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SPRATT, SURGEON-AC CO U C H E U R . FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, FROM THE FOURTH AND GREATLY IMPROVED LONDON EDITION, CAREFULLY REVISED, AND WITH ADDITIONAL NOTES AND PLATES. | --■■ i Jj X'*-.!'.. \"~ "' PHILADELPHIA: w_ „ / ^ J J THOMAS, COWPERTHWAIT & CO. No. 253 MARKET STREET. ^ 1848. 84g Entered according to an Act of Congress, in the year 1847, by WAGNER & M'GUIGAN, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. STEREOTYPED BY E. B. WEARS, 130 BACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PREFACE TO THE FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. The superiority of the present work over any other series of Obstetrical illustrations, is universally admitted. It is a happy combination of the Picture and the Model; combining the convenience of one, with the completeness of the other. To the busy practitioner, who wants something to refresh his memory, it obviates the necessity for continual post mortem examination, by supplying every point of reference he can possibly require. To the student it is equivalent to a whole series of practical demonstrations, with the advantage that it can be carried about with him and studied wherever he may desire. This is particularly the case with the plates explaining the use of the instruments. No single pictures could ever convey the same ideas, and enable the student to understand the descriptions; but these dissected plates are almost equal to the Mannikin itself. The newly added representation of the Cesa- -rian operation, is another instance. The best views of that operation, when standing alone, are almost as likely to mislead as to guide correctly. This plate, however, exhibits the whole process in so complete and connected a manner, that nothing can be misunderstood. The European reputation of this work is perhaps greater than that of any other of the kind. Numerous copies have been imported, at different times, at a high price, and a general wish has been expressed for its republication here. It was, however, so novel and so difficult a piece of work, that no lithographers liked to undertake it; they were afraid it would cost too much, and perhaps be inferior to the original. The Editor, however, having some similar work done by Messrs. Wagner fy McGuigan, was convinced, from what he saw of their skill, that it could be done by them fully equal to the original, and much cheaper. He accordingly proposed it to them, and undertook the necessary supervision. The result has been its issue to the American public, after immense labor and expense, at a much cheaper rate than it can be imported, and, in many respects, in a much superior style. * The additional Plates and Notes have been specially designed to supply all deficiencies in the original, and to bring die work up to the present state of Obstetrical Science. It is now put forward, confidently, as the best, in fact the only work of the kind in this country, and the attention of medical men is respectfully directed to its peculiar merits. AMERICAN EDITOR. * Th? Editor here deems it is a duty to say, that the manner in which Messrs. Wagner & McGuigan have executed their part of the task, reflects upon them the highest praise. It could scarcely have been better performed, and proves that their establishment is eminently calculated for the proper performance of this kind of work.—Ed. Am. Ed. FRONTISPIECE. This plate has been carefully compiled from other works, and corrected by an attentive study, both of nature and the best works of art, ancient and modern. Every effort has been used to make it, as nearly as possible, a correct repre- sentation of the perfect human figure, in both sexes, so that the peculiarities of each may be seen, and a correct comparison made between them. This comparison is highly interesting in an artistic point of view, and is also, in many instances, of great practical value to the anatomist and physician. DEDICATION. TO SIR CHARLES MANSFIELD CLARKE, BART., PHYSICIAN TO THE Q.UEEN. Sm, The high professional pre-eminence which your great talents as an Obstetrician, and your unwearied zeal in the alleviation of disease incidental to the female sex, have obtained for you, induced me to solicit the honor of placing this volume under your auspices. Encouraged by the nattering kindness which you have shown me, in condescending to exam- ine and suggest many improvements in these Tables, and honored by your permission to dedicate them to you, I respectfully do so, feeling assured that a work (especially intended to promote the relief of female suffering) could not be so well placed as under your protection. That you may long continue to enjoy the exalted station in your profession which you now hold, is the sincere wish of, Sir Charles, Your very much obliged, And very obedient, humble Servant, THE AUTHOR. t- CONTENTS. On the Progressive Development of the Ovum and Fcetus. Table I II III. Female Organs of Generation IV. On the Signs of Pregnancy and Development of the Uterus. I. B. Views of the Female Pelvis. II. B. Pelvis with presentations of the Fcetal Head. III. B. Distorted Pelvis. IV. B. Unimpregnated Uterus and Appendages. Progressive changes in the Cervix Uteri, &c. V. Impregnated Uteri. Extra-uterine Conception, &c. VI. Section of the Pelvis, exhibiting a lateral view of the Uterus in the progressive stages of Parturition. Examination per Vaginam, &c. VII. Procidentia Uteri, Enlarged Ovary, Face Presentations, &c. VIII. On the Application of the Forceps in the most natural position of the Fcetal Head. IX. On the Application of the Forceps in the second, third, and fourth positions of the Fcetal Head. X. Preternatural Presentations of the Fcetus. XI. Contents of the Gravid Uterus, Membranes, Twin Conception, &c. XII. Blood-Vessels of the Impregnated Uterus. V. B. Placenta Presentations, &c. &c. VI. B. On Turning. VII. B. On Craniotomy. I. C. On Hysterotomy. The Cephalotribe. TABLE OF CONTENTS. U* > On the Progressive Development of the Ovum and Fcetus. III. Female Organs of Generation. IV. On the Signs of Pregnancy and Development of the Uterus I. B. Views of the Female Pelvis. II. B. Pelvis with presentations of the Fcetal Head. III. B. Distorted Pelves. IV. B. Unimpregnated Uterus and Appendages. Progressive changes in the Cervix Uteri, &c. V. Impregnated Uteri. Extra-Uterine conception, &c. VI. Section of the Pelvis, exhibiting a lateral view of the Uterus in the progressive states of Parturition. Exami- nation per Vaginam, &c. I. C. The Cesarean Section. The Cephalotribe. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Adams, James, Esq. Surgeon,39 Finsbury square. Aikin, C. R. Esq. Surgeon, 33 Great James street, Bedford Row. Airey, — Esq. Surgeon, Broad street, Golden square. Aldis, Dr. 13 Old Burlington street. Allender, G. Esq. Surgeon, High street, White- chapel. Andrews, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Park street. Appleton, James, Esq. Surgeon, 110 Holborn hill. Armige, T. J. Esq. Surgeon, 4 Philadelphia place, Hackney road, (for the Cambridge Heath Medical Society.) Ashburner, Dr. Wimpole street. Ash well, Samuel, M.D. Lecturer upon Midwife- ry, &c. Devonshire square. Austin, M. Esq. Surgeon, Red Lion street. Badgley, Dr. 12 Lower Phillimore place, Ken- sington. Barker, — Esq. Surgeon, Edgeware road. Barnwell, Wm. Esq. Surgeon, 7 Queen Char- lotte Row, New Road. Bell, Sir Charles, K.G.H. 30 Brook street, Grosvenor square. Bevan, Thomas, Esq. F.L.S. Surgeon, Queen street, Cheapside. Beverley, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, Bethnal Green. Beetham, Arthur, Esq. Surgeon, 49 Old Broad st. Bird, James, Esq. M.R.C.S. Surgeon, 259 Ox- ford street. Blackett, Powell, Esq. Surgeon, Green street, Grosvenor square. Blaine, — Esq. Surgeon, Ongar, Essex. Blake, Dr. Kennington. Blandford, S. Esq. Surgeon, 20 Dover street. Bloxam, William, Esq. Surgeon, 4 Hanover street, Hanover square. Blundell, Dr. Great George street. Blundell, Thomas Leigh, M.D. Woburn place. Bowden, Edward, Esq. Surgeon, 135 Sloane st. Brian, Robert, Esq. R.N. Surgeon, 13 Spencer street, Northampton square. Bright, Dr. Richard, 11 Saville street. Brodie, Sir Benjamin, Bart. Saville street. Broster, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, 17 Queen's Buildings, Brompton. Bryant, John, Esq. Surgeon, 50 Edgeware road. Bull, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, 27 Finsbury place. Burrows, W. Esq. Surgeon, 1 Park st. Islington, Butler, James, Esq. Surgeon, 34 Seething lane. Butchell, S. Van, Esq. Surgeon, Percy street, Bedford Square. Byam, W. J. Esq. Surgeon, Nottingham street. Campbell, W. Esq. Surgeon, 23 Wilton place, Belgrave square. Camplin, John M. Esq. Surgeon, Finsbury sq. Carruthers, George, Esq. Surgeon, Mile-end road. Carruthers, James Mason, Esq. Surgeon, 29 Ludgate street. Chinnock, H. S. Esq. Surgeon, 12 Michael's Place, Brompton. Cholmondeley, Joseph, Esq. Surgeon, 3 Not- tingham Place, New road. Clarke, Sir Charles, Bart. Physician to the Queen, Saville street. Clough, Henry Gore, Esq. Surgeon, Upper Southampton street. Clarke, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, 51 Lamb's Con- duit street. Coates, G. Esq. Surgeon, 1 Hart st. Bloomsbury. Conquest, Dr. Finsbury square. Copeland, Dr. Bulstrode street. Cooke, William, Esq. Surgeon, 39 Trinity square Cumming, R. N. Esq. Surgeon, 26 Cheyne walk, Chelsea. D'Aranda, G. Esq. Surgeon, 27 Claremont ter- race, Pentonville. Davidson, Esq. Surgeon, North street, Man- chester square. Davenport, Thomas, R. Esq. Surgeon, Harbo- rough, Leicestershire. Davies, Dr. Henry, Clifford street. Davis, Dr. David D. Fitzroy st. Fitzroy sq. Davis, James, Esq. Surgeon, 33 Red-lion sq. Dew, Dr. 82 Gower street, Bedford square. De Grave, J. F. Esq. Surgeon, 41 Friday street. Dendy, Walter C. Esq. Surgeon, Stamford st. Desomeaux, D. Esq. Surgeon, 3 Brunswick ter- race, Islington. Dover, Frederick, Esq. Surgeon, 54 Great Co- ram street. Doubleday, E. Esq. Surgeon, 170 Blackfriars Road. Drew, H. P. L. Esq. Surgeon, 79 Gower street, Bedford square. Earle, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, George street, Hanover square. Edwards, Daniel, Esq. Surgeon, Queen street, Cheapside. Elsegood, H. C. Esq. Surgeon, 14 Upper Brook street. Evans, Lewis, Esq. Surgeon, 24 Finsbury sq. F airhead, James, Esq. Surgeon, 51 Goswell road. Farquhar, Alexander, Esq. Surgeon, King's road, Chelsea. Farrar, Edward, Esq. Surgeon, 48 Guildford street, Russell square. Fernandez, Peregrine, Esq. Surgeon, 70 Lamb's Conduit street. Fincham, G. Esq. Surgeon, 5 Spring-gardens. Flight, W. Henry, Esq. Surgeon, St. John street road. Forbes, Dr. Argyle street. Freeman, Robert, Esq. Surgeon, Stony Strat- ford, Bucks. Furnival, W. H. Esq. Surgeon, Princes court. Gibbs, Dr. 6 Baker street. Godrich, Francis, Esq. Surgeon, Little Chelsea. Gozna, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, 29 Oxendon st. Granville, Dr. Grafton street. Graves, William Henry, Esq. Surgeon, 4 Alie place, Great Alie street, Whitechapel. Green, Joseph Henry, Esq. Surgeon, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Griffith, H. Esq. Surgeon, 39 Connaught terrace. Guthrie, G. J. Esq. Surgeon, 2 Berkeley street. Hall, Frederick, Esq. Surgeon, 14 Montague street, Russell square. Hawkins, Dr. Bisset, Golden square. Hall, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, 8 Store street, Bedford square. Hallion, J. W. Esq. Surgeon, Warren street, Fitzroy square. Hardy, W. Esq. Surgeon, 79 Gower street, Bedford square. Harding, P. Esq. Surgeon, Dorset street, Port- man square. Hardey, R.Esq. Surgeon, Lower road, Islington* Harrison, Dr. E. Holies street, Cavendish sq. Harvey, William, Esq. Surgeon, 66 Great Queen street. Hellier, R. B. Esq. Surgeon, 21 Montague place, Russell square. Heygate, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Harborough, Leicestershire. Hensleigh, H. Esq. Surgeon, 1 Gloucester place. Hewson, T. A. Esq. Surgeon, King street, Co- vent-garden. Hill, J. B. Esq. Surgeon, 3 Lamb's Conduit place Hills, E. Esq. Surgeon, 1 Angel terrace, Isling- ton. Holmes, John Pocock, Esq. Surgeon, 21 Old Fish street, Doctor's Commons. Holt, H. F. Esq. Surgeon, Holywell street, Westminster. Hood, P. Esq. Surgeon, Norton street, Portland place. Hodgkins, Dr. New Broad street. Horwood, John, Esq. Surgeon, Northampton. Hulman, William, Esq. Surgeon, Argyle street. Hunter, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, 5 Cooper's row, Trinity square. Hunter, John, Esq. Surgeon, 83 Mincing lane. Hunt, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, 15 Lower Brook street, Grosvenor square. Iliff, William Tiffin, Esq. Surgeon, F.L.S. New- ington, Surrey. Jenfferson, J. F. Esq. Surgeon, Barnsbury place, Islington. Johnson, James, M.D. Physician Extraordinary to the King, Pall Mall East. Jones, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, 7 Carlisle street, Soho square. Kenny, Bernard, Esq. Surgeon, Strand. Kerbey, W. Esq. Surgeon, Brompton row. King, John, Esq. Surgeon, Stepney. Kisch, Jos. Esq. Surgeon, 4 Broad st. Buildings. Kitching, G. Esq. Surgeon, Aldersgate street. Laisne, G. J. Esq. Surgeon, 4 Eaton square. Langmore, Dr. Finsbury square. Lavies, J. Esq. Surgeon, King st. Westminster. Leary, Daniel, Esq. Surgeon, 16 Parliament st. Lee, Dr. R. Golden square. Leese, Edward, Esq. Surgeon, 16 Baker street. Leese, Lewis, Jun. Esq. Surgeon, 11 South street, Finsbury square. Locock, Dr. Physician extraordinary to the Queen, 9 Hanover square. Loe, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, Stony Stratford Bucks. Love, J. Esq. Surgeon, Gilbert street. Malim, Wentworth, Esq. Lincoln's Inn Fields. Mart, G. R. Esq. Surgeon, 61 Frith st. Soho. Martin, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, 8 Connaught Terrace. M'Cann, Nicholas, Esq. Surgeon, 50 Parliament street. M'Crea, J. Esq. Surgeon, Islington. Merriman, Dr. Brook street, Grosvenor square. Menzies, R. Esq. Surgeon, 86 Upper Stamford street. Miller, Dr. S. New Basinghall street. Morgan, C. Esq. Surgeon, Bedford Row. Morrah, J. Esq. Surgeon, 62 Sloane street. Morgan, John, Esq. Surgeon, 22 Chapel street, Belgrave square. Morris, Dr. Princes Court. Morley, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, 100 Hatton Garden. Mulley, — Esq. Surgeon, 46 Hans Place, Chel- sea. Mugliston, W. S. Esq. Surgeon, Brewer street, Somers Town. Newberry, Francis, Esq. Surgeon, 28 Wilton Place, Belgrave square. Northampton Infirmary, the Medical Library of the. Outlaw, H.M. Esq. Surgeon, Welhngbro, North- ampton. Owen, C. T. Esq. Surgeon, 146 Holburn Bars. Painter, R. Esq. Surgeon, Broad Way, West- minster. Pater, Richard, Esq. Surgeon, Honduras Ter- race, Commercial Road. Painter, James, Esq. Surgeon, 26 Howland street, Fitzroy square. Pardoe, Dr. 30 Great James street, Bedford Row Percival, William, Esq. Surgeon, Northampton. Perry, John, Esq. Surgeon, 59 Ebury street, Pimlico. Peregrine, Dr. 3 Half Moon street. Perry, John G. Esq. Surgeon, Great James st. Phillips, James, Esq. Surgeon, Bethnal Green. Ponder, William, Esq. Surgeon, 22 King street, Covent Garden. Porter, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, 1 Euston Place, New Road. Potter, John, Esq. Surgeon, Ongar, Essex. Propert, John, Esq. Surgeon, New Cavendish street. Ramage, Dr. Eley Place. Ramsbotham, Dr. Francis H. New Broad street. Randall, Alfred, M. Esq. Surgeon, 50 Finsbury square. Reading, The Medical and Surgical Society. Reid, J. Esq. Surgeon, Charlotte st. Bloomsbury. Reynolds, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, 48 Prescot st. Riadore, Evans, Esq. F.L.S. 17 Tavistock sq. Rigg, Robert, Esq. Surgeon, 10 Upper George street, Edgeware Road. Ridge, John James, Esq. Surgeon, 1 Bridge Road, Lambeth. Ridge, Benjamin, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Robinson, Thomas J. Esq. Surgeon, 31 Store street, Bedford square. Robertson, Dr. Northampton. Rowe, Matthew, Esq. Surgeon, 24 Woburn Place. Rowe, — Esq. Surgeon, Chigwell, Essex. Rutherford, Samuel, Esq. Surgeon, 132 Rat- cliff Highway. Ryan, M., M.D. Lecturer on Medicine, Obste- tricy, &c. 4 Great Queen street, St. James's Park, Westminster. Saner, James, Esq. Surgeon, Finsbury square. Scard, E. Esq. Surgeon, Bernard street, Russell square. Shaw, W. Esq. Surgeon, Hampstead. Sharp, James, Esq. Surgeon, 19 Grosvenor street, West, Eaton square. Sigmond, Dr. 24 Dover street. Skegg, Robert, Esq. Surgeon, Bedford street, Covent Garden. Smith, J. S. Esq. Surgeon, 19 Trinity square. Smith, C. Esq. Surgeon, 10 Upper Queen's Buildings, Brompton. Smith, W. Esq. Surgeon, 79 Goswell street. Snitch, C. G. Esq. Surgeon, Brydges street, Covent Garden. Spencer, — Esq. Surgeon, St. John st. Road. Squibb, G. J. Esq. Surgeon, Orchard street, Portman square. Stevens, Frederick J. Esq. Surgeon, 190 Sloane street. Stott, Thomas P. Esq. Surgeon, 9 North Aud- ley street. Sutherland, Dr. Parliament street. Terry, H. Esq. Surgeon, Northampton. Thomson, Dr. 58 Hermitage Place. Thompson, Dr. Theop. 15 Keppel street, Rus- sell square. Thomas, H. Leigh, Esq. Surgeon, Leicester Place. Thomas, D. Esq. Surgeon, Upper Dorset street. Turner, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, 31 King street, Bloomsbury. Tuson, Edward, Esq. Surgeon, Russell Place Fitzroy square. Uwins, David, M.D. Bedford Row. Van Oven, Barnard, Esq. Surgeon, 25 Broad street Buildings. Vaux, C. B. Esq. Surgeon, 36 Pudding lane. Vickers, W. R. Esq. Surgeon, 9 Thayer street. Vines, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, 4 Warwick court, Holborn. Warburton, Dr. Clifford street. Ward, William Squire, Esq. Surgeon, Overton, Notts. Watson, Dr. Thomas, Henrietta street, Caven- dish square. Walshman, Dr. Kennington. Webster, George, Esq. Surgeon, 78 Connaught Terrace. White, George Francis, Esq. Surgeon, 45 Gloucester Terrace, Commercial road. Whiting, Dr. Borough. Whitmore, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, Cold-bath square. White, Anthony, Esq. President of the College of Surgeons, Parliament street. Weatherhead, Dr. Golden square. Williams, J. H. B. Esq. Surgeon, Aldersgate street. Wormald, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, 42 Bedford Row. SUBSCRIBERS IN LIVERPOOL. Archer, Francis, Esq. Surgeon, Renshaw street. Baird, Dr. Duke street. BickerstafF, B. Esq. Surgeon, Rodney street. Banner, Maurice John, Esq. Surgeon, Rodney st. Bromilow, Samuel, Esq. Surgeon. Bryce, B., M.D. Upper Islington. Burrowes, John, Esq. Surgeon, Great Orford st. Blackburn, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Camden st. Bradley, E. Esq. Surgeon, Great Nelson street, North. Beirly, J. Esq. Surgeon. Chater, George, Esq. Surgeon. Corlet, — Esq. Surgeon, Upper Duke street. Callon, John, Esq. Surgeon, R.N. Dobbie, C. Esq. Surgeon, Brownlow Hill. Edwards, Dr. Bold Street. Eden, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Mount Pleasant. Gillon, Andrew, Esq. Surgeon, Clarence street. Hensman, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Rodney st. Hicks John, Esq. Surgeon, Richmond Row. 3 Harrison, P. Esq. Surgeon, Infirmary. Hayes, Thomas, Esq. 6 St. Anne street. Infirmary, Liverpool. Jeffrey, A. C. Esq. Surgeon, Great Crosshall st. Jones, Ellis, Esq. Surgeon, Duncan street, East. Lewtas, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Hunter street. Lockwood, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, London road. Lane, Dr. Hunter. Malins, James, M.D. Lecturer on Midwifery, 42 Bedford street. Martin, H. Esq. M.C.S.L. Clarence street. Minshull, J. L. Esq. Surgeon, Norton street. Marshall, James, Esq. Surgeon. Marshall, Buchanan, M.D. Clayton square. Master, — Esq. Surgeon, Old Haymarket. Manifold, Hugh, Esq. Surgeon, Elliot street. McKee, — Esq. Surgeon. McCulloch, — Esq. Surgeon, Duke street. Marshall, John, Esq. Surgeon, Duke street. Niell, Hugh, Esq. Surgeon, Oxford street. Nightingale, — Esq. Surgeon, Liverpool Fever Hospital. Nicol, John, M.D. Great George street. Ortt, Edmund, Esq. Surgeon, Duke street. Pennington, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, London road. Park, — Esq. Surgeon, Hedge Hill. Parr, John, Esq. Surgeon, Camden street. Petrie, J. Esq. Surgeon, Parliament street. Pearson, David, Esq. Surgeon, Hill street. Powell, Edward, M.D. Islington. Palmer, Hall, Esq. Surgeon, Brownlow street. Pearson, John, Esq. Surgeon, Pembroke street. Rutter, Dr. St. Anne street. Robertson, Archdeacon, M.D. St. George street. Roskill, M. Esq. Surgeon, 23 Rose place. Shaw, John, Esq. Surgeon, Seymour street. Simon, T. Esq. Surgeon. Stubbs, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, Upper Duke st. Taylor, John, Esq. Surgeon, Seddon street. Tetlow, H. T. Esq. Surgeon, St. Anne street. Turner, William, Esq. 25 Rose place. Wainmight, H. Esq. Surgeon, Everton. Worthington, C. Esq. Surgeon, Rodney street. Whitley, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Islington Ter- race. CHESTER. Bagnall, — Esq. Surgeon. Griffiths, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon. Harrison, John, Esq. Surgeon. The Medical Society of Chester. PRESTON. Bradley, — Esq. Surgeon. Brown, R. Esq. Surgeon. Moore, Alfred, M.D. Orrell, J. Esq. Surgeon. WARRINGTON. Hall, Edward, Esq. Surgeon. Kendrick, James, M.D. Sharp, John, Esq. Surgeon. MANCHESTER. Addison, Robert, Esq. Surgeon. Barton, — Esq. Surgeon. Braid, James, Esq. Surgeon. Bamber, R. P. Esq. Surgeon. Birks, Edward B. Esq. Surgeon. Boyer, Robert, Esq. Surgeon. Carew, J. D. Esq. Surgeon. Cooper, W. N. S. Esq. Surgeon. Crowther, Robert, Esq. Surgeon. Dadley, Henry, Esq. Surgeon. Dispensary, Library of the Fawdington, — Esq. Surgeon. Flack, J. Esq. Surgeon. Gardom, George, Esq. Surgeon. Grearis, George, Esq. Surgeon. Guest, W. E. Esq. Surgeon. Hancock, James, Esq. Surgeon. Harrison, John G. Esq. Surgeon. Hordson, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon. Holroyde, E. Esq. Surgeon. Jordan, Joseph, Esq. Surgeon. Johnston, Roberts, Esq. Surgeon. Joynson, T. N. Esq. Surgeon. Ker, W. Henry, Esq. Surgeon. Lees, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon. Lesse, John, Esq. Surgeon. Lignum, Edward, Esq. Surgeon. Lacy, E. Esq. Surgeon. Lynch, P. Jun. Esq. Surgeon. Macgowan, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon. Mann, Robert, Esq. Surgeon. Murray, Dr. Mellor, John, Esq. Surgeon. Noble, Daniel, Esq. Surgeon. Oilier, Henry, Esq. Surgeon. Owen, William, Esq. Surgeon. Partington, James Edgar, Esq. Surgeon. Radford, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon. Ransome, L. T. Esq. Surgeon. Roberts, Benjamin, Esq. Surgeon. Russell, J. Esq. Surgeon. Scholfield, R. Esq. Surgeon. Stephens, John, Esq. Surgeon. Thorp, Robert, Esq. Surgeon. Thompstone, S. Jun. Esq. Surgeon. Turner, — Esq. Surgeon. White, William, Esq. Surgeon. Whatton, W. R. Esq. Surgeon. Wilson, William, Esq. Surgeon. Wimm, William, Esq. Surgeon. Windsor, John, Esq. Surgeon. Wood, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon. DUBLIN. Armstrong, L. Esq. Surgeon, French street. Beatty, J. E., M.D. York street. Campbell, H. W., M.D. Lying-in Hospital. Clarke, Patrick Dillen, M.D. South Anne street. Darley, Henry, M.D. Kildare street. Doyle, Thomas, M.D. Talbot street. Fleming, — Esq. Surgeon, Talbot street. Flood, Valentine, M.D. 19 Blessington. Gawley, E. Esq. Surgeon, Swinford, County Mayo. Hansard, James J. Esq. Surgeon. Hara, C. W. Esq. Surgeon, Coombe Lying-in Hospital. Hayden, G. J. Esq. Surgeon, Harcourt street. Hughes, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, Rutland square. Ieland, R. S. Esq. Surgeon. Kennedy, E., M.D. Lying-in Hospital. Lebatt, M.D. Merrion Row. Mannsell, Henry, M.D. York street. McKeever, Thomas, M.D. Marlborough street. Montgomery, W. F. M.D. Molesworth street. Peebles, John, M.D. Dorset street. Shanahan, Bryan Richard, M.D. Lying-in Hos- pital, Townsend street. Young, A. K. Esq. Surgeon, 50 Abbey street. Young, E. Esq. Surgeon, Upper Ormond Quay. BOLTON. Binden, — Esq. Surgeon. Denham, Joseph, Esq. Surgeon. Haworth, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon. Knott, Edwin, Esq. Surgeon. Pendlebury, James, Esq. Surgeon. Robinson, J. M. Esq. Surgeon. WIGAN. Daglish, — Esq. Surgeon. Hanott, W. Esq. Surgeon. Shaw, — Esq. Surgeon. BIRMINGHAM. Aaron, Isaac, Esq. Surgeon. Baynham, J. M. Esq. Surgeon. Cox, Edward T. Esq. Surgeon. Chavasse, P. H. Esq. Surgeon. Hall, G. Esq. Surgeon. Hobson, Benjamin, Esq. Surgeon, 142 Snow Hill. Ingleby, John, Esq. Surgeon. Jukes, Alfred, Esq. Surgeon. Ledsam, J. J. Esq. Surgeon. Palmer, F. S. Esq. Surgeon, 16 Colmore Row. Porter, J. W. Esq. Surgeon. Swinson, E. S. Esq. Surgeon, Cannon Hill. Taylor, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon. Vaughton, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon. Watts, J. W. Esq. Surgeon. Wright, John, Esq. Surgeon. Wilcox, — Esq. Surgeon. WOLVERHAMPTON. Coleman, Edward H. Esq. Surgeon. Gatis, James, Esq. Surgeon. Bodger, W. J. Esq. Surgeon. BILSTON. Best, N orris, Esq. Surgeon. Cooper, R. S. Esq. Surgeon. Dickenson, F. W. Esq. Surgeon. COVENTRY. Bicknell, Edward, Esq. Surgeon. Barton, W. Ashton, Esq. Surgeon. Smith, John, Esq. Surgeon. DERBY. Borough, Charles, Esq. Surgeon. Wright, John, Esq. Surgeon to the Derbyshire General Infirmary. Webster, John, Esq. Surgeon. SHEFFIELD. Boultbree, Henry, Esq. F.L.S. Clark, G. W. Esq. Surgeon. Ernest, Robert, M.D. Sheffield General In- firmary. Favell, W. Esq. Surgeon. Gillott, Edward, Esq. Surgeon. Hall, John, Esq. Surgeon. Jackson, William, Esq. Surgeon. Jackson, Henry, Esq. Surgeon. Martin, Edward, Esq. Surgeon. Overend, Wilson, Esq. Surgeon to the Sheffield General Infirmary. Ray, James, Esq. Surgeon. Turten, George, Esq. Surgeon. Taylor, R. S. Esq. Surgeon. Thomson, Gorden, M.D. Wild, James, Esq. Surgeon. Wood, H. Esq. Surgeon. WAKEFIELD. Bennett, John, Esq. Surgeon. Dawson, William, Esq. Surgeon. Statter, S. Esq. Surgeon. HUDDERSFIELD. Bradshaw, J. Taylor, Esq. Surgeon, New st. Tatham, Thomas Robert, Esq. Surgeon. Huddersfield, the Medical Library of LEEDS. Bulmer, George, Esq. Surgeon, Assembly Court. Cass, W. R. Esq. Surgeon, 11 Albion street. Garlick, John, Esq. Surgeon, 21 Park Row. Hare, S. Esq. Surgeon, 26 East Parade. Hey and Son, Messrs., Surgeons, Albion Place. Hay, William, Esq. Surgeon, 23 Park square. Horton, R. H. Esq. Surgeon, Holbeck. Nunnerly, — Esq. Surgeon, Wellington street. Price, W. Esq. Surgeon, Park Row. Pullan, Richard, Esq. Surgeon, Hunslet. Smith, Samuel, Esq. Surgeon, Park Row. Teale, Thomas Ridge, Esq. Surgeon, 22 Albion street. Taylor, J. Mackenzie, Esq. Surgeon. Ward, — Esq. Surgeon, 41 Kirkgate. STOCKPORT. Brooke, John, Esq. Surgeon. Cheetham, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Hill Gate. Cheetham, S. H. Esq. Surgeon. Douns, George, Esq. Surgeon. Flint, Richard, Esq. Surgeon. Medd, John, Esq. Surgeon. Norris, H. Esq. Surgeon. Rayner, J. W. Esq. Surgeon. Taylor, J. Esq. Surgeon. Welhamtour, Jun. Esq. Surgeon. ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIBERS. BATH. Barnard, J. F. Esq. Surgeon. Barter, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon. Browne, E. Esq. Surgeon. Bush, George F. Esq. Surgeon. Chilton, Joseph, Esq. Surgeon. Church, W. Esq. Surgeon. Field, Frederick, Esq. Surgeon. Fryer, W. H. Esq. Surgeon. George, R. F. Esq. Surgeon. Greville, Dr. Goldstone, Robert, Esq. Hicks, Charles, Esq. Surgeon. Hill, Edward, Esq. Surgeon. Howell, John W. Esq. Surgeon. Hunt, E. Esq. Surgeon. King, George, Esq. Surgeon. Kilvert, John, Esq. Surgeon. Massy, Hugh, Esq. Surgeon. Norman, George, Esq. Surgeon. Skeate, E. Esq. Surgeon. Soden, J. S. Esq. Surgeon. Spender, J. C. Esq. Surgeon. Slater, Charles Phillot, Esq. Surgeon. Spry, George, Esq. Surgeon. Wright, Edward, Esq. Surgeon. White, John, Esq. Surgeon. BRISTOL. Bell, John, Esq. Surgeon. Blake, John, Esq. Surgeon. Brady, — Esq. Surgeon. Bryant, Samuel, Esq. Surgeon. Burroughs, S. B. Esq. Surgeon, Mall, Clifton. Chandler, John Moss, Esq. Surgeon. Frankis, B. F. Esq. Surgeon, 72 Stokes Croft. Fryer, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, 52 Radcliff Hill. Goldney, S. Esq. Surgeon, Clifton Dispensary. Humpage, E. Esq. Surgeon, 12 King Square. James, H. G. Esq. Surgeon. Kelson, Joseph James, Esq. R.C.S. Surgeon. Leonard, Isaac, Esq. Surgeon. Lansdown, J. G. Esq. Surgeon, St. James Barton Maurice, W. Esq. Surgeon. Olliver, A. Esq. Surgeon. Rogers, George, Esq. Surgeon. Sweeyne, H. Esq. Surgeon. Searle, J. Clarke, Esq. Surgeon, 14 College st. Stanton, J. Esq. Surgeon, Dowry sq. Clifton. Wilson, John Grant, Esq. Surgeon, 17 Bridge st. GLOUCESTER. Bedwell, J. R. Esq. Surgeon, Barton street. Carden, H. D. Esq. Surgeon. Clutterbuck, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, Eastgate street. Hicks, T. Esq. Surgeon, College Green. Parsons, George, Esq. Surgeon, College Green. Playne, George, Esq. Surgeon. Spencer, J. H. F., M.D. Albion House. Wilton, John W. Esq. Surgeon. CHELTENHAM. Agg, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Portland street. Cooke, C. J. Esq. Surgeon. Eves, Augustus, Esq. Surgeon to the Casualty Hospital. Fortnom, James, Esq. Surgeon. Murly, S. H. Esq. Surgeon. Newman, R. Esq. Surgeon. Whitmore, W. Esq. Surgeon, 49 St. George's place. Hammond, T. M. Esq. Surgeon, Brixton, Surrey Denbigh, W. Esq. B. M., Newington. Bowen, B. Esq. Surgeon, Harrow. Hewlett, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Harrow. Hickman, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, Kentish Town Blackstone, Joseph, Esq. Surgeon, High street, Camden Town. Bland, Cornelius, Esq. Surgeon, 5 Arbour Ter- race, Commercial Road. Baines, J. Esq. Surgeon, Bradford. Adye, M. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Plimmer, George, Esq. Surgeon, Melksham. King, J. R. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Barker, W. D. Esq. Surgeon, Devizes. Clark, William, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Trinder, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Ogilvie,George J. Esq. Surgeon, Calne. Page, George, Esq. Surgeon, Calne. Spencer, H. Esq. Surgeon, Chippingham. Jeston, Alfred, Esq. Surgeon, Malmsbury. SOMERSET. Tomkins, W. Esq. Surgeon, Yeovil. Moore, John, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Webb, J. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Spicer, N. W. Esq. Surgeon, Chard. Burt, G. R. Esq. Surgeon, Ilminster. Wing, John, M.D. Taunton. Higgins, Charles Hayes, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Alford, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Pyne, W. C. Esq. Surgeon, Wellington. Ludball, John Gore, Esq. Surgeon, Wivelis- combe. Edwards, A. F. Esq. Senior Surgeon to the Wiveliscombe Infirmary. Haviland, James, Esq. Surgeon, Bridgewater. Hudson, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Wells. Davies, Frederick, Esq. Surgeon, Wells. Gale, F. Esq. Surgeon, Glastonbury. James, W. T. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Newman, George, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Gale, Alfred, Esq. Surgeon, Shipton Mallet. Gane, J. M. Esq. Surgeon, Frome. Payne, Thomas Henry, Esq. Surgeon, Frome. Yeatman, J. C. Esq. Surgeon, Frome. Bush, E. Esq. Surgeon, Bruton. Taylor, James, Esq. Surgeon, Castle Cary. WORCESTERSHIRE. Morris, Edward, Esq. Surgeon, Worcester. Meears, J. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Sheppard, J. P. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Hill, R. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Hurley, E. Esq. Surgeon, Ivy House, Ditto. Budd, H. W. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Owen, James, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Appleton, J. G. Esq. Surgeon, Evesham. Rickitts, M. Esq. Surgeon, Droitwich. Thursfield, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Kidder- minster. Jotham, G. W. Esq. Surgeon, Kidderminster. Cole, J. Esq. Surgeon, Bewdley. Cooper, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Stourbridge. Cartwright, — Esq. Surgeon, Dudley. Hall, J. P. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto! Fereday, Samuel W. Esq. Surgeon, Dudley. STAFFORDSHIRE. Spilsbury, E. A. Esq. Surgeon, Walsal. Edwards, F. A. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Day, J. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Hamblin, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Fletcher, A. A. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Tate, George, Esq. Surgeon, Tukesbury. Gardner, W. Esq. Surgeon, Painswick. Gyde, A. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Bedwell, J. Adolphus, Esq. Surgeon, Ciren- cester. Warner, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Cirencester. Ireland, — Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Mantell, George, Esq. Surgeon, Farringdon, Berks. CHESHIRE. Nightingale, J. Esq. Surgeon, Winslow. Baird, J. W., M.D. Knutsford. Hewitt, J. H. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Wagstafle, H. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Dean, R. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Vaudrey, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Cheadle. Lupton, B. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Ockleston, Robert, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Bullock, J. Esq. Surgeon, Congleton. Jackson, J. R. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Bland, J. Esq. Surgeon, Park Green, Maccles- field. Furth, J. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto, Ditto. Buckenall, Esq. Surgeon, Park st. Ditto. Lellemand, J. T. Esq. Surgeon, Park Green, Macclesfield. Gossling, G. J. Esq. Surgeon, Fordergate, Mac- clesfield. Goodwin, Robert D. Jun. Esq. Surgeon, Ash- bourne. Shorland, W. Esq. Surgeon, Ilchester. Collyns, C. Esq. Surgeon, Dulverton. Flexman, W. Esq. Surgeon, South Molton. Robert Shute, Esq. Surgeon, Morpeth. Edward Storer, Esq. Robert Hawdon, Esq. Henry Hunt, Esq. Surgeon, Bedford. EDINBURGH. Dr. J. Mars. Dr. J. H. Davidson. Dr. Abercrombie. Dr. Simpson. Dr. Malcolm, F.R.C.P.E. Charles, Sidey, Esq. Surgeon. John Macwhorter, M.D. Thomas Pagan, M.D. J. S. Alexander, Esq. Surgeon, 31 Alva street. James Murray, Esq. F.R.C.S.L. James Crighton, Esq. Surgeon. P. Mitchelhill, Esq. Surgeon, 1 Downie Place. GLASGOW. James Brown, M.D. Abercromby Place. John Macfarlane, M.D. 14 St. Vincent street. Thomas Watson, Esq. Surgeon, West Nile st. James Paterson, M.D. Great Hamilton street. James Jeffray, M.D. Professor. Andrew Mackie, M.D. Portland street. Alexander Forbes, M.D. 8 Portland street. William Strang, Esq. Surgeon, Nicholson st. J. Agnew, Esq. Surgeon, 1 King street, Trades- town. J. Black, Esq. Surgeon, Charlotte street. Thomas Gray, Esq. Surgeon, Gallowgate. Alexander Adams, M.D. Garnet Hill. Robert Garroway, Esq. Surgeon, Bridgeton. Robert Adam, Esq. Surgeon, Calton. John Dick, Esq. Surgeon, 2 London street. Thomas Cunningham, Esq. Surgeon, 1 Norfolk street. James Cassels, Esq. Surgeon, 24 Sanchiehall street. Thomas Marshall, M.D. Demonstrator. Alexander Morton, Esq. Surgeon, 37 Crown street. Robert Hay, Esq. Surgeon, Great Clyde street. William Cullen, Esq. Surgeon, 287 Gallow- gate. J. Mactear, M.D. 12 George street. A. Craig, Esq. Surgeon, 288 High street. James Paterson, M.D. 1 Washington street. C. Douglas, Esq. Surgeon, King street. Alexander Stewart, Esq. Surgeon, 111 C, Rigg street. John Harvey, M.D. 43 Cadogan street. E. J. McDonnell, M.D. 114 Saltmarket street. John Macewan, M.D. 12 Pitt street. William Thomas Squier, M.D. Calton. J. Robertson, Esq. Surgeon, Broomiclaw. James Wilson, M.D GREENOCK. Robert Walker, M.D. John Speirs, M.D. J. R. Speirs, M.D. William Turner, Esq. Surgeon, R.N. H. W. Buchanan, M.D. R. Brace, Esq. Surgeon. John Smith, Esq. Surgeon. Thomas Hugh Donnelly, M.D. Charles Auld, M.D. John Fox, M.D. M.R.C.S.L. A. D. Stewart, Esq. Surgeon. Loney, William, Esq. Surgeon, Roe street, Macclesfield. Sainter, J. D. Esq. Surgeon, Chestergate, Mac- clesfield. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Williams, J. B. Esq. Surgeon, Tetbury. White, Frederick B. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Gardener, E. B. Esq. Surgeon, Stroud. LANCASHIRE. Broadbent, R. Esq. Surgeon, Altringham. Blease, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Wilson, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Wood, Esq. Surgeon, Rochdale. Wardleworth, H. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Lumb, W. Birgley, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Coventry, Alex. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Coates, John, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Taylor, E. Esq. Surgeon, Middleton. Scholfield, Jas. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Sorby, Wm. Esq. Surgeon, Eccles. Mercer, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, St. Helens. Garton, William, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Gaskell, J. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Blundell, J. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Garton, John, Esq. Surgeon, Prescot. Garthside, J. H. Esq. Surgeon, Chorley. Pollard, J. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Skaife, John, Esq. Surgeon, Blackbourn. Barlow, R. B. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Cochrance, Esq. Surgeon, Great Bridgewater street, Manchester. Cookson, George, Esq. Surgeon, Manchester. Pickop, Eli, Esq. Surgeon, Blackburn. Barlow, R. B. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Grime, John, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Dean, Robert, Esq. Surgeon, Clitheroe. Arkwright, John, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Garstang, J. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Pinder, W. Esq. Surgeon, Colne. Cockcroft, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Colne. Hargraves, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, Burnley. White, Stephen, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Coultate, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. STAFFORDSHIRE. Rooker, A. Esq. Surgeon, Darlaston. Rooker, James Yates, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Jackson, William, Jun. Esq. Surgeon, West Bromwich. Savage, J. Esq. Surgeon, West Bromwich. Lees, F. Esq. Surgeon, Wednesbury. Lishman, R. William, Esq. Litchfield. Chavasse, C. A. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Salt, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Rugeley. Field, William, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Bradbury, G. G. Esq. Surgeon, Stafford. Perrin, W. J. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Masfen, John, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Wogan, W. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Powke, H. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Hubert, W. A. Esq. Surgeon, Penkridge. Lindop, W. Esq. Surgeon, Newport. Higgins, R. G. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Greatrex, C. G. Esq. Surgeon, Eccleshall. Swift, G. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Fallows, J. E. Esq. Surgeon, Stone. Masefield, William, Esq. Surgeon, Stone. Hecley, J. Esq. Surgeon, Stone. Berrow, Wm. Esq. Surgeon, Burton-upon- Trent. Allen, S. Sept. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Langley, B. Esq. Surgeon, Tutbury. Lassetter, R. Esq. Surgeon. Uttoxeter. Hewgill, Arthur, M.D. Ditto. Chapman, James, Esq. Ditto. Woolrich, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Hawthorn, H. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Hawthorn, Frederick, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Walker, J. Esq. Surgeon, Burslem. Hayes, R. Esq. Surgeon, Longton. Eardly, B. Esq. Surgeon, Hanly. Head, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Hanly. Astle, Aneb. Esq. Surgeon, Newcastle. Bourne, Esq. Surgeon, Cheade. Sutton, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Tomkinson, R. Esq. Surgeon, Cheade. Staffordshire Infirmary. Kirkland and Dalby, Messrs., Surgeons, Ashby. Ingle, W. N. Esq. Surgeon, Ashby. Skevington, J. Esq. Surgeon, Ashbourne. Besley, W. H. Esq. Surgeon, 40 Southernhay, Exeter. Harris, John, Esq. Surgeon to the Devon and Exeter Hospitals. Exeter. Couper, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, 9 Northernhay, Exeter. Parker, J. W. Esq. Surgeon, The Close, Exeter. Luscombe, S. Esq. Surgeon to the Exeter Hos- pital. Edye, John, Esq. Surgeon, Exeter. Webb, Charles H. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Bennett, James, Esq. Surgeon, Bartholomew Yard, Exeter. Warren, W. B. Esq. Surgeon, Exeter. Waters, A. Esq. Surgeon, Exmouth. Kane, William, Esq. Surgeon, Exmouth. Black, Glass, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Gervis, George, Esq. Surgeon, Teignmouth. Cartwright, William, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Harvey, J. B. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Holman, W. B. Esq. Surgeon, Crediton. Hugo, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Hainworth, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Gabriel, William, Esq. Surgeon, Cullompton. Maunder, Haine W. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Reed, W. H. Esq. Surgeon, Tiverton. The Medical Book Club, Ditto. Davy, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Ottery, St. Mary. Wreford, Samuel, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Tinney, W. S. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Goss, James, Esq. Surgeon, Dawlish. Bowden, R. B. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Scarbrough, John L. Esq. Surgeon, Shaldon. Jolly, Rowe William, Esq. Surgeon, Torquay. Cartwright, Henry, M.R.C.S. Ditto. Blackaller, Bartlett J. M.R.C.S. Ditto. Tanner, M. C, M.R.C.S. Ditto. Bailey, W. L. Esq. Surgeon, Teignmouth. Hunter, Thos. Esq. Surgeon, Budleigh Salterton. Vowell, M. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Goomidge, J. J. Esq. Surgeon, Paington. PLYMOUTH, DEVONPORT, &c Fortescue, Herbert, Esq. Surgeon, 32 George street, Plymouth. Andrews, John Henry, Esq. Surgeon, Plymouth. 4 Fuge, William, Esq. Surgeon, George Terrace, Plymouth. Denton, — Esq. Surgeon, Plymouth. Rattenbury, William, Esq. Surgeon, 10 George place, Plymouth. Stewart, T. H. Esq. Surgeon, Princess square, Plymouth. Taylor, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, Sussex place, Plymouth. Welch, M. Esq. Surgeon, St. Aubyn street, Devonport. Tripe, Cornelius, Esq. Surgeon, Ker st. Devon- port. Watson, R. Esq. Surgeon, St. Aubyn street, Devonport. Robertson, — Esq. Surgeon, Union street, Stonehouse. Row, Dr. Ker street, Devonport. Rolston, G. Esq. Surgeon, St. Aubyn street, Devonport. Buxton, J. C. Esq. Surgeon, 32 Union street, Stonehouse. Isbell, John, M.D. F.L.S. Stonehouse. Dansey, George, Esq. Surgeon, Trafalgar place, Stoke. Lower, — Esq. Surgeon, Clowance street, De- vonport. Bates, — Esq. Surgeon, Torpoint, Cornwall. Littleton, Nicholas, Esq. Surgeon, Saltash, Ditto Risk, J. Erskine, M.D. Ditto. Pode, M. J. Esq. Surgeon, Plympton. DORSET. Simmonds, M. Esq. Surgeon, Sherborne. Fussell, Ernest, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Highmore, M. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. WILTS. Coates, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, Salisbury. Hurd, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Andrews, William, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Winzar, John, Esq. Surgeon. Ditto. Welch, E. A. R. Esq. Surgeon, Downton. LangstafT, George, Esq. Surgeon, Wilton. Pyle, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, Amesbury. Seagram, W. Lye, Esq. Surgeon, Warminster. Turner, William, Esq. Surgeon, Newcastle. Bell, David, M.D. Carlisle. Oliver, Richard, Esq. Surgeon, Carlisle. Meddle, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Dalston, near Carlisle. James, Richard, M.D. Carlisle. Longmire, William, Esq. Surgeon, Kendal. Havens, Robert, Esq. Surgeon and Apothecary, Kendal. Gough, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, &c. Kendal. Allen, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Nottingham. Davidson, Robert, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Chicken, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Holstenholme, James, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Sanders, Edward, Esq. Surgeon, Maidstone. French, Edward, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. TUNBRIDGE WELLS, &c. Hargraves, I. Esq. Surgeon, Tunbridge Wells. Trustram, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Cornwall, James, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Sopwith, H. Lindsell, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Wisden, William, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Clouter, — Esq. Surgeon, Calverly place, Tun- bridge Wells. West, W. J. Esq. Surgeon, Tunbridge. Savery, John, Esq. Surgeon, Hastings. Duke, Walter, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Ranking, Robert, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Jones, George, Esq. Surgeon, St. Leonard's, Hastings. BRIGHTON, LEWES, &c. Green, — Esq. Surgeon. Winter, J. B. Esq. Surgeon, 24 Cannon place, Brighton. Dix, Edward, Esq. Surgeon, 7 Old Steine, Brighton. Blaker, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, Brighton. Rugg, Richard, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Paine, J. Esq. Surgeon, Grand Junction Pa- rade, Brighton. Scruse, George, Esq. Surgeon, Lewes. Chatfield, John S. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Moon, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Harris, William, Esq. Surgeon, Worthing. Marter, E. William, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Fletcher and Wardropers, Messrs., Surgeons, Arundel. Hills, George, Esq. Surgeon, Arundel. Byass, Richard, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Caffin, William, Esq. Surgeon, Chichester. Knott, John, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Gruggen, Messrs., Surgeons, Ditto. HANTS. White, Richard, Esq. Surgeon, Portsmouth. Hellard, George B. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Scott) E. J., M.D. Portsea. Tate, John J. M.D. Ditto. Batchelor, Richard, Esq. Surgeon, Southsea. Cooper, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Portsea. Garington, — Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Engledue, M. C, M.D. Southsea. Rundle, W. S. Esq. Surgeon, Gosport. Williams, — Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Jenkins, John, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Stamland, James, Esq. Surgeon, Fareham. Andrews, Edward, Esq. Surgeon, Titchfield. Banks, W. H.Esq. Surgeon, Ryde, Isle of Wight Pedder, George, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Daverds, J. Cowes, Isle of Wight. Corfe, George B. Esq. Surgeon, Southampton. Caldwell, Edward, Esq. Surgeon, Mellbrook, Southampton. Lyford, Henry G. Winchester. Marter, — Esq. Surgeon, Poole. West, John, Esq. Surgeon, Poole. Rowe, John Reynolds, Esq. Surgeon, Wim- borne, Dorset. Hawes, Robert, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Place, G. A. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Knott, William, Ditto. Welch, James II. Esq. Surgeon, Christchurch, Hants. Scriven, — Esq. Surgeon, Weymouth, Dorset. Tucker, W. Esq. Surgeon, Bridport, Ditto. Workman, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Basingstoke. Woodward, Thomas C. Esq. Surgeon, Andover. Smith, John, Esq. Surgeon, Weyhill. EXETER, &c. Ottley, Drewry, Esq. Surgeon, 3 Southemhay, Exeter. West, Charles Turner, Esq. Surgeon. Brereton, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, Beverly. HALIFAX. Holroyd, James, Esq. Surgeon. Hodgson, John, Esq. Surgeon. Smith, Solomon, Esq. Surgeon. Suttliffe, Joshua, Esq. F.L.S. Surgeon. BRADFORD. Illingworth, J. A. Esq. Surgeon. Kirby, Robert, Esq. Surgeon. Ramsbothom, John H. Esq. Surgeon. Brook, Lionel John, Esq. Surgeon, Pontefract. YORK. Allen, James, Esq. Surgeon. Allen, E. Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, 4 Spence Gate. Binns, Abraham, Esq. Surgeon. Coates, Amos, Esq. Surgeon. Champney, George, Esq. Surgeon. Dodsworth, Benjamin, Esq. Surgeon. Hey, Richard, Esq. Surgeon. Hopps, John, Esq. Surgeon. Hopps, George, Esq. Surgeon, Red House. Hope, Frederick, Esq. Surgeon. Husband, W., M.D. Marshall, William, Esq. Surgeon. Simpson, Dr. Walker, Thomas K. L. Esq. Surgeon. Wisker, Thomas R. Esq. Surgeon. THIRSK. Lambert, William, Esq. Surgeon. Wilson, E. C. Esq. Surgeon. DURHAM. Balfour, William, Esq. Surgeon. Green, William, Esq. Surgeon. Hepple, William, Esq. Surgeon. SUNDERLAND. Embleton, C. C. Esq. Surgeon, 10 Church st. Gregory, R. Esq. Surgeon. Mordey, W. Esq. Surgeon. Oliver, William, Esq. Surgeon. Torbock, Thomas Reddish, Esq. Surgeon. Thompson, H. Esq. Surgeon. I Cook, John, Esq. Surgeon, Church street. Harrison, J. G. Esq. Surgeon, Villiers street. Bishop Wearmouth. Happer, Thomas, M.D. Monkwearmouth Shore White, Thomas, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Ward, John, Esq. Surgeon, 5 Church street. Swan, G. Esq. Surgeon, Church street, Monk- wearmouth. NEWCASTLE. Alexander, J. S., M.D. Brady, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, High street, Gates- head. Bennett, Francis, Esq. Surgeon, Gateshead. Carter, Charles T. Esq. Surgeon. Downie, George, Esq. Surgeon, Bigg Market. Edgcome, James, Esq. Surgeon. Hardcastle, William, Esq. Surgeon, Westgate st. Henzel, C. R. Esq. Surgeon, 81 Percy street. Liddell, John, Esq. Surgeon. Morrison, William, Esq. Surgeon. Marshall, John, Esq. Surgeon, Northumberland street. Preston, William C. Esq. Surgeon. Tulloch, Benjamin, Esq. Surgeon, New Bridge street. NORTH SHIELDS. Bramwell, W. Esq. Surgeon. Stephens, T. Esq. Surgeon, Saville street. Lietch, D. R., M.D. Tynemouth. Bowlby, H. Esq. Surgeon, South Shields. Coward, William, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Emery, J. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Lawrence, Samuel, Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Ridley, R. B. Esq. Surgeon, Ditto Trotter, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, Stockton.- Ripley, John, Esq. Surgeon, Whitby. Taylorson, John, Esq. Surgeon, Whitby. Cole, William, Esq. Surgeon, Pickering. Birdsill, — Esq. Surgeon, Ditto. Dightin, Messrs. W. B. and C. Surgeons, Northallerton. Harper, A. E., M.D. Darlington. Macfarlan, Donald, M.D. Ditto. Jackson, Thomas Hayes, M.D. Ditto. Haslewood, W., M.D. Ditto. Pratt, John, Esq. Surgeon, 48 Upper Baker street, Regent's Park. Price, Allen Foord, Esq. Surgeon, Prospect place, Deptford. Mark, James, Esq. Chemist, &c. Broadway, Deptford. Coale, John, Esq. Surgeon, St. Albans. Rayner, W. Esq. Surgeon, Uxbridge. Johnson,'Robert, Esq. Surgeon, Bromley, Mddx. Wallace, John Andrew, Esq. Surgeon, Bow road, Middlesex. Bottomley, George, Esq. Surgeon, Croydon. Lashmar, Charles, Esq. Surgeon, Croydon. Messeena, J. N. Esq. Surgeon, 73 Poplar. Bain, William P., M.D. Blackwall. Jago, F. R. Esq. Surgeon, Hammersmith. Simoens, J. Esq. Surgeon, Twickenham. Paul, Dr. Rickmansworth. Crowdy, C. W. Esq. Surgeon, Brixton Hill. Ward, F. Esq. Surgeon, Balham Hill, Surrey. Bainbridge, W. Esq. Surgeon, Upper Tooting. Drummond, George, Esq. Surgeon, Croydon. Coates, H. Esq. Surgeon, Elizabeth Terrace, New Cross. Sankey, Edward, Esq. Surgeon, 5 Thurow place, Hackney Road. Evans, T. J. Esq. Surgeon, 5 James's place, Hackney Road. Ryan, John, Esq. Surgeon, 3 High street, Shoreditch. West, George, Esq. Surgeon, 9 High street, Shoreditch. Vandenburgh, A. S. Esq. Surgeon, Bethnal Green Road. Moore, Edward, Esq. Surgeon, 49 Bethnal Green Road. Pearce, Samuel, Esq. Surgeon, Bethnal Green Road. Franks, G. Esq. Surgeon, 90 Blackfriars road. Ward, John Rodney, Esq. B.M. Leyden, Old Kent Road. Richardson, William, Esq. Surgeon, Bayswater. Owen, Jeremiah, Esq. Surgeon, Stockwell com. Smith, Jos. Esq. Surgeon, Clapham Road place. Bellamy, G. L. Esq. Surgeon, 386 Oxford st. Smith, W. Esq. Surgeon, 21 Dorset street, Portman square. Green, H. Esq. Surgeon, 3 Tavistock square. Morries, J. D., M.D. F.R.S.E. Sackville street. Warren, H. Esq. Surgeon, Gravesend. Richards, G. B. Surgeon, Gravesend. Knight, W. B. Esq. Surgeon, Folkstone. Major, James, Esq. Surgeon, Folkstone. Bell, W. Esq. Surgeon, Rochester. Ponder, W. Esq. Surgeon, Chatham. Edge, P. Hulme, Surgeon, Manchester. Cheetham, H. Esq. Surgeon, Ashton. Oldham, Robert, Esq. Surgeon, Ashton. Kay, Samuel, Esq. Surgeon, Ashton. Rawntree, J. Esq. Surgeon, Oldham. Morley, James, Esq. Surgeon, Oldham. Morley, George, Esq. Surgeon, Leeds. Longden, Fred. Esq. Surgeon, Sheffield. Shearman, E. James, Esq. Surgeon, Rotherham. Wilkinson, Henry, Esq. Surgeon, Rotherham. Robinson, J. Esq. Surgeon, Rotherham. Morey, J. E. Esq. Surgeon, Doncaster. Storrs, Robert, Esq. Surgeon, Doncaster. Rickard, J. Esq. Surgeon, Doncaster. Hall, G. Esq. Surgeon, Birmingham. Snowden, G. S. Esq. Surgeon, Ramsgate. Snowden, H. 0. Esq. Surgeon, Ramsgate. Rutley, G. E. Esq. Surgeon, Dover. Sibbit, E. Esq. Surgeon, Dover. Coleman, T. Esq. Surgeon, Dover. Waddington, J. Esq. Surgeon, Margate. Neame, J. Esq. Surgeon, Margate. Hoffman and Son, Messrs., Surgeons, Margate. Hunter, George Yeates, Esq. Surgeon, Margate. Price, — Esq. Surgeon, Margate. Havell, C. Esq. Surgeon, Canterbury. Major, D. B. Surgeon, Canterbury. Bray, F. R. Esq. Surgeon, 89 Mary street, Hampstead Road. HULL. Casson, Richard, Esq. Surgeon. Craven, Robert, Esq. Surgeon. Fielding, G. H. Esq. Surgeon. Fowler, N. Esq. Surgeon. Hardey, Robert, Esq. Surgeon. Lowther, G. W. Esq. Surgeon. Sleight, Robert, Esq. Surgeon. Sharpe, Richard, Esq. Surgeon. TABLES I. AND II. ILLUSTRATING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE OVUM AND FCETUS. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS AND REMARKS. To investigate the subject of conception would be foreign to a purely practical work on obstetrics; but the subject of reproduction of the human species is so deeply interesting, that we think a brief outline of the modern physiological theory of impregnation, and the progressive growth of the fcetus to maturity, will not be misplaced, nor prove uninteresting to many of our readers. The works of Blumenbach, Ryan, Velpeau, Spallanzani, and many others, may be consulted by those who wish to investigate minutely this interesting subject. That conception should follow sexual congress, it appears essential on the part of the female that the ovaria contain some of their vesicles in a healthy condition; on the part of the male, that the testes be in a healthy state. The male semen being transmitted through the uterus, and by the tubae Fallopianse to the ovaries, stimulates one of the vesiculse Graafianse which contains the ovum or germ.* When fecundation takes place, the fimbriated extremity of one of the tubes expands and embraces the ovary, the impregnated ovulum bursts and escapes, with its external envelope, together with a small portion of the liquid peculiar to the Graafian vesicle, and thus it passes into the Fallopian tube, along which it is conveyed into the uterus. The precise time at wThich the ovulum enters the womb after fecundation is not known. Although it is generally supposed to be about a week or two in its journey from the ovaria to the cavity of the uterus, it appears probable that the time may be much shorter. It is said to have been detected in the uterus so early as the eighth day, by Home, Walker, and others. Dr. Granville states that he saw a perfect ovulum ejected from the womb fourteen days after a single sexual congress, which had taken place the day after the cessation of the menses.f The ovulum contains the primordial parts of the fcetus, though on its first entrance into the uterus they can scarcely be detected, on account of their minuteness and transparency. It has two membranous coverings, having a gelatinous substance interposed between them, the chorion and amnion^, the former being the outer, the latter the inner covering: these, with a fluid (liquor amnii) secreted by the amnion, constitute the ovum. * An ovulum exists in each of the vesicles of Graaf, which the ovarium contains in women who have reached maturity. t Granville's Graphic Illustrations of Abortions, &c. t Velpeau says this membrane does not exist before the twelfth day. 4 From the moment of conception, the internal surface of the uterus acquires an increased action, and secretes a delicate, lacerable, and cribri-form membrane (decidua) which may be divided into two laminae, the one in contact with the uterus, the other with the ovum. According to Prevost, Baer, and Dumas, the blood is formed independently of the heart. The arteries, veins, and heart, are formed successively. The development of the nervous system commences from the circumference of the embryo, proceeding towards the centre; hence the lateral nerves of the head, trunk, and pelvis, are developed, whilst the cerebro-spinal system is yet in a liquid state. Of the digestive organs the intestinal canal is the first to appear: it consists, during the first days of its formation, of a curved open tube, extending the whole length of the embryo, placed before the vertebral column. It communicates with the vesicula umbilicalis." It extends and expands, and its superior extremity, the mouth, opens about the fourth or fifth week; the inferior extremity, the anus, opens about the seventh; the outlines of the stomach are visible about the ninth week.f Before the seventh day we cannot perceive any thing in the uterus which indicates the presence of a new being. On the tenth day a semi-transparent, greyish flake may be perceived, of an indeterminate form.J From the twelfth to the thirteenth day, the presence of a vesicle, the size of a pea, containing a thick fluid, in the middle of which swims an opaque spot, presents the first lineaments of the new being that bears the name of embryo: it is enveloped by the membranes chorion and amnion; the weight is equal to one grain. The embryo may be perceived with the naked eye at the fourteenth day after conception (vide fig. 1, 2, and 3, Table 1). On the twenty-first day, it resembles, in form, a large ant or lettuce seed (Burton), its length is from 4 to 5 lines, and weight from three to four grains: at this period the different parts of the fcetus present a little more consistence, and those which are to form bones pass into a cartilaginous state (vide fig. 4 and 5). On the thirtieth day it is about the size of a horse fly, and resembles a worm bent together; at this period we may perceive, although faintly, some traits of the principal organs; the head appears as large as the rest of the body; there is also, in the former, black dots marking the spots for the eves; its weight is from nine to ten grains, and its length from ten to twTelve lines (vide fig. 6 and 7). At the period of forty-five days, the development of the fcetus in various parts becomes well determined, the superior and inferior extremities appear under the form of globular tubercles, the former preceding the latter by a short period of time ; the body lengtliens, but keeps the ovoid figure; blackish spots indicate the presence of the eyes, the mouth, and the nose; weight one drachm, length one inch.§ At from sixty to seventy days, the various parts of the fcetus become progressively developed, the black spots which represent the eyes enlarge, the eylids are visible, the nose becomes a little prominent, the mouth enlarges, the external concha of the ear becomes distinctly delineated, the brain is soft and pulpy, the neck is defined, and the heart is fully developed. At ninety days, three months, the development of all the essential parts of the fcetus becomes perfectly defined; the eyelids are distinctly delineated, but closely shut: the lips are very distinct and drawn together, the organs of generation are exceedingly prominent in the male as well as in the female, the penis in the former and the clitoris in the * Meckel, Wolf, Oken. t Velpeau. t The precise time at which the ovulum enters the womb is not exactly known. § The measure and weight vary more or less during every period of pregnancy. latter are remarkably elongated.* The heart beats with force, and the larger vessels carry red blood ; the fingers and toes are defined, the muscular system begins to characterise itself; weight, about two ounces and a half; length, from four to five inches. At one hundred and twenty days, or four months, the development of the foetus in all its parts is remarkably increased, the brain and spinal marrow acquire more consistence, the muscular system is distinct, and here and there we meet with some cellular tissue. The abdomen is fully covered in, and the intestines are no longer visible; in the latter, a little meconium collects ; weight, seven to eight ounces. At one hundred and fifty days, or five months, the development of every part of the foetus is very considerably increased; the lungs enlarge, and are susceptible of experiencing a certain dilatation. The cutaneous envelope acquires at this period much consistence, the epidermis is stronger and thicker, the situation of the nails is determined, and the meconium is more abundant and lower in the intestines; length, eight or ten inches; weight, fourteen or sixteen ounces; intellectual faculties void. At one hundred and eighty days, six months, the fcetus is increased in its shape and formation, the nails are marked, a little down appears on the head, the first indication of hair; the cellular tissue is abundant, and a little adipose substance is deposited in its cells: length, from nine to ten or twelve inches; weight, from one and a half to two pounds; intellectual functions void. At two hundred and ten days, seven months, every part of the foetus has progressively increased in volume, size, and weight; the nails are formed, the hair appears, the testicles descend, the meconium increases in the large intestines, and the bony system is nearly complete: length, from twelve to fourteen inches; weight, two and a half to three pounds ; intellectual functions void. From the seventh to the ninth month, the successive development of the fcetus is limited to mere weight and size.f At the period of nine months, the cutaneous, arterial, and capillary 'systems become very active, the skin appears colored, and the perspiration is established. The intellectual functions void; but the animal functions are well developed, especially that of taste; the child is sensible of pain, of hunger, and of heat and cold: weight, from five to eight pounds ; length, from eighteen to twenty-two inches. * The difference of sexes may be known from other circumstances besides the sexual organs, such as the particular formation of the head, extremities, thorax, abdomen, and dorsal spine. t Although the growth of the various parts of the foetus bears a proportion to the general development of its body, that part of the body which is below the navel measures in length less than the part above it, until the full period of gestation, when the navel marks the precise centre of the fcetus. This circum- stance will assist us in forming an opinion respecting the age of any fcetus. (Fodere, Chaussier.) DESCRIPTION OF TABLES I. AND II. Fig. 1.—An ovum from eight to twelve days, of the natural size. The floc- culent surface of the chorion is readily distinguished, and occupies the whole of the circumference. Fig. 2.—An ovum of about twelve days, laid open. Fig. 3.—A magnified view of the same ovum. a.a.a.—The villous surface of the chorion. b.b.—Reticulated magma or the allantois,* placed between the chorion, c.c.c. and the amnion g. d. The embryo, e. The umbilical or intestinal vesicle.f /. The umbilical cord.J Fig. 4.—An ovum of about twenty-one days, laid open. a.a.a. The chorion spread open and retained by the pins. b. The amnion open, leaving the embryo to be seen completely b'are. Fig. 5.—The same ovum (fig. 4) magnified. a. The head of the embryo. B. The eyes. c. The mouth. * The allantois is a vessel or sac which projects from the lower end of the anal intestines; it appears about the fourth week, and by the sixth it has nearly disappeared; it communicates with the bladder by the urachus, (a canal,) which is found impervious after the first three or four months of gestation. (Meckel, Dutrochet, Baer, and others.) t The umbilical vesicle measures about half an inch in length; it is situated immediately against the anterior surface of the embryo, but gets further from it at the end of the first month, when it is found on the outside of the sheath of the cord. It is composed of a granular membrane; it contains a whitish liquid, which gradually becomes thicker, and ultimately hardened. The vesicle withers and becomes opaque; it receives the omphalo-mesenteric vessels. It disappears about the third month. X The umbilical cord appears about the end of the third week, and then consists of a vein and two arteries, the urachus, a species of gelatine of a ropy nature, a portion of the intestinal canal, (larger in proportion as the embryo is younger,) the vesicula umbilicalis in part, and the omphalo-mesenteric vessels. The three last disappear after the third or fourth month of gestation. # TABLE I. >«,*„,* <* 1 ■** •■■*,. G. Spratt del. Vfa^ner i W Guitar, lith TABLE II. \\ ,#**;' ,,,„- m $&:><¥&*'■**/' : j *