.m: I DEFORMITIES AFTER FRACTURES. I DEFORMITIES AETER FRACTURES. BY FEANK HASTINGS HAMILTON. "That a 'cure' took place we do not doubt, but the information we should most desire would be on the length of the cured limb, and on a few other matters of that sort." Johnson's Replt to Radlet. ,0n Gei)/'s Q LIBSABY. & , EXTRACTED PROM THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA: T. K. AND P. G. COLLIN'S, PEINTEES. 1855. WEA 1855 PREFACE. I propose to deduce from my own experience, and from the experience of other surgeons, as recorded in this report, the true prognosis of fractures. This I shall endeavor to do with care and fidelity, avoiding, on the one hand, if possible, the error of encou- raging the practitioner with a prognosis too favorable, and, on the other, the equal wrong of leaving him to expect too little. To this end, I shall draw from my hospital and private records such cases as have come under my immediate care, describing, as briefly as will be consistent with my purpose, all those circum- stances connected with each fracture which might in any way modify the result, together with the plan of treatment, and finally, the precise amount and character of the imperfection, or maiming, if any, which remains. I shall not, however, confine myself to my own cases; but, so far as I am able, I shall record the cases which have been treated by other regularly qualified surgeons, and which have subsequently passed under my own observation. This is necessary not only as a vindication of my own practice and reputa- tion, of which one must naturally feel jealous, but more especially that my conclusions may have, what you have a right to demand for them, the weight of authority. t I shall, therefore, ask the liberty of reporting the practice of my contemporaries, and of mentioning their names, that you may judge for yourselves whether they constitute proper representatives of the present condition of our art. Of this, I trust, no one will complain, since without such permission I would not have ventured upon the duty assigned me, nor do I believe any one else would have con- sented to have occupied my place. It is certain that, up to this moment, no one has volunteered to state fully what have been the results in his own practice, or in the practice of the hospital, or other similar institutions, which have been under his immediate charge. In hospital records, you may find patients admitted with fractures, and reported as " dea'd," or as 6 dismissed "cured," with the occasional interpolation of "a good leg;" and, upon these records, tables have been constructed to determine the average fatality of such accidents, and the probabili- ties of cure; but I have not yet seen any published reports declar- ing what was the exact amount and value of the "cure"—how much the bone was shortened, or bent, or otherwise maimed and deformed. In short, they still fail to inform us what are the " de- formities after fractures," which, under fair treatment, may reason- ably be expected. Dr. "Wallace published, in 1839, a statistical account of the eighteen hundred fractures which had been treated in the Pennsyl- vania Hospital from its foundation up to the year 1838; and Dr. Norris published, soon after, a similar report of the fractures treated in the same institution between the years 1830and 1839, inclusive; but neither of these gentlemen make any reference to a shortening, or to any degree of deformity which may have occurred in the cases reported as cured. Dr. Peirson, in his report of the statistical tables of all the fractures which had occurred in the Massachusetts General Hospital up to the year 1840, notices, under the head of "Eemarks," many interesting facts, such as delayed or non-union, the occurrence of ulcers, gangrene, &c. &c.; but there is nothing exactly pertinent to the subject of our inquiry. Dr. Lente, who has recorded the statistics of fractures treated at the New York Hospital for the twelve years preceding 1851, has attempted to supply the deficiency, which he declares does exist in the hospital records, upon this subject, by his own "personal expe- rience of several years in the practice of the hospital, and by con- versation with other surgeons who have been connected with it." But he has limited his statements to what he believes to have been the average results, as regards shortening, in the treatment of frac- tures of the femur. The statistics furnished by Lonsdale, of the Middlesex Hospital of London, and by Fricke, of the General Hospital at Hamburg, are equally silent upon the subject of deformities or shortening. The same disinclination to approach this subject is manifested by those who have written special or general treatises upon fractures, and who, with the single exception of Malgaigne, will be found eith'er to have ignored prognosis altogether, or they have seemed to speak of it only casually, and without any numerical basis for their calculations, since, among writers of equal experience and reputa- tion, there exist the widest discrepancies of opinion. An example 7 will illustrate what I have said. Chelius, writing of fractures of the thigh-bone, says: "Fracture of the thigh-bone is always a severe accident, as the broken bones are retained in proper contact with great difficulty. The cure takes place most commonly with de- formity and shortening of the limb, especially in oblique fractures, and those which occur in the upper and lower third of the thigh- bone." To which Mr. South, the translator, and Surgeon to St. Thomas's Hospital, appends the following note: "In simple frac- tures of the thigh-bone, except with great obliquity, I have rarely found difficulty in retaining the broken ends in place, and in effect- ing the union without deformity, and with very little, and sometimes without any, shortening. For the contrary results the medical attendant is mostly to be blamed, as they are usually consequent on his own carelessness or ignorance." (Chelius's Surgery, by South, American edition, vol. i. p. 627.) Even Malgaigne, to whose recent work, entitled, Traite des Fractures et des Luxations, I shall hereafter have frequent occasion to refer, and who speaks generally with a precision which indicates a careful observation of the facts, does not intimate the existence of any exact records, either in his own practice or in the practice of others, from which his conclusions have been deduced. In looking for an explanation of this seeming indifference, or palpable ignorance, upon a subject of such manifest importance both to surgeons and to their patients, I find several probable causes. I suppose that most practical surgeons have a tolerably correct appreciation of prognosis in fractures. I say tolerably, because I wish to imply a qualification. I do not think that a majority of even "practical" surgeons have a full appreciation of the subject. I am frank to confess that, until I commenced these investigations, I had not any just notions of the frequency of deformities after fractures. Nor can I now understand how any surgeon, who does not carefully measure limbs with a rule or with a graduated tape- line, can have possessed himself of any very accurate information upon that point. Yet I appeal to surgeons whether this has been their constant or even their general practice? or whether they have not usually adopted, in measuring the lower extremities, that more simple, yet always unreliable method of placing the limbs parallel, knee to knee and heel to heel ? or whether they have not as often contented themselves with the averment of the patient himself, that the limb was perfect ? and, indeed, whether, in case of a fractured 8 arm or radius and ulna, they have, in one case out of ten, instituted any sort of inquiry or examination by which their relative length might be determined?* I address hospital surgeons as well as surgeons in private practice. Let them answer to themselves these interrogatories. If such examinations can be shown to have occa- sionally been made, we still venture to affirm that, in no instance. for any considerable length of time, have regular records of exact results been kept. Nor do I expect that, upon my humble remon- strance, such records, fairly made, will hereafter be kept. Surgeons who have the charge of public hospitals understand that the eyes of their pupils, their governors, their confreres, and of the public even are upon them, and it is attributing to them nothing more than a common frailty to charge that they dare not record faithfully their results in the treatment of fractures. To be honest in the admission of shortcomings in a branch of our art, where the difficulties are so little understood by those who constitute them- selves our judges, would be suicidal. Do you not see that jealous and designing colleagues would have no such discreditable results ? Pupils would draw unfavorable comparisons, and desert the wards where failures were so common; rival hospitals would secretly or openly seize upon such records to their own advantage; and the patients themselves would, no doubt, often return the diligence, skill, and honesty of their surgeons with imprecations and prosecu- tions. There is, gentlemen, no lack of charity in these suppositions. We are to take men as they are, and as they are well enough known to be, and not as we would have them; and it is in vain to deny that such are the fair risks which strict honesty in this matter must incur. The instinct of self-preservation, therefore, prompts to silence, or to the most favorable representations. Students will continue to go out from our hospitals with a belief that perfect union of broken bones is the rule, and that exceptions imply generally unskilful management; and if, when hereafter they have themselves occasion to treat a fractured femur, the result falls short of their standard of perfect success, they, taught also by the same instinct of self-pre- servation which actuated their teachers, will conceal the truth from * " Le malheur de tous ceux qui ont cru obtenir de ces gu£risons miraculeuses, c'est qu'ils n'ont pas meme songe a me"surer comparativement les deux membres; je dirai plus, c'est qu'ils ignorent le plus souvent les conditions d'une bonne et fidele mensuration."—Traite des Fractures et des Luxations, par J. F. Malgaigne, torn. i. p. 724. A Paris, 1847. 9 others, and even from themselves, if possible. Nay, I fear that sometimes, under the same urgent promptings, and where the moral sense is not superior to all other considerations, they may hesitate to regard the sanctity of an oath! How else shall we explain the testimony of that man who, with uplifted hand, affirms that he has " seen and treated ten fractures of the femur, in adult persons, and not one of them is in any way shortened or deformed?" Or what less charitable construction will you place upon the published aver- ment of a hospital surgeon in a neighboring province, who, in his remarks upon my "fracture tables," as reported by my late pupil, Dr. Boardman, some years ago, declares that he has lately treated at the hospital under his care one case of fractured inferior maxilla; three cases of broken clavicles, two of which were at the outer third; seven of fractured femur, one of which was compound and one comminuted ; eight cases of fracture of the tibia and fibula, two of which were comminuted and one compound—in all nineteen cases, and that, with the exception of one who died, every case resulted in a perfect cure ? It is more than probable that the writer will not escape similar criticisms hereafter, and that his report may be regarded as giving a true representation of American surgery, but as scarcely applica- ble to the surgery of others. In reply to a sentiment so illiberal, I beg to say, in anticipation, that having myself visited a majority of the large hospitals of Great Britain, and very many upon the conti- nent of Europe, and having observed carefully their methods of treatment, and, in some measure, noticed their success, I am pre- pared to affirm that, in so far as I have yet seen, the practice of American surgeons, in the management of fractures, compares favorably with that of any other people. The English themselves are constantly proclaiming their deficiency in this department of surgery. It is now more than one hundred years since Pott, then Surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, inquired of his brethren if it was not " notorious" that in England broken thighs and legs were "often, very often, left deformed, crooked, and shortened?" But, notwithstanding Pott believed that he had discovered the true cause of these deformities, and had devised a remedy which must in future secure to his countrymen comparative eminence in this branch, yet to-day Mr. Skey, the very distinguished successor of Mr. Pott in the same great hospital, finds occasion to say : " One is therefore at a loss to find any apology for those surgeons to whose want of care, and even of humanity, may be attributed the numerous examples of 10 distorted and contracted members, ivhich have cast a reproach on the surgery of Great Britain." (Skeys Operative Surgery, American edition, p. 140.) For myself, while I take these admissions as evidence that Ame- ricans are quite as expert in the dressing of broken bones as the English, I am nevertheless much more charitable to their failures than they are themselves. To me these admissions only confirm a long-nourished conviction that neither in Great Britain nor in the United States, nor in any other part of the world, has the art of treating fractures attained that degree of perfection which surgeons have almost universally claimed for it. If my reviewers deny the correctness of my conclusions, I trust they will do me the justice to accompany their denial with proofs of the same specific character, and obtained in the same careful manner, with those evidences which I shall present. Finally, no man can be more sensible than myself of the imper- fect manner in which I have accomplished the duty which you have imposed upon me, and especially since, while I have only contributed a limited experience to the elucidation of a very im- portant subject—the subject of Prognosis in Fractures—I have, to an extent still more limited, contributed suggestions or experience in relation to better or more successful modes of treatment. Yet I trust no one will, for that cause, censure an humble beginning. Others may yet complete what I have only commenced. " Admit that bones and patients are and always have been contumacious and refractory. What then ? " What good," do you ask, " can be accomplished by exposing our failures, unless we have found the remedy, in which alone the world can claim a final interest ?" I reply, that the first step towards improvement in any art or science must be the faithful exposure of its wants and deficiencies. 11 CHAPTEE I. OSSA NASI. Case 1. Simple displacement of left os nasi, laterally and backicards. Partial restoration. S. L., of Auburn, aged 10 years. While playing, one of his mates accidentally hit him with his elbow upon the left side of his nose. I was immediately called, and found the lower end of the left os nasi displaced laterally and backwards, so that it rested under the lower end of the right os nasi. There did not appear to be any fracture beyond that which was inevitable by the mere separation of its serrated margins from the bones adjoining. With a steel instrument, introduced into the left nostril, I at- tempted to lift the bone to its place. The membrane was very sensitive, and the patient very restless under my repeated efforts. I pressed upwards with considerable force, and succeeded at length in bringing the bone nearly into position. In this situation, with some slight deformity remaining, I was compelled to leave it. The hemorrhage, which was for a time profuse, soon ceased spon- taneously. Case 2. Simple fracture or displacement of the ossa nasi. Perma- nent deformity. M. L. P. T., of Saratoga County, aged 5 years, was struck by a boy's sled on the left side, completely flattening his nose, and turning the bones across to the right. Dr. John Thompson, a distinguished surgeon of Saratoga County, was in attendance, and, as well as it was possible to do so, lifted and replaced the nasal bones. For some months it was supposed that the restoration was perfect, and not until all swelling had disappeared was it ascertained to be still con- siderably displaced. Thirty-six years after the accident I examined the nose. I find the ossa nasi are inclined over to the right, the deviation being in a straight line, and commencing at their upper ends. It is, therefore, a displacement, rather than a fracture. The left nostril is very much 12 obstructed, and has been all his life a source of much inconvenience. Within a few years, also, a cartilaginous growth in the left nostril has materially increased the obstruction. Case 3. Simple fracture and displacement of the lower third of the right os nasi. Restoration after one week. D., of Attica, aged 11 years. The lower third of the right os nasi was broken, and displaced to the right side. The accident occurred a week since, and an attempt was immediately made, by an intelligent country surgeon, to replace the bones, but without success. The doctor then directed him to call upon me. I introduced a strong steel instrument into the right nostril, and pressed upward and to the left, while with my thumb I pressed forcibly upon the right side of the nose. My object was to lift the bone, and carry it a little over to the left side. During the effort, the bones were felt to crack and give way slightly, but not suffi- ciently. I then gave him chloroform, as the manipulation had proved very painful, and again pressed in the same manner and with great force. The restoration now seemed nearly or quite complete. Case 4. Simple fracture and displacement of the lower ends of the ossa nasi to the left side. Attempts at reduction unsuccessful. Deformity remains. CI ironic ulceration of the septum, &c. N. B. N., of Hunt's Hollow, aged 27 years. Two years since he was struck accidentally upon the right side of his nose by a board, and the ossa nasi were displaced to the left. A surgeon made an attempt to reduce them, but did not succeed, and they have remained displaced ever since. The nose for a time was much swollen. A few months after the accident, a purulent discharge commenced from the right nostril, and at length an abscess formed in the right cheek. The abscess is now healed, but the nose continues to discharge pus, and occasion- ally it bleeds freely. There is a perforation of the septum, of the size of a three cent piece, which is continuing to enlarge. No hereditary maladies in the family, except that, on his father's side, it has been generally observed that wounds do not heal kindly. The same is the fact with him. AVhen a child, he was very subject to epistaxis; at sixteen, a pulmonary difficulty began, and he had more or less cough, with haemoptysis, for two years. Since then his health has been good. He is a lawyer by profession, but of late he 13 has lived in the country upon a farm, and has accustomed himself to much out-door exercise. Case 5. Simple fracture, followed by deformity. Mrs. J. A., aged 23 years. Fifteen years ago she fell on her nose and broke down the ends of the ossa nasi. A surgeon of St. Gallen in Switzerland, replaced them. There has remained ever since a slight elevation of the ends of the bones and of the cartilage, giving to her nose an aquiline form. The elevated portion is slightly tender, and occasionally, in damp weather, it is painful. It is probable that, in replacing the fragments, they were lifted too high. Possibly, however, the slight deformity is due to an ex- ostosis. Case 6. Simple displacement of both ossa nasi backwards. No treat- ment. Deformity. Miss H. S., of Buffalo. When three weeks old, a block of wood fell upon her nose as she was lying in the cradle. The nature of the injury was not understood by the parents, and no surgeon was called. The ossa nasi are now, twelve years after the accident, much wider than is natural, and depressed. The nasal processes of the superior maxilla appear to have been spread asunder. This having occurred when the bones were in a cartilaginous state, the parts must have been rather bent than fractured, and in this condition they have ossified. The deformity is very striking. Case 7. Simple displacement of the bwer ends of the ossa nasi back- wards, complicated with fracture of the cranium and osfemoris. Death on the seventh day. No attempt to restore the bones to place. W. W., aged 45 years, fell from a two-story building. Drs. White and Hamilton in attendance. The ossa nasi were displaced rather than broken, being forced backwards from their articulations with the nasal processes of the superior maxilla, but not completely separated from their articula- tions with the os frontis. As the injury to his skull was likely to prove fatal in a short time, no attempt was made to adjust the ossa nasi. He.died on the seventh day. 14 Case 8. Simple displacement of the lower ends of the ossa nasi to the left side. No treatment. Displacement remains. Miss S. W., aged 8 years. She was struck accidentally, by a piece of iron, on the right side of her nose. Her parents did not suppose any serious injury was received, and no surgeon was called. Ten years after the accident she called upon me for the purpose of having the deformity remedied, if possible. The lower ends of both ossa nasi are pushed over to the left side. I advised no inter- ference. Case 9. Simple displacement of lower ends of ossa nasi to left side. No treatment. Deformity remains. E. Jackson, aged 18 years. No surgeon was employed. Ten years after the accident the deformity was very striking, both bones inclining to the left side. Case 10. Simple displacement backwards of the lower ends of the ossa nasi. No treatment. Deformity. Henry Orb, aged 11 years. The accident occurred in Germany, and, his parents not suspecting the nature of the injury, no surgeon was called. Thirteen years after, he was an inmate of the Buffalo Hospital, and I found the bones very much displaced backwards. Case 11. Simple displacement of lower ends of ossa nasi to the right. No treatment. Deformity. Wrm. Hingston, aged 9 years. No surgeon was called. Eighteen years after the accident the displacement still continued. Case 12. Simple fracture and displacement of hioer ends of the ossa nasi to the left side. No treatment. Deformity continues. Mathew Powell, aged 19 years. This case came under my notice nine years after the accident, and the displacement still continued. He did not, at the time, suppose his nose was broken, and he did not consult a surgeon. Case 13. Simple fracture and displacement of lower ends of the ossa nasi to the left and backwards. Treated by a "handy man" in Ireland. Deformity remains. Michael Gibson, aged 15 years, of Ireland. Michael called upon what, in that country, is known generally as a " handy man," or an uneducated "bone-setter." Fifteen years after the accident, the fragments remained displaced 15 1 i Case 14. SimpJle displacement of ossa nasi backwards. No treat- ment. Deformity continues. Jacob Kibbs, a German, aged 7 years, fell from a height of forty feet, striking on his face. His parents did not suspect the injury, and no surgeon was called. Twenty-four years after this he became an inmate of the Buffalo Hospital. The nose was then almost fiat. The ossa nasi appeared unusually wide, and were sunken between the processes of the upper maxillary bones, which latter might be recognized by two parallel ridges on each side of the nose, rising above the level of the ossa nasi. Case 15. Simple fracture and displacement of the lower ends of the ossa nasi to the left side. Treated by a " handy man" in Ireland. Deformity continues. Michael Kane, aged 30 years, of Ireland. This patient was treated also by a " handy man." Twenty years after the accident he was an inmate of the Buffalo Hospital. The deformity was then very striking. Lower ends of both bones incline to the left. Case 16. Compound fracture and displacement of lower ends of both ossa nasi to left side and backwards. Complete restoration. George Eeid, of Erie County, aged about 24 years. "While em- ployed in a sawmill he was struck by some part of the machinery, and was soon after found insensible. I saw him four hours after the accident. He could give no account of the injury, but it was evident that the blow which rendered him insensible had been re- ceived only upon his nose. The ossa nasi were loose, and easily made to move under the finders. The lower ends were pushed to the left side, and a little backwards. There was a wound on the right side communicating with the bones and with the nasal passages. The hemorrhage was profuse. I introduced a straight steel instrument—a director—into the superior meatus, and, assisted by my fingers upon the outside, easily replaced the bones. With a small compress also placed upon the left side, supported by a strip of adhesive plaster, I sought to retain the bones in place. This was found necessary on account of a manifest tendency to fall off whenever the pressure was removed. The nostrils were plugged to arrest hemorrhages, and cold applica- tions made to the outside of the nose. 16 I have never seen the patient since, and cannot declare positively the result; but I have reason to suppose it is perfect. Case 17. Compound fracture of the ossa nasi. Treatment unsuccess- ful. Deformity. Thomas Burns, of Oppenheim, Fulton County, aged 3 years. The accident occurred from the kick of a horse, producing also a wound on the side of the nose which communicated with the frac- ture. Dr. Peter Yost, of Oppenheim, was his surgical attendant. The bones still remain considerably displaced, fourteen years after the accident. Case 18. Compound fracture and displacement of the lower ends of ossa nasi to the right side, and backwards, with fracture of the nasal process of the superior maxilla on the left side. Treatment partially successful. G. C, aged about 40 years, was kicked by a horse on the left side of his nose, producing insensibility and convulsions, which lasted an hour or more. A clever surgeon attempted to restore the bones by introducing into the nostrils a female catheter. I think the instrument was too large. When I saw Mr. C, about two hours after the accident, the lower ends of both nasal bones were displaced to the right, and backwards. The nasal process of the superior maxilla on the left side was also broken in. With a straight steel director, and with only moderate force, I lifted the bones into place. The hemorrhage not having ceased, I introduced a lint plug into the bleeding nos- tril. After two years, I find the form of the nose nearly, but not quite, perfect. Case 19.— Compound fracture of the ossa nasi, complicated with other severe injuries. Death on the twelfth day. John Gallaghan, aged 31 years. The frontal, with the superior and inferior maxillary bones, were broken in at the same time. I lifted both the ossa nasi and the fractured os frontis; the restoration of the fragments was complete, but the patient gradually sank, and died on the twelfth day. Case 20. Compound fracture of ossa nasi, complicated with fracture of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, os frontis, &c. Death after about three months. (See skull in my private collection^) H. G., of Brockport, N. Y., aged about 14 years, was kicked by 17 a horse, breaking in the ossa nasi, os frontis, and ethmoid bone. Dr. Thatcher, of Brockport, was called and dressed the wounds. The lad was slightly comatose for a short time. A small portion of brain escaped. Dr. T. lifted the depressed os frontis as well as he was able, but only very partially. The lad recovered rapidly, and soon returned to school, where his intellect seemed as bright as before. He could also cut and split a cord of wood a day. About three months after the accident, and about eight days after the discharge of pus had ceased altogether, he began to com- plain of pain in his head, and in six days died comatose. The autopsy disclosed a fracture, with depression of the os frontis, ossa nasi, nasal processes of the superior maxilla and ethmoid. The processes of the superior maxilla were driven backwards and laterally into the orbits, and the anterior half of the cribriform lamella, with a portion of the os frontis, were driven quite up into the brain. The septum narium was broken across in several places, and could have been of no use in assisting to restore the ethmoid. I allude to the suggestions occasionally made, that in such cases we ought to seize the septum with a pair of forceps, and attempt, in this way, to bring down the septum and ethmoid together. Most of the fragments were completely united in their new positions. CASE 21. Compound fracture and displacement of ossa nasi. Union without deformity. H. W., aged 13 years. William fell while running, and struck upon the corner of a stone step, breaking the lower ends of both ossa nasi, and forcing them directly backwards. I saw him within an hour, and found the nose already much swollen, and bleeding freely with a flesh wound on the right side reaching to the bones. The fracture was not perceptible to the eye, but a crepitus was very manifest. I immediately lifted the bones with a straight steel director, and without difficulty. Six months after the accident no deformity remained. Case 22. Depression of ossa nasi, and fracture, with depression of nasal process of superior maxilla on the right side. Union, with de- formity, &c. Thomas Kelly, aged 4 years, was kicked by a horse. Dr. Pratt, 2 is of Buffalo, was in attendance within two hours. Nose and face then much swollen. It is probable that, owing to the swelling, which the mother says was already considerable, the fracture was not observed. Dr. P. dressed a lacerated wound upon the upper lip. One year after the accident, I find bolh nasal bones depressed through nearly their whole length, and especially in their lower halves. The right nasal process is much depressed, and the right nostril obstructed. The lachrymal canals upon this side are closed. Ossa Nasi. 6 o 6 o RESULT. I No. Age when it curred. X o u a b °s o TREATMENT. c ■o . -tf o a « P O o ~ 0 TREATMENT. O 8*8 -I dl u^ I 3 «! e S.'s \ 53 £ 0 .S = '0 -^ -" 0 2 0 *% t §' «s < H ''■ Commin. E-1 a. t-> Per. 1 24 y'r» 3 y'rs M. Oblique Angle Copper splints to out- United 5 w'ks No deformity and side. No interdental shaft splints 2 15 " 6 " " " " Shaft Unknown u 3mo's No deformity '" a 25 " 4 w'ks Comp. commiu. Pasteboard splint to outside, and inter-dental splints ol cork a 3wk's No deformity 4 40 " 1 4 y'rs n Simple « 16 Carved wooden splint. No interdental splints it No deformity it 5 55 " 17 d'ys " Comp. u 11 Pasteboard splint, it 17 d'ys No deformity 16 commin. and subsequently a leather apparatus. No interdental splints 017 1 y'r " Comp. Oblique Shaft Four-tailed bandage, a 6 w'ks Slight defor- Imp. commin. and trans. and symph. and interdental splints of pine wood mity 11 " 4 y'rs Comp. commin. Oblique and trans. Shaft Gutta percha splint on the outside, and the same as in inter-dental splint tt No deformity Per. 8 12 d'ys Comp. commin. comp I'd. Oblique tt No treatment Non-united Died on the 12th day Imp. 9 39 " 7 w'ks Simple Angle Four-tailed bandage United Excess of cal-lus and slight deformity. Probably de- tt 10 26 " 4 " « Commin. " Angle No treatment for 17 Delay- (< and days. After this a ed formed shaft gutta percha splint outside, and the same between the teeth 11 26 " Imo's u Simple Shaft For a few days with guttapercha splints within and without United No deformity Per. 12,22 " 3 w'ks " C( Angle Treatment unknown " 3 w'ks No deformity « l:: 11 -2 " 25 y'rs " " | Treatment unknown " No deformity « u 25 " 10 " " Comp. Trans. Symph. Pasteboard splint on " 7 w'ks Slight defor- Imp. commin. outside. No inter-dental splints mity 15 4 " Commin. Oblique Shaft Gutta percha splints within and without tt 6 w'ks No deformity Per. 16 13 " Simple it No surgeon, and no treatment under 14 days 17 23 " " Commin. it Shaft Gutta percha splint tt 3 w'ks Slight defor- Imp. and on outside. No inter- mity symph. dental splint IS- 25 " 2mo'8 i " j Simple Angle j No treatment under 70 days Non-united 70 d'ys Lateral dis-placement, ulcers, &c. 43 REMARKS. "La reduction assez facile a opdrer est souvent difficile a maintenir."— Vidal [de Cassis). It is difficult, sometimes, and especially where the fracture is near the angle, to say whether it is oblique or transverse, but I have been unable to recognize a transverse fracture, except where, as in Cases 6, 14, and 17, the fracture was at the symphysis mentis. Of eighteen fractures, only three are recorded as quite or nearly transverse. Fractures through the symphysis are rare, but it is quite common to find a fracture immediately in front of the angle, and at any point of the shaft between the anterior attachment of the masseter and the symphysis. I have seen no fracture of the coronoid pro- cess, and but one of a condyle. In seven cases the bone was broken at two points, in one of which the two fractures were upon the same side. In one case the bone was broken at three points. Considerable fragments of the alveoli were detached in Cases 3, 5, and 14, and a fragment from the lower margin of the jaw in Case 7, but in neither instance was the effort to save the fragment successful. It ought to be observed, also, that when the fracture has occurred at or near the angle, as in Cases 1, 9, and 18, and the second or third molars were disturbed, it has always become necessary even- tually to remove them, and chiefly because they have interfered with the closure of the mouth. In no instance has the bone finally refused to unite, although in a few instances it has been delayed, six, seven, ten, and even twelve or more weeks (Cases 15, 14, 2, and 18). I regard thiS> fact as worthy of more especial attention, because of the extreme difficulty, if not actual impossibility, of preventing motion between the frag- ments, by any mode of dressing yet adopted. Any one who has observed attentively, must have seen, not only that his dressings are more often found disturbed and loosened, than in the case of almost any other fracture, unless it be the' clavicle, and thus the fragments have been through all the treatment subjected to frequent changes of position, but, also, that even while the dressings remain snugly in place, the patient seldom is able to perform the neces- sary acts of deglutition, or to speak, even, without inflicting some motion upon the fragments. Indeed, the rapidity with which this bone unites has, I think, 44 been observed by other surgeons, and I have myself noticed one instance, in an adult person, Case 5, in which the bone was immov- able at the seat of fracture on the seventeenth day, and, perhaps, earlier. In other instances, the union has been speedily effected after the removal of all dressings. It would be very unsafe from these few cases to deduce any con- clusions as to the effect of slight motion in retarding the union of broken bones. Yet I shall take the liberty of referring to some remarks upon this subject, published by myself, in the Buffalo Medical Journal, vol. x. p. 142, in connection with an article entitled " New Mode of Treating Ununited Fractures of the Humerus." The amount of deformity resulting, also, from these fractures is usually very trifling, whatever treatment has been adopted. Seven are marked imperfect, but one of these cases was complicated with other injuries of which the patient died in a few days, and one was a case of delayed union, at the time of writing this report. Only five of the united fractures are imperfect, and in none of these is the imperfection such as to be noticed in a casual examination of the face. The deformity which is usually found, is a slight irregu- larity of the teeth, produced, in most cases, by a falling of the anterior fragment, and in one case by a slight elevation of the anterior fragment. But even this does not always interfere with mastication, and would often pass unnoticed by the patient himself. It is probable, too, that time, and the constant use of the lower jaw in mastication, will gradually effect a marked improvement in the ability to bring the opposing teeth into contact. I think I have observed this in several instances. Where the prognosis is so favorable we shall, perhaps, feel less necessity for suggesting any modifications or improvements in rela- tion to the surgical treatment. We cannot refrain, however, from making a few practical hints. It will be seen that the few cases in which attempts have been made to restore a dislocated tooth to its socket, or to retain it when much loosened, have generally proved abortive, and especially where the fracture is near the angle, and a molar has been disturb- ed. I believe it would be better practice always to remove this latter when it is much disturbed, and in cases where teeth farther forward are loosened, we might be somewhat less perseverinc in our efforts to retain them. The same remark applies, also, to fragments of alveoli, which have been detached completely, and are held only by the soft tissues 45 about them. Complete exfoliation has sooner or later occurred, or the surgeon himself has found it at length necessary to remove them. (See Remarks on Fractures of the Upper Jaw.) As to the employment of interdental splints, every one knows how inconvenient they are, both to the patient and to the surgeon, and I need not say that they ought to be dispensed with whenever it is possible to do so. They are soon covered with an offensive sordes, and, as usually made, they irritate the mouth with their rough surfaces, and are constantly liable to displacement. Yet instances must occur in which these wedges are indispensable, and I wish to call your atten- tion to the advantage which gutta percha possesses over every other material, in its adaptation to this purpose. I have already employed it in four instances, and I find no practical objections to its use. The mode of preparing gutta percha, and of adapting it between the teeth is as follows: Dip a couple of pieces of the gum, of a proper size, into boiling water, and when they are sufficiently softened, mould them into wedge-shaped blocks, and, having wrap- ped each block with a piece of cotton cloth, carry them to their appropriate places between the back teeth. Immediately press up each horizontal ramus of the jaw until the mouth is sufficiently closed, and the line of the inferior margin is straight. In this posi- tion retain the fragments a few minutes, until the gum has suffi- ciently hardened. Meantime, it will be practicable, generally, to introduce the fingers into the mouth, and to press the gutta percha laterally on each side towards the teeth, and thus to make its posi- tion more secure. When it is sufficiently hardened, remove the splints for the purpose of determining more precisely that they are properly shaped and fitted. The superiority of this splint is now at once perceived. If properly made, it is smooth upon its surface, and not, therefore, so liable to irritate the mouth as wood or cork, and it is so moulded to the teeth that it will never become displaced. My friend, Dr. Ganson, of Batavia, believes that the gutta percha will itself irri- tate the mucous membrane, and he, therefore, removed the splints which I had inserted in Case 11. I think he is probably correct, although I have never observed this effect myself. But in Case 11 the gutta percha was not covered with cloth, a precaution which I have since always adopted, and which I desire to recommend. I have found the same material, also, particularly convenient as 46 an outside splint, since it is so easily moulded to the face, and its form may be readily changed from time to time as the swelling increases or subsides. In compound fractures, also, where the wound is external, an opening can be made through the splint suitable for the dressing of the wound, and the discharge of pus. The piece from which this splint is made should be two or three lines in thickness, covered with cloth, and padded under the chin. It will be found convenient to cover it with cloth before immersing it in the hot water. The water should be nearly at a boiling tempera- ture, so that the splint may become perfectly pliant; and it should be laid upon the face and allowed to mould itself while the patient lies upon his back. Having long experienced the insufficiency of the ordinary dress- ings to resist the tendency in the anterior fragment to fall down- wards and backwards, when oblique fractures exist upon both sides, I devised some years since a leather dressing, which may be found useful hereafter in some cases. It is composed of a firm leather strap, called maxillary, which, passing perpendicularly upwards from under the chin, is made to buckle upon the top of the head, at a point near the situation of the anterior fontanelle. This strap is supported by two counter straps, called, respectively, occipital and frontal, made of strong linen webbing. One of these, the occipital, is attached to the posterior margin of the maxillary strap about half an inch above the ear, and being carried around behind and under the occiput, it is finally buckled to the maxillary strap upon the opposite side, and at a point exactly corresponding to its origin. The frontal stay simply antagonizes the occipital; and having its origin and termi- nation at the anterior margins of the maxillary strap, it is buckled horizontally across the forehead, and just above the eyebrows. The maxillary strap is narrow under the chin to avoid pressure upon the front of the neck, but immediately becomes wider so as to cover the sides of the inferior maxilla and face, after which it gradually diminishes to accommodate the buckle upon the top of the head. The anterior margin of this band, at the point corre- sponding to the symphysis mentis, and for about two inches on each side, is supplied with thread holes, for the purpose of attaching a piece of linen which, when the apparatus is in place, shall cross in front of the chin, and prevent the maxillary strap from sliding backwards against the front of the neck. (Fig. 1.) 47 The advantage of this dressing over any which I have yet seen, consists in its capability to lift the anterior fragment almost verti- The Author's Apparatus. cally, and at the same time it is in no danger of falling forwards and downwards upon the forehead. If, as in the case of most other dressings, the occipital stay had its attachment opposite to the chin, its effect would be to draw the central fragment backwards. By using a firm piece of leather as a maxillary band, and attaching the occipital stay above the ears, this difficulty is completely avoided. Note.—At my request, Dr. Mutter, of Philadelphia, has fur- nished me with the following engraving of an instrument recom- mended and occasionally used by him in the treatment of such fractures of the inferior maxilla as are not easily retained in place by the usual apparatus. The instrument is a silver clamp, and it is intended to be placed over the teeth and alveoli in such a way as to traverse the seat of fracture. It is more simple than the appa- ratus of Lonsdale, while the principle upon which it acts is nearly the same. (Fig. 2.) Fig. 2. Matter's Clamp for Fractured Jaw. 48 CHAPTER V. CLAVICLE. SEC. I.—INCOMPLETE FRACTURES. Case 1. Partial fracture through the middle third. Result perfect. M. K., aged four years, fell down a flight of stone steps. Dr. G. Burwell and myself being called, found the right clavicle bent forwards at the outer end of the middle third. We immediately applied Fox's apparatus. Twenty-six days after the accident we examined the clavicle, and ascertained that the cure was completed, and without any deformity. During most of this time, however, the dressings were quite loose. Eight years later I examined the arm, and there remained no- thing to indicate the place where it had been broken. Case 2. Fracture through the inner third. Result imperfect. Miss McN., aged nineteen years, broke her left collar-bone, by coming in contact with a bridge while riding on the Erie Canal. The fracture occurred at the outer end of the inner third. I saw her the day following. The fragments were not completely sepa- rated from each other, but bent forwards at the point of injury. By pressure, I attempted to restore the ends to place, but with only partial success. I dressed the arm with Fox's apparatus. Ten years afterwards, I find the bone still bent forwards at the point of fracture. The arm is often painful, and the clavicle is tender where the bend occurred. In other respects it is as sound as it was before. Case 3. Fracture through the middle. Result not perfect. A. B., aged three years, fell from the sofa on to the floor, striking, it is thought, on her right shoulder. Two days after this she fell again, and then, for the first time, Mr. B. noticed the deformity of the clavicle. She was brought to me three days after the second fall. There 49 existed then a round, smooth projection at the outer end of the middle third of the clavicle. It felt hard, like bone. The line of the clavicle was not changed. I think, however, there existed a partial fracture, or that the bone having been bent, had at once resumed its original place spontaneously, and that the projection consisted of provisional callus. I advised a handkerchief sling, simply to steady and support the arm. Seven months after the accident, she fell sick and died. The projection continued at the time of death, only slightly diminished. Case 4. Fracture through the middle. Result perfect. H. S., aged six years, was thrown from a horse, bending his left clavicle near its middle. Surgeon, Alden S. Sprague, of Buffalo. The projection in front was for several days very apparent, and was examined by myself at Dr. Sprague's request. The bone did not seem to be out of line. Dr. Sprague used no dressing. Five years after the accident, at the date of this report, I have examined the lad, and cannot find any trace of the original injury. Case 5. Fracture through the middle third. Result perfect. Robert M. Frazer, aged twelve years, was run against by a wagon, breaking or bending both clavicles at about their centres. Dr. Wyckoff examined the fractures, and directed a simple sling, with cool lotions. He had previously attempted to straighten the bones, but was unable to do so completely. On the second or third day, Dr. Wyckoff sent the lad to the college dispensary. I was unable, also, to restore the bones, and I recommended a continuance of the same simple plan. He was advised, however, to lie a few days upon his back. Six years after the accident, Dr. Mendenhall, of Cincinnati, examined the clavicles at my request, and informs me that no traces of the accident can be found. The projections remained some time, but just how long the mother does not remember. I assume that this was a case of bending, in which the bones immediately resumed their places, and that what we supposed to be a projection of the fragment was provisional callus. Case 6. Fracture through the middle third. Result perfect. Robert M. Frazer. (Same as Case 5 ; opposite arm.) 4 50 Case 7. Fracture through the middle third. Result perfect. T. D. S., aged two years, fell and broke or bent his collar-bone near its middle. Dr. II. O. Harmon, of Montpelier, \t, dressed the arm. Twenty-four years after the accident no traces of the accident can be discovered. The arm is perfect. Case 8. Fracture through the middle third. Result perfect. E. M., aged fourteen years. After thirty-one years I find it perfect, but Mr. M. says that a projection existed at the seat of the fracture about five years. Case 9. Fracture through the middle third. Result nearly perfect. Samuel Chapin, aged five years, fell down a flight of steps and broke his clavicle, at the outer end of the middle third. The frac- ture was rather more complete than interstitial fractures are usually, the deformity being very manifest, and the projection quite angular and slightly movable. Assisted by Dr. Barnes, I dressed the fracture carefully with Fox's apparatus, but we could not completely restore the fragments to place, neither at this nor at the subsequent dressings. The fragments became firm in about twenty days, but a slight deformity remained at the seat of fracture. Case 10. Fracture through the middle third. Result nearly perfect. (This fracture occurred in the same person as Case 19, but was not discovered until the twenty-fourth day. No treatment was, therefore, adopted, except so far as the treatment of the fracture in the opposite arm might influence this.) Wm. Hefferman, aged fourteen years. Fracture of the right clavicle, at the outer end of the middle third. No displacement, and only a slight bend. On the twenty-fourth day this bend was accidentally discovered, surrounded with a distinct and perfect provisional callus. The bone was at this time so firm that it could not be bent by any moderate force applied at its two extremities. Case 11. Fracture through the middle third, resulting in a slight deformity. E. A. W., aged twenty-three months. This child fell from her bed, a height of about two feet. The parents did not discover that any injury had been done to the collar-bone until about five days 51 after the accident. Dr. George Burwell was then requested to see it, and found the same deformity existing as at present, and pro- nounced it a fracture. On the fourteenth day, at the instance of Dr. Burwell, the child was brought to me. The right clavicle was bent abruptly forwards, at about its middle. The projection was no greater now than on the fifth day, when it was first discovered. She used her arm freely. We immediately made an attempt to straighten the bone by pressing upon the projecting angle, while, at the same moment, the scapula was drawn forwards. The efforts were repeated, and at each time the pressure made was firm, steady, and long continued. We could, however, produce no change in the form of the bone, and our efforts were discontinued. No dressings had been previously applied, and I did not advise their application now. After three years, I have again examined the bone, and find the projection has become smaller, but it is still quite manifest. The functions of the arm are in no ways impaired. CASE 12. Fracture through the middle third. Result imperfect. (See cast in my private collection.) B., aged seven years, of Rochester, fell and bent her right collar- bone, near its middle. Her parents did not discover the accident until after three weeks, when they immediately brought her to me. The bone was then firm, and by no reasonable pressure could it be made to yield; it was slightly bent forwards at the seat of fracture, and in this condition we were obliged to leave it. I advised no treatment. CASE 13. Fracture through the middle third. Result imperfect. (See cast in my private collection.) The cast of this case was furnished to me by Dr. Caleb Green, of Homer N. Y. the very intelligent surgeon who treated the fracture, and I shall take the liberty of quoting his own account of it. "Dec. 21, 1847, I was called to dress what was considered to be a fractured' clavicle, of George Stone, a lad eight years of age. One of his playmates had tripped him in such a manner that he fell on his side, striking on the extremity of the left shoulder. I found that he was unable to raise the hand to the head. On examination, I discovered on the posterior edge of the clavicle, at the inner ex- tremity of the external curvature, a point which was swollen, tender, 52 and painful. The anterior edge of the clavicle was continuous, and there was neither crepitus nor displacement. Considering the age of the patient, and the appearance of the parts, I diagnosed bending of the clavicle forward with a splitting out of the posterior edge, and that the bone, by its elasticity, had resumed its ordinary direction. In order to be safe, however, I dressed the shoulder as for actual fracture of the clavicle, lest the fracture might have extended nearly through the bone, and there be subsequent dis- placement. The swelling subsided in four or five days, and as all seemed secure, I removed the dressings, and heard no more of the matter until the 11th of May, ult., when I was called to see the patient again, and found that he had met, the day before, with precisely the, same accident, at the old point, and by the same cause, being tripped down by a playmate. This time the swelling and other symptoms of inflammation were greater than before. The anterior edge of the clavicle was entirely continuous, but he could not raise the arm. I merely directed him to keep to his bed until the swell- ing and inflammation should in a measure subside. In three ox four days he was about. The callus left is not large, still it is quite evident. I have had one well-marked case of bending of the radius and ulna, in a boy eight years of age, and other surgeons have detailed similar accidents to the forearm, and, more rarely, cases of incomplete fracture, with bending of the humerus, leg, and thigh; but as a like bending of the clavicle is much less common than either of the others, I have thought this case possessed suffi- sient interest to make it worthy of being reported. Case 14. Fracture through the middle third. Result perfect. W. P. L., aged thirteen years. The fracture occurred at the outer end of the middle third. Dr. John Thompson, of Scipio, Cayuga Co., N. Y., was employed. Soon after the union had been completed, it was refractured by accident, and it was re-dressed by the same surgeon. Of the treatment adopted in this case I have no information. I examined the clavicle thirteen years after the accident, and no trace of the original fracture could be seen. I believe it proper to assume that this was a partial fracture. The following case I have thought was of sufficient interest to authorize its introduction at this place, but as some doubt may 53 exist as to the character of the fracture, I shall not include it in my tables. Fracture through the middle third. Union with great deformity. (Specimen found in dissecting-room. See cast in my private collec- tion representing the thorax before the bone was removed, and, also, cast representing the bone after it was removed.) The deformity, as seen before the integuments were removed, was very remarkable—the left clavicle being bent downwards and forwards at a point just two inches and a half from the sternum, and deviating from its proper line about one inch. The patient was an adult. The bone, on examination, was found firmly united at the point of fracture, but expanded into a sort of round knob, smooth and uniform upon its surface. I suspect that this fracture occurred in early life, as it was trans- verse, and its knob-like projection resembled that which is so com- monly found to exist for a long time upon any fractures or bendings of the bones in children. The nodose swelling, also, at the seat of fracture, was formed entirely at the expense of the anterior and superior surfaces of the clavicle. Posteriorly and inferiorly, the surface of the bone was only slightly, if at all elevated, and I pre- sume this side of the bone was never completely broken. It would have been impossible for the ends of a complete frac- ture of the clavicle, such as occur in adult persons, to have been retained in apposition until union was effected, while at the same time the fragments were so much out of line. SEC. II.—COMPLETE FRACTURES. DlVlS. 1.—Middle Third. CASE 15. Simple oblique fracture. Union with deformity. G. W. R., of Lockport, aged about fifty years. While residing temporarily in Buffalo, he fell and broke his left clavicle at the outer end of the middle third. Fracture simple and oblique. Dr. Barnes and myself were employed as his surgical attendants. We found the sternal fragment projecting and overriding the acromial fragment. Before applying any dressings, we attempted to reduce the fragments, so as to determine its practicability, but we did not succeed. Having assured Mr. R, that an overriding would be the result, we applied Fox's apparatus. After the application of the 54 dressings, reduction still remained impossible. We observed, also, that whether the dressings were applied snugly or loosely, the frag- ments constantly moved upon each other, whenever he turned his neck or changed the position of the opposite arm. On the eighth day, the callus around the fragments was very abundant. On the twenty-first day, motion at the seat of fracture had nearly ceased, and at the end of four weeks the union was completed, but with the usual deformity. Having been advised, subsequently, by a surgeon, that such a result was unnecessary, and that it implied unskilfulness or neglect on my part, he talked of withholding payment for my services, and this notwithstanding he had been from the first fully warned of the certainty of such a result. Until surgeons learn by their own experience, or from the testimony of others, what may be accom- plished after these accidents, they will, no doubt, continue to regard such results as were obtained in this case, as evidence of wrong practice. Case 16. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. (See cast in my private collection.) Hugh Sarsfield, aged fifty-seven years; an Irish laborer; fell upon the outside of the left shoulder, breaking his left clavicle. Fracture at the outer end of the middle third. Simple and oblique. I immediately applied a figure of 8 bandage, with a sling and axillary pad. The fragments were brought nearly to their proper places. On the two following days the bandages were found slightly loosened, and the fragments displaced. On the third day I applied a dressing after the method described and recommended by M. Velpeau* except that I employed flour paste instead of dextrine. The dressing was very carefully laid on, and when completed the fragments were in place, and the patient expressed himself as being quite comfortable. On the following day he complained greatly of its tightness. On the third day after its application, I found he had himself cut away the principal parts of the bandages, and that the fragments were again displaced. I therefore removed them entirely, and substi- tuted the figure of 8. * Nouveau Elements de MeMecine Op6ratoire. Par A. L. M. Velpeau, a Paris, 1839 torn. i. p. 229. 55 The result has been that the bone has united, shortened about three-quarters of an inch, but the arm is as strong and as useful as before the accident. CASE 17. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. Baby Golden Condy (female), Irish, aged forty years. By a fall she broke her right clavicle at the junction of the outer with the middle third. Fracture simple and oblique. On the following day I dressed the fracture with a sling, axillary pad, and bandages. These were removed on the fourth week, when the bone was found united and shortened half an inch. Case 18. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. H. M., of Angelica, aged about thirty-five years. Fracture at the outer end of the middle third; oblique, occasioned by the kick of a horse. Five days after the accident, Drs. Charles and Smith, of Angelica, both men of excellent reputation as surgeons, dressed the fracture with the eleven yard bandage of S. Brown, and with a pad in the axilla. On the eleventh day from the accident, and six days after the first dressing, Mr. M. himself directed the bandages to be removed. It was done without the knowledge of his surgeons, because, he said, he could not endure the pain. The pain was chiefly on the outside of his humerus, near its middle. Dr. Charles reapplied the same dressings, but with a smaller axillary pad. About the twenty-third day, Mr. M. again removed the whole of the dressings, and from this time forward the bandages were seve- ral times applied, and as often removed, after a short time, by the patient. Four months from the date of the fracture, Mr. M. consulted me. The bone had then united, and with the usual deformity. It was shortened three-quarters of an inch. He could, at this time, raise his arm but slightly from the side of his body. CASE 19. Simple oblique fracture, and union with slight deformity. Wm. Heffeman, aged fourteen years, was admitted into the hos- pital with a fracture of the left clavicle, having been run over by a horse and buggy. Fracture at the outer end of the middle third; simple and oblique, with the usual overlappings. He could raise 56 his arm perpendicularly over his head, as easily as before the accident, • I replaced the fractured ends, and then dressed with a sling under the forearm and elbow, and a well-padded board across the back, to which the shoulders were securely laced. The retention of the fragments was complete. On each successive day, however, I found the board displaced more or less to the right or left shoulder, and during most of the time the dressings were completely inoperative. Still they were continued with occasional slight modifications, until the cure was consummated. On the thirteenth day I noticed callus upon the upper margins of the broken ends, but none in front or below. The same was noticed, also, on the twenty-first day, but it was less in amount. The union was complete about the twentieth day, as motion was perceptible on the eighteenth, and it was lost on the twenty-first. It united with a slight overlapping and projection. CASE 20. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. Almond D. Loomis, aged twenty-three years, fell, while wrestling, upon his left shoulder, breaking the left clavicle at the outer end of the middle third. Fracture simple and oblique, with the usual dis- placement. It was shortened one inch. Assisted by Drs. Thompson and Hunt, I applied a sling with an axillary pad, &c. &c, but we could not retain the fragments in place. We then covered the elevated fragment with long and broad strips of adhesive plaster, which, for a time, brought the bone to its place. I never saw the patient again, but I have been told that it finally united with the usual deformity. CASE 21. Simple oblique fracture, and ligamentous union. Edmund Nugent, aged twenty-five years, was admitted to the hospital in March, 1854. The house surgeon called my attention to his clavicle, and in presence of Drs. Winnie, Rochester, and Davis, I made the following examination and notes:— Nugent is a stout Irish laborer. Sixteen years ago, when only nine years old, he fell from a horse and broke his left clavicle, at the outer end of the middle third. This was near Cork, in Ireland, and without consulting any surgeon or " handy man," he continued at his work, holding the tail of the plough, nor from that day for- 57 ward did he employ a surgeon, or dress his arm, or cease from his work. The clavicle presents now the same deformity which nearly all other similar fractures present after what is usually termed success- ful treatment, except that it is not united by bone. The outer end of the inner fragment rides upon the inner end of the outer frag- ment half an inch. The ligament uniting the two extremities is so long and firm that it can be distinctly felt, and the fragments may be moved upon each other with great freedom. In order that we might determine the amount of injury whicji he had suffered from the ligamentous union, we directed him to lift weights placed on a table before him, while he was seated upon a chair. We ascertained from this experiment that with his left arm he could lift as much, within three ounces, as he could with his right, and he was not himself conscious of any difference. The> muscles of the left arm seemed as well developed as those of the right. Case 22. Simple oblique fracture, and union with slight deformity. Mary Beaumont, aged seventeen years, broke her left clavicle at the outer end of the middle third. Dr. Brodie, of Caven, C. W., treated the fracture. Nine years after the accident she became an inmate of the Buffalo Hospital, and was under my care. The outer end of the inner fragment is displaced upwards about half an inch. There is no shortening. The functions of the arm are perfect. Case 23. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. H. B. H., of Gaines, Orleans Co., aged forty-four years, a carriage maker by trade. Health generally pretty good, yet not very vigor- ous. Mr. H. fell down a flight of steps, about four feet, striking upon his right shoulder, and fracturing his right clavicle at the outer end of the middle third. He was not stunned by the fall, and his right shoulder and side were only slightly bruised. Dr. Alfred Babcock, of Orleans Co., was employed. He applied a jacket (Brasdor's) with shoulder-straps, and a sling; no axillary pad. The jacket had no purpose except to attach the shoulder- straps, which were buckled over each shoulder. That on the right side was intended to keep down the inner fragment; and it was therefore buckled so tight that he was compelled constantly to in- 58 cline his head and body to the right side. He was unable to lie down completely, but, most of the time, he half reclined upon his back. On the twenty-first day, Dr. Babcock removed the dressings, and found the fragments displaced, but united. Dr. B. offered to " break it over again," but the patient declined. The same dressings Avere reapplied, and continued one week longer. Two years, after the accident, Mr. H. consulted me at Buffalo. The place of union of the broken clavicle was very perceptible; the inner fragment lying entirely in front, and not at all above the outer fragment. It is shortened three-quarters of an inch. A nar- row ring of ensheathing callus can be distinctly felt. Three months after the accident, and about two months after the dressings were removed, the upper dorsal vertebra? began to fall off to the left side. Soon, his left hand became tremulous and weak, and now his left arm and hand are completely paralytic, and his left leg is also partially paralyzed. Sensation remains undiminished. His spine is also very much curved to the left. The right arm is sound, and its strength is in no degree abated. His health is some- what impaired. It is not clear what has occasioned the spinal distortion and the paralysis, but I suspect it is due to some injury done to the verte- bral column at the time of the accident, although he is not conscious of having received any such injury. To charge these results to the peculiar mode of dressing the frac- ture, the facts and circumstances will scarcely warrant. Case 24. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. Daniel Sullivan, of Buffalo, aged fourteen years, fell from a scaf- folding, striking upon the back of the left shoulder, and breaking the left clavicle at the outer end of the middle third. I first applied Day's splint, and, subsequently, Fox's apparatus, but I soon found that the fragments were only temporarily kept in place by either of these dressings; yet with various modifications, and frequent read- justments, Fox's apparatus was continued throughout the treat- ment. On the eleventh day the fragments were immovable, and no provisional callus could be felt. The boy was a restless, active fellow, and was incessantly going about. It has united with the inner fragment riding upon the outer one a quarter of an inch. Three months after the union was effected, the arm was as useful as before. The dressings remained on the arm 59 about thirty days. As is usual with good-natured people, the mother ascribes the deformity to his own carelessness ; she says, " he had the dressings loose nearly all the time." Case 25. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. M. W., of Angelica, aged twenty-two years, was thrown from a carriage, breaking her right collar-bone. Fracture oblique, at the outer end of the middle third. Dr. Haines, of Portage, dressed the fracture immediately, and I met him in counsel on the third day after the accident. The inner fragment was then riding upon the outer in the usual manner. Dr. Haines had attempted repeatedly to restore the fragments to an exact apposition, but he had been wholly unable to do so ; nor did we succeed any better after my arrival. We were unable, even for one moment, to bring them into place. We applied Fox's apparatus moderately tight, and I left the case in the hands of Dr. Haines, with an assurance that overlapping and some deformity must be the result; and I have since learned that such was the fact. It is shortened about half an inch. CASE 26. Simple oblique fracture—union not perfect. James Elwood, of Rochester, aged thirty-five years. Fracture occurred at the outer end of the middle third: right clavicle. Dr. ----} of Rochester, in attendance. Five years after the accident, I found the clavicle shortened half an inch, and slightly deformed at the seat of fracture. The right shoulder falls about half an inch; his arm is, however, in all re- spects as well and as useful as before. It was dressed, he says, by a surgeon in Rochester, but he cannot give the name of the surgeon, nor have I any notes of the mode of treatment. CASE 27. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. Hiram Gay lor, aged thirty-three years, broke one of his collar- bones at the outer end of the middle third. Dr. Stanberg, of Palen- tine, Montgomery Co., was in attendance. Fourteen years after the accident, I found the usual displacement at the seat of fracture, with a shortening of half an inch. The arm has been occasionally painful from that time to the present. Its functions were, however, unimpaired. My notes do not declare the mode of treatment. 60 Case 28. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. Mrs. T. M., aged thirty years, was thrown from a carriage, striking upon the outer end of the left acromion process. The left clavicle was broken at the outer end of the middle third, or about two and a half inches from the acromion process. The outer end of the inner fragment was lifted upwards and for- wards, and made to override, very slightly, the acromial fragment. By pressure alone it was easily replaced. Assisted by my son, Theodore, I adjusted the fragments, and secured the arm with a sling, axillary pad, and bandages. On the third day, I found the dressings loose, and the fragments displaced, although the usual care had been taken to prevent this result. I removed, therefore, the dressings, and substituted a care- fully made Fox's apparatus. On the seventh day, the patient having been seen by me, and the dressings tightened on each intervening day, I removed the appa- ratus, finding that it had no influence in retaining the fragments in place, and I substituted a dressing made entirely of adhesive plas- ters. For this purpose I used, at this single dressing, about two yards of plaster, made into strips of from three to four feet in length by one or two inches in breadth. A pad was placed in the axilla, and the arm and shoulder were then secured by various turns of the adhesive strips, some of which served as a sling for the elbow, some bound the elbow to the body, some drew back the shoulders, and some crossed the broken clavicle to bear down the outer end of the sternal fragment. When the whole was finished, the patient ex- pressed herself as very comfortable, and the fractured ends were in place. The next day, the straps had slipped and loosened, and the fracture was again deranged. On the thirteenth day, I becamed satisfied that no amount of care and diligence, short of a reapplication of them every few hours, was sufficient to prevent the straps from becoming loose, a circumstance mainly due to the warmth of the body, and to the motions of respi- ration. I therefore removed the straps, and applied the very beau- tiful and ingenious splint for fractured clavicles, invented by Mr. Day. This is a carved splint, made to fit the back, shoulders, and neck, and furnished with sling, straps, loops, etc. Before applying this splint, I had a large and soft cushion constructed and placed on the concave surface of the splint. Its application was easy and simple, and promised to be efficient. The patient wore this apparatus five days, during which time it 61 required daily, indeed almost hourly, readjustment, as the splint would constantly slide upwards against the neck and head, and the shoulder-straps would roll and excoriate the axilla. To remedy the latter difficulty, I had large circular tin plates constructed, furnished with pads, which were placed in front of the axilla, and over which the shoulder-straps were made to pass. The sliding upwards of the splint, however, still continued, and was irremediable; and, on about the twenty-first day, this also was removed, and no dressings were subsequently employed, except a sling for the forearm. At this time no union had occurred. No provisional callus could be felt; the fragments remained slightly displaced, just as when I first saw her. In short, the treatment had accomplished nothing. Soon after union occurred, and, two months from the time of the fracture, I found the bone firm, with an overlapping of three-quar- ters of an inch. The functions of the arm were also already com- pletely restored. At the end of one year, no changes have occurred. CASE 29. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. John Moran, a sailor, aged twenty years, fell upon his left shoulder, and broke the left clavicle at the outer end of the middle third. At the end of fourteen days, he consulted Dr. Charles Wilcox, Surgeon to the Marine Hospital at Buffalo. This was his first appli- cation for surgical advice. Dr. Wilcox applied the figure of 8 dress- ing ; on the following day, it had become loosened and drawn into strings, and, on the third day, John removed it altogether, and has had no treatment or dressing since, except that he has generally kept his hand in the bosom of his coat. The bone united in about twenty-one days, and, at the end of six weeks, when I examined it carefully, the clavicle was shortened one-quarter of an inch; provisional callus could be detected. The arm was as strong and as useful as before. Case 30. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. Daniel Sharp, get. 16 years, broke his right clavicle, at the outer end of the middle third. A surgeon of respectability in New York city dressed and treated the fracture. Seventeen years after the accident, I examined the arm, and found a projection and overlapping of the fragments, to the extent of three-quarters of an inch. Its displacement upwards was rather greater than is ordinarily seen, yet the arm was as strong and as useful as before. Patient cannot describe the treatment. 62 Case 31. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. Henry West, aged 25 years, broke his left clavicle at the outer end of the middle third. Surgeon Williams, of Liverpool, England, dressed the fracture, and continued his charge until the cure was completed. Two years after the fracture had occurred, West came under my care at the hospital. The clavicle is shortened one-quarter of g an inch, and a slight deformity remains at the seat of fracture. The functions of his arm are perfect. I have no knowledge of the treatment. Case 32. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. James Roach, aged about 40 years. A barrel of flour fell against his left shoulder, breaking the left clavicle at the outer end of the middle third: oblique and simple. The fragments were displaced in the usual manner. Assisted by Drs. Eastman and Vanderventer, I applied dressings consisting of a sling, axillary pad, and bandages. Over each shoulder I placed a moulded compress, made of numerous layers of t cloth and paste; this, when dry, was to serve as a point d'appui for bandages, tapes, &c. The whole being arranged, we made an attempt to reduce the fragments, but we were unsuccessful. The same thing happened, indeed, which has several times hap- pened to me before. I could not, nor could the gentlemen with me bring the fragments into apposition, and this notwithstanding we placed our knees against the back, and drew forcibly upon the shoulders; and notwithstanding also we placed a firm pad in the axilla, and made use of the arm as a lever until the patient could no longer endure the pain. Each gentleman satisfied himself that * it was not practicable to reduce the fragments by either of these modes, and on the following day Dr. Myers, of the U. S. Army, and Dr. Pupikofer repeated the attempt in my presence, and with like success. In one way alone could the fragments be brought even tem- porarily into contact, viz: by pressing the acromial end of the sternal fragment downwards and backwards, which fragment we found, when left to itself, constantly projecting upwards and for- wards, while the opposing fragment was inclined, at its sternal end, backwards. The patient was assured that overlapping was inevitable; the 63 dressings were carefully applied, and, with slight modifications, were continued until the cure was completed. The fragments united about the thirtieth day, with half an inch of shortening, and with projection of the outer end of the inner fragment. CASE 33. Simple transverse fracture, and union without deformity. Patrick Rowan, aged 26 years, fell while wrestling, and broke the right clavicle at the outer end of the middle third. The fracture was complete, but transverse. I reduced the fragments soon after the accident, and noticed that unless disturbed, they would remain in place for a few seconds, at least. I applied .the cross described in Case 21; on the seventh day, motion between the fragments had ceased, and on the twenty-eighth day the apparatus was removed, and the union found to be complete without shortening or deformity. CASE 34. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. S. E., of Buffalo, aged about 25 years. Mr. E. was thrown upon his shoulder, by jumping from the cars while they were in motion. The fracture was at the outer end of the middle third, simple and oblique. During the first four days, I applied a figure of 8 bandage with an axillary pad and a sling. Finding, however, that the frag- ments could not by these means be kept in place, I directed our ingenious instrument maker, Mr. Seiffert, to construct, under my direction, an apparatus such as I hoped might prove more efficient in the management of these fractures. It consisted essentially of an upright and a transverse plate of brass, secured upon each other in the form of a cross, and intended to be placed against the back. The transverse bar extended from acromion to acromion, to which the shoulders were to be securely fastened back by leather shoulder caps and straps, with buckles. This bar was padded, especially along its middle, where it was intended to rest between the blades of the scapulas. The vertical bar was only designed as a support for the crossbar, its lower end being received into a pocket made in a broad leather belt, the belt to be fastened around the hips. This apparatus I applied on the fifth day, and I continued to see him daily until the cure was completed. Motion between the fragments had ceased on the fourteenth day after the accident, and 64 on the twenty-fifth day I removed the apparatus entirely, the bone being quite firm. There was, however, the usual overlapping and deformity at the seat of fracture, but rather less than occurs in a majority of cases. I cannot say that the apparatus answered my expectations, since it was constantly inclined to fall off from the shoulders, either to the right or to the left, and this defect I have not yet succeeded in > remedying. Case 35. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. Mrs. ----, of England, aged 28 years, fell and broke her left collar bone obliquely at the outer end of the middle third. A surgeon in London dressed the fracture. Twelve years after the accident, I found the usual deformity and a shortening of half an inch; the arm in other respects, perfect. No record of treatment. Case 36. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. Mary McCarty, aged 12 years, of Ireland. Mary broke one of her collar bones, by a fall upon her shoulder. The fracture was complete, and occurred at the outer end of the middle third. She says that a skilful Swiss surgeon dressed the fracture. Twenty- three years after the accident, she became an inmate of the Buffalo Hospital, and I examined the arm. The clavicle is shortened half an inch, and slightly bent at the seat of fracture. For many years, Mary says, the deformity was very striking. Functions of arm not impaired. Case 37. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. Silas Usher, aged 46 years, fell from a scaffolding about fifteen feet, striking upon his shoulder, and breaking the left clavicle, near the junction of the outer third with the inner two thirds. Dr. Peter Knox, of Watervleit, dressed the fracture immediately, with an axillary pad, sling and. bandages. On the third day, the fragments were discovered to be displaced, and Dr. Thorn, of Troy, was sum- moned. Dr. Thorn removed the dressings and substituted an apparatus composed of bandages, and without any axillary pad. He also placed an adhesive plaster over the fracture; on the tenth day Dr. Thorn removed all the dressings, and did not reapply them; but the plaster was continued until it fell off. 65 Eleven years after the fracture, I found the bone united, but overlapped one-quarter of an inch ; the inner fragment overriding the outer, the functions of the arm perfect. He thinks it was united in about two weeks after it was broken. Case 38. Simple transverse fracture, occurring at the seat of an old comminuted fracture. Union without additional deformity or maiming. Prosecution of the surgeon, and successful defence. (See cast in my private collection.) Burgess, aged about 30 years, of Buffalo, N. Y. (This is the same man whose first fracture is reported in Case 52.) Burgess was riding in a buggy, when the horse became frightened by the pas- sage of a train of cars, and he was thrown upon the ground, striking upon his right shoulder. Dr. George Burwell, an intelligent and skilful surgeon of Buffalo, was called to dress the fracture. On the eighth day, Dr. Burwell requested me to see Burgess with him. I found him wearing Fox's apparatus, which had been care- fully made and applied, but which was now loose from his own interference. The clavicle was broken at the seat of the old frac- ture, but only at one point—at the point nearest the shoulder. The vertical or intercepted fragment remained firmly fastened to the inner portion of the bone. Burgess had not told Dr. Burwell, nor did he tell me that the clavicle had ever been broken before, and we did not suspect the intended imposition. Wre were unable to explain satisfactorily the fixed and immovable condition of the central fragment, which we repeatedly attempted to restore to place. On attempting to adjust the portions which were movable, also, we found that no force applied to the shoulders was sufficient to make any sensible impression upon them. They still continued to occupy almost precisely the position in which we first found them. We assured him, therefore, that deformity was inevitable, and that we would apply the dressings only so as to maintain some degree of rest between the fragments, but that we should not attempt to over- come the shortening, &c. To this Burgess assented with a readiness which at that time surprised us, but which subsequent developments rendered consistent. We observed, also, the emaciated condition of the arm, and the deformity of his hand and wrist. These conditions he ascribed to a dislocation of the shoulder which, he said, occurred when he was twelve years old. 5 66 Dr. Burwell continued to attend him until the union of the bone was completed, about twenty-one days. Soon after his recovery, Burgess commenced his well-planned and systematic conspiracy, by prosecuting the Niagara Falls Railroad Company, for having been the cause of his accident, and of all the deformity and maiming from which he was now suffering. This suit resulted in a verdict in favor of the company. } A few months later, Burgess refused to pay his bill for surgical services, and threatened to prosecute Dr. Burwell for damages. Dr. Burwell immediately gave the account to his attorney for collection, and Burgess, through Mr. Williams, his counsel, put in a defence of "unskilful treatment." The cause was tried October 3d, 1846, in a Justice's Court, Justice Childs presiding, and when the testimony was partly before the magistrate, Burgess's counsel withdrew the defence, and Dr. Burwell's account was allowed. Burgess, however, had no property, and the judgment was never paid. The matter did not rest here. He at once commenced a suit against Dr. Burwell for mal-practice. The first trial of this suit occurred in June of 1847, in the Erie County Circuit, Judge Stevens presiding. The evidence was most conclusive in favor of Dr. Burwell, but the jury could not agree, and were dismissed. Eleven of the jurors wished to return a verdict for the defendant, Dr. Burwell, and one insisted upon damages to plaintiff. The second trial occurred in June, 1849. The same facts were elicited here as on the two former trials, viz: That he had repeatedly falsified his own statements in relation to the cause of his maiminar. That he had at one time ascribed it solely to an injury of the wrist, received when he was twelve years old; at another, to an old dislo- cation of the shoulder; at another, entirely to his recent accident. ' He never admitted, so far as we could learn, that the clavicle had ever been broken until recently, but it will be seen at once that, with the knowledge of his character and motives now disclosed, no other supposition is probable. The jury having heard the testi- mony, promptly returned a verdict for the defendant. Case 39. Simple fracture, and union with very little deformity. Francis Carpenter, aged thirty-two years, of Lille, France. Francis fell sideways upon the ground, striking upon the outer end of his left shoulder, and breaking the left clavicle at the outer end of the middle third. 67 Dr. Barras, of Lille, dressed the fracture with bandages and a sling, using no axillary pad, and no band to draw the shoulders back. The dressings were continued eight weeks. Ten years after, while an inmate of the Buffalo Hospital, I ex- amined the arm. The clavicle had united without shortening, but only bent forwards at the seat of fracture. He thinks it never overlapped, nor was there ever any sharp projecting point of bone, the arm is as strong as before the accident. Probably it was a transverse fracture, and possibly not complete. CASE 40. Simple oblique fracture, and union with deformity. Joseph Price, aged about twenty years, broke his clavicle at the outer end of the middle third. Oblique and simple. I applied Fox's apparatus, but did not see him but once or twice after the first dressing, as he soon left town. Two years from the date of the accident, I examined the arm again. The fragments had united, overlapped, and with the usual deformity. It is short- ened half an inch. He is a good-natured fellow, and ascribes all the unfortunate result to his own negligence. His arm is not yet quite as strong as before the clavicle was broken. CASE 41. Simple and oblique fracture, and union with deformity. C. A. W., aged forty-seven years, was struck by the hawser of a vessel, breaking the right clavicle, and, at the same time, several ribs on the right side of his body. Dr. Sprague, a very experienced surgeon of Buffalo, was called, and applied dressings consisting essentially of a sling and axillary pad, bandages, &c. The condition of his side, however, did not permit the dressings to be applied very snugly. Some person having suggested to Mr. W. that the arm was not properly in place, that the shoulder was out of joint! and the cla- vicle not united! he consulted me in June, 1851, about four years after the accident. The fracture had occurred at the outer end of the middle third, and the inner fragment was still overriding the outer fragment. The clavicle was united, but shortened one inch. The projecting point of the inner fragment was quite sharp and prominent, and occasionally tender and painful. The right humerus is properly in its socket, but the muscles about the joint are atrophied, leaving a flatness upon the outside and behind. In front, there exists rather 68 an unusual fulness. He is unable to raise his arm to a right angle with his body. CASE 42. Simple oblique fracture. Union with deformity, and pa- ralysis of the arm. Mrs.----, aged 51 years, of New York. Mrs.----was thrown from her carriage, breaking the right clavicle obliquely at the outer ) end of the middle third. Dr. Congar, of Niagara Falls, dressed the fracture with Fox's apparatus. This dressing was continued three weeks, and was not particularly painful. At this time, by a change of residence, she became the patient of Dr. J., a very excellent surgeon of Erie County, N. Y. The frag- ments were found to be overlapped, and Dr. J., with a hope of re- storing them to place, applied a figure of 8 bandage, with an axillary pad. During the short time these dressings were continued, the pain was excessive; and, notwithstanding the free use of anodynes, they became wholly insupportable, and were removed at the end of fourteen hours. Dr. C, of the same county, removed the dressings, and reapplied Fox's apparatus, which, with -occasional removals, remained on four weeks longer. In all this time, repeated efforts were made to bring the fragments into place. Forty-eight daj^s after the accident, she consulted me. The cla- vicle was then united, and overlapped half an inch. The whole arm was swollen, painful, and very tender, with total inability to move it. I removed all the dressings, and, during the time she remained under my care, in a private room of the hospital, there was a gra- dual improvement in the condition of her arm, in respect of swelling and tenderness, but the paralysis did not much abate. ^ Case 43. Fracture and union, with slight deformity. Miss A. W. R., of Westfield, Chatauque County, aged 5 years, by a fall broke her right clavicle near its middle. Dr. Jones, of West- field, dressed the fracture. It was found impossible to retain the fragments in place, although Dr. Jones readjusted them at three separate times. Union occurred, with a palpable deformity, which was still manifest thirty-five years after the accident, when I had an opportunity of examining the bone. The arm, also, during the whole of this period, has been occasionally painful. In all other respects it is well. 69 Case 44. Fracture and union, with deformity. John Lewis, of Painted Post, N. Y., aged 32 years, fractured his clavicle near its middle. Simple and oblique. Dr. Hoyt, of Painted Post, was employed. Eight years after the fracture, I found the clavicle shortened one quarter of an inch, and pushed forward at the seat of fracture. The arm was not as strong as before the accident. I find no mention in my records of the treatment. Case 45. Fracture and union, without deformity. S., aged 15 years, fell on the ice, breaking his left clavicle. The fragments were never much displaced. Dr. John Trowbridge, of Buffalo, and myself, in attendance. We applied at first a back-board splint, which seemed to keep the fragments, for a day or two, very well in place; but, after this date, it was found too troublesome, and we substituted a simple sling. Five years after the accident, I examined the arm carefully, and find it neither shortened nor displaced. Yet the line of fracture can be distinctly felt. It occurred at the outer end of the middle third, and was oblique. DiViS. 2.—Inner Third. Case 46. Simple transverse fracture half an inch from sternum. Union without deformity. Mrs. Winfield Dunmoody, aged 80 years, fell down a flight of steps, breaking the right clavicle about one inch from its sternal end. Dr. John Trowbridge, who was in attendance, invited me to see the case on the day following the accident. Motion and crepitus were distinct, but the displacement was very inconsiderable, and scarcely perceptible. We applied no dressings, but directed only that the patient should be kept quiet. The bone united in the usual time, and without either deformity or maiming. DiViS. 3.—Outer Third. Case 47. Fracture between the coracoidprocess and acromion. Union, with slight deformity. J. H., aged about 21 years, in jumping from the cars while they were in motion, broke his left clavicle at a point between the cora- 70 coid process and the acromion, viz: about half an inch to the acro- mial side of the coracoid process. The outer end of the inner or sternal fragment was slightly elevated, and overlapped the acromial about one-quarter of an inch. The displacement and deformity were slight, as compared with those cases in which the fracture had occurred on the sternal side of the coracoid process. Dr. Wilcox and myself in attendance. We laid across the back a broad, thick plate of gutta percha, pre- viously covered with cotton cloth, and to this, as a back splint, we secured the shoulders. A sling and axillary pad were also used, with bandages. The fragments were very easily brought into place and retained. The next day I found the dressings loose, and I readjusted them with care. On the sixth day, the whole being loose, the bandages, &c, were reapplied, and he was dismissed for his home, where he came under the care of Dr. Lansing Briggs, of Auburn. Dr. B. continued the dressings, but the bone has united with a slight pro- jection and a shortening of about one-quarter of an inch. Case 48. Simple oblique fracture, and delayed union. Michael Connor, aged 55 years, fell from a scaffolding and broke his left collar-bone, about one inch from the acromial end. He was sent immediately to the Bellevue Hospital, New York City. "Dr. Murdock dressed the fracture," says Michael, "with a collar upon my right shoulder, a pad under my left shoulder, and a sling under my elbow." The apparatus was retained upon the arm and shoulder about five weeks. At the end of six weeks, Michael became an inmate of the Buffalo Hospital, and, upon examination, I found that the fragments were overlapped one-quarter of an inch, and that bony union had not yet taken place. Moving the fragments upon each other, produced % an audible click at the seat of the fracture. He could not lift his arm. DiViS. 4.— Comminuted. Case 49. Union with deformity. R. L., aged thirty-three years, was thrown from a horse, and broke his right clavicle in two places. One fracture was at the inner end of the outer third, and the other at a point nearer the sternum. I was called to dress it on the third day, and, on the fourth day, 71 I applied Fox's apparatus. I could not, however, retain the frag- ments in place, nor prevent motion. On the twenty-second day, one fragment had united, but the other remained loose. I substituted the figure of 8 bandage for Fox's apparatus, and applied a compress, &c, over the fracture. On about the twenty-eighth day, union was effected throughout, but with overlapping and the usual deformity. Eight years after the accident, I examined the arm, and find the bone united with a shortening of half an inch. The arm is as strong and as useful as before. The overlapping is in front, and not above. Case 50. Union with deformity. ----, aged twenty-nine years, of Buffalo, was thrown backwards from a wagon, striking upon his shoulder. I saw the man soon after the accident, and dressed the fracture at my college dispensary. The right clavicle was broken at two points, the intercepted piece being about one inch and a half in length, and considerably displaced. The outer fracture was at the inner end of the outer third of the clavicle. It was noticed that, contrary to what has been supposed to be the general fact in such cases, he could easily raise his arm and hand to his head, and also, that by no force or art could the fragments be made to resume their places. Fox's apparatus was then applied, and the patient distinctly informed that shortening and deformity were inevitable. I have never seen the patient since. I have learned, however, that the results which I predicted have occurred. It is shortened about half an inch. CASE 51. Union with deformity. (See cast in my private collec- tion.) Charles Clarke, of Otisco, aged forty-six years, was thrown from his horse, breaking his left collar-bone at two points, viz: at its middle, and at a point about one inch nearer the sternum. Dr. Ashbel Searle, of Otisco, was in attendance. Dr. Searle placed the arm in a sling, and secured it with bandages, but used no axil- lary pad. The dressings were at first exceedingly painful, and Dr. Searle was obliged to loosen them. The bones united, and, fourteen years after the accident, I ex- amined the arm, and found a very marked deformity in consequence of the displacement of the intercepted fragment. The clavicle is 72 shortened half an inch. His left shoulder is lower than his right. Functions of the arm perfect. Case 52. Union with deformity, and maiming. (See Case 38.) Burgess, aged twelve years, then a resident of London, England. The right clavicle was broken at two points, viz: at the junction of the outer third with the inner two thirds, and also at a point one \ inch and a half nearer the sternum, the intercepted piece being thrown at right angles with the line of the clavicle, and remaining in that position until bony union was accomplished. The vertical, intercepted piece projected a little more than half an inch both above and below, and the opposite fragments united with it on its anterior and posterior surfaces. Clavicle is shortened one inch. I have not been able to ascertain what treatment was adopted by the London surgeon, but the result has been a general marasmus of the arm, inability to lift the arm, and a permanent abduction of the hand to the ulnar side, with flexion of the fingers. He continued, however, to follow his occupation as a carpenter, shoving the plane more by the motions of his body than of his arm. Case 53. Union with deformity. B. L. Derrick, aged about fifty years, a feeble, non-muscular man. Mr. D. fell about fifteen feet, striking upon the back and outer part of the left shoulder. Dr. Smith, of the Army, Dr. Wyckoff, and myself, made the first dressing. The clavicle was broken obliquely at the inner end of the outer third, and also at a point about one inch nearer the sternum. The intercepted fragment was quite movable. The acromial end of the sternal fragment was lifted up- wards and carried forwards, and also rode upon the other fragment ^ one inch. We first attempted to replace the fragments before the dressings were applied, but we could not. We then placed a very broad and firm gutta percha splint upon the back and shoulders well moulded and covered with cotton cloth. To this we drew back firmly the shoulders, but without effecting an adjustment of the fragments. We then elevated the elbow and shoulder with a properly con- structed sling, suspended from the opposite shoulder. The effect was to approximate and partially conceal in the tissues the project- 73 ing ends, but a careful examination showed that the riding still con- tinued. Finally, we adapted a large and pretty firm pad to the axilla, and using the arm as a lever, we attempted to carry out the shoulder. When great force was applied, the fragments moved about three lines, but no force which we could apply was sufficient to carry out the shoulder so as to accomplish exact reduction. Relaxing, therefore, our efforts, and bringing the arm to that position in which the pressure ceased to be painful, we applied the requisite retentive bandages, and left the patient, assuring him that a shortening was inevitable. After a few days, I became satisfied that the back splint was in- sufficient, and only burdensome, and I substituted for the whole dressing a simple figure of 8, with a sling, &c. The result has been a union, with a shortening of one inch, the same as before any dressings were applied. There is also the usual projection of the fragments. 74 Fractures of the Clavicle. INCOMPLETE FRACTURES. o 6 o Vf^ V- £ liwifwy rtrV> [i^L* ■*»#*&