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In writing this treatise I have tried to make a book that would be intelligible and interesting to the thought- ful general reader, and at the same time profitable to even the most advanced specialist in.this department. I find justification for the attempt in the fact that there is not, to my knowledge, any work covering the same ground in the English language. Yision has been treated either as a branch of optics or else as a branch of physiology of the nervous system. Helmholtz's great work on " Physiological Optics,'' of which there exist both a German and a French edition, is doubtless ac- cessible to scientists, but this work is so technical that it is practically closed to all but the specialist. I be- lieve, therefore, that the work which I now offer meets a real want, and fills a^real gap in scientific literature. The form in which the subject is here presented has been developed entirely independently, and as the result of a conscientious endeavor to make it clear to students under my instruction. As evidence of this, I would draw attention to the fact that, orrt of one hun- dred and thirty illustrations, only about twelve have 4 PREFACE. been taken from other writers. On those points in which I differ, not only in form but in matter, from other writers, I am willing to abide the judgment of those best qualified to decide. I have devoted a large, perhaps some may think a too large, space to the discussion of binocular vision. I have done so, partly because I have devoted special attention to this department, partly because it is so very imperfectly presented by other writers, but chiefly be- cause it seemed to me by far the most fascinating por- tion of the whole subject of vision. As a means of scientific culture, the study of vision seems to me almost exceptional. It makes use of, and thus connects together, the sciences of Physics, Physi- ology, and even Psychology. It makes the cultivation of the habit of observation and experiment possible to all; for the greatest variety of experiments may be made without expensive apparatus, or, indeed, appa- ratus of any kind. And, above all, it compels one to analyze the complex phenomena of Sense in his own person, and is thus a truly admirable preparation for the more difficult task of analysis of those still higher and more complex phenomena which are embraced in the science of Psychology. Berkeley, California, May 20, 1880. ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY. PAGE The Relation of General Sensibility to Special Sense . 9 Law of differentiation, 10; gradation among the senses, 11; in kind of contact, 13; in distance of perception, 13; in refine- ment of organ, 14. PART I. MONOCULAR VISION. CHAPTER I. General Structure of the Human Eye, and the For- mation of Images. . . . . 17 Section I.—General Structure : General form and setting, 17; illustrations, 18; the muscles, 18; illustrations of their action, 19; the eyeball, 20; sclerotic, 20; cornea, 21; iris, 21; lin- ings, 22; choroid, 22; ciliary musck, 22; retina, 22; con- tents of ball, 23 ; lens, 23 ; humors, 24. Section II.—Formation of the Image, 24; conditions of per- fect image, 25; experiment, 27; illustrations, 27 ; property of a lens, 27 ; proofs of a retinal image, 29 ; nodal point, 29. CHAPTER n. The Eye as an Optical Instrument . . .30 Comparison with the camera, 30; chromatism, 31; correction of chromatism, 31; aberration, 35 ; correction of aberration, 36 ; adjustment for light, 37; adjustment for distance, 40; accom- modation of the eye, 42; experiment illustrating, 42; theory of adjustment, 44; Helmholtz's view, 44. 6 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. Defects of the Eye as an Instrument Emmetropy, or normal sightedness, 46 ; myopy, or near-sighted- ness, 46; presbyopy, or old-sightedness, 48 ; hypermetropy, or long-sightedness, 51; astigmatism, 52. CHAPTER IV. Explanation of Phenomena of Monocular Vision . 53 Section I.—Structure of Retina, 53; optic nerve, 54; relations to the eye, 54; layers of retina, 55; bacillary layer, 55; cen- tral spot, 57; blind spot, 59; perception of color, 59; primary colors, 60 ; view of Brewster, 60; of Young, 60 ; of Hering, 60; theory of color-perception, 61; theory of Young, 61; of Hall, 61; color-blindness, 62; theory of, 63. Section II.—Functions of the Retina : Law of outward pro- jection of retinal impressions, 64; compared with other senses, 65; illustrations of this property, 66 ; phosphenes, 67; muscae volitantes, 67; Purkinje's figures, 68; ocular spectra, 69; corresponding points, retinal and spatial, 72; properties of the central spot, 73 ; function of the central spot, 74; mini- mum visible, 76; minimum tactile, 77 ; blind spot, 78; ex- periments illustrating, 78-81; why there is no visible repre- sentative of this spot in field of view, 82; erect vision, 83 ; comparison with other senses, 84; explained by law of direc- tion, 85; illustrations of this law, 86. PART II. BINOCULAR VISION. CHAPTER I. Single and Double Images . . . . .90 . The two eyes as one instrument, 90; the binocular field, 91; double images, 92 ; experiments illustrating, 92-94; analogy with sense of touch, 95; single vision, 95; corresponding points of the two retinae, 96; law of corresponding points, 97 ; conditions of single vision, 99; horopter, 101; optic chi- asm, and its relation to the law of corresponding points, 101; theories of the origin of property of corresponding points, 102; nativistic theory, 103 ; empiristic theory, 103; consen- sual adjustments, 104; two fundamental laws, 105. CHAPTER II. Superposition of External Images . . .107 Of the same object, 107 ; of different objects, 108; Case 1. Dis- similar objects, 108; experiments illustrating, 108-109 ; Case PAGE 46 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. 7 2. Similar objects, 112; experiments illustrating, 112-113; Case 3. Many similar objects regularly arranged, 115; experi- ments illustrating, 115; dissociation of consensual adjust- ments, 117; experiment illustrating, 118; general conclu- sions, 118. CHAPTER III. Binocular Perspective . . ■ . , 120 Experiments illustrating, 120-123; stereoscopy, 125 ; stereoscopic pictures, 126; how taken, 127; combination of stereoscopic pictures, 128 ; with the naked eyes, 128 ; experiments illus- trating, 129-133; combination by the use of the stereoscope, 134; inverse perspective, 135; experiments illustrating, 136- 141; different forms of perspective, 142 ; aerial, 142 ; mathe- matical, 142 ; monocular or focal, 142; binocular, 143. CHAPTER IV. Theories of Binocular Perspective . . . 145 Wheatstone's theory, 145 ; Brucke's theory, 147 ; Dove's experi- ment, 148; my own view, 151; return to comparison of the eye with the camera, 152. CHAPTER V. Judgment of Distance, Size, and Form . . . 156 Judgment of distance, 156 ; different modes of, 156 ; size, 157; ex- periments illustrating, 158,159; form, 160; outline form, 160; solid form, 160; gradation of judgments, 160; retrospect, 162. PART III. ON SOME DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. CHAPTER I. Laws of Ocular Motion ..... 164 Section I.—Laws of Parallel Motion : Listing's law, 164; experiments illustrating, 164-172; the statement of the laws, 173; contrary statement by Helmholtz explained, 175; rota- tion on optic axes in parallel motion only apparent, 176. Section II.—Laws of Convergent Motion, 177; the rotation in this case real, 178; difficulty in experimenting, 178; ex- periments proving rotation on optic axes in convergence, 180-187; effect of elevation and depression of visual plane, 188; experiments illustrating, 188; cause of the rotation, 189; laws of parallel and convergent motion contrasted, 189. 8 ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER II, PAGE The Horopter . . , . . .192 Defined, 192; difference of opinion as to its nature, 193; Midler's horopteric circle, 194; Claparede's view, 194; Helmholtz's results, 195; Helmholtz's view as to the relation of apparent and real vertical meridian, 197; experiments testing its truth, 198; adverse conclusion reached, 201 ; Meissner's results, experiments proving, 203; my results confirm Meissner's, 206; experiments proving, 206-210 ; conclusions in regard to the horopter, 210; wherein I differ from Meissner, 211. CHAPTER III. On some Fundamental Phenomena of Binocular Vision usually overlooked, and on a New Mode of Dia- grammatic Representation based thereon . .213 Usual mode of representation untrue, 213; experiments illustrat- ing, 214 ; heteronymous shifting of the two fields of view and experiments illustrating, 216-221; ceil cyclopienne, 217, 222; first law or law of heteronymous shifting stated, 223; ho- monymous rotation of the two fields, 224; experiments illus- trating, 224-227 ; second law or law of homonymous rotation stated, 228; statement of the two laws, 229; determination of the interocular space, 230; experiments illustrating the necessity of the new mode, 231-237 ; application of the new mode to representation of stereoscopic phenomena, 238. Some curious phenomena resulting from the heteronymous shift- ing of the fields of view, 245; to trace the outline of a picture where it is not, 245; to trace the outline of a candle-flame on an opaque screen, 248; to see through a book or a deal board, 250. CHAPTER IV. Visual Phenomena in Ocular Divergence . . 252 1. In drowsiness, 252; 2. In other modes of producing diver- gence, 255; 3. Prevalence of law of corresponding points over law of direction, 258; diagrams illustrating, 259. CHAPTER V. Comparative Physiology of Binocular Vision . . 262 Optic chiasm in lower animals, 262; divergence of eye-sockets 263; when extreme, incompatible with binocular vision, 264 • central spot, 266; how far it exists in lower animals, 267 • importance of this spot, 267 ; general changes in the eye as we go up the vertebrate scale, 269. SIGHT. INTEODUCTORY. THE RELATION OF GENERAL SENSIBILITY TO SPECIAL SENSE. Sensory nerve-fibers are cylindrical threads of mi- croscopic fineness, terminating outwardly in the sensi- tive surfaces and sense-organs, and inwardly in the nerve-centers, especially the brain. Impressions on their outer extremity are transmitted along the fiber with a velocity of about one hundred feet per second, and determine changes in the nerve-centers, which in turn may determine changes in consciousness, which we call sensation. The simplest and most general form of sensation is what is called general sensibility, or common sensation. This is a mere sense of contact, an indefinite response to external impression. It gives knowledge of externality—of the existence of the external world— but not of the properties of matter. The lowest animals possess this, and nothing more. But, as we go up the scale of animals, in order to give that wider and more accurate knowledge of the various properties of matter necessary for the complex relations of the higher ani- mals, sensory nerve-fibers are differentiated into several kinds, so that each may give clear knowledge of differ- 10 INTRODUCTORY. ent properties. Thus, for example, the first pair of cranial nerves—olfactive—is specially organized to take cognizance of certain impressions, called smells, and no- thing else. If, therefore, these nerve-fibers are irritated in any way, even mechanically, by scratching or pinch- ing, they do not feel but perceive an odor. The second pair of cranial nerves—the optic—is specially organized in a truly wonderful way to respond to the ethereal vibrations called light, and nothing else. If, therefore, these nerves be mechanically irritated, we do not feel anything, but see a flash of light. In a similar manner, the eighth pair—auditive nerve—is specially organized to respond to sound-vibrations, and nothing else; and therefore mechanical irritation of this nerve produces only the sensation of sound. Similarly, the ninth pair, or gustative nerve, is organized for the appreciation of taste only; and, therefore, a feeble electric current through this nerve produces a peculiar taste. We have in these facts only an example of a very wide law, viz., the law of differentiation. In the lowest animals all the tissues and organs which are so widely distinct in the higher animals are represented by an unmodified cellular structure, performing all the func- tions of the animal body, but in an imperfect manner. Each cell in such an organism will feel like a nervous cell, contract like a muscular cell, respire like a lung- cell, or digest like a stomach-cell. As we go up the ani- mal scale, this common structure is differentiated first into three main systems, viz., the nutritive or epithelial system, the ?iy the mind or imagination, are also sometimes projected out- ward, and become the delusive signs of external ob- jects having no existence. It is thus that the diseased brain gives rise to delusive visual phenomena. Corresponding Points, Retinal and Spatial.—Further, it is evident that every point—every rod or cone—in the retina has its invariable correspondent in the visual fieldj and vice versa. Moreover, since the central ray of the pencil of every radiant point in the external world passes through the nodal point of the crystalline lens, FUNCTION OF THE RETINA. 73 it is evident that these lines must cross each other there. In other words, the lines forming correspondent points in space and on the retina cross each other in the nodal point, and therefore the positions of these correspondent points, external and internal, are completely reversed. Thus not only are the retinal images inverted, but the relative positions of these images are inverted, and the position of every focal point is the inverse of its corre- spondent radiant point. It is obvious, then, that the left half of the retina corresponds with the right half of the field of view, and the right half of the former to the left half of the latter ; and so also the upper half of the former corresponds to the lower half of the latter, and the lower half of the former to the upper half of the latter. There are some peculiarities of vision which we are now prepared to explain. 1. Properties of the Central Spot, and of its Represen- tative in the Visual Field.—We have already stated that there are two spots on the retina where the constituent layers do not all exist. The central spot is destitute of all except the bacillary layer; the blind spot, of all ex- cept the fibrous layer. The central spot {macula centralis) is a small de- pression not more than one thirtieth of an inch in diam- eter, situated directly in the axis of the eye, or what might be called the south pole of this globe. It differs from other parts of the retina (a) by wanting the fibrous and granular layers; therefore the retina is much thin- ner there, and the spot is consequently pit-shaped, and on this account is often called the fovea centralis, or central pit. Of course, the absence of other layers exposes the bacillary layer here to the direct action of light. It dif- fers again (b) by the presence of a pale-yellow coloring 74 MONOCULAR VISION. matter in the retinal substance; hence it is sometimes called macula lutea—-the yellow spot. It differs, again, (c) in a finer organization than any other part of the retina. The bacillary layer here consists only of cones, and these are far smaller, and therefore more numerous, than elsewhere; being here, as already seen (page 58), only xowo °^ an inc^ irL diameter. Function of the Central Spot.—Every point on the reti- na, as already seen, has its correspondent or representa- tive in the field of view. Now what is the representative of the central spot ? It is evidently the point, or rather the line, of sight. From its position in the axis of the eye, it is evident that on it must fall the image of the object or part of the object looked at, or of all points in the visual line or line of sight. Now, if we look steadily and attentively on any spot on the wall, and, without moving the eyes, observe the gradation of dis- tinctness over the field, we find that the distinctness is most perfect at the point of sight and a very small area about that point, and becomes less and less as we pass outward in any direction toward the margins of the field of view. Standing two feet from the wall, I look at my pen held at arm's length against the wall, and of course see the pen distinctly. Looking still at the same spot, I move the pen to one side eight or ten inches: I now no longer see the hole in the back of the pen. I move it two feet or more to one side: I now no longer see the shape of the pen. I see an elongated object of some kind, but can not recognize it as a pen without turning my eyes and bringing its image on the central spot. Hence, to see distinctly a wide field, as in looking at a landscape or a picture, we unconsciously and rapidly sweep the line of sight over every part, and then gather up the combined impression in the memory. FUNCTION OF THE RETINA. 75 Now the point of sight with a very small area about it corresponds to the central spot, and the margins of the field of view correspond to the extreme forward margin of the retina. Therefore the organization of the retina for distinct perception is most perfect in the central spot, and becomes gradually less and less perfect as we pass toward the anterior margin, where its per- ception is so imperfect that we can not tell exactly where the field of view ends, except where it is limited by some portion of the face. Now what is the use of this arrangement? Why would it not be much better to see equally distinctly over all portions of the field of view ? I believe that the existence of the central spot is necessary to fixed, thoughtful attention, and this again in its turn is neces- sary for the development of the higher faculties of the mind. In passing down the animal scale, the central spot is quickly lost. It exists only in man and the higher monkeys. In the lower animals, it is necessary for safety that they should see well over a very wide field. In man, on the contrary, it is much more neces- sary that he should be able to fix undivided attention on the thing looked at. This would obviously be impos- sible if other things were seen with equal distinctness. This subject is more fully treated in the final chapter of this work. It is evident, then, that distinctness of vision is a product of two factors, viz.: 1st, an optical apparatus for distinct image on the retina; and 2d, a retinal organiza- tion for distinct perception of the image thus formed. These two factors are perfectly independent of each other. If I hold up my pen before my eye, but very near, and then look at the sky, the outlines of the pen are blurred because the retinal image is so, but my per- 76 MONOCULAR VISION. ception is perfect. I can observe with great accuracy the exact degree of indistinctness. But if I hold the pen far to one side, say 90°, from the line of sight—on the extreme verge of the field of view—it is again in- distinct, much more so than before, but from an entirely different cause, viz., imperfect perception of the retinal image. In fact, my perception is so imperfect that I can not tell whether the image is perfect or not. Thus there are two forms of indistinctness of vision, viz., indistinctness from imperfect retinal image, and indis- tinctness from imperfect retinal perception. The for- mer is an effect of the optical instrument, the latter of the organization of the sensitive plate. It is evident from the above that an elaborate structure of the lens, for making very exact images of objects on the margins of the field of view, would be of no use to man for want of corresponding distinctness of perception in the anterior margins of the retina. Therefore, as already stated on page 37, the peculiar structure of the crystalline, viz., its increasing density to the center, is of use to man only as correcting aber- ration, and not in conferring the faculty of periscopism. In the lower animals, however, in which periscopism is so important, this structure of the lens subserves both purposes. So far as this property is concerned, there- fore, the structure in man may be regarded as having outlived its use. Minimum Visibile.—Is there a limit to the small- ness of a visible point ? This question has been dis- cussed by metaphysicians. But, as usually understood by them, there is no such thing as a minimum visibile. There is no point so small that it can not be seen if there be light enough. For example : a fixed star may be magnified 10 diameters, 100 diameters, 1,000 diam- FUNCTION OF THE RETINA. 77 eters, 5,000 diameters, and still it is to us a mathemati- cal point without dimensions. How much more, there- fore, is it without dimensions to the naked eye! And yet it is perfectly visible. The only sense in which science recognizes a minimum visibile is the smallest space or object which can be seen as a surface or as a magnitude—the smallest distance within which two points or two lines may approach each other and yet be perceived as two points or two lines. In this sense it is a legitimate inquiry; for there is here a real limit, which depends on the perfection of the eye as an in- strument and the fineness of the organization of the retina. We can best make this point clear by showing a similar property, but far less perfect, in the lower sense of touch. There is also a minimum tactile. Experiment. — Take a pair of dividers ; stick on each point a mustard-seed shot, so that the impression on the skin shall not be too pungent. Now try, on another person whose eyes are shut, the least distance apart at which two distinct impressions can be per- ceived. It will be found that, on the middle of the back, it is about 3 inches; on the arm or back of the hand, it is about £ to £ inch; on the palm, about \ inch; on the finger-tips, about tV or tV mcri I an(^ on the tip of the tongue, about -fa inch, or less. Now, sight is a very refined tact, and the retina is specially organized for an extreme minimum tactile. There is no doubt that the size of the cones of the cen- tral spot determines the minimum visibile. If the images of two points fall on the same retinal cone, they will make but one impression, and therefore be seen as one; but if they are far enough apart to impress two cones, then they will be seen as two points. So also 78 MONOCULAR VISION. of an object: if its image on the retina be sufficient to cover two or more cones of the central spot, then it will be seen as a magnitude. Taking the diameter of central-spot cones to be T1nro" (which is the diameter given by some), the smallest distance between two points which ought to be visible at five inches dis- tance is ToV¥ °f an mch. This is found to be about the fact in good eyes. 2. Blind Spot.—This is the spot where the optic nerve enters the ball of the eye. Objects whose images fall on this spot are wholly invisible. It is for this reason that the point of entrance is always placed out of the axis, about ^ inch on the nasal side. For, if it were in the axis, of course the image of the object we looked at would fall on this spot, and the object would conse- quently disappear from view. The structural cause of the blindness of this spot we have already explained on page 59. It is the absence of the bacillary layer. The existence of the blind spot may be easily proved by experiments which any one can repeat. Experiment 1.—Make two conspicuous marks, A and B, a few inches apart. Then shut the left eye, and *k • A B while looking steadily with the right eye at the left object, A, bring the paper gradually nearer and nearer: at a certain point of approach B will disappear utterly. Continue to bring the paper nearer, still looking steadily at A: at a certain nearer point B will reappear. The explanation is as follows: At first, when the paper is at considerable distance, say 18 inches, the image of A is, of course, on the central spot, for the axis of the eye is directed toward this point; but the image of B falls a little to the internal or nasal side of the central spot, FUNCTION OF THE RETINA. 79 Fig. 25. viz., between the central spot and the blind spot. Now, as the paper comes nearer, the eye turns more and more in order to regard A, the image of B travels slowly over the retina noseward until it reaches the blind spot, and the object disappears. As the pa- per still approaches, the image of B continues to travel in the same direction until it crosses over the blind spot to the other side, when the object immedi- ately reappears. The accompanying diagram, Fig. 25, illustrates this phe- nomenon. Let A and B rep- resent the two objects, and R and L the positions of the right and left eyes respectively. The right is drawn, but the left, being shut, is not drawn, but only its position indicated by the dot. The central spot is repre- sented by c, in the axis A c, and the blind spot by o, where the optic nerve enters. It is obvious that the image a of the object A will be always on c, and the place of the image of B is on the intersection b of the line B b with the retina. Now, as the eye approaches the objects A and B, it is seen that the image b of B travels toward the blind spot, o. At the second position of the eye, R', it has not reached it. At the third position, R", it is upon it. 80 MONOCULAR VISION. At the fourth position, R'", it has already crossed over and is now on the other side. At the third position, R", the object B disappears from view. The distance at which the disappearance takes place will, of course, depend on the distance between the objects A and B. If these are 3 inches apart, then the disappearance on approach from a greater distance takes place at about 1 foot, and the reappearance at about 10 inches. If the objects be 1 foot apart, then the disappearance takes place at 48 inches, and the reap- pearance at 38 inches. Experiment 2.—Place a small piece of money on the table. Shutting the left eye, look steadily with the right at a spot on the table a little to the left of the piece, and move the piece slowly to the right while the point of sight remains fixed; or else, the piece of money remaining stationary, move the point of sight slowly to the left. At a certain distance from the point of sight the piece will disappear from view. Beyond this dis- tance it will reappear. Experiment 3.—The experiment may be varied in many ways. If, when the object B has disappeared from view in the previous experiments, we open the left eye and shut the right, and look across the nose at the object B, then A will disappear. Thus we may make them disappear alternately. If, finally, we squint or cross the eyes in such wise that the right eye shall look at the left object A, and the left eye at the right object B (the two, A and B, had best be similar in this case), then B will fall on the blind spot of the right eye and A on the blind spot of the left eye, and they will both disappear; but a combined image of A and B on the central spots of the two eyes will be seen in the middle. This, however, is a phenomenon of bin- FUNCTION OF THE RETINA. 81 ocular vision, and will be explained farther on (see page 107). Experiment J^.—Any object, if not too large, may be made to disappear by causing its image to fall on the blind spot. For example: From where I now sit writing the door is distant about 10 feet. I shut my left eye and look at the door-knob. I now slowly re- move the point of sight and make it travel to the left, but at the same level; when it reaches about 3 feet to the left, the door-knob disappears; when it reaches 4 feet, it reappears. Precisely in the same way a bright star or planet, like Venus or Jupiter, or even the moon, may be made to disappear completely from sight. Size of the Blind Spot.—As every point in the retina has its representative in the visual field, it is evident that the size of the invisible spot is determined by the size of the blind retinal spot. We may, therefore, measure the latter by the former. I have made many experiments to determine the size of the invisible spot. At the distance of 3^ feet (42 inches) I find the invisi- ble spot 12 inches from the point of sight, and 3^ inches in diameter; i. e., a circle of 3£ inches will entirely dis- appear at that distance. Taking the nodal point of the lenses or the point of ray crossing at f of an inch in front of the retina (it is a very little less), an invisible spot of 3^ inches at a distance of 3£ feet would require a blind retinal spot of a little more than ■£§ inch in diameter. At 36 feet distance the invisible area would be 3 feet; it would cover a man sitting on the ground. At 100 yards distance the invisible area would cover a circle of 8 feet diameter. In a word, the angular diameter of the invisible spot is a little more than 4£°. Helmholtz makes it a little larger than this. 82 MONOCULAR VISION. Representative in the Visual Field of the Blind Spot- Since every condition of the retina has its visible repre- sentative in the field of view, it may be asked, " If there be a blind spot, why do we not see it, when we look at a white wall or bright sky, as a black spot, or a dusky or dim spot, or a peculiar spot of some kind ?" I an- swer : 1. With both eyes open there are, of course, two fields of view partly overlapping each other. Now the invisible spots in these two fields do not correspond, and therefore objects in the invisible spot of one eye are seen perfectly by the other eye, and hence there is no invisible area for the binocular observer. But it will be objected that even with one eye we see no pecu- liar spot on a white wall. I therefore add: 2. That we see distinctly only a very small area about the point of sight, and distinctness decreases rapidly in going from this point in any direction. Therefore the correspon- dent or representative in the field of view may well be overlooked, unless it be conspicuous, i. e., strongly dif- ferentiated from the rest of the general field. 3. But if this were all, close observation would certainly detect it. The true reason is very different, and the explanation is to be sought in an entirely different direction. Writers on this subject have expected to find a visible representa- tive, and have sought diligently but in vain for it. But the fact is, they ought not to have expected to find it. The expectation is an evidence of confusion of thought —of confounding blackness or darkness with absence of visual activity. Blackness or darkness is itself but the outward projection of the unimpressed state of the bacil- lary layer; but there is no bacillary layer here. We might as well expect to see a dark spot with our fingers as in the representative of the blind spot. A black spot, or a dark spot, or a visible spot of any kind, is FUNCTION OF THE RETINA. 83 not the representative in space of a blind or insensitive retinal spot. The true representative of a blind spot is simply an invisible spot, or, in other words, a spot in which objects are not seen. If we could differentiate it in any way, it would be visible, which it is not. As it can not be differentiated in any way, the mind seems to extend the general ground color of the neighboring field of view over it. This is, however, a psychological rather than a visual phenomenon. It is for a similar reason that it is impossible to see any limit to the field of view, except where it is limited by the parts of the face, as nose, brows, etc. There is a certain limit hori- zontally outward where vision ceases, but it is impos- sible to detect any line of demarkation between the visible and the invisible. 3. Erect Vision.—Retinal images are all inverted. External images or signs of objects are outward projec- tions of retinal images. How, then, with inverted retinal images, do we see objects in their right position, i. e., erect ? This question has puzzled metaphysicians, and many answers characteristic of this class of philosophers have been given. The true scientific answer is found in what is called the " law of visible direction." This law may be thus stated : When the rays from any radi- ant strike the retina, the impression is referred back along the ray-line {central ray of the pencil) into space, and therefore to its proper place. For example: The rays from a star (which is a mere radiant point) on the extreme verge of the field of view to the right enter the eye and strike the retina on its extreme anterior left margin; the impression is referred straight back along the ray-line, and therefore seen in its proper place on the right. A star on the left sends its rays into the eye and strikes the right side of the retina, and the 84 MONOCULAR VISION. impression is referred back along the ray-line to its ap- propriate place on the left. So also points or stars above the horizon in front impress the lower portion of the retina, and the impression is referred back at right angles, or nearly at right angles, to the impressed surface, and therefore upward; and radiants below the horizon, on the ground, impress the upper half of the retina and are referred downward. Comparison with Other Senses.—There is nothing absolutely peculiar in this; but only a general property of sense refined to the last degree in the case of sight, owing to the peculiar and exquisite structure of the bacillary layer of the retina. For example: Suppose, standing with our eyes bandaged, any one should with a rod push against our body. We immediately infer the direction of the external rod by the direction of the push. Or another example : Suppose we stood naked in a pond of placid water, with eyes bandaged, and some one on shore agitated the water; the advanc- ing waves would after a while reach us and tap gently upon the sensitive skin. Could we not infer the direc- tion of the distant cause from the direction of the blows ? Is it any wonder, then, that when the rays of light crossing one another in the nodal point punch against the interior hollow of the retina, we should infer the direction of the cause by the direction of the punch; i. e., that we should refer each radiant back to its proper place in space ? Thus it is seen that it is in no wise contrary to the general law of the senses, that we should refer single radiants, like stars, back to their proper place in space and see them there. But objects are nothing else than millions of radiants, each with its own correspondent focal point in the retinal image. Each focal impression FUNCTION OF THE RETINA. 85 is referred back to its correspondent radiant, and thus the external image is reconstructed in space in its true position, or is rein verted in the act of projection. Law of Visible Direction.—After these illustrations and explanations we return to the law, and restate it thus: Every impression on the retina reaching it by a ray-line passing through the nodal point is referred back along the same ray-line to its true place in space. Thus, for every radiant point in the object there is a correspondent focal point in the retinal image; and every focal point is referred back along its ray-line to its own radiant, and thus the external image (object) is reconstructed in its proper position. Or it may be otherwise expressed thus: Space in front of us is under all circumstances the outward projection of ret- inal states. With the eyes open, the field of view is the outward projection of the active or stimulated state of the retina; with the eyes shut, the field of dark)iess is the outward projection of the unstimulated or pas- sive state of the retina. Thus the internal retinal con- cave with all its states is projected outward, and becomes the external spatial concave, and the two correspond, point for point. Now the lines connecting the corre- sponding points, external and internal, cross each other at the nodal point, and impressions reach the retina and are referred back into space along these lines; or, in other words, these corresponding points, spatial and retinal, exchange with each other by impression and external projection. This would give the true position of all objects and of all radiants, and therefore com- pletely explains erect vision with inverted retinal image. We see, then, that the sense of sight is not excep- tional in this property of direction-reference. But what is exceptional is the marvelous perfection of this 86 MONOCULAR VISION. property—the mathematical accuracy of its perception of direction. This is the result partly of the remark- able structure of the bacillary layer. Every rod and cone has its own correspondent in space, and the ex- treme minuteness and therefore number of separably discernible points in space are measured by the mi- nuteness and therefore number of the rods and cones of the bacillary layer. Also the perpendicular direction of the rods and cones to the retinal concave is probably related to the direction of projection of impressions into space, and therefore to the accuracy of the percep- tion of direction. Illustrations of the Law of Direction.—There are many interesting phenomena explained by this law, which thus become illustrations of the law. Since inverted images on the retina are reinverted in projection and seen erect, it is evident that shadows of objects thrown on the retina, not being inverted, ought to become inverted in outward projection, and therefore seen in this position in space. This is beau- tifully shown in the following experiment. Experiment 1.—Make a pin-hole in a card, and, holding the card at four or five inches distance against the sky before the right eye with IG' the left eye shut, bring the pin-head I very near to the open eye, so that it ^ ' »J I touches the lashes, and in the line of -4 I sight: a perfect inverted image of 1 the pin-head will be seen in the pin- | hole. If, instead of one, we make | several pin-holes, an inverted image of the pin-head will be seen in each pin-hole, as shown in Fig. 26. The explanation is as follows: If the pin were farther away, say six inches or FUNCTION OF THE RETINA. 87 F13. 27. more, then light from the pin would be brought to focal points and produce an image on the retina; and this image, being inverted, would by projection be rein- verted, and the pin would be seen in its real position. In the above experiment, however, the pin is much too near the retina to form an image. But nearness to the retinal screen, though unfavorable for producing an image, is most favorable for casting a sharp shadow y and while retinal images are inverted, retinal shadows are erect. The light streaming through the pin-hole into the eye casts an erect shadow of the pin-head on the retina. This shadow is projected outward into space, and by the law of direction is inverted in the act of projection, and therefore seen in this position in the pin-hole. It is further proved to be the outward projection of a retinal shadow by the fact that, by multiplying the pin-holes or sources of light, we multiply the shadows, pre- cisely as shadows of an object in a room are multiplied by multi- plying the lights in the room.* Experiment 2.—If we look at a strong light, such as the flame of a candle or lamp, or a gas-flame, at some distance and at night, and thus bring the lids somewhat near together, we ob- serve long rays streaming from the light in many directions, but chiefly upward and downward. Fig. 27 gives the phenomenon as I see it. The explanation is as follows : In bringing the lids near * This phenomenon was first explained by the author in 1S71. See " Philosophical Magazine," vol. lxi, p. 266. 88 MONOCULAR VISION. together, the moisture which suffuses the eye forms a concave lens, as in Fig. 28 (hence the phenomenon is much more conspicuous if there be considerable moisture in the eyes). This watery lens will be saddle-shaped— i. e., concave vertically and convex horizontally. Now the rays from the light (Z, Fig. 27) which penetrate the center of the pupil will pass directly on without refrac- tion except what is normal, and make its image (Fig, Fio. 28. 28, L') on the central spot. But the rays which strike the curved surface of the watery lens will be bent upward to b and downward to a. Thus the light, instead of being brought to a focal point, is brought to a long focal line, b a, on the retina, with the image of the light in the middle at L'. The upper portion of this line b L' will be projected outward and downward, and form the downward streamers of Fig. 27; while the lower portion of the retinal impression a L' will be projected outward and upward, and form the upward streamers of Fig. 27. To prove this, while the streamers are conspicuous, with the finger lift up the upper lid: im- mediately the lower streamers disappear; now press down the lower lid: immediately the upper streamers FUNCTION OF THE RETINA. 89 disappear. Also, by shutting alternately one eye and the other, it will be seen that a b (Fig. 27) belongs to the right eye and a' V to the left. The much lighter diverging side-rays are more dif- ficult to account for. I attribute them to the slight crinkling of the mucus covering the cornea in bringing the lids together. PAET II. BINOCULAR VISION. CHAPTER I. SINGLE AND DOUBLE IMAGES. The Two Eyes a Single Instrument.—We have thus far treated only of the phenomena of monocular vision; and all that we have said might still apply, almost word for word, if, like the Cyclops Polyphemus, we had but one eye in the middle of the forehead. But we have two eyes; and these are not to be considered as mere duplicates, so that if we lose one we still have another. On the contrary, the two eyes act together as one in- strument ; and there are many visual phenomena, and many judgments based upon these phenomena, which result entirely from the use of two eyes as one instru- ment. These form the subject matter of Binocular Vision. It must be clearly understood that the distinc- tive phenomena of binocular vision require two eyes acting as one. We might have two eyes, or even, like Argus, a hundred eyes, and yet not enjoy the advan- tages of binocular vision; for each eye might see inde- pendently. This would still be monocular vision. The phenomena of binocular vision are far less purely physical than those of monocular vision. They SINGLE AND DOUBLE IMAGES. 91 are also far more obscure, illusory, and difficult of an- alysis, because far more subjective and far more closely allied to psychical phenomena. From early childhood I have amused myself with experiments in this field, and have thus acquired an unusual voluntary power over the movements of the eyes, and a still more un- usual power of analysis of visual phenomena. This has always therefore been a favorite field for me; but with a little practice any one may acquire similar power and enjoy a similar pleasure. Binocular Field.—We have said that the field of view is naught else than an outward projection of ret- inal states. AVith the eyes open and the retina in an active or stimulated condition, we call it the field of view • with the eyes shut and the retina in a compara- tively passive or unstimulated condition, we call it the field of darkness. In either case, every variation in the state of different parts of the retina, whether by Fio. 29. shadows or by images, or by its own internal changes or unstimulated activity, is faithfully represented in external space by spectra, external images, etc. But we have two eyes, and therefore two retinae, and there- fore also two fields of view, the external projections of 92 BINOCULAR VISION. the two retinas. These two fields of view partly over- lap each other, so as to form a common or binocular field. Fig. 29 represents roughly the form of these fields in my own case. The right field, R, is bounded by the line of the nose n n on the left, the brows br above, and the cheek ch below. The field of the left eye, L, is bounded similarly on the right by the nose n' n', the brow br', and the cheek ch'. Between the lines of the nose, n n, n' n', is the rounded triangu- lar space C F, which is the common or binocular field. This common field is the only part seen by both eyes. The two fields are left vacant on the extreme right and left, because, projected on a plane surface, they are un- limited in these directions. This is the necessary result of the fact that in a horizontal direction the field of view of both eyes is more than 180°. Now, there being two retinae, there are of course two retinal images of every external object; and since retinal images are projected outward into space as ex- ternal images, we must have two external images of every object. But we see objects only by these exter- nal images. Why, then, with two retinal images—ay, and two external images—for every object, do we not see all objects double f I answer: We do indeed see all objects double, except under certain conditions. Double Images.—This phenomenon of double images of all objects, except under certain special conditions, is so fundamental in binocular vision, and yet so commonly overlooked by even the most intelligent persons unac- customed to analyze their visual impressions, that it becomes absolutely necessary first of all to prove it by detailing many experiments, which every one may re- peat for himself. Experiment 1.—Holding up the finger before the SINGLE AND DOUBLE IMAGES. 93 eyes, look, not at the finger, but at the wall or the ceil- ing or the sky. Two transparent images of the finger will be seen, the left one belonging to the right eye and the right one to the left eye. We easily prove this by shutting first one and then the other eye, and observ- ing which image disappears. The images are trans- parent, or shadowy, because they do not conceal any- thing. The place covered by the right-eye image is seen by the left eye, and the place covered by the left- eye image is seen by the right eye. If we alternately shut one eye and then the other, the wide difference between these places is at once evident. Often there is an alternation in the distinctness of these shadowy images—first one and then the other fading away, and almost disappearing from view. Experiment 2.—Point with the forefinger at some distant object, looking with both eyes open at the ob- ject, not the finger. Two fingers will be seen, one of them pointing at the object and the other far out of range, usually to the right. Most persons find some difficulty at first in being conscious of perceiving two images. The reason is, they do not easily separate what they know from what they see. They know there is but one finger, and therefore they think they see but one. The best plan is to shut alternately one eye and then the other, and observe the places of projection of the finger against the wall; and then, opening both eyes, shadowy im- ages at both these places will be seen. I have found some trouble in convincing a few persons, and have found one single person whom I could not convince, that there were two images. To such a person all that I am about to say on binocular vision will be utterly unintelligible. The whole cause of the difficulty in 94 BINOCULAR VISION. perceiving at once double images is, that we habitually neglect one image unless attention is specially drawn to it. I have found that nearly all persons neglect the right-hand image—i. e., the image belonging to the left eye. In other words, they are right-eyed as well as right-handed. I have also tried the same ex- periment on several left-handed persons, and have found that these neglected the left image—i. e., the image be- longing to the right eye. In other words, they were left-eyed as well as left-handed. There is no doubt that dextrality affects the whole side of the body, and is the result of greater activity of the left cerebral hemisphere. People are right-handed because they are left-brained. I pause a moment in order to draw attention here to the uncertainty of some so-called facts of conscious- ness. I have often labored to convince a person, un- accustomed to analyze his visual impressions, of the existence of double images in his own case. He would appeal with confidence, perhaps with some heat, to his consciousness against my reason; and yet he would finally admit that I. was right and he was wrong. So- called facts of consciousness must be scrutinized and analyzed, and subjected to the crucible of reason, as well as other supposed facts, before they should be re- ceived. Experiment 3.—Place the two forefingers, one be- fore the other, in the middle plane of the head (i. e., the vertical plane through the nose, and dividing the head into two symmetrical halves), and separated by a considerable distance—say one 8 inches and the other 18 to 20 inches from the eyes. Now, if we look at the farther finger, it will be of course seen single, but the nearer one is double; if we look at the nearer SINGLE AND DOUBLE IMAGES. 95 finger, this will be seen single, but the farther one is now double; but it is impossible to see both of them as single objects at the same time. By alternately shutting one eye and then the other, we can observe in either case which of the double images disappears. Thus we will learn that when we look at the farther finger, the nearer one is so doubled that the left image belongs to the right eye and the right image to the left eye ; while, on the contrary, when we look at the nearer finger, the farther one is so doubled that the right image belongs to the right eye and the left image to the left eye. In the former case the images are said to be het- eronymous, i. e., of different name, and in the latter case they are said to be homonymous, i. e., of the same name, as the eye. Analogues of Double Images in Other Senses.—When- ever it was possible, we have traced the analogy of visual phenomena in other senses. Is there any analogue of double vision to be found in other senses? There is, as may be shown by the following ex- periment : If we cross the middle fin- ger over the forefinger until the points are well separated, and then roll a small round body like a child's marble about on the table between the points of the crossed fingers, we will distinctly per- ceive two marbles. The points of the fingers touched by the marble are non- corresponding. (Fig. 30.) Single Vision.—Therefore it is evident that when we look directly at anything we see it single, but that all things nearer or beyond the point of sight are seen double. We then come back to our previous proposi- 96 BINOCULAR VISION. tion, that we always see things double except under certain conditions. What, then, are the conditions of single vision ? I answer: We see a thing single when the two images of that thing are projected outward to the same spot in space, and are therefore superposed and coincide. Under all other conditions we see them double. Again, the two external images of an object are thrown to the same spot, and thus superposed and seen single, when the two retinal images of that object fall on what are called corresponding points (or some- times identical points) of the two retince. If they do not fall on corresponding points of the two retinae, then the external images are thrown to different places in space, and therefore seen double. We must now explain the position of corresponding points of the two retinae. Corresponding Points.—The retinae, as already seen, are two deeply concave or cup-shaped expansions of the optic nerve. If R and Z, Fig. 31, represent a projec- tion of these two retinal cups, then the black spots C C. Fn. 31. in the centers of the bottom, will represent the position of the central spots. If now we draw vertical lines (vertical meridians), a b, a' V, through the central spots, so as to divide the retinae into two equal halves, then the right halves would correspond point for point, and SINGLE AND DOUBLE IMAGES. 97 the left halves would correspond point for point; i. e., the internal or nasal half of one retina corresponds with the external or temporal half of the other, and vice versa. Or, more accurately, if the concave retinae be covered with a system of rectangular spherical coordi- nates, like the lines of latitude and longitude of a globe, a b and x y being the meridian and equator, then points of similar longitude and latitude in the two retinae, as d d', e e', are corresponding. Or, still better, suppose the two eyes or the two retinae to be placed one upon the other, so that they coincide throughout like geomet- ric solids; then the coincident points are also corre- sponding points. Of course, the central spots will be corresponding points ; also points on the vertical merid- ians, a b, a' b', at equal distances from the central spots, will be corresponding; also points similarly situated in similar quadrants, as d d', e e', etc. It is probable that the definition just given is not mathematically exact for some eyes. It is probable that in some eyes the appar- ent vertical meridian which divides the retinae into cor- responding halves is not perfectly vertical, but slightly inclined outward at the top. This would affect all the meridians slightly ; but the effect is very small, and I do not find it so in my eyes. We shall discuss this point again (page 146). Law of Corresponding Points.—After this explanation we reenunciate the law of corresponding points: Objects are seen single when their retinal images fall on corre- sponding points. If they do not fall on corresponding points, their external images are thrown to different places in space, and therefore are seen double. Thus we see that the term "■ corresponding points " is used in two senses, which must be kept distinct in the mind of the reader. Every rod and cone in each 98 BINOCULAR VISION. retina has its correspondent in external space, and these exchange with each other by impression and projection. Also every rod or cone of each retina has its correspon- dent in a rod or cone in the other retina. Now the law of corresponding points, with which we are now deal- ing, states that the two external or spatial correspon- dents of two retinal corresponding points always coin- Fig. 32. A R and L, two eyes; 0, center of rotation of ball, or optic center; x, point of crossing of ray-lines—nodal point; A, point of sight; D, some other point in the horoptoric circle A O 0'; cc', central spots; aa',d d', actual images of A and D. cide with each other. In order to distinguish these two kinds of corresponding points from each other, the lat- ter—i. e., corresponding points on the two retinae—are often, and perhaps best, called "identical points," be- cause their external spatial representatives are really identical. We will now apply the law. If we look directly at SINGLE AND DOUBLE IMAGES. 99 any small object, it will be seen single, because the two retinal images fall on corresponding or identical points, viz., on the two central spots. In Fig. 32 the two eyes, R and Z, are turned directly on A. The image of this object will therefore fall on the central spots c c', and the object will be seen single. Objects at nearly the same distance, as for example D, a little to the right or left or a little above or below the point of sight, are also seen single; because the retinal images d and d' are on correspondent halves—i. e., the internal or nasal half of R and the external or temporal half of Z—and at the same distance from the central spots c c', and therefore on identical points. Objects lying in a horizontal cir- cle passing through the point of sight and the centers of the eyes, 0 0', are usually supposed to be seen single. This is nearly true, except when the point of sight is very near. This circle has been called the horopteric circle of Miiller. Objects, as already said, beyond or nearer than the point of sight, are always seen double. The reason is, that their retinal images always fall on non-correspond- ing points. This is shown in the diagram Fig. 33. "While the two eyes, R and Z, are fixed upon ^1, this object will be seen single, for its images, a and a', fall upon the central spots. But if, while still looking at A, we observe B and C, we shall see that both are double. The reason is, that the images of B, viz., b b', fall upon the two nasal or internal halves of the retinae, which are non-corresponding; while the images of C, viz., c c', fall upon the two external or temporal halves of the retinae, which are also non-corresponding. If the external double images be all referred to the plane of sight, P P (which, however, is not the fact), as is usually represented in diagrams, then the position of the dou- 100 BINOCULAR VISION. ble images will be correctly represented by cc', bb'. It is seen at a glance that the images c c' of C are het- eronymous, while the images b V of B are homony- mous. Generally, all the field of view within the lines Fig. 33. B of sight, A a, A a', belongs to the temporal halves of the retinae, while all outside of these lines belongs to the nasal halves. Or, again, double images formed by impressions on the two nasal halves of the retinae are homonymous, while those formed by impressions on the two temporal halves are heteronymous. SINGLE AND DOUBLE IMAGES. 1Q1 Definition of Horopter.—We have seen that the ob- ject at the point of sight is seen single; and all objects at the same or nearly the same distance, but a little to the right or left, or above or below, are also either seen single, or else the doubling, if any, is usually im- perceptible. On the contrary, all objects farther or nearer than the point of sight are seen double. Now the surface of single vision—i. e., the surface passing through the point of sight, all the objects lying in which are seen single—is called the horopter. Whether there is such a surface at all, and if there is, what is its form, are questions upon which the acutest observers differ. Some have made it a plane, some a spherical surface. Some, by purely geometrical methods, have given it the most curious forms and properties; while others, by purely experimental methods, have come to the conclusion that it is not a surface at all, but a line. We are not now prepared to discuss this question, but shall return and devote to it a special chapter. Supposed Relation of the Optic Chiasm to the Law of Corresponding Points.—In the optic chiasm, Fig. 20, page 54, there is certainly a partial (but only a partial) crossing of the fibers of the two optic nerves. Many physiologists connect this fact with this remarkable law. There is probably such a connection. But many go far- ther. They think that some of the fibers of each optic nerve cross over to the other eye, and some do not; and that those which cross over supply the internal or nasal halves, and those which do not cross over supply the temporal halves. Thus, in the diagram Fig. 34, the fibers of the right optic nerve-root 0, as it comes from the brain, go to supply the temporal half t of the right retina, and, by crossing, the nasal half n' of the left ret- ina, and these are corresponding halves. So also the 102 BINOCULAR VISION. fibers of the left optic nerve-root 0' go to supply the temporal half t' of the left and nasal half n of the right retina. Still further, they think that the fibers coming from corresponding or identical points, or rods, or cones Fig. 34. 0 0\ optic roots; N N', optic nerves; R and L, sections of the two eyes; c c', cen- tral spots; n n', the nasal halves, and t V, the temporal halves, of the retinae. in the two retinae are not only thus carried by the same optic root, but finally unite to form one fiber, or at least terminate centrally in one brain-cell, and thus form one single sense-impression. It is almost needless to say that, while this is an interesting speculation, it is no- thing more; for the supposed union of fibers from cor- responding rods or cones can probably never be either proved or disproved. Theories of the Origin of this Law.—The perception of direction and the correspondence of retinal and spa- tial points are certainly inherent properties of the ret- ina, being connected with its structure. The former— i. e., the perception of direction—we have seen, is a general property of sensory nerves, only developed into mathematical accuracy in the case of the optic nerve ; SINGLE AND DOUBLE IMAGES. 103 the latter—i. e., the correspondence of retinal and spa- tial points—is only the expression of this mathematical accuracy of perception of direction; and both are con- nected with the structure of the bacillary layer. Un- doubtedly, then, this property is innate and antecedent to all experience. What the infant learns by experience is not direction, but distance and size of the object. Direction is a primary datum of sense. But the prop- erty of corresponding points of the two retinae and of identical spatial points in the two fields of view seems to be less absolutely simple and primary. The questions, " Is this property innate, instinctive, antecedent to ex- perience ? or is it wholly the result of experience ?" have been long and hotly disputed by the profoundest thinkers on this subject. The former view has been held by Miiller, Pictet, and others; the latter by Helm- holtz, Briicke, Prevost, and Giraud Teulon: the one is called the nativislic, the other the empiristic theory. We shall not follow the history of this dispute, nor detail the arguments brought forward on each side; for the tendency of modern science, under the guidance of the theory of evolution, is to bring these two opposite views together, and reconcile them by showing that they are both in a degree true, and therefore not wholly inconsistent with each other. The difficulty heretofore has been that anatomists and physiologists have studied man too much apart from other animals, and thus the amount of inherited, innate, instinctive qualities has been greatly underestimated by some and overestimated by others. A new-born chicken, in a few minutes after breaking the egg-shell, will see an object, direct the eyes upon it, walk straight up to it, and seize it. Evi- dently there is in this case not only a perception of direction, antecedent to all experience, but also some 104 BINOCULAR VISION. perception of distance, and the wonderful, coordination of muscles necessary for standing and walking, and directing the movements of the eyes. A young rumi- nant animal in a few minutes after birth will stand and walk, and direct its motions by sight. A bird of wild species, hatched in a cage and kept in a cage until it is fully fledged and its muscles are sufficiently developed, if then thrown into the air, will fly away with ease, although the coordination of many muscles in the act of flying is something so marvelous that it could not be learned in a lifetime of trial, unaided by inherited ca- pacity. Inherited powers are still more marvelous in the case of insects. Manifestly, then, the wealth of capacities in all di- rections possessed by the individual is partly inherited and partly acquired by individual experience. In ani- mals the inherited, in man the individually acquired, wealth predominates. But all wealth is acquired. Even that inherited is ancestral experience accumulated and transmitted by the law of heredity. Even instinct is " inherited experience." Thus, then, it is evident that the property of corresponding points of the two retinae, and therefore of identical points in space, is partly in- herited and partly acquired by individual experience. It is doubtless wholly the result of experience, but not wholly of individual experience. Consensual Adjustments.—There are therefore two adjustments of the eye in every voluntary act of sight, viz., focal and axial. In the former, each eye is adjusted by the ciliary muscle to make a perfect image on the retina; in the latter, the two eyes are turned by the recti muscles so that their axes shall meet on the point of sight, and the images of the object looked at shall fall on the central spots. The one is an adjustment for SINGLE AND DOUBLE IMAGES. 105 distinct vision, the other for single vision. There is associated with these still a third adjustment, but of far less importance, viz., the adjustment of the pupil. The pupil contracts and expands not only as the light is bright or faint, but also as the object is near or far. These three adjustments take place together and with- out distinct volition for each—i. e., by the one volun- tary act of looking. They are therefore consensual movements, and usually regarded as indissolubly asso- ciated. We shall show hereafter that under certain circumstances they may be dissociated. The two Fundamental Laws.—There are also two great and fundamental laws by which all visual phe- nomena are explained, viz., the law of direction and the law of corresponding points. The one gives the true position of all points in space, and therefore en- tirely explains the apparent anomaly of erect vision with inverted retinal images; the other gives coinci- dence of corresponding points in the two fields of view, and therefore entirely explains the second anomaly of single vision with two retinal images. Both may in fact be called laws of corresponding points. The one asserts the correspondence point for point of retinal rods and cones with external space, with ray-lines con- necting and crossing in the nodal point; the other asserts a correspondence point for point of the rods and cones of the two retinae, and the coincidence of their representatives in the two fields of view. From the one law flow all the phenomena of monocular, from the other all the phenomena of binocular vision. All the phenomena of binocular vision are explained by the law of corresponding points. But the phenom- ena are so numerous, so illusory, and so difficult of analysis, that the connection is by no means obvious. 106 BINOCULAR VISION. The science of binocular vision consists in tracing this connection, and thus explaining the phenomena. It will be our object, then, to take up all the most impor- tant phenomena of binocular vision, and explain them in this way. CHAPTEK II. SUPERPOSITION OF ENTERNAL IMAGES. In the movements of one eye, or of the two eyes if they move together equally in the same direction, as in looking to one side or the other, or up or down, ob- jects seem to stand still, and the eyes or the point of sight to sweep over them. But if we move the eyes in opposite directions, as in converging the optic axes strongly and then allowing them to become again par- allel, objects, or rather their external images, seem to sweep like trooping shadows across the field of view; or rather, the fields of view themselves seem to rotate, carrying all their images with them, in a direction con- trary to the motion of the eye, and therefore (since the two eyes move in contrary directions) in directions con- trary to each other. This phenomenon is not very easily observed, because it is best seen by simple convergence of the eyes on a very near point in space, without any object to direct the convergence, or in trying to look at the root of the nose. Divergence of the eyes may be produced by pressing the fingers in their external cor- ners. In this case also the motion of the images is evident. Evidently, then, by voluntary motion of the eyeballs in opposite directions, and the consequent motion of the 108 BINOCULAR VISION. shadowy images in opposite directions, we may (if we observe the images and control the motion of the eyes) cause them, whether they belong to the same object or to different objects, to approach each other and combine successively. Many curious phenomena thus result, which it is necessary to understand before we approach the more complex phenomena, and especially before we can explain the judgments based upon, these phe- nomena. Combination of the Images of Different Objects.—We have seen that the combination of the two external images of the same object produces single vision. But the external images of different objects may also be combined. Under this head there are several cases. 1. Dissimilar Objects.—We have seen that when the two images of an object fall on corresponding points of the two retinae, they are thrown outward as external images to the same point in space, superposed, and united, and therefore the object is seen single. If, in- stead of the two images of the same object, the images of two different objects fall upon corresponding points, evidently they also will be thrown to the same place in space and superposed. In this case, however, there being two objects, there will be four retinal images, only two of which will fall on corresponding points, and also four external images, only two of which will be superposed. But we may confine our attention to the superposed images, or else we may cut off the others from view, or prevent them from forming. Experiment 1.—If the left hand and the right fore- finger, or any two dissimilar objects, be held up before the eyes, say 8 to 10 inches apart, and then the eyes be converged until the right eye looks exactly toward the left hand and the left eye toward the right forefinger, SUPERPOSITION OF EXTERNAL IMAGES. 109 then evidently the retinal images of these two objects will fall on corresponding points, viz., on the central spots / and their corresponding external images ought to be thrown to the same place and superposed. Such is actually the fact. The phenomena as they actually appear are as follows: As the eyes begin to converge, the images of both objects double homonymously, and we see now four images. As the convergence increases, the double images separate more and more, until the left image (belonging to the left eye) of the forefinger and the right image of the hand (this belongs to the right eye) are brought together and superposed, and the forefinger is seen lying in the palm of the hand. Of course, as already explained, there will be two other images—one of the forefinger to the right, and belong- ing to the right eye, and one of the hand to the left, and belonging to the left eye. By shutting alternately one eye and then the other, these belongings of the several images may be tested. Experiment 2.—Or, again, the same combination may take place without convergence of the eyes, thus: Hold up the two forefingers before the eyes a foot or so distant, and a little more than two inches apart (it should be equal to the interocular distance), and against a bright background like a white wall or the sky. Now look at the wall or the sky: the two fingers will both double, making four images; but the two middle im- ages will unite to form what seems to be one finger. There will be therefore apparently three images: the middle one (the combined images) is opaque like an object; the other two, uncombined, are transparent like ordinary double images. In this case, as we are gazing beyond the finger, the double images are het- eronymous. It is therefore the right-eye image of the 110 BINOCULAR VISION. right finger (the left of its double images) and the left- eye image of the left finger (the right of its double images) which combine in the middle. These facts and the conditions under which the combination takes place are illustrated by the accom- panying diagrams. In Fig. 35 the right eye, R, is directed toward the object B, and the left eye, Z, to- Fig. 35, *&-p In hoth figures the letters are the same. R and L, the two eyes; A and B, two ob- jects ; a'b, Fig. 35, and ab', Fig. 36, combined images; primed letters, left-eye im- ages ; c c, central spots of retinae; n, the nose; P P, plane of objects; and p p, plane of sight. ward the object A. The retinal images of these, falling on the central spots c c, are superposed at the point of sight (where the lines of sight intersect) and seen as a'b, while two shadowy images, a and b', are seen to the right and left. Their position in the plane of sight, and as SUPERPOSITION OF EXTERNAL IMAGES. m determined by the law of direction, is given by con- necting the points R A and Z B. In Fig. 36 the right eye, R, is directed toward the object A, and the left eye, Z, toward the object B. The point of sight is therefore beyond, at the meeting of the optic axes or lines of sight. There the combined images, ab', will be seen, while two other uncombined images will be seen at points determined by the law of direction, rep- resented by continuing the lines R B and Z A to the plane of sight. It is evident that in this case the two objects ^1 and B must not be farther apart than the optic centers (interocular space); otherwise the lines of sight will not meet in a point of sight, and therefore the two images will not combine. Simple inspection of the diagrams will explain the phenomena, if the reader will bear in mind that capitals represent ob- jects and small letters external images; and further, that the primed small letters represent left-eye images, the strong lines P P the actual plane of the objects, and the dotted lines pp the plane of sight or of the images. Many persons will not at first succeed in making these experiments, on account of the difficulty which most persons experience in watching double images and controlling the movements of the eyes. To such we would recommend the following method : Let the two objects set up before the eyes in the first experiment be other than parts of the body of the observer—for ex- ample, a card and a rod, or two rods. Then, while looking at the table on which the objects lie, hold up the forefinger—or better, a pencil—between the eyes and the objects. The pencil will of course be double. Now, by bringing the pencil nearer or carrying it far- ther, its double images will separate or close up. Bring 112 BINOCULAR VISION. the pencil into such a position that its double images shall exactly coincide with the centers of the two ob- jects which you desire to combine. If you now look at the pencil, the ocular convergence will be exactly suitable for combining the objects. In the cases thus far mentioned there is no illusion : the combined images do not produce the appearance of a real object, as in the case of combined images of the same object producing single vision ; because, in the first place, the two objects are dissimilar, and therefore the combination is not perfect; and, in the second place, the illusion is destroyed by the existence of the two other uncombined images. We next try— 2. Similar Objects.—If the two objects, the images of which we desire to combine, are exactly similar, then the combined image wTill be exactly like a natural ob- ject. For example: Experiment 1.—Place two pieces of money of the same kind on the table, being careful that the stamped figures shall be in the same position. Now, looking down upon them, combine as before. Not only will the outlines of the two pieces combine, but the stamped figures in the minutest details, so that the middle com- bined binocular image will have all the appearance of a real object. This is illustrated by Figs. 37 and 38, in which the position of parts is reversed, because the eyes are supposed to be looking down. In Fig. 37 the two objects (coins), A and B, are combined by crossing the eyes, and the combined or binocular opaque image will be seen at the point of sight as a'b, while monocular shadowy images, a and b', will be seen right and left. In Fig. 38 the combination is made by looking beyond the plane of the coins, and the coins in this case must not be more than an interocular space apart. The com- SUPERPOSITION OF EXTERNAL IMAGES. H3 bined images, like a real opaque object, will be seen at the point of sight ab', and the two shadowy monocular images right and left, as before, only they are now het- eronymous. In this case, though the combination is perfect, yet the illusion is still not complete, because of the presence of the accompanying monocular images; but the forma- tion of these may be prevented by the use of appro- priate screens. Experiment 2.—If in the first experiment with the money, before combining, we hold two cards, sc, sc', Fig. 39, one in either hand and at about half the dis- tance to the table (the best distance is the plane of com- bination or plane of sight, for then there will be no doubling of the cards), in such position that the card in the right hand, sc, will hide the right piece A from the right eye but not from the left, and the card in the 114 BINOCULAR VISION. left hand, sc', will hide the left piece B from the left eye but not from the right, and then make the com- bination by crossing the eyes, the combined binocular opaque image will be formed as before; but the mo- nocular images will not appear, because there will be Fig. 39. Fig. 40. no other retinal image formed except on the central spots. This is represented in Fig. 39. In case we combine beyond the plane of the objects, then a me- dian screen, sc, Fig. 40, extending from the root of the nose n to the table, midway between the objects, will prevent the formation of the monocular images, as shown. But in these cases, although the union of the two images is perfect, and although we see nothing but an apparently solid opaque object, even yet the illusion is not absolute; partly because the table is doubled and therefore unreal, and partly because the eye is adjusted to the point of sight, whereas the light comes from the SUPERPOSITION OF EXTERNAL IMAGES. H5 object, which is either nearer as in Fig. 40, or farther off as in Fig. 39, than that point. We will try there- fore still another case. 3. Many Similar Objects regularly arranged.—The illusion is most complete when we combine the images of many similar objects regularly arranged over the whole field of view, such as the regular figures of a tessellated pavement or oilcloth, or of a regularly fig- ured carpet of small pattern, or of a papered wall of regular pattern, or the diamond-shaped spaces of a wire grating. In such a case, when by convergence we com- bine two contiguous figures immediately in front, other contiguous figures all over the plane also combine. In other words, by the motion of the eyes in opposite di- rections in convergence, the images of the whole plane of the figured surface are slidden by one eye to the left and by the other eye to the right, until combination takes place again over the whole field. When the com- bination is effected, if we hold the point of sight steady, the combined images of the figures, at first a little blurred, become sharp and clear; and then the whole figured plane comes forward to the point of sight, and appears there as distinctly as a real object, but on a smaller scale in proportion to the less distance. This is represented in Fig. 41, in which the strong line P P represents the plane of the regular figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. When contiguous figures, 6 and 7, are united by convergence at the point of sight, and seen there, then all other contiguous figures, 1 and 2, 2 and 3, etc., all over the plane, will be similarly united, and the whole plane with all its figures will advance and be distinctly seen at the distance p'' p'. When by stronger conver- gence alternate figures, 5 and 7, are combined at a nearer point of sight 5 on the plane p" p"—or (which is the 116 BINOCULAR VISION. same) when we use the plane p' p' first obtained with all its figures as a real object, and again combine con- tiguous figures—the whole plane advances top" p", and is seen as a distinct object with a still smaller pattern of figures. Using the plane thus obtained again as an object, and uniting its contiguous figures, the whole Fig. 41. plane again advances still nearer, and the figures be- come still smaller at p'" p'". In this manner I have often distinctly seen a regularly figured wall or pave- ment on six or seven different planes coming nearer and nearer, and becoming smaller and smaller, until the nearest was within 3 inches of the eyes, and the figures SUPERPOSITION OF EXTERNAL IMAGES. H7 in exquisite miniature, and yet the whole so apparently real that it seemed to me I could rap my knuckles against the wall or pavement. When thus looking at the nearest image, by a slight relaxation of convergence we may drop the image and catch it on the next plane, and again drop it to each successive plane, until it falls to its natural place. If the figures of the pattern are not larger than the distance between the optic centers (2£ inches), then it is possible also to unite the figures beyond the real plane —i. e., on the plane P' P'. In this case the figures will be proportionately enlarged, as shown by the diagram. But it is difficult by this method to make the image clear, the reason for which we shall soon see. In all cases of illusive images the head ought to be held steady. If it be moved from side to side while gazing at such an image, the image will also move from side to side—in the same direction as the head if the point of sight be nearer than the object, and in the opposite direction if the point of sight be beyond the object. It is necessary too, in all experiments on com- bination of images, that the interocular line should be exactly parallel with the line joining the objects to be combined; otherwise one image will be higher than the other. Dissociation of Consensual Adjustments.—We have said above that when the combination in case 3 (and so also in the other cases) is first obtained, the image of the figures is not distinct, but afterward becomes clear and sharp. The reason is this: The voluntary adjustment of the optic axes (axial adjustment) to a nearer distance than the object carries with it, by consensus, the focal adjustment and pupillary contraction for the same dis- tance. But since the lenses are adjusted for a nearer 118 BINOCULAR VISION. distance than the object, the retinal image will be in- distinct. The subsequent clearing of the image, there- fore, is the result of a dissociation of the axial and focal adjustments. The optic axes are adjusted for the point of sight or distance of the illusive image, and the lenses are adjusted for the distance of the object. Some per- sons do not find it easy to make this dissociation, and therefore to make the illusive image perfectly clear. To presbyopic persons it is not difficult, but normal eyes will find some, though not insuperable, difficulty. Now it becomes an interesting question : When the axial and focal adjustments are thus dissociated, with which one does the pupillary contraction ally itself? I answer, it allies itself with the focal adjustment. This may be proved as follows: Experiment.—While the combination and the forma- tion of the illusive image are taking place, let an assist- ant standing behind observe the pupil in a small mirror suitably placed in front and a little to one side of one eye. He will see that at first the pupil contracts strongly, associating itself with the axial and focal adjustments to the point of sight; but as soon as the illusive image clears and becomes distinct, he will ob- serve that the pupil has enlarged again. General Conclusions.—It is evident, therefore, that the combination of the similar images of two different objects may produce the same visual effect as the com- bination of the two images of the same object. In other words, single vision, or ordinary perception of objects, is by combination of two similar images; and it makes no difference whether the two images belong to the same object or to two different but similar ob- jects. This idea must be clearly apprehended and held fast; otherwise all that follows will be unintelligible. SUPERPOSITION OF EXTERNAL IMAGES. H9 Again, it is evident that two objects may be seen as one, and, contrariwise, one object may be seen as two images. We see then the absolute necessity, in binoc- ular vision, that we should speak of seeing only external images, the signs of objects. They are usually—i. e., under ordinary conditions—the true signs, but often untrue, deceptive, illusory signs. 6 CHAPTEK III. BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. Thus far we have investigated the case of flat ob- jects, or of figures or colored spaces on a plane. We have shown how the images of these may be combined at pleasure, so as to give the illusory appearance of objects or figures at places and of sizes different from their real places and sizes. We come now to the more complex case of solid objects of three dimensions, and of objects situated at different distances. This brings us to the important subject of the perception of depth of space so far as this is connected with binocularity; or, in other words, to the subject of binocular perspec- tive. We will introduce the subject with some simple experiments. Experiment 1.—Place one forefinger before the other in the median plane, as in the experiment on page 94. As already seen, when we look at the farther finger, the nearer one is doubled heteronymously; when we look at the nearer finger, the farther one is doubled homonymously. We can not see them both single at the same time. The reason is obvious. If we shut one eye, say the left, we see the fingers as in Fig. 42, I; if we shut the right eye, we see them as in Fig. 42, II. Now these two can not be combined, because they are BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. 121 different. When we combine the images of the farther fingers, a and a', the nearer, b and b', will not have come together yet, and will therefore be heteronymously Fig. 42. Fig. 43. a' b' R B II double, as in Fig. 43, I; when by greater convergence we combine the images b and b' of the nearer finger, then the images a and a' of the farther will have crossed over and become homonymously double, as in Fig. 43, II. As in previous experiments, double images are given in dotted outline, and left-eye images are marked with primed letters, and combined images with capitals. Now, in this experiment we are distinctly conscious of a greater convergence of the optic axes necessary to combine the double images of the nearer finger, and of a less convergence to combine the double images of the farther. Thus the eyes range back and forth by greater and less convergence, combining the double images of the one and the other, or transferring the point of sight from one to the other; and thus we acquire a distinct perception of distance between the two. It is literally a rapid process of triangulation, the base-line being the interocular distance. Experiment 2.—We take a rod about a foot long, and hold it in the median plane a little below the hori- zontal plane passing through the eyes, so that we can see along its upper edge, the nearer end about six or 122 BINOCULAR VISION. eight inches from the eyes. If now, shutting the left eye, we observe the projection of the rod against the wall, it will be like this— / —a being the nearer and b the farther end. If we shut the right eye and b'\ open the left, the projection will be like this— \ ,. These lines are exactly like the retinal images formed by the rod in the right and left eyes respectively, ex- cept that these images are inverted. Or, to express it differently, these lines would make images on the right and left retinae respectively exactly like those made by the rod ; they are the facsimiles of the external images of the rod. If we now open both eyes and fix attention on the farther end, then the nearer end will be seen double heteronymously, and the projection will be B thus— A, . If, on the contrary, we look at the at \a' nearer end, then this of course will be single, but the farther end will now be double homonymously, and the projection will be thus— \J . If, finally we A look at the middle point, this point will of course be seen single, but both ends double, the one homony- mously, the other heteronymously, and the projection will be thus—a)Ca,' ^r? to Put it differently, the external images of the two eyes are like these lines— af and \ : if these two be brought together so as to unite the farther ends b b', then by greater con- vergence the middle points, and then by still greater convergence the nearer ends a a', the three projections above given are obtained; but it is obviously impossi- ble to unite all parts and see single the whole rod at BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. 123 once. Now, if we observe attentively, we find that in looking at the rod the eyes range back and forth by greater or less convergence, uniting successively the different parts, and thus acquire a distinct perception of the difference of distance or depth of space between the nearer and the farther end. Experiment 3.—We take next a small thin book, and hold it as before six to eight inches distant in the median plane, a little below the horizontal plane of sight, so that the back and the upper edge are visible. If we shut the left eye, we see the back, the upper edge, and the whole right side, thus— il . The retinal image formed in the right eye is exactly like this figure, except that it is inverted; this figure makes exactly the same retinal image as the book does in the right eye; it is the facsimile of the external image of the book for the right eye. If we shut the right eye and open the left, we see the back, the upper edge, and the whole left side, thus— In. Now, if we open both eyes, we must and do see both these images. If we look beyond the book, the two images are wholly separated, thus— if II. If we look at the farther part, we bring these two images together so as to unite the farther part and see it single, but the nearer part or back is double, thus—™J|. If we look at the nearer part or back, then this is seen single, but the farther edge is now double, thus— am. But by no effort is it possible to see it single in all parts at the same time, because these 124 BINOCULAR VISION. dissimilar external images can not be wholly united. The eyes therefore range rapidly back and forth, suc- cessively uniting different parts by greater and less convergence, and thus acquire a distinct perception of distance between the back and front, and hence of depth of space. After these simple illustrations we are now prepared to generalize. It is evident that solid objects as seen by two eyes form different mathematical projections, and therefore form different retinal images in the two eyes, and therefore also different external images. Hence the images of the same object, whether retinal or external, formed by the two eyes, are necessarily dissimilar if the object occupies considerable depth of space. But dissimilar images can not be united wholly: for when by stronger convergence we unite the nearer parts, the farther will be double; and when by less convergence we unite the farther parts, the nearer will be double. Therefore the eyes run rapidly and uncon- sciously back and forth, uniting successively different parts, and thus acquire the perception of depth of space occupied by the object. But what is true of a single object is true of different objects placed one be- yond the other, as the two fingers in experiment 1, page 120. We can not at the same time unite nearer and more distant objects, but the point of sight runs rapidly and unconsciously back and forth, uniting them succes- sively, and thus we acquire a perception of depth of space lying between them. Therefore, the perception of the third dimension, viz., depth or relative distance, whether in a single object or in a scene, is the result of the suc- cessive combination of the different parts of the two dissimilar images of the object or the scene: dissimilar, because taken from different points, viz., the two eyes BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. 125 with the interocular distance between. This funda- mental proposition will be slightly modified in our chapter on the theory of binocular perspective. In the mean time it must be clearly conceived and held fast; otherwise all that follows on stereoscopy will be unin- telligible. STEREOSCOPY. We have already seen (page 96) that in binocular vision we see objects single by a combination of two similar or nearly similar images, and that therefore (page 118) it makes no difference whether the images are those of the same object or of different objects, if the images in the two cases are identical, and if we take care to cut off the monocular images which are formed in the latter case. Hence, if we draw two pictures of a rod in the two positions shown in Fig. 44, and then combine them by converging the eyes, taking care to cut off the monocular images as directed on page 114, Fig. 39, the visual result will be exactly the same as that of an actual rod in the median line; and therefore it will look like such a rod. As in the case of the actual rod, by greater or less convergence of the optic axes we may combine successively different parts; and the eyes therefore seem to run back and forth, and we have a distinct perception of depth of space. To produce the proper effect, the two pictures of Fig. 44 ought to be combined at a dis- tance of not more than six or eight inches So also in the case of the book, page 123. If we exactly reverse the case described there—i. e., if we \ 126 BINOCULAR VISION. make two pictures of a book as seen by one eye and the other, and then combine them, cutting off the mo- nocular images—we have the exact appearance of an actual solid book. The only reason why the illusion is not complete is, that there are other kinds of perspec- tive besides the binocular; and in this case especially be- cause there is not the same change of focal adjustment necessary for distinct image as in the case of a real object. Now this is the principle of the stereoscope. The stereoscope is an instrument for facilitating the com- bination of two such pictures, and at the same time cutting off the uncombined monocular images which would tend to destroy the illusion. Stereoscopic Pictures.—When we look at an object having considerable depth in space, or at a scene, there is an image of the object or scene formed on each retina. These two images are not exactly alike, because they are taken from different points of view. Now suppose we draw two pictures exactly like these two retinal images, except inverted. Obviously these two pictures will make images on the corresponding retinae exactly like those made by the original object on the one retina and the other, and therefore will be exactly like this object seen by one eye and then by the other. Now, we have seen the wonderful similarity of the eye to a photographic camera. Suppose, then, instead of draw- ing the pictures like the two retinal images, we photo- graph them. Two cameras are placed before an object or a scene with a distance between of two or three feet. They are like two great eyes with large interocular space. The sensitive plate represents the retina, and the pictures the retinal images. The photographic pictures thus taken can not be exactly alike, because BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. 127 taken from different points. They will differ from each other exactly as the two retinal images of the same object or scene differ, only certainly in a greater degree. Therefore, if these two photographs be binocularly combined as in the experiments previously given, they ought to and must produce a visual effect exactly like an actual object or scene; for in looking at an object or scene, we are only combining retinal images (or their external representatives) exactly like these pictures, be- cause taken in the same way. This is substantially the manner in which stereo- ssopic pictures are taken. It is not always necessary, indeed, to have two cameras; for the pictures, being permanent and not evanescent like retinal images, may be retained and combined at any time. The object or scene is often photographed from one position, and then the camera is moved a little, and the same object or scene is again photographed from the new position. The two slightly dissimilar pictures thus taken are then mounted in such wise that the right-hand picture shall be that taken by the right camera, and the left-hand picture that taken by the left camera. In other words, they are mounted so that the right picture shall be similar (except inverted) to the retinal image of the object or scene in the right eye, and the left picture to the retinal image in the left eye. The marvelous distinctness of the perception of depth of space, and therefore the marvelous resemblance to an actual object or scene, produced by binocular combination of such pictures properly taken and properly mounted, is well known. It is easy to test whether stereoscopic pictures are properly mounted or not. Select some point or object in the foreground; measure accurately with a pair of 128 BINOCULAR VISION. dividers the distance between it and the same point or object in the other picture ; compare this with the dis- tance between identical points in the extreme back- ground of the two pictures. The distance in the latter case ought to be greater than in the former. This is the proper mounting for viewing pictures in a stereo- scope. If they are to be combined with the naked eye, then the reverse mounting is better. Combination of Stereoscopic Pictures.—Stereoscopic pictures may be easily combined by the use of the ste- reoscope or with the naked eyes. For inexperienced persons, however, the latter is more difficult and the illusion less complete, unless with special precautions. Nevertheless, it will be best to begin with this method, because the principles involved are thus most easily explained. Combination with the Naked Eyes.—In combining stereoscopic pictures with the naked eyes, there are two difficulties in the way of obtaining the best results. First, it is evident that such pictures, as usually mount- ed, were intended to be combined beyond the plane of the cardi for it is only thus that the object or scene can be seen in natural perspective, and of natural size, and at natural distance. But in thus combining, the eyes are of course looking at a distant object, and con- sequently parallel or nearly so. The eyes are therefore focally adjusted for a distant object, but the light comes from a very near object, viz., the card-pictures. Hence, although the pictures unite perfectly, the combined image or scene is indistinct. Myopic eyes will not ex- perience this difficulty, and in normal eyes it may be remedied by the use of slightly convex glasses. Such glasses supplement the lenses of the eye, and make clear vision of a near object when the eyes are really BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. 129 looking far away; or, in other words, make a clear image of a near object on the retina of the unadjusted eye. Another difficulty is, that the pictures are usually so mounted that identical points are farther apart than the interocular distance, and therefore, even with the optic axes parallel—i. e., looking at an infinite distance—the pictures do not combine. This difficulty is easily re- moved by cutting down the inner edges of the two pic- tures, in order to bring them a little nearer together, so that identical points in the background shall be equal to or a little less than the interocular distance.* With this explanation we now proceed to give ex. amples of naked-eye combination. Fig. 45 represents a projection of a skeleton trun- cated cone made of wire, as seen from two positions a little separated from each other ; in other words, as they Fig. 45. & ® B A would be taken by two cameras for a stereoscopic card ; or, again, as they would be taken on the retinae of two eyes looking at such a skeleton truncated cone with the smaller end toward the observer. Experiment.—If we now place a median screen 10 inches or a foot long midway between these two figures, * In a subsequent chapter we give the method of determining with accuracy the interocular distance. 130 BINOCULAR VISION. A and B, and place the nose and middle of forehead against the other edge of the screen, so that the right eye can only see A and the left eye B—assisting the eye with slightly convex glasses if necessary—and then gaze as it were at a distant object beyond the plane of the picture, the two figures will be seen to approach and finally to unite in one, and appear as a real skeleton truncated cone of a considerable height. If we are able to analyze our visual impressions, we shall find further that, when we look steadily at the larger circle or base, the smaller cone or summit is slightly double, and when we look steadily at the smaller circle or summit this be- comes single, but now the larger circle or base is double; further, that it requires a greater convergence, as in looking at a nearer object, to unite the smaller circles, and a less convergence, as in looking at a more distant object, to unite the larger circles; and still further, that the lines a a' and b b' behave exactly like the lines de- scribed on page 122, forming a V, an inverted V, or an X, according to the distance of the point of sight; or, in other words, behave exactly like the two images of a rod held in the median plane with one end nearer than the other. In a single word, the phenomena are exactly those produced by looking at an actual skeleton cone made of wires. Thus, as in the case of an actual object, the eyes by greater and less convergence run their point of sight back and forth, uniting different parts, and thus acquire a distinct perception of depth of space between the smaller and larger circles. The same is true of all pictures constructed on this principle, and all objects or scenes on stereoscopic cards. In these, it will be remembered, identical points in the foreground are always nearer together than identical points in the background; therefore, when the back- STEREOSCOPY. 131 ground is united the foreground is double, and vice versa. We may represent these facts diagrammatically by Fig. 46, in which p p is the plane of the pictures; ms, the median screen resting on the root of the nose, n • R and Z, the right and left eyes. On the plane of the paper p p, a and a' represent identical points in the foreground, viz., the centers of the small circles in the diagram Fig. 45 ; and b and b' identical points in the background (centers of the larger circles in Fig. 45). Now when the eyes are directed toward b and b', the two visual lines will pass through these points, and the images of these two points will fall on corresponding points of the retinae, viz., on the cen- tral spots, and will be united and seen single. But where ? Manifestly at the point of optic convergence or point of sight B. Now when b and V fall on corresponding points and are seen single, evidently a and a' must fall on non-corresponding points, viz., the two temporal por- tions of the retinae, and are therefore seen double. When, on the other hand, by greater convergence the optic axes are turned on a and a', then the images of these fall on the central spots, and are seen single at the nearer point of sight A • but now b and b' are seen double, because they fall on non-corresponding points, viz., the two nasal halves of the retinae. Inter- mediate points between the background and foreground will be seen at intermediate points between B and A. Thus the point of sight runs back and forth from 132 BINOCULAR VISION. background B to foreground A, and we acquire a distinct perception of depth of space between these two points. But, for those at all practiced in binocular experi- ments, by far the most perfect naked-eye combination is obtained by crossing the eyes; i. e., by combining on the nearer instead of the farther side of the pictures. For this purpose, however, it is necessary that the mounting be reversed; i. e., the right-hand picture must be put on the left side, and the left-hand pic- ture on the right side of the card. By this reversal it is evident that identical points in the background of the two pictures are nearer together than identical points in the foreground. If, now, holding such a card before us at any con- venient distance, say 18 inches or 2 feet, we converge the optic axes so that the right eye shall look across directly toward the left picture, and the left eye toward the right picture, then the two pictures will unite at the point of crossing of the optic axes (point of sight), and will be seen there in exquisite miniature, but with per- fect perspective. The effect is really marvelously beau- tiful. For persons of slightly presbyopic eyes there will be no difficulty in getting the combined image perfectly clear. In normal eyes, as already explained (page 117), there must be dissociation between the axial and focal adjustments before the combined image is perfectly clear. For those who can not make this dissociation it may be necessary to use very slightly concave glasses. Again, if the observer is annoyed by the existence of the monocular uncombined images to the right and left, it will be best to use two side screens, as already explained (page 114), instead of the median screen used in combining beyond the plane of the picture. BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. 133 Experiment.—I draw (Fig. 47) two projections of a skeleton truncated cone precisely like those represented on page 129, but reversed. It is seen, for example, that the centers of the small circles are in this case farther Fig. 47. apart than the centers of the large circles. If, now, holding these about 18 inches distant, I combine them by crossing the optic axes, the impression of a skeleton truncated cone with the smaller end toward me is as complete as possible. The singleness of the impression at first seems perfect, but by observing attentively the lines a and a' it will be seen that they unite only in points and not throughout—that they come together as a v, thus—V, or an inverted v—f\, or an x—x? according to the distance of the point of sight. In other words, when by greater convergence the small circle is sin- gle, the larger circle is double; and when by less convergence the larger circle is single, then the small- er circle is double. And thus the eyes run the point of sight back and forth, uniting first the one and then the other, and in this way acquire a clear concep- tion of depth of space between the smaller and larger circles. These facts are illustrated by the diagram Fig. 48, in which, as before, R and Z are the two eyes; n, the root of nose ; P P, the plane of the pictures ; a and a', 134 BINOCULAR VISION. identical points of the foreground, and b and V of the background; and sc and sc', the two side-screens to cut off monocular images. When the eyes are directed toward a and a', these unite and are seen at the point of sight as a single object A. When the eyes by less con- vergence are directed to b and b', then these are seen single at the point of sight B. The point of sight runs back and forth from A to B, and we thus acquire dis- tinct perception of depth of space between. Of course, any stereo- scopic pictures may be com- bined in this way if we re- verse the mounting; and I am quite sure that any one who will try it will be de- lighted with the beautiful miniature effect and the per- fection of the perspective. Combination by the Use of the Stereoscope.—The stere- oscope is an instrument for facilitating binocular combi- nations beyond the plane of the pictures. By means of lenses also it supplements the lenses of the eyes, and thus makes on the retinae perfect images of a near ob- ject, although the eyes are looking at a distant object, and are therefore unadjusted for a near one. The lenses also enlarge the images, acting like a perspective glass, and thus complete the illusion of a natural scene or object. It is difficult to convince many persons that there BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. 135 is in the stereoscope any doubling of points in the fore- ground when the background is regarded, and vice versa. But such is really always the fact; and if we do not observe it, it is because we have not carefully analyzed our visual impressions. It is best observed in skeleton diagrams of geometrical figures, such as are commonly used to explain the principles of stereoscopy. In or- dinary stereoscopic pictures it is also easily observed in those cases where points in the extreme foreground and background are in the same range ; as, for example, when a column far in front is projected against a build- ing. In such a case, when we look at the building the column is distinctly double, and vice versa. For my- self, I never look at a stereoscopic card, whether in a sterescope or by naked-eye combination, without dis- tinctly observing this doubling. For example: I now combine in a stereoscope the stereoscopic pictures of a skeleton polyhedron. The illusion of a polyhedral space inclosed by white lines is perfect. Now, when I look at the farther inclosing lines I see the nearer ones double, and vice versa. Moreover, I perceive that this doubling is absolutely necessary to the stereoscopic effect, for it is exactly like what would take place if I were looking at an actual skeleton polyhedron. Inverse Perspective.—I have heard a few persons declare that they saw no superiority of a stereoscope over an ordinary enlarging or perspective glass; that they saw just as well while looking through the stereo- scope if they shut one eye as with both eyes open. Such persons evidently do not combine properly the two pictures, and they lose a real enjoyment. That the binocular is a real perspective, entirely different from other kinds, may be clearly demonstrated by the phe- nomena of inverse perspective now about to be described. 136 BINOCULAR VISION. If stereoscopic diagrams suitably mounted for view- ing in a stereoscope be combined with the naked eye by squinting (crossing the optic axes), as in Fig. 48 (page 134), or if such diagrams properly mounted for BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. 137 combination by squinting be viewed in the stereoscope, the perspective is completely reversed, the background becoming the foreground, and vice versa. For example, Fig. 49 represents a stereoscopic card. When the two 138 BINOCULAR VISION. pictures are combined with a stereoscope, the result is a jelly-mold with the small end toward the observer; but if the same be combined with the naked eye by squinting, we have now beautifully shown the same jelly-mold reversed, and we are looking into the hol- low. If there should be other forms of perspective strongly marked in the pictures, these may even be overborne by the inverse binocular perspective. For example, in the stereoscopic picture Fig. 50, represent- ing the interior of a bridgeway, the diminishing size of the arches and the converging lines, even without the stereoscope, at once by mathematical perspective sug- gest the interior of a long archway. This impression is greatly strengthened by viewing it in the stereoscope; for the binocular perspective and the mathematical per- spective strengthen each other, and the illusion is com- plete. But if we combine these with the naked eyes by squinting, we see with perfect distinctness, not a long hollow archway, the small arch representing the farther end, but a short conical solid, with the small end toward the observer. Thus the binocular perspec- tive entirely overbears the mathematical. The cause of this reversal of the natural perspective is shown in the following diagrams. In Fig. 51 the mounting is reversed, as seen by the fact that the points b and V in the background are nearer together than the points a and a' in the foreground. By combining these in a stereoscope, the background is seen nearer the ob- server at B, and the foreground thrown farther back to A. In Fig. 52 the pictures are mounted suitably for viewing in the stereoscope, but are combined by the naked eye. Here also the perspective is reversed, for the background is seen at a nearer point B, and the foreground at a farther point A. BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. 139 This inverse perspective is easily brought out, not only in stereoscopic diagrams, but in nearly all stereo- scopic pictures, even in those representing extensive and Fig. 51. Fig. 52. complex views. In these, of course, when viewed in the stereoscope, the binocular is in harmony with other forms of perspective, and each enhances the effect of the other. But if we combine with the naked eyes by squinting, or if we reverse the mounting and view again with the stereoscope, there is in either case a complete discordance between the binocular and other forms of perspective. In some cases the ordinary perspective is too strong for the binocular, and the only result is a kind of confusion of the view; but in others the binoc- ular completely overbears all opposition and reverses the perspective, often producing the strangest effects. 140 BINOCULAR VISION. Fig. 53. For example, I now take up a stereoscopic card repre- senting a building with extensive grounds in front. I view it in a stereoscope. The natural perspective comes out beautifully—the fine building in the background, the sloping lawn in the middle, and a piece of statuary and a fountain in the foreground. I now combine the same with the naked eyes by squinting. As soon as the combination is perfect and the vision distinct, the house is seen in front, and through a space in the wall the statue and fountain are seen behind. Observing more closely, all the parts of the house, the slope of the roof, and the slope of the lawn are also reversed. In Fig. 53, A and B show the natural and the inverted perspective in section, and the arrows the direction in which the observer is look- ing. In the one case the roof and the lawn slope down- ward and toward the observer; in the other, downward and awray from the observer. In the one case the build- ing is a solid object; in the other it is an inverted shell, and we are looking at the interior of the shell. In nearly all stereoscopic views I can thus invert the perspective by naked-eye combination. Almost the only exceptions are views looking up the streets of cities. Here the mathematical perspective is too strong to be overborne. Stereoscopic pictures of the full moon are quite common. If these be viewed in a stereoscope, we have the natural perspective, viz., the appearance of a globe ; if combined with the naked eyes by squinting, we have a hollow hemisphere. If the mounting be BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE, 141 reversed, then the hollow is seen in the stereoscope and the solid globe with the naked eyes. We will give one more example. I have now a stereoscopic view of the city of Paris, but not looking up the streets. When viewed in the stereoscope, the perspective is natural and perfect; the large houses are in the foreground and below, and the others gradually smaller and higher, until the dimmest and smallest are on the uppermost part and form the distant background. I am looking on the upper surface of a receding rising plane full of houses. I now combine the same pictures with the naked eyes by squinting. As soon as the combined image comes out clear, 1 see the smallest and dimmest houses on the upper part of the scene, but nearest to me. I am looking on the under side of a receding declining plane, on which the houses grow larger and larger in the distance, until they become largest at the lowest and farthest margin of the plane. If the mount- ing of the pictures be reversed, then the natural per- spective will be seen with the naked eyes, and the in- verse perspective just described will be seen in the stereoscope. The extreme accuracy of our judgment of relative distance by binocular perspective is well shown by the combination, either by the naked eyes or by the stereo- scope, of apparently identical figures on a flat plane. For example, in combining with the naked eyes the figures of a regularly figured wall-paper or tessellated pavement, the least want of perfect regularity in the size or position of the figures is at once detected by an appearance of gentle undulations or more abrupt changes of level. This fact is made use of in detect- ing counterfeit notes. If two notes from the same plate be put into a stereoscope and identical figures 142 BINOCULAR VISION. combined, the combination is absolute and the plane of the combined images is perfectly flat; but if the notes be not from the same plate, but copied, slight variations are unavoidable, and such variations will show them- selves in a gently wavy surface. Different Forms of Perspective.—In order to bring out in stronger relief the distinctive character of binoc- ular perspective, it is necessary to mention briefly the several different forms of perspective. There are many ways in which we judge of the relative distance of ob- jects in the field of view, all of which may be called modes of perspective. 1. Aerial Perspective.—The atmosphere is neither perfectly transparent nor perfectly colorless. More and more distant objects, being seen through greater and greater depths of this medium, become therefore dim- mer and dimmer and bluer and bluer. We judge of distance in this way ; and if the air be more than usually clear or more than usually obscure, we may misjudge. 2. Mathematical Perspective. — Objects become smaller and smaller in appearance, and nearer and near- er together, the farther away they are. Thus streets ap- pear narrower and narrower, and the houses lower and lower, with distance. Parallel lines of all kinds, such as railway stringers, bridge timbers, etc., converge more and more to a vanishing point. 3. Monocidar or Focal Perspective.—Objects at the distance of the point of sight are distinct, the lenses being focally adjusted for that distance; but all objects beyond or within this distance are dim. Now, we are aware of a greater or less effort of adjustment to make a distinct image, according to the nearness or the dis- tance of the object looked at. This is also a means of judging of the distance especially of near objects. BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. 143 These three forms may all be called monocular ; for they would equally exist, and we could judge of dis- tance, so far as these modes are concerned, equally well, if we had but one eye. But there is still another, viz.: 4. Binocular Perspective.—In order to combine the images of objects near at hand, we converge the optic axes strongly; for more distant objects, less and less according to their distance. By this constant change of axial adjustment necessary for single vision, the point of optic convergence is run rapidly back and forth ; and thus, by a kind of rapid and almost unconscious trian- gulation, we estimate the relative distance of objects in the field of view. The man with only one eye can not judge by this method, and thus often misjudges the distance of near objects. In rapidly dipping a pen into an inkstand, or putting a stopper into a decanter, the one-eyed man can not judge so accurately as the two- eyed man. If we shut one eye and attempt to plunge the finger rapidly into the open mouth of a bottle, we are very apt to overreach or fall short. As clearness of vision is confined to a small area about the point of sight, and rapidly fades away with increasing distance in any direction on the same plane, so clearness and singleness of vision are confined to the distance of the point of sight, and images become dim and double in passing beyond or to this side of that paint. Again, as we sweep the point of sight about laterally over a wide field of view, and gather up all the distinct impressions into one mental image, so we run the point of optic convergence back and forth, and gather up a mental picture of the relative distance of objects, in a deep field. These different forms of perspective operate for very different distances. The focal adjustment becomes im- 144 BINOCULAR VISION. perceptible for distances greater than about 20 feet. Judgments based on this, therefore, are limited within that distance. Binocular perspective operates percep- tibly for much greater distance, perhaps several hundred yards; but beyond this it becomes imperceptible. The other two forms, the mathematical and aerial, operate without limit. Now the painter can imitate the aerial perspective. He skillfully diminishes the brightness, dulls the sharp- ness of outline, and blues the tinge of all objects, in proportion to their supposed distance, so as to produce the effect of depth of air. He can also and still more perfectly imitate the mathematical perspective, by di- minishing the size of objects and the distance between them as he passes from his foreground to his back- ground. But he can not imitate the focal perspective, and still less can he imitate the binocular perspective. This is artificially given only in the stereoscope, and is the glory of this little instrument. Focal perspective is unimportant to the painter, because imperceptible at the distance at which pictures are usually viewed; but the want of binocular perspective in paintings interferes seriously with the completeness of the illusion. There- fore the illusion is more complete and the perspective comes out more distinctly when we look with only one eye. In a natural scene it is exactly the opposite : the perspective is far more perfect with both eyes open, because then all the forms cooperate. CHAPTER IV. THEORIES OF BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. Wheatstone's Theory.—To Wheatstone is due the credit of having discovered the fact that two slightly dissimilar pictures—dissimilar in the same way as the two retinal images of a solid object or of a scene—when united, produce a visual effect similar to that produced by an actual solid object or an actual scene. He also invented the stereoscope to facilitate the combination of such pictures. His theory of these effects was as follows : In viewing a solid object or a scene, two slightly dissimilar images are formed in the two eyes, as already explained; but the mind completely unites or fuses them into one. Whenever there occurs such complete mental fusion of images really dissimilar in this particular way, and therefore incapable of mathe- matical coincidence, the result is a perception of depth of space, or solidity, or relief. In the stereoscope, there- fore, he supposes that the two slightly dissimilar pictures are mentally fused into one, and hence the appearance of depth of space follows as the necessary result of this mental fusion. This theory is still widely held by even the most recent and best physiologists; but it is evidently the result of imperfect analysis of visual impressions. In stereoscopic diagrams it is always possible to detect the 146 BINOCULAR VISION. doubling on which the perception of depth of space is based. It is a little more difficult in ordinary stereo- scopic pictures, and in natural scenes; but practice and close observation will always detect it in these also. It is most difficult of all to detect it in the case of single solid objects; but this is mainly because the doubling of the edges of such objects is usually out of the line of sight. Even where we can not detect the doubling, and yet binocularly perceive depth of space, such per- ception must be regarded as an example of unconscious cerebration. We actually ground our judgments upon im- pressions which do not emerge into clear consciousness. Observe the degrees of this unconsciousness. Even the doubling of the forefinger, when held up before the eyes while we gaze at the wall, is undetected by some persons. To such the binocular perspective here seems to be a simple primary sense-perception. But the slightest scientific observation is sufficient to separate this apparently simple impression into its component elements, and thus to show that it is a judgment based on simpler elements. Next, the doubling of objects in the foreground of a scene or stereoscopic picture, when the background is regarded, fails to appear in conscious- ness. But analysis again shows that the perception of depth here also is not simple, but decomposable into simpler elements. Close observation again detects the elements on which judgment is based. Therefore, where we can not detect the simpler elements, we must believe that they still exist and that judgments are based upon them. Nothing can be more certain than that complete fusion never takes place; and if it seems so to us. it is only because we do not observe and analyze with sufficient care. Wheatstone's theory therefore seems true only to THEORIES OF BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. 147 the unpracticed and unobservant. It makes that simple and primary which is capable of analysis into simpler elements. It is therefore a popular, not a scientific theory. It cuts, but does not loose, the Gordian knot. Brucke's Theory.—Briicke and Brewster and Prevost, by more refined observation and more careful analysis, easily perceived that there was in reality no mental fusion of two dissimilar images. Their view, most completely expressed by Briicke,* is that which has been assumed in the foregoing account and explanation of binocular phenomena. It is, that in regarding a solid object or a natural scene, or two stereoscopic pic- tures in a stereoscope, the eyes are in incessant uncon- scious motion, and the observer, by alternately greater and less convergence of the axes, combines successively the different parts of the two pictures as seen by the two eyes, and thus by running the point of sight back and forth reaches by trial a distinct perception of bin- ocular perspective or binocular relief, or depth of space between foreground and background. That double images are really necessary to binocular perspective, as maintained by Briicke, is abundantly proved by the experiments already given on that sub- ject. But one additional experiment may be given here to complete the proof. Experiment.—As I look out of my window, I see the clothes-lines of a neighboring family, about 40 feet distant. Two of these are parallel, but one about 5 or 6 feet beyond the other. The lines being horizontal, no double images are visible when the head is erect. In this position I am unable to tell which line is the farther off. But when I turn the head to one side, so that the interocular line is at right angles to the cords, * "Archives des Scisnces," tome iii, p. 142 (1858). 148 BINOCULAR VISION. immediately their relative distance comes out with great distinctness. This theory is a great advance on the preceding. It is really a scientific theory, since it is based on an analysis of our visual judgments. It is also in part a true theory, and for this reason, in anticipation of what we believe to be a more perfect theory, we have used it in the explanation of many visual phenomena in the preceding pages. But it is evidently not the whole truth, as we now proceed to show. 1. If we place one object before another in the median plane of sight, even when we look steadily and without change of optic convergence at the one or the other, we distinctly perceive the depth of space between them. Evidently no trial combination, no running of the point of sight back and forth, and successive union and disunion of the images, are necessary for the per- ception of binocular relief. But if it be said that change of optic convergence does indeed take place, only rapidly and unconsciously, I proceed to prove that such is not the case. 2. Dove^s Experiment.—The instantaneous percep- tion of binocular relief is demonstrated by the now cele- brated experiment of Dove. If a natural object, or a scene, or two stereoscopic pictures, -be viewed by the light of an electric spark or a succession of electric sparks, the perspective is perfect, even though the duration of such a spark is only j-^^q-q of a second of time. On a dark night the relative distance of objects is perfectly perceived by the light of a flash of light- ning, which according to Arago lasts only y^oif* an(^ according to Rood y^f of a second. It is inconceiva- * Arago, " (Euvrcs Completes," tome iv, p. 10. f Rood, "American Journal of Science and Arts," vol. i, 18*70, p. 15, THEORIES OF BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. H9 ble that there should be any change of optic conver- gence, any running of the point of sight back and forth, in the space of ^T^oir part of a second. Evidently, therefore, binocular perspective may be perceived with- out such change of convergence. This point is certainly one of capital importance. The instantaneous percep- tion of relief is fatal to Brucke's theory in its pure un- modified form. I have therefore repeated Dove's ex- periment with care, varying it in every possibly way, so as to guard against every source of error. These experiments completely confirm Dove's result, and es- tablish beyond doubt the instantaneous perception of binocular relief. From a large number of experiments I select a few of the most conclusive and most easily repeated. The spark apparatus used was a Ritchie's Ruhmkorff capable of producing sparks 12 inches long. A Ley den jar was introduced into the circuit to increase the brilliancy of the sparks. Experiment 1.—I select stereoscopic pictures in which other forms of perspective are wanting, or near- ly so ; skeleton geometric diagrams are the best. Stand- ing in a perfectly dark room, and viewing these in a stereoscope by the light of a succession of sparks, the perspective is perfectly distinct with two eyes, but not at all with one eye. Experiment 2.—I select a stereoscopic card like the last, except that mathematical perspective is also strong —such, for example, as a view of the interior of a bridgeway. Of course, as in the last case, the natural perspective is instantly perceived in the stereoscope; but this might be attributed to the mathematical per- spective. But now hold the card in the hand and unite the pictures with the naked eves by squinting: the in- verse perspective described on page 135 will be brought 150 BINOCULAR VISION. out with perfect clearness with two eyes, but the nat- ural perspective (mathematical) returns when we shut one eye. This experiment is conclusive, being removed from even the suspicion of the effect being the result of other forms of perspective; for in this case the bin- ocular is opposed to all other forms of perspective, over- bears them, and reverses the perspective. So much for combination of stereoscopic pictures, whether beyond the plane of the card, as in the stereo- scope, or on this side the plane of the card, as in naked- eye combination by squinting. We will next try the viewing of natural objects, eliminating as before as much as possible other forms of perspective. Experiment 3.—Let two objects, as two brass balls, of the same size, be hung by invisible threads, one about 5 or 6 feet distant, and the other about 1 foot farther. At this distance focal adjustment is practically the same for the two balls, and thus this mode of judging of rel- ative distance is eliminated. Let the balls be placed in the median plane of sight, or nearly so, in such wise that their relative distance may be easily detected with two eyes, but not with one. In the latter case—i. e., with one eye—they look like two balls side by side, the one a trifle larger than the other. Now, after darken- ing the room, try the experiment by the instantaneous flash of electric sparks. It will be found that under these conditions also the relative distance is perceived with perfect clearness with two eyes, but not with one. It is certain, then, that binocular perspective is per- ceived instantly, and therefore without the trial com- binations of different parts of the two images, as main- tained by Briicke, Brewster, and others. Between the two rival theories, therefore, the case stands thus: Wheatstone is right in so far as he asserts THEORIES OF BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. 151 immediate or instantaneous perception of relief, but wrong in supposing that there is a complete mental fu- sion of the two images. Briicke is right in asserting that binocular perspective is a judgment based on the perception of double images, but wrong in supposing change of optic convergence and successive trial com- binations of different parts of the two images to be a necessary part of the evidence on which judgment is based. My own View is an attempt to bring together and reconcile what is true in both of the preceding views. This, which I conceive to be the only true and complete theory, is hinted at, but not distinctly "formulated, by Helmholtz.* I have strongly insisted upon it in all my papers on this subject. I quote from one of them : f "■ All objects or points of objects, either beyond or nearer than the point of sight, are doubled, but differ- ently—the former homonymously, the latter heterony- mously. The double images in the former case are united by leas convergence, in the latter case by greater convergence, of the optic axes. Now, the observer knows instinctively and without trial, in any case of double images, whether they will be united by greater or less optic convergence, and therefore never makes a mistake, or attempts to unite by making a wrong move- ment of the optic axes. In other words, the eye {or the mind) instinctively distinguishes homonymous from heteronymous images, referring the former to objects beyond, and the latter to objects this side of the point of sight." Or again: In case of double images, " each eye, as it were, knows its own image," although such knowledge does not emerge into distinct consciousness. * " Optique Physiologique," p. 939 d seq. f "American Journal of Science and Arts," vol. ii, 1871, p. 425. 152 BINOCULAR VISION. Thus, then, I conclude that the mind perceives re- lief instantly, but not immediately; for it does so by means of double images, as just explained. This is all that is absolutely necessary for the perception of relief; but it is probable—nay, it is certain—that the relief is made clearer by a ranging of the point of sight back and forth, and a successive combination of the different parts of the object or scene or pictures, as maintained by Briicke. Return to the Comparison of the Eye and the Camera. —It is time now to return to, and to continue, our com- parison of the eye and the photographic camera. We have seen that both the camera and the eye are equally optical instruments contrived for the purpose of making an image ; but we have also seen that in both this image is only a means by which to attain a higher end, viz., to make a photographic picture in the one case, and to accomplish distinct vision in the other. In both also, in order to accomplish its higher purpose, there must be a sensitive receiving plate, viz., the iodized silver plate in the one, and the living retina in the other. In both, finally, there are wonderful changes, chemical or molecular, or both, in the sensitive plate. Let us then continue the comparison. 1. In the photographic camera when accomplishing its work there are three images which may be mentally separated and described. First, the light-image. This is what we see on the ground-glass plate. It comes and goes with the object in front. It is the facsimile in form and color of the object, but diminished in size and inverted in position. Second, the invisible image. When the ground-glass plate is withdrawn and the sensitive plate substituted, the light-image falling on this plate determines in it wonderful molecular changes, THEORIES OF BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. 153 which are graduated in intensity exactly according to the intensity and kind of light in the light-image: the aggregate effect is therefore rightly called an image, though it is invisible. Third, the visible image, or picture. The operator then takes the plate with the invisible image to a dark room, and applies certain chemicals which decelop the image—i. e., which de- termine certain permanent chemical changes, which in intensity and kind are exactly proportioned to the an- tecedent molecular changes, and therefore graduated over the surface exactly as the molecular changes of the invisible image were graduated, and hence also exactly as the light of the light-image was graduated. This is the permanent photographic picture—the fac- simile in form of the object which produced it. So also in the work of the eye, vision, we may men- tally separate and may describe three corresponding images. First, there is the light-image, which is formed in the dead as well as the living eye. Second, the in- visible image. The light-image, falling on the sensitive living retina, determines in its substance molecular changes which are graduated in intensity and kind ex- actly as the light of the light-image is graduated in in- tensity and color, and may therefore be rightly called an image, even though it be invisible, and the nature of the molecular changes be inscrutable. Third, the external visible image. The invisible image, or the molecular changes which constitute it, is transmitted to the brain, and by the brain or the mind is projected outward into space, and hangs there as a visible exter- nal image, the sign and facsimile in forni and color of the object which produced it. 2. Again, as there are certain effects which can not be produced by one camera—as two cameras from two 154 BINOCULAR VISION. positions take two slightly different pictures of the same object or the same scene, which when combined in the stereoscope produce the clear perception of depth of space—even so the two eyes act as a double camera in taking and a stereoscope in combining two slightly dif- ferent images of every object or scene, so as to give a clear perception of binocular perspective. We have thus carried the comparison as far as com- parison is possible. But there is this essential differ- ence between the twro—essential because found every- where between human and natural mechanism : In the one case wTe trace mechanism and physics and chemistry throughout. In the other we also trace mechanism, exquisite mechanism, but only to a certain point, be- yond which we discover something higher than mere mechanism. We trace physics and chemistry to a cer- tain point, but as we pursue the investigation we find something superphysical and superchemical, or else a physics and a chemistry far higher than any we yet know. At a certain point molecular and chemical change is replaced by sensation, perception, judgment, thought, emotion. We pass suddenly into another and wholly different wrorld, where reigns an entirely differ- ent order of phenomena. The connection between these two orders of phenomena, the material and the mental, although it is right here in the phenomena of the senses, and although we bring to bear upon it the microscopic eye of science, is absolutely incomprehen- sible, and must in the very nature of things always remain so. Certain vibrations of the molecules of the brain, certain oxidations, with the formation of carbonic acid, water, and urea, on the one side, and there appear on the other sensations, consciousness, thoughts, desires, volitions. There are, as it were, two sheets of blotting THEORIES OF BINOCULAR PERSPECTIVE. 155 paper pasted together; the one is the brain, the other is the mind. Certain ink-scratches and ink-blotchings, utterly meaningless, on the one, soak through and ap- pear on the other as intelligible writing. But how or why we know not, and can never hope even to guess. CHAPTER V. JUDGMENT OF DISTANCE, SIZE, AND FORM. We are nowT prepared to understand the modes of estimating distance, size, and form/ for these modes are founded partly on monocular and partly on binoc- ular vision. As already stated, the direct and simple sense-im- pressions given by the optic nerve are light, its inten- sity, its color, and its direction. These can not be analyzed into simpler elements, but distance, size, and form are judgments based upon these. Distance.—We judge of distance by means of the different forms of perspective already described on page 142: 1. By focal adjustment, or monocular per- spective. The eye adjusts itself for distinct vision for all distances from infinite distance to five inches. By experience we know distance from the amount of effort necessary to adjust for perfect image, and therefore distinct vision. Judgments based on this are tolerably accurate from 5 inches to several yards. Beyond 20 feet it is too small to .be appreciable. 2. By axial adjustment, or binocular perspective. The greater or less amount of optic convergence necessary to produce single vision is a far more accurate mode of judging of distance than the last. It is reliable from near the root JUDGMENT OF DISTANCE, SIZE, AND FORM. 157 of the nose to the distance of two or three hundred yards. Beyond this it also becomes inappreciable, for the doubling of objects is only equal to the interocular distance. 3. By mathematical perspective. By dimi- nution of the apparent size of known objects and the convergence of parallel lines we judge of distance with great accuracy and almost without limit. 4. By aerial perspective. Change of color and brightness of all ob- jects, in proportion to the depth of air looked through, is still another mode of judging of distance, which, though far less accurate than the last, like it extends without limit. Estimates of distance, being judgments, are liable to error. Such errors are often called decep- tions of sense, but they are not so. They are errors of judgment based upon true deliverances of sense. Size.—The size of an unknown object is judged by its angular diameter, or the size of its retinal image Fig. 54. multiplied by its estimated distance. For example, an image a, Fig. 54, occupies a certain space on the retina. Now, evidently, precisely the same image would be made by a small object at A, or a proportionally larger similar object at A', or a still larger similar one at A". Therefore the estimated size of the object which pro- duced the image will depend upon the distance we imagine the object to be from us, this distance being of course estimated by the different forms of perspective 158 BINOCULAR VISION. given above. Thus, estimates of size and distance are very closely related to each other, and an error in the one will involve an error in the other. If we misjudge the distance of an unknown object, we will to the same degree and in the same direction misjudge its size: if our estimate of distance be too great, our judgment of size will also and to the same extent be too great; if our estimate of distance be too small, so also will be our judgment of size. Contrarily, if we make a mistake as to the size of a known object—as, for example, if we mistake a boy for a man—we will also to the same ex- tent misjudge the distance. Very many illustrations may be given of this gen- eral principle, but by far the most perfect are the ex- periments on combination of the regular figures given on pages 114 and 115. In combining by squinting, in proportion as the point of optic convergence, and there- fore the imagined place of the pattern, becomes nearer and nearer, the figures of the pattern become smaller. On the other hand, when we combine beyond the plane of the pattern, so that the more distant point of optic convergence makes the imagined place of the pattern farther off than its real place, then the figures are magni- fied in the same proportion. So also stereoscopic scenes are larger or smaller than the actual picture, according as we combine beyond or on this side the plane of the picture. Illustrations like the above are most conclusive, because the relation of size and distance is seen to be mathematically proportioned; but many familiar illus- trations may be given. 1. While intently regarding the paper on which I am writing, or the page which I am reading, a fly or gnat passes across the extreme margin of the field of JUDGMENT OF DISTANCE, SIZE, AND FORM. 159 view toward the open window. I mistake it for a large bird like a hawk flying at some distance in the open air. The reason is, that under these conditions we have no means of judging either of form or of distance ; the size and distance of an object are therefore left wholly to the suggestions of the imagination. If we look around so as to see the form distinctly, and to bring binocular or other forms of perspective to bear on the subject, we quickly detect our error and correct our judgment. 2. Where there are no means of judging of distance, we can not estimate size, and different persons will estimate differently. Thus, the sun or moon seems to some persons the size of a saucer, to some that of a dinner-plate, and to some that of the head of a barrel. But under peculiar conditions we imagine them much larger. For example, a pine-tree stands on the western horizon about a mile distant. I am accustomed to judge of the size and distance of trees. This one seems to me at least 20 feet across the branches. The evening sun slowly descends and sets behind the tree. It fills and much more than fills its branches. Again, here in Berkeley, on a clear day, the Farallone Islands, 40 miles distant, are distinctly seen through the Golden Gate. I think no one would say that the larger one seems less than 100 feet across. At certain seasons in spring and autumn the sun sets behind the Farallones, and these islands are projected in clear outline as black spots on his disk. 3. Illustrations meet us on every side. In fog, ob- jects look larger, because, through excess of aerial per- spective, we overestimate distance. On the high Sierra, or the Colorado mountains, or anywhere on the high interior plateau, the clearness of the air and consequent distinctness of distant objects are such, that we imagine 160 BINOCULAR VISION. objects to be nearer and therefore smaller than they really are. Form.—Outline form is a combination of directions of component radiants. In a ring of stars, the direction of each star is given immediately; the combination of these several directions gives the ring. This is so sim- ple and immediate a judgment, that it may almost be called a direct sense-perception. It is apparently a di- rect perception of the form of the retinal image. It is so sure and immediate that it is not liable to error; yet it is capable of analysis into simpler elements, as shown above. Solid form is a far more complex judgment, and therefore liable to error. We judge of solid form partly by binocular perspective and partly by shades of light. The roundness of a column is perceived part- ly by the greater optic convergence necessary to see dis- tinctly the nearer central parts than the farther marginal parts, and partly by the shading of light on the different parts. The latter effect can be perfectly imitated by the painter, but not the former. Hence the illusion produced by the painter is most perfect at a distance where binocular perspective is very small, but is de- stroyed by near approach. Hence also the roundness of a painted column is most perfect when looking with one eye, but of a natural column when looking with two eyes. Gradation of Judgments.—Intensity, color, and di- rection of light are simple impressions which can not be further analyzed. Next come outline form and surface contents, which may indeed be analyzed into combination of directions, but yet the perception is so direct and so certain that it may well be called imme- diate. Next comes solid form, which, as we have seen, JUDGMENT OF DISTANCE, SIZE, AND FORM. 161 is a more complex judgment based on simple elements, and therefore may be deceived. Next come the closely related and still more complex judgments of size and distance, which are therefore still more liable to error. These latter judgments become more and more com- plex as the objects in the field of view become more numerous and more complex in form and varied in position; as, for example, the judgments of form, size, and distance of all the objects in an extended natural scene. All these seem to the uninstructed as immedi- ate instinctive perceptions, and mistakes are supposed to be the result of deceptions of sense instead of errors of judgment, as they really are. Judgments like these, which are so quickly made that the process has largely dropped out of consciousness, I shall call visual judg- ments. But these higher and more complex visual judgments pass, by almost insensible degrees, into still higher and more complex intellectual judgments. Thus from simple sense-impressions we pass without break through the various grades of visual judgments to the lower intellectual judgments, and from these again through various grades of complexity to the highest efforts of the cultured mind. Now, as visual judgments seem to the uninstructed primary, immediate, and simple perceptions, so also among intellectual judgments many seem to those unin- structed in psychology and unskilled in mental analysis as primary, immediate, instinctive, or innate, and there- fore certain. But, as the study of visual phenomena teaches that these visual judgments are capable of an- alysis into simpler elements, and therefore liable to error, so also the study of psychology should teach us that many of the so.-called instinctive judgments, pri- mary intuitions, etc., may also be capable of analysis, 162 BINOCULAR VISION. and therefore liable to error. Further, it is evident that the so-called facts of consciousness, in the one field as in the other, can not be considered reliable until sub- jected to rigid analysis. The study of visual (especially binocular visual) phenomena is peculiarly valuable : first, in teaching us that so called immediate intuitions are in many cases only judgments, the processes of which have dropped out of consciousness; and, second, in teaching us the habit of analysis of such apparently simple in- tuitions. RETROSPECT. We have now given in clear outline the most im- portant phenomena of vision and their explanation. It will not be amiss, before proceeding further, to look back over what we have passed, and justify its logical order. There are three essentially different modes of re- garding the eye, which must be combined in a complete account of this organ. We have taken up these suc- cessively. First, we treated of the eye as an optical instrument contrived to form a perfect image, every focal point of which shall correspond with a radiant point in the object. This is a purely physical inves- tigation. Second, we treated of the structure of the retina, especially its bacillary layer, and showed how from this structure resulted the wonderful property of corresponding points retinal and spatial, and the ex- change between these by impression and perceptive projection, and how the law of direction and all the phenomena of monocular vision flow out of this prop- erty. Third, we treated of the still more wonderful RETROSPECT. 163 correspondence of the two retince point for point, and therefore of their spatial representatives point for point; and considered how by ocular motion the two images of the same object are made to fall on corresponding points of the two retinae, and their spatial representatives are thereby made to coincide and become one; and how, finally, all the phenomena of binocular vision flow from this property. We have therefore apparently covered the ground originally laid out. But there are still a number of questions on binocular vision, somewhat more abstruse and more disputed than the preceding, but of so high interest that they must not be wholly neglected. The remaining chapters will be devoted to these. PAET III. ON SOME DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. CHAPTER I. LAWS OF OCULAR MOTION. SECTION I.—LAWS OF PARALLEL MOTION.—LISTING'S LAW. We have already (page 69) spoken of spectral im- ages produced by strong impressions on the retina. It is evident that these, being the result of impressions branded upon the retina and remaining there for some time, must while they remain follow all the motions of the eye with the greatest exactness. They are specially adapted, therefore, for detecting motions of the eyes, such as slight torsions or rotations on the optic axes, which could not be detected in any other way. Experiment 1.—Let the experimental room be dark- ened by closing the shutters, but allow light to enter through a vertical slit between the shutters of one win- dow. Standing before the window with head erect, gaze steadily at the slit until a strong impression is branded in upon the vertical meridian of the retina. If we now turn about to the blank wall, we see a very LAWS OF PARALLEL MOTION. 165 distinct colored vertical spectral image of the slit. Placing now the eyes in the primary position—i. e., with face perpendicular and eyes looking horizontally —if, without changing the position of the head, we turn the eyes to the right or left horizontally, the im- age remains vertical. Also if we turn the eyes upward or downward by elevating or depressing the visual plane, the image remains vertical. But if, with the visual plane elevated extremely, say 40°, we cause the eyes to travel to the right or left, say also 40°, or if we turn the eyes from their original primary position obliquely upward and to one side to the same point, the image is no longer vertical, but leans decidedly to the same side; i. e., in going to the right, the image leans to the right, thus— / ; in going to the left, it leans to the left, thus— \ . If, on the contrary, the visual plane be depressed, then motion of the eyes to the right causes the image to lean to the left, thus— \ ; while motion to the left causes it to lean to the right, thus— Experiment 2.—If, instead of a vertical, we use a horizontal slit in the window, and thus obtain a hori- zontal image and throw it on the wall as before, then, if the image has been made with the eyes in the pri- mary position, it will be seen on the wall perfectly horizontal. Furthermore, if the eyes travel right and left in the primary visual plane, or upward and down- ward by elevating or depressing the visual plane, the image retains its perfect horizontality. But if, with the visual plane elevated, we cause the point of sight /• 166 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. to travel to the one side or the other, the image is seen to turn to the opposite side; i. e., when the eyes turn to the right, the image turns to the left, thus—^^; when they turn to the left, the image rotates to the right, thus—"~-\^. If the visual plane be depressed, then motion to the right causes the image to rotate to the right (N^), and motion to the left causes it to rotate to the left (^^). These rotations of the image depend wholly on the oblique position of the eyes, and it makes no difference how that oblique position is reached—whether by mo- tion along rectangular coordinates, as in the experiments, or by oblique motion from the primary position. Fur- thermore, the amount of rotation of the image increases with the amount of elevation or depression of the visual plane, and the amount of lateral motion of the eyes. Experiment 3.—The fact of rotation or torsion of the images, and the direction of that torsion, are easily determined by the somewhat rough methods detailed above; but if we desire to measure the amount of tor- sion, the wall or other experimental plane must be covered with rectangular coordinates, vertical and hori- zontal. By experimenting in this way, I find that for extreme oblique positions the torsion of the vertical image on the vertical lines of the experimental plane is about 15°, but the torsion of the horizontal image on the horizontal lines is only about 5°. The reason of this difference will be explained farther on. Putting now all these results together, the fol- lowing diagram (Fig. 55) gives the position of the vertical and horizontal images when projected on a vertical plane for all positions of the point of sight. Simple inspection of the diagram is sufficient to show LAWS OF PARALLEL MOTION. 167 that the inclination or torsion of the vertical image on the true verticals, and that of the horizontal image on the true horizontals, are in opposite directions. If torsion Fig. 55. dla .ham 6how1ng the inclination op vertical and horizontal images for all Positions of the Point of Sight. of the images show torsion of the eye, there must be a fallacy somewhere. The one or the other must be wrong; for when one indicates torsion to the right, the other indicates torsion to the left, and vice versa. To show this contradictory testimony more clearly, and thus to prove that there is a fallacy here, we make another experiment. Experiment Jf.—Make a rectangular cross-slit in the window, gaze steadily upon it until the spectral impres- 8 168 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. sion is made on the retina, and then cast the image on the wall. In the primary position of the eyes it is of course a. perfect rectangular cross. Now turn the eyes to the extreme upper right-hand corner of the wall. The cross, by opposite rotations of the two parts, is seen distorted thus-----/""""• Looking upward and to the left, it is \ seen thus— V--. Oblique motion downward and to the right makes it appear thus— ~"V-», and to the left thus— -7 • It will be observed that this is exactly the manner in which the lines cross in the diagram, and we have placed crosses in the corners to indicate that fact. Evidently the cause of the contradictory evidence of the two images is projection on a plane inclined at various angles to the line of sight. The diagram is a correct representation of the phenomena as seen pro- jected on a vertical plane, but is not a correct represen- tation of the torsions of the eyes. To eliminate this source of fallacy and get the true torsion of the eyes, we must project the cross-image on a plane in every case perpendicular to the line of sight. Experiment 5.—Prepare an experimental plane a yard square, make a rectangular cross in the center, and set up a perfectly perpendicular rod at the point of crossing. Fix the plane in a position inclined 30° to 40° with the vertical, and obliquely to the right side and above, so that, when sitting before the experimen- tal window and turning the eyes extremely upward and LAWS OF PARALLEL MOTION. 169 to the right, the observer looks directly on the top of the rod, and this latter is projected against the plane as a round spot. We thus know that the line of sight is perpendicular to the plane. Now, after gazing at the cross-slit in the window until the spectral impression is made on the retina, without moving the head, cast the image on the center of the plane by turning the eyes obliquely upward and to the right. The rectangular cross-image rotates, both parts alike, so as to retain per- fectly its rectangular symmetry, to the right, thus— "">-, showing unmistakably a torsion of the eyes in the same direction. If the plane be arranged similarly on the left side, the cross turns to the left, thus— --V'. If the plane be arranged below and to the right, so that the eyes turned obliquely downward and to the right shall look perpendicularly upon it, the cross will turn to the left, thus—^V"'. If similarly arranged on the left side, the cross will turn to the right, thus— In all cases the rectangular symmetry is perfectly pre- served, a sure sign that there is no error by projection, and that they truly represent the torsion of the eyes. Experiment 6.—In order to neglect no means of testing the truth of this conclusion, we will make one more experiment, using the sky as the -plane upon which to project the image. This spatial concave is of course everywhere at right angles to the line of sight, and therefore is free from any suspicion of error from projection. Standing in the open air before a vertical 170 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. flag-staff, I gaze upon it steadily until its image is, as it were, burned into the vertical meridian of the retina. Now, without moving the head, I turn the eyes ob- liquely upward and to the right, and the image leans decidedly to the right; and turning to the left, the image leans to the left. In this position of the head, of course, the ground prevents us from making the same experi- ment with the visual plane depressed. I therefore vary the experiment slightly. Sitting directly in front of the college building, with the morning sun shining obliquely on its face, the light-colored perpen- dicular pilasters gleam in the sunshine, and contrast strongly with the shadows which border their northern margin. Gazing steadily at the building, I easily get a strong spectral image of the whole structure, with its vertical and its horizontal lines. Now throwing myself flat on my back, I see the image perfectly erect on the zenith. Turning the eyes upward toward the brows and to the right and left, then downward toward the feet and to the right and left, the whole image of the building rotates precisely as indicated in my previous experiments. Evidently, then, in the diagram Fig. 55, the verticals give true results, but the horizontals deceptive results by projection. Why this is so is easily explained. Sup- pose an observer to stand in a room before a vertical wall; suppose him further to be surrounded by a spher- ical wire cage constructed of rectangular spherical co- ordinates, or meridians and parallels, with the eye in the center and the pole in the zenith. Evidently, the surface of this spherical concave is everywhere perpen- dicular to the line of sight, and therefore, like the sky, is the proper surface of projection. Evidently, also, the meridians and parallels everywhere at right angles to * LAWS OF PARALLEL MOTION. 171 each other are the true coordinates wherewith to com- pare the images, vertical and horizontal, in order to determine the direction and amount of their rotation. Now the simple question is, "How do these true rec- tangular coordinates project themselves on the wall to an eye placed in the center, or how would their shad- Fig. 5C. Diagram showing thb PROJFCTfON of a System of Spherical Coordinates on a Vertical Plane. ows be cast by a light in the center?" It is evident that the meridians would project as straight verticals, but the parallels not as straight lines, but as hyperbolic curves, increasing in curvature as wTe go upward or downward. The diagram Fig. 56 shows how the 172 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. spherical coordinates would project on a vertical wall. By calculation or by careful plotting it may be shown that at an angle of elevation or depression of 40°, and a lateral angle of the same amount, the inclination of the hyperbolic curve on the horizontals of the wall will be about 20°. Now a rectangular cross-image, if un- rotated, would project as the crosses in the corners; i. e., the vertical arm would project vertically, but the hori- zontal arm would be inclined 20° with the horizontal, so that the angles of the cross would be about 70° and 110°. Now rotate these crosses 15°, the ' *" right upper one to the right, the left up- / per one to the left, the right lower to the J^^l left, and the left lower to the right, and ^/ we have the precise phenomena repre- / eentcd by the diagram Fig. 55; i. e., the / verticals are turned 15° right or left as / | the case may be, and the horizontals in the opposite direction, but only 5°. Fig. 57 illustrates this in the case of the right-hand upper cross-image—the heavy cross representing the cross un- rotated, and the lighter one the same rotated 15° to the right by extreme obliquity of the line of sight. . Therefore, the diagram which truly represents the torsion of the eye in various positions, or the torsion of the cross-image when referred to a spherical concave perpendicular to the line of sight in every position, is represented in Fig. 58. Simple inspection of this fig- ure shows the real direction and amount of rotation both of the vertical and the horizontal image for every position of the line of sight. The crosses in the cor- ners show that there is no distortion by projection. We are justified therefore in formulating the laws of parallel motion of the eyes thus: LAWS OF PARALLEL MOTION. 173 1. When the eyes move together in the primary plane to the one side or the other, or in a vertical plane up or down, there is no rotation on the optic axes, or tor- sion. Fig. 58. Diagram showing the Trfe Torsion of the Eyb for Various Positions of the Point of Sight. 2. When the visual plane is elevated and the eyes move to the right, they rotate to the right; when they move to the left, they rotate to the left. 3. When the visual plane is depressed, motion of the eyes to the right is accompanied with rotation to the left, and motion to the left with rotation to the right. 4. These laws may be all generalized into one, viz.: When the vertical and lateral angles have the same 174 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. sign* the rotation is positive {to the right)/ when they have contrary signs, the rotation is negative {to the left). The law now announced as the result of experiment is evidently identical with the law of listing, which has been formulated by Listing himself thus: " When the line of sight passes from the primary position to any other position, the angle of torsion of the eye in its second position is the same as if the eye had come to this second position by turning about a fixed axis perpendicular both to the first and the second position of the line of sight." f Now an axis which satisfies these conditions can be none other than an equatorial axis, or at least an axis in a plane perpendicular to the polar axis. In turning from side to side in the primary plane, it is a vertical equatorial axis. In turning up and down vertically, it is a horizontal equatorial axis. In turning obliquely, as in the experiments on torsion, it is an oblique equa- torial axis. Now take a globe, and, placing the equator in a vertical plane, make a distinct vertical and hori- zontal mark across the pole. Then turn the globe on an oblique equatorial axis, so that the pole shall look upward and to the right. It will be seen that the polar cross is no longer vertical and horizontal, but is rotated to the right. If the globe be turned upward and to the left, the polar cross will rotate to the left; if downward and to the right, it will rotate to the left; and if to the left, it will rotate to the right. In a word, the rotation in every case is the same as given in the above laws determined by experiment. * In reference to a vertical line, positions to the right are positive and to the left negative; in reference to a horizontal line, above is posi- tive and below negative. f Helmholtz, " Optiquc Physiologique," p. 606. LAWS OF PARALLEL MOTION. 175 Contrary Statement by Helmholtz.—We have given these laws and their experimental proof in some detail, and have taken some pains to show that they are in complete accord with Listing's law, because Helmholtz in his great work on " Physiological Optics " has given these laws of ocular motion the very reverse of mine. I quote from the French edition of 1867, which is not only the latest but also the most authoritative edition of the work: " When the plane of sight is directed upward, lateral displacements to the right make the eye turn to the left, and displacements to the left make it turn to the right. " When the plane of sight is depressed, lateral dis- placements to the right are accompanied with torsion to the right, and vice versa. " In other words, when the vertical and lateral an- gles are both of the same sign, the torsion is negative; when they are of contrary signs, the torsion is posi- tive:1 * We have demonstrated the very reverse of every one of these propositions, and we have also shown that they are inconsistent with Listing's law as quoted by Helmholtz himself. The experiments by which Helm- holtz seeks to determine the torsions of the eye are the same as those already described under experiments 1 and 2, page 165. The results which he reaches are also the same as those reached by myself, except that he makes the inclination of the vertical image on the verticals of the wall, and of the horizontal image on the horizontals of the wall, equal to each other, while I make the in- clination of the verticals much greater. The diagram by which he embodies all these results is also similar to my diagram, Fig. 55, except that in his the horizontal and * " Optique Fhysiologique," p. 602. 176 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. vertical curves are exactly similar, while in mine the curves of the verticals are much greater. He also, like myself, admits that there is a fallacy by projection. But unaccountably he imagines that the inclination of the horizontal image on the true horizontal gives true results, and the inclination of the vertical image on the true vertical deceptive results by projection; therefore he imagines the eye to turn exactly the reverse of the reality. Experiments 5 and 6, under conditions elim- inating errors by projection, prove the falseness of his results. The reader who desires to follow up this sub- ject will find it discussed in an article by the writer re- ferred to below.* The Rotation only Apparent.—There can be no doubt, then, that when the eye passes from its primary position to an oblique position, the vertical meridian of the ret- ina is no longer vertical, but inclined. If we observed Fig. 59. the iris of another per- son, we should see that it had turned as a wheel. In deference to the usage of other writers and to the appearance, I have spoken of this as a rotation on the optic axis, but it is so in ap- pearance only, and not in reality; for the mo- tion of the eye, being always on an axis in a plane perpendicular to the polar or optic axis, can not be resolved into a rotation about that axis. A simple experiment will show the kind of rotation which takes * "American Journal of Science and Arts," III, vol. xx, 1880, p. 83. LAWS OF CONVERGENT MOTION. 177 place in bringing the eye to an oblique position. Take a circular card, Fig. 59, and make on it a rectangular cross which shall represent the vertical ( V V) and hori- zontal {H H) meridians of the retina. A small central circle p represents the pupil. Now take hold of the disk with the thumb and finger of the right hand at the points V V, and place this line in a vertical plane. Then tip the disk up so that the pupil p shall look up- ward 45° or more, but the line V V still remaining in the vertical plane. Finally, with the finger of the left hand turn the disk on the axis V Fto the left. It will be seen that V V is no longer vertical, nor IIH horizontal; but some other line x x is vertical, and y y horizontal. In other words, the whole disk seems to have rotated ro the left. But this is evidently no true rotation on a polar axis, but only an apparent rotation consequent upon reference to a new vertical meridian of space. It does not take place in the primary plane, because there all the spatial meridians are parallel, but only in an elevated or depressed plane, because the spatial merid- ians are there convergent. I shall therefore hereafter call this apparent rotation on the optic axis torsion. This is the more important, because there is a real ro- tation on the optic axis, which we shall speak of under the next head. SECTION II.—LAWS OF CONVERGENT MOTION. We have thus far confined ourselves to explanation of the laws which govern the eyes when they move in the same direction with axes parallel, as in looking from side to side or up and down. I have called this the law of parallel motion. We now come to speak of the laws 178 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. which govern the eyes when they move in opposite di- rections, as in convergence. These I will call the laws of convergent motion. In convergence there is not merely an apparent rotation or torsion, but a real rotation of the eyes on the optic axes; and since the motions are in opposite directions, the rotations are also opposite. But, except in very strong convergence, the rotation is small and difficult to observe, and therefore has been either over- looked or denied by many observers. As the existence or non-existence of this rotation has an important bear- ing on the much-vexed question of the horopter, it is important that proof should be accumulated even to demonstration. The first difficulty which meets us in experimenting on this subject is, that spectral images, which are such delicate indicators of ocular motion, are almost useless here. In parallel motion of the eyes these images fol- low every movement with the utmost exactness, but in convergent motion they do not. Suppose, for example, with the eyes parallel or nearly so, a spectral image is branded on the vertical meridians of both eyes. In convergence each eye may move through 45° or more, but the place of the spectral image is the same, viz., directly in front. The eye also in extreme conver- gence may rotate on the optic axis 10°, but the vertical image remains still perfectly vertical. The reason of this is, that the two retinal images are on corresponding points, and therefore by the law of corresponding points their external representatives are indissolubly united. In moving the eyes in opposite directions, it is impos- sible that the images should move except by separating; but separation, either complete or partial, is impossible without violating the law of corresponding points—a LAWS OF CONVERGENT MOTION. 179 law which is never violated under any circumstances whatsoever. Actual objects therefore, not spectral im- ages, must be used in these experiments. As the experiments about to be described are among the most difficult in the whole field of binocular vision, and as in many of them it is absolutely necessary that the primary visual plane should be perfectly horizontal, I must first define what we mean by the primary visual plane, and show how it may be made perfectly hori- zontal. Take a thin plate, like a cardboard; place its edge on the root of the nose and the card at right angles to the line of the face, in such wise that the plane of the card shall cut through the center of the two pupils, and you can see only its edge. The card is then in the primary visual plane. Keeping the position of the card fixed in relation to the face, the face may be elevated or depressed, and the card will be also elevated or de- pressed, but will remain in the primary visual plane. But if the card be elevated or depressed so as to make a different angle with the line of the face, then the vis- ual plane is elevated or depressed above or below the primary position. When the head is erect and the line of the face vertical, the primary visual plane is hori- zontal. Suppose we wish now to look at a vertical wall in such wise that the primary visual plane shall be per- fectly horizontal. We first mark on the wall a horizon- Fl°"co' tai line exactly the height »L______________\n; of the root of the nose. V / Standing then say 6 feet off, and shutting first one eye and then the other, we bring the image of the lowest part of the root of the nose directly across the line. The primary plane is DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. then perfectly horizontal. In Fig. 60, n and n' are the curves of the outline of the root of the nose as seen by the right and left eye respectively, and n n' is the hori- zontal line on the wall. We are now prepared to make our experiments. Experiment 1.—Prepare a plane 2 feet long and 1 foot wide. Dividing this by a middle line into two equal squares, let one of the halves be painted black and the other white. Let the whole be covered with rectangular coordinates, vertical and horizontal, on the black half the lines being white and on the white half Fig. 61. ismiiu n ■■»■■■■ wmmmmmm w^muam ^ wmmammm ^ ■■■■■■■ black, as in Fig. 61. Near the middle of the two square halves, and at the crossing of a vertical and horizontal line, make two small circles, c c'. Set up this plane on the table in a perfectly vertical position, and at a dis- tance of 2 or 3 feet. Rest the chin on the table im- mediately in front of the plane, with a book or other support under the chin, so that the root of the nose shall be exactly the same height as the circles, which in this case is about 6 inches. Now, shutting alternately LAWS OF CONVERGENT MOTION. 181 one eye and the other, bring the image of the lowest part of the root of the nose coincident with the hori-- zontal line running through the circles. The primary plane is now perfectly horizontal, and therefore at right angles to the experimental plane. Now, finally, con- verge the eyes until the right eye looks directly at the left circle, and the left eye at the right circle, and of course the two circles combine. If one is practiced in such experiments, and observes closely, he will see that the vertical lines of the two squares (which can be readily distinguished, because those of the one are white and of the other black), as they approach and pass over one another successively, are not perfectly parallel, but make a small angle, thus— 1/ ; and also that the angle increases as the convergence is pushed farther and farther, so that lines even beyond the circles are brought successively together. Similarly also the hori- zontals cut each other at a small angle, but this fact is not so easy to observe as in the case of the verticals. Such are the phenomena; now for the interpretation. Tt must be remembered that images of objects differ wholly from spectral images in this, viz.: that spectral images, being fixed impressions on the retina, follow the motions of the eye with perfect exactness; while, images of objects being movable on the retina, their external representatives in convergence seem to move in a direction contrary to the motions of the eye (page 107). This is true of all motions, whether by transfer of the point of sight or by rotation about the optic axes. Now, in the above experiment, the images of the two squares with all their lines seem to rotate about the point of sight outward—i. e., the right-hand square to the right, and the left-hand square to the left. At 182 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. Fig. 62. first sight this might seem to indicate a contrary rota- tion of the eyes, viz., inward. But not so ; for, observe, the field of view of the right eye is the left or black square, and the field of view of the left eye is the right or white square. The right-eye field turns to the left, showing a rotation of the right eye to the right; while the left-eye field turns to the right, show- ing a rotation of the left eye to the left. Thus the two eyes in convergence rotate out- ward. This is shown in the diagram Fig. 62, in which c c' is the experimental plane. The arrows show the direc- tion of rotation of the images of the plane and of the eyes. Experifnent 2.—When one becomes accustomed to experiments of this kind, he can make them in many ways. I find the following, one of the easiest and most convenient: Measure the exact height of the root of the nose upon the sash of the open window, and mark it. Stand with head erect about 3 or 4 feet from the win- dow. Using the cross-bars of the sash-frame as hori- zontal lines, arrange the head so that the two images of the root of the nose shall be exactly the same height as the mark. The primary plane is now horizontal. Now converge the eyes until the dark outer jambs or sides of the frame of the sash approach each other. This will be very distinct on account of the bright light between them. It will be seen that the frames come together, not parallel, but as a sharp V, thus— \| , r and LAWS OF CONVERGENT MOTION. 183 I being the right- and left-eye images respectively. I find that when I stand at a distance from the window equal to the width of the sash, the angle between the two jambs as they come together is about 15°, showing a rotation of each eye outward 7° 30'. When standing still nearer, so that the convergence is extreme, the angle is 20° or more, showing a rotation of each eye of 10° or more. In all these experiments the extremest care is neces- sary to insure the perfect horizontality of the visual plane. The slightest upward or downward looking vitiates the result by introducing mathematical perspec- tive. If there were no rotation, then looking upward and converging would bring the jambs together by perspective, thus— A ; looking downward, thus— y ; looking horizontal, parallel, thus— . But on account of rotation, looking horizontal brings them together thus— y ; downward, at higher angle, thus— \J . Looking upward more and more, the angle decreases till it becomes 0 (i. e., the jambs parallel), and then in- verted. I find that in the previous experiment, stand- ing from tiie window the distance of its width, I must elevate the plane of vision about 6°—i. e., I must look about 8 or 9 inches above the mark—to make the jambs parallel. This is therefore a good method of measuring amount of rotation. Experiment 3.—A far more accurate mode of mea- suring the amount of rotation is by constructing dia- grams on a plane similar to the one used in experiment 1, but in which the verticals and horizontals are both inclined on the true verticals and true horizontals in a 184 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. direction contrary to the rotation of the eyes—i. e., in- ward—and then determining the degree of convergence necessary to make them come together perfectly par- allel. I find that for my eyes, when the verticals are thus inclined in each square 1 J° with the true vertical, and therefore make an angle of 2|-° with each other (Fig. 63), they come together parallel when the point of sight is 7 inches from the root of the nose. When the angle of inclination in each is 2^° with the true vertical, and therefore 5° with each other, the point of Fig. 63. Verticals and Horizontals inclined 1J°. sight must be 4 inches off. When the inclination with the true vertical is 5°, and therefore 10° with each other, the point of sight is 2-2 inches. Finally, when the inclination with the true vertical is 10° or 20° with each other, then they can be brought together parallel only by the extremest convergence, the point of sight being then only a quarter of an inch in front of the root of the nose. In the diagram Fig. 63 the lines, both vertical and horizontal, are inclined inward 1\°, and therefore the verticals of the two squares make an LAWS OF CONVERGENT MOTION. 185 angle with each other of 2£°. It is therefore a reduced facsimile of the plane used. The coordinate lines coincide when the point of sight is 7 inches from the root of the nose. In the cases of extreme convergence mentioned above, I find that for perfect coincidence of both ver- ticals and horizontals it is necessary that the inclination of- the verticals with the true vertical must be greater than that of the horizontals with the true horizontal; so that the little squares are not perfect squares. Thus,when Fig. 64. Verticals inclined 10', Horizontals 5°. the verticals incline 5°, the horizontals must incline only 3|° ; when the verticals incline 10°, the horizontals in- cline only 5°. Fig. 64 is a reduced facsimile of this last case of extreme convergence. I can not account for this, except by a distortion of the ocular globe by the unu- sual and unnatural strain on the muscles, especially the oblique muscles of the eyes. It may be that other eyes are more rigid than mine, and suffer less distortion. The above is by far the most refined method of proving rotation, and of measuring its amount. But 186 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. so difficult are these experiments, and so delusive the phenomena, that it is necessary to prove it in many ways. Another method is by means of ocular spectra. We have already shown that these are not so well adapted to experiments in convergent motion as they are in parallel motion. For example, two brands on the vertical meridians of the two retinae produce spec- tral images which are perfectly united (p. 178). Now in strong convergence, when the two eyes rotate out- ward, the two images will not separate or cross each other, thus— Y , as we might at first expect; for this is forbidden by the law of corresponding points. But we may use a spectral image of one eye to show rotation of that eye. Experiment 4-—The manner in which I conduct the experiment is as follows: I make a vertical spectral image in the manner already explained (page 164), by gazing with one eye (say the right) on a vertical slit in Fig. 65. y ff. R t~\ 8 > St r/ <:---- i> A u. a closed window. I now turn about, and, keeping the left eye I, Fig. 65, still shut, I look across the root of the nose n with the right eye R at a perfectly vertical line w on the wall. I see the vertical image perfectly parallel and nearly coincident with the vertical line on the wall. Then, while the right eye still continues to look along the line R s, I turn the shut left eye L from LAWS OF CONVERGENT MOTION. 187 its previous position L s through an angle of 90°, until its line of sight is Is'. In other words, I run the point of sight or point of convergence from the distant point of the wall w along the line R s to the point a near the root of the nose. When I do so, I see the spectral image incline to the right, thus— /, indicating (since the image is spectral) a rotation of the eye in the same direction. This experiment is very difficult, but it is conclusive. Experiment 5.—I shut one eye, say the left, and look across the root of the nose at a distant object, as in Fig. 63. An assistant now observes attentively my iris, and notes with care the position of the radiating lines. Now, without changing at all the direction of the line of sight, I change the point of sight to an ob- ject or point very near the root of the nose, as in Fig. 63, by turning the optic axis of the shut eye through 90°. I again relax the convergence so as to make the optic axes parallel, and again converge upon the near point; and so on alternately. With every convergence the iris is seen to rotate like a wheel outward. I have subjected my eyes to the observation of five different persons, and they all made the same statement in re- gard to the direction of rotation. There can be no longer any doubt that my eyes in convergence rotate on the optic axes outward, the de- gree of rotation increasing with the degree of conver- gence. To generalize this as a law of ocular motion I have found extremely difficult, because there are so few persons who are able to verify the results, on account of imperfect voluntary control of the ocular muscles, and especially the difficulty or even impossibility which most persons find in observing intelligently images 188 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. which are not at the point of sight. Nevertheless, I have found several persons who by considerable prac- tice have been able to confirm nearly all these experi- ments. I have also made observations directly on the eyes of other persons in the manner described in the fifth experiment, and noted the rotation of the iris in strong convergence. I think, therefore, I am justi- fied in announcing the outward rotation of the eyes in convergence as a general law. The Effect of Elevation and Depression of the Visual Plane on Rotation.—The question next occurs, What is the effect, on this rotation, of elevation or depression of the visual plane ? I have also made many experiments to determine this point. Experiment 6.—In making experiments of this kind, all that is necessary is that the experimental plane shall be exactly perpendicular to the visual plane. This may be insured either by keeping the face in its former position and changing the inclination of the plane, or else, more conveniently, by fixing the plane in its vertical position and changing the inclination of the face. If we choose the latter method, then, for experiments with the visual plane elevated, the head or face is turned downward and the eyes look upward toward the brows upon the experimental plane —care being taken that the eyes in their new position shall be on a level with the center of the plane. By experiments of this kind I find that the outward rota- tion in convergence, especially in strong convergence, increases decidedly for the same degree of convergence with the elevation of the visual plane. Experiment 7.—For experiments on rotation with the visual plane depressed, the face must be turned up- ward (taking care as before that the eyes in their new LAWS OF CONVERGENT MOTION. 189 position are on a level with the center of the plane), and then the eyes look downward toward the point of the nose upon the experimental plane. In this case I find that for the same degree of convergence the rota- tion decreases steadily, until it becomes zero for all de- grees of convergence when the visual plane is depressed 45° below its primary position—i. e., when the eyes look toward the point of the nose. Below this angle the ro- tation seems to be inverse—i. e., inward—although it is impossible to try this with strong convergence, because the nose is in the way. Cause of the Rotation.—It is probable that the rota- tion is produced by the action of the inferior oblique muscles. If so, we can understand why it increases with elevation of the visual plane, and decreases with its depression; for in the first case the tension on these muscles would be increased, while in the latter case it would be decreased. Previous Researches on this Subject.—The only writer who has to my knowledge made experiments on rotation of the eyes in convergence is Meissner.* The results he arrives at are substantially the same as my own; but he arrives at them indirectly, while investigating the question of the horopter, and by methods far less exact than those employed by myself. My results, therefore, must be regarded as a confirmation and a demonstration of his. Meissner's method will be spoken of under the head of the horopter. Laws of Parallel and of Convergent Motion Compared. —We will now formulate the laws of convergent mo- tion, and at the same time contrast them with those of parallel motion. 1. When the eyes move in the primary plane in the * "Archives des Sciences," tome iii, 1858, p. 160. 190 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. same direction (parallel motion), there is no torsion ; but when they move in that plane in opposite directions, as in convergence, they rotate outward. 2. When the visual plane is elevated and the eyes move in the same direction by parallel motion, then lateral motion to the right produces torsion to the right, and to the left, torsion to the left; but when, on the contrary, they move in opposite directions, as in con- vergence, then as the right eye moves to the left, i. e., toward the nose, it rotates to the right, and as the left eye moves toward the nose, i. e., to the right, it rotates to the left. If Listing's law operated at all in this case, as it acts in the opposite direction, it would tend to neutralize the effects of convergent rotation; but such is not the fact. On the contrary, as we have seen, the outward rotation increases with elevation of the visual plane. 3. When the visual plane is depressed, and the eyes move from side to side by parallel motion, then lateral motion to the right is attended with torsion to the left, and motion to the left with torsion to the right. Also when the eyes move by convergent motion in opposite directions, they rotate in the same direction as in the case of parallel motion; but there is this great differ- ence : that while in parallel motion the torsion increases with the angle of depression, in convergent motion it decreases to zero at 45°. If Listing's law operated at all in this case, it would cooperate with and increase the effect of convergent motion; but the very reverse is the fact, the rotation decreasing with the angle of depression. 4. We have already shown that the so-called torsion of parallel motion is not a true rotation on the optic axes, but only an apparent rotation, the result of refer- LAWS OF CONVERGENT MOTION. 191 ence to a new spatial meridian not parallel with the primary meridian. On the contrary, the rotation pro- duced by convergent motion is a true rotation on the optic axes, as shown by the fact that one eye without change of position will rotate in sympathy with the convergent motion of the other eye (experiments 4 and 5). It is evident, then, that when the eyes move in the same direction parallel to each other, as in ordinary vision of distant objects, then all their motions are gov- erned by Listing's law; but when, on the contrary, they move in opposite directions, as in convergence, then the law of Listing is wholly abrogated, or else overborne, and another law reigns in its place. 9 CHAPTER II. THE HOROPTER. If we look at any point, the two visual lines con- verge and meet at that point. Its two images therefore fall on corresponding points of the two retinse, viz., on their central spots. A small object at this point of convergence is seen absolutely single. We have called this point " the point of sight." All objects beyond or on this side the point of sight are seen double—in the one case homonymously, in the other heteronymously —because their images do not fall on corresponding points of the two retinae. But objects below or above, or to one side or the other side of the point of sight, may possibly be seen single also. The sum of all the points which are seen single while the point of sight remains unchanged is called the horopter. Or it may be otherwise expressed thus: Each eye projects its own retinal images outward into space, and therefore has its own field of view crowded with its own images. When we look at any object, we bring the two external images of that object together, and super- pose them at the point of sight. Now the point of sight, together with the images of all other objects or points which coalesce at that moment, lie in the horop- ter. The images of all objects lying in the horopter TD.E HOROPTER. 193 fall on corresponding points, and are seen single; and conversely, the horopter is the surface (if it be a surface) » of single vision. Is the horopter a surface, or is it only a line f In either case, what are its form and position ? These ques- tions have tasked the ingenuity of physicists, mathemati- cians, and physiologists. If the position of correspond- ing points were certainly known, and invariable in ref- erence to a given spatial meridian, then the question of the horopter would be a purely mathematical one. But the position of corresponding points may change in ocular motions. It is evident, then, that it is only on an experimental basis that a true theory of the horopter can be constructed. And yet the experimental deter- mination, as usually attempted, is very unsatisfactory on account of the indistinctness of perception of objects except very near the point of sight. Therefore experi- ments determining the laws of ocular motion, and mathematical reasoning based upon these laws, seem to be the only sure method. The most diverse views have therefore been held as to the nature and form of the horopter. Aguilonius, the inventor of the name, believed it to be a plane passing through the point of sight and perpendicular to the median line of sight. Others have believed it to be the surface of a sphere passing through the optic centers and the point of sight; others, a torus generated by the revolution of a circle passing through the optic centers and the point of sight, about a line joining the optic centers. The subject has been investigated with great acuteness by Prevost, Miiller, Meissner, Claparede, and finally by Helmholtz. Prevost and Miiller deter- mine in it, as they think, the circumference of a circle passing through the optic centers and the point of sight. 194 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. (the horopteric circle), and a line passing through the point of sight and perpendicular to the plane of the circle (horopteric vertical). The horopteric circle of Miiller is shown in Fig. 66, in which 0 0' is the line between the optic centers, n n' the nodal points or points of ray-crossing, A the point of sight, and B an Fig. 66. ___A object to the left and situated in the circumference of the circle. Of course, the images of A fall on the central spots c c'. It is seen also that the images of B fall at b b', at equal distances from the central spots c c', one on the nasal half and one on the temporal half, and therefore on corresponding points. The horopteric vertical of Miiller passes through A and perpendicular to the plane of the circle (i. e., of the diagram). Claparede makes the horopter a surface, of such a form that it contains a straight line passing through the point of sight and perpendicular to the visual plane, and THE HOROPTER. 195 also such that every plane passing through the optic cen- ters makes by intersection with this surface the circum- ference of a circle. In other words, he thinks that the horopter is a surface which contains the ho- ropteric vertical, B A B', Fig. 67, and the ho- ropteric circle, O A 0', and in addition is fur- ther characterized by the fact that the inter- section with it of every plane passing through the optic centers O 0' upward as 0 B 0' or downward as O B' O' \z also a circle. It is evi- dent that, as these cir- cles increase in size up- ward and downward, the horopter according to Claparede is a surface of singular and complex form. Helmholtz arrives at results entirely different. Ac- cording to him, the horopter varies according to the position of the point of sight, and is therefore very complex. He sums up his conclusions thus : * " 1. Generally the horopter is a line of double cur- vature produced by the intersection of two hyperbo- loids, which in some exceptional cases may be changed into a combination of two plane curves. " 2. For example, where the point of convergence * Croonian Lecture, in " Proceedings of the Royal Society," xiii (1864), p. 197; also "Optique Physiologique," p. 901 et seq. 196 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. (point of sight) is situated in the median plane of the head, the horopter is composed of a straight line drawn through the point of convergence, and a conic section going through the optic centers and intersecting the straight line. > " 3. When the point of convergence is situated in the plane wThich contains the primary directions of both visual lines (primary visual plane), the horopter is com- posed of a circle going through that point and through the optic centers (horopteric circle), and a straight line intersecting the circle. " 4. When the point of convergence is situated both in the middle plane of the head and in the primary . visual plane, the horopter is composed of the horopteric circle and of a straight line going through that point. " 5. There is only one case in which the horopter is a plane, namely: when the point of convergence is sit- uated in the middle plane of the head and at an infinite distance. Then the horopter is a plane parallel to the visual lines, and situated beneath them at a distance which is nearly as great as the distance of the feet of the observer from his eyes when he is standing. There- fore, when we look straight forward at a point on the horizon, the horopter is a horizontal plane going through our feet; it is the ground on which we stand. " 6. When we look not at an infinite distance, but at any point on the ground on which we stand which is equally distant from the two eyes, the horopter is not a plane, but the straight line which is one of its parts coincides with the ground." Some attempts have been made to establish the existence of the horopteric circle of Miiller by means of experiments. A plane is prepared and pierced with a multitude of holes into which pegs may be set. The THE HOROPTER. 197 eyes look horizontally over the plane on one peg, and the others are arranged in such wise that they appear single. It is found that they must be arranged in a circle. I have tried repeatedly, but in vain, to verify this result. The difficulty is the extreme indistinctness of perception at any appreciable distance from the point of sight. But, as a general fact, the results reached by the observers thus far mentioned have been reached by the most refined mathematical calculations, based on certain premises concerning the position of correspond- ing points and on the laws of ocular motion. We will examine only those of Helmholtz, as being the latest and most authoritative. Helmholtz's results are based upon the law of Lis- ting as governing all the motions of the eye, and upon his own peculiar views concerning the relation between what he calls the apparent and the real vertical me- ridian of the retina. The real vertical meridian of the eye is the line traced on the retina by the image of a really vertical linear object when the median plane of the head is vertical and the eye in the primary position. The apparent vertical meridian of the eye is the line traced by the image of an apparently vertical linear object in the same position of the eye. This is also called the vertical line of demarkation, because it di- vides the retina into two halves which correspond each to each and point for point. Now, according to Helm- holtz, the apparent vertical meridian or vertical line of demarkation does not coincide with the real vertical meridian, but makes with it in each eye an angle of 1^°, and therefore with one another in the two eyes of 2.i°. The horizontal meridians of the eyes, both real and apparent, coincide completely. Therefore, if the two eyes wrere brought together in such wise that their 198 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. real vertical and horizontal meridians should coincide, their apparent horizontal meridians would also coin- cide ; but the apparent vertical meridians would cross i each other at the central spot thus— r an angle of 2£°. For this reason a perfectly vertical line will appear to the right eye not vertical, but in- clined to the left, and to the left eye inclined to the right. In order that a line shall appear perfectly ver- tical to one eye, it must incline for the right eye 1J° to the right, and for the left 1J0 to the left. But a horizontal line appears truly horizontal. Therefore an upright rectangular cross will appear to the right eye thus-----—, and to the left eye thus-----1—. The inclination of these lines is, however, exaggerated. If, therefore, according to Helmholtz, we make a diagram of which one half is composed of black lines on white ground, and the other of white lines on black ground, like those already used, but in which, while the hori- zontals run straight across horizontally, the verticals on the right half are inclined 1£° to the right, and on the left half the same amount to the left (Fig. 68), then, on combining these by gazing beyond the plane of the dia- gram (i. e., with parallel eyes), either with the naked eye or with the stereoscope, the verticals will be seen to come together parallel and unite perfectly. Now Helmholtz's views of the form of the horopter are based wholly on this supposed relation of real and apparent vertical. Take for example his case of the eyes fixed on a distant point on the horizon. In this case, he says, " the horopter is the ground on which we stand." This is true if the relation above mentioned is making THE HOROPTER. 199 true; for, with an interocular distance of 2| inches, two lines drawn through the optic centers, each inclined 1J° with the vertical and therefore 2£° with each other, 200 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. would in fact meet about 5 feet below—i. e., about the feet. If, therefore, we place two actual rods together on the ground between the feet, and the upper ends be- fore the pupils, the eyes being parallel, it is evident that the image of the right rod on the right retina and that of the left rod on the left retina would fall exactly on Helmholtz's apparent vertical meridian, and, if Helm- holtz's views be correct, on the vertical lines of demar- kation and on corresponding points of the retinae, and thus would be bin ocularly combined and seen as a single line lying along the ground to infinite distance. And conversely, with the eyes parallel and the lines of de- markation inclined 1£° with the vertical, a rod lying on the ground to infinite distance would cast its images on these lines, and therefore be seen single throughout. There are several curious questions which force them- selves on our attention here if Helmholtz's view be true. 1. If we suppose the two eyes to be placed one on the other, so that the real vertical meridians coincide, we have already seen that Helmholtz's apparent verticals or lines of demarkation will cross each other like an X, as in Fig. 69, making with each other an angle of 2-J0. Now the two rods 2^ inches apart at the height of the eyes, and meeting below at the the eetinje superposed, feet, or the rod lying along the ground -r r, line of demarka- ^ infinite distance, WOuld OCCUpy with tion of right eye; 11, ' -r«/ line of demarkation of their images only the upper half of lett eye' the X. But suppose the two rods, in- stead of stopping opposite the eyes, to continue upward to the limits of the field of view. Obviously this upper half would cast images on the lower half of the X, and therefore would be seen single also. Where shall we THE HOROPTER. 201 refer them ? Or, to express it differently, the horopter with the eyes looking at a distant horizon, according to Helmholtz, is the ground wTe stand on; but this is evi- dently pictured on the upper halves only of the two retinae. Where is the other half of the horopter cor- responding to the lower halves of the retinae % 2. Again: According to Helmholtz, in looking at a distance the horopter is the ground we stand on, and he gives this as the reason why distance along the ground is more clearly perceived than in other posi- tions.* On the contrary, it seems to me that it would have just the reverse effect. If the horopter were the ground Ave stand on, then relative distances on the ground could not be perceived by binocular perspec- tive at all; for this is wholly dependent on the exist- ence of double images, which could not occur in this case by the definition of the horopter. It would be therefore only by other forms of perspective that we could distinguish relative distance along the ground. But that we do perceive perspective of the ground binocularly—i. e., by double images—is proved by the fact that the perspective of the receding ground is very perfect in stereoscopic pictures, where the images of nearer points are necessarily double; for the camera has no such distinction between real and apparent ver- tically as Helmholtz attributes to the eye. But it is useless to argue the point any further, for I am quite sure that the property which Helmholtz finds in his eye is not general, and therefore not nor- mal. We have seen that in convergence the eyes ro- tate outward, so as to bring about the very condition of things temporarily which Helmholtz finds permanent in his eyes. I have therefore thought it possible, or * Op. cit., p. 923. 202 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. even probable, that the same habits in early life which, by constant adapting of the eyes to vision of near ob- jects, finally produce myopy, may also, by constant slight rotation of the eyes outward and distortion in convergence on near objects, finally bring about a per- manent condition of slight distortion and outward rota- tion of 1^°. Helmholtz is slightly myopic* However this may be, I am sure there is no such relation between real and apparent vertical meridian in my eyes as that spoken of by Helmholtz. All the ex- periments supposed to prove such relation fail complete- ly with me. A vertical rectangular cross appears rectan- gular to either eye. The lines of Helmholtz's diagram, Fig. 66, when combined beyond the plane of the dia- gram, either by the naked eyes or by a stereoscope, do not come together parallel, but with a decided angle, viz., 1J°. But when I turn the diagram upside down, and combine by squinting, then the vertical lines, being inclined the other way, as in my diagram, Fig. 61, com- bine perfectly by outward rotation of the eyes. I have constructed other diagrams with less and less inclination of the verticals, until the inclination was only 10', and still I detected the want of parallelism when combined beyond the plane of the diagram. Beyond this limit I could not detect it, but I believe only because the limit of perception was passed; for when the lines are made perfectly vertical, they come together perfectly parallel and unite absolutely. It is certain, therefore, that in my eyes the vertical line of demarkation coin- cides completely with the true vertical meridian. Meissnerf alone, of all writers with whom I am * Op. cit., p. 914. f Meissner, " Physiologie des Sehorgans"; also " Archives des Sci- ences," vol. iii (1858), p. 160. THE HOROPTER. 203 acquainted, attempts to determine the horopter by ex- periment. According to him, if a stretched thread be held in the median plane at right angles to the primary visual plane, about 6 to 8 inches distant, and the point of sight be directed on the middle, the thread will not appear single, but the two images will cross each other T\ll at the point of sight thus— V ,»•/ being the right- eye image, and I V the left-eye image. Now, as the images are heteronymous at the upper end and homo- nymous at the lower end, it is evident that they will unite at some farther point above and some nearer point below. By inclining the thread in the manner indi- cated—i. e., by carrying the upper end farther and bringing the lower end nearer—the two images come together more and more, until at a certain angle of in- clination, varying with the distance of the point of sight, they unite perfectly. The thread is now in the horopter. Experiment.—I find that the best way to succeed with Meissner's experiment is as follows: Hold a stretched black thread parallel with the surface of 'the glass of an open window, and within half an inch of it. Now, with the eyes in the primary position, look, not at the thread, but at some spot on the glass. It will be seen that the double images of the thread are not parallel, but make a small angle with each other, thus— \ / . Now bring the lower end nearer the ob- server very gradually. It will be seen that the double images become more and more nearly parallel, until at a certain angle of inclination the parallelism is per- fect. I have made several experiments with a view to measuring the angle of inclination for different dis- 204 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. tances of the point of sight. I find that for 8 inches the inclination is about 7° or 8°; for 4 inches, about 8° or 9°. It seems to increase as the point of sight is nearer. But of this increase subsequent experiments make me doubtful. Meissner's results may be summarized thus: 1. With the eyes in the primary position and the point of sight at infinite distance, the horopter is a plane perpendicular to the median line of sight (plane of Aguilonius). 2. For every nearer point of sight in the primary plane, the horopter is not a surface at all, but a line inclined to the visual plane and dipping toward the observer, the inclination increasing with the nearness of the point of sight or degree of convergence. 3. In turning the plane of vision upward, the in- clination of the horopteric line increases. In turning the plane of vision downward, the inclination of the horopteric line decreases, until it becomes zero at 45°, and the horopteric line expands into a plane passing through the point of sight and perpendicular to the median visual line. Furthermore, Meissner attributes these results to a rotation of the eyes on the optic or visual axes outward; so that the vertical lines of demarkation, C D, C D', Fig. 70, no longer coincide perfectly with the vertical THE HOROPTER. 205 meridians A B, A' B', nor the horizontal lines of de- markation G II. G' II' with the horizontal meridians E F, E' F', as they do when the eyes are parallel, but cross them at a small angle. With eyes parallel, the images of a vertical line will fall on the vertical lines of demarkation (for these then coincide with the vertical meridians) and be seen single. But if the eyes rotate outward in convergence, then the images of a vertical line will no longer fall on the vertical lines of demar- kation, and therefore will be seen double except at the point of sight. In order that the image of a line shall fall on the vertical lines of demarkation and be seen single, with the eyes in this rotated condition, the line must not be vertical, but inclined with the upper end farther away and the lower end nearer to the observer. It is evident also that under these circumstances the horopter can not be a surface, but is restricted to a line. This requires some explanation. If the eyes be converged on a vertical line, and then rotated on their optic axes, as we have seen, the line will be doubled except at the point of sight. This doubling is the result of horizontal displacement of the two images in opposite directions at the two ends—the upper ends heteronymously, the lower ends homony- mously. Now, since heteronymous images unite by car- rying the object farther away and homonymous images by bringing it nearer, it is evident that if the line be in- clined by carrying the upper end farther and bringing the lower end nearer, the two images will unite completely, and thus form a horopteric line. But all points to the right or left of this horopteric line will also double by rotation of the eyes; but this doubling is by vertical displacement, as shown in Fig. 70. Now doubling by vertical displacement can not be remedied by increasing 206 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. or decreasing distance, because the eyes are separated horizontally. It is therefore irremediable. Hence no form of surface can satisfy the conditions of single vision right and left of the horopteric line. Hence, also, the restriction of the horopter to a line, and the inclination of that line on the plane of vision, are ne- cessary consequences of the rotation of the eyes on their viusal axes. This rotation I have already proved in the most conclusive manner by experiments detailed in the last chapter. It will be seen by reference to the preceding chap- ter that my results coincide perfectly with those of Meissner, although I was ignorant of Meissner's re- searches when I commenced my experiments many years ago. The end in view in the two cases, and also the methods used, were different. Meissner was investigating the question of the horopter, and outward rotation of the eyes was the logical inference from the position of the horopter discovered by him. I was investi- gating the laws of convergent mo- tion, and the nature of the horopter was a logical consequence of the out- ward rotation which I discovered. Meissner's method is, however, far less refined and exact than mine. I have also proved the inclina- tion of the horopteric line by direct experiments by my method. Experiment 1.—If two lines, one black on white and the other white on black, be drawn with an in- clination of 1£° with the vertical, and therefore 2£° THE HOROPTER. 207 with each other, and the eyes be brought so near to any points a a, Fig. 71 (taking care that the visual plane shall be perpendicular to the plane of the diagram), that these shall unite beyond the plane of the diagram at the distance of 7 inches, the two lines will coincide perfectly. If then the diagram be turned upside down, and the lines be again united by squinting—the dia- gram being in this case a little farther off, so that the point of sight shall again be 7 inches—the coincidence of the lines will be again perfect. Fig. 72—in which R and I represent the right and left eyes respectively, a H and a' II the lines to be combined in these two positions, and A the point of sight—will explain how the combination takes place. The line H A II is the horopteric line. This experiment is difficult to make, but I am quite confident of the reliability of the results reached. I made many experiments with different degrees of in- clination of the lines a H, a' II, and therefore with different degrees of convergence, and many calculations based on these experiments, to determine the inclination of the horopteric line for different degrees of conver- gence. But the experiments are so difficult that, while 208 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. in every case the inclination of the horopteric line was proved, the exact angle could not be made out with certainty. It seemed to me about 7° for all degrees of convergence, and therefore for all distances. It cer- tainly does not seem to increase with the degree of con- vergence, as maintained by Meissner. Experiment 2.—I next adopted another and I think a better method. I used a plane and diagram covered with true verticals only, as in Fig. 73. I placed this, instead of vertical as in previous experiments, inclined Fig. 73. 7°, and therefore in the supposed position of the horop- ter. Placing the face in a vertical position and the plane of vision horizontal—i. e., my eyes at the same height as the little circles—I combined these succes- sively, and watched how the lines came together. I found that when inclined 7° all the lines, even the far- thest apart—viz., 30 inches—came together perfectly parallel. I then tried the plane inclined 8°; the par- allelism was still complete for all degrees of conver- gence. But when the plane was inclined 9°, the in- clination of the lines in coming together successively THE HOROPTER. 209 was distinctly perceptible. I am sure therefore that the true inclination is about 7° or 8°. Such are the phenomena; now for the interpretation. It will be observed that when the plane represented by the diagram fig. 73 is inclined to the visual plane, all the vertical lines converge by perspective; the conver- gence increasing with the distance from the central line, as in Fig. 74, which represents such an inclined plane referred to a plane perpendicular to the visual plane. By calculation and careful plotting, I find that at the Fig. 74. Projection of Plane inclined 8°. distance of 15 inches the convergence of the first two lines, 6 inches apart, for a plane inclined 8°, is each about 1° 31', or to each other 3° 2'; of the second pair, 12 inches apart, 3° 3' each, or 6° 6' to each other; of the third pair, 18 inches apart, 4° 35' each, or 9° 10' to each other; of the fourth pair, 24 inches apart, 6° 7' each, or 12° 14' to each other; of the fifth pair, 30 inches apart, 7° 40' each, or 15° 20' to each other. Therefore, an increasing rotation of the eyes outward is necessary to bring these together parallel. The distance of the point of sight measured from the optic centers varied 210 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. from 4| inches in the first to 1\ inch in the last case; but the inclination of the horopteric line was the same in every case. This is probably the most accurate means of determining by direct experiment both the horopter and the degree of rotation of the eyes for every degree of convergence of the optic axes. Experiment 3.—I next tried the same experiment with the visual plane depressed 45°, but yet perfectly horizontal. In this position, on combining the vertical lines, I find that they retain perfectly their natural per- spective convergence. On decreasing the inclination of the diagram the perspective convergence becomes less and less, until when the plane of the diagram is vertical the lines come together again parallel for all degrees of convergence, as already found in the previ- ous experiment. I conclude therefore that in turning the visual plane downward the inclination of the horop- teric line becomes less and less, until when the visual plane is depressed 45° it becomes perpendicular to that plane, and at the same time expands to a surface. In turning the visual plane upward, I find, espe- cially for high degrees of convergence, that I must in- cline the plane of the diagram more than 8° (viz., about 10°) in order that the lines shall come together parallel. From this I conclude a higher degree of rotation of the eyes and a higher inclination of the horopteric line. The points on which I do not confirm Meissner are: 1. The increasing inclination of the horopteric line with increasing nearness of the point of sight. I make it constant. 2. I think it probable also that Meissner is wrong in supposing that the horopter, when the visual plane is depressed 45°, is a plane. It is certainly a sur- face, but not a plane ; for it is geometrically clear that points in a perpendicular plane to the right or left of THE HOROPTER. 211 the point of sight can not fall on corresponding points of the two retinae. The horopter in this case is evidently a curved surface. I do not undertake to determine its nature by mathematical calculation, and the experimen- tal investigation is unsatisfactory for the reason already given, viz., the extreme indistinctness of perception of points situated any considerable distance from the point of sight in any direction. In regard to the horopter I consider the following points to be well established: 1. As a necessary consequence of the outward rota- tion of the eyes in convergence, for all distances in the primary visual plane the horopter is a line inclined to the visual plane, the lower end nearer tne observer. But whether the inclination is constant, or increases or decreases with distance, I have not been able to deter- mine with certainty. It is probably constant. 2. In depressing the visual plane, the inclination of the horopteric line becomes less and less, until when the visual plane is inclined 45° below the primary posi- tion the horopteric line becomes perpendicular to the visual plane, and at the same time expands into a sur- face. The exact nature of that surface I have not at- tempted to investigate, for reasons already explained; but it is evidently a curved surface. 3. In elevating the visual plane, especially with strong convergence, the inclination of the horopteric line increases. Finally, the question naturally occurs: Of what ad- vantage is this outward rotation of the eyes, and the consequent limitation of the horopter to a line ? Or is it not rather a defect ? Should the law of Listing be re- garded as the ideal of ocular motion under all circum- stances, and should the departure from this law in the 212 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. case of convergence be regarded as abnormal ? Or is there some useful purpose subserved by the rotation of the eyes on their optic axes? I feel quite sure that there is a useful purpose subserved; for there are spe- cial muscles adapted to produce this rotation, and the action of these muscles is consensual with the adjust- ments, axial and focal, and with the contraction of the pupil. This purpose I explain as follows: A general view of objects in a wide field is a neces- sary condition of animal life in its higher phases; but an equal distinctness of all objects in this field would be fatal to that thoughtful attention which is necessary to the development of the higher faculties of the human mind. Therefore the human eye is so constructed and moved as to restrict as much as possible the conditions both of distinct vision and of single vision. Thus, as in monocular vision the more elaborate structure of the central spot restricts distinct vision to the visual line, and focal adjustment still further restricts it to a single point in that line, the point of sight, so also in binocu- lar vision axial adjustment restricts single vision to the horopter, while rotation on the optic axes restricts the horopter to a single line. CHAPTER III. ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA OF BINOCULAR VISION USUALLY OVERLOOKED, AND ON A NEW MODE OF DIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATION FOUND- ED THEREON. In all that I have said thus far, I have made use of the ordinary mode of representing binocular visual phe- nomena. I have done so because I could thus make myself more easily understood. But it is evident on a little reflection that the usual dia- grams do not in any case represent the real visual facts—i. e., the facts as they really seem to the binocular observer. Thus, for example, if a, B, and c, Fig. 75, be three objects in the median plane, but at different dis- tances, and the two eyes, R and L, be converged on B, as already ex- plained, a and c will be both seen double—the former heteronymous- ly, the latter homonymously. It will be observed that in the dia- gram the double images of both a and c are referred to the plane of sight P P. Now every one who has ever tried the experiment knows that the double images are not thus referred in natural vision; but, on the con- 214 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. trary, they are seen at their real distance, though not in their natural position. Indeed, it is only by virtue of this fact that we have perception of binocular perspective. The diagram therefore, although it truly represents the parallactic position of the double images, does not rep- resent truly their apparent distance. If, on the other hand, we attempt in the diagram to refer the double images to their real distance (observing the law of di- rection), then they unite and form one, which is equally untrue. Thus, if we represent truly the visual position, we misrepresent the visual distance; if, on the con- trary, we try to represent the visual distance, We mis- represent the visual position. It is evident therefore that the usual diagrams, while they represent truly many important visual phenomena, wholly fail to rep- resent truly many others, especially the facts of bin- ocular perspective. The falseness of the usual mode of representation becomes much more conspicuous if, instead of two or more objects, we substitute a continuous rod or line. In this case the absurdity of projecting the double im- ages on the plane of sight is so evident that it is never attempted. The mode universally used for represent- ing the visual result when a rod is placed in the median plane is shown in Figs. 76-79, of which Fig. 76 repre- sents the actual position of the rod in the median plane, and the actual position of the visual lines when the eyes are fixed on the nearer end A ; Fig. 77, the same when the eyes are fixed on the farther end B; and Figs. 78 and 79, the visual results in the two cases respectively. Now it will be observed that in both these figures rep- resenting visual results (Figs. 78 and 79) the image of the rod belonging to each eye is coincident with the visual line of the other eye, and therefore makes an ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 215 angle with its own visual line equal to the visual angle R A I, R B I. But this is not true, for Figs. 76 and 77 show that it ought to make but half that angle. If these figures therefore truly represent the position of the double images (as indeed they do), then they do not represent the visual or apparent position of the visual lines. The truth is, in natural vision the visual 10 216 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. lines are shifted, as well as the images of all objects not situated at the point of sight, and to the same degree, so that the position of such objects relative to the visual lines is perfectly maintained in the visual result. It is evident then that figures constructed on the usual plan, while they give correctly the place and dis- tance of objects seen single, fail utterly to give the place of double images. They are well adapted to express binocular combination of similar objects or similar figures on the plane of sight, but are wholly inadequate to the expression of the facts of binocular perspective, whether in natural objects or scenes or in stereoscopic pictures. In an article published in January, 1871,* I pro- posed, therefore, a new and I am convinced a far truer mode of diagrammatic representation of the phenomena of binocular vision, applicable alike to all cases. I am satisfied that if this method had always been used, much of the confusion and many of the mistakes to be found in the writings on binocular vision would have been avoided. But it is evident that such a new and truer method must be founded upon some fundamental bin- ocular phenomena usually overlooked. I must first therefore enforce these. They may be compendiously stated in the form of two fundamental laws. It will be best, however, before formulating them, to give some familiar experiments, and then to give the laws as an induction from the facts thus brought out. Experiment 1.—If a single object, as for example a finger, be held before the eyes in the median plane, and the eyes be directed to a distant point so that their axes are parallel, the object will of course be seen double, the heteronymous images being separated from each * "American Journal of Science," Series III, vol. i, p. 33. ON POME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 217 other by a space exactly eq ual to the interocular space. Now, the nose is no exception to this law. The nose is always seen double and bounding the common field of view on either side. Experiment 2.—If two similar objects be placed before the eyes in the horizontal plane of sight, and separated by a space exactly equal to the interocular space, and the eyes be directed to a distant point so that their axes are parallel and the two visual lines shall pass through the two objects, then both objects will be doubled, the double images of each being separated by an interocular space; and therefore two of the four images—viz., the right-eye image of the right object, and the left-eye image of the left object—will combine to form a single binocular image in the middle ; while the right-eye image of the left object will be seen to the left, and the left-eye image of the right object to the right. Thus there will be three images seen—a middle binocular image, and two monocular images, one on each side, that on the right side belonging to the left eye alone, and that on the left to the right eye alone. Now, the eyes themselves are no exception to this law. In binocular vision the eyes themselves seem each to double—two of the images combining to form a binocular eye in the middle {ceil eyelopienne), while the other two are beyond the two images of the nose on either side. Each eye seems to itself to occupy a central position, while it sees (or would see if the nose were not in the way) its fellow on the other side of the double images of the nose. In other words, in binocular vision, when the optic axes are parallel, as in gazing on a distant object, the whole field of view, wTith all its objects, including the parts of the face, is shifted by the right eye a half inter- 218 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. ocular space to the left, and by the left eye a half inter- ocular space to the right, without altering the relative position of parts. It is evident that, by this shifting in opposite directions, the two eyes with their visual lines are brought together in perfect coincidence, so that cor- responding points in the two retinae seem to be perfectly united. Fig. 80. Fig, 81. The facts as thus far stated—both the actual condi- tion of things as we know them, and the visual results as they seem to the binocular observer—are represented in the following diagrams. Fig. 80 shows the actual condition of things, and Fig. 81 the visual result, in the first experiment; Fig. 82 the actual condition of things, and Fig. 83 the binocular visual result, in the second experiment. To explain further: In Fig. 80, R and L are the right and left eyes; N, the nose; A, the object ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 219 in the median plane; the dotted lines v v, the direction of the visual lines. Fig. 81 represents the visual results; E being the combined or binocular eye {mil cyclopi- enne); n and n', the two images of the nose belonging to the right and left eyes respectively; V, the combined or binocular visual line, looking between the double im- ages a and a' of the object A; while r' is the position Fig. 82. Fig. 83. of the right eye as it would be seen by the left eye, and I of the left eye as it would be seen by the right, if the nose were not in the way, and v and v' are the positions of their visual lines if they were visible lines. Fig. 82 represents the actual condition of things when two sim- ilar objects .1 and B are before the eyes in the visual lines v v ; and Fig. 83 is the visual result, in which a' and b are the monocular images, one belonging to the left and the other to the right eye, AB the combined 220 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. or binocular image, and the other letters representing the same as before. Experiment 3.—These facts are brought out still more clearly if, instead of an object like A, Fig. 80. we use a continuous line or rod, as in Fig. 76. We have seen above that, with the optic axes parallel, any object placed in the median line of sight, at whatever distance, is separated into two images an interocular space apart. Fig. 84. Fig. 85. Evidently, therefore, the median line of sight itself is doubled, and becomes two lines, which, resting on the nose on each side, run out parallel to each other indefi- nitely. Between these two lines the binocular eye (combined eyes) looks out along the combined visual line at a distant object. If the median line be occu- pied by a real visible line or a rod, we shall see two parallel lines or rods. If the median plane be occu- ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 221 pied by a real plane, we shall see two parallel planes bounding the binocular field of view on each side, be- tween which we look. These facts are represented by the diagrams Figs. 84 and 85. In Fig. 84, B represents a rod resting on the root of the nose n, and held in place by the point of the finger A ; R and I are the two eyes, and v and v the two visual lines in a parallel position. Such is the actual condition of things. Now Fig. 85 represents the visual results. It is seen that the nose n, the rod B, and the finger-point A of fig. 84 are all doubled, as n n', b b', a a' of fig. 85 ; while the two eyes, R and I, and the two visual lines, v and v, of fig. 84, are combined in the middle as the binocular eye E, which looks out along the combined visual line V between the parallel rods b b', of fig 85. As already stated, if instead of a rod we use a plane coincident with the median plane, then the plane is doubled, and we look between the doubled images. This is the case in using the stereoscope. The median plane of the stereoscope is doubled, and between its twro images we look out on the combined pictures. Experiment 1^.—An excellent illustration of the fun- damental fact, that in binocular vision the two eyes are moved to the middle and combined into a binocular eye, must be familiar to every one who has ever worn spectacles. If the spectacles are properly chosen, so that the distance between the centers of the two glasses is exactly equal to the interocular space, then we see but one glass exactly in the middle, through which the binocular eye seems to look. We would see two other glasses, monocular images, right and left, if these were not hidden by the nose. AVe do indeed see two others in these positions if we remove the spectacles to such 222 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. distance that the nose no longer conceals them, while we still look through the middle glass at a distant object. Many other familiar illustrations may be given. If we put our face against a mirror, so that forehead and nose shall touch the glass, and then gaze on vacancy, there will be of course four images of the two eyes in the mirror. Two of these, viz., the right-eye image of the right eye and the left-eye image of the left eye, will unite to form a central binocular eye, an image of our own central binocular eye, and into which our own seems to gaze. The nose will be seen double and on each side of the central eye, and beyond the double im- ages of the nose on either side will be seen monocular images of the eyes. In other words, wTe actually see exactly what I have expressed in the diagrams (Figs. 83 and 85) representing visual results. If, in place of the reflection of our own face in a mirror, we make use in this experiment of the face of another person, placing forehead against forehead, nose against nose, and the eyes exactly opposite each other, and gaze on vacancy, the same visual result will follow. Our own central binocular eye looks between our two noses into another central binocular eye, situated also between two noses. Other monocular eyes are seen beyond the noses, right and left. The fields of view of the two eyes are bordered by the nose, the brows, and the cheeks. Its form there- fore varies in different persons. It has no definite limit on the outside. I reproduce as Fig. 86 the diagram already used on page 91, representing rudely the gen- eral character of the field of view of the binocular ob- server. I have introduced the ceil cyclopienne and the two monocular images of the eyes; and, in order to make it more comprehensible, I have supposed the ob- ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 223 server to wear glasses. In this diagram, n n is an out- line of the nose, br of the browr, and ch of the cheek of the right-eye field; br', n' n', and ch', the outline of the left-eye field. The middle space where they overlap, bounded on each side by the outline of the nose, n n, n' n', is the common or binocular field occupied by the central binocular eye E, surrounded by the single ellipse Fig. 86. of the combined spectacle-glasses. I have also intro- duced in dotted outline the left eye I and the spectacle- rim s s as they would be seen by the right eye, and the right eye r' and spectacle-rim s' s' as they would be seen by the left eye, if the nose were not in the way. First Law.—We are now in position to formulate the first law\ I would express it thus: In binocular vision, with the optic axes parallel, as in looking at a distant object, the whole field of view and all objects in the field, including the visible parts of the face, are shifted by the right eye a half interocular space to the left, and by the left eye the same distance to the right, without altering the relative positions of parts; so that the two eyes with their two visual lines seem to unite to form a single middle binocular eye, and a single 224 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. middle visual line, along which the eye seems to look. It follows that any line, rod, or plane in the median line, as also the nose itself, is doubled heteronymously, and becomes two lines, rods, or planes, parallel to each other, and separated by a space exactly equal to the interocular space. Between the two noses, and between the two parallel lines, rods, or planes, the binocular eye seems to look out along the middle visual line upon the distant object. Of course, by this shifting of the two fields in opposite directions, all objects in the field are similarly doubled. Thus in binocular vision the two eyes seem actually to be brought together and superposed, and correspond- ing points of the two retinae to coincide. The two eyes become actually one instrument. And conversely, this apparent combination of two eyes and their visual lines is a necessary consequence of the law of corresponding points. For images on corresponding points are seen single; all objects on the two visual lines must impress corresponding points, viz., the central spots; therefore the visual lines themselves, if they were visible lines, would be seen single. But where could they be seen single except in the middle ? Therefore the two visual lines must combine to form a single middle visual line. We will next give experiments leading up to the second law. For this purpose let us recur to the ex- periment with the rod represented by Fig. 84. We reproduce this as Fig. 87, in order to compare with it the results of subsequent experiments. As already ex- plained, if the rod B be placed in the median plane with the nearer end resting on the nose-root n, and the farther end held in place by the point of the finger A, the eyes looking at a distant object, as shown in Fig. 87, which represents the actual condition of things, then ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. Fig. 87. Tm. 225 the rod, together with nose and finger-point, will be doubled heteronymously and become two parallel rods, Fig. 90. 226 DISPUTED TOINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. between which the binocular eye wTill look out along the binocular visual line at the distant object, as shown in Fig. 88, which represents the visual result. Experiment 1.—Now, while we hold the rod in the position represented by Fig. 87, instead of looking at a distant object with eyes parallel, let the eyes be con- verged on the finger-point F, so that Fig. 89 shall rep- resent the actual condition of things. AVe will observe that the double images of the rod represented in the visual result, Fig. 88, approach at their farther end, car- Fig. 91. Fig. 92. rying all objects in the field with them, until they unite at the point of sight F, and we have the visual result represented in Fig. 90. Experiment 2.—If by greater convergence we next look at some nearer point B on the rod, as in Fig. 91, which represents the actual relation of parts, then Fig. 92 represents the visual result. By comparing this with ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 227 the previous visual results, Figs. 88 and 90, it will be seen that the double images b V approach each other until they unite at the point of sight, and the two im- ages of the rod cross each other at this point, and there- fore become again double beyond, but now homony- mously. If by still greater convergence we look at a still nearer point C, Fig. 93, then the double images of the median rod, Figs. 87, 89, 91, will cross at the point of sight C, and give the visual result shown in Fig. 94. Fig. 93. Fig. 94. Finally, if the point of sight by extreme convergence be brought to the root of the nose, then the double im- ages of the nose n n', Figs. 92, 94, will be brought in con- tact, and the common or binocular field will be obliter- ated. In all cases it will be observed that the combined eyes look along the combined visual lines through the point of sight, and onward to infinite distance. It is evident, then, that in optic convergence, as the two real eyes turn in opposite directions on their optic 228 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. centers, the two fields of view turn also on the center of the binocular eye in directions opposite to the real eyes, and therefore to each other. It will be observed that in speaking of visual phe- nomena I have used much the same language as other writers on this subject, and used also a somewhat simi- lar mode of representation ; only I have substituted eyes in the place of the nose, and put noses in the position of the eyes, I have made median lines cross each other at the point of sight, instead of visual lines, and visual lines combine in the middle as a true median visual line. In other words, I have used the true language of binocular vision. I have expressed what we see, rather than what we know—the language of simple appearance, rather than that mixture of appearance and reality which forms the usual language of writers on this subject. Second Law.—The second law may therefore be stated thus: In turning the eyes in different directions without altering their convergence, objects seem sta- tionary, and the visual lines seem to move and sweep over them; but when we turn the eyes in opposite directions, as in increasing or decreasing their conver- gence, then the visual lines seem stationary (i. e., we seem to look in the same direction straight forward), and all objects, or rather their images, seem to move in directions contrary to the actual motion of the eyes. The whole fields of view of both eyes seem to rotate about a middle optic center, in a direction contrary to the motion of the corresponding eyes, and therefore to each other. This is plainly seen by voluntarily, and strongly converging the eyes on an imaginary very near point, as for example the root of the nose, and at the same time watching the motion of the images of more ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 229 distant objects. The whole field of view of the right eye, carrying all its images with it, seems to rotate to the right, and of the left eye to the left—i. e., homony- mously. The images of all objects, as they are swept successively by the two visual lines, are brought from opposite directions to the front and superposed. As we relax the convergence, and the eyes move back to a parallel condition, the two fields with their images are seen to rotate in the other direction—i. e, heterony- mously. If we could turn the eyes outward, the two fields and their images would continue to rotate het- eronymously. This, which we can not do by volun- tary effort of the ocular muscles, may be done by pressing the fingers in the external corners of the two eyes. By pressing in the internal corners, on the con- trary, the eyes are made to converge, and homonymous rotation of the fields of view is produced. Or the law may be more briefly formulated thus: In convergence and divergence of the eyes, the two fields of view rotate in opposite directions, homony- mously in the former case and heteronymously in the latter, about the optic center of the binocular eye {ceil cyclopienne), while the middle or binocular visual line maintains always its position in the median plane. Thus, then, there are two apparent movements of the visual fields accomplished in binocular vision. First, there is a shifting of each field heteronymously a half interocular space. This is involuntary and habitual, and would of itself double all objects heteronymously, separating their images exactly an interocular space. Second, in convergence, there is a rotation of each field about the optic center of the ml cyclopienne (or about an axis passing through that center and normal to the visual plane), homonymously. The necessary conse- 230 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. quences of these movements are: {a) that the images of an object at the point of sight are superposed and the object is seen single, while objects on this side of the point of sight are doubled heteronymously, and those beyond the point of sight homonymously; {b) that all objects (different objects) lying in the direction of the two visual lines, whether nearer than or beyond the point of sight, have their images (one of each) brought to the front and superposed; so that the two visual lines are under all circumstances brought together and combined to form a single binocular visual line, passing from the middle binocular eye through the point of sight and onward to infinity. In all the experiments which follow on this subject it is necessary to get the interocular space with exact- ness. This may be done very easily in the following manner: Experiment.—Take a pair of dividers and hold it at arm's length against the sky or a bright cloud, and, while gazing steadily at the sky or cloud, separate the points until two of the four double images of the points shall unite perfectly, as in Fig. 95. The distance between the points of the dividers, equal to a-a', or b-b', or c-c', is exactly the interocular distance—i. e., the dis- tance between the central points of the central spots of the two retinae. The only difficulty in the way of perfect ex- actness in this experiment is the want of fine definition of the points when the eyes are adjusted for distant vision. This may be obviated by using slightly convex spectacles. The accuracy of the determination may be ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 231 verified thus: Measure the distance just determined ac- curately on a card, and pierce the card at the two points with small pin-holes. Now place the card against the forehead and nose, with the holes exactly in front of the two eyes, and gaze through them at a distant hori- zon or cloud. If the measurement is exact, the two pin-holes will appear as one; their coincidence will be perfect. As thus determined, I find my interocular space almost exactly 2\ inches (63.5 mm.). It will be seen that this method is founded upon the opposite shifting of the two fields of view half an interocular space each, spoken of in the first law. The two pin- holes are seen as one exactly in the middle, which is looked through by the ceil cyclopienne; and this is therefore one of the very best illustrations of such shifting of the two eyes and their vis- ual lines to the middle. We will now give some ad- ditional experiments illustrat- ing: and enforcing these two laws, and showing the absolute necessity of using this new mode of diagrammatic repre- sentation in all cases in which binocular perspective is in- volved. For this purpose I find it most convenient to use a small rectangular blackboard about 18 inches long and 10 inches wide, Fig. 96. Mark two points R and I at one end, with a space between exactly equal to the interocular space, and in the middle between these points make a notch n in the edge of the 232. DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. board to fit over the bridge of the nose. Such a board is admirably fitted for all experiments on binocular per- spective. Experiment 1.—Draw a line through the middle of the board from the notch n, Fig. 96. This will be the visible representative of the median line; and as the median line is used in all the experiments, this may be made permanent. On this line place two pins at A and B. Draw also from the points I and R dotted lines Fig. 97. Fig. 98. parallel to the median line and to each other, as the visible representatives of the visual lines when the optic axes are parallel, as when looking at a distant object. Now fit the plane over the bridge of the nose, and place it in a horizontal position a little below the pri- mary plane of vision, say half an inch or an inch, so that the whole surface is distinctly seen, and then look ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 233 beyond at a distant object. Leaving out the board in the representations, the actual position of the lines is shown in Fig. 97 and the visual result in Fig. 98. Re- membering that in all our figures capitals represent combined or binocular images, simple italics right-eye images, and primed italics left-eye images, it will be seen that the whole board, with all the lines and objects on it and the parts of the face, has been shifted left and right by the two eyes, so that the nose and the median line are seen as two noses and two parallel lines with their pins, separated by a space exactly equal to the interocular space, and the two visual lines are brought together and united in the middle to form a common visual line V, as if coming from a single bin- ocular eye E If two small circles be drawn or a pin be set at the end of the dotted visual lines in Fig. 97, these will be united in the result Fig. 98, at the end of the combined visual line V. There will also of course be seen to the extreme right and left monocular images of the dotted representatives of the visual lines, and of the circles or pins at their farther end. I have con- nected by vincula the images of the whole drawing, the primed vinculum being the image of the left eye, the other of the right. Experiment 2.—If we now erase the parallel visual lines v v on the board, and draw them convergent on the pin A, so that Fig. 99 shall represent the actual condition, and then adjust the board again to the nose and look at the pin A, the visual result, or what we shall see, is given in Fig. 100. By comparing this result with the actual condition of things—i. e., by comparing Fig. 100 with Fig. 99—it w^ould seem as if the whole draw- ing on the board, including the eyes and nose, had been turned about the point of sight A by the two eyes in 234 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. opposite directions, the right carrying it to the position I A E, the left eye to the position r' A E, shown by the unprimed and the primed vinculum respectively. Fig. 99. Fig. 100. vi fatyWy The real nature of the rotation, however, is shown by comparing the appearance of the drawing when the eyes are parallel with its appearance when the eyes are converged on A. Fig. 101 represents the visual result when the same drawing is viewed with the eyes par- allel. By comparing this figure with the visual result when the eyes converge on A (Fig. 100), it is seen that the two images of the whole drawing rotate on the optic center of the binocular eye E, until the pins a a' and the visual lines v v' of Fig. 101 unite to form the binocular image A and the binocular visual line V of Fig. 100. If the eyes be converged very gradually, the slow approach of the points a a', carrying with them the dotted lines v v', as if turning on the center of the binocular eye E, can be distinctly seen. ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 235 Experiment 3.—If we again erase the dotted repre- sentatives of the visual lines and draw them converging and crossing at the nearer pin B, as in Fig. 102, then Fig. 103 gives the visual result. It is as if the whole diagram, Fig. 102, had been rotated on the point of sight B in two directions, viz., a right-handed rotation by the right eye and a left-handed rotation by the left eye. But what actually takes place is seen by first gazing at a distant object and comparing the visual result thus obtained, shown in Fig. 104, wdth that obtained by converging the eyes on B, shown in Fig. 103. It is seen that the double images of the whole dia- gram turn on the center E until b b', Fig. 104, unite to form B, Fig. 103, and v E, v' Eto form V E; and of course the other lines, a a', v v', cross over and become homonymous. When the eyes converge as in this last experiment, the points R and L on the experimental board, Fig. 96, must be a little less than an interocular space apart. Let us now return to the original experiment with three points or objects in the median line given on page 213. We reproduce here the figure (Fig. 105) usually used to illustrate the visual result. We have already shown how impossible it is to represent all the visual results in this way. If we are bent on representing the parallactic position of the double images, then we must refer them all to the same plane, as in Fig. 105; but this is false. If, on the other hand, we try to place 236 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. Fig. 102. Fig. 103. them at the distances at which we actually see them, observing the law of direction, then the double images unite, which is also false. Fig. 104. Fig. 105. b w V\ ' the two imajres of Fig. 106 shown in Fig. 108 are seen to rotate on E until the points b b' and the dotted lines b E, b' E unite to form B E, Fig. 107. In do- ing so, c c' have approached, but not united; they are there- fore still heteronymous, while a a' have met and passed each other, and become homony- mously double. Therefore Fig. 107 truly represents all the visual facts. It gives both the parallactic position of the points in rela- tion to the observer, their relative position in regard to each other, and their relative distance. Or, if we leave out in the original diagram, as complicating the figure, all except the necessary median line and pins, as in Fig. 109, then the visual result is given in Fig. 110. Or, adding in the visual result only the visual line and the most necessary ray-lines, viz., those going to the binocular eye, we have Fig. 111. This last fig- ure we shall hereafter use to represent the phenomena of binocular perspective. Application to Stereoscopic Phenomena.—We wish now to apply this new method of representation to the phenomena of the stereoscope. We reproduce here as Fig. 112 the diagram used on page 131. It is seen that while the different distances, A and B, at which the ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 239 foreground and background are seen, are truly repre- sented, no attempt is made to represent the double im- ages of the foreground when the background is re- garded, or vice versa. It is impossible by this usual method to represent these double images without refer- Fig. 109. Fig. 110. Fig. ill. ring them to the same plane; but this would of course destroy the perspective, which it is the very object of the diagram to illustrate. The new method, on the contrary, represents the true distance of the point of sight, and the true positions and distances of the double images, and therefore the true binocular perspective. In other words, it represents truly all the binocular visual phenomena. It will be best to preface this ex- planation by an additional experiment. Experimott.—If a rectangular card, like an ordinary stereoscopic card, or a letter envelope, be held before the face at any convenient distance while the eyes gaze on vacancy, i. e., with the optic axes parallel, the two 11 240 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. images of the card will be seen to slide over each other heteronymously, each a distance equal to a half inter- ocular space, and therefore relatively to each other ex- actly an interocular space. If the card be longer than an interocular space, there will be a Fin. 112. XT I part where the two images will overlap. This is represented in the accom- panying diagrams, of which Fig. 113 represents the card when looked at, and Fig. 114 the visual result when the eyes are parallel. In this visual result c c is the right-eye image of the card, c' c' the left-eye image, and d d the binocular overlapping. This overlapped part will be opaque, be- cause nothing can be seen behind it by either eye. But right and left of this are two transparent spaces. That on the left belongs to the image of the right eye, but not to that of the left, and therefore the left eye sees objects beyond it. That on the right belongs to the left eye, but the right eye sees objects beyond it. If two circles, a a, be drawn on the card, Fig. 113, an interocular space apart, they will unite into a bin- r Fig. 113 fli mam Fig. 114. ocular circle A in the center of the opaque part, Fig. 114, while two monocular circles a a' will occupy the transparent borders. ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 241 By the law of alternation spoken of on page 93, sometimes the right eye will prevail, the right-hand trans- parent border will disappear, and the whole right-eye image c c will appear opaque. Then the left eye pre- vails, and the left-hand border will disappear, and the whole left-eye image c' c' will appear opaque. Some- times both borders disappear, and only the binocular overlapping is seen. Sometimes the whole double im- age, including both borders, becomes opaque. But the true normal binocular appearance or visual result is given in Fig. 114—i. e., opaque center and transparent borders, these borders being "exactly equal to the inter- ocular space. We are now prepared to show how stereoscopic phenomena may be represented by our new method. In Fig. 115, c c represents a stereoscopic card in posi- tion ; m s, the median screen, which cuts off the super- numerary monocular images; a a, identical points in the foreground of the pictures, and b b, in the back- ground. The two eyes and the nose are represented as before by R, L, and n ; and a R, a I, b R,b L are ray-lines. Leaving out the dotted lines beyond the card, this diagram represents the actual condition of things. The dotted lines beyond the picture show the mode of representation usually adopted. When the eyes are directed to a a, then a R, a L become visual lines, and a a are united and seen at the point of sight A. When the eyes are directed to b b, then b R,b L become visual lines, and b and b are united and seen single at the point of sight B. The defect of this mode of representation is, that it takes no cognizance of the double images oi bb when A is regarded, or of a a when B is regarded. The at- tempt to represent these would destroy the perspective. 242 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. By our new method, on the contrary, all the phe- nomena are represented. In Fig. 116 is shown the visual result when the eyes are fixed on the background; in Fig. 117, the visual result when the eyes are fixed on the foreground. In Fig. 116 we see that the nose n n' and the median screen ms m's are doubled heter- onymously, and the space between the two is the com- mon and only field of view (for the monocular fields ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 243 are cut off by the screen). In the middle between these is the binocular eye E, looking straight forward. This is manifestly exactly what we see in the stereoscope. Again, we see that the two images of the card have slidden over each other, in such wise that b b, Fig. 115, are brought together in the middle, united, and seen single in Fig. 116. But where \ at what distance ? Evi- dently this can only be at the point of sight, which, as I have already explained, is, in diagrammatic repre- sentations of visual phenomena, where the common vis- ual line and the two median lines meet one another at the point B, Fig. 116. Meanwhile a a, Fig. 115, will have crossed over and become heteronymous, and their double images a a', Fig. 116, will be seen just where their ray-lines E a and E a' cut the median planes, viz., at a a,'. In Fig. 117, which is the visual result when the eyes are fixed on the foreground, the shifting or sliding of the two images of the card is not quite so great as before. It is only enough to bring together the nearer points a a, Fig. 115, but not b b. These latter, therefore, are homonymously double. The united images of a a are seen single on the common visual line, and at the distance A where the double images of the median line cross each other; while b b are seen ho- monymously double, and at b V, the intersection of their ray-lines with the continuation of the median lines after crossing; for homonymous images are always re- ferred beyond the point of sight. The mode of representing combinations writh the naked eyes by squinting is similar. Of course the place of the combined picture will in this case be between the eyes and the card. I reproduce (Fig. 118), for the sake of comparison, the usual mode of representation from page 139. In order to make the perspective nat- DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. ural, it is necessary, as already explained, to reverse the mounting. In Fig. 118 the mounting is thus reversed, as seen by the fact that points in the foreground, a a, are farther apart than in the background, b b. The usual mode of representation is shown in this figure. The true visual result is shown in Figs. 119 and 120, of which Fig. 119 represents the result when the ob- server is regarding the background, and Fig. 120 when he is regarding the foreground. It is seen that not ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 245 only does the diagram give truly the place and distance of the combined image, but also of the double images by means of which perspective is perceived. It will be remembered that double images may be nearer or farther off than the point of sight, but that in the former case they are heteronymous, in the latter homonymous. In this way we at once perceive their distance in relation to point of sight. Nowt, in the new mode of representation, this fact is also indicated. In both of the figures 119 and 120 there are two places where the ray-lines cut the median lines, and therefore where double images may be formed; but in the one case the images are heteronymous, and therefore we refer them to the nearer points a a,'; in the other case they are homonymous, and therefore we refer them to the farther points b b'. If stereoscopic pictures mounted in the usual way be combined with the naked eyes by squinting, or pic- tures with reverse mounting be combined in the stereo- scope, the perspective will be inverted. In this case the diagrammatic representation is exactly the same, except that the double images of points in the fore- ground a a' will now be homonymous, and therefore referred to the other possible point of reference, viz., beyond the point of sight; and double images of points in the background b b' will become heteronymous, and therefore referred to the nearer point. Some curious Plienomcna illustrating the heteronymous Shifting of the two Fields of View. Experiment 1.—To trace a picture where it is not. Take a postage stamp, or a piece of coin, or a medallion, or a small object or picture of any kind; place it on a sheet of white paper. Take then a thin opaque screen, DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. like a pamphlet, or thin book, or piece of cardboard, and set it upright on the right side of the object or picture, and bring down the face upon the top edge of the screen, in such wise that the latter shall occupy the median plane. If we now gaze with the eyes parallel— i. e., on vacancy—the median card will double and be- come two parallel cards, and in the middle between them will be seen the objeet or picture. With a pencil in the right hand we may now trace the outline of the object or picture, by means of its image, on the right side of the screen, although the actual object or picture is on the left side of the same. The accompanying diagrams illustrate and explain the phenomena. In Fig. 121, R and I are the two eyes looking down on the paper sheet sh; ms is the median screen, and c the coin on its left side ; a, the spot where the outline is traced with the pencil P. This Sfc Fia. 121. 0i-wQ" Fig. 122. vYw 7/7 IS ms fy S7i ac' S7i &' s7l/' figure therefore gives the actual condition of things. The visual result, and therefore the explanation, is given in Fig. 122. By careful inspection it is seen that the screen is doubled heteronymously, and becomes two parallel screens ms, m's; that the two images of the ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 247 paper sheet are slidden over each other, so that the left eye, its visual line, and its image of the coin c are all brought to the middle, while the right eye, its visual line, and its image of the pencil and of the point a are also brought to the middle from the other side, and superposed. We therefore see the image of the coin and trace its outline exactly an interocular space dis- tant from its real position. If it were not for the screen, there would be another (right-eye) image of the coin and another (left-eye) image of the pencil and of the point a. These I have indicated in dotted outline. Experiment 2.—If we make the experiment with- out the use of the median screen, then the cause of the phenomenon becomes obvious. If we lay a piece of money on a sheet of paper, and then gaze in the direc- tion of the coin, but with the eyes parallel—i. e., on vacancy—the money of course separates into two images an interocular space apart. If we approach this with a pencil for the purpose of tracing the outline, we will see the pencil also doubled. If we now bring corre- sponding images in contact—i. e., right-eye image (left in position) of the pencil wTith the right-eye image (left in position) of the coin—we touch the coin with the pencil. But if, on the contrary, we bring the right-eye image (left in position) of the pencil to the left-eye im- age (right in position) of the coin, we may trace the outlines of the piece an interocular space distant from its true position. This is shown in Fig. 123, which gives the visual result of such an experiment—c and c' being the right- and left-eye images of the coin, and P and P' of the pencil. If, while the operation is going on, we observe carefully, we will see to the right the left-eye image of the pencil, P', engaged in making a tracing. But there is no tracing in this place; it is 248 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. only the left eye image of the real tracing being made by the other pencil, P. In the previous experiment the screen cuts off all the images except the right-eye image Fig. 123. of the pencil and the left-eye image of the coin, which are brought together in the middle. Tolerably good tracings of a picture may be made in this wTay. The only difficulty in making them really accurate is the unsteadiness of the optic axes, and there- fore of the place of the image. I have, however, used this method in making outline tracings of microscopic objects, which may be filled out afterward. For this purpose a card is placed on the right side of the micro- scope, and the microscopic object is viewed with the left eye, while the right eye is used for guiding the pencil. Precisely as in the experiment with the coin (Fig. 123), the left-eye image of the object and the right-eye image of the pencil and of a certain spot on the card are brought together in the middle. Experiment 3.—To trace the outlines of a light on an opaque screen. The same experiment may be mod- ified in an interesting way thus: Set a light in front of you on a table. Place a median screen of cardboard or of tin between the eyes, so that the light can be seen with both eyes. Now bend the screen to the right so as to make a right angle at the distance of 6 or 8 inches from the eyes. This part will cut off the view of the ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 249 candle-flame from the right eye. Nevertheless, while gazing steadily at the flame, a really correct outline of it may be drawn on the opaque transverse screen, precisely as if it were transparent. This is illustrated and explained by the accompanying diagrams. Fig. 124 is the actual condition of things, Fis the flame; ms, the median screen, resting on the nose n; ts, the transverse portion of the screen. Now, just where Fig. 124. Fig. 125. r i^ : -?n s the visual line of the right eye pierces the transverse screen, viz., at f we may draw the picture of the flame F, precisely as if it were transparent. The explana- tion is found by examining the visual result, Fig. 125. By the heteronymous doubling of the median and transverse screens, the left-eye image of the flame and the right-eye image of the transverse screen ts are brought together, and the flame may be seen as it were 250 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. through the opaque screen as a transparency, and drawn at f. In order to show that the flame is seen only by one eye, I have stopped one of the combined visual lines at the screen. The apparent transparency of an opaque screen in this case is precisely the same as the transparent borders of an opaque screen mentioned and explained on page 240. Experiment 1±.—To see through a book, a deal board, or the back of the hand, or even if necessary through a millstone. Roll up a thin pamphlet into a hard tube a half or three quarters of an inch in diam- eter, and hold it with the left hand be- tween the thumb and hand, as shown in Fig. 126. Place the right eye to the end of the tube and look through the tube at the opposite wall, or still better at a map or picture hanging on the wall, while the back of the hand conceals the map or pic- ture from the left eye. A circular spot on the wall or map will be seen through the center of the hand (Fig. 126), precisely as if there were a circular hole in the hand. Of course a book or an opaque plate of any kind may be substituted for the hand in this experiment. The explanation is as follows: The visual line of the right eye passes through the axis of the tube and pierces the center of the circular visible area of the object regarded, while the visual line of the left eye pierces the back of the hand or the book at a point dis- tant from the axis of the tube just an interocular space, or about 21- inches. By the right and left shifting of the fields of view already explained, the two visual lines are brought together in the middle ; and therefore the center of the area regarded by the right eye and the ON SOME FUNDAMENTAL PHENOMENA. 251 spot on the hand or book pierced by the left visual line are also brought together and superposed. One thing more to complete the explanation: The impression on the right eye prevails over that on the left — the impression of the circular area obliterates that of the corresponding area on the hand or book for two reasons: first, because the circular area is strongly differentiated from the rest of the right-eye field of view (i. e., the dark interior of the tube), while the cor- responding or coincident area of the left-eye field (the hand or book) is not thus differentiated; and second, because both eyes are focally adjusted for the distance of the object seen by the right eye only. Thus it hap- pens that the right eye sees only the circular area, the rest of its field being very dark ; while the left eye sees all its field except the spot corresponding to and cover- ing the circular area. Thus the binocular observer sees the general field of the left eye (the hand or book), in the middle of which he also sees the circular area of the right-eye field. But if an ink-spot be made on the back of the hand or book just where the left visual line pierces it, the impression of this will be strong enough to resist obliteration ; the strongly differentiated ink- spot will be seen in the center of the circular area, as shown in Fig. 126. CHAPTER IV. VISUAL PHENOMENA IN OCULAR DIVERGENCE. The only normal condition of the optic axes is either parallelism or convergence. We can not voluntarily make the optic axes divergent, because there is no use- ful purpose subserved by such a position; there would be no meeting of the optic axes, and therefore no point of sight. All the advantages of binocular vision are conditioned on convergence only. Divergence would only confuse by giving false information. But, al- though the power of divergence could be of no use and has therefore never been acquired, yet under cer- tain circumstances divergence does occur, and the curi- ous phenomena which then follow are an admirable illustration of the principles of binocular vision already set forth. We will give a few of these phenomena. 1. In Drowsiness.—It is well known that in extreme drowsiness, when we lose control over the ocular mus- cles, we see double images. It is universally believed and taught by physiologists that this is the result of con- vergence of the optic axes in sleep. I know of no ob- servations purporting to prove this. It is probably an inference from the contracted state of the pupils in sleep, and the fact that contraction of the pupils is VISUAL PHENOMENA IN OCULAR DIVERGENCE. 253 usually consensual with optic convergence.* This view is certainly false. Double images in sleepiness are cer- tainly due to divergence, not convergence, of the optic axes. In extreme drowsiness I have often observed the object which I was regarding (it might be the head of a dull speaker) divide into two images, which then sep- arated more and more, until at a distance of 30 feet they were 10 to 15 feet apart. Even under these con- ditions I have found it possible to make a scientific ex- periment. Often, control over the ocular muscles is lost even while consciousness and control over mental acts is still perfect. Often, although by effort I could retain control over the eyes, I have chosen to abandon it in order to make the following experiments. Experiment 1.—As soon as the images are well sep- arated, I wink the right eye : immediately the left im- age disappears. The images are therefore heteronymous. But convergence produces homonymous images, wThile parallelism and, a fortiori, divergence produce heterony- mous images. In this case the heteronymous images can not be produced by mere parallelism, because this state separates the images only an interocular space, or about 2£ inches, whereas the images may be separated many feet: therefore they are produced by divergence. The amount of divergence is easily calculated. At a distance of 30 feet a separation of the double images of 10 feet would require an angular divergence of the optic axes of nearly 19° ; a separation of 15 feet would indi- cate an angular divergence of 28°. * " In sleep and in sleepiness both eyes are turned inward and up- ward." "The contracted state of the irides in sleep is a consensual motion dependent on the position of the eyes, which are turned inward and upward."—Miiller, " Physiology," Am. ed., pp. 810 and 535. 254 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. In every such experiment the consciousness is quick- ly and completely aroused, and the double images are speedily reunited, though not so speedily but that the result is unmistakable. But, lest some may regard the speedy union of the images as an objection to this ex- periment, we will take another. Experiment 2.—While lying abed in the morning, if one gazes on vacancy, objects near at hand (say the bedpost) are doubled heteronymously, the images being 2\ inches apart. If, while thus gazing and observing the heteronymous images, one should be overtaken by drowsiness and consequent loss of control over the ocular muscles, he will see that the already heterony- mous images separate more and more. Now, if this were due to convergence, the heteronymous images would approach, unite, cross over, and become homony- mous. It is certain, then, that in myself, in extreme drow- siness, when control over the ocular muscles is lost, and therefore presumably in sleep, the eyes diverge. I have also satisfied myself that my case is not exceptional in this respect, for my results have been verified by several other persons. I think, therefore, I may assume it as a general law. Double vision is also a wrell-known phenomenon of extreme intoxication. The unnatural appearance of the eyes in such cases is due to want of parallelism of the optic axes. I have on several occasions examined the eyes of those in this sad condition, and have always found the axes divergent. This seems to arise from partial paralysis of the ocular muscles. If we examine the eye-sockets of a human skull, we find that their axes diverge about 25°-30°. This is about the extreme divergence of the optic axes in VISUAL PHENOMENA IN OCULAR DIVERGENCE. 255 drowsiness. It is probable, therefore, that in a state of perfect relaxation or paralysis of the ocular muscles the optic axes coincide with the axes of the conical eye- sockets, and that it requires some degree of muscular contraction to bring the optic axes to a state of parallel- ism, and still more to one of convergence, as in every voluntary act of sight. In the human eye, therefore, and also in that of the highest animals, there are three conditions of the optic axes : first, convergence, as when we look at a near object; second, parallelism, as when we look at a distant object or gaze on vacancy; third, divergence, when we lose control over the ocular mus- cles, as in drowsiness, in drunkenness, in sleep, and in death. The first requires a distinct voluntary contrac- tion of the ocular muscles; in the second there is no voluntary action, but only that involuntary tonic con- traction characteristic of the healthy waking state; in the third the relaxation is complete. The first is the active state of the eye, the second the waking passive state, the third the absolutely passive state. 2. Other Modes of producing Divergence.—But the divergence of the optic axes may be effected in other ways. In most normal eyes the passive state is one of parallelism. It is easy therefore to double homony- mously the images of an object at any distance by con- vergence, but most persons would find it impossible voluntarily to double the images of a very distant ob- ject, as for example a star, heteronymously—i. e., by divergence. Yet under certain conditions a slight di- vergence is possible. For example, I find I can (and I believe most persons can) combine with the naked eyes and with natural perspective (i. e., beyond the plane of the card) stereoscopic pictures in which identical points are farther apart than the interocular distance. I can 256 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. not always succeed, being able to do so only when my mind is in an exceptionally passive state. Experiment 3.—I take now a skeleton stereoscopic diagram, identical points in the background of which are separated by a space greater by an eighth of an inch than my interocular space. By holding it at arm's length so as to make the divergence as small as possi- ble, I succeed in combining. After the combination is stable, I can bring the card nearer and nearer until it is within 5 inches of my eyes, and yet the combina- ation is retained. But this corresponds to a divergence of only 1£°. Experiment Jp.—But by mechanical force wTe may make the eyes diverge 40° or 50°. This is done by pres- sure in the external corner of the eye. By thrusting a finger of each hand into the external corners of the eyes I can make the two images of an object directly in front separate 50°, or the images of two objects situated 25° to the right and left of the median line, and therefore 50° apart from each other, come to the front and unite. The following diagrams represent and explain the visual phenomena in divergence of the optic axes. In Fig. 127, which represents the actual relation of parts, m is the median line; v v, the visual lines or optic axes produced; A, an object on the median line; b b, two similar objects in the direction of the diverging visual lines; and r r, ray-lines from the object A. Fig. 128 shows the visual result if the lines in Fig. 127 were visible lines drawn on the plane described on page 231. It will be seen that by heteronymous shifting and then heteronymous rotation the whole diagram represented by Fig. 127 has been carried and rotated by the right eye to the position of the lines connected by the un- primed vinculum, and by the left eye to the position VISUAL PHENOMENA IN OCULAR DIVERGENCE. 257 of the lines connected by the primed vinculum. By this means the two visual lines v v are brought together and combined as the common visual line V, and two of the images of the objects b b are brought together and superposed at B; the median line is doubled and ro- Fig. 127. Fig. 128. tated heteronymously to the positions m m', carrying with them the double images of the median object A as a a'. The above diagram correctly represents the position and the distance of the double images a a', and the position of the combined image B, but can not represent the distance of the combined image, because there is no point of sight. For the point of sight is really the point of optic convergence or meeting of vis- ual lines ; in diagrams representing visual results, it is the point of crossing of the doubled median lines ; but this point, by both definitions, would be in this case be- hind the head. The diagram therefore correctly repre- sents all the visual facts ; for, there being in divergence DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. no point of sight, the distance of objects in the visual line is indeterminate as represented. It is impossible by the usual method to correctly represent any of the visual facts. 3. If the Law of Direction be opposed to the Law of Corresponding Points, the Latter will prevail.—These two most fundamental laws of vision are sometimes in discordance with each other. The reason of this may be thus explained: The law of direction is the fundamental law of monocular vision, as the law of corresponding points is of binocular vision. Now, for each eye, and therefore for the monocular observer, direction is determined by reference to the optic axis, but for the binocular observer by reference to the me- dian line. On account of this difference of line of ref- erence, while objects seen single are seen in their true positions, double images are always seen in positions different, and in some cases widely different, from the object which they represent. The difference may even amount to 45°. For example: The binocular field of view in my own case is 100° in a horizontal direction. By strong convergence I can nearly bring the double images of the root of my nose together, and thus oblit- erate the common field. I am sure therefore that I can make the optic axes of my two eyes cross each other at right angles. In such a case, of course, objects directly in front are doubled and their images separated 90° from each other, while objects lying to the right and left 90° from each other are brought to the front and their images superposed. Here the images are 45° from the true position of the objects which they repre- sent. Thus, Fig. 129 represents the actual relation of things in this case, and Fig. 130 the visual result, show- ing that the positions of the objects M and a a are com- VISUAL PHENOMENA IN OCULAR DIVERGENCE. 259 pletely reversed. It may indeed be said that the case oi a a seen in front may be reconciled with the law of direction. For, if the combined images be referred to Fig. 129. the point of optic convergence A, as indeed they often are, then each eye sees its own object in its true direc- tion, but only mistakes its distance. To this I would Fig. 130. answer that each eye does indeed give the true direction, as is quickly shown by shutting one of them, but the two eyes together do not. Each sees its own object in 260 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. the true direction, but the binocular observer sees their combination in a wrong direction. In the case of the double images m and m! of the object 31, it is still more difficult to explain their apparent position by the law of direction. A curious Corollary.—It is seen that, under all cir- cumstances, whatever be the position of the optic axes, objects in the visual lines are moved to the front and seen there. Now the same would be true if our eyes were turned directly outward right and left. There can be no doubt that if we could turn our eyes directly outward, or if our eyes, retaining their present organi- zation and properties in regard to corresponding points, were transferred to the sides of the head with their axes straight right and left—i. e., making an angle of 180° with each other—images of objects in the direction of these axes, and therefore directly right and left, would be moved round 90° each, and combined and seen di- a-- Fig. 131. /// O Off---*'— « -^ Fig. 132. o-.a y ML rectly in front. This seems an extraordinary result, but it is a necessary consequence of the law of corre- sponding points. The retinal images of the two objects are on corresponding points, viz., on the central spots; VISUAL PHENOMENA IN OCULAR DIVERGENCE. 261 therefore, by the law of corresponding points, they must be seen as one. But where else can this take place but in front ? The accompanying figures are a diagrammatic representation of these facts, Fig. 131 being the supposed condition of things, and Fig. 132 the visual result. After the frequent explanations of similar figures, a bare inspection will be sufficient. CHAPTER V. COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY OF BINOCULAR VISION. The cause of the remarkable law of corresponding points, on which all the phenomena of binocular vision depend, has not been traced with certainty to anatomical structure. It is probably in some way connected with the existence of an optic chiasm and the crossing of the fibers of the two optic nerves there, but in what way is not understood. We have already (page 102) alluded to a hypothesis, " the nativistic theory," which supposes that fibers from corresponding points unite into one fiber or end in one brain-cell; but even if this be true, it is undiscoverable. The optic chiasm doubtless is a sign of some kind of sympathetic relation between the two eyes; but whether this necessarily reaches the de- gree which produces corresponding points is uncertain. The chiasm exists in nearly all vertebrates, but not in invertebrates. In vertebrates sometimes the fibers of the two nerve-roots (optic tracts) simply cross each other without uniting; this is the case in fishes. In others the fibers of the roots partly cross and partly do not, so that each nerve is made up of fibers from both roots; this is the case in mammals and birds, and probably to some extent in reptiles. It seems certain then that in- vertebrates do not enjoy binocular vision. It is proba- PHYSIOLOGY OF BINOCULAR VISION. 263 ble also, from anatomical structure alone, that osseous fishes do not enjoy this faculty. AVhether in some still higher animals the sympathetic relation which certainly exists between the two eyes reaches the point necessary for their successful use of the two eyes as one instru- ment is also, I believe, very doubtful. I proceed to give some reasons for this belief, derived from the position of the two eyes. In man the axes of the conical eye-sockets diverge about 25°, or each makes with the median line an angle of a little more than 12°. In these slightly diverging conical sockets the eyeballs are so placed, and the mus- cles so adjusted, that in the waking passive state their axes are parallel; and from this passive parallel condi- tion they may be easily converged even upon very near objects. In man, then, though the eye-sockets still diverge considerably, the eyes are set in front with axes naturally parallel. This is evidently the position most suitable for binocular vision; for the eye-sockets could not be brought any nearer to parallelism without diminishing too much the interocular space, and thus the accuracy of binocular judgment of distance. In monkeys the position of the eyes is much the same as in man. They are placed well in front, with their axes apparently parallel in the passive state, and therefore well adapted for binocular convergence on near objects. But as we go down the vertebrate scale, the eyes are placed wider and wider apart, then moved more and more to the side of the head; the axes of the eye-sockets are therefore more and more divergent, and the difficulty of convergence on a near point becomes greater and greater, until in some mammals, as cetacea, in many birds, and in all fishes, the eyes are placed no lono-er in front, but on the sides of the head, with their 12 264 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. optic axes inclined nearly or quite 180° with each other. It is evident that animals with eyes so placed can not converge the optic axes on a single point, especially a near point. In fact, it is. well known that those birds which have their eyes placed well on the side of the head, when they wish to look attentively, turn the head and look with one eye. It seems impossible that animals like the whale and fishes, in which the eyes are fairly on the side of the head, can enjoy a true binocular vision with its consensual movements of the two eyes, with its double and combined images, its stereoscopic effects, and its complex but accurate visual judgments based on these effects. It seems impossible that, for such animals, the law of corresponding points could have been developed, or can now exist; for if it did, it could only, as we have seen (page 260), lead to false judg- ments as to the direction of objects. They see with two eyes, but these do not act together as one instrument, as a single binocular eye; they are independent, and see each for itself. I have watched the motions of the eyes of fishes swimming in an aquarium, and they seem to me to move independently of each other. The same is true of all other senses, even in man : however much their organs may be multiplied, each organ perceives for itself. The property of corresponding points, from which all the phenomena of binocular vision are de- rived, is something peculiar to the eye of the higher animals. Nothing analogous exists in the other senses. Binocular vision in its perfection, as it exists in man and the higher animals, is the last result of the gradual improvement of that most refined of all the sense-or- gans, the eye, specially adapting it to meet the wants of the higher faculties of the mind. There are, it is true, consensual movements and PHYSIOLOGY OF BINOCULAR VISION. sympathetic relations in the double organs of other senses—e. g., the consensual movements of the hands. There is even a kind of binaural audition* by means of which we judge imperfectly of direction of sound. But these are not only infinitely inferior in degree of perfection to, but they are essentially different in kind from, that consensual movement and that sympathetic relation which we find in the eyes, and Avhich slowly in the process of evolution gave rise to the wonderful property of corresponding points and the phenomena of binocular vision. Binocular vision, then, is certainly wanting in in- vertebrates, for the eyes in these are either immovably fixed, as in insects and many crustaceans, or, if movable, as in snails, etc., their movements are not consensual. The most perfect eyes among invertebrates are found in cephalopods. These have true recti muscles for turning them about, but from their position they can not move consensually. There is also no optic chiasm in any invertebrate. Teleost fishes do not enjoy binocular vision, for there is in them no optic chiasm, and the position of their eyes makes it impossible for them to converge their axes on objects, especially near objects. The movements of their eyes also seem to be independent. Sharks and selachians generally have an optic chiasm, and therefore probably more sympathetic connection between the eyes than osseous fishes. It is possible that binocular effects begin first to be developed in these. Yet not only in these, but even in reptiles and some birds, binocular seems to be at least subordinate * Thompson, "Philosophical Magazine," vol. iv, p. 274 (1877); vol. vi, p. 383 (18*78); "American Journal of Science and Arts," vol. xix, p. 145 (1880); Steinhauser, " Philosophical Magazine," vol. vii, p. 261 (1879). 266 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. to monocular two-eyed vision (if I may be allowed the expression). The carnivorous birds and all mammals except cetacea seem to enjoy binocular vision very much as man does, though I believe in a less perfect degree. There is another peculiarity of the human eye, prob- ably closely connected with the highest effects of bin- ocular vision, which still more quickly disappears as we go down the vertebrate scale. I refer to the existence of the central spot of the retina. We have already seen that this spot, situated exactly in the center of the ret- inal concave, and therefore just where the visual line pierces the retina, is the most highly organized and sensitive portion of the retina. It is not more than a millimetre in diameter. Now every spot of the retina has its representative in the field of view. The repre- sentative of this is the point of sight and a very small area about that point, viz., the area of very clear vision. At the ordinary reading distance of 12 inches, this area is not more than three quarters of an inch in diameter. If, while gazing steadily and attentively at one point, we observe the relative distinctness of points in other por- tions of the field of view, we shall find that these be- come rapidly less and less distinct as the point is more distant from the line of sight. In other words, there is a regular gradation of distinctness, from the point of sight, where it is greatest, to the extreme margins of the field of view, where it is least. Now, as the retina corresponds to the field of view point for point, it fol- lows that there is a regular gradation in keenness and definiteness of perception, and therefore in fineness of organization, from the central spot, where it is greatest, to the anterior margin of the retina, where it is least. This superior fineness of organization has not been demonstrated except for the central spot; but the gra- PHYSIOLOGY OF BINOCULAR VISION. 267 dation of distinctness of vision is its representative, and therefore its sign, in the field of view. Now, as we go down the vertebrate scale, the cen- tral spot is found only in the higher monkeys. After a total absence in all other mammals and all birds, it is said to reappear in some lizards, especially the chame- leon. But whether in these the organization of this spot is similar to that in man—whether it is really a central spot in the same sense, and has the same sig- nificance in vision or not—may be still a question. It seems fair to conclude, therefore, that the graduation of distinctness toward the point of sight, and the limi- tation of the greatest distinctness to that point, which we find in man, do not exist, at least to the same de- gree, in most of the lower animals. The importance of a central spot in the highest ani- mals, and especially in man, is very evident. The lim- itation of the greatest distinctness to the point of sight is absolutely necessary to the concentration and limita- tion of the most thoughtful attention to that point. If all portions of the retina were similarly organized, and therefore all points in the field of view equally distinct, it would be impossible to fix the attention steadily and thoughtfully on any one point to the exclusion of oth- ers. AVe might see equally well, and over a wider area; but we could not look attentively at anything; we could not observe thoughtfully. But in the lower animals, especially those, as the ruminants, which are preyed upon by others, it is far more important to see well in every direction, than to fix attention exclu- sively on one point; therefore the advantages of ex- quisite microscopic distinctness of the center of the field is sacrificed for the much greater advantages of moderate distinctness over a very wide field. The most 268 DISPUTED POINTS IN BINOCULAR VISION. important thing for them is a very wide field and the equal distribution of attention over every part. Hence their eyes are prominent, set wide apart on the margins of a broad front, and destitute of central spot; so that they sweep the whole horizon, and see all parts with nearly equal distinctness. It may be said that the sight of these animals is equal or even superior to that of man, and therefore the organization of their retina is probably as fine as that of our central spot. I answer that there are two things to be considered in this connection. The one is sensi- tiveness to light, and therefore perception of the pres- ence of objects ; the other is distinctness of the percep- tion of form. The one gives us notice of the existence of objects, the other gives us distinct knowledge con- cerning these objects. It is this latter which depends on the fineness of organization of the bacillary layer. Other portions of the human retina are even more sen- sitive to light than the central spot, as is shown by the well-known fact that we see a faint star by looking a little way from it, when we can not see it by looking directly at it. But distinctness of form is perceived only by the central spot. It seems probable, therefore, that animals destitute of a central spot, although they may have a more delicate perception of the existence of objects in the field of view than we, yet do not see the form of objects regarded as distinctly as we do. For this reason they are more apt to mistake the nature of objects, and therefore more easily frightened by trifling causes. Again, it is well to observe that the chameleon, in which the central spot seems to reappear, is an animal whose habits and mode of taking its food require the most fixed and undivided attention. PHYSIOLOGY OF BINOCULAR VISION. 269 The close connection of the central spot with bin- ocular vision is also quite evident. The central spot, more than all other portions of the retina, is endowed with the properties of corresponding points; and the somewhat complex binocular judgments expressed by the term '" stereoscopic perspective" are accurate and reliable only at and in the vicinity of the point of sight. This fact constitutes the great difficulty in the way of the experimental determination of the horopter, as al- ready explained (page 197). It is therefore, to say the least, doubtful if animals whose eyes "want the central spots are able to judge as accurately of the relative dis- tance and the solid forms of near objects as we do. The following, then, are the general changes in the vertebrate eye as we go up the scale : 1. A gradual change of the position of the eves from the sides to the front of the head, and a consequent change of the angle of inclination of the optic axes from 180° to parallel- ism ; 2. A regularly increasing graduation in the fine- ness of the bacillary layer of the retina, and therefore in the accuracy of the perception of form, from the anterior margins toward the central parts, so as finally to form in monkeys and in man a specially organized central spot; 3. A gradually increasing power of con- verging the optic axes on a single near point, so that the images of that point may fall on the central spots of both eyes; 4. The gradual evolution of the proper- ties of corresponding points, and therefore of all the distinctive phenomena of binocular vision. These changes seem all intimately connected with each other and with the development of the higher faculties of the mind. INDEX. PAGE A Aberration......................... 31 ----reduction of................... 36 Accommodation..................... 41 ----experiment illustrating......... 42 Adjustment for light................ 37 ----for distance.................... 40 ----loss of........................ 50 ----theory of....................... 44 Analogues of double images in other senses............................ 95 Aqueous humor..................... 24 Astigmatism........................ 52 Auditive nerve...................... 12 B Bacillary layer.................... 55, 86 Back of the hand, to see through..... 250 Binocular combinations, by the stereo- scope............................. 134 ----field........................... 9! ----perspective............ 120,143,144 ----perspective, experiments illus- trating........................ 120-124 ----perspective, theories of.......... 145 ----perspective, Wheatstone's theo- ries of........................ 145-147 ----perspective, Brucke's theory of.. 147 ----perspective, experiment illustrat- ing Brucke's theory............... 147 ----perspective, Dove's experiment.. 145 ----perspective, Helmholtz's, the true theory of.......................... 151 ---perspective, judgment by means of................................ 15C ----vision.......................... •"• ----vision, disputed points in........164 ____vision, fundamental phenomena usually overlooked in............ 213 PAGE Binocular vision, usual mode of repre- senting untrue.................... 214 ----vision, experiments illustrating the false mode of representing..... 215 ----vision, comparative physiology of 262 ----vision, extreme divergence of eye- sockets incompatible with.........264 ----vision first developed in sharks and selachians.................... 265 ----visual phenomena in ocular di- vergence.......................... 252 ----visual phenomena in drowsiness. 252 ----visual phenomena in intoxication. 254 Blind spot.........................59,78 ----spot, experiments illustrating..73-S1 ----spot, size of.................... 81 ----spot, representative in the visual field of the....................... S2 Book, to see through................ 250 Brief statement of laws............. 229 C Central spot of the retina, properties of................................ 73 ----spot of the retina, function of the. 74 ---spot of the retina...............266 ----spot of the retina found in mon- keys.............................. 267 ____spot of the retina, absence in mam- mals and birds.................... 267 ----spot of the retina in lizards...... 267 ----spot of the retina, importance of. 267 ----spot of the retina, size of........266 Cephalopods, eyes of................ 265 Choroid coat........................ 22 Chromatism, correction of........... 31 ----correction of, hint for........... 35 Ciliary processes.................... 22 Colors, perception of................ 59 272 INDEX. PAGE Colors, primary..................... 60 ----Brewster's view of.............. 60 ----Young's view of................ 60 ----Hering's view of............... 60 Color blindness..................... 62 ----blindness, theory of............. €3 Combination of images of different ob- jects.............................. 103 ----of images of dissimilar objects... 108 ----of images of similar objects..... 112 ----of images of many similar objects 115 Conjunctiva......................... 18 Consensual adjustments............. 104 ----adjustments, dissociation of.___117 ----adjustments, dissociation of, ex- periments illustrating............. IIS Convergent motion, laws of.......... 177 ----motion, difficulty in experiment- ing on............................ 178 ----motion, experiments showing ro- tation on optic axis in......... 180-187 Cornea........................... 21,22 Corresponding points of the two reti- na?............................. 72,96 ---points of the two retinae, law of 97,105 ----points of the retinae, relation of the optic chiasm to the law of.....101 ----points of the retinae, cause of law of................................ 262 Crystalline lens..................... 23 D Daltonism.......................... 62 Deal board, to see through a......... 250 Dcxtrality.......................... 94 Dispersion.......................... 32 Divergence of eye-sockets........... 2€3 ----of eye-sockets, extreme.....263,2C4 Double images...................... 92 ---images, experiments illustrating 92, 93 E Ectoderm....................... 11 Emmetropy......................... 46 Endoderm. ....................... 11 Erect vision........................ 83 Experience, inherited................ 104 Experiments illustrating the combina- tion of images of dissimilar objects, 108-112 PAGE Experiments illustrating the combina- tion of images of similar objects 112-115 ----illustrating the combination of images of many similar objects reg- ularly arranged................ 115-117 Eye, an optical instrument....... 30,162 ----defects as an optical instrument ofthe............................. 46 ----muscles ofthe.................. 18 ----comparison of the camera with the............................ 30,152 ----adjustment of the............... 50 ----ball............................ 20 ----ball, contents of................ 23 F Form............................. 160 ----outline......................... 160 ----solid........................... 160 Formation of the image............. 24 ----conditions of perfect image...... 25 ----experiment..................... 27 ----illustrations.................... 27 ----diagram showing formation of image............................. 28 Fovea centralis................... 57, 73 Function of the retina.............. 64 G General changes in the eye as we as- cend the vertebrate scale.......... 269 ----conclusions.................... 118 ----sensibility related to special sense 9-15 ----structure of human eye......... 17 Gradation among senses........... 11 ----in kind of contact............... 13 ----in distance of perception........ 13 ----in refinement of organ.......... 14 H Helmholtz's view as to the relation of apparent and real vertical meridian 197 ----views, experiments testing.. 197-202 Heteronymous shifting of the two fields of view...................... 216 ----shifting of the two fields of view, experiments illustrating........ 216-222 ----shifting of the two fields of view, statement of the law of............ 223 ---■ shifting of the two fields of view, cuiious phenomena resulting from. 245 INDEX. 273 PAGE Homonymous rotation of the two fields............................. 224 ----rotation of the two fields, experi- ments illustrating............. 224-227 ---- rotation of the two fields, state- ment of the law of................. 228 Horopter, definition of........... 101,193 ----Meissner's investigations with the........................... 189,202 ----different opinions as to the nature ofthe............................. 193 ----Claparede's view ofthe.......... 194 ----Helmholtz's conclusions regard- ing the............................ 195 ----confirmation by the author of Meissner's views ofthe........ 206-210 ----conclusions in regard to the..... 210 ----difference between the author's and Meissner's view of the......... 211 Horopteric circle of M iiller........ 99, 194 Human eye, general structure of..... 17 ----muscles of the.................. 18 Humor, aqueous... ................ 24 ----vitreous........................ 24 Hypermetropy...................... 51 I Identical points...................... 98 Image, light.................... 152,153 ----invisible................... 152,153 ----visible......................... 153 ----formation of.................... 24 ----conditions of a perfect.......... 25 Images, heteronymous....... 95,100, 151 ----homonymous........... 95,100, 151 Interocular space, determination of.. 230 Inverse perspective.................. 135 ----perspective, experiments illustrat- ing........................... 136-141 Iris.................................. 21 J Judgments of distance............... It6 ----of size......................... 157 ----of size, experiments illustrating 157-159 ----of form........................ 10° ----gradations of................... 100 ----visual.......................... 101 ----intellectual..................... 161 PAGE L Law of differentiation............... 10 ----of fatigue...................... 70 ----of direction................. 85,105 ----of direction, illustrations of the 86-S9 ----of direction, opposed to the law of corresponding points............ 258 ----of outward projection of retinal impressions....................... 64 ---of outward projection of retinal impressions, illustrations of........ 66 ----ofListing......... 164, 171,191, 197 Laws of ocular motion............... 164 ----of parallel motion.......... 164,177 ----of convergent motion........... 177 ----brief statement of two.......... 229 ----experiments illustrating new 231-237 ----of parallel and convergent motion compared..................... 189,190 Layers of the retina................. 55 ----of the retina, functions of....... 58 Lens, crystalline.................... 23 ----capsule of...................... 23 ----opacity of...................... 24 ----pioperty of a................... 27 ----achromatic..................... 34 ----plano-convex................... 34 Linings............................. 22 Listing's law............164, 174, 191, 197 M Macula centralis.................... 73 ----lutea........................... 74 Meissner's investigations with the ho- ropter............................ 202 ----results with the horopter........ 204 Mesoderm.......................... 11 Millstone, to see through a.......... 250 Minimum visibile................... 76 ----tactile.......................... 77 Monocular vision.................... 17 ----vision, explanation of phenomena of.............................. 53, 64 Muscip volitantes.................... 67 Muscles, straight.................... 18 ----superior........................ 18 ----inferior........................ 18 ----external........................ 18 ----internal rectus................. 18 ----oblique......................... 19 ----illustrations of actions of........ 19 274 INDEX. PAGE Myopy.............................. 46 ----a structural defect.............. 50 N Nativistic theory.................... 262 Near-sightedness.................... 46 Nerves, olfactive.................... 10 ----optic........................... 10 ----auditive........................ 10 ----gustative....................... 10 Nodal point......................... 29 O Ocular divergence, binocular visual phenomena in..................... 252 ----divergence, other modes of pro- ducing............................ 255 ----spectra?........................ 69 Q3il cyclopienne............ 222, 229, 231 Old-sightedness..................... 43 Opposition of law of direction to law of corresponding points........... 258 ----of law of direction to law of cor- responding points, explanation of 25S-260 Optic chiasm....................... 54 ----chiasm related to corresponding points............................ 101 ----chiasm in lower animals........ 262 ----chiasm not found in invertebrates 262, 265 ----chiasm found in sharks and sela- chians ...............»............ 265 ----nerve...............,.......... 13 Outline of a picture, to trace___..... 245 ----of a candle-flame, to trace...... 243 P Parallel motion, laws of............. 164 ----motion, laws of, experiments il- lustrating........,............ 164-172 ----motion, statement of the laws of 173,174 ---- motion, Helmholtz's contrary statement ofthe laws of........... 175 Perception of color.................. 59 Periscopism......................... 37 Perspective, different forms of....... 142 ----aerial.................. 142, 144,157 ----mathematical.......... 142, 144,157 ----monocular................. 142,144 ----focal................... 142, 144, 156 » PAGE Phosphenes........................ 67 Point of sight...................... 192 Presbyopy.......,.................. 48 ----a functional defect.............. 50 Primary visual plane defined___.....179 Properties of central spot............ 73 Pupil............................... 21 Purkinje's figures................... 63 K Rate of transmission of nerve impres- sions ...i......................... 9 Relation of general sensibility to spe- cial sense......................... 9 Retina............................. 22 ----structure of................. 53, 162 ----cut, showing section of....... 55, 56 ----rods and cones of............... 57 ----function of..................... 64 ----central spot of the.............. 226 Retinal and spatial corresponding points......................... 72,162 ----impressions, law of outward pro- jection of......................... 64 Retrospect......................... 162 Rotation, only apparent............. 176 ----on the optic axis................ 176 ----real............................ 178 ----effect of elevation and depression of the visual plane on............. 188 ----experiments illustrating......... 188 ----cause of the.................... 189 ----Meissner's experiments on...... 189 Sclerotic cdat....................... 20 Sensation, general................... 9 Sense»organ......................... 14 Senses, gradation of................. 11 Sensory nerve-fibers................. 9 Sight compared with other senses.. 65, 84 Simple sensations................... 15 Single vision........................ 95 ----vision, conditions of........... 97,98 Squinting........................... 20 Stereoscopy......................... 125 Stereoscopic pictures................ 126 ----pictures, method of taking...... 127 ----pictures, combination of......... 123 ---- pictures, combination with the naked eye of........ ............. 128 INDEX. 275 PAGE Stereoscopic pictures, experiments illustrating combination with the naked eye of..................12S-133 ---- phenomena, application of new mode of representation to......... 238 Sub-systems, conscio-voluntary...... 11 ----sensori-motor.................. 11 ----reflex.......................... 11 ----ganglionic...................... 11 Superposition of external images.....107 System, nutritive.................... 10 ---nerve.......................... 10 ----blood.......................... 10 T Theories of the origin of the law of corresponding points.......... 102-104 Theory, adjustment................. 44 PAGE Theory, nativistic................... 103 ----empiristic...................... 103 ----of color perception.............. 61 ----of color perception, Young's___ 61 ----of color perception, Stanly Hall's 61 Torsion............................. 177 Transmission of nerve impressions, rate of.......................9,12,13 Two eyes, a single instrument....... 90 V View of Briicke.................... 103 ----of Giraud-Teulon............... 103 ----of Helmholtz................... 103 — ofMiiller...................... 103 ----ofPictet....................... 103 ----of Prevost...................... 103 Vitreous humor..................... 24 THE END. 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