s?^Wtt^^W^ *"•"«" WJ L481r 1858 2X>*2 *2» 3» T^**. s^-- » »> •).» l>: » » > > >> ^^^K>»*3i8 ».> >l*>>: > > > y» } > >x>- _je»o >> j ?>»=» >iTV >«r* •tb J>»>-> ">> ;'**&. Tfjs- r jyO^COiOO^1 COO-i/O Surgeon General's Office JCCi/C>lt S& No /£££6. rrzx:---N lithontriptic Pills. Take a pill of the size of the sample pill in the bottle (ten or twelve grains each), in the morning, on an empty stomach; another before dinner ; and another at bed-time; washing it down with water or tea. If the bowels are costive, first open them with any familiar purgative, or with a dose of my genuine Bilious Pills. (If genuine, the envelope direction paper will be signed at foot, with pen and ink, my proper sig- nature, similar to the same on each bottle of the Lithontriptic). A daily diet drink of Dandelion tea, made of the roots of the present year's growth, as prepared by the Shakers, about the strength of black tee, as usually made ; which may be drank at pleasure, equal to a pint or more in twenty-four hours. The patient's diet may be continued as usual, with the exception of pickles, vinegar, cider, sour wines, lemonade, sour apples, &c. But cooked apples, cranberries, and sub-acid fruits may be eaten moderately, r>ne or two hours after taking a pill. Honey may be used at pleasure. Sugar and milk may be used in the Daudelion tea. if liked. The Lithontriptic Pills should be continued as long as any symptoms of the complaint are perceived ; it will not interfere with any out-door 13 exposure, travelling, if able, or gentle exercise in suitable weather. It may be continued for months or years, according to the obstinacy of kidney complaints, or other organic affections, improving, the general constitution at the same time. He should observe the same rules of diet and exercise that a temper- ate habit would enjoin upon a healthy person. Persons engaged in any active employment on land or water, may use the medicine without any ill effects. Its salutary results are soon perceived by a passive amelio- ration of all the distressing symptoms, and a freedom of the secretory evacuations; and it should be persevered in until the complaint entirely disappears, and the urine has a natural and healthy appearance. To dissolve the calculi or gall stones in the biliary ducts, known to exist by the violent paroxysms of sharp, cutting, pungent pains at the pit of the stomach, extending through the region of the liver, and vomitings, accompanied with white or light-colored stools, the medicine should be continued two to eight months. To prevent a recurrence of the gall- stones, the Solvent should be continued, about two pills per day, for one or two years in bad cases. But when the disease is of long standing, or a large stone in the blad- der or kidneys is to be dissolved, it will take from five to twelve months. The dose may be increased in such case to equal four and even six pills in 21 hours. To make the cure permanent, and to restore the fraids and secretory organs to a healthy sound state, it would be advisable to con- tinue the medicine, reduced in quantity to a pill per day, for weeks, or months, according to the previous violence of the disease. This medi- cine is also good in a variety of other complaints, as sour stomach, gout, rheumatism of the joints, dyspepsia, infantile diseases, such as cholera infantum, heat and excoriation of urine, strictures in the urinary passa- ges, 8, 1840. Doctor Lee : Sir—I have been afflicted with the gravel from my infancy ; when a child, I can remember having often had a flat iron applied to my back, and other remedies for pains; at seventeen years of age, I was severely troubled with sharp pains in the kidneys and across my back and down my thighs, with great heat and numbness; I discharged great quantities of a reddish gravel and bloody urine, attended with great pain and heat at the neck of the bladder; my kidneys became swelled, dropsical sym- toms threatened me, my general health became bad, I had frequent sup- pressions of urine, and was obliged to resort to the catheter, &c., and thus afflicted, and by turns so severely as to be obliged to take my bed, with Bickness at my stomach and in great agony all over, I passed about 20 years of my life (with the exception of short intervals), without knowing what it was to enjoy a whole day in health ; I had in the meantime taken remedies from our physicians, with only temporary relief; I went to New York and Philadelphia, and consulted the best Doctor and Sur- geons in those places; I was operated on for stone in the bladder by Dr. Wistar, President of the Medical College in Philadelphia, but he found only gravel and I dragged on a miserable life, overseeing my business as well as I could, in great pain and distress, concluding there was no cure for me, until last summer, when Capl. Oliver Maxson, of Waterford, recommended your Specific, which he said had entirely cured him. I took your Solvent according to directions, drinking daily the dandelion tea, and in a short time began to perceive the effects on my kidneys and bladder, different from any remedy I ever took before. My complaints gave way gradually. I discharged large quantities of sandy gravel, mucus, and muddy urine; my kidneys are now restored to a sound state, the gravel has disappeared, and all my distressing symptoms gone, except an occasional stricture of the prostate gland, by taking cold or heavy strain ; my general health was never so good as now ; my nerves are restored to natural firmness, and I can enjoy my nightly repose with quiet and comfort; and as I impute entirely my present good state of health to the power of your medicine, I send you this statement of my case, authorizing its publication for the benefit of the afflicted. I am, sir, yours respectfully, Jonathan Sizer. New London, Conn., February 28, 1S41. Doctor S. H. P. Lee : Sir—I should feel myself ungrateful to you, and guilty of a much greater injury to mankind, if I were to withhold from the public the extraordinary cure performed by your gravel Specific in my own case. I had been afflicted for four years with that tormenting disease, the Gravel in the kidneys and bladder attended with sharp grinding pains across my loins, running to the neck of the bladder ; at times irregular discharges of discolored and bloody urine—sometimes white and milky, at others dark and muddy; at times totally suppressed, and when dis- charged would carry with it large quantities of a reddish sediment of particles of stone, accompanied with sickness at the stomach, vomiting, chills, occasional fever, a sense of numbness down my lower limbs^jvith nervous irritation over the whole system. This train of symptoms so destroyed my constitution that I was obliged 18 to give up my mercantile business, and seek relief as I best could While in this situation, and getting only temporary relief from my kind physicians, I was told of your medicine; but having little faith in the power of any medicine as an efficient remedy, I hesitated about trying it; but the persuasion of friends induced me to give it a trial. I com- menced the use of it, according to your directions, drinking freely of the dandelion tea. Before many days, I perceived its powerful effects on my kidneys, giving me ease and comfort in passing water—discharg- ing large quantities of gravel and mucus, aud by degrees my pain began to lessen, and all my distressing symptoms to subside, and in three or four weeks I could ride in an easy sulky, by degrees on horse- back, and in a buggy wagon, without giving pain ; and in eight weeks I was entirely rid of all my gravel symptoms. I now began to gain flesh and strength, with a general restoration of my whole system. I am now in perfect health, and in the duties of my office, as Sheriff's Deputy of this County ; can endure as much fatigue, both by night and by day, as any man whatever -, and for this groat blessing, under a kind Providence, 1 am entirely indebted to your invaluable discovery, and hope, for the benefit of others afflicted with the Gravel, that you may live to cure thousands, none of whom can feel more grateful than your friend and well-wisher, Thomas J. AvEiir. Middletown, Conn, Sept. 28,1840. Dr. Samuel IT. V. Lee, New York. Dear Sir—I received, some time since, your package forwarded by Mr. Smith, for which I am greatly obliged. I have given the medicine a fair trial in a severe case of the gravel, unaccompauicd by any other medicine, and consider it one of the best preparations for the gravel that I have ever used. It acted promptly and decidedly in eliminating the secretion of urine, and in removing whatever of obstructions existed at the time. The patient was a man about 70 years of age, in whose case the gravel had for several years been a very troublesome symptom. I discontinued the medicines at his own suggestion, and he affirmed that he had no further use for a remedy to restore the secretion of the urine, or to remove any obstruction in its passage. I am now trying in a case of leucorrhcea (fluor albus, or whites), and make no doubt but that it will succeed equally as well as in the gravel, and cannot but hope it may answer a valuable purpose in most of the uterine and urinary difficulties for which we are so frequently called upon to prescribe. I shall most cheerfully do what I can to favor the introduction of your remedy on account of its own merit. Respectfully your obedient servant, Thomas Mlner, M. D, The Extraordinary Case of Mr. Pool. New London, July 13, 1840. Doctor Samuel H. P. Lee : Dear Sir—I consider it my duty to my fellow creatures, and to you in particular, to make known my case to the world, for the benefit of those who are suffering with the Gravel and stoue in the kidneys and bladder. I was first attacked when I was about six years old, with pains across 19 the small of the back, with spasm down to the neck of the bladder and along the urethra, frequent suppressions of urine, heat and inflammation of the bladder, and constant inclination to pass my urine, sometimes every half hour, high colored and bloody. Hot applications, such aa hot bricks, burning brands quenched in water, were often applied to my back and loins, to promote urine and prevent convulsions. I had much sickness at stomach and vomitings, head ache, loss of appetite, great weakness, and the above symptoms were always aggravated after taking cold. Such were my sufferings, with short intervals of ease, for about sixteen years, during which time I was able to attend to some business: my gravel complaint varying in violence, under the use of medicines, but no abatement of my gravel disease. About two years ago, after taking a heavy cold, I was brought very low, and entirely prostrated, with sharp, cutting, grinding pains in my kidneys, a dead numbness down my hips, thighs and lower limbs—urine thick, bloody, mixed with mucus and matter very offensive, as if from ulcers; constant and painful desire to pass water, say from twenty to thirty times of a night, for a week together; my spasm so severe as to require watchers to prevent my tearing myself, from excessive agony, some discharges of small stone and gravel in bloody urine. My doctors gave me Carb. Soda, Uva-ursi, Liquor Potass, Balsam Copaiva, Tincture of Iron, the plant called Buchu, Black Drop, half an ounce a night, besides a whole ounce of Elixir of Opium, sometimes two ounces, also two ounces of Morphine in twenty- four hours ; one day I was in such distress that I took an ounce of Mor- phine in two hours. From December 1838, to October 1839,1 was confined most of the time to my bed, not being able to sit up more than one hour in twenty-four, with severe pains, loss of appetite and strength, sickness at stomach and same difficulties, with increased heat and inflammation of the bladder, taking daily an ounce of Morphine, but no abatement of my gravel Byniptoms. My kind and attentive physicians having done everything that their medical skill could devise, I despaired of ever being any better, not expecting to live but a short time. In this situation, I was advised by my friends, and one of my doctors in particular, knowing its composition, to try your Gravel Specific, as a forlorn hope, and accordingly placed myself under your especial charge, on the 30th October, 1839. In three or four days I began to feel the effects of your medicine operating upon my kidneys, giving me ease and comfort, lessening all my pains, passing and changing the color of my urine, discharging it more freely, and with it tea spoonfuls of stone and gravel, from the size of a small pea to small sand, of a light color, some of it reddish, with sharp points like broken glass; the milky, purulent and stringy appearances of my urine gradually disappeared, my urine became pure, free, and no oftencr than in health, and after constantly taking your medicine till about the 1st of March, 1840, I became so much better as to take exercise in the open air, and continued gaining my general health, and as my pains gave way, reduced the Morphine to a trifle, my appetite returned, the sickness at stomach gone, my kidneys became sound and healthy, so that I could lie on one side as well the other, which I had not done for years ; and now at this present time, I am entirely free from all my gravel symptoms; I can lie in bed all night, am gaining flesh rapidly, and daily growing stronger, and able to do anj 20 easy work; my kidneys will bear any pressure, and my nerves are getting regular and strong; I can truly say that I am now in the enjoy ment of health such as I never before experienced. Thanks be to Him who maketh and cureth the disease of the body, and many thanks to you, by whose medicine I am cured, and I hope all who are afflicted will avail themselves of your medicine, which I fully believe will always cure the Gravel in its worst state. I am your greatly obliged and faithful friend, Jacob G. Pool. New London, July 15, 1840.—We, the subscribers, 'hereby certify that the above named Jacob G. Pool is a native of this city, of good moral character, and unimpeachable integrity, and the fullest reli- liancc may be placed upon his declarations as set forth in his letter above. Many of us were personally acquainted with his sufferings, and know that his description is not exaggerated. B. C. Baxter, Druggist, Hon. Elias Perkins, Col. Increase Wilson, Rev. Joseph Hurlbut, Capt. Ebenezer Way, Charles A. Lewis, Esq., Gen. H. Burbeck, David Coit, Sec, Union Ins. Com., Hon. John P. Trott, Hon. Francis Allyn, Mayor of City, N. S. Perkins, M. D. Havens tod so as to dissolve and bring away all those hard substances, and finally to cure the disease. , .. Do not hesitate one moment about taking the medicine ; for it one word from me could induce your poor mother to take it as I have done, '* would give me great comfort as I know it must cure her ; quite a number of our most distinguished doctors in New York have used Dr. Lee's Gravel Medicine, and recommend it highly. Excuse this hasty letter, as I have but a short time before the mad closes. Yours, with much respect, John Pierce, 88 Warren St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 22 The case of Henry Luce, Esq., as described in his letter addressed to the same person in Boston, who wrote to him as well as Mr. Pierce for information. New York [Howard's Hotel], Jan. 22d, 1341. To Miss F. H., Boston. I received your favor of the 20th inst., asking my opinion of Dr. Lee's medicine for the cure of stone in the " bladder ;" not being a medical man, I can only give you an opinion founded on experience in my own &ase. Having suffered so severely from the effects of instruments and injections into my bladder, which nearly destroyed me, and being at this time so providentially recovered, and in a fair prospect of a radical cure, under the medicine and attendance of Dr. Lee, that it gives me pleasure to give you all the aid in my power. It would be supererogatory in me to say, whether I had a stone in my bladder or not, when even doctors differ in opinion on that point, by a Bounding process with instruments—but I do know that after I came under the care of Dr. Lee, and had taken his solvent a few days, I began to discharge quantities of gravel, small stone, and pulverized dust, mixed with muddy mucus, ropy, stringy animal matter, very offensive, accompanied sometimes with blood—and that I continued to amend very rapidly, my pains in the kidneys and urethra abating—the inflammation of the bladder [occasioned, I have no doubt, by the twenty odd ope- rations of sounding and injection] subsiding—my hectic fever, which had been consuming my flesh for weeks, was reduced from 128 strokes of pulse to 70 in a minute; my stomach, from loathing and rejecting everything, began to retain light food, and now I can eat and digest the food of a healthy person; my urine improved in color and substance, free and without any difficulty; my appetite good (too good) ; the tender sore- ness, everywhere gone ; in short I not only feel like a new man, but all the inmates of the hotel, since my return to the parlor, are remarking on my wonderful recovery thus far, and I feel that my perfect restoration to health is near at hand. It is about four years since I was first attacked with calculi, and I have had only temporary relief from the waters of Saratoga aud warm climates; but my complaint this fall', after taking a great ccld, completely prostrated me. I came to New York, and put myself under a physician the 28th of Nov., who attended me with his instruments and injections into the bladder, until I could endure it no longer. He then told me " I could not be cured," and could not expect to live but a short time. At this critical moment, viz : the 23d of Decem- ber, I was advised to send for Dr. Lee. His skill and Lithontriptic have restored me already to better health than I have enjoyed for five or six years. I am in daily use of his solvent and dandelion tea, and shall continue them a month or two longer to divert my Bystem from any cal- culous tendency, and I feel confident that my complaint is conquered. I sincerely hope that your suffering parent will commence immediately and give the medicine a fair trial, and persevere in it to a final cure, which I trust is in store for her afflicted family. Very respectfully, your most obedient servant. Henry Luce. TS Copy of a letter from James Lea. Esq., Merchant (of the firm of Pan ne'll JOB «.< ■ < *r c: « c > • <«cccct c. c ^ c car .