MSM R«--Vr*2 v: :". ^ph'iyy1--:.. my. if tutm tlr%..t.'i. 1>,: ... '-.-'.'• ■-■■ ■■ - 'rt'■ , ■ • f "V \fT/\ / C h i Condition of Eye. \\ ^ Hard. Ripe. Hard. Ripe. Hyper- mature Hyper- mature Execution Optration. Incidents of Operation. April. 1869. June, i860. Peri- No anaesthe- pheric sia. Escape section, of vitreous by spasmodic closure of lids during pres- sure on cor- nea. Lens ex- tracted with large spoon easily and to- tally. May, Cortex and blood remain- ed in anterior chamber. Sept. Anterior capsule removed with cys- totomy H. Knapp: Cataract Extractions. 7 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. DAYS Very painful hyalitis,\ 35 cyclitis and iritis, with closure of pupil. From the fifth to the tenth day -I- Ti. After six weeks eye quiet. Ti. Treatment internal: sedative ; local : atro- pine and leeches. After- Operations s REMARKS. The loss of the eye was caused by the introduction of a large spoon. A ncesthesia might have cbviated the loss of vitreous, and saved the eye. Patient died 18 months after oper- ation of general debilitv. Hurt eye eleven days after operation. Wound reopened, but closed again in two days. Dis- charged with consider- able cortex in anterior chamber. Free from irritation. 10 20 0 JUL. 100 20. SO Wound spontaneous- ly (?) reopened on 3d day, but closed the fol- lowing night. M 20 70 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. No. of Case. Name, ATativity, Residence. 60 General Condition. Quality of Cataract. Condition of Eye. Time of Operation. Execution °f. Operation. Incidents of Operation. 6 Mrs. M. Am. B'klyn Hard. Section small. Con-siderable rub-bing to expel the remnants of tenacious corticalis. 7 A. M. 1581 Ner-Heb. ! vous, N. Y. timid City. ; man. Hard. Externally nothing unusual. Highly myopic. Oct. 1869. Blood after section, quickly coag-ulating, made other steps of operation dif-ficult. No ac-cident. Chlo-roform. 8 Mrs. .63 T. St. Heb. N. Y. City. Hard. 9 Mrs. M. C. Irish. N. Y. City. 62 Hard. Ripe. Nov. 1869. Usual Graefe's section ; apex touching corneal margin. • IO Dr. W. Am. N. Ca. 67 Hard. Eye deep-seated. Nov. 1869. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. . 9 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. ^* ^ .' After- Operation. |DAYS Ring-abscess. Pan- 17 ophthalmitis. Phthisis' bulbi. 16 20 T5 0" REMARKS. The loss is at- tributed to the bruising of the small wound dur- ing extrusion of lens and cortex. 20 y3-^ Extensive scle- ro-choroiditis and rarefaction of chor- oid. Other eye had unsuccessfully been operated on two years pre- viously. Died two years later. Suppuration began at inner corner of wound in cornea and iris. Unsuccessfully treated by warm appli- cations and paracen- tesis of ant. chamber by reopening the wound. Flat leucoma. 14 ^Vo The centerj ^/V I The optical con- of a thin sec-! ditions being ex- ondary cata-, ract torn with a sickle needle 20 days after cellent, atrophy of opt. disc was dis- covered ophthal- |moscopically as 5 S SO s i H. Knapp: Cata'n%ct Extractions 5^3 -~s e « K w 'OJ Condition of Eye. I 5 Execution Operation. Incidents of Operation. 11 Mrs. S8 Hard. Dec. Both eyes B. S. Ripe, j 1869. at the 12 Ger. in both same New- eyes. time. ark, N.J. l3 A.F.S.61 Ger. N. Y. City Hard. 1 Ripe. 1 1 W 14 Mrs. Z. 42 Imma- Feb. Capsule Ger. ture. 1870. opened with Ct. Swol-len. knife during its passage through ante- rior chamber. 15 Mrs. I. Am. New- ark, N.J. 76 Com- pli- cated. High de- gree of M. Synechige. Post, cap- sule thick- ened. March 1870. Sec. down & outward. Iridectomy removing all synech-' ise. Thick- ened caps. circumcis'd with cysto- tome, and ext. with; forceps. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 11 ^1 Course of Healing Process and After- Tieatment. \ Vj &o « ^ S r s 8 ^ OJ L. S. Ger. Brook- lyn, N. Y. 57 F. Pf. 61 Ger. N. Y. City. Right eye hard, left eye hyper- mature with thick- ened cap- sule. Condition of Eye. Hard. Ripe. <^S Execution °f. Operation. May, 1870. Incidents of Operation. Left: Dislo- cation of lens while tearing the capsule. Thickened capsule ex- tracted. On pressure with spoon, vitre- ous pres'nted. Lens extract- ed with large spoon. One or two drops of vitreous es- caped. M.R. Ger. N. Y. City. 64 Hard. Ripe. C. B. 37 Soft. Ger. Ripe. N. Y. City. Dislocation of lens with cys- totome. Lens extracted with sharp hook. A few drops of vitreous es- caped. 7 months previously a small piece of iron pierced the cornea & remained in the ant. cortex, May, 1870. Piece 01 iron came out with lens. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 13 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. ^ ^E> ^ ^' I ^ After-Operations1, 2 I :q DAYS T 6 -2-0- 1U 100 REMARKS. Left tardy union of wound. 20 ToTT 2_Q_ Too _2_Q_ 100 The third day spongy exudation appeared in ant. chamber, fourth day densest, filling the whole chamber. Pulse 72. Chemosis, 5th day : it began to absorb from the periphery, showing sharp edges. 14 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. ity, nee. ^ l'%% .Q « ~ s ^ 20 8 "*3 ^c3 v h s Condition of Eye. where it was seen during: the extrac- tion and re- moved with the lens. ^8 Execution °f. Operation. Incidents of Operation. S. L. Span. Porto Rico. 46 S. K. j5J Ger. ; N. Y. Hard. Ripe. July, j Usual A small quan- 1870. peripher-itity of cortical ic linear substance left. section. Hard. Coloboma Ripe, from pre- jvious irid- ectomy. Aug. Large 1870. jsection 'for large\ lens. 23 24 G. S. Ger. New- ark, N.J. 59 B. K. 50 Ger. i Bliss- ville, L. I. 25 J.A.D/36 Fren. N. Y. City. Hard. Ripe. Sept. 1870. Hard. Ripe. Sept. 1870. Center of anterior capsule removed. Half- soft. Large. Capsule divi- ded with knife in passing through ant. chamber. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 15 Course of Healing Process and After- Treattnent. V 8 ^ 6th day, no chemosis. Exudation limited to pupillary space. Iris clear. 10th day : pupil free and clear, iris bright. The 2d day puru- lent infiltration of the wound under the con- junctival flap. Pain. Chemosis. Pulse, 60. 3d day ant. chamber filled with dark blood. Slow iritis. Closure of pupil. ^T After- Operations -2A- 1 oTF REMARKS. 20 30 The weather was very hot. He said that in Porto Rico, his home, he had not suffered so much from the heat as in New York. No reaction what- ever. Capsulitis plastica.j 12 ^g- Blood in pupil. Pupil) large. ' Patient left the hospital without permission. Pros- spect of improve- ment of S. favor- able. T T 20 11 To 20 TT5 i6 H. Knapp: Cataract Extractions. Name, Nativity, Residence. i ^ 8 "^3 Quality of Cataract. -------- Condition of Eye. *. 2 \Exsecution sS of ■ r~ £ Operation. Incidents of Operation. 26 M. S. Ger. N.Y. City. 67 Hard. Ripe. Corneal specks. Oct. 1870. 27 H. W. Ger. N.Y. City. 43 Half-soft. Oct. T870. 28 Mrs. E. W. Ger. N.Y. City. 63 Hard. Oct. 1870. Escape of some vitreous, when spoon pressed upon cornea. Lens expelled by cautious pres-sure, no in-strument en-tering the eye. 29 Miss J.L. Am. N.Y. City. 36 Hyper mature flat, disci-form. Centre of cap-sule thick-ened. Oct. 1870. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 17 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. ^5 V. at time of Discharge. After- Operation; 53 REMARKS. DAYS I I 20 Too Pupil clouded. 14 1 5 20 0 Division of pupillary membrane 9 days after ex-traction. No reaction. Dis-charged 5 days later. 20 TO 17 2 0 Jo Pupillary opacities. 8 1 3 20 0 Division 5 weeks after 20 3"0 Extraction in the other eye 7 years extraction. No reaction. previously had been followed by pupillary opacities They were divided at the same time with the eye before mentioned. Severe reaction followed for six weeks. No improvement. i8 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. *.$•& 3i ^s v S Condition of ^ £ I Soft. Ripe. 0 -2 i Execution 11 : of K "^ Operation. Oct. 1870. Incidents of Operation. Centre of capsule removed. 72 Hard. Ripe. 45 Half- soft. Oct. 1870. A good deal of rubbing on cor- nea in re- moving the corti- calis. 61 Hard. Ripe. Oct. 1870. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 19 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. ^1 ft ^0 3 § ^ ft After- Operations .8 1 REMARKS. DAYS 6 20 1 0 20 20 On fourth day, blood in anterior chamber, absorbed in six days. 11 20 Jo Six months after extract. S. T2oV Divi-sion of wrin-kled caps, with Graefe's knife. No reaction. Discharged in 5 days. 20 Jo" On 3d day pain. Lids and conjunctiva swollen. Centre 01 wound bulging and white. Ant. chamber turbid. Iris swollen. Pupil narrow. The bulging portion of wound incised, perpen-dicularly to section, pus removed. Leeches to temple. Atropine. The inflammation {keratitis suppurativa partialis et iritis) at once abated, and ended in 10 days. 12 20 200 20 TO The second day oedema of lids. Pulse 84. Chemosis. Iris discolored. Inner angle of wound white, raised. It was incised and pus liber-ated. Symptoms abated. 3d day : Purulent secretion. Inner angle healthy looking. Outer angle of wound white. swollen ; puriform exuda- 21 6 2 0 0 63 days after extraction iridec-tomy, connecting with pupil. In-cision with Beers' knife through pupillary mem-brane. Iris drawn out with Tyrell's hook. 20 40 The splendid re-covery in this case is attributed to the energetic after-treatment. 2 20 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractio?is. ft <-> « o Name. Nativity, Residence. % ^ ^ 8 ft-is r s 8 ^3 Quality of Cataract. Condition of Eye. Time of Operation. Execution °f. Operation. Incidents of Operation. 33 61 Oct. 1870. 34 A. L. Ger. N.Y. City. 5° Very old trau-matic and par-tia 1 ly dislocat-ed cata-ract which had freed him from military service. Anterior capsule thicken-ed. (Com-plicat'd) Nov. 1870. Immediately after the section fluid vitreous es-caped. The pro-lapsed iris was cut off. Lens was brought out with capsule by spoon passed behind post. capsule. During extraction a hard rubber spoon was gently pressed on the cornea, following the course of the lens from below upward. Loss of vitreous inconsiderable. Wound closed nicely. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 21 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. *5 -3£ ft ?< After- Operations tion extending from it into ant. chamber. Ant. cham ber cloudy; iris swollen, yellowish white. Pupil plug- ged with a grayish-white substance. Outer angle deeply incised, pus liberat- ed ; six leeches to temple. \th day : Less pain at night. Purulent discharge dimin ished. Edges of wound in their whole length white, infiltrated. Ant. chamber filled with whitish flakes Pulse 75. Wound vertically incised at several points, anterior chamber tapped and almost all the pus in it evacuated. %th day : No pain during night. Dis- charge less ; anterior cham- ber restored, clear. Pupil partially free. The inflam- matory symptoms steadily abated. Pupillary mem- brane. Tn. F complete. REMARKS. id day : ant. chamb. filled, middle third of wound gap- ing, but bridged over by raised conjunctiva. The con- junctiva was incised several times, but it always closed again over night, and the union of the wound progres- sed but slowly from the sides. From the 13th to the 28th day the gaping wound was touched five times with nitrate of silver in substance, which reduced its size to about one-fourth. Pat. wanted to leave the Hospital. At his house I touched the wound twice at an interval of seven days. The first touching was fol- lowed by hardly any re- action, the second by suppu- rative inflammation, which destroyed the eye. 20 | 11 It is likely that without the touch- ing the wound would slowly have closed, and the eye might have recov- ered. 22 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. ft <-> Name, Nativity, Residence. ] ft ►^ 8 5-3 ft-~ r^ 8 Quality °f i Cataract. Condition of Eye. •S ft "2 Execution °f. Operation. Incidents of Operation. 35 Mrs. S. G. Am. N.Y. City. 65 Hyper-mature ; thicken-ed cap-sule. Nov. 1870. Anterior capsule removed. The section, too small for the lens, was ex-tended, after which the cata-ract readily slipped out. (Smooth.) 3^> Mrs. A. F. Ger. N.Y. City. 57 Hard. Ripe. 31 Mrs. C. Am. Heb-ron, N.Y. 5° Ripe. Hard. Nov. 1870. A very smooth operation. Pat. told time at the watch to the minute. 38 J.U.F. Ger. N.Y. City. 45 Half-soft. Ripe. Nov. 1871. 39 40 .. .. J. G. Neg. N.Y. City. 7i Fat & feeble. Both hyper-mature Dec. 1871. 4i J.G. Irish. N.Y. City. 61 Ripe. Hard. Dec. 1871. 42 J.W.K Ger. Van-cou-ver I. 61 Partial-ly dislo-cated ; capsule thicken- Jan. 1872. The thickened portion of cap-sule was circum-cised ; but could not be removed PL Knapp .- Cataract Extractions. 23 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. V 8 ;- ft r^ H»5 tN ^ ft zr After- Operations ^ REMARKS. After-bleeding in ant. chamb. four days after ex-traction. In the course of 18 months V diminished to ■£■£$ by vertically folded and striped secondary cataract (posterior capsule). DAYS 10 20 TO 18 months af-ter operation division of sec. cataract by Graefe's knife. Reaction slight. 20 70 Three years after the second operation plas-tic cyclitis and opaci-ties of the vitreous set in, reducing V to tuh-No irritation of other eye. T3 2 0 To" 2 0 To (4 months.) (5 years.) Suppuration, beginning at the edges of the wound, presenting the form of ring abscess the third day. Pan-ophthalmitis. 18 O 0 The other eye suc-cessfully operated on 15 months previously. Case 4 of this table. 9 1 0 To 20 30 Slow healing. Wounds' 2=5 7—— gaping and ectatic. Cystoid j cicatrices, synechia and pu- 15 pillary obstructions in both, i , 2TTF Swelling of lids and con-junctiva. Copious muco-serous discharge. Spongy exudation. Iritis. Slight synechias. 18 2 0 Too 20 To On the 7 th day, struck his eye, the re-covery of which had proceeded favorably. 14 20 100 2 0 1 0 24 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. Name, Nativity, Residence, j General Condition. Quality of Cataract. Condition of Eye. Si « 8 V. • ft Execution °f. Optration. Incidents of Operation. 42 6l ed(com-plicat-jed.) Jan. 1872. with forceps. After the expul-sion of the lens, it was extracted with forceps. Some cortex remaining. 43 M. R. Ger. N. Y. City. 48 Half-soft,' mature Jan. 1872. Knife split the capsules, but a more extensive laceration was made afterwards. 44 F. 0. Ger. N. Y. City. 69 Hard. Ripe. Feb. 1872. A quad-rangular piece of an-terior cap-sule re-moved. 45 Mrs. M. K. Ger. N. Y. City. 59 Hard. Ripe. Feb. 1872. Quadran-gular piece of capsule cut out. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 25 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. ^1 After-Operations REMARKS. The wound burst and some vitreous escaped. No bad consequences. DAYS 12 20 •x 0 Capsulitis Suppurativa et hemorrhagica.—The upper edge of the remaining cap-sule first showed white patches, then became uni-formly white, thickened and pervaded with blood-vessels. While the upper portion was clearing up, the inner, then the lower, and at last the outer edge of the quadrang-ular opening in the capsule became successively white and thickened. Hypopyon and repeated abundant hemorrhages took place. When he left, the exudation in the pupil was diminished, the shape and tension of the globe being normal. 34 I ~oo F. com-plete. O 2 0 o To 20 30 26 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. Name, Nativity, Residence. ft si 8 8^ ^3 "^ V S Condition of § *-S 1 Eye. ^ a 1 Time of Operation. Execution of. Operation. Incidents of Operation. 46 Mrs. B. M. Ger. New-ark, N.J. 55 Hard. Ripe. March [Capsule 1872.: cutout 47 C. S. Am. Or'nge N.J. 42 Hard. Ripe. Mar., 1872. Capsule cut out. 48 S. L. Heb. N. Y. City 60 Hyper-mature Feb. 1872. 49 C. Bl. Ger. Adrian Mich. 56 Nucle-ar cat-aract. Cortex still semi-trans-parent in both eyes. (Imma ture.) April, 1872. Knife was blunt requiring a good deal of dragging and saw-ing. After division of ant. capsule vitreous exuded without any pres-sure on the eye. Cataracts easily extracted with large spoon, a small quantity of vitreous follow-ed. Wound clos-ed well. 5o Mrs. M. M. Irish, Hob-oken, N.J. 41 Disci-form, old, (hyp'r-ma-ture.) April, 1872. Great pressure had to be em-ployed to expel the lens, upon which a small quantity of vitre-ous escaped. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 27 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. <1S ft ~c .8 5 DAYS 14 20 Too After- Operations REMARKS. 20 40 M 20 , gix months la- Yw0 jter V reduced by 11'ths vertically striat- later. ed secondary cat- aract. Division with Graefe's knife, a year after extraction resulted in V. 20 To per-] m a - nent. 20 J~o Cyclitis.—4th day, yellow- ish reflex from well dilated pupil. 10th day : synechia; and pupillary membrane. 16: Hemorrhage in ant. cham. 19: more hemor- rhage : iris bulging forward. 39th : Eye shrunken. Iris bulging. Perception of light faint, pain, which had been acute, disappeared. 39 20 30 28 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. ft «■> a j Name, Nativity, Residence. ft a/; -s. 8 p .ft 8 S3 r^ 8 ^s3 Quality of Cataract. Condition of Eye. Time of Operation. Execution °f. Operation. Incidents of Operation. 51 M. L. Am. N. Y. City. 32 Soft. April, 1872. 52 C. B. Am. Strat-ford. 76 Hard. Ripe. April, 1872. 53 Mrs. F. M. Am. B'klyn N.Y. 58 Hard. Inner lower quadrant of F. absent; nothing to account for it. May, 1872. Some blood and cortical sub-stance left. 54 55 Mrs. U Am. N.Y. City. 78 Decrep-it and childish. Hard. Ripe. Both. May, 1872. Left eye : inner border of iris pushed out of wound by pass-ing lens. 56 Mrs. CA. Am. N.Y. City. 54 Hyper-mature May, 1872. 57 K. V. Ger. Jersey City, N.J. 42 Hard. May, 1872. 58 Mrs. M. W. Irish, N.Y. City. 56 Hard. Ripe. May, 1872. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 29 Course of Healing Process and Afte?-- 7"reatment. Length of Treatment. After- Operations ^ ! | , REMARKS. 0 DAYS 6 20 Too 20 30 11 20 "2"o 0 -||t Other eye unsuccess-fully operated on 4 years previously. From the fifth to the twelfth day conjunctiva in-jected and swollen. Opacity in centre and upper part of cornea, deepseated as if pro-duced by scraping with the cystotome. 26 20 "2T7o 2 0 1 0 L. Violent iritis: plug in pupil, hypopyon. After absorption dense pupillary opacity. 21 20 10 0 I 00 SJL ^0 5 20 0 r3 2 0 5 0" TO 15 20 10 0 20 To Iritis. Dense pillary membrane. pu- Iridectomy ^q-q downward, not very successful: pseud o-mem- brane extending downward also. Division of mem- Other eye had been operated on before. Closure Pf-! of pupil. V. ^oby artificial pupil. _2_0_ 100 brane at first of. m a - nent. (May 1876) 3° H. Knapp: Cataract Extractions. ft s ^ 8 ^<3 Quality of Cataract. Condition of Eye. ft'ft 8 £ ;» ft Execution °f . Operation. Incidents of Operation. 87 Mrs. E. K. Am. Hobo-ken, N.J. 79 Exces-s i v el y decrepit Skin like pa-per. Hy-perma-ture. Mav. 1873- Section strictly peripheric. 88 G. 0. Ger. Savan-.nah, Ga. 60 Hard. Ripe. June, 1873-i 89 H. H. Am. Atlan-ta, Ga. 58 Hy-perma-ture. June, 1873- 90 M. B. Ger. Phila-del-phia, Pa. 72 Hy-perma-ture. June, 1873- 91 V. W. Am. N. Y. City. 72 Mor-gagnian. Hyper-mature cum bursa. June, 1873- After the soft cortical sub-stance and the hard nucleus had come out, a white bag showed itself in the pupillary space. It was pressed out with some effort b y means of two spoons, a silver spoon keeping the lips of the wound apart, and a rubber spoon pressing on the H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 39 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. ^1 5 8 ft £ ft ft After- Operations ^ 1 -Si <3 si REMARKS. 2d day: Wound open and slightly gaping. $d day: Suppuration in corners of wound. Pan-ophthalmitis. DAYS 14 O O l8 20 10 0 20 40 14 2 0 1 0 20 30 20 20 Too 20 TO" 12 20 100 20 1 0 4° H. Knapp.- Cataract Extractions. ft Name. Nativity, Residence. ft "vi 8 ft v3 ?*^ ^c3 Quality of Cataract. Condition of Eye. i Time of j Operation. ' Execution of. Operation. Incidents of Operation. 91 72 June, I873- cornea and push-ing the bag to-ward the sec-tion. The bag, apparently a re-cess of the cap-s u 1 e, burst, a milky fluid es-caped, and the wrinkled bag re-mained at the upper border of t h e coloboma, leaving the cen-tre of the pupil perfectly free (no accident) 92 Mrs. B. A. Ger. Rye, N. Y. 52 Hard. Ripe. June, 1873- 93 94 Mrs. B. F. Irish. N. Y. City. 60 R. Hy-perma-ture. L. Hard. Ripe. June, 1873- 95 Mrs. M. K. Ger. N. Y. City. 60 Hard. Ripe. June, 1873- 96 J.B.-Am. B'klyn N. Y. 60 Hard. Ripe. June, 1873- H. Knapp: Cataract Extractions. 4i Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. "£> ^ Jp"^ ■*■> "-8 ^ ft « •- s^ ^ After- Operations DAYS 12 2_p Too" REMARKS. l3 20 To 20 fo Incarcerated iris in both eyes; causing no annoyance. 2.0 10 Jan. 1877 S sunken to gT$ from pupillary membranes. Di- vision by needle gave in 9 days 20 To 20 4 0 The prolapse of iris in right eye became red on 4th day, was excised. Recovery perfect. 20 To 20 Too 20 To 42 EI. Knapp .- Cataract Extractions. ft Name, Nativity, Residence. -*, 8 ft Iji 8 ^3 ^3 Quality of Cataract. Condition of Eye. S -8 After- Operations 1\ REMARKS. DAYS 12 20 4~0 14 20 To 20 2"0 Some irritation at cor-ners of section where iris was adherent. 20 20 To" 9 weeks after extraction divi-sion of sec. cata-ract with needle. No reaction. 20 40 A year later had hem-orrhage into the vitre-ous, which left floating bodies and, at the time of discharge, V f %. Marked spongy exuda-tion. Absorption on the fifth day. The gela-tinous exudation look-ed like a dislocated lens, with a sharp some-what ragged edge. Pu-pillary membrane. 20 1 0 100 6 weeks after extraction a cru-cial division of the pupillary membrane, pro-ducing a very clear pupil, and no reaction. 20 7 °, S'v'n we'ks aft er ex tr. S i x d ays aft er d i vi-sion. Pain and mucous secretion. Conjunctiva raised. Inner corner oi section whitish. From it white exudation (pus' descending tongue-like into ant. chamb. Iris discolored ; aqueous turbid. This condition lasted a week, during 35 1 2 200 30 days after the extraction, when the irrita-tion had almost disappeared, but a tendency 10 closure of the pu-pil and stretch-ing of the iris was still manifest, a Beer's knife was thrust through 20 70 Thr'e we'ks aft e r sec'n d ary oper-ation 44 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. ft Name, Nativity, Residence. ft ■^ 8 (3 .ft 8^ Quality of Cataract. Condition of Eye. Time of Operation. __------ Execution °f. Operation. hicidents of Operation. IOI 54 Oct. 1873- 102 N. H. Ger. New-ark, N.J. 57 Good. Hard. Ripe (nine years). Myopic. Oct. 1873- Apex of sec. 1 mm. be-low mar-gin of cornea. IO3 N. B. Am. De-troit, Mich. 54 Hy-perma-ture. Chole-sterin-ic and chalky depos-its. Oct. 1873. Apex of sec. 1 mm. be-low mar. S ection large. Tough capsule torn, but lens would not move on pressure. Ex-tracted with large spoon. Thickened cap-sule removed with forceps. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 45 >s" Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. After- Operations' .q which time the wound was incised and the an- terior chamber emptied every day. Then the inflammation gradually disappeared, leaving a dense pupillary mem- brane. No reaction until the fifth day; then circum- corneal injection, hy- peremia of iris, hazi- ness of pupil and vit- reous. Eye tender. Ir- ritation {hyalitis) grad- ually subsided. 14 40 the lower part of the cornea and upper part of the iris. The lower lip of the iridoto- my wound was seized with a blunt hook, and drawn toward the wound, in order to be cut off, but it slipped off the hook. As a large opening appeared in the iris, through which vitreous passed into the ant. chamb., and even out of the corneal wound, n o further a t- tempt at iridec- tomy was made. Little reaction followed and pa- tient was d i s- charged six days later with a clear pupil. 20 100 REMARKS. 46 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. ft Name, Nativity, Residence. 5-2 ft."s 8 ^3 .ft s* *5 ■£r> ft Condition of Eye. ft "^ Execution °f. Operation. Incidents of Operation. 104 Mrs. C. Am. N. Y. City. 78 Good. Hard. Ripe. Large arc. senilis. Oct. 1873- !°5 Mrs. C. B. Ger. N. Y. City. 38 Phthisis pulmon. Soft. Ripe. Nov. i873- 106 J. w. H. Am. Bos-ton, Mass. 39 Ripe. Nov. 1873- IO7 L. R. Am. Syra-cuse, N. Y. 55 Ripe. Quad-rangular piece of capsule excised. 108 J. W. Ger. Syra-cuse, N. Y. 66 Hy-perma-ture. Myopic. Nov. 1873- Apex of sec. 1 mm. be low cor-neal mar-gin. In cutting the iris, a small piece of the ant. Lip of the section was cut. IO9 Dr. J. M. Am. Ober-lin, Ohio. 7i Hy-perma-ture. Myopic. Dec. 1873- Capsule resisted Weber's double hook, there-fore Cataract e x -tracted together with capsule by large spoon. Es-cape of vitreous. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 47 Course of Healing Process 1 and After- Treatment. I5! ft f-o ft After- Operations .8 1 REMARKS. DAYS 14 20 TO 20 40 2i y's later. On fourth day, spongy exudation, lasting five days. Portion of anterior capsule in pupil. Remainder of pupil clear. 13 20 Too 17 20 TO 20 20 15 20 To Slow closure of wound. Chemosis. Circumscribed purulent infiltration of wound ; irritation gradually disappearing, leaving inte-rior clear, but a part of the pupil filled with capsule. 3^ 20 TO Recovery, without notable irritation. 21 20 TO 20 TO 3 m'ths H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. ft a ?r ft „~ -O ft S; > 8 s ^"•s^ bo ft 8 s' '<, .ft no N. A. P. 65 -^ "S Condition of Eye. % 8 ft p ft IN > O Execution °f. Operation. Incidents of Operation. Hard. Ripe Am. N. Y. City. Dr. Br. 73 Ger. ; B'klyn Jan. 1874. De- crepit. Cough. Prosta- titis. Hard. Ripe. Pupil di- lated but little by atropia. Jan. 1874. Apex of sec. i\ mm. be- low mar sin. Apex of sec. 2 mm. be- low mar- gin. J. M. Irish, N. Y City. 49 Cata- racta accret. H3 G. K. Ger. N. Y. City. 61 Asth- ma. Ripe. Leucoma adhaerens from burns. Iridectomy had been made. Jan. 1874. Sectio n inward. Feb., 1874. 114 G. B. Irish, N.Y. City. 52 Cata- racta accre- ta. "5 Kerato-iritis, with closure of pupil 5 yrs. previously. Iridectomy r^ years pre- viously, Tra- choma and pannus one year. Feb., 1874. Section in- ward. The rotten iris was drawn out by pieces and cut off Miss J. W. Am. N. Y. City. 25 An- aemic. Halt- soft. Ripe. Maculse Cor- nese. Eye greatly sun- ken. Feb., 1874. Ap. of sec I2 below marg. Vit- reous pre- sented. Lens extracted with the capsule. Considerable loss of vitreous. Eye collapsed. H Knapp : Cataract Extractions- 49 Course of Healing Process and After-- Treatment. ^'1 ft ~8 ^ ft fo ft After- Operations Ultimate V. REMARKS. Hemorrhage into anterior chamber o n fourth day ; absorbed in three days. DAYS *5 20 Too 20 TO 6 we'ks Slow healing of wound. Some capsu-lar obstruction in pupil. 14 20 100 Five months after operation patient had a severe general disease, subacute irido-cyclitis. He died soon after. l8 1 0 200 l 0 200 Result excellent con-sidering the complica-tions, especially the opacity of the cornea. Violent fits of cough-ing. Inner corner of wound bulging. Slow closure. I I 20 ^0 0 23 5 Too Result all that could be expected. Vision improved by treatment of trachoma. No reaction. Wound closed 3d day ; reopened by injury the 4th, closed again the sixth. Pat. left with floating opacities in vitreous. 16 20 Too 50 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. ft =1 Name, Nativity, Residence. fee *£■! ft l~ 8>3 Quality of Cataract. Condition of Eye. \8 >- 5=1 ft ft ?0 -8 8 "^a"*" •c ^ 8* ft •^ % SK, ^ iDAYS Iritis with complete 42 closure of pupil. Iris' drawn upward. After-hemorrhage in ant. chamber in both eyes, leav- ing in the right some pupil- lary opacity. After- Operations 14 weeks after first operation, artificial pupil with Beer's knife and Tyr- ell's hook. Cen- tral, sharply de- fined pupil yiel- ding S -#0. A thin membrane which spread across the pupil was divided four weeks later, yielding and 20 To Hi year.) 16 R. L. 20 100 2 0 40 (4 mo.) REMARKS. Mild iritis. 28 *9 (3 !mo.) (2 mo.) 13 2 0 100 2 0 '20' yrs.) 62 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. ft Name, Nativity, Residence. 8j> ft ;~ 8 ^s ^3 * A , . g Condition of s * -2 Eye. Time of Operation. Execution °f. Operation. Incidents of Operation. 144 L. S. Ger. Eliza-beth, N.J. 64 Hard. Ripe. Dec. 1874. J45 146 Mrs. J. Heb. N. Y. City. 80 Stout. |Hyper- Deep-set. Deere-; mature pit. both. Dec. 1874. Section small in both. Expul-s i 0 n difficult. Some cortex left in both. i47 Mrs. P. Heb. N. Y. City. 60 Hard. Ripe. Dec. 1874. 148 R. V. Am. B'klyn, N. Y. 5° 65 Had had ar-ticular rheu-matism several times. (Com-plicat-ed.) Poste-rior sy-nechia? Dec. 1874. Extrac-tion with capsule. No in-strument introduc-ed. 149 Mrs. E. P. Am. West-field, Mass. Hard. Ripe. Jan. 1875. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 63 Course of Healing Process | ^ and After- Treatment. REMARKS. Purulent keratitis and panophthalmitis in both. Plastic iritis withj 36 closure of pupil. Hyalitis on fifth day. Iritis. Pupil obstructed ; clearing up. In the third week attacked with acute articular rheumatism, on account of which he desired to be discharged. His eye was improving and showed I ^o Too 25 20 To Five months later, iridectomy with Beer's knife and Tyrell's hook. Central pupil yielding Patient died six weeks after his dis- charge. 20 To yrs.) Other eye oper- ated on before. (See case 123). 64 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 150 Mrs. 45 M. M.! Am. JB'klyn,' N. Y. 151 Mrs. l59| C. M. Am. Eliza- beth, N.J. a -^ .ft s ^3. ft ^; oj G Condition of Eye. Half- soft. Ripe. Hard. Ma- ture. ^1 Execution s 8 of r~ ft Operation. Lncidents of Operation. | March 1875. April, 1875- [521 Mrs. 70 hM.A.S.- Am. S. I. N. Y. *53 Hy- perma- ture. Hard Ripe. May, 1875- r54i Mrs. C. S. Am. N.Y. City. 5° Ripe. Large, May, Large sec- j-g7c. ,tion wholly '^' in the limb. conjtv. A small por- tion of iris near peri- phery fell be- fore knife and was cut. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 65 VH^ ^ * ? ! s ?o Paling Process r- Treatment. nq K v. <; ft After- Operations 1 REMARKS. DAYS itis. 25 20 70 l3 2 0 To 2.0 7 0" ,o.) 20 70 (5 mo.) UL 3 0 (5 mo.) Purulent iritis from the second day. Wound opened. Ant. chamb. evacuated several times. Complete clo- sure of pupil. 16 7 months later, cor- nea flat, indrawn scar, painful irido-cyclitis. Vision of other eye im- paired, without physi- cal changes, indicating sympathy. Antiphlo- gistic treatment. In- flammation soon ceas- ed. Other eye healthy S|i No irritation 66 H. Knapp: Cataract Extractions. .- O ft S. L. Am. Bridge port, Ct. 5° General Conditio/ Quality of Cataract. Condition of Eye. 8 P ^| May, 1875- Execution °f. Operation. Incidents of Operation. 155 Hard. Ripe. 156 L. C. Ger. N.Y. City. 52 Hy-perma-ture. Cap-sule thick-ened. Myopic. May, 1875. Apex of section 1 mm. be-low cor-neal mar-gin. Lens extracted with capsule by means of a hook. Capsule burst, but the greater part of it was re-moved. A few drops of liquid vitreous escaped. J57 Mrs. M.M. Am. Brook-lyn, N. Y. 55 Hard. Ripe. May, 1875- 158 J. F. Am. Fort W ayne Ind. 65 Imma-ture. (Dark nucleus, cortical-is semi-transpa-r e n t, capsule opaque. May, i875- Large section, centre of ant. cap-sule re-moved. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 67 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. , ""h> - ! >s •J3 "8 #>? ft s£ ^ 14 After- Operations REMARKS. (10 mo.) Tn with Reads 6 to 7 hours a day without any an- noyance. Other eye blind. Reaction very mod- erate. _2 0_ 1 0 0 Mild but very obsti-nate irido-hyalitis. 34 20 100 20 30 (6 mo.) Mild iritis. 36 20 7 0 5 6 b" H. Knapp: Cataract Extractions. ^r ft ,- o ft ^ ■ ~ 8 8 .R •£ P -2 ft -"^3 : >0 m OJ i59 Mrs. C. G. Ger. Hob- oken, N.J. 64 Condition of Eye. Hy- perma- ture. June, 1875- Execution °f. Operation. Incidents of Operation. i6o; F. D. Ger. N.Y. City. 39 Half- soft. Ma- ture. Both eyes prominent, somewhat hydroph- thalmic. June, 1875- An extraordi- nary amount of liquid escaped after the comple- tion of the sec- tion. 161I W. B. 60 Ger. Brook- lvn, N. Y. Hyper-! ma- ture. June, i875- A drop of vit- reous escaped on removal of corti- cal remnants. 162 W. B. 76 163 Am. 1 N. Y. City. Hy- perma- ture with thick. cap- sule, both. June. 1875 cut out. Capsule #■• A drop of vi- treous while last portion of cortex was removed. L. Vitreous pre- sented while cor- tex was removed, It receded as soon as pres- sure of the globe was discontin- ued. 1641 Mrs. A. Mc G. Am. N. Y. City. 60 Imma- ture. Corti- calis semi- trans- parent Sept. 1875. Exit Section large The tardy tough cap- sule was ruptured with diffi- culty. of lens Visual test negative. Cortex left. H. Knapp .■ Cataract Extractions. 69 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. ^8' ft ~8 ^ r- ft After- Operations ft 1 REMARKS. DAYS 19 1*1 2 0 50 (2 mo ) 14 2 0 7 0 Intense iritis. 46 2 0 70 M R. 15 100 L. 15 70 2 0 "5 0 2 0 To (1 y'r). Purulent iritis. 70 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. G "5 ^' G £> Q ft 3 O e o ft ft Condition of ft -*2 Eye. :~ ft Ni -Sl O* Execution °f. Operation. Incidents of Operation. City. en. Cap- sule ir- regular LHy- perma- ture.] 165 Dr. LJ54! Stout. Ma- . j Highly my- Sept. Capsule Ger. 1 , ture. opic. 1875. cut out. N. Y. ■ City. ; 166 M. A. 60 Mor Sept. C. gagm- 1875- Am. an. N. Y. THy- City. perma- ture.] 167 Mr. A. 80 Hard. Oct. | Am. Ripe. 1875-: Green- pomt, N. Y. 168 Mrs. 60 S Hard. ! Oct. A. R. Ripe. 1875- Am. N. Y. City. 169 F. P. 54 Hard, Oct. 1 Lens re- Escape of Ger. N. Y. and shrunk I875- movea in capsule by large spoon some vitreous. depressing posterior lip, and rubber spoon pushing lens out by pressing on cornea. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 7i Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. V ^.- -O^ v, ^£ ^' ^ After- Opera tions REMARKS. DAYS 24 Irido-cyclitis. Clo-' 25 sure of pupil. Indrawn scar. ^ (4 mo.) Ciliary region re- mained tender to the touch for ten weeks. No irritation of other eye. Lardy closure o f wound. No irritation. 16 12 mo. Slight iritis. 16 20 "ST No reaction. 15 20 To {\ mo.) 411 mo. 72 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. Condition of Eye. _ 10 0 DAYS 1 20 20 i 30 ! 1 20 "2~0 (6 w'ks.) 14 20 30 78 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. ft • ~ s? * 8 fc >3 s.?-a ^ 190 Mrs. E. (xer. N.Y. City. D. Ger. Union Hill, N.J. 48 70 [91 Mrs. S. Am. N.Y. City. 65 192 Mrs. H. Ger. N.Y. City. 76 G 8 ft1 Q s "S oj c3 Condition of Eye. Execution °f . \r h? Operation. Hard. Ripe. Hard. Ripe. (Compli cated.) Hard. Ripe. Myopic. April, 1876. Incidents of Operation. Highly myop- ic, hydroph- thalmic eye. Other eye suc- cessfully oper- ated on before showing ex- tensive atro- phic patches of choroid. April, ; In cap- Considera- 1876. 'sule. [ble loss of ivitreous. Lens partially disloca- ted in anterior chamber (Com- plic't'd.) Consecutive glaucoma acut. May, 1876. May, 1876. Lower section through cornea. No iri- dectomy. Exit of lens easy. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 79 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. I S ^8 -8 ^ 8 ~ ft £ e • ~ ^ After-- Operations REMARKS. Iritis a week after opera- tion. zl 7 0 20 7 0 2 months after IjQ. operation, divi-1 sion of false j 3 membrane withlm0s Beer's knife/, tg; Yielding 70 Very tardy closure of wound on account of vitre- ous keeping a small portion of it gaping. The protrud- ing little bead was cut off' a lew times. At last the wound closed. 32 ' tf 2_0_ "0 0 with- out a glass. -f-jv 1 Many atrophic ^j^8 patches of choroid. _l- i|Opacities in vitre- ^ ous. mos. Jo Central, round pupil. 20 To Patient knew no cause of the dislo- cation. Stated that she had been blind 2 years. Of late the eye became in- flamed. 80 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. Name. Nativity, Residence. H°' General Condition. Quality of Cataract. Condition of Eye. Time of Operation. Execution °f. Operation. Incidents of Operation. Mrs. A. B. Ger. N.Y. City. 48 Hard. Ripe. May, 1876. Dr. L. Ger. N-Y. City. 5° i Hard. Ripe. Myopic. Floating opa-cities of vitre-a year before operation. May, 1876. Mr. ,78 T. Ger. B'klyn N.Y. Mor-gagnian (Hyper-mature.) May, 1876. Mrs. [55 J-Am. N.Y. City. ' Hard. Ripe. I June, 1876. E. R. Ger. N.Y. City. 68 Hard. Ripe. June, 1876. Section small. Ex-pulsion slow, but complete. H. Knapp: Cataract Extractions. 81 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. > ft1 « — ft "8 ~ . ft 8 h ■v. ^ r- ft ^K ^ After-Operations] 2 REMARKS. On the third day iritis set in, 5th day pus in pupil and ant. chamber. 6th day infiltration of part of flap. Flap incised, anter. chamb. emptied. 7th, reopened, chamb. filled with blood. Then gradual absorption and clearing of pupil. DAYS 25 1 ~00 20 0 2 mos. 20 2~0 0 3 mos. J5 20 "Fo" 20 TO 5 we'ks 18 -r° 2 0 0 20 To 4 we'ks 7 20 To 9 20 "ST 82 H. Knapp: Cataract Extractions- 8*^ ft 8 ^ ft S3 ft1.^ Condition of Eye. r~ ft ^ Execution °f. Opei'ation. Incidents of Operation. 198' Mrs. 49 Hard. June, S. Ripe. 1876. Ger. N.Y. City. 199 L. L. 68 Hard. June, Ger. Ripe. 1876. N.Y. City. ; ! 200 Mr. 48! Hyper- j j June, A. • mature. l8y6_ Ger. N.Y. • H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 83 Course of Healing Process and After- Treatment. >8' V: ~8 5 5: ft s s |^| After- Opera tions REMARKS. Capsulo-iritis. Hypo- pyon. Afterward whole ant. chamber filled with yel- lowish bloody exudation, stationary for nine days, then gradually absorbing, leaving dense pupillary membrane. 32 20 7 0 20 "Fo" 4 months later -AJL. artificial pupili withBeer's knife.I 6 The corneal we'ks wound was small J and it required! some effort to withdraw Ty- 1 rell's hook. Arti-| fie. pupil small, clear; corneal wound irritated for two weeks. (4 w'ks. 84 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. From the foregoing tabular statement, the influence which different factors have on the result of the operations may be more or less conclusively derived. I shall successively consider these factors as follows. I. NATIONALITY. TABULAR STATEMENT. Nationality. Number of Operations. Results.* Good. Moderate. Failures. Americans, 88 73 ; 83^ 4 ; 4-5# II 12.5$ Germans, 69 62 ; 89.8$ 2 ; 3^ 5 7.2$ Hebrews, 20 i5 ; 75^ 1; 5$ 4 20& n H. Knapp: Cataract Extractions. 109 ^5 Nature of Reactive Processes. 5 Spontaneous reopening 011 3d day, closed again the following night. 42, Traumatic rupture of wound on 7th day, follow- ed by escape of vitreous but no bad consequences 130 13 31 35 139 140 14 Hurt eye violently on 6th day, rupture of wound ; hemorrhage into anterior chamber, gradually ab- sorbed. Synechiae and pupillary membrane. III. After-Hemorrhage into the Anterior Chamber. Pat. hurt his eye, on 3d day, while bandage was changed, hemorrhage into anterior chamber, disap- peared in a few days. Hem. on 4th day ; ab' sorbed in six days. Hem. on 5th day. Ab- sorption. Irido-cyclitis 4^ years later. Hem. on 4th day, ab- sorbed in 3 days. Hem. in both eyes ; fol- lowed in right by thin pu- pillary membrane. IV. Cystoid Scar Cystoid scar in innner corner of wound, causing no irritation. Slow healing, cystoid protrusion of scar, syn- echice, pupillary obstruc- ts™ in both eyes of an negress. tion old Quality of Cataract Hyper mature. Com plicated. Hard ripe. Hard ripe. Hard ipe. Hyper mature. Hard ripe. Hard, ripe, both. Imma- ture. Hyper- mat u r e (both). Incidents of Oper- ation. Primary Result. S. After- Operations. Final Result. S. n Some TOO n cortex left. A Discission. f¥o n *# n Division of wrinkled capsule, 18 months. n T015 Capsule TiPo Discission. S* opened with knife. TOT Mo no H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 3^ Nature of Reactive Processes. Quality of Cataract. Incidents of Oper- ation. Priviary Result. S. After- Operations. Final Results. S. 133 134 V. Incarceration of Iris. Iris imprisoned in one corner of wound, causing no annoyance. 53 58 59 60 63 Imprisoned prolapse of iris in one corner of wound, causing irritation of iris, was cut off on 5th day. Rapid recovery. Small incarceration, causing acute suppurative is 18 months after operation. Eye saved by immediate removal of imprisoned iris. VI. Deep-seated Kera titis. The posterior layers of the urjper and centra- parts were opaque. Pos- sible cause scraping with cystotome. R. Hy- p e r m a- ture. L. Hard, ripe. Hyper- mature. Hard ripe. Hard. VII. Simple (plastic) Iritis. Leaving dense pupillary membrane. Pupillary membrane. (Prospects of secondary operation very good). Dense pupillary mem- brane. Pupillary membrane. Hard, ripe. Hard, ripe. Hard, ripe. Hard, ripe. n Blood and cor- tex left. Escape of vitre ous. t ■v> ^ Nature of Reactive \ 0 + Cataract. Processes. Incidents op Oper- ation Primary Result. S. After- Operations. Final Result. S. 74 84 99 117 118 r3 M 15 16 17 18 19 Closure of pupil. Pupillary membrane. Some synechiae. Pupillary obstructions in both. 129 134 141 M7 150 158 161 168 171 180 Mild iritis. No sequels Closure of pupil. Mild. Closure of pupil. Mild iritis. Mild iritis. Intense iritis. Mild. Mild. Hard, ripe. Com- plicated, Hard, ripe. Hyper ma ture (both). Mor- gagnian. Hard, ripe. Hard ripe. Hard, ripe. Half-soft Imma- ture. Hyper- mature. Hard ripe. Hyper mature. F. -f com- plete. Ms Som e cortex left. A few drops of vitreous Mild. Thin pupillary membrane. Mild. Iritis. Set in a week after extraction. Hard, ripe. Hard, ripe. Hard, ripe. 2 a oO JUL Division. Division (both). Iridecto- my. Iridecto my. Division. i-S 1% T0% n ii2 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. Nature of Reactive Processes. Quality Incidents Primary of of Oper- Result. Cataract. ation. S. After- Operations. Final Result. S. ■ 41 73 105 23 116 126 VIII. Spongy Iritis. Spongy exudation on 3d day, absorbed in 10 days. Spongy exudation ; Iri- tis ; slight synechiae. Spongy exuda'.ion. Ab- sorption leaving some cap- sular opacities. Three weeks after his discharge capsulitis with hypopyon. Recovery. Marked spongy exuda- tion. Absorption began on the 5th day ; pupillary membrane. Spongy ex. on 4th day, lasting 5 days. IX- Simple and Plastic Capsulitis. Plastic capsulitis. Blood in pupil. Pupil large. Plastic capsulitis, travel- ling around edges of colo- boma, leaving centre of pupil free. Plastic irido-capsulitis ; pupillary membrane. Plastic capsulitis ; pu- pillary membrane. Irido-capsulitis lary membrane. pupi Soft, ripe. 1UV Hard, ripe. 3fV Hard, ripe. m Imma-ture. Cortex & tough capsule remain'd 1 Q-too Half-soft ^0% Hard, ripe. -#0- Hard, ripe. "sroHr Hard, ripe. m Hyper-mature. Remo-val of part of anterior, lacera-tion of posterior capsule. TtW Hard, ripe. Unusu-al hemor-rhage af-t e r i r i-dectomy. .10. zoo Crucial incision. Pros- pect good. Division. Iridecto- my. Division H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 113 8 "•si "^8 Nature of Reactive Processes. Quality of Cataract. Incidents of Oper-ation. Primary Result. S. After Operations. Final Result. S. e^ 1 -. -,..-_:=- X. Simple Hyalitis. I 105 Opacity of vitreous, first visible on 5th day ; slow, but good recovery. Hyper-mature. Extrac-tion with large spoon; no escape of vitre-ous. m 2 119 Diffuse opacity of vitre-ous. Perfect recovery. Soft. Extrac-tion with capsule. n 3 124 Diffuse and formed (floating) opacities in vit- Hyper-mature. Extr. with cap- 2Q TOO reous. Recovery from in- sule. flammatory symptoms in 30 days. 4 148 Opacities in vitreous distinct on 5th day. Iritis subsequently. Pupillary obstruction. Com-plicated. Extr. with cap-sule. No instru-ment in-troduc'd. No es-cape of vitreous. "zthi 5 157 Mild, but very obsti-nate (34 days) irido-hya-litis. Hard, ripe. 'ro% 38 6 178 Floating opacities in Ripe. Escape !» vitreous when discharged. Of a few drops of XI. Cyclitis and Irido- vitreous. cyclitis. 1 1 Very painful hyalitis Hard, Escape 1 1 and irido-cyclitis. From ripe. of vitre- 00" oo l^th to 10th day +Ti ; ous. Ex- after six weeks eye quiet. traction -Ti. with large spoon. 2 49 Cyclitis. 4thday:yel- Imma- Knife 1 0 llowish reflex from well- ture. blunt "00 dilated pupil. 10th day ■ escape oi ! I ii4 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. c2^ Nature of Reactive Processes. Quality Incidents Primary of of Oper- Result. Cataract. ation. S. After- Operations. Final Result. S. synechiae. 16th day hem- vitreous. orrhage i n t 0 anterior Ext r ac. chamber ; 19th day : hem- with orrhage repeated, iris large bulging. 39th day: eye spoon. shrunken. 3 85 Recurrent capsulitis and Zonu- Trans- 2T)"0~ Iridecto- "Z"§TT irido-cyclitis. Iris un- lar cata- p aren t my. even. Dense secondary ract in c ortex cataract. person 43 yrs. old. left. 4 166 Irido-cyclitis. Closure of pupil. Indrawn scar. Mor-gagnian. I 00" 5 187 Irido-cyclitis. Iris in one place considerably bulging. Centre of pu-pil remained clear. Bulg-ing disappeared. XII. Partial Suppura-tive Keratitis. Hard, ripe. M H i 21 Purulent infiltration of Hard, Cortex I corneal edge of wound. ripe. left. oo" Slow iritis. Closure of pupil. 2 32 Partial suppurative ke- Hard, A good 2TJ0 n ratitis. Iritis. ripe. deal of rubbing. 3 33 Severe partial suppura-tive keratitis. Absorp-tion. Iritis. Dense pu-pillary membrane. Hard, ripe. wo" Iridecto-my. n 4 61 Purulent infiltration of cornea in both corners of wound. Iritis. Pupillary membrane. Hard, ripe. ?ita Division. m 5 101 Partial kerato-iritis. Tongue-like plug of pus descended from inner cor-ner of wound into ante-rior chamber. Inflamma-tion 35 days. Dense pu-pillary membrane. Half-soft A small piece of iris, caught in inner cor-n e r of wound, cut off. *"& Iridoto-my (on 30th day). w H. Kfiapp : Cataract Extractions. "5 8 £ *o ^ <3 > kb Nature of Reactive Processes. 108 37 Quality of Cataract. Incidents of Oper- ation. Primary Result. S. After- Operations. Final Result. S. Part, suppur. keratitis, Half-soft mild. Slow closure of wound. XIII. Total Suppura- tive Keratitis. Ring-abscess. Panoph- thalmitis. Phthisis bulb. Suppuration of cornea beginning at inner corner of wound. Flat leucoma (phthisis anterior). Suppuration began at edges of wound 2d day ; ting-abscessed day; pan ophthalmitis. (The other eye operated on 15 months previously. Recovery and vision good.) 87 Suppuration of cornea beginning in corners ol wound. Panophthalmitis XIV- Purulent Iritis. 55 Violent iritis ; plug in pupil; hypopyon. Dense pupillary membrane. 80 Purulent iritis. ophthalmitis. Pan- Hard, ripe. Part of edge of flap cut with scis- sors. Section small. Consid- e r a b le rubbing to expel cortex. Hard ripe. Hard, ripe (General health good). Hyper- mature. (Patient set. 79, decrepit) Hard ripe. Hard ripe. (A very smooth Graefe's opera- tion. Im- mediate visual re- s u 11 ex- cellent. (Periph eric reg ular sec tion). Inner border of iris push ed ouc by passing lens. 5TO n6 H. Knapp: Cataract Extractions. 8 £ r<3 S V.8 Nature of Reactive Processes. Quality Incidents of of Oper- Cataract. ations. Primary Result. S. After- aerations. Final Result. S. 82 145 146 154 164 T93 44 Purulent iritis, starting Hyper from inner border of colo- mature boma. Panophthalmitis. Purulent irido-keratitis and panophthalmitis both. Purulent iritis. Com- plete closure of pupil. Purulent iritis. On 3d day : iritis ; 5th day : pus in pupil and an- terior chamber ; 6th day : infiltration of part of flap. Gradual absorption. XV. Purulent Capsuli- tis and Capsulo-iritis. Suppurative and he- morrhagic capsulitis, be- ginning at upper edge of capsule travelling all around. Repeated hem- orrhages. Hypopyon. Closure of pupil. Tn. | Hyper- mature (both). Ripe large. Imma- ture. Hard: ipe. ripe. Inner border of iris push- ed into wound & bruised b y pass- ing lens Section small, ex pulsion difficult. Cortex left be hind, ir both eyes Small periph ric part of iris bruised and cut by cata- ract knife Expul sion dif- ficult Cortex left. Hard, A quad- rangular piece of capsule cut out, as usual. 0 0 0 I I CO co I CO 1 CO 2Q 2~0 0 I co H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. T17 c3^ 198 A'ature of Heactive Processes. Quality of Cataract. Incidents of Oper- ations. Primary Result. S. 125 131 172 173 175 Capsulo-iritis, purulent and hemorrhagic. Gradual absorption. Dense pupil- lary membrane. XVI. Suppurative Hyalitis. On 3d day suppuration in vitreous. Panophthal- mitis. Atrophy of globe. Suppurative hyalitis and iritis. Pupil closed. F complete. Suppuration in vitreous. Great pain. Indrawn scar. Suppuration in vitreous. Pupil closed. Suppuration in vitreous. Pupil closed by yellow substance. Hard, 1 ripe. CO Com- Extrac- 0 plicated. tion with hook. Consid-e r a b 1 e loss of vitreous. Cystic, Extrac- I of 40 y'rs tion with CO duration. capsule, without introduc-t i 0 n of instru-ments. Com-plicated. Escape of vitre ous. I CO Com-plicated, Escape of vitre-ous. I CO Cora- Escape 0 plicated. of vitre-ous. After- Operations. Iridecto Final Result. S. n8 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. The foregoing table may suggest many reflections, but as it speaks for itself, I shall content myself with the following: I. Of the seven cases in which a slow union of the wound is noted, four were distinguished by escape of vitreous during the operation. The best mode of treatment seems to be to keep the eye closed by a compressive bandage until the union is effected. In case conjunctival irritation forbids the permanent closure of the lids, the bandage may be removed for several hours during the day, or during the night, and reapplied in the morning. If vitreous protrudes through the wound, either as a trans- parent or a whitish mucoid substance, it seems best to cut it off with a pair of scissors, in order to remove from the wound the foreign substance which keeps it gaping, and when protruding exerts, during the movements of the eye, a certain degree of injurious traction. Touching the prolapse of vitreous or the ununited part of the wound with caustics seems highly objec- tionable, a fact emphatically illustrated by case 34. All the cases, except the one just mentioned, recovered. That in many cases of slow closure of the wound—three to six or more days—no reaction follows is well known, yet I con- sider such a condition not only as anomalous, but as decidedly less favorable than the closure in the first or second night, and cannot in this point agree with Prof. O. Becker* who thinks " that the delayed restoration of the anterior chamber is al- most a favorable condition as to the final result." If thesection closes soon after the operation, the wounded internal parts are protected from all external prejudicial influences, and the re- covery under such conditions seems to me 2. great deal easier than with an open wound, just as an uncomplicated fracture presents a better prognosis than one that is complicated. Though I think that the dangers from the infectious qualities of the atmosphere and the conjunctival secretion have of late been very much exaggerated, I believe that foreign substances of any kind act injuriously on all wounds of the eyeball, since in * Pathologie u. Therapie des Linsensystems, in Graefe-Saemisch's Cyclopedia. Vol. v., p. 361. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 119 the eye, healing by first intention is almost indispensable for a good recovery. According to these views I conduct the after-treatment. The patient is kept as quiet as possible, until the wound is per- manently closed. During the first day or two no visitors, no conversations, no reading to him, no physical exertion are allowed. If he is restless, anodynes are administered. If I discover a low tendency of the wound to unite, by finding either the lint wetted or a stream of "tears" (aqueous humor) running from the eye when the bandage is changed and the eye cleansed, I do not open the lids—unless in addition there be pain or oedema and discharge. I sometimes keep the bandage unchanged for 24, 36 or 48 hours. Under these circumstances, I think that a limited rehabilitation of the old custom of a permanent bandage after the operation is good practice. II. The reopening of the wound was notoriously the result of a hurt in three cases out of the four which are noted in the book. I have always been of opinion that the sudden and un- expected evacuation of the anterior chamber after the third day, in a regular course of healing, was mostly the result of an injury. The patient strikes his eye against a pillow, or un- consciously rubs it in his sleep. To prevent such an accident, I, in common with others, take the precaution of loosely tying the hands of the patient during the night, whenever he is restless, or complains of itching in his eye. The rupture of the wound, in an otherwise favorable case, is not a serious complication. III. After-hemorrhage into the anterior chamber was noted in six cases (3$), all of which did well. I do not know what, in some cases, produces this after-hemorrhage, nor does the same occurrence after operations on other parts of the body throw any light on the subject. If we speak of a peculiar predisposi- tion, it should be defined, and, if possible, pointed out before the operation. I would then make the "section less peripheric, to avoid vascularized tissue. We all consider a perfect dilatability of the pupil by atropine as a favorable condition. If the di- latation is effected by the contraction of the muscular coats of the 120 H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. blood-vessels, an eye whose pupil is imperfectly dilated by atropine suffers from atrophy or paralysis of this muscular coat; and a certain degree of passive congestion must be present. That such eyes are more than others predisposed to inflam- matory reaction, in particular to purulent iritis, seems generally admitted, and I have seen it illustrated by many examples in my own experience. But I shall, in future, direct my attention particularly to the question whether such eyes are or are not more predisposed than others to primary (during the operation) and secondary hemorrhages. IV. Cystoid scar was noted in 3 cases (1^%) only- The one was an immature (swollen) cataract, in a woman of 42 years of age, the other two were hypermature cataracts in an old negress. I know nothing about the conditions that lead to the formation of a cystoid scar. There was no symptom ol glaucoma in any one of the three eyes so affected. V. Incarceration of iris in the scar is mentioned in four cases (2%), but occurred more frequently. In two cases only it caused irritation, in the one soon after the extraction, in the other 18 months later. I think it is good practice to remove the im- prisoned iris whenever symptoms of irritation manifest them- selves, as in case 133. The other case (134) in which purulent iritis set in has been above fully discussed. VI. Plastic iritis—21 cases, io£$—is the most frequent morbid process after extraction. It led in two cases to complete closure of the pupil with preservation of the shape and tension of the globe, and good perception of light. In the one case (147) iridectomy yielded a perfect result (S ff), in the other (74) iridectomy offered the same chances, but the patient did not re- appear. In the great majority of these cases a judicious after- operation will not fail to convert moderate into good results. In one of our cases (63), the eye which had S ^|¥, was destroyed by an iridotomy. The treatment oT iritis was the ordinary antiphlogistic treatment of non-traumatic iritis, and proved, in general, very satisfactory. In these cases, careful observation of the eye soon after the operation, leading to the early discovery of iritis, saves many an eye. H. Knapp : Cataract Extractions. 121 VII. A peculiar form of iritis which, some time before the first cases were described, I demonstrated to my class, under the name of spongy iritis or spongy exudation, was noted in 5 cases (2\