NLM D5111D3b fi NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE LIBRARY. Section,____ JVo. mMiL NLM051110368 V',' REPERTORY OF THE SYMPTOMS RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, ET CETERA. SURSt-CNGLrt'Ire'.L'SttF ALFRED PI All forms of substance are but gases in various stages of density; Divine pozver being invisible, lays latent in all objects, organic or inorganic, hence the triumph of Homeopathic medication. Tiffin, Ohio: B. B. Kkamjies, Publisher. WE 1836 Copyrighted 1898. By A. Pulford, M. D., Tiffin, Ohio. All Rights Reserved. PREFACE. In vain has been the search for a work on Rheumatism that was at once up-to-date, available and reliable, but so far have not been able to find one, and like Bell with his immortal work on Diarrhoea, etc., have gathered together in the past twelve years reliable and verified symptoms and put them in convenient form, but as m}r script is almost unreadable, concluded to print the MSS. and give my friends the benefit, for which reason this work appears among you. The publication of this work was offered to Boericke and Tafel, but as the}- already had a ten year old work on hand they hardly felt like printing another one, and I inferred from this that there would not be any other work published on Rheumatism as long as a cop}- of the ten year old edition could be sold. Rheumatism, while a very prevalent disease, seems to me to have been a very much neglected subject as far as works go. That there is and has been a demand for works on this subject is evinced by the large number of subscriptions already received for this little book. It is the sincere wish of the compiler of this Repertory that it may prove as great a convenience to his fellow phys- icians as it has to himself. Dr. A. Pilford. Tiffin, Ohio, Aug. 15, i8g8. INTRODUCTION. In compiling this Repertory the object has been to arrange and classify groups and conditions of symptoms in such a manner that they may be readily available. In carrying out the plan laid out it was deemed unnecessary to give a list of remedies, but will suffice to say that all remedies, where there is any doubt as to their identity, have been spelled sufficient to reveal themselves. It may be well to state here, however, that the small letter (p) in Calc. p. stands for "phos. " as it also does in Kali p., etc., the letter "c" stands for "carb. ", "ac. " for acid, "m" for mur. except in metallic substances. Remedies having sev- eral adjectives, like Kali phos., permang., Calc. phos., pic, etc. will be found to have all others spelled out except the abbreviation "phos." When reading under a subject, say pain, a reference to any other subject under pain would refer you by the word beginning with a small letter, should the word begin with a capital it will refer you to a subject other than pain. The abbreviations "alt." and "Esp." have been used in place of "alternation" and "especially. " Profuse references have been made in order to avoid too much repetition. The crescendo and diminuendo marks have been used throughout the work to express aggravation and amelior- ation, etc. In cases where many remedies have been stated, the more important ones have been emphasized; where only one or two 8 introduction. are named it has not been deemed necessary to follow out this plan, so that should you find a remedy not in capitals or italics do not pass it by as unimportant, for it ma}' be very important. A. Pulford, M. D. Tiffin, Ohio. AGGRAVATIONS. 9 AGGRAVATIONS. ACIDS: Brom. AIR, cool or cold: Caust., Cist., Dulc. Phos., Rhus; Reverse: PULS. Open: Rhus, SIL.; Reverse: Aeon., Asa., Bry., Cvc, Dios., Lye, Mez.,Natr.s.,Pet., •Plat., PULS. Exposure to: Hep. Least draught of: Bell. Walking in open: Agar. AFTERNOON until midnight: Bell. ALONE, when: Phos., Stram. ANKLES, in: Agar. A. M. : Agar., Aloe, Ars., Bov., Bry., Dios., Ferr., Hep., Kali c. Lye, Mangan., NUX, Puis., Sep., Staph., SULF.; Reverse: Aur. 1, after: Ars., Lye. 2: Ars., Lye, Nux. And 4: Nux. 3: Caul., KALI C, Nux, Sep., Verat. To 5: Sep. 4: Nux. 5: Aloe, Sep., SULF. And P.M.: SEP., Sulf. In bed: Sulf. Noon: Arg. nit. Early: NUX. In and toward: Ferr. Bed: Mangan., Puis., Staph., Sulf. On rising: Lye Towards: ARS., Bov., Kali c, Nux, LYC, Rhus, Thuya. BACK: See Lying. I 10 AGGRAVATIONS. BATH, after a: Ant. c. BED, covering intolerable: Led., Sulf.; Reverse: Agar. Driving one out of: Ferr., Puis. Heat of, which is intolerable: Apis, Led., Merc, Verat.; Reverse: Agar. In: Arn., Ferr., Kali bi., Led., Merc, Rhus, Verat. ; Reverse: Agar., Caust. Lying in, and getting warm in: Arn.; Reverse: Agar. Mornings in: Mangan., Puis., Staph., SULF. Nights in: Amm. m., FERR., Ma>j., Merc, Nux, RHUS, Sang., Verat. Turning in: Arn., Nux, 7j\vic. ox. Must sit up first: Nux. Warm, getting in: Arn., Sulf. And lying in: Arn.; Reverse: Agar., Caust. BENDING backward: Rhus; Reverse: Bell. BLOWING nose: Calc. p. BREAKFAST, after: Phos. See also Eating. COFFEE, after: Caul., Lgn. COLD: Amm. c, Calc, Cist., Graph., Kali c, RHUS. SIL.: Reverse: PULS. After taking: Cham. Air: Cist., RHUS; Reverse: PULS. Drinks: Ant. e ; Reverse: Phos., PULS. Open air: SIL.; Reverse: PULS. Water externally: Ant. c, Phos., Sulf. Internally: Ant. e, Lye; Reverse: Phos., Puis. And externally: Ant. c When becoming: Graph. See also Weather. COMBING hair: Rhus. CONTACT or motion, noby: Bell. COUGHING: Tell. COVERED, from being: Ferr., Led., Lye, Sulf. ; Reverse: Agar., Caust., Hep., Nux, Rhus, Sil. DAMPNESS: Dulc, Natr.s., Phyt., Rhod., Sarsap. DANCING: Alum. DARK, in the: Strain.; Reverse: Phos. DAY, only during: Col. Every other: Ars., CHIN.S.. Ferr., Lye DINNER, after: Zinc. See also Eating. AGGRAVATIONS. 11 DRAWING up limbs: Rhus; Reverse: Sulf. DRINKS, cold: Ante, Ars.; Reverse: Phos., Puis. Hot: Phos.; Reverse: Lye EATING, after: Cann.s., Indigo, NUX, Phos., Sep., Zinc. Breakfast: Phos. Cold food: Puis.; Reverse: Phos. Dinner: Zinc. Fat food: Cyc, PULS. Supper: Iris. Warm food: Phos.; Reverse: Puis. EMISSIONS, after: Cobalt. ERUPTIONS, from suppression of cutaneous: Phos. ae, Psor., Sulf. EVENINGS: Aeon., Bry., Caust., Col., Colch., Fagop., Hell., Iod., Iris, Led., Lye, MERC, Mez., Nit ac, Oleand., Phos., Plat., Plumb., PULS., RHUS, Sticta, Sulf., Zinc. And night: Aeon., Arn., ARS., Bell., Bry., Cham., China, Dulc.,Graph., Hep., MERC., Mez., Phos., Puis., Sticta. 2 to 9 P. M.: Syphil. And all night: Syph. 3 P. M.: Apis, Chin. s. After: Bell. 4 to 6 P. M.: Carbo V. 8 P. M.: LYC. S P. M.: Apis. 11 P. M.: Bell. Until: Lye. Midnight: Led., Phos., Puis. EVERY third week: Mag. c See also Day. EXERTION, bodily: Bell., Sulf. Mental: NUX. Slightest: Natr. c. FLEXING leg on abdomen: Col.; Reverse: Kali bi. FOODS, cold: Puis. ; Reverse: Phos. Fat: Cyc, PULS. Warm: Phos. HANGING limb out of bed: Vipera; Reverse: Verat. HEAT: Ant. c, Bell., Col., Glon., Lye, MERC, PULS., SEC, Verat.; Reverse: Ars., Caust., Colch., HEP., MAG., RHUS, SIL., Sulf. 12 AGGRAVATIONS. HEAT: Applied to parts: Lye, Sec; Reverse: Hep., Mag., Rhus, etc. Of bed: Led., Verat.; Reverse: Agar. Sun: Ant. c, Bell., Glon. INSPIRATION, deep: Aeon., Aeth., Bry., Fagop., Spig. INTERMITTENTLY: Ign. JAR, least: Salycil. ac. JOINTS: Dros., Kali bi., Magnol., Puis. Smaller: Act. s., Kali bi. Larger: Bry. KNEES, r.: Chel. LAUGHING: Tell. L. side: Cann. i., Cim., Crot. t., Ferr., Hydrast., LACE, Merc, bin., Rhus, Stann., Stram., Sulf. LIFTING anj-thing, attempting to: Curare. LIFTING: Calc. p., Nux, Rhus. LIMB hanging down: Calc. ; Reverse: Bell., Verat. Straightening out: Val.; Reverse: Rhus. LYING: Aeon., Aeth., AMM. M., Ars., Berb., Bry., Carbo an., Ferr., Gossyp., Kali bi., Merc, Natr. s., Puis., RHUS, Sil., Spig., Sulf., Tell. Down at night: Ars., Berb., FERR., Kalibi., RHUS, Tell. During day: Merc bin. On affected side: Brv., Kali i., Sil., Tell.; Reverse: Bry.^ Puis. Back: Amm. m., Gossyp., Phos., Puis., Spig.; Reverse: Calc, Convall., Natr. m. L. side: Natr. s., Puis.; Reverse: Br3T., Merc. Painful side: Hep., Kali i., Nux m., Sil., Tell.; Reverse: Bry., Puis. Painless side: Puis. R. side: Bry., Mere; Reverse: Natr. s., Phos., Puis., Sulf. Sitting and: Amm. m., Berb., Ferr., Kali bi., Mere, Rhus.; Reverse: BRY. Standing and: Kali bi., Rhus. Standing and: Carbo an., Rhus, Sulf. Still: RHUS; Reverse: Bry., Col., DIOS. Walking and: Br}'., Carbo an., Natr. s.. Puis., Rhus, Sil.. Sulf.; Reverse: Puis. MEALS, after: Indigo. See also Eating. AGGRAVATIONS. 13 MENSES, at: Mag. e Before: Sep. During: Graph., Mag. c. And after: Graph. MENTAL effort: NUX. MERCURY, after: Hep., Nit. ac, Phyt., Sarsap., Sil. MIDNIGHT, after: ARS., Merc, Rhus, Sulf., Thuya. Afternoon until: Bell. Before: Bry., Rhus. Evening until: Led., Phos., Puis. MOON, during full: Calc, Sulf. New: Caust., SIL. Or near full: Calc. MORNING: See A. M. MOTION: Aeon., Act. s., BRY., Calc, Caust/, CHINA, Cina, Col., DIOS., Ferr. p., Form., Iris, Kali c, Led., Phyt., Ox. ac, Puis., Ran. bulb., Rhus, Senec, SIL., Spig., Staph., Sulf. And contact: Act. s., Bry., China. No from: Bell. Pressure: Col., Phyt. As if pains would be, from, but are not: Calc. p. Effort at, causes cold perspiration and retching: Ant. t. Esp. raising arm: Iris. From any, of arms or lying on back: Spig. Moderate, not altered by violent: Iris. No>at rest: Iris. Norlying down: Ran. bulb. See also Walking. MUSCULAR part of thighs: Plumb. NEITHERby, or contact: Bell. Rest: Cann. i., Rhus. 14 AGGRAVATIONS. NO<: Cann. i., Rhus. While walking: Rhus; Reverse: Bry. NIGHT: ARS., Aur., Bell., Cham., Coff., Ferr., Iod., Ign., Kali bi. and i., Led., Lye, Mag., Mangan., MERC.Mez.,, Nitrum., Phos. ac, Phyt., Plumb., Puis., Rhod., RHUS, Salycil. ac, .S"ang., Sil., Sticta, Sulf., Zinc. met. and ox. And evening: See Evening. Driving one out of bed: FERR. In bed: See Bed. Toward: China, Colch., Led., Mere, Phos., Puis. With fever and restlessness: Mag. e OUT doors: Bell.; Reverse: Mez., Natr. s., PULS. PERSPIRING, while: Lach., MERC, Opi., TILIA; Reverse: Gels., NATR. M., Nux. P. M.: See Evening. PRESSING at stool: Carbo an., Nux, Tell. PRESSURE: Aeon., Caps., CHINA, Cina, Col., Hep., Kali bi., Pip. m., Sil.; Reverse: COL., Stann. External: Cina, Hep., Col., Stann. POULTICES, hot: LYC; Reverse: Rhus. Wet: Sulf.; Reverse: Nux. m. RAISING arm: Alum., Ferr., Hyos., Iris, Led.. Mag. c, RHUS, Sang. Upward and backward: Calc, RHUS. REST: Calc, Col., Dulc, Euphorb., Indigo, Kali p., Merc. bin., RHUS, Staph., Sep., Sulf.; Reverse: BRY., Dios. After: Calc, Kali p., RHUS. At: Euphorb., Indigo, RHUS. During: Staph.; Reverse: BRY., MERC. RIDING in a carriage: Coccul., Nux m., Pet.; Reverse: Graph., Nit. ac. Or train -.Coccul., Pet. R. SIDE: Caust., CHEL., Col., LYC, Phyt.. Tell., Val. Knee: Chel. To 1.: Apis, Lach., LYC RISING: Aesc, Aloe, Ant. c, Arg. nit, Berb., Caust.. Kali p., LACH., "Lye, Nit. ac, Phos., Puis., RHUS, SIL., Zinc. Early on: Thuya; Reverse: Cham. From a seat or chair: Anac, Ant. c, Arg. nit., Berb., Caust., Kali p., LACH., Lye, Nit. ac, Phos., Puis., Rhus, SIL., Zinc. Stooping: Aesc, RHUS, Zinc. AGGRAVATIONS. IS RISING, from, must sit still: EACH. Or standing erect: Aesc, Aloe. ROOM, cool: Bell., Rhus; Reverse: PULS., Sabina. Warm: PULS., Sabina. SEWING: Ran. bulb., Zinc. Long continued : Ran. bulb. SIDE not lain on: Rhus. See also Lying, L., R. SITTING: Amm. m., Bell., Berb., Cobalt., Col., Dig., Dios., Euphorb., Ferr., Kali bi., LACH., Mag. m., Merc, Pet., RHUS, Tongo, Val., Verat., Zinc Cannot rise after: Bell., LACH. Must sit still: LACH. Must be careful not to press the limbs while: Col. Standing and: Kali bi., Rhus, Val., Verat. Walking and: Val. Still: RHUS, Zinc; Reverse: Aeon., Bry., DIOS. Up: Dios., Mag. m.; Reverse: Verat. Walking or: Col., Mag. m., Zinc; Reverse: Verat. See also Lying. SLEEP, after: LACH.; Reverse: Phos. Broken: NUX. During: Cham.; Reverse: Crot. t. SNEEZING: Aeth. SPRING: See Summer. STAIRS, ascending: Ars., Calc, COCA. Descending: Borax, Stann. STANDING: Agar., AESC, Carbo an., Kali bi.,KA~LI C, Rhus, SUL., Thuya, Val., Verat. And sitting: Kali bi., Rhus, Sulf., Val., Verat. Walking: AESC, Agar., Carbo an., KALI C, Sulf., Thuya, Val. Or walking: Aesc, Ign. Sitting or walking: Sulf., Val. Thigh feels as if it would break off when: Val. See also Lying. STEPPING heavily on ground: Rhus. STIMULANTS: Aeon., ANT. C, Ars., Glon., Ign., Lye, Nux, Sil., Zinc Brandy: Ign. On taking: Aeon. 16 AGGRAVATIONS. STIMULANTS: Spirituous: Nux m. Wine: Aeon., ANT. C, Ars., Glon., Lye, Nux, Sil., ZINC. Sour: ANT. C STOOL, during hard: Nux. On pressing at: Carbo an., Nux, Tell. STOOPING: Aesc, Cic, Cim., Lith. c, RHUS, Sulf., Zinc. Forward: Aesc, Cim. On rising from: Aesc, RHUS, Zinc. STORM, before a: Rhod. Easterly: Caust. Thunder, before a: Petr. During a: Natr. c, Phos. STRAIGHTENING out limb: Val.; Reverse: Rhus. SUMMER and spring with cool days and nights: Kali bi. SWEAT, during: Cham.; Reverse: NATR. M. SWEATING, while: Lach., Merc, Tilia. SYPHILIS: Phyt., Sarsap. TALKING: Bell. THINKING of troubles: Bar. c. Caust., Ox. ac, Pip. ;«.; Reverse: Camph., Hell. THUNDER: See Storm. TOBACCO, chewing: Ars., Nux, Plant. Smoking: Ign. TOUCH: Agnus, Am.. Bell., CHINA, Colch., Cup., Hep., Mangan., Nit. ac, Staph., Sulf. ; Reverse: Bry. Fears the possibility of: ARN., CHINA, Colch. Or motion: Sabina. TURNING in bed: Arn., Nux, Zinc. ox. Must sit up before: NUX. Trunk: Thuya. UTERINE pains: Ambra. WALKING: AESC, Agar., Anac, BRY., Carbo an. and v., Chel., Cim., Col., Colch., Ferr., Graph., Hep., Hydrast., KALI C, Mag. m., Natr. s., Nux, Phos., Plumb., Rhus, Sabin., Sil., SULF., Thuya, Val., Zinc After: Natr. s., Phos. Fatigues: Graph., Plumb. In open air: Agar., Sil., Zinc. Wind: Bell. See also Lying, Sitting, Standing. AGGRAVATIONS. 17 WARM, on becoming: LED., Sil. Getting, in bed: Mere, Sulf.; Reverse: Agar., Caust. Room, in: PULS., Sabin.; Reverse: Bell. WARMTH: Bry., Ferr., Kali s., LED., Lye, Merc, Phos., PULS., Thuya. Verat.' See also Bed. WASHING: Nit. ac, Phos., Sep., Sulf. Hands: Phos. In water: Phos., Sep., Sulf. WATER: Ant. c, Calc, Nit. ac, Phos., Puis., Rhus, Sulf. Cold, internally and externall}7: Ant. c. Bathing in: Ant. c. Wetting feet in: Puis., Tarent. Or hands in: Tarent. Working or standing in: CALC, Rhus. See also washing. WEATHER, at every change of: Brv., Carbo v., Mangan., Phos., Rhod., Sil," Verat. Change of, esp. damp: Calc, Dulc, Ran. bulb. Changing from warm to cold: Dulc Cold: Calc, Dulc., Ign., Merc, Nuxm., Phos., Phyt., Rhod., RHUS, Sil., Verat., Viola t. Damp: Calc, Dulc, Merc, Phos., Phyt., Rhod., Verat. Damp: China, DULC. Natr. s., Phyt., Ran. bulb., RHUS. Hot: Kali bi., Lathyrus, Phos., Puis., Xanth.; Reverse: Calc p., IGN., Rhus. Rainy: Rhod.: See Damp. Rough: Rhod., Viola t. Wet: Agar., Lathyrus, Nux m., Phos., Sil. Windy: Rhod., Viola t. WET: SIL., Sulf. WETTING feet: Puis. Hands: Phos. WINE: See Stimulants. WINTER: Ign., Rhus. WRITING: Merc, iod., Ran. bulb , Zinc. WRISTS and hands: Curare. 18 AMELIORATIONS. AMELIORATIONS. AIR, from open: Aeon., PULS. Cool: PULS. Open: Aeon., Asa., Bry-. Cvc, Dios., Lye, Mez., Natr. s., Pet., Plat., PULS. Warm: Pet. APPLICATIONS, cold: Apis, Fluo. ac, Puis. Hot: China, Rhus. Dry: Rhus. Moist: Nux m. Warm external: Ars., Col., Colch., HEP., MAG., Rhus, SIL. BED, while in: Caust. Being warm in: Agar. Hanging limb out of: Verat. BENDING backward: Bell., Rhus. Double: COL. * Inward: Bell. Leg: Kali bi. CHANGE of position: Arn., Ox. ac, PULS., Rhus. Bed or couch on which he lies feels too hard: ARN. For a few moments: Rhus. COLD applications: Apis, Fluo. ac., Puis. Drinks, esp. water: Puis. Food, eating: Phos. External: Puis., Thuya. COOL place: Puis. DARK, in: Phos. DAYLIGHT approaches, as: Syphil. DRINKS, cold: Phos., Puis. Hot: Lye EATING cold food: Phos. ELEVATING knee: Calc. EVENING, towards: Kali bi. and c Until: Lye AMELIORATIONS. 19 EXCITEMENT, pleasant: Kali p., Pip. m. FASTING, while: Cham. FLATUS, passing: Alum., Col. FLEXING leg: Kali bi. HANDS of another person: Asa. HANGING limb out of bed: Verat. HEAT: Ars., Caust., Colch., HEP., MAG., RHUS, Sil., Sulf. Dry: Rhus. External: Ars. Moist: Nux m. KEEPING heels higher than head: Phyt. KNEES, elevating: Calc. LIGHT, bright: Stram. LIMBS, drawing up: Sulf. Elevating knee: Calc. Hanging down: Bell., Verat. Stretching out: Rhus. LYING: AMM.M.,Anac, Bry., Col., Convall., Dios., Natr. m., Nux, Puis. Down: Anac, Calc. p., AMM. M., Merc. Not>: Ran. bulb. On affected side: Bry., Puis. Back: Bry., Calc, Convall., Lye, NATR. M., Puis., Sang. R. side: Phos., Sulf. Side: Puis. Something hard: Natr. m. Well side: Nux. Still: Bry., Col., Dios. Perfectly: Dios. Walking or: Puis. MORNING: Aur. met. MOTION: Aeon., Aloe, Ars., Calc, Caps., Caust., Dios., Eup. perf, Ferr., Kali c. and iod., Men- yanth., Phos. ac, Cina, Puis., Rhod., RHUS, Ruta, Senec, Staph., Sulf., Tongo, Tj'xwq.. Continued: Caps., Rhus, Ruta. During: Sulf. From: Staph. Of feet: Caust., Zinc 20 AMELIORATIONS. MOTION or contact, no>ornor<: Bell., Cann. /., Rhus. By, motion or contact: Bell. Rest: Rhus. NO> from sweat: Lach., Merc. corr. OUT doors: Mez., Natr. s., PULS. PERSPIRING: Apis, Bell.. Cham., Graph., NATR. M., Nux. After: Bell., Cham., Graph. While: Gels., NATR. M., Nux. PRESSING against something hard: Natr. m., Rhus. On parts: Bell., Puis., Rhus. PRESSURE: China, COL., Form., Natr. m., Pip. m., Puis., Stann. Firm: China, Col. Hard: COL. Nightly pains: Phos. ac: Sometimes: Phos. ac. REST: BRY., Col., Dios., Hep., Merc, Sep. When at: Merc. RIDING in a carriage: Graph., Nit. ac. RISING, after: Eup. perf., Sulf. On: Cham. ROOM, cool: PULS. Warm: Bell. RUBBING: Amm. m., Phos. SEASON, cool: Puis. Warm: Calc. p., IGN , Rhus. SITTING still: Aeon., Bry. Up: Verat. Walking or: Verat. SLEEP, after: Phos. During: Crot. t. Unbroken : Nux. STANDING: Ant. c, Arg. nit., Bell., Thuya. SUMMER: Calc. p., IGN., Rhus. SUPPURATION: Stram. SWEAT: See Perspiration. THINKING of symptoms: Camph., Hell. AMELIORATIONS. 21 THROWING shoulders back and chest forward: Badiago. TIGHT bandaging: Trill. TOUCH: Bry. UNCOVERING: Led., Lye, Puis., Sulf. URINATING: Lye WALKING: Aloe, Ant. c., Arg. nit., Bell.. Cann. s., Ferr., Indigo, Kali 6z.,MERC, Puis., RHUS, Staph., Sulf., Thuya, Val., Verat. About, slowly: FERR.. Puis., Verat. WARM air: Pet. Applications: Ars., Rhus. External: Rhus. Being, in bed: Agar. Room: Bell. Season: Calc. p., IGN., Rhus. Wraps: Ars., Atrop., Bell., Bry., Hep., Sec, SIL. WARMTH: Ars., Bell., Caust., Col., Hep., Kali s., Lye, MAG., Merc, RHUS, Sec, SIL., Sulf. Of bed: Caust., Col. WATER, cold applications of: Apis, Fluo. ac. Hot applications of: Nux m. WEATHER, cold: PULS. Dht: Nux m., Sulf. Hot: Calc. p., IGN., Rhus. WRAPS: See Warm. 22 NECK. NECK. ACHING: Onos., Sep. Dull: Onos. In back of: Sep. ACROMION, dull, intermittent pressure as from a heavy load on r. side of N. and 1. A.: Anac AIR, stiffness of neck from cold: Dulc. See also Pain rheumatic. BEATING in muscles of N.: Cyc. BROKEN, sensation as if N. were: Chel. BRUISED feeling and stiffness in 1. side of N., extending to 1. shoulder, ear and back,<^lying,^>motion: Aeon. See also Pain bruised. CHEST: Tearing in side of N. alt., with same in C.: Amm. m. CLAVICLE: See Pain in. COLD, neuralgia due to C. or nervous shock, N. stiff, and cramps of muscles of N.: Cic. Sinks forward with weakness of N.: Plat. Stiffness of muscles of N. on moving H.: Col. Dulc. Headache with stiffness of N. : Sil. Heaviness and stiffness as from a load, with painful tension: Vinca m. Tension of muscles: Chel. In: Pet. Or Pain: Pet. Hammer, sensation in, as if struck by a: Bell. Hips, bruised sensation in N. and: Phos. ac. Load, stiffness and heaviness as from a: with painful tension: Vinca m. Weariness as from a heavy: Paris. Loss of power of N.: Nit. ac. Occiput, glands of N. and, swollen: Bar. c and m. Very painful distressing drawing in N. extends to: Pet. Pain; Aching: Cann. i.. Naja, Rhus. Beating in N. and occiput,>after rising: Eup. perf. Distressing, in N. and occiput: Aeth. Drawing in N.: Natr. c, Pet. Rheumatic, from N.: Chel. Extends to head from N.: Carbo v. NECK. 25 NAPE; Pain: In N. alt. with violent pain and heaviness in head: Hyos. As if head had been lying in an uncom- fortable position: Dulc. With spasmodic rigidity, coming from smaller joints: Caul. Rheumatic: Puis., Staph. With weariness in feet: Puis. Saddle, as from a, across N.: Thuya. Sticking: Natr. m. and s., Puis. Stiff, and in external cervical muscles: Mez. Tearing, by paroxysms, in evening: Nux. Tensive in N. and in occiput, while writing: Lye. Zinc. Weight or, in: Pet. , Painful: Aeth., Ae»c, Carbo v., Caul.. Chel., Con., Dros., Dulc, Eup., Mez., Nux, Pet. Puis., Staph. Paralyzed as if: Rhus. Rheumatism: Hell., Mag. c, Merc Saddle, pain from a, across: Thuya. Sensation as if a load on N.. with paralyzed S. in limbs on Walking: Rhus. N. was struck by a hammer: Bell. Of stiffness in N. and in neck, 1. side, extending into ear: Thuya. Sensitive to external impressions: Lach. Spasms and cramps in muscles of N. and spasmodic drawing backward of head and painful tension on inner surface of scapula: Cic. Sticking in: Natr. m., Puis. At night: Natr. m. Stiffness and heaviness as from a load, with painful tension: Vinca m. Of: Aeon., Agar., Bell., Bry., Calc. p., Caust., Chel., Col., Dulc, Ferr.p., Graph., Ign., Kali c, Lachn., Nitr. ac, Nux, Phos., Rhus, Sil., Sulf., Thuy. In morning; in bed: Kali c. Muscles on moving head: Col., Dulc. Rheumatic: Rhus. Sensation of, in N. and neck, 1. side, extend- ing into ear: Thuya. 26 NECK. NAPE; Stiffness, torticollis, r. side, muscles contracted and painful swelling and stiffness: Bell., Bry. With headache: Sil. Heaviness in N.: Ginseng. Tearing in N.: Kalm.' Tension, painful, with stiffness and heaviness as from a load: Vinca m. Torticollis, r. side, muscles contracted or painful swelling and stiffness: Bell., Bry. Walking, sensation as of a load on N. with para- lyzed feeling in limbs on: Rhus. Weakness of N., head sinks forward: Plat. Weariness evenings and while writing: Lye, Zinc Weary as from a heavy load: Paris. Writing: See Pain tensive and Weariness. NEURALGIA cervico - brachial, N., < early A. M., after eating and from touch, due to cold and » nervous shock: Nux. PAIN; Aching: Onos., Sep. Dull: Onos. In back of: Sep. Air, rheumatic from slightest of, causing stiffness of N. and dullness of head: Calc. p. And stiffness of upper dorsal and cervical muscles: Zinc. Arm, from N. down r. to little finger: Kalm. Beaten, as if: Zinc. Bruised, in back of N. : Aeon., Dig., Hep. Clavicle, in r. cervical muscles and:Chel.. (Magnol.). Cramplike: Calc. p. Darting, sticking: Ferrum. Drawing in muscles of N. Aeon. R. side of N.: Sulf. Rheumatic: Chel., Cyc. Dull, in back of N.: Fagop. Extends from shoulder to N. Apis. Finger: See Arm. From back of head to forehead: Sang.. Sil., Spig. Forehead to back of N.: Onos. N. down r. arm to little finger: Kalm. Extending to head: Carbo v. In head and N. intense with inflammatory rheuma- tism of small joints: Sticta. NECK. PAIN in N. and occiput, with screaming: Natr.s. On turning head: Bry., Calc, Rhus. R. cervical muscles and r. clavicle (Magnol.) Chel. Insupportable, on looking up: Form. Jerking, tearing, in r. cervical glands: Caps. Lacerating, in posterior cervical muscles: Calc.,caust. N. tender to touch with: Kalm. On turning head: Bry., Calc, Rhus. Paralyzed: Chel. Rheumatic: Aeon., Calc. p., China, Cham., Cim., Clem., Dulc. From slightest draft of air, causing stiff- ness of N. and dullness of head: Calc. p. In N. and muscles of back, with stiff- ness and contraction: China, Cim., Clem., Dulc. Violent: Graph. Severe, dull: Dros. In cervical region: Lach. Sticking in nape: Natr., Puis. Stiff, in moving cervical muscles and yawning: Coccul. Tearing: Kali c, Nux, Oleand., Phos., Zinc. On motion: Kali c. Tensive, and pressure: Bell., Carbo v. Extending to N.: Crotal h. In nape: Lye Violent, drawing in 1. cervical muscles lying: Aeon. Boring in nape: Psor. Contraction, with rheumatic pain in muscles of N. and back: China, Cim., Clem., Dulc. Heaviness*of nape as from a heavy load, with pain- ful tension: Vinca m. Pain in upper cervical and dorsal muscles: Zinc. Paralyzed sensation in all limbsandN. during and after walking: Rhus. Rigidity from overstrain from lifting: Calc. From cold; Aeon., Bell., Bry., Calc.p., Dulc, Ferr.p. Getting hair cut: Bell., Bry.. NECK. 29 STIFFNESS, from getting Head wet: Bell., Bry., Calc. Cold air: Dulc. Heaviness and weariness as from a load: Vinca m. In side of N.: Dig. N. head kept almost motionless: Plumb. Dull, with rheumatic pain from slightest draught of air: Calc p. On moving head, with painfulness on deep breathing: Chel. Painful: Merc. Mez., Natr. And tension: Colch., Dig. Rheumatic: Calc, Rhus, Verat. Sensation of, in 1. side and nape, extending into ear: Thuya. With tracking in vertebrae on moving N.: Chel: With heaviness: Ginseng. Neuralgia,• violent motion: Niccol. See also Pain dislocated. DRAWING and boring in S. joint: Col. Paralytic stiffness of A.: Aeon. Tearing in S.: Col. From below axilla to middle of A. on raising A.: Rhus. Goutlike in S.: Caust. In A.: Aeon., Agaric, Bell., Lye, Puis., Rhus, Sulf. Humeri after midnight: Sulf. Stiffness in muscles of 1. A.: Verat. Stitches in A., from S. down: Rhus. Tearing in A.: Carbo an., Rhus, Sulf. FALLING inert of A. when lifted: Con. FATIGUED, A. easily, from moderate exercise, so that everything held is allowed to fall: Stann. And powerless; A. are: Sep. FEMUR, dislocated feeling in, when sitting: Ipee FINGERS jerking and stitches in A. and: Cic. Numbness from S. to tips of: Ox. ac. FOREHEAD, tearing or wandering in r. S., alt. with pain in: Bry. GLANDS, painful swelling of axillary: Rhus. GOUTLIKE drawing in S. : Caust. GURGLING feeling in S.: Berb. HANDS, paralytic lacerating along A. to: Sabin. As if powerless: Aeon. Tied to body: Abrot. HEADACHE extending.over S.: Glon. HEAVINESS and exhaustion of A. on motion: Carbo v. Tiredness in S.: Carbo an., Ginseng. Of A.: Bell., Carbo v., Caust., Gels., Led., Sil. Paralytic, with weak A.: Nux. SHOULDERS AND ARMS. 33 HIP, rheumatism of 1. S. and r.: Nux m. HUMERUS, feeling of weight in: Sulf. Heaviness with tension in: Sulf. JERKING and sticking in A. and fingers: Cic Stitches: Cic. In A.: Cic, Cup., Iod. Muscles of A. when resting it: Stann. Tearing, paralytic, on top of S. with sensitiveness to touch, pain renewed by touch even of coat: China. JERKS, painful cutting, from r. S.. toward head: Cham. JOINTS, boring and drawing in, of S.: Col. Cracking of S.: Thuya. Cramp and stiffness in, of A.: Phos. ac. Neuralgia of S., and A.: Staph. Pressure, painful in A. near elbow: Sabin. Sticking, extremely painful in S., on raising A.: Led. Stiffened by Rheumatism: Fluo. ac. See also Creaking and Pain. LACERATING, paralytic, along A. to hands: Sabin. See also Pain lacerating. LOSS of power of a: Cham., Chel., Gels., Zinc. NEURALGIA in brachial plexus as if bruised or beaten: Verat. See also Joint. NUMBNESS from S. to tips of fingers: Ox. ac. In A.: Aeon., Cim., Glon., Nux. PAIN, about 1. S. with cardiac troubles: Asparag. Aching and soreness as if beaten: Am., Eup. per., Sul. In A.: Arn., Bell., Eup. per., Mang. ox., Stram.. Sul. S.: Apis. Moves from teeth to A.: Mang. ox. Across S.: Ars. Acute rheumatic: Agar. And aches in S.: Calc.p. Arthritic tearing in r. S.: Sil. Beaten, as if, in A.: Am., Eup. per., Sul. S.: Stram. Blows, as from, under r. S. when moving or touch- ing it.: Kali c. *3 34 SHOULDERS AND ARMS. PAIN, Boring in S.: Mez., Nitrum. Pinching in A.: Cina. Breaking in A.: Calc.p. Bruised aching in S.: Hydrast., Lye In both, < 1.: Hydrast. And crushing in A.: Bufo. As if in A.: Arn., Led., Natr.m. S.: Dros., Natr., Nux. In A.: Arn., Bufo, Led., Natr. m., Nit. ac. Bone of A.: Hep. Muscles of r. S.: Led. S.: Ferr., Hydrast., Led., Lye, Thuya. And between S. as after a heavy load,even the clothing is oppressive: Granat. On touch, shooting and tearing through upper A. cannot raise A.: Ferrum. Or sprained, as if, in 1. S.: Sulf. Contractive, tensive, in deltoid when laying hand on table: Asarum. Constant in S. joints: Puis. Cramplike, close to S., as if in chest, as if every- thing were tightly constricted: Plat. In A.: Calc. p., Col. Crushing and bruised: Bufo. Dislocated, as if in A.: Coccul., Mag. c. Joints of S., if he raises A. high or puts them under head while in bed: Oleand. S.: Caps., Ign., Mag. c From, in S. on motion: Mag. c. Joint, after exertion: Sep. Deltoid, at r., just above insertion of biceps, causing inability to move A. or fingers: Ferrum. Drawing, beginning at S.: Apis. From wrist, in transient recurring attacks: Puis. Fingers: Nux. Drawing from small of back to S.: Ars. In A.: Agar., Bell., Lye, Puis., Rhus.,Sulf. Inner side of 1. A., weakness of whole A.: Bell. Surface of both: Lye Joint and A. : Sulf. L. S. and neck: Lill. t. SHOULDERS AND ARMS. 35 PAIN; Drawing in S.: Aeon., Apis, Hep., Puis., Sulf. See also Tearing. When lying on S. at night: Carbo v. Shooting in A.: Aeon. Dull in A.: Fagop. S.: Aesc, Dios. Rheumatic in S.: Aeon., Fagop. Sticking: Staph. During rest in S.: Colch., Rhus. Darting, crampy, like electric shocks repeatedly through humerus: Val. Extending inward, in A., near elbow: Sabin. Even at rest, as if, humerus were beaten: Puis. Flying in r. S.: Hyperie From head to S.; aching in both, from sweat (Merc.) : Chel. 36 SHOULDERS AND ARMS. PAIN; Just below joint so that he could not raise A. high or put it across back: CALC. Lacerating in A.: Plumb., Sabin. S. and joint, from motion: Staph. Rheumatic esp. in 1. S.: Sulf. In A.: Calc.p., Sulf. Near S. joint, cannot raise A.: Calcp. Both S.: Berb., CALC, Bry., Hydrast., Ign., Iris, Lye, Nux, Rhod., Puis., RHUS, SULF. touch, becoming a sticking on deep breathing, which extends downward and outward to S. joint: Bry. Painful in A. near elbow joint: Sabin. L. S. or both joints: Led. Shooting or stitching on top of 1. S. Bell. ' SHOULDERS AND ARMS. 39 PULSATING stinging in r. S. joint: Osmium. QUIVERING in r. S., at rest: Dros. RAISE, inability to, A.: Calc, FERR., Mag.c, Rhus, Sang. Upward and backward: Calc, Rhus. RHEUMATIC drawing in S.: Bry., Carbo v., Puis., Sulf. Tension in S.: Lye RHEUMATISM and pain of 1. S.: Ferr., Kalm., SULF. Muscular of S.: Amm. caust. Of A.: Bell., Carbo an., Calc.p., Kalm., Lye, Mang. ox., Rhus, Stann., Sulf., Val. L. A.: Anac, Bell., Calc, Kalm., Magnol., Mang. ox., Rhus, Staph., Zinc. S.: Ferr., Kalm., Nux, Rhus, SULF. Andr. hip: Nux m. R. A.: Bell., Carbo an., Graph., Ferr., Sang.,Sulf. S.: Bell., Bry., FERR., Calc, Mag.c, Phyt., Sang. And A., A.: Ferr. Tender and swollen, A.: Graph. SORENESS and aching in A.: Eup. perf. Stiff feeling about S., and chest: Bapt. SPRAINED, paralyzed feeling, with tearing in 1. S.: Ambra. 40 SHOULDERS AND ARMS. STICKING and jerking in A. and fingers: Cic. Extremely painful, in S. joint on raising A.: Li.l. In A.: Cann. s., Coccul., Dros. S.: Graph., Iris, Led., Thuya. Joint and A., during rest: Coccul. moving: Rhus. STITCHING pressure on top of 1. S.: Bell. STRETCHING and twisting in A.: Bell. SWOLLEN. A.: Crotal. h. R.: Graph. Sore and tender, A.: Graph. S., deltoid feels as if bruised when touched: Aeon. TEARING and burning in S., A. lame: Rhus. In A.: C.irbj an., Indig-o, Lauro., Rhus, Sulf., Zinc. L. A.: Zinc. S.: Stann. Esp. at night in bed: Phos. With a sprained paralyzed feeling: Ambra. R. A., with paralysis: Sulf. Severe when raising it: Carbo an. S., as if it would be torn asunder: Mez. Joint, <^motion: Led. SHOULDERS AND ARMS. 41 TEARING in S.: Ambra, Bry., Kali c., Lye, Mez., Phos., Puis., Stann., Zinc. Joint and on top of scapula: Rhus. Obliging one to bend A.: Puis. Near 1. S.: Zinc. Paralytic, along r. A. to hand: Sabin. Pressure in A.: Bell., Led. Top of 1. S.: Cann. s. See also Pain tearing. TENSION and drawing in S.: Pet. Tearing in both S.: Zinc. In 1. A. in open air: Rhus. Pectoral and dorsal muscles at S. joint, praising A. : Hyos. R. S. during rest with pressure: Bry. Painful, in r. S. when at rest: Bry. Rheumatic, in r. S. joint: Lye THIGHS and S. very weary: Thuya. THRILLING through A.: CANN. I. THROBBING burning in A.: Bell Painful in r. S.: Led. TREMBLING in A.: Bell., Calc. p., Cim. TWISTING and stretching in A.: Bell. In A.: Bell., Iod. TWITCH, first in 1., later in r. deltoid: Ox. ac. TWITCHING about 1. S. joint: Spong. In r. S. during rest: Dros. Of muscles of 1. S.: Spong. VERY lame in A. : Iris. Rhus. WEAKNESS in A. (great) : Phos. Of 1. A., difficulty in moving or raising it: Calc, Ferr. Paralytic, in A. if light weight is held for a short time: Stann. WEARINESS in A.: Glon., Hep. In S.: Lauro., Thuya. WEIGHT on S., esp. 1. near clavicle: Rhus. When walking in open air: Sulf. Violent pain in S. joints on lifting the lightest: Sep. 42 UPPER EXTREMITIES. UPPER EXTREMITIES. ACHING: Carbol. ac, Eup. perf. As if bruised above and below elbow, with soreness: Eup. In 1. and r. wrist: Carbol. ac. ARM, aching in 1. and r. wrist: Carbol. ac. ASLEEP, falling, of the one on which he rests his head, during sleep: Rhus. On awaking mornings: Calad. With crawling sensation: Coccul. AWAKING, asleep on: Calad. BODY, feel as if tied to: Abrot. BONES, paralytic tearing in, jerking, : Sang. CRAMP in r. drawing it backward: Amm. e CRAWLING sensation: Coccul. DRAWING in: Nit. ac, Rhus. L. at night, with paralyzed sensation: Rhus. ELBOW: See pain aching. FINGERS, numbness from shoulder to tips: Ox. ac. Tearing stitches along r. to tips: Caps. GANGRENE: Ars., Carbo v., Ran. flam., Sil. And inflammation: Ran. flam. HANDS, leaden heaviness with difficulty of using muscles of wrists and: Curare. See also Pain paralytic. HEAD, sensation as if H. and U.E. were too large: Aranea, Bapt. HEAVINESS: Curare, Bell., Natr. m. And paralytic feeling: Bell. Leaden, difficulty in using muscles, <^wrists and hands: Curare. Weakness and sinking down: Natr. m. INFLAMMATION and gangrene: Ran. flam. UPPER EXTREMITIES. 43 JERKING in: Cup. Involuntary, of arms and fingers: Cic. Tearing, paralytic, in bones, < touch: China. LAMENESS and pressure with weakness: Bell. NEURALGIA and numbness from suddenly checked per- spiration: Aeon., Aeon. unct. NUMB, become while at work: Phos. NUMBNESS: Aeon., Aeon, unct., Curare, Nux, Ox. ac, And tingling of 1.: Aeon. Phos. From shoulders to tip of fingers: Ox. ac. See also Neuralgia. PAIN; Arn., Bapt., Calc, Carbol. ac, Eup. perf., Colch., Rhus, Scroful. Aching: Carbol. ac, Eup. perf. As if bruised, above and below elbow, with soreness: Eup. perf. In 1. arm and r. wrist: Carbol. ac. And swelling: Rhus. Bruised, as if: Arn., Bapt., Calc, Eup. perf. On moving or taking hold of U.E.: Calc. With dingy red marbled spots: Berb. Buzzing: Scroful. In joints when bending them back: Ign. On motion, as if humerus were lying loosely in joint , and would be easily dislocated: Croc. Paralytic in all joints on motion: ARN., Calc. So that the slightest thing cannot be held in the hands on account of the violency of the: Colch. Rheumatic, in elbow, r. shoulder, forearm and first finger of 1. hand: Hydrast. L., from shoulder or elbow to wrist: Guiac Shooting: Rhus. Tearing, violent, <[lying still: Rhus. PAINFULNESS and swelling: Rhus. PARALYZED, hang as if: Aeon. Sensation in 1.: Plat. PARALYSIS begins in, and travels downward (Led., reverse.) Merc. Rheumatic, <[r.: Caust. PARALYTIC feeling and heaviness: Bell. Hard pressure as though- deep in muscles or peri- osteum: Cyc. 44 UPPER EXTREMITIES. PARALYTIC jerking tearing in bones,motion: RHUS, Ruta. W. and fingers alt. with same in forehead: Bry. With stiffness of fingers and cutting pain on closing hand: Caul. Laming and tearing, in joints: Bry. Pinching and drawing: Natr.m. Pressive: Calc.p., Natr.m. ^ Rheumatic: Act.s., Caul., Cim., Led., Rhus, RUTA. Severe: Caul. Stiffness, like a: Puis. Sprained, as if: ARN., Carbo an., Calc, Ox. ac. p., Pet., Sulf. Or. wrenched, <[motion: Bry. See dislocated. Tearing: Bry., Sulf., Thuya, Zinc. And laming: Bry. With stiffness of fingers and cutting pain on closing hand: Caul. Wrenched or sprained,out doors: Natr. s. Intolerable, drives one to despair,>suppurat- ing: Stram. Runs in streaks up arm: Bufo. Throbbing, violent or stitches, on pressing nail: Fluo. ac. Violent, jerking and burning, esp. of index F.: Fluo. ac. FINGERS. 63 PAIN; In balls of both thumbs, as if bruised: Arn. After a bruise: Cina, F.: Act. s., Agar., Arn., Caul., Iris, Led. Single F.: Calc. p. Jerking: Ars.,, Phos. ac. See burning, drawing. JOINTS: ACT. S., Arn., Bell., Caul., Cim., Kali bi., Led., Phyt., Pip. m., Sep., Sticta. Arthritic: Act. s., Ant. c In 1. thumb, <[pressure: Pip. m. Nail, at root: Alum., Arn., Graph. See throbbing. Paralytic, in thumb: Aeon. Pressing, in r. joints of ring and middle: Arn. Pressive, in joints: Arn. Severe, from little, along ulna, to elbow: Kalm. Sharp, shooting in thumb: Dulc. Sprain, as from a, in: Natr. m. Sprained, as if, in 1. thumb: Kreos., Sec. Sticking: Bry., Natr. m., Sil. In, when writing: Bry. Jerks, outward, ending in itching, burning: Lith. c. Stinging, burning: Apis, Fagop. Streaking up arm: Bufo. Tearing, drawing: Aeon., Arn., Bell. Extending to F. on motion: Aeon. Tensive: Iod., Sep. Of metacarpal joints: Sep. With cramp: PLUMB., Verat. Throbbing, on pressing nail, violent, or sharp stitches: Fluo. ac PAINFUL cramp: Merc. Joints: Ars. Soreness: Eup., perf. See Drawing. PANARITIUM: See Felon and Pain. PARALYTIC: See Drawing, Tearing, and Pain. PARALYSIS, great of flexors: Mez. Of joints: Calc. p. PERIOSTEUM of phalanges, painful on pressure: Led. PINCHING: See Pricking. 64 FINGERS. PINS, feel as if, sticking in tips and palmer surface of first phalanges when grasping anything: Rhus. PRESSING and Tearing in: Arn., Indigo. PRICKING in: RHUS. Or pinching, insensible to, ends horny and thickened: Populus c. POWDER, nails gray, dirty as if decayed, when cut scattering like, and splitting into layers: Sil. REDNESS, inflammation and swelling of joints: Lye. RED, hot swelling of joints: Hep. i RHAGADES: Bals. p. RHEUMATIC, pressive tearing in first joint of r. thumb: Graph. RHEUMATISM: ACT. S., Agar., Ant. c, Bell., Berb,. Brv., Calc, Caul., China, Ferr., Graph., KALI BL, Kalm., Kreos., LED., Lye, Merc, Mez., Natr.e, Pip. m., Rhus, Sep., Sil., Staph., Sulf, Zinc. Of F. and wrist joints: Caul. Index, and wrists: Lach. L. : Bell., Kalm., Kreos., Led., Pip. m., Rhus, Sec. R.: Arn., Bell., Bry., Led., Lye. RHEUMATOID arthritis: Calc. RIGID, easily become: Merc. ROLL: See Must. ROUGH, nails become brittle and: Sil., Thuya. SCISSORS: See Impressions. SENSATION in tips as if suppurating: Sil. Of jerking in joints: Natr. c Numbness: Abrot., Con., Phos., Sec. SHOOTING in joints: Phyt. SIMPLE onychia: Fluo. ac. SKIN peels off between thumb and forefinger of each hand: Amm. m. SPASMODIC contractions: Graph. SPLITS, nails grow in, if crushed: Ant. c. SPRAINED, stiff pain in 1. thumb: Kreos. SPREAD apart or bent backward, are fingers and toes: Sec. STICKING: Bry., Cann. s., Natr. s., Sulf. In bones of little: Cann. s. Tips: Pet., Sulf. FINGERS. 65 STIFF from gout: Agar. STIFFNESS: Caul., Ferr., Hep. Feeling of, with boring in first joint of r. thumb: Led. Sudden: Dig. STITCHES: Bry., Kali c, Phos. ac, Val. SWELLING: Berb., Bry., Bufo, Calc, Hep., Lye, Rhus. Of joints with neuralgia under nails: Berb. Red, hot: Hep. Redness and inflammation: Hep. SWOLLEN and puffed, joints feel, on writing or taking hold of anything, painful on touch, or exertion: Br}'. Feel as if, but no visible swelling: Calc Joints become: Calc. TEARING and pressing: Arn., Indigo. In back of: Natr. c. First joints of phalanges: Zinc. Index: Zinc. Joints: Calc, Rhus. Of F. and thumb: Sil. Thumb: Agar., Graph. Jerking, in metacarpal bones and F,from sweats: Merc, corr; PRESSURE and stitches in region of S.: Nitrum. In S. and stomach alt. with violent beating of heart: Bism. On S. caused pain in remote parts: Sil. Spinous processes sensitive to: Agar., Phos. PULSATING, cutting stitching, as if a portion of S. had been taken out: Natr. m. RHEUMATIC drawing from upper dorsal V.: Euphra. RICKETS with paralysis: Phos., Sil. SENSATION as if ice touched S. marrow: Agar. Of ants crawling along S.: Agar. SENSITIVE, last cervical and first dorsal V., to pres- sure, oppression of chest, pain extends to head and is periodical: Chin. s. Remarkably, along S., in cervical region: Stram. 74 SPINE, CORD AND VERTEBRAE. SENSITIVE, S., esp. cervical and dorsal (upper) region, to pressure: China, Chin, s., Cim. Extremely so, to touch, pains extend to head: China, Chin. s., Hyperie Its whole length, with violent par- oxysms of pain: Cup. To touch, esp. last dorsal V.,>nor«0 Cann. i. Dull: Caul. In liver extending through whole dorsal region: Polyp. Mostly between shoulder blades: Calc. p. Of,^pressure: Natr. m. Or pain in posterior aspect of spleen: Lob. c. Tensive: Hep. Tired, in B. and legs, excessive fatigue and burning in dorsal region: Helon. Very severe when moving: Aesc, Bry. With abdominal plethora: Nux. Coldness of abdomen: Sarsap. Constipation and piles: Euonym. Uterine pains: Calc. p., Cim., Puis. ARCH, B. bent backward like an: Absinth., Cic., Cup., Nux, Oenanth., OPI., Cim. Curved like an, from violent trembling motion of limbs: Opi. APART, B. and limbs feel as if falling,>tight bandag- ing: Trill. BENT: See Arch. BOARD, B. feels like a, and painfully stiff: Puis. As if lying on a: ARV., Bapt. BODY, B. feels to weak to support, >>change of position, -<]thinking of it, pain extends down thighs (Cim., Nit. ac.) : Ox. ac. BROKEN, B. feels as if: Carbo an., Kali c, Gossyp., Natr. m., OVA T. 76 BACK. BROKEN, B. feels as if and tied with a string: OVA T. Cannot lie on it, must lie on stomach: Gossyp. On walking, standing or lying: Carbo an. BRUISED, muscles of B. feel: Agar., ARN., Eup. perf. Sensation in muscles of B. and loins: Cham., Eup. perf. Pressive, in B. and loins, early on rising, <[turning trunk or standing, ]>walking: Thuya. BURNING: Cub., Helon., Lye, Merc, Nux, Pic. ac, Sil., Tereb. Heat in dorsal region: Helon. While walking in open air and becoming warm: Sil. See also Abdomen and Pain burning. CHEST, stitches shooting to, from B.;: Bry. CHILLS begin in B., with severe pains: Caps. In B.: Gels. Running over B.: Apis. COLD water, shivering over B. as if, were being poured over it, with heat of face: Anac. Sensation of, dropping down B.: Caps. On or from B.: Cann. s. COLDNESS in B.: Sec. Of glutii: Calc, Agar. Sudden feeling of: Croc. s. CONSTANT throbbing: Lyr. See Pain constant. CONTRACTIONS and stiff neck, with rheumatic pains in muscles of B.: China, Cim., Clem., Dulc. CRAMP and pain in loins and B.: Bell. In B.: Bell., Dros.. Petr. CRICK in: Aeon., Agar. Extends to nape of neck: Agar. CURVED: See Arch. DORSAL region, burning heat in: Helon. DRAWING in: Ars., Cham., Natr. m., Thuya. Middle of: Stram. Tearing, pressing, sticking in: Cham. See Pain drawing. DROPPING; See Cold water. DULL B. ache: Caul. See also Pain dull. BACK. FORMICATION in: See GLUTII, coldness of: Agar., Calc. HEAD, heat in, extends down b.: Cim. HEAT: See Aching tired and Head. HEAVINESS, Carbo. v., Petr. See Pain dull. HIPS: See Apart and Pain. HYPERESTHESIA, excessive: Tarent. H. INTERMITTING violent stitches: Euphorb. KINK in B. hindering deep inspiration: Aeon. KNEES drawn up, lies on B.: Merc. corr. See Weakness of. LAME, B. and limbs sore and,from: Natr. m. Making walking difficult: Bry. Muscular, with stiffness: Guiac On riding in a carriage: Nux m. Stooping: Sulf. Or aching in posterior aspect of spleen: Lob. c. Over shoulder blades: Apis. BACK. 79 PAIN; Rheumatic: Bell., Cim., Dulc, Kali c. In muscles of B.: Aeon., China, Cim., Cham., Dulc. And neck, with stiff- ness contraction: China, Cim., Dulc. Severe in B., through hips and down thighs: Cim., Nitr. ac, Ox. ac. Severe, with chill: Caps. Sharp, cutting, drawing: Cup. Shooting: Sil. Soreness and: Sep. Spasmodic, in liver, extends to B. and shoulders: Chel., Ferr. Sticking: Stann., Zinc. Stitching, extending into gluteal muscles: Kali c Stomach, from B. to, before menses: Borax. Stooping, as after: Agar., Dulc, Graph. In B. on: Sulf. Tearing: Canth., Sil. Arthritic: Sil. Uterine, with B. ache: Calc. p., Cim., Puis. Violent, as if sprained: Caust. Bruised on sitting, goes off on motion; Down B.: Kalm. [Rhus. In B.: Digitalin, Rhus, Tongo. Very: Digitalin. Walking, after: Phos. Wandering: Chel., Puis. Wearied by too great effort, as if: Zinc. Wrenched, as if: Calc Urinating,~~>after: Lye With stiffness, lameness and weight: Helon. PAINFUL stiffness in when stooping: Cic. PARALYZED feeling in extremities and weakness in B. : Sil. PINCHING and drawing in B.: Lye PRESSIVE bruised sensation in B. and loins, early on rising, B.: Lye UTERINE pains with B. ache: Calc. p., Cim., Puis. Symptomsrubbing: Phos. Violent: Mag. m. See also Pain burning. , CHEST: See Pain in and severe. COALS: See burning. COLD water, feeling of: Abies c. Wind blowing on, sensation of: Caust. COLDNESS as from a piece of ice on: Led. Icy: Amm. m., Natr. m. CRAMP in: Phos. DRAWING in: Berb. And below: Natr. s. Pressure: Kali c. Tearing: Aeon. See also Pain drawing. DULL aching: Aesc. Stitches in 1., return slowly and radiate in all direc- tions: Anac. See also Pain dull. HEART: See Pain Lancinating. ICE, feels as if a piece lay between: Lachn. See also Coldness. SCAPULAR REGION. 83 ICY coldness in: Amm. m., Natr. m. LAMENESS and stiffness of: Dulc. LUNG: See Aching between. NECK: See Pain rheumatic. PAIN: Aching: Aesc, Ail., Cina, Merc, Nat. m., Sep. Across: Ars., Cann. i. Preventing walking erect Cann. i. And stitches beneath r.: Chel. Tearing: Berb., Caust. Bruised: Aeon., Dig., Graph. In and on: Aloe. Sprained: Amm. m. Burning, sticking: Calc. Constant, also stitches, beneath lower angle of r. (Ab. c, Chel., Chen.; 1. Ail.) : Pod. In, and down back: Sep. Contractive: Graph. Drawing: Calc, Col., Lye, Sulf. Internally in r.: Col. Tearing: Aeon. Dull: Hell. In: Amm. c., Bell., Caps., Cim., Hep., Naja, Nitr. ac, Nux., Puis., Rhus. Verat. As from a strain: Bell. If hurt or sprained: Carbo an. And most below: Calc. p. R. and chest: Aesc. With colic: Amm. c, Nitr. ac. Lancinating: Ginseng., Glon. From heart to: Glon. Severe, and stitches below r. ,]>throw- ing shoulders back or chest forward: Bad. Muscular, at lower margin of S., in sedentary women, from long continued sewing or writ- ing Ran. bulb., Zinc. Over: Apis. Piercing, as of knives: Natr. s. Rheumatic: Bell., Bry., Dios., Mez., Nux, RHUS, Staph., Verat. In, extends from nape of neck to small L.: Lye [of back: 84 SCAPULAR REGION. PAIN; Rheumatic in Museules, like a tension and as if swollen, making motion difficult: Mez. Very severe: Colch. Violent, neither;>nor warmthby motion: Cina. Or crushed, during rest or motion, could neither lie on back or side at night in bed: Amm.m. With, feeling: Am., China, Cina, Colch., Nux., RHUS. When lying on: Bry., China. Constant, and bruised sensation in, and back: Nux. 90 SMALL OF BACK. PAIN; Cord, from, down spermatic; after seminal emis- sions: Sarsap. Cramplike; pressive: Caust. Crushed: See bruised or and tensive. Cutting dragging with: Mag. c Drawing: Lach., Nitr. ac, Nitrum, Stram., Stron.c, Thuya, Val. Extends down thighs: Cim., Dulc. Nitr. ac. During rest: Dulc. Intolerable, extending upward and down- ward: Lach. Tearing, violent, <>pressure: Aeon. Dull aching: Aesc, Cim. Griping: Phyt. Hips, to and, from r. side of pubes: Amm. m. From: Fagop. In: Aeon., AESC, Amm. m., Bry., Canth., Caust., China., CIM., Cina., Coccul., Colch., Con., Ferr., Hep.,Ign., KALI C, Lach., Lye, Mag., Mez., Naja, Natr. c, Nitr. ac, NUX, Ox. ac, Petr., Phos., Phyt., Puis., RHUS, Sec, Sep., Sil., Verat. Liver and: Ferr. Intolerable: China. Knees: See beaten and. Lame, as if and weak: Lach. Like labor pains: Puis. Load, as from a heavy: China. Menses, in, and thighs at, B. < walking, thighs< sitting: Mag. m. See violent. Paralytic: Coccul. Peculiar, as from a stick lying across, being pressed from without: Nux m. Pressive: Canth., Carbo. an., Caust. Cramplike: Caust. Very sensitive to every step: Carbo an. Rising, on, from sitting: Ant. c, Arg. n., Caust., Sil. With vertigo and stitches on top of head: Caust. Severe, when, from a seat, standing or walk- ing (Ant. c.) : Agr. n. Violent, when, from sitting, when walking: Ant. c, Arg. n. SMALL OF BACK. 91 PAIN; Rising, when, from stooping: Phos. Rheumatic: Dulc, Rhus, Verat. Seat: See rising. Severe: Arg. n: Calc, Carbo. v., China, Con. And stitches: Con. On rising from a seat: Ant. c, Arg. n. Sil. ^standing or walking: Arg. n. Sore: Natr. c. Spermatic cord, down, after emissions: Sarsap. Spine, on both sides of: Ox. ac. Sprain and stitches, as from a, <[rest, > walking: Staph. Sprained: Caust., Oleum an., Petr., Puis. As if on motion: Puis,. Violent, as if: Caust., Oleum an., Petr. Sticking; violent: Calc. caust. Stiffness and: Lye, Puis., Sil. Like a, when writing: Lauro. And, on rising from a seat: Sil. Stitches and: Con., Staph. Severe with drawing in jlumbar verte- bras: Con. See sprain. Stooping, as after long: Dulc Tearing, drawing violent, ^pressure: Aeon. Thighs: See menses. To hips from: Amm. m., Fagop. Violent: Ant. c, Arg. n., Calc. caust., Hep., LYC, Mag. c, Natr. e, Petr. In morning on rising; during menses: Lye. Like clawing, drawing, sticking, working: Ign. Most, after walking: Natr. e Walking difficult, which makes: Bry. Most violent, after: Natr. c. <^When: Hep. Weak and lame, as if: Lach. Weakness and: Sep. Much and: Sep. Writing, like a stiffness when: Lauro. Tensive, as if crushed or bruised: China, Rhus. PAINFUL lassitude: Col. Also in lower extremities: Col. 92 SMALL OF BACK. PAINFUL stiffness, on motion: Rhus. Weariness; Clem. PRESSIVE: See Pain pressive. PRESSURE and tension: Clem., Lye As with a cutting edge, across, while standing and bending backward: Rhus. PULSATIONS: Natr. c and m. Violent: Natr. c. SEAT: See Pain severe. SEVERE bruised feeling and throbbing: Kali. c. See Pain severe. SLEEP prevented by bruised sensation: Rhus. SORENESS on touch: China, Nux. SPRAIN, stitches and pain as from, walking: Staph. STICKING: Calc. caust., Merc, Verat., Zinc. See also also Pain sticking. STIFFNESS: Carbo an., Kali c, Rhus. And lameness: Calc. fluo., Kali c., Rhus. Pain: Lye, Puis., Rhus., Sil. On rising from a seat: Sil. Painful, on motion: Rhus. STITCHES: Amm. m., Con., Kali, c, Puis., Staph., SULF. See Cutting and Drawing. TEARING: Phos. ac. Across: Lye TENSIVE: See Aching tensive. THIGHS: See Pain drawing and menses. THROBBING and bruised feeling: Kali c. Drawing in all limbs and: Lach. TREMBLING: Cim. VERTIGO: See Head. WALKING: See Pain walking. WEAK: Lach., Phos. ac, Psor., Sep. LIMBS esp. lower heavy, from sexual excesses: Phos. ac. See also Pain weak. WEAKNESS: Ars., Cim., Nux, Psor., Sep., Zinc. Much and pain. Sep. LUMBAR REGION. 93 LUMBAR REGION. ABSCESS: Calc. c. ACHING: Cobalt., Convall., Helon., Naja, Berb. And burning: Helon. Dull, soreness, great prostration, pains^lying on back: Convall. BURNING and aching: Helon. Weakness: Bell. CUTTING in: Thuya. Rectum and anus with dull aching soreness in,>lying on back: Convall. CRAMP and pressure in: Bell. In lumbo-sacral region and coccyx: Bell. DEEP lancinations in: Ginseng. DORSAL region: See Pain in. HEAVY weight, sensation of, in lumbo-sacral region: Col. See Pain heavy. HIPS, weakness in, and, extending down lower extremities: Ox. ac. See also Pain across. KINK in, hindering deep inspiration: Aeon. KNEES, special affinity for lumbar region and: Berb. LUMBAGO: Aesc, Agar., Aloe, Amm., Ant. t., Arn., Bell., BERB., Brom., BRY., CALC. FLUO., Canth., Cobalt., Col., Convall., Ferr., KALI C, Kali s., Kalip., Lye, Magnol., Natr. m., XUX, Ox. ac, Puis., Rhod., RHUS, Thuya, Val., Zinc. After confinement: Kali c. Failure of Bry.: LYC. Rhus: CALC. FLUO. All night, goes off on rising,>walking slowly about: Ferr. Alt. with headache: Aloe, Brom. Pain elsewhere: Magnol. In thighs: Amm. c. 94 LUMBAR REGION. LUMBAGO; Alt. with piles: Aloe. As if small of back were broken, pains shoot down backs of thighs (Cim.) : Kali c. Back feels lame (Rhus), bruised (Arn.) as if broken (Kali c), ^nights in bed (Ferr.), inability to turn over, must sit up first, the longer he lies the worse,he feels: Nux. Extending to hips and thighs (Cim., Kali c.),< rising from a chair (Kali p.) or stooping: Zinc. From a strain: Arn., Calc. fluo., Nux, Rhus, Ruta. Great pain on attempting to rise (Kali p., Lye, Puis.) ,]>warmth (Ars., Mag. p.) and bend- ing backward (Bell.) cold: RHUS. Involving sacrum and hips (Cim., Kali c.) lying on side, but esp.>change of position (Rhus), pains laborlike (Cim., Puis.), or sprained (Arn.) on motion: Puis. Must sit up in bed to turn over, < A. M., early: Nux. Pain aching, shooting, stitching, ) : Kali s. See also under head of Pain. Pressive bruised pain in, and back early on rising, on turning trunk or while standing (Arg. n.), walking (Sabin., Zinc): Thuya. Severe, ]> pressing against something hard (Rhus) and lying on back (Puis.) : Natr. m. In loins and over kidneys, incessant desire to urinate (Eup. purp.), moaning, severe agonizing pains: Canth. Sudden, sharp, lancinating pains, extending up and down back, rarely through to front. <3 A. M. (Caul., Verat.), can't remain in bed (Ferr.)-, Kali c. LUMBAR REGION. 95 LUMBAGO; Terrible pain extends over both kidneys down thighs (Cim., Nitr. ac.), extremely anxious to change position often (Rhus), but slightest movement causes one to shriek in agony, frequent desire to pass large quantities of urine (Ign.), but the extreme pain from motion causes one to desist, legs numb, weak and cold: Ox. ac. Vertebrae feel as if rubbed against each other: Ant. t. With retching on slightest effort to move: Ant. t. warmth (Ars., Mag. p.) and bending back- ward (Bell.), on turning trunk or while standing(Arg.n.), from warmth(Ars., Hep., Mag. p. Rhus): Kali s. Shooting, aching, stitching,lying on back: Convall. WEARINESS, painful, with boring pains: Bufo. WEIGHT, sensation of a heavy, in: Col. i *7 98 SACRAL REGION. SACRAL REGION. ACHE, constant, in, and hips,motion: Aloe. HEAVY load, tensive aching in as from a: China. See also Pain heavy. HIPS, constant ache in, and in H., >motion: Aloe. SHOOTING, violent, in, between hips: Sil. SITTING: See Painful and Pressing. SORENESS and pain: Sep. As if dislocated; or separated: Calc. p. STITCHES, violent,heat (Hep., Mag. p., Rhus): Ars. Shooting down to foot,<walking (FERR., RHUS): Val. Jerking, aching in hips, ), ^>lying perfectly still (Bry.): Dios. Stitching: Coff. Tearing: Aeon., Caust., Coff., Col., Kali i., Merc, Nux. Down limb, <[ at rest (Ars., Ferr., Verat.), > motion (Ferr., Verat.), heat (Ars., Hep., Mag. p.; Lyc<) : RHUS. Shooting: See burning. Violent, down to foot: Phyt., Rhus. Thigh: See break. Throbbing, as though joints would burst: Ign. See intermittent. Tingling: Aeon. With lame feeling: Arn., Led., Zinc. ox. Numbness: Aeon., Rhus. Stiffness and weakness: Lye ^motion (Bry.) yet not>lying down: Ran. bulb. <[standing: Agar., Sulf. L.: Agar. Wrenched, as if hip joints were: Iris. PAINFUL heaviness: Sulf. PARALYZED, r. feels as if: Chel. Seem as if: Rhus. PARALYSIS, attacks of suffocation, internal heat, ex- ternal cold, result of fright; anxiety: Cup. From cold, limbs feel icy cold: Dulc. See Motory. PARALYTIC condition,after excesses, fever, or diphtheria Natr. m. See also Pain drawing. PHLEBITIS after pregnancy: Lach. Soreness and swelling of leg up to thighs, extends to abdomen: Ham. RESTLESSNESS: See Agitation. RISING, stiffness and general soreness on: Eup. perf. RHEUMATISM of: Cim., Led. 108 LOWER EXTREMITIES. SCIATICA, Chronic: Ign. > lying on affected side (Puis.; Sil., Tell. <) : Bry. >motion: Eup. perf., Ferr., Rhus. Can hardly put foot to ground, but no>while walk- ing: Ferr., Rhus. Caused by working in water,),> elevating knee: Calc Chronic, intermittent, summer:Ign. During pregnancy: Arn. Either side: Aeon., Amm. in., Arn., Ars., Bry., Calc, Col., Gnaph., Ign., Kali bi., Phyt., Plumb., Pod., Rhus, Ruta, Salyc. ac., Val., Verat., Xanth., Zinc. Esp. in women (Puis.; Kali bi., males), painslying down: Ran. bulb. From injuries and contusions: Arn., Ruta. Great pains, extending to ramifications of nerves, with feeling of numbness (numbness some- times alt. with pain), pains extend to toes (Elat.): Gnaph. If Rhus, Ruta or Sep. failed: Fluo. ac. (Calc. fluo.) Bry. failed: Lye Jerking aching pain in hip, <^in hot weather (Lathy.; Calc. p., IGN., Rhus>): Kali bi. Nerves, extremely sensitive as if uncovered, cannot bear to have anyching touch affected parts (Arn., China, Led.): Bell. Neuralgic: Aeon. Of females: Puis., Ran. bulb. Males: Kali bi. Pain, bruised, in thighs and legs, shooting and gnawing in shafts of bones, and violent tear- ing in joints: Bell. Burning,heat: Ars. Descends anterior crural nerve(Xanth.; Gnaph.,pos- terior) increasing in intensity as it goes down: Pod. During paralysis or muscular atrophy,violent,light- ninglike: Plumb. Extending whole length of leg,), pressure (Kali bi., Sil.) and flexing leg on abdomen: Col. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 109 SCIATICA: Pain from sacrum to thighs<|pressiiig at stool, coughing, laughing, lying on affected side (Nux, Sil. Bry., Puis.]>) lying down at night (Rhus); and on r. side: Tell. In hips and thighs intolerable while standing and esp.walking (Kali bi., Sulf., Verat., Thuya): Val. Like electric flashes, < 3 A. M. (Caul., Kali c.) must sit up and let legs hang out of bed (must elevate knees: Calc), or walk about (Ferr., Cham.) : Verat. Seems to be in marrow of bones, as if bones were broken: Ruta. Recurring in cold season (Calc p., Rhus), with intense coldness and shivering, <^nights (Ars., Ferr., Merc, Rhus), pains intermittent, some- times throbbing: Ign. Violent, of a boring character, lasting about an hour, always preceded by coldness, has to get up and walk about (Cham.,Ferr.): Ign. Tearing pains down to foot: Rhus, Phyt. With painful contractions of hamstrings: Natr. m. heat (Lye O : Ars. walking (Kali bi., Sulf., Thuya, Verat.), but entirely > lying down (Rhus, Tell.<) : Amm. m. (L. S.):L. side: Ars., CHAM., Elat., Eup. perf., Iris, Kali bi., Led., Menyanth., PULS., Still., Sulf., Thuya. >lying on affected side (Puis.; Sil., Tell.<): Bry. > motion: Eup. perf. L. side,]>walking (Amm. m., Sulf., Thuya, Verat.) and bending leg (Col.), ^standing (Val.), sitting (Mag. m., Val.), lying (Rhus, Tell.), and on pressure (Col., Sil.) : Kali bi. Hip to os calcis, almost crazy from pain, drives one out of bed and compels one to walk the floor (Ferr., Verat.) : Cham. In females (Ran. bulb.; Kali bi., males), cannot rest, yet motion < (Bry.) : Puis. Of a burning character (Ars.) shooting down to foot, much<[motion (Bry., Puis.): Iris. 110 LOWER EXTREMITIES. SCIATICA; (L.S.) : L.side, parts cold, motion (Rhus): Menyanth. Pains as if 1. hip joint were wrenched: Iris. Dull aching, ), affecting outer part of 1. thigh: Sulf. Shooting and dull aching in 1. thigh, down sciatic nerve to instep and ouf of toes: Elat. Tearing sticking along 1. to tip of big toe: Ars. (R.S.) ; R. side: Caust., COL., Dios., Lach., RHUS, Tell., Val. Pain from sacrum to thigh, <, pressing at stool (Carbo an., Nux), coughing, laughing, lying on affected side (Nux, Sil.; Bry., Puls.>) and lying down at night (Kali bi., Rhus), and on r. side (Col., Rhus) : Tell. Shooting whole length of limb, r. side, ), >lying perfectly still (Bry.) : Dios. Pains tear down limb, motion and heat: Rhus. Tearing pressure in middle of inside of leg, not by motion or contact: Bell. Sticking along limb to tip of big toe: Ars. < after sleep: Lach. tight bandaging: Trill. Violent bruised sensation in, and, painful on stoop- ing: Sil. See Pain. BACKACHE affecting: Aesc. BLOW or sprain: See Pain blow. BOILS on nates: Phos. ac. BONES: See Pain bruised. BROKEN, painful as if: Phos. BRUISED sensation in, thighs and neck from growth: Phos. ac. Violent in, and back, painful on stooping: Sil. See Pain bruised, Shooting. BURNING in: Mag. m., Nux. See also Pain burning. CARIES in, and heels, pus offensive: Calc. p. Of r., 1. leg atrophied and painful: Caps. COLDNESS in gluteal region: Calc. COUGHING: See Pain sticking. CRAMP: Natr. m., Phos. ac. CUTTING or sore aching in spleen extends to: Grind. See Pain cutting. DIGGING: See Pain digging. DISEASE, acute pains extend to knee, painsv. L.: Aeon., Rhus, Sep. waking (Rhus) walk: Calc See also Painful, Paralytic, Stiffness. 122 KNEES. KNEES. ACHE severely: Aesc. Tensive, from bends to heels: Rheum. ACHING in outer part of 1. while sitting, < walking: Hydrast. Of patella-, as if beaten loose: Bry. ANKLES: See Pain rheumatic, Painful, Tearing. BACK: See Weakness. BANDAGED: See Paralyzed. BEATEN, joints pain as if: Arn., Ars. Loose, patellae ache as if: Bry. Or sore, pain as if: Arn., Led. BEND, itching tetter in of: Kali ars. Tensive ache from, to heel: Rheum. BONE: See Pain bone. BORING and drawing: Col., Mez. See Pain boring. BOUND, sensation as if too tightly: Sil. See Tremulous. BROKEN: See Pain bone. BRUISE: See Synovitis. BRUISED feeling: Zinc. See Pain bruised. BUBBLING: See Synovitis. BURNING-and dryness in patellae: Bufo. CHRONIC synovitis: Calc. fluo., China. CLAWS: See Sensation. COLD, intensely so in diabetes: Berb. Nose, hot K.: Ign. COLDNESS: Col. In bed: Carbo v. CONTINUOUS: See Pain continuous. CONTRACTIVE pain: Ferr. CRACKING: Calc, Caust., Chel., Coccul., Glon., Ign., Led., Natr. s., Puis., Sul. KNEES. 123 CRACKING and creaking: Cham., Ign., Led. In joints with stiffness: Natr. s. On walking: Caust. CREAKING: See Cracking. CRAMP: Hep. In hollows: Calc. CRAMPLIKE drawing: Oleand. See also Pain cramplike. CUTTING shoots in external muscles above r., only on sitting: Bell. DIABETES, intensely cold in: Berb. DIGGING: See Patellae violent. DRAGGED down, pateilae feel: Cann. i. DRAWING and boring: Col., Mez. Tearing, violent, through, and tibia, esp. evenings: Sulf Tension: Cham. Cramplike: Oleand. Painful, with weakness, when standing or walking which is very difficult, K. give way: Cup. Rheumatic: Iod. Stitches in r., amotion: Staph. See also Pain drawing. DROPS: See Synovitis. DRYNESS and burning in patellae: Bufo. DULL pain: Clem. EFFUSION: See Synovitis. EXUDATION: See Synovitis. FALL: See Weak. FEET, stiffness of, and: Ars., Rhus. Alt. with tearing pains: Ars. See also Tremulous. FIRMNESS, joints have none: Arn. GIVE way, excessive weakness: Merc. See also Drawing painful. GOUT: Calc. GOUTLIKE tension: Phos. GOUTY pains: Crotal., Pet. HANDS: See Tendons. HARD: See Swelling. HEEL, tensive aching from bend of K. to: Rheum. HIPS: See Pain rheumatic, sticking. 124 KNEES. HOLLOWS, cramp in: Calc. Hard swelling in: Mag. e Painful as from stiffness: Nit. ac. On motion: Natr. e Stiffness of: Sulf. And tension: Nux. Tendons seem too short: Natr. m., Nux. Tension: Dig., Nux, Sulf., Verat. On stepping as if too short: Sulf. See also Pain, Sensation, Stiffness. HOT swelling of r.: China. Nose cold: Ign. HOUSEMAID'S: Iod., Sticta. HYGROMA patelae: Arn. ITCHING tetter in bends: Kali ars. JERKING pain: China. JOINTS have no firmness: Arn. K. caps ache as if beaten loose: Bry. KNIFELIKE pain in joints: Aeon. KNOCK together: Agar., Bry., Chel. And totter while walking: Bry. KNOCKING under and tottering of: Nux. LAMENESS and painfulness of 1.: Crotal., Dios. LEG, stiffness of, L. and r. big toe: Atrop. See Stiffness, Weak. LOSS of power: Bry. NEURALGIA under,>warm wraps: Atrop. NOSE cold K. hot: Ign. NUMBNESS: See Synovitis, Tremulous. PAIN; Aching: Aesc, Bry., Hydrast., Rheum. And trembling: Chel. Beaten, as if in joints: Arn., Ars. Or sore, as if: Arn., Led. Bone, in, just below K, as if it had been broken and were not perfectly firm, while stepping upon it: Verat. a. Boring: Canth., Sep. Nightly in synovitis (q. v.): Iod., Merc. motion, pains boring<^nights, K. swollen: Kali c Of shoulder and: Kreos.; R. side: Apoc. and. Hip and, 1. side: Verat. v. With severe pains: Ferr. p. SENSATION as if articular surfaces were separated: Cham. Bound too tightly: Sil. Claws were clasping: Cann. i. As if hollows of, were too short, when rising from a seat: Nux. In hollows as if tendons were too short: Natr. m., Nux. Of great fatigue: Merc. % See also Synovitis, Tremulous. SENSITIVENESS: See Synovitis. SEVERE pressure below patellae: Chel. See also Pain severe. KNEES. 127 SHOOTS: See Cutting. SIDE: See Weak. SEAT: See Pain, Stiffness. SINK down from weakness: Coccul. See also Weak. SITTING: See Aching, Cutting, Pain drawing, Tearing. SORE: See Pain beaten. SPRAIN: See Pain sprain. STANDING: See Stiffness, Weakness. STICKING: Natr. m., Sulf. And tearing in r., extending to feet: Sulf. In 1.: Natr. m. See also Pain sticking, Swelling. STIFFNESS: Ars., Caust., Bry., Nux, Rhus, Sulf. And tension in hollows esp. after standing: Nux. Swelling, cannot walk, with violent pains in both legs: Calotropis. In hollows: Sulf. Joints crack: Natr. s. Of, and feet: Rhus; Alt. with tearing pains: Ars. L., leg and r. big toe: Atrop. Painful in hollows as from: Nit. ac. Of, and ankles: Dros. Tensive: Bry. See also Pain rheumatic. STITCHES: Bry., Nit. ac, Pet., Staph. Drawing in r., ., Camph., Caust., CUP., Graph., Hep., Jatropha, Lye, Phos., Plumb., Pod., Rhus., SEC, SULF., Merc, corr., \rerat. a. Day and night: Graph. From ankle to: Cup. In, and hollows of knees on stretching out leg:,Calc. Legs: Ambra, SULF. Even when walking: Anac, Calc, Sulf. They are painful as if too short: Sulf. LEGS. 131 CALVES: Cramp in thighs and feet with painless stools: Pod. On stretching out legs, at night: Sulf. Violent, nights: Ambra, Calc, Sulf. When walking: Anac, Calc. p., Sulf. Or rising from a seat>lying down: Anac. Debility: Arg. nit. See also Rigidity. Drawing and pressure: Nitrum. Paralytic: Nux. See also Pain biting. Feet: See Cramp. Hollows of knee: See Cramp. Jerking, spasmodic: Opi. Knee: See Cramp. Pain: Colch. Biting, sticking, tingling: Berb. Bruised, paralytic: Mag. m. Sticking: See Biting. Tearing, in outer side: Val. Tensive: Natr. m., Nux. While walking: Natr. m. Tingling: See biting. Twinging, in outer side when sitting: Val. Violent: Sec. Painful: See Cramp. Pressure: Cic. Tension: Carbo an., Puis. Painless stools with cramps in C.: Pod. Paralytic drawing: Nux. See also Pain bruised. Rigidity with debility and weariness as after a long walk: Arg. nit. Rising: See Cramp. Seat: See Cramp. Severe tearing in tendons beneath r. C.: Caust. Sitting: See Pain twinging. Soreness: Aesc. Spasmodic jerking: Opi. Sticking: See Pain biting. Stretching: See Cramp. 132 LEGS. CALVES; Swelling: Dulc. Tearing: Caust., Mez., Natr. c. See also Pain tearing. Tendons: See Severe. Tension: Natr. m. Too short, feel as if on walking: Sil. See also Cramp. Thighs: See Cramp. Violent cramp in C at night: Ambra, Calc, Sulf. Walking: See Cramp, Pain tensive. Weariness: See Rigidity. COLD, to knees: Calc, Sep., Sil. COLIC pains extend to: Kali c CORDS were tied about, sensation as if: China. CRAMPS: Ars., Carbo an., Cham., Colch., Col., Cup., Jatropha, Pod., Sec. Ankles to calf: Cup. In forepart near tibia, on walking: Carbo an. Occasionally, and in feet: Sec. See also drawing. CRAMPLIKE: See Pain cramplike. CRAWLING, severe: Carbo v. See also Tremulous. CROSSED, cannot sleep unless: Rhod. DEBILITY felt mostly in: Arg. nit. DRAWING: Graph., Led. And pains: Aeon., Lye Tearing in bones: Kali c, Nit. ac. Tension: Puis. Heaviness and numbness: Bufo. Painful, cramps in calves, feet swell: Ferr. ac. In tibia: Anac, Merc. Pressure, jumping: Agar. Rheumatic, in both: Carbo v., Graph., Mez. Spasmodic: Nux. See also Pain drawing. DRAWN up to abdomen: Arg. nit. FATIGUE and weakness: Tarent. FEEL as if they would burst on letting them hang down: Vipera t. FEET, swelling of 1. L. and: Lach. See also Drawing, Tearing. LEGS. 133 FIDGETY: Tarent. h., Zizia. GANGRENOUS death: Carbo v., Sec See also Tibia. GARTERS: See Sensation. FORMICATION: Sec. HEAD: See Nodes. HEAVINESS: Con., Lye, Natr. in.. Puis., Tarent. And paralytic weakness: Bell. Stiffness: Carbo v., Chel. Tension: Kali bi. Weariness as after a long walk: Rhus. During day: Puis. Feeling of: Agar. See also Drawing. HIVES, small elevations like, on scratching: Spig. JERKING and tearing, deep: Ars. JUMPING drawing pressure: Agar. MENSES: See Veins. NODES on head and, immense: Still. Shin bones: Cinnab. NUMB, easily get: Bufo. NUMBNESS: Kali e, Plat. See also Drawing, Tremulous. PAIN: Aching: Puis., Rhus, Sep. And drawing: Aeon., Lye Beaten: See violent. Bruised: Carbo v. As if: Bell., Calc, Dios. And soreness to touch, in periostitis of tibia: Phos. Burning: Agar. SENSATION as if being pulled by: Agar. Garters were too tighgt and, would go to sleep: China. See also Tremulous. SEVERE crawlings: Carbo v. See also Pain severe. SHAKE: Lye SHARP pains: Iod. SITTING, seem as if asleep on rising from: Puis. See also Tremulous. SLEEP, cannot, unless L. are crossed: Rhod. L. and feet go to, as far as calves, during day: Carbo an. SORENESS: See Tibia, Veins. SPASMODIC drawing: Nux. STANDING, pains increase on: Agar. LEGS. 135 STIFFNESS and heaviness: Carbo v., Chel. STINGING: See Veins. SWELLING: Acet. ac, Calc, Chel., Clem., Cup., Iod., Kreos., Lye, Natr. m.. Plumb.. Stram. Deep red, extending down: Lach. Like bruises: Bufo. Of, and foot: Lach. See also Drawing, Tibia. TEARING: Bell., Calc, Lye, Natr. c, Zinc. And drawing in bones: Kali c, Nit. ac. Jerking, deep: Ars. Downward in tibia to back of foot: Zinc. In r. tibia: Kali bi. See also Pain tearing. TENSION and drawing: Puis. TIBIA: Cramp in fore part of, near T. on walking: Carbo an. Gangrenous periostitis, with bruised pain and sore- ness to touch: Phos. Painful drawing in: Anac, Merc. Periostitis of 1. and of long bones, with burning pain cold applications: Fluo ac. With stabbing pains: Fluo. ac., Sil. Crawling tearing in, of arms, extending into fingers: Cham. Cutting, pressing, tearing deep in, running from affected joint along limbs, like an electric shock: Bell. Drawing and jerking, slow painful, as if in, of ex- tremities, when sitting quietly: Val. Tearing: Mez. In external condyles of r. femur: Col. Of face: Kali bi. Periosteum of, nightly: Rhod. Paralytic, here and there as if in: Coccul. See also Rheumatic, Sensitive. Tearing, very violent, in middle part of long, so that they have hardly any firmness from sheer pain: Zinc. Feel as if scraped by a knife, pain, the dyspnoea being<.motion: Ox. ac. Trembling and lack of sensibility of limbs: Gels. See also Sensation. OPISTHOTONOUS, consciousness with: Nux. OPERATIONS, neuralgia after: Cepa, Staph. OVARIAN: See Pain ovarian. OVERSENSITIVE to cold: Hep., Sil. Impressions: Nux. Pain: Coff., Cham., Hep. And cold: Hep. PAIN: Aching: Aeon., Bell., Cobalt., Lob. c, MERC, Phyt., RHUS. And sharp: Merc: See also Arthritis. Stitches in muscles, but no swelling: Abrot. In posterior aspect of spleen: Lob. c. Shooting, stitching, sitting: Cobalt. Affects larger joints: Bry. Smaller joints: Act. s., Kali bi., Led., Sticta. And stitches in muscles, but no swelling: Abrot. Attacks every other day: Ars., CHIN. S.,.Ferr., Lye Oweating (Merc.) : Ferr. Beaten, as if or weary: Mez. Begins A. M.: Bry., Arux, Puis., Sep. Immediately on awaking, and becomes very intense and gradually de- creases (Stann.) until afternoon, when it vanishes: Sep. At 2 P. M., growsmotion, extremities esp. feet cold: Rhod. Fine stinging and gnawing, in long, they feel bruised and as if they would crumble like decayed wood: Bell. Gnawing and sticking, in long: Dros. See also fine. In all: Staph. Ball of great toe: Sep. Face, particularly in superior maxilliary: Calc. p. Forepart of tibia, like chilliness, not>by heat: Colch. Great trochanter, while walking: Cina. Just below knee: Verat. a. Metacarpal, of middle toes: Thuya. Of hand, as if pounded: Bell. Hip joint, as if flesh were loosened from: Zinc. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. 169 PAIN; BONE, in periosteum of limbs, with paralytic weakness: Cham. Radial, as if dislocated, during rest and motion: Coccul. Tarsal: Lach. Neuralgic, which leaves, sore: Hep. Paralytic bruised, in long, joints and small of back on motion: Calc. Periosteal, rheumatic, in: Asa. Pressive, in,'of shoulders: Lauro. Tibial: Agar. Rheumatic in: Lact. ac. And joints of extremities: Gels. Esp. metacarpal, and fingers: Clem. See also periosteal. Shooting: See burning. Spasmodic, in, of forearm, as if, were pressed: Verat. L. arm: Psor. Stabbing, in, in caries: Fluo. ac, Sil. Stinging: See fine. Tearing, in long: Ars. Of last phalanges of fingers of r. hand: China. Forearm and wrist: Thu}a. Thigh: Indigo. Violent, in, of lower leg: Kali bi. Weary: See beaten. rest and heat: Col. Cutting, shooting, starting, often burning at same time leading to fury or convulsions at times: Canth. Darting, tearing,continued motion: Rhus r. and t. With stitches, but no swelling: Abrot. Toes, feet, fingers and hands: Con. Wrists and ankles: Cann. i. Increases and decreases rapidly: Bell., Kali bi. Slowly: Stann., Plat. Proportionately as sweat increases: Tilia. Intense: See begins, Rheumatism in. Intolerable: Ars., Cham. Itching: See biting. Jerking: See joint jerking. JOINTS: Affects larger: Bry. Smaller: Ate s., Kali bi., Caul., Led., Sticta. All, mostly on motion. Articular, alt. with rheumatic paralysis: Nit- rum. Beaten, as if or weary: Mez. In all, on motion: Nux. Boring and pressing, in all: Clem. Bruised paralytic, in, small of back and long bones: Calc. In all, mornings: Phos. ac. Limbs and, on which^he does not lie; A. M. injbed: Rhus. 172 GENERAL SYMPTOMS. PAIN: JOINTS, constantly recurring and momentary, in all, mostly smaller, which shift rap- idly about: Iris v. Changing places^*: Magnol. See also wandering. Dislocated, as if: Caps. Drawing in bones, muscles and: Kali bi. Severe, shift, in Rheumatism of small. Gouty: Caust., Ox. ac. [Caul. In all, painful sensation of chilliness in parts down to ends of fingers and toes: Bell. As if limbs were asleep: Ipec Limbs<[A. M. in bed, forcing one to stretch: Puis. Jerking, shifting, tearing<^ toward night small joints also violent paralytic pain, cannot hold anything in hands: And pinching, in all: Kreos. [Colch. Lancinating, sharp, above always trans- verse, not lengthwise of limb, with stiffness: Zinc. Many, in, of great toes and fingers: Natr. s Momentary: See constantly. Paralytic, and bruised sensation of all: ARN. In all: Led. See also bruised. Pressive, in, of knees and wrists: Led." Rheumatic, in bones and, of extremities: Gels. In nearly all: Kali bi. Severe, in r. arm and r. knee, at rest: Iris. Wandering, motion: Caust. Motion, from slightest: Bry. Neuralgic: Ars., Bell., Gels., Hep., Kali p., Mag. p., Pip. m. Merc, Plumb., ■ Sac. lac, Spig. >and not even felt during pleasant excite- ment: Kali p., Pip. m. In arms and legs: Ars., Plumb. Limbs, after scarlet fever: Gels. Like lightining, must walk the floor: Mag. c See also Cold. [and phos. Ovarian, walks bent with: Col. Oversensitive to: Cham., Coff., Hep. And cold: Hep. Only at night, at rest in bed or only on lying down during day, never during active motion: Merc. bin. Paralytic, in hands and lower limbs: Mez. See also jerking. Paroxysmal, so that he cries out, evenings and esp. nights, pressure; affects r. side mostly; appear suddenly, with restlessness, motion <[pains: Form. And gouty, are esp. copious sweats: Natr. m. >hard firm pressure: Col. In arms and legs, with stiffness of feet and ankles: Natr. m. Limbs: Calc, Euphorb., Form., Ox. ac, Propy., Rhus, Val., Verat. Like electric jerks, < heat of bed (Ferr., Led., Merc.)>walking about: Verat. a. 174 GENERAL SYMPTOMS. PAIN; Rheumatic, No>sweats: Merc. Recur every spring: Kali bi. Resembling a bruise, in limbs, <[during wet, cold weather: Verat. a. Similateral, wander from side to side (Lac can.) excessive debility and general languor (Paeonia): Rhus r. Severe: Ars., Caul., Kalm., Ox. ac, PLUMB. In legs and arms: Ars. Lasting a short time, occuring in small spots: Ox. ac. Little or no fever, swelling or other signs of inflammation: Kalm. Semilateral: See rheumatic. Sharp in rheumatism (q. v.): Arn. Spasmodic, shoot down to feet: Col. See also lancinating. Shift suddenly from internal parts to extremities: Phyt. Shifting, rheumatic-like, in arms, shoulders and legs: Naja. Shooting: Ars., Calc., Cepa, Canth., Cobalt., Magnol., Phyt., SULF. From muscles to joints: Calc. p. In all limbs: Magnol. Through limbs: Ars., Calc. See also Aching, bone pain, cutting, sharp. Soreness and rawness all over body externally and internally: Canth. Spasmodic, in all limbs: Sec. See also sharp, violent. Stabbing: See bone stabbing. Sticking or stitching:. BRY., KALI C, SULF. Stitching: Aeon., BRY., Cobalt., KALI C. SULF. Shoulder, from liver to: Vipera t. Sprain, as from a, in shoulder, hip and knee: Ign. Starting: Canth. See also cutting. Stinging: APIS, Bell. See also fine, burning. Splinterlike: Arg. nit., Hep., A7/. ac Streaking, in hands and legs: Fogopy. Superficial: Colch. See also deeper. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. 175 PAIN; Tearing: Aeon., Bry.. Colch., Iod., Phyt, Psor., RHUS. In arms; after slightest manual labor: Iod. Wandering, in extremities: Psor. With stiffness of limbs: Phyt. See also jerking. Tensive, in limbs, early A. M.: Bry., Nux. Threadlike: Cepa. See also Neuralgia of. Travel downward: Kalm., Mere Upward: Led., Sulf. Tingling: Ran. scler. See also biting. Under 1. ribs with yellow leucorrhoea: Ceanothus. Uterine, walks bent with: Amm. m. Vanishes on touch and appears elsewhere: Sang. Violsnt: Agar., Arn., Colch., Crot. h., PLUMB. In all paralyzed parts: Agar. Extremities, esp. muscular part of thighs: Plumb. Spasmodic, in upper and lower limbs: Phos. Plumb. See also burning. Wandering: APIS, Bry., Caul., Colch, Iris., Kali bi., LAC C, Magnol., Phyt., Psor., PULS., Rhus r., Sulf, Zinc. From side to side: LAC CAN., Rhus r., Zinc Patient pale and puffy: Phyt. Rapidly: Colch., PULS. See also changing, shifting, tearing. Weary, as if in limbs, when at rest: Pimpin. See also beaten. <^cool damp weather,>moist heat: Nux m. <[from heat applied to parts: Sec. sweat: Mere PAINFUL, all limbs are, feel as if beaten, on motion: As if beaten: Led. Lach. Concussion in limbs: Arn. Cramps in limbs, excessively: Phos. Hard nodes and concretions in joints: Led. Lameness, as from a long walk: Verat. Limbs: Cina, Cup. 176 GENERAL SYMPTOMS. PAINFUL; Muscles, on motion: Sil. Parts colder than rest of body: Led. See also Affected, Bones drawing, Joints painful. Lameness, Pressure, Stitches, Walk. PAINLESS lameness: Con. PALE: See Arthritis, Membrane, Pain wandering. PARALYZED feeling in limbs: Sil. See also Bones, Bruised hands. Joints, Pain violent. Sleep, Stiffness. PARALYSIS of extremities: Arg. nit., Chel., Cic, Plumb., Verat. Lower: Canth., Con. And r. arm: Cann. i. Hands and feet: Lauro. Motion: Gels. Partial, legs cold and bluish: Nux. Rheumatic, numbness and tingling alt. with articu- lar pains: Nitrum. See also Cord etc., Pain drawing, Symptoms of. PARALYTIC drawing in limbs: Coccul. Immobility: Coccul. See also Bones, Heaviness, Joints, Numbness, Pain paralytic weakness. PARTS hot, swollen red: Agar. Affected colder than rest of body: Led. PAROXYSMAL: See Pain paroxysmal. PERSPIRATION, effects of checked: Rhus. See also Rheumatic, Sweat. PERIOSTEUM: See Bone. PILES alt. with rheumatism: Abrot. PINCHING pressure in limbs, fingers and toes, as if bones were crushed: Oleand. PLAYING piano: See Power. POST-MERCURIAL and syphilitic troubles of bones and joints: Iod. POWER, loss of: Gels.. Crot. h. And muscular control of extremities, hands very tired from playing panio; writer's cramp; gait staggering; lower limbs feel heavy like lead: Gels. PRESSURE in r. shoulder and elbow, and 1. knee: Natr.s. Painful sticking, in muscles of extremities, in every position: Dros: See also Pain constant. Pinching. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. 177 PROMOTES union of fractures: Calc. p., SYMPHYT. PROSTRATION: Aeon., Kali bi., Phos. Of all limbs: Agar., Colch., Puis. Muscular system: Verat. See also Trembling. PUFFY, but little redness: Ferr. p. See also Pain wandering. PUFFINESS, of a pale slightly pinkish color: Merc. PULLING jerks and shocks in limbs: Bell. RAWNESS: See Pain soreness. RECURRING: See Pain constantly. REDNESS: See Parts, Rheumatism, Swelling. RESTING: See Pain in limbs. RESTLESS: See Pain makes. RESTLESSNESS, internal: Sil. RHEUMATIC fever, pain increases as sweat increases: Tilia. See also Pain, Paralysis, Neuralgia. RHEUMATISM: Abrot, Aeon., Act. s., Aeth., Agar., Anis, Apis, Apoe and., Am., Ars., Aspara- gus, Bellis, Ben. ac, BRY., Calc. e and p., Caul., CIM.. Clem., COLCH., Dulc, Eup. perf, FERR., Ferr. pic, Ferr. p., Form., Iod., Kali bi. and iod., KALM., Lac can., Lith. c, Lye, Mag- nol., Mag.c, Mangan., Merc bin. and sol., Phos. ac, Phyt., Pix liq., Pothos, PULS., Ran. bulb.. Ran. scler., Rhod., RHUS RAD., RHUSTOX., Salycil. ac, Sang., Sil., Sticta, SULF., ' Thuya, Verat., Zinc. Acute: Abrot., Aeon., Apis, Apoe and., Ars., Bellis, Form., Mere, Salycil. ac, Sang., China. Articular, inflammatory, motion impossible: Salycilic ac. Inflammatory: Abrot., Aeon., Apis, China, Salycil. ac. Muscular, on touching parts pain vanishes and appears elsewhere: Sang. With great stiffness: Apoe and. Alt. with asthma: Caul. Catarrh: Kali bi. Diarrhoea: Abrot., Dulc. *12 178 GENERAL SYMPTOMS. RHEUMATISM alt. with gastralgia: Abrot. Gastric symptoms: Kali bi. Heart and throat symptoms: Aeon. Piles: Abrot. Always>until evening and from warmth, painswarm season: Calc. p. Esp. at beginning of cold season: Kali bi. From getting feet wet: Puis. Wet all over: Rhus. Long continuance in water: Calc. Standing or working in water: Calc. Gonorrhoeal: Cann. s., Clem., Phyt., PULS., Thuya. Joints swollen, red, glands swollen, < Hereditary: Sil. [damp weather: Phyt In smaller joints, pains shift and are of a severe drawing character: Caul. Spring and summer; with cool days and cool nights: Kali bi. Inflammatory: Abrot., Aeon., Apis, China, Salycil. ac, Stict., Verat. Articular, heat and circumscribed redness of joints: Sticta. Inability to move: Abrot. Of small joints with intense pain in neck and head: Sticta. L. side mostly: Lach. To r.: Ben. ac, Lach. Metastasis to heart: Iod., KALM., Spig. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. 179 RHEUMATISM mostly muscular, alt. in arms and hands, legs and feet, pains only at night at rest in bed or lying down during the day, never dur- ing active motion: Merc. bin. Muscles feel bruised, sore, pains sharp, loss of power, local in winter, from exposure to damp and cold: Arn. Muscular: BRY., Cim., Merc, bin., Arux, Sang. Of fleshy parts of muscles,<: Merc. Night: Carbo an., CHINA, Nit. ac. Offensive: Carbo an. See also Perspiration, Rheumatic pains. 182 GENERAL SYMPTOMS. SWELLING and heat: Cim. Redness: Aeon., Puis., Rhus, Salycil. ac. Bluish: Lach. Circumscribed: Sticta. Pale: Aeon., Ars., Bry., Colch. Shining: Bell. Great, of dissecting wounds: Apis. No: Ferr. Or no: Lye, Phyt. Of muscles or joints: Merc. Shining white: Dig. See also Arthritis, Bone, Joint, Pain, Tearing. SWELLING of hands and feet: Rhus, Stram. And legs as far as knees: Ferr. SWOLLEN, hands, feet and limbs, in anaemia: Ferr. SYMPTOMS allby motion, sometimes pressure: Phos. ac. Appear diagonally: Agar. Generally<4 P. M.,>8 P. M., but generally weak: Lye wrapping up warmly: Sil. ^Washing in water (Phos., Sulf.), A. M. and P. M. and at rest: Sep. motion: RHUS, Sulf. hands of another person: Asa. TRUNK: See Rheumatism. TWITCHING and jerking in arms, fingers and hands: Iod. Convulsive: Kali brom., Stram. UNEASINESS intolerable, evenings: Caust. See also Constant, Joints. 184 GENERAL SYMPTOMS. UNSTEADINESS: See Weakness. VIOLENT drawing through limbs: Bry. See also Contractions, Cracking. WAKING: See Bruised and. WALK bent: Amm. m., Arn., Col. With hands pressed on painful side, in ovar- ian neuralgia: Col. Uterine pains: Amm. m. Inability to, difficulty in using limbs: Con. See also Inability, Trembling. WALKING, fatigued easily when: Ferr. See also Asleep, Gressus, Stiffness. WATER: See Rheumatism, Wrinkled. WAXY countenance: See Gout. WEAK after every exertion: Lye And drowsy, feels, with much muscular soreness, and aching, esp. lower limbs: Myrica. At intervals: Apis. Limbs profoundly, and fall asleep, from nervous ex- haustion, thighs ache, chest and abdomen weak: Coccul. So, he cannot stand up: Merc. cyan. WEAKNESS: And bruised feeling in limbs; Bry. Heaviness of all limbs: Bry., Gels., Natr. m. Sensation of loss of power of all limbs: Merc, Nuphar. Unsteadness of ligaments: Aeon. Weariness in all limbs: Calc, Cham., Merc. Great: Zinc. Of limbs, after slight exertion: Cic. Lower extremities and heaviness of arms: Natr. e In thighs and arms: Glon. Upper and lower limbs: Cup., Merc, Opi. Of limbs: Caust, Cup., Clem., Gels., Nux, Plumb., SIL., Tarent. Of muscular system: Form., Gels. Paralytic, in all limbs: Caust., Coccul. Tremulous: Arg. nit., Crot. h. See also Constant, Heaviness, Numbness. WEATHER: See Attacks, Rheumatism. GENERAL SYMPTOMS. 185 WEARINESS and bruised sensation in limbs: Chel., Clem. Exhaustion of limbs: Aeon. In all limbs during pregnancy: Calc p. Of wrists and ankles: Ars. See also weakness. WET: See Rheumatism. WHIRRING: See Tingling. WOMEN: See Kali bi. WORMS, chorea from: Sil. WOUNDS heal with difficulty: SIL. See also Swelling. WRINKLED, limbs pale, cold and, as if been too long in hot water: Sec. WRITER'S cramp: Gels. YELLOWNESS: See Tearing. ZINC acts after, but not with Puis. 186 MIND. ACCOMPANYING SYMPTOMS. MIND. ABSENTMINDED: Agnus, Apis, Cann. i. ALL senses more acute: Caps. ANGER: Aloe, Bry., Cham., Lye, Natr. m., Nux. Irritable: Cham. Violent outbursts of: Hep., Staph. ANGUISH: Ars., Bell., Cann. i., Hep., Sil., Verat And restlessness: Ars. ANXIETY: ACON., Bell., Bry., Calc, Pet, Plat, See APATHY: Opi., Phos. ac. APPREHENSION: Bry., Calc, Hell., Natr. c, Rhus. ARROGANT: Plat. AS if beside himself: Cham. AVARICIOUS: Calc, Lye, Natr. c CAPRICIOUS: Ars., Ign. CONFIDENCE, want of self: Lye CONFUSION: Aeon., Bell., Nux, Sulf. CONSCIENTIOUSNESS, delicate: Ign. DEATH, fear of: Aeon., Ars., Sec. Predicts day of: Aeon. DEJECTION: Aeon., Hep. DELIRIUM: Agar., Ars.,Bell., Caul., Pet., Rhus, Stram. DEPRESSED: Ign., Natr. m., Puis., Rhus. DESIRE to bathe in cold water: Phyt. DESIRES company: Bism., Stram. Light: Stram. Solitude: Cact, Cic, Cyc, Ign. To be quiet: BRY., Gels. DESPAIRING: Ars., Cann. i., Rhus. DISTRACTION: Lye, Natr. m. DISTRUSTFUL: Ant. e MIND. 1«7 DULLNESS: Agar., Natr. m., Sulf. Mental, by cold water: Aeon., APIS, Pic. ac. BRILLIANT, pupils large (Bell., Calc), face red: Lachnan. COLD feeling in: Spig. CONGESTED: Aeon., ARN., Bell., Kali brom. DIM, dull: Merc. Swimming: Ant. f. Sightedness: Agar., Bell. DISTORTED: Bell. DOUBLE vision: Aur. m., Bell., Gels., Nit. ac. Or even triple: Bell. DRYNESS, troublesome: Euphras., Hydrast. FIXED vision: Bry., Camph., Lye, Zinc. FEELING of round substances or sticks in: Dios. GIVE out when using them: Jaborand., Natr. m. GLISTEN: Hydroc ac, Stram. LIDS, burn: Col. And swell along margins: Euphras. Droop: Gels., Spig. Heavy and stiff: Rhus. Oedematous: Apis, Kali c., Rhus. Swelling of: Natr. c, Rhus. Between brows and, esp. mornings, like little bags of water: KALI C. PROMINENT, staring and restless: Stram. SICKLY look about: Ant. t, CINA. SUNKEN: Sec. SWELLING about: Phos. YELLOW: Chel., Crot h.. Dig., Sep. EARS.—NOSE. 193 EARS. BELL, noise as from: Led. BLOOD oozes from, with deafness: Crot. h. BURN and itch: Agar. COLDNESS or cold feeling of: Calc. p. CRACKLING as of burning birch bark: Eup. perf. CRACKING in, on moving jaw: Aloe. HEARS best in a noise: Graph. HISSING in: Sil. HUMAN voice difficult to hear: Phos. HUMMING in, as from a bee: Abrot. ITCHING and dragging pain in: Phos. MACHINERY, roaring in, as from: Hydrast. PAIN: See Itching, Stitches. PIANO string, noises like clang or snap of a: Lye PULSATIONS and buzzing in: Zinc. ox. RED, very: Sulf. RINGING and roaring in: Pet. In: CHIN. S., Ferr., Plat. L. all the time: Gamboge. STITCHES and pain extend from E. to E.: Hep. From within out: Sil. In 1.: Kali bi. WATER, noise before, like boiling: Dig. Like running: Cact. WIND storm, noise as from a: Led. WORM, sensation as from a, in: Rhod. NOSE. BLUENESS around: CINA, Kreos. BORING in Arum, t., CINA, Zinc. DROPPING from, in open air: Lith. c. NOSEBLEED during morning sleep: Bov. Straining at stool: Coff. Every spring: Con. L. side: Puis. Mornings: Carbo an. On washing face or hands, or after eating: R. side: Bell., Bry. [Amm. c. *13 194 NOSE.—FACE. NOSTRILS, eruption on r. and 1. upper lips: Aphis e Sore cracked and crusty: Ant. c Squirming in r. as from a worm: Calc, ATatr. m. RED, of drunkards: Lach. VARICOSE veins of: Carbo v. WARTS, old, on, and eyebrows: Caust. YELLOW: Chel. FACE. ACNE itch violently: Caust. Of boys: Calc. pic. Girls: Calc. p. ALTERED: Aeth., Cup. BESOTTED look: Bapt., Gels. BLACKNESS of lips: Ars., Rhus. Verat. BLUISH: Cup. BLUE lips: Cup. BROWN: Arg. nit. CHANGEABLE: Phos. CHEEKS yellow: Chel. COMPLEXION sallow: Cup., Lept, Plumb., Sep. CRACKED lips: Ars., Bry., Caps. DRY lips: BRY., Zinc. EARTHY colored and puffy: Merc. ERUPTION, copper colored: Carbo an. Red, pimply: Led. FLIES are attracted to head and: Calad. FLUSHED: Bell., Canth. Dark red: Bapt., Opi. When lying down: Aeon. With burning cheeks: Ferr. GREY: Lauro., Mez. ITCHING of: Fagop. LIVID: Camph. PALE: China, Ferr., Puis. And red alternately: Aeon. Flushing easily: Ferr. One cheek the other red: Cham. Or greenish: Carbo v. When rising: Aeon. MOUTH. 195 PAINS, drawing in bones of: Kali bi. PULLING at lips: Zinc. RED lips: Sulf. SORENESS of bones of: Carbo v. SWEAT on, when eating: Sulf. ac, SWOLLEN: Apis, Bry., Caps., Hell., Kali e Upper: Calc. WRINKLED as if old: Abrot, Arg. nit., Calc, Psor., Sarsap. YELLOWISH and green (Carbo v.) Iod. MOUTH. ACCUMULATION of water in: Carbo v., Mag. m. BURNING from, to anus: Iris. In: Iris, Mez. Scraping, peppery sensation in palate and fauces: Mez. COATED white with sensitive red patches: Tarax. CORNERS of, sore cracked and crusty: Ant. c. DRYNESS: Bry., Ginseng., Natr. m. FETID odor from: Caps., Merc, Sil. GUMS bleeding: Carbo v., Mere, Staph. And spongy: Mere, Staph. Blue margins: Plumb. Swollen: Merc. HOT: Borax, Colch. PALATE wrinkled: Borax. RAWNESS from, to stomach: Tarax. In: Tarax. SALIVA, bitter: Kali bi. Bloody, Ars. Runs out of, nights: Nux, Rhus. Fetid: Dig. Increased: Jabor., Merc. Salty, tastes: Cyc. Stringy or ropy: Kali bi. SCALDING in: Apis. SMARTING in: Tarax. SORE: Canth. Aphthous: Sulf. ac. 196 MOUTH. SPITS fluids out of, or squirts it across bed: Bapt. TASTE acid: Cact. Bitter: Bry., China, Coccul., Kali e, Merc, PULS. After food or drink: Puis. Of everything except water: Aeon. Food: Bry. Offensive, frequent drinks of water: Bry. Blood in mouth, of: China. Of, after cough: Ipee Copperish: Merc. Flat: Bolet, Kali c, Pet. Good of nothing but rye bread: Illisium. Greasy: Iris. Long after eating, of food: Puis. Lost: Natr. m., Puis. Putrid: Caps., Pet Water, as of: Caps. Salty: Carbo v., Cyc. Slimy: Abrot., Iris, Pet. Sour: Ign., ATux. TASTE sweet, of bread: Merc. Sweetish: Plumb. A. M.: Sulf. Of beer: Puis. TEETH ache constantly during night: Oleand. Day: Coccinella. Decay at crown: SIL. Roots: THUYA. Decayed, gums swollen, breath fetid: Merc. Dull, seem: Mez. Painful: Arg. nit. Sensitive: Merc. Too long, feel: Arn., Merc, Mez. TONGUE black and cracked: Lye Coating: China, Elaps, Opi. Dry: Alum. Cracked: Verat. Streak down center of: Lept. Bloody: Lach. Bluish: Dig., Mur. ac Brown: Hyos. Catches when protruded: Apis, Lach. MOUTH. —THROAT. 197 TONGUE: Clean: Ipec, Rhus. . Cold: Carbo v. Cracked: Kali bi. And dry parched: Ail. At tip: Lach. Red: Cham. Dry, black, hard like bark: Arg. nit. Shriveled, rattles in mouth: Mur. ac. Mapped: Natr. m., Tarax. Protruded, pale swollen: Vipera t. Red: Bism., Kali bi., Rhus, Tereb., Verat. Dry streak down middle: Phos. Parched, dry, paralyzed: Hyos. Rough: Anac, Rhus. Shining: Lach., Tereb. Shriveled: Mur. ac.,- Verat. Smooth: Kali bi. Triangular red tip: RHUS. Vessicles on borders: Apis. Tip: Lach. White: Ant. e, Bism., Puis. Burns like fire: Mag. m. Swollen, sore, ulcerated: Dig. Thickly coated: Ant. c, Bism. Withered and cold: Verat. Yellow, dry feals as if scalded: Psor. Furred: Aur. m., Hyperie VESSICLES about: Natr. m. VISCID mucus in: Natr. m., Phos. ac, Puis. THROAT. COLD sensation in: Cepa. CLOSED, T. and larynx feel as if: Lach. DRYNESS of: Aesc, Ars., Bell., Ginseng., Mag. c. Swelling and sticking pains: Aeon. DYSPHAGIA, mornings: Ox. ac. FISH bone, sensation of a, or sliver in: Arg. nit., Hep., Nit. ac. GLOSSY looking: Cist. GOITRE: Cist., Calc, Ferr., Iod., Spong. PAINS, fiery, burning in oesaphagus: Verat. v. 198 THROAT PRESSURE on or in, as from a ball: Paris. ROUGHNESS and soreness in: Phyt. SORE, raw, scratches: Cobalt. When not swallowing: Caps., Ign., Led. With stiff neck: Lachnan. STITCHES in, when not swallowing: Caps. TIGHT around, can endure nothing: Lach. WORM, squirming in, as from a: Hyperie APPETITE AND THIRST. APPETITE canine: Bar., Calc, Cann. i., Iod., Lye, Mere, Psor., Staph., Sulf Nights: Arn. Capricious: Cina. Diminished or lost: Amm. p., Arn. (days), Ars., China, Dig., Ferr. (A. M.), Nux, Puis., RHUS, Bry. For nothing but bread: Gratiola. Good: Aloe. Great, after a walk: Psor. Voracious: Ptel. With weakness if not gratified: Phos. 10 to 11 A. M.: SULF. AVERSION to bananas: Elaps. Cheese: Chel. Drinks, hot: Ferr. Food: Colch., Chin. s. Fat: Cyc, PULS. Hot: Ferr., Merc. corr. Meat: Graph., Sep., Sulf. Boiled: Chel. Milk: Sil. Sauerkraut: Hell. Sweets: Caust. DESIRE for acids: Cistus, Phos. ac, Verat. Beans: China. Bitter things: Natr. m. Charcoal: Alum. Coal: Alum., Cic. Coffee: China. Drinks, cold: Phos. Hot: Chel., Lye APPETITE AND THIRST. 199 DESIRE for earth: Alum. Eggs: Calc. Food, cold: Merc, corr., Phos., Verat Fat: Nux. Highly seasoned: Hep. Hot: Chel., Lye Liquid: Staph. Fruit: Verat. Juicy things: Phos. ac. Lime: Nit. ac. Manure: Merc. aur. Meat: Mag. c, Menyanth. Smoked: Kreos. Milk: Apis, Chel., Rhus, Sabad. Cold: Rhus. Oysters: Natr. m. Rags, clean: Alum. Refreshing things: Phos. ac Spirits, ardent: Sel. Stimulants: Sulf. ac. Sweets: ARG. NIT., Sabad., Sulf. THIRST: Aeon., Bell., Bry., Colch., Nux, Rhus, Verat., Tilia. Burning: Ars. Chilliness after drinking: Caps. Evenings: Natr. m. Great: Kreos. Night, at: Ant. e Quantity, large: Bism., Bry., Verat. At long intervals: BRY. Small and often: Apis, ARS., Sabad. Unquenchable: Aeon. THIRSTLESS: Apis, Cyc, Gels., PULS., Sabad. With feeling of dryness in mouth; Bry. 200 STOMACH. STOMACH. COMPLAINTS from gluttony: Ant. c, Cepa, Nux. ERUCTATIONS: Carbo v., Carbol. ac. Cold: Con. Difficult, causing strangulation: Arg. nit. Loud: Arg. nit., Carbo v. Rancid: Carbo v., Graph. Smell like rotten eggs: Ant. t, ARN., Psor. Sour, early mornings: Lycop. Water: Niccol. FAINTNESS at about 10 or 11 A. M.: SULF. FEELS full of water: Kali c. FLATULENCE of abdomen and: LYC. FULLNESS and pressure of, after eating: Kali c. GNAWING a.: Lith. e HANGS down relaxed: Ign., Sep., Staph., Tabac. NAUSEA: Ant. e, Colch., IPEC, Lye, Mag. m., Verat. Food, smell of, causes: Colch. On rising: Bry. Constant: IPEC. With gagging and retching: Ant. t, Bism. PAINS in: Dios., Lye, Nux. SPASMS of: Coccul., Cup. VOMITING: Ant. c, ARS., Coccul., IPEC, Iris, Sec, Sulf., VERAT. Acrid: Iris. As soon as S. is full: Bism. Bilious: Ant. c Cold drinks>: Phos. From, as soon as they become warm on the S.: Phos. Eaten, of what has been: Ant. e, Ipec Immediately: ARS. Fluids only: Bism. Frothy: Verat. Milk, sour: Calc. Mucus: Ipec. Solids only: Bapt. Sour: Calc, IRIS, Puis. ABDOMEN. 201 ABDOMEN. BLOATED: Carbo v., Chain., Col., Lye BRUISED soreness: Apis. COLD feeling in: Colch., Grat, Pet. COLDNESS of, and backache: Sarsap. CRAMPS in: Cup. <pains: Merc Resting on hands and knees: Cina. Restless: Lye, RHUS. Snoring: Opi. Wakes from often: Sulf. : Apis., Nux., NATR. M. Cold: Camph., Sec. During exertion: Merc, Psor. Exhausting, stains yellow: Carbo an. Inclined to: Calc, Merc. Leaves patient weak, but>: Ars. Nights: CHINA, Merc, Psor. Offensive: Babt., Merc, Sil. On covered parts: Aeon. Hands when walking in open air: Agnus. Sleeping or shutting eyes: Con. Only on uncovered parts: Thuya. Sour: Bry., Mere, Nux, Ruta, Sil. Stickj': Merc With chilliness and internal heat: Merc. SKIN. AFFECTED parts red, shining or tense and pale: Bry. BLUE: Cup., Nux. COLD: Ars., Camph., Cup., Verat. COOL: Col. DIRTY, greasy looking, with yellow blotches: Psor. DRY: Alum., Graph. FOLDS remain when, is pinched: Verat. NETTLE rash over; Dulc. SALLOW: Chel., Dig., Merc, Sep. SHRIVELED: Sarsap., Sec. WRINKLED: Sulf. THE END. REGIONAL INDEX. Page Abdomen ------ 201 Aggravations ------ 9 Ameliorations ----- 18 Ankles ------- 136 Anus ...... 201 Appetite ___._. 198 Arms ------- 30 Back ------- 75 Small of .---. 89 Buttocks (Hips) ----- 112 Calves - - - - - - 130 Chest ------- 203 Chill - - - - - - 208 Cord ------- 67 Dreams - - - - • - 207 Ears ------- 193 Elbows ------ 45 Extremities, Lower ----- 103 Upper * - - - - 42 Eyes ------- 192 Face ------- 194 Feet ------- 139 Fingers ..____ 53 Forearms ------ 47 General Symptoms - 154 Hands ------- 52 Head ------- 191 Heart ------- 205 Heat ------- 208 Heels .--_... 142 REGIONAL INDEX.—ERRATA. 211 Hips Knees Legs Mind Mouth Neck Nose Rectum Region, Coccygeal Lumbar Renal Sacral Scapular Scalp Shoulders Skin Sleep Spine Stomach Stool Sweat Thighs Thirst Throat Toes Urine Vertebrae Wrists ERRATA. Page 112 122 130 186 195 22 193 201 101 93 85 98 82 190 30 209 207 67 200 201 209 117 198 197 150 202 67 49 Outside cover, "And," binder's mistake. Page 13, lines 42 and 43, read same as lines 6 and 7, on page 20. Page 64, line 26, read Mouth for Must. " 68, line 17, remedy is Tarent. H. " 75, line 31, read ARN. for ARV. " 83, line 4, remedy is Verat. a. " 94, line 13, read "backward (Bell.): Bry. " 207, line 35, "Pain>sleep. " VKW "'-^1 --;^. l#^j «? -w-Vf % .cV'^ 1 ^'^ff( ;' i-.^^i ■\ i •■■\ NLM051110368