hJW- ■ '-*'€ , *m '•r.--^ %\t 7$ N|J" •*•'■" -% * .<*K ■ I' - c->. &*r ■j& '■■* % * . / f. ^ayr- "V" ^:* * '••*> -'v ^ *S*V/-\ ;*w ' ■ •aH Bk AN- ON THE DISEASE CALLED YELLOW FEYER; WITH OBSERVATIONS CONCERNING FEBRILE CONTAGION, TYPHUS FEVER, DYSENTERY, AND THE PLAGUE, PARTLY DELIVERED AS THE 4K ulstoman 3Uctm*0, BEFORE THE IN THE YEARS 1806 AND 1807. 4i BT EDWARD NATHANIEL BAJV&ROFT, M. D. FELLOW OF THE ROTAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAHS, PHISICIAW TO THE AKMT, ASI) LATJS PHYSICIAH TO ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL. AND REPUBLISHED, WITH NOTES, BY JOHN B. DJljkl)GE, A. M. M. D. AND PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY LN THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. " V ignorance d'une verite en physique peut nous cacher la cause d'un phenomene naturel; mais Perreur etablie au lieu de la verit6 arrete les progres de la science, et substitue des songes et des chimeres aux faite et a la nature.—II est des crreurs et des verites qui touchent les hommes des plus pres que les autres, et ce sont surtout celles qui regardent la conservation de son individu.—F as often to induce a belief that the Fever is at an end, and recovery about to, take place. Frequently, however, the foundations of irreparable injury to the brain or stomach have already been laid in the former paroxysm, and in such cases the remission is short and imperfect. During these re- missions the pulse often returns apparently to the condition of health, the skin feels qooI and moist, and the intellect, if pre- viously disturbed, sometimes becomes clear; sometimes, how- ever, the patient remains in a quiet and stupid state, a symp- tom generally denoting great danger. Another sign of dan- ger, as denoting a very morbid condition of the stomach, is the renewal of the efforts to vomit when pressure is made on that organ, or food is swallowed. After a certain interval, this remitting stage is succeeded by another, which may be called the second paroxysm, and which probably would appear as a renewed exacerbation, if the violent effects of the first had not almost exhausted the patient's excitability, and in conjunction with the extreme depression of strength which usually attends inflammation of the brain or stomach, rendered him nearly unsusceptible of those morbid actions which are necessary for that purpose. In this latter stage, then, instead of great febrile heat, and strong arterial action, the warmth of the body, and the frequency and strength of the pulse, are often less than when the patient was in health ; but frequent- ly the pain and heat in the stomach become excruciating, with incessant strainings to vomit, which, in most of the fatal ca- ses, are followed by hiccough, and repeated discharges of matters resembling turbid coffee, more or less diluted, or the grounds of coffee, and also by evacuations of similar dark matters from the bowels. Here it is to be observed, that when these symptoms occur, (indicating a violent affection of the stomach and bowels,) the patient is, in-general, sufficiently in possession of his intellects to know those about him, and to give distinct answers to questions made to him, although his 33 excessive weakness often renders him incapable of mental ex- ertion, and his inability even to raise his head, may induce the appearance of coma. In those cases, however, in which the brain has suffered greater injury than the stomach, the retch- ing and the black vomit, just described, do not so commonly occur, but instead of them, low muttering, or coma, with convulsions of the muscles of the face, and the other parts of the body, supervene. About this time, also, the tongue and teeth are covered with a dark brown fur; yellowness of skm and petechias make their appearance; the urine, when passed has a putrid smell and dark colour ;# the fseces likewise be- * Of the many authors who have treated of putrefaction in fever, the late Dr. George Fordyce seems, in his investigation of that subject, to have ap. proached most nearly to the truth. His reasoning thereupon, which will be found at length at page 71 of the first part of his third Dissertation on Fever, and at page 151 of his Treatise on Digestion, may be summed up as follows : The Creator, as one of the means of destroying and removing the remains of the successive races of animals and vegetables as they become extinct, which otherwise must have accumulated on the surface of the globe so as to afford no space for new generations, has ordained that dead animal and vegetable matter should be subject to certain processes called fermenta- tions, and terminating in putrefaction. Now every circumstance which would cause a rapid putrefaction to take place in the dead body of a man, is con- stantly applied to the living body; viz. a warmth of nearly 100 degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer, thecontactof atmospheric air, and motion; and although no chemical circumstance has been discovered in the body of a living man that is capable of hindering such putrefaction from taking place, nevertheless the body of a living man has no appearance of putrefaction : and hence he concludes, necessarily, that there is in the life, independently of all other circumstances, a power of preventing putrefaction. Thus en- dowed, the living body is able to preserve, from the fermentations above- mentioned, not only its own solids and flu'ds, but also, when in health, the extraneous matters, as aliment, which it contains ; and thus, when the living power of the stomach is strong, 'the food thrown into that viscus will be perfectly digested; but, when the organs of digestion are weak or disordered, or when food is given to an animal which is not adapted to its organs of d; 5 34 come most offensively putrid ; haemorrhages sometimes tak« place from the nostrils, gums, and various other internal sur- faces ; there is, in some patients, a suppression of urine, in others an involuntary discharge of it, and of the faeces : the pulse becomes feeble and intermits; the breathing is laborious, portions of the skin assume a livid colour, the extremities grow cold ; and life is gradually extinguished. This is a general outline of the Yellow Fever, when it ap- gestion, a greater or less portion of that food is not governed by the stomach, but runs into the fermentations which would arise, if it had been in the same chemical circumstances, out of* the body. It seems to be upon the same principle (viz the defect of the governing power, as Dr. Fordyce has not inaptly styled it, of the organs, or vessels, of the body over the substances the}' contain) that we are to explain why, in certain morbid conditions, the faeces, the discharges from tht vagina, *and from wounds or ulcers, and also pus, in the lungs, or other parts, the urine, and even the blood, which has been itself supposed to possess a living power, become putrescent. •• The putrescency of the blood," (says Dr. Fordyce, at page 285 of the 1st volume of the Transactions of a Society for the improvement of Medical and Chirurgi- cal knowledge) "is ihe effectof the depression of strength ; for it happens only when there is great depression of strength; and when such depression arises in any other case the same progress towards putrefaction is always ob- served." It is a confirmation of the above opinion, that, in most of those cases of injury to the spine, or disease of the bladder, in which this viscus loses the power of contraction, it also soon loses its governing power, and the urine is voided in a putrescent state, like that voided in severe cases of fever. Two distinguished modern physiologists have stated it as their belief, that the stomach and intestines had, under certain circumstances, a power of ■secreting air; but even their authority has not removed the objections to that opinion which appeared to me to exist; and the generation of the air in question will, perhaps, be more satisfictorily explained by supposing that, under such circumstances, the governing power of those viscera is, in a cer- tain dtgree, impaired, in consequence of which chemical decompositions of the matters contained m them begin to take place, and air is thereby evolved. It is not necessary to remind the reader' of the volumes of various gazes which can bt extricatvd by chemical agencies, from even small masses of most of the substances usually existing in the alimentary canal. 35 pears in its most violent form ; and in this form it some? times proceeds with so much rapidity as to destroy the patient on the third or fourth day, or even sooner. But the disorder frequently appears in a milder form at first; the course being protracted into several paroxysms, shor- ter at first, and followed by more distinct remissions, but afterwards increasing in violence and in duration, when the disease terminates fatally. In these cases, death usually hap- pens between the seventh day and the fifteenth. The features, which are the most remarkable in this dis- ease, are the affections of the head, of the stomach, and of the skin ; and I therefore propose to offer some observations on each of them. There is great reason to believe, both from the symptoms, and from the frequent examinations which have been made after death, that most of those, who die of the Yellow Fever, are destroyed in consequence of some irre- parable injury having occurred either in the brain, or in the stomach. It seldom happens, however, that these organs are both mortally injured in the same subject ; more commonly, one of them only is dangerously affected. I do not here mean to aflirm, that there have been cases of the Yellow Fever, in which a fatal affection of the head had supervened, without any disorder of the stomach ; or cases in which the stomach was much diseased, while the. brain continued in a sound or healthy state ;—for I believe, on the Contrary, that these or- gans jointly suffer more or less in every case and species of Fever ; but, according to my experience, and that of several very respectable practitioners, with whom I have conversed on the subject, those patients in the Yellow Fever, who die from an affection of the head, generally perish early in the disease, and with less vomiting, especially of blackish, or dark-colour- ed matters ; whereas, on the other hand, those in whom this last symptom greatly predominates,' are usually found to have their mental faculties clear, though often much weakened > 36 and they seldom expire before the end of the fourth, or the beginning of the fifth day. DISSECTIONS. When the bodies of patients, in whom the affection of the head formed the principal feature of the disorder, have been inspected after death, the integuments of the brain have gene- rally been found more or less inflamed, especially near the temporal bones ; the vessels of the dura mater, and of the pia mater, were not unfrequently observed to be very turgid w ith blood, which moreover was sometimes extravasated. Effu- sions of a watei-y fluid also have occasionally been seen over the surface of the brain, or in vesicles between the pia mater and the tunica arachnoidea. In some cases, the integuments have been so firmly attached to each other, and to the brain, that, in attempting to raise, or separate them, a part of the substance of the brain has been torn up. The volume of the brain is often increased, and the substance of it is, in some instances, more firm than usual; when cut, the vessels distri- buted through it, have been so distended w ith blood, that the medullai'y part has immediately become thickly spotted with red points, owing to the oozing of blood from the divided ves- sels ; and it was not rare to find that some of those vessels had been ruptured, and that blood had escaped into the substance of the brain. The ventricles have usually contained water, frequently of a yellow colour, and were, in some cases, quite filled with it. The plexus choroides has often been loaded with blood. Such is the disorganization which careful dissectors have uniformly detected, in a greater or less degree, in those ca- ses of the Yellow Fever in which the predominant symptoms indicated a severe affection of the head. It accounts suffici- ently for the occurrence of those symptoms, and for the fatali- 37 ty which so often attends them, as well as for the derange- ment of mind, the loss of memory, the impaired state of the Bight, and other senses, and the extreme feebleness of the limbs, which are the frequent consequences of this disorder in those who escape with life; and from which they sometimes recover Aery slowly. Those cases of the Yellow Fever, in which the stomach is principally affected, are next to be considered. This organ appears to be the most universal and important of all the vis- cera, and that which is the most indispensably necessary to animal life. Some animals are organised with so much sim- plicity as to have no visible brain, heart, or lungs; other ani- mals, with cold blood, which are endowed with these organs, will live, and even move, for a considerable time after being deprived of them : but no animal is formed without a stomach, nor would any one be capable of supporting life, perhaps for even a very short time, after that viscus was destroyed.— There is, indeed, no other animating viscus discoverable in Zoophytes, Hydatides, Polypi, &c. though they are all capa- ble of muscular motion and self-propagation. In the more perfect warm-blooded animals, which possess other vital or- gans besides the stomach, this last always sustains a distin- guished part in the general system, by its important functions and associations. When it is in its healthy state, every other part of the body feels its salutary and invigorating influence; and when, on the other hand, it languishes or suffers, they all participate in its derangement. Ardent spirits, Opium, JEther, &c. when swallowed, produce powerful effects in eve- ry part of the body, long before they can have passed beyond the stomach; and a few ounces of strong Laurel-Water* occa- * Fontana, sur les poisons, vol. ii. p 125. "Si on donne cette eau (de Laurier-Cerise) en grande quantite aux animaux, ils meurent presque dans I'instant sans convulsions, toutes les parties de kurs corps e"tant relachees, & dans 'laffaisement. 38 sion almost instant death, upon reaching that viscus, without any struggle or appearance of re-action. But this intimate and extensive connexion of the stomach w ith other parts of the body,- and its great irritability, subject it also to be injur- ed and disorder by every thing which occasions injury and dis- order to them. Thus it exhibits marks of inflammation in an- imals killed by the bites of venomous serpents, and of rabid animals, and by other poisons externally applied ; and it is al- ways, in some degree, affected by attacks of Fever, in which loss of appetite, aversion from food, and inability to digest it, occur with not less certainty than any other febrile symptom. But the Yellow Fever is almost invariably attended by marks of disorder in the stomach, much more decided than these,—I mean nausea, followed by frequent vomiting, even in the early part of the disease, and by the discharge of considerable quan- tities of bile,—a discharge which appears, in these cases, to be caused solely by the efforts to vomit, in the same manner as in sea-sickness, and other affections, in which the evacua- tion of bile, and even the increased secretion of that fluid, (which violent vomitings are believed to occasion) are merely a consequence,* and not a cause, of the disorder. These indi- * Dr. G. Fordyce has properly noticed, in his valuable Dissertation on Simple Fever, (page 94.) the error of a common opinion, viz —that " re- dundancy of bile constitutes an essential part of the attack of Fever," which opinion has been formed, because bile is " conspicuous from its colour, taste, and smell; while the gastric, pancreatic, and other juices, as they are not very conspicuous for their sensible qualities, have not been taken into the account." " If the pancreatic juice had been blue, (continues he,) and had any particular taste or smell, and the bile had been colourless, insipid, and inodorous, or as much so as the pancreatic juice now is ; in that case, what- ever has been said of the redundancy of bile, as being an essential part of the attack of Fever, would have been said of the pancreatic juice.—See also the JSote, at page 467, of Dr. Clarke's Observations on the Diseases of Long Voyages. The idea of an increased secretion of bile in the Yellow Fever, or $9 cations of a morbid affection of the stomach in the Yellow Fe- ver, are accompanied with others, affording similar evidence of the state of that organ, particularly excessive thirst, acute pain, and burning heat in the stomach, with so great a degree of tension and soreness over the epigastric region, that exter- nal pressure cannot be endured. As the disease advances, these symptoms become more violent, the strainings to vomit are incessant; and when the termination is fatal, hiccough and the black vomit usually supervene. When the bodies of those who have died with the preceding symptoms have been dissected, the stomach has, in every in- stance, as far as either my knowledge or my information ex- tends, exhibited very evident signs of inflammation. In some cases, almost the whole inner surface was inflamed; very often portions of the villous coat were abraded, and not unfrequently observed floating among the contents of that viscus. Marks of inflammation, but less violent than these, have also been often seen in the small intestines, especially near the pylorus. The inflammation observed on these viscera, seems to be of the kind denominated erythematic, which is found to affect the villous coat of the intestines more frequently than any other. This kind of inflammation is apt to spread wherever there is a continuity of membrane or of structure; and as -such continuity exists through the alimentary canal, the vis- cera, nearest to the stomach, must be liable to participate in the inflammatory affection of the latter. THE BLACK VOMIT. As erroneous opinions have been entertained concerning both •flic origin and nature of what is called the Black Vomit, it in persons living in warm climates, is opposed by Dr John Hunter, upon ground- which appear to be just, at page 128 and 316, of his Observations on the Diseases of the Army in Jamaica. 40 may be proper to state, in this place, some facts and observa- tions relating to it. From the time of Galen, bile was supposed to be the prin- cipal agent in producing intermittents; and as soon as we became acquainted with the Remitting Fever of the West Indies, it was generally ascribed to that cause. Dr. Towne, who, in 1726, published an account of the Yellow Fever, under the name of " Febris Ardens Biliosa," considered it as a truly bilious disorder; so did Hillary, who called it a " Pu- trid Bilious Fever." This idea has been since very generally adopted, and the matters which constitute what is termed Black Vomit have, accordingly, been deemed, by many per- sons, to be the product of a morbid secretion of the Liver, or else of a morbid change in the bile. That neither of these, however, is the case, has been clearly ascertained, by late examinations made upon the bodies of great numbers of per- sons who have died of the Yellow Fever, particularly by Dr. P. S. Physick,* in Philadelphia. In these dissections, the Liver was very rarely found diseased, and even when in that state, the disease seems almost always to have been of a chronic nature. The alteration from the usual appearance of this organ most frequently observed, was a greater or less degree of paleness. The stomach, however, was constantly diseased, if the symptoms, which I have lately mentioned as denoting inflammation in that organ, had previously existed. The matter of Black vomit (which is commonly found in the stomach, but is also found in the intestines when they have partaken of the inflammation) was never discovered in the Gall-Bladder, the Liver, or any other viscus or cavity. The stomach has sometimes been loaded with this black matter, * For rtiore satisfactory information to the reader, the paper of Dr Phy- sick, which is alluded to, is given in the Appendix, (No 1.) and there is also added the substance of another memoir concerning the Black Vomit, written by Dr. Isaac Cathrall, of Philadelphia. 41 while, in the same subject, not only the Liver was free from disease, hut the bile in the Gall-Bladder was in its natural healthy state; and this has been seen in several cases, in which a contraction of the pylorus had completely obstructed the passage from the duodenum into the stomach. The matter of Black Vomit is, besides, essentially different from bile; it, differs from it in colour; for, however dark the bile may ap- pear in its most concentrated state, it always displays a yel- lowish, or greenish yellow tinge, when spread on a white surface, or when diluted; and this is never observed with the matter of Black Vomit. It has also been found that an addi- tion of bile to the latter altered its nature so much as to give it an appearance different from that which it had before; nor could the Black Vomit be imitated by any mixture of various proportions of dark-coloured bile, with the fluids found in the stomach. It differs likewise, most decidedly, in taste; the Black Vomit being always insipid, when freed from other foreign matters, whereas bile can never, by any means, be deprived of its intense biterness. In many cases, portions of the inner surface of the stomach have been covered with a coat of thick blackish matter, and upon removing this coat, the parts beneath it, and no other, were found inflamed. The substance thus obtained, was exactly similar to that of Black* Vomit, and, like it, incapable of being made to adhere again, when applied to the same or to any other parts. Hence there is reason to believe, that the matter forming this black cover- ing, must.have been derived from the vessels of the inflamed part, especially as it could not of itself have produced the inflammation, since it is so perfectly bland, that it has been frequently dropped into the eye without exciting any greater sensation than pure water. Neither can it be supposed, that it could have come from the gall-bladder, or from the biliary ducts, (in which, as I have remarked, nothing like it has ever been found) or from any part of the alimentary canal, and 6 42 have attached itself afterwards to the stomach, in the man- ner in which it is seen adhering,—first, because it has no adhesive quality when it has been once detached from the surface on which it was found;—and, secondly, because, in some subjects, no such matter was found loose in the stomach or intestines, although a very great part of the inner surface of the stomach was, at the same time, covered with a coat of it. At those spots, moreover, where the villous coat had been abraded, the extremities of arteries have been frequently seen filled with this dark-coloured mat- ter ; and collections of the same matter have even been dis- covered immediately under the villous coat,—a situation to which it is impossible that any foreign matters, which had passed into the stomach, could have found access. To these facts, which render it incredible that the liver has any share in producing the matter of Black Vomit, I may add that this vomiting of dark matters never accompanies Hepatitis, or any other affection of the liver; and that it has seldom appeared, so far as I can learn, in any case of the Yellow Fever, in which there was not reason to believe that the stomach was, or had been inflamed. It may, therefore, be concluded, that when this symptom occurs in the above disorder, it is usually a conse- quence of inflammation in that viscus. Some authors, who had adopted a similar conclusion, were inclined to consider the matter of Black Vomit as a particular morbid secretion, by the inflamed vessels or glands of the stomach; but this opinion, if I understand their meaning, does not accord with fact; for it is to be supposed that the villous coat, and the glands beneath it, are the only parts of the stomach by which secretion can be performed; and proofs have have just been adduced, that the matter in question may be formed without the co-operation of that membrane, or the glands connected with it, since it has been found in the extre- mities of arteries, and lying beneath the villous coat itself. 43 The least objectionable, and, in all probability, the true explanation of the most common formation of this sub- stance, and of the phenomena attending it, seems to be, that it is merely blood which has been effused from some of the small arteries, ruptured in consequence of the separation of certain portions of the villous coat, and has coagulated within the general cavity of the stomach, or on the surface over which it was effused; and having been afterwards detached, and triturated by the violent and frequent contractions of that organ, in the efforts to vomit, has had its appearance as a coagulum of blood altered, and its colour* darkened by the gastric juice, or by some chemical decomposition, either * Dr. Henry Warren, at page 39, of his Treatise concerning the Malignant Fever in Barbadoes, (1740 ) says, " I ought here to observe, that the fatal black stools and vomitings are vulgarly supposed to be only large quantities of black bile, or choler; which false notion seems to be owing to that fixed unhappy prejudice that the fever is purely bilious. But let any one only dip in a bit of white linen clotb, he will soon be undeceived, and convinced that scarce any thing but mort.fied blood is then voided, for the cloth will appear tinged of a deep bloody red, or purple, of which I have made many experiments." Dr- Cullen, treating of Hxmatemesis, (See Art. 1017 of his first lines of the Practice of Physic,) mentions the " black and grumous appearance " of the blood thrown out from the mouth, as one of the signs by which " the blood may be certainly known to proceed from the stomach ;" and in Art 1029, Treating of Melana, or Morbus niger, which consists " in an evacua- tion either by vomiting or by stool, and sometimes in both ways, of a bLck and grumous blood," he says, " it is highly probable that what gave occasion to the notion of an atrabilis among the ancients, was« truly the appearance of the blood poured into the alimentary canal in the manner I have men- tioned ; which appearance we know the blood always puts on, when it has stagnated there for any length of time" Blood acquires a dark colour also, though in general more slowly, when it happens to be effused in other parts of the body ; and the brownish tinge, which the fluid in Hydothorax and ascites frequently exhibits, seems to be derived from a similar change of colour induced in the red globules of blood that had been effused into the thorax and abdomen, together with serum and coagulable lymph. 44 spontaneous, or produced by the action of the air, or other matters contained in the stomach. That blood is really poured out into the stomach in the manner just stated," will scarcely be doubted, many respect- able* authors having affirmed, from their own observation, that blood, sometimes red, as if very recently effused, and often grumous, is frequently vomited in the Yellow Fever. It seems, indeed, impossible that any portion of the villous coat could be destroyed, or separated from the other coats, without occasioning a rupture of the arteries which conveyed blood to it, or that an effusion of blood should not immediately take place from the ruptured arteries, and continue until some of the blood thus poured out had coagulated, either within their cavities, or over the adjoining surface, so as to prevent the effusion of more blood. This is the usual operation of nature in all other haemorrhages, and, we may presume, that it must unavoidably be performed in the case before us. * Thus Dr. Bush, at p. 4C, Edinb. edit, of his account of the bilious Yel- low Fever in Philadelphia, in 1793, says, «« there was frequently discharged from the stomach, in the close of the disease, a large quantity of grumous blood, which exhibited a dark colour on its outside, and which, I believe, was frequently mistaken for what is commonly known by the name of the black vomiting j" which last Dr. Rush had conceived to be " bile in a highly acrid state." On the same subject, one of the latest of the authors alluded to, M. I N, Berthe, Professor in the School of Medicine, at Montpellier, (who was'joined with two other Medical Professors of that University, Mess P. Lafabrie and V. Broussonet, in a commission sent by the French Government into Spain, in 1800, to observe and report upon the Yellow Fever, then prevalent in many parts of that country, and who has since published the result of the information collected by that commission, under the title of " Precis Histori- qur de la Maladie qui a r£gn6 dans I'Andalousie in 1800," printed at Paris in 1802) has stated at p. 67, as follows, viz.: " On observait egalement a ceite epoque le hoquet, le vomissement noir : les malades rejetaient tantdt du sang, et tantot de 1'atrabile; et plus souvent ces deux matieres melees et en me me temps fetides." 45 There is another mode by which the vomiting of black mat- ters in the Yellow Fever has been explained. Sir John Pringle, treating of this symptom, at page 197, of his Observations on the diseases of the Army, states his belief that the blood, " by oozing into the stomach, gives that blackish cast to what is then thrown up;" and he attributes this oozing to the blood's being " here so much resolved." Dr. John Hunter entertained a similar opinion ; " the blood," says he, " being frequently in a dissolved state, is forced into the stomach and thrown up, forming, what is called by the Spaniards, the black vomit." See page 64 of his Observations on the diseases of the Army in Jamaica. Dr. Blane, however, apparently with greater justice, thinks that " this happens, more probably, from a relaxation of the vessels on the surface of the alimentary atrial, than from a dissolved state of the blood." " The black matter," adds he, " that is vomited, and the black colour of the fteces and urine in the last and hopeless state of this dis- ease, seem to be owing to the propensity to haemorrhage in the internal surfaces." See page 410-1, of his Observations on the Diseases of Seamen. It has been ascertained by Sau- vages, and other physicians, that in Meloena, blood in various gradations of change, from a red fluid to a matter resembling the grounds of coffee, has been sometimes vomited by patients, whose stomachs were found, on dissection, free from any abrasion or rupture of the blood-vessels ; and it is also known, that a vomiting of similar dark-coloured matters has occasion- ally happened suddenly to women in labour, especially in cases of rupture of the uterus, without being preceded by a vomiting of any other matters, and in patients, the coats of whose stomachs were observed to be perfectly sound upon examination after death. A relaxation of the vessels on the surface of the stomach, (which may be, and perhaps often is, accompanied with some degree of inflammation) appears to be the cause to which the effusion of blood in such instances ought to be re- 46 ferred: and if such relaxation may take place in the affections just mentioned, it is to be presumed, that it may also take place in a disease of so debilitating a nature as the Yellow Fever, which is sometimes seen to occasion haemorrhages from many other internal surfaces. On these grounds, therefore, it seems not improbable, that .a relaxation of the vessels of the stomach had existed in most, or all of those cases of this fever, in which the black vomit occurred with little or no previous v omiting, or in which the coats of the stomach were entire. 1 must, however, remark, that in the accounts of dissections of patients dead of the Yellow Fever, which have come to my knowledge, I have found the cases just described, to bear only a very small proportion to the number of those in which injury had been done to that viscus; and I am, therefore, inclined to believe, that the black vomit is much less frequently the conse- quence of a relaxation of vessels, than of a separation of some portions of the internal coats of the stomach. I must not omit to mention among the appearances on dis- section, that the lungs and pleura have sometimes been found to have undergone some degree of inflammation during the course of the Yellow Fever; but, although the sufferings of the patient must have been greatly increased from such an affection, it does not appear that the inflammation was often so considerable as to warrant the supposition that it had caused his death. AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN. The connexion between the skin and the alimentary canal is well known, and, perhaps, results, in a considerable degree, from the identity of their membranes. This connexion may contribute to some of the appearances observed on the surface of the body in Yellow Fever, which generally begins with more moderate sensations of cold than other Fevers, but soon pro- 47 duces strong arterial action, during which the skin becomes excessively dry and parched, with an intensely burning or pungent heat. Sweats are in this stage a very rare occur- rence, and when they do appear, no relief is afforded by them. A feeling of general soreness of the skin also takes place in many patients. But the most remarkable symptom affecting the skin in this Fever, is a yellow suffusion; which, though far from being a constant symptom, occurs often enough to have given occasion for the name by wjiich the disorder is now commonly distinguished. The yellowness begins in a few cases, within the first forty-eight hours; sometimes on the third day, and frequently not until the fourth or fifth. It is, indeed, sometimes observed but a few minutes before, or a little after death. I believe that in many instances it might, with attention, be first discovered on the eyes; but it is com- monly first observed on the cheeks, extending towards the temples, and about the angles of the nose and mouth; about the lower jaw and on the neck, along the course of the jugu- lar veins, whence it afterwards spreads in stripes and patches along the breast and back downwards, so as at last to become universal in some patients, though in others it remains partial. The yellowness is sometimes of a dingy or brownish hue, some- times of a pale lemon, and at others of a full orange colour. When the yellowness appears only in patches or spots, and of a dingy or brownish hue, these are frequently intermixed with other spots of a florid red, or a purple, or livid colour. A considerable difference of opinion has subsisted respecting the cause of this symptom ; some physicians having ascribed it to serum, which has been rendered yellow either by a colli- quation, or dissolution of the red globules, or by a peculiar action of the vessels, and afterwards effused under the cuticle : and some to an error loci of the globular part of the blood, which, as they conceive, might occasion yellowness, by getting into the smaller order of vessels, in consequence of their great 48 debility and relaxation, or into the cellular membrane : as happens after Ecchymosis, from external contusion ; in which the skin, though at first livid, becomes yellow, when a part of the red globules is removed by absorption or otherwise. The late Dr. George Fordyce, in his fourth dissertation on Fever, (page 74) attributes the yellowness in question to the sebaceous matter, which he supposes to be then secreted more copiously by the sebaceous glands of the skin; he contends that, " the colour is very different from that which takes place in Jaun- dice," supposing, erroneously, that " the secretion Tom the kidneys has not that deep yellowish brown, nor that thick sediment, which have almost always been seen in those per- sons, in whom bile has got into the blood." Another author again, the late Dr. John Hunter, (whose authority on this sub- ject is entitled to greater weight, from his experience in the Yellow Fever, and who had found, as every other person must have done, who has really made the trial, that in this disease, " the urine is of a very deep colour, and stains linen rags yellow, like that of a person in the Jaundice," See page 72 of his Observations on the diseases of the Army in Jamaica) be- lieved it " probable that the inflammation in the coats of the duodenum and stomach, and the violent contractions they suffer from repeated vomiting and straining, may produce a spasm of the gall ducts, sufficient to interrupt the course of the bile;" (See page 157 of the same work) the consequence of which was, as he states at pages 135 and 137, that the bile was " absorbed and carried by the lymphatic vessels into the ge- neral mass of circulating fluids," and thus became " the cause of the yellowness." And lastly, Dr. William Saunders thinks that, in the more aggravated species of the Yellow Fever, this symptom " depends rather upon a particular state of the lymph in the cellular substance of the parts, than upon the absorption of bile into the circulating mass:" (See page 104, of his valu- able treatise on the structure, oeconomy, and diseases of the 49 liver, 3d edition); but that in "the ordinary," i.e. "the Endemic Fever of the West Indies," " the Jaundice stems to depend upon a redundant secretion," the quantity of bile being, perhaps, so very considerable in this disorder, as he states farther at page 233, " that though the greatest part of it escapes into the primse viae, the whole may not readily find a passage; and the surcharge thus occasioned, may give rise to regurgitation and absorption." I was once inclined to adopt one of the latter opinions, be- cause it seemed difficult to conceive by what other means, or from what other cause bile should be introduced into the blood vessels in this Fever so as to render the skin yellow. That fluid is naturally intended to perform all its offices in the ali- mentary canal, and to be all conveyed thither: and it is only when its passage through the ductus communis choledochus into the duodenum is obstructed, that nature is believed to have provided means for its escape into the blood vessels, in order to obviate the mischief which might result from an excessive accumulation of bile in the gall-bladder, and biliary ducts. But no such obstruction appears to exist in the Yellow Fever; the alvine faeces being commonly dark-coloured, so as to de- monstrate the admixture of bile; and the quantities of that fluid which are discharged from the stomach during the whole course of the disease, being such as to obviate all suspicion of an obstruction in the duct, and all probability of an accumula- tion of bile in the liver, or gall-bladder. These, however, and other objections against the existence of bile in the blood, as a cause of the yellowness in question, were overcome in my mind by further consideration and inquiries ; and I am now disposed to think that, with perhaps one partial exception to be here- after mentioned, the yellowness of the skin, which is frequent in this Fever, is derived from the bile.£ In the action of vomiting, the abdominal muscles contract strongly, while the diaphragm is forcibly drawn downwards : by these motions the liver, from its situation immediately be- neath the diaphragm, and its large bulk and inelasticity, suf- 50 iers a certain degree of compression. When this compression is moderate and gradual, as it appears to be in most cases of ordinary vomiting, it is probable that some portion of the bile contained in the biliary ducts is thereby propelled into the du- odenum, whence it passes into the stomach, and is thence throw up with other matters. When, however, there has been very frequent and violent vomiting for some length of time, the stomach, diaphragm, and abdominal muscles, are apt to become irritable to an extreme degree, so that, at each effort of the former to discharge its contents, the latter (whose pow- er, as Mr. John Hunter has observed, at page 158 of his work on the Animal OSconomy, is " often capable of forcing the bowels themselves out of the abdomen, producing rupture") will frequently be thrown instantaneously into strong spasmo- dic contractions, and the liver together with the gall-bladder, will be, as it were, suddenly caught and tightly squeezed in a powerful press, the necessary consequence of which pressure seems to he, that all the fluids contained in that viscus will be driven towards both extremeties, backwards as well as for- wards, in those vessels which are not provided with valves to prevent their retrograde motion. Under such circumstance it can scarcely be doubted, (after the experiments of* Haller, con- firmed by others, demonstrating the facility with which fluids may pass from the biliary ducts through the pori biliarii into the hepatic veins) that the bile will be forced to regurgitate in this manner, and pass from those ducts into the vena cava, at * '« Altera certissima anastomosis est ex ductibus biliariis in venam cavam, quam cl« ante me vin viderunt, & mea experimenta conformant. Elem. Phisiolog. Corporis humani. Tom 6. p. 509. 4to. " Baron Haller observes, that a subtile injection thrown in by the hepatic duct' will escape readily by the hepatic veins. This is a fact; and I know from experiment, that wate% injected in the same direction, will return by thv veins in a full stream, though very little force is used. From the facility with which water takes this retrograde course, a probability arises that, if from any cause the natural direct on of the bile be obstructed, it will readily obey the same (retrograde) direction " Dr. Wm. Saunders, Treatise on the Structure, &c of the Liver, page 108. 51 each violent compression of the liver; and that by continued and strong spasmodic contractions of the before-mentioned muscles in vomiting, a considerable quantity of bile may be carried into the circulation, and a yellow suffusion,* exactly resembling Jaundice, be, even very speedily, produced. It is in this manner that we must account for the universal yellow- ness of the skin which even in the time of Galen, has been ob- served to follow the bite of the viper,f when the poison w as of ♦ As the liability of the liver to such compression depends on circum- stances varying in different individuals, and principally on its situation, form, and size, and also on the suddenness and force by which the surround- ing muscles happen to contract upon it, we can hence understand why Jaundice may be more readily produced in one person than in another, al- though the symptoms might seem to be equally violent in both. We may likewise hence understand why infants, in whom the liver is, proportionably, much larger than in adults, and who are subject to numerous indispositions inducing strong convulsive contractions of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, should be so frequently affected by Jaundice ; the cause of which affection, however, appears to have been overlooked, and mistaken by Haller, (Elementa Phisiologisc corporis humani. Tom. 6. page 590) for curdy mat- ters obstructing the common duct, and by others for viscid bile imparted therein, or other gratuitous suppositions. The only authors within my knowledge who have expressed a belief* that the bile might be driven into the blood vessels by the violent action of the diaphragm and abdominal mus- cles, and thus occasion Jaundice, are, Haller (in his work entitled, " Her. manni Boerhaave Praelectiones academics," § 348,) and Van Swieten (in his " Commentaria in H. Boerhaave Aphorismos Sect. 631 and 950) ; these very learned Physicians, however, do not appear to have thought, that the violent action of those muscles simply could produce a Jaundice, for they suppose the pre-existence of gall-stones, or of some other obstruction in the cystic or common duct, by which the excessive vomiting that precedes the Jaun- dice in such cases, is always produced as a salutary effort of nature : but this supposition does not accord with the well-ascertained facts, that gall- stones may obstruct the common duct, and produce Jaundice, without ex- citing any vomiting, even when they are attended with excruciating pain, and that Jaundice frequently occurs, although a free passage of the bile into the duodenum exists. f Fontana was led to suppose, that the yellowness of the skin in persons bitten by vipers is derived from the bile, which is carried into the circulation in consequence of the common duct being closed by some crisping or irrita- tion in the duodenum, arising from convulsive vomitings; but he offered no 52 sufficient force to produce the usual symptom of convulsive vomiting, and for the similar effects that have likewise been observed to ensue from the bites of some other venomous ani- mals. In these cases a deep yellow colour of the skin has been observed within even a single hour after the accident, (as Dr. Mead affirms, at page 9 of his mechanical account of poi- sons, 3d edition) and consequently too soon to have been the result of any tiling but a regurgitation of bile as before explain- ed : for in regard to absorption, it is scarcely credible that the lymphatick vessels of the liver could ever, under any circum- stances, take up and convey into the circulation such a quanti- ty of bile as would suffice to produce Jaundice in that short pe- riod of time : neither is it readily to be perceived why, or how, in persons bitten by vipers, or in those labouring under certain affections to be presently mentioned, in whom a yellowness of opinion concerning the means hy which the bile is conveyed thither. *' Con- venous done." says he, at page 68, vol- 1, of his work sur les poisons, " que si les sujets attaques par le venin deviennent jaunes, il faut que la cause qui produit cet effet ait intercepve' le cours de la bile, apres qu'elle est se- p sper le duodenum, et boucher ainsi cet orifice. Ne nous etonnons pas non plus de voir la meme jaunisse se mamfester chez ceux qui ont pris d'autres poisons, puisqu'ils eprouvent aussi de semblables convulsions, un tiraillement douleureux dans le creux de I'estomac, des vomissemens bilieux et convulsifs, une contraction autour de I'ombilic el d'autres accidens dans le bas ventre." Fontana probably borrowed his gratuitous notion of a crisping of the duodenum from Morgagni, (de Sedibus and Causis morborum. Epist. 37. n. 35.) -, and Dr John Hunter appears to have taken his idea of " a spasm of the gall-ducts," as mentioned at page 36, from Fontana, combining with it, that of the bile being absorbed by the lymphatic vessels of the liver, and employing both to explain the occurrence of Jaundice in the Yellow Fever. The bite of the rattle-snake does not cause excessive and convulsive vomit- ing, as that of the viper ; and it seems reasonable to suppose that the poisons of different snuk s may be endowed, each with peculiar properties, and pro- duce different effects. 53 the skin is speedily induced, a particular system of vessels in a particular viscus, i. e. the lymphatics in the liver, should have their functions at once changed, and should on a sudden be ex- cited to absord bile copiously, and this while there is a ready exit for the passage of that fluid into the intestine, as is mani- fested hy the matters discharged in such cases from the stom- ach and rectum.* In the same way yellowness of the skin, to ♦ It may yet be doubted whether Jaundice be produced by abaqrptvm of the bile in any instance, even in a complete obstruction of the common duct by a gall-stone, although this is the mode in which it is now by most per- sons supposed to be always produced in that case- A justly eminent physi- cian relates an experiment made by himself, which, as he thinks, " evinces that the absorbents take up the bile from the interior part of the liver, and convey it by the thoracic duct into the mass of blood." He tied the hepatic duct in a living dog, and two hours after, the animal being strangled, he examined the parts. " On inspection," says he, " it appeared that the ab- sorbents had been very active, for they were very much distended with a fluid of a bilious colour, and their course, which was very conspicuous, could be traced with the greatest ease to the thoracic duct, the contents of which seemed only moderately bilious. The bilious colour was, in a great mea- sure, concealed by the red particles of blood, which had been extravasated by the injury, taken up by the absorbents, and conveyed into that canal. It is probable, however, that the bile was only just entering the blood vessels, as on a very careful inspection of the eye, the tunica conjunctiva did not . betray th% slightest appearance of Jaundice." From this experiment the author draws the following conclusion. " It seems then, that, during the space of two hours, the secretion of the liver had been sufficient in quantity to distend its ducts,—to stimulate the absorbents to relieve that distension, and to allow of a small portion of their contents to be conveyed into the blood vessels " This conclusion, however, notwithstanding my great deference for the opinions of this author, does not appear to me sufficiently supported by the preceding facts. It is, indeed, mentioned that the contents of the thoracic duct were " bilious ;" but they are admitted to have been ««only moderately" so; it is moreover acknowledged, that " the bilious colour was, in a great measure, concealed by the red particles of blood •» and as it was by the eye slone, that the result of this experiment was determined, I think that a slight yellow tinge, which confessedly was almost « concealed by red," is not of .tself of'.uffic.ent evidence to decide a doubtful point of great physio- logical, as well as pathological, importance. The presence of bile in the 54 a remarkable degree, attended with yellow sweats (which, as well as the urine, gave to linen a yellow tinge, have been sometimes produced by the excessive vomitings, and violent spasms, which ensue from eating some species of mushrooms in Europe, and certain poisonous fishes* in the East and West thoracic duct, would probably have been determined with greater certainty by tasting the irtatters contained therein. When the circumstances attending an obstruction of the common duct, by a gall-stone or other cause, are fairly considered, it seems highly probable thit some regurgitation of the bile must happen, which, if continued for a sufficient length of time, may produce Jaundice : for, in such a case of ob- struction, the bile will still be secreted as copiously as before, and must accu- mulate in the ducts, and distend the liver considerably beyond its usual size; and it does not seem possible, that in this state the latter can avoid suffering almost perpetually some degree of compression by the mere actions of the muscles in respiration ; nor probable that, when thus turgid, it could be compressed without some portion of the redundant bile bting each time driven into the hepatic veins. Besides these, other stronger actions of the thoracic and abdominal muscles are likely to be very frequently excited by the general uneasiness, or local pains, accompanying this morbid condition of the liver, as in sighing, coughing, &c. which may also force bile into the hepatic veins In these ways regurgitation appears to be of itself ade- quate to the production of Jaundice; and if it be so, to recur to the doc- trine of absorption, as another source of that disease, without any decisive proof that the bile is really absorbed, would only multiply caus%s without necessity. * Several authors of undoubted credit, as Kaempfer, Frezier, Sloane, Catesby, Ulloa, Osbeck, Forster, &c have giveo accounts of various species of fishes found in the seas of warm climates, which frequently act as poisons upon those who have eaten them. The morbid effects produced by such food have been described by Dr Robert Thomas, now of Salisbury, but who formerly resided nine years in the West Indies, (at page 586 of his " Modern Practice of Physic, 3d edition) ; and among these, besides " severe vomiting and purging," he stage s the following " In the advanced state of the dis- ease, I observed that the whole surface of the body acquired a deep yellow hue as in Jaundice, and that the urine was likewise tinged of the same colour Even the perspiration gave a deep yellow tinge to the linen These appearances took place, in a very high degree, in one or two cases, but more particularly in my own, as I was so unfortunate as once to experience the deleterious effects of a poisonous rock fish," (perca marina) As the fishes in question are poisonous at some times and situations and 55 Indies, and also from swallowing a violent dose of arsenic, or other poisonous substances. And if the vomitings and spasms, arising from these causes, are found in a multitude of instan- ces, to produce general yellowness of skin, with such excre- tions, by urine and sweat, as manifest the presence of bile, we may surely infer that the severe vomitings, which occur in the Yellow Fever, may produce the like effects, and that they also may cause the introduction of bile into the blood-vessels, and thus induce the yellow suffusion of the skin under our consid- eration. In like manner, temporary jaundice is sometimes found to arise from Spasmodic colic,* Hysterics, and, as Hal- ler,! Lind, and other highly respectable physicians have de- clared, strong passions of the mind. The exception to the yellow suffusion being generally deriv- ed from the bile, to which I lately alluded, refers to those cases in which the yellowness of skin occurs partially, i. e. in patch- es or spiSts, previously to, or shortly after, death, or in which the patches are of an obscure or dingy hue, and intermixed not at others, it is not improbable that their poison is acquired by, feeding on certain noxious submarine plants or other substances. They are said to be rendered innocent by being laid for some hours in salt- * Dr William Saunders, whose opinions concerning the origin of the yellowness of the skin in the two supposed species of Yellow Fever have been lately stated, attributes the Jaundice, that sometimes follows the affections here mentioned, to the same cause which Fontana believed to pro- duce the yellow suffusion in persons bitten by vipers. " When Jaundice has arisen from very acrid emetics or griping purgatives, or colic, or hysteria, the resistance to the free passage of the bile, is either at the very extremity of the ductus communis, or during its oblique course through the substance of the duodenum, at which part it is liable to compression from the muscular action of that intestine."—See page 243, of his Treatise on the Liver. • Nascitur enim icterus, et bilis adeo retrograda in sanguinem refluit plu- rimas ob causas, quarum aliqux vix corporea sunt, ut ex ira.' " Hue msror profundior, terror," fcc—Haller Elem. Physiol. Corp. Human- Tom vi. p- 592. "A violent fit of anger or grief will immediately produce a Jaundice"— Lind- page 177, on his Essay on the Diseases of Europeans in Hot Climates- 56 with petechia ; the yellowness may, perhaps, in these instan- ces, be produced by a cause similar to that which produces the yellowness that follows Ecchymosis; and this cause is probably connected with that particular state of the blood, and of the vessels, which occurs in the worst cases of the disorder, and gives rise to Haemorrhages from various parts of the body, external and internal. It seems admitted by all practitioners, that these yellowr patches on the skin indicate extreme danger $ but a general yellow suffusion, such as I suppose to arise from bile, which is forced into the blood vessel by the temporary compression of the liver, is, according to my own experience, and that of many practitioners with whom I have conversed, a symptom of little real importance in the Yellow Fever; the bile so introduced being in all probability, incapable of doing any more considerable mischief than it is observed to do in those cases of Jaundice, wiiich have succeeded to a* colic, or a strong hysteric fit, &c. It has, indeed, been associafed with extreme danger in the Yellow Fever, by most writers on that disease, but only, as I believe, because the excessive vomiting, w7hich had produced it, had also produced other more destruc- tive effects. DIAGNOSIS. Having thus stated, and endeavoured to account for, the prin- cipal symptoms of the Yellow Fever, I shall conclude this part * When a Jaundice is produced by the affections here mentioned, it will gradually disappear without any aid from medicine ; if the suffusion be slight, it will vanish in a few days ; but if deep, and approaching to an or- ange colour, it will generally require from four to six weeks for its removal. The kidneys seem to be the principal means by which the bile, and most other unnecessary ingredients, are extracted from the circulating mass, a portion of bile, corresponding with the quantity thereof existing in the bloodvessels, being voided in every discharge of urine. An infinite number of remedies are recorded, by which the Jaundice is stated, and was believed, to have been cured; and the above explanation may serve to point out the real degree of their respective virtues, as well as their modes of operatiou in such cases. 57 of my subject with noticing some of the diagnostics, by which it may he distinguished from the distemper properly called the Plague, and from that fever which is now known, in this coun- try, by the name of Typhus,—two diseases with which it has, by some writers, been, even lately, assimilated and confounded. The Yellow Fever- prevails only in those countries, and in those seasons, in which the heat is, or has recently been so great as would destroy, or stop the progress of, the Plague; and it is for this reason that the latter disease has never been known to exist in intertropical countries, the temperature of which, however, is eminently suited to the existence of the Yellow Fever. The latter disease is not accompanied with the glandular and cutaneous affections, called Buboes and Carbun- cles ; some of which, especially the former, always accompany the Plague ; for although, patients are sometimes cut off by the latter disease, before Buboes appear above the surface of the adjoining parts, their germs may nevertheless, as I believe, be always felt, after death, in the glands near the groin or axilla-. It is true, indeed, that the parotid glands are occasionally af- fected in Yellow Fever; but this is not a common affection, and it differs greatly from the glandular tumours which occur in the Plague. The Yellow7 Fever is moreover, always atten- ded by a violent febrile paroxysm:—this is essential to its character; but it is admitted by several writers on the Plague and I have myself witnessed the fact, that persons have been attacked by the latter disease without having the least febrile affection,—an occurrence which has also been observed in the Small-Pox, in the Scarlet-Fever, and in the Measles. Final- ly, Blacks are very rarely seized with the yellow Fever, and when seized, they are much less violently affected by it than Whites living under the same circumstances; but I had occasion to observe, in Egypt, that Blacks were not at all less susceptible of the Plague than Whites, and that they died of it in a far greater proportion. Yellow Fever differs from Typhus in the following circum- stances, viz. it prevails, as I have already mentioned, only 8 58 during, or immediately after, very hot seasons, in which Ty- phus is soon extinguished; and it is, in its turn, completely extinguished upon the accession of cold weather, in which Ty- phus is commonly most prevalent; it attacks most readily and most violently the young and robust, over whom Typhus is allowed to have the least power;—it begins with much greater exertions of the living power than Typhus,—is attended with many different symptoms, and terminates much sooner;—it is, besides, disposed to remit, and it frequently changes into a regular remittent, and sometimes even into an intermittent fever, which true Typhus is never observed to do. There are some other very important circumstances in which the three diseases differ from each other, but these are reserved for another place. prognosis. Having already stated all that I had to submit in regard to the prognosis in the Yellow Fever, I must beg permission to refer the reader, who desires farther information upon that subject, to the treatises of former authors. TREATMENT. In offering some observations concerning the cure of the Yel- low Fever, it is not my intention to recommend any particular indiscriminating mode of treating the disease, in its several forms and varieties, being persuaded that none which I could devise would be found adequate to all cases of the disorder; but my sole aim will be to point out the general principles by which, as I conceive, the most urgent symptoms may be re- relieved, and the violence and fatality of the fever lessened. BLEEDING. The remedy which first presents itself to our notice is bleeding, as being proper only in an early stage of the disease* 59 Concerning this evacuation, the most opposite opinions have been delivered, some considering it as an indispensable remedy, and others alleging that nearly all who were bled had died. The number of persons who have survived, after copious bleeding, in this disease, among whom I may be included, are a sufficient proof that this evacuation is not necessarily fatal 5 and, therefore, we can only account for this contrariety of opinion, by supposing that, where bleeding has proved hurt- ful, some important mistake must have been made as to the necessity of that evacuation, or as to the quantity of blood re*- quired to be drawn. It has already been observed, that the Yellow Fever, espe- cially the violent forms of it, seldom occur among any other persons than strangers recently arrived from temperate cli- mates, the greater part of whom will commonly be found to be young, robust, and vigorous.—Hence we might be led, a priori, to believe, that these persons would be most liable to that inflammatory disposition, which is well known to be a very frequent concomitant of the intermittent and remittent fevers common in Europe; but we can have no hesitation in regarding the Yellow Fever as a disorder frequently, in its first stage, accompanied with a very considerable degree of general inflammation, (a degree which is, perhaps, greater -than occurs in any other kind of fever) if we attend to the leading symptoms which are visible at the commencement of the disease,—I mean the hard, full, and strong pulse,—the distressing sense of universal distension, the red, starting, watery eye, and the parched skin. Dissections, moreover, of persons, who wTere victims of this disease, have very generally exhibited signs of considerable inflammation in various organs, and especially in the head and stomach. Now experience has clearly demonstrated that general inflammation always in- creases the duration of the paroxysm, whenever it supervenes in a fever of an intermittent or a remittent type, (as the Yel- low Fever is) without being removed, and that it likewise augments the severity of all the febrile symptoms; the conse- 60 quence of which is either that the patient is often destroyed during the paroxysm, though he might otherwise have sur- vived ; or, at least, that extreme weakness, with all those symptoms called putrid,* which arc its usual effects, is more speedily induced. To avoid, therefore, the mischiefs arising from such superadded violence, no means appear to me so certain or beneficial as bleeding; but, that it may prove ad- vantageous, it ought to be performed copiously; and from a large orifice, as early as possible after general inflammatory action is perceived ; it being sufficiently ascertained that such action is more speedily and completely subdued by taking away a large quantity of blood at once, in this manner, than by a larger evacuation at two or more bleedings; and that, although the patient may be much debilitated at first by the former, his strength will, in the end, be less exhausted than by the latter. Those physicians, who have found the greatest benefit from this remedy in the Yellow Fever, insist most strongly upon the necessity of bleeding early, (as within twen- ty-four hours, and even twelve if possible, from the attack) to the amount of twenty-four or thirty ounces in the more violent cases ; hut in mentioning these quantities, it is not my inten- tion to recommend that all patients should indiscriminately be bled to such an extent: the necessity of this evacuation, and the quantity in which it is to be performed, can only be indi- cated by the vigour of the patient's constitution, and the pre- sence of inflammatory symptoms, and their degrees of violence and previous duration ;—and doubtless, in some patients, bleeding may be superfluous, or detrimental. * It is not uncommon, in hot climates, for the symptoms denoting putri- dity, to supervene within two or three days after the commencement of fever; and this has led several systematic medical writers, the greater part of whom have never been out of this island, to believe, and assert, that the fevers of hot climates are usually putrid, and very seldom inflammatory. These writers, however, seem either not to have been aware of the violence, and exhausting nature of the symptoms, which precede the appearances of pu- tridity, or not to have been acquainted with the true causes of those ap- pearances. 61 COID WATER. One of the least tolerable among the earlier sufferings o£ the patient in this disorder, is a sensation of burning heat through the whole body, which is far from being imaginary, as his general temperature frequently rises four degrees, or more, of Farenheit's thermometer, above the natural standard. Happily we have a remedy for this most uneasy and formidable symptom, in the external use of cold water,~the safe and efficacious operation of which has been very ably explained by the late Dr. Currie. The modesty and generous delicacy of this estimable man, have led him to do injustice to himself, that he might perform what he thought an act of justice to the supposed discovery of a contemporary writer, from whose prac- tice, in a distant country, as reported to him, he had first de- rived the idea of employing cold bathing in fevers. In doing this, however, he could not have been fully acquainted with the claims which several physicians, ancient as well as mo- dern, had to acknowledgments of the same nature, for having recommended, or mentioned, the external application of cold, by bathing, or otherwise, in febrile disorders; and especially Hippocrates,* who, in several parts of his works, has given * A multitude of instances might be cited from the works of this great physician, shewing the extensive use which he made of cold and of warmth, especially in external applications, towards the cure or relief of general or local affections ; but I shall content myself with referring to only a few such instances, observing that his practice appears to have been grounded upon the general principle of restoring the due temperature of parts, by cooling those which he conceived to be too much heated, and of comforting, by warmth, those which were either too cold or debilitated ;-a principle which, after some experience, I am inclined to consider as the best practical rule upon this subject that he could have followed. And Hippocrates had, in this re- spect, so judiciously adapted his practice to the suggestions of nature, as to have discovered that heating and cooling applications might be usefully employed, at he same time, with the same patient, for the purpose of cor- recting the deficiencies and excesses, of heat in different parts. Some pas- 62 particular directions for the employment of cold water, which are almost as judicious as Dr. Currie's. If, however, as Mal- pighi says concerning Harvey, " in arts and sciences he is properly to be deemed the discoverer, who, by a proper inves- tigation, unravels nature's perplexities, and calls in reason sages, it is true, may be found which seem to contradict the above-mentioned principle; but these are comparatively few, and might justly, perhaps, be included among the interpolations with which the writings, commonly as- cribed to Hippocrates, are, on good grounds, believed to abound.—See the treatment directed in the disorder termed Distension of the Lungs from Inflammation, in the third book de Morbis, (page 489, line 29 to 53. of the edition of the Works of Hippocrates, by Fcesius's, printed at Geneva, in 1657;) in Ilei, also in the third book de Morbis, (page 491, line 34 to 46;) in Cau- sus, in the book de Affectionibus, (page 518, line 4 Mo 50;) in Tertians and Quartans, (page 520, line 48 ;) in Typhus, in the book de Internis Aflec- tionibus, (page 553, line 25 to 38 j) in Ulcers, in the book de Liquidorum Usu, (page 426, line 45 to 4:7.) - See also the Cases, in the fifth book of Epi- demics, of the woman in Larissa, ill of Puerperal Fever, cured by water very cold, (page 1144. F.) and of another woman, who, being in appearance dead, was recovered by throwing thirty amphorae of cold water over her, (page 1153. B. C) Hippocrates had likewise successfully employed effusions of cold water in Tetanus and Opisthotonus,—(See the third book de Morbis, page 491, line 30 to 33, and the book de Liquidorum Usu, page 427, line 34, the latter of which two passages is repeated in the fifth book of his Apho- risms, 21.) and even in the Gout, as appears from the twenty-fifth Aphorism of the last-mentioned book, and from the book de Affectionibus, (page 524, line 23, 24.) It is net improbable that Hippocrates borrowed his modes of using cold water from similar uses, which he might have observed in the course of his travels through rude nations, among whom that natural and simple remedy for excess of heat was likely to be much employed, especially in Fevers. The two following passages will prove the existence of a like practice among very unenlightened people in other and opposite parts of the world. The first is taken from a manuscript letter, (preserved in the library of the British Museum, and marked in Ascough's catalogue, 4432. 71.) which was written by Dr. Oliver Coult, at Calcutta, to Dr. Mead, and is dated the 25th of November, 1718. '* 1 am credibly told, (says Dr Coult) that, upon the coast of Sumatra, Pegu, and Siam, the natives, in fevers of all kinds, whether continued, intermitting, or eruptive, also in diarrhceas and slow dysenteries, wash frequently in the rivers, which are very cool, in the seaspn of rains," (from June to November.) 65 and experience to support, and facts to confirm, what he as- serts," then will Dr. Currie doubtless be esteemed the dis- coverer of this remedy. It is only when the heat of the body is above the healthy standard, that cold water should be applied externally; and the patient's feelings will sometimes best direct how long and how frequently the application should be made; but we ought always to recollect that, if he should become chilled by it, not only mischief may be caused by driving a considerable quan- tity of blood from the surface to the internal parts, especially the brain, but also a violent re-action of the system might be produced, which could scarcely fail of protracting and aggra- vating the paroxysm. As the usual modes of applying cold water to the surface of the body, viz. by placing the patient in a bathing-tub, filled with water, or pouring water over him, or washing him with wet sponges, while sitting on a stool, may sometimes cause serious disturbance and fatigue to him, and are often attended with difficulty or inconvenience enough to deter both patient and attendants from persisting in their use for a sufficient The second will be found in a well-written tract, composed by a Mr. Bour- geois, Secretary of the Board of Agriculture at the Cape in St. Domingo, in 1755, entitled " Memoire sur les maladies les plus communes a Saint Do- mingue; leurs remedes," &c. and contained in a volume of "Voyages in- **teressans dans differentes colonies Franchises, Espagnoles, Anglaises, &c. a Paris, chez Jean-Francoise Bastien, 1788." " L'habitude des Negres qui veulent guerir des fievres est de se jeter dans l'eau la plus froide, de s'y baigner, & de se mettre sur la tete des herbes fraiches qu'ils arrachent au fond des ravines ou des rivieres. J'en ai vu l'essai sur des blancs, qui con'- venaient que cela leur otait l'ardeur de la fievre, que le mal de tete cessait presque aussi-tot, &. qu'ils se sentaient soulages. Plusieurs m'ont meme dit en avoir et£ gugris. Ces herbes se changent d'instant en instant, and se retirent toujours aussi chaudes que si on les eut fait bouillir: elles procu- red de fortes transpirations, & d£barassent surtout la tete. J'ai eprouv£ c© remede sur moi-meme. Mais pourquoi douterait-on de son efncacite'} q'i'on se r. ppelle ce que rapporte Chardin, de la mamer<- dont la fievre se guerit en qm'ques lieux de 1'Orient, <>u. I'on ne connuit d'autre cure, que de se fbire jeter sur le corps des seaux de l'eau la plus fratche."—P. 488. 64 length of time, a safe and useful substitute may be procured, by covering the patient, as he lies in bed, with a single sheet wetted* with cold water, which, by evaporation, will gradually reduce the temperature of his body to a proper standard. The addition proposed by two or three writers of distilled spirit,—as rum,—to the water which is employed as a bath, would, indeed, contribute to cool the patient more speedily; but it may be disagreeable, if not injurious, to the patient, to inhale the spirituous vapours; and it is probable that the pro- cess of cooling by water only in the management just mention- ed will be sufficiently quick and effectual in most cases. Besides the external application of cold water, there is an- other use of it, I mean the drinking of it in small quantities frequently, which, as I have good reason to believe from per- sonal observation, will be found of great efficacy, in moderating the excessive heat of the body, as well as the violence of general febrile action; also in disposing the skin to perspire gently j and in preventing inflammation of the stomach, or diminishing and removing it after it has been excited. The utility of fre- quent draughts of the coldest water in the cure of ardent fevers, and likewise in various other inflammatory disorders, was very generally known among the ancientf physicians, as is evident * The mode here proposed of carrying off the superabundant heat of the body in fever, may be used in this country during warm weather ; but, during cold weather, if the patient's room be not too much heated, he may, in ge- neral, be sufficiently cooled, by merely diminishing the quantity of his bed- covering. ■j- It is true that these ancients differed among themselves about the proper time of administering cold drinks in fevers ;—Celcus, Galen, and most of the other Roman and Greek physicians, deeming it dangerous to administer them before the fourth day, or before those appearances, which they regarded as the signs of concoction, had taken place ; while the Arabian Physicians gave cold drinks in the beginning, without waiting for such signs ; tht latter practice, however, has been proved by more modern experience, to be safe as well as advantageous ; we cannot, therefore, wonder that some sanguine physicians should have pushed it to an extreme, and employed it alone in the treatment of febrile disorders, as in the diaeta aquea of certain Italian Physicians. 65 from the writings of most of those whose works have been handed down to us; and it has been so fully established by the experience of many of the most considerable medical writers on the Continent during the last two or three centuries, espe- cially in Italy and Spain, that it is a matter of no less sur- prise than regret, that this beneficial remedy should have been so little employed by British* and American physicians in the cure of the Yellow Fever. It is scarcely necessary to add, that in places where ice or snow- is preserved during the hot season, water-ices, made with acidulous fruits, will be found a safe and very pleasant mode of diminishing febrile heat. PURGATIVES. The state of the primse vise likewise demands early attention. Costiveness frequently precedes, and generally accompanies, the Yellow Fever; and as an accumulation of faecal matters usually produces morbid irritability in the whole intestinal canal, but more especially in the stomach, and aggravates other symptoms, it is highly expedient to employ a cathartic without delay. The medicine, which should be given for this end, ought, for reasons which I shall immediately explain, to be such as will not offend or irritate the stomach hy its bulk or quality ; and unless there be considerable determination to the head, the dose ought not to be very powerful, lest the patient should be too much reduced by excessive evacuations, and a * Dr. John Williams, of Jamaica, and Dr. Rush, are two of the few exceptions I have met with to this remark —" Lare;e draughts of cold water, (says Dr Williams) or other cool liquors, have occasioned profuse sweats, when all the sudorificks in the shop would not have had the same effect" He adds, « I have often observed that those persons who had this (the Bilious or Yellow) Fever on board of the vessels in the harbour, who seldom drank any thing but cold water, no beds to lie on, or clothes to cover them, with a free admission of air, frequently recovered "—See pages 16 and 27 of " Essays on the Hi funis Fever, containing the different opinions of those eminent physicians, John Williams, and Parker Bennet, of Jamaica " London, 1752. Dr. Currie has made some useful observations on cold drinks in the 11th chapter of vol. i. of his Medical Reports on the Effects of Cold Water. 9 b6 prolongation of the paroxysm, or a diarrhcea be the conse- quence. Calomel, with Scammony, Jalap, Gamboge, and similar purgatives, will best answer the above purpose ; and it will be proper to repeat them as may be requisite, in order to procure two evacuations daily during the continuance of the fever. EMETICS. Emetics have been recommended in the begining of this dis- ease by some, but reprobated, and as I think, very justly, by other writers, in no respect inferior to the former, either in discernment or experience. My reasons for condemning the use of emetics are,—first, that they commonly fail in their principal object of removing nausea, which is very apt to con- tinue, and even in a greater degree than before; for this symptom rarely proceeds from any load of undigested food,* * It is, perhaps, only for the purpose of removing such undigested food, and thereby preventing the injurious effects which its continuance in the stomach would occasion, that vomiting can be beneficially employed in the Yellow Fever; and, in cases of this description, the above purpose may be sufficiently attaineu, if not by draughts of tepid water alone, to aid the stomach in discharging its offending contents, at least by a moderate dose of Ipecacuanha, which is a more certain emetic than any of the prepara- tions of Antimony in use, and is also preferable to the latter for other reasons presently to be explained. The practice of giving emetics in the beginning of fevers, has probably been rendered more general by the opinion first advanced, as I believe, by Sir John Pringle, (See page '290, of his Observations on the Diseases of the Army) and afterwards adopted and maintained by Dr James Lind, who, in his Dissertation on Fevers and infection, chap 2, says, that " if a person be seized with chills or sickness, after examining a prisoner, visiting a prison, or being in a crowded Court of Judicature, where prisoners, suspected of infection, have been tried, a vomit taken immediately seldom or never fails to prevent the future mischief;"—(See page 346 and also 248 and 257, of his Essay on Preserving the Health of Seamen, second edition ;) but I am persuaded, by numerous facts which have fallen under my observation, to be stated in another part, that in all the instances adduced hy Dr. Lind to support his opinion, no one of the per- sons, whom he supposed to have been infected, and to have been preserved in tliis mode from fever, was really infected ; and 1 am likewise persuaded by other facts, also to be stated, that when a person has imbibed a dose of contagion sufficient to produce fever, a vomit will not only not prevent, but, on the contrary, assist its production. 67 or bile, or phlegm in the stomach, but seems rather to proceed from other causes, such as sympathy with the morbid state of the brain, or of the surface of the body, or else from an in- flammatory affection of the coats of the stomach itself; and these are causes which emetics have but little power to re- move. Secondly, the patient cannot vomit without making violent efforts, which will exhaust his strength, increase the circulation, and propel a large quantity of blood into the head where it may occasion the most serious mischief. Thirdly, there is a peculiar tendency in a warm temperature, to render the stomach and intestines relaxed, irritable, and liable to inflammation ; hence the great prevalence of Cholera Morbus and Dysentery, in all countries, towards the end of Summer and in Autumn ; and this natural effect of heat is, in no dis- ease, more perceptible than in the Yellow Fever, in which a disposition to vomit is usually a very early symptom, and one of the most difficult to allay, as well as one of the most fatal if not allayed ; for what is properly understood by the term of the Black Vomit, rarely occurs except as the sequel to fre- quent vomitings, nor can we be surprised at the remarkable frequency of this disposition to vomit, since we learn, from very numerous dissections, that the stomach is more or less inflamed in most of those who have died of the Yellow Fe- ver. Instead, therefore, ,of prescribing emetics in this disor- der, it soon became my chief anxiety, while attending the sick in military hospitals, in the West Indies, to calm the irrita- tion of the stomach by every possible means; and I had full employment in this occupation; for the greater part of my patients, in the Yellow Fever, were persons to whom emetics had already been administered before they were sent into the hospitals. The mode which proved most successful towards effecting this intention, when patients, with constant vomiting, came under my care, was to give small doses of Opium, as half a grain, at intervals, at first of half an hour, and after- wards of one or two hours; to procure sufficient alvine eva- cuations, where the bowels had been torpid, by clysters, and 68 also by combining moderate doses of the more powerful purga^ tives, as Calomel, Scammony, Jalap, &c. with the Opium, such evacuations being highly useful towards checking the vomiting, by promoting the natural propulsory action of the stomach and intestines ; to apply a large blister or sinapism over the epigastric region, and to forbid the patient from swal- lowing food of any kind, liquid or solid, as the presence of even a very small quantity in the stomach always renewed the strainings to vomit. The patient was, however, directed to rinse his mouth frequently with lemonade, or some other pleasant and acidulated liquid. When this treatment had been persisted in for eight, ten, or twelve hours, I generally found that the vomiting had sub- sided, and that the patient was able to retain a little food, which I then allowed him to take, at first in small portions, as a tea spoonful or two, and gradually* in larger: and I have the satisfaction of knowing, that very many persons were en- abled to take sufficient nourishment, and in the quantity of half a pint or more at once, within a day or two after this simple plan of treatment had been adopted, and that they finally re- covered ; when it seemed highly probable that they would have been carried off in the same space of time, if, according to the mode which some authors have advised, and many prac- titioners have pursued, I had kept the stomach in a perpetual state of irritation, by forcing the patient, who had rejected one potion, immediately to swallow another, perhaps possess- ing even a more stimulating quality than the former.f * I have very often found that patients, in the condition here described, were able to retain, and relished, small quantities of spruce beer, cooled as much as possible, when almost every thing else disgusted them, or was rejected by the stomach. ■j- Although Dr. Cullen and Dr. George Fordyce, two of our greatest modern teach- ers of medicine, have been partial to the use of emetics, and have recommended them in the commencement of Fevers, the weight of their recommendation, so far as it re gards the treatment of the Yellow Fever, is considerably lessened by recollecting, that neither of them was personally acquainted with any but the Fevers of this country, wl ih a«e much less vioh- t in their symptoms, and less rapid or dangerous in their egiirse, than the Fevers of hot climates, and in which it is certain, that emetics are 69 Though opium, as I have found, given in the manner above- mentioned, may be of great service towards putting a stop to given with greater safety than in the latter: yet the following passages from their works will show, that both these experienced physicians were aware of the bad effects which emetics are capable of producing. Cullen. First lines of the Practice of Physic, paragraph CLXXVIII. " It is sel- „ dom that vomiting is found to produce a fi >al solution of Fevers ; and, after they are once formed, it is commonly necessary to repeat the vomiting several times; but this is attended with inconvenience, and sometimes with disadvantage.—The exercise of vomiting is often a debilitating power; and therefore, when the vomiting does not re- move the atony and spasm very entirely, it may give occasion to their recurring with greater force." Fordyce. Third Dissertation on Fever, second part, page 73. " It happens some- times, when an emetic is employed, that, with every precaution, the sickness will con- tinue, and the patient shall pass a restless and distressing night, more so than would probably happen if no emetic had been exhibited." Id Fourth Dissertation on Fever, page 80. " Preparations of antimony, ipeca- cuanha, and other medicines, which produce symptoms similar to those which take place in the ordinary crisis of Fever, and especially Dr. James's powder, have frequent- ly been employed in this very violent disease (the Yellow Fever). The patient's stomach very soon becomes so extremely irritable, that any dose of sueh medicines which might be expected to be at all efficacious, has produced vomiting; which, when it takes place in any great degree, has hardly ever been got over, but has destroyed the patient." Sir John Pringle was also aware of the disadvantages of emetics in the advanced state of Fever. See page 308 of his Observations on the diseases of the Army. Some useful instruction concerning the injuries that may be caused by emetics, and particularly by antimouial ones, in the treatment of Fevers, is to be derived from the account given by VI. Le Cat, M. D. (and published in the 49th vol. of the Philosophical Transactions, part 1, page 49) of a " malignant Fever that raged at Rouen, in the winter of 1753-4," where " the havock it made gave them the reputation throughout Europe of having the plague." This was the contagious Fiver to which L'r. Cullen has applied the name of T. |;hus; a disorder, in a great measure, peculiar to the British Isles, and but little known to French physicians; for which reason it appea. s to have been very unsuccessfully treated by them whenever it has been introduced into Brest, or other ports or towns in France by English prisoners of war. The treatment pursued by M. Le Cat on the above occasion was, " after a bleeding or two," a vomit, the formula of which was " four grains of emetic tartar dissolved in a quart of water, the fourth part of which is given at a time ; after tins had worked either by vomit or Stool, another fourth was taken, and so on, till the patient was supposed to have vomited or purged enough." This remedy sometimes produced " a small flux of five or six stools a day " and is the reby said to have effected a cure, &s it might do in slight cases; '* bin ■.. - tins success (lid i oi follow, the p ti< nt » as aga:ti bled, first in the arm, then ifl the foot, and every two or three days there was given some cassia, quickened by an 70 excessive vomiting, much caution is nevertheless required in the use of it; for if it be given freely, and in a larger quantity than is necessary for quieting the stomach, delirium and coma may be brought on, affections not less to be dreaded than that which the opium was intended to remove. And, indeed, it will be found of the greatest consequence, throughout the dis- ease, to pay unremitting attention to the state of the brain, and to moderate, as far as possible, every action which threatens mischief to that most important organ. If, therefore, the patient should, after having been suffici- ently bled, complain of very severe pain in the head, or be delirious, or comatose, it would be proper to support him in bed, so that his head may be raised, to apply a blister at the nape of the neck, or between his shoulders, and to keep cloths wetted with cold water wrapped round his head: and if these should not have procured the desired relief, to have the head shaved, and fix a large blister over it, by which emetic, in a decoction of tamarinds." From vomitings and purgings thus reiterated, the reader will not be surprised at the following appearances having been discovered in the stomach and intestines on examining the bodies of " many" of those who died, viz. " In some, part of the villous coat of the stomach, and of the small guts was in- flamed, and the rest of these organs were filled with an eruption of the miliary crystal- line kind, except that it was larger." " In others, a strong inflammation had seized the whole stomach, and a small portion of the oesophagus, but the intestines were free.'' " In those cases where the delirium had continued long and violent, we found either ulceration on the stomach, or its villous coat separated, together with a great inflamma- tion, and even some gangrenous spots on the other coats of that organ." " The manner of recovery from this disease, adds M. le Cat, deserves a place in the history of it. There were but few who recovered of it in the usual way, that is to say, who only wanted the restoration of their strength, exhausted as well by sickness as by the medicines. Almost all of them, even those who had it in the first and second de- gree, (the-mildest degrees) still felt some remains of the symptoms of the disease ;" " others who escaped the mortality of this dangerous poison, carried about with them for several months and still feel, its terrible effects." M.Le Cat appears to have had no suspicion that the above appearances, and slow or imperfect recoveries, were the consequences of his mode of treatment; for, in men- tioning that treatment, he styles it " the most successful," which it might have been, compared with other modes then in use; but to have (erroneously) considered them as characteristics of au unusual and peculiar distemper. 71 sleep is frequently soon induced, and severe pain in the kead greatly mitigated or removed, after other usual means hava failed. sudorific s. Sudorifics have, as well as emetics, been frequently com- mended, and employed in the treatment of the Yellow Fever: I cannot, however," join in this commendation, for the follow- ing reasons; 1st. They do not seem to be at all necessary, because a natural perspiration will readily ensue as soon as the excess of heat above the standard of health has been re- moved, which can be accomplished with certainty by the proper application of cold water to the surface of the body. 2dly. The means by which a perspiration is to be excited are not altogether innocent. Small doses of such sudorific medi- cines as, when given in large quantities, prove emetic, tend to increase that disposition to vomit, from which, as I have just mentioned, the greatest danger is always to be apprehended; and of this class of sudorifics none are so detrimental in the Fevers of hot climates as preparations of antimony, because, aided by the natural operation of heat, they usually leave be- hind them an extreme degree of irritability in the primse viae, which but too often resists all our endeavours to appease it. Again, if the sudorifics be composed of medicines of the above class, combined with opium, as Pulvis Ipecacuanha composi- tus, some share of that irritability will still be produced, though less, Indeed, than in the former case; and the first effects of this combination will generally be a morbid increase in the heat of the body, and a greater determination of blood to the head, which may soon be followed by delirium or coma. Moreover, medicines of this description do not always succeed in causing perspiration ; and if they fail in this respect, they will probably produce other effects very injurious to $he pa- tient, such as aggravating the existing symptoms, and length- ening the paroxysm. 72 PERUVIAN BARK AND CORDIAXS. By the means above-mentioned, joined with mild febrifuge remedies, as saline draughts in an effervescent state, and by such others as wrill mitigate the sufferings of the patient, we may confidently hope, either that the termination of the first paroxysm will also terminate the disease, or at least, that the brain and the stomach will have been so far protected as to obviate the dangerous consequences of the succeeding stages; and in this expectation we may begin, as soon as the febrile commotion subsides, to administer the Peruvian Bark, in s-ich form of preparation, and in such quantity, as will best suit the state of the stomach, in order* to restore that organ to its proper functions, to strengthen the system, and to prevent any return of the Fever. It should, however, be a rule not to give bark in this disorder till the period just mentioned; for if it be given when there is a parched skin, a hard pulse, a dry tongue, great heat and pain at the stomach, or delirium, it will generally be found to increase and prolong these symp- toms. When the patient begins to sink in strength, he should be supported by combining aromatics with the bark, and also by wine more or less diluted, or even brandy, which is often more palatable and more easily retained by the stomach than wine; and these cordials should afterwards be continued, or increas- ed according to the state of his stomach, and the degree of his * Dr. John Clarke, after a review of the practice in Fevers, as contained in the journals of the Surgeons of the different ships in the service of the East India Compnn}, between the years 1770 and 1785, has given the result thereof in the following words, at page 468 of his valuable work on the diseases of long voyages. " Upon the whole of the evidence it appears that, when Fevers of any consequence prevailed in the ships, either at sea, or at the different stations in India, mortality was almost invariably the consequence of bleeding, and the continued use of purgatives and a-.itimoniuls. That under a cordial regimen, and moderate evacuations, succeeded even hy a late use of the bark, many recovered; and that under the early, liberal, and continued use of this medicine, not one instance of death is recorded." 73 debility. If the extremities grow cold, they should be warmed by artificial means. MERCURY. It will doubtless be expected that I should speak of saliva- tion hy Mercury in the Yellow Fever, which some writers have so highly extolled; and, indeed, I should have done it earlier, if the results of my former experience, or a satisfac- tory explanation of its mode of operation, had relieved me from the doubts and difficulties which I have felt on this subject. Dr. Henry Warren, in his " treatise concerning the Malig- nant fever in Barbadoes,"(for so lie called the Yellow Fever) first printed in 1740, after condemning what he designates as " a very odd, and unwarrantable practice which had obtained for many years among several of the plantation practitioners in that island, of giving calomel in Inflammatory Fevers," says, (at page 36) " I have yet never heard of mercury being given in this malady, (Yellow Fever) and I hope I never shall j as, no doubt, it would here act an uncommon mischievous part." It was not then foreseen that, in the year 1793, a medical practitioner in Grenada would be found boldly ad- ministering mercury in this very disease, even so as to excite copious salivation, because he supposed, erroneously,* that " the liver was the most diseased part," and had heard of two Surgeons of the army who, some years before, gave calomel with success in the Yellow Remittent Fever, not indeed to salivate, but to produce evacuations by stool; and also, because he thought that " it was, at all events, better to try a doubtful one, than remedies of no efficacy." Although I should not have thought these motives sufficient to warrant an innovation so extraordi- nary, yet if it has really preserved even a few of the lives said * See pages 351 and 423 of Vol. 1, of Dr. Chisholm's Essay on the Malignant Pesti- lential Fever, &c. 10 74 to have been saved thereby, I shall most readily excuse the acknow ledged " temerity" of that new practice, and sincerely rejoice at the practitioner's good fortune in thus stumbling upon an efficacious remedy for a disease commonly productive of so much mortality. I must, however, acknowledge, that I am not yet convinced of the supposed benefits of this new practice; for, should it even be true, as is pretended, that the patients labouring under Yellow Fever, in whom a salivation can be excited, generally recover, I do not perceive that we could thence fairly infer, that their recovery was effected by the sali- vation. It is well known that, in many cases of that disorder, more than 500, and, in some, more than 1000, grains of calo- mel have been given internally to a single patient w ithout producing any sensible effect on the salivary glands, or even on the intestines; and although, te explain this inactivity of the mercury, it has been supposed, that in such cases the ab- sorbents alone were in fault by not taking up the mercury, this explanation cannot be admitted, because the intestines have commonly been as little excited by the calomel thus in- troduced as the salivary glands; and it seems, therefore, pro- bable that a general torpor, or defect of excitability, and of vital energy, existed in such patients,* and that the mercury proved inefficacious in them only, because they had already made considerable approaches towards the condition of a dead body, in which it is obvious that no quantity of that medicine, however large, could exercise a stimulant power. If this rea- soning be just, there will be room to suspect at least, if not to conclude,.that, when patients die of Yellow Fever, after all attempts to excite salivation in them have failed, their deaths * Dr. Chisholm, after mentioning (at page 429 of Vol. 1, of his Essay) that there are some habits which, under the influence of disease, resist the action of mercury even when more than 2000 grains have been given, while there are others in which-saliva- tion is excited by less than ten grains, adds, " hence it may not be irrational to conclude, that the susceptibility of, or resistance to, the action of mercury in habits, in which the morbid action of the cause of the Malignant Pestilential, and Yellow Remittent Fevers has already taken place, are in the direct ratio of their excitability ,•" a conclusion tha is in conformity with the explanation which I have above given. 75 have resulted, not from the want of any good effect which sali- vation may he thought capable of producing, but because the condition of their living, or sensorial power, and of the func- tions depending thereon, had already become so morbid as to render their recovery impossible; and, on the other hand, that where persons have recovered from the Yellow Fever, after having been salivated, their recovery was not occasioned by the salivation, but was the consequence of such a condition Of the powers of life, and of the functions connected therewith, as induced a mitigation of the disorder, for the same reason, and perhaps, ceteris paribus, in the same degree, as it favour* ed the operation of mercury upon such persons ; and therefore that, although recovery has not unfrequently followed, or ac- companied salivation, the latter was not a cause of the former. There is, indeed, no source of error more common or produc- tive, than that of supposing an event which closely follows another to have been occasioned by it; and it may be doubted, whether a great number of the advocates for mercurial saliva- tion in the Yellow Fever have any other, or better, foundation for their conviction of its efficacy. Besides the uncertainties in the operation of mercury, which depend on the different conditions, or degrees of the general excitability, there are others, arising from certain constitu- tional peculiarities not well understood, which give occasion to excessive salivations hy the taking of only a few grains of calomel; and this effect constitutes a serious objection to the use of mercury, in a disease so rapid and dangerous, without manifest necessity. In order, however, to attain the truth upon this important subject, it is not sufficient for us to discover, that recovery generally follows salivation in Yellow Fever, though even this is contradicted by many very respectable authorities; but we must ascertain whether those practitioners who excite saliva- tion in as many of their patients as may be susceptible of it, under that disorder, do in fact lose a smaller proportion of them, than those who purposely abstain from all endeavours to 76 produce that discharge : and on this point I must declare that, after some experience, assisted by no ordinary portion of in- quiry and information, I have not been able to discover that the salivators were more successful than the others. And, if not more successful, their practice has certainly been hurtful; because, in most of the persons who have recovered, the (per- haps useless) salivation had retarded the convalescence, and produced very troublesome affections of the tongue, mouth, and throat, with other ill consequences ; as is well known and acknowledged, even by its advocates. Dr. Chisholm (at page 357, of vol. i. of his Essay,) warmly acknowledges his "obli- gations to Dr. Rush for supporting in a masterly manner," and "pursuing the mercurial mode of treatment," and express- es both " admiration and respect" for his " fortitude" in doing so. But Dr. Rush, notwithstanding this support and this for- titude, has candidly stated, that " in the City Hospital, (of Philadelphia) where bleeding wras sparingly used and where the physicians depended chiefly upon salivation, more than one- half died of all the patients who were admitted."—(See page 128, of vol. v. of his Medical Inquiries and Observations.)— But great as this mortality was, it fell vastly short of that which occurred in a detachment of the Royal Artillery, placed under the care of Dr. Chisholm, when of twenty-seven re- cruits for that corps, who arrived in Grenada, in July, 1793, twenty-six were seized with the Fever, and of these,* twenty- one died before the middle of August ensuing, that is, in six weeks. (See page 133, of vol. i. of Dr. Chisholm's Essay.)— Upon the subject of this occurrence, Dr. John Hunter has ob- * Among the cases given by Dr. Chisholm, in his first Appendix, the four which are numbered 9, 13, 14, and 15, (See pages 371, 383, 386, and 387, of vol. ii.) seem to be the cases of four out of the five survivors of the twenty-six men in question ; and it is remarkable that in the two first of those cases very little mercury was administered, but the Peruvian Bark, with some opium, wine, &c was chiefly relied upon for the cure; and that in the two last, no mercury whatever was given. The twenty-five cases, therefore, before us, and th ir results, appear by no means to correspond with D, Chisholm's high commendation of, or professed confidence in, the mercurial treat- ment. 77 served, (at page 328, of his work on the Diseases of the Army in Jamaica,) that although "Dr. Chisholm had satisfied him- self of the great virtues of Mercury, at least four months be- fore, yet this is a mortality never exceeded in any Fever."* To one who is sincerely desirous of discovering and adher- ing to the truth, it is extremely difficult to reconcile, or ac- count for, the very opposite testimonies given on this subject; and the doing it would moreover be too invidious for me to atr tempt it. This, however, appears certain, that the good ef- fects of the mercurial treatment have been greatly exaggera- ted by persons who either were deceived, or were willing to deceive others ; that many persons have died of the Fever in question, although mercury, administered externally or inter- nally, had produced a copious salivary discharge ; and that, in very many others who have recovered, this discharge did not beginf until after a solution, or a great mitigation, of the disease had evidently taken place, which solution, or mitiga- tion, therefore, could not have been the effect of salivation.— I cannot, with an eminent aiid respectable physician4 who treats of this practice, " aver that, although I have been called in to attend many under such circumstances, not one survived, • Dr. Chisholm, who was likewise attacked by the same Fever in the same year, was himself more fortunate ; for though he had recourse, at first, to the same remedy, he became convinced of its inefficacr, in his own case, early enough to call for the advice of Dr. William Vlunro, then of Grenada, and now of Demerarv, under whose care he recovered, but, as I have been well informed, by a very different mode of treatment. Dr. Chisholm, at page 237-9, of his second volume, mentions the great success of the mercurial treatment in the hands of his former partner in Grenada, Mr. W. Campbell j yet, as 1 have been assured from respectable quarters, this gentleman refused to take Calomel, when he was afterwards attacked by the Yellow Fi'ver, of which he died. ■J- " Mercury seldom salivated until the fever intermitted or declined. I saw several cases in which the salivation came on during the intermission, and went off during its exacerbation; and many n which there was no salivation until the morbid action had ceased altogether in the blood-vessels, by the solution of the fever."—See Dr. Hush's Account of the Bilious Yellow Fever of Philadelphia, in 1794, in the 4th vol. of his Medical Inquiries and Observations, page 94. * See the " Essay o» the Yellow Fever of Jamaica, by David Grant, M.D" page 51. 78 and that they became more victims to the mercury than even to the Fever;" but I can aver, that I had not a few opportuni- ties of observing the effects of mercury given in this disease, while I served, in 1796 and 1797, as physician to the army, under Sir Ralph Abercrombie, in the West Indies; and that I saw nothing, which, to my understanding, could afford a proper encouragement to continue the mercurial practice; and this, I have great reason to believe, may be said of most of the other physicians and medical officers, who were then, or have been subsequently, employed with the British forces in the West Indies ; and therefore, though I have adopted no in- vincible, nor, as I hope, unreasonable, prejudice on the sub- ject, I cannot venture to recommend the use of mercury to excite salivation in Yellow Fever, without farther evidence of its utility. At the same time, I consider the use of it, in this disorder, as a purgative, to be highly beneficial. Of mercurial frictions, which have been largely employed in the Yellow- Fever, it may also be observed, that they do not seem likely to prove altogether innocent in those cases in which they may happen to do no good; for, besides the sali- vation which they may produce, when the patient lives long enough, and which is to he added to the number of his suffer- ings, already sufficiently abundant, the very act of rubbing-in the mercury tends greatly to disturb his body and mind, when his only wish is to remain unmolested; while the covering a large portion of the skin with a greasy ointment produces a considerable accumulation of heat therein, by which the gen- eral heat of the body, and with it many of the other febrile symptoms, will be increased. KND OF PART FIRST. PART SECOND. Having given some account of the symptoms and treatment of the Yellow Fever, it seems expedient, as far as possible, to ascertain its cause: but in attempting to do this, I find the natural course and progress of my inquiry obstructed by cer- tain doctrines, taught by authorities highly respectable, and almost generally adopted, though, as I think, without sufficient evidence', and I am, therefore, induced to enter upon a pre- vious examination of these doctrines, in order to remove the obstruction occasioned by them, and clear a path which will, I hope, lead towards the truth. To render this examination the more methodical and satis- factory, I beg leave to propose, for discussion, two problems, to which the doctrines in question seem to be referable, viz.— First, Are all fevers naturally contagious, or capable of ex- citing fever in other persons not predisposed thereto ? Secondly, Can a fever, strictly contagious, be generated by an accumulation of filth, or of putrifying, or putrid matters, or by the crow ding of healthy persons into confined, or ill- ventilated, and unclean places ? The affirmative of the first of these problems has been as- serted by Dr. Cleghorn,* Dr. Robert Hamilton,! Dr. John Clarke,:}: and more especially by the late Dr. George Fordyce. The last of these authors, in his Dissertation on Simple Fever, * Observations on the Epidemical diseases of Minorca, third edition, page 132, &c. j Observations on Marsh Remittent Fever, page 39, &c. + Observations on the Diseases which prevail in Long Voyages to Hot Countries, vol. i. page 151, &c. 80 (page 113 and 114, second edit.) endeavours to maintain, that " by repeated experience, it is now known that, although it very frequently happens that a man coming near another afflicted with fever, is not afterwards affected with the disease, yet of any number* of men, one-half of whom go near a person ill of this disease, and the other half do not go near a person so diseased, a greater number of the former will be affected with fever, than of the latter, in a short period afterwards. In some instances, the proportion is not very different; in others, the author has known seven out of nine, who went near a per- son afflicted with fever, seized with the disease, in the space of three weeks afterwards. There is, therefore, (adds he) a perfect ground, from experience, for believing, that coming near a person afflicted with fever is a cause of the disease." This general indiscriminating assertion, if it were true, could only prove that some fevers are contagious,—not that all are so.—But the assertion is manifestly founded upon a supposed probability, or presumption, that such effects would result from the causes here described ; for no one can believe, that an actual experiment was ever made by selecting a cer- tain number of persons, and sending one-half of them into close communication with a febrile patient, and afterwards contrasting what happened to these, with the condition of those who were not allowed to approach any person labouring under fever. Nor would a single experiment afford any conviction on this subject, for reasons too obvious to require explanation. Much also would depend on the species of fever to which the individuals in question are supposed to have been exposed, which is not mentioned by Dr. Fordyce. Few persons, if any, doubt of the contagious quality of what is called Jail Fever, and few believe that intermittent fevers possess that quality. The same author, at page 116, inculcates that " a peculiar matter is probably generated in the body of a man in fever, which, being carried by the atmosphere, and applied to some part of the body of a person in health, causes a fever to 4ake 81 place in him." This matter having no sensible properties, " its existence (says he) is only known by its effect in pro- ducing the disease." And in the next page he asserts, that " this infectious matter is produced by all fevers whatever ,•" but immediately adds, that, " as far as he knows, no person has been seized with fever, in consequence of coming near another person afflicted with it, where the fever consisted of one paroxysm only ;" and he thereby, in effect, admits that he has gone beyond his knowledge, and contradicted his own uniform experience, in asserting that " this infectious matter is produced by all fevers whatever." And probably, if he had examined facts with sufficient accuracy and caution, he would have discovered that other fevers, beside those of one paroxysm, had occurred, which were not known to have ever re-produced fever in any other person. In the same page, Dr. Fordyce declares, " that Intermittent Fevers produce this matter, or, in other words, are infectious;" and that he " knows this from his own observation, as well as that of others." Here again the author seems to have hazarded an assertion, for which it is hardly possible that he could have had any certain foundation, because it is now known, as will be more fully stated hereafter, that the ordinary, and perhaps sole cause of intermittents, i. c. Marsh* miasmata, may remain inactive for several months after having been imbibed by a person in health, and, finally, produce fever, notwithstanding such long inactivity; and therefore, although Dr. Fordyce may have known persons to be attacked by intermittents, after having communicated with others labouring under that disor- der, he could never have been certain that they had not, with- in the preceding six or eight ihonths been exposed to these • I beg to state, in this place, that, in joining the epithet marsh, or marshy, to the terms miasmata, exhalationF, efiluvia, &c. and in considering these as a cause of fever, I do not mean to intimate that such miasmata, &c. are emitted solely by marshes, (it being certain that they frequently arise from soils in a different state,) but only to desig- nate the quality of those vapours, which are eminently the product of marshy ground*. 11 82 miasmasta, existing, as they do, in a variety of unsuspected places.. He seems, indeed, to have been less confident in re- gard to these than in regard to other fevers, for he immedi- ately subjoins the following concession, viz.—" But intermit- ting fevers are not nearly so apt to produce it, (the conta- gious matter,) or at least, to propagate it, as continued fevers; and the more violent the continued fever is in its febrile symp- toms, the greater quantity of infectious matter is produced." This general assertion of the contagious nature of all fevers without exception, is so important in the conclusions deduci- ble from it, and so much at variance with the general experi- ence of mankind, more especially in regard to those fevers, which so frequently follow any considerable exposure to the exhalations of marshy, or damp, soils during, or soon after, very hot seasons, that I feel it incumbent on me to contest this assertion; and in doing so, I beg leave to observe, that the kinds of evidence, which would be sufficient to produce convic- tion in a Court of Judicature respecting the ordinary transac- tions of our lives, would often prove fallacious in regard to medical facts, and especially those which relate to the exist- ence and effects of contagion;—the former being cognizable by some of our senses, we are enabled to ascertain and testify the truth concerning them ; but this rarely happens in regard to the latter ; of which our belief frequently depends upon sup- posed causes and effects, whose existence and relations are not capable of being either seen, heard, or felt; and yet men will frequently imagine they have seen, heard, or felt, all that is necessary to warrant their belief; and will, in such eases, even assert what appears to them to he true as confidently as if their judgment had not been, in any degree liable to error. Hence the works of medical writers abound with supposed facts, which are now known to have been more or less falla- cious ; and to this source of error, all proofs of the existence of contagion are particularly liable; because the matter, of which it consists, is not distinguishable by any of our senses; and we can, therefore, only presume its existence and agency 83 by certain effects or events, which may be suspected, but can hardly ever be absolutely proved, to -have resulted from it.— Aware of this difficulty, Dr. Haygarth has very properly made adistinction between facts adduced to shew the existence of contagion, from the circumstance of certain persons having been attacked by a particular disease, which last he names af- firmative proofs; and other facts shewing the non-existence of contagion, from a number of persons having escaped the disor- der, who had been fully exposed to the action of effluvia, sup- posed to he infected; these he calls negative proofs. " Obser- vation, or experiment," says he, " can determine with much greater certainty what aloes not, than what daes, give infec- tion ;" wrhence he justly concludes, that the negative proof is capable of being established by incomparably stronger evi- dence than the affirmative, and is therefore, in all cases, much better entitled to credit."* Indeed, Dr. Fordyce maintains, page 110, of his first Dis- sertation, that, " in treating of Fevers, nothing is to be ad- mitted as a cause, the knowledge of the action of which does not depend upon experiment;" and he observes, at page 112, that, " of the number of causes to which fever has been ascri- bed by the practitioners who have treated of this disease, few will bear the test of any strict inquiry:"—an observation which will I think, hereafter appear applicable to more than one of the causes of fever, which have been supposed by Dr. Fordyce himself, notwithstanding the great merit of his wri- tings in many other respects. If contagion be a quality natu- rally belonging to all sorts of fevers, without distinction, they ought all to manifest this property in circumstances favourable to, and upon persons susceptible of, its action. That there are fevers, however, which do not manifest this property, or qua- lity, in circumstances highly favourable to its operation, and upon individuals who must have been fully exposed to, as * See his letter to Professor Waterhouse, at pnge 296, of bis " Plan for exterminate ing the Small Pox." 84 well as susceptible of, its impressions, if such contagion had exsted, may be demonstrated by hundreds, and probably by thousands, of well-authenticated facts, capable of infinitely overbalancing the supposed evidence derived from occurren- ces, in most of which it was easy to mistake, for the effects of personal contagion, those produced by morbid causes existing in the atmosphere, and derived from very different sources. It will, however, be sufficient to adduce a few only of these facts at present, especially as I shall have occasion hereafter to mention a variety of others, of similar import, though for a different purpose. Dr. James Lind, in his Essay on the Diseases incidental to Europeans in Hot Climates, (p. 27, fifth edition,) states the following fact,—viz. " In the month of August, 1758, Admiral Broderick, in the Prince ship of wrar, anchored in the Bay of Oristane, (in Sar- dinia) where twenty-seven of his men, sent ashore on duty, were seized with the epidemical distemper of this island; twelve of them in particular, who had slept on shore, were brought on board delirious; all of them laboured under a low fever, attended with great oppression on the breast, and at the pit of the stomach,—a constant retching, and sometimes a vomiting of bile, upon which a delirium often ensued. Those fevers changed into Double Tertians, and afterwards termina- ted in obstinate Quartan Agues. It is worthy of remark, that in this ship, which lay only two miles distant from the land, none were taken ill but such as had been on shore, of whom seven died." The same respectable author, at page 221, mentions ano- ther similar fact in the following terms,—viz. " In a voyage to the Coast of Guinea, performed in the year 1766, by the Phoenix ship of war, of forty guns, the offi- cers and ship's company were perfectly healthy, till, on their return home, they touched at the Island of St. Thomas.— Here the captain, unfortunately, went on shore, to spend a few days in a house belonging to the Portuguese governor of 85 that island. This happened during the rainy, or sickly, sea- son. In the same house were lodged the captain's brother, the surgeon, some midshipmen, and the captain's servants.— But in a few days after their being on shore, the captain, his bro- ther the surgeon, and every one, to the number of seven, who had slept in that house, were taken ill; and all of them died except one, who returned to England in a very ill state of health.— The ship lay at anchor there twenty-seven days, during which time three midshipmen, five men, and a boy, remained on shore, for twelve nights, to guard the water casks, under pre- tence that the islanders would steal them ; all of wrhom were likewise taken ill, and two of them only escaped with life.— At that island, only those who slept on shore were taken ill; no other man of the ship's company was seized with any distem- per during their stay there. Even during the whole voyage, if we except these unfortunate persons, only one man died, and he was killed by an accidental blow upon the head.— None of those who slept on shore escaped the sickness, and of them only three survived it." And, at page 225, he adds, "In the year following, the Phoenix made another voyage to the Coast of Guinea, and happened again to touch at this isl- and in the sickly season, where she lost eight men out of ten, who had imprudently remained all night on shore. At the same time, the rest of the ship's company continued in perfect health, who, after spending the greatest part of the day on shore, always returned to their ship before night. On board the Hound sloop, then in company with her, only one man died during the whole voyage; the officers having been parti- cularly careful not to permit any of the people to continue all night on shore in that place. This man was cut off by an ob- stinate intermitting fever, with which he had been first seized at Sheerness." The same author, in his " Essay on the most effectual means of preserving the health of Seamen," had previously observed, at page 57, "that the fever of the Island of St. Thomas, is, to a proverb, in that part of the world, deemed 86 the most malignant and fatal species of any African or Ame- rican Fever ;*'* and consequently, if Dr. Fordyce's doctrine were true, that all fevers are more contagious according as their symptoms are more violent, this fever ought to have been communicated to great numbers on board the Phoenix, whose intercourse with the sick in that ship must have been sufficiently near and frequent. The same want of contagion has, however, attended this fever on other, and, so far as I know, on all other occasions. Dr. Trotter, late physician to the Royal Navy says, (See Medicina Nautica, vol. i. page 456,) " In a voyage down the Coast of Guinea, in the Assistance, in the year 1762, we had scarcely a man indisposed. We wooded and watered at the Island of St. Thomas, and with a view to expedition, a tent was erected on shore, in which the people employed on these services w ere lodged during the night. On the middle pas- sage, every man who slept on shore died, and the rest of the ship's company remained remarkably healthy." Of a similar nature are the facts which occurred in regard to the Ponsborne and Nottingham East Indiamen, at the Como- ra Islands; (See Medical Observations and Inquiries, vol. iv. page 156,) atone of these islands, viz. Mohilla, a great part of the crew of the former ship, after sleeping on shore in Au- gust, 1765, were attacked by a violent fever, which, in a few weeks, proved fatal to more than seventy of them; and, on the 16th of July of the following year, the Nottingham having an- chored to the leeward of Johanna, (another of the Comora Isl- ands,) and a considerable part of her crew having been sent, and allowed to sleep, on shore, they were attacked, soon after the ship had put to sea, by a severe remitting fever, of which * Of the Island of St. Thomas, Dr. Robertson, Physician to Greenwich Hospital, observes, page 32, of his Meteorological and Physical Observations, &c. 4to. that « the town is built on the leeward-most part of the island, which is not at all cleared of the woods, nor the marsh drained; the consequence of which is, it is generally peopled fro. I'ortugal every second year, it proves so fatal to Europeans " For another proof of the danger of sleeping on shore on that island, see pages 33 and 98 of the same work. 87 - several died. Of this fever, Dr. Badenoch, then surgeon of the Nottingham, observes, ** it infected only those that slept on shore, and having gone through them, the fever ceased." And this he adds, " wras likewise the case with those on board the Ponsborne, in regard to the Bilious Fever, which prevailed in that ship, at the island of Mohilla." A similar occurrence is related by Dr. John Clark, in the first volume of his Observations on the Diseases which prevail in Long Voyages to Hot Countries, page 124; after descri- bing the low place, " covered with impenetrable mangroves," at North Island, near the Streights of Sunda, where most of the East India ships take in wood and water for their home- ward voyage, he adds, that " a Danish ship, in 1768, anchor- ed at this Island, and sent twelve of her people on shore to fill water, where they only remained two nights. Every one of them were seized with a fever, of which none recovered ,* but although the ship wrent out to sea, none, except the twelve who slept on shore, were attacked with the complaint." Here again was a fever so violent as to kill every one in whom it was excited, and from a cause so powerful as to affect every one who was exposed to it, which, notwithstanding, did not reproduce itself in a single instance. Many facts and occurrences, of a similar nature, might ea- sily be added to the preceding; but they are all rendered su- perfluous by the notorious and unfortunate events, which have recently happened among the British officers and soldiers em- ployed in Zealand, among whom, though near tliirty thousand of them were attacked by fever, which proved fatal to nearly one-sixth of the whole number of sick, I have not been able, after much inquiry, to discover a single case, in which there has been reason to suppose, that any one person caught the fever from another. But, on the contrary, it appears to be the unanimous opinion of the army physicians employed on that service, (with most of whom I have conversed on the sub- ject,) and also of the other medical officers, best qualified to judge of such matters, that no contagious quality accompanied 88 the fever in question, either upon the island of Walchereu, or among the sick removed to this country. And I shall hereafter adduce the most convincing evidence, that in fact, these fevers were not of a contagious nature; and we may, therefore, consider ourselves as abundantly warranted in concluding, that all fevers are not endowed with a contagious ' quality, which conclusion is all that I propose to establish at present. Problem II. Can a Fever, strictly contagious be generated by an accumulation of filth, or of putrefying, or putrid, mat- ters, or by the crowding of healthy persons into confined, or ill-ventilated, and unclean places ? Most writers on the subject of Contagious Fever have ei- ther inculcated or believed, that it might be generated,—first by an accumulation of those disgusting matters, cemmonly de- nominated filth ;—secondly, by the offensive vapours emitted by corrupting dead bodies, or by other matters in a putrid state;—and, thirdly, by crowding persons, even when heal- thy, in ill-ventilated and unclean places. I have no desire to weaken any of the prejudices which tend to promote cleanliness in civilized nations, any further than is absolutely necessary for the manifestation of truth, on a question of great importance to mankind ; and I flatter my- self that we shall all find within ourselves sufficient motives to remove or avoid filthiness, even when convinced that it does not produce contagious fever. Whence the belief of its doing so was derived, I am unable to explain ; but it has pro- bably been confirmed by the frequent co-incidence of such fe- ver, with nastiness and offensive smells in the dwellings of indigent people. There is, however, no necessary, or natural connexion between the former and the latter. Dr. Fordyce asserts, (first Dissertation, page 115,) that he has known persons to be ill of the most infectious fevers, and to communicate fevers to others by infection, when there was no peculiar smell nor taste, nor any thing perceptible to the senses in the atmosphere surrounding them; an/1 similar .a*- 89 Bertions have been made by Dr. Lind, and others, which I be- lieve, are in conformity with the experience of all physicians. I know, indeed, that masses of animal and vegetable matters, and especially the former, while undergoing putrefaction, or other modes of decomposition, as in privies, &c. may give out vapours so condensed and noxious as to cause asphyxia, and sometimes almost immediate death, to those by whom they are inspired. But such mischiefs have no relation to fever; nor are those who recover from them, afterwards affected, in consequence thereof, by any febrile disorder. This is also true of the dangerous, and often fatal, effects produced by the fumes of charcoal, and the mephitism of mines, long-neglect- ed wells, &c. which are not known to have ever produced fe- ver ; these do not however, properly relate to our present in- quiry. Every thing which I have been able to discover, or ascer- tain, respecting the nature and' properties of contagion, in- duces me to consider each of its several species as a peculiar morbid quality, or power, imparted to certain animal secre- tions, in consequence of some particular, though unknown, ac- tions excited in the living body, when actually disordered, by the very same species of contagion previously, and in like manner, elaborated in another body, whilst labouring under a smiilar disorder from a similar cause; ^nd therefore, though we are unacquainted with the origin of any one species of con- tagion, yet, considering the properties manifested by all, ever since they have been known to exist, we may conclude, that being thus produced, exclusively by, and within, the liv- ing body, each is capable of exciting, in other living bodies, the same morbid action, or disease, which occasioned its own production, and of thus maintaining and propagating itself in- definitely; and consequently, that though contagion be a mor- bid and morbific secretion or production, it is also a natural one, wholly, inimitable, either by accident or art. If this be true, it must follow that, though noxious vapours should result from those fortuitous, and ever varying, collections of unclean 12 96 or putrefying matters commonly denominated filth, which, as in the instance of marsh effluvia, may produce diseases, inclu- ding fever, yet the diseases so produced will be incapable of exciting similar diseases in other persons, and will, therefore be destitute of the most essential property of contagion. Indeed, if it were true that vegetable or animal matters, while decomposing or putrefying, could de novo generate con- tagion properly so called, the species or varieties of contagion ought necessarily to have become as numerous and various as the matters so decomposing, and also as various as their re- lative proportions;—every dunghill, every collection of rub- bish and filth, ought to be capable of generating the cause of a new disease, and that disease ought to be capable of repro- ducing itself in other persons ; and human existence, w ith such additions to the other dangers which surround us, ought to have become the most precarious, transient, and deplorable, of all the w7orks of creation. No person, who is even moderately acquainted with the subject, can believe that a disorder resembling Small Pox, (for instance,) and possessed of the same properties, could be created by any accidental collection, or even by the most ar- tificial and scientific combination, of either organic or inor- ganic matters, not impregnated by the specific contagion of that disease. On the" contrary, we have the strongest reason to believe that neither human ingenuity, nor any co-operation of natural means, could even alter the nature of variolous con- tagion ; and that, in fact, it has continued, without any last- ing change in its properties, ever since that unknown sera when its morbid action was first exerted upon mankind; though, having been successively transmitted through the bo- dies of, perhaps, several hundred thousands of individuals of different colours and temperaments, many of them probably contaminated at the same time by scrophula, syphilis, cancer, or other morbid taints, or infections, (and this, during the prevalence of numerous epidemical or pestilent diseases,) these ought, if any tiling could, to have produced every de- 91 gree of deterioration, of which the original virus was suscepti- ble, and some permanent varieties, at least in this species of contagion.* We know, however, that its specific properties are invariably the same, and that the differences which are ob- served in its effects, depend upon causes connected with the individuals to whom it is respectively applied; the disease, cseteris paribus, proving no worse, when communicated by one dying of it in ike most confluent and malignant form than it would have been,f if communicated by one recovering from the mildest product of inoculation. And we have simi- lar reasons for believing that Measles, Chicken Pox, and other specific contagions, are equally permanent and unaltera- ble. If then the powers of life, and the organs by which * Dr. Adams, physician to the Small Pox Hospital, observes, at page 21 of his work on morbid poisons, in 4to. that, from the great affinity, or analogy between the vario* lous and vaccine contagions, " we might even expect that the characters ol the two might be altered, by applying both at the same time, and also that the phenomena of one might imitate the phenomena of the other, in such a manner as to render the dis- tinction between them doubtful. It is, therefore, a matter of surprise, that the distinc- tion should be so regularly observed, and the laws which separate other morbid poisons be so rarely infringed." He also remarks, at page 398, that " Small Pox and Cow Pox, contrary to the law of all morbid poisons, which are different in their nature, will proceed together in the same person without the smallest interruption of each other's course. If inserted nearly at the same time in the same person, each proceeds in the same course as it' they were in two distinct subjects; if inserted nearly in the same spot, the two form one common areola, but the vesications are distinct, and each preserves its own charac* ter, till that of Small Pox becomes purulent from suppuration," Sec. In this case, he adds, " you may take Small Pox matter from the pustule, which, by the adhesive in- flammation, will remain distinct from, though seated in part of the Vaccine Vesicle; and from the other parts of the Vesicle you may take vaccine matter, and each will perpetuate its respective morbid poison." Thus we find that, by the simultaneous association of two infections, so nearly alike, that the action of the one renders the body insusceptible to the action of the other, the energies of the constitution cannot produce even an intermediate, or hybrid contagion. f At page 10, vol. i. of the Transactions of a Society for improving Medical and Chi- rurgical knowledge, Dr. G. Fordyce says, " I have the greatest reason to believe, that it is not of the smallest consequence, (in inoculation) whether the matter be of the mild or the confluent kind. I never knew of an instance of any other disease being commu- ■icated by inoculation of the Small Pox." 92 these contagions are successively renewed and perpetuated, cannot even alter the qualities or effects of the latter, by any of the changes which may be supposed to have taken place in their actions and in the fluids of the human body, from a va- riety of morbid, and other, causes excited in so many differ- ent individuals, it is credible, that putrefaction, which is but a natural separation of organised matters, previously held together only by animal or vegetable life, should be capable of generating a new contagion ? Such matters spontaneously de- composing, and returning to their natural inorganic and harmless combinations, necessarily obey their respective che- mical attractions; and the products resulting from this sort of obedience are as certain and constant as the formation of Sea- salt, by combining soda with muriatic acid. There is no chance, therefore, nor even possibility, of thus generating any thing so wonderful, and so immutable, as contagion, which, resembling animals and vegetables in the faculty of propaga- ting itself, must, like them, have been the original work of our common Creator, and must have been continued in exist- enceby the energies of a living principle, exerted successively in the different bodies, through which it has been transmitted from one generation to another. As well might wre revive the for-ever exploded doctrine of equivocal generation, and be- lieve, as formerly, that insects, reptiles, &c. are the offsprings of mere corruption, as to believe that a substance so analo- gous to them, in that most mysterious and essential function of self-propagation, could originate from that cause, or form any operation of chemical agencies alone. As this reasoning, however, may not of itself produce gene- ral conviction, especially on strongly prejudiced minds, let us recur to matters of fact, and let these decide whether, in re- ality, any, and more especially a febrile, contagion has been produced by putrefaction. In former ages, when ignorance and credulity, which always accompany each other, were pre- valent, many surprising aad alarming stories were reported, and believed, of widely-spreading diseases produced by this 95 cause, and more especially by the putrefaction of animal sub- stances. Fortunately, the truth, or falsehood, of such reports may he easily ascertained by facts within our own knowledge; for, as the same causes, cseteris paribus, must always produce similar effects, we have a right to expect that, if putrefying carcasses, fish, &c. were ever able to generate contagious, or other, fevers, they should still be able to do it, especially when collected in the largest masses, and when the impres- sions, to be made by their effluvia, are assisted by the most favourable circumstances. Many writers of celebrity, and among them the great Lord Bacon, have thought that no effluvia were so infectious, and pernicious to mankind, as those which issue from putrefying human bodies; and, although a century and a half has elapsed since Diemerhroeck* attempted to convince physicians that, at least, such effluvia could not produce the Plague, yet the old opinion has kept its grotind; and it is still believed, that, in their milder state, they may cause putrid fevers, and in their more concentrated state, a true pestilence. There are facts, however, on a large scale, which completely decide this question:—two of these deserve particular notice.—The first relates to the exhumations made in the church-yard of St. Eloi, at Dunkirk, in the year 1783; and the other to those made three years afterwards, in the church-yard of the Saints Innocens, at Paris. As the undertakings and results were similar in both instances, I shall, to avoid re- petition, here describe only the latter, which I have pre- ferred, because the corpses here taken up were^much more numerous than at Dunkirk, and probably constituted the greatest mass of putrefying animal matter, of which we have any accurate information. The church-yard of the Saints Innocens, at Paris, situated in one of the most po- pulous quarters of the city, had been made, the depository of so many bodies, that, although its area enclosed'more * Tractatus de Peste, Lib. I. Cap. viii. p. 4i 94 than 1700 square toises, or near two acres, yet the soil had been raised by them eight or ten feet higher than the level of the adjoining streets; and upon the most mode- rate calculation, considerably more than six hundred thousand bodies had been buried in it, during the last six centuries; previous to which date, it was already a very ancient burial ground.* Numerous complaints having been made concern- ing the offensive smells, which arose from this spot, and some- times penetrated into the adjoining houses,! and the public mind being greatly alarmed, it was at last determined to forbid all future burials there, and to remove so much of the superstratum as would reduce the surface to the level of the streets. This work was undertaken in 1786, imder the super- intendance of M. Thouret, a physician of eminence in Paris, and in two years he accomplished the removal of that super- stratum, almost the whole of which was impregnated, or in- fected, as M. Thouret styles it, with the remains of carcasses, and of quantities of filth and ordure, thrown upon it from the adjoining houses. * In less than 30 years, more than 90,000 corpses had been deposited here by the last grave-digger. The poor inhabitants were buried in coffins made of very thin deal boards, and were regularly stowed as closely as possible, upon and beside each other, in large pits about thirty feet deep, and capable of receiving each from twelve to fifteen hundred coffins. These pits were gradually filled with coffins, and then covered over with earth about one foot in depth, and the bodies left to putrefy. But as the same space was commonly wanted in fifteen or twenty years for other bodies, this mass of animal corruption was then dug up, and a like number of recent corpses deposited in the same pit; and this operation was successively repeated through nearly the whole extent of the dhurch-yard, from generation to generation, until the earth itself had been so completely supersaturated with human putrefaction, as to have no longer any action, or decomposing influence, upon bodies buried therein. ■J- According to a Memoire on this subject, read at the Royal Academy of Sciences, by M. Cadet de Vaux, in the year 1781, " Le mephitisme qui s'etoit degage d'une des fosses voisines du cimetiere, avoit infecte toutes les caves: on comparoit aux poisons les plus subtils, a ceux, dont les Sauvages impregnent leur Heches meurtrieres, la terri- ble activite de cette emanation. Les murs baignes de l'humidite dont elle les pene- troit, pouvoit communiquer, disoit on, par le seul attouchement, les accidens les plus redoubtables."----See " Memoires de la Societe Royale de Medecine," torn. viiT. p. 242; also Annates de Chimie, torn. v. p. 158. 95 " The exhumations," says this gentleman, (in the narrative of them, which he published in the Journal de Physique, for 1791, page 253) " were piiincipally executed during the Win- ter, but a considerable part of theni was also carried on during the greatest lieats of Summer. They were begun with every possible care, and with every known precaution; but they wrere afterwards continued, almost for the whole period of the operations, without employing, it may be said, any precaution whatever; yet no danger manifested itself in the whole course of our labours,—no accident occurred to disturb the public tranquillity."* This account is authentic,—and was read before the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris. It is moreover confirmed by the report of M. Fourcroy, who was joined in this commission with M. Thouret for certain chemical objects, which report was also read at the Academy, and is printed in the sixth volume of the Annates de Chimie. If this result from taking up nearly twenty thousand bodies, in different stages of putrefaction, be insufficient alone for my purpose, there is another almost equally conclusive in its na- ture and extent. It is well known that M. Berthe, Professor in the School of Medicine, at Montpellier, and two of his colleagues in that University, were sent, by the government of France, into Spain, to examine, and report upon, the nature of the Yellow Fever, which had proved so fatal in several towns of Anda- lusia, in 1800. M. Berthe has published the report of the • It does not appear, after the fullest inquiry, that any febrile disorder was ever produced by this immense mass of corruption, during the removals made in 1786, &c or while it was suffered to remain as a burying ground. The grave diggers were, in- deed, sometimes thrown down suddenly, and, for a time, deprived of sense and motion, (as in what is termed Asphyxia,') by the concentrated vapours which escaped, upon accidentally breaking open, by their spades, the abdominal viscera of bodies, in an early stage of putrefaction. These vapours also, in a more diffused state, are said to have sometimes produced nausea, loss of appetite, and, in a course of years, paleness of countenance, debility, tremors, &c. But fever of any kind, and much less contagious fever, does not appear to have been noticed, as resulting from ttie offensive, or putrid matters of this church-yard, either to the grave diggers, or to the neighbouring inhabit santt.----'See Annales dc Chimie, torn. v. p. 154, &c. 96 commission, of which he was a member, and in it has men- tioned that, being at Seville only a few months after the epidemic had ceased, he frequently visited the burying places just without the city, in which the victims of the fever had been interred; that, in these excursions, he was accompanied by the French Consul at that city, and had occasion to con- verse much with the guards stationed at these places, and with the grave-diggers still employed in them: and he states, that, besides these, many thousands of the inhabitants of Se- ville also came thither, some from curiosity, and others in processions, to testify their sorrow and respect for their de- parted friends. In one of these grounds, south-westward of the city, ten thousand bodies had been buried ; in two others seven or eight thousand; and in that of Triana about four thousand. " The heats of the Spring," says M. Berthe, (which, I need not observe, are considerable at Seville) " were, at this time, beginning to be felt, and the ground of these burial places, being clayey, was already cracked into wide and deep cre- vices, through which a foetid odour was exhaled, the result of the decomposition which was going on among these heaps of bodies."* Filled with alarm at the calamities which might be pro- duced by such masses of putrefaction, M. Berthe, and his colleagues, represented these supposed dangers to the Spanish government; and then went to Cadiz, where they found the churches more or less filled with putrid emanations from the same cause: but as they did not discover that these supposed fomites of infection were productive of any mischief, their fears concerning them seem at length to have subsided com- pletely ; for, in their reply to the President and Members of the Board of Health, who had requested a statement of their opinions, they expressly declare their belief, that " if the Yellow Fever could be produced by the effluvia arising from * See page 28 of " Precis Historique de la Maladie qui a rvgni dans l'Anda:ou ,ie, en 1800, par I. N. Berthe, Professour de I'ecole de Medecine de Montpellier," &c, 97 putrefying bodies, it was evident that such a misfortune must already have taken place, through the imperfect manner in which the tombs and vaults, pointed out by them, had been closed,—a defect w#ch they had observed even in the church- es that they were most frequented."* Thus it appears that the putrid emanations from the bodies of many thousand per- sons, who had recently died of the Yellow Fe\er, did not, and therefore could not, produce that disorder. To the preceding facts I may add another, which is related by a man whose veracity is as little to be questioned, as his exalted philanthropy,—I mean John Howard^ in his work on Lazarettos, page 25. "^The govertior, at the French Hospital at Smyrna, told me, (says Mr. Howard) that, in the last dreadful plague there, his house was rendered almost intolerable by an offensive scent, especially if he opened any of those windows which looked toward the great burying ground, where numbers were left, every day, unburied; but that it had no effect on the health of himself or his family. An opulent merchant, in this city, adds he, likewise told me that he and his family had felt the same inconvenience without any bad consequences." If the exhalations from piles of bodies destroyed by the plague itself, and corrupting in the open air, were thus inca- pable of generating the contagion either of fever or of plague, even during the prevalence of a pestilential constitution of the atmosphere, (if any state of the atmosphere ever deserved that title) it may, I think, be safely affirmed, that there are no cir- cumstances under wThich putrid animal matter can be supposed ever to produce febrile contagion. I have now before me a great number of similar facts, well authenticated ; but those which I have just stated will, proba- bly, suffice to convince most of my readers, that if putrefying animal matters are not completely harmless, they are, at least, innocent of the charge of producing contagious fevers; * S«>«? page S31 of M. Berthe's work;, 13 98 and, therefore, I shall content myself with referring those who may desire further evidence on this point, to Appendix, No. 2, where they will, I believe, find rather a redundancy, than a deficiency, of such proofs. Whatever variety of sentiment may have been entertained with respect to the supposed generation of infection by filth, or hy putrefying bodies, it appears to have long been an uni- versal opinion, at least among those who have admitted the existence of any infectious fevers, that, to use the words of Dr. Cullen, (first lines of the Practice of Physic, Sec. lxxxi.) " the effluvia constantly arising from the human body, if long retained in the same place, without being diffused in the at- mosphere, acquire a singular virulence ; and in that state, being applied to the bodies of men, they become the cause of a fever, which is highly contagious." This opinion is become so familiar, that few persons hesitate to adopt it, however difficult it be to comprehend by what means these effluvia can acquire such contagious properties.* * Dr. Chisholm, in his Essay on the Malignant Pestilential Fever, &c. page 281, of Vol. i. includes, among the causes of that disease, " the product of animal substances of every description, deprived of life, and in a state of putrefaction, which, exhaling azote and oxygene chemically combined, and diffusing through the atmosphere to a certain extent the basis of pestilential infection, are equally capable of producing contagious and pestilential diseases." The same author has again recently delivered this doctrine in several parts of his letter to Dr. Haygarth, (8vo. 1809,) particular} at page 133, where he mentions, as a " most important fact in medical physics, that the vapour, or exhalation, arising from animal matter, accumulated in a putrid state, and rendered stationary by the neglect of ventilation, is universally the cause of the fever of infection,—the Typhus, which annually diminishes the population of these cities," &c. " The same causes, (he adds,) probably gave origin to the Plague." Very soon after this, however, (i. e. in October last,) Or Chisholm, with laudable candour, thought proper, in a great degree, to retract this doctrine, by assertin"-, " That the effluvia from dead animal bodies, passing through the natural process of putrefaction, and unrestrainedly diffused through the atmosphere, is injurious to living animal bodies exposed to their action, no more than inasmuch as their fetor is offensive to the olfactory nerves; that, when confined to a very limited space and their principles, instead of entering into new combinations, are concentered a: d in Uiat state applied to, or received iito, the bodies of living animals, these effluvia may act as a poison, producng in the living animal frame fever perhaps, but in- Communicable, or incapable of propagation by contagion; or instant death by a sud- 99 We can all understand that if a person under an infectious disorder be confined in an ill ventilated room, the infectious effluvia, when they are of a powerful nature, will, with the other emanations from his body, be gradually accumulated, and the atmosphere of that room may thus, at length, become loaded with infection; btit, that the emanations from a person who was not ill of an infectious disease, should ever undergo so remarkable a change in their nature, as from being innoxi- ous, to acquire not only the power of producing a disease, but a contagious disease, capable of regenerating itself in other persons, seems to me incredible. I have already remarked, particularly in regard to the Small Pox, that the human body has no power even to alter, in the slightest degree, a contagion already existing therein; and that it must be infinitely more difficult for it to generate one entirely new. If it w7ere otherwise, with what certainty would it not be effected in a variety of places, which are en- tirely exempted from it. Take, for instance, those in which the natives of Kamstchatka dwell constantly during seven months of the year, and which are called yourts; these are sunk seven or eight feet below the surface of the ground, and are covered with a thatched roof, in the form of a truncated cone, open at the top; they consist of one small apartment, which usually contains six families with their utensils, and stock of provisions for the winter, the chief part of which is dried fish almost putrefied. If the combination of personal nastiness, with the most den exhaustion of the living principle."—See his paper in the Edinburgh Medical and Suigical Journal, Oct. 1810, page 389. But though Dr. Chisholm has so far returned towards what I believe to be the path of truth, he still adheres to the commonly received opinion of the (tent-ration of contagious fever, by crowding, and deficient ventilation. " The cause, in fact, (says he,) of Typhus, is, I believe, an undefined change in the atmospheric air, brought about by its confinement in a very limited space, and incapacity, in a grt at degree, of renewal, and the respiration of an effluvia, (effluvium) emanating from the persons inhabiting the wretched close dwellings" in which the fever is found."— See Note to page 391, of the Edinburgh Medical and Physical Journal, Oct. 1810. 106 putrid smells and foul air, were capable of creating the con- tagion of fever, every yourt would necessarily be a fomes ot infection. " Here they eat, drink, and sleep, crowded pro- miscuously together; and satisfy all the calls of nature with- out modesty or restraint, and never complain of the noxious air that prevails in these habitations.* Yet, instead of being generally attacked by contagious fevers every winter, they seem to enjoy as good health during this season of confine- ment as any other people; and fevers are not even mentioned in the list of diseases, which that respectable traveller, M. Lessep, either observed, or heard of, as existing among them. The people of the island of Oonalaska, also, " inhabit jourts, or subterraneous dwellings, each common to many families, in which they live in horrible filthiness;"—(Pennant's Arctic Zoology, vol. i. page cliv.) and the Samoiedes live in sub- terraneous dwellings, equally filthy, for almost nine months in the year, who yet are reported by travellers to be strong, active, and healthy. In addition to all this filth, crowding, and want of ventilation, the food of these people may be con- sidered as little better than putrefaction itself. Mr. Pennant, describing that of the natives of Kamstchatka, says, " their ambrosial repast is the Huigal, or fish flung into a pit until it is quite rotten, when it is served up in a state of carrion, and with a stench that is insupportable to every nose but that of a Kamschatkan," But these people, notwithstanding, are seldom attacked by any otlfer disease than scurvy, for which they seem to possess a remedy in the Allium Ursinum, or Wild Garlic, and in the Pinus Cembra.f The Greenlanders and Esquimaux appear, by the accounts of those celebrated navigators, Davis, Frobisher, Baffin, Henry Ellis, &c. as well as of Bishop Egede and Crantz, to live, during the greater part of the year, in very close, ill- . Sec Lessep's Travels, page 230, &c. also Pennant's Arctic Zoology, vol. i. page exxxii. also Voyage to the.Pacific Ocean, &c. vol. iii. p.;ge 374. | Arctic Zoology, vol, i. page cxix. also Lessep's Travels, page 90- 101 ventilated, and crowded habitations, (without chimneys) which, notwithstanding the great severity of the cold, they keep extremely warm by their numbers and breath, assisted by a single burning lamp in each, and by excluding fresh air so completely, that any other people would think themselves hi danger of being suffocated by the offensive vapours con- tinually exhaling from the lungs and bodies of the inhabitants, and which involve them as a thick fog; and yet fever of any kind is a rare disease among these people, though, like those of Kamstchatka, &c. they are much disposed to scurvy. Dr. Matthew Guthrie, Physician at St. Petersburgh, in a letter to Dr. Priestley, on the Antiseptic Regimen of the' Natives of Russia, inserted in the sixty-eighth volume of the Philosophical Transactions, mentions, at page 623, that " the Russian boor lives in a wooden house," " caulked with moss, so as to be snug and close. It is furnished with an oven, which answers the triple purpose of heating the house, dress- ing the victuals, and supporting, on its flat top, the greasy mattrass on which he and his wife lie." " During the long severe winter season, the cold prevents them from airing this habitation, so that the air cannot be very pure, considering that four, five, or six people eat and sleep in one room, and undergo, during th£ night, a most stewing process from the heat and closeness of their situation, insomuch that they have the appearance of being dipped in water, and raise a steam and smell in the room, not offensive to themselves, but scarcely supportable to the person whom Curiosity may lead thither." " Now, if it be considered that this human effluvium must adhere to every thing in the room, especially to the sheep- skins, or mattrass on which they sleep, the moss in the walls, &c. and that the apartment is never ventitated for six months at least; at the same time that these people are living upon salt-fish," &c. " and the whole time without fresh vegetables," &c. " If it be a fact that they are, in spite of all these pre- disposing causes, strangers to putrid disease, it will sufficiently 102 justify my first assertion, that the regimen, nature has dictated to these people, is highly antiseptic." Dr. Guthrie had, in a preceding part of this letter, stated that, notwithstanding this mode of life, «* the Russian boor enjoys a state of health that astonishes an inhabitant of a country where the dreadful consequences are so well known of bad air within, excessive cold without, joined to a want of fresh vegetables for a length of time." Dr. Guthrie has stated these facts principally to shew the supposed beneficial effects of the Russian drink called Quass, &c.; but I am entitled to avail myself of them for the purpose of demonstrating, that long confinement in close unventilated houses, without chimneys, in an atmosphere replete with human effluvia, and in very cold weather, when Typhus or Contagi- ous Fever is commonly most prevalent, does not produce that disease, it being, as will hereafter appear, unknown in that part of the world. Dr. Charles de Mertens, an eminent physician who had resided many years in Russia, writes, in a letter from Vi- enna, dated January 14, 1778, and printed in the same volume of the Philosophical Transactions, page 661, &c. that " the common people (at Moscow) live in small wooden houses, generally very lpw, in which they crowd together both night and day, during three parts of the year, on account of the great cold. There is little air in the room, the windows of which are very small. Here they stew together in humidity and nastiness; for except the bath, which they use once a week, they are extremely nasty." These people, he observes, enjoyed, notwithstanding, a much better state of health than the higher classes of society at Moscow, who were frequently attacked severely by scurvy.* • From the description given by Dr. Orraeus, (Politiae Petropolitanas Medicus,) the habitations of the Russian and Polish peasants seem, at least, to equal those of the poor of any other countiy, in accumulated filth and foul human effluvia. His words are as follow, viz.— " Eccui ignota es pauperculorum vivendi ratio.» Degunt cumulatim in domun- 103 Having stated these facts in regard to the supposed effects of crowding human beings in small unventilated habitations, in northern countries, let us see what effects result from simi- lar causes in the warmer regions. And here the African slave ships most obviously present themselves for examina- tion. Until within a few years these vessels notoriously con- veyed human beings across the Atlantic in a state of closer compression, and in an atmosphere more offensively impreg- nated with human exhalations* excretions, and excrement, than could probably be found in any other place of confine- ment. " The poor wretches (says Dr. Lind, in his treatise on the jail distemper) are crowded together below the deck, as close as they possibly can lie, with only a small separation between the men and women; every night they are shut up under close hatches, in a sultry climate, barred down with iron to prevent an insurrection;" " and though some have been suffocated by the close confinement, or foul air, though they are subject tt) the flux, and suffer from a change of cli- mate, yet an infection is scarce known among them ; or if an accidental Fever, occurring from the chaage of climate, should become infectious, it is generally much more mild than in the opposite situation,"—i. e. that of ragged felons under trans- portation. It will be here observed, that Dr. Lind, influenced as he was by the commonly-received opinions, mentions an infection (meaning of Fever) as being " scarce known," in the slave ships, instead of asserting, as he might have done oulis depresses, angustis, humidiusculis; esculenta & potulenta sua, partim jam cor- rupts & fermentantia in iisdem. vaporibus empyrcumaticis obnubilati, apparant; quisquilias raro everrunt; illuvies varias, negligentius quaquaversum profundunt; ut alias immundities ex infantibus & propriis excretionibns provenientes, taceam. Mcphitifli hinc products assueti, de renovando aere vix cogitant* Uti Jassise, sic '•tiam in Polonia, ubique fere inter Judseos pauperiores, sordide omnino 81 arete, uti notum est, viventes, prima pestis quasi incubatio fiebat. Medici, qui Moscuse, in officinam pannorum, ad examinandum infectos, repetitis vicibus mittebantur, dc foetore in habitatiunculisoperariorum, cui vix per aliquot mmuta perferendo pares essent, conquerebantur."—Vide " Gustavi Onsei, M. D Descriptio Pestis qua; anno MtMJCLXX in Jassia, & MDCCLXXl in Moscua grassata est. Petropoli, 1784-."—Page 51. 101 with truth, that it is never known: for after very extensive inquiries, I am fully convinced that Fever of any kind r. ij occurs on board these vessels, and contagious Fa-er >.>vrrj though great mortality has frequently happened-from other diseases, and more especially from Dysentery.* Dr. Trotter, who was formerly surgeon to a slave ship, after noticing what Miave just stated from Dr. Lind, adds,, " The confine- ment of so many wretched creatures in a small space, deserv- edly attracted the animadversion of a physician investigating the-sources and progress of contagion. But Contagious Fe- vers we find are not their diseases." See Medicina Nautica, vol. i. p. 184.| I could readily accumulate proofs in confirmation of the preceding statement, concerning slave ships ; but the truth in regard to it is now so generally known and acknowledged, that they must be unnecessary ; and there certainly is nothing in the constitutions of Negroes, which exempts them from Typhus or Contagious Fever; on the contrary, they have been found as susceptible of it as Whites, and considerable numbers of them, who were sent from this country, and from Nova Scotia, to the new colony of Sierra Leone, died of it on their passage thither, as will be more fully related in another place. An instance of the crowding of Europeans on ship board, which approaches very nearly to that of Negroes in slave ships, may be found in the " Narrative of the deportation to Cayenne," of J. J. Job Aime, and one hundred and ninety- two other persons, on hoard the Decade frigate, in conse- • See Lind on preserving the health of Seamen, page 3 J 7, 31S, Second edition. f Dr- Garden, in a letter to the Rev. Stephen Hales, 1). D. dated Charlestown, South Carolina, March 24, 1756, after mentioning the Guinea slave ships arrivin" there, adds, " I have often gone to visit those vessels on their first arrival, in order to make a report of their state of health to the governor ar.d council ; but 1 :e- ver yet was on board one, that did not smell most offrnvive and noisome: what from filth, putrid air, putrid djsenteries, (which is their coi unon disorder) it is a wonder llv.t any escape with life." See Dr. liale's I'rcatise on Ventilators, second part, pi'ge 95 165 quence of the revolution (in France) of the 18th Fructidor, (Sept. 4th,) 1797, written hy himself, and printed for J. Wright, Piccadilly, 1800. In this narrative the writer says, (page 78) " we were placed in the between-decks, be- fore the fore-mast and main-mast, occupying nearly one- fourth of the superficies of the vessel, having about four feet and a half in height, and receiving no light but by the scut- tles ; that is to say, by two openings of three feet square."— " Partitions had been made in this part of the between-decks,", &c. " In this place, the door of which was locked, were crowded and squeezed together 193 individuals, mostly aged and infirm. We lay in two rows one over the other, forming as it were, two stories, in hammocks of coarse cloth, and ex- tremely narrow." " Those above could not raise their heads without hitting those above ; neither could any of us make the smallest motion without disturbing his neighbours; for we all touched each other, and, not having the least spare room, formed, as it were, hut one mass." " And that nothing might be wanting to increase the horror of our situation, as we were not permitted to go out for fourteen hours together," (i. e. from G, P. M. until Ti A. M.) " and sometimes more, tubs had been placed in the midst of us, where we might satisfy the in- dispensible w ants of nature ; and to get to these sorry re- ceptacles, we were obliged to creep, on our bellies, beneath the hammocks. How insupportable then must have been the infection of such a close confined place, which was already poisoned by our own exhalations! Indeed, the air, which passed from this hole, was so hot and foetid, that the centi- nels, placed at the hatchways as our guard, demanded that the time of their duty, at so dangerous a post, might he shortened." In addition to this morbid atmosphere, the exiles, most of whom had been " accustomed to the elegance of life," were condemned to subsist upon the coarsest, the most disgusting, half-putrefied food, in the taking of which, says Aime, " we resembled a flock of animals who eat their food out of one 14 106 common trough," and were, besides, made " a subject of mirth," by " the officer who superintended the distribution of our meals," which were also too scanty to satisfy the cravings of hunger,—(page 82 to 85.) They were also condemned to endure the greatest and most offensive personal filth, sw arm- ing with lice, &c. " If it be recollected, (says the author) that we were obliged to sleep in our clothes, and when it is known that several of us had not taken off our lesser gar- ments during the voyage, it may be easily conceived that it was not our linen alone, into which these horrible vermin had introduced themselves."—(Page 81.) " Our blood, it is true, was not shed, (says he,) but there was not one of us, who would not have a thousand times preferred a speedy death, to the miserable state in which we existed."—(Page 85.) But though they were kept in this state during ninety- six days, and, to use the w ords of Aime, " there was every reason to expect, that one half of us would have been the victims of such inhuman treatment; nevertheless, astonish- ing as it must appear, under these circumstances, not one of us perished."—(Page 85.) They were, indeed, as might well be supposed, attacked by scurvy and other disorders, some of which are called fevers, though the latter appear to have been so slight, and of so short a continuance, as hardly to deserve that name; hut certainly nothing like contagious fever existed among them, or could have exist- ed in such circumstances without extensive mischief. Indeed there was only one person lost during the voyage, and he (a sailor) accidentally fell overboard. And yet here was every thing likely to generate febrile contagion, (if it could be ge- nerated hy crowding, want of ventilation, filthy clothing, and unwholesome, corrupting food, together with anxiety and dejection of mind, &c.) to a much greater extent than in any gaol within Great Britain. In Dr. Lind's Essay on preserving the Health of Sea- men, page 195, I also find the following statement, viz. "During the month of October, (1759) the squadron 107 arrived from the West Indies, after the reduction of Gua- daloupe, so over-run with the scurvy, that, when in the • channel, ten or a dozen persons usually died of it every day. Out of three hundred and fifty scorbutic patients, who were sent ashore from those ships, there was not one who had a fever. This I mention, (says Dr. Lind,) for the sake of the following remark: The surgeon of the Panther" (of sixty-four guns) " told me, that forty of her men had died of the scurvy in their passage home ; and, during that time, there were usually ninety patients in the sick apartment. The place appropriated for the sick, was in the bay of the ship, (which Dr. Lind calls " the most damp and unwhole- some part of a ship," page 133) " and had no pipe from the ventilator, nor any scuttles cut through its sides, for the admission of the fresh air. A number of patients, thus closely crowded together, rendered the place so disagreea- ble and suffocating, that the sick were in a manner stifled for want of air. The surgeon, when visiting, could scarce- ly breathe in it, or remain for any length of time, without being obliged to have recourse often to the fresh air upon deck, and sometimes to spirit of hartshorn, or to a glass of wine, for his immediate relief. He observed, that both the virulence and mortality of the scurvy were heightened by til? unvcntilated air of the place, in which the sick, for several weeks, had been confined; yet, out of above an hun- dred patients, sent to the hospital by this surgeon, not one was remarked to have any symptom of contagion generat- ed in that apartment." Another fact, which deserves mentioning, relates to the prisoners taken out of the memorable Spanish galcon, cap- tured, by Commodore Anson, in the Centurion, on the 20th of June, 1742, and is recorded at pages 492 to 496, 15th edition, of the Account of the Commodore's Voyage round the World, published by Mr. Richard Walter, who had ac- companied him as his chaplain. 108 "The galeon had five hundred and fifty men at the begin- ning of the action," of whom " sixty-seven were killed, and eighty-four wounded." All the prisoners were " sent on board the Centurion before night, except such as were thought the most proper to be retained to assist in navigating the ga- leon." The prisoners were " placed, all but the officers and the wounded, in the hold, where to give them as much air as possible, two hatchways were left open." " The sufferings of the poor prisoners, though impossible to be alleviated, were much to be commiserated ; for the weather wTas extremely hot, the stench of the hold loathsome beyond all conception, and their allowance of water but just sufficient to keep them alive. All this considered, it was wonderful that not a man of them died during their long confinement," (from June the 20th to July the 28th,) " except three of the wounded, who expired the same night they were taken." An additional proof of the like import may he derived front the dreadful catastrophe, in the black-hole, at Calcutta, on the 20th of June, 1756, in wliich, out of one hundred and forty-six persons, one hundred and twenty-three perished by suffocation. And a further reason with me for noticing it is, to correct the misrepresentations thereof, which I have heard and seen; for it has been asserted, that the twenty-three sur- vivors were afterwards seized with Typhus Fever, as, indeed, they ought to have been, if crowding, with an accumulation of human effluvia, and want of ventilation, could produce it. But whoever will read the narrative of this occurrence, given by Mr. Holwell, the chief officer of the British factory at Cal- cutta, (which none of the medical writers I allude to seem to have perused, or, at least, not with due attention,) will, I am sure, be convinced, from all the subsequent events, that not one of the survivors in question was attacked by any disease which could, with propriety, be called a fever. It was impos- sible indeed for men, who had undergone such extraordinary sufferings, and had preserved their existence with so much difficulty, not to feel exhausted and indisposed, when they 109 • ■ were released from their dungeon the next morning; and it seems that, within forty-eight hours, every one had a consi- derable eruption of boils over his body, which was probably caused by the excessively profuse perspiration, which each of them had undergone, and is not a rare consequence of very copious sweating. But, as I shall demonstrate in the Appen- dix, No. 3, a fever did not ensue in a single individual among them; and, therefore, no febrile contagion was generated, even in an atmosphere rendered pernicious to life, and not only loaded with effluvia perspired from the living body, but also with the most offensive smells from those who expired in the course of the night, and whose bodies had fallen into rapid putrefaction, as soon as life was extinguished. The Lord Chancellor Bacon seems to have been strongly impressed with a belief of the existence of contagion in pri- sons, and of its being, at least, greatly augmented, if not ge- nerated, by filth and deficient ventilation. " The most perni- cious infection, (says he,) next to the Plague, is the smell of the Jail, where prisoners have been long, close, and nastily kept; whereof we have had, in our time, experience twice or thrice, when both the judges that sat upon the Jail, and num- bers of those who attended the business, or were present, sick- ened upon it, and died."*—(In Sylva Sylvarum, Cent. 10, Num. 914.) * Mr, AnUiony Wood, in his « History and Antiquities of the University of Ox- ford," published by John Glitch, M. \. Oxford, 1796, after mentioning the Hlnck Assize in that city as one of the "Mortalities," which Lord Bacon must have con- templated in the passage just quoted, adds, " where the other happened I am not certain; however, that the like was at Cambridge, at the Assize kept in the Castle there, in the time of Lent, 13th of Henry VIII. Ann. Dom. 1521-2, is evident; for the justices there, and all the gentlemen, bailives, and all resorting thither, took such an infection, that many of them died; and almost all that were present fell des- perately sick, and narrowly eseaped. with their lives."—Vol. ii. page 188, &c. This seems to have been the earliest instance of what, perhaps, may be considered as jail infection, communicated in a Court of Justice, of which any information has been transmitted to us; hut Lord Bacon could not, with propriety, have men- tioned it, as occurring in his time; it having happened forty years before his birth- 410 One of the instances here alluded to, doubtless, was that of the memorable Black Jtssize at Oxford, in the month of July, 1577, which I shall more particularly notice in the Appendix No. 4. The other instance seems to have been that mentioned by Holinshed, as occurring at Exeter, during the Assizes there, in March, 1586, of which a further account will be found in the same Appendix. From that time I can discover no instance of any remarka- ble mortality or sickness, supposed to have been produced by Jail infection, until the year 1730, (an interval of one hundred and fifty-three years,) when, at the Lent. Assizes, some pri- soners, who had been removed from Ilchester Jail, to take their trials at Taunton, were believed to have infected a part of the Court, and produced a contagious disease, of wiiich the Chief Baron Pengally, with some of his officers and servants, and Sir James Shepard, Knight, and Serjeant at Law, died afterwards, at Blandford, in Dorsetshire. John Pigot, Esq. High Sheriff of Somersetshire, also died, as was supposed, of the same disease, wiiich spread considerably at Taunton, and proved fatal to several hundreds.—(See Gentleman's Maga- zine, for May, 1750.) Twelve years after, viz. in April, 1742, according to Dr. Huxham, (de Aere, &c. vol. ii. p. 82,) a fever, which he calls putrid, contagious, and highly pestilential, (" febris putrida, contagiosa ac pestifera valde,") appeared at, and in the neigh- bourhood of Launceston, occasioning great mortality there. This fever, he adds, was generated in the prisons, and widely disseminated by means of the County Assize,—(?< genita hsec in carceribus febris et per comitia provincialia disseminata longe lateque.")* • At page 83, Dr. Huxham makes this addition, viz.—" Perfrcquens est utique generatio febris pestilentis in angustis immundisque carceribus ; etiam ipse aer conclu- sus in fodinis, speluncis, puteis, tandem evadit exitialis admodum idque longe citius, si accedunt quoque plurima animalium effluvia, quse et ipsa porro magis ma«-isque in horas violeiita fiunt, brevique pestifera maxime."—(Here he refers to Lancisi de repentinis mortibus, L. i. C. 6) " Atmosphsera stagnans, frequentia hominum polluta, mox valde rancet & ad respirationem inepta est prorsus ; imo aqu« dulcis balneum Ill The next remarkable occurrence of this sort happened at the Sessions of the Old Bailey, in the spring of 1750, which proved fatal to the Lord Mayor, and two of the Judges, with several eminent and other persons, who, as was asserted, and is now generally believed, were infected by the contagion of Jail Fever brought into the Court from Newgate. With how little reason or truth this assertion was made, I shall endea- vour, by a minute examination of facts, to ascertain, and de- monstrate, in the Appendix, No. 4. And this task I have the more readily undertaken, by reason of the very important conclusions respecting febrile contagion, which have been, as I think, erroneously deduced from the melancholy events in question. It was in consequence of, and immediately after, this me- morable transaction, (viz. in May, 1750,) that Sir Joho Pringle published his " Observations on the nature and cure of Hospital and Jail Fevers," from pages four and five of which the following extract is made, viz. " The hospitals of an army, when crowded with sick, or when the distempers are of a putrid kind, or at any time when the air is confined, especially in hot weather, produce a-fever of a malignant nature, always accounted fatal. I have ob- served the same sort of fever to take its rise in crowded bar- racks, and in transport ships, when filled beyond a due num- ber, and detained long by contrary winds, or when the men were kept at sea, under close hatches, in stormy weather." " The cause seems plainly to arise from a corruption of the air, pent up, and deprived of its elastic parts by the respira- tion of a multitude; or more particularly vitiated with the perspirable matter, which, as it is the most volatile part of the humours, it is also the most putrescent." As soon as I became acquainted with this fever in the hos- pitals abroad, I suspected it to be the same with what is called sorde cutanea fredatum putrescit atque putet brevissime. Nee mirum est hoc utique, quandoquidem a quolibet aijulto homine unciae 40 feri rancidi vaporis quotidie exhalant." 113 here the Jail Distemper, which I had never seen; and was confirmed in my opinion, by having an opportunity of com- paring them, which was furnished by the follow ing accident." Here the author relates the means hy which two hundred men, of Brigadier Houghton's regiment, were, in 1746, at- tacked by a " fever, which came directly hy contagion from the true Jail Distemper," communicated in a manner which he describes: and these men, he adds, " being under my care, I had the best opportunity of examining the distemper, which I found differed in nothing from the usual Hospital Fever, in either symptoms, violence, or cure." And on this foundation he proceeded to " consider the two diseases as one,'' and to describe them accordingly; having, as he observes, " met with no author who has treated them in so clear and full a manner, as to enable a physician either to know, or cure them."—Page 7. When this was written, external putrefaction was believed to produce highly morbid and malignant effects upon, and within, the living human body; and both Dr. Huxham and Sir John Pringle, prepossessed by this belief, were thereby, probably, induced to promulgate their doctrines and opinions on this subject with less consideration, and more confidence, than men of their superior talents and understanding, would otherwise have done. Indeed, Sir John Pringle (and proba- bly Dr. Huxham) was ignorant of an important fact, which, if known, might have altered his opinion on this subject; for he was manifestly convinced, that warm, or hot weather, would promote the activity and force of Jail contagion, (as, in truth, it ought to do, were, that contagion generated by filth, putrefaction, and deficient ventilation;) and in the pub- lication just mentioned, he expresses his belief, that the fever, supposed to have been recently produced by infection from Newgate, would " be, in a great measure, confined to those who were present at the trial, especially if the weather con- tinued moderately cool;" not suspecting, what is now ascer- tained, that the contagion of Typhus, or Jail Fever, is always 113 rendered most virulent and morbific by severe frost,* which, by increasing the density and purity of the air, renders ven- tilation least necessary, and completely arrests the progress and influence of putrefaction and of its products; while, on the contrary, this contagion is soon enfeebled, dissipat- ed, and destroyed by hot weather, in which putrefaction proceeds most rapidly, and crowding with deficient venti- lation is most hurtful. The opinions, however, of these celebrated physicians are now generally prevalent in this country, and more especial- ly in regard to prisons, whjch are considered as eminent- ly the parent as well as the fomes of the contagion of Typhus Fever. That this fever often exists in them cannot be de- nied; but this circumstance can afford no evidence of its having been generated therein, any more than the multi- plication of vermin in such places could demonstrate the spontaneous generation of these, and other insects, hy the nastiness which favours the deposition, and hatching of their eggs. It must, indeed, be impossible to adduce any suffi- cient affirmative proof on this subject; for, as the contagion ef Jail Fever, though commonly inactive during the hotter part of the summer, always exists in this country; and, as it frequently remains dormant in the human body several months after being received therein, the breaking out of this fever in a prison can never afford any evidence of its hav- ing been generated, where it first appears. For, even if the person first attacked should have been so long imprisoned, as to make it incredible that he was infected previously to his imprisonment, there must always have been so many ways and means, by which the contagion might have been introduced from without, (e. g. by infected persons, gar- • The benevolent John Howard, in his work on Prisons, (page 467,) observes, that " the Goal Distemper is always observed to reign more in our prisons du- ring winter than summer; contrar)', I presume, (adds he,) to the nature of other putrid diseases." Similar, hut stronger, testimonials will hereafter be adduced. 15 114 ments, bedding, &c.) that its having been so introduced will always be much more probable than the spontaneous generation of contagion; an operation, or process, of which we have no example, and which, if it really took place, would to me seem miraculous. I have already proved, that crowding, filth, and deficient ventilation, do not, in a variety of other situations, pro- duce any thing like contagious fever; and I might fairly conclude, therefore, that these causes would not be more efficacious or noxious in jails, than they are found to he in the places already mentioned. But least any persons should imagine that there may be some circumstances in a prison peculiarly suited to the generation of what is called Jail Fever, I will, in regard to this particular, undertake what I have already performed in regard to the putrefaction of animals, &c. and instead of requiring affirmative proofs from those who assert the generation of febrile contagion by such causes, will take upon myself to refute these unsup- ported assertions hy decisive negative evidence : and for this purpose I will resort to the observations and testimony of Mr. Howard, than whom no man ever took more pains to ascertain the truth concerning prisons, or stated it with more exactness and candour; and the result of all that he either heard or saw is, that the Jail Distemper is not known in the prisons abroad. In his work on Prisons, he informs us, (page 125,) that on conversing with Dr. Tissot, at Lausanne, the latter ex- pressed his surprise at our Jail Distemper; said, " I should not find it in Switzerland;" and added, that "he had not heard of its being any where but in England." "I did not," continues Mr. Howard, (as the Doctor said,) " find the Jail Fever in Switzerland." In regard to the prisons at Venice, Mr. Howard says, (page 106,) of the same work, "the chief prison is near the Doge's Palace, and it is one of the strongest I ever saw.—There were between three and four hundred priso- 115 ners, many of them confined in loathsome and dark cells for life; executions here being very rare. There was no fever or prevailing disorder in this close prison." At page 117 of the same work, Mr. Howard, describing the great prison of Naples, La Vicaria, says, " it contain ed, when I was there, according to the gaoler's account, nine hundred and eighty prisoners. In about eight large rooms, communicating with one another, there were five hundred and forty sickly objects, who had access to a court, surrounded by buildings so high as to prevent the circula- tion of air. In seven close offensive rooms, were thirty-one prisoners almost without clothes, on account of the great heat ; and in six dirty rooms, communicating with one another, were fifty women." Here he adds the following note, viz. " In visiting the prisons of Italy, I observed, that in general great attention was paid to the sick; but I could not avoid remarking, that too little care was taken to pre- vent sickness. From the heat of the climate, one might imagine the Jail Fever would he very likely to prevail; but I did not find it in any of the prisons." Sir John Pringle, in a discourse delivered by him to the Royal Society, as their president, the 30th of November, 1776, says, " the late Dr. Mounsey, (F. R. S.) who had lived long in Russia, and been Archiater under two successive sovereigns, acquainted me that, happening to be at Moscow, when he perused my observations on the Jail and Hospital Fever, then lately published, (1750,) he had been induced to compare what he read in that treatise, with what he should see in the several prisons of that large city. But to his surprise, after visiting them all, and finding them full of malefactors, (for the late Empress at that time suffered none, who were convicted of capital crimes, to be put to death;) he could discover no fever among them, nor learn that any acute distemper, peculiar to jails, had ever been known there. He observed, that some of these places of confinement had a yard into which the prison- ers were allowed to come for the air; but that there were 116 others without that advantage, yet not sickly." " He conclud- ed with saying, that, upon his return to St. Petersburg, he had made the same enquiry there, and with the same result."* After adverting to this part of Sir John Pringle's dis- course, Mr. Howard, in his Account of the State of the Pri- sons in England and Wales, (page 94,) adds, " in this an- cient capital of Russia, (Moscow,) I found no trace of any such prisons, or dungeons, as were common formerly in the castles of England, and in several foreign countries." " That cruel mode of confinement, in many of our prisons, has been, and still is, a principal cause of the Jail Fever; no symptoms of which fever did I see in Moscow, or any part of Russia.] He had, however, previously described (at pages 87, 88, 92, 93 and 94,) prisons and hospitals in Russia, which he found in a very apt state for generating febrile contagion, according to the generally received opinion on this subject; they being very foul and close. Near the end of his work on Prisons, (viz. at page 467,) Mr. Howard brings the result of his ob- servations and enquiries, concerning the cause of the Jail * See Dr. Kippis's Edition of Sir John Pringle's Six Discourses, &c. 8vo, page 168. ■J- This has been confirmed by the Reverend William Coxe, M. A. &c. who, in his Account of the Prisons and Hospitals of Russia, &c. (page 25,) says, " I made particular enquiries whether there have been any signs of Jail Fever, or Epidemical Distemper, ever discovered among the prisoners in Russia, but could not hear of the least tendency to such disorders." This fortunate exemption cer- tainly cannot he ascribed to any peculiar advantage in the construction of the Rus- sian prisons, or any superiority of cleanliness, because the late Empress Catharine, in the answers which she dictated to her secretary, and sent to Mr. Coxe on that subject, declares, that " there has been hitherto no general plan for the construc- tion of prisons, nor rules for their distribution and situation."—And that " there is no more regulation for the cleanliness of the prisons than for their construc- tion and situation. By an abuse (she adds) favourable to the prisoners, they are, in many places, permitted to go to the baths."—But, she thinks, " it is probable, that the cold alone prevents epidemical disorders.—Travels into Poland, Russia, &c< vol iii. page 133, 8vo. Cold, however, is now certainly known not to produce any such efTect, in regard to the contagion of Jail or Typhus Fever, which, as has been already stated, (at page 124, &c) is equally-unknown in the habitations of the Russian peasants- 117 Fever, to this pointed couclusion. " If it were asked, (says he,) what is the cause of the Jail Fever ? It would, in general, be readily replied, the want of fresh air and cleanliness : but as I have found, in some prisons abroad, cells and dungeons as offensive and dirty as any I have observed in this country, where, however, this distemper was unknown, I am obliged to look out for some additional cause for its production." Mr. Howard's further experience, in his subsequent tour over a great part of Europe, and into Turkey, in (1785, 6, and 7,) being in conformity with his preceding statement, he repeated it in the same wrords, in his work on Lazarettos.—Page 231. This " additional cause," which Mr. Howard thought it necessary to look for, in order to explain the production of Jail Fever, can be no other than the contagion thereof, which, however prevalent in tltis kingdom, has no existence in most other countries, and where it does not exist, there is good rea- son to conclude that the true Jail or Typhus Fever never occurs, though other fevers have been frequently mistaken for it; this is, doubtless the reason why all those accumulations of filth, in close crowded places, do not occasion febrile con- tagion in prisons abroad, though in this country, where that disorder always exists, they contribute greatly to its reten- tion, concentration, and virulence. The frequent intercourse between the subjects of Great Britain and those of France, by reciprocal captures at sea, has been a cause of introducing the Typhus Fever into the ships, and among the seamen of the latter. But, as Paris is at a considerable distance from the sea coast, there is good reason to believe that this fever has been rarely, if ever, known in that metropolis; and that, when it has occasionally exist- ed at any sea-ports, or in the interior parts of France, (as at Rouen, see page 71, note,) it has, in general, been originally derived from British prisoners. And it was, doubtless, for the reason just given, that an eminent and justly-celebrated physician, Professor Sauvages, of Montpellier, when he ad- mitted the Jail Fever (which he denominates Typhus Carce- 118 rum) into his Nosologia Metlwdica, relied solely on the au- thorities of two English physicians, Huxham and Pringle, adopting exclusively their descriptions of the disease, which he has mentioned in several parts of his valuable work, but always with references to the same English physicians only, which probably he would not have done, if, with his very ex- tensive reading, he had found any other sufficient authority for the existence of this fever, (which, indeed, he does not appear to have ever seen,) and for its characteristic symp- toms. A further proof of the rarity of this fever, in the interior of France, seems to present itself in the ninth volume of the Memoires of the " Societe Royale de Medecine," of Paris, in which it appears that this society, in November, 1790, pre- sented to the National Assembly, a plan of a new Medical Constitution in France,—(page 102 ;) and at the fifth section of the second part of this plan, which relates to the " fonc- tions du Medecin dans les Depots de Mendicite ou Maisons de travail, et dans les prisons," the following observation is made, viz. " On sait que faute de proprete et de soins, et par l'entassement des hommes, ou le mauvais traitement des ma- lades, les prisons ou depots ont souvent ete le foyer d'Epi- demies redoutahles. C'est surtout en Angleterre qu'on en a eprouve les funestes efftts; c'est la qu'on a vu la plus expan- sive des contagions s'elancer de ces maisons pour infecter au loin les flottes par la presse; les armees par les recrucs faites dans les Bridewells, (ou maisons de correction ;) les villes et les campagnes par les Sessions des Comtes, & les possessions Anglaises dans les iles par la transportation des criminels." I ought here to observe, that four or five years before this plan was presented to the French National Assembly, Mes- sieurs Tenon and Coulomb, two of the commissaries, nomina- ted by the Royal Academy of Sciences, for matters relating to hospitals, had been sent by the French government to En- gland, to obtain information on that subject; and were here most favourably received, and made acquainted with every 119 thing likely to render their mission beneficial. And, among other acquisitions of knowledge, they were informed of, and persuaded to adopt, the opinions prevalent in this country, re- specting the supposed generation of. febrile contagion by crowding, filth, and insufficient ventilation, which opinions appear to have greatly influenced the Royal Medical Society of Paris, in that part of their plan which has been just cited. But those who have had opportunities of seeing and compar- ing the conditions of the poor, as well as of the streets, houses, prisons, and hospitals, of Paris and of London, must be con- vinced, that if the causes just mentioned, had been sufficient to produce the supposed effect, Typhus Fever would have pre- vailed in the former, at least as often, and as long ago, as in the latter. And that it could not have been proper or justifia- ble in this society, to select and represent England as the country in which, above all others, the pernicious effects of contagion so produced, had been oftenest, and most fatally manifested. That there may, however, be no doubt on the subject of this comparison, I shall extract, and place in Appendix No. 5, certain parts of a large volume in quarto, entitled " Memoires sur les Hopitaux de Paris, par M. Tenon, Professeur Royale de Pathologie, &c. imprimes par ordre du Roi," .(1788;) by which it will appear that the Hotel Dieu,- of Paris, is not only the largest, but the most crowded and filthy hospital on earth ; that a single building thereof, called " Batiment Meridional," generally contains two thousand six hundred and twenty-se- ven patients, crammed together, from four to six in each bed, with every circumstance and degree of nastiness, and deficient ventilation, so that if such causes could have generated conta- gious fever, it must have been there generated, nearly two cen- turies ago; and being once generated by them, it must, from their continual aggravation, have been constantly maintained, and spread to a greater extent, and with increasing virulence. Believing, as I do, that any additional evidence on this subject would be superfluous, I shall content myself with ob- 120 serving, tliat the respectable Dr. James Lind, though he had allowed himself to adopt and maintain the common opinion, that Contagious Fever might be generated by the means which have been so often mentioned, has, notwithstanding, upon several occasions, stated facts, which, with proper at- tention, might have led him to a different conclusion. In his chaptev on the Jail Distemper, at page 315, of his Essay on preserving the Health of Seamen, (second edition,) are the following paragraphs, viz. "The origin of the jail infection is a point, at present, en- tirely unknown. No person has given us the least satisfac- tory account how or where it is generated. It does not seem to originate in air, and there are many prisons abounding with filth and impurities, perfectly free from it. " In ships also, an infection is generally imported from the land, and many that have been long in a very dirty condition, at sea, bring their men quite healthy into the harbours.— Indeed, I have always observed, that the most healthy ships were such as arrived from a long foreign voyage, the scurvy being the chief, and almost the only complaint among them. Whereas ships of war, especially when fitted out in the Thames, even in times of peace, very often received this in- fection from London." And, finally, at page 227 of the same volume, we find this assertion, viz. " I never heard of any ship wiiich, after hav- ing been carefully and properly smoked, did not immediately become healthy: And if, afterwards, they turned sickly, it w7as easy to trace that sickness, from other infected ships, jails, and the like places." Certainly this would not have been the case, if it w ere possible that contagion should be ge- nerated, de novo, as has been supposed, by the causes in ques- tion. From the preceding facts and considerations, I think it may be safely inferred, that filth, crowding, putrid human effluvia, and deficient ventilation, though favourable to the re- tention and accumulation of febrile contagion, where Typhus 121 Fever exists, or has existed, and consequently, to its activity) do not of themselves either generate, or enable the human body to generate, that contagion; and that fevers are not contagious, nor liable to become so, unless produced by con- tagion. Assisted by these inferences, I shall next proceed to ascer- tain, as far as I may be able, the causes of the Yellow Fever, together with the truth or fallacy of those reasonings which ascribe either its origin or propagation to contagion. END OF PART SECOND. 16 PART THIRD. OF THE CAUSES OF THE YELLOW FEVER. The Creator of the world, for purposes wiiich it is our duty to respect as wise and good, has so constituted the surface of the earth, that, in a great part of it, the soil, when moistened and assisted by suitable degrees of solar heat, is naturally disposed to produce certain vapours or exhalations, technically denominated marsh miasmata, and possessing a specific power of exciting fever in the human body, which fever, though most frequently intermitting or remitting, is a great cause of mortality, especially in hot climates. This important truth is now so well ascertained, and -so generally admitted, that many proofs in support of it will scarcely be deemed necessary. Several remarkable instances of fevers produced by this cause, have been al- ready stated between pages 82 and 88 of this volume, and to these it may suffice to add the following. Dr. John Hunter, in his Observations on the Diseases of the Army in Jamaica, informs us, that the place in Ki.gston Harbour in that island, at whicli " the ships of war take in their water, being wet and swampy, it com- n.on'.y happens that the men employed in filling the wa- ter-casks are taken sick, cither at the time, or a few days after ; ami tiieiv arc examples where, out of six y o ■ seven- ty men sent on taut duty not one has escaped a lever. 123 Dr. Blane also, in his interesting " Observations on the Diseases of Seamen," alluding to the same service, at the same place in Jamaica, says, (p. 92.) that "it was the practice of many ships of war) to leave the water-casks. on shore all night, with men to watch them, and as there is a land-wind in the night, wiiich blows over some ponds and marshes, there were hardly any men employed on that duty who were not seized with a fever of a very bad sort, of whicli a great many died." Afterwards, at p. 392, when treating of "the bilious remitting fever," the same author observes, that it " may generally be traced to the air of woods and marshes; and in our fleet hardly any men were attacked with it, but those who were employ- ed in the duties of wooding and watering." Dr. Lind, speaking of the unfortunate attempt to make a settlement at the Island of Balamhangan, near Borneo, where scarcely one in ten of those sent thirther survived the first six months, says, "from October till April, during the north-east monsoon, the wind comes from the sea, and the settlement is perfectly healthy; but from April till Oc- tober, during the south-west monsoon, the wind blows over the marshes, both of this Island and Borneo, and pro- duces fevers of the most malignant nature, which frequent- ly cut off the stoutest men in twelve or fourteen hours.-" Sec his Essay on the Diseases incidental to Europeans in Hot Climates, p. 99, 5th Edition. And finally,—Nicholas Fontana, who went out as sur- geon to an Italian East India ship, in November, 1776, in which service he continued five years, and afterwards published some judicious observations concerning the dis- eases of Europeans in hot climates in the Italian language, informs us, that " the ship having arrived at the Bay del Agoa, on the Eastern Coast of Africa, in March, 1777, some tents were pftehed along the bank of the river Spi- rito Santo, which is low and swampy, to accommodate the sick of the scurvy, and those who were employed in wood- 124 fug and watering, and that, of forty-seven sailors who had slept on shore, there was not one who escaped a vio- lent fever, which proved fatal to twenty of their number. —" Observazioni intorno alle mallattie che attaccano gli Europi ne' climi caldi." P. 11. also p. 76. If more proofs of the specific power of marsh miasmata to produce fever should be desired, they may be found in the treatise " De noxiis paludum efnuvis, corumque reme- diis," by "Jo. Maria Lancisius Archiater Sanctmi- Pa- tris Clementis XL ;" and in the works of Sir John Prin- gle, Dr. Lind, Dr. John Clarke, and several other medi- cal writers of eminence, as well as of undoubted credit. Assuming, then, that these miasmata are a most power- ful and frequent cause of fever, it seems expedient to en- quire concerning their origin, nature, and constituent prin- ciples. The exhalations from marshy grounds may be presumed to consist, either of pure aqueous vapour alone, or of this vapour, combined or intermixed with other vapours, or par- ticles resulting or extricated from some of the various mat- ters, whicli naturally constitute the soil, or have been su- peradded to it; and we ought, therefore, if possible, to as- certain whether the noxious effects of these exhalations are produced by pure water only, either dissolved or diffused in the atmosphere, as some respectable authors have assert- ed, or whether they are solely or principally occasioned by any other matters extricated from the earth ? There are two modes or forms in which water may ex- ist in the atmosphere; one is that of a complete dissolu- tion by the air, so as to be rendered invisible to the eye, and sometimes insensible even to the nicest hygrometers; the other is that of very small globules, commonly percep- tible to the eye, and disturbing the transparency of the atmosphere, as in what is called mist or fog. If pure aqueous vapour in the former of these states were really a cause of fever, we should uniformly discover that 125 sailors are, and have been, mote 1 able to that disorder on the ocean than when on shore, or in harbour; since it may safely he affirmed that the atmosphere at sea is more saturated with aqueous vapour, than it can be on shore, because a much greater evaporation must necessarily take place from a vast expansion of water, than ever occurs from an equal surface of land, not covered, or not nearly covered, by water. It is, however, notorious, that if vessels are not sent to sea in an improper condition, their crews are generally much more healthy on the wide ocean than in any other situation. Dr. Lind, in his Essay on Preserving the Health of Seamen, (p. 218,) states, as a general proposition, confirmed by long experience, "that persons at sea are less subject to fevers than those at land." Dr. Blane, also, in his work on the Diseases of Seamen, says, (p. 252,) " The air at sea in those climates, (West Indies) as well as every where else, is extremely pure and wholesome, and there is no where that seamen are more healthy or comfortable." He had previous- ly made a similar, and, in regard to " violent fevers of hot climates," a more pointed assertion at p. 204. To these testimonies may be joined that of Dr. John Hun- ter, who (at p. 14 of his Observations on the Diseases of the Army in Jamaica states,) that " simple moisture is harmless, at least as far as relates to the production of fevers, of which the two last mentioned places (Fort Augusta and Port Royal) may likewise be given as examples, for they are nearly sur- rounded with water on all sides." He adds, " It is true the air is perfectly clear, ye^ it must be loaded with moisture in consequence of the great heat of the sun acting upon the water." And finally, not to tire my readers with superfluous testimonies, I shall content myself with adding that of Dr. Gillespie, who, in his Observations on the Diseases of his Majesty's Squadron on the Leeward Island Station, between 1794 and 1796, states, (page 20) as the general result of his experience, that "a ship of war is rarely affected with a sickly crew at sea, in the West Indies, and as rarely con- 126 tinues a fortnight in port without some of the seamen being attacked with fevers and fluxes." It seems probable, however, that the morbid influence, 'whicli was attributed by the late Dr. George Fordyce, to pure water, in exciting fever, was principally intended to be under- stood of aqueous vapour merely diffused through the atmos- phere, in the form of mist or fog; and as his Dissertations on Fever, which promulgate or assert this doctrine, are amongst the most valuable medical works produced in this country, it may be expedient to examine this part of the sub- ject more minutely, in order, if his opinions respecting it should be erroneous, to obviate that extensive adoption of them, which his high authority might otherwise obtain, upon a question of great importance. The following are Dr. Fordyce's reasonings and state- ment on this subject, at page 146 of his Dissertation on Sim- ple Fever, viz. " A man going into water of a moderate temperature, and remaining in it for some time, has not been found more frequently afterwards affected with fever, than after standing, walking, or any other indifferent circum- stance. It is certainly, therefore, not the application of the water to the body that gives occasion to the disease ; but if the air has particles of water floating in it, and a man has continued for some time in such an air, fever has ensued much more frequently than when he had lived in a dry air." Hence the author is led to conclude, that moisture must he a cause of fever; and that he may persuade his readers to adopt tiie same conclusion, he assumes tl^e following unsatisfactory proposition, p. 151. " If those, who contend that the appli- cation of water suspended in the atmosphere, in the form of moisture, does not produce fever, were to live a year or two in Batavia, they would he convinced, hy fatal experience, that men living in a moist atmosphere are more frequently affected with fever than in a dry one." Surely, if Dr. Fordyce's opinion on this subject were just, those who thought differ- ently from him might have been made sensible of their error 127 by less inconvenient and dangerous means than a voyage to, und residence at, Batavia. The author then proceeds as fol- lows :—" Moisture in the air produces more fevers, the warmer the atmosphere; hut moisture produces fever in all temperatures. The Dutch have endeavoured to make the country of Batavia resemble Holland in the immense number of its canals. The consequent moisture of the atmosphere is very great in both places ; hut although fevers, therefore, fre- quently occur in Holland, they bear no comparison in num- ber to those which happen in Batavia, where the fatality, owing to the moisture and heat of the climate, is so great, that it is wonderful any person should even approach that settlement but from the absolute impossibility of otherwise obtaining water or food." This proof of the effects of mois- ture I cannot but consider as entirely gratuitous, because, to use the words of Sir George Staunton,* (whose description agrees with those given by Captain Cook and other respect- able navigators) the settlers at Batavia live " in the midst of swamps and stagnated pools; from whence they are every morning saluted with * a congregation of foul and pestilential vapours, whenever the sea breeze sets in and blows over this morass;" and, before Dr. Fordyce could have been w arranted in ascribing tiie violent fevers which arc so common in that settlement to moisture alone, he ought to have proved, that in such a situation no other causes existed by which they could have been produced.f • An authentic Account of the Embassy to China. Vol i. p. 242. ■j- Dr. Horseneld, an American physician, who now is, or lately was, employed in ravelling over the Island of Java with the sanction of the government of Batavia, ob- serves, in an account of his voyage to that island, in the year 1800, (published in Dr. Cox's Medical Museum, vol. i p. 75, &c.) that " it is impossible for the imagination to conceive a situation more favourable to the production of marsli miasmata than that of Batavia. «If," adds he, "human industry and ingenuity should be exerted in planning and constructing an elaboratory for the production of pestilential vapours, a situation exactly resembling that of Batavia and its environs would be the result." But even here, Dr. Iiorsefiold states the rainy season to be "comparatively healthy," to those who have it their power to avoid inimtdiate " exposure to rain;" contrary to 128 The author next allows, that " fevers more frequently arise, when the moisture is evaporated from a marshy country, or from stagnating water, than when it proceeds from the sea, large lakes, or rivers confined within their banks, and run- ning with a rapid stream. " This," says he, " has given oc- casion to suppose, that some other vapours proceed from marshes besides water, and produce the disease." But a9 such a notion must clash with his own hypothesis concerning simple moisture, he brings forward a second proof, to show that fevers have been produced by moisture, when it has arisen from the earth in a state of purity, that is, not impreg- nated with any of the matters contained in the soil which are undergoing the process of decomposition. " It certainly hap- pens often," he says in page 154, "that a considerable degree of putrefaction takes place in marshy grounds, and more es- pecially in warm climates; hut it is by no means to be con- cluded, that moisture in the atmosphere always produces fever in consequence of putrefaction. Putrefaction can only take place in animal or vegetable substances. If water, therefore, not impregnated with either, should be in such a situation as to produce moisture in the atmosphere, no putrefaction can take place; therefore, if fevers ensue, they are certainly in consequence of moisture, not putrefaction. Many instances of this may he brought, as in the war which took place in Flanders, between 1710 and 1711, an army encamped upon a pure sand, in which water was found in digging less than a that which must have been the case had the doctrine of Dr. Fordyce been true,—and Dr. Horsefield assigns as the reason of this greater healthiness during the rains, that the rivers and canals are then " plentifully supplied with water, which flows through them with considerable rapidity, and most of the lower marshy situations are entirely inundated with water." Hut in July, August, and September, these waters become nearly evaporated; and "the quantities of marsh miasmata now produced, are not only inconceivably greater than at other times, but the diseases produced by them are much more malignant and intractable in their nature," And this (which, if Dr. For- dyce's opinion were just, ought to be the season o: health) b< coiiies, to use Dr. Horsefield's own word% " the season of death and destruction, in which the hospitals and church-vards are filled." 129 foot deep, and occasioned a great moisture in the air, which produced in a fewr days numbers of fevers, although the army was perfectly healthy before, and no more fevers were pro- duced on shifting their ground." This last instance, apparently more decisive than the for- mer, is, however, of a very questionable nature in several respects. It would be injustice towards Dr. Fordyce, to sup- pose that he could have stated this as a fact, if he had not luvn persuaded that it had really happened, and exactly as he has related it; but, unfortunately, he neither mentions the spot where it occurred, nor the author by whom it was related, and who might have been greatly misinformed or deceived as to the circumstances; and every one will agree in this, that no fact which is to serve as the foundation of an important doc- trine, can have any claim to be received into a philosophical discussion, unless it be fully attested. Now, with regard to the alleged purity of the sand, on wiiich the camp was pitched, I may observe, that it is extremely difficult, not to say impos- sible, to find any soil that does not contain some portion of ve- getable and animal matters ; and that, even if these had not previously existed in the sand, they would have been immedi- ately supplied by the army encamped thereon, and being as- sisted by the moisture abounding there, would have very soon afforded vapours, differing greatly from those of pure water. But supposing the sand on which this encampment was made to have been perfectly pure, still there may have been marshy ground at a small distance, whose exhalations might have caused the fevers in question; and it is not assuming too much to say, that, in a flat country like Flanders, wherever any ground is so low and wet that water is found at less than a foot beneath the surface, the surrounding land is likely to be very marshy. Moreover, as the fevers broke out among the troops only " a few days" after they had encamped on the sand, there is more than a possibility that they were caused, not by the unhealthiness of their actual position, but by that of the station which the army had recently quitted; and one 130 need only read the description which Sir John Pringle has faithfully given in his work on the Diseases of the Army of that part of the Netherlands in which military operations have been mostly carried on in modern times, in order to be convinced, that a very large portion of the surface of that country consists of marshy ground. Such are the objections wiiich occur to this second instance, as it stands in the Dissertation on Simple Fever; and with these I should have dismissed the consideration of it, as being of too doubtful a nature to deserve much notice, if Dr. For- dyce had not adduced a similar fact in support of the same 'doctrine, after a lapse of eight or nine years, which I shall quote in his own words, from page 63 of his " Fourth Disser- tation on Fever," viz. " The author has shown, in a former dissertation, that moisture, by dissolving in the air, or by eva- poration, is one powerful cause of fever ; that it is often the cause of intermittents, as well as of the other diseases which have been above enumerated," (dysentery, continued or re- mitting fever, and irregular semitertians, under which last title he includes the disorder now known by the name of the Yellow Fever) " without any putrefaction taking place, is cer- tain, from several instances. These diseases have been pro- duced in countries where the water was found at only a foot or two under the surface of the earth, whence the moisture has arisen and contaminated the air, so as to occasion these dis- eases, while the soil has been perfectly dry,* and there has not been the least appearance of putrefaction, the countiy be- ing clear from woods. In this case it could be nothing but tiie inoisturej that produced the disease. One instance of this occurs in the encampment of the English army in the war about the year 1745, in a sandy plain in Flanders. Another * Either the soil was not perfectly dry, or so much moisture did not rise through it, as to produce a morbid contamination of the air. t This is rather an hasty assertion, s-ince it is obvious, that soils, upon which not a single tree is growinp, may nevertheless contain putrefying animal and vegetable substances in considerable quantity. 131 in a region of Peru, where water is every where to be found at about seventeen inches below the surface of the earth, though the country itself is barren for the want of water, and uninha- bitable from the number of dysenteries and semitertians which take place in it." The only difference between these two encampments on a plain of sand, is that of the dates, concerning which a mis- take might easily have been made by one who has often stated facts very loosely; and for this reason I am inclined to be- lieve, that Dr. Fordyce alluded to the same fact,- while he was writing each of the passages I have quoted. With this idea I naturally recurred to Sir John Pringle's excellent Medical History of the War, between 1742 and 1748,.where I expected to find the account of this encampment; but neither in this work, nor in any other I have met with, relating to the trans- actions at this period, have I been more successful in disco- vering the object of my inquiry, than I had been before in the many searches which I had made after the instance said to have happened in the former war.* There are, however, certain passages in Sir John Pringle's book, wiiich appear in some measure to correspond with Dr. Fordyce's statement, and they are, perhaps, the instances which the latter author had in his inind on both occasions. Sir John Pringle, de- scribing the* face of the northern part of Dutch Brabant, says, itf " is nearly as flat as any ground of the Netherlands, the only inequalities being some sand-hills and insensible risings, which give the advantage of a few feet in height to some of * Among other endeavours to ascertain the circumstances which Dr. Fordyce ought to have stated, in regard to his supposed facts, I applied to Dr. Wells, who had edited the latter part of his work on Fevers, hoping that, either from the papers of Dr. Fordyce, or from their conversiitions. Dr. Wells might be enabled to supply the desired information. The latter gentleman, however, in a letter dated the 30th of April, 1806, declared himself unable to do this; politely offering, at the same time, to " make inquiry among others of Dr. Fordyce's friends, and, should it be suc- cessful, to communicate the result." No such communication having since been re- ceived 7 must necessarily conclude, that the promised inquiry has proved fruitlcs?; f Observations on the Diseases of the Army. Page 62, 7lh Edition. 132 the villages. The soil is a barren sand, and so little water is Seen, that, at first sight, the country might seem to be dry and healthful. But this appearance is deceitful, for water is every where to be found at the depth of two or three feet; and in proportion to its distance from the surface, the inhabi- tants are free from diseases." After this the author mentions that, during the summer of 1748, the troops which were can- toned in different towns and villages became very sickly, and that "the sickness was much greater near Breda and Bois- le-duc than at Eyndhoven, wiiich lay at a greater distance from the inundations, and from other marshy grounds." The following inference comes next, which seems tq me to have no necessary connexion with wiiat immediately proceeds, and to be not only erroneous, but liable to considerable misinter- pretation, viz. " The moisture, therefore, in most of the can- tonments arose principally from the subterraneous water which exhaled through the sand." Let us now examine if this account can be fairly construed into a proof that pure moisture was the cause of this sickness."* " On the 12th of May, 1748, the army left Hillenraet, near Roermond, and in a few days came to Nistleroy," (or Nesterle, which is situated in the centre, as it were, of the North of Brabant) " where they encamped for the last time;" and, " on the ninth of July, the camp broke up, and the troops went into cantonments;" the war being then at an end. During this intervalf " some sea- sonable rains, with thunder and lightning, seemed to prevent any sultry heats; the ground besides was dry, and the camp airy, so that the sickness was inconsiderable as long as the troops kept the jield." This is the only encampment which I can discover to have been made on a sandy ground in the course of the war; but, surely, this cannot be cited as the example in which " numbers of fevers were in a few days produced among troops previously healthy, in consequence of their be- ing encamped on a pure sand, where water was found at less • Tage 60. f Page 61. 133 than a foot deep." Nor does the account given by Sir John Pringle, of the health of the army subsequently to this en- campment, at all coincide with Dr. Fordyce's statement, that " no more fevers were produced on shifting their ground :" on the contrary, so many fevers broke out, that* " the troops had scarce been a month in the cantonments when the returns of the w hole sick were increased by two thousand, and after- wards they rose considerably higher." Besides the army,f " the peasants were great sufferers," from these epidemic fe- vers. " This country," says the author, " had not known so much distress for a number of years, as two such causes" (of disease) " had not occurred, I mean the drying up of the inun- dations," which had been made about the fortified towrns, since the commencement of the war, " with a hot and close summer and autumn." I shall not here inquire what effects might have resulted from the operation of these causes, because the inquiry more properly belongs to another jMrt of this work, where it will probably appear, that two such causes as these were fully capable of producing the fevers in question: but having shown, from the best autiiority, that the health of the army was comparatively good during the only encampment which is recorded to have been made in the course of the war between 1742 and 1748, "on a sandy plain, where water was found at the depth of two or three feet:" and having also shown, that the sickness which ensued shortly after the camp w as broken up, among the several divisions of the army, can- not, with any justice, be ascribed to the transpiration of sim- ple moisture through a pure sand, since it is even stated by Sir John Pringle himself, who seems to have been an advo- cate likewise for the noxious properties of moisture, to have been proportioned to the distances of the different canton- ments "from the inundations and other marshy grounds." I shall now examine the validity of the third instance, con- cerning the unhealthiness of " a region in Peru," which Dr. * Page m. J Page 67. 134 Fordyce has annexed to his second account of the encamp- ment on a plain of sand. The air of improbability which accompanies his descrip- tion of the region in question, (which certainly ought to have been designated by its proper name) will immediately be perceived by the reader. "Water," says he, "is every where to be found at about seventeen inches below the surface of the earth.—The country itself is barren for want of wa- ter ;" yet so much moisture transpires through the ground, as to render the spot " uninhabitable." Surely, if so much aque- ous vapour passed through the earth as to communicate to the atmosphere a morbid excess of humidity, the soil itself could not have been so extremely dry as, from that very cir- cumstance, to he rendered barren; warm dry earth would, undoubtedly, absorb some portion of the aqueous vapour in question during its passage ; and we may safely infer, that, so long as jhe soil remained dry, the ^vapour which arose from the subterraneous water must have been too lit- tle for its saturation, and consequently, insufficient to load the air with a noxious degree of moisture. But neither this objection, nor such of the objections advanced against the preceding instance, as are applicable to the present case, deterred me from endeavouring to discover if any part of Peru answered the description given hy Dr. Fordyce of this particular region : and since the author, who never was out of Great Britain, has, on this occasion also, neglected to mention whence he derived his information, and none of his surviving friends are able (so far as I can learn) to supply the omission, I had recourse to tht best accounts hitherto published of that most singular and interesting country, (Peru,) particularly to those of Don Antonio Ulloa, who, to the rank of Lieutenant-General in the Spanish Navy, and Naval Commandant in Peru, added scientifick attain- ments sufficient to procure his adoption into most of the learned societies in Europe. This distinguished author has given a narrative of his voyage with Don George Juan and 135 the French Academicians, who were sent by the Govern- ments of Spain and France to South America, in 1735; and he afterwards published some observations on Peru and other parts of America, in Spanish, under the title of " Noticias Americanas," of which a translation in French, was printed at Paris, in 1787, with the title of"Menioires Philosophiques, Historiques, Physiques, concernant L'Amerique, &c." It is more especially from the latter* of these works, that the following account of what Dr. Fordyce would probably, call " the regions" of Peru, is extracted. The western coast of South America, adjoining the Great Pacific Ocean, consists of low land, wiiich forms a kind of zone along the shores of that ocean, varying in breadth from eight to twen- ty leagues, and extending from 7° or 8° of North Latitude, to 27° or 28° South of the Equator, the whole of which bears the name of " Voiles." " Au point ou finissent ces plats pays commencent les Cordilleros," an immense chain of mountains, which runs southward almost to the Streights of Magellan, and occupies at its base a breadth of from thirty to fifty leagues. Upon this great mass of mountains are found large habitable tracts, called Sierras, to distin- guish them from the lowr land on the coast; and we learn that these tracts, which Ulloa has named, "La Partie haute Hahitee," are at an^elevation of 4536 varas, (of Castile, or 12,451 English feet) "au dessus des terreins.qui avoisinent iin; ediatement a la mer." " On voit par la, que cette partie de l'Aiuerique a une bande de terrein sensiblement plus elevee, que toutes les autres cont ees habit :es du globe." " II y a dans la partie haute hahitee, des royaumes tivs etendus, des pro- vinces fort peuplees; il s'y voit aussi de vastes cont* ees de- sertes." This high ground, however, serves but as a base for an higher range of mountains: " les cimes des montagues qui s'elevent sur cette meme plaine elevee,f ont plus de 6,600 * ', nd from pages 22 -23, 24. 38, 20, .37, 222 244, of the first volume. f The summit of Chimbora^on is stated to be 19,595 feet above the ocean. 136 varas de haut (18,117 feet;) elles surpassent done les autres, de 2,063 varas (5,664 feet.)" These surperincumbent moun- tains, far exceeding all others on the surface of the globe, and eternally covered with snow, are, of course, uninhabit- ed, and therefore cannot be the objects of our present consi- deration : neither is it the " Partie haute Hahitee," the ob- ject of it, since according to Ulloa, " on n'y voit ni fievres intermittentes, ni putrides." Besides these parts, there are ravines, extending in different directions through the Sierras, which he thus describes. "Dans la partie eh^ee, la terrc est entrecoupee de vastes profondeurs, qu'on y appelle Que- bradas." " Le fond sert de lit aux eaux qui y coulent, et tien- nent presque toujours le milieu. Ces eaux suivent les detours et les deviations du terrein lateral—& continuent ainsi leurs cours dans ces profondeurs entre les montagnes, & arrivent enfin dans la partie basse du terrein, d'ou elles se rendent a la mer; mais la masse d'eau qu'elles forment dans cette se- conde partie a pen de profondeur, '& semble n'etre repandue que sur la surface du sol." These Quebradas, as Ulloa be- lieves, have been gradually worn by the torrents, which have descended for a long succession of ages from the heights; they vary in their depth and breadth, the perpendicular depth of some of those chasms being 1,769 varas, (4,855 feet) or even more, and their width sometimes exceeding two# leagues, so that " Elles ont assez de surface pour devenir le local de nombre d#'habitations fort peuplees, qui en tirent tous les produits necessaries a la vie ;" and their soil is moreover sufficiently rich and fertile to permit an extensive cultivation of the sugar cane. It is true, that intermittent fevers of a dangerous kind are occasionally seen in the Quebradas, (from causes which produce them in other countries ;) these spots, however, are neither uninhabited nor barren, but exactly the reverse, and, therefore, we cannot consider them as the un- healthy region which Dr. Fordyce meant: nor does there appear, from the accounts I have met with, to he any other part of Peru to which he could have alluded, except the 137 country lying between the sea and the foot of the Cordille- ras. Upon this low country of the "Valles" it is remarka- ble that no formal rain ever falls; but there are wetting fogs, called "garuas," during what is there named winter; ind as- " le sable domine dans les terreins has, meme a des distances assez considerables," one is at first led to suppose, that the soil must here be barren for want of water; but it will be immediately perceived, that this is far from being the case. During about one half of the year, viz. from July to Janua- ry, which is called winter in the low lands of Peru, the ground receives an ample supply of moisture for all the pur- poses of the most luxuriant vegetation, by a contrivance of nature, no less singular than bountiful: while this season continues, the low country is constantly covered with a thick fog, through wiiich the sun is scarcely ever able to penetrate ; and this fog, although not sufficiently damp to wet one's clothes, yet is moist enough *"poiirpen2trerlaterre, pour fer- tiliser le sol le phis aride et le plus sterile de sa superficie, par- ceque le soleil ne peut la dissecher." During the rest of the year, which is the rainy season in the high lands, and is there termed the winter, the earth is likewise supplied with mois- ture, hy means of artificial irrigations, which appear to have been in general use among the Peruvians, long before the dis- covery of America by Columbus. At this time numerous streams are pouring through the Quebradas into the low •ountry, where many of them lose a part of their waters in irrigating the land. " Comme on y a le degre de chaleur requis, (says Ulloa) il ne s'agit plus que d'y faire des petits canaux pour conduire l'eau ou il est necessaire; ainsi de ter- reins steriles on en fait des campagnes, dont la fertilite ne le cede pas aux terres les plus grasses." We must also take no- tice that these streams do not all discharge themselves into the sea: some of them which happen to flow into situations * Voyage Historique de I'Amerique, par Don Geo. Juan & Don Ant de Ultotft Fom. i. p. 454. 18 138 so low, that " les terreins n'ont pas assez de pente pour leur ecoulement," are there arrested in their course ; and at these places the ground becomes swampy ; it is from this cause that " on voit dans les terreins has quclques etendues de terre fan- geuse." After this description of the low country, we cannot, certainly, be surprised at learning, that intermittent fevers occur frequently among its inhabitants : we find, however, that even these fevers do not correspond with the account which Dr. Fordyce has given, either of the nature, or of the cause of them; for Ulloa says, that " Dans la partie basse, cos fievres ne sont point dangereuses, quoique longues et trt-s fatiguantes :" and it is unnecessary to observe, that fevers of this mild nature are not likely to depopulate a district; and, in regard to their cause, it could not be asserted, with truth, even if the country had been rendered uninhabitable by fe- vers, that these were produced by pure moisture, since, al- though sand may predominate in the low lands, as Ulloa states, yet the soil is not exclusively composed of sand, and it cannot be imagined, that pure aqueous vapour could alone be exhaled from a tract of country, of wiiich a considerable part consists of land which is not only cultivated, but ren- dered extremely fertile by copious irrigation; and in which there also appLia- to he some extensive patches of marshy g:ui;jid. Hence we must he convinced, that Dr. Fordyce has been - as little correct in referring us to Peru, as in send- ing us to Batavia, in search of the noxious effects of sim- ple moisture. The deference which I conceived to be due to the opinions of this author, especially when, they seemed to he corrobo- rated, so far as regards the tendency of moisture to produce fever, by those of Sir John Pringle, and some other respec- table physicians,* and the importance of the subject itself, * Even Dr. Lind, overlooking many facts of a contrary import, stated by himself, appears to have adopted an opinion similar to that which I am now controverting. In his work on " the Diseases incidental to Europeans in Hot Climates."—(5th editionl we find, at page 9, this passage, *iz. «In ray Essay on preserving Seamen I have 139 have drawn me into a long examination of the proofs adduc- ed by the former writer, in order to point out their insuffi- ciency. It may, however, here be mentioned, that Dr. For- dyce, although he entertains no doubt concerning the validi- ty of his proofs, nevertheless finds great difficulty in account- ing for the alledged effects of moisture; and, towards the close of his discussion* of this subject, after repeating au observation already quoted, viz. that since water is innocent when applied to the body in a mass, as during immersion, but causes fever when applied in the form of small particles floating in the air, " it cannot he the mere application of the particles of the w ater that produces the disease ;" he says, " it must, therefore, be something that they apply to the body which occasions it;"—but " what this may be," he confesses, "is not very clear." He afterwards throws out an idea, that, " as the evaporation of water produces cold, moisture may only be a means of suddenly applying cold to the body," and that the cold so produced may be the cause of the fever \ aware, however, of some objections to this idea, especially, as he had previously stated, that heat rendered the moisture more noxious as a cause of fever, he concludes with saying, " but this the author leaves to future experiment and discus- sion." From expressions so full of uncertainty, and, I may say, of contradiction, it is evident that he was by no means satisfied as to the soundness of his favourite doctrine; and his doubts on the subject would have been still greater, if he had recollected a very interesting fact, related in page 57 of Sir John Pringle's " Observations on the Diseases of the Army," (from which Dr. Fordyce, as I have already said, seems to have intended to borrow his second instance, relative to the encampment on a plain of sand) wiiich is so demonstrative of said, that a malignant fever of the remitting kind, most frequently a double tertian, is the genuine produce of heat and moisture, is the autumnal fever of all hot countries, and is the epidemic disease between the tropics: to which I may add, that it is also the disease most fatal to Europeans in hot climates." * Dissertation on Simple Fever. P. 1?6, 140 the opposite effects of pure moisture, contrasted with those of marsh effluvia, that no apology can be necessary for introduc- ing it here. According to Sir John's statement, four battalions, of about seven hundred men each, were stationed in the two islands of Walcheren and South Beveland, during the very hot summer of 1747. These islands are from one to two miles asunder, and form part of Zealand, which province (p. 2,) " is not only low and watery, hut surrounded with the oozy beaches of the Eastern and Western Scheld, and the most marshy parts of the country," (the United Provinces and Dutch Brabant along the Maes) " so that almost every wind, except from the sea, adds to its native moisture and unwholesome exhala- tions."* Under such unfavourable circumstances of situation and of season, the troops, " both in the field and in quarters, became so very sickly, that, at the height of the epidemic, some of those corps had but one hundred men fit for duty, and the Royals in particular, at the end of the campaign, had but four men who had never sickened. But Commodore Mitchel's squadron, which lay all this time at anchor in the channel between South Beveland and the Island of Walche- ren, in both which places the epidemic prevailed, was neither afflicted with the fever nor the flux; but amidst all that sick- ness enjoyed perfect health ; a proof," as the author justly observes, «« that the air of the marshes was dissipated, or cor- rected, before it could reach them." This account, had it been known to Dr, Fordyce, or remembered by him, would, probably, have weakened his confidence in the power of moisture to produce fever; for he would, I presume, have readily acknowledged, that the atmosphere could not have been less moist (and he might have found, that it was more moist) where the squadron lay at anchor, surrounded as it was by water, than in those islands; and, consequently, that, if simple moisture had been the real cause of the fevers which were so prevalent on shore, the sailors must have suffered at 141 least equal sickness with the soldiers.* But his confidence therein, would, perhaps, have ceased altogether, if he had attended to the well-established fact, of whicli it cannot be supposed that this author was ignorant, that the occurrence of marsh fevers may, with certainty, be prevented, by laying the marshy grounds under wrater; an operation which cer- tainly would not diminish tiie humidity of the atmosphere. But proofs still more convincing, if possible, than the two just mentioned, may be offered in refutation of Dr. Fordyce's doctrine. Indeed, we know that the air which passes over, or is incumbent upon marshes, during winter, in this cli- mate, is generally harmless in regard to the production of intermitting or remitting fevers, although it is then com-. uionly more replete with moisture, than in summer. And, moreover, persons who live on peat-bogs or moors, are, at all seasons, for reasons to be explained hereafter, completely exempt from the fevers to which the inhabitants of marshy grounds are subject; although it cannot be pretended, that less moisture is evaporated from the surface of the former, than from that of the latter. Again, every one can recollect * A similar exemption from the fevers raging epidemically in the Islands of Wal- cheren and South Beveland, occurred in regard to the people on buard of the British ships belonging to the late expedition against Zealand. This fact, concerning which I have received numerous corroborating testimonies, from respectable officers employed on that service, has been officially declared in the report made to the Secretary at War from Middleburgh, the 10th of October, 1809, by Ur. Blane, Dr. Lemprieie, (physi- cian to the Army) and another medical officer, who were sent by his Majesty's go- vernment to Walcheren, for the purpose of investigating the nature and causes of the malady prevailing among the troops in that island, wherein they state, that they had u ascertained that the crews of the vessels stationed in the very narrow channel, only a few yards from the land, between Beveland and Walcheren, have continued perfectly healthy during the whole campaign; thus decidedly proving that the noxious exhala- tion is nearly confined to ift original source." See the «' Military Papers relating to the Expedition to the Scheldt, presented by his Majesty's command to both Houses of Parliament, February, 1810." Marked E. page 110. Certainly the crews of the ships in question, (between Beveland and Walcheren) who continued in health, must have been exposed to at least as much moisture, as the soldiers labouring under fever en shore; 142 a multitude of instances in which persons have been exposed for hours together in the heavy mists which arc frequent in this climate during the winter, without having been after- wards attacked by fever. But the remarkable healthiness of the men employed in the Newfoundland fisheries, where, as it is well known, they are generally enveloped in the dampest fogs for several months together, affords the least ambiguous proof, wilhin my knowledge, that the atmosphere, when loaded with pure moisture only, has no greater power of causing fever, than it has when in any usual state of dryness. " It is difficult," says that celebrated astronomer, Mr. Cas- sini, in the account he has given of his voyage to New found- land, " for one who was never there, to form an idea of the life the fishermen lead at the Great Bank. It must be no less powerful awotive than the thirst after gain, which can pre- vail upon these poor wretches to spend six months between the sky and water, in a climate where they are almost always excluded from the sight of the sun, and constantly breathing so thick a fog, that they can hardly see from one end of the ship to the other." Page 125.* In such an atmosphere then, if any where, we might expect to find the effects of moisture on the human body, manifested and exemplified in the most decisive manner; but fevers, or other severe disorders, are so little to be included among those effects, that Dr. Lind, after mentioning " the surprisingly healthy state of the ship's com- panies, who annually visit the Banks of Newfoundland," adds, " it is a constant observation, that the men belonging to the * The waters which issue from the Gulph of Mexico, forming what is commonly called the Gulph Stream, flow with considerable rapidity near the Banks of Newfound- land, bringing with them a temperature «f from six to ten or twelve degrees warmer than that of the super-incumbent atmosphere, and of the sea itself in that part of the ocean, according to the season of the year. This superior heat in the Gulph Stream, aided by its motion, produces a copious evaporation of aqueous particles from the sur- face, which are immediately condensed by the coldness of the air, so as to produce those fogs which, during summer, prevail on the Newfoundland station, to a greater excess, probably, than in any other part of the globe, unless it be in the " valfes'' of Pern. 14S Newfoundland fleet, return every autumn to England with much more healthy and robust constitutions than they left it."* From the preceding remarks I deduce these conclusions, viz. that pure water existing under any form in the atmos- phere, does not cause fever; therefore, that marsh exhalations would be innocent, if they consisted merely of simple mois- ture ; and finally, that, since these exhalations do produce fe- vers, they must contain some other matter than moisture, which imparts to them the noxious qualities they possess. This leads me to inquire what this matter may be. The substances which compose the soil of marshes differ little, if at all, from those which are found in other soils, and, according to the most recent investigations of chymists, they seem to be the following, viz: calcareous, siliceous, and ar- gillaceous earths; sometimes magnesia, oxide of iron, and vegetable and animal matters, in various proportions, with a few saline compounds, (often in quantities so small as not to he easily detected) and water : but they differ as to their rela- tive quantities; the proportions of the water and of the ve- getable and animal matters, compared with the other ingre- dients, being much greater in marshy than in dry soils. If these various substances be classed according to their respec- tive kingdoms, we shall readily perceive that none of those which belong to the mineral kingdom, can constitute the va- pours which arise from marshes, because none of them is able t * See Dr. Lind's Essay on the Diseases incidental to Europeans in hot climates. Pages 30, 31. Since the above was sent to the press, the author being at Falmouth, on his way to Jamaica, went to one of the copper mines at St. Dye, about ten miles distant, into which he descended with several gentlemen, his fellow passengers, more than 120 fathoms, and remained there three hours, in an atmosphere so overloaded with moisture that the clothes, with which they had been supplied for the descent at the mine^were soon made wet, as was every thing which they had occasion to touch. Bui this humid air did not produce the slightest injury to the health of any of them ; .nor could they discover, after having made very particular inquiries, that the workmen in this and'the other minis were more liable to fevers than persons otherwise employed above ground; though it was stated, that pulmonary affections were more frequent among them, probably from causes which do not relate to this subject. 144 to assume an aeriform state, at least in any temperature to which the atmosphere, or the earth are ever naturally heated ; and for this reason, as well as for many others, which are sufficiently obvious, it is plain that the noxious effects of marsh exhalations, cannot be produced by the mineral sub- stances contained in the soil. With regard to the other mat- ters, I mean those which belong to the animal or the vegeta- ble kingdoms, we know that in suitable circumstances of tem- perature, air, and moisture, all organized bodies begin to de- compose as soon as the principle of vitality is destroyed, and that, in the decomposition of them, a large portion of their constituent parts is converted into seriform fluids of different kinds, such as those which are at present known by the names of nitrogen, hydrogen, carbonic acid, hydro-carbonated, j h is- phorated, sulphurated, and other gazes. It is therefore evi- dent, that in a marsh, % where myriads of plants and animals are constantly perishing, and where the presence of water causes them afterwards to undergo a variety of decomposi- tions and of new combinations, an abundance of vapours must necessarily be disengaged from those decaying substances, and arise from the surface of the earth, along with the mois- ture which is evaporated at the same time. Hence it appears, that the atmosphere of marshes must necessarily contain, be- sides common air and moisture, a quantity of vapours extri- cated from vegetable and animal matters during their decom- position ; and since the fevers caused Hy marsh effluvia do not proceed from the action either of pure atmospheric air, or of pure moisture, on the human body, it follows, that they can only be produced by that of the vapours last mentioned. Se- veral ingenious persons have endeavoured to analyze the air of marshes ; but as their experiments are very imperfect, and the results of them, in some respects, contradictory to each other, we are yet without any decisive or satisfactory infor- mation on the subject.* When science shall he more ad- • Air collected immediately over, and close upon, the surface of marshes, has com- Buouly beeu found to contain hydrogen and carbonic acid gaz in considerable propor- 145 vanced, all the chemical ingredients of marsh exhalations may, perhaps, be discovered; but as most, or all, of the airs or gazes hitherto known, have been respired either singly, or variously combined, by persons who have submitted to the ex- periments of what has been called Pneumatic Medicine, or by others engaged in chemical pursuits or manufactures, without any of these persons having been attacked by fevers after- wards, (although some of those airs have produced other inju- rious and even fatal effects ;) it is very possible that the pro- perty of causing fever does not belong to any one of those gazes in particular, but rather to several of them collectively, or, perhaps to some peculiar miasm emitted at the same time with the gazes, which it may be as impossible to detect by any tests, however ingenious, as it is to detect the contagions of the small-pox, measles, typhus fever, &c. when existing in the common air. We may never even discover whether the va- pours of marshes derive their property of causing fever from lions, with a great deficiency of oxygen gaz. That this should be the case might well be expected, considering what the constituent parts of vegetables and of water are, so far as we have been able to discover them, and how they must natm-ally act upon each other, when undergoing spontaneous decomposition. Animals are supposed to consist of principles similar to those of vegetables, with the addition of nitrogen, (or azote) and of sulphur and phosphorus, in different states. A few, indeed, of the vegetables are composed of nearly the same matters as animals. Ammonia, of which nitrogen is a constituent part, has been supposed, particularly by Van Mons, to have the property of correcting or meliorating air, when it abounds with carbonic acid gaz. If this sup- position lie well founded, will it enable us to understand why the vapour of animal mat- ters only, when they are decomposing or putrefying, does not excite fever in mankind as that of vegetables appears to do ? Dr. William Cunie, of Philadelphia, seems to believe, " that the unwholesoment ss of low and moist situations in the summer and autumnal months is not owing to any invisible miasmata, or noxious effluvia, which issue from the soil, and lurk in the air, but to a deficiency of the oxygenous porlion of the atmosphere in such situations, in consequence of vegetable and animal putrefaction, in conjunction with the exhausting and debilitating heat of the days, and the sedative power of the cold and damp air of the night." (American Philosophical Transactions, vol. iv. p. 128.) But if the mere abstraction of a part of the ordinary proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere could oc- casion imermitteuls or remittents, these fevers ought to be produced hy every crowded assembly, and in a multitude of situations, where no such effect has been observed or suspected. 19 146 vegetable matters alone, or from animal, or from the mixture of both : indeed, the discovery, could it be made, might prove of little utility towards explaining the effects of marsh exha- lations; but at present it seems probable that this property is derived from vegetable matters exclusively; because some decomposing plants, particularly hemp and flax, during their preparation by steeping in water, and the indigo plant laid in heaps (after the colour has been extracted) to form manure, have often been accused, and in several instances with great apparent justice, of occasioning dangerous levers among per- sons living near them ;* while, in regard to animal matters, * Some difference of opinion lias formerly existed among medical writers, concern- ing the morbid eftects produced by the steeping and partial decomposition of hemp and flax to fit them for subsequent operations. Luncisi, however, after having consi- dered all the known facts respecting this question, thinks them easily reconcilable by admitting that this operation is harmless, if performed in streams of running water, (" nihil obesse lini maceratione in aquis fluentibus;") but noxious in stagnant shallow water, ami confined situations ; (" contra vero ejusmodi macerationcm pestilentem esse constat, ubi palustres desident aqua;, ventiquc silent;") and he gives the history of an epidemic fever, commonly intermittent or remittent, and often resembling the terti- ana lethargica of Torti, which, for several summers, infested and almost depopulat- ed the ancient town of Urbs \ etus, in an elevated and salubrious part of Etruria ; and which was occasioned by ponds or stagnant waters, in the lower part of the town, in which hemp and flax were macerated ; (in quibus linum fcc cannabis macerabantur") but this being prohibited in 1705, the fevers did not afterwards recur. See Lancisius de noxiis paludum effluviis, pages 32, 242, and 254. I was also informed at Naples, that in several places near that city, and particularly in some beyond the (Jrottoof Posilippo, the sleeping in hou-ies contiguous to ditches, in which hemp or flax were steeping, had been almost constantly followed by fever. Equally injurious effects have been ascribed to the preparation of indigo, both in the East and West Indies, by several writers; and, according to the best information, which 1 have obtained on the subject from well-informed gentlemen, who had been largely concerned in the manufacture of that article, these are chief!) jeeasioned by the exhalations, arising from vast leaps of the indigo plant, whic' are negligently formed (after the colouring principle has been extracted) near the oiks and houses of the labourers, and there left to decompose and become manure which is of an ex- cellent quality after two or three years. These heaps, wetted iroru time to time by heav\ rains, and afterwards heated by the powerful nys of a vertical sun, emit very copiously, vapors, or miasmata, resembling in their eftects those of marshes, for those persons « ho live near to, and especially on the leeward side of, these fermeming ve- getable masses, a e commonly attacked by fevers, chiefly remittents, and similar to those which prevail in swampy situations. And, according to my information, the 147 numerous facts already mentioned, seem to prove that, how- ever putrid they may become, their effluvia do not excite fever of any kind; and, in regard to the mixture of putrefying ani- mal and vegetable matters, we have daily proofs that vapours may arise from them, for example, from large dunghills, without sensibly affecting the health of people who live close to them, or who are enveloped for hours together in their fumes, while working upon them. As it appears, from these observations, that the noxious in- gredients existing in marsh vapours can only be yielded by vegetable or animal* matters during their decomposition; this conclusion leads us naturally to suppose, that the marshes best adapted to emit powerful miasmata must be those in which the proportion of vegetable or animal substances is greatest, and in which their decomposition will be the most rapid and complete. The circumstances, therefore, which fa- vour such decomposition, deserve particular notice, as fa- vouring the production of miasmata in an equal degree. Animal and vegetable substances require for their sponta- neous decomposition, moisture, the contact of air, and cer- tain degrees of warmth. With regard to the first of these agents, (moisture) it is so necessary, that there is nothing more efficacious in preventing such substances from putrefy- ing, even for centuries, than the total deprivation of it. It may, therefore, be affirmed, that moisture is essential to connexion of these fevers with the heaps of fermenting indigo plants is now so well understood and believed in that part of the world, that the more intelligent indigo- makers no longer permit such heaps to be formed near their works, or the habitations of their workmen, but cause them to be placed at considerable distances, and to the leeward thereof, and thus preserve their labourers in health. * In this and other places I mention animal substances as concurring with the vege- table in producing marsh miasmata, because there are, probably no grounds whence these miasmata arise, which do not contain some dead insects and reptiles, with other animal matters ; and I cannot venture to assert, that these have no share in producing the morbid exhalations in question ; though, for the lately-given reasons, I am disposed to believe, that they are wholly formed by the mutual decom'os'ti mis of vegetables and of water ; and that animal matters, when in considerable proportions, may even have an opposite, or correcting effect. 148 putrefaction, and, consequently, that no miasmata can lie- formed, in a soil which is perfectly dry. Accordingly, it is found on the west coast of Africa, and in some of the W est Indian islands, which arc liable to long droughts, as Barba- does, and more particularly Antigua, that marsh fevers occur very seldom in those dry seasons; but that they become very prevalent whenever these droughts are suddenly terminated by frequent rains. But neither will putrefaction take place without the presence of air, moisture alone being insufficient for that process; thus substances, which would have been readily decomposed in the open air, have been preserved un- comipted for ages, while immersed in water, and thereby, in a great degree, secluded from the air; for although it be true that air or oxygen exists naturally in water, yet it exists in a quantity which is often too small for any, but very slow, pu- trefaction, at least in certain substances. Examples of this fact are not, indeed, frequent with ani- mals, probably because they naturally contain more air, and therefore require less for their decomposition than vegetables ; but it is very certain, that many kinds of timber have re- mained under water for a great lapse of time in a perfectly sound state. Hence we may perceive, also, that the forma- tion of miasmata, instead of being assisted, will he greatly impeded by a superfluity of water, (dividing and separating the matters to be decor.;posed, and obstructing the access of air to them) and that it w ill be most abundant in that soil which contains no more moisture than is really necessary for a complete decomposition of the vegetable and animal matters existing therein. An attention to this important truth will enable us to understand why, in some countries, frequent and heavy rains render marsli fevers prevalent, while in others, the deprivation of rain for two or three months produces equally morbid effects. Dr. Lind was fully convinced of these similar results from such seemingly opposite causes in different countries ; and, at page 43 of his volume on preserv- ing the Health of Europeans in Hot Climates, (5th edition) he 149 appears to have thought it difficult to assign satisfactory rea- sons for them. What I have just mentioned respecting the Western Coast of Africa and the Islands of Barbadoes, An- tigua, &c. will serve to illustrate and prove the morbid effect of much rain in dry situations ; and for instances of equally morbid consequences in opposite situations, from the want of rain, we need only refer to certain countries between the tro- pics, which being naturally very low, are mostly overflown during the rainy seasons, in which their inhabitants are com- monly healthy; fevers being rarely seen among them until the prevalence of dry weather has so far caused the water to evaporate from the ground as to leave the surface uncovered in many places. Thjs notoriously happens in the Dutch and French Colonies on the Coast of Guiana; I mean Surinam, Berbice, Demerary, and Essequebo, as well as at Cayenne, and the adjoining settlements on the Continent, where marsh fevers only prevail in the latter part of the dry seasons. The like causes produce or augment the noxious influence of marsh miasmata at Fort Royal, and its neighbourhood in Martini- co; and, to use the words of Dr. Gillespie, " with greater effect when the rivers are low by the continuance of dry wea- ther, and when the tides, which never rise more than one foot, are weak.—This," he adds, " seems to account for the generation of remittent and intermittent fevers more power- fully in dry than in wet weather, as is the case here.'* Ob- servations on Diseases, kc. on the Leeward Island Station, &c. p. 24. Dr. James Clarke also, when treating of the bilious remittent fever in Dominica, observes, that " when there was much rain in the months of May and June, and dry sultry weather prevailed in the following months of July and August, this fever raged much among the troops and stran- gers." Treatise on the Yellow Fever, &c. p. 75. This is also the case in a great part of St. Domingo, as has been observed both by French and British writers. Among the former, M. Gilbert, who was chief physician (medecin en chef) to the army sent, in 1802, under General Le Clerc, to 150 reduce that island, ascribes the aggravated violence and pre- valence of the yellow and other marsli fevers, which, in a few months, nearly destroyed that army, to " les effets d'une secheresse extraordinaire, et d'une chalcur devorante." See p. 4 of his " Histoire Medicale de l'Armee Fran90i.se a St. Doininguee." He afterwards refers, at p. 69, to the work of M. Poupee Desportes, who died at St. Domingo in 1748, and who, after having attentively observed the Yellow Fever in that island for fourteen years, found •• qirYlle a ete tou- jours d'autant plus cruelle, que les annees ont e.te plus seches." Baglivi informs us, (Opera Omnia, p. 157, 158,) that the marsh fevers, arising from damp situations in and about Rome, were greatly aggravated by the like causes; and he, therefore, adds •* niirum non videatur si consulibus L. Yale- rio Potito & M. Manlio, Pestilentia orta sit in agro Romano, 06 siccitates Sf nimios solis calores, teste Livio, Lib. Y." That which Livy here, and in some other places, has denomi- nated Pestilence, was, probably, no other than a violent epi- demical marsh fever, differing, perhaps, a little in degree (only) from what is now called Yellow fever. These facts suggest, and enable us to understand, the ex- pediency of sometimes inundating a marsh, during the heat of summer, when its exhalations prove noxious to the inhabitants of a neighbouring town ; it having been always found, that so long as marshes are completely overflowed, the vapours aris- ing therefrom are innoxious, and that they only become inju- rious when so much of the water has been evaporated as to expose the surface of the soil to the air.* For these reasons * Of this Sir John Pringle gives a decisive proof, at p. 62 of his Observations on the Diseases of the Army, Tib Edit. viz. The country round Tireda had been inundated at the commencement of the war, for military purposes; but early in the summer of 1748, the preliminaries of peace having been signed, the water was let off, and the grounds, which had been covered by it, were, by this operation, made bare and exposed to tiie sun's rays, so that " a dangerous epidemic fever, of the remittent kind," soon " ra»cd at Breda and the neighbouring villages. The St tes of Holland, bring made sensihh- of this, gave orik-rs to let in the water a^ain, and keep it up till witter.''' \n expedient which produced the desired effect, as it has done on other similar occasions. 151 it appears very probable that any piece of ground, in a hot climate, which contains a portion of fresh, or undecomposcd, vegetable matters, and whicli, hy being low and flat, with a suitable substratum, or intermixture of clay, is adapted to the retention of moisture, would, if supplied with only a mo- derate quantity of water, be soon in fit condition for emit- ting very concentrated miasmata; and it seems very proba- ble, also, not only that the quantity of water necessary for this effect might not be sufficient to convert the ground into what is commonly called a marsh, but that it might even be so small as to escape common observation.* Here, however, it is necessary to observe, that, under some circumstances, the earth may contain very large quan- tities of vegetable matters, and an abundance of moisture, and yet not he in a state to give out vapours capable of caus- ing fever, although the temperature should be such as to per- mit the formation of them.—This is the Case with peat-bogs or moors, the inhabitants of which, as I have before remark- ed, are exempt from those intermittent fevers, which are so frequent over marshy districts.—These bogs possess, in a re- markable degree, the power of preserving substances from putrefying, it being well ascertained, that not only plants and trees, but even human bodies with their clothing, when completely immersed in the peat-soil, will scarcely undergo any change during a long course of years; and it is proba- bly owing to this peculiar property that they do not exhale, and, perhaps, do not generate, miasmata similar to those which arise from marshes.—For proofs of this exemption of the inhabitants of peat-bogs from intermitting fevers, see Ap- pendix, No. 6. * Dr. M'LeanJ in his volume on " The Diseases of the Army in St Domingo," at page 25, says, " it must be admitted, that fatal miasmnta arise where there are no very certain appearances of a marshy soil. The Mole and St Marks, (St. Domingo) do not appear surrounded with marshes, and yet the fever reigns in both these places with great activity" 152 Some chemists, who have made experiments with a view to discover the nature of peat, are of opinion, that its antisep- tic powers arc derived from that vegetable principle to which the name of Tannin has been recently given. It appears, however, that a certain proportion of iron is always found in peat; and as this metal, when either dissolved or oxydated, is capable both of preventing putrefaction and of tanning, or converting skins into leather, (a fact not generally known at present) there is room to suspect that chemists may have at- tributed to that imperfectly-understood principle, tannin, those properties which, in reality, belong to the oxide of iron alone.* Heat is the last of the agents requisite to the formation of miasmata, which we are to notice. Putrefaction, it is known, is wholly suspended in a freezing temperature, and proceeds very slowly, while the mercury in Fahrenheit's thermometer continues below 45°; but, in proportion as the mercury rises above this degree, putrefaction takes place more readily, and proceeds with greater activity, being most rapid and complete in a temperature of about 100fc; every addition of heat, how- ever, beyond 100°, seems to check that process. Hence we perceive how much more copiously the miasmata given out by vegetable and animal substances during their de- composition must arise from marshy grounds in hot than in cool weather; moreover, a warm temperature is suited, in a remarkable degree, to the growth and multiplication of plants and animals—and thus it yields a plentiful supply of materials from which miasmata are formed; it is not surprising, there- fore, that we should uniformly find the exhalations of marshes to be most powerful when the seasons are hottest, or that the * 1 ought here to observe, that the antiseptic power of these bogs, (whatever it may be) is not sufficient to preserve animal and vegetable matters from decomposition, in a very high temperature ; and it is, perhaps, for this reason that peat-bogs, although fre- quent in countries in which the summer is warm enough for the producUon of intermit- tents, are not known to exist between the tropics, unless, perhaps, in the more elevat- ed parts of Quito and Peru, where the heat is less than in France and Spain. 153 ' violence of marsh fevers should always correspond with the heat of the atmosphere at, or some time previous to, their oc- currence. Where the surface of the earth remains frozen for a considerable space, as, during the long winters of north- ern countries, these exhalations have no existence, and marsh fevers never occur, unless it be from miasmata, generated and imbibed during the preceding summer and autumn. They begin, however, to make their appearance soon after the re- turn of spring, but at first only in their mildest and most in- nocent form; that is, as regular intermittents, generally of the tertian type; and they preserve this type while the tem- perature continues to be moderate, Afterwards, when the weather becomes warmer, these fevers become less regular and more severe: and, in the hottest parts of the summer or autumn, they frequently assume the more aggravated types of double tertians, or of remittents. In this country, however, where the summer is but moderately hot, the last-mentioned types of marsh fever are not usually of a dangerous charac- ter ; but in Holland, the Netherlands, Germany, &c. where the heats of summer are generally greater than in this cli- mate, marsh fevers are often attended with considerable mor- tality, as may be seen in the able account which Sir John Pringle has given of them in his work on the Diseases of the Army; and as was recently experienced in the unfortunate expedition to Zealand. In the still hotter summers or autumns of Spain, Italy, and more southern regions, these remittents are yet more violent,* * " Principio sestatis febres, ut plurimum tertianse, non malignse, corripiunt: adaucto vero sestu, febres continual, atque etiam exitiales urgent; longe tamen deteriores eva- surec, et plane pestilentes circa sequinoctium antumnale, pnecipue si pluvise, nebulte, rubigines, ventique australes accesserint. Tandem circa hyemale solstitium de perni- cie uhique remittunt, kc." Lancisi de noxiis pallidum effluviis, pag. 42. " The epidemic of autumn, and prevailing distemper of this, (Zealand, Brabant, and Flanders) and other marshy countries, is a fever of an intermitting nature, commonly of a tertian form, but of a bad kind, which, in the dampest places and worst seasons, ap- pears as a double tertian, a remitting, or even an ardent fever. liut however these fevers may vary in their appearance, according to the difference of constitutions and 20 154 and, as will hereafter be shown, they very frequently appear in the form which is known at present by the name of yellow fever, the most fatal examples of which may commonly he found in the hottest parts of the globe, when other circum- stances are favourable to the production of marsh miasmata. Experience, therefore, warrants us to conclude, that in cool temperatures, none but the milder types of these fevers are ever produced, and (as will he abundantly proved hereafter,) that it is only in the hotter, that they occur in their most ag- gravated and violent forms: and although a considerable share of their increased severity should, as I think, be as- cribed to the direct operation of heat upon the human body, a greater ought, 1 presume, to be imputed to its powerful chemical agency, in promoting the formation of marsh mias- mata, more copiously, and probably with greater morbific powers. I ought here to notice the well-known influence of clay, in promoting the formation of marsh miasmata, either as a stra- tum for the soil, in which they are formed, or when mixed with it in a large proportion. The celebrated Linnaeus, who, in the early part of his life had travelled over nearly the whole kingdom of Sweden, found, or thought he had found, that in- termitting fevers occurred in all those places, where the soil abounded with clay, and only in such places. Strongly im- pressed with this fact, he was led by it to imagine and be- lieve, not that clay contributed to the production of marsh miasmata, by retaining the water necessary for the decompo- sition of organized matters, (as is probably the case) but that the particles of clay being dissolved in the water, drank by the inhabitants of these places, were conveyed into the blood vessels, and there occasioned fevers, by creating obstructions ; according to the Bcerhaavian doctrine, then prevalent. In other circumstances, they are all of a similar nature. For, though in the beginning of the epidemic, when the heat is greatest, they assume a continued, or a remitting form, yet, by the end of autumn, they usually terminate in regular intermittents." Pringle, Observations on the Diseases of the Army, p. 6. 155 this belief, he published his " Hypothesis nova de fehriuin in- termittentium causa;" as an inaugural dissertation for the degree of Doctor in Physic, which he took at a later time of his life than was usual. In this dissertation he mentions the "loca natalia," or places in wiiich he had found intermittents to exist; and the different degrees of force and frequency in which they occurred, and also those in which these fevers were wholly or almost unknown. By this account they ap- pear to have been prevalent in the Southern and Eastern pro- vinces of Sweden, but not in the Northern, where, with a very few exceptions, they had never been seen; a circumstance which might naturally have led him to take into his conside- ration the effects of temperature in contributing to their pro- duction. Attending, however, only to the supposed co-exis- tence of clayey soils, and intermittents, (which a Swedish clergyman, at Philadelphia, had represented as being a fact, in that part of America also,) Linnaeus delivered his new hy- pothesis in these words, " Nostra igitur est sententia quod intime solutse particulse argillacese, quae lubricae sunt, cum aqua simul potae et cibo mixta, sanguinem intrent et tandem ultimis vasis arteriosis resideant, & morbi symptomata cre- ent." In the truth of this hypothesis he wras so confident as to advance this assertion, " Vana tamen est omnis cura, ni caveator simul a causa data, scilicet aqua argillacea, quod ex- perientia toties comprobavit." Linnaei Amaenitales Academ, Vol. I. Besides the greater or lesser aptitude of particular soils to retain the portions of moisture best suited to the decomposi- tion of organized matters, some differences, both in the quan- tities and qualities of miasmata generated therein, will pro- bably result from the particular vegetable and animal sub- stances dispersed in them, and from their relative propor- tions to each other. Lancisi "De noxiis Palud." &c. p. 44, supposes the marsh effluvia of particular places to differ from each other, as well in their nature as effects—and Sir John Pringle asserts, " that the putrefaction of animal or vegeta- 156 hie substances, in a dry air, is apt to produce a bad lever ot a more continued form; whereas putrid effluvia, in a moist at- mosphere, have a greater tendency to bring on paroxysms and remissions." (Diseases of the Army, p. 324, 7th edit.) Probably, however, this distinction, if it has any foundation, must principally depend on a greater concentration of the mi- asmata extricated in a dry air, than of those which have been diluted and diffused by the redundant aqueous particles whicli necessarily accompany great moisture. Whether this greater or lesser concentration constitutes the whole difference be- tween the morbid exhalations of particular places and seasons is a question which I am afraid to answer, because the known facts connected with it are too few to warrant a decision. It is, indeed, probable, as will hereafter be mentioned, that the miasmata of particular tow ns, (mostly either sea-ports or ac- cessible to shipping) in which the aggravated forms of yellow fever have almost exclusively prevailed in the West Indies, the United States of America, and the southern parts of Eu- rope, differ from the common exhalations of marshes, in quality as well as in degrees of concentration ; hut whether this difference be occasioned merely by the greater heat which, at such times, commonly exists in these towns than in the sur- rounding country, and which may exalt the powers of such miasmata, by perfecting the decompositions which produce them, or whether it be partly the result of a difference in the organized matters decomposed hy that excessive temperature, I am unable to determine. But, besides the influence of rain in the formation of mias- mata, it seems to assist afterwards in promoting their extrica- tion from the soil, and their diffusion in the atmosphere. Dr. Blane, (p. 261 of his Observations on the Diseases of Seamen,) considers moist air as " a vehicle of noxious exhalations, with which (says he,) it seems to have a greater chemical affinity than dry air." This is, at least, true of carbonic acid gaz, which is, doubtless, one ingredient of these exhalations. There are, moreover, some countries, in which rains may 157 promote the extrication of miasmata without any chemical at- traction, merely by loosening and opening the surface of the earth, which, particularly on the coast of Africa, is often overspread by a hard crust in the dry seasons. Dr. Lind, in his work on the Diseases of Europeans in Hot Climates, states this fact (p. 47,) adding, that, " by the continuance of rains this crust is softened, and the long pent-up vapours are set free, which thence become the cause of sickness." Dr. Henry Warren, also, seems to have observed the effect of rain "in assisting the extrication of marsh miasmata, but without suspecting the mode of its operation, which indeed he was not likely to do, because he believed the yellow, or, as he called it, malignant fever, of Barbadoes, to arise solely from contagion. He states, however, at p. 8 of his Treatise, and, as he thinks, " with great certainty, that, at the time this malignity is actually harboured among us, (i. c. in Bar- badoes) a continuation of dry and sultry weather has been so far from giving any aggravation to it, that it has rather seemed to repress it, and make it lie more lulled and dor- mant, until the returning rains, and a moist atmosphere, had set it at liberty to exert its rage." It is difficult to conceive how rain could have produced such an effect, if the disease had been propagated, as Dr. Warren supposed, by personal contagion ; and therefore his statement of a fact, at variance with his theory, is the more to be depended upon, because it must have clearly manifested itself to his senses; and it will serve to confirm what I lately mentioned at p. 198 of the sa- lubrity of the air at Barbadoes during the continuance of hot and dry weather. It has been frequently observed by others, as well as my- self, that the prevalence of cold easterly winds, in the spring, has been soon followed by that of intermittents in persons who had been exposed to marsh effluvia. Dr. Lind, at p. 16 of his volume on the Diseases of Hot Climates, mentions this to have happened in a very extraordinary degree, in the years 1763 and 1766; and he appears to think that an eastcr- 158 ly wind has some peculiar aptitude for extricating or absorb- ing marsh miasmata, or, to use his own words, that it •* raises a copious vapour from water mud, and all marshy, or damp places." I am, however, disposed to believe, for reasons to be hereafter mentioned, that, in this case, the east winds act merely as an exciting cause upon persons who had imbibed marsh miasmata during the preceding summer and autumn, and whicli had remained inactive during the winter. From this general view of the sources of marsh effluvia, and of the circumstances which are requisite or favourable to their production and extrication, it will be .perceived that the former depend entirely on the joint influence of seasons, and of local circumstances :—The seasons, indeed, vary so much, as rarely, if ever, to resemble each other exactly in the course of many years, and are sometimes in one year the Very re- verse of what they were the year before at tiie same places; thus of the two winters of 1794-5, and of 1795-6; the for- mer, says Dr. Heberden, in his paper on the influence of cold upon health, (in the philosophical transactions for 1796) was " the coldest, and the latter the warmest, of which any regular account has ever been kept in this country." "We may conclude, therefore, that considerable variations, with regard to the formation of miasmata, must annually occur in every place; and we ought to find, not that the health of per- sons living in or near a swampy or low situation is affected in the same manner every summer or autumn, but, on the contrary, that it is very differently affected in different years, as it is known in reality to be, by all medical practitioners in marshy countries. Thus it was observed many years ago by Dr. Chalmers, who practised medicine with great reputation for a long time at Charleston, in South Carolina, and paid very minute at- tention to the climate, that the yellow or putrid bilious fever appeared in that city whenever " the weather was very warm 159 and wet withal."* This, he states to have happened in the year 1770, when " much rain having fallen throughout the summer," and the weather becoming " so warm that the mercury often rose to the 96th degree of the thermometer, the putrid bilious fever appeared in August, and continued till the month of October following."! The same observation lias repeatedly been made, before and since his time, concern- ing the effects of a very hot and moist season on the health of the inhabitants of Charleston,^: and when we recollect that the city itself is placed on a low flat point of land, between two ri- vers, upon which great encroachments have been made by wooden wharves, &c. and that the adjoining country is, also, very low, and in many parts swampy, we shall readily per- ceive, that a season like this must have been extremely favoura- ble to the formation of miasmata in that situation. But a very different effect resulted from the very hot summer of 1752, described hy the same author, vol. 1, p. 22, and in which " the mercury often rose above the 90th degree throughout the months of May, June, July, and August; and, for twen- ty successive days, excepting three in June and July, the tem- perature of the shaded air varied between the 90th and the 100th degree; and sometimes it must have been 30 warmer in the open sunshine, to which great numbers of people were daily exposed for many hours together."—When the mercury rose to the 97th and 98th in the shade, the atmosphere seemed * The ground, upon which the city of Charlestons built, though very low, contains a large proportion of sand, and more frequent falls of rain are, therefore, necessary for the production of marsh effluvia therein, than would otherwise contribute to that effect. f See his account of the Weather, and Diseases of South Carolina, vol. 1, p. 163. t Dr. Moultrie, of Charleston, in South Carolina, in his valuable " Dissertatio inaug- uralis de febre maligna biliosa Americae,'' printed in 1749, mentions it as having been there observed, " Quo calidior est cceli temperies, ed vehementiusfebris maligna bilio- sa grassatur" And in confirmation of this observation he adduces the following in- stance, viz. " Anno 1748, in eodem loco (Caroli oppido) febris haec erupit circa medium mensis Augusti, prima cujus septimana nulla ibi unquam calidior erat, ut mer- curius in Fahrenhetii thermometro ad 97", 97 1-2 et 98 in aere umbroso ascenderet, et calor hicce cum multis imbribus dm duravit: a cceli temperie in frigidiorem verst mitescit,etinintermittentemfebrimmutabatur.v Page 8. 1G0 in a glow, as if fires were kindled around us : in breathing, the air felt as if it had passed through fire : nor were the nights much less sultry and distressing than the days; refreshing sleep, therefore, was a stranger to our eyes, insomuch that people were, in a manner, worn down with watching, and the excessive heat together." It is not, I believe, easy to con- ceive tliat any state of the body could have been more favour- able to the occurrence of the yellow fever than the above; yet, says Dr. Chalmers, " a more healthy season had never been known than this, so long as the weather continued stea- dily warm and fair." The cause of this singular healthiness is, however, easily explained: for during this time, as ap- pears from another part of his work, (i. e. p. 18 and 19) •' a general drought prevailed." " The earth was so parched and dry that not the least perspiration appeared on plants, which shrunk and withered; all standing waters were dried up, so that travellers could not find water for themselves or their beasts for a whole day together:" " in several settle- ments no water could be found by digging ever so deep." While the earth was so completely exhausted of moisture it is obvious that no miasmata would be formed in it.* Having offered these examples of the opposite effects, which two different seasons have actually produced in the same place it would be superfluous to enter upon a detail of the divers consequences which may result from other varieties of season. Nor is it necessary to present a statement of particular facts • Dr. John Hunter, in his Observations on the Diseases, &c of Jamaica, observes, at p. 13, that " the heat of tropical climates, though generally reputed the cause of their unhealthiness, will not alone produce fevers, as is strongly exemplified in those living on board of ship, who remain free from fevers; and, also, in the inhabitants of certain dry sandy spots, along the coast, in which the heat is uncommonly great, yet the situations are healthy, as Fort Augusta, Port Royal, and others." In Egypt, when the British army, at the siege of Alexandria, in the summer of 1801, was encamped on dry sand, at a distance from all swamps, wiih the sea on one side and the Lake Maadie on the other, a fever was rarely, if ever, seen. I observed a similar exemption from fever in the same season at Rosetta, which is at some distance from any swamp. 161 to shew that the differences of local circumstances are neither less numerous nor less important, towards the generation of noxious exhalations than those of season. It may, therefore, be affirmed, that as the inhabitants of any one place cannot be affected in the same manner in regard to health every sum- mer, or every autumn, so likewise they may be very different- ly affected, in the same season, from the inhabitants of another place situated within a short distance from themselves. Thus it seems perfectly consistent with the laws of nature that the summer of 1800, which produced the epidemic yellow fever in Cadiz and Malaga, should not have been able to produce it at Gibraltar; and that the summer of 1804 should have been such as to occasion the disease in each of these towns. In an- other part of this volume I shall endeavour to sh~ew that the above variety in the occurrence of the disorder at those pla- ces may justly be ascribed to situation ; and will therefore, ab- stain from any further observatWfiV at this time ou the influ- ence, which mere locality possesses over health, under differ- ent circumstances of weather. The distance to which the exhalations of marshy grounds may be conveyed from their source, and retain the power of causing the yellow or other marsh fevers, will partly depend on the force of the wind, and partly on the extent of the sur- face from which they arise, and on their being more or less copiously extricated from that surface. If the wind be very moderate, and blow steadily from the same point, and if the miasmata be abundantly emitted from a very great extent o f surface, it seems probable that so large a mass of the in as would thus be formed might be conveyed a quarter, and per- haps half a mile, before it became so diluted with atmospheric air, or so dissipated by the wind, as to lose its morbific power : and, it is obvious that such a mass of exhalations, if it were wafted into a town, would be able to produce fever in the ma- jority of the people inhabiting the quarters which it traversed, with as much ease as it would produce fever in an individual ■n 162 only ; or, in other words, that it would within a certain ex tent, as easily cause an epidemic as a sporadic fever. In mentioning " a quarter, and perhaps half of a mile," as the greatest distance at which marsli effluvia seem capable of being conveyed, even under the most favourable circumstan- ces, from their source, so as to produce disease. I have con- fined their morbid influence within much narrower limits than those which are generally described by medical writers ; most of whom suppose marshes capable of exciting fever at the dis- tance of several miles. It is, indeed, to he regretted, that ob- servations on this subject, have not been made, and reported with greater care and precision. Sir John Pringle, indeed appears to have thought more justly on this subject, and after describing the epidemic marsh fever which raged in Zealand, both among the inhabitants and the British troops, in the year 1747, he adds, " But Commodore Mitchell's squadron, wiiich lay all this time, at anchor* in the channel between South Beveland and the island of Walcheren, at both which places the epidemic prevailed, was neither afflicted with the fever nor the flux; but amidst all that sickness enjoyed perfect health." (Diseases of the Army, p. 57.) This immunity of the British seamen is, by the author, justly ascribed to their having been out of the reach of that which he calls " the moist and putrid air of the marshes," though the whole width of the channel is, I believe, in general, but little more than one mile and therefore the squadron could not, even at midway, he pla- ced at more than half that distance from the grounds whence noxious miasmata arose. Dr. Lind (on preserving the Health of Seamen, p. 69) notices this fact, and makes the fol- lowing addition to it, viz. " when Commodore Long's squad- ron, in the months of July and Augnst, 1744, lay off the mouth of the Tiber, it was observed that one or two of the ships, which lay closest to the shore, began to be affected by the perni- cious vapour from the land, whilst some others, lying further out at sea, at but a very small distance from the former, had not a man sick; at the same time, the Austrian army, under the 163 command of Prince Lobcowitz, suffered so great a sickness, through the proximity of their situation to the marshy coun- try, that they were obliged to decamp." Dr. Blane, also, observes, that " it is difficult to ascertain how far the influence of vapours from wood and marshes ex- tends, but there is reason to think that it is to a very small distance. When ships watered at Rockfort, (Jamaica) they found that if they anchored close to the shore, so as to smell the land air, the health of the men was affected, but upon re- moving two cables' length, no inconvenience was perceived." (Diseases of Seamen, p. 206.) But the most decisive evidence on this subject has been ob- tained by the late expedition to Zealand. Drs. Blane, Lem- priere, &c. in their report to the Secretary at War, dated Middleburg, October 10, 1809, and printed by order of the House of Commons, assert their " having ascertained that the crews of the vessels stationed in the very narrow channel (only a few yards* from the land) between Beveland and Walcheren, have continued perfectly healthy the whole cam- paign; thus decidedly proving that the noxious exhalation is nearly confined to its original source." Here it should be recollected, that it is stated, in the same report, that ■" the number of sick and convalescents, in the different hospitals, amounted to more than two-thirds of the total force," at that • This expression of " a few yards" is much too indefinite. In conversing on the subject afterwards with Dr. Blane, he appeared only to be certain that the vessels in question, or, at least, many of them, were stationed at less than a quarter of a mile from the shore. According to the best information which I have been able to obtain, the ships of war at Flushing were anchored generally at about one quarter of a mile from, the shore. Those in the Roompot channel at about three-fourths of a mile from land. It was chiefly in the latter channel, and at about that distance from shore, that the transports having on board the cavalry, (viz. 2d Dragoon Guards, and 9th and 12th Light Dragoons) were stationed. These did not land, and, consequently, did not partake of the sickness. Mr. Webb, Inspector of Hospitals, in his evidence at the House of Commons, asserts, that " the men who remained on board the ships were ' extremely healthy.'' 164 time, "notwithstanding about 1500 sick had been already sent home by different conveyances from Walcheren alone." The general prevalence of lea'th on board the ships of war and transports was also confir ned, on my enquiry at the Transport Office, by Mr. M'Leay, Secretary, and Mr. Houseman, chief clerk of that department. Dr. Blane, also, had the goodness to communicate to me a letter from Captain Hanchett, who commanded the Raven Sloop of War, during the expedition against Zealand, and being wounded, had re- mained thirteen nights on shore* (for the cure of his wounds) by which he contracted an obstinate intermittent. In his let- ter, dated Exeter, April 29th, 1801, Captain Hanchett writes as follows: " the Raven, while I commanded her on the late expedition, was more through the narrow channels of Zealand, and more in shore than any other vessel, of any description, employed there; her station being that of the leading ship of the squadron in shore withal; and after the action of the 3d of August, I went up the narrow pass between Schowen and Goree, (within four miles of Williamstadt) laying not more than ^.pistol shot from that shore, and was the last down upon the retreat. There was, however, no ague in the ship but mine, which was, no doubt, occasioned by my wound ; and, I believe, there were very few in the other vessels of Commodore Owen's squadron." " I had forgotten to mention that, dur- ing the time we were refitting at Ter Veere, the men had leave (to go) on shore, but never staid the whole night; and, when laying off Schowen, they went on shore to bathe and watch, under the charge of the commissioned officer of each division, every evening at five o'clock; and after bathing they ran races along the dykes for half an hour, but there was never any appearance of ague except in myself." The people of Italy have long had frequent and fatal expe- rience of the noxious power of miasmata, (by them denomi- nated MaV Aria) with which Rome, in particular, is greatly infested during and after very hot and dry summers; yet Dr. Lind observes, that the effects of the Scirocco, or South 165 east wind, "which passes over the adjacent marshes," havtj been experienced to extend only to the paits of the city which lay nearest the marshes, occasioning an epidemic fever in these, while the rest of the city was healthy." See his vo- lume on Preserving the Health of Seamen, p. 67. In like manner Baglivi represents the Mai'Aria of Rome, as acting only in particular spots or parts of the city, and as- serts as matter of wonder, that the healthy are separated from the unhealthy spots, only by very short spaces ;* the former be- ing chiefly on the northern and eastern quarters of the city, farthest from the river: for the Piazza, and Porto del Popolo, though on the north, are extremely, unhealthy, hy being low and close to the Tiber. Indeed, marsh fevers at Rome com- monly begin about the Porto del Popolo. * Aer ltomanus Squallidus est & insalubris, non quidem omnibus in locis, sediis po- tissimum quae deficientibus sedificiis, pigro atque immoto aere sordescunt; multo ma* gis si Tiberi adhserent, vel, convallium instar, raontibus obsepiuntur, aut exhalationibus subjacent quas veteres parietinse, cryptae, & antiquorem sedificiorum rudera emittunt Ex quo patet regionem Circi Maximi, inter Palatinum atque A ventinum sitam, om- nemque ilium campum qui inter aventinum ac Tiberim, portamque Ostiensem jacet, plane noxium esse fci damnabilem." " Qusecunque loca crebris sedificiis amhiuntur, atque editiora sunt, in septentrionem atque orientem spectant et multem a Tiberi distant, salubriora : Contra, quse sejuncta sunt & remota a frequentibus tectis, situque sunt humili, ac maxime in convallibus, turn propiora Tiberi, in meridiem atque occasum spectantia, minus salubriora judicantur: Quibus etiam in locis (~quod sane ndrumj brevissimi intervalli discrimine, hie aliquantum salubris existimatur aer; illic contra noxius k damnabilis." Baglivi Opera Omnia, p. 157,158. The reason why particular spots within the walls of Home were destitute, or almost destitute of houses, seems to be that their (notorious) insalubrity had either destroy- ed or driven away those who formerly lived thereon, and when the existing houses were decayed, had deterred other persons from rebuilding in those situations: and therefore, Baglivi justly mentions these places (" deficientibus sedificiis") as being among the most noxious. It is from a similar motive that the General Committee of Health, of the City of New York, in their report on the means of securing the health of its inhabitants, (dated the '20th of January, 1806) after stating that "various houses, in different parts of the city, have, on the recurrence of every malignant fever, proved to be the principal seats of disease, and the graves of their tenants," " suggest the propriety of prohibiting the same to be let or occupied as dwelling houses, that they may be converted into warehouses, and that any injury sustained by the proprie- ors be defrayed by the public." Seep. 95 of Documents, relating to the Board of Health, printed at Yew York, 1806. 16b' I was repeatedly told at Rome, in the year 1802, by per- sons deserving of confidence, that these fevers sometimes pre- vailed among the inhabitants on one side of a particular street, whilst those on the opposite side entirely escaped their attacks; and this was said to have often happened in a cer- tain portion of the Corso; the western side of which was dis- tinctly pointed out to me, as being much more unhealthy than the other.* Professor Berthe, in his work on the fever of Andalusia, has mentioned similar facts as occurring in some of the streets and squares of Cadiz, in the year 1800 ; though he ascribed it not to the very limited action of marsh effluvia, hut to that of the contagion, by which he supposed the prevail- ing fever to have been propagated in that city. And it seems highly probable, that in many cases the miasmata producing yellow fever in sea-port towns of the West Indies, and the United States of America, arise from the soil immediately around, and perhaps, sometimes under the very houses, wharves, &c. where they are imbibed, by the persons in whom that fever afterwards appears. Accordingly we find that, in New-York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, and Charles- ton, this fever always begins, and often continues, exclusively in the low streets immediately adjoining to the harbours and wharves of these towns, except in the cases of some individu- als, who, after having imbibed the noxious exhalations of the • Similar facts are stated by Lancisi, particularly in the 3d chapter of his second book, de ISox. Palud. Effl. in which are several instances of mursh fevers prevailing in particular parts of Home, and its vicinage, whilst other parts closely adjoining re- mained healthy. In one of these he says the salubrious districts might be separated from the insalubrious, by a diagonal'line drawn, "a postica Pontificii Palatii parte, quara JJelvidere appellant, usque ad emissarium inagnse illius cloacx, quae in Viberim juxta Arcis fossam eo loco apeiitur," &c. p. 199. And in the next page he refers to several authors w ho have attested similar events, particularly Kamaziui, De (Jonstit anni, 1690, who describes a tertian epidemic, which occurred at Modciia, in that year, but was wholij confined to the low parts, in which there was stagnant water, and extended no further.—" Non ampliora spatia occupasse." The people in other parts, (which he designates) having never, within their remembrance, been more free from fevers •« Nunqnam alias a ti bribus magis securos se vixisse meminerint.T' 167 wharves and low streets in question, by residence or employ- ment in or near them, happen to fall sick in other situations.* After these observations, respecting, the distances to which marsh effluvia may be conveyed horizontally, without losing their morbific power, it may be proper to inquire how far they are capable of retaining it, when raised perpendicularly, or nearly so, from their source. Unfortunately, our stock of facts relating this point, is even more deficient than in re- gard to the other; though it is sufficient to ascertain that their power of exciting disease, is rapidly diminished at very small distances from the earth. Dr. Hunter, in his work on the Diseases of the Army in Jamaica, p. 306, says, "the barracks at Spanish Town, con- sist of two floors, the first upon the ground, the second on the first. The difference in the health of the men on the two floors was so striking as to engage the attention of the assembly of the island, (of Jamaica) and, upon investigation, it appeared that three were taken ill on the ground floor, for one on the * Being at the Horse-Guards on the 1'M.h of November, 1S10,1 saw there Captain M'Koy, of the '21st regiment of foot, who had then just arrived with dispatches from Sicily, and was informed by him that, in July and August, 1808, while his own and another company were quartered at the post of Venetico, in a barrack AY nearly 100 feet in length, which consisted of one (ground) story, forty men of the latter com- pany, occupying one-half of Uie barrack, were attacked by a violent mal' aria fever, which proved fatal to eleven of them, but did not reach a single man of his own com- pany, occupying the other half of the barraok, though there was no division be- tween the parts or halves occupied by the two companies, nor any perceptible dif- ference in the soil on which the different parts or ends of the barrack stood. Each had, indeed, its own door to pass into and out of the barrack, but both doors opened on the wune side;—nor was there any difference in the discipline, diet, or manage- ment of the men of the two companies. Venetico is situated between JVLclazzo, and .Messina, and is supposed to be more elevated than the Hock of Gibraltar, and, at least, 1500 feet above the sea. The barrack stood at the summit of this mountain, upon a rock covered by a clayey loam, and the noxious miasmata were, most proba- bly, emitted more copiously from the sol! at or about one end of the barrack, than that of the other, though no difference was discoverable therein. Great elevation, in a warm temperature, is no securitv against noxious vapours, if the elevated spot be covered by earth, containing vegetable matters, and in which clay predominates. Very pernicious marsh fevers notoriously prevail in such situations in the East Indies, (where they are called hill fevers) and in other places within ihe tropics 168 other. The ground floor was not, therefore, used as a barrack afterwards." A similar fact occurred at St. Anne's barracks. in Barbadoes, between the 27th July and 20th of August, 1805, when two hundred and seventy-eight men of the 15th regiment of foot, then very lately arrived from England, were attacked by the Yellow Fever, of whom seventy-seven died. These men chiefly occupied the barrack which runs towards the sea, and is nearly at right angles with the officers' or stone barrack, and has " low wet ground on each side."* In this barrack the men on the lower floor were " taken ill in the ratio of three to one, of those on the upper floor." This state- ment I have taken from a report made to Dr. C. Ker, then In- spector of Hospitals in the West Indies, by Mr. Major Car- roll, Surgeon to the Forces, under whose care the sick in question were placed; wiiich report was dated Barbadoes, 10th of September, 1805, and a copy of it put into my hands, by the writer, in November, 1806. Whether similar differences occur in all climates between the ground floor, and the next above, in regard to the influ- ence of marsh miasmata, I cannot determine; I believe that the former are, in this respect, every where, much more un- wholesome than the latter. Sir John Pringle, after mention- ing the prevalence of intermitting and remitting fevers at Ghent, and still more at Bruges, in the summer and autumn of 1742, adds, "it was then observed that such as lay in the upper stories, were much more healthy, than those who were below in the ground floors, which were all very damp." (Dis- eases of the Army, p. 13.) The same ill effect upon the ground floors was experienced during the late expedition at Walcheren, and, therefore, Drs. Blane, Lempriere, &c. in their report to the Secretary at War, lately mentioned, say, * Dr. Chisholm, alluding to this part of Barbadoes, observes, that, " the eastern side, where Constitution Hill is situated, and where the king's-house, and an exten- sive barrack stand, is thought to be affected by marshy miasm, from a branch of tht sea, which runs a considerable way into the country." Essay on Malignant Pestilen- tial Fever, &c. vol. 2, 160. 169 •* on no account should ground floors be used as sleeping apart- ments. The more lofty the buildings the better; for the te- nants of the upper stories, not only enjoy the best health, but wiien taken ill, have the disease in the mildest form; an in- stance of which came under our observation when we visited Fort Ramakins, and the same is confirmed by the experience of the natives." When the small elevation of a single story (not exceeding twenty feet) from the ground, is found so greatly to diminish the power of noxious exhalations, it might be expected that the tops of hills rising a few hundred feet above the level of the sea, or of the surrounding country, would always he found healthy. Experience has, however, often proved the contrary, particularly on the Morne-fortune at St. Lucie, and on the Hospital, and Richmond Hills, at Grenada, where very great mortality has repeatedly occurred among British soldiers. But in these and similar cases it seems probable that the soil, at or near the tops of these hills, contained matters suited to the formation of marsh miasmata, with sufficient proportions of clay to retain the necessary moisture. There can, indeed, be no doubt, that this is the case of the Morne-fortune, which I observed to be very wet, and, in some degree, swampy. This and Richmond Hill, being at their xtops more than seven hundred feet above the level of the sea, could not, I am persuade!, he so greatly af- fected merely by exhalations from any low and damp grounds in their neighbourhood. After these facts, relating to the heights and distances at which marsli effluvia may be conveyed from their source, so as to produce fever, it may be proper to notice the greater degree of noxious power, which they are supposed to exert, when applied to the body during the night, than when ap- plied in the day. This greater noxious power in the night, and especially during sleep, has been strongly asserted by Cancisi, de Noxiis paludum effluviis, p. 77, occ.; and he was so perfectly convinced of the fact that he has devoted a parti- cular chapter, (the 21st) to explain the cause. " Cur juxta 22 170 paludes noctu prascrtim indonnientes magis quam vigilantes Isedantur?" And he begins this chapter by saying, " Nemo Arbitror de facti veritate dubitabit qui diu mcdicse arte ope- ram dederit;" and then declares. " Nos certe Roinana Noso- comia per {estatem, & autuinnun plena videmus miseris agro- rum colonis; ac per urbem ssepe dolemus incautos venatores. ac peregiinos, quamquam non longo tempore palustria loca incolurrint, quia tamen brevem somnum prope lacunas csepc- runt, malignis febribus afflictari." These facts he ascribes partly to an increased susceptibility of our bodies. " quae in somno ad labem suscipiendani proniora fiunt," and partly to a difference in the condition of the effluvia themselves, "quse per noctem prsecipue deteriora evadunt;" and he explains the cause of this difference in these words, " Quod vero attinet, ad effluviorum pravitatem, certe eadem post solis occasum perniciorior est: quidquid enim per vim solis attenuari, dis- siparique continget, eo recedente, concretione gravius effici- tur, terrseque rursus incumbit, et dormientes infestius adori- tur," &c. p. 79. Lancisi refers to several authorities and instances in support of his assertions and opinions, and con- cludes by admonishing those who, in summer, travel through the Pontine marshes, between Rome and Naples, even with- out sleeping, not to do it at night, as was too often done, to avoid the greater heat of the day.* Similar admonitions sire still given at Rome to all strangers, and they are founded on the uniform experience of ages, which has afforded nume- rous instances of travellers, who, in consequence of their pas- sing these fens during the night, (though the passage requires but six or eight hours) have been attacked with violent and mortal fevers. This is confirmed by Baglivi, in the following words : " Vetus enim Latium desertum fere hodie est, & squa- * » Nfeqne vero solum dormientibus noxius est per noctem palustris aer; sed etiaro iis qui vigilantes per cojnosa loca interfaciunt. Qua de re monitos veltem quotquot vel Nt-apoli Homam, vel Koma Neapolim contendimt, ut diurnos potius astus subeant, quam nocturni frigoris voluptate decepti contemeratatn ambientis aeris vim excipiant," fco. p. §0. 171 lidum ; Austri flatibus immediate objecitur ; & variis ejusdem in locis, insaluberrimus aer observatur, ut pote circa Ostiam9 et Portum aestivo prsesertim tempore; quo quidem si aliquis in prsefatis, aliisque Latii locis pernoctaverit, & exinde urbem revertatur, corripitur statim maligna febri, quam vulgo ex mutatione aeris dicunt." Opera Omnia, p. 158. It will be recollected, that in the instance of the Phenix Ship of War, mentioned at p. 96 of this volume, " none of those who slept on shore escaped the sickness, and only three of them survived it;" and that, though nearly all the rest of her crew, consisting of 280 men, went, in parties of twenty or thirty, at different times, on shore in the day, and " ram- bled about the island hunting and shooting"—" bartering for provisions, washing linen," &c. " not one of those who re- turned to the ship at night was taken ill, or suffered even the slightest indisposition." And that exactly similar effects oc- curred the following year, with the same ship at the same place, where " she lost eight men out of ten, who had impru- dently remained all night on shore;" whilst the rest of the ship's company, " who, after spending the greatest part of the day on shore, always returned to their ship before night," " continued in perfect health." In like manner the crew of the Hound Sloop of War, (then in company with the Phenix,) hy never sleeping on shore, continued in good health. It may be recollected also, that in the cases of the Ponsborne and Nottingham East Indiamen, (p. 99) those who had slept on shore were exclusively attacked by the fever; and, in parti- cular, that " the carpenter (of the Ponsborne) and his crew, nine in number, by their all sleeping on shore, catched the fe- ver and died, except one, who was a negro. The effects were exactly similar in the cases mentioned by Drs. Clark and Trotter, (p. 99 and 100) and in that of Fontana. Dr. Lind has, moreover, in different places, mentioned other in- stances of similar morbid effects, resulting from exposure to marsh effluvia by night, and the like has been done by Dr. Blane, Dr. John Hunter, kc. &c. We have, therefore, 172 reason to believe, not only that the morbid miasmata are con- densed or precipitated with the falling dews, by the diminish- ed temperature of the night, and thus accumulated near the surface of the earth, hut that the body is rendered more ac- cessible to their noxious influence during sleep, by its greater relaxation, and hy a suspension of those protecting exertions of the living power, which accompany our wakeful exercises. Perhaps something may also be owing to the fact discovered by Dr. Ingenhouze, that vegetables only emit azote or nitro- gen at night, instead of the oxygenous or vital air, which is copiously separated from their leaves when exposed to the sun's rays. I ought, were it possible, here to ascertain how, and tlirough what channels, the morbid influence of marsh effluvia is applied to, and exerted upon, or within the body, so as to become the cause of fever. But here our knowledge is hut little better than complete ignorance. The miasmata, in question, being absolutely imperceptible by any of our senses, can only he known by the disorders which they excite : these, however, are not such as to indicate the manner in which they were produced, nor the passages hy which the morbific power has gained admittance. The throat, trachea, bronchiae, and lungs, obviously present themselves, as the parts through which all seriform and respirable substances might be most readily and naturally introduced within the system, but these parts appear to suffer much less than the stomach, brain, and nervous system, from the impressions of marsh miasmata; and as there is much uncertainty and difficulty attending every explanation whicli has occurred to ine on this subject, I shall abstain from proposing any; and proceed to enquire, how soon these miasmata, after being sufficiently applied to the body, commonly produce fever, and how long they may remain inactive therein, without manifesting any change or effect. On this subject Dr. Lind says (p. 182 of his work on the Diseases of Europeans in Hot Climates) that " from com- 173 paring many instances of people who have slept on shore dur- ing the sickly season, and in consequence of it, wlio alone have been taken ill out of the whole ship's company, then lying in an open road, it appears that some are immediately seized with sickness or delirium, many are not seized with either, till they have been on board two or three days; several have been only slightly indisposed for the first five or six days ; and, in a few, the symptoms of indisposition have not appeared before the 1 Oth or t<2th day." The same author (on Preserving the Health of Seamen, p. 78) says, " there are numerous instances of boats' crews having suffered greatly hy sleeping near the mangroves, with which the sides of rivers are frequently planted in the torrid zone. I have known the whole of a boat's crew seized next morning with bad fevers." And at p. 81, he mentions a simi- lar fact, communicated by the Surgeon of a Guinea Ship, which, going " up one of the rivers for the sake of trade, it was found very dangerous to sleep on shore."—" First the captain, then the mate and two or three seamen were taken ill, each of them the morning after they Jiad lain on slwre." But such very sudden attacks of fever from marsh effluvia are, I believe, uncommon, even in the hottest climates or worst situations. They, indeed, occur not unfrequcntly with- in four or five days; hut are much oftener delayed until the 9th. 12th, and 15th days, after exposure to marsh miasmata, even at Batavia, Gambia, St. Thomas's, Mohilla, &c. Dr; Jackson, who, like some others, is disposed to believe that these attacks " take place chiefly at septenary periods," asserts " from his own observations made upon numerous bodies of men,"—and upon healthy soldiers, sent to the con- centrated sources of endemic fever," that " among such, fever scarcely ever appeared before the seventh day, commonly not before the fourteenth; and in numerous instances, not till the expiration of six weeks or two months, though the cause of disease, during this time, was ordinarily in great activity." Outline, &c. of Fever, p. 248. 174 Dr. John Hunter observes, that " after the human body has been exposed to the poison, (of marsh effluvia) sometines a longer, sometimes a shorter period elapses, before a fever is produced. " Men, (he adds) on the watering service, are not all taken ill at the same time ; some fall sick the first or second day, others not till several days, after they have ceas- ed to be exposed to the cause of fever, by returning on board of ship."—" Some have embarked on board the ship in good health, and have been seized after ten or fourteen days with the remittent fever. Examples in this way have come to my know ledge, of the fever appearing three weeks after ceasing to be exposed to the cause of it." Observations on the Dis- eases of the Army in Jamaica.—He adds, in a note to p. 329, that, " it would be curious and interesting in the history of the remittent fever, to ascertain the interval that may take place between exposure to the cause, and the appearance of the disease;" and then mentions the West Suffolk regiment of Militia, called, in 1793, from their own county, vone of the healthiest in England) to Hilsea barracks, of whicli the "low, marshy, and unhealthy situation, has been fatally known to the army, since their first erection." The men were then " all in perfect health;"—hut " became very sick- ly ; and twenty-two died of fevers, before they left the bar- racks," about the end of June following. In July this regi- ment, with eleven other battalions, was encamped at Water- down, in the neighbourhood of Tunbridge Wells, and " their sick list soon amounted to 100, out of 500," among which were many with fevers, that " had all the marks of a bad remittent;" some of which terminated fatally—and the deaths in this regiment exceeded the amount of those in all the eleven other battalions together, on the same ground. But the point of most importance is that some of this regiment "were taken ill of the fever, in the month of October, who had never had it before;" i. e. nearly four months after their removal from " the cause of the disease, at Hilsea barracks." 175 In addition to this, he mentions the case of the 18th Regi- ment of Foot, in 1783 and 1784, as stated by Mr. Venour, then Surgeon of the regiment, and now Deputy Inspector of Hospitals. By his statement it appears, that the 18th regi- ment, after having been stationed at Hilsea barracks, from the 22d June, 1783, to the 9th October following, was then embarked for Gibraltar, where, though the regiment consisted only of 400 men, the number of agues was increased, by the beginning of May, to 280, including women and children,— of whom a considerable part were then recently attacked for the first time; and whilst no agues existed in any other part of the garrison. On these facts, Dr. Hunter remarks, (p. 334,) that " the 18th regiment of- Foot, and the West Suffolk regi- ment of Militia, after leaving Hilsea barracks, were both in situations where they could not contract fevers, and the regi- ments encamped with the latter, and those in garrison with the former, had no fevers. There cannot, therefore, be a doubt that the poison had remained quiescent in their bodies for four, five, and six months." When thus poisoned, " get- ting wet in the open air, proved a strong existing cause of fever, as was observed both in the West Suffolk and 18th regiments." He adds, " ships returning from a warm cli- mate, particularly if they have been in harbour during the unhealthy season, have many of their men taken ill of the remittent fever, even two or three montlis after being at sea ; and care should be taken, not to confound this fever with what is called the Jail, Hospital, or Ship fever." P. 335. Extraordinary as these facts appeared to be, when first made known, the fullest confirmation of them has been since produced by the late expedition to Zealand; in which it has been indisputably ascertained, that considerable numbers, both of officers and soldiers, who were employed on that service, and who escaped the sickness, whilst at Walcheren, and other parts of Zealand, were attacked by intermitting fevers, and some of them as late as six, seven, eight, and even nine months, after being brought back to this country; though I7ti tare was taken to place them generally in situations remote from all the known sources of marsh miasmata. This fact is now become notorious; I have seen it verified in the returns of several regiments, and it has been confirmed to me by a great part of the physicians, and by several of the surgeons, both staff and regimental, to whose care the sick of that army were committed in this country. We may, therefore, now understand, what had before ap- peared to me very difficult to explain satisfactorily ; I mean the cause of those intermittents whicli occur, more especially in fenny countries, at an early part of the spring and summer; before the soil or atmosphere can be supposed to have, at any time, in that year, acquired sufficient warrnlh, either to form, or extricate marsh miasmata, capable of producing fever. Consequently vernal intermittents may now be considered as resulting from miasmata received into the body during the preceding summer or autumn, and (after having remained in a quiescent state during winter) rendered active hy sonic excit- ing, or proximate, cause of fever -in the spring. It may be presumed, however, that in such cases, the original dose, if I may so call it, of marsh miasmata, was but moderate, be- cause its effects would otherwise have been sooner manifested, and this will account for the well known mildness of vernal intermittents, and the facility with wiiich they are generally cured.* * Dr. Jackson, at p. 60 of his Outline of the History and Cure of Fever, mentions a detachment who were embarked at the Mole, in St. Domingo, for St Marc, and landed on the 3d of June, among which several were taken ill of Yellow Fever, du- ring the passage, and twenty were sent on shore from one ship with that disease, after her arrival at St. Marc, of whom eleven or twelve died, within four days, though they were all apparently in good health when embarked. He also mentions, as a circum- stance which " appeared inexplicable," that at St Domingo, « uncommon sickness and mortality took place under every transportation of troops, to different posts." It seems probable, however, that, in all these cases, the troops had previously imbibed certain portions of marsh miasmata, which, though quiescent for some time, ac- quired a morbid activity by sea sickness, getting wet, or other debilitating causes, du- ring their transportation from one port to another, it is even probable, that actual disraso was sometimes produced by such causes, in persons whose constitutions might, 177 From all these facts it may be inferred, that hy differences either in the quantity or quality of the noxious exhalations of marshes, their operation, as a cause of fever, is liable to great varieties, in regard to its celerity, or the length of time in which disease actually appears; which is sometimes within twenty-four hours, and sometimes not until six, eight, or even nine months have elapsed, and then only when assisted hy some accidental or exciting cause. The longest periods, so far as I can discover, have occurred exclusively in cold, or tem- perate climates; the shortest, only in the hotter; and in ge- neral there seems to be some foundation for believing, that, cseteris paribus, the disease will be most violent in those cases where it appears soonest after the morbid cause has been ap- plied to the body; and that the rapidity of its production, will be in proportion to the quantity and concentration or force of the noxious miasms; differing in this respect from the small- pox, and some other specific contagions, whose morbid influ- ence, together with the mildness or severity of the disease re- sulting from it, seems to depend exclusively upon the state of the body, in which it is exerted, and the treatment of the pa- tient in regard to temperature, diet, &c. &c. and not upon either the quantity or quality of the contagion, producing the disease. The state of the body, indeed, and other circum- stances, have a considerable influence in regard to the mild- ness or severity of the fever from marsh effluvia, but not an exclusive one, as they seem to have in regard to the effects, of several, at least, of the specific contagions; e. g. Dr. John Hunter observes, that if persons are exposed to the exhala- tions of marshes, "when fatigued by hard labour and long fasting, the poison gains admission more readily into the body, and produces immediately the worst kind of fever. It is in this way, (he adds,) that soldiers suffer so much on ac- tual service in the West Indies : the few cases of fever which under more favourable circumstances, have withstood, and finally subdued the poison, without any attack of fever. 23 178 proved fatal in twenty-four hours, that occurred to me, were all contracted in a similar manner." (Diseases of the Army in Jamaica, &c.) There is, however, another condition of the body, which is of great importance, in regard to the production of yellow fe- ver, and which, therefore, requires a particular investigation; I mean the cause of that remarkable susceptibility to this dis- ease, wiiich is commonly found in persons who have just ar- rived at places where it occurs, from cold or temperate cli- mates; and of the equally remarkable exemption from it, which is commonly experienced by the old inhabitants of hot countries; and which, in the latter, is universally ascribed to their having become seasoned, as it is called; but however familiar this term may be, and of whatever importance its proper signification really is, (since it involves the means of preservation from one of the most dreadful maladies whicli afflict the human race) it has been long employed either with- out any precise meaning, or with meanings which are inad- missible. Thus it is often said, that a person is seasoned who has once had the Yellow Fever; but very improperly, because the same individual may have the disorder several times; be- sides which, many persons become exempt from the fever, and ought, therefore, to be considered as being truly seasoned, without having ever suffered an attack of the disease. It is, also, frequently believed, that one may become seasoned by re- siding long in those towns in which the Yellow Fever is apt to recur; but the very great numbers of the inhabitants of Phi- ladelphia, New-York, Malaga, Cadiz, Seville, &c. who have been swept off by the distemper, within a few years, are me- lancholy proofs that an efficacious seasoning is not to be ac- quired merely by such residence. Nor can it be said, that those who live near marshes are peculiarly seasoned, because, in hot countries, numbers of persons, who live at a distance from marshes, are proof against the Yellow Fever, although thf-y are sometimes attacked with slight remittents, or inter- mittents. 179 After some reflection on this interesting subject, the various degrees of susceptibility which are observed in different indi- viduals, or in different places, seem to me capable of expla- nation on a very simple principle, I mean the effects of tem- perature on the human frame, which does not appear to have been sufficiently noticed. The body, whilst in health, is found always to be, with very slight variations, at the temperature of 98 degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer, and there is good reason to think that any considerable variation from this point would neces- sarily produce morbid effects. It seems, therefore, to he of high importance, that the body should be preserved from such deviations ; and the author of nature has, accordingly, pro- vided efficacious means for that end :—different opinions are, indeed, entertained concerning these means; and since the later chemical discoveries have been made, it has been gene- rally believed, that, in an atmosphere, the temperature of which is less than 98 degrees, the heat of the human body is maintained at that point, by a process similar to that of com- bustion, and depending upon a combination of oxygen gaz (taken into the lungs by respiration) with carbon and hydro- gen : and that, in an atmosphere heated above 98 degrees, the temperature of the body is kept down at that point by the effect of an evaporation of matters perspired from the skin. There are, however, insurmountable difficulties opposed to this doctrine, but a full statement of them would, in some degree, be foreign to the subject under our consideration.* * In June, 1794,1 controverted this chymical doctrine, regarding the production of animal heat, at an act, or public exercise, in the University of Cambridge, previous to the taking of my first degree in physic. Perhaps a sumtnary of some of the facts and arguments, which render that doctrine inadmissible, may be acceptable here. 1st. Animal heat is a natural production : and no chemical process like combustion can take place naturally in a healthy animal, because the power of life, while it subsists, naturally counteracts and suspends all chemical attractions, or affinities within the body j and even, after death, when this suspension is removed, they spontaneously occa- sion a different process, that of putrefaction. 180 I will, therefore, at present, only remark, that it is utterly in- credible that these opposite processes should ever be carried on so accurately in reference to each other, and be so exactly ba- lanced, as invariably to keep the body at the heat of 98 de- ad. The attractions or affinities subsisting between oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, even if unrestrained by the living power, would not, so far as our knowledge extends, enable them, by combining to form water, and carbonic acid gaz, with a disengagement of sensible heat, as, according to this doctriue, they are supposed to do, unless they were actually ignited, which they never can he in the lungs or blood-vessels of an animal in health. 3d. Were it even possible, that the air naturally inspired by the lungs should com- bine and afford heat in the manner supposed, the heat, so afforded, being necessarily limited and proportioned to the quantity of oxygen inspired, would, at all times, br greatly insufficient for maintaining the human body at its natural temperature, even in the milder parts of Europe ; and, in an atmosphere below the freezing point, it would greatly fall short of the quantity of heat commonly abstracted from the body, and car- ried out of the lungs, by the warm moist vapour copiously expired from them. So that in cold, and even in moderate weather, one effect of respiration is to cool thi blood, according to the opinion which, during several ages, prevailed on this subject. And, if the quantity of oxygenous gaz, naturally inspired by mankind, be incapable of affording heat, sufficient to maintain their natural temperature, the quantity inspired by animals of the celaceous order, must be yet more, and much more, insufficient to main- tain the heat natural to them, living, as they commonly do, from choice, at the edges of ice, near the poles, and immersed in a fluid, (salt water) so well suited to abstract, and rapidly conduct away their heat, however it be acquired. The degrees of animal heat na^irally belonging to the several genera and species of this order, have not been accurately ascertained ;—it is known, however, to exceed that of mankind in some, and probably, does so in all of them. Some of the species of whale, particularly the, Baleena mysticetus, (the common or larger whalebone whale) are of an enormous size, and from 50 to 100 feet in length ; in a few places they are said to have been found 160 feet long. And, it is ascertained that, in most animals of this order, the passage for air through a part of the trachea, is proportionably " veiy small or con- tracted ;" and that the pulmonary cells are smaller than in quadrupeds, which, says .Mr. John Hunter, " may make less air necessary." (See his Observations on the Struc- ture and Economy of Whales, in the Phil. Trans, vol. 77, p. 418, 419) And as these animals, in addition to the smaller quantity of air taken in their lungs at each in- spiration, do not commonly breathe oftener than once in about fifteen minutes, and when frightened, only once in about haf an hour, (See Phil. Trans. No. 387, p. 256.) it must be absolutely impossible that oxygen, so sparingly received into their lungs, should, upon any principles jet known, afford supplies of heat sufficient to maintain the high natural temperature of these animals, (whose ceconomy nearly resem- bles that of men and quadrupeds) in the cold water, by which they are surrounded. Finally, to avoid unnecessary proofs, and demonstrate beyond the chance of con- tradiction, that animal heat is not produced by respiration, we need only recollect, 181 grees, in all the diversities of temperature that occur in dif- ferent climates and situations, and, therefore, that this im- portant conservatory function must depend on a power more exalted in its nature, and more certain in its operations; which can be no other than the power of life,—a power which, in proportion as it is more vigorous in robust individuals at the prime of life, notoriously enables them to resist the opposite extremes of heat and cold, and preserve their bodies at the proper standard, more perfectly, and for. a greater length of time, than at a more advanced age. I will not venture to as- sert that no addition to the heat of the body can be made, either directly or indirectly, by the combination of oxygen with the blood, and I readily admit, that its temperature may be diminished by a copious evaporation from the surface ;— but, if either of these causes should co-operate with the living power to a small extent, the one in raising, and the other in lowering, what is called animal heat, it must always he in complete subordination to the higher principle of wiiich I have been speaking, and to which nature has committed the impor- (what is well known) that it continues to be produced for some time after respiration has entirely ceased, more especially in persons who die by apoplexy, or by suffocation, from fumes of burning charcoal, &c. who are frequently observed to retain their for- mer temperature undiminished for several hours after all breathing has stopped ; and in some cases, it has even been raised above the standard of health; e. g. Dr. Clarke, (on Diseases, &c in Long Voyages, vol. 1, p. 44,) says of a seaman, who died by apo,* plexy, from a " coup de soleil" that, after all the external signs of life had disappeared, when " no motion was to be felt in the thorax, nor any pulsation in the arteries;" when his jaws were locked, his eyes dead, and staring, " the heat of his body was much above the standard of health, and communicated a burning pungency to the touch; he was bled largely from the arm and jugular; the blood was very hot, and it was with difficulty stopped." Indeed, heat continues to be more or less generated in all persons after what is called death, so long as they retain any portion of excitability or living power. Were it not for this they would be reduced to the temperature of tiie sur- rounding atmosphere, as speedily as another body of the same species and size, which, after being absolutely dead and cold, had been artificially heated to the same degree. The natural heat of vegetables seems to be analogous to that of animals, and equally the product of a living power, independently of any process resembling combustion. 182 taut (barge of preserving the temperature of the body at the standard of health, amidst all the varieties of climate, and of external circumstances. This is a charge which cannot be fulfilled in an atmosphere like that of England, the mean tem- perature of which may be estimated at 50°, without a consi- derable expenditure of the living power, in order to generate constantly, at the mean rate of 48° of animal heat: and after the body has been, for a length of time, accustomed to make this exertion, it is easy to perceive that, upon removing into a warm climate, such as that of the West Indies, the general mean temperature of which may be taken at 79° or 80% very material changes in the functions of the system become abso- lutely necessary for the preservation of health. But these changes are not to he suddenly effected; and, until the body becomes perfectly accommodated to the heat of this new cli- mate, the whole animal oeconomy must be considered as al- most ih a state of morbid excitement.* It is not this state, * There is a great analogy between animals and vegetables in regard to their pre- disposition, from habit, to generate certain portions of heat; and in their susceptibi- lities from the same cause, of being inordinately excited by a removal to climates or situations, warmer than those to which they have been accustomed, 31 r T A Knight, in his " Observations on the Method of Producing New and Early Fruit," (in the Trans, of the Horticultural Society, part 1, p. 30) mentions the following facts: "If two plants of the vine, or other tree of similar habits, or even if obtained from cuttings of the same tree, were placed to vegetate during several successive seasons in very different climates; if the one were planted on the banks of the Rhine, and the other on those of the Nile, each would adapt its habits to the climate in which it was placed ; and, if both were, subsequently, brought in early spring into a climate simi- lar to that of Italy, the plant) which had adapted its habits to a cold climate, would instantly vegetate, whilst the other would remain perfectly torpid. Precisely the same thing occurs in the hot-houses of this country, where a plant, accustomed to the temperature of the open air, will vegetate strongly in December, whilst another plant, of the some species, and sprung from a cutting of the same original stock, but habi- tuated to the temperature of a stove, remains apparently lifeless. It appears, there- fore, that the powers of vegetable life in plants, habituated to cold climates, are more easily brought into action than in those of hot climates; or, in other words, that the plants of cold climates are most excitable." P. 191. " But, the influence of climate on the heat of plants, will depend less on the aggregate quantity of heat in each climate, than on the distribution of it in the different seasons of the year. The aggregate temperature of England, and of those parts of the Russian empire, Uiat 183 (of excitement) howrever, which alone is productive of fever; since we know that innumerable persons have gone from Europe to the hottest regions of the globe, and have continued there for years, without being attacked by fever, when other causes did not assist in producing that disease. The inhabi- tants of South Carolina, as I lately mentioned, were exposed to this kind of excitement, in an extreme degree, during a great part of the summer of 1752, and yet had never been more healthy ; and other instances of the same import, might, if necessary, be adduced. But, although the simple operation of the warmth of hot climates upon the human body be not the cause of this disease, yet it is chiefly, if not entirely, to the various degrees of that derangement which it occasions in per- sons not accustomed to warm climates, that I attribute all those varieties of liability to the epidemic Yellow Fever, which are observable in different individuals, from tiie ex- treme susceptibility of northern strangers to the almost com- plete immunity of Creoles, and more especially of African ne- groes. It may be very difficult to point out the particular means by whicli heat occasions this extreme susceptibility; and yet it is not difficult to understand, that a morbid cause may be able to produce a much more violent disease, when it are under the same parallels of latitude, probably does not differ very considerably ; but, in the latter, the summers are extremely hot, and the winters intensely cold ; and the changes of temperature between the different seasons are sudden and violent. In the spring, great degrees of heat suddenly operate on plants which have been long exposed to intense cold, and in which excitability has accumulated during a long period of almost total inaction; and the progress of vegetation is, in consequence, extremely rapid. In the climate of England, the spring, on the contrary, advances with slow and irregular steps, and only very moderate and slowly-increasing degrees of heat act on plants in which the powers of life has scarcely, in any period of the preced- ing winter, been totally inactive. The crab is a native of both countries, and has adapted alike its habits to both; the Siberian variety, introduced into the climate of England, retains its habits, expands its leaves, and blossoms on the first approach of spring, and vegetates strongly in the same temperature, in which the native crab scarcely shows signs of life ; and its fruit acquires a degree of maturity, even in the early part of an unfavourable season, which our native crab is rarely or never seen to attain." 184 is assisted by the co-operation of so powerful an agent as heat, than it could produce when acting by its own single in- fluence ; and it is upon this principle that I shall endeavour to explain the general law, by which the susceptibility to the Yellow Fever is, ceteris paribus, regulated. To accomplish this object, it will be necessary to take a concise view of the climates, in which the Yellow Fever has principally raged, and to apply the principle just mentioned to the results, which the experience of several years, in each of them, has afforded. The variation of temperature, to which the climate of the West Indies is subject in the course of the year, is comprised within a few degrees ; for the mercury in the thermometer sel- dom descends below 70° during the winter months, even in the coolest part of the mornings, and I have rarely found it (in the smaller or windward islands) to rise above 88° in the shade on the warmest days of the summer ; though the heat is said to he sometimes a little greater in St. Domingo, and the other large islands. The excitement in the system, which ensues immediately upon a person's coming into so wrarm a climate from a temperate region, renders him, as I have al- ready said, eminently liable to the Yellow Fever, when expo- sed to the influence of marsh effluvia: by degrees, however, the excitability producing this commotion abates, and, at the end, sometimes of twelve months, but oftener of a year and half, or two years, he acquires the power of supporting this high temperature, and then becomes almost as insusceptible of the disease, as the natives or old inhabitants ; and afterwards retains this happy immunity, so long as he continues in that climate, the great uniformity of which does not, indeed, af- ford him any means of losing it. He may, likewise, go from the West Indies to those parts of North America, or of Spain, where the Yellow Fever is raging with the utmost fury, with almost a certainty of escaping the disease; and even if he should not preserve his health perfectly in such situations, he will, at the worst, be only seized with a mild remittent or in- 185 termittent fever, though living in the midst of those who are dying with the yellow7 fever in its aggravated forms. The horrid massacres and pillage of the white proprietors in the French West Indian Islands, by their negro slaves, (in consequence of the principles instilled by the French revolu- tion) had so alarmed the wretched survivors, that great num- bers of them fled for safety to different parts of the United States. We were about three thousand French, says Dr. Valentin, (the author of a late Treatise on the Yellow Fever, who was, himself, one of that number,) when we landed at Norfolk and Portsmouth, in the Bay of Chesapeake, in July, 1793, after the dreadful catastrophe at the Cape: some of those who remained in these towns were seized with a remit- tent, but not one with the yellowT fever, although our sudden transition from affluence to absolute want, might have been fully capable of predisposing us to this malady, which a stag- nant and heated atmosphere, and a low swampy situation, seemed, of necessity to produce, in the country in which we arrived. (Page 68.) Many of these refugees were also living at Philadelphia in the same summer of 1793, during which above 4000 of the inhabitants died of the distemper; but (as we are distinctly told by Dr. Rush,) they universally escaped it. In this place, however, it will be proper to remark, that the immunity which Creoles possess, relates chiefly to that variety of yel- low fever which is epidemic. I have already mentioned that a fever, attended with all the symptoms which are held cha- racteristic of the yellow fever, may, in hot climates, he brought on by intemperance, great fatigue after being over- heated by the sun's rays, sudden diminution of temperature, violent agitations of mind, and other causes, which are known to be capable of exciting fever in all countries : to this spora- dic fever Creoles are subject, though in less violent degrees than Europeans; for no length of residence in any climate 24 18b' can be supposed to exempt one from the operation of such causes.* The climate of the United States of America is very unlike that which prevails between the tropics ; for the variation of temperature, within the year, is not in the former limited to 18 or 20 degrees, as in the latter, but extends from 60 to 80 degrees; the heat in summer being often greater than in the West Indies, and the cold in winter being in many parts, much below the freezing point. Nor does the same climate prevail over all the states; for although, during the warmest part of the year, the heat being nearly as great at Philadel- phia, New-York, and other towns in the latitude of 40 or 41 degrees north, as at Charleston, in South Carolina, which is seven or eight degrees nearer to the equator, yet the annual mean temperature of the more northern states, is considerably " Dr. Lempriere does not seem to believe that these causes alone will produce the fever in question. He says, (Diseases of the Army in Jamaica, vol-ii p. 112) "that how much soever persons are exposed to the sun where marsh miasma does not pre- vail, the attack of fever does not ensue; and that, whenever there has been an in- stance of Idiopathic fever, in situations that are deemed healthy, it will be found, upon careful inquiry, that the patient had been exposed to marsh miasma, in an occa- sional visit to some place where it exists " That this may often be true 1 believe, but not that it is always so; for, though mere exposure to the sun, without a sudden cooling of the body, or the co-operation of some of the other causes just mentioned, may not be sufficient to produce fever, yet I am fully convinced of its having done so, not unfrequently with such cooperation. But, whether the fever so produced, will be, in all other respects, exactly similar to an Idiopathic fever produced in the way which Dr. Lempriere supposes, and especially, whether it will have an equal tenden- cy to remit, is more than I am willing as yet to decide. Though Dr. Hillary practiced, with the highest reputation, in Barbadoes, for a considerable number of years, there is good reason to believe that all the cases of yellow fever which fell within his observation, were merely sporadic, and most of them produced by some of the causes which 1 have mentioned, as sufficient for that purpose; and it must be principally to such cases that Dr. Lind alludes, at p. 120 of his volume on Preserving Health at Hot Climates, when he says, "I am very sensi- ble that one or two persons may sometimes be seized with the yellow fever when no otn« r person in the neighbourhood labours under it; and even that at such a time, its most mortal symptom, the black vomit, may attack a person newly arrived, wiihout any previous complaint " He afterwards observes, at p 178, that " drunk- enness, or any debauch, will often give a fever, which in less than forty eight hours terminates in the death of the patient." 187 less than that of the southern, because, on the one hand, the season of heat is of shorter duration, and, on the other, the winter is much more severe in the former than in the latter. The cold at Philadelphia, for instance, is so great, that the Delaware " river is frozen from three to nine weeks almost every winter,"* and is yet more intense at New-York, and in most of the towns of New England: but at Charleston, as we are informed, by Dr. Chalmers, " it seldom freezes more than four or five times in that season; and then a thaw so soon succeeds, that in the space of ten years the ice may not be strong enough to bear a man." (See an Account of the Weather and Diseases of South Carolina, by Lionel Chal- mers, M. D. vol. i. p. 23.) It is owing to these differences between the same seasons that, while the annual mean temperature of Charleston is es* tiinated at 66 degrees, (according to a Register kept by Dr. Chalmers, for ten years,) that of Philadelphia is reckoned at only 52 5, and that of New England at from 50 to 48 de- grees ; and from these differences there will also result cer- tain physical effects in the inhabitants, which claim a particu- lar attention. In the southern states, where the summer be- gins earlier, and the autumn lasts longer, than in the higher latitudes, the inhabitants have to endure a long continuation of hot weather; and in doing this, they at length acquire, in a considerable degree, the power of supporting heat; of which power they lose but a small portion during the winter, because the frosts being there neither frequent nor of long continu- ance, their bodies accommodate themselves with ease to the mild temperature of that season, and there are few occasions in the course of it, when those greater efforts arc required which the body is obliged to make whenever it has to resist a severe degree of cold, and, by the frequent making of which, it seems to be always rendered less able afterwards to sustain heat. Hence it results, that the southern inhabitants can * Geography of the United States of America, by Jed. Morse, A. M. 4to. p. 426. 188 scarcely be affected by the moderate warmth of the ensuing spring, or the gradual increase of temperature, during that season; and that they will be able to support the subsequent heats of the summer, with little or no morbid excitement. But, in the northern states, the comparatively short term of the hot season does not there permit the inhabitants to acquire an equal share of the power of supporting heat with their fel- low citizens in the south : and that share of it which they do acquire, is much diminished afterwards, or, perhaps, wholly lost, during the long and rigorous winter of those latitudes, when great and continued exertions of the animal powers be- come necessary that they may be enabled to sustain so cold a temperature. It is, therefore, obvious, that on the return of the summer, the transition which the inhabitants of the north- ern states will then have made, from extreme cold to exces- sive heat, must be the means of causing a much higher degree of excitement in them than will ever be produced in those of the southern states, for the reasons before given, and, on re- curring to facts, it appears from them that when the yellow fever has raged over this part of the world, (which seems never to have happened except when summers have been ex- ceedingly hot) the degrees in which the citizens of the diffe- rent towns of America were liable to the disorder, correspond exactly with the power of supporting heat conferred on them habitually by their respective climates. Accordingly, the citizens of Savannah and Charleston are almost equally ex- empt from the yellow fever with Creoles, as I had the oppor- tunity of witnessing in both places in the year 1797. But, that this may not seem a mere assertion of mine, I shall beg permission to quote the testimony of Dr. Ramsay, of Charles- ton. This very respectable physician, after mentioning that the yellow fever had occurred there in seven out of nine of the last years, of the last century, and had continued in all those years from the month of July to the following Novem- ber, distinctly says, that, " with very few exceptions (chiefly 189 children,) it exclusively fell on strangers to the air of Charles- ton."* The situation of Norfolk, in Virginia, is nearly midway between Charleston and Philadelphia, and its climate corres- ponds with its situation, being colder than that of the former city, but warmer than that of the latter. The yellow fever has frequently appeared there; and, according to the testi- mony of Drs. Taylor and Hansford, (residents in that town) it has, at least, " in its malignant form, always originated on tiie (hanks of the) river, or on low, new-made grounds, and in houses built on the docks. In all cases, it begins with stran- gers and new settlers, affecting every one in proportion to his time of residence, and leaving the old inhabitants not wholly exempt, yet proof against its destroying power." " Persons from higher latitudes often fall victims, but with European strangers, the fever was generally uncontrollable." (New- York Medical Repository, vol. iv. p. 205, 6.) This account is strongly confirmed by Doctors Seldon and Whitehead, of the same place, in a well-written statement, which will be in- troduced hereafter. With regard to the towns of the more northern states, as Baltimore, Wilmington, Philadelphia, New-York, New-Lon- don, Boston, &c. there is ample proof that the inhabitants of each of them become more subject to the disease, as their situ- ation approaches to the north: for, it is but too evident, from * See Dr. Ramsay's Review of the Improvements, &c. in Medicine, in the eighteenth century, read on the first day of the nineteenth century, before the Medical Society of South -Carolina, p. 39. If this testimony, delivered before so many persons ac- quainted with its truth or falsehood, and never, as I believe, controverted by any one, «ould need confirmation, I might adduce that of the late governor of that Slate (Mr. Drayton) who, in his Review of South Carolina, printed at Charleston, in 1802, has made the following statement, at pages 27 and 28. " The Typhus icteroides or putrid bilious, or Yellow Fever, is, however, particularly local to- Charleston; and is not known to have originated in the country. To the natives, and long inhabitants of this city it has not yet been injurious. But those who come from the country, during the autumnal season, or who have not been accustomed to spend the fall months in Charleston, or to foreigners at their first arrival, it is particularly dreadful, and marfv are those who fall victims to its fatal influence" 190 the registers of the deaths, reports of the Boards of Health, and other authentic documents, which have been made public, that whenever the epidemic has broken out in those places, the mortality has not been there almost wholly confined to strangers, as in the southern towns; hut, on the contrary, that a very large majority of those who had the fever and died, consisted ot fixed residents. This has been especially the case in the four last mentioned towns, the citizens of which seem to have been almost as readily attacked and carried off by the disorder, as foreigners even from the north of Europe, though persons lately arrived from hotter climates generally escaped it. In like manner, the official account of the yellow fever at Cadiz, in 1800, asserts, that, "persons lately ar- rived in that city from the West Indies, did not suffer an at- tack of the epidemic," while those persons who had come " from Canada, and other northern countries," were very lia- ble to the disease. Thus, hy attending to the usual and necessary effects of heat on the human frame, under different circumstances of climate, it will be perceived, that we obtain a simple explana- tion of some of the most important general facts with which the occurrence of the Yellow Fever is connected. An addi- tional proof, that the security from that disease is principally derived from the ability to endure great heat,* without its * The natural ability to endure great heat varies not only among different races of men, but also among individuals of the same race, though living constantly in the same situations, e. g. light and red-haired people with very white skins, universally bear cold better, and are more incommoded by heat, than the black-haired with dark skins. But, besides these constitutional differences, there is another, which depends more immediately upon the established habit of generating certain degrees or portions of animal heat, for the purpose of keeping the temperature of the body at the health- ful standard ; and it is this difference extending generally to all sorts of persons, that is now more immediately in my contemplation; though its effects are liable to be augmented or diminished by the constitutional peculiarities of individuals, and of the several races among mankind. Probably the power of habit may also, as Lancisi, and others, have believed, extend so far as to diminish the morbid influence of marsh miasmata upon persons who, from their birth, or, for a considerable number of yeai-s, have been more or less exposed to their impressions, at least there are facts, or snp- 191 causing any considerable derangement in the animal o&cono* my, is, tbat this security continues only so long as this abi- lity continues: for, if the inhabitants of warm climates re- move, for a few years, into cold countries, and afterwards return, they are then found to be liable to the fever. So, likewise, the refugees from the French West-Indian islands, in America, who, as was before observed, at first universally escaped the disorder, were frequently attacked by it after they had passed three or four winters in that country. Another important proof of the same nature, is the more frequent ap- pearance, and the greater severity of the Yellow Fever, in populous cities, than in the country : circumstances which it is natural that we should expect, when weyecollect the various causes which contribute to warm the atmosphere in towns, and which do not exist out of them ; such, for example, as the absorption of solar heat by, and the reflection of it from the walls of houses, and the pavements of streets, the assem- blage of a number of living bodies; the many fires kept up for domestic purposes, and the obstruction to the circulation of the air, occasioned by large collections of houses. By a combination of these causes, the temperature of the atmos- phere, in a large town, may be raised to a degree sufficient to produce the Yellow Fever within it, while that of the neigh- bouring country may not be high enough for its rural exist- ence.! There is an interesting fact connected with this last, posed facts, which support this belief. In regard to individuals, who, by long residence in cold climates, have become habituated to the generation of large portions of animal heat, it must be remembered, that the cold, which forces this habit upon them, will naturally produce in them a considerable rigidity and strength of fibres, with an inflam- matory diathesis, and that, when they remove directly to an intertropical situation, they will commonly cany with them a great accumulation of excitability, which, co operating with the established habit of generating much animal heat there, may readily produce in them a most aggravated and violent form of fever, from a cause or causes which, in the relaxed systems, and with the diminished excitability of persons who have resided many years in hot climates, would only produce an intermittent or remittent. ■(• Dr. Caldwell, in his Medical and Physical Memoirs, says, " Philadelphia, like every other large and populous city, possesses a factitious climate of its own, different 192 which ought not to be omitted. Dr. Ramsay, whom 1 have before quoted, after mentioning, that persons coining to Charleston from the higher northern latitudes of Europe and America, had been most subject to this disease, and had most rarely survived it, states, that " the inhabitants of the coun- try parts of South Carolina had little better chance of escap- ing it altogether, if they came into the city, or of recovering, when attacked ;"* but, considering that, according to Dr. Chalmers, the atmosphere is always from. 10" to 15" hotter in Charleston than in the country, where it frequently freezes pretty hard, whilst, at the same time, no signs of ice appear in town, we shall instantly perceive that the people from the country are susceptible to the fever in the same degree, when compared with those of the town, as persons coming from towns considerably to the north of Charleston; and it is also plain, that the same reasoning is applicable to the country people residing near most other large towns.f from the climate of the surrounding country." "The summer climate of Philadel- phia, and of other large cities, similarly situated, is an artificial torrid zone, in which the thermometer rises from four to six degrees higher than it does at the distance of a few miles in Uie country." By a very accurate account of Uie state and variations of two Register thermo'neters kept, one in London, and the other at Newick Park, in Sussex, in the winter of 1806-7, it appears, that, though the latter place is thirty-five geographical miles south of the former, yet the weather was commonly between four and five degrees colder at Newick Park than it was at the same hours and days in London. This account was given to me by the late Mr. Tiberius Cavallo, whose care and love of truth are well known. * We are informed by Spanish and other writers, particularly Humboldt, that this also happens at Lavera Cruz, where the Yellow Fever exclusively attacks strangers from more temperate northern climates, or persons eoming to town, from higher and cooler situations in the country; and this is also the case in Jamaica, &c. See Dr. Dancer's Medical Assistant; or, Jamaica Practice of Physic, p. 84. f The younger Michaux, who, under the auspices of the French government, made a second voyage to the United States of America in 1801, tells us that he landed at Charleston, in South Carolina, on the 9th of October in that year, contrary to the ad- vice which was given him, and which was followed by the other passengers, of retiring to Sullivan's Island until the appearance of frost; that he was soon after attacked by the Yellow Fever, which, in that very year, proved fatal to eight-tenths of all the strangers in that city, and which had nearly cost him his life. He observes, that this disease varies in the degrees of its intensity every year, and that the inhabitants of 193 If after all these facts, which are not less in conformity with the simplest laws of nature, than in harmony with each other, and which appear to me to form a chain of convincing and even decisive evidence, any further proof could be desired, concerning the uniform correspondence of the exemption from the Yellow Fever, with the power of supporting heat, it is afforded by the knowledge of the various degrees in which ne- groes are susceptible to the disease under different circum- stances. The annual mean temperature of those parts of Africa, which are peopled by the various tribes of negroes, is, per- haps, no where less than 84" upon the coast, and it is, proba- bly, several degrees higher in the interior. This, however, is only to be understood of the temperature in the shade, or in the coolest places, and does not indicate 14ie greatest heat which the natives of Africa can sustain, nor even that which they may be said to bear habitually: for it will be recollected, that they pass a great part of the day in the open air, and as their bodies are generally naked, ex- cept about the middle, they are fully exposed to the ac- tion of the sun's rays, the direct heat of which has been esti- mated, and, I believe, without exaggeration, to vary from 120° to 160°, while the thermometer in the shade marks from 85° to 110°. But the bodies of blacks, and especially their colour,* are so admirably adapted for supporting, or rather for Charleston are but nttle affected by it. But, that those who live in the higher parts of that state, at the distance of two or three hundred miles, and who came to Charleston during the four months, in which the Yellow Fever commonly prevails, are as liable to be attacked by it as strangers ; and, therefore, (he adds) all intercourse between the country and city is suspended for one-third of the year, excepting that of a few white persons who, from necessity, go to the latter, always taking care, however, not to sleep there; and that of negroes bringing provisions, who are but little subject to the disease. See Voyage a L'Ouest des Monts Alleghanys, &c. par F. A. Michaux, M. D. &c. A Paris, 1804. p. 2, 3, 4, and 5. This account accords with the information which I have received from medical and other gentlemen of unquestionable veracity, and well acquainted with Charleston. * See in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, for 1804, « An Enquiry Concerning the Nature of Heat," &c. in which the effect of a black skin, or of a black external surface, in promoting the cooling of bodies, is proved by experiment See also Mr. John Leslie's "Experimental Inquiry into the Nature and Propagation of Heat. 194 residing, the intense heat in which they are naturally destin- ed to live, that, at all times, their skins feel cool to the touch of an European. Endowed with these physical peculiarities. they are there so little subject to fevers, that the disease does not appear to have a distinct and peculiar name in any of their languages. Sometimes, indeed, they are affected by slight febrile indispositions ; but these as Dr. Winterbottom ob- serves, in his Account of the Native Africans of Sierra Leone, (vol. II. p. 13,) are seldom of longer duration than twenty-four hmirs, and they are usually the sequel of some debauch, and especially of that excessive intemperance, in which they indulge at the funerals of their friends.* In the West-Indian Colonies, blacks are still so far exempt from febrile disorders, that even intermittents, the mildest of fevers, seldom oecur among those negroes who arc employed to labour in the fields, and they do not often even among those who have diminished their power of enduring heat by wearing clothes, and hy living with peculiar indulgence in the cooler dwellings, provided for the comfort of Europeans-! Nearly * Vitruvius seems to have been the first who noticed a difference in regard to the predisposition to fevers, and the po ver of supporting them with fortitude, between the inhabitants of cold and those of hot climates. He says, Lib. vi. cap 1. " Sub Septen- trionibus nutriuntur gentes immanibus corporibus, candidis coloribus, directo capillo & rufo, oculis csesiis, sanguine multo, quoniam ab humoris plenitate coelique refrigcrationi- bus sunt confirmati. Qui autem sunt proximi ad axcm meridianum subjecfique solis cursui, brevioribus corporibus, colore fusco, crispo capillo, oculis nigris, cruribus in- valids, sanguine exigus, solis impetu perficiuntur; itaque eti9m propter sanguinis exiguitatem timidio es sunt ferro resistere, sed ardores ac febres sujferunt sine timore, quod nutrita sunt eorum membra cum fervore ; itaque corpora quae nascuntur sub septentrione a febri sunt timidiora & imbccilla, sanguinis autem abundantia ferro rc- sistunt sine timore." f Dr. Mosely, in his Treatise on Tropical Diseases, (3d edit. J p. 146, asserts, that none of the Europeans sent in 1780 on the expedition against St. Juan, " retained their health above sixteen days, and not more than three hundred ever returned; and those chiefly in a miserable condition. It was otherwise with the negroes who were em- ployed on this occasion; a very few of them were ill, and the remainder of them returned to Jamaica in as good health as they went from it." He adds, it was the same at the taking of Fort Omoa from the Spaniards. " On that expedition half the Europeans who landed died in six weeks. But very few negroes; and not one of two hundred that were African born. The Creole negroes did not bear hardships so 195 the same may he said of the negroes belonging to plantations of rice, in the Floridas, and the State of Georgia, which, it is well known, are almost always made on swampy grounds, because they require to he overflowed at certain times : on the rice plantations, in the Carolinas, however, blacks some- times have intermittent and remittent fevers, though neither so frequently, nor so severely, as the whites, who reside on the same spots; but they seldom or never have the epidemic Yellow Fever, as Drs. Moultrie, Lining, and Chalmers, of Charleston, have formerly attested; and, as subsequent expe- rience has sufficiently proved. In Virginia, however, and in Maryland, negroes have occasionally been attacked by the latter disorder, and they are found to be still more subject to it in the states which are to the north of these, as Delaware, Pennsylvania, New-York, and New England. Dr. Rush says, that he was led to believe, from various publications on the Yellow Fever, that the blacks would escape it, while it was epidemic at Philadelphia, in 1793 : but, as he candidly confesses, it was not long before he was convinced of his er- ror, for it seems that, although the disease was commonly lighter in them than in white people, *' yet many of them died with it," at that unfortunate period, and many more of them have also died of it, in that city, during the epidemics of the well." This accords with Dr. Dancer's account of that expedition ; but he adds, that though the Mosquito Indians, who were sent upon it, suffered from fevers, and still more from fluxes, the Indians of Cape Gracios a Dios, who have an admixture of ne- gro blood, suffered less than any other Indians. The great and almost peculiar exemp- tion from fevers, enjoyed by the black natives of Africa, is also asserted by M. Bour- geois, in his Dissertation " Sur les Maladies de St. Domingue," printed in a volume, entitled "Voyages Interessans Dans Differentes Colonies. " p. 417, where he says, "Les Negres de la Cdte," (d'Afrique) «et les Negres Creoles font presque en ce genre deux especes difft'rentes ; car ceuxci, quoique d'une complexion forte et vigo- reuse dont n'approchent point nos Creoles blancs, ont pourtant plus frequement que les autres la fievre et les diverses sortes de maladies auxquelles les blancs paraissent specialement affectes. Les negres nouveaux, qu'on nous mene d'Afrique, sont d'un temperament plusdur;" "Jamais les negres novcaux ne patent, en arrivant dans la eolonie, ce qu'on y appelle le tributfm 196 following years.* Thus we find that negroes, by long resi- dence in cool or temperate situations, become susceptible to the Yellow Fever, from the same physical causes as whites : though always in an inferior degree to the latter, under simi- lar circumstances: and, to complete the analogy, they are, like whites, very liable to it, when, after having passed some years in cold countries, they are carried hack to hot climates. This has been sufficiently proved by the results of the three great importations of blacks into Sierra Leone, which have been made within a few years; the first from this country, in 1787, and the others from Halifax, (Nova Scotia) in 1792, and in 1800. Upon each of these occasions, a considerable number of the blacks were seized with fevers, and many of them died; hut the proportion both of sickness and of mortality, was much smaller in them than in the whites, w7ho were sent out at the same time to superintend or assist the new set- tlers.f In the preceding enquiries, I have attempted to ascertain and describe the uniform course of nature in regard to the formation and operation of miasmata, and in regard to the effects of heat on the human body ; and, if the principles, to which I have been led, be not erroneous, it will, I think, be admitted, that the joint influence of marsh miasmata, and of an atmosphere unusually and sufficiently heated upon persons habituated to a cold or temperate climate, is, of itself, fully capable of causing an epidemic Yellow Fever, exactly resem- • These negroes had many of them been born in Pennsylvania, and the others must have lived in that part of America, long enough to lose a great part of their constitu- tional peculiarities; for no importation of negroes had been permitted by the laws of that state during the preceding ten years. f I have now before me a statement of the progress, extent, and decline of the sickness and mortality which attended each of these importations of negroes, compared with what befel the whites at Sierra Leone, in these respects, made from official docu- ments, reports, and correspondence which I was permitted to inspect. The results ac cord with, and fully confirm, the principles and conclusions here advanced : but I ab- stain from printing this statement, as I had intetfed, because it may not be thought sufficiently interesting for the space it would occupy. 197 bling that which has committed such ravages in the West In- dies, the United States of America, and the South of Europe; I mean a disorder which does not recur but after very irregu- lar intervals, and with degrees of severity, varying at each recurrence, and which uniformly attacks with violence per- sons of a certain physical constitution, while it allows other persons to escape with a mild, and often without any disease. It will, moreover, be perceived from the same principles, that the influence of these causes, when it is sufficiently powerful to produce an epidemic Yellow Fever, can only produce one of the above description. With the assistance of those princi- ples, it will he easy to understand by what simple means the atmosphere of a town, in certain climates, may become, and must occasionally become, so vitiated, at least in some parts, and so productive of dangerous fevers, as justly to claim the appellation of an epidemic constitution, and this, without re- quiring the smallest aid from contagion, or from those occult causes and supernatural agencies, to which writers have had recourse, when they undertook to explain the meaning of that term; without admitting, in short, the operation of a single agent, of whose actual existence there is not as complete evi- dence as we can possibly have of the existence of any agents in physical cases.* And, however few the causes may appear * Sydenham appears not to have known, or even suspected, the influence of marsh effluvia as the cause of intermitting or remitting fevers, though Hippocrates, Galen, Var- ro, Columella, Palladius, Vii-truvius, DiodorusSiculus,DionysiusHalicarnassensis,Strabo, and others, had observed, and very distinctly mentioned, the insalubrity of stagnant wa- ters, swamps, 8cc. without, indeed, properly understanding the ways or means by which their morbid effects were produced. Sydenham, after telling us that he had, in vain, laboured to discover why seasons, apparently similar to each other, w ere accompanied or followed by very dissimilar effects, in regard to health and diseases, adds, " Ita enim se res habet; Varise sunt nempe annorum conslitutiones, qua neque calori, neque fri- gori, non sicco humidova ortum suum debent, sed ab ocultd potius et inexplicabili qua- dam alteratione inipsis terra visceribus pendent, unde aer ejus modi effluviis contami- natur, qua humana corpora huic aut illi morbo addicunt determinantque." (De Morb. Epid. c. ii. p. 41.) Thus he manifestly overlooked the materials, th&situations, and the conditions of the atmosphere (in regard to heat and moisture) whieff contribute to the production of marsh miasma, and sought for occult and inexplicable changes in the very bowels of the earth, whence he supposed effluvia to issue, contaminating the 19b to be, by whicb I have endeavoured to shew, that the various gradations of severity, observed in fevers, which originate from miasmata, are produced, let it only be recollected that (as every new discovery demonstrates,) nature accomplishes all her wonders, not by employing a multitude of agents, but by merely varying the combinations of a few simple means. That fevers, occasioned by marsh effluvia, often prevail epidemically, is a fact which has been so frequently observed and attested, that any proof of it would be superfluous.* It ought, however, to be remarked, that the epidemical pro- gress of these fevers often very much resembles that of a dis- atmosphere, and subjecting the body to various diseases. These notions he repeats in other places : and, when he attempts to assign a reason for the prevalence of inter- mittents epidemically in autumn, he seems to think, that so far as they resulted from a change of air, such change was accidental. * " Intermittentes febres scepius epidemics grassantur quam alii morbi. Van Swieten, Tom. ii. p. 2C4 sect 659. " Certa Uomanorum observatione constat, post ingentes Tyberis ' inundationes oriri febres epidemicas in urbe valde graves ac perniciosas." Baglivi Opera Omnia, p. 51. Sir John Pringle (Diseases of the Army, p. 192) has justly supposed the fifteen plagues, mentioned by Livy, as having occurred at liome before the year, (Urb. Cond.) 59 to have been so many destructive epidemics produced by exhalations from the ad- joining marshes ; and I may add from the low grounds, at the bottom of its hills, espe- cially those along the Tiber, where marsh fevers appear to have greatly prevailed, from the earliest periods of its history. These seem to have been most commonly of the semitertian form ; as Galen (de Temperam. lib, ii) represents the Hemitritx as being the common epidemic of Rome. " Les maladies epidemiques ou populaires sont la source, presqu'exclusive, des mor- talites." " Le rapprochement des observations sur les maladies populaires demontre leur parfaite identite. En effect, ces maladies sont les memes dans tous les pays, tous les climats, &c. elles sont dans l'abord, de la classe des fievres remittentes & intermit- tentes; elles eprouvent seulment quelques varietes qui ne sont pas plus considerables d'un pays a un autre, que d'un individu a l'autre dans le meme pays." Precis sur les maladies epidemiques qui sont les sources de la mortalite parmi les gens de guerre, les gens de Mer, &c. (a Paris, 1787) Par M. Retz, Medecin ordinaire du Roi, ci-de- vant medecin ordinaire des Hopitaux de la Marine, a Rochefort. Not to extend these references unnecessarily, I will only add, that Lancisi, in his second book De Nox. Pa- lud. Effluv. has given distinct histories of five epidemics, from marsh miasmata, which, in his time, had greatly infested the Roman or ecclesiastical territory. He writes " Daturus%item hoc secundo libro, quinque historias insignium epidemiarum, qua prse aliis nostra atate propter palustres aquas, varia Ecclesiastics ditionis loca parvagata sunt,"&c. p. 188, &c. 199 ease propagated from person to person by contagion, with only this exception, that it is frequently more rapid ; a cir- cumstance which has, however, been commonly overlooked by indiscriminating observers. Upon such occasions, thos6 persons in each family who happen to be most exposed to marsh miasmata, and most susceptible of their effects, will he first attacked; those who are exposed and susceptible, in the next degree, will be the next attacked, and so on in suc- cession. This, which is the natural course of a disorder arising from that cause, has very commonly induced a belief, especially in times of general alarm, that those who first sickened, had communicated the fever to the next, and these to others suc- cessively ; and, consequently, that the fever was contagious. And, in this way, even Stahl, with all his good sense, and dis- cernment was so far misled, that, though justly convinced that regular sporadic intermittents were destitute of any contagious property, he strangely believed them to change their nature, and acquire that property merely by attacking great numbers of persons, in the same season and neighbourhood.* It is not my intention here to notice all the supposed varie- ties of marsh fever, which have been minutely described by Torti and others, with little or no practical advantage. It will be sufficient for my purpose to observe, that the forms most prevalent in hot climates seem to be derived from the tertian, variously complicated, or compounded; and that of these, the form which was called Hemitritaeus, or semitertian, by Celsus, (the Hemitriteon of the Greeks) and to which Lind, Sauvage, and many other modern writers, have ap- plied the name of Tertiana Duplex, or double tertian, is ge- nerally the most malignant and destructive of all the marsh fevers in hot climates and seasons; and more especially when, * " Quid notius quam febris tertiana ? quid certius quam quod ilia legitima, longe absit a contagiosa communicatione ? quid vero familiarius quam ut etiam epidemici, imo contagiosigrassari observetur.'" Stahlius de Febribus.a Goez. p. 29. iOU by great excitement* from the causes already mentioned, the paroxysms are so much prolonged and crowded upon each other, as to appeal" like a continual fever, or, at least, to leave no sensible remission during the first thirty-six, forty-eight, sixty, or seventy-tw o hours; as commonly hap- pens in what is called yellow fever.] This seems to he the " irregular semitertian" of Dr. Fordyce, in which, ac- cording to his Statement, (4th Dissert, p. 61, &c.) "the hot fit is frequently prolonged, so as to leave no other mark of an intermittent to distinguish it from a continued fe- ver, excepting the exacerbations not taking effect in the even- ing." He concludes, however, that it is not a continued fe- ver, from " an agreement of all those who have had, or have seen, or have treated the disease, in the following observa- tion." " It happens often, that a patient apparently becomes greatly relieved, and appears in a state as if he were recover- ing, when, all at once, a fresh attack takes place, and car- ries him off." This, he adds, " is the most formidable dis- ease incident to mankind. It has frequently been called the plague." Alexander seems, as Dr. Fordyce has observed, to have died of an irregular semitertian, caught hy surveying the marshes adjoining the river Euphrates, to ascertain the means by which they might be most advantageously drained. The daily reports or bulletins^ respecting the progress of his disorder, have .been preserved and transmitted to us by Arrian. * Dr. Fordyce, at p. 46 of his fourth Dissertation, mentions as a mischievous effect of strong artei ial action, or general inflammation in intermitting fevers, its prolonging the hot fit, so as 10 render the intermissions imperfect, and converting an intermittent into a continual fever. The late Captain Bernard Romans, w ho was a man of observation, as well as ve- racity, says, in his Natural History of East and West Florida, (p. 238) that the inter- mittent fever, in that part of America, " attacks people in the same form as the con- tinued fever; the first fit frequently lasting three days, without intermission." t Dr. Gillespie says of the Yellow Fever among the W est India Leward islands, in 1794, 5, and 6, that it might « be called a remittent fever, or tertiana continua, as there were always remissionsin cases terminating well,"-and, « as the epidemic insec sibly changed into the form of a tertian fever." 201 In thus connecting what is called yellow fever with inter mittents and remittents, as being only an aggravation of the latter, and, consequently, as being devoid of contagion, I feel myself supported by great authorities, and by facts, as decisive as they are indisputable. There are, however, per- sons of considerable eminence as medical men, who strongly contest the derivation of yellow fever from marsh miasmata, asserting that it has no relation to marsh fevers, but is exclu- sively produced and propagated by a peculiar contagion. This opinion seems to have been very extensively and inconside- rately adopted, especially in Europe; and as a demonstra- tion of its fallacy, if it be, as I think, fallacious, must con- duce to the best interests of mankind, I propose, in the next or fourth part of this Essay, to exhibit a summary statement of the principal facts regarding the history of yellow fever, in different parts of Europe and America, and regarding its manifest connexion with fevers notoriously originating from marsh effluvia; confidently believing that this statement, (sup- ported by ample proofs,) with the conclusions fairly deducible from it, will completely remove all uncertainty or doubt from the mind of every impartial and judicious reader, who shall bestow proper consideration on the subject. All this, however, will not accomplish my undertaking, be- cause there are persons, particularly Dr. Chisholm, who ad- mit that yellow fever, as it existed in the West Indies, previ- ously to the year 1793, was derived from marsh miasmata, and destitute of contagion, but assert, that a " nova pestis, a peculiar, original, foreign pestilence, recently generated, and utterly unknown before, endued with a new and distinct cha- racter, possessing new powers of devastation, and capable of propagating itself throughout the world," was introduced by the ship Han key, into Grenada, on the 19th of February, 1793. See Dr. Chisholm's Letter to Dr. Haygarth, p. 217, and 218. From Grenada, Dr. Chisholm states this new pestilence to have been propagated over not only a great part of the West 26 202 Indies and North America, hut also to Ireland, Cadiz, Ma- laga, Carthagena, and other places in Spain, and also to Gibraltar, and in some of these places, to have supplanted the yellow fever, properly so called. However strange and chimerical this recent generation of a new plague may appear, now that miracles are believed to have ceased, it has been, in some degree, admitted and believed hy a considerable num- ber of persons, among whom are several for whose judgment, in other respects, I feel great deference, and, as the purpose of this Essay w ill not be fully attained, unless it can be made evident that there is no reasonable foundation for believing that the supposed nova pestis was essentially or specifically different from the common yellow fever, of the West Indies, I shall undertake to perform this service, also, to what I tbink the cause of truth, in a separate Appendix* No. 7. In addition to all this, I must observe, that some physi- cians, of great respectability, appear to have believed, that the yellow fever is either commonly or occasionally a sort of hybrid or mongrel disease, resulting from an application of the contagion of typhus fever, to persons who have been pre- viously exposed to the impressions of marsh effluvia, or from the action of the latter, upon persons who have before im- bibed the former. As either of these causes is undoubtedly capable of producing fever alone, in suitable circumstances, we may reasonably suppose, that an effect equally morbid vv ould result from their joint operation, unless there be some- thing in their natures, which disposes them rather to counter- act than assist eacli other. But of this I believe nothing is known; and, therefore, I see no decisive objection to the pro- duction or existence of a fever, from the united action of con- tagion and of miasmata; though there is not, within my knowledge, any fact which either proves or renders it very probable, that any such hybrid production ever has taken place; and, in general, it is not philosophical, or proper, to assign two causes for an effect which may be produced by one. If, however, a mixed disease were producible by these causes, 203 I should expect to find it at, or in the neighbourhood of Ports- mouth, rather than in the West Indies; because, at the for- mer, persons are often exposed simultaneously to the action of both of these causes, which can rarely if ever happen in the West Indies, where the heat soon extinguishes the contagion of typhus fever, and would, probably, hinder the propagation of any hybrid disease, like that under consideration, if it could be either produced in, or conveyed to, that part of America : whereas, such a disease, occurring at Portsmouth, in any season when the temperature is moderate, might, from its affinity with typhus, reproduce itself in persons who had been exposed to the exhalations of marshes, or in the absence of such persons, it might occasion a pure typhus fever only. Sir John Pringle has supposed, (Diseases of the Army, p. 188,) that the Hungarian fever, described by Sennertus,* without his having any personal knowledge of it, and which is said to have spread widely in the year 1566, (as was be- lieved by contagion) must have been " a compound of our au- tumnal and hospital fever," or the hybrid disease in question : and Dr. Lempriere, though he represents typhus fever as a rare disease in the West Indies, (see vol. 2d of Diseases of the Army in Jamaica, p. 25, 32, 33, &c.) yet at page 38 and 39, { of the same volume, he treats of a fever at Jamaica, which he supposes to have been a typhus combined with yellow fever, or modified by the causes producing yellow fever: and, at page 81, he mentions a "variety of yellow fever," attacking sailors and soldiers almost exclusively, and with great mor- • Medical writers have often described fevers as being contagious with so little con- sideration or foundation, that we may reasonably suspect the spreading of this fever, to have been merely an eflcct of marsh miasmata, imbibed by the imperial troops in the marshes of Hungary, and producing their morbid effects, some moiUlts after, when the army had separated and removed into othei situation*, as happened with the British troops who were lately at Walcheren. If this were the case instead of the mixed disease supposed by Sir John Pringle, the fever in question could not have specifically differed from the marsh fevers which so frequently prevail in Hungary, viz the Mor- bus ilungaricus Lang. Leinb. 1. 1. cp. 4, the febria Jluntjarica seu oastrensis of Juuck- er, the amphimcrina Hungarica of S^uvage, Sic ^04 tality, which he supposes to have been a combination of the tropical endemic and of typhus fever. Dr. Chisholm, also, in some parts of his account of the supposed New Pestilence at Grenada, appears (as far as I am capable of discovering his meaning) to imagine that it was generated by a sort of conjunction of contagion, with marsh miasmata, as I shall have occasion to notice in my Appendix, No. 7. And, finally, Dr. Blane also appears to connect yel- low fever with the contagion of typhus, at least when it pre- vails extensively. He says, (p. 609 of his Observations on the Diseases of Seamen.) " After laying together, and con- sidering fully all the facts relating to this subject, it appears to me that the yellow fever cannot be produced, hut in a sea- son or climate, in which the heat of the atmosphere is pretty uniformly, for a length of time, above the 80th degree of Fahrenheit's thermometer; that, under the influence of this heat, Europeans newly arrived, and more especially in cir- cumstances of intemperance, or fatigue in the sun, may be subject to it in many instances; but that it has usually become general only by the previous influence of that infection which produces the jail, hospital, or ship fever, or from the influence of putrid exhalations; and that, when so produced, it con- tinues itself by infection. It would be too tedious to enume- rate the multiplied proofs of this, which have occurred to me in my connexion with the public service." But, though Dr. Blane did not think it expedient, on this occasion, to favour his readers with a statement of the " multiplied prtfofs" in support of his opinion, which had occurred to himself, and which, by that circumstance, would have been highly impor- tant, he seems to have afterwards intended to make a full compensation for this omission, in his letter to Rufus King, Esq. (late minister plenipotentiary from the United States of America,) in which, to justify his belief of the contagious na- ture of the yellow fever, he refers to, and strongly relies upon, the events which followed the capture " of two French armed ships from Gaudaloupe," by the Thetis and Hussar frigates. 205 in May, 1795, on the coast of America. This transaction, though unfortunately, he had no personal knowledge of it, Dr. Blane, selects and holds up to Mr. King, and the public, as affording " a conviction of the reality of infection as irre- sistible, as volumes of argument:" and he afterwards refers to it, in his letter to Baron Jacobi, the Prussian minister, as affording decisive evidence on the subject. I w as, therefore, induced by my particular regard for the writer of that letter, and by the great estimation in which his judgment and expe- rience are deservedly held, to enter upon a minute investiga- tion of this transaction, which I should not have done had it been brought forward on less respectable authority. The re- sults of that investigation will be found in my eighth and last appendix, and they will, I am persuaded, sufficiently prove that yellow fever was not the disease supposed to have mani- fested contagious properties on that occasion. Having thus, as I hope, encountered and removed all the difficulties which were opposed to the adoption of my own conclusions on this subject, I shall proceed to the last part of this Essay. R3TD OF PART THIRD. /* PAH T FOfJ KT1I. As one important purpose to be attained by the view which I am about to take of the hi tory of Yellow Fever, is that of establishing its identity, or near affinity and connexion, with the fevers which are indisputably and notoriously produced by marsh miasmata;—it seems expedient, first to ascertain the characteristic peculiarities of the latter, as they have been generally manifested in the temperate climates of Europe, in order that, being ascertained, they may afterwards serve as points or features of comparison and recognition, in regard to those which distinguish the Yellow Fever. These characteristic peculiarities of marsh fevers appear to be, 1st, that of occurring in their simple and mild form of intermittents during the spring; 2d, that of being exasperat- ed, and converted to remittent, and, apparently, to continued fevers, by excessive summer heat, and this generally with a great increase of malignity, (especially in low and moist situations) when this excessive heat is long continued and ac- companied with a total or very unusual deprivation of rain; 3d, that of being reconverted and brought hack to their mild intermitting form, at the approach or commencement of win- ter, and afterwards extinguished or suspended by a continued frost: 4th, that of most frequently and violently attacking strangers from colder climates, and more salubrious situa- tions;—and 5th, that of never being communicated from per- son to person by a contagious property. Several facts and authorities, tending to prove these peculiarities of the fevers in question, have been incidentally mentioned in the preced- 207 ing parts of this Essay. A multitude of others«might be added, but the following will suffice. Dr. Lind, in his Essay on the Diseases of Europeans in Hot Climates, after mentioning, that " in partiadar spots of the low damp island of Portsea, agues frequently prevail, and sometimes the flux, during the autumnal season," adds " in some years they are much more frequent and violent than in others.*' It is observable, that their attack proves always most severe to strangers, or those who have formerly lived on a drier soil, and on a " more elevated situation." He next mentions, tiie regular tertians vv ith perfect intermis- sions, wiiich prevailed at Portsmouth fin May, June, and July, 1765, and then proceeds in these words, " In the month of August, the quicksilver, in Fahrenheit's thermome- ter, rose to 82° in the middle of the day. This heat, toge- ther with the want of refreshing rains, spread the fever, in- creased its violence, and, in many places, changed its form. At Portsmouth, and throughout almost the whole island of Portsea, an alarming continual, or remitting fever raged, which extended itself as far as Chichester. At the same time the town of Gosport, and the opposite side of the harbour, though distant,only one mile from Portsmouth, enjoyed an almost total exemption from sickness of every kind; and in the neighbour- ing villages and farm houses on that side, only a mild regular tertian ague prevailed, which however distressed whole fami- lies. The violence of the fever, with its appearance in a continued remitting or intermitting form, marked, in some measure, the nature of the soil. In Portsmouth, its symptoms were bad, worse at Kingston, and still more dangerous and violent at a place called half-way houses, half a mile from Portsmouth, where scarcely one in a family escaped this fever, which there generally made its first attack with a deli- rium. In the large suburb of Portsmouth, called the com- mon, it seemed to rage with more violence than in the town, some few parts excepted: but even whole streets of this suburb, 208 together with the liouses in the dock-yard, escaped it. P. 18, 19, 20. This exemption of particular streets, kc. from the disease, is an important fact which often occurs in regard to marsh fevers, and will be easily understood from what has been men- tioned between pages 224 and 229 ; and it well deserves to be remembered, not only as a distinguishing mark of these fevers, (produced by a cause arising immediately from the soil) but also as an incontrovertible evidence of their total want of any contagious property ; for contagious fevers are not thus narrowly confined and limited in their progress. To this testimony of Dr. Lind, I will join that of the late Dr. Robert Hamilton, who practised as a physician, with great reputation, for more than forty years, at Lynn, in Nor- folk ; and published " Observations on the Marsh Remittent Fever," which prevailed, with unusual violence and malig- nity, in that part of England, during several uncommonly hot summers, which followed a great inundation from the sea in 1779, so as very nearly to resemble " its appearance in many places between the tropics." Of this fever, he says generally, " If a very wet winter and spring are succeeded by a very hot and dry summer, in which the ditches and marshes are nearly dried up, it is very generally epidemical, and spreads widely around us. It most commonly appears about the middle of August, and lasts till the ditches are filled with water, and the marshes somewhat covered; which, with a frost, usually puts a period to its raging in that form, for that season; for it now generally changes to the type of a genuine intermit- tent." He deemed this fever, as it prevailed after the inun- dation, in 1779, "to be the same distemper with the bilious remitting fever of the Netherlands, the tertiana duplex of Minorca, the remitting fever of Bengal, tiie yellow fever of the West Indies, and the bilious remittent of Senegal." Sup- posing it to " differ only in malignity and fatality from those of hot countries, in proportion to the difference of climate." See pages 27, 28, 32, 209 If we proceed to the continent of Europe, we shall find, that even in the northern, but low and damp island, upon which Copenhagen is situated, an excessively hot and dry summer, in 1652, was able to produde a violent epidemic ter- tian, of which Thomas Bartholine, (who was attacked, with all his family, by it) has given an account ;* and which fever was the more remarkable, because, upon dissecting the bo- dies of those who died of it, he found the stomach and duode- num always mortified, or, at least, inflamed, as is almost in- variably the case, in those who die of Fellow Fever. Passing over what Forestus and others have related of the violent marsh fevers, (once called the plague,) which fre- quently infested the city of Delft, (almost surrounded by stag- nant waters, and placed on low moist ground) we learn from Silvius de le Boe, that a very malignant remitting, and inter- mitting fever raged within his own observation, at Leyden, in 1669, in consequence of a very hot summer and autumn, with little or no rain, and an unusual stagnation of the air; by which the water of the canals and ditches became greatly di- minished, and highly corrupted. He mentions two-thirds of the principal inhabitants of that city as having died of this epidemic. Sec Prax. Med. tract. X. Sir John Pringle, treating of the autumnal fevers of the British army in Flanders, says, "this remitting fever attend- ed every campaign, and was most frequent and fatal after the • Thorn* Bartholini Historiarum anatomicarum rariorum Cent. I & II. Historia LVI. Febris tertiana Epidemia. « -Estate 1652 prater morum & cceli nostri consuetudinem calidissima & siccisslma. Hafnice & vicinis locis grassabatur febris tertiana intermittents epidemia, quse multas familias velut conspiratione quadam invasit, prostravitque. Varium in hac observavi- mus typum ; niodo enim singulis recurrebat diebus, raodd alternis, mod6 vaga, ssepis- sime post **y. 455, and another, (torn. iii. p. 06) viz.: " Ubi post fervidissimas & siccissimas estates autumnali tempore grassantur epidemics; febres continue, remittentes, &c." f All the epidemic marsh fevers described by Lancisi, appear to have begun about the summer solstice, and to have increased and become more exasperated by great 211 The latter of these authors treating, at p. 18, of the ••Epidemic Remittent Fever" of the Camp at Worms, in 1743, says, " there is another symptom which attended this fever, and that is a jaundiced colour in their eyes and skin, and very often a complete jaundice." Sir John Pringle also describing (at p. 72.) the marsh fevers of Flanders, says, " some grow yellow as in the jaundice: this colour was ob- served to be more frequent iii the first campaign than after- wards : it was an unfavourable, but not a mortal sign." Aftervv ards Dr. Brocklesby mentioned, (at p. 269 of his Ob- servations) as occurring in the autumnal fever of 175T3, among the soldiers, on the Isle of Wight, a "suffusion of bile, which had often tinged the skin of the deepest yellow, and sometimes blackish colour." We see,,therefore, that even in temperate European climates, fevers from marsh miasmata sometimes have this symptom, in common with the bilious remittent, and Yellow Fevers between the tropics. These testimonies, concerning the intermittents of Europe, and the changes of which they are susceptible, might, proba- bly, be thought sufficient for the purpose intended to be an- swered by them; I cannot, however, omit to notice their ap- pearance and effects, as they have occurred in Zealand, par- ticularly during the late expedition to that province. Dr. Wind, who translated into Dutch, Dr. Lind's Essay on Preserving the Health of Seamen, and who, with his fa- ther, had practised physic twenty-eight years in Walcheren, has added to that translation, as we are informed hy Dr. Lind, the following account of these fevers, viz: " at Mid- dleburgh a sickness generally reigns towards the latter end of August, or the beginning of September, which is always most violent after hot summers. Its makes its appearance after the rains which generally fall in the latter end of July: the heat and dry weather until the autumnal equinox; after wiiich they were found to de- cline: and, finally, cease upon the accession of cold winds and rains at the beginning of winter; and wherever fevers observe this course^they may safely be considered as resulting from marsh miasmata. 212 sooner it begins the longer it continues, being checked only by the coldness of the weather." " Towards the end of August, and the beginning of Sep- tember, it is a continual burning fever, attendetf with a vomit- ing of bile, which is called the gall sickness." ^He afterwards mentions that "strangers, who have been; accustomed to breathe a dry pure air do not recover so quickly" as the na- tives ; adding that this fever is "the same with the double tertian fevers between the tropics," that it is, " not infectious," and seldom proves "mortal to the natives."—But that " the Scotch regiment, in the Dutch service has, at Slays, been known to bury their whole number in three years." See Lind, on the diseases of Europeans in Hot Climates, p. 23, &c. This account of the morbid influence of marsh effluvia in, Zealand, was but too well confirmed by the extensive sick- ness which so lately, and in a few weeks, disabled the British - army there, at a time when no extraordinary heat or drought had occurred to aggravate the symptoms. In Dr. Blane's Letter to the Physician-General, dated Middleburgh, Octo- ber 3d, 1809, and printed, with other official documents, presented to both Houses of Parliament, in February, 1810, marked E. p. 103, is tiie following passage, viz : " It appears, from the last general weekly return, that near two-thirds of the wlwle numeral strength of the army is inca- pable of duty. The mortality, during the last four weeks, has been about one thousand. All the regiments are affected in nearly an equal degree; and it does not appear that their ill- ness is connected with the nature of their duty, nor that it is owing to privation or neglect of any kind; for those are equally sickly who have enjoyed tiie utmost ease and comfort in cantonments, as those who have been engaged in the siege of Flushing." " Nor has it been owing to any thing unfa- vourable in this year, in comparison of former ones; on the contrary, the native inhabitants affirm that they are now less sickly than usual at the same season; and they account for it from the unusual quantity of rain that has fallen the last two 213 or three months ; and they consider it as fully established by observation, that the most sickly seasons are those in which there are great drought and heat in the latter end of summer, and the early parts of autumn, owing, probably, to the in- creased putrefaction and exhalation produced by these causes. I find, upon inquiry, that a like degree of sickness prevailed among the French troops, who occupied Flushing during the last seven years; and that, in former times, the Dutch troops from the Northern States of the United Provinces suffered equally. Other proofs, if necessary, could be adduced, to evince that the present unfortunate state of the army here, is solely imputable to the contamination of the air, from a soil the most productive of deleterious exhalations of any perliaps in Europe, producing an endemic fever, which has, at all times, been particularly severe upon strangers in the autumnal months* I find also, upon inquiry, that though this is by far the most sickly season, the residents of this, and the neighbouring islands, are far from enjoying at any season, the same de- gree of health as in the more salubrious parts of Europe;" and, in an unpublished letter on this subject from Dr. Blane to the Surgeon General, dated at Middleburgh, October the 4th, 1809, I find the following observation: " it is fortunate that the administration of medicine is simplified by the uni- formity of the cases, which almost all consist of the endemical intermitting and remitting fever." This deplorable calamity has, however, enabled us to make some very useful additions to our stock of knowledge, respect- ing marsh fevers; and one of these is a full and indisputable confirmation of the fact, which the most judicious and best in- formed physicians already believed, that these fevers do not possess any contagious power or quality whatever: of this I have numerous and decisive proofs now lying before me: a part of them will, however, be sufficient. But I ought previously to observe, that, as all the troops landed in Zealand were more or less exposed to the influence of marsh effluvia, it must have been difficult, if not impossible, 211 to distinguish the effects of contagion, had it existed among them, from those of miasmata; and, therefore, I shall draw no conclusion on this subject from any thing which occurred to the twenty-six thousand eight hundred and forty-six pa- tients, including relapses, who were admitted into the gene- ral and regimental hospitals of the British army there, pre- \ious to the 18th of November, 1809, or to those afterwards added to this number, before the final evacuation ; but I shall confine my inferences solely to what followed the return of se- veral regiments or battalions not required for the occupation of Walcheren, and the removal of twelve thousand eight hun- dred and sixty-three sick, (including a small number of wounded) from that island, and from South Beveland, be- tween the 21st of August and 16th December, 1809, who were all landed, and placed in dry, wholesome situations, within the Kentish and Eastern districts, under the general superin- tendence of Mr. Keate, the Surgeon General. That gentle- man, at different times, visited, and minutely inspected, the several hospitals in these districts; and, upon his return to London, on the 5th of October, 1809, immediately after he had performed this duty throughout the Eastern district, he obligingly put into my hands a statement of the results of his observations respecting the prevalent disease, from which I was permitted to make the following extract, viz. " It is certain, that more or less of the poison w hich created this sickness, has been imbibed by all the troops previously to their leaving Walcheren, and that, in many instances, it has not produced its noxious effects until the men have reached this country, and have even marched to their respective quar- ters. This is obvious at Colchester, Weeley, and Wood- bridge, where many have fallen down with this disorder, af- the slight fatigue of a short inarch." " It does not appear that this disease is of a contagious na- ture, not one of the attendants, whether nurses, orderlies, or medical officers, having contracted it, as I am informed." Mr. Keate told me, relative to this point, that he had made 215 very minute inquiries on the subject, of every medical officer with whom he had an opportunity of conversing, and particu- larly of Drs. Fellowes, Roberts, Wardell, and Tice, and of staff-surgeons, Ross and Emery, and that they were all unani- mous in stating that no instance had fallen under their know- ledge of the disorder having been communicated to any per- son about the sick. Nor did subsequent information or observation alter the Surgeon General's opinion on this subject, as is fully proved by the following extract from his letter to Francis Moore, Esq. Deputy Secretary at War, dated 14th December, 1809. " I must also remark, after much inquiry from the iriost re- spectable medical officers into the subject, that neither in the Kent nor in the Eastern district, had any instance'of conta- gion been know n to have occurred in the General Hospital;" (i. e. those appropriated for the Walcheren sick) "a fact which sufficiently demonstrates the fallacy of the assertion ad- vanced against these establishments, and so readily credited by many persons, viz. that they are the chief cause and source of contagion in armies." The observations made by the Physician-General, w hen he visited the sick, returned from Walcheren, at Harwich, Col- chester, and Ipswich, in September, 1809, were similar to those of the Surgeon-General, in regard to the total absence of contagion, as, appears by his three official letters to the Deputy Secretary at War, of the 11th, 13th, and 15th of that month, printed in the Minutes of Evidence on that subject, by order of the House of Commons ; and that his subsequent information, from the army physicians, and other medical officers, was of the same import, may be inferred from his printed testimony to the House of Commons, on the 8th of March, 1810, when, being asked this question, " might not a fever, of a more fatal kind than that which subsisted among the troops at Walcheren, be generated on board the trans- ports in which they came from that country, so that no infe- rence is to be drawn as to the state of the sick, at the time 216 they were put on board ?" he answered, " if that had been the case, there would have been contagion in the different hos- pitals 1 saw at Harwich, Colchester, and Ipswich, and there was no contagion—nor has there been any contagion." To these testimonies 1 may doubtless be permitted to add tiie results of my own very minute and extensive inquiries on this, to me interesting subject, which have, without exception, most unequivocally manifested the total absence of contagion in or by any of the sick from Zealand. Such was the infor- mation given to me by Mr. Warren, Deputy Inspector of Hos- pitals, who, under the Surgeon General, had the superinten- dance of the sick from Zealand, in the Kentish district, as well as of Dr. Neale, then principal Medical Officer of the General Military Hospital, at Deal, and also of Doctors Faulkner, Faber, Turner, and Morgan, all Fellows of the College of Physicians, and physicians to the army, or em- ployed as such temporarily, with the sick from Zealand, in that district; such also was my information from sir James Fellows and Dr. Roberts, army physicians, and from Drs. Harvey and Laffan, who were then employed as such in the Eastern district. These gentlemen, as well as those in the Kentish district, uniformly assured me, that no patient, hav- ing the Walcheren or Zealand fever, had, as they believed, given that disease to any other; and that, according_to their knowledge and information, none of the attendants, or others employed in the several hospitals, and who had not been ex- posed to marsh miasmata in Zealand, were attacked with the fever in question.* * Mr. Nixon, Surgeon to the first regiment of Foot Guards, favoured me with some valuable information respecting the extent and effects of the Zealand fever, upon the 3d battalion of that regiment, which, to the number of 872, landed at South Beve- land, the 2d of August; of these 359 were attacked with this fever, between the 19th of that month and the 14th of September, (sixteen days :) and though, on the last of these days, they embarked on board the Leyden, to return to this country, and actually re-occupied the barracks at Chatham, on the 16th of September, only 117 of the battalion had ultimately escaped thefrver, on the 8th of Mareh following; and some of the 117, who had so escaped, were, for the first time, attacked by it, 217 In addition to those inquiries I made others, respecting the hospital ships and transports employed in removing the sick from Zealand to Harwich, Deal, and other ports in this king- dom, in order to ascertain whether any of their respective crews had been infected hy this service; but I did not hear of a single instance in which this was even suspected to have happened. Deputy Inspector Warren, in a letter to me, da- ted the 9th of October, 1810, wrote as follows: " In reply to your question, relative to the state of health of the crews of the transports that were employed in conveying the sick from Walcheren to this country ? I have every reason to believe they remained free from the disease, with which the troops were affected ; as I do not find that more than twro or three applica- tions were made for admitting sick seamen into the Hospital at Deal, and such applications would have been made to a considerable extent, if they had at all partaken of the disease." At my request, Dr. Faber made a similar application to Staff Surgeon Lidderdale, who had been employed at Flush- ing, in superintending the embarkation of the sick, removed thence to England; and, in consequence thereof, Mr. Lid- derdale wrote to Dr. Faber, on the 22d of October, 1810, a letter, of which the following is an extract, viz. " The same transports were not always, but frequently, employed in re- moving the sick from Walcheren to this country; and I did not observe that their crews laboured under the same disease as the sick; and, from conversations with the navy, I learn- ed, that only those men who were on shore, and exposed to the same causes as the troops, laboured under the Walcheren fever." He afterwards mentions his having had opportunities of observing the Asia, (a large Hospital ship, carrying about as long afterwards as the middle of June, 1810, Mr. Nixon, however, assured me, th:it neither in the Hospital at Chatham, nor in that of Westminster, to which this battalian was afterwards removed, had there been any appearance of contagion. None of the Hospital servants who were not in Zealand having taken the fever, nor any of the soldiers'wives, or connexions. 28 218 sixty patients in cradles) and declares, that he " saw nothing like infection extended to the crews of that ship." My inquiries were afterwards extended, in order to disco- ver whether any effect, indicating the existence of contagion, had been produced by the bedding and clothes used by the sick at Walcheren, and removed to this country mostly with- out being washed, and in a very filthy condition, as I was in- formed by Mr. Moss, Purveyor of Hospitals there, and by his Deputy, Mr. Boning, verbally. To the former of these gentlemen I addressed certain written questions, in the month of August, 1810; but he, being then on the eve of his depar- ture for Sicily, could not, as he stated in his letter to me of the 13th of that month, " answer them otherwise than in a general way," viz. " several thousand articles of wet and dirty bedding, cloathing, kc. were received from the regi- mental hospitals throughout the island, of which time did not permit either the drying or washing: I found it, therefore, necessary to require a board of survey, in order to decide upon the propriety of shipping them in their actual state; the board having decided that, in so short a voyage, no dan- ger or damage could be expected,—the whole of the articles in question were shipped by the Asia, Ceres, and Eleanor." He adds— " I have not heard that the least sickness whatever prevail- ed among the crews of either of the above ships; and when it is considered that the stores were not landed for several weeks beyond the calculation of the board of survey, it seems clear that the members were fully justified in their opinion." The bedding and clothing in question having been landed, after considerable delay, was transferred to the store-keeper general, whose deputy, Mr. Barker, in answer to a note from the Surgeon-General, on this subject, wrote, (on the 25th of September, 1810) "that the dresses* and bedding, received * These dresses were all of flannel, and mostly worn by the sick next to their skins; they were, therefore, well suited to retain, as well as imbibe, contagion, if any had existed. And even if none had existed, it ought, according to the general opinion 219 from the several transports returned from Walcheren, were, in general, in a very foul state, and were immediately sent to the mills to be cleansed, but he did not hear of any infection having arisen from them to any of the parties through whose hands they passed. Considering these facts as more than sufficient to prove that the marsh fever of Zealand does not possess any contagious quality, I shall now proceed to a rapid view of the History of Fellow Fever in America and Spain. It has been asserted and believed, that the Yellow Fever, at least in its most violent form, did not attack the first settlers in America. Of the truth of this assertion it is now difficult to decide, because no one of the earlier historians has left us any account of their diseases sufficiently minute and discrimi- nating. It is, however, manifest from various facts related on good authority, and several passages in the writings of Peter Martyr, that the earlier Spanish adventurers to the West Indies suffered greatly by marsh miasmata, particularly those who first attempted to establish themselves in Darien about the year 1512, at a place wbich the Spaniards called Sancta Maria Antiqua, where many of them died. Of this place Peter Martyr writes, in the 6th chapter of his third Decade, "that the air is more pestilential than in Sardus (Sardinia). The Spanish inhabitants are all pale and yellow, like unto them which have the yellow jaundice." And this he ascribes not to the latitude but to the local circumstances of the place, situated "on the banks of the river of Dariena, in a deep valley, and environed on every side with high hills; by reason whereof it receiveth the sun-beams at noon-tide, on this subject, to have been generatedby these dresses, and by the bedding of the sick, (which, as I was informed by Mr. Moss, amounted to more than 10,000 separate articles) considering the foul condition in which they were brought and kept together for, I believe, six or eight weeks; and, as no such effect happened, we may here find another proof that contagion, properly so called, is not generated by accumula- tions of mere animal filth, even when derived from living human bodies, under disease, and especially that of marsh fevers. 220 directly perpendicular over their heads ; and they are, there- fore, sore vexed by the reflection of the beams," kc. " The place is also outrageous by the nature of the soil, by reason it is compassed about with muddy and stinking marshes, the infection whereof is not a little increased by the heat," kc. He adds, " now, therefore, they consult of removing their habitations: necessity caused them first to fasten their foot here, because they, which first arrived in those lands, were oppressed with such urgent hunger, that they had no respect to change the place, although they were thus vexed by the contagion of the soil, and heat of the sun ; beside the corrupt water and infectious air, hy reason of venomous vapours and exhalations arising from the same." See Robert Eden's Translation, in black letter, which I have here used, (but with modern spelling) not having the Latin original at hand. This extract will sufficiently prove what, indeed, could not reasonably be doubted, that marsh effluvia have, at all times, destroyed human life in America, as well as in other parts of the w oiid: and if they did not produce an epidemic yellow fever, in the highest degree, among the first European adven- turers thither, the reason, probably, was, that before consider- able towrns were built, the solar heat would not have arisen so high, as it now does in the cities where that disease has most often prevailed, nor would the soil, wliilst nearly covered by trees, be accessible to tiie sun's rays, or capable of producing miasmata so highly concocted, (if I may use that expression) and virulent, as when deprived of its natural verdure and pro- tecting shade, nor would they so readily find the means of in- temperance and debauchery which large cities afford. The earliest marsh, and probably Fellow Fever, of which we have any distinct account, as prevailing epidemically, and with great mortality, in the West Indies, was, I believe, that which occurred at Barbadoes, in the year 1647. From two letters, written by Mr. Richard Vines, then a planter and practitioner of physic in that island, (which were published hy the late Gov ernor Hutchinson, in his collection of Massa- **»* I rhusett's Papers) and from Mr. Ligon's History of Barba- does, it appears, that this fever began in or about the month of August, after a severe drought of six months continuance,* attended with very hot weather, and followed by a great scarcity of food. Mr. Vines' letters were addressed to Go- vernor Winthorp, in New England, whence he had lately arrived ; a circumstance which will account for his sentiments and language on this subject. He appears to have considered the fever as a punishment for the sins of the people of the island, proceeding from " the Lord's heavy hand in wrath;" and, being satisfied with this cause, he does not seem to have inquired for, or thought of any other, but says, in his second letter, dated April 29th, 1648, that, " the sickness was an ab- solute plague, very infectiousf and destroying, insomuch that in our parish, there were buried twenty in a week, and many weeks together fifteen or sixteen. It first seized on the ablest men both for account and ability of body. Many who had begun and almost finished great sugar works, who dandled themselves in their hopes, were suddenly laid in the dnst, and their estates left unto strangers. Our New England men here had their share, and so had all nations, especially Dutch- * But little more than twenty years had then elapsed since the first settlement was made in that island; and so little of it was at that time cleared and cultivated, that dry weather, assisted by great heat, was best suited to the production of noxious miasmata; contrary to what has been the case at Barbadoes, since it attained its high- est state of cultivation many years ago. About the time when this fever prevailed, there had been a great and sudden influx of inhabitants from England, in consequence of the civil commotions at home, and of other causes. Indeed, there never has been an extensively epidemic Yellow Fever known in the West Indies without the previous arrival of considerable numbers of persons from more temperate climates. Hence times of sickness have there commonly been times of war. During peace, a few pas- sengers, arriving in single ships, and dispersing themselves in the cooler, and more wholesome parts of the country, are mostly enabled to escape the Yellow Fever; and the seasoned inhabitants are rarely susceptible of it. f Believing the disease to be "an absolute plague," Mr. Vines, must naturally conclude that it was " very infectious," especially as many persons were attacked by it nearly at the same time; a circumstance which, in that age, was thought sufficient evidence of the contagious nature of a disease. 222 men, of whom died a great company, even the wisest of them." Mr. Richard Ligon, whose History of Barbadoes was pub- lished in 1657, tells us that he arrived there early in Septem- ber, 1647, when " the inhabitants of the islands, and shipping too, were so grievously visited with the plague, (or as killing a disease) that before a month was expired after our arrival, the living were hardly able to bury the dead." Though not a medical man like Mr. Vines, he appears to have bestowed some thought on the physical causes of this disease, and upon the question, " whether it were brought thither in shipping :" or occasioned " by the distempers (irregularities) of the peo- ple of the island, who, by the ill diet they keep, and drinking strong waters, bring diseases upon themselves." And though lie observes that the truth on this subject " was not certainly known," he adds, that he has " reason to believe the latter; because, for one woman that died there were ten men; and the men were the greater deboystes" (i. e. most debauched). "In this sad time (says he) we arrived in this island; and it was a doubt whether this disease or famine threatened most, there being a general scarcity of victuals throughout the whole island." P. 21. The reason wiiich induced Mr. Ligon. to think that the disease had not been imported, is certainly deserving of at- tention : for to have been imported it must have been conta- gious, and a contagious disease would not have spared the women in a manner so extraordinary, merely because they lived more temperately. There were, however, much better reasons for not considering it as an imported disease, which Ligon mentions at p. 25, without being sufficiently sensible of their operation at that time; I mean those arising from the situation and local circumstances of Bridgetown and its har- bour, where the disease seems to have mostly prevailed. " Upon the most inward part of the Bay (says Ligon) stands the town, which is about the bigness of Hounslow, and is called the Bridge, for that a long bridge was made at first 223 over a little nook of the sea, whicli was rather a bog than a sea. A town ill situate; for, if they had considered health as they did conveniency, they never would have set it there," kc. kc. " But (adds he) the main oversight was to build their town upon so unwholesome a place. For the ground being somewhat lower than the sea banks are, the spring tides flow over, and there remain; making a great part of that flat, a kind of frog or morass, which vents out so loathsome a sa- vour, as cannot but breed ill blood, and is, no doubt, the occasion of much sickness, to those that live there." And when it is recollected that this morass was at the east sideof the town, and that the trade wind blowing over the morass upon the town, would directly convey its exhalations to the inhabitants, and that the long-continued hot and dry weather would necessarily render these exhalations uncommonly noxi- ous, we surely need not look for any other morbific agent or influence. A similar fever, and doubtless from similar causes, pre- vailed about the same time at St. Christophers, Guadalupe, «kc. Mr. Webster has lately published the following extract respecting it, from a MS. of the New England Historian, Mr. Hubbard, viz.: " It extended through the plantations in America,* and in the West Indies. There died at Barbadoes and St. Kitts five or six thousand each; whether it was a plague, or pestilential fever, it prevailed in the islands, ac- companied with great drought, which cut short potatoes, (doubtless the sweet potatoe, or convolvulus battatas) and fruit." See New-York Medical Repository, vol. vii. p. 322. P. Du Tertre also mentions this disease, and calls it the * Governor Winthrop, in a letter to Mr. Vines, dated at Boston, 34th August, 1647, had mentioned an epidemic sickness which then lately overran that part of America, and which appears to have been an influenza, and not a marsh, or Yellow Fever. Mr. Vines, after acknowledging the receipt of this letter, writes, (with sentiments like those he had entertained of the epidemic at Barbadoes) " I perceive by your letter, that the Lord did shake his rod over JVew England: it was his great mercy, only to put you in remembrance." By these expressions we may conclude, that the disease ot New England was attended with little or no mortality. 9 ) | plague, (la peste, jusqu' alors inconnue dans les isles, kc.) He says it began at St. Christopher, and in eighteen months carried off one-third of the inhabitants. That it was accom- panied with a violent pain of the head, great debility of the limbs, and a constant vomiting; and that in three days it sent the patient to his grave. Perhaps this is nearly as good a description of the Yellow Fever as one, who was not a medical man, might then he expected to give of it. He adds, that this disease was brought to Guadalupe by a ship called " Le Bceuf," from La Rochelle, in France. He had previously stated that it was imported by some ships (" quclques navires") into the French islands, (St. Christopher's being then half French) without any mention of their names or the places whence they came, and, probably, he had no better reason for this loose statement that a belief that the plague, till then, as he says, unknovv n in that part of the world, must have been imported, and, of course, imported by ships, when the places to which it was supposed to have been introduced were islands. He did not know that the plague (even if it had then been at La Rochelle) could not exist, much less spread epidemically, within the tropics; I need not observe that this is also true of typhus fever; because the latter has not the smallest re- semblance to a disease, attended with constant vomiting, and which generally proved fatal in three days. Therefore, Du Terre's supposition, that the disease was imported and con- tagious, deserves no attention. Fortunately, those peculiarities of season, and of local cir- cumstances, which are necessary to render marsh fevers both 'epidemical and violent, do not commonly recur but at con- siderable intervals : and I do not find that the Yellow Fever again became prevalent in the West Indies until about the year 1686, when it appeared at Martinico, and subsisted for several years. And, as a French ship of war, the Oriftamme, arrived about the same time at that island, with a number of French people, who had, some time before, settled themselves at Merguy and Bancok, in Siam, (whence they had been 225 driven, when the French intrigues at that court were frus trated) the disease, as usual, was supposed to have been im- ported by that ship, and, therefore, was called Mai de Siam. There is not, however, so far as I can discover, any account of the supposed introduction of this disease by the Oriflamme, except that.wThich is given by Father Labat, a Dominican or Jacobin Friar, who arrived at Martinico the 29th January, 1694, seven or eight years after the event in question; and his account (which must have depended on hearsay) is ex- tremely loose and defective.* He tells us that the Oriflamme * Father Labat, after mentioning that one of his order, le Pere Loycr, had been Tately attacked with a disease of which, in the course of it, he was supposed to be dead five or six times, but which without.proving mortal, lasted thirty-two days, adds, " On appelloit cette maladie le »lf.i' de Siam, parcequ'il avoit ete apporte a la Martin- ique par le Vaisseau du Roi, V Oriflamme, qui, revenant de Siam, avec les debris des Elablissemens qu'on avoit fait a Merguy & a Bancok, avoit louche au Brdsil, 01& il avoit gagne cette maladiey qui y faisoit de grands ravages depuis Sept ou huit ans. Ce vaisseau perit en retournant en France. Les Symptotnes de cette maladie etoient autant differens, que I'etoient les temperamens de ceux qui en etoient attaqgez, ou les causes qui la pouvoient produire. Ordinairement elle commencoit par un grand mal de teste & de reins, qui etoit suivie tantot d'une grosse fievre, et tantot d'une fievre interne, qui ne se manifestoit point au dehors." " Souvent il survenoit un debordement de Sang, par tous les conduits du corps, meme par les pores,- quelques fois on rendoit des paquets de vers de differentes grandeurs & couleurs, par haut & par bas. II paroissoit a quelques uns des bubons sons les aislelles & aux aisnes, les uns pleins de Sang caille noir & puaut, & les autres pleins de vers. Ce que cette maladie avoit de commode, c'est qu' elle emportoit les gens en fort peu de temps; six ou sept jours tout au plus terminoient I' affaire." He adds, that he had known but two persons who died of the disease, after it had continued more than fifteen days; that some persons, who felt nothing more than a little head- ache, fell down dead in the street, while walking for the air; and that in most of them, the flesh became as black and putrid in a quarter of an hour after death, as if they had been dead four or five days :—That the English, who were frequently made prisoners, carried the disease to their islands; and that it was communicated by the .same means to the Spaniards and Dutch, and made great ravages when he left the islands, in 1705. He concludes by saying, that he was attacked twice with this disease; that he escaped the first time, after four days of fever, and vomiting of blood,- (" aprds quatre jours de fievre 8c de vomissement de sang") but, that the se- cond time he was in danger six or seven days. Such is his account, faithfully and ful- ly extracted, from pages 72, 73, and 74, of the 1st vol. of the original Paris edi- tion of his " Nouveau Voyage Aux Isles de 1'Ameriques," in 6 vols. 12mo. printed in 172.'. Dr. Chrisholm, at p. 105 and 106, of the 2d vol. of his essay, has given 29 226 touched at Brasil, and caught the disease, which he represents as having been prevalent there for seven or eight years. There is, however, no reason, that I can discover, to believe that any contagious fever has, at any time, subsisted in Brasil, though that country is not exempt from violent marsh fevers; nor is it probable, considering the known jealousyof the Por- tuguese government, in regard to the admission of strangers at Brasil, that any would have been permitted to land from the Oriflamme, and communicate with the inhabitants, so as to become infected by a fever of that sort, if it had existed there. We are not even told wiiich of the harbours in that extensive country tiie Oriflamme entered; she might have anchored in one which was surrounded with marshes, and I should conclude this to have been the case, if it were ascer- an extract on this subject, taken avowedly from the Histoire Generale Des Voyages, which extract is very incorrect and defective, though he asserts that his readers will fi:id it " is literally taken from the original " An assertion which ought not to have bfen made, because it is not true, and because he manifestly had had no op* portunity of comparing this extract with the original of Pere Labat. Unfortunately, there are but too mauy other instances of his want of caution in making assertions, even the most positive ; thought am willing to believe, that an intention to mislead has not been among his motives. Such also is the accounjf of a disease which, accord- ing to Dr Chisholm, " differs materially from the endemic yellow remittent, and bears a striking affinity to the true plague, as well as to the malignant pestilential Fever of 1793;" and we, therefore, need not wonder that this gentleman, who is anxious to. assimilate Yellow Fever with plague, should state this account to have been given by La Fabat, with his accustomed accuracy and minuteness," though I believe few other persons will be satisfied with it in these respects. I'o say nothing of its important omissions, who will believe the occurrence of buboes, sometimes fiilled with stinking, black, coagulated blood, and at other times with worms ? or that there was any foundation for what he says of packets or bundles of worms, 6f different sizes and colours, discharged upwards and downwards ? excepting this, that persons troubled with worms, often discharge them in consequence of fever, and some other diseases; though their doing so is not a symptom peculiar to any dis- ease, and much less to the Mai de Siam But in truth, Pere Labat does not seem to have intended fully to describe the symptoms of that disease, which he says were as different as the temperaments of the individuals attacked by it, and as the causes by which it was produced; a plain indication that he considered the disease as arising from different causes, and, consequently, not always from contagion. This part, however, of Labat's account, is one of those which are omitted in Dr. Chisholm's extract. 221 tained, that * fever was prevalent among her passengers and crew before they reached Martinico, and not until their arrival in Brasil; but if, as seems not improbable, this only , happened upon their arrival at Martinico, we can have no difficulty in finding abundant, and much more likely causes for the disease in the carenage of that island, which even Dr. Chisholm declares to be " the most sickly hol& in the West Indies;" (vol. 2. p. 84.) or, indeed, at St. Pierre, the only other harbour of that island in which a ship of war, circum- stanced as the Oriflamme was, can be supposed to have re- mained.* And, indeed, the greater part of Martinico, is so abundant in every thing favourable to the production of the most deleterious miasmata, that there is no island in the West Indies of the same size in whicli all the varieties of marsh fevers prevail oftener, or with greater mortality; nor can any thing be more chimerical or unreasonable than the having recourse either to Brasil or Siamrf for contagion, as the cause of any fever which ever was prevalent in the West Indies. Of this a multitude of proofs might be given, if the notoriety of the facts did not render them completely unnecessary. * DY. Chisholm, having mentioned that " the prevalence of the yellow remittent fe- ver, at a certain period of the year, at Fort Royal, (Martinico) should not excite surprise, the cause being so abundant in ift neighbourhood," adds, u that part of the city of St. Pierre, called the inouillage, being veiy low and moist, although not marshy, is also subject to the destructive fever during the same period, the hotter months." f Ksempfer, who touched at Siam, in his way to Japan, gives the following account of the river Merinan, the part most connected with the subject of marsh fever. " It overflows its branches like the Nile in Egypt, though, at contrary times, .and by setting the country under water, renders it fruitful. This overflowing begins with the month of September." "In December, the waters begin to fall by degrees." "When the waters fall, and return to their former channel, (the river) they (the inhabitants) are apprehensive that a great mortality will ensue, among men and cattle; to avert which calamity, a solemn festival is kept throughout the whole country, in order to appease the destroying spirits, (miasmata) which remain after the water is run off." "The banks of this river are low, and, for the greater part, marshy, yet'*—" they are pretty well inhabited : along them appear many villages, the houses of which are raised on piles." " From Bankok to the harbour, there is nothing but forests, deserts, and moras- ses." K«mpfer's History of Japan, vol. 1. p. 44. In such a country and climate, marsh fevers may well be supposed to prevail, whenever the surface of tije inun- dated ground is left bare, and exposed to the sun's rays. 228 Soon after this epidemic prevalence of Yellow Fever at Martinico, it seems to have occasioned great mortality at Nevis, (i. e. in 1689, ■ but no description of it, worthy of notice, has been preserved. The same fever appeared again as an epidemic at Barba- does, in 1695, and continued for several years after. Mr. Hughes.mentions this on the authority of Dr. Gamble, who is stated by him to remember that this fever " was very fatal" in that year; and, as all who had any accurate knowledge of it in 1647, were probably dead or removed, " it was then called the new distemper," and afterwards " Kendal's fever;" also " the pestilential fever, and bilious fever." It is said to have been frequent and fatal in May,* June, July, and August, and then mostly " among strangers ;" " though a great many of the inhabitants, in the year 1696, died of it; and a great many at different periods since." " The same symptoms did not always appear in all patients; nor alike in every year." See Natural History of Barbadoes, p. 37. This statement is amply confirmed by Captain Thomas Phillips, in the account of his Voyage to Africa and Barba- does, published in the 6th volume of Churchill's Collection. He was at Barbadoes with a large ship in 1694, and says, it was the fate of that island to be*then " violently infected with * Barbadoes was then so^ generally and highly cultivated, and the soil so much more apt to become deficient, rather than redundant in moisture, that the rains, which commonly begin there in the month of May, were then, as at present, bet- ter suited to the production of Miasmata, than the very dry weather which produ- ced them in 1647. Some other West Indian islands have undergone a similar change, particularly Antigua. Dr. Chisholm states, that when the French, under Mons. IJ'Enambuc, were driven from St. Christophers by the Spaniards, in 1G29, and "sought an asylum in Antigua, they found it so unhealthy, so marshy, and so inca- pable of cultivation, that they, with one accord, intreated their leader to conduct them to .Vloutserrat," them " inhabited by the Carai'bes." Since that time, however, both the soil and atmosphere have frequently become so dry as to produce eftects highly detrimental to the inhabitants and their cattle, &c. Some of these Dr. Chisholm mentions as having occurred in 1779, adding, " when these destructive dr tracts of weather are suddenly succeeded by a profusion of rain, which generally happens once in three or five years, .a very fatal epidemic remittent is the conse- quence." See his Essay, &c. vol. 2d, p. 276 and 279. 229 the plague, so that, in the late war, it proved a perfect grave to most that came there, all new comers being generally seized with pestilence; of which very few recovered. Captain Tho- mas Sherman, of his Majesty's ship Tiger, in two years that he lay there, buried out of her, 600 men, as he told me, though his compliment was but 200; but still pressing new out of the merchant ships that came in to recruit Ids number in the room of those that died daily." " I lost (adds Captain Phillips) about eighteen of my men by it, and, in truth, I did not expect to escape myself, and was, therefore, so indiffe- rent that there was not a friend, or acquaintance of mine, seized with the distemper, hut I freely and frequently went to visit him, which possibly was the reason that I escaped, by having accustomed myself to the town, and most infectious air from the beginning, which I did by the advice of the ever- honoured and worthy Colonel Kendal, &c." "while those that kept in the country, in better air for fear of it, were commonly infected when they came on any business to town. Here died about twenty masters of ships during my stay here, of wiiich number were Captains Gurney and Bowles, who commanded his Majesty's ships, Bristol and Play-Prize." P. 253. It appears from this account that the disease prevailed chief- ly in Bridgetown, and that persons coming to it from healthier parts of the country, and imbibing miasmata, produced by the local circumstances which Ligon had long before described, were attacked by the fever, as constantly happens on similar occasions, at Charleston, Philadelphia, &c. Here it may be observed that, in every instance, wherein the causes of marsh fever have been so powerful as to produce a violent epidemic in the West Indies, and with that exaspera- tion of symptoms which seems more incidental and natural to this kind of fever, than to any other disease, persons have been disposed to consider it as the plague, or a new distem- per. Dr. Henry Warren fell into the same mistake after- wards, (as Dr. Chisholm appears to have done, more recent- 230 ly, at Grenada,) when the Yellow Fever again became preva- lent at Barbadoes, between the year 1732 and 1738. The true plague, indeed, had not appeared in any part of Europe holding a communication with the West Indies, subsequently to the years 1720 and 1721, when it proved most fatal at Mar- seilles and in some other parts of Provence; and, therefore, Dr. Warren concluded, that the Yellow Fever, which he saw at Barbadoes, in 1732, and the following years, and which he denominated a " malignant fever," was a continuation of the plague, which he imagined to have been brought from Mar- seilles to Martinico, and thence to Barbadoes, in 1721, by the Lynn ship of war; although Dr. Towne, who lived and practised as a physician at Barbadoes, about that time, and, in 1724, wrote upon the Yellow Fever there, under the deno- mination of " Febris ardens biliosa," appears to have had no knowledge or suspicion of any such importation, or of any dif- ference between the Yellow Fever of his time, and that which had previously occurred ; nor of its being any other than an indigenous production of that island ;* yet Dr. Warren charges Towne with having confounded " two most different maladies," viz. " the malignant and the ardent fever of Barba- does ;" and he represents the former as being a fever " truly of the pestilential kind," upon grounds and reasons which Dr. Hillary, and others, afterwards contested as being chimeri- * Towne describes his ardent bilious fever as commonly terminating " in a favoura- ble crisis, or the death of the patient, about the fourth day after the attack." (Trea- lise on the Diseases of the West Indies, &c. p. 20.) He supposes this fever to pro- ceed from a redundance of bile, and that the yellow suffusion was produced by the efforts of nature, to depurate the blood, by throwing this redundant bile upon the surface. " The regular crisis, therefore, of this fever, (says he) generally disco- vers itself by a suffusion of the bile all over the surface of the body about the third day." He adds, that an appearance of it may often be discovered "in twelve hours after the attack, if you carefully inspect the coats of the eyes, and the sooner it ap- pears the more encouraging is the prognostic," etc. I have mentioned, at p. 34, my belief, that the yellowness might, with attention, be, in many instances, " first discoven d on the eyes." Probably this would always be the case, if their predominating redress, in the early part of this fever, did not render the yellow tinge, in a great degree, imperceptible. 231 cal or fallacious. But, independently of their facts and argu- ments on this subject, what I have mentioned, at p. 222, 224, of the acknowledged and absolute impossibility of pro- pagating the plague within the tropics, will sufficiently refute Dr. Warren's opinions and allegations. Dr. Hillary was a well-educated physician, and practised, with unequalled credit, for many years, in Barbadoes ; and, as the Yellow Fever does not appear to have prevailed there epidemically, during his time, he must have had the best op- portunities for ascertaining whether it possessed any conta- gious property or not; especially as he, undoubtedly, saw cases of it, arising from all the several causes wiiich have been already mentioned as capable of producing idiopathic Yellow Fever; some of which might he supposed, more likely than marsh miasmata, to occasion fever with a contagious quality. And he has delivered the result of all his observations in the following passage, viz.: " I never could observe any one instance, where I could say, that one person was infected by, or received this fever* from, another person who had it; neither have I ever seen two people sick in this fever in the same house, at, or near, the same time, unless they were brought into the same house when they had the fever upon them, before they came in. From whence (adds he) we may conclude, that it has nothing of a conta- gious or pestilential nature in it, and that it is a different fever in all respects, as it will more fully appear hereafter." See his volume on air, and Epidemical Diseases, in Barbadoes, 2d edit. p. 145, 6. In confirmation of Dr. Hillary's testimony, I shall adduce that of Dr. James Clark, now, or late, of Dominica, deliver- ed in his Treatise on the Yellow Fever, &c. after twenty-five years constant and extensive practice in the West Indies. At p. 22, he states facts respecting the appearance of this fever in Dominica, during the years 1793, 4, 5, and 6, in which years Dr. Chisholm asserts the fever at that island to have been, what he calls, the malignant pestilential fever, brought 232 to Grenada by the Hankey, in 1793, and thence propagated to the other islands : these facts decidedly prove that this supposed malignant fever manifested no contagious quality in Dominica; but I shall reserve them to be employed in my appendix, No. 7, on that subject. The following paragraph, taken from p. 52, 3, of Dr. Clark's Treatise, appears to re- late more immediately to the Yellow Fever, as it commonly occurred before the year 1793. This fever has not prevailed much in these Windward Ca- ribbee islands for many years past. At Fort Royal, in Mar- tinique, where there is a great prevalence of mephitic efflu- via, arising from the marshy ground at the back of the town, it generally broke out in the summer or autumnal season, on the arrival of troops from France, or of a number of seamen wtio had never been in the West Indies before: and the same thing happened at Point a Petre, in Grand Terre, Guadaloupe, almost annually, and from the same cause ; but it was never looked upon as an infectious disease, nor.did it ever spread among the natives of the towns, or among those who were seasoned to the climates; nor was it ever carried from thence to the other islands. In this island but few cases have occurred for these last twenty years, and these have chiefly been at Prince Rupert's Head, where from the stagnated water in a large morass near the town and fort, the marsh miasmata pre- vails in a higher degree. Since the swampy places, whicli were in the town of Roseau, have been filled up, this fever has been seldom observed; but, previous to the year 1792, we had generally violent thunder storms, heavy rains,, or se- vere gales of wind, during the autumnal season:" and these Dr. Clark considers as obviating the prevalence of this fever. I have the more readily availed myself of Dr. Clark's tes- timony, concerning the Yellow Fever at Martinico and Gua- daloupe, because, for more than twenty years, he resided in an island between and very near to both, and because I believe 233 that no French physician, practising in either of those islands, has written any thing on the subject worthy of notice. In regard to Gienada, I have Dr. Chisholm's authority for asserting, that, from the year 1763, when that island "was ceded to Great Britain, and till the year 1793, (thirty years) noncontagious fever, and no epidemic, of the charac- ter of the malignant pestilential fever, appeared" there. See Essay, &c. vol. 1, p. 295. Whether the fever of 1793 was such as Dr. Chisholm has described it, will, I hope, be fully ascertained in my seventh appendix. And here I shall close my view of this subject, so far as relates to the Windward Caribbee islands, with an addition of only one document, declaratory of the opinions and expe- rience, in those islands, and on this question, of the officers of the hospital-staff, in the army, commanded by Sir Ralph Abercrombie, during the year 1796, and a great part of 1797, when, unfortunately, they had but too many opportunities of seeing and treating the Yellow Fever. That my readers may be informed of the origin of this document, I must observe, that, in November, 1796, the medical staff-officers at Marti- nico, were assembled at the General Hospital of La Charite, when an order from the army medical board was read to them, requiring their opinions, concerning the disorders most pre- valent in that army: and it being proposed that a committee should be appointed, to prepare a statement of our opinions, I suggested that a single general statement would, as I con- ceived, but imperfectly answer the purpose, and that it might be better that each individual should separately state his own opinions; and this suggestion being adopted, Mr. Young, Inspector-General of the Hospitals to that army, after some delay, was furnished with our separate opinions, and with those of the Hospital-staff officers in the other islands; an,d, in consequence thereof, he wrote a letter to the army me- dical board, dated St. Pierre, 23d July, 1797, of which the following is an extract, viz.: By his Majesty's ship, Arethusa, I send, agreeable to my letter of the 25th ult. under cover to the Secretary to the 234 board, the opinions of the medical officers of this staff, on the prevailing diseases' among the troops in this country, by which the board will perceive that contagion, or infection has had little or no share in the mortality ; and I must beg leave to add, that it has never occurred in a single instance, to my observation." My own individual opinion was in exact conformity with that which Mr. Young has here expressed. I had never discovered any appearance of contagion at St. Lucia, nor when placed at the head of the hospital depart- ment, at Barbadoes, in the summer of 1796,—nor after- wards, when officiating as physician to the forces at Martini- co ; nor again when placed at the head of the medical staff in Grenada, during a great part of 1797, and until my return to England. St. Domingo next presents itself to our observation, in re- gard to the history of Yellow Fever: of its aptitude in many parts, to- produce highly noxious miasmata, and the fevers resulting therefrom, in all their various forms, there has been but too much evidence even within a few years. Wit- ness the many thousands of British soldiers, who perished there by these fevers, between the years 1793 and 1799, and the numerous French army, sent tliither in 1802, under Ge- neral Leclerc, and which in a short space was nearly annihi- lated hy the same fevers; of which a very sufficient account has been given in the Medical History (Histoire Medicale) of that army by its chief physician, M. Gilbert. The earliest mention which I recollect of the prevalence of Yellow Fever in St. Domingo, is contained in certain manu- scripts, of M. Bourgeois, formerly Secretary to the Chambre of Agriculture, at Cape Francais, published, after his death, by his nephew, in 2 vols. 8vo. under the title of " Voyages Interessans Dans Differentes Colonies;" from these it ap- ye&rs, (p. 202) that, in the year 1731, a Spanish squadron arrived at Cape Francais, commanded by Don Manuel Lopez Pintado, in the St. Louis, of eighty guns, who, besides several other ships of war, had, under his convoy, some very rich 235 galloons. They were returning to Spain from Porto Bello, and, having suffered greatly by a storm, had put into the Cape to refit, where they remained five months, surrounded by sources of marsh miasmata; and having already, as we are informed by Don Antonio Ulloa, (in the 5th chapter of the first book of his Voyage to South America) been grievously attacked by the Yellow Fever, " vomito prieto," before they left Carthagena, we need not wonder that, in this last situa- tion, they continued to be afflicted by the same disease, and of a form probably more violent than had been previously noticed at the Cape: especially in regard to Petechias and Hemorrhages, from different parts of the bothy, proceeding, as I conclude, from a scorbutic disposition to which sailors, at that time, were almost invariably subject, especially after long voyages. Here they expended great sums of money, and thereby enriched many of the inhabitants, but, like the Oriflamme, at Martinico, they were accused of introducing, at Cape Francais, a new pestilential fever: " On pretend," says the author of the manuscript in question, (p. 205) " qu'elle occasionna l'esp'ce de mal pestilentiel qui a long terns regne dans le Cap, k que I'on traitait faussement du nom de Maladie de Siam," kc. At p. 432, M. Bourgeois, in a " Memoire," written by himself, " sur les maladies les plus communes a St. Domingue," reverting to this event, observes, that " Le nom de Maladie de Siam vint a l'esprit de quelqu'un, a cause d'une espece de resemblance dans la malignite ; aussitot cela se repandit, k cette denomination impropre, est demeuree aux fievres malignes, tres communes dans ce pays-ci. Les plus mal fesantes, s'attachent principalement aux nouveaux ar- rives," ka He then proceeds to mention the most remark- able symptoms of these fevers, especially the violence of their first attack, with a strong determination to the head, inflamed appearance of the face, yellowness of the skin, and profuse hemorrhages from various parts of the body, and sometimes even through the pores of the skin. He adds, p. 434, that all the fevers of St. Domingo are of the same kind, and nearly 236 related to the intermittents, double tertians, and continued fevers, with or without exacerbations, (" avec redoublemens, ou sans redoublemens") in Europe. The name of Maladi* de Siam having been thus applied to the most violent form of marsh fever in St. Domingo, it was adopted by M. Poupie-Desportes, a physician of great merit, who arrived there in the following year, and, during the fourteen succeeding years, kept an account (founded on accu- rate observations) of the weather and diseases, as they oc- curred first at the Cape, and afterwards at Fort Dauphin, by wrhich it was acertained, that the prevalence or absence of Yellow Fever, at those places, invariably depended upon the Changes of season or constitution, in regard to heat and moisture, especially during the summer and autumn. Thus at the Cape, in 1733 and 1734, after very copious rains, ex- tremely hot and dry weather commenced, and lasted during the summer and autumn, inducing a violent Yellow Fever, ('* Mal de Siam" w liich reigned exclusively for the fcpace of four months, and earned off more than half of the new comers and sailors; while there was very little sickness in the more elevated country situations. Again in 1739, 1740, 1741, and 1743, after extremely hot and dry weather for a considerable time, the Yellow Fever again became prevalent, and fatal to a great part of those who were attacked by it, and who, as usual, were chiefly strangers. On the other hand, the tem- perature in 1735, 1736, 1737, 1738, and 1742, was mild, or, at least, moderate; and, in those years, this fever only oc- curred sporadically, and with diminished violence, so that most of the new comers, who were attacked by it, recovered. Mr. Poupee-Desportes also observed, that when this fever prevailed as an epidemic among strangers, and in its more violent forms, at the Cape, and at Fort Dauphin, it affected the seasoned inhabitants only as a mild bilious remittent, or, as he called it, a lymphatic fever. From this constant de- pendance of Yellow Fever upon the state of weather, this author infers that it ought to be regarded " comme-une de ces 237 maladies dont il faut chercher la cause dans la constitution de l'air;" and, consequently, not as produced by contagion. See Histoire des Maladies de St. Domingue, torn. 1. p. 191. I ought here to mention, according to the information given by M. Valentin, formerly " Premier medicin des Armees de St. Domingue, kc. at p. 58 and 59 of his Traite de la fievre jaune d'Amerique, that, in the French West Indian colonies, and especially since the time of Poup'e-Desportes, a distinc- tion has been made between " la maladie de Siam, and la fievre jaune," which last was known under the denomination of '• fievre ardente maligne, ou fievre bilieuse maligne;" ami sometimes under that of " la Matelotte." That these dis uses were " identiques," or, at most, only presented a variety in their effects. That the name Mal de Siam was given when the signs of dissolution of the blood were present in the highest degree, (" au Comhle") when, besides a jaun- dice, the blood became extravasated under the skin, making its way through different natural outlets or passages, and transuding by the pores at some points of the cuticular sur- face, (par les pores de quelques points de la surface cuticu- laire.") It seems probable, therefore, that this distinction, and this application of the name Mal de Siam, were derived from an unusual prevalence of Hemorrhages and Petechia, observed in the crews of the Oriflamme, at Martinico, andjof the Spanish squadron, at St. Domingo, when labouring under the Yellow Fever; and that, in both cases, there was, as might well be expected in such long voyages, and at those times, a great predisposition to scurvy, or to a dissolved state of the blood, in the persons so affected; though Hemorrhages, &c. have occurred not unfrequently in other situations to per- sons under Yellow Fever, and sometimes when there was no appearance of.a scorbutic disposition. Unfortunately, this account of the weather and diseases at St. Domingo was not continued by any other physician after the death of M. Poupee-Desportes: though it appear? from M. Valentin's Treatise, that the French physicians at St. 238 Domingo had generally thought the Yellow Fever to he not contagious, and that this was also his own opinion. Of the Yellow, and other marsh fevers, as they affected the British army at St. Domingo, during the late war, a very good account has been given by Dr. Hector M'Lean, to which I must refer those of my readers who wish for more ample in- formation on this subject; only observing that, he also deli- vers it as his decided opinion, that " what has been called Yellow Fever there, is not an infectious disease; that it is the common remittent endemic of that country, applied to the English or European constitution." This opinion is repeat- ed almost in the same words, at p. 71, and again at p. 78, where he says, " there is no point on which I am more de- cided than the absence of contagion in the remittent of St. Domingo ;" and this he declares to have been the opinion of Dr. Scott, Dr. Wright, and Dr. Gordon, (all physicians, on the St. Domingo Staff,) and of every medical man with whom he conversed at that island.* In regard to the fever which destroyed the army undei* General Leclerc, at St. Domingo, in 1802 and 1803, I must refer my readers to M. Gilbert's Histoire Medicate, only ob- serving that he also declares it not to have been an imported disease, but to have originated in an atmosphere extremely heated, and filled with marsh effluvia (" elle a son origine dans un air tres-chaud, sature d'emanations marecageuses") * Dr. Jackson, who was also on the Hospital-staff at St Domingo, has delivered similar opinions in his Outline of the History and Cure of Fever, &c.; in w.hich he states the endemic fevers of the West Indies to be produced by exhalations from the surface of the earth, and that, " though they often destroy life, they beget no power of propagation in the patient,"—" that they may become epidemic, but not conta- gious." Of their varieties, he says, " the disease, in the more violent forms, is, or ap- pears to be, continued, in some situations; in others it is remitting, and of regular type. In wet weather, and on swampy grounds, the endemic of the country (St. Do- mingo] is usually remitting in form; and, under this form, exhibits appearances of jaundiced yellowness, of black vomiting, purgings of black matter, haemorrhage from different parts of the body, petechia, lividness," &ic. 239 p. 93. He adds, in the next page, that it is not contagious ;'* and that this is the opinion of the generality of Practitioners. ' —But, that it is epidemic for almost all new comers; and a tribute whicli must commonly be paid by them within the first year after landing. And having asked, at p. 77, whether the Fellow Fever be a disease, from the bilious (or marsh) fevers, he answers, " il y a tout lieu dc croire qu'elle n'est autre chose que le maximum des fievres remittentes bilieuses," i. e. there is every reason to believe that it is only the highest or most violent form, of bilious remitting fevers. At p. 80, M. Gilbert advises those who are under the necessity of living in the city of Cape Francois, to remove from the shores of the sea, and especially from the environs " de L'embouchure de la rivLre du haut du Cap; lieux ou la brise de tcrre porte chaque jour les Emanations marecageuses de cette surface im- mense de lagons, qui s'etendent de L'einbarcadere de la Petite anse, au bourg du haut du Cap." The first epidemic fever, in Jamaica, of which I have found any account, is that mentioned by Dr. Trapham, in a little volume, entitled, " State of Health of Jamaica," printed in 1679, about twenty-four years after the capture of the island by Cromwell's forces. In this volume the author, after re- presenting Jamaica as not liable to any pestilential or epi- demical disease, adds, p. 81,—" I know it hath been com- monly received, that, about eight years since, when the vic- * It must be observed, that M. Gilbert delivers this opinion that the Yellow Fever is" not contagious with a sort of qualification ; because he supposes that, wheu great numbers of patients, under this putrid gangrenous disease, as he calls it, are collected together, the emanations from their bodies may excite fever in persons who are con- stantly exposed to them, and also exposed to the causes which originally produced the fever," ("a faction des causes qui la font naitre") but these causes (miasmata) must be sufficient alone, and the emanations from the sick must, therefore, be superfluous. He had observed that the attendants on the sick in hospitals at the Cape, were fre- quently attacked with the fever; but, as this was the case of almost every one out of the hospitals also, and, as the hospitals were, according to his own statement, placed in the most unwholesome part of the town, (whence he says thev ought to be removed) it would have been extraordinary indeed, if persons, by remaining in them, had escaped the disease. 240 torious fleet returned from the signal Panama expedition, that then they brought with them an high, if not pestilential fever, of which many died throughout the country. But, this being a foreign distemper, brought from abroad, the causes of which I could not so well judge of, I am not as yet forced from my opinion thereby, but conclude Jamaica more happy than to be annoyed therewith, directly and originally." Dr. Trapham here alludes to the famous expedition under Henry Morgan, who, at the head of about 1200 Bucaneers, took Panama, in 1670, and returned to Jamaica with so much plunder that his own share amounted to 400,000 dollars. With this he became a planter, was made Lieutenant-Govern- or of the island, and knighted. Of the fever, with which these men were affected, at and after their return, I can find no distinct account; but, as in their march across that part of the continent, they must have been almost continually ex- posed to marsh effluvia, and, after their return, with so much wealth, would naturally have run into debauchery and intem- perance of all sorts, there can be no difficulty in finding suffi- cient causes to produce among them even the most violent fevers in that climate. That marsh fevers have subsequently prevailed at Jamaica, to great and fatal extent is but too cer- tain ; though distinct and accurate accounts of them are wanting; at least, I have found none anterior to the Essay on Yellow Fever, by Dr. John Hume, who, for many years, had the direction of the Royal Marine Hospital, at Jamaica, and was afterwards commissioner for the sick and Inirt of the Royal Navy. This gentleman computes that in 1741 and 1742, after the return of Admiral Vernon's fleet, from the un- successful attempt upon Carthagena, 11,800 sick were sent to the Royal Hospitals of Jamaica, and that, of this number, not less than 7000 were attacked with the Fellow or bilious Fever. " Of these (says he) I used to compute that 1500 died, that is something less than one in four; but, in this, I pretend not to be exact" See Dr. Hume's Essay, in the 241 volume on West India Diseases, published by Dr. Donald Munro. Dr. Williams, in his Essay on the Bilious Fellow Fever of Jamaica, (which Essay occasioned a duel between the author and Dr. Bennet, and the deaths of both) says, this disease, at the time of the expedition to Carthagena, was " so gene- ral and fatal, that people looked upon it as a plague, and shunned the sick as they would contagion." It does not. ap- pear, however, that he, or any well-informed medical man at Jamaica, then believed it to be contagious. On the contrary, Dr. Hume says, (p. 238) "we have undoubted proofs that the. disorder is neither a plague noncontagious, as Dr. Warren has alleged." He observes, that it commonly made " its attack after hard drinking, violent exercise, dancing, and sleeping in the open air ; that " strong muscular men are most liable to it, and suffer most;"■ that " Creole white men are rarely seized with it;" that he "never knew any Creole white wo- men ill of it;" hut has known it prove fatal to European, white women, though " they are not so liable to it as the other sex." He adds, " I have never seen any negro, male or female, native or foreigner, attacked with the bilious fever," p. 237 and 238. In all these particulars the fever at Jamai- ca appears to have agreed with what has generally been ob- served of yellow and other marsh fevers. It appears also, that many of the cases which fell under the care of Dr. Hume, were extremely exasperated, and attended with vomitings " of a coffee colour," as well as " black," and with a mortifi- cation of the stomach, which, he says, was always found after death, " in all such subjects as I have either opened myself, or seen opened by others, after having had black vomiting." See p. 217. Dr. Lind, in" his work on Preserving the Health of Sea- men, says, that the Lords of trade and plantations wishing to ascertain, for a particular purpose, whether the Yellow Fever of Jamaica was contagious or not, " a physician wTas consult- ed, who had long practised in that island, who gave it as his 31 242 opinion, that from the Fellow Fever of that island there was no infection." This (he adds) was not only the opinion of that gentleman in the court, hut is the belief, as I am in- formed, of the best practitioners in that island, and also of Dr. John Eliot," (since Sir John,) " a skilful physician in London, of Mr. Nasmyth," (Surgeon to Admiral Holmes, of Jamaica) *« and many others, who have had opportunities of being well acquainted with the diseases of Jamaica." See p. 292, 3d edit. Of similar import is the testimony of the late Dr. John Hunter, as delivered in his excellent work on the Diseases of the Army in Jamaica, in whicli, at p. 83, he declares him- self «< able to say with certainty, that it, (the Yellow Fever,) is not infectious." He adds, " in the Military Hospitals, the sick, admitted with fevers, were above three quarters of the whole; and they were often much crowded together, yet there wTas no reason to believe that a man, with any other com- plaint, ever caught a fever in the Hospital." This testimony has, indeed, been repeatedly given, though not in the same words, by Dr. Hunter, in different parts of his work. These facts and opinions might probably be thought suffi- cient in regard to the Yellow Fever at Jamaica, had it not been supposed by some persons that a malignant pestilential fever was introduced at that island, from Grenada, in 1793, and there mistaken for Yellow Fever: to ascertain the fallacy of this supposition, it may not be improper to adduce the tes- timony of Dr. Lempriere, now physician to his Majesty's forces, who was then employed in that island. This gentle- man, at p. 22 and 23 of the 2d vol. of his Practical Observa- tions on the Diseases of the Army in Jamaica, says of the Yellow Fever, that it became so prevalent, and proved so fatal in Jamaica, during the years 1793, 1794, and 1795, as to give rise to a very general opinion, that it was highly infec- tious, and that it had been imported from the windward islands by contagion."—" But, to those who understand the influence of contagion, it will appear, that this disease did 243 uot prevail as if it were of such kind ; for it chiefly affected the newly-arrived European, as yet unnerved by the climate, whose high health alone rendered him subject to its ravages ; while the delicate and weak persons, particularly liable to the influence of contagious diseases, were altogether exonerated from this fever." The same author, at p. 29 and 30, posi- tively denies the existence of any contagious property in this fever; adding, p. 31, that it did not spread generally over the island as a contagious disease would have done, in the then existing circumstances ; but " was confined to those situations only w here remittent fevers are most prevalent and fatal, and to those subjects who had lately arrived from Europe with ro- bust and plethoric constitutions." At p. 47, Dr. Lempriere, to account for the occurrence of this fever, with uncommon violence in 1793, mentions that the rains usual in the month of May were then excessive, and that they were followed by very extraordinary heat in June, July, and August; which naturally occasioned a more copious and more concentrated exhalation of miasmata, than in former years ; and as a much greater number of persons arrived about that time from Eu- rope, in consequence of the war, the violence of the fever, and the numbers attacked by it, were very much increased, as might well have been expected; though it attacked none who had long resided at Jamaica, and entirely ceased, as usual, about the month of January; until re-produced by similar causes, in the following summer and autumn. In a paper concerning the Yellow Fever, which prevailed at Jamaica in 1793, 1794, and 1795, read by the late Dr. James Walker, to a medical society, which had been formed at Port Royal to investigate the nature of this fever, the author describes it as attended with a constant propensity to vomit, by which mucus and bile were first thrown up ; and afterwards, generally about the third day, a matter resemb- ling coffee grounds, and sometimes of the colour, consistence, and tenacity of tar. Hemorrhages were frequent, from the mouth, nose, and, sometimes, from the axilla, anus, and va- 244 gina. Near the close of the disease, in those cases which terminated fatally, a yellowness appeared, first in the eyes, and on the neck, gradually extending over the whole body, and acquiring a darker hue; very few had pastechial erup- tions. In 1793 and 1794, the fever did not intermit, and often terminated fatally in two or three days. In 1795, it became somewhat milder, and more protracted. It was near- ly confined to newly arrived Europeans, though some old re- sidents in the interior (and probably high and cool) parts of the island, were reported to have been affected by it. The author believed the disease not communicable from one per- son to another; observing, that "in the public Hospital, where many people were necessarily in the same wards, with numbers in this fever, neither any of them, nor of the atten- dants upon them, were infected." See New York Medical Repository, vol. 1, p. 486, 7. I shall dismiss this subject, so far as regards Jamaica, by referring my readers to a small, but very valuable, Treatise on the Yellow Fever of that island, by Dr. Grant, a physi- cian (as I am informed) of the greatest eminence, and most extensive practice there. He considers this fever decidedly as not being contagious ; and as being only an aggravated form of the remittent of hot climates, exclusively attacking those who have lately arrived from colder countries, and who bring with them an inflammatory diathesis. He observes, however, p. 27, that " in its mildest state, under its clear remitting form, it attacks both the long resident and native;" and that, " for several years past," (i. e. previous to 1801) " the native and European, of long residence, have experienced it, under a greater degree of aggravation of symptoms," than for- merly. Were I to, extend this view to other West-Indian islands, and to the Spanish settlements on the continent of America, particularly at Carracca, La Guayra, Venezuela, Carthage- na, Potto-hello, and Lavera-crux, it would present a repeti- tion of nearly similar facts. Believing, however, that a state- 245 ment of them would he thought superfluous, and even tire- some, I beg leave to direct the attention of my readers to the United States of America, where the occurrence of frost in winter presents the disease in different circumstances,, and where the facts, regarding its origin, nature, and supposed contagious property, have been, within a few years, atten- tively observed, and also discussed with great ability, as well as nice discrimination. Proceeding, then, from Jamaica northward, Charleston, in South Carolina, first offers itself to our observation. And here I gladly avail myself of a statement on this subject, made by Dr. David Ramsay, of that city, in his " Review of the Improvements, Progress, and State of Medicine, in the 18th century, already cited at p. 188. The statement in question is at p. 39, and in the following words : " In the year 1699, a disease prevailed in Charleston, which swept off a great part of the inhabitants, and some whole fa- milies. This was then called the plague, though afterwards supposed to have been the Yellow Fever." * In the year 1732, the Yellow Fever began to rage in May, and continued till September or October. In the height of tiie disorder, there were from eight to twelve whites buried in a day, besides people of colour. The ringing of bells-was for- bidden, and little or no business was done, j In the year 1739, * This disease is mentioned at p. 142, of the first vol. of the History of South Carolina, (London, 1779) as .having "carried off an incredible number of people;" * among whom were the chief justice, the episcopal clergyman, the receiver-gene- ral, the provost marshal, "and almost half the members of the assembly." In- deed, the situation of Charleston, however convenient for trade and navigation, ap- pears to have been, from the beginning, eminently productive of marsh fevers in summer and autumn. Governor Drayton, in his View of South Carolina, (p. 24) says, " at its first settlement, Charleston was said to be so unhealthy, in the au- tumnal months, that, from June to October, the public offices were shut up, and people retired to the country." f Dr. John Moultrie, whose father was, during forty years, at the head of his profession in Charleston, and who, in 1749, published, at Edinburgh, an excellent inaugural Dissertation " de febre maligna biliosa America;, 4to. after mentioning: therein, that this disease prevails most vio^ntly in proportion as the heat of the at- 246 the Yellow Fever raged nearly as violently as in the year 1732 ; and it was observed to fall most severely on Europeans. In 1745 and 1749, (rather 1748) it returned, but with less vio- lence; however, many young people, mostly Europeans, died of it. It appeared again in a few cases, in 1753 and 1755, but did not spread. In all these visitations, it was generally sup- posed that the Yellow Fever was imported; and it was re- marked that it never spread in the country, though often carried there by infected persons, who died out of Charleston, after having caught the disease in it." " For forty-two years after 1749, there was no epidemic at tack of this disease, though there were occasionally, in differ- ent summers, a few sporadic cases of it. In the year 1792, a new era of the Fellow Fever commenced. It raged in this city- in that year, and also in 1794, 1795, 1796, 1797, 1799, and 1800. In these last seven visitations of this disease, it ex- tended from July to November, hut was most rife in August and September; with a very few exceptions (chiefly children) it exclusively fell on strangers to the air of Charleston, and was, in no instance, contagious." mosphcre is greatest, adds, " in Caroli-op\m\o exeunte mense Junk), anno, 1732, cum nullU aura per aliquot hebdoiuadas ccstum torrentem refrigerasset, adeo sseviebat hsec febris, et tam acuta et lethalis erat, ut multis post diem 2m. vel 3m. mortifera esset." " Anno 1748, in eodem loco febris hsec iterum erupit, circa medium mensis Augusti, prima cujus septimana nulla ibi unquam ealidoir erat, ut Mercurius in Fahrenhetii thermometro ad 97°, 97 1-2°, et 98«, in nere umbroso ascenderet, et calor hicce cum multis inibribus diu duravit," p. 8. He adds, at the top of the next page, that the atmosphere, sometime after, became cool, and the epidemic, from a Yel- low Fever, changed to an intermittent " a cceli tern perie in frigidiorem versa, mites> cit et in intermittentem febrim mutabatur." fie observes, in the same page, that though most people thought the fever contagious, he had seen many persons who maintained a close and daily intercourse with the sick, and did not get the dis- ease, if they avoided violent exercise, and exposure to external injuries. He says, p. 6, that the North Americans pretend they derive the disease from the West Indies, but that the West Indians say it is not indigenous there. He thinks, however, that Sufficient causes exist among both; with and among these causes he includes " ingens ■astus aeris,'" marsh effluvia, violent exercise, drinking to excess of ardent spirits, Sec. He says, the epidemic of 1745 manifestly began from the latter cause, in a sailor, and not from any imported contagion- 247 This uncontradicted statement, publicly made by an eminent and respectable physician, in the hearing of hundreds, who, if it had been erroneous, and particularly if the Yellow Fever had manifested any contagious quality in South Carolina, must have been able, and disposed, to assert the truth, may well be considered as decisive evidence on the subject; especially as it was printed at the request of the Medical Society of that state. Dr. Ramsay had, indeed, previously stated this fact more cir- cumstantially in his address to the same Society, on the 24th of December, 1799, when, speaking of the disease in question, as it had appeared there during the preceding summer and au- tumn, he says, " We have no reason to believe that the Yel- low Fever was either imported among us, or communicated by contagion. It raged most in the north end of King Street, where "the greatest number of persons from the country resided, and in those streets where sea-faring persons usually fixed themselves. No physician, or nurse, took the disease. Stran- gers, who left the city, and afterwards sickened and died in the country, were not the occasion of death, or even of disease, to those who attended them in their last illness." See New York Medical Repository, Vol. 4, p. 100. Again, in the Charleston Medical Register, for 1802, Dr. Ramsay, alluding to the Yellow Fever, which had then recently terminated, declares that " no instance can he recollected in which there was any ground to suppose that the Yellow Fever was either imported, or had been contagious. No physician, nurse, or other person," having " intercourse with persons la- bouring under Yellow Fever, caught the disease. It was ex- clusively confined to strangers, and among them there was no evidence of its being communicated from one to another." The like absence of a contagious quality continued to be manifested by this disease in succeeding years. Dr. Ramsay, in giving an account of the Yellow Fever, as it had appeared at Charleston in the summer and autumn of 1804, (in a letter addressed to Dr. Mitchell, and dated the 14th of December, 1804), writes as follows:—" A few cases of Yellow Fever oc- 248 curred prior to the 10th of July; but, from that day +H1 about the 20th of September, it might be said to be epidemi- . From and after that time it gradually declined, and finally disap- peared about the 1st of November." " The weather was un- commonly warm, while the epidemic raged, and the number and mortality of its subjects increased with the increase of heat. The disease was marked with the ordinary symptoms which have been so often described, and are so well known as to make a new statement unnecessary; but, in the following particulars, an unusual proportion of patients deviated from what had been the more common form of the disease in pre- ceding years. J\Teglected intermittents frequently terminated in Fellow Fever. The black vomit was neither violent nor con- stant, even in fatal cases, where the depleting system was car- ried to a proper extent." " As usual, the disease was con- fined to persons who were strangers to the air of Charleston ; but it attacked some who had resided among us one or two years, and, in a few cases, more." But in these there " has generally been a great proportion of exciting causes, such as intemperance, long exposure to the damps of night, or the scorching rays of the sun." This disease, in no instance proved contagious." See New York Medical Repository, vol. 8, p. 365. I shall conclude these statements, in regard to Charleston, by the following extract from Dr. Ramsay's Letter to Dr. Miller, dated the 18th of November, 1800, viz. "The disputes about the origin of the Yellow Fever, which have agitated the Northern States, have never existed in Charleston. There is but one opinion among the physicans and inhabitants, and that is, that the disease was neither imported nor contagious. This was the unanimous sentiment of the Medical Society, who, in pursuance of it, gave their opinion to the government last sum- mer, that the rigid enforcement of the quarantine laws was by no means necessary, on account of the Yellow Fever." " My private opinion is, that the Yellow Fever is a local disease, ori- ginating in the air of Charleston." See New York, Medical Repository, vol. 4, p. 218 and 219. 249 North Carolina having no large city, has been less fre- quently infested with the violent forms of marsh fever. But Dr. De Rosset, of Wilmington, in that state, has described, what he calls a pestilential 'fever, which prevailed there in the autumn of 1796, accompanied with yellowness of* the eyes and skin; and " ultimately the true black vomit, as described by writers on the Fellow Fever." He describes Wilmington, as being much exposed to marsh effluvia, and the weather of that summer as having been unusually hot and dry subsequently to a very wet spring: Of this fever, he says, " I have no doubt, in my own mind, of its having originated among us, nay more, of its differing from our common bilious remittent but in de- gree ; of its originating from the same causes, and being aggra- vated by the circumstances of the season." " I did not observe one instance of its being communicated by contagion; nor do I believe it was so." " A few cases every year, of our common fall fever, take on all the symptoms of a violent Yellow Fever." See New York Medical Repository, vol. 2, p. 143, 4. In proceeding northward, our next object will be Norfolk, in Virginia, which, being a considerable port, and abounding in the sources of marsh miasmata, has, on several occasions, been severely attacked with Yellow Fever, as I have already noticed, at p. 191. Several of these attacks fell under the observation of M. Valentin, who landed in Virginia, with many other fugitives, from St. Domingo, in the summer of 1793, as is mentioned at p. 185 ; and this gentleman, after noticing the various attempts made at Philadelphia, to prove that the disease in question had been produced by importation, says, at p. 84. of his Treatise, " Nous avons vu la Maladie eommencer a Norfolk, sans qxCon ait pu'en accuser aucun na- vire recemment arrive: les Medecins de ce lieu n'ont meme jamais eu cette opinion." In the next and following pages he observes, that the Yellow Fever never appears there but in those months when the air is extremely hot and sultry, with but little motion. That, in 1796, the summer was very wet, and the Yellow Fever only appeared sporadically; being 32 250 little more than the common bilious remittent. But, in 1797, the drought was extreme at Norfolk, (and, consequently, the heat) during the whole of July, August, September, and October; and that the Yellow Fever then raged furiously as an epidemic, and with symptoms of unusual malignity, be- ginning about the end of August, and continuing until about the middle of November, when the weather, becoming cold for two or three days, the fever entirely disappeared, as it has invariably done in every part of the United States, soon after the occurrence of frost. Between pages 92 and 102, M. Valentin states a number of facts and reasons, proving the local origin of the disease at Norfolk, &c. and its having manifested no contagious property in circumstances where such property, had it existed, ought to have become evident. He describes the situation of Water Street, at Norfolk, and the composition of the new-made ground, as it is called, which serves as a foundation to the houses of that street, adding, that it is in that part of the town that he has con- stantly seen the greatest number of Yellow Fever patients, labouring under the disease in its worst forms, with he- morrhages, &c. See p. 101. At p. 191 of this volume, I have inserted an extract from an account, given by Doctors Taylor and Hansford, of the Yellow Fever, as it prevailed at Norfolk, in the summer and autumn of the year 1800; and I will here subjoin extracts of another account, given of this disease at the same time and place, hy Doctors Selden and Whitehead, two other physi- cians of Norfolk, viz. " Europeans and natives of the North- ern States, who had not been accustomed to warm climates, were most exposed to the attack of the disease in its severest forms; those, from the same countries, who had resided here for some time, and strangers from this and the neighbouring states, were not exempt, but the disease (in them) put on a milder form ; while those who were born in Norfolk, and were old residents of the place, never enjoyed a greater portion of health, in any former season, none of them died, or were 251 even affected with the prevailing epidemic. This entire ex- emption of the permanent inhabitants of Norfolk, different from what was experienced in more northern parts of America, as Philadelphia, New-York, and Baltimore, may probably be accounted for, on the supposition that our situation and cli- mate here, approach nearer to the circumstances of the West India islands, where strangers in general are the only persons attacked with Yellow Fever." These gentlemen further observe, that, " for more than two months, subsequent to the 25th of June," (of that summer) " the inhabitants of Norfolk lived in an atmosphere constantly heated above the 85th degree of Fahrenheit's scale, and some- times to the 94th and 95th degree, but very frequently above the 90th." That, " on the 5th of October, a, deluge of rain fell, accompanied with a powerful sweeping wind from the North-East; the weather became suddenly very cool; the mercury fell to 48° on the morning of the 6th, and, on the 7th, it was as low as 42° of Fahrenheit. In a/ew days after this, not a vestige of Yellow Fever was to be seen in Norfolk." The same gentlemen add, " that part of the town, where the malignant fever chiefly prevailed, stands entirely on made land, reclaimed from the river by sinking pens of large logs, and filling them up chiefly with green pine saplins, which are slightly covered over with earth, or gravel. In some places large openings are left for the formation of docks ; in others, wharves are formed next the channel of the river, while the interior parts are still covered with water, and, in many others, the lots remain in their original state." They also mention other sources of marsh effluvia, which acted upon, as they observe," by the powerful rays of an almost vertical sun," must have been very sufficient to produce this disease, which, as they state, " for several weeks, after its commencement, was quite local." See New-York Medical Repository, vol. 4. p. 129 and seq. The same disease prevailed again at Norfolk in 1801, when thq four physicians, before-mentioned, subscribed a declara- 252 tion, dated the 12th of October, 1801, in these words, viz. " we do certify that the malignant Yellow Fever, which pre- vailed with violence for some time past, has now nearly ceased, and that the health of the town appears to be improv- ing daily. We know of no instance in which the disease has been communicated by contagion." Medical Repository, vol. 5, p. 225. Baltimore, in Maryland, falls next under our observation. In this city, especially at Fell's Point, or East Baltimore, (which is greatly infested by marsh effluvia,) the Yellow Fever has several times prevailed, and with great mortality, since the year 1793. In a Treatise on this Disease, published in 1798, by Dr. Davidge, a physician of eminence in Baltimore, he states, that in the preceding year, 1797, " the bilious or re- mitting fever, in its ordinary form, prevailed in that town, and particularly at the Point;" and that this continued " un- til it was gradually lost, in the severer degree of Fellow Fever, as the season advanced in the month of August:" that, " from this time, until early in November, when it became entirely extinct, the Yellow Fever alone was observed; and it was obviously more severe, more early in its occurrence, and more general in its prevalence, in the direction of the winds which blew over certain marshes, stagnant waters, and depositions of filth." He, therefore, considers " intermittents, remit- tents, and Yellow Fever, as merely varieties of one disease," —asserting " that the Yellow Fever cannot be propagated by contagion, out of the sphere wherein it originated." See New-York Medical Repository, vol. 2. p. 83, 84. Of the epidemic Yellow Fever which occurred at Baltimore, in the year 1800, the faculty of medicine of that city, in a report to the mayor, say, " after the most scrutinizing in- vestigation, the faculty have found no proof, or even cause of suspicion, that the fever which lately so unhappily afflicted our city, was derived from foreign causes;" and, in support of this declaration, they give a particular account of thirteen eases, in which the disease first appeared, all of whom were in 253 persons who had been exposed to marsh miasmata, but had not communicated with any vessel, " engaged in foreign com- merce ;" and " were attacked at such distances from each other as to preclude the probability of any one of them having derived it from the other." They proceed,—" the gradual manner in which this disease becomes epidemic, is an addi- tional proof that it is not deriv ed from foreign sources;" and after describing the milder cases which occur at the beginning, before the causes acquire fidl farce, they add, " if this disease were imported, the prominent features would develope them- selves at first, and these precursers, and more mild grades of the disease, could not affect thousands on shore, who never had any communication with vessels from the West Indies, or any diseased body." " The faculty believe the following to have been the principal sources of this late malignant fever," —First, " the cove which extends from the mouth of Jones's Falls to the interior of Fell's Point, the bottom of which was left bare, by the recess of the tide, for some weeks, immedi- ately preceding the epidemic appearance of the fever. This was occasioned by the prevalence of north and east winds, which continued a great part of the summer." " Such is the situation of this pestilential cove, that all the filth conveyed into it by the west, north-west, and south winds, must remain to stagnate and putrefy under a summer's sun." " From the united testimony of the physicians at Fell's Point, the disease began on the borders of this cove; and its progress could be traced through the streets, in whatever direction the winds wafted its poisonous effluvia. Such was the pestilential con- dition of this sink of putrefaction, that tiie labourers, employed in filling up its northern shore, were compelled to relinquish their undertaking early in the summer." " Second.—The docks, in general, but more especially the interstices between the wharves, where the water stagnated, and afforded a proper matrix for the generation of pestilential effluvia." They afterwards mention several fither causes, of more 254 limited operation, such " as stagnant water retained in cel- lars," " ponds, and low grounds in the city, and its vicinity;" —and, finally, " the made grounds, of whicb the wharves, and the lower parts of some of the streets, arc formed," a:irt of the city, or that which is nearest the ocean, is chiefly built on a rock, and is a little elevated. But the part 39 306 prevailed. About the end of July, the epidemic made ite first appearance in the Barrio of Santa Maria, inhabited chiefly by New Castilians, who were generally poor and la- borious, and it soon extended itself to the low and damp which is eastward, and adjacent to the harbour, is placed on very low, damp ground, contiguous to marshes. Indeed, almost the whole country round the Bay is flat, low, and swampy, and the sides of the harbour are, moreover, covered by salt pans. An intensely hot easterly wind blew constantly in 1800, for six weeks, over the har- bour, and over the other sources of miasmata just mentioned, conveying the latter directly upon the adjoining quarter of Santa Maria, at the south-eastern side of the town, where the streets are narrow and filthy, and where the epidemic appeared first, and continued longest. Thence it extended itself westward, exactly in the di- rection of the wind. Puerta Real, Puerto Santo Maria, Rota, and the town of Isla, (which last is sur- rounded by salt pans) adjoin either the hr.rbour or the bay of Cadiz, and they all partook of the epidemic, as might be expected, from their low situations, and other circumstances. Not far from Rota is the river Guadalquiver, on whose left or northern bank is placed the city of Seville, round which the country, to a considerable distance, is so low, that, as Mr. Townsend has observed, (Travels through Spain, vol. 2, p. 353) " it is frequently overflowed, and, upon some occasions, the water has been eight feet high, even in their habitations. He adds, p. 356, that " the soil is rich, and being, at the same time very deep, its fertility is exhaustible," p. 357. That,." in conse- quence of vapours and miasmata, occasioned by stagnant water, and by frequent floods, the inhabitants of Seville are subject to tertians, and putrid fevers," (mean- ing the more violent marsh fevers.) What Mr. Townsend has mentioned of the soil round Seville is true, also of the whole countiy along the Guadalquiver, be- tween that city and S. Lucar, a space of twenty leagues; and, therefore, we need not wonder that the towns and villages contiguous to this river should, in all ages, have been noted for the prevalence of autumnal marsh fevers, called by the Span- iards, TavardiUos, or Tabardillos, and resembling what, in the West Indies, are commonly named bilious remittents. These Tabardillos, indeed, were, in some extraordinary? seasons, so much aggravated in this part of Spain as to be deemed the plague. (See Kay's Travels, p' 416.) Don Uodr. Armesto informs us, " that Seville is proverbially offered as an instance of annual (autumnal) plagues, where it never was thought necessary to establish rules of quarantine on any description of vessels." (Medical Repository, 2d Ilexade, vol. 5, p. 131, and seq.) In an ancient work, by Doctor Juan Ximenes Savariego, printed at Anteguera, in 1C02, and entitled Tratado de Peste, I find the authour mentioning, at p. xvii. as the cause of the fever which he calls Tavarditto, pools of stagnant and corrupted water, like that of lagoons and inundations of rivers, such as those of the Guadalquiver, at Seville, these late years. (" Estangucsde Aqua estanqua, y corrompida, como de lagonas, y inundaciones de Rios, como las a avido de Guadalquibir en Sevilla es- IQS anos passados.") He adds, that persons ill of this fever do not generally give 307 streets of Sopranis and Boqueta, (near the sea gate) and thence to the quarters of Ave Maria, and St. Antonia; and having, by this time, attracted the notice of government, a meeting of physicians was convened, who, after consulta- tion, unanimously agreed in reporting the disease to be a simple synochal fever, and not contagious. Indeed, the epi- demic was so mild (as often happens at the early appearance of marsh fevers without the tropics) that even at a third meeting of the physicians, several of them declared they had not lost a single patient by the reigning disease, and many asserted, that of two or three hundred cases, not more than one or two had terminated unfavourable. At this meeting, however, a student of the College of Medicine, at Cadiz, Friar Juan de Acosta, belonging to the Convent of St. Juan de Dios, who had seen most of the sick brought into the Hospital of this convent, (adjoining the Barrio of Santa Maria,) declared the fever to be very acute, and of a very bad sort, but concurred with the others in thinking it not contagious.* Some days after this, says Dr. Arejula, " we, physicians in Cadiz, began to observe these fevers more seriously and attentively. It was natural that, having called them gastrico bilious fevers, void of contagion, we should also believe the cause of them to be general, existing in the town; we recol- lected, according to the text of tbe great Hippocrates, and the observations of succeeding physicians, that much rain in win- ter and spring, followed by great heat in summer, like that which had been experienced at Cadiz, was the cause of fevers, it to their attendants. When we consider how unusually the rains were pro- longed throughout this part of Spain, in the spring of 1800, and the inundations which must have been thereby produced, together with the intensely hot and dry weather, which succeeded and lasted for a long time, we certainly need not be at any loss respecting the cause of this epidemic. • See "Breve Descripcion de la Fiebre Amarilla padecida en las Andalusias," fecc. or a Brief Description of the Yellow Fever which prevailed in the Andalusias^ Stc from 1S00 to 1804 inclusive, by Don Juan Manuel de Arejula, printed in 1800, at the Royal Press in Madrid, 8vo. pages 154. 156. 318. SOS epidemics, and the plague. We thought, moreover, that we had found another powerful cause in the kennels (Canerias) occupying flic middle of our streets, and receiving all the foul water, and excrementitious matters, which we considered as sources of carbonic, hydrogenous, ammoniacal, sulphuret- ted-hydrogenous, and other unwholesome gazes." It seems, however, that, notwithstanding these opinions, the physicians of Cadiz, (as those of other places have often done) soon lost sight of the effects of miasmata, or rather ascribed these effects to a supposed contagion, extending from the bodies of the sick to the well. They observed, says Arejula, " tiiat the person nearest the sick was commonly the first attacked with the dis- order, and that, if it got into a house, all had it in a few days ; that it proceeded from one to the next house, and thus extend- ed the length of a street;" and this course, which, however, was neither constant nor uniform, they considered as a deci- sive proof of contagion ; though, supposing what must have been true, that where the disease made this progress, tiie houses and persons wrere within the reach of miasmata, the facts in question might be as well explained without, as by the operation of a contagious influence. At p. 248, Arejula endeavours farther to account for the spreading of the disease, by stating that the New Castillians, among whom the fever began, and who, being greatly attached to the second person of the trinity, and members of a frater- nity, bearing his name, and believing that their devout and fervent supplications to him, would stop the epidemic, deter- mined upon making a solemn procession, with his image, and obtained permission for that purpose, from the magistrates, though not until they had had recourse to menaces, which in- timidated the government. The procession accordingly took place, about the 5th of August, an immense concourse of the people joining therein, and it lasted seven hours; during which time, these unfortunate people were exposed to the rays of a burning sun, and, under great fatigue, to all the mental agitations which religion or fear could produce; and thi% 309 chiefly in those parts of the town where the marsh miasmata were most powerful. That a procession, in such circumstances, should produce a great extension of the disease can hardly be doubted; though not in the way which Arejula, and others, have supposed; for, as the well, and not the sick, joined in the procession, personal contagion was not likely to be present and active among them. Similar processions were continued almost daily, and, undoubtedly, with very mischievous effects, until Don Tomas de Morla, as Captain General of Andalusia, assumed the government, and put an entire stop to'them; but the disease had then nearly reached its full extent.* At Seville the fever first appeared in the low, unwholesome suburb of Triana, consisting chiefly of narrow unpaved streets, adjoining the Guadalquiver, but on the side opposite to the city. It next appeared in another unwholesome suburb ; that of Los Humeros, also adjoining the river, and only separated by it from Triana; and thence by the middle of September, it had extended nearly over the whole city, occasioning, be- fore it terminated, the deaths of fourteen thousand, six hun- dred, and eighty-five persons therein. When the physicians at Cadiz had mistaken the effects of miasmata for those of personal contagion, (a mistake wiiich, in that crowded city, and with its numerous processions, &c. it might have been difficult to avoid) the next step was to ascertain its origin. I do not find that, on any former appear- ance of Yellow Fever, in that city, its introduction, from any part of America, had ever been suspected, or that any precau- tion had ever been employed for its exclusion : though, if it had been a contagious disease, such precautions would have * Don R. Armesto says the evil was augmented by making public fires in the Streets of Cadiz to purify the air, and thus producing an artificial heat, which pre- cluded the salutary effect that might have sometimes resulted from a slight refresh- ing breeze: that it was augmented also by the dread and panic of reported conta- gion, and by numerous acts of religion, e. g. by the funeral processions which suc- ceeded every death ; by the " holy images, relics, and sacramental objects which were incessantly offered to the eyes of a dejected people," and by " thundering preachers solemnly warning every one of his approaching dissolution." 310 been highly expedient, considering how often the galleons, and other ships from Porto Bello, Havanna, and other parts of the West Indies, had been attacked by the disease, in re- turning thence to Cadiz; as happened to the squadron, &c. under Don Lopez Pintado, mentioned at p. 337. But in the summer of 1800, the government, as well as the inhabitants, of Cadiz, appear to have adopted the belief of an importation of the supposed contagion from America, and a ship, called the Dolphin, belonging to Baltimore, was gene- rally and decidedly selected and accused as having been the ve- hicle of this mischief: and reports were fabricated, by which three persons were stated to have died of Yellow Fever onboard the Dolphin, during her passage, and what had been supposed to be the first cases of the fever at Cadiz, were declared to have occurred in different individuals, who had all directly communi- cated with the Dolphin, or some of her crew; and other sai- lors belonging to the same ship were said to have found their way up the Guadalquiver, through St. Lugar, (in which town however, the disease did not appear until the middle of September) and, by lodging in the suburb of Triana, at Seville, to have produced the Yellow Fever there, some days before its appearance at Cadi*. These stories, in point of de- tail and seeming accuracy, were such as Dr. Haygarth, by his letter of the 23d of May, 1799, solicited Professor Water- house to procure for him respecting the importation of Yellow Fever into Philadelphia, &c. and they were circulated gene- rally, and with great confidence,* so that Don Pablio Vali- ente, Intendant of Cuba, who had chartered the Dolphin, to bring himself and his family to Spain, was, notwithstanding • These stories were adopted, and most of them published, in substance, by Pro- fessor J. N. Berthe, of Montpellier, who was sent by the French government, with two other physicians (M. M. Pierre Lafabrie, and Victor Broussonet,) into Spain, to ascertain facts and collect information, respecting the epidemic of Anda- lusia, in 1800, of which he has given a Precis Historique, in a large volume, 8vo. printed at Paris, in 1802. Some account of the stories, relating to the ship Dol- phin, may be found at and between p. 52 and 59. 311 his rank and connexions, arrested upon a criminal charge, tried before the Royal Audienza, at Seville, and, after a full investigation, and eleven months imprisonment, fully and honourably acquitted of having introduced the Yellow Fever at Cadiz ; and he was, probably, as a compensation for the injustice he had suffered, afterwards promoted hy the govern- ment. In the course of this prosecution, it w as juridically proved, that the Yellow Fever had not appeared at the Hava- na, whence the Dolphin sailed in May, 1800, until some time after her departure; and though she touched at Charleston on the 2d of June, and sailed thence on the 10th of that month, it was, (in consequence of an application from the Spanish govern-* ment,) certified unanimously, at an extraordinary meeting of of the Medical Society of South Carolina, on the 5th of April, 1801, (twenty-two respectable physicians being present) that " to the best of their knowledge, no Yellow Fever had existed in that town, or in the Port of Charleston, prior to the 20th of June, in the year 1800." They also declared, on the ground of specified facts, their conviction that the disease in question Jiad never been propagated by contagion. It was also proved, and particularly by the testimony of Don Jose Caro, a Spanish physician, who had returned as a passenger on board the Dolphin, and was examined, on oath, by the judges at Seville, that the diseases, of which the three sai- lors* had died on board of that ship, were not of the nature of Fellow Fever,] but different diseases, of which an account was given. It was, moreover proved, that no symiitoms of the Yellow Fever had appeared in any person on hoard the Dolphin, and, consequently, that the disease could not have been introduced by that ship. Dr. Arejula has, therefore, deemed it proper to reject the stories concerning the Dolphin, and to confess that it was impossible to ascertain whence the • Professor Berthe, at p. 340 of his volume, has multiplied these deaths to three times three, or nine. f See Dr. Pascalis's Account of this Prosecution, &c. in the New York Medi- cal liepository, vol. 9 p. S86, 7, and 8. 312 epidemic was derived. He, however, represents it as having been spread by contagion from Cadiz, to the other places where it prevailed, and, as having been exactly similar to the Yellow Fever of America, (seep. 153) in which his opinion agrees with that of Professor Berthe, Dr. Gonzales, and other Spanish physicians, by most of whom it is now called, " la Fiebre Amarilla," or the Yellow Fever. After the treatment which Don R. Armesto and his publica* tion underwent, it can hardly be expected that any Spanish author would openly profess to disbelieve the contagious na- ture of this epidemic, or that I should be able to adduce Spanish authorities to support my own opinion on that point,* and I shall, doubtless be thought to have done enough, if, availing myself of the facts asserted or admitted (for other purposes) by those who represent the disease as being con- tagious, I demonstrate the contrary from these very facts. Among the facts in question, one which has been much in- sisted upon by the contagionists, and particularly by Professor Berthe, is what may be called the Geographical Progress of the disease, which, though readily explained, by supposing it to proceed from miasmata generated in particular situations, and wafted in one direction by a long-prevailing wind, is utterly inexplicable upon the supposition of its resulting from personal contagion, because, in great cities, men do not al- ways communicate, in the slightest degree, with their next neighbours, and they never communicate exclusively with these, hut very often with persons at considerable distances, * Don Armesto is not the only person who has been punished in Spain for ex- pressing his sentiments on the subject of Yellow Fever. Doctor, now Sir James Fellows, who went from Gibraltar to Malaga and Cardiz, in order to procure in- formation on this subject, after mentioning, in a letter to me, (dated Algesirus Bay, February 27, 1806) the obstacles which he had encountered, says, the great- est " was the mystery and secrecy with which all the information I obtained was enveloped."—I found the Spanish physicians very willing to afford me information, but I could not get them to tell me all they knew ,■ for, in this country, Doc- tors, who give their opinion too freely, about the nature of a disease, are banished, as was the case of one at Malaga, and another at Carthagena." 313 and in various directions, by whom the effects of personal contagion would soon be felt, and spread on all sides. " It was distinctly observed, says Professor Berthe, at p. 74, that the malady affected to seize, with scarcely any interruption, all the houses which were situated on the same side of a street, and that it rarely passed over to the other side, where the streets were wide, and well aired. In some parts of the town, (he adds) the distemper has been seen to stop, as it were, for a time, as soon as it had reached to houses standing in a pub- lic square, and even to retrograde, with respect to the direction in which it had previously advanced, by appearing in the ad- joining houses, rather than in those which were separated by the breadth of the square." These Mr. Berthe has strangely conceived to be clear indications of the contagious nature of the disease;—as if the next neighbours, on the same side of a street or square, had been the only persons in all Cadiz who visited, or approached, each other. And here I must remark, that, though the professor represents his supposed contagion, as so feeble and inert that it could not make its way from one side of a street or square to the other, he has most inconsist- ently described it in several parts of his work, and particu- larly in his Letter to the French Ambassador, at Madrid, as possessing an incalculable activity. And it is by this, and the supposed rapidity of its extension, that he endeavours to ac- count for the nearly simultaneous appearance of the disease at places so distant as Cadiz, Seville,* and other towns and vil- lages along the river Guadalquiver; an effect which could* have been produced only by miasmata becoming abundant in those low situations, and acquiring maturity nearly at the same time. Another proof of the non-contagious nature of this epidemic is derived from the fact, (admitted by Professor Berthe, and all the contagionists) of its not having spread in the towns or * Dr. Pascalis asserts, that the epidemic first broke out " on the 23d of July, in the suburb of Triana, in Seville, a little before it was noticed at Cadiz." See Medical Repository, vol. 9, p. 389. 40 314 villages, which are at a small distance from the low grounds of the Guadalquiver, particularly the elevated village of Al- cala de los Panaderos, which is distant only three or four miles from Seville, and takes its name from the occupation of its inhabitants, who are Bakers, and make all the bread con- sumed in Seville. " There was, consequently," says Mr. Berthe, (see p. 157, 8.) " a daily communication between Alcala and Seville, through a considerable number of indivi- duals, and this communication was never interrupted, not even during the time when the distemper was committing the greatest havoc in the town;" and when, out of a population of 80,000 persons in Seville, above 76,000 were attacked by the Yellow Fever.* He adds, that, according to the report of the physician at Alcala, twenty-four persons had had the dis- ease in that village, who all brought it thither; ("Pont ap- porte du dehors") that eighteen of these had died; and yet, that in no instance had the fever been communicated there, from one individual to another.f Professor Berthe also men- * When Sir James Fellows returned to England, in 1806,1 mentioned to him, what Professor Berthe had stated respecting Alcala, and he confirmed the state- ment, as a tact, of which he had been informed, on good authority, in Spain ; adding, that the like had happened, in 1804, at two villages near Malaga, prin- cipally inhabited by Bakers, who supplied that city with bread; the persons who brought and delivered the bread at Malaga, sometimes remained there all the following night, and, in that case, were afterwards very commonly attacked with the Yellow Fever, at their own houses; but the fever was never propagated by them to any other person. He made a visit to one of these villages, (Tnrriano) situated upon the declivity of a hill, westward of Uie Agual Medina, about five miles from Malaga—a situation which, being like Alcala, removed from all pro- bable sources of marsh effluvia, may account for the non-appearance of contagion in those who sickened there, much better than a supposition mentioned by Sir James, of its having resulted from the burning, in the Bakers' ovens, of certain aromatic herbs, collected in the mountains. Had they burnt all the spices of the Molucca islands, I,am persuaded they would have proved as useless, for any such purpose, as the fires made in the streets of Cadix were found to be, in 1800. f M. Berthe endeavours to account for the non-communication of the disease at Alcala, by supposing that the fires of the Bakers', ovens had produced a greater ventilation in that village, though, in another place, he acknowledges that the fires made in Cadiz, to produce a similar effect, were not of the least benefit; and, in towns where the true plague has become epidemic, the Bakers, instead of being 315 tions the small town of Scipiona, as one in which the fever did not appear, though but a few miles from San Lucar, where a sixth part of the inhabitants died of it. Scipiona had, however, the advantage of being higher and at a greater distance from the low grounds adjoining the river. M. Berthe also mentions the large elevated town of Medina Sidonia, between Cadiz and Gibraltar, at the distance of eight miles from the salt pans of La Isla de Leon, as another to which the epidemic did not extend.* Another fact, stated by M. Berthe (at p. 69) on the autho- rity of a principal magistrate at Cadiz, (Le Procurador Mayor Don Miguel de Irriharen) is, that, on the day after the great procession, which I have mentioned at p. 309, the number of sick was increased by between five and six thousand new at- tacks: and these are supposed to have been the effect of con- tagion received during the procession. But it is utterly impos- sible that any contagion yet known, should have operated so exempt, have been found the greatest sufferers. This is mentioned, in regard to the plague at Toulon, in 1721. See Traite de la Peste, 4to. p. 49, 50 In my copy of this work, there is a marginal note to this part of it, in the hand-writing of Dr. Russel, in which he states, that "Bakers were remarkably subject to the plague at Aleppo, not from any peculiarity in the contagion, but from circumstan- ces favourable to infection." * It ought to be mentioned, that in the following year, 1801, when the Yellow Fever is understood not to have appeared in any sea-port town of Andalusia, it prevailed, to a considerable extent, in a particular quarter of the inland town of Medina Sidonia, and as may be presumed, from the agency of marsh miasmata, rendered active by causes which I am not able to explain, not being sufficiently acquainted with the local circumstances of the place, and the state of its atmoS* phere, at that time. There was, however, no suspicion of any new importation, of contagion, and even if the epidemic of the preceding year at Cadiz, &c had re- sulted from contagion, and that contagion had been capable of subsisting in a dormant state, over the winter, and becoming active in the following summer, the effects ol its activity would, doubtless, have been manifested in the places where there had been most of it, and where its ravages had been greatest in the year 1800, and not in a town where it had not existed. On that occasion, however, guards were employed to obstruct all communication with the sickly part of Medina Sidonia, and as the miasmata could only reach to a certain extent, the fev«-r did i.ot pre- vail in those quarters which were too remote, and the guards naturally had the credit of having kept the epidemic within certain limits. 316 suddenly, though it has been ascertained that marsh miasmata, in particular situations, do sometimes produce fever within even less than twenty-four hours ,• and that these new cases, as well as the epidemic, generally resulted from the latter cause is abundantly manifest from its similitude in every respect to what have been heretofore noted and ascertained to be the peculiar characteristics of marsh and Yellow Fever : especially the following: 1st. Its having been preceded by that stateof weather which notoriously renders marsh effluvia most abundant and noxious. That this was the case, to a remarkable degree, is admitted by all: and Professor Berthe was so sensible of it, that, at p. 366, he does not scruple to admit, that if no contagion had been introduced at Cadiz, in 1800, the causes of disease there, and in other parts of Andalusia, were such that a violent bilious epidemic, or marsh fever, must have been produced by them, similar to that which was, at the same time, produced by these causes at Cette, and other places along the Mediter- ranean coast. He is, indeed, not willing to consider the fever at the latter places as exactly similar to the epidemic of Cadiz, &c. because he wishes to have it believed, that contagion had co-operated with the other causes in producing this epidemic, and he represents the fever at Cette, as not having been con- tagious. But, after attentively considering his own descrip- tions of both, it is evident that, at the utmost, they could only have differed in (a small) degree, and not in their nature.* 2d. By the greater prevalence and mortality of the dis- ease, in situations nearest to the sources of marsh miasmata.f •Don Rodr. Armesto considers the Mediterranean fever as resembling that of Cadiz, and says, the same epidemical constitution of the atmosphere extended along the Mediterranean, as far as Leghorn and Genoa, adding that, in the latter, " where 150 persons died every day of Yellow Fever, no American vessel could be accused of importing it, as Genoa was, long before, closely besieged by land, and blockaded by sea." fDr. Berthe, for himself and his colleagues, makes a general admission of this fact at p. 161. " The epidemic, (says he) was singularly rapid in its progress, and always most destructive, in low and humid situations." " I might, (he adds) cite on this subject the ravages committed by the distemper in several villages built on 317 This was strongly manifested in the Barrio of Santa Maria, which is stated, even by Mr. Berthe, to have been " le pre- mier Foyer," of the disease, which, (he adds) in that spot, produced " une mortalitt effroyable," (see p. 162.) The ma- lignity was, indeed, such, that the proportion of deaths among those who were attacked, exceeded, by ten times, that of some other situations. Here the disease not only be- gan first, but lasted, after it had ceased in all other parts of Cadiz. A similar difference, in respect of situation, was observed at Seville, where, according to M. Berthe, (p. 103) only one in eighteen of the sick died in the wider and more elevated streets, while, in those wiiich were damp and low, as in Triana, and Los Humeros, the mortality amounted to one-third, and even to one-half; and this difference was ob- served, not only in regard to streets, but to single houses, in some of which, from .their situation, the disease was much more fatal than in others. Such wide differences would not , have accompanied a disease produced by contagion. 3d. By the influence of extreme hot weather, in exaspe- rating this epidemic, and of cold weather, in mitigating, and finally producing a cessation of it. These effects were generally observed; and Professor Berthe has mentioned them distinctly, and in very strong terjns, particularly at p. 154 and p. 324. By the marked severity with which it universally attacked all strangers from colder climates, particularly those from the banks of the Guadalquiver, and compare them with the very different results which it had in other villages at a small distance, but farther from t/te river, or stand- ing on rising ground, at a greater or less elevation. We have procured the most ac- curate accounts in this respect, which it is useless to mention in detail, as they all re- semble each other." This is in exact conformity with the experience of former times. Dr. Lccaan, who, in the reign of Queen Anne, was physician to a British army sent to Spain, in his " advice" to that army, p. 5, says," It is»generally obser- ved, that all over Spain, dwelling houses or towns built near any river side are al- ways unhealthy, and much worse near a marshy ground, where fevers or agues are very common, and more frequently mortal or difficult to cure thanin any other part qf the world." S18 England, Germany, and Prussia, as specified by M. Berthe, at p. 175, 323, and those from Canada, as mentioned in the publication made by the Spanish government. And, on the other hand, by its invariably sparing negroes, Creoles, and persons who, after residing for some years in situations be- tween the tropics, had recently come from them, as is men- tioned by Professor Berthe, at pages 166, 7, 8, and 9; also p. 323. With all these prominent features, it is impossible not to recognise in this epidemic, a marsh or Fellow Fever, and consequently, a fever destitute of contagion. A similar fever less violent, and much more limited in its attacks, occurred again at Cadiz and Seville, in the months of August and September, 1801, and, for some weeks, excited considerable alarm ; but the weather proving to be neither so hot nor dry as in the preceding year, the fever did not increase, and was finally deemed a Tabardillo,* or bilious remittent, such as occurs to a greater or less extent, almost every year, in the southern parts of Spain, as well as on the coast of Barhary. Though the Yellow Fever had, in the year 1800, prevailed at Malaga, and some other Spanish towns on the Mediter- ranean coast, it was with much less violence and mortality than in Andalusia. It recurred, however, at the first of these towns, with great malignity, in 1803, so as to occasion the deaths of 12,000 persons : and, in the following year, it pre- vailed there again with almost unexampled violence and fa- tality ; it being computed that more than twenty-six thousand * If I am not mistaken, the Tabardillo (though often Used in a more general sense strictly means the fever, which Burlet, (in his Dissertation sur les Maladies des Es- pagnols, Ann. 1714,) has named Tritseophia Syncopalis j having paroxysms which re- turn every day, but correspond alternately with each other, as in the double tertian. Riversius calls it Tertiana maligna pestilens. It is said not unfrequently to prove mortal at the second or third paroxysm. Dr. Pascalis says that, during the epidemic of 1800, the Spaniards, not being aware of the absolute unity of the disease, consider- ed the milder cases of it asTaberdillos. See Medical Repository, vol. 9, p- 379. 319 of the inhabitants of Malaga, died in that summer and au- tumn, of this fever. In 1804, as well as in the preceding year, this epidemic appeared first, and prevailed most generally and destructively in a low Suburb, called the Barrio de Perchel,* and in other contiguous low parts of the town, liable to great humidity by inundations, and percolations of water from the river Guadal- medina. And, as the summer of this year, in the south of Spain, France, and Italy, resembled, and even surpassed that of 1800, by its excessive heat, and great want of rain, so the Yellow Fever prevailed, not only in Malaga, but Cadiz, Gibraltar, Carthagena, Alicant, and even as far eastwards as Leghorn, and in all nearly at the same time. It seems, however, to have appeared a few days earlier at Malaga, than at any of the other places, probably because, from local circumstances, the heat of this city (and especially with the Terra!, or land wind) is often greater than in any other part of Spain. (See Carter's journey from Gibraltar to Malaga, vol. ii. p. 406.f) * Malaga is situated at the ftnt of a mountain, and in a very low valley, through which a stream passes,called the Guadel-Medina. This is properly a torrent, which is sometimes nearly dry, but sometimes is so full as to overflow its low banks, aud inundate several parts of the town on ono side, and the whole of the suburb called the Barrio d' Perchel, situated on the other side. I have been informed by Sir James Fellows, who visited Malaga in 1805, that the sites of the houses in this su- burb, and in many parts of the town, are from two to three feet below the bed of the 1 river; aud that, when the stream is full, the water enters into all the lower apart- ments copiously. f '.le tells us at the next page, that in 1637, " 20,000 inhabitants of this city died of the plague, which visited them again twelve years after and carried away the greater part of the citizens" Probably this plague was an epidemic Yellow Fever, like that of 1804. The only objeotion to this supposition is, that Mr. Carter men- tions the plague of 1637, as appearing in the month of May, which according to the old style then used, would have extended to the 10th of June. But an extraordina- ry concurrence of circumstances has, in that part of Spain, sometimes produced in- tensely hot weather, even at an earlier period. The like happened at Charleston, South Carolina, in the year 1732, when a most violent and destructive Yellow Fever appeared there in the month of May, though that disease commonly does not begi to prevail epidemically in that city till August. 320 Early in August, the deaths had become very numerous at Malaga, and had produced great alarm : but a diminution in the heat of the atmosphere having lessened their number; the physicians, on the 14th of that month, subscribed a certificate, declaring that " no epidemic then existed in Malaga, and that the disease which had appeared, was only a sort of inter- mittent fever of a malignant character, similar to that which prevailed in other parts of Spain ; and that its malignity was already so much abated that only five out of twenty then died, though, at its commencement, it had proved fatal to fifteen out of twenty \" (a strong proof, indeed, of malignity!) It bappened, however, that almost immediately after this certifi- cate, the weather again became intensely hot, and the deaths increased so rapidly, that, on the 21st, they amounted to 148 in that single day. The fever wras then deemed not only con- tagious, but pestilential; and effectual measures were unfor- tunately taken to cut off all communication between the city and the country, by which the miserable citizens were com- pelled to remain exposed to the morbid exhalations, whicli caused the disease, and ultimately to perish by it, (as the greater part of them did) and, in the mean time, they were depriv ed of the necessary supplies of food. As the disease had made its first appearance this season at Malaga, and as no body ventured to doubt of its contagious nature, all the other Spanish towns (fifteen in number, besides villages) where it soon began to rage, were presumed to re- ceive the contagion from the former city ;* and (which is per- haps, still more extraordinary) Arejula, who admits (p. 153) * Dr. F. Pascalis mentions (Medical Repository, vol. 9. p. 391) that the physician who, at the beginning of the epidemic, in Malaga, in 1804, first announced its true character, " became so disgraced as to be compelled to exile himself. In three days he arrived in Cadiz, where his servant soon died with Yellow Fever." This happen- ed exactly at the lime when other sufficient causes had rendered the miasmata ac- tive at Cadiz, and, the Yellow Fever soon becoming prevalent, as in 1800, it was as- cribed to this servant, and, of course, to contagion, not miasmata, received by him at Malaga. 321 that this was the true Yellow Fever of America, pretends that the contagion of it was introduced at Malaga, by twobri°s which entered that port, not from America, but from Marseilles, on their way to St. Domingo ; so that the deaths of 120,000 per- sons by this disease, during that year, in Spain only, are thus derived from a French port, where quarantine regulations are executed with tiie great exactness, and where no such dis- ease existed. But, after having so often proved that this fe- ver is void of contagion, and incapable of importation, I shall not be expected seriously to examine tins charge against Marseilles, nor the allegations respecting other places said to have become infected by sommunicating with Malaga ; all of them, so far as I have been able to ascertain their local cir- cumstances, having had within themselves such sources of marsh miasmata, as in such an extraordinary season might, with the experience of former years, have been expected to prove highly morbific* Instead, therefore, of exhausting the patience of my readers, by describing sources of marsh mi- asmata in Spanish towns, where their existence has been proved by the frequent recurrence of marsh fevers, I will pro- ceed directly to a place where these sources are less obvious, I mean GIBRALTAR. And here it is to me a matter of regret, that in describing the situation, and local peculiarities of this interesting spot, I I am, in regard to many circumstances, compelled to rely on my own observations, made at times, when, not foreseeing * Carthagena, besides other sources of miasmata, has within about a quarter of a mile of its bastion, a very extensive swamp, called the Mmojar. Mr. Townsend, at p 137, of the 3d volume of his Travels in Spain, says of the diseases of Carthagena, that "the most endemical are intermittent and putrid Fevers. These arise from the proximity of t/ie extensive swamp, already mentioned, containing many hundred acres, which might easily be drained, so as to produce the most luxuriant crops "— He adds, " in the year 1785, during the three autumnal months, they lost '2500 per- sons, and, in the succeeding year, 2300 more; yet the Almoja; lemainsundrained." To thy' ^.general convalescence\i\>on changing the ground." • I have already referred to Dr. M'Lean's testimony that fatal miasmata arise where there are no veiy certain appearances of marehy soil, and to the instances of this which he adduces from the fevers at Cape Nicholas Mole and St Mark's. Many others might be added to these, if necessary. Even Dr Chisholm, at p 122, of his second volume, has mentioned a production of Yellow Fever, in 1798, at Fort Edward,'in Martinico, by percolations of water, through the sides of a bankj lodging under " the floox1 of the barrack." 324 directly upon the town, or find their way into it, from the declivous surface of the rock or mountain, are so great, as to wash into the sea, the decomposing organized matters con- tained in the soil, before they have had time to form noxums miasmata; and it seems to be only in seasons when there is but little rain for six or eight weeks, that such miasmata can, in Gibraltar, acquire maturity and force sufficient to manifest themselves extensively. But, besides the materials necessary or conducive to the for- mation of miasmata, there is, at Gibraltar, sometimes a co- operation of causes suited to render them extremely powerful and virulent, especially when, as in 1804, an intensely hot le- vant or easterly wind prevails during a great part of the sum- mer, with no rain excepting a few slight showers, just suffi- cient for the extrication or evaporation of these miasms in a state the least diluted, or most concentrated with such a wind intercepted by the perpendicular acclivities of the mountain on its east side, the atmosphere of the town of Gibraltar would remain nearly stagnant,* and the exhalations from the earth, instead of being blown upon the ocean, would be left to accumulate in the narrow streets, and produce the most vio- lent form of marsh fever. To these causes, we may add the great augmentation of temperature, occasioned by the rays of an unclouded summer's sun, reflected upon the town, during the hottest part of the day, from the acclivities of the rock.— Even the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere in this town appears to be very great. Dr. Lind (on Preserving the Health of Seamen) says, " the heat at land, in Gibraltar, ex- ceeded that in the ship upon the water, by eight or ten degrees and also that of Oran in Africa, by six degrees;" and he adds, " that the common heat, during the summer, in the garrison • Dr (Lind, on Preserving Health in Hot Climates, p. 117) writing of Port Vlaho, which is almost surrounded by high mountains, in the Bay of Mexico, says, "the stagnated air thence becomes so unwholesome, that men, after being there a few days, are suddenly seized with violent vomitings, head-aches, delirium, &c and, in two or threa days more, the dissolved mass of blood issues from every pore." 325 of Gibraltar, is from 79° to 87 degrees. See p. 168. We need .not, therefore, wonder, that though agues do not often occur at Gibraltar, the more violent forms of marsh fever frequently prevail there, during the summer and autumn, as is well known to be the case. The late Dr. Donald Monro, in his Observations on the means of preserving the Health of Soldiers, vol. 1, p. 23, says, " at this place (Gibraltar) June, July, August, and Sep- tember, are constantly hot, and the two last sultry ; and in these months the garrison, and inhabitants, are subject to bilious and putrid* ^ disorders ; but new comers seldom escape, and have them in a violent degree. This statement by Dr. Monro, having been shewn by me to Sir James Fellows, on the 3d of June, 1806, was by him con- firmed, on the ground of his own experience, at Gibraltar, in the preceding year, and also on that of documents which he had collected there respecting the state of health of the garri- son in former years. Mr. Pym, Garrison Surgeon at Gibraltar, and long a resi- dent there, mentioned to me on the 27th of November, 1808, that, during the hot months, persons died there every year of fevers, which, by his description, resembled the bilious remit- tent or Yellow Fevers of the West Indies ; the patients often becoming yellow before death ; and, it appears from the 3d volume of Dr. Trotter's Medicina Nautica, (p. 420 and seq.) that a similar fever prevailed, to a considerable extent, at Gibraltar, in the autumn of 1799.f • The words " bilious and putrid," as here used, were apparently intended to signify fevers resembling the Yellow Fever of the West Indies, though, perhaps, less exasperated. f In the year 1766, orders from his Majesty being sent to the governors and com- manding officers at Gibraltar, Grenada, Antigua, Jamaica, Senegal, and North Ameri- ca, " to transmit a report of the most eligible season for landing troops in each of their respective districts, so as to avoid, as much as possible, the inconveniences of the climate," 'Answers were returned to this requisition by the several governors, under their signatures, after proper consultations and inquiries: and a copy of these an- swers having been transmitted, by the Adjutant-General, on the 29th of May, 1809, 326 With such evidence of the morbid effects of marsh miasmata at Gibraltar, there can be no doubt that, however produced, they often exist in that place, during the summer and autumn ; and when, by the unprecedented heat, and drought of these seasons in the year 1804, the marsh fevers of Cadiz, Malaga, and other towns, but little removed from Gibraltar, had been converted into the most violent epidemical Yellow Fever, can it he surprising that this should also have happened at the lat- ter of these places ? Many stories, contradicting and refuting each other, were confidently propagated respecting the supposed introduction, at Gibraltar, of the contagion to which this was by many at- tributed. Among these stories, one derived it from Cadiz, hy means of a Spaniard, named Sancho. Another from Malaga, by a different Spaniard, named Santos. Others designated indi- viduals, with different names, from these places, as having done the mischief. That some persons arrived, and sickened at Gibraltar, after having imbibed the noxious exhalations of Cadiz, and Malaga, may he true, and, also, that this happen- ed about the time when miasmata, similar to those which had occasioned the epidemic in those cities, were beginning to op- erate at Gibraltar, may also be true ; but this is all that can be said with truth. The accounts are almost as contradictory, in regard to the particular time and spot at which the first case or cases of this fever appealed in the town of Gibraltar. This contra- diction, which could not have happened, if the disease had originated from an imported contagion, would naturally oc- cur in regard to an epidemic arising from miasmata, which beginning to act, often at several places, and always in dif- to the army Medical Board, for the re-consideration, I copied the following ex- tract, relating to Gibraltar, (which has also been noticed by Dr. Monro) viz. " Gibraltar, from the middle of November to the latter end of MarcH, the best time for landing ; June, July, August, and September, the worst; the garrison being very subject in these months to bilious and putrid fevers." 327 ferent persons, ahmit the same time, and producing in them diseases of various degrees of violence, it must have been difficult, (as it has been found to be in New York, Phila- delphia, &c.) to draw a line of separation, between the com- mon bilious remittent, and that which, by being a little more severe, were mistaken for a new fever; especially as these marsh epidemics commonly begin w7ith the milder forms, and increase by almost insensible gradations. Hence some accounts represent the epidemic in question as having first appeared at Gibraltar about the tenth of August, and others, as having begun about the 8th or 10th of September, and this in different individuals, as well as places. It appears, however, that the fever began to attract par- ticular notice in several houses near the governor's parade, a little before the middle of September, and soon appear- ed in so many others, that it was found utterly impossible, as might be expected, in an epidemic from such a cause, to trace any sort of connexion, in regard to its progress; and though most of my information has been obtained from gen- tlemen who had believed in the existence of contagion, yet that information warrants me in asserting, that no one fact has been substantiated, to prove that there wras a single in- stance, in which the disease had been communicated from one individual to another: Indeed, it must have been dif- ficult, in a place so confined and crowded as Gibraltar was, to have distinguished between the effects of miasmata and those of contagion, otherwise than by the greater rapidity with which fevers, from the first of these causes, general- ly appear to spread within certaia limits, as then happened at Gibraltar. But I do not find that any experiment was devised, or pains taken, for the purpose of ascertaining the truth, had it been practicable, on this point. Dr. Nooth, an army physician, of great experience, as well as learning, who was then at the head of the medical department in Gibraltar, had, during his long services in different parts of America, become well acquainted with marsh fevers, in 328 their several forms, and he was soon convinced that an exact similitude existed between the most violent of these, and the disease then prevalent at Gibraltar, and, consequent- ly, that the latter was void of contagion; and, though per- sons less acquainted with these fevers, and, therefore, less qualified to decide respecting that of Gibraltar, very gene- rally, concluded the latter to be contagious; and, probably, for no better reason than the fallacious one of its spread- ing epidemically, Dr. Nooth, as I am informed, did not see any cause to change his opinion on this subject. In regard to the symptoms of this fever, they were, in every respect, similar to those of the epidemics then and lately prevailing at Cadiz, Malaga, kc. and, therefore, all my observations on the latter will be applicable to the former. It began at the time when marsh fevefs are commonly most prevalent, and was preceded by that intensely hot and dry weather, which renders them most violent, and which would have destroyed a typhus or contagious fever: and it was ex- tinguished like other marsh fevers, by the rains and cool weather of December, wiiich would not have extingnished any contagious fever yet known : like the yellow and other marsh fevers, it attacked, with the greatest violence and mortality, persons from cold climates; and either did not affect, or af- fected but slightly, persons who had resided for a long time between the tropics, and had but lately quitted that residence. Thus it appears, by the official returns, that the 10th regiment, lately arrived from the East Indies, by the way of Egypt, though 748 in number, besides commissioned officers, lost only twenty-eight men during the epidemic; and of these, the greater part were unseasoned recruip sent to Gibraltar from England : whilst, on the other hand, the regiment of De Roll, consisting principally of Germans, who had not previously served in any hot climate, lost 187 out of 605 men : almost a third of their number. The mortality was greatest on the 2d of October, when nearly 150 died. After the 1st of No- vember, it diminished greatly. $29 Strangers arriving at Gibraltar, while the fever prevailed, were most commonly attacked with it on the 2d, 3d, or 4th day, after their arrival ,• a space much too short for the opera- tion of typhus contagion. Mr. Pym, Surgeon to the garrison, and now Deputy Inspector of Hospitals, who had read and believed Dr. Chisholm's account of the alleged introduction of a new and highly contagious fever at Grenada, by the ship Hankey, imagined the epidemic at Gibraltar to resemble that fever; and he endeavoured, in a conversation with me, to explain how it might be distinguished from the or- dinary bilious fever of Gibraltar; and this was by an ag- gravation of symptoms similar to that which Dr. Chisholm has mentioned as having distinguished the supposed Hankey fever from the ordinary Yellow Fever of the West Indies. Expecting, as I do, to demonstrate, in my seventh appendix, that no fever, of any kind, was derived from the Hankey, and that no such contagious fever as is supposed, ever existed, it cannot be necessary that I should here discuss that subject. In the year 1810, a state of weather, similar to that of 1804, in regard to heat and drought, subsequently to a very wet spring, occurred at Gibraltar, Cadiz, Carthagena, &c. and re-produced the Yellow Fever at all these places ,• but, as this state of weather began later, and lasted a shorter time, than in 1804, the disease was not, in many cases, so violent, nor did it prevail so extensively, or so long, as in that year. The worst cases at Gibraltar appeared in a few transports, upon their arrival from Carthagena, where their crews had been exposed to more virulent miasmata than those at Gibraltar.* * Most of these cases fell under the care of Mr. M'Arthur, Assistant-Surgeon of the th Veteran Battalion, who, in giving an account of them, dated October 29, 1810, writes as follows : " After carefully observing the symptoms and progress of the fever that lately raged here, and comparing h with the accounts of the malignant Yellow Fever that prevails in the West Indies, I am clearly of opinion, that it is ex- actly the same disease. In its symptoms and character, it almost accurately corres- ponded with the description of that disease given by Mosely. N B Dr. Moseley's description was written long before the Hankey was built, and is generally well suited to the severer forms of the Yellow Fever in America. 42 330 In the tow n of Gibraltar, some persons died of the fever in three or four days, but many of tbe cases were milder, and so much like the ordinary bilious remittent, that some doubted whether it was similar to the fever on board the transports. Others imagined that there were two sorts of fevers in the town, one contagious, and introduced by some means or channels unknown, from the transports; and the other, an indigenous, marsh, or bilious fever. Nearly the same varia- tion, in the degrees of violence, occurred in the fever at Cadiz, and would naturally occur to marsh fevers, and to no others in such a season. The following is translated from a decla- ration, dated Cadiz, November 2, 1810, and signed hy Sir James Fellows, and nine Spanish physicians, viz.: " We, the undersigned physicians, having deliberated on the questions proposed to us by the Supreme Junta, relative to the nature and symptoms of the disease now prevalent, have agreed that it is the same in kind as that which raged here in 1800 and 1804, but that it is less frequently malignant and contagious; we having observed, in many of the sick, disorders of a different character, which cause the reigning fever to be less intense and infectious." How a contagious fever, in one set of patients, should be- come less contagious and intense, because others had different disorders at the same time, I do not understand—probably these other disorders were remittent fevers, or Taberdillos. These Spanish physicians, however, seem to have become less confident than formerly, in the supposed contagion of their epidemic; and I am well informed, that but a day or two be- fore the date of this declaration, Sir James Fellows had de- cidedly expressed his belief, that it was not contagious, though he formerly entertained a different opinion of the epidemics in Spain and at Gibraltar.* * Whether Sir James Fellows would ever have entertained such an opinion of these epidemics, had he been left, by Dr. Haygarth and others, to the unbiassed con- clusions of his own reason, may, 1 think, be questioned. And 1 think it right to mention, as an instance ot Dr, Hay garth's confidence in his own judgment, respect 331 Probably my readers will agree with me, that my view on this subject may now be closed with propriety. I might, in- deed, have taken into it hundreds of facts, in addition to those which have been recently noticed, and of similar import; hut I think too highly of their understandings to suppose that such additions can be necessary. There are but few things more obscure or fallacious than the subject of febrile contagion. The matters, (whatever they may be) which produce contagious fever, being like marsh miasmata, imperceptible by our senses, and like them applied to the body through the medium of the atmosphere, we can never directly trace either of these morbific agents backward to its source, so as, by that means, to ascertain whether it had emanated from a person labouring under fever, or from the earth. Fortunately, however, the fevers, occa- sioned by these several causes, are distinguishable from each other by certain characteristic marks and peculiarities, with which, by long experience, and numerous observations, we have been made acquainted, and thereby enabled, with cer- ing a disease which he had never seen, (and of which his notions were most errone- ous) and of his solicitude that others should adopt and act exclusively upon his opin- ion, that, in a letter to a member of the late Army Medical Board, and dated De- cember 16, 1801, he wrote as follows, viz.: " Can you think it proper to leave up- on the medical staff, a single person who doubts whether this pestilence, (the fever at Gibraltar) and all the calamities which it has occasioned, were solely produced by contagion ? Every donbt of this kind will hinder the vigorous measures which will be required for the thorough cleansing all the houses, boxes, furniture, and clothes, from every particle of the infectious .poison. Every hint suggested to discourage the necessity and utility of such purification, will destroy the salutary confidence whieh, in truth, ought universally to prevail." I hope, and, indeed, believe, that Dr. Nooth's retirement from active service was with h'nn a matter of choice, and not an effect of this letter ; but I must think that Dr. Haygarth ought at least, to have had some Jierso/ia/knowledge of the disease in question, and of the facts connected with its origin, before he attempted, on that ground, to deprive the public of the ser- vices of gentlemen who did possess that knowledge, together with as much intellect as himself, and who were therefore, better qualified and entitled to form opinions an the subject. I certainly do not impute to Dr. Haygarth any other than benevolent intentions in this exercise of his zeal; for I believe such intentions have often actua- ted the most violent zealots, whilst persecuting others, even to death, to compel their assent to articles of faith. 332 tainty, to refer each of these fevers to its separate cause. We are, moreover, often enabled, in some degree, to ascertain, by a proper attention to facts, which of these different causes, or rather which of their sources, has been sufficiently ap- proached by an individual or individuals, for the production of disease; and thus to discover the father, by the features of the child, and by the exclusive opportunities of access which the father has enjoyed. My readers will recollect, that all these means have been employed by me in regard to the yellow, and its kindred marsh fevers, especially in the view which has been just closed, by which it has been clearly seen, that they are all the offspring of one parent; and a solid foundation has been thus acquired for presuming, that the yellow, like other marsh, fevers is void of any contagious quality.* It has also been seen that, in many thousands of instances, the Yellow Fever has clearly manifested and proved itself to be completely destitute of contagion. * Those who have imagined that marsh fevers might become contagious, have, probably, never reflected upon the monstrous effects which, in that case, would ne- cessarily have ensued. If the small-pox, measles, &c. had not been rendered con- tagious, these diseases would have existed only in the persons first attacked by them and the purposes, which they were intended to fulfil among mankind, must have failed. But the cause of marsh fevers exists to such an extent, and so perma- nently, that, probably, the loss of human life occasioned by it, without any aid from contagion, exceeds that of all other diseases incident to mankind : and if fevers pro- duced by marsh miasmata could acquire a contagious power, and thereby produce other fevers, in addition to those which their original cause will, doubtless, continue to produce abundantly, and witlwut end, such enormous additions, to the widely- extended and powerful mischiefs of marsh miasmata, would long since, in the ordi- nary course of things, have exterminated the human race. For the coldest habitable regions would not, in that case, have afforded an asylum to mankind, as they now do, from the evils of marsh miasmata. Because that monstrous production of fever, from the contagion of marsh fever, would be enabled to reproduce itself as a con- tagious fever, even in Lapland. And of what description can we suppose such a fever would be ? Does any one conceive that a fever, resulting immediately from the action of marsh miasmata, would resemble one produced by a different cause, i. e. the contagious quality which had been acquired by a marsh fever ? This, and many other absurdities, might have been avoided, by attending to one great fundamental truth ; viz. that no disease is ever contagious, unless it has originated from contagion. And that contagious diseases can only be produced by their respective contagiom. 333 And, as truth is invariable, and the same disease, in suitable circumstances, is always or never contagious, we may safely re- ly on this immense mass of evidence, and conclude, that the few instances of a contrary appearance, (and there are but very few which have not already been shewn to be founded in error or misrepresentation) were observed and reported imperfectly, or under tiie influence of prejudice, or deception.* This con- clusion will, I hope, produce important benefits to mankind, notwithstanding the outrageous criminations hy which Dr. Chisholm has endeavoured to obstruct all free inquiry, and frighten or overwhelm his opponents on this subject. (Letter to Haygarth, p. 159.) Great as the evils may be, of mis- taking a contagious for a non-contagious disease, those pro- duced by the opposite error, are, at least, of equal magni- tude : though, under the influence of terror, the former have been seen with microscopic eyes, and the latter, in a great degree, overlooked. Without insisting npon those expensive delays and embar- rassments, by whicli useless quarantine laws shackle the com- merce, and naval operations of a great maritime country, I • I have already given instances of very erroneous inferences in favour of the sup- posed contagion of Yellow Fever, from facts which, rightly understood, were capa- ble of proving :it to be nora-contagious. The following is an instance of such an inference, from a fact which at the utmost, is but equivocal, viz. Dr. Dancer, of Jamaica, in a note to his « Observations on the Contagiousness and Importation of Yellow Fever, in the New York Medical Repository, vol. 7, p. 253," says, " agree- ably to the information I have received, from several country practitioners, the crews of ships stationed at the ouUports are generally healthy until one or more persons fall sick." A truism which seems applicable to ships at the in-ports also. He adds, " but, as soon as a single instance of Yellow Fever occurs, the disease spreads from one person to another, till it goes through the whole ship, and after- wards from ship to ship." But this, which Dr. Dancer mistakes for a proof of conta- gion, is only, what might be expected from miasmata, among ships lying within their reach. From various circumstances, their morbid effects appear sooner in some persons and situations than in others. Some will, therefore sicken earlier and others later; and Dr. Dancer's mistake consists in supposing that the person who first was attacked, gave the fever to the second, &c. while, in fact, they all drived it from one common source. The like mistake has been made by many others; and even by Dr. Lind, at p. 184, 5, of his work on Preserving Health in Hot Climates. 334 may ask, if it be an harmless error which misleads mankind respecting the cause of an epidemic, and not only induces them to employ vexatious precautious to guard against imagi- nary dangers, but also to neglect the only proper means of future preservation, by meliorating the condition of the places they inhabit ? Dr. John Hunter has well observed that, " by supposing a fever produced by marsh effluvia to be the effect of contagion, an army may be left to perish, iu an unw holesomc situation, which might have been saved by removing to one where such effluvia did not exist." (Dis- eases of the Army, p. 320.*) And it is notorious that, dur- ing the late epidemics in the south of Spain, an unfortunate exercise of civil authority, occasioned the loss of many thou- sands of lives, by compelling the inhabitants of the towns, • It is not always in the power of a general to choose or change his situation, es- pecially when his army is weaker than that of the enemy. But when this is the case, there is good reason to believe that the morbid effects of marsh miasmata may, in a very considerable degree, be obviated, by administering the Peruvian bark, with apsicum, or ginger, allspice, and bitters, copiously to those who are in apparent health. In September, 1809, when an application was made to me by the Surgeon- General, with the sanction of his Majesty's ministers, to join Dr. Blane in the mission then proposed for Walcheren, I fully intended, if possible, to procure a fair trial of these prophylactic means, upon the British troops there. And when I was hin- dered from joining in that mission, by causes which it would be improper to men- tion here, I communicated my ideas and wishes on this subject to the Secretaiy of State for the War Department; in whicli, however, a change was then taking place; and from that, or some other cause, my communication remained without effect. It would have been my desire that each soldier should take night and morning a drachm of the bark in powder, with half as much of powdered ginger, or allspice, or an equivalent portion of capsicum, in a moderate glass of rum, brandy, or gin, or half a pint of porter, 'or the space of a fortnight; and this I would have repeated, after the interval of a week, again and again, till the beginning of December, when the noxious influence of marsh effluvia would have ceased to operate, until the month of May, and then I would have recommenced a similar course, but with smaller doses of the bark, etc. which would, I think, have been sufficient, if begun so early in the year. By such means I certainly should have expected to save many lives, and obviate the necessity of abandoning that island. And this expectation would have been founded upon several facts published by Dr. Lind, Dr. Itobertson, M. Al- phonse Le Roi, &c. and upon others not published, which have either occurred within my own knowledge, or been communicated to me, upon unquestionable authority. 335 where it prevailed, to remain in their morbific atmosphere, lest, by quitting it, they should infect others. These, however, are hut part of the evils resulting from a dread of contagion, where it has no existence. Few in this country have heard or can conceive how often, and to what an extent, the strongest and best ties which unite and benefit mankind, have been cruelly broken, within the last twenty years, in some parts of America and Spain, by persons act- ing under the terror of imaginary dangers; and driven by it, to abandon their homes, their occupations, and even their nearest relatives and dearest friends, in the hour of sickness; and, by this desertion of the duties of humanity, this denial of that assistance, and those consolations which might have been afforded, without the smallest danger, to render these visitations of disease incalculably more afflicting and fatal than they otherwise would have been. Don R. Amesto, in the work heretofore mentioned, asserts that the barbarous and anti-social belief of the importation and contagion of Yellow Fever, has, from its baneful influence in Spain, caused many unfortunate victims to be abandoned, and left to starve in their beds. That others have been slwt at the very doors of houses in which they endeavoured to Jind an asylum ; and that many others were carried alive to their graves." Let the zealots, who have contributed to this monstrous inhumanity, reflect upon it, and if their intentions have, as I hope, been good, let them, at least, maturely examine and re-consider the foundations of their belief, before they again endeavour to carry it into action. It neither requires, nor indicates even a mediocrity of understanding, or learning, to adop the com- mon notion of contagion and foreign derivation, in regard to epidemics; nor does the facility, with whicli these notions are propagated, afford the smallest presumption in their fa- vour. By much the greater part of mankind do not possess either sufficient industry or knowledge for the due examina tion of a subject so intricate, and complicated, nor have they so much of tHc power and habit of close, and accurate, rea- 336 soning, as is necessary to decide respecting it. Every one, however, can believe, and the belief of contagion affords a ready solution of all difficulties, without the trouble of in- quiry or even of thought; and we need not, therefore, won- der that contagion, like witchcraft, should have been univer- sally believed, (though as little understood) and often with as little foundation. END OF PART IV. AND OF THE ESSAY ON YELLOW FEVER. PART FIFTH. CHAP. I. OBSERVATIONS ON TYPHUS, OR CONTAGIOUS FEVER. Though the Greek noun Tt>p«s (stupor,) was applied hy Hip- pocrates to several diseases, all of them very unlike the fever in question, (which probably was unknown in Greece,) I shall not object to the name, as distinguishing those fevers which accord with Dr. Cullen's definition of this genus.* But I think there is great reason to object to the vague and loose application of it, which is now become frequent, to designate generally all low or slow fevers, arising frem great fatigue, cold, and damp habitations, unwholesome, or insuf- ficient food, anxiety, grief, fear, and other depressing pas- sions, and debilitating causes, which have no connexion with contagion, nor any power of producing a contagious disease. I believe in the existence of a fever, sui generis, strictly con- tagious, (unconnected with any of the exanthematous dis- eases,) and, therefore, according to my view of the subject, derived exclusively from its own specific cause, or contagion. In this, which I consider as the only contagious fever, there are, I think, some varieties ; but without any differences sufficient to form more than one species.—The facts and * Cullen. Gen. Morb. p. 71. " Typhus morbus contagiosis ; calorparum auctus; pulsus parvus, debilis, plerumque frequeus ; urinam parura muiuta ; sensorii func- tiones plurimum turbatss ; vires multum iinmitiutse.'' 43 338 reasons wiiich have led me to this belief, will have been seen in the second part of this volume, at p. 89, and seq. and they arc sufficient, in my judgment, to outweigh all the great authorites to which they are opposed, and render it absolutely incredible that any inanimate matters, even those * excreted by living animals, should by any natural, or artifi- cial decomposition and recomposition, ever require a power strictly contagious, or in other words, be enabled, like liv ing animals and vegetables, to assimilate other matters to their own nature, and thus multiply and perpetuate their existence. Some writers of considerable reputation, sensible, perhaps, of this difficulty, have made a distinction between contagion and infection, and have ascribed the production of typhus fever, and some other diseases, to the latter. One of these writers, Dr. Adams, (in the quarto edition of his Observa- tions on Morbid Poisons, at p. 6,) after adopting this dis- tinction, says of " infectious diseases," that they " do not require for their production matter similar to their effects, but may at any time be generated, by crowding together the sick or wounded, of any description."* He then mentions » Scores of justly distinguisheiraulhois have made similar assertions, without any decisive fact or evidence in support of them, so far as I can discover ; probably rely- ing on the authority of those who had written antecedently. Had this assertion been true, the sick and wounded at Walcheren ought to have produced at least as many cases of typhus fever, as had previously occurred in the same year, among the British troops at Corrunna, by actual contagion. The sick, at least, if not the wounded, atthc former place, having been more numerous, and in many cases more crowded. But, contrary to general expectation, not a single instance of typhus fever appears to have been thereby occasioned. That such a production of typhus fever might have been expected, according to the common opinions, will appear from a letter written to the Deputy Secretary at war, by the Physician General, Sir Lrt- cas Pepys, (after lie had visited the hospitals in the Eastern District,) dattd, " Army Medical Board Office, September 14, 1809." in which he says, <• the disease- afflicting the troops returned from Holland, is the bilious remittent, and intermittent fever liable to degenerate into typhus and contagious fever; but it has not, so far as I have witnessed, that character at present, nor is there any dysentery." See Military Pa- pers, letter K. p. 52. Other eminent physicians have not only believed this liability of marsh fever t* degenerate into contagious fever, but imagined Uiat such degeneration had actually 339 ♦• hospital, prison, or ship fever, camp dysentery, and some peculiarly malignant ulcers," as being infectious diseases; adding, that " though these diseases when formed, may pro- duce their like effects in otliers, yet we can always trace their begun to take place. Thus Dr. Blane, in his letter to the Physician General, dated Middleburg, October '6, 1809, says " the fever known by the name of typhus, with which armies in ordinary circumstances are chiefly affecttd, has been rare,"----" as yet, among the troops here I am sorry to say, however, that both diseases begin to shew themselves, particularly at Flushing, where the accommodation is far inferior to that at Midd leburg." Military Papers, E. p. 103. And in another letter, dated the 6th, he explains the causes which render the situation of the sick at Flushing "much worse ;" adding, " they are also over crowded and dirty." E. p. 98. After- wards, iu a joint letter from Dr. Blane, Dr. Lempriere, &c. to the Secretary at War, dated October the 10th, 1809, we find this observation, viz. " The malady is not contagious in itself, but liable to assume that new form of fever, wherever ventilation is defective, the patients crowded, or where other local causes of impurity prevail.— This has been strikingly proved in some instances, particularly at Flushing, where we found the accommodations too confined and crowded." E. p. 107. That these gentleman in this iastauce mistook a few cases of low, or slow nervous fever, for a contagious or typhus fever, (as has been done thousands of times,) was manifested af- terwards, by the facts stated at p. 215—19 of this volume. And certainly if the gen- eration of contagious fever in the way, and by the means in question, had been pos- sible, the supposed instances of it would not have been confined to Flushing ; other places haying been very sufficiently crowded, as is proved by a letter from the gener- al in chief, Sir Eyre Coote, to Lord Castlereagh, written on the 17th September, 1809, immediately after a personal inspection of the different regimental, as well as general hospitals. " Middleburg, (says he,) from the size of its building,_ affords the best accommodations, but even in that town the sick are so crowded, as to lay (lie) two in one bed, in several places, and have no circulation of air."—" At Veer, a large church contains about 400 patients, the other places are miserably small, and exces- sively crowded At Armuyden the accommodation for the numerous sick is wretch- ed." I have admitted at the begining of this note, that the number of wounded men at Walcheren, was greatly disproportioned to that of the sick. But there is suf- ficient evidence to prove, notwithstanding all that has been written and believed to the contrary, that patients of the former description do not generate contagious fever any more than the latter. Dr. Blane, who was physician to the fleet under Lord Rodney, mentions that the battle of the 12th of April, produced an addition of 810 men to the list of wounded. But though the whole fleet was detained at sea until about the end of that month, and the last division of it did not reach Port Royal, in Jamaica, until the 25th of May, and though the discharges from so many severe wounds, must in that climate have become highly fetid, "yet" says Dr. Blane, (p- 76) " the; c was less sickness and less dealh from disease in this month 340 origin in causes different from their effects." That Dr. Adams, who is accustomed and qualified to reason, should have believed any thing so unphilosophical, and incongmous, would have been incomprehensible to me, if so many others had not discarded common sense on the subject of contagion. To represent a disease which is notoriovzbj contagious, and propagated by contagion, as capable of heiitg also produced by other, and those very different means, is to multiply causes unnecessarily, and, therefore, unjustifiably; and it moreover destroys the natural, and just influence of causes upon their effects, hy making the same disease result from very dissimi- lar causes. In this way, the infectious diseases of Dr. Adams are supposed to acquire all that is wonderful in conta- gion, I mean the power of reproducing, and perpetuating themselves, without deriving any thing from that original product of divine wisdom and power, to which I am forced to refer the beginning of all strictly contagious diseases ; and while thus enabled to multiply themselves, ad infinitum, similar diseases with the same reproductive powers, are sirpposed to originate from time to time, in thousands of other persons, without any legitimate or suitable cause, or, in the language of Dr. Adams, by the agency of matter, dissimilar to its effects: and these monstrous products, of an equivocal incomprehensible generation, are to be considered as similar in their natures and effects, to those resulting from specific contagions. Were it possible for. typhus thus frc- (April), than in any of the former 2.3 months, in which I kept records of the fleet, and less than in any subsequent month, till the fleet got to the coast of America/' And that an accumulation of wounded men is no more productive of fevers of any kind in cold weather, than in hot, as just mentioned, I need only copy what Dr. Lind has stated at p. 213 of his work tm the Health of Seamen, concerning the Magna- nime, ship of the line, viz. '' She was seventeen weeks at sea, and for a whole month of that time, during very bad and stormy weather, had on board the men wounded in the general engagement on the 20th of November: notwithstanding this long continuance at sea, and the violent storms she encountered, yet of 700 men, 5 persons only were reported to us to be sick, besides the wounded, and these chiefly in chronic disorders.1" / 341 qucntly, and easily, to originate without contagion, and at the same time acquire and multiply itself, by a contagious quality, who could ever hope to escape that disease ? If Dr. Adams had supposed typhus fever to be not conta- gious, his opinion that it might be produced by a great accu- mulation of sick and wounded, in close or ill ventilated places, would not to me appear, a piiori, improbable; as the atmosphere may become unwholesome, either by not con- taining a sufficient portion of the vital part of it, or by the addition of noxious v apours dispersed therein; and it might be very naturally expected that fever would occur among the disorders resulting from such a deficiency of oxygenous gaz on one hand, or such noxious additions on the other; though we are not entitled to believe that this really does happen, without some evidence of the fact, and of this (as has been observed at p. 89 and seq.) there is none within, my know- ledge, excepting that whicli relates to fevers produced by exhalations from the earth, and excepting that connected with specific contagions. Though contagious fever has probably existed for many ages in this, and some other northern countries, its history is involved in great obscurity, because it was not, until very lately, observed and distinguished with any tolerable accu- racy.* Even Sydenham did not consider this fever as pro- * One of the most early and unequivocal accounts of typhus which I have met with, is in the first volume of the "Acta Medicorum Berolinitnsium," of which 1 have the 2nd edition, printed at Berlin, in 1719- The first article, the title ol which is "Anni praeter la'psi, 1716, Status epidemicus speciatim historia febrium petechialium, tunc temporis grassantium," containing an account of a contagious petechial fever prevalent " in Pomerania citeriore," p. 10 " Ultra fluvium Pene, Grypswaldae, Stralsundse atque in insula Rugia, (Rugen) magnus incolaruin nu- merus, hac maligna febre afnictus fuit. Regnavit dirum hoc contagium per totam fere hyemem anni prseterlapsi 1715, ultimumque suum non ante effudit impetum quam sequinoctium vernale, anni 1716 superaverat, solstitiumque eestivale plenius attigerat." This account, or, as it is called " Methodus, fktheses practicse, secun- dum quas febres accutse petechiales, anno, 1715, post solstitium hyemale St deiu porro in nosocomiis castrensibus & alibi tractatse fuerunt," was written by the Ar- chiater regius ; and to these, " nonnihil desuisquoque addidit, Doctor Schwartzius." It is stated at p. 18, that both these physicians died of this fever; the treatment 342 ceeding from contagion, but as depending on a particular state, or constitution of the atmosphere. Huxham and Prin- gle, as I have formerly mentioned, were the first who gave us distinct and just notions of contagious fever, though Dr. Ebenezer Gilchrist, of Dumfries, had previously written two papers on it, under the name of " Nervous Fever," one in the fourth volume of the Edinburgh Medical Essays and Obser- vations, printed in 1737 ; and the other in the fifth volume of that wrork, printed in 1744. And though he was silent con- cerning its contagious nature, his descriptions, separated from the theoretical reasonings adapted to his time, are generally correct. He states " this fever to be very different in its na- ture and changes, from other fevers," and to have "some- thing pecidiar in it which neither the ancients nor moderns per- haps had described, if at all thought of." Vol. 5, p. 507. He adds, at the next page, " as our fever seems to be peculiar to this age, it is not a little surprising that much more had not been said upon ft. Some scattered hints are to be found in late authors, both just and ingenious, but not sufficient to make out a system of the disease." He did not, however, mean to represent this as a new disease, because in the preceding vo- lume, at p. 348, he had stated it to have " been these many years fatal in Britain." He appears to have treated the fever judiciously, and to have formed just opinions of the effects of opium, bark, and wine, in certain circumstances. Typhus is properly the disease of cold climates, and in this, as in almost every other particular, it is in direct opposition to the yellow fever. The late Dr. John Hunter, in a paper on the gaol, or hospital fever, (Medical Transactions, vol. 3, p. 348,) says, " I have never seen the fever earlier than the month which they chose for themselves, is also mentioned ; and, it is not surprising, that bleeding and emetics, repeated at advanced stages of the disease, should have brought on hiccuping and petechia?, and have occasioned death. The description of the symptoms, and of the effects of some of the rcmedu-s employed, which will be chiefly found between pages 10 and 25, are Judicious, and ^fford unquestionable proof of the existence of this fever in the army, and lower classes of the people, in certain parts of Pomerania. 343 of November, and I believe it seldom appears so soon. It be- comes frequent about Christinas, and increases during the months of January and February. If March and April are warm, it grows less frequent; but if they are cold, it con- tinues nearly as common as in the preceding months, which was the case in the two last winters, both of which were unu- sually cold. When the weather begins to grow warm, it gra- dually disappears." P. 350. He adds, (p. 366,) " I would,) observe, that for upwards of two years, that I remained in Ja- maica, I never saw one instance of the hospital fever, though the military hospitals were often as much crowded as they are in .Europe." "The heat proves a prevention of the disease, as much as cold forwards its production."* The influence of heat in mitigating, and finally extinguish- ing contagious fever, was very fully manifested in regard to the troops which sailed from Cork, under the command of * Numerous facts might be mentioned in confirmation of this general assertion. Mr. Howard has repeatedly noticed the greater prevalence of jail fever, during winter, than in summer; and Dr. Trotter, in the first volume of his Medicina Nautica, . 197, observes that " as cold weather, and a whiter season, favour the action of ty- phus infection, we know that warm weather, and a summer season, assist in its extinc- tion." And of this he gives several decisive instances and proofs. Dr. Blane had previously made a similar observation, at p. 233 of his work on the Diseases of Seamen, Dr. Lind also has mentioned facts, in which heat produced similar effects, though he appears not to have understood the cause; at p. 319 of his volume on Preserving the Health of Seamen, he observes, that "this infection (of typhus fever), after every method used to destroy it has prmed ineffectual, will often of itself, gradually abate, and at length entirely vanish." This he adds, " I often observed in our prisons, during the last war, where, after committing great ravages among the French prisoners, the infection often stopped of a sudden, and they were sometimes so entirely free from it, that iu the month of September, 1762, when I was employed by the govern- ment, to muster the prisoners of war in the castles of Porchester and Winchester, which in the preceding year had suffered much by the jail distemper, I did not find oiie person labouring under that distemper, among 7000 prisoners, many of whom had been confined for several y£ars." (See Lind on the Health of Seamen, p. 320, 321.) 11 ere there is good reason from the month (~September J in which this entire cessation of the disease was found to have taken place, to conclude that it had been produced by the heat of the preceding summer months, though Dr. Lind assigns no cause for it "which seems indeed to have been an extraordinary oversight and omission, especially as at p. 233 of the same volume, he had inferred from several facts, " that a cold damp air increases the power and vigour of contagion ;" meaning that of typhus fever. 344 major-general White, for St. Domingo, in February, 1796. Two hospital ships, in which I had embarked, and sailed from England with the army, under sir Ralph Ahercrombie, hav- ing by storms been rendered unable to continue the voyage, and the last of them having landed me on the south-west coast of Ire, I embarked on board a very large hospital-ship, the Bridgewater, (formerly an Indiaman,) destined to receive the sick of general White's division, among wiiich a severe typhus fever had prevailed to a great extent, and with great morta- lity, previous to our sailing from Cork, where most of the sick were left at our departure; but many of the soldiers, appa- rently well, being exposed to the contagion which existed in many of the transports, or having imbibed it previously, whilst detained at Cork, fell sick on the passage, and were from time to time removed into the Bridgewater, which soon became full of patients, under typhus fever, which was com- municated to several of the orderly men, and nurses, to some of whom it proved fatal. It became evident, however, that as we reached, and proceeded in the warmer latitudes, the cases of fever gradually diminished in number, and became much milder; though, from the shortness of our passage, and the cool season in which it was made, the full effect of heat in ex- tinguishing contagious fever, could not have been produced, and, therefore, it was not surprising that a few patients with the same fever, in a milder form, and apparently divested of its contagious power, were sent on shore to the hospitals, im- mediately after our arrival at Barbadoes. These had proba- bly imbibed the contagion before our arrival within the tro- pics, and its effects, though moderated, were not wholly pre- vented hy a change of temperature. One of the last persons attacked, was my own servant, who had indeed been suffi- ciently exposed to the contagion on board the Bridgewater. But in his case, as well as in all the others which occurred be- tween the tropics, the fever was slight, and not being commu- nicated in any instance, at least after our arrival at Barba- does, it there terminated. 345 In voyages to the East Indies, ships remain for a much longer space of time between the tropics, and being also ex- posed to an higher temperature, the power of heat in destroy- ing typhus fever, is in them more decisively manifested; an entire cessation of the disease, (however prevalent) commonly taking place before they can reach the Cape of Good Hope. It has indeed never been known, as I am informed, that a single case of this fever had occurred on either side of the Indian peninsula. But without going from home, or farther hack than the year 1809, we may find strong evidence of the power even of the moderate summer heat of our climate, in extinguishing ty- phus fever. It is well known that the contagion of this dis- ease, had been imbibed hy many of the soldiers who returned from Corunna, in the beginning of that year; who, being at- tacked either on board of the transports, or soon after landing in this country, the disease was communicated to nearly 10,000 persons belonging to the army, (including those in the artillery and ordnance departments,) and this within little more than two months. I had a short time before obtained leave to re- tire on half-pay ; but finding that there vv as no army physician in the western district, I offered my services there, and ob- tained by doing so, an opportunity of observing the influence even of our vernal warmth, in mitigating and checking the fever, which ceased I believe completely, at least in regard to new cases, before the end of May, and even sooner in the western and warmer districts. Whether heat interrupts or suspends the influence of typhus contagion, by dissipating the corpuscles, of wThich it consists, or by rendering the body less susceptible of their impressions, or both, I will not venture to decide; but certainly, those who by birth and residence, have been long habituated to inter- tropical climates, are, when they remove into the cold, parti- cularly susceptible of the action of typhus contagion, if* ex- posed to it; and this has been found to be the case of Negroes, to a remarkable degree, particularly in the New England 44 346 states, and in Nova Scotia, where the people of that race, who were exported at different times to Sierra Leone, had been very extensively attacked with contagious fever; and indeed many of them were ill, and some died of it, in their passage to Africa; but in all cases it was very soon extin- guished after their arrival at Sierra Leone, if not previously. Dr. Trotter has observed, at p. 205, of the first volume of his Medicina Nautica, that the natives of Africa " are very- liable" to the fever in question; adding, that " in ships they are commonly the first sufferers." So that in this respect also, the yellow and typhus fev ers are directly the reverse of each other; as they are moreover in the following particulars, viz. Typhus is aggravated by that degree of cold which ex- tinguishes yellow fever. It never prevails epidemically. 11 commences much less violently than yellow fever, and is pro- tracted to a greater length. It manifests no disposition to remit, unless the patient has imbibed marsh miasms, whilst even in the violent forms of yellow fever, there is generally about the 3d or 4th days, a very sensible, and often a very delusive cessation or abatement of the febrile commotion, and of all the inflammatory symptoms. In both, however, it is of high importance towTards the cure, that the patients should he removed to, or kept in a pure wholesome atmosphere. In regard to their effects on the human body, Typhus is generally accompanied with less mortality, and the derange- ment which it occasions in the system, is much less permanent and mischievous, than that which accompanies or results from even the remittent fever of Europe.—Witness the events pro- duced hy the former disease in the British Army, subsequent- ly to the return of the troops from Corunna, in 1809, and, those which attended, or followed the expedition to Zealand, in the same year. In regard to the former, it appears that the deaths did not exceed one in ten of the sick, though the accommodations were in many situations but ill suited to that disease; and a considerable number of the medical persons employed by Mr. Knight, were but ill qualified to direct the 34T treatment of the sick; the whole were, moreover, restricted by his parsimonious regimental hospital system, from direct- ing those allowances, and indulgencies, in regard to nourish- ment, wine, porter, &c. which are highly important to patients under Typhus fever. On the Zealand expedition, however, and without these advantages, the deaths were but a small fraction less than one in eight, the recoveries were much more tedious, relapses, perhaps, one hundred times more frequent, and very often followed by permanent obstructions, or morbid alterations of the Viscera, ending in Dropsy, or other chroni- cal affections; which rarely occurred as the consequence of Typhus, in the troops from Spain; who were in general fit for duty in six or eight weeks after becoming convalescent, which was never the case with those from Walcheren. Whilst I was employed with the troops from Spain labour- ing under Typhus, I thought it very desirable that so good an opportunity of ascertaining the time which the contagion thereof may remain latent after its application to the human body, should not be lost, as so many other opportunities had been; and I therefore obtained, chiefly through the kindness of Mr. Grant, deputy inspector of Hospitals in the Western district, returns of the orderlies and nurses who had attended the sick in question, and had been afterwards attacked with the same fever; and also an account of the time when the attendance of each began, and of the interval which succeeded previous to the attack. I found, however, that it was neces- sary in these returns to make a distinction between the order- lies and nurses, who had returned in the transports from Co- runna, and, consequently, had, at least in some instances, been exposed to the contagion, previous to their attendance on the sick here, (as was proved hy the different results in these cases, from those of the persons who had not left England.) And, accordingly, this distinction was made in most of the returns. In all of them, however, there was au omission ot the persons who had only been temporarily employed; though 348 their number exceeded that of the regular orderlies and nurses ; hut in regard to their cases it was difficult to ascer- tain dates. Having selected such of these returns as appeared to be most correct and suitable, I found that they produced the following results;—viz. of thirty-five orderlies and nurses who had returned from Spain, and, therefore, might have been previously exposed to contagion, it appeared that one. was attacked on the first day after beginning to attend the sick; one on the 2d, one on the 6th, two on the 7th, one on the 8th, one on the 9th, two on the 11th, one on the 14th, one on the 15th, one on the 16th, three on the 17th, one on the 18th, two on the 20th, one on the 21st, one on the 22d, two on the 23d, two on the 24th, two on the 25th, one on the 26th, three on the 27th, one on the 28th, one on the 36th, one on the 38th, one on the 40th, and one on the 44th days. Of ninety-nine orderlies and nurses who had not been out of the kingdom, nor, as far as was known, exposed to febrile contagion, it appears that one was attacked on the 13th day, one on the 14th, two on the 15th, one on the 16th, four on the 18th, two on the 19th, three on the 20th, six on the 21sf, four on the 22d, four on the 23d, two on the 24th, six on the 25th, four on the 26th, four on the 27th, eight on the 28th, five on the 29th, three on the 30th, three on the 31st, two on the 33d, three on the 36th, four on the 37th, one on the 38th, four on the 39th, one on the 40th, two on the 42d, three on the 44th, one on the 45th, five on the 47th, one on the 48th, three on the 52d, two on the 54th, one on the 58th, one on the 60th, and one the 68th days. It results, therefore, from tins statement, that among the ninety-nine orderlies and nur- ses, who had probably not been exposed to the contagion be- fore their attendance on the sick commenced, the earliest attack was on the 13th day, and the latest on the 68th; but these returns were made up about the 20th of April, and it appears that some who had escaped till that time, were after- 349 wards attacked ;* and, therefore, though there may be rea- son to conclude that febrile contagion does not remain inactive so long after being received into the body, as marsh miasma- ta, I see none for believing that an interval of five or six months, may not sometimes elapse before the actual produc- tion of fever by it; especially if the summer should intervene previous to an attack ; in which case the occurrence of fever would, I think, almost always he postponed until the following winter, and often completely obviated :| and I cannot help strongly suspecting, that such a postponing of the disease hap- pened to some of the troops from Corunna, in 1809. It wiil be recollected that sickness prevailed to a very uncommon extent in the army at home, during the early part of the preceding year ; and though it did not consist exclusively of contagious fever, that disease made a considerable part of it, until it became extinct at the approach of summer. It will also be recollected, that many of the regiments in whom this sickness occurred, were, after its cessation, employed under Sir John Moore, and Sir David Baird, in Spain, where Typhus fever cannot exist in the Summer, and where, I believe, it never appears even in Winter, unless by an extraordinary introduction of it. Such an introduction took place in that year by the Spa- nish army under the Marquis de Romana, which had been removed from Holstein and Denmark, (where Typhus is a * Ivftny circumstances or causes may accelerate the actual production of Typhus fever in persons who have imbibed a sufficient portion of the contagion; particularly the effects of Cold, Drunkenness, excessive Venery, deficient nourishment, and in- deed of every tbing occasioning debility, especially, in slender, feeble constitutions, in which the disease will also commonly prove most severe : and hence, contrary to what happens with Yellow Fever, those who are in the decline of life suffer more from it than the young, and females more than males. On the other hand, a robust young man, who after exposure to febrile contagion, prudently avoids all debilitating accents, or excesses, may, by the strength of his constitution, and of its conserva- tory energies, not only resist for a long time, but finally overcome, such a portion of infection as in most cases would have soon occasioned disease. f In «ase heat would produce, in regard to Typhus contagion, an effect analogous to that of cold, upon marsh miasmata, when the morbid action of the latter is sus- pended, until the following SpriDg or summer. 350 frequent disease) back to their own country in British trans- ports ; and though this fever did not appear in that army, after their arrival in Spain, until the Autumn and Winter, it certainly began then to prevail therein to a considerable ex- tent. It will be remembered that in the latter part of that campaign, the British army, twice crossed that of Romana, and on both occasions Mr. Warren, Deputy Inspector of Hospitals, informed me that he had observed a considerable number of the Spanish Soldiers to be labouring under Typhus fever. He added that the disease afterwards appeared among the French troops, as might well have been expected from their having occupied the barracks, quarters, and hospitals, which, in a long line of inarch, had just before been used, as well by Romana's as by the British army under Sir John Moore. This fact Mr. Warren stated, on what he thought good information, and particularly that of a British medi- cal officer, who had remained with the British Hospital left at Lugo. Whether at either of these crossings the British army re- ceived any febrile contagion from the Spanish, or whether they found any of it on hoard the transports in which they returned from Corunna, some of which had, as I understand been employed in removing the Spanish army from Denmark, is not, 1 believe, well ascertained; but I think it highly pro- bable that in many cases, the cold, rain, and excessive fk- tigues to which the British soldiers were exposed, during a considerable part of Sir John Moore's retreat, and after their embarkation, might have brought into action the latent infec- tion of the preceding spring, the morbid influence of which had been suspended by the summer ; and I believe that typhus fever has, on some former occasions, suddenly made its appear- ance from similar causes.* Circumstances to be explained in * The learned and Reverend Stephen Hales, D. D. in his treatise on Ventilators, (8° 1758) states at p. 106, that the convicts from Newgate often carry the Gaol dis- temper with them, " to Virginia, before it breaks out''' As Dr. Hales, had some time before taken great pains to introduce the practice of frequent Ventilation iu 351 another place, compel me to desist from any farther observa- tions on this subject, and to conclude the present chapter, by subjoining extracts from two letters, written to me by Mr. Grant, dated Plymouth Dock, the 24th and 27th of April, 1809, viz. " Before the arrival of the troops from Corunna, this gar- rison was extremely healthy. Typhus did not exist in it, nor were there scarcely any sick in the hospitals, confined to bed; but the effects of contagion very speedily developed them- selves amongst the orderlies, and others, employed in fatigue duties, connected with the hospitals. They seem, however, as speedily to have disappeared, as we have scarcely a do%en febrile diseases now in the garrison, and these are orderlies who have been taken ill since collecting the inclosed returns. The disease also became latterly very slight in its attack. In answer to your question, respecting the yellowness of skin, I have not seen many instances of it in this garrison; the proportion not exceeding 2 to 100 : scarcely an hospital that has had two or three cases. One of the medical officers who died, Hos- pital Mate Williams, was of this description." Extract trom the second letter, viz.— *' It may be also aiding your enquiries to remark, that in the naval hospital here, where some of the sick from Spain the ships employed in transporting criminals from Newgate to America, and had collected good information on the subject, it is to be regretted that he did not men- tion this fact more circumstantially, and especially that he did not inform us, wheth- er this complete suspension, for probably two or three months, of the action of Ty- phus contagion, after it was received into the body, happened in cold or hot weath- er That it was not always suspended so long, is ewdent by a fact which the same respectable author had mentioned in the preceding page, of the breaking out of this distemper, " in Mr. Keid's convict transport ship the Laura, notwithstanding the ship was frequently refreshed by Ventilation." The Convicts (says he) were put ou board, the latter end of April, in seeming good health, and continued so until they anchored in Stromncssf Bay, in the Orcades, when between the 11th and filteenlh of May, a great part of the people fell sick of the Gaol distemper, in the compass of two days." He adds in the next page, that the contagion was in that ca;e supposed to have been brought on board the Laura by the convicts from Newgate. But we have no means of ascertaining how long they had imbibed it before they were remov- ed from that prison. 352 were accommodated, 24 nurses, and seven labourers, wer taken ill of fever, in attendance upon them ; of which number, four nurses, and three labourers have died. Previous to this occasion, I am informed by the medical officers of that estab- lishment, that it was a rare occurrence for the servants of the hospital to be taken ill with fever, in attendance upon the sick. " At Pendennis Castle, Falmouth, where some sick from Spain also debarked, the progress of contagion was more rapid, extensive, and fatal, (in proportion to its field of ac- tion) than in any of the other hospitals in this district. All I he medical officers and servants stationed there, (the North Hants Militia,) were speedily taken ill, and one-fifth of the regiment, viz. 103, of which number, 11 died." CHAP. II. OBSERVATIONS ON DVSENTE11V. By the Greek name of this disease, (Awrtneix) signifying a pain, or griping of the bowels, Hippocrates intended to de- signate both ulcerations and hemorrhages from the intestines, and every kind of flux, with, or without blood, from them. After his time, however, this name seems, in its application, to have been restricted to an ulceration, or supposed ulcera? tion, of this part of the alimentary canal, with gripings and tenesmus, producing or attended by mucous, or bloody stools. Now, however, an intermixture of blood with the stools, though of frequent occurrence, is not deemed a characteris- tic of dysentery, nor is ulceration of the intestines; hut when the disease has been of long continuance, they are often found after death, to have been ulcerated, and even sphacelated. A spasmodic constriction of the colon, retaining the natural, but hardened, faeces commonly attends this disease; and Dr. Cullen superadds, as a part of character " contagious py- rexia," though this addition seems objectionable, in regard to contagion, wiiich I am convinced is not generally, if ever, connected with dysentery. Sydenham, when treating of the dysentery of 1669, says, " After having attentively con- sidered the various symptoms of this disease, I discovered it to he a fever, sui generis, turned inwards upon the intestines." Dr.' Balfour, in his account of this disease, as it occurs in Bengal, has called it an " intestinal remitting fever;" and Dr. Hush, who supposes it may he connected with jail fever, 45 354 as well as with the fevers from marsh effluvia, omits the word remitting, and calls it " the intestinal state of fever." (Medi- cal inquiries, kc. vol. iv. p. 167.) He moreover contends, that after a fever has been thus thrown upon the intestines, to as to occasion dysentery, it may, by a retroversion, be translated to the skin, and there produce rash, prickly heat, and eruptions of various kinds.* Dr. Akenside, in his Commpntarium de Dysenteria, in- stead of Sydenham's belief that this disease was a "febris in- troversa," seems to consider it as an introverted rheumatism, or, as Dr. Rush would call it, the intestinal state of rJieuma- tism; and with this notion, the former supposes that like or- dinary rheumatism, dysentery may be either accompanied with fever, or divested of it. He supposes, also, that it al- ways begins with the smaller intestines, and gradually de- scends to the rectum, and that rheumatism and dysentery are frequently converted into each other. Sir John Pringle considers " all the epidemic dysenteries,'' as being '* of the same nature;" (see p. 223,) and in support of his own opinion on this subject, he appeals to the experi- ence of the late Dr. Huck Saunders; " not only in Germany, but in Minorca, America, and the West Indies;" in all of which, notwithstanding the differences of climate, this disease appeared " with the same symptoms, (though with more or less violence, according to the heat,) and yielded to the sam * * If such a translation of dysentery to the surface of the body can be effected by art, it should, I think, al ways be attempted, as speedily as possible, because the attempt will be more likely to succeed while the disorder is recent, and because the danger of a disease in the skin, is much less than of one in the intestines. In a case of severe diarrhea, with which I was partially acquainted, and which was suddenly stopped by opium, Peruvian bark, and sudorifics, near a dozen large biles were produced on different parts of the body, within three or four days ; and when these had suppurated, others supervened in succession, for several months, but gradually diminished in size, though not in number, until near the Ume of their total disappearance ; since which, the patient, though more than sixty years of age, has for six years enjoyed better health, than in any former part of his life. I barely mention the fact, leaving others to judge, whether this improvement in the patient's health, resulted in any de- gree from the biles, which to him were a new, as well as a troublesome occurrence. 355 medicines." That this is true of epidemic dysentery, I can readily believe; being convinced that this disease never pre- vails epidemically, unless it proceeds, from marsh miasmata, whose morbid influence is then, from particular circumstances or causes, directed and exerted upon the intestines, rather than upon the heart and arteries. This connexion between dysentery and marsh fevers, has been suspected and believed,- by several respectable authors; but I do not recollect that the identity of their causes has been any where so decisively manifested, as it was at the town of Sheffield, in the state of Massachusetts, during the summer and autumn of 1796, according to a very circumstantial and apparently accurate statement, made by William Buel, the principal physician of that town, who had previously given an account (published by Mr. Webster) of the febrile disorders whicli prevaled there, during the three preceding years. The statement regarding the year 1796, may be found in vol. 1, of the New-York Medical Repository, p. 439—459, and the fol- lowing are extracts from it, viz.: " The part of the town in which the sickness prevailed, is almost a perfect level. The river Housatonak, whose width is generally between 30 and 40 yards, runs through it in a serpentine direction, and with a very gentle current."—" On each side of this river, there is a considerable extent of luxuri- ous meadow-ground, whose surface is generally overflowed, when the snow melts in Ihe spring, and sometimes by freshets, at other times in the year. This meadow-ground is all much interspersed with coves or pools, which are left after the sub- siding of the flood, full of stagnant water;"—and this " is in the course of the summer evaporated from some to dryness, and from others nearly so."—" Beside the meadow adjoining the river Housatonak, there are several other streams, which run through large tracks of flat, and very marshy land. On one of these streams, towards the north part of the town, there is a mill-pond, which appears to have been the common centre of the sickness in 1796, and the preceding sickly years." / 356 '• This pond overflows a large track of land, whicli was for- merly covered with a luxuriant growth of timber, and other vegetable productions, which are all now dead, and in a state of dissolution, in consequence of the action of air and water upon them:"—" whenever a dry season occurs, the water .recedes from almost tbe whole of the land last flowed,* and leaves the whole mass of dead animal and vegetable substan- ces, lying on its surface, exposed- to the action of a scorching sun." " The fsetor which arises from this drowned land, when made bare by dry and hot weather, is extremely disagreeable, and offensive to all who approach its borders."—" The stench is smelled hy the inhabitants at times even to the distance of half a mile: an exposure to the eftects of this noxious effluvium contiguous to its source, not unfrequently in the year 1796, produced immediate nausea and vomiting." The writer, after observing that the spring of this year had been uncommonly wet, adds, " we had such an excess of rain even through the month of June, that all our streams, ponds, coves, and marsh- es, were kept full, and even our dry est land was highly sur- charged with water." But from the beginning of July for- ward, we began to suffer from the other extreme; we very seldom had rain, and uniformly the weather w as intensely hot, particularly in the month of August:"—" the drought was so great, that vegetation was much injured ; grazing grounds, particularly, were parched almost to dryness." After these explanations, the writer gives a particular ac- account of a considerable number of cases of dysentery, which occurred before the 20th of July, within what he afterwards describes as *' the sickly circle;" adding, that within a few days other persons, within the same limits, were attacked with bilious or marsh fever. " From this time, (says he) instances of this fever frequently occurred, so that it was ap- * By the «land last flowed," the writer means a large extent of ground, over which the mill-pond had recently been extended, by raising the mill-dam seven feet above its former height 357 parent both disorders were endemic."—" In a short time, both prevailed to a degree truly calamitous and alarming."—- "Let (says the writer) an imaginary circular line be described, from a point on the south-eastern side of the above-mentioned mill-pond, whose radii shall be one and one-half mile in length ; this circle will embrace about 100 families, and about 600 inhabitants; it would comprehend the whole territory in wiiich the sickness prevailed, with so much exactness, that there would be considerably short of 10 families without its limits in which there was sickness, and there certainly were not 10 within which were exempt." Of about 450 persons in the eastern half of this imaginary circle, " at least 250 were affected with sickness ; of the 150 who dwelt nearest the pond, there were not 10 who escaped."* "The dysentery frequently came on while the patient was affected with bilious fever. In this case the type of the fever soon became obliterated, and the accompanying febrile symp- toms were similar to those in original dysentery. The change of the fever into dysentery, did not, however, secure the pa- tient from the tendency to relapse, so peculiar to that disorder. But the convalescence of those who had simple dysentery on- ly, was generally short, and the recovery perfect. " Sometimes the fever came on upon tiie dysentery. The type of the fever was not in this case easily ascertained, un- til an abatement of the dysentery took place, when, as the dysentric symptoms subsided, the fever would appear in its pro- proper form. The two disorders appeared to be complicated; that is, they both seemed to exist at the same time, rather than to act in alternation. The fact is certain, that in cases of accession of dysentery upon the fever, the latter disorder always showed itself in its true form, after the symptoms of the other had subsided. •It is not to be supposed I hat marsh miasmata, arising from the mill-pond, exclu- sively produced disease at the distance of a mile and an half; other sources of them were interspersed throughout the whole circle here imagined. 358 (t In the sickness which makes the subject of this communi- cation, there is every reason to ascribe identity of cause to Vie two disorders. They were circumscribed in a very striking manner, hy precisely the same limits. They both began and ceased to prevail at the same time. Neither disorder occurred, (except in a few instances of both disorders about the pond, at the south part of the town,) at any considerable distance from the limits, but in persons who had previously resided within them. There were instances of both disorders affect- ing persons in different parts of the country, who had resid- ed within these limits. A stay of only one night in the cen- tral part of the sickly territory, in some instances produced these disorders. " The facts which I have stated, prove sufficiently, that neither of these disorders was propagated by specific conta- gion, at least beyond certain boundaries, otherwise they must have extended, for there was no interruption of communica- tion. I have remarked before, that I was myself convinced that neither disease was propagated by specific contagion. teen within these boundaries. In all cases which came under my observation of sickness without the limits, and acquired by a residence within them, there was no instance of either com- plaint being communicated from the person affected." Here it should be observed, that the town in which these disorders were produced, is situated near the northern boundary of Mas- sachusetts, where the summer heat is commonly much more moderate than in Pennsylvania, and other states, in which tiie yellow fever has often prevailed. This connexion of dysentery with marsh fevers has been also noticed, in different parts of the United States, and in many other parts of the globe.* Dr. John Vaughan mentions the former disease, as prevailing over certain low districts, • Dr. Cleghorn (Diseases of Minorca, p. 134,) says, " Sometimes a tertian is changed into a dysentery, or a dysentery becomes a tertian ; and when one of these diseases is suppressed, the other often ensues." He adds, that it is not uncommon for " the fits of tertians to be regularly accommpanied by gripes and stools." 359 adjoining the Delaware, and evidently resulting from marsh effluvia.—See N. York Med. Rep. vol. iii. p. 223. Dr. De Rosset, also, in giving an account of the Bilious Yellow Fever, of 1796, at Wilmington, in North Carolina, (which I noticed at p. 248-9 of this volume) mentions it to have been preceded in July and August, after excessive heat, by the dysentery, which "soon became general, proving fatal in many instances." He adds, " towards the close of August, when the first cases of bilious fever occurred to me, the dysentery began to decline; and scarcely one new case of it occurred after the fever became more prevalent. It may be here remarked, that every person who had laboured under the dysentery, without an exception within my knowledge, escaped the fever." It is remarkable that here, as well as at Sheffield, the morbid influence of marsh miasmata first manifested itself in the form of dysentery. • This, I believe, does not always Jhappen. Dr. James Clark, in his Treatise on the Yellow Fever at Dominica, says, (page 103) that " the dysentery generally prevails at the same time that the remittent and in- termittent fevers do, in the West Indies, and probably from the same cause." Dr. Trotter observes, that on the coast of Africa and the West Indies, dysentery " is joined with inter- mittent and remittent fevers." (Med. Nautica, vol. i. p. 378. Of the East Indies I have no personal knowledge; hut it is notorious that marsli fevers and dysentery are there Com- monly produced by the same cause, and at nearly the same time :* that both often occur in the same person, and they are said to be not unfrequently complicated with chronic inflam- mation of the liver, to whicli the greater heat of that climate seems to dispose the inhabitants in a remarkable degree. • Dr. Ffirth says, that of the crew of the ship in which he went to Batavia, 76 in number, all, except eight, had either marsh fever or dysentery ; that " the fever ap- peared to alternate with dysentery ; when the weather was bad, the latter prevail- ed ; when,§-0OT4 the former." 3G0 But, without leaving Great Britain, we may find evidence of the influence of marsh miasmata in producing dysentery, from its appearing in those places, and at those seasons, in which they were known to be morbidly active. Even London, though now almost exempted from their effects by a change of circumstances, was formerly very much infested by them; and Sydenham remarks, that the dysentery never prevailed until the latter part of summer, and that it disappeared at the approach of winter, resembling marsh fevers in these respects. He has, indeed, omitted to notice those peculiari- ties of the season which render marsh effluvia most powerful, because he ascribed diseases not so much to the sensible as to the ocadt qualities of the air, which he called its constitution. Dr. Willis, however, has (as Sir John Pringle observes) sup- plied this omission, in regard to the dysentery which prevail- ed in London in the autumn of 1670, by mentioning that it began after an exceeding hot and dry summer; " post sesta- tem impense calidam &? siccam." (See Pharma. Ration, sect. iii. chap. 3.) Sir George Baker, also, (de Dysenteria Lon- din. an. 1762) mentions that this disease, in the latter year, appeared as an epidemic, about the end of July, after very hot and dry weather; and that it raged until November. Sir John Pringle also observes, (p. 251) that in this year 1762 " the summer heats and drought were of a longer continuance" than he ever observed in this country, and that in the autumn more cases of dysentery " occurred, than in all the sixteen years that" he "had resided here."—And Dr. Huxham, without appearing to suspect the influence of marsli effluvia, has remarked the prevalence of this disease as a consequence of hot summers. " Post fervidam sestatem, constanter fere sequunter cholerse, dysenterise, alvi fluxus." (De Aere & morbis epidemicis, t. ii. p. 176.) But that I may not unnecessarily extend these quotations I shall content myself with referring to Sir John Pringle's " Observations on the Camp Dysentery," among which arc the following, viz. 361 " I have never known the dysentery epidemic, unless in summer or in autumn, when tiie primse vise are most liable to be disordered." (Diseases of the Army, p. 224.) He might have added, and when marsh iniasmata are most powerful. Again, at p. 226, " Frequently the beginning of a flux will have all the appearance of an autumnal fever; for the patient will be feverish, with disorder in his stomach and bowels, for two or three days before the purging conies on; but after that, the fever sensibly gives way." And again, at p. 253, " Hitherto we have seen how similar the causes are, of the remitting and intermitting fevers, and of the bloody-flux. Nay, the affinity extends even to the occasional or exciting causes ; such as when, in the end of summer, or in autumn, the men are exposed to night damps* and fogs, especially after a hot day, or lie upon wetvground, or in wet clothes, part of them will be seized with that kind of fever, and part with this flux; and perhaps some of them will have a disorder com- pounded of both. Add to this, that those fevers begin to be frequent in camp whilst the dysentery still subsists; that the first symptoms are often similar, such as the rigors, and disor- der of the stomach; that the remitting and intermitting fevers of a bad kind have sometimes ended in a bloody-flux ; that such countries as are most subject to those autumnal remitting fevers, are likewise most liable to the dysentery ; and that the analogy continues even to the method of cure, in so far as the principal part of it consists in clearing the primse viae. Upon the whole, the nature of the two distempers appears so much alike, that, at first sight, Sydenham seems to have expressed himself justly, when he called this flux " the fever of the season turned upon the bowels." But upon a nearer view we shall find this no- • It is remarkable that, notwithstanding all that Lancisi anil others had written of the influence of marsh effluvia in producing fevers, Sir John*seems to overlook their effects, aud ascribe them to cold and moisture. Hence, though he considers dysentery, and remitting or intermitting fevers, as having similar causes, he makes no mention of marsh miasmata as occasioning either, eve,n where they prevail most extensively, as in Flanders, &c. It is, indeed, true that he supposes the moisture to be rendered more hurtful by the effects of putrefaction in marshes. 46 362 tion more ingenious than solid, since the circumstance of Wt* hems; contagious, shews that the dysentery is essentially differ- ent from those fevers." Here we find that this justjy-distinguished physician, alter stating facts and reasons the most forcible, for considering marsh fevers and dysentery as produced hy the same cause, gratuitously assumes the latter disease to be contagious, and, on that assumption, in opposition to these facts and reasons, in- fers that the latter disease " is essentially different from those fevers." We shall, however, soon find reason to think that contagion is not a quality belonging to dysentery, unless it be in cases which are occasioned by, or complicated with, typhus fever, if, indeed, such cases ever exist; and we may there- fore conclude, that marsh miasmata, acting in a particular direction, are a frequent cause of dysentery; indeed, there is good ground for believing that it never becomes an epidemic, without their co-operation. The causes which determine tiie morbid influence of marsh effluvia towards the intestines, so as to excite the disease in question, rather than intermitting or remitting fevers, do not seem to be yet well understood. Dr. Blane thinks, when per- sons are pre-disposed to that morbid action which may termi- nate cither in fever or dysentery, that the latter disease " is more likely to arise from an irregularity in eating or drink- ing :—a fever from being exposed to the weather," &c. There can, however, be no doubt, but the latter of these causes, (supposing it to include the application of cold and wet to the skin,) is often productive of dysentery, either alone, or in conjunction with miasmata and other causes. Indeed, there are but fewr persons who have not some time been made sensible of the sudden effect of such applications, in pro- ducing diarrhoea at least; though I am far from thinking that improper food, by irritating and disordering the bowels, does not also co-operate in exciting dysentery ; and under the head of improper food, I would include sharp, acid fruits, when eaten to excess, such as pine apples, whicli Dr. Moseley 363 mentions as having caused the disease. I think, however, that in this, as well as other cases of dysentery, which were chiefly in his contemplation, marsh effluvia must have been the principal cause; for at p. 214 he notices the stools, as being " more frequent, and all the symptoms more aggravat- ed, at those hours when the current fevers are in their exacer- bations, and the reverse wiien those fevers are in their remis- sion ; besides the alternate succession of one disease to another, which (says he) I have frequently observed:" and this, to my apprehension, clearly indicates the influence of marsh miasmata, though he adds that it cannot " be doubted but this fever of the intestines, like most others, is caused by ob- structed perspiration."* But besides the production of dysentery by the operation of wet and cold, conjointly with miasmata or other causes, this disease has, in many instances, been apparently occasioned by their operation alone. Of this Sir John Pringle gives a remarkable instance, at p. 19 of his Observations on the diseases of the Army, viz.— " On the 26th (of June, 1743,) in the evening, the tente were struck, the army marched all night, and next morning fought at Dettingen. On the night following, the soldiers lay on the field of battle without tents, exposed to a heavy rain. Next day we moved to Hanau, and encamped on good ground in an open field; but it was then wet,f and for the first night or two, the men wanted straw. By these accidents, a sudden change was made in the health of the army; for the summer • An obstruction of perspiration, to with (in conformity with the principles of the Humoral Pathology) the dysentery is here ascribed, probably is not a cause of it, as occasioning a retention of matters which ought to have been excreted (and for which nature has provided other outlets when wanted,) but as being generally accompanied with a morbid distribution of the blood, and an improper determination of the living power inwardly to the intestines, followed by increased, or inflammatory actions in their vessels. * | Dr. F. Home (at p. 26 of his Medical Facts and Experiments,) says there were "two rainy nights, after the battle of Dettingen," wiiich " produced the bloody flux." 364 had begun early, and the weather had been constantly warm, kc."—". Now the pores were suddenly stopped, the body was chilled, and the humours tending to resolution from the pre- ceding heats, were turned upon the bowels, and produced a dysentery, wiiich continued a considerable part of tbe cam- paign. In eight days after the battle, about 500 men were seized with that distemper, and in a few weeks nearly half the men were either ill, or had recovered of it." Dr. Trotter mentions a lamentable dysentery, which was produced on board the Berwick, ship of the line, in October, 1780, in consequence of the hurricane on the 5th of that month, by which the clothes and bedding of the seamen, and indeed every part of the ship " were soaked in water," and many of the men " slept for nights together on the wet decks, overcome with fatigue, and debilitated from the want of food." In seven weeks thirty of the best men died of this disease, in some cases complicated with scurvy, and " near 300 of the ship's company were ill," when she arrived at Spithead. (Med. Nautica, vol. i. p. 378, kc.) Dr. Mosely says, " it has often happened that hundreds of men in a camp have been seized w ith the dysentery, almost at the same time, after one shower of rain, or from lying one night in the wet and cold." (See his Treatise on Tropical Diseases, 3rd edition, p. 268.) I suspect, however, that in such cases, the disease is not ex- actly like that which principally results from marsh effluvia; that it has a greater similitude to diarrhoea, and if accompa- nied with fever, that this is nearly related to that of catarrh. Another supposed cause of dysentery has been alleged by so many respectable authors, that it would be improper in me to reject it, though I have never seen any decisive or convinc- ing evidence of its operation in this way : wiiat I mean is typhus fever, or its contagion. Dr. Blane, at p. 394 of his work on the Diseases of Seamen, says, " when this (typhus) fever prevailed on board of any ship that arrived from a northern climate, it was soon after succeeded by, or converted into, a dysentery ; for the ships that arrived either from Eng- 365 land or North America, with the greatest stock of feveiish infection, were the most subject to fluxes, after being two or three months in the West Indies." Dr. Trotter asserts that typhus fever was combined with dysentery in the transports which conveyed the army under Lord Moira to Ostend, in the year 1794; (see p. 378) and Sir John Pringle says, (p. 227) " The most fatal sort of fever, which so often attends the dysentery of the army, though not essential to it, is the hospital or jail distemper."—" This fever (he adds) com- bined with the bloody flux, was generally mortal." But sup- posing, as I am willing to do, that Sir John Pringle has com- mitted no mistake concerning the true nature of the fever in question, it may, notwithstanding, become a matter of doubt, whether the dysentery in these cases, was the consequence of a typhus fever inverted or thrown upon the intestines, or whe- ther the patients had been exposed both to marsh effluvia and febrile contagion at different times, and that each having produced its effect separately, the fever and flux were thus accidentally combined ? In either of these cases, however, we may understand, and perhaps believe what the same author asserts at p. 103, i. e. that " the putrid effluvia of the dysen- teric fseces, are not only apt to propagate flux, but likewise to breed the jail or hospital fever, with or without bloody stools:" for the excretions of patients under the action of con- tagion, may reasonably be expected to become contagious ; though I cannot believe that dysentery ever possesses that quality, when it is not derived from, or connected with that cause. G. Fabricius Hildanus, in his Treatise de Dysenteria, cau- tions persons in health not to approach the places where dysenterical excrements are deposited, lest they should he infected; adding, that the exhalations of such excrements affect the bowels of persons in health, by some occult quality. Afterwards, Sennertus mentioning the dysentery, which oc- curred in 1624, after great heat and drought, says that one person was infected by another, and that whole families died 366 of it. But there seems to be good reason for believing, that the disease here mentioned was occasioned by marsh effluvia, and that their effects were, as they have been on so many oc- casions, mistaken for those of contagion ; and this was proba- bly the case with Sir John Pringle in Flanders, whenever the disease prevailed as an epidemic, which was always at a time of the year when febrile contagion must have been nearly inactive, and when marsh effluvia were most powerful. Sy- denham no where intimates that his epidemic dysentery was contagious, and Willis distinctly asserts that it was not. Even Sir John Pringle admits (p. 235) " that this disorder is not so catching as most others of the contagious kind;" hut adds that he " always found it in some degree infectious, especially in military hospitals," whenever it was " epidemic;" and this, according to his own explanation in other places, was'always in the summer and autumn,, when marsh effluvia were most abundant and active, and when febrile contagion must have been least so, and therefore when it was most easy to confound their effects. It is moreover absolutely incredible, that marsh effluvia should produce contagion, when they disorder the bowels, and not produce it when they occasion intermittent and remittent fevers. Mr. Boag doubts whether dysentery is ever contagious in the East Indies ;* and all the medical gentlemen from that climate with whom I have conversed, have entertained similar doubts, or rather believed it not to be so. Dr. Mosely says, " as to contagion from infection in dysentery, I must confess I never saw an instance of it; nei- ther do I believe there is any such thing." (p. 267.) M. Bruant, physician to the French army in Egypt, says the dysentery was not contagious in the great hospital (the house of Ibrahim-Bey,) at Cairo, where he officiated with three other physicians, though it had long been crowded with sick." See Hist. Medicate de L'armee d'Orient, 2de partie. And in * See Medical Tracts, &c. vol. iv. p. 13. He thinks the climate of that country unfavourable to the production and propagation of contagious diseases,—observing that even the small pox gradually disappears as the summer advances. 367 regard to my own experience, I have no hesitation in declaring, that with thousands of soldiers in that disease, under m^ care at different times, and often much crowded in hospitals, bar- racks, and transports, I never have been able to discover any sufficient reason to believe that the disease was communicated by any of them to any nurse, orderly man, or other person.* I shall conclude this chapter by a very few general obser- vations on the treatment of dysentery. As in this disease there is manifestly a morbid determina- tion of febrile or inflammatory action upon the intestines, I think, and have always found it beneficial, speedily to coun- teract this disposition, and produce an opposite determi- nation ; so far at least as to create a salutary distribution of the blood, and of the living power, throughout the body, and especially upon its surface, by suitable diaphoretics, combin- ed with opium in small doses; by the application of flan- nels, immediately to the skin, and more especially round the abdomen; and in urgent cases by the warm bath, (continued for the space of an hour, if tiie patient can hear it so long,) warm fomentations, and especially blisters upon the belly, taking care at the same time to promote sufficient evacuations by stool, to relieve the intestines as much as possible from all irritation and uneasiness, which they might suffer by a reten- tion of hardened faeces, or scyhala, and other matters. For this last purpose, the neutral purging salts, with manna, are proper, or a mixture of the oleum ricini, with the juice of a ripe orange, and a little mucilage of gum-arabic, which will agree better with most stomachs, and prove equally effica- cious; emollient purgative clysters may also be employed. Should the disease be attended with considerable fever, care •I have now before me a statement which I made on the 5 th of May, 1806, of aertain facts communicated to me on that day, by Dr. Macdonald, who was a staff surgeon with the army in the Netherlands, under the Duke of York, in 1793 and 4, decisively proving, that a dysentery which prevailed to a great extent, and in the worst form among the French prisoners, accumulated at Ghent to the number" of nearry 4,000, did not manifest the slightest contagious property 368 must be taken not to increase it by the too frequent use of diaphoretics and opium. When the disease, by long protrac- tion, has occasioned ulcerations of the intestines, and more especially when it is complicated with an affection of the liver, calomel should he preferred as a purgative, and it should also be employed with opium, so as to excite a sore- ness of the mouth. The food in dysentery oifght to be light, and easy of di- gestion ; indeed, tbe stomach will commonly bear no other. The amilaceous matter of the Maranta arundinacea, or In- dian arrow-root, boiled with milk, barley, and chicken-wa- ter, salop, tapioca, &c. are generally the most acceptable, as w ell as salutary. But if the patient should have any par- ticular craving, it may almost alwys be safely indulged. The best means of obviating this disease, especially in ar- mies, deserve consideration; and, among these means, there is, I believe, none which would prove more generally effica- cious, than constantly wearing flannels round the belly, and next to the skin : the allotment of muscular fibres to that part of the body is very sparing, and so is its power of resisting cold. In Germany, Italy, Spain, and Portugal, people of the lower order,- very generally wear sashes of woollen stuffs round their waists; and I have observed a similar practice among the Turks and Arabs, whicli, however it began, has probably been continued from a conviction of its beneficial ef- fects in preventing disease. Dr. Grainger, at p. 36 of his Essay on the more Common West India Diseases, (2nd edi- tion) makes the following just observation. " One should imagine it would he hardly necessary to advise to cover the bellies of the diseased (under " fluxes" with warm blankets ; and yet for want of this simple precaution, I have known ma- ny negroes lost." CHAP. III. OBSERVATIONS ON THE PLAGUE. Upon my return from Egypt, in 1802, I employed some time in reading, and making extracts from, such scarce books, and manuscripts, relating to the plague, and sweating sickness, as I could find in the British Museum, the libraries of Uni- versities, (particularly that of Oxford) and other collections, partly for my own satisfaction, and partly with an expecta- tion of publishing something on these diseases, they having previously engaged my attention in some degree. This ex- pectation, however, has not been fulfilled ; because, though my researches were not unproductive of curious matters, I have doubted whether they would prove so generally interest- ing, or so practically useful, as to render a publication of them desirable ; and in regard to what I had either seen or thought of the plague, I hoped that Drs. Buchan and Price, army Physicians, who underwent the disease in Egypt, would render any contribution from me of no importance, by giving to the public the results of their own more extended expe- rience on that subject. But as this hope is now almost extin-, guished, and as opinions which I think erroneous have been extensively propagated by high authorities, some of which confound the plague with Typhus, and others with yellow fever, I cannot allow the present volume to go into the world, without adding some facts and conclusions, tending, as I hope, to stop the progress of error; and founded, not only on a con- 47 JS70 sidcrable share of reading, and some personal observation; but on valuable communications, with which I have been fa- voured, by medical gentlemen, who were employed in the Pest-houses of Egypt, and some of them for a longer time than myself. In regard to the history of plague, I shall here introduce hut a very small part of what I had collected and written on the subject. In the Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Latin, and all other Ancient languages, with which we are acquainted, words are found signifying generally, (like the English word Plague) an extensive and destroying malady, when applied to diseases; and Galen, who was for many centuries the oracle of medicine, has sanctioned this application of the term ; for he expressly says* that epidemic and plague, arc not names of any particular disease ; but that the former designates a dis- order attacking many persons in a district; and that when it proves mortal to great numbers, it then becomes a plague : and with these vague significations the words in question were long used. But in modern times, writers who aimed at more accurate discriminations, have appropriated the word plague, and its correspondent terms in other languages, to signify ex- clusively a peculiar and very fatal disease distinguished by symptoms, to be hereafter mentioned, among which Glandular swellings in the groin, axillae, and neck, are the most constant and remarkable. I am convinced, by facts the most indisputable, that the dis- ease just mentioned, and to which alone I shall apply the name of plague, is not only distinct from all others, (or sui * Ou' yeip $V voe-v'fietTos yc tivo$ ovopui ifiv Ivtfti/M* jj' Xotp.SS'ts, «AA" ori me «v 3-oAAfl<; £v tvi ytvtflxt %apiai, toZto liri$i)[*.ov ivoftct^eTai. veo- TiXBovroi S'tcureo too weAAoi/? aitiigeiVy Aojftoj ylvtrut. Vid. Foesius (Eco- nom. Ilippoc. p 638. 1 am informed by Mr. Brown, the African traveller, that Koubeh, and Webe, or Vebe, are terms now used by the Egyptians to designate the plague. The formei signifies a great mortality from disease, and the latter a grave ; and conjoined these woids imply a disease wiiich sends many people to their graves. 371 generis) but that it is, morever, specifically contagious, and, consequently, incapable of being any where produced, except from its own contagion; and I think it highly probable that this disease has subsisted almost from the commencement of human existence, and been continued from generation to gene- ration, by its peculiar contagious quality; though, from the want of proper discrimination, which is found in all the an- cient medical writers, and which might well be expected in regard to those diseases, which were ascribed to supernatural causes, there is, I believe, no clear, definite, and certain des- cription of the plague, anterior to that which Procopius* gave • Procopius, a Greek Byzantine historian, was secretary to Balisarius, and attended him in the wai-s of Persia, Vfrica, and Italy, after which he became prefect or governor of Constantinople. It is in the second book of his History of the Persian War, (Chap. 22,) that he gives an account of this plague. I have made the following trans- lation of those passages in which he describes the disease, viz. " Persons were seized in this manner: they suddenly became feverish, some whilst asle -p, and others, in their ordinary occupations. The body did not change colour, nor grow hot, nor inflamed, even with the fever, which was so moderate from the beginning, and until evening, that neither the patient, nor his physician, by feeling the pulse, apprehended any danger ; for no one could have suspected death from it: A tumor rose, in some on the first, and in others on the second day, but sometimes later, not only in the groin but also within the axillae, (armpits) and sometimes behind, or under the ears, or in some other part as might happen These symptoms have hitherto appeared very constantly, in all who were attacked by the disease; other symptoms were less con- stant. I cannot say whether from any differences in the bodies of the sick, or from the will of him who sent the disease." " In some there was a profound coma, in others a violent delirium." " Some died very speedily, others lived several days. 1'he body was spotted with black pustules of the size of a lentil, in some who did not live a single day ; but died immediately : others were carried off* by a spontaneous vomiting of blood. This I can declare truly, that the most able Physicians often prognosticated the deaths of numbers who shortly after recovered surprisingly ; and, on the other hand, they have pronounced the recoveiy of many who were doomed to speedy death: so that in this distemper there was no reasoning which could assist human judgment; no one being able, in most cases, to foresee the event. Bathing was beneficial to some, but toothers it did harm. Many died who were left without attendance, while others in the like circumstances unexpectedly recovered. Again, all methods of treatment succeeded with, some, though, in short, no certain means were discovered, either to cure or prevent the disease." To pregnant women the disorder was certain death, for those who miscarried died, and those who were delivered perished with their off spring." " Itgenerally happened that those whose buboos grew large and suppurated, recovered from the disease, which seemed to spend its violence upon these tumors ;— 372 of the great plague that began about the year 542, and lasted more than half a century, destroying a great part of man- kind, as far as the world was then known. But there is, I think, great probability, that this disease was known to the whilst in thuve whose buboes remained without suppuration, it had an unfavourable ter- mination." " i'hisdisease lasted for four months at Byzantium, (Constantinople) though it raged most during three only. In the beginning few died beyond the usual number; but the evil soon increased to such an extent, that the deaths amounted to 5,000 daily, and at length to 10,U00 and upwards. At first, care was taken to bury the dead in the vaults of their families, but afterwards they were thrown into the sepulchres of others, some- times from ignorance, but often by violence. In the end an universal confusion pre- vailed ; servants being left without masters, and masters, once very opulent, deprived of servants by death or sickness. Many houses became desolate, and bodies some- times remained in them unburied, because none of their inhabitants had survived." Agatluas, another Greek historian, who lived about the same time, and wrote an history of Justinian's reign, beginning where that of Procopius ends, mentions another violent eruption of the plague at Byzantium, where, he says it had never entirely ceased, from its commencement in the 5th year of that Emperor. He says, it de- stroyed myriads, and with symptoms like those which at first distinguished it Sec the Greik edition, with the Latin version, and notes by Bonaventure Vulcanius, printed at Leyden, 1594, (4°) Lib. V. p. 148. A farther account of this plague was given by Evagrius Scholasticus, an ecclesiasti- cal Greek historian, who lived in the same century. He calls it, the inguinal plague, and says it began two years after the taking of Antioch, by the Persians (under Cos- roes, V. D 540,) and that whilst he was writing it had invaded that city for the fourth time, having then lasted 52 years, and almost depopulated the world. The following is a translation of his description of the disease ; viz. "In some persons, seizing-the head, it rendered the eyes sanguineous, and the face tumid ; then falling on the (elands of the) throat, it put an end to life, in all who were thus seized.*— Some were afflicted with discharges from the bowels ; in others an abscess formed in the groin, and, being followed by a raging fever, the patient died on the second or third day with his body and mind apparently sound. " Some were seized with deli- rium and expired. Carbuncles arising on the body, extinguished life in many. Oth- ers recovered once, and afterwards died of the same disease. The modes of con- tracting the disease v» ere various, and baffled all calculation. Some perished by once * In modern times, patients under plague have been speedily suffocated by such an affection of the sub-maxillary glands. Orrseus, at p. 96 of his Descriptio Pesti s, after nentioning parotid swellings adds, " Atq-otquot submaxillaribns obnoxios vi.lerv- inihi contigit ob enormem intumescen- tiam partiuin laryngi proxiraarum, et inde productam suffocaiionem omnes e vita mi- grarunt llorrendum sane aspectum, a tumoiv vastissimo deformes oribus hiantibuset lingua exserta anxio anhelantes, prcebuerunt miseri*" S7S Jews at an early period of their history, and that it was the disease mentioned in 1st of Samuel, chap. v. verses 6 and 9 j and ch. vi. v. 19, under the name of "Emrods" (or He- morrhoids) according to the English translation; which seems entirely gratuitous; the Hebrew word being (Aplwlin or Apholim) and its root (Apol.) signifying an eleva- tion, eminence, or hill, it properly denotes a tumor, or swell- ing, in some secret part; and I believe, there is no sufficient authority for referring these tumors to the anus, rather than to the groin, where they would constitute buboes, and indicate the plague; a disease which is much more likely than the piles to have spread extensively and destructively among the Philistines at Ashdod, and to have been communicated by them, when they restored the ark to the Israelites, at Beth- Sheinesh, and have there caused the deaths of 50,070 men;" who were thus afflicted, as is said, " because they had looked into the ark of the Lord." These swellings would have been as much in the " secret parts" of men wearing clothes, when placed in the groin, as if placed in the other situation. It may indeed be alleged as an objection to this construction, that, among the dreadful curses denounced in the 28th Chap- ter of Deuteronomy, v. 6, the Hebrew word which denotes Pestilence (Deber) is different from that which in the 27th verse, has been translated Emrods. But there is no force in this objection, unless it can be ascertained, that the word Deber then signified the true plague, and if that be ascer- tained, it will prove this disease to have been known to the Jews at an earlier period, or soon after they left Egypt. From several passages in the writings of Hippocrates, it seems prebable, at least, that the true plague had fallen un- der his observation. He mentions, at the 55th verse of the entering into infected houses" "Some by only touching the sick-" "Many who remained with the sick and freely handled tl.em as well as the dead bodies, wholly escaped the malady." Hist. Eccles. lib. iv. c> 29. 374 4th book of his Aphorisms,* that fevers accompanied with buboes are all dangerous, except ephemeralf fevers; and this passage is repeated in the 7th section of the 2d book of Epi- demics, with this addition,^ " and buboes occurring in fevers are more dangerous, especially if in fevers which are acute, they subside soon after their appearance:" and these observa- tions may be considered, as correctly applicable to the plague. It is also probable, that the disease which is described as|| prevailing among the fullers in the 5th book of Ms Epide- mics; 7th Section (page 1155 of Foesius's edit. E.) and also in the 7th book of the same, 7th Sect. (p. 1229. H.) was the plague : and this probability is heightened by this considera- tion, that, if the plague existed in the country, no class of men would be so liable to be infected by it as fullers, who were then very much employed in cleansing the woollen clothes almost universally worn in those days. * Hippocrates Aphor. 1. iv. 55. Ol inri GuSaoi wvpeToi -xuvitq xxxe) lrX<»\ tvv ttpTt/neptiv. \ iiy the exception here made in regard to ephemeral, he appears to have meant those short and mild fevers, of one paroxysm, which so frequently attend the suppu- rative process in buboes, caused by absorption. These buboes are well described by Ga- len, in the 15th book of his Methodus Mcdendi; of which description the following is a translation. "Thus also, ftoiti an ulcer coming on a finger, either of the foot or of the hand, the glands in the groin and tbe axilla, swell and inflame, upon first receiv- ing the blood returned from the extremity of the limb : and about the neck, and the ears, glands have often swelled from ulcerations ekher upon the head, or the neck, Or some of the neighboring parts. They call glands thus swollen buboes." | Ol tTt QaSac-i irvetTo) kukov zrXqv t#v itpniptipm, xxt ox iiit rrvee- roitri Cy£«v£? Ktxy.t'ovts ii rolnv o%i 1 T£t«»t>i, which I conceive to be the only proper reading. 375 These are the parts which favour most the supposition that Hippocrates was acquainted with the plague. Galen,, indeed, mentions (in lib. de Therm, ad Pison.) that Hippocrates put an end to the plague at Athens, hy lighting fires; but, after the definition, before quoted, of the plague by this author, we can have no certainty that the disorder then prevalent in Athens was the true plague. It does not appear, however, that Hippocrates knew either the peculiar nature of the plague, or its contagious property. I have not indeed met with any passage in his writings which clearly shows, that he was aware even of the existence of such a quality in disease as contagion.* In regard to the description given by Thucydides of the plague at Athens, in the Peloponnesian war, I must observe, that whatever its merits may be in other respects, it is too vague and inaccurate for any medical purpose; for it does not unequivocally designate any known disease. The parts of it * Galen was manifestly convinced of the contagious qua!i'.y of the plague when he used these^xprtjssions, c-wdtxTeiZeiv rate, XoittarTovtriv i-rio-pxXis, x7raXxv s wxgee run GepxsrevoiAtvu* ytvo/AtvKS TX%e&>s Jsro too ■zrpetyf*.XTe$ xXitmitxi Also, Probl Sect. Vll 1. Aict r) xtso fnXt voo-uv ivim voo-ouTit ot TrXtjTix^evrti, k&o oe uyuixi; oufets oyiec^erxt; which is a plain mention of contagion, though not applied to any particular disease. Aretseus, in the last chapter of his second Book of Therapeutics, observes,that ele- phantiasis is as contagious as plague. " Aioi h \vi&ioZi ti, xxi l;vv2'txtT*$tci, ou pem j»" Awjtw, **xvw, y«g «'? fttTtiSbio-ii pyjio^if) £«^>?'." 376 most applicable to the plague are the alleged contagious pro- perty of the disorder, and tbe mention of small pustules and sores, as marking the bodies of the sick. *ai/*t*i'»*s< ^^xic, *«j tXKto-ti ^6^. There is, however, no intimation of any glan- dular tumours, which must have occurred in the true plague ; and all things considered, the disease seems most likely to have been a marsh fever, combined with scurvy, modified and aggravated by an accumulation of eight times the usual num- ber of inhabitants, afflicted by famine, despair, and all the calamities of war. It is remarkable, that tbe disease began, and prevailed most, at those seasons when marsh miasmata are always most powerful; and though said to have been con- tagious, it was not communicated even to the neighbouring towns of Peloponnesus and Bceotia: a plain indication of its having been produced, and propagated by local causes. Among the definitions of plague given by nosologists, that of Dr. Cullen* seems to he one of the least objectionable. But even this is faulty, by including typhus fever, which pro- bably never occurs in this disease, and is as distinct frem it, as from small pox or measles. It may indeed be possible that a person who has been exposed to the contagion, both of plague and typhus, should be attacked by both diseases together; but in this case, the infection of each would doubtless remain distinct, and only be able to propagate its peculiar disease ; because one is communicable by immediate contact only, and the other, so far as we can judge, exclusively through the me- dium of the atmosphere. The definition of Pestis, by Sauvage, accords w ith that of Cullen, and is liable to a similar objection. Linnseus, substi- tutes a most acute Synocha Typhus fever; a substitution which will often be at variance with fact, as in most cases no such fever is present. Vogel errs in a greater degree, by arrang- ing plague among simple continued fevers, stating it to be epi- • Pettis. " Typhus maxime contagiosa, cum suniraa debilitate."—" Incerto morbi die eru^tta Bubonum vel Anthracum." 377 deinic and most acute; and superadding a great number of symptoms, neither essential nor constant to the disease. Sa- gar's definition is less exceptionable than Vogel's, but it is at least objectionable, as including typhus fever. Orrseus, wrho was sent with superior medical authority, by the late empress, Catharine of Russia, to advise and assist during the plagues at Jassia (or Yassy) and Moscow, has re- fused to admit fever of any kind among the characteristic dis- tinctions of plague; and assigns his reasons for doing so. at pages 71, 2, and 3, of his Descriptio Pestis, (4°, printed at Petersburgh, 1784,) where, though he acknowledges that feb- rile symptoms occur in most cases of plague, he maintains, that fever does not essentially belong to the disease, nor con- stantly attend it. And that it would he just as reasonable to give the name of fever to that acceleration of pulse, and other effects of morbid excitement, occasioned by acrid poisons, fumes of charcoal, &c. as to the febrile symptoms which often attend the plague. And certainly fever, properly so called, does not constitute the disease, nor is it in all cases percepti- ble, even as a symptom;* but the latter part of this observa- * In very mild cases of plague, buboes arise and suppurate nr disperse, and the. disease terminates without any manifest febrile symptom. I saw some such cases, in the pest-houses at \bnukir, in 1801, and a greater number have been ob served by others in different situations. The like happens sometimes in the mildest cases of inoculated small-pox ; on tbe other hand, I believe (though such cases did not fall under my observation) that the morbid impressions from the contagion of plague are sometimes so powerful as to extinguish life, before any such reaction of the system can take place, as would produce an appearance of fever. In general however, and excepting these extreme cases, there is so much of reaction, or of effort, by what has been called the vis medicalrix naturse, that febrile symptoms, more or less violent, as well as variously modified, do (as in small pox) occur to persons attacked by the plague, during a part of its continuance. See Waleschmidt de siq;. Pest. Holsat. 1712. Haller (Disp. ad morb. Hist, et Curat, v. 5. p. 555.) "Pestis, proprii loquendo febris vocari nequit; est enim ssepissime sine febre, et sub varia larva sua ludit dra- mata." Diemerbroek observes (de peste, p. 12) " Pestis sine febre paucis incipiebant et finitur ; pluribussine febre quidem incipiebat, s';:I c[ i e i-.i-i ■ i mil diu p i,.; inse»ba- tur," &c He adds, in a note, " Pestem esse qu'-d iffveisum a feb:v, et febr m eju9 essa symptoma, durante hac pestilente c> lstitutioue multoties observavimas, ac 48 578 tion would apply to every other symptom of the disease, no one of which invariably and manifestly occurs to every pa- tient ; so that if, in defining the plague, we were to reject all the symptoms which are not constant and inseparable, we should have none left to denote the disease; fever, therefore, though of no particular form or species, may perhaps be ad- mitted as part of the definition, and this with a swelling of some of the lymphatic glands, or with exanthema, including carbuncles, may serve generally to designate the plague, if accompanied by that particular contagion which is its cause and essence, and rvithout which there can be no plague. The limits prescribed for this publication, will not allow me to describe the several forms, modifications, and degrees of ,fever whicli accompany the plague in different seasons, situa- tions, and individuals. They are in fact as numerous and va- rious as the human constitution is capable of exhibiting. In the young, robust, and plethoric, we find synocha, or ardent fever, with the usual inflammatory appearances, and in feeble or debilitated constitutions we have the appearance of low nervous fever. The intermediate degrees and com- binations are, however, much more frequent than either of these extremes; indeed, the cases of ardent fever com- monly bear a very small proportion to the others, perhaps because the action of this contagion is found generally to de- press or diminish the living power. In all these cases the patient's constitution and circumstances have a great, if not an exclusive influence upon the febrile and other symptoms; with this exception, however, that in persons who have pre- viously been sufficiently exposed to marsh effluvia, the fever to which this contagion acts as an exciting cause, generally proinde nonnulli pestem male per febrem definiunt, cum febris no;> sit de ip: ius es. eriti •, ut infra probabitur cap. 12. :inn:>t. 2" Dr. Sotira, at p. 3. of his M inoir sur la Pe.-.tc,observ'ie en Egyptc, in describing the varieties of that disease, s:ivs, " Finalement, il yea avait quelques-uns att:tque<< d'un leger mal de tete, avec un degnut passa^r, s, >;.» fevre, qui suuffraient un pici.- temeut sous l'aine, a l'ene,lil ntiel s- muniles.." P.-u a peu le- bubon se prononcait, pour disparaitre, on pour suppnrer longtems iipres," Sec. 379 takes on the form cither of a quotidian intermittent, or of a double tertian."* I have assumed this disease to he essentially and specifically contagions, and I shall presently mention sufficient proofs and grounds for the assumption. But I think it expedient first to offer some observations, concerning the channels through which its contagion is received by the human body; because the production of buboes, in my opinion, depends entirely on this fact, that the contagion after being applied hy contact to the skin, is exclusively received through it, and conveyed by the lymphatics into the blood vessels,! as in the case of inocu- * Dr. Price informed me that in all or nearly allthe Sepoys or other East Indians attacked by the plague, who had fallen under his care in Egypt, the accompanying fever was of the intermitting form ; that the paroxysm began with cold and shivering; and it was during the cold stage that most of these blacks died. They had probably all been exposed to marsh miasmata, in the neighbourhood of Rosetta; and to this circumstance I should ascribe the occurrence of this form of fever among them. ■J- The facts which prove the necessity of actual contact with some infected person or thing to communicate the plague, are so numerous, and many of them so notorious that it must be unnecessary for me to enter upon a detail of them, after what Dr. Kus- sel and others have published, and after the experience of the British army in Egypt, which invariably demonstrated this necessity, by shewing that all those who avoided contact invariably escaped the disease, whilst those who did otherwise in suitable condi- tions, were very generally infected. Nor was there, so far as I have been able to dis- cover any instance, in the French Egyptian army, of a communication of the d.sease without contact, though the Physicians to that army, who have written on the subject, do not, I believe positively assert the impossibility of such communication. But M. Des^enettes, the chief Physician to that army, at p. 248, when writing upon th.s con- tagion, savs, « on a vu un simple fosse, fait en avant d'un camp, en arreter les ravages ,• et c'est sur des observations de ce genre, que est fonde Visohment avantageux des Francs dont la pratique a ete suffisamment, detaillee par divers voyageurs." And Dr. Pu-net, one of the physicians of the same army, (whose experience in this disease was very extensive) at p. 130 of his Memoires, sur les Fievers Pestilentielles, kc. du Le- vant, not only supposes the necessity of contact, but adds that even this wi.l not suffice without an aptitude in the receiver of the contagion. He indeed afterward, inUmate.s, that from the crowded and confused state of the army, he had not been able to ascertam « si le contact de la personne malade, ou de ce qu'il a louche est indispensable, pourj donner la maladie," &c. It is apparent, however, that he did not know of any other way in which the disease had been communicated; and the physicians employed at Moscow, duringthe plague, which destroyed nee -ly 60,0' »0 inhabitants of that city, ,n 380 lation for the small pox; and hence we may account for the morbid state of the lymphatic system, which has been ob- served, in the few cases of dissection, where proper attention was paid to its condition. The effects of morbid poisons, and other noxious matters when absorbed, upon the glands con- nected with the absorbents, have been sufficiently manifested ; and it is from this cause that the axillary glands of one or both arms, when the small pox has been introduced by inocula- tion, become swelled about the time or a little before the com- mencement of the eruptive fever; and (as is well known) it is also by an absorption of venereal poison, through a particu- lar organ, that the inguinal glands, to which that poison is directly conveyed by the absorbents, become affected ; and it is I ecause the contagion of plague is not commonly applied and communicated through the same organ, that pestilential buboes near the groin are not often, if ever, formed in the very same glands as the venereal, but in the femoral and 1771, appear, by abundant experience, to have left no room for doubt on the subject.— Dr de Merlens, in the English translation of his account of that calamity, says, " the contagion was communicated solely by contact ofthe sick, or infected goods." " It was not propagated by the atmosphere." He adds, " when we visited any of the sick we went so near them that frequently there was not more than a foot distance between them and us ; and though we used no other precaution than that of not touching their bodies, clothes, or beds, we escaped infection." M. Samoilowitz, who was surgeon to the great military hospital, where the plague in question first appeared, and who be- sides the most extensive experience in Moscow, had been greatly employed for that disease, in Poland, Moldavia, and Wallaehia, asserts, in the preface to his " Memoire sur la Peste,"&c. that " il est certain que la peste ne se develloppe, et ne se propage que par le contact ainsi que je le demontre dans mon memorie;" which indeed he afterwards does, by numerous facts. But after all these observations, I would not be understood as maintaining that the air expired from the lungs of a pa- tient under the plague, and loaded with humidity, may not contain some contagious matter, capable, if immediately received into the mouth and lung% of another peason (by a very near approach of their faces to each other) of being absor- bed, and taken up by the lymphatics spread over these internal surfaces, or perhaps by the lungs, so as to produce the disease : This would, I think, be nearly equivalent to contact, and attended with no more difficulty than there is in an absorption by the skin. Orrseus says, p. 151, " communissimd affectionis via per contactum oliscrvata."— He thinks, however, that the disease may be taken by the breath ; but if this were true, the other would not be the most commonway, because people frequently can and do avoid contact but cannot avoid breathing with the sick. 381 other glands which are connected with the lymphatics coming from the lower extremities. Orrseus, indeed, mentions a fact, which, without his appearing to be sensible of it, demon- strates the production of pestilential buboes by absorption. He says, p. 154, " In quibus escharse carbunculorum, post superatam pestem acutam, diutius neglcctae restitarunt, partes adjacentes valde intumuerunt, et in non nullis bubones de novo suscitabuntur." These secondary, or new buboes, could only be caused by an absorption from the protracted and neglected carbuncles.* While the lymphatic system and its uses were but very lit- tle known, and pestilential buboes were considered as an effect of the vis medicatrix naturae, and as being intended to facilitate a critical separation and discharge of the pestilen- tial virus from the blood, we need not wonder that a morbid absorption was not suspected to have been their cause. But it seems extraordinary that in recent times, and with modern discoveries, not only Samoilowitz should suppose buboes to be formed by the contagion of the plague thrown outwardly from the blood, (See his Memoire, p. 112,) but that a similar opinion should have seemingly been entertained by M. Desge- nettes, the chief physician of the French army in Egypt. I conclude at least that this must have been his opinion, because he states buboes to have been produced by an inverted action * Platerus had also observed the production of buboes, by the influence of carbun- cles, though he probably did not suspect the way by which that influence was exerted. He says (Praxeos Medicx, t. ii. p. 79) " Seel et fit ut bubones in peste correptis, non semper, a venenata ilia vi" (veneni pestiferi) "in corporis emunctoria excussa, verum oh carbonis vicioi ardorem doloremque influxum hunc in adenes coinmoventis, uti in aliis quoque inflamationibus accidit proveniant" He afterwards mentions the forma- tion of carbuncles, particularly in pestilential fevers; adding, " a quo anthrace ah in- itio lineani rubram ad bubonem, qui pleruraque ilium comitari solet" " porrigi sxpe observavimus." The red lines here mentioned are now known to proceed from an inflammation of the absorbents ; and they were observed, even by Galen; see the note to page 556. He adds, concerning these buboes, "cernitur autem aliquaudo Ipsa quo que vena per totum membrum rubra et calens, et distenta." &c. But though secondary buboes may be produced by an absorption from carbuncles, the latter can never produce them on patients in whom carbuncles do not occur, or only /(.cur subsequently to the buboes, as is often the case. 382 of the absorbent system,* contrary lo every tbing analogous with which I am acquainted. And in the very next paragraph, after mentioning carbuncles as being eminently contagious, he says (that in opposition to buboes) they arc produced by di- rect absorption:—"par absorption directe, c'est a dire dans Pordre ordinaire, et par la voie la plus courte, et le plus sim- ple contact." To me, however, it seems most probable, that if either buboes or carbuncles result from any thing thrown out- wardly by arterial action, or by any effort of nature, it must be the latter, rather than the former, wiiich are so produced. I have insisted the more on this subject, because the truth concerning it seems to be of some importance in regard to the prognosis, as well as treatment of the disease. Dr. Trice informed me that in all the bodies of persons who had died of plague, which he dissected in Egypt, the glandidar system was morbidly affected;! and Dr- Sotira, who was physician to the French army there, observes, that according to his information, those who died of that disease, and had been examined by the French medical officers, besides a morbid state of the brain and spinal marrow, were found to have " tout le systeme des glandes lymphatiques engorge." See Memoire sur la Peste Observee en Egypt, &c." p. 8. With these, and other proofs of morbid absorption hy the lymphatics, it is not surprising that buboes should he the most frequent of all the symptoms which occur in this multi- form disease. On a general computation, I think it would ap- pear that glandular swellings have been observed in nearly three-fourths of those who were supposed to have had plague, * " Les bubons pestilentiels sont des engorgements des glandes lymphatiques, qui s'operent evidi ment par un mouvetrent inverse du systeme absorbant." Hist. Me- dicale de L'armee d'Orient, p. 109. f Dr. Price informed me, also, that in all the bodies which he had dissected, the liver was greatly enlarged: but these, excepting one, had all been born in the East In.lies ; and on my asking, whether he did not think it more likely that an affection of that viscus should have existed previous to the attact of plague, than that such enlarge- ments should have been so suddenly produced by that disease, he answered intheaf- fli-mat'iye. S83 and many are erroneously supposed to have had it, when it prevails extensively and destructively, and as no sufficient examination takes place in many of the more violent cases, where buboes often do not appear till the approach of death; and there are others, where the rudiments, or germs, are dis- coverable only after death, and by such applications of the fingers as are both dangerous and unpleasant, it may he in- ferred, that but very few if any persons have undergone this disease, who either had not glandular swellings, or in whom they would not have occurred, if life had not been extinguish- ed, before there was sufficient time and reaction of the sys- tem for their production. I do not, however, think it im- possible that so much of the contagion of the plague as will suffice to produce the disease, should find its way into the system by the absorbents, without producing a swelling of the glands, though facts prove that this does not commonly happen. Whether in any of those mild cases, where buboes have appeared without fever, and which have been supposed to be most liable to re-infection, the contagion had affected the glands, without finding its way into the blood vessels, I am unable to determine. I am also unable to explain why the fermoral or inguinal glands, should he much oftener affected than those of the axilla; a fact which has been generally ob- served, and which seems to make it probable, that the conta- gion of the plague has been more frequently taken up by the absorbents Of the lower extremities, than by those of the hands and arms. This might well be the case with persons, who, like the inferior inhabitants of warm countries, seldom wear shoes and stockings , but there is some difficulty in un- derstanding how it could happen to others, unless stockings by absorbing and retaining the contagion, favour, rather than obstruct, its approach to the skin. When the disease is likely to prove mild, its commence- ment is commonly first indicated by hardness of the glands, and in many cases this occurs with, or soon after, tbe first febrile or other morbid symptom : often, however, and rspr- 384 ;ially in cases of great debility, no glandular affection is dis- coverable for several days, nor even until the near approach of death. So much has been written by various authors (and particularly Orrseus, at p. 95 and 6,) in regard to buboes, their appearances, situations,* numbers, sizes, kc. that as I am not giving a treatise of plague, I may be allowed to pass over these topics. For similar reasons, I shall offer very few observations re- specting the anthrax or carbuncle, of which Orrseus seeing to have given the best account.f Their occurrence is, I believ e, * " Des qu'un bubon parait soi t aux aines ou aillieurs il se place tousjours de cote, au- dessus ou au-desous de la glande et jamais sur la glande meme comme les bubous ven- criens. Ceux des aines prominent ordinairement deux.doigts au-dessous des glandes inguinales." Meipoires ur la Peste, par M. D. Samoilowitz, M. D. he. p 138. f Orrseus p. 98. " Carbunculi nihil aliud sunt quam siderationes partiales cutis, et eiproximx celhilosie,'' (membrana;) " anigredine crusta; mortuse sic nuncup-iti." He makes a distinction of carbuncles into the moist and dry, which I do not recol- lect to have been made by any other writer, though it appears a very proper and ne- cessary one. The former is that which seems to agree best with what authors have described as the pestilential carbuncle. Orrseus describes it thus:—" Febre pestilen- tiali jam oborta, vel interdum simul cum ea, pars qualiscuriqiie corporis, nunc ltiajo- ris, nunc minoris ambitus ardere, dolere, rubescere, et tumescere incipit: (in aliis non nisi macula rubra, vix supra supeifciem cutis prominens, conspicitur,) non diu post, in medio tumoris Una vel plures, hand procul a se invicem di.->tantes pustules, quasi capitula acuum," (pins' heads) " majuscula, altitudincm lineae," (1-12 of an inch) " raro superantes, pallidiusculse & sanie turbida replete exsurgunt, quae post breve intervallum crepant; cutis vero subjecta livescens & mox ingrescens sphacelum jam factum indigitat Nigritieshxc paulatim in omnes dimensiones ulterius serpit, cum peripheriasemper inflammata. Sape ex carbunculo in variam directionem prsesertim ad tractum majorum vasorum& tendinum, vibicessat insignesprotenduntur." Samoilow- itz (p. 142) says, that the only parts in which the carbuncles do not happen are "les parties recouvertes de poils, ainsi que celles ou se manifestent les bubons." He is pro- bably wrong with respect to the latter for Orrseus (p. 98) says, that sometimes the moist carbuncle "bubonibus implantatur;" Samoilowitz is incorrect, too, as to the progress of the carbuncle; for after saying, (p 143) that "les pestiferes eprouvent deja une douleur ties vive a Vendroit ou ils doivent se placer :"—He mentions, that "il hut ausitot visiter Vendroit qu'il indique. Ony trouvera d'abord un tres petit bubon, ou pustule rempli d'une serosite jaunatre, sans ouciai signe dHnfammation." Now this is what I believe never takes place, for the excessive pain felt at the part is only the effect of very considerable inflam- mation existing in it, which usually arises to such a degree of violence, as at last to destroy the vitality of the part: this progrpss, too. through tbe various de- grees of inflammation and mortification is in the 7noist bubo by no means so rapid as is 385 totally unconnected with that of buboes,—I mean that buboes have no influence on their production. When they appear very early, they assume a dark brown or black colour, and remain forty-eight hours or more, without being circum- scribed by an inflamed margin; they generally indicate the greatest danger. Exanthemata are of several species :—one is a vescicular eruption, sometimes of the size of a pea, or larger, appear- ing without any determinate situation, of a yellowish or li- vid colour, and with an inflamed margin ; they were formerly known to the people of England by the name of Mains: when three or four of them arise near to each other, they often be- come confluent, and, by uniting, produce what Orrseus calls a dry carbuncle, to which from the first they have great affini- ty ; those which are of a livid colour, flabby, and confluent, may be considered as a very unfavourable symptom. Another exanthematous eruption attending the plague, may be considered as petechial; it renders the skin spotted, and assumes different colours, sometimes reddish, but it more fre- quently approaches' to blue, purple, or brown. The dark co- loured spots were in this country called, and deemed to be, tokens or signs of death, and found to he such in Egypt. commonly supposed ; for the inflammation of the carbuncle may proceed to a cer- tain height, and then stop before any mortification has begun, and this after the inflammation has existed for a day or two.v Thus Orrseus (p. 112) " Quam pri- jaum febris," (accompanying the plague,) "funditus sublata fuerit, rudimentum car- bunculi inflammatum dissipatur„• interdum (uti in me ipso accidit) humor purulen- tus quasi sub vesiculd grandiori derepente obortd colligitur, & evacuatione per incisi- onem facta, fundus cutis ruberrimus, & minime sideratus per suppurationem levio- nem sanationem facile admittit." The dry carbuncle (says Orrseus p. 97) " e contra sine ullis inflammationis indiciis e maculis" (petechiis) " latioribus confluentibus enascitur, quse scepe ante febrem aderant: hac vero" (febre) "jam accensd, cutis nigerrima facta arescit, corruga ur, et . • • vicina depascitur;" rubor " marginis" "fere nullus est." He adds, " Per- iculossisimus est & vix multi eo affecti ex naufragio vita emergunt, dum exhumido" . . . " maxima segrotorum pars convalescit, nisi in partibus nobilioribus . . .locatus fuerit," &c. or unless it shall grow to a vast size, and produce suffocation, or exhaust the patient's strength. This dry carbuncle is not very painfuK 49 38b These petechial spots do not change their term or character like the vesicular eruptions. Orrseus mentions, at p. 113, a case in which these spots made their first appearance in great numbers, immediately after death. Of the contagious nature of the plague, I should hardly have tbought it necessary to adduce any proofs, after all that has been experienced, and written of its dreadful effects, had it not lately become fashionable to entertain doubts, at least, en the subject, without any other foundation or reason, so far as I can discover, but that of the escapes of persons who sometimes are seemingly exposed to this contagion, suffici- ently for the production of disease. I have certainly not been inattentive to facts of this nature, nor unwilling to al- low them their full force; and the opinions and modes of reasoning, which I have entertained in regard to yellow fe- ver, have led me to endeavour, as far as possible, to ascer- tain how far the multitudes of opposite facts could be explain- ed, by supposing the operation of any local or atmospheri- cal cause, distinct from personal contagion, and particularly that of marsh miasmata, to which plague has recently been ascribed by writers whose opinions are justly of great weight: I have however, found insuperable difficulties in the way of every supposition which does not admit the influence of a spe- cific contagion. When I took charge of the pest houses at Aboukir, in 1801, Dr. Buchan, my predecessor, and every other medical officer employed in that dangerous service, had already caught the disease ; and of these officers, twelve in number, seven had died, besides a considerable number of nurses, and other attendants on the sick ; though if there be any spot on earth exempt from the operation of marsh miasmata, it would, I think, have been that upon which these pes? houses were pla- ced, together with the surrounding dry, barren sands, within which, those who took the plague in this manner, had in effect been confined. The cause which had thus created a specific disease iu every medical officer exposed to its action. $87 must have been pecidiar and powerftd, and there was not* the smallest reason to suspect the presence of any n.orbid influence, except that of pestilential contagion, nor could marsh effluvia, had they been present, have occasioned such a disease,* nor, indeed, could any thing else within our knowledge, other than its own specific contagion. The medical officers of the French army had previously experienced the effects of this contagion to a much greater extent. Dr. Sotira, one of its physicians, after expressing his astonishment that there should be men " assez bizarres pour ne pas croire a la contagion do la peste," among other proofs of its possessing that property, mentions the loss which was sustained from this disease by that army in the seventh year of what was called the French Republic, " d'environ quatre vignts officiers de sante" of about eighty medical offi- » There are many irresistible proofs, that the cause of plague is perfectly distinct and unconnected with that of yellow, and other marsh fevers. Were it the same, we should certainly find the former disease most prevalent between the tropics, instead of being, as it notoriously is, totally excluded from so great a part of the globe ; and we certainly should not find its progress suspended in Egypt during the hottest months, when marsh miasmata are most active and powerful; nor should we find the nat ves of Africa and of the East Indies, who are least susceptible of morbid impressions from tlje latter, and in whom marsh fevers, when they do occur, are mildest, not only ta- king the plague frequently, but dying of it in far greater proportion than any other race of men ; as was found to be the case by the British East Indian army in Egypt, and as Desgenettes, Pugnet, Sotira, and the other French physicians, declare to have hap- pened to the negroes who fell under their observation Dr. Sotira, indeed, asserts, that all of them who had the disease died of it very soon. The circumstances which in- fluence the production of marsh miasmata appear to have no share in causing the plague j its ravages being as great in the high, arid and barren parts of Syria, as among the canals, and upon the rich soil, of Lower Egypt ; and indeed, it prevails least in those parts of Lower Egypt which are most productive of marsh effluvia ; and particular- ly the Delta. I havesaid nothing of the very important and essential differences which must always subsist between the plague and yellow fever, notwithstanding all the inge- nuity and labor which have been employed to give them an apparent sim.htnde. Nor have I noticed the certainty with which the Franks secure themselves from plague by shutting *A provided the known precautions are not neglected or transgressed, as somet mes happens. Would such precautions exclude marsh miasmata, or would a ditch wa-d off their morbid influence, and as Desgenettes asserts, have secured an army from the plague ? 388 cers; a loss which, he says, was the more deplorable, because it could not be repaired. He adds, that in the two following years, it was thought expedient to employ Turkish barbers, to dress buboes, carbuncles, and blisters, as well as to bleed and apply frictions of oil, under the inspection of French physici- ans and surgeons, and that by these means only twelve medi- cal officers died in twice the former space of time.* As the deaths of the first year afforded a strong proof of contagion in the disease, their great subsequent diminution manifested the probability of escaping it, by abstaining from the actual contact of infected persons and things. When the plague re-appeared in the British Indian army, during the autumn of 1801, and the succeeding winter, more precautions were used by the medical officers employed in the pest houses, to guard against contagion, and a greater pro- portion of them escaped: hut still a majority of these gentle- men took the disease, and to more than half of them it proved fatal. I could fill volumes with valid and well-attested proofs of the contagious nature of plague. But I must refer those who may entertain doubts on this subject to the facts publish- ed by the French physicians who were in Egypt, and by Orrseus, Samoilowitz,* and others, who saw the plague in Russia, Moldavia, Wallachia, Poland, kc. • See Memoire sur la Peste observee en Egypte, etc. par Gaetan Sotira, Docteur en Medecine, Medecin del'Arme d'Orient, fcic. p. 5. He also ment ons, that more than half of the Turks, who were thus employed to asist the French surgeons, took the plague, which in several instances proved mortal ; though ;;mong a considerable number of other Turks employed at Rosetta by the French, to bury the dead, only one caught the disease. This is one of the many facts which indicate that there is much g»»ater danger in handling the bodies of infected persons whilst alive, than after death. f Or Samoilowitz, who for many years officiated as an army surgeon in places where he had numerous opportunities of seeing persons under the plague, and who when that di ea^e was so destructive at Moscow, in 1771, was most extensively em- ployed there, has filled nearly one hundred pages, in the early part of his volume " Sur la Peste," with proofs of its contagious influence ; and, among these, he men- tions, that having successively volunteered his services as chief surgeon, in three of the principal hospitals at Moscow all the assistant surgeons who were employed under 389 Though nearly two thousand deaths, by plague, occurred to the French army whilst in Egypt, it was thought expedient, for a time, to deny the existence of the disease; and both the general, Buonaparte, and the chief physician, Desgenettes, exposed themselves to some dangers, in order to allay the general apprehensions of the soldiers on this subject;! an<* among other expedients, the latter, after dipping the point of a lancet in the pus of a bubo, on one of the convalescents, slightly pricked his groin and his arm, near the axilla, taking care, however, to wash himself immediately with soap and water, which, as he says, were brought him for that purpose; a small inflammation was produced in the spots which had, been thus pricked, which lasted three weeks, but produced no worse consequence. Whether the disease of the convalescent, from whom the pus was taken, had passed beyond the stage in which it is contagious, as is probable, or whether the pus was applied in too small Quantity, or washed off too soon, I will not decide. Desgenettes, indeed, acknowledges,( p. 89) that this ex- him, fifteen in number, took the disease, and of these all died, excepting three ; whilst the physicians who walked among the sick, but carefully avoided all contact with them or their clothes, &c. generally escaped. Samoilowitz was himself three times attacked by the disease, a circumstance which he ascribes to the dispersion of his buboes without suppuration, the first and se- cond times.—See p 39, 40, &c. also p. 35. Dr. Pugnet, among other instances of pestilential contagion, says, "Huit Francais a Caipha, se sont successivement communique le germe de cette maladie, en se trail mettant une pelisse ; cinq sur six, a Gaza, en se disputant un habit de drap, la de- pouille d'un de leurs compatriotes; quatre a Jaffa en mettant a leur usage des mou- choirs de Col qu' un Pharmacien de troisieme classe, mart, avait apport6 d'ltalie. Ces quatres heritlers, furent en meme temps, atteints de bubons a V entour du Col et perient du troisieme au sixieme jour." See p. 229, 230. These four instances of persons becoming infected by tying round I heir necks handkerchiefs which had im- bibed the contagion, and all getting buboes round the neck, are strong proofs of the production of glandular swellings by absorption through the lymphatics, leading to the glands which thus become affected, as I have lately mentioned. j- Desgenettes, as an explanation of the motive by which he was actuated in regard to the plague on this occasion, and also • in refusing ever to give that name to the dis- ease, says, " Je crus devoir dans cette circonstance traiter l'armee entiero comme un malade, qu'il est presque toujours inutile and souvent fort dangereux, d'cclairer sur sa maladie, quand elle est tres critique." 390 periment proves nothing against the transmission of contagion, which, says he, has been demonstrated by a thousand examples. " Elle n'-infirme point la transmission de la contagion, de- montree par mille exemples; ille fait voir seulement que les conditions necessaires pour qu' elle ait lieu, ne sont pas hien determinees." Whether Dr. White, who entered the pest house of the Indian army, at El Hammed, early in January, 1802, was misled by this experiment, I know not; hut, from a persuasion that the plague was not contagious, he immedi- ately rubbed some pus, taken from a pestilential bubo, upon the inside of his left thigh, and the next morning inoculated himself in the wrist, with matter running from another bubo. Four days, however, had scarcely elapsed from bis entering tbe pest house, before he was seized with shiverings, followed by febrile heat, &c. which he flattered himself would prove to be an intermittent. But he died of the plague before the end of the third day; and thus, unfortunately, added another to the proofs—alas ! too many—of the contagious nature of this terrible disease. We probably do not know so much of the facts and circum- stances which either favour or retard the transmission of pcs- lential 'contagion from an infected person (or tiling) to those who are uninfected, as would enable us, in all cases, to assign the true cause, why persons often escape harmless, whose ex- posure to contagion has seemingly been such as ought to have subjected them to the disease; much seems to depend on the un- fitness of the atmosphere to become a vehicle of this contagion, and on the necessity of an actual application of it to the human body, and of a subsequent absorption through the skin, all which must render its introduction into the system more diffi- cult and precarious. Volatile contagions, particularly those of small pox and measles, will necessarily be taken into the lungs of one who breathes the air in which they are diffused ; and the lungs, being peculiarly fitted to imbibe a vital part from the inspired air, they, in doing this, may probably imbibe contagion also; and therefore we might naturally expect, 391 what seems to happen, that persons who have never been at- tacked by these diseases should seldom escape, when suffici- ently exposed to their contagion : whilst, on the other baud, we find that those morbid poisons which being fixed, can only be received by contact, through the skin, very often fail in producing their effect; this is particularly true of the virus of rabid animals, that of syphilis, &c. which are not always of the same force, nor are the absorbents equally disposed to re- ceive them in all men, nor at all times even in the same man. Dr. Pugnet, though he is justly convinced that nothing will produce the plague but its peculiar contagion, thinks the suscep- tibility of the human body for it is greatly increased by a moist and moderately warm atmosphere—that children, females, and persons of delicate, feeble constitutions, are most apt to become infected ; and that those who are naturally robust and vigor- ous seldom take the disease, unless weakened by excessive fa- tigue, or by excessive indulgence with women, or intoxicating drinks. See p. 205. Dr. Sotira entertains nearly the same opinion. Desgenettes remarks, p. 248, that the plague seem- ed more particularly to attack those who were exposed to sud- den transitions from a hot to a cold atmosphere, and vice ver- sa : such as bakers, cooks, and blacksmiths ; and that men addicted to excesses with women, and spirituous liquors, ve- ry seldom recovered from the disease. It has been supposed by Orrseus, Pugnet, and others, with some probability, that abundant transpiration through the skin, may hinder the absorption of pestilential contagion, and even wash it outward from the pores ;* and on this supposi- tion, the former has strongly recommended the taking of exer- cise sufficient to produce a copious discharge of sweat, after a real or supposed exposure to the contagion ;—and it seems to • If the contagion of plague he thus washed outward upon the skin, might it not descend to the legs or thighs, and after the sweating has ceased, be there taken up by the absorbents, and in this way, render inguinal, femoral, or crural buboes more fre- quent than those in Uiempper parts of the body ■ 892 have been on this supposition, that Desgenettes, after his vis- its to the pest houses, always mounted his horse, and rode un- til he found himself in a free prespiration. See p. 90. Another probable cause of unexpected escapes from pesti- lential contagion may be the short time which persons under the disease continue in an infectious state. Our knowledge on this subject is very deficient. It has been ascertained that variolous patients do not infect others, at soonest, until their pustules begin to maturate, and they are probably most infec- tious when these are in a state of desquammation; whilst persons who have the measles, to my knowledge, have com- municated the disease before any eruption was discoverable. It has not, however, been sufficiently ascertained when patients under plague first acquire the power of infecting others, nor to what stage of the disease they retain this power. I w as confidentially informed, when at Aboukir, of an instance in which no infection resulted from a most intimate connexion with a female, a single hour before she was attacked by the plague. Dr. Sotira thinks the disease is most, if not exclu- sively, communicable during the existence of fever; and Pugnet thinks the disease ceases to be contagious so soon as the fever terminates.* Dr. Desgenettes, in his Resume, p. 248, says the body whilst warm, and especially in the febrile state, seemed to give out contagion most easily. Orrseus, however, at p. 151, represents the disease as being infec- tious only when at its acme :—" Contagium ab iis solum, qui in acme pestis constituti sunt propagari v idetur." And by the account which Sonini has given of his own case, (See Essais Philosophiques, &c. p. 177, and seq.) it seems probable that wrhen the disease has so far adv anced, as that the buboes sup- purate, the body ceases to give out contagion. * If the contagion of plague depends exclusively upon the febrile action which most frequently accompanies it, those cases of the disease in which there was no fever, (such as that of a cook at the pest houses of Aboukir,) may be supposed to have been in- capable of giving the disease to others-. 393 But besides all these impediments to the communication of disease by persons ill of the plague, (and which will account for many of the supposed extraordinary escapes,) there arc others arising from the influence of atmospherical heat and cold, which, in their extremes, either render the contagion dormant, or suspend that susceptibility or affinity of the hu- man body, without which it cannot produce disease in ordina- ry circumstances. Pestilential contagion probably exists at all times in Lower Egypt, Syria, and many of the great cities of the Levant, ahd it is frequent on hoard Turkish and, Greek vessels. It appears to have been first introduced into the Britisli hospitals at Aboukir, by the carpenter of the Dictator, of 64 guns, who was sent in a boat to visit a Greek vessel at sea, and thus caught the disease.* This was about the beginning of May, and the disease was readily propagat- ed, and prevailed with its usual mortality, during the whole of that and the following month, after which it was commu- nicated with greater difficulty, and when communicated, the disease was much milder, though one case fell under my ob- servation, towards the end of July, which proved fatal. The disease was, however, this year protracted in Egypt several weeks beyond the time when it usually disappears, which is commonly supposed to be about the 24th of June, the Nativity of St. John tiie Baptist, and its cessation at that time, is by superstitious christians ascribed to his benignant interference. On this occasion the effect of heat in lessening the susceptibi- lities of individuals, or their aptitudes for taking the disease. was most evident in those who had lately arrived from cold climates, and who wrere comparatively most affected by the summer's heat. This was my case, and my escape from the disease is doubtless attributable to my being in that condition, for I employed no unusual precaution, nor ever avoided feel- ing the pulse of a patient having the plague, when my doing so could be of any benefit. * I afterwards discovered the plague on hoard a Greek ship employed by the Bii fish government in the Bay of Aboukir, and reported the (act to Lord Keith,. 50 391 There were, however, persons in Egypt who had been long accustomed to greater degrees of heat, and who were there- fore not rendered insusceptible of the disease, and some few of these caught it, after it had become extinct in the British army, and when a person recently landed from England would not receive it, though he slept in an infected bed; and it was from this cause, that in the autumn of the same year, tiie disease began at Rosetta nearly two months before the usual time, i. e. on the 13th of September, when I first dis- covered it in two natives of the East Indies, attached to the Indian army; and it was propagated with some rapWity for six or eight weeks, among persons who were either born in, or had just come from, a'climate much hotter than Egypt, whilst the British troops directly from England did not receive, and probably could not have been made to take the disease. These facts are in perfect concord with what I have mention- ed of the influence of heat and cold upon the human body, at p. 115 and seq. It has indeed been alleged, as a reason why the plague first appeared in, and was afterwards confined to, Rosetta, in the autumn of 1801, that it was the only open port to wiiich vessels from Turkey and Greece resorted, and that by some of these the disease probably had been imported, because it did not, as is pretended, occur during the preced- ing season at Rosetta, or at least that if any case of it did occur there, it wras concealed. This is, however, certainly* erroneous; for to my knowledge, several persons at Rosetta had been attacked by the plague previously to the arrival of the Indian army, and had, without any concealment, been sent to the pest house near the town. It is -by this effect of heat, that the plague seldom appears in Upper Egypt, and never farther south than the Cataracts, (as I was assured hy Mr. Brown, the African traveller,) and that it ceases earlier at Cairo than at Rosetta. Indeed, it was this effect which hafl enabled the Indian army to escape the plague until it reached Rosetta. 395 The cold in Egypt is never sufficient to stop the progress of the plague, and it is therefore commonly most prevalent there some weeks before and after the vernal equinox: but in Russia Poland, and even in Great Britain, the winter has commonly produced an almost complete cessation of it. This happened to the great plague at Moscow in 1771, though the manner and extent in which the houses are there warmed, and the cold air excluded, counteracted the effects of severe frost, so far, ihat some cases of the disease occurred during the whole winter. De Mertcns tells us, however, that after the month of October, there was a great diminution in the number of at- tacks, and of their mortality ; and this is more accurately pro- ved, from the statement given by Orrseus at p. 48, by which it appears that the deaths in September were 21,404, in Oc- tober 17,561, in November 5,235, in December 805, and in January 330. Samoilowitz also informs us, that though the hospitals then contained many persons who had been newly entered for the service of the sick, as barbers, nurses, &c. scarcely any of them had the disease after the month of No- vember, and never but in its mild forms. Desgenettes has al- so observed of the plague in Egypt, at p. 248, that " les vents du nord, lex extremes du froid & du chaud, la font cesser pres- que entierement." These facts will enable us, in a great degree, to understand why, notw ithstanding the contagious nature of the plague, an exposure to its contagion is frequently harmless; and it is for- tunate for mankind that divine providence has made its com- munication to depend upon the co-operation of so many fa- vourable circumstances, and particularly that of a suitable temperature; that of its application by actual contact proba- bly continued for some time ; and that of certain aptitudes and susceptibilities in the human subject; for without such re- quisites, or such obstacles to the propagation of this disease, the earth might have long since become desolate. The contagion of plague, like the poison of rabid animals, varies considerably in regard to the interval between its ap- y 396 plication to the human body, and the manifest production of disease : three, four, or five days, seem most commonly to intervene. Samoilowitz states the interval between infection and sickness, as extending from two to fifteen days inclusive- ly ; but in one or two instances which occurred at Aboukir, I was inclined to believe that the disease had been produced within 24, or at most, 36 hours after the contagion had been applied to the body.* In regard to the means of obviating the disease, by those who cannot avoid touching infected persons, or garments, &c. I have not much to propose. Pugnet says, that in the plague at Damietta, he used no other precaution than that of immedi- ately washing his hands, after they had been applied to an in- fected person, or thing, and taking care that his own clothes should not touch those of the sick, or any thing likely to im- part contagion : in other respects he breathed the atmosphere of the pest houses^freely, both with an empty and a full stom- ach. Desgenettes says (p. 90^ that he lived as well as his situation would permit, and used spirituous liquors in small quantities at a time ; that on leaving the pest houses, he care- fully washed his hands with vinegar and water, or soap and water, and galloped home to excite a moisture on his skin; that he then changed his linen and clothes entirely, and washed his body all over with luke-warm water and vinegar. In addi- tion to these precautions, it might, perhaps, be well to cover the hands with gloves of oiled silk, or oiled fine linen, or with a thin coat of bees-wax, softened by oil, during the time in which they are likely to come into contact with-the in- fected matters. Mr. Baldwin has asserted, that dealers in oil generally escaped the plague; but Orrseus asserts, (p. 59) that those whose occupations were much connected with ani- * Diemeibroocck, p. 52, col. 1, quotes a passage from Franciscus Valleriola, in which that author says that he has frequently seen persons falling down with the plague a few hours after having been exposed to the contagion of it:—" cum aliquis integre sanus accessu ad peste correptuni (liominem) peste quoque inficitur, atque paucis post y7ioris concidit, quod fieri s«pe videmus.'' 397 mal fats, such as candle and soap makers, curriers, &c. were the most liable to be infected. When the pestilential contagion has been received into the System, it seems in a peculiar degree to exert its morbid influ- ence upon the brain and nerves, producing (the slighter cases excepted,) shiverings, tremors of the limbs, and affections of the head, such as stupor, vertigo, coma, or delirium, with sud- den and excessive prostration of strength, and depression of mind ; and it is by this mode of action, that it renders the bo- dies of those who die of plague, remarkably soft, flaccid, and variously discoloured, with a permanent flexibility of the limbs, as in those who are killed by electricity, or by any cause which destroys, or exhausts the excitability or living power. The prognosis, therefore, is always unfavourable, in proportion as the symptoms denote a greater degree of mor- bid affection in the brain and nervous system. It is not my intention to enter upon a particular account of the various symptoms of plague, for which, indeed, my own observations have been too limited; but I cannot avoid notic- ing that peculiar appearance of the eye, which Dr. Russel has called the muddy didl eye, mixed with something (not very intelligible) of lustre; an appearance wiiich has also been noticed by Orrseus, (p. 109) and others, as being peculiar to this disease. Dr. Price informed me, that by minute exami- nations he had satisfied himself, that this appearance of the eye was occasioned by the different colours of the fluids con- tained in, and distending the vessels of its external coat, which fluids were sometimes bloody, at others yellowish, bluish,*or dark coloured, and caused the vessels to appear as variously shaded streaks, or lines, which sometimes were circular, at other times diverging like radii from a centre, and in some cases by running together, they produced irregular spots, the ultimate effects of all which, he thought, aptly enough expressed by the term of a muddy eye. Dr. Price also mentioned a peculiar appearance of the tongue, which sometimes occurs in this disease, and which 398 has been called the streaked, 01 fiery tongue, as produced by alternate streaks, or patches of white and red. In regard to the proportions of death from plague, it varies greatly in different seasons and temperatures ; but I am afraid that when the disease prevails extensively, and with its usual violence, more than one-half of those attacked by it, have commonly died, under the most judicious modes of treatment, and with the best accommodations. De Mertens says, (p. 45) that until the disease was mitigated by frost, at Moscow, in 1771, scarcely four patients in a hundred recovered: but this must have beep a most uncommon degree of mortality. Desgenettes says that the French Egyptian army lost 700 men of this disease, during their expedition into Syria, in the year seven ; and that in the year right, about one-third were cured; and he expresses great satisfaction in recollect- ing, that of 700 men under this disease, in the citadel of Kairo, in the year nine, more than one-third had escaped.* The deaths from this disease generally occur between the 2nd and 5th days; those who survive the 7th day, are sup- posed to be in the way of recovery. Orrseus describes an acute inflammatory form of plague which produced apoplexy or suffocation, and terminated fatally in 24 hours. (In this bleeding might probably have been useful.) Savaresi, one of the French physicians in Egypt, says the disease sometimes occurred there with a fever, which he calls a synochus, and killed the patient in 24 or 36 hours, before any buboe, car- buncle, or eruption had manifested itself. Some cases oc- • * Desgenettes Hist. Medicalc, &c. p. 250, says L'an ix, ou nous avons eu dans la citadelle du Kaire jusqu' a 700 pestiferes, nou avons en le douce satisfaction d'en voir guerir au dessus du tiers, 8c dans quelque circonstances pies de 1* moitie : les jennet neghes & les Syrians au service de la republique ont particu-lierement souffert de la peste. Small as this success may be thought, it is great, compared with the results of the treatment, when sweating was practiced in the fullest extent. Hieron. Mcrcurialis de Pestil, p. 11, says, " Qui versali sunt in curandis segiis hoc tempore, (| lague of 1576,) facile cognoverutit, ex centum oegris etiam decern et plures fuisse servalos." 399 curred in the British and Indian armies, in which tiie powers of life seemed to he suddenly overcome by the disease, and in which death took place within a few hours, without any ap- parent effort or reaction of the system. I believe, however, that when persons are said to have suddenly dropped down dead from an attack of the plague, that the disease had com- monly subsisted some hours at least, though not avowed, or perhaps known; and in those cases where persons supposed to be convalescent suddenly expire, it is probably from some over exertion, too great for the exhausted state of their excita- bility by the previous disease. Two cases of re-infection, or second attacks of plague, fell under my observation in Egypt;—oue occurred in Mr. Web- ster, then an Assistant Surgeon, and the other in a suldier of the 27th regiment, each of whom had a buboe; they were, how- ever, but slightly indisposed, the weather having become hot. Dr. Buchan had a second attack, hut with only a small car- buncle, as he informed me; Dr. Price also had a second at- tack without either buboe or carbuncle, but, according to his account, with a violent affection of the head and nervous sys- tem. In general, I think, second attacks are milder than the first, though Dr. Price informed me of his having seen a lad, who under such an attack, died on the second day. Pugnet says, p. 140, that reinfections, when they occurred, were oftencst in persons who had been mildly treated by the first attack ; and that several of these had the disease very violent- ly the second time, immediately after using the beds or blan- kets of persons who had died of it. Having, as I believe, already at pages 61 and 387-8 suf- ficiently shewn the impropriety of attempting to assimilate the plague with yellow fever, it seems expedient that I should do the like in regard to the endeavours which have been made to confound the former disease, at least as it has appeared in this country, with typhus fever. Sir John Pringle, at p. 319 of his work on the Diseases of the Army, says, «I shall not enter upon the distinction to 100 he made between a pestilential fever and the true plague ;* th« ancients are not clear upon this head, and those of the mo- derns who contend for a real difference, have not been abte so to ascertain it, as to end the dispute-! I shall, therefore, only remark, that though the jail and hospital fever may dif- fer in specie from the plagucv yet it must be accounted of the. same genus, as it proceeds from a similar cause, and is attend- ed with the like symptoms." J I I Where this distinguished writer could imagine that he had observ ed any likeness in the symptoms of these diseases, or any ground for considering them as the effect of a similar cause, I am unable to conceive. The late Dr. George Fordyce, however, believing that Sir John Pringle had not done enough, in considering the plague and typhus fever as diseases of one genus, has strongly inti-. mated that the former disease never existed in this country, and that the latter was always mistaken for it. In his Dis- sertation on Simple Fever, this author makes the following observation respecting the plague, viz :— " This infection has sometimes been brought into Europe, as was the case at Marseilles; but that disease called the plague, wiiich ravaged this country, on considering the histo- • The connexion, real or supposed, between a particular state, or constitution of the atmosphere, and the extraordinary prevalence of plague, has induced persons, in different ages, to consider fevers which either preceded, or followed such an event, s.s partaking of the nature of the plague ; and hence, fevers which had neither the characteristic symptoms, nor the contagion of plague, have been denominated pesti- lential fevers. Sydenham, on the ground of this connexion, has not only described a pestilential fever of 1665 and 1666, but also a variolus fever, (of 1667, 8, &c.) as he called it, because in his opinion, it " depended upon that epidemic constitution of the air, which (as he says) a? the same time produced the small pox,-" though this fever was not attended with any eruption, nor with any of the symptoms connected with an eruption; and though it did not possess that peculiar contagion, which is essential to small pox. I n regard to the production of_any disease, specifically contagious by any " constitu- tion of the air," it ean only have been imagined ; and, therefore, those appellations of pestilential, and variolous, were highly improper and fallacious. | A little common sense, according to my conceptions, would easily " end the dis- pute." A disease is the plague, or it is not the plague.—If it be the plague, it should receive that name ;—and if not the plague, it should not be called pestilential, by those who would attach correct and precise meanings to words. 401 ries of the disease, seems to have been a fever produced by in- fections of the first class which have been enumerated. (" In- fectious matter produced in the body of a man afflicted with fever, or produced by & number of men living for a certain time in a small space." p. 121.) For the inhabitants of this country, (he adds) it is undoubtedly of great moment to de- cide this point, but it would make too great a digression. The author may perhaps lay the evidence before the public in an appendix." Unfortunately, however, the author is dead, and no publication of this evidence has been made, or is, as I understand, ever likely to he made ; I must, therefore, con- clude, that the judicious editor of the posthumous part of Dr. Fordyce's work, either did not find the evidence in question, or did not think it worthy of publication ; for otherwise, con- sidering the importance of the subject, we may presume that it would not have been suppressed. But another physician, respectable by his owrn talents, character, and rank in our profession, as well as by those which his father possessed when alive, has adopted, and endeavoured to support this opinion, that the destructive plague which formerly com- mitted such ravages at various times in London, and for the last time in 1665, was no other than our ordinary typhus or contagious fever; an opinion for which I am unable to disco- ver the smallest foundation. Those who believe the physi- cians of the 17th century to have been so egregiously mistaken, must necessarily suppose they were unacquainted with the true plague, or that this disease has so much similitude with typhus fever, as to make it difficult to distinguish one from the other: that the first of these suppositions is at variance with the truth, must be evident to all who will refer to the descriptions of the plague, given by medical writers in those times, and more especially to the instructions prepared by the College of Physicians, and given to the Searchers at the beginning of the plague of 1665, in London, which point out 51 402 most clearly and distinctly those symptoms and appearances which characterize the true Egyptian, or Levant plague ;* and which, without the grossest inattention, would have rendered it impossible even for the most ignorant, to have been mis- taken in regard to the disease generally, though they might have been liable to err in a particular case, where, from the causes heretofore mentioned, the appearance of glandular swel- lings, exanthemata, &c. was either obstructed or retarded. And in regard to the supposition of a similitude in the two diseases, I am not a little surprised that it should have been entertained by any one who had ever read even a tolerable description of the two diseases ; and I should be astonished if it were countenanced by one who had actually seen them. That the plague, as it formerly prevailed in London, was not a typhus fever, must be evident from the notorious fact of its having always been most extensive and fatal in the summer 'months, particularly August and September, when * The searchers appointed by authority in 1665, were required, by the College of Physicians, " to take notice, whether there be any swellings, risings, or blotch, under the ear, about the neck, on either side, or under the arm-pits of either side, or the groins; and of its hardness, and whether broken, or unbroken ?" 2ndly, " Whether there be any blains, which may rise in any part of the body, in the form of a blister, much bigger than the small pox, of a straw colour, or livid colour, which latter is the worser ; either of them hath a reddish circuit, something swollen, about it which circuit remains after the blister is broken, encompassing the sore ? 3dly, " Whether there be any carbuncle, which is something like the blain, but more fiery and corrosive, easily eating deep into the flesh, and sometimes having a black crust upon it, but always compassed about with a very fiery red or ttvid flat, and ! hard tumor, about a finger's breadth more or less; this, and the blain, may appear in any part of the body > 4thly, " Wb.Ptb.er there be any tokens, which are spots arising upon the skin, chief- ly about the breast and back, but sometimes, also, in olher parts; their colour is some- thing various, sometimes more reddish, sometimes inclining a little towards a faint blue, and sometimes brownish, mixt with blue; the red ones have often a purple circle about them ; the brownish,—a reddish ? 5thly, " Whether the neck and the limbs are rigid or stiff, or more flexible and lim- ber, than in other dead bodies ?" 403 there is a cessation of typhus fever : and the fact of its having been rendered nearly, if not completely, extinct, by the cold of winter, when typhus is commonly most active and prevalent; for though intertropical heats exterminate or exclude the plague, and the summer heat of Egypt suspends its progress, the warmest weather in our country, is not too warm for the greatest ravages of the plague. That other diseases prevailed in London during the summer and autumn of 1665, and were confounded with the plague, I am disposed to conclude, because it was then commonly be- lieved that this disease, when raging so extensively and de- structively, had the power of converting all other diseases to its own nature; and with this notion, fevers which had none of the distinguishing marks of the plague obtained that deno- mination ; but there are numerous facts and reasons which warrant a belief that these were marsh, and not typhus fevers. It will not be expedient that I should here adduce proofs (now well known) of the frequent and extensive preva- lence of intermitting and remitting fevers, in asd about Lon- don, before the sources of miasmata were removed, or rendered unproductive, as they have been, in a great degree, for near a century. Morton affirms, that remittents were very destruc- tive from 1658 to 1664; and that sufficient causes for their recurrence existed in 1665, may be presumed from the long continued dry and hot weather which took place in the sum- , mer of that year, though neither Sydenham nor Hodges have distinctly mentioned it.* The fever accompanying the plague * At page 13 of Loimologia, &c. Hodges observes, « the whole summer was re- freshed with moderate breezes, sufficient to prevent the air's stagnation and corrup- tion," kc and " the heat was likewise too mild to encourage such corruption and fermentation as helps to taint the animal fluids," &c. It is probable, however, that, by these loose expressions, the author only meant, that the air did not stagnate, and that the heat was not so excessive as to produce the corrup- tion, &c. which are here mentioned; for, at page 20, he thinks it proper to advertise his readers, " that this year was most luxuriant in most fruits, 404 of that year was very commonly a remittent. Hodges, whose authority on this point is better than any other within my knowledge, mentions, at p. 49 of his Loimologia, that in this pestilence "persons frequently died without any preceding symptoms of horror, thirst, or concomitant fever;" and of this he gives two instances, in wiiich the disease undoubtedly was the true plague, adding, that although sometimes " no appearance could be discerned, even of a lurking fever, yet, for the most part some fever did shew itself." (p. 50.) And, at p. 51, he observes, that " the fever accompanying this present pestilence was of the worst kind, both on account of and especiallly cherries and grapes, which were at so low a price that the common people surfeited with them;" which, in regard to grapes at least would not have happened in this country without a summer of more than common heat. It is, indeed, mentioned as such, distinctly, by Mr. R. Hooke, in a letter to the Honourable Robert Boyle, dated July 8th, 1665, in which, after noticing the adjournment of the Royal Society by roason of the plague, he says, "I cannot, from any information I can learn of it, judge what its cause should be, but it seems to proceed only from infection or contagion, and that not catched, but by some near approach to some infected person or stuff; nor can I at all imagine it to be in the air, though there is one thing which is very different from what is usual in other hoi summers, and that is a very great scarcity of flies and insects." See Boyle's works, (1772) vol. vi. page 501. And in regard to the stagnation of the atmosphere, and want of rain, Dr. tidward Baynard, (Physician in Bath) in page 252 of Sir John Flay- er's " Ancient iLvyfoXxo-ix revived," (printed in 1702) writers, " I was at Chiswick, and sometimes in London, in the time of the great plague in the year 1665, and I very well remember," " during the time of the plague, there was such a general calm and serenity of weather, as if wind and rain also had been banished the realm, for many weeks together, 1 could not observe the least breath of wind, not enough to stir a weathercock or fane; if any, it was southerly." That there was an unusual drought in that year is farther manifested, at page 256 of the History of this Plague, by the following observation : " It pleased God to send a very plentiful year of corn and fruit, but not of hay or grass; by which means bread was cheap, by reason of the plenty of corn; flesh was cheap, by reason of the scarcity of grass ; but butter and cheese were dear for the same reason ; and hay, in the market just beyond White Chapel Bars, was sold at 4/ per load." In several places of the same work, (suppos- ed to have been written by Defoe) particularly at pages 145 and 146, the weather, in that summer, is stated to be " very hot " And in the then state of London and its vicinity, this hot and dry weather might well be expected to occasion more than th* ordinary proportion of intermitting and remitting, but not of typhus, fevers. 405 its state and periods; sometimes imitating a quotidian, at others a tertian ; sometimes seeming to retreat, and at others attacking again, with redoubled fury. There was never (he adds) a total cessation, hut sometimes a remission for an hour or two, although every exacerbation was worse than the for- mer." All this is very similar to an epidemic marsh remit- tent, and as unlike typhus fever as possible. The same author, iu a letter addressed to a person of quality, and sub- joined to his Vindicise Medicinae k Medicoriim, printed in London, ann. 1666, after mentioning the irregularity of the fits, or paroxysms, of the fever, in those who were ill of the plague, adds, that " they seemed most to resemble a double tertian;" and that " in many, when the virulency was ex- pelled and spent, these fits did keep and observe their types, and became either pure or bastard tertians."—Or, in other words, that after the contagion of the plague had ceased to operate in the body, the influence of marsh miasmata, pre- viously imbibed, continued to produce its usual effects. In regard to the treatment of the disease, I shall offer but a few observations. It appears to have been a very early and general opinion among the physicians of this and other neigh- bouring countries, that those who were attacked by the plague, small pox, and other contagious diseases, had imbibed a mor- bid poison, and that it was necessary, above all things, to assist nature in expelling that poison from the body, and this princi- pally hy sweating, which Morton called, i(regiam viam" or the king's highway. In " certain rules, directions, or adver- tisements, for this time of pestilential contagion," " first published for the behoofe of the city of London," in *' the visitation of 1603," " by Francis Herring, Doctor in Phy- sick, and Fellow of the College of Physicians," and re-pub- lished, upon the recurrence of the plague in 1625, copious sweatings were directed to be excited by strong sudorifics, With warm beds and bed clothes, " so soon as any of them 406 (" the poorer sort of people") apprehend themselves to be taken with the plague," and these were to be repeated every eight hours; and they were to " continue this course for four or five days;" and whilst sweating, it was enjoined not to " let them rest, or sleep."* The same opinions, or modes of "To discover the motive for this strange injunction, w 3 must recollect that pati- ents in the plague are often comatose, or morbidly disposed to sleep; and as those who were so affected had commonly died, it was conceived that the poison of the dis- ease was enabled to exert its pernicious influence, more powerfully in a sleeping than in a waking state ; and, therefore, that it was of the greatest importance to hinder sleep, especially while attempts were making to dislodge the enemy by sweating, and also when nature was supposed to have endeavoured to produce a similar effect by buboes. In an old work entitled, " De la manierc de preserver de la pestilence, et d' en guerir, par Benoit Textor, Medecin," printed at Lyons, in 1551, the author, at p. 130, makes this observation : " C'est un accident de grande importance, et per- petuel ou inseperable de cette maladie, que le long et profond dormir, contre lequel, pour cette cause, il est necessaire de soigneusment batailler, taut s' en fault qu' on le doive mepriser." And he afterwards explains himself more on this subjeet, at page 150, in these words : " Quand le bubon and le charbon sortent, le dormir est fort dommageable, d' autant qu' il retire au dedans la malice du venin. Et neantmoins c'est alors que les malades y s jnt plus enclins, et qu' il y ha plus a faire a les empescher de cela." " Or en ce cas quand ces enflures se font, veu que par un tel moyen nature se efforce de poulser ceste matiere aux parties extericures, alors pour luy ayder, le veil- fer est requis au raalade, s' il le fut onques. A eel a on taschera par paroles recrea- tives, par jeux, par bruits, par crys. On criera bien hault aux aureilles du mal- ade mesmes, par voix aigue, on sojinera des bassins, et dautres choses aupres deluy, on cornera, on frappera oikc des bostons, on ouvrira et fermera les portes, ou quelque cofire et armoire a lestourdie, on usera de pinsemens rudes, de ligatures fortes es extremitez comme es doigts, ce quon appelle bailler le moyne, on ployera doloureusement ces parties, on luy tirera les clieveux, la bar be, et principalement les poilz des parties honteuses, on luy tirera bien fort le nez et les aureilles, ou luy ouvrira les yeux par force, ou y jettera du vinaigre, on les gratignera asprement, on le frappera, on le scourra, on I'exposera a la lumiere, on le tourmentera en toute maniere, on rovandera en la maison ou procedera prudemment par toutes ces faconsde faire selon le personnage. U'autre part pource que par le trop veiller les esperils vitaux «e dissipent, dont souvent s'ensuit grande debilitation, pour eviter ce danger, si les malades demeurent trop longuement sans pouvoir dormir, ou y pour- voyera, kc Certainly nothing but the most extravagant apprehensions of danger, from sleeping in the plague, could have iuduced a physician of good character seri- ously to advise such violent, extraordinary, and indecent means to produce watch- fulness, knowing as he did how much it contributed to exhaust the powers of life. 407 trcalment were adopted in the " advice set downe hy the College of Physicians, by his Majesties speciall command," which was printed in 1630, along " with certaine statutes" concerning the plague in that year. By this it was directed " that there be good fires kept in, and about the visited houses, and their neighbours;" and "to make fires rather in pannes, to remove about the chambers, than in chimneys, the better to correct the ayre of the houses." After which directions are given for the repeated administration of the most powerful sudorifics, upon the ground of opinions delivered in the fol- lowing sentence, viz.—" For as much as the cause of the plague, standeth rather in poison, than in any putrefaction of humours, as other agues doe, the chief est way is to move sweat- ings, and to defend the heart by some cordial thing. On the 13th May, 1665, the College of Physicians were re- quired by " a Committee" of the Privy Council, appointed by the king, " for prevention of the spreading of the infec- tion of the plague," to inspect the " Rules given by the Phy- sicians of former times, and imprinted for the public benefit," and to make such alterations as they should " find the (then) present times and occasions to require and to cause such their ! directions to be as speedily prepared and printed as possible;" and the College in their answer or address to the said Com- mittee, on the 25th of May, signified that they had done as was required of them. And among the directions then pub- lished by the College, after the mention of bleeding, purging, and vomiting, they say " tliese three great remedies rarely have place in the plague, but are generally dangerous, and most of all purging, by any strong medicines; and are therefore not to be used, but upon some extraordinary urgent indicant, or just occasion, and with the greatest caution, whicli only an able physician can judge of." They afterwards deliver it as their opinion, that " the poison is best expelled by sweat- ing, provoked by posset ale," (i and London treacle" to the 408 quantity of 3ij mixed; the Patient to " he put to bed to sweat well covered in a blanket, without his shirt, for twenty-four hours, every fifth hour renewing his cordial, but in half the quan- tity'' first taken, " between whiles refreshing him with posset drink, oatmeal caudle, or thin broths, made jelly wise, or harts- horn jelly," and, if necessary, warm bricks, wetted with vine- gar, and wrapped in flannels, were to he put to his feet, and care was to be taken that he " sleep not till the sweat be over." Blisters were at the same time to be applied, "behind the ears, about the wrists, near the armpits, on the insides of thighs, and near the groin," to " draw forth the venom." The buboes, or swellings of the lymphatic glands, were to he " always drawn forth, and'ripened, and broke with all speed." I have mentioned these facts to illustrate the motives, as well as the means, by which persons, were as I fear, often sweated to death in the plague, small pox, miliary fever, and above all, in the sweating sickness,* and with so little suspicion of • I may at some aiture time endeavor to dispel the obscurity in which the cause and nature of the sweating sickness seem to be involved, but at present I shall only observe that the efforts to produce sweat, and the mischiefs thereby occasioned in this disease, were probably greater even than in the plague ; and to throw some light upon the ef- fects of that treatment in the latter disease, I venture to introduce a paragraph, which with others, I have extracted from a curious manuscript, part of Sir Hans Sloane's Li- brary, No 349, now in the British Museum It is intituled " Aoiftoygxpix, or an Experimental relation of what happened remarkble in the last Plague in the City of London," by " William Boghurst, Apothecary," etc. He was also the author of Lon- dinologia, sive Londini Encomium MS. also in the British Museum; and his epitaph, at Meereworth, states, that he " was an honest just man, skilful in his profession, and in the Greek and Latin tongues, delighting in the study of antiquity," Sec. In chapter 21, at page 121, when going to treat of the cure of the plague, Mr. Bog- hurst says, "Before I begin this, I must needs say something concerning a doubt which hangs in my mind, which I have hinted at a little once or twice before, viz. x whether strong sweats often repeated be an authentical, canonical rule, which will serve for all sorts of people or cures. I wish somebody of more skill would resolve the doubt: that which makes me doubt and stick concerning this, is that I have seen so many this year of strong, lean, raw-boned, nervous, (sinewy) people, of much spirit and little humour, that have been very laudably sweated, and scarce one in twenty 409 the mischief, from a violent excitement and expenditure ©f the ' living power, produced hy stimulating cordials, heated rooms, excessive covering, deprivation of sleep, kc. that all who escaped death under such treatment, were supposed to have been saved by it. Opinions equally erroneous were entertained of the nature and treatment of buboes, and exanthematous eruptions, which, being considered as critical eruptions, though often occurring at the commencement of the disease, it was thought necessary to bring them as speedily as possible to a state of suppuration, by the most stimulant applications, in order, as was imagined, to extract the morbid poison, and even to employ scarification or excision for the carbuncles. Sydenham was indeed so fully convinced, that buboes and carbuncles were intended by na- ture to produce salutary evacuations, that he considered an attempt to discharge the morbid poison by artificial sweating, as an endeavour to force it into other outlets, than those which. nature had selected for this purpose. It seems highly proba- ble, that the buboes which accompany the plague, are no more the effect of an effort of nature to evacuate morbid matter, than those which occur in the venereal disease, or, after the introduction of variolous contagion by inoculation; and it has been proved, in a multitude of instances, that no harm has re- sulted from the spontaneous resolution or dispersion of pesti- lential buboes without suppuration. Such instances have been often seen, and attested, by the most accurate and respectable writers on this disease; and though it may be proper to pro- ofthem liave lived, but dyed all within two or three days ; and the sooner, by how much. more freely they sweated, and were worst after sweating ; being much more subject to lightness of head, staggering, faintness, bleeding at the nose, quinzies in the throat; and some had the tokens come out presently, which made me desist from much sweating such persons, and then I had many patients lusty men, who lived and never sweat at all, and are living to testify the same; and Iobserved that they that sweated freely of their own accord seldom lived" The spontaneous sweatings here mentioned were doubtless the effect of a morbid predisposition to that discharge, connected with debility, which fre- quently occurs in this disease, though in many patients, who have the plague, there is an unusual dryness of skin, and indisposition to perspire. 110 mote their suppuration by emollient, and moderately stimulant cataplasms, kc. where a natural disposition to that issue is evident; there can, I think, be no danger in favouring their dispersion, or resolution, hy the usual means, when we ob- serve a spontaneous tendency to such a termination.* I know that the sudden retrocession of buboes, previous to suppura- tion, and whilst other symptoms indicating danger, subsist un- abated, is often followed hy death. But this mortality is not in such cases produced by any change in the buboe itself, or by the retention of any matter which ought to be discharged, hut by such an extreme diminution of the living power, or other injurious effects of tbe disease, as is incompatible with the continuation of a suppurating process, and also with the patient's recovery; and therefore, this retrocession is to be considered not as the cause of death, but as an indication, and consequence of that condition of the patient, from which death necessarily resulted; and on the other hand, when these glan- dular swellings rise, and suppurate favourably, they indicate such a state of the living power, and of the system, as is likely to overcome tbe disease, without the supposed benefit of an evacuation of morbid poison by that suppuration. The same reasoning appears applicable to carbuncles, though in their gangrenous state, and when not surrounded by concentric inflamed rings, they require hot stimulant applications, and afterwards such as will promote a suppuration, and a separa- tion of the carbonaceous crust.f * Mr. Boghurst, at p 111 of the before mentioned MS. says, " Though many bu- boes after they came to be very big, never come to break at all, but sink away again, anil by degrees wear finite away ; yet doth the patient grow well, and continue so, not- vAthstanding their not bieaking .- yet you must not make iiyour design to repel, divert, or discuss tliem, but only to suppurate them ; and it you see\hem not more forward, or digest so last as is convenient, then you may apply a vesicatory, just underneath them, that so the pernicious icliorous matter may have vent ; and these blistering plasters had better success always, than cupping, or burning, or potential cauteries " f Boghurst mentions, at p. 146 of his MS. that in the year 1665, some persons used to make incisions round each carbuncle, and apply vinegar and salt to the fresh wound ; lf but to what purpose, (says he) I know not unless they delighted to toriucut people ; for 411 In regard to the treatment of the disease, generally, I have little to offer; and, until we know more of the ways and means by which nature endeavours to overcome it, I am afraid we can do but little for her assistance, otherwise than hy restrain- ing all violent and dangerous symptoms, all excessive and debilitating evacuations, and supporting, when necessary, the powers of life, by a moderate use of wine, sether, opium, vola- tile alkali, and Peruvian bark. The instances of persons who have strangely recovered from the plague, after having wan- dered alone about the country, particularly in Egypt, exposed to cold and wet,* seem to indicate, that even the most mode- rate sweating is, at best, useless: hut on the other hand, the unsuccessful trials made by Dr. Price, of the cold hath, afford no encouragement to repeat such applications to the surface. In some few cases, where the disease occurs in the vigorous and robust, and is accompanied with highly inflammatory symptoms, bleeding might, I think, prove beneficially, if em- ployed within a few hours from the attack; though in general, very had effects appear to have resulted from this evacuation. Mild emetics are said, in some cases, to have proved benefi- cial, given at the very beginning of the disease. Mercurial preparations were tried in Egypt, and probably thought not to have been previously employed in any other country for the plague. Diemerbroeck, however, mentions, at p. 268, their having been long before employed by Am- brose Pare, who bestowed some commendations upon them, (lib. 21, cap. 29,) with what justice, I will not decide. But during the plague at Marseilles, 1720, Diedier states, that he employed mercurial frictions, and pushed them as far as pos- sible, "ausi loin qu'on les peut porter," without producing any good effect. See Traite de la Peste, p. 522. it put them to as much pain as if they had been on the rack." He adds that a French- man, after cutting round the carbuncles, used to pluck out the eschar with pincers, be- fore it was " ripe" for a separation. * Desgenettes mentions two remarkable cases of this kind, at p. 149, 150, and they are not the only ones which have been well attested. 412 Orrseus also asserts, p. 154, that he had employed mercu- rials in various forms and doses, both internally and exter- nally, and that they did no good. "JNec minimam utilitatein praestarunt." Pugnet, likewise, as he states, employed the same medicine, both internally and externally, without the smallest benefit, even in the cases for which it seemed most suitable, excepting a few instances where buboes were degene- rating into cold indolent tumours,1 and appeared to be improv- ed by applying mercurial ointment along the course of the lymphatics leading to them. He adds, that it did not obviate infection, as several persons caught the plague, whilst under salivation for venereal complaints. Sotira also declares, that he employed salivation in three persons ill of the plague, and that two of them died. Dr. Price, who probably tried saliva- tion to a greater extent than any other person in Egypt, seems to have formed a better opinion of its effects ; and for the same fallacious reasons which have induced many persons to con- sider it as beneficial in yellow fever, viz. the recovery of some patients, in whom he was able to excite a salivation, and the deaths of all those in whom he attempted to excite it, without success. He admitted, however, in a conversation with me, that he had always found it extremely difficult to affect the sa- livary glands of persons under the plague, and was never able to do it by mercurial inunctions alone: and when I observed to him that a considerable time would be necessary to produce salivation by the means wiiich he had employed : i. e. unction, and calomel internally, and that it seemed probable, that those who lived long enough to be salivated in this way, must have previously passed over the dangerous part of the disease, and have been therefore likely to recover, if no salivation had ta- ken place;—he admitted that my observation was probably just, and that the deaths of those in whom a salivation was not produced, had alway$ taken place before the time which was commonly required to affect the salivary glands. I have, therefore, no difficulty in believing, that the supposed benefit from salivation in the plague, depends upon fallacy similar to 413 that respecting yellow fever, wiiich I have stated between pages 74 and 80. In regard to the frictions with oil, which were strongly recommended by Mr. Baldwin, I am afraid that but little benefit is to be expected from them in this disease; like mei-" cury, they appeared to be an old and discarded remedy, re- produced as a new one. Benoit Textor, in the publication lately mentioned, so long ago as 1551, says at p. 33, in re- gard to sweating for the plague : " Celuy qui ha besoing dc suer doit estre fort frott£ par tout le corps, principalement avec huilc de camomille, ou avec camomile & huile ou avec Phcrbe dite nepeta, &c."—" Que le personnage se face bien couvrir & chauffer des quarreaux ou des briques aux piedz, ou appliquerdessouz les aixelles & es aines, vessies remplies d'aue chaude." Riverius also recommended frictions over the whole body, with oil warmed, night and morn1 ing, in the plague. See Prax. Med. lib. xvii. cap. 1. These frictions were, however, tried extensively by the French physi- cians in Egypt, and with very little, if any, benefit; though in a few cases they seemed to give temporary ease and relief, Pugnet, indeed, says they were not only useless but caused anxiety and disturbance to the sick, that of 15 patients to whom these frictions were applied under the French physician Carrie, one recovered with difficulty, and all the rest died; and that where they seemed to do good, the disease was always mild. See p. 261. With so much reason to doubt of their utility, there is a strong objection to their use; arising from the very great danger of communicating the disease to the unfortunate person by whose hands they may be applied, and thus de- stroying many lives, without much probability of saving one. END OF THE FIFTH AND LAST PART. APPENDIX. No. I. The following is Dr. Physic's communication, which I promised at p. 24 to insert in this appendix: viz.— " Some Observations on the Black Vomit, communicated by Dr. P. S. Physic, of Philadelphia, to Dr. Millar." Extracted from the 5th volume of the New-York Medical Repository, 1802,—page 129. " Having, in the years 1798 and 1799 had frequent opportunities of dissecting the bodies of persons who died of the yellow fever in the City Hospital, I had thoughts of publishing a circumstantial detail of the several appearances in each case. On perusing, however, the descriptions given by late authors, I find but little to add to them, ex- cept some observations respecting the black vomit, which do not ap- pear to have been particularly noticed. " The common opinion was, and for any thing I know to the con- trary is, at the present time, that this black matter is poured out by the liver. The dark-coloured appearance of the bile in its accumulated state, approaching more to the colour of the black vomit, than any other secreted fluid, would very readily induce a person to conclude that they were the same, if he did not compare and examine them carefully; and, likewise, attend to several other circumstances." By such an examination the following differences have been ob- >served.— " First,—If the darkest-co-oured bile be spread thinly over a white surface, such as the skin, it loses the colour it had in its accumulated state, and appears of a yellowish-green colour; but, if the black vomit be treated in the same way, it retains its black, or dark-brown ap- pearance. " Secondly,—The bile in the gall bladder has its common bitter- taste, but the black vomit is insipid, or nearly so. This fact has been. ascertained by several persons; and among others, by the late Dr. S. Cooper. I have inquired of a number of patients just after they had vomited it, they almost all declared it to have no taste; and tbe organs of taste were proved to be perfect in these people, by trying whether they could distinguish between different tastes. It occasion- ally happens, that violent efforts made in vomiting, will force some bile out of the gall bladder into the stomach, and then the black vomit will have a bitter taste like bile. Dr. Cooper twice found it intensely 416 bitter owing to this circumstance, which, how ever, is' a rare occur- rence. " Thirdly,—The black vomit differs very much from any mixture that can be made of the dark-coloured bile, with any of the fluids found in the stomach, or intestines. If bile be mixed with the mucus of the stomach, or, if some of it be added to the black vomit, it mixes with these uniformly, and imparts a yellowish-green tinge to them. The nearest resemblance to black vomit that could be made, was, by mixing some of the mucus of the stomach, a little blood, and some bile, together; but the difference was still very obvious. "Fourthly,—The stomach has been found full of black vomit, when, in the same subject, the fluid in the gall bladder and biliary- ducts, was very different from it in its colour and appearance. I have found the gall bladder filled with a fluid of a brick-dust colour; in some others it contained a fluid of a light green colour; and, in others, a transparent and colourless fluid, resembling the white of an egg, only that it was of a thinner consistence. In some instances, again, a purulent-coloured fluid was found in them. Some of the same kind of fluid which the gall-bladder contained in these last-men- tioned instances, was generally found in the duodenum; the stomach in the same body containing black vomit. " Fifthly,—The pylorus, in several instances, has been found closely contracted, and yet, the stomach contained black matter. " The above observations have appeared to me to overthrow the idea of the black vomit being secreted by the liver. The question, however, still remains;—from whence is it derived? I believe it to be a secre- tion from the inflamed vessels of the stomach and intestines;—and for the following reasons :— " First,—It is found in these viscera, when it cannot be detected in any other organ, or cavity connected with them. " Secondly,—It is often found of so thick a consistence, that it doo-, not mix with the fluids of the stomach : in such cases, it adheres to its inside, forming a black coat of considerable thickness; and, when it is once scratched off, it cannot be made to adhere again in the same manner. " I have, in one instance, observed this black substance in two al- most circular patches, each about two uiehes in diameter, adhering to the stomach; and all the other parts being free from it. In this case, there was no black matter loose in the cavity of the stomach nor intes- tines. On scraping it off", the spots which had been covered by it, were found inflamed, and these spots only. Now, it can hardly be possible for this black substance to have got into such a particular situation, had it been secreted by the liver; and some of it, in that case, would have been observed in the gall bladder, gall ducts, or duodenum. " It must not be conjectured, that the black vomit irritated the sto- mach, and produced the inflammation: on the contrary,—Dr. May frequently repeated an experiment, which proved it to be very bland. He dropped it into his eyes, and ne,ver experienced any more incon- venience from it than if water had been used. When the hands have "been irritated in dissecting, which once occurred to myself, I beilevs it 417 has arlocn from some acrid substance having been swallowed by tlip patient just before death, as elixir vitriol, volatile alkali, &c. " Fourthly,—I have seen the inside of the inflamed stomach as black as the black vomit, resembling it in colour exactly. In most of these cases, no black matter was found in the,cavity of the sto- mach. Tbe vessels only which were inflamed were distended with it. This colouv-differs very much from the dark purple of a part in a state of gangrene; and I never observed any putridity attending it. This blackness has, in some stomachs, been universal, in some in spots only ; the other spots being in a state of high inflammation, giving the inside of the stomach a chequered appearance. These spots, in one instance, were seen resembling each other in shape and figure exactly; and were, in every respect alike, except in colour; the one being red, the other black. Here some of the inflamed vessels only had gone into the act of forming black matter, but did not excrete it. " The secretion of black vomit appears to be one of the most common modes in which violent inflammation of the stomach has a disposition to terminate. Death, however, in genera^ takes place before it entirely disappears. I hare seen many cases, which shew that ,the inflammation is diminished by the secretion;—of which, it will be sufficient to mention the following. On opening a stomach, one-half of it was coated with adhering black matter, while the other half was free from it; on scraping it off clean, and comparing the part underneath with the other half of the stomach which had not secreted any black matter, the difference in the degree of inflamma'- tion was very striking, being much the least in tire part which had been covered with the black substance. " In some cases, where the vomiting of black matter had been con- siderable in quantity, or continued foi several days, the inflammation was found very faint indeed; and in some, the inside of the stomach appeared as if covered over with a vast number of small glands, like mucuous folicles crowded together." The author had also promised at p. 40, to give " the substance of another Memoir concerning the Black Vomit, written by Dr. Isaac Cathrall, of Philadelphia; which, however, by reason of the room it would necessarily occupy, the editor of thu latter parts of this volume has been forced to omit; preserving, however, the following extracts, from an inaugural Dissertation on Malignani Fever, by Dr. Stubbins Ffirth, (now, or late, of Philadelphia,) relating to the appearances on the dissections of a considerable number of persons who had died of the yellow fever: viz.— " The brain was generally found in a diseased state, the meninges being considerably inflamed, the dura mater beinj sometimes aggluti- nated to the pia mater, in consequence of the increased action of the arteries thereof. Tfee blood vessels were turgid with blood, appearing us though they had been injected; the substance of the brain was harder and firmer than usual; the ventricles frequently contained water, sometimes to the amount of several ounces; in some cases, the rupture of a small vessel had taken place, and an effusion of blood waa found between the pia and dura mater. 418 " The stomach was always found diseased; great inflammation being observable throughout, and erosions of the villous coat frequent, nay, in a number of cases, whole portions thereof, of the size of a dollar, were detached, and found floating in the black vomit. The blood vessels were, in general, very much distended; and, in one case, their smaller extremities filled with a fluid similar to the black vomit in appearance, taste, and smell. This inflammation was frequently continued to the small intestines; the duodenum was the most affect- ed, but the jejunium and ilium also suffered a part; nay, the large in- testines by no means escaped free, for I have often found them consi- derably inflamed. " The spleen and pancreas were generally found in a healthy state; the kidnies were also generally sound; but the bladder was, in a num- ber of cases, inflamed; and in some so contracted, that the cavity would not hold four ounces. " The liver was generally, I might say almost always found in a healthy and natural state."—" I do not find amongst my papers any 1 evidence of its having been diseased, except in three of the patients that I examined, and, in two of them it had been of a chronic nature." " The gall bladder was always found in a healthy state, containing its usual quantity of bile, and of a natural colour. I have preserved spe- cimens of black vomit, and of bile, taken from the same patient, shewing the difference, which is obvious from first sight. From eve- rycircumstance, I feel myself authorised to, and I do positively, as- sert, that black vomit is not an altered secretion of the liver; is not changed bile; and does not come from the liver, whatever others "may assert to the contrary." To prove this, he says, 1st.—" It is never found in the gall bladder, the hepatic, or the cystic ducts, or the duc- tus choledochus communis." 2ndly.—The bile is found natural in the gall bladder, when the stomach is distended with black vomit." 3rdly.—" I have found the stomach distended with black vomit, when the pylorus valve completely obstructed all passage from the duode- num to the stomach, or vice versa; at the same time, the liver was perfectly free from disease, and the bile in the gall bladder natural in colour, taste, and consistence." 4thly.—"I have seen arteries of the stomach distended with a fluid similar to black vomit, and not to be distinguished from it by any means whatever : a portion of the villous coat of the stomach separated from its adhesion to the others, and the space filled with black vomit, poured forth by the termination of the small arteries." See Dr. Cox's Medical Museum, vol. 1st. p. 116 — 118. In some few cases of mortality from the yellow fever, the stomach, after death, is said to have been found without marks »f inflamma- tion. But I do not recollect that any of these were described so par- ticularly as they ought to have been, or with such explanations as could enable us to ascertain either the accuracy of the observers, oi* the causes of such deviations, if real, from the condition in which, according to my bestJnformation, that viscus has been seen in at least 49 out of 50, of the bodies of persons dead of yellow fever, which have been examined. In support of this observation, I could adduce numerous proofs; but thinking them unnecessary, I shall only sub- join a few lines from an official statement, published in the Moniteur 419 " du 17nivose anxi," (7th of January, 1803,) concerning the death, See. of the Captain General Leclerc, (brother-in-law of the then First Consul of France,) at St. Domingo, who is therein declared to have been attacked with fever " le 8 Brum aire an xi."—" Et le medecin a declare ce meme jour, que e'etoit la maladie de Siam, dans toute son. intensite," &c.—"Le 10, le vomissement a ete filus frequent, & est devenii noir." During the vomitings, it is stated that the skin ap- peared black, with a yellow tinge; and that blood escaped by the eyes. He died in the night between- the 10th and 1 Ith, " Brumaire." This statement is signed " Peyre, Medecin en Chef." The medical offi- cers who examined the body after death, declared that they had found " Vestomach extremement fihlogosr, la tuniqueinterne sfihacelee, e^ en- duite d'une humeur noirdtre et visqueuse" (The stomach very much inflamed; its inner coat sphacelated, and covered with a blackish vis- cid fluid.) We are informed by Dr. Caldwell that " the existence of intro- suscefitio intestinalis, was the only actual discovery made by the knife of the anatomist, during the epidemic (at Philadelphia) in 1805. This affection was confined to the small intestines, and was found to exist in several cases of the disease. I believe, (says Dr. Caldwell,) the discovery was first made in private practice, by Dr. Stuart, and afterwards by Dr. Parish, at the City Hospital."—"The course of the intro-susception was always from above, downwards the upper por- tion of the intestines being the receiver, and the lower portion the re- ceived." Dr. Caldwell's Essay on the Pestilential or Yellow Fever at Philadelphia, in 1805, p. 179. Probably these intro-susceptions were produced by violent strain- ings to vomit. How frequently they happen in cases where the dis- ease proves mortal, wUl deserve, as far as possible, to be ascertained. APPENDIX NO II. »Thr author, at p. 98, after giving decisive proofs "that if putrefy- ing animal matters are not completely harmless, they are, at least, innocent of the charge of producing contagious fever," has referred those who might desire farther evidence on tins point, to his second appendix, which was intended to contain " rather a redundancy, than a deficiency of such proofs." But as the present volume is already extended beyond the author's expectation, and as the facts allotted for this appendix appear almost superfluous after those formerly stated, the editor ventures to omit by much the greater part thereof. The following statement is extracted fjjom a letter written to the author by Mr. Lawrence, Anatomical Demonstrator at St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital; whose character, talents, and professional acquire- ments, have already, at an early part of his life, greatly and justly advanced him in the road to eminence. It was dated February 21, 1809. " In a constant attendance at the dissecting room of St. Bartholomew's hospital for more than ten years, I have never seen any illness produc- ed by the closest attention to anatomical pursuits, except such as might be expected to follow from a similar confinement and application to any other employment. When it is considered that most of the stu- dents come from the country, and that many spend much time in dis- section, being employed also in writing, reading, 8cc. during the rest of the day; it will not be a matter of surprise that their health should occasionally suffer: but the indisposition has never appeared to derive any peculiar character from the exposure of the subject to putrid ef- fluvia. Of course, you will except from this observation, the effects which may arise from the absorption of noxious matter from wounds received in dissection. It has not appeared to me, that ill consequen- ces of that description, follow more frequently from the dissection of the most putrid, than from that of recent bodies. The following par- ticulars will afford the most complete proof, that the exhalations from decomposing animal substances are not necessarily injurious to the human body. John Gilmore, together with his wife, and two sons, lived for ten years in a room under the anatomical buildings of St. Bartholomew's. The whole family slept, as well as spent the day, in this apartment, which received a very small quantity of light, in con- sequence of its single window opening against a high wall. The room was at the end of a passage, in which several tubs containing bones in a stat* of maceration were generally placed, and with which other di- visions of the cellars communicated, containing large excavations for 421 receiving the refuse of the anatomical rooms. The latter were not separated from the general passage by any door. " The animal matters thrown into the receptacles just mentioned, are, I believe, converted into adipocire, and the fetor is consequently not so offensive as if they went through the putrefactive process; but the whole place was constantly filled with a close cadaverous smell, very disagreeable to any persons who went down from the fresh air. During the whole day, Gilmore was employed about the dissecting room, in removing the offals, in cleaning macerated bones; in short, in an almost constant handling of the most putrid matters. He al- ways enjoyed good health, was fat, and possessed very great bodily strength. He left his situation in consequence' of an apoplectic at- tack, and died lately, at the age of 69, after two other similar affec- tions. His wife survives, enjoying a good state of health. Neither of his sons appears to have suffered from any unvvholesomeness of their abode. They are both hearty and strong, although they have been employed some years in attending the dissecting room. But the whole family left the cellar soon after the father's first attack." During the time that our very numerous fleet of transports,by in the bay of Aboukir, many bodies of sailors who had either died, or had been drowned, were washed on the shore, where they remained' unburied, exposed to the heat of the sun. In riding to Rosetta, it was necessary to keep along the shore; and I passed 18 or 20 corpses in this situation. They were in various states of putrefaction; but the stench from them all was offensive in the highest degree, and often extended to more than 100 yards. My curiosity led me to approach close to most of them, that I might examine the changes they had undergone. Some were swelled up to an enormous size, and the skin seemed so distended, that it appeared ready to burst. These were often of a dark-brown colour; some had not yet come to that state; others had passed it; and the skin having burst in several places, the air had escaped, and they had become more or less desiccated, and of a black colour. Every person who had occasion to pass from the camp to Rosetta, was obliged to come within reach of the vapours emitted by these bodies. There were orderly dragoons constantly passing; yet, neither myself nor any one else, so far as I could learn, was attacked with fever, in consequence of our exposure to these va- pours; and my professional situation would probably have enabled me to learn if any such consequence had followed. Orrseus Descriptio Pestis, Sec. p. 47. After stating that towards the decline of the plague in Moscow, in February, 1772, the College of Health received information " hinc hide in domibus emortuis & in- fectis.....cadavera clanculum inhumata vel aliter occultata repe- riri;"—and that they ordered all the houses to be searched, offered 20 roubles to informers, ? et quae (cadavera) in locis spatiosis non sat profunde inhumata fuerunt, eorum 6epulchra terra multa contegere, e.aetera vero nuda reperta in camcleria transfiortare." He says, " Hac ratione circiter mille cadavera in habitationibus, ipsis reperta fuerunt. JVofabile omino fuit neminem ex vesfiillonibus, vel aliis in negotio hoc periculoso versantibij,* i?ifectutn} nedum morbo aliquo m corrufitwn fviisc, quamvis tanta ab omni infectione incolumitas vix ac ne vix quidem sperari posse videbatur." The good health commonly enjoyed by tallow chandlers and soap makers, is now too well known to require any evidence from me in confirmation of it, notwithstanding the very offensive and putrid exha- lations to which they, and particularly the former, are exposed. Glue and catgut makers are exposed to vapours equally corrupt and disagreeable. When riding on the Uxbridge road, near the 4th mile- stone, on the 14th of August, 1810, I was assailed by an offensive smell of putrid animal matters, which I soon discovered to have come from a set of works near the road, employed hi the making of glue; adjoining to which wore several huts belonging to the labourers and their families, most of whom I saw, and they all, both adults and children, had the appearance, mid, as I vyas informed, the enjoyment of good health. I have heard the same of catgut manufacturers. In the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal of October 1, 1810, may be seen an account, given by Dr. Chisholm, of amanu: factory (of which I had some knowledge from the time of its first establishment,) at Conham, near Bristol, destined for the conversion of animal flesh into a substance resembling spermaceti, by cutting up dead horses, asses, dogs, &c. and putting their muscular parts into boxes with holes for the admission of water, and afterwards placing tliem in pits filled with water, while the entrails and useless parts of many hundreds of carcasses, were left to putrify on the surface of the ground. And it appears from Dr. Chisholm's statement, as well aa from other information which was given to me on the subject, that though the effluvia of these putrefying animal matters were highly offensive to the overseer of this manufactory, and to the workmen employed under him, as well as to others within their reach, no injury was done by them to the health of any person, during the two years in which these operations were continued. In regard to the morbid effects supposed to result from the putre- faction of fish, they appear, so far at least as regards fever, to have had no existence, but what was derived from the indiscriminating cre- dulity of such writers as Forestus. That a large whale was formerly cast ashore, and suffered to putrefy on the sea coast, near Egmont, in North Holland, (a place nearly surrounded by marshy or low grounds,) I am willing to believe ; but that the fever which is said by Forestus (tome 1, lib. 6) to have followed that event, was produced by the whale, rather than by marsh miasms, I cannot believe; because whales have not been found capable of producing such effects in later times,* and because fevers from marsh effluvia constantly fall under our observation. * See the account given by Dr. Gordon of a whale which putrefyed very harmlessly at the island of Santa Cruz, published in the appendix to Dr. Chisholm's Letter to Dr. Haygarth, p. 251—253. The same appendix contains an account of the putrefaction of 1,000 barrels of salted beef, at the same island, which were finally ordered to be thrown into the sea : and were thus disposed of without having occasioned sickness to any person in the house, store, or neighborhood where this putrefaction had taken place and sub- sisted. 42$ About the year 1788, a whale was stranded on the coast of France, near Havre de Grace, andM. Baussard, in an account of it, published in Rozier's. Journal de Physique, for-March, 1789, says, « Pendant que j' etois occupe a dissequer ce gross animal, une Lueur Phosphor- . iq'ue exhaloit de l'interieur de son corps, et une odeur tres fetide de la tete." " Les exhalaisons m'ont occasionne des inflammations aux narines, et a la gorge et certains parties huileuses de la tete m'ont mis les mains dans un etat pitoyable." No mention is, however, made by M. Baussard, of any febrile af- fection occasioned either to himself or any other person by the putre- faction of this fish; and that no such affections do, in fact, result from that cause was farther proved by the information which I obtained on the 2d of October, 1807, at the Greenland Dock, where the late pro- prietor, Mr. Ritchie, (who had just sold his property to Sir Charles Price and his associates for 35,000/.) informed me that for a consider- able time all the Greenland ships had been used to boil their blubber at this place* for which purpose five coppers, with proper coolers, &c. had been erected. Mr. Ritchie had lived more than 50 years in the neighbourhood of this dock, was well acquainted with'the boiling pro- cess, and assured me, repeatedly, that though the blubber is often in a very offensive state, emitting an highly putrid smell, neither himself, nor his people, nor the crews of the Greenland ships, who perform the whole boiling, &c. nor the neighbours, have ever, to his knowledge, suffered in their healths from that operation; that his people, and him- self, have always been healthy, and that he believes no crews are more healthy than those of the Greenland ships. This account was confirmed by the master of a Greenland ship then in the dock, who said he had been employed in the whale fishery for the last 22 years, excepting one year, and had been used to boil down the blubber for 16 or 18 years of that time. He said besides, that the Greenland ships, on their return home, often smell very offensively to strangers, though to themselves the stench is imperceptible; that the casks in which they carry out their water are those in which they have brought home the blubber; aud that the water generally is found extremely offensive for some hours after the bung is taken out; in which state, however, the men are accustomed to drink it; and, that notw ithstanding all this, he does not conceive that any men are more healthy than the creVs of those ships. That the stench from the blubber is universally admit- ted to be greatest when it is boiling; and that these effluvia, so far from being at all unhealthy, are, on the contrary, reckoned so whole- some that it is very common for sick persons to come to the copper, as soon" as they rise from their bed, and to hold their heads -bver the steam, as close as they can. Mr. Ritchie informed me, that what remained of the blubber, after tbe boiling was finished, was now very commonly bought for agricul- tural purposes; that it was usually taken away by the purchasers just after the boiling, and was allowed to lie by a certain time, till it was in a proper state to be used as manure; when it vv as laid upon the ground and found to be very useful. 424 The use of fish as manure is no new invention :* herrings, pilchards*. and mackarel, have been long employed for this purpose in those part9 of Great Britain where they are caught in the greatest abundance, and so are the various species of mollusca. In some parts of Cambridge- shire, &c. a small fresh-water fish called stickle-back, (gastyrosteus aculeatus, Lin.) becomes so plentiful, that, leaving their native ditches, they form vast shoals in the rivers, and being caught in nets, or bas- kets, are strewed over the ground, in the proportion of twenty bushels per acre. No morbid effect, however, so far as I can discover, has ever been known to result from the putrefaction of fish, or other animal matters employed in this way, though fevers ought to have resulted from it, if producible by the natural decomposition of animal substan- ces. Putrid human excrement seems equally incapable of producing le- ver. A nightman, who had been extensively employed for thirty years in this metropolis, assured me, that though his labourers frequently fell into asphyxia, or died off, as he called it, they had always reco- vered on being brought into the open air; that no fever had ever en- sued from such Occidents, nor, as he believed, from this kind of occu- pation; that sometimes, from intemperance, and getting cold, they had feverish indispositions, but not more so than other labourers; and that, v\ hen steady and sober, he thought them remarkably healthy; that their eyes were sometimes affected, so as to produce temporary blindness, from which, however, they commonly recovered in a few days; and that this, with asphyxia, were the only disorders to which he considered them as particularly liable from the nature of their occu- pation. The receptacles of human ordure beloiiging to the great hotels in Paris, being commonly very capacious, and very seldom emptied, those mephitic exhalations which here produce asphyxia, and are there called "filomb," seem to be highly concentrated, in these receptacles, because they produce death to the nigbtmen not unfrequently, but, in other respects, their effects resemble those which are produced in this metropolis, as may be seen by a report, entitled, " Observations sur les fosses d'aisances et moyens. de prevenir les inconveniens de leur vuidange," par M. M. Laborie, Cadet de Vaux, et Parmentier, (who had been employed by the French government to ascertain facts on this subject) published in the Journal de Physique, Sec. An. 1778, p. 444.-—See also Ramazzini de morb. artific. cap. xiii. * In the " New English Canaan, containing an abstract of New England," written by Thomas JVlovton, " upon ten years knowledge and experiment of the Country," and printed at Amsterdam Ann. 163V, arc these passages; viz. (1* 86,) " The Coast aboun- deih with such multitudes of coilcl, that the inhabitants of New England doe (lunge their grounds with codd." P. 89- " There is a fish (by some called shadds, by some allizes) that at the spring of the year passe up the rivers to spawn in the ponds, and are taken in such multitudes in evmy river that hath a pond at the end, that the inhabitants dunge their ground with them. You may see in one towneship a hundred acres together set with these fish, every acre taking 1000 of them : and an acre thus dressed will produce and yeald so much come as 3 acres without fish." This practice has been mentioned by sev, eral other writers. APPENDIX NO. III. The purpose of this appendix has been stated, at pages 108 and 109 of this volume. It will contain a faithful abstract of Mr. Holwell's narrative of his own sufferings, and those of his unfortunate compa- nions in the black-hole, at Calcutta, and more especially of the facts connected with the supposed production of fever by the crowding and suffocation which occurred in that situation * Fort William, at Calcutta, had been surrendered to the Suba of Bengal, in the afternoon of the 20th of June; and, between 7 and 8 o'clock of the same evening, Mr. Holwell, who had then become ehief in council, with the other civil and military officers of the India company, their servants and soldiers, amounting in all to 146 persons, were forcibly driven into a prison, called the black-hole, which was a cube of about eighteen feet, " shut up by dead walls on the east and south, (the only quarters from which the wind could reach them) by a wall and door to the north, and open only to the west, by two windows strongly barred, from which they could scarcely receive any the least circulation of air." In this state, these unfortunate persons, previ- ously exhausted by fatiguing exertions to defend the fort, and with only standing room, (i. e. 26£ inches by 12 inches, to each person, upon the average) in a very sultry night, soon fell into an excessive perspiration, which was followed by extreme thirst; and this became the more in- supportable, as their bodies were more and more deprived of moisture. To gain more room, they stript oft' all their clothes; and, to relieve the fatigue of standing upright, they all sat down on their hams, or rose up at given signals : but they were so wedged up while sitting down, that it required considerable efforts to rise, and several who were too weak to make such efforts, were either trodden to death or suffocated. "Urinous effluvia" soon pervaded the interior of the prison, which at last became very powerful, and, to use Mr. Holwell's words, " affected them as if they were forcibly held with their heads over a bowl full of strong volatile spirit of hartshorn, until suffocating." (p. 26.) In the mean time, also, the atmosphere was gradually more and more vitia- ted; so that (p. 15,) "before 9 o'clock every man's thirst grew intole- rable, and respiration difficult. In this distressing situation, the pri- soners cried loudly for water ; and when water was at length brought ♦ See " A genuine Narrative of the deplorable Deaths of the English Gentlemen and others, who were suffocated in the Black Hole, in vort William, at Calcutta, in the kingdom of Bengal, inthe night succeeding the *20fh June, 1756. Ina Letter to a f-'rie.id, by J. Z. Holwell, Esq. London, printed for A. Millar, in the Str.md, 1758." 54 426 by some of the guards, with such eagerness did they struggle to get it, that not only the greatest part of the water handed in hats through the bars of the prison was spilt before it reached any one's lips, but many were trampled down and suffocated, while others, particularly those who stood near the windows, were pressed to death. It was soon, how- ever, discovered, that draughts of water were of little service towards quenching a thirst produced and kept up by such causes; they now, therefore, became clamorous for air, and endeavoured to force the door of the prison; but finding their attempts vain, and, preferring an immediate death to the lingering extinction which they apprehended as their doom, they grew outrageous, and abused (p. 25,) the Suba and his officers, and their own guards, by the most opprobrious names, " to provoke the latter to fire in upon them; every man that could, rushing tumultuously towards the window, with eager hopes of meeting the first shot. .Then a general prayer to heaven to hasten the approach of the flames to the right and left of us, and put a period to our misery." After such violent exertions, they whose strength and spirits were quite exhausted, laid themselves down, and expired quietly upon some of their companions; others, who had yet some strength left, made a last effort for the windows, and several succeeded by leaping and scrambling over the backs and heads of those in the first ranks, and got hold of the bars, from which there was no removing them after- wards. In this manner, which is more easily conceived than describ- ed, was the remainder of the night passed; and when, at the dawn of day, an order was brought for their release, dnly 23 persons remained alive out of 146, and these were so weak that it took more than 20 mi- nutes to remove the dead piled up against the door, so as to procure a passage out for one at a time. Of all those who survived, Mr. Holwell probably suffered the most in the course of that night, and certainly he had the narrowest escape* from death; being one of the first who en- tered the prison, he had placed himself at a window, and continued there more than three hours, until his " legs were almost broken with the weight against them," and he was " at last so pressed and wedged up by those who were clinging to the bars over him, as to be deprived of all motion." Unable to endure this torment, he begged the people about him, " as the last instance of their regard," " to make way that iie might retire from the window to die in quiet," and with difficulty he passed through them to the platform on the opposite side of the room. Here his distresses rapidly augmented, and, "in less than ten minutes, he was seized with a pain in the chest, and palpitation of the heart, both in the most exquisite degree." " He retained his senses, however, and not willing to bear any longer so much pain, without attempting to obtain the relief which he knew fresh air alone would afford, he pushed towards a window, and by an effort of double the strength he had ever before possessed, he found means to seize one of the bars, and to fix himself in the second rank of those who were standing at it.— The relief now felt was counterbalanced by new evils; for as others, in like manner, climbed and strove to get air, he presently had to sustain the weight of a heavy man, whose knees were pressing on his back, with the body resting on his head; a Dutch Serjeant had also seated himself on his left shoulder, and a black soldier on his 427 right, all which nothing could have enabled him long to support, but the props and pressure equally supporting him all around."- In this position did he remain from half after 11 till about 2 o'clock, when, being exhausted by the repeated exertions he had made to dis- lodge these incumbrances, and finding that he must either quit the vvmdow, or sink were he was, he resolved on the former, having tru- ly, for the sake of others, suffered infinitely more for life, than the best of it is worth. With great labour he forced his way from the window, (several, in the inner ranks, appearing to him dead, while standing, and only prevented, by the throng about them, from fall- ing) and having gained the platform a second time, he lay down on it, and in a short time lost all sensation. Here he remained until near six o'clock in the morning, when the Suba, having been informed of the suffocation of most of the prisoners, sent to inquire if Mr. Hol- well had survived: and being told that there was an appearance of life remaining, and that he might recover if the door were opened very soon, an order came instantly for the release of the prisoners. In the mean time, Mr. Holwell had been brought to the window, where he revived in a few minutes, and was shortly after restored to his senses. As we have no information respecting the circumstances and consequences of this transaction, excepting that which was published by Mr. Holwell, and as his account of those consequences of neces- sity relates principally to his own case, (for he was immediately sepa- rated from all but three of the survivors,) I have thought it proper to describe minutely his sufferings, that the reader might the better un- derstand and decide, how far Dr. White, (in the Philosophical Trans- actions, vol. lxviii.) and Dr. P. A. Wilson, (in his treatise on febrile diseases, vol. i. p. 407) were justly intitled to adduce this transaction as an instance and proof of the generation, of " a most malignant and infectious fever," (these are Dr. White's words) by " the crowd- ing together of a number of men in camps, hospitals, jails," &c. It is true that Mr. Holwell, at p. 31 of his narrative, mentions his be- lief that very few of his companions had retained their senses during the tune in which he was senseless, or if they" did, that they " lost them soon after they came into th«open air, by the fever they car- ried out with them:" he also mentions, at p. 34, that when taken out of prison he found himself in " a high putrid fever," and so weak as " not to be able to stand;" and he informs us, at p. 38, that in the ensuing night, he was " covered from head to foot with large painful biles^" which he considered as " the first symptom of his recovery; for, until these appeared, his fever did not leave him." During the next night, his three companions, also, ".broke out in biles all over their bodies ; a happy circumstance, (he adds) which, as I after- wards learned, attended every one who came out of the black hole.'" From these expressions, it has been pretended that the atmosphere of the prison being contaminated by the respiration, and perspiration, of so many persons, and by "the intolerable stench arising from the dead bodies," (as is mentioned by Mr. Holwell, at p. 32) had gene- rated contagion, and that this had produced in all the survivors that formal disease which is properly denominated fever. But, on a close examination of Mr. Holwell's statement, this will not be found to 428 have happened, even though suffocution, from a want of the vital part of the atmosphere, breathed by these unfortunate persons, had been superadded to the other evils of their situation, and had irreco- verably destroyed nearly six in seven of their whole number; for, with vital air enough to obviate suffocation, crowding, with all its con- sequences, would not have caused any of their deaths. That they should have lost their senses by being suddenly brought into a. pure, open atmosphere, can surprize no one; such a transition might well produce even greater changes upon men in their situation, without the aid, or existence, of fever, properly so called. And it appears evidently, from Mr. Holwell's statement, that he, and probably the others, very speedily recovered their senses : for he being carried im- mediately before the Suba, (or viceroy) who had heard or suspected that his prisoners had buried or concealed money and valuable effects, in the Fort, and wished, by violent threats, to extort a confession thereof from Mr. Holwell, the latter manifested such presence of mind, and power of reasoning, as could not have been expected of one who had been so recently brought back to life, even if no tem- porary suspension of intellect, or any other disorder than debility, had occurred. We are informed, however, that the Suba, giving no cre- dit to Mr. Holwell's denials, ordered him to remain confined under the care of Mhir Muddon, general of his household troops, and he was consequently removed that morning, with his three companions, in a common carriage of the country, drawn by oxen, to the camp, " above three miles from the fort:" and soon after loaded with fetters; and it was here that he passed the night, and was covered with biles, which put an end to his supposed fever, in less than 24 hours from its com- mencement. That Mr. Holwell, who had suffered so greatly, and in so many ways, during the preceding night, should have found him- self exhausted, disordered, and feverish, the following day, appears very natural; and perhaps it was not unnatural that using the word fever in a loose, and fiofiular sense, he should describe himself as having been in one. But that his disorder was not strictly a fever, and much less what has been understood by the term oifiutrid fever, will, I am confident, be readily admitted by every physician of ordi- nary candour and discernment. •Indeed, Mr. Holwell may be pre- sumed to have had no other reason for giving the name of "fiutrid" to the febrile commotion which took place in him, than a supposition that any disorder occasioned by the heated and putrid atmosphere of the black hole, must necessarily partake of putridity. But if a putrid fever had really occurred, it is not credible that he could have been removed above three miles, exposed to the unclouded sun in that cli- mate, and yet relieved from this fever in less than twenty-four hours. It appears also (at p. 38) that Mr. Holwell and his companions were marched back to Calcutta the next morning " in their fetters, under the scorching beams of an intensely hot sun," which certainly would require exertions too great for men, of whom one had been in a pu- trid fever but a few hours before, while the others were not then re- lieved from that with which they were said to have been attacked, and which only left them upon the occurrence of biles in the evening, after Ws fatiguing march. And certainly if Mr. Holwell's disorder, and 429 that, of his companions, had amounted to fever properly so called, such fatigue, if, against all credibility, they were capable of enduring it, must have been followed by consequences very different from any which appear to have been produced. Two days after this march, these gentlemen were embarked in a large open boat, and sent as prisoners up the river, to Muxadabad, then the capital of Bengal; this voyage lasted 13 days, and, during the whole of it, they were ex- posed to one regular succession of heavy rain or intense sunshine," with no defence against either; and their only food during most of the time, was rice and the muddy water of the river : they were be- sides "so distressed for room, that they could not stir without bruis- ing their own or each others biles;" moreover Mr. Holwell, on a par- ticular occasion, was forced out of the boat, and made to walk in the scorching sun about noon, more than a mile and a half from the ri- ver ; " his legs running in a stream of blood, from the irritation of his irons, and himself ready to drop at. every step from excessive faint- ness, and unspeakable pain." " By this cruel travel" he became so exhausted, that his guards were forced to carry him part of the way back, and support hhn the rest of it. All these sufferings, however, did not produce fever. Mr. Holwell, indeed, tells us, (p. 47) that five or six days after this, " he was attacked by a fever on the night of his arrival" at Muxadabad, attended with considerable inflammation of his leg and thigh; yet he adds that u. all terminated the next night by a regular fit of the gout in his right foot and ankle ;" a sufficient indication of the laxity and incorrectness with which Mr. Holwell has used the term fever. Such are the facts relating to this singular transaction, and to me they prove decidedly, not that febrile contagion may be generated, by crowding many persons into a small space, without sufficient ventila- tion, but the reverse. For certainly the few who were recovered from the combined efforts of crowding and suffocation, escaped with less of Indisposition than could have been reasonably expected, considering the cruel treatment which some, and probably all of them, afterwards sustained: and it cannot be fairly pretended, that this indisposition amounted, in a single individual, to that disease which is strictly de- nominated fever; much less to contagious fever, of which, indeed, there was not the slightest vestige or appearance. In none of the in- •stances where crowding has been supposed to have generated febrile contagion, was it ever carried to the extent of suffocating, I will not say the greater, but even a small part of those subjected to it: and as in this case, (where, out of 146 persons, 123 were thus de- prived of life) neither contagion, nor even a fever, without contagion, was produced among the survivors, notwithstanding the concentrated exhalations from so many dead bodies, running speedily into putre- faction, (as their various excretions had done before) we may consi- der this as a most decisive proof that febrile contagion is not capable $f being generated by qauses of this description. APPENDIX. No. IV. The subject of this Appendix, viz.—The Black Assize at Oxford^ anno 1577, and that of the Old Bailey, anno 1750, are mentioned at pages 110 and 111. Though I have taken considerable pains to throw light upon these remarkable events, the former, I fear, must always remain in great obscurity. The best account of it which I have been able to find, is that given in " The History and Antiquities of, the University of Ox- ford," by Anthony A. Wood, M. A. of Merton College, first pub- lished in English, from the original MS. in the Bodleian Library, by John Gutch, A.M. printed at Oxford, &c. 1796. At p. 188 of the 2nd volume of this work, we are informed by the author, that at this time, i. e. the I9th-20th of Queen Elizabeth,—" lived in Oxford a cer- tain book-binder, named Rowland Jencks, who, in his familiar dis- course, would not only rail against the commonwealth, but the religion now established, and sincerely by the generality in the university em- braced :" that " he made it his chief employment to vilify the govern- ment now settled; profane God's word; speak evilly of the ministers, 8cc."—" In this course of life, he continuing for some time, taking glory, as it were, in it, the university to whom the said person belonged, (because privileged) took cognizance of him and his actions;" and " a convocation of doctors, regents, and non-regents being held, May 1st, it was ordered that he should be seized on, and sent to London to be examined by the Chancellor of the University, and the Queen's Council."—Which was done. " But after he had been examined at London, he was sent to Oxford again to be committed to prison, and stand to a trial the next assizes following," Sec. " The assizes, therefore, being come, which began the 4th of July, and continued two days after, in the Court-House at the Cas- tle yard; the said Jencks was arraigned, and condemned, in the presence of a great number of people, to lose his ears. Judg- ment being passed, and the prisoner taken away, there arose such an infectious damp, or breath among the people, that many there present, to the apprehensions of most men, were there smothered; and others so deeply infected, that they lived not many hours after." Here Mr. Wood introduces an old ditty written upon that event, and printed in black letter, in which death is made to boast of his feats on that occasion. " The persons (continues Mr. Wood,) that then died, and were infected by the said damp, when sentence was passed, were Sir Robert Bell, Chief Baron of the Exchequer; Sir 431 Nicholas Barham, Sergeant at Law; both stiff enemies to the Ro- man Catholic religion/;—Sir Robert Doiley, High-Sheriff; Hart, his Under-Sheriff; Sir William Babington, Knight; with five Jus- tices of the Peace;" and a considerable number of gentlemen who are named, " besides most of the jury, with many others that died in a day or two after. Above 600 sickened in one night, as a physician* that now lived at Oxford attesteth; and the day after, the infectious air being carried into the next village, t sickened there an hundred more. " The 15th, 16th, and 17th days of July sickened also J above-300 persons, and within 12 days space died an hundred scholars, besides many citizens. The number of persons that died in five weeks space, namely, from the 6th of July to the 12th of August (for no longer did this violent infection continue,) were 300 in Oxford, and 200 and odd in other places, .so that tbe whole number that died at that time were 510 persons, of whom many bled till they expired. The time, without doubt, was very calamitous and full of sorrow; some leaving their beds, occasioned by the rage of their disease and pain, would beat their keepers or Burses, and drive them from their presence; others, like madmen, would run about the streets; markets, lanes, and other places; some again would leap headlong into deep waters."— " The physicians fled,—not to avoid trouble which came more and more upon them, but to save themselves and theirs.fl The doctors and heads of houses, all, almost to a man, fled, and not any college or hall was there, but had some taken away by this infection." Those who thus died, he says, " were troubled with a most vehement pain of the head and stomach, vexed with the phrenzy, deprived of their understanding, memory, sight, hearing, &c."—" At the time of their deaths, they would be very strong and vigorous, but if they escaped it they were to the contrary."§—" That which is most admired is, that • Dr. George Ethryg is the physician here alluded to. He practiced at that time in Oxford, and in the second book of his « Hvpomnemata qusedam in aliquot Libros aiili JEginata;," &c. printed in London anno 1580, he states, that on the night m which the disease first made its appearance, about 600 were attacked by it, and m the next nigbt 100 more in the neighbouring villages. + The carrying of the air to the neighbouring villages, seems to be a mistake. Those who sickened in them, had all been exposed to the cause of the dr™, *'"^ver it was, in the Court House, or in the CasHe, as is stated in the renter ot Merton College, of which an extract was published in the Philosophical 1 ransact.ons vol 50. P-6^- 70 >, and in which, at p. 701, are these worfs:-" Nam tffi _^im cthscet a&fadec. m- bent segroti qui en castro et guilda, quam apellantauta uuinto et sexto hujus mens.* adsunt " * This is also stated in the register of Merton College. It This seems to have been an unnecessary, a-, well as culpable desertion of duty by the physicians; the disease having never manifested any c^^\V\0^!.^u' ver apprehensions might have been entertained on that subject at first: Bes.des tht filet averted in the Register of Merton College, that tho,o only s.ckened who were present, &c. on the 5lh and 6th of July, and that no medic;,! attendants, nor^ vib.tor. were Stacked, Mr. John Stow, in his Chronicle of England, (L,.,„1or, 1631) after ravine that "there died in Oxford 300 persons, and in other places 200 and odd, from the 6th of Julv to tbe l«th of August," adds, "after which died not any of thai sickness, for one of them infected not another." §Thi» account of U> disease is in exact conformity with the Uegistrr of. "* I erf on College. 432 no women were taken away by it, or poor people, or such that admin? isteredphysic, or any that came to visit.* But as the physicians were ignorant of the causes, so also of the cures of the disease." He adds, " many supposed that the cause of this infection proceeded from the nasty and pestilential smell of the prisoners when they came out of the jail, of whom, two or three being overcome with it, died a few days before the assize began, as a notet written in these times testifieth. If so be, that was the cause, (he adds) why then were none destroyed at the frst appearance of the said prisoners, which was the 5th of July, when, as 'tis generally said,J none died till after sentence was passed, which was the day following ? Certainly, we cannot to the contrary but think, that the said smell or stench, was more violent the first time when the prisoners appeared, than when they had received air several times before." Here, however, he introduces the observa- ti5n of Bacon, Lord Verulam, mentioned at p. 109 of this volume. He afterwards informs us, that " some thought this Oxford mortality was the same that Leonard Fuschius calls Sudor Anglieus, (sweating sickness,) which began first in England, anno 1485, 1st Henry VII." Sec: but this Mr. Wood thinks "not likely, because the nature of that disease was almost quite different from the other.*' He adds, " Some again have thought, and do think, that it was devised by the Roman catholics, who used the art magic in the design; and that al- so, as a certain note|| witnesseth, it sprung " ex artificionis Diaboli- " cis, et plane papisticis flatibus e Lovaniensi barathro excitatis, et ad "nos scelestissime, et clam emissis." This notion, however, he re- jects, as well as that of Sanderus, who (de Schismate Angl. lib. iii.) calls it " ingens miraculum," and a just judgment on the cruelty of the judge, for sentencing the book-binder to lose his ears.§ The most important, and at the same time the most obscure part of this account, is that which relates to the circumstances and means con- nected with the production of this disease. Stow, after mentioning the arraignment and condemnation of Jencks, " for his seditious tongue," says, " At which time there arose amidst the people such a damp, that almost all were smothered; very few escaped that were not taken at that instant;—the jurors died presently," &c. Annals of England— imprinted at London, by Ralfe Newberry, 1601. * This is also stated in the Register of Merton College; and Stow also asserts, (Loc. Citat.) that no woman or child died of the disease ; in which he is supported by Sir Kichard Baker, in his chronicle of the Kings of England, p. 353, and by Cam- den, in his Annal Reginse, Elizabeth, 1577, (Ed. Th. Hearnii, 1717,) p. 316,—vol.2. f This is mentioned by the author from the entry in the Register of Merton College, to which he belonged; and this register, with which he was well acquainted, appears to have been his only authority for stating, that two or three of the prisoners had died before tiie assize began, as I cannot find any thing of that sort mentioned by any other writer. t This is stated by Camden, and I believe, by Hollingshed, to whom I cannot now conveniently refer. 1 The author here alludes to the Register of Merton College, and proceeds to copy fi-om it the words placed between inverted commas. § Mr. Wood informs us, that after " Rowland Jencks had suffered the sentence passed upon him, he went to Donay, (in Flanders) and there became baker to the English College of Seculars, and livedt o be a very old man." 43$ Camden, (Loc. Chati) after mentioning the bringing up of Jenckss for judgment, adds, " venenoso et pestilenti halitu, sive fadore incar- ctratorum, sive ex solo ita correpti sunt, plerique .omnes qui ade^ rant ut," &c. And sir Richard Baker, at the page lately quoted, after mentioning the same proceedings against Jencks, adds, " Suddenly they were surprised with a pestileniial savour, whether rising from the noisome smell of the prisoners, or from the damp ground,* is uncer- tain ; but all that were then present, almost every one, within forty hours died, except women and children." The most probable meaning of all these accounts would seem to bej that about the time when sentence was passed on the prisoners, a nox- ious vapour, in some degree perceptible by the senses, and proceed- ing either from the prisoners^ or the earth, had been suddenly diffused. through the hall, and that in consequence thereof, a great part of those who were present had been almost immediately attacked, and that many died within a few hours. There is, however, no cause of disease with which I am acquainted| whose effects would have been such as are here described. Pestilen- tial contagion cannot be suspected, because that would have required contact, and because the symptoms of the disease were not like those of the plague, nor was it contagious. And there is as little reason to suspect the contagion of typhus or jail fever, (especially at that season of the year,) there being no instance recorded, or known, of its pro- ducing disease so suddenly, nor of that disease when produced, ter- minating so speedily in death. Nor were the symptoms such as oc- cur in jail fevers :f nor does the contagion of that fever spare women, * This expression, and that of Camden, seem to point at marsh effluvia, which, at that season of the year, would be more likely to occasion disease, than typhus con- tagion, and in a shorter space of time, and chiefly upon vigorous men ; probably, also, the situation of the place was suitable for their production. The old Shire Hall, iu which sentence was passed on Rowland Jencks, was placed in the yard of Oxford Cas- tle, (once deemed impregnable,) which stood on the west side of the town, at a small distance from the river Ids, whose banks, especially at that time, were low. The pri- son was also within the castle, at about 200 yards distance from the hall, and- consisted of a multangular tower, called St. George's, (on the west side of the castle,) together with an adjoining church, which also bore the name ot St George, and two square pooms, all connected one with the other, and made the common gaol for the county, by a statute in the reign of Henry the 3d. See Grose's Antiquities of England, vol iv. p. 182-3: also, King's Vestiges of Oxford Castle, p. 28. In the appendix to Thoma9 Hearne"s Preface to Gulielmi Neubrigensis Historia, 8cc. p 88, is a print representing the catsle of Oxford, and on the other side of the river is a mount, at the foot of which, are the ruins of an old building, which are thus described in a note to the plate : viz— " Reliquise domtxs in qufi. assizoe olium tene bantor, donee ob pestem subitaneam, ad alium civitatis locum regnante t'Aizabetha transferre placuit." But though I think marsh miasmata a more probable cause of the disease in question than typhus contagion, I am far from believing that they would have produced effects such as are said to have occur- red at this black assize. f In addition to, and confirmation of the account of the symptoms of this disease, as stated by Mr Wood, from the Register of Merton College, 1 will here subjoin that wiiich was given to Mr. Bernard Gilpin, who after founding a grammar school at Houghton le Spring, in Durham, educated several young men there, and afterwards ■maintained them at the University of Oxford, which brought him into a correspondence with their college tutors, one of whom wrote a letter in Latin, giving an account of jhe disease in question of which an extract translated, has brcn preserved in "The Life of Bernard Gilpin, by William Gilpin, M. A." 2nd edition, Ixmdon, 1763, p. 120. The translated account of this disease is in these words, viz.—" Those who are seized with it are in the utmost torment; their bowels are burnt up ; they call earnestly for 334 children, and poor people, as the cause of this disease is stated to have done, (but on the contrary:)—nor do the stoutest and most robust soonest perish by it, as the Register of Merton College declares to have happened in this disease. (" Et ut quisque fortissimus, ita citis- sime moritur.") Whether the facts connected with the production and nature of this disease have been misrepresented, or, whether it proceeded from a cause which has ceased to operate in later times, I leave for the deci- sion of others. \ The sickness which I have mentioned at p. 1 LO, as occurring at Exeter, almost nine years after, viz. in 1586, appears to have been the true jail distemper, according to the account given of it by Hollings- head, vol. ii. p. 1547, where he says, "At the assizes kept at the citie of Exeter, the 14th daie of March, in the eight and twentieth year of her majestie's reigne, before Sir Edmund Anderson, Knight, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and Serjeant Floredaie, one of the Barons of the Exchequer, Justices of the Assize in the county of Devon and Exon, there happened a very sudden and strange sickness, first among the prisoners in the jail of the castle of Exon, and then dispersed (ppon their triall) amongst sundrie other persons."—" This sickness was very sharp for the time, and few escaped which at the first were infected therewith. It was contagious and infectious, but not so violent as commonlie the pestilence is; neither doth there ap- peare anie outwarde bleer or sore."—" The origin and cause thereof, diverse men are of diverse judgments. Some did impute it, and were of the mind that it proceeded from the contagion of a gaole, which, by reason of the close aire and filthie stinke, the prisoners newly come out of a fresh aire into the same, are, in a short time, for the most part, infected therewith; and this is commonlie called gaole sickness, and many die thereof." He then proceeds to relate the case of thirty- eight Portuguese seamen, who had been some time before taken at sea, coming with fish from Newfoundland, and " cast into the deep pit and stinking dungeon" of the " gaole of the castle of Exon;" and " had no change of apparell," but being left to lie " upon the ground, with- out succour or reliefe, were soon infected;" (probably by the conta- gion previously existing in this dungeon,) " and all, for the most part, were sicke, and some of them died, and some of them was (were) dis- tracted ; and this sickness verie soon after dispersed itselfe among all the residue of the prisoners in the gaole, of which disease many of them died, but all brought to great extremities, and verie hardlie es- drink ; they cannot liear the touch of clothes; they intreat the standers by to throw cold water upon them; sometimes they are quite mad ; rise upon their keepers; run naked Oiit of houses ; and often endeavour to put an end to their lives The physicians are confounded, declaring they have%net with nothing similar, either in their reading or prac- tice. Yet many of them give this distemper a name, though they have done nothing to shew that they are at all acquainted with its nature. The greater part of them lam told, have now left the town, either out of fear for themselves, or, conscious that they can do no good This dreadful distemper is now generally attributed to some jail infection, brought into court at the assizes : for it is remarkable, that the first infected ■were those only who had been there. Few women or old men have died. God be thanked, the rage of this pestilence is now much abated, It is still among us, in some degree, but its eftects appear every day weaker." 435 caped. These men, when they were brought before the foresaid jus- tices for their triall, manic of them were so weake and sicke, that they were not able to go nor stand, but were carried from the gaole to the place of judgment, some upon hand-barrows, and some between men leading them, 8cc. He adds, that these miserable men were brought in at "one end of the hall, near to the judge's seat," where their wretched condition excited general commiseration, and particularly that of the chief justice, " who, upon this occasion, tooke a better or- der for keeping all prisoners thenceforth in the gaole," &c. He adds, "And howsoever the matter fell out, and by what occasion it hap- pened, an infection followed upon manie, and a great number of such as were there in the court, and especially such as were nearest to them, were soonest infected. And albeit the infection was not then perceived, because everie- man departed, as he thouglit, in as good health as he came thither; yet, the same by little and little, so crept into such upon whom the infection was seizoned, that after a few daies, and at their homecoming to their own houses, they felt the violence of this pestilent sickness, wherein more died that were infected, than es- caped." He then gives the names of some of the principal persons who were thus cut off; among whom were Serjeant Floridaie, one of the judges; three knights; and several esquires and justices of the peace; and many constables, reeves, tythingmen, See. In this case, the disease appears to have been propagated by those who were first attacked, so that "it was dispersed throughout all the whole shire." And, on this subject the author makes an important, and I believe just observation, concerning the time which the infection remained dormant in the system : viz.—" It resteth for the most part, fourteene daies and upwards, by a secret infection, before it breake out into his force and violence." All this is very unlike the disease from which the black assize at Oxford obtained that appellation. I am next, according to the promise made at p. Ill pf this volume, to enter upon an examination of the facts relating to the supposed pro- pagation of typhus or jail fever, at the Spring sessions of 1750, in the Old Bailey, by contagion from Newgate. I have already mentioned that Sir John Pringle's Observations on " Hospital and Jayl Fevers," were published (probably written also,) immediately after, and to take advantage of the sickness which then occurred. In his dedication of that publication to Dr. Mead, he says, " Whilst I was revising the notes I had made on the Diseases most incident to an Army, the jayl distemper having broke out in such a manner, as to alarm the town, I thought I could not*comply more seasonably with your desire of having them published, than by com- municating at present, that part of my observations which related to this disease." He says afterwards, that he the more willingly em- braces this occasion of writing, "as at this time every body is inclined to listen to the subject" &c; adding, "lam certain, that however rarely our jayls produce such visible noxious effects, they are often one of the more insidious sources of slow and malignant fevers, which generally prevail in large and crowded cities. Thus, in the late case of infection:—from the quantity of the contagious matter, the close- ness of the air, and crowds of people to render its corruption more 436 quick, a distemper arose so suddenly, and was so violent, genera!, and fatal, that every body now refers it to its true cause ; whereas, if the number of malefactors had been fewer, the multitude less, and the air freer, so few would have been seized, and that with fevers of a slow and less alarming kind, that the cause might have been intirely overlooked." By thus confidently representing the Old Bailey sickness as the product of jail infection, Sir John Pringle enviously secured a very general attention to his publication, and gave it unusual importance at that time. But I think too highly of his probity, to magine that he would, from such considerations, intentionally mislead the public ; and, therefore, I am the more surprised, that he should have thus assum- ed to know, and decide upon, " the true cause" of this disease, and upon " the quantity of contagious matter" supposed to produce it, without having seen any one of the persons who had been attacked by .the disease; and without having, in the smallest degree, ascertained the existence even of a single atom of contagious matter, at that time, in Newgate. But, though Sir John Pringle, in this his first publication, confined himself to general, and gratuitous assumptions, respecting this trans- action, he afterwards, in his work on the Diseases of the Army, first published in 1752, gave a statement of what he considered as the prin- cipal facts relating to it; and, as this statement seems to be the founda- tion of almost all that has been since written, and believed by others on this subject, I shall here subjoin it, from the seventh edition of that work, which contains, I believe, his latest additions and alterations; introducing, in the form of notes, such corrections and explanations as seem necessary. The statement is at p. 330, and seq. in these words,, viz.—" In the year 1750, on the 11th of May,* the sessions began at the Old Bailey, and continued for some days; in which time, there were more criminals tried, and a greater multitude present in the court, than usual. The hall in the O'W. "Bailey, was a room of only about 30 feet square.f Now, whether the air was most tainted from the bar, by some of the prisoners, then ill of the jail distemper, or, by * The sessions began, as is proved by all the diurnal, and monthly publications of that time, on the 25th of April, old style, and ended on the 30th. Sir John Pringle intended here to designate the time according to.the new style, which was afterwards established bylaw, as is evident, by his having annexed the letters N. S. to the 11th of May, in his account given m the first edition of .his volume on the Diseases of the Army. Bi.« even this left him in an error of five days. The Universal Magazine for April, 1750, contains the following passage :—"Wednesday, the 25th, the sessions began at the Old Bailey; when 23 prisoners were tried ;" &c. audit added, that on "Thursday," the 26th, ten persons were tried ; and among them ' Captain Edward Clark, for shooting Captain Thomas Innes, in a duel, in Hyde Park," March the 12th. These gentlemen were captains in the royal navy, and Captain Clark's trial exciting great curiositv, produced a very crowded court, and lasted a grt..t part of the day ; so that only nme other prisoners were tried. And it was on this day, the 26th, as will be seen presently, that the cause of the disease, whatever it may have been, was applied to the persons who afterwards sickened, and who appear to have been all then present, and only then. There was, indeed, so far as I can discover, no trial during the sessions of that month, which excited any great curiosity, or occasioned any crowd; nor will Sir John Pringle's reasonings or description^ apply to any other day. + According to the measurement of Mr. Dance, Clerk of the Works to the. city of London, this hall was 40 feet in length, and 31 feet in breadth. 437 the general uncleanliness of such persons, is uncertain ;* but it is pro- bable that both causes concurred. And, we may easily conceive, how much the air might have been vitiated by the foul steams of the Bail- dock, and of the two rooms opening into the court, in which the pri- soners were the whole day crowded together, till they were brought out to be tried.f It appeared, afterwards, that those places had not been cleaned for some years. The poisonous quality of the air was ag- gravated by the heat and closeness of the court, and by the perspirable matter of a number of people, of all sorts, penned up for the most part of the day, without breathing the free air, or receiving any refresh- ment.! The bench consisted of six persons, whereof four died, to- gether with two or three of the counsel, one of the under-sheriffs, several of the Middlesex Jury, and others present, to the amount of above forty; without making allowance for those of a lower rank, whose death may not have been heard of; and without including any that did not sicken within a fortnight after the sessions. " It was said,\\ that this fever, in the beginning, had an inflamma- tory appearance, but that after large evacuations the pulse sunk, and was not to be raised by blisters, nor cordials; and the patients soon be- came delirious. Some had petechia, and all that were seized with the fever died, excepting two or three at most. Some escaped without a fever, by a looseness coming on, and which was easily cured. How * This question, of all others, ought not to have been left, and much less represented, as being in a state of uncertainty ; since all our reasonings and conclusions will almost exclusively depend upon it. Sir John Pringle certainly had no good reason to suppose that any person in Newgate was " then ill of the jail distemper, and much less any oj the prisoners at the bar; and his language is therefore fallacious. In regard to "the general uncleanliness of such persons," I shall indeed wonder if any one, after reading this volume, can believe it to have been capable of producing the disease under con- sideration, i fin a note to this passage, Sir John Pringle mentions his having heard, that about 100 prisoners were tried at these sessions, and he supposes that they " were all kept" in "the bail-dock, and the two rooms opening into the court,"—"as long as the court sat,"—which is, I believe, an error : for though care is taken, that a sufficient num- ber of prisoners shall'always be in readiness for trial, the whole jiumber is not, accor- ding to my information, brought up at once, when it is known that they cannot all be tried in one day. Sir John Pringle seems also to have formed erroneous ideas of the situation of the' bail-dock, &c. It will be seen by the plan of the Sessions House, or Justice Hall, in the Old Bailey, between pages 438 and 439, that the bail-dock is pla- ced without, and in front of the house, and is a kind of vaulted cell or dungeon, below the surface of the court yard, where the prisoners are kept, until called successively iuto court, a few minutes before their respective trials are expected to commence. And while in the bail-dock, they must be too far removed, and too much separated from the hall, to infect the court, even if they were all labouring under jail fever. In regard to the " two rooms opening into the court," and which he supposes to have been crowded with prisoners, they must have been merely partitions within the bail-dock, to separate the men from the women. $ The heat and closeness of the court, with the quantity of perspirable matter from those who were " penned up in" it, for a few hours, will bear no sort of comparison with the sjtate of the Black Hole at Calcutta, where we have seen that nothing like contagion, or a regular, and much less a mortal fever was produced. || This, and other expressions, demonstrate that Sir John Pringle did not attend a single person labouring under this fever;—for, if he had done so, it would not have been necessary for him to recur to hearsay; and he would certainly have given us a distinct account of the symptoms, especially as all those who did attend in this sickness, had strangely neglected this duty; so that we have nothing but loose hearsays on a point of gre at interest and importance. 438 far this sickness spread among the nurses, and other attendants on the sick, is not known."* Sir John Pringle has mentioned in a note, that the persons on the bench of the judges were, " The lord mayor, three of the judges, one of the aldermen, and the recorder. Of these (he adds) died Sir Sa- muel Pennant, Lord Mayor; Sir Thomas Abney, and Baron Clark, Judges; and Sir Daniel Lambert, Alderman. It was remarkable that the lord chief justice, and the recorder, who sat on the lord mayor's right hand, escaped, whilst he himself, with the rest of the bench on his left, were seized with the infection; that the Middlesex Jury, on the left side of the court lost many, whilst the London Jury opposite to them received jio harm; and that of the whole multitude, but one or two, or at most, a small number of those who were on the Lord Mayor's right hand, were taken ill. Some, unacquainted with the dan- gerous nature of putrid effluvia, have ascribed both this circumstance, and the sickness in general, to a cold taken by opening a window, by by which a stream of air was directed to the side of the court on the Lord Mayor's left hand.f But it is to be observed, that the window * I am sorry to observe, that there is an appearance of disingenuousness in this expres- sion. The author, in his first edition, had said, " This sickness, as far as appears, spread no farther; which was perhaps owing to the season, and to the weather, at that time cold, from northerly winds." A circumstance, however, which would have favored its spreading, had the disease been a jail fever. In the 5th edition, (printed in 1765,) the author says, "This sickness, as far as was known, spread no farther; there being at that time no disposition in the air, nor other circumstances to propagate the infection." Here it is manifest, that he was convinced no person had taken the disease from any of those who were first attacked, and that he was anxious to obviate the infer- ence suggested by that circumstance, that the disease was not the jail fever, by saying what he could not have known, that there was then " no disposition in the air" &c. when, in fact, the unusual coldness of the season, was suited " to propagate the infection." Whether Sir John Pringle was convinced of the insufficiency of these allegations, to ex- plain why the disease had not been commwucatedhy any of the sick, 1 know not; but he afterwards thought proper, in bis 7th edition, printed in 1774, to suppress these allega- tions, and represent it as being uncertain, whether the disease had, or had not, been com- municated by a contagious quality, or rather as being uncertain how far it had been "spread &c.; affording room for a belief that it had in fact been spread among the nurses," &c- though the extent of its spreading was unknown. Twenty four years had then elapsed, and with the dispositions which were manifested by Sir John Pringle on this subject, it may be safely inferred, that he had never in all that time been able to gain any information, rendering it probable that the fever under considera- tion, had been propagated in a single instance by contagion. For a single well-ascertain- ed fact of this nature, would have answered his purpose, by proving that the disease was ajail fever, and have rendered unnecessary all his other laborious and ineffectual endea- vors to attain this object. •j- In the Gentleman's Magazine for May, 1750, (p. 235,) the following paragraph rela- ting to this subject may be found, viz :—" As there was no uncommon sickness among the prisoners that came to the bar, or in Newgate, some attentive observers do not sup- pose it to be a case of infection. But that the court being so much heated by the crowds which came to hear the extraordinary trials of Captain Clark and others, and there being a very cold piercing East Wind to attack the sweating persons, when they came out of court, and many of them dining in public, and drinking perhaps a glass extraordinary, to comfort them after fatigue, a fatal fever might ensue." The writer of this paragraph, though he properly ascribes the fever to a piercing cold East wind, seems not to have been sufficiently informed of a most important fact, connected with the place and manner in which this wind was applied, so as to produce disease :—I mean the opening of a large window in front, and on the left hand of the court, at the North-West corner of the build- ing, one of the three distinguished by the letters N, N, N, in the annexed plan. This was done in consequence of'the great heat and want of air, produced by the crowded state of the hall, during Captain Clark's trial. It appears, that before this expedient was re- sorted to, the court, as well as the audience, had been greatly incommoded and overheat Ij Plan of the. O/sUJazley.as it existed previously to its destruction during the riots in 7?#o. \fopied exactiv From, the- origvnalJh-awiru/ in the vofscfswn of'treorqeDttneeEsq.Architect or (ZerkoFthe Works.to the City oFLondon.by whom this Copy was given to the -dulhor. A3 The-divisions -within, the Cburt'-Ifall are marked according to its present stale; T>ui> the-^uthor- has been, informed- by J/'Dunce thai these do not di/Fer. or. at least, not ma terudly. from those- which existed hithe- Former J3 uilding. EXPLANATION of the PLAN of the OLD BAILEY. a Covered passage, by which the prisoners are brought from Newgate to the Old Bailey. b Bail Dock, in which the Prisoners are kept till they are called into Court. c Small Door, (under the Window) by which Prisoners enter the Court from the Bail-Dock, pr eparatory to their trial. d Place where they stand bc/ire they go into the Prisoners box. e Box for Prisoners under trial. f Bench for the Lord Mayor, Judges and Aldermen. g Places of retirement from that Bench, taken from the corners of the room. They are about seven feet high, and that on the right of the Court is left open at top. h Boxes for the Sheriffs. i Bench for the Counsel. k Table for Do. I Spaces serving as passages. m Box for the Middlesex Jury. n Box occasionally used for the London Jury. o Boxes or Seats for Officers, Clerks, Sfc. of the Court. p Box for Law-Students, c$c. q Box for the Witnesses. r Standing place for persons who attend to prosecute or give evidence. s Columns. t Doors opening into different parts of the Court. u Windows, of which the three facing the Judges are large Sash- Windows. x Passage outside of the Court, over which are the Galleries for Strangers who come to hear the Trials. 439 was at the furthest end of the room from the bench, though the judges suft'eted most. Nor could the kind of fever, nor the mortality attend- ing it, be attributed to a cold; it is therefore probable, that the air from the window, directed the putrid streams to that part of the court above-mentioned. . Indeed, it must be granted, that septic particles passing into the blood, become more active and fatal, if the mfected person catches cold, or, by any accident suffers a stoppage of perspi- ration, or of any of the other discharges of excrementitious and noxious matter. Before I particularly notice the latter part of the preceding note, I think it proper to introduce some other testimonies on this subject. In Foster's Reports and Cases on Crown Law, (printed at Oxford, 1762, folio,) I find, at p. 72, the following statements, viz :— " At the Old Bailey sessions in April,-1750, one Mr. Clark was brought to his trial; and, it being a case of great expectation, the court, and all the passages to it were extremely crowded, &c. " Many people who were in court at this time, were sensibly affected with a very noisome smell; and, it appeared soon afterwards, upon an enquiry ordered by the Court of Aldermen,* that the whole prison of Newgate, and all the passages leading thence into the court, were in a very filthy condition, and had long been so. " What made these circumstances to be at all attended to, was, that within a week, or ten days at most, after the session, many people who were present at Mr. Clark's trial, were seized with a fever of the ma- lignant kind; and few who were seized recovered. " The symptoms were much alike in all the patients; and, in less than six weeks time, the distemper entirely ceased. " It ought to be remembered, that at the time this disaster happen- ed, there ivas no sickness in the gaol more than is common in such places; this circumstance, which disiinguisheth this from most of the cases of the like kind which we have heard of, suggesteth a very proper caution:—Not to presume too far upon the health of the gaol, barely because the gaol fever is not among the prisoners." In addition to the preceding statement, it will be proper for me to introduce the testimony of the Rev. Stephen Hales, D. D and F. R. S. whose character as a divine, and philosopher, needs no encomium from me. He attended as a witness to Captain Clark's character upon the trial in question; and, in the second part of his Treatise on Ventilators, (printed in 1750,) at p. 161, after quoting a considera- ed ; and, upon the opening of the window, a stream of cold air forcibly rushed in, and pas- sed straight forward alungthat side of the hall which was nearest to the street, and on the left hand of the Lord Mayor. And the mischief done, or sickness produced, appears to have been confined to those whe were placed in the direction of this sir- am of cold air ; which, therefore, contained and conveyed the morbid influence, whatever it was, that <,cca- sioned the fever. This important conclusion, my readers will, I hope, bear in mind, till 1 can resume this topic. • This mention of the Court of Aldermen made me wish to have the books of that court examined ; and a gentleman, who by his office, Lad access to them, nMigingly look- ed them over for the whole time betv.een 1743, and 1770, without being able to find any entry respecting this subject, or tbe health of tht-prisoners, except some orders forth* paymentof money, for putting up and working a ventilator at Newga e, which wasdonr in consequence of the sickness in question, under the direction oft' : Rev. Dr. Hales and Sir John Pringle. 440 ble part of Sir John Pringle's account of it, he adds, " As the most- putrid vapours are the most subtile and volatile, so I observed them to be in the court, at the Old Bailey, May the 11th, (erroneously adopting Sir John Pringle's date) 1750, when I was obliged to be there, and found the smell of the air in the gallery on the right side of the court, sensibly more offensive than below, when I was called down among the crowd to give evidence. And accordingly, those who were situated highest in the court, as the Lord Mayor, Judges, Middlesex Jury, and those in the gallery on the left hand of the court, were chiefly infected with the fatal contagion ; on which (left) side a wide sash-window facing the Judges was open ; at which an Easterly wind entered, which might blow down the most venomoua vapour which was near the ceili?ig,* and condense, in some degree, and check the subtile infectious vapour, heated by a crowded court for many hours, from ascending so fast from among those on the bench, and in the left hand gallery: whereas, on the right hand, where no window was open, the same heat might cause the enven- omed vapour to ascend quicker to the lofty ceiling; as it is well known such vapours constantly do in rooms full of crowded assem- blies." Assisted by these statements and explanations, I will now proceed to overthrow the baseless fabrics, to erect which so much labour and ingenuity have been wasted. Those who ascribed the fever in question to jail infection, must have supposed, and ought to have proved, either that the prisoners by whom the contagion was said to have been diffused in the court, were then actually labouring under jail fever, and capable of generating its con- tagion, or, that this contagion existed so copiously in the place whence they had been brought into the court, (Newgate) as to infect their clothes sufficiently to enable them to infect others at the distance of 25 feet, which seems to have been the space between the Lord Mayor's seat, and the box allotted to the prisoners on trial. (See the plan.) But it is not known that any of the prisoners who were brought into court had any sort of febrile indisposition, nor is it known that any case of jail fever then existed, or had recently existed, even in Newgate. In- deed, the contrary seems to have been generally admitted and believ- ed, and with great reason; because, after so many persons were at- tacked with fever, in consequence of their attendance at the Old Bai- ley, on the 26th of April, so much attention was excited and directed to the state of Newgate, that if any thing resembling jail fever had been found in a single case, it would have been reported and made known; instead of which, we only are told that upon an examination, • It is truly wonderful that Dr Hales, who, on other occasions, and particularly at p. 156, has justly observed, that the " cooler heavier external air," by rushing into a warm room, displaces, and forces upwards the lighter, should here employ so much ingenuity to deceive himself, and reconcile his own facts with Sir John Pringle's suppositions. Lei any one pour quicksilver into a tube containing spirit of wine, and see whether the former, when it enters at the top, will remain uppermost, and press down tiie latter. His reason- ing concerning what happened on the right side* of the court, is equally fallacious. He -oays the air on that side, and especially in the gallery, was "sensibly more offensive ;" and, therefore the " infectious vapour" ought to have been there most abundant ; and yet all the mischief was done on the opposite side. 441 it was found that the prison, " and the passages leading thence !nt6 the court, wrere in a filthy condition." It has been asserted, however, that though there was then no case of jail fever in Newgate, there might be such a remnant or accumulation of febrile contagion formerly ge- nerated there, as to contaminate the clothes of the prisoners, and ena- ble them to infect the court, without being themselv es made sick by that concentrated infection, which, even when diluted and diffused, was still powerful enough to cause the deaths of persons at a conside- rable distance; and such assertions have been adopted and repeated under the sanction even of ccrcat medical authorities : and the better to account for this wonderful immunity in these distributors of death, it has been pretended, that persons might gradually acquire the habit of bearing unharmed the impressions of that contagion, which has proved so destructive to others; and, therefore, that we are not to conclude, that febrile contagion did not exist in a very concentrated and virulent form in Newgate, from the circumstance of its not having occasioned sickness to any person who was confined therein. In my judgment, however, these assertions and reasonings, as applied to the contagion of typhus fever, have no foundation in truth. All our ex- perience proves, that the longer persons are exposed to the action of this contagion, the more, certainly, will they be attacked by the fever: that the escapes of medical men are entirely owing to their remaining but for a short space within its reach at any one time : that persons who may resist its impressions for a day, are not likely to resist them. for a week; and that those who resist them for a week, will rarely con- tinue to do it for a fortnight:—I mean in places where the contagion m, not dispersed and rendered innocuous by frequent changes of the at- mosphere. But even if the assertions which I am now controverting were true, they would not answer the purpose for which they were em- ployed, in regard to the events of the Old Bailey sessions. Sir John Pringle, in a note to p. 330, mentions what is indeed generally known, that " it has been the custom some days before every sessions, to re- move all the malefactors from oilier gaols into that of Newgate." And this appears to have been done previously to the sessions in April, 1750; and as the persons thus removed could not have gradually ac- quired the supposed habit and pov.-cr of bearing the contagion alleged to have been at that time accumulated in Newgate, they must have been as liable to hs morbid influence, as those who were said to have been infected by it at the Old Bailey, and infinitely more so, because they must have been exposed to it at the source, and in its most con- centrated form ; whilst the Iatter-could only have received it at a second hand, when diffused from the clothes of prisoners, and greatly diluted. And as none of the persons so brought into Newgate appear to have been attacked with jail fever, either before or after the sessions, there is the strongest reason to believe that no such contagion at that time existed in Newgate, Sec. consequently that none could have been car- ried thence to infect the court at the Old Bailey. But if we were to suppose (for the sake of argument^ that the jail fever did at that time prevail in Newgate, and to as great an extent as it was ever known to have done, there would still be good reason to 56 445 conclude that it did not occasion the fever which was consequent upon Capt. Clark's trial. In a note to p. 438, I found sufficient ground for concluding, that whatever the cause of that fever might be, it must have been con- tained in and applied by the stream of cold air which entered by the open window, and reached the persons who, being placed in that par- ticular direction, were afterwards exclusively attacked with the dis- ease. This was also the avowed opinion of Sir John Pringle and Dr. Hales. But if we suppose the jail infection to have been brought uito court by Capt. Clark, (a strange supposition considering his rank in life, and the cleanly decency at least, with which he must have been clothed) that contagion would have been much more likely to operate previously to the opening of the window, when, as there was little or no circulation of air, it would have been less diluted; but if it had operated at that tune, its operation would not have been directed and limited to those particular persons on whom the cold easterly wind afterwards blew, but to those who were nearest to him on all sides; and we may therefore presume, that the fever in question was not oc- casioned by any application of jail infection, previous to the opening of the window, and certainly it could not have been produced by that cause after the admission of such a strong current of air, as must by its quantity and coldness have so much diluted, elevated, and dis- persed the contagion, as to render it harmless, even if, in addition to Captain Clark, scores of prisoners had been in court.* Another insuperable objection to the supposed production of this fever by contagion arises from the space between the bench on which the judges were seated, (where the cause of the disease proved mor- tal to four out of six then present) and the box wherein the Prisoners are placed when under trial, and which is the nearest approach they are ever allowed to make towards that bench. This distance, as I have already mentioned, and as will appear by the engraved plan of the hall, is about twenty-five feet; and we are warranted by all the experience of modern times in believing, that the contagion of jail or typhus fever, from a person actually under the disease in its worst form, will not pro- duce fever in other persons at the distance of three yards, in a room of moderate dimensions, where the air was not previously infected.f * Had there been any contagion in Newgate capable of infecting the court at the Old Bailey, we might have justly expected that it would have done so on the first dav, when more than twice as many prisoners were tried, and when no window appears ta ha>e been opened, to dilute and disperse the infection. It is not, however, pretended that the jail infection operated at any time during the sessions, excepting the day when a stream of cold air was admitted, sufficient of itself to produce the fever, without any aid from contagion, and sufficient also to render contagion harmless, even if it had been present. •J- Dr. Haygarth, in his letter to Dr. Percival, on the Prevention of infectious fevers (Bath, 1801,) says, page 8, " In 1777, I began to ascertain, by clinical observations, according to what law the variolous infection, and in 1780, according to wl>at law the febrile infection is propagated. 1 found that the pernicious effects of the variolous mi- asm were limited to a very narrow sphere. In the open air, and in moderate cases, I discovered that the infectious distance does not exceed half a yard. Hence it is pro- bable, that even when the distemper is malignant, the infectious influence extends but a few yards from the poison. I soon, also, discovered that the contagion of.fevers was confined to a much narrower sp/iere." 443 With this knowledge of the very limited action of the contagion of jail or typhus fever, when present, and with so many valid reasons for believing that none was present, at the sessions, the 26th of April, 1750, we are certainly bound to ascribe the fever which was a conse- quence of that session, to some other cause; and none presents itself so obviously, and with so many probabilities, as that which Sir J. Pringle thought proper to reject; I mean the sudden admission of a continued stream of cold air, impelled forcibly by the external wind, upon per- sons, who had previously been greatly overheated, and were conse- quently in that state which renders a sudden and copious application of cold, either externally, as on that occasion, or internally by large draughts of spring or iced water, in very hot weather, or by the eating of iced creams, &c. in particular circumstances, so often productive of a mortal disease. Even Dr. Hales was aware of danger from a free admission of fresh air by ventilation, as may be seen at p. 144, 153, and 155 of the work lately quoted, and at the last of these passages, after representing " it as a matter of great importance to vise means to change the air in crowded rooms, he adds, that this must be done by a constant ge;i tie succession of fresh air;" which " must not be let in at open full windows, especially in cold weather;" and this injunc- tion he repeats in other places. Almos; all the circumstances which are known to render the application of cold hurtful, seem to have co- operated at the Old Bailey, during Capt. Clark's trial, particularly the length of time hi which its application was continued; its being ap- plied by a wind, or current of air; its being a transition or sudden and considerable change from heat to cold; and its being applied partially to a particular part of the body, vv hile the rest was kept in greater warmth than usual: we know but Uttle of the causes which might have assisted to produce debility on that occasion, and thus to render the impressions from cold more injurious; excepting that of fasting, which, from the duration of the trial, must have been unusually pro- longed ; nor are we acquainted with what might have happened after the court had adjourned, to increase the morbid influence of the cold, In a report made by the committee of the dispensary at Newcastle, published in Dr. Clark's collection of papers respecting fpver wards, (Newcastle, 1802) the following paragraph occurs, at page 12, viz " The most malignant fever does not render the at- mosphere infectious farther than a few feet from the patient, or from the contagion preserv- ed in clothes, furniture, &c. and daily observation confirms, that a person must remain a considerable time within the sphere of infection to receive iff for physicians and surgeons, who avoid the current of the patient's breath, and the effluvia arising from his body within the bed-curtains, do not receive the contagion in their ordinary v sits ; and they never convey it to others ; the infectious effluvia, received in their apparel, being spee- dily rendered mnoxious by being diluted with pure air." In a report, also, from the institution for the cure and prevention of contagious fever in the metropolis, May "tih, 1805, it is stated, that ♦' the house occupied for the purposes of the institution stands in the midst of a row, in contact with dwelling houses on both sides; that 420 pati- ents" (with typhus fever) " have been received into it," &c " yet the neighbourhood has continued altogether free from the disease," he After which the following obs t- vation is added, viz. " Were not the general prejudice on this subject strong, this fact, indeed, might have been clearly anticipated. For if, as we have learnt from ex- perience, contagions, diluted by the free admission of air, are not communicated from room to room in a house nor even from bed to bed in the wards of an hospital, it scarcely required a positive experiment to prove, that houses even Hi conta'f, wcra not liable to infect each other." 444 which had been already applied. We know enough, however, to make it probable, in the highest degree, that this was the cause ot the fever which ensued, and proved mortal to so many persons. Sir John Prin- gle has, indeed, delivered an opposite opinion, but on grounds which. in my judgment, have little solidity; he observes, ui the note lately quoted, that the window which admitted the cold air, " was at the farthest end of the room from the bench, though the judges suffered most;" it should, however, be remembered, that this window was much higher than the heads of any of those who were on the left hand side of the court, and, consequently, that the stream of cold air passed harmlessly over those who were nearest to the window, and, gradually descending by its superior gravity, went uninterruptedly, and with full force, to the judges, on that side) who being most elevated, were most exposed to its impressions, though ,farthest JYoni- the window ; a cir- cumstance which Sir John Pringle did not think of any importance, though 'immediately after, he stated it as probable \hat the air from the window directed tlte putrid streams to that part of the court where the judges were seated" Certainly, if the current from the window was sufficient to convey the supposed putrid or infectious matters to the judges, it must have been sufficient also to communicate the effects of its own diminished temperature or coldness. In regard to bis other ground, viz. that neither " the kind of fever, nor the mortality attending it," could " be attributed to a cold;" it may be answered that they are much less attributable to jail infection. Unfortunately, we know but little of the " kind of fever" then pro- duced; a circumstance for which Sir John Pringle himself is blame- able: for, though he appears never to have seen a case of it, he might easily have procured, from other physicians, a sufficient ac- count of its symptoms, (which Mr. Foster states to have been much alike in all the patients,) and have enabled us to judge how far they were similar to those which he has described as belonging to jail fever. But without doing this, he admits that " it was said that this fever in the beginning had an inflammatory appearance," which is ex- actly that of a fever from cold, and the very reverse of a jail fever.. In Opposition, however, to this admission, he adds, " that after large evacuations the pulse sunk, and was not to be raised again by blisters, nor cordials, and the patients soon became delirious." It will not, I presume, be expected, that I should undertake to account for particu- lar effects, loosely stated on the ground of hearsay, without any com- munication of other facts and circumstances, which, if known, might probably remove all difficulty and obscurity respecting them. I need, therefore, only observe, that I do not consider it as necessary, that fevers produced by the sudden application of cold, should, in all cir- cumstances, ages, and constitutions, bear large (probably excessive) evacuations, without a sinking of the pulse, or without subsequent delirium. And in regard to petechia, which were reported to have been observedin some few cases, I need only refer to p. 97 of the Ap- pendix to Sir John Pringle's work, where he notices, " the undeter- mined meaning of the word Petechias;" adding, its " ambiguity is such, that I must regret my having at all used the term." The au- thor had before said, in the preceding page, that ev^n these spots 445 which he had called petechia, though sometimes accompanying the jail fever, had no "title to characterise that disorder." Sir John Pringle also mentions that some escaped without a fever, by a u looseness coming on, which was easily cured." This fact I con- sider as eminently indicative of morbid affection from the applica- tion of cold, which is often observed to take that course; and by doing so, to obviate the occurrence of fever, and other worse conse- quences : but I have never known such an escape from typhus fever.—■ Cm the contrary, I believe that where a sufficient dose of that conta- gion has been imbibed, the supervention of diarrhoea from any cause, would render its operation in producing fever, more s/ieedy and cer- tain, by inducing debility. It is much to be regretted, that neither Sir John Pringle, nor any other writer within my knowledge, has stated the precise interval between the trial of Captain Clark, and the commencement of fever in any one of the persons then present. He only mentions that none were taken into his account who did not sicken within the first fortnight after the sessions. With this latitude, there might have been barely time for the production of fever by jail infection. But, though this was the longest interval, they might, for any thing which he says to the contrary, have all sickened within half the time, and that, in my judg- ment, would have afforded the most decisive proof of a different fe- brile cause; and this probably was the fact, at least in some of the cases; though the extract which I have given from Foster's Reports, &c. is almost as vague on this point, as Sir John Pringle's statement; for il only asserts, " that within a week, or ten days at most, after the ses sion, the persons in question were seized with a fever," £cc* In regard to the mortality from this fever, which Sir John Pringle thinks too^great for a fever from cold; he surely ought to have re- collected, that this objection would apply with greater force to his sup- position, that the fever had originated from contagion ; for the most concentrated or virulent jail infection ever known in this country, did not, so far as I can recollect, produce a fourth part so many deaths among an equal number of sick; and it therefore must be incredible, * We are left in equal uncertainty concerning the time which the disease had subsisted even in a single case, before its fatal termination. We are only informed by the Lon- don, Gentleman's, and Universal Magazines, for May, 1750, of the days on which most of the persons died, with intimations of their having been at the preceding Old Bailey sessions. 1'he London Magazine mentions Sir Daniel Lambert, and one or two others, as having died on the 13th of May, and other deaths as occurring on nearly all the succeeding days, until the 21st. The Obituary of the Gentleman's Magazine states, "Sir Daniel Lambert, knight and alderman," to haveVIied on the 13th, "of a violent fever,," which certainly is not a description of typhus. \)r. Adams (misled by Sir John Pringle, in regard to the commencement of the sessions,) states in his Inquiry into the Laws of Epidemics, (p. 12 and 13) that on the 11th of May, 1750, the prisoners at the Old Bailey were sufficiently in health to attend their trials ; yet, from the effluvia they brought with them on the 13th, died one magis- trate, on the 14th the undersherifF, on the 17th one judge," &c. Here Dr. Adams mani- festly believed, and intended that others should believe, that the effluvia supposed to have been thus brought into court on the 11th, had not only produced a violent dis- ease, but that this disease had also proved fatal, all in the space of 48 hours from the time of its communication. A monstrous error: it being probable, that jail infection never produced disease and death in so few weeks as the number of days in which the doctor supposes all this to have happened. 446 that such unexampled mischief should have been occasioned, where the febrile contagion, supposing it to have existed, was too weak to pro- duce disease, even in those who were said to have brought it into court, or in Newgate, whence it was said to have been derived. And, though the mortality in question was greater than I should have ex- pected, from a fever produced by the sudden application of cold, yet, so many things are capable of increasing and aggravating the morbid effects of that cause, particularly by inducing local and mortal inflam- mation in some important organ or viscus, that it is much less surpris- ing that a fever so produced should occasion an unprecedented mor- tality than it would have been, if so many deaths had resulted from a jail or typhus fever. I have not insisted on the non-communication of the disease by any of those persons who sickened after being at Captain Clark's trial, because mat fact, though it increases the probabilities, does not af- ford any decisive evidence that the fever was not a typhus, as most of il.e sick were above the ordinary class, and may be supposed to have occupied apartments so large, that the propagation of the fever was not a necessary consequence. APPENDIX. No. V. The author, at*^>. 119, intimated an intention of inserting in this Appendix certain extracts from the " Memoires sur les Hospitaux de Paris, par M. Tenon," respecting the Hotel Dieu of Paris; but the editor finds it necessary to refer those to whom these extracts might have proved interesting, to M. Tenon's original work, particu- larly to the preface, and to pages 135, 138, 141, 163, 165, 194, 197, 198, 199, 207, 208, 209, 223, and^287. APPENDIX. No. VI. The author, at p. 151, has referred his readers to this Appendix, " for Proofs" of the " Exemption of the inhabitants of (or adjoining to) Peat Bogs from Intermitting Fevers." The same necessity which compelled the editor to omit what was intended to constitute the preceding Appendix, (i. e. the unusual number of pages to which tbe volume has already extended) has determined him to refer the reader to Dr. Jameson's Mineralogy of the Scottish Isles, vol. 2, p, 127; and to the Essay on Peat, by the Rev. Dr. Walker, Professor of Natural History, in the University of Edinburgh,—published in the Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, vol. 2, p. 23. The author had moreover intended to place in this Appendix certain MS. communications, stating the non-occurrence of marsh fevers at Strabane, and some other places in Ireland, adjoining to Peat Bogs, except in persons who had previously been exposed to marsh miasms, by residing in other situations. In such persons, particularly one from the state of Maryland, intermitting fever is stated to have oc- curred some months after leaving America, and to have proved very ebstinate. APPENDIX, NO. VII. Having explained the purpose of this Appendix at pages 203 and 204, and meaning to leave no doubt subsisting in the mind of any per- son qualified to decide on the credibility of Dr. Chisholm's account of the supposed generation of a new Pestilential Fever on board the ship Hankey, on the Coast of Africa, I beg leave to premise a short, but faithful statement of the transactions which arc supposed to have been connected with that monstrous production, founded principally upon 448 the African Memoranda of that very intelligent and meritorious offi- cer, Captain Beaver, of the Royal Navy;* and upon authentic docu- ments, published in Wadstrom's Essay on Colonization. Several gentlemen having associated for the establishment of a co- lony at the island of Bulama, near the mouth of Rio Grande, on the Coast of Africa, and obtained the approbation of government, a num- ber of colonists and labourers were engaged, and embarked in two chartered vessels, viz. the Calypso, of 298 tons, and the Hankey, of 260 tons, besides a sloop of 34 tons, purchased by the association; all of which, with sufficient stock of provisions and stores, sailed from Spithead, on the 12th of April* 1792:'the Calypso having onboard 149 setders, or colonists, consisting of men, women, and children; the Hankey 120; and the sloop 6 ; making in the whole 275. These ves- sels were, however, separated in a few days, by a storm, and the Ca- lypso having touched, on the 3rd of May, at Teiieriffe, and on the 12th at Goree, proceeded to Bulama, and on the 25th of that month anchor- ed in a harbour, at the western extremity of the island, where the go- vernor of the new colony, Mr. Dalrymplc, determined to wait for the arrival of the Hankey, on board of which was the investment for pur- chasing the island, and trading with the natives. But in Jjie mean time, he imprudently landed, with some others, to explore the"*'island; While, as Captain Bearer informs us, (at page 46 of his African Me- moranda,) several of the colonists erected small huts and tents on the shore; parties wandered wherever they pleased in the day, and re- turned to the ship, or not, as they thought proper, in the evening. In short, nothing," adds he, " could be more irregular, or improper than their conduct. In this disorderly state, they were on the 3rd of June surprised and attacked by a party of Bijugas, a warlike tribe of Afri- cans, inhabiting the neighbouring island of Canabac, (to whom Bulama then belonged) who killed five men and one woman, wounded four men, and carried off four women and three children. This disaster, which had resulted from a mistaken notion in the natives, that the colonists had come to dispossess them by force of their territory, caus- ed so much alarm among those who had escaped, that they re-em- barked immediately, and sailed on the 5th for Bissao, a Portuguese settlement on the coast, at a small distance. But on their way thither, finding the Hankey was just arrived in the Bi;uga channels, they joined the latter ship, and on the 8th of June, both ships, with the sloop, pro- ceeded to the road of Bissao, where they anchored. By this time, as Captain Beaver informs us, \p. 58. " the Calypso had many persons on board ill ol fever, though none had yet died of it;" besides which, he adds, " nothing was heard but mutual reproaches from the people of the Calypso. The colonists accused the members of the council hi that ship, of a want of attention to their comfort and accommodation: (those in the Hankey having fared better than themselves, by procuring supplies of fresh provisions at Teneriffe and St. Jago.) They were tired out with the length of the voyage; irritated by the loss of their * At p. 94 of his Letter to Dr. Haygarth, Dr. Chisholm, after mentioning Captain Beaver's publication, describes it as " a most complete and circumtantial narrative of -the whole of their proceedings;" (those of the Hankey and the Bulama colonists,) ami as executed " with a candour and naivete, which stamps it with the seal of truth." • 449 inends, in the recent attack of the natives, and the disappointment of. their hopes. On the junction of the ships, these discontents were speedily communicated to the colonists on board the Hankey: Captain Weaver, who had made his passage in that ship, says, that he had " left her on the 5th ot June, a quiet clean, healthy, and orderly ship;" but at his return, on the 7th, he found her « a noisv, dirty, disorderly ship ; the colonists dissatisfied and dispirited." During their stay at Bissao, Captain Beaver mentions the fever to have appeared on board the Hankey; and that on the 21st of June it "still continued in both ships, but onlv one person had yet fallen a victim to it in the Calypso, and none "in the Hankey." '(Page 60.) Soon after the arrival of the ships at that settlement, agents were sent to the island of Canabac for the purpose of ransoming the women and children taken prisoners at Bulama, which was accomplished on the 19th of June; and the willingness of the Bijugas to sell the latter island having been ascertained, the ships quitted Bissao on the 21st of June, and anchored on the 27th in a fine harbour, in the East Channel, be- tween Bulama and the Biafara shore, opposite to the spot on which the settlement was subsequently fixed; having previously disoatched Cap- tain Beaver with Mr. Dobbin to Canabac, where they speedily con- eluded a treaty, by which the island of Bulama was purchased for 473 bars, worth from 120 to 140 pounds sterling. In the mean time, how- ever, the discontents had increased among the colonists; " the major part of whom," Captain Beaver describes (in a letter addressed to the Trustees of the Bulama Association in London, dated from Bulama, the 22d of November, 1792, and printed at page 300 of the second part of Wadstrom's Essay on Colonization,) as being" drunken, lazy, dishonest, and impatient;" and the setting in of the rainy season, which began on the 4th of June, with the prospect of great fatigues and privations to be undergone during that season, had probably contributed not a little thereto. In this state of mind, a very considerable number of them resolved to abandon the colony, notwithstanding the success of the negotiation with the Bijugas. Accordingly, sixteen ol them sepa- rated almost immediately; and others, to the number of 147, (among whom were the governor, Mr. Dalrymple, and the lieutenant-governor, Mr. Young,) sailed from the Bulama in the Calypso, on the 19th of July, for Sierra Leone, and thence to London, where they arrived in the middle of November, excepting about 40 who died from sickness. The state of both ships, in regard to health on the day of the Calypso's departure from Bulama, is thus mentioned by Captain Beaver, at p. 80 of African Memoranda;—-" 19th of July. The fever had hitherto continued in both ships; the Calypso having buried three who had died of it since we had left Bissao, and sailed with many sick; The Hankey had buried three also, and had now two colonists, and three of the ship's company labouring under that disorder." Upon the departure of the Calypso, witli governor Dalrymple, &c. the remaining colonists, consisting of 48 men, 13 women, and 25 chil- dren, elected captain Beaver to be governor, and his conduct, amidst the numerous difficulties and distresses by which he was continually surrounded, until compelled to abandon the island on the 29th of No- 57 450 vember, in the following year, appears to have been in all respects highly commendable. The first and principal undertaking of the new colonists, was that of building a block-house for their protection and accommodation, upon the summit of a hill near the harbour, which was then " covered with a thick forest." See p. 93. But, having no sort of accommodation on shore, they were constrained to live on board the Hankey; and the better to defend themselves from the rains, Sec. they erected a covering to the ship's deck. Their onlj shelter, on the island, was "a little tool-house," and as the heavy rains made it impossible to dress their victuals on shore, the working people were landed on the island at day-light every morning, and brought on board to breakfast, at 8 o'clock; carried back to their work at nine; brought on board to dine at noon; again relanded at 2, P. M. to resume their labours; and, finally, brought on board to sleep at sun- set. In this manner they continued to work through the rainy season, (which ended about the 15th of October,) and afterwards until the be- ginning of November; when the time being expired for which the Hankey had been chartered, it became necessary to land the colonists with all their stores, to enable the ship to prepare for her departure, although the block-house could not be finished until the month of February. On the 23d of November, the Hankey sailed from Bulama, having on board sixteen of the colonists; viz. 7 men, 4 women, and 5 children, besides her crew. At this time the colony had sustained a loss, subse- quently to the Calypso's departure, of 48 persons by death, of whom 23 are stated to have died of fever ; one by " fever and flux," an 14 by other specified diseases,hurts, and accidents. On the 26th of Novem- ber, the Hankey anchored at Bissao, and sailed thence for England on the 3d of December, but in the night of the 4th she grounded on a sand bank near the island of Warang, which made it necessary to send a part of her crew in the pinance (an open boat) to Bissao for assist- ance ; and these men, after hard rowing for two days and nights, re- turned with a schooner and long boat; tnd with their help the ship was again made to float : but on this day " all the people who came from Bissao in the pinance were taken ill." On the 13th the Hankey was brought back to Bissao, to refit, but finally sailed thence on the 21st of December, and anchored in St. Francis's Bay, at St. Jago, on the 26th of that month ; where I shall leave her at present, that I may enter upon an inquiry into the causes and nature of the fever which had been so prevalent, while she remained at Bulama;—an inquiry which, as marsh fevers alone have hitherto been found to prevail in that part of Africa, nothing but Dr. Chisholm's confident, though un- warrantable statements, could have made necessary. It has been already mentioned that the Calypso had arrived at Bula- ma fourteen days before she rejoined the Hankey in the Bijuga chan- nels in which interval, the colonists (tired of their confinement on ship- board, and believing they had now reached the land of promise had wandered about that island in the most unrestrained and imprudent manner, sometimes sleeping on shore, and otherwise exposing them- 451 selves most incautiously to the action of marsh miasmata,* until they were surprised, and partly cut off, by the Bijugas. Those who have lived between the tropics, or who have read of the numerous instan- ces of mortal fevers which have been there produced by sleeping a single night on shore, will not be surprized that after such conduct, it should have been found, as is mentioned by Capt. Beaver, that on the 8th of June " the Calypso had many persons ill of fever :" nor thai this fever should have been, as will be incontestably proved, the common marsh, intermitting or remitting fever of the.coas*, and that the same fever should have appeared in the Hankey some time after her arrival at Bissao ; a place where this " coast fever" is known to prevail in the rainy seasons, (which had then recently begun) and where during • Dr. Chisholm, at p. 103 of hisletter to D. Haygarth, says, " In every instance of great mortality on the coast of Guinea, and in many other countries of the old and new continents within the tropics, (and there are many dreadfut ones given by Dr. Lind and others J the cause has evidently been marsh miasmata, or an " inland impure atmosphere, loaded v* ith stinking sulphureous mists." Yet, in direct opposition to this assertion, he immedi- ately after, endeavors to maintain that the mortality on hoard the Calypso and Hankey did not result from this cause, but from one which certainly never did produce " great moitality'1 between the tropics ; 1 mean febrile contagion ; and for this purpose, he alle- ges that Bulama, " is every where surrounded by sea, is no where marshy, gradually ri- ses to a moderate elevation immediately from its shores, is blessed with abundance of running water, and with a soil rich and prolific, affording ample pasturage to innumerable wild animals." Had it however suited Dr. Chisholm's purpose, 1 am persuaded that, even supposing this description to be accurate, (whieh 1 do not believe) he would, not- \\ ithstanding, have readily discovered sufficient sources of marsh miasms at Bulama. Its being surrounded by sea is no obstacle to their production ; witness the islands of St. Thomas, Batavia, St. Lucia, St. Domingo, and scoies of others, which are extremely un- healthy ; and in regard to its " rich and prolific " soil, Bulama, in this respect, only re- sembles the country along the banks of the Guadalquiver, in Andalusia, the Terra di Lovoro, near Naples, and other- places already mentioned, as being eminently produc- tive of marsh fevers. Governor Dalrymple, and the council, in their joint letter to the trusteesof the Bulama association, say, "the island, we learn from the gentlemen who have explored it, has extensive savannahs, of a deep black movidP See YVadstrom's Es- say on Colonization, 2d part, p. 144. And governor Dalrymple, in a separate letter, quoted in the preceding page, says, "the north end of the island, is one continued savan- nah, covered with long grass, with a few trees interspersed, but without any rocks or stones." He adds," the soil of this plain is deep and rich" Now, it is utterly impossible, that such a soil, in such circumstances, should not be greatly productive of morbific ex- halations, in that climate, whenever (by showers or otherwise) there is sufficient mois- ture for their extrication, and besides these savannahs, it is incredible that the shores of such an island, and especially its harbours, should not iu a multitude of places be fitted to produce and give out marsh effluvia copiously : there not being, so far ast can discover, one situation in that part of Africa where a ship can anchor near the shore and remain even for a week, during the rainy season, without some ol" her crew being soon after at- tacked by marsh fever. Such, however, was Dr. Chisholm's anxiety to persuade others that in this respect, Bulama differed from every part of the coist, that (at p. 118 of vol. i. of his Essay) he has introduced a quotation from the "Voyage de Chevalier des i. rchais (en Guinee and isles voisines)" which, besides its being otherwise of little importance, relates entirely to the islands in the river of Sierra Leone, and not in the smallest degree to Bulama, which is in the Rio Grande, and distant more than 200 miles lie nuiki-s a similar mistake by quoting Dr. Lind, who has not once mentioned the islands in Rio Grande. I may add that Dr. Chisholm's anxiety on this subject has also led him to ad- duce the testimony of Mr Paiba, (which admitting it to be correct as fir as his know- ledge extended, amounts to very little) though in many other parts of his writings Or. Chisholm earnestly endeavors to impeach Mr. Paiba's veracity, and as I think, with vnry little reason ; for though his communications to Dr. Smith, were not all correct, in re- gard to dates and numbers, (he relating them from memory only, and after an interval of tour years) his statements in other respects have been generally confirmed by other evi- dence, and he has no where made such groundless misrepresentations, as those of Dr. Chisholm, nor indeed any which manifest an intention to mislead. 452 her stay of 14 days, it may be presumed that the drunken, dissipated, and vicious characters mentioned by Captain Beaver, as being a ma- jority of the colonists, would have freely indulged their dissolute pro- pensities,* in aid of the morbid influence of mash miasms ; but though these vessels afterwards proceeded to the harbour, adjoining to the spot destined for the settlement at Bulama; yet by reason of the in- tended departure of the adventurers, very little work was done on shore during this interval; and the fever, being void of contagion, did not spread in the ships ; as only five persons were ill of it on board the Hankey, when the Calypso quitted Bulama on the 19th July. After this time, however, all the remaining colonists, able to work, were con- stantly employed in laborious occupations on shore, for 9 hours daily, and were often caught, as is mentioned by Capt. Beaver, in very heavy showers of rain, than which few things can be more dangerous in that climate; and they must also have been greatly exposed to the marsh miasmata constantly emitted in that rainy and sickly season. These causes, joined to their general despondency, and various hardships, pro- duced, as might well be expected, such an increase of sickness, that, as Captain Beaver mentions at p. 137, "every person employed about the block-house was ill and unable to work" on the 17th of Septem- ber. Dr. Chisholm has, in various places, stated his opinions of the causes of this fever, though with some variety, and often with no little obscurity: that statement, however, which seems to have obtained his last correction, may be found in his letter to Dr. Haygarth, in which, at p. 103, after asking, "what were the causes of this fever and mor- tality," he says, " all the causes which generate infectious or pesti- lential fever, is the obvious answer." Now, though this answer may satisfy some of those who believe that there are such causes, it is far from satisfying me, who (for many reasons already stated) have no such belief; especially, as though assuming the presence of all these supposed causes, he has omitted to designate, and establish the exis- tence of any one of them. He has, indeed, attempted to prove that the fever in question was infectious, and for this purpose (at p. 99 of the letter just quoted) has availed himself of a passage in captain Bea- ver's African Memoranda, (p. 54) where the latter, describing the transactions of the Hankey and Calypso, after their rejunction on the 7th of June, says, "the fever from which the Hankey was still free, had already made its appeai'ance in the former ship; and, instead of separating the infected from the well, and taking any steps to prevent the spreading of that dangerous disease, by prohibiting any unneces- sary intercourse between the two ships, the whole time, since the ar- rival of the Calypso, had been taken up in the constant interchange of visits: nay, the affected themselves, the very persons who had the fe- * Wadstrom, page 511, gives the following extract of a letter from Charles Drake, Esq. " We left the remains of several of our people at Balnma ; butl know of none whose decease might not be accounted for, by their being addicted to drink rum." Id. page 113, Lieut, governor Young, in his " Return of the deaths of the Bulama Ad- venturers," states that, " oi the nine persons who died at Bulama, not one contracted his fever there, but all of them at Bissao, except those who brought their disease from Eng- land. Of the remaining number, many caught the fever at Sierra Leone, through intem- perance," &c. 453 •ver on them at the time, had been actually on board the Hankey,'' and the consequence was, that many days did not elapse before tho fever made its appearance in that ship also." That captain Beaver, when he wrote this passage, (which probably was about the time when the transactions happened,!) did suppose the fever in question to have been communicated from the Calypso to the Hankey, is evident. He seems, however, to have thought so, from an erroneous notion (which has prevailed, in a great degree, even among medical men, and which captain Beaver might well have adopted) that all fevers were conta- gious, and that, as a matter of course, such a communication of fe- ver must have resulted from the intercourse just described. But there is good reason to believe, that he did not long retain this notion, but was soon convinced, by personal observation, that contagion had no influence in spreading the fever, (especially as, even on the 19th of July, only two of the Hankey's crew, and three colonists, had any fever,) or occasioning the mortality which resulted from it; for he does not afterwards (according to my best recollection and belief,) even hint at the operation or existence of any such cause; but wholly omits it, in the various parts of his journal and official letters, in which he endeavours to account for the sickness and deaths, either of the co- lonists or of the Hankey's crew ;\ nor did he, when he afterwards be- * This fact indicates, what will soon be proved, that the fever in question must have been a mild marsh fever, probably an intermittent, for under such contagious fevers as Dr. Chisholm supposes the Hankey to have drought to Granada, patients do not pass their time in going from one ship to another, to make or return visits. ■fCapt. Beaver, at p. v. of his preface, says, "most of the circumstances preceding the 19th of July were written by myself, as the circumstances occurred;" and he profess- es generally to have published his journal just as he wrote it, in order to exhibit the impressions on his mind, at the moment when each part was written. £ To establish the truth of this allegation, the following proofs will suffice, viz. in a letter from Capt Beaver to the Bulama trustees, dated November 22d, 179'2, (see African Memoranda, p. 292) he writes, " t/ie great mortality must certainly be attri- buted to the great labour and fatigue attendant on those who first attempted to settle a colony, and to the necessity we were reduced to of working in the rains, in order to have a fort to defend, and a house to cover us. With little strength, we found it ne- cessary to work from morn to night, except when the rains poured like torrents, and hy these we were often caught when going in the boats either on board, or ou shore." Afterwards, he observes, (African Memorada, p. 495,) "had we carried out the frame and materials necessary for the erection of a large house, it might have been finished, in at most one month ; but "asaWthe timber, which I built with, wasi growing at the time of our arrival, it was February in the following year, before 1 had a room to put my head in. The being exposed during the whole of that time to either the rains or the sun must certainly have been a great cause of our mortality." He had before ob- served, (African Memoranda, p. 367) that the mortality of the colonists at Bulama, " though in some measure certainly to be attributed to the climate, was much more to the adventitious circumstances which have been already noticed; and 1 am inclin- ed (adds he) to think that, independent of its having really been the most unhealthy season of the year, independent of our hard labour, and great exposure during that inclement season, much of our very great mortality may be attributed to the uncom- mon depression of spirits which our situation produced, on the minds of most of our colonists.; and I verily believe that I should have died too, if I had ever suffered my mind to he so subdued. But how far this despondency may have contributed to our mor- tality, must be left to the decision of physicians." Upon this passage, Dr. Chisholm (at p. 105 of his letter) says, "Were I to hazard an opinion, I should be inclined to say that it contributed as a powerful predisposing cause to the action of infection, which had already accumulated in their bodies, like the electric fluid in the Leyden phial, and required only this excitement to destroy at a single discharge." But surely Dr. Chisholm, before he ventured upon this extravagant and most inapplicable compari- son, before he assumed this excessive accumulation of some undescribed febrile contagion, 454 came governor of the colony, (if it may be so called) adopt, in the smallest degree, any of those measures, for " separating the infected from the well," and for "preventing the spreading" of the fever, which he had at first supposed to be of high importance; and which he certainly would not have neglected, with so much humanity and vi- gilance as he has manifested on aVJ occasions, had he still retained his former opinion. Capt. Beaver was, in truth, so far from believing Dr. Chisholm's allegations respecting the Hankey, that he has, on various occasions, given those allegations the most decisive contradiction: witness among others, tiie following passage, at p. 305 of his African Memoranda, viz. "the mortality which took place in the island of Bu- lama, and on board the Hankey, after her departure from it, was in this country called the plague, or Bulama fever, by those who were inim- ical to the success of our enterprise; and such serious representations were made on the subject, as produced an order from the privy coun- cil to sink that ship, though on further inquiry it was not carried into should at least have proved the existence of a few particles of it, either in the Calypso and Hankey or upon the island of Bulama. In regard to the former, Dr. Chif-holm has admitted (what might otherwise he readily proved) that when these ships sailed, and during the voyage out, the crews and settlers were all healthy," and that " no sus- picion whatever can be entertained of the existence of latent infection among them." See his Essay on the malignant pestilential fever, &c vol. 1. p. 103, et seq. It follows, therefore, that if the fever in question was produced by contagion, generated in either of these ships, it must have been after her arrival on the coast of Africa, and that the guilty ship must have been the Ctdypso, since, according to Dr. Chisholm's last new opinion (adopted to take advantage of Captain Beaver's error) the infection was commu- nicated from her to the Hankeff. But I have already, in different places, adduced so many facts decisively proving that filth, crowding, and all the other causes supposed to be capable of generating febrile contagion, do not produce that effect, when in cold or temperate climates, and in circuinstances which ought to lender those causes highly prolific, if they were capable of such generation, that I shall not be here expected to enter upon a particular refutation of Dr. Chisholm's- unsupported and most improbable suppositions, respecting the Calypso and Hankey; especially as it has been already proved that the high temperature between the tropics, is so unfavourable, I need not say to the generation, but to the existence, of febrile contagion, that even when it hap- pens to be brought into that temperature it cannot subsist, much less propagate itself. Dr. Chisholm's inconsistencies on this subject are truly ridiculous. In his Essay, at p. 95 of vol. 1. he asserts, that " the state of the atmosphere between the tropics does not seem to admit the generation of a /ugh degree of infection," and at p. 189 of his letter to Dr. Haygarth he says, "one universally admitted fact, I mean in the West In- dies, incontestably proves that heat and filth do not render shipping " the most dan. gerous of all human habitations." The fact (adds he) is this, that the shipping frequen- ting the different ports of the West India islands before 1793, were almost uniformly and remarkably healthy." Yet, in the very same letter, he twice adopts and repeats what he had previously declared in his letter to Dr E. H. Smith, that "a fever (on board the Hankey)proceeding originally, perhaps, from the inclemency of the season, and the circumstances of the situation of the adventurers, had become, by confinement, filth, consequent impurity of air, and depression of spirits, a true jail fever, or fever of infection heightenedto almost pestilential violence," A jail firver between the tro- pics ! ! ! and a jail fever heightened to almost pestilential violence," in an atmosphere which he had before mentioned as not admitting " the generation of a high degree of infection ! /"—And least these contradictions should be thought too few, he tells us, at p. 217 and 218 of the very same letter to Haygarth, that (instead of jail fever) the disease imported hy the Hankey to Grenada was a " nova pestis, a peculiar, original fo- reign pestilence, recently generated, and utterly unknown before,9 8cc. ( see p. 201 of this volume J Had he told us that the supposed causes of this new plague, had generated Elephants at Bulama, I should have thought the talc less improbable, because these animals have been frequently seen on that island, while neither plague nor pestilential fever ever was nor as I believe ever will be. 455 effect; and the ship was restored to the owners, after their having sus- tained very considerable less, by the industry with which certain inte- rested people kept up the report of the malignity of the distemper, which it was said that ship brought home, and for which there was not the shadow of a foundation." Again, in a note to p. 192, after noticing the report of the pestilential fever or plague, supposed to have been carried by the Hankey " from Bulama to Grenada," captain Bea- ver adds, "this report was for a considerable time believed; the Han- key was sent to Stangate Creek to perform quarantine, and orders were given for sinking the ship and. cargo; however, on examination, the falsehood and malignity of this report Hieing proved, this order was oonfined to the Bulama baggage only." In addition to these facts I shall now adduce the most decisive evi- dence, to prove that the fever which prevailed in the Calypso and Hankey, and among the adventurers to Bulama, was the common marsh fever of the western coast of Africa; and for this purpose I shall first quote the testimony of Lieutenant-Governor Young, who, in his " return" of the deaths of the Bulama adventurers, and in allu- sion to the fever, which produced so many of them, observes con- cerning it, that " the coast fever is of the intermitting kind and not infectious" [See Wadstrom, page 313.] This gentleman's com- petency to form a judgment on the subject will scarcely be doubted, after reading the following character of him by Capt. Beaver, at p. 82 of African Memoranda : " Young, next to the governor in the council, was a man in mind and information inferior to none I have ever had the happiness to know. I respected, I loved him: and never was in his company without leaving it both wiser and better, from his know- ledge and virtues :" and he must have had very sufficient opportuni- ties of observing the intermitting nature of the fever, and its non-in- fectious quality, both at Bulama and on his passage in the Calypso to England, during which about forty of the persons on board are stated to have died, mostly of this disorder. Mr. Paiba's testimony on this subject, as communicated to Dr. E. H. Smith, and published in the New-York Medical Repository, vol. 1, p. 463, is in these words: " Concerning the sickness which carried off the colonists, both at Bu- lama and Sierre Leone, and on the home passage of the Calypso, it may be remarked, once for all, that it was by no means of one kind, as the readers of Dr. Chisholm would be led to suppose. Few, if any, escaped, altogether, some had regular intermittent fever, (which is the fever of the coast,) of various continuance, from a week to seve- ral months; others had a violent fever, which terminated favourably or fatally, in one, two, three, four, five, or six days ; or which linger- ed out after its first violence as many weeks ;* some had diarrhoea, ' The " violent fever" here mentioned may, in many cases, hive been a marsh fever, aggravated by some other of the well knowu causes of fever, such as being caught by heavy rains, drunkenness, fatiguing exercise, or labour in the sin, &c. and in a few it may have been produced by these latter causes only, though it seems difficult tu believe that any person, who had been evnn but a few weeks on the islai.d, could hive, so far es- caped the influence of marsh miasms, as that a fever in him should not, in som^ decree have resulted from their influence. 456 ilid dysentery; and others fell martyrs to the indiscreet use of opium* and spirits, as preservatives." But-to render superfluous all other evidence on this subject, I will here adduce that of Dr. Winterbottom, who, by appointment of the Sierra Leone company, was physician to that colony, when the Calyp- so arrived there, with Governor Dalrymple, and the discontentd colo- nists from Bulama; and consequently had abundant opportunity of be- coming well acquainted with the fever which prevailed among them, and which was supposed to have been communicated from that shi/i to the Hankey,f and undoubtedly the testimony of a physician so im- partial, and so respectable by his character, and his general as well as professional knowledge will be deemed conclusive on this subject. It was given at p. 16 of the 2d volume of his account of the native Africans, where he says, " the fever which carried off so many of the settlers at Bulama, precisely resembled the endemial remittent fever of Sierra Leone, a sketch of which, at some future opportunity, may perhaps be laid before the public ; but the fever described, by Dr. Chisholm" (meaning the malignant pestilential fever, so called by him, and supposed to have been brought by the Hankey to Grenada) " differs so essentially from that which occurred at Sierra Leone, that it cannot be recognized as the same disease." Afterwards, in the same page, Dr. Winterbottom corrects one of Dr. Chisholm's errors in regard to the Hankey, by stating that she " had no communication whatever with Sierra Leone; adding, " the other vessel, the Calypso* after leaving Bulama, called for refreshment at Sierra Leone, where she remained about six weeks, during which time upwards of fort ij of the crew and passengers died of the remittent fever, though un- attended with any appearance of peculiar malignity." Against such testimony, the unsupported assertions and suppositions of Dr. Chis- holm, who never was on the coast of Africa, nor personally acquaint- ed with any of the facts in question, must be of no value. 1 might here, therefore, dismiss this part of my discussion, did not a regard for truth compel me to notice Capt. Beaver's account of his own fever, in order to expose and correct a very important, and seem» ingly a very culpable, misrepresentation, which Dr. Chisholm has made concerning it. This account may be found at p. 161 of his African Memoranda in these words : " The letter which I wrote to the trustees by the Hankey was, I think, dated Nov. 23, 1792. It was written during that and the two preceding days, in those intervals when I had the full possession of my senses, ahd was able to apply myself for a short time to writing, for long I could not; and each of the first two of those days, as well as for several before, I was delirious, generally from about 10 A, M.till 2 or 3 P. M. and this was the case in" al- most all the severe attacks of the fever which 1 afterwards had. This was owing to the excessive heat between those hours; for I invariably got better as the sun declined, and never experienced the violent raging of the fever till the sun had again acquired power on the follow- f Though the fever was not communicated by one ship to the other, it was manifest- ly the same in boll?, and derived from one common source—marsh effluvja. 457 iftg day.'* Page 161, African Memoranda. See likewise his othei» description, at page 173—4, and at page 114—121 ;* from all which his disorder appears to have been one of those marsh, or intermitting fevers, the paroxysms of which are often accompanied by delirium, at least between the tropics; and it could not, therefore, possess any contagious property, even in Dr. Chisholm's opinion, as delivered in various parts of his writings; and particularly in the first volume of his Essay, Sec. p. 299, in these words, viz. "The true uncombined yellow remitting fever, deriving its origin from the miasmata of marshes, and the various exhalations from putrid vegetable sub^fcnees, confined humidity, and stagnant water, is not contagious ; nor can it be proved to be so in any instance, of Torrid Zone at least." But in direct op- position to this opinion, he makes the following unaccountable state- ment, at p. 102 of his letter to Dr. Haygarth, viz. " The fever" (at Bulama) "appears to have been direfully contagious ; for in one in- stance, particularly, three persons who were near his" (captain Bea- ver's) " bed, during his own illness, from which he almost miracu" lously recovered, received the infection from his person, and died soon after." And for proofs in support of this allegation, Dr. Chisholm refers to pages 171 and 172 of the African Memoranda, where indeed, mention is made of captain Beaver's illness, and of the deaths of three persons in two succeeding days, but without any fact, or circumstance, indicative of the existence of any thing like contagion, or of any con- nexion between captain Beaver's disorder and the deaths in question. The only passages relating to this allegation, which occur in the pages referred to by Dr. Chisholm, are the following, viz. "Thursday, December 13, 1792. "Very ill; delirious part of the day. In the evening, after having somewhat recovered my deranged senses, sent for Messrs. Fielder and Hood, the only subscribers able to move; made my will, and gave them advice how to act in case of my death." " Friday, 14. Died of a fever, and were buried, both Mr. and Mrs\ Freeman. This couple I married on the 4th of last month. They were both taken ill, about ten minutes after the ceremony was per- formed, and have been so ever since. They both died this morning, within ten minutes of each other, and were both buried in the same grave. Myself a great deal better in the morning, but delirious great part of the afternoon." "Saturday, 15th. Died and was buried this evening. Mr. Fielder. This is the man who, two days ago, made my will, and whom I thought likely to be my successor. He was young and brave—fit to • Capt. Beaver, at p. 354, states himself to have " had seven separate attacks of the fever;" a circumstance which even if most of them should be considered merely as re- lapses, must render it very unlike Dr- Chisholm's malignant pestilential fever, which he represents as derived from the same source, or contagion, as that which he supposes to have produced the fever of Captain Beaver ; for the doctor asserts, that, " by a general law of the peculiar contagion" of his pestilential fever, " those once attacked and recov- ered are exempted from being affected by it." See letter to Dr. Haygarth, p. 180. My readers will not, 1 hope, conclude from the mention which I sometimes make of this supposed " malignant pestilential fever," that 1 believe such a fever to hr.ve ever existed, or that the fever so called was any thing else than a modification, or variety, at most, of the common non-contagious yellow fever. 58 458 draw a lion's tooth." These being the only deaths to which Dr. Chis- holm's reierence can be applied, or extended, we must necessarily conclude that these were the three persons in his contemplation, when,. to prove that captain Beaver's fever was direfully contagious, he ven- tured to assert, that in one particular instance, (leavuig us to suppose many others probable,) three persons, who had been near captain Beaver's bed, &c. received the infection from his person, and died soon after." Now, from the antecedent parts of captain Beaver's journal, it appears that the fever, under which he laboured on the 13th of December4*792,'had only commenced on the 9th of that month, 34 days afterMr. and Mrs. Freeman were attacked with that fever which occasioned, and lasted until their deaths. It is true, indeed, thai captain Beaver had been attacked by fever some weeks before, but this was not until five days after the illness of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman had commenced, i. e. until the 9th of November; and as previous to that day, captain Beaver had been well for about six weeks, Dr. Chisholm could not, with any degree of truth, pretend that they had received febrile infection from his person, and died soon after; especially as their deaths only happened after forty days; a protraction of disease, which I am persuaded Dr. Chisholm has never mentioned, as occur- ring in his malignant pestilential fever. In regard to Mr. Fielder, no mention is made in the pages referred to by Dr. Chisholm; nor, so far as I can recollect, in any other, of the disorder which caused his death; nor arc we entitled from any thing within my knowledge, to conclude that he died of fever. But if this did cause his death, it could not have been produced by contagion from captain Beaver's person, at the time of making his will; because even if his Beaver's) fever had been contagious, we have the strong- est reason to believe, that no febrile contagion has ever produced dis- ease and death within forty-eight hours from the time of its being re- ceived. There is, therefore, nothing which I can discover to excus'e, and much less to justify, Dr. Chisholm in the serious liberty which he appears to have taken with the truth, on this interesting subject; a liberty which is the more extraordinary, because as the facts which have been so strangely misrepresented, were distinctly and perma- nently stated in print, there appears to have been no room for any mis- take; and, unfortunately for Dr. Chisholm, the impression^ resulting from this incident will not be weakened by others, which must hereaf- ter fall under our notice. After this digression, it will be proper for us to return to those events which more immediately relate to the crew of the Hankey, of whom it has been already mentioned that three were ill of fever, when the Calypso sailed on the 19th of July. But during the subsequent part of the rainy season, they remained comparatively healthy; proba- bly because they were much less exposed than the settlers to the causes ol fever on shore. For if the fever had been contagious, as Dr. Chisholm pretends, the seamer, by remainmg constantly on board with the sick, would probably have been infected sooner, and in greater numbers, than the colonists who were labouring on shore. But when the Hankey began to prepare for her return to Europe, and ,her captain, (as is stated in captain Beaver's Journal, p. 135,) "want- 459 jng ballast, and being unable to procure any of 'stone, determined to ballast her with wood;"--"all the men he could spare" were sent "on shore to cut it;" which is notoriously a most dangerous employment between the tropics. It is also mentioned, in captain Beaver's journal, under the date of October 31, that " all this day, by permission of cap- tain Cox, the Hankey's crew have been stowing away our goods in the store-room" on shore. And they are stated to have been employed in this service on the three following days. Again captain Beaver states, " 4th,°.f November.—Four of the sailors came on shore to cut logs for «*;" Le the settlers,—see p. 159. And besides these, they were sent upon another dangerous employment, that of watering the ship; by all which they must in that situation have imbibed marsh miasms, sufficient to account for their subsequent sickness, aided by other ma- nifest causes. After leaving Bulama on the 23d of November, the Hankey went to the unwholesome settlement at Bissao, and remained there for a week, during which, it may be presumed, that the sailors run into their customary irregularities; and with these, added to the other causes of disease, it cannot be thought extraordinary, that " three of the crew were taken ill of fever," on the 3d of December, when the ship sailed from Bissao. Her getting aground, and the other events which followed until she reached St. Jago, have been already men- tioned. On this subject, captain Beaver has made the following ob- servations, at p. 192 of African Memoranda, viz.—"When the Han- key left Bulama, not one of her crew had been buried, although so many of the colonists had; however, a few days afterwards she be- came very sickly: and this was most likely increased by the extraor- dinary labour, consequent on the ship's running a-ground on the 4th of December, in the Bijuga channel; in which situation she remain- ed until the 9th; and the hoat haying been sent about 90 miles to Bissao for assistance, I find noted in the Hankey's Log-Book, on the day of her return, which was the 8th, " all the people which came from Bis- sao in the pinnace taken ill." He adds, " this was, in all probability, owing to their great fatigue, and exposure to the sun in the day, and the dews in the night." Here it will be observed, that though Dr. Chisholm would have us believe that all the sickness and mortality which occurred on board the Hankey about this, as well as at other times, were produjeed by that "direful" contrgim, which'was ima- gined by him, Captain Beaver had entirely discarded all belief of it, and has ascribed events to their usual and natural causes, upon this, as well as former occasions. I have already mentioned the Hankey's arrival in the Bay of St. Francis, at St. Jago, on the 26th of December, whence she removed, and came to anchor at Port Praya, in the same island, on the 4th of January, 1793; having then lost by deaths, subsequently to her de- parture from Bulama, eight of her crew, with five men, three wo- men, and two children, colonists, who had been taken on board, I belieye, all in a sickly condition.* •Mr. Paiba states, that all the colonists who embarked at Bulama, to return in the Ilatrtcey, excepting himself, Mrs Paiba, and another woman, were unwell; as might in- deed be supposed from preceding events. That " before the Hankey put to sea, all tke bedding of the sick was thrown overboard, or destroyed ; and the ship was washed 4G0 When the Hankey had been a week at Port" Praya, the Charon, ship of war, Commodore Dodd, arrived there from England, an event which was made the foundation of a most extraordinary misrepresen- tation by Dr. Chisholm, in his first publication, respecting what he called the "Malignant Pestilential Fever," "from Boullam" See. The following is Dr. Chisholm's statement, (p. 87) viz.— " With much difficulty they (the Hankey's people,) arrived at St. Jago, where they fortunately found the Charon and Scorpion, ships of war.* Captain Dodd, of the former, humanely rendered them every service in his power; and on leaving them, put two men of each ship on board the Hankey. With this aid, they proceeded to the West Indies; a voyage to England being impracticable in their wretched state. On the third day after leaving St. Jago, the men they procur- ed from the ships of war, were seized with the fever, which had car- ried off three fourths of those on board the Hankey, at Boullam; and having no assistance, two of the four died: the remaining two were put on shore here, in ttye most wretched state possible. Captain Dodd, on bis arrival at Barbadoes, from the coast of Africa, was ordered by Admiral Gardner to convoy the homeward-bound fleet of merchant- men. In the execution of his orders, he came to Grenada on the 27th of May, and hearing of the mischief which the Hankey had been the cause of, mentioned that several of the Charon's and Scor- pion's people were sent on board the Hankey at St. Jago, to repair her rigging, &c.; that from this circumstance, and the communica-i tion which his barge's crew had with that ship, the pestilence was, brought on board both ships: and that of the Charon's crew thirty died; and of the Scorpion's crew about fifteen. The Hankey arriv- ed at the Port of St. George, on the 19th of February, in the most distressed situation ; and for a few days lay in the bay, but was after- wards brought into the Carenage." By the publication of such apparently decisive, though fictitious, in- stances and proofs of a most powerful and destructive contagion, on board the Hankey, joined to others of equal value, which were stated by Dr. Chisholm to have occurred after her arrival at Grenada, we cannot wonder that many persons were so far misled, as to believe in the generation and importation of a new and " direfully" contagious fever by that ship; for at first the Hankey, and not the Calypso, was represented as the parent of this monstrous and dreadful produc- tion. Fortunately for the cause of truth, the falsehoods regarding the Charon and Scorpion, were detected, and laudably exposed by Dr. Trotter, who happened to be then surgeon to the Vengeance, ship of the line, one of Admiral Gardner's squadron, under whose protection from stem to stern, both above and below, with salt water, and then with vinegar and water, and tbe purification was completed, by thoroughly fumigating her with tar, pitch, and gun-powder; and that this purification was repeated at Bissao; and he ascribes the eight deaths, which occurred subsequently to the ship's getting a-ground, principally to the terror, confusion, great fatigue, &c. occasioned by that event. See New York Medi- cal Repository, vol 1, p. 4GG. * The Charon did not arrive until the 13th of January, a week after the Hankey's arrival : and Scorpion only entered l\X Praya on the 24th, one day after the Charon had left it. 461 die homevvard-bouiid West India summer fleet (of 1793) was then returning to England. He informs us, at p. 327 of the first vol. of his Medicina Nautica, that on the 22d of August, a ship, one of the fleet, y- lost her fore-mast in a squall of wind, and received other damage, when the Admiral made the signal for the Vengeance to take her in tow. The ship proved to be the Hankey from Grenada and Bulama. Captain Thompson sent carpenters on board, with the necessary stores to assist in repairing her losses : they remained for three or four days, but no sickness followed, Sec. Dr. Trotter afterwards mentions, how from this, and other circumstances, he was induced to make inquiries concerning Dr. Chisholm's account of the consequences of the Hankey's intercourse with the Charon and Scorpion, particularly from Captain Dodd, who " had his broad petulant" in the former ship, and of Mr. Smithers, who was her surgeon: from them, says Dr. Trotter, I have copied the following narrative of their transactions with the Hankey, viz.— " When the squadron, under Commodore Dodd, came to St. Jago8 in 1793, the Hankey lay there, in great distress for want of hands, having buried above one hundred persons,* men, women, and children, from the time she had been at Bulama. The fever was now overcome; Mr. Smithers saw two men who had lately recovered. He prescribed tp the master, who was ill of a venereal complaint, and for which he left him some mercurials, with directions how to use them; at the same time he left a quantity of bark. The Charon and Scorpion sent two men each to assist in navigating her to the West Indies. The, Hankey at this port was cleansed, washed with vinegar, and fumigated. No fever appeared in either of the men of war in consequence of this communication; they arrived at Grenada in perfect health," Etc. Dr. Trotter adds, " It is probable from these facts, that the Hankey did not import the infection that produced the Grenada fever."—It is also doubtful, how the effects left in the Hankey, could produce the fever, for the bedding was thrown away, and what clothing remained had been aired, and probably had scarcely been in contact with the body after being sick. Mr. Smithers was examined before the (lieutenant) go- vernor pf Grenada on the the subject, and gave his opinion decidedly, that the Hankey did not communicate this fever to the colonists." From this statement, and other proofs, it has been unquestionably as- pertained, that every part of Dr. Chisholm's account, which asserts the communication of any disease from the Hankey to the Charon and Scorpion, was a mischievous falsehood, fabricated without the smallest foundation, or particle of truth; since the latter ship did not lose a single man during her whole voyage, and the Charon lost only four, from causes described by Dr. Trotter, and wholly foreign to the Han- key. Indeed, two of these four did not belong f o the Charon, and one of them was a black prisoner, sent to England to be tried for murder. But what is Dr. Chisholm's apology, what his atonement, for having asserted and published these falsehoods? Why, truly, in the preface to his, second edition> after noticing Dr. Trotter's publipation on this * This number is stated generally, and prphably from imperfect recollection. Tie deaths amounted to sixty, and no more; of these nine were seamen. 462 subject, he says, p. xxii. " On further inquiry, 1 find 1 have been in- correct* in my statement of the circumstances of the interview (an interview between ships!) which the Charon iiad with the Hankey at St. Jago;" and then, as if not willing to retract on the evidence of Com- modore Dodd and Mr. Smithers, or without seeming to do it spontane- ously from other evidence, (which we are to suppose an anxious regard for truth had induced him to procure) he mentions his having been " politely favoured" " with the perusal of a Log-book, kept" by " a lieutenant of the Charon, during the voyage in question;" in which he says, " I found that no sickness took place on board that ship in con- sequence of the interview." And the.i he adds, (perhaps as a compli- ment to Commodore Dodd and Mr. Smithers,) that " a Log-book is unquestionable evidence, and, therefore, I have suppressed what I have advanced on this affair," (a great favour truly'. ) " on the authority of the late Mr, Home:" adding, " but why Mr. Home should men- tion this as a fact communicated to him by Commodore Dodd, I can assign no reason;" nor indeed can any other person, as I believe. But before we employ our time in assigning reasons or motives for sup- posed events, it is always best to inquire whether they have really hap- pened. The question seems to be,—Whether, in truth, Mr. Home did inform Dr. Chisholm that Commodore Dodd had told him these falsehoods ? This being a question of no small importance; the affir- mative is not to be assumed with Dr. Chisholm's seeming levity and unconcern. For the assumption is nothing less than fixing upon the character (as I believe unblemished) of a gentleman now dead, and unable to justify himself, the stigma of having invented and propa- gated the most groundness (and in no small degree injurious) false- hoods ;t for no person will believe that Commodore Dodd, without any discoverable motive, should have invented and reported what he manifested so much readiness in contradicting, and in authorizing Dr. Trotter to contradict, and what every man on board the Charon and Scorpion, as well as himself, knew to be false. Had Dr. Chisholm in stating these untruths, named his authority, as he ought to have done, and had the person named admitted him- self to have been the informer,. Dr. Chisholm's veracity would not have been impeached, whatever might have been thought of his discretion, in publishing such reports. But instead of this, he ventured to assert as from, or, within his own knowledge, that Commodore, or Captain Dodd, on coming to Grenada, and hearing of the mischief caused by the Hankey, had " mentioned" the falsehoods in question ; and by this unqualified assertion, he had made himself responsible for its truth, and liable to be considered as its author. I do not mean to decide that Mr. Home did not give Dr. Chisholm such information, as he pre- * When the principal facts in a statement are true, and the lesser circumstances, or incidents only, are imperfectly or erroneously stated, the author of such a relation may describe himself as having betj 1 •' incorrect;" but when all the parts for which a state- ment was made, are completely unfounded, and without any intermixture of truth, other and stronger terms can alone be proper. 1 should not have made this observation, if Dr. Chisholm had «ol so often, and with very little reason, applied the harshest and most offensive language to others in his writings. •J- Mr. Home, I believe, lost his life by the hands of assassins; ahd I will not co-opcratc in subbing his reputation, when he is no longer able to defend it. 4G3 ^nds ; but on a question of this nature, I feel it to be my duty to con- sider and weigh probabilities; and, in doing this, I recollect that Dr. ^nisholm is, at best, an interested witness, and, therefore, cannot be received as one, on this subject; that his own character is in jeo- pardy; that when making his groundless statement, he, in a note to tiie very page which contains it, has mentioned Mr. Home, as giving mm ^formation respecting Captain Coxc's refusal to destroy the ef- tects of the Bulama adventurers, unless indemnified; but has no* even hinted at Mr. Home as having mentioned the other supposed tacts, vyhich had just before employed his thoughts and his pen; and which, therefore, it would have been most natural and proper for him to have done, if they really had been stated on that gentleman's authority. And I recollect also, that while I have no reason to sus- pect Mr. Home of having ever, either wilfully or incautiously propa- gated untruths, Dr. Chisholm appears to have done this in but too many instances ;* and, therefore, the balance of probabilities, in my * Some of these instances have been already mentioned, and others will soon fall un- der our notice. But in the mean time, there is one so analogous to the matter in discus- won, that 1 cannot avoid noticing it here, especially as it proves, that instead of becomin- more: cautious and attentive to facts, as an atonement for the untruths published respect- ing the Charon and Scorpion ; Dr. Chisholm, subsequently to his retraction of them, did not scruple to assert, and publish others equally void of truth, and for the same mischiev- ous purpose ol proving his Nova Pestis to be direfully contagious. 1 he following are his own words, at p. 32th, of vol. ii. of his Essay, viz :—« When visited this island, (St. Thomas's) in Novemher, 1796, an accident famished me with ah opportunity of informing myself relative to the history of the malignant pestilential fever as it appeared there in 1793 4,5, and at that time. The history was indeed a melancholy, but it was also an iusti-uctive one An eminent merchant, M. C. G. Flicker, with whom I had been acquainted at St. Croix, requested me to visit a valuable voung German gentle- man of this house, of the naineo; Schmaler, who had arrived from "Hamburgh only about ten days before, and at this time unhappily laboured under a fatal attack of this most dreadful malady In Mr.Flicker's house, the indignant pestilential fever had very frequently made its appjpunce during and since 179J, and except in one mstauce, the captain of a Hamburg ship, alwa> s fatally. No means, at least r.oue sufricirnt for the era- dication of the infection, had beL-n

. ployed on the death of the unfortunate sick, conse- quently the chambers, which we ccessively occupied by strangers from Europe, be- came a never-failing seminiuin ..;' the pestilential contagion. V very few day.s alter his arrival, Mr. Schmaler felt its influence," &c. This misrepresentation, to call it by the mildest name, being made known to I F. F.ckanl, Ksq. Danish vice-consul, at Philadel- phia, that gentleman wrote a letter to Dr Mease of that city, in which after giving a co- py of it, he adds the following observations, viz. " Dr. Chisholm, no doubt alludes, in the above paragraph to Mr. C G. Fleicker, who resided at St.'l'homas's, but who had not, at the period of Dr. Chisholm's visit any regular establishment in the island, but acted as an assistant to ui\ nouse, of which Mr Schmaler was clerk. There being a greatintiraacy between Mr. F'eicker and myself, he often in my absence, was authorised to superintend my concerns, and this was the case at the time Mr. Schmaler died. I was, however, at home when he arrived from Europe, and return- ed soon after his death. «' More young men had died in my house, from 179> to 17 »6, and even later, than per- haps in any otherin town ; because more had come out to me from F.uropo than to oth> er merchants. Their deaths, however, could not have been occasioned by the contagion remaining in the chambers or the house, as Dr Chisholm supposes; for the cases took place at remote periods, in diT-rent houses-; I having clnnged my dwelling iu 1795__ Neither could their deaths havi ,ic»iV occasioned by i he contagion remaining in the bed- ding, for the beds and bedding of those who died of a putrid feverin my house were never used again. Further, according to the best of my recollection, two persons were never ill of the fever at any time, in the same chamber,-in «ither of my houses; in both of which I had tour or five rooms appropriated for clerks : besides many persons slept in those chambers without any inconvenience If Dr; Chisholm's account were cor- rect, my house mast have bien a lazaretto, for those suppnscd pestiferous ch.im- 164 judgment, is very Unfavourable to him. And in any event, u writer who will adopt, and give his utmost sanction to unfounded reports, when they happen to suit his own purpose, must not expect that evert his facts, when be happens to state them, will be believed, without other authority than his own. It will be recollected, that the testimony of Commodore Dodd and Mr. Smithers, did not extend to any transactions on board the Han- key, subsequently to her leaving St. Jago, and, therefore, a part of Dr. Chisholm's statement was left uncontradicted by tliem, though since proved to have been false by the Hankey's Log-book. The part in question is as follows, viz :—That " on the third day after leaving St, Jago, the men procured from the ships of war were seized with the fever, which (as he pretends) had carried off three-fourths of those on board the Hankey, at Boullam, and having no assistance, two of the four died : the remaining two (he adds) were put on shore here, (at Grenada) in the most wretched state possible." The object of this part of Dr. Chisholm's mis-statement, like that of the former, is to prove the existence of this " direful" contagion on board the Han- key : but it seems to be as completely destitute of truth as the other. The Log-book, indeed, mentions that Samuel Hodge, one of the seamen sent from the Charon, on the 23d of January, died on the 4th of February; but Mr. Pabia, a passenger in the Hankey, says this man " was unwell when he came on board,"—though " able at that time to do duty ;"—-" that he grew more and more unwell as they pro- ceeded." That " Captain Coxe, who was still unwell when the Han- key left St. Jago, recovered his health, before they reached the West hers were almost always occupied ; and I can assure him, that commonly a whole year, and sometimes a longer period, passed without any one of my family being sick of fi-ver It is, moreover, incorrect, that all ihose/pofsons died who had heen sick of the pestilential fever during, and since 1793, exeBJjPthe Hamburgh captain ; and also, • that after the two first years of the introduction of this fever, the inhab- itants, without exception, whether Creoles or foreigners, equally suffered.' The truth is, that many Europeans and Vmerieans recovered, both before and after the time of Dr. Chisholm's visit to St. Thomas's, and the fever never spread to the inhabitants at large, but was confined to persons recently arrived from Northern climates, and to those on hoard the vessels in the harbour ; nor was there any apprehension of -flentagion, ex- cept among the shipping. I never heard of a single instance of any person who had resi- ded for some years in the island being afflicted with the malignant fever. A residence of nearly twenty years iu the island enables me to speak positively as to this fact. " I have not the honour of Dr. Chisholm's personal acquaintance, but as he was so polite as to visit Mr. Schmaler in my absence, 1 feel myself obliged to him, and I am sony I have been under the necessity of correcting his mistatements. He mentions Mr. Jen- nings and Dr. Tucker as his acquaintances at St. Thomas's, and to these gentlemen, as well as to Mr. F'leicker, I refer for corroboration of any part of my statement if re- quired. Iam,&co. CSigned,) J. F. Eckaiidi Philadelphia, Feb. 1,1804. This letter has now been published seven years, (in the 1st vol. of the 2nd Hexade of the New York Medical Repository, (p 337) of which work Dr. Chisholm appears to be an attentive reader,) but he has carefully avoided all notice of it, not pretending (so far as I can discover,) to have been misled by even a dead pei-son ; though his letter to Dr. Hay- garth must have afforded him a most inviting and suitable opportunity for giving, if it hqd been possible, some satisfactory explanation concerning these his gross misrepresentations1. 465 Indies, (though he afterwards had a return of his disorder,)* and all the others were perfectly well, notwithstanding the hard duty they had to perform,) and continued so." See New York Medical Re- pository, vol. 1, p. 469. For these latter untruths, Dr. Chisholm has never, so far as 1 can discover, pretended to have had Mr. Home's, or any other person's authority; and, though Dr. Trotter's publication ought to have con- vinced him that they were, at least, very improbable, he confidently re-published them as matter of fact, in his second edition; and has not, in any subsequent publication, either retracted, or apologized for them, though the truth had been forced upon his notice by the Han- key's Log-Book. After a passage of 19 days, the Hankey arrived at Barbadoes, and there, Mr. Paiba states that, during a great part of two days, her captain, passengers, and crew, communicated freely with the inhabi- tants, without causing disease in any of them : they did the same af- terwards at St. Vincent's; and anchored at Grenada on the 19th of February, according to Log-book time, but in ordinary language, in the afternoon of the 18th. The next day, several paragraphs appear- ed in the St. George's Gazette, mentioning the Hankey's arrival " from the island of Bulama, on the coast of Africa;" and "that she and another vessel had carried out to that settlement upwards of 300 ad- venturers, of whom one-third had not survived her departure from the settlement," &c. In addition to these exaggerations, it was asserted, as " from good authority, that of the whole number the two ships car- ried out, only ten were living when she (the Hankey) took her de- parture." It is not wonderful that such gross mis-statements should have creat- ed apprehensions of danger from supposed contagion in the Hankey, among the inhabitants of St. George's, and have also excited and given a bias to Dr. Chisholm's industry on this subject. It happened, also, that a state of weather then existed, and had existed some weeks be- fore, at Grenada, very unlike that of other years, and better suited for a copious production of marsh miasmata. This fact appears from an account which Dr. Chisholm has himself published, in the-introduc- * This appears to have been an intermittent, of which Captain Coxe is stated to have had several returns, as commonly happens to those who have been much exposed to marsh miasms Mr. Paiba states distinctly, that while the Hankey was at St. Jago, there was no sickness on board of her, but " debility, and slight intermittents ;" that " her crew and passengers mixed without suspicion, and with perfect freedom with the inhabitants of Port Praya, and received them on board, where they had a number of en- tertainment, of which the governor of the island and several of the principal people partook," without so much as a suspicion of any sickness " being excited by it." He adds "Indeed no sickness prevailed at St Jago during the Hankey's stay, excepting the com- mon ague and fever of the place" That during the ten days which the Charon re- mained at Port Praya, it was the commodore's " custom to send his barge every morn- ing to the Hankey, for Mr.and Mrs. Paiba, who usually spent the day with him, and re- turned in the evening.—That Captain Coxe was several times on board the Charon ; and both Mr. Smithers and his mate visited the Hankey, and two of the Charon's seamen were employed great part of one day about the Hankey's rigging. And finally, that Com- modore Dodd had so little apprehension that any person belonging to the Hankey would be liable to infect others, that he gave Mr and Mrs Paiba a letter of recommendation to a gentleman at Grenada ; and in consequence of it, they were invited to reside, and did reside at this g* ntlcman's plantation, while they remained on the, island. See New-York Medical Repository, vol. p. 468-470. 59 46G tion to his Essay, of " the changes which took place in cacb month of the years 1784, 1785, 1786, and 1793," and from his " table of the highest, lowest, and medium height of the thermometer during that time;" "from all which it results that in 1793, the months of January and February were generally rainy, which he notices as " an uncom- mon circumstance ; and that the heat in those months was uncommon- ly great ; the thermometer, at noon, rising to 88, and 89", and which is 3 and 4 degrees higher than it was during the same months in any of the preceding years; and seven degrees higher than in 1785. And in the three following months there appears to have been such an in- termixture, or alternation of showers and of hot sunshine, as com- monly renders marsh fevers prevalent in places liable to them. Dr. James Clarke, also, in his treatise of the yellow fever, which prevailed in the same, and following years, in the neighbouring island of Dominica, says, p. 49, " from tiie month of January to the 15th of June, (1793) when this fever first broke out, the weather was extreme- ly calm, and much hotter than usual in this and the neighbouring is- lands. There was little rain (he adds) till the 15th of October," at which time " this fever became less violent here; and about the be- ginning of November it ceased altogether." In the next page he ob- serves, that in June, July, August, and September, Fahrenheit's ther- mometer "generally rose to 88° or 90° and sometimes to 92 degrees, between the hours of two and four o'clock, P. M." Again, at p. 51, he says, " the heat for some months before, and during the continu- ance of this fever in the island, especially in the night time, was al- most insupportable." Whether the very early appearance of the yellow fever in most of the West Indian islands, in 1793, resulted from this unusual state of the weather alone, or whether there was a co-operation of other causes which were either unknown, or unnoticed, I leave for the considera- tion of others, and content myself with again expressing my belief, that we are not yet acquainted with all the causes which assist either in the production of marsh miasmata, or in rendering their morbid influ- ence more powerful than usual. But we know particularly from what happened at Charleston, in 1732, (seep. 245 and 319,) and at other places to be hereafter mentioned, that the occurrence of yellow fever, as an epidemic, may be accelerated several months by particular con- ditions of the atmosphere: ami as Grenada is situated several degrees southward of Dominica, and must therefore have sooner felt the in- fluence of the sun in its approaches to the northern tropic, we shall not be surprized that the fever became prevalent soonest at the former of these islands. In regard to the supposed communication of febrile, or pestilential contagion, from the Hankey, subsequently to her arrival at Grenada, Dr. Chisholm asserts, in the first volume of his Essay, (p. 121,) thai " a Capt. Remington, an intimate acquaintance of Capt. Coxe, was the first person who visited the Hankey after her arrival in St. George's Bay. This person (says Dr. Chisholm,) went on board of her in the evening after she anchored, and remained three days, at the end of which time he left St. Georges, and proceeded in a drogher, or coast- ing vessel, to Grenville Bay, where his ship, the Adventure, lay. He 467 was seized with malignant pestilential fever on the passage; and the violence of the symptoms increased so rapidly as on the third day to put an end to his existence." In regard to this transaction, Mr. Paiba not only contradicts Dr. Chisholm concerning the time of Capt. Rem- ington's visit to the Hankey, (which it seems now difficult to ascertain) but he asserts that this Captain " had been all day and night coming from Grenville Bay, and had been wet through." " That he slept on board hi his clothes, and went in an open boat* the next day, back to his ship; enough (adds he,) to kill any one in that climate." See Me- dical Repository, vol. i. p. 471. On this point, Dr. Chisholm, in his 2d edition, (p. 122,) says, "That this person had fatigued himself, and had even slept in wet clothes, might have happened; but does this prove any thing further than a greater predisposition of his body to be acted on by infection?" Yes, if true, it proves that Capt. Remington had been exposed to causes sufficient to produce a mortal fever, with- out any infection, as thousands have experienced; especially in that climate. Dr. Chisholm, however, objects to Mr. Paiba's statement, because it was made after he had seen Dr. Chisholm's Essay. But would the Dr. have us believe that truth is not admissible, if brought forward to correct particular misrepresentations? On this subject, however, Dr. Chisholm has referred us to " Dr. John Stuart, an emi- nent practitioner, who attended him (Remington i at Grenville, when he arrived there." And as I have the pleasure of knowing Dr. Stuart (who, satisfied with the produce of his estate, has since relinquished his profession and title) and entertain great respect for his character, as well as the utmost reliance on his candour and veracity, I shall most readily admit every thing stated as matter of fact by that gentleman, only regretting that his statement on this subject is not more compre- hensive. It is contained in the New-York Evening Post, of Tuesday, Novem- ber 26, 1805, in a letter to Dr. Hosack, to which Dr. Chisholm has referred in his printed letter to Dr. Haygarth} and in it Dr. Stuart mentions his going, in the month of March, 1793,t on board the ship Adventure, then lying in Grenville harbour, to visit the carpenter, who was under his care, and then adds, " While there, Captain Remington arrived from St. George's by sea: he had come round in a drogher, and had had heavy squalls, with rain in his passage to windward. He then complained of being feverish, and seemed low spirited; he had heat of skin, his pulse full, and under 100; head-ache, pain in his back ♦ The droghers, at Grenada, are not properly open boats; but the space they afford, as a protection from rain, under the deck or half deck, is so very close, hot, and confined, if my recollection be accurate, that most people rather than avail themselves of it for any length of time, would probably allow themselves to get wet. + Unfortunately, Dr. Stuart has not mentioned the day of the month when this hap- pened ; but he has mentioned enough to prove, that Dr. Chisholm must have erred con- siderably in regard to the time when Capt. Itemington went on board the Hankey. For if it had been, as he asserts, upon the evening of her arrival at St. (ieo rge's, this would have been on the 18th of February, and supposing him to have remained on board 3 days, and not one night only, as Mr Paiba asserts, he must, notwithstanding, have set out on his return to Grenville Bay, upon the 21st of February, and supposing him to have em- ployed two other days in making the passage, though it is commonly done in less than one, still he would have reached his ship not in March, as Dr. Stuart mentions him to have done, but on the 23d of February. 468 and limbs, and over his whole body. These symptoms I imputed to cold caught in his passage up, and accordingly took eight ounces of blood from him, which unexpectedly neitner exhibited the buffy coats nor the coagulum, any degree of contraction, nor consequent separa- tion of serum. He took an emetic of ipecacuanha in the evening, and a dose of Glauber's salts the following morning. During three days I continued to visit him, his pulse did not exceed 100, nor was the heat of skin considerable; he took occasionally small doses of antimonial wine, with the addition of laudanum at bed time, and made free use of tepid drinks. At the end of that time, I was under the necessity of putting him in charge of a neighbouring practitioner, having a call to the other side of the island. On leaving him, J certainly did not en- tertain any idea of his being in danger ; I was, however, forcibly struck with, and coald not well account for, an uncommon degree of despon- dency of mind that was then present, and it was not possible to remove the impression that he was to die; nor was I the less surprised, on going to Grenville some days after, to be told of his death, and more especially to hear of that event having been preceded by haemorrhage from his nose, stomach, mouth, and urinary bladder. On this occasion, while in conversation with some gentlemen on the fate of this unfortu- nate man, I could help noticing the malignancy of the case, and the dif- ference in the train of symptoms, from what I had ever witnessed to take place in the worst case of our endemic fever. But a few minutes had elapsed "when a gentleman arrived from St. George's; I had no sooner mentioned Capt. R.'s death to him, and my surprise thereat, when he instantly replied, it was none to him, for that Capt. R. had eat and slept on board the Hankey, during several days that he was in town." It my readers will compare this account with that given by Dr. Chis- holm, they will, I presume, be forcibly impressed by the important de- viations from the truth which occur in the latter, and by the evidence which it affords of his inexcusable carelessness about facts which might have been so easily ascertained, if he either did not know, and was at all solicitous for the truth. It uppears from Dr. Stuart's statement of Capt. Remington's case, that, instead of that " violence of the symp- toms," and that rapid increase of their violence, which, " on the third day, put an end to his existence," .'as Dr. Chisholm asserts) the symp- toms were all so very moderate, that when Dr. Stuart left his patient, at the end of three days, he was not even suspected to be in any danger, and, according to the best information which I have been able to pro- cure, Capt. Remington did not die until the 8th day of his illness.* In regard to the cause of Capt. Remington's fever, Dr. Stuart's ac- count of it accords, in my judgment, much better with that of Mr. Paiba than of Dr. Chisholm. Whether Capt. Remington got wet in going to St. George's, or returning thence to Grenville harbour, or both, Dr Stuart avowedly, and with reason, considered his disorder as proceeding from cold. And though he appears to have been surprised i he edi'or remembers distinctly to have heard Dr. Stuart mention, that it was on Sunday that he fi.st prescribed for captain Remington, tint he took leave of him on Wednesday ; that his death happened on the following Sunday. \ 469 at its fatal termination, I cannot persuade myself that it is so unusual in that climate for fevers produced by such a cause, to end in dea'.h, and even with haemorrhage from different parts, as fairly to authorize a belief that some more malignant cause must have co-operated; and, perhaps, if Dr. Stuart had never heard of the groundless reports con- cerning the Hankey, he might not have suspected any such co-opera- tion: though after all that appears to have been told him of that ship, his doing so was, I think, very natural. But as my readers will soon be convinced, if they are not so already, that no infection was, or could have been communicated from the Hankey, and as Capt. Remington's fever manifested no contagious property, even in the narrow space of a ship's cabin, and when as there was no suspicion of infection, no precaution would have been used to guard against it, we have, I think, the strongest presumptive, as well as negative evidence, that it did not proceed from, or possess any contagious influence. Indeed, if the Hankey had abounded in contagion, it must have been altogether in- credible that it could have produced disease so speedily; and if the getting wet, and sleeping in wet clothes should not be deemed a suffi- cient cause for the disease and death of Capt. Remington, another, and that infinitely more probable, in my opinion, than a new pestilence, naturally presents itself to those who recollect, that besides the influ- ence of marsh miasmata in the bay and carenage at St. George's, his own ship lay in Grenville bay or harbour, which Dr. Chisholm (at p. 290 of his letter to Dr. Haygarth) has particularly designated as one of the places which, in an uncommon degree, expose ships lying therein " to the malignant influence of marsh miasmata." Dr. Chisholm tells us (Essay, p» 122,) that "the crew of the Defi- ance, of Blythe Port, near Newcastle, were the next who suffered by visiting this ship ; the Hankey) the mate, boatswain, and four sailors, went on board tiie day after her arrival ;* the mate remained either on * Dr. Chisholm apparently was anxious to lose no time. He made captain Reming- ton go on board the Hankey the very evening of her arrival; though Mr. Paiba says it was nearly a month after, which it might have been, consistently with Dr. Stuart's state- ment ; and consistently with that statement, he could not have gone on board in much less than a week : and, therefore, if the people of the Defiance went on board the day after the Hankey's arrival, and were immediately seized with the fever, they, and not eaptain Remington, must have been the first " who suffered." And, as they are said to have all died in three days, excepting the mate, whose disorder was slight, and, there- fore of no long duration ; and it is not pretended that any other of the crew took the fever from tliem ; it ought, according to this account, to have ceased entirely on hoard the De- fiance, before the end of February. Hut by another statement, at p« 202 of the same volume, we are told that "about the end of March, 1793, the Herberts, Captain Brown, sailed from the Port of St. George, Grenada, for Glasgow. In working the ship out of the harbour, (continues Dr. Chisholm,) Captain Brown was obliged to send five of his ms-n onboard the Defiance, of Blythe Port, to fasten a warping line. At this time, (the end of March) the malignant pestilential fever raged on board the Defiance." It always rages in Dr. Chisholms accounts. He adds, " The next day after the Herberts sailed, the five men were seized with the disease, and three of them died." Here the Doctor's favorite number, three, h applied to the men who died, and not the day or days on which the termination happened. Now, what are we to believe amidst these contra- dictions ? Did this fever rage on board the Defiance, about the 20th of February, ac- cording to the first statement, or, about the end of March, according to the second ? In regard to the latter story, nothing less than Dr. Chisholm's credulity could produce it belief If five men were sent in a boat along side the Defiance, with a warping-line, the endot that line might easily have been thrown on board of the Defiance, and fastened by one of her crew, and is often, and as ought to have been done, where a pestilential 470 deck, or in the cabin, but the rest went below, and staid all night there. All of them were immediately seized with the fever, and died in three days." Here Dr. Chisholm seems to have been either totally regard- less of truth, or completely infatuated, if he believed this account to be true. What, y?x/03 &c 'Wiews, that his ideas and reasonings were too well founded for hmi toh:.%.■■• ver adopted opinions like those of Dr. Chisholm, in regard to the existence. T eontagious fever, in that part of America. 478 prevails at Charleston before the month ol August, became very ge- neral and mortal there, in the month of May, 1732. A like precocity happened at La Vera Cruz, in 1802, when, according to a statement by the " Consulado" of that place, a mortal sickness, with a black vomit- ing, began there in April, and raged with extraordinary violence until October, causing the deaths of fifteen hundred seamen, and strangers from the interior and higher country. See Medical Repository, vol. 10, p. 296. 2ndly.—" Because it did not particularly appear in those situations, where bilious remitting fever usually prevailed, during the unhealthy season of the year." This being a general statement, I can only an- swer it generally, by reminding my readers of what has been already noticed, in different places, that the most violent forms of marsh fever, accompanied with black vomit, Sec. commonly require for their pro- duction, the co-operation of all, or some of the circumstances or pecu- liarities of a large sea port, or commercial town, accessible to ships or vessels. And, therefore, yellow fever, strictly so called, often does not appear in some marshy situations, which are very liable to bilious re-^ mittents. 3rdly.—" Because there was an evident difference in the character and type of the two diseases; there was a greater despondency of mind in this fever; the eyes were more muddy and inflamed, there was com- monly a deep-seated pain in the eye sockets, the motion of the eye balls was attended with uneasiness; the pain in the back and limbs was greater than in the bilious fever; the vomiting was not of so violent and straining a nature, nor was there such evacuations ol bilious mat- ter.* The black vomit generally occurred at an early period; the yellowness was of a dingy hue, not of the real icteric tinge, accom- panying cases of bilious fever. The delirium was, in many instances, of a peculiar nature, and much resembling a state of intoxication; hse- morrhage was more frequent, particularly by urine, and from the sto- mach and intestines." This statement, in my apprehension, relates chiefly to the plus vel minus of particular symptoms, and presents nothing new, or characte- ristic of a new disease : nothing, at least, of any importance, which had not been noticed and described by Towne, Warren, Lining, Moultrie, Hume, Hillary, Mosely, and others, as occurring in the yellow fever, long before the year 1793. Indeed, the differences here alleged, as distinguishing the supposed new fever, seem to depend solely upon an increased violence, or aggravation in the usual symptoms; and, there- fore, never could, according to my conceptions, alter the nature or kind of a disease, or create even a new species of it. I have already, in various places, adduced numerous, as well as high authorities, to prove that marsh fevers are liable to all the variations noticed by Dr. Stuart, and therefore I cannot persuade myself that they afford any ground for considering the fever of 1793 as a new disease. Perhaps Dr. Stuart had not sufficiently attended to this fact. He men- " Dr Chisholm asserts, vol 1, p.^ 174, that " the vomiting was, for the most part, por- raceous; but towards the faial crisis, always black, aud resembling coffee badly boiled." It may b • hoped, that he does not consider this as a new symptom, or as the mark of a new disease. 479 Dons, in his letter to Dr. Hosack, that he had for nineteen years exer- cised his profession at a considerable distance from St. George's, and that his ordinary residence during that time was four miles from even the small port of Grenville; consequently his patients must have been in a great degree separated from those circumstances, or causes, which have been mentioned as modifying and aggravating marsh fevers, into that particular form which is called yellow fever; and as this fever had not for many years prevailed with so much violence and exasperation, even in the large sea-port towns of the West Indies as it did in 1793, Dr. Stuart might well have been strongly impressed by this aggrava- tion of its symptoms, beyond any thing which he was accustomed to see; and believing as he did the extravagant reports which were cir- culated respecting the Hankey, he might naturally have been persuaded that the fever in question was a new disease. This fever, at Grenada, appears in most cases, and especially those of seamen, (who were the greatest sufferers by it) to have resembled that variety or modification of the disease, to which the French applied the name of Mal de Siam, more than a century ago; ahd in which from a scorbutic taint (as I have supposed, at p. 237) or some other cause, haemorrhages, black vomitings, and petechias, were predomi- nant symptoms; occasioned, undoubtedly, by what has been called a dissolved state of the blood; which seems to occur fat least in some degree) before death, in all the more viqlent forms of yellow fever. And, by attending to this fact, we shall find no difficulty in accounting for the early appearance of black vomiting, in the fever of 1793, as mentioned by Dr. Stuart, nor for the dingy hue which, from extrava- sations of blood, was given to the " icteric tinge" of the skin; nor for the more frequent occurrence of haemorrhage from the urinary blad- der, stomach, and intestines. Nor can we be at any Toss in explaining why the stomach, in that gangrenous state, which frequently attends the worst cases of the disease, should be less irritable, and less capable of violent strainings to vomit, than it is when less injured, as in the or- dinary bilious fever; nor why the least violent strainings should pro- duce the smallest ejections of bile; nor why exudations of blood into that viscus, should change the colour of the matters ejected, as they had done a century before. In regard to the 4th, 5th, and 6th, reasons mentioned by Dr. Stuart, viz. the fever's not having ever to his know- ledge terminated " within a few weeks in an intermittent;" (as happens sometimes to bilious remittents;) its producing a greater degree of weakness; and its not admitting, at least with benefit, of an early, bold, and free administration of the bark, I must observe, that, to my under-* standing, they do not oppose any obstacle to the belief of this disease having been the yellow fever; which seldom changes to an intermit- tent ; alvvaysfproduces exn-eme debility; and, in its inflammatory stage, before the appearance of a remission, is, I believe, always aggravated by taking the bark. As Dr. Stuart's reasons, for thinking the fever in question to have been a new disease, were stated with candour and precision; and as they have been quoted and adopted by Dr. Chisholm, (at p. 24 of his letter to Dr. Haygarth,) I have chosen to answer them in preference to those which Dr. Chisholm has described with greater prolixity, and 480 with a manifest effort to make this fever resemble the plague. His descriptions appear, also, to have been adapted, almost exclusively, to the worst cases; though he admits, that in many persons the fever was mild, and thought to resemble the ordinary bilious remittent But the worst cases were best suited to his purpose of creating a distinction between these fevers;* he has, however, not only failed to establish any such distinction, but has even mentioned facts which prove that the fever of 1793 could only have been a marsh fever. The following are some of these facts, viz. (like all other marsh fevers it most rea- dily and generally attacked strangers from cold or temperate climates, and with the most fatal consequences; sparing all others in different degrees according to their susceptibilities, as explained by me, be- tween pages 177 and 197. At p. 140 of the first volume of his Essay, Dr. Chisholm has given, in regard to this disease, what he calls a " scale of its violence, or the gradation it observed with respect to the different classes of inhabitants;" which accords entirely with what I have repeatedly mentioned of the effects of marsh fever, upon similar descriptions of persons, in other situations. The highest place in this scale, is occupied by " sailors, more especially the robust and young; those least accustomed to the climate, and those most given to drink- ing new rum." The next, by " soldiers, more especially recruits lately from Europe, and the most intemperate." After these come " white males in general lately arrived, more especially young men * Dr. Chisholm seems principally to rest the supposed novelty of the fever under con- sideration, and its character, upon a sort of petechias, or effforescense, resembling patches of red or livid spots ;" (vol. 1. p. 58) upon a " dinginess, or peculiar mixture of livid and a dirty yellow^ (mentioned by Dr. Stuart) which he (Chisholm) whimsical- ly ascribes to (a nonenity) " the action of the matter of infection ;" (vol. 1, p. 76) and upon the frequency and profusion of htemorrhages ; (p. 166) but all these symptoms obviously result from a dissolved state of the blood, which as well as the symptoms them- selves, have been long noticed by almost every writer on the yellow fever. Dr. Moseley (p. 456) observes of it, that, in " the last stage," " the interior sur- faces of the body are all oozing out blood, into their cavities ; every excretion is cor- rupted blood;" "and internal hemorrhage becomes general." Hillary says (p 151) ' in the latter stage of this fever, the blood is so attenuated, and dissolved, that we fre- quently see it flowing not only out of the nose and mouth, but from the eyes, and even through the very pores of the skin." He mentions, also, " livid spots in many parts of the body," and that they are multiplied after death. Dr. Moselev's description of Capt Mawhood's case, which occurred before the Hankey existed, affords all tlfe worst symptoms of the worst cases of the supposed new fever of 1793. It was not, indeed, accompanied by Dr. Chisholm's " dinginess, &c," which I have mentioned (at the bot- tom of p. 47) as someties occurring in the disease, and which Dr. David Grant, in describing the yellow fever of Jamaica, calls " a livid hue tinged yellow." It is remark- able, however, that though so much importance is now attached to this symptom, Or. Chisholm, in the first Edition of his Essay, did not mention or even allude to it; but contented himself with stating, as " a principal distinction," between the supposed new fever, and the bilious remittent, that in the former, " the yellow suffusion, seldom hap- pened ; in the latter always." Seep. I'28 of his first edition. The "dinginess" seem-, only to have been noticed by Dr. Chisholm, after his return to the West Indies in 1796, when, according to his representation, the malignant pestilential fever had ceased to prevail there, and the common yellow fever had taken its place. I may here observe, that the fever of 179,3, at Grenada, did not differ half so much from the common yellow fever, as it did from the fever which occurred in the Haukey, anil among the colonists at Buluuia ; aud it must be very absurd to derive the formei from the latter, as its parent, and at the same tiinw pretend that the supposed new lever, with its smaller variations from the com non yellow fever, could not have oris": ^atqd from the causes by which it (the yellow fe*er) is produced- * 4Sl from Europe." The places of other descriptions of persons, will be readily understood by what I formerly stated of their respective susceptibilities, in regard to marsh miasms: always recollecting that females are less susceptible than males, children less than adults, and negroes least of all. The greater liability, or predisposition to the dis- ease in seamen, than in any other description of strangers, Dr. Chis- holm ascribes with reason, to their "violent exercise in t*,e sun, the immoderate use of undiluted rum; bathing in a state of intoxication, and often when violently heated; and the sleeping on deck during the night." (Vol. i, p. 124.) Indeed, these causes alone will often pro- duce yellow fever. Dr. Chisholm has, however, suggested another, (p. 302,) as perhaps rendering " tiie disease infinitely more fatal" to them, than to " any other class of men," viz.—a scorbutic taint, which I formerly mentioned, as likely to have occasioned that variety of the disease called by the French mal de Siam. In regard to the military, at Grenada, he says, "that nearly one half of the 45th regiment" were jn the barrack near the carenage, and that " all* the officers and men were successively seized with the disease; but it proved fatal only to the recruits who had lately joined." Vol. i. p. 132. The case was similar in the ordnance department; of those who had become sea- soned, in some degree, to the climate, only five died out of 56; but of recruits just arrived, 21 died out of 26; and this with all the advan- tage of Dr. -Chisholm's skill, two months after he had discovered the wonderful benefits of mercurial salivation, in this fever. See vol. i. p. 133. After these instances of the frequency and violence with Which per- sons newly arrived from northern climes were attacked by the disease, (as always happens with marsh fevers exclusively) he proceeds to the other extreme, and mentions fi.eld negroes, as being the most exempt from it; though that mixed race called people of colour, seem to have enjoyed this exemption in a very high degree; for Dr. Chisholm tells us, that " the inhabitants of the district of Montserrat," (and a part of St. George's, adjoining the carenage) are almost all free people of co- lour ; and among them the disease never appeared, affecting their own persons ; many of the sick, (he adds) from the shipping, were accom- modated in their houses; but a peculiarity of temperament saved them generally." Vol. i. p. 128. This peculiarity of temperament might, indeed, well save them from the morbid effects of marsh mi- asms, as it has always been found to do, when they had not lost it, by long residence in a cold climate; but negroes and people of colour, * Tt is difficult to understand what quantity, or proportion, Dr. Chisholm means by "all." He says, at p. 134, vol 1, of his Essay, that " about the middle of June, tho disease broke out in the 67th regiment, and among the artifices and labourers on Richmond Hill" " all were successively seized with it; but it fell heavier on the offi- eeh than the men; several of the former, being young men lately arrived from Eu- rope. He adds, that " of about 300 men, at that time the strength of the 57th regi- ment only about sixty were seized with the symptoms of infection and of that number only 'three died." Here we find that all signified only one-fifth part, and that the dis- ease proved fatal only to one in twenty. Did Dr. Chisholm form his description of the disease from its general appearance on Richmond Hill ? Or did he conclude thedis* ease to be direfuUy contagious, because only 60 out of 300 men took it, and doubtless, by- going down the hill, and within the reach of marsh miasmata? 61 482 have no peculiarity which will protect them from the morbid effects of pestilential and typhus contagions; on the contrary, they are, as has been proved, the first and greatest sufferers by these contagions, i.nd this single fact would alone orerphrow Dr. Chisholm's whole sys- tem.* In regard to the termination of this epklemic, Dr. Chisholm states, (vol. 1, p. 136) that " from about the middle of September, till the month of February, of the year 1794, the disease seemed to have dis- appeared every where in Grenada." Why a contagion, with such ir- resistible power, should have become extinct when there was no want of persons susceptible of it, he has not explained; but, in looking over his account of the weather we find, in vol. 1, p. 90, the follow- ing statement, viz. " September, the greatest part of this month re- markably rainy, attended frequently with most vivid lightning and tremendous thunder, and violent squalls." Of October, he says, M much rain fell in this month also," "but not in the violence of the last." He adds of November, " five days excepted, the whole of this month was uncommonly rainy " " a great deal of thunder and light- ning." " December was also very rainy." That these excessive and long continued rains ^assisted by the salutary effect of violent squalls, thunder, 8cc.) should have put a stop to the fever, by diluting the marsh miasms, and washing away the materials necessary for their production, will, I am persuaded, be thought highly probable, by those who may have attended to the facts mentioned in the former parts of this work. Concerning its return, in Februaiy, 1794, as the Hankey did not then return, it might have been expected that Dr. Chisholm would have found some difficulty in giving a suitable expla- nation, but having before luckily sent the contagion to Philadelphia by some unknown vessel, and from some place, respecting which there are very contradictory accounts, he contrives to have it brought back to Grenada, by the way of Martinico, where, after it had been deposited by one vessel, it was taken up by another and left at Gre- nada. But unluckily, though he was then at Grenada, Dr. Chisholm is unable even to hint at her name, or the name of her captain ; a sort of inability which (considering how much greater difficulties he had previously surmounted) I should not have expected; especially as he says the sick belonging to this vessel, and by whom Grenada was the second time infected, were placed under his " charge ;" and that he " had no doubt respecting the identity of the disease." Really, I should have believed that the books of himself and his partner, must have contained the names at least of the vessels, to which patients of that description belonged ; as they certainly did not bestow medicines * At p. 302, of Ids first volume, is the following passage, " why, however it" (i. e. Ihe vim-- <>f his supposed contago i " should operate with most violence on Europeans just arrived, and who had never ente-ed the Tori-id Zone before, is a singidarity 1 do not pr- tend to explair.' Tha abstinence from explanation, though unusual in Dr. Chisholm was, I think, discreet on the present occasion. Certainly, if his supposed contagion had existed, a,! manifested this wonderful predilection for Europeans, at their first entering the TortM Zone, it would hav.- been a singularity never observed in anv other contagion ; and t.Urfor- well calculated ace in fatal cases, and not invariably even in these, as I conclude from the expression " commonly ,•" and as the cases which were not fatal, would have equally infected the un- destroyed clothes and bedding, from which no harm resulted. The airing of the sick apartments might, indeed, have been effectual, against typhus; but not against any such virulent and powerful conta- gion as tf e Hankey is supposed to have imported. This part of Dr. Stuart's statement is confirmed by Dr. James Clark, in regard to the 434 fever which began at Dominica, in June, 1793, and which Drs. Stuaitt anu Chisholm suppose to have been the same with that of Grenada, and derived from the same source. Dr.' Clark's statement on this point I have already quoted at p. 296, and I may add that as no pre- cautions were there employed to hinder the operation of contagion, I am persuaded that if none had been used at Grenada, the fever would have proved equally incommunicable. Dr. Clark says, (p. 61) "that the common remittent fever, dysentery, and other bilious complaints, had begun to shew themselves previous to the appearance of the yel- low fever" in 1793; a plain indication of the prevalent influence of marsh miasms. The same author, at p. 22, makes the following ob- servations concerning the supposed new fever, viz. " I have been in- formed that it has been considered, by some, as an imported and very infectious disease; but in this island it did not appear to be either im- ported or infectious. The very few instances which seemed to indi- cate* contagion, I think, may be accounted for on other principles. Some inhabitants, who had been accustomed to breathe a cool healthy air, in high situations in the'country, were sometimes attacked after a visit to town in the same manner as new comers from Europe and America, who never had been in the West Indies before; the reason of which will be enquired into hereafter. Those who had resided long in town, or near t/ie sea side, were not attacked with it. The physi- cians and surgeons who visited the sick, and the nurses who attended them constantly, were not infected ; nor did there occur a single in- stance, of one of them being seized with this fever for these three years, that I have remained in the island, since it broke out: although no prophylactic, or precaution of any sort whatever, was made use of to counteract or avoid contagion. I am, therefore, of opinion, that this terrible disease was not imported into this or any other of these islands, or into America; but that it was produced from natural causes."* Of Dr. Clark, Dr. Chisholm has stated, at p. 258 of his 2d volume, that he was " a physician of great eminence, whose prac- tice for five and twenty years, in the West Indies, furnished a most ample field for observation and experience ;" and it appears that he was not singular in believing that the fever in question was not conta- gious. For Dr. Chisholm states, (vol. 2, p. 254^ that "Dr. Fillan," who " has been an eminent practitioner in Dominica, for near twenty years," " imagined he could perceive nothing contagious or infectious about.it, i. e. the new fever:" this negative exercise of the imagina- tion, however, is at least unusual; persons having much oftener ima- gined they could perceive what does exist, than the reverse. It ap- pears, indeed, that it was not Dr. Fillan who thus exercised his ima- gination, but Dr. Chisholm, who thought it most convenient to repre- sent Dr. Fillan as having only imagined, when in fact he had asserted, that he could perceive nothing contagious, 8cc. for he immediately subjoins the following sentence, viz. " on questioning the doctor close- * Dr Roberts, Physician to the forces, who was at Grenada during the great mortality there in 1796, and who, probably, saw more than 1000 cases of the supposed malignant pes- tilential lever, declares that he could discover no sufficient reason for considering it as a disease d fferent from the common yellow fever of the West Indies, with which he was Well acquainted ; having been born at Antigua. 485 ty on this subject, I perceived that no conclusive or well-founded rea* soning could be adduced in support of this assertion." That Dr.. Chisholm should not think any reasoning conclusive or well-founded, which had induced another person to imagine he could not perceive that contagion, which has so long occupied and bewildered his own imagination, I can readily believe; and though I cannot applaud the candour of his statement, I am glad that it contains less of misrepresen- tation than many of those which I have found it necessary to controvert. But though Dr. Chisholm could not, by " closely questioning," hin- der Dr. Fillan from asserting his inability to discover any appearance of contagion in the supposed new fever, he seems, from his own ac- count, to have been a little more successful with Dr. Fillan's " assis- tant." For the latter, (who is styled, by Dr. Chisholm, an " eminent practitioner") after declaring that he had neglected to make any " in- quiry so as to establish the source of the disease in any instances," is said to have readily " acknowledged, that had an investigation been in- stituted, with the care and attention the subject merited, he had rea- son" (where did he get this reason) " to think that contagion might have been detected, as the cause of the disease, in every instance." If Dr. Chisholm has not misrepresented this (probably young) gen- tleman's language, it may be well that his complaisance, or his imagi- nation, did not carry him farther.* But after all this, Dr. Chisholm, who has repeatedly stated his sup- posed new fever, or its contagion, to have been carried from Grenada to Dominica, (though without designating any mode, or vehicle, or person, by whom this mischief was perpetrated,) tells us, at p. 256 of his 2nd vol. that " the first appearance of the disease (at Dominica) was in a ship, called the Providence of London. She arrived (he adds) about the 8th or 9th of June, and the first case of fever appeared about the 13th: many of the crew were attacked immediately after, and died. The fever appeared in the neighbouring ships, and spread so rapidly, that^about the 20th, scarce any were free from it." And this, Dr. Chisholm (whose intellectual and perceptive faculties appear inacessi- ble to all ideas, which do not accord with his supposed contagion,) considers as a proof, that the disease was communicated from the sick to the well, and from one ship to another, in succession ; and all in the space of one week. A monstrous supposition! utterly incompatible with every thing known of the different kinds of contagion; among ♦ As an illustration of the truth of this remark, I will here mention a statement made by Dr. Chisholm (at p. 257, of vol. 2d.) on the information, as he alleges, of Dr. Fillan's assistant. It relates to a Dr. Wilson at Dominica, who resided about 12 miles from town, and who three days after returning to the country from town, where he had visited persons labouring under the prevailing fever, was astonished to perceive a number of carbuncles, spreading round his neck, and towards his face and breast. The progress of these was so great, as to threaten a mortification. In this distress, he sent an express for Dr. Johnson. Dr. Fillan's assistant "who immediately visited him. By the time he -arrived a mortification had actually taken place, and Dr. Wilson died a few hours after, whilst endeavouring to examine the state of his neck in a looking glass. The description of the sores on this patient's neck, says Dr. Cliisholm, left no room to doubt they were pestilential carbuncles." Thus has Dr. Chisholm's heated, distempered imagination, created the true plague at Dominica ; and that it might not be created in vain, he imme- diate! v adds that " an immense number of the inhabitants were seized and many died." Is it possible that he can have believed and wished to make others believe, that these persons died of the true plague ? 486 which, there is scarcely one, that could have so soon produced disease, even in two persons successively. When ships are placed wi .iii the reach of those miasms, or local causes of disease, which, a. < . rtain times, commonly produce the yellow or other marsh fevers, in .he har- bours of the West Indies, their crews being acted upon, nearly at the same time, by the morbid exhalations, many persons will naturally fall sick almost simultaneously: and nothing but such a cause, could have produced the effects just mentioned, as having occurred at Dominica. But how Dr. Chisholm expected to reconcile the first appearance of the disease, in a London ship, just arrived at Dominica, with his assertion of its having been derived from Grenada, I am unable to conceive. Believing that it would be not only superfluous, but tiresome to my readers, as well as to myself, if I were to carry this refutation any far- ther ; and presuming, that I have sufficiently demonstrated the fallacy of all those statements and arguments, by which Dr. Chisholm has la- boured to prove the fever in question to have been derived from the Hankey; and that there is no good reason for considering it as specifi- cally different from the common yellow, and other marsh fevers, which have been proved to be void of contagion, I shall here dismiss the sub- ject; adding only a few observations, to justify the uncourteous and disobliging expressions which I have been sometimes forced to employ, in regard to Dr. CJiisholm. Had this gentleman contented himself with stating fairly and correctly, the facts and reasonings which occa- sioned, and were by him thought capable of supporting his most extraordinary opinions, I should have left the public to judge of their sufficiency, and have gladly avoided every appearance of controversy with him. But instead of doing that, which would have most benefited the cause of truth, and the interests of mankind, Dr. Chisholm, with great perseverance, and very little temperance or moderation, has la- boured to propagate and maintain these opinions, by assertions as positive as they were unwarranted; and by -statements of pretended facts, which were destitute of any foundation in truth, and at the same time of such decisive import, that a belief of them, must necessarily produce an adoption of the opinions intended to be thus maintained; which opinions, I sincerely believe to be not only erroneous, but likely to obstruct the progress of medical science; perplex and frustrate all endeavours to elucidate the important subject of contagion; and, more- over, to produce all those mischievons consequences which I have mentioned at p. 332—336. Under this conviction, I have thought it my duty, to endeavour, at least, to rescue and vindicate the truth? from those fallacious arguments, and confident misrepresentations, with which it has been surroonded and obscured, by Dr. Chisholm; and for this purpose, to contradict, and confute the untruths advanced, (I will not say fabricated,) by him; and demonstrate the little reliance which (either from his extreme want of caution, or excessive anxiety to over- come his opponents,) ought to be placed on his supposed facts and representations, in regard to the origin and nature of the fever of 1793. * Dr Chisholm, at p. 219 of his 1st vol. has declared, that " the cause of truth is paramount to all other considerations;" and has assigned this as his motive, and justifica- tion, for contradicting Dr Hush; professing, at the same time, to entertain the highest opinion of "the humanity, the genius, and the professional skill of that gentleman." • 487 For such contradictions and confutations, I have found it necessary to employ adequate terms; but 1 have done it reluctantly, and have in- variably preferred the least offensive, as far as I could do so, with- out weakening my conclusions, or leaving my ideas imperfectly ex- pressed. This explanation I have thought due to my own character, rather than to Dr. Chisholm. For, whilst endeavouring to spare his feel- ings, I have bebeved that very few writers were less entitled to in- dulgence and tenderness in this respect: because, with a few excep- tions, he seems to have exercised neither towards those by whom his statements and opinions are controverted. His Letter to Dr. Haygarth abounds in offensive, arrogant, and injurious language, particularly at p. 75, where he designates the most respected and meritorious physi- cians of New-York and • Philadelphia, as " pertinacious theorists."— " Disturbers and destroyers of society:"—Kind as deserving " to be execrated by their fellow citizens:" and this, only because they had controverted his opinions, respecting the fever of 1793. And again', at p. 159, he has generally accused all who deny the supposed conta- gion of that fever, of ' a predetermination to break down the barriers, which alone can secure mankind against the calamities," arising from " infection and contagion," " universally diffused, and universally destructive of the human race" He had previously, in his preface to the 2nd edition of his Essay, plainly intimated, that the " Medical Staff" of the army, under Sir Ralph Abercrombie, in the West Indies, were chargeable, in a great degree, with the deaths of 13,437 soldiers; and, at p. 243 of that volume, he has accused them of a species of " con- duct, which led to the pernicious, indolent, and unscientific habit, of pre- scribing for the name of a disease:"—" prevented the investigation of the principles on which practice, in any particular distemper, should be founded;"—" which tended to the discredit of a mode of treatment of the epidemic, from which alone, success could be expected:" and which was, " in short, the paramount cause of the mortality which has disgraced the annals of the West India Medical Staff of the day."* The foundation of these outrageous accusations, and the delinquency to which they relate, is nothing more than a belief or pretence, in Dr. Chisholm, that the medical officers of the army in question, did not sufficiently adopt and persevere in the practice recommended by him< of giving or applying mercury to excite salivation, in the yellow fev r; a practice, of which I have delivered my opinion, at p. 73—78; and I will here observe, as one of the physicians to that army, that there was nothing in Dr. Chisholm's situation, which could make it our duty, or even warrant us, to persevere unsuccessfully, in the trial of his strange and unpromising innovation.f He had only been known as a practi- * The mortality with which the medical officers of Sir Ralph Ahercrombie's army are here reproached, was certainly great, and ever to be deplored ; but it did not, in any instance, extend to 21 out of 26 patients, as happened to persons under Dr. Chisholm's •arc. after \\\& pretended Aimw-ry of an almost certain remedy. + It is remarkable, that while Dr. Chisholm brings such heavy accusations against the medical office rs of the army, for not having sufficiently employed mercury to cure the yellow fever, Dr Cillespie, who was then in charge of the nav.d hospital at Fort Royal, in M JitiiNCo, declares * that many of these gentlemen fell victims totheir implicit faith in mercurial mediuines which had been lately supposed so efficacious in epidemics, of a 488 tioner at Grenada; and when there, could not have pretended to an equality with several others, in public estimation. Nor did I find that his boasted success at that island, from the use of mercury in tiie yel- low fever, had been known there, until his printed accounts of it had arrived from Europe, nor that it was believed when thus made known. I feel, however, no resentment against Dr. Chisholm, for the obloquy which he has thus attempted unjustly to throw upon me among others, though I sincerely .regret, that his acknowledged talents ana industry, were not more judiciously and beneficially employed. similar nature to those which then reigned." Meaning the Grenada fever, and Dr. Chis- holm'saccountof it. See Observations on the Diseases," &c. " of his majesty's Squad* ron, on the Leeward Island station," &c,p. 1% APPENDIX. NO. VIII. 9 At pages 204 and 205, I have explained the subject and motives of this appendix; and the following is Dr. Blane's statement, (therein mentioned,^ to the American and Prussian ministers; viz. "On the 16th of May, 1793, the Thetis and Hussar frigates, cap- tured two French armed ships from Guadaloupe, on the coast of Ame- rica. One of these had the yellow fever on board, and out of fourteen men sent from the Hussar to take care of her, nine died of this fever before she reached Halifax, on the 28th of the same month, and the five others were sent to the hospital, sick of the same distemper. Part of the prisoners were removed on board of the Hussar, and though care was taken to select those seemingly in perfect health, the disease spread rapidly in that ship, so that near one third of the whole crew was more or lAs affected by it. " This fact carries a conviction of the reality of infection, as irresisti- ble as volumes of argument; and, it further affords matter of important and instructive information, by proving that the infection may be con- veyed by the person or clothes of men in health." Numerous facts and considerations most of which have been already mentioned, having induced me to think it impossible, that the yellow 489 lever should have in this instance manifested properties, which it had been found not to possess in a multitude of others, I was solicitous to investigate the circumstances of this transaction, as minutely as possi- ble, in order to ascertain the truth, on*a point which I have long con- sidered as of high importance to mankind; and I therefore applied to the commissioners of the transport department, for permission to in- spect the medical journals of the surgeons of his majesty's ships Thetis and Hussar, for the year 1795, and the correspondence of the surgeons of those ships with the sick and wounded board, for the same period, and was very soon honoured by a letter from Sir Rupert George, Mr. Serle, and Dr. Harness, dated 14th October, 1807, and informing me that " the journals were ready for my inspection, but that there did not appear to have been any letters received from the surgeons of those ships during that period." 1 lost no time in availing myself of this per- niission; but as the journals in question did not afford all the desired information, I extended my researches to the navy office; after which, I thought it my duty, fairly to communicate the results of my inquiries to Dr. Blane; and having done so, he thought it proper to write the following letter to Dr. Wilson, now physician to the Plymouth hospital, and formerly surgeon to the Hussar frigate, viz : "London, Nov. 17, 1807. " Sir, "You may possibly have seen, in some of my writings, that I have adduced as a proof of the infectious nature of the yellow fever, that it spread from the Raison, French prize, to the Hussar frigate, in May, 1795. Ti^ere is, in my opinion, sufficient proof of this fact from other quarters, but as you were then surgeon of the Hussar, and as I find by my notes, that it was partly on your testimouy that I built, I take the liberty of putting some questions to you on this subject. What leads to this is, that Dr. Bancroft, a respectable medical gentleman of this place, who has paid much attention to the subject of infection, but who is of a different opinion from me on this point, means to controvert my statements of that case, and founds his proofs chiefly on your journal, which he has not only inspected, but has copied it for the months of M'iy and June, 1795, and has very candidly called on me, and shown it me. There is certainly nothing in that part of your journal which can be construed into a proof, that the ship's company of the Hussar had the same fever with the prisoners. But the composition of it bears marks of very great haste; and no description of the symptoms is given, except a reference to the case of Mr. Backhouse, who Was not taken ill till a month after the battle, and whose symptoms have nothing characteristic of the yellow fever. I am sure, however, from my notes, that either in some other parts of your journal, or in those accompany- ing remarks, enjoined by the form of the journal, or in your letters from the hospital, there must have been some further testimony from you on this subject. The purpose of tins letter, therefore, is to request you to consult your memory, and your p^peivs, regarding it. You will certainly recollect, whether or not, the men of the Hussar, either on board, or at the hospital, were affected' with a fever attended with yel- lowness of the skin, and coffee-coloured vomiting, and in what num- bers; also, whether onlv tbe prisoners apparently in health, or both the 62 490 sick and healthy, were brought on board of your ship? If you should be able to give any satisfactory information, cither for, or against, these facts, I should hold myself extremely obliged to you, and I am sure so would Dr. Bancroft, in order th'at neither of us may be led into error, in so material a point. There is a reference in your journal, to some letter you wrote from the hospital, but as Dr. Bancroft could not find it, it has, no doubt, been mislaid at the office ; but it would be a great sa- tisfaction to us, if you should have kept a copy of it. In short, if you will have the kindness to send all the information on this affair, which your memory, or written documents, can supply, and your time will af- ford, you will greatly oblige Sir, your most obedient, and very humble servant, GIL. BLANE. " Dr. Wilson, Plymouth Hospital. " P. S. I ought to have mentioned that Dr. Bancroft has also in- spected the muster-books of the Hussar, at the navy office, and finds the prisoners in sickness as well as health were brought on board the Hussar, contrary to what I have stated in my letter to the American and Prussian ministers, which you may probably have seen in print." To this letter the following answer was returned, viz: " Royal Navy Hospital, Plymouth, Nov. 22, 1807. " Dear Sir, " I am much afraid I have lost the journal of the sick kept by me, at the time the yellow fever prevailed on board the Hussar; I have, hovy- ever, found a copy of the letter, which I transmitted to the sick and hurt board, on that occasion. I have, agreeably to your wishes, transcribed the greatest part of it, and herewith enclose it for your perusal ; if plain matter of fact can have any weight, you will there find sufficient to establish fully your observations on the contagious nature of that dis- ease. Should any other testimony be wanting, by a reference to capt. Beresford, who then commanded the Hussar, and now commands the Theseus, further particulars may be obtained. " Mr. Backhouse was subject to frequent attacks of chronic rheuma- tism ; was, in consequence, sent to the hospital at Halifax;—first, on the 27th of June, 1794—and again in November following. Many were afterwards, at different periods, sent for the same complaint, and particularly two on the 28th of May ;—one on the first, and another on the 17th of June, 1795.* Their treatment being nearly the same as that of Mr. B. a reference, in order to avoid repetition, was in conse- quence always made to his case. This, I trust, will explain, why no symptoms, in common with yellow fever, could be found in the cases alluded to, or any thing that could lead one to believe, the Hussar's ship's company to have the same fever with the prisoners. * This accords with Dr. Wilson's Journal; but in his subsequent letter to Dr. Blanc, he admits, that the entry relating to the 17th of June, could not have been correct; "as from the 6th of that montli, to the 4th'.)f July following, we (the Hussur) had no com- munication whatever with the hospital." Il must consequently follow, that the entry in his journal of another name, as sent to the hospital, the 20th Junej must also be incor- rect. 491 " I do not recollect the number of prisoners received on board the Hussar: I only remember, that the sick were not removed from the Raison ; that they remained in the prize until her arrival in port, and that it was only those in health that were permitted to come on board of us; the names of the sick, as well of those in health, were, as is customary in such cases, indiscriminately entered on the books of the Hussar.* " The number of the Hussar's ship's company affected with the disease, appears to have been 98. The number of deaths on board the Raison, between the 16th and 28th of May, were (was) . . 9 The number of deaths at the hospital, between the 28th of May and 6th of June . ...............6| "Total 15 " The above will, I believe, be found a correct statement. " I am, dear Sir, &c. « J. Wilson. " To Dr. Blane." * The only way in which I can reconcile this with the opposite testimony, is by suppo- sing, what appears in other respects probable, that there were no sick on board La liai- son. I found, by the books at the JVavy Office, that" head money" had been paid to the captors for 116 prisoners, as having been on board the liaison, at the commencement of the action ,• and itappears from the master-book of the Hussar, that she received the same full number of 116 men on board, from La Raison, on the 16th of May, and that every one of these men were delivered from the Hussar to tiie Security, prison ship, at Halifax, on the 28th of May ; consequently none had been killed in, or died subsequently to the en- gagement of the 16th of that month. Their names are all stated in the book at full length ; and under them is a certificate, signed hy John Beresford, captain, and Francis Prior, declaring " to the Commissioners for Victualling his majesty's >iavy," " that the before-mentioned prisoners, beginning with the name of A L. Le Sau, and ending with thatot Anthony Pigr.on, were actimUy victualled at two-thirds allowance, the number of days as specified by the several entries and discharges." These entries and discharges include all the days'from the 10th to the '28th of May ; and aginst the names is a column, for tliem when mustered, and in this column the 23d of May is written against each name, or the letters Do. under that date. I inquired particularly of the gen- tleman at the office, whether it might not be possible that these letters should he i.ffised to the names of some of the prisoners who had nmai ed on board the liaison, and was answered in the negative ,- with an assurance, that every man against whose name those letters were written, must have been actually on board ; and that if any man had been sick, so as not to receive his allowance, or absent from the Hussar for a single day, it would have been noted in the column, or " checked," as they express it: and in confirmation of this, 1 was shewn sineral instances of such checking, iu the books. It is to be recollected, that the " two-t/urds''' is the full allowance to prisoners in health ; and it would have been fraudulent to make a false entry in this respect : and, moreover, it is highly probable, that they must have been in health, because at Halifax they were all sent, nut to the hospiiul, hut the prison ship ; and none were sent thence to the hospital until three days after ; and even at that time, it does not appear that a:iy one sent was i!l of fever. Chat they would have been sent earlier from the prison-ship to the hospital, if they had been ill sooner, is manifest, because two of the I'revoyante'screw were sent from the prison ship to the hospital, one the '29th of May, and another on the 3i>lh, as appears by the hospital books, and being all prisoners made at one time, aud in the same circumstances ; the men belonging to the Kaison, if any had been jV/on those days, would have naturally been sent at the same time. + Dr. Wilson has stated and admitted, several times, what the books of the hospi- tal at Halifax prove, that the whole number of men belonging to the Hussar, who were sent to this hospital, in May and June, 1795, amounted only to 12; and, in his Letter to Dr- Blane, of December 20th, 1807, he declares, that six of these were sent back to him, on the 6th of June, and that they all recovered. He also states, that two of the remaining six, were cases of rheumatism, in the persons of David Sullivan ai»d Nicholas Martial, who, hy Dr. Wilson's Journal, arc stated to have been pat ou 492 The following is a copy of the transcript, mentioned in the preced- ing lettt;. of u ibt greatest" part of Mr. Wilson's Letter " to the Sick and Hurt Board," viz.— " On the 16th of May, 1795, his Majesty's ships Thetis and Hus- sar, cruizing off the Cape of Virginia, fell in with five French armed ships, two of them, after a severe action of about an hour and a half, struck; they had sailed some time before from Guadaloupe, where the yellow fever had prevailed, and had carried oft' numbers of the French; unfortunately for us, La Raison, the ship we took possession of, had suffered greatly from this disease; several of her crew having died on the passage, and at this time many were found confined to their beds, in a state of the greatest debility* Capt. Beresford, in order to pre- vent, if possible, the Hussar's ship's company being infected, ordered all the prisoners who had the least appearance of disease, to remain where they were, and those only who appeared to be in a perfect state of health were allowed to come on board of us. Frequent communi- cation was, however, found unavoidable; and, notwithstanding every precaution was taken, I was extremely sorry to find, that before vvc reached Halifax, we began to experience the sad effects of the con- tagious nature of this disease. And of fourteen fine, young, healthy seamen, with officers, &c. ordered to conduct the prize into port, five only survived their arrival ;f and four of those in so debilitated a state, as to render it necessary to send them without loss of time to the hos- pital, together with six others, that had been affected with the same complaint on board the Hussar. The disease now began to assume so serious an appearance, that it was deemed proper to send them on shore the moment they complained, where few survived longer than three or four days.\ the sick list of the Hussar; one on the 1st, and the other on the 4th, of May: and they continued sick, and were sent to the hospital at Halifax, on the 28th of that month, arid entered as cases of -fevar in the hospital books. But as neither of them died, the deaths in the hospital could only have been four, and not six, as is here stated. It is moreover to he remarked, that though these two men are stated to have been constantly on the sick list in Muy, Dr Wilson, in contradiction to his own Journal, asserts, in his Letter to Dr Blane, of (he 20th of December, 1807, " that for some time previous to the action of the 16th of May, 1795, there had not been a man on the Hussar's sick list." * In the preceding note, 1 have stated documents aud reasons, which make it impassi- ble for me, at least, to believe (hat this can be correct ; and this impossibility will be in- creased, bj facts to be adduced hereafter. t Facts are hei e equivocally, or obscurely stated;—-nine only of the I Inssar's crew died oard the Raison. We are no where informed, how many officers were put on hoard that ship, in addition to the 14 seamen. But it appears that no person of that des- cription, either died, or sickened, by going on that service. $ Dr. Wilson here admits what may be otherwise -ufficiently proved, that ten of the Huzzar's crew went to the naval hospital, at Halifax, ill of the supposed yellow fever ; none of them, however, as appears by h's own Journal, was sent until after two days illness Of these ten men, he states in his letter to Dr. Blane, of the 20th December, 1807, that he received back six, oi> the 6th day of June, and that they all recovered. It appears alsoj by the books of the naval hospital, at Halifax, and by a letter to the com- missioners of Sick and hurt seamen, written by Mr. Haliburton, surgeon to that hospital, and dated the 25th of June, 1795, that at the date of this letter, only three persons had died there, of the supposed yellow fever ; and, in fact, no more than four did die, in the Ibfio'e, o that fever, at Halifax ; and this fourth man appears, by the books of the hospital to have relapsed, and died on the 30th of June. With a knowledge of these facts, I have t'fijt no little astonishment, at finding that Dr. Wilson had permitted himself to assure 493 *l The idea of an infectious disease, which had in so short a time proved fatal to so many seamen, alarmed the inhabitants of Halifax and its vicinity to such a degree, that they made application to Captain Roddam Home, commanding his majesty's ship Africa, and then senior officer in port, to order the Hussar, officers, and ship's company, to- gether with those yet alive at the hospital, to be removed to the oppo- site uninhabited shore: the request was immediately complied with. Tents were erected for their accommodation; and on the morning of the 6th of June, 1795, at day-light, the Hussar was anchored at the place pointed out for that purpose. The following is an extract from the Physical Journal kept by me, during the time the sick were under my care; the symptoms of those taken ill when on shore, were ob- served to be the same as in those first taken ill on board the Hussar and Raison. " On the commencement of the disease, the patients were, in general, costive, and complained of great lassitude, giddiness, sickness at sto- mach, frequent sighing, cold chills, succeeded by a burning heat all over the body, and affecting the whole of the prima via; a hot dry skin; pain and oppression about the procordia; pain in the head, back, and loins; pulse rather quick and full, with a considerable throbbing of the tem- poral arteries; a constant vomiting of at first a yellow, and afterwards, of a very dark-coloured bilious matter; eyes red, full, and heavy; thirst great; tongue much furred; teeth incrusted with-'a dark-co- loured gummy substance; a yellow suffusion of the skin ; great pros- tration of strength; restlessness; delirium, Sec. Sec* The above were the Commissioners of Sick and Hurt Seamen, that from the very serious nature of the disorder, it had been deemed proper to send them, the sick, on shore the moment tfiey^ complained,•" and that there (on shore) "few survived longer than three or four days." Nine of the ten persons in question were sent on shore on the 28th of May; and exactly four weeks after, three only of the ten had died. Few, is generally understood, at most, to mean the smaller number; but here, more than two-thirds had^ survived, not merely three or four days, but as many weeks. In making this computation, I have taken facts most favourably for Dr. Wilson—because, in addition to the ten persons here mentioned, nine seamen belonging to the Thetis, who were sent on hoard the liaison, to supply the place of the Huzzar's men, when sick or dead, had also been sent to the naval hospital with the same fever, where they all recovered; and these, I should suppose, ought also to have been taken into Dr. Wilson's consideration, when he thouglit proper to state that few had survived longer than three or four days. • Many circumstances convince me, that it is proper to receive this genera! account of the symptoms of the supposed yellow fever with great caution. Indeed, the imagina- tions of some persons at Halifax, appear, on that occasion, as at Grenada, in regard t»the Hankey, to have acquired a morbid activity and bias Even Mr. Halliburton, tbe supe- rior medical officer of the navy on that station, has, 1 think, clearly manifested this, in his letter to the Commissioners of Sick and Hurt Seamen, though written on the 25th of June, when all apprehensions of danger had subsided, and sober common sense might have'been expected to regain its proper ascendency. Among other instances of the effect of his excessive alarm, he states the following, viz—" I went on board the I luzzar with Captain Beresford, had all hands turned up, spoke to the men of the absolute ne- cessity of their not concealing their complaints, if they had any; that their safety depended 0n an early application. Six of them came forward, with evident symptoms ol the ap- nroachintr malady, and although at work, I recommended it to Capt. Beresford to send them instantly to the suspected tents,- and in the evening when I visited them, Hound three of them very ill, with quick pulse, vomiting, Ike." How much of the illness mthese thri'e men depended upon their imaginations, or the imagination of Mr. Halliburton, I know not ; but if the symptoms of yellow fever had been so evident in the six men, as i,e states we might expect that he would have found more than three of them very III , hat evening And, I w ill add, moreover, roy belief, that if a distempered imagination, or 494 the symptoms, as they in general occurred in succession. But, Gen- tlemen, previous to my submitting to your consideration the mode of treatment adopted on this occasion, permit me to make a few observa- tions. " On the first appearance of acute diseases, in general, the evacua- tion of the alimentary canal, becomes a primary object; and in no complaint, whatever, is this maxim to be attended to, more than in the disease at present under consideration. In its early stages, I have often experienced the good effect of emetics and cathartics; but when the former were too often repeated, they were found to be productive of the most serious evils; that they not only increased the irritable state of the stomach, but also, that of the hepatic system; and that in con- sequence, a train of such disagreeahle symptoms obtained, as frequent- ly baffled every effort of either medicine or art to get the better of. " On the first attack of the disease, the patient, if of a full habit of body, was bled, head shaved, a blister applied to the breast, and an eme- tic, consisting of 2 or 3 grains of tartarized antimony, given; but in order to avoid the bad consequences above alluded to, the emetic was seldom, if ever, repeated; nor was any liquor allowed to be drank during its operation. A considerable quantity of bilious mat- ter was, in general, thrown up; the spasm on the extreme vessels, in some measure, removed, and a stool or two frequently procured. In cases where this last circumstance did not take place, injections were had recourse to, and often without effect; calomel, however, from 10 to 20 grains, seldom failed in procuring some free passages. Could the stomach have borne a sufficient quantity of the kali tartarizat, or. any other neutral salt, I am fully of opinion every purpose would have been equally well answered. The pain and oppression about the prae- cordia, and laborious respiration, were much relieved by the bleeding and blister; and in cases where the vomiting was very severe and pain- ful, saline medicines, combined with camphor, aether, and opium, af- forded relief: saline draughts (with opium,) in a state of effervescence, were also of infinite service; and those with whom the vomiting, to- gether with the burning heat of the prima via, continued, by taking three or four grains of nitre, with a few drops of laudanum, in a wine glass of cold water, or lemonade, every hour, although ejected almost as soon as drank, yet, by persevering in its use for eight or ten hours, found the irritation at the stomach, in some measure, removed, and the febrile action considerably abated. Purgatives, whenever they could, with any prospect of effect be given, were administered, and several passages, if possible, daily insured. When, however, the vio- lent heat, and morbid action could not, by these means, be subdued, much benefit was derived from the cold affusion. The manner in which I used it was as follows: The patient was stripped perfectly na- ked, and if violent, held, whilst sea water from a bucket, was poured something else, had not overpowered Mr. Halliburton's sober judgment, he never would have thus mentioned evident symptoms of an approaching yellow fever in men who were quietly at work, and seemingly had no suspicion of being unwell, until fright- ened into a belief of their being so. Other physicians often find it difficult to ascertain whether a fever will prove to be a yellow fever, even sometime after its actual commence- ment. 495 on his head, and all over his body, until, If delirious, he came a little rational,, which was, in general, in the course often or fifteen minutes, (if not delirious, not so long ;) the affusion was then discontinued, the patient rubbed dry, with coarse flannel cloths, and put to bed. Sleep, and a gentle diaphoresis, usually followed, and the patient awoke in the course of a few hours, apparently much refreshed, and free from ei- ther fever or delirium. On a return of these complaints, the same re- medy was again, or again, if necessary, had recourse to, and invariably with the same effect. Tonics, consisting of bark, wine, Sec. &c. with a proper nourishing diet, soon perfected the cure; and, I have great sa- tisfaction in adding, that of those who were under my care on shore, amounting in number to 83,1 did not lose a single patient. «J. W." The preceding communications from Dr. Wilson, afforded me but little information, which was either new or satisfactory. In the hope, however, of obtaining more, I stated, in a letter to Dr. Blane, several new difficulties and objections, which had occurred to my mind on the subject, together with fourteen questions, which I thought it probable Dr. Wilson might be able to answer from memory, (if no written evi- dence should be in his possession,) and which I conceived likely, and necessary, to ascertain the symptoms and nature of the disease, and supply the want of important facts, which had been omitted in all the former accounts. These questions, together with my letter, were transmitted by Dr. Blane to Dr. Wilson, who, in consequence thereof, wrote an answer, dated December 20, 1807, explaining some contra- dictions which I had mentioned, between bis journal and the books of the naval hospital at Halifax, and recapitulating his former statements, but without answering any one of my questions, which his memory, as he declared, did not enable him to do. He moreover intimated, that he thought it " hard to be thus called upon, at this distant period of time, for further proofs of accuracy and fidelity." Haying thus failed in my endeavour to procure full information on this subject, nothing re- mained for me, but to employ, as well as I was able, the little which had been afforded: and as this did not, in any degree, weaken the reasons which had, from the first, made it difficult for me to believe the disease in question to have been the yellow fever, I shall state those reasons, after having premised the following additional facts and explanations, viz: . It appears, from official documents, as well as from the information which was given to me verbally, on the 26th of October, 1807, by Mr. Sawers, who was surgeon to the Thetis, in 1795, that in conse- quence of the sickness and deaths of most of the men sent by the Hussar on board the Raison, a number of seamen belonging to the Thetis* were also sent on board that ship, to assist in navigating her to Halifax. And in Mr. Sawers' " Medical Journal of his majesty's ship Thetis, from the 13th of October, 1793, to the 14th of October, 1795," the names and ages of nine of these men are stated, and against them, the several days, from May 27th, to June 11th, on which they ♦ Mr- Sawers was not able to recollect the exact number, nor the times when sent on board La Raison. He thought, however, that they might amount to 15 or 16; • 496 were sent to the Naval Hospital, at Halifax; and to these name's and dates, the following explanation is annexed, viz: " These men were sent into Halifax in a French prize vessel. We afterwards learned she had been employed a great part of the war as a prison ship, atCiuadaloupe, and had been very sickly, and a number of men had died on board of her.* When they began to move her stores, upon her arrival in Halifax harbour, the men began to complain, at different times, of pains in their heads, attended with rigors and shi- verings, and great lassitude, loss of strength, with violent retchings; the matter brought up from the stomach, 1 was told, had the appear- ance of contaminated bile.\ A 'number of men from his majesty's ship Hussar, were also on board this vessel, several of whom died; and it was remarked, that they were either very yellow some time be- fore death, or turned yellow soon after it. In short, from what I could learn from the prize-master,} and other people on board, it must haVe been the yellow fever. " I had not an opportunity of attending those men myself, as they were sent to the hospital, agreeably to the dates, immediately upon their complaining. They were accommodated in the out apartments of the hospital, and in tents erected in the fields. I went frequently and saw them. The method of treatment was as follows : strong ca- lomel, or other active purgatives, were given in the beginning, and repeated, whenever an inclination to vomit came on, and after the ir- ritability of the stomach was subdued; bark, serpentaria, decoctions of chamomile, and other tonics, were given freely, with plenty of wine, and nourishment; ar; also, ripe fruits. In some cases, sluicing with cold water, was administered, with good effects. They all re- covered, which I suppose was owing to early assistance being given at the hospital." In conversation, Mr. Sawers told me that the disorder of the nine men belonging to the Thetis was slight, that they were able to walk about, but looked sallow, and had been taken to the hospital rather as a precaution, than from any urgency of sickness. That the Prevoyante had remained three or four months at Guadaloupe, after coming there from France, and had lost some men during that interval, by the yel- low fever; but that she was in good condition, and her crew very healthy, at the time of her capture; and that they gave no disorder to the The- * This expression leaves it uncertain, whether the writer meant that these men had died on board the Raison, during her passage from Caudaloupe, or whilst she was em- ployed as a prison ship ; hut the latter 'terns to have been the fact. f This comparison does not give me any better idea of the " matter" i It appears, by this reference to the prize-master, that no medical assistant could have been sent on board La Uaison, notwithstandingthe great number of her own sick that, as is pretended, were left on board, and the additional sickness and deaths of the men be- longing to the Hussar : and if it had not been for the little information here given by Mr. Sawers, we should have had none whatever, respecting the sickness of the nine men be- longing to the Hussar, who died before her arrival at Halifax. And even at this time, af- ter all my researches and inquiries, I am utterly ignorant how soon any one of them was attacked after being sent on hoard ; what other symptoms, excepting turning yellow, ap- peared in any of them ; how long the illneSs lasted, nor when any of them died, [fit had been wished to compel a belief of their having all died of yellow fever, by withholding every thing requisiie to form any judgment whatever, this extraordinary omission would have been very natural. 497 tis} which ship did not send one man to the hospital after her arrival at Halifax, excepting the nine who were on board La Raison. It ap- pears, however, by official documents, that two of the crew of the Prevoyante, notwithstanding her good and healthy condition, died on the passage to Halifax, viz:—one, a French seaman, on the 25th of May,—and one black seaman, on the 26th; whilst none died of the Raison's crew, though represented as being then in a most sickly and deplorable condition. And it is moreover in proof, that after their ar- rival at Halifax, the sickness and mortality were much greater among the crew of the Prevoyante, than among that of La Raison. But as Dr. Wilson has given an account of his proceedings with the 83 sick, of the Hussar's crew, it will be proper to give a like ac- count, in regard to such of the crews of the French ships Prevoyante and Raison, as sickened before the 7th of July, after they had been transferred, on the 28th of May, to the prison ship, Security, at Ha- lifax. It appears, from the books of the Naval Hospital there, that on the 31st of May, eight of the crew of La Raison, were sent from the prison ship to the hospital ; three of whom died before the 25th of June, and one on the 9th of July; and these were all the deaths from the crew of that ship. The other four remained in hospital four months ; and it seems probable, that the whole number of eight, had either hectical, or chronic, affections; because Mr. Halliburton, in his letter of the 25th of June, to the Commissioners of Sick and Hurt, giving an account of the sick French prisoners, says, " One or two hectic patients have died, but none with this fever:" meaning the sup- posed yellow fever:—an observation which applies equally to the crews of the Prevoyante, and makes a detail in regard to them unne- cessary. It seems probable, however, that after the crews of these ships had been transferred to the prison ship, they were exposed to the contagion of typhus, which is, indeed, no uncommon event, in such situations,) though Mr. Halliburton, and Dr. Wilson, imagined it to be the contagion of yellow fever. Mr, Halliburton, in the letter just mentioned, after giving'an ac- count of his, and Dr. Wilson's proceedings, in regard to the Hus- sar's men, supposed to be labouring under yellow fever, adds, " the disease now began to make its appearance on board the prison-ship, and as they were much crowded, I represented to Captain Home, now senior officer, that the same precautionary measures should be adopt- ed, which were pursued respecting the Hussar; that the sick must be separated from the sound and healthy, and that all with suspicious symptoms should likewise be removed. In consequence of which, a place was hired about six miles from the town, by water, called Kava- nagh's island, and all the sick, to the number of 31, were towed there, in a boat by themselves, that they might have no communication with the ship's boats that towed them. Ten or a dozen of them were very ill, and many* of them were afterwards seized with it, who had the * It appears, by this expression that the disease did not actually o.cur in all who had the first symptoms upon them ; and this circumstance ought, perhaps, to h-sseu the regret which we must otherwise have felt, at Mr. Halliburton's not having made us as wi»e as himself, in regard to the nature of these " first symptom* 63 498 first symptoms upon them, when removed, but we have not as yet lost one of them ; and by pursuing Dr. Rush's mode ol treating the Phi- ladelphia fever by bleeding, See." " has proved very successful, and highly pleasing and satisfactory." It appears by the books of the hospital, transmitted by Mr. Halli- burton, to the sick and hurt office, that this "removal of sick prisoners took place on the 15th of June; and that they consisted of 17 men, who had belonged to the Prevoyante, and of 14 who had belonged to the Raison ; and certainly there never was a more harmless yellow fe- ver, excepting that of the men under Dr. Wilson, nor one more ac- commodating; for, except one man, who, besides the fever, seems to have had some lingering chronical disorder, they are all stated to have been ill, exactly fifteen days; so that as they had been all towed to the island in one boat, they might all be towed back in another. There is, however, one important fact connected with this transaction, and which seems to have been hitherto quite overlooked ; and this is, that, among the 17 supposed /yellow-fever patients from the Prevoyante, six were, blacks, (negroes,) whose names are distinctly entered; and of the 14 from La Raison, three were also blacks, though there were on- ly ten of that description among her crew. Now the idea of nine blacks, coming directly from the West Indies, where they might have bid defiance to the yellow fever, even when most prevalent as an epi- demic, and taking that disease at Nova Scotia, a place where, like Great Britain, from its moderate temperature, the yellow fever never did, nor ever will occur, (at least without a great alteration of its cli- mate,) must appear as ridiculous and absurd as any thing which can be imagined ; at least to those who may have read the preceding parts of this volume, or who shall have otherwise acquired competent infor- mation on the subject. This single fact, in my judgment, would suf- fice to prove, indisputably, that the disease in question, could not have been the yellow fever ; because the notorious insusceptibility of negroes, coming directly from a hot climate to a cold one, would ne- cessarily, according to the principles formerly stated, and the uni- form experience of more than a century, have been encreased, not diminished; but, on the other hand, their susceptibility of disease, from typhus contagion, by such a transition from heat to cold, would have been augmented, as has been repeatedly observed: and this may explain why so great a proportion of negroes took the (typhus1 fever at Halifax. Dr. Blane, in his letter to Baron Jacobi, asserts, what he has indeed repeatedly mentioned in his other writings, that the yellow fever " has never been known to appear, except either in tropical cli- mates, or in those seasons in the more temperate climates, in which the atmospheric heat has, for some length of time, been equal to the tropical heat, that is, at, or above 80° of Fahrenheit's thermometer. This i he adds) is a fact incontrovertibly established by observation; for there is no instance either in North America, or Europe, of the yellow fever appearing, except at these degrees of heat, nor of its surviving after it had fallen to a lower degree of temperature." Now, if Dr. Blane, before he allowed himself to adopt and give his sanc- tion to this story, of a communication of the yellow fever, by the , crew of La Raison, to those of the Hussar, &c. had exercised his " 499 good sense, in reflecting upon the Usual and probable temperature of the atmosphere on the coast of New England and Nova Scotia, at that early season of the year, he must have been convinced that it never could have there attained, and much less have been " for some length of time," at, or above 80° of Fahrenheit's thermometer. Mr. Sawers told me, on the 26th of October, 1807, that on the passage to Hali- fax, after the capture of the Frevoyante and Raison, they had encoun- tered a gale of wind from the north-west, which rendered the air cool, as it must have done on that coast, where this is the coldest wind; and, indeed, it appears by the length of the passage, v12 days) notwith- standing the aid of the gulf stream, that the winds must have been generally from the north, and the temperate, probably, was during that time much oftener below than above 60°: and it is well known that even in South Carolina, except from a rare concurrence of circum- stances, the yellow fever does not prevail before the month of July or August; who, then, will believe, that in the frigid climate of Nova Scotia, it should have attacked so many persons, about the end of May and beginning of June ? and this though it never did before, nor since, appear there, even in the hottest months of the summer.* Whatever the cause of the fever may have been, it certainljTwas not derived from, nor first applied to, the crew of the Raison; for no one of them appears to have had it, until near the middle of June; where- as, it is stated in the abstract of Dr. Wilson's Medical Journal, authen- ticated by his own signature, that three of the Hussar's men (viz. W. Atterly, John Lopez, and Jonas Ireland were attacked with it, in that ship, on the 25th May, and two others on the 26th; and, notwithstand- ing all that has been strangely asserted to the contrary, the crew of La Raison, if any faith can be placed in official documents, were less sickly, and had less mortality among them, than those of either the Hussar or the Prevoyante. It would be to me a very unpleasant undertaking, were I to enter upon a critical examination of Dr. Wilson's general account of the ag- gregate symptoms of his supposed yellow fever patients; an account' so indiscriminating and deficient that no body can discover from it, whether the ordinary progress of the fever lasted a week or a month; or even whether it was continued, remittent, or intermittent; and though some of the 14 questions forwarded to Dr. Wilson were especially, and pointedly directed to these important circumstances, I obtained no answer to them. Whether Dr. Wilson was unwilling or unable to * Dr. Trotter, in the first volume of his Medicini Nautica, has introduced the following atement, at page 357, viz— "December 3d—most of the ships which have returned this season, (the Autumn of 1796,) from the West Indies, have been sufferers from the yellow fever; yet the dis'euses in all of them, uniformly dissappeared as they increased their latitude : at 32" North, no fresh attacks were known." " The Dsedelus frigate, that arrived at Portsmouth in October, left the islands with this fever on board; so large a number of men and officers were affected, that captain Countess thought it expedient to push for Halifax, to land his sick ; but before he reached that port, the disease had taken a favourable turn, ami was soon extirpated." If this effect was produced on the coast of America, in the hottest part of the Summer, how can it seem credible, that, in the month of May, and with cold northerly winds, the yellow fever should have made so many "fresh attacks," as were supposed in the Huzzar, so much beyond the 32d degree of North latitude, and even at Halifax itself. 000 remember, is best known to himself; there is, however, one of his symptoms, which I cannot overlook, as the description of it seems to have been intended to obviate all doubt of the fever's having been the true yellow fever: and this is " a constant vomiting of, at first, a yel- low, and afterwards of a very dark-coloured bilious matter?' At that time, the black vomit, so called, was thought by many persons, and probably by Dr. Wilson, to consist in a great degree of condensed or dark bile, and this description seemed to have been intended to induce a belief that black vomiting was a common symptom among his pa- tients. But that I might not fall into a mistake on this particular, one of my questions was directed immediately to it: as another was to the number or proportion of the sick who became yellow ;* but these questions, like all the others, were left completely unanswered, and, as I must think uncandidly ; because it is incredible that Dr. Wilson should not, at least, have known his own meaning in regard to the " very dark- coloured bilious .matter" vomited by his patients; and it was, I think, his duty to remove all doubt concerning it. Certainly, if what is com- monlv understood by black vomiting had occurred, in even one of his 83 patients, there is the strongest reason to believe that no more than 82 of them would have recovered. And his unexampled success, if there were no other reasons to disbelieve the existence of yellow fever am mg his patients, would render it absolutely incredible. Some gen- tlemen, indeed, from whom I should have expected more discernment, have strangely imagined that the recovery of every individual of 83 patients, under Dr. Wilson, might be ascribed to a superiority in his treatment of them, without suspecting that the disease was not the true yellow fever; and Dr. Wilson seems to have derived credit and promo- tion from this mistake; which, however, is not likely to subsist; experi- ence having, I believe sufficiently proved, that in cases of the true yellow fever, recoveries have not oftener resulted from this, than from other modes of treating that disease: and it will, I think, have been fortunate, if no mischief has been done, by an imitation of that part of his practice, which consisted in the giving of antimonial emetics* * 1 have already several times remarked, that yellowness of skin is not a characteristic symptom of the yellow fever, nor a rare occurrence in typhus; but, on the contrary, that in some circumstanoes and situations, (particularly one mentioned by Dr. Lind) it has so frequently accompanied the latter fever, as to have procured for it the name of yellow fever. Dr. Mane has, also, mentioned a similar occurrence on board the Royal Oak, where a ship-fever, introduced by six men who came from England in the Anson, and which extended to thirtv others, was attended with yellowness of " the eyes and skin," in all that were affected by it, though the disease was very mild in most of the cases. See his work on the diseases of seamen, p 148 and p. 352- • 1 have mentioned the danger of giving emetics in yellow fever, at p. 67, &c. and this dang«r is multiplied in a ten-fold degree, by preferring antimonials. The following is Dr. Moseley's observation, respecting the effects of emetic tartar, or tartarised Antimony, em- ployed by Dr. Wilson, to the ext-nt of three grains, viz. " How often have I seen and la- mented the effects of emetic tartar, given to remove the supposed cause of the treache- rous symptom of vomiting ! Even in slight degrees of fever, in the West Indies, in young plethoi-ic subject.:, newly arrived, the stomach has been some times destroyed by iu la- stead of removing the irritating sickness in this (yellow) fever, or exciting a diaphoresis, a spasm has been produced in the stomach ; incessant vomiting ; inflammation ; the vessels of the thorax am! Iiead have been stifled with blood, and the patient has vomited away his life." See his valuable work on topical diseases, 8tc p. 435 of the Third Edition. 601 That the fever which spread among the crew of the Hussar, and in the Security, prison ship, could have been no other than a typhus, I am convinced. It was, indeed, so unusually mild, and devoid of mortality, that we can only account for so many recoveries, even under that fever, by the known effects of a warm temperature (which would have taken place at Halifax in June) in first moderating, and soon after producing a cessation of it. Whence the infection of this fever was derived I cannot be expected to explain, destitute as I am of all information respecting the commu- nications which the Hussar may have had with infected persons, or things. Mr. Sawers told me, what indeed must be otherwise highly credible, that ships of war on the Halifax station, were sometimes known to get the contagion of typhus, by pressing seamen, and emi- grants, out of merchant vessels going from Great Britain and Ireland to the United States, &c. many of the latter being often taken from the lower classes of society, among whom that fever is but too com- mon. In regard to the fever which produced so much mortality among the men sent by the Hussar, on board the Raison, and of which we know nothing, except that some of them became yellow, either before or after death, it would be presumptuous in me, without more informa- tion, to offer any thing but (a very probable) conjecture, that it was oc- casioned by the foul air or morbid effluvia, contained in her hold, or in some other part which these men had rummaged, in search of rum, or wine, or other things which their appetites, or cupidity, might dis- pose them to plunder, and which, in a prize, they might expect to find, perhaps, concealed. In numerous instances, fevers resembling the yellow fever, and even more generally and speedily mortal, have been manifestly produced by exhalations from the foul ballast, and other decomposing matters, retained in the ships ;* and the fact stated in Mr. Sawers's Medical Journal, as lately noticed, in regard to the men belonging to the Thetis, who were sent on board the Raison, viz. that " when they began to move her stores, upon her arrival in Halifax harbour, the men began to complain, at different times, of pains in-their heads, attended with rigors and shiverings, and great lassitude, loss of • For decisive instances of such fevers, produced by these causes, see the New-York Medical Repository, vol. i- p. 394, vol. ii. p. 327, vol. iv. pages 2, 3,243, 245, and 353 ; vol. vi. p 15'J ; vol. vii. pages 86, 87, and 88 ; and vol. viii. p. 71. The first instance in the 4th vol. of this Repository relates to a yellow fever produced by the foul atmosphere of the hold of the America frigate, General Green, which was fatal to twenty persons, and decidedly not contagious; though some of the crew fell sick on board, several weeks after she had been cleansed and freed from the noxious matters producing the noxious atmosphere; a circumstance, for which it then seemed difficult to account, but which, from what I have mentioned in a former part of this work, concerning the time that mi- asmata often remain inactive, may now be readily explained. See also, for similar in- stances, Trotter-'s Medicina Nautica, vol. ii. p 97, &c. Dr Gillispie's volume, page 19 20 21 and 61; and Valentin's work on yellow fever, from p. 121 to 129. I could easily multiply these quotations, but I will finish with one from Dr Mane, on the diseases of sea- men p 609 viz. " With regard to the effect of putrid exhalations, I need only menUon that at the time of the battle of the 12th of April 1782, there was not a sickly ship ui our fleet hut many of the officers and men who were sent to take care of the French prizes, were seized with the yellow fever ; and it was observed, that when at any time the holds of these ships, which were full of putrid matter were stirred, there was an evident in- crease of these fevers soon after." 502 strength, with violent retchings, 8cc. seems to prove the existence of a noxious atmospherer or rather of matters capable of emitting noxious effluvia when disturbed; and this might well be expected in a ship which had been long employed as a prison ship, and afterwards sent, probably without being cleaned, to obtain a cargo in the United States, for France. That this fever, or that which afterwards occurred at Halifax, could not have resulted from contagion in the Raison, must be evident; because if that had been the case, as it must have been applied to her own crew several weeks before, and for a much longer time than it was to those of the Hussar and Prevoyante, the former would not have been among the last and least sufferers by it. Here I will close this appendix, and, with it, this volume. / J ' ^4 www mmmw m®*m®v BY JOHN B. DAVIDGE, A.M. M.D. \ NOTES. ft . —!. Page 40. The matter of black vomit is, notwithstanding the reports of the ex- aminations of bodies dead of the yellow fever, sometimes met with in the gall-bladder, common duct leading to the duodenum, and in the duodenum, in considerable quantities, as well as in the stomach. I have had occasion to observe this fact, and have also been informed by respectable authority, in which the utmost confidence may be placed, both as to dignity of character, and acuteness to observe, that such is the fact. To Dr. Wm. Donaldson, a physician of great circumspec- tion in observation, and extensive professional knowledge, I am in- debted on this head. That the matter of black vomit is the result of morbid secretion, appears to be the opinion of some of the best informed in this city, Baltimore. The hemorrhage occasionally met with is, perhaps, inci- dental. That the liver is the organ chiefly concerned in the secretion of this matter, I am strongly inclined to believe, from its presence in the gall-bladder, and its existence in cases where there has been no effusion of blood, at least, observable. Page 93. I have taught, from my Chair as Professor, for several years past, the doctrine, which I am much gratified to find advocated by the able pen of Bancroft, that putrid animal matter, simply as such, is never pro- ductive of fever. - And although in certain habits, sickness at stomach and faintness may occur from the effluvia of putrid animal bodies, yet in regard to th^production of regular fever, of whatever type or genus, they are wholly innocuous. The genius of our learned author has shed much important light on the subject of Typhus, arising from collections of healthy persons in ships, hospitals, or jails. He properly and judiciously rejects all such speculations, and places the affair in its proper attitude. There is no fever that can with propriety be attributed to any such collections of healthy persons. If disease, febrile disease, take place among persons crowded 64 506 together in ships, or jails, or hospitals, we must look for its cause to some other source, than the recrementitious materials thrown off from the bodies; the cause is from without. When persons die under the circumstances above suggested, it is somewhat as when they die from carbonic acid gas; they are killed negatively. In other words, they die for want of pure, repirable air; not from any poisonous operation of the ffluvia. These effluvia, I hold to be, equally with those from putrid dead animal bodies, unproductive of a febrile disease. Page 122. In the Introduction, I have taken the liberty to prefix to this volume, the reader will have perceived that I have called the attention of the medical philosopher.to the important, yet simple fact, that no feverous disease arises from, or with propriety can be referred to, more than some one simple cause, however aided that cause may be by circumstances incidentally disposing the body to be acted on. And that if the yellow fever be derived from marsh miasmata, as is proved by the ingenious and learned author of the present work, and is well known to be a fact, by every man conversant with the subject, it is altogether unphiloso- phick, if not absurd, to ascribe it to a poison generated in the body. All communicable diseases, so far as our researches extend, have their origin universally from poisons generated in the living body. How con- tagious diseases came first into operation, whether from climate and conditions of life, or original poisons created by Deity, as the various principles of animal and vegetable lives are, I am not prepared to an- swer. Much learning and talent have been displayed on both sides. No disease, that has its origin from a poison or cause not formed by the morbid action of living vessels, is communicable or contagious. And if the yellow fever be, a thing occurring daily, imported from one country to ..nother, it must be in the original materials, and not by dis- eased bodies, or infected clothes. I touched on thi*^ subject in my Sketches, published in 1798. Page 312. In the year 1797 I was, by a particular combination of circumstances, led Into a discussion on the nature and origin of the yellow fever. Mat- ters took such a course, that I deemed it proper, in the beginning of 1798, to collect and arrange into form the scattered and fugitive re- marks, that, during the discussion, I had occasionally given to the. 507 public, and to publish them in a more serious and formal manner, as? the result of my most mature deliberations and judgment. In this small Treatise, I assumed it, as an ascertained medical axiom, that no marsh disease is a communicable disease; that the yellow fever \ is a marsh disease; that as such it cannot be communicated by any ; intercourse of persons; that its diffusion is co-extensive with, and at. tributable to the marsh effluvium; and that no disease whatever is de- rivable from more sources than one: every simple effect being the production of a simple cause. Sir Gilbert Blane, although he has altogether failed in establishing his favourite hypothesis, furnishes an important argument for us to be- lieve that the yellow fever is not found beyond the influence and opera- lion of the marsh effluvia. So well assured is he of this valuable and pertinent fact, that he delivers it as his serious and professional opinion, " the few cases that occurred in the Hussar, after her arrival at Hali- fax, are to be ascribed to the inhalation of poison in the warmer lati- tudes," (not to the contagion emitted from the diseased bodies on board of ships); " and ventured to assure the Ministers of Russia and Prussia, that their countries had nothing to fear from the importation of this pestilential epidemic." No point in medical history is better ascertained, or more strongly estabUshed, than that all diseases known tb be contagious, are certainly more communicable in the colder than in the warmer latitudes. Nor can a stronger or more conclusive argument against the contagious nature of the yellow fever be brought forward than the well-settled fact; it does not communicate in the more cold and humid regions. It is well known, and wholly beyond controversy, that all poisons, ani- mal secretions, are more condensed, and, in proportion to their state of concentration, more active, in the colder than in the warmer lati- tudes. This holds true in regard to the small-pox, measles, chicken- pox, mumps, &c. &c. and every other contagious disease which acts through the medium of the atmosphere. Contagions that act by im- mediate contact, as canine madness, siphilis, and perhaps the plague, act equally in the colder or warmer regions. I am writing at present on diseases that communicate at smaller or greater distances, without contact. But to return to the facts of Sir Gilbert, " It has never," says Sir Gilbert Blane, " shewn itself, in the fisrt instance, but in a sea-port town, and never in the interior of the coun' try, whether island or continent." 508 In scientific disquisition there is nothing less entitled to considera- tion, or more unphilosophic, than dogmatical gratuitous assertion. That the yellow fever has never, in the first instance, shewn itself but in a sea-port town, is wholly gratuitous, and in direct opposition to facts from the most respectable authorities. From authorities, which, as they are not professional, and had no particular prepossession to sus- tain, must be viewed as the more valuable and disinterested. To aver that to be an uniform, or even a general fact, which has been the object of our personal observation only, is to proceed very far on the principle of the begged question. For although personal observation affords respectable ground on which our author is to repose his opi- nions, it is proper to take into account the consideration that our indivi- dual experience does not embrace in its range the whole field of facts, and may not be laid under those circumstances, as to country and climate, demanded by the subject in discussion. That the first appearance in the interior of the country, in any one instance, of the yellow fever, was not the experience of Sir Gilbert, is a thing very probable. But from such personal negative observation there can be no positive induction that the fever never shews itself, in the first instance, but in a sea-port town. The conclusion is far more than commensurate with the pre- mise, and such as to furnish ample reason to question the ground upon which it is made. That the yellow fever does not shew itself, except in a sea-port town, involves a full consideration of all the circumstances of its origin. We are led by the position to an examination of all those sources from which it may possibly derive its existence: and also of the various tes- timonies as to facts. It must be shewn, that the original cause; what- ever it may be, cannot have place but in a sea-port town. The disease must have derived its origin from some definite cause, and under given circumstances. What can this cause be, and what are those cir- cumstances ? If the cause be human effluvia, it is difficult to conceive the circum- stances, in a sea-port town, under which such effluvia can efficiently act, that could not have place in a town in the interior of the country. whether island or continent. I am apprized of the operation of no cause or causes productive of disease, contagious or not contagious, exclusively the production of a sea-port town. Whether human efflu- via, or marsh effluvia, or any vegetable poison, be the subject pre- 509 scnted to mind, I am still at a loss to conceive why, occasionally, «uch effluvia or poison might not be furnished, under given circumstances, in an inland as well as a sea-port town. That the yellow fever does not shew itself, in the first instance, ex- cept in a sea-port town, is, a priori, indefensible, and, I am convinced, in contravention of well-established facts. Dr. Miller, of New York, in his excellent Essay on the Yellow Fever, repeats a communication, highly important and valuable, by Mr. Andrew Ellicott, a gentleman of character, both as regards ability to observe, and integrity to communicate such matter, as his enlight- ened mind might deem worthy of communication and public notice. " The village of Galliopolis," says this judicious observer, " is a few miles below the great Kanhaway, on the west side of the Ohio river, and situated on a high bank. It is inhabited by a number of miserable French families. Many of the inhabitants, this season, fell victims to the yellow fever. The mortal cases were generally attended with the black vomiting. This disorder certainly originated in the town, and in all probability from the filthiness of the inhabitants, added to an unusual quantity of animal and vegetable putrefaction in a num- ber of small ponds and marshes within the village." " The fever could not have been taken there from the Atlantic States, as m*y boat was the first that descended the river after the fall of the waters in the spring. Neither could it have been taken from New Orleans, as there is no communication at that season of the year, up the river, from the latter to the former of those places. Moreover, the distance is so great, that a boat would not have time to ascend the river after the disorder appeared that year in New Orleans before the winter could set in." " General St. Clair," continues Miller, " who had the advantage of a medical education, and is, moreover, a gentleman "of a discriminat- ing mind and distinguished talents, has assured me, that he is well convinced the yellow fever is an endemic complaint, in a large por- tion of our south-western country, where he resided as governor a number of years." Here are two interesting facts; one communicated, in a public do- cument, by a gentleman who cannot be supposed to be at all involved in the professional question of contagion; the other by a gentleman who was educated under the old doctrine of contagion. Until 1797, 510 when a fugitive communication or two appeared in llie Baltimore newspapers, from my pen, I find nothing but the idea of contagion in any American writer, and it must be presumed that the preposses- sion and habits of thought with general St. Clair, were in favour of contagion. The circumstances of his observations must have been very decisive in character, for him to embrace new sentiments, and abandon altogether the doctrines he had received in his early years. With the former of these gentlemen, Mr. Ellicott, there could have been no conceivable reason, or interest, for him to misrepresent a plain fact. He could have had no professional prejudice to overcome; no affair of party to support. In short, there could be nothing to give to his narrative a false or disingenuous colouring, or to hU mind a dis- honest obliquity. He is not only positive as to the fact, but, by a plain and conclusive course of reasoning, shows that the disease must have derived its origin from the circumstances of the village. In addition to the above, we are furnished with a fact or two by Dr. Watkins, a man of distinguished talents and acute observation; and whose decision is the more valuable, inasmuch as he was educated in Edinburgh, under the doctrine of contagion, and is to be presumed not to be wholly free from prejudices in favour of the system of con- tagion. " There is a village," says the Doctor, " called New-Design, about fifteen miles from the Mississippi, and twenty from St. Louis, con- taining about forty houses, and two hundred souls. It is on high ground, but surrounded by ponds. In 1797, the yellow fever carried off fifty-seven of the inhabitants, or more than a fourth. No person had arrived at that village from any part of the country where this fe- ver had prevailed, for more than twelve months preceding. Our in- formant resided in the village at the time, and, having seen the disease in Philadelphia, Jhe declares it to be the same that prevailed at New- Design. He also mentions an Indian v illage depopulated by the same disease, two or three years before."—Med. Rep. vol. iv. p. 74. In corroboration of the above communication, Dr. Watkins, during a stay of a few days in Baltimore, visited several cases of yellow fever with me, and gave the assurances that he had seen, in the western country, perhaps alluding to the instances already quoted, a disease accompanied by all the circumstances and phenomena that were pre sent in the yellow fever we were then visiting. 511 2dly. " No part of the population of the towns whfere it has broke out has been affected, but such as had some communication with the shipping, directly or indirectly." What sir Gilbert intends to convey by the term indirectly, it is diffi- cult to conceive, since no one fact on the page of faithful medical re- cord is more uniformly true, than that no persons residing remote from the sources of marsh effluvia, have ever received the disease by way of contagion from other persons, who have contracted the fever by being in the more immediate vicinity of such sources. Why those who may be in the neighbourhood of the shipping, will have the disease, is obvious. The shipping is along the wharves, and the wharves are, for the most part, constructed in, and sometimes of the alluvious soil, the very materials to which the origin of the fever is justly referred. That certain persons, of highly susceptible habits, residing at sites remote from the shipping, may be affected, is not only possible, but probable. It may be readily conceived, and there is re- spectable record to support the opinion, that by certain currents of air, the poison evolved by the wharves or ponds, or alluvion, may be carried to great distances, and applied to those highly sensitive habits, and produce the disease, while the general population would remain healthy. What given quantity of the poison is adequate to the pro- duction of the. disease, is not ascertained-; and were it, the great varie- ties of susceptibility remains to be settled. Before a medical philoso- pher permits himself to admit the existence of contagion, he should be well satisfied that no marsh effluvia are present; since few, or no men are so sceptical at the present, as not to concede that this fever does, in the general, have its origin in poison thrown off by alluvious earth. Sir Gilbert Blane constantly speaks of this fever, as being present with the shipping. He does not surely mean that it arises from the ships, or the sea-air, or the sea-water. It must be ascribed to some- thing contained in the ships. What can this something be ? If it be animal matter—animal matter is found remote from ships, in all its possible conditions. If it be vegetable matter—vegetable matter, under all its changes and revolutions, is met with in places distant from ship- ping or wharves. If animal and vegetable matter, mixed and com- bined, the same mixture and combination are discovered in ponds and lakes, and alluvious soils in the interior of the country, whether^ rsland or continent. If the reference be to multitudes collected togc- 512 ther, and living filthily, the same conditions of life are to be met with on land, in places to which ships can have no access, and under the same latitudes. '* In the year 1798," says sir Gilbert, " I wrote a letter to Mr. Rufus King, minister from the United States of America to the British court; and in the year 1801, another to Baron Jacobs, minister from Russia, for the information of their respective governments. In these letters I laid particular stress on what occurred regarding a French ship, taken in battle on the coast of America, in May, 1795, on board of which, this fever, or its infection, was found, and was communicated to the seamen of the British ship Hussar, by the men in health, who were shifted into her from the prize. It is evident, that if it could be proved that this fever is communicable from one ship to another at sea, such a proof of the reality of contagion would be of the nature of an experi- mentum crucis, there being no possibility of land exhalations to ac- count for it; such I then considered, and still consider the facts of this case to be; they were, however, so strongly and so speciously con- tested by Dr. Bancroft, as greatly to frustrate the impressive effect which my statement was calculated to produce. The reader will be able to judge of the validity of his objections from an annotation at the end of this work. I feel to myself that I was so far from making too much advantage of these facts, that I might and ought to have availed myself of them still more. I might have adduced them as a very striking illustration of the incompatibility of the disease with a certain temperate degree of atmospheric heat, for the range into, cool and pure air, in proceeding to Halifax, did in a very short time, first deprive it of its malignity, and then of its infectious nature, so as en- tirely to extinguish it. The few that were seized after arriving at Ha- lifax, might have imbibed the poison, in the warm latitudes through which they passed. It was on the strength of such facts as these, that in my conferences with the members of the British parliament, and in my correspondence with those of Russia and Prussia, I ventured to assure them that in none of those countries was there any thing to fear from the importation of this pestilential epidemic, which in the end of the last century, and in the beginning of this had so afflicted the West Indies, North America, and Spain, as to excite a general alanfi throughout Europe." 513 u There is another useful remark which I did wrong in omitting in my statement of fourteen men sent from the Hussar to navigate the prize, nine died before reaching Halifax, a passage of twelve days; the* other five were sent to the Hospital, where some of them probably died." • In the two paragraphs, just quoted, Sir Gilbert Blane has given what he terms the experimentum crucis. From them I expect to derive such proof as will be satisfactory to all, in any degree acquainted with the nature of the subject, that there is not in the circumstances detail- ed, the slightest evidence in favour of the hypothesis of contagion. " It is evident," says Sir Gilbert, " that if it could be proved that this fever is incommunicable from one ship to another at sea, such a proof' of the reality of contagion, would be of the nature of an experimen- tum crucis, there being no possibility of land exhalations to account for it." It has never before been suggested by any writer', that the yellow fever, as to its origin or cause, is attributable to land exhalations. I was not aware that land, as land, evolved any exhalations to which any fever could be legitimately traced. It is only contended that the yellow fever is properly ascribable to a certain condition of vegetables, whether on land or on board of ship. Arfd, notwithstanding the authority of Sir Gilbert, I am still disposed confidently to believe, that putrid coffee, or cabbages, or potatoes, or flax-seed, &c. &c. would be the same, in na- ture and effect on board of ship, as on the land. The profession, no doubt, will be amused, if not instructed, to hear from such high and respectable authority, that the yellow fever is derived from land exha- lations; or that it is necessary for putrid vegetable matter or foul water tp be on land, to emit the noxious poison from which this fever draws its origin. Hitherto it has been presumed, and really I thought the opinion rational and modest, that vegetable or animal substances, in a given state of putrefaction and quantity, would, other circumstances being equal,. produce the same effects at sea as in harbour. But it appears that the common sense of the world, acting upon the experience of all ages, has been wrong; place and vehicle are every thing ! Perhaps, however, Sir Gilbert, or those who conceive his facts and arguments to be decisive, can furnish the rationale, why a foul ship, a* 6-5 5U the French prize is acknowledged to be, lying along-side of a clean ship, at sea, could not, as readily and certainly, by poisonous exhalations evolved from her foul materials, produce disease in the seamen of the healthy ship as in harbour. To my understanding the proxiritity and relative position of the ships, the exhalations and presence of healthy excitable bodies, the inter- course between the ships, would result in the same on the ocean as at the wharf. Sir Gilbert says nothing of the relative position of the ships while en- gaged in battle, or after the French struck her colours to the English ship; not whether they fought in contact, in grappled relation; nothing as to the course of the wind, whether from the foul French ship to the healthy British seamen, nor whether the French ship was boarded after the fight, hy way of taking possession of her, by the British seamen; nor whether the very seamen who took possession, in part, at least, were not those, who after the ships set sail for Halifax, became diseased. An inquiry into the above is of primary importance to me: but to Sir Gilbert and his admirers it may not be so necessary. They are satisfied that no land exhalations were present. As the facts now stand stated, there is no more evidence or probability of contagion, than if I were, with a company of armed men, to approach a wharf, or any other source of foul alluvious ground, engage in battle prove victorious, take possession of the unhealthy district, and, after the delay of some hours, necessarily consumed in making arrange- ments, within the range of the miasmata,, again continue on to my des- tined position, taking with me a few healthy prisoners, there would be, that my company would be diseased by the healthy men taken, and not by the poisonous exhalations which had been inhaled during the con- test, and the delay in the neighbourhood of the alluvious ground. And were I to give publicity to the opinion, that the company attacking, most certainly took the disease from the healthy men, and not from'the foul district, my ignorance, I believe, would meet with little else, from men of science, than pity or contempt. The cases are parallel as far as regards every thing that can be con- ceived to be efficient in the production of the disease. To know how very foul the French ship was, we have only to admit the evidence of Sir Gilbert, " that of the fourteen men that were put 6n board the prize to navigate her into Halifax, in the course of twelve 515 days nine died, and the remaining five were sent diseased to the Hos- pital, where probably some died." Certainly no ship could be more foul; but yet, not a word is said of the medical men, nurses, or patients in the hospital. Was the disease communicated to them? No. Did the purity of the air of the Hos- pital check the contagion ?. A contagion can act at sea, in the purest air, but cannot be propagated in a Hospital! Had a few of the citizens of Halifax paid a visit to the foul prize, they, in all probability, would . not have found the air of such purity, as to have kept them in safety. Can credulity itself admit that a contagion which, on board of ship, is so virulent, as not to permit a solitary man, out of fourteen, to es- cape, and yet to become weak and innocuous the instant it is placed within the walls of an Hospital! In regard to the British ship, the Hussar, we are told that the sea- men were infected by the healthy taken from the prize ship. Sir Gil- bert does not enter into particulars; he does not say all her seamen. Yet the phrase, the " healthy men from on board the prize communi- cated to the seaman of the Hussar," does, by liberal interpretation, mean the whole. Or Sir Gilbert may mean that the healthy men from the prize, communicated the fever to the men of the Hussar who had beep on board the prize. That he does not mean the whole of the men of the Hussar is cer- tain, from what follows. " The few that were seized after arriving at Halifax, might have imbibed the poison in the warmer latitudes through which they passed." And if the few who were seized after arriving at Halifax, imbibed the poison while passing through the warmer lati- tudes, what certainty is there that the few or many that were seized before her arrival at Halifax, did not derive the poison from the same source—the warmer latitudes. Or from a source far more probable, the exhalations of the prize while engaged in battle with her, and sub- sequently during the stay in her neighbourhood. The marsh effluvia will evolve its effects in morbid phenomena, after the lapse of eighteen or twenty days, or indeed several months. I write from personal ob- servation and knowledge. See Bancroft, p. 81. " There have occurred, since the period alluded to, facts equally conclusive, regarding the communication of the disease from one ship to another. It will be enough to specify one or two. A French ship of war, the Palinurus, lying at Martinique, severely affected with the £16 jfeMow fever, was ordered on a cruise, to try the effect of sea-air oa" the disorder. She fell in with and captured the Carnation, a merchant ship, on her passage from England, part of tiie crew of which were seized with the fever while at sea. Another French ship of war, in which this fever prevailed, both at St. Domingo, and on her passage to Brest, made prize of a merchant ship from the Mediterranean, off Cape Finisterre, and having, without shifting the persons, sent a party of their own seamen to navigate her, the crew of the prize caught the fever, and almost all died of it. The men having been seized on board of their own ship, makes it a stronger case than the other, in which this circumstance is not mentioned; had they been taken ill oh 'board the capturing ship, it might have been said, that it was from the exhalations of the hold or stores." In the affair of the Palinurus, the narratiye, as far as it goes, amounts to but little. It is not stated, whether the men were changed from Che merchant to the foul ship. It is only affirmed, that the Palinurus captured a merchant ship from England, and that a part of the crew were seized with the fever while at sea. It may fairly be presumed that the healthy men were translated to the French ship, for Sir Gil- bert appears at this stage of his argument, to be quite sensible of the possibility, perhaps certainty, of the disease being communicated by the " exhalations of the hold and stores." And had the capturing ship sent her men on board the merchant ship, he would have been careful to take advantage of the fact. The case of the Palinurus, therefore, might, with no loss to the argument, have been omitted in this catalogue of imaginary facts, It is altogether without bearing on the subject. The second case carries with it, at first view, some speciousness and plausibility. It however, conveys us to the old ground, and we have again to inquire, at what distance did the merchant ship remain, ftfter capture, and while she kept with the ship of war, affording facili- ties for the removal of the men from the ship of war, together with the body and bed-clothes to her own cabin ? With the men, provision for their support until they could arrive at Brest, was, doubtless, con- veyed from one ship to the other. This provision, possibly, might be vegetable, and this vegetable matter not in the sweetest and soundest eondition. Might I propound the question,—Was this disease at first produced, and afterwards kept up, by this provision ? On land, nothing 517 more usually gives origin to fever, than putrid cabbages, pola* toes, &c. Without the least violence to probability, or even fact, it may be admitted, that the two ships lay in convenient relation to each other, side by side, or at a short distance. The two ships, under such cir- cumstances, would of necessity be involved in the same exhalations, which, Sir Gilbert acknowledged, in the other ship, to pour out from the hold and stores very copiously. Twenty minutes may be, equally with twenty days, sufficient time for the poison to make its impression. From the great mortality the poison must have been active and con- centrated. All that is said derives probability and strength from the fact that the capturing was the foul ship. Hence there could be no possible reason why the two ships should keep at a distance. It is not said that, on the arrival of the ship carrying those, almost all of whom died on their way to Brest, the disease was communicated to any persons of the town or hospital. Neither Sir Gilbert, nor any of his admirers, will tell us that the air of a city or hospital, is better suited to put a stop to a contagious dis- ease than the pure air of the ocean. While on board of ship, as in the affair at Halifax, the disease operated; but when the men were re- moved to the hospital, it ceased. Nothing can be more clear and con- clusive, than that the poison was in the ship, and not in the persons. Such are the facts which have afforded cause of great triumph to a writer, in a late number of the Medical Recorder; a book deservedly of extensive circulation, in favour of the opinion, that the yellow fever is a contagious disease. Facts, from which my mind, were they insu- lated, and the only known facts in relation to the fever, would deduce the opposite conclusion, or surrender its privilege of thinking and reasoning. The assertions of sir Gilbert Blane, and the pretty and im- passioned declamations of his friends, being Is id aside, there is nothing, as I hope, the reader perceives, in his facts, to induce even a careless inquirer to believe otherwise, than that the yellow fever is of the marsh progeny, and incommunicable. Dr. Bancroft had great reason, in- deed, to contest the subject, and weaken the confidence of any Boards fei the opinions and conclusions of sir Gilbert.. 518 Page 337. It is gratifying to the cultivators of science, and highly beneficial in the promotion of patient and successful research, to see such abili- ties and professional knowledge, as possessed by Armstrong and Ban- croft, blending their powers and influence in recommending the im- portant, and I apprehend defensible doctrine, that the typhus fever is a contagious disease, and referrible to a generick poison alone, in the same manner as small-pox, canine madness, Etc. Sec. While I refer the reader to the work of Armstrong, for the facts and the arguments, he will excuse me, if I quote a sentence or two from his valuable pages. His opinions are so pertinent, and so natu- rally constitute a part of my present subject, I cannot avoid doing my- self the pleasure of recording them. At page 7, says Armstrong, " It strikes mc, that to call any species of fever typhus, which has not the contagious essence, capable of pro- ducing an unequivocal typhus, is equally incorrect in logic as in lan- guage. In this essay, therefore, the word typhus shall be limited to the peculiar disease, which is allowed to originate from a specific con- tagion, and which, doubtless, has the power of producing an affec- tion of its own nature, in individuals exposed to its influence." The typhus is not, so far as my observations have extended, a dis- ease of Maryland, perhaps not of America; at any rate, not south of the New-England states. And since, as Armstrong and Bancroft, and most other enlightened physicians, admit contagion as essential to typhus, (I here refer to the typhus of Britain and Ireland) it must be highly absurd to speak of the typhoid condition of diseases, in regard to those diseases that are not admitted to be contagious in any stage. For surely, no disease can be said to be like another, that is deficient in an essential quality. Hence it appears, how unphilosophic the lan- guage is, that -states the low and collapsed condition of the body, in remittent bilious fever, synocha of the winter, or pneumonia, to be typhoid. Those diseases are wholly distinct from typhus, in all their stages, cause, and sensible phenomena. 519 Page 369. In my nosology, I have considered the plague as a species of typhus. More extensive reading, and the consultation of the more modern and enlightened authorities, have, however, satisfied me that I was not correct. The plague, upon the authority of those who ap- pear to have had the best opportunity to observe it, is an exanthemar- tous or eruptive disease, and as distinct in nature and character froqi typhus, as from small-pox, or measles; it is a disease sui generis* .THE ENB, INDEX. A. Abeksethy, Mr. quoted for a case of black vomiting without yellow fever, p. 26, n. Adams, Dr. quoted in regard to variolous and vaccine infections, 91, n. His opinion that febrile contagion may be generated by crowding, contested, 338. His mistake respecting the Old Bailey session, 1750, 445, n. Agathias, quoted respecting the plague in Justinian's reign, 392, n, Aip.e, J. J. Job. his deputation to Cayenne, 104. Akenside, Dr. his opinion of Dysentery, 354. Appendix, No I. On the nature of the black vomit, and the condition of the stomach, &c. in yellow fever, 415. , No. II. Proving that putrid animal effluvia do not cause fever, 420. ________, No. III. Proving that the crowding in the black hole at Calcutta, did not produce fever, 425. ________, No. IV. Facts respecting the black assize at Oxford, and the spring sessions at the Old Bailey, 1750, 430. --------, No. V. Hotel Dieu, at Paris, 446. --------, No. VI. Salubrity of Peat bogs, 447. • ________, No. VII. Confutation of Dr. Chisholm's account of a « Ma- lignant pestilential fever" supposed to be brought to Grenada by the ship Hankey, 447. ________t No. VIII. Controverts the alleged communication of yellow fever from the French prize, La Raison, to the crew of his majesty's ship, Hussar ,488. Anjula, Dr. his account of the yellow fever in Andalusia, 307. Armesto, Dr. Rodriquez, his account of the yeljow fever at Cadiz, 30,6. 66 522 B. Bacon, Lord Chancellor, his opinion concerning human putrefaction and jail infection, 93. Baglivi, quoted respecting the effects of marsh miasmata at and near* Rome, 165. Balfour, Dr. his designation of Dysentery, 353. Bartholina, Thomas, his account of a marsh fever at Copenhagen, 209. Batavia, accounts of, 127. Baussard, Mr. his dissection of a putrid whale, 423. Baynard, Dr. Edward, quoted respecting the weather during the plague of London, 1665, 404, n. Beaver, Captain Philip, quoted in Appendix, No. VII. passim. Berthe, Professor, sent by the French government to enquire concern- ing the yellow fever, 44. n. Black Assizes at Oxford, 110. ■-----------at Exeter, 111. ------■------at Taunton, ibid. Black hole, at Calcutta, 108. -----skin diminishes the sun's rays, 193. ----vomit, not peculiar to the yellow fever, nor a constant symp- tom, 39. Blane^Dr. his opinion of the Black vomiting, 45. Boghurst, Mr. William, quoted respecting the plague, 410. Bourgeois, M. mentions a remarkable difference between Creole and African Negroes, 195. Brocklesby, Dr. mentions the yellow suffusion of the skin in marsh fever, at the Isle of Wight, 211. Buce, Mr. William, his account of marsh fever and dysentery, at Sheffield, in New England, 355. C. Caldwell, Dr. asserts the temperature at Philadelphia to be from four to six degrees above that of the surrounding country, 191. Chalmers, Dr. his account of the effects of heat and moist, in South Carolina, 187. Chirac, M. his account of the yellow fever at Rochefort, 297. 52% Chisholm's, Dr. observations on his practice of exciting salivation, 74> in Appendix, VII. Clarke, Dr. James, of the influence of the weather in producing yellow fever, 149. ------, Dr. John, his acconnt of the violent effects of marsh effluvia at North Island, 79. Clay in soils, favours the generation of marsh miasms, 85. Coxe, the Rev. William asserts that jail fever does not exist in Russia, 116. Cullen, Dr. his definition of yellow fever, 25, of typhus, 337, of dysen- tery, 353, of the plague, 376. D. ' Dancer, Dr. his account of the expedition against St. Juan, 195, n. Davidge, Dr. his account of the yellow fever at Baltimore, 252. Deidier, Dr. rejects the use of mercury in the plague, 411. De Roset, Dr. of the yellow fever in North Carolina, 249. Desgenettes, Dr. quoted respecting the plague, 398, &c. Devize, M. of the yellow fever at Philadelphia, 257. Deimerbroeck, of the plague, 377. Du Tertore Pere, of the yellow fever at St. Christopher's, &c. 224. Dysentery, when epidemic is connected with marsh miasmata, 353. E. Eckard, Mr. Danish Vice-Consul at the Philadelphia, corrects some • of Dr. Chisholm's gross misrepresentations, 463. Epidemic, definition of, 8cc. 29. Evagrius, Scholasticus, his account of tiie plague in the reign of Jus- tinian, 372, n. Exhumations at Dunkirk, &c. See. 95. Fellows, Sir James, his letter to the author, 330, n. Ffirth, Dr. his experiments with the matter of black vomit, 291. Fontana, L'Abbe, his opinion of the yellow suffusion produced by tlw poison of vipers, 51. 524 Fontana, Nicholas, his account of the morbid effects of marsh mias m$, 122. Fordyce, Dr. George, that pure aqueous vapours produce fever, 127, 8cc. &c. Forestus, his account of a fever caused by a putrid whale dissected. G, Gilbert, Medecin au Chef, Sec. 234. Gilchrist, Dr. Ebenezer, 342. Gillespie, Dr. of the production of marsh fevers, 125. Gonzales, Dr. his account of the,yellow fever at Cadiz, 312. Grainger, Dr. quoted concerning dysentery, 368. Grant, Dr. (Jamaica) denies the supposed contagion of yellow fever, 244. Guthrie, Dr. his account of the Russian peasants, 101. H. Hamilton, Dr. Robert, his account of marsh fevers near Lynn Regis,, 209. Haygarth, Dr. 81. Heberdeen, Dr. quoted, 31. Herring, Dr. quoted, 405. Hodges, Dr. quoted, 403. Holwell, Mr. black hole of Calcutta, 425. Hosack, Dr. of the yellow fever, 273. Hunter, Dr. John, black vomit, 48. J. Jeeferson's, Mr. official declaration, 295,. « Kennedy, Dr. Gilbert, 298. L. Lawrence, Mr. his letter on the innocency of exhalations from putrife human bodies, 420. 525 l.ind, Dr. James, 26. Lining, Dr. yellow fever, 260, M. Morton, Dr. remittent fever formerly prevalent in London, 40.1. N. $Tooth, Dr. judges rightly that the yellow fever at Gibraltar was ntft contagious, 327. P- Poupee Desportes, M. on (he yellow fever of St. Domingo, 150. Plague, definition, Sec. Sec. 369, R-. Ramsay, Dr. David, 245. S. Selden and Whitehead, Drs. yellow fe^er in Virginia, 259. Stomach, its high importance, 40. T. Typhus, jail, a contagious fever, 337. U. Ulloa, Don Antonio, his account of Peru, 134., V. Vapour, pure aqueous, not a cause of feVer, 13%. Y. Yellow Fever, different appellations of, 25—observations on its generic and specific names, 25 to 29—distinction between sporadic and epidemic, 29, 30—symptoms of, 30—parts most affected, 35 - 526 dissections of bodies dead of it, 36—black vomit, 39—affections of the skin, 46—diagnosis of, as disan;..;■• Ashing from the plague and typhus, 56—treatment, 58—causes of, 122—proved not to be con- tagious, 332. THE BSD. rfVV-.t'i -p*M v% Iffy , :. • '-•» v^^W*, l( ,*i3^^_ rv-r ^tvi-^ - A- .*A 0 v ra f. j t ■'■■'■■ i^.- ,» *. -1 .-'*• ** r ***• ,- .* •§»< - k'j" . - /s» A;'3 .'