A GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL ACCOUNT OF THE EPIDEMIC CHOLERA, FROM ITS COMMENCEMENT IN INDIA TO ITS ENTRANCE INTO THE UNITED STATES: COMPREHENDED IN A SERIES OF MAPS AND TABLES, EXHIBITING THE NAMES OF PLACES VISITED BY THE PESTILENCE THE TIME OF ITS COMMENCEMENT THE NUMBER OF CASES, AND DEATHS, AND DURATION, AT EACH PLACE. COMPILED FROM A GREAT VARIETY OF PRINTED AND MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENTS. H. S. TANNER. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR 1832. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1832, by H. S. Tastweh, in the Clerk's Office of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. ADVERTISEMENT. Among the almost infinite variety of publications on the Epidemic Cholera, there is none, I believe, which gives any satisfactory account of the geographical progress, and statistical details, of the subject. All the works that I have consulted, while engaged in drawing up the following tables, have manifestly been designed for medical practitioners, and hence, the gradual extension of the pestilence; its localities: the periods of its commencement and termination: the number of human beings who have been subjected to its attacks, and those who have become its victims, and other statistical facts, were either wholly disregarded in those compilations, or given in such a loose and unconnected manner, as to render a reference to them at once irksome and unprofitable. The leading object of these tables is to give, 1. A concise view of the stations where the disease has shown itself, from its commencement in India to its entrance into the United States. 2. The dates of the origin and termination, at the several places which have been invaded by the disease. 3. The number of cases at each place. 4. The number of deaths; and 5. The duration of the pestilence at each place, so far as authentic data permitted. To present an accurate and unbroken detail of matters, appropriate to these apparently simple heads, required much labour and research, and, although many important facts, in relation to the various subjects, are given in the tables, many unavoidable blanks will be observed, especially in the columns devoted to the number of cases and deaths, and the months. ADVERTISEMENT. In the arrangement of the materials, regard was had to the chronological order in which the epidemic appeared in each country, or series of countries. Thus, for example, the regions visited during the first period, embracing the years 1817 to 1829, inclusive, are indicated on the map by a green colour. Those of the second period, 1830, are coloured yellow. Those of the third period, 1831, blue; and those of the fourth period, 1832, including the United States, are coloured red. So that the disease may, by a reference to the map, be traced with facility, in its westward march, and the time of its invasion of each country readily distinguished. The supplemental map of India, or Hindoostan, and that of the United States, were designed to give a more comprehensive view of those regions, than is afforded by the general map; the character and small scale of which, prevent that detailed representation of those interesting quarters, which a larger and more complete map enabled me to give. The large map of the United States is coloured in such a manner, as to indicate each of the principal towns, which has been visited by the Cholera. This is done by a small red dot on the site of each place. In indicating the various countries visited by the Cholera, it will be perceived, that I have coloured the entire surface of each, as represented by the map of tne world, and thus avoided that common and absurd mode of delineating, by definite lines, the exact route of the pestilence, from place to place!! as exhibited by nearly all the maps hitherto published on the subject. H. S. T Philadelphia, October, 1832. 4 TABLE Exhibiting the chief places visited by the Epidemic Cholera. HINDOOSTAN. Statiuns. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Vallore 1787-8-9 Seringapatam 1790 Travancore, &c. 1790 Joulnah 1814 May 29 Nuddea (District) 1817 " 25,400 16,500 400 Kishnagur 1817 " Burrampooter Valley 1817 June Sunergong 1817 July Patna 1817 July 11 - - 1,539 Behar 1817 " District of Kishnagur 1817 " Dacca 1817 August 8,559 3,930 475 Dinagepore 1817 " Calcutta 1817 " 35,790 2,308 104 Dinapore 1817 " Nursingunge 1817 " Chittagong 1817 " 20 - - Bhaugulpore (Dist.) 1817 " - - 15,571 275 Rajashahy 1817 " Nattore 1817 " - - 540 220 Monghyr 1817 " Syihet 1817 " 10,000 1,197 500 Jessore 1817 "19 - . 10,000 60 Balasore 1817 Sept. 15 - - The entire Delta ~) .gjjr », of the Ganges 3 Burrisaul ISI7, '18 " 15 - - Purneah 1817 " 15 - - Buxar 1817 <( 17 Chuprah 1817 " 18 - - 700 Ghazeepore 1817 «• 18 - - Mymensing 1817 " 18 - - 10,704 730 Muzufferpore 1817 "18 Mirzapore 1817 Nov'r. 5 Bundlecund 1817 "5 Banks of the Indus 1817 " 8 - - 8,764 Bullooah 1817 " 8 - - Bahar 1817 " 8 - - HINDOOSTAN. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysdur'n. Tipperah 1818 March Sylhet 1818 " Cuttack 1818 •• Bandah 1818 »• Lohargong 1818 " Huttah 1818 •« Allahabad (District) 1818 " - - 9,000 Midnapore 1818 April Tytyra 1818 '• Gorruckpore 1818 " . . 30,000 Oude 1818 " Fyzabad 1818 " Lucknow, and oth-") jojg „ er places j Cawnpore 1818 " 500 50 Ganjam District 1818 " 23 - - - - 23 Jubbulpore 1818 " Naufghur 1818 " Oujein 1818 May Thanoor 1818 " Hussingabad 1818 " Mottay 1818 " Nagpore 1818 " 15 - - . . 26 Vizagapatam, and 7 1818 „ environs 5 Vizanagram 1818 " 20 - - . - 40 Hungunghat 1818 " 31 - - Goongong 1818 «• Etawah 1818 «• Tirhoot 1818 " . . 9,500 I . Trevandrum 1818 " Tirace 1818 •« Mullye 1818 « Benares 1818 « Juanpore 1818 " Sultanpore 1818 " Bhaeegpore 1818 " Saugor 1818 " Nursinghur 1818 " Poohoorah 1818 " Bhislah 1818 Bhopal 1818 " Nipal 1818 June Khatmandoo 1818 " Patun 1818 " Muttra 1818 " . . 470 Futtyghur 1818 " Jaulnah 1818 July 3 - - . . 30 Ganjem District 1818 » 3 - . . . 150 Ellore 1818 "5 6 HINDOOSTAN. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Cuddapah 1818 July 9 - - Rajamundry 1818 " 10 - - - - 120 Masulipatam 1818 " 10 - - - - 80 Pundupore 1818 " 14 - - - - 15 Ahmednugger 1818 " 18 - - Sirroor 1818 " 21 - - Hydrabad 1818 " 25 - - Guntoor 1818 " 30 - - - - 75 Secundrabad 1818 " 30 Poonah. 1818 « 30 - - Pungar 1818 " Meerut District, 1818 " -- 1,399 Sahurunpore 1818 '« Aurungabad 1818 " 10 - - Musseerabad 1818 " 14 - - Muttigaum 1818 " 14 - - Caudeish 1818 " Hoobly 1818 Aug. 13 - - - - 15 Darwar 1818 " 13 - - Bombay Island 1818 " 14 15,945 2,481 Delhi 1818 "14 - - 475 Orgalee 1818 " 14 - - Chanda 1818 •• Ahmednuggur 1818 " Satara 1818 " Kunali 1818 «• Chandore 1818 " Badamy 1818 " Jeypore 1818 •• Hissar 1818 " Charmulgooley 1818 " Panwell 1818 " Salsett 1818 " Surat 1818 •« Hansi 1818 Kurnaul 1818 " 10 - - - - K 65 Panniput 1818 " Mangalore 1818 Sept. 2 - - - - 18 Bellary 1818 " 8 - - - - 56 Hurryghui- 1818 " 12 - - - - 20 Chittledroog 1818 " 15 - - - - 60 I ore 1818 "20- - - - 57 nda 1818 '< - - - - 20 >etty 1818 Oct. 1 - - ty 1818 " 6 - - - - 120 ras 1818 " 8 - - - - 30 namafie 1818 "13 - - - - 44 ot 1818 " 13 - - 36 cut Province 1818 "15 - - - - 360 7 HINDOOSTAN. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days duv'n Wallijabad 1818 Oct. 16 - - - . 75 Manuntoddee 1818 "16 30 - . 6 Bangalore 1818 " 22 . . 30 Quilon 1818 " 29 - . 20 Allepy 1818 "29 - - - - 40 Trevancore 1818 " 29 . . 20 Mt. St. Thomas 1818 " 29 Chittooa, and at the ~) bord.ofίengal,Ka-ClBlB "29 . - char, & Maunipore j Cashar 1818 " Maunipore 1818 •' - - Trichinopoly 1818 Nov. 1 Seringapatam 1818 •< 6 - - 30 Pootoor 1818 " 9 . - 13 Nagore 1818 " 10 Aracan 1818 "10 - - Cuddalore 1818 " 14 - . 45 Sankerydroog 1818 "19 - - - - 40 Tanjore 1818 "20 - - - . 150 Combaconam 1818 "20 - - - - 30 Salem & surround- ~) IQIQ ? 1O ing villages $ Negapatam 1818 " 12 Tellicherry 1818 "25 Coimbetore 1818 " 30 - - 60 Madura 1818 " 30 Droogsolem 1818 "30 - - Vizagapatam 1818 " Trincomalee 1818 Dec. Cannanore 1818 " 5 - - - - 12 Cochin 1818 " 8 - - - - 30 Palamatta 1819 Jan. 1 Palamecottah 1819 " 5 - . . . 17 Rajamunty 1819 " . . . . 93 Combaconum 1819 " . . . . 10 Nagore 1819 •' . . . . 40 Mangalore 1819 •< Coimbetore 1819 «< . . . . 385 Trichinopoly 1819 " Cochin 1819 « Pootoor 1819 "15 - . - - 4 Trivandrum 1819 " 15 Ceylon 1819 •«-... Jaffernapatam 1819 " Lahore and the valleylBl9 " . - 30,000 Gooty 1819 Feb. Cannamore 1819 " 10 - - 7 Quilon 1819 March Hoobly 1819 April 8 HINDOOSTAN. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Badamy 1819 April Wattijabad 1819 " - - - - 55 Soonda 1819 May Ganjam 1819 " - - - - 40 Madras 1819 " - - - - 300 Arcot 1819 " - - - - 60 Agra 1819 "27 42 21 19 Masulipatam 1819 June - - - - 40 Muttra 1819 " 25 29 7 35 Nellore 1819 July 3 - - - - 80 Madura 1819 " - - - - 30 Allepy 1819 «• - - - - 60. Poonamaler 1819 " - - - - 180 Sankerrydroog 1819 Aug 1 . Nellore 1819 Nagpore 1819 " Malwah 1819 " Neermuch 1819 " Saugor 1819 " Agra 1819 " Cawnpore 1819 " Salem 1819 " Meerat 1819 " 400 60 Palamacottah 1819 Sept. Nagore 1819 « - - - - 20 Aracan 1819 " Pootoor 1819 Nov. 15 - - - - 30 Madura, &c. 1819 " 25 - - - - 490 Palamascottah 18.19 Dec. Palamascottah 1820 Jan. Negapatam 1820 Feb. 1 - - - - 12 Gooty 1820 " 2 - - 30 Soonda 1820 March Tinnevelly 1820 April Mangalore 1820 June Quilon 1820 July 1 - - - - 60 Berhampore 1820 Sept. Cuddalore 1821 Jan. Royacottah 1821 Feb. Kulhdghee 1821 June 1 - - - - 16 Bagricbttah 1821 " 1 - - Canara District 1821 July 1 - - - - 60 Bagricottah 1821 Aug. 3 - - Salem 1822 Jan. 250 - - 28 Samulcottah 1822 " 'l'utocoreen 1822 March - - - - 40 Fort St. George 1828 Feb. Berhampore 1828 " M. Moreau de Jonnes estimates the annual mortality, produced by Cholera, since its commencement in India, at 2,500,000. 9 CHINA — OCEANA — PERSIA CHINA. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysdur'n. Tartary 1820 Canton 1820 Macao 1820 Whampoa 1820 Kesho 1820 October - - Pekin 1821 Nankin 1821 OCEANA. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysdur'n. Acheen (Sumatra) 1819 Samarang (Java) 1819 V«oujotherp«t.J 1821 April Batavia ' 1822 - - 17,000 Other parts of Java 1822 - - 85,000 Banda (Island) 1823 Araboyna 1823 Aug. & Oct. Macassar 1323 Borneo Island 1823 Madura 1823 Molucca Islands 1823 Timor Island 1823 Manilla and others') of the Philippine C 1823 Islands j Samarang (Java) 1830 Batavia (Java) 18.30 Bantam 1830 PERSIA. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysdur'n Busheer 1821 Aug. Shiraz 1821 June 25 - - 16,000 15 Yezd 1821 Sept. 20 - - 20,000 10 Yczd 1822 Nain 1822 Kaschun 1822 Koon 1822 Teheran 1822 Koobrun 1822 10 ARABIA — RUSSIA. Statiom. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysdur'n. Sava 1822 Dam 1822 Killah 1822 Nargund 1822 Karbin 1822 Ardebil 1822 Shirvan 1822 Ghilan Province 1822 Mazanderan Province 1822 Sibian 1823 July Penkara 1823 Casbin 1823 Shirvan 1823 August Baku 1823 " Teheran 1829 October Khorazan 1829 Balfrush 1829 Tabriz 1829 Reschd 1830 Mazanderan Province 1830 June Shirvan 1830 Tauris 1830 - - 5,000 Brahilow 1830 Bucharest 1831 Ispahan 1831 October ARABIA. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daystlur'n. Oman Government 1821 June - - 160,000 45 Muscat.included iiO lg2l „ .. 60,000 the above, 5 Bender Abusheer 1821 Mecca 1831 RUSSIA. Stations, Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysdur'n. Erivann 1822 Astrakhan 1823 Frontiers of Siberia 1826 - - - - - - Orenburg* 1829 Aug. 26 1,100 200 86 Rasupna 1829 Sept. 23 - - * The entire country, within 100 miles of Orenburg, was viiited by the Epidemic in August, 1829. 11 RUSSIA. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Berdsk 1829 Perm 1830 808 402 80 Nogais Tartars 1830 100 20 14 Derbent 1830 Rigatska 1830 Ribnitz 1830 Voronez 1830 81 40 30 Cronstadt 1830 Tiflis 1830 July 27 2,222 1,575 62 Kiev 1830 Bender 1830 Odessa 1830 16 8 10 Fatschi 1830 Buda 1830 Baab 1830 Cardalovka 1830 St. Petersburg 1830 June 9,247 4,757 46 Astrakhan Govern't 1830 July 3 - - City of Astrakhan 1830 "19 5,912 4,043 28 Saratov 1830 " Cossacks of the Don 1330 " 2,050 1,334 33 Vaisovka 1830 Krasnojar 1830 " 25 Tscherepacha 1830 "27 Pavloro 1830 " 27 466 233 33 Enotaevsk 1830 •« 29 - - Basinsk 1830 Aug. 2 - - Tzaritzin 1820 " 4 - - Saratov Government 1830 " 6 11,278 6,029 63 Novogorod 1830 " 88 22 48 Caucasus Govern't 1830 " 16,109 9,373 114 Penza . 1830 •• 899 592 48 Samara 1830 " Izume 1830 " 59 20 7 Perza 1830 "17 Nijnei Novogorod 1830 •' 30 1,879 982 64 Kostroma 1830 Sept. 250 125 52 Jaroslaw 1830 " 342 178 47 Kasson 1830 "9 600 200 30 Twer 1830 •' 15 53 18 20 Vologda 1830 « 116 49 42 Moscow 1830 « 15 8,576 4,690 60 Razupna 1830 " 19 • - Nicholaif 1830 » 60 39 15 Azof 1830 October lletsk 1830 "2 Uralsk 1830 " - - - - ¦ ¦ - Rybinsk 1830 " 306 122 40 Samara 1830 " - - - - - - Simbirsk 1830 « 746 320 28 12 TURKEY. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Tamboor 1830 Oct. 20 82 41 30 Kasan 1830 " 1485 857 45 Vladimer 1830 " Archangel 1830 " 1200 800 Ecaterinoslaw 1830 " Kharkov 1830 " 231 145 7 Sebastopol 1830 " .... Koursk 1830 " 45 37 12 Cronstadt 1830 " Caramala-Gubewa 1831 Jan. 14 Mohilev 1831 February Cracow, Poland 1831 Warsaw do. 1831 April Lemburg do. 1831 May- Lublin do. 1831 ¦• Oremburg 1831 " 67 20 12 Riga 1831 » Cossacks of Dural 1831 " 78 59 15 tiaburg 1831 June 9 745 70 29 hangel 1831 « St. Petersburg* 1831 " 26 - - Wilna 1831 " Mittau 1831 " Praga 1831 " Polangar 1831 " - - Pest 1831 July 14 TURKEY. Eations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. iof the Tigris 1821 Euphrates 1821 rah 1821 - - 15,000 11 , Dhoon 1821 B fearly the whole region which lies between the river Volga, the Baltic Sea i line passing through Berlin and Vienna, and between the White Sea iv forth, and the Balkan Mountains in the South, was invaded by the Cholera 30. See map of the world. R 13 E G YPT — AUSTRIA. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Tortosa 1822 123 39 Aleppo 1822 - - 1,000 3 Mosul 1822 July - - 300 Latakia 1823 June 8 511 68 Tripoli 1823 " - - 5 Diarbekir 1823 June Erzeroum 1823 - - 2,000 1 Mardin 1823 July Banks of the Orontes 1823 August -- Sissershall 1823 " Sarkin 1823 " Swedia 1823 " Mts. of Labal el Akia 1823 " Antioch 1823 w Selukia 1823 " Diarbekir 1823 " Orfa 1823 Septem. - - 400 Smyrna 1823 « Biri 1823 Novem. - - 500 - - Aintab 1823 « Laodicea 1823 " Alexandretta 1828 Jassy 1831 Constantinople 1831 August EGYPT. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Alexandria 1823 Suez 1823 Alexandria 1831 Cairo 1831 August - - AUSTRIA. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Vienna 1831 Aug. 14 3,984 1,899 Hungary 3831 539,339 237,408 - - iiungaiy 1 27 g g-< ?T kW 18?1 ' 100,OOS - - Galecia lOjl ' Bohemia, Moravia,"? 1831 -. 80,000 and Austria j « 234 1 °33 14 PRUSSIA — HOLLAND AND BELGIUM — FRANCE. PRUSSIA. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysdur'n. Dantzic 1831 May Konigsburg 1831 " 2,188 1,310 Plusk 1831 " Kalisz 1831 " Berlin 1831 August 2,220 1,401 Custrin 1831 " Stettin 1831 366 250 Erlbing 1831 430 283 HOLLAND AND BELGIUM. Statiom. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysdur'n. Ghent 1832 Luremburg 1832 July 2 Brussels 1832 Courtray 1832 Etterbeck 1832 Shaerbeek 1832 Lauvain 1832 Gand 1832 1,830 486 |:oren 1832 iragas 1832 ;uetoJuly3o 1832 July 12 60 19 19 ermingen to do. 1832 " 12 230 82 19 terdam 1832 « 13 48 15 18 shover 1832 "13 irdingen 1832 " 14 - - rdrecht 1832 " 15 - - FRANCE. S Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysdur'n. s* 1832 Mar. 26 30,000 10,476 90 er Sevre 1832 April 20 - - • On the 9th of April, 1832, there were 861 deaths in Paris,. 1 5 Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Rouen 1832 April Alsne Department 1832 " - - 3,584 Versailles 1832 " 28 - - Marne Department 1832 " - - 4,000 - - St. Germaine 1832 " 28 - - St. Cloud 1832 July Dep .of Seine etMarnelB32 Lower Seine 1832 Aube 1832 Eure 1832 Eure et Loire 1832 Loire Infer. 1832 Meause Nord 1832 Loiret 1832 Oise 1832 Pas de Calais 1832 Var 1832 Somme 1832 Vonne 1832 L'Aisne 1832 10,000 St. Quentin 1832 - - 469 Vervius 1832 - - 848 Laon 1832 - - 1,871 Chateau-Thiery 1832 - - 780 Nantz 1832 - - 622 Reims 1832 6,000 2,166 Vitry le Francais 1832 3,695 1,309 Depart't of Marne 1832 15,740 5,206 Vassy 1832 - - 964 Bar le due 1832 7,303 2,671 Versailles to July 13 1832 2,043 990 SPAIN. Vera 1832 July 7 ENGLAND. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Leeds 1825 Sutherland 1831 Oct. 26 538 207 90 Newcastle 1831 Nov. 28 770 244 46 igehill 1831 Dec. th Shields 1831 " 11 334 97 52 ham 1831 "15 7 5 6 wick 1831 « sterle Street 1831 " 16 Niagara 1832 June 21 17 5 7 Rigaud 1832 June Greenville 1832 June St. Regis 1832 June I Patrick 1832 June ,zy 1832 June ¦cc Rivers 1832 June 21 26 8 .tauguy 1832 June 24 47 23 k 1832 June 24 409 172 62 t Hope 1832 June 26 5 3 2 mrg 1832 June 27 11 4 18 dford 1832 June 28 .mbly 1832 June 29 110 40 •kham 1832 July t Dalhousie 1832 July 2 ntford 1832 July 12 Hyacinth 1832 July own 1832 July f Edinburgh 1832 Aug. 8 - - 92 23 th Georgetown 1832 Aug. 17 - - 38 14 lonte 1832 Aug. Pleasant 1832 Aug. 30 1 1 3pan 1832 Sept. 7 1 1 NEW YORK. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Fort Miller 1832 June 13 5 3 10 Plattsburg 1832 « 13 29 13 21 Whitehall 1832 " 14 4 3 4 Fort Ann 1832 " 15 3 2 1 Mechanicsville 1832 "18 1 1 3 Ogdensburg 1832 "18 153 49 62 Waddington 1832 " 18 37 13 40 Sandy Hill 1832 " 6 2 12 New York, includ-} ing Harlaem.York- C 1832 July 3 6078 2314 59 ville, Greenwich j Kle of the Cases and Deaths by Cholera in the City of New ork, Harlaem, &c. as reported by the Board of Health for ich day from July 3d to Sept. Ist both inclusive. Days Cases. Deaths. Previous to July 10 (1 week) 366 136 " 11 129 50 " 12 119 51 « 13 103 51 K« 14 115 66 « 15 138 74 21 NEW YORK Days. Cases. Deaths. " 16 163 94 " 17 143 60 « 18 138 72 « 19 202 82 « 20 225 100 « 21 311 104 « 22 239 90 " 23 231 73 « 24 296 96 " 25 157 61 " 26 141 55 « 27 122 46 " 28 145 68 " 29 122 39 " 30 103 39 '• 31 121 48 August 1 92 41 " 2 81 34 * « 3 87 24 " 4 88 30 « 5 96 29 « 6 101 37 « 7 89 32 «• 8 82 21 « 9 73 28 " 10 97 26 « 11 76 33 •• 12 67 23 » 13 105 23 « 14 42 15 « 15 75 26 « 16 79 26 « 17 63 21 « 18 77 19 » 19 56 18 •• 20 58 13 " 21 52 18 » 22 48 22 « 23 72 28 •• 24 45 20 •• 25 37 14 « 26 50 23 •« 27 40 13 ** 28 41 10 •• 29 21 6 " 30") « 31V. 258 86 Sept. 1J Total 6078 2314* • The City Inspector's Reports give an aggregate of 2999 deaths by Cho le ra from July Ist to Sept. Ist, 1832. 22 Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Albany 1832 July 3 1144 406 61 Table of Cases and Deaths by Cholera from its origin in Albany to Sept. 3d, 1832. (Cases. Deaths. During the week ending July 9 61 19 Do do " 16 161 46 Do do •• 23 174 56 Do do " 30 209 82 Do do Aug. 6 170 50 Do do " 13 124 48 Do do " 20 99 47 Do do " 27 122 45 Do do Sept. 3 24 14 Total 1144 406 Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dui'n. West Troy 1332 July 4 17 6 24 atbush 1832 "4 41 27 30 enbush 1832 " 6 27 8 30 Kingston 1832 " 7 18 5 21 Lyons 1832 "87 2 7 Brooklyn 1832 "11 457 191 69 Schenectady 1832 •« 12 103 44 53 Seneca Falls 1832 "12 2 • 1 3 Buffalo 1832 "15 343 144 55 Table of Cases and Deaths by Cholera in Buffalo, from July 15th to September Bth, 1832. Cases. Deaths. During the week ending July 21 39 16 Do do •• 28 73 26 Do do Aus:. 4 72 25 Do do " 11 34 15 Do do " 18 35 14 Do do " 25 32 19 Do do Sept. 1 37 17 Do do " 8 21 12 Total 343 144 Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysdur'n. I- Sine- 1832 July 17 381 62 50 r 1832 «' 17 93 54 52 cuse 1832 " 17 23 10 40 water 1832 "19 1 1 ia 1832 " 19 20 5 16 mville 1832 "19 8 3 10 23 Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Palmyra 1832 July 19 11 4 10 Lockport 1832 " 19 12 5 38 Lansingburg 1832 "22 2 1 3 B;ow 1832 "23 5 4 12 lon 1832 " 23 40 24 40 ester 1832 "23 420 135 48 Table of cases and deaths by Cholera, in Rochester, from July 23, to September 10, 1832. Cases. Deaths. During the week ending July 29 45 17 Do do Aug. 5 63 19 Do do " 12 72 25 Do do " 19 111 32" Do do " 26 86 23 Do do Sept. 2 35 14 Do do " 9 8 4 Totals 420 135 Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Fishkill Landing 1832 July 24 1 1 1 Johnstown 1832 "24 4 2 11 AVest Farms 1832 " 25 2 2 3 Sackett's Harbor 1832 " 25 11 4 17 Walden 1832 " 25 2 2 3 Tarrytown • 1832 "25 8 4 12 Whiteplanes 1832 "25 7 3 9 Newcastle 1832 "25 3 2 5 Bedford 1832 " 25 3 1 5 Flushing 1832 "25 31 9 37 Auburn 1832 " 28 28 17 40 Geddes 1832 " 29 16 9 37 Albion 1832 "30 1 1 1 Oswego 1832 " 30 3 2 3 Nyack 1832 " 31 10 4 19 Manchester 1832 Aug. 12 2 3 Barnegat 1832 "2 9 4 7 Saugerties 1832 "26 2 8 Blackwell's Island 1832 "33 2 7 Poughkeepsie 1832 "3 212 102 28 Athens 1832 «• 3 27 13 40 Hudson 1832 "3 Williamsburg 1832 " 3 18 7 17 Haverstraw 1832 "46 2 7 Northcastle 1832 "61 0 1 Schoharie 1832 "7 U7 25 27 Potsdam 1832 "77 3 26 Clyde 1832 " 10 4 4 21 24 NEW YORK. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days diu-'n Utica 1832 Aug. 12 464 177 27 Table of cases and deaths by Cholera, from its commencement in Utica, to September 8, 1832. Cases. Deaths. During 1 the week ending* Aug". 18 130 44 Do do " 25 230 81 Do do Sept. 1 64 32 Do do « 8 40 20 Totals 464 177 Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days diir'n. Rome 1832 Aug, 12 7 3 5 Rotterdam 1832 •• 13 7 3 18 Manlius 1832 " 13 6 3 5 Liverpool 1832 " 13 23 7 20 Lenox • 1832 " 13 40 17 20 Wampsville 1832 " 14 4 4 10 Somers 1832 " 14 6 3 7 Oysterbay 1832 " 18 39 11 13 Newburg 1832 " 20 28 1" 10 Canajoharie 1832 " 21 Victor 1832 " 31 7 3 10 Catskill 1832 " 22 29 8 13 Bath 1832 "22 Brownsville 1832 " 22 7 3 9 Batavia 1832 " 22 17 7 9 Clinton 1832 " 23 13 2 8 Kinderhook Landing- 1832 " 23 2 1 i-estville 1832 "25 20 7 12 :sterloo 1832 "27 3 1 4 ten Island 1832 " 27 8 5 15 mdaga Hollow 1832 "28 1 1 mesville 1832 " 29 1 1 1 •hamville 1832 " 30 5 3 2 livan 1832 " 30 20 18 5 Oriskany 1832 "30 3 2 2 Columbiaville 1832 Sept. 11l 1 Rye 1832 "23 1 3 Rush 1832 "21 1 2 Flatlands 1832 "31 1 1 Stuyvesant's Landing 1 1832 "32 1 3 Coeynians 1832 "33 4 C 25 VERMONT — MASSACHUSETTS, &C. VERMONT. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysdm'n. Burlington 1832 June 16 4 2 7 Castleton 1832 July 31 2 2 Vergennes 1832 Aug. 23 2 2 8 MASSACHUSETTS. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n, North Brookfield 1532 July 20 7 3 11 Boston to Sept. 14 1832 Aug. 15 15 14 30 Pepperell 1832 " 15 7 3 18 Andover 1832 " 18 13 5 21 Shirley 1832 "21 4 2 10 Haverhill 1832 " 23 2 1 8 Charlestown 1832 Sept. 11 1 1 CONNECTICUT. Stations. Years. Months. Casts. Deaths. Days dur'n New Haven to Sep. 10 1832 July 11 44 17 50 Norwalk 1832 Aug. 9 - - New London 1832 •• 15 20 7 16 Danbury 1832 "15 3 West Haven 1832 « 18 5 3 13 Bridgeport 1832 " 18 7 4 13 Fairhaven 1832 « 20 15 6 17 Middletown 1832 " 27 - - Whitehaven 1832 » 2f - • Mt. Pleasant 1832 "27 Milton 1832 "27 Hartford to Sept. 13 1832 Sept. 9 6 1 RHODE ISLAND. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Dnysdtu'n. Bristol 1832 July 26 - - ProvidencetoSep.l2 1832 Aug. 1 26 15 37 Newport 1832 " 2 2 26 NEW JERSEY — PENNSYLVANIA. NEW JERSEY. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysdurn. Newark 1832 July 6 143 64 56 New Brunswick 1832 "14 174 42 47 Boundbrook 1832 "14 6 2 Lumberville 1832 " 14 23 7 39 Bergen 1832 •• 15 197 80 56 Trenton to Sept. 20 1832 " 16 76 40 67 Millstone 1832 " 16 27 19 17 Princeton 1832 " 16 43 17 47 Freehold 1832 •• Jersey City 1832 " 16 17 6 24 Westfield 1832 "16 5 4 7 Pkinfield 1832 "16 Railway 1832 "19 10 5 Aquakanonk 1832 "21 Bottle Hill 1822 "21 Elizabethtown 1832 " 22 71 40 32 Momstown 1832 " - - - - • Hackensack 1832 Aug. 17 4 Manchester 1832 " Glasco 1832 " Burlington 1832 " 2 1 Amboy 1832 " Mount Holly 1832 " Patterson 1832 "11 98 47 30 Bloomfield 1832 "20 Carpenter's Landing 1832 "20 Somerville 1832 "20 Pedrickton 1832 " ¦iden 1832 "22 5 2 9 i 1832 " 23 4 3 3 c May 1832 "26 2 2 Nottingham 1832 Sept. 1 21 6 10 Somers 1832 "1 8 3 PENNSYLVANIA. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dui'n. Erie 1832 June 26 32 11 Hamburg 1832 July 27 3 3 4 Darby 1832 "31 27 12 31 Philadelphia* 1832 "27 2289 746 43 * The City Inspector's Reports exhibit an aggregate of 913 deaths by Cholera from July 28th to Sept. Bth, 1332. 27 28 PENNSYLVANIA. Table of the Cases and Deaths by Cholera in the City of Philadelphia, and adjoining Districts, from its commencement, July 27, to its termination, September 7th, 1832— from the daily reports of the Board of Health. Days. Cases. Deaths. July 27 2 2 "28 6 4 "29 6 1 11 30 15 7 " 31 19 9 Aug-. 1 21 8 " 2 40 15 " 3 35 14 " 4 45 13 « 5 65 26 « 6 176 71 " 7 136 73 " 8 114 46 " 9 154 58 " 10 142 39 " 11 126 33 « 12 110 31 " 13 130 49 11 14 111 37 " 15 73 23 " 16 94 30 •* 17 90 26 " 18 74 18 " 19 49 11 • { 20 56 18 •• 21 51 9 " 22 49 9 " 23 33 10 " 24 48 10 » 25 24 10 " 26 30 6 " 27 21 7 « 28 16 2 " 29 20 4 " 30 20 3 " 31 23 5 Sept. 1 18 3 "2 6 0 "3 11 3 "4 12 1 "5 7 1 « 6 11 1 Total 2289 746 DELAWARE MARYLAND t Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysdur'n. caster 1832 July 31 2 1 2 v Hope 1832 Aug. 6 7 4 7 ding 1832 "7 17 7 37 tsville 1832 " 7 23 9 44 Manayunk 1832 " 12 19 6 29 Germantown 1832 « 12 25 14 30 Frankfort 1832 "12 6 3 19 Chester 1832 "12 Norristown 1832 "15 Gettysburg 1832 "16 Pottstown 1832 "18 West Chester 1832 "18 17 9 Doylestown 1832 "20 Nicetown 1832 " 21 4 4 9 Easton 1832 " St. Michaels 1832 " Milford 1832 " 22 5 2 9 E. Whitehead 1832 "25 Honesdale 1832 " New Garden 1832 " 27 17 11 10 Wilkesbarre 1832 "27 Marcus Hook 1832 Sep. 18 DELAWARE. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dm-'n. Wilmington 1832 Aug. 7 87 38 24 New Castie 1832 "7 31 12 Milford 1832 "8 MARYLAND. X Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dm-'ji. imore 1832 Aug. 10 - - 649 42 Table of Deaths by Cholera, in the City of Baltimore, from Aug. 10 to Sept. 20 — taken from the daily Reports of the Board of Health. [The number of Cases has not been reported.] Days. Deaths. Aug. 20 (ten days) - 54 « 21 - 13 " 22 - 15 11 23 - 19 " 24 . 10 " 25 - 14 29 MARYLAND. Days. Deaths. Aug. 27 - 23 " 28 - 12 " 29 - 15 " 30 - 13 11 31 - 30 Sept. 1 - 20 "2 - 35 "3 - 35 "4 - 15 "5 - 2t "6 - 33 "7 - 55 "8 - 28 "9 - 24 " 10 - 23 " 11 - 20 " 12 - 25 « 13 - 17 " 14 - 19 11 15 - 18 "16 - 8 "17 - 5 "18 . 4 " 19 - 4 " 20 - 10 Total - 649 Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysilur'n. Whitehaven 1832 Aug. 10 Snow Hill 1832 " 11 36 22 35 Baltimore Alms-house 1832 "15 - - 125 22 Point of Rocks 1832 " 19 21 7 12 Frederick 1832 "24 24 9 St. Michaels 1832 " 24 24 10 11 Annapolis 1832 " 27 27 2 4 Wye 1832 Sept. 11l 1 Queenstown 1832 "14 4 3 Cambridge 1832 "25 3 6 Easton " 1832 "24 2 2 Maryland Tract 1832 "2 9 9 2 Southbridge 1832 "21 1 1 Port Deposit 1832 "33 2 2 Hagerstown 1832 "11 Boonsboro' 1832 "12 Sharpsburg 1832 "13 Williamsport 1832 "13 Holman's 1832 " 13 12 4 30 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysdur'n. Washington City* 1832 Aug. 18 660 168 31 Table of Cases and Deaths by Cholera, in the City of Washington, from August 18 to September 20 — taken from the Reports of the Board of Health. Days. Cases. Deaths. Aug. 24 (six days) 3 0 "25 4 3 "26 5 3 "27 2 1 "28 4 2 " 29 15 1 "30 5 1 •¦ 31 18 3 Be P*' *| 29 8 « 3 26 13 " 4 42 10 «« 5 46 11 « 6 46 10 "7 59 8 :: i] is « 10 42 13 « 11 29 6 " 12 16 8 •• 13 40 6 " 14 22 10 " 15 33 4 "16 8 3 " 17 23 6 " 18 21. 5 " 19 31 9 " 20 30 9 Totals 660 168 Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Alexandria to Sept. 21 1832 Sept. 5 14 8 16 Georgetown to Sep. 2o 1832 •« 5 19 9 15 I- It is understood to be admitted, that the Reports of the Board of Health, Washington, fall considerably short of the actual number of cases and ths; as some of the physicians declined reporting. Drs. Sim and Thomat attended, up to the Bth of Sept., 64 cases, 8 of which terminated fatally, eie are not included in the above enumeration. 31 VIRGINIA. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n. Norfolk 1832 July 24 - - 405 49 Table of Deaths by Cholera in Norfolk, from July 24 to Sept. 11, 1832— from the daily Reports of the Board of Health. Days. Deaths. July 24 - 2 Aug. 1 (eight days) - 9 " 2 and 3 - 9 .« 4 - 14 " 5 - 15 <« 6 - 12 ••7 - 10 "8 - 9 « 9 - 20 " 10 - 11 «< U - 12 « 12 - 38 « 13 - 14 « 14 - 22 •• 15 - 19 « 16 - 26 «« 17 . 16 « 18 - 10 "19 - T "20 - 9 "21 - 8 " 22 - 6 "23 - 8 "24 - 6 "25 - 6 "26 - 9 "27 - 7 "28 - 7 "29 - 3 . " 30 - 9 "31 - 2 Sept. 1 - 1 "3 - 7 "3 - 4 "4 - 6 "5 - 4 "6 - 6 " 7 and 8 - 7 " 9, 10 and 11 - 15 Total 405 32 VIRGINIA. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Bays duv'n. Portsmouth 1832 July 24 392 185 38 Table of Cases and Deaths at Portsmouth, Virginia. Days. Cases. Deaths. July 29 (5 clays) 59 23 Aug. 3(5 days) 68 29 11 4 24 17 " 5 36 16 11 6 39 18 "7 12 7 " 8 18 11 " 9, 10 and 11 58 16 " 12 and 13 18 8 11 14 and 15 10 5 "16 7 5 "17 0 3 "18 5 1 "19 4 3 " 20 4 4 "21 3 3 "22 1 1 "23 3 2 "24 6 3 "25 3 1 "26 6 4 « 27 4 3 "29 1 1 " 30 2 1 " 31 1 0 Totals 392 185 I Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Days dur'n, blk 1832 Aug. 7 26 21 ress Monroe 1832 " 20 58 25 18 per's Ferry 1832 "20 20 14 13 srsburg 1832 Aug. Meld 1832 "21 9 4 ipton 1832 "30 23 8 Richmond 1832 Sept. 7 81 40 15 Table of Cases and Deaths by Cholera, in Richmond, Sept. 7th to the from 21st of the same month— from the daily reports of the Board of Health. Days. Cases. Deaths. Sept. 12 (5 days) 6 , 6 "13 5 4 "14 8 2 "15 7 3 "16 6 3 33 NORTH CAROLINA — MISSOURI, &C. Days. Cases. Deaths Sept. 17 10 6 "18 8 5 " 19 10 5 "20 9 3 " 21 12* 3 Totals 81 f 40 Stations. Yearii Montlis. Casts. Deaths. Daysclur'n Manchester 1832 Sept. 13 Mill Creek 1832 " 13 17 7 NORTH CAROLINA. Stations. Years. Months* Cases. Deaths. Dayidur'u Elizabeth City to Sep. 8 1832 Aug\ 9 76 10 30 Wynton 1832 "24 - - MISSOURI. Stations. Years. Monthl. Cases. Deaths. Dayidur'n. St. Louis 1832 July 6 ILLINOIS. Stations. Years. Montlis. Ciisrs. Deaths. Dayidur'n Chicago 1832 July 15 192 77 25 Galena 1832 Sept. 1 - - OHIO. .Stations. Years. Months, Cases. Deaths. Dayidur'n. Steubejiville 1832 Cleveland 1832 July 10 19 10 Sandusky 1832 "27 5 4 Dover ' 1832 4 1 Painesville 1832 Aug. 3 3 * Including 4 eases in the Penitentiary. T The disease was raging when this table was drawn up. 34 MICHIGAN TERRITORY. Stations. Years. Months. Cases. Deaths. Daysiliii-'n. Detroit 1832 July 5 60 30 13 Tort Gratiot 1832 "3 - - 30 Fort Armstrong 1832 Sep. 1 Oassville 1832 "1