a tub which contains enough warm water to cover the feet to the ankles to prevent chilling (Fig. 21). A sheet wrung out of tepid water is thrown over the patient from behind, and Fig. 21.—Application of the sheet- bath (drip-sheet). 88 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. covers the head and entire body. The patient is then gently rubbed (over the sheet) with both hands to pro- duce friction and bring the blood to the surface. As the sheet becomes warm it can be re-wet by pouring water on it frpm a cup or a bowl. The doctor will always give directions as to the length of time the patient should be in the sheet. After being dried some physicians like the patient to be put to bed for a certain length of time, while others will leave orders for the patient to dress and go out for a short walk or to sit by an open window. Cold Douche.—The cold douche, or affusion, is given by wrapping the patient in a sheet, placing him in the bath-tub, and pouring pailsful of water over the body. The first pailful should be tepid, and be poured rather slowly, to prevent shock. Exhaustion must be watched for, and after the affusion the patient should be put to bed and wrapped in blankets. Another way, one often employed in nervous diseases, is to stand the patient in the bath-tub, and direct the water to the spine or to the part to be treated by a piece of hose-pipe attached to the faucet. Cold Pack.—The cold pack is ordered for reducing the temperature in many acute diseases. A rubber, an oilcloth, or a newspaper is first put on the bed, and over this one or two blankets; then a sheet or a table- cloth which has been dipped in tepid water and wrung out is placed on the blankets. The patient is laid upon the sheet (the patient’s clothing having first been re- moved), and every surface of the body is covered by pressing the folds of the sheet down between the arms, body, and lower extremities. The sheet is tucked well in at the neck and feet; the blankets are then folded over and tucked evenly under the patient on both sides. The THE PATIENT. 89 feet are lifted up and the corner ends of the sheets and blankets are tucked under them (Figs. 22 and 23). A wet towel or compress is applied to the head. The patient should be kept in the pack ten or fifteen min- utes. It will be found that, besides lowering the tem- perature, the cold pack will relieve nervousness and induce sound sleep. Hot Pack.—The hot pack is given in the same way as the cold pack, with the exception that the blanket, the sheets, or tablecloth is wrung out of boiling water by placing the blanket in a sheet, and pouring the boiling water over them; two persons, each taking an end of the sheet, wring in opposite directions. More coverings are placed over the patient than in the cold pack. Should Fig. 22.—Application of the cold pack (pressing the sheet between the patient's arm and body). the nurse not have anything with which to prevent the mattress from getting wet, a table may be arranged with blanket and sheets; in the absence of a table the floor near the bed may be prepared. Towels, tablecloths, 90 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. and old linen may be used where there are but few sheets. After the pack the sheets and blankets are removed, the patient is wiped dry with soft towels, the clothing is put on, heat is applied if necessary, and the Fig. 23.—Application of the cold pack (patient completely covered, with wet towel on the head). pulse and temperature are taken. Partial packs are compresses applied to different parts of the body, and covered with a flannel or a cotton bandage to prevent the patient’s clothing becoming damp. Inflammation.—Blood is made up of three parts: a watery, almost colorless fluid, called “ plasma,” and red and white corpuscles, which give to the blood its rich red color ; there are more red corpuscles in the blood than white. The plasma contains a substance called “ fibrin,” which is an albuminoid, and which is the nourishing part of the blood. Blood in its normal con- dition is perfectly fluid, but when drawn from the body into a basin the fibrin causes the blood to coagulate or clot; the corpuscles, which are heavier than the plasma, sink to the bottom of the basin and are bound together by the fibrin, the whole forming a red semi-solid mass, covered with a clear yellowish liquid called “ serum.” THE PATIENT. 91 The clot is the corpuscles, together with the fibrin, which has now left the plasma, and the serum is the plasma without the fibrin. It is thus seen that when the blood is fluid there are two parts—the plasma and corpuscles; when it is clotted or coagulated there are two parts— the serum and clot, the clot being made up of the cor- puscles and fibrin, the serum consisting of the plasma without the fibrin. Symptoms of Inflammation.—The four symptoms of inflammation are heat, redness, swelling, and pain— heat, due to the abnormal conditions of the blood in the inflamed area; redness, due to increased hematin in the blood of the part; swelling, due to increased blood- supply; pain, due to pressure on the end-organs of the sensory nerves. We can feel heat when the inflam- mation is on the surface, as in the case of an inflamed finger, but where the inflammation is hidden, as in the lungs, the brain, or the bowels, or in any of the internal organs, we ascertain it by taking the temperature with the clinical thermometer. Treatment of Inflammation.—If heat or cold is applied at the beginning of inflammation, the latter may subside; but should it continue, it generally terminates in an abscess. The poultice or fomentation which is gen- erally ordered softens and relaxes the skin and tissues, dilates the blood-vessels, quickens the circulation in the part, so that the fresh, pure blood can pass through, and the tight, painful feeling caused by the blood-pressure to the part is relieved. Ice contracts the capillaries, and thus lessens the amount of blood flowing to the part, and pus-formation may be prevented. When pus has formed poultices are again ordered to bring it up to the surface, bringing it to a head, as it is termed. 92 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Bleeding-.—Leeching.—Leeches are used in inflamma- tion when it is necessary to remove a small quantity of blood. The part must be washed very clean, shaved if necessary, and be wiped dry; the leech is taken be- tween the folds of a towel and applied. If it does not bite, a drop of blood extracted from a pricked finger will generally cause the leech immediately to bite. Another very successful way is to put the leech in a very small wineglass or cup filled with water, in which it should remain for a few minutes; the edge of the wine- glass is then held to the part we wish the leech to bite, and it will come up out of the water and generally take hold ; should it move around, it can be guided to the right spot. As a leech is always hot and uncomfortable after being shut up in a box, it should be put into water (the glass or cup having a perforated paper cover) until we are ready to use it; being then in its natural element, it becomes cool and good-natured. After the leech has taken hold a piece of cotton should be slipped between it and the skin, because the move- ments of the leech give a very unpleasant sensation to the patient, and tend to make some patients nervous. A leech generally holds from i to 2 teaspoonsful of blood, and when full it will drop off. If necessary to remove leeches after being on a certain length of time, a little salt sprinkled on their heads will make them drop off; they must not be pulled off, or they may leave their teeth in the wound and cause inflammation. The bleed- ing can further be encouraged by the application of hot poultices or fomentations. To stop the bleeding pres- sure is the best—a pad of graduated compress-cloth ; or cold may be used—a small lump of ice. The patient must not be left for the night until the bleeding has stopped. THE PATIENT. 93 Leeches should not be applied over an artery, a vein, nor over loose cellular tissue where pressure cannot be applied, but, if possible, over a bony surface. It should also be known that the odor of tobacco, vinegar, or dis- infectants in the room will often prevent a leech from biting. All cavities must be filled with cotton if leeches are to be applied near; should a leech get into one, it can be removed with an injection of salt and water. Leeches must always be disposed of after being used by putting them into a very strong solution of salt and water or into dry salt, and covering the vessel tightly. The nurse must be sure they are dead before throwing them away. The American leeches are best for children ; they draw less blood. In case the patient is a child, the leech should be well covered, so that the child will not be frightened. Cupping.—Cupping is to relieve pain and congestion, and to prevent absorption. Dry cupping draws the blood to the surface of, and wet cupping draws blood from, the body. For dry cupping there will be needed two or three tumblers, or wine-glasses, or medicine-glasses ; alcohol; a candle, a lamp, or a spirit-lamp; matches; towels. The part is washed with warm water, the glasses rinsed with hot water, and thoroughly dried. A few drops of alcohol are poured into a glass and shaken around; the edge of the glass is wet with the finger or is oiled, which prevents the fire reaching the patient’s skin; the alcohol is then lighted with a match, and the glass turned over on the part, which must be an even surface. All this is done very quickly. The skin is seen to rise almost im- mediately in the interior of the glass, and the blood is drawn toward the surface. To remove the glass the 94 PRACTICAL POI NTS IN NURSING. skin is pressed down with the thumb or finger. The air will then enter the glass, which can be taken off. Care must be taken to avoid getting too much alco- hol in the glass or getting the edges of the glass too hot. Wet cupping is done with a scarificator. In addition to the things needed for the dry cupping, the nurse should prepare for the wetting operation some disinfec- tant and a dry dressing of gauze or compress. The part is washed with soap and water and a disinfectant; incisions are then made with the scarificator, and a dry cup is applied, which draws the blood. After the re- quired amount has been drawn the cup is removed and the dressing is applied. Sometimes poultices are ordered to increase the effect. The nurse must have everything prepared for the physician, and stand ready to hand what- ever he needs. Fomentations.—Moist heat is applied to the body in the form of warm or hot baths, poultices, and fomenta- tions (stupes). For a hot-water fomentation coarse flan- nel or two or three thicknesses of old blanket is the best. White flannel is preferable, as the dyes of colored flannels are apt to be poisonous. The flannel is placed in the middle of a towel, and both dipped in a basin of boiling water for a few moments, the ends of the towel being twisted in opposite directions until all the water is wrung out; the fomentation is then carried to the bedside, the towel untwisted, and the flannel shaken out, before applying, to let in the air; it will then retain the heat much longer. The fomentation is covered with dry flan- nel or towels and a piece of rubber cloth (both flannel and rubber being larger than the fomentation), and a bandage is applied to keep it in position. This proce- THE PATIENT. 95 dure will retain the heat of the fomentation longer and also keep the patient dry. When renewing the fomenta- tion the fresh stupe must always be ready before the cool one is removed. Laudanum and turpentine stupes are prepared in the same way as the preceding: when the flannel has been wrung out of the water, from 15 to 20 drops of laudanum are sprinkled over it. For the turpentine stupe about 30 drops of turpentine are sprinkled over the flannel, or to 1 pint of boiling water there are added 3 teaspoonsful of turpentine; this solution is well mixed and the flannel put in, stirring all the time. The flannel is then taken out, wrung, and applied, the turpentine being then more evenly distributed over the flannel. Mustard• fomentation consists of flannel wrung out of very hot water (not boiling), about 1 pint, to which has been added 1 tablespoonful of mustard. It is pref- erable to make a paste of the mustard before adding it to the hot water; there will thus be less danger of it forming lumps. Mustard must not be added to boiling water, or the action of the volatile oil which the mus- tard contains, and to which it owes its value, will be de- stroyed. Fomentations to the eyes and neck are changed every few minutes. Flannel, old cotton handkerchiefs, or sponges may be used, all of which can be put in boiling water and be pressed out with a lemon-squeezer, which is very handy for these small stupes. When stupes are discontinued the part must be dried and covered with absorbent cotton, flannel, or a towel for a while, and afterward be bathed with alcohol, which will be a preventive against cold. Poultices.—A flaxseed-meal poultice is made by rap- 96 practical points in nursing. idly stirring the meal little by little into boiling water. When the mixture is of the consistency of mush, stiff enough to drop away from the spoon, it is well beaten with the spoon to remove the lumps. This flaxseed paste is spread smoothly and evenly half an inch thick on a piece of old cotton, cheese-cloth, mosquito-netting, or even on paper, of the desired size, leaving a margin to turn in of about inches all around the poultice. Another layer of muslin is put over the face of the poul- tice; the edges are turned well under to prevent the flax- seed escaping. The poultice should be rolled in a towel and carried on a plate to the patient. When applying the poultice the nurse places her hand under it, the back of her hand resting on the part to which the poultice is to be applied, and slowly removes her hand; this will get the patient used to the heat, and is far better than suddenly putting a hot poultice on an already tender and sensitive skin, as repeated applications make the part very tender. This fact applies also to children: if once a child is frightened by too hot a poultice, the nurse will probably never be able to put on another. The poultice should be covered with flannel and rub- ber cloth or with newspapers, and be fastened with a bandage; the heat will thus be retained and the patient kept dry. Large poultices should be changed every four hours, or if well covered they will last five or six hours; the smaller ones must be changed every one or two hours. A poultice must never be removed until a fresh one is made and ready to be applied; then the old poultice is removed and the part wiped dry with a piece of soft cot- ton, for the reason that the air acts as an irritant to a moist surface and causes an itching sensation. A poul- THE PATIENT. 97 tice once used must never be reheated: it is valueless: hence poultices must be freshly made each time they are needed. If, for some reason, the nurse has to wait before applying a poultice, it can be kept hot by placing it between two plates over a pan of boiling water; if it is put in an oven, it will bake. When applied for the removal of a slough, the poul- tices must be discontinued as soon as the slough is re- moved, as further poulticing will prevent the healing of the part by making the skin too moist and flabby. Jacket-poultices.—A jacket-poultice, which is a poultice to encircle the whole chest, is readily made by taking four large pieces of muslin, old linen, etc., that will reach from the neck to the waist-line, and sloped out to fit under the arms; the poultice is then made in the usual way, one poultice being applied to the back and one to the chest, and fastened together over the shoulders and down the sides with safety-pins to keep them in posi- tion ; then the usual coverings and bandages are applied. The jacket-poultice must not be renewed until the fresh poultice is ready to be applied; then the bandage is unpinned, the patient turned on his side, the cold poultice removed, the back wiped dry, and the fresh poultice and coverings applied; then the patient is turned on his back and the fresh poultice applied to the chest and fastened with safety-pins. It is an expert act to remove a poultice or a fomentation without awaken- ing a sleeping patient: it can be done on almost any part of the body excepting the back, and even here it may be accomplished if the nurse has the confidence of her patient, who will wake up just enough to turn over and have the poultice renewed, and then drop off to sleep again. 98 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. A bran-jackct is made by placing bran between two pieces of muslin, which are cut the same as for the jacket-poultice, and stitching them all round and in dif- ferent places after the manner of quilting, to keep the bran in place. The bran-jacket may be applied dry after heating it in an oven, or it may be placed in boiling water for a few minutes, then wrung out, laid on the part, and covered with rubber cloth or flannel and fast- ened with a bandage. When cold it is again wrung out of boiling water and reapplied. There should be two jackets made. Bread Poultice.—Bread poultices are applied to very tender parts, and are milder than flaxseed, but they do not retain the heat as long. The poultice is made by stirring stale bread-crumbs into boiling water, and beat- ing the mixture well to remove the lumps ; then the water is drained off and fresh boiling water is added, which will remove the alum found in some bread; the second water is drained off, the poultice being then spread and applied. Mustard Poultice.—A mustard poultice is made by adding to very hot water two parts of mustard (all the lumps being thoroughly dissolved) to four parts of flaxseed meal, and the poultice is spread and ap- plied in the usual way. If the mustard be sprinkled over the flaxseed poultice, there is danger of burning the patient in patches; we avoid this by first dissolving the mustard in the water. Charcoal Poultice.—A charcoal poultice, which is a very dirty poultice to prepare, is generally made with one part of charcoal and two parts of flaxseed meal, mixed and made in the usual way, a little additional charcoal being sprinkled over the surface of the poul- THE PATIENT. 99 tice before applying. This poultice, which is ordered for wounds which have an offensive discharge, acts as a deodorant by absorbing the odor and promoting a healthy condition. Another method of making this poultice is to add an ounce of charcoal to 4 ounces of flaxseed meal and bread-crumbs, mixing all together and making the application in the ordinary way. Starch Poultice.—A starch poultice is made by taking ordinary laundry starch, mixing it with cold water, and then adding boiling water to make it into a thick paste. A starch poultice is used in skin diseases to relieve irri- tation. Very often belladonna or laudanum is sprinkled over the surface of both starch and flaxseed poultices to act on the nerves of the part and allay the pain. The effects of the drug must be watched for; this is very im- portant, especially in the case of children. Spice Poultice.—A spice poultice is made by placing in a bag equal parts of cloves, cayenne pepper, ginger, and cinnamon. The bag is sewed up and submerged in hot alcohol or in vinegar for a few moments, when it is wrung out and applied. Another way is to mix the spices with about 1 ounce of flour and enough hot alco- hol to make a paste, and to spread this between two layers of muslin or linen. If the skin is tender, the proportions of cloves and pepper should be decreased. In the absence of the spices flannel may be wrung out of hot whisky or pure alcohol and applied to the part. The action of a spice poultice is that of a mild counter- irritant. Yeast Poultice.—To make a yeast poultice, which is used as a stimulant to slow-healing wounds, take 3 ounces of fluid yeast and hot water, and stir in a quarter of a pound of either flour, oatmeal, flaxseed, or Indian TOO PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. meal. This mixture is heated, stirring it all the time until it is hot; or it is set by the fire until it rises; it is then spread on muslin the same as a flaxseed- meal poultice is prepared, and is applied while fer- menting. Slippery-clm Poidtice.—A slippery-elm poultice is made by mixing slippery elm with very hot water; they should be mixed slowly or the poultice will become lumpy, and be well beaten before spreading it on the linen. Hop Poultice.—A hop poultice may be made in the same manner as a bread poultice, or by filling a bag about half full with hops and wringing it out of boil- ing water when needed. Antiseptic Poultices.—Corrosive sublimate is used for antiseptic poultices, the strength varying from i : 5000 to 1 : 10,000. A towel, absorbent cotton, or gauze is wrung out of a hot solution, applied to the part, and covered with a dry towel, oil-silk, or paper, and a bandage. Car- bolic acid is used for poultices in strengths varying from 1 : 60 to 1 : 100. Both carbolic acid and corrosive sub- limate are very easily absorbed, and the general effects of the drugs must be watched for. Creolin, which is not so poisonous as the preceding, is used in strengths of from 2 to 5 per cent. For boric-acid poultices a 4 per cent, solution is generally used. Green-soap Poidtice.—A green-soap poultice is a thin layer of green soap spread over a pad of gauze, ab- sorbent cotton, or a towel, and covered with a dry towel and a bandage. Ice Poidtice.—An ice poultice is to relieve hemor- rhage, or pain due to neuralgia or inflammation, and is made of crushed ice, mixed with salt and sawdust, flaxseed, bran, or oatmeal, and sewed up tightly in THE PATIENT. IOI rubber cloth, a coarse towel, or in paper, so as not to wet the patient and the bed. It is not at all difficult to apply poultices or fomenta- tions in a railway car: all one needs is a pint tin-cup, flaxseed meal, a spoon, paper, and a spirit lamp. In cases of sudden illness of an adult or a child attacked with croup, where fomentations will give great relief, hot water can generally be had, and handkerchiefs be wrung out of it and applied. Dry Heat.—Dry heat is applied with hot bottles, bricks, plates, or smoothing-irons, well covered to pre- vent burning the patient. Hot flannel and bags filled with salt or bran or sand are used in aural surgery to relieve pain in the ear: the bags are made of old mus- lin or gauze, cut half-moon shape, and applied around the ear, never over it, as there would be danger of the heat causing the walls of the aural canal to swell; this would bring the walls together, and if the Eustachian tube were closed and there was an abscess in the mid- dle ear, the nurse would have a sad state of affairs. Two bags will be needed—one being in the oven or in a farina-boiler heating, the other being on the pa- tient. When using a hot-water bag the contained air must be expelled before putting in the stopper; the bag will then lie flat. Application of Cold.—Leiter Coil.—Cold is applied to a part to relieve pain, to relieve inflammation, to ar- rest hemorrhage, and as a local anesthetic to freeze the tissues and allow slight operations to be performed painlessly; also as a stimulant, as when cold water is dashed on the face of a fainting person. It relieves pain by reducing the feeling of sensation, acting as an anesthetic; it relieves inflammation by contracting the 102 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. blood-vessels, so that the amount of blood flowing to the inflamed part is- considerably lessened and pus- formation is prevented. The Leiter coil (Figs. 24, 25), which is used to apply continued cold to a part, is made of coils of pliable metal through which ice-water runs continually. Coils are made to fit the head, the ear, the abdomen, and differ- ent parts of the body. Two long pieces of rubber tubing are at- tached to the coil; the end of one tube being put in a vessel containing ice-water; the water runs to the coil, and after cir- culating through it the water passes out of the second tube into a pail on the floor to receive it (Fig. 25). The ice-water pail, which should be a few feet above the patient’s head, may stand on a hassock or a small chair placed on a table, or it may hang from the knob of one of the bedposts; the reser- voir must not be too high or the water will run through the coil too rapidly. If the tubing is large, the second tube which conveys the water to the pail may be made smaller by tying it a little tightly at different parts along its length, thus preventing the water running out too rapidly. The supply-pail must be kept filled with water and ice. Should there be any difficulty in get- ting the water to run, or should the water stop run- ning, by putting the end of the lower tube in the mouth and making slight suction the water will generally begin to circulate. These coils are fastened to the part by tapes passed through slits at each end and tied around Fig. 24.—Leiter coil applied to the ear. THE PATIENT. 103 the part. Should the patient complain of the intense cold, a piece of compress first put between the part and the coil will make it more bearable ; this applies also to ice-bags. Ice-bags.—Ice-bags must carefully be watched : if the nurse has only one ice-bag, ice-cold compresses must be applied to the part while the bag is being refilled. Ice melts rapidly, and if the bag remains on after the ice has melted, the water will rise to the temperature of the part to which it is applied and do Fig. 25.—Leiter coil applied to the head. much harm. When applying an ice-bag to the back or to any part of the body that will lie upon the bag, two things must be remembered: first, that there is air in the bag, and second, that the heat of the part to which it is applied very rapidly melts the ice in the upper portion of the bag, the water becomes warm, and the ice lying at 104 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. the bottom of the bag does no good. To remove the water and air, one end of a piece of small rubber tube is placed in the mouth of the bag, the other end in a pail on the floor. In this way the water will be drained off as the ice melts, and continuous cold will be applied. To fill an ice-bag the ice is wrapped in a coarse cloth or a towel and crushed with a hammer, or the ice may be broken into small pieces with a strong pin or a darn- ing needle. Fill the bag half full, and press out the air before sealing it. When cold is applied to the head and spine or to the head alone, heat is generally applied to the feet and other parts of the body to avoid any depressing effect on the circulation. Counter-irritants.—Counter-irritation relieves a deep- seated inflammation by irritating the ends of the sensory nerves and dilating the blood-vessels of the part so that the circulation of the blood through them is increased; the blood is brought to the surface, thus relieving the inflamed part beneath. There are three classes of counter-irritants. Counter-irritants of the first class are rubefacients, which redden the skin by distending the small blood-vessels. Friction will also do this, as it tends to send the blood out of the small blood-vessels through the veins ; the circulation of the part is increased and the swelling is removed; other counter-irritants of this class are mustard poultices and turpentine and mustard fomentations (stupes). Counter-irritants of the second class act more strongly: they, too, are rubefacients, but of a stronger kind; for example, a mustard plaster, which is stronger than a mustard poultice. The blood-vessels are dilated, the circulation is greatly increased, and a certain amount of THE PATIENT. 105 the blood is brought to the surface; the blood in the inflamed part is lessened and the pain is relieved. A counter-irritant of the third class is vesication, or blistering, which produces true inflammation by drawing the blood from the inflamed part directly to the surface, and there is an outpouring of the serum (the water of the blood) between the cuticle and the true skin. Counter-irritants are generally applied a little distance from the inflamed parts, for the reason that if the vessels of these parts are dilated more blood is brought to them. For instance, in cases of meningitis, severe headaches, and other affections of the head a blister is sometimes applied to the nape of the neck: the blood-vessels here being dilated, more blood is brought to them, and the head is relieved. It is the same when a hot-water or a mustard foot-bath is given to relieve headache: it causes greater dilatation of the blood-vessels in the limbs, so that more blood is drawn to them, thus relieving the head. If the blister was applied directly over or too near the inflamed part, there would be danger of the accumulation of blood, or the “ congestion,” increasing and doing more harm than good. The reader may have had an inflamed finger, and have noticed that when the hand was hanging down by the side the throbbing and pain were increased ; this was due to the blood rushing down to the hand, thus putting more pressure upon the finger; but on raising the hand the pain was relieved, because the pressure of blood became less. It is for this reason that rest is ordered for inflammation. The part is kept quiet and elevated; the arterial blood is thus prevented from rushing to the part, and the venous blood can better return to the heart. 106 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Mustard Plaster.—A mustard plaster is made of mus- tard and flour, equal parts, or of all mustard, mixed into a paste with warm water and spread between two layers of muslin or soft linen rag. When mixed with flour the action of the mustard is slower and it is not so liable to blister. The plaster is covered and left on from ten to twenty minutes. When it is removed a little vaselin is rubbed over the part, which is covered with a soft cloth. While the plaster remains on the patient a corner should be raised from time to time, to see that it is not blistering ; especially is this necessary with unconscious and paralyzed patients. For children four parts of flour are mixed with one part of mustard; when the skin is red the plaster is removed and a flaxseed-meal poultice applied. The action is slower, but blistering is prevented. White of egg and mustard make also a non-blistering plaster. Tincture of Iodin.—Tincture of iodin is a counter- irritant ; it is painted over the part with a swab or a camel’s hair brush, a little of the tincture being poured into a cup or a saucer. Two coatings will be sufficient. The iodin stains the skin a dark yellowish-brown color, and may cause a painful, smarting sensation, which can be relieved with alcohol or ammonia, though some pa- tients prefer olive oil. The swab or brush must never be put into the bottle after being used on the patient. There should be a separate brush for each patient. Croton Oil.—Croton oil is a powerful counter-irritant; 3 or 4 drops are sprinkled on a small piece of flannel and rubbed into the skin; this gives rise to a vesicular eruption. Blisters.—Cantharidism.—A blister is raised with either cantharidal plaster (Spanish-fly), cantharidal cerate (blis- THE PATIENT. 107 tering cerate), or cantharidal collodion. The part must be washed, and shaved if necessary, and be wiped per- fectly dry; the plaster is cut the desired size and shape (Fig. 26) and applied. If the cerate is used, it should be Fig. 26.—Shapes of plasters: a, for left ear; b, for right ear; c, for chest; d, for shoulder; e, for back; /, for side; g, pattern for breast-plate; h, plaster for breast. spread on a piece of cotton and be kept in place with a bandage. If adhesive plaster is used to keep either of these plasters in place, there will be no room for the blister to rise, and it will cause a dragging pain. Before applying the cantharidal collodion the parts to be blis- tered must be outlined with vaselin or with oil, which will prevent spreading of the blistering solution. The collo- dion, which is painted on with a swab or a brush, causes an itching sensation when first applied; patients must be told of this to guard against scratching. The action of the cantharis must be watched for. It is a powerful irritant and affects the kidneys, and some- times causes painful urination or suppression of urine. 108 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. For children and very weak persons the plaster should be kept on just long enough to start the blister, then a poultice be applied to make the blister rise, otherwise a slough may be formed. It generally takes from four to eight hours for a blister to rise (collodion acts more quickly). If at the end of that time the blister has not risen, the application of a flaxseed poultice will hasten this result. Should the physician leave to the nurse the time of applying the irritant, she should apply it during the early part of the day, so that the blister will rise before even- ing. If applied in the evening, the patient is kept awake through the night with the pain caused by the rising of the blister. When the blister has risen, the lower part should be snipped with a pair of scissors, and the fluid discharged on a towel or a piece of cotton to prevent irritation of the skin, and then be dressed with vaselin. It must be remembered that the cuticle, or skin, of the blister must not be removed without orders; the skin is only removed when the blister is to be kept open. In this case it is called a “perpetual” blister, and is dressed with some irritating ointment. If the physician wishes the fluid to be reabsorbed, care must be taken that the skin is not broken. Chloroform Blistering.—A ready way to produce a blister is to pour a few drops of chloroform or of strong ammonia into a watch-crystal, which is then placed over the part; the blister will rapidly rise. A blister must not be produced over a bony part, be- cause here the circulation is less active, and a slough may be the result. Massage.—Massage consists of a series of movements which give to the muscles and the whole system strength THE PATIENT. 109 and vigor, and in a certain sense takes the place of active exercise, but it is entirely different from rubbing. The work is done by the ball of the thumb, the fingers, and the palm of the hand. Some of the movements are stroking with the finger-tips, followed by deep stroking ; kneading, which is grasping a muscle or group of mus- cles between both hands or between the thumb and fin- ger, and pressing, rolling, and squeezing it, beginning at the extremity of a limb and working upward. Then there is the deeper kneading, as in treating an arm or limb, followed by rolling or fulling, which is a to-and- fro movement with the limb between the palms of the hands, the limb being rolled back and forth; deep pres- sure with the knuckles, used when a part is either hard or flabby and we want to reach a deep-seated nerve; twisting of the muscles, followed by vibration, which stimulates the capillary circulation ; percussion, which is striking or beating the surface with the palm of the hand (clapping) or the side of the hand with the fingers held very loosely (whipping), and with the fingers held stiffly, which is true percussion. All this is followed with light friction. On the abdomen the kneading is begun at the ascending colon, then is continued on the transverse and descending colon. The tissues are rolled, not rubbed; a firm grasp of the muscles should be taken, and a con- siderable amount of force be used, but not too much. Repose of touch should be cultivated, and work be done from the wrists, or the movements will be jerky instead of being even. Tender parts should be gone lightly over at first: later on more force may be used. It will be found, if done skilfully (and skill can only be acquired by constant practice), that massage is a nerve sedative, relieves neuralgia and also some chronic I IO PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. affections. In order that the student may have a perfect knowledge of massage and its application, it is absolutely necessary that she should first take a complete course in anatomy, and familiarize herself with the bones, muscles, and organs of the body, their form and location. Liniments.—Liniments are for external use, to relieve pain or to produce local stimulation. They must be applied to the skin with friction until the part is en- tirely dry. A cloth must not be used, or the effect will not be so good. Lotions.—A lotion is a medicinal application, and may be evaporating or non-evaporating; it is used externally for cooling purposes and for the relief of pain. Where evaporating lotions, such as alcohol, vinegar, or camphor, are used, one single thickness of cotton, saturated with the selected lotion, is applied and left uncovered. Lotions must be changed often, and not be allowed to become warm or dry. Non-evaporating lotions are applied with two or three thicknesses of compress wrung out of the ordered solution and covered with rubber tissue or cloth, and a bandage to keep it in position. Gargles, Sprays, etc.—To gargle the throat the solu- tion is taken into the mouth, the head being thrown back and moved from side to side. The fluid in this way is brought in contact with the back part and sides of the throat, and is more beneficial than by causing the fluid to bubble up in the throat. If the gargle is an acid, the mouth must afterward be rinsed with water, so that the teeth will not be injured. Sprays are much better than gargles when the throat is ulcerated ; a patient can seldom gargle thoroughly. A spray will reach all the parts. When spraying or painting the throat the nurse should stand a little to one side, so that the patient will not THE PATIENT. 111 cough in her face. When painting, the rule is to paint from down up, because the patient will always gag; by beginning to paint at the bottom of the throat one can paint upward, bringing with one sweep the brush or cotton-stick out of the mouth. A roll of paper answers nicely for blowing powder into the throat; the paper roll is placed back in the throat with the powder inside, and is blown in by the nurse or is inspired by the patient. All instruments used in the throat must be very clean and warm, also be free from odor, so as not to nauseate the patient. The back part of the throat is connected with the Eustachian tube, which is about inches long, and passes from the ear to the back of the throat, and which in order to hear perfectly should be kept open; but when one has a cold in the throat the mucous mem- brane which lines the back of the throat and this little tube is swollen, and a temporary deafness results. Gargling the throat with very hot water is very bene- ficial when the soreness is first felt, and will very often prevent its extension. The nose also calls for special attention; its passages must be kept open and clean. We breathe through the nose, and by so doing the cold air becomes warmed in passing through the nasal cavities to the lungs, and dry air is moistened; but if we breathe through the mouth, as when the nostrils are inflamed, the cold air goes directly to the lungs, the mouth and throat become dry, and the throat becomes sore. Certain diseases of the nose call for special treatment and special directions. When spraying the nose it should be sprayed down on a level with the roof of the mouth, and not up to the roof of the nose; this mistake is often made. The patient must be instructed to close the mouth and draw the fluid into the throat, then to cough it out; if I 12 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. this is not done, the fluid will run out the nose as the spray is applied. Eye-drops.—To put a drop in the eye the patient should look up, the lower lid be drawn down, and the drop be put in with a dropper or a quill on the centre of the lower lid; it will then flow over the surface of the eye to the duct next the nose. A mistake often made is that of putting drops in the eye in the inner corner, next the nose. The interior of the eyelids and front of the eyeball are covered with a mucous membrane called the “ con- junctiva,” and in the orbit on the outer side of the eye- ball is a gland called the “ lachrymal gland,” which secretes the tears and keeps the eye moist. The tears pass over the surface of the eyeball, and those not used are carried off into the nose by a small canal called the “ lachrymal duct,” which passes down from the orbit into the nose. This secretion of tears is going on day and night, but we do not notice it until either the conjunctiva is irri- tated by a foreign body in the eye or by strong vapors, or when we are affected by strong emotional feelings of sor- row or of happiness, when the secretion of tears by the lachrymal gland exceeds the drainage-power of the duct and they overflow on the face. When we try not to cry the tears pass down through the duct to the nose, and pass out through the nose; then we get the “ blowing of the nose,” commonly thus called when people try not to cry. So we see that the gland which secretes the tears is at the outer part of the eye, and the duct which re- moves them from the eye is in the inner corner. It must now be clear why a drop should be put in the cen- tre of the lower lid, so that the solution will pass over the surface of the eye to the duct next the nose. THE PATIENT. IT3 Ointment should also be applied in the centre of the lower lid, either with a small spatula used for the pur- pose, with the handle of a small teaspoon, or with any- thing that has a smooth, flat, narrow surface. A medicine-dropper may be used to syringe the eye, which must be done from the inner to the outer corner. Syringing the ear must not be done with too much force or the drum-membrane may be ruptured. A foun- tain syringe (Fig. 27) is the best to use, as with it we get a continuous flow, and injec- tion of air into the ear is prevented; still, an ordinary Davidson syringe will answer if the nurse has not a fountain or a hard-rubber syringe. The necessary things for syringing the ear are a foun- tain or a hard-rubber syringe, a bowl for the water to be used (unless the nurse uses a fountain syringe), a bowl for the return flow, a towel for the patient’s shoulders, and one for the assistant. The syringe is filled, the air ex- pelled, and the tip of the ear is pulled backward and upward to straighten the canal, which is then syringed gently. The patient may hold the small bowl beneath the ear, but if not able an assistant will be necessary. Warm water is used for ordinary syringing. For an ear-douche to relieve inflammation the tempera- ture of the water is about ioo° F. The douche is continued for fifteen or twenty minutes, unless the patient should complain of dizziness, which is often due to the water being directed to one spot or to too much force being used. When syringing for the removal of discharge, the nozzle of the syringe should be moved around, directing Fig. 27.—Fountain syringe. 114 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. the stream against the sides of the auditory canal and not in the central axis. This procedure is also necessary when syringing to remove a hard collection of wax. By syringing thus the water will pass between the sides of the canal and the plug of wax, and, reaching the space behind, will bring out the wax with the return current. Many persons syringe their own ears, which operation is easily done if one has a fountain syringe. The head is held over a bowl; one hand is passed over the back of the head to hold the auricle and straighten out the canal, while the other hand directs the stream of water into the ear. An ear-bath, which may be of plain water or of water to which is added a small quantity of sodium is used to soften an accumulation of wax that cannot be removed by syringing. The head is laid on the unaf- fected side, the tip of the ear is pulled slightly backward and upward to straighten the auditory canal, and the ordered solution is poured into, and remains in, the ear about fifteen minutes, when the mass will be softened sufficiently to be removed by syringing. A piece of cotton should be worn in the ear for a while after the operation to prevent chilling. No liquids should be dropped into the ear without direct orders from a specialist. Laudanum, oil, glycerin, lard, and other applications that we hear of as ear-drops are all injurious, though they may alleviate the pain for the instant. Pain should be relieved by heat until an aural specialist can be consulted. The nurse is justified in putting oil into the ear only when it is invaded by an insect; then the oil must be warmed and poured in, and the insect will float to the top and fall out. If no oil is at hand, warm water will do—the insect will thus be THE PATIENT. 115 drowned. Beans and other things likely to swell with water must not be interfered with, but a surgeon should at once be consulted. The ears must not be picked with pins; the drum-membrane is often perforated through this habit. Before washing the patient’s head it is always well to put cotton in the ears, the ends of the pledgets having first been dipped in oil or in vaselin. If cotton alone is used, the water will soak through; but as water and oil do not mix, the water cannot get beyond the oil into the ears. II. NURSING IN OBSTETRIC CASES. Pregnancy: Signs and Symptoms.—The probable signs of pregnancy are—stoppage of menstruation, morn- ing sickness (though with some women this is entirely absent or may come on regularly every evening), en- largement of the abdomen at the end of the third month, a sense of weight and fulness in the breasts, and darken- ing of the skin around the nipples. Still, these symp- toms are uncertain. Nurses having experience in gyne- cologic wards know that the abdomen may be en- larged by a tumor, and that the blue color of the vagina may be due to dilatation of the veins, thus impeding the circulation, caused also by the presence of a tumor. Menstruation may cease from cold and from anemia; or a change of climate and of living will many times stop the menstrual flow for a few months, as will also an attack of any of the acute fevers, until the nervous sys- tem regains its normal condition. In some womb dis- eases the breasts have increased in size and contained milk, and the nausea and vomiting may be caused by some disease of the stomach. None of these symptoms, taken singly, is a positive sign of pregnancy. 116 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. The positive signs of pregnancy are the fetal pulse, which can be heard about the fifth month, and the fetal movements, which are felt between the fourth and fifth months. There are other signs, but they belong to the obstetrician. Duration of Pregnancy.—The average length of pregnancy is two hundred and eighty days—nine cal- endar months, or ten lunar months. Conception and Date of Confinement.—Conception may take place just before or very soon after a menstru- ation. We begin to count the probable date of confine- ment from the last menstruation. The way to date is to find out on what day the last menstruation began, count forward nine months or three months backward, and add five days, which is the probable duration of the men- struation ; when the date of the last menstruation is uncertain, add four and a half months to the date of quickening, which will give the probable date of confine- ment. There is always a possibility of a mistake, because conception may take place just before or soon after a men- strual period; that is, if conception did not occur soon after a menstruation, it probably took place just before the date of the next occurring period. (See Appendix.) As pregnancy advances the abdomen becomes larger (Fig. 28). About the fourth month the abdomen begins to enlarge, and the top of the womb can be felt at the brim of the pelvis; at the fifth month it is halfway to the navel; at the end of the sixth month it is on a level with the navel; at the seventh month it is between the navel and the point of the breast-bone; at the eighth month it is a little higher; and at the ninth month it gradually sinks into the abdomen, the pressure upon the organs within the chest is removed, and the woman breathes THE PATIENT. 117 easier, though pressure at the same time is now put upon the lower organs, and it is difficult for her to Fig. 28.—Abdominal enlargement of pregnancy, showing varying heights of the fundus marked in weeks (Schaefer). walk. At the end of nine months the child is fully developed and labor takes place. The Fetus.—The fetus receives its nourishment from the mother through the blood-vessels of the placenta, which, when fully formed, consists of two portions, a fetal and maternal. These two portions are connected 118 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. so closely that waste material from the child is carried to the mother, and nourishment from the mother is car- ried to the child very easily without there being any direct blood-communication between the mother and fetus; the blood is carried from the placenta to the fetus by the umbilical vein, and the two umbilical arteries carry the waste substance from the fetus to the mother. The umbilical cord is connected with the navel of the fetus and the placenta. When fully developed the cord is about 20 inches long, and is covered with a gelatinous substance called “ Wharton’s jelly,” which acts as a pro- tective. The cord contains two arteries and one vein. The arteries twist around the vein, which carries the blood from the placenta to the fetus, and it is returned by the arteries. After a while the fetus is enclosed in a membrane which gradually fills with what is called the “ amniotic fluid,” which is water containing albumin and other salts. In this bag of waters the child floats, it being thus preserved from all injury. The bag of waters at the beginning of labor acts also as a wedge to dilate the mouth of the womb, and when it is fully dilated the membranes give way and the waters escape. Fetal Movements.—The movements of the fetus are felt between the fourth and the fifth month, and they gen- erally occur two weeks later in a woman who has been pregnant before. The supposition that the child—or “ fetus,” as it is called while in the womb—has no life until between the fourth and the fifth month, when its movements are felt by the mother, is entirely wrong. The child is living from the moment of conception, but its movements are not felt because, up to the first four and a half months, the womb, which is not sensitive, is not large enough to come in contact with the inner sur- THE PATIENT 119 face of the abdominal wall, which is fully endowed with sensibility. Disorders of Pregnancy.—Some of the disorders which may arise during pregnancy are—nausea, vomit- ing, constipation, diarrhea, leucorrhea, retention or in- continence of urine, salivation, swelling of the veins of the legs and thighs, swelling of the external parts, heart- burn, neuralgia, etc. The constipation is due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the intestines. The diarrhea is caused by the constipation, as there is then the packed feces. Pressure on the bladder is the cause of the constant desire to urinate, as the pressure inter- feres with the distention of the bladder and there is little room for the urine to accumulate. The pressure of the enlarged womb on the nerves of the pelvis, which supply the stomach, causes the nausea and vomiting. This dis- order disappears about the fourth month, when the womb rises out of the pelvis into the abdomen, but may appear again during the last month, as then there is direct pres- sure on the stomach. The swelling of the limbs and external parts is due to the amount of pressure put upon some of the blood-vessels, thus causing distention of other blood-vessels. Convulsions during pregnancy may be hysterical or epileptic, though they are generally uremic, caused by a disease of the kidneys, owing to the waste material of the body, which is disposed of by them, being retained in the body. The urine should be watched carefully; the increase or decrease in its amount, and its paleness or deepness of color, etc., must be reported. The premon- itory symptoms which announce the convulsions in the majority of cases are — edema of the face, feet, and ankles, dull headache, dimness of vision, bright flashes 120 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. before the eyes, ringing in the ears, a confused condition of the mind, and the presence of albumin in the urine. The convulsions of pregnancy are treated in the same manner as uremic convulsions. Hemorrhage.—Should there be hemorrhage from the womb during pregnancy, the patient should be put to bed; the foot of the bed should be elevated and the head of the patient be lowered. The physician must then be sent for. The clots should be saved for the physician’s examination. Ergot should be given, and cold applied to the abdomen and the genitals. Termination of Pregnancy and Nurse’s Preparations for the Confinement.—We will now suppose that a nurse has been called to a confinement case. What is the first thing to be done ? She should find out if the patient is really in labor—if the pains are true pains or false pains. If false, the pains will be irregular and short; if true, they will be regular, first felt in the lower part of the back, and gradually increase to a certain intensity, then gradually subside. If the pains are the true labor-pains, the nurse should ask the patient at what time they began; if the membranes have ruptured, the physician should be notified. Preparation of the Patient.—The patient’s bowels should be emptied with soap-and-water enema, which will both clear the bowels and make labor easier by removing the fecal obstruction. If this is not done, the pressure put upon the rectum during the second stage will cause the bowels to empty of themselves, to the great annoy- ance of all in the room. A full bath is to be given if possible; if there is not time for the bath, the parts should be washed thor- oughly, and a corrosive-sublimate douche (about i : THE PATIENT. 121 5000) should be given. The hair of the patient should be braided in two braids. During the first stage she may be allowed to walk about; but if it is night-time, she may lie down and try to get a little sleep between the pains. Preparation of the Bed.—The nurse should prepare the bed as follows: A large rubber sheet should be tightly pinned over the mattress, and covered with a sheet and a draw-sheet tightly tucked under the mattress; over these should be placed another rubber sheet and a draw- sheet, which must be tightly pinned at the four corners, so as not to be pulled out of place. If rubber sheets are not at hand, one may use newspapers, which can be burned afterward. The patient’s napkins should be soaked in a solution (i : 1000) of corrosive sublimate, and when dry folded in a towel and so kept until needed. Accessory Preparatio?i.—Antiseptic pads can be made with cheese-cloth and common cotton-wool. The cheese-cloth is to be washed with soap and water, boiled, dried, and then cut it into as many pieces as the required number of pads (the number should be about thirty), each piece being about 16 inches square; into each piece is folded the cotton-wool, which should first be cut about 8 inches square; the cotton-wool is then doubled, which will make it 4 inches wide and 8 inches long, so that when the pad is made it will be 4 inches wide and 16 inches long. These pads are soaked thor- oughly in corrosive sublimate (1 : 1000), then dried, and kept in an antiseptic towel. When the pads are applied they should be pinned to the abdominal bandage back and front; when removed they must be burned. Prepa- rations should also be made for sterilizing the doctor’s aprons and instruments. Plenty of hot water should be at hand. 122 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Other things that will be needed are—a pail, a fountain or Davidson syringe, safety-pins, scissors, a glass cath- eter, vaselin, stimulants, a fan, ergot (fluid extract), cor- rosive tablets, carbolic acid (i : 20); a binder of stout cotton about ij yards long and from 16 to 18 inches wide; a basket for the baby if there is no crib (a clothes- basket, even a foot-tub, has been brought into use, lined with a blanket or comforter and provided with a pillow); a blanket or a receiver for the baby; clothing for the baby; boiled vinegar, ice, cold water, a minim-glass, an ounce graduate, a spoon, a feeder; a basin for the after- birth, basins for solutions for the hands ; a bed-pan, soap, towels, a nail-brush, a hypodermic syringe, some old soft linen (old handkerchiefs answer nicely), and very strong thread or fine string for tying the cord. The string should be cut into twelve lengths, each 12 inches long; these pieces are divided into threes, which will give three four-strand pieces, each four to be knotted together at both ends. This gives three separate lengths, which, with the scissors, must be put into carbolic solution, and placed ready for the physician when he needs them. A word of caution to the nurse before proceeding: she should be scrupulously clean—she cannot be too clean. Septic material is carried by unclean hands and dirty fin- ger-nails, by clothing, instruments, or anything that is used about the patient that is not perfectly clean and sterilized. Hands must be washed in antiseptic solution each time anything is done for the patient before and after delivery. After birth the womb is like one large wound; even the most minute portion of septic material will be absorbed, and may cost the patient her life. Labor.—In a normal labor the head is born first— “ head presentation,” as it is called—but there are other THE PATIENT. 123 presentations, such as breech, brow, face, etc. For this reason the nurse must never attempt to take the respon- sibility of the case alone. She is not justified in so doing, because in large cities and country places a phy- sician can always be called in time. She does not know what complications may exist, and by undertaking the case alone she might lose the lives of both mother and child. Neither is she justified in making an examination to ascertain the presentation without orders from the at- tending physician. Under no consideration should a nurse take a case if she has been near a contagious case (medical or surgi- cal), typhoid fever included, to say nothing of having attended one. Stages of Normal Labor.—Labor is divided into three stages : First stage, from the beginning of the pains to the dilatation of the mouth of the womb ; second stage, from the complete dilatation of the mouth of the womb to the birth of the child; third stage, from the birth of the child to the .birth of the placenta. First Stage.—The pains, which are caused by the con- traction of the muscles of the womb, are very severe, and they increase in intensity and duration as labor ad- vances. The first sign of labor is pain in the lower part of the back, which pain gradually comes forward to the front of the abdomen, extends down the thighs, and is of a bearing-down character. The pain at first is slight, but it increases until it reaches its height, then gradu- ally disappears. When the pain is at its height the mouth of the womb is stretched, and as the pain passes off it closes and the membranes recede. These pains at first occur regularly, about every twenty minutes or half hour, and this regularity helps to distinguish true labor- 124 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. pains from colic-pains, which are irregular. During the dilatation the mouth of the womb may be very slightly torn and the discharge of mucus be slightly tinged with blood; this is called the “ show.” When the dilatation has reached a certain extent the bag of waters breaks, and the physician must be notified. In this, the first stage, the patient may sit down or walk about, but she must be instructed not to bear down. Second Stage.—At the beginning of the second stage the nurse must put the patient to bed, roll up under the arms the night-dress and under-vest, fasten them with safety-pins, and pin a sheet around the waist, leav- ing it open at the right side. This arrangement will guard against exposure and keep the night-dress and under-vest clean. The nurse should remind the patient from time to time to urinate. Stimulants must not be given without the physician’s orders. When the pains come a roller-towel or a sheet may be tied around the foot of the bed, and the ends be given to the patient to pull upon. The stage of expulsion now begins: the pains change; they are stronger, are more frequent, and force the child out of the womb through the vagina. At the end of each pain the head of the child goes back, or “ retreats,” and the patient may think that something is wrong; but finally the head reaches a point where it does not retreat, and at last slips out. There is then a little rest, during which time the nurse can wipe the eyes of the child with a cloth wet with a weak solution of corrosive sublimate and cleanse its mouth. Another severe pain now comes, and the shoulders and the rest of the body are born, ac- companied with a rush of amniotic fluid and of blood from the placenta. This discharge may cause faintness THE PATIENT. 125 due to the blood leaving the brain, for, the pressure upon the abdominal organs being removed, the blood-vessels are dilated, and the blood rushes to them; there may also be a chill, owing to a certain amount of heat being taken away. The womb now contracts on the placenta and closes up its vessels, thus shutting off the supply of oxygen to the child. This causes the child to gasp, and respiration is started. Ether is sometimes given during the second stage to lessen or dull the pain. The cone, sprinkled with a small quantity of ether, is held over the mouth and nose when the pain begins, and taken off as the pain subsides. Third Stage.—After the birth of the child there is usually a rest of about fifteen or twenty minutes, when the pains begin again, and the after-birth and membranes are expelled. This is the third stage. When the child is born the womb contracts, and it can be felt like a round hard ball. The physician may ask the nurse to hold the womb; this is best done with the left hand. The abdomen is depressed so as to allow the womb to rest in the palm of the operator’s hand, the fingers being then behind and the thumb in front of the womb; in this way the womb is firmly grasped. After the phy- sician has tied and cut the cord he generally holds the womb until the placenta comes away; after the bed has been cleaned, he holds it again for about an hour. If the baby is all right, it is wrapped in the receiving blanket and put away and the nurse attends to the mother. After all is over the womb gradually decreases in size and returns to its normal condition, called involution, which usually takes from six to twelve weeks; but when involution does not take place, when the womb remains large and does not return to its normal shape, this 126 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. condition is called subinvoluiion, which may result in inflammation of the lining membrane of the womb. Duration of Labor.—The duration of an ordinary normal labor is from seventeen to twenty-four hours for a first child, but is less long for a second. The pains, as a rule, begin in the evening, the larger number of births taking place during the small hours of the morning. Conduct of Normal Labor.—Now, one may not always get a favorable state of affairs. The baby may be born before the physician comes, which accident is not uncommon with women who have borne children before. The patient should be put to bed on her left side; the perineum should be supported to prevent the head emerging too suddenly, which support will relieve the strain upon the perineum and lessen the danger of its being torn. This regulation of the expulsion is done by the nurse standing behind the patient at the left side of the bed and laying her right hand on the external genitals, which will bring the fingers on the left, the thumb on the right side, and the palm of the hand pressed against the perineum (Fig. 29). The head is to be pushed rather upward, so that the chin of the child will rest against its chest and relieve the strain on the perineum. When the head is born the nurse should see if the cord is wound around the child’s neck; if so, it should be slipped over the head from behind; if this is not done quickly, the circulation of blood in the cord will stop and the child will die. If there is a membrane over the child’s face, it must be Fig. 29.—Regulating expul- sion of the head with the fin- gers of one hand against the occiput. THE PATIENT. 127 torn immediately or the child will suffocate. This is known as being born with a veil or “ caul,” which is due to the child being born without rupture of the membranes. The eyes, nose, and mouth of the child must be cleared of mucus. The perineum must again be supported when the shoulders are being born, because it is stretched more than when the head passes through, and there is more danger of its being torn. Moreover, if it was slightly torn when the head was born, the tear may be made considerably larger. If the child does not cry and its mouth and nose are perfectly clear, it may be patted on the back with the hand or some stimulant may be rubbed on its back; if this does not make it cry, then the cord may be tied tightly in two places—the first ligature being inches from the child, and the sec- ond inches from the first—and cut between the two ligatures. The child should then be put first into hot and then into cold water, or artificial respiration may be practised by placing the child upon the bed with its back slightly arched by means of a folded towel or sheet. The nurse grasps a forearm in each hand, presses the arms lightly against the lower part of the chest to effect expiration, the arms are then slowly lifted above the head, which movement causes inspiration by raising the ribs and expanding the chest. These movements should be repeated ten times a minute. This is Sylvester’s method. Schultze’s method is also very good. The child is held by the upper arms and shoulders, with its back to the nurse. It is then swung upward with the head downward above the nurse’s head; the child is held in this position while the nurse counts five, when the first position is resumed. The first movement tends to ele- 128 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. vate the ribs, while in the second they are depressed. When the baby begins to breathe it must be wrapped in a warm blanket and be put in a warm place. We will now suppose that the birth has been perfectly normal and that the nurse is still alone. As soon as the baby is born the nurse should grasp the womb firmly with the left hand and keep it contracted. When the pulsation in the cord ceases she must tie and cut the cord. She should then wrap the child in the receiver, lay it away, and attend to the mother, having first wiped the hands of the child to prevent any substance on them being carried to the eyes. When the after-birth (placenta) is being expelled, the nurse can assist by pressing the womb evenly on all sides; as the placenta passes out, the nurse should turn it around so as to make a twist of the membranes, which procedure will prevent them from tearing and will bring them all away together. The placenta should be put in a basin and kept for the physician’s inspection, after which it can be burned or buried. The patient may be given a teaspoonful of the fluid extract of ergot, which will con- tract the blood-vessels of the womb and keep up the contraction, thereby preventing hemorrhage. When the womb is hard and firm the patient may hold it while the genitals are bathed with an antiseptic solution. The pa- tient is then turned on her side and her back bathed. The soiled sheet and rubber cloth are removed by folding one side as closely as possible up to the back of the patient; the binder is arranged on the bed, the farther end being rolled up and placed next the patient, so that when she is turned over on the other side she rests on the clean permanent bed and the binder. The soiled sheet and rubber are removed and the binder THE PATIENT. 129 straightened out. The nurse should keep up the con- tractions of the womb for about an hour longer, when it will be safe to pin the binder tightly about the hips, beginning at the bottom and working upward. The pin- ning should be done evenly, the pins being about inches apart. The binder may be fitted to the waist by taking in darts at the sides, and perineal straps may be applied to prevent it slipping up. The binder should extend from the hips to the waist-line. An antiseptic napkin should be laid over the genitals. The patient may be given a drink of milk or a cup of weak tea, which is generally preferred; when everything is quiet the patient will probably go to sleep. The nurse should move about the room quietly, keep out visitors, and, lastly, watch for hemorrhage. Management of the Puerperium.—The room should be kept bright and cheerful, the air fresh and pure. The nurse should keep a record of the temperature, pulse, respirations, sleep, amount of diet the patient takes, and the condition of the bladder, bowels, and lochia. The length of time that the patient remains in bed depends upon the amount of progress made and whether or not there is any blood in the lochia. The sitting up in bed will be gradual. Some physicians have the patient propped up in bed on the third day, though as a rule she does not leave her bed until the second week. The return to the customary mode of living is gradual. The period of lying-in is usually about four weeks. The patient must not be allowed to sit up in bed without the physician’s orders, because sitting up or excitement of any kind may bring on a hemorrhage. Catheterisation.—The nurse should see that the patient urinates six hours after labor; she should not wait for 130 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. the patient to express a desire to do so, but should remind her. There may at first be a little difficulty in urinating, but before passing the catheter the nurse should try any of the means usually resorted to in in- ducing the urine to flow—hot water in the bed-pan, the sound of running water from a faucet or a pitcher, or allowed to run down over the parts (cold water succeeds with some women), or hot cloths placed over the lower part of the abdomen; or the patient may turn over on her hands and knees: if these means fail, the nurse must then resort to the catheter. Lochia.—The lochia is the discharge which follows childbirth; for the first few days it is a bright red, which gradually becomes paler and paler until it is almost transparent, and finally ceases. The lochia may last two weeks or longer, the length of time differing with each patient. Any odor or departure from the normal must promptly be reported. Napkins.—The napkins must be changed during the first few days every three hours, taking care that they have previously been soaked in some antiseptic solution. If is very easy at this time, if strict antiseptic precautions are not used, for germs to enter the uterine cavity or peritoneum, the result being puerperal septicemia. The parts must be kept clean and must be washed with anti- septic solution three times a day. Douches must not be given without direct orders from the attending physician. Diet.—The diet should be liquid for the first twenty- four hours; after that there may be given soft, light, easily-digested food. The bozvcls must be moved by the third day. Temperature and Pulse.—The temperature may rise THE PATIENT. 131 slightly during the first twenty-four hours after child- birth ; then it should descend to normal, and so remain. A rise of temperature after childbirth may be due to constipation, exhaustion after labor, nervousness, or threatened abscess of the breasts ; or it may indicate sepsis. Should sepsis be indicated, other symptoms, such as decrease of the lochia, offensive odor from the discharges, and distention of the abdomen, will be pres- ent. The pulse may, on the contrary, be found very low, sometimes as low as 50 beats. A low pulse is not at all serious, but must be noted. After-pains are caused by the womb contracting, and they generally last four or five days. Nursing will often produce severe pains, because of the sympathetic rela- tion between the breast and uterus, and by putting the child to the breast involution is hastened. Lactation.—The child must be put to the breast six or eight hours after birth, after the mother has rested. The milk does not generally appear until the third day after delivery, but the breast contains a secretion called “ colostrum,” which acts as a laxative and clears the bowels of the child; putting the child to the breast early also teaches him to nurse and assists in forming the nip- ples. The breasts must be nursed alternately regularly every two hours during the day, and the nipples must be washed before and after each nursing with water to which a little borax has been added. If the nipples are soft and tender, they may be hardened by bathing them with equal parts of alcohol and water. Care of the Breasts.—If the breasts are sore and pain- ful, this condition must be reported to the physician: in the mean time the nurse may rub the breast with warm sweet oil and apply gentle massage, massaging from the 132 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. base toward the nipple. The pulse and temperature should be taken. A cracked nipple must promptly be attended to, the child nursing from the other breast; the nipple must be kept perfectly clean; the milk must be drawn from the sore-nipple breast with a breast-pump, and the breast massaged gently to relieve the tight feel- ing. The nipple usually heals after a rest of one or two days. The bowels must be kept open. If the milk- secretion is scanty, the mother’s diet should be a mixed one, milk entering very largely into its composition. Al- cohol, such as beer or porter, does not make milk, as is commonly supposed, but tends only to fatten the mother. Breast-bandage.—The breast-bandage most commonly used is made with three toilet napkins or with two pieces of muslin. The two napkins are pinned together to form a V, and are fastened to the middle of one end of the third napkin (Fig. 30) after the manner of the Y-bandage. The single napkin is passed across the back, which brings the V-shaped napkins directly to the side of the breast; these two napkins are carried across the chest, one below the breasts, the other above, and pinned to the free end of the napkin crossing the back. This bandage holds up the breasts. The muslin compress is arranged in exactly the same way, though only two pieces are needed (each folded and about 6 inches wide), one small piece to pass under the back, the second piece large enough to go twice across the chest in the shape of a double V (<>), and pinned to the ends of the small piece. If the baby is nursing, this bandage is left open ; if not, a pad of cotton is placed between the breasts, and the edges are pinned Fig. 30.—Y-bandage. THE PATIENT. 133 together with small safety-pins. Straps of muslin passed over the shoulders and pinned back and front will keep the bandage in position. Pathology of the Puerperium.—Some of the com- plications which may arise after childbirth are hemor- rhage, puerperal insanity, eclampsia, and phlegmasia dolens. Hemorrhages.—Hemorrhage after childbirth is called “ post-partum hemorrhage,” and is due to the womb re- laxing. The sympt07tis of post-partum hemorrhage are restlessness or tossing of the patient in bed, faintness, pallor, a demand for air, a sense of dizziness, shortness of breath, and a weak, rapid pulse. The restlessness alone should put the nurse on her guard and lead her to investigate. The nurse should put one hand on the abdomen and feel for the womb by pressing on the ab- domen ; if the womb is found, grasp and squeeze it hard, squeezing out the clots; the womb may not be found, owing to its relaxed condition, or it may be found large and firm, owing to the formation of a blood-clot which pre- vents the womb contracting and keeps the blood-vessels open. The nurse should call for assistance and send some one for the family physician. If he lives at a dis- tance, the nurse is justified in sending for the nearest physician. The assistant should be directed to elevate the foot of the bed (to send the blood back to the heart and brain) and to bring the basin of antiseptic solution, vinegar, gauze, or a clean handkerchief. The nurse should wash her free hand in the antiseptic solution and clean out the clots from the womb; then the gauze or handkerchief should be soaked in the vinegar, be carried well up into the uterine cavity, and squeezed. The vin- egar will flow back over the walls of the womb and the 134 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. vagina and cause the blood-vessels to contract. This treatment should be continued until the bleeding stops. Ergot may be given hypodermatically, injected either into the upper part of the thigh or the abdomen. A hot douche of water and vinegar, equal parts, its temperature being about Ii8° F. or 120° F., will also contract the blood-vessels. The nurse should see that the bladder is empty; she should also watch for collapse and give stimulants. Morphia grain) may be given to secure rest. Kneading of the womb must be kept up all the time with one hand. The application of ice is not ad- visable, because ice is not clean, and it may be the means of introducing septic material into the cavity of the womb. Vinegar is the best; it is an astringent, it can always be had, it is readily applied, and its action is generally very prompt. When the bleeding has stopped the kneading must still be continued until the womb is firm and small. The foot of the bed and the hips should be kept elevated, and the patient should not be left alone for a moment. This is one of the cases where prompt action, a calm and collected mind, and a steady hand are absolutely necessary. It is always a safe plan to have close at hand vinegar, very hot water, a syringe, and gauze or clean soft rags which have previously been sterilized in the oven for a number of hours after delivery, in case this accident should happen. The nurse is then prepared for prompt action, for it does not take long for a patient to bleed to death. Septicemia.—Puerperal septicemia is caused by neglect of antiseptic cleanliness on the part of the attendant (see p. 165). It begins with a chill or a continued chilly feel- ing, followed by a rise of temperature and accelerated THE PATIENT. 135 pulse, a bad odor from, and probably suppression of, the lochia, cold, clammy sweat, anxious expression, and dis- tention of the abdomen. The smallest rise of temper- ature should make the nurse watchful; she should notify the physician, move the patient’s bowels, give a vaginal douche of i : 5000 corrosive sublimate, and apply tur- pentine fomentations to the abdomen. The patient should be stimulated if necessary. Insanity.—The treatment of puerperal insanity or mel- ancholia lies in keeping the patient perfectly quiet and preventing her from harming herself. The air of the room must be kept fresh and pure; the patient’s strength supported with nourishing food; baths may be given to promote activity of the skin; the bowels must be kept open ; and any article or any person that tends to excite the patient must be removed from her sight. The baby is taken from the breast when the symptoms first appear, and must be taken from the room. Bed-sores must be guarded against, and a strict watch must be kept over the patient; if allowed to be up and around, she must not be permitted to go out of the nurse’s sight. With a little tact the nurse can manage this surveillance without letting the patient think that she is being watched. The causes of puerperal insanity are many, and a good recovery depends chiefly upon the nursing. Eclampsia (Convulsions).—In event of convulsions the nurse must send at once for the attending physician, and put something in the mouth of the patient to prevent her biting her tongue. A hot pack or a vapor-bath may be given, and ice be applied to the head. Morphia grain) will stimulate the heart’s action, induce perspira- tion, and quiet the patient. Phlegmasia Dolens.—Phlegmasia dolens, or milk-leg, is 136 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. due to a blood-clot forming in a vein. There is swelling of the affected limb and pain, and its surface is white and drawn. The disease may be ushered in with a chill or a chilly feeling and a rise of temperature and pulse. The patient must be kept on her back, and the limb be ele- vated and kept warm by wrapping it in cotton-wool. Recovery takes place with the absorption of the clot. Thrombosis.—Thrombosis is a clot of blood in a vein obstructing the circulation. It is generally caused by the patient walking, or even standing, too soon after an illness. Clotting may also take place after childbirth. There is swelling of the part, which swelling goes down as the clot is absorbed. But if absorption does not take place, if the clot is swept onward in the circulation of the blood to the right side of the heart, sudden death results from the obstruction of the pulmonary artery. This clotting is called embolism. Extra-uterine Pregnancy.—Extra-uterine pregnancy is development of the ovum outside the womb, either in the Fallopian tube, the ovary, or the abdominal cavity, but generally in the Fallopian tube. As the ovum grows the walls of the tube become very weak and thin, until at last, about the fifth, eighth, or twelfth week, they rup- ture. There is then sudden pain in the affected side, together with all the symptoms of internal hemorrhage and collapse. Cesarean Section.—Cesarean section is the removal of the child from the womb by abdominal incision. This operation is performed to save the life of the child should it be living after the death of the mother, or in case there is some pelvic deformity or tumors complicating natural delivery. THE PATIENT. 137 III. NURSING IN GYNECOLOGIC CASES. Preparation for Gynecologic Examination.—To pre- pare a patient for examination the genital parts should be cleansed and the bladder and bowels be emptied. The womb lies between the bladder and the rectum, and the distention of either of these organs will alter the position of the womb. A douche must not be given before an examination, because the surgeon will want to see the character of the discharge. All bands around the waist and the corset must be loosened; a single tight band around the waist will crowd down the contents of the abdomen and displace the uterus. Around the patient is thrown a sheet, beneath which she can raise her clothing above the waist, and then step upon a chair and thence to the edge of the operating-table without there being the slightest exposure. For the examination there is needed a small table cov- ered with a shawl, a rug, and a comfortable or blanket; over these a sheet is spread and a pillow is placed for the patient’s head. There should be at hand a sheet to cover the patient; a chair by the table for her to step upon ; a table, covered with a towel, on which are placed two bowls, one containing corrosive-sublimate solution (i : 1000), and the other containing warm water; a piece of soap (castile) or vaselin ; and towels. Positions for Examination.—The four positions for examinations, and also for operations, are the dorsal, the Sims, the knee-chest, and the upright. Dorsal Position.—The patient lies upon her back with the knees drawn up and separated; the hips are brought down near the edge of the table, leaving sufficient room 133 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. for the heels to rest together comfortably, 8 or 10 inches apart, without slipping from the table. The clothing is pushed above the knees and the sheet hangs in front, Fig. 31.—Dorsal position, with patient arranged for examination (Codman and Shurtleff). completely covering the patient’s legs and avoiding all exposure (Fig. 31). Sims Position.—In the Sims position (Figs. 32, 33) the patient lies on the left side of her chest, with her head and left cheek resting on a low pillow, and the left arm is drawn behind the body or hangs over the edge of the table. The hips are brought down to the left-hand cor- ner of the table, so that her body lies diagonally across it, the head and shoulders being at the right-hand side, with the right hand and arm hanging over the table edge. The thighs are flexed upon the body, the right knee being so bent that it lies just above the left, and the THE PATIENT. 139 feet rest upon a board extending from the right-hand corner of the table (Fig. 32). The patient is covered with a sheet, and the buttocks are covered with two towels, one to cover each side, their upper ends being tucked under the clothing, the lower ends being tucked between and under the legs, thus simply exposing the entrance to the vagina (Fig. 33) This position is one in which a practical illus- tration is needed before one can fully understand how to place the patient, and also how to arrange the towels. The Sims position causes the vagina to be filled with air and places the mouth of the womb within easy reach, so that it can more clearly be seen. Knee-chest Position.—In the knee-chest position (Fig. 34) the patient first kneels on the edge of the table, then bends forward and rests her chest on a low pillow, her head lying just beyond, so that her back slopes down evenly, her arms clasping the sides of the table. The clothing is drawn above the waist, and the patient is covered with a sheet. In this position the abdominal organs are thrown down toward the diaphragm; the air enters the vagina and balloons it out, so to speak, so that there is an unobstructed view of the canal and the cervix. Fig. 32.—Sims’s position for tamponing and curetting Dickinson). 140 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Upright Position.—In the upright position the clothing of the patient is drawn up, and around the waist is pinned Fig. 33.—Arrangement of the towels for examination with patient in the Sims position. a sheet extending to the floor. The patient stands with limbs separated, one foot resting on a stool or the rung of a chair. Fig. 34.—Knee-chest position. Preparation for Operation.—For gynecologic opera- tions the nurse makes her preparations in the same THE PATIENT. 141 manner as for abdominal operations, using the same antiseptic precautions. In an emergency, when a slight operation is to be performed with the patient in bed, there will be needed a table or a chair covered with a Fig. 35.—Table equipped with basins, brushes, antiseptics, etc. for the physician’s use (Dickinson). sterilized towel or sheet for the instrument-tray, bowls, hot and cold water, a fountain syringe filled with cor- rosive-sublimate solution (i : 3000) and a wide board or an ironing-board for insertion between the mat- tress and sheet (thus making a hard surface for the 142 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. patient to lie upon), a chair for the surgeon, soap, and a nail-brush. A piece of rubber cloth, or oilcloth, or newspapers will serve for the pad. The material used is folded at the top and sides, covered with a towel, and the unfolded end draped into a pail or a wash-tub. When the patient is etherized the bed is turned toward the window to afford the surgeon a good light—the northern light if possible. A bay window must be avoided, because it gives cross lights The limbs are flexed, the hips are brought down to the edge of the bed, and the pad is placed under them, so that the water used in bathing the external parts is conducted by the cloth into the pail or the tub. When holding the patient’s limbs the nurse should let the heel of one foot rest in the palm of her hand; the knee of Fig. 36.—Arrangement of towels for examination, showing introduction of the specu- lum with patient in the Sims position. the patient will then rest against the chest of the nurse, whose free hand is passed over and holds the other limb in position at the knee. If the patient is in the Sims position and the nurse is asked to hold the specu- THE PATIENT. H3 lum, it should be held with her right hand in the exact position in which the surgeon has placed it (Fig. 36), her left hand, being passed over the patient’s thigh, should raise the right buttock. After-care.—The after-care of gynecologic cases lies mainly in procuring absolute rest and quiet. The pa- tient must see no visitors without permission from the surgeon. The limbs are generally tied together for the first few days, especially after an operation on the perineum or the womb, to prevent the perineal stitches (sutures) being broken in case the patient should toss about. The genital parts must be kept perfectly clean, and strict antisepsis must be observed, as septic material readily finds access. After passing the catheter the nurse should be careful that when removing it the urine does not drop on the stitches; the parts are afterward sprayed with the ordered solution and dried. When giving douches the nurse must insert the tube carefully and away from the stitches, and after the douche is over she should softly wipe the vulva dry with sterilized gauze or cotton. The same care must be used when giving enemas, so that the rectal and vaginal stitches are not broken by the tube. The patient must be instructed not to strain when the bowels are being moved, or the stitches may break. If the uterus is packed with gauze, the pulse and temperature are taken every two hours; should the temperature rise to ioi° F.,the pack- ing is removed. Diet.—The diet is liquid until after the third day, when the bowels will have been moved; then, if all is well, the amount of food is increased. Vaginal Tampons.—A vaginal tampon is made of 144 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. absorbent cotton, lamb’s wool or gauze, and is about 7 inches long, ij inches wide, and \ inch thick, folded and tied in the middle with strong white thread or fine twine, leaving long ends with which to remove the tam- pon. The kite-tail tampon is made by fastening several of these pieces of cotton to a piece of thread about 2 inches apart. When the tampon is made the pledgets of cotton are soaked thoroughly in water, then in gly- cerin, after which they are put away; or they may be sterilized and the tampon put away in an aseptic glass jar. Vaginal Dressings.—Vaginal dressings are made of strips of absorbent cotton, lambs’ wool, or gauze (three thicknesses), i|- inches in length and width. They are prepared for use in the same way as the tampons. Each surgeon has his favorite dressings, and after see- ing a dressing done once the nurse should know what to prepare for him the next time. IV. DUTIES OF THE NURSE IN GENERAL SURGICAL CASES. We will now consider the preparations for an opera- tion, and the care of the patient before, during, and after operation. Preparation of the Operating-room.—The directions for the preparation for an operation will be given by the surgeon in charge. In some houses the nurse may have a separate room, or even the kitchen, for the operating-room, while in others she will have to pre- pare part of the patient’s bed-room. In the latter case the brightest end of the room should be prepared for the operation, to afford the surgeons plenty of light. A screen must be put up before the bed, so that the patient THE PATIENT. 145 will not see the preparations; some patients, however, will take a great interest in all that is going on, while others will be exceedingly nervous. The nurse should remove from the room all movable furniture; lay oil- cloth, or newspapers covered with a sheet, over and pin securely to the carpet, and across the window fasten a curtain or newspapers, so that the operation cannot be viewed from the opposite side of the street. The re- maining furniture and window-frames should be washed with carbolic-acid solution (i : 20), and on the morning of the operation should be dusted with a cloth wrung out of the solution. The things necessary for the opera- tion can be placed on the operating-table, covered with a sheet, and be left outside the room until the patient is partly etherized, when they may be carried in. If a separate room may be had, one with a northern light is to be preferred, and, if possible, it should be far away from the bath-room for aseptic reasons. All un- necessary furniture being removed, the hangings must be taken down, the room thoroughly swept, and the walls and remaining furniture washed with carbolic-acid solu- tion (1 : 20) and exposed to the action of the sun and air for about twelve hours, when the windows are to be closed, the room thoroughly dusted with a damp cloth, and not again disturbed. The kitchen makes the best operating-room; it is warm, hot and cold water is close at hand, and one is not afraid of soiling carpets or hangings. Operating-table.—The operating-table should not be wider than 25 inches, nor higher than 37 inches, because if low and wide the surgeons will have to stoop and bend forward. A kitchen table or a dining-room table with the leaves let down, and a small table at one end 146 PRACTICAL r01 NTS IN NURSING. for the patient’s head, will make a good narrow ope- rating-table; or three chairs, with two planks, a leaf from an extension table, or an ironing-board laid across them, may suffice. The table may be covered with rubber cloth, oilcloth, or even with newspapers, two sheets, and a blanket. A word of caution here: the nurse should not use any old blanket or comfortable to cover the operating-table; it may be filled with germs, which must be avoided. Two wooden chairs should be at hand in case the Trendelenburg position is necessary, and two wooden boxes for the surgeons to stand upon when using this position. Preparations for the Operation.—The evening be- fore the operation the nurse should boil a wash-boiler full of water and set it in covered pitchers to cool, the wash-boiler and pitchers having first been made thor- oughly aseptic. On the morning of the operation the nurse should sterilize in the boiler or in an oven six sheets, two blankets, twelve towels, and twelve sponges. She should not take the best towels in the house, because they are spoiled by the solutions and the blood. There will be needed six bowls, which may be of agate-ware or be the ordinary bed-room china bowls—one for per- manganate of potash, one for oxalic acid, one for steril- ized hot water, one for corrosive sublimate, one for the surgeons’ hands, and one for the vomit. If there are no pails for the sponges, the hot and cold water may be carried in the bed-room toilet pitchers. After the hands have been made aseptic and the part washed the perman- ganate and oxalic acid can be disposed of and the bowls be used for the sponges. Two tables will be needed— THE PATIENT. 147 one for the instruments, the other for the assistant—which can be improvised in the same way as was done for the operating-table (p. 146), and covered with sheets or towels. There will also be needed a pail or a wash-tub for the soiled water, a tin dish or a flat bake-pan for the instru- ments, brandy, a hypodermic syringe (which must be placed in a bowl containing carbolic-acid 1 : 20 solution), and the syringe be filled with the solution, strychnia tab- lets grain), a small tumbler, a Davidson or a fountain syringe, common table-salt for salt-solution, sheet-wad- ding, absorbent cotton, bandages, sterilized gauze, safety- pins, rubber tubing for a tourniquet, two new nail-brushes, castile soap, green soap, a razor, hot-water bottles, two blankets, alcohol, matches, and twelve gauze sponges of various sizes—three 2 inches square, three 4 inches square, three 6 inches square, and three 8 inches square. Sterilization.—Sterilization may either be dry or moist; moist heat is preferable, because it is more thorough and more penetrating than dry heat. For dry sterilization the clothing and dressings are placed in covered tin pans in the oven, the temperature ranging from 160° to 212° F. For moist or steam sterilization an ordinary wash-boiler is used. Water is poured in to the depth of about 6 inches; sticks or bricks, placed crosswise, are built up above the level of the water, and upon them rest the clothing and dressings. For both these methods the heat must be continued for fully one hour before the operation. The instru- ments are wrapped in a towel and allowed to boil for ten minutes in a tin pail or a kettle of boiling water to which has been added 2 teaspoonsful of washing-soda to each pint of water, to prevent them from rusting. There must be left hanging out of the kettle one end 148 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. of the towel, by which to lift out the instruments. The water must boil some time before the instruments are placed in it. Operative Position.—The most popular position for ab- Fig. 37.—Improvised Trendelenburg apparatus by means of a chair laid on its face on the bed (Dickinson). dominal operations is the Trendelenburg (Fig. 37). This position is one in which the knees of the patient are con- siderably higher than the head, the body slanting upward from the shoulders; the intestines are thus thrown down THE PATIENT. 149 toward the diaphragm, giving the surgeon a clear view of the pelvic organs. In the absence of a Trendelenburg table the position can readily be obtained by raising the lower end of the operating-table and placing chairs or boxes under its feet; or a wooden chair or a high box can be secured to the operating-table and covered with sterilized sheets. Preparation of Patient.—If the nurse has from twenty-four to thirty-six hours in which to prepare the patient for operation, she should give the patient, the day before the operation, a full bath and a cathartic of either castor oil, citrate of magnesia, salts, or compound lico- rice powder. The diet must be nourishing and light. Milk should not be given before an abdominal operation, because the stomach does not digest it thoroughly, and its curds may remain in the intestines and act as an irri- tant. Gruel is best given; it is nourishing and easily digested. The part to be operated on must be shaved (if the patient is very nervous it is generally well to leave this operation until she is partly etherized). After the shaving, the part is thoroughly cleansed with soap and water and a nail-brush, then with ether, which removes all oily and fatty substances, then with warm corrosive-sublimate so- lution (i : 1000), after which cleansing a pad of sterilized gauze, absorbent cotton, or a towel is wrung out of the solution, applied over the part, and held in place with a sterilized bandage and perineal straps. This pad is not removed until the surgeon is ready to operate. The patient must be instructed not to put her fingers under- neath the dressing or to disturb it in any way. No definite rules can be laid down for the surgical bath, as surgeons differ in their method of preparing 150 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. patients for operation. The bath may be given in the manner just described, while some surgeons will direct the application of a poultice of green soap, which is re- moved early on the morning of the operation, the part being scrubbed with hot water and a brush to remove the soap, and a warm corrosive-sublimate poultice (i : 1000) applied. On the morning of the operation the patient should be given a simple enema to clear the bowels, and a sponge-bath; the nurse should then put on the patient a clean under-vest, night-gown, and stockings, and braid the hair in two braids; she should also remove from the patient all rings and ear-rings; also false teeth, whether a whole or a partial set, as there is danger of their being swallowed, and put them away in a tumbler of cold water. Two hours before the operation the patient should be given a stimulating enema of whisky (i ounce) and warm water (2 ounces). This enema is to be fol- lowed in one hour with atropia of a grain), which acts as a sedative and lessens the irritability of the stom- ach caused by the ether; it also lessens the secretions of the mouth and throat and prevents the throat filling up with phlegm. Both these stimulants should be given by enema, because if given by the mouth they might stay in the stomach unabsorbed, and the patient would vomit them when under ether. No food must be given after midnight, unless the operation is to be performed late in the day—about noon-time or in the afternoon—in which case the patient may have, six hours before, beef-tea, gruel, or coffee. Milk should not be given, as it is very apt to curdle and stay in the stomach, and, should the patient vomit while under ether, the curds may get into the larynx and trachea and choking result. The cath- THE PATIENT. i51 eter should be passed before etherization if the operation is abdominal, even if the patient has urinated a few min- utes before, and the nurse should be sure that the blad- der is empty. Special operations, abdominal and gynecologic, call for special directions, which will be given by the surgeon in charge. Duties of the Nurse in Emergency Cases.—We will consider the preparation for an emergency operation in a very poor family, where there are no conveniences. We will presume the case to be one of appendicitis, and that the nurse has been called in the night. While the sur- geon is making his examination of the patient the nurse should start a fire and put on the wash-boiler, to make sure of plenty of boiling water; she should then get six sheets and twelve towels, if possible. There may be no clean towels, and the nurse will have to wash some dirty ones. After being washed clean they can be placed in a tin pan, boiling water poured over, and allowed to re- main in the water a few minutes, when they are wrung out and placed in corrosive-sublimate solution (i : 1000) until the surgeon is ready to use them. The kitchen should be rendered as clean as possible. The kitchen table should be prepared for the operating- table, and there should be procured two small tables for the instrument-tray and the sponges. If small tables cannot be had, chairs covered with a corrosive sheet or towels will do. If there is no gas-light, the nurse should get as many lamps as she can, and arrange them near the surgeon, but not too near the ether, be- cause ether is inflammable. The instruments are to be wrapped in a towel and boiled for ten minutes in a kettle of boiling water to which has been added two tea- 152 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. spoonsful of washing-soda to the pint of water, to prevent rusting. There must be left hanging out of the kettle one end of the towel, by which to lift out the instruments. After the surgeon has made the examination the part must be shaved, washed, and a corrosive towel applied; an enema should be given to clear the bowels, also a stimulating enema, and the urine should be drawn. While the patient is being etherized the nurse may arrange the tables and wash a flat bake- or meat-pan for the instruments. If sponges have been forgotten, a clean sheet can be tom up and folded into flat sponges. China basins can be used for the antiseptics, the sponges, and the surgeon’s hands; china pitchers for hot and cold water; a wash-tub for the soiled water; and hot bricks or beer-bottles for heaters. No matter how poor the family, the kitchen can be cleaned and prepared as an operating-room in a few minutes. Boiling water kills germs on contact, and where there are no means of sterilizing the sheets and towels, they can be soaked first in boiling water and afterward in corrosive-subli- mate solution (i : 1000). Anesthesia.—Ether.—A few words about the giving of ether, which duty may sometimes fall to the nurse, especially in emergency cases. Unless unavoidable, ether or chloroform must be never given on a full stomach, because the patient may vomit, and particles of food may lodge in the larynx and trachea and result in strangula- tion. The bladder and bowels must always be emptied, or they may act involuntarily. An ether cone is made by folding a newspaper, or a straw cuff may be shaped to fit over the nose and mouth, a stiff towel being folded around and secured with safety-pins, and a clean hand- kerchief or piece of cotton placed inside. THE PATIENT. 153 Absolute silence must be maintained while the ether is being administered, as any conversation may be heard by the patient. Whatever is said by the patient when going under ether or coming out must be kept abso- lutely secret. Care must also be taken when the patient is coming out of ether that the operation is not dis- cussed. Many patients have been made miserable through carelessness on this point; for, while they could hear everything that was said by the nurses, they were totally unable to make any sign by which the nurses would know that they could hear. Death from ether is slow—by paralysis of the respiration—the signs of dan- ger being a blue and livid color of the skin, the respira- tions being low, shallow, and gasping. Ether affects people differently, and no definite rules can be laid down. Ether should be given slowly; in other words, the cone should not be filled with ether and put over the face, entirely smothering the patient. The nurse should show the patient how to inhale it, slowly and deeply, and also instruct the patient to close the eyes, because ether is an irritant to the eyes. About 2 tea- spoonsful of ether are poured into the cone, which the nurse should hold a little distance from the patient’s face, and as she becomes accustomed to the ether and under its influence the cone may be brought nearer; the stran- gling sensation of which so many patients complain is then in a measure avoided. Ether generally first pro- duces choking and coughing, followed by excitement; this is followed by the muscles becoming rigid, the face blue, and the breathing stertorous or snoring; this stage passes away, the muscles become relaxed, and the patient is in a state of insensibility. The lower jaw must be kept forward by placing the 154 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. thumbs behind the angles of the jaw. Pushing the jaw forward and upward, which brings the upper behind the under teeth, prevents the tongue slipping back and ob- structing the larynx, and gives free access of air to the lungs (Fig. 38). Should the tongue slip back, it may be pulled forward with the fingers or with a pair of forceps. Fre- quent inspirations of fresh air should be given. When com- pletely etherized only a small quantity of the drug is needed to keep the patient under its influence. The mucus should be wiped from the patient’s mouth. The pupils should re- main contracted all through etherization, and dilate when the patient is coming out of ether. If the pupils are dilated during etherization, the patient is over-etherized, and they remain dilated until the muscles of the eyes regain their tone, when they contract. The sudden di- latation of the pupils is generally a sign of imminent death. It is very important for the nurse to watch carefully the respirations, because ether kills by suffoca- tion, the heart usually beating long after the respirations have ceased. The nurse should speak out if the pulse is growing rapid, feeble, irregular, or intermittent; if the respirations are becoming low, rapid, or gasping; if the face is becoming pale or blue, or the pupils are grad- ually dilating. If the patient seems inclined to vomit, the ether should be pushed, which will generally ward it off; should she Fifi. 38.—Method of pushing the lower jaw forward to prevent obstruction to breathing. THE PATIENT. 155 vomit, her head should be turned to one side, to allow the matter more easily to escape from the mouth. One will see from the above that the giving of ether requires the undivided attention of the etherizer; no one can ether- ize and see the operation at the same time. Nausea and vomiting after ether may continue for two or three hours or longer. Should it persist until the following day, it may be due to shock or to some cause other than ether. Very hot water will often check vomiting, or crushed ice, black coffee, small doses of brandy, champagne and ice, or aromatic spirits of ammonia. Cocain, grain every two hours for five doses, has been successful in severe cases; also a mustard plaster over the stomach and the washing out of the stomach. Patients who take chloroform do not suffer from nausea so much as do those who take ether. In etherizing young children it is best to put them on the back and at once place the ether-cone over the mouth and nose without temporizing. If their pleadings to have the cone taken away are listened to—and they are hard to resist—their agony will only be prolonged and the operation delayed. Children are quickly etherized, and very rapidly recover from the influence of the ether. Chloroform is similar in its action to that of ether; it is pleasanter to take, and the patient is under its influence quicker, though it is more depressing on the heart than ether, and for this reason the patient is not allowed to rise until all effects have passed off. To give chloro- form, a few drops may be sprinkled on a handkerchief, a towel, or a small wire framework covered with flan- nel, or the drops may be sprinkled on a piece of absorb- ent cotton placed in a tumbler, which is held a little dis- tance from the patient’s face. The same symptoms are 156 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. to be watched for as those in ether. Death from chlo- roform is almost always sudden, from paralysis of the heart: the pupils become dilated, the face becomes pale, and the pulse becomes flickering. Nurse’s Duties in Operating-room.—The duties of the nurse in the operating-room are the same for all operations. Her dress must be of cotton goods, the sleeves being made to roll up above the elbows. Both dress and apron must be fresh for the operation. On first going to the operating-room the hands and forearms of the nurse are to be washed and scrubbed thoroughly for ten minutes, and the finger-nails thor- oughly cleaned, thus removing the germs from the hands. The hands are then rendered absolutely sterile by putting them first into a saturated solution of per- manganate of potash until they are of a deep-brown color from the tips of the fingers to the elbow, then into a hot saturated solution of oxalic acid until all the permanganate stain has been removed; they are then washed in sterilized hot water, and finally are soaked for three minutes in a solution of corrosive sublimate (i : 500), which reaches the corners and crevices in the fin- ger-nails that cannot be reached by the brush. Some surgeons prefer ether and alcohol to cleanse the skin. After the hands have thoroughly been scrubbed in hot soap-suds and the finger-nails cleaned, the hands are washed in ether, which removes from the skin all oily and fatty substances; they are next washed in pure alcohol for one minute, and finally soaked for three min- utes in a solution of corrosive sublimate (1 : 1000). The patient’s skin is cleansed in the same manner with ether, alcohol, and the sublimate solution. The nurse next puts on a sterilized gown. If there THE PATIENT. lS 7 are no gowns—as in an emergency case, for instance— three sterilized sheets (see p. 15 i) will answer for gowns for surgeon, assistant, and nurse. The nurse now puts her hands again through the different solutions, and stands ready to get anything that may be called for. After making her hands aseptic the nurse should not touch her hair, her face, a door-knob, or anything that has not been made aseptic. If any article falls to the floor, it must not be picked up unless it is an instrument that the surgeon will need; then it must be boiled in a small pan which should be in the room in case this acci- dent happens. If a sponge falls, the nurse should move it with her foot to a position where it can be seen. The assistant will always tell a nurse when he wants fresh water for sponges ; on no account must she take the pail without his knowledge. If she is asked to do anything that she does not understand, she should so inform the surgeon, who will always be perfectly willing to make the duty clear. The pails, bowls, and pitchers, and the tray for instru- ments must be washed inside and out, and filled with sterilized hot water, which is conveyed from the boiler to the pail by means of a perfectly clean pitcher or a tin ladle. The pads and rubbers to be used, also the ope- rating-table (the patient is generally etherized in bed), must be thoroughly washed with the corrosive-sublimate solution (1 : 1000). If the nurse is to wash the sponges, she should first make her hands aseptic, then count the sponges as she puts them into the pail of water, the surgeon counting them at the same time. She must be on the alert in case a fresh sponge or a sponge of a certain size is sud- denly called for; she should then take the soiled sponge i5« PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. from the surgeon with her left hand and give him the fresh sponge with her right. She should not, while wait- ing to hand a fresh sponge, rest her hands or forearms on the pail; and if she has to stop to get something for the surgeon or to get fresh water, her hands must again be washed in the antiseptics before touching the sponges. If she is to sponge the wound, she should wipe swiftly and firmly. She should count the sponges before the surgeon begins to sew up the wound, and should be very sure that she has the exact number employed in the operation. Arranging the Patient for Operation.—When the patient is brought into the operating-room and placed on the table, the clothes must be removed from the part to be operated upon, to prevent their getting soiled. If the part to be operated upon is the head or the chest, the night-gown must be pushed well down under the shoul- ders ; if it is a breast, an arm, or a leg, the gown should be opened down the front and be pushed to the opposite side; if it is the abdomen, the gown and under-vest must be brought well up under the shoulders and the under-vest be turned up so as to hold the arms in posi- tion across the chest. Sterilized blankets are tucked about the chest and the feet, the bandage and pad are removed from the part, and the latter is again thoroughly cleansed with soap and water and disinfectants. Sterilized sheets and towels are then arranged about the part. A table for the in- strument-tray is placed at the surgeon’s right side, also a chair or table on which is placed a pail or bowl of water for his hands. A table for the pails or bowls for sponges is placed at the opposite side of the table, at the assistant’s right hand, and the operation is begun. THE PATIENT. 159 After-care of Patient.—Just before the wound is closed the soiled towels are removed and replaced by fresh ones. After the dressing has been applied the patient is raised, wiped perfectly dry, a bandage put on, and is then carried to the bed, which has previously been prepared and heated with heaters well covered to pre- vent burning the patient. A towel should be placed under the chin of the patient in case she should vomit, and a small basin should be at hand, but not where she can see it on first returning to consciousness. The pa- tient should not be left until she is well out of the ether. If there is a member of the family not afraid of the sight of blood, the nurse may ask her to assist in cleaning up the room. Sequelae of Operation.—Shock.—After an operation the nurse must watch for two things—shock and hemor- rhage. Shock is great depression of the vital organs of the body produced through the nervous system, brought on by injury or surgical operation. The greater the in- jury and the longer the anesthesia, the greater the shock. The nearer the operation is to the trunk, the greater the shock. An operation on the abdomen or the amputation of a thigh is more severe and the shock is greater than operations on remote parts—a finger or a toe, for in- stance—because they are farther away from the heart and the nerve-centres. Mental shocks, such as sudden joy, grief, or fright, may be as severe as those of the body. Age modifies shock. In old people shock is usually more severe and prolonged, especially if there is any organic disease. Children recover readily from shock if there has been very little loss of blood. Invalids and individuals used to suffering stand shock better than those whose nervous 160 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. system is in a high degree of activity. Shock is modi- fied by mental conditions; it is aggravated by fear, de- spondency, or depressed mental conditions of any kind, while it is diminished by cheerfulness, hope, joy, etc. Two very important points to be remembered in case of shock and of hemorrhage are the temperature and the condition of the patient’s mind. In shock the tem- perature at first is normal or very little below normal, and the senses are dull in proportion to the degree of shock present; in hemorrhage the temperature is sub- normal and the mind is bright, keen, alert, and there is an anxious expression on the face, anticipating danger. - The symptoms of shock are a weak, rapid, and irregu- lar pulse; sighing; rapid, irregular, shallow respiration ; temperature normal or very little below; pale face with a pinched look; cold, clammy skin; the mind dull. There may be involuntary movements of the bowels and urine through loss of muscular power; nausea and vomiting. The treatment of shock consists in lowering the patient’s head and elevating the foot of the bed, to send the blood to the heart and brain; in applying heat to all parts of the body—the sides, between the legs, and to the feet, and a mustard plaster over the heart; in administering stimulants of whisky, brandy, or pure alcohol hypoder- matically; in giving hot coffee or salt-solution by the rectum and very high up. An enema of ounce of tur- pentine, a raw egg well beaten up, and 3 ounces of warm water is a powerful stimulant. It must be remembered that in severe shock the func- tion of absorption of the stomach and intestines is almost wholly suspended, and anything given by the rectum must be given very high up. When the respiration of THE PATIENT. 161 the patient is fast failing, everything depends on main- taining the heart’s action. To this end artificial respira- tion must be persistently practised. When the depres- sion is deepened by hemorrhage, transfusion must be resorted to. External heat is the most powerful of all heart-stimulants, and often when the heart’s action threatens to fail it may often be restored by heat over the heart and by hot fluids taken into the stomach. Strychnia is a powerful heart-stimulant, and, if at hand, grain should be given every half hour for four doses. Tincture of digitalis in 15-minim doses may be given every half hour for four doses. Ether alone, or mixed with an equal part of alcohol, has a more rapid stimulant action than alcohol. Recovery may be rapid or very slow ; then we get what is called “ reaction ”—the pulse becomes more full, slow, and regular, the temperature rises, the body becomes warm, and a general improve- ment takes place. Collapse is an extreme degree of shock, and almost invariably ends in death. Hemorrhage may be caused by the slipping of a liga- ture or the displacement of clots, due either to restless- ness or to reaction of the circulation, and it generally occurs within the first twenty-four hours after the operation. The symptoms of internal hemorrhage are restlessness, thirst, faintness, an anxious expression, pale face, cold skin, frequent and irregular respiration, subnormal tem- perature, and a weak, rapid pulse (120-140), though there have been cases of internal hemorrhage in which the pulse has not gone above 94 beats to the minute, all the other symptoms being very marked. Treatment of Hemorrhage.—The two things to be 162 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. remembered in the treatment of hemorrhage are position and pressure. The part from which the blood is coming should be elevated, because blood flows upward with difficulty; elevation also favors venous return. If the hemorrhage is from the abdomen, the foot of the bed should be elevated and the patient’s head lowered, thus sending the blood back to the heart and the brain. If the nurse can apply pressure by putting her finger on the artery, she should do so, or she may plug the wound tightly with sterilized gauze or a compress, and hold it there until the arrival of the surgeon, who must imme- diately be summoned. The patient is to be kept per- fectly quiet on her back; morphia grain) should be given to secure rest and quiet. Heat is to be applied to all parts of the body by warm blankets and hot-water bottles. Stimulants are to be given only if the pulse is failing. When the hemorrhage has been excessive, transfusion is often resorted to, the fluid that the body has lost being thus replaced. Transfusion is the injecting of blood from the vein of one person into that of another or the injecting of a saline liquid, for the purpose of replacing the blood lost by hemorrhage. The most common normal saline solu- tion used is salt-solution, which consists of teaspoons- ful of common salt to I quart of boiled water. The amount of solution injected varies from 8 ounces to a pint. The parts used for injection are the chest, the abdomen, the thigh, or the arm. For transfusion there will be needed an irrigator which has been thoroughly sterilized with boiling water and corrosive sublimate (i : iooo), followed by the boiling water, or a rubber tube and a glass funnel. The needle used resembles a hypodermatic needle, but is much larger. It must be THE PATIENT. 163 boiled for several minutes, and fastened to the end of the rubber tube connected with the irrigator. The tempera- ture of the solution should be about ioo° F., and the solution must be strained through gauze or cotton when being poured into the irrigator. The part is washed with carbolic-acid solution (i : 20) before the needle is inserted. After-treatment of Patient.—Rest.—The after-treat- ment of every surgical operation consists in perfect rest of the patient on the back for a certain length of time, to prevent the ligatures giving way and to prevent irritation of the stomach and vomiting. The diet following operations is liquid until after the third day and the bowels have moved; then a light diet is given, such as cream toast, a soft-boiled egg, custard, buttered bread with the crust removed, cocoa, etc.; solid diet is afterward gradually resumed. After-treatment in Amputations.—After the amputation of a thigh the stump must slightly be elevated on a pil- low and a cradle be used to keep off the weight of the bed-clothes. A careful watch should be kept for hemor- rhage. When a breast has been amputated, the arm is confined to the side by a bandage. The arm will become very tired; this tired feeling can be relieved by putting under the arm a small pillow, upon which it can rest. After-treatment in Abdominal Operations.—After ab- dominal operations the patient cannot have anything by mouth for a certain number of hours. The extreme thirst can greatly be relieved by frequent bathing of the hands and face with alcohol and tepid water or with water alone. After operations on the abdomen it is well to place a roll under the knees. This roll will relax the abdominal muscles, and also remove the strain the patient would have to make to keep up the knees. 164 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. The external genitals are to be kept perfectly clean, the body is to be bathed, the bed and body-linen are to be kept sweet and clean, the teeth are to be brushed, and the hair is to be combed after the third day. Every want of the patient should be anticipated, and she should be made as comfortable and happy as possible. No visitors are to be admitted without the surgeon’s consent. The mind of the patient is to be kept perfectly free from worry and excitement, and the whole atmosphere of the room should be bright, pleasant, and cheerful, no matter what trouble is going on outside. The nurse must not allow the patient to sit up until two weeks after the ope- ration, as there is danger of a clot (thrombus) forming in a vein and being carried by the circulation to the pul- monary artery, causing sudden death. Bladder and Bowels.—The catheter should be passed every six or eight hours if necessary, according to direc- tions. The passage of gas by the rectum is a very good sign, as it shows that the bowels have regained their normal tone and that there is no obstruction. Drainage-tube.—If a drainage-tube is in the abdomen and the care of it is left to the nurse, she must each time before draining thoroughly scrub and sterilize her hands. The syringe must be washed first with boiling water, the water being passed through it several times, then with corrosive-sublimate solution (i : 1000), followed with boil- ing water; the syringe is then to be laid in the corrosive solution until the nurse has washed her hands a second time and unpinned the dressing covering the tube. The rubber tube attached to the syringe is passed down the centre of the drainage-tube to the bottom, then with- drawn a little, so that only the fluid will be drawn up, and not the tissues of the pelvis. The syringe piston is THE PATIENT. 165 to be slowly and steadily drawn up. When removing the syringe the nurse should be careful that the blood does not drop on the dressing. The mouth of the tube is to be covered while the syringe is being emptied, and the corrosive and hot water are to be passed through the syringe before again putting it down the tube. Some surgeons prefer gauze drainage, a piece of twisted gauze being put into the tube, that sucks up the fluid. This gauze is changed at stated intervals, and the tube is cleaned with a small piece of sterilized cotton or gauze fastened on the end of a pair of long fine forceps ; then a fresh twist of gauze is inserted. With both these meth- ods the amount of fluid drawn and its character must be reported. When the drainage-tube is to be removed, the nurse should observe the same precautions as she would for a dressing. Hysterectomy.—The after-care of a hysterectomy, which is the complete removal of the womb and ovaries, either through the vagina (vaginal hysterectomy) or through the abdomen (abdominal hysterectomy), is the same as after any abdominal operation. Regarding the question of the mild form of insanity which may follow a hyster- ectomy or the removal of a large fibroid tumor, one must know that a large amount of blood is taken from the body, and that the cutting and tying of the large blood-vessels alters the circulation; the operation is also more or less a shock to the nervous system, and may affect the brain. Insanity is not a complication of this operation, the recovery from which is usually rapid; but when insanity does set in, this is commonly the cause, and the patient generally recovers. Septicemia.—Septicemia is blood-poisoning caused by the entrance of germs into the body through the agency 166 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. of unclean hands (especially dirty finger-nails), instru- ments, sponges, towels, dressings, or the passing of a dirty catheter into the bladder, or in not washing the parts before catheterization. When septicemia occurs, it is generally the surgeon or attendants who must be blamed. In a very large majority of surgical cases the patient is in a healthy condition, and by a conscientious preparation of the patient for the operation, be it ever so simple, and of the room and of everything that will be used, the patient should and does make a good recovery. Should a healthy patient die of sepsis, then some one is always to blame; the germ was introduced by some one. Death may be due to some cause such as heart-disease, over which the surgeon has no control, the patient being willing to take the risk when consenting to the operation. Septicemia, or septic peritonitis, may occur any time, from a few hours to six days after the operation. The temperature is about ioo° F., and the pulse rises rapidly to 115, 120, or 130 beats per minute, and is weak and thready; then the temperature rises to 103° F. or above, or it may range between ioo° and 101° F. until just before death, when it has been known to rise to 108° F. The abdomen is distended with gas; vomiting occurs (the ejected matter having a dark-brown color resem- bling coffee-grounds and a characteristic fecal odor); a cold perspiration appears: the patient has a very anxious expression and is restless and talkative; the eyes are un- usually bright. Treatment of Septicemia.—The nurse should send at once for the surgeon, and in the mean time try to move the patient’s bowels with high enemata of turpentine, glycerin, oil, salts, melted vaselin, butter, lard, or mo- lasses, or soap and water if there is nothing else at hand. THE PATIENT. 167 The enemata should be given every two hours until the bowels are thoroughly moved or large quantities of gas are passed, because it is only by putting the bowels into an active state that one can overcome threatened paralysis of the intestines, and enable them to take up from the peritoneal cavity whatever blood-serum may be there. Stimulating enemata of whisky i ounce and warm water 2 ounces should be given every hour and a half. Brandy should not be used, because it is constipating. Strychnia, being a powerful heart-stimulant, is given in doses of grain every hour until its physiological effects are produced. It must be stopped at the first appearance of twitching of the muscles of the face or of the limbs, and stiffness of the neck. Vomiting maybe relieved by wash- ing out the stomach or by the application of a mustard plaster over the stomach. If after repeated efforts the bowels are not moved by the third day, the result is usually fatal. All the symptoms deepen. The surface of the body is cold and clammy; the face is pinched and sunken and has a dusky hue; the restlessness increases, also the thirst, which is very great, and to the last the patient calls for water, which is vomited immediately after being taken, but which it is cruel to withhold. The mind is usually clear to the end. Surgical Disinfection and Materials.—Antisepsis and Asepsis.—Antiseptics prevent the growth of germs and putrefaction; a disinfectant destroys germs; and a de- odorant destroys bad odors. Although an antiseptic may be a disinfectant and probably a deodorant, it does not follow that because a deodorant will destroy bad odors it will also kill germs. The best deodorant is pure, fresh air and sunlight; next, carbolic acid (which is both a disinfectant and a deodorant), charcoal, or lime. 168 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Asepsis, or sterility, means freedom from septic germs. For instance, before an operation the hands and fore- arms are scrubbed with nail-brush, soap, and hot water to cleanse them and remove the germs; then the hands are entirely freed from germs by putting them in the different antiseptic solutions ordered by the surgeon, thus reaching the corners and crevices in the finger-nails and skin that the brush could not reach; in this way the hands and forearms are rendered thoroughly asep- tic. The sheets, blankets, towels, gowns, instruments, sponges, and dressings are subjected to dry or moist heat, according to the orders of the surgeon, for a cer- tain length of time. Everything to be used at the operation is made as thoroughly aseptic as possible, and only that which has been rendered aseptic must be touched by those assisting at the operation. Antiseptics.—Some of the commonest antiseptics in use are corrosive sublimate, carbolic acid, permanganate of potash, creolin, thymol, boric acid, lysol, alcohol, peroxid of hydrogen, iodoform, and dermatol. Corrosive sublimate and carbolic acid are the best dis- infectants and antiseptics, but the corrosive cannot be used for the instruments or the clothing, on account of its discoloring properties; it is used in solutions of from i : 500 to 1 : 10,000. Carbolic acid does not discolor clothing or instru- ments, it having this advantage over corrosive sublimate, but it irritates and benumbs the hands. The strengths of the solutions used are from 1 : 20 to 1 : 80. The acid is bought in the liquid form, having a strength of 95 per cent. To make a solution of 1 : 20, 1 :40, 1 : 60, or 1 : 80, 1 ounce of the 95 per cent, solution is added to 20, 40, 60, or 80 ounces of water. THE PATIENT. 169 Both corrosive sublimate and carbolic acid are very poisonous ; for this reason many surgeons have the parts washed with plain water after using these antiseptics, to prevent absorption. Symptoms of poisoning have been produced by the absorption of these drugs from surgical dressings. The first evidences of carbolic-acid poisoning are a very dark coloration of the urine, giddiness, ringing or singing in the ears, headache, and lassitude. The first symptoms of mercurial poisoning (corrosive sublimate) are fetid breath, excessive salivation, a metal- lic taste in the mouth, swollen and spongy gums, with a dark line at their upper margin, loosened teeth, and swollen tongue. If the use of these drugs is persisted in, all these symptoms deepen. On the appearance of any of these symptoms the dressing should be removed. Creolin is not so poisonous as the two above-named drugs, but it cannot be used for instruments, because of its yellow color, which prevents their being seen at the bottom of the tray. For cleansing the hands or other parts a 5 per cent, solution is used. To make a 2 per cent, solution 2\ teaspoonsful of creolin are added to 1 pint of water. Boric acid is irritating and poisonous; a 4 per cent, solution is generally used. Lysol as an antiseptic is much objected to by some surgeons on account of its soapy properties. When used for instruments it makes them slippery. The strongest solution used is 2 per cent. Permanganate of potash is an antiseptic used to cleanse the hands and other parts before operation, fol- lowed by a solution of oxalic acid to remove the stain. The permanganate stains everything with which it comes 170 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. in contact; it also causes pain and burns if used in very strong solutions. The strength of the solution gen- erally used is from 20 to 60 grains of the crystals to the pint of warm water. Oxalic acid will remove permanganate stain from the skin. This method is very irritating to the skin, but the irritation can in a measure be avoided by immersing the hands and forearms afterward in lime-water. Oxalic acid also removes permanganate stain from white goods, and hydrate of ammonia will remove the stain from black goods. Condy's fluid, which contains 16 grains of perman- ganate-of-potash crystals to 1 ounce of water, is both a disinfectant and a deodorant. Iodoform is an antiseptic that may be absorbed into the system if applied to raw surfaces and cause iodoform poisoning. The symptoms of absorption are headache and loss of appetite, followed by rise of temperature, rapid and feeble pulse, and restlessness; a bright-red eruption appears on the face and limbs, and there may be retention of urine. Peroxid of hydrogen, which is the most expensive anti- septic now in use, destroys the germs of pus. When poured into a wound an effervescence takes place which ceases only when the wound is rendered sterile, and which carries off any shreds of tissue in the wound that cannot easily be reached. It is also applied to the throat in diphtheria to destroy and remove the false membrane. Peroxid readily decomposes by coming in contact with metals. If used as a spray, a glass atomizer must be employed; the bottle must not be kept in a bright light, nor should the mouth of the bottle remain unstoppered any longer than necessary. THE PATIENT. 171 Absolute alcohol is an antiseptic used for cleansing the skin; it is also used for sterilizing silk, catgut, and silk- worm-gut sutures and ligatures. The best disinfectant is heat—either dry heat (baking) or moist heat (steam). Water of a temperature of 212° F. will kill germs on contact. Suturing.—Sutures, which are used to bring the edges of a wound together, are of silver wire, silk, catgut, or Fig. 39.—Interrupted suture (Bernard and Huette). Fig. 40.—Continued or glover’s suture (Bernard and Huette). silkworm gut. The interrupted suture (Fig. 39) is made by pass- ing catgut or silk through the skin from one side of the wound to the other; then both ends are drawn together and tied in a double knot. The continuous suture (Fig. 40) is the ordinary over-and-over stitch from one end of the wound to the other. The button suture (Fig. 41) is made by passing wire across the bottom of the wound, bringing out the ends about 1 inch from the edge of the wound, and securing each end with a button. Ligation.—Ligatures, which are used for tying large blood-vessels, are of heavy twisted silk, silver wire, silk- worm gut, or catgut. Sterilizing Sutures.—To prepare sutures and ligatures for an operation the hands and finger-nails are first thor- oughly cleansed with soap, hot water, and a nail-brush, Fig. 41.—Button-suture (Bryant). 172 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. then with corrosive-sublimate solution (i : 1000). The pan in which the sutures are to be boiled and the jars into which they are to be placed are treated in the same way. The sutures and ligatures are boiled for two hours, after which they are taken out with a pair of ster- ilized forceps and placed in separate jars, care being taken not to touch the sides of the jars, which have previously been half filled with a solution of alcohol and corrosive sublimate (i : 6000). Gauze Sponges.—Gauze sponges are sterilized by boil- ing them for two hours, and then placing them in a glass jar containing corrosive-sublimate solution (1 : 1000) until needed. In these days of antiseptic surgery the surgeon gen- erally attends to the preparation of the sutures, ligatures, and sponges: when this duty is left to the nurse it is a clear proof that the surgeon has great confidence in her, for septic material may as readily be conveyed into the wound by dirty sponges, sutures, and ligatures as by the hands, instruments, and dressings. IV. ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. i. Surgical Accidents. Fractures.—A fracture is the breaking of a bone into two or more pieces. A simple fracture is a single break without injury to the flesh. A compound fracture is a single break with injury to the flesh. A fracture is said to be comminuted when the bone is broken into several pieces. An impacted fracture is one in which one frag- ment is driven and fixed into another. A green-stick fracture is often seen in young children; the bone is bent, not broken, owing to its being soft. ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 173 A fracture is said to be complicated when there is other injury, such as a lung punctured from a broken rib, or a nerve or a blood-vessel is injured, or when other bones or joints are injured. Fractures are also trans- verse, longitudinal, or oblique. Signs of a Fracture.—The signs of a fracture are loss of power, pain, swelling, crepitus (which is the grating made by the rubbing of the ends of the broken bone together, and which is both heard and felt), dis- tortion, and deformity. Bone-repair.—The repair of a broken bone is very interesting. At first blood is poured out around the ends of the broken bone and surrounding tissues. This blood gradually becomes infiltrated with lime and thick- ens to the consistency of jelly, which is then called “ cal- lus.” The callus cements and unites the broken ends of the bone, and by the deposit of new bone-forming cells gradually hardens and eventually becomes bone. The union takes about six weeks, though it is about nine months before being thoroughly complete. Management of Fractures.—The management of a broken bone until the arrival of a surgeon consists in securing perfect rest. If a leg be broken, the patient should be laid on a stretcher, a door, or a shutter; a splint may be improvised with an umbrella, a walking- stick, a thin board, books, newspapers, or a coat rolled up and tied to the side of the leg with handkerchiefs above and below the seat of fracture. If none of these articles are at hand, then both legs may be tied together. The patient’s clothes must be removed from the sound side first. The clothes should not be torn, but should be opened at the seams, which can easily be sewed up again. To remove the boots, one hand should be 174 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. placed at the ankle to steady the limb, and with the other hand the boot may be removed. If the foot is injured or if there is much pain, the seam of the boot must be cut open. Garters must be removed before the stockings, and the suspenders unfastened in front and behind before the trousers are removed. Work should be quiet and steady, as there is danger of converting a simple into a compound fracture through the broken ends of the bone running into the flesh. If there is shock, heat is to be applied and stimulants given. The bed is to be made in the usual way, with a board underneath the mattress to prevent it sinking in the middle. A pillow should be placed around the limb and fastened with safety-pins, and a sand-bag should be placed on each side of the limb to keep it in position. Sand-bags are made of stout ticking, cotton, or any material that is sufficiently fine to prevent the sand from escaping into the bed. They should be long enough to extend from below the foot to above the knee, and be about 6 inches wide. The sand must be thoroughly dry, and the bags be filled about three parts full. The limb should be elevated on pillows; the toes must point upward. Before the arrival of the surgeon the nurse must get the part and the patient as clean as possible. She should have ready cotton or gauze bandages of different widths (from 3 to 6 inches); sheet-wadding bandages (about 4 inches wide), which, if a plaster-of-Paris band- age is applied, will be put on first to protect the skin ; sheet wadding; plenty of warm water; towels; corro- sive-sublimate solution (1 : 1000) or carbolic-acid solu- tion (1 : 20); sheets to cover the surgeon and to protect the bed and the floor. If sheets cannot be had, news- ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. i/5 papers may be used for the bed and floor and a large apron for the surgeon. A patient with a broken leg is generally in bed from four to six weeks, and one with a broken thigh from eight to ten weeks. Bed-sores must not be allowed to form, and will not form if proper care be taken, unless the spine is broken or the nerve-supply is injured, in which case they will form even with the best of care. A broken arm after being dressed (Fig. 42) should be put in a wide sling (Fig. 43) made with a large handker- Fig. 42.—Splint for a fractured arm. chief folded diagonally, the ends tied around the neck, the point turned up above the elbow and fastened with safety-pins. For a broken jazv the mouth should be closed firmly and bandaged with a folded handkerchief or a four-tailed bandage (Fig. 44). Fig. 43.—Handkerchief sling for a broken arm. Fig. 44.—Four-tailed bandage for the jaw. When the collar-bone is broken a pad of cotton should be put under the arm and the arm be bound across the chest. 176 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Dislocations.—A dislocation is the displacement of the bone or bones of a joint by some external violence, such as a fall or a blow. A compound dislocation is one in which there is a wound. The patient should be put to bed on his back, the part bandaged, and ice applied to prevent inflammation. Dislocation of the lower jcnv, which is sometimes caused by yawning, can generally be overcome by the nurse wrapping her thumbs in a handkerchief and placing them in the patient’s mouth on the lower back teeth and pressing down and back, when the bone will generally slip into its place. Sprains.—A sprain is the wrenching of the ligaments of a joint; there may also be rupture of the fibres and blood-vessels. The limb should be placed first in mod- erately hot water, and the temperature gradually be raised until it is as hot as the patient can bear, the limb remain- ing in the water for about half an hour; or hot fomenta- tions may be applied and the limb be placed in a com- fortable position. Surgical Dressings.—Surgical dressings are divided into dry and moist; the latter is commonly called a “ water-dressing.” Ordinary cheese-cloth (prepared by being boiled for two hours in water to which has been added some washing-soda, after which the cloth is wrung out and washed in plain water to remove the soda, and again boiled for two hours in plain water, then taken out and dried), absorbent cotton, or the ordinary cotton- wool, pads of graduated compress, iodoform gauze, and permanganate gauze, are all used as dressings, though in an emergency old sheets, linen or cotton, cut to the de- sired size and sterilized in an oven, make very good ster- ilized dressings. ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 177 For a water-dressing several thicknesses of gauze are wrung out of the ordered hot solution, applied over the part, and covered with two layers of sheet-cotton and a single piece of oil-silk or oil-paper, the whole being kept in place by a gauze bandage. A dry dressing consists in covering the wound with several thicknesses of sterilized gauze, over which is placed two or three layers of sheet-cotton, both dress- ings being secured by a bandage. Many surgeons first powder the wound with iodoform or a preparation of boric acid and iodoform or dermatol powder, to prevent irritation and chafing and to absorb the moisture. Tents are small strips of rolled gauze and are used to keep wounds open for the escape of pus. Management of Surgical Dressings.—Before beginning to do a surgical dressing the nurse should see that every- thing is ready. She should try to remember the favorite dressings for the different surgeons: this is sometimes rather difficult; still, after seeing a dressing done once she should, if quick and intelligent, know what will be needed the next time. Besides the dressings there will be needed a basin of warm corrosive-sublimate solution (i : 1000) for the hands, a basin of carbolic-acid solution (i : 20) for the instruments, towels, and a pail or a basin for the soiled dressings and discharges. If asked to pre- pare a wound for the surgeon’s inspection, the nurse must wash her hands with soap and water and corrosive- sublimate solution, having first covered any cut or scratch. She should then remove the bandage and dressing, which, if it adheres to the wound, may be wet with corrosive- sublimate or carbolic-acid solution, after which it will easily come off. The nurse should wash toward, not away from, the wound, and cover it with a cloth wet in 178 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. carbolic-acid solution until the surgeon is ready to inspect it. To remove a plaster begin at each end and work toward the wound. Putting one hand on the skin and pressing firmly down will prevent the peculiar tear- ing feeling of which a patient will complain. The marks of the plaster can be removed with alcohol, ether, tur- pentine, or soap and water, care being taken that the solution used does not enter the wound. Bandages.—Bandages are to retain dressings and splints in position, and also to apply pressure. Almost any kind of household muslin or gauze may be used for a bandage. Gauze is the best, on account of its elasti- city ; it can be applied to any irregular surface, and it is not necessary to reverse a gauze bandage. Shaker- flannel cut on the bias is used where greater strength is required and to make firm pressure. Rubber Bandage.—Rubber or elastic bandages are to prevent hemorrhage and to prevent or reduce swelling. The rubber bandage is put on from below upward, with- out reverses. It must not be drawn too tight nor be left on too long, or paralysis from pressure on the nerves of the part may result, or the circulation will be interfered with or entirely cut off. Rubber bandages should be rolled up quite loosely and be kept in a dark, moist place, or they become brittle and break into pieces. Roller-bandages.—Roller-bandages are from \ inch to 6 inches wide and from 2 to 8 yards long. The selvage must always be removed, the bandage rolled veiy tightly and evenly by hand or on a regular bandage-roller, and the loose threads of the edges trimmed off. In applying a bandage the nurse should hold the bandage in one hand, and, taking the loose end in the other hand, should so apply it to the part to be bandaged ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 179 that the outer surface may be against the skin, and that the bandage will lie close to the limb (Fig. 46). All band- ages must lie smoothly and their pressure be uniform. A Fig. 45.—Bandaging an ankle. Fig. 46.—Bandaging a leg, showing meth- od of reversing the bandage. bandage should always begin from the inner side of a limb, and thus bring the turns to its outer side (Fig. 45). A bandage must not be put on too tightly, as there is considerable danger of inflammation or of gangrene through the circulation being interfered with or being entirely cut off. It should fit snugly to the part, and an equal amount of pressure should be maintained. Inflam- mation and gangrene (death of a part) are often caused by tight bandaging. The fingers or the toes must be left exposed, so that one can see if the circulation is car- ried on all right. They should feel warm to the touch, and the color should disappear upon pressure and reap- pear when the pressure is removed. If they are cold, numb, swollen, or have a livid appearance, the bandage should be loosened. If in compound fracture the patient has pain, the pulse and temperature should be taken and the surgeon be notified. The bandage or dressing must not be removed unless the splints are pressing unevenly or displacement has occurred, or the fingers and toes are congested or swollen and there is danger of gangrene. 180 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. When taking off a bandage it should be rolled up loosely in the hand as it is unwound, thereby keeping it all together. The simplest forms of bandaging are the spiral and the figure-of-8 bandage. The spiral bandage consists in covering a limb by a series of spiral turns, each turn overlapping the one below for about one-third its width. In most limbs the enlargement at the upper part prevents the application of a spiral bandage without making a reversed turn in it. Without this turn only one edge of the bandage would come in contact with the part, the other would stand freely away from it. The reverses are made by placing a finger on the lower edge of the bandage to hold it firmly in position, and folding the bandage down- ward upon itself (Fig. 46). The turns should not be made over the prominence of a bone, and where possible should be made on the outer side of a limb. At the moment of making the turn the bandage should be held quite loose, and after the turn has been made it can be Fig. 47.—Figure-of-8 bandage. Fig. 48.—Bandaging a wrist. pulled as tight as necessary. In making the turn the hand should be held a little above the limb, and care be taken not to unroll more bandage than is necessary. ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 181 The Jigure-of-8 bandage (Fig. 47) is the one most fre- quently used; it is easier to apply and it fits better. It is applied alternately above and below, each succeeding turn overlapping its neighbor by one-third its width. The figure-of-8 bandage needs very few reverses; still, they must be employed should occasion require them. The Desault bandage (Fig. 49) is applied in the treat- ment of fracture of the clavicle. Fig. 49.—Desault’s bandage : a, first roller; b, second roller; c, third roller. Divided Bandages.—The four-tailed bandage (Fig. 50) is useful for dress- ings about the face (Fig. 44), the scalp (Fig. 58), and the knee. A many- tailed bandage (Fig. 51) is applied to a limb which requires frequent dressing, and consists of a piece of linen or muslin the length of the limb and wide enough to go one and a half times around. The muslin is torn from each side, in strips about 2 inches wide, to within about 3 inches of the Fig. 50.—Four-tailed bandage. Fig. 51.—Many-tailed bandage. 182 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. middle. The central part of this bandage is placed under the limb, and the tails are drawn to the front over the dressing and tied; beginning at the lowest pair, the ends are brought up and the next pair tied over them. The Scultetus bandage (Fig. 52) is used for bandaging the abdomen, and is made by taking two pieces of flan- nel or of cotton, each 1 yard long and 4 inches wide, the two pieces being placed 4 inches apart; across them are sewed five other pieces of the same length and width, each piece being overlapped by the one above it by one- half its breadth. This bandage is placed under the pa- tient’s back, the cross strips are folded over the abdomen from below upward, and the lower ends of the vertical Fig. 52.—The Scultetus bandage. Fig. 53.—T-bandage. strips are brought up between the thighs and pinned to the front of the bandage. This keeps the bandage from wrinkling and retains it in position. T-bandage.—The T-bandage (Fig. 53), which is to secure dressings on the anus or the perineum, is made of two strips of bandage, each about 5 inches wide. To the middle of one strip, which is to go around the waist, the end of the other strip is sewed, and is passed be- ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 183 tween the thighs and fastened in front to the waist band- age with safety-pins. Handkerchief Bandages. — Handkerchief bandages (Figs. 54-58), which are very useful in emergencies, Fig. 56.—Four-cornered bandage for arm. Fig. 54.—Handkerchief bandage for perineum and hip. Fig. 55.—Three-cornered bandage for arm. consist of large handkerchiefs or of pieces of linen or muslin, each about 32 inches square. The triangle is Fig. 57.—Various forms of handkerchief bandages : a, for the chest: b, for the shoul- der, hand, and arms ; c, double bandage to prevent motion of the arm. made by cutting the square diagonally, so that two three-cornered pieces is the result. A cravat is made by folding in the sharp corner toward the base of the tri- angle until a bandage about 3 inches wide is formed. 184 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Muslin cut in the form of a Maltese cross is used to apply a dressing snugly over an amputation-stump. Fig. 58.—Four-tailed bandage for the head. Plates I and 2 give a very good idea as to the various applications of roller-bandages. Plaster-of-Paris Bandage.—Plaster-of-Paris bandages, which are intended to prevent all motion in a part, are made by sprinkling gauze or cotton bandages with dentists’ plaster of Paris; these bandages are loosely rolled and kept in a covered jar or a tin box to ex- clude the air. When needed the rolled bandages are placed in warm water to which has been added a little salt, to help the plaster to set more rapidly; they remain in the water until the water-bubbles cease, when they are wrung out by holding the bandage at each end, thus preventing the plaster coming out at the sides, which happens if the bandage is taken in the hand and squeezed in the middle. A little plaster cream should be prepared, to be applied over the bandage after its application to fill up any crevices. The cream must constantly be stirred or it will gradually thicken and become hard. The limb is first enveloped in a thick layer of sheet wadding, then the prepared bandages, after having been thoroughly wet, are applied in the usual manner. After the bandage has been ap- BANDAGING. Plate i. i. Demi-gauntlet bandage; 2. Gauntlet bandage; 3. Spica of the thumb; 4. Spiral reverse bandage of the upper extremity; 5. Recurrent bandage of a stump; 6. Spiral reverse bandage of the lower extremity (from An American Text-Book 0/ Surgery). BANDAGING. Plate 2. i. Figure-of-8 bandage of the ankle; z. Method of covering the heel; 3. Recurrent bandage of the head; 4. Crossed figure-of-8 bandage of both eyes; 5. Barton’s bandage, or figure-of-8 of the jaw; 6. Velpeau’s bandage (from An American Text-Book 0/ Surgery). ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 185 plied the dressed limb is exposed to the air until the bandage is dry and hard; after this the limb is placed between sand-bags, covered with the upper bed-sheet, and the weight of the blankets is supported by a cradle. Another method of making the plaster bandage is to shake the plaster into cold water until the mixture is of the consistency of cream; the plain muslin or gauze bandage is unrolled in a basin of water, re-rolled in the basin containing the plaster cream, and then applied; but this method is only resorted to when the powdered band- ages are not prepared. The cream must constantly be stirred or it will gradually thicken and become hard. If the bandage is applied to the upper part of the thigh. where it is likely (especially, with children) to get wet with urine or soiled with fecal discharge, it may be kept clean by giving it a coat of varnish. Silicate-of-soda Bandage.—A silicate-of-soda dressing consists in protecting the limb as in the case of a plaster- of-Paris bandage, after which bandages saturated with silicate of soda are applied. Another way is to bandage the limb with muslin bandages and paint each layer with the silicate. From three to five layers of bandage are generally applied. The disadvantage of this dressing is that it takes too long for it to dry thoroughly; it is readily removed with water. Starch Bandage.—A starch bandage is made by mix- ing starch in the way it is ordinarily prepared for laundry purposes, applying a bandage over the limb, and painting the starch over the bandage; strips of pasteboard are soaked in the starch, laid along the limb for support, and another starch bandage is applied over the pasteboard. Chalk-and-gum Bandage.—A chalk-and-gum bandage is applied in the same way as the starch bandage. The 186 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. mixture is prepared by taking equal parts of gum-arabic and precipitated chalk, and adding boiling water until the admixture becomes of the consistency of thick cream. This mixture dries more quickly than starch, which takes two or three days to dry, and the bandage is also stouter. The plaster-of-Paris bandage has the advantage over all other bandages in being more durable and in the rapidity with which it can be applied and with which it sets. Splints.—Splints are used to keep a broken bone in its proper position. A splint should fit above and below the seat of fracture, care being taken that it does not press upon any prominent part. There are a large variety of splints which are adapted for every part of the body, but perhaps the commonest are the coaptation splint, which can be adjusted to any part, and the plaster- of-Paris splint. Splints may be improvised with cardboard, gutta- percha, leather, felt, tin, wood, an old hat, a coat rolled up, an umbrella, a walking-stick, or newspapers. The cardboard, leather, or gutta-percha is first soaked in hot water, after which it will easily mould to the part; such splints are perforated to allow the escape of perspiration. They should be covered with a compress or with sheet wadding of three or four thicknesses, brought smoothly over the edges and stitched firmly or held in place with strips of adhesive plaster. Plaster-of-Paris Splint.—A plaster-of-Paris splint is made by taking flannel, linen, or muslin (folded to three or four thicknesses) to envelop the limb, and stitching through the middle of the folds after the manner of stitching the leaves of a book. The folded material is soaked in the plaster-of-Paris cream, laid on a board, ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 187 opened out, and applied over the limb, which is first cov- ered with sheet wadding. Plaster of Paris must be kept covered, as it absorbs moisture from the air; if it is moist, it can be dried in the oven. This bandage is readily removed by making a line with a knife and dropping water along the line from a medicine-dropper or a spoon to soften the plaster, after which the bandage can be cut with scissors and removed. Extension.—Extension (Fig. 59) is used to prevent the shortening of a limb. To prevent the extension- apparatus gradually pulling the patient’s body to the Fig. 59.—Extension apparatus. foot of the bed, the foot of the bed must be raised on two blocks of wood (8 or io inches high), thus obtaining counter-extension by the weight of the patient’s body, everything being taken away from under the patient’s head except a small pillow. The materials required for extension are two strips of adhesive plaster 3 inches wide and long enough to reach from above the knee to below the foot, leaving a loop. A piece of wood (4 inches long and 1 inch thick), having a hole pierced through its cen- tre, is inserted in the loop beneath the foot and fastened in place. The adhesive-plaster strips are placed along 188 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. the sides of the leg to above the knee, and further se- cured by a bandage. One end of a stout cord is passed through the hole in the wood and knotted. The cord is carried over a pulley attached to the foot of the bed and fastened to a weight. Smoothing-irons, bricks, or sand- bags may be used as weights: these must first be weighed, so that the surgeon will know the number of pounds he is putting on. Wounds.—A wound is defined as a solution of con- tinuity of the tissues—a separation of the continuous parts by violence. There are different kinds of wounds —incised, contused, lacerated, punctured, gunshot, or poisoned. An incised wound is a cut made with a sharp instrument. Contused and lacerated wounds are made with a blunt instrument, the tissues being torn and bruised. A punctured wound is made with a pointed instrument, such as scissors, a nail, etc. Gunshot wounds are caused by firearms. A poisoned wound is caused by an agent which carries with it into the wound a poison. Wounds may also be aseptic or septic. An aseptic wound is one which is free from and is preserved from all poisonous bacterial products. A septic wound is one in which the bacteria are present, they having gained access either through injury and exposure before treat- ment or during the treatment. Healing of Wounds.—Wounds heal by first intention or by second intention. Wounds heal by first intention, or primary union, when the edges are brought together and rapidly heal without granulation or suppuration. Wounds heal by secojid intention, or granulation, when the edges are separated and the wound is large and deep, and the granulations, which are soft, bright-red elevations, fill up the wound from the bottom and sides. ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 189 Occasionally the granulations grow too rapidly and pro- ject above the surface of the skin. This condition is commonly called “ proud flesh,” which is removed either with nitrate of silver or with the knife. Granulations are sometimes pale and flabby and have to be stimulated. Occasionally a wound healing by granulation will heal from the top instead of from the bottom and sides. When this process of repair occurs the wound is kept open with gauze packing, a little of which is removed each day as the wound heals up from the bottom. Only an incised wound heals by first intention; other wounds heal by granulation. Healing under a blood-clot, of which we so often hear, occurs when an aseptic blood- clot remains in a sterile wound. The blood-clot grad- ually becomes organized and serves as a scaffolding for the new tissue which is thrown out from the surround- ing parts. When the wound heals the surface clot breaks up, is brought away with the dressings, and a firm scar is seen. If the wound has become infected, the clot may be swept away with the pus, and the wound then heals by granulation. Suppuration, which is the end of infect- ive inflammation, consists in the formation of pus, which, if absorbed into the system, will result in erysipelas or pyemia. Both these terms mean blood-poisoning; the former is septicemia without abscesses, the latter, septi- cemia with abscesses, and is the severer disease. Erysipelas.—Erysipelas is due to the entrance of germs into a wound either during or after an operation, and is generally caused by the instruments, the sponges, the dressings, or the hands not being properly sterilized. The symptoms are a chill, a rise of temperature, and swelling and pain: the skin around the wound is of a bright-red color, which disappears upon pressure. 190 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Pyemia.—Pyemia is blood-poisoning together with the formation of abscesses. The symptoms are severe chill, followed by profuse perspiration, rise of temperature and pulse, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, and pain at the point where the abscess is forming. The treatment for both these diseases consists in iso- lating the patient, in sustaining the patient’s strength with nourishing food and stimulants, and in observing thorough asepsis. Each surgeon has his own method of treatment, and his directions must faithfully be carried out. Tetanus.—Tetanus is an infective disease which almost always originates from wounds, particularly those of the extremities. The infecting germ may enter a wound, large or small, at or a few days after the time of injury. The earliest symptom is stiffness of the neck, after which the muscles of the face and jaw are so affected that the patient cannot open his mouth. This condition is com- monly called “ lockjaw.” Gradually the other muscles are affected by spasms, which are very severe, and the face has a peculiar grinning expression. If the body is rigid but straight, the condition is called “ tetanus;” if the head is stretched backward and the spine arched, it is called “ opisthotonos.” The treatment of tetanus consists in keeping the pa- tient perfectly quiet in a darkened room, care being taken to disturb him as little as possible. Nourishment, stimu- lants, and medicine may be given by the rectum if nec- essary. Morphia may be given subcutaneously. The bowels must be kept open, and retention of urine may be relieved by catheterization. The number of spasms must be counted and the degree of their severity be noted. The pulse is rapid and weak, and the temper- ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 191 ature is slightly elevated. The exhaustion is extreme, due to loss of food and sleep. An acute attack may result in death from asphyxia or exhaustion in from three to five days, the mind, as a rule, being clear to the end. Gangrene is the mortification or death of a part, pro- duced by the stoppage of the circulation in that part by cold or frost-bites; a severe form of inflammation in a weak part may also lead to gangrene. The germs de- stroy the vitality of the part, and spread until they meet with parts strong enough to resist their action; then a line of demarcation is formed. There are two forms of gangrene, moist and dry. Moist gangrene may be produced by an accident when the injury is extensive and the supply of arterial blood is cut off, or it may be caused by an obstruction to the return of venous blood. The symptoms are first pain and intense burning in the part; red skin-coloration which changes to a purple or a greenish-black; there is a fetid odor; the part is swollen and soft; the skin is raised in blisters; there is a watery discharge; and the line of demarcation marks the living from the dead part. Dry gangrene, or “ senile gangrene,” as it is called, is due to an impaired condition of the circulation in parts at a distance from the heart, such as the toes, where the circulation is not very vigorous, or to a diseased condi- tion of the arteries. The symptoms are numbness and tingling in the part ; the color of the skin gradually changes to a dark red, then to purple, and finally the part destroyed becomes black, dry, wrinkled, and resembles in appearance the limb of a mummy. When the progress of the disease is arrested a line of demarcation is formed. The de- 192 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. pressed and lowered condition of the patient must be met with stimulants and nourishing food, and thorough antisepsis be observed. Abscess.—An abscess is a collection of pus occurring in any of the tissues or organs of the body, and is one of the terminations of inflammation. It may be acute or chronic (cold), circumscribed or diffused. Boil.—A boil (furuncle) is a localized inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, frequently about a sebaceous gland, forming a small painful swelling with pus-formation and ending in the expulsion of a necrosed centre or “ core.” A blind boil is a non-suppurating swell- ing that gradually subsides, the contents being absorbed. Carbuncle.—A suppuration of the subcutaneous tis- sue, most generally situated under the thick skin at the back of the neck, is a carbuncle. It is distinguished from a boil by being larger and of longer duration, in having no central core, in having several points of sup- puration, in being less defined and prominent, but more extensive in its sloughing. The treatment is surgical, antiseptic dressing, and good nourishing food. Ulcer.—An ulcer is an open sore, attended by dis- charge, generally due to certain difficulties obstructing the healing process. Fistula.—A fistula is an abnormal opening between an internal part and the surface of the body, or between two organs of the body, such as the bladder and vagina or the vagina and rectum. The treatment is surgical; fresh air, good food, and tonics are essential. Sinus.—An opening upon the surface of the skin, ending in the cavity of an abscess, is a sinus. It is gen- ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 193 erally caused by the failure of the abscess to heal, by the presence of a piece of dead bone, by inability of the walls of the cavity to come together, or by a diseased condi- tion of the walls of the cavity. 2. Common Emergencies. Under this head will be considered the emergencies apt to be met with in every-day life. Hemorrhages.—It is impossible to be too thoroughly prepared to meet the emergency of hemorrhage, as the care and responsibility of the patient rest entirely upon the nurse until the arrival of the surgeon. Hemorrhage may be external or internal. The bleed- ing may come from the arteries, the veins, or the capil- laries. Arterial blood is bright red, and bursts out in spurts with each beat of the heart. Venous blood is dark; the stream is steady, flowing to the heart. Cap- illary blood is of an intermediate shade, and oozes. Capillary hemorrhage is dangerous only when a num- ber of capillaries give way at one time. Hemorrhage is also primary, recurrent (intermediate), or secondary. Primary hemorrhage is that which takes place when an incision is made. Recurrent or intermedi- ate hemorrhage is that which takes place during the first twenty-four or forty-eight hours after an operation, and which is due to the force of the circulation of the blood after reaction has set in, to the displacement of clots through restlessness, or to the slipping of a ligature. Secondary hemorrhage takes place between the first day and the complete healing of the wound, about the time the ligatures or sloughs separate. It is generally caused by diseases of the walls of the arteries, by a ligature not being strong enough or being tied too loosely, or by the i94 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. too rapid absorption of a catgut ligature, or by sepsis, the germs eating their way through the walls of the blood-vessels, which become so thin that they cannot stand the force of the blood pumping through them, and finally burst. Children do not stand the loss of blood well, but they rapidly recover as a rule. Adults in health stand the loss of blood well,; old people do not, neither do they quickly recover. ' « Symptoms.—The symptoms of hemorrhage are rest- lessness, faintness, demand for air, weak and rapid pulse, subnormal temperature (96° or 970 F.), anxious expres- sion, pale face, cold extremities, feeble, sigHtng respira- tions, sometimes a mist over the eyes, and a roaring in the ears. Treatment.—The treatment of hemorrhage consists of position and pressure. The bleeding part should be ele- vated to send the blood to the heart, because blood flows up-hill with difficulty; pressure may be applied with the finger on the artery, or the wound may be plugged with sterilized gauze or with a handkerchief; morphia (gr. may be given to secure rest and quiet, stimulate the heart, and contract the blood-vessels. The patient is to be kept perfectly quiet, to allow the blood to coagulate in the vessels, and plenty of fresh air should be given. Alcoholic stimulants must be given very cautiously, as they excite the heart’s action and increase the hemor- rhage ; hence they must not be given without orders from the surgeon, unless the pulse is very weak and in- dicates heart-failure. If hemorrhage should occur from the stump of a limb after the amputation, the nurse should elevate the part and make firm pressure with her finger on the artery until the surgeon arrives. Flexion, or the bending of a limb, is another way to ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 195 stop hemorrhage. A pad of cotton is put in the joint— the hollow of the elbow, under the knee, or in the groin; against this pad pressure will be made when the limb is bent. Ice and very hot water are also used in hemor- rhage, heat being the better, as it stimulates the blood- vessels and causes the blood to coagulate, while ice par- alyzes the vessels, stopping the hemorrhage for a while; but when the iae is removed and reaction from the cold sets in, and the circulation is restored, the blood-vessels dilate wider than before and the bleeding begins again. Moreover, with the application of ice, which is seldom clean, the danger, if it be put on a raw surface, of introducing germs into the system. Fainting has a tendency to check hemorrhage, as it permits the blood to coagulate. Venous hemorrhage is checked on the side of the wound that is away from the heart. The limb should be elevated slightly and pressure applied. A tourniquet made of a piece of compress or a knotted handkerchief tied and twisted with a stick, the knot or some round smooth object being over the artery (Fig. Fig. 6o.—Impromptu tourniquets for compressing an artery with a handkerchief and a stick. 6o, a and b) will stop the circulation to a part, but it cannot remain on longer than half an hour or the part may die. Position, pressure, and morphia are the best 196 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. remedies for hemorrhage. The first two can always be had, and morphia sustains the heart’s action, secures rest and quiet, and contracts the blood-vessels. The other methods of stopping hemorrhage—tor- sion, ligation, cauterization, acupressure—belong to the surgeon. When much blood has been lost the patient suffers greatly with thirst, which is often extreme on account of the amount of fluid that has been taken from the body. For this reason there may be given to drink, in small quantities, cold water, which will relieve the thirst and also make up for the amount lost by resorption. The patient should be fed well and often and in small quan- tities. Bleeding from the palm of the hand may be controlled by clasping a clean handkerchief and holding the hand high above the head. Hemoptysis.—In hemorrhage from the lungs (hemopty- sis) the blood is bright red, and frothy from its admixture with air. In treating hemoptysis the head and shoulders are elevated and an ice-bag or an ice poultice is applied to the chest; crushed ice may be given the patient to swallow. Equal parts of vinegar or lemon-juice and water, given in teaspoonful doses, or a quarter of a tea- spoonful of dry salt, will contract the blood-vessels. Rest and quiet will be obtained by the administration of morphia (gr. f), chloral (gr. x), or bromid of potassium (gr. xx). Hematemesis.—Bleeding from the stomach (hemateme- sis) is treated in the same way as that from the lungs. The blood in this case is vomited, is of a dark-red color, and contains particles of food. The feces are of a very dark color, through the blood having passed into the ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 19 7 intestines. It is always well to examine the nose and throat, because the bleeding may not come from the stomach, but from the nose, the blood having passed down the throat into the stomach. Epistaxis.—For nosebleed (epistaxis) the head and arms should be elevated, and pressure with the fingers should be made on the nostril from which the blood is coming, or a small piece of lemon or a small piece of cotton wrung out of vinegar and inserted will contract the blood-vessels. The patient should not blow the nose, as it will disturb the formation of clots. Ice may be applied to the back of the neck and to the forehead. Burns and Scalds.—Burns and scalds are the same in effect. A burn is caused by dry heat—fire or heated metals; a scald is caused by moist heat—heated fluids or steam—and is apt to be extensive, because the fluid spreads over a larger surface than a burn; a burn, how- ever, is deeper. Burns are of three degrees : 1. Inflammation without blisters, or destruction of the epidermis without penetrating the true skin. 2. Inflammation of the skin resulting in the formation of blisters, the latter caused by an outpouring of the water of the blood, that lifts the outer skin from the true skin. 3. Partial or complete destruction of the nerves anc} blood-vessels of the part. Their vitality is destroyed. A burn of the first degree may result in death if two- thirds of the body is burned, because, although there is only a mere reddening of the skin, the action of the skin is lost, consequently the power of perspiration or excre- tion is lost; extra work is thus thrown upon the kid- neys, which become inflamed, and death may occur from nephritis, which is inflammation of the kidneys. 198 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Burns of the second degree may end fatally if exten- sive, because the superficial blood-vessels are destroyed ; consequently, more blood is driven to the internal or- gans of the body, which become very much congested, and acute inflammation sets in, which may result in death. Death from burns of the second degree may occur from shock, exhaustion after long-continued suppuration, which follows the separation of the sloughs, also septicemia or tetanus (lockjaw). The result of a burn of the third degree is nearly always fatal in the old or the young, and is determined by the part affected and by the age and health of the patient. Burns of the abdomen, the head, and the chest are more severe than those of the extremities, because they are nearer the vital organs. Shock is always present in burns of the first degree, though not so great as in those of the second and third degree, and the reaction after shock may result in in- flammation of any of the vital organs. Pain is severe in slight burns, because the nerve-end- ings are exposed; it is less severe in deep burns in which there is total destruction of the part. Edema of the Glottis.—Edema, or dropsy of the glottis, is caused by the inhalation of steam or the drinking of scalding liquids. Edema is a pouring out of the watery part of the blood into the tissues, and the effusion may increase with great rapidity. Death by suffocation may occur within a very short time. The symptoms of edema are gradual loss of voice, difficulty in breathing, and blueness of the surface of the body (cyanosis) from in- sufficient oxidation of the blood, gasping respirations, and a flickering pulse. Tracheotomy or intubation is generally performed. There may be inflammation with- ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 199 out edema, and this may develop into bronchitis and pneumonia. The treatment of burns and scalds consists in first at- tending to the shock by the application of heat to the body, or, if possible, in giving a hot bath (temperature ioo° F.), the administration of stimulants (alcohol or black coffee), and the application of a mustard plaster over the heart. The clothing is to be removed gently, being cut if necessary. If the burn is slight and no blis- ters have formed, the part is to be dressed with a satu- rated solution of ordinary baking-soda or dusted with either baking-soda, flour, or starch, and the air excluded, because air is an irritant. If blisters have formed, they should be opened, the fluid being allowed to run on to a piece of cotton, and then dressed with either carbolic- acid solution (1:40), sodium-bicarbonate water, sweet oil, vaselin, zinc ointment, or Carron oil (equal parts of linseed oil and lime-water), and the air excluded. A raw surface should not be dusted with flour, starch, or any other powder, because these substances harden and form crusts, which are painful to remove. The dressing should be removed only when really necessary, on account of the extreme pain, and only one part at a time should be exposed and dressed. If the dressing adheres to the part, it should not be pulled off, but should be wet, so that it will come off without causing the patient much pain. The bed should be made up with old sheets and old pillow-cases. The patient’s strength should be maintained with a nutritious diet and stimulants, and the thirst relieved with crushed ice. The bowels should be kept open, and the nurse should watch for retention of urine. Complications of Burns and Scalds.—Some of the 200 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. complications are delirium, meningitis, ulceration of the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine near the stomach), which may result in perforation of the intes- tine and cause peritonitis, inflammation of the lungs and kidneys or intestines, and retention or suppression of urine. Great distortion or deformity is often caused by contraction of the healing skin. The scars are densely white. To prevent deformity, the parts are put in splints in the best possible position; skin-grafting is often re- sorted to, and in some cases amputation is performed. Sunstroke.—The symptoms of sunstroke are a tem- perature of from 105 to 1120 F., sometimes higher, a flushed face, stertorous breathing, and unconsciousness. The patient should be put into a cold bath and rubbed with ice. If at the seaside, he may be carried to the beach and put in the water; the head may be kept cold by bathing it, or by the application of handkerchiefs wrung out of the water. If a cold bath is impossible, the patient may be douched with cold water from a hose-pipe or from pails, and cold cloths be kept on the head. Enemata of ice-water are very good. The cold- water treatment must be continued until the temperature has fallen, after which the patient should be put to bed, and, if there is depression, be given stimulants moder- ately. Should the temperature begin to rise, the above treatment should be renewed. Heat-exhaustion.—Heat-exhaustion is caused by too long exposure to a very high temperature; the blood leaves the brain and the surface of the body, and goes to the large blood-vessels of the abdomen. The symp- toms are those of shock. The treatment is the same as that for shock : hot bath if possible, or heat applied to all parts of the body; stimulants of alcohol or strong coffee. ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 201 Lightning-stroke.—For a lightning-stroke the treat- ment is the same as that for shock. Fainting.—The head of a person in a faint should be lowered and the feet raised, the blood being thus sent back to the brain. Plenty of air, the clothing loosened about the neck and chest, and a little cold water dashed over the face, are usually sufficient to restore conscious- ness. A method often practised is to place the patient on a chair, and to push the head down between the knees, the hands hanging down by the side. The pa- tient is kept in that position until the face becomes red, being then able to rise and walk about. This position restricts the abdomen and shuts off the blood-supply to the lower extremities, the blood going to the brain. Strong ammonia should not be held to the nostrils of an unconscious patient, as it is very irritating. The pulse should be watched, and if consciousness does not soon return, heat should be applied and a physician be sent for. Little can be done for loss of conscious- ness from heart-failure, beyond stimulating a flagging pulse, until the arrival of medical assistance. Drowning.—In asphyxia from drowning, if the person when taken from the water is breathing, he should be removed, if possible, to a near-by house, and put into a hot bath, which will act as a stimulant; or heat may be applied directly over the heart and other vital organs, the head and shoulders be raised, stimulants given, and the body briskly rubbed. This can be done until the ar- rival of a physician. In all cases of suffocation the throat must be cleared, so that fresh air can reach the lungs. Artificial respiration is the imitation, as nearly as possi- ble, of natural breathing. We breathe from sixteen to eighteen times a minute; this number of chest move- 202 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. merits must not be exceeded, or the lungs cannot ex- pand to fill thoroughly with air nor contract to expel the air. To produce artificial respiration in case of drowning or of suffocation, the patient’s clothing is first removed and Fig. 61.—Artificial respiration, first movement. the body is quickly dried. The mouth, the throat, and the nose should be cleared and the tongue be pulled forward to facilitate access of air to the windpipe; a roll, Fig. 62.—Artificial respiration, second movement. a pillow, a rolled-up coat, or a piece of wood should be placed under the shoulders. The arms near the elbows should now be grasped and be swept around horizon- tally, away from the body, until the hands meet over the head (Fig. 61); this movement raises the ribs and ex- pands the chest as in inspiration; the arms should then be brought down to. the sides, the elbows meeting almost ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 203 over the pit of the stomach (Fig. 62); pressure is then made against the chest-wall, producing contraction of the chest; the arms are to be held in the latter position a few seconds, and then the movements are repeated. Twelve or fifteen respirations will be sufficient. The mouth must be kept open and the tongue be held forward. Accidents from Fire.—If clothing catches fire, the person should be thrown down and rolled in a rug, shawl, blanket, or coat. Any one may at some time be compelled to pass through sulphur fumes or smoke, and it can be done by holding a wet towel, a large wet hand- kerchief, or a wet cloth over the nose and mouth. Some persons who have been through this experience never retire without first placing at their bedside a large hand- kerchief or a towel and a bowl of water, in case this emergency should arise. Retention of Urine.—Retention of urine is due to the patient’s inability to pass urine, owing to shock, paralysis, hysteria (commonly known as hysterical retention), or other causes, which, if not relieved, may result in rupture of the bladder or uremic poisoning through resorption. The patient should be put into a hot bath if possible, which will act as a stimulant, relieve the pain, contract the muscular coats of the bladder, and also produce per- spiration. If the bath is impossible, a hot poultice or fomentation should be applied over the bladder, or cath- eterization may be practised and a simple enema be given. Head-accidents.—For all accidents to the head, the part is to be bathed with warm water and firm pressure with a clean compress be made until the arrival of a physician. 204 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Concussion of the brain is the sudden interruption of the functions of the brain brought on by severe blows on, or by other injury to, the head. In the simple form of concussion the patient is partly insensible; the pupils are contracted, and the face is pale. In a few moments he may regain consciousness ; there is nausea and vom- iting and headache. In a severe case of brain-concus- sion death may very soon occur. Compression of the brain is due to tumors, to depres- sion of the skull from fracture, and other causes. The symptoms closely resemble those of apoplexy. In both these injuries, until the arrival of a physician, who should be sent for at once, the patient should be placed in bed with the head slightly raised; the room should be dark- ened and cold applied to the head. If there is shock, heat is to be applied, but stimulants are not to be given with- out orders from the doctor. Cuts and Bruises.—For a cut or a bruised finger, the part is to be washed thoroughly with an antiseptic solu- tion or with boiled sterilized water, then with dilute alco- hol or with hamamelis (witch-hazel), and the part bound up with clean cotton and a bandage. Foreign Bodies.—A foreign body in the ear should be removed at once. If the obstruction be an insect, the patient should lie on the side with the affected ear upward, the aural canal being straightened by pulling the auricle upward and slightly backward; the ear is then filled with warm water or with olive oil. The insect will then float to the top and fall out. No other liquid should be put into the ear without the consent of an ear specialist. The ear is a very delicate organ, and will be injured by unskilful treatment. If the foreign body is a bean or any object likely to swell, the ear must not be ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 205 syringed. If the obstruction is a button, a stone, or cot- ton, one may try to syringe it out; but nothing else should be attempted, or the obstruction may be pushed farther in. A foreign body in the nose, if it can be seen, may be removed with a bent hair-pin or with forceps. An obstruction in the throat may be removed by the drinking of water, the swallowing of a piece of bread, or by a hard blow between the shoulders; if these measures fail, an emetic of mustard and water or of salt and water may be given. A foreign body in the eye may be removed by having the patient look down; a pencil or some similar thin body is then placed across the upper lid, and the lashes are seized and the lid turned over; the exposed particle is then wiped off. Insect Bites and Stings.—Insect or mosquito bites are treated by bathing the part with dilute or pure vin- egar or with a solution of carbolic acid (i : 40). Dysmenorrhea.—Dysmenorrhea, or painful menstrua- tion, very often calls for prompt treatment, which consists in hot mustard foot-baths, rest in bed, the application of hot flaxseed poultices, or turpentine or mustard fomenta- tions to the lower part of the abdomen, and a hot-water bottle to the back and one to the feet. Drinks of hot ginger-tea or of gin will increase the circulation. It may be mentioned that painful menstruation is often the re- sult of tight lacing: the abdominal organs are crowded down upon the womb, the bladder, and the rectum, and the womb is forced down out of its normal position, the free escape of the blood thus being prevented. Expo- sure to cold during menstruation is another cause. A normal menstruation should be painless. Vomiting.—To relieve vomiting a mustard plaster or 206 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. an ice poultice over the stomach is very good. If the vomiting is caused by constipation, a Seidlitz or a Ro- chelle powder will generally stop it. Flatulence.—Flatulence is relieved by io drops of the oil of peppermint or 5 drops of the oil of turpentine on sugar every three hours, or by drinking very hot water. Toothache.—Toothache may be relieved by oil of cloves, oil of peppermint, or creasote applied on cotton and inserted in the cavity of the tooth. Insomnia.—Insomnia, or sleeplessness, considered as an emergency, may be relieved by the application of heat to the abdomen, and to the feet if they are cold. Should the patient sleep the first few hours of the night, then awake, and remain so during the early morning hours, a light meal, such as a cup of hot cocoa and a cracker, or even a glass of hot milk, will induce sleep by drawing the blood-supply from the brain to the stom- ach, and at the same time the blood will be replenished by substances formed in the process of digestion, that have a soothing effect. Wakefulness is increased if there is a light in the room, because the brain cannot rest un- less there is darkness : to procure this the room should be darkened as much as possible and a handkerchief folded over the patient’s eyes. Sunburn.—Sunburn is painful, and may be relieved by any kind of oil or by a wash made of sodium bicar- bonate, and by excluding the air. Burns by Acids and Alkalies.—A burn by an acid should be treated by pouring over the burn a solution of sodium bicarbonate and water or plain water to dilute the acid; the part is then dressed as for an ordinary burn. For a burn by an alkali, for instance, quicklime, ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 20 7 an acid is applied, such as lemon-juice or vinegar. For burns of the eye with an acid or an alkali the eye should be washed immediately with warm water to dilute the substance and to prevent its being absorbed; vaselin or any of the oils then should be applied. Frost-bite.—Frost-bite is due to extreme cold. The vitality of the part is lowered and the circulation in it ceases. Exposure to intense cold may cause death, owing to the action of the skin and the superficial blood- vessels being cut off; as a consequence, the internal organs are very much congested, which condition is followed by congestion of the brain, causing drowsiness, stupor, and coma, and ending in death. The treatment of frost-bite consists in rubbing the part with snow or with ice-water, which will gradually dilate the contracted blood-vessels and start up the circulation in the part. The patient must be kept in a cold room. As the temperature of the part and of the body rises, the patient should be rubbed gently with equal parts of alco- hol (or vinegar) and water, and the temperature of the room be slowly increased; or the patient may gradually be removed to a warmer room. The part should be exposed to the air for a while and then covered. Hot drinks and stimulants are to be given if necessary. The return to heat must be gradual, as the sudden reaction of the circulation in the part may result in intense inflammation and gangrene. Should inflamma- tion set in, cloths wet in equal parts of alcohol (or vine- gar) and water may be applied. Chilblains.—Chilblains are caused by exposure to cold, followed by a sudden return to heat. The treat- ment is the same as that for frost-bite. Patients after one attack should wear woollen stockings and gloves. 208 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Poison Defined.—A poison is a substance which, when taken into the body, produces either disease or death. Any substance causing death when taken into the stom- ach is a poison. Poisons may also enter the circulation through the broken skin. Classification and Action of Poisons.—Poisons are divided into two classes—irritants and narcotics. The irritant poisons act on the stomach and bowels, and the symptoms of all such poisons are generally the same. Coming in contact with the lips, mouth, throat, and stomach, they produce a burning sensation and give rise to vomiting and pain in the stomach and abdomen, the pain being increased upon pressure, and by purging. The effects of the poisons are chiefly upon these organs, which they irritate and influence. After all irritant poi- sons, demulcent drinks, such as flaxseed tea, white of eggs, glycerin, sweet oil, starch-water, or warm milk, should be given to soothe the inflamed mucous mem- brane. Neurotic poisons act upon one or more parts of the nervous system, producing headache, giddiness, numbness, stupor, and paralysis, and often convulsions and death. They have not the burning taste of irritants, and rarely give rise to vomiting and purging. What to Do in Case of Poisoning.—The first thing to do in all cases of poisoning is to ascertain what kind of poison has been taken, either from the symptoms pro- duced or from the vomited matter. If this detection is impossible, the stomach is to be emptied—that is, if the drug has been taken by mouth—to prevent the poison being absorbed; the antidote (a remedy to counteract the effect of the poison) is then to be given. If the 3. Accidental Poisoning. ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 209 poison has been absorbed, medicines are given to coun- teract its effect on the temperature, the respiration, or the circulation. Vomiting may be induced by giving mustard and warm water, salt and warm water, tepid oil and water (a tablespoonful to a cup of water), warm water, or by running the finger down the throat, or by tickling the throat with a feather. Vomiting is gener- ally easier if the stomach is full of food or of fluid. Should the stomach be empty, a quantity of fluid should be given before the emetic. When emetics are administered, they should be given quickly and not more than half a pint at a time, or the walls of the stomach may become paralyzed through over-distention. After vomiting, the patient should drink plenty of milk or water, and the bowels should be cleared, in case the poison has entered the intestines. A few of the most common poisons and their anti- dotes are the following: Irritant Poisons.—Carbolic Acid.—Milk and lime- water, equal parts; stimulants; no oil, as it will help absorption; flaxseed tea, hot applications to the extrem- ities, and counter-irritation upon the abdomen. Carbonic-acid Gas.—Removal of patient from the room; artificial respiration; bathing with alcohol and water; application of heat to the feet; cold douching, friction, and stimulants. Oxalic, Acetic, and Tartaric Acids.—Chalk or plaster scraped from the wall and dissolved in water or in milk (in an emergency); soapsuds ; emetics ; stimulants, and heat externally. Prussic Acid {Hydrocyanic Acid, Cyanid of Potassium). —Apply smelling-salts to the nose; an emetic; black coffee. Action should be prompt; often there is little 210 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. time for anything but hot and cold affusions to the head and artificial respiration. Sulphuric, Phosphoric, Nitric, and Hydrochloric Acids. —Magnesia, whiting, chalk, sodium bicarbonate, milk, white of egg, or plaster scraped from the wall; external heat. Ammonium.—Vinegar, lemon-juice or orange-juice, milk, oil. Ammonia, Caustic Lime, Potash, and Soda, and the Carbonates of Sodium and Potassium, are alkalies, and are treated with acids, such as vinegar and lemon-juice, and milk, and olive or any bland oil to soothe the mucous membrane. Arsenic and Paris Green.—Emetics; oil and lime- water; milk; raw eggs; flaxseed tea; powdered charcoal in water (half an ounce to a cup of water); heat over the abdomen. Corrosive Sublimate.—White of egg, which, being an albumin, will render the corrosive insoluble, or milk or flour and water will answer; then an emetic is given to remove the poison. Poisoning by copper or lead is treated in the same way. Ergot.—Stimulants ; strong tea. Iodin.—Emetic; flour or starch and water; white of egg in milk ; sodium bicarbonate. Phosphorus.—Emetics and purgatives; no oil, as it aids absorption ; poultices to stomach. Poison ivy when brought in contact with the skin is capable of exciting inflammation of its tissues. It is an acid, and is treated with an alkaline. Plain cold water, baking-soda (saleratus) and water made into a thick wash, lime-water, or soapsuds will help to relieve the inflammation. The applications should be continued ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES. 211 faithfully for twenty-four hours. The parts should after- ward be dusted with powdered starch. Narcotic Poisons.—Aconite.—Emetics; purgatives; stimulants of alcohol, digitalis, or atropin to restore the heart’s action; heat to the body. Atropin and Belladonna.—Emetics; black coffee and stimulants; hot and cold water alternately to the head; lemon- or orange-juice and water. The patient should be aroused from stupor. Chloral.—Emetics; heat is to be applied and strong coffee given ; hot mustard foot-baths; artificial respira- tion should be practised if necessary. The patient should be aroused as in opium-poisoning. Digitalis.—Emetics; strong tea and perfect quiet in bed; also cathartics. Opium and Morphia.—Emetics (the stomach may be washed out with warm water); black coffee by the mouth or the rectum; vinegar and water; lemon- or orange- juice and water. The patient should be aroused from stupor and kept awake by being walked about the room and flicked with a wet towel; a hot- and a cold-water douche may be given. Mustard plasters may be applied to different parts of the body. Blistering should be guarded against; the patient should be kept warm all through the treatment. Nux Vomica and Strychnia.—The stomach should be emptied before the convulsions begin. If an emetic is impossible, inhalations of ether or of chloroform should be given, and the stomach be washed out; chloral or bromid of potassium be given subcutaneously to quiet the convulsions; also a hot bath. Heat and friction are to be applied and artificial respiration is to be practised. 212 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Nitrate of Amyl.—Artificial respiration ; hot and cold affusions. Quinia.—Emetics ; purgatives ; strong tea or coffee; hot stimulants ; artificial respiration. Mushrooms.—Emetics; purgatives; poultices to abdo- men ; stimulants. Poisoning by tainted meats or fish or by mushrooms is treated with emetics and purgatives. Heat and stim- ulants should be employed if there is shock. Bites of Rabid Animals.—Poisoned bites by a mad dog or by serpents should be treated by having the poison sucked out of the wound (unless there is an abrasion on the nurse’s lip), and the wound afterward washed with plain warm water. The patient must be taken at once to a physician, who will cauterize the wound. The patient must be given stimulants in mod- erate quantities to sustain the system. The state of the pulse must be taken as a guide to indicate when the proper amount of stimulation has been reached. In all emergencies the nurse must keep perfectly calm ; she should think what has happened and what should be done, and then do it quietly. If she gets excited and loses her presence of mind, the life of the patient may be lost. When notifying the physician or surgeon she should send a written, not a verbal message, and should state clearly what has happened, so that he will fully understand and come prepared: he should also be informed of what is being done by the nurse. NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 213 V. NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. i. Infectious and Contagious Diseases. Infectious Diseases.—Infectious diseases are caused by the introduction into the body of a living poison, which has the power of producing a disease if it can find therein conditions suitable for its development. Every infectious or contagious disease is caused by a specific germ—a germ which produces that disease and no other. Exposure to an infectious disease does not produce that disease in a healthy person, because its germs cannot find conditions suitable for their develop- ment, so that the mere presence of the active cause in itself is insufficient to produce the disease. In diphtheria it will usually be found that the attack of the disease has been preceded by a local inflammation of the throat, thus making a suitable place for the specific action of the diphtheria germs. In typhoid fever the germs re- quire a suitable condition of the bowels before they can produce the disease. Healthy lungs are not a suitable location for the development and activity of the germs which produce consumption. On finding these conditions it takes the germs some days to develop and produce the disease; this explains what is meant by the period of in- cubation. All germs—or bacteria, as they are called— have their favorite seat in the body, and they leave the body through the lungs, the skin, the kidneys, or the bowels. The germs of diphtheria leave the body through the breath and the discharges from the nose and throat; those of pneumonia and of consumption (which is tuber- culosis of the lungs) leave the body through the expec- 214 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. torations, which are charged with them; those of scarlet fever and of measles, through the breath, skin, and dis- charges from the nose and throat; those of whooping cough, in the same manner as those of diphtheria; those of small-pox, through all the discharges; and those of typhoid fever, through the bowels. Contagious Diseases.—Contagious diseases spread by contact with a patient or with the corpse of one dead of a contagious disease, articles of clothing, etc. Some- times the disease will be communicated by a single ap- proach to a patient, though persons who have once had a contagious disease rarely ever have it a second time: this is what is meant by immunity. A child that never had scarlet fever if placed in the same room with one who has the disease will take it because of this ex- posure. The “ acute exanthemata ” are the eruptive diseases—scarlet fever, measles, small-pox, and chicken- pox. Another term very often heard is miasmatic disease. Intermittent fever and malarial fever come under the head of miasmatic diseases, the poison of which is found in the low, marshy districts. These diseases are infec- tious, but not contagious; one cannot take them by contact with the patient, but must get them from ex- posure to the continual dampness of the soil and from the atmosphere. We guard against the spread of contagious diseases by isolating the patient in a room at the top of the house, because the air there is purer, and because if the patient be on any of the lower floors the poison might spread upward through the house; by the utmost clean- liness, by keeping the air pure, by the faithful use of dis- infectants, and by hanging a sheet wet with some disin- NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 215 fectant, or even with plain water, before the door of the room, so that when the door is opened the germs in the air coming from the room will come in contact with the wet sheet and cling to it; by having separate dishes and utensils for the room and the patient, and separate bed- and body-linen, and by thoroughly disinfecting the movements and expectorations before disposing of them. The very best way to treat the latter is to mix them with sawdust and then burn them. Typhoid Fever.—Typhoid fever is an acute infectious disease due to the entrance into the body of a special poi- son by drinking impure water or milk, through bad air or drainage, or from a previous case of typhoid fever where no precautions were taken against the spread of the dis- ease. It is also called enteric fever, slow fever, low fever, and nervous fever, and is characterized by inflammation, and in some localities by ulceration, of the bowels. In mild cases the stage of ulceration may not be reached. The period of incubation is from two to three weeks. Symptoms.—Some of the symptoms are headache, aching pains in the back and the limbs, loss of appetite, increasing weakness, nausea, sleeplessness, depression, a chilly feeling, nose-bleed, slight diarrhea, gradual rise of temperature and increase of pulse, coated tongue, stupor, and delirium. There may be coma vigil, the patient lying perfectly quiet with his eyes open, but paying no attention to what is going on around him. The temperature gradually rises morning and evening until it reaches 104°, sometimes 105° F., with a corre- sponding increase in the pulse-rate. During the second week the temperature is high and varies very little; it begins to descend gradually during the third week, the morning temperature being one or two degrees lower 216 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. than that of the evening. During the fourth week the temperature is almost normal in the morning, and rather irregular. A sudden drop would indicate hemorrhage or perforation of the bowels. The pulse is generally rapid, and in severe cases may be dicrotic. About the second week rose-colored spots appear on the chest, the back, and the abdomen. These spots are slightly elevated and disappear upon pressure. Each spot lasts about three days, a few fresh ones appearing every day or two until the third week, when they dis- appear. The eruption may be absent in the old and the very young. The third week is an anxious week, as then very often the symptoms are at their worst. The patient may have a relapse, which is another course of the fever ; but generally the duration of the disease following a relapse is not so long as the first attack. It is, however, a very serious time, the patient’s strength being very low. The nursing consists in keeping the patient quietly in bed, the bed- and body-linen sweet and clean, the air of the room fresh and pure, and the temperature 65° F. The typhoid germ is eliminated from the body through the discharge from the bowels, and the smallest portion of fecal matter can produce the disease in another person. There may be diarrhea, the movements being loose and yellowish in color, with an offensive odor, or there may be constipation. After a recent hemorrhage the move- ments are dark red, containing blood; but if not passed for some time after the hemorrhage has taken place, they will be black, resembling tar. The excreta must be thoroughly disinfected with chlorid of lime (1 pound to 4 gallons of water, 1 quart being well stirred in each dejection), or with whitewash or a solution of carbolic acid (1 : 20). Corrosive subli- NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 217 mate is not so good, as it hardens the albuminous mate- rial which covers the outside of all fecal masses, and thus protects the inside from its action. In the absence of all disinfectants boiling water may be used, or the movements may be mixed with sawdust and burned. The feces must not be emptied near a well nor any place where the water-supply would become contaminated. A disinfectant should be poured into the bed-pan before it is carried to the patient, and on its removal it should be covered with a cloth wet in carbolic-acid solution. Bed- and body-linen soiled with fecal matter must be thor- oughly boiled. Sometimes there is a constant dribbling of urine through over-distention of the bladder. This trouble is easily remedied if the catheter be passed. There may be retention or suppression of urine. Retention exists when the bladder is full of urine, the patient being incapable of urinating; in suppression the bladder is empty, no urine having been secreted by the kidneys. The nurse should report any cough, the character of the expectoration, and nose-bleed; also delirium, which very often occurs, and which may be mild, active, or violent. She should be very kind and gentle, but firm; she should not leave the patient alone for a single mo- ment, but should wait until some member of the family can relieve her or bring what she needs. She should report any symptoms of pain in the ear, discharge from the ear, or deafness, which is not uncommon. The mouth of the patient must be kept perfectly clean; it should be washed at least three times daily to prevent the collection of sordes, a dark-brown accumulation on the teeth, gums, lips, and tongue. The diet will be liquid food, which is easily digested; 2l8 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. a more solid diet would irritate the intestines and cause perforation. Milk will probably be ordered. For an adult two quarts should be given in small quantities every one or two hours during the twenty-four hours; the milk may be flavored with tea, coffee, cocoa, vanilla, or any flavor for which the patient has a fondness. Should the milk not digest, as will readily be deter- mined by the presence of milk-curds in the dejections, this fact should be reported to the doctor. A few words may be said here about the drinking of milk. Many patients will drink half a glass, and often a whole glass, of milk at one time, and soon afterward will complain of a feeling of indigestion and want very hot water to drink. Milk curdles as it is swallowed, and if a large quantity is drunk at once, it forms in the stomach a large hard mass, and the juices of the stomach can act only on the outside of it; whereas if the milk is drunk in little sips, it forms a loose mass of small lumps, and the juices of the stomach can work around and among them, and thus dissolve the whole in a very little time. The milk diet should be alternated with beef-tea, chicken-broth, oyster-broth, coffee, or cocoa. Oysters contain an amount of albumin, are very nour- ishing, are easily digested, and are often retained when all else fails. One oyster, fresh from the shell, may be given every hour or half hour. It should be remem- bered that the patient’s mouth and lips are very often parched and dry; therefore they should be moistened before feeding. The patient should always be awakened for treatment in the daytime, but the doctor should be asked if he is to be awakened during the night. Thirst may be relieved with crushed ice, lemonade, or orangeade. The patient should also be supplied with Plate 3. TYPHOID FEVER. i j seventeen hemorrhages from the bowels. Pneumonia developed on the forty-eighth day. Recoi Temperature chart of a typhoid-fever case m which th« Pat‘e ery. NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 219 plenty of cool filtered or distilled water or with Vichy water. The object of giving the patient plenty of pure water to drink is to flush out the kidneys and to aid in the elimination of the worn-out material generated in the body by the fever. Tepid baths are given to lower the body-tempera- ture. A bath every two or three hours may be ordered. Besides reducing the temperature, baths are excellent for restlessness and sleeplessness; they soothe and quiet the patient. In a severe case the patient’s temperature should be taken every three hours. y. Complications.—Some of the Complications of typhoid fever are pneumonia, hemorrhage,-'‘peritonitis, perfora- tion, and diarrhea (PI. 3). ■ ''' " Two of the most dreaded complications of typhoid fever are hemorrhage and perforation, and it is the lia- bility to these two complications that makes it absolutely necessary for the patient to keep perfectly quiet, not ris- ing for anything without direct orders from the doctor, be the case ever so mild, as sitting up causes pressure upon the ulcerated part, and might result in perforation. Purgatives must not be given by a nurse on her own responsibility, as they might irritate the bowels and cause perforation. Hemorrhage.—The intestines, though very thin, are supplied with large and small blood-vessels. In typhoid fever the intestines are in some parts ulcerated: one of the ulcers may eat its way into a blood-vessel and cause hemorrhage, which is indicated by a sudden fall of tem- perature, a small, rapid pulse, a pale face, an anxious expression, restlessness, demand for air, faintness, and blood in the movements. With children ulceration of the bowels is less likely 220 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. than with adults, consequently the dangers of hemor- rhage and perforation are less. The rash may be absent, but the brain-symptoms are marked, and generally the temperature rises suddenly. In very old people the rash may also be absent. Treatment of Hemorrhag e.—In treating hemorrhage the foot of the bed should be raised as high as possible. If the bedstead cannot be raised, then the bed-spring should be raised and the head of the patient should be lowered. Ice or ice-cold cloths may be applied to the abdomen. Morphia (gr. may be given hypodermatic- ally ; it will both stimulate the heart and secure rest and quiet. The patient must be kept perfectly quiet on the back, so that the blood will coagulate in the vessels and prevent further hemorrhage. Perforation is due to the breaking of an ulcer of the in- testine ; the contents of the bowels then escape into the abdomen, causing inflammation of the peritoneum, and resulting in peritonitis. The symptoms of perforation are sudden and sharp pain in the abdomen, which is distend- ed and tender, vomiting, a fall of the body-temperature, a small, rapid pulse, and all the symptoms of collapse. Treatment of Perforation.—The treatment until the arrival of the physician consists in the application of hot fomentations to the abdomen and down the limbs, stimulation, and morphia (gr. f) to secure rest and quiet and to relieve the pain. The nurse must be calm, cheerful, and equal to any emergency. Whatever happens, she should not let her patient know, either by word or by look, that there is anything wrong; she must remember that the patient is watching her very closely, and is guided by the expres- sion of her face. NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 221 Tympanites, which is distention of the abdomen through the accumulation of gas in the bowels, is relieved by turpentine fomentations or by plain poultices and the rectal tube. Bed-sores may be prevented by bathing the patient’s back with alcohol or with a solution of salt and whisky (2 teaspoonsful of salt to a pint of whisky), or by pow- dering the back with oxid of zinc, fuller’s earth, pow- dered starch, corn-starch, bismuth, or borax. If the skin breaks, the part should be covered with the white of egg. When the urine and the feces are passed involuntarily or when there is much skin moisture, rubbing the back with olive oil or vaselin will prevent the moisture from being absorbed. In the absence of alcohol, the parts should be kept perfectly clean with soap and water; the sheets should be kept dry and free from wrinkles; pres- sure should be removed and the position of the patient should be changed often. Convalescence.—During convalescence there may be a temporary rise of temperature, due either to excitement, change of food, or constipation. The diet should be light, such as custards, puddings, cream-toast, soft-boiled eggs, and jellies. A return to solid diet should be made only with the doctor’s permission. Very few visitors should be allowed. The nurse should be faithful in the use of disinfectants, and should never go to her meals without first washing her hands thoroughly with soap and water and a brush. The germs enter the body by the mouth ; hence by the thorough washing of her hands before eating the nurse will guard against the germs of the disease—typhoid or any germ-disease of which she has the care—being swallowed with the food. Walking Typhoid Fever.—“ Walking ” typhoid fever, 222 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. as a rule, is of a mild character; the patient refuses to give up and go to bed. Still, there is always the danger of grave symptoms developing and resulting in death. Scarlet Fever.—Scarlet fever is synonymous with scarlatina. It is an acute infectious contagious disease characterized by high temperature, rapid pulse, head- ache, vomiting, sore throat, and rash. The tongue is coated, which coating after a few days disappears and the papillae become prominent and bright red—the “ strawberry tongue,” as it is called. The bowels are constipated, the urine scanty and high-colored. On the second day of the disease the rash appears. It be- gins as small red dots on the chest and neck, and gradually extends until the whole body is a bright scar- let. About the fifth day the temperature begins to fall, and gradually decreases, the eruption fades, and desqua- mation or peeling begins. Very often large scales will come off the hands, the feet, and the abdomen. This peeling lasts for two or three weeks. In the malignant form the rash comes out late, the temperature is very high, and death often takes place in from two to three days; while in the simple form the rash is present, but there is very little throat trouble. With children scarlet fever is often ushered in with convulsions. The treatment of scarlet fever lies in isolating the pa- tient in a room as far away from the family apartments as possible, and in removing all unnecessary articles from the room. If two adjoining rooms can be used, the medicines, dishes, disinfectants, etc. should be kept in the second room; if only one room is available, a screen may be improvised by covering a clothes-horse with a shawl, a blanket, or a sheet, and behind this screen NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 223 everything may be kept. A small table may be placed outside the room, and provided with a slate upon which the nurse writes her requirements, the things needed being left for her on this table. The nurse should keep the air of the room perfectly pure and the temperature at 65° F. When ventilating the room, she should take care that the air does not blow from the sick-room into the other rooms of the house. A sheet wet with some disinfectant should be hung over the door. Nothing must leave the room without first being washed in a disinfectant or in boiling water. The diet is liquid. The patient should be given to drink plenty of pure cold water, which will flush out the kidneys and aid in eliminating the worn-out mate- rial generated in the body. Baths or cold packs may be ordered to reduce the fever, followed by oiling of the body with cocoa-butter, sweet oil, or vaselin. This treatment, besides reducing the fever, will assist the peeling and prevent the scales of skin flying about, and thus act as a preventive against the spread of the disease. The nurse should have every- thing ready before beginning the bath, and the bed- and body-linen thoroughly aired before being changed. The nose, mouth, and throat of the patient should be kept perfectly clean. Soft rags should be used to wipe away the fecal discharges, and they should be burned as soon as used; if this is impracticable, they should be thrown into a pail of disinfectant. If the throat is ordered to be sprayed, the nurse should stand a little to one side when spraying, so that the patient will not cough in her face. The ears of the patient should be watched very closely, and any pain or discharge should be reported to the 224 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. physician. Inflammation of the middle ear, a very com- mon condition after scarlet fever, and deafness, are often due to carelessness on the part of the nurse. If the pain is severe, one may, until the arrival of the doctor, try hot flannels or a bag, made in half-moon shape, filled with salt and heated. This bag should be applied around the ear, never over it, because the heat might cause the walls of the canal to swell, which would bring them together. Dry heat will give great relief. Complications.—Uremia, dropsy, and nephritis (inflam- mation of the kidneys) are complications very apt to appear. The urine must carefully be watched and meas- ured. The nephritis and dropsy may be due to cold taken during a bath or during convalescence, either through carelessness of the nurse or obstinacy of the patient. The symptoms of dropsy are puffiness of the face, the eyelids, and the limbs, paleness, headache, and smoky-colored urine. With children uremia is very often ushered in with convulsions. Uremia is caused by urea (a very poisonous substance of the urine) being re- tained in the body, owing to the kidneys not properly doing their work. The symptoms of uremia are head- ache, suppression of urine, nausea, and the odor of urine in the breath; unless relieved, these symptoms are fol- lowed by convulsions, coma, and death. The pulse is slow and full; the temperature is subnormal. Uremic convulsions may be relieved by a hot pack or a hot-air bath, and morphia (gr. hypodermatically ad- ministered if possible, which will quiet the spasms, en- courage perspiration, and stimulate the heart. An enema or a cathartic of oil or of Epsom salt may be given to clear the bowels. Hot fomentations or poultices may be applied over the kidneys to relieve the suppression of urine. NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 225 Delirium must at once be reported. Should it set in after the physician has made his visit, cold may be applied to the patient’s head. Depression must be met with stimulants. The patient should be well nourished, as the fever is very exhausting. Convalescence.—The patient will probably require iso- lation for four weeks, be the case ever so mild. A thor- ough bath and a complete change of clothing must be given before he goes into another room. Some doctors like the patient to be in an adjoining room for two weeks before mingling with the family. The patient must be kept away from all draughts. The convalescence is slow and must be guarded. Typhus Fever.—Typhus fever is an acute contagious disease caused by an infecting germ and influenced by overcrowding, bad food, bad air, and impure drinking- water. Symptoms.—Typhus fever begins abruptly with a chill, followed by high fever, severe pain in the head, the back, and the limbs, muscular weakness, and great prostration. The temperature rapidly rises, and about the third or fourth day it is 104 or 1050 F., with a corresponding increase of pulse, from 120 to 130 beats, which are at first full, bounding, and compressible, and later weak and often dicrotic. The bowels are constipated, the urine is scanty and high-colored, the face is dusky, and the tongue is covered with a whitish fur which in severe cases becomes black. There is also a peculiar odor characteristic of the disease. About the fifth day there appears over the body an eruption, consisting of rose-colored spots, which after two or three days become darker. The difference be- tween the rash of typhoid and that of typhus fever is 226 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. that the eruption of typhus does not appear in successive crops, it does not disappear upon pressure, it begins to fade from the end of the first week to about the middle of the second week, and is much darker. In severe cases death may take place in a few days from coma or from heart-failure, while in mild cases the improvement begins about the end of the second week, the temperature falls suddenly, and convalescence is rapid. Treatment.—The patient is to be isolated, and disinfec- tion of the clothing and the excreta must be thoroughly effected. The exhaustion, which is extreme, is met with stimulants. Bed-sores and heart-failure are to be guarded against. All visitors are to be excluded, and the patient is to be kept bodily and mentally quiet. The nurse must not hesitate to feed the patient by the rectum if it be- comes necessary. The high temperature is treated with cold baths or packs; the headache and delirium are treated with cold applied to the head and absolute quiet maintained. The air of the room must be kept fresh and pure, and the temperature even. The complications of typhus fever are catarrhal pneu- monia, inflammation of the kidneys, and swollen paro- tid glands. Small-pox.—Small-pox is an acute contagious dis- ease. The varieties are—discrete, confluent, malignant, and varioloid or modified small-pox. Symptoms.—The disease begins with a chill, high fever, vomiting, intense pain in the back, limbs, and head, sleep- lessness, and a full and rapid pulse (from ioo to 120 or more). The temperature reaches its height (104-105° F.) about the second day, and at the fourth day it begins to fall. About the third day the eruption begins to NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 227 appear on the forehead and face, and consists of small, round, elevated red spots, which feel like shot. When the eruption appears the temperature falls and the pa- tient feels very comfortable. The eruption gradually spreads over the entire body. On or about the sixth day these small hard spots become clear vesicles or blisters, and two or three days afterward they change to pustules; then the secondary chill sets in, the tempera- ture rises to 104 or 1060 F., with a corresponding increase in the pulse. Pus oozes from the pustules, which in about three days dry up and form crusts hav- ing an offensive odor. After a week or so these crusts fall off and leave the “ pock-marks.” There is delirium, the face is swollen, the features are disfigured and often unrecognizable, the bowels are constipated (though there may be diarrhea), and the urine is scanty. The second- ary fever in a mild case may gradually subside on the third or the fourth day, and convalescence set in. In the confluent form the pimples are very abundant and they run together; there is a fetid discharge from the nose and the throat. The symptoms are more severe than in the discrete form. The malignant form ends in death in a few days, before the rash appears. Varioloid, or the modified form, occurs in a person who has either been vaccinated or has had a previous attack. The nursing consists in isolating the patient and using every precaution against the spread of the disease. Members of the family must protect themselves by vac- cination ; the air of the room must be kept pure, and the temperature even (about 65° F.). The fever may be treated by cold baths or packs, and pains in the limbs and back, either by ice or by heat—whichever is the 228 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. more comfortable to the patient. The pitting can to a certain extent be prevented by darkening the room, keeping it thoroughly ventilated, covering the patient’s face with a mask soaked in either carbolic-acid or corro- sive-sublimate solution, or by applying some simple oint- ment which will relieve the pain and heat. To prevent scratching, the patient’s hands may be tied up in soft cloths. When the crusts fall off they must be burned. The eyes, nose, and mouth must be kept clean, being washed several times a day. The diet consists of milk, broths, egg-nog, oysters (which are almost all albumin), oyster- broth, and beef-juice. Crushed ice, lemonade, or soda- water may be given to relieve the thirst. Stimulants may be given if necessary. After the case is ended everything that can be burned must be so destroyed, and the room and the furniture be fumigated and disinfected several times (see p. 234). It is a dread disease, and the germs, like those of scarlet fever, are very long lived. Measles.—Measles begin with all the symptoms of a severe cold. About the third day the rash appears on the face and forehead, and then spreads over the body. It consists of small red spots of different sizes, slightly elevated. The temperature rises to 102° F., and in- creases when the eruption appears. At the end of two or three days the eruption fades, the temperature sud- denly falls, and desquamation, or peeling, begins in the form of a fine branny powder, very unlike the peeling seen in scarlet fever. The Nursing.—The patient is to be isolated, as the disease is contagious; the temperature of the room should be even (about 70° F.), and the room must be NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 229 slightly darkened on account of the condition of the eyes. Baths should be given to assist the peeling. The diet is either liquid or of light food, according to the amount of fever. The bowels must be kept regular. The eyes, nose, and mouth must be kept perfectly clean. The patient must be guarded against exposure to draughts, and must be kept in bed, be the case ever so mild, until the peeling is over. After the patient has left the room any tendency to cough must be reported. Disinfection and fumigation should be practised as for scarlet fever (see pp. 223, 234). Complications.—Some of the complications are pneu- monia, bronchial catarrh, and inflammation of the eyes, nose, throat, and ears. Diphtheria.—Diphtheria is an extremely infectious disease, the germs of which have their seat in the throat. The poison is carried through the body, and may give rise to certain forms of paralysis, which is partly due to the action of the poison on the nervous system, and partly to its interference with the nutrition of the va- rious tissues of the body. The temperature ranges from ioo° to 105°, or 1060 F. in severe cases, with a correspondingly increased pulse. The tonsils are red, swollen, and covered with membrane. This membrane may be of a gray or a yellowish-white color, and gradually change to a dull gray. When the membrane extends to the nose and the larynx, this condition will be manifested by an offensive discharge from the nose and nose-bleed, and by a gradual loss of the voice and difficult breathing. Soft cloths should be used to wipe away the discharges from the nose and the mouth; these cloths must be burned or thrown into a disinfectant as soon as used. The discharges are highly 230 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. infectious. All cuts and scratches of the nurse’s hands should be covered, as the smallest amount of discharge that may get on any raw surface is capable of producing blood-poisoning. The Nursing.—The patient must be isolated. The room is to be properly ventilated, and the temperature of the room should be 65° F. Moist air may possibly be ordered, which can readily be secured by keeping pans or kettles of boiling water in the room, or, if there is a fire in the room or furnace-heat, by wringing sheets out of water and hanging them up to dry. Steam inhalations may be ordered for the throat, or gargles or sprays. Peroxid of hydrogen is very com- monly used for the destruction and elimination of the false membrane, and if the throat is not very sensitive, this drug may be used undiluted, applied with a swab. If this cannot be done, the throat may be sprayed with one part of peroxid of hydrogen to 4 parts of water. A glass atomizer must be used, because the peroxid of hydrogen decomposes when in contact with metal. The antitoxin treatment for diphtheria is the injection into the body (generally into the broad of the back) of antitoxin serum, by means of a large hypodermic syr- inge. The operation is performed by the attending physician. The nourishment and stimulants must faithfully be kept up. Often the throat is so swollen that the patient cannot swallow, and resort must be had to rectal feeding. Crushed ice or ice-cream will prove very grateful to the patient, besides helping to reduce the inflammation. The ice-cream adds to the amount of nourishment taken, as it is made of milk and eggs. Paralysis of the muscles of the throat is not uncommon, and the patient must not NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 231 return to solid diet without permission from the doctor. There may also be temporary paralysis of the muscles of the eyes and of the limbs. The nurse must watch the urine; it will be high-col- ored and scanty, and there may be retention, owing to paralysis of the bladder. The depression is very great, and heart-failure often occurs through sudden sitting up or sitting up too soon. The patient must not be allowed to sit up without direct orders from the doctor. The nurse must guard herself by good, nourishing food, fresh air, and the faithful use of disinfectants. The germs are less likely to infect the lining membrane of the throat and larynx if these parts are in a healthy condition; but when the tonsils are inflamed the germs find the conditions necessary for their development, and diphtheria is the result. When the case is ended thor- ough disinfection is necessary. Tracheotomy is often performed in diphtheria when the larynx is obstructed through extension of the diphtheritic membrane and there is danger of suffocation. It is also performed in membranous croup for the same reason as that in diphtheria. With the instruments the nurse has very little to do, but she must have at hand plenty of hot water, basins, tape, scissors, strong white thread, a fan, stimulants, sponges, a firm, hard table, and a small pillow, which can be made of a folded sheet. The patient is placed on the table, and the clothing is slipped well under the shoulders ; the patient is then rolled in a sheet or a blanket, which is pinned securely, so that he cannot struggle or get loose (PI. 4). If the nurse is asked to hold the head, she should hold it firmly and not too far back, lest the patient be suffocated before the operation is begun. When the trachea is opened there will be a 232 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. rush of air and mucus; then the silver tube (Fig. 63) will be inserted and secured by the tape, which is passed Fig. 63.—Tracheotomy: a, tracheotomy-tube ; b, tracheotomy-tube in position. through the slits on each side of the shield, and carried round the neck and tied at the side (Fig. 63). The trachea-tube is made double, so that the inner one may be taken out and cleansed. The after-care consists of three things: faithfulness in maintaining the patient’s strength with nourishing food and stimulants, keeping the tube free from membrane, and the air of the room moist and warm (temp. 8o° F.), because in tracheotomy the air does not first go through the nostrils and become warmed before reaching the lungs, but it goes directly to the lungs through the tube. This protection is further effected by folding a light muffler of gauze over the aperture of the tube. The patient may be fed by the rectum if necessary. Everything should be made ready before beginning to DIPHTHERIA. Plate 4. 2 i. Position of patient for tracheotomy; 2. Intubation; inserting the tube (from An American Text-Book 0/ the Diseases 0/ Children). DIPHTHERIA. Plate 5. Croup-tent for steaming and calomel-fumigation (Northrup): i. Croup-tent open. The fumigation-apparatus, standing on the table, consists of a Bunsen burner, a tripod, and a plate containing calomel; 2. Calomel-fumigation; croup-tent closed, nurse watching the child while fumigation is going on. NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 233 cleanse the inner tube, which should not be kept out longer than necessary. If the tube is oiled a little, its removal will be facilitated and the mucus prevented from accumulating. The discharge should be noticed—if it be thin, dry, or moist. A small piece of flannel or of cot- ton-wool spread with vaselin and placed between the tube and skin will protect the edges of the wound against the pressure of the tube and prevent irritation and chafing. Should the tube suddenly be coughed out, it should quickly be replaced; if this is impossible, a small cath- eter may be inserted or a small rubber tube, which can be kept in position by means of a safety-pin run through the end of the tubing, a cord or tape being slipped through each side of the pin and tied around the neck. Should either of these measures fail, then the part should be kept wiped out with absorbent cotton, and the patient raised in the best breathing position possible until the arrival of the doctor, and stimulants be given if neces- sary. Intubation.—This, as the above operation, is performed when the larynx is obstructed either from acute or chronic disease or from a foreign body. The duties of the nurse in intubation will be, in case the patient is a child, to hold the child upright in her arms, with its knees placed firmly between her own, while an assistant stands behind her chair and holds the head in the proper position (PI. 4). The patient should be fed well; he will swallow better with the head to one side. Ice- cream, crushed ice, and all foods in small amounts may be given. If the tube is coughed up or swallowed, the doctor must be informed. If swallowed, it will probably pass 234 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. through the bowels without any trouble. It may not be necessary to reinsert the tube; however, it is always well to ask the doctor what to do under such cir- cumstances. Fumigation of Sick-room after Contagious Diseases: Sulphur Fumes.—After recovery or death of a patient from contagious disease everything in the nature of books, playthings, etc. that can be burned should be so destroyed, and the remaining things be washed thoroughly in carbolic-acid solution (i : 20) or in boil- ing water, and the room fumigated. The germs, which are very long lived, may lie hidden in clothes, books, and other things if these are packed and laid away; they will also lie in the corners of a room, and will develop months or even years after the case has ended and do all the harm of which they are capable. The fumigation should be very thorough. All the cracks in the room should be closed either by stuffing them with cotton or by pasting paper over them. All draw- ers and closets should be opened, and the pillows and mattresses should be ripped. A tub or a large pan should be partly filled with water, and in this be placed two or three bricks on which to stand a smaller pan. In this smaller pan is put the roll sulphur, which must be broken up into very small pieces and be saturated with alcohol. The water in the large pan will both guard against fire and furnish moisture in the form of steam. After everything is secure and there is no possible way for the sulphur fumes to escape the sulphur is ignited. If alcohol is not at hand, a few red coals will ignite the sulphur. The room door is now closed, the key-hole and all the cracks of the door are stopped up, and the room is left for twenty-four hours, when it is opened and NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 235 aired for twenty-four hours longer; then everything, in- cluding the walls and floors, must be washed with either corrosive-sublimate (i : 1000) or carbolic-acid solution (i : 20) and exposed to the action of the sun and air for a number of days. If, when preparing the room for fumigation, a hole is bored through the middle of the top window-sash, and there is passed through this hole a piece of rope of suf- ficient length to extend to a window below', the sick-room window can be opened from the outside at the end of the fumigation. When closing up the cracks in the sides of the window care should be taken that they are filled in securely, so that the sulphur fumes cannot escape through them, but at the same time that the window can easily be pulled open. Moist fumigation is obtained by filling the room with steam generated from kettles of boiling water, or, if there is a register or a fire in the room, by hanging up wet sheets or wet blankets. This procedure is continued until moisture falls from the walls and the furniture, to which moisture the germs cling; then, while still moist, the walls, furniture, and floor are thoroughly washed with corrosive-sublimate solution (1 : 1000), and after- ward exposed to the influence of the sun and air. Another method of disinfection is to close the room for twelve hours, until the dust has settled, and then to wash off the furniture with corrosive-sublimate solution (1 : 1000). Newspapers are then spread upon the floor and the walls are rubbed with stale bread; the crumbs fall upon the newspapers, which are afterward taken up and burned. The disadvantage of this method lies in the inability to get into the crevices. When a patient dies of a contagious disease, the body 236 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSINC. should be washed with a disinfectant and be wrapped in a sheet wrung out of the same; the funeral must be strictly private. The dress of the nurse must be of wash material, and she should wear a close-fitting cap. A member of the family should relieve her at meal-times and when she is sleeping. She should not eat nor sleep in the sick-room if this can possibly be avoided. She should go out for a while each day, no matter how tired she may be, first making an entire change of clothing, or she should go into an adjoining room, open the window top and bot- tom, and walk up and down before the open window. Phthisis is tuberculosis of the lungs, commonly called “ consumption,” and is infectious through the expectora- tions if the latter are allowed to dry, the germs of the disease being blown about in the dust. A sputum-cup (Fig. 64) containing some antiseptic solution should be used by the patient and be cleaned at least three times a day. The other excretions must also be disinfected. If the patient is able to go about, he should be told the importance of expectorating in pieces of soft cloth, which can be burned, and not in handkerchiefs, which are to be washed. Kissing must not be allowed, as the infection can be transmitted by sores that may be on the lips; neither should a healthy person sleep in the same room with a consumptive. It is very important that cuts and scratches on the hands should be well covered, as there is danger of the sputum coming in contact with such injuries and of the germs entering the body through the broken skin. The nurse will therefore see how essential it is, when on duty in contagious cases, to take great care of her hands. The same precaution applies to the patient, all cuts and scratches being covered so NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 237 that the sputa or the excretions cannot come in contact with the wounds, and in keeping the skin perfectly clean. Forms of Phthisis.—There is an acute and a chronic form of phthisis : the acute form at first is not unlike pneu- monia ; there is chill, a rise of temperature, profuse per- spiration, difficulty in breathing; the expectorations at first are rust-colored, and afterward become purulent- All these symptoms rapidly increase, and death occurs in a few weeks or a little longer. In the chronic form the patient may linger for years. Patients with phthisis, whose cases are generally hope- less, esteem the kind attention of the nurse, there being very little that can be done for them beyond making them as comfortable and as. happy as possible. Simple Croup.—Simple croup or false croup is a dis- ease of children, and begins with all the symptoms of a severe cold—dry cough and suppressed voice, caused by mucus collecting in the nostrils and larynx, which becomes dry and hard; consequently the patient is in great distress and makes spasmodic efforts to breathe. The patient should be propped up in the best breathing position, and hot fomentations applied to the throat; an effort should be made to produce vomiting with luke- warm water and salt, or by tickling the throat, or by running the finger down the throat, followed by any kind of oil, melted vaselin, mutton tallow, etc. A cold cloth should be wrapped around the neck and the pa- tient put into a hot bath (temperature from ioo° to 1020 F.), and a simple enema to clean the bowels should be given. The temperature of the room must be kept even (70° F.), and the air moist. The attack usually occurs at night, and a second attack can generally be 238 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. prevented by keeping the bowels open and by not allow- ing the child to sleep uninterruptedly through the night; it should be given a drink of milk or of water, which will tend to prevent the mucus collecting. Membranous Croup.—Membranous croup, or true croup, is by most authorities considered the same as diphtheria. The mucous membrane lining the larynx is inflamed, and a tenacious mucus covers the swollen membrane, which gradually thickens until the breathing is obstructed. There is high temperature (102-104° F.) and a small, rapid pulse. Until the arrival of the doctor the nurse can only apply the same remedies as those used for simple croup. Stimulants should be given if necessary. If the obstruction is persistent and threatens to cause suffocation, tracheotomy or intubation will have to be performed. The patient’s strength must be kept up by proper nourishment and stimulants. Should the patient appear to be suffocating, the nurse may, until the arrival of the physician, try to remove the membrane with a cotton-stick or with her finger; in fact, at such a time she will be justified in doing anything that will save the patient’s life. Calomel fumigation (PI. 5) often affords relief from the urgent symptoms. Whooping1 Coug-h.—Whooping cough (pertussis) be- gins with all the symptoms of catarrh of the trachea and bronchi (the air-passages), high temperature, and rapid pulse. About the tenth day the cough becomes vio- lent, the deep, loud, long-drawn, shrill inspirations which will be heard are probably due to spasmodic contraction of the glottis. During the attack the child may become perfectly blue; the veins in the neck become swollen, and in some cases will be thoroughly exhausted after coughing, while in others the child will rapidly recover NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 239 and continue to play. The patient must be isolated from other children, and be given light and nourishing food; the air of the room must be kept pure and the temperature even. Steam inhalations and counter-irritants to the chest may be ordered. Anything that seems unusual about the child must be reported. Should convulsions occur, a warm bath should be given while waiting for the doctor, and cold cloths be applied to the head. The disease may last from four to six weeks, or even longer. The paroxysms of coughing occur oftener at night than dur- ing the day, and generally, where there are a number of children with the disease in the same room, when one begins to cough the others also begin. Among the complications are chronic bronchial catarrh, pneumonia, diarrhea, and phthisis. Whooping cough is very infec- tious through the discharges from the nose and throat. 2. Functional and Idiopathic Diseases. Influenza {la grippe) is an acute infectious disease characterized by fever, pains in the head, back, and limbs, great prostration, chilliness, sneezing, hoarseness, and cough. The treatment is rest in bed and liquid diet. The pains in the head, chest, and limbs may be relieved with hot applications. Phenacetin, 5 grains in half an ounce of whisky every four hours, may be given. It must be remembered that phenacetin is veiy depressing on the action of the heart, and, though some persons can take doses of from 15 to 20 grains, death has been known to result from a smaller dose. This fact is mentioned because the drug is very carelessly used, no thought being given to its action on the heart; it should not be taken—in fact, no drug should be taken—without the 240 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. sanction or advice of a physician. The patient must be guarded against draughts, and be stimulated if the pulse indicates heart-failure. The complications are ca- tarrhal and croupous pneumonia, inflammation of the kidneys, and heart-failure. One attack does not mean immunity from another. Croupous Pneumonia.—Croupous pneumonia, which is acute inflammation of the proper substance of the lungs, is generally confined to one lung; when both lungs are involved it is called “ double pneumonia.” The disease usually begins suddenly with a chill or a chilly feeling which lasts a long time, high temperature (102 to 104° F.), pulse rapid and full (100 to 120 or above), sharp pain in one side, and the patient can breathe only with difficulty; consequently the respirations are quickened to thirty-five or forty per minute, they are shallow, and often irregular. There is a short dry cough, accompanied later by a rust- colored tenacious sputa, which must be kept for the doctor’s inspection. The bowels are constipated, and the urine is scanty and high-colored. Delirium is not uncommon. About the seventh or the ninth day there may be a sudden drop in the temperature, profuse perspiration, and a general improvement may take place, while in severe cases a sudden drop of temperature to subnormal, small, rapid pulse, coldness of extremities, and a blue appear- ance would indicate collapse, which must be met with stimulants and heat to the body and a mustard plaster over the heart. If the patient cannot swallow, the stim- ulants must be given per rectum. Until the arrival of a physician the nurse may apply to the chest flaxseed or mustard poultices or fomenta- tions. The room must be a sunny room, having an NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 241 open fire if possible, and be kept well ventilated, free from draughts, and the temperature at 70 0 F.; if the perspiration is very profuse, the patient should be wiped dry with warm towels, and fresh clothing which has been well aired be put on. When the physician arrives he will give directions, which must faithfully be followed. He may order ice-bags or compresses, which will often give great relief, or hot poultices, which must be changed every two or three hours. Some physicians object to poultices on account of their weight and because of the frequent change fatiguing the patient, and prefer to envelop the chest in a cotton jacket, which can be removed gradually by cutting off from the bottom about 2 inches each day. The cotton jacket is readily made by basting two layers of sheet cotton-wool inside an under- shirt. Oil silk is basted on the outside to prevent evap- oration of the moisture exhaled from the skin. When the temperature is very high, cold baths are given, which, besides reducing the fever, will quiet the respi- rations and soothe the patient. The diet must be liquid and nourishing—milk, broths, beef-juice, koumyss, egg-nog, wine whey, etc. The pa- tient must be kept in bed, perfectly quiet. The prostra- tion is often great, in which case there is danger of heart-failure. The disease reaches its height about the seventh or the ninth day. As the patient improves the diet is increased to soft solids—custards, puddings, cream toast, eggs, scraped-beef sandwiches—gradually prepar- ing the way for a more solid diet. Pneumonia is a self- limited disease; hence the nurse must do all in her power to support life until it has run its course. It is also infectious through the expectorations; the sputum- cup (Fig. 64), lined with paper, which can be taken out 242 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. and burned and the cup boiled about three times a day, should be used to receive the expectorations. Fig. 64.—Sputum-cup : a, the cup ; b, the paper lining. Bronchitis.—Bronchitis, which is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, is caused by exposure to cold, es- pecially when the body has been overheated. It is also a complication of some of the infectious diseases—mea- sles, influenza, and typhoid fever. An acute attack begins with chilliness, a sore and tight feeling in the chest, in- creased by coughing, which at first is dry, but later is accompanied by a muco-purulent sputum, which becomes very profuse as convalescence sets in; the temperature is ioo to ioi° F., with a corresponding increase of the pulse. Hot mustard poultices or fomentations must be applied to the chest, and hot drinks and hot mustard foot-baths be given. For the relief of the dyspnea, which is difficulty in breathing, the patient must be raised into the best breathing position possible and be given inhala- tions of steam. If the breathing is very difficult, the patient apparently dying from suffocation, an emetic NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 243 should be given to expel the mucus from.the tubes, and heat applied over the heart. The air of the room must be kept moist and the tem- perature even (yo° F.). The diet should be liquid. The patient must be guarded from all draughts, the bowels be kept open, and stimulants be given if the pulse indi- cates heart-failure. Asthma also calls for heat over the heart and lungs, inhalations of steam, hot drinks, hot foot-baths, and plenty of fresh air. Pleurisy.—Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleura, the membrane covering the lungs. The symptoms are severe pain or “ stitch ” in the side, short, dry cough, and short- ness of breath, owing to the pain caused the patient in breathing. There may be little or no expectoration, and the cough may be suppressed on account of the pain the coughing gives the patient. Hot mustard fomenta- tions should be applied over the seat of the pain. If there be no mustard at hand, plain fomentations or a flaxseed poultice may be used; the patient should be propped up with pillows, thus making the breathing easier. If there is effusion of liquid into the pleural cavity, the amount of urine passed may be very small. The amount excreted must be measured and reported. An increase in the amount is a very good sign, as it shows that the effusion is being absorbed. The effusion into the cavity causes pressure upon the heart, the lungs, and other organs, which may be pushed out of place; paracentesis or tapping is then performed, and the amount of liquid drawn may vary from a pint to three quarts. Empyema.—Sometimes the collection of pus in the 244 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. pleural cavity becomes purulent; then we have what is called “ empyema.” For this condition the pus is removed, and the pleural cavity is washed out with disinfectants, a drainage-tube is inserted, and an antiseptic dressing put on. In simple cases, when only a small opening is made with a large hypodermatic needle or a very small trocar, a piece of adhesive plaster or collodion dressing will be sufficient to cover the opening. The nurse of course prepares antiseptically for the operation. It is remark- able to see the great change for the better that takes place after the operation, providing there are no com- plications. The temperature must carefully be watched; its rise may indicate a fresh collection of pus in the cavity. In case of emergency, when the cavity has rapidly filled up and the patient is in danger of dying during the ab- sence of the physician, the nurse will be justified in draw- ing off some of the fluid, but it is generally well to ask the attending physician, if he lives at a distance and the nurse is distant from other medical aid, what he would like her to do in this emergency. Angina pectoris is neuralgia of the heart: the patient has severe pain around the heart and there is difficult breathing. Hot alcoholic stimulants should be given and heat applied over the heart. Gastritis, which is inflammation of the mucous mem- brane of the stomach, is often due to imperfect masti- cation of food, drinking liquid too hot or too cold, or drinking any of the corrosive or irritant poisons. The symptoms are severe pain and a burning sensation at the pit of the stomach, vomiting, the vomit being sometimes streaked with blood, intense thirst, small, rapid pulse, and all the symptoms of collapse. NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 245 Treatment of Gastritis.—A physician must be sum- moned, and in the mean time the nurse can apply hot fomentations or a mustard plaster over the seat of pain. If it is known that a poison has been taken within a short time, she should try to wash out the stomach, which operation, in the absence of the stomach-pump, can easily be done by using a fountain syringe or by giving large quantities of warm water to drink until the gastric contents become clear. The patient must be fed by enemata, and the stomach be given absolute rest for a few days, unless otherwise ordered ; then the nurse should begin the feeding with a few drops of milk and lime-water, equal parts; if this is retained, she should gradually in- crease the dose and the interval between the doses. Crushed ice, ice-cream, iced champagne, or very cold Seltzer water, given in very small quantities, will often be retained. The patient should be fed slowly, and the diet gradually be worked up to egg-nog, oyster-broth, raw oysters, arrowroot, custards, etc., though the change of diet must not be made without the physician’s orders. Peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum, the serous membrane lining the abdomen. Peritonitis may be due to cold, to blows upon the abdomen, to inflammation of any of the organs in the abdomen covered by the peritoneum, or it may follow an opera- tion upon the abdomen. It may also occur in typhoid fever after perforation of the bowel, the contents of the latter escaping into the abdomen and the peritoneum becoming inflamed. There may be a chill, severe pain in the abdomen, which is distended and tender, vomit- ing, constipation, high temperature (from ioi to 103° F.), small, rapid pulse, and respiration high and shallow, owing to the pain caused by breathing. The expression 246 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. of the face is drawn and anxious. The patient when in bed lies on the back with the knees drawn up, which position relaxes the muscles of the abdomen. A roll or a pillow placed under the knees will remove the strain that the patient has to make in order to keep up the knees. Treatment.—Poultices or fomentations are applied to the abdomen, and the weight of the bed-clothes re- lieved by a cradle. The nurse must not give purgatives on her own responsibility, as there is danger of irri- tating an already inflamed and tender membrane and causing perforation. When convalescence begins, the patient should be fed well with nourishing food, but re- turn to solids should not be made without the physician’s orders. The nurse will know at the end of a few days if the patient is to live or to die: if death is imminent, there will be loss of strength and collapse. If the peritonitis is the result of perforation of the bowel, as in typhoid fever, hot fomentations must be applied, the patient to be kept absolutely quiet, and the foot of the bed elevated. Gas-accumulation can be re- lieved by inserting a rectal tube. Appendicitis is inflammation of the vermiform appen- dix, the inflammation being sometimes due to the pres- ence in the appendix of foreign bodies, such as grape-, lemon-, orange-, or melon-seeds, or concretions of fecal matter; other causes are intestinal catarrh, a blow on the abdomen, unusual physical efforts, or cold. Ap- pendicitis is more common in men than in women for various reasons. Men work harder and are subject to more violence than women. The intestines may become inflamed through constipation or hard drinking, the in- flammation extending to the appendix. The appendix NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 247 is supplied with blood from one artery, a branch of the mesenteric artery which supplies the cecum. Catarrhal appendicitis is generally caused by extension of catarrh of the cecum to the appendix. If an abscess forms, an operation is necessary or perforation may take place, re- sulting in septic peritonitis and death within a very few days. The operation is also considered in the catarrhal form, as the patient is always liable to recurrent attacks, each subsequent attack increasing the danger to life, that may result in perforation and general peritonitis. Per- foration is a dreaded complication caused by the rupture of an abscess into the peritoneal cavity. The symptoms of perforation are sudden pain, a small, wiry pulse, and subnormal temperature; or there may be a rise of tem- perature, and the distention of the abdomen may be increased. The symptoms of appendicitis are severe pain, swelling, and tenderness on the right side of the lower part of the abdomen, rise of temperature, constipation, and, later, vomiting. A patient ill with peritonitis lies in bed with both knees drawn up, and usually in appendicitis the same position is assumed, or the right knee alone may be drawn up. The treatment is medical and surgical. For a catar- rhal attack the treatment is absolute rest on the back, liquid diet, an ice-bag, or hot turpentine or mustard fomentations or poultices. The appendix is removed when there is an abscess and also in case of perfora- tion (unless the shock is too great). The writer here desires to impress upon the nurse the absolute necessity of perfect antisepsis for this opera- tion, as it can only be successful when she has obtained thorough surgical cleanliness. The source of infection 248 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. at all operations (not only when the abdominal cavity is- to be opened) is often the hands of the surgeon, the assistant, or the nurse, and the instruments, sponges, and dressings; any fault or neglect on the part of the nurse, no matter how small, may cost the patient his life. The work of the nurse until the arrival of the surgeon, who must be summoned immediately, lies in securing for the patient perfect rest and quiet and the application of hot mustard or turpentine poultices or fomentations. The bowels must be moved with a soapsuds or an oil enema, gently and carefully given. When the surgeon arrives he will decide as to the line of treatment; if an operation is decided upon, everything must antisep- tically be prepared as nearly as possible under the existing circumstances. A question often asked is whether a nurse is justified in giving morphia before the arrival of medical aid. In the writer’s opinion a nurse is not justified in giving morphia when a physician is within easy reach, because it covers up the symptoms and the physician cannot judge the case; it may also stupefy the patient so that he cannot give clear answers to questions ; but if she is distant from medical aid and the patient has severe pain, then she may give, hypodermatically if possible, gr. of morphia, which will relieve the pain and vomiting. After a catarrhal attack, when the appendix has not been removed, the patient must be very careful with regard to diet and personal hygiene, and should wear a flannel abdominal protector, because sudden changes of temperature are liable to affect the bowels, which are very sensitive, and cause a recurrent attack. Dysentery is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. The symptoms are chilliness, some NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 249 fever, small and frequent movements from the bowels mixed with blood and mucus, and tenesmus, or constant straining and painful efforts to evacuate the bowels. Dys- entery begins with diarrhea, straining, griping pains in the abdomen, which is very tender, and the characteristic movements, which are very offensive and which must be thoroughly disinfected. Treatment.—The patient must be put to bed and use the bed-pan in his defecations; he must not be per- mitted to get up, as there is danger of ulceration, perforation of the intestine, and peritonitis. A cathar- tic of magnesia sulphate, 2 teaspoonsful, or 1 ounce of castor oil with 15 drops of laudanum, should be given to clear the bowels of the irritating substance; the laudanum will relieve the pain and the desire to stool. Hot turpentine or mustard poultices or fomenta- tions should be applied to the abdomen. The diet should be liquid—boiled milk, gruels of flour, corn-starch, or arrowroot. The bed- and body- linen must be kept perfectly clean and changed often. Dysentery is not contagious, but if the movements are not disinfected, they decompose and the epidemic form may result. Cholera morbus, which is inflammation of the mu- cous membrane of the stomach and intestine, is caused by irritating food, such as unripe or decayed fruit and vegetables, and also by sudden changes in temperature. There are severe cramps in the stomach and abdomen, violent vomiting and purging, the discharges later resem- bling rice-water; great prostration. Treatment.—Hot applications to the abdomen and body must be resorted to at once, and stimulants ad- ministered if necessary. Ice will relieve the intense 250 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. thirst. A liquid diet must be given—milk, gruels, broths, and egg-nog. Acute Diarrhea.—In treating acute diarrhea the pa- tient must be put to bed and fed on liquid diet—boiled milk, corn-starch, rice and flour gruels, etc. A laxative of castor oil i ounce and laudanum 15 drops may be given to remove the irritant and relieve the pain. Uremia is caused by the retention in the blood of certain waste material, consisting chiefly of urea, which should have been eliminated by the kidneys; this reten- tion of urea gives rise to the disease called “ uremia.” Uremia may abruptly begin with convulsions, followed by coma, or there may be premonitory symptoms, some of which are headache, nausea, vomiting; scanty urine deficient in urea; dimness of vision ; the mind dull, deep- ening into stupor, followed by coma. Sometimes covul- sions precede the coma, which terminates in death unless the poison causing the attack is rapidly eliminated. The pulse is slow and full; temperature subnormal. When the convulsions occur they may rapidly take place one after the other, the patient generally being unconscious between the attacks. The pulse during the convulsions may be found small and rapid, and the temperature be raised. The treatment must be prompt. If the nurse is far from medical aid, the first thing to be done is to put something between the patient’s teeth to prevent the tongue being bitten. The patient should then be given a hot pack or a hot-air bath, which will increase the activity of the skin and also act as a sedative; morphia (gr. ) should be given to stimulate the heart, induce perspiration, and secure rest and quiet. The bowels must be moved with salts or by an enema. NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES 25 I The second convulsion can be controlled by giving a little ether if it is at hand; if not, then the hot bath should be repeated, hot drinks be given, heat applied over the kidneys and to the feet, cold to the head, and the morphia repeated every three hours if necessary. If the pulse is weak, heart stimulants should be admin- istered. Uremia may occur in scarlet fever, pregnancy, Bright’s disease, and in other diseases. Cerebro-spinal meningitis is an infectious disease beginning with a chill, very severe headache, pain in the muscles of the neck and back, that very soon become rigid, so that the head is bent backward and the back is straightened; the arms and legs are flexed; vomit- ing, delirium, and constipation are present; there may be intolerance of light and sound and deafness or blind- ness. After a few days a spotted rash may appear. The disease attains its height in a very few days, and the temperature may rise to 105° F. or higher, with convulsions, stupor, coma, and death, or the symptoms may gradually disappear and the case end in convales- cence. Treatment.—Ice-bags or ice poultices are applied to the back of the neck and spine, and it is a good plan to apply heat to the extremities to avoid any depressing effect from the cold. The diet must be liquid. If the patient can- not swallow, he must be fed by enemata, and the nurse should do all in her power to sustain life. Stimulants must be given if the pulse indicates heart-failure. Cerebral apoplexy, or cerebral hemorrhage, is caused by the bursting of a blood-vessel in the brain, which accident may be due to disease of the cerebral blood- vessels. The size of the clot varies, it may merely be a capillary oozing, or it may fill a hemisphere of the brain, 252 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. and the amount of paralysis is generally due to the size of the clot. If the clot is small, the paralysis may be slight and finally disappear. The premonitory symptoms are headache, dizziness, languor, ringing in the ears, and a numb, weak feeling on the affected side, and there may be gradual paralysis without unconsciousness. If an attack comes on suddenly, the patient either falls back in his chair or to the ground unconscious; the face is flushed, the breathing stertorous, noisy, and slow, and the cheeks puff out at each breath ; the pulse is slow and full, and the temperature subnormal, due to shock. The pupils may be unevenly contracted. Treatment.—The head and shoulders must be elevated, the clothing about the neck be loosened, ice applied to the head (particularly to the affected side), and heat to the feet and the body. The mucus must be wiped from the mouth and throat. There should be given a cathar- tic of croton oil, 2 drops in a little sweet oil or glycerin, dropped on the back of the tongue, where it will be ab- sorbed, and the bowels be emptied by enemata. Stimu- lants must not be given unless ordered by the doctor or unless the pulse is feeble, as they increase the hemor- rhage into the brain. To obtain involuntary s%v all owing the liquid or powder is placed far back on the tongue and the nostrils and lips are closed. The nurse must watch for convulsions, which may be tonic or clonic. A tonic convulsion is a stiffening of the muscles of the body without involuntary movements, while a clonic convulsion consists in involuntary move- ments of the body. As a convulsion may begin tonic, it is very important for the nurse to notice in what part of the body the convulsion begins, and if the pupils of NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 253 the eyes change during the day, or if they remain dilated or contracted, or if they are unevenly contracted. If recovery takes place, the patient must have nourish- ing and easily digestible food. He will need the most careful nursing on account of the paralysis. The nurse should guard against bed-sores by keeping the patient and the bed perfectly dry and clean. The patient must be kept absolutely quiet and free from all mental excite- ment : another shock generally follows the first, as the blood-vessels of the brain are in a diseased condition. A certain amount of paralysis usually remains, according to the degree of severity of the case. One patient may recover consciousness, be thoroughly sensible of every- thing that is being said and done, but be totally unable to speak, this difficulty lying not with the muscles of the tongue, but in the brain. Another patient may be able to utter words, but unable to connect them so as to make himself intelligible. Because a patient is unable to speak it does not follow that he is also deaf. Many times the hearing is very acute, the faintest whisper be- ing heard; hence the nurse must be very careful as to what she says when in the patient’s room. Differential Diagnosis.—As apoplexy is often mistaken for intoxication or for opium-poisoning when the patient is found in the street, it will be well for the nurse to re- member that in apoplexy there is unconsciousness, ster- torous breathing, and paralysis, the movements of the patient being confined to the sound side of the body; the pupils of the eyes may be found contracted or dilated or uneven. This contraction denotes irritation, and the dilatation denotes compression of the brain. In opium- poisoning the pupils are very narrowly contracted—the size of a pin’s head; there is unconsciousness, but no 254 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. paralysis. In intoxication the pupils may be contracted or moderately dilated, dilating still more as the patient comes to his senses. The smell of alcohol on the breath is of no assistance in determining the condition of the patient, as spirituous liquor may have been given by the first person who found the unconscious patient. Paralysis.—Hemiplegia is paralysis of one side of the body; paraplegia is paralysis of the lower half of the body; and monoplegia is paralysis of one limb, such as an arm or a leg. By paralysis is meant total loss of power or motion and of sensation; that is, the patient cannot move the part paralyzed because there is no power or motion in it, neither may there be any feel- ing or sensation. When the loss of power is only par- tial, this condition is called “ paresis.” It will be appro- priate to say here that the nerves have their seat in the brain, and at the base of the brain they cross from side to side; those at the right side supply the left side of the body, and those at the left side supply the right side of the body, so when the right side of the brain is injured or diseased it is the left side of the body which is para- lyzed, and vice versa. The treatment of paralysis consists in good hygienic surroundings. Extreme cleanliness is necessary to pre- vent the formation of bed-sores. Massage and electri- city are employed, which in some cases have effected partial and even complete recovery. There is complete helplessness of patients in this class of cases; they are totally dependent upon the nurse; they feel their helplessness very keenly, and also appre- ciate the kindness and cheerfulness with which the nurse does everything for them. Epilepsy.—Epilepsy is a disease of the nervous sys- NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DLSEASES. 255 tem. The attack may occur either with or without warning. The patient may fall to the ground entirely un- conscious, with a pale face and the breathing be almost stopped. After a few seconds this passive condition passes away and there follow convulsions, which cease after a few minutes, and the patient falls into a deep, heavy sleep, awakening without knowing what has hap- pened. The patient, however, may fall, remain uncon- scious, and recover in a few minutes. In the milder form the patient suddenly stands still or may pause in what she is doing, then recovers her senses and continue her work. After the severe attack there generally re- main headache, despondency, and a very tired feeling. Some patients have the attacks only in the daytime, while others have them at night. Some patients, again, can tell when an attack is coming on, and by doing cer- tain things can ward it off, as, for instance, by rubbing the part where the sensation is first felt, or if the thumbs or toes turn in by straightening them out. This sensation is called the “ aura epilepticathat is, the sensation which sometimes comes before an epileptic fit and by which the patient can tell when the fit is coming on. The treatment of epilepsy lies in first putting something between the patient’s teeth to prevent the tongue being bitten ; then in loosening the clothing about the neck and chest, and in not restraining the patient unless the body movements are excessive, in which case the arms and legs are grasped and the movements followed. One can thus keep the patient from hurting herself or others. The nurse must notice the eyes—are they fixed ? are the pupils dilated ?—the color of the face, and on which side the convulsions began, and whether the unconscious- ness is complete or partial. Epileptic cases should never 256 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. be left alone, but should be watched day and night, as a fit of temporary insanity may take the place of convul- sions and the patient may injure herself or others. The patient must be kept free from all mental and physical excitement, and take plenty of exercise in the open air. The diet may chiefly be vegetable. A free action of the bowels should be secured each day. Hysteria is very often mistaken for epilepsy, though one can generally recognize hysteria by noticing that the patient takes care not to hurt herself; she cannot bear the eyeball to be touched; there is no grinding of the teeth nor biting of the tongue, nor the complete unconsciousness found in epilepsy. There are different forms of hysteria, from simple fits of laughing, crying, and screaming, and imagining all sorts of ills and ail- ments, to hysterical convulsions, paralysis, and insanity. In dealing with this class of patients, and indeed with all nervous patients, the nurse needs an ample amount of patience, tact, and firmness. A strict watch must be kept over such patients; they are very skilful in deceiv- ing their attendants ; frequently morphia and other things received from friends are hidden in the bed and taken when the nurse is attending to other duties. Various treatments are prescribed for the simple form, from a cold bath to an emetic, the patient being under the im- pression that she is taking morphia; the violent vomiting and retching that ensue cure both the hysteria and the morphin habit, but moral suasion must be tried first. In some cases there is also complete loss of sensation in certain parts of the body, while in other cases there is pain in the head, stomach, abdomen, and limbs. This pain is not imaginary to the patient; to her it is very real and calls for treatment. Through love for sym- NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 257 pathy, however, the patient will pretend to have pain when she has none, and when her attention is drawn to other things the pain will vanish. It is the same with hysterical paralysis: the patient really believes that she is paralyzed and cannot walk. Encouragement does a very great deal for this imaginary condition, and frequently patients will gradually improve if encouraged to walk, and the paralysis will disappear in a very short time. All excitement must carefully be avoided, and hysteria must never be mentioned before the patient. Globus hystericus is a feeling of choking, a sensation as of a ball rising in the throat. Neurasthenia is nervous prostration brought on by overwork and study and by other causes. Moral treat- ment is of as much importance here as in hysteria, with the exception that one cannot sympathize with an hyster- ical patient, while a patient ill with neurasthenia requires sympathy, together with the firmness, kindness, and en- couragement that are used in hysteria. The treatment of nervous prostration and also of the severe forms of hysteria is known as the rest cure, which is complete isolation from family and friends and perfect rest of mind and body. The patient is allowed to see no one but the physician and nurse, since the presence of friends requires conversation and mental effort. Absolute rest in bed is necessary. The food must be nourishing, easily digestible, and given at regular intervals. Massage and electricity are employed to take the place of active exer- cise. For the treatment to be successful the rules laid down by the physician must be faithfully carried out. Dropsy is an unnatural collection of fluid in the tis- sues or the cavities of the body. Cardiac dropsy usually begins in the feet and ascends. 258 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Diabetes is of two kinds—diabetes mellitus, charac- terized by the presence of grape-sugar in the urine, and diabetes insipidus, characterized by the excretion of a very large quantity of pale urine of a low specific gravity, and generally free from albumin and sugar. In diabetes mellitus the urine is increased in quantity. Sometimes the amount passed in the twenty-four hours is very large, from 2 to 6 quarts; the specific gravity of the urine ranges from 1015 to 1050. Nursing.—The diet should be restricted in this dis- ease ; everything containing starch or sugar being omitted, saccharin and glycerin being substituted. It will be the nurse’s duty to keep an accurate account of the amount and frequency of urine passed, and also to see that only the diet ordered by the physician is given. Rheumatism.—Acute articular rheumatism is cha- racterized by inflammation of the joints. There is also high temperature (103 to IO40 F., and sometimes higher) profuse acid perspiration, pain, tenderness, and swelling of the affected joints. Nursing.—The bed should be made up with blankets, and a flannel bed-gown be worn by the patient, for the reason that sheets and gowns of muslin become very wet and cold with the perspiration. The utmost gen- tleness must be observed when changing the bed- and body-linen or when changing the position of the patient, because of the extreme pain. The room must be kept of even temperature (68° F.), and the patient be guarded against all draughts, the affected joints being wrapped in cotton batting. The diet should consist of milk, soups, egg-nog, etc. and the thirst relieved with lime- or lemon-juice. NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 259 The medicinal treatment is generally salol, salicylic acid, and salicylate of sodium to relieve the pain and reduce the temperature. When giving the salicylates the nurse must watch for the physiological effects, which are noises in the ears, deafness, nausea, vomiting, perspi- ration, and delirium. The fever may be controlled by the cold pack or cold bath, or bathing with tepid water. Massage and electricity are often employed. The pain may move from joint to joint, or may affect only one joint. When only one joint is affected, it is called “ monoarticular ” rheumatism, and if more than one joint, it is called “polyarthritis.” As there is great danger of heart-failure, the patient must not be allowed to rise from the bed without permission from the doctor. Severe cases of the disease may develop cerebral symp- toms : there will be restlessness, delirium, very high tem- perature, with a small, rapid pulse, pale and rather blue face, convulsions, and death. Acute muscular rheumatism is an affection of one or of a group of muscles. The disease may repeatedly occur in the same patient; therefore one attack does not mean immunity from another; there is always a tendency to the disease. Its treatment is similar to that of acute articular rheumatism. Cold and dampness must carefully be avoided, and the patient should wear woollen garments next the skin. Diseases of the Skin.—A few words on skin diseases will close these medical discussions. Eczema is an inflammatory disease of the skin, and of it there are many varieties. It is often due to irritation through using hard soaps and to putting the hands in certain fluids. Scabies, or the itch, which is contagious, may be ac- 260 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. quired by shaking hands with a person thus affected or by touching anything that she has used. There is an intense itching of the hands between the fingers, of the axilla, and of the inner part of the thighs, that grad- ually spreads over the body. It is worse when the patient is warm, and especially when she is in bed. Ringworm is also contagious; a child thus infected should be isolated from other children. Herpes zoster, or shingles, is often due to debility, to damp clothing, and exposure to cold. Treatment of Skin Diseases.—The treatments of all skin diseases differ very much, each case being treated according to the method of the physician in charge. The utmost cleanliness with regard to the patient and nurse is necessary, many skin diseases being infectious. Ointments are generally ordered for all the above- described cases, as they exclude the air and are very soothing. The nurse must be very careful to guard against infection, and to wash and disinfect her hands thoroughly after attending the patient, who must also be kept perfectly clean. Some of the skin diseases are very difficult to take care of; others, again, are almost disgusting in their character, and it is very hard for some nurses to conceal their feelings when dressing the parts; the patient, too, is often very irritable. All this calls for a great amount of patience, kindness, and sympathy on the part of the nurse, who must try to hide her emo- tions when doing the dressings, for the patients are very sensitive and narrowly watch her face. We have here a noble example in the Sisters of Charity, who, as was said by Dr. Myles Standish, “ with kindness in their manner, gentle care in their hands, and the love of God in their hearts and souls, could care for and dress NURSING IN SPECIAL MEDICAL DISEASES. 261 without expression of loathing and disgust the gangrene then so often seen in the surgical wards, and the most loathsome disease. All honor to them! They taught the world, both physician and the layman, the value of nursing.” Caring for the dead is one of the duties the nurse will have to perform. The writer need hardly admonish the nurse to be very sure that the last sacraments are re- ceived,1 and that the friends be notified before the patient becomes unconscious. The nurse should remain with the patient to the end, and not let her die alone. When the end has come the following instructions should be followed: Straighten the limbs, close the eyes by pressing the lids down with the fingers, and then leave the room to the family for a while. After the family have left the room the bed-clothes must be re- moved and a fresh under-sheet put on the bed; take away all pillows but one. Wash the body with soap and water and some disinfectant, and guard it against expo- sure the same as if the body were conscious. The rec- tum and vagina must be packed with cotton of any kind to prevent discharges. Sometimes it is necessary to pack the mouth and nostrils for the same reason. Put a napkin, drawers, under-vest, night-gown, and stockings on the body. Comb and dress the hair in the way that it was usually worn by the patient. Arrange the lips and prop up the jaw with a roll; do not bandage, as this will wrinkle the skin, it being desirable to have the face look as life-like as possible. Clean the nails. If there are wounds on the body, they must have a fresh dressing put on; wounds about the head can be 1 The nurse should see that all her patients, Catholic or Protestant, receive the last sacraments before death. 262 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. covered with a small cap made of black silk. Tie the limbs with a bandage and cover the body with a sheet. Put the room in perfect order and remove all signs of the illness. If the case has been contagious, the body must be washed with disinfectants and be wrapped in a sheet wrung out of the same; the funeral must be pri- vate and the room afterward fumigated (see p. 234). VI. THE NURSING OF SICK CHILDREN. Care of the New-born.—The sudden contact with the outer air is generally a shock to a new-born infant. The temperature of the room should be 76° F. for the first week, and the temperature of the water for the bath be 98° F. Everything should be made ready before be- ginning to bathe the baby. It should be wrapped in a blanket and one part at a time be bathed without the aid of soap. The body then is thoroughly oiled to remove the cheesy substance called “ vernix caseosa ” which protects the skin of the child while in the womb. The nurse will find this cheesy substance very thick upon the scalp, and if not removed it may cause inflam- mation ; indeed, it may cause inflammation if allowed to remain on any part of the body. After the body has been thoroughly greased, it must be washed with soap and water, care being taken that the soap does not enter the eyes. White castile is the best soap; it is the least irri- tating. The babe should be thoroughly dried and pow- dered with corn-starch, which is about the best powder to use for an infant unless the nurse can have talcum powder. Some physicians do not want the baby to have a soap-and-water bath after the oiling, but simply to have THE NURSING OF SICK CHILDREN. 263 the oil wiped off and the baby dressed. The body of the babe should be examined to see that it is perfectly normal; any abnormality must be reported. The flan- nel used in giving the first bath should be burned. Dressing the Cord.—The navel cord is dressed by wrapping it in sterilized gauze or antiseptic cotton, the binder put on, and the cord placed on the left side of the body, because if placed on the right side it would press upon the liver, which at birth is larger than the other organs, and which reaches down to the navel. The binder must not be pinned too tight or the gas cannot pass through the intestines. Dressing the Infant.—The clothing of the new-born consists of a shirt, a diaper, socks, and a flannel slip, which, made after the manner of the muslin slip, fastens in front and extends from 8 to io inches below the feet. Over this comes the muslin slip, made about 2 inches longer than the flannel one. These slips afford warmth and lightness and also looseness, so that the body can expand, the body not being bound by bands about the abdomen and chest, as when the old-fashioned skirts were worn; the first of these skirts was generally pinned so tightly about the abdomen that the gas could not escape from the bowels, and the child had colic; the skirt was also brought up over the child’s feet, so that they could not be moved. The second skirt was pinned so tightly around the chest that the chest could not ex- pand. Taking the old method of dressing all together, the child was so uncomfortable that it cried a good deal, and every cause was thought of except that of the cloth- ing being pinned too tight. These two garments or slips can be put one within the other and both put on at once. In summer-time the 264 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. waist of the flannel slip may be made of muslin, and the skirt be attached to it. All the garments are fastened with small pearl buttons, and if instead of flannel there is provided an elastic knitted-wool binder, which is slip- ped on over the feet, there will be needed only one safety-pin, and that for the diaper. After the dressing the baby is laid in the crib or a clothes-basket, covered lightly, and the eyes shaded from the light. A baby should sleep during the first few days twenty hours out of the twenty-four, and will do so if it is left alone and not taken up for exhibition or to be rocked, or carried about, all of which tends to keep the child in a perpetual state of excitement, thus making it nervous. Bathing the Baby.—Until the cord separates, which is on the seventh or the ninth day, the infant should be given a sponge-bath every morning, and after the separa- tion a tub-bath. The temperature of the water must be 98° F., tested with a bath-thermometer. The child must be lowered gently into the water. The head is supported with the left hand and the body washed with the right. After five minutes the child is taken out, laid on a warm blanket, and thoroughly and gently dried. The skin must be kept well powdered, especially in the folds, as it is very sensitive and the air and water act as an irri- tant. If there is chafing, the chafed parts should be covered with soft linen. Defecation and Urination.—The first bowel movements of a baby are dark, almost black ; if cloths are placed in- side the diaper, they can be burned. This color of the feces gradually changes to a bright yellow, which is the normal color; any departure from this condition shows that something is wrong and it must be reported, and THE NURSING OE SICK CHILDREN. 265 also if the baby passes urine. It is not unusual for no urine to be passed during the first twenty-four hours. If at the end of twelve hours the baby has not urinated, hot fomentations should be applied over the bladder and kidneys, which treatment will generally cause the blad- der to contract and the urine to flow. The diapers must be changed as soon as wet, and the parts be bathed and powdered. Nursing of the Infant.—The baby should be put to the breast regularly every two hours during the day, and only when it awakes during the night. It should suckle about fifteen minutes. A baby’s stomach holds only about i|- ounces. Feeble babies must be fed oftener day and night. The mouth must be washed before and after each feeding with water to which has been added a little borax. When the baby cries the nurse should find out the trouble. Very often the trouble is some little thing, such as being thirsty, which a little clear cold water will relieve. The infant must not be put to the breast unless it is time. Babies get tired of lying in the one position; they cannot turn themselves, and they waken and cry; therefore their position should be changed by taking hold of the clothing at the shoulders and limbs, and gently turning them; they will not awaken, and besides making them more comfortable the change will lengthen their sleep. Artificial Feeding.—If the baby must be brought up by hand (bottle feeding), the physician will direct the cha- racter of the food to be given and the nurse must faith- fully carry out his orders. Usually the food consists of equal parts of milk and water until after the first month, when the water is gradually diminished, until at the fifth 266 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. or sixth month, when the milk is given plain. If the milk seems to disagree with the infant, a tablespoonful of lime-water added will correct the trouble. The bot- tles and nipples, and the vessels in which they are washed, must all be kept perfectly clean. The rubber nipples must be cleansed inside and out, and should be boiled for about ten minutes before being used, and be kept in cold water during the intervals of feeding. The bottles should be scalded inside and then filled with cold water to which is added about a teaspoonful of baking- soda. Milk Sterilization.—If it is required to sterilize the milk, sufficient should be sterilized to last twenty-four hours, and enough be put in each bottle for a single feeding. The mouths of the bottles should be stoppered with absorbent cotton, which will absorb the germs of the air and keep them away from the milk. The best apparatus for sterilizing milk is the Arnold ster- ilizer (Fig. 65). In the absence of this sterilizer the bottles can be placed in an ordinary boiler of cold water either on sticks or on a folded towel to keep them from touching the bottom of the vessel, the water reaching to the necks of the bottles. The water should come to a boil, then the boiler cover be put on, and the boiler removed from the fire, and left to steam for about one hour, after which time the bottles are taken out and put away in a cool place. The bottles must not be opened until Fig. 65.—Arnold sterilizer. THE NURSING OF SICK CHILDREN. 267 needed. A bottle of the milk should be warmed by allowing it to stand a few minutes in a pan of hot water; the cotton is then taken out and the rubber nipple put on. If any of the milk is left in the bottle, it must be thrown away. Sterilizing the milk renders it free from germs. Infant Food and Rides for Feeding.—Dr. Meigs’ food is the favorite with some physicians. It consists of— 2 tablespoonsful of cream, 1 “ of milk, 2 “ of lime-water, 3 “ of sugar-water. Sugar-water is made by adding 8 teaspoonsful of sugar of milk to I pint of water. Lime-water must be added to the milk after sterilizing, not before, because in boiling it chemically changes and discolors the milk. General Rules for Feeding {Roteh). Age. Intervals of feeding. Number of feedings in 24 hours. Average amount at each feeding. Average amount in 24 hours. 1st week. 2 hours. IO I ounce. 10 ounces. 1-6 weeks. 2*4 hours. 8 ounces. i2-i6ounces. 6-12 weeks and possibly to 6th month. 3 hours. 6 3-4 ounces. 18-24 ounces. At 6 months. 3 hours. 6 6 ounces. 36 ounces. At io months. 3 hours. 5 8 ounces. 40 ounces. At the time of feeding the baby must be taken on the nurse’s lap, and it must not be allowed to doze over its 2 68 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. meal; the baby, however, must not be hurried; the bottle should be taken away when the meal is over, and on no account should the child suck from an empty bottle. As the baby grows the intervals between the feedings are lengthened and the amount of food is in- creased. At seven months the baby may have milk slightly thickened with good bread or well-boiled oat- meal once or twice during the day; at ten months a little meat-broth made with barley or rice, without vege- tables ; at twelve months it should be weaned. The baby must have no solid animal food until after the second year, and even during the second year milk should be its chief food. It must not be given tea, pastry, stimulants, fruit, cheese, or soothing syrups, or any medicine without proper medical advice. Infant Development.—At the third week the baby may be taken out doors for its first airing, being carried in the arms, not in a carriage, and with its head supported. A baby will hold up its head at from three to five months, will quickly recognize objects at from six to eight months, will sit alone at from the seventh to the eighth month, will walk at from the ninth to the twelfth month, will ut- ter single words about the first year, and will begin to talk by the second year. A baby does not shed tears until the second or the third month of age, and if very sick at eight months the tears do not flow until convalescence sets in. The teeth begin to grow between the fourth and the seventh month. The anterior fontanelle—that is, the middle opening in the top of the head—rather increases in size during the ninth and twelfth months, and then de- creases, and should be closed at eighteen months. The baby must not be allowed to stand alone before twelve months; the leg bones are not very strong and they THE NURSING OF SICK CHILDREN. 269 may bend; when sitting up its head and neck should be supported. A baby should gradually increase in weight, after the second day, from 3 to 5 ounces each week. It loses weight during the first two days. The temperature at birth is 990 F., pulse from 130 to 140 beats, respirations from 40 to 46 per minute. The temperature is usually normal after the first week. Care of Premature Infants.—A premature baby is one born before full term; it is usually put in an incu- bator (Fig. 66), which supplies the infant with artificial Fig. 66.—Modified Auvard incubator or couveuse : a, glass plate of the movable lid (6); c, ventilating tube containing small rotary fan ; k, ventilating slide ; m, hot-water cans ; o, slide closing hot-air chamber. body-heat until it reaches its full time. An incubator may be improvised out of a large wooden box by having one side so arranged that it will slide in and out; the top is also arranged to allow a piece of glass to be inserted and to slide in and out. Across the middle of this box are nailed three wooden strips, which will divide the box into two compartments, the lower one for the heaters, hot- water bottles or hot bricks, etc., the upper one being 270 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. fitted with flannel or with cotton for the baby. The glass cover is kept open about half an inch at the foot of the box, to allow entrance of fresh air to the infant. A ther- mometer is also placed in the upper compartment, and an even temperature of 86° F. should be kept. When the baby is taken out to be changed or bathed the glass cover is drawn back: when the heaters are to be re- newed the sliding side is drawn back. If a box cannot be procured, then the baby should be wrapped in cotton and be kept in a basket near the fire. The temperature of the water for the bath must be ioo° F.; the tempera- ture of the room should be from 80 to 86° F., and the air be kept fresh and pure. If brought up by hand, the baby is wrapped in cotton and flannel so arranged that the napkin can be changed without disturbing the baby, which must only be taken out of the incubator to nurse. Should the attending physician not allow the mother to nurse the infant, it should be fed every hour during the day with about two teaspoonsful of the mother’s milk, given by means of a medicine-dropper. Diseases of Infancy.—Thrush is a disease caused by decomposition of food in the mouth of the child, and is characterized by small white spots on the tongue, the sides of the mouth, and the gums, that may spread to the throat and stomach. To prevent this disease, the mouth should be thoroughly washed after each feeding with water to which has been added a little borax. Should the disease appear, wash the mouth every two hours with borax-water (about 15 grains to 1 ounce of water). Colic is relieved by the application of hot fomentations to the abdomen, and internally 1 teaspoonful of anise-seed THE NURSING OF SICK CHILDREN. 271 tea (which is made by adding io drops of the essence of anise-seed to a cup of boiling water), i teaspoonful for three doses, or plain hot water will bring up the gas. Colic is due to cold or to the accumulation of gas in the bowels, and it generally yields to heat. The child lies with the knees drawn up, its cries are sharp, long, and loud, and they die away as the pain is relieved. If the food does not digest well, the movements will be green, and in them there will be curds of milk. This condition must promptly be reported to the physician. Lime-water or baking-soda (about half a teaspoonful added to the milk) will often correct the indigestion ; the white of an egg well beaten up and added to about 6 teaspoonsful of cold water and a little sugar-water will also give the stomach a rest for a few days from milk digestion, besides being nourishing. If the baby is nurs- ing, give half a teaspoonful of lime-water to the same amount of water before putting the child to the breast. Bowel Obstruction.—Blood in the movements and con- stipation may be due to obstruction of the bowel. The child screams with pain; the abdomen is distended and tender; there is vomiting; the respiration is difficult, and there may possibly be convulsions. Until the arrival of the physician hot fomentations may be applied over the abdomen and a soapsuds enema given. To give the enema, everything must first be prepared and laid on a chair or a table near by; the nurse takes the baby on her lap, and lays it on its left side, with the knees drawn up. The tube, which for a very small baby should be the smallest tube that comes with the syringe, should be oiled, the air expelled, and the tube inserted in the rectum and the bulb gently squeezed. Pressure is applied over the rectum to retain the enema for a short time. 2 72 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Diarrhea.—In diarrhea the bowel-movements will be found acid, and sour-smelling, and will contain particles of undigested food ; their color will be green. The baby has, besides the frequent movements, griping pains in the abdomen, vomiting, and restlessness. Diarrhea is often caused by improper feeding and changes in the temper- ature during the hot summer months. The extreme heat depresses the system and leaves it susceptible to the slightest change. The treatment of diarrhea lies in getting rid of the irri- tation, by giving either an enema of half a teaspoonful of castor oil in hot, sweetened milk, or in the same amount of glycerin or of hot coffee. The baby should be kept in bed and be given for a few days, instead of milk, the white of an egg well beaten and added to an equal amount of cold water and a little sugar. When the vomiting is persistent the stomach is to be washed out. A small rubber catheter, with a funnel attached to one end, is used, and the washing is done in the same man- ner as that for an adult (see p. 70). Vomiting may be caused by over-feeding, when the milk will be returned clear because the stomach cannot hold the amount ingested. This condition is not serious ; but when the milk is returned curdled and sour, it is due to indigestion or it may be a symptom of some disease. Cholera infantum begins with vomiting and diarrhea, weak, rapid pulse, and symptoms of lowered vitality and collapse. Treatment consists of high starch-and-laudanum ene- mata to check the movements. Heat must be applied to the body or the child may be put in a hot bath (temp, of 105 0 F.). The food for a while is generally white of egg with 4 drops of brandy, alternated with 10 drops of Val- THE NURSING OF SICK CHILDREN. 273 entine’s or expressed beef until the appearance of undi- gested food is removed from the bowel movements. The air of the room must be kept pure and fresh. When the child is strong enough to be taken out, it should be kept outdoors the greater part of the day. Cholera infantum is caused by impure air and improper food and exposure to heat. Rickets, which is also due to improper food and impure air, is a disease of the bones owing to an insufficient amount of animal matter in the bones, that makes them soft, so that they easily bend. The child is restless when asleep, throw- ing off the bed-clothes; when awake it is fretful and irri- table, and cannot bear to be touched; the abdomen is distended ; the head is large; the anterior fontanelle (the middle opening in the top of the head) is found open at the time when it should be closed—that is, at about eighteen months; the teeth are late in appearing; there may be hydrocephalus (dropsy of the brain); and the long bones of the legs are so bent that the child is knock-kneed. There are other symptoms, all caused by the want of proper nutrition, and the child presents a sickly, puny appearance. The treatment of rickets lies in nourishing food, perfect cleanliness, pure, fresh air, and massage, and in not allow- ing the child to walk, to stand, or to sit until its bones are strong enough to bear the weight of the body. Many cases of knock-knee are caused by the child be- ing allowed to walk or to stand before the bones of the legs are strong. Convulsions may be due to indigestion, worms, pins, etc., or to brain-excitement in rickets, or to irritation of the nerve-centres in teething. A great number of the diseases of children are ushered in with convulsions, 27 4 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. which take the place of the initial chill in the adult. They may come on suddenly or gradually. Treatment.—The first thing for the nurse to do is to put the child into a hot bath (the temperature about from IOO to 104° F.), without waiting to undress it, which can be done in the water. The head should be kept raised and cold applied to it. The hot-water bath will dilate the blood-vessels of the body, thus diverting the blood from the brain to the body. If the attack is the begin- ning of any of the eruptive diseases, the heat will also bring out the rash, besides relieving any pain in the abdomen or elsewhere. The baby is to be kept in the bath about five minutes, and is then taken out and wrapped in a warm blanket; an enema is given to clear the bowels. A physician should be summoned. Teething, which usually begins about the seventh month, may be accompanied by many disturbances, such as diarrhea, indigestion, convulsions, all of which should receive attention. Worms, which are of three kinds—tape-worm, thread- worms, and round-worms—are caused by impure drink- ing-water and food, and also by feeding food that is not properly cooked. The symptoms are numerous : itching and rubbing of the nose and external parts, vomiting, restlessness, grating the teeth during sleep, convulsions, etc.; but we must wait until the worms are seen in the movements before attributing to them any of these symptoms. The worms are generally found in the lower bowel, and are passed in the movements, though sometimes they are vomited. The bowels should be thoroughly cleared by giving the child a dose of castor oil, followed by an enema of salt and water, and these measures continued daily until the worms have all been THE NURSING OF SICK CHILDREN. 275 passed, no more being seen in the movements. The expulsion of a tape-worm belongs to the physician. Protrusion of tiie bowel may be remedied by placing the child on its back and elevating its buttocks. The parts should be washed with tepid water and the bowel replaced, then a pad or compress wrung out of ice-water be applied, and kept in place with a napkin. If this treatment does not succeed, a physician should be sum- moned. Protrusion is often caused by constipation and the straining efforts of the baby. A baby should be taught regular habits, which, with a little patience, can be established. Ophthalmia neonatorum is inflammation of the con- junctiva, which is one of the coats of the eyeball. Its causes are numerous, but in the new-born it is generally caused by infection during birth from the urethral or vaginal discharges of the mother. In this case the fault lies entirely with the nurse in not cleansing the eyes immediately after the head is born, and also in not washing the baby’s hands, because in this way any mucus on its hands is rubbed into the eyes; it is also caused by using the same cloth and water for washing the eyes that have been used for the body. Any red- ness of the eyes or the eyelids must promptly be re- ported. If cold compresses are ordered, they must be changed every two minutes. Syringing the eyes is best done with a medicine-drop- per. The dropper is filled with the ordered solution, which may be of boric acid: in applying the solution it should flow from the outer to the inner corner of the eye, thence to a piece of cotton or of compress. The eye must be kept perfectly clean, and all pieces of cotton or compress used about it must be burned. Ophthalmia is a germ 276 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. disease and is highly contagious. If the nurse has to touch the eyes with any solution, she should twist a piece of absorbent cotton around the end of a tooth- pick or a match-stick, a fresh piece being used for each eye, these eye-swabs being burned immediately after- ward. These cases are very fatiguing, but the baby’s sight depends upon the faithfulness with which the phy- sician’s orders are carried out. Many cases of blindness are due to neglect. The nurse must protect herself by not touching her face, eyes, or hair unless her hands have thoroughly been washed and disinfected. Every- thing employed about the eye or eyes must be burned, and on no account be used about other parts of the body. Snuffles, or cold in the head, may be relieved by keep- ing the baby warm, oiling the outside of the nose, and keeping the nostrils clear by cleaning them with a small piece of cotton twisted around a match-stick. Infant paralysis is recognized by the baby having no power over its limbs. Sometimes the infection is ushered in with convulsions and a high fever, and vomiting, then follows a wasting of one or more muscles. The limb is at first tender, and the baby may cry when it is touched. The baby must be kept warm, good nourishing food be given, and massage and electricity applied. Tongue-tie.—Sometimes the band beneath the baby’s tongue is too short and the baby cannot nurse. It is then tongue-tied, and the band will have to be snipped. This is a simple and almost painless operation, taking only a very few minutes, and no anesthetic is required, neither is there any loss of blood. The nurse can see the baby’s tongue by placing a little sugar on the lower lip of the baby; this will cause it to put out the tongue to get the sugar. The temperature of babies and that of some of the THE NURSING OF SICK CHILDREN. 2 77 older children must be taken in the rectum, the ther- mometer being oiled before it is inserted, and carefully watched lest any sudden movement of the child should break the thermometer, the mercury and fine glass entering the rectum. The baby should be placed on its left side on the nurse’s lap. Pulse and Respiration.—The pulse can only be taken correctly when the baby is asleep. The pulse is very easily affected, the least thing sending it up, together with the temperature, and increasing the respirations. The pulse at birth is about 140 beats per minute, and gradually it decreases with increase in age, as follows: First month the pulse is about 120 First to second year it is about no Second to fifth “ “ “ loo Fifth to eighth “ “ “ go Respirations at birth are from 40-50 First month, about 40 First to third year, about 35 Third to fifth “ “ • • • 25 Signification of the Baby's Cry.—Until the child be- gins to talk its cry is its only language. If the cry is long and persistent it is usually due to hunger, or the child has earache, in which case the hand is drawn up to the ear. If there is pain in the head, the hand is also drawn up to the head and the cry is sharp and piercing, the face flushed, and there is restlessness. With pain in the abdomen the cry is long, sharp, and loud, and gradually ceases as the pain subsides. The knees are drawn up to the abdomen. If the pain is in the chest, the cry is sharp and suppressed, with the cough which accompanies it; the nostrils dilate and contract. 278 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Diseases of Childhood.—Any of the diseases which attack grown persons may also attack children. Typhoid fever is apt to run a milder course in children than in adults ; the nursing, however, is just the same. A strict watch must be kept of the temperature for hemor- rhage, which is indicated by a sudden drop of tempera- ture and a weak, rapid pulse. The bowel-movements after the hemorrhage are dark red, but if the feces are not passed for some time after, they resemble tar. The child must be kept perfectly quiet (not allowed to move), so that the blood will coagulate in the blood-vessels and prevent further hemorrhage. Cold water or crushed ice may be given in small quantities; only the amount of water or ice it is intended the child to have should be put into the tumbler; if there is more and the tumbler is taken away, the child will cry for it. Baths and packs are given in the usual manner. Ice can be applied to the head by crushing the ice and making an ice poul- tice which can be stitched upon a night-cap. This will prevent the poultice falling from side to side. In the absence of rubber there may be used flannel or towels, which are fastened to the pillow, so that the weight of the poultice will not be on the child’s head. With children ulceration of the bowels is less likely than with adults, consequently the dangers of hemor- rhage and perforation are less. The rash may be absent, but the brain-symptoms are marked and generally the temperature rises suddenly. Meningitis is inflammation of the membranes of the brain. Symptoms.—The child is restless, listless, drowsy, and fretful; loses flesh; grinds the teeth when asleep, and the pain in the head causes him to wake up with a THE NURSING OF SICK CHILDREN. 279 scream ; he cannot tolerate the light or the slightest noise; the pulse is increased and the temperature is raised. These symptoms deepen ; the drowsiness increases, followed by delirium. The pupils of the eyes may be dilated or evenly contracted, or the child may squint; there may be convul- sions. Finally there is complete coma. The treatment of meningitis lies in keeping the child perfectly quiet in a darkened room and in applying cold constantly to the head. The bowels must be kept open and the child be fed by the rectum if necessary. The child must be kept perfectly clean. As the stupor sets in the urine and the excreta will involuntarily be passed. Mumps is inflammation of the parotid and other sali- vary glands situated beneath the ears. There is fever- ishness, headache, restlessness, chill, and vomiting, and then the swelling begins. The disease is both conta- gious and infectious, and for this reason an affected child must be isolated from other children. Treatment.—The child must be kept warm and hot fomentations applied to relieve the pain, or the neck and face may be covered with absorbent cotton or flannel. Oil rubbed into the skin will relieve the tight feeling. After four or five days the swelling begins to subside and the pain is relieved. Soft food should be given. Incontinence of urine needs the care of a physician, as it may be due to some trouble with the bladder, or the urine may contain too much acid. Children who have this trouble are very often whipped and scolded by both parents and nurses : this is a great mistake, and is wrong to a child, unless the nurse is sure that the incontinence is due to carelessness. Chorea, or St. Vitus' dance, is a nervous disease of childhood, and is characterized by the involuntary 280 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. twitching of one or more or of all the muscles of the body, that ceases when the child is asleep. In mild cases recovery takes place in from four to six weeks; but in severe cases, when the whole body is involved, the child may die, either through inability to take nourishment or to sleep, or from heart complications. The affected child must be isolated from other children or they will imitate its affliction. Good nourishing food must be given, and the child be kept free from all excitement. Rheumatism being one of the complications of chorea, any stiffness of the joints must be reported. The child must be treated very kindly and gently spoken to; a sharp word has been known to throw a child into con- vulsions. Should convulsions set in without any appa- rent cause, such as fear, worry, or excitement, they may be the beginning of some complication. In severe cases of chorea the patients are kept in bed. There is always the liability to recurrent attacks, and women who have had an attack in childhood may have a recurrence of the disease during pregnancy. Surgical Diseases of Children.—The surgical dis- eases of children are similar to those of adults, and demand the same treatment. After any trouble with the bowels, such as peritonitis or appendicitis, the child should wear a flannel abdominal binder, because sud- den changes in the temperature are liable to affect the bowels; the binder will keep the bowels warm and guard against recurrent attacks; the bowels must also be kept open. Pain in the knees or the hips must be reported; it may denote hip disease. Hip-joint disease (Coxalgia) is caused by a blow or a fall, or it may originate from tubercular inflammation of the structure of the hip-joint or scrofula, the patient in- THE NURSING OF SICK CHILDREN. 281 heriting either of these diseases. The germ lodges in the end of the femur or thigh-bone. If the disease is of tubercular origin, tubercular meningitis may set in. The child must be confined to bed; he must not sit up. Every little while he will scream in his sleep on ac- count of pain caused by a muscular spasm which brings the inflamed surfaces of the joint together. Any knock- ing against or jarring of the bed causes great pain. Children must have plenty of fresh air and sunlight; they cannot live healthfully without; also good nourish- ing food, of which milk should be the chief. Nurse’s Management of Children.—A child who has been used to home-training and to having every whim satisfied does not take kindly to the nurse, and often will not allow her to do anything for him. Therefore, it is generally well for the child to see the nurse in the room for a little while, the mother acting under her directions, and after he has become accustomed to the nurse's presence the way will be much easier. If the first thing the nurse has to do is to dress a painful part, she should not go up to the child and begin the dressing, but she should talk to him about his play- things ; then, after a while, with a little tact, she can look at the part, touching it very gently; if this causes no pain and the child thinks the nurse is not going to hurt him, he will let her do the dressing, the nurse all the time keeping up the conversation to attract his attention to other things. With children the nurse should be firm and at the same time be gentle; she should let yes mean yes, and no mean no. If the nurse has difficulty with a child at first, he will see that she is firm and that her orders are to be carried out. On no account must the child be deceived. A child will often take the most dis- 282 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. agreeable medicine from a nurse whom he loves and by whom he has never been deceived, because she says that it is easy to take, the patient having a child-like faith in her, when no power nor persuasion could make him take it from a nurse who was unkind or who has deceived him. Children live in the present, the past is soon forgot- ten. We should encourage their little efforts to be good, provide them amusement, and sympathize with them in their little troubles. A little boy (about four years old) went into his father’s study holding up a finger which had been pinched by the door, and, with a look of pain on his face, said, “ Look, papa, how I have hurt my fin- ger.” His father, who was busy writing and did not want to be interrupted, said rather impatiently, “ I can’t help it, dear.” The little fellow’s eyes filled with tears, and as he turned to leave the room he said in a low tone, “ You might have said * Oh ! ’ ” Children live in a world of their own ; their little trials are just as great to them as are our greater ones to us, for “ there is no misery like the misery of childhooda little sympathy for a pinched finger or a stubbed toe, a bumped head, a smashed doll or toy, is always a great comfort to them. In conclusion the writer begs to remind the nurse of what has been said about sympathy and kindness to her patients. They are so dependent upon her for comfort and sympathy that a gentle word or a pleasant smile, kind attention to their needs, and regard for their feel- ings, though little things, give great consolation. Sym- pathy and comfort are especially necessary before an operation, of which all patients naturally have a dread. None can realize what the feelings of the patients must be as they go bravely (outwardly) to the etherizing room, or what a comfort it must be to them to know THE NURSING OF SICK CHILDREN 283 that some one who fully sympathizes is with them. It is here that they want their own to be with them, and it is here by kindness and sympathy that the nurse can, in a measure, take the place of their own. “ The small kindnesses,” says M. A. Kelty, “ the small courtesies, the small considerations habitually practised, the sympa- thy in our every-day work, give a greater charm to the character than the display of great talents and accom- plishments ; ” and in Felix Holt, George Eliot says : “ A supreme love, a motive that gives a sublime rhythm to a woman’s life, and exalts habit into partnership with the soul’s highest needs, is not to be had where and how she wills: to know that high initiation, she must often tread where it is hard to tread and feel the chill air and watch through darkness. It is not true that love makes all things easy; it makes us choose what is difficult.” ANATOMY. Plate 6. Anatomy of the Thorax and Abdomen: a, the thyroid ; b, the trachea; c, c*, the first ribs ; D, i>z, the clavicle (cut); G, arch of the aorta; gx, descending aorta; H, Hx, right and left bronchi ; i, esophagus; k, vena azygos; n, thoracic duct; m, mx, seventh ribs; n, diaphragm in section ; o, cardiac orifice of the stomach ; p, liver in section, showing orifices of hepatic veins; r, inferior vena cava; s, gall-bladder; T, pyloric end of stomach, joining tx, the duodenum; u, the spleen ; v, the pancreas ; w, the sigmoid flexure of colon ; x, caput coli (cecum); z, coils of the small intestine; 2, the innominate artery; 3, right subclavian artery; 4, common carotid artery; 5, left subclavian artery ; 6, left common carotid artery; 7, left axillary artery; 8, superior mesenteric artery ; 9, left kidney (Maclise). PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. 285 PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. I. Physiology. Blood-circulation.—The circulation of the blood through all the parts of the body, taking with it the mate- rial for nutrition and gathering up the waste material, is caused by the action of the heart, the arteries, the capil- Fig. 67.—The heart. laries, and the veins. The arteries carry the blood from the heart, and contain pure, rich red blood. The aorta, the largest artery leading from the heart, branches off into smaller arteries, which finally become very small, and which are termed capillaries. These vessels are 286 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. very tiny, yet they allow a constant stream of blood to pass through them; they are very numerous and near the surface of the body, so that in pricking the finger we get an oozing of blood which comes from the capillaries. The capillaries connect with the veins, which at first are very small, but they grow larger and larger until they merge into two large veins, the vena cava superior and the vena cava inferior, which bring the blood back to the heart, and which are on the right side of the heart. Fig. 69.—Left auricle and ventricle, opened and part of their walls removed to show their cavities (Allen Thomson): r. right pulmonary vein cut short; 1', cavity of left auricle; 3, 3', thick wall of left ventricle ; 4, portion of the same with papillary muscle attached; 5, the other papillary muscles; 6, 6', the seg- ments of the mitral valve; 7 in aorta is placed over the semilunar valves; 8, pulmonary artery; 10, aorta and its branches. Fig. 68.—Orifices of the heart, seen from above, both the auricles and the great vessels being removed (Huxley) ; PA, pulmonary ar- tery and its semilunar valves ; A O, aorta and its valves; RA V, tricuspid, and LA V, bicus- pid valves ; MV, segments of mitral valve ; LV, segment of tricuspid valve. The Heart: its Structure and Valves.—The heart is a pear-shaped organ (Fig. 67), situated in the front of the PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. 287 chest, with its apex, or the small end, pointing down and to the left. This important muscular organ has two dis- tinct parts, each of which is again divided into two parts connected with each other. Each of these four parts, or chambers, holds about 2 ounces; the two upper cham- bers are called “ auricles,” the two lower “ ventricles ” (Fig. 69). There are openings between the right and left auricles and ventricles guarded by valves; the one between the right auricle and ventricle is the tricuspid valve; that between the left auricle and ventricle is the mitral valve (Fig. 68). There are two other valves, one in the right ventricle, where the pulmonary artery be- gins, the other in the left ventricle, where the aorta be- gins. These valves are called “ semilunar valves ” (Fig. 68), and the object of these valves is to prevent the blood flowing back when the heart dilates. Mechanism and Course of the Circulation.—To return to the two great veins. The venous blood, which is loaded with impurities and is dark colored, reaches the two great veins, the vena cava superior and the vena cava inferior, which join together and empty into the right auricle; this chamber contracts and forces the blood down through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle, which contracts and sends the blood through the right semilunar valve and pulmonary artery into the lungs. In the lungs the blood throws off its impurities, takes up a new supply of oxygen, and becomes pure, bright-red arterial blood. This change is due to the respiratio7i. This pure blood returns to the heart by the pulmonary veins, which empty into the left auricle; this contracts and forces the blood down through the mitral valve into the left ventricle, which also contracts, and sends the blood through the left semilunar valve into the 288 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. aorta, which is the largest artery in the body. The first branch of the aorta is the coronary artery, which sup- plies the heart itself. The branches of the aorta are many, and they grow smaller and smaller as the distance from the heart increases, carrying the pure blood to all parts of the body; the last of these branches are the capillaries, which are so small that they are invisible to the naked eye. The blood, when passing through the capillaries, loses its bright-red color and becomes dark, because the different tissues take from the blood what is necessary for their support, and give in return the waste, worn-out material; the oxygen disappears from the blood to a great extent, and the blood on reaching the veins becomes dark blue, being full of impurities. The blood then returns to the heart and thence to the lungs, where its impurities are thrown off with the breath. The blood takes up a new supply of oxygen in the lungs, and repeats its journey through the body. There is one instance where the arteries carry venous blood, and the veins carry arterial blood; it occurs in the pulmonary circulation, generally called the “ lesser ” cir- culation. In this circulation the venous blood enters the right auricle and ventricle, and passes through the semilunar valves into the pulmonary artery, thence to the lungs, where, as we have seen, it is purified and made into bright-red arterial blood, and returns to the heart by the pulmonary vein. There is another circulation, called the “ portal ” cir- culation, in which four large veins—the inferior and su- perior mesenteric, splenic, and gastric—form one large trunk called the “ vena portae.” This portal vein collects the blood from the stomach, the pancreas, the spleen, and the intestines, and carries it to the liver, where it PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. 289 mixes with the blood that is supplied to the liver. The blood then passes from the capillaries of the liver into small veins, the hepatic veins, which carry it to the vena cava inferior. The greater or systematic circulation begins at the left ventricle, thence through the aorta, and is distributed to all parts of the body, going through capillaries and veins, and then returning to the right auricle. / Respiration.—The air we breathe is mainly composed of two gases, oxygen and nitrogen, there being more oxygen than nitrogen. The oxygen is absolutely neces- sary to support life; still, alone it would not support life, because it is too stimulating; hence there can be danger from too much as from too little oxygen. The nitrogen serves to dilute the oxygen. There is also a small quan- tity of carbonic-acid gas, which is very poisonous, and a certain amount of watery vapor, which, when exhaled, is invisible, except in cold weather, when it is seen to issue from the mouth or the nostrils in the form of a white cloud. Mechanism of Respiration.—Each time we breathe the air passes into the lungs through the nose, mouth, larynx, and trachea, thence to the bronchial tubes and air-cells of the lungs. The muscles of the chest ex- pand, the diaphragm contracts, allowing the lungs plenty of room to expand, the ribs are lifted, the lungs expand, the air-cells open, and a fresh supply of oxygen is in- haled. This action is called “ inspiration.” The second movement is called “ expiration,” in which the diaphragm relaxes and rises in the form of a dome, the ribs descend, the chest contracts, the lungs, which are elastic, shrink, and the impure air is driven out. We breathe in oxy- gen and give out carbonic-acid gas, which must not be 290 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. inhaled again, and to which there is a faint odor, but un- noticeable except when present in large quantity. Upon entering a poorly-ventilated hall or a room in which there are many people, one will at once notice the bad air. It is due to the carbonic-acid gas expired by each inmate, there being not enough oxygen to purify the air. Lighted gas-jets also consume the oxygen. If there is too little oxygen to purify the blood, the venous blood is distributed to the heart and thence to the body, and there is a feeling of faintness and suffocation. Our bodies must be supplied with fresh air, food, and drink; we cannot live without them. One knows the need of food by the cravings of the stomach, the need of water by the dryness of the mouth and throat, the need of pure air by the feeling of suffocation. Animals, like human beings, take in oxygen and give out carbonic acid. Plants take in carbonic-acid gas and give off oxygen in the day-time; in the night they take in oxygen and give off carbonic-acid gas. It is for this reason that plants should be removed from a room at night. Besides the lungs, the skin and the kidneys assist in removing impurities from the body. The Digestion.—The organs of digestion are the sali- vary glands, the stomach, the liver, the pancreas, and the intestines. These so change the food we eat that it can be taken into the blood and nourish the body. The alimentary canal (Fig. 70) is about 30 feet long; it begins with the mouth and ends with the rectum. It is in this canal that the process of digestion is carried on. The first part, which extends from the mouth to the stomach, is called the “ esophagus ” (gullet), and con- ducts the food to the stomach. The stomach is the most PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANA TOM Y 291 expanded part of the canal; its left end is enlarged, and because it is on the heart side of the body is called the “ cardiac dilatation.” The right end of the stomach narrows and connects with the small intestine. The small in- testine is a continuation of the canal, is about 20 feet long, and lies in convolutions in the abdo- men ; it ends in the large intes- tine, which is about 5 feet long, and which runs up the right side of the body (ascending colon), crosses over under the liver and stomach (transverse colon), de- scending the left side (descending colon), and ends in the sigmoid flexure and rectum (Fig. 70). Mastication and Deglutition.— The food when taken into the mouth is cut and ground by the teeth, reduced to a fine pulp, and mixed with the saliva, which changes the starch that the food contains into sugar by its active principle, ptyalin. When suffi- ciently masticated the food is carried backward to the opening which leads into the pharynx, and is thrust into the latter, the soft palate being lifted and its pillars brought together, while the backward movement of the tongue causes the epiglottis to incline backward and downward over the glottis, thus forming a lid over which the food can travel without dropping into the air-passages. The epiglottis prevents the food from Fig. 70.—The alimentary canal. 292 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. passing into the trachea, and the soft palate keeps it from passing into the nasal cavities. Stomach and Intestinal Digestion.—When the food passes into the stomach it is rolled about and thor- oughly mixed with the gastric juice until it is reduced to the consistency of pea-soup, called “ chyme.” It then passes through the pylorus (a narrow opening at the right end of the stomach), and the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine adjoining the stomach. A large quantity of the fluid (chyme) is absorbed through the walls of the stomach and joins the blood-circulation. When the food or chyme passes into the duodenum it is mixed with the pancreatic juice and the bile, and is con- verted into chyle, a milky fluid formed by the digestion in the intestines of fatty particles of food. After passing through the small intestines the food gradually loses its nourishing properties, and finally enters the large intes- tine, where it acquires its characteristic fecal odor and color. Secretions.—Some of the secretions of the body are: saliva, perspiration, sebaceous matter, tears, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, intestinal juice, milk, bile, and mucus. In the mouth is the saliva / ater \ which changes l Ptyalin J ’ starch into grape-sugar. In the stomach is the gastric juice—water, pepsin, hy- drochloric acid—which digests albuminoids. In the intestines are the juices of the intestines—bile, pancreatic juice, water—which digest fats, starch, and albuminoids. Parotid Gland.—The parotid gland is situated below and toward the front of the ear. It secretes the saliva, and it is inflammation of this gland that causes mumps. PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. 293 Excretions.—The excretions are eliminated from the body by the skin, the lungs, the kidneys, and the bowels. Urinary Organs.—The urinary organs are the kid- neys, the ureters, the bladder, and the urethra (see page 308). The kidneys purify the blood by removing from it waste and worn-out material. They also regulate the amount of water to be removed from the body, and the amount to be retained in the body for resorption. The Urine.—The urine is one of the excretions of the body, and contains waste and worn-out material held in solution, or “ salts,” as they are called, among which is urea, uric acid, urates, chlorids, and earthy phosphates. The normal quantity of urine passed in the twenty- four hours is from 30 to 50 ounces. The eolor is a light amber, the reaction acid, and the specific gravity (by which is meant the weight of the urine) averages from 1018 to 1024, or may be as high as 1030 without there being any disease. There is a characteristic aromatic odor. The amount of urine is varied at different times, more being passed during the day than the night. Food and drink increase the quantity. After profuse perspiration the amount is decreased; while, on the con- trary, cold decreases the activity of the skin, and consequently the flow of urine is increased. Some diseases are charac- terized by an increase or a decrease in the amount passed; as, for instance, one of the first symptoms of diabetes melli- tus is the increased amount of urine passed daily, which amount may be as high as 80 or 100 ounces, of a specific gravity ranging from 1020 to 1045, which may indicate Fig. 71.—Urinoraeter. 294 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. an abnormal amount of sugar in the urine, and the color may be a clear light yellow, without any sediment. When there is an excess of sugar or urea, or of any of the other substances in the urine, it does not follow that the kidneys are diseased; they may be perfectly healthy, and the change be due to some nutritive or other dis- turbance; but when we find albumin in the urine, the kidneys are generally diseased. In acute diseases the quantity of urine may be dimin- ished and its color and specific gravity be high. When convalescence sets in the amount increases and the spe- cific gravity may be found below the normal. The odor of the urine is affected by taking certain foods and medicines. The color of the urine varies from a light amber to a dark red (PI. 7). In nervous diseases the urine is very often pale, like water. In fever cases it is a high red color, and is generally thick and loaded with sediment, because, as the amount of food taken into the body is much less, the wasting process is more active; hence the amount of solids in the urine is increased. . Medicines influence the color. Bile may give to it a dark-brown or a greenish color, as will also carbolic acid; iodoform will give to it a dark smoky color. The reaction for the twenty-four-hour amount is acid. After meals it may be neutral or alkaline. The reaction is taken with blue litmus-paper, which, if the urine is acid, will be turned red. If the urine is alkaline, it will turn red litmus-paper blue, and if it is neutral (neither acid nor alkaline), it will have no effect upon either red or blue litmus-paper. The specific gravity of urine is taken with the urinom- eter (Fig. 71). When taking the specific gravity the URINE. Pi.ATE 7. I. PALE YELLOW, ii. LIGHT YELLOW, hi. YELLOW. IV. REDDISH YELLOW. v. YELLOWISH RED. VI. RED. VII. BROWNISH RED. VIII. REDDISH BROWN. IX. BROWNISH BLACK. Scale of Urinary Colors, according to Vogel (Wolff). PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. 295 urine is poured into the tall glass and in the middle is dropped the urinometer, the number of degrees being read from off the scale at the level at which it rests. Tests of Urine.—To test for albumin a test-tube is half filled with urine and heat applied until boiling occurs. If albumin is present, the urine appears cloudy, and this cloudiness does not disappear on the addi- tion of a few drops of nitric or acetic acid. Another ready way, if nitric acid is at hand, is to pour some of the acid into a small glass, incline the glass, and pour down the side of it an equal amount of the clear urine, which will spread over the acid; if albumin is present, there will be a sharp white ring between the urine and the nitric acid. Very often we get this white ring when the mixed urates are present, and it might be mistaken for albumin; but if urates are present and not albumin, the white ring, or “ zone,” as it is called, will not appear where the urine and nitric acid meet, but higher up, and later will spread into the urine, and if it is heated will disappear. When normal urine is poured on nitric acid a brown ring appears between the urine and the acid, due to the action of the acid on the color- ing matters. Hence, when there is an abundance of coloring matter the albumin precipitates may be simi- larly colored. A pretty test for sugar is to add to the urine an equal amount of sodii hydrate, which will make the urine alkaline, then add drop by drop a solution of sulphate of copper; if sugar is present, the mixture turns a dark navy-blue color. If this mixture is boiled, there will re- sult a reddish-yellow precipitate ; this is Trommer’s test. Another test is to take urine and liquor potassae equal parts, and add a little bismuth subnitrate; this solution 296 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. when shaken and boiled, if sugar is present, will turn perfectly black. 2. Descriptive Anatomy. The anatomy of the body will not minutely be con- sidered, but merely a brief description of the skin, the muscles, and the bones, and the situation of the different organs of the body will be given. 1. Skin.—The skin is the covering (integument) of the body that protects the parts beneath it, and that regulates the heat of, and gives off waste material from, the body. There are two layers of skin—an outer layer, the epider- mis, and an inner layer, the cutis (derma) or true skin. The latter is supplied with capillaries and nerves, and bleeds freely if cut or pricked. The epidermis does not bleed. Just below the cutis is a layer containing fat and the larger arteries of the body. On some parts of the body the skin is thicker than on others, as the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, while in other parts, the mouth, nose, rectum, etc., the skin apparently ends, which is not the case; it is only very much thinner, having two layers as before, the inner layer (endothe- lium) containing blood-vessels and nerves; the outer layer, which is similar to the epidermis, is called the “ epi- thelium.” The black color of the skin in the negro and the tawny color among some of the white races are due to the presence of pigment in the cells of the cuticle. Developed from the skin are the hair and the nails. 2. Bones of the Body.—The bones are the frame- work of the body; they afford protection to the important organs, and are covered with a fibrous membrane called the “ periosteum.” There are in the body about 206 bones of different shapes and lengths. They are divided ANATOMY. Plate 8. Frontal bone. Parietal bone. Orbit. Inferior maxilla. Temporal bone. Cervical vertebrae. Clavicle. Scapula. Humerus. Lumbar vertebrae. Ilium. -Ilium. Ulna. Radius. Carpus. Metacarpus. Phalanges. Femur. - Patella. Tibia. . Fibula. - , Tarsus. . Metatarsus. The Human Male Skeleton. PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. 297 into three groups—bones of the head, of the trunk, and of the extremities (PI. 8). The femur or thigh-bone is the largest, longest, and strongest bone in the body, and the stapes (one of the little bones of the ear) is the small- est bone in the body. The ends of bones, when jointed movably with others, are covered with cartilage, having within the joint free surfaces of great smoothness, which surfaces are lubri- cated by the synovial fluid secreted from the synovial membrane which lines the joints. The bones are further held together by fibrous tissue in the form of ligaments. Bones of the Skull.—The skull is a box of bone con- taining the brain, which is a soft, pulpy substance and is the chief organ of the nervous system. The skull is composed of two plates of bone from which the brain is separated a little distance. The thickest part of the skull is at the back, where it is half an inch thick, and the thinnest part is at the tem- ples. Just above the eyes on the forehead the two plates of bone are separated half an inch or more, so that when a person is kicked by a horse or otherwise injured, the outer table may be indented to a considerable extent, and it may even affect the inner plate without injuring the brain. Bones of the Trunk: Thorax.—The thorax, or chest, is bounded by the ribs, the breast-bone, and the back- bone. The chest contains the heart and the lungs, and also the large blood-vessels. There are twenty-four ribs (twelve on each side), of which the seven upper ones are called “ true ribsthe five lower are “ false ribs.” All the ribs are attached to the spinal column by ligaments and cartilage, which hold them in position. The seven true ribs are connected 298 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. with the sternum (breast-bone) by means of fibrous bands. The 8th, 9th, and 10th ribs are each attached to the lower border of the rib above it. The 1 ith and 12th ribs are called “ floating ribs,” having only one attach- ment, that of the spinal column. The sternum is the breast-bone. The clavicle, or collar-bone, is a long bone which articulates with the sternum and scapula. The clavicle connects the upper extremity, which is divided into shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand, with the body. The scapula, or shoulder-blade, is a large, flat, triangular bone held in place by the clavicle and muscles. The spinal column, or the back-bone, extends from the base of the skull to the lower extremity of the back, and is composed of twenty-six bones called “ vertebrae,” piled one upon the other, making a strong pillar for the support of the head and trunk. Between each of these small bones is a layer of cartilage of an elastic character which allows the body to bend in many directions. The seven cervical (or neck) vertebrae extend from the base of the skull to the shoulders, the twelve dorsal (or back) vertebrae extend from the shoulders to the lower ribs. Between each articulating pair of vertebrae is an opening on each side for the passage of nerves throughout the entire length of the column—the spinal cord. The five lumbar (loin) vertebrae extend from be- low the ribs to the pelvis, the bones of the sacrum and the coccyx forming the extremity of the spine. The pelvis is formed by the sacrum, the coccyx, and the two ossa innominata. The female pelvis contains the zvomb, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, bladder, and rectum (see p. 308). Bones of the Extremities.—The humerus is the largest bone of the arm, and articulates with a shallow joint- PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. 299 surface on the shoulder-blade. Under each arm is the axilla, containing a great bunch of nerves and blood- vessels and numerous glands. The forearm is com- posed of two bones—the radius and ulna—the radius being on the outer or thumb side of the forearm, where we feel the pulse. The elbow-joint is called a “ hinge- joint,” the movements being limited to flexion to an acute angle and to extension in a straight line. Below the forearm is the wrist, and next the hand. The lower extremity consists of the thighs, the legs, and the feet. The femur or the thigh-bone, has a round head, and fits into a deep cup-shaped socket in the hip-bone. The patella, or knee-cap, is a small flat bone situ- ated in front of the knee-joint. The two bones of the leg below the knee are the tibia and fibula. The tibia is the stronger of the two, and is on the inner side of the leg. It is joined to the femur, and the fibula, which is long and slender, is joined to the tibia, and both articu- late with the ankle-bone (astragalus). 3. Muscles of the Body.—The muscles are the fleshy portions of the body, and by their contraction and relax- ation are organs of motion. They are divided into two classes—those subject to the will, or voluntary muscles, and those not subject to the will, or involuntary muscles, of which the muscles of the heart and of the intestines are examples. The muscles differ in length and form, being long, short, broad, round, and flat. The smallest muscle in the body is the stapedius (one of the muscles in the ear), which is only 1 of an inch in length, and the longest muscle in the body is the sartorius, which is over 18 inches in length, reaching from the hip to below the knee. 300 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. Running up from the sternum and clavicle to the mastoid process is the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle; be- neath this is a large artery which supplies blood to the face and head, and the jugular vein, which, if opened, may cause instant death. The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle which separates the cavity of the chest from the abdomen. Tendons.—Tendons are white, glistening fibrous cords which attach certain muscles to bone. The largest tendon in the body is the tendo Achillis inserted in the heel-bone. Fascia.—The fascia is a fibrous membrane covering the muscles. It is very tough, does not stretch, neither can pus penetrate it. 4. Heart, Blood-vessels, and Lymphatics. — The heart is a large muscular organ situated in the front part of the left side of the chest, pointing toward the left, and enclosed in a membraneous sac called the “pericardium.” The movements of the heart are involuntary—that is, are not under the control of the will—and, though the walls of the heart are constantly expanding to take in a fresh supply of blood, and contracting to drive out the blood, the heart has after each contraction a short rest of about two-fifths of a second, which, as it comes regu- larly every second, amounts at the end of twenty-four hours to about nine hours of total rest (see Blood-cir- culation, p. 285). Arteries.—The aorta, which is the largest artery in the body, springs from the heart. When it leaves the left ventricle it forms an arch, then gives off branches which divide and subdivide until they become very small ves- sels, called “ capillaries.” The carotid arteries supply the head and the neck. The subclavian arteries are in the PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. 3OI upper part of the chest. The axillary is a continuation of the subclavian, and passes through the armpit and down the inner side of the arm as the brachial artery. This artery divides at the elbow into the ulnar and radial arteries. The ulnar is on the inner side of the forearm, and the radial is on the outer or thumb side, and both supply blood to the hand and fingers. The aorta de- scends through the thorax into the abdomen, and is called respectively the “ thoracic ” and the “ abdominal ” aorta. The internal iliac artery supplies the walls and organs of the pelvis. The external iliac runs along the brim of the pelvis down the inner side of the thigh, where it takes the name of the femoral artery, whose pulsations can be felt in the groin. The femoral passes into the back of the thigh and knee, and is called the “ popliteal artery.” The leg and foot are supplied by the tibial and peroneal arteries. The lymphatics are the vessels which take up the lymph from all parts of the body, with the exception of the intestines, and return it into the venous system. 5. Brain, Cord, Nerves, and Organs of the Senses. — The brain is composed of gray matter at the surface and white matter in deeper portions. It is divided into the big brain, or the cerebrum, and the little brain, or the cerebellum, and is enveloped from within outward by three membranes, the pia mater, the arachnoid, and the dura mater. The brain is supplied with about one-fifth of the amount of blood that the body possesses. The brain gives off twelve pairs of nerves which supply the head and face (the organs of special sense), the heart, the lungs, and the stomach. Spinal Cord.—The medulla oblongata is the enlarged 302 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. upper portion of the spinal cord within the skull. It re- sembles the cord in being composed of both white and gray matter. It is the headquarters of the important nerve lines which go to the heart, lungs, stomach, and other prominent organs. The spinal cord is composed of gray and white matter, the gray matter being inside the cord. It is covered with membranes similar to those of the brain, the pia mater, the arachnoid, and the dura mater. It is also divided into two halves, and gives off thirty-one pairs of nerves, which supply the trunk, the extremities, and portions of the head and neck (see p. 298). At the beginning of the spinal cord the nerve- fibres (see p. 254) cross from right to left, so that the nerves at the right side of the brain supply the left side of the body and vice versa. Thus, when one side of the brain is injured it is the opposite side of the body which is affected. This crossing is called the “ decussation ” of the nerve-fibres. The nervous system consists of the brain, the spinal cord, and the nerves. Through it all the functions of the body, both mental and physical, are performed. Thought, sensation, and motion are all under the con- trol of the brain, which is the seat of government. The brain, which is the chief organ of the nervous system, may be regarded as a central telegraph office; the gray matter along the spinal cord is the district offices, and the nerves are the telegraph wires. The nerves are composed of silvery-white fibres, and furnish both sensation and motion. The sensory (sensa- tion) fibres begin in the skin and end in the brain, and carry messages to the brain. The motor (motion) fibres begin in the brain and end in the skin, and carry mes- sages from the brain. When we want to lift up anything PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. 303 or to move a hand, an arm, or a foot, the brain sends a message over the nervous system to the muscle of what- ever part we want to move. The muscles contract and the part is moved. These are the nerves of motion, or the motor nerves. Again, when we are being burnt with a hot iron or injured in any way, however slight, the nerves of sensation reflect the message to the brain ; then we feel the pain, and the brain instantly sends down the message over the motor fibres to move the part away. The spinal cord gives off thirty-one pairs of nerves, each nerve issues from the cord by two separate roots— motor and sensory (motion and sensation). The cord has the power of reflecting messages without sending them to the brain; as, for instance, if a message comes up a sensory fibre that a foot is being injured, the gray matter of the cord has the power of sending a message to the foot, through the motor fibres, to move the foot, the muscles contract, and the foot is moved. The vasomotor nerves are the nerves controlling the blood-vessels. ‘ Reflex action is involuntary action, such as winking or coughing and sneezing when the throat or nostrils are trying to get rid of some irritating substance. Eyes.—The eye, strictly speaking, consists only of the eyeball or eye-globe; but connected with the eyeball externally are muscles, nerves, blood-vessels, as well as other parts specially designed for its protection (see p. 112). The cavities containing the eyeballs are called “orbits,” which are about inches deep. At the bot- tom are small holes through which enter the optic nerves. Nose.— The nose is composed of bone and cartilage. Ear.—The ear is divided into three parts—the ex- 304 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. ternal ear or auricle, the middle ear, and the internal ear (Fig. 72). The auricle (pinna) is composed of cartilage covered with skin (A), and has a tube about an inch long called the “ auditory canal ” (G). The cavity of the middle ear, or the tympanum, is separated from the external canal by the drum-membrane (T). This drum-membrane is about one-eighth of an inch in diameter and of an inch in Fig 72.—Semidiagrammatic section through the right ear (Czermak): G, external auditory meatus; T, membrana tympani; tympanic cavity; o, fenestra ovalis; r, fenestra rotunda ; B, semicircular canal; S, cochlea ; Vt, scala vestibuli; Pt, scala tympani. thickness, and has three layers—one of skin, one of fibrous tissue, and an inner layer of mucous membrane— and is also supplied with blood-vessels and nerves. The ear should not be picked with pins, as there is great dan- ger of perforating the drum and causing deafness. The middle ear (P) contains the small bones of the ear, the incus, stapes, and malleus, which are the smallest bones PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. 305 in the human body. The middle ear is connected with the back part of the throat by the Eustachian tube (E), the blocking of which causes deafness. The internal ear or labyrinth consists of the vestibule (Vi), the cochlea (5), and three semicircular canals (B), also the ends of the auditory nerve, the nerve of hearing. Behind the ear is a prominence, the mastoid process, closely connected with the ear and the brain. Any disease of the middle ear may extend to the mastoid, and diseases of both the middle ear and the mastoid are always liable to affect the brain. 6. Respiratory, Digestive, and Urinary Organs.— The trachea (Fig. 73, 3) extends from the larynx to the lungs, then divides into two branches called “ bronchi.” These again divide into smaller tubes called “ bronchial tubes,” which finally terminate in extremely fine air-cells. The kings (Fig. 73, 4-6, 7, 8) are the organs of res- piration. They have a light, spongy appearance, and crepitate or crackle when pressed with the fingers, owing to the contained air in them. There are two lungs, one on each side of the chest. The right lung is larger than the left and has three lobes; the left lung, being smaller, owing to the room taken up by the heart, has only two lobes. The abdomen contains the stomach, liver, spleen, intes- tines, kidneys, and ureters. It is the largest cavity in the body, and is separated from the chest above by the dia- phragm and from the pelvic cavity below by the brim of the pelvis. It is not, like the chest, protected on all sides by bone, and consequently its contained organs are easily injured. The stomach lies on the left side directly under the heart (see p. 290). v 306 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. The liver, the largest gland of the body (weighing from 50 to 60 ounces), is situated on the right side of the body under cover of the ribs. Attached to the under side of the liver is a bag called the “ gall-bladder,” large enough to hold about i ounce of bile, which is a green- ish-yellow secretion of the liver. Jaundice is caused by Fig. 73.—Thoracic organs: 1, larynx; 2, crico-thyroid muscles; 3, trachea; 4-6, right lung; 7, 8, left lung; 9, pericardium; 10, mediastinum; n and 14, subclavian arteries; 12, 13, carotid arteries; 15, 16, innominate veins; 17,20, subclavian veins; 18, 19, internal jugular veins ; 21, root of lung. The lungs naturally cover the pericar- dium, but in the figure are represented as held back by hooks. stoppage of the gall-duct, the bile being carried into the blood and throughout the circulation, and giving the whole body a yellow appearance. PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. 307 The pancreas, or sweetbread, lies across the abdomen below the liver, nearly touching the spleen on the left. The secretion or juice of the pancreas is concerned in the digestion. The spleen is situated at the heart end of the stomach beneath the diaphragm. Its function is obscure. The peritoneum is the serous membrane which lines the abdomen and covers the various organs. The intestines are part of the alimentary canal (see p. 290) continuous with the stomach ; the small intestine is about 20 feet long, and lies in convolutions or coils in the abdomen, ending in the large intestine, (which is about 5 feet long, and runs up the right side of the body, crosses over under the liver and stomach and down the left side, ending with the rectum. The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine near the stomach. The ileum is the lower half of the small intestine; the ilco-cecal valve is the valve between the ileum and the cecum. The cecum is the head of the colon, and lies in the lower part of the right side of the abdomen. Opening from the cecum is the vermiform appendix (Fig. 70), a narrow worm-shaped tube from 2 to 5 inches long. Its opening is guarded by a valve, but sometimes food, seeds, fruit-stones, or hard fecal matter slips into the appendix, and inflammation may result (appendicitis). The colon is the first part of the large intestine, and passes up the right side as the ascending colon, across the body as the transverse colon, and down the left side as the descending colon, where it forms the sigmoid flex- tire (Fig. 70), which is curved like an S, and which serves to remove the fecal matter from the body, this action being done by muscles of its own. The colon ends in 3°8 PRACTICAL POINTS IN NURSING. the rectum, which is from 6 to 8 inches long, and which terminates at the anus. The omentum is a fold of the peritoneum lying in front of the bowels like an apron. The kidneys are situated at the back part of the ab- dominal cavity, one on each side of the upper lumbar region of the spine. They are about 4 inches long, 2 inches wide, and 1 inch thick ; the right kidney is a little lower than the left on account of the large space taken up by the liver. The kidneys excrete the urine, which is carried by a tube (from 12 to 16 inches long) called the “ ureter,” attached to each kidney, and empty- ing into the bladder. The urine passes drop by drop from the ureters into the bladder, which holds about a pint, and which is emptied by the process of urination. If the urine is retained in the bladder a long time, it may decompose, or rupture of this organ may take place through over-distention. The bladder is situated in the front portion of the pel- vis, is oval in shape, and holds about a pint. The urethra is a small canal that conveys the urine from the bladder. The opening of the urethra (the meatus urinarius) opens immediately above the entrance into the vagina. 7. Internal Female Organs of Generation (PI. 9).— The womb or “ uterus,” as it is more commonly called, is a hollow, pear-shaped organ about 3 inches long and 2 inches broad at the top, or fundus, and about 1 inch thick. It consists of the fundus, which is the rounded upper portion, into each side of which enters a Fallopian tube, of a body, and of a cervix or neck, which projects into the vagina, and which is about 1 inch long. The os uteri is the mouth of the womb. The womb is situated be- FEMALE GENERATIVE ORGANS. Plate 9. Blood-vessels of the pelvis (Bourgery and Jacob): the anterior part of the pelvis has been removed, and the bladder and the anterior vaginal wall have been partially cut away. The uterus is drawn up, and the Fallopian tubes are displaced into the iliac fossa: (from An American Text- Book of Obstetrics). PHYSIOLOGY AND DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMY. 309 tween the bladder and the rectum, and any distention of either of these organs alters its position; for instance, if the bladder is distended with urine, the womb is tipped backward, and if the rectum is distended with fecal mat- ter, it is tipped forward. The broad ligaments, which are composed of folds of peritoneum, connect the sides of the womb with the walls of the pelvis, so that the womb is suspended in the pelvis. The Fallopia?i tubes are from 3 to 5 inches long. They are attached at one end to the top of the womb, while the other end has a fringe-like appearance, called the “ fimbriated extremity,” part of which is attached to an ovary. The ovaries are two small oval bodies about 1J inches in length. They lie on either side of the womb about 1 inch from its top, and are enclosed between layers of the broad ligament. APPENDIX. I. GENERAL RULES FOR FEEDING THE SICK, AND HOW TO MAKE CERTAIN ARTICLES OF FOOD. i. Serving the Food. The question of serving food, which is one of educa- tion and training, is of vast importance in the successful nursing of private patients. Much depends upon obser- vation and tact. Little things are more apt to influence the condition of the patient than large ones, and, no matter how much medical care the patient has received, or how successfully a difficult operation has been per- formed, or how attentive the nurse has been, the advan- tages may all be lost through some trifling mistake in the serving of the food. The laboring man is content to eat bread and meat with his fingers and to drink tea from his dinner-pail, but it would make a refined man or woman very unhappy to be compelled to eat from broken dishes and to be served by a nurse who spilled the liquids, who held a cup or a tumbler at the rim in offering drink, instead of holding it at the bottom or by the handle, who served the food cold, who tasted the food in the patient’s presence, who had unclean hands, or who wore a soiled apron. The serving of food requires a great deal of judgment and good taste, and in no branch of her work can a nurse 311 312 APPENDIX. be of more service to a sick patient than in her ability to serve properly the food. The taking of food is the chief event of the day for a sick patient, and the patient’s mind should be diverted from her illness in the anticipa- tion of the meal, which should be served daintily and, if possible, should be composed of something unexpected. The tastes of the patient, however, should be consulted as far as possible: while it is unwise to ask the patient beforehand concerning the bill of fare, as it is often the unexpected which pleases, still, if she expresses a prefer- ence for a certain dish, it should be supplied, provided it is sanctioned by the physician. Punctuality should be observed in serving the meals, as frequently the appetite will be lost if the meal is de- layed beyond the accustomed hour. When a patient is very ill only the simplest foods are given, and these are prescribed by the doctor. Fluids can conveniently be taken by suction through a bent-glass tube or by a pretty feeding-cup with a spout, the cup being carried to the bedside on a small tray covered with a spotless nap- kin. The mouth of the patient must afterward be wiped dry with a fresh clean napkin (not with the corner of a face-towel). When convalescence sets in it becomes necessary to vary the food. The dishes selected should be savory, sufficiently varied, and suited to the digestive power of the patient. In preparing the tray the nurse should be sure first that it is clean on both sides, then to cover it with a spotless tray-cloth, and the dishes, which should be the prettiest and best that the house affords, should be sys- tematically arranged upon it. The tray must not be crowded, and discord in color should always be avoided. A few flowers in a small vase or laid loosely on the tray FEEDING THE SICK. 313 will add to its attractiveness. Too little rather than too much food should be served, and plenty of time be allowed for the meal, so that the food will be thoroughly masticated and mixed with the digestive juices. Hot food must be served hot, the dishes having previously been heated and wiped dry on the outside, and cold food must be served cold, lukewarm food being unpalatable. Pains must be taken not to spill the liquids. When a patient is permitted to sit up out of bed for an hour each day, it is generally best to utilize this hour for dinner, which, being the principal meal of the day, will then be thoroughly enjoyed, and will also be better digested by the patient. If the patient takes the meals in bed, care must be taken that a comfortable position is secured and that the legs are not cramped by the food- tray. Every nurse of to-day knows something of the sci- ence of bacteriology, and that foodstuffs, especially the animal portions, become spoiled through the presence in them of bacteria. Nurses have also heard lectures on, and understand the vast importance of, asepsis in sur- gical nursing : they would not think of doing a surgical dressing without first making their hands and everything to be used about the dressing aseptic, as the lack of such care might cost the patient her life. The nurse should be equally careful about cleansing the hands before hand- ling food, because, not knowing what germs are on her hands, it is possible thus to infect milk or other food with the bacillus of tuberculosis or of other disease. It is in the weakened stomach of the baby and of the inva- lid that bacteria develop and cause harmful results. That one has good health notwithstanding the careless prepa- ration of the food he eats, that he eats fruit which has 3H APPENDIX. passed through an endless series of dirty hands, that he cools the liquids he drinks with ice gathered from ponds impregnated with every form of bacteria, and that a healthy stomach has the power to destroy many germs, are no arguments against absolute cleanliness and neat- ness when serving food to the sick. A surgical dressing must be done before meal-time, and all traces of the dressing cleared away. The bed must be arranged, the patient’s hands and face be bathed, and the room set in order before serving the meal. While eating the mind of the patient should be diverted by cheerful conversation, and the tray be removed as soon as the meal is finished. In most fevers patients are allowed to have a liberal supply of water or beverages, such as orangeade, lemon- ade, etc., which flush out the kidneys and aid in elimina- ting the worn-out material generated in the body by the fever. Eight grains of sodium bicarbonate, soda-water, or Vichy water will render sour lemonade effervescing and will make a very refreshing beverage. Cold drinks should be sipped slowly, the thirst being relieved much better by sipping fluids than by quickly drinking them. Strong black coffee should be added to milk; it is a heart- and brain-stimulant, and is very useful in typhoid fever when the patient seems to be sinking into a stupor. The diet-kitchen outfit may consist of the following appliances and accessories: A spirit- or gas-light chafing-dish ; A single porcelain-lined saucepan; A double porcelain-lined saucepan ; An 8-ounce measuring-glass; A minim measuring-glass; A cooking-thermometer; FEEDING THE SICK. 315 A mince-meat machine; spoons; a glass funnel; Borax; sodii bicarbonate; Pancreatin powders. These, together with other essential articles, should be kept, if possible, in a small room next the patient’s bed- room, where light foods can be prepared. Diet in Convalescence.—The following sick-room dietary has been prepared as a guide for feeding conva- lescents. The diet for convalescence from typhoid fever may also be selected from it. Breakfast: Mutton broth with bread-crumbs. Lunch: Milk-punch. Dinner: Raw oysters; thin bread and butter with crust removed; sherry wine. Lunch : Cup of hot beef-tea. Supper: Milk toast; jelly; cocoa. First Day. Second Day. Breakfast: Oatmeal with sugar and cream; cup of cocoa. Lunch: Soft custard. Dinner: Small piece of tenderloin steak, to be chewed, but not swallowed; baked white potato. Lunch : Glass of milk. Supper: Buttered milk-toast (crust removed); jelly; cocoa. Third Day. Breakfast: Soft-boiled egg; bread and butter; coffee. Lunch: Milk-punch. 3l6 APPENDIX. Dinner: Chicken soup; tender sweetbreads ; Bavarian cream; light wine. Lunch: Egg-nog. Supper: Raw oysters; bread and butter; tea. Fourth Day. Breakfast: Oatmeal with sugar and cream; a tender sweetbread; creamed potatoes; Graham bread and butter; coffee. Lunch : Glass of milk. Dinner: Chicken panada; baked potato; bread ; tapi- oca cream. Lunch: Cup of hot chicken broth. Supper: Buttered dry toast (crust removed); wine jelly; banquet crackers ; tea. Fifth Day. Breakfast: An orange; a scrambled egg; oatmeal with sugar and cream; soft buttered toast; coffee. Lunch: Milk-punch. Dinner: Cream-of-celery soup; a small piece of ten- derloin steak ; a baked potato; snow pud- ding ; bread; wine. Lunch: An egg-nog. Supper: Calfs-foot jelly; soft-boiled egg; bread and butter; cocoa. Sixth Day. Breakfast: Oatmeal; poached eggs on toast; coffee. Lunch : Cup of chicken broth. Dinner: Chicken soup ; small slice of tender roast beef; baked potato; rice pudding; bread. RECIPES. 317 Lunch : Glass of milk. Supper: Baked apples; raw oysters; bread and but- ter; orange jelly; tea. Seventh Day. Breakfast: An orange; mush and milk; scrambled eggs; cream toast; coffee. Lunch : Cup of soft custard. Dinner: Mutton soup; small piece of tender beef- steak; creamed potatoes; sago pudding; bread; wine. Lunch : Cup of beef-tea. Supper : Sponge-cake with cream ; buttered dry toast; wine jelly; cocoa. Eighth Day. Breakfast: Boiled fresh fish; oatmeal; Graham bread; coffee. Lunch: Chicken-broth. Dinner: Potato soup; breast of roast chicken ; mashed potatoes ; macaroni; blanc-mange. Lunch : Cup of mulled wine. Supper: Cream toast; lemon jelly; chocolate. The dietary for succeeding days may be selected from that of preceding days. Change of diet may cause a temporary rise in the temperature and pulse. 2. Recipes for Invalid Foods and Beverages. Simple Farinaceous Foods.—Arrowroot.—Mix i teaspoonful of Bermuda arrowroot with 4 teaspoonsful of cold milk. Stir it slowly into half a pint of boiling milk, and let it simmer for five minutes. It must be 318 RECIPES. stirred all the time, to prevent lumps and to keep it from burning. Add half a teaspoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt, and if desired one of cinnamon. In place of the cinnamon half a teaspoonful of brandy may be used or a dozen large raisins may be boiled in the milk. If the raisins are preferred, they should be stoned and the sugar may be omitted. Corn-starch or rice-flour gruel is made in the same way. Boiled-flour Gruel.—Moisten i pint of flour with 2 ounces of cold water; make it into a ball and tie it up tightly in a strong cloth. Slightly dampen the cloth, sprinkle it with flour, and boil it hard for ten hours; then take off the cloth, and let the ball dry in a slow oven for ten hours more. Grate 2 teaspoonsful of flour from the dry ball, mix the grated flour with cold water to a smooth paste, and stir it into a pint of boiling milk. Simmer about three minutes, and sweeten. Oatmeal.—Salt to taste 3 parts of boiling water; then stir in slowly 1 part of oatmeal (H. O.) ; boil rapidly from twenty to thirty minutes; serve either hot or cold with cream or milk and sugar. Oatmeal Gruel No. 1.—Take 2 tablespoonsful of oat- meal, 1 saltspoonful of salt, and 1 quart of boiling water. Boil one hour. Strain and serve with milk or cream (Mrs. Lincoln). Oatmeal Gruel No. 2.—Pound cup of coarse oat- meal until it is mealy. Put it in a tumbler, and fill the tumbler with cold water. Stir well; let it settle; then pour off the mealy water into a saucepan. Fill again and pour off the water, and again repeat this, being care- ful each time not to disturb the sediment in the bottom of the tumbler. Boil the water twenty minutes. Season APPENDIX. 319 with salt. Thin with a little cream or milk. Strain and serve hot (Mrs. Lincoln). Beef-teas and Extracts.—The best pieces for beef- tea are the round and rump, as they contain the most and best-flavored juices. Wipe the meat with a wet cloth and remove all fat and skin. Beef-tea should not be allowed to boil, but should be kept at the temperature at which albumin coagulates, which is from 1340 to 1600. Boiling water coagulates it, and beef-tea made in this way is without value as food. It is a stimulant. Beef- extract is the pure juice of the meat. Beef-tea is the juice diluted with water. The meat should be cut into small pieces, as, more surfaces being exposed to the water, the juices will be drawn out more quickly. Beef- tea should not be strained, as the sediment contains the nutritious part. Beef-essence.—Mince finely 1 pound of lean, juicy beef, from which all the fat has been removed; put into a wide-mouthed bottle or fruit-jar and cork tightly. Set the jar in a kettle of cold water over a slow fire, and let it boil for three hours. Strain and season with salt and red pepper. Bottled Beef-extract.—Cut 1 pound of lean beef into small pieces. Put it into a large-mouthed jar or bottle. Place the jar, covered, in a kettle of cold water, and heat slowly until near the boiling-point. Keep it at this temperature for two hours. Strain and press the meat to obtain all the juice. Season with salt. The water in the kettle should come nearly as high as the meat in the jar. In administering beef-extract, be care- ful to stir up the sediment. Beef-juice.—Place a \ pound of lean, juicy beef on a broiler over a clear hot fire and heat it through. Press 320 APPENDIX. out the juice with a lemon-squeezer into a hot cup, add salt, and serve hot with toast or with crackers. Beef-tea.—Free i pound of lean beef from fat, ten- don, cartilage, bone, and vessels; chop up fine, put into 1 pint of cold water to digest two hours. Simmer on range or stove three hours, but do not boil. Make up for water lost in the evaporation by adding cold water, so that a pint of beef-tea represents i pound of beef. Press the beef carefully and strain and flavor to taste. Beef-tea may rapidly be prepared by placing the jar containing the meat, finely divided, without any water, in an oven for twenty minutes, then add boiling water according to the quantity required. Beef-tea Peptonized.—To a \ pound of raw beef, free from fat and finely minced, add io grains of pepsin and 2 drops of hydrochloric acid. Put this mixture in a large tumbler and cover with cold water. Let it stand for two hours at a temperature of 90° F., being fre- quently stirred. Strain and serve in a red glass, ice- cold. Peptonized food does not keep well, and should never be used more than twelve hours old. Beef-tea with Oatmeal.—Mix 1 teaspoonful of well- cooked oatmeal with 2 tablespoonsful of boiling water. Add 1 cupful of strong beef-tea and bring to the boil- ing-point. Salt and pepper to taste and serve with toast or with crackers. Rice may be used instead of the oatmeal. Raw-meat Diet.—Scrape pulp from a good steak, season to taste, spread on thin slices of bread; sear bread slightly and serve as a sandwich. Meat Cure.—Procure a slice of steak from top of the round—fresh meat without fat; cut the meat into strips, removing all fat, gristle, etc. with a knife. Put the meat RECIPES. 321 through a mincer at least twice. The pulp must then be well beaten up in roomy saucepan with cold water or skimmed beef-tea to the consistency of cream. The right proportion is i teaspoonful of liquid to 8 tea- spoonsful of pulp; add black pepper and salt to taste; stir the mince briskly with a wooden spoon the whole time it is cooking, over slow fire or on cool part of cov- ered range, until hot through and through and the red color disappears. This requires about half an hour. When done it should be a soft, smooth, stiff puree of the consistency of a thick paste. Serve hot. Add for first few meals the softly-poached white of an egg. Sweetbreads.—Keep the sweetbreads in cold water until ready to use; then remove the fat, pipes, and mem- branes. Put them into boiling salted water, add i table- spoonful of lemon-juice, and cook twenty minutes. Drain and cover with cold water. Let them stand a few minutes, then drain, and they are ready to be pre- pared for the tray. Broths.—Chicken Broth.—Skin and chop up a small chicken or half a large fowl: put, bones and all, with a blade of mace, a sprig of parsley, I tablespoonful of rice, and a crust of bread, in a quart of water and boil for an hour, skimming it from time to time. Strain through a coarse colander. Clam Broth.—Wash thoroughly six large clams in the shell; put them into a kettle with i cupful of water; bring to boil, and keep it boiling one minute: the shells open, the water takes up the proper quantity of juice, and the broth is ready to pour off and serve hot. Add a tea- spoonful of finely pulverized cracker-crumbs, a little but- ter, and salt to taste. Mutton Broth.—The lean part of the neck or loin 322 APPENDIX. should be chosen, be cut up into small pieces, and all superfluous fat be removed: about i pound of mutton thus prepared should be placed in a saucepan containing I pint of cold water and placed on the fire; as the scum rises to the top it should carefully be removed; when this ceases let the broth boil for about two hours, strain, and flavor. A teaspoonful of pearl barley, added when the broth begins to boil, is often acceptable. Warm up as wanted. Oysters.—Fricasseed Oysters.—To i cupful of milk add a J cupful of oyster liquor. When the liquids boil add i teaspoonful of flour and teaspoonful of butter, rubbed together; boil until it thickens; then add i dozen oysters : cook until the oysters are plump and their edges curl; serve immediately, plain or on toast. Peptonized Oysters.—Mince 6 large or 12 small oysters; add to them, in their own liquor, 5 grains of extract of pancreas with 15 grains of sodium bicarbonate (or one Fairchild peptonizing tube). This mixture is then brought to blood-heat (98° F.), and maintained, with occasional stirring, at that temperature thirty min- utes, when 1 pint of milk is added and the temperature kept up from ten to twenty minutes. Finally, the mass is brought to the boiling-point, strained, and served. Gelatin may be added, and the mixture served cold as a jelly. Cooked tomato, onion, celery, or other flavor- ing suited to individual taste may be added at beginning of the artificial digestion. Oyster Stew.—Take 1 pint of oysters, 1 pint of milk, 1 teaspoonful of salt, \ cupful of water, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1 saltspoonful of pepper. Scald the milk. Wash the oysters by adding the water, and remove all shells. Drain, saving the liquor. Put the liquor into RECIPES. 323 a stewpan and heat slowly. Skim carefully. When clear, add the oysters and cook slowly until the edges curl and they are plump. Add the hot milk, butter, salt, and pepper, and serve. Do not let the oysters boil, as that toughens them and renders them indigestible. Oyster Broth.—Cut into small pieces i pint of oys- ters ; put them into a pint of cold water, and let them simmer gently for ten minutes over a slow fire. Skim, strain, and add salt and pepper. Puddings.—Arrowroot Pudding.—Add the yolks of 2 eggs to the plain arrowroot recipe (see p. 317), with 1 teaspoonful of powdered white sugar, mix well and bake in a lightly buttered dish for ten or fifteen minutes. Custard Pudding.—Break 1 egg into a teacup, and mix thoroughly with sugar to taste; then add milk to nearly fill the cup, mix again, and tie over the cup a small piece of linen; place the cup in a shallow sauce- pan half full of water and boil for ten minutes. If it is desired to make a Light Batter Pudding, a teaspoonful of flour should be mixed in with the milk before tying up the cup. Corn-flour Pudding.—Take 1 pint of milk, and mix with it 2 tablespoonsful of the flour: flavor to taste, then boil the whole eight minutes; allow it to cool in a mould, and serve up with or without jam. Rice Pudding.—Take 1 teacupful of rice; wash and pour over it boiling water, and let stand five minutes; then drain off the water and add a cupful of sugar to the rice, a little nutmeg, 2 quarts of milk, and one egg. Bake slowly about two hours, stirring occasionally until the last half hour, then brown. Sago Pudding.—Same as above recipe, sago being substituted for rice. 324 APPENDIX. Snow Pudding-.—Dissolve half a box of gelatin in I pint of cold water; when soft, add I pint of boiling water, the grated rind and juice of 2 lemons, and 2j cupsful of sugar. Let the gelatinized water stand until cold and begins to stiffen. Then beat in the well-beaten whites of 5 eggs. Pour into a mould and set on ice. Serve with Custard Sauce—1 quart of rich milk, the yolks of 5 eggs, with 2 extra eggs added, and a \ cup- ful of sugar. Flavor with vanilla. Soups.—Chicken Soup.—An old fowl will make a more nutritious soup than a young chicken. Skin, cut it up, and break the bones with a mallet. Cover well with cold water, and boil slowly for three or four hours. Salt to taste. A little rice may be boiled with it if desired. Mutton Soup.—Cut up fine 2 pounds of lean mutton, without fat or skin. Add 1 tablespoonful of barley, 1 quart of cold water, and a teaspoonful of salt. Let it boil slowly for two hours. If rice is used in place of barley, it will not need be put in until half an hour before the soup is done. Potato Soup.—Mash 6 boiled potatoes, 1 quart of milk, \ pound of butter. Season with pepper and salt. While mashing the potatoes add the butter and gradually pour in the milk. Stir well and strain through a sieve, and heat once more. Beat up an egg and put it in the soup-tureen, and pour over it the soup when ready to serve. White-celery Soup.—To a pint of strong beef-tea add an equal quantity of boiled milk, slightly and evenly thickened with flour. Flavor with celery-seeds or pieces of celery, which are to be strained out before serving. Salt to taste. RECIPES. 325 Miscellaneous Dishes.—Macaroni.—Take of the macaroni of a pound and break into inch-lengths, and cook twenty minutes in 3 pints of salted boiling water. Turn it into a colander and pour over it cold water and drain. Make a sauce of 1 tablespoonful each of butter and flour and l|- cupsful of hot milk; salt. Put on a dish alternately a layer of macaroni, then a layer of the sauce, covering the top layer with fine bread-crumbs and with bits of butter dotted over (a little cheese may be grated over). Bake until brown. Creamed Potatoes.—Put 1 tablespoonful of butter into a frying-pan, and when it bubbles add 1 tablespoon- ful of flour; add 1 cupful of hot milk; salt and pepper to taste. Then put in 1 pint of cold boiled potatoes, cut into small dice; cook until thoroughly hot and serve. Omelet.—Take 4 eggs, 4 tablespoonsful of milk, teaspoonful of salt, 1 saltspoonful of pepper. Beat the eggs slightly with a spoon until you can take up a spoonful. Add the salt, pepper, and milk. Mix well. Put 1 tablespoonful of butter into a hot omelet-pan. When melted and hot pour in the egg, letting it spread over the pan. When the egg begins to harden, draw the cooked part back toward you, letting the uncooked egg take its place. So continue until the egg is of a creamy consistency. Place the pan over the hottest part of the fire for a few seconds to brown the omelet slightly. Fold over and turn out upon a hot plate (Mrs. Lincoln). Poached Eggs.—Have a frying-pan nearly full of hot water, not boiling but simmering. Add 1 teaspoonful of salt. Place in the pan as many muffin rings as there are eggs to be cooked. Break the eggs carefully into 326 APPEND/X. the rings. Dip the water over them with a spoon until a film has formed on the top of the yolk and the white is firm. Remove the rings and take up the eggs with a skimmer. Serve on buttered toast. Place a bit .of but- ter and a little salt and pepper on each egg. Scrambled Eggs.—Take 4 eggs, J teaspoonful of salt, 1 saltspoonful of pepper, \ cupful of milk, 1 table- spoonful of butter. Beat the eggs slightly, add the salt, pepper, and milk. Put the butter into a saucepan ; when melted and hot add the eggs. Stir over hot water until of a soft, creamy consistency. Serve on buttered toast. Soft-boiled Eggs.—Drop 2 eggs into enough boiling water to cover them. Let them stand on the back of stove where the water will keep hot, but not boil, for eight minutes. An egg to be properly cooked should never be boiled in boiling water, as the white hardens unevenly before the yolk is cooked. The yolk and white should be of a jelly-like consistency. Chicken panada is made by rubbing together in a mortar the meat from the breast and wings of a roast or a boiled chicken, with an equal quantity of stale bread; then add gradually the water in which the chicken was boiled or other broth; boil for few moments and rub through a fine sieve. Infant’s Food.—About 1 teaspoonful of gelatin should be dissolved by boiling in pint of water. Toward the end of the boiling 1 gill of cow’s milk and 1 teaspoonful of arrowroot (made into a paste with cold water) are to be stirred into the solution, and from 1 to 2 tablespoons- ful of cream added just at the termination of the cook- ing. It is then to be moderately sweetened with white sugar, when it is ready for use. The whole preparation should occupy about fifteen minutes. RECIPES. 327 Prepared Milk.—Peptonized Milk—Cold Process. —Into a clean quart bottle put i peptonizing powder (extract of pancreas 5 grains, sodium bicarbonate 15 grains) or the contents of 1 peptonizing tube (Fairchild); add 1 teacupful of cold water, shake; add 1 pint of fresh cold milk; shake the mixture again, and place on ice. Use when required without subjecting to heat. Milk so prepared will have a faintly bitter flavor; it may be sweetened to taste or used in punch, gruels, etc., like ordinary milk. Warm Process.—Mix the peptonizing powder with water and milk as described above; place bottle in water so hot that the whole hand can be held in it for a minute without discomfort; keep the bottle there ten minutes; then put on ice to check further digestion. Do not heat long enough to render the milk bitter. Peptonized milk may be sweetened, flavored with grated nutmeg, or taken with carbonated mineral water. Put the mineral water first into the glass, then quickly pour in the pep- tonized milk, and drink during effervescence. Sago Milk.—Wash 1 tablespoonful of pearl sago and soak it over night in 4 tablespoonsful of cold water. Put the sago into a double kettle with 1 quart of milk and boil until the sago is nearly dissolved. Sweeten to taste and serve either hot or cold. Koumyss.—Take an ordinary beer-bottle with patent shiftable stopper; put in it 1 pint of milk, the sixth part of a cake of Fleischmann’s yeast, or 1 tablespoonful of fresh lager-beer (brewer’s) yeast, \ tablespoonful of white sugar reduced to syrup; shake well and allow to stand in refrigerator two or three days, when it may be used. It will keep there indefinitely if laid on its side. Much waste can be saved by preparing the bottles with ordi- 328 APPENDIX. nary corks wired in position and drawing off the koumyss with a champagne tap. Toasted Bread.—Toast (dry).—Cut thin slices of bread into strips; toast carefully and evenly without breaking, slightly butter, and serve immediately on a hot plate. Cream Toast.—Take i cupful of cream, i saltspoon- ful of salt, 2 slices of dry toast. Scald the cream. Add the salt, and pour it over the toast, or make the same as milk toast, using cream in place of the milk. If pre- ferred, the slices of toast may be first dipped in hot salted water. Egg- Toast.—Take I egg, i saltspoonful of salt, I cupful of milk, 6 slices of bread. Beat the egg slightly, add the salt and milk. Soak slices of bread in this until soft. Butter a hot griddle, put on the bread; when one side is brown, put a bit of butter on each slice, then turn and brown the other side. Serve with sugar and cinna- mon (Mrs. Lincoln). Milk Toast.—Take i cupful of milk, tablespoonful of corn-starch, \ tablespoonful of butter, 2 slices of dry toast, 1 saltspoonful of salt. Scald the milk. Melt the butter in a saucepan; when hot and bubbling add the corn-starch. Pour in the hot milk slowly, beating all the time until smooth. Let it boil up once. Then add the salt. Toast two slices of bread. Pour the thickened milk over the slices. Let it stand five minutes. Serve. Peptonized Milk Toast.—Over 2 slices of toast pour 1 gill of peptonized milk (cold process); let stand on the back part of the range for thirty minutes. Serve warm or strain and serve fluid portion alone. Plain light sponge-cake may be similarly digested. Invalid’s Lunch.—A nice way to prepare a very light RECIPES. 329 lunch for an invalid (to be taken with a cup of tea) is to toast 3 milk crackers; then pour boiling water over them, drawing it off immediately; spread jam or mar- malade over the toasted crackers and pile them up on a dish. Set the dish of crackers in the oven while making the tea, and take both to the sick-room. This lunch will prove appetizing and refreshing if unexpected. Desserts.—Baked Apples.—Core and pair 2 tart apples; fill the core-holes with sugar; grate over the apples a little nutmeg; add a little water to baking-pan and put in oven and bake until the apples are soft. Serve with rich milk or cream. Sprinkle with icing sugar if not sweet enough. Bavarian Cream.—Whites of 6 eggs beaten very light; 1 quart whipped cream; 1 ounce of gelatin (soak one hour in cold water, drain, and dissolve in a little hot water); flavor with 1 teaspoonful of vanilla. Beat the eggs and cream together, add the sugar to sweeten, flavor, then add the gelatin. Beat again until the mix- ture begins to thicken, and pour into moulds. Serve very cold with cream. Blanc-mange of Rice.—Simmer a \ pint of milk with 1 tablespoonful of pounded white sugar until near boil- ing ; then stir in 2 ounces or 1 large tablespoonful of ground rice previously mixed with a pint of milk until smooth ; boil for ten minutes, stirring all the while, and pour into a moistened mould and serve cold. Soft Custard.—Take of corn-starch 2 tablespoonsful to 1 quart of milk; mix the corn with a small quantity of the milk and flavor; beat up 2 eggs. Heat the re- mainder of the milk to near boiling; then add the mixed corn, the eggs, 4 tablespoonsful of sugar, a little butter, and salt. Boil the custard two minutes, stirring briskly. 330 APPENDIX. Calf’s-foot Jelly.—Thoroughly clean 2 feet of a calf, cut into pieces, and stew in 2 quarts of water until re- duced to 1 quart; when cold take off the fat and sepa- rate the jelly from the sediment. Then put the jelly into a saucepan, with white wine and brandy and flavor- ing to taste, with the shells and whites of 4 eggs well mixed together; boil for a quarter of an hour, cover it, and let it stand for a short time, and strain while hot through a flannel bag into a mould. Lemon Jelly.—Take half a box of gelatin, 1 cupful of cold water,'1 pint of boiling water, 1 cupful of sugar, | cupful of lemon-juice. Soak the gelatin in the cold water twenty minutes or until soft. Add boiling water, sugar, and lemon-juice; strain (Mrs. Lincoln). Orange Jelly.—Dissolve half a box of gelatin in a cupful of cold water. Take the juice of 6 oranges and of 2 lemons, 1 cupful of sugar, and 1 cupful of boiling water. Stir all together and strain. Put in a cold place and serve with “ kisses ” or a white cake. This jelly can be attractively served by placing it in the skins of the oranges cut in half and the edges notched. The pulp of the oranges must carefully be removed, and the skins thrown into cold water until required, then dried inside and filled with the jelly. Tapioca Cream.—Take 1 pint of milk, 2 tablespoons- ful of tapioca, 2 tablespoonsful of sugar, 1 saltspoonful of salt, 2 eggs. Wash the tapioca. Add enough water to cover it, and let it stand in a warm place until the tapioca has absorbed the water. Then add the milk and cook in a double boiler, stirring often until the tapioca is clear and transparent. Beat the yolks of the eggs. Add the sugar and salt and the hot milk. Cook until it thickens. Remove from the fire. Add the whites of RECIPES. 33i the eggs, beaten stiff. When cold add i teaspoonful of vanilla. Peptonized-milk Jelly.—First take about half a box of Nelson’s gelatin, and set it aside to soak in i teacup- ful of cold water until needed; take i pint of specially peptonized milk, heated hot; pare i lemon and i orange, and throw the rinds into the specially-prepared milk; squeeze the juice of the lemon and orange into a glass, strain, and mix with it 2 or 3 tablespoonsful of wine or of brandy ; add to the milk, stirring well; strain through gauze, and when cooled to a syrupy consistence, so as to be almost ready to set, pour into moulds and set in a cool place. Do not pour the milk into the moulds until it is nearly cool, otherwise it will separate in setting. Wine Jelly.—Take half a box of gelatin, cupful of cold water, 1 pint of boiling water, 1 cupful of wine, 1 cupful of sugar, 1 lemon. Soak the gelatin in the cold water until soft. Add the boiling water, wine, sugar, and lemon-juice. Strain. Keep on ice until ready to serve (Mrs. Lincoln). Junket.—Sweeten to taste 1 quart of fresh milk in a shallow dish, and stir in liquid rennet 1 tablespoonful; set near the stove, where it will get warm, and as soon as it begins to thicken set it on ice; serve with preserves and cream. This is an excellent dish for invalids; it may be flavored by grating nutmeg on the surface or by adding a few drops of brandy. Irish Moss.—Wash thoroughly a handful of Carrageen moss, pour over it 2 cups of boiling water, and let it stand where it will keep hot, but not boil, for two hours. Strain, add the juice of 1 lemon, and sugar to taste. Irish-moss Blanc-mange.—Take 1 quart of milk, \ cupful of Irish moss, 1 saltspoonful of salt, 1 teaspoon- 332 APPENDIX. ful of vanilla. Pick over and wash the Irish moss, and let it soak in cold water fifteen minutes. Drain off the water. Add the milk and cook in a double boiler until it thickens when cold. Strain. Add the salt and vanilla and turn into a mould. When cold serve with sugar and cream, also with sliced bananas (Mrs. Lincoln). Snow-eggs.—Take a small teacupful of new milk and boil it in a small, shallow saucepan with a little sugar; while it is boiling break i egg, putting the yolk and white in separate cups; whip up the white to a fine light froth, and when the milk is quite boiling take a large spoonful at a time of the white, place it on the top of the milk for a moment or two, then turn it, and when sufficiently solid lift it out on a slice; then mix up the yolk with some sugar, add the boiling milk, mix and boil again for a few minutes, then pour around the white and serve. Whipped Cream.—Mix 2 gills of rich cream, J cup of pulverized sugar, and 2 tablespoonsful of sherry wine; put on ice for an hour, as cream wrhips much better if chilled; whip with an egg-beater, and as the froth rises skim off the latter, and lay it on a sieve to drain, returning the cream which drips away, to be whipped over again. Place on the ice a short time before serving. Wine Whey.—Put 2 pints of milk into a saucepan and stir over a clear fire until nearly boiling; then add i gill (2 wineglasses) of sherry wine, and simmer a quarter of an hour, skimming off the curd as it rises. Add 1 tablespoonful more of sherry, and skim again for a few minutes; strain through coarse muslin. Lemon- juice (2 tablespoonsful) may be used instead of the sherry wine. RECIPES. 333 Beverages.—Chocolate.—Take 2 squares of vanilla chocolate to each coffee-cupful of milk. Grate the chocolate and wet it with cold milk and stir into the milk when it boils. Whip a tablespoonful of cream, and beat it into the chocolate just as it is taken from the stove. This makes 1 cup of rich, delicious chocolate. Do not let it boil, as it becomes oily and loses its fine fresh flavor. Cocoa.—Allow 1 teaspoonful of cocoa for each cup; add sufficient hot water to form a paste; pour on boiling milk (or milk and water) and sweeten to taste; five min- utes’ boiling will improve the cocoa (Wilbur). Coffee.—Stir together 2 tablespoonsful of freshly- ground coffee, 4 of cold water, and half an egg. Pour upon them 1 pint of boiling water, and let them boil for five minutes. Stir down the grounds, and let the coffee stand where it will keep hot, but not boil, for five minutes longer. Sugar and cream should be put into the cup first in serving, and the coffee poured upon them. Coffee (French).—Some persons prefer filtered to boiled coffee. Filtered coffee is best made in a French biggin, consisting of two tin vessels, one fitting into the other, the upper one being supplied with strainers. The coffee, very finely ground, is placed in this utensil, and the boil- ing water allowed slowly to percolate through it. The pot should be set where it will keep hot, but not boil, until the water has gone through. Pouring it through the coffee a second time will make it stronger, but it loses in flavor. Cafe noir is always made in this way. Crust Coffee.—Take 1 pint of crusts—those of Indian bread are the best—brown well in a quick oven, but do not let them burn; pour over them 3 pints of boiling water and steep for ten minutes. Serve with cream. 334 APPENDIX. Nutritious Coffee.—Dissolve a little isinglass or gela- tin (Knox) in water; put an ounce of freshly-ground coffee into a saucepan with i pint of new milk, which should be nearly boiling before the coffee is added ; boil both together for three minutes; clear it by pouring some of it into a cup and dashing it back again; add the isinglass, and leave the coffee on the back part of the range for a few minutes to settle. Beat up i egg in a breakfast-cup, and upon it pour the coffee; if preferred, drink without the egg. Rice Coffee.—Parch and grind like coffee a \ cupful of rice. Pour over it i quart of boiling water, and let it stand where it will keep hot for a quarter of an hour; then strain, and add boiled milk and sugar. This is nice for children. Egg-nog.—Scald some new milk by putting it, con- tained in a jug, into saucepan of boiling water, but do not allow the milk to boil. When cold, beat up a fresh egg with a fork in a tumbler with some sugar; beat to a froth, add a dessertspoonful of brandy, and fill up tum- bler with the scalded milk. Lemonade.—Squeeze the juice from i lemon. Add 2 tablespoonsful of sugar and i cup of water. Strain and serve. Lemon Sherbet.—Take 6 lemons, i tablespoonful of gelatin, i quart of cold water, i pint of sugar. Soak the gelatin in cupful of cold water twenty minutes. Then add \ cupful of boiling water, the juice of the lemons, the cold water, and the sugar. Strain and freeze. The water used in soaking and dissolving the gelatin should be part of the quart of water. In freezing, use one part salt to three parts finely broken ice. Rock salt RECIPES. 335 is most generally used. If you have no freezer, a very good sherbet may be made by freezing it in a tin pail packed in a pailful of salt and ice. Let it stand fifteen minutes. Remove the cover, scrape the frozen mixture from the side of the pail, mix thoroughly, cover, and let it stand fifteen minutes more; then scrape down again. Repeat this process until the mixture is frozen sufficiently (Mrs. Lincoln). Egg Lemonade.—Beat i egg with i tablespoonful of sugar until very light; stir in 3 tablespoonsful of cold water and the juice of a small lemon; fill glass with pounded ice and drink through a straw or a glass tube. Sterilized Milk.—Put the required amount of milk in clean bottles (if for infants, each bottle holding enough for one feeding). Plug the mouths of the bottles lightly with rubber stoppers; immerse to their shoulders in a kettle of cold water; boil twenty minutes; or, better, steam thirty minutes in ordinary steamer; firmly push the stoppers in the bottles, cool them rapidly, and keep in refrigerator. Warm each bottle just before using. Milk and Albumen.—Put into a clean quart bottle 1 pint of milk, the whites of 2 eggs, and a small pinch of salt. Cork and shake hard for five minutes. Milk-punch.—Take pint of fresh cold milk and add 2 teaspoonsful of sugar, and stir well until dissolved; then add 1 ounce of either brandy or sherry wine. Mulled Wine.—Take a \ cup of boiling water into which put 2 teaspoonsful of broken stick-cinnamon and 6 whole cloves, and let all steep for ten minutes, then strain. Now take 2 eggs and 2 tablespoonsful of sugar; beat them together until very light, and stir into the spiced water. Pour from height into this mixture a cup- ful of sweet wine boiling hot (the wine should not be 336 APPENDIX. boiled in a tin vessel). By pouring this preparation from one pitcher to another several times it will become light and foamy. Serve hot. Orangeade.—Substitute orange-juice for that of lemon in the recipe for Lemonade. Orange Sherbet.—Take cupsful of orange-juice, i tablespoonful of gelatin, cupful of cold water, cup- ful of boiling water, i cupful of sugar, i pint of cold water. Soak the gelatin in the cold water. Then add the boiling water, the orange-juice, the sugar, and the cold water. Strain and freeze. Any kind of fruit-juice, sweetened and diluted, may be used in place of the orange-juice. Tea.—Scald out the teapot and put in the tea, using i teaspoonful for each cupful. Pour on boiling water, and let teapot stand four or five minutes. If allowed to stand too long, the tannin in the tea is developed, which not only darkens the tea, but also renders it hurtful. Flaxseed Tea.—Flaxseed (whole), i ounce; white sugar, i ounce (heaping tablespoonful); licorice-root, ounce (two small sticks); lemon-juice, 4 tablespoonsful. Pour on these materials 2 pints of boiling water; let it stand in a hot place four hours; strain off the liquor. Albumen-water.—Stir the whites of 2 eggs into a pint of ice-water, without beating; add enough salt or sugar to make it palatable. Apple-water.—Slice into a pitcher a dozen juicy sour apples; add 1 tablespoonful of sugar, and pour over them 1 quart of boiling water. Cover closely until cold, then strain. Barley-water.—Wash 2 ounces (wineglassful) pearl barley with cold water. Boil it five minutes in fresh water; throw both waters away. Pour on 2 quarts MINERAL WATERS. 337 boiling water; boil down to i quart. Flavor with thinly- cut lemon-rind ; add sugar to taste. Do not strain unless at the patient’s request. Gum-arabic Water.—Dissolve i ounce of gum- arabic in i pint of boiling water, add 2 tablespoonsful of sugar, a wineglassful of sherry, and the juice of i large lemon. Cool, and add ice. Lime-water.—Pour 2 quarts of hot water over fresh unslaked lime of the size of a walnut; stir until slaked, and let stand until clear, then bottle. Lime-water is often ordered with milk to neutralize acidity of the stomach. Rice-water.—Pick over and wash 2 tablespoonsful of rice; put into a granite saucepan with i quart of boiling water; simmer two hours, when rice should be softened and partially dissolved; strain, add saltspoonful of salt; serve warm or cold. May add sherry or port wine, 2 tablespoonsful. Tamarind-water.—A very refreshing drink may be made by adding i pint of hot water to i tablespoonful of preserved tamarinds, and setting aside to cool. Toast-water.—Toast 3 slices stale bread to a dark brown, but do not burn. Put them into a pitcher; pour over them 1 quart of boiling water; cover closely and let stand on ice until cold; strain. May add wine and sugar. MINERAL WATERS Alkaline waters contain sodium carbonate and bicar- bonate in comparatively large amounts. The conditions in which these waters produce their best effects are— Chronic gastric catarrh, especially with hyperacidity and catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of 338 APPENDIX. the biliary passages. Good results have been obtained in acute catarrhal nephritis; also in lithemia, gout, and chronic rheumatism. Carbonic-acid waters owe their potency to the pres- ence of carbonic-acid gas. Any variety of water may be found impregnated with this gas, whose presence possi- bly increases the diuretic effects of the water. Fever- patients find these waters very agreeable. The addition of this gas acts as a sedative to the gastro-mucous mem- brane, and when taken cold and in sips relieves nausea and tends to check vomiting. Carbonic-acid water added to milk is admirably received by some patients with irritable stomach, and occasionally milk will be accepted in this form when it is absolutely refused in the pure state. Another very popular use to which these waters are put is in diluting wines. Chalybeate waters are those holding in solution one or more of the iron compounds, most frequently ferrous bicarbonate and ferrous oxid. Iron waters owe their virtues to the presence of iron, which usually exists in the form of the bicarbonate of the protoxid, held in solution by an excess of carbonic-acid gas. The ordi- nary indications for the use of iron are met by employ- ing waters of this class. They are useful in anemia, but usually have other constituents, whose administration may or may not be indicated in certain cases. Purgative waters usually owe their properties to sodium sulphate and magnesium sulphate. When a gentle saline laxative is indicated, these waters often give better results than either Epsom or Glauber’s salt, and are therefore of greater service. In congestion of the liver, chronic gastric catarrh with atony, jaundice, lithe- mia, gout, and in the obese, the regular use of water of APPENDIX. 339 this class properly selected and administered yields excel- lent results. Saline waters contain common salt in solution, also small quantities of the chlorids, of the alkalies, and of alkaline earths. This saline when taken into the stomach dissolves albumin and starches; promotes digestion and absorption of food; supplies the intestines with chyme rich in albumin and starches; enters the blood, which carries the salt to all the tissues of the body after sup- plying its own needs. The usefulness of these waters, however, is very restricted. Good results may be ex- pected in certain dyspepsias with defective gastric secre- tion and sluggishness of the bowels. In certain cases of dyspepsia these results are best obtained by adminis- tering the water early in the morning, before breakfast; when rapid absorption is necessary it should be taken hot. Preference should be given to those springs charged with carbonic-acid gas, which greatly increases the pala- tableness of this class of waters. The therapeutic dose is from i to 5 fe daily. Sulphuretted waters are due to the presence in the water of sulphuretted hydrogen gas, and they usually contain the sulphates of sodium and potassium. When taken internally, they augment peristalsis and perspira- tion. Frequently sulphur springs are used as baths, and with good results, especially in chronic skin-affections— such as eczema—in rheumatism, and in gout. The waters are useful in constipation, and are asserted to have produced good results in cases of chronic bronchitis and phthisis. In all these diseases they are administered internally and used externally as baths. 340 APPENDIX. II. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Pound—R>. Ounces—3. Drachms- -3. Scruples—3. Grains—gr. Metric grammes. I = 12 = 96 288 = 5760 = 372.96 I = 8 = 24 480 = 3108 I 3 60 = 3-885 1 = 20 = 1.295 apothecaries’ weight. apothecaries’ (wine) MEASURE. Gallon—C. Pints—O. Fluidounces—f3. Fluidrachms—f 5. Minims—T1\. 1=8 = 128 = IO24 = 61,440 i = l6 = 128 = 7680 I 8 480 1 = 60 COMPARATIVE VALUES OF APOTHECARIES’ AND METRIC FLUID MEASURES. Minims. Cubic centimetres. Minims. Cubic centimetres. Cubic Minims, centimetres. I = 0.061 II = O.678 40 = 2.36 2 = 0.123 12 = 0-739 50 = 3.08 3 = 0.185 13 = 0.801 Fluidrachms. 4 = 0.246 14 = 0.862 I = 3.7 5 = 0.308 15 = O.924 2 = 7-39 6 = 0.370 l6 = I.OO 3 = 11.09 7 = 0.431 17 = I.06 4 = 15.00 8 = 0.493 18 = 1.12 5 = 18.50 9 = 0.544 20 = I.23 6 = 22.50 IO = 0.616 30 = 1.84 7 = 26.00 Fluid- Cubic Fluid- Cubic Fluid- Cubic ounces. centimetres. ounces. centimetres. ounces. centimetres. 1 = 30.001 8 = 236.59 20 = 591-50 2 = 59-14 9 = 266.16 22 = 650.62 3 = 89.00 10 = 295-73 24 = 710.00 4 = 118.29 12 = 355-oo 28 = 828.26 5 = 148.00 14 = 414.00 32 = 946.35 6 = 177-42 16 = 473.17 -5-2814 OOTOIf = 1000.00 7 = 207.00 18 = 532.32 1 More accurately, 29.57 c.c. 128 = 8785.43 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 341 APPROXIMATE MEASURES. One minim varies from one to two drops.1 1 fluidrachm = (about) I teaspoonful. 2 fluidrachms = “ i dessertspoonful. \ fluidounce = “ I tablespoonful. 2 fluidounces = “ i wineglassful. 4 fluidounces = “ i teacupful. HOUSEHOLD MEASURES. 4 teaspoonsful of liquid = I tablespoonful. 1 pint of liquid = I pound. 2 gills of liquid = I cup. 2 rounded tablespoonsful of flour = I ounce. 1 tablespoonful of butter = I ounce. 2 cups of granulated sugar = I pound. 2| cups of powdered sugar = I pound. ANTISEPTIC SOLUTIONS2 (e. Q. THORNTON, M. D.), Drug. Com- mercial Solution. Strength. Per form. Boric Acid Powder. Two tablespoonsful to a pint. i : 33 3 Calcium Chlorid . . . Hasses. Two teaspoonsful to a pint. i; 50 2 Carbolic Acid .... Corrosive Chlorid of ) Liquid. Six teaspoonsful to a pint. 1 : 20 5 Mercury (corrosive > sublimate) . ... ) Crystals. Seven and a half grains to a pint. 1 : 1000 O.I Creolin Liquid. Two and a half teaspoonsful to a pint. 1 : so 2 Lysol Liquid. Two and a half teaspoonsful to a pint. 1 : 50 2 Potassium PermanO ganate J Crystals. Half a teaspoonful to a pint. i : 250 0.4 Solution of Hydrogen 1 Liquid. Eight tablespoonsful to a pint. 1 : 4 25 Thymol Crystals. Five grains to a pint. 1 : 1500 .07 Zinc Chlorid Crystals. Two teaspoonsful to a pint. 1 : 50 2 1 A drop is popularly, although erroneously, supposed to be a minim. True, there are 60 drops in a fluidrachm of water, but this is the case with only a few liquid med- icines. The size of a drop depends on the shape of the vessel from which it is being dropped and on the adhesiveness of the fluid dropped ; consequently, a drop is a very indefinite quantity. Tinctures, spirits, and other alcoholic fluids drop from 120 to 130 drops to the fluidrachm, whereas thick syrups and a few other liquids drop less than bo drops to the fluidrachm (Thornton). 2 These antiseptic solutions are of ordinary strengths, and are intended only for local application. They may be prepared with either hot or cold (preferably distilled) water. To decrease the strength of either solution the quantity of water must be increased; for example, if a 1 : zooo corrosive-sublimate solution is required, the proportion would be 7Yz gr. to the quart. 342 APPENDIX. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF DROPS IN A FLUIDRACHM OF VARIOUS LIQUIDS; ALSO THE WEIGHT OF ONE FLUIDRACHM IN GRAINS. Liquid. Drops in fSj (mix). Weight ol f Sj in grains. Liquid. Drops in f Sj (mix). Weight of f 5j in grains. Acetum Opii 90 6l Liquor Iodi Compos . . 63 59 " Scill* 68 57 “ Potass* .... 62 58 Acid, Acetic 108 58 “ Zinci Chloridi . 89 88 “ Acetic, Dil. . . . 68 55 Oleoresin Aspidii . . . 130 52 “ Carbolic .... III 59 “ Capsici . . . 120 51 “ Hydrochloric . . 70 65 “ Cubeb* . . . I23 52 “ Hydrocyanic . . 60 54 Oleum Anisi 119 54 “ Lactic III 66 “ Bergamii . . . 130 46 “ Nitric 102 77 “ Cari I32 50 “ Nitro-hydrochlor. 76 66 “ Juniperi .... 148 49 “ Phosphor. Uil. . 59 57 “ Limoms .... I29 47 “ Sulphuric .... 128 IOI “ Ricini 77 5J% “ Sulph. Aromat. . 146 53 “ Ros* 132 47 “ Sulph. Dil. . . . 60 58% “ Terebinth. . . . 136 45^ “ Sulphurosum . . 59 55 “ I'iglii 104 50 Aether f ortior 176 39 Spiritus AEtheris Comp. 148 45 Alcohol 146 44 “ Aitheris Nitrosi 146 47 Aqua 60 55 “ Camphor* . . 143 47 “ Destillata .... 60 53% Syrupus Acaci* .... 44 73 Bals. Peruvian .... IOI 60 “ Ferri Iod. . . 65 77 Bromin 250 165 “ Scill* .... 75 74 Chloroform, Pur. . . . 250 80 “ Comp. . . . 102 70 Copaiba no 51 " Seneg* . . . 106 70 Creasote 122 5^% “ Simplex . . . 65 72 Extractum Belladon. FI. 156 57 Tinctura Aconiti . . . 146 46 “ Buchu FI. . 150 47% “ Belladonn* *37 53 “ Digitalis FI. 134 62 “ Benzoini Comp. 148 48 “ Ergot* FI. . i33 60 “ Cantharidis. . 131 51 “ Ipecac. FI. . 120 60 “ Digitalis . . . 128 S3 “ Rhei FI. . . 158 6l “ Ferri Chlor. . 150 53 “ Seneg* FI. . 137 62 “ lodi 148 47 “ Valerian* FI. ISO 49 “ Opii 130 53 “ Zingib. FI. 142 48 “ Opii Campli. . 130 52 Glycerin 67 68 “ Opii Deodor. . no 54 Hydrargyrum 150 760 Vinum Colchici Rad. . 107 53 Liquor Acidi Arsenosi . 57 55 “ Colchici Sem. . in 54 “ Ferri Chloridi . 7i 72 “ Opii 100 55 Aconitin (crystals) gr. TJ5. Apomorphin muriate gr. jV,. Atropin sulphate . . . . . . . . gr. . Atropin sulphate gr. TJa. Cocain hydrochlorate gr. j. Conin hydrobromate gr. J. Colchicin gr. Corrosive sub. and urea gr. j^.. Digitalin (soluble) gr. Gelsemin muriate gr- bs- Hyoscin hydrobromate gr. gjg. Hyoscyamin gr. sV • Morphin sulphate gr. J. LIST OF HYPODERMATIC TABLETS. Morphin sulphate gr. J. Morphin and atropin, No. i. Morphin Sulph gr. Atropin Sulph gr. Morphin and atropin, No. 2. Morphin Sulph. gr. J. Atropin Sulph gr. Picrotoxin gr. Pilocarpin hydrochlor gr. g. Pilocarpin nitrate . . gr. J. Physostigmin sulph gr. TJa. Sodium arsenate gr. Strychnin sulphate gr. X. Strychnin sulphate gr. Tablets for hypodermatic use are prepared by prominent manufacturers, each tablet containing one dose. They may readily be dissolved in a teaspoon at the bedside, and are very convenient for the pocket, if put up in a case with a good hypodermic syringe. CONFINEMENT TABLE. 343 Jan. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 15 l6 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Oct. 8 9 IO 11 12 13 H 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 3° 31 I 2 3 4 567 Nov. Feb. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 H 15 l6 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Nov. 8 9 IO ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 I 2 3 4 5 Dec. Mar. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3° 31 Dec. 6 7 8 9 IO ii 12 13 H 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 Jan. April. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 15 l6 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 jan. 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 Feb. May. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 H 15 l6 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Feb. 5 6 7 8 9 IO ii 12 13 14 15 l6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mar. June. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 15 l6 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 April. Mar. 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 i5 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 July. X 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 15 l6 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 April. 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 H 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I 2 3 4 567 May. Aug. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 15 l6 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 June. May. 8 9 IO ii 12 13 14 15 ib 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3° 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sept. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 H 15 l6 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3° July. June. 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 3° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Oct. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 15 l6 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Aug. July. 8 9 IO 11 12 H i5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 567 Nov. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 15 l6 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3° Sept. Aug. 8 9 IO ii 12 13 14 i5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 3° 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dec. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 15 l6 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3° 31 Sept. 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Oct. Supposing the upper figure in each pair of horizontal lines to represent the first day of the last menstrual period, the figure beneath it, with the month designated in the margin, will show the probable date of confinement. TABLE FOR CALCULATING THE DATE OF CONFINEMENT. 344 APPENDIX. IV. ABBREVIATIONS. aa., ana, equal parts of each. A. c., ante cibum, before meals. Add., adde, add to it. Ad. lib., ad libitum, as you please. Alt. dieb., alterna diebus, every other day. Alt. hor., alterna horis, every other hour. Alt. noc., alterna node, every other night. Ante cib., ante cibum, before meals. Applic., applicatur, apply. Aq., aqua, water. Aq. font., aqua fontana, spring water. Aq. bull., aqua bulliens, boiling water. Aq. dest., aqua destillata, distilled water. Aq. marin., aqua marina, sea-water. Aq. pluvial., aqua pluvialis, rain- water. Aq. pur., aqua pura, pure water. Bis hor, or bis horis, every two hours. Bis ind., bis in dies, twice a day. Bull., bulliat, let it boil. C. or Cong., congius, a gallon. c. c., cubic centimetre. Cap., capiat, let him take. Cent., centigrade. Cochleat., cochleatim, by spoonfuls. Cochl., cochleare, spoonful. Coch. mag., cochlear tnagnus, a tablespoon. Coch. med., cochlear medium, a dessertspoon. Coch. parv., cochlear parvum, a teaspoon. Comp., compositus, compound. Conf., confedio, a confection. Cort., cortex, bark. Cuj., cujus, of which. Decoct, hord., decoctum hordei, bar- ley-water. Decub., decubitus (a bed), lying down. Destil., destilla, distil. Det., detur, let it be given. Dil., dilutus, dilute. Dim., dimidius, one-half. Div., divide. Div. in p. eeq., dividatur in partes (equates, divide into equal parts. Drachm., drachma, a drachm. Duo., duo, two. Emp., emplastrum, a plaster. Enem., enema. Extr., extractum, extract. F., Fahrenheit. F. mist.,fiatmistura, make a mixture. Far., faradic. Fz.., ferrum, iron. Filt., Jiltra, filter. F. pil., fiat pilula, make a pill. Fot.,fotus, a fomentation. Freq., frequenter, frequently. FI., or f,,fluidus, fluid. Ft.,fiat, let there be made. Fg, fluidrachtna, fluidrachm. F,?> fiuiduncia, fluidounce. Garg., gargarisma, a gargle. Gm., gramme. Gossyp., gossypium, cotton-wool. Gr., granum, a grain, or grana, grains. Gtt., gutta, a drop, or gutter, drops. Guttat., guttatim, by drops. Hg., hydrargyrum, mercury. ABB RE VIA TIONS. 345 Hirud., hirudines, leeches. Hor. decub., hora decubitus, at bed- time. Ind., in dies, daily. Inf., infusum, an infusion. Inject., injectio, an injection. Lat. dol., lateri dolenti, to the affected side. L. litre. Lb., libra, a pound. Lib. or lbs., librce, pounds. Lim., limones, lemons. Liq., liquor. Lot., lotio, a lotion. M. misce, mix. ITL, minimum. Mac., macera, macerate. Man., manipulus, a handful. Mass, pil., massa pilularum, pill- mass. Mel., mellita, honey. Mist., mistura, a mixture. No., numero, in number. Noct., node, at night. O., octarius, a pint. Ol., oleum, oil. 01. oliv., oleum olivce, olive oil. O. m., 07nni mane, every morning. Ov., ovum, an egg. Oz., tincia, ounce. P. or Pug., pugillus, a pinch P. c., post cibum, after meals. Pil., pilula, a pill. Pond., pondere, by weight. Pt., pint. P. R. N., pro re nata, as occasion arises. Pulv., pulvis, a powder. Q. d., quarter in die, four times a day. Q. P., quantum placet, as much as you please. Q. S., quantum stifficit, as much as is sufficient. Qt., quart. Quotid., quotidie, every day. Q. V., quantum vis, as much as you wish. R. recipe, take. Rad., radix, root. Rect., rectijicatus, rectified. S. or Sig., signa, write. Scr., scrupulum, scruple. Sem., semen, seed. Sol., solution. Spr., spiritus, spirit. Sp. gr., specific gravity. St., stet, let it stand. SS. or s., semissis, a half. Sum., sumendus, to be taken. S. V. G., spiritus vini gallici, brandy. S. V. R., spiritus vini rectijicatus, alcohol. S. F., spiritus frumenti, whiskey. Syr., syrup us, syrup. T. temperature. T., ter, three times. T. i. d., ter in dies, three times a day. Tr., tinctura, tincture. Troch., trochisci, lozenges. Ung., unguentum, ointment. W., weight. drachma, a drachm. 5;, uncia, an ounce. 9, scrupulum, a scruple. 2 dis., every two hours. 3 tis., every three hours. 4 tis., every four hours. 6 tis., every six hours. 346 APPENDIX. The doses given in this list are for adults; for children, Dr. Young’s rule will be found most convenient. Add 12 to the age, and divide the result by the age to get the denominator of the fraction, the numerator of which is 1. Thus, for a child four years old, 4+12=16 = 4 = the dose being one-fourth of that for an adult. Of powerful narcotics scarcely more than one-half this proportion should be used. Of mild cathartics two or even three times the proportion may be employed. For hypodermatic injection the dose should be one-half of that used by the mouth; by rectum the dose should be increased to five-fourths of that administered by the mouth. Synonym or popular Dose. English name. Latin official name. ' Gr. fl f3 "l Drops. Acetanilid. Acid: Acetanilidum. Antifebrin. 2-8 acetic, diluted. Acidum aceticum dilutum. , . . J-i arsenous. arsenosum. White arsenic. benzoic. benzoicum. IO-40 boric. boricum. Boracic acid. 2-15 carbolic. carbolicum. Phenol, Phenic acid, Phenylic alcohol. i-i citric. citricum. Lemon-juice. 5-15 gallic. gallicum. 2-4O hydrochloric. hydrochloricum. Muriatic acid. 2-IO dilute. dilutum. Diluted muriatic acid. 5-3° hydrocyanic dilute. hydrocyanicum dilutum. Prussic acid. i-5 lactic. lacticum. 10-60 nitric. nitricum. Aqua fortis. 2-5 dilute. dilutum. 10-32 nitrohydrochloric. nitrohydrochloricum. Nitromuriatic acid. 1-3 phosphoric, dilute. phosphoricum dilutum. • • • • • 16-60 V. DOSE-LIST. DOSE-LIST. 347 salicylic. salicylicum. Oil of vitriol. 5-15 sulphuric. sulphuricum. 1-2 aromatic. aromaticum. Elixir of vitriol. 5-20 dilute. dilutum. 10-20 sulphurous. sulphurosum. 10-60 tannic. tannicum. 2-10 tartaric. tartaricum. 5-20 Aconite: (Aconitum napellus.*) i Monk’s-hood, Wolf’s-bane. } extract of. Extractum aconiti. H fluid extract of. Extractum aconiti fluidum. h~2 tincture of. tinctura aconiti. i-5 Alcohol, absolute (99 : l). Alcohol absolutum. h Aloe: { Aloe socotrina or Perryi.) 2-10 extract of. Extractum aloes. 2“5 tincture of. Tinctura aloes. £-2 and myrrh, tincture of. Ammonia: Tinctura aloes et myrrhse. £-2 spirit of aromatic. | Spiritus ammonise aromat- icus. } ••• I- -10 water of. Ammonium : Aqua ammonise. Hartshorne. . • • 10-20 benzoate. Ammonii benzoas. 10-30 bromide. bromidum. 10-60 carbonate. carbonas. I-IO chloride. chloridum. 5-15 iodide. iodidum. 2-5 valerianate. valerianas. • • • 10-15 Amyl nitrate. Amyl nitris. 1-2 (by inhalation). • • i-5 * Italicized names in parentheses indicate, respectively, the botanical name of the drug. 34-8 APPENDIX. English name. Latin official name. Synonym or popular Dose. Gr. fE f3 hi Drops. Anise: (Pimpinella anisum.) oil of. Oleum anisi. 2~5 spirit of. Spiritus anisi. 1-2 Antimonial powder. Pulvis antimonialis. James’ powder. 3-10 Antimony oxide. Antimonii oxidum. 1-3 sulphide. sulphidum. 10-31 sulphurated. wine of. sulphuratum. Vinum antimonii. Kermes mineral. i-5 • • { Emetic }■ -1 Sed. and Expec. Antimony and potassium 1 2_I IO-30 tartrate (as an expectorant) Antimonii et potassii tartras. Tartrated antimony. (as an emetic). Tartar emetic. 5-1 Antipyrin. Antitoxin (for diphtheria). Antipyrinum. Phenozone. 5-20 f Emetic 1 Apomorphin hydrochlorate. Apomorphin* hydrochloras. ... To-i Expec. 1 tVst J Arnica: -flowers, fluid extract of. -root, extract of. fluid extract of. (.Arnica montana.) Tinctura arnicae florum. Extractum arnicse radicis. 3-5 IO-30 fluidum. 5-10 tincture. Tinctura arnicae radicis. IO-30 Aromatic powder. Pulvis aromaticus. 10-31 Arsenate of sodium, sol. of. Liquor sodii arsenatis. 1-5 Arsenic, white. Acidum arsenosum. . . . drib DOSE-LIST. 349 Arsenic, Donovan’s solu- j Liquor arseni et hydrar-1 f gyri iodidi. j ( Solution of arsenic \ 1-3 tion of. \ and mercuric acid. r • ’ Fowler’s solution of. potassii arsenitis. Solution of potass, arsenite. .. 1-5 Asafetida. (.Ferula fcetida.) 3-10 4-8 emulsion of. Emulsum asafoetida. . . tincture of. Tinctura asafoetida. • • j-* Atropin sulphate. Atropinge sulphas. 10-60 Balsam of gurjun. Oleum dipterocarpi. Wood-oil. of tolu. Balsamum tolutanum. XO-3I Belladonna: (Atropa belladonna.) -leaves, fluid extract of. Extractum belladonnse fo- liorum alcoholicum. } ••• tincture of. | Tinctura belladonnae fo- liorum. } ••• • • 5-16 -root, extract of. | Extractum belladonnae radicis. } Hr fluid extract of. fluidum. . . # # 1-2 Benzanilid. Benzanilidum. 3-10 Benzoin, tincture of. Tinctura benzoini. Benzoyl-anilid. 10-30 compound. composita. Friar’s balsam. . . 30-60 Bismuth : citrate. Bismuthi citras. 2-5 salicylate. salicylas. 5-31 subcarbonate. subcarbonas. 10-62 subnitrate. subnitras. 10-62 Blue mass (see Mercury'). Brandy. Brimstone (see Sulphur). Spiritus vini gallici. Bromid of ammonium. Amrnonii bromidum. 10-60 calcium. Calcii bromidum. 5-3i 350 APPENDIX. English name. Latin official name. Synonym or popular Dose. Gr. % f3 "l Drops. Bromid of gold. Auri bromidum. i_i ~5 ? 10-47 lithium. Lithii bromidum. potassium. Potassii bromidum. 5-60 sodium. Sodii bromidum. 5-60 Bromoform. Bromoformum. r-5 Brucin. Brucina. ztnfa Bryonia: (.Bryonia alba.) tincture of. Tinctura bryonise. 2- -10 Buchu, fluid extract of. Extractum buchu fluidum. Cacoa butter. Oleum theobromatis. (Used as a base for suppo sitories.) Caffein. Caffeina. Thein. i-2 citrate of. Calcium (lime): citrata. 1-5 bromid. Calcii bromidum. 5-31 carbonate precipitated. carbonas precipitas. • • • 10-30 chlorid. chloridum. 2-15 hypophosphite. hypophosphis. 10-30 ' lactophosphate, syrup. Syrupus calcii lactophos- phatis. } . . | 1-4 phosphate. Calcii phosphas. 15-30 1 sulphate. sulphas exsiccatus. Plaster of Paris. (Used for ureuarine bandages.! Calomel. Hydrargyri chloridum- 1 mite. / ) Mild mercurous \ chlorid. | 2V-10 Calumba : (Jateorhiza palmata.') fluid extract of. Extractum calumbse fluidum 16-60 tincture of. Tinctura calumbse. • • • • i-2 DOSE-LI ST. 351 Camphor: (Cinnamomum camphora.') monobromated. Camphora monobromata. i-5 spirit of. Spiritus camphora.'. 5-30 water of. Aqua camphora;. 1-4 Camphoric acid. Canabis: Acidum camphoricum. 20-60 Americana. ( Apocynum cannabinum.) Canadian hemp. 5-3i fluid extract of. Extractum apocyni fluidum. , . , . 5-32 Indica. (Cannabis sativa.) Indian hemp. } fluid extract of. Extractum cannabis indicse fluidum. • • 2-20 tincture of. Tinctura cannabis indicse. . , -I -16 Cantharides : Cantharis. Spanish flies. tincture of. Tinctura cantharidis. 1-5 Capsicum. (iCapsicum fastigiatum.) | Cayenne pepper, African pepper. H fluid extract of. Extractum capsici fluidum. , # !-3 oleoresin of. Oleoresina capsici. • • • . . i-i tincture of. Tinctura capsici. . . 10-30 Caraway, oil of. Oleum cari. . . i-5 Cardamom: (Elettaria repens.) compound tincture of. | Tinctura cardamom com- posita. } 1-2 tincture of. Tinctura cardamomi. • . • 1-2 Carron oil. (Used as a dressing for burns.) Cascara sagrada; (Rhamnus Purshiana.) Chittern bark, Sacred bark. } extract of. Extractum rhamni pur- shianae. } "• ■-7 fluid extract of. fluidum. . , 16-30 Cascarilla. (Croton eluteria.) 10-31 352 APPENDIX. English name. Latin official name. Synonym or popular name. Dose. Gr. <3 f3 a Drops. Castor oil. Oleum ricini. 1- -1 Catechu. (Acacia catechu.) IO-31 tincture compound. Tinctura catechu composita. i-2 Cerium oxalate. Cerii oxalas. I-IO Chalk mixture. Mistura cretse. 1-4 powder, compound. Pulvis cretse compositus. 5-62 prepared. Creta prseparata. IO-3I Chamomile, oil of. (Anthemis nobilis.) . . . . 5-i5 Charcoal, animal, purified. Carbo animalis purificatus ligni. \ (Used as a deodorant and disinfectant, j as tabloids.) Internally for dyspepsia, given Cherry-laurel water. Aqua laurocerasi. i-i Chloral hydrate. Chloral. 5-31 Chloralmid. Chloral um formamidatum. 5-60 Chlorid of lime. Chlorine-water. Chloroform: Calx chlorinata. Aqua chlori. . . . 3-5 i-2 spirit of. Spiritus chloroformi. 5-32 Cimicifuga: (Cimicifuga racemosa.) Black snakeroot. fluid extract of. Extract, cimicifugse fluidum. 16-30 tincture of. Tinctura cimicifugse. 1-2 Cinchona-bark: (Cinchona officinalis.) | Quinin, 1 f 1 Peruvian-bark. ) 1 ... Decoc. IO-60 } fluid extract of. Extractum cinchonse fluidum 16-30 extract of. Extractum cinchonse. 5-10 tincture of. Tinctura cinchonse. 1-2 Cinchonin sulphate. Cinchoninse sulphas. 5-15 DOSE-LIST. 353 Cinnamon: (Cinnamomutn.) oil of. Oleum cinnamomi. • . • • • i-5 spirit of. Spiritus cinnamomi. 5-3° tincture of. Tinctura cinnamomi. Cloves, oil of. Oleum caryophylli. . . . . i-5 Coca, fluid extract of. Extractum coca; fluidum. I- -20 Cocain hydrochlorate. Cocainse hydrochloras. \r2 Cocculus: (Anamirta paniculata.) Picrotoxin. Toff-2Ty fluid extract. Extractum cocculi fluidum. • . i-3 tincture of. Tinctura cocculi. ... . . 2-15 Cocoa (cacao) butter. Oleum theobromatis. (Used as a base for suppositories.)' Codein or codeia. Codeina. 1-2 Colchiceine. Colchiceina. • . • fa~fa Cod-liver oil. Oleum morrhuse. . . • i- . • -10 Colchicum: (Colchicum autumnale.') Meadow saffron. -root. Colchici radix. 2-8 extract of. Extractum colchici radicis. i-2 -seed. Colchici semen. 2-8 fluid extract of. < Extractum colchici seminis fluidum. :• • • 2-5 wine of. Vinum colchici seminis. 16-60 Cologne-water. Spiritus odoratus. (A fragrant deodorizing scent.) Conium : (Conium maculatum.) Hemlock. fluid extract of. Extractum conii fluidum. f Bluestone, \ Blue vitriol. . . • • 2-6 Copper sulphate (emetic). Cupri sulphas. } 3-5 Corrosive sublimate. / i Hydrargyri chloridum) corrosivum. J Bichlorid of mercury. fa-~fa Creolin. Creolinum. (Antiseptic and deodorant, J to 2 per cent, solution.) Creosote. Creosotum. . . I-IO water. Aqua creosoti. * * i-4 354 APPENDIX. Synonym or popular name. Dose. English name. Latin official name. Gr. f3 "l Drops. Croton oil. Oleum tiglii. • • • # . i Tt\ diluted in 5 drops of oil. } Cubeb: {Piper cubeba.) fluid extract of. Extractum cubebse fluidum. 10-60 oil of. Oleum cubebse. • • • . . 5-16 oleoresin of. Oleoresina cubebse. . . 5-20 powdered. Pulvis cubebse. 20-2 dr. tincture of. Tinctura cubebse. • • • fa-4 Digitalin. Digitalis: Digitalinum. {Digitalis purpurea!) Extractum digitalis. Foxglove. extract of. fluid extract of. Extractum digitalis fluidum. • . . . 1-2 infusion of. Infusum digitalis. • • • 1-4 tincture of. Tinctura digitalis. • • • . . 10-20 Donovan’s solution. Liquor arseni et hydrargyri iodidi. } ••• i-3 Dover’s powder. Pulvis ipecacuanhse et opii. 5-io Distilled water. Aqua destillata. (A solvent.) Elaterin. Elaterinum. • • • TB~T5 Elaterium. Elaterium. i Ergot, extract of. Extractum ergotse. Ergot of rye. 1-20 fluid extract of. fluidum. i-1 wine of. Vinum ergotse. 1-4 Eserin. Ether, acetic .dEther aceticus. 5-30 spirit of. Spiritus sether. Hoffmann’s anodyne. i-3 DOSE-LIST. 355 Ether, nitrous spirit of. Spiritus set her is nitrosi. Sweet spirits of nitre. , , , , 10-60 Ethyl bromid. . l6l> r94> 219 in peritonitis, 245 in septicemia, 166 in shock, 160 in sickness, 47 Expulsion, mechanism of, 124 regulating the, 126 Extension, 187, 188 Eye, acid or alkali burns of, treat- ment, 207 foreign body in the, removal of, . 205 inserting a drop in the, method of, 112 ointment, method of, 113 syringing the, 113 Eye-drops, application of, 112 Eyes, the, 303 inflammation of, of infancy, 275 syringing the, of infants, method of, 275 INDEX. 441 Face, expression of, in hemorrhage, 135, 161, 194, 219 in peritonitis, 245 in septicemia, 166 in shock, 160 in sickness, 47 Fainting, treatment, 201 Faintness following discharge of the amniotic fluid, 124 Fallopian tubes, the, 309 Fascia, 300 Feces. (See Movements.) Feeding, artificial, of the new-born, 265 feeble patients, 56 infant, rules for, 267 rectal, 64 of an unconscious patient, 57 the sick, 56 general rules, 311-317 Femur, the, 297, 299 Fetus, movements of, 118 nourishment of the, 117, 118 Fever, enteric, 215 intermittent, 214 low, 213 malarial, 214 nervous, 215 scarlet. (See Scarlet.) slow, 215 typhoid. (See Typhoid.) typhus. (See Typhus.) Fevers, coated tongue in, 46, 47 Fibrin, blood, 90 Fibula, the, 299 Finger-nails of patient, condition of, 50 hire, accidents from, 203 sick-room, management of, 36 Fistula, 192 Fits, epileptic. (See Epilepsy.) Flatulence, treatment of, 206 Flaxseed enema, 63 poultice in removing a slough, 97 preparation of, 95, 96 Fomentation, the, action of, 91 Fomentations, 94, 95 —hot-water, 94 —laudanum, 95 —mustard, 95 —turpentine, 95 Fontanel, anterior, closing of the, 268 Food, administration of, before sur- gical operation, 150 artificial, for the new-born, 265 Meigs’, 267 infant, 326 record of, taken by patient, 46 serving the, proper method of, 56; 3li Food-changes in the stomach, 292 Foods, invalid, recipes for, 317-332 —beef-teas and extracts, 319 —broths, 321 —desserts, 329 —farinaceous, 317 —miscellaneous, 325 —oysters, 322 —prepared milk, 327 —puddings, 323 —soups, 324 —toasts, 328 Foot-bath, 55 hot, 84 action of, 82 Forearm, the, 299 Foreign bodies, obstruction due to, 204 Fracture, moving of the patient in, 31 signs of a, 173 Fractures, 172-175 management of, 53, 173 nurse’s preparations for the surgeon in, 174 removal of patient’s clothing in, 53. *73. 174 splints in, application of, 186 varieties of, 172 Friar’s balsam, 349 Frost-bite, cause and treatment of, 207 complications of, possible, 207 Fumigation after contagious diseases, 234-236 moist, 235 preparation of sick-room for, 236 sulphur-fume, 234 apparatus for burning the sul- phur, 234 Functional disturbances. (See Dis- turbances.') Furuncle. (See Boil.) 442 INDEX. Gall-bladder, 306 Gangrene, 191 dry or “ senile,” 191 symptoms of, 191 from improper bandaging, 179 moist, symptoms, 191 Gargles, no Gas, rectum, passage of, after opera- tion, 50, 164 Gas-accumulation, rectal, relief of, 246 Gastric juice, 292 digestive action of, 292 Gastritis, symptoms, 244 treatment, 245 Germs, disease, conditions necessary for development of, 213 media of leaving the body, 213 of phthisis, dissemination of, 236 Gland, lachrymal, 112 parotid, function of, 292 Glauber’s salt, 366 “ Globus hystericus,” 257 Glossary, 369 Glottis, edema of, from scalds, 198 Glycerin enema, or substitutes, 61, 62 Golden seal, 359 Gruels, 318 Gums of the patient, condition of, 46 Hair, patient’s, dressing of, 53 Hand, palm of the, bleeding from, checking, 196 Hartshorn, 347 Head-accidents, 203 Head-douche, 87 Healing by first intention, 188 by second intention, 188 under a blood-clot, 189 Heart, the, 300 its structure and valves, 286 neuralgia of the. (See Angina.) Heart-failure, unconsciousness from, treatment, 201 Heat as a disinfectant, 171 dry, application of, 101 moist, 94 of inflammation, cause of, 91 Heat-exhaustion, treatment, 200 Heel-pad, 35 Ilematemesis, 196 Hemiplegia, 254 Hemoptysis, 196 Hemorrhage, body-temperature in, 160 cerebral, 251 checking, by flexion, 194 by tourniquet, 195 fainting in, 195 of venous, 195 with ice, 195 following surgical operation, 161 from the lungs, treatment of, 196 from the nose, treatment, 197 from the palm, checking, 196 from the stomach, treatment, 196 of amputation-stump, checking,194 of pregnancy, treatment, 120 of typhoid fever, 219 treatment, 220 post-partum, 133 treatment, 133, 134 puerperal, 133 stimulants in, 162 symptoms of, 194 thirst in, 196 treatment, 194 Hemorrhages: —primary, 193 —recurrent, 193 —secondary, 193 Henbane, 359 Herpes zoster, 260 Hiccough, cause and relief, 52 of the patient, character of, 51 High enema, administration of, 61 “ Hinge-joint,” 299 Hip-joint disease, 280 Hoffmann’s anodyne, 354 Hot bath, action of, 83 Hot-air bath, 84 Humerus, the, 298 Hunger, relief of, by rectal feeding, 83 Hydrocyanic acid, antidotes, 209 Hygiene of children, 281 of the sick-room, 29, 36, 290 —air, 37 —temperature, 36 —ventilation, 37 personal, of patient, following ap- pendicitis, 248 Hyperpyrexia, body-temperature in, 42 INDEX. 443 Hypnotics, action of, 72 Hypodermatic tablets, list of, 342 Hysterectomy, after-care in, 165 Hysteria, 256 diagnosis of, from epilepsy, 256 forms of, 256 treatment of, 256 Ice, action of, in inflammatory pro- cess, 91 in checking hemorrhage, 195 in treatment of sunstroke, 200 serving of, to the sick, method of, 57 Ice-bags, 103 Idiosyncrasy defined, 71 Ileo cecal valve, 307 Ileum, the, 307 “Immunity” defined, 214 Incontinence of urine, 50, 279 in pregnancy, cause of, 119 Incubation of typhoid fever, period of, 215 period of, defined, 213 Incubator, improvised, 269 Indian-meal enema, 63 Indigestion, infant, treatment, 271 Infancy, diseases of, 270-277 Infant, bathing the, 264 cry of the, signification of, 277 crying of the, causes of, 265 defecation of the, 264 development of the, 268 dressing the, 263 feeding of the, artificial, 265 care of the utensils, 266 periods of, 268 rules for, 267 food. (See Food.) new-born, care of, 262 nursing of the, 265 paralysis, 276 pulse of, at birth, 41, 269, 277 how to take, 277 urination of the, 264 weaning, time for, 268 Infants, body-temperature of, 42 premature, care of, 269 pulse-rate of, 41, 269, 277 respiration of, 45, 277 syringing the eyes of, method of, 275 Infection, diphtheritic, conditions fa- voring, 231 Inflammation, 90 from frost-bite, treatment, 207 symptoms of, 91 treatment of, 91 Influenza (grippe), 239 complications of, 240 symptoms, 239 treatment, 239 Inhalations of medicines, 80 —dry, 80 —moist, 80 Injection, intravenous, defined, 78 of medicines, hypodermatic, 76 (See Enemata, and Douches.') Insanity following hysterectomy, 165 puerperal, 135 Insect bites and stings, 205 in the ear, removal of, 204 Insomnia, treatment, 206 Inspiration, 289 Intestines, the, 291, 307 lengths of, 307. Intoxication, diagnosis of, from apo- plexy, 253 Intubation in diphtheria, 233 duties of the nurse, 233 in scalds of the glottis, 198 Inunction, mercurial, 78 Inunctions of medicines, 78 Involution, 125, 131 method of promoting, 128 Iodin, antidotes, 210 tincture of (counter-irritant), 106 Ipecac, 359 Itch, 259 Ivy-poisoning, treatment, 210 Jacket-poultice, preparation of, 97 James’ powder, 348 Jaundice, cause of, 306 Jaw dislocation, treatment, 176 fracture, treatment, 175 Jellies, recipes for, 329-332 Kidney, inflammation of. (See Nephritis.) Kidneys, the, 308 Kitchen, the, as an operating-room, 145, 151, 152 444 INDEX. Knee-cap, 299 Koumyss, 327 Labor, 122-129 duration of, 126 normal, birth in, 122, 123 conduct of, 126-129 first sign of, 123 stages of, 123-126 preparations for, nurse’s, 120 —accessory, 121 —aseptic cleanliness of nurse, 122 —of the bed, 121 —of the patient, 120 —special articles needed, 122 Labor pains, 123, 124 false or true, differential diagnosis, 120, 123, 124 Labyrinth (ear), 305 Lactation, 131 La grippe. (See Influenza.) Laudanum, 363 Lavage, 70 in gastritis, 245 Laxatives, administering, 75 Leeches, application of, 92, 93 Leeching, 92 Leg fracture, treatment in, 175 Leiter coil, 101-103 Leucorrhea, cause of, 52 Licorice-root, 358 Ligation, 171 Lightning-stroke, 201 Iambs, swelling of, in pregnancy, cause of, 119 Lime-water, recipe for, 337 Liniments, no Liver, the, 306 Lochia, 130 Lockjaw. (See Tetanus.) Logwood, 358 Lotions, no Lugol’s solution, 359 Lunch, invalid’s, 328 Lung, gangrene of, expectoration in, 47 Lungs, the, 305 function of the, 287 hemorrhage from the, 196 tuberculosis of. (See Phthisis.) Luxations. (See Dislocations.) Lying-in, period of, 129 Lymphatics, 300, 301 Lysis, 44 Mad-dog, bites by, treatment, 212 Magnesia, calcined, 362 Husband’s, 362 Massage, 108—110 breast, 131 in infant paralysis, 276 in neurasthenia, 257 in paralysis, 254 in rheumatism, 259 skill required in applying, 109, IIO therapeutic effect of, 109 Mastication, 291 Mastoid process, 305 Measles, 228 complications of, 229 nursing-treatment, 228 symptoms, 228 Meat cure, 320 raw, diet, 320 Meatus urinarius, 308 Medicine-glasses, care of, 73 Medicines, absorption of, rapidity, 70 action of, 71 —cerebral, 72 —hypnotic, 72 —sedative, 72 —stimulant, 72 —tonic, 72 time required for, 71 administration of, 70-80 by inhalation, 80 by inunction, 78 by the mouth, 74 hypodermatic, 76 per rectum, 76 precautions in handling, 72 Medicine-spoons, care of, 73 Medulla oblongata, 301 Melancholia, puerperal, 135 Meningitis, cerebral, symptoms, 278 treatment, 279 cerebro-spinal, symptoms, 251 treatment, 251 Menstruation, 52 painful, treatment, 205 retarded, relief of, 82 Mercury, inunction of, method of, 78,79 INDEX. 445 Milk, mother’s, first appearance of, *3*. not to be given before an abdomi- nal operation, 149,150 sterilization, 266 sterilized, 335 use of, in typhoid fever, 218 Milk-leg, 135 Milk-secretion, scanty, 132 Mineral waters, 337-339 Molasses enema, 62 Monoplegia, 254 Morphia, antidotes, 211 is the nurse justified in giving, 248 Morphin, 362 Mouth, patient’s, cleansing of, 53 state of the, 46 Movements (bowel) after labor, 130 character of, 50 color of, 50 indications from, 50 composition of, 50 disinfection of, in contagious dis- eases, 215 in typhoid fever, 216 disposition of, from contagious cases, 215 in infant, bowel obstruction, 271 colic, 271 diarrhea, 272 in typhoid fever, 216, 278 of the new-born, 264 Moving the patient, 57 Mumps, symptoms, 279 treatment, 279 Muriatic acid, 346 Muscles of the body : —involuntary, 299 —longest, 299 —smallest, 299 —sterno-cleido-mastoid, 300 —the diaphragm, 300 —voluntary, 299 M ushrooms, poisonous, antidotes, 212 Mustard plaster, 106 Napkins during the puerperium, 130 Narcotics, action of, 72 Nausea and vomiting, 46 following etherization, 154, 155 of pregnancy, 119 Nephritis complicating scarlet fever, 224 Nerve-fibres, motor, 302 sensory, 302 Nerves, the, 302 action of, impulsive, 302, 303 reflex, 303 of the brain, 301 of the spinal cord, 302, 303 vasomotor, 303 Nervous system, the, 302 Neuralgia, heart. (See Angina.) Neurasthenia, 257 treatment, 257 New-born, bathing the, 262 care of the, 262-269 dressing the cord, 263. (See Infant.) Nightingale wrap, 36 Nipple, cracked, 132 Nitrate of amyl, antidotes, 212 Nitric acid, antidote, 210 Nitromuriatic acid, 346 Nose, the, 303 obstruction in the, removal of, 205 spraying the, 111 Nose-bleed, 197 Nurse, the, 17-28 aseptic cleanliness of, in surgical operations, 122, 247 in obstetric cases, 122 compensation of, 19 conduct of the, in emergencies, 212 dress and personal habits, 25 in contagious diseases, 236 in operating-room, 156 duties of the, 20 •—in circumstances of envi- ronment, 21 —in conversing with patients, 21, 22 —in dissensions, 22 —in operating-room, 156 —in preparations for the night, 21 —in preservation of confi- dences, 21, 22 —to her superiors in hospital practice, 23 —to the doctor, 22 —to the family, 20 —to the patient, 20 446 INDEX. Nurse, duties of, in emergency cases, 151, 212 night duty of, responsibility of, 19 personal bearing, 18 care, 18 in contagious diseases, 236 qualifications of, 19 responsibilities of, 17 sympathy and kindness of the, toward the patient, 282 Nurse’s equipment, 25 for an obstetric case, 122 hands, sterilization of, importance of, 136, 221. management of children, 281 meals, 21, 22 records. (See Record.) Nursing, hospital, etiquette in, 23 versus private, 23 in accidents and emergencies, I72-X93 in common emergency cases, 193- 212 in general surgical cases, 144-172 in gynecologic cases, 137-144 in obstetric cases, 115-137 in special medical diseases, 213- 262 of sick children, 262-283 private, etiquette in, 24. (See Patient.) Nursing of infant by the mother, 265 Nutritive enema, administration of, 64 formulae for, 64 frequency and amount of, 64 retention of, 64 stimulating, formula, 63 Nux vomica, antidotes, 21 x Observations in medical cases, 39- 52 —body-temperature, 41-44 —the pulse, 39-41 —the respiration, 44 —the symptoms, 45 of symptoms : •—chills, 49 —cough and expectoration, 47 —delirium, 48 —hiccough, 51 —pain, 47 Observations of symptoms :—sleep, 48 —the bladder, 50 —the bowels, 50 —the breath, 48 —the facial expression, 47 —the menstruation, 52 —the mouth, 46 —the skin, etc., 49 —the taking of food, 46 —the tongue, 46 Oil of chenopodium, 368 of vitriol, 347 Oils, administering, 75 Ointment, mercurial, inunction of, 78-80 Olive-oil enema, 61 Omentum, the, 308 Operating-room, nurse’s duties in the, 156 preparation of, for surgical case, 144 selection of, 145 the kitchen as an, 141, 152 Operating-table, improvised, for sur- gical cases, 145, 146 Operation: gynecologic, after-care of patient, *43 examination for, preparation of patient, 137 positions for, 137 preparation for, 140 surgical, after-care of patient, 159 arranging the patient for, 158 cleansing the part for, 149 diet before, 149 disinfection and materials, 167 dressing the patient for, 150 emergency, duties of the nurse in, 151, 152 food before, giving, 150 preparation for the, articles re- quired, 146, 147 of patient, 152 sequelae of operation, 159 —collapse, 161 —hemorrhage, 161 —shock, 159 Operations, abdominal, after-treat- ment, 163, 164 catheterization after, 164 INDEX. 447 Operations, surgical, 144-172 antiseptic cleanliness of nurse in, 122, 247 emergency, duties of the nurse in, 151 Ophthalmia neonatorum, 275 Opisthotonos, 190 Opium, antidotes, 211 -poisoning, diagnosis of, from apoplexy, 253 Orbits, eye, 303 Organs, circulatory, 285, 300 digestive, 290, 305 of generation, female, 308 respiratory, 305 sensory, 301 urinary, 293, 308 function of, 293 Os uteri, the, 308 Ovaries, the, 309 Oxalic acid, antidotes, 209 Oxygen, deficient, effect of, 290 Oysters, recipes, 322 Pack, cold, 88 hot, 89 partial, 90 “ Packed feces,” 50 Pads, obstetric, antiseptic, 121 Pain from burns, 198 inflammatory, cause of, 91 reporting the, of the patient, 47 Pancreas, the, 307 Pancreatic juice, 292 digestive action of, 292 Paracentesis in pleurisy, 243 Paralysis, 254 changing the patient’s clothing in case of, method, 53 hysterical, 257 of infancy, 276 treatment of, 254 Paraplegia, 254 Paregoric, 363 Paresis, 254 Paris green, antidotes, 210 Patella, the, 299 Patient, the, 39-114 administration of medicines, 70-80 —by the mouth, 74 —by the rectum, 76 —hypodermatic, 76 Patient, the, administration of med- icines:—by inhalation, 80 —inunction, 78 after-care of, in gynecologic opera- tions, 143 in surgical operation, 159 after-treatment of, in amputations, 163 in abdominal operations, 163 in surgical operation, 163 arranging the, for surgical opera- tion, 158 bathing the, 55 bodily care of, 52-59 body-temperature of the, 41 bowels of the, condition of, 50 breath of, character of, 48 breathing of the, character of, 49 changing the bed-clothing of, 30, 31 the body-clothing of, 52 chills of the, reporting of, 49 convalescent, wrap for, 36 cough of, reporting the, 47 delirium of the, character of, 48 dressing the, for surgical opera- tion, 150 expectoration of the, 47 expression of, facial, 47 external applications to, general and local, 81-115 feeding of the, 56 rectal, 64 food taken by, record of, 46 functional disturbances of, relief of, 59-70 —catheterization, 68 —douches, 65 —enemata, 59 —rectal feeding, 64 —washing out the bladder, 69 —washing out the stomach, 70 gynecologic, after-care of, 143 —the diet, 143 —vaginal dressings, 144 —vaginal tampons, 143 positions of, for examination, 137 preparation of, for examination, 137 for operation, 140 helpless, carrying the, 59 448 INDEX. Patient, helpless, lifting of the, 57, 58 hiccough of the, character of, 51 menstruation of the, 52 mouth of the, state of, 46 moving of the, 57 with fractured limb, 31 nausea and vomiting of, 46 observation of symptoms in, 45 obstetric, preparation of, 120 pain of the, reporting the, 47 position of, symptoms in, 46 in giving vaginal douche, 66 in peritonitis, 246 preparation of, for surgical opera- tion, 149, 152 the morning of the operation, 150 pulse of the, 39 respirations of the, 44 serving the food to the, 311 —beverages, 314 —necessity for cleanliness, 313 —preparing the tray, 312 —preparation of the patient, 314 —taking the meal, 313 —varying the bill of fare, 3I2» 3i3 serving liquids to the, 312 skin, etc. of the, condition of, 49 sympathy and kindness of the nurse toward the, 282 toilet of the, 53 unconscious, administering med- icine to, 73 rectal feeding of, 57 urine of the, condition of, 50 vital powers of, lowest ebb, 36 Patients, bed-, appliances for the re- lief of, 33, 34 delirious, caution observed with, 48 Pelvis, the, 298 female, contents of, 298 Pepper, cayenne, 357 Peppermint camphor, 362 Peptonized beef-tea, 320 milk, 327 toast, 328 oysters, 322 Perforation, bowel, in typhoid fever, 278 complicating typhoid fever, 220 Pericardium, 30x3 Periosteum, 296 Peritoneum, the, 307 inflammation of. (See Peritonitis.) Peritonitis, 245 causes of, 245 position of patient in, 46, 247 septic, 165-167 symptoms of, 245 treatment, 246 Pertussis. (See Whooping-cough.) Peruvian bark, 352 Phenacetin, danger in use of, 239 Phenic acid, 346 Phenol, 346 Phenozone, 348 Phlegmasia dolens, 135 Phosphoric acid, antidote, 210 Phosphorus, antidotes, 210 Phthisis, 236 acute, symptoms, 237 chronic, 237 danger of contagion by contact with patient, 236 forms of, 237 nursing of patients with, 237 Physiology, 285-296 of blood-circulation, 285 of digestion, 290 of respiration, 289 of urinary function, 293 Pi a mater, 302 Picrotoxin, 353 Pillows, bed, changing the, 31 Pills, administering, 75 Pinna, the, 304 Placenta, fetal and maternal, 117 Plants in the sick-room, removal of, 290 Plasma, blood, 90 Plaster, cantharidal, 106 mustard, 106 removing a, method of, 178 Plaster of Paris, 350 Pleura, inflammation of. (See Pleurisy.) Pleurisy, 243 position of patient in, 46 symptoms of, 243 INDEX. 449 Pleurisy, treatment, 243 Pneumonia, croupous, 240 symptoms, favorable and unfa- vorable, 240 treatment, 240 “ double,” defined, 240 Poison defined, 208 Poisoning, accidental, 208-212 what to do in case of, 208 by tainted meats or fish, antidotes, 212 carbolic-acid, from absorption, symptoms, 169 from ivy, treatment, 210 induction of vomiting in, 209 iodoform, from absorption, symp- toms, 170 mercurial, by inunction, symptoms of, 79, 169 septic, from catheterization, 68 Poisons, classification and action of, 208 irritant, 209 action of, 208 narcotic, 211 action of, 208 Polyarthritis, 259 Position, change of, by patient, favor- able sign, 46 for gynecologic examination, 137 —dorsal, 137 —knee-chest, 139 —Sims, 138 —upright, 140 for surgical operation, 148 Trendelenburg, 148, 149 Potash, antidotes, 210 Potassium carbonate, antidotes, 210 Poultice, the, action of, 91 boric-acid, 100 carbolic-acid, ioo corrosive-sublimate, 100 creolin, 100 green soap, in surgical operations, 150 renewal of, on sleeping patient, 97 Poultices, 95-101 —antiseptic, ioo —bread, 98 —bran-jacket, 98 —charcoal, 98 —flaxseed, 95 Poultices :—green-soap, ioo —hop, ioo —ice, ioo —jacket, 97 —mustard, 98 —slippery-elm, 100 —spice, 99 —starch, 99 —yeast, 99 method of applying, proper, 96 renewal of, frequency, 96 Powder, applying, to the throat, method of, III Powders, administering 74 Pregnancy: —abdominal enlargement, rate of, 116 —conception, 116 —date of confinement, 116 —disorders of, 119 —duration of, 116 —fetal movements, 118 —fetus, the, 117 —nurse’s preparations for the confinement, 120 —signs and symptoms of, 115 —termination of, 120 disorders of, 119 extra-uterine, 136 Presentations in labor, 122, 123 Prostration, nervous, 257 Protrusion, bowel, of infancy, 275 “ Proud flesh,” 189 Prussic acid, 346 antidotes, 209 Puddings, recipes for, 323 Puerperium, management of the, 129 —breast-bandage, 132 —care of the breasts, 131” —catheterization, 129 —lactation, 131 —the after-pains, 131 —the diet, 130 —the lochia, 130 —the napkins, 130 —the temperature and pulse, 130 pathology of the, 133-136 —eclampsia, 135 —hemorrhages, 133 —insanity, 135 —phlegmasia dolens, 135 450 INDEX. Puerperium, pathology of the:—septi- cemia, 134 —thrombosis, 136 Pulse, the, 39-41 “dicrotic wave” of, 40 during the puerperium. 130 frequency of, 40 in children, 41 in croupous pneumonia, 240 in hemorrhage following surgical operation, 161 in septicemia, 166 in shock, 160 in small-pox, 226 in typhoid fever, 216 in typhus fever, 225 in uremia, 250 of infancy, 277 taking of the, 40 varieties of, 40 —compressible, 40 —dicrotic, 40 —frequent, 40 —full, 40 —high-tension, 40 —incompressible, 40 —intermittent, 40 —irregular, 40 —low-tension, 40 —rapid, 40 —regular, 40 —running, 40 Pulse-rate, 39-41 at puberty, 41 conditions influencing the, 39 influence of body-temperature on, 42, 43 in septicemia, 166 normal, 41 of infant at birth, 41, 269, 277 rate of decrease, 277 of infants and children, 41 of the aged, 41 Purgative enemata, administration of, 61, 62 formulae for, 62 Purgatives, administering, 75 Pyemia, symptoms, 190 treatment, 190 Quicksilver, 362 Quinia, antidotes, 212 Radius, the, 299 Rash. (See Eruption.) Recipes: beef-teas and extracts: —beef-essence, 319 —beef-extract, bottled, 319 —beef-juice, 319 —beef-tea, 319, 320 —beef-tea, peptonized, 320 —beef-tea with oatmeal, 320 beverages: —chocolate, 333 —cocoa, 333 —coffee, 333 —coffee, crust, 333 —coffee, nutritious, 334 —coffee, rice, 334 —egg-nog, 334 —lemonade, 334 —lemonade, egg, 335 —milk and albumen, 335 —milk, sterilized, 335 —milk-punch, 335 —orangeade, 336 —sherbert, lemon, 334 —sherbert, orange, 336 —tea, 336 —tea, flaxseed, 336 —water, albumen-, 336 —water, apple-, 336 —water, barley-, 336 —water, gum-arabic, 337 —water, rice-, 337 —water, tamarind-, 337 —water, toast-, 337 —wine, mulled, 335 broths: —chicken, 321 —clam, 321 —mutton, 321 —oyster, 323 desserts: —apples, baked, 329 —cream, Bavarian, 329 -—cream, tapioca, 330 —cream, whipped, 332 —Irish moss, 331 —Irish moss, blanc-mange, 331 —jelly, calf's foot, 330 —jelly, lemon, 330 —jelly, orange, 330 INDEX. 451 Recipes, desserts:—jelly, peptonized- milk, 331 —jelly, wine, 331 —junket, 331 —rice blanc-mange, 329 —snow-eggs, 332 —soft custard, 329 —whey, wine, 332 farinaceous foods: —arrowroot, 317 —corn-starch, 318 —gruel, boiled-flour, 318 —gruel, oatmeal, 318 —gruel, rice-flour, 318 —oatmeal, 318 milk: —koumyss, 327 —peptonized, 327 —sago, 327 miscellaneous : —chicken panada, 326 —eggs, poached, 325 —eggs, scrambled, 326 —eggs, soft-boiled, 326 —infant’s food, 326 —macaroni, 325 —omelet, 325 —potatoes, creamed, 325 oysters: —broth, 323 —fricasseed, 322 —peptonized, 322 —stewed, 322 puddings: —arrowroot, 323 —corn-flour, 323 —custard, 323 —rice, 323 —sago, 323 —snow, 324 soups: —chicken, 324 —mutton, 324 —potato, 324 —white-celery, 324 sweetbreads, 321 toasts: —cream toast, 328 —dry toast, 328 —egg toast, 328 —milk toast, 328 —milk toast, peptonized, 328 Record, nurse’s, of food taken by patient, 46 of pulse, temperature, and res- piration, importance of, 45 of symptoms, 45-52 Records, nurse’s, keeping the, 25-28 Rectal douche, 67 Rectum, the, 308 gas, passage of, 50 medicines administered by the, 76 temperature in, taking the, 44 Reflex action, 303 Relapse in typhoid fever, 216 Reports, nurse’s, essentials of the, 39 method of making, 26, 27 Respiration, 45, 46, 289 artificial, in the apparently drowned, 201, 202 in shock, 161 of the new-born, 127 Cheyne-Stokes, 45 conditions influencing the, 45 mechanism of, 289 normal, 44 of infancy, 45, 277 of the new-born, first, 125 taking the, 44 Rest for inflammation, 105 in after-treatment of surgical operation, 163 Rest-cure, 257 Retention of urine of the new born, 264 treatment of, 203 Rheumatism, 258 articular, acute, 258 complications of, 259 “ monoarticular,” 259 muscular, acute, 259 nursing in, 258 treatment, medicinal, 259 Ribs, the, 297 attachment and number, 297, 298 Rickets, symptoms of, 273 treatment of, 273 Ringworm, 260 Rochelle salt, 364 enema of, 62 Roller-bandages, 178-183 Room disinfection by corrosive-sub- limate solution, 235 452 INDEX. Room temperature for rheumatic patients, 258 regulation of, 37 Room-ventilation, 37 in scarlet-fever cases, 223 Rubefacients, 104 Sacrum, 298 St. Vitus’ dance. (See Chorea.) Saliva, digestive action of, 292 Salt enema, 63 -solution, 162 Sand-bags, how made, 174 Sartorius, 299 Scabies, 259 Scalds. (See Burns and Scalds.) Scapula, the, 298 Scarlatina. (See Scarlet fever.) Scarlet fever, 222-225 complications of: —dropsy, 224 —nephritis, 224 —uremia, 224 convalescence of, 225 delirium of, 225 depression in, 225 disinfection in, 223 malignant, 222 room-ventilation in, 223 symptoms of, 222 treatment of, 222 uremic convulsions of, treatment, 224 Scarlet-fever tongue, 47 Screen, bed-, improvised, 34 Sea-bathing, 82 Secretions, body, 292 Sedatives, action of, 72 Sepsis after childbirth, symptoms, 131 death from, responsibility for, 166 Septicemia, 165 puerperal, 134 symptoms, 166 treatment, 166, 167 Serpent-bites, treatment, 212 Sheet-bath (drip-sheet), 87 Sheets, bed-, changing of, without removing the patient, 30, 31 Shingles, 260 Shock, body-temperature in, 160 conditions influencing, 160 enemata in, 160 Shock, from burns, 198 from surgical operation, 159 respiration, artificial, in, 161 symptoms, 160 treatment, 160 Shoulder-blade, 298 “ Show,” the, 124 Shower-bath, 86 Sick, feeding the, general rules for, serving the food in, 311 Sick-room, the, 29-38 air of the, 37 cooling the, 37 bearing of the nurse in, 18-23 bed, preparation of, 29 care of the, 36 dress of the nurse in the, 25 etiquette of the, 24 fumigation of the, after contagious diseases, 234-236 keeping the records, methods of, 25-27 plants in the, removal of, 290 preparation of, 29 removal of excreta from, 38 selection of, 29 temperature of, 36 regulation of, 37 ventilation of, 37, 38, 223 protection of patient during, 38 Sigmoid flexure, 307 Sign of labor, first, 123 Signs of pregnancy, positive, 116 probable, 115 “vital,” the three, 39 Sinus, 192 Sitz-bath, action of, 82 Skin, anatomy of the, 296 color of, cause of, 296 diseases of the: —eczema, 259 —herpes zoster, 260 —ringworm, 260 —scabies, 259 treatment of, 260 of the patient, color of, 49 condition of, 49 redness of, inflammatory, cause of, 91 Skin-graftmg, 200 Skull, bones of the, 297 INDEX. 453 Sleep, taking of, by the nurse, 21 Sleeplessness, treatment of, 206 Small-pox, 226-228 confluent, 227 malignant, 227 nursing-treatment, 227, 228 pitting of, prevention, 228 symptoms, 226 Smoke, escaping through, how to prevent suffocation in, 203 Snuffles of infancy, 276 Soda, antidotes, 210 Sodium carbonate, antidotes, 210 Solutions, antiseptic, 341 Soups, recipes for, 324 Spanish flies, 351 Spanish-fly blister, 106-108 Spinal column, 298 cord, 301 Spleen, the, 307 Splint, coaptation, 186 improvised, in fracture, 173 plaster-of-Paris, 186 how to remove, 187 Splints, 186, 187 Sponge-bath, 55 Sponges, gauze, 147 sterilizing the, 172 surgical, attention required of the nurse in handling, 157, *58 Sprains, treatment, 176 Sprays, 110 Sputum, disposition of, in infectious diseases, 48 Sputum-cup, 48, 236, 241 Stages of normal labor, 123-125 —first stage, 123 —second stage, 124 —third stage, 125 Stapedius, 299 Stapes, 297 Starch-and-laudanum enema, 62 Steam-bath, acid, action of, 86 Sterilization by boiling water, 152 for surgical operations, 147 milk, 266 of foods. (See Recipes.') of gauze sponges, 172 of nurse’s hands, importance of, 156, 221. of suture-materials, 171 Sterilization of utensils, etc. used for surgical operations, 157, 171, 172 personal, of nurse, for surgical operation, 156, 157 surgical, 147, 151, 152 Sterilized milk, 335 Sternum, 298 Stimulants, action of, 72 alcoholic, in treatment of hemor- rhage, 194 per rectum, effect of, 64 Stimulating enemata, 63 Stomach, the, 290, 305 bleeding from the, 196 food-changes in the, 292 inflammation of. (See Gastritis.) washing out the, 70 “ Strawberry-tongue,” 47, 222 Stretcher, improvised bed-room, 59 Strychnia, antidotes, 211 as a heart-stimulant, 161 Stupes. (See Fomentations.) Subinvolution of womb, 126 Suffocation from drowning, treat- ment, 201 Sugar in the urine, Trommers’ test for, 295 Sugar-water, 267 Sulphuric acid, antidotes, 210 Sunburn, treatment, 206 Sunstroke, 200 body-temperature in, 42, 200 symptoms, 200 treatment, 200 Suppositories, introduction of, 76 Suppuration, 189 Suture, button, 171 continuous, 171 interrupted, 171 Sutures, materials of, 171 sterilizing of, 171 Suturing, 171 Swallowing, involuntary, how to in- duce, 252 Sweeping and dusting the sick-room, 36 Sweetbreads, cooking of, 321 Sweet oil, 363 spirits of nitre, 355 Swelling, inflammatory, cause of, 91 Symptoms, observation of, 45-52 454 INDEX. Synovial fluid, 297 Syringe, fountain, uses of, 25 hard-rubber, to prevent leakage of, 60 hypodermic, care of the, 78 method of using the, 77 Syringing the eyes of infants, method of, 275 Table, gynecologic, 141 Table salt, 366 Tablets, hypodermatic, list of, 342 Tampon, kite-tail, 144 Tampons, vaginal, 143 Tartar emetic, 348 Tartaric acid, antidotes, 209 Tears, age when infant first sheds, 268 Tear-secretion, 112 Teeth, age when growth of the, be- gins, 268 development of the, 268 Teething of infancy, 274 Temperature, body-, 41-44 after childbirth, rise of, 131 conditions influencing increase of, 41 during the puerperium, 131 in bronchitis, 242 in cerebro-spinal meningitis, 251 in croupous pneumonia, 240 in diphtheria, 229 in hemorrhage, 160, 161 in measles, 228 in peritonitis, 245 in rheumatism, 258 in scarlet fever, 222 in septicemia, 166 in shock, 160 in small-pox, 226, 227 in sunstroke, 200 in tetanus, 42 in typhoid fever, 215 in typhus fever, 225 of infant at birth, 269 of infants, how to take the, 276 subnormal, causes of, 42 taking of the, 43 sick-room, 36 regulation of, 37 Tendo Achillis, 300 Tendons, 300 Tents (surgical), 177 Tepid bath, action of, 82 Tetanus, 190 body-temperature in, 42 symptoms, 190 treatment, 190 Thermometer, bath-, 81 clinical, the, 43 Thigh-bone. (See Femur.) Thirst in hemorrhage, 196 relief of, by bathing, 82 after operation, 163 in typhoid fever, relief of, 218 Thorax, 297 Throat, gargling and spraying the, no, III precautions in, in obstruction in the, removal of, 205 sore, hot-water gargling in, in Thrombosis, 136 Thrush, treatment, 270 Tibia, the, 299 Toasts, recipes for, 328 Toilet of the patient, 53-56 —bath, the, 55 —bed-pan, the, 56 —care of the body, 54 —cleansing the mouth, 53 —dressing the hair, 53 Tongue, appearance of, in scarlet fever, 222 coated, in fevers, 46, 47 infant’s, how to see the, 276 “ strawberry,” 47, 222 Tongue tie, 276 Tongue-trembling, 47 Tonics, action of, 72 Toothache, treatment of, 206 Tourniquet, 195 Trachea, the, 305 Tracheotomy, after-care in, 232 in diphtheria, 231 duties of the nurse, 231 in scalds of the glottis, 198 Tracheotomy-tube, care of the, 232, .233 Transfusion, 162 Trendelenburg position, 148, 149 Tub-bath, 55, 83 Tubes, bronchial, 305 Fallopian, 309 Turpentine enema, 62 INDEX. 455 Tympanites in typhoid cases, relief of, 221 Tympanum, the, 304 Typhoid fever, 215 bed-sores in, prevention of, 221 body-temperature of, 215 excreta of, disinfection of, 216 coating of, tongue in, 46, 47 complications of, 219 —hemorrhage, 219, 220 —perforation, 220 convalescence, management of, 221 diet in, 217, 218 nursing in, 216 of children, 278 treatment, 278 period of incubation, 215 relapse in, 216 symptoms, 215 synonyms of, 215 tepid baths in, 219 the eruptions in, 216 thirst in, relief of, 218 treatment of, 217-222 tympanites of, relief of, 221 walking, 221 Typhus fever, 225 complications of, 226 symptoms, 225 treatment, 226 Ulcer, 192 Ulna, the, 299 Union of broken bones, process of, 173 Uremia, 250 complicating scarlet fever, 224 symptoms, 250 treatment, 250 Ureters, the, 308 Urethra, the, 308 Urinalysis, 295 Urination of infant, 264 Urine, the, 293 abnormalities of the, 51 albumin in the, 294 test for, 295 amount of, conditions affecting the, 293» 294 in diabetes mellitus, 293 color of, 293, 294 Urine, color of, conditions affecting, 294 composition of, 293 excretion of, in pleurisy, 243 incontinence of, 50, 119 in children, 279 in diabetes, 258 odor of, 293, 294 of the patient, condition of, 50 of the pregnant, attention to, 119 passage of, 50, 51 points to be noted, 51 quantity of, normal, 293 reaction of, 293 method of determining, 294 retention of, by the new-born, re- lief of, 265 danger of, 308 in typhoid fever, 217 treatment of, 203 specific gravity, 293 method of ascertaining, 294 sugar or urea in, 294 test for, 295 suppression of, from cantharidism, 107 testing the, 295 Urinometer, 294 Uterus, the, 308 Vaginal douche,administration of,66 apparatus for, 65 purpose and effect of, 66, 67 Valve, mitral, 287 tricuspid, 287 Valves, heart, 287 semilunar, 287 Vapor-baths, action of, 81,83 Varioloid, 227 Vein, jugular, 300 Veins, the, 286 hepatic, 289 pulmonary, 287 “Vena portae,” 288 Ventilation, sick-room, 37, 223 Ventilator, window, 38 Ventricles, heart, 287 Vermiform appendix, 307 Vermin, head, extermination of, 53 Vernix caseosa, 262 Vertebrae, 298 cervical, 298 456 INDEX. Vertebrae, dorsal, 298 lumbar, 298 Vesication, 105 Vestibule (ear), 305 “ Vital signs,” the three, 39 Vomiting, induction of, in poisoning, 209 in ether anesthesia, 154 in septicemia, 166 treatment of, 167 of infancy, 272 of patient, symptoms of, 46 repetition of dose after, 76 treatment of, 206 Wafers, medicine, 74 Warm bath, action of, 81, 82 Water-bed, 33 Water-dressing (surgical), 176, 177 Waters, mineral, alkaline, 337 carbonic acid, 338 chalybeate, 338 purgative, 338 saline, 339 sulphuretted, 339 Weaning infant, time for, 268 Weights and measures, 340 Wharton’s jelly, 118 Whispering in the sick-room, 24 Whooping-cough, 238 complications of, 239 symptoms, 238 treatment, 239 Witch-hazel, 358 Womb, the, 308 involution and subinvolution of, 125, 126 Wood-oil, 349 Worms of infancy, 274 Wound, contused, 188 defined, 188 gunshot, 188 incised, 188 lacerated, 188 nurse’s preparation of a, for the surgeon, 177 poisoned, 188 punctured, 188 Wounds, 188-191 aseptic and septic, 188 dangerous sequelae of, 189-191 healing of, 188 suppuration of, 189 varieties of, 188 W. 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