234 r REPERTORY OF CONVULSIONS •ANTEE NLM DD55fi5Db 1 ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY WASHINGTON FotLndetL 183G Section Number 3J._1.QAA. Fobm 113c, W. D.. S. G. O. 3—10543 (Revised June 13. 1936) NLM005585061 A REPERTORY -.OF- CONYULSIONS y OF C0^^S HT E. M. SANTEE, M. D. * h ./> >■'■.I.Sf'.'-.-'GTO^i •.^■' " «$ "-.j-.-s".": -' * 1890 H. Hitchcock, m. D. new YORK WLA S23f /- Copyright 1890. By H. Hitchcock. M. D. PREFACE. The only excuse I have to offer for compiling this repertory is that the inclination to do so was born of ne- cessity. During the first three months of my practice I had the misfortune to have three cases of convulsions; and as I had been taught to rely largely upon my repertories, and all of them were almost blank upon this subject, I was compelled to depend upon the concomitants and my limited knowl- edge of Materia Medica. I have purposely omitted the lists of remedies said to be indicated by certain pathological names, because I do not believe in such prescribing. If the totality of the symptoms is covered by a certain remedy it will cure no matter whether the name of the malady be catalepsy, eclampsia or epilepsy. E. M. S. INDEX. PAGE. Before the Spasm__________.......... 7 General Alphabetical Arrangement---- 11 Constitutions and Dispositions-------- 61 Parts Affected...........____________ 63 After the Spasm____................. 65 Spasms Begin..........-..........- - - 67 Aggravations.........------......- - - 69 Ameliorations............-........... 71 Time...................-.........■--- 73 Coming on During................- - 7n Cause_____......----.............- 77 REPERTORY. BEFORE THE SPASM. Angry for several days, Bufo. Body, Sensation of expansion of the whole —, Arg-n. Brain, A shock passes through the —, as of electricity, Hell. Burning- heat of the whole body, Ars., Bell. Chest, Oppression of—, Aeon., Bell., Ignat. Child is cross and body hot, Zinc. Coldness of the L. side, Sil. Dizziness, Sensation of —, Tarent., Tereb. Drawing* sensation in the L. arm, Cupr. Drowsy, Nux-m., Opi. Eyes sunken, Ars., Bufo, Sfcann., Staph. ----, Sparks before —, Hyos. Ears, Ringing in the —, Hyos. Face deep red, Bell., Gels. 9 Frightened appearance and sardonic grin, Stram. Gasping for breath, Laur. Head feels very large, with a half stupid look, Gels. Headache, Hammering —, Glon., Nat-m. Hiccough, Cupr., Hyos., Stram. Legs, Heaviness and numbness of —, Plumb. ---, Drawing in —, Ars. Mind and Body, Exaltation of all the powers of —, Cann-i. Mouth, Metallic taste in —, Cupr. Nausea and retching, throwing up phlegm, Cupr. Neck, Jerking in back of —, Bufo. Pain, Great —, in pit of stomach, iEsc-h., Cupr. Pupils dilated for a day or two, Arg-n. Pulse slow and full, Gels. Sensation of dizziness, Tarent., Tereb. ---of warm air streaming up the spine, Ars. ------a mouse running down the arm, Bell., Calc-c, Sul. ---------------------and back, Sulph. 11 Sensation---------------arms and legs, Bell., Calc-c. Shock, A — passes through the whole body, Hell., Laur. Sighing, Much—, Ign., Plumb. Stomach, Great pain in the pit of —, iEsc-h., Cupr. Smiling, Bell. Tremblng, Absin., Ant-t. Vertigo, Arg-m., Ars., Calc-c. Vomiting of mucous, Cupr., Cupr-ac. GENERAL ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT. Abdomen puffed up, Arg-n., Ars-snl- rub., Cham., Lyco., Merc, Nux-v., Stram. ----elevated, Bell. ---sore to pressure, Cupr. ---rises and falls rapidly,with rumb- ling, Ars. Activity, Dreads too much — about her, Aeon. Alse Nasi, Fan-like motion of —, Chel., Lycop. Alone, Fear of being left —, Arg-n., Ars., Bell., Calc-c, Camp., Coff., Con., Dros., Elaps., 13 Hyos., Kali-c, Lye, Ran-b., Sep., Stram., Verat-a. Angular motions, Hyos. Anxious respiration, Ars., Sec-c Arms involuntarily drawn close to side, Cup., Hyos., Mosch. ----, Rotary motion of —, especially the L., Stram. ----, Spasmodic jerking of—, Ipec ---- thrown about unconsciously, Cina, Lach., Lye ----and hands, principally confined to —, Arum-t. ------legs, jerking suddenly, Cic, Cupr. ---------go to sleep easily, Ambra., Puis. ---------outstretched, Calc-c. Arterial system, Great excitement of —, Gelsem., Verat-vir. Aura crawling down arms or up legs to R. side of abdomen, Sul. ------------, Bell., Calc-c, Sul. ---------back and arms, Sul. ---------arms and legs, Calc-c,Bell. ----begins in knees, Cupr-ac ------in right heel and extends to occiput, Stram. b 15 Barks like a dog, Bell., Calc-c, Canth., Hydroph. Bed, Wants to move from one to the other —, Ars. Bites tongue, Absinth., Bufo, Caust., Ignat., Petr., Phos-ac, Thuj. Body, Loss of sensation of —, Zinc. ---cool and head hot, Am.. Bell., Kali-c, Phytol. ---, Spasmodic rigidity of —, Aeon., Cic, Ipec, Nux-v. --- strangely contorted about the upper parts and arms, Cic. ---stiffens suddenly, Cic. ---, Stiffness of the whole —, fol- lowed by trembling, Cina. ---, Whole — becomes numb, Am- bra, Cedrum. ---stretched or bent backward, Ab- sinth., Aeon., Amyg., Aug., Arg-n., Ars., Artem., Bell., Calc-phos., Camph., Canth., Cham., Cic, Cina, Cup., Hyd-ae, Hyos., Ignat., Ipec, Mosch., Lach., Nux-v., Opi., Phytol., Plumb., Rhus-t., Secale, Stann., Stram., Verat-a., Verat-vir. 17 Body, Whole —, cold, Camph., Cic, Mosch., Verat-a. --------becomes rigid, Bell., Cina, Ipec, Nux-v. ----, One-half twitching and the other lame, Apis. ----very hot, Bell., Stram. Brain, A shock as of electricity passes through the —, Cic, Helleb., Verat-a. Breath, Gasping for—, Brom., Bry., Dros., Ferr., Ipec, Laur. Breathing interrupted for a few sec- onds, Cic, Cup., Opium. ---sterterous, Ant-t., Bell., Camph., Laur., Opi. Bread, Aversion to —, Lye, Nat-m. Carotids, Violent throbbing of —, Bell., Chin. Cervical muscles, Twitching of —, Artem. Circular motions, Stram. Changing their character continu- ally, Stram. Cheeks, One red and hot and the other pale and cold, Cham., Puis. ---,------cold-----------hot, Mosch. 19 Chest, Oppression of —, Hyos., Ign. ----, ^------alternating with con- vulsions, Ign. Chin drawn down to sternum, Phytol. Coldness, With —, Ars., Calc-phos., Camph., Caust, Cic, Hyos., Mosch., Opi., Verat-a. Colic, During—, Bell., Caust., Cham., Lach., Merc, Nat-m., Plumb., Sep., Sul. Conscious during the Spasm, Ipec, Kali-c, Mosch., Nat-m. Nux-v., Nux-m., Phos., Plat., Sec-c Consciousness, Loss of —, Ang., Absinth., Acet-ac, Ant-t., Ars., Bell., Bufo, Camph., Cic, Con., Cupr., Hyos., Ign., Lach., Nux-v., Opi., Puis., Stram. Contortion of the upper part of the body, Cic. --- of the hands and feet, Cupr., Sec-c Cough, During —, Bell., Cham., Cina, Croc, Cupr., Dros., Phos., Stram., Verat-a. Crazy, Thinks she will become — if she does not hold hersef, Lill-t. 21 Death, Fear of—, Aeon., Aug., Apis., Ars., Bufo, Bell., Calc-c, Cann-i., Canth., Cocc, Coff., Cupr., Gels., Glon., Hell., Hep., Hyos., Ign., Lach., Lye, Mosch., Nux-v., Phos., Phyto., Plat., Secale, Stram., Verai-a., Zinc ----,------, on going to bed, Ars. ---, Simulation of —, breathless for a time, Ars. Deglutition difficult, with loss of speech, Bell. Delirium and stupor, Mth.., Bell., Hyos., Hyd-ac, Opi., Stram. Diarrhoea, With —, Alum., Chin., Hyos., Kalm., Led., Nit-ac, Sep. ---, — watery —, Hyos. Dizziness, Sensation of —, (before), Tarent., Tereb. Drinking water or seeing or hearing- it run brings them on, Hydroph. --- constantly but little at a time, Ars. ---and speech hasty, Ars., Hep. ----easily but cannot eat, Hyd-ac. Drowsy all the time but conscious, Ant-t., Nux-m. 23 Ears, Ringing in the —, Hyos. Elbows drawn to body and held firmly there, Amyg. Epilepsy with great exertion of strength, Agar. ----from fright, Agar., Apis., Arg-n., Art-v., Bufo, Ign., Opi. Tarent. ---------, during menses, Arg-n. ----every seven days, Agar. ----from suppressed eruption, Agar. ----; Fits increase and diminish grad- ually, Agar. Epistaxis, Caust., Lach. Evil, Sensation of impending —, Actea-rac. Expression besotted, staring and anxious, Ars., Hyos. Eyes fixed on one spot, Canth., Hyd-ac. ----distorted and turned upward and to the R., Hyd-ac. ----red and face flushed, Bell. ----staring, jerking and twitching, even in sleep, Cham. ----, Sparks before the —,Hydroph., Hyos. ----; Pupils dilated, ^Eth-e, Bell., Calc-c., Carb-an,, Croc, Cycl 25 Hyos., Ignat., Lact., Laur., Led., Opi., Stram., Verat-a. Eyes; Pupils insensible, iEth-e, Bar-m., Carbo-v., Chin., Cupr., Dig., Euphr., Hyd-ac, Merc- cor., Opi., Stram. ----, Blue rings around —, Ignat. ---projecting, Aur., Bell., Cupr., Hyos., Laur., Nux-v., Opi. ---sunken for several days before, Ars., Bufo, Stann., Staph. ---turned upward, Aeon., Cupr., Glon., Lach., CEnan-croe, Plat. ------downward, iEth-e ----open and immovable, Cocc. Face blue, Agar., Cic, Crotal-hor., Cupr., Hyd-ac, Hyos., Laur., Verat-a. --- cold, clammy and pale, Camph. ---, Convulsions of —, Bell., Calc-e, Canth., Cham., Dig., Ign., Ipec. Lye, Nat-e, Opi., Phos., Stram., Sulph. ---cyanotic, or red bloated and dis- torted, Opi. ---distorted, Absin., Ars., Bufo, Hyd-ac, Lycop., Opi., Stram. ---flushed, Bell., Camph., Cina, 27 Cocc, Cupr., Gels., Hyd-ac, Hyos., Ignat., Ipec, Lye, Stram., Verat-a. Face, Earthy color of —, especially chronic cases, Plumb. ---, Muscles of — in constant mo- tion, Visc-alb. ----pale or blue and puffed up, Agar., Cic, Crotal-hor., Cupr. ------cold and bloated, Camph. ------as in faintness, Camph., Cic, Crotal-hor., Cupr., Ipec, Sul., Verat-a. ------and yellowish, Ambra., Ars., Bry., Canth., Caust., Cic, Con., Graph., Iod., Kali-e, Lye, Nux-v., Plumb., Puis., Sec-c, Sep. ---purple, Hep., Hyos., Ignat. ----pale with cold sweat on the fore- head, Verat-a. Faeces and urine involuntary, Arn., Artem., Bell., Caust., Cupr., Hyd-ac, Nux-v. Falling forwards, Arn., Canth., Cic, Cupr., Ferr., Rhus-t., Sil., Sul. ---backwards, Ang., Bell., Camph., Chin., Cic, Ignat., Ipec, Kal., Nux-v., Opi., Rhus-t. 29 Falling sideways, Bell., Con.,Nux-v., Sil., Squill., Sul. ---left, Caust., Lach., Sabad. ---right, Bell. Fear of death, Aeon., Ang., Apis, Ars., Bufo, Bell., Calc-c, Cann-i., Canth., Cocc, Coft, Cupr., Gels., Glon., Hell., Hep., Hyos., Ign., Lach., Lye, Mosch., Nux-v., Phos., Phyto., Plat., Secale, Stram., Verat-a., Zinc. --------when going to bed, Ars. ------being left alone, Arg-n., Ars., Bell., Coft, Stram. Feet cold, Calc-c, Cupr., Lach. ---fidgety, Zinc. ---jerking upwards, Bell. ---, Soles of — spasmodically turned inward, Verat-a. Fingers clenched, Tereb., Mag-phos., Nux-v. ---constantly picking, Ars., Artem., Arum-t., Cham., Hyos., Lye, Opi., Stram., Zinc. ---jerk while arms are spread out and quiet, Calc-c. ----spread out, Glon., Secal-e ---and toes flexed, Phytol. 31 Fist, Child gnaws its —, and bites and cries, Aeon. Flushes of heat from abdomen to head, Indigo. Fontanelle, Anterior— not closing, Calc-c. ----, Both remain open, Calc-phos. Forehead wrinkled, Lye, Stram. ----, Cold sweat on —, Verat-a. Gasping for breath before, during and after the spasm, Laur. Gums, Burning and interstitial sore- ness of —, Tereb. Hands blue and pricking and sting- ing, -iEsc-hip. ----clenched and cold, Cup., Hyd-ac. ----, Palms of — spasmodically turned inward, Verat-a. ----and feet only affected, Artem. ---------, Cortortion of, Secal-e ---------cold, Caust. ---------, cramps in —, Agar. ---- — jerking of L. (Aeon.), and both turned outward, Cupr. Hasty in all motions, especially speaking and drinking, Ars., Hep. Head, Boring — into the pillow, Apis, Bufo, Bell. 33 Head drawn to the R., Caust. ------------L., Calc-c, Lye, Phos. ----, Confusion and heat of —, Kali- brom. ----, Convulsive motion of — from behind forward, Nux-m. ----hot and body cold, Arn., Bell., Kali-e, Phytol. ----, Jerking — up from the pillow, Stram. ---- jerked suddenly backwards, Alum. ----, Much congestion to —, Bell., Glon. ----, — sweat about (Cham., Cupr., Mosch.) back part of —,Calc-c. ----, Sensation as if — were tightly bandaged, Indigo, Nat-m. ----. — — — — were expanded, Arg-n. ----.-------warm air streamed up spine to —, Ars. ----thrust continually in quick suc- cession to the R., Stram. ----, Twisting of — to and fro, Secal-c. ----, Violent shocks through the —, which causes it to jerk sud- denly, Cic. 85 Heart, Great distress about —, with irregular beating, Hyd-ac. ---, Palpitation of —, Aeon., Ambra, Amm-e, Ars., Asa-t, Aur., Bar-e, Bell., Bry., Cale, Cann., Carb-an., Caust., Cocc, Colch., Cycl., Graph., Glon., Iod., Lach., Lye, Mere, Nat-m., Nit-ae, Nux-m., Nux-v , Oleand., Phos., Plat., Puis., Sep., Spig., Staph., Sulph., Verat-a. Heat rising from the stomach, Bell. ---, Sensation of — rushes up back into head (before), Phos. Hunger, With —, Cina, Hyos. Hysterical convulsions coming on at daybreak, with full conscious- ness, Plat. ------followed by great exhaustion, Ars. Jerking of L. hand and leg, Aeon. ------limbs on side on which he lies, Actea-rac --------very suddenly, Cic. ------all the limbs, Apis, Crotal-hoi. ---through the whole body, Ars,, Hyos. ---during sleep, zEth-e, Ars., Apis, Zinc. 37 Joints, Stiffness of all the —, Ars. Knees drawn up tight to abdomen, Amyg. Labor pains weak and irregular, (puerpural), Caul. Lassitude (after), Ignat., Kali-brom. Laughter convulsive, Alum., Apis, Mosch., Plat. ---and weeping alternately, Alum., Aur-m., Mosch. Legs, Heaviness and numbness of —, (before), Plumb. ---and arms rigid, Amyl-n. ---------, Trembling and jerking of —, Apis, Crotal-hor. ------hand; Jerking of left, Aeon. Limbs, Violent shocks through the —, which cause them to jerk suddenly, Cic ---distorted, Hyd-ac ----curved and thrown up from the bed, Hyos, ---, Particularly violent in lower —, with coldness of feet, Lach. ---, Convulsive trembling of —, Nux-v. ----, Rigidity of —, Hyd-ac, Nux-v. ---, Trembling of — on awaking, Actea-rae d 39 Limbs cold (Cham., Coft) and body convulsed, iEth-e —:— drawn suddenly together, Ars. Lips dry, parched and cracked, Ars., Bry., Chin., Ign. ----blue, Caust., Cina, Crotal-hor., Lye, Nux-v. ----livid, Opi. ----drawn back showing the teeth, Ang. ----yellow, Nux., Sep. Looks stupid (before) and head feels large and heavy, Gels. Loquacity, Hyos. Menses, Coming on just before the —, Actea-rae, Puis. Mind confused, and a dream-like state, Opi. Motion, Slightest — brings on an- other, Bry. ----of arm, rotary —, especially the L., Stram. --- of affected parts impossible, Plumb. ----, Angular motions, Hyos. ---, All motions hasty, Ars., Hep. ___, Desire to be in constant —, Cham., Kreos., Sep. ----, Child dreads downward —, Borax. 41 Mouth, Foams at the —, Absin., Agar., iEth., Ars., Artem., Bell., Canth., Cham., Cic, Cupr., Ced., Crotal., Hyd-ac, Hyos., Ignat., Kali-b., Lach., Laur., Lye, Opi., Plumb., Scill., Sil." ----, Metalic taste in —, Cupr. ---involuntary twitching of corners of —, Plat. ---drawn to the left, Artem., Glon., Hep. --------either side, Cup-acet. ---, Tough stringy saliva, Kali-b. Moves constantly from the time she comes out of one spasm until she goes into another, (puer- pural), Arg-n. ----involuntarily while awake, Agar. Muscles, Twitching of single —, Aeon., Chin., Hyos., Sec-c. ---of the face, back and jaws are principally affected, Hyd-ac. ----, Spasmodic movement of the — of the face and extremities, Hyos., Zizea-aura. ---, Extraordinary strength of —, Agar., Bufo. 43 Muscles all seem to be in constant motion, Amyl-n. ------relaxed (after), Artem. Nausea, Constant —, with occasional spasms, Ipec. Neck, Drawing in nape of —, Hyd-ac. ----, Jerks in back of — (before), Bufo. Nictitation, Agar., Anac, Bell., Cham., Hydroph., Hyos., Kali - b., Nat-m., Stram. Night, Epileptic convulsions coming on at —, Arg-n., Art-v., Bufo, Calc-ars., Calc-c., Caust., Cina, Cupr., Kali-c, Phos., Silic Nose, Picking at —, Arum-t., Cina, Tereb. (Esophagus, Constriction of — (be- fore), Plat. Opisthotonous, Absin., Aeon., Aug., Arg-n., Ars., Amyg., Artem., Bell., Calc-phos., Camph., Canth., Cham., Cic, Cina, Cupr., Hyd-ac, Hyos., Ignat., Ipec, Lach., Mosch., Nux-v., Opi., Phytol., Plumb., Rhus-t., Secal., Stann., Stram.,Verat-a., Zinc. 45 Opisthotonous with every parox- ysm, spreading out the hands and opening the mouth, Cupr. Pain, During —, blood rushes vio- lently to head, Arn. Paralysis, Symptoms of — of the L. side, Arn. ----of R. side of tongue, Bell. Periodical in return, Baryta-m., Glon., Actea-rae, Croc, Chin- sul., Ignat., Cedron, Cic, Sec- e, Stram. ---, Returns every three hours, Glon. ----, — — seven days, Chin-sul., Croc-sat. ---,----day at same hour, Ignat. ---, — — morning and evening, Cedron, Cic. Perspiration cold, Calc-c, Ferr., Verat-a. Pharyngeal spasms with a desire to swallow, Calc-c., Hydroph. Prostration, Great —, Ars., Ant-t. Puberty, Coming on at —, Caul., Cimic. Pulse, Every fourth beat remits, reg- ularly, Calc-ars. ---small hard and accelerated, iEth. ---full and hard, Aeon., Cham. 47 Pupils dilated, ^Eth-e, Bell., Calc-c, Carb-an., Croc, Cycl., Hyos., Ignat., Lact., Laur., Led., Opi., Stram., Verat-a. ------a day or two before, Arg-n. ------, staring immovable, iEth. Rage, Great —, striking those near, Arg-n. Respiration sterterous, Ant-t., Bell., Camph., Laur., Opi., Puis. ---anxious, Arn., Ars., Bell., Bry., Hep., Ipec, Laur., Plat., Sec-c. ----difficult, Ant-t., Laur., Plat. ----irregular or gasping, with great distress about the heart, Hyd- acid. Rigid all over except the shoulder joints, Nux-v. Ringing in the ears, Hyos. Saliva frothy, Cic. ----bloody, Bufo. ---excessive and foul, Merc. ----Tough, stringy, Kali-b. Screams the whole night, Kreos.. Lach., Lye Sensation (before), as if the whole body was expanded, Arg-n. ---, Complete loss of —, Hyd-ac > <\ ^ 49 Sensation as if cold air began in the spine and spread all over the body, Agar. ---- as if the fit were coming on, Amyl-n., Arg-n. Senses, Loss of —, or indifference, Crotal-hor. Sexual desire greatly increased, Canth., Sabina, Zinc. Sides, One paralyzed, and spasms of of the other, Bell., Stram. Shocks which shake the whole body, Baryta-m. ----, A — as of electricity passing through the brain, Cic, Hell., Verat-vir. Skin, Bluish tint of —, Laur. ---- "Goose flesh" and itching of skin upon removing the cloth- ing, hep. Skull, Sensation as if the top were raised up, Vise-alb. ------------------- — opened and shut, Act-rac. Sleep, During — the whole body of the body of the child jerks, Aeth., Agar., Ars., Apis, Zinc. ----, Crying out in. Bell. 51 Sleep, coming on during —, Bufo, Caust., Cham., Lach., Opi. ---, Starting from — with a wild look, Bell., Cham. ---, Screaming and starting from —, Apis, Bell., Cupr., Zinc Sleepy but cannot sleep, Bell. Sparks before the eyes, Hydroph., Hyos. Speaking and drinking hastily, Ars., Hepar. Speech, loss of —, or stammering, Stram. ---}-------and difficult degluti- tion, Bell. Spine, Sensation as if warm air streamed up the —, Ars. Stomach, Fluids roll audibly into —, Ars., Cupr., Elaps., Hyd-ac, Laur. ----, Sensation of pressure on pit of —, Caust. Stammering, Stram. Stiffness of the whole body coming suddenly, Cic. StOOl and urine involuntary, Artem., Arn., Bell., Caust., Cupr., Hyd- ac, Nux-v. ---green, Cham., Hyd-ac. Ipec 53 Stool slimy, Podo. Stupor and delirium, Absin., Mth-c, Bell., Opi. Swallowing continually as if trying to get something down, Cina. ---- impossible, Amyl-n., Hyd-ac, Hydroph. Sweats easily upon slightest exertion (after), Amyl-n. ---, Excessive — about the back of the head, Calc-c. ---, Hot — all over, Bell., Bufo, Opi., Nux-v., Sec-c, Sil. --- bloody, Crotal-hor. Taste like rotton wood (after),Caust. Teeth look black and decay as soon as they appear, Kreos. --- set, Aeon., iEth., Bell., Cic, Coft,Cup-ae, Hyd-ac,Nux-v., Phytol. ---, Gnashing of —, and violent motion of limbs, Absin., Caust. Teething, During —, Bell., Calc-e, Cham., Chin., Coft, Cupr., Hyos., Ignat., Stann., Stram. Throat, Clutching at —, Bell., Mosch. ----, Gurgling in —, when swallow- ing fluids, Ars., Cupr., Laur. 55 Throat, Noise in — when swallowing fluids as of water poured out of a bottle, Cina. ----, Sensation of tight constriction of—, Crotal-hor., Lach. ---- swollen, respiration difficult, Mosch. Thumbs clenched, iEth-e, Arum-t., Cham., Cupr., Stram. Thirst great, Ars., Bry.,Cie,Verat-v. ------for large quantities, Bry. ---------small —, Ars. Toe, Great —, twitching, small ones turned in, Calc-phos. Toes flexed, Cupr., Hyos. Tongue suddenly protruded, Lach. ----trembling when being protruded, Lach. ----much swollen, Arum-mac, Plat., Plumb. ----, Painful ulcers on edge of—,Cic ----, Biting of —, Absin., Bufo, Caust., Ign., Petr., Phos., Thuja. ----swollen until it fills the whole mouth, Arum-mac Touch, The least — excites another spasm, Ang., Aut-t.,Bell., Cic, Canth., Cocc, Nux-v., Stram. 57 Trembling, Inward —, Ant-t. ---Sensation of — when not doing so, Sulph-ae ---violently all over the body, Agar., Amyl-n., Ignat., Verat-vir. Traumatic causes, Aug., Arn., Hyper., Hyd-ac, Led. Twitching in limbs (Actea-rac, Agar.) followed by a sense of fullness, Amyl-n. ----in single muscles, Aeon., Sec-c ---in various muscles all over the body, Agave, Amyg., Hyos., Tereb., Zinc. --- of eyelids and eyeballs, Agar., Cham. ------corners of the mouth, Ign., Plat, Ulcers on edge of tongue, Cic. Umbilicus, Violent cutting around —, Ipec. ---; Sensation of being drawn in, Plumb. Unconsciousness, Ang., Absin., Acet-ae, Ant-t., Ars., Bell., Bufo, Camp., Cic, Con., Cupr., Hyos., Ignat., Lach., Nux-v., Opi., Puis., Stram. --- between the fits, Amyl-n. 59 Urine and stool involuntary, Arn., Artem., Bell., Caust., Cupr., Hyd-ac, Nux-v. ----, Sediment in — like coffee grounds, Helleb. ----suppressed, Apis, Tereb. ----smelling like violets, Tereb. Vertigo upon rising from a recum- bent position, Aeon. ----constant even when in bed, Vise-- alb. Veins on the head and neck swollen, Chin-sul. Visions, Frightful —, Bell., Calc-c.,- Thuja. Vomiting, Sour —, Cham. ----slime, Cupr. ---, and white tongue, Ant-c. ----, with rattling of mucous, Ant-t. --- green, Cannab., Cupr., Hyd-ac, Ipec, Plumb., Verat-a. Water, Hearing or seeing running — will bring them on at any mo- ment, Hydroph. Washing, After —, Sul. ---,----in cold water, Ant-c. Weakness, Great —, can scarcely" stand or hold the head up, iEth-e, Ars. 61 Weeping, Much —, Alum., Aur., Caust., Cupr., Puis., Stram., Yawning, Amyl-n., Hep., Ignat., Rhus-t. ----during unconsciousness, Amyl-n. CONSTITUTIONS AND DIS- POSITIONS. Anaemic, Calc, Carbo-v., Camph., Chin., Gels., Ferr., Kali-e, Lye, Mere, Nat-m., Phos., Platin., Puis., Sil., Verat-a., Verat-vir. Feeble, lax and sickly children, Calc, Cina. Gouty, Colch., Led., Lye High Livers, Carbo-v., Nux-v. Irritable and peevish children, can't please them with anything, Cham., Cina, Nux-v. Jealous, Apis, Lach. Mild and Tearful, Alum., Ign., Puis. Melancholic, tired of life, Aur., Indigo. Nervous temperament, Coce, Coft, Sec-c, Staph. / 63 Proud and haughty, Plat. Nourished poorly, Calc-phos. Plethoric, Bell., Calc-e, Kali-brom. Shoulders stooped, Phos., Sul. Ugly, hateful, Cham., Nux-v. Weakly, excitable children, Coft Women who faint easily, Mag-m., Nux-m. PARTS AFFECTED. Arms and Hands, Arum-t. Eyes, Aeon., Bell., Canth., Coce, Cupr., Hyos., Ignat., Kali-chl., Spig. Eyelids, Alum., Berb., Bell., Cham., Croc, Hep., Hyd-ac, Hyos., Ignat., Lach., Rheum, Rhod., Ruta, Seneg., Viol-od. Face, Bell., Calc, Canth., Cham., Dig.,*Dule, Ignat., Ipec, Lye, Nat-m., Opi., Phos., Stram., Sul. Hands and Feet, Artem. Mouth, Bell., Cham., Dule, Ignat., Ipec, Lye, Mere, Oleand., Opi., Stram. ----, Left side of —, Dig. 65 AFTER THE SPASM.' Back, child lies on its — with its legs flexed and knees widely separa- ted, Platin. Consciousness returns slowly and symptoms of paralysis remain, Plumb. Delirum, Kali-chl. Exhaustion, Great —, Ars., Artem. Faints, Ars-sul-flav. Gasping for breath, Laur. Head, Noise in —, Caust. Jerking and twitching of the mus- cles, Bell. Muscles all relaxed, Artem. Numbness and tingling of L. side, Aeon. Lassitude, Ignat., Kali-brom. Oppression of chest, Ignat. Pulse full, and great tenderness of the abdomen, Bry. Recover, Sure she never will —, Calc-c. Screams, child — and turns in all directions until another spasm comes on, Cupr. Sleep soporous, Absin., Artem., Bell., CEnanth., Opi. 67 Sweat offensive, Artem. Taste like rotten wood, Caust. Urine, Profuse discharge of clear watery —, Cupr. Weakness, Great—, Absin., Ars. SPASMS BEGIN. Abdomen, In —, Calc-c. Arms, In —, Bell. Buttocks, In —, Sep. Epigastrium, In —, Nux-v., Glon. Face, In —, Bell., Cham., Dule, Hyos., Ignat., Lye, Mere, Sec-c., Stram. Fingers, In —, and toes, iEth-e, Cupr., Hyd-ac. Head, In —, and spread downwards, Cic. Heel, In R —, and extend to occiput, Stram. Mouth, In corners of —, Ignat. Solar Plexus, In —, Bufo, Cicut. Indigo, Sil. Sphincter Ani, In the —, Colch. Shriek, With a loud —, Apis, Opi. Sleep, In —, Bufo, Caust., Cham., Lach., Opi. 69 AGGRAVATIONS. Back, When lying on —, Calc-phos., Nux-v., Phos. Bright light, Stram. Dinner, After — and towards night, Zinc. Eating, Hyos., Ignat., Nit-ac. Motion, Bry. Morning and Evening, Cina. Noise, Coft, Nux-v., Stram., Strych. Swallowing, Nux-v., Hydroph., Stram. Stool, While at —, Ars., Cham., Mag- phos., Mere, Puis., Sulph., Verat-a. Thunder Storm, Agar., Nat-e, Rhod., Sil. Water, Running —, Hydroph. Night, AVhen going to sleep, Hyd-ac. ----, Latter part of —, Ars. 1* 71 AMELIORATIONS. Bath, A —, Jas. Body, Forcible extension of —, Nux- v., Sec-e, Strych. ----, Tight binding of —, Lach., Merc. Diarrhoea, Lobel. Drinking^cold water, Bry., Caust. Elbow, Bending the —, Nux-v. Grasp, Tight —, Nux-v. Music, Calc, Tarent. Motion, Kreos., Rhus., Sep. Stretching out the parts, Sec-e Vomiting, Agar., Dig.-, Sec-e- 73 TIME. Daybreak, Plat. Morning, Artem., Caust., Crotal-hor., Sec-c, Sul., Tabae 9 A. M., Hydroph., Nat-m. Noon, Aeon. 4-8 P. M., Lye 8 P. M., Ars. 11 P. M., Opi. Night, Ars., Artem., Calc, Cina, Cupr., Dig., Hyos., Kali-e, Lye, Mere, Nux-v., Plumb., Sec-e, Sil., Sul. Midnight, Cina, Croc. ----to 2 A. M , Ars. 2 A. M., Kali-brom. 3 A. M., Agar.; Kali-e Moon, New —, Bufo, Caust., Cupr., Kali-brom., Sil. ---, Full —, Calc, Nat-m. Menstruation, At —, Coce, Coft, Cupr., Caul., Cimie, Ignat., Nux-v., Plumb., Puis., Sil., Sul. 9 75 COMING ON DURING: Bed, When turning in —, Chen-a. Coitus, Bufo. Cough, Stram. Drinking or after, Bell., Hydroph., Hyos. Emotional excitement, Sec-c. Eyelids, While touching —, Cocc-c Menses, At each menstrual period one spasm, Kali-brom. Nervous weakness, Sep. Palpitation, (during or after),Glon. Spinal column, Compression on —, Tarent. Sleep, Agar, Arg-n., Caust., Cupr., Hyos., Lach., Sil. Stomach, Pressure on —, Canth., Cupr-ac. Swallow, Attempt to—, Hydroph., Mur-ac. Touched, When —, Nux-v., Stram. Vomiting, Guare., Opi. Waking, When —, Bell., Lach. 77 CAUSE. Air, Draught of cold ••-, Ant-t., Ars., Colch., Mere, Nux-v. Anger, Cham., Kali-brom., Nux-v. ----, Fit of — in the nurse, jS'ux-v., Opi. Blood, Loss of much —, Chin. Bright objects, Seeing —, Stram. Catarrh, Suppression of —, Bry., Camph., Sulph. Cold water, Being in —, Ant-c., Caust. ---, Exposure to —, Ant-t., Ars., Bell., Colch., Hep., Hyos., Ipec, Merc. Congestion to head, Bell,, Glon., Sulph. Dentition, Bell., Calc-e, Cham., Chin., Cupr.. Dolich., Ignat., Podo., Stann., Stram. ----accompanied by suppression of urine, Apis, Cupr., Tereb. Diarrhoea, Artem., Chin., Hyos., Verat-a. Discharges, Suppression of —, Asaf. Bry., Sulph. Drinking hastily, Bell., Hep., Hyos., Ignat. 79 Eating, Hyos. Emotion, Bell., Coff., Hyos., Ignat., Kali-brom., Sec-e, Verat-v. Ergotism, Sec-c. Eruptions, Suppression of —, Agar., Ant-t., Bry., Calc-c, Caust., Camph., Cupr-acet., Ipec, Stram., Sul., Zinc. Exhaustion, Cyprip. Excitement, Coce, Coff. Eyelids, Touching the —, Cocc-c Flatus, Incarcerated —, Lye Fright, Aeon., Agar., Artem., Bufo, Calc-e, Caust., Cupr., Gels., Hyos., Ignat., Kali-brom., Nat- m., Laur., Opi., Sec-e, Stram., Sul., Zinc. Grief, Ars, Artem., Hyos., Ignat., Indigo. ----of nurse, Ignat. Gonorrhoea suppressed, Nit-ae, Thuja. Heat of sun, Bell., Glon., Nux-v., Sul. Indigestion, Nux-v. Indigestible food, Ipec Injuries, Ang., Am., Hyd-ac, Hyper., Led. 81 Larynx, Slightest touch on the —, Canth. Laughter, Excessive —, or hard playing, Coff., Ign. ----, Alternating with crying, Bell., Ign. Mercurial vapors, Hep., Stram. Menses, Suppression of—, Artem., Cocc, Gels., Puis. Menstrual irregularities. Nat-m., Puis., Sep. Measles, Repercussion of —, Bry. Narcotics, Abuse of—, Bell., Cham., Citr., Coff., Cupr., Hyos., Ig- nat., Nux-v., Opi. Nurse, From high living — of, Nux-v., Opi. ----, From anger of —, Nux-v. ----, Fright of —, Aeon., Ignat. ---, Grief of —, Ignat. Noise, Aug., Arn., Cie, Ignat., Nux-v. Onanism, or excessive sexual desire, Bufo, Calc-e, Chin., Dig., Lach., Kali-brom., Phos-ae, Phos., Sil., Sul. Overheating, Artem. Pressure, Excessive — on the brain of child during delivery, Hep. 83 Pressure, over solar plexus, Nux-v. Punishment of children, Ignat. Reading, Berb. Spinal column, pressure on —, Tereb. Sleep, Long loss of —, Cocc. Strangers, Approach of —, to chil- dren, Opi. Sun, Long exposure to —, Bell.,Glon., Sul. Suppression of an eruption, Agar., Bry., Cup-acet., Calc-e, Ipec, Stram., Sul., Zinc. ---- of scarlatina, Bry., Camph., Caust., Cupr., Zinc. ---- of a discharge, Asaf., Bry., Sulph. --------catarrhal —, Brv.,Camph., Sul. Suppuration of internal parts, Bufo. Swallowing water, Hydroph. Touch, Slightest — may cause a re- turn, Cic, Nux-v. --------, on larynx, Canth. Tobacco, From swallowing —, Ign., Ipec. Tooth, From swelling of gum over a — which is not quite through, Kreos. Ulcer, From an —, Cocc. Ho Vaccination, After —, Sil. Vexation, Artem., Calc-e, Camph., Cupr. Vomiting of phlegm, Cupr. Water, From luke-warm —, Ang. ----Hearing running — may cause a return, Canth., Hydroph. Whooping cough, Ars., Bell., Cham., Cupr., Dros. Worms, Asaf., Calc-e, Cie, Cina, Hyos., Ignat., Mere, Sabad., Stann., Sul. h THE JOURNHL OP pOMOpATHlCp Devoted to the Philosophy of Homoeopa- thy, Materia Medica and Clinical Medicine. HARLYN HITCHCOCK, M. D., EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, 19 Broadway, New York. The Representative Journal of Pure Homoeopathy. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: VOLUME I, - - - $1.00 VOLUME II, - - - - $5.00 Imperial Granum. TH IS original and world renowned dietetic preparation is a substance of unrivalled purity and medicinal worth, potent for good and powerless to harm. A solid extract, derived by a new process from very superior growths of wheat—nothing more. It is pre- sented with the assurance that it is unques- tionably the safest, most nicely prepared, and reliable medicinal food that scientific research can yield. IMPERIAL GRANUM is the most re- 1 markable food ever brought before the public. It is a solid extract from the best growths of wheat, and is of a highly nutri- tions character. For invalids, convalescents, nursing mothers, infants (from birth) and lor children, also as a nourishing and strengthen- ing food for the aged, it has no equal in the market. It has long been before the public, and is endorsed by most skillful physicians and recommended earnestly by all who have tested it.—Christian Enquirer, August, 1888. Imperial Granum, IT IS no more than just to call the atten- tion of our readers to the merits of Im- perial Granum. the invaluable food for ehil-