OIROULAR. Hoard or Directors, Committee on Correspondence SOUTHERN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION FOR DISABLED SOLDIERS, &li/eau4. //. '/'§(6&, The accompanying Address of the Board of Directors of the Association will sufficiently explain to you the purposes of its organization, It has been decided, in order to assist in raising funds to carry out the objects designed, to hold a Bazaar in the city of New Orleans, beginning on the 18th of February next, and continuing until the 8th of March. Appropriate Committees have been constituted by the Board for the purpose of establishing the Bazaar; and the ladies of New Orleans have formed an Association whose assistance will insure its success. As the Committee on Correspondence for the contemplated Bazaar, we earnestly invite your co-operation in aiding an enterprise which appeals so loudly to the sympathy of the charitable in all parts of the world. We also think it advisable that the ladies of each State make arrangements to have a table at the Bazaar, where the contributions from the respective States shall be exposed for sale, under the direction of such Committees from each State or from New Orleans, as may be designated by the Associations of the respective States. In addition to the direct contributions to the Bazaar, it is desirable that local Fairs and Concerts and other means of obtaining contributions be employed in the several States, the proceeds of which we request should be remitted to the Treasurer of the Association in New Orleans. Contributions in money may be transmitted by Express or otherwise, to M. J. Newman, Treasurer of the Association New Orleans. You will be advised by letter or through the Press of further arrangements made by the Directors in reference to the Bazaar. In the meantime we earnestly appeal to you to organize and to collect, and to arrange for collecting and transmitting contributions of every kind that may add to the interest of the Bazaar. Communications on the subject of contributions to the Bazaar should be addressed to the Chairman of the Committee on Correspondence. Respectfully, Your Obedient Servants, S. B. BUCKNER, Chairman, G. T. BEAUREGARD, JAMES LONGSTREET, JOE. DAVIS, F. C. ZACHARIE, T. 0. STARK, L. L. CONRAD. Committee on Correspondence. TO THE PUBLIC. ||btrr£ss of tl)e J|imtoro of §outl)crn for New Orleans, July I8tli, L8(Ki. It is chiefly designed to render proper medical and surgical aid to such soldiers of the late Confederate army as may require assistance. This Association has been organized as a corporate body, under the general laws of the State of Louisiana, and ts affairs are administered by a Board of Directors chosen from among the prominent men of the Southern States. A Southern Hospital Association for disabled soldiers has been formed in New Orleans. The subjects of the assistance proposed to be rendered by the Association are persons who, in consequence of their disa- bled condition, have no means of earning a support, but are left at present as a tax upon individual charity. Many of the soldiers whom we propose to receive into thjs Institution will be enabled, under skillful surgical treatment, to resume the active pursuits of life, and not only to earn an adequate support, but to contribute again to the prosperity of their families and to that of the country. It is not proposed to limit the Advantages to be derived from this Association to any one State, but all disabled soldiers from any part of the South will be equally entitled to receive its benefits. Should the funds which we hope to collect prove adequate to the purpose, it is also contemplated to supply artificial limbs, and to defray the expenses of convalescents to their homes or other points where they may have obtained employment. Though the class of persons for whose benefit this Association is chiefly formed are ignored in the general legislation of the country in consequence of their participation in the late civil war, we consider them none the less entitled to sympathy and assistance from all who are actuated by sentiments of humanity. And while our institution is primarily established for the benefit of Southern soldiers, as immediately and loudly appealing for assistance which can be rendered them, its advantages are also extended to disabled soldiers from all parts of the world ; for we believe that charity should not be restricted by geographical lines. We therefore appeal to the citizens of the United States and other countries to give such assistance to our Association as they may deem proper. We ask that subordinate associations be formed throughout the Southern States, and that they place themselves in communication with us, for the purpose of giving efficiency and support to the institution we have organized. To the patriotic ladies of the South, who, during the war and since its close, have contributed so much to ameliorate the sufferings of the sick and the wounded, we especially appeal. They have decorated with flowers the graves of the departed, and have honored with monuments the names of the gallant dead. We now ask that their tender sympathies be addressed to the care of those who, though living, have been maimed in defending the cause which they deemed just. Donations will be received in New Orleans at the banking house of Pike, Lapeyre & Brother, and of Smith, Newman & Co., where books will be kept for the registration of the names of those who may desire to become members of the Association. Any person may become a member on payment of twenty-five dollars. Donations from the country and other States should be forwarded to M. J. Newman, of New Orleans, Treasurer of the Association. Any Director is authorized to receive contributions, and will transmit the donations which he may receive to the Treasurer. JOHN B. HOOD, President, Director from Texas. S. B. BTTCKNEK, Vice-President, Director from Ky. WM. C. CLAIBORNE. Jr., SEc’y, Director from La. ROBERT E. LEE, Va. JOS. E. JOHNSTON, Va. S. TEACLE WALLIS, Md. D. H. HILL, N- C. WADE HAMPTON, S. C. HOWELL COBB, Ga. J. PATTEN ANDERSON, Fla. JAMES LONG STREET, Ala. WM. J. HARDEE, Ala. BEN. G. HUMPHREYS, Miss. F. R. LUBBOCK, Texas. JAS. F. FAGAN, Ark. JOHN. C. BROWN, Term. WM. PRESTON', Ky. M. JEFF. THOMPSON, Mo. JOHN S. MARMADUKE, Mo. G. T. BEAUREGARD. La. RICHARD TAYLOR, “ E. J. FORSTALL, JAMES HEWITT, WARREN STONE, R. L. GIBSON, M. NEWTON MERCER, La. L. T. PIM, RANDELL HUNT, HARRY T. HAYS, J. 0. NIXON, M. J. NEWMAN, FRANK NICHOLES, WM. S. PIKE. ST. JOHN R. LIDDELL, “ GEO. A. WILLIAMSON, “