& I*: 4T10NAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLfl DD13SEbT D .,....v.,^ «.iU,xrtix, yj? MEDICINE Washington Founded 1836 U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Serrice NLM001352690 ■!>f- 3to£- Cfark The j^eet — - *•• How to Take Care of Them Prof. Alexander \> Uerms Sometimes persons inquire :' 'Why do I have to pay in advance ?" In reply I would say that the reason is, many of my patients living hundreds of miles away are entire strangers to me, and I having no reference as a protection,am compelled to take this precaution. In the manu- facture of my specifics, which are pro- duced without reference to cost, my ex- pense is enormous. My experience for the past twenty-one years has been to keep in the front rank of the profession of Manicure and Chiropody. I devote all my energy and study to the utmost good and I treat all alike, impartially, fully realizing that I confer an untold blessing on those I cure. Such evidences increases my practice and determines my perma- nent success. Humanity has prompted me to do the very best possible. Please ask your Druggist for PROF. A CLARK'S SPECIFICS an! take no other Office Hours : From 8 to 10 A. n., 1 to 4 6 to 8 P. A*. NATIONAL LIBRARV OF MEDICINE NLM Q01352fc.T D NLM001352690