WCT3 stilt :,: - , . ¦¦ . . . , Cte jMiWrlesex hospital. REPORT ON THE CHOLERA PATIENTS ADMITTED INTO THE HOSPITAL DURING THE YEAR 1854. By S. W. SIBLEY, Registrar. Eontion t : PRINTED BY JAMES TEUSCOTT, NELSON SQUARE. 1855. Efft jMftrtrlesex hospital. REPORT ON THE CHOLERA PATIENTS ADMITTED INTO THE HOSPITAL DURING THE YEAR 1854. S. W. SIBLEY, Registrar. tLonoon ; PRINTED BY JAMES TRUSCOTT, NELSON SQUARE. 1855. iWiiiwiwtl LIBRARY OF MEDICINF WASHINGTON, D. G, 4% t y A paper has already been circulated among the Governors, stating briefly the great demands which were made upon the Hospital for admission for cholera patients during the alarming outbreak of that epidemic in Golden Square, and other neighbourhoods of the Hospital, in the autumn of 1854; and giving an account also of the measures which were deemed necessary for the purpose of meeting those demands in the most effectual manner, and so carrying out the great and benevolent objects aimed at in the establishment and liberal support of this and other kindred institutions. i The Weekly Board, acting in compliance with a suggestion from the Medical Committee, have decided also on circulating amongst the Governors, and, to some extent, the public at large, the following Report of the Registrar of the Hospital. It will be found to contain many useful facts relating to cholera, derived from the experience of so many cases of the disease occurring at the same time, with the same causes probably in operation, and under pretty nearly, if not precisely, the same conditions in all respects. More especially will it be found interesting in regard to the efficacy of the different modes of treatment recommended in the late and the two former epidemics. The general experience as to the inefficiency of any mode of treatment in the worst cases, and, on the contrary, its almost certain power of arresting the disease in its early stage, are fully borne out in this Report. a 2 4 It is to be regretted that but few post mortem examinations could be made, and that no chemical or other observations of the blood, and of the excretions, were carried out. But it was found that neither of these important inquiries could be efficiently conducted, in consequence chiefly of the crowded state of the dead-house, and post mortem examination rooms, and the exertions of the whole medical staff, and of the small number of pupils then in London, being exclusively directed to the alleviation of the sufferings of the living. But, with regard to the facts dwelt upon in the Report, the Weekly Board are of opinion that the publication of them may be of general interest, and more especially so to the Governors and Supporters of the Middlesex Hospital. The tables in the Appendix will be found to contain much valuable information, and reflect much credit on the Registrar. MICHAEL SMITH, Chairman. Middlesex Hospital, January, 1855. REPORT. The number of^ases of cholera, and of the more severe forms of diarrhoea admitted into the hospital during the present year, is — Males ------ 143 Females 135 Total - - - - 278 The present Report will be confined to a consideration of the cases of cholera, and under this head are included only those cases which passed into a state of complete or incomplete collapse. In drawing the distinction between cholera and choleraic diarrhoea, the rules laid down by the Medical Council of the General Board of Health have been commonly followed. When, however, a question has arisen as to whether a case should be recorded as cholera, or as choleraic diarrhoea, it has been settled by a consider- ation of the general symptoms of the case, rather than by the presence or absence of any one individual symptom. According to this view, the number of cases of cholera was, Males 121 Females 110 Total - - - - 231 The first patient admitted into the hospital with cholera, during the present year (1854), was on July 25th, and the a 3 6 ft. last on Nov. 14th. The epidemic, therefore, as regards the Middlesex Hospital, was confined to a period of 113 days. The following table exhibits the number of admissions and deaths from cholera each week during the persistence of the epidemic :—: — Males. Females. Total. In the week ending July 29... 2 ... 2 1 4 1 Aug. 5... 2 12 1 4 2 „ 12... 3 111 4 2 „ 19 „ 26... 113 2 4 3 Sept. 2... 48 35 29 18 77 53 „ 9... 36 17 39 22 75 39 „ 16... 11 6 19 6 30 12 „ 23... 10 4 7 ... 17 4 „ 30... 5 3 3 2 8 5 Oct. 7... 2 ... 2 ... 4 „ 14... 1 ... 1 1 2 1 „ 21 1 11 1 On Nov. 14 1 ... 1 Total 121 68 110 55 231 123 From this table it will be seen that an immense majority of the cases was admitted in the weeks ending Sept. 2nd and Sept. 9th ; that before September there had been only 18 admissions ; and that during the first four days of that month, 120 were admitted. During the months of July and August, the patients were brought from various localities in the neighbourhood of the Hospital, without a seeming preponderance in any one district; and they may be considered as scattered cases of the epidemic, owing their origin probably to some confined and special local conditions, rather than to any more general agency affecting the neighbourhood. Of the cases admitted during the first week or ten days I 7 of September, however, nearly all came from the district of Golden Square ; and it is singular that out of the large number of patients received from that locality, none had been attacked with cholera prior to the evening of August 31st. It is also to be observed, that in no case admitted had the diarrhoea been observed prior to August 30th. After the first week in September, the cases from the neighbourhood, of which Golden Square may be said to be the centre, became less numerous; but about that time considerable numbers began to be admitted from the neighbourhood of Upper Rathbone Place. So far as can be judged from the records of the Hospital, the outbreak in the latter place appeared to be contemporaneous with the decline of that in Golden Square. The outbreak in Rathbone Place lasted with some violence for a few days, and after it had subsided, the cases received at the hospital came, as in the months of July and August, from different localities in about equal numbers. In the following Report such facts in the causation, pathology, and treatment of cholera will be noticed, as may be illustrated by the cases. Age. — The youngest patient admitted was sixteen months old, the oldest 68 years. The following table exhibits the number of patients at various ages, and the result : — Males. Females. Total. Kate of — Mortality Cases. Died. Cases. Died. Cases. Died. about Under 5 years 5 4 6 4 11 8 73perct. Over 5 and under 15 27 8 14 4 41 12 29 — — 15 — 30 40 18 41 18 81 36 44 — — 30 — 45 32 25 26 12 58 37 64 — — 45 — 60 14 10 18 12 32 22 69 — — 60 3 3 5 5 8 8 100 — Total ... 121 68 110 55 231 123 A 4 8 It will thus be seen that the number of deaths at various ages is nearly in the same proportion as that observed among similar numbers representing the deaths from cholera in England, in 1849. As no case was admitted under sixteen months of age, and the cases under five years were only eleven, it may not be just to draw any conclusion with regard to that early term of life ; but above that age, the cases were spread in their usual proportion over the various periods of life. The table indicates the extreme rate of mortality in children under five (73 per cent.), and in persons over 60 (100 per cent.), whilst the extremely small mortality (29 per cent.) of those between the ages of five and fifteen stands out in striking contrast. After the age of fifteen a steady increase may be observed, and it is an interesting fact that this increase takes place far more rapidly in males than in females. This is the more remarkable as the Registrar General states (speaking of course only of fatal cases) — "At the child-bearing age the mortality is rather greater among women than among men." Assuming that the Conclusions drawn from the cases treated in the hospital are correct, it follows that women are attacked with cholera in a far greater proportion than men between these ages. • If we compare the per centage of mortality at different ages, as observed in this hospital, indicated in the table marked A, below, with a table marked B, in p. 9, of the deaths from cholera in England in 1849 to every 100 per- (A.) From.... I—s. 5—15. 15—20. 30—45. 45—60. Over 60. TrcenL 73 29 44 64 69 100 9 sons living of each age, we find that the two series increase and decrease much in the same ratio ; that they both show a progressive diminution from infancy till the minimum is reached between the ages of five and fifteen; that after that age the rate of mortality increases together in a somewhat similar proportion. Now it is clear, that if the per centage of mortality at different ages increased and decreased exactly in the same ratio with a similar series representing the deaths to each 100 living, then the proportion of those attacked with cholera to every 100 living at every age must be equal. It would of course not be right to attempt to establish a point in the pathology of cholera from the consideration of so small a number of cases as that before us; but, should further investigation, or a more extensive series of cases justify the conclusion already implied, the extraordinary result would be arrived at, that cholera, unlike all other diseases, attacks persons of every age in the same proportion, and that no one age can be said to be more prone to the attack than another. Sex. — Among the males the mortality was 56 per cent.; among the females 50 per cent. This result, obtained from a comparatively small number of cases, tends to bear out the conclusion generally entertained, that the mortality amongst females is somewhat less than in males. Previous Health. — The state of previous health was , (R) TI - 1 5 10 15 25 35 45 55 65 73 85 yeari years- years, years, years, years, years, years, years, years, years. Deaths from Cholera and Diarrhoea to "828 '255 '144 "159 '317 "423 -528 705 '981 1-187 1-227 100 living at each age . . 10 recorded in 157 cases. Out of these, 126 were attacked while in good health, and it was more or less impaired in 31. Of the latter three were labouring under phthisis, and one under chronic ulcer of the stomach. Food and Living previously to attack. — With reference to these conditions, it was found that out of 158 patients, 106 had been living as well as most persons in the same class of society, whilst 52 had been more or less in want of the necessaries of life. Temperance. — The habits of the patients with regard to alcoholic liquors were noted in 98 cases. Of these, as many as 22 were in the habit of indulging to excess in alcoholic stimulants. Cleanliness. — The degree of cleanliness of the patients was noted in 191 cases ; the result is given in the table below. In this they are divided into three classes : — Ist, those who were either clean, or as clean as most people of the class usually are ; 2nd, those who were dirty ; 3rd, those who were in an extremely filthy state. Males. Females. Total. Cleanliness good 35 47 82 defective 34 33 67 Extreme dirt 22 20 42 91 100 191 Or we may state, that in 57 per cent, of the cases, the degree of cleanliness was below the average, and of these, 22 per cent, were in a state of extreme dirt. It may be here remarked, that the want of cleanliness in the cholera patients was a fact obvious to all who saw them, for low as the "average cleanliness" of hospital patients may be, that of the persons admitted with cholera was far 11 below it. The fact may admit of a partial explanation in the circumstance, that cholera attacked certain streets and courts in which the inhabitants were of extremely dirty habits. We cannot but attach some importance to this want of cleanliness, which was remarkable in so large a proportion of the cases as a predisposing, if not as an exciting cause of the disease, acting as it must do not only in checking the healthy action of the skin, and so interfering with various vital functions, but also in polluting the atmosphere in which the patients lived. This pollution of the atmosphere, taking place in the crowded dwellings of the lower order, must act in a similar manner to bad drainage, in both instances leading to the respiration of air more or less largely charged with foul emanations injurious to health. Drainage. — It is much to be regretted that the state of drainage has been recorded only in 19 cases. Out of these, 15 complained that the drains, water-closets, or cess-pools in the house from which they had been brought, emitted foul smells. It was an almost constant report of the relations, who accompanied the patients to the hospital, that the drainage of their residences was ineffective. The stage of the disease at which death took place may be seen in the following table :—: — Males. Females. Total. In the first stage of collapse 61 49 110 From relapse 1 2 3 From consecutive fever with ursemia 1 1 2 From consecutive fever without suppression 3 3 6 From epilepsy 2 o 2 68 55 123 From the above table it is seen that out of 68 males, f 12 seven died from relapse or secondary affection, and of the 55 females, six died in a similar manner ; or, of the whole number of males and females, 123, who recovered from the stage of collapse, 13 ultimately died and 108 recovered. In other words, nearly 11-12ths of the deaths took place during the first stage of collapse. Two patients died with symptoms resembling those of epilepsy not connected with affection of the kidney. The first case (No. 74),* a man aged 50, was admitted on September 4th, in a state of complete collapse ; he recovered slowly from this state, and for several days had most obstinate vomiting. The vomiting also ceased ; after which he appeared to be going on favourably, passing more than two pints of healthy urine daily till the 10th, when, at 8 a.m., he had a most violent epileptic fit, which lasted several minutes : after this he recovered completely, and the rest of that day made no complaint. He continued to pass urine freely, but at 8 a.m. the following morning (11th), he was again seized with epilepsy, and the fits continued with very little intermission till he died at 11 a.m. This patient never had epilepsy before. The second case (No. 95) * was that of a man aged 35, who was admitted at 6 p.m. on September 11th, in a state of slight collapse ; he rallied from this in the course of two or three hours. At 11 p.m. he was seized with violent convulsive movements of all the extremities, which lasted about half an hour, the pulse being very feeble, and the pupils much contracted. After this he remained in a state of partial unconsciousness for several days, sometimes not taking notice when spoken to, at other times being very violent. During this period urine was passed copiously, and uniformly of a perfectly healthy character, * Appendix I. 13 except on the 13th, when it contained a trace of albumen; the pupils remained contracted. On the 15th he became much quieter and more conscious. From this date to the 20th he remained much in the same state of partial unconsciousness, lying on his side, with his hand raised to the head : pupils less contracted ; urine passed freely. At 3 p,m. he was attacked with a fit similar to the first, and after a constant succession of them, he died at 5 p.m. It is to be regretted that we were not able to make post mortem examinations of these cases. Both are of interest, from the obscurity of the connection between the epilepsy and the cholera. In the first case, the patient, it is seen, was actually convalescent from cholera when attacked. The second case, it must be confessed, has much the character of a case of meningitis; and if this really were the case, the patient must have been suffering from meningitis and cholera at the same time. The tendency to head affection after cholera (irrespective of uraemia) was also observed in a case which terminated in mania. This has not been inserted among the cholera patients, as it was probably only choleraic diarrhoea. Amount of Collapse. — In general, the severity of the collapse was in proportion to the amount of the discharges ; but there were several exceptions to this. No. 121, in Appendix 1., may be cited as an exceptional case. In this instance, a child, aged 3£ years, was admitted in a state of complete collapse, having had only one motion, and had vomited but slightly, from the commencement of the disease. In this, as in many similar instances, it may be asserted that the flux had already taken place into the bowel, but had not been discharged per anum, for soon after admission the child was profusely purged. The degree of relationship between the flux, collapse, 14 and cramps, respectively, is shown in the general table of cases. (Appendix I.) Relapse. — The occurrence of relapse in a considerable number of cases was one of the most remarkable and interesting features of the past epidemic, more particularly as we had no examples of it either in the epidemic of 1832 or in that of 1849. It should be understood that under the head " relapse/ only those cases are placed, which, having fairly recovered from the stage of collapse, and having passed into a state of more or. less severe consecutive fever, were again attacked with the symptoms of cholera, — such as the rice-water evacuations, cramps, and collapse. The cases stand as follows :—: — On the 2nd day, one case, which recovered. „ 3rd „ two cases, both recovered. „ 4th „ one „ sth „ two „ 7th „ two „ 13th „ one recovered. one recovered, one died, both died. recovered. These days are reckoned from the date of the attack of cholera. The following may be cited as a characteristic example of relapse: — D. S., aged 50 (vide Appendix 1., No. 153), was admitted on September 2nd, at 6 30 p.m., in a state of extreme collapse. She had been attacked, at 3 p.m., with vomiting, purging, and cramps, but up to that time was perfectly well. Complete reaction was established in about twenty-four hours. September 4th. — Is going on well; skin warm; pulse accelerated ; bowels relaxed ; motions contain bile. 7th. — Some slight fever continues. The purging has ceased, but occasional vomiting persists. Says, that she " feels getting quite strong." 15 Bth, 9 a.m. — Continued progressing favourably till 4 a.m. this morning. Since then has suffered from extreme purging, vomiting, cramp, and collapse. Motions and vomited matters resembling rice water. She is now nearly pulseless ; the countenance sunk ; surface blue. 9th, at noon. — Has continued in the same condition since yesterday. Profuse purging continues, with severe paroxysmal cramps. Skin and surface cold and sodden ; pulse absent; complete suppression of urine; voice not quite gone. Died at 2 p.m. on the same day. Consecutive Fever. — In the appended table of cases, it will be seen that a large number are put down as having had secondary fever; but the majority of those noted as having " slight consecutive fever/ had little more than the natural amount of reaction. The number of cases in which the fever was distinctly marked was, — Slight. Severe. Deaths. Males 15 13 6 Females 25 11 4 40 24 10 Even in the majority of the above cases the febrile symptoms were not severe, and in all they were of an extremely adynamic character. Vomiting was the principal symptom in a large majority; and the remedies found of greatest use in cheeking this, were hydrocyanic acid, milk and lime-water, and creosote. From a careful examination of the general table (Appendix, No. I.), and also of the tables A and B, it would 16 appear, as a general rule, that the presence of consecutive fever bore a direct relation to the extent of the collapse, but that this was not invariably the case. The following are the principal conclusions arrived at on the subject : — 1. That in nearly all the cases in which collapse was complete and purging profuse, more or less of consecutive fever supervened. (See Table, Appendix I.) 2. That many cases passed into the most extreme stage of collapse, and remained, in that condition many hours, yet recovered, with consecutive fever in its least severe form. (Table A, Appendix II.) 3. That of those cases which did not pass into a state of complete collapse, several were followed by a slight, and two by a severe, form of consecutive fever. (Table A and B, Appendix II.) An objection may perhaps be made to one of these two last-mentioned cases. The particulars of the case are given at page 12. (No. 95.) 4. That all the cases of severe fever, with the two exceptions above mentioned, were preceded by severe collapse, and considerable discharges. (Table B.) 5. That the degree of fever appears to have generally borne some relation to the duration of the stage of collapse, but that there were numerous exceptions to this rule. (Appendix II.) Treatment. — On admission, nearly all the patients were subjected to certain remedial measures in common. In the first place, they were put into a hot bath (104°), in which they were kept a few minutes, according to circumstances. Secondly, an emetic of mustard and salt was administered, and in some, in whom the vomiting was slight, the emetic was repeated once, or oftener. Thirdly, 17 hot applications, hot bottles, and turpentine fomentations were applied. Fourthly, the front of the chest and abdomen was covered with a large sinapism. Fifthly, in those cases where cramp was severe, turpentine liniment was rubbed on the painful part. A large number of cases slightly rallied after the bath, emetic, and hot applications ; but in the majority this improvement was only transient. Subsequently, they were subjected to the various modes of treatment, as shown in the following table. In cases where brandy was administered, it was given to an adult in doses of half an ounce every half hour. Males. Females. Total. Cases. Death. Cases. Death. Cases. Death. Salines alone 34 16 39 15 73 31 Mixed Saline and Calomel 48 24 40 25 88 49 Calomel 3 2 5 3 8 5 Saline with Cajaput oil. . 1 1 4 2 5 3 Chloroform, Camphor, &c. 3 0 10 4 0 Castor oil 10 7 6 1 16 8 Sulphuric acid 10 7 11 6 21 13 Acetate of Lead 0 0 1 0 1 0 Hyposulphite of Soda ... 3 3 0 0 3 3 Quinine 9 8 1 1 10 9 Nitrous Oxide gas 0 0 1 1 1 1 Stimulants alone 0 0 1 1 1 1 | 121 68 110 55 231 123 In order to obtain a correct estimate of the comparative value of different modes of treatment, it is necessary to have precise information of the severity of the disease in each example. For that object it is proposed to divide the cases into three groups. This division, it should be remarked, refers to the condition of the patient at the time of admission. n 18 Group 1 . Those cases which appear completely hopeless. 2. Medium or doubtful cases, in which the im- mediate prognosis is uncertain. 3. Cases in a state of incomplete collapse, in which the disease does not appear to be in its most malignant form, and in which there is every probability that the patient will recover. On the Saline Plan. — These cases were treated nearly on the principles recommended by Dr. Stevens. A saline mixture, composed of the chlorate of potash and carbonate of soda, and of the chloride of sodium, was given every half hour. Injections of broth, salt, and turpentine were administered every three, four, or six hours. The following table exhibits the result of this plan of treatment: — Alone. With Brandy. Total. Died in Died Died Died Cases. Col- subse- Cases, in Col- subse- Cases. Deaths, lapse, quently lapse, quently 1. Most severe cases: Males 9 9 — 11 — )?, .„ Females 6 6 — 1 — • — J ' 16 2. Medium cases : Males 15 4 1 — — — "I '-, Females 20 9 — 2 — — J 6l 14 3. Favourable cases : Males 8 — 1 1 — — ) 1O Females 10 — — — — — j iy 1 68 28 2 5 1 — 73 31 Of the two cases (both males) which rallied, but died subsequently, one died of epilepsy, the other of secondary fever. Mixed Saline and Calomel. — In these cases the saline mixture last spoken of was ordered every half hour, and in addition, 10 grains of calomel were given after the 19 emetic had acted, and in the majority a dose of 3 grains was repeated every two hours. In some, half a grain of opium was given with the first dose of calomel. The injections also, previously mentioned, were given in a considerable proportion of the cases. The result is exhibited in the following table : — ill uiio luiiuwiiig ixxu-lc; . Alone. With Brandy. Total. Died Died Died Died Cases, in Col- subse- Cases, in Col- subse- Cases. Deaths, lapse, quently. lapse, quently. 1. Most severe cases : ~ Males 1 1 — 17 16 — ) QQ Q « Females 4 4 — 17 15 — ] dy 6b 2. Medium Cases : Males 10 4 — 16 2 1 ) 1Q Females 5 — — 11 4 2 } ld 3. Favourable cases : * Males 3— — 1 — — \ » Females 2— — 1— — I 25 9 — 63 37 3 88 49 The male patient alluded to in the sixth column of the above table died of epilepsy. One female died of relapse, the other of uraemia. Calomel. — Eight cases were treated on this plan. Ten grains of calomel were given after the emetic, and two grains every half-hour subsequently. No brandy was given in any of these cases. Males. Females. Total. Cases. Deaths. Cases. Deaths. Cases. Deaths. Most severe cases 2 2 1 1 3 3 Medium cases — — 2 2 2 2 Favourable cases 1 — 2 3 3 2 5 3 ! 8 5 B2 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE" 20 It should be remarked, that all the deaths took place in the stage of collapse. The number of the cases is, of course, too small to draw any conclusion from them, as so little encouragement was obtained from the results of this treatment, that the plan was soon abandoned. In none of the cases did the calomel appear to exert any influence in restoring the bile in the evacuations, and in none did it affect the gums. Cajaput Oil. — In five cases half drachm doses of this oil were combined with each dose of the saline mixture ; they were treated in other respects as on the " saline plan •/' the result was — Males. Females. Total. *~- «£*£ Cases. »j*j Cases. Deaths. Most severe oases 112 — 1 9 2 Medium — — 2 1 — 21 It was a curious fact, that one of the worst cases that recovered was treated on this plan ; a second nearly as bad recovered from the stage of collapse, but subsequently died of relapse. It would not, however, be just to affirm that this result was owing to the cajaput oil. It was noticed in the majority of the cases in which the oil was given, that although the collapse was complete, and it might therefore be supposed that the stomach had lost all power of absorption, the odour of the oil was very obvious in the breath of the patients. This, of course, was by no means positive evidence that the oil had been absorbed and had entered into the blood, as it is natural to suppose that part of the medicine had remained in the 21 mouth, and had imparted its powerful odour to the expired breath. Chloroform and Camphor. — A solution of camphor in chloroform was administered in four cases ; they all recovered, but none of them were of the worst class. Two males may be placed as belonging to the most favourable group, and one male and one female to the medium group. From what was observed in these cases there was nothing to recommend the employment of the remedy in any of the more severe cases. It was, however, singularly efficacious in removing the distressing sense of epigastric constriction complained of by some of the patients who were suffering from the milder forms of cholera. Castor Oil. — Sixteen cases were treated on the castor oil plan ; in all, the oil was given in half-ounce doses every half-hour. Alone. With Brandy. Total. Cases. Deaths. Cases. ' Deaths. Cases. Deaths. I Most severe cases : — Males 1 1 3 3 ) - , Females _ _ 1 1 ) ° ° Medium cases : — Males 1 1 4 2 I 5 3 Females — — — — ) Favourable cases : — Males 1 — — — ) g _ Females 4 — 1 — ) 7 2 9 6 16 8 I All the deaths took place in the stage of collapse. No difference was observed in the effect of the remedywhen given alone, or when combined with brandy, except b 3 22 that in the latter case it was found less apt to cause distressing vomiting. Although several of the patients took large quantities of the oil, we did not observe any increase in the amount of purging as compared with other cases ; on the contrary, in all, except the worst class of cases, a gradual diminution of the diarrhoea took place. On a careful review of the cases, the following conclu sions were arrived at : — 1. That in the worst class of cases death took place quite as soon, or even sooner, under the castor oil than under other modes of treatment. 2. In the most favourable group recovery was quite as rapid, perhaps more so, than in cases under other remedies. 3. In several cases of the medium group it was believed that the oil did serious injury ; and two cases which, on admission, had appeared as almost belonging to the most favourable group, proved fatal. It follows that, in the cases treated by castor oil, there was evidence of the injurious effects of the remedy, whilst there was little or none of its beneficial qualities. These considerations, of course, prevented a more extended trial of the remedy being made. Acetate of lead was given in one case, which recovered. Tedious and imperfect convalescence took place, which was followed by relapse, and rapid recovery under salines. Hyposulphite of Soda. — This salt was administered in three cases. The remedy was of course suggested by the theory which ascribes the symptoms of cholera to a parasitical fungus or vegetable, the acid of the salt being a powerful agent in destroying vegetable life. The salt was given in drachm doses every half-hour, the treatment 23 being commenced by an emetic of sulphate of copper. Enemata containing the hyposulphite were also administered. All three cases were of the worst class, and death took place in the stage of collapse ; the treatment did not appear to produce the least effect on the symptoms. Diluted Sulphuric Acid. — This was administered in 21 cases ; it was given in doses of from 30 to 80 minims of the dilute acid, the first six or eight doses being given every half-hour, and subsequently every hour. In three cases stimulants were administered along with it. The following table gives the result of those cases in which the remedy was given alone: — Males. Females. „ nA Died in Died of „ , Died in Died of Recovered. Co]lapse _ Cons _ Fev# Recovered. Collapse . Cons , Fey . Of the worst class. — 1 — — 3 — Of medium cases... 3 3 2 2 — 1 Of favourable cases — — — 2 1 — The three cases in which brandy was administered with the acid may be arranged as follows :—: — Recovered. Died in Collapse. Died in Fever. Of the worst class One female. ... ... Of medium cases ... One male. One female. Or, adding these numbers together, it will be seen that — Cases. Deaths. Of the worst class there were 5 4 Of medium cases 13 8 Of favourable cases 3 1 Total 21 13 b 4 24 In regard to the action of sulphuric acid in cholera, the remedy does not appear to have had any power in rousing the patients from the condition of collapse. Again, although we assign considerable power to the acid as an astringent in checking ordinary and choleraic diarrhoea, it appears to have been completely powerless in restraining the ricewater evacuations of cholera. If the general table of cases be examined, it will be seen that the majority of patients who took sulphuric acid were much purged after admission. Dr. Hawkins noticed that in one of his patients (No. B),* who had taken about 3 oz. of dilute sulphuric acid, the alkaline reaction of the evacuations was not changed. It will also be seen, under the column " Previous treatment," that the administration of sulphuric acid, in the stage of diarrhoea, did not prevent several cases from passing into developed cholera. Quinine. — The treatment by quinine was not commenced in any of the following cases immediately after their admission. They had all been placed for a few hours on the mixed saline and calomel plan. Brandy was administered in all. The quinine was given in five-grain doses every one or two hours. Died of Cases D' o*3 0 * 3 " 1 I)ied of consecu- c Deaths teases. CoUapse Relapse . tive d earns. Fever. Most severe cases : Males 8 6 118 8 Females ... 1 1 — — 1 1 Medium cases : Male 10 0 0 10 10 7 1 1 10 9 Two patients, it is seen, in the most severe form of the * Appendix I. 25 disease, rallied out of the stage of collapse ; but these ultimately died, — one of consecutive fever, the other of relapse. The only patient that recovered under quinine passed through a most severe consecutive fever. Inhalation of Gases. — One patient was made to inhale nitrous oxide gas. The principal features of the case may be noticed. The case is that of a woman, aged 45. (No. 180.)* She had been suffering from cholera eleven hours when admitted, and was in the state of extreme collapse, pulse barely perceptible, and there was great lividity of surface. On commencing to inhale the gas the pulse was reduced from 140 to 120, and became much fuller ; this improvement in quality of the pulse, however, was only temporary, as it again became scarcely perceptible, but still remained at 120. The inhalation was frequently repeated during the twenty-four hours after admission ; and during this time she inhaled ten gallons of the gas, each time with similar effects, — that is, with only very transient benefit. After this, she was put on the saline treatment and slowly rallied from the state of collapse. She ultimately died, however, of consecutive fever. Another patient (No. 44),* which had been treated on the hyposulphite of soda plan, was made to inhale oxygen ; the result was somewhat similar to that produced by the laughing gas, but was less striking; the patient died in the state of collapse. Injection of Fluids into the Veins. — In two cases (Nos. 201 and 205)* injections were used, and although both of these terminated fatally, a few remarks on them may be admissible, considering the great importance of the subject. The injections principally used during the epidemics of * Appendix I. 26 1832 and 1839 consisted of water, holding in solution various salts, and forming a fluid the specific gravity of which only slightly exceeded that of water. This fluid, on mixing with blood in the veins, would, of course, tend to swell out and distort the red-blood corpuscles, and probably cause the impaction of some in the capillaries of the lungs. In order to prevent this result, Dr. Rees employed a saline fluid of a specific gravity approximating to that of blood. This fluid would, however, also alter the form and size of the blood corpuscles, although perhaps less so than those first spoken of. Now many of the principal symptoms of cholera met with an explanation in the diminished bulk and tar -like condition of the blood; in fact, there is some analogy between the symptoms of cholera and those of a profuse haemorrhage. Moreover, the recent researches of Dr. Garrod have cast doubt on the doctrine of the diminution of the saline constituents of the blood. He also found that the proportion of corpuscles was increased. It is clear, then, that the fluid that would supply these defects in the composition of the blood, and at the same time, when injected, would not materially alter the corpuscles, should be closely analogous to the serum of healthy blood, but should not, however, be of equal density with it. An " artificial serum" was accordingly employed, which contained only half the quantity of albumen found in healthy blood. The composition was as follows : — Water - - 2 pints. Albumen - - If oz. Chloride of sodium 90 grains. Chloride of potassium 9 „ 27 Phosphate of soda - - 5 grains. Carbonate of soda - -21,, Sulphate of soda - - 7 „ Oxide of iron - - - 12 „ The fluid was used at a temperature of 105°. In both the cases about a pint was injected, at the rate of about an ounce a minute. The immediate effect of the injection was much the same as has been noticed with other injections. The first case (201)* was admitted 8.30 p.m., in a state of complete collapse, having been suffering from cholera for 5 1 hours. She was placed on the saline plan of treatment. The injection into the basilic vein was made on the following day, at 2 p.m., at which time she had been quite pulseless for four or five hours, and had been purged most profusely. After the injection of a few ounces of serum the pulse became perceptible, and finally became steady and regular, but small, and 11,2 in a minute. Respiration 36. On the injection being completed the expression of the countenance was much improved, pulse steady, heat of surface considerably restored, no dyspnsea, breathing easy, and the patient expressed herself much relieved. The improvement, however, was only temporary ; she continued much in the same state till about 5 p.m., the pulse, however, gradually becoming more feeble. After this time she relapsed into her former condition, again became pulseless, and the purging, which had never ceased, continued unchecked, until she gradually sank and died at 7.30 p.m. The surface, however, continued warm up to a short time before her death. The second case (No. 205) * was that of a woman, aged 28, who was admitted 5.45 p.m. on September 13th, in a • Appendix I. * 28 state of complete collapse, and had had cholera two hours. She was put on the saline plan of treatment ; the injection was used at 8.30 p.m. She was then quite pulseless ; respiration very laborious, numbering 56 in the minute. After ten ounces of the artificial serum were injected the pulse at the wrist became just perceptible, 108. She expressed herself relieved. The injection being completed, the pulse ceased to be felt, and did not again return, the dyspnoea was somewhat increased, the respiration, however, remaining at 56. She died at 11 p.m. The heat of surface was considerably restored after the injection. The temporary benefit in both these cases was well marked, and there can be little doubt that in the first case life was prolonged several hours. On looking over the tables showing the mortality after different modes of treatment, and at the same time making due allowance for the unequal severity of the cases, it will be seen that but little difference was observed in the results. Under every mode of treatment, nearly all the cases of the worst class died, whilst nearly all those of the most favourable recovered. It is only in the medium group of cases that the real value of the respective modes of treatment is to be sought. ! 1 ( APPENDIX (I.)-MALES. BEFORE ADMISSION. * ~ — ' — — ' No. Date. Name. Age. Occupation. ~ ~~ ~ — — _ ¦ j AFTER ADMISSION. TKEATMENT. Health. Food. Drink . Cleanliness. Infec'ifon Diarrhcea Vnmitino- „ Attaok Collapse on Admission. Total Duration Result, and Cause . . ___ traced? wiarrnooa. Vomiting. Cramp. of . Recover? from Relapse. of Disease. , of Death. Were Physician. No. _____L_ Cholera.- Fusing. Vomiting. Cramp. Motions. Vom.t. Corpse Consecutive Fever. Before Admission. After Admission. Stimulants "" ~ ¦ . administered? 2 July 28 T.*B.' H VrraTl **"»** *° H Hours, Considerable 2J Hours, Considerable 2 J Hours Cit * 3 Aug. 1 L. L. 54 " " •• No SUsht Slight Slight Coloured 4 Hours Absent None 3 Days Recovery Brandy Mixed Saline No Dr. Stewart .1 Good Good Moderately Fair Ho 4 Days 26 Hours Considerable SUght Slight Considerable 4 Hours Absent None 3 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline No Dr. Stewart 2 4 4lu" 3 TV An „„ emperate Extreme Violent Free Considerable Eice Water Bice Water .... ?.. 48 Hours In Collapse Aperient? Mixed Saline No— Yes Dr. Thompson 3 *¦'*• 40 CoUector of Skins Good Very Good Beer, Moderate 6 Aug.' 7 G.T. p TaUOr Vcr y Go °d Good Sober .. " 8 dJ S , Co^dLble 6 HourTTtolL Considerable Moderate Considerable Considerable .... Rice Water 24 Hours Absent None 3 Days Recovery Yes Mixed Saline No Dr. Thompson 4 1 Ang.ll T.'a 15 Ze Tfr 00 ? M ° deKlte V " 7 Days, Considerable 6 Hours, Considerable cZZzZ 6 TT, Considerable Considerable .... .... 70 Hours In Collapse None Mixed Saline No-Yes Dr. Hawkins 5 8 Aug. 21 E.W 60 Brlkl • Very Bad Water Very Dirty .. 2 Days, Considerable 2 Days, Considerable ons^ raDle Incomplete Moderate Moderate Moderate Rice Water Few Hours Absent None 5 Days Recovery None Mixed Saline No Dr. Thompson r> Labourer G °° d Sober Average None 2 Hours, one Motion None Severe Severe Severe Rice Water Rice Water 4 Days Absent None 10 Days Recovery None Sulphuric Acid No Dr. Hawkins 7 9 Aug. 29 Ji.s. 34 Labourer 6 Motions Moderate .... .... .... 20 Hours In Collapse None 'Sulphuric Acid Yes Dr. Thompson 8 H St."! HH GO vT G ° Od> " ••••- D " y ** ['.'.Z ¦ V1 ° lent 5 Extreme Extreme Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 66 Hours In Collapse None Sulphuric Acid No Dr. Hawkins 9 12 Sept. 1 tV 18 G °" d " S ° ber Moderate Yes 2* 2 * Extreme Considerable Considerable Considerable Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 26 Hours In Collapse .... Saline No Dr. Hawkins 10 13 Sept'l DA 39" C I 0I 0 " 0 FUir " " " Extreme Considerable Considerable Considerable Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 5 Hours In Collapse .... Mixed Saline No Dr. Hawkins n 14 Sent'l \V aa t- iV'w" G °° d GOOd S ° ber Moderate .. 5 Extreme Moderate Moderate Extreme Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 12 Hours In Collapse .... Saline No Dr. Hawkins 12 15 Sept'l El 42 T * Oba G ° Od " * °° mPlete " "" Kice Water Rice Water .... .... 14 Hours In CoUapse Sulphuric Acid No Dr. Hawkins 13 16 Sept.! t'g' 28 TaT G ° Od G °° d Exces^vo Dirty .. """ 4 J Extreme Promse Considerable .... Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 27 Hours In CoUapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins H *17 Sept'l tV 40 TaOo! Moderate Very Dirty Yes .....* s Extreme Profuse Extreme Moderate Rice Water Rice Water 3 Days Slight 7th Day 7 Days In Colapse .... Mixed Saline-Quinine Yes Dr. Hawking 15 18 Sept'l D G 28 SI k " Modera te Very Dirty .. Complete Profuse Profuse Considerable Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 30 Hours In CoUapse Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins i 6i 6 19 Sept'l cV 25 Ti i!T "' Mod crate Very Dirty .. 6 Extreme Profl]se Prabm Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 11 Hours In CoUapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 17 20 Sept'l t'f" 11 7 d , W G °° d G °° d Sober Good - Extreme Profuse Prf)fuse gevere Rice Water Rice Water .... (?) 4th Day 5 Days In CoUapse .... Mixed Saline-Quinine Yes Dr. Hawkins 18 21 Sept'l T.'r is lav "°y •• .. .. .. Extreme • ProfuSe Profuse Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... ' .... 18 Hours In CoUapse .... Sulphuric Acid No Dr. Hawkins 19 22 Sept'l tV 1- f"" " ** •* " " Extreme Profuse Profuse Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... .. 18 Hours In CoUapse Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 20 23 Sep,'l T.'c.' n Hit! NoTgli ToT U^'[ 24 Hours, Considerable Cobble Co«e " Ext:::: £™ "" "^ I T" "" **"" " 24 Sept 1 RW 35 ah , xr*n Moderate .. „ Considerable Considerable i, + "" " "" Rice^ater Rice Water .... .... 20 Hours In Collapse .... Mixed Saline-Quinine ' Yes Dr. Hawkins 22 25 Sept'l RH* 17 Gre Very Bad Excessive Very Dirty .. Considerable Considerable .... Rice Water Rice Water Few Days SUght Few Days Recovery Outpatient Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 23 26 Sept'] Pd' 12 leim § rocer •• .. Very Dirty .. Profuse Considerable .... Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 21 J Hours In Collapse .... Mixed Saline-Quinine Yes. Dr. Hawkins 24 27 Sept' 2 Cf' 6 Sch Ib " " Very Dirty ? 24 Hours '..'.'„'." Moderate Moderate Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 23 J Hours In CoUapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 25 28 Sent' 2 DH n« v ° '°° " ° J " ?' Very Dirty ? ... Profuse Prof «se Severe Rice Water Rice Water 48 Hours Severe .... 4 Days Consecutive Fever .... Sulphuric Acid- Quinine Yes Dr. Hawkins 26 29 Sept 2 t"h Z " Average " T^ Considerable Considerable Slight Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 31 Hours In Colla p Se .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 27 30 Sept' 2 HH E ™>°- v Bad Very Dirty Yes ' f^™ rrofee ™™ Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 21 Hours In Collapse .... Mixed Saline-Quinine Yes Dr. Hawkins 28 31 Sept 2 B.V 10 Si ?£ BaCl Moderate Yes Xtreme Considerable Considerable .... Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 19 Hours In CoUapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 29 32 Sent' 2 WT 12 »TTk " G °° d " 24 Hours , Extreme Considerable Considerable Moderate Rice Water Rice Water 14 Hours . Slight .... 4 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline No Dr. Hawkins 30 33 Sept' 2 Ep" . J !; G °° d Moderate Yes 6Hoan. Incomplete Moderate Moderate Severe Rice Water Rice Water Few Hours None .... 4 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline No Dr. Hawkins 31 34 Sept-2 T.'w. 27 Q °° d Good Moderate .. ¦"' J Profuse Profuse .... Eice Water Rice Water 3 Days Slight .... 6 Days Recovery Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkm* 32 35 Sept 2 a'g' ;.M t>"U** '" •' " iq xreme Profuse Profuse .... Rice Water— Blood Rice Water Few Hours None .... 4 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline No Dr. Hawkin S 33 36 Sent' 2 A A 17 r " " " » 9 rT l«ce Water Rice Water .... .... 31 Hours In CoUapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 34 37 Septa aA: 35 sZnTk" Good ' J^""' N ° "ours, Considerable Console ConXlble Ex"" ZT T^" f^ ' "" 2 ° H H ° UrS T' Mixed Saline Yes D, Hawkins 35 38 Sept 2 TR 48 t-i " Excessive Filthy. .. jxtreme severe Severe Severe Rice Water-Blood Rice Water 24 Hours Adynamic, with much Vomiting .... 12 Days Parotitis (?) Yes Mixed Saline-Quinine Yes Dr. Hawkins 36 39 Sept' 2 tV 28 T cT \ " " Moderate Yes " Xtr6me Profuse Profuse Severe Rice Water Rico Water .... .... 17f Hours In Collapse .... Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 37 Make? ¦•-, - Sober Moderate No •24 Hours Consitobl Moderate Moderate Slight Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 30 Hours In CoUapse .... Mixed Saline-Quinine Yes Dr. Hawkins 38 Profuse .... Rice Water Rice Water 24 Hours Severe, with Coma .... 20 Days Recovery Outpatient Mixed Saline— Quinine Yes Dr. Hawkins 39 [Continued. APPENDIX (I.)— KALES— continued. 2 BEFORE ADMISSION. " ~ AFTER ADMISSION. TREATMENT. No. Date. Name. Age, Occupation. ~ — ¦ — : ¦ ¦¦ __ - Health. Food. Drink. Cleanliness. tfifflotfon Diarrhoea Vomit™ n Attack Collapse on Admission. Rel Total Duration Result and Cause Physician. No. traced V "'auhcea. Vom.tmg. Cramp. «r Purging . Vomiting. Cramp. Motions. Vomit. B8 _X_--T Consecutive Fever. of D.sease. ofDoath. Before Admission. After Admission. Simulants ¦**¦ '"~™ — ¦ — ¦ — | __^ acini ini stereo. ? 40 Sept. 2 W. B. 65 41 Sept.2 G.B. 29 Bricklayers' Strone Gnnrt ModPi-VtP xV ,„ "«"_,_ "'" 7 Extreme Severe Severe Very Severe Bice Water Rice Water .... .... 14 Hours In Collapse .... Mixed Saline— Quinine Yes Dr. Hawkins 40 Labourer ° °° d ° " *° 3 Houra, Considerable 3 Hours, Considerable 3 Hours, Severe 3 Complete Considerable Considerable .... Rice AVater Bice Water Few Hours Slight Few Days Recovery Mixed Saline Ko Dr. Hawkins 41 42 Sept.2 T. B. 46 Shoemaker Good Moderate Excessive Very Dirty .. 40 Hours 43 Sept.2 G. P. 55 Bootmaker Extreme Profuse Profuse Severe Pink Motion—Blood Rice Water .... .... 16 Hours In Collapse Mixed Saline Tes Dr. Hawkins 42 44 Sept.2 C.W. 20 Tailor Good Good Very'sober Good 24 Hours 5 "" " "" "" "" "" "" In Collapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 43 45 Sept.2 T. W. 26 Labourer Good Good Excessive Very Dirty Extreme Profuse Profuse Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 68. Hours In Collapse Yes Hyposulphite-Oxygen Yes Dr. Hawkins 44 46 Sept.2 T.A. 25 Cabinet-maker .. Very Bad Excessive Very Dirty 24 Hours Extreme Profuse Profuse .... Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 14 Hours In Collapse Brandy Hyposulphite Yes Dr. Hawkins 45 47 Sept. 2 H.K. 27 Medical- Assistant Good Good Sober Good Yes 8 ° Extreme Profuse Profuse Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 44 _ Hours In Collapse Homoeopathic Hyposulphite Yes Dr. Hawkins 46 48 Sept.2 T. D. 30 Engineer Good Good _ 7 Extreme Moderate Moderate Severe Rice Water Rice Water 3 Days Adynamlc 9 Days Recovery Yes Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 47 49 Sept.2 E.L. 26 Butcher Good Good Average Extreme Profuse .. Severe Eice Water Rice Water .... .... 14* Hours 111 Collapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 48 50 Sept.2 C. P. 8 None Good Good 7 Complete Profuse Profuse Rico Water Rice Water 34 Hours In Collapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 49 51 Sept.2 G.W. 52 Foreman Tailor Good Good Moderate y' Dav^oTsiderablo C ° mPlete *"*"" "" Eice Water Rice Water Few Hours Moderate .... 5 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 50 52 Sept.2 T. S. 37 Cabinet Maker Good Good Sober U Complete Profuse Considerable .... Eice Water Rice Water 3 Days Fever Slight, but Diarrhoea continued .... 20 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 51 53 Sept.2 A. P. 40 Carpenter ** G Complete Considerable Considerable Slight Rice Water Rice Water Few Hours _~ one 5 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 52 54 Sept.2 G. 11. 30 Tailor .. " Complete Profuse Profuse Severe Eice Water Rice Water .... .... Hours In Collapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 53 55 Sept.2 W. A. 16 Musicsmith Good Good A * 7 Extreme Profuse Profuse Severe Eice Water Rico Water •••• .... 17 Hours In Collapse Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 54 53 Sept.2 B. G. 26 Shoemaker .. SDays .. Incomplete Profuse Moderate Severe Slightly Tinged Rice Water Few Hours Slight .... 6 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 55 57 Sept.3 T.K. 53 Labourer „ Good Vobe'r Qo'od v' q'h"" Extreme Profuse Severe Severe Eice Water Rice Water •••• •••• 14 Hours In Collapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 56 i5B Sept.3 C.R. 12 School-boy Good Good VervDirf V * Extreme Profuse Profuse Extreme Rice Water Rice Water • — •••• 18 Hours In Collapse .... Castor Oil Yes Dr. Hawkins 57 59 Sept. 3 D.C. 36 Labourer .. Tfoh, * Complete Considerable .. .... Eice Water Eiee Water 2 Daya Slight •••• 6 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline So Dr. Hawkins 58 60 sept.3 T.D. 45 Cabinet-maker Good Good Mediate "_____; " aiw"' 2 **""" *"*"** S S ° TOre • Eice Water Rice Water •••• ¦••• 34 Hours In Collapse .... Castor Oil No Dr. Hawkins 59 61 sept.3 T.A. 12 School-boy .. 2 8J Extreme Profuse .. .... Rice Water Rice Water 24 Hours Slight .... 4 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline Ko Dr. Hawkins 60 ¦62 sept.3 T.W. 11 Errand-boy Good Good n_L , nw "' V T ' ? t ** Complete Slight .. .... Rice Water Rice Water Few Hours None .... 4 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline No Dr. Hawkins 6I 63 Sept 3 TT 14 Errand-boy Good Cond a *' worn s, Moaei ate 10 Complete Profuse Profuse Moderate Rice Water Rice Water 3 Da y s A-rnamic, with much Vomiting .... 14 Days Recovery .... Castor Oil No . Dr. Hawkins 6 2 64 sept 3 II B 5 None f f *°™. Hours, Considerable Yes 2 Incomplete-Complete Profuse Considerable Slight Rice Wat er Wat Days Moderate .... 8 Days Recovery .... Castor Oil Ko Dr. Hawkins 63 65 scptis D.b! 38 Tailor Good Moderate Excessive 1^ Considerable , Extreme ProfllSC Slight mgU _ -^ ..^ _ m Dr . Hawkins G4 66 Se pt. 3 T.W. 32 Baker Moderate Good Sober Dirt ""' " EXtr ° me Pl '° fUSC Eice Water Rice Water .... .... 32 Hours In Collapse .... Castor Oil Ko Dr. Hawkins 65 67 Sept.4 T.G. 47 Ostler Not Good Hot Good Excessive 4 C ° mPlete Considerable Considerable .... Rice Water Rice AVater .... .... 29 Hours In Collapse .... Castor Oil Ko Dr. Hawkins G 6 68 Sept.4 T.H. 40 Bootmaker Good Good Sober We alT 5 Consider able Slight Rice Water Rice Water •.•• .... 25 Hours In Collapse .... Mixed Saline Ko Dr. Hawkins 67 69 Sept.4 T.B. 18 Shopman Good Good 5 *?"** " SeVCTe Kice Water R ice Water .... .... 17. Hours In Collapse .... Mixed Saline Ko Dr. Hawkins 68 70 Sept. 4 T.M. 9 School-boy .. Moderate Very Dirt V Complete Profuse Much .... Rice Water Rice Water 2 Days Adynamlc .... 6 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline Ko Dr. Hawkins 69 71 Sept.4 W.H. 27 Cabinet-maker Good Good Sober Good .' Extreme Profuse Profuse Moderate Rice Water Rice AVater 2 Days Adynamlc- Considerable .... 7 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 70 72 Sept.4 T.K. 17 Cabinet-maker Good Moderate Sober TVrtv t° „""" """ " ' EXtl ' eme Pr ° fllSe Moderate Rice AVater Rice AVater — • .... 20. Hours In Collapse None Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 71 73 Sept.. T.C. 11 Errand-boy Good Good " H °™ 4 C ° mPlete Pr ° fUSe ModB » to Water EloeWater 12 Hours None .... 5 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline Ko Dr. Hawkins 72 74 Sept.4 AY.C. 50 Shoemaker Good Good sober A™« v" ww'" Complete Moderate .. .... Eice Water Rice AVater 12 Hours None .... 2 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 73 75 Sept.4 H.P. 17 School-boy .. .. i*u\ 72 Hours .. Complete Moderate Considerable .... Rice AVater Rice AVater 48 Hours Severe Vomiting .... 7 Days Epilepsy .... Mixed Saline Ko Dr. Hawkins 7 4 76 Sept.4 G.B. 16 Pot-boy " Good ' Ty"^ v " Incomplete .... ..... .... Rice Water Rice AVater 6 Hours None .... 3 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline Ko Dr. Hawkins 75 77 Sept.4 E.M. 34 Tailor Good Good Considerable Moderate Yes ? fT™ PrOfUS6 Pr ° fllSe "" Eice AVater Rice Water .... .... 23 Hours In Collapse .... Calomel Ko Dr. Stewart 76 78 Sept.4 T.H. 25 Tailor Good Good Sober Good Yes _"_._«_ a. rTT ° Eice AVater Rico AVater 24 Hours Severe .... 5 Days Urcomia .... Sulphuric Acid Yes Dr.' Stewart 77 79 Sept. 5 AY. K. 36 Hairdresser V ? w Complete Profuse .... .... Rice AVater Rice AVater 24 Hours Slight .... 6 Days Recovery Yes Saline Ko Dr. Stewart 78 80 SeptS TD 2} None 15 Hours ...... 15 Extreme Profuse Moderate Severe Rice AVater Rice AVater .... .... 33J Hours In Collapse .... Calomel Ko .Dr. Stewart 79 24HourS 5 Complete Moderate .... .... Rice AVater Rice Water .... .... 38 Hours In Collapse .... Saline Ko Dr. Stewart 80 [Continued. 3 APPENDIX (I.)— MALES— continued. " " ~ ' ' ' TR"F ATMFNT BEFORE ADMISSION. AFTER ADMISSION- ___" ~~ " j ~ j — ' ~~ H . Total Duration Kesult, and Cause Wero Physician. No. No. Date. Name. Age. Occupation. Was Attack Collapse on Admission. Timwrrft™. »• -n P ' of Disease. of Death. Before Admission After Admission. Stimulants Health. Food. Drink. Cleanliness. Infection Diarrhoea. Vomiting. Cramp. of Purgin" Vomiting. Cramp. Motions. Vomit. Coulose Consecutive Fever. Betore Admission. administered? traced? Cholera. " 81 Sept.s T.F. 24 Labourer .. Good Sober .. Yes 6 Days 10 Complete Considerable Considerable Slight Eice Water Kice Water 48 Hours Severe Vomiting .... 10 Days Eecovery .... Sulphuric Acid 3*o ?.^ 82 Sept.s G.W. 28 Cabinet-maker .. .. Average .. „ Complete Profuse Not violent Moderate Eice Water Eice Water •••• tioars m uonapso .... chl -oform and Cam nor No Dr. Stewart 83 83 Sept. 6 A. D. 21 Pork-butcher Good Good Sober Good Yes 6 Days _12 Incomplete Moderate Moderate' Slight Very Pale Kice Water 6 Hours .... 3 Days Eecovery Chloroform and Camphor No Dr. Stewart 84 84 Sept. 6 S. T. 40 Bootmaker Phthisis .. Average Yes 4 Days 2 Complete Considerable Moderate .... Eice Water Eice Water 8 Hours None .... 4 Days Recovery (Momei No Dr. Stewart 85 85 Sept. 6 T. G. 13 Hawk-boy Good Good Average Yes Few Days H Incomplete Moderate Moderate Slight Eice Water Eice Water 8 Hours Slight .... 1 Days Eecovery gul huric Acid No Dr. Stewart 86 86 Sept. 6 P.P. 15 Stable-boy .. .. .. No 5 Hours 1 Hour 1 Hour I Incomplete Moderate Moderate Slight Eice Water Eice Water 6 Hours None .... 4 Days Eecovery .... u P^ url PnmnW t. Dr. Stewart 87 87 Sept. 7 H. W. 24 Sawyer Good .. Moderate No 12 Incomplete .... .... .... Eice Water Eice Water 6 Hours None .... t uayt, xtecovery .... Dr. Stewart 88 88 Sept. 7 W. M. 28 Engineer .. .. Good Yes 4 Days 71 Complete Profuse Considerable Severe Eice Water Eice Water 12 Hours None .... 6 Days Eecovery .... Dr Stewart 89 ' IS TTonv^ Tn PniiansP Y6S oUlluc jxvj 89 Sept. 8 H. C. 40 Shoemaker Good Good Moderate Dirty No 4 Days 4 Days 6 Extreme Profuse Considerable Severe Eice Water Eice Water •••• t Saline No Dr. Stewart 90 90 Sept. 8 P.P. 18 Servant Good .. Moderate .. No 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Complete Profuse Profuse Severe Yellowish Eice Water 44J Hours In Collapse SaOaa No Dr. Stewart 91 91 Sept.9 G.E. 5 None Good Good ... Yes 12 Hours 10 Hours 10 Extreme .... .... .... Eice Water Eice Water •••• •••• 13 Hours In Collapse Dr. Stewart 92 92 Sept.9 T.F. 15 Errand-boy Good Good Moderate •• 18 Complete Moderate Moderate .... Eiee Water Eice Water Few Hours None 3 Days SMne No Dr. Stewart 93 93 Sept. 10 T.C. 48 ¦••• Good .. .. •• 24 Hours 9 Severe .... .... .... Eice Water Eice Water Few Hours None .... 5 Days Eecovery Dr. Stewart 94 94 Sept. 10 F. E. 35 Undertaker Good Good .. Y <« ? 48 Incomplete Slight Slight Slight Eice Water Eice Water Few Hours None .... 5 Days Eecovery Dr. Thompson 95 95 Sept. 11 T.D. 35 Painter Good .. Excessive Moderate •• 15 Hours, Slight 15 Hours 15 Incomplete Slight Slight Slight Eice Water Eice Water 4 Hours Severe .... Epilepsy _^ Dr. Thompson 96 96 Sept. 12 E. H. ig Artists' Colourman Moderate Good Average No - 3 Days 24 Hours 10 Extreme Profuse Profuse .... Eice Water Eice Water •••• 174 Hours In Collapse 1 Soin6 No Dr. Thompson 97 97 Sept. 12 W.C. 56 Farrier Good .. ...... Wanting •• 6 Days .. Complete • Slight Slight Slight Eice Water Eice Water Few Hours Severe .... 17| Hours Consecutive Fever rjjjj™* Sallne No Dr. Thompson 98 98 Sept. 13 W. M. 25 Brewer Goed Good Excessive .. .. ....... 2 Incomplete Slight Slight .... Eice Water Eice Water 8 Hours Slight . .... 3 Days Eecovery v a ler Dr. Thompson 99 99 Sept. 13 H.G. 43 Worker in Plaster .. . .. .. .. 4 Days .. Incomplete Slight Considerable Moderate Slightly Coloured Eice Water 8 Hours None .... 3 Days Eecovery es Dr. Thompson 100 100 Sept. 13 T. H. 44 Shoemaker .. Very Bad .. •• 4 Days .. Incomplete Moderate Moderate Moderate Eice Water Eice Water 8 Hours None 3 Days Eecovery Saline No Dr. Thompson IQI 101 Sept. 13 B.F. 11 School-boy .. .. .. .. 18 Hours 18 Hours .. Incomplete Moderate Slight .... Eice Water Eice Water 14 Hours Very Slight .... 3 Da y s Eecovery SaUneand CajaputOil No Dr. Thompson 102 102 Sept. 14 B.F. 43 Labourer .. .. ...... Wanting .. 3 Days 2 Days 3 Extreme Profuse Considerable .... Eice Water Eice Water •••• ••¦• 19 Hours In Collapse v Castor Oil No Dr. Thompson IQ3 103 Sept. 16 C.T. 36 Painter Good Bad Dirty No 2 Days 6 Hours 4 Complete Profuse Profuse .... Eice Water Eice Water •••• •••• In Collapse ' Saune No Dr. Thompson IQ4 104 Sept. 17 H. N. 9 None .. .. .. .. 6£ Incomplete Moderate Moderate .... Eice Water . Eice Water Few Hours None .... 5 Days Eecovery •••• Castor OU No Dr. Thompson IQS 105 Sept. 17 T.C. 15 Shoeblack .. .. Very Dirty No 2 Days, Considerable Considerable Severe 2i Incomplete— Complete Profuse Considerable Moderate Eice Water Eice Water 20 Hours None .... lODajs Eecovery Thompson ,„„ lr 1 n ni)r q T.. Pnllnncp Yes CaSIOr Ull i>u * l(Jb 106 Sept. l 7 A.P. 12 School-boy Bad Bad Very Dirty .. lj Complete Profuse Profuse Moderate Eice Water Eice Water •••• •••• s m Dr. Thompson .... 107 Sept. 18 C.C. 3 None .. .. Good Yes 7 Hours 7 Complete Moderate Slight Slight Eice Water Eice Water Few Horn's None .... * u*y* itecovuy Dr. Hawkins ... 10 Da/vs "Recovery Y63 oiuiiio iUo 108 Sept. 19 T. O. 27 Labourer Not Good Good Excessive Dirty No 24 Hours 6 Hours 6 Incomplete— Complete Profuse Considerable .... Eice Water Eice Water 48 Hours None .... " •» S line No Dr. Thompson 109 Sept. 19 F.Vf, 10 None Good .. Average .. 3 Hours 3 Complete Moderate .... Eice Water Eice Water Few Hours None 4 Days Eecovery _^ Dr. Hawkins UQ HO Sept. 19 W.S. 8 School-boy Good .. Wanting .. 8 Hours 8 Extreme Profuse Profuse .... Eice Water Eice Water ' .... •••• 18 Hours In Collapse Sulphuric Acid ne Dr. Hawkins m in Sept. 20 W. P. T. 3£ None Good .. .. .. 24 Hours, Slight Slight Moderate 4 Extreme Slight Slight Slight Eice Water Eico Water .... •••• 6J Hours In Collapse Chalk Dr. Hawkins m 112 Sept. 22 T. T. 6£ None Good .. Moderate .. 2 Hours, Profuse Profuse Severe 8 Complete Profuse Profuse Moderate Eice Water Eice Water 60 Hours Moderate 10 Days Eecovery Dr. Hawkins „„ TilTlnirrs Tn Pnllnnao Vmi Salme JNO lid 113 Sept. 22 T. S. 48 Smith Strong .. .. Yes 5 Complete Profuse Profuse Moderate Eice Water Eice Water •••• •••• 5 in uouapsa ies Dr. Stewart m 114 Sept. 24 N. L. 43 Labourer Suffers from Very Bad Sober Dirty No 36 Hours, Moderate 26 Hours 26 Hours 26 Extreme Profuse Profuse Slight Eice Water Eice Water .... „ 49J Hours In Collapse None Eheumatism - Qtpwavt A T)avq Tfprnvprv y K Salme NO 115 115 Sept. 27 T.B. 26 Tailor Phthisis Good Moderate Good .. 4 Hours, Slight 4 Complete Slight Slight Slight Eice Water Eice Water 4 Hours None .... 1 uayb itoco^ery its Dr. Stewart ... 7 T>iv Consecutive Fever. Before Admission. After Admission. Stimulants traced? Cholera. ' ' administered? Hours. 122 July 23 E.G. 24 Housework Good .. .. ijo 3 Days, 20 Motions Considerable Severe 7 Complete None Slight Moderate Eice Water Kice Water Few Hours None .... 2 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline No Dr. Hawkins 122 123 July 24 E. B. 25 Servant Good Not Good Excessive Wanting _fes 17 Hours Considerable 1| Complete 30 Motions Considerable Intense Bice Water Rice Water .... .... 12J Hours InCollapso .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins ,123 124 Aug. 3 E.H. 29 Laundress Delicate Good Moderate .. 1 2 Days, Considerable Considerable Considerable 12 Complete Moderate Moderate .... Coloured .... 54 Hours In Collapse Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Thompson 124 125 Aug. 4 C.W. 25 Servant Not Good Bad Beer, Seldom .. .. Considerable Considerable Severe 7 Complete Profuse Profuse Severe Eice Water Bice Water 20 Hours -••• Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline No Dr. Thompson 125 126 Aug.B B. B. 00 Shirtmaker .. „ .. t Considerable Considerable Considerable 8 Complete Considerable None Severe Rice Water •••• 13 Hours In Collapse Mixed Saline No Dr. Hawkins 126 127 Aug. 20 E. 11. 36 Housework Not Good Good Moderate .. .. 4 Days, Considerable Considerable Considerable 7 Extreme Considerable Considerable Severe Bice Water Coloured 40 Hours Slight .... 10 Days Recovery Sulphuric Acid No Dr. Stewart 127 128 Aug. 23 I A. L. 50 Charwoman Goo(1 Good Sober Moderate MO 2 Days 9 Extreme Considerable Slight .... Rico Water Bice Water .... 27 Hours In Collapse Sulphuric Acid No Dr. Thompson 128 129 Aug. 23 H.S. 4£ None Goocl Good Water Average So 13 Urs. before, 1 Motion 4 Extreme j 3 Small Motions •••• Eice Water Bice Water ' , 16 Hours In Collapse Sulphuric Acid No Dr. Thompson 129 130 Aug. 30 i E. T. 7 School .. .. Dirt y .. g Complete Profuse Considerable Considerable Rice Water Rico Water 5 Hours Very Slight .... 2Days Recovery Sulphuric Acid No Dr. Hawkins 130 131 Sept.l M. A. S. 26 Housework .. ... Very Dirty Yes 24 Hours 24? Complete Profuse Profuse Extreme Back Motion and Blood Bice Water 24 Hours Adynamic, Severe .... 5 Days Consecutive fever Sulphuric Acid Yes Dr. Hawkins 131 132 Sept. IjT. A. 50 Charwoman Very Good Tolerable Very Dirty "Ua 14 Days .. Complete Profuse Considerable Severe Bice Water Bice Water Few Hours Slight .... 11 Days TJrsemia Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 132 133 Sept. 1-j A. D. 23 Cook Goocl Good ' Moderate Average "jels 6 Hours, Slight G Hours, Severe G Hours, Severe 6 Extreme Profuse Profuse Severe Bice Water Puce Water 60 Hours Severe, much Vomiting .... 24 Days Recovery None Sulphuric Acid— Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 133 134 Sept.l |H. T. 44 Tailoress .. Bad Very Dirty i 12 Extreme Profuse Considerable Severe Bice Water Rice Water .... •••• 17 Hours InCollapse Yes Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 134 135 Sept.l | C.B. 20 Boot Closer Goocl Bad Average MS 6 Extreme Profuse Profuse Severe Bice Water Rice Water .... •••• 14 Hours InCollapse Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 135 136 Sept.l S. S. 19 Needlewoman Goo(1 Good Beer Good 1 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 Incomplete— Complete Considerable Considerable Severe Eice Water Eice Water 34 Hours Moderate .... 10 Days Recovery Yes Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 136 137 Sept.l S. A. 34 Housework B ad Good Boer Good X> 3G Hours, Profuse 36 Hours, Profuse 10 Hours, Considerable 10 Complete Moderate Moderate Moderate Eice Water Rico Water 24 Hours Slight 7 Days Recovery Chalk— Calomel Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 137 138 Sept. 2 jC. H. 27 Housework .. .. Very Dirty I 2 Days 2 Days .. Extreme Slight Profuse Severe Bice Water Rice Water .... Hours InCollapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 138 139 Sept. 2 E. E. 10 None Not Good Good Dirty . 2 Days 2 Days .. Extreme Profuse Profuse Severe Bice Water Rice Water 20 Hours Moderate .... 12 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 139 140 Sept. 2 F. D. 13 Shoemaker Good Good Moderate |ffl 2 Extreme Profuse Considerable .... Bice "Water Rice Water .... .... 8 Hours InCollapse .... Mixed Saline No Dr. Hawkins 140 141 Sept.2 M.K. 16 Servant GoO( j Moderate Dirty Ms 2 Extreme I Considerable Severe Bice Water Rice Water .... .... 32 Hours InCollapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins HI J 142 Sept.2 S.R. 48 Housework .. Bad Very Dirty T2s 24 Hours Few Extreme Slight Considerable .... Bice Water Rice Water .... Under 32 Hours InCollapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 142 I 143 Sept.2 S. E. 20 Servant .. Bad Very Dirty "! 3S 7 Extreme Profuse Profuse Severe Eice Water Eice Water 17£ Hours InCollapse Mixed Saline— Quinine Yes Dr. Hawkins 143 I 144 Sopt.2 M. B. 24 Servant Goo(1 Good Very Dirty ! . 7 Complete Profuse Considerable Slight Bice Water Eice Water 62 1 Hours InCollapse .... Mixed Saline Dr. Hawkins 144 .. 145 Sept.2 R.B. 5 None Good Good Good ? 5 Extreme Profuse Moderate Severe Bice Water Rice Water .... -••• 7J Hours InCollapso .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 145 146 Sept.2 M.F. 40 Housework Moderate Moderate Excessive Very Dirty ,- 4£ Extreme Considerable Extreme Severe Rice Water Rice Water " 17J Hours InCollapse Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 14G 147 Sept.2 M. A.N. 30 Housework .. Good Good Tp 12 Hours Few Extreme ! Considerable Extreme Severe Rice Water Eice Water Under 19 Hours InCollapse Yes Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 147 148 Sept.2 E. B. 44 Housework Good .. Good • G Complete .... Rice Water Rice Water 36 Hours Slight 7 Pays Recovery Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 148 149 Sept.2 E.E. 43 Washerwoman Good Bad Average jj|« 3 Extreme j Considerable Considerable Severe Rice Water Bice Water .... .... 13 Hours InCollapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 149 150 Sept.2 M. B. 24 Governess .. .. Moderate • 17 Hours Few Extreme j Considerable Considerable Extreme Rice Water Bice Water .... Under 24 Hours InCollapse Mixed Saline Dr. Hawkins 150 151 Sept.2 C.B. 16 Servant Good Good Beer Average |i. 14 Complete 6 Motions Considerable Slight Rico Water Bice Water 4 Hours Slight 7 Days Recovery yes Mixed Saline Dr.Hawkins 151 152 Sept.2 E. R. 19 Servant .. .. Dirty ? 19J Extreme j Considerable Considerable Severe Bice Water Bice Water .... .... Under 24 Hours InCollapso yes Mixed Saline Yes Dr.Hawkins 152 153 Sept.2 D. S. 50 Charwoman Fair Bad ...... Dirty _jea 3JHours 3JHours 31 Complete \ Considerable Considerable Severe Bice Water Eice Water 24 Hours Slight 7th Day 7 Days InCollapse Mixed Saline Yes Dr.Hawkins 153 154 Sept.2 M. T. 24 Servant Good Good Average 30 Hours 30 Hours Few Extreme \ Considerable Considerable Severe Bice Water Bice Water 4 Hours Severe .... 2.0 Days Recovery* .... Saline Yes Dr.Hawkins 154 155 Sept.2 M. P. 38 Housework Good Bad Beer, Water Moderate TIBS 2 Days ¦ 3 Hours 3 Extreme I Considerable Considerable Severe Eice Water Rice Water 24 Hours Moderate, much Diarrhoea 8 Days Eecovery ... Mixed Saline "ies Dr.Hawkins 155 156 Sept.2 S.M. 49 Housework Good Moderate Average Yes 8 Hours 3 Hours 8 Complete Considerable Considerable .... Rice Water Rico Water 5 Hours Slight .... 14 Days Eecovery Mixed Saline Yes Dr.Hawkins 150 i 157 Sept.2 M.S. 54 Charwoman .. .. Very Dirty i- 4 Extreme None Once Extreme Eice Water .... 2 Hours InCollapse Mixed Saline Dr.Hawkins 157 158 Sept.2 M.K. 19 Sells fruit in the Good Bad Considerable Dirty . 2 Complete Profuse Profuse .... Rico Water Rice Water 6 Hours Slight .... 4 Days Eecovery Carminatives Dr.Hawkins 158 street j j 159 Sept.3 M.S. 55 .. .. ...... Very Dirty j yes 3 Extreme Profuse Profuse Severe Bice Water Bice Water .... 8 Hours InCollapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr.Hawkins 159 IGO Sept.3 M. B. 16 m. None Good Good Good .. 3 Days 3 Extreme Profuse Considerable Severe Eice Water Eice Water .... .... 14 Hours InC'oUapse .... Saline No Dr.Hawkins IGO ] I • Aborted on the 3rd day at the 7th month. [Continued ¦ 4 5 APPENDIX (I.)— FEMALES— continued AFTEK ADMISSION. TREATMENT. BEFORE ADMISSION. * AJjIUJJ AUMiaaiua. , ,- _ . _.' , , ~ " ' T?pifin«i> Total Duration Eosult, and Cause _, . . _.„ ¦""- * °"-" 1 - —. ™. -_ — - & ___. ?-,„, c,.., 'v —••¦»¦ „, _. ___ « - S3 ,r *-— — "• —-* " I ~ h - «—¦ ~ ££», "t raced ? Cholera. 161 Sept.3 M.G. 10. Hone .. Good Very Good 24 Hours Incomplete Considerable Moderate J Slight Rice Water Rice Water 4 Hours Very Slight .... 3Days Recovery .... Castor Oil Yes Dr. Hawkins 161 IG2 Sept.3 E.G. 18 Servant Good Good Good Yes . ¦ ...... 1 Extreme Profuse Considerable Slight Eice Water Bice Water .... •••• 10 Hours InCollapse .... Castor Oil Yes Dr. Hawkins 162 163 Sept.3 F.H. 32 Housework .. ' .. Very Dirty #> 24Honrs ...... Few Complete-Extreme Profuse Profuse Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... •••• Less than 19 Hours InCollapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 163 164 Sept.3 T. P. 9 Scnool Good Bad Moderate " 11!'.'.! 1!.... •• Extreme Profuse Considerable Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... — - About 14 Hours InCollapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 164 165 Sept.4 S.D. 1 School .. Moderate Very Dirty .. ...... ...... 5 Incomplete Moderate Once Slight Rice Water Rice Water 12 Hours •••• 4 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 165 16G Sept.4 CM. 37 Housework .. Moderate Very Dirty " 7 Extreme Profuse Considerable Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... •••• 16. Hours InCollapse .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 166 107 Sept.4 M.H. 22 Servant Good Good Good x ' o """/. ""." 11 Incomplete Moderate Moderate .... Rice Water Rice Water Few Hours None .... 3 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline No Dr. Hawkins 167 168 Sept.4 E.M. 27 Needlewoman .. .. Dirty Ye . S! 2Days "111! 4 Complete Profuse Considerable Severe Rice Water Rice Water Few Hours Slight .... 3 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline No Dr. Hawkins 168 169 Sept.4 M.N. 17 Prostitute Good Good Excessive Average Yes ' 5 Hours SOHours UnderoO Extreme Profuse Profuse | Severe Rice Water Rice Water 24Hours Moderate, much Vomiting 3rd Day 9 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline No Dr. Hawkins 169 170 Sept.4 L.B. 30 Married Good Good Good Y es o Days _ Days 2 Days 14 Incomplete Profuse Severe Severe Rice Water Rice Water 3 Hours Slight .... 7 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline No Dr. Hawkins 170 171 Sept.4 C.T. 19 Servant Moderate .. Good Yes . 1 Extreme Profuse .... Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... .... •••• Recovery .... Mixed Saline Yes Dr. Hawkins 171 172 sept.4 S.C. 38 Housework .. .. Dirty Yes 2 Days Violent 2 Days Violent Severe 22 Extreme Profuse .... .... Rice Water-Blood Rice Water .... .... 42 Hours Recovery .... Sulphuric Acid No Dr. Stewart 172 173 sept.4 T.W. 16 Servant Good Good Beer Good Nq 4 Days Violent 2 Hours Violent 2 Incomplete-Complete Profuse Excessive Moderate Rice Water Green 48 Hours Severe Vomiting-Delirium, &c. .... 8 Days Consecutive Fever No Sulphuric Acid No Dr. Stewart 173 174 sept.4 S.K. 70 Monthly Nurse Good .. Sober .. K o 2 Days! Profuse Moderate None 0 Choi. Diarrh.-Complete Profuse Profuse Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... .... "Hours InCollapse .... Sulphuric Acid-Saline No Dr.Stewart 174 175 sept.4 E.B. 55 Washerwoman Good Moderate Considerable Fair No 3 Days Considerable 4 Hours Considerable 4 Hours, Extreme 4 Incomplete Profuse Considerable Extreme Rice Water Rice Water 24Hours Slight .... 14 Days Recovery None Sulphuric Acid Dr. Hawkins 175 176 sept.s M. C. 50 Servant .. .. Very Dirty .. 2 Days, Moderate 2 Days, Moderate Moderate •• Incomplete- Complete Considerable Considerable Moderate Rice Water Rice Water •••• •••. Under 91 Hours InCollapse .... Calomel No Dr. Stewart 176 177 Sept.s A. W. 3. _ Yam .. Bad Dirty . _.„ 7 Hours, Moderate . 5 Incomplete-Complete 'Moderate Moderate Severe Rice Water Rice Water 24 Hours Moderate Slight, 3rd Day 12 Days Recovery- .... Saline No Dr. btewart 177 178 S ept.s S.D. 42 charwoman Bad .. ...... Very Dirty Yes 4 Days' Profuse ... I* Complete Profuse Profuse Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 66 Hours InCollapse Stimulants Yes Dr.Stewart 178 179 sept.s B.M. 16 Servant .. .. Dirty Kg 8 Hours, Considerable 8 Hours, Considerable 4 Hours, Severe 4 Incomplete 4 Motions Slight Slight Rice Water Rice Water 4 Hours None .... 3 Days Recovery .... Calomel *o Dr.Stewart 180 sept.s E.S. 19 Servant Good Good Good m 2 Days, Moderate Si Hours Moderate Considerable 3. Incomplete Slight Slight Slight Rice Water Rice Water Few Hours None .... 4 Days Recovery .... Sulphuric Acid No Dr.Stewart 180 181 Sept.6 T.C. 18 Sorvant .. ># ># g ' - 8 i ncom plete Moderate Moderate Severe Rice Water Green 20 Hours None .... 4 Days Recovery .... Calomel *o Dr.Stewart 181 182 sept.6 F.D. 45 Housework Good .. Excessive : Moderate Yes H Extreme Severe Very Severe Severe Rice Water Rice Water Partial, 60 Hours Adynamic-Vomiting, &c. .... 9 Days Consecutive Fever .... Nitrous Oxide Gas-Saline *o Dr.Stewart 182 183 Sept, 7 A. B. 30 _ 2 k Extreme ¦•'• •••• 19 Hours InCollapse Calomel No Dr.Stewart 183 184 Sept. 7 R.M. 18 Boot Closer Good Good Sober Good Yes 7i HoursTrofuse Si Ho'JrV Profuse loVhouts 5 I Complete Profuse Profuse Severe Yellowish Coffee Grounds .... -••• 41 J Hours InCollapse .... Calomel No Dr.Stewart 184 185 Sept.7 T.B. 64 Servant Good j Very Dirty Yes 4 Hours, Considerable 4 Hours, cJnsideraMe * Extreme Slight Extreme .... .... .... .... 10 Hours InCollapse .... Mixed Saline *o Dr Stewart 85 186 Sept.B C.P. 41 Servant „ „ Dirty Yes 17 Hours, Considerable 17 Hours, Considerable 3 Hours, Considerable 3 Complet^ Profuse Incessant Considerable j Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 54 Hours InCollapse .... Saline ao Dr. b ewar 8b 187 Sept.B H.C. 34 Milkwomau Good ; Ko 1 Hour, Slight 1 Hour, Considerable 1 Incomplete Slight Profuse Severe Rice Water Rice Water 24 Hours Slight .... 3 Days Recovery .... Salme No Stewart 188 Sept.B M.S. 32 Housework Fair Good Considerable J Moderate Yes 74 Hours 74 Hours Moderate H Incomplete Profuse Profuse Moderate Rice Water Rice Water 24 Hours Slight Vomiting .... 8 Days Recovery .... Saline *° Dr. btewart 188 189 Sept.B S.M. 53 charwoman Bad Bad Sober Very Dirty Yes 6 Hours 6 Hours 6 Incomplete Profuse Profuse Severe Rice Water Rice Water .». .... 22 Hours InCollapse .... Saline Dr.Stewart 189 190 Sept.B E.W. 28 Housework Fair Moderate Dirty ; Yes 24 Hours s ,Hours , Hours 5i 5 i Ho urs H Complete " ' Moderate Moderate .... ' Yellow Rice Water 12 Hours None .... ODays Recovery .... Salme Mo Dr.Stewart 190 191 Sept.9 M.C. 4 None Good Good \ Averago ¦; 3J Extreme NonQ Considerable Extreme Rice Water .... .... 9 Hours InCollapse .... Saline Dr.Stewart 191 192 Sept.9 M.W. 50 Servant .. .. Ko 40 Ho ur S> Moderate 40 Hours ...111 9 Extreme Considerable Slight None Pink Motions Eiee Water .... .... 12 k Hours InCollapse .... Saline 1,0 Dr.Stewart 192 193 Sept.9 S.P. 18 Servant Good Good Beer Good [ ._ 17 Hours 9 i Hours 9. Hours Severe H Incomplete-Complete Profuse Considerable Severe Pink Motions Rice Water .... .... 28 Hours InCollapse .... Salme a l>i. .tewai ijd 194 Sept.9 A.C. 35 servant Good .. Good [ No 12 Hours 7 Hours 3 Hours 3 Extreme Profuse Severe Severe Ribe Water Rice Water 48 Hours None .... 5 Days Recovery .... p Saline No Dr.Stewart 194 195 Sept.9 A.S. 21 Tassel-maker Fair Good Beer Good _ 12 Hours None 12 Extreme Profuse Severe Slight Rice Water Rice Water 18 Hours Much Vomiting 13th Day 28 Days Recovery .... Lead and Calomel art 196 Sept.lo H.E. 34 Housework Good Good Sober Dirty Yeg ioi Hours, Considerable lOi Hours, Considerable 10. Hours, Considerable 10_ Incomplete-Extreme Considerable Considerable Severe Rice Water Rice AVater .... .... 26. Hours InCollapse .... Mixed Saline !No r. ewar 19 197 Sept.lo N.H. 22 Housework Good Bad Average 5 Hours Sli-ht 5 Incomplete Slight Considerable Slight Rice Water Rice Water Few Hours Slight .... 5 Days Recovery .... Castor Oil >o JJI btewait 197 198 Sept. 11 M.C. 34 Housework Good Good Moderate i Deficient 21 Complete Considerable Profuse Slight Rice Water Rice Water 21 Hours Slight 4th Day 14 Days Recovery .... Mixed Saline Dr. Thompson 198 199 Sept. 11 E.W. 48 Housework .. Bad Very Dirty Y " s "['] 24 Hours . 111!.'. 15_ Extreme Considerable Considerable Severe Rice Water Rice Water .... .... 20 Hours InCollapse .... Salme No Dr. Stewart H>9 200 Sept. 11 E.T. 31 Housework Good Good Sober Dirty Yeg A Month none,' 48 Hours 48 Hours, Profuse Severe 1 Incomplete Considerable Considerable Slight Rice Water Rice Water 24 Hours None .... 5 Days Recovery .... Sahne Profuse 201 Sept. 11 L.K. 7 None .. .. ...... Good Ko 5 Hours, Considerable 5 Hours, Considerable 5 Complete Considerable Considerable Considerable Rice Water Rice Water 6 Hours None .... 4 Days Recovery .... Saline No Dr.Thompsou 201 n [Continued. ;; ! APPENDIX (I.)—₯EMATJEB--contimed. BEFORE ADMISSION. AFTER ADMfflBIOK> " ~ ' ~ — . — — — — _____ TREATMENT. °"'" a °" —J^ — "-• ,— - Mfc c ~ X " «,. -? -, ?, ?_ ~Z^ZT -r ™o=r -wr- ;^r ?„,„„. ». ~ ~- : . . administered? 202 Sept. 11 C.F. 82 Washerwoman Good Good Sober Very Dirty .. $ Hour, 1 Motion J Hour, Once £ Slight Slight SUght Slight Coloured .... 10 Hours 203 Sept. 12 A. G. 48 Milkwoman Strong Sufficient Sober Dirty Yes 15£ Hours, Considerable 15$ Hours, Considerable Considerable 5j Extreme Profuse Profuse Extreme Bice Water Rice" Water Days Recovery .... Saline No Dr. Thompson 202 204 Sept. 12 M.H. 34 Housework .. .. .. .. .. 5 Hours, Considerable 5 Hours, Considerable 1 Hour 1 Complete Moderate Moderate Slight Rice Water Rice Water 12 Hours Z"" 28$ Hours In Collapse .... Saline and Injection No Dr. Thompson 203 205 Sept. 12 E.G. 11 School Good .. Water Good Yes ...... 2 Incomplete Moderate Moderate Severe Rice Water Rice Water Few Hours _Z t^ T^ "" **"" *° Dr - Thom P s ™ 204 206 Sept. 13 W.M. 48 Housework Bad Good Moderate Moderate .. 7 Days, Considerable Considerable Considerable 17 Extreme 50 Motions Considerable SUght Rice Water Rice Water 36 Hours V m fat ° Recovery .... Saline No Dr. Thompson 205 207 Sept. 13 L. R. 28. Servant Good Good Sober None Yes 2 Hours, Moderate 2 Hours, Moderate Moderate 2 Extreme Profuse Moderate Severe Rice Water Rice Water ? Recovery Yes Saline and Cajaput Oil No Dr. Thompson 206 208 Sept. 13 F. G. 68 Housework Very Good Good Sober Good No 5 Hours, Moderate 2 Hours, Moderate Moderate 1 Extreme Slight Slight Moderate Rice Water Rice Water 48 Hours V'V """ 8 H H ° IlrB In Collapse .... Saline Injection No Dr. Thompson 207 209 Sept. 14 A.R. 37 Housework Good Good Beer Moderate Yes 3 Days 3 Hours 2 Incomplete Considerable Moderate Moderate Rice Water Rice Water Few Hours "^ In Collapse .... Saline and Cajaput Oil No Dr. Thompson 208 ,210 Sept. 14 E.K. 9 None Good .. .. .. 1 Hour, 3 Motions 1 Hour, Vomited thrice 1 Incomplete 3 Motions Once Moderate Rice Water Rice Water 4 Hours V * .... Castor Oil No Dr. Thompson 209 211 Sept. 15 E.F. 30 Housekeeper .. .. Moderate Yes 4 Days 12 Hours 6 Incomplete-Extreme Considerable None Moderate Bice Water 3 Daj ' S Recovery .... Saline No Dr. Thompson 210 ,212 Sept. 16 A.C. 30 p Charwoman .. .. .. Yes 10J Hours 10$ Hours 10. Incomplete Moderate Moderate Severe Coloured "" Few Hours _¦"" 4 H H ° U1 ' S *» Collapse .... Saline and Cajaput Oil No Dr. Thompson 211 213 Sept. 16 M.B. 50 Housework Good Moderate Sober Moderate .. 2 Hours, 4 Motions 2 Hours 2 Complete Moderate Considerable Severe Rice Water Rice Water Few Hours n^ 3 Eecovel T •••¦ Castor OU No Dr. Thompson 212 [ 214 Sept. 17 E.G. 53 Housework Phthisis .. Moderate Moderate Yes 14 Hours, Considerable 5 Hours, Considerable Severe 5 Complete One Considerable Moderate Bice Water Rice Water Few Hours SI t ? "^ Xe <^cry .... Castor Oil No Dr. Thompson 213 215 Sept. 18 R.P. 28 Housework Good Good Moderate Good Yes 36 Hours, Considerable None 12 Hours, Severe Slight Considerable Moderate Severe Rice Water Rice Water Few Hour- v m i w "" " Eecover y •••• Saline and Cajaput OU No Dr. Thompson 214 216 Sept. 18 E.S. 27 Housework Not Good Fair Sober Fair .. Several Days , 5 Incomplete Moderate Moderate Rice Water Rice Water Few Hours Z "" * DayS BeC ° VeiT "" SaliUC N ° Dr. Thompson 215 217 Sept. 18 L.T. 8 Housework Good Good Water Good .. 4 Hours 4 Extreme „ Motions Severe Rice ato . Bice Water Few Hours Slight "" "^ T^** *° Dr " Thora PSMIP SM1 216 218 Sept. 19 E.S. 18 Servant Good .. Sober Good Ko 2£ Hours, Considerable 2i Hours, Considerable Severe 'H Incomplete 1 Motion Slight Slight F H "" 7 Days recovery .... Saline No Dr. Thompson 217 219 Sept.l 9 A.S. 36 Housework Good Good Sober Fair Yes 3 Days 3 Days .. incomplete Slight Slight Slight Rice Water RicJw'ater Few Hour! None ° f"™" "" TT Dr - HawMnS 218 '220 Sept. 20 C. B. 30 Needlewoman Good Moderate Excessive Very Dirty No 24 Hours, Considerable 9 Hours, Considerable Severe 9 Incomplete Slight Moderate Moderate Yellow FeiH w ""* Recovery .... Saline No Dr. Hawkins 219 ¦221 Sept.24 M.B. 3$ None Good Moderate Water Fair Yes 18 Hours, Once 4 Hours, Slight Extreme 4 Extreme ProfLts(! Considerable Extreme Hice Water Rice Water 20 Hours sCht Bth DaVWht T™" "" IT Br - HawkinS 220 ; 222 Sept.2B E. B. 8 None .. .. Moderate Yes 22J Hours, 3 Motions Severe 22i Complete-Extreme 4 Motions Moderate Severe Rice Water Rice Water * '^ N ° 22! '223 Sept. 30 S.A.W. 2J None Good Good Water Average Yes 5 Hours, 10 Motions 4$ Hours, Considerable None 5 Extreme Moderate Considerable Slight Rice Water Rice Water ""* 36 Hours In Collapse Yes Saline No Dr. Stewart 222 224 Oct. 3 E.B. 54 Housework Good Good ¦ Considerable Fair No 3 Days, Considerable 24 Hours, Considerable Severe 12 Complete Considerable Moderate Severe Rice Water Bice Water 12 Hours n"" "'" M*°™ In Collapse .... Saline No Dr. Stewart 223 225 Oct. 3 C. C. 30 Dressmaker Bad Good Sober Average .. 3 Days, 14 Motions 4 Days, Considerable None 2 Incomplete Slight Slight Rice Water Rice Water Few Hours v ""' Recovery .... Saline No Dr. Thompson 224 226 Oct. 9 A.D. 60 Charwoman Good Good Sober Moderate Yes 6 Hours, Considerable 6 Hours, Considerable ...... 6 Incomplete-Extreme Considerable Moderate Severe Rice Water Bice Water "" * **** Recovery Yes Saline No Dr. Thompson 225 227 Oct. 18 M.A.W. 36 Housework .. .. Excessive .. No 14 Days, Considerable 3 Days, Considerable 3 Days, Considerable 6 Complete Considerable Considerable Severe Rice Water Rice Water "" 35 Hours In Collapse .... Saline No Dr. Goodfellow 226 228 Nov. 14 L.H. 13 Servant Not Good Bad Water Average Ho 10 Hours, 30 Motions 9J Hours, 8 times Considerable 10 Moderate 3 Motions Slight Slight Bice Water Rice Water 6 Hours None' "" M In Collapse Yes Saline Dr. Stewart 227 ATTACKED IN THE HOSPITAL. i I 229 Sept. 4 L.L. 38 Sick Nurse Excellent Good Beer Good Yes 18 Hours, Great 12 Hours, Great .. None-Extreme Profuse Profuse Severe Rice Water Rice Water ' I 230 Sep,4 M.S. 22 Servant OgjgjJ Good Water Good ,es 14 Days, Very Siight .one None-Complete Considerable Moderate Moderate Bice Water Rice Water 12Hours Slight, with Vo.itin, Z *_£ " Z MiTsle £ £25, m 231 Sept.ll S.S. 33 Sick Nurse Excellent Good Beer Good 10 Days, Profuse ! Day, Considerable None-Complete Profuse Profuse Severe Rice Water Rice Water 6 Hours Slight Vomiting 30tn Hour ! 4 Days Recovery .... Saline Yes D, Stewart 231 APPENDIX 11. TABLE A. Table of those Cases in which the Consecutive FCver was slight or trivial. MALES. FEMALES. ,T, T Hours in Intensity of Amount of vu a »,,u v. Hours in Intensity of Amount of pp o =?n No - Collapse. Collapse. Purging. Eesult - No ' Collapse. Collapse. Purging. Kesult Kesult-15 80 Extreme Profuse Death from 127 47 Extreme Considerable Recovery Relapse 130 11 Complete Profuse Recovery 23 48 Extreme Considerable Recovery 132 12(?) Complete Profuse Death from 30 15 Extreme Considerable Recovery Uraemia 32 78 Complete Profuse Recovery 137 34 Complete Moderate Recovery 41 9 Complete Considerable Recovery 148 42 Complete Considerable Recovery 50 18 Complete Profuse Recovery 151 16 Complete Slight Recovery 51 83 Complete Profuse Recovery 153 28 Complete Considerable Death from 55 — Incomplete Profuse Recovery Relapse 58 49 Complete Considerable Recovery 156 13 Complete Considerable Recovery 60 28 Extreme Profuse Recovery 158 8 Complete Frefuse Recovery 78 28 Complete Profuse Recovery 161 9 Incomplete Considerable Recovery 85 19 Incomplete Moderate Recovery 168 12 Complete Profuse Recovery 98 10 Incomplete Slight Recovery 170 17 Incomplete Profuse Recovery 101 20 Incomplete Moderate Recovery 170 28 Incomplete Profuse Recovery 121 27 Complete Profuse Recovery IS6 25 Incomplete Slight Recovery 187 32 Incomplete Profuse Recovery 196 45 Complete Considerable Recovery 12 ' Incomplete Slight Recovery 203 8 i Incomplete Moderate Recovery 204 53 I Extreme Profuse Recovery 206 46 Extreme Slight Death from Relapse 214 12 Complete Slight Recovery 215 18 Slight Considerable Recovery 217 10 Extreme Moderate Recovery 221 24 Extreme Profuse Recovery 230 12 Complete Considerable Recovery 231 6 Complete Profuse Recovery TABLE B. Table of those Cases in which the Consecutive Fever was either well marked or severe. MALES. FEMALES. „ Hours in Intensity of Amount of p eau lt No Hours in Intensity of Amount of ?„,, Ao * Collapse. Collapse. Purging. Kesmtl JNO - Collapse. Collapse. Purging. Eesult. 26 53 Extreme Profuse Death 131 48(?) Complete Profuse Death 36 31 Extreme Severe Death 133 30 Extreme Profuse Recovery 39 26 Considerable Profuse Recovery 136 39 Complete Considerable Recovery 47 70 Extreme Moderate Recovery 139 24 Extreme j Profuse Recovery 62 82 Complete Profuse Recovery 154 24 Extreme Considerable Recovery 63 50 Complete Profuse Recovery 155 11 Extreme Considerable Recovery 69 72 Complete Profuse Recovery 169 60 (?) Extreme Profuse Recovery 70 72 Extreme Profuse Recovery 173 50 Complete Profuse Death 74 48 Complete Moderate i Death from 177 29 Complete Moderate Recovery I Epilepsy 181 72 Extreme Severe Death 77 36 Extreme Profuse ¦ Death from 195 30 Extreme Profuse Recovery Uraemia 8 1 58 Complete Considerable Recovery 95 19 Incomplete Slight i Death from Epilepsy 97 12 Complete Slight Death 112 68 Complete Profuse Recovery 116 26 Incomplete Slight Recovery I London: Printed by James Truscott, NelsonJSquare. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Nl_n D55201fil 7