fa /ki+t dtttjt&tti 1852 TREAT I S E / CAUSES, CONSTITUTIONAL EFFECTS, TREATMENT UTERINE DISPLACEMENTS. BY WILLIAM-EDWARD COALE, M.D. MEMBER OF THE BOSTOS SOC. FOB MEDICAL IMPROVEMEST, ETC. ETC. ETC. BOSTON: PRINTED BY DAVID CLAPP. .184 WASHINGTON STREET MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURXAL OFFICE. 1852. ■«-S' TREATISE ON THE CAUSES, CONSTITUTIONAL EFFECTS AND TREATMENT OF \ UTERINE DISPLACEMENTS. iVw by WILLIAM-EDWARD CpALE, M.D. MEMBER OF THE BOSTON SOC. FOR MEDICAL IMPROVEMENT, ETC. ETC. ETC. BOSTON: PRINTED BY DAVID CLAPP.184 WASHINGTON STREET. Medical and Surgical Journal Office. 1852. ari/lu rc The following is not intended to be a comprehensive treatise on uterine displacements. Its object is to present to others certain practical views of the writer with regard to the causes of these affections, and the means of treating them which experience has taught him to be most efficacious. For neither of these does he claim the merit of originality ; but he thinks that where certain of the causes which he lays down as important have been entertained by others, they have not been properly appreciated, and consequently methods of treatment based upon them have been too much slighted, if not entirely overlooked. It has been the aim of the writer rather to make these remarks sugges- tive, and to avoid anything like dogmatical assertion, feeling confident, from the results which have occurred under his immediate notice, that others will, upon fair examination and experiment, not differ very greatly from him as far as he goes, and hoping that by pursuing the same path they may attain to still greater light and achieve further advantages in the treatment of these important, and now too common affections. To exhibit more particularly the results just mentioned, it was at first intended to give cases in illustration ; it was found, however, that they did not differ greatly, even in the details, and they would have added very materially to the bulk of the treatise. For the same reason 'reference to and quotations from authorities, whether in support of or in contradic- tion to the text, have been indulged in to a very limited extent. TREATISE ON UTERINE DISPLACEMENTS. ANATOMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS. An examination into the anatomy of the appendages of the uterus, and into the relations of that organ with the surrounding ones, will at once relieve us of any surprise that it should be, of all the various vis- cera of the human body, the one most liable to displacement. Itself dense and unyielding, mounted upon the extremity of a thin musculo- membranous tube; with nothing solid beneath to sustain it; with no im- mediate lateral attachments to hold it in place ; with the whole contents of the abdomen directly above, gliding so readily upon each other as to convert the pressure they exert, for all practical purposes at least, into a powerful hydrostatic one—considering the subject in a purely mechani- cal point of view, we would be surprised that a dislodgment of the uterus from its normal situation, upon the slightest assistance given to the forces apparently continually at work, should not be the rule, and those cases where it resists these influences be the exception, in the history of woman's health. It is true that in descriptions given of the anatomy of the organ, it has been, from the earliest periods down to the present day, described as held in its situation by certain ligaments (Meckel J. Fred. Handbook of Anat. viii., §241]—as being bound by the peritoneum [Winslow, Ex- position Anatomique, t. iii., 767]—as being also defended from pres- sure above by that membrane [Boerhaave, lnstitutiones Medecina, 1720], A reference however, to the arrangement and relation of the parts, will, we feel, be convincing that these ligaments and these peritoneal at- tachments can have very little of the supposed influence in preserving the organ in its proper site. Let us, then, give them an examination, for we are of opinion that, even at this early period of our investigationsj we will detect one of the frequent and fundamental errors upon which is 4 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. based much of the treatment now used in contending with uterine displacements. These ligaments are described as the round ligaments—the lateral or broad ligaments—the inferior anterior and the inferior posterior ligaments. Of each of these there are two in number. The round ligaments passing from the fundus of the uterus, just in front of the junction of the Fallopian tubes with the organ, to be ex- panded upon the pubis, can surely have no influence in keeping the womb from sinking downward into the pelvis, for their course practically considered does not depart much from the horizontal plane—evidently not enough to allow us for a moment to think that the uterus is depen- dent from them. The broad ligaments, passing off laterally from the fundus, seem to lack two essentials for giving the necessary support—a point d'appui to which to attach themselves, and a sufficient tenseness between their outer extremity and the uterus.* The anterior and posterior ligaments have scarcely that name allowed them by many anatomists, but are often described as simple folds of the peritoneum into which it, as any pliant membrane or cloth thrown over several rotund bodies would do, arranges itself in hanging across the de- pressions between them—from the apex of the one to those of the others. It is true that beneath, or lining the outer side of the peritoneum and attaching it to the uterus, there is a denser and more resistant layer of fibres described by Madame Boivin [Memorial de l'Art des Accouche- ments, Paris, 1824], as the " Tunique utero-sous-peritoneale," which un- doubtedly does exert some power in protecting the organ from great and sudden displacement. But even this is too lax—not sufficiently tense to preserve it perfectly fixed, and certainly not sufficiently enduring in its resistance to prevent it submitting in time to any disturbing influence per- sistent in its action. Any one, who has ever had an opportunity of ex- periencing the effect of the patient coughing, when undergoing the touch, upon the uterus, will, we feel confident, agree with us in the main in the above proposition. In such cases, even, where there is no ten- dency to prolapsus, the organ, at each exertion or spasm of the dia- phragm, is thrown downwards violently, and to some distance—returning immediately the exertion is over, to its proper situation. If then we are called upon to say what does preserve the uterus in situ—what enables it to resist the downward pressure of all the movea- * An accidental reference to Astruc gives full confirmation by that author of our views gards the amount of support furnished to the uterus by the round and the broad ligaments. Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 5 ble contents of the abdomen, not only weighty in themselves, but, by their mobility and that of the walls that enclose them, in front exerting a depressing force duplicating several times their weight alone—we must state, that, in our belief, it cannot be solely the loosely-attached and tenseless expansions and membranous folds called the ligaments of the uterus, but, that that force, termed appropriately (by the French first, we believe) vital tonicity, has a very great share of the work. By those who look at all the physical forces as purely mechanical, this will seem a mere fancy ; but to others, who believe that in addition to the varied and beautiful machinery of the animal frame there is still something more necessary in order to preserve that harmony between its many parts, which must endure to greater or less degree for some three score years— to those who feel that it is not owing to its main strength and the toughness of its fibres alone that the aorta does not burst or the over- strained muscles snap, our proposition, we are confident, will not seem wholly unsupported. We do not, however, introduce this proposition here, merely for the sake of a theory, upon which to speculate. We believe, as we have just said, that an exclusion of the consideration of, and a want of proper estimate of, the influence of this vital tonicity, has induced many physicians to look upon uterine displacements too much in a simply me- chanical point of view, and to shape their remedies accordingly. The consequence has been, that local causes have been too much insisted upon as accounting for the origin of these affections, and pessaries and abdominal supporters have been too much relied upon in the treatment of them, to the disregard of remedies intended to restore the health generally and to give tone to the system at large. But we will speak more fully upon this presently. THE VARIETIES OF UTERINE DISPLACEMENTS. The displacements to which the uterus is subject, are as follows :— Elevation.—An unnaturally high position of the organ, in which its tendency is to mount out of the pelvic cavity into the abdominal. Prolapsus. (Synonymes—Pysteroptosis, Exometra, Procidentia uteri, Chute de la matrice, Falling of the womb.)—As the word indicates, a slipping down of the organ from its natural position. Anteversion.—A turning over of the womb, with its fundus forward. Retroversion.—A similar turning over, but with the fundus backward. Obliquity of the womb.—An inclination of the organ to one side or to the other of the pelvis, the variety being specified by the position of the fundus. 6 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. The last condition ma)- accompany either of the two preceding, and either of the last three may also be attended by either of the first two- elevation or prolapsus. Lastly, the uterus may form the contents of a hernial sac, and thus be protruded into or beyond the walls of the pelvis or abdomen at any of those points at which protrusions of the contents of these cavities occur. Elevation of the Uterus. Elevation, of all these displacements, is the rarest excepting hernia, and indeed never occurs as an affection of itself, but is always the result of some other condition or disease of the uterus or of some neighboring organ. Thus, in pregnancy during the middle months, the organ rises higher than it is habitually at other times. For at an earlier period its weight, favored probably by the state of the system generally, first tends to settle it down—but, as it becomes too large for the pelvis, it rises out of it, and the os tineas is found further from tbe os externum than at any other period. Again, during the latter months, the weight of the foetus presses it down once more. Thus explained, elevation cannot be considered a pathological state. The morbid condition that generally accompanies elevation of the uterus is most frequently some tumor, either of the walls of the organ or attached firmly to it. The growth of such an attachment we can readily see might raise the uterus with it mechanically, in finding for itself a space for increased development above the brim of the pelvis. A striking instance of this condition we found in a patient, some 45 years of age, who had a fulness and hardness at the lower part of the abdomen, evidently some morbid growth. The only trouble that it caused her was, that it would sometimes suddenly disappear, and imme- diately, as she expressed it, her lower limbs would fall asleep and re- quire her to sit down. Very soon she would feel something rise into the abdomen again with a sudden jerk, and all would be right. Dying of an acute disease, we made a post-mortem examination of the body. In addition to the disease that caused death, we found the uterus, with a large fibrous tumor attached, riding habitually above the brim of the pel- vis, far higher than the natural position of the organ ; but the shape of the mass was such, that by a slight adjustment it would pass down into the cavity below and fill it so compactly as to compress the nerves pass- ing along its walls, and thus cause the symptoms just described. This displacement is not characterized by any symptom peculiar to it, nor indeed should we look upon it as an affection proper to the organ Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 7 but only as an accidental condition attending another affection. Of course, for the reason just mentioned, no special treatment can be adopt- ed for it, and with this notice we dismiss all further consideration of it. Prolapsus Uteri. As the displacement just mentioned is one of the rarest of all those to which the uterus is subjected, this, on the contrary, is by far the most frequent in occurrence. Condition of the Parts.—Under the general term prolapsus, we in- clude several degrees of descent of the organ—to each of which some writers, unnecessarily we think, give separate and distinctive names. So far as the position of the organ is concerned, the disease exhibits itself in three well-marked phases or degrees. In the first, we scarce find any great departure from the normal type. The os tincae is more readily reached than commonly, apparently from a simple shortening of the va- gina upon itself; and it seems to project a little more than it should into the extremity of this tube—the groove or depression between the neck of the uterus and walls of the vagina being slightly exaggerated in depth. Otherwise the organ is not appreciably altered in situation, nor is it in size or other particular. Astruc asserts that this condition exists ha- bitually in women who have borne children, and it is this degree to which prolapsus may take place in the earliest months of pregnancy. The organ becomes a little heavier, and—not owing to that circumstance solely, but availing itself of some want of tone in the general system, caused, say, by the exhausting effects of nausea and vomiting and other disturbance of the general health incidental to that state—it sinks down slightly, and there remains until its increased size causes it to wedge itself out of the pelvis again, and support itself against the brim of that cavity. As the effect of this cause, this degree of prolapsus cannot be called a pathological condition, any more than can the elevation existing during the middle months of pregnancy. But even when it is truly a disease, for practical purposes it cannot much interest us, because it is seldom de- tected—probably never except accidentally. There are possibly no at- tendant symptoms advising us of a departure from the healthy type, or these are so slight as not to attract attention. It is therefore more as a stage of the disease than as of importance in its treatment, that this con- dition is mentioned. In the next degree the peculiarities of the last become exaggerated. The os tinea? approaches more nearly to the os externum. The body of the uterus is situated entirely, or almost so, within the vagina, which 8 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. has now become turned wrong-side-outward upon itself, to permit this descent into its cavity. Still later, the pear-shaped organ, favored by its wedge-like configuration, forces itself downward, and at last is found lying almost horizontally upon the floor of the perineum. This is the degree in which the disease first urges itself upon the attention of the patient by the severity of the attendant symptoms, and calls imperatively for aid from the physician. In this stage an alteration in the position of the organ is not the only morbid condition affecting the parts. The uterus itself, if not primarily so, soon becomes engorged, tumefied and hardened, always tender, and frequently highly sensitive—conditions often precursors to a state of chro- nic inflammation of the organ, attended by unceasing and severe suffering —and always accompanied, as are also often the others, with more or less leucorrhoea. The walls of the vagina are also unnaturally lax and flabby, doubling before the finger when inserted into it, oftenest bathed with a profuse flow of mucus, mingled with the discharge from the uterus—but sometimes, on the other hand, participating in the excited state of the chief organ, and offering a dry rugose surface, highly sensitive to the touch and of a deep red color. In the last stage, or highest degree of prolapsus, the uterus is pro- truded from the external parts. It is then, of course, covered with the walls of the vagina which it has carried along with it. These, as may be readily conceived, are at first irritated and inflamed by their unwont- ed exposure to the air, and by contact with the urine and with the neighboring surfaces—and, if not speedily relieved by a discharge of mu- cus so as to unload their distended vessels, become highly tumid and exquisitely sensitive. The displaced organ participates in this condition generally, but is, besides this, still further engorged by the obstruction presented to a return of its venous blood through the vessels now com- pressed and embarrassed by their unnatural relations to the parts behind. This primary stage passing off, either from the topical application of reme- dies directed against the most urgent symptoms, or from some rallying effort of nature, the exposed mucous membrane thickens, becomes less sensitive, and assimilates itself to the external integuments, as is the case in similar exposures of it from accidental causes, in other parts of the system. The uterus, too, though remaining hardened and enlarged, abates somewhat of its irritability, and measurably adapts itself to its new condition. During the descent of the uterus from its normal position, the con- Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 9 tents of the abdomen participate in the change and assume new rela- tions with regard to each other. The urinary bladder, the caecum and the rectum, are too rigidly confined to change in general very much their positions, but the concave dish formed by the peritoneum, as it falls from one side to the other of the pelvis, and from the anterior abdominal walls over the fundus of the bladder and of the uterus, to attach itself to the neighborhood of the last lumbar vertebra, is deepened in its concavity— the rounded elevation in it, formed hitherto by the fundus of the uterus, disappears and gives place to a depression, which is sometimes partly filled by the posterior wall of the bladder sinking backward for want of its usual support, but still more by the rectum almost habitually dis- tended in these cases with retained and hardened faeces. If these do not suffice, a fold or two of the small intestines finds a resting place in the new depression, and their former situation is filled in turn by a gene- ral subsidence of the abdominal contents. These last particulars may be by some considered of not sufficient importance to receive mention here; but they are, nevertheless, a part of the history of the disease, and, as slight as they seem, we still believe, that, to them, at least while the affection is recent, most uncomfortable symptoms attending it may be attributed. We say, while the affection is recent, for every practitioner who has had much experience in these diseases must have noticed how, apparently inexplicably, some of the most distressing sensations attending them often lessen while the affec- tion itself is not ameliorated. Some cases are on record where the uterus has not only been pro- truded, but actually become dependent—in more than one, as far as the knees. In these the cavity behind the organ contained some of the small intestines, the Fallopian tubes stretched to their utmost, and even the bladder wrenched, for the most part, from its anterior attachments. Such cases are very rare, and cannot be looked upon so much as instan- ces of prolapsus uteri, as of some constitutional peculiarity or original defect in construction, permitting this large hernia through the infra-pelvic strait. In simple anteversion and retroversion of the uterus, without de- scent, there need not necessarily be any marked alteration Jn the sub- stance of the organ—nor, indeed, in the condition of the vagina, further than, as may be supposed, a distortion of its superior extremity caused by the change in the proper relations of the axis of the uterus with its own. When, however, the former descends and is compressed in the 2 10 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. antero-posterior diameter of the pelvis, it is found to be in the same con- dition as in simple prolapsus to a corresponding degree; and this, in many instances, is a little exaggerated from a greater embarrassment of the circulation, particularly in the return of the venous blood from the organ. The vagina, too, in the last case, exhibits the same condition as has been described above in prolapsus of the same stage and continuance. Of the organs in the neighborhood, the one that suffers most is the bladder ; and this more in retro version than in ante version. For, though in the latter it is rendered very irritable by the fundus falling against it, in the former the neck is compressed, and retention of urine caused to such a degree as inevitably, in time, to produce organic changes in the organ. Obliquities of the Uterus. In obliquities of the uterus, the direction of the deviation is generally to the right, the fundus being forced over by the rectum and its con- tents. The condition of the parts will, likewise, as may be supposed, be varied with the state of the organ in other particulars, assuming on occasion any of the phases just described. As in anteversion and in retroversion, the bladder is also embarrassed more or less in the per- formance of its functions by an oblique position of the uterus. An inter- esting case illustrating this is given by Dr. Montault (in the Journal Uni- versel et Hebdomaire, 1832). The obliquely placed uterus was five inches in length, and caused retention of urine for so long a period and to such a degree that the ureters were distended, and even disease in- duced in the calices of the kidneys. Hernia of the Uterus. Though very rare, this has presented itself in some very marked cases. The pathology of the disease does not differ in important essentials from that of hernia of any of the organs of the abdominal or pelvic cavity. The body of the viscus is forced into an opening in the surrounding walls, and may remain there or may pass entirely through. The points at which it has found exit have been—at a congenital deficiency in the linea alba; between the separated fibres of the abdominal muscles, as in ordinary ventral hernia ; or, through the inguinal ring, in contact with the round ligament; or, down the crural canal, as described by Lallemand and Chopart. Cruvelhier figures, in the 34th livraison of his Pathological Anatomy, a specimen, in which the uterus, Fallopian tube and ovary of one side are entirely within the hernial sac, those of the other side occupying the ring. Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 11 For convenience, to do away with the necessity of mentioning this uncommon affection again, we will dispose of it entirely here under this statement of its occasional existence. The causes of uterine hernia, both predisposing and proximate, do not differ from those producing hernias of other organs in that neighborhood ; laxit)' of the fibres of the abdominal muscles, abnormal or pretematurally large openings in the walls of the abdomen, furnishing the former ; some undue exertion or accidental violence, the latter. The recognition of the disease, for want of any distinguishing cha- racteristic symptom, must depend entirely upon the tact of the physi- cian, and the chance is not great that he will have any opportunity of exerting this as long as the organ is in a state of vacuity. For, the immediate effects of hernia upon the uterus, from the scant history we have of the cases yet known, seem by no means striking. In a state of pregnancy, however, we may imagine the case to be different, and o-rievous accidents to occur of vital influence upon the patient. Fa- bricius Hildanus (De nova, rara et admiranda Hernia Uterina—in Opera Omnia, Frank., 1682., page 893), and Sennertus (De Hernia Uterina, in Op. Om., Paris, 1641); each relate such a case, where the gravid uterus went through its gradual development wholly without the abdomi- nal walls until maturity, when delivery was effected artificially through the substance of the organ. Another case is given, however, by Sax- torph (Bibliotheque Med., t. LXVI1., p. 59), in which the uterus con- tained in a hernial tumor in the inguinal region, forced itself to the outside of the abdomen as the development of the foetus progressed, yet delivery was accomplished in the natural way. It is interesting to note in these cases that in the last the mother lived, whilst in the two former death supervened ; in the first, three days after delivery—in the second, within twenty hours. With these remarks, we entirely dismiss the consideration of a dis- ease, so infrequent, that, up to the present time, we have too few cases on record to permit us to lay down any rules for its treatment, which could be called more than theoretical, and which would not readily sug- gest themselves from the meagre facts we have given or from general principles of surgery. The most satisfactory notices of the disease that we have yet found, are by Nauche (Des Maladies propres aux Femmes, Paris, 1829, Ire. part, p. 123), though brief; and by Murat (article « Hernie," in the Diet, de Med., in 21 volumes) to whom Nauche refers. 12 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. causes of uterine displacements. The causes of elevation of the uterus we have already given in our remarks upon that affection. Obliquities of the uterus can, we feel, only be accounted for, at least to a certain extent, theoretically. Probably a congenital want of per- fect accuracy, so to speak, in the placing of the organ, or want of sym- metry in it or in its appendages, may furnish some causes, and obliquity in the shape of the pelvis others. For right obliquity of the womb, a lax state of the parts, possibly common in the case to the whole sys- tem, assisted by a rectum habitually distended by constipation, would offer a very satisfactory cause. But while these causes are theoretical, they are yet the best and only ones we can give, and still, we claim for them that they be not entirely disregarded ; for though not confirmed, as well as we could wish, by actual examination, they have surely reason to support them—and thus we leave them. For anteversion and retroversion of the uterus we have even less ability to offer a cause than for lateral obliquities—at least such an one as would stand the test of reason and perfectly satisfy the mind. A lax fibre, want of tone in the general system, afford some explanation, or, at least, ground, for one of these affections ; but this is, of course, only a proximate one. The immediate one—why in one case the uterus should be turned over to the front, and why in another it should be turned over backwards—is yet to be supplied. Possibly, our coming remarks may furnish that explanation indirectly, which we do not care to give in the form of mere speculation or theory, directly. In common with the last two instances, an attempt to investigate the cause of prolapsus uteri is beset with many difficulties. The chief of these is the advanced stage to which the disease almost invariably arrives before it comes under the notice of the physician. Its inception is pos- sibly unsuspected by the patient, as we have said above ; possibly there are no symptoms advising her of a departure from the healthy type, or these are so slight that, even if noticed, they are not attributed to so grave an affection. Both local changes and constitutional troubles have therefore already been greatly developed before the time at which the physician has an opportunity of commencing his investigations. The consequence of this is, that the disease, being one in most instances of very gradual progress—at least during its' earlier stages—the difficulty of tracing back its history is very great, and, still greater, that of unravelling the con- fusion of symptoms so as to distinctly separate antecedent from conse- Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 13 quent, and to distinguish clearly simple post hoes from genuine propter hoes. In some few instances, it is true, women affected with prolapsus, or other displacement of the womb, recollect that the symptoms came on immediately after a severe fall, or a jump from a height, or some such violent succussion, and we satisfy ourselves with attributing the disease to the violence—a method of disposing of the rationale of a case too often resorted to by physicians, yet, evidently, highly unphilo- sophical. The reason why a jump or some such violence, with which hundreds of women meet, without harm to themselves, should in one par- ticular case cause uterine displacement, is too readily shut out from con- sideration, yet is it not the greater, the most important one ? The method we propose for considering the subject, urges itself more strongly upon the writer, from the fact that he discovers great discre- pancy between his own personal observations and those of previous au- thors with regard to certain particulars in the natural history of the dis- ease. By a reference to former writers, particularly those of forty years back, we find that uterine displacements are spoken of as diseases pecu- liar to persons in advanced life, or to those broken down in health, or who have frequently endured the labors of a mother. In the present day, our experience (and we cannot believe that it differs greatly from that of others) shows us that these affections are not so peculiar to those coming under either of the above categories, a fact we have already strongly insisted upon in a paper (Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., Aug. 1851) to which we shall have occasion to refer again presently. We find now that, earliest womanhood—that, freedom from the harsher and more evidently-exhausting trials of woman's strength—that, absence of all the more obvious and familiarly reputed causes of these diseases, do not protect from them very many whom by the old rule we should have ex- pected to be the last liable to such affections. It seems, therefore, highly important in our investigations into the causes of a disease which is now so common, and which afflicts so different a class from what it was wont a half a century ago, that we should not rest satisfied with any plausi- ble reason given in limine, but that we should go behind this as far as possible, and try to ascertain whether the accident, the violence, the fall, the'jump, or whatever it might have been, that is so often assign- ed as the cause, was not in truth merely the crowning incident to a long series of predisposing causes. It is very evident that, to do this thoroughly and satisfactorily, the care, the tact, the eclectic ability of the physician will have to be greatly exerted, but the exertion we hold to be necessary, and the result will, we feel confident, justify it. 14 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. In illustration of our views, let us take an actual case from the many before us. A lady, aged 21, soon after her marriage is placed under our care by her husband, who thinks she is not so well as she ought to be, though she says she is not suffering more than she has done for some time past. The symptoms point to uterine displacement, which the touch, the only means which can with certainty be relied upon, and without which the physician should never be satisfied with his diagnosis, makes her case clear as one of prolapsus. The uterus is enlarged and tender, though not hard. The amount of displacement has not yet arrived at the full ex- tent of what we have described as the second degree—the organ does not yet lie upon the floor of the perineum. There is, and has been for a year, more or less leucorrhcea, and, for a longer period than that, there has been dysmenorrhcea, as well as pain in the back ; a sensation of bearing down and of weight around the hips. The consequences of marriage have slightly aggravated these last symptoms. She has now but little color, and, though tolerably full in figure, has the appearance of having lost flesh. So much for the present condition of the patient. Upon inquiring into the history of the case, with a view of finding out as accurately as possible the cause of the derangement and of determining the point (not important only as regards the natural history of the dis- ease, but also as regards the treatment of the particular case) as to whether the uterus is the offended or the offending organ—in making this inquiry, the first difficulty we meet with is as to dates. The various symptoms have existed for some time—some of them " ever so long," " certainly more than a year, yes, even two years and more." Commenc- ing, then, with the biography of the patient as a girl, we find that when she left school, say at 17 or 18, she was much stouter than she is now, had much more color, and could endure more exercise without fatigue. She entered upon a gay life, and at the end of the first year was as well as ever, except that she remembers she used to feel, habitually, somewhat tired at the end of the winter, spent in the amusements usual in that sea- son. In this way we, in time, draw out the facts, that the symptoms now exhibited in the case, for the most part, gradually became more prominent and constant, until their present urgency was attained—though, be it noted, a certain fall from a swing at a watering place, by which she was laid up for nearly a week, and a certain severe pain in the back with which she was seized immediately after dancing a whole evening, might, had we not examined more deeply, have been considered a fully sufficient cause for an affection which it is very evident now was the effect not of any sudden accident, but of three years spent in violence Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 15 to all rules of hygiene—and which have also produced a condition of the general system which must be greatly altered for the better before we can make any impression, that will be permanent, upon the uterine affection. This is a case from one phase of social life ; those from the other ex- treme, where workwomen and house servants are the subjects, do not differ except in the details. Severe or prolonged bodily exertion, irregu- lar hours for sleep and food, unwholesome occupations or close work- shops, wearing out the vital energies and reducing the tone of the general system, are to us more satisfactory causes for uterine displace- ment than the fall that one got in going down stairs, or the wrench an- other gave herself in attempting to lift a heavy tub. And yet, having urged this view of the subject so far, we wish distinctly to be under- stood that we do not deny that accidental violence may be inflicted upon the organ—by a fall, for instance—which might dislodge it from its normal position and induce any of the displacements we have described. What we do believe, and what we are anxious to present here, is, that these affections occurring in young persons (in so many of whom they do occur now-a-days) are more often the effects of radical errors in their mode of life—nay, even farther back than that, of errors in their train- ing during childhood, by which a weak and lax fibre is entailed upon them, and the whole system debarred from attaining that tone and elas- ticity, which would of itself be the greatest guard against many of the physical evils to which woman is now so often condemned. To expatiate more fully upon this point in a treatise solely upon uterine displacements, would scarcely be expected of us, and might possibly be thought out of place. Of the truth, however, of the above proposition, we are more and more convinced the more we investigate the subject —and its importance more impresses us upon every additional oppor- tunity of observation. If, then, a great predisposing cause for these af- fections is a want of tone—an exhausted condition of the general sys- tem—our remarks cannot be thought wholly impertinent, nor ourselves be accused of unnecessarily parading a hobby into the field, though the slight consideration that hygiene in females, as applied to the prevention of these particular diseases, has hitherto received, makes us feel that this apology is needed. The fact that an English woman lives half a century before she begins to wane, while our females reach their prime mostly at little over half that age, and that another lustrum finds them on the decline, ought strongly to arrest our attention and induce us to examine w hether we are right in attributing all this difference to climate, and whether we might not find in some error of habits of early life, at least a partial explanation of the disparity. 16 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. To be brief, then, after this preface—to state broadly our convictions —we think that it is a radical error to make a difference between the physical training of a man-child and of a woman-child before nature has made a difference in their physical being. So long as there are the same muscles to develope, the same organs of digestion and assimilation to be stimulated, the same apparatus of respiration to be strengthened—so long should the means of doing this be the same in each sex. A system of phy- sical training so planned should, we also hold, only be varied as new func- tions come into play, which, in the further development of the being, may require special care, and then we allow that this training may be modi- fied—but then only so far and at such times as the demand of the last may be paramount—no longer and no further. We cannot but believe that were the physical female under 12 years of age looked upon in the light in which we have placed her, and that were the course we have sketched out pursued in bringing her forward to the uses of woman- hood, those uses would be more properly performed and with far less wear and tear to the general system, than that which it is now the daily pain of almost every physician to witness, and which indeed often makes her a wreck long before she has served her ultimate physical use—her crowning office, as a mother. We would go farther, and say that the same error is made in her moral training also—and with the close connection in view between the moral and physical being, this cannot be unimportant. Her moral training should be such, that while it made her not less a woman, it should enable her to rise above the hundreds of arbitrary conventionali- ties that now in every way fetter her—that mould every thought and control every judgment—that under the names of " propriety," " re- finement," " custom," " fashion," exert an absolute tyranny over her from the cradle to the coffin. This tyranny is broken through only in a few individual cases, and then by a rebellion which for want of the very moral training that originally permitted the oppression, is often so outre in its aspect as to expose her to the charge of unsexing* herself, and to render her, if not repulsive, at least the object of ridicule and sarcasm. In short, we wish that woman should be taught to know her proprium and to make herself fit to fill it—not as the antagonist in the * We often hear horror expressed at a woman's " unscxing herself," which used very arbi- trarily generally means doing something independently and differently from the generality of her sex, by which she is thought to assimilate herself to man. There is, however no such horror at women dis-sexing themselves—rendering themselves, by a life spent in utter defiance of the laws of physical and moral hygiene, of no sex „t all—becoming mothers, if at all, only at the expen- diture of half their feeble vitality, and wholly unable to nourish their offspring. Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 17 slightest sense, but as the complement of man, the other half of a beau- tiful unity. While the physical training we urge would never enable her to sing bass, the moral training would never fit her for the rostrum, the pulpit or the hustings ; but, on the contrary, it would enable her to see clearly her unfitness for these, and still further it would enable her to see as clearly a hundred duties around her, which are peculiarly hers as a woman, and the full and faithful performance of which would save her from that carking care, that discontent, most often unrecognized by herself, that listless aimlessness, that now saps the moral, and necessarily the physical vitality of hundreds of her sex—that wears them down in mind and body—that brings them sick headaches, crooked spines, flat chests, hysterics, premature age, and, as a climax to this list—for our purpose— uterine displacements. Having thus commenced at the distant extremity of a long series of causes which we believe predispose women to the affections under consideration, we will take up in succession some more immediate. In the class to which we have hitherto confined ourselves, viz*, those acting upon the general sys- tem, we must enumerate those offences against the laws of physiology which are often so habitually committed that their flagrancy is not only not sus- pected, but very difficult to be demonstrated to the offender. It would be impossible, without giving a separate chapter to the sub- ject, to enter into all the particulars of these—nor, indeed, unless we were writing a treatise for the people, would it be necessary. We will there- fore only enumerate the heads under which such offences are found. There are, as the chief ones—diet, exercise, ventilation, thermal condi- tion, and clothing. Upon the first and second we imagine we can say nothing that the reader does not already know, and, indeed, which is not already thread- bare from repeated reiteration in almost every popular work on health. In ventilation, or rather in a want of proper ventilation, we still find offences committed that many practitioners, grounded theoretically in the subject, do not fairly estimate. Bed-rooms are, but in a very few in- stances, ventilated as they should be ; even in the largest houses and with the most intelligent. With those in humble life, the fault in this particu- lar is still greater. The consequence is, that many are habitually deprived for one-third of their whole life of the proper amount of pure air neces- sary to renew and render nutrient the blood, a deprivation that must be powerful in its effects to break down the tone and elasticity of the system, and which of itself seems to us a sufficient cause for the gaunt forms and white faces so common amongst us. The same want of 3 18 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. ventilation is found to as fully great a degree in most of the work- shops of female operatives, at least during the winter time, when dozens may be found occupying one room, of itself far too small, and heated by a close stove. In the thermal condition in which we keep ourselves, we think the fault two-fold. Houses are heated too highly—and the difference between our in-door and out-door garments is not in any degree proportionate to the difference in temperature. From the first fault, an unduly rapid yet feeble circulation, and a lax fibre of body, are acquired—two conditions highly favorable to engendering the diseases under consideration, particu- larly when the individual is, as is often the case, exposed to such influ- ences day after day without any out-door exercise ; the only variation being from a sitting room at 80° and over, to a close and urfventilated bed-room. The change we would advise, is to keep the house cooler, to dress habitually warmer, to depend more upon natural, and less upon artificial heat. Then, when out-door exposure is to be endured, meet it with a greater difference of garmont. The above fault in our clothing is one which applies equally to each sex. Another which interests us here more, is peculiar to women—viz., the slight protection offered by their garments to the lower limbs. Their shoes are too thin, and their stockings, even when of thick material, too open to effectually prevent the access of cold to a large portion of the surface of the leg. The effect of this is to drive in the blood and induce engorgements of the pelvic viscera, more particularly of the rectum and uterus. That cold applied to the feet and legs does this, any one who is subject to haemorrhoids can testify, from the readiness with which thin shoes on a cold day, or wet feet, will bring on an acute attack of the disease. The same mischief is effected with woman ; though, unless the imprudence is committed at the menstrual period, and then does it imme- diately by suppressing or at least embarrassing the flow, the evil conse- quences are not perceived until the damage is a confirmed one. Their skirts wet by dragging through the snow or rain, and then hanging about their ankles for hours afterwards, is another very prolific source of these engorgements in school-girls and work-women. In both, we have traced dysmenorrhcea immediately to this cause, which it is evident may be, and is likely to be, repeated with both these classes of females until the effects are permanent. Even when not produced in the above manner, but as a disease of itself, dysmenorrhcea from a uterine engorgement must, we think, be enumerated among the causes of the other affection. At least, cases have been presented to us in which we have had an opportunity of watching Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 19 the progress of the disease, though unfortunately, from indisposition of the patient to assist us, without power to arrest it—where we have found no other reason for the gradual descent of the womb except its unnatural weight and the loss of tone in the parts from the violent perturbations to which they were subjected at each menstrual period. To this we ask par- ticular attention, as with the exception of Lisfranc [Maladies de 1'Uterus, p. 5:26] we find no author giving congestion the prominence we have been led to think due to it as a cause of these affections. , The last of these causes operating only indirectly, is habitual constipa- tion—we mean in one method of its action. The mass collected at the extremity of the colon, and in the rectum, pressing upon the vessels return- ing blood from the uterus, evidently furnish a frequent source of engorge- ment of that organ, and, if the views just stated are correct, a cause of displacement. We have thus disposed of those causes, or, at least, of the principal and sufficient of them, which in producing uterine displacements operate through the general system. We will now take up those that act more immediately upon the organ itself. The first among these, acting indeed to a certain extent in both ways, is found in exertion too soon after child-birth—and we feel assured that our readers will agree with us in considering this a very prolific one. There is scarcely a more common error among women than to pride themselves upon the early period at which they " get about" after confinement. With the young and hearty—primapares—the general system soon rallies after child-birth, and they feel as strong as ever ; and possibly—even put- ting aside the stimulus of emulation, so they are—except, locally. The contents of the pelvis, however, have not fully returned to their previous condition ; or if they have, they have not yet regained that tenseness of fibre which is necessary to guard them from the effects of severe strains— so, that though the first bodily exertions may not immediately be felt, these do produce an impression which, if increased, or even kept up, must result in a most hurtful disturbance of the organs of that locality, particu- larly of the most mobile one—the uterus. ' Adding to the above cause the method in which many women habitu- ally support their children—not against the chest or upon the lap, but against the upper part of the abdomen, and, when sitting, with the whole weight of the infant directly upon its walls—and we have, if not of itself a new cause, at least a powerful adjuvant to the last. We have just mentioned the indirect effects of constipation. It acts, however, still more immediately by effecting displacement mechanically, a fact that no one will doubt who has ever examined by touch the uterus 20 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. of a woman habitually costive. It will be found wholly impossible to produce the slightest effect in attempting to return the organ to its proper place, while the rectum is full. Another method in which this condi- tion acts in producing these affections, is, by the great exertions required to obtain a stool. The efforts of the abdominal muscles to force out the hardened and impacted faeces must be felt almost equally by the uterus, and assisted by the still more direct effects of a loaded rectum upon it— just spoken of—they cannot but have great effect in forcing down that organ, or in pushing it—already canted forward—over upon the bladder, and thus inducing anteversion. Another mechanical cause of uterine displacements is one which has as yet received but little attention, and which, in the paper above alluded to, we have set forth at length, claiming at the same time to be the first to have so done. It is in the weight and in the method of wearing the skirts of their dress now adopted by women for some eight or ten years past. We feel that we cannot do better than to quote from the article. After describing the upper half of the dress now worn, as cut low in the neck and receiving no support from the shoulders, but held solely by the strips of whalebone planted upon and supported by the expansion of the figure at the hips, we go on to say : " To the part below the waist however, we believe we can look with confidence for a full and satisfac- tory explanation of the mischief done. " With a view to improving their shape, the lower part of the dress of women now consists of six, eight, or even more skirls, made of various materials; cotton—the stiff woollen material, intended for curtains, called moreen—flannel, and at times quilted with cotton-wool—weighing together, as ascertained by actual experiment, ten, twelve, and even fifteen pounds.* Each of these is supported by a string drawn very tightly round the body. We have seen the marks of these strings for days after the skirts have been removed—we have seen them even after death. Here, then, is the first source of evil; the continued pressure and constraint that these strings keep up, evidently embarrassing greatly the organs within. When to this, however, we add the weight of the skirts, we cannot but at once perceive how great an additional force we set to work, particularly if its operation, as exerted upon organs having amongst * The higher numbers mentioned here must of course be considered as rare and extreme cases. The truth of the general statement—which we have often heard denied—we again re-assert Our authority is the acknowledgment of women themselves, and still better, actual experiment In one case we astonished an incredulous patient, by weighing one of her skirts in her presence' and showmg her that she had been carrying five pounds in one garment alone, strung round her'hips How much the other four weighed, we did not think it necessary to ascertain. ' Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 21 themselves a mobility almost as great as that of fluid, be properly esti- mated. To protect the abdominal viscera against this pressure, remember there is nothing, in front at least, save a thin partition of woman's soft and tensionless muscle. That these viscera should be forced downwards, is not surprising ; that they must in turn exert an equal force downward on the pelvic viscera, is apparent; and that the uterus, the most moveable of the last, and the most obvious by its situation to receive such an impulse, should give way to the continual assaults upon it, is what we might most readily expect from the premises. Here we have an explanation, full, and we trust convincing, of the frequency of a disease in the youngest and heartiest of the sex, which twenty years since was considered peculiar to those whose powers of life were greatly exhausted by demands upon them, or were already on the decline from age." With reference to the insidiousness of this cause, and the blindness of the sufferer to it, we say: " We look upon the mischief thus done as no whit less than that effected by tight lacing ; but if anything, greater, for it is more silently done. Friends cannot see, and do not understand,. the evil at work, and therefore can give no warning word. The symp- toms themselves commence so gradually and point so indirectly to the cause, as to excite no alarm in the victim. Exercise which ought to in- vigorate, soon fatigues and becomes distasteful. Ascending a flight of stairs, or stooping to lift a comparatively light weight, instantly loads the hips with a burden that can scarcely be borne. The back, particularly at the lower part, feels sprained, and memory is taxed in vain for some injury to account for it. Dragging sensations around the hips, pain down the legs, and weak knees, are attributed to rheumatism. The symp- toms may now begin to point more directly to the real seat of the trou- ble—every monthly period brings renewed sufferings, from which the system rallies more and more slowly—daily and hourly embarrassments occur of nearly all the organs within the pelvis—an irritable bladder (a very frequent symptom in my experience)—haemorrhoids—unceasing pain and continual sensation of bearing down. The retiring delicacy of maidenhood shrinks from telling these, and unless marriage happily brings her under the care of a physician, the mischief goes beyond hope of relief." So much, for the present, upon this particular cause, the importance of a consideration of which, as we have just said, has forced itself strongly upon us; being convinced that even where it cannot be esteemed the sole cause, it yet plays such a part in aggravating and perpetuating the disease, as to render futile any attempt at relief until it be removed. To close this list of mechanical causes, we add to it all those occupa- ^2 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. tions which require strong contractions of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles continued for a length of time, particularly when to these are added a stooping position. We cannot, of course, specify all such, but among them we may mention as instances washing, ironing, scrubbing floors, some branches of the manufacture of cotton and woollen cloths, and, indeed, several mechanical trades in which women engage. This list, however, is already sufficient for our purpose. We have thus divided the causes of uterine displacement into two classes—viz., those acting upon the general system, and those acting mechanically upon the organ more or less directly. In enumerating these, we have given only those about which there can be no doubt, or which at least were so plausible as to demand in our estimation careful consideration, on account of the immediate practical bearing of them. There are still some causes of uterine displacement of a mixed cha- racter, between these two classes ; and, also, some which various authors have given, but which we think very doubtful, though still such as we ought not to pass over in silence. Among these is frequent child-bearing ; which, however, we cannot look upon, as some would, in the light of a cause, necessarily, though we do not doubt that the exhaustion of the system attending the frequent bringing forth and nursing of children may predispose a woman to descent of the uterus. Relaxation of the vagina has. with great plausibility, been considered a frequent cause of prolapsus uteri •; we do not think, however, that this tube acts so peculiarly as a supporter to the organ above, that we can very well separate and particularize the effects of a flaccid state of it from those of a want of tone in the neighboring parts—which, be it noted, must always necessarily be the result of the same influence that produces the other. In saying this, we have in view the success of the ope- ration devised by Girardin for the relief of prolapsus, by excising a por- tion of the circumference of the vagina, but we do not think" that it weakens our general position. We will speak more particularly of this bye-and-bye. Prolonged phthisis, and also chronic bronchitis, are often accompanied by prolapsus, which may be the result of the combined influence of the ennervation of the system and of the frequent spasm of the diaphragm. Great emaciation is also charged with inducing it, and we can readily conceive that an attenuation of all the parts concerned would favor a descent of the uterus, more especially when accompanied, as it almost al- ways must be, by general debility and relaxation. There are certain peculiarities of the person which are considered as Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 23 predisposing causes of prolapsus. Those most so, are great breadth of the pelvis, and obesity. As unvarying as all traditional assertion is in giving these as causes, we still feel great doubts as to the facts, and wait for further systematic observation to determine them. Though we cannot as yet offer a great array numerically, what cases have come un- der our notice have been such as to start the doubt above expressed. As another structural cause, Levret mentions preternatural length of the ligaments of the uterus, which may be congenital or may be induced. Duges and Boivin oppose this, as would any one who took the view above quoted from Astruc as to the functions of the ligaments. With this we close our list of causes of uterine displacements, confident that we have fairly exhibited all that have any claim upon our attention, either for their interesting pathological bearings, or for any practical pur- poses in treating the disease. constitutional effects and symptoms of displacement of the UTERI S. As, in estimating the causes of these affections, there was a difficulty in separating the attending conditions of the general system from those which lead more or less immediately to displacement of the uterus, so in detailing the symptoms of these diseases we find some difficulty in separating those sensations proceeding from disorder of the economy, acci- dentally attending the chief affection, from those caused by the dis- placed organ. This difficulty is increased from there being in fact no pathognomonic sign of the disorder—no symptom that of itself can set the existence of the disease beyond all doubt, and still less which will enable us to discriminate in all cases- and accurately between one form of displacement and another. There is a difficulty, too, in separating the constitutional effects from symptoms. For, if the former are very constant, they of course could properly be classed under the latter. We have therefore embraced both of them under one head, and in detailing them, for the most part, shall leave it entirely to the reader to class them as he wishes. We should here say that the absence just spoken of, of any pathogno- monic sign, for all practical purposes does not matter, as the touch is an infallible test of the existence of the disease ; and, as we have already strongly stated, whatever symptoms may lead us to suspect uterine dis- placement, and however strongly our suspicions may be heightened, no practitioner should feel justified for a moment in depending upon them, when so speedy and so sure a means of removing all trace of doubt and all possibility of mistake is at hand. 24 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. We look, then, upon the symptoms attendant upon these diseases as only valuable in turning our attention at the outset to the affected organ, and in pointing out what other derangements accompany or are caused by the chief one. Omitting any further consideration of elevation and of hernia of the uterus, we will give in turn the symptoms of the other displacements to which the organ is subject, and afterwards those common to all—or the constitutional effects, where they have not been sufficiently detailed in our previous remarks. Anteversion and Retroversion.—In neither of these derangements, when existing simply without prolapsus, are the symptoms at all marked, unless they produce embarrassment in the functions or the surrounding organs by mechanical pressure. We have had but two cases of anteversion and one of retroversion in our practice ; and this seems, from the statistics of others, to be more than our share. Of course, they cannot of them- selves go far to illustrate the diseases, but they did exhibit to a marked degree a difference of symptom which we are inclined to believe may be pretty constant. It was with regard to the manner in which the bladder was annoyed. In one of the cases of anteversion, there was an irritability of the bladder—a frequent desire to urinate ; in that of retro- version, there was an inability to vent the urine. In the first case, the fundus of the uterus having fallen against the body of the bladder, irri- tated it and excited a desire to empty it. In the second, the mouth of the uterus had settled against the neck of the bladder, and thus created the difficuly in urinating. So far, our observation from these solitary ex- amples is confirmed by other writers. Of the second case of anteversion, we will have occasion to speak, when we come to treat of the displace- ments of the gravid uterus. In retroversion, embarrassment of the rec- tum becomes a very troublesome accompaniment, the fundus often lying directly against it, and causing an accumulation of faeces. In antever- sion, the bladder is chiefly annoyed. For the rest, there are no symp- toms of the displacements which are not common to both, and also to prolapsus of the organ. Upon examination with the finger, there can scarcely be any difficulty in recognizing the disease. Even where en- gorgement has altered the form and density of the organ, its orifice can be reached with the finger, and thus prevent its being mistaken for a tumor, whilst the direction in which the aperture is found will determine the particular kind of the displacement. In obliquities, the embarrassment of the neighboring organs not amounting to a very perceptible degree, the disease is generally not sus- pected until pregnancy, or until the uterus is also prolapsed, in which Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 25 case, the symptoms are those common to a descent of the organ without obliquity, modified possibly to a slight degree by interference, as in the above cases, with the neighboring organs. Prolapsus Uteri.—The immediate symptoms of prolapsus uteri—that is, those sensations excited in the neighborhood by the mechanical im- pingement of the organ upon the neighboring ones—are somewhat antici- pated in the last paragraphs. As in anteversion^md retroversion, both bladder and rectum are liable to be embarrassed, particularly the latter, rendering defaecation difficult. There is a feeling of weight within the pelvis, as of a body pressing downwards and exciting efforts at times to bear down ; accompanying which is a sympathetic sensation of weight all around the hips, and a peculiar dragging pain at times in the small of the back, where, indeed, almost always, there is more or less pain, though not of so distressing a kind. With these are also the general sympathetic sensations as given in the quotation from our article on woman's dress ; altogether, a group, of which, though in particular in- stances several may be wanting, yet furnishing a very characteristic exhibition of the disease, and one to which we can scarcely make an addition. One particular symptom is not there included, which we have frequently met with. It is a feeling of emptiness at the pit of the sto- mach, sometimes heightened to a sense of gnawing. We suppose that this may be one of those instances where a very trifling cause gives rise to sensations utterly incommensurate with it—and that the settling down of the organ, taking from the small intestines their support, forces them, also, to take a lower place in the abdominal cavity, and causes this sensation of vacuity at the upper part of it. It is true that we have found this symptom quite a prominent one where the disease existed to a slight degree only ; but this, it may be here observed, is a remarkable peculiarity of the symptoms of uterine displacements, viz., that they are by no means proportioned in severity to the amount of the disease. So far from this, we have found them quite urgent when the displacement could scarcely be detected by touch ; and, again, we have found the uterus lying on the floor of the perineum, and yet the patient perfectly com- fortable so far as it was concerned. Indeed, there seems to be in some instances a disposition on the part of nature to accommodate herself to the new circumstances, and to submit to them without producing an- noyance and trouble. Thus we have had patients who at the onset of their disease suffered much with all the characteristic symptoms of uterine displacements, yet in the course of time these disappeared one by one, though the affection became more advanced, until by the time the second degree of prolapsus was confirmed, the- attrioyances had for 4 26 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. the most part ceased, or were only such as attention to emptying the rec- tum would relieve. Leucorrhoea is an almost invariable attendant upon uterine displace- ment. But we look upon it as a symptom common to many diseases of the organ, and dependent upon a condition of it which has not neces- sarily any connection with displacement. So, with dysmenorrhoea, an almost equally constant attendant; it is the effect, not of the dislocation of the organ, but of an engorgement of it, which state, however, does very constantly exist with the other. As for the state of the uterus itself, we have already mentioned its engorged condition, which may vary from a slight tumidity to enlarge- ment accompanied with great hardness. In the event of protrusion of the organ, this state is heightened, and the organ increases much in size, offering a firmness and elasticity to the touch. In color it varies from a light pink to a dark red, or brown, taking the latter hue when per- fectly irreducible. The mucous membrane covering it, acquires, for the most part, a thick epithelium, but is exceedingly liable to ulceration, as is also the organ itself. These ulcers are often very deep, always increas- ing greatly the sufferings of the patient, and lessening the strength by the perpetual drainage they keep up. Sometimes they become gangrenous, and, in more than one case, the whole organ has sphacelated and drop- ped off; in one instance, of a lady 60 years old (related by Nauche), with perfect relief to the patient. With regard to the more distant influences of uterine displacements, as we stated at the opening of the chapter, it is difficult to say what we should enumerate as sympathetic sensations from the displacement of the organ, and what as accidental feelings either dependent upon another affection, or due to a general state of the system of which the disease under consideration is an effect, or of which it is an accidental attendant. Thus, a dizziness of the head, coming on irregularly, and in some cases depriving the individual of consciousness for a moment, is a frequent accompaniment of prolapsus, and we consider it a manifestation of the hysterical condition which is, so notoriously, often associated with affec- tions of the uterus. Pain between the shoulders occurs sufficiently often to entitle it to note; yet we must consider this as merely a result of the generally debilitated state of the system, and one which would, and does, of course, occur independently of the local affection. Be this as it may, it is very certain that except with those blessed with unusual powers of vital resistance, as the French term it__with an im- perturbability of the nervous system, so to speak—uterine displacement, whatever may be its origin, and however healthy the subject of it may Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 27 be in all other respects, soon brings with it a train of evils, in enumerat- ing which we can scarce make a limit short of a general derangement of all the vital functions. This undermining influence is first felt by the nervous system. The patient, generally irritable, is sometimes corres- pondingly depressed in spirits ; or, at other times, loses control of herself in paroxysms of hysteria. The digestive organs are not long in showing their subjection to the influence. Dyspepsia, in one of its many forms, appears ; and the functions of assimilation being interfered with, the blood begins to be less rich, becomes thin and impoverished, of course losing its fitness to nourish the economy. The heart, now, from feeling the defects of innervation and from want of its accustomed stimulus of a rich circulating fluid, becomes irregular in its action—mostly feeble, and scarce sending its contents to the extremities of the system. At times it loads the lungs with a flood which the respiration, hurried to the last degree, can scarce dispose of. Of course muscular debility has long since supervened; and, to it, still later, is added cold hands and feet, pallor and emaciation. To this description of the general wreck of the physical, and, in many instances, sad to say, of the moral health of the woman, caused by uterine displacement, we have to add but one more detail—that is, the sterility which most usually attends it. Of this, however, we will have occasion to speak again more at length. TREATMENT OF UTERINE DISPLACEMENTS. The first end to be attained in the treatment of these affections, is the replacement of the organ. When the case is one of simple prolap- sus, this is not difficult. The rectum should first be emptied, the pa- tient placed on the back. The forefinger of the right hand, previously well smeared with lard, is then introduced into the vagina, and the ex- tremity of it placed against the edge of the os uteri. Gentle efforts must then be made to carry the womb upward towards its proper situation, and, if a little discretion be used in modifying the direction of the thrust, it will in most cases obey the impulse. When elevated to the utmost, the left hand should be placed above the pubis and gentle pressure exerted there. The result upon the uterus will soon be ascertained ; and if it is found that the pressure forces it still higher, or retains it firmly in its proper situation so that it be not disposed to follow the finger in withdrawing it, we have at once a powerful assistance given us°in our efforts to prevent the organ from being again displaced. A bandage and compress, a belt, or an abdominal supporter, may then be put on° with reasonable hopes of acting successfully. This examination into the effects of pressure over the pubis we hold 28 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. to be very important, because there are many instances in which the or- gan is not pushed high enough to permit pressure exerted there to act beneath it. The consequence is, that instead of its being retained in its place or carried upwards by the external force, it is actually impelled downwards again. In such cases, of course, the various external me- chanical contrivances intended for the relief or the cure of the disease, so far from being beneficial, are, in fact, just the reverse—hurtful. If there is anteversion or retroversion, replacing the organ is not gene- rally so readily accomplished, as it has first to be brought into its natural relations with the axes of the pelvis. In one case of the former affection we had no difficulty in doing this ; but, in the other, and in the case of retroversion, both accompanied with great prolapsus, we found much dif- ficulty in placing the organ in such a position that it could be carried upwards. In the first of these, in fact, we had to introduce a silver ca- theter directly under the pubis, and by this, elevate the fundus of the uterus, while, with the forefinger of the other hand, the neck was brought downwards and forwards. In many cases, however, a restoration of the organ to its proper situation is not immediately possible, on account of its congested, en- larged and hardened state; and in most, even where it can be restored at once, we have to combat this condition. We must therefore now look to the means we have of doing this. If it has not gone beyond simple congestion, the uterus feeling slightly enlarged and spongy to the touch, revulsives to the small of the back are in many cases perfectly sufficient. We have used dry cupping as efficaciously as any other form of these ; and the ingenuity of Dr. Augustus Gould, of Boston, has afforded us the most simple and convenient means of doing this. He suggested, for either wet or dry cupping, cutting in half the hollow India-rubber balls made as playthings for children, and ap- plying the cut surface to the spot, emptying at the moment the space within of air by pressure upon the outside. When the pressure is re- moved, the elasticity of the ball creates a vacuum within, and thus all the requisites for an efficient cupping apparatus are obtained. We have still further increased the power of this little instrument by only cutting off a third of the ball, and thus making the other two thirds an ex- hausted receiver ; in this way attaining a larger and more perfect vacu- um, and of course greater strength of suction. The great advantage in these is, that the patient can apply them without any assistance what- ever ; and from this circumstance alone, the remedy is much more likely to be used faithfully, or for a sufficient length of time to render it effica- cious, than if it were repulsive either in itself or from the circumstance Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 29 of its requiring the interference of others. Our direction for the use of these cups generally, is to apply them for fifteen or twenty minutes before dressing in the morning, and for the same space of time after undressing at night, using a little care to slightly shift the spot for appli- cation every day, in order to avoid the chance of making the skin sore where the mouth of the cup bears against it. We have often found that so much relief was given by these, and so speedily, that our patients have enthusiastically persevered in using them three times a-day ; though, for general purposes, we think twice a-day sufficient. The lady, whose case was given in picturing the individual history of uterine displace- ments, was treated thus, and with the most marked success. Where a general fulness of the system indicates the propriety, wet cups may be used instead of dry ones, but of course not so frequently. Twice a week is as often as we should care to use them ; but we even pre- fer to this, timing their application to the menstrual flux, using them say once a-day, for the three days immediately preceding that period. The ad- vantage of this is, that it lessens the embarrassment of the uterus just at a moment when it is about to make an effort to do its duty—an effort, that, without assistance, would be futile, but which, with it, is often in its effects a most powerful means of accomplishing the very aim we have in view. Leeches have been used for the same purpose, but we do not consider them so convenient. By some, they are recommended to the organ itself, and we see no reason why they should not be as eminently useful as they are represented to be. It is very evident, however, that their ap- plication must be very troublesome to the physician—who, of course, in our country at least, would have to apply them himself; and to the pa- tient, in most instances, they must, when used in this way, be repulsive in the extreme on several obvious accounts. The same objections apply to scarifying the neck of the uterus, which has also been found a very effi- cient remedy. Where the organ is protruded, however, this is very con- veniently done, and has an immediate effect in reducing the fulness of its vessels. Where the condition of the uterus is a still more chronic and confirm- ed affair—where, for instance, a year or more has fixed upon it the con- dition of congestion and its attendants, the means just mentioned would have but little efficacy. In such cases we want something which will act more steadily—more uniformly—more powerfully—and which can be continued any length of time that may be requisite, without losing its efficacy, or exacting too much from the patient. The latter is a very important consideration, as everyone who has had much to do with chro- nic cases will at once confess. In many such, the disease is submitted 30 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. to, the system gets accustomed to it, and reconciles itself to the annoy- ance—but not so to the remedy. The influence of the latter is slow, its effects not perceived for some time. There is nothing, therefore, im- mediately to cheer and encourage the patient, who in it only finds a new annoyance. If, then, this latter be great, it will not be persisted in faithfully and hopefully—two important conditions in any remedy—nor sufficiently long to attain the end desired. We have found the seton to be such a remedy as is wanted—lacking the objectionable points just mentioned. Why this old means of revul- sion should have gone so much out of use, we have never been able to explain to ourselves. Its application is far less painful than drawing a blister, and the care required in dressing it also much less than that of a blister, or of an issue. It looks, too, much less repulsive than the last, and does not leave so large and unseemly a scar when healed. We prefer a thumb lancet as the instrument with which to introduce it. Gathering up a fold of the skin we transfix it, and while the lancet is still in, pass between it and the skin above, but in the contrary direc- tion, a common tape-needle, armed with silk braid. Performing the operation in this simple way disarms it of much that is frightful to the patient, and the thumb lancet is much more apt to be very sharp than the seton needle. Instead of the old way of using a long strip of braid wound on something, and unwinding a little every day and drawing it through the incision, we prefer, as far more convenient and cleanly, taking a piece only six inches long, and, after its introduction, tying the ends together in a hard knot, so as to prevent its being accidentally drawn out again. The length of the loop will readily admit of its being drawn back and forth an inch or so, and this should be done daily. When the strip has become soiled, it should be cut, a new piece sewed to the knot- less end, and drawn through as in the old method. We have found this so much more convenient and cleanly than the former way of managing a seton, that we have thought the time given to describing it as fully worth the while. Thus applied, we have found the seton a most efficacious revulsive in cases where the uterus is hardened and enlarged by a long continuance of the disease. And even, at an earlier period, it seems to have a most wholesome effect in so far relieving the organ as to permit it to return to the more regular exercise of its menstrual functions ; a thino- always greatly to be desired in such cases, both on account of the local and of the general effect. As an assistant to these depletives and revulsives, we have used, just at the menstrual period, warm hip baths—commencing some three or four Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 31 nights before the flow is expected. They should be taken just before go- ing to bed, which should be warmed to such a degree as to avoid all pos- sibility of chilling the patient upon getting into it. As a means of taking the hip bath, a common wash tub does very well. It should be so large that the patient can sit down in it with the feet over one side and the back against the other, and so deep that the hips will be well covered. While taking it, the rest of the person should be well protected from cold, and a blanket ought to be thrown over the tub, so as to retain the heat, and make it more uniform to the parts not submerged. There is another local remedy which, so far as a very few cases go, we have found very efficacious in mild degrees of uterine engorgement. This is cauterizing the neck of the organ with nitrate of silver. It was first recommended in cases of uterine irritation, and the success of its ap- plication has gotten it very largely into use where that condition exists. Finding that on applying it in cases where the prolapsed and tumid ute- rus was very irritable, not only the last symptom, but also the tumidity, was relieved, we have since used it successfully for that alone, but. as yet, in too few cases to urge it strongly, though these cases were very marked. It is effected through a speculum, by a piece of nitrate of silver in a porte caustic* The frequency of its use must be determined by the symptoms. In most instances we have found that four days would give time for the eschar to fall off and a fresh surface to be presented for the caustic again. Thus far our remedies have been directed to the organic condition of the uterus itself, and to replacing it in its proper situation. There are other symptoms closely associated with it and with the parts in contiguity, which require attention. The most obvious of these in most instances is the leucorrhoea ; and in combating this, we think we have reason to say, error is often committed in addressing the remedies to it without suffi- ciently considering the condition of the organ whence it proceeds and its relation to that condition. As we have hinted above, we look upon it in a measure as a sort of provisional drainae from the engorged vessels, con- nected undoubtedly in advanced cases at last with an alteration, to a greater or less degree, of the inner surface of the organ. To attempt, then, to suppress it, whilst the condition on which it depends, or, to say * We have been much inconvenienced in making applications to the os uteri for want of a pro- per instrument to hold the substance applied, whether it be solid caustic or a sponge, or cotton Too d oped into a solution. To remedy this, we have had one made wh.ch wo find answers .dm- rablv It consists simply of a rod of whalebone, 3-16 of an inch in thickness and eight mete, long, «ed wHh a pair "gill forcepjaws at one end. It is easily cleansed, and does not mterfere with the sight wtwn u*ing it. 32 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. the least, with which it is so closely associated, still exists, must be an error, and we feel that this view will be confirmed by closer examination into the phases of the disease in its progress towards removal. Why it has not been more insisted upon hitherto, is, that in most cases two or three symptoms are attacked at once, and the opportunity for analyzing the relation of the one to the other, is lost by their successive disappear- ance being attributed to the influence of the respective remedies used against them. Thus, the uterus is replaced by manipulation, and retain- ed mechanically in its position ; its congested state attacked by revulsives, and the leucorrhcea by astringents. In due time each morbid phenomenon disappears, and we attribute the disappearance to the particular remedy used, without having any reason to suspect that had the engorgement of the organ been relieved, the flow might have ceased of itself. It has, however, more than once happened with us, that the astringents acted a little faster than the revulsives, and an aggravation of the uterine irritation, amounting in one case to decided inflammation, was induced, leading us to examine more closely into the correctness of the principles on which our treatment was planned, and to come to the conclusions above stated. The same remarks apply, though not with the same force, to the vaginal leucorrhcea. Here we have a vascular membrane in a state of irritation and congestion, pouring out from its surface a quantity of fluid which must have a very direct effect in relieving the vessels. To leave these vessels in their full condition, and at the same time essay to prevent the drain, would be bad philosophy, and the speedy induction of acute vaginitis that we have witnessed as the result of such efforts, has since ever made us cautious on this point. Proceeding upon the above views, our course has been not to concern ourself about the leucorrhcea in the commencement of the treatment, but to wait for the indications of a re- turn to health of the uterus itself. In many cases the other will disap- pear. In some instances, however, the drainage may be so profuse as of itself to be a great obstacle to the recovery of the patient on account of the debility it produces. In such, as in the others, we essay to relieve the condition causing the flow, but we do this by more direct means. The most efficient of these we have found to be injections of warm water, made two or three times a day. Trial by the individual will give the best indication of the precise temperature to commence with, which in most cases it will be found can be gradually lowered with advantage until the water used is positively cold. In other words, as we relieve one symp- tom, we go on to attack another—the want of tone in the parts__by a powerful tonic. Frequently, even when the original offending condition is removed, the Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 33 leucorrhoa is still perpetuated, either by the want of tone just men- tioned, or by what is called, for want of a better term, habit—instances of which we often see in chronic inflammation of any of the mucous membranes. In these cases an interference or assistance is legitimately called for, and tonic and astringent injections become highly useful. Cold water is the simplest of these, but not always applicable ; we have had it in one case produce violent neuralgic pains all through the pelvis. The vegetable and mineral astringents have both been largely used, and are probably equally extolled ; but what experience we have had induces us to give preference to the latter. Of the former, oak bark—rhatany, either in the root or in the extract —catechu and kino, used in the form of decoction or of diluted tincture, are all highly recommended, and we have never had reason to think one superior to the others. Of the latter, alum—aromatic sulphuric acid—the sulphates of iron, of copper or of zinc and nitrate of silver, are the princi- pal ; indeed, all that we can have need of. In ordinary cases, the astrin- gent we commence with is a decoction of an ounce of white oak bark in a pint of water, using it twice a-day. To this, as the parts get accus- tomed to it, may be added a drachm of alum. As with all such reme- dies, one should not be used too long, but a change should be made at the end of a week or ten days, and some other astringent substituted. As we often find, in treating chronic indolent ulcers, that a powerful reme- dy in time loses its efficacy, and a change even to a much milder one is beneficial ; so in treating leucorrhoea, we find that it is better to go backwards to a less powerful astringent, than to continue to use one too long. Among the mineral astringents, the aromatic sulphuric acid pleases us most. It should be diluted until it is about as acid as ordinary vinegar ; but if on trial it produces no bad effect, the strength may be very gra- dually increased—say as far as two or even three drachms to the pint of water. The solution of nitrate of silver we have only used when there was, in addition to the leucorrhoea, an irritable or sensitive condition of the lining of the vagina. We found it then, after prefacing its use for a week or ten days with warm water, to be very efficacious, while other astringents irritated. The strength in which it was used was four grains to the ounce of distilled water. The particular application of the other astringents we leave to the judgment of the reader, based on the well- known properties of the article, all familiar, and the demands of the in- dividual case. For injecting fluids into the vagina, many syringes have been invent- ed__most of them objectionable. The common female syringe—a cy- 5 31 Treatise on I lerine Displacements. linder of uniform diameter and perforated with holes at the end to he introduced—is faulty in size. If made to hold much, it i^ too large to be readily introduced. The body of the syringe being introduced, it is very inconvenient to push the piston up ; and when the latter is of glass, it is very apt to be broken off. When the syringe is of glass, it is of course fragile, and it must be managed with great care that it may not be broken while using it. Pewter ones are acted upon by mineral solutions, and of course will not answer in using these. Where it is de- sirable to use a continued stream, as is often the case with warm or cold water, Dr. E. Kennedy [Dub. Quar. Jour, of Med. Sc, Feb., 1S47J offers an instrument which seems well contrived for the purpose. It is in fact nothing more than the common force-pump injecting instrument with a rose nozzle fitted to the end of the elastic tube, which also passes through a piece of India rubber some two and a half inches wide, four long, and a quarter of an inch thick, to apply over the external parts, and retain the fluid a little longer than otherwise would be possi- ble. As excellent as this adaptation really is, it would be unnecessarily complex for any but the above-mentioned cases—though the India-rub- ber plate might be adapted with advantage to any syringe. The syringe to which we give the preference, is the India-rubber bottle fitted with an ivory tube, having a small ball at the end perfo- rated with fine holes. The bottle is filled by compressing it, putting the end of the tube into the injection fluid, and suffering the bottle to ex- pand again ; it should therefore be just so thick as to keep its shape when empty. Thicker than this, it is not emptied readily; thinner, it does not expand and fill itself. The great advantages of this injection apparatus, are, its perfect simplicity of construction, the facility with which it is used and also kept clean, its quality of resisting the action of all fluids, and its durability—not being liable to be put out of order or to be broken. The only improvement we could suggest to this is, that the ivory nozzle might be connected with the bottle by an elastic tube, say six inches in length—and, instead of the bottle being fitted to this last by a screw, the connection might be made by a short ivory- mouth piece, accurately fitted with a ring of the same material on the tube. With this, the bottle could be readily detached and re-charged as often as necessary, without disturbing the nozzle when introduced thus having all the advantages of the force-pump arrangement just de- scribed, but none of its complexity. The rectum is another organ in the immediate neighborhood, which requires a large share of attention in the treatment of uterine displace- ments. As we have already mentioned, before any attempt to reduce Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 35 the displacement it must be thoroughly emptied. But this is only a beginning. It must be kept as empty as is consistent with the general comfort and health of the patient. This we have already anticipated in our mention of the causes of these affections. How to effect the de- sired end in this particular, we leave for the most part to the reader. The indication is a very simple one, and the means should be equally simple—avoiding of course everything that is unpleasant in itself and therefore liable to be neglected by the patient; and also everything which might prove irritating to the parts and thus increase somewhat the trou- ble already existing. With some, we have found injections of cold wa- ter answer admirably ; with others, powdered senna eaten at bed-time in a fig suits very well, both as regards the method of taking it and the ef- fect. Rhubarb root, chewed in such quantities as trial has shown to serve, is also very convenient. Whatever the means be, thoroughness and gen- tleness should be its characteristics. One formula which we think it well to offer for this purpose, is as follows—R. Pill. Rufi, pulv. rhei, aa. 3 j. Mix and make into 24 pills. The dose is from one to four of these, taken at bed-time. The particular excellence of this compound is that the aloes it contains is a sufficient quantity to produce a thorough evacua- tion of the rectum without irritating that organ ; and from the well-known tonic properties of the ingredients, the bowels are often strengthened so as to act without any aid. We may add that we have seldom found these pills to act at all harshly. Having gotten the organ back to its proper place, the next thing is to keep it there. To be sure, the means we have just been recommend- ing for restoring it and the neighboring parts to a healthy condition, all tend mediately to this, but we want something more direct. Position is of itself in most cases sufficient—keeping the patient on the back ; and Dr. Godefrey, of Rennes, reports [Lond. and Edin. Monthly Jour, of Med. Sc, March, 1842] two cases of anteversion which were cured by this means alone. But however excellent in the abstract, it is unfortu- nately greatly inapplicable in the actual. The objections to its use are several.° The most prominent one of all, is the inability of getting any woman, born in New England, to belong enough in bed, unless otherwise physically incapacitated from getting out of it. Even if the disposition existed, there might be other reasons why it could not be carried out. Time is money with most ; and besides, there are certain duties and cares of a domestic nature, which must be met personally, and for which money cannot buy a substitute. As efficacious, therefore, as rest is, we not only cannot use it often to our advantage, but, on the contrary, we 36 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. have to contend not solely against the disease, but also against bodily exertion, the result of the habits or of the necessities of the patient. Various mechanical contrivances have been made for the purpose of retaining the uterus in situ. Some of these—pessaries—are introduced into the vagina. Others, called abdominal supporters, uterine trusses, foe, are worn externally, acting of course by pressure through the ab- dominal walls, or on the perineum. Pessaries have for the last fifty years been greatly relied upon as a remedy for uterine displacements, particularly for prolapsus ; and to adapt them more perfectly to that use, they have been very much varied in the material of which they are composed and in their form. The first conception of a pessary was that of a body of such a size, that, when introduced into the vagina, it would not only retain its situation there, but do this with sufficient firmness to support upon it the uterus tending to prolapse. With this view it was made of some material which could not be affected by the fluids that it might be brought into contact with—hard wood, sponge, ivory, gum elastic, silver, and, lastly —the suggestion, we believe, of Dr. Hopkinson, of Philadelphia—of glass. To dispose of the merits of these various materials is not diffi- cult, and we will do it at once. Glass is fragile, unless thick and heavy, and then should be carefully annealed, otherwise the shape into which it has to be blown, to serve as a pessary, will dispose it to break readily. The results of such an accident seem likely to be too severe to run any risk. Wood, no matter how hard and dense, will in time be acted on by the fluid, and its surface undergoes a sort of erosion. We have seen this in box and lignum vitae, but have never tried ebony. We should, however, discard all. Gum elastic serves well as far as its resistance to the action of the fluid goes ; but it is difficult to get them made of such shape and size as may be required, and when once moulded, they can- not be altered in the slightest particular. Sponge has the advantage of being compressed so as to be introduced readily, but has of course to be replaced very frequently, and even then is apt to irritate the parts in con- tact with ,t. Silver, of all others, is the best, taking material solely in view, particularly when it is gilt. But it is expensive. Ivory in most cases, using the pessary as we do, is perfectly sufficient in its resistance to the action of the secretions. It has the great advantages of cheap- ness and of being very readily shaped in the lathe or by hand to precisely suit any particular case—this latter is very great. In shape, with the simple intent above mentioned in view the pes sary was a disc with very thick edges where it bore against' the walls Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 37 of the vagina, and having the upper surface concave so as to receive the lips of the uterus. It had also a hole through the bottom of this con- cavity to give vent to the uterine secretions. It was oftenest circular ; though, to meet the views of some, ellipsoid in shape, the antero-posterior diameter of course being the longest one. In England, spherical ones were at one time greatly lauded and used, but with what particular end in view we cannot imagine. It is evident that the uterus could not so readily be sustained upon a convexity, and the shape would fit the instrument to slip down too readily. Besides which, unless drilled in every direc- tion, so that whatever portion happened to be uppermost, the fluids could escape through it, these must collect in some degree behind it. This is the pessary contrived with the single intent above mentioned. In many instances the pressure above is too great to let it avail even when increased in size to the utmost, an increase which it is evident must be limited after a certain point, both on account of the difficulty of introducing it, and of the disturbance a too bulky body might cause when introduced. Besides which, exercising the distension that it does and must do, it only remedies one evil by substituting another, and never effects a cure. It also sets up a great deal of irritation, accompanied with profuse leucorrhoea, sometimes with ulcerations, putrid discharges and fungous growths. It is apt, too, to make the bladder irritable, and to cause costiveness and embarrass defalcation. On account of these obvious objections, several pessaries have been devised with a view to avoid them. The body of the instalment was made smaller, and to keep it in its place it was mounted on a stem, pass- ing down the vagina and supported externally. The particular form of the stem, and the method of attaching it to the disc, have been varied with a view to convenience, fee, but the principle is just as stated. Re- camier invented one with an elastic stem, which he thought would pre- sent an advantage in yielding to any accidental jar or motion of the body. Hervey de Chegoigne, besides mounting the pessary upon a stem, still further adapted the stem and the upper part of the instrument itself to the form of the neighboring organs, so as to embarrass the lat- ter as little as possible, and to produce a more equable operation of the sustaining force. For retroversion of the uteais, for instance, he thick- ened the posterior edge of the disc, and thus more effectually canted the organ forwards than could be done by one of more uniform thickness. [De quelques deplacemens de la matrice, et des pessaires le plus convena- bles pour y remedier. Dans Memoires de l'Acad. Roy. de Med., 1833, torn, ii., p. 319. A fair abstract of the paper will be found in the Ga- zette Med. de Paris, Jan., 1833.] The cases given with the memoir 38 Treatise on Uterine Displacements. are not only interesting themselves, but are illustrative of an important fact, viz., that we cannot use any pessary under routine direction. We must adapt the instrument in size and shape to the "particular case, and cases vary so much as to make it useless to enter into a disquisition on the advantage of one precise form over another. Each may suit in some particular instance—all may be equally inefficacious in some. In other words, in adapting the shape of a pessary, it has to be done by the requirements of the case in hand, and the physician has to depend rather upon his mechanical tact than upon any rule or direction that can be given him. We therefore abstain from any further enlargement upon this part of our subject, although it has stimulated the inventive talents of many, and afforded employment to the pen of Jules Cloquet [Diet. de Med. in 30 vols.], of Gerdy [Traite des Pansements, 2d edition, 1839 —Des Pessaires, t. ii., p. 57], of Rognetta [Remarques Nouvelles sur les Pessaires en Caoutchouc, foe. &c, Gaz. Med. de Paris, Juin, 1834], of Duges, of Desormeaux, and of a host of others in advocating the merits of particular curves, concavities, &c. We must notice, before going further, the dispute between Duges and Hervey de Chegoigne, as to whether the uterus should be supported by the lower extremity, or whether this, as the latter insists, is apt to irritate it, making it more proper to sustain the organ by contact with its body. We have been unable to find anything to support the views of M. de Chegoigne, and we must therefore be permitted to pass them by in spite of the attention they received when he first insisted upon them with such urgency in 1833—an attention and an urgency which made us hesitate to leave them unmentioned. For anteversion and retroversion, Dr. Simpson, of Edinburgh, devised a pessaiy consisting of a slender stem of ivory, two. inches in length, rising from the middle of a circular disc—the whole being mounted upon a wire supported by a perineal strap. The ivory stem is introduced into the uterus, after getting it into proper position, and by this it is kept from falling over. Of the effects of this pessary, Dr. Ashwell says :— " Two cases have recently come under my care, and I have heard ot more, where the results arising from the use of this instrument have been very serious. Looking at it pathologically, I can scarcely imagine any- thing better devised for inducing disease. According to this practice, a piece of ivory two inches long is to be introduced into the uterine cavity, and its bearing must of necessity be on some part of the lining mem- brane, a surface ill adapted to support the pressure for two or three months together of such an instrument. * * * In both, the speculum showed that abrasion of the os and the ostium vaginae had resulted from Treatise on Uterine Displacements. 39 the use of the so-called uterine supporter. * * * Is there anything so serious in a retroversion or retroflexion of the unimpregnated uterus, as to justify a practitioner in running the risk of exciting peritonitis, cellular inflammation and abscess—injuring the structure of the womb—and en- kindling desires, or implanting habits, which destroy purity of feeling and physical health ? Our own conviction is, that this supporter will be found to create more disease than it cures." One case, in which we tried it, supported fully Dr. A.'s opinion, yet friends of ours have seen cases treated by Dr. Simpson himself very successfully with it. We should wish, however, better recommendations before using it again. Dr. Simpson [copied into the Am. Jour, of Med. Sciences, 1849] and several others have advocated the employment of medicated pessaries, the first suggestion of which was probably given by Osiander, who used to support the uterus by inserting into the vagina a small bag filled with chipping* of oak or other astringent wood. Undoubtedly, in their medicinal influence these would be an advantage ; but we think this could be, on the whole, more conveniently obtained by injections, leav- ing for the pessary a more perfect material in other respects. We find, both from publications on the subject, and from the verbal expressions of our friends, that, latterly, pessaries are not relied upon as they were formerly, either as a curative or a palliative means, nor resort- ed to as frequently in either capacity. This distrust in them and disuse of them is in perfect accordance with the views to which our own expe- rience has led us. In fact, in treating uterine displacement with a view to cure, we look upon the pessary as an assistant during the first periods of the treatment to relieve speedily an urgent and embarrassing difficulty—the disposi- tion of the organ to descend. In using them, we feel that they should not further distend the vagina and embarrass the organs in the neighborhood ; the pessary must therefore be as small as possible consistently with its fur- nishing the proper amount of support to the organ. To retain it in its place, as it lacks size for this, it should be mounted upon a stem and supported by a perineal strap. This is a satisfactory settlement, in our mind, of the question as to what kind of pessary should be used—one with or without a stem. As to the material, in ordinary cases we use ivory, of the shape here