PLATES Plate 1 FRONT VIEW OF BUILDINGS FROM NORTHEAST. WOLFE ST. PLATE-S, MONUMENT ST. Photo-Lith. by A HOEN & CO. BROADWAY BLOCK PLAN Plate 3, REAR VIEW OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS FROM SOUTHEAST, J’j.ATK 4 CORRIDOR. INTERIOR VIEW LOOKING SOUTH FROM KITCHEN PLATE 5. GENERAL HEATING. PLANS AND SECTIONS. A Administration building. X Apothecary’s building. B and C Pay wards. D E F G and H Wards. I Isolating ward. 0 Dispensary. U Amphitheatre. N Nurses’ home. R Pathological building. K Kitchen. L Laundry. Y Bath house. T Gate lodge. S Stable. H W Hot water boilers. S B Steam boiler. Figure 1. Section of corridor at a-b, looking east. Figure 2. Section of corridor at b-c, looking north. Figures 3 and 4. Detail of cut-off valve V. Figure 5. Switch for testing the velocity of water in heating pipes. plate-5 ' tOO FT. TO AW INCH Pl-ATK (! PIPE TUNNEL INTERIOR VIEW, LOOKING EAST Plate 7 PIPE TUNNEL INTERIOR VIEW, SHOWING EXPANSION JOINT PLATE 8. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. MAIN FLOOR PLAN. Figure 1. Main floor. D Lift, 2'8" X 2'10". K Sink room. V W C Ventilating shaft for water closets, 28"x36". VB Ventilating shaft for lavatory and bath rooms, 24"X30". V Vestibule. S Main stairs, 10' 0" wide. VV Vaults, 6' 2" X 6' 6". T S Central telephone switch. W Lavatory. W C Water closet. S S Servants’ stairs. PLATE-8. - F'G- l PLATE 9. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING SECOND FLOOR PLAN. Figure 1. Second floor. P Parlor, 20' 8"x34' 8". R Rotunda, 34' 0" dia. Co Corridor, 14' 10" wide. S R Superintendent’s rooms. OR House officers’ rooms, 14'0"x 24' 9", 16' 0"Xl8' 6". R R Dressing rooms. B Bath rooms. W C Water closet. S S Servants’ stairs. S Main stairs. V W C Ventilating shaft for water closets. V B Ventilating shaft for lavatory and bath rooms. D Lift, 2'8" X 2' 10". K Sink room. PLATE ~ 9 . PLATE io. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. LONGITUDINAL SECTION. Figure 1. One-half longitudinal section north and south. A Cellar floor. D Main floor. E Second floor. F Third floor. G Attic floor. V North vestibule S Main stairs. S D Stairs to dome. PLATE-1© -JCALt - 2.0 TT T® Art INCH flG. 1 PLATE ii. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH ROTUNDA. Figure 1. Transverse section east and west. A Cellar floor. D Main floor. E Second floor. F Third floor. G Attic floor. S Main stairway. C Co Covered corridor. T Open terrace over corridor. P T Pipe tunnel. T A Tank attic. V Vestibule. PLATE- II 5CALE-ZO Ft. To AM INC H F'G-1 PLATE 12. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH NORTH AND EAST WINGS. Figure 1. Transverse section through north wing. A Cellar floor. D Main floor. E Second floor. F Third floor. G Attic floor. Figure 2. Section through water closet, bath rooms, etc. A Cellar floor. D Main floor. H Second floor. I Third floor. J Fourth floor. T A Tank attic. V B Ventilating shaft for lavatory and bath room, 24"x30". V W C Ventilating shaft for water closet, 28"x36". D W Lift shaft. A C Accelerating steam coils. PLATE-J Z -r'&.fc -plG.l- Plate 13, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING VIEW IN TRUSTEES' ROOM. PLATE 14. PAY WARD. MAIN FLOOR PLAN AND TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH CENTRE. Figure 1. Main floor plan. W Private ward, 12' 0" X15' 6", 1G' 6" X 20' 0", 13' 0" X15' 6", 12' 6"X 15' 6", 15' 3" X15' 6", 13' 10" X 15' 6". D R Dressing room, 7' 10"xl5' 6". T K Tea kitchen, 13' 6"X15' 6". W R Lavatory, 8' 0"X10' 7". W C Water closets. H Hall (corridor), 10' 0" wide. S Stairs, 6' 6" wide. L Linen room, 6' 6"xl5' 6". L S Light shaft, 4' 4"X10' 7". F D Food lift, 2' 8" X 3' 10" ; Vent 9"X12". D Lifts, 2'10" X 2'10"; Yent 9"x 12". K Sink room, 7' 4"X10' 7". By Balcony. B R Bath room. Figure 2. Transverse section through centre east and west. A Cellar floor. B Basement floor. D Main floor. E Second floor, centre wing. G Attic floor, centre wing. V Ventilating flues. A C Accelerating steam coils. S L Skylight. T Open terrace. C Co Covered corridor. P T Pipe tunnel. PLATE-14 ao re*r t« imch — — Fig. v — PAY WARD. PLATE 15. LONGITUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE SECTIONS. Figure 1. Longitudinal section north and south. A Cellar floor. B Basement floor. D Main floor. G Attic floor. V Ventilating flues. A C Accelerating steam coils. S L Skylight. C Smoke chimneys. By Balcony. Figure 2. Transverse section through north wing. A Cellar floor. B Basement floor. D Main floor. G Attic floor. V Ventilating flues. C Smoke chimneys. H C Heat chambers. Figure 3. Section of heat chamber. PLATE-1? -Fi Plate 19 OCTAGON WARD. INTERIOR VIEW. Plate 20. OCTAGON WARD. VIEW FROM SOUTHEAST. COMMON WARD. PLATE 21. MAIN FLOOR PLAN AND SECTIONS. Figure 1. Plan of ward floor. C Central ventilating chimney, 4' 8" X 4' 8". V Exit of ventilating ducts. U Ventilating shaft for lift. FI Central hall, 20' 6"x32' 0". PW Private wards, 16' 10"X17'0", 16' 10" x 15' 2". W Lavatory. B Bath room, 7' 7"Xll' 6". WC Water closet. PC Patients’ clothing, 8' 5"X11' 6". L Clean linen closet, 5' 0"x8' 5". N C Nurses’ closet. C L Coal and soiled clothes lift, 2' 6" X 2' 10". R Range. F Food lift, 2'10"X2'10". K Slop sink. Figure 2. Transverse section of Service Building through kitchen. C Central ventilating chimney, 4' 8" X 4' 8". V W Ventilating shafts for water closets, 24" diameter. W C Ventilation for water closets, 20" and 1G" diameter. PW Ventilation for private wards, 18" X 22". D R Ventilation for dining room, 17"x24". C L V Coal and soiled clothes lift vent, 10" diameter. F V Food lift vent, 10" diameter. P L V Patients’ clothing and clean linen vent, 10" diameter. Figure 3. Transverse section through ward. C Central ventilating chimney, 4' 8" X4' 8". X Foul air duct in attic, 48"x51". V Foul air duct in basement, 12' sq. h c Heating coil. PLATE-21 F'G-3 - Fig.2.- Fig. 1. PLATE 22. COMMON WARD. BASEMENT AND ATTIC FLOOR PLANS. Figure 1. Basement. S Stairway, 6' 0" wide. I K and L Clinical laboratory, 16' 10" X17' 0", 16' 10"X19' 7", 16' 10" X 8' 6". D R Directors’ room, 16' 10"x lo' 2". Co Corridor, 12' 0" wide. S R Store room, 8' 2"X16' 10". C L Coal and soiled clothes lift, 2' 6" X 2' 10". F Food lift, 2'10" X 2'10". C Central ventilating chimney, 4' 8" X4' 8". V W Ventilating duct from ward floor, area 12 sq. ft. V Vent shaft (water closet and nurses’ closets). A R Airing room (soiled blankets, beds, etc.), 11' 5"X15' 5". h c Heating coils. F D Fan duct. F Fan. Figure 2. Plan of attic story. V D C Vent ducts (water closets), 20" diameter. V N Vent, nurses’ closet (slop hop- per, water closets and dry closets), 16" diameter. VB Vent, bath room, 9" X12". V L Vent, linen room and patients’ clothes room, 10" diameter. V D Lift vent, 10" diameter. C Central ventilating chimney, 4' 8" X 4' 8". V W Ceiling vent, ward, 48"X51". V P Vent shaft (private wards), 36" diameter. V D P Vent ducts (private wards), 18" X 22" and 17"X24". VC V ent shaft (water closets, baths, etc.), 24" diameter. PLATE-22 - fig. l FIG z- PLATE 23. COMMON WARD. LONGITUDINAL SECTION NORTH AND SOUTH. Figure 1. Longitudinal section of ward B Basement floor. D Main floor. G Attic floor. P T Pipe tunnel, 7' 0"xl0' 0". C Central ventilating chimney, 4' 8" X4' 8". A C Accelerating steam coils. X Foul air duct in attic, 48"x51". V Foul air duct in basement, area 12 square feet. V W Ventilating shaft for water clos- ets, 24" diameter. W C Vent pipe from water closets, 20" and 16" diameter. D R Vent pipe from dining room, 17" X24". PW Vent pipe from private wards, 18"X22". G V Attic ventilation, 24" diameter. V D Lift vent, 10" diameter. V L Linen and patients’ clothes room vent, 10" diameter. V P Vent shaft (private wards), 36" diameter, h c Heat coils. Figure 2. Section of heating coil chamber. Figure 3. Section and plans of ventilating chimney showing damper. Figure 4. Plan of doors showing finish. Figure 5. Plan of windows showing finish. Figure 6. Section of washboard. PLATTE-£3 'F'G. i- - FiQ-4-" - Fig,.' 2- 5C<\LE-2,0 f-r.-T-Ar» INCH- Description of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Billings. 1890. National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD Condition on Receipt: The quarter cloth and decorated paper case binding was in good condition. The sewing was intact but a few of the pages were loose. Most of the pages were in relatively sound condition even though some had a few small tears and some losses. Treatment Report: The pH was recorded before and after treatment; before 5.0, after 8.0. The volume was collated and disbound. The inks were tested for solubility. The head, tail, and pages were dry cleaned and nonaqueously buffered (deacidified) with a suspension of magnesium oxide particles in a perfluoro compound. The pages were encapsulated in polyester film. The volume was post bound in two full cloth bindings. A leather label was stamped in gold foil. The book plates were removed from the original binding and were adhered to the front pastedowns of the new bindings. Northeast Document Conservation Center January 1997 DW/DG