o. ,«£» ;,w ps •• i it« '.',1. '••> NLM001380525 I THE Homoeopathic Therapeutics DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOLERA INFANTUM, All other Loose Evacuations of the Bowels. JAMBS B. BELL, M.D. THIRD EDITION. X. i , "Science is a complement of knowledges, having, in point of form, the character of logical per- ieetion, and, in point of matter, the character of real truth."—Sir Win. Hamilton. T PHILADELPHIA : ^i 2ty/3 J§~ \ \ F. K. BOERICKK, HAHNEMANN PUBLISHING HOUSE. 1888.' '^J B4«6 Copyright, 1888, by F. E. Boericke. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. ^TTVHIS little work was prepared for my own use as a labor-saver, and as a receptacle for clinical observations, and for gleanings from others and from the periodicals. It has been the work of odd moments and little remnants of time, redeemed from busy days. Even the young physician, of a single summer's experience, must have felt the want of such a work, particularly when dealing with the frequently occurring and obstinate diarrhoeas of infants. It was the difficulty of treating these that first awakened the desire to possess in one little work all that was known of our Materia Medica as applied to loose evacuations of the bowels. It has not been intended to include every remedy that has been known to purge, but only every remedy of which enough is known, either of its stools, or conditions, or concomitants, to distinguish it from any other remedy. But some may inquire, Why should diseases of the bowels he honored above others by a special monograph? Those who have Boenninghausen on Cough, on Fever, and on Head- ache, will not ask this question, but will desire that the work go on until we possess such special aids in the treatment of all affections that most tax the busy practitioner. The present work is now printed because colleagues, who had seen it, desired to possess a copy—one going so far as to copy it himself,— because Mr. Tafel, who had seen it, desired to print it, and because the work had already repaid me for the time and labor it cost in the same coin, and I was therefore happy to believe that it would be of like use to others. The clinical test will be found to disclose many valuable 4 PKEFACE. symptoms not to be met with elsewhere, and, alas, doubtless, many errors. The carefully collated experience of ten active years, which it con- tains, would indeed be better if they were twenty or thirty, but perhaps the Lord in His goodness will permit this to be added also. It would be a grateful task to indicate throughout the work the sources from which many valuable symptoms were drawn, but this would detract from its practical character as a work of reference. Augusta, Feb. 21st, 1869. James B. Bell. AUTHOR'S PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. >HT\HE materia] for a new edition of this little work has been collect- ing ever since the first was published, and such an edition has long been called for, but I do not think it would have ever seen the light had I not persuaded my friend and successor, Dr. W. T. Laird, late of "NVatertown, N. Y., to undertake its preparation for the press. He has also added much from his own collection of material, and to him is due the entire remodelling of the Repertory, which, in the first edition, was quite defective. My former partner, Dr. T. M. Dillingham, had kindly made a par- tial revision of the work, but went abroad before its completion. It may be necessary to add, by way of a personal explanation, that my "specialty" lies in quite another direction than "Diarrhoea" or Materia Medica, and it is only as a lover of sound therapeutics that I have taken up these subjects. Dr. Ad. Lippe has contributed two annotated copies and many sug- gestions, and I wish to tender my thanks to him and to all who have added any observations to its pages, as well, also, to the great numbers in the profession who have so kindly and heartily commended the book. To me its only merit is its practical application of the principles of Hahnemann, and I am rejoiced, therefore, that so many still hold firmly to those principles and seek to be guided by them. (5) EDITOR'S PREFACE. TN the revision of a monograph like the present work, after the lapse of twelve years, many new remedies demand recognition. These may be conveniently divided into four classes. In the first, we place those which have been thoroughly proved and repeatedly verified in practice. The second consists of drugs, which have also been well proved, but whose symptons, as yet, lack clinical confirmation. The third embraces the medicines of which we possess only fragmen- tary and imperfect pathogeneses. These may be styled "the suggestive remedies," and include such drugs as Coto Bark, Gent, lut., Geran., Gnaph., Hura, (Enothera, Paullinia, etc. The fourth division contains those remedies whose indications are derived solely ab usu in morbis. Of the first and second classes every remedy is plainly entitled to admission, "of which enough is known, either of its stools, or conditions, or concomitants, to distinguish it from any other remedy." Many of the drugs in the third class are doubtless valuable, and will prove of great service when further provings, experience and observa- tion have developed their characteristic indications. Some of them have already been successfully used in practice. Unfortunately, however, at the present time the symptoms of the majority of these remedies are too few and too uncertain to render their selection easy or to entitle them to a place in a work which is intended to be purely practical. Remedies of the fourth class—those having no basis except empiri- cism—must be viewed with distrust and received with great caution. In the second edition the same general plan has been followed as in the first, with the exception that the important symptoms are italicized (6) PREFACE. 7 while those which are especially characteristic are printed in black type. The term "cholera infantum" has been retained in many cases, which, according to strict pathology, would be more properly designa- ted as enter o-colitis and gastro-enteric catarrh. Although this use of the term is not defensible from a scientific standpoint, it is sanctioned to such an extent by common usage that in has been thought inexpedient to make any change. The present edition contains over 100 pages more than the first. Thirty-two new remedies have been added, and the old ones thoroughly revised, and, in some instances, entirely rewritten. Numerous clinical symptoms have been incorporated with the text, but only those whose genuineness is attested by trustworthy observers or which the writer has frequently verified in his own practice. Many others have been rejected on the ground of insufficient evidence. The writer lays no claim to originality in the additions he has made to this work. His task has been mainly one of compilation. He has gleaned from our literature all that he deemed valuable, and has con- scientiously endeavored to make the book as accurate and complete as possible; yet none can be more painfully aware of the many imperfec- tions and errors of omission which it must necessarily contain. It is especially to be regretted, in this connection, that the request for con- tributions, printed in our journals, has met with such meagre responses from the profession; for it is only by unity of effort that we can hope to attain the best results. The writer would gratefully acknowledge his indebtedness to Drs. W. P. Wesselhoeft and Ad. Lippe for valuable notes and suggestions; to Prof. E. A. Farrington for important information, and also for his kind permission to make free use of very complete notes of his lectures on Materia Medica; and to Dr. F. F. Laird for assistance in prepar- ing manuscript. Augusta. Me., March, 1881. W. T. Laird, M.D. PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION. ^ I \HIS book has been most thoroughly revised, with the earnest pur- pose of making it as nearly complete as possible. Four reme- dies of little importance have been omitted, viz.: Cactus, Euphorb., Opuntia and Castoreum, and five of much value have been added, viz.: Acetic add, Crotalus, Angustura, Carbolic acid and Valeriana. The more closely one follows the principles discovered by Hahne- mann the more priceless appears the legacy which he has left us. We have no occasion to join in the pursuit of our new, but speedily dis- covered drugs, lauded first as specifics, then thrown over for their failures and harmful effects. We are able at once, by proving and observation, to rightly estimate and use the new as wrell as the old remedies, and the knowledge thus acquired will be just as valuable centuries hence as now, and so we work on with the solemn joy of those whose work will never cease to bless mankind while there remain any sick to be healed. Dr. Samuel A. Kimball, author of the Monograph on Gonorrhoea, has given faithful and most valuable assistance in this revision, and Drs. J. G. Allen and W. Jefferson Guernsey have furnished annotated copies of the earlier edition. Many others also have contributed observations and suggestions, to all of whom most cordial thanks are tendered. Boston, June, 1888. James B. Bell. (8) INTRODUCTION. CHARACTER AND OBJECT OF THE WORK. T^HIS work is intended to apply to all loose evacuations of the bowels, and to describe them, their aggravations and ameliora- tions, with their immediate accompaniments and general accompanying symptoms. The character of the stool is used as an adjective, and after it the "stool" is always to be understood. The semicolon stands for it. Under the head of aggravations and ameliorations those influences are given which affect the stool, and also those which act as exciting causes of the attack. When referring to other symptoms, they will be found indicated in parentheses. The concomitants of the stool have been studied and observed with much care. The general accompaniments include all the symptoms that occur during the attack. Under each of the best known remedies some symptoms will be found italicized. These, it will be understood, are the symptoms which have been most frequently observed, and which also serve to most sharply distinguish that remedy from others. The more of these em- phasized symptoms we have under any one remedy the easier the selection. The sooner we are able by careful observation to emphasize symptoms under all our remedies, the more we shall perfect our art. It should be the self-appointed task of every Homoeopathic physician to confirm, and define, and add to the symptoms of all our remedies, but more especially of those that are but little known. Many of that class will be found in this book, some of which have many symptoms of clear and distinctive character, derived from provings, but whose (9) 10 INTRODUCTION.. relative and positive value awaits clinical determiuation. If those who use this book will add the fruits of their observations by underlining and writing-in symptoms, they will be gladly incorporated in a future edition, should any be required. The remarks, which follow nearly every remedy, should be under- stood as embodying only the personal opinions of the writer, whether confirming or contradicting what may have been published by others. It is hoped that they may sometimes aid in the selection of the remedy, but they are of wholly subordinate authority to the text. THE SELECTION OF THE REMEDY. All who subscribe to the law of similars agree that the problem in each case is to find a remedy whose symptoms are most closely similar to the case in hand. This problem finds a somewhat different solution, however, in different classes of mind. One class thinks the solution is found in a similitude to the patho- logical state. If able to diagnose hypersemia, hypersesthesia, ulceration, plastic exudation, atony, atrophy, hypertrophy, and so on through the catalogue, this seems to them sufficient. They have only then to diag- nose a remedy producing a similar state. This has a great fascination for some excellent minds, because it seems to utilize the splendid developments of Allopathy in this direction, and connect them directly with therapeutics. Another, and growing class, believes that those who stop here will never comprehend the true genius of Homoeopathy. The demand for exactness, minuteness and delicacy of observation in all branches of science was never greater. The same is true of Homoeopathic Thera- peutics. Those who are ardently following in this direction soon discover that the selection of the remedy requires, so to speak, two similars, viz.: one corresponding to the general symptoms, or those which bring it into relation to the pathological state to be treated, and one corresponding to the special and characteristic symptoms, or those which bring it into relation with the individual case to be treated. To illustrate: a patient has stools consisting of bloody mucus, small and frequent, with tenesmus. We diagnose dysentery; hypersemia INTRODUCTION. ,11 and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon, with exudation of blood and secretion of mucus. Forty-four volunteers stand ready, armed and equipped with a similar pathological condition. But we want but one, and how shall we learn which one? We must be more exact, and discover that our patient has restlessness, dry heat and much thirst. Our volunteers are now reduced to three; but still too many. Applying our magnify in g-glass again, we observe a recent exposure to cold, dry wind, and a flushed face becoming pale, with faintness on rising, and now we have the man we want. It becomes evident, therefore, that the individualizing symptoms possess the greater value, and are, indeed, indispensable to a certain selection. It should be noticed, further, that these distinguishing symptoms are of all kinds and qualities, from the most purely objective and patho- logical, to the most subjective and delicate complaints which the organ- ism is capable of uttering. As instances of the former may be cited, the green frothy stools of Magn. c, the dark acid urine of Benz. ac, the blue varices of Mur. ac, and of the latter, the aggravation from hearing water run, of Hydroph., from sudden depressing emotions, of Gels., and the relief, from cold food and drink, of Phos. But whatever the character of these symptoms, in this particular, it is to be observed that they are hardly ever obtrusive enough to thrust themselves upon the notice of an unobserving man, and that they often require a patience and acuteness of observation hardly excelled by astronomers, microscopists and other followers of natural science. This mode of diagnosing the remedy is also in exact accordance with that pursued in other sciences. The chemist would be thought hardly worthy of his title who should attempt to recognize arsenic by its cruder properties of color, weight, or taste. He must be familiar with its most delicate and characteristic tests and reactions. He does not ignore the other properties, yet it is only after applying the character- istic tests that he will give an authoritative decision, and on these he will rely, even in cases involving weighty questions of human guilt or innocence. But now the question arises, and it is a very important and practical 12 INTRODUCTION. one: suppose we find that the only remedy for a given case, that cor- responds to the peculiar and individualizing symptoms, is one that has never been known to cause the pathological state under which our patient suffers. The answer is, that we may safely infer that the remedy does possess also the general and organic symptoms of the case, and that it will remove them, together with the distinguishing indica- tions. Thus has our Materia Medica been enriched by at least one-fourth of the most positive and valuable pathological symptoms which we possess. Thus, for example, have we learned that Bry., Ars., Rhus, Bap., etc., have ulceration of Peyer's glands in their pathogenesis; that Hep., Lach. and Lye. produce pseudo-membranous exudation; that Spong. causes and cures plastic endo-carditis; or that (and a fact now published for the first time and obtained purely by observing the characteristic symptoms) Puis, and Sep. are known to cause and cure trachoma or granular conjunctivitis. Yet some affect to sneer at this method, and only a little time ago the author had the honor to acquire an enviable title, because he had observed the power of Podoph. to cure true pneumonia when selected by some characteristic symptoms, although it has never been known to produce that condition. Yet here, too, we are following closely the example of the chemist, who from the yellow band in the spectrum is able to assert that there is sodium in the sun, or from the lines in the spectrum of the Diirk- heim spring-water is able to declare that a new metal is there. He does not hesitate to attribute form, weight, malleability and other metallic properties to the stranger, long before he is able to possess himself of a little bar of Indium. Our conclusion, then, is, that the problem of selection is solved by seeking the remedy which possesses the physical and diagnostic symp- toms of the case, and which corresponds also to the special, distinguish- ing and peculiar symptoms which mark the individual case. And further, if a remedy is found that possesses distinctly the latter symp- toms, but not, so far as is known, the former, we may conclude safely that it does possess the former, and administer it with confidence. INTRODUCTION. 13 THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE REMEDY. In the present state of our science upon this point, each can only con- tribute the fruits of his own observation.. The writer began the practice of medicine with the preconceived idea strongly fixed in his mind, that, while the thirtieth potency might be useful and perhaps the best for chronic and nervous affections, the lower and even crude preparations would prove more satisfactory for acute affections and particularly for diseases of the bowels. Hard experience has taught him the contrary, and " though con- vinced against his will," he is not "of the same opinion still." There is indeed a somewhat prevalent opinion, that the strength of the dose makes up for want of due care or knowledge in selection. This maybe stated in mathematical terms as follows: If the thirtieth potency of Ars. is equal to a complete knowledge of the drug, one-fifth of a grain of arsenious acid is equal to complete ignorance of it. Stated in this, its true form, we grant it. Personally, our experience has been most satisfactory with the use of the twelfth, fifteenth, thirtieth, two hundredth, and often higher potencies, of our remedies, administered in water, and repeated every one to six hours according to the urgency of the symptoms, and sus- pended as soon as decided improvement appeared. If the same remedy was needed to be resumed again, it has seemed to do better in a higher potency, but on this point we cannot yet speak with entire assurance. We have not been able to perceive that age or sex or habits (we might add color, race or order in natural history) form any element in the choice of the dose. All classes have been found to respond favorably to the high potencies. As regards temperament, we cannot speak with equal positiveness, but we have no certain testimony prov- ing it to form an exception. Homeopathic Therapeutics. PART I. The Remedies and their Indications. 1. ACETIC ACID. Stools: Liquid; Frequent; Undigested; Very offensive; Painful (liquid stools) ; Exhausting. Aggravation: In the morning: In phthisical subjects: In typhoid: In ascites. Accompaniments : Intense thirst, and water does not seem to dis- agree, even when taken in large quantities. Wants nothing but fluids. Complains much of the stomach. The abdomen is sometimes swollen very much. Feet and legs often swell. Has restless, sleepless, un- comfortable nights. Great emaciation. Great debility. Pale, waxen skin. Violent thirst in diarrhoea, with swelling of legs and feet, in phthisis. Thirstlessness in diarrhoea in later stages of typhus and typhoid fever. No thirst in croup. The most marked characteristic of Acetic acid is the thirst. We are indebted to Dr. H. N. Guernsey for most of the symptoms. 2. ACONITE. Stools: Watery; Black; Green, like chopped spinach; Bilious; Corrosive; Bloody, slimy, mucous; Small; Brown, small, painful; Frequent (dysenteric stool); Involuntary (when passing flatus). Aggravation : In summer, with cold nights: After getting wet : After being overheated: After exposure to cold, dry wind, or a draught: After anger or fright: After suppressed perspiration : At night: After eating fruit: In infants. (15) 16 THE REMEDIES AND Amelioration : After eatiug warm soup—(pains). Before Stool: Cutting pains: Nausea and sweat: Anguish. During Stool: Cutting pains: Tenesmus: Sweat: Much flatus (with watery stools). After Stool: Relief, except from anguish, nausea and sweat, which may continue. Accompaniments : Anxiety; fear of death. Restlessness. Ver- tigo or fainting on rising up, with paleness ; face flushed when lying. Bitter taste of everything except water. Lips dry, dark. Unquench- able thirst. Nausea. Vomiting: of blood; of blood and mucus; of bile; of what has been drunk with profuse sweat. Sensation of a cold stone in the stomach. Distended abdomen sensitive to the touch. Abdomen very hot. Violent pains (cutting) in the abdomen. Colic, of infants, which no position relieves (with bilious stool). Rheumatic pains in head, nape of neck and shoulders. Urine high-colored, scanty and pungent, without sediment. Sleeplessness. General dry heat. Full, hard, very quick pulse. Internal shuddering, with dry, hot skin, and tendency to uncover. Sweat on the covered parts. In Cholera: Hippocratic countenance; face bluish ; lips black ; ex- pression of terror and imbecility ; cold limbs with blue nails. Collapse. Aeon, is especially useful in the very beginning of acute diseases of the bowels, and is then often able to cut short dysentery and even cholera morbus without any other remedy. It is also a valuable intercurrent in dysentery, when Merc, corr., although indicated, fails to relieve. It closely resembles Dulc. and is followed well by that drug, also by Bell. Abuse of Aeon, calls for Sulph. 3. JESCULUS HIPPOCASTA1VUM. Stools: Papescent; Mushy; Slimy; White; Light brown; First part black and hard, last part white as milk; Bloody and slimy (with haemorrhoids); Watery, painless in p.m. ; Thin, yellow. Before Stool: Rumbling in bowels with cutting about navel: •Sudden urging: Passing of flatus. During Stool: Severe lumbar and sacral pains: Weakness: Tenes- mus : Unpleasant sensation in rectum and anus: Fetid flatus. After Stool: Relief of pain in abdomen: Pain in abdomen and eructations tasting of the ingesta. Accompaniments: Gloomy and despondent. Irritable. Dull frontal headache. Dryness of posterior nares, fauces and throat. THEIR INDICATIONS. 17 Colicky pains and rumbling in abdomen. Excessive dryness, heat and itching in rectum; rectum feels as if filled viith small sticks; mucous membrane feels swollen, obstructing the passage of faeces. Soreness, burning, fulness and itching of anus with prolapsed feeling. Painful, burning, purple hemorrhoids. Violent backache in sacro-lumbar region, aggravated by walking or stooping. Pain across sacro-iliac symphysis with feeling as if back would break. JEsculus will prove serviceable in the chronic diarrhoea of patients, who suffer from haemorrhoidal troubles, associated with the severe lumbar and sacral pains characteristic of this remedy. 4. JETHUSA CYNAP. Stools : Bilious, light yellow and greenish (liquid); Greenish-gray ; Green mucous; Bloody mucous; Undigested; Profuse; Inodorous (greenish stools) ; Watery, slimy. Aggravation : In the morning (after rising): In children: In summer: During dentition: Shortly after a meal or at night (undi- gested). Before Stool: Pinching and cutting pains in the abdomen. During Stool: Tenesmus, often violent: Painful contractions. After Stool: Unsatisfied urging to stool: Violent tenesmus: Ex- haustion : Drowsiness. Accompaniments: Instability, bad humor, especially after- noons and in the open air. Sensation as though the head, and other parts, were in a vice. Face pale or flushed, altered; collapsed, with an expression of anguish. Aphthae. Constant thirst. Intolerance of milk. Sudden and violent vomiting immediately after nursing ; milk is thrown up just as it was swallowed, or in curds so large as to almost choke the child; sometimes looks oily and greenish. Vomiting without nausea; of greenish mucus ; of frothy, milky-white substance. Vom- iting is followed by exhaustion and deep sleep, but child nurses again as soon as it wakes. Spasmodic hiccough. Crying. Drawing up the feet. Painful contractions in stomach. Stupor. Spasms: thumbs clenched; eyes turned down; pupils fixed, dilated; eyes staring; foam at the mouth; red face; locked jaw; pulse small, hard and quick. Surface of body cold and covered with clammy sweat. Drowsiness with chilliness. Violent startings during sleep. Great prostration. JEthus. is suitable to a severe form of cholera infantum. It will usu- ally be hardly able to complete the cure alone, but will need to be followed by an antipsoric; most frequently by Psor., Sep., or Sulph. 2 18 THE REMEDIES AND 5. AGARICUS. Stools: Thin, yellow, fecal and slimy; Watery; Grass-green; Bili- ous ; Bloody; Fetid; Smelling like carrion. Aggravation : In the morning after rising and eating: In wet weather (general condition) : After eating. Before Stool: Pinching and cutting in the abdomen: Sudden vio- lent urging: Painful straining in the rectum. During Stool: The pains continue, with nausea : Rumbling and fermentation in the abdomen: Crampy colic with emission of much flatus: Painful drawing-in of the stomach and abdomen : Smarting in the anus: Burning soreness aud cutting in anus: Sweat: Pains in loins to legs. After Stool: Smarting in the anus: Cutting in the rectum: Bit- ing and burning in anus : Straining in rectum : Griping in hypogas- trium: Distension of abdomen: Heaviness in abdomen and around navel: Pains in chest: Pains in loins to legs: Headache worse. Accompaniments : Mental excitability. Dulness almost amount- ing to idiocy. Merry, loquacious, delirium. Children morose, self- willed, stubborn. Slow in learning to walk and talk. Vertigo in the morning; in the open air; in the bright sun. White-coated tongue. Acrid, offensive smell from the mouth, like horseradish. Passage of much flatus, smelling like garlic. Sleepiness in the daytime, after eat- ing. Burning, itching, red spots on the skin, which fade away as the diarrhoea improves. There has been but little clinical experience with Agar, in diarrhoea. It resembles Natr. sulph. in its symptoms, also Baryta carb., and is especially useful in chronic diarrhoea. 6. ALOE. Stools: Yellow fecal; Bloody, jelly-like mucous; Green mucous; Transparent jelly-like mucous; Yellowish, greenish, or bright yellow, bilious; Gray; Profuse with jelly-like lumps; Profuse watery, con- taining lumps looking like frog spawn; Brownish, slimy ; Bloody water; Gushing; Hot; Undigested;—Involuntary (when expelling flatus, or urine, when walking, standing, or after eating) ; Small (dysen- teric stool) ; Papescent; Lumpy; Semi-liquid; Watery; Moderately offensive (yellow, watery stools); Foul smelling (bloody mucous stools). Aggravation: In hot, damp weather: In the afternoon, evening THEIR INDICATIONS. 19 and night: Early in the morning, driving one out of bed: From 5 to 10 A.M.: After acids (vinegar) : After chagrin : After overheating: After a cold taken in a damp room: From motion : When walking or stand- ing: After eating: After drinking: When passing urine. Amelioration: From ale (pains in the anus): By bending double and by passing flatus (colic). Before Stool: Difficulty of retaining the stool: Urging to stool, only hot flatus passes giving relief: Urging, violent, quickly passing, frequent, with feeling of fulness and weight in the pelvis, as if the rectum were full of fluid, which feels heavy as though it would fall out: Feeling of weakness and loss of power of sphincter ani: Sense of insecurity in the rectum, as if the stool would escape when passing flatus, or urine: Burning and cutting in rectum: Sensation of a plug wedged between symphysis pubis and coccyx: Colic: Burning heat and prickling in the intestines: Pain around the navel: Much flatus: Rumbling of flatus: Twisting and griping pain in upper abdomen and around navel, re- lieved by bending double: Great cutting, griping, excruciating pains in right and lower portion of abdomen: Rush of blood to the head. During Stool: Urging: Cutting and tearing in the abdomen ex- torting cries : Cutting and griping continues : Hunger: Heat in the rectum and anus : Violent tenesmus: Much flatus: Heat of the whole body: Congestion to head and face : Distress in region of liver: Chil- liness : Fainting. After Stool: Feeling as if still more would come: Swelling, burn- ing, weight, and itching in the anus : Large and prominent haemor- rhoids, tender, hot, relieved by cold water: Abdominal pains usually relieved: Cutting about the navel and griping, sometimes continues: Prostration: Fainting : Profuse, clammy sweat. Accompaniments : Dissatisfied and angry about himself when in pain. Constant headache with slight nausea. Lips red, and tongue dry and red, with much thirst. Generally, good appetite. Desire for juicy things; apples; beer. Aversion to meat. Bitter taste. Pain in hypochondria, with painful weakness in the legs. Heat, fulness, pressure and tenderness in the abdomen and region of the liver. Grip- ing pains in abdomen, relieved by bending double, with urging to stool, nothing but flatus being passed. Shooting and boring pains around navel increased by pressure. Intense griping pain across the lower part of the abdomen, especially on the right side. Lower part of abdomen swollen and sensitive to pressure. Cutting and pinching pains in rectum and loins. Much flatus moving about in the abdomen, more in the left side. Pain in bowels after eating. Loud gurgling in 20 THE REMEDIES AND the abdomen as of water running out of a bottle. Distended abdomen. Flatus smells very badly, and causes burning in the rectum. Urine generally profuse. Involuntary urination. Heaviness and numbness of the thighs. Chilliness when leaving the fire. Repugnance to open air, which, nevertheless, relieves. Aloe is one of our most valuable remedies for both diarrhoea and dysentery. It is undoubtedly a deeply acting antipsoric and of great value in chronic diarrhoea. The symptoms are marked and unmis- takable, as given above. Contrary to what might be expected, the peculiar gurgling in the abdomen is often found with the dysenteric stool, when Aloe is indicated. The good appetite is most frequently met with in children. The haemorrhoids differ from those of Brom. in the relief from cold water, and from those of Muriatic acid, which are relieved by warm water and greatly aggravated by cold water locally applied. It has many symptoms like Sulphur and is nearly as important a remedy. 7. ALUMINA. Stools : Thin fecal; Black, bloody; Green watery; Corrosive; Ex- pulsion difficult. Aggravation : After constipation: After dinner: After lead- poisoning : During typhoid fever: In dry weather: When walking: When urinating: On alternate days (general condition) : From pap and artificial food (children). Amelioration : Aftershort sleep: From warm applications (colic) : In open air (general condition). Before Stool: Colic. During Stool: Colic: Tenesmus (with bloody, scanty stools) : Burning in the rectum : Involuntary urination: Dropping of blood : Heat and tenderness of bowels. After Stool: Usually relief: Sometimes the colic continues: Throb- bing in the back: Soreness of anus: Involuntary urination. Accompaniments : Seriousness. Changeable mood. Apprehen- sive melancholy and tearful or irritable and fretful. Inclined to be hysterical. Reeling vertigo in the morning, with faintness or nausea. Strabismus from weakness of internal rectus (during dentition). Feeling of constriction in oesophagus when swallowing. Capricious appetite. Aversion to meat. Desire for chalk, starch, clean white rags, charcoal, cloves, acids, ground coffee, tea-grounds, dirt, dry rice, and other un- natural and indigestible substances. Faintness at the stomach, re- THEIR INDICATIONS. 21 lieved by satisfying the depraved cravings. Always worse after eating potatoes. Palpitation of heart with large and small beats intermingled. Violent colic. Urine can only be passed with the stool, or must stand up to urinate and then sit down to defecate. Sensation of weakness of sphincter ani. General debility. Chlorosis. Great dryness of all the mucous membranes. Dryness and harshness of skin with absence of perspiration. Alum, is sometimes useful in acute diarrhoea and, possibly, dysentery, when the difficult expulsion of stool and urine exists. It is more fre- quently indicated in chronic diarrhoea accompanying chlorosis in slender delicate girls, with the depraved appetite and the aggravation on alternate days. With these symptoms, a brilliant cure may be ex- pected, including the chlorosis, if the remedy be not given too low and too frequently. 8. AMMOX. MUR. Stools: Green, thin, mucous (slimy); Yellow fecal and slimy; White and undigested; Green and watery; Yellow and bloody, watery, or slimy; Like scrapings of meat; Copious (watery); Copious of coagulated blood ; Constipation alternating with diarrhoea. Aggravation : In the morning (green slimy stools): During the menses: After meals : During the day : Walking in open air (nausea). Before Stool: Violent urging: Pain about the navel. During Stool: Tenesmus: Pain in the rectum : Burning in rec- tum : Discharge of blood : Pain in abdomen, back and limbs: Pain in small of back. After Stool: Tenesmus: Pain in abdomen, and soreness as if bruised: Burning in rectum : Sore pustules near the anus. Accompaniments: Fretfulness. Face bloated, red, flushes easily. Bitter taste in the mouth, and bitter eructations passing off after eating something. Loss of appetite. Nausea, after dinner and when walking in the open air. Pinching in abdomen, hindering inspiration. Much rumbling and emission of flatus. Itching soreness of the rectum, several pustules being formed at the side of it. Ebulli- tions of blood, violent throbbing in arteries, with anxiety and feeling of paralytic weakness. Bruised pain in the whole body in the morn- ing after rising. Amm. m. is especially adapted to fat, sluggish people, with adipose tissue well developed on the trunk, while the legs are disproportion- ately small. It is useful for chronic diarrhoea occurring during the menses, when the other symptoms correspond. Many of the symptoms 90 THE REMEDIES AND resemble those of Aloe but are milder. The green mucous stool may render it useful in infantile diarrhoea, but experience with it in this affection is yet wanting. 9. AXGUSTUKA. Stools: Mucous; Yellow; Whitish; Slimy; Copious (thin stools). Aggravation : In morning: During day : At night. Before Stool: Cutting in abdomen aud nausea: Sensation in rectum as if it would protrude. During Stool: Painful tenesmus: Distension of haemorroidal veins: Burning in rectum. After Stool: Shivering passing over the face, with gooseflesh: Feeling as if more would come. Accompaniments : Wants one thing, now another, refused when offered. Desires nothing but warm drinks. Thirst without desire for drink. Aversion to solids. Nausea in the morning. Pains in abdo- men worse from warm milk, aud caused by it. Fermentation and rumbling in abdomen. Offensive flatus. Urging in rectum, with crawling over the face. Pressing, contracting, tickling, in rectum and anus. Stool not so thin as one would suppose from the diarrhceic feel- ing. Chronic diarrhoea, with debility and loss of flesh. 10. ANTIMON. CRUD. Stools : Watery ; Often profuse ; Alternating with constipation ; Undigested, containing fecal lumps or hard lumps of curdled milk; Excoriating; Mucous; Yellowish, offensive. Aggravation : After acids (vinegar, sour wine): After overheating : After cold bathing: After cold water or cold food: In aged persons: During pregnancy : At night: Early in the morning: From pork : From summer heat: After nursing: In childbed : After deranging the stomach : After a debauch : Morning (mucous stools). Before Stool: Cutting pains. During Stool: Pain in the rectum: (Protrusion of the rectum). After Stool: Prolapsus recti: Excoriation of anus. Accompaniments : Sentimental or distrustful mood. Children cannot bear being touched or looked at. Fear of company. Pale face. Nostrils and corners of mouth sore, cracked and crusty. Ptvalism, with saltish taste. Thirst, worse at night, or thirstlessness. Tongue coated white. Violent vomiting; bitter; of bile; of slimy mucus; renewed on THEIR INDICATIONS. 23 taking food or drink. Greenish vomiting soon after nursing. Vomiting of sour curds. Vomiting continues after nausea ceases. Disinclination to nurse. Frequent eructations. Eructations tasting of food. Cutting in abdomen. Desire for acids. Frequent and profuse urine, with reddish sediment. Constant secretion of a yellowish-white mucus at the anus. The gastric symptoms of Antimon. crud. predominate. The vomiting differs from that of Aeon., Ars., Verat., and other remedies, in the absence of severe thirst and in the white-coated tongue. From want of attention to these distinctions, this remedy is often overlooked, when it would bring speedy relief. 11. ANTIMONIUM TART. Stools : Light, brownish-yellow, fecal; Watery; Mucous; Bloody; Green, slimy, mucous; Frequent; Profuse; Thin, bilious; Liquid, greenish ; Slimy like yeast; Of cadaverous smell. Aggravation: During exanthemata: During pneumonia: In drunkards: By pressure and bending double (colic): After taking cold in summer: At night. Before Stool: Violent shifting of flatulence, without distension of the abdomen : Sharp, cutting colic: Nausea. During Stool: Tenesmus: Nausea: Colic: Heat at the anus. After Stool: Relief of pains: Tenesmus: Burning at the anus. Accompaniments : Great irritability. Child cannot bear to be touched or looked at. Headache. Desire for acids, fruits. Thirst for cold drinks, with desire to drink often and but little at a time, or thirst- lessness. Aversion to milk. Eructations smelling like rotten eggs. Continuous, anxious nausea, straining to vomit, with perspiration on the forehead. Vomiting of food; of greenish, watery, frothy sub- stances ; of mucus ; with great effort. Vomiting is accompanied by trembling of the hands and fainting; and is followed by great languort drowsiness, loathing, desire for cooling things; pale, sunken face; dimT swimming eyes. Violent and painful urging to urinate, with scanty or bloody dis- charge. Palpitation of the heart. Much yawning and stretching. Drowsi- ness. Somnolency. Jerking up of the limbs during sleep. Great pros- tration, cold sweat and thready pulse. Although not of frequent use in diarrhoea, Tartar emet. will repay careful study. Veratrum has doubtless been given many times where 24 THE REMEDIES AND the choice should have fallen on this remedy, as the colic, desires and vomiting are quite similar. Tartar emet., however, has more drowsiness and twitching of the muscles than Verat. 12. APIS MEL. Stools: Greenish, yellowish, slimy, mucous; Yellow watery; Yellow fecal; Clear (colorless) watery; Black 'watery (copious); Yellow brown; Gelatinous, mucous; Brownish, watery or bloody; Looking like tomato sauce; Bloody watery; Olive-green, containing bright red lumps; Whitish; Bloody mucous (mixed with fecal); Bloody; Contain- ing flakes of pus; Offensive (watery stool); Painless (slimy mucous, or greenish-yellow); Painless (mornings); Brassy smelling; Smelling like carrion; Involuntary, with every motion, as though the anus stood open (yellow fecal and slimy); Constant oozing from anus, of which the patient is unconscious ; Frequent. Aggravation : In the morning: In the forenoon: From acids: In a warm room: From motion: After eating: During dentition; During typhoid fever: Returning at the same hour. Before Stool: Sudden darting pain in the rectum: Much rumb- ling of flatus: Passage of flatus: Urging. During Stool: Urging: Griping: Tenesmus: Rawness and sore- ness in the anus: Bruised feeling in the intestines: Pain as if bowels were squeezed to pieces: Much flatus: Frequent painful urination: Pinehing: Nausea: Vomiting: Frontal headache: Backache. After Stool: Rawness in the anus: Heat and throbbing in rectum, with sensation as if plugged: Tenesmus with passage of blood: Faint, exhausted. Accompaniments : Inability to fix the thoughts on any subject. Head hot, especially the back of the head. Boring of the head back into the pillow. Anterior fontanelle very large and sunken. Eyeballs rolled upward. Eyes have a reddish tint. Face pale, waxy, cedema- tous. Pain in eyeballs and forehead. Tongue dry, shining, cracked, sore, with vesicles along the edges. No appetite. Little or no thirst; or insatiable thirst, drinking often and but little at a time. Nausea. Vomiting of food, of bile, of a thin, bitter or sour fluid. Abdomen bloated, with much flatulency and rumbling. Bruised, sore feeling of abdominal walls, with excessive tenderness, felt when sneezing or upon the least pressure. Burning in the abdomen. Rawness, smarting and soreness of anus. Urine frequent and profuse, or scanty, or suppressed. THEIR INDICATIONS. 25 Strangury. Labored respiration. Disturbed sleep, with muttering. Drowsinesss. Dry, hot skin. Stupor interrupted by occasional pierc- ing shrieks. Hands blue and cold. Cold forearms. Increasing prostra- tion. Emaciation. Indescribable feeling of weakness. Anasarca. Ascites. In infantile diarrhoea and cholera infantum Apis is one of our most precious remedies, corresponding to a low and dangerous condition. The absence of thirst, existing with a dry tongue and dry hot skin, is sufficiently striking to prevent confounding it with other remedies with similar stools. Still more characteristic is the bruised soreness of the abdominal walls. This is always present. Even when hydrocephaloid ensues, and the previously distended abdomen becomes sunken and flabby, there is still the same intolerance of the slightest pressure. When oedema is present it will be most frequently found in the feet and genitals. 13. ARGENTUM NIT. Stools : Green mucous, like chopped spinach in flakes; Turning green after remaining on diaper; Bright yellow; Greenish-yellow; Creamy; Dark, watery mucous; Bloody; Bloody mucous; Brown liquid; Slimy; Masses of epithelial substance, connected by muco-lymph, red, green, shreddy, thin, unshapely strips or shaggy lumps; Frequent; Fetid (green mucous and brown liquid); Sour; Scanty, (watery mu- cous); Painless (bloody mucous); Involuntary; Undigested; Excoriat- ing; Alternating with constipation; Expelled forcibly with much spluttering. Aggravation: At night: After midnight: At 6 a.m.: After rich food: After eating freely of sugar or candy: From drinking: After weaning: After breakfast: During dentition: Early in the morning: After eating (pains in stomach): From exalted imagination. Amelioration: After eating, and after acid food (nausea) : From eructation. Before Stool: Colic: Emission of flatus: Sudden urging. During Stool: Colic: Urging: Emission of much noisy flatus: Tenesmus: Severe bearing down in the hypogastrium: Nausea: Cramp- ing pain in the rectum: Burning, constriction and sore pain in left side of abdomen. After Stool: Relief of pain: Vomiting. Accompaniments: Time seems to pass very slowly. Head feels enlarged or as if in a vice. Boring pain in left frontal eminence, relieved by hard pressure. Face pale, sunken, old-looking, brown, 26 THE REMEDIES AND sallow, wrinkled. Lips and mouth dry and viscid, with little or no thirst. Gums tender and bleed easily, but seldom swollen or painful. Desire for sugar in the evening. Teeth sensitive to cold or acid sub- stances, with constant dull grumbling. Nausea, with loud eructations. Ineffectual efforts to eructate, causing strangulation, which is finally relieved by loud belching; the paroxysm is preceded by yawning and followed by exhaustion and deep sleep. Violent vomiting of glassy tenacious mucus, capable of being drawn into threads. Vomiting of greenish water and of milk. Burning, constriction and soreness in left side of the abdomen. Sudden stitches through the abdomen on moving. Cannot bear pressure of clothes about the hypochondria. Much flatu- lent colic. Urine profuse and watery, or scanty and almost suppressed. Spasms of respiratory muscles, with constriction of the chest and such intense dyspnoea that even a handkerchief before the face impedes res- piration; can neither drink nor talk; intolerable agony. Weight in the back when standing. Uneasy sleep. Drowsiness or stupor, with dilated pupils. Nervous restlessness with trembling and long, deep, sighing breathing. Tremulous weakness and debility, with much vertigo. Debility felt mostly in legs. Chilliness. Feeling of expansion in various parts. Great emaciation. Child looks old and dried up like a mummy. Sudden and severe attacks of cholera infantum, with the charac- teristic stools, in children who are very fond of sugar, and who have eaten too much of it, will find their remedy in Argent, nit. This drug is also likely to prove useful in advanced cases of dysen- tery with ulceration. 14. ARNICA MONT. Stools: Slimy mucous; Brown fermented (like yeast); Undigested; Bloody; Purulent; Papescent; Dark, bloody mucous; Frothy; Thin fecal; Large, fetid (fecal); Yellow; Painless; Sourish smelling; Offensive; Frequent; Small; Involuntary (during sleep); Long inter- vals between (dysenteric). Aggravation: After mechanical injuries: From motion : From lying on the left side: In typhoid fever: During gastric fever. Amelioration : By passing flatus (pain in abdomen). Before Stool: Feeling of fermentation in bowels: Frequent urging: Distension of abdomen: Severe pressure at anus. During Stool: Urging: Tenesmus: Sore, bruised pain in the abdomen: Cutting in intestines : Rumbling and pressure in abdomen: THEIR INDICATIONS. 27 Distressing tenesmus in rectum and anus, and even of the bladder: Bruised pain in back. After Stool: Relief of tenesmus and urging: Relief of pain in abdomen : Obliged to lie down. Accompaniments : Head hotter than body, or head and breast warm, abdomen and limbs cold. Pale, sunken face. Sour, bitter, slimy or putrid taste. Aversion to food, especially meat and broth. Desire for vinegar ; for spirits. Thirsty, but does not know what he wants, for all drinks are alike offensive. Constant sense of repletion in stomach, with nausea. Vomiting of what has been drunk. Hard swelling in right side of abdomen, with sharp, stitching pains when touched, relieved by passing flatus. Loud rumbling in the bowels. Tympanitic distension of abdomen. Frequent eructations: bitter, sour, or smelling like rotten eggs. Putrid flatus. Tenesmus of bladder, with frequent, unsuccessful urging to urinate. Urine scanty, and stains linen yellowish-brown; sometimes passed involuntarily. Fetid breath. Offensive sweat. Great drowsiness and weakness. Stupor. Petechiae and ecchymoses. The whole body feels sore and bruised, and is sensitive to touch. Bed feels too hard. Restless, constantly changing position. Weakness oblig- ing one to lie down. Arnica has not a wide application in bowel affections, but the symp- toms are clear and the selection easy. The marked gastric derange- ment is peculiar and characteristic. 15. ARSENICUM. Stools: Thick, dark green mucous; White, slimy, bloody mucous; Fluid fecal and bloody, chocolate-colored ; Slimy mucous; Brown mucous; Black mucous; Yellow, like stirred eggs; Bloody; Dark or black, watery or fluid; Yellow, watery; Purulent; Undigested; Alter- nating with constipation; Frequent; Scanty; Involuntary and unno- ticed ; Corrosive; Offensive, smelling like carrion or the discharge from putrid ulcers (watery or fluid stools); Painless (watery stools); Pro- fuse (brownish-yellow watery stools). Aggravation : At night: After eating or drinking: After midnight: After taking cold: From cold food, ice-water or ice-cream: From rancid food, especially spoiled sausage: During dentition: From milk : From fruit: From acids: During smallpox: During typhoid fever: After abuse of alcohol: After severe external burns: From damp places: At the sea-shore: From motion : In morning after rising. Amelioration : By external heat (pains). 28 THE REMEDIES AND Before Stool: Chilliness: Anxiety: Cutting in abdomen : Vom- iting : Thirst: Feeling as if the abdomen would burst : Feeling of constriction in the abdomen: Burning in umbilical region: Twisting in abdomen : Coldness in back : Violent screaming: Fainting. During Stool: Chilliness : Nausea : Vomiting : Colic : Cutting pain: Burning in umbilical region : Cutting pain in anus: Tenesmus: Burning in anus and rectum: Sensation of contraction just above the anus: Backache. After Stool: Relief: Burning in anus and rectum: Tremulous weakness, obliging one to lie down : Palpitation of the heart: Perspi- ration : Exhaustion : Prolapsus ani: Eructations. Accompaniments : Great restlessness ; anguish ; constantly changing place. Child is angry, cross and violent, especially on waking. Child wants to lie with head high. Fear of death, or of being left alone. Timorous whimpering. Face pale, earthy, death- like, yellowish. Features distorted and often covered with greenish, cold perspiration. Blue rings around the eyes. Lips black, dry, cracked, or blue and cold. Tongue dry, black, or brown, cracked. Aphthae. Bloody saliva. Violent, unquenchable, burning thirst, with frequent drinking of small quantities of water. Desire for acids, cold water or spirits. Loss of appetite. Bitter taste in the mouth after eating or drinking. Nausea at the sight of food. Vomiting, immediately after eating or drinking; of food; of drink; of brown or black substances; of blood ; of green or yellow-green mucus ; of bile; of thick, glassy mucus; with violent pains in the stomach, and burning in stomach and abdomen. Abdomen swollen. Urine offensive, scanty, retained, suppressed or greenish. Red and blue spots on the skin. Sleep restless, broken by starts and convulsions. Stupor with dry, hot skin, twitching of limbs and tonic spasms of the fingers and toes. The skin is at first hot and dry; later it is icy cold and covered with clammy sweat, although the patient complains of intense burning heat in- ternally ; or cold, dry skin may alternate with cold, sticky pt.rspiration. Great weakness ; fainting ; rapid exhaustion. Very rapid and scarcely perceptible pulse, or the pulse may be fast in the morning and slow in the evening. Rapid emaciation, with oedema of face and legs. There is reason that, as routine is easier than study, Arsenicum may have acconvplished more harm than good in the hands of homoeopathic practitioners. No remedy has been more frequently given in acute affections of the bowels, while it is not the most frequently indicated and it is not a remedy to be unwisely used. The symptoms which most clearly distinguish it from other remedies with a similar totality THEIR INDICATIONS. 29 are the characteristic thirst and restlessness. These two must be present, as a general rule. The mucous stools are not usually offensive; the watery ones are very much so, and often painless. 16. ASAFCETIDA. Stools: Yellow; Dark brown; Greenish ; Slimy (only slime passes, no faeces); Watery; Papescent; Disgustingly offensive; Profuse. Aggravation : After drinking: In hysterical women: In scrof- ulous children: At night (general condition). Amelioration : By pressure (abdominal symptoms). Before Stool: Colic: Violent urging: Emission of flatus. During Stool: Discharge of offensive flatus: Pain in abdomen. After Stool: Relief of colic. Accompaniments : Hypersensitiveness, either moral or physical. Ill humor. Irritable mood. Hysterical restlessness and anxiety. Child is clumsy. Greasy taste in mouth, with dryness and burning. Sensation of a ball rising in the throat, causing dyspnoea. Food, when partially swallowed, returns into the mouth. Soreness in oesophagus, preceded by burning. Great disgust for all food. Rancid or putrid eructations. Flatus passes upward, none downward. Faint, gone feel- ing, with strong pulsations in the stomach. Abdominal pulsations. Colic relieved by pressure. Painful distension of abdomen, with feel- ing as if peristaltic action were reversed; relieved by passing flatus. Constriction of the chest, with dyspnea. Twitching and jerking of the muscles. Hysterical spasms after suppression of habitual discharges, as from an ulcer. Glands swollen, hard and hot, with shooting, jerking pains. Asafcetida has a limited range of action, and is chiefly applicable to diarrhoea occurring in scrofulous children and hysterical women. The extremely offensive stool, and the generally reversed peristalsis are the leading indications for its use. 17. ASARUM EUROP. Stools: Tenacious mucous; Shaggy masses of mucus, of resinous appearance; Scanty, yellow, stringy mucous; In a long, twisted string ; Odorless; Ascarides pass with the stool; Yellowish-brownish; Watery (very weakening); Undigested. Aggravation : In chilly, nervous individuals: From debility: During hectic or slow fever : In childbed. 30 THE REMEDIES AND Amelioration : After vomiting (pain and dulness of head). Before Stool: Cutting in abdomen: Sharp stitches in rectum from above downward. During Stool: Cutting in abdomen and rectum : Nausea: Pro- lapsus ani. After Stool: Prolapsus ani: Pressing and straining, and discharge of Avhite, viscid, bloody mucus. Accompaniments : Dulness and pressure in the head. Cannot bear the sound of scratching on linen or any similar substance. Food tastes bitter. Much empty retching, with gurgling and rumbling in the abdomen. Scanty vomiting of greenish, sour liquid. Loss of appetite or loath- ing of food. Constantly chilly. Hands, feet, knees or abdomen cold, even in a hot room, or when warmly covered. 18. ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA. Stools: Watery; Black, with yellow spots like fat swimming in them; Yellow; Green; Jelly-like; Like scrapings of the intestines; Offensive; Smelling like rotten eggs; Intense yellow color, with green and yellow flakes; Ascarides with the stool. Aggravation : At night: After midnight: During the winter: In warm weather, with cold and damp nights: In the autumn. Before Stool: Colic: Rumbling in the bowels: Violent pain. During Stool: Feeling as if a stream of fire passed through the ab- domen, and as if bowels would come out: Tenesmus : Violent colic. After Stool: Smarting in the rectum: Colic continues: Pain in anus. Accompaniments: Mental depression. Headache. Flatulent colic. Rheumatic pains in the extremities. Debility, worse after any exertion. Drowsiness, with uneasy sleep and fatiguing dreams. The symptoms of Asclepias are well-marked and peculiar, but, as yet, lack clinical verification. 19. BAPTISIA TINCT. Stools: Consisting of pure blood; Bloody mucous; Small; Fre- quent ; Dark, thin fecal; Papescent, yellowish; Watery; Dark brown mucous and bloody; Light yellow, brown, thin and watery ; Exhaust- ing ; Involuntary; Excoriating; Horribly offensive; Often painless. Aggravation : In hot weather: In the autumn: During typhoid fever: Day and night: From solid food. THEIR INDICATIONS. 31 Before Stool: Colic, more in the hypogastrium : Chills: Pain in limbs and small of back. During Stool: Tenesmus: Colic continues. After Stool: Tenesmus: Relief of colic. Accompaniments: Delirious stupor; falls asleep while answer- ing questions. Cannot sleep, head or body feels scattered about the bed; tosses about to get the pieces together. Face dark red, with a besotted look. Aphthae, especially in cases of long standing, extend- ing from the mouth through to the anus ; sore mouth of nursing infants and consumptives; gums dark, livid, with oozing of blood and fetid odor. Tongue coated yellowish-brown in the centre, with red, shining edges. Dry tongue. Little or no thirst. Spits fluid out of mouth or squirts it across the bed. Great sinking at stomach, with frequent faint- ing. Nausea and vomiting. Nausea with thirst. Child can take nothing but liquids; the slightest amount of solid food causes gagging. Pain in the region of the liver and particularly of the gall-bladder ; worse on walking. Pain and soreness in bowels. Urine and perspiration ex- tremely offensive. Breath fetid. Fever slight, pulse soft and full. Sleeplessness, or sleep with heavy, tiresome dreams. Bruised, sore feeling of the whole body, causing restlessness. Prostration more pro- found than the severity of the attack would seem to justify. Extended clinical observation has proved the value of Bapt. in both diarrhoea and dysentery, when assuming the typhoid type. The tenesmus, with absence of pain and the characteristic tongue and men- tal symptoms, render its selection easy and certain. 20. BARYTA CARB. Stools: Papescent; Watery; Undigested; Yellow, with mucus and blood; Involuntary. Aggravation: In scrofulous, dwarfish children: After taking cold: By lying on painful side (pains). Before Stool: Sudden urging: Soreness in the lumbar region: Chilliness over the head and legs : Ineffectual urging: Colic. During Stool: Burning in anus and rectum. After Stool: Renewed urging: Burning and soreness around the anus. Accompaniments: Mental weakness, timidity and imbecility. Anger, Avith cowardice. Child afraid of strangers; will not play, will not read; prefers to sit idly in a corner; stupid, silly look. Memory weak. Face flushed. Craving appetite, but feeling of satiety after a 32 THE REMEDIES AND feAv mouthfuls. Aversion to SAveets and fruit. Abdomen bloated, while the rest of the body is emaciated. Mesenteric glands enlarged. Sud- den irresistible urging to stool, with painful soreness in lumbar region, followed by frequent diarrhceic stools. Pains in small of back. Swell- ing of cervical glands and tonsils. Rheumatic stiffness and aching of the whole body, in damp weather. Child is slow in learning to walk. Baryta carb. will occasionally prove useful in the diarrhoea of scrof- ulous children. The concomitant symptoms and the appearance of the child are more characteristic than the stool. 21. BELLADONNA. Stools: Thin, green mucous; Bloody mucous; Granular, yelloAV, slimy mucous; White mucous; White, popescent, fecal (as white as lime); Clay-colored; Watery ; Containing lumps like chalk: Chalky- Avhite, with granular slimy mucous; Alternating with heat in head; Small; Frequent; Involuntary (Avhen passing flatus); Sour smelling (Fetid). Aggravation: Afternoon: After sleeping: After taking cold from cutting the hair: In hot weather: During typhoid fever: From motion: From pressure (colic). Amelioration : From bending double (colic). Before Stool: Perspiration: Heat in the abdomen: Colic: Pinch- ing and contractive griping: Sore aching in upper part of abdomen: Constriction in rectum : Constant pressing toward the anus and genitals as if everything would be pushed out. During Stool: Shuddering: Tenesmus: Nausea: Pressing pain in stomach: Pressure on the bladder: Urination: Bearing down pain in uterus: Burning of anus: Perspiration. After Stool: Tenesmus: Shuddering. Accompaniments: Head hot, while hands and feet are cold. Easily startled. Boiling the head from side to side. Delirium ; worse during sleep or just after; desire to get out of bed, or into another one. Stupor. Lethargy, with pale, cold face, or flushed face, with congested, half-opened, distorted eyes, dilated pupils, grating of the teeth, distor- tion of the mouth, and violent throbbing of the carotids. Children cry much, and are very cross. Tongue dry, and red at the point and on edges, or has tAVTo white stripes on a red ground, or sensation of dry- ness in mouth, while tongue is moist. Ptyalism. Not much thirst but desire to moisten the mouth often, or great thirst with desire for cold drinks. Mouth open. Constant chewing. Aversion to food • to THEIR INDICATIONS. 33 meat, beer, acid things. Abdomen distended and tender. Abdomen hot. Sensation of soreness deep in the abdomen; pains more in the left side; aggravated by bending the body to that side. Cutting, tear- ing, constrictive pains in abdomen, relieved by bending forward. Nausea and vomiting. Belching of Avind. Urine profuse or suppressed. Involuntary urination. Several Avatery stools immediately after pro- fuse sweat: Partial or general spasms, with unconsciousness, renewed by contact or bright light. Dry heat or hot sweat. Quick, hard, small puUe. Sleepiness with restlessness; starting up suddenly. Twitching of the muscles during sleep. Moaning during sleep, with half-closed eyes. Drowsiness, ivith inability to sleep. Every little jar is painful. The pains appear and disappear suddenly. Belladonna will be found suitable for children more frequently than adults. It is often the only remedy required for severe cases of infan- tile dysentery. The droAvsiness, with startings, dry heat and frequent drinking, may be regarded as characteristic, if the other symptoms of the patient correspond. 22. BENZOIC ACID. Stools: Watery, white, or light-colored; Like dirty soap-suds; Copious; Very offensive; Frothy bloody; Smelling strong, pungent, like urine; Putrid, bloody. Aggravation : la children: During dentition. Before Stool: Chilliness: Urging, Avith ineffectual straining. During Stool: Urging. Accompaniments : Urine very strong-smelling; usually dark. Scanty. Much exhaustion. Weakness. Perspiration. Cold sweat on the head. The symptoms of Benz. ac. are not many, but they are genuine jewels. The offensive stools are not like those of any other remedy. The smell is strong, pungent, urinous, somewhat like that of the characteristic urine, which is also almost invariably present. 23. BISMUTHUM. Stools : Papescent; Watery; Cadaverous-smelling; Painless. Before Stool: Rumbling in the abdomen. During Stool: Emission of fetid flatus : Colic. After Stool: Great prostration. 3 34 THE REMEDIES AND Accompaniments: Desire for company. Pale face, Avith blue rings around the eyes. Tongue thickly coated white. Thirst: drinks large quantities of water and vomits it immediately. Convulsive gag- ging. Vomiting occurs as soon as the stomach is full, and is then enor- mous. Vomits water only; food is retained. Heaviness, pressure and burning in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen distended with flatulence. Great prostration, but the surface is warm. The value of Bismuth, in cholera infantum has not been fully ap- preciated. The excessive prostration, without coldness of the surface, Avill readily distinguish it from other remedies. In thickly coated white tongue and gastric symptoms it resembles Antimon. crud. 24. BOLETUS LARICIS. (Polyporus officinalis.) Stools : YelloAV, Avatery; Frothy ; Papescent; Mixed with bile and frothy mucus or with oily-looking fluid; Thin, dark, papescent; Mu- cous; Whitish, mucous; Bilious, mucous and bloody; Bilious, mucous and black fecal; Undigested; Sometimes painless; Profuse; Pouring out in a stream. Aggravation : In the morning and during the day. Before Stool: Distress in the hypogastric region. During Stool: Tenesmus (or absence of pain). After Stool: Burning pain and distress in the stomach, right lobe of liver, umbilical region and hypogastrium : Terrible distress betAveen stomach and navel: Great faintness and distress in solar plexus: Rumb- ling in the bowels: Severe tenesmus (or absence of pain). Accompaniments : Irritable and despondent. Dull frontal head- ache. Flushed face. Teeth and gums sore. Tongue coated white or yellow, taking the imprints of the teeth. Taste flat, bitter, coppery, or lost. Nausea. Vomiting of sour or bitter fluid. Loss of appetite. Great faintness at the stomach. Dull, aching, dragging or burning pains in the liver, especially in the right lobe, Avith burning in the region of the gall-bladder. Pain in the region of the spleen. Urine thick and high-colored or red and scanty. Dull, heavy pains in back and legs. Aching in all the joints. Restless after midnight. Very weak and languid. Chilliness along the spine, followed by hot flashes and sweat. Skin hot and dry, especially the palms of the hands. Jaundice. The value of Boletus must be determined by the crucial test of THEIR INDICATIONS. 35 clinical experience. In many of the symptoms it closely resembles Leptandria. 25. BORAX. Stools: Light yellow, slimy mucous; Green mucous; Frequent; Yel- low watery ; Colorless ; Fermented ; Thin, brown, frothy, containing small pieces of yellow faeces; Offensive, smelling like carrion (brown stools); Painless (broAvn stools). Aggravation: In nursing infants: Durmg dentition: From fruit (apples, pears): After breakfast: After chocolate: After eating: After- noon: Evening: In the morning. Before Stool: Peevish, lazy, dissatisfied: Urging. During Stool: Burning in the rectum: Faintness and weariness. After Stool: Cheerful, contented mood. Accompaniments: Easily startled at sudden noise. Apathetic. Crying. Anxious feeling during downward motion or rocking. Hot head. Pale, clay-colored face. Red eruption on face. Hot mouth. Aphthae on the tongue and inside of the cheek, bleeding when eating. Palate of infants looks wrinkled, with screaming when nursing. Loss of appetite (loathing of the breast in infants). Desire for sour drinks. Vomiting of sour slime (after chocolate). Constant vomiting, Avith painless diarrhoea. Distension by flatulence after every meal. Pinching in the abdomen. Abdomen soft, flabby and sunken. Frequent urination, preceded by cries. Urine acrid and fetid. Starting from sleep Avith anxious screams, throAving the hands about, seizing things or clinging to the mother. The legs jerk when falling asleep. Palms hot. Emaciation; flesh relaxed. Skin pale or livid. De- bility. Sopor. Belladonna has, doubtless, been often given when Borax should have been. The anxious feeling on doAvmvard motion is the chief distinction between them, and is peculiar to Borax. 26. BOVISTA. Stools: Liquid, yellow, fecal; First part hard, last part thin and watery. Aggravation: Early in the morning: In the evening: At night: Before the menses: During the menses. Amelioration: After breakfast. 36 THE REMEDIES AND Before Stool: Urging: Colic. During Stool: Twisting pains in abdomen: Cutting pains. After Stool: Tenesmus: Burning at anus: Languor: Burning and itching in anus as if Avorms Avere craAvling. Accompaniments: Nausea in the morning; better after break- fast. Distension of the abdomen, Avith rumbling shifting of flatulence, and emission of much flatus. Colic Avhich causes the patient to double over, relieved by eating. Bovista is chiefly useful for diarrhoea, occurring before and during menstruation. The menses are either too early or too late, and the floAV is profuse, dark and clotted, occurring mostly at night or early iu the morning, 27. BROMINE. Stools : Black fecal; Light yelloAv, slimy mucous; Painless, odorless, like scrapings of the intestines; Yellow, green or blackish. Aggravation: After a meal: After oysters: After acids: At night. Amelioration: From black coffee : After eating (nausea and pains in the stomach). Before Stool: Cutting and rumbling in abdomen. During Stool: Much flatus: Pressing in stomach and abdomen: Blind, intensely painful varices; worse from application of warm and cold water ; better after wetting with saliva. After Stool: Blind, intensely painful varices; worse from applica- tion of cold and warm water; better after wetting Avith saliva. Accompaniments : Desire for acids. Nausea. AArersion to hab- itual smoking; it causes nausea and vertigo. Emptiness in the stomach. Contractive spasm of the stomach passing off after eating. Croup of rectum. Icy coldness of the forearms; hands cold and moist. Great languor and debility. One or two cases of Bromine diarrhoea, in its characteristic totality, are as many as can be expected to fall to one physician during a life- time. Should the aggravation after oysters, however, become more fully confirmed, it will need to be used more frequently. 28. BRYONIA. Stools: Brown, thin fecal; Black ; Thin, bloody; Undigested ; Green and watery; Copious, papescent, dark green; Like dirty Avater Avith Avhitish, finely granulated sediment of undigested food; Painless; Pasty, very offensive; Acrid; Mucus and blood preceded by hard THEIR INDICATIONS. 37 stool; Frequeut; Involuntary (during sleep); Smelling like rotten cheese; Putrid; Alternating with constipation. Aggravation: In the morning, about 2 or 3 a.m.: On first rising and moving about: In hot weather: Whenever the weather becomes warmer: At night: After suppression of exanthemata: During typhoid: At the seashore: After taking cold: After cold drinks: After taking milk: From eating stewed fruit or vegetables: From anger or chagrin: After sour kraut: From sitting up (nausea, etc.): From motion, even of a hand or foot: From lying on either side. Amelioration: By keeping still: By doubling up or lying on the abdomen (colic): By lying on the back. Before Stool: Colic: Cutting pains: Nausea: Griping and pinch- ing in abdomen and in region of navel: Constant, ineffectual urging. During Stool: Burning at anus: Prolapsus ani: Vomiting: Thirst: Drowsiness: Chilliness: Offensive flatus: Motion like fermentation in the abdomen: Pain in stomach: Profuse urination. After Stool: Heat: Drowsiness: Relief. Accompaniments: Desire for things which do not exist, or Avhich are refused when offered. Peevishness. Ill humor. Delirium. Desire to get out of bed and go home. Talking of the business of the day. Head hot, with frequent tossing of the hands to the head. Boring of the head back into the pilloAvs or rolling from side to side. Eyes glassy and staring; sleeps with the eyes half open. Sensitiveness to noise and light. Dry, SAVollen, cracked lips. Mouth so dry that the child will not nurse until it is moistened. Tongue dry and red or brown, or Avhite or yelloAv. Thirst for large quantities at long intervals. Bitter taste in the mouth, and of food. Nausea and fainting on sitting up. Much gagging and vomiting. Desire for cold drinks, Avine, coffee, sour drinks. Vomiting of bitter substances, of yellow-green mucus. Pain in the bowels after eating or drinking. Urine dark red and clear. Desire to lie down and remain quiet. Bryonia has not been one of the routine remedies for loose discharges from the boAvels, nor is it desirable that it should become so, or that that list should be enlarged. It is, however, quite often indicated, and if administered according to the above symptoms, will not fail to repay the careful chooser. 29. CALCAREA CARB. Stools : YelloAvish fecal; Gray, clay-like fecal; Green; Chalk- like; Watery; Frothy; Whitish; Whitish-gray streaked with blood; 38 THE REMEDIES AND Dark greenish-bnwn; Slimy; Creamy; Large, watery, yellow, merely staining the diaper; Pungent; Fetid; Smelling like rotten eggs; Sour; Involuntary; Undigested, containing curdled milk; Profuse; Frequent; Ascarides Avith the stool. Aggravation : In fat children: In infants with openfontanelles: In scrofulous persons : In children: During dentition : After milk : After smoked meat: In summer season: In the afternoon: From SAveets: From artificial foods : From bathing (general condition): After eating: After walking and motion. Before Stool: Great irritability: Nausea. During Stool: Paleness: Tearing pain in rectum : Prolapsus ani. After Stool: Faintishness: Lassitude. Accompaniments : Child is precocious, obstinate and self-willed, and cries persistently. Very nervous at night; child cries and has an anxious look Avhen lifted from the cradle. Head too large, cranial sutures widely open, fontanelles open and sunken. Scalp thin, shoAving the Areins distinctly. Hair dry, looking like tow. Face sometimes flushed, but usually pale and bloated, or sunken, emaciated, wrinkled and cold. Pupils dilated. Scrofulous SAvelling of the upper lip. Gums swollen. Aphtha?. Dry mouth, alternating with sali\ration. Denti- tion tardy, and often attended Avith convulsions and a loose rattling cough. Continued thirst for cold drinks, more at night. Desire for wine, salt or sweet things. Canine hunger in the morning. Longing for eggs. Sour taste in the mouth, or of bread. Sour vomiting or re- gurgitation, particularly of soured food, milk, etc. Pit of stomach swol- len like an inverted saucer. Swollen, distended abdomen, with emacia- tion and good appetite. Enlargement of mesenteric and cervical glands. Painful and difficult urination, the urine being usually clear, and hav- ing a peculiar strong, pungent, fetid odor. Urine is sometimes dark- brown Avith Avhite sediment. Crawling in the rectum as from worms. Oozing of fluid from the anus, smelling like herring brine. Arms cold to the elbows. Child does not sleep after 2 or 3 a.m., and is drowsy and weary all day. Sleep restless with crying out at night; child scratches its head when aroused. Skin either hot and dry, or cold and clammy. Weakness and curvature of spine. Neck too slender to support the head. Curvature of the legs. Ankles Aveak. Bones weak and bend readily. Debility. Profuse sweat on the head when sleeping, especially on the back of the head, wetting the pillow. Knees clammy. Feet con- stantly cold and damp. THEIR INDICATIONS. 39 In selecting Calcarea c, the stool is of less importance than the per- son and the concomitant symptoms. These often render it the indis- pensable remedy in psoric individuals. The smell of the urine cannot be described, but once smelled it is never forgotten. The color will distinguish it from that of Benz. ac. It is said to be suitable when per- sistent tenesmus remains after dysentery in children. 30. CALCAREA PHOS. Stools: Green, slimy, undigested; Hot, watery; Purulent; Splut- tering; Extremely offensive; White; Papescent; Containing pus in small points or flakes; Soft (expulsion difficult); Expelled forcibly (green and watery stools) ; Frequent. Aggravation : In scrofulous and rachitic children: During denti- tioi: From fruit or cider: In the evening: In school girls at puberty: Afier vexation. Amelioration : By passing flatus and by lying on the abdomen (abdominal pains). Before Stool: Cutting, pinching colic. During Stool: Emission of much offensive flatus. /.fter Stool: Relief of pain in the abdomen: Protruding, aching, sore piles: Renewed urging directly on Aviping. Accompaniments : Peevish and fretful. Intellectual depression and slow comprehension. Head disproportionately large. Cranial bones (especially occipital) very soft and thin, crackling like paper upoi pressure. Both fontanelles open; posterior fontanelle very large. Sweding of the head. Neck too slender to support the head, which falls fromside to side. Headache, most severe near the sutures, worse after menal exertion and from damp Aveather. Face pale, salloAV, dirty Avhite, brownish, sunken, Avith blue rings around the eyes. The veins shov through the skin. Nose, chin and tips of ears cold. Dry mouth andtongue, Avith much thirst. Teeth develop slowly. Persistent vomit- ing of milk. Craving appetite; infant wants to nurse all the time. Desire for salted and smoked meats, ham, bacon, etc. Cold water and ice-cream cause vomiting the next day after taking them. Jellies and sour things cause headache and Aveakness of the bowels. Crying spells, caised by soreness, aching and colicky pains around the navel, every tine the child nurses. Much rumbling of flatus. Abdomen sunken aad flabby. Mesenteric glands enlarged. Child has anxious expression o:' the face and suffocative attacks whenever it is lifted from the cradle. Drowsy during the day. Sleep restless, Avith stretching and yaAvning. 40 THE REMEDIES AND Convulsive starts when lying on the back, ceasing when lying on the side. Predisposition to glandular swellings and diseases of osseous tissue. Curvature of the spine. Spine so weak in the lumbar region that the child cannot sit upright unless the back is supported. SIoav in learn- ing to Avalk on account of weak ankles. Rheumatic aching, soreness and stiffness, aggravated by damp Aveather and by motion. Great emaciation, the child looking old and wrinkled. Skin dry ani cold. Tendency to marasmus or hydrocephaloid. Calc. phos. is one of our most valuable remedies for the diarrhoea of scrofulous and rachitic children. It can easily be distinguished from Calc, c, Silic. and Sul. by the concomitant symptoms. When gi\en in season it will often prevent marasmus, and is the first remedy to be thought of in threatened hydrocephaloid, after the failure of Chins to arrest the disease. 31. CAMPHOR. Stools: Dark brown; Blackish; Looking like coffee-grounds (fecal); (Watery?); Large, thin; Involuntary; Like rice-water; Oen- erally painless; Sour; Attack very sudden. Aggravation : During epidemic cholera: From hot sun: Ifter taking cold : In pernicious fevers. Accompaniments : Great anguish and discouragement. Mortal apathy. Vertigo. Icy coldness of the whole body, Avith chilliness and shaking, or cold, clammy, debilitating perspiration; sometimes otcur- ring only at night and passing off in the morning. Coldness oj the surface without change of color. Face pale, livid, purple, icy-cold, dis- torted; upper lip drawn up exposing the teeth; foam at the mouth; eyes sunken and fixed. Wild, staring, unconscious look. Aversion to lght. No thirst; or violent thirst. Nausea and vomiting. Faintness, rith pressure at the pit of the stomach, and colicky pain. Stomach very sensitive to pressure. Burning in the stomach and oesophagus. Cranps in the calves. Sudden and great sinking of strength. Vomiting and diarrhoea sid- denly cease, and the child lies almost unconscious, with blue face aid hands, cold tongue, icy coldness of the body, and hoarse, weak voice. Tris- mus and tetanus. Stool generally painless. THEIR INDICATIONS. 41 Cold sweat on the face. In Cholera: Great sinking and collapse, sometimes Avithout stool or vomiting. Cold as death, but cannot bear to he covered. Camph. is principally useful in the very commencement of diseases of the boAvels; later stages, presenting similar symptoms, requiring Verat., Cuprum, etc. "In Camph. collapse is most prominent; in Verat. alb. the evacuations and vomiting; in Cuprum the cramps."—Dunham. 32. CANTHARIS. Stools: YelloAv, broAvn, watery; White or pale-reddish mucous stools, like scrapings of the intestines; Bloody; Skinny; Like wash- ings of meat; Bloody mucous; Green mucous; Slimy; Frothy; Frequent; Small; Corrosive. Aggravation: At night: In the evening: During the day: After coffee (pains and loathing) : While urinating. Before Stool: Violent colic: Urging: Pinching in hypogastrium. During Stool: Colic and pinching continue: Pain in the anus: Pressing and urging, extorting cries: Burning at the anus: Prolapse of rectum. After Stool: Colic relieved, or continues with less violence: Tenes- mus: Burning, biting and stinging in anus: Shuddering: Violent chil- liness as though Avater Avere poured over one, Avith internal Avarmth: Faintness. Accompaniments: Anxious restlessness. Irritability. Pale, wretched appearance. Deathlike appearance during the pains. Lips, tongue and palate raw. Vesicles and canker in the mouth and throat. Dryness of the lips. Thirstlessness or violent burning thirst, especially during the pains; but aversion to fluids, because they aggravate the constriction of the throat, the dysuria or the tormina. Aversion to food and to tobacco. Violent pains in abdomen and intestines. Burn- ing in abdomen. Abdomen very sensitive to touch. Frequent ineffectual desire to urinate, painful. Burning after urina- tion. Haematuria. Retention or suppression of urine, with uremic coma, delirium and convulsions. Collapse, with feeble pulse and cold liands and feet. Burning pains while the surface of the body feels cold. The appearance like scrapings of the intestines is the most charac- teristic symptom of Cantharis, and will frequently call for it when the more painful and violent symptoms are not present. 42 THE REMEDIES AND 33. CAPSICUM. Stools: Mucous; Bloody mucous; Tenacious mucous; streaked with black blood; Thin, adhesive, slimy, mixed with black blood; Shaggy, slimy and bloody; Greenish frothy; Frequent; Small; Expelled with violence. Aggravation : In persons of lax fibre : At night: After drinking: By currents of air, even warm air (pains). Before Stool: Cutting colic: Flatulent colic: Writhing pains about the umbilicus. During Stool: Cutting and Avrithing continue : Tenesmus: Burn- ing in lower part of rectum, with sensation of rawness and throbbing and pains in the back: Burning along the sacrum: Strangury: Bit- ing, stinging pain at anus. After Stool: Tenesmus: Burning at anus: Thirst, drinking caus- ing shuddering: Drawing pains in the back. Accompaniments: Increased acuteness of all the senses. Home- sickness, with redness of cheeks and sleeplessness. Swollen, cracked lips. Flat, watery taste. Putrid taste, as of putrid water. Thirstless- ness. Food tastes sour. Sour taste in the mouth. Aphthae, with fetid breath. Desire for coffee, with nausea after taking it. Abdomen much distended. Sensation of coldness in the stomach. Tenesmus of the bladder, strangury. Frequent, unsuccessful desire to urinate, Avith burning in the bladder. Yawning. Sleeplessness. Capsicum is one of the royal remedies for dysentery ; resembling Canth. much in its symptoms, but differing equally as much, as a comparison will show. When the choice becomes difficult, the drink- ing after stool causing shuddering, and the drawing pains in the back. after stool, will fix the decision on Caps., and distinguish it also from Merc. corr. and Nux vom. 34. CARBO VEG. Stools : Thin, pale mucous; Bloody mucous (dark, thin fecal); Brown, watery, slimy; Light-colored; Semi-liquid, black ; Ashy-gray (mushy); Painful; Frequent; Involuntary (with flatus); Putrid; Cadaverous-sm elling. Aggravation : After long-continued or severe acute disease; After loss of fluids: From chilling the stomach with ice-cream or ice-water when overheated: After fat food: After spoiled or rancid food, especially THEIR INDICATIONS. 43 shell-fish: In hot Aveather : At night: After exposure to great heat of the sun or of fire: In tuberculous patients: In old people. Before Stool: Slight cutting. During Stool: Burning and cutting in anus: Tenesmus: Great straining like labor pains to pass a soft stool: Fetid flatus. After Stool: Burning in anus: Trembling weakness: Itching in anus and perineum : Oozing from the rectum. Accompaniments : Restlessness and anxiety, worse from 4 to 6 p.m. Child irritable, strikes, bites and kicks. Greenish color, or great pale- ness of the face, or cheeks may be red and covered with clammy sweat- The gums recede from the teeth and bleed easily. Desire for coffee. Rancid taste. Flatulent distension of the abdomen, particularly after eatiug, as though it AArould burst Deep-seated burning pains in the abdomen, generally in the bends of the colon. Frequent and violent rancid eructations. Profuse and constant salivation of stringy saliva. Emission of large quantities of flatus, inodorous, or putrid. Skin pale, or blue aud cold. Feet and legs icy cold to the knees. Urine offensive or suppressed. Enlarged glands. Emaciation. In Cholera : Attack often begins with hemorrhage from the bowels. Collapse without stool. Nose, cheeks and finger-tips icy cold; lips bluish; cold breath and tongue. Respiration weak and labored. Desire to be fanned. Cramps in legs and thighs. Hiccough at every motion. Vomiting. Voice hoarse or lost. Pulse thready, intermittent, scarcely perceptible. Con- sciousness retained or coma. Sopor without vomiting, stool or cramps. Sometimes spasms, folloAved by congestion of blood to the head or chest. Except in cholera, Carbo veg. is rarely indicated in the beginning of any acute disease of the bowels; but in the later stages it may become the only remedy capable of producing a favorable change. It will not often be required in cases that have had good homoeopathic treatment, but much more frequently in those coming from allopathic hands. After it are frequently suitable Ars., China, Merc, sol., or Psor. It is also useful for the debility following a long-lasting attack of diarrhoea. 35. CARBOLIC ACID. Stools : Fetid; Rice-water, offensive like rotten eggs; Like thick glue, in thin strips like tape ; Bloody and mucous, like scrapings from mucous membrane ; Bilious; Watery ; Involuntary, thin black stools (in collapse) ; Involuntary, at night in bed; Diarrhoea alternating Avith constipation. Aggravation : From bad drainage : In puerperal fever : In hy- drocephalus. 44 THE REMEDIES AND Before Stool: Constant, ineffectual urging. During Stool: Tenesmus, pain and nausea. Accompaniments : Patient petulant, impatient. Constantly agitated, moaning continuously and occasionally uttering a piercing cry; delirious starting from sleep. Vomiting. Tenderness over transverse colon. Tongue dry and coated Avith thick yellow fur. Great thirst and high fever. Urine very dark colored, black or blackish olive green. Vomiting of dark olive green or black fluid, Avith great restlessness. " In an exhaustive diarrhoea with very offensive stools, Avhen Carbo veg. and Psorinum do not help, give Carbolic acid."—C. Pearson. 36. CAUSTICUM. Stools : Liquid fecal; White mucous; Possible only while standing; Involuntary (with flatus). Aggravation: In the evening: At night: From cold air striking the abdomen : After eating fresh meat: In scrofulous children. Before Stool: Twisting abdominal pains. During Stool: Vertigo. After Stool: Nausea: Salt-water brash: Vertigo. Accompaniments: Child cries at the least thing. Afraid of strangers. Timid, fears to go to bed in the dark. Weak memory. Face sallow. Violently itching acne. Pressure at the pit of the throat, just over the top of the sternum, as of a foreign body, or as of food lodged in oesophagus, causing constant disposition to swallow; better while eating, worse after. Aversion to sweet things. Fresh meat causes nausea and water brash; smoked meat agrees. Much thirst for cold drinks. Pressure in the stomach. Necessity to loosen the clothing about the hypochondria. Abdomen swollen and hard; body Avasted, and feet disproportionately small. Child walks - unsteadily ; falls easily. Involuntary emission of urine, at night; Avhen Avalkiug; Avhen coughing. Causticum will be found useful chiefly in a chronic tendency to diar- rhoea, in dyspeptics and consumptives, which is reneAved whenever tak- ing fresh meat. 37. CHAMOMILLA. Stools: Green slimy mucous; Mixed green and white mucous' Chopped white and yellow mucous; Green, watery; YelloAvish watery THEIR INDICATIONS. 45 Changeable; Undigested; Bilious; Slimy mucous; Mucous and bloody; Like chopped eggs and spinach ; Hot; Small; Frequent; Smelling like bad eggs; Sour; Corrosive; Painless (green Avatery) ; Painful (thin green slimy) ; White slimy. Aggravation : During dentition: After taking cold: After anger, chagrin: At night: After tobacco: In childbed: From dowmvard motion: After suppresion of perspiration. Before Stool: Anxiety: Cutting colic, worse in epigastric region. During Stool: Colic: Eructations: Nausea: Retching: Thirst: Vertigo : Perspiration, Avith anxiety : Burning in anus : Violent colic, forcing screams. After Stool: Relief: Stitches in rectum: Soreness of the anus. Accompaniments: Desire for many things which are rejected when offered. Peevishness. Ill humor. Moaning on account of trifling offense, or because refused Avhat he wants. Whining restlessness; child Avants this or that, Avhich, Avhen offered, is refused or pushed away. Children cry much, and are only stilled by being carried about. Rheumatic pains in the head. Redness of the cheeks, or of one cheek only. Red rash on the cheeks. Gums hot and SAVollen. Tongue and mouth dry. Tongue coated thick yelloAV, or Avhite. Bitter, sour, or slimy taste. Aversion to food. Intense thirst. Bitter eructations. Sour vomiting of food or slimy mucus. Abdomen hard and distended. Weight and burning in the stomach. Cutting or tearing colic, making the child bend double and draAV up its knees. Involuntary emission of urine Avhich feels hot. Very painful cutting jerks from right shoulder toward head, Avith thirst and debility. Moaning in the sleep, with hot, sticky sweat on the forehead. Twitch- ing of the muscles during sleep. Convulsions : Both legs moved up and down alternately: Grasp- ing with the hands: Mouth draAvn to and fro: Eyes staring: Eyes and face distorted: Stupor: Cough, with rattling in the chest: Yawning and stretching. Novices often fail with Chamomilla. It is not adapted to every case of diarrhoea during dentition. The mental symptoms are of chief im- portance (compare Cina),but the desire to be carried about is not alone decisive. If, hoAvever, the other symptoms correspond, particularly of the stool, this symptom Avill make the choice more certain. Cham, is not often indicated in cases of long continuance, and is often unable to complete the cure alone, requiring to be followed by Merc. sol. or Sulph. 46 THE REMEDIES AND 38. C1IELIDON1UM MA J. Stools: Thin, bright yellow, fecal; Brown watery; White watery ; Mucous ; Pasty, light-gray ; Fluid, often involuntary ; Painless; Green mucous ; Like rice-Avater tinged yelloAV; Pale slimy ; Yellow Avatery, containing flakes of mucus; Slimy, grayish-green ; Flakes, strings, gelatinous lumps ; Alternation of constipation and diarrhoea: Defici- ency of biliary coloring matter. Aggravation : At night (Avhite Avatery, mucous) ; From affection of liver. Amelioration : From wine (colic) : From hot drinks. Before Stool: Rumbling in the abdomen : Nausea. During Stool: Rumbling in abdomen: Nausea. After Stool: Rumbling in abdomen. Accompaniments : Depression of spirits* Sadness. Slimy, Avhite- coated tongue. Disgusting or bitter taste, food tasting natural. Metal- lic acid taste. Diminished appetite. Desire for Avine; for milk, which agrees; for hot drinks, which agree. Aversion to cheese and boiled meat. Pain in the stomach, relieved by eating. Jaundice. Urine profuse, pale, reddish, yellow or green. Constant pain under the inferior angle of the right scapula. Drowsiness, Avith inability to sleep. The Chelidonium combination of symptoms is not very common. Clinical experience Avith it is therefore meagre. The desire for hot drinks is very peculiar, and may prove characteristic. 39. CHINA. Stools: Yellow, watery; Undigested; Blackish; Brownish, thin watery; Chocolate colored ; Black, watery; Bilious; Whitish; Greenish; Bloody; Yellow mucous; Profuse; Frothy; Frequent; Involuntary; Putrid; Cadaverous; Corrosive; Painless (undigested and watery stools). Aggravation : After a meal: At night: Early in the mornino-: In hot Aveather : In inveterate drunkards: In nursing women : From fruit: From drinking sour beer: After measles: During small-pox : After severe acute disease: After loss of fluids : On alternate days: Afternoon (colic). Amelioration : By bending double (colic). Before Stool: Colic. During Stool: Stitches and acrid feeling in anus: Thirst: Passage of flatus. THEIR INDICATIONS. 47 After Stool: Tingling in the rectum, as from Avorms: Feeling of great debility: Colic. Accompaniments : Indifference. Vertigo, with sensation as if sinking through the bed. Pale, earthy, bloated face. Lips dry, black, chapped. Ptyalism. Tongue coated white or yellow. Diminished appetite. Voracious appetite worse at night. Bitter or sour taste. Bitter taste of all kinds of nourishment. Desire for sour things; wine ; fruit; cherries. Desire to drink frequently, but little at a time. Vomit- ing of food, of water, of sour mucus, of bile. Enlargement of the liver and spleen. Colic, often violent, of pinching character, with nausea, Avith thirst, relieved by bending double, returning every after- noon. Cutting about the umbilicus, Avith cold sweat on the forehead. Distension of the abdomen, temporarily relieved by belching. Fermen- tation in the bowels. Tympanitis. Emission of large quantities of flat- ulence, sometimes very fetid. Dark urine. Pulse hard, rapid, irregular. Great tveakness, particularly Avith the painless stools. Inclination to sweat. Profuse night sweats. Sleep worse after 3 a.m. Rapid exhaustion and emaciation. After a long-lasting attack of cholera infantum child becomes drowsy, pupils dilated, rapid and superficial breathing; chin, nose and tips of the ears cold (impending hydrocephaloid). During Convalescence : Much weakness and debility, with pale face, ringing in the ears and tendency to dropsical SAvelling. China has a very strong resemblance to Carbo veg. The character of the stool Avill usually serve to distinguish them, together with the fact that with the former the stools are often entirely in the night, be- ing absent during the day, even in severe cases, unless they occur after meals, which is also an additional distinction. When Avell selected Chin, usually completes the cure. In threatened hydrocephaloid, hoAV- ever, it is often necessary to follow with Calc. phos. 40. CICUTA VIROSA. Stool: Thin, slimy; Black offensive; Frequent, liquid; Expelled suddenly. Aggravation : At 2 and 5 a.m. : By pressure (abdominal pains). Before Stool: Sudden urging, scarcely able to retain the stool: Burning pain in the back: Weakness. During Stool: Violent urging to urinate. 48 THE REMEDIES AND After Stool: Prolapsus recti: Burning in the anus: Urging: Desire to urinate. Accompaniments : Anxiety and fretfulness. Headache. Vertigo. Pupils dilated. Face pale or flushed. Dryness of the throat, Avith thirst. Great longing for charcoal. Nausea in the morning and when eating .Loss of appetite after eating a few mouthfuls. Burning, swell- ing and throbbing in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen distended with flatulence. Frequent emission of flatus. Tearing pains deep in the ab- domen. Sudden, sharp, stitching pains from the navel to the neck of the bladder. Bruised feeling of the forearms and legs. Frequent in- voluntary jerking of the arms and fingers, with sticking pains. Cold ex- tremities. Frequent waking rviih sweat all over; feels invigorated. Chil- liness. In Cholera : Loud sounding, dangerous hiccough. Vomiting alter- nates with violent tonic spasms of the pectoral muscles. Congestion of blood to the brain or chest after vomiting ceases. Violent jerking backward of the head. Staring or upturned eyes. Heavy breathing. Sopor. Convulsions. Cicuta is reported to have been used successfully in cholera, but clinical experience with it in diarrhoea is very meagre. The early morning stool, Avith its peculiar concomitants, the distended abdomen, and the longing for charcoal, seem to furnish characteristic indications. 41. CINA. Stools : Greenish, slimy; Bilious ; White, mucous, like little pieces of popped corn; Reddish, mucous; Bloody; Alternating with constipa- tion ; Involuntary; Frequent: Watery. Aggravation: During dentition: In the daytime: After drinking: In children. Before Stool: Pinching colic. During Stool: Discharge of round worms. Accompaniments: Disposed to cry much. Cross and peevish. Rejects everything that is offered. Paleness of the face, particularly around the nose and mouth, and sickly appearance around the eyes. Disposition to pick or bore in the nose. Grinding of the teeth during sleep. Appetite capricious or impaired. Cutting and pinching in ab- domen. White, turbid urine. White, jelly-like urine. Restless sleep; waking frequently, or frequently changing position, waking with cries. Will not sleep without rocking. Grinding of the teeth during sleep. Worm spasms: the child stiffens out straight. THEIR INDICATIONS. 49 The accompanying symptoms, particularly those italicized, will more frequently indicate Cina than the character of the stools, and will render the choice easy. The characteristic urine is the surest indica- tion. 42. CISTUS CAN. Stools : Thin, grayish-yellow, fecal; Hot; Squirting out. Aggravation : After-part of the night till noon: After eating: After fruit: After coffee: In wet weather (general condition): In scrawny, scrofulous children. Before Stool: Irresistible urging. Accompaniments : Characteristic sore throat. Much dryness of the throat, Avorse after sleeping, better after eating and drinking. Throat looks glassy. On back of throat stripes of tough mucus. De- sire for cheese, for acid food and fruit. Nausea. Pain in the stomach after eating. -Cervical glands swollen or suppurating. Goitre. The irresistible urging to stool early in the morning is like Sulph., but the color and consistence of the stool are different. 43. COCCULUS. Stools: Yellow, soft, fecal; Slimy; Fetid; Frequent; Painless; Watery; Thin; Black slimy, very fetid. Aggravation : Directly after rising: From standing: From riding but a short distance in omnibus or car: During intermittent fever: After drinking cold Avater: Through the day: When bending double (pains). Amelioration : By sitting : By suppressing the stool. Before Stool: Urging: Burning in rectum: Emission of hot flatus. During Stool: Pain in bowels, causing dyspnoea, sweat and faint- ness : Burning in rectum: Vomiting : Flatus. After Stool: Violent tenesmus: Fainting: Prolapsus recti. Accompaniments: Metallic, coppery taste in the mouth. Sourish taste after a meal. Intense thirst while eating. Aversion to food; to- bacco ; drinks; acids. Food tastes as though salted too little. Nausea, with tendency to faint. Excessive nausea and vomiting when riding in a carriage, or when becoming cold. Violent spasm of the stomach, with griping, tearing pains. Much rumbling in the bowels. Pain in left side of the abdomen, aggravated Avhen bending double. Sensation of sharp stones rubbing together in abdomen. 4 50 THE REMEDIES AND Numb, paralytic sensation of the legs. Fetid, or hot flatus. Watery urine. Hectic fever. Emaciation. 44. COFFEA. Stools: Liquid, fecal; Watery; Painless; Offensive; Weakening; Alternation of constipation and diarrhoea. Aggravation: During dentition: In infants: From sudden joy: From taking cold: In open air: From domestic cares: After abuse of chamomile: In old people. Accompaniments: Over-sensitiveness. Excitement. Wakeful- ness. Colic, as if the stomach had been overloaded. Aversion to open air, Avhich also aggravates the symptoms. 45. COLCHICUM. Stools: Watery; Changeable, greenish, yellowish, reddish, slimy, fecal; Jelly-like mucous; White, jelly-like mucous, with spots and streaks of blood; Transparent, mucous; Bloody, mingled with a skinny sub- stance; White mucous; Orange-yellow, watery, with bright yellow flakes; Watery, containing large quantities of white shreddy particles; mixed with small white membranes or light bluish matter; Profuse; Frequent (watery); Small; Frequent (bloody and mucous); Painless (watery); Slimy; Offensive; Involuntary and Avithout sen- sation to the patient (Avatery) ; Excoriating; Slightly sour-smelling. Aggravation : In the autumn: In hot, damp weather: In the even- ing and night: From motion (vomiting). Before Stool: Griping colic, must bend double: Constant ineffec- tual urging: Flatulency: Piuching in abdomen. During Stool: Borborygmus: Cutting colic: Deathly nausea and prostration: Vomiting, faintness: Pain in anus: Violent tenesmus: Prolapsus ani: Spasms of sphincter ani: Shuddering over the back : Pain in small of back. After Stool: Tenesmus: Relief of colic: Long-lasting, agonizing pains in rectum and anus: Exhaustion: Child falls asleep on the vessel as soon as the tenesmus ceases. Accompaniments: Peevish; external impressions, light, noise, strong smells, contact, etc., disturb the temper. Paleness. Heat in the mouth, with thirst. Great thirst, even burning, unquenchable. THEIR INDICATIONS. 51 Increased secretion of saliva, often very profuse. The saliva causes nausea and inclination to vomit when swalloAving it. Constriction of the oesophagus. Aversion to food on looking at it, and particularly when smelling of it. The smell of fish, eggs, fat meats or broth causes nausea even to faintness. Violent vomiting occurring with great ease (with the watery stools). Vomiting of yellowish mucus, very bitter, preceded by long and violent gagging. Every motion excites or reneAvs the vomiting. Burning in the stomach or icy coldness, also in the abdomen. Colic. Distension of the abdomen, with flatulence. Great swelling of the lower part of the abdomen. Coldness and oedema of the legs; cramps in the calves. Ascites. Urine dark broAvn and scanty. Much Aveakness and prostration. Colch. stands next to Podoph. in painless cholera morbus. It differs chiefly in the stools being smaller and less gushing; in the time of aggravation, and the presence of the nausea and vomiting. In dysentery the jelly-like and skinny stools are quite characteristic, particularly the latter. Other symptoms distinguish it from Aloe., Canth. and Kali bich. 46. COLOCYNTHIS. Stools: BroAvnish-yelloAV fecal; Saffron yellow, frothy, liquid; First watery and mucous, then bilious, and lastly bloody; Bloody; Bilious; Slimy and bloody like scrapings of the intestines; Thin, greenish, slimy and watery; Thin mucous (painless); Undigested; Increasingly color- less and watery; Excoriating ; Frequent; Not profuse ; Sour putrid; Musty, like brown paper burning. Aggravation: From cold diet: From sour things: From eating or drinking: After a meal: From fruit: From motion : After vexation, indignation, or grief from ill-treatment: During dentition: During nurs- ing or right after. Amelioration: From coffee: Smoking: Pressure: Lying on the abdomen : Bending double: By violent exercise (pains) : From getting warm in bed. Before Stool: Difficulty of retaining the stool: Cutting colic: Great urging. During Stool: Tensive pain in the forehead: Cutting colic: Tenes- mus : Nausea: Burning along the urethra: Burning in anus: Violent pains in boAvels, extending down thighs: Compressive, griping pains, beginning at navel and passing down to rectum: Much flatus. 52 THE REMEDIES AND After Stool: Cessation of colic (or, more rarely, the colic occurs chiefly, and is very severe after stool): Weakness,paleness and great prostration: Burning and darting pains in the anus: Severe burning along the sacrum. Accompaniments : Tongue coated Avhite or yellow. Tongue feels scalded. Burning at the tip of the tongue. Bitter taste in the mouth. Canine hunger. Much thirst. Nausea, with fruitless efforts to vomit, lasting until falling asleep, and returning on awaking. Vomiting of food without nausea. Vomiting of bile; of greenish substances. Intense griping, cutting or squeezing in the intestines, coming up into the stomach and causing nausea, or extending down into the thighs. Squeezing as though between stones. Cutting, lancinating pains flying all over the abdomen. Pains are aggravated by eating or drinking. Abdomen feels empty and sore. Tympanitic distension of the abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen. Urine fetid, viscid, jelly-like. Frequent urging to urinate, with small discharge. Retention of urine. Cramps in the legs and feet. Warm feet Avith cold hands. Chills pro- ceeding from the abdomen. Sleeplessness. The characteristic pains of Coloc. remain always its prominent indi- cation. Whether they occur before or after stool, or during the inter- val, it will remove them, and with them, usually, the Avhole train of symptoms. Sometimes in dysentery, with much tenesmus, Merc, is needed afterAvard. 47. COLOSTRUM. Stools: Green, watery; Yellow; Watery; Mucous; Bilious; Pro- fuse; Sour-smelling; Excoriating. Aggravation : In nursing infants: During dentition. During Stool: Colicky pains in the hypogastrium. Accompaniments: Great nervous irritability or listlessness. Pale face. Tongue coated white or yellow. Vomiting of sour or bitter substances. Loss of appetite. The whole body smells sour. Fever. Emaciation. The symptoms of Colostrum are purely clinical, and like those of all other remedies, which claim recognition solely upon the basis of empiri- cism, must be regarded with distrust. Only a careful proving and more extended clinical observation can determine their real value. THEIR INDICATIONS. 53 48. CONIU3I. Stools: Liquid fecal, mingled with hard lumps; Watery; Undi- gested ; Sour; Frequent; Involuntary (duringsleep without waking); Alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Aggravation : During the day. Before Stool: Cutting pains. During Stool: Chilliness: Tenesmus: Burning in the rectum. After Stool: Palpitation of the heart, sometimes intermittent: Tremulous Aveakness, passing off in the open air, or when lying: Faint- ness. Accompaniments: Face pale or sallow. Much vertigo when lying down, and especially Avhen turning over in bed. Desire for acids: salt food ; coffee. Nausea after eating. Much inflation of the abdomen after meals, particularly after milk. Emission of fetid or cold flatus. Cuttings and gripings in the abdomen. Frequent urination. Inter- mittent stream of urine; the flow stops and starts repeatedly. Yellow color of the skin. Jaundice. Much weakness and lassitude, with desire to sit or lie. In chronic diarrhoea of old men Con. is sometimes the remedy, as indicated by the stool and the urinary symptoms, with the tremulous Aveakness. It may also become indicated by the same symptoms in younger persons, and then, usually, women. 49. COPAIVJE. Stools : White fecal; Bloody; Watery ; Copious; Involuntary; Greenish, mixed with mucous flocculi; White mucous in masses; Diarrhoea alternating with obstinate con- stipation. Aggravation : In the morning: After taking cold: With bron- chial and intestinal catarrh. Amelioration : By bending'double (colic). During Stool: DraAving, tearing colic: Chilliness: Tenesmus: Nausea and vomiting. Accompaniments : Loss of appetite. Nausea. Vomiting. The most characteristic thing of Copaivae is a tendency to a general catarrhal condition and aggravation from taking cold; in both of Avhich it resembles Dulcamara. 54 THE REMEDIES AND 50. CORNUS CIRCIN VTA. Stools : Dark, bilious, greenish, slimy; Watery ; Mucous; Very offensive; Frequent and scanty. Aggravation : After eating: In the morning: During dentition: In jaundice: In liver derangement. Amelioration : By passage of offensive flatus. Before Stool: Urging: Colic. During Stool: Griping pains about the umbilicus: Rumbling and passage of much very offensiAre flatus: Burning in rectum and auus: Tenesmus: Nausea: Drowsiness, dulness of head and general per- spiration. After Stool: Burning in rectum and anus: Relief of dulness in the head, and distension of stomach : Colic. Accompaniments : Entirely indisposed to mental or physical exertion. Cannot think or read. Great relaxation of mind and body. Dulness and weight in the head, particularly the temples, relieved by coffee. Dark rings around the eyes. Conjunctiva yellow. Yellow color of the face. Face hollow, with an expression of weakness and dul- ness. Heat in the face Avithout redness. Tongue coated white or yellow. Aphthae. Bitter taste. Thirst for cold drinks. Nausea, with general sticky sweat and feeling of exhaustion. Pain in the stomach after eating, with distension of the stomach and abdomen, better after passage of flatus and stool. Rattling and rumbling in abdomen. Griping pains. Weakness of the extremities. Sleepiness. Chilliness, followed by flashes of heat and sweat. Debility. Cornus c. deserves more attention, and will be found frequently use- ful by those Avho make the most of every Avell-proved remedy. Compare with Chelid. 51. CROTALUS HORRIDUS. Stools : Liquid dark green ; Yellow watery; Black, thin ; Dark fluid, bloody; Involuntary (dark bloody) ; Offensive. Aggravation : From noxious effluvia; From imbibation of septic matter in food or drink; From " high game;" In summer; In low septic states. During Stool: Colic, nausea, great debility and faintness: Vom- iting and micturition simultaneously. After Stool: Great debility. Accompaniments : LoAvness of spirits and indifference to every THEIR INDICATIONS. 55 thing. Disagreeable sensation through the whole body and nauseous taste. Sudden and extreme coldness and blueness. Collapse, cramps, vomiting. Embarrassment of respiration. Scarcely perceptible pulse. Suppression of urine. Crotalus is one of our most valuable remedies in the most danger- ous cases, such as bilious remittents, yellow fever, pyaemia, hectic fever, typhus, relapsing fever; when the diarrhoea takes on the charac- teristics of the remedy. 52. CROTON TIGLIUM. Stools: Yellow watery; Dark green, or greenish-yellow liquid; Tenacious mucous; Brownish-green; Undigested; Frequent; Small (mucous stools) ; Profuse (yellow, watery stools) ; Coming out like a shot. Aggravation: After drinking: While nursing: While eating: At every movement: From fruit: From sweetmeats: During the day : During the summer. Amelioration : From hot milk (colic) : After sleeping. Before Stool: Heat: Anxiety: Cutting pain in the bowels. During Stool: Sweat: Nausea: Colic: Cutting in abdomen: Faint feeling: Vomiting: Tenesmus: Scraping of posterior wall of rectum: Disagreeable sensation through the whole body; Nauseous taste: Protrusion of the rectum. After Stool: SAveat on the forehead: Vertigo: Face sunken and altered in expression : Rumbling and gurgling in left side of abdomen: Burning in anus: Pressing in epigastrium and umbilicus, with protru- sion of rectum and constant urging to stool: Nausea, with fainting: Great pallor and weakness: Coldness of body. Accompaniments: Dry, parched lips. Excessive nausea, with vanishing of sight. Gagging, with vertigo, worse after drinking. Vom- iting immediately after drinking. Violent vomiting of ingesta; of yel- lowish-white frothy fluids. Burning and pressure in the stomach. Colic and writhing around the umbilicus. On pressing on the umbili- cus with the hand, a painful sensation is felt all along the intestinal canal to the termination of the rectum, causing the latter to protrude somewhat. The three highly characteristic symptoms of Crot. tig., the yellow watery stool, sudden expulsion and aggravation from drink and food, 56 THE REMEDIES AND form a trio Avhose presence will render success certain and brilliant. This stool is not always painful. The other stools have the same con- ditions and are also quickly cured by this remedy. 53. CUBEBiE. Stools : Blackish, yelloAvish, fecal; Bilious ; Yellow, transparent, mucous; mingled with whitish shining particles looking like kernels of rice; Bloody mucous; Frequent (dysenteric stool); Copious (bilious and fecal); Involuntary. Aggravation : At night, in bed (colic): From food or drink. Amelioration : From rising from the bed and moving about (colic). Before Stool: Cutting pains in hypogastrium: Severe griping pains in bowels, with backache. During Stool: Headache and griping: Severe griping pains in bowels, with backache: Urging to urinate: Rumbling and cutting in abdomen: Burning in rectum: Tenesmus: Cutting pains: Loud dis- charge of flatus. After Stool: Long-continued tenesmus and relief of pains, except dull heavy pain in back and bowels. Accompaniments : Desire for delicacies; oranges; acid fruits; spirits; brandy; fresh bread; onions; almonds; nuts. Unquenchable thirst, with feeling of dryness of tHte mouth, though moistened Auith an oily saliva. Nausea. Abdomen distended and very sensitive. 54. CUPRUM MET. Stools : Watery; With flakes; Bloody ; Black, watery ; Green; Frequent; Not very copious. Aggravation: During epidemic cholera: In pernicious inter- in ittents. Amelioration : From drinking cold water (vomiting). Accompaniments : Restlessness, tossing about and constant uneasi- ness. Changed features, full of anguish. Spasmodic distortion of the face. Face and lips blue and cold. Sunken, deep eyes, with blue rings around them. Excessive thirst. Sweet taste in the mouth. Sweet stringy saliva. Tip of the tongue cold. All food tastes like clear water. Desire for warm food and drinks. Drink descends the oesopha- gus with a gurgling sound. Deathly nausea. Violent vomiting; of bile; of water containing flakes, with violent colic and cramps. Violent pains in the stomach. THEIR INDICATIONS. 57 Hardness of the abdomen, Avith extreme sensitiveness to touch. Down- Avard pressure in the hypogastrium. Spasm of the stomach. Deathly feeling of constriction beneath the sternum. Violent spasms in the abdomen and upper and lower limbs, with piercing screams. Spasms of the throat preventing speech. Dyspnea so intense that he cannot bear a handker- chief before the face. Sighing respiration. Urine scanty and seldom, or suppressed. Violent cramps in the legs and feet. Soft, slow pulse, weak and small. Comatose sleep after vomiting. Intense coldness and blueness of the surface, with long-continued general cold sweat and great prostration. General convulsions, with continued vomiting and violent colic. Uremic eclampsia with loquacious delirium, followed by apathy, cold tongue and breath, and collapse. Spasms, with blue face and thumbs clenched across the palms of the hands. The violent cramps and spasms of Cuprum will distinguish it from Camph., Verat. and Arg. nit. These cramps particularly affect the flexors, the muscles often drawing up into visible knots. 55. CYCLAMEN. Stools : Yellow, watery; Papescent; Mucous; Expelled forcibly. Aggravation : After coffee: After pork and fat food: In the even- ing, during rest, and in the open air (general condition). Before Stool: Pinching colic: Urging: Nausea. During Stool: Tenesmus: Burning in anus: Colic: Palpitation. After Stool: Ineffectual straining: Pinching in abdomen: Dul- ness and forgetfulness. Accompaniments: Despondency, listlessness. Semi-lateral head- ache, worse in the left temple, with heat in the head, and almost com- plete obscuration of sight; relieved by application of cold water. Ver- tigo, worse in the open air. Pupils dilated or alternately contracted and dilated. Face pale, with blue rings around the eyes. Partial loss of taste or bitter taste. Salivation. Tongue coated Avhite, with red tip; vesicles on the tongue. Aversion to fat food; to bread. De- sire for lemonade. Much thirst or absence of thirst. Eructations. Nausea. Vomiting of mucus. Feeling of satiety after a feAV mouth- fuls of food. Pressure and distension in the stomach and abdomen. Rumbling of flatus. Hypogastrium sensitive to pressure. Palpita- tion of the heart. Sleep restless, disturbed by vivid dreams; falls 58 THE REMEDIES AND asleep late and aAvakens early, with feeling of great lassitude and weakness. Pulse feeble. Chlorosis. In many of its symptoms Cyclamen is almost identical with Puis., but may be distinguished from the latter by the character of the stool, the aggravation after coffee and the aversion to open air. Like Puis., it will prove especially valuable for the diarrhoea of chlorotic women, subject to sick headaches and menstrual irregularities. 56. DIGITALIS. Stools: Watery, fecal and mucous; Yellowish-white fecal; Wliitish or ash-gray fecal; Involuntary; Like coffee grounds. Aggravation: During jaundice: Afternoon, five to six o'clock (vomiting). Before Stool: Cutting or tearing colic: Chilliness: Fainting: Vomiting. During Stool: Cutting and tearing pains in abdomen. After Stool: Urging in the rectum: Faintness. Accompaniments: Pale face, Avith bluish hue under the pale skin. Yellow color of face and conjunctiva. Tongue coated white. Mouth, tongue and gums sore. Fetid or sweetish ptyalism. Loss of appetite, with clean tongue. Thirst, with desire for sour drinks. Desire for bitter food. Violent nausea, with anguish and great despondency. Violent vomiting of food; of green bile; of mucus. Vomiting is some- times accompanied by external heat, mingled with chills, and followed by perspiration with chilliness. The nausea is not relieved by vom- iting. Tenderness of the liver. Constant desire to urinate, only a small quantity being passed each time. Great weakness. Feeling of sinking at the stomach, as though one would die. Weak, slow pulse. Violent beating of the heart, not rapid, but too violent. Chest and bowel symptoms alternate; cough in one fit of sickness and diarrhoea in the next. Digitalis is chiefly indicated by white stool, with symptoms of jaun- dice and the sinking at the stomach. 57. DIOSCOREA V. Stools : Deep yellow, thin, fecal; Bilious; Watery; Albuminous; Lumpy ; THEIR INDICATIONS. 59 Profuse; Hot; Offensive; White, slimy, jelly-like; Alternate con- stipation and diarrhoea (during pregnancy). Aggravation : By sitting, or lying, or bending double (colic): In the morning, driving one out of bed. Amelioration : By eating: In open air (nausea and general symp- toms) : By currant-wine, pressure and walking (colic). Before Stool: Colic: Urging: Drawing pains in the sacrum. During Stool: Severe tenesmus: Burning in the rectum: Emission of much offensive flatus. After Stool: Haemorrhoids: Weak, faint feeling in abdomen: The colic continues. Accompaniments: Nausea. Vomiting. Eructations. Violent twisting colic, occurring in regular paroxysms, with remissions. Severe, drawing, writhing pains in sacral region and bowels, radiating upward and downward, until the whole body and even the fingers and toes become involved in spasms, so severe as to elicit shrieks. Abdominal pains suddenly shift and appear in distant localities, as the fingers or toes. Pains in the legs and knees, relieved by motion and by rubbing. Disposition to paronychia. Diosc. has a much narrower range than Coloc, but, as in the latter, the colic is the principal indication. It is easily distinguished from the colic of any other remedy by the above symptoms. The disposition to felons may be found with the tendency to colic. Whether met Avith thus or single, Diosc. will usually cure whitlow if taken as soon as the pricking in the finger is felt, and greatly relieve and hasten the termi- nation if taken later. 58. DULCAMARA. Stools: Yellowish, greenish, watery; Whitish, watery, with flocculi; White, mucous; Green, mucous; Yellow, mucous; Slimy, mucous; Bloody; Bilious; Changeable; Expelled with much force; Dark brown fecal; Involuntary; Undigested ; Sour smelling; Frequent; Scanty; Corrosive. Aggravation: After taking cold: When the weather becomes colder: In the summer when the days are hot and the nights cold and damp : During wet and cold weather: At night: During dentition: After cold drinks: After ice-cream : In the afternoon: In childbed: During preg- nancy : In the evening: From going into damp places. 60 THE REMEDIES AND Before Stool: Perspiration: Nausea: Griping colic: Cutting in abdomen. During Stool: Colic: Perspiration: Heat: Thirst: Eructations: Vomiting: Prolapse of rectum : Faintness. After Stool: Thirst: Relief, but feeling of weakness: Burning at anus : Tenesmus. Accompaniments : Impatience. Languor or restlessness. Pale face. . Aphthae. Dry tongue. Spongy gums, with ptyalism of tena- cious, soaplike saliva. Much thirst for cold drinks. Loss of appetite. Nausea. Vomiting of mucus; of tenacious mucus. Pinching and cutting colic. Dry heat of the skin. General prostration. Dulc. is seldom required except in cases directly traceable to taking cold or to a change in the weather from warm to cold; but then it be- comes the indispensable and often all-sufficient remedy, whether the attack is diarrhoea or dysentery. It is rarely useful if the attack is painless. In many symptoms it resembles Aeon, and Arsen. 59. ELATERIUM. • Stools: Frothy, watery; Dull, olive-green discharges; Bilious; Squirting out; Dark green mucous stool, in masses mixed Avith whitish mucus streaked with blood; Very frequent and copious (watery) ; Frequent (mucous). Aggravation: After taking cold by standing on damp ground after exertion. Before Stool: Constant urging: Great pain in abdomen. During Stool: Cutting pain in abdomen : Vomiting. Accompaniments : Bitter taste. Nausea. Vomiting of Avatery, greenish, bilious matter, with great Aveakness. Oppression, stricture and pain in the epigastrium, with difficult breathing. Violent cutting pains in the abdomen. Chilliness, with continued yawning. Great prostration. Violent flatulent colic fol- lowing an obstinate diarrhoea. 60. FERRUM MET. Stools: Watery; Slimy, mucous; Undigested; Corrosive; Invol- untary; Painless; Sudden, gushing; Brown; Like rice-water; Flaky mucous; Look like intestinal scrapings; Slimy, bloody; Odorless; Exhausting. Aggravation: After abuse of Cinchona: While eating or drinking: THEIR INDICATIONS. 61 At night: Mornings: During pregnancy: From least motion: Reg- ularly every afternoon : In phthisical subjects. Before Stool: Rarely pain. During Stool: Prolapsus recti (in children) : Tenesmus: Burn- ing at anus. After Stool: Cramping pain in rectum: Burning at anus. Accompaniments : Rush of blood to the head. Flushed face. Pale face, with red spot on each cheek. Face flushes easily on the least excitement or exertion. Canine hunger, alternating with loss of appetite. Aversion to acids, ale, eggs, meats, which also disagree, par- ticularly meats. Unquenchable thirst or thirstlessness. Vomiting of food soon after eating; of sour and acrid substances. Feeling of weight in abdominal viscera, as though they would fall down when walking. Abdomen feels sore and bruised to the touch, and when walking. Hard and distended abdomen, Avithout flatulence. Spasmodic pain in back and anus. Peevish, tearful. Emaciation. Debility. Chlorosis. Exhausting sweats. Coldness of surface, with sour SAveat. Failing pulse. Vox choleraica. Ferrum is sometimes required in cases of chronic diarrhoea, in both adults and children, with the above symptoms. Were it not for its excessive abuse by the allopathists, from whom such cases mostly come, it would be more frequently useful. It must also be remembered in cholera and cholerine; especially when the slightest attempt at eating, drinking or moving brings on a stool. 61. FLUORIC ACID. Stools : Watery; Yellowish-brown, fecal; Offensive; Very loose, bright yellow, with mucus; Frothy mucous; Bilious. Aggravation: In the morning: After coffee: On alternate days, a later hour each time: During day: Soon after drinking, especially warm drinks: At night: After rising in morning: 4 a.m.: In old people: In premature old age, with syphilitic-mercurial dyscrasia: Weakly constitutions: After trivial errors of diet. Before Stool: Viscid, tasteless saliva in the mouth: Burning, pinching pain in the stomach and about the navel: Sensation of dis- tension from flatulence: Griping, severe pain in lower part of abdomen. During Stool: Protrusion of haemorrhoids: Prolapsus ani: Pain about the navel: Tenesmus. After Stool: Abdominal pain: Tenesmus. 62 THE REMEDIES AND Accompaniments : Viscid saliva in the mouth at night on wak- ing. Diminished appetite. Desire for highly-seasoned and piquant things. Aversion to coffee. Feeling of emptiness about the navel, relieved by tightening the clothes. Bilious vomiting after errors in diet. Sensibility to pressure in right hypochondrium. Sallow skin and emaciation. Great loss of memory, much fear and anxiety. Fluoric acid deserves careful study in chronic diarrhoea, in broken down persons who ha\Te had syphilis and have taken much mercury, and in hard drinkers with bad livers. 62. GAMBOGIA. Stools: Thin, yellow fecal; Watery; Yellowish or greenish Avatery, mixed with mucus; Dark yellowish-brown, watery; Bloody, mucous or slimy; Dark green mucous; Undigested; Like curdled milk ; Offensive (dark green mucous stool); Corrosive; Frequent; Quite copious ; Odorless (watery mucous) ; Coming out all at once, with a single, somewhat prolonged effort. Diarrhoea alternating with constipation. Aggravation : Forenoon or during the day: After drinking ale: After taking cold: In children: In hot weather: In old people: Morn- ings: After eating: At night. Amelioration : From pressing the abdomen (cutting pains). Before Stool: Sudden urging, with hot pinching throughout the abdomen: Darting stitches in anus: Sensation of fulness in the ab- domen : Excessive cutting around navel: Constant urging, with colicky pains: Severe pains causing him to draw up limbs and cry out. During Stool: Strong urging, causing the stool to pass quickly; Much flatus: Burning and heat in the anus: Tenesmus: Prolapsus ani: Cutting pain about the navel: Cold sweat on the limbs. After Stool: Feeling of great relief in the abdomen, as though an irritating substance were removed from the intestines: Burning in the anus: Anus sore and excoriated: Sometimes severe pains in loAver boAvels. Accompaniments : Despondency. Sadness. Bitter taste in the mouth. Burning of the tongue. Diminished appetite. There seems to be a good appetite, but a little food satisfies it. Voluptuous itching of the canthi and eyelids; child rubs them often. Aphthae; deep ulcers in the mouth, inner side of the lips and cheeks. Nausea and vomiting, after taking drink or food (Avith the watery and sometimes the mucous stools). THEIR INDICATIONS. 63 Rumbling in the abdomen. Gurgling, as of a fluid running from a bottle. Pain and sensitiveness to pressure in the ileo-ccecal region. Urine smells like onions, scenting the room. Feeling of soreness all over the body. Much lassitude and debility. Emaciation. Gambogia is one of the most important remedies in the treatment of diarrhoea, both acute and chronic, and has also a place in the thera- peutics of infantile diarrhoea and of dysentery. It closely resembles Aloe. It may be distinguished, however, by the absence of haemor- rhoids, by the rapid expulsion of stool, and by the immediate accom- panying symptoms of the stool as italicized above. When well selected, Gambogia usually gives a prompt and permanent cure, without subse- quent aid from other remedies. 63. GELSEMIUM. Stools : Yellow fecal; Cream-colored fecal; Bilious; Tea green or olive green; Involuntary. Aggravation: From sudden depressing emotions, fright, grief, bad news, excitement: During dentition: In the evening (general con- dition). Before Stool: Colic : Passage of flatus. During Stool: Difficult passage of stool, as though the sphincter ani were spasmodically closed. Accompaniments : Child frantic at times, especially when the gums are examined. Seizes things when carried, as if afraid of falling. Starts up screaming. Desire to be quiet or to be let alone. Feeling of intoxication. Gums swollen and tender. Tongue coated yellowish- white, Avith fetid breath. Little or no thirst. Pain in the bowels after beginning to Avalk, relieved by continued walking. Chilliness in the back. Drowsiness. Slight fever, with full, round, soft, flowing pulse. Many persons are seized with diarrhoea whenever subjected to sud- den depressing emotions, particularly fear and anxiety. The anticipa- tion of any unusual ordeal—as appearing in public, undergoing an examination, submitting to.a surgical operation—is sufficient to excite it. Gels, removes it, together with the trepidation Avhich caused it. It is a short-acting remedy, and although relieving the attacks, will sel- dom cure the disposition to them; some carefully chosen antipsoric must do that. 64 THE REMEDIES AND 64. GRAPHITES. Stools : Brown fluid, mixed with undigested substances, and of an intolerable fetor; Pasty, like mud, adhering to the vessel; Watery; Reddish or Avhite mucous; Knotty, lumps united by stringy mucus ; Sour-smelling; Corrosive. Aggravation : At night: After taking cold: After the menses: Night and morning: From drinking. Before Stool: Colic During Stool: Burning in the rectum : Tenesmus. After Stool: Smarting soreness in the anus: Tender haemorrhoids : Great but transient prostration. Accompaniments: Child impertinent, laughs at reprimands. Bitter taste in the mouth. Taste as of rotten eggs in the morning. Sour taste after a meal. Tongue coated. Aversion to salt things, meat and fish. SAveet things cause nausea and disgust. Putrid eructations. Desire for drink to cool one's self internally, without thirst. Fulness and hardness of the abdomen. Distended abdomen, even after eating but little, Avith rush of blood to the head. Urine fetid, sour or turbid, with reddish sediment. Offensive sweat. Lassitude of the whole body. Inclination to stretch, without being able to satisfy it sufficiently. Great itching, as though fecal matter would pass through the skin. Enlarged glands. Emaciation. Chlo- rosis. Graph, occupies a subordinate position in the treatment of diarrhoea, but the emphasized symptoms describe a condition sometimes met with, and often chronic, where it proves curative. It is especially adapted to fat, flabby persons, who suffer from constant chilliness, and are subject to eczematous and herpetic eruptions, which crack and ooze a glutinous fluid. These are apt to occur behind the ears or in the bends of the joints, and are associated with marked absence of perspiration. 65. GRATIOLA OFF. Stools: Watery; Yellow,green, frothy, watery; Brown fetid mucous; Frequent; Gushing out with force; Involuntary ; Painless; Green fluid gradually changing to colorless. Aggravation : In the open air: After drinking too freely of Avater not very cold. Amelioration: After eating, and by eructations (nausea): By passing flatus (pains). THEIR INDICATIONS. 65 Before Stool: Nausea: Rumbling in the abdomen: Cutting round the umbilicus. During Stool: Nausea: Burning pain in rectum: Soreness in anus: Tenesmus. After Stool: Pressure in the abdomen Avhen walking, disappearing when sitting : Coldness : Shuddering when entering a room : Burning pains in rectum: Burning in anus: Wrenching pains in coccyx : Creep- ing chills. Accompaniments: Accumulation of clear water in the mouth, causing frequent spitting. Appetite for nothing but bread. Aversion to smoking. Violent thirst. Nausea, and inclination to vomit. Vomit- ing of bitter water or a yellowish substance. Violent vomiting, often accompanied by pains in the head, vomiting first of greenish water, later colorless. Cold feeling of the stomach, as if full of water. Much flatulence. Cold feeling in the abdomen. Severe cramps in abdomen, extending over the Avhole body. There is reason to believe that Gratiola will prove particularly ser- viceable in cases of cholera morbus resulting from drinking excessive quantities of Avater of moderate coolness; the quantity, and not the coldness, being the cause. 66. HELLEBORUS NIGER. Stools: White, jelly-like, mucous; Pure, tenacious, white mucous; Colorless mucous: White gelatinous, like frog's spawn; Watery; Frequent: Involuntary. Aggravation: In children: During dentition: During acute hydro- cephalus : From 4 to 8 p.m. : During pregnancy. Before Stool: Nausea: Colic. During Stool: Urging: Tenesmus: Nausea. After Stool: Burning, smarting at the anus: Relief of colic. Accompaniments: Taciturnity. Rolling of the head. Head hot. Eyes partly open. Eyeballs rolled upward. Pupils dilated and insensible to light. Squinting. Sudden shrieks. Face pale, cedema- tous, hippocratic; forehead wrinkled. Ptyalism, with soreness of the corners of the mouth. Great thirst. Aphthae. Much gagging. Vomit- ing of green or blackish substances. Urine scanty and dark, with floating black specks, or containing a de- posit looking like coffee grounds. Cramps in extremities. Voice weak. 5 66 THE REMEDIES AND Skin cold and clammy. Pulse often intermittent. Automatic motion of one side of the body. Hell. n. brings help sometimes, Avhen Avithout it help would be hard to find, or be sought in vain. The stool is chiefly characteristic, and is such as sometimes occurs in protracted and dangerous cases of infaDtile diarrhoea. 67. HEPAR SULPH. Stools: Light yellow fecal; Thin or papescent; Green, watery; Black; Undigested; Whitish, sour smelling; Bloody mucous; Green, slimy, fetid; Smelling like rotten cheese; Painless; Expulsion difficult. Aggravation : During the day: After eating: After drinking cold water: After abuse of mercury or cinchona: In dyspeptics. Amelioration : After eating (symptoms of the stomach). Accompaniments : Depressed or irritable mood. Disinclination for mental or bodily exertion. Sourish, metallic taste. Bitter taste. Generally good appetite. Desire for acids; wine; tea. Craving for condiments. Much thirst. Hot, sour regurgitation of food. Sour vomiting. Vomiting of green, acrid water. Frequent momentary attacks of nausea. Morning nausea and vomiting. Pressure and pain in the stomach, relieved by eating; by eructation; by passing flatus. Empty, sinking feeling at the stomach. Strong and comfortable feeling after a meal. Frequent desire to loosen the clothing about the stomach, particularly a few hours after a meal. Acrid feeling in the stomach during digestion. Bruised sore feeling of the body, worse from any motion. The child smells sour. Swollen glands. Desire to be covered even in a Avarm room. Over-sensitiveness to pain. Hepar sul. occupies a leading position in the therapeutics of chronic diarrhoea. The cases calling for it are among the most common. They come often from allopathic treatment, having abuse of mercury or cin- chona, and often suppression of scabies in their history. So many of the characteristic symptoms are referred to the stomach, that the cases might be classed under dyspepsia. It most resembles Lycop. The time of aggravation is the most constant distinction. A comfortable feeling after eating is very characteristic. 68. HIPPOMANE MANCINELLA. Stools : Dark or black fecal, afterward watery; Fetid. THEIR INDICATIONS. 67 Aggravation: At night: At midnight: In the morning: After drinking Avater (colic). Before Stool: Sudden urging: Colic. During Stool: Colic: Much discharge of flatus: Burning in the stomach and anus : Tenesmus. After Stool: Pulsation in the anus. Accompaniments : Violent headache. Dryness of the mouth. Burning in the mouth, not relieved by cold water. Mouth and tongue studded with small vesicles, preventing the taking of solid nourish- ment. Bleeding of the mouth. Tongue coated white, with small red spots not coated. Bloody taste. Bitter taste, worse after sleeping. Increased saliva, fetid, yellowish, burning. Thirst for water. Aver- sion to Avine, spirits, meat and bread. Violent vomiting of ingesta ; bitter; watery ; green ; of a bitter watery substance, on which float pieces like white, hardened fat. Tympanitis. DroAvsiness. Though published nearly thirty-four years ago, this remedy remains a stranger to most of us. The symptoms are not at all equivocal, and it may well be placed among our reserve forces. 69. HYDROPHOBIX. Stools : Bloody mucous; Bloody. Aggravation : On seeing water, or hearing it run. Amelioration : By sipping tea. During Stool: Tenesmus. After Stool: Tenesmus. Accompaniments : 111 humor. Irritability. Inclination to be rude and abusive, to bite and strike. Aversion to drinking Avater, but can take small quantities of chocolate. Large quantities of tough saliva in the mouth, with constant spitting. Hydroph. adds an interesting and Avell-confirmed symptom to our repertory, in the aggravation, Avhich, Avith the other symptoms, makes it applicable in dysentery. Those Avho have scruples about using a remedy of this character are at liberty to cure cases having this dis- tinctive condition with some other remedy, if they can. 70. HYOSCIAMUS. Stools: Yellow watery; Watery; Mucous; Frequent; Involuntary; In bed without consciousness of it; Painless; Nearly odorless. 68 THE REMEDIES AND Aggravation : During typhoid fever; During pregnancy: In child- bed : When urinating: At night. Accompaniments: Muttering delirium. Delirium about usual employments; wants to get up and attend to business or go home. Makes abrupt, short answers to imaginary questions. Raises head from pilloAV and gazes about. Things seem too large. Frequent looking at the hands, because they seem too large. Unconsciousness, with no wants except thirst. Fear of being poisoned or sold. When spoken to replies properly, but delirium and unconsciousness immediately re- turn. Desire to uncover or undress, and remain naked. Bright, staring eyes. Dilated pupils. Face flushed. Teeth encrusted Avith brown mucus. Clean, parched, dry tongue. Much thirst. Hiccough, Avith spasms and rumbling in the abdomen and foam at the mouth. Urine scanty or retained, or passed involuntarily in bed, leaving streaks of red sand on the sheets. Sleeplessness from nervous irritation. Subsultus tendinum. Picking at the bed-clothes. Convulsions. Spasms. Attack comes on suddenly Avithout apparent cause. The symptoms of the stools of Hyos. are sufficiently unlike those of any other remedy to make the choice easy, but the accompanying symptoms make it certain. 71. IGNATIA. Stools: Yellowish-Avhite, slimy; Thin; Pasty; Mucous; Bloody mucous; Acrid; Sometimes painless; Involuntary (when passing flatus); Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Aggravation : During dentition : In nervous, hysterical persons: After fright: After eating: At night: When standing (constriction of the anus): After coffee and tobacco and from emotions (general con- dition). Before Stool: Rumbling: Urging, felt mostly in the middle and upper abdomen. During Stool: Prolapsus recti: Smarting in the anus: Passing much flatus. After Stool: Prolapsus recti: Tenesmus: Constriction of the anus, worse when standing: Great nervous erethism. Accompaniments : Suppressed grief, with over-sensitiveness. Alter- nate laughing and crying. Great timidity. Frequent sighing. Child has much sobbing, sighing and crying. Sobbing and sighing continue \ THEIR INDICATIONS. 69 long after the crying has ceased. Face pale, clay-colored, sunken, Avith blue rings around the eyes; or alternately red and pale; or redness and heat of one cheek and ear. Eructations of bitter fluid or food into the mouth. Hiccough after eating and drinking and after emotions. Nausea, usually without vomiting. Hunger and nausea at the same time. Hunger in the evening prevents sleep. Empty retch- ing, relieved by eating. Aversion to tobacco, warm food, meat and spirituous liquors. Empty, sinking feeling at the stomach, with qualmish- ness, flat taste and desire to draw a long breath. Urine frequent, watery, profuse. Child aAvakens from sleep with piercing cries and trembles all over. Frequent flushes of heat, with perspiration. Convulsive jerks of single parts. * Spasms : from difficult dentition; preceded by hasty drinking ; return at the same hour daily; trembling all over; cries and involun- tary laughter. Ignatia is not often indicated in acute diseases of the bowels, but is valuable in certain forms of diarrhoea and dysentery, characterized by great nervous erethism and tenesmus occurring only after stool. The italicized accompaniments are very characteristic, especially the desire to take a deep breath to relieve the sinking at the stomach. 72. IODINE. Stools: Watery, foamy, whitish mucous; Whey-like; Fatty; Bloody, mucous; Thick, mucous; Fecal; Purulent; Copious; Fetid; Alternation of constipation and diarrhoea. Aggravation: In the morning: After milk: After eating (abdom- inal symptoms): In a warm room (general condition) : In old people. Amelioration : After eating (pain in stomach). Before Stool: Severe pain as though being stepped on, in whole abdomen, relieved in no position. During Stool: Cutting pain in the bowels. After Stool: Burning at the anus. Accompaniments: Restlessness. Inclination to constantly change position, so that one can neither sit nor sleep. Children very irritable, will not allow anyone to approach them. Fear of being touched. Pres- sive pains in the vertex. Pale, yellowish complexion. Aphthae in the mouth, with ptyalism. Thickly coated or dry tongue. Putrid smell from the mouth. Sour taste in the mouth. Much thirst. Eat- ing too often and too much, digestion being rapid, and yet the emaciation goes on. Pains in the stomach, gnawing or corroding, better after 70 THE REMEDIES AND eating. Violent and continued vomiting, reneAved by eating. Left hypochondrium hard and painful on pressure (enlarged spleen). Cut- ting in the abdomen. Incarceration of flatus in left abdomen. Pressing and bearing down toward the pelvis. Enlargement of the mesenteric glands. Urine ammoniacal. Palpitation of the heart, worse from the least exertion. Sleeplessness. Emaciation. Prostration and debility. Iodine is suitable mostly to a chronic diarrhoea of an exhausting character and in persons Avith dark eyes and hair. The restlessness is a constant desire for change of place, without anguish and tossing, as in Ars. 73.' IPECACUANHA. # Stools: Green mucous, as green as grass; Lumpy, greenish, watery ; Lemon-colored ; White, mucous; Bloody; Bloody, mucous ; Fermented; Bilious ; Dark, almost black, looking like frothy molasses; Putrid; Frequent. Aggravation : At night: In the evening: During dentition: In children : After a cold : From motion (colic) : In the autumn: After unripe fruit or vegetables: After eating sour substances: From anger, mortification or vexation, with indignation: In fat, pale children. Amelioration : From rest (colic). Before Stool: Colic: Nausea: Vomiting During Stool: Colic: Nausea: Vomiting: Coldness: Paleness: Violent tenesmus (dysenteric stools). After Stool: Lassitude: Tenesmus (dysenteric stools): Twitching of face. Accompaniments: Irritability. Impatience. Open fontanelles. Pale face, with blue margins about the eyes, and constant look of nausea. Pupils dilated. Epistaxis, with pale face. Cold sweat on the forehead. Tongue clean. Increased secretion of saliva. Loathing of food. No thirst. Desire for dainties and sweet things. Nausea, pro- ceeding from the stomach, with empty eructations and a Aoav of saliva, with pale face and suppressed breathing. Vomiting : immediately after eating; after drinking ; of ingesta; of yellow mucus; of bile; of large lumps of fetid mucus; of green, jelly-like mucus; of grass-green mucus; of large quantities of mucus. Excessive, indescribable sick feeling in the region of the stomach. Flatulent colic. Griping, pinching about the umbilicus, as though the intestines Avere grasped with hands. Skin cool. Oppressed breathing. Suffocative catarrh of the chest. Spasms. Sleep Avith eyes half open. DroAVsiness, with starting and jerking of the muscles during sleep. THEIR INDICATIONS. 71 The continuous nausea is the most constant distinctive symptom of Ipec. The addition of the characteristic vomiting and the violent colic is more rare, and renders the choice more nearly certain. This remedy is seldom suited to cases of long continuance, and is often unable to complete the cure alone. In cholera infantum it may need to be fol- lowed by Arsenicum. 74. IRIS VERSICOLOR. Stools: Brown; Watery; Watery, mixed with mucus ; Bloody, mucous; Thin, yellow, fecal; Black; Mushy; Papescent; Greenish; Undigested; Involuntary; Frequent; Profuse; Corrosive; Fetid or coppery-smelling. Aggravation : At night: After supper: At 2 or 3 A.M.: In hot weather: In children (in Spring and Autumn). Amelioration : By bending double (colic) and passing flatus. Before Stool: Rumbling in the abdomen: Cutting in the lower part of the abdomen. During Stool: Cutting: Severe cramp-like pains: Tenesmus: Burning at the anus: Fetid, coppery-smelling flatus. After Stool: Pricking as of points in the anus: Burning of the anus, as though on fire: Prolapse of the rectum. Accompaniments: Despondency. Severe headache. Sunken eyes. Flat taste. Bitter or putrid taste. Increase of saliva, which is ropy. Burning from the mouth to the anus. White tongue. Loss of appetite. Empty eructations. Nausea. Vomiting, with burning in the mouth, fauces and esophagus. Violent vomiting of ingesta; of bile; of an extremely sour fluid, which excoriates the throat. Violent efforts to vomit, resulting in enormous forcible eructations. Violent pain with every fit of vomiting. Great burning distress in stomach. Pain in umbilical region, Avith loud rumbling in the bowels. Tym- panitis. Burning in the urethra after micturition. Cramps. Fever, with hot sweat. Much exhaustion and debility from the first. Limbs and body cold. The characteristic symptoms of Iris v. are not among those of most frequent occurrence, but when met with are not difficult to recognize. It will be found applicable mostly to cholera morbus, occurring in the hottest of the season. It is said to have been used successfully in cholera, with icy-cold tongue and general coldness of the surface. 72 THE REMEDIES AND 75. JABORANDI. Stools : Thin, yellow, watery, undigested ; Gushing; Painless. Aggravation: During the day (mostly between 6 a.m. and noon) : At noon (headache). Amelioration : By eating (distress in the stomach). Accompaniments: Headache. Face flushed. Profuse salivation. Intense thirst. Great nausea and retching, often attended Avith hic- cough and sometimes terminating in vomiting. Eructations. Distress in the stomach, relieved by eating. Empty, gone feeling in the ab- domen. Urine dark, scanty or profuse. Rapid pulse, with visible throbbing of the arteries. Profuse sweat. The symptoms of Jaborandi are so peculiar and striking that this remedy may well be placed among our reserve forces for future study and verification. 76. JALAPA. Stools: Watery; Sour-smelling; Bloody; Aggravation : In infants : At night. Before and During Stool: Cutting colic. Accompaniments : Great restlessness and anxiety. Nausea and vomiting. Severe griping, cutting pains in the bowels, worse at night. Child is quiet all day, but screams and tosses about all night. General coldness, with blueness of the face. Jalapa is very valuable for severe nightly colic of infants, with or without diarrhoea. 77. JATROPHA CURCAS. Stools: Watery; Profuse, gushing out like a torrent. Accompaniments: Apathy. Indifference to pain; or anxiety and anguish. Pale face, blue margins about the eyes. Dryness and burning of the mouth, tongue and throat, or increase of thin saliva. Violent, unquenchable thirst. Eructations. Vomiting of large masses of dark green bile and mucus, of large quantities of watery, album- inous substances. Burning in the stomach. Spasmodically contract- ing pains in the stomach. Abdomen swollen and tender to the touch. Rumbling and noise as of a bottle of water being emptied in the abdomen not ceasing after stool. Violent cramps in the legs and feet. Coldness of the body. General cold, clammy perspiration. THEIR INDICATIONS. 73 Those who have used Jatropha in the treatment of cholera have confirmed the above symptoms, and they are such as give it a promi- nent place in the treatment of the first stage of that disease, before the period of collapse. The albuminous vomiting is very characteristic. This and the other symptoms are also sometimes met with in cholera morbus. In some respects it resembles Ipec, but may be distinguished from the latter remedy by the burning thirst and violent cramps. 78. KALI BICH. Stools : Blackish, Avatery; Yellowish, watery ; Clay-colored, Avatery and lumpy; Brownish,frothy, watery; Bloody; Jelly-like; Frequent; Gushing out (watery stools) ; Involuntary and often pain- less and odorless. Aggravation : In the morning: Periodically, every year: In the early part of the summer: After rheumatism : From lager beer: In fat, light-haired persons. Before Stool: Urgent pressure to stool (waking one in the morning). During Stool: Painful urging: Tenesmus: Gnawing pain about the umbilicus. After Stool: Tenesmus: Burning in the abdomen, with nausea and violent straining to vomit. Accompaniments: 111 humor. Sadness. Pale, yellowish com- plexion. Small scabs on the septum of the nose. Dryness of the mouth and lips, relieved only a short time by taking water. Increase of saliva, which is frothy, viscid, and tastes bitter or salty. Tongue coated thick, brown, like thick, yellow felt at the root, papille elevated. Large insular patches on the tongue. Tongue dry, red, smooth and cracked. Much thirst. Desire for ale or acid drinks. Nausea, with feeling of heat in the whole body and dizziness. Vomiting of sour, undigested food; of bitter bile; of mucus; of pinkish, stringy, glairy fluid; of blood; accompanied by cold perspiration on the hands. Tympanitis. Gnawing pain about the umbilicus. Stitches in the right side of the chest and in the left sciatic nerve. Much debility and desire to lie down. Kali bich. proves of great service in a variety of cases, but chiefly in dysentery, with the characteristic tongue and gelatinous stools. Some- times, however, with those stools the tongue has nothing peculiar. The morning aggravation will then decide the choice. After Canth. has removed stools like scrapings, jelly-like stools will sometimes appear. 74 THE REMEDIES AND Kali bich. will then complete the cure. It is also valuable in chronic morning diarrhoea and chronic clay-colored diarrhoea. 79. KALI BROM. Stools: Watery (like-rice-water); Frequent; Green; Bloody; Muco-purulent; Painless. During Stool: Sensation as if the boAvels were falling out: Drib- bling of urine. Accompaniments: Anxiety and restlessness. Rolling of head. Hot head. Pale face. Eyes sunken and congested. Pupils dilated. Convulsive motion of eyes and limbs. Eyeballs moving in every direction without taking any notice. Mouth dry. Intense thirst. Thrush in mouth. Internal coldness of the abdomen. Colicky pains in the abdomen. Sensation as if the bowels were falling out. Violent abdominal spasms, during which abdomen gets very hard. Urine scanty, dribbling a few drops at the beginning of every stool. Burning in the chest. Pulse rapid and Aveak, imperceptible. Shaking of the body as if from palsy. Feet and hands blue and cold. Great chilliness, even in a hot room. Emaciation. Night terror during dentition. Starts, jactitations, spasms. Kali brom. deserves further clinical observation. It has been used successfully in cholera infantum, with great prostration, coldness of the surface and symptoms of hydrocephaloid. 80. KALI CARB. Stools: Light gray, fecal; Yellowish or brownish, fecal; Alternat- ing with constipation; Corrosive; Sometimes painless; Profuse; Involuntary (when passing flatus). Aggravation : At night: At 3 or 4 a.m. : During the day; In the evening: Day and night: After milk. Before Stool: Sudden and violent urging: Colic: Pinching deep in the abdomen : Rumbling. During Stool: Colic: Smarting at the anus: Nausea. THEIR INDICATIONS. 75 After Stool: Burning at the anus: Pinching pains. Accompaniments : Irritable. Easily startled. Aversion to noise. Hair dry, rapidly falling off, with much dandruff. Face yellow, bloated. Swelling over the upper eyelid in the morning, like a little bag. One cheek hot, the other cold. Bitter taste. Desire for acids or sugar. Aversion to rye bread or brown bread. Sour eructations. Sour vom- iting. Stitches in region of liver, with tension across the abdomen. Icterus. Much flatulence. Abdomen hard, bloated and sensitive about the umbilicus, with pain in the back. Stitching pains, extending from the back into the gluteal muscles. Sharp, shooting, stitching pains all over the abdomen. Drowsiness in the daytime and early in the evening. Much weariness. Debility and desire to lie down. Weak pulse. Kali c. is only useful in chronic cases, with the peculiar cachexia revealed by the puffiness under the eyebroAV. 81. KALI NITR. Stools: Watery; Thin, fecal; Bloody. Aggravation : In the morning: During the day: After eating veal. Amelioration : By emission of flatus (colic and urging). Before Stool: Violent colic: Urging. During Stool: Cutting colic in whole intestinal canal: Tenesmus. After Stool: Cutting colic: Tenesmus : Burning and stinging in the anus. Accompaniments: Headache. Fetid odor from the mouth. Tongue coated white. Little appetite, with much thirst. Violent colic, more in the right side of the abdomen. Debility, felt more when sitting than during gentle motion. Some persons always have diarrhoea after eating veal. The curability of such cases Avith Kali nitr. needs someAvhat more confirmation, but no other remedy has had this symptom so well confirmed as yet. 82. KREOSOTUM. Stools: Greenish or chopped; Greenish, watery; Dark brown, watery; Grayish; White; Papescent; Undigested; Fetid; Cadaverous- smelling; Excoriating. Aggravation : In nursing infants: During dentition: From 6 p.m. until 6 a.m. (general condition) : In tall, delicate, blonde children : In old Avomen. 76 THE REMEDIES AND Accompaniments : Great irritability. Blueness around the nose, temples and mouth. Very painful dentition. Gums hot, swollen, tender, and look as if infiltrated with a dark, watery fluid. Teeth show dark specks and begin to decay as soon as they appear. Tongue coated white. Craving for smoked meats. Intense thirst, with greedy drinking. Continuous vomiting and straining to vomit. Vomiting of food several hours after it has been eaten. Vomiting in the evening of all food eaten during the day. Belching and hiccoughing Avhen carried. Griping about the navel. Abdomen distended. Child resists the tightening of anything about the abdomen Avhich increases the restless- ness and pain. Dreams that he is urinating, and awakes to find the dream a reality. Hands and feet cold. Very restless, tossing about all night; will only sleep when caressed and fondled; moaning and dozing Avith half-open eyes. Quick, scarcely perceptible pulse. Ex- haustion and rapid emaciation. Although not one of the most frequently indicated remedies, Kreos. occupies an important place in our therapia. The symptoms of the teeth and gums are especially characteristic. It is followed Avell by Sulphur. After Carbo veg. it disagrees. 83. LACHESIS. Stools: Watery; Light yelloAV, fecal; Purulent; Thin, pasty; Chocolate-colored; Consisting of decomposed blood looking like charred straw; Bloody water; Bloody and slimy ; Very offensive; Cadaverous-smelling; Undigested ; Frequent; Cor- rosive ; Involuntary; Alternating with constipation. Aggravation : After eating or drinking : In the spring: In Avarm weather: In the evening or night: After acids: After fruit: During typhoid fever: After sleep: Before or after menses: In drunkards: During climaxis. Amelioration : By bending fonvard (colic). Before Stool: Rumbling: Urging. During Stool: Burning at the anus: Tenesmus. After Stool: Burning at the anus: Tenesmus: Protrusion of large haemorrhoidal tumors, with constriction of the anus and continued de- sire for stool; Throbbing as with little hammers in anus. Accompaniments : Loquacity. Anterior half of the tongue red, smooth and shining; cracked at the tip; or tongue black and bloody. Vesicles on the tip of the tongue. THEIR INDICATIONS. 77 In putting out the tongue it catches on the teeth or under-lip. Much thirst. Desire for wine; for oysters. Desire to loosen the cloth- ing about the waist. Spasmodic colic, relieved by bending forward. Much flatulence. Loud eructations which relieve the stomach. Dis- tension of the abdomen. Cramp-like pains in the abdomen, Avhich feels hot. Tenderness in the left iliac region, with intolerance of the slightest pressure. Frothy urine. Languor. Debility. Exhaustion as from warm Aveather. Shivering without coldness. Much distress after sleep. Lach. is not often required in the treatment of diarrhoea. In chronic cases, or when occurring in the progress of other acute diseases, it may become indicated by the concomitant symptoms. 84. LAUROCERASUS. Stools: Green, liquid, mucous; Fecal; Green watery; Yellowish, mushy, undigested; Involuntary. Aggravation : In the afternoon: After cold food: After eating or drinking (pains). Before Stool: Cutting in the abdomen. During Stool: Tenesmus: Loud emission of flatus. After Stool: Burning at the anus. Accompaniments : Sunken countenance. Livid, grayish-yellow complexion. Eyes staring, or lightly closed; pupils dilated (sometimes contracted) and immovable. White and dry tongue. Violent thirst. Entire loss of appetite. Sensation of constriction in the throat when swallowing. Drink rolls audibly through the oesophagus and intes- tines. Severe pain in the bowels. Stitching pain in the liver. Dis- tension of the region of the liver, which is very tender to the touch. Indurated liver. Suppression or retention of urine. Slow, feeble, moaning or rattling breathing. Irregular action of the heart, with suffocative attacks and great anguish in the cardiac region. Pulse slow, irregular or imperceptible. Skin cold, livid. In Cholera: Absence of vomiting and stools: Asphyxia: Coldness of the body: Pulselessness: Fainting: Tetanic spasms: Staring,fixed look: Dilated pupils: Respiration slow,, deep, gasping, difficult and spasmodic, at long intervals. 78 THE REMEDIES AND The symptoms of Lauroc. remind us at once of a most severe and fatal form of cholera infantum. The rattling of drink as it rolls down the oesophagus is the most characteristic symptom, and one of evil omen. In these cases, the other symptoms corresponding, this remedy will save many otherwise fatal cases. The same remark applies also to cholera and cholera morbus. 85. LEPTANDRIA. Stools : Black, fecal fluid, running from the bowels in a stream; Black, papescent, tar-like; Yellowish green; Watery ; Watery mucous ; Watery, with large quantities of mucus; Greenish, muddy, Avatery, spouting out like water; Mucous, bilious and bloody; Consisting of pure blood; Profuse; Fetid; Excoriating; Undigested. Aggravation : In the morning after rising and moving about: In the afternoon and evening: From meat or vegetables. Before Stool: Great urging, with inability to retain the stool: Severe colic: Loud rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen as of water. After Stool: Sharp, cutting pains and distress in the umbilical region: Weak feeling in the abdomen and rectum : Faintness: Hunger. Accompaniments : Face sallow. Tongue coated yellow along the centre. Nausea, with faintness. Vomiting. Severe and constant dis- tress between the umbilicus and epigastrium, with sharp, cutting pains. Aching, burning sensation in the region of the liver, aggravated by drinking cold water. Brown urine. Much distress. Clinically, little is known of Lept.; but the symptoms derived from provings are peculiar and distinctive, though not such as are often met with in practice. The symptom of the region of the liver is found on the opposite side, under Natr. carb. The griping colic after stool with- out tenesmus will distinguish Lept. from Merc. sol. 86. LILIUM TIGRINUM. Stools: Dark brown, semi-liquid fecal; Copious, bilious ; Bloody, mucous; Very offensive. Aggravation: In the morning and forenoon : In the evening until midnight (general condition): When standing (bearing down). Before Stool: Peremptory urging: Constant dragging, bearing THEIR INDICATIONS. 79 down sensation, with pressure in the rectum producing continual desire for stool. During Stool: Tenesmus of the bladder and rectum. After Stool: Acrid smarting and burning in the rectum and anus: Severe tenesmus : Exhaustion. Accompaniments: Constant hurried feeling as if imperative duties demanded attention, with inability to perform them. Depression of spirits. Apprehension of some approaching disease. Excitement and defiance under restraint. Loss of appetite. Aversion to coffee and bread. Abdomen feels bloated and is tender. Trembling sensation in the ab- domen. Frequent desire to urinate, with smarting in the urethra during micturition; urine high-colored and scanty. Pressure downward through' the pelvis, as if everything would push out, with desire to press upward on the perineum and vulva. Dragging down sensation extending to the hypogastrium, thorax and shoulders, with aching and dragging in the back. Burning in the pelvis. Stitching pains from ilium to ilium or from pubis to sacrum. Sharp burning pains and stitches in the ovaries, which are swollen and tender, especially during the menses. Sexual excitement. Hands and feet cold and clammy when excited. The value of Lilium tig. in morning diarrhoea, associated with, or dependent upon, prolapsus uteri and ovarian irritation, has been con- firmed by abundant clinical observation. 87. LITHIUM CARB. Stools: Light, yellow, fecal; Stinking. Aggravation: After fruit: After chocolate: At night: In the morning. Accompaniments : Appetite quickly satisfied. Gnawing pains in the stomach, relieved by eating. Emission of much offensive flatus waking one from sleep. Pain in the bladder before and after urination. Strong urging to urinate. 88. LYCOPODIUM. Stools : Thin, brown or pale fecal, mixed with hard lumps; Thin yellow or reddish-yellow fluid; Shaggy, reddish mucous; Undigested; Purulent; Bloody; Green; Offensive (green) ; Painless; Painful (dysenteric stools). Aggravation : At 4 P.M. and until 8 P.M. (flatulence, pains and 80 THE REMEDIES AND stools): At 1 a.m., or soon after midnight, or 2 to 3 a.m. (stools): Dur- ing pregnancy: After milk: After oysters (?): After a meal (stomach and abdomen): In the morning (stools): After cold food: After sup- pressed eruptions (especially scabies). Amelioration : (Of the stomach symptoms) : By eructations: By loosening the clothing about the stomach: By stroking the epigastrium Avith the hand : By application of cold substances to the epigastrium: After eating. Before Stool: Chilliness in the rectum: Colic. During Stool: Biting at the anus: Burning at the anus: Chilli- ness : Colic: Distressing pressure in the rectum: Tenesmus. After Stool: Sense of insufficient evacuation (dysenteric stools). Accompaniments : Child sad and listless, or nervous, irritable and unmanageable. Earthy color of the face. Flushed face. Blue rings around the eyes. Eyes wide open, fixed, insensible to light. Child does not wink. Bad or putrid smell from the mouth in the morning. Bitter taste. Sour taste in the mouth, aud of food. Little or no thirst. Canine hunger. Desire for sweet things. Aversion to bread; to warm, boiled food; to meat; to coffee; to smoking. If the canine hunger be not satisfied, severe headache results, which is relieved after eating. A little food seems to fill the stomach full, and causes fulness and dis- tension of the abdomen. Eructations. Pain, tenderness and swelling oj the region of the stomach, relieved by loosening the clothing. Sinking at the stomach. Nausea in the morning. Flatulent distension of the abdomen. Con- stant sense of fermentation in the abdomen. Abdominal walls so sen- sitive that laughing is painful. Incarcerated flatulence. Loud rumbling of flatus in the abdomen, espe- cially in the left hypochondrium. Child cries before urinating. Urine deposits red sand on the diaper. Suppression of urine. Fatigue in the thighs, which no position relieves: desire to stretch them apart and then press them together again. Fatigue and weakness is felt more during rest than during motion. Heat between the scapula. Child sleeps with half-open eyes and throws its head from side to side, Avith moaning. Sleep disturbed by frequent waking; child springs up terrified and screaming, and is angry and cross, striking, kicking and scratching every one who approaches. Desire to go into the open air. Weakness. Nervous debility. Chlorosis. Emaciation. Feet cold. One foot hot, the other cold. THEIR INDICATIONS. 81 Spasms, Avith screaming, foaming at the mouth; unconsciousness, throwing the arms about. Lycop. is one of the noblest monuments to the genius of Hahnemann, as well as one of the most convincing proofs of the homoeopathic doc- trines. This innocent substance is developed by potentizing into one of our most valuable remedies for chronic diarrhoea, as met with in weak, chlorotic, dyspeptic and debilitated persons. The characteristic symptoms are marked, and need no comment. The symptoms of the stool are subordinate. The "chilliness in the rectum," before stool, is a singular but genuine symptom, which further observation may prove to be characteristic. It should be thought of in cholera infantum, with brain symptoms. Before Lye. is frequently needed some other, not antipsoric remedy (often Nux vom.). 89. MAGNESIA CARB. Stools : Green, watery, frothy, with green scum like that of a frog- pond ; White lumps, like masses of tallow, floating in the green, watery stool; Bloody mucous; Green mucous; Greenish-yelloAv, slimy, mucous; BroAAn, fluid ; Profuse; Sour-smelling; Undigested (containing curdled milk). Aggravation : In hot weather: During dentition: During the day: After fruit: From artificial foods. Amelioration : After eating warm soup (colic). Before Stool: Cutting and pinching in the abdomen: General heat: Rumbling: Emission of flatus. During Stool: Colic: Urging: Tenesmus. After Stool: Tenesmus: Burning at the anus. Accompaniments : Anxiety and general feeling of heat. Bitter taste. Sour taste. Tongue coated Avhite. Aphthae. Much thirst for cold water, more in the evening and night; also for acid drinks. De- sire for fruit. Little appetite. Milk is refused, or if taken causes pain in the stomach. Sour vomiting. Flatulent distension of the ab- domen, with rumbling, and cutting and pinching colic. Sour smell of the whole body. Debility. Much of the ground which should have been occupied by Magn. carb. has heretofore been given to Cole, and Merc. A better acquaintance with the former will prevent this in the future. It is a remedy of the first order in dysentery and infantile diarrhoea. The stools are highly 6 82 THE REMEDIES AND characteristic. The bloody mucus is found mixed Avith the green, Avatery stool, sinking to the bottom of the vessel and adhering there ; but the Avatery stool occurs alone. It follows Rheum well, and is often required after that remedy to complete the cure. 90. MERCURTUS CORROS. Stools: Bloody, slimy; Containing shreds of mucous membrane; Offensive; Yellow, green, bilious; Great quantity of pure blood; Scanty; Frequent. Aggravation : Day and night: By motion (pains and tenesmus). Before, during and after Stool: Constant tenesmus and urging to stool: Cutting colic. Accompaniments : Cold face and hands, with small, feeble pulse. Astringent, metallic taste. Tongue red and sore. Aphthae. Ptyalism. Unquenchable thirst. Vomiting of albuminous matter, of tough or stringy mucus, of green, bitter substance. Distension and soreness of pit of stomach not permitting least touch, even of the clothing. Ab- domen swollen, hard and sensitive to pressure, especially about the umbilicus. Tenesmus vesicae, with intense burning in the urethra, and dis- charge of mucus and blood, with the urine or after it. Urine scanty, hot, bloody, retained or suppressed. Stitches in the side. Cramps in the calves. Limbs feel bruised. Trembling of the limbs. Faintness, weakness and shuddering. In the absence of any provings except poisonings, the finer shades of Merc. corr. are not known. One thing is certain, however, that it is too frequently employed in dysentery, to which it is only applicable Avhen occurring in great intensity and accompanied by the character- istic urinary symptoms, as given above. It follows Aeon. well. 91. MERCURIUS SOL. (Mercurius vivus.) Stools : Dark green, bilious, frothy; Like stirred eggs; BroAvnish; Greenish-broAvn ; Watery and colorless; Black; Yellowish ; Grayish ; Watery, with greenish scum floating on the surface of the water; Whitish watery; Reddish, mucous; Green, mucous; Bloody mucous; Green, slimy; Bloody; Blood-streaked; Slimy and fecal; Purulent; Undi- THEIR INDICATIONS. 83 gested; Frequent; Scanty ; Corrosive; Sour-smelling; Black, tenacious, like pitch ; Hot gushing (yellow fluid). Aggravation : From cool evening air: At night: In hot weather: During the day: During dentition: In cold, damp weather: After sweets: While walking. Amelioration: By lying down (colic): By standing still (urging). Before Stool: Sudden urging : Violent and frequent urging: Nau- sea : Pinching and cutting in the abdomen: Anxiety, anguish, trem- bling and sweat, either warm or cold: Chilliness: Chilliness mingled with flashes of heat: Trembling of the whole body. During Stool: Violent and frequent urging: Nausea and vomit- ing: Eructations: Pinching and cutting colic, making one bend double: Burning at the anus : Chilliness: Hot SAveat on the forehead: Violent tenesmus: Screaming. After Stool: Violent tenesmus and continued urging: Never-get- done feeling: Cutting and pinching colic : RaAvness, burning and itch- ing of the anus and adjacent parts: Sensation of constriction in the rectum causing faintness : The pains in the rectum sometimes extend to the back: Prolapsus recti, the rectum looking dark and bloody: The warm sweat on the forehead becomes cold: Debility, hiccough, belching. Accompaniments: Anxious and restless in the evening, with flushed face and hurried speech. Indifference and stupidity. Stam- mering, owing to trembling of mouth and tongue. Open fontanelles. Large head. Face pale, earthy, yellow. Eyes dull. Gums swollen, bleeding easily. Tongue swollen, soft and flabby, taking impressions of the teeth on the edges; coated whitish, yellowish ; or dry, hard and black. Aphthae. Increase of saliva, or profuse salivation. Bad smell from the mouth. Teeth feel too long and are sensitive. Taste bitter; putrid. Desire for butter. Canine hunger. Desire for milk. Aver- sion to meat, to greasy food. Violent thirst: for cold drinks ; for beer. Nausea, with vertigo, dimness of vision and flashes of heat. Vomit- ing, but not for some time after eating. Vomiting of bile ; of bitter mucus. Cutting, griping, stabbing, doubling-up pains in the abdomen, worse at night. Cutting stitch from right to left in the hypogastrium, aggra- vated by walking. Abdomen cold to the touch. Region of liver painful and sensitive to contact. Frequent urination. Tenesmus vesicae. Urine scanty and turbid, or too profuse or involuntary. S4 THE REMEDIES AND Great debility. . Perspiration on the least exertion. Children restless, with frequent drawing up of the feet and Avhining. Thighs and legs cold and clammy, particularly at night. Rheumatic pains in the limbs, worse at night. Sleeplessness at night, Avith sleepiness in the daytime. Restless sleep. Oily, offensive or sour-smelling night-sweat, particularly on the head, cold on the forehead. Jaundice. Glands swollen and suppurating. Few remedies require more careful selection than Merc. Its symp- toms, though marked aud decided, differ more from other remedies in intensity than in quality, and it requires an observing experience to measure this difference. It differs negatively, however, from many other similar remedies, wanting characteristics Avhich they possess. In psoric infants the choice has often to be made between Calc, Sil. and Merc, and must be made with care, as a mistake is not easily rectified. Sil. and Merc, do not follow each other well. 92. MEZEREUM. Stools: Watery; Brown, fecal; Fermented; Undigested; Contain- ing small glittering grains; Small; Frequent; Sour; Offensive. Aggravation: In the evening: After suppression of an eruption of thick crusts covering thick pus. Before Stool: Chill: Colic: Passing much fetid flatus. During Stool: Increased urging: Colic: Prolapsus recti: Anus becomes painful and constricted about the fallen rectum. After Stool: Chill: Constriction of the prolapsus: Weakness: Sensitiveness to cold, open air: Painful tenesmus, extending to the perineum and urethra (male). Accompaniments: Pale, wretched look. Gray, earthy complexion. Increase of saliva. Tongue coated white or yellow. Bitter taste. De- sire for ham fat, coffee, wine. Much colic; cutting, pinching, drawing, relieved by rising, stretching and emission of flatus. Exhaustion. Debility. In cases of chronic diarrhoea, with a psoric anamnesis, Mez. will sometimes prove to be the remedy for the whole condition. It resembles Merc, somewhat, and is useful when Merc has been improperly given, and sometimes is needed after Bellad. THEIR INDICATIONS. 85 93. MURIATIC ACID. Stools: Fecal; Watery; Bloody and slimy, separated; Dark brownish-green, gelatinous ; Profuse ; Involuntary (without desire, while passing urine). Aggravation : Evening and morning: After a meal: From motion: In hot weather: After fruit: From drinking lager beer; During typhoid fever: After abuse of opium (general condition). Before Stool: Strong urging: Rumbling: Colic. During Stool: Smarting and cutting in the anus: Burning in the anus: Colic: Prolapsus ani: Much flatus. After Stool: Burning in the anus : Intolerable itching, tenderness and soreness of the anus : Protrusion of dark, purple varices, somewhat relieved by application of warm water; much worse from bathing ivith cold water. Accompaniments: Taciturnity or ill-humor. Face suddenly flushing or pale and sunken. Tongue heavy, like lead, preventing talk- ing ; shriveled and dry, or covered with deep bluish ulcers having black bases. Dryness of the mouth. Aphthous ulcers in the mouth. Fetid breath. Salivary glands tender and swollen. Aversion to meat. Nausea and vomiting. Stomach will neither tolerate nor digest food; this gastric Aveakness is most marked about 10 or 11 a.m. Prolapsus ani during stool and during urination. Sleepiness in the daytime, sleep- lessness at night, with bland delirium, and inclination to slide down in the bed. Great debility. The lower jaw hangs down. Perspiration during the first sleep before midnight, with desire to uncover. Pulse weak and slow, intermitting every third beat. Muscular weak- ness after abuse of narcotics, soothing syrups, etc. To delineate Mur. ac. further would be to give its full indications in typhoid fever, of which the diarrhoea is only an accompanying symptom. It is also highly applicable to diarrhoea with protrusion of blue or dark purple haemorrhoids, especially when occurring in feeble children, suffering from gastric atony, muscular debility and threatened marasmus. It follows well after Rhus. Bry. 94. NATRUM CARB. Stools: Yellow, fecal; Fecal; Watery or liquid; Thick mucous; Latter part tinged with blood ; Expelled with a gush (watery or liquid stool); Sour-smelling. 86 THE REMEDIES AND Aggravation : After taking milk: After eating: After taking cold: During a thunder-shoAver: After vegetables and starchy food (stomach symptoms). Amelioration : After eating (stomach symptoms). Before Stool: Cutting: Strong urging: Severe colic, with rum- bling in the abdomen. During Stool: Tenesmus: Burning at the anus. After Stool: Pain in the rectum. Accompaniments: Ill-humor. Depression of spirits. Much thirst. Bitter taste of food. Aversion to milk. Sour eructations- Gnawing and pressure in the stomach, with distension and gone, weak feeling about 10 or 11 a.m.; relieved by eating. Accumulation of wind in the abdomen. Passing much sour or fetid flatus. Griping colic soon after eating. Stitches in the left hypochondrium, worse after drinking very cold water. Weak ankles. Natr. carb. is rarely indicated in the treatment of diarrhoea, but as one of the remedies having an aggravation from milk, it may sometimes be required in chronic cases. The stomach symptoms should also correspond. 95. NATRUM MUR. Stools: Black, watery; Greenish, watery; Grayish; Like the white of an egg (without faeces) ; Bloody; Profuse; Gushing; Corrosive; Involuntary; Alternating with con- stipation. Aggravation : During the day: After farinaceous food : In hot weather: By motion. Before Stool: Rumbling in the abdomen. Wants to pass wind, but knows not whether faeces or wind escapes. After Stool: Weakness. Accompaniments: Sad and enjoys the sadness. Angry when con- soled. Likes to brood over past troubles. Child is irritable and cross when spoken to. Throbbing headache. Face pale, shining, greasy-look- ing. Upper lip swollen. Mapped tongue. Vesicles and herpes about the mouth. Corners of mouth sore, cracked and crusty. Aphthae. Scorbutic gums. Child is slow in learning to talk, on account of im- perfect development of the muscles of the tongue and larynx. Craving appetite. Aversion to bread; to coffee. Longing for salt, salt-fish, oysters or bitter things. Loss of taste. Violent thirst, with dry, sticky mouth; worse in the evening. Nausea and vomiting. Distress in the stomach, relieved by tightening the clothes. Abdomen distended with THEIR INDICATIONS. 87 flatus; or sunken. Urine deposits a reddish sediment; passed invol- untarily at night and when coughing, walking or laughing. Severe backache, relieved by pressure and by lying on the back. Drowsiness, with inability to sleep. Sleep restless, disturbed by dreams. Dreams that robbers are in the house. Ankles weak and turn easily. Swelling of the glands. General emaciation, most conspicuous about the neck, which is very thin and shrunken. Natrum mur. is chiefly useful for chronic diarrhoea of children, but also of older people. The emaciation of the neck, the greasy appearance of the face and the peculiar desires and aversions furnish the leading indications. 96. NATRUM SULPH. Stools: Thin, yellow, fluid; Half liquid; Yellowish-green; Gush- ing; Spattering all over the vessel; Suddenly expelled ; Slimy, light red, or bloody ; Involuntary, while passing flatus or urine; Not frequent; Often painless. Aggravation : In the morning (after rising and moving about) : Hereditary in old women : During the day : After farinaceous food: After a protracted spell of damp weather: From living in damp houses: From cold evening air. Amelioration : After breakfast and in the open air (general con- dition). Before Stool: Contractive pain in the abdomen, extending into the chest: Pinching: Pains in the groins and hypogastrium: Violent colic and rumbling. During Stool: Slight tenesmus and burning in the anus: Profuse emission of flatus. After Stool: Cheerfulness : Happy mood: Burning at the anus: Relief of colic. Accompaniments : Thirst in the evening. Sour risings, with heart- burn. Bitter taste. Copious formation of gas, causing distension of abdomen and flatulent colic. Incarceration of flatus at night, causing great pain, especially in right side. Colic is particularly worse before breakfast when the stomach is empty; relieved by kneading the ab- domen and by borborygmus. Bruised pain in the intestines. Stitches in the region of the liver, and sensitiveness when walking in the open air Liver is swollen and sore to the touch or to any jar of the body. Con- stant uneasiness in the bowels and urging to stool. Passing of large quantities of flatus, mostly fetid. Constant desire to take a deep, long breath. 88 THE REMEDIES ANI) Panaritium. Inflammation and suppuration around the roots of the nails. The pain is better out of doors. Natr. sulph. is one of the most frequently indicated remedies in cases of chronic diarrhoea, Avhere the loose morning stool is the leading symptom. The flatulent symptoms are very characteristic, but not necessarily present. The tendency to " run rounds," or painful suppurations around the finger-nails, is often present, and is a strong confirmatory indication. The morning stool differs from that of Sulph. in occurring later and after rising. 97. NICCOLUM. Stools: Thin, fecal; Yellow, mucous; Coming out with force (yellow mucous). Aggravation : After taking milk: In the morning. Before Stool: Urging: Pinching: Violent cutting in abdomen. During Stool: Violent burning in anus: Stinging in the rectum : Violent urging: Tenesmus. After Stool: Colic: Violent burning in anus as if grains of barley were sticking there: Renewed unsuccessful urging and tenesmus. Accompaniments: Hunger, without appetite or any relish for food, but feels better after eating. Much thirst day and night. Nausea, with gulping up of sourAvater. Distended abdomen. Much flatulence, fetid or inodorous. This remedy resembles several others in the aggravation after milk, but differs from them all in other symptoms. We have had no clinical experience with it as yet. 98. NITRIC ACID. Stools: Mucous; Green mucous; Bloody mucous; Slimy; Flakes of false membranes; Undigested; Yellowish-Avhite, fluid ; Putrid; Fetid; Acrid; Sour-smelling. Aggravation: On alternate days: During typhoid fever: After dinner: After milk: After abuse of mercury: In the morning: In dark- complexioned old people. Amelioration: From riding (general condition): From moving about and eating (nausea). Before Stool: Colic: Drawing pains: Cuttings: Constant pressing in the rectum. THEIR INDICATIONS. 89 During Stool: Nausea: Colic: Tenesmus: Spasmodic contraction of the anus : Cutting in the anus and rectum. After Stool: Exhaustion: Irritation, anxiety and general uneasi- ness : Soreness and rawness of the anus: Burning in the anus: Violent cutting and drawing pains in the rectum, continuing for hours. Accompaniments : Irritability or despondency. Anxiety about the disease. Vanishing of thought. Dulness of the head. Headache, aggravated by the jar and rattle of carriages on the street. Pale, yel- lowish complexion. Ulcers in the mouth and fauces. Ulcers and blisters on the lips. Scorbutic gums. Dryness of the throat. Copi- ous flow of saliva. Putrid smell from the mouth. Sour or bitter taste after eating. Aversion to boiled meat; to sweet things ; to bread. Appetite for herring; fat food; earth, chalk, lime, starch. Much thirst, especially in the morning. Cutting in the abdomen (in the morning in bed). Much flatulence and rumbling. Urine dark, Avith a strong smell, or sourish smell, like the urine of horses. Cold feet (Avith colic). Night-sweat. Debility. Intermittent pulse. Emaciation, especially of the upper arms and thighs. Enlargement of the glands. According to the published symptoms, Nitr. ac. resembles Alumina, but those symptoms are not confirmed by clinical observation. The appetite for chalk, lime and similar substances obstinately refuses to yield to this remedy, and we are glad to notice that this symptom is not found in Hahnemann's proving.—As one of the remedies having green mucous stools, it should be studied in infantile diarrhoea, partic- ularly after abuse of mercury, or in children of syphilitic parents. It has also proved serviceable in dysentery of a typhoid type, Avith diph- theritic deposit on the mucous membrane of the intestines. Compare with Hep. and Mezer. after abuse of Merc 99. NUPHAR LUTEUM. Stools: Yellow, watery; Fetid ; Painless. Aggravation : From 4 to 7 a.m.: In the evening (weakness of the limbs): During typhoid fever. Before Stool: Colic (or absence of pain). After Stool: Relief of colic : Smarting and burning in the anus. Accompaniments: Great impatience at the slightest contra- diction. Pale face, Avith discolored eyes. 90 THE REMEDIES AND Sweetish taste in the mouth. Pricking paius in the rectum as from needles. Weakness of the sexual organs. Sensation of weakness and loss of power in the limbs, Avorse in the evening. General exhaustion Nuphar is not a remedy of Avide range. The early morning stool, the weakness of the limbs and the general exhaustion are the leading symptoms. 100. NUX MOSCHATA. Stools: Thin, yellow (like beaten or stirred eggs); Bloody; Un- digested; Watery; Slimy; Putrid; Profuse. Aggravation: In children (girls?): In persons who take cold easily : At night: During dentition : From taking cold : From wetting the feet: In cool, damp weather: After milk: After boiled milk: After cold drinks: In the morning: During typhoid fever: During pregnancy: After eating and drinking (colic): When riding (nausea). Amelioration: By application of moist heat (pains): By lying extended on the back. Before Stool: Cuttings. During Stool: Urging. After Stool: Acrid feeling in the anus: Sensation as if more stool would pass : Drowsiness. Accompaniments : Fitful mood. Inclination to laugh. Sluggish flow of ideas. Mouth very dry. Saliva like cotton. Dryness of the mouth, with taste as after eating strongly salted food. Chalky, or pappy taste. Little or no thirst. Craving hunger, or loss of appetite after a few mouthfuls. Enormous distension of the abdomen after each meal. Feeling as though the food formed itself into lumps with hard surfaces and angles, which cause soreness in the stomach. The dyspeptic symptoms come on while the patient is still at the table. Nausea, more while riding. Colic, worse after taking food or drink, relieved by hot, wet cloths. Urine scanty. Great drowsiness. Torpor. Lethargy. Cool, dry skin. Disposition to faint. Great languor. In the exhausting diarrhoeas of children, accompanied by great sleepiness, and worse at night, Nux mosch. is the remedy. THEIR INDICATIONS. 91 101. NUX VOMICA. Stools: Thin, brownish, mucous; Thin, bloody, mucous; Thin, green, mucous; Dark, thin, fecal; Dark, watery; Brown, fluid; Alternat- ing with constipation ; Frequent; Small; Corrosive; Offensive; Involuntary. Aggravation : After debauchery: After abuse of alcoholic spirits: After drastic medicines or prolonged drugging: After change of food (infants) : After night-watching: During jaundice: After taking cold : In the morning (general condition) : After over-exertion of the mind: After anger: After ginger or brandy (pains) : During the day. Before Stool: Cutting about the umbilicus: Backache, as if broken: Constant urging (often ineffectual). During Stool: Cutting: Backache: Violent tenesmus. After Stool: Cessation of the pains and tenesmus: Burning at the anus : Sensation as if more stool would pass. Accompaniments : Irritability. Over-sensitiveness to external im- pressions, light, noise, strong smells, jar, etc. Dull headache. Yellow- ness of the eyes and face. Pale, earthy color of the face. Gums swollen, bleeding. Bad smell from the mouth. Tongue coated thick, dirty yellowish-white. Thirst. Loss of appetite. Aversion to bread, coffee, tobacco, ale. Desire for chalk, brandy, fat food. Putrid, sour or bitter taste. Hiccough. Nausea, in the morning and after dinner. Intolerance of the pressure of the clothing about the hypochondria. Colic: pinching, cutting, contractive, griping. Pain, as if the contents of the abdomen were sore and raw. Much flatulence. Painful, ineffectual desire to urinate. Frequent urging to urinate. Drowsiness in the daytime and after eating. Wakes at 2 or 3 A.M. and lies awake for an hour or two, then falls into a heavy sleep and awakens late in the morning, feeling tired and unrefreshed. Debility. Sinking at the stomach. Desire to sit or lie down. Sen- sitiveness to open air, or to a slight current of air. Heat, with red face and aversion to uncovering. Emaciation. Chlorosis. Nux vom. is often of first importance in dysentery, with the charac- teristic stools and immediate accompaniments. In slow fevers, with alternating constipation and diarrhoea, and in chlorosis, as well as jaun- dice, it holds an important place. In the latter affections the general symptoms, more than the stools, decide for this remedy. 92 THE REMEDIES AND Nux must not be overlooked in the treatment of diarrhoea because more often used for constipation. 102. OLEANDER. Stools: Thin, yellow, fecal; Undigested (food of the previous day); Watery; Sour; Frequent; Scanty; Involuntary (when emitting flatus). Aggravation : In the morning: In children. Before Stool: Rumbling in the abdomen : Burning in anus. After Stool: Burning in anus. Accompaniments : Pale, sunken face in the morning, with blue rings around the eyes. Canine hunger, and hasty eating Avithout appetite. Thirst for cold Avater. White-coated tongue. Aversion to cheese. Nausea and vomiting; of mucus; of sour, liquid food ; of yellowish- green, bitter water. After vomiting, ravenous hunger and thirst. Rolling and rumbling in the intestines, with emission of much flatu- lence ; of fetid flatulence like rotten eggs. Some children are much troubled with frequent soiling of the clothes when passing flatus. Oleander cures this, and also more acute attacks of involuntary and of indigested stools, as described above. It has also been found useful in the diarrhoea of tuberculous patients. 103. OPIUM. Stools : Watery ; Dark, fluid, frothy; Offensive; Involuntary. Aggravation: After fright: After sudden joy: During typhoid fever. During Stool: Burning in the anus: Tenesmus. Accompaniments : Drowsiness or sopor. Sopor, without vomiting or stool. Apathy. Stupid, comatose sleep, with rattling, snoring breath- ing, or slumber with half-open eyes, contracted or sluggish pupils, carpho- logia, and touching surrounding objects. Muttering delirium. Stupid sleepiness, with frightful visions. Sleepy, but cannot sleep. Face bloated, dark red and hot, or pale, clay-colored and sunken. Dryness of the mouth. Aversion to food. Nausea. Urine scanty, retained or suppressed. Slow, full pulse. Profuse sweat. Convulsions; on entering the fit, loud screams, as from fright; after the fit, sopor. THEIR INDICATIONS. 93 Fainting, worse on rising. Rapid emaciation. Opium is chiefly useful in diarrhoea during typhoid fever, but also sometimes indicated in the last stage of infantile diarrhoea, with the characteristic stools and convulsions. 104. OXALIC ACID. Stools : Muddy, brown, fecal; Watery; Mucous and bloody; Involuntary (a constant discharge, white mucous). Aggravation : After coffee: In the morning : After breakfast: When lying down: From motion: From eating sugar (pains). Amelioration: From rest (pains). Before Stool: Headache : Twisting colic around the navel. During Stool: Colic about the navel: Colicky pains seem to radi- ate from a small spot: Violent urging: Griping pains in the anus so severe as to cause headache and heat in the head. After Stool : Nausea: Relief of pain in small of back: Dryness of the throat: Cramps in the calves. Accompaniments : Thinking of the symptoms aggravates them. Exhilaration. Stomach very sensitive to pressure. Frequent pains and soreness about the navel. Copious urine. 105. PAULLINIA SORBILIS. ( Guarana.) Stools : Green, odorless, mucous; Profuse. Aggravation : During dentition : In summer. Accompaniments : Loss of appetite. Restlessness. Sleeplessness. Although Paullinia has been before the profession over twenty years, since its introduction by the Vienna provers, the concomitants are still almost unknoAvn. The peculiar stool, hoAvever, has often been verified in practice and must always furnish the leading indication for the use of this remedy in infantile diarrhoea. 106. PETROLEUM. Stools : Yellowish, watery; Brownish-yellow, pasty; Brown, watery; Bloody mucous; Watery and bloody, containing scrapings of the intes- tines ; 94 THE REMEDIES AND Mucous ; Green, slimy ; Profuse; Gushing. Aggravation: After deranging the stomach: After sour-kraut: After cabbage: After riding in a carriage: During pregnancy: Waking one in the morning: During stormy Aveather: Always in the daytime. Amelioration: By bending double (colic): By eating (pains in the stomach). Before Stool: Colic: Cutting and pinching: Sudden urging. During Stool: Colic: Tenesmus. After Stool: Great weakness and dizziness: Canine hunger: Urging: Much pressing as if large quantities were yet to be expelled. Accompaniments: Ill-humor. Vehemence. Pulsating occipital headache in the morning. White-coated tongue. Fetid smell from the mouth. Saliva smells badly. Smell from the mouth like onions, or putrid, slimy mouth. Bitter or sour taste. Aversion to meat; fat food; and warm, cooked food. Nausea and vomiting: in the morning; when riding in a carriage. Cold feeling in the abdomen. Distension of abdomen, Avith much offensive flatus. Feeling of great emptiness in the stomach, as after long fasting. Weak, empty feeling in the bowels. Gastralgia, with drawing, pressing pains, relieved by eating. Pinchiug colic, arousing one from a sleep toward morning, relieved by bending double. Canine hunger after stool, quickly satisfied. Ex- haustion. Drowsiness. Emaciation. Aversion to the open air, which causes chilliness. Restless sleep, the patient waking often, and imagining that another person lies in the same bed, or speaking of himself in the third person. The most striking symptom of Petr. is the last one mentioned above, and one that often indicates this remedy in delirious states accompanying diarrhoea (or other affections). If unable to complete the cure, it will produce a favorable change and prepare the Avay for some other remedy. It is also useful in chronic diarrhoea with the aggravations and other symptoms as given above. 107. PHOSPHORUS. Stools : Green mucous; Greenish, turning blue on standing ; White, mucous; White watery; Green watery; YelloAv Avatery; Bilious; THEIR INDICATIONS. 95 Bluish ; Watery, with lumps of white mucus, or little grains like tallow; Undigested; Bloody; BroAvn, fluid; Bloody and purulent; Oozing from the constantly open anus (green and bloody); Bloody water, like the washings of meat; Profuse; Alternating with constipation ; Hot; Involuntary (on the least motion; when coughing); Passing out with force; Pouring out as from a hydrant; Fetid; Sour-smelling; Corrosive; Painless. Aggravation : In the morning: Day and night: In lean, slender persons: From lying on the left side: From warm food: After eating or nursing: In childbed: During pregnancy : During cholera time. Amelioration : After cold food, ice or ice-cream (symptoms of the stomach): After sleeping (general condition) : From lying on the right side. Before Stool: Rumbling: Colic: Heat or chilliness: Sudden urging. During Stool: Smarting in the rectum: Protrusion of haemor- rhoids and sharp, stitching pain from coccyx to inter-scapular region, and even to the vertex. After Stool: Burning at the anus: Tenesmus: Empty feeling in the abdomen: Weakness, obliging one to lie down: Exhaustion: Fainting. Accompaniments : Excitability. Vehemence. Pale, salloAv or changeable color of the face, with sunken eyes and blue riugs around them. Tongue dry ; white ; clean; moist and cracked. Red, dry streak down the middle of the tongue. Canine hunger at night, Avith great weakness if not gratified. Loss of appetite. Thirst, with desire for very cold drinks, especially at night, for something refreshing. Taste sweetish; saltish; sour; bitter after eating. Vomiting of what has been drunk as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach. Vomiting relieved for a time by ice or very cold food or drink. Burning in the stomach. Heartburn. Rising up of hot, sour ingesta. Abdomen swollen. Weak, gone feeling in the abdomen, with burning between the shoulders. Abdomen very sensitive, painful to touch. Rolling and rumbling in abdomen during and after drinking. Fetid flatus. Anus constantly open. Burning of the palms of the hands. Profuse, pale, watery urine. Emaciation. Nervous debility. Over-sensitiveness of all the senses. Sleepiness in the daytime and after meals. Sleeplessness before midnight. Frequent waking, with feeling of great heat. Profuse night-SAveats. Glandular swellings. The stools of Phos. are hardly characteristic unless the little grains 96 THE REMEDIES AND of tallow (they resemble more opaque frog spaAvn, or sago, as we have seen them) should prove to be so. The condition and accompaniments are, however, very peculiar, and are also constant. They Avill always be present in more or less completeness when this remedy is indicated, and will render a brilliant cure almost certain if the remedy is given in a proper dose, and is not repeated after the improvement has fully begun The symptoms of Phos. are most frequently met with in chronic cases. It is often Avell to give a single dose of a high potency of Nux vom. a few hours before beginning Avith Phos., particularly in cases coming from allopathic treatment. 108. PHOSPHORIC ACID. Stools: Whitish watery; Yellow, watery, with meal-like sediment; Light, yellow, fecal; Whitish-gray, fecal; Undigested; Greenish-white mucous ; Like dirty white paint; Involuntary (while passing flatus); Painless; Very offensive. Aggravation : During typhoid fever: From depressing mental emo- tions : After taking acids: After loss of animal fluids: In young persons who have grown very rapidly: Night and morning: After eating: Lying on right side. During Stool: Profuse emission of flatus. Accompaniments : Indifference. Quiet delirium and stupefaction. Somnolency. Complexion pale, sickly. Glassy appearance of the eyes. Scorbutic gums, SAVollen, readily bleeding. Tongue covered with gluey mucus. Voracious appetite. Much thirst. Desire for something re- freshing or juicy. Dryness of the mouth, with viscid, frothy, tenacious mucus. Abdomen bloated. Much fermentation in the bowels, with rumbling and gurgling of flatus. Frequent emission of pale, watery urine, forming a Avhite cloud at once, or opaque and milky when passed. Profuse perspiration at night. Cramps of upper arm, forearm and wrists. Phos. ac is one of the most prominent remedies for Avhite or yellow watery diarrhoea, either chronic or acute. It is characterized by pain- lessness and the absence of any marked debility or exhaustion, the patient even gaining flesh in spite of the diarrhoea. THEIR INDICATIONS. 97 109. PICRIC ACID. Stools : Thin, yellow, oily; Yellowish-gray (like gruel). Aggravation: After mental exertion (headache and burning in spine): On aAvaking (backache) : In the evening (general condition). During Stool: Burning, smarting and cutting at the anus. After Stool: Great prostration: Burning and smarting of the anus. Accompaniments : Great indifference. Lack of will-power to un- dertake any work. Dull pressive headache in forehead or occiput. Any attempt to use the mind brings on the headache and causes burn- ing along the spine. Pupils dilated. Bitter taste, with thirst. Sour eructations. Nausea, worse in the morning and on attempting to rise and move about. Pressure in the stomach, with desire to belch. Rumbling of flatus in the abdomen. Tendency to jaundice. Legs feel heavy like lead. Weakness of the legs and back, with sore- ness of the muscles and joints. Heat in lower part of spine; tired aching in lumbar region on awaking. Restless sleep, with priapismic .erections. General sense of lassitude. The least exertion causes pros- tration. Feet cold. Chilliness followed by clammy sweat. Great feeling of fatigue. Picric acid presents a perfect picture of "brainfag," and although not well defined as a remedy for acute diseases of the bowels, ought to prove serviceable in diarrhoea occurring in persons exhausted by men- tal overwork. 110. PLANTAGO. Stools: Brown, fermented, frothy; Ws. Cham. Colch. Coloc. Corn. c. Crot. tig. Dulc. Merc. c. Merc. i>. Mez. Nux v. Oleand. Puis. Rhus. Sec. Stann. Sulph. Thromb. Smell, acid : See Sour. ----, brassy : Apis. ----, brown paper burning, like : Coloc. ----, cadaverous: Ant. t. Asclep. Bis. Carbo v. China. Kreos. Lach. Sil. Strain. Smell, carrion, like: Agar. Apis. Bor. Lach. Psor. Rhus. ----, cheese, rotten, like : Bry. Hep. ----, coppery: Iris v. ----> eggs, rotten, like : Asclep. Calc. c. Carbol. ac. Cham. Psor. Staph. Sul. ac. ----, fetid : Acet. ac. Agar. Arg. n. Arn. (Bell.) Calc. c. Carbol. ac. Coccul Grat. Hip. m. Iod. Iris v. Kreos. Lept. Lye. Nitr. ac. Nuph. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Tereb. ----, musty : Coloc. ----, offensive : Acet. ac. Aloe. Ant. c. Apis. Ars. Asaf. Asclep. Bapt. Benz. ac. Bry. Cicuta. Coff. Colch. Corn. c. Crotal. Diosc. Graph. Gum. g. Lach. Lil. tig. Lith. c. Lye. Mez. Nux v. Op. Phos. ac. Plumb. Psor. Puis. Rhus. Rum. Scill. Sec. Sul. ac. Verat. Zinc. ----, putrid: Acet. ac Ars. Asaf. Bapt. Benz. ac. Bor. Bry. Carbo v. China. Coloc. Ipec. Nitr. ac. Nux mos. Podo. Sep. Sil. Stram. • ----, sour : Arg. n. Arn. (Bell.) Calc. c. Camph. Colch. Coloc. Colost. Con. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Jalap. Magn. c. Merc. v. Mez. Phos. Rheum. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ----, strong, like urine : Benz. ac. ----, without (odorless): iEth. Asar. e. Ferr. Gamb. Hyosc. Paul. Rhus. Soap-suds, like : Benz. ac. Sour: See Smell. Strings: Chel. Tallow masses, like : Magn. c. Tenacious like pitch : Merc. v. Tomato sauce, like : Apis. STOOLS. 131 Undigested: Acet. ac. iEth. Aloe. Amm.m. Ante. Arg.n. Arn. Ars. Asar. Bar. c. Bry. Calc. c. Calc. ph. Cham. China. Coloc. Con. Crot. tig. Dulc. Ferr. Gamb. Graph. Hep. Iris v. Jabor. Kreos. Lach. Laur. Lept. Lye. Magn. c. Nitr. ac. Nux mos. Oleand. Phos. Phos. ac. Podo. Raph. Rhod. Sang. Sec. Stann. Sulph. Sul. ac. ---food of previous day: Oleand. Watery: Aeon. iEscul. iEth. Agar. Aloe. Amm. m. Ant. c. Ant. t. Apis. Asaf. Asar. Asclep. Bapt. Bar. c. Bell. Bis. Calc. c. Calc. ph. Camph. Carbo v. Carbol. ac. Cina. Coccul. Coff. Colch. Coloc. Con. Cop. Corn. c. Cupr. Dig. Diosc. Ferr. Fluor, ac. Gamb. Grat. Hell. Hip. m. Hyos. Ipec. Iris v. Jalap. Jatr. Kali brom. Kali nit. Lach. Lept. Merc. v. Mez. Mur. ac. Natr. c. Natr. mur. Nux mos. Oleand. Op. Ox. ac. Phos. Podo. Puis. Rhus. Samb. Sang. Sarsap. Sec. SuljJi. Sul. ac. (Tarax.) Verat. ---, black : Apis. Ars. Asclep. Camph. China. Cupr. Kali bich. Natr. mur. Psor. Stann. Verat. ---,---, with yellow spots : Asclep. ---, bloody : Aloe. Amm. m. Lach. Petrol. Sabad. ---,---, like washings of meat: Canth. Phos. Rhus. ---, brown: Ars. Camph. Canth. Carbo v. Chel. China. Gamb. Kali bich. Kreos. Petrol. Plant. Rum. Sulph. Verat. ---, clay-colored : Calc. c. Kali bich. ---, clear (colorless): Apis. Sec. ---, containing lumps like frog spawn : Aloe. ---, dark : Plumb. ---, dirty : Podo. ---, flakes, with : Cupr. Verat. ---, frothy : Elat. Grat. Kali bich. Magn. c. ---, green: Amm. m. Bry. Cham. Colost. Dulc. Gamb. Grat. Hep. Ipec. Iris v. Kreos. Laur. Lept. Magn. c. Phos. Podo. Puis. Sulph. Sul. ac. Tereb. Verat. ---, green scum, with : Magn. c. Merc. v. ---, rice-water: Camph. Carbol. ac. Chel. Ferr. Verat. ---, white : Benz. ac. Cast. Chel. Dulc. Kreos. Merc. v. Phos. Phos. ac. ---, yellow: iEscul. Amm. m. Apis. Ars. Bor. Calc. c. Canth. Cham. China. Colost. Crotal. Crot. tig. Cyclam. Dulc. Gamb. Grat. Hyos. Ipec. Jabor. Kali bich. Natr. s. Nuph. Phos. Phos. ac. Plumb. Rhus. Thuja. 132 aggravations. Watery, yellow, containing flakes of mucus : Chel. ---, with lumps of coagulated milk: Valer. Whey-like: Iod. White, shining particles like kernels of rice: Cub. CONDITIONS OF THE STOOLS AND OF THE ACCOMPANYING SYMPTOMS. a. Aggravations. Acids, after: Aloe. Ant. c. Apis. Ars. Brom. Bry. Coloc. Lach. Phos. ac. Sulph. ---,---, worse at night when lying: Bry. Lach. Acute diseases, after : Carbo v. China. Psor. Afternoon, in the: Aloe. Bell. Bor. Calc. c. China. Dulc. Laur. Lept. Tereb. Zinc. ---, 4 to 6: Carbo v. ---, 4 to 8: Hell. Lye. ---, 5 to 6: Dig. ---, regularly : Ferr. Aged persons, in: Ant. c. Carbo v. Coff. Fluor, ac. Gamb. Iod. Op. --------with dark complexions : Nitr. ac. --- prematurely, with syphilitic mercurial dyscrasia: Fluor, ac. ---women : Kreos. Natr. s. Air on the abdomen, from cold: Caust. ---, in cold : Sil. ---,--------evening: Natr. s. ---,---currents of: Aeon. Caps. Nux v. ---, ---open: Agar. Amm. m. Coff. Cyclam. Grat. Ale, after : See Beer. Aloes, after (in lager beer or ale): Mur. ac. Sulph. Alone, when: Strain. Alternate days, on: Alum. Chin. Fluor, ac. Nitr. ac. --------, a later hour each time : Fluor, ac. Anger, after: Aeon. Bry. Cham. Ipec. Nux. v. Ascites, in: Acet. ac. Autumn, in: Asclep. Bapt. Colch. Ipec. Iris v. Bathing, after: Calc. c. Sars. --------cold: Ant. c. Bed, in: Cub. AGGRAVATIONS. 133 Beer (ale), after: Chin. Gamb. Kali b. Mur. ac. Sulph. Bending double : Ant. t. Cocc. Diosc. Breakfast, after: Arg. n. Bor. Ox. ac. Thuja, Burns, after: Ars. Cabbage, after: (Bry.) Petrol. Castor oil, after: Bry. Catarrh or coryza, after: Sang. ---, with bronchial or intestinal: Cop. Chagrin, after : Aloe. Bry. Cham. Staph. Chamomilla, after abuse of: Coff. Valer. Chest, after pains in the : Sang. Childbed, in : Asar. e. Cham. Hyos. Phos. Psor. Rheum. Sec. Stram. Thromb. Children, in (see also Dentition): iEth. Bar. c. Benz. ac. Calc.ph, Cham. Cina. Gamb. Hell. Ipec. Iris v. Kreos. Nux mos. Oleand. Rheum. Sabad. Samb. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Sul. ac. Valer. Zinc. ---, fat: Calc. c. ---,---, pale : Ipec. ---, tall delicate blonde : Kreos. ---, fontanelles, with open: Apis. Calc. c. Calc. ph. Ipec. Merc. v. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Chilly persons, in : Asar. e. Chocolate, after: Bor. Lith. c. Cholera, epidemic, during : Camph. Cupr. Phos. Puis. ---, after an attack of: Sec. Cider, after : Calc. ph. Climaxis, during: Lach. Coffee, after: Canth. Cyclam. Cist. Fluor, ac. Ign. Ox. ac. Thuja. ---, smell of, after: Sul. ac. Cold, after taking: Aeon. Aloe. Ars. Bar. c. Bell. Bry. Camph. Canst. Cham. China. Coff. Cop. Dulc. Elat. Gamb. Graph. Ipec. Natr. c. Nux mos. Nux Ar. Sulph. Verat. Zing. ---,--------in summer: Ant. t. ---, becoming, when : Coccul. ---drinks: Ant. c. Ars. Bell. Bry. Carbo v. Coccul. Dulc. Hep. Hip. m. Lept. Natr. c. Nux mos. Puis. Rhus. Staph. Sul. ac. ---food : Ant. c. Coloc. Laur. Lye. Puis. ---weather : See Weather. Coolness of evening: Merc. v. Constipation, after: Alum. 134 AGGRAVATIONS. Constitutions, in weakly: Fluor, ac. Contact, from : Bell. Colch. Covered, when : Camph. Sec. Dampness : Puis. Damp houses, living in : Natr. s. Tereb. ----places : Dulc. ----weather : See Weather. Darkness, from : Stram. Day, during the : Amm. m. Ang. Bapt. Canth. Cina. Coccul. Con. Crot. tig. Fluor, ac. Gamb. Hep. Jabor. Kali c. Kali nit. Magn. c. Natr. mur. Natr. s. Nux v. Petrol. Scill. Day and night: Kali c. Merc. c. Sil. Debauch, after : Ant. c. Nux v. Debility, during : Asar. e. Dentition, during: iEth. Apis. Arg. n. Ars. Benz. ac. Bor. Calc. c. Cilc. ph. Cham. China. Coloc. Corn. c. Dulc. Gels. Hell. Ign. Ipec. Kreos. Magn. c. Merc. v. Nux mos. Paul. Podo. Psor. Rheum. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sul. ac. Zinc. Diet, after trivial errors in : Fluor, ac. Dinner, after : Alum. Amm. m. China. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Thromb. Domestic cares, from : Coff. Drainage, from bad : Carbol. ac. Drastic medicines, after : Nux v. Draught, after exposure to : Aeon. Drinking, after: Arg. n. Ars. Asaf. Caps. Cina. Coloc. Crot. tig. Cub. Ferr. Fluor, ac. Lach. Laur. Nux mos. Podo. Sec. Sul. Thromb. Verat. ----,----, cold drinks : See Cold drinks. ----,----, impure water : Zing. ----,----, on a full stomach : Bry. ----,----, too much water : Grat. ----, ----, warm drinks : Fluor, ac. Drinks, alcoholic after : Lach. Drugging, after : Nux v. Drunkards, in inveterate : China. Lach. Eating, after (See also After meals): Agar. Aloe. Amm. m. Apis. Arg. n. Ars. Bor. Bry. Calc. c. Carbo v. Cist. Coloc. Con. Com. c. Crot. tig. Cub. Gamb. Hep. Ign. Iod. Lach. Laur. Lye. Nux mos. Nux v. Phos. Phos. ac. Podo. Raph. Rheum. Rhod. Sec. Staph. Sulph. Sul. ac. Thromb. Verat. Eating, while : Ferr. AGGRAVATIONS. 135 Effluvia, noxious: Crotal. Emaciated persons, in : Calc. c. Iod. Phos. Emotions, depressing : Coloc. Gels. Phos. ac. Eruption, after suppression of: Hep. Lye. Mez. Sulph. Evening, in the : Aloe. Bor. Bov. Calc. ph. Canth. Caust. Colch. Cyclam. Dulc. Gels. Ipec. Kali c. Lach. Lept. Lil. tig. Merc. v. Mez. Mur. ac. Nuph. Picric ac. Tereb. Exanthemata, after suppression of: Bry. ---, during : Ant. t. Ars. China. Scill. Exercise, bodily, after: Rhus. Fat, flabby persons, in : Caps. ---, light-haired persons, in : Kali bich. Fever, during gastric : Arn. ---,---hectic : Asar. e. ---,---intermittent: Coccul. Gels. ---,---pernicious : Camph. Cupr. ---,---puerperal: Carbol. ac. ---,---typhoid : Acet. ac. Alum. Apis. Arg. n. Arn. Ars. Bapt. Bell. Bry. Hydroph. Hyos. Lach. 3Iur. ac. Nitr. ac. Nuph. Nux mos. Op. Phos. ac. Rhus. Sec. Stram. Tereb. Verat. Food, artificial, after: Alum. Calc. c. Magn. c. Sulph. ---, change of, after: Nux v. ---, farinaceous, after: Natr. c. Natr. mur. Natr. s. ---, fat, after: Ant. c. Carbo v. Cyclam. Puis. Thuja. ---, indigestible, after: Verat. ---, rancid, after: Ars. Carbo v. ---, rich, after: Arg. n. ---, solid, after: Bapt. Forenoon, in the : Aloe. Apis. Gamb. Lil. tig. Plant. Fright and fear, after: Aeon. Gels. Ign. Op. Verat. Fruit, after: Aeon. Ars. Bor. Bry. Calc. c. Calc. ph. Carbo v. China. Cist. Coloc. Crot. tig. Ipec. Lach. Lith. c. Magn. c. Mur. ac. Puis. Rheum. Rhod. Thromb. Verat. ---, sour, after: Ipec. ---, stewed, after: Bry. ---, with milk, after: Podo. Game, "high," after: Crotal. Ginger, after: Nux v. Glistening objects, looking at: Stram. Grief: Coloc. Gels. Ign. Phos. ac. Ground, after standing on damp : Elat. 136 AGGRAVATIONS. Hair, after cutting : Bell. Heat of sun or fire, after : Carbo v. Headache, after: Podo. Hearing water run : Hydroph. Hereditary in old women: Natr. s. Hour, at same: Apis. Hydrocephalus acutus, during : Apis. Bell. Carbol. ac. Hell. Zinc. Ice-cream, after: Ars. Bry. Carbo v. Dulc. Puis. Imagination, from exalted : Arg. n. Indignation : Coloc. Ipec. Staph. Infants, in nursing: Aeon. JEth. Bor. Coff. Jalap. Kreos. Rheum. Stann. Injuries, after mechanical: Arn. Jaundice, during : Dig. Nux v. Joy, sudden: Coff. Op. Lead-poisoning, after: Alum. Light, bright: Bell. Colch. Liver, affections of: Chel. Corn. c. Loss of fluids, after : Carbo v. China. Phos. ac. Lying-in, during: See Childbed. Lying : Diosc. Ox. ac. Raph. ---, left side : Am. Phos. ---, on the back : Podo. ---, on either side: Bry. ---, painful side : Bar. c. ---, right side : Phos. ac. Magnesia, after abuse of: Nux v. Rheum. Meal, after a (see also After breakfast, etc.): iEth. Alum. Amm. m. Aloe. Apis. Ars. Bor. Brom. China. Coloc. Con. Mur. ac. Natr. c. Rhod. ---, during : Ferr. Measles, after : China. Puis. ---, during : Scill. Meat: Ferr. Lept. Sep. ---, fresh : Caust. ---, smoked: Calc. c. Melons: Zing. Menses, after : Graph. Lach. ---, before : (Apis.) Bov. Lach. Sil. Verat. ---, during: Amm. m. Bov. Caust. Kreos. Natr. s. Sul. ac. Verat. Mental exertion, after : Nux a-. Picric ac. Sabad. AGGRAVATIONS. 137 Mercury, after abuse of: Hep. Lach. Nitr. ac. Sarsap. Staph. Milk : iEth. Ars. Bry. Calc. c. Con. Kali c. Lye. Natr. c. Nice. Nux mos. Sep. Sulph. ---, boiled: Natr. c. Nice. Nitr. ac. Nux mos. Sep. ---and acid fruit: Podo. --------water: Raph. Morning, in the : Acet. ac. iEth. Alum. Amm. m. Aug. Ant. c. Apis. Arg. n. Bor. Bov. Bry. Cist. Cop. Corn. c. Diosc. Ferr. Fluor, ac. Gamb. Hip. m. Iod. Iris v. Kali bich. Kali c. Kali nit. Lil. tig. Lith. c. Lye. Merc. v. Mur. ac. Natr. s. Nice. Nitr. ac. Nux mos. Nux y. Oleand. Ox. ac. Petrol. Phos. Phos. ac. Podo. Rum. Scill. Suljdi. Thromb. Thuja. Zing. ---, after rising: iEth. Agar. Ars. Fluor, ac. Natr. s. Psor. ---,--------and moving about: Bry. Lept. Natr. s. ---as soon as he rises from bed: Lye. Sulph. ---, before rising : Aloe. Bell. Bov. China. Cicuta. Diosc. Kali bich. Nuph. Psor. Rum. Sulph. ---, waking one in : Kali bich. Petrol. ---, 6 A.M.: Arg. n. Mortification with indignation: Ipec. Motion : Aloe. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. c. Colch. Coloc. Crot. tig. Ipec. Merc. c. Mur. ac. Natr. mur. Ox. ac. Rheum. Rum. Tabac. Verat. ---, downward : Bor. Cham. (Gels.) ---, from least: Ferr. Nephritis, during: Tereb. Nervous persons, in : Asaf. Asar. e. Ign. News, bad: Gels. Night, at: Aeon. iEth. Aloe. Aug. Ant. c. Ant. t. Arg. n. Ars. Asaf. Asclep. Bov. Brom. Bry. Canth. Caps. Caust. Cham. Chel. China. Cist. Colch. Cub. Dulc. Fluor, ac. Gamb. Graph. Hip. m. Hyos. Ign. Ipec. Iris v. Jalap. Kali c. Kreos. Lach. Lith. c. Merc. v. Nux mos. Phos. ac. Podo. Psor. Puis. Rhus. Tabac. Verat. ---, after midnight: Arg. n. Ars. Asclep. Cicuta. Fluor, ac. Hip. m. Iris v. Kali c. Lye. Sulph. ---, midnight to noon : Ars. Cist. Night-watching: Nux v. Noise : Colch. Nitr. ac. Nux v. ---, crackling: Merc. v. ---, sudden: Bell. Bor. 13s AGGRAVATIONS. Noon, at: Jabor. Nursing, after: Ant. c. Crot tig. ---, while : Coloc. ---women : China. Onions : Nux v. Thuja. Opium, after abuse of: Mur. ac. Nux v. Overheating, after: Aeon. Aloe. Ant. c. Elat. Oysters : Brom. Lye. Sul. ac. Periodically, at same hour: Apis. Sabad. Thuja. ---, an hour later each time: Fluor, ac. ---, at same time of year: Kali bich. ---, every fourth day: Sabad. Persons who take cold easily, in: Nux mos. Perspiration, suppressed, after: Aeon. Phthisical subjects, in : Acet. ac. Ferr. Pneumonia, during: Ant. t. Pork : Ant. c. Cyclam. Puis. Potatoes: Alum. Sep. Pregnancy, during: Ant. c. Ferr. Hell. Lye. Petrol. Phos. Sep. Sulph. Pressure : Ant. t. Bell. Cicuta. ---about the hypochondria: Acou. Arg. n. Caust. Coff. Lach. Laur. Lye. Merc. v. Nux v. ---at umbilicus: Crot. tig. Quinine, after abuse of: Ferr. Hep. Lach. Rest, during : Cyclam. Rhus. Rhod. Zinc. Rheumatism, after : Kali bich. ---, during : Rheum. Riding, when : Coccul. Nux mos. Petrol. Rising from bed : Rhod. Rising up : Aeon. Bry. Op. Thromb. ---, after: Coccul. School girls, in : Calc. ph. Scrofulous persons, in : Asaf. Bar. c. Calc. c. Calc. ph. Caust. Cist. Merc. v. Samb. Sil. Sulph. Sea-bathing : Sep. Seashore, at the : Ars. Bry. Septic, low states : Crotal. ---matter in food or drink : Crotal. ' Shining objects, looking at: Stram. Sitting: Dios<-. AGGRAVATIONS. 139 Sitting erect: Bry. Sleep, after: Bell. Lach. Picric ac. Ziug. ---, during : Bry. Sulph. Slender persons, in : Phos. Small-pox, during: Ant. t. Ars. China. Smell of broth: Colch. -------eggs : Colch. -------fat meat: Colch. -------fish : Colch. -------food : Colch. ---, strong : Colch. Nux v. Smoking : Brom. Sour-kraut: Bry. Petrol. Spirits, after abuse of: Ant. t. Ars. Lach. Nux v. Spring, in : Iris v. Lach. Sarsap. Standing : Aloe. Coccul. Ign. Lil. tig. Stomach, after deranging: Ant. c. Petrol. Puis. Zing. Strain, after: Rhus. Sugar, after eating : Ox. ac. Summer, in (See also Hot weather): Aeon. iEth. Crotal. Crot. tig. Kali bich. Paul. Sun, in bright: Agar. ---, hot : Camph. Supper, after: Iris v. Thromb. Swallowing saliva, when: Colch. Sweets, after: Arg. n. Calc. c. Crot. tig. Merc. v. Thromb. Thinking of the pain, when : Ox. ac. Tobacco : Cham. Ign. Puis. Thunder shower, before : Rhod. ---, during : Natr. c. Rhod. Tuberculous patients, in : Carbo v. Oleand. Uncovering, when : Nux v. Rheum. Urinating, when : Aloe. Alum. Canth. Hyosc. Vaccination, after: Sil. Thuja. Veal, after eating : Kali nit. Vegetables: Bry. Lept. Natr. c. Vexation : Calc. ph. Coloc. Staph. ---, with indignation : Ipec. Walking, after : Calc. c. ---, when : Aloe. Alum. Merc. v. Warm food : Phos. 140 AMELIORATIONS. Warm room, in : Apis. Iod, Puis. "Warmth: Puis. Washed, while being : Podo. Water, containing coal oil: Zing. ---, hearing run : Hydroph. Weaning, after : Arg. n. "Weather, change of: Dulc. Psor. ---, cold : Dulc. ---, colder, when becoming: Dulc. ---, damp: Agar. Aloe. Cist. Natr. s. Rhod. Rhus. Sulph. ---,---, cold : Dulc. Merc. v. Nux mos. Rhod. Rhus. ---, dry : Alum. ---, hot: Aloe. Ant. c. Bapt. Bell. Bry. Calc. c. Carbo v. China. Colch. Gamb. Iris v. Kali bich. Lach. Magn. c. Merc. v. Mur. ac. Natr. mur. Nux mos. Podo. Rheum. Verat. ----,---, damp : Colch. ---,---, with cold nights: Aeon. ---,----,--------and damp nights : Asclep. ---, stormy : Petrol. ----, warmer, when becoming : Bry. Wet, after getting : Aeon. Rhus. ---feet, after getting : Nux mos. Wind, after exposure to cold: Aeon. ---,---cold, damp : Zing. ---, with east: Psor. Wine, from : Zinc. Winter : Asclep. Young persons of rapid growth, in: Phos. ac. b. Ameliorations. Air, in open: Diosc. Iod. Lye. Natr. s. Puis. Ale, after: Aloe. Bending double: Aloe. Bell. Bry. Cast. China. Coloc. Cop. Iris v. Lach. Petrol. Podo. Rheum. Rhus. Sulph. Breakfast, after : Bov. Natr. s. Thromb. Coffee : Brom. Coloc. Corn. c. Phos. Cold applications : Cyclam. Lye. Puis. Cool place, in : Puis. Drinks, cold : Phos. ---, hot: Chel. AMELIORATIONS. 141 Eating, after: Arg. n. Brom. Chel. Diosc. Grat. Hep. Iod. Jabor. Lith. c. Lye. Natr. c. Nice. Nitr. ac. Petrol. Plant. Saug. Eructation : Arg. n. Grat. Hep. Lye. Flatus, by passing : Aloe. Arn. Calc. ph. Corn. c. Grat. Hep. Iris v. Kali nit. Mez. Food, acid : Arg. n. ---, cold : Phos. Heat, dry : Sulph. ---, external: Ars. ---, moist : Nux mos. Ice-cream : Phos. Loosening the clothing : Hep. Lye. Lying down: Merc. v. Sabad. ---on abdomen: Aloe. Alum. Calc. Coloc. Phos. Rhus. ---on back : Bry. ---on side : Podo. ---on right side : Phos. Milk, hot: Crot. tig. Motion : Coloc. Cub. Diosc. Nitr. ac. Plant. Rhus. Pressure : Asaf. Cast. Coloc. Diosc. Gamb. Podo. Rest, during : Bry. Ipec. Ox. ac. Riding, when : Nitr. ac. Rising from bed: Cub. Diosc. Mez. Rubbing: Diosc. Lye. Sitting : Coccul. Sleep, after : Alum. Crot. tig. Phos. Smoking : Coloc. Soup, after warm : Acou. Standfng, still: Merc. Stretching : Mez. Suppressing the stool: Coccul. Tea, from sipping: Hydroph. Vomiting, after : Asar. e. Warm applications : Alum. Cast. Nux mos. Podo. Rhus- Warmth of bed : Coloc. Water, drinking cold : Cupr. Phos. Wine : Chel. Diosc. Wrapping up warmly : Sil. 142 BEFORE STOOL. ACCOMPANIMENTS OF THE EVACUATIONS. a. Before Stool. Abdomen, aching, sore, in upper part of: Bell. ---, bursting feeling : Ars. ---, colic : Aloe. Alum. Amm. m. Arg. n. Asaf. Asclep. Bapt. Bar. e. Bell. Bor. Bry. Canth. Caps. Cham. China. Colch. Coloc. Diosc. Dulc. Gamb. Gels. Graph. Hell. Hip. m. Ipec. Kali c. Kali nit. Lept. Lye Mez. Mur. ac. Natr. c. Natr. s. Nitr. ac. Nuph. Ox. ac. Petrol. Phos. Plant. Podo. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Rum. Sep. Tereb. Verat. Zinc. Zing. ----, constrictive feeling : Ars.. ---, cutting pains : Aeon. iEscul. iEth. Agar. Aloe. Ang. Ant. c. Ant. t. Ars. Asar. e. Brom. Bry. Calc. ph. Caps. Carbo v. Cham. Chel. Coloc. Con. Crot. tig. Dig. Dulc. Grat. Iris v. Jalap. Laur. Magn. c. Merc. c. Merc. v. Natr. c. Nice. Nitr. ac. Nux mos. Nux v. Petrol. Puis. Rhus. Sang. Sarsap. Sec. Staph. Sulph. ---, distress in : Bol. ---, drawing pains : Nitr. ac. ---, distension : Arn. ----,---, feeling of: Fluor, ac. ---, fermentation in : Arn. Lye. ---, griping : Aloe. Bell. Bry. Fluor, ac. Psor. ----,---, with backache : Cub. ---, heat: Bell. ---, left side, pain in : Thromb. ----, pinching pains : iEth. Agar. Bell. Bry. Calc.ph. Canth. Cina. Colch. Cyclam. Fluor, ac. Gamb. Kali c. Magn. c. Merc. v. Natr. s. Nice. Petrol. Sabad. Verat. Zing. ----, rumbling, rattling of flatus: iEscul. Agar. Aloe. Ant. t. Apis. Ars. Asclep. Bis. Brom. Carbo v. Chel. Colch. Grat. Ign. Iris v. Kali c. Lach. Lept. Mur. ac. Natr. c. Natr. mur. AW. s. Oleand. Phos. Puis. Sabad. Sec. Sulph. Thuja. Verat. ---,----in right and lower portion of: Aloe. ----, severe pain as though being stepped on, relieved in no position: Iod. ---,--------in lower part of: Fluor, ac. ---, tearing pains : Dig. Rhus. ---, twisting pains: Aloe. Ars. Caust. Ox. ac. Stram. ---, upper, pain in : Aloe. ---, violent pain : Asclep. Elat. Gamb. BEFORE STOOL. 143 Anguish : Aeon. Merc. v. Anus, burning pains : Fluor, ac. Oleand. ---, constriction of: Plumb. ---, pressing : Arn. Bell. Sul. ac. ---, prolapsus : Podo. ---, soreness : Bar. c. ---, stitches in : Gamb. Anxiety : Ars. Cham. Crot. tig. Merc. v. Back, coldness in : Ars. ---, pains in : Bapt. Cicuta. Nux v. Puis. Chest, feeling of hot water pouring from, into abdomen : Sang. Chilliness : Ars. Bapt. Bar. c. Benz. ac. Dig. Merc. v. Mez. Phos. ---, mingled with heat: Merc. v. Difficulty of retaining stool: Aloe. Cicuta. Sulph. Fainting: Ars. Dig. Flatus, passing: JSscul. Aloe. Apis. Arg. n. Asaf. Gels. Mez. Plant. Sabad. ---,---, desire for, but knows not whether wind or feces escape : Natr. m. ---,---hot: Aloe. Coccul. Genitals, pressing toward : Bell. Groins, pain in : Natr. s. ---, pressing in : Thromb. Head, rush of blood to: Aloe. Headache : Ox. ac. Heat: Crot. tig. Magn. c. Merc. v. Phos. Ill humor : Bor. Calc. c. Intestines, burning: Aloe. ---, gurgling, as of fluid running: Podo. ---, prickling: Aloe. ---, sore pain : Thromb. Lassitude : Rhus. Limbs, pain in : Bapt. Mucus, white, discharge of: Kali c. Nausea: Aeon. Ang. Ant. t. Bry. Calc. c. Chel. Dulc. Grat. Hell. Ipec. Merc. v. Rhus. Rum. Sep. Navel, burning about: Ars. ---, cutting about, excessive : Gamb. ---, pain about: Aloe. Amm. m. Caps. Fluor, ac. Grat. Nux v. Ox. ac. 144 BEFORE STOOL. Navel, pain about, relieved by bending double : Aloe. ---, pinching about: Bry. Pain, rarely : Ferr. Peevishness : Bor. Pelvis, fulness and weight in : Aloe. Perspiration : Aeon. Bell. Dulc. Merc. v. Thromb. Plug, feeling of, between symphysis pubis and coccyx: Aloe. Ptyalism : Fluor, ac. Rectum, burning in : Aloe. Coccul. ---, chilliness in : Lye. ---, constriction in : Bell. ---, creeping in : Mez. ---, cutting in: Aloe. ---, dragging down and pressure in : Lil. tig. ---, feels full of fluid : Aloe. ---, feeling of insecurity in: Aloe. ---, sensation in, as if it would protrude : Ang. ---, stitches in : Asar. e. ---, sudden, darting pains in : Apis. Sacrum, drawing pains in : Carbo v. Diosc. Natr. c. ---, continuous pains : Aloe. Screaming, violent: Ars. Tenesmus : Bol. Merc. c. Merc. v. Thirst: Ars. Trembling: Merc. v. Urging : Aloe. Amm. m. Apis. Arn. Asaf. Bor. Bov. Canth. Cist. Coccul. Colch. Coloc. Corn. c. Gamb. Ign. Kali bich. Kali nit. Lach. Lept. Merc. c. Merc. v. Mur. ac. Natr. c. Nice. Nux v. Phos. Plumb. Rheum. Rhus. Sabad. Samb. Sang. Staph. Sulph. ---, constant: Bry. Carbol. ac. Elat. ---,---with colicky pain : Gamb. ---, ineffectual: Bar. c. Benz. ac. Bry. Carbol. ac. Nux v. ---, irresistible : Cist. ---, sudden : iEscul. Arg. n. Bar. c. Cicuta. Cist. Hip. m. Kali c. Lil. tig. Merc. v. Petrol. Phos. Podo. Sulph. ---to urinate : Rheum. Vomiting : Ars. Dig. Ipec. DURING STOOL. 145 b. During Stool. Abdomen, bearing down in : Arg. n. ---, bruised pain in : Arg. n. Arn. ---, colic: Agar. Alum. Ant. t. Arg. n. Ars. Asaf. Asclep. Bapt. Bis. Canth. Caps. Carbol. ac. Cham. Coloc. Colost. Cop. Corn. c. Crotal. Crot. tig. Cyclam. Dulc. Hip. m. Ipec. Kali c. Lye. Magn. c. Mez. Mur. ac. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Ox. ac. Petrol. Podo. Rheum. Rhus. Sil. Stann. Tabac. ---, constricting pains in : Arg. n. Sulph. ---, contraction in painful: iEth. ---, cramping pains in : Iris v. ---, cutting pains : Aeon. Agar. Aloe. Arn. Ars. Asar. e. Bov. Caps. Chel. Colch. Coloc. Crot. tig. Cub. Dig. Elat. Gamb. Iod. Iris v. Jalap. Kali nit. Merc. c. Merc. v. Rhus. Sec. ---, drawing in of: Agar. Plumb. Podo. ---, feeling of a stream of fire through : Asclep. ---, fermentation : Agar. Bry. ---, gnawing pains : Kali bich. ---, griping pains : Aloe. Apis. Cub. Plant. Thromb. ---,--------with backache : Cub. ---, heat of: Alum. ---, left side, pain in : Thromb. ---, pains causing dyspnoea: Coccul. ---,---extending down thighs : Coloc. ---,---pinching : Agar. Apis. Canth. Merc. v. Verat. ---, pressure in: Arn. Brom. ---, rumbling : Arn. Chel. Corn. c. Cub. ---, sensation as if bowels would protrude: Kali brom. ---, soreness in : Arg. n. Sulph. ---, squeezing pain in : Apis. ---, tearing pains : Aloe. Cop. Dig. ---, tenderness of: Alum. ---, twisting pains : Bov. Anguish: Merc. v. Anus, biting at: Caps. Lye. ---, burning or heat: Aloe. Ant. t. Ars. Bar. c. Bell. Bry. Canth. Carbo v. Cham. Coloc. Corn. c. Cyclam. Ferr. Gamb. Hip. m. Iris v. Lach. Lye. Mur. ac. Natr. c. Natr. s. Nice. Op. Picric ac. Zinc. ---, constricted, painful about fallen rectum : Mez. ---, cutting in : Agar. Ars. 10 146 DURING STOOL. Anus, itching at: Sulph. ---, pain : Canth. China. Colch. Mur. ac. Ox. ac. Plumb. ---,---, jerking upward through the rectum: Sep. ---, prolapsus: Asar. Bry. Colch. Ign. Mur. ac. Podo. Sep. Sulph. ---, rawness and soreness : Apis. ---, smarting : Agar. China. Kali c. Mur. ac. Picric ac. ---, soreness in : Grat. ---,---, burning in: Agar. ---, stinging at: Caps. ---, unpleasant sensation: iEscul. Anxiety: Cham. Merc. v. Ascarides. discharge of: Asclep. Calc. c. Back, chill in: Thromb. ---, pain: ^£scul. Amm. m. Apis. Caps. Nux v. Puis. ---, ---, bruised, in : Am. ---, ---, in small of: Colch. Bladder, pressure on : Bell. ---, tenesmus of: Canth. Lil. tig. Merc. c. Staph. Blood, dropping of: Alum. ---, discharge of: Amm. m. Borborygmus: Colch. Chill, shaking: Puis. Verat, Chilliness : Aloe. Ars. Bry. Colch. Cop. Ipec. Lye. Merc. v. Rheum. See. Sil. Sulph. Thromb. Verat. ---, mingled with heat: Merc. v. Cramps in the legs: Sulph. Drawing knees up to chin : Sulph. Drowsiness : Bry. Corn. c. Eructations : Cham. Dulc. Merc. v. Stann. Exhaustion : Crotal. Sec. Verat. Extremities, pain in: Amm. m. Face, congestion to : Aloe. Fainting : Aloe. Crotal. Sars. Sulph. Faintness : Bov. Coccul. Colch. Crot. tig. Dulc. Plant. Verat. Flatus, passing of: Aeon. Agar. Aloe. Apis. Arg. n. Asaf. Bis. Brom. China. Coccul. Coloc. Corn. c. Gamb. Hip. m. Ign. Laur. Mur. ac. Natr. s. Podo. Samb. Sang. Sarsap. Staph. Zing. ---,-------fetid : iEscul. Bry. Calc. ph. Carbo v. Diosc. Iris v. Phos. ac. ---, ---noisy : Arg. n. Thuja. Headache : Apis. Cub. Ox. ac. Sulph. DURING STOOL. 147 Head, congestion to : Aloe. Rhus. Sulph. ---, dulness of: Corn. c. ---,,heat in : Ox ac. ---., fore-, cold sweat on: Verat. ---»---, warm sweat on : Merc. v. ---»---, tensive pain : Coloc. Heat: Aloe. Dulc. Merc. v. Sulph. Haemorrhoids : Brom. Fluor ac. Phos. ---, distension of: Ang. Hunger: Aloe. Intestines, bruised pain in : Ajns. Liver, distress in region of: Aloe. Loins, pains in, to legs: Agar. Nausea : Agar. Ant. t. Apis. Arg. n. Ars. Bell. Carbol. ac. Cham. Chel. Colch. Coloc. Cop. Com. c. Crotal. Crot. tig. Grat. Hell. Ipec. Merc. v. Nitr. ac. Sil. Sulph. Verat. Navel, burning about: Ars. ---, pain about: Fluor, ac. Kali bich. Ox. ac. --->---> griping from, to rectum : Coloc. Paleness : Calc. c. Ipec. Verat. Palpitation : Ant. t. Cyclam. Nitr. ac. Sulph. Perspiration: Aeon. Agar. Bell. Cham. Coccul. Corn. c. Crot. tig. Dulc. Jatr. Merc. v. Stram. Thromb. ---, cold : Merc. v. Verat. ---, ---, on limbs : Gamb. ---, warm : Sulph. Prostration : See Weakness. Rectum, burning in : Aloe. Alum. Amm. m. Ang.^rs. Bar. c. Bor. Caps. Coccul. Con. Corn. c. Cub. Diosc. Graph. Sul. ac. ---, contracted feeling in : Ars. ---, cutting in : Agar. ---, pain : Ant. c. ---,---, burning : Grat. ----,---, cramping : Arg. n. ---, pressure in : Lye. ---, protrusion of: Ant. c. Canth. Crot. tig. Dulc. Ferr. Fluor, ac. Ign. Mez. Plant. ---, rawness in : Caps. ---, scraping in : Crot. tig. ---, smarting : Phos. ---, stinging : Nice. 14* DURING STOOL. Rectum, tearing pains : Calc. c. ---, throbbing in : Caps. ---, unpleasant sensation in : iEscul. , Sacrum, burning in : Caps. ---, pain in: iEscul. Podo. Screaming : Colch. Merc. v. Rheum. Valer. Sexual excitement: Natr. c. Natr. s. Shuddering: Bell. Stomach, burning in: Hip. m. ---, drawing in of: Agar. ---, pain in : Bry. ---,---, pressing in : Bell. ---, pressing in : Brom. Strangury: Caps. Taste, nauseous : Crot. tig. Tenesmus : Aeon. iEscul. IEth. Aloe. Alum. Amm. m. Ang. Ant. t. Apis. Arg. n. Am. Ars. Asclep. Bapt. Bell. Caps. Carbol. ac. Caust. Colch. Coloc. Con. Cop. Corn. c. Crot. tig. Diosc. Ferr. Fluor, ac. Graph. Grat. Hell. Hep. Hip. m. Hydroph. Ipec. Iris v. Kdi bich. Kali nit. Lach. Laur. Lil. tig. Magn. c. Merc. c. Merc. v. Natr. c. Natr. s. Nice. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Op. Petrol. Phyt. Plant. Plumb. Podo. Rhus. Sulph. Tabac. Thromb. Zinc. ---, of bladder and rectum : Arn. Lil. tig. Staph. Thighs, tearing pains down : Rhus. Thirst : Bry. Cham. China. Dulc. Podo. Urethra, burning in : Coloc. Urging : Aloe. Apis. Arg. n. Arn. Benz. ac. Canth. Cyclam. Gamb. Hell. Kali bich. Magn. c. Merc. c. Merc. v. Mez. Nice. Nux mos. Ox. ac. Rhus. Thromb. ---, constant : Valer. ---, directly on wiping : Calc. ph. --- to urinate : Aloe. Alum. Cicuta. Cub. Urination : Bell. ---, involuntary : Alum. Kali brom. ---, painful, frequent: Apis. ---, profuse : Bry. Uterus, bearing down pain in : Bell. Vertigo : Caust. Cham. Stram. Zinc. Vomiting : Apis. Ars. Bry. Coccul. Colch. Cop. Crot. tig. Dulc. Elat. Ipec. Merc. v. Verat. ---and urination simultaneously : Crotal. AFTER STOOL. 149 Weakness : iEscul. Colch. Plant. Weariness : Bor. Worms, discharge of round : Cina. c. After Stool. Abdomen, burning in : Bol. Kali bich. Sabad. ---, colic: Amm. m. Asclep. Corn. c. Diosc. Nice. Puis. Rheum. ---, cutting : Ars. Coloc. Kali nit, Lept. Merc. c. Merc. v. Podo. Rheum. Staph. ---, distension of: Agar. ----, empty feeling : Sul. ac. Verat. ----, heaviness in : Agar. ----, pain in : iEscul. Fluor, ac. ----,----, severe in lower: Gamb. ----, pinching : Cyclam. Kali c. Merc. v. ----, pressing in : Grat. ----, rumbling : Bol. Chel. ----, ----and gurgling in left side of: Crot. tig. ----, sinking : Verat. ----, soreness in : Sulph. ----, weakness in : Diosc. Lept. Phos. Podo. Sul. ac. Air, aversion to cold, open : Mez. Anguish : Aeon. Anus, biting in : Agar. Canth. ----, burning in : Agar. Aloe. Ant. t. Ars. Bar. c. Bov. Canth. Caps. Carbo v. Cicuta. Coloc. Corn. c. Crot. tig. Dulc. Ferr. Gamb. Grat. Hell. Iris v. Kali c. Kali nit. Lach. Laur. Lil. tig. Magn. c. Merc. v. Natr. s. Nitr. ac. Nuph. Nux v. Oleand. Phos. Picric ac. Sil. Sulph. Tereb. Thromb. Zinc. ----,----, as if grains of barley were sticking there : Nice. ----, constriction in: Ign. Lach. ----, itching : Aloe. Bov. Carbo v. Merc. v. Nice. Staph. ----, pains : Asclep. Colch. Coloc. ----, pressing: Sul. ac. ----, pricking : Iris v. ----, prolapsus : Ars. Asar. e. Ign. Hip. m. Merc. Podo. Sep. Sulph. Thromb. ----, pulsation: Hip. m. ----, smarting: Agar. Canth. Gamb. Graph. Hell. Lil. tig. Nuph. Nux mos. Picric ac. Puis. Sil. Sulph. 1-30 AFTER stool. Anus, soreness : Alum. Ant. c. Apis. Cham. Gamb. Graph. Merc. v. Mur. ac. Nitr. ac. Nux mos. Podo. Sulph. ----, sore pustules near: Amm. m. ----, stinging : Canth. Kali nit. Nice. ----, throbbing as from little hammers in : Lach. ----, weight: Aloe. Anxiety : Nitr. ac. Back, flashes of heat up : Podo. ----, pain in : Caps. Merc. v. ----, small of, chilliness: Puis. ----,---------, pain relieved : Ox. ac. ----, throbbing : Alum. Calves, cramps in: Ox. ac. ---------in right : Thromb. Cheerfulness : Bor. Natr. s. Chest, pains in : Agar. Chilliness : Canth. Grat. Mez. Coccyx, pains wrenching in : Grat. Coldness of body : Crot. tig. Discharge of white viscid bloody mucus : Asar. Drowsiness : iEth. Bry. Colch. Nux mos. Dulness and forgetfulness : Cyclam. Eructations : Ars. Merc. v. ----, tasting of the ingesta : iEscul. Exhaustion: iEth. Aloe. Apis. Ars. Bis. China. Colch. Coloc. Crotal. Crot. tig. Graph. Lil. tig. Merc. v. Nitr. ac. Phos. Picric ac. Podo. Sec. Sep. Tereb. Verat Extremities, lower, pains in: Rhus. Face, shivering over : Ang. ----, sunken and altered: Crot. tig. Fainting: Aloe. Coccul. Crot. tig. Phos. Tereb. Faintness : Apis. Canth. Con. Dig. Lept. Merc. v. Sarsap. Verat. Haemorrhoids : Aloe. Bronx. Calc. ph. Diosc. Graph. ----, blue : Lach. Mur. ac. Headache worse : Agar. Heat: Bry. Hiccough: Merc. v. Hunger, canine : Lept. Petrol. Hypogastrium, griping in : Agar. Irritation, ill humor: Nitr. ac. Knees, weakness in : Thromb. AFTER STOOL. 151 Lie down, obliged to : Arn. Liver, burning pain and distress in : Bol. Loins, pains in, to legs: Agar. Nausea: Aeon. Caust. Crot. tig. Kali bich. Ox. ac. Zing. ----, with retching : Kali bich. Navel, heaviness around: Agar. ----, pain about: Aloe. Lept. ----, pressing in : Crot. tig. Nervous erethism, great: Ign. Palpitation of the heart: Ars. Con. Perspiration : Aeon. Ars. ----on forehead : Crot. tig. ----, cold : Aloe. ----,----, on face : Sulph. ----, ----, on feet: Sulph. ----,----, on forehead : Merc. v. Verat. ----, warm, becomes cold and sticky: Merc. v. Prostration : See "Weakness. Rectum, burning in : Amm. m. Ars. Corn. c. Lil. tig. Sabad. Tereb. ----, constriction in: Merc. v. ----, heat in : Apis. ----, oozing from : Carbo v. ----, pain : Asclep. Natr. c. ----,----, burning in : Grat. ----, ----, cramping in : Ferr. ----,----, violent, cutting, long-lasting: Nitr. ac. ----, pressure in : Sulph. ----, prolapsus : Ant. c. Cicuta. Coccul. Crot. tig. Ign. Iris v. Merc. v. Mez. ----,----, becomes constricted : Mez. ----, sensation as if plugged: Apis. ----, smarting in : Asclep. ----, stitches in : Cham. ----, straining in : Agar. ----, throbbing in : Apis. ----, tingling in : China. ----, weak feeling in : Lept. ----, weight in : Rhus. Relief of colic, tenesmus and urging : Aeon. iEscul. Aloe. Alum. Ant. t. Arn. Ars. Asaf. Bapt. Bry. Calc. ph. Canth. Cham. Colch. Coloc. Corn. c. Dulc. Gamb. Hell. Natr. s. Nuph. Nux v. Rhus. 152 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Relief, except of dull, heavy pain in abdomen and back : Cub. ---of head symptoms : Corn. c. ---, of pain : Arg. n. ---,--------in abdomen : Arn. Sacrum, burning along : Coloc. ---, pains from, down legs : Rhus. Shuddering: Canth. ---after drinking : Caps. Sleep, as soon as tenesmus ceases : Colch. Sulph. Solar plexus, distress in : Bol. Stomach, burning pain and distress in: Bol. Stomach, pressure in : Crot. tig. Stool, feeling as though more would pass: Aloe. Nux mos. Nux v. Sweat: See Perspiration. Tenesmus: Amm. m. Ant. t. Asar. Bapt. Bell. Bol. Bov. Canth. Caps. Coccul. Colch. Cub. Dulc. Fluor, ac. Hydroph. Ign. Ipec Kali bich. Kali nit. Lach. Lil. tig. Magn. c. Merc. c. Merc. v. Nice. Phos. Plumb. Rheum. Rhus. Sulph. Thromb. Zinc. ---extending to perineum and urethra : Mez. --------up along the sacrum : Puis. ---, with passage of blood : Apis. Thirst: Caps. Dulc. Ox. ac. Thromb. Throat, dryness of: Ox. ac. Urging, unsatisfied : JEth. Aloe. Ang. Bar. c. Cicuta. Crot. tig. Cyclam. Dig. Lach. Lye. Merc. c. Merc. v. Nice. Nux v. Petrol- Rheum. Samb. Urination, involuntary: Alum. Vertigo : Caust. Crot. tig. Petrol. Vomiting : Arg. n. Water-brash: Caust. Weakness : Ars. Bov. Calc. c. Carbo v. Con. Dulc. Ipec. Mez. Natr. mur. Petrol. Podo. Sep. Thromb. Thuja. Verat. GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. 1. Mind and Mood. Agitated, constantly : Carbol. ac. Agitation, nervous : Valer. Anger : Aloe. Ars. Bar. c. ---when consoled : Natr. mur. MIND AND MOOD. 153 Anguish : Ars. Camph. Raph. Sil. Tabac. Verat, Anxiety: Aeon. Amm. m. Asaf. Calc. c. Canth. Carbo v. Cicuta. Fluor, ac. Kali brom. Lil. tig. Magn. c. Merc. v. Psor. See. ---concerning the illness : Nitr. ac. Psor. ---when lifted from the cradle, expression of: Calc. c. Apathy: Bor. Camph. Colost. Jatr. Op. Phos. ac. Aversion to being disturbed : Bry. Gels. ------------looked at: Ant. c. Ant. t. ------------touched : Ant. c. Ant. t. --------downward motion: Bor. Cham. Gels. --------light: Bry. Camph. --------mental or bodily exertion : Corn. c. Hep. Rhod. -------noise : Bry. Kali c. Nitr. ac. Nux v. --------open air : Aloe. Nux v. Petrol. -------sound of scratching on cloth : Asar. e. ------;— washing : Sidph. ------------, cold: Ant. c. Carphologia: Hyos. Op. Changeable mood : Alum. Valer. Clumsiness: Asaf. Cowardice : Bar. c. Cries, piercing : Apis. Carbol. ac. Crying : iEth. Alum. Ars. Bell. Bor. Calc. c. Caust. Cham. Cina. Psor. Puis. Delirium : Bapt. Bell. Bry. Canth. Carbol. ac. Hyos. Mur. ac. Op. Phos. ac. Rhus. Stram. --- alternating with colic : Plumb. ---, merry, loquacious : Agar. Depression, sadness, despondency, melancholy: iEscul. Alum. Asclep. Bol. Calc. ph. Chel. Crotal. Cyclam. Gamb. Hep. Ign. Iris v. Kali bich. Lil. tig. Lye. Natr. c. Natr. mur. Nitr. ac. Plant. Puis. Sulph. Verat. Zing. Desire for company : Bis. Stram. --------light: Stram. --------many things, rejected when offered: Ang. Cham. Cina. Staph. --------open air : Puis. ---to be carried : Cham. ------------covered : Hepar. Nux v. ------------naked : Hyos. ------------quiet: Bry. Gels. 154 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Desire to draw a deep breath: Ign. Natr. s. --------have abdomen uncovered : Tabac. Dulness, almost idiocy : Agar. Distrustful mood : Ant. c. Excitability : Agar. Coff. Gels. Lil. tig. Phos. Psor. Samb. Sil. Valer. Exhilaration : Ox. ac. Faintness : Dulc. Fear of being alone : Ars. ------------touched :. Iod. --------death : Aeon. Ars. Raph. Sec. --------strangers : Bar. c. Caust. Fitful mood : Nux mos. Fretting : Psor. Homesickness : Caps. Hopelessness : Psor. Hurry, does everything in a : Sul. ac. ---, feeling of: Lil. tig. Hysterical mood : Asaf. Ign. Imagination that another person is sick : Petrol, --------body is broken into pieces : Bapt. -------one is double: Bapt. Imbecility, idiocy: Bar. c. Impatience : Carbol. ac. Impertinence : Graph. Inability to perform tasks, feeling of: Lil. tig. Indifference: China. Crotal. Jatr. Merc. v. Phos. ac. Picric ac. Rhod. Intoxication : Gels. Irritability, ill humor : iEscul. iEth. Alum. Amm. m. Ant. t. Ars. Asaf. Bell. Bol. Bry. Calc. c. Calc. ph. Canth. Carbo v. Cham. Cicuta. Cina. Colch. Colost. Dulc. Hep. Hydroph. Iod. Ipec. Kali bich. Kali c. Kreos. Lye. Mur. ac. Natr. c. Natr. mur. Nitr. ac. Nuph. Nux v. Petrol. Phos. Plant. Psor. Puis. Rheum. Staph. Sulph. Sul. ac. Large, things seem too : Hyos. Laugh, tendency to : Nux mos. Loquacity : Lach. Rhus. Stram. Memory, loss of: Fluor, ac. ---, weak: Bar. c. Caust. Moaning : Cham. ---, continuously : Carbol. ac. Moroseness : Agar. HEAD. 155 Obstinacy : Calc. c. Sil. Sulph. Over-sensitiveness : Coff. Colch. Nux v. Phos. Samb. Staph. Peevish, tearful : Ferr. Petulance : Carbol. ac. Repeats things said : Zinc. Self-will: Agar. Sentimental mood : Ant. c. Seriousness: Alum. Sinking through the bed, sensation as if: Rhus. ---with bed, and everything in room, sensation as if: Lach. Slowness in learning to walk and talk: Ag*ar. Startled easily : Bell. Bor. Caust. Kali c. Strikes and bites : Stram. Stubbornness: Agar. Stupidity : Bar. c. Thought, vanishing of: Apis. Nitr. ac. Plant, ---, wandering of: Apis. Time seems to pass slowly : Arg. n. Whining restlessness : Cham. Wilfulness : Calc. c. Will power, lack of: Picric ac. 2. Head. Bones, cranial, soft and thin : Calc.ph, Fontanelles, open: Apis. Calc. c. Calc. ph. Ipec. Merc. v. Sep. Sil. Sulph. ---, anterior, large and sunken : Apis. ---, posterior, very large : Calc. ph. ---, sunken : Apis. Calc. c. Hair, dry: Calc. c. ---,---, rapidly falling off, with much dandruff: Kali c. Headache : iEscul. Aloe. Ant. t. Asclep. Bol. Calc. ph. Cicuta. Cyclam. Hip. m. Iod. Iris v. Jabor. Kali nit. Natr. mur. Petrol. Picric ac. Plant. Podo. Rhus. Rum. Sabad. Tereb. ---, alternating with diarrhoea: Podo. Head, automatic motion of: Hell. Zinc. ---, boring of, into pillow: Apis. Bell. Bry. ---, congestion to : Ferr. Graph. ---, drawn to one side : Stram. ---, dropping and raising of, spasmodic : Stram. 156 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Head, dulness of: Asar. e. Corn. c. Nitr. ac. Nux r. ----, hot: Apis. Arn. Bell. Bor. Bry. Hell. Kali brom. ----,----, at occiput: Bell. Zinc. ---,----,---------, forehead cool: Zinc. ----,----, with cold hands and feet: Bell. ----, feels scattered about the bed: Bapt. ----, fore- cold, becomes warm if lightly covered : Sil. ----,----, pain in : Apis. Arg. nit. ----, jerking backward and forward of: Sep. ----,---------of, violent: Cicuta. ----, large : Calc. c. Calc. ph. Merc. v. Sil. ----, pressure : Asar. e. ----, rheumatic pains in : Aeon. Cham. ----, rolling of: Bell. Bry. Hell. Kali brom. Podo. Sil. Strain. Zinc. ----,---------, with moaning: Lye. ----, sweat on : Calc. c. Calc. ph. Cham. Sil. ----,---------, when sleeping: Calc. c. Calc. ph. Merc. v. Podo. Sil. ----,---------, cold : Benz. ac. ----,---------, oily, offensive : Merc. v. ----,---------, sour-smelling : Merc. v. Sil. ----,---------forehead : Ant. t. Stann. ----,-------------, cold : China. Ipec. Verat. ----,-------------,----, when sleeping: Merc. v. Sil. ----,-------------, warm : Crot. tig. ----, tossing of hands to: Bry. ----, vise, feeling as though were in : iEth. Arg. n. Vertigo : Aeon. Agar. Alum. Arg. n. Camph. China. Cicuta. Crot. tig. Cyclam. Hip. m. Kali bich. Merc. v. Tabac. Tereb. Verat. ----, air, in open: Agar. ----, bed, when turning in : Con. ----, eating, after : Puis. ----, lying, when : Con. ----, morning, in : Agar. ----, rising, when : Aeon. ----, stooping, when: Puis. ----, sun, in bright: Agar. ----, vomiting, when : Crot. tig. t EYES AND EARS—NOSE. 157 3. Eyes and Ears. Ears, ringing in : China. Eyes, blue rings around : Ars. Bis. Calc. ph. Corn. c. Cupr. Cyclam. Ign. Ipec. Jatr. Lye. Oleand. Phos. Rhus. Sec. Staph. Sulph. ---, burning in : Rhod. ---, congested : Bell. Kali brom. ---, dim, dull: Ant. t. Merc. v. ---, distorted : Bell. ---, fixed : Bry. Camph. Lye. Zinc. ---, half-open: Bell. Hell. Podo. Sulph. ---, itching voluptuous, of canthi and lids : Gamb. ---, motion of, convulsive : Kali brom. ---, moving in every direction without taking any notice : Kali brom. ---, pains in : Apis. ---, pupils contracted : Cyclam. Op. Verat ---»---dilated : Arg. n. Bell. Calc. c. China. Cicuta. Cyclam. Hell. Hyos. Ipec. Kali brom. Laur. Picric ac. ---, reddish tint: Apis. ---, rolled upward : Apis. Cicuta. Hell. ---, staring : Bry. Cicuta. Hyos. Laur. Zinc. ---, strabismus : Alum. Cina. Hell. Stram. Zinc. ---, sunken : Camph. Cupr. Iris v. Kali brom. Phos. Puis. Sec. Sep. Stann. Verat. ---, swelling over : Kali c. ---, winking, absence of: Lye. ---, yellow : Chel. Con. Corn. c. Dig. Nux v. 4. Nose. Nose, bleeding of, with pale face : Ipec. ---, blueness around : Kreos. ---, boring in : Cina. Zinc. ---, paleness around : Cina. ---, picking of: Cina. ---, small scabs on septum of: Kali bich. Nostrils sore, cracked and crusty: Ant. c. 158 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. 5. Face. Cheeks red : Amm. m. Caps. ('ham. Ferr. ----, one hot, the other cold : Kali c. ---, one red, the other pale : Cham. Expression of anguish : iEth. Canth. Cupr. --------exhaustion: Raph. --------pain : Raph. --------terror and imbecility : Aeon. ---, wretched : Mez. Face, acne, itching violently : Caust. altered : iEth. Cupr. besotted look: Bapt. bloated: Bar. c. Calc. c. China. Puis. bluish: Aeon. Camph, Cupr. Dig. Kali brom. Verat. brown : Arg. n. changeable color: Phos. cold: Ars. Bell. Calc. c. Camph. Cupr. Verat. collapsed : iEth. Camph. deathlike: Ars. Canth. Verat. distorted : Ars. Camph. Cupr. See. dull: Corn. c. Merc. v. earthy: Ars. Bor. China. Lye. Merc. v. Mez. Nux v. Op. Sil. eruption on, red : Bor. flushed : Aeon. iEth. Amm. m. Bapt. Bar. c. Bell. Bol. Calc. c. Caps. Cicuta. Ferr. Hyos. Ign. Jabor. Lye. Merc. v. Mur. ac. Nux v. Phos. Stann. Tereb. Zinc. -,----, dark red : Bapt. Op. -,----, when lying : Aeon. -, gray : Laur. Mez. -, greasy-looking : Natr. mur. -, greenish : Carbo v. -, heat in : Corn. c. Op. -, hippocratic : Aeon. Hell. -, livid : Camph, Laur. -, pale : Ant. c. Ant. t. Apis. Arg. n. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bis. Bor. Calc. c. Calc. ph. Camph. Canth. Carbo v. China. Cicuta. Cina. Colch. Colost. Con. Cupr. Cyclam. Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Hell. Ign. Iod. Ipec. Jatr. Kali bich. Kali brom. Merc. v. Mez. Mur. ac. Natr. mur. Nitr. ac. Nuph. Nux v. Oleand. Op. Phos. Phos. ac Plumb. Psor. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sec. Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. MOUTH. 159 Face, pale around the nose and mouth : Cina. -, when rising : Aeon. Lips sallow : Arg. n. Calc. ph. Caust. Con. Lept. Merc. v. Plumb. Sep. Sulph. sickly : Phos. ac. Psor. Stann. Staph. sunken : Ant. t. Apis. Arg. n. Arn. Calc. c. Calc. ph. Corn. c. gn. Laur. Mur. ac. Oleand. Op. Rhus. Sec. Sep. Staph. sweat on, cold : Ars. Camph. Sulph. --------, cool: Rheum. --------, when eating: Sul. ac. swollen : Apis. Hell. Kali c. Op. twitching of: Ipec. yellowish : Ars. Corn. c. Dig. Iod. Kali bich. Kali c. Laur- Merc. v. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Sarsap. Sep. yellow saddle across nose : Sep. waxy : Apis. Ars. wrinkled : Arg. n. Calc. c. Psor. Sa,rsap>. black : Aeon. Ars. Rhus. Verat. blue : Ars. Carbo v. Cupr. Verat. cold : Ars. Cupr. Verat. cracked : Ars. Bry. Caps. dark : Aeon. Ars. Rhus. dry: Aeon. Arg. n. Ars. Bry. China. Crot. tig. Rhus. Verat. Zinc. pulling at: Zinc. red: Aloe. Sulph. swollen : Bry. Caps. ----, upper: Calc. c. Natr. mur. ulcers and blisters on : Nitr. ac. 6. Mouth. Aphthae : iEth. Ars. Bapt. Bor. Calc. c. Canth. Caps. Corn. c. Dulc. Gamb. Hell. Hip. m. Iod. Kali brom. Magn. c. Merc. c. Merc. v. Mur. ac. Natr. mur. Nitr. ac. Sarsap. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Sul. ac. Chewing motion : Bell. Stram. Gums, bleeding: Arg. n. Bapt. Carbo v. Merc. v. Nux v. Phos. ac. Plant. Staph. Zinc. ----, sore : Arg. n. Bol. Gels. ----, spongy : Dulc. Merc. v. Natr. mur. Nitr. ac. Staph. ----, swollen : Calc. c. Cham. Gels. Kreos. Merc. v. Nux v. Phos. ac. 160 G ENERAL ACCOMP A NIM E N Ts. Gums, swollen, looking as if infiltrated with a dark watery fluid : Kreos. Mouth, bleeding from : Bor. Hip. m. ----, burning from to anus: Iris v. ----,----in : Asaf. Hip. m. Iris v. Jatr. Tarax. ----, coated white with clean, dark red, sensitive patches: Tarax. ----, corners of, sore, cracked and crusty: Ant. c. Natr. mur. ----, distorted: Bell. ----, dry: iEscul. Asaf. Bell. Bry. Calc. c. Calc. ph. Canth. Cham. Cupr. Hip. m. Jatr. Kali bich. Kali brom. Mur. ac. Natr. mur. Nux mos. Op. Puis. Rum. Sec. frothy mucus in : Phos. ac hot: Bor. Colch. open : Bell. rawness from, to stomach: Tarax. ----in : Tarax. smarting in : Tarax. sore : Bapt. Canth. Dig. spits fluid out of, or squirts it across the bed: Bapt. thrush in : Kali brom. vesicles about: Natr. mur. viscid mucus in : Natr. mur. Phos. ac. Puis. Scill. Palate wrinkled : Bor. Saliva, bitter : Kali bich. ---, bloody: Ars. ----, fetid : Dig. Hip. m. Petrol. ----, frothy : Kali bich. ----, increased: Ant. c. Bell. Calc. c. Carbo v. China. Colch. Dig. Dulc. Grat. Hell. Hip. m. Hydroph. Iod. Ipec. Iris v. Jabor. Jatr. Kali bich. Merc. v. Mez. Nitr. ac. Puis. Rheum. Rhus. Sabad. Sang. Sulph. Sul. ac. Verat. Zinc. ----, like cotton : Nux mos. Puis. ----, oily : Cub. ----, salt: Kali bich. ----, soap-like: Dulc. ----, sour: Tarax. ----, stringy, ropy: Cupr. Kali bich. Tarax. ----, sweetish : Cupr. Dig. ----, tough : Tarax. ----, yellowish: Hip. ra. MOUTH. 161 Smell from the mouth, fetid: Iod. Kali nit. Lye. Merc. v. Nux v. Petrol. Podo. Puis. Sep. ----------------, like onions : Petrol. ----------------, putrid : Lye. Nitr. ac. Petrol. Rhus. Taste, bitter : Aeon. Aloe. Amm. m. Am. Ars. Bol. Bry. Cham. Chel. China. Coloc. Corn. c. Cyclam. Elat. Gamb. Graph. Hep. Hip. m. Iris v. Kali c. Lye. Magn. c. Mere. v. Natr. c. Natr. s. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Petrol. Phos. Picric ac. Puis. Raph. Sabad. Sil. Sulph. Verat. ---»---1 of everything except water: Aeon. --->----. of food: Asar. e. Bry. China. Rhus. Scill. ---, chalky: Nux mos. ---, flat: Bol. Caps. Ign. Iris v. Nux mos. ---, fresh, of food : Coccul. ---, greasy : Asaf. ---, long after, of food : Puis. Zinc. ---, lost: Bol. Cupr. Cyclam. Natr. mur. Puis. Sabad. ---, metallic : Bol. Chel. Coccul. Hep. Merc. c. Merc. v. Sarsap. ---, nauseous : Crotal. ---, putrid : Am. Caps. Graph. Iris v. Merc. v. Nux v. Plant. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Verat. ---, rancid : Carbo v. ---, salt: Nux mos. Phos. ---,---, of food : Sep. Sulph. ---, slimy : Arn. Cham. Zing. ---, sour : Arn. Calc. c. Caps. Cham. Chel. China. Coccul. Graph. Hep. Iod. Lye. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Petrol. Phos. Sep. Sulph. Verat. ---,---, of food : Calc. c. Caps. Lye. ---, straw-like, of food : Stram. Sulph. ---, sweet: Cupr. Nuph. Phos. Sabad. Sulph. ---,---, of food : Scill. ---, watery : Caps. Teeth decay as soon as they appear : Kreos. Staph. --------at the roots, the crowns remaining sound : Thuja. ---exhibit dark specks or streaks as soon as they appear: Kreos : Staph. ---, grinding of: Bell. Cina. Plant. Tabac. ---, painful: Arg. n. ---, sensitive : Arg. n. Bol. Merc. v. ---, too long, feeling : Merc. v. Tongue, bloody : Lach. 11 162 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Tongue, burning of: Coloc. Gamb. ---, catching of, when protruding : Apis. Lach. ---, clean: Dig. Hyos. Ipec. Phos. Rhus. Sarsap. ---, coated : Graph. Iod. Kali bich. ---,----black : Ars. Lach. Merc. v. ---, ---brown : Ars. Bry. Kali bich. Rhus. Sulph. ---,---stripes, in : Bell. ---, ---thick : Kali bich. Nux v. Raph. See. ---, ---white : Agar. Ant. c. Bis. Bol. Bry. Cham. Chel. China. Coloc. Colost. Corn. c. Cyclam. Dig. Gels. Iris v. Kali nit. Kreos. Laur. Magn. c. Merc. v. Nux v. Oleand. Petrol. Phos. Plant. Podo. Puis. Raph. Rhus. Sang. Sarsap. Sec. Sep. Verat. Zinc. ---,-------with clean red spots: Hip. m. Tarax. ---,------------, red tip : Cyclam. ---,------------,--------and borders : Sul. ---,---yellow : Bol. Bry. Cham. China. Coloc. Colost. Corn, c Gels. Lept. Merc. v. Mez. Nux v. Podo. Rhus. Rum. Sec. Stann. Verat. ---,-------thick fur: Carbol. ac. ---,---yellowish-brown in the centre with red, shining edges : Bapt. ------------white : Gels. ---,-------with white centre : Sabad. ---, cold : Camph. Carbo v. Cupr. Sec. Verat. ---, cracked: Ars. Kali bich. Phos. Rhus. Sulph. Verat. ---,---at tip : Lach. ---, dry: Aloe. Apis. Ars. Bapt. Bell. Bry. Calc. ph. Carbol. ac. Cham. Dulc. Hyos. Iod. Kali bich. Laur. Mur. ac. Phos. Podo. Rhus. Sec. Sulph. Verat. ---fissured: Raph. ---heavy : Mur. ac. ---livid: Sec. ---mapped : Kali bich. Natr. mur. Tarax. ---moist: Bell. Phos. ---pale reddish-blue : Raph. ---red : Aloe. Bell. Bry. Coloc.Kali bich. Lach. Rhus. Tereb. Verat. --------on tip and edges : Bell. ---rough: Rhus. ---scalded: Coloc. ---shining : Apis. Lach. Tereb. ---shriveled : Mvr. ac. THROAT—(ESOPHAGUS—APPETITE. 163 Tongue smooth : Kali bich. Lach. ----, slimy : Chel. Petrol. Phos. ac. ----, sore : Canth. Dig. Merc. c. Sabad. Tereb. ----, streak, red, dry, down the middle : Phos. ----swollen : Merc. Ar. --------, taking impressions of the teeth : Bol. Merc. v. ----, trembling of: Lach. Mere. v. ----, triangular red tip of: Rhus. ----, vesicles at tip : Lach. ----,----on : Cyclam. ----,---------borders : Apis. 7. Throat. Throat and larynx feel as if closed : Tarax. ----, dry : iEscul. Cicuta. Cist. Nitr. ac. ----, dryness in after diarrhoea : Ox. ac. ----, glassy looking : Cist. ----, pressure at pit of stomach, as of a foreign body : Caust. ----, spasms of, preventing speech : Cupr. ----, stripes of tough mucus on back of: Cist, Goitre : Cist, 8. GEsophagus. CEsophagus, burning in : Camph. Sabad. ----, constriction of, when swallowing: Alum. Colch. Laur. ----, reversed peristalsis of: Asaf. ----, sensation of a ball rising in : Asaf. Ign. ----, soreness of: Asaf. 9. Appetite. Appetite, canine: Bar. c. Calc. c. Calc. ph. Coloc. Ferr. Iod. Lye. Merc. v. Natr. mur. Oleand. Phos. ac. Psor. Sabad. Sarsap. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Verat. ----,----, after vomiting : Oleand. ----,----, io to n A.M.: Sulph. ----,----, 11 or 12 A.M.: Zinc. ----,----, with headache, if not gratified : Lye ----, ----, with weakness, if not gratified : Phos. ----,----, worse at night: China. 164 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Appetite, capricious : Cina, ---, diminished or lost: Amm. m. Ant. t. Apis. Am. Ars. Asaf. Asar. e. Bell. Bol. Bor. Canth. Chel. China. Cicuta. Colch. Colost, Cop. Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Fluor, ac. Gamb. Iris v. Kali nit. Laur. Lil. tig. Lith. c. Magn. c. Nice. Nux mos. Nux v. Oleand. Paul. Plant. Podo. Psor. Puis. Rhus. Sang. Sec. Sil. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Thromb. Verat. Zing. ---, evening, prevents sleep: Ign. ---, good: Aloe. Calc. c. Hep. Sarsap. ---, hunger without: Nice. Aversion to acids: Bell. Coccul. Ferr. Sabad. -------ale or beer: Bell. Ferr. Nux v. ________bread: Cyclam. Hip. m. Lil. tig. Lye. Natr. mur. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Puis. ------------, brown : Kali c. --------broth : Arn. -------cheese : Chel. Oleand. ________coffee : Fluor, ac. Lil. tig. Lye. Natr. mur. Nux v. Sabad. ------------, smell of: Sul. ac. --------drinks: Canth. Coccul. Samb. --------eggs : Ferr. --------fish : Graph. ________food: Arn. Bell. Canth. Cham. Coccul. Colch. Ipec. Op. Sabad. Sil. ____________, fat: Cyclam. Merc. v. Petrol. Puis. ------------, warm, boiled : Lye. ____________,---, cooked : Ign. Petrol. Sil. --------fruit: Bar. c. ________meat: Aloe. Alum. Arn. Bell. Ferr. Graph. Hip. m. Ign. Lye. Merc. v. Mur. ac. Nitr. ac. Petrol. Puis. Sabad. Sep. Sulph. ____________, boiled : Chel. Nitr. ac. ________milk : Magn. c. Natr. c. Puis. Sep. Tart. e. --------mother's milk : Sil. --------nursing: Ant. c. --------salt things : Graph. --------smoking : Brom. Grat. Lye. --------solids : Ang. ________sour things : See Aversion to acids. --------spirits : Hip. m. Ign. ________sweets: Bar. c Caust. Graph. Nitr. ac. ________tobacco : Canth. Coccul. Ign. Nux v. APPETITE. 165 Aversion to water : Hydroph. --------wine : Hip. m. Sabad. Desire for acids : Alum. Ant. c. Ant. t. Arn. Ars. Bor. Brom. Bry. China. Cina. Cist. Cub. Dig. Hep. Kali bich. Kali c. Magn. c. Podo. Psor. Verat. --------acid food : Cist. --------almonds : Cub. -------apples: Aloe. --------beer or ale : Aloe. Kali bich. Merc. v. Puis. Sulph. -------bitter things: Dig. Natr. mur. -------brandy: Cub. Nux v. Sulph. -------bread : Cub. Grat. --------butter: Mere. v. -------chalk : Nitr. ac. Nux v. -------charcoal: Alum. Cicuta. -------cheese : Cist. -------cherries: China. -------chocolate : Hydroph. -------cloves: Alum. -------coffee : Bry. Caps. Carbo v. Con. Mez. ------------, ground, burned : Alum. -------cold food or drink : Ant. t. Ars. Bell. Bry. Phos. Rhus. Sil. Vend. -------condiments : Hep. -------dainties : Ipec. -------delicacies: Cub. --------earth : Alum. Nitr. ac. --------eggs : Calc. c. --------farinaceous food : Sabad. -------fat food: Nitr. ac. Nux v. --------fluids only : Acet. ac -------fruit: Ant. t. China. Cist. Cub. Magn. c. Verat. --------ham fat: Mez. --------herring : Nitr. ac. --------hot drinks : Chel. Cupr. --------indigestible substances: Alum. --------juicy things : Aloe. Phos. ac. -------lemonade : Cyclam. Puis. Sec. --------lime: Nitr. ac. --------milk: Apis. Chel. Merc. v. ------------, cold : Rhus. 166 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Desire for nuts : Cub. --------onions: Cub. --------oranges: Cub. --------oysters: Lach. Natr. mur. Rhus. --------piquant things : Fluor, ac. Sang. --------rags, clean: Alum. --------refreshing, something: Phos. ac. --------rice, dry : Alum. --------salt: Natr. mur. ------------food: Calc. c. Calc. ph. Con. Natr. mur. --------seasoned, highly, things : Fluor, ac. Hep. --------smoked meats : Calc. ph. Kreos. --------sour things: See Desire for acids. --------spirits : Arn. Ars. Cupr. Puis. --------starch: Alum. Nitr. ac. --------sugar : Arg. n. Kali c. -------sweet things : Calc. c. Ipec. Lye. Sabad. --------tea: Hep. ------------grounds : Alum. --------various things, becoming repugnant when a little is eaten : Rheum. --------warm drinks only: Ang. ------------food: Cupr. --------wine: Ars. Bry. Calc. c. Chel. China. Cub. Hep. Lach. Mez. Sulph. Thirst: Aloe. Ant. c. Ant. t. Arn. Bapt. Calc. c. Calc. ph. Carbol. ac. Caust. Cham. China. Cicuta. Coccul. Colch. Coloc. Corn. c. Cyclam. Dig. Dulc. Hell. Hep. Hip. m. Hyos. Iod. Kali bich. Kali nit. Lach. Laur. Magu. c. Merc. v. Mez. Natr. c. Natr. mur. Nice Nitr. ac Nux v. Oleand. Phos. Phos. ac. Picric ac. Plant. Podo. Rhus. Samb. Scill. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Thuja. Verat. Zing. ---, burning: Ars. Canth. Colch. Jabor. ---, constant: iEth. Ars. Bell. Calc. c Cham. Sulph. Tabac. ----, drink descending with gurgling : Cupr. Laur. Thuja. ---, drinking large quantities : Bis. Stram. Verat. ---,------------at long intervals : Bry. ----,----small quantities often : Ant. t. Apis. Ars. Bell. China. ---, evening, in the : Natr. mur. Natr. s. ---, intense : Acet. ac. ----, morning, in the : Nitr. ac. Sep. ERUCTATIONS—NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 167 Thirst, night, at: Ant. c. Calc. c. Phos. Rhus. ---, unquenchable : Aeon. Ars. Camph. Canth. Colch. Cub. Cupr. Ferr. Grat. Jatr. Kali brom. Kreos. Merc, c Natr. mur. Raph. Sec. Tabac. Thuja. Verat. ---, vomiting after : Oleand. ---, with nausea : Bapt. ---, without desire for drink: Ang. Graph. Thirstlessness : Ant. c. Ant. t. Apis. Arg. n. Bapt. Camph. Canth. Caps. Cyclam. Ferr. Gels. Ipec. Lye. Nux mos. Podo. Puis. Sarsap. Staph. Tabac. ---in croup : Acet. ac. 10. Eructations. Eructations : Ant. c. Arn. Bell. Carbo v. China. Cyclam. Diosc. Dulc. Ipec. Iris v. Lach. Lye. Plant. Rum. Zing. ---, bitter : Amm. m. Cham. Ign. ---, carried, when : Kreos. ---, difficult, causing strangulation : Arg. n. ---, enormous : Iris v. ---, fetid : Ant. t. Arn. Asaf. Carbo v. Graph. Psor. Sep. ---, forcible: Iris v. ---, loud: Arg. n. Carbo v. ---, rancid: Asaf. Carbo v. Graph. Sabad. ---, smelling like rotten eggs : Ant. t. Arn. Psor. ---, sour: Arn. Hep. Kali c. Natr. c. Natr. s. Picric ac. Podo. Sabad. Sil. Sulph. Zing. ---,---water: Nice. ---, tasting of food : Ant. c. Hiccough : Mih. Carbo v. Cicuta. Hyos. Ign. Jabor. Nux v. Tabac. ---, carried, when : Kreos. 11. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea : Ant. t. Apis. Arg. n. Arn. Ars. Bapt. Bell. Bis. Bol. Bov. Brom. Camph. Cicuta. Cist. Coccul. Colch. Coloc. Con. Cop. Com. c Crot. tig. Cub. Cyclam. Dig. Diosc. Dulc. Gamb. Grat. Hep. Ign. Ipec. Iris v. Jabor. Jalap. Lept. Lye Merc. v. Mur. ac. Natr. mur. Nice. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Oleand. Op. Petrol. Plant. Plumb. Podo. Raph. Rheum. Rhus. Rum. Sabad. Sang. Sarsap. Scill. Sec. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Tabac. Verat. Zinc. Zing. Nausea, with gagging (retching): Ant. t.,Am. Asar. e. Bell. Bis. 168 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Bry. China. Coloc. Crot. tig. Hell. Ign. Ipec. Jabor. Kreos. Nux v. Podo. Puis. Sec. Verat. Nausea, after fresh meat: Caust. mornings : Aug. on rising : Bry. Picric ac. on seeing food: Ars. Colch. on smelling food : Colch. Stann. --------broth: Colch. ---------eggs: Colch. --------fat meat: Colch. --------fish: Colch. relieved by a soft stool: Tereb. with hunger: Ign. ----pale face and suppressed breathing: Ipec. thirst: Bapt. Vomiting: Aeon. ^Eth. Ant. c. Ant. t. Arn. Ars. Bapt. Bell. Bry. Camph. Carbo v. Carbol. ac. Cicuta. Coccul. Coloc. Cop. Crotal. Diosc Elat. Ferr. Gamb. Hip. m. Iod. Ipec. Iris v. Jabor. Jalap. Kali bich. Kreos. Lept. Merc. v. Mur. ac. Natr. mur. Petrol. Plumb. Sabad. Sarsap. Scill. Sec. Sep. Sulph. Verat. ----, acrid : Ferr. Hep. Iris v. ----, albuminous substance : Merc, c ----, as soon as stomach is full : Bis. ----, bilious : Aeon. Ant. c. Apis. Ars. China. Coloc. Cupr. Dig. Elat. Fluor, ac. Ipec. Iris v. Jatr. Kali bich. Podo. Puis. Raph. Sec. Stram. Verat. ----, bitter : Ant. c. Apis. Bol. Bry. Colch. Colost. Grat. Hip. m. Kali bich. Puis. Sang. ----, black substances : Ars. Hell. ----, bloody : Aeon. Ars. Kali bich. ----, brown substances : Ars. ----, cold, when becoming : Coccul. ----,----food or drink, better after : Phos. ----, constant, with painless diarrhoea: Bor. ----, difficult: Ant. t. ----, drunk, of what has been : Aeon. Ant. c Arn. Ars. Bis. Sil. Verat. ---,---,--------------, as soon as it becomes warm : Phos. ----,----,------------------, immediately : Ars. Bis. Crot. tig. Ipec. Zinc. NAUSEA AND VOMITING. 169 Vomiting, easy: Colch. Sec. ---, eaten, of what has been : Ant. c. Ant. t. Ars. Cham. China. Coloc. Crot. tig. Dig. Ferr. Hep. Hip. m. Ipec. Iris v. Kali bich. Puis. Raph. Verat. —,----------------, immediately : Ars. Ipec. Sec. --->----------------, sour: Calc. c. Hep. Kali bich. Oleand. Podo. Puis. Sulph. fluid, dark olive-green or black : Carbol. ac. ---, glairy : Kali bich. ---, pinkish : Kali bich. efforts to, violent, resulting in enormous forcible eruc- tations : Iris v. food, eaten hours before : Kreos. frothy : iEth. Ant. t. Crot. tig. Verat. ----, milky-white : iEth. green, bitter substance : Merc. c. greenish : .Eth. Ant. c. Ant. t. Arg. n. Asar. e. Coloc. Dig. Hell. Hep. Hip. m. Jatr. Oleand. Sec. Stram. ---watery, later colorless : Grat. hot: Podo. milk : iEth. Arg. n. Calc. ph. ---, of curdled : iEth. Ant. c. Calc. c. ---,--------, in large lumps : JEth. mother's: Sil. -, if mother has been angry : Valer. ---, soured: Calc. c. mucus, of: Aeon. Ant. c. Cyclam. Dig. Dulc. Ipec. Kali bich. Oleand. Puis. Sec. , albuminous : Jatr. , fetid : Ipec. Sec. , frothy : Ant. t. Podo. , glassy : Arg. n. Ars. , green : iEth. Ars. Bry. Ipec. Podo. Verat. , jelly-like: Ipec. , slimy : Bor. Cham. , stringy, tough: Merc. c. , tenacious : Arg. n. Dulc. Kali bich. , white : Raph. , yellowish : Ars. Bry. Colch. Ipec. Verat. oily: JEth. persistent, after nausea ceases : Ant. c. 170 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Vomiting, riding, when : Coccul. Petrol. ---, scanty: Asar. e. ---, sleep, after : iEth. Cupr. ---,----, and exhaustion after : JEth. ---, solids only, liquids retained: Bapt. ---, sour: Ant. c. Apis. Asar. e. Bol. Bor. Calc. c. Cham. China. Colost. Ferr. Hep. Iris v. Kali c. Magn. c Podo. Puis. ---, violent, with pains in head: Grat. ---, water only, food is retained : Bis. ---, watery : Ant. t. Bis. China. Crot. tig. Cupr. Grat. Hep. Hip. m. Oleand. Raph. Sang. Sec. Sulph. Tabac. ---,---, fat lumps, with : Hip. m. ---,---, flakes, with : Cupr. ---,---, greasy : Hip. m. ---,---, greenish bilious matter, with great weakness: Elat. ---, with trembling of hands and fainting: Ant. t. ---, yellowish : Grat. 12. Stomach. Stomach, acrid feeling in : Hep. ---, burning in : Ars. Bis. Camph. Cham. Cicuta. Colch. Crot. tig. Jatr. Sabad. Sec. Tabac. ---,--------, great: Iris v. ---, chilled easily by cold water : Sul. ac. ---, coldness in : Caps. Colch. Grat. ---, cold stone, feeling of, in : Aeon. ---, contractions in, painful: iEth. ---, desire to loosen clothing about: Hep. Lach. Lye. Merc. c. Nux v. ---,--------tighten clothing about: Fluor, ac. Natr. mur. ---, distension of: Lye. Merc. c. Natr. c. ---, distress in: Fluor, ac. Jabor. Natr. mur. ---, empty feeling at: Petrol. Phos. Sep. Stann. Sulph. ---, faintness at: Alum. Asaf. Bol. Brom. Hep. Sang. ---,--------about 10 or n A.M.: Lach. Mur. ac. Natr. c. Sulph. ---, fulness of: Arn. Bar. c. Cyclam. Lye. Nux mos. ---, gnawing at: Lith. c. Natr. c Sil. ---, pains in : Ars. Brom. Cist. Coccul. Coloc. Corn, c Cupr. Elat. Iod. Jatr. Lye. Staph. Zing. ABDOMEN. 171 Stomach, pressure at : Bis. Camph. Caust. Crot. tig. Elat. Hep. Natr. c. Petrol. Picric ac. Scill. Verat. ---, pulsations in : Asaf. ---, rawness from, to mouth : Tarax. ---, relaxed sensation in : Stap>h. ---, sick feeling at: Ipec. ---, sinking at: Bapt. Dig. Hep. Ign. Lye. Nux v. Plant. Sep. Sulph. ---, softening of: Calc e. Kreos. ---, soreness in: Merc, c Nux mos. ---, spasm of: Brom. Coccul. Cupr. Jatr. ---, tenderness : Camph. Elat. Lye. Ox. ac. i 13. Abdomen. Abdomen, burning in : Apis. Arg. n. Ars. Canth. Carbo v. Colch. Sarsap. Sec. ---, cold : Arn. Merc. v. ---, coldness in : Colch. Grat. Kali brom. Petrol. Sarsap. Sec. Tabac. ---, colic : iEscul. Aloe. Alum. Arg. n. Asaf. Bov. Bry. Calc. ph. Camph. Canth. China. Cicuta. Coccul. Coff. Colch. Coloc. Crot. tig. Cub. Cupr. Diosc. Gamb. Ipec. Iris v. Kali bich. Kali brom. Kali nit. Lach. Laur. Merc v. Natr. c. Natr. s. Nux v. Ox. ac. Petrol. Podo. Puis. Rhus. Sec. Stann. Tereb. Thromb. Verat. ---,----and backache at same time : Sarsap. ---,----, cutting: Aeon. Ant. c. Arn. Bell. Cham. China. Cina. Coloc. Con. Cub. Dulc. Elat. Iod. Jalap. Lept. Magn. c. Mez. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Plumb. Rheum. Rhus. Sabad. Scill. Sulph. ---,----, griping : Aloe. Coloc. Con. Corn. c. Ipec. Jalap. Kreos. Nux v. Plant. Samb. Thromb. ---,----, pinching: Amm. m. Bor. China. Cina. Dulc. Ipec. Magn. c. Mez. Nux v. Petrol. Rhus. Sulph. --------relieved by eating : Bov. ---,----,----in no position : Aeon. ---,----, tearing : Bell. Cham. Cicuta. Rhus. ---,---, twisting: Diosc. ---,----, violent, flatulent, following an obstinate diar- rhoea : Elat. ---, constriction of: Arg. n. Bell. Plumb. Sabad. ---, cramps in : Cupr. Grat. 172 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Abdomen, cramp-like pains in: Lach. ---, distended (tympanitic) : Aeon. Aloe. Apis. Arn. Ars. Asaf. Bar. c. Bell. Bis. Bor. Bov. Calc. c. Caps. Carbo v. Cham. Caust. China. Cicuta. Coff. Colch. Coloc Con. Corn.c. Crot. tig. Cub. Cupr. Grajdi. Hip. m. Iris v. Jatr. Kali bich. Kali c. Kreos. Lach. Lil. tig. Lye. Magn. c. Merc, c Natr. mur. Nice. Nux mos. Petrol. Phos. Phos. ac. Plant. Samb. Sil. Stram. Tereb. ---, distress in : Bol. Lept. ---, empty or sick feeling : Ferr. Jabor. Petrol. Phos. Plant. Podo. Sarsap. --- feeling as if bowels were falling out: Kali brom. ---, fermentation in : Arn. China. Lye. Phos. ac Rhus. Sarsap. ---, fulness in : Aeon. Aloe. Bell. Cyclam. Graph. Lye. Natr. s. Stc. ---, gurgling in : Aloe. Asar. e. Gamb. Jatr. Zinc. ---, hardness of: Graph. Sil. Stram. ---, heat in: Aloe. Lach. Podo. Sil. --- hot, body cold : Tabac. ---, pains in : Bapt. --------aggravated from warm milk: Ang. ---, ---suddenly shift and appear in distant parts: Diosc, ---, pressure in : Aloe. Cupr. Samb. Zinc. ---, protrusion of intestines like pads, here and there: Raph. ---, retracted: Plumb. Podo. Verat. ---, retraction, feeling of, in: Zinc. ---, rumbling: iEscul. Aloe. Ang. Arn. Asar. e. Bov. Calc.ph. Coccul. Coloc. Corn. c. Cyclam. Gamb. Iris v. Jatr. Lye. Mami.c. Nitr. ac. Oleand. Phos. ac. Picric ac. Plant. Puis. Rhod. Sabad. Sarsap. Sec. Sil. Zinc. Zing. --------during and after drinking : Phos. ---, sensation of a ball moving and turning in : Sabad. ---,-------sharp stones rubbing together in : Coccul. ---, sensitive: Aeon. Aloe. Apis. Arg. n. Bell. Canth. Coff. Coloc. Crot. tig. Cub. Cupr. Cyclam. Ferr. Gamb. Kali c Kreos. Lach. Lil. tig. Lye Merc, e Natr. s. Nux v. Ox. ac. Phos. Tereb. Thromb. Verat. ---,---over transverse colon : Carbol. ac. ---, soreness in : Bapt. ---, spasms of, with hardening of abdomen : Kali brom. ---, stitches in : Arg. n. Kali e ---, sunken: Bor. Calc.ph. Natr. mur. ABDOMEN. 173 Abdomen, sunken, sensation as if: Sabad. ----, swollen : Acet. ac. ----, trembling sensation in : Lil. tig. ----, weight in : Ferr. Flatus : Amm. m. Bov. Carbo v. China. Cub. Grat. Kali c. Lach. Natr. s. Nice. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Oleand. Phos. ac. Sabad. Sep. Sil. Zing. ----, cold : Con. ----, emission of no : Raph. ----, fetid: Arn. China. Coccul. Con. Natr. c. Natr. s. Nice. Oleand. Petrol. Plant. Psor. Rhod. Sarsap. Scill. Staph. Sulph. ----, garlic, smelling like: Agar. ----, hot: Coccul. Staph. ----, incarcerated: Lye. Natr. s. Sil. ----,----at night in right abdomen : Natr. s. ----,----in left abdomen : Iod. ----, offensive: Aloe. Ang. Lith. c. Phos. Sang. Sep. Sil. ----, putrid : Carbo v. Oleand. ----, sour : Natr. c. Hypochondria sensitive to pressure : Arg. n. Caust. Tabac. Hypochondrium, pain in right: Bapt. Bol. Merc. v. Natr. s. ----,-------------, coughing, when : Psor. ----,-------------, drinking cold water, when : Lept. ----,-----------—, laughing, when : Psor. ----,-------------, lying on it, when : Psor. ----,-------------, pressure, by: Fluor, ac. Merc. v. Psor. ----,-------------, stitching : Kali c. Sabad. ----,-------------, walking, when : Natr. s. Psor. ----,---------left, when drinking cold water: Natr. e Liver, indurated: Laur. ----, swollen: China. Laur. Nux mos. ----, tender : Dig. Natr. s. Sides, stitches in the : Merc. c. Spleen, swollen : China. Iod. Urging to stool unsucccessful: Corn. c. Natr. s. 14. Anus. Anus, biting at: Dulc. ----, burning from, to mouth : Iris v. ----,----, soreness and fulness of: iEscul. 174 general ACCOMPANIMENTS. Anus, burning, redness and itching in and around : Zing. ---, constantly open : Phos. ---, itching of: iEscul. ---, oozing from : Apis. Ox. ac. Phos. Sep. Thromb. ---,----of fluid smelling like herring-brine : Calc. c. ---■, prolapsus of, during urination : Mur. ac. ---, rawness, smarting, soreness of: Apis. ---, secretion of yellowish-white mucus at: Ant. c ---, spasmodic pains in: Ferr. ---, sphincter, sensation of weakness in: Alum. Haemorrhoids: JEscul. Aloe. Brom. Calc. ph. Diosc. Fluor, ac. Graph. Lach. Mur. ac. Phos. Zing. Rectum, crawling in : Calc. c. ---, croup of: Brom. ---, cutting and pinching pain in : Aloe. ---, dryness of, excessive : IEscul. ----, fulness in, feeling of: IEscul. ---, heat and itching in : IEscul. ---, pressing, contracting, tickling in : Ang. ---, pricking pains in : Nuph. ---, protrusion of: Crot. tig. Podo. ---, pustules at side of: Amm. m. ---, soreness, itching of: Amm. m. ---, swollen feeling of mucous membrane of: iEscul. ---, urging in, with crawling over the face: Ang. 15. Urine. Dysuria: Rheum. Strangury: Ant. t. Apis. Canth. Caps. Coloc. Lil. tig. Merc. c. Merc. v. Nux v. Sulph. Tereb. Tenesmus of bladder: Arn. Merc. c. Merc. v. Ureters, pains extending down : Tereb. Urination, burning after : Canth. Iris v. ---,--- during: Tereb. ---, difficult: Calc. c. Caps. Nux v. Zinc. ---, flow interrupted : Con. ---, frequent: Aeon. Ant. c. Apis. Bell. Bor. Canth. Coloc. Con. Dig. Lil. tig. Merc. v. Nux v. Phos. ac. Plant. ---, involuntary: Aloe. Bell. Caust. Cham. Hyos. Kreos. Merc. v. Natr. mur. Plant. Sep. Sil. urine. 175 Urination, involuntary, at night, from laxity of sphincter vesicae: Plant. ----, pain in bladder, after: Lith. c. ----,-------------, before : Lith. c. ----, possible only with stool: Alum. ----, screaming before : Bor. Lye. ----,----during : Sarsap. ----, seldom : Cupr. ----, smarting during: Lil. tig. ----, urging strong : Lith. c. Urine, acrid : Bor. Merc, e Merc. v. ----, albuminous : Tereb. ----, ammoniacal: Iod. ----, black: Carbol. ac. ----, blackish olive green : Carbol. ac. ----, bloody : Ant. t. Merc. c. Tereb. Zinc. ----, brown : Arn. Lept. ----, clear: Aeon. Bry. ----, cloudy : Phos. ac. Tereb. ----, dark: Benz. ac. Bol. Bry. Carbol. ac. China. Colch. Jabor. Nitr. ac. Rheum. Tereb. ----,----, with floating black specks : Hell. ----, dribbling at beginning of stool: Kali brom. ----, excoriating : Sulph. ----, fetid : Bapt. Bor. Calc. c. Carbo v. Coloc. Graph. Sep. Tereb. ----, forming a white cloud on standing: Cina. Phos. ac. ----, frothy : Lach. ----, greenish : Ars. Chel. ----, hot: Cham. Merc. v. ----, jelly-like : Cina. Coloc. ----, liver-colored : Rheum. ----, muddy : Sabad. ----, onions, smelling like : Gamb. ----, pale: Chel. Phos. Phos. ac. Plant. Stann. ----, profuse : Aloe. Ant. e Apis. Arg. n. Bell. Chel. Jabor. Merc. v. Ox. ac. Phos. Phos. ac. Plant. Scill. Stann. ----, retained: J.rs.Canth.Coloc.Hyos. Laur.Merc.e Sulph. Verat. ----, scanty: Aeon. Ant. t. Arg. n. Arn. Ars. Benz. ac. Bol. Colch. Cupr. Dig. Hell. Hyos. Jabor. Kali brom. Lil. tig. Merc. c. Merc. v. Nux mos. Op. Tereb. ----, smarting : Rheum. ----, sediment, coffee-grounds, like : Hell. 176 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Urine, sediment, red : Ant. e Graph. Lye. Natr. mur. Sep. ---, ---,---sand in streaks : Hyos. ---, ---, thick: Bol. Graph. Sep. Zinc. ---, ---, white sand: Sarsap. -----, ---, yeast-like : Raph. ---,---, yellow : Zinc. ---, smoky : Hell. Tereb. ---, sour-smelling : Graph. Nitr. ac. ---, strong-smelling : Benz. ac. Calc. c. Nitr. ac ---, suppressed : Arg. n. Ars. Bell. Canth. Carbo v. Crotal. Cupr. Laur. Lye Merc. c. Op. Podo. Sec. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Verat. ---, watery: Arg. n. Coccul. Igu. Phos. Phos. ac. --- ---, inodorous with fetid stool of white mucus: Dulc. ---, white : Cina, Phos. ac. Stann. ---, yellow : Chel. Raph. 16. Sexual Organs. Erections, priapismic : Picric ac. Genitals, moist excoriation about: Sulph. ---, pulling at, constant: Stram. Ovarian irritation : Lil. tig. Prolapsus uteri: Lil. tig. Sexual excitement: Lil. tig. Picric ac. ---weakness : Nuph. 17. Chest. Breath acrid-smelling (like horse radish): Agar. ---, cold : Carbo v. ---, fetid : Arn. Bapt. Caps. Gels. Mur. ac. Stann. ---, offensive : Nux mos. Chest, burning in : Kali brom. ---, constriction of: Verat. ---,--------, spasmodic: Arg. n. Asaf. Cupr. Sec. Verat. ---, oppression of: Verat. ---, stitches in : Bry. Kali c. ---, tonic spasms of: Cicuta. Cough, dry: Rum. ---, followed by belching : Sul. ac. ---, loose, rattling, during dentition : Calc. c. BACK AND NECK. 17T Heart, beating of, not rapid, but too violent: Dig. ----, irregular action of: Laur. >-------------, with great cardiac anguish : Laur. ----»-------------,----suffocative attacks: Laur. ----, oppression of: Tabac. ----, palpitation of: Ant. t. Cact. Cyclam. ---->---------, with large and small beats intermingled: Alum. ----,----, worse from least exertion : Iod. Respiration, difficult: Arg. n. Asaf. Elat, Puis. ---->----, when lifted from the cradle: Calc. ph. ----, feeble : China. Laur. ----, labored : Apis. Arg. n. Carbo v. Cicuta, Cupr. ----, moaning : Laur. ----, oppressed : Crotal. Cupr. Ipec. Sulph. Tabac. Thuja. Vera*. ----, rattling : Op. ----, short: Thuja. ----, sighing : Arg. n. Ign. ----, slow: Laur. ----, snoring: Op. Voice, choleraic: Ferr. ----, feeble : Camph. Sec. Verat. ----, hoarse : Camph. Carbo v. Sec. Verat. ----, hollow : Sec. ----, inaudible: Sec. ----, lost: Carbo v. ---, weak : Hell. Yawning : Ant, t. Elat. Plant. Podo. 18. Back and Neck. Back, aching of, relieved by pressure : Natr. mur. ----,----and colic at same time: Sarsap. ----, burning in : Picric ac. Tereb. ----, chills in : Gels. ----, coldness in : Sec. ----, dull, heavy pains in : Bol. ----, formication in : Sec. ----, lumbar region, painful soreness in : Bar. e ----, renal region, dull pain and burning in : Tereb. ----,--------, sensitive to pressure : Tabac. 12 178 (i ENERA L ACCOMPANIM ENTS. Back, sacro-iliac symphysis, pains as if broken, in : ./Escul. ---, sacro-lumbar region, aching in : iEscul. ---, sacrum, drawing, twisting pains in : Diosc. ----, scapula, pain under right: Chel. ---, scapulae, burning between : Phos. ---, ---, heat between : Lye. ---, small of, pain in : Bar. c. ---, spasmodic pains in: Ferr. ---, stitching pains in, extending into gluteal muscles : Kali c. ---, weakness and soreness of: Picric ac. ---, weight in, when standing: Arg. n. Neck, emaciation of: Natr. mur. Sarsap. ---, glands of, swollen : Iod. ---, rheumatic pains in: Aeon. ---, slender: Calc. c. Calc.phos. Natr. mur. Shoulders, rheumatic pains in : Aeon. 19. Extremities. Ankles weak : Calc. c. Calc. ph. Canst. Natr. c. Natr. mur. Sulph. Arms and fingers, involuntary jerking of: Cicuta. ---, bruised feeling of: Cicuta. ---, cramps of: Cupr. Phos. ac. Verat. --- fore-, icy coldness of: Apis. Brom. Colch. Calves, cramps in: Merc, e Extremities and body, cold : Iris v. ---, convulsive twitchings of: Kali brom. Stram. ---, cramps in : Hell. ---, icy coldness of: Sec. Feet, blue : Kali brom. ---, cold: Bell. Carbo v. Kali brom. Kreos. Lye. Nitr. ac. Picric ao. Puis. Sabad. Sec. Sil. Sulph. ---, constant motion of: Zinc. ---, drawing up the : Mth. ---, one hot, the other cold: Lye ---, soles of, hot: Sep. Sulph. ---, sweat of, offensive : Sil. Fingers spread apart or bent backward: Sec. Hands, blue: Apis. Kafi brom. ---, cold: Apis. Kali brom. Kreos. Sulph. SLEEP. 179 Hands, cold, before vomiting : Verat. --->---, with warmth of body : Tabac. —,------------head: Bell. cramps of: Cupr. Phos. ac. Sec. Verat. hot, after vomiting : Verat. ---, palms of: Bol. Bov. Phos. Sep. Sulph. panaritium : Natr. s. paronychia : Diosc. sweat on, cold : Brom. Kali bich. Lil. tig. warts on : Sarsap. Legs, cold: Aeon. Arn. Calc. c. Carbo v. Cicuta. Colch. Merc. v. Sec. Sil. Tabac. ---, cramps of: Camph. Colch. Cupr. Jatr. Podo. Sec. Sulph. Tabac. Verat. • ---, curvature of: Calc. c. Calc.ph. ---, debility felt mostly in: Arg. n. ---, formication in : Sec. ---, pains in : Bol. Diosc. Rhus. ---, paralytic feeling of: Coccul. ---, rheumatic pains in : Asclep. Merc. v. ---, swelling of: Acet. ac. ---, weakness of: Aloe. Arg. n. Coccul. Picric ac Nails, blue : Aeon. Shoulder, painful cutting jerks from right, toward head : Cham. Thighs, cold and clammy: Calc c. Merc. v. ---, fatigue in : Lye ---, heaviness and numbness of: Aloe. ---, tearing pains down : Rhus. Toes, cramps of: Sec. ---, spread apart or bent backward: Sec. Walk, slow in learning to : Bar. c. Calc. c. Calc. ph. Caust. 20. Sleep. Dreams of robbers in the house : A^r. mur. ---, tiresome: Asclep. Bapt. Cyclam. Rhus. Sleep, caressed and fondled, only when : Kreos. ----, comatose : Op. Rhus. Zinc. ---,----, with crying out: Apis. Hell. ---, crying out, during: Apis. Bell. Calc. c. Psor. Rheum. Stram. Zinc. 180 GENERAL ACCOMPANIMENTS. Sleep, disturbed: Acet, ac. Apis. Arg. n. Asclep. Bapt. Bell. Bor. Calc. ph. Cham. Cina. Cyclam. Kreos. Merc. v. Natr. mur. Petrol. Picric ac. Plant. Podo. Psor. Rheum. Rhus. Sabad. Sil. Stann. Zinc. ---, erections priapismic, with : Picric ac. ---, eyes half closed, with : Bell. Bry. Ipec. Kreos. Lye Podo. Samb. Sulph. ---, fright on awaking, with : Ign. Lye. Psor. Stram. Zinc. ---, grinding of teeth, with: Cina. Plant. Podo. ---, irritability on awaking, with : Lye. ---, jerking and twitching of limbs and muscles, with : Ant. t. Bell. Bor. Cham. Ipec. Rheum. Zinc. ---, jerking through whole body, with : Zinc. ---, moaning, with : Bell. Cham. Kreos. Podo. Stann. ---, mouth half open, with: Samb. ---, night terrors : Kali brom. ---, rocked, only while : Cina. ---, snoring : Op. Stram. ---, starting, with : iEth. Bell. Bor. Carbol. ac. Zinc. ---, sweat, with: China. Mur. ac. Nitr. ac. Psor. ---,---,---, on forehead, cold: Merc. v. Sil. ---,---,---,--------, hot: Cham. ---, with waking often: Asclep. Calc. e Cicuta. Cina. Lye Petrol. Sep. Sulph. ---,------------, feeling too hot: Phos. ---,--------, at 3 A.M.: Calc. c. China. Nux v. Sep. Sleepiness : Ant. e Ant. t. Arg. n. Arn. Asclep. Bell. China, Corn. c. Gels. Hip. m. Ipec. Nux mos. Op. Petrol. Samb. ---, daytime : Agar. Calc. ph. Kali c Merc. v. Mur. ac. Nux v. Phos. Podo. Psor. Rhod. Sabad. Samb. Sep. Sulph. ---, eating, after: Agar. Nux v. Phos. ---, with inability to sleep: Bell. Chel. Natr. mur. Op. Samb. Sil. Sleeplessness : Aeon. Bapt. Caps. Cina. Coff. Coloc. Hyos. Iod. Op. Paul. Phos. Samb. ---, at night: Acet. ac. Jalap. Kreos. Mere v. Mur. ac. Samb. ---, day and night: Psor. ---, from hunger in evening : Ign. ---, with frightful visions : Op. Somnolency: Ant. t. Bell. Nux mos. Op. Phos. ac. Sopor: Apis. Bell. Bor. Carbo v. Cicuta. Nux mos. Op. Sulph. fever. 181 21. Fever. a. Chill. Chill: Camph. Dig. ----mingled with heat: Dig. Chilliness : Arg. n. Asar. e. Bol. Camph. Cicuta. Corn, e Dig. Elat. Kali brom. Merc. c. Picric ac. Puis. Sabad. Sarsap. Sil. Sulph. ----even when exercising: Sil. ----when leaving the fire : Aloe. Coldness: JEth. Camph. Jatr. Laur. Tabac. Shuddering : Aeon. Camph. Raph. ----, internal: Aeon. ----, without coldness : Lach. b. Heat. Heat: Aeon. Bapt. Carbol. ac. Colost. Corn, e Dulc. Gels. Kali bich. Magn. e Stram. dry: Aeon. Apis. Ars. Bell. Dulc. Sulph. ----, when sleeping, with sweat on waking: Samb. external, with chill: Dig. internal, with external coldness: Ars. Canth, with aversion to uncover : Nux v. ----violent throbbing of the carotids : Bell. Hot flashes : Bol. lam. c. Sweat. Sweat: Aeon. Benz. ac. Bol. China. Cicuta. Corn. c. Ferr. Ign. ----, absence of: Alum. Graph. ----, chilliness, with: Cicuta. Dig. ----, cold: iEth. Ant. t. Calc. c. Camph. Cupr. Hell. Jatr. Picric ac. Sec. Sulph. Tabac. Tereb. ----, covered parts, on : Aeon. ----, exertion, during : China. Merc. v. Psor. ----, greenish: Ars. ----, night, at: China. Merc. v. Phos. Phos. ac. Psor. Staph. ----, offensive : Arn. Bapt. Graph. Merc. v. Sil. Staph. ----, oily : Merc. v. ----, profuse : Jabor. Op. Psor. Stram. ----,----, followed by several watery stools: Bell. ----, sleeping, when: China. Mur. ac Nitr. ac. Phos. Psor. ----.----.----, with desire to uncover: Mur. ac. 182 GENERAL AC( OMPANIMENTS. Sweat, sour-smelling: Merc. v. Sil. ---,---, with coldness of surface: Ferr. ---, sticky : Cham. Merc. v. ---, vomiting, with : Aeon. ---, waking, when, with dry heat during sleep : Samb. ---, warm, on forehead : Cham. Merc. v. d. Pulse. Pulse, coming in long waves : Zinc. ---, failing : Ferr. ---, full: Aeon. Bapt. Gels. Op. ---, hard : Aeon. iEth. Bell. China. ---, imperceptible : Ars. Carbo v. Crotal. Kali brom. Laur. Tereb. ---, intermitting : Carbo v. Hell. Nitr. ac. Thuja. ---,--- every third beat: Mur. ac. ---, irregular : China. Laur. Tabac. Thuja. ---, rapid : Aeon. IEth. Ant. t. Ars. Bell. China. Jabor. Kali brom. Kreos. ---, slow: Cupr. Dig. Laur. Mur. ac. Op. ---, small: IEth. Bell. Cupr. ---, soft: Bapt. Cupr. Gels. ---, weak: Ant. t. Cupr. Cyclam. Dig. Kali brom. Kali c. Kreos. Merc, c Mur. ac. Tabac. 22. Skin. Skin, blue : Cupr. Sec. Verat. ---, cold : Ars. Calc. c. Camph. Canth. Cupr. Hell. Laur. Merc. c. Podo. Sec. Verat. ---,--- and blue: Crotal. ---,---, at night: Camph. ----,---, without change of color : Camph. ---, cool : Nux mos. ---, dirty, greasy-looking, with yellow blotches : Psor. ---, dry: Aeon. Alum. Apis. Ars. Bol. Calc. c. Graph. Nux mos. Sulph. ---, eruption, partially developed on : Psor. ---, folds, remaining when pinched: Verat. ---, harsh : Alum. Sulph. ---, hot: Aeon. Apis. Ars. Bol. Calc. c. ---, itching of, as though fecal matter would pass through: Graph. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. 183 Skin, livid : Bor. Laur. ---, pale: Acet. ac. Bor. ---, red spots on, burning and itching: Agar. ---,----and blue spots on : Ars. ---, sallow : Bol. Chel. Con. Corn. c. Dig. Fluor, ac. Mar. v. Nux v. Podo. Sep. ---, shriveled : Sarsap. Sec. ---, waxen : Acet. ac. ---, wrinkled : Sulph. Verat. 23. General Symptoms. Alternation of chest and bowel symptoms: Dig. Anasarca : Apis. Ars. China. Ascites : Apis. Ars. Colch. Attack, sudden, without apparent cause : Hyosc. Automatic motion of one side of body: Hell. Aversion to being covered (to heat) : Camph. Sec. Brain-fag : Picric ac. (Sabad.) Bruised feeling of whole body: Amm. m. Arn. Bapt. Gamb. Hep. Merc. c. Staph. Chlorosis : Alum, Cyclam. Ferr. Graph. Lye. Nux v. Puis. Collapse :. Ars. Camph. Canth. Carbo v. Crotal. Laur. Sec. Tabac. Cramps: Camph. Carbo v. Coccul. Crotal. Cupr. Iris v. Jatr. Phos. ac. Podo. Sec. Sulph. Verat. Cyanosis : Dig. Debility (languor) : Acet. ac. Alum. Ang. Ant. t. Apis. Arg. n. Arn. Ars. Asclep. Benz. ac. Bor. Brom. Bry. Calc. e Caust. China. Coccul. Colch. Colost. Con. Corn. c. Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Fluor, ac. Gamb. Graph. Iod. Iris v. Kali bich. Kali brom. Kali e Kali nit. Lach. Lept. Lye. Magn. e Merc. v. Mez. Mur. ac. Nitr. ac. Nux mos. Nux v. Phos. Podo. Psor. Raph. Rum. Sabad. Sang. Sec. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Sul. ac. Thuja. Verat. Dentition very painful: Kreos. Desire to go into the open air: Lye Ebullitions of blood : Amm. m. Ecchymoses : Arn. Sarsap. Sul. ac. Emaciation: Acet. ac. Apis. Arg. n. Ars. Bor. Calc. c. Calc. ph. China. Ferr. Gamb. Iod. Kreos. Lye Natr. mur. Nitr. ac. Nux v. Op. Petrol. Phos. Sarsap. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuja. ---of the neck : Natr. mur. Sarsap. 184 general accompaniments. Exhaustion (prostration): Ant. t. Apis. Arn. Ars. Bapt. Benz. ac. Bis. Bol. Camph. Carbo v. China. Coff. Colch. Con. Corn, e Cupr. Cyclam. Dulc. Elat. Ferr. Iris v. Kreos. Lach. Merc. e. Merc. v. Mez. Mur. ac. Nuph. Picric ac. Plant. See. Sep. Sulph. Sul. ac. Tabac. Tarax. Tereb. Thuja. Verat. ----, absence of: Phos. ac. ----, with warm surface : Bis. Expansion, feeling of, in various parts: Arg. n. Fainting : Ars. Coccul. Laur. Nux mos. Op. Tabac. Verat. Zinc. ----on rising up : Aeon. Bry. Op. Thromb. Faintness : Camph. Lept. Mere c Raph. Feels particularly well the day before an attack : Psor. Glands swollen : Asaf. Bar. c. Calc. p>h. Cist. Graph. Hep. Merc. v. Mur. ac. Natr. mur. Nitr. ac. Staph. Sulph. Hydrocephaloid, threatened : iEth. Apis.Calc. e Calc.ph. China. Ipec. Kali brom. Phos. Suljdi. Zinc. Jactitations : Kali brom. Jar, every little, is painful: Bell. Jaundice : Bol. Chel. Con. Com. c. Dig. Kali e Merc. v. Nux v. Podo. Jerks : Valer. ---, convulsive, of single limbs : Ign. Joints, aching in : Bol. Lethargy : Bell. Nux mos. Op. Mucous membranes, dryness of: Alum. Pains appear and disappear suddenly : Bell. ---, over-sensitiveness to : Hep. Paralysis : Tabac. Paralytic weakness : Amm. m. Peristalsis, generally reversed : Asaf. Petechiae : Arn. Restlessness : Aeon. Arg. n. Ars. Bapt. Bell. Bol. Canth. Carbo v. Cupr. Dulc. Iod. Kali brom. Paul. Rheum. Rhus. ---- all night: Jalap. Kreos. ---from 4 to 6 P.M.: Carbo v. Rheumatism : Bar. e Calc. ph. Rheum. Rhod. Sensation, disagreeable through whole body, and nauseous taste : Crotal. ----of trembling, without visible trembling : Sul. ac. Shaking of body, as if from palsy : Kali brom. Slide down in bed, tendency to: Mur. ac. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. 185 Smell of body, filthy, even after washing : Psor. Sulph. --------stool follows him, as if he had soiled himself: Sulph. Softness of the flesh: Podo. Sour smell of body: Colost. Hep. Magn. c. Rheum. Sul. ac. Spasms (convulsions) : IEth. Bell. Canth. Carbo v. Cham. Cicuta. Cina. Cupr. Hyos. Ign. Ipec Kali brom. Laur. Op. Tabac. Zinc. --- during dentition: Calc. c. Ign. Zinc. ---, with screaming, foaming at mouth, unconsciousness, throwing the arms about: Lye Stammering: Mere v. Starts: Kali brom. Stretching: Graph. Podo. Stupor: Apis. Arg. n. Arn. Ars. Bapt. Bell. Camph. Hyos. Nux mos. Op. Sulph. ---, with twitching of muscles : Sulph. Subsultus: Hyos. Sudden shrieks : Apis. Hell. Talk, slow in learning to : Natr. mur. Termination of, coryza, catarrh, pains in chest by diarrhoea : Sang. Trembling: Arg. n. Merc. c. Valer. Zinc. Trismus and tetanus : Camph. Twitching of muscles : Ant. t. Bell. Bor. Cham. Ipec. Rheum Sabad. Sulph. Valer. Zinc. Yawning: Ant. t. Elat. Plant. Podo. Staph. LIST OF AUTHORS CONSULTED IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS WORK. Hahnemann. Chronic Diseases. Jahr. New Manual. Repertory. Lippe. Materia Medica. Hale. Materia Medica. Mure. Materia Medica. Metcalf. Homoeopathic Provings. Gross. Comparative Materia Medica. Possart. Arzneimittellehre. B(ENNINghausen. Eepertorium. Keuchhusten. Pocket Book. Raue. Pathology and Therapeutics. Guernsey. Obstetrics and Diseases of Females and Children. Hartmann. Specielle Therapie Acuter und Chronischer Krankheiten. Spec. Therap. Kinderkrankheiten. Teste. Diseases of Children. Williamson. Diseases of Women and Children. Croserio. Obstetrics. AVells. Diarrhoea. Wolf. Hom. Erfahrungen, Erstes bis fiinftes Heft. Journals. Am. Horn. Review, Vol. I. to VI. Hahn. Monthly, Vol. I. to III. British Jour, of Horn., Vol. XXV. U. S. Med. and Surg. Jour., Vol. I. to IV. Monthly Hom. Review, Vol. VIII. Am. Jour, of Hom. Mat. Med., Vol. I. to II. New England Med. Gazette, Vol. I. to IV. Am. Hom. Observer, Vol. I. to VI. Medical Investigator, Vol. II. to VI. Ohio Med. and Surg. Reporter, a few numbers. Western Hom. Observer, a few numbers. North Am. Jour, of Horn., Vol. V. and XIV. Proceedings of Am. Inst, of Hom.; of N. Y. Hom. Med. Soc.; of Mass. Hom. Med. Soc.; a few volumes. ADDITIONAL WORKS consulted in the preparation of the second edition. Allen. Encyclopaedia of Pure Materia Medica. Hering. Condensed Materia Medica. Hering. Guiding Symptoms. Hughes. Pharmacodynamics. (187) 188 LIST OF AUTHORS. Dunham. Lectures on Materia Medica. Dunham. Homoeopathy, the Science of Therapeutics. B.ehr. Science of Therapeutics. Raue. Annual Records. Lilienthal. Homoeopathic Therapeutics. Hoyne. Clinical Therapeutics. Farrington. Supplement to Gross' Comparative Mat. Med. Burt. Characteristic Materia Medica. Lippe. Repertory. Journals. Hahn. Monthly, Vol. I. to XV. North Am. Jour, of Horn., Vol. XX. to XXVIII. Med. Investigator, Vol. IX. to XL U. S. Med. Investi- gator, Vol. I. to X. N. Y. Jour, of Horn., Vol. I. to II., Amer. Jour, of Hom. Mat. Med., Vol. VI. to IX. Amer. Observer, Vol. IX. The Clinique, Vol. I. to II. Medical Counselor, Vol. I. to IV. Hahn. Hospital Reports. Trans. N. Y. Horn. Med. Soc. Trans. Penna. Hom. Med. Soc. Proceedings of Am. Inst, of Hom. INDEX. Character and Object of the Work................9 Selection of the Remedy......................10 Administration of the Remedy..................13 PART FIRST. Remedies and their Indications..................15 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Acetic acid........15 Aconite..........15 JEsculus hippocastanum ... 16 ^Etliusa cynap........17 Agaricus.........18 Aloe...........18 Alumina.........20 Ammon. mur........21 Angostura.........22 Antimon. crud........22 Antimon. tart........23 Apis mel..........24 Argent, nit.........25 Arnica mont........26 Arsenicum.........27 Asafcetida.........29 Asarum europ........29 Asclepias tuberosa.....30 Baptisia tinct........30 Baryta carb.........31 Belladonna........32 Benzoic acid........33 Bismuthum........33 Boletus laricis.......34 Borax...........35 Bovista..........35 Bromine..........36 Bryonia..........36 Calcarea carb........37 Calcarea phos. ......39 Camphor.........40 32. Cantharis.........41 33. Capsicum.........42 34. Carbo veg..........42 35. Carbolic acid........43 36. Causticum.........44 37. Chamomilla........44 38. Chelidonium maj......46 39. China...........46 40. Cicuta virosa........47 41. Cina...........48 42. Cistus can..........49 43. Cocculus.........49 44. Coffea...........50 45. Colchicum.........50 46. Colocynthis........51 47. Colostrum........ 52 48. Coniura..........53 49. Copaivae.........53 50. Cornus circin........54 51. Crotalus horridus......54 52. Croton tig..........55 53. Cubebte..........56 54. Cuprum met.........56 55. Cyclamen.........57 56. Digitalis..........58 57. Dioscorea v.........58 58. Dulcamara........59 59. Elaterium.........60 60. Ferrum met.........60 61. Fluoric acid........61 62. Gambogia.........62 (189) 190 INDEX. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. Gelsemium........63 Graphites.........64 Gratiola off.........64 Helleborus niger......65 Hepar sulph.........66 Hippomane man.......66 Hydrophobin.......67 Hyosciamus.........67 Ignatia..........68 Iodine..........69 Ipecacuanha........70 Iris versicolor.......71 Jaborandi.........72 Jalapa..........72 Jatropha cure........72 Kali bich..........73 Kali brom.........74 Kali carb..........74 Kali nit..........75 Kreosotum........75 Lachesis....... . . . 76 Laurocerasus........77 Leptandria........78 Lilium tig........78 Lithium carb........79 Lycopodium........79 Magnesia carb........81 Mercurius corr.......82 Mercurius sol. (Merc, viv.) . . 82 Mezereum.........84 Muriatic acid.......85 Natrum carb........85 Natrum mur........86 Natrum sulph........87 Niccolum.........88 Nitric acid........88 Nuphar lut.........89 Nux moschata.......90 Nux vomica........91 Oleander.........92 103. Opium..........92 104. Oxalic acid........93 105. Paullinia sorb. (Guarana) . . 93 106. Petroleum........93 107. Phosphorus........94 108. Phosphoric acid......96 109. Picric acid ........ 97 110. Plantago.........97 111. Plumbum met....... . 98 112. Podophyllum.......98 113. Psorinum.........99 114. Pulsatilla nig........100 115. Raphanus sat........101 116. Rheum..........102 117. Rhododendron.......102 118. Rhus tox..........103 119. Rumex crisp........104 120. Sabadilla.........104 121. Sambucus nig........105 122. Sanguinaria can.......106 123. Sarsaparilla........106 124. Scilla...........106 125. Secale corn.........107 126. Sepia...........108 127. Silicea..........108 128. Stannum met........110 129. Staphisagria........110 130. Stramonium........Ill 131. Sulphur..........Ill 132. Sulphuric acid.......113 133. Tabacum.........114 134. Taraxacum........114 135. Terebinthina........114 136. Thrombidium.......115 137. Thuja occ..........116 138. Valeriana.........116 139. Veratrum album......116 140. Zincum met.........117 141. Zingiber.........118 PART SECOND. Repertory.............................121 Pathological names........................121 Character of the stools......................122 Conditions of the stools and of the accompanying symptoms......132 o. Aggravations......................132 b. Ameliorations.......................140 INDEX. 191 Accompaniments of the Evacuations...............142 a. Before stool..........................142 b. During stool.........................145 c. After stool..........................149 General Accompaniments .... 1. Mind and Mood.......152 2. Head...........155 3. Eyes and Ears.......157 4. Nose............157 5. Face............158 6. Mouth...........159 7. Throat...........163 8. CEsophagus.........163 9. Appetite...........163 10. Eructations.........167 11. Nausea and Vomiting .... 167 12. Stomach..........170 13. Abdomen.........171 14. Anus...........173 ................152 15. Urine...........174 16. Sexual Organs.......176 17. Chest...........176 18. Back and Neck.......177 19. Extremities........178 20. Sleep...........179 21. Fever...........181 a. Chill..........181 b. Heat..........181 c. Sweat..........181 d. Pulse..........182 22. Skin............182 23. General Symptoms.....183 —=1888.=^- ISTEW CATALOGUE OF ^\ ^3- BOEEICKB'S S T -A. 1ST ID .A. K, ID ^omoeopatbie Publications. THE HAHNEMANN PUBLISHING HOUSE, 921 Arch Street, Philadelphia. ALLE1V, DR. TIMOTHY F. The Encyclopedia of Pure Ma- teria Medica; a Record of the Positive Effects of Drugs upon the Healthy Human Organism. With contributions from Dr. Richard Hughes, of England; Dr. C. Hering, of Philadelphia; Dr. Carroll Dunham, of New York ; Dr. Adolph Lippe, of Philadelphia, and others. Ten volumes. Half morocco or sheep, $70.00. Cloth, . . $60.00 This Encyclopedia of Materia Medica, which is beyond question the most complete and extensive ever attempted in any country or language, is truly worthy of its name; for it is a work to which the homoeopathic practitioner can turn with the certainty of finding the whole pathogenetic record of every remedy ever used in Homoeopathy. Pages could be filled with notices from the medical press in acknowledgment and appreciation of its great value. " A glance at it is sufficient to show the student of materia medica the treasures it brings to hand. . . . There is abundance of fresh material for the physiological knowledge of Belladonna, Bismuth, Cannabis [etc.]. . . . Here is for the first time a full and in- telligible pathogenesis of Bromine, of Cannabis Indica, and of Carbolic Acid. . . . The gift is invaluable. We can but again tender to Dr. Allen our grateful appreciation of his la.bors."^-Beview of Vol. II in the British Journal of Homozopaihy. 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It need only be added that the author's promise to furnish the best arranged and most complete repertory ever attempted is more than fulfilled. The ingenious selection and arrangement of type greatly facilitates its use. " The arrangement of this Symptom Register is simple enough to make the work readily available, and, judging from a few experimental trials, we are led to deem it an exhaustive Index of the majority of the symptoms of the Encyclopedia . . . Dr. Allen has fitly crowned his long and arduous labor, and placed us all under obligations that we can never repay."—Tlie American Observer. " Every scientific practitioner in the world will heartily thank the indefatigable author for crowning his pharmaco-encyclopedic edifice so promptly with a workable repertorial index. The thing we are most thankful for is that the arrangement is strictly alphabetical. First, the part affected; second, the sensation, conditioned or modified. No fads or fancies, theories or hypotheses. Of course, everybody has a copy of the Encyclopedia, and now everybody will get a copy of the Index. We cannot pretend to review such a work. It bears every mark of care, capability, and conscientiousness, and to hunt about for specks of dirt on such a grand picture is not the kind of work for us. The only piece of advice we offer to intending purchasers is that they ask for it bound in leather, for common cloth binding, no matter how nice to the eye, soon begins to tear at the back, and becomes the source of endless annoyance. This applies, of course, to a work for frequent reference, and Allen's 'Index' is practically a dictionary to his Encyclopedia, and as such will be used many times a day."—From the Homoeopathic World. ALLEN AND NORTON. Ophthalmic Therapeutics. See Nor- ton's Ophthalmic Therapeutics. ALLEN, DR. WILLIAM A. Repertory of the Symptoms of Intermittent Fever. Arranged by William A. Allen. Pp. 107. 12mo. Cloth,.......................$1.00 We give a letter of Timothy F. 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