THE HUMAN VOICE. WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Hydropathic Encyclopedia, $4 40 The Hygienic Hand Book, - 2 00 Sexual Physiology, - - 1 00 Uterine Displacements, Colored Plates, - 5 00 Throat and Lungs, 25 Digestion and Dyspepsia, - 1 00 Mother’s Hygienic Hand- Book, - - - - 1 00 Alcoholic Controversy, - 60 Water Cure for the Million, SO True Healing Art, - 30 or 50 Hydropathic Cook Book, $1 50 Family Gymnasium, - - 1 50 Home Treat. Sex. Abuse, - 50 The Bath—Its Uses, - 25 oi 50 Hygeian Home Cook Book, 25 Hygienic Catechism, - - 10 A Sot of Six Anatomical and Physiological Plates, $20. THE HUMM VOICE: ITS ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, THERAPEUTICS, AND TRAINING; WITH RULES OF ORDER FOR LYCEUMS. BT R. T. TRAIL, M.D., PRINCIPAL AND POUNDER OP THE HYGEIO-THERAPEUTIC COLLEGE ; PROFESSOR OP INSTITUTES OP MEDICINE, AND AUTHOR OP NUMEROUS WORKS. FOWLER & WELLS, PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK; 753 Broadway. 1882. COPYBIOHT, 1875, BY S. R. WELLS & Cuy one, Mr. Caudle, if you bring home another umbrella, I’ll throw it into the street. Ha ! And it was only last week I had a new nozzle put to that umbrella. I’m sure if I’d have known as much as I do now it might have gone without one. Paying for new 67 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE, nozzles for other people to laugh at yon ! Oh ! it’s all very well for yon; yon can go to sleep. You’ve no thought of yonr poor patient wife, and your own dear children; yon think of nothing but lending umbrellas! Men, in- deed !—call themselves lords of the creation ! pretty lords, when they can’t even take care of an umbrella! 7. I know that walk to-morrow will be the death of me. But that’s what yon want: then you may go to yonr club, and do as yon like; and then nicely my poor dear chil- dren will be used; but then, sir, then you’ll be happy. Oh ! don’t tell me ! I know you will: else you’d never have lent the umbrella!—You have to go on Thursday about that summons; and, of course, you can’t go. JSTo, indeed : you don't go without the umbrella. You may lose the debt, for what I care—it won’t be so much as spoiling your clothes—better lose it: people deserve to lose debts who lend umbrellas! 8. And I should like to know how I’m to go to mother’s without the umbrella. Oh ! don’t tell me that I said I would go ; that’s nothing to do with it,—nothing at all. She’ll think I’m neglecting her; and the little money we’re to have, we shan’t have at all;—because we’ve no umbrella.—The children, too! (dear things !) they’ll be sopping wet; for they shan’t stay at home; they shan’t lose their learning; it’s all their father will leave them, I’m sure! But they shall go to school. Don’t tell me they shouldn’t (you are so aggravating, Caudle, you’d spoil the temper of an angel!); they shall go to school: mark that! and if they get their deaths of cold, it’s not my fault; I didn’t lend the umbrella. Jeerold. “Man, thou shalt never die!” Celestial voices Hymn it unto our souls: according harps, IMMORTALITY. 68 SELECTIONS PRACTICE. By angel fingers touched, when the mild stars Of morning sang together, sound forth still The song of our great immortality! Thick-clustering orbs on this our fair domain, The tall, dark mountains, and the deep-toned seas, Join in this solemn, universal song. O lis£en, ye our spirits! drink it in From all the air! ’Tis in the gentle moonlight; ’Tis floating ’mid day’s setting glories; night, Wrapped in her sable robe, with silent step Comes to our bed, and breathes it in our ears. Night and the dawn, bright day and thoughtful eve, All time, all bounds, the limitless expanse, As one vast mystic instrument, are touched By an unseen, living hand, and conscious chords Quiver with joy in this great jubilee: The dying hear it; and, as sounds of earth Grow dull and distant, wake their passing souls To mingle in this heavenly harmony.” K. H. Dana. ADVANTAGES OF ADVERSITY. 1. From the dark portals of the star-chamber, and in the stern text of the acts of uniformity, the Pilgrims re- ceived a commission, more efficient than any that ever bore the royal seal. Their banishment to Holland was fortunate; the decline of their little company in the strange land was fortunate; the difficulties which they experienced in getting the royal consent to banish them- selves to this wilderness were fortunate ; all the tears and heart-breakings of that memorable parting at Delfthaven had the happiest influence on the rising destinies of Hew England. All this purified the ranks of the settlers. These rough touches of fortune brushed off the light, un- certain, selfish spirits. They made it a grave, solemn, self-denying expedition, and required of those who en- 69 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. g xged in it to be so too. They cast a broad shadow of thought and seriousness over the cause ; and, if this some- times deepened into melancholy and bitterness, can we find no apology for such a human weakness ? 2. It is sad, indeed, to reflect on the disasters which the little band of Pilgrims encountered; sad to see a portion of them, the prey of unrelenting cupidity, treacherously embarked in an unsound, unseaworthy ship, which they are soon obliged to abandon, and crowd themselves into one vessel; one hundred persons, besides the ship’s com- pany, in a vessel of one hundred and sixty tons. One is touched at the story of the long, cold, and weary autum- nal passage ; of the landing on the inhospital rocks at this dismal season ; where they are deserted, before long, by the ship which had brought them, and which seemed their only hold upon the world of fellow-men, a prey to the elements and to want, and fearfully ignorant of the num- bers, the power, and the temper of the savage tribes that filled the unexplored continent upon whose verge they had ventured. 3. But all this wrought together for good. These trials of wandering and exile, of the ocean, the winter, the wilderness, and the savage foe, were the final assur- ances of success. It was these that put far away from our fathers’ cause all patrician softness, all hereditary claims to preeminence. Ho effeminate nobility crowded into the dark and austere ranks of the Pilgrims. Ho Carr nor Tillers would lead on the ill-provided band of despised Puritans. Ho well-endowed clergy were on the alert to quit their cathedrals, and set up a pompous hierarchy in the frozen wilderness. Ho craving governors were anxious to be sent over to our cheerless El Dorados of ice and snow. 70 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 4. No; they could not say they had encouraged, patron- ized, or helped the Pilgrims: their own cares, their own labors, their own councils, their own blood, contrived all, achieved all, bore all, sealed all. They could not after- wards fairly pretend to reap where they had not strewn; and, as our fathers reared this broad and solid fabric with pains and watchfulness, unaided, barely tolerated, it did not fall wdien the favor, which had always been with- holden, was changed into wrath ; when the arm, which had never supported, was raised to destroy. 5. Methinks I see it now7, that one solitary, adventur- ous vessel, the Mayflower of a forlorn hope, freighted wdth the prospects of a future State, and bound across the unknown sea. I behold it pursuing, with a thousand mis- givings, the uncertain, the tedious voyage. Suns rise and set, and weeks and months pass, and winter surprises them on the deep, but brings them not the sight of the wished-for shore. 6. I see them now7 scantily supplied with provisions; crow7ded almost to suffocation in their ill-stored prison; delayed by calms, pursuing a circuitous route—and now driven in fury before the raging tempest, on the high and giddy waves. The awful voice of the storm howls through the rigging. The laboring masts seem straining from their base ; the dismal sound of the pumps is heard ; the ship leaps, as it were, madly, from billow to billow ; the ocean breaks and settles with ingulfing floods over the floating deck, and beats, with deadening, shiver- ing weight, against the staggered vessel. 7. I see them, escaped from these perils, pursuing their all but desperate undertaking, and landed at last, after a five months’ passage, on the ice-clad rocks of Plymouth—■ wreak and weary from the voyage, poorly armed, scantily SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 71 provisioned, depending on the charity of their shipmaster for a draught of beer on board, drinking nothing hut water on shore—without shelter, without means—sur- rounded by hostile tribes. 8. Shut now the volume of history, and tell me, on any principle of human probability, what shall be the fate of this handful of adventurers. Tell me, man of military science, in how many months were they all swept off by the thirty savage tribes, enumerated within the early limits of blew England ? Tell me, politician, how long did this shadow of a colony, on which your conventions and trea- ties had not smiled, languish on the distant coast % Stu- dent of history, compare for me the baffled projects, the deserted settlements, the abandoned adventures of other times, and find the parallel of this. 9. Was it the winter’s storm, beating upon the house- less heads of women and children ; was it hard labor and spare meals; was it disease; was it the tomahawk; was it the deep malady of a blighted hope, a rained enterprise, and a broken heart, aching in its last moments at the recol- lection of the loved and left beyond the sea—was it some, or all of these united, that hurried this forsaken company to their melancholy fate; and is it possible that neither of these causes, that not all combined were able to blast this bud of hope \ Is it possible, that, from a beginning so feeble, so frail, so worthy, not so much of admiration as of pity, there has gone forth a progress so steady, a growth so wonderful, an expansion so ample, a reality so important, a promise, yet to be fulfilled, so glorious ? Edward Everett. MORNING. Sweet is the breath of Mora, her rising sweet, With charm of earliest birds; pleasant the sun, SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE When first on this delightful land he spreads His orient beams, on Zierb, tree, fruit, and flower, Glistening with dew; fragrant the fertile earth After soft showers; and sweet the coming on Of grateful evening mild: then silent Night, With this her solemn bird, and this fair moon, And these the gems of heaven, her starry train. Milton. THE DILEMMA. SCENE FROM PICKWICK. Mr. Pickwick’s apartments in Goswell street, although on a limited scale, were not only of a very neat and com- fortable description, but peculiarly adapted for the resi- dence of a man of his genius and observation. His sit- ting-room was the first floor front, his bed-room wTas the second floor front; and thus, whether he was sitting at his desk in the parlor, or standing before the dressing- glass in his dormitory, he had an equal opportunity of contemplating human nature in all the numerous phases it exhibits, in that not more populous than popular thor- oughfare. 2. His landlady, Mrs. Bardell—the relict and sole ex- ecutrix of a deceased custom-house officer—was a comely (kum'ly) woman of hustling manners and agreeable ap- pearance, with a natural genius for cooking, improved by study and long practice into an ex'quisite talent. There were no children, no servants, no fowls. The only other inmates of the house were a large man and a small hoy; the first a lodger, the second a production of Mrs. Bar- dell’s. The large man was always at home precisely at ten o’clock at night, at which hour he regularly con- densed himself into the limits of a dwarfish French bed- stead in the hack parlor; and the infantine sports and gymnastic exercises of Master Bardell were exclusively SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. confined to the neighboring pavements and gutters. Cleanliness and quiet reigned throughout the house; and in it Mr. Pickwick’s will was law. 3. To any one acquainted with these points of the do- mestic economy of the establishment, and conversant with the admirable regulation of Mr. Pickwick’s mind, his appearance and behavior, on the morning previous to that which had been fixed upon for the journey to Eatans- vill, would have been most mysterious and unaccount- able. He paced the room to and fro with hurried steps, popped his head out of the window at intervals of about three minutes each, constantly referred to his watch, and exhibited many other manifestations of impatience, very unusual with him. It was evident that something of great importance was in contemplation; but what that something was, not even Mrs. Bardell herself had been enabled to discover. 4. “ Mrs. Bardell,” said Mr, Pickwick, at last, as that amiable female approached the termination of a prolong- ed dusting of the apartment. “ Sir,” said Mrs. Bardell. “Your little boy is a very long time gone.” “Why, it’s a good long way to the Borough, sir,” remonstrated Mrs. Bardell. “Ah,” said Mr. Pickwick, “very true; so it is.” Mr. Pickwick relapsed into silence, and Mrs. Bar- dell resumed her dusting. 5. “ Mrs. Bardell,” said Mr. Pickwick, at the expiration of a few minutes. “ Sir,” said Mrs. Bardell again. “ Do you think it’s a much greater expense to keep two people, than to keep one ?” “ La, Mr. Pickwick,” said Mrs. Bar- dell, coloring up to the very border of her cap, as she fan- cied she observed a species of matrimonial twinkle in the eyes of her lodger; “ La, Mr. Pickwick, what a question!” “ Well, but do you ?” inquired Mr. Pickwick, “ That de- 74 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. pends,” said Mrs. Bardell, approaching the duster very near to Mr. Pickwick’s elbow, which was planted on the table; “ that depends a good deal upon the person, you know, Mr. Pickwick ; and whether it’s a saving and care- ful person, sir.” “ That’s very true,” said Mr. Pickwick ; “ but the person I have in my eye (here he looked very hard at Mrs. Bardell) I think possesses these qualities; and has, moreover, a considerable knowledge of the world, and a great deal of sharpness, Mrs. Bardell; which may be of material use to me.” 6. “ La, Mr. Pickwick,” said Mrs. Bardell; the crim- son rising to her cap-border again. “ I do,” said Mr. Pickwick growing energetic, as was his wont (wiint) in speaking of a subject which interested him. “ I do, in- deed; and to tell you the truth, Mrs. Bardell, I have made up my mind.” “ Bear me, sir,” exclaimed Mrs. Bardell. “You’ll think it not very strange now,” said the amiable Mr. Pickwick, with a good-humored glance at his companion, “ that I never consulted you about this matter, and never mentioned it, till I sent your little boy out this morning—eh 2” 7. Mrs, Bardell could only reply by a look. She had long worshipped Mr. Pickwick at a distance, but here she was, all at once, raised to a pinnacle to which her wildest and most extravagant hopes had never dared to aspire. Mr. Pickwick was going to propose—a deliberate plan, too—sent her little boy to the Borough, to get him out of the way—how thoughtful—how considerate!—“Well,” said Mr. Pickwick, “what do you think?” “Oh, Mr. Pickwick,” said Mrs. Bardell, trembling with agitation, “ you’re very kind, sir,” “ It will save you a great deal of trouble, won’t it?” said Mr. Pickwick. “Oh, I never thought anything of the trouble, sir,” replied Mrs. Bar- 75 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. dell; “and of course, I should take more trouble to please you than ever; hut it is so kind of you, Mr. Pickwick, to have so much consideration for my loneliness.” 8, “ Ah, to he sure,” said Mr. Pickwick; “ I never thought of that. When I am in town, you’ll always have somebody to sit with you. To be sure, so you will,” “ I am sure I ought to he a very happy woman,” said Mrs. Bardell. “ And your little boy—” said Mr. Pick- wick. “ Bless his heart,” interposed Mrs. Bardell, with a maternal sob. “ He, too, will have a companion,” re- sumed Mr. Pickwick, “ a lively one, who’ll teach him, I’ll be bound, more tricks in a week, than he would ever learn in a year.” And Mr. Pickwick smiled placidly. 9. “ Oh you dear—” said Mrs. Bardell, Mr. Pickwick started. “ Oh you kind, good, playful dear,” said Mrs. Bardell; and without more ado, she rose from her chair, and flung her arms round Mr. Pickwick’s neck, with a cataract of tears, and a chorus of sobs. “ Bless my soul,” cried the astonished Mr. Pickwick ;—“ Mrs, Bardell, my good woman—dear me, what a situation—pray consider. Mrs. Bardell, don’t—if anybody should come—” “ Oh, let them come,” exclaimed Mrs. Bardell, frantically; “ I’ll never leave you—dear, kind, good souland, with these words, Mrs. Bardell clung the tighter. 10. “ Mercy upon me,” said Mr. Pickwick, struggling violently, “ I hear somebody coming up the stairs. Don’t, don’t, there’s a good creature, don’t,” But entreaty and remonstrance were alike unavailing: for Mrs. Bardell had fainted in Mr. Pickwick’s arms; and before he could gain time to deposit her on a chair, Master Bardell en- tered the room, ushering in Mr. Tupman, Mr. Winkle, and Mr. Snodgrass. Mr. Pickwick was struck motion- less and speechless. He stood with his lovely burden in 76 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. his arms, gazing vacantly on the countenances of his friends, without the slightest attempt at recognition or explanation. They, in their turn, stared at him; and Master Bardell, in his turn, stared at everybody. 11. The astonishment of the Pickwickians was so ab- sorbing, and the perplexity of Mr. Pickwick was so ex- treme, that they might have remained in exactly the same relative situation until the suspended animation of the lady was restored, had it not been for a most beautiful and touching expression of filial affection on the part of her youthful son. Clad in a tight suit of corduroy, span- gled with brass buttons of a very considerable size, he at first stood at the door astounded and uncertain; but by degrees, the impression that his mother must have suffer- ed some personal damage, pervaded his partially devel- oped mind, and considering Mr, Pickwick the aggressor, he set up an appalling and semi-earthly kind of howling, and butting forward, with his head, commenced assailing that immortal gentleman about the back and legs, with such blows and pinches as the strength of his arm and the violence of his excitement allowed. 12. “ Take this little villain away,” said the agonized Mr. Pickwick, “he’s mad.” “What is the matter?” said the three tongue-tied Pickwickians. “ I don’t know,” replied Mr. Pickwick, pettishly. “ Take away the boy— (here Mr. Winkle cam-ied the interesting boy, screaming and struggling, to the farther end of the apartment). k7ow help me to lead this woman down stairs.” “ Oh, Pm better now,” said Mrs. Bardell, faintly. “ Let me lead you down stairs,” said the ever gallant Mr, Tup- man. “ Thank you, sir—thank you exclaimed Mrs. Bardell, hysterically. And down stairs she was led ac- cordingly, accompanied by her affectionate son. 77 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 13. “ I can not conceive ”—said Mr. Pickwick, when his friend returned—“ I can not conceive what has been the matter with that woman. I had merely announced to her my intention of keeping a man-servant, when she fell into the extraordinary paroxysm in which you found her, Yery extraordinary thing.'” “ Very,” said his three friends. “ Placed me in such an extremely awk- ward situation,” continued Mr. Pickwick. “Yery was the reply of his followers, as they coughed slightly, and looked dubiously at each other. 14. This behavior was not lost upon Mr. Pickwick. He remarked their incredulity. They evidently suspected him. “ There is a man in the passage now,” said Mr. Tupman. “ It’s the man that I spoke to you about,” said Mr. Pickwick, “ I sent for him to the Borough this morning. Have the goodness to call him up, Mr. Snod- grass.” Dickens. deity. 1. A million torches, lighted by Thy hand, Wander unwearied through the blue abyss— They own Thy power, accomplish Thy command, All gay with life, all eloquent with bliss. What shall we call them? Piles of crystal light— A glorious company of golden streams— Lamps of celestial ether burning bright— Suns lighting systeihs with their joyous beams ? But Thou to these art as the noon to night. 2. Yes! as a drop of water in the sea, All this magnificence in Thee is lost:— What are ten thousand worlds compared to Thee if And what am I then?—Heaven’s unnumbered host, Though multiplied by myriads, and arrayed In all the glory of sublimest thought, Is but an atom in the balance, weighed 78 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. Against Thy greatness—is a cipher brought Against infinity/ What am I then? “NaughtI 3. Naught! But the effluence of Thy light divine, Pervading worlds, hath reached my bosom too; Yes! In my spirit doth Thy spirit shine As shines the sun-beam in a drop of dew. Naught! but Hive, and on hope’s pinions fly Eager toward Thy presence; for in Thee I live, and breathe, and dwell; aspiring high. 4. Thou art!—directing, guiding all—Thou art! Direct my understanding then to Thee; Control my spirit, guide my wandering heart; Though but an atom ’midst immensity, Still I am something, fashioned by Thy hand! I hold a middle rank ’twixt heaven and earth— On the last verge of mortal being stand, Close to the realms where angels have their birth. Just on the boundaries of the spirit-land! 5. The chain of being is complete in me— In me is matter’s last gradation lost, And the next step is spirit—Deity! I can command the lightning, and am dust! A monarch and a slave—a worm, a god! Whence came I here, and how? so marvelously Constructed and conceived ? unknown! this clod Lives surely through some higher energy; For from itself alone it could not be! 6. Creator, yes! Thy wisdom and Thy word Created me! Thou source of life and good! Thou spirit of my spirit, and my Lord! Thy light, Thy love, in their bright plenitude Filled me with an immortal soul, to spring Over the abyss of death; and bade it wear The garments of eternal day, and wing Its heavenly flight beyond this little sphere, Even to its source —to Thee—its Author there. SELECTIONS FOE PRACTICE. 79 7. O thoughts ineffable! O visions blest! Though worthless our conceptions all of Thee, Y8t shall Thy shadowed image fill our breast, And waft its homage to Thy Deity. Grod! thus alone my lowly thoughts can soar, Thus seek Thy presence—Being wise and good! ’Midst Thy vast works admire, obey, adore; And when the tongue is eloquent no more The soul shall speak in tears of gratitude. Derzhaybn. THE DEATH OF HAMILTON. A sliort time since, and be, who is the occasion of our sorrows, was the ornament of his country. He stood on an eminence, and glory covered him. From that emi- nence he has fallen: suddenly, forever fallen. His inter- course with the living world is now ended ; and those who would hereafter find him, must seek him in the grave. There, cold and lifeless, is the heart which just now was the seat of friendship ; there, dim and sightless, is the eye, whose radiant and enlivening orb beamed with intelli- gence ; and there, closed forever, are those lips, on whose persuasive accents we have so often, and so lately hung with transport! 2. From the darkness which rests upon his tomb there proceeds, methinks, a light, in which it is clearly seen, that those gaudy objects which men pursue are only phantoms. In this light how dimly shines the splendor of victory—how humble appears the majesty of grandeur 1 The bubble, which seemed to have so much solidity, has burst; and we again see, that all below the sun is vanity! 3. True, the funeral eulogy has been pronounced, the sad and solemn procession has moved, the badge of mourn- 80 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. ing lias already been decreed, and presently the sculptured marble will lift up its front, proud to perpetuate the name of Hamilton, and rehearse to the passing traveler his virtues (just tributes of respect, and to the living useful); but to him, moldering in his narrow and humble habita- tion, what are they ? How vain ! how unavailing! 4, Approach, and behold, while I lift from his sepulchre its covering! Ye admirers of his greatness! ye emulous of his talents and his fame! approach and behold him now. How pale ! how silent! Ho martial bands admire the adroitness of his movements; no fascinating throng weep, and melt, and tremble at his eloquence! Amazing change! a shroud! a coffin! a narrow, subterraneous cabin !—-this is all that now remains of Hamilton ! And is this all that remains of Hamilton ? During a life so transitory, what lasting monument, then, can our fondest hopes erect! 5. My brethren, we stand on the borders of an awful gulf, which is swallowing up all things human. And is there, amidst this universal wreck, nothing stable, nothing abiding, nothing immortal, on which poor, frail, dying man can fasten ? Ask the hero, ask the statesman, whose wisdom you have been accustomed to revere, and he will tell you. He will tell you, did I say ? He has already told you, from his death-bed; and his illumined spirit still whispers from the heavens,with well-known eloquence, the solemn admonition : “ Mortals hastening to the tomb, and once the companions of my pilgrimage, take warning and avoid my errors; cultivate the virtues I have recom- mended ; choose the Saviour I have chosen; live disin- terestedly ; live for immortality; and would you rescue any thing from linal dissolution, lay it up in Go 1.” Hott. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 81 THE STARS. Roll on, ye stars; exult in youthful prime; Mark with bright curves the printless steps of Time; Near and more near your beamy cars approach, And lessening orbs on lessening orbs encroach. Flowers of the sky, ye, too, to age must yield, Frail as your silken sisters of the field. Star after star from heaven’s high arch shall rush, Suns sink on suns, and systems systems crush, Headlong, extinct, to one dark centre fall, And death, and night, and chaos mingle all; Till o’er the wreck, emerging from the storm, Immortal Nature lifts her changeful form, Mounts from her funeral pyre, on wings of flame, And soars and shines, another and the same. Darwin. PUBLIC VIRTUE. 1. I hope, that in all that relates to personal firmness, all that concerns a just appreciation of the insignificance of human life,—whatever may be attempted to threaten or alarm a soul not easily swayed by opposition, or awed or intimidated by menace,—a stout heart and a steady eye, that can survey', unmoved and undaunted, any mere per- sonal perils that assail this poor, transient, perishing frame, —I may, without disparagement, compare with other men. 2. But there is a sort of courage, which, I frankly con- fess it, I do not possess,—a boldness to which I dare not aspire, a valor which I can not covet. I can not lay my- self down in the way of the welfare and happiness of my country. That I can not, I have not the courage to do. 82 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. I can not interpose the power with which I may be in- vested—a power conferred, not for my personal benefit, nor for my aggrandizement, hut for my country’s good—• to check her onward march to greatness and glory. I have not courage enough. I am too cowardly for that. 3. I would not, I dare not, in the exercise of such a trust, lie down, and place my body across the path that leads my country to prosperity and happiness. This is a sort of courage widely different from that which a man may display in his private conduct and personal relations. Personal or private courage is totally distinct from that higher and nobler courage which prompts the patriot to offer himself a voluntary sacrifice to his country’s good. 4. Apprehensions of the imputation of the want of firmness sometimes impel ns to perform rash and incon- siderate acts. It is the greatest courage to be able to bear the imputation of the want of courage. But pride, vanity, egotism, so nnamiable and offensive in private life, are vices which partake of the character of crimes, in the con- duct of public affairs. The unfortunate victim of these passions can not see beyond the little, petty, contemptible circle of his own personal interests. All his thoughts are withdrawn from his country, and concentrated on his consistency, his firmness, himself. 5. The high, the exalted, the sublime emotions of a patriotism, which, soaring toward heaven, rises far above all mean, low, or selfish things, and is absorbed by one soul-transporting thought of the good and the glory of one’s country, are never felt in his impenetrable bosom. That patriotism, which, catching its inspirations from the im- mortal Grod, and leaving at an immeasurable distance be- low all lesser, groveling, personal interests and feelings, animates and prompts to deeds of self-sacrifice, of valor, 83 SELECTIONS FOE PRACTICE, of devotion, and of death itself,—that is public virtue; that is the noblest, the sublimest, of all public virtues. H. Clay. Whoever thinks a faultless piece to see Thinks what ne’er was, nor is, nor e’er shall be. In every work regard the writer’s end, Since none can compass more than they intend ; And, if the means be just, the conduct true, Applause, in spite of trivial faults, is due. As men of breeding; sometimes men of wit, To avoid great errors must the less commit; Neglect the rules each verbal critic lays; For not to know some trifles, is a praise. Most critics, fond of some subservient art, Still make the whole depend upon a part; They talk of principles, but notions prize; And all to one loved folly sacrifice. Pope. CRITICISM. THE REVOLUTIONARY ALARM. Darkness closed upon tlie country and upon tlie town, but it was no niglit for sleep. Heralds on swift relays of horses transmitted the war-message from hand to hand, till village repeated it to village ; the sea to the back- woods ; the plains to the highlands; and it was never suffered to droop ; till it had been borne North, and South, and East, and West, throughout the land. 2. It spread over the hays that receive the Saco and the Penobscot. Its loud reveille broke the rest of the trap- pers of New Hampshire, and ringing like bugle-notes from peak to peak, overleapt the Green Mountains, swept onward to Montreal, and descended the ocean river, till the responses were echoed from the cliffs of Quebec. The hills along the Hudson told to one another the tale. 84 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 3. As the summons hurried to the South, it was one day at New York ; in one more at Philadelphia; the next it lighted a watchfire at Baltimore; thence it waked an answer at Annapolis. Crossing the Potomac near Mount Yernon, it was sent forward without a halt to Williams- burg. It traversed the Dismal Swamp to Nansemond, along the route of the first emigrants to North Carolina. It moved onwards and still onwards through boundless groves of evergreen to Newbern and to Wilmington. 4. “ For God’s sake forward it by night and by day,” wrote Cornelius Harnett, by the express which sped for Brunswick. Patriots of South Carolina caught up its tones at the border and despatched it to Charleston, and through pines and palmetos and moss-clad live oaks, further to the South, till it resounded among the New England settlements beyond the Savannah. 5, The Blue ridge took up the voice and made it heard from one end to the other of the valley of Virginia. The AFleghanies, as they listened, opened their barriers that the “ loud call ” might pass through to the hardy riflemen on the Holston, the Watauga, and the French Broad. Ever renewing its strength, powerful enough even to create a commonwealth, it breathed its inspiring word to the first settlers of Kentucky; so that hunters who made their halt in the machlbss valley of the Elkhorn, commem- orated the 19th day of April, 1716, by naming their en- campment Lexington. 6. With, one impulse the colonies sprung to arms; with one spirit they pledged themselves to each other “ to he ready for the extreme event.” With one heart the con- tinent cried, “ Lebeety oe Death.” Banceoft. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 85 1. Up from the South at break of day, Bringing to Winchester fresh dismay, The affrighted air with a shudder bore, Like a herald in haste, to the chieftain’s door, The terrible grumble, and rumble, and roar, Telling the battle was on once more, And Sheridan—twenty miles away. SHERIDAN’S RIDE. 2. And wider still those billows of war Thundered along the hori zon’s bar, And louder yet into Winchester rolled The roar of that red sea uncontrolled, Making the blood of the listener cold As he thought of the stake in that fiery fray, And Sheridan—twenty miles away. 3. But there is a road from Winchester town, A good, broad highway leading down; And there, through the flush of the morning light, A steed, as black as the steeds of night, Was seen to pass as with eagle flight— As if he knew the terrible need, He stretched away with the utmost speed; Hills rose and fell—but his heart was gay, With Sheridan fifteen miles away. 4. Still sprung from these swift hoofs, thundering South, The dust, like the smoke from the cannon’s mouth, Or the trail of a comet sweeping faster and faster, Foreboding to foemen the doom of disaster; The heart of the steed and the heart of the master Were beating like prisoners assaulting their walls, Impatient to be where the battle-field calls ; Every nerve of the charger was strained to full play, With Sheridan only ten miles away. 5. Under his spuming feet, the road Like an &rr5wy Al pine river flowed, 86 SELECTION’S FOR PRACTICE. And the landscape sped away behind Like an ocean flying before the wind; And the steed, like a bark fed with furnace ire, Swept on with his wild eyes full of fire. But, lo! he is nearing his heart’s desire— He is snuffing the smoke of the roaring fray, With Sheridan only five miles away. 6. The first that the General saw were the groups Of stragglers, and then the retreating troops;— What was done—what to do—a glance told him b5th, Then striking his spurs with a terrible oath, He dashed down the line ’mid a storm of huzzahs, And the wave of retreat checked its course there because The sight of the master compelled it to pause. With foam and with dust the black charger was gray; By the flash of his eye, and his red nostril’s play, He seemed to the whole great army to say, “ I have brought you Sheridan all the way From Winchester down to save the day /” 7. Hurrah, hurrah for Sheridan! Hurrah, hurrah for horse and man! And when their statues are placed on high Under the dome of the Union sky,— The American soldier’s Temple of Fame,— There, with the glorious Greneral’s name, Be it said in letters both bold and bright: ‘ ‘ Here is the steed that saved the day By carrying Sheridan into the fight From Winchester—twenty miles away /” T. B. Reed. THE HAVEN. 1. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—• 87 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tap- ping, As of some one gently’rapping, rapping at my chamber-door. “’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber- door— , Only this, and nothing more.” 2. Ah, distinctly I remember, it was in the bleak December, And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor, Eagerly I wished the morrow: vainly I had sought to borrow From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore— For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore— Nameless here forgvermore. 3. And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain, Thrilled me—filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before; So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeat- ing, “ ’Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber-door,—- Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber-door— That it is, and nothing more.” 4. Presently my soul grew stronger: hesitating then no ISnger, “ Sir,” said I, “or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore; But the fact is, I was napping, and so gently you came rap- ping, And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber- door, That I scarce was sure I heard you”—here I opened wide the door,— Darkness there, and nothing more. 88 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 5. Beep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wonder- ing, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before; But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token, And the only word there spoken was the whispered word “ Lenore!” This I whisper’d, and an echo murmured back the word, “Leivore!” Merely this, and nothing more. 6. Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burn- ing, Soon again I heard a tapping, someting louder than before. “ Surely,” said I, “ surely that is something at my winds w- lattice; Let me see then what thereat is, and this mystery explore,— Let my heart be still a moment, and this mystery explore;— ’Tis the wind, and nothing more.” 7. Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter, In there stepped a stately raven of the stately days of yore. Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopp’d or stay’d he; But, with mien of lord or lady, perch’d above my chamber- door,— Perch’d upon a bust of Pallas, just above my chamber-door— Perch’d, and sat, and nothing more. 8. Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling, By the grave and stern dec5rum of the countenance it wore. 89 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. “Though thy crest be sh5rn and shaven, thou,” I said, “ art sure no craven; Ghastly, grim, and ancient raven, wandering from the nightly shore, Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore ?” Quoth the raven, “ Nevermore!” 9. Much I marveled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly, Though its answer little meaning—little relevancy bore; For we can not help agreeing that no living human being Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber- door— Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber- door, With such name as “Nevermore!” 10. But the raven sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour. Nothing further then he utter’d—not a feather then he flutter’d— Till I scarcely more than mutter’d, “ Other friends have flown before— On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown be- fore.” Then the bird said, “ Nevermore!” 11. Startled at the stillness, broken by reply so aptly spoken, “Doubtless,” said I, “what it utters is its only stock and store, Caught from some unhappy master, whom unmerciful disas- ter Follow’d fast and follow’d faster, till his songs one burden boro,— Till the dirges of his hope that melancholy burden bore. Of—“ Never—nevermore!” 90 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE, 12. But the raven still beguiling all my sad soul into smiling, Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust, and door, Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore—> What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore Meant in croaking “Nevermore!’’ 13. This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing To the fowl, whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom’s core; This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining On the cushion’s velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o’er, But whose velvet violet lining, with the lamp-light gloating o’er, She shall press—ah! nevermore! 14. Then methought the air grew denser, perfumed from an un- seen censer s Swung by seraphim, whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor. “Wretch,” I cried, “thy Grod hath lent thee—by these angels he hath sent thee Respite—respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore! Quaff, oh, quaff this kind nepenthe, and forget this lost Lenore!” Quoth the raven, “ Nevermore!” 15. “ Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil! Whether tempter sent, or whether tempest toss’d thee here ashore, SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 91 Desolate, y8t all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted— On this home by Horror haunted—tell me truly, I implore— Is there—is there balm in Gilead?—tell me—tell me, I im- plore!” Quoth the raven, “ Nevermore!” 16. “Prophet! ” said I, “thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil! By that heaven that bends above us—by that God we both adore, Tell this soul, with sorr5w laden, if, within the distant Aidenn, It shall clasp a sainted maiden, whom the angels name Lenore; Clasp a rare and radient maiden, whom the angels name Lenore— Quoth the raven, “Nevermore!” 17. “ Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!” I shrieked, upstarting— “ G8t thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian sh5re! Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken! Leave my loneliness unbroken!—quit the bust above my door! Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from 5ff my door!” Quoth the raven, “Nevermore!” 18. And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas, just above my chamber-door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dream- ing, And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; 92 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted—Nevermore ! Edgar A. Poe. THE HEELS. Hear the sledges with the bells— Silver bells— What a world or merriment their melody foretells 1 How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, In the icy air of night! While the stars that oversprinkle All the heavens, seem to twinkle With a crystalline delight; Keeping time, time, time, In a sort of Runic rhyme, To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells From the bells, bells, bells, bells, Bells, bells, bells— From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells. 2. Hear the mellow wedding-bells, Golden bells! What a world of happiness their harmony foretells I Through the balmy air of night How they ring out their delight! From the molten-golden notes, And all in tune, What a liquid ditty fldats To the turtle-dove that listens, while she gloats On the moon! Oh, from out the sounding cells, What a gush of euphony voluminously wells I How it swells! How it dwells On the Future! how it tells Of the rapture that impels SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 93 To the swinging and the ringing Of the bells, bells, bells— Of the bells, bells, bells, bells, Bells, bells, bells— To the rhyming and the chiming of the bells! 3 Hear the loud alarum bells— Brazen bells! What a tale of tSrror, now, their turbulency tells! In the startled ear of night How they scream out their affright! Too much horrified to speak, They can only shriek, shriek, Out of tune, In a clamorous appealing to the mercy of the fire, In a mad expostulation with the deaf and frantic fire Leaping higher, higher, higher, With a desperate desire And a resolute endeavor, Now—now to sit or never, By the side of the pale-faced moon. Oh, the bells, bells, bells! What a tale their terror tells Of despair! How they clang, and clash, and roar! What a horror they outpour On the bosom of the palpitating air! Y6t the air, it fully knows, By the twanging And the clanging, How the danger ebbs and flows; Yet the ear distinctly tells In the jangling And the wrangling, How the danger sinks and swells, By the sinking or the swelling in the anger of the bells— Of the bells— SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. Of the bells, bells, bells, bells, Bells, bells, bells— In the clamor and the clangor of the bells! 4. Hear the tolling of the bells— Iron bells! What a world of solemn thought their monody compels 1 In the silence of the night, How we shiver with affright At the mel ancholy menace of their tone f For every sound that floats From the rust within their throats Is a groan. And the people—ah, the people— They that dwell up in the steeple, All Slone, And who tolling, tolling, tolling, In that muffled monotone, - Feel a glory in so rolling On the human heart a stone— They are neither man nor woman— They are neither brute nor human— They are Grhouls: And their king it is who tolls; And he r5lls, rolls, rolls, rolls, A psean from the bells! And his merry bosom swells With the psean of the bells! And he dances and he yells ; Keeping time, time, time, In a sort of Runic rhyme, To the psean of the bells— Of the bells: Keeping time, time, time, In a sort of Runic rhyme, To the thtobbing of the bells— Of the bells, bells, bells, To the sobbing of the bells: SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 95 Keeping time, time, time, As he knells, knells, knells, In a happy Runic rhyme, To the rolling of the bells— Of the bells, bells, bells— To the tolling of the bells, Of the bells, bells, bells, bells, Bells, bells, bells— To the moaning and the groaning of the bells. Edgar A., Poe. The preceding pieces—“ Sheridan’s Ride,” “ The Raven,” and “ The Bells,” are the three most popular in onr language, either for private exercise or public decla- mation. Indeed, any one who can speak them well will have little difficulty with ordinary compositions. CHRISTMAS. Restg out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light, The year is dying with the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring happy bells across the snow; The year is going, let it go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind, For those that here we see no more; Ring out the feud of rich and poor, Ring in redress for all mankind. Ring out a slowly, dying cause, And ancient forms of petty strife; Ring in the nobler modes of life, With sweeter manners, purer laws. 96 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. Ring out the want, the woe, the sin, The faithless coldness of the times; Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes, But ring the fuller minstrel in. Ring out false pride in place and blood, The civic slander and the spite; Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good. Ring out old shapes of foul disease, Ring out the narrowing lust of gold; Ring out the thousand woes of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace. Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand; Ring out the darkness of the land, Ring in the Christ that is to be. Tennyson. THE TOMAHAWK SUBMISSIVE TO ELOQUENCE. 1. Twenty tomahawks were raised; twenty arrows drawn to their head. Yet stood Harold stern and collected, at bay—parleying only with his sword. He waved his arm. Smitten with a sense of their cow'ardice, perhaps, or by his great dignity, more awful for his very youth, their weapons dropped, and their countenances were uplifted upon him, less in hatred than in wonder, 2. The old men gathered about him: he leaned upon his saber. Their eyes shone with admiration : such heroic deportment, in one so young—a boy! so intrepid! so prompt! so graceful! so eloquent, too !—for, knowing the effect of eloquence, and feeling the loftiness of his own nature, the innocence of his own heart, the character of the Indians for hospital'! ty, and their veneration for his 97 SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. blood, Harold dealt out the thunder of his strength to these rude barbarians of the wilderness, till they, young and old, gathering nearer and nearer in their devotion, threw down their weapons at his feet, and formed a ram- part of locked arms and hearts about him, through which his eloquence thrilled and lightened like electricity. The old greeted him with a lofty step, as the patriarch wel- comes his boy from the triumph of far-olf battle; and the young clave to him and clung to him, and shouted in their self-abandonment, like brothers round a conquer- ing brother. 8. “Warriors!” he said, “Brethren!”—(their toma- hawks were brandished simultaneously, at the sound of his terrible voice, as if preparing for the onset). His tones grew deeper, and less threatening. “ Brothers! let us talk together of Logan! Ye who have known him, ye aged men! bear ye testimony to the deeds of his strength. Who was like him ? Who could resist him ? Who may abide the hurricane in its volley? Who may withstand the winds that uproot the great trees of the mountain ? Let him be the foe of Logan. Thrice in one day hath he given battle. Thrice in one day hath he come back victorious. Who may bear up against the strong man—the man of war ? Let them that are young, hear me. Let them follow the course of Logan. He goes in clouds and whirlwind—in the fire and in the smoke. Let them follow him. Warriors ! Logan was the father of Harold!” They fell back in astonishment, but they oelieved him ; for Harold’s word was unquestioned, un- doubted evidence, to them that knew him. Neal. CHAPTER YIIL RULES OF ORDER. All persons who participate in public meetings or de- bating societies, should make themselves acquainted with the established methods for conducting them. Without a strict adherence to certain recognized rules, it is impos- sible to avoid confusion and unprofitable wordy contro- versy. Referring the reader who desires to to be familiar with parliamentary usages in all their applications to “Cushing’s Manual,” “The American Debater,” “The Normal Debater,” and similar works, the chapter on this subject will be limited to the necessary rules for manag- ing ordinary Lyceums and debating clubs; and as the Lyceum department of the Llygeio-Therapeutic College has been in existence for more than twmnty years, and has simplified its organization to a good, if not the best, working condition, its constitution and by-laws will be presented as a chart or guide for others. This Lyceum has also an uncommon, if not peculiar, feature, which 1 would strongly commend to all Lyceums whose members are not accomplished speakers. It devotes one whole evening to the discussion of a question agreed on, and another evening to criticisms, readings, essays, and decla- mations, and so alternately. But, whether this last-named feature is adopted or not; its constitution and by-laws ar© equally applicable. MEETINGS. 99 CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE 1. NAME. This Association shall be entitled, The Hygeio-Thera- peutic College Lyceum. ARTICLE 2. OBJECTS. The objects of this Lyceum are, the mutual improve- ment of its members, and the investigation, in the spirit of candor and truth-seeking, of all problems that concern the welfare of human beings. ARTICLE 3. MEMBERSHIP, Any person may become a member of this Lyceum, on receiving the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the mem- bers present at any regular meeting, and signing this Con- stitution. ARTICLE 4. EXPULSION. Any member of this Lyceum may be expelled for grossly improper conduct, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any regular meeting. ARTICLE 5. OFFICERS. The officers of this Lyceum shall consist of a President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall exercise their respect- ive duties for one week, and until others are chosen to succeed them.* ARTICLE 6. AMENDMENTS. Tliis Constitution may be amended at any time by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any regular * A Corresponding Secretary should be elected when the proceed- ings of the Society require letter writing and the circulation of docu- ments. 100 MEETINGS. meeting, provided that notice has been given of the proposed amendment at a preceding regular meeting. BY-LAWS. 1. MEETING’S. The Lyceum shall meet in the Lecture Hall of the Hygeio-Therapeutic College, on Monday and Wedsesday evenings, at seven o’clock, and adjourn at nine o’clock. 2. QUOEUM. Five members shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of business. Any number of members less than a quorum may adjourn to the time of the next regular meeting. 3. OEDEE OF BUSINESS. The order of business on Monday evenings shall be : a. Reading, correction, and adoption of the minutes. b. Reception of new members. c. Discussion of the question. d. Adjournment, On Wednesday evenings the order of business shall be: a. Reception of new members. b. Report of the critic. c. Criticisms of the critic. d. Readings, essays, and declamations. e. Selection of question for debate. f. Appointments. g. Unfinished business. h. New business. i. Adjournment. MEETINGS. 101 4. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. The President shall occupy the chair, maintain the order of proceedings, decide all questions of parliamentary usage subject to appeal to the house, appoint all com- mittees, critics, and leading disputants not otherwise pro- vided for, give the easting vote in cases of a tie, and have charge of the boohs and papers of the Lyceum. The Secretary shall record its proceedings at each meeting, and report the same to the meetings on Monday evenings. The Treasurer shall have charge of the moneys and prop- erties of the Lyceum. 5. APPOINTEES. On each ATednesday evening a critic, reader, essayist, and declaimer shall be appointed for the ensuing ATedues- day evening, and two leading disputants for the discus- sion on the ensuing Monday evening.* 6. SELECTION OF QUESTION. The subject for debate shall be selected by a majority vote. Any member may propose, orally or in writing, a question or resolution for discussion. Y. CRITICISMS. It shall he the duty of the critic to notice all errors in manner, gesture, pronunciation, and grammar, of the preceding meetings, and report the same. After the re- port of the critic is made, it shall he the privilege of any member to criticise the criticisms of the critic. * When a Lyceum (as in this case) is composed of ladies and gentle- men, it is proper, when practicable, to appoint a lady to open the debate on one side, and a gentleman on the other. Committees of more than one should be composed of both sexes. 102 MEETINGS. 8. LIMITATION OF SPEAKERS. The leading disputants shall each he entitled to ten minutes to open, and five minutes to close the debate. All other speakers shall be limited to tive minutes. The Lyceum may, at any time, by majority vote, extend the time of any speaker, but not exceeding five minutes. 9. ORDER OF DEBATE. The affirmative and negative shall be represented al- ternately from the commencement to the close of the discussion. After the leading disputants have opened the debate, the members shall proceed with the discussion pro and con, in the order of their names on the book of the Secretary, unless one declines speaking, when the next in order shall be called. If no one offers to controvert the last speaker, another speech on the same side is in order. When all the members who desire to speak have been called, voluntary speakers, pro and con, may be jailed for ; and if more than one rises to speak, the Presi- dent shall decide, without appeal or debate, who is en- titled to the floor, bio one shall be permitted to speak twice until all have spoken who desire to do so, unless by unanimous consent. POINTS OF ORDER. All points of order, on being distinctly stated, shall be decided without debate. If the decision of the President is appealed from, the motion, “ Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained V’ shall be put and decided by a majority vote. 11. MANNER OF VOTING. Voting may be done by ayes and noes, or by raising the hand, as the Chair shall determine. When the vote 103 MEETINGS. is doubtful or disputed, any member may call for a divi- sion of the bouse, when the vote shall be taken by rising or the uplifted hand, the President directing the Secretary to count the ayes and noes. 12. SUSPENSIONS. Any by-law may be suspended for the evening by a vote of two-thirds of the members present; or it may be suspended indefinitely by unanimous consent. 13. AMENDMENTS. These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Lyceum by a vote of two-thirds of the members present; or by a majority vote after one week’s notice has been given. PARLIAMENTARY USAGES. 1. Motions.—ISTo motion can be entertained until seconded. When a motion is made and seconded, the President should rise, state the question fully and clearly, and ask if the house is ready for the question. If no one offers to speak, the motion should be put to vote, the re- sult announced, and the Secretary directed to record it. 2. Motions to Reconsider.—A motion to reconsider cannot be entertained unless made and seconded by per- sons who voted with the majority, except in the case of an equal division, when it must be made by one who voted in the negative. USTo motion to reconsider is in order after the proposition or action has passed out of the possession of the house, or recorded and approved in the minutes. 3. Motions to Expunge.—Motions to expunge or rescind any resolution or vote of the house, require Unanimous consent. 104 MEETINGS. 4. Motions not Debatable.—The previous or main question, points of order, motions to reconsider, to ad- journ, and to lie on the table, are not debatable ; nor are appeals from the decision of the Chair. But when two or more members make an appeal, the President may give his reasons for the decision, and the question may then be debated. In case of a tie vote, the President may give the casting vote in favor of his decision. 5. The Previous Question.—The previous question shall not be entertained unless the motion is seconded by three members. If the question is decided affirmatively, and amendments are pending, the vote should be taken first on the amendments in order, and then on the main question. All incidental questions arising after the pre- vious question has been moved, must be decided without debate. When the previous question has been moved and seconded, it cannot be withdrawn without the consent of a majority; nor can it be suspended by any motion except that to adjourn. 6. Amendments.—An amendment to a pending motion is always in order; and so is an amendment to an amend- ment ; but an amendment to an amendment cannot be amended. After the discussion the vote is to be taken first on the amendment to the amendment, then on the amendment, and lastly on the main question. 7. Privileged Questions.—Privileged questions are those which take precedence of the business regularly before the house. They are : (a.) To adjourn. (5.) For the previous question. (c.) For postponement. (d.) For commitment. (e.) For amendment. MEETINGS. 105 (fTo lie on the table. A motion for postponement precludes commitment, and a motion for commitment precludes amendment. 8. Personalities.—The President may speak in hi? place to matters of order, or state facts which the mem- bers have occasion for. "When he rises to speak the member occupying the floor should resume his seat. When a member is speaking, no conversation nor whis- pering should be indulged in, nor should any one pass between the speaker and the presiding officer. The decision of the President should always be submitted to quietly unless appealed from. A member decided to be out of order loses his right to the floor, without the unanimous consent of the house. No member when speaking should be interrupted, except by a call to order, or a proffer to explain. Members in debate should not refer to the other by name, but as the member who pre- ceded me, last up, on the right, on the left, who opened the debate, etc. No member can be allowed to read an argument, or a paper pertaining to the discussion without unanimous consent. No member can address the house while sitting without unanimous consent. Any member rising to speak should address the President, and not pro- ceed to speak until the President recognizes his right to the floor by announcing his name. When two or more members arise to speak at the same time, the President shall decide who is entitled to the floor by announcing his name, or designating him in some other manner. The motives of members are never to be questioned. 9, Appeals.—Any member may appeal from any decision of the Chair; but the member appealing must reduce his appeal to writing, and hand it to the Secretary. The President shall then state the question, and call for 106 MEETINGS. a vote on the question, “ Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained ? ” 10. Explanations.—No explanation can be made while a member is speaking without the consent of the speaker; but if the speaker yields the floor for an explanation, he cannot resume it again without unanimous consent. Members who obtain leave to explain must confine their remarks to the matters to be explained. Committees.—In legislative bodies, committees are of two kinds, select or special, and standing or permanent. In Lyceums all committees are of the former kind. Their duties are to consider any subject or proposition referred to them, and report the same to the next meeting, or at any time designated. They may report in full or ask to be discharged, or report progress and ask leave to be con- tinued. Their report may be considered and disposed of as a whole, or in sections or parts, when the subject is susceptible of such division. In the latter case each sec- tion may be approved, rejected, or amended, and then the final vote taken, whether it shall be adopted or rejected as a whole. The first person named on a committee of several usually acts as chairman. 11. Postponements.—These may be for the time, or indefinitely. When different times are mentioned the question should be taken on the most distant time first. The motion to postpone indefinitely cannot be amended, nor superseded by any other motion; but if decided negatively, a motion to amend or commit will be in order. 12. Adjournment.—A motion to adjourn is not in order when a member is speaking, nor when a vote is being taken on any question. # When a motion to adjourn has been negatived, it cannot be renewed until some other 107 MEETINGS. proposition has been presented, or business of some kind transacted. A motion to adjourn cannot be amended by adding to it a definite time or place ; this must be pre- viously decided on its own merits. A motion to adjourn to a particular time and place is debatable so far as the lime and place are concerned. When desiring to sus- pend business temporarily, an adjournment for the time is in order, after which the business may be resumed on a Simple motion to do so. When an adjournment has been voted during the consideration of any question, that question will be first put in order among the unfinished business, but not the first business in order at the next meeting. WORKS ON HYGIENE, By R. T. TKALL. M.D. Anatomical and Physiological Flatus. Arranged expressly tor Lecturers on Health, Physiology, etc." Representing the normal position and life-size of all the Internal viscera, and a view of the principal nerves, arteries, veins, muscles, etc. Fully colored, backed, and mounted on rollers (net) per set of six, $30, by express. The True Temperance Plat- pokm ; or. an Exposition of the Fallacy of Alcoholic Medication. 50 corns. Papular Physiology. A Familiar Exposition of the Structures, Functions, and Relations of the Human System and their Application to the Preservation of Health. For Families and Schools. $1.25. Hydropathic Encyclopedia, A System of Hygiene, embracing Outlines of Anatomy—illustrated ; Physiology of the Human Body: Preservation of Health; Dietetics ann Cookery; Theory and Practice of Hygienic Treatment; Special Pathology and Therapeutics, including the Nature, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of all known Diseases; Application of Hydrop- athy to Midwifery and the Nursery. Nearly l.OuOpages, including a Glossary. Designed as a Guide to Families and Students, and a Text-book for Physicians. With 300 en- graved illustrations. in one vol. $-t.00. (Diphtheria; its Nature History, Causes. Prevention, and Treatment on Hy- gienic Principles. With a resume of the various theories and practices of the medi • cal profession. $1.25. Blgmstiou and Byspepsia. A Complete Explanation of the Physiology of the Digestive Processes, with Symptoms and Treatment of Dyspepsia and Disorders of the Digestive Organs. $1. The Hainan Voice. Its Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Therapeutics, ami Training, with Rules of Order for Lyceums. Paper, 50 cents ; muslin, 73 cents. Uterine Diseases and Displace- MKNT3. A Practical Treatise on the Vari- ous Diseases, Malpositions, and Structural Derangements of the Uterus and its Ap- pendages. Colored plates. $3.00. Water-Cure for She Million, The Processes of Water-Cure Explained. Hygienic and Drug Medication Contrasted. Rules for Bathing, Dieting, Exorcising, etc., given. Directions for Home Treatment, "apor, 25 cents ; muslin, 50 cents. The Hygienic Hand-book, in- tended as a Practical Guide for the Sick- Room, arranged Alphabetically. $1.50. Fanil I y Bymnaitliiin, Illustrated. Containing the most approved methods of applying Gymnastic, falisthenic, Kinesi- pathic, and Vocal Exercises to the Develop- ment of the Bodily Organs, Invigoration of their Functions, Preservation of Health, and Cure of Diseases and Deformities. $1.50. «e True Sf eating; Art; or, Hy- gienic vs. Drug Medication. A plain, prac- tical view of the whole question. Paper, 25 cents; muslin, 50 cents. The Hygeian Home Cook- Book ; or, Palatable Food without Condi- ments. A complete Book of Recipes or Directions for Preparing and Cooking ail kinds of Healthful Food in a Healthful Manner. Paper, 25 cents ; muslin, 50 cents. Hydro pa tli Ic Cook-Book, Reci- pes lor Cooking on Hygienic Principles. Containing, a Philosophical Exposition of the Relations of Food to Health ; Chemical Elements and Proximate Constitution of Alimentary Principles ; Nutritive Proper- ticsofall kinds of Aliments ; Relative Value of Vegetable and Animal Substances; Selec- tion and Preservation of Material, etc. $1.25 Tlie Alcoholic Controversy, A lie view of the Westminster Review on the Physiological Errors of Tectotalism. 50 cents. {Disease* of Throat ami Lungs, including Diphtheria, and their Proper Treatment. Illustrated. Paper, 25 cents. Fruits and Farinacea the Proper Food of Man ; being an attempt to prove from history, anatomy, physiology, and chemistry that the best diet of man is de- rived from tile vegetable kingdom. Dy John Smith. Notes and Ulus, by Trail. $1.50 The Hath. Its History and Uses in Health and Disease With twenty engrav- ings. Paper, 25 cents ; muslin, 50 cents. Accidents and Emergencies. Di- rections lor the treatment in Bleeding, Guta, Sprains, Huptnres, Broken Dones, Burns, Bites of Mad Dogs, Injured Eyes, Choking, Poisons, Fits, Sun-stroke, Drowning, etc. By Alfred Bmee. With Alterations and Corrections by Trail. 25 cents. Mother*9 Hygienic Hand-Hook for the Normal Development and Training of Women and Children, and Treatment of their Diseases with Hygienic Agencies. $1. A Stealth Catechism. Questions and Answers. With illustrations. 10 cts. Seat by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price, by FOWLER & WELLS, Publishers, 753 Broadway, IT, Y. THE INDISPENSABLE HAND-BOOK, How to Write—How to Talk-—How to Behave, and How to Do Business. COMPLETE IN ONE LARGE VOLUME. This new Vork—in four parts—embraces just that practical matter-ef- fect information whicn every one—old and young—ought to have. It will aid in attain- ing, if it does not insure, “ success in life.” It contains some COO pages, elegantly bound, and la divided into four parts, as follows: As a Manual of Letter-Writing and Composition, is far suikbxob to the common “ Letter-Writers.” It teaches the inexperienced how to write Business Letters, Family Letters, Friendly Letters, Love Letters, Notes and Cards, and News- paper Articles, and how to Correct Proof for the Press. The newspapers have pro- nounced it “Indispensable.” Mow to Tails No other Boon contains so much Useful Instruction on tttr subject as this. It teaches how to Speak Correctly, Clearly, Fluently, Forcibly, Elo- quently, and Effectively, in the Shop, in the Drawing-room; a Chairman’s Guide, V' Ccn duct Debating Societies and Public Meetings; how to Spell, and how to Pronounce cE sorts of Words; with Exercises for Declamation. The chapter on “ Errors Corrected” to worth the price of the volume to every yoong man. “ Worth a dozen grammars.” How to l®toaf©i This is a Manual of Etiquette, and it is believed to be beet “MANNERS BOOK” ever written. If you desire to know what good manners require, at Home, on the Street, at a Party, at Church, at Table, in Conversation, at Places of Amusement, in Traveling, in the Company of Ladies, in Courtship, this book Will inform won. It is a standard work on Good Behavior. How to Do Business i INDISPENSABLE IN THE COUNTING-ROOM, IN THE STORK, IN THE SHOP, 051 the Farm, for the Clerk, the Apprentice, the Book Agent, and for Business Men. It toadies how to Choose a Pursuit, and how to follow it with success. “It teaches how to get rich honestly,” and how to use your riches wisely. Sow to Write—How to Talk—How to Behave—How to Bo Business, bound in one large handsome volume, post-paid, for $2. Agents wanted. Address, FOWLEU & WELLS, 758 Broadway, STew York. A NEW WORK. FRESE, SEASONABLE, ADVANCED. BRAIN AND MIND; OR, MENTAL SCIENCE CONSIDERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PRIN- CIPLES OF PHRENOLOGY, AND IN RELATION TO MODERN PHYSIOLOGY. By HENRY S. DRAYTON, A.M., and JAMES McNEILL. Illustrated with over One Hundred Portraits and Diagrams. 12mo, extra cloth - - - Price, $1.50. This contribution to the science of mind has been made in response to the demand of the time for a work embodying the grand principles of Phrenology, as they are understood and applied to-day by the advanced exponents of mental philosophy. The authors state in their Preface: “ In preparing this volume it has been the aim to meet an existing want, viz.: That of a treatise which not only gives the reader a complete view of the system of mental science known as Phrenology, but also exhibits its relation to anatomy and physiology as those sciences are represented to-day by standard authority.” The work is divided into eighteen chapters, which are entitled as follows: CHAPTERS. I. General Principles, II. Of the Tempera- ments. HI. Structure of the Brain and Skull. IV. Class 1 fication of the Faculties. V. The Physico-Pre- SERVATIVE, OR SEL- FISH Organs. VI. Of the Intellect. VII. The Semi-Intellect- ual Faculties. VIII. The Organs of the Social Functions. IX. The Selfish Senti- ments. X. The Moral and Re- ligious Sentiments. CHAPTERS. XI. How to Examine Heads. XII. How Character is Manifested. XIII. The Action of the Faculties. XIV. The Relation of Phrenology to Metaphysics a n d Education. XV. Value of Phrenolo gy as an Art. XVI. Phrenology and Physiology. XVII. Objections and Con- firmations BY THE Physiologists. XVIII. Phrenology in Gen- eral Literature. In style and treatment it is adapted to the general reader, and abounds with valuable instruction expressed in clear, practical terms. It is printed on fine paper, and substantially bound in cloth, and contains 325 pages. i2mo. Price $1.50, by mail, post-paid. Address FOWLER & WELLS, Publishers, 763 Broadway, Ngw York. '"tow to Read Character A New Illustrated Hand-Book of Phrenology and Phy- siognomy, for the use of Students and Examiners; with a Descriptive Chart for marking, and upwards of 170 Engravings. By Samuel R. Wells, heavy muslin, $1.25; in paper, $1.00. FOWLER & WELLS, Publishers, 753 Broadway, New York. One who wishes to get a practical knowledge of Phrenology and Phyaiogoray in the shortest possible time, and without burdening his mind with theoretical speculations, will find this just the work he needs. So far as any book can give him the instruction he requires, this will do it: and so clear are its explanations, and so full, complete, and effective its illustrations, that the lack of an oral teacher will seem but a slight drawback. It begins at the beginning ; describes the brain and the skull; illustrates the temperaments; shows how the organs are grouped together in the cranium : points out the loca- tion and punction of each organ, with the corresponding physiog- nomical signs; gives practical direction for the cultivation or re- straint, as may be necessary, of each organ ; explains fully the “ Art of Character Reading,” showing how to proceed in an examination, how to find the organs, how to distinguish the temperaments and other physiological conditions, and howto “take the measure” of each man, woman and child, so as to estimate correctly the mental and physical status of every subject examined. The practical applica- tion of the whole to the affairs of life—matrimony, education, busi ness, etc, —is then pointed out; objections answered ; and the mental organization required in each trade and profession described. A full Descriptive Chart for the marking of character is added. The work is thorough, methodical, carefully considered in every part; and at the same time simple, concise, popular in style, and adapted to the com prehension of everybody who can read the English language. It does not claim to be exhaustive; but we can confidently assert that so much truly useful matter on the subjects treated, with so many fine illustrations, can nowhere else be found in the same compass or for so small a price. Just the thing for Students and Examiners. The Phrenological Journal AND SCIENCE OF HEALTH. The Phrenological Journal and Science of Health, having been combined, is now published as one magazine with the above title, and covers the ground hitherto occupied by both as distinct publications. The Science of Human Character, the Laws which govern the Physical Organism, and the Relations of Mental and Physical Health to External Conditions, are the grand themes which belong to the special province of this magazine. Phrenology unfolds the relations of Mind and its physi- cal instrumentalities; shows how the multifold diversities of human character and capacity are related to universal laws, and by a positive analysis of individual mentality ministers to individual usefulness, designating special aptitude, and indi- cating the methods by which mental and physical deficiencies may be remedied. As an agency in training the young, in cor- recting and reforming the vicious, and in controlling the in- sane, its value can not be estimated. This combined magazine will contain practical articles on Physiology, Dikt, Exercise, and the Laws of Life and Health ; Portraits, Sketches, and Biographies of the lead- ing Men and Women of the World, besides much general and useful information on the leading topics of the day. It is intended to be the most interesting and instructive Family Magazine published. TKKSIS.—Published monthly at $2 a year. Single num- bers, 20 cents. Agents Wanted. Address FOWLER & WELLS, Publishers, 7f*3 Broadway, New York. Phrenology and Physiognomy. This List comprises the Best and Latest Standard Works on these subjects. COMRE (GEO.) A System of Phre- noloov ; with One Hundred Eng’s. $1.50. The Constitution of Man, in relation to External Objects. $1.50. Lectures on Pitrenology, with an Essay on the Phrenological mode of Investigation, and a Historical Sketch by Andrew Boardman, M.D. $1.50. -—Moral Philosophy; the Duties of Man in his Individual, Domestic, and So- cial Capacities. $1.50. Uniform Edition. 4 vols., extra cloth, $5. Library Edition. 4 vols. $10. W E L L S (S A M U E L R.) New Physiognomy ; or. Signs of Character, as manifested through Temperament and External Forms, With more than One Thousand Illustrations, and portrait of the author. 768 pp. Muslin, $5; in calf, mar- bled edges, $8; Turkey mor., full gilt, $10. Wedlock ; or, The Right Relations of the Sexes. A Scientific Treatise, disclos- ing the Laws of Conjugal Selection, show- ing Who May and Who May Not Marry. With portrait. $1.50 ; full gilt, $2. Phrenological Miscellany; or, Annuals of Phrenology and Fhysiognomy, from 1865 to 1873, in cne volume, contain- ing over 300 illustrations, 41.50. How to Read Character.—A New Illustrated Handbook of Phrenology and Physiognomy. $1; muslin, $1.25. Weils’ New Descripilve Chart, for Use of Examiners, giving a Delineation of Character. Paper. 25c.; muslin, 50 cts. FOWLER (O. S.) Self-Culture and Perfection of Character, including Management of Children and Youth. $1.25. Memory aud" Intellectual Im- provement applied to Self-Education $1.25 Education and Self-Imp rove- ment Complete. Comprising Physiol- ogy- -Animal and Mental; Self-culture aud Memory. One vol. $3.50. Phrenology Proved, lllns- tbatkd, and Applied. $1.50. • Matrimony; or, PhrenOiogy and Physiology applied to the Selection of Congenial Companions for Life. 50 cts. FOWLER (l.. N.) Marriage. A Phrenological and Physiological Exposi- tion of the Functions and Qualifications for Happy Marriages. $1.25. Lectures ou Man; as explained by Phrenology, Physiology. Physiognomy, and Ethnology. $1.50. SPUR/HEIM (J. G., M.D.) Edu- cation; Its Principles founded on the Na- ture of Man. With Appendix, containing the Temperaments, and an Analysis of the Faculties, by 8. R. Wells. $1.25. —Natural Laws of Man. Ques- tions with Answers. 50 cts. SIXER (NELSON). How to Teach According to Temperament and Men- tal Development; or. Phrenology in the School-room and the Family. $1.50. Choice of Pursuits; or. What to Do and Why, and how to Educate each Man for his proper work, the Talents and Temperaments required. $1.75. Domestic Life; or, Marriage Vindi- cated and Free Love Exposed. 25 cts. DRAYTON (H. S., A.M.), and Mc- Neill (James, A.M.)—Brain and Mind; or, Mental Science Considered in Accordance with the Principles of Phrenology and in Relation to Modern Physiology. $1.50. JACQUES (D. H., M.D.) The Temperaments ; or. Varieties of Physical Constitution in Man, considered in their relation to Mental Character and Practical Affairs of Life. 150 Illustrations. $1.50. WEAVER (Rev. G. SJ Mental Science, according to the Philosophy of Phrenology. $1.25. DELL (SIR CHARLES). Expres- sion, its Anatomy and Philosophy. With Notes, and Illustrations. $1.25. BOA R SMI AN (ANDREW, M.D.) Defence op Phrenology : The Nature and Value of Phrenological Evidence, and a Vindication of Phrenology. $1.25. BRAY (CHARLES). The Edu- cation op the Peelings and Affec- tions. Edited, with Notes and Illustra- tions, by Nelson Sizer. Cloth. $1.50. CAPEN (HON. NAHUM). Remi- niscences of Dr. Spurzhbim and Geo. Combe, and a Review of the Science of Phrenology from its discovery to the time of the visit of Combe to the U.S. In Press. Phrenology and the Scriptures. Showing harmony between Phrenology aud the Bible. 25 cts. Self-Instructor in Phrenology and Physiology. With over One Hun- dred Engravings. 50 cts,; muslin, 75 cts. How to Study Phrenology. With suggesMi ns to Students, WTorke, etc. ICc. Symbolical Head and Phreno- logical Map. On flue tinted paper. 10c. Synopsis of Phrenology, and Chart for Describing the Phrenological Develop- ments. for I’u use of Examiners. 10 cts. Indicaliotis ol Character In the Dead and Face. Illustrated. 15 cents. The Annuals of Phrenology and Health Almanac trom 1874 to 1889, in one vol. Cloth, $1.00. This jear, 10 cents. Phrenological Journal aud Sci- ence or Health. $2 a year; 20 cts. a No. Phrenological Uuets.--Showing the latest classification and exact location of the Organs of the Brnir. By express $1; smaller, by mail, post-paid, 50 ctr. All works pertaining to the “ Science of Man,” including Phrenology Fhysiognor'y, Ethnology', Psychology, Physiology, Anatomy, Hygiene, Dietetics, etc., supplied. Juclcec stamp for descriptive Catalogue. Agents wanted. Send for terms. FOWLED & WELLS, Publishers, 753 Broadway, N Yi HEALTH BOOKS. TRAM- (R. T., M. D.) Ana- T0M1CA1* AND 'PHYSIOLOGICAL PLATES. Plates arranged expressly for Lectures on Health, Physiology, etc. A set of six, colored and mounted on rollers. $201 Hydro pat Site Encyclopedia. A System of Hygiene, embracing Anatomy, Physiology, Preservation of Health, in- cluding the Nature, Causes. Symptoms, and Treatment of Diseases. $4.00. Uterine Disease* and dis- placements. A Practical Treatise on the Various Diseases, and Structural Derange- ments of the Uterus. Colored plates. $5.00. The Hygienic Handbook- A Practical Guide lor the Sick-Room. $1.50. Family Gymnasium. Approved methods of applying Gymnastic, Calis- thenic, Kinesipathic, and Vocal Exercises. Fully illustrated. $1.50. —Hyd ropatliic Cook-Book. A Philosophical Exposition of the Relations of Food to Health. With recipes. $1.25. The True Temperance Plat- torm. The Fallacy of Alcoholic Medica- tion. 50 cents. Fruits and Fariuacea the Proper Food op Man. By Smith. Notes by Tkall. $1.50. mothers’ Hygienic H a u d - book, for the Normal Development and Training of Women and Children and Treatment of Diseases. $1.00. Popular Physiology. A Com- plete Exposition of the Structures and Functions of the Human System. $1.25. Diphtheria; its Nature, History, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment. $1.23. Digestion and Dyspepsia. An Explanation of the Physiology of the Di- gestive Processes, and the causes and Treatment of Dyspepsia. $1.00. Tl»e Hitman Voice, Its Anato- my, Physiology, Pathology, Therapeutics, and Training. 50 cents ; doth, 75 cents. Water-Cure for the Million. The Processes of Water-Cure Explained. 25 cents ; cloth. 50 cents. The True Healing Art; or, Hy- gienic vs. Drug Medication. 25c. ; cloth, 50c. Hygcian Home Cook-Book; or, Healthful and Palatable Pood without Condiments. 25 cents ; cloth, 50 cents. The A Icoholle Controversy, A Review of the Westminster Review on the Physiological Errors of T»etotalism. 50c. Diseases ofThroat and Lungs. Including Diphtheria. 25 cents. The Rath. Us History and Uses in Health and Disease. 25 cts.; cloth, 50 cts. Accidents and Emergencies. A Guide for the Treatment i» Sprains, Dis- locations, Burns and Scalds, Bites, Sun- stroke, Drowning, etc. New Edition. 25c. A Health Catechism. Questions »nd Answers. 10 cents. SHEW (JOEL, m.D.) Family Physician.—A Ready Prescribe! and Hy- gienic Adviser. With Reference to the Nat- ure, Prevention, and Treatment of Diseases, Accidents, and Casualties of every kind. $3. Midwifery and the Diseases of Women. With General Management of Chidbirth, the Nursery, etc For Wives and Mothers. $1.50. C h i I d r e n .—Their Management in Health and Disease. Descriptive and Prac- tical. $1.50. Pregnancy and Childbirth, showing the effects of Water Treatment. 50c. com BE (ANDREW, BI.D.) Principles of Physiology applied to the Preservation of Health. $1.50. management of Infancy, Phys- iological and Moral Treatment. $1.26. Physiology of Digestion, with Relation to the Principles of Dietetics. 50c. GRAHAM (SYLVESTER). Sci- ence of Human Life. $3.00. WHITE (Win., m.D.) medical Electricity. Showing the most scientific Application to all Forms of Diseases. $2.00. Facts About Tobacco.—Compiled by Rev. E. P. Thwing. 25 cents. Domestic .Practice of Hydropa- thy.—By E. Johnson, M.D. $1.50. How to be Well; or, Common-Sens* Medical Hygiene. By Dr. Fairchild. $1. Traiismisdou; or, Variation of Character through the Mother. 25 cts. Food and Diet.—Observations on the Dictetical Regimen. By Pereira. $1.50. Water-Cure In Chronic Diseases. Their Causes, Treatment, etc. $1.50. Physiology, Animal and fflen- tal. Health of Body and Mind. $1.25. How we Fed the Baby. 50c.; cl.75. Sober and Temperate Elfe,— Dis- courses and Letters of Cornaro. 50 cents. movenient-Cure.-An Exposition of the Swedish Movement-Cure. $1.50. The Parents’ Guide ; or, Human Development Through Inherited Ten- dencies. $1.25. The Human Feet.—Their Shape, Dress, and Care. $1.00. Practice ©f the Water-Cure.—A Detailed Account of the Various Processes. 60 cents. Philosophy of the Water-Cure, and the Principles of Health. 50 cents. How to Grow Handsome ; or, Hints toward Physical Perfection. $1.00. Tobacco; Its Physical, Intellectual, and Moral Effects. By Alcott. 15 cents. Tea and Coffee, their Physical, Intel- lectual, and Moral Effects. 15 cents. ISoteson Beauty, Vigor, and De- velopmknt. 10 cents. Heredity . — Besponsibilif y In Parentage. By Rev. S. H. Platt. 10 cts. Special Cist.—We have in addition to the above, Private Medical Works. This will be sent on receipt of stamp. Sent by mail, post-paid. Address FOWLER A WELLS, 758 Broadway, New York. WORKS FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT. The Indispensable Handbook for Home Improvement. Comprising “ How to Write,” “Talk,” “ Behave,” and “ Do Business;” 1 large vol., $2. How to Write, a Manual of Composi- tion and Letter-Writing. Muslin, 75c. How to Talk, a Manual of Conversa- tion, with Mistakes Correcfcd. 75c. Howto Behave, a Manual of Etiquette and Guido to Personal Habits. Muslin, 75c. How to S>o Business, Man- ual of Practical Affairs, with a Collection of Legal Forms. Muslin, 75c. How to Bead. What and Why; or, Hints in Choosing the Best Books, with Classified Lists of Works. $1. How to Learn Shorthand; or, The Stenographic Instructor. By Baker. 25c. How to Sins ; or, The Voice and How to Use It. By Daniel!. 50c. ; cloth, 75c. How to Conduct a Public Meet- ing; or, The Chairman’s Guide. 15c. Weaver’s Works. Comprising “ Hopes and Helps,” “Aims and Aids,” “Ways of Life.” By Rev. G. S. Weaver. 1 vol., $2.50 Hopes and Helps for the Young; op Both Sexes. Character, Choice of Avo- cation,Courtship and Marriage, etc. $1.25. Alms and Aids for Girls and Young Women, on Duties op Life. $1.25. Ways of Life, Showing the Right Way and Wrong Way. How to Rise in Life. $1. Life at Home; or. The Family and its Members. Husbands. Wives, Parents, Chil- dren. Brothers, Sisters, Employers and Employed. By Rev. Wm. Aikmau, D.D. New Ed. $1.50 ; full gilt, $2. Oratory—Sacred and Secular; or, The Extemporaneous Speaker. $1 25. Bight Wont in the Bight Place. A Pocket Dictionary of Synonyms, Tech- nical Terms, Abbreviations, Foreign Phrases, etc. Muslin, 50c. The Temperance Beformatiou. From the First T. Soc. to the Maine Liquor Law. $1.25. How to Paint. Designed for Trades- men, Mechanics, Farmers, and the Profes- sional Painter. $1. The Carriage Painter’s Ulus- trated Manual. A Treatise on the Art of Coach, Carriage, and Car Painting. $1. Man in Genesis and iit Geology ; or, The Biblical Account of Man’s Crea- tion tested by Scientific Theories. $1. 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Comprising the Philosophy of Mesmerism — Fascination — The Macro- cosm, or the Universe Without—Electrical Psychology—Psychology, or the Science of the Soul. 1 vol. $8.50. Practical Instructions In Ani- mal Magnetism. From the French of Deleuze. $2. The Key to Ghostism. By Rev. Thomas Mitchel. $1.50. Salem Witchcraft, with Planchette Mystery and Modern Spiritualism, and Dr, Doddridge’s Dream. $1. Electrical Psychology, in Twelve Lectures. By J. B. Dods. $1.25. Fascination. Or, the Power of Charm- ing. By J Ik Newman. Muslin, $1.25. Philosophy of Mesmerism and Clairvoyance. Six Lectures. 50c. Howto ITS ngnetize. Containing Rules for Selecting Subjects, and a Full Expla- nation of the Processes. 25c. Address FOWLER & WELLS, Publishers, 1 53 Broadway, N. Y.