*. rt^ ::m%ffiM®®8T mam :"% Jlft JSUN "%& ';k 482348482353535348485348 LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM 0010111,3 1 SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE TO l7d+21M NLM001011639 ;J mi ill til 1 i ! Hi' <'< i 1! A REPERTORY OF GONORRHCEA, WITH THE CONCOMITANT SYMPTOMS GENITAL AND URINARY ORGANS. COMPILED BY SAMUEL A. KIMBALL, M.D., I.H.A., Boston, Mass., 1888. PUBLISHED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL HAHNEMANNIAN ASSOCIATION, By OTIS CLAPP AND SON, J30gton anti $ro&ttience. Copyright, 1888, By Otis Clapp and Son. Stotbcrsttg $rtss: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge. PREFACE. A number of cases of gonorrhoea, and a difficulty in finding suitable remedies, suggested the compilation of a repertory which, taking a gonorrhoeal discharge as a basis, should also include the concomitant symptoms of the genital and urinary organs. The symptoms are taken from — Hahnemann's.......Chronic Diseases. Hahnemann's.......Materia Medica Pura. Hering's.........Guiding Symptoms. Hering's.........Condensed Materia Medica Lippe's..........Materia Medica. Allen's.........Encyclopaedia. C. Lippe's........Repertory. All symptoms of the genital and urinary organs, of remedies in these works, having a gonorrhoeal discharge or an intimate relation with the sequelae of gonorrhoea, have been taken. Symptoms of coition, emissions, and sexual desire have been omitted; also symp- toms of the kidneys, the quantity, color, and sediment of urine, as these did not seem to bear any special relation to the subject. The contents are arranged alphabetically, with all the symptoms of one anatomical part arranged under that head. There are one hundred and thirty-four remedies, and all have either a proved urethral discharge, or have been proved especially efficient in the treatment of the sequelae of gonorrhoea, — as Ocimum, in the swelling of the testicles after gonorrhoea, which has no proved discharge. It must not be supposed that these are all the remedies that will be applicable in the homoeopathic cure of a gonorrhoea. Any remedy in the Materia Medica may be required if indicated by the concomi- tant or constitutional symptoms. In fact, the gonorrhoeal discharge should be the last thing to base a prescription upon, as we should prescribe for the patient, not for a pathological lesion. IV PREFACE. All monographs on diseases are not, in the strict sense of the word, homoeopathic, as in them the pathological condition is made the most prominent. On the other hand, how many patients present themselves with a diarrhoea or gonorrhoea, with no constitutional symptoms; and then the discharge, with its concomitant symptoms, is the only thing there is to prescribe for. In such cases these monographs are a great aid to the careful prescriber. Much has been said concerning the ineffi- ciency of homoeopathy in the treatment of a gonorrhoea; neverthe- less, any disease having as its main feature a localized expression, especially those due to inoculation, can only be cured by strictly homoeopathic treatment. A suppression of the discharge is never a cure, and is always fol- lowed, sooner or later, by manifestations of disease in one form or another. This is not admitted by those who advocate the use of injections ; and there are even physicians professing to be homceopathists who advise the use of bichloride of mercury to " kill the germs " and stop the discharge. Fortunately for the patient, the discharge is not always stopped after months of injections ; or is only suppressed for a short time, to break out again from slight causes. Whether this fact is accounted for by the presence of a very powerful germ, and in order to kill the germ it is also necessary to kill the patient, is a doubtful question. For if the same germ always produces gonorrhoea, an injection that will destroy it in one case should do the same in all; and unless there is a ferocious species of gonococcus, that laughs at germicides and goes about the country seeking whom it may devour, it is difficult to reconcile the theory with the facts. That these germs are simply the result, or at most a concomitant, of the disease, — never the cause, — does not seem to have occurred to the advocates of this germicidal practice. The fact that evil results from these suppressions are not seen or admitted by some observers, does not invalidate the truth of results that are seen by others. A case or two in point: A robust young man had a slight cough for a week or more; then he began to raise blood quite freely. There was no pain, no discomfort, except to his family, and no physical signs presented themselves; but every time he coughed, which was very often, he would raise a considerable amount of fresh blood. Under the action of suitable remedies this all ceased in a few days, and immediately a gonorrhoeal discharge reappeared which had been cured by injections a month or six weeks before. PREFACE. v This was not a fresh inoculation, for there were no inflammatory symptoms, and had such been the case it would have been readily admitted by the patient; but it explained the haemoptysis to his entire satisfaction. Another case, now under treatment, is that of a coachman with a bad family history, several members having died of consumption. The patient has not been well for six months, com- plaining of night sweats, losing flesh, cough with profuse expectora- tion, and bronchial respiration with slight dulness in right infra clavicular region. Under the action of the remedy, the night sweats ceased, the cough grew much less, he gained in flesh and strength, and a gleety discharge has reappeared which was suppressed by injections four years ago. A fresh inoculation would have been readily admitted; but a fresh attack would not have caused a gleety discharge. He may not recover now; but he certainly would never have recovered if that discharge had not reappeared. That gonorrhoea can kill, is not an idle statement; and the discus- sion of the subject at the June meeting of the I. H. A. bears out the assertion. That discussion is printed in full in the August number of the " Homoeopathic Physician " for 1887, in which a number of interesting cases of suppressed gonorrhoea are given, and they will well repay careful study. How are acute and chronic inflammations of the prostate, strict- ures, and cases of chronic cystitis accounted for, if the suppression of gonorrhoea by injections is never followed by evil results ; and how is the fact accounted for, that in almost all cases of the above dis- eases, not traumatic, there is a history of a gonorrhoea suppressed five, ten, or fifteen years before ? Even our old-school brethren are not blind to these evidences, as the change in their treatment of gonorrhoea testifies. Of two of their celebrated specialists in New York, one of them writes in this manner: " A large proportion of cases require many weeks and months before the discharge ceases ; prognosis in every case must be guarded; complications are by no means always absent in cases that begin very mildly." The other says : " Use no injections until the discharge begins to decline." They evidently do not believe in checking the discharge at once, as we are now advised to do by a member of our own school. Another1 prominent old-school physician stated several years ago that all cases of salpingitis, and many of perimetritis, were caused by inoculation from a latent gonorrhoea in the male,—that is, a suppressed gonorrhoea, — and supported his claim by numerous cases. This theory has not as yet received the full support it will have later, but its effect is already apparent in the vi PREFACE. articles and editorials on the subject in old-school journals. These recent developments are all simply confirmations of the teachings of Hahnemann, — that the suppression of any local expression of dis- ease is inevitably followed by manifestations of disease in one form or another; and the truths of his observations are becoming more and more acknowledged by old-school physicians. It is strange that men professing to be homoeopathists should ever depart from his teachings, and take a position below that taken by the more advanced allopathists. Under strictly homoeopathic treat- ment the gonorrhoeal discharge may continue for a longer time ; but when it is cured by the action of the remedy, it is never followed in after life by stricture, enlarged prostate, with all its distressing symptoms with consequent use of the catheter, or by diseases of the bladder, as every true homceopathist of experience can testify. The plea made by some physicians, that the discharge must be suppressed in order to hold the patient, puts the practice of such men upon a purely mercenary basis, and leaves the unavoidable inference to be drawn, that anything will be done by them to hold the patient, pro- vided there is money enough in it. Such principles suit admirably to the professions of highway rob- bery, burglary, and other like fine arts, but hardly have a place in the noble work of curing the sick, even if they are sick through sin. 124 Commonwealth Avence, Boston, Mass. CONTENTS. PART I. PAGE Urging, or Desire, to Urinate.............1 Before Urinating..................5 When Beginning to Urinate..............6 During Urination..................6 At End of Urination................11 After Urinating..................11 When not Urinating.................15 Urinary Stream...................16 Strangury.....................17 Tenesmus.....................17 PART II. Bladder......................18 Buboes.......................19 Chancres......................19 Epididymis......................19 Erections......................19 Genitals......................21 Glans Penis.....................23 Gleet.......................27 Gonorrhoea.....................28 Hydrocele......................29 Meatus.......................29 Orchitis......................30 Paraphimosis.....................30 Penis........................30 Perineum......................33 Phimosis...................... 33 viii CONTENTS. PAGE 34 Prepuce ...................... t, • 37 Prostate ..................... Scrotum.......................37 Spermatic Cords..........•........ 41 Stricture...................... 41 Testicles ...................... Ulcers ....................... Urethra, Discharges from, etc..............46 CO Urinary Organs................... Urinary Passages..................53 Warts, Sycotic Excrescences, etc........... . 53 REMEDIES. Name. Abbreviation. Name. Abbreviation 1 Chimophilla umbellata . . . Chimoph. . . Agar. . . Agn. . Cic. Cinchona boliviana . . . Cinchona officinalis . . . . China. . Clem. Anagallis arvensis . . Anag. . Colch. . Cop. Antimonium oxide . . . Ant-ox. . Cor-r. . Ant-t. . Cub. Cuprum arsenicosum . . . . Cupr-ars. Curare ....... . Curare. . Daph. • Dig. Arsenicum sulph. jiavus . . Ars-s-fl. Doryphora decemlinetita . iJoryph. Aurum muriaticum . . . . Aur-mur. ■ Erig. Erynyium aquaticuin ■ Eryng. . Bell. Ferrum iodatum . . . . . Ferr-iod. . Bond. . Bov. . Bufo. . Calad. . Hep. . Ip. Jacea (viola tricolor) . . . . Jacea. . Kali-b. . Chelid. 2 REMEDIES. Name. Abbreviation. Koballum.......Kob. Lachesis........Lach. Ledum........Led. Lippspringe.......Lipps. Lithium carb.......Lith. Lycopodium.......Lye. Mercurius corros......Merc-c. Mercurius sol.......Merc. Mercurius sulph......Merc-sulph. Mezereum.......Mez. Millefolium.......Millef. Muriatic acid......Mur-ac. Natrum carb.......Natr-c. Natrum mur.......Natr-m. Natrum sulph.......Natr-s. Nitric acid.......Nitr-ac. Nitrum........Nitr. Nux vomica.......Nux. Ocimum canum......Ocim. Petroleum.......Petr. Petroselinum......Petros. Phosphorus.......Phos. Phosphoric acid.....Phos-ac. Name. Abbreviation. Phytolacca dtc......Phytol. Piper nigrum......Pip-nig. Psorinum.......Psor. Pulsatilla.......Puis. Rhododendron ...... Rhod. Rhus tox........Rhus. Sabadilla ....... Sabad. Sabina........Sabin. Sanguinaria......Sang. Sarsaparitla......Sars. Selenium.......Selen. Sepia.........Sep. Silicea........Sil. Spongia tosta......Spong. Sulphur........Sulph. Sumbul........Sumbul. Tabacum.......Tabac. Tellurium.......Tellur. Terebinthina......Tereb. Thuja Occident......Thuja. Tussilago petas......Tussil. Zincum met.......Zinc. Zingiber........Zing. 4 A REPERTORY OF GONORRHCEA. PART I. URINARY SYMPTOMS. Urging, or Desire, to Urinate. abdomen, on touching : Aeon. absent, with full bladder : Phos. —, — feeling of fulness in bladder : Calad. —, — pressure on bladder : Zinc. after an emission : Borax. — itching of meatus : Natr-m. — urinating: Bov. Calc. Chimoph. Con. Guaiac. ■ —, every evening on lying down : Zinc. — waking and rising : Mez. afternoons : Bell. anxious: Aeon. Dig. Graph. Phos-ac. Pliytol. —, painful, with scanty discharge of brown urine in drops, with a stitch in urethra on passing it: Graph. —, with dragging and pressure at night, with cutting pain : Graph. at night: Ant-t. Calc. Graph. Hep. Lach. Nux, Rhus, Sabin. Thuja. ----with discharge of a few drops of red, bloody, burning urine : Nux. ----, waking with erection : Hep. burning, with sharp scratching and burning at the anus, frequently after stool: Phos. but can pass it only during stool: Aloe, Alumina. -------------in a sitting posture : Zinc. -------------on standing: Sars. Urging, or Desire, to Urinate. but feels as if a band across bladder prevented : Thuja. — is obliged to wait sometime for urine to come: Hep. Lye. Mur-ac. Natr-m. Petr. Selen. Sep. ----------------------, especially if others are near him : Natr-m. — must press a long time : Alumina, Apis, Hep. cannot hold it without feeling sick: Curare. ---------anxiety and pressure on bladder: Sep. considerable, with bearing down in pelvis: Sep. constant : Aeon. Agar. Amm-rn. Apis, Arn. Aur-met. Bar-m. Bell. Cann-s. Canth. Colch. Cop. Dig. Guaiac. Kali-b. Led. Merc. Millef. Mur-ac. Natr-c. Phos. Phos-ac. Puis, Sang. Sep. Sulph. Sumbul, Tabac. Thuja. —, —., at night: Dig. Thuja. —, — —, with vertigo on rising: Dig. —, day: Kali-b. —, — and night : Kali-iod. Merc. Natr-m. Sars. —, —, not at night: Led. —, excessive : Bell. —, — at night: Sulph. —, evenings : Bell. —, toward evening: Sabad, URINARY SYMPTOMS. Urging, or Desire, to Urinate. constant, felt deep in abdomen: Dulc. —, followed by itching in female mea- tus while urinating: Petr. —, ineffectual: Camph. Canth. Clem. Cop. Merc. Natr-m. —, the last drops being accompanied with cutting in the bladder and dis- charge of mucus from urethra : Natr-c. —, when standing: Phos. -, with, bladder,pressure in: Camph. , —,----, neck of, burning pain in, and scanty discharge: Berb. —, — difficult emission of a few drops only: Canth. —, — discharge of a few drops at a time: Con. Dig. —,----profuse: Guaiac. Kob. —, — — scanty: Aur-met. Colch. Con. Dig. Ip. Sil. Sulph. —, — heat on urinating: Con. —, — pain in liver, chest, and kid- neys : Terr. —, — painful bearing down in pelvis mornings : Sep. —, — unpleasant sensation of bearing down toward vesical region and ure- thra : Dulc. —, — urethra, burning in: Sulph. —,----, cutting in : Chelid. —,----, tickling in tip of: Brom. —,----, —, violent, in: Lye. —, without sufficient discharge, cathe- ter will not enter, worse when sitting: Chimoph. day and night: Kali-iod. Merc. Natr-c. Natr-m. Sars. excessive: Zinc. — at night: Zinc. frequent: Aeon. Agar. Aloe, Alu- men, Alumina, Amm-m. Ananth. Ant-c. Ant-t. Apis, Arg-m. Armor. Am. Aur-mur. Bar-c. Bar-m. Bell. Benz-ac. Berb. Bov. Bry. Calc. Calc-ph. Camph. Canth. Cann-s. Caps. Chelid. China, Cic. Clem. Con. Cop. Cub. Cupr. Dig. Eryng. Ferr-iod. Ferr-ph. Gels. Graph. Guaiac. Ham. Hep. Jacea, Kali-b. Kali-iod. Kob. Urging, or Desire, to Urinate. Lach. Led. Lipps. Lye. Merc. Merc- sulph. Mez. Mur-ac. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux, Petr. Petros. Phos. Psor. Puis. Rhod. Rhus, Sabad. Sabin. Sars. Sep. Sil. Spong. Sulph. Sumbul, Tabac. Tellur. Thuja. —, frequent, almost ineffectual, fol- lowed by a pressure in the bladder: China. —, —,----with cutting pains : Puis. — and hasty : Thuja. ----painful: Alumen. ----strong: Natr-m. Sep. ----sudden : Sulph. ----violent: Ant-c. Merc. —-----with profuse discharge : Sabin. — at night: Alumina, Graph. Phos. -------, with scanty discharge: Zinc. -------,-------, with cutting pains: Graph. —, caused by a crawling stitch be- hind navic. fossa : Petros. —, chiefly when sitting, not when walking: Caps. — day and night: Rhus. — five to nine p. m. much relieved by lying down : Thuja. — from pressure on bladder: Sep. —, if he cannot, immediately, it causes pressing pain on vertex ; at other times, pressing in temples : Fluor-ac. —, —, immediately after urinating: Bov. —, — in evening: Lye. Sabad. Sep. Zinc. —, —, ineffectual : Alumina, Caps. Cedron, Dig. Pip-nig. Sars. Sil. Sumbul. —, —, irresistible : Sulph. —, —, not as, as usual: Merc-sulph. —, —, passes away without being obliged to urinate : Chelid. —, —, preceded by cutting in hypogas- trium : Sulph. —, —, quick : Sulph. —, —, strong, with profuse discharge : Natr-c. —, —, urgent, with pain in neck of blad- der and end of penis ; must urinate URINARY SYMPTOMS. Urging, or Desire, to Urinate. immediately, which lessens the pain ; chiefly during day, not at night, worse the more he stands : Ferr-ph. —, frequent, with bladder, aching dis- tress in : Erig. —, —,-----, bearing down in: Apis. —, — —, drawing, in region of : Rhod. —,-----, pressure in : Lach. —,-----, sensation of being empty : Sumbul. —,----, violent pains in : Canth. —, — discharge dribbling, of reddish urine, with burning in urethra and glans: Dig. -,-----free, with increased thirst: Fluor-ac. —,-----painless : Thuja. —,-----profuse : Arg-m. Calc. Coca, Dig. Ferr-iod. Ly\ Mur-ac. Natr-c Natr-m. Rhus, Sabin. Sil. Thuja. —,-------, in evening : Thuja. —t-----scanty : Ant-c. Ant-t. Bell. Calc. Camph. Chelid. Chimoph. Cub. Cupr. Dig. Euphorb. Guaiac. Kob. Lach. Led. Merc. Mur-ac. Natr-c. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux, Petr. Phos. Phos-ac. Sabad. Sabin. Sars. Sil. Spong. Sumbul. ( —f-------, and tenesmus of bladder: Gels. -,-------, burning : Sars. —> — erections, violent, toward morn- ing: Rhus. —, — flatus, much and offensive : Nitr. —t — flow, forcible, of large clear stream : Daph. —, — kidneys, dull aching in : Zing. _-----, dull, painful feeling in re- gion of: Nitr. —,-----, hot sensation in : Zing. —, — meatus, sticking in : Mez. —, — pain and heat: Nitr. —, — penis, pressure in : Lach. , —, with, spermatic vessels, pain in course of: Camph. , —, — urethra, burning in, great: Sulph. Urging, or Desire, to Urinate. —, frequent, with urethra, burning and twitching in: Phos. —,-----, prickling itching in, espe- cially in forepart of, but very little ' flow : Ferr-iod. —, — urinary passages, pressive pain in: Thuja. —, worse at night: Aur-mur. —,-------or afternoon : Aloe. from, bladder, pressure on: Sep. ----, smallest quantity of urine in: Canth. ----, neck of, burning in, in evening: Puis. — heavy lifting : Bry. — pain, sore, drawing, under the penis as far as glans : Cic. — urethra, burning in, great: Phos-ac. -----,-----, increased (the urging) by urinating: Nitr-ac. -----pain, burning, in anterior part of: Cann-s. great: Agar. Aloe, Bar-c. Bry. Cann-i. Colch. Ham. Lach. Nitr-ac. Phos. Sep. —, after it, involuntary urination: Camph. —, at night: Lach. Sulph. —, but scanty flow : Ham. —, immediately on rising from bed: Lipps. —, with difficult urination, as if there were almost no urine in bladder : Dig. —, — great quantities of urine, or no urine at all: Cic. —, — inability to void the usual quantity: Merc-sulph. —, — pain in neck of bladder, and burning, scanty urine : Berb. —, — urethra, burning in : Sulph. —,-----, tickling in, violent: Lye. in evening : Bell. Sabad. — morning: Berb. increased: Armor. Ham. Natr-m. Sang. —, after passing a few drops, causing patient to walk about in distress, though motion increases desire: Dig. — by motion : Dig. 4 URINARY SYMPTOMS. Urging, or Desire, to Urinate. —, ineffectual; Aeon. Alumina, Am. Borax, Camph. Canth. Caps. China, Cop. Dig. Ip. Lach. Natr-m. Nux, Petros. Phos. Phos-ac. Puis. Sars. Sep. Sulph. —, —, followed by stitches in neck of bladder: Guaiac. —, —, violent: Dig. —, when sitting on seat after stool; afterwards, when standing, could urinate freely : Sars. —, with cutting stitches in urethra: Calc. —, — diarrhoea : Cupr. irresistible : Aloe, Bry. Merc. Phos-ac. Sabin. less when sitting : Canth. Phos. more sitting than when walking: Phos. must urinate every five minutes, urine dripping away all the time, and burning like fire : Eryng. on continued, only a few drops pass: Canth. painful: Aeon. Ant-t. Bov. Cann-s. Canth. Graph. Kali-iod. Nux. -, but ineffectual : Canth. Nux. -, in morning in bed, passage of a few drops with cutting in urethra : Graph. —, with bloody discharge: Sulph. painless: Clem. quick: Arg-n. Sulph. smarting after urinating: Con. strong: Canth. sudden : Bar-c. Bry. Lipps. Merc. Nitr-ac. Phos. Phos-ac. Puis. Rhus, Spong. Sulph. —, with anxious pressure in bladder and scanty emission : Graph. —, — copious flow : Natr-m. —, — scanty discharge : Graph. -, — stitches in urethra, from be- hind forward : Natr-c. unusual: Natr-m. —, without pain : Clem. urgent: Aloe, Agar. Bar-c. Borax, Canth. China, Cinnab. Euphorb. Graph. Phytol. Urging, or Desire, to Urinate. urgent, soon after rising : Eryng. violent: Ant-c. Bar-m. Borax, Led. Natr-m. Petr. Phos. Phytol. —, after emission of a few drops only, with drawing in urethra from before, backwards: Sabad. —, at night: Borax, Sulph. —, instantaneous : Borax. —, mornings, on waking: Hep. —, must urinate, or it will pass in- voluntarily : Sulph. —, on waking, after an emission: Sulph. —, with discharge profuse : Sabin. —,----scanty : Ant-t. —, — urethra, burning in : Sulph. wakes him mornings : Sars. ■when lifting a load : Bry. — lying on back, not when lying on side: Puis. — pouring out anything liquid : Ham. — sitting, not when walking: Caps. — standing: Canth. — walking: Calc. Canth. ----in the open air: Bry. vrith, abdomen, burning in : Lach. ----, drawing in of: Puis. ----, pain in : Lach. Puis. ----, — in, cutting, at night: Nitr-ac. — bearing down feeling: Lye. Sep. — bladder, pain in : Calc-ph. Nux, Puis. Rhod. ----, —, violent, sticking, extending from kidneys to urethra : Berb. ----, pressing and forcing in: Sars. ----, pressure on, mornings : Sep. ----, painful constriction in : Sars. ----, neck of, pain in : Bell. Calc-ph. Spong. ----,----,----, sticking: Canth. ----,----, pressure, in region of : Thuja. ----, stitches from both sides upon : Rhus. — burning: Phos-ac. — colic, cutting, at night: Nitr-ac. — discharge of a few burning drops: Erig. —,----of mucus : Daph. URINARY SYMPTOMS. 5 Urging, or Desire, to Urinate. —, with discharge profuse : Agar Amm-m. Dig. Jacea. ----scanty : Cupr. Graph. Merc. Phos-ac. Sars. Sil. -----, followed by tenesmus of bladder: Mur-ac. — dribbling after usual discharge : Graph. — dysuria and nausea : Curare. — face pale, heat, and thirst : Phos-ac. — glans, stitches in, violent, urine then dribbles, urging continues until shooting ceases : Thuja. ----, tearing shooting on : Aur-met. ----, tickling in : Ferr. ----, warmth in : Ferr. — groins, pain in : Rhod. ,----, piercing in both : Natr-s. — heat: Phos-ac. — navel, pinching about, when sit- ting : Natr-s. — pain, aching: Cann-s. ----constrictive, in urethra and rec- tum : Natr-m. ----in back and loins : Lach. ----in perineum : Ant-t. ,----in prostate : Calc-ph. ----, pressive: Cann-s. , — smarting, burning : Arn. — straining, much, but ineffectual: Cann-i. — strangury and fainting fits: Curare. — testicle, fine stitches in left: Merc-c. — thirst: Phos-ac. — urethra, burning in: Camph. Phos. Thuja. ____> — between acts of micturition: Sabad. ----, burning in, evenings : Phos. ,----, —, violent: Sabad. ____, feeling in, as if he must be al- ways passing water : Sulph. p____t pain in, constrictive : Natr-m. ----) pressure, in anterior part of : Cann-s. ____, —, raw, at root of : Graph. ----, smarting in : Sil. Urging, or Desire, to Urinate. —, with urethra, sticking, in forepart of: Merc-c. —,----, stitches in : Thuja. —,----, tickling in, extending to neck of bladder : Ferr. —, — vertigo : Tabac. —, worse walking, better sitting and lying: Ferr. Before Urinating. —, abdomen, lower, cutting in : Sulph. back, pain in : Lye. —, small of, pain in, on retaining urine : Natr-s. bladder, burning in : Calc. Cann-i. Chelid. Rhod. —, —, excruciating : Canth. —, —, with aching in : Fluor-ac. —, cutting in : Calc-ph. —, neck of, pain in : Nux. —,----, —, throbbing as from a pulse, in region of: Dig. —,----, —, violent, burning, cutting in, extending to navic. fossa : Canth. —,----, pressure in : Nux. —,----, stitches, violent from, to end of urethra : Dig. —, pain, burning in : Berb. —, —, cutting, in region of, just be- hind pubes, most violent when walk- ing: Thuja. —, —, flash of, in region of, more toward the right side : Lith. —, — in region of : Phytol. —, pressure on: Arn. China, Con. Nux. —, stitches through : Sep. burning : Berb. Bry. Chelid. Natr-c. Zinc. — in urinary passages : Colch. — with aching, in bladder : Fluor-ac. coccyx, violent pain in : Kali-b. complaints : Ferr-ph. cutting : Bry. Dig. Phos-ac. desire to urinate, urgent: Bar-c. discharge of a drop of pus : Tussil. — of mucus : Calc. Merc. — of prostatic fluid : Psor. glans, burning in : Armor. 6 URINARY SYMPTOMS. Before Urinating. —, glans, cutting in : Armor. —, pain in, pressing : China. —, —, in, violent: Canth. —, stitches in, tearing: Aur-met. gleet, yellowish: Bar-c. hips, burning in : Dulc. hypogastrium, cutting in: Sulph. impatience : Sulph. kidneys, cutting and downward pressure in: Graph. — pain, pressing, in region of: Tabac. meatus, burning in : Caps. —, —, painful, as if excoriated: Nux. nausea: Dig. on rising to urinate, after sitting long, violent pain in coccyx : Kali-b. pains, agonizing, in back and hips: Arn. —, pressive : Chimoph. —, violent, in direction of ureters : Chelid. pressing down : Calc-ph. — in region of heart on rising to uri- nate, not ceasing until after urinating (in morning): Lith. pressure: Puis. urethra, biting in : Cop. , —, burning in: Alumina, Berb. Borax, Bry. Calc. Cann-i. Canth. Chelid. Cop. Dig. Merc-c. Natr-c. Nitr-ac. Rhod. Zinc. -, —, as if scalded: Apis. -, —, violent: Merc-c. —, cutting in : Bry. Calc-ph. Canth. Dig. —, —, followed by ineffectual strain- ing : Phos-ac. —, discharge of drop of yellow mu- cus : Tussil. —, — of fluid from : Selen. —, — mucus, tenacious, transparent: Mez. —, irritation of: Ham. —, itching in: Cop. Nux, Tabac. —, jerking in : Nux. —, pain in, biting : Cop. —, —, burning-pricking after dinner: Nux. —, —, cutting, fearful: Canth. Before Urinating. —, urethra, pain, stinging: Cann-i. —, —, pinching in : Natr-m. —, —, pricking in : Nux. —, —, scalding in : Cann-i. —, —, stitches : Natr-c. —, —, —, fine, in female : Coca. —, urinary passages, burning in : Coich. —, weakness: Nux. —, urging and burning, great: Ip. When Beginning to Urinate. —, bladder, neck of, contraction in : Kali-iod. —, —,----, cutting in : Petr. —, —,----, pain in, violent: Cop. —, burning is the worst: Clem. —, cutting: Merc. —, dribbling of urine : Sulph. —, fossa, navic, pain in : Bar-c. —, labia minora, swelling of, obstructs urine: Apis. —, pain : Canth. Clem. Merc. —, urethra, burning in: Cann-s. Merc. —, —, cutting in : Merc. —, —, pain in sharp, cutting: Iris. —, —, — in, sore : Daph. —, —, tickling in : Ferr. —, urine discharged by drops, after- wards it was retained : Sulph. —, —, retention of : Zinc. During Urination. —, abdomen, pain in : Bry. —, —, — in lower : Agn. —, —, pressure in lower : Natr-m. —, —, pricking in : Bar-c. —, —, stitches from, to chest: Clem. —, agony: Apis. —, backache: Ant-c. —, back, small of, cramp-like pain in: Phos-ac. —, bladder, aching in : Fluor-ac. —, —, air passes from : Sars. —, —, burning in : Aloe, Nux, Tereb. — —, ~. excruciating : Canth. —, —, contraction, violent, in region of, on both sides of mons veneris : Petr. —, —, cutting in : Calc. URINARY SYMPTOMS. 7 During Urination. bladder, cutting-drawing in : Dig. , drawing upwards, in female: Calc-ph. —, neck of, burning in : Aloe, Nux, Petr. Phos-ac. —,-----, constriction of: Colch. —,----, — violent, in region of: Petr. —,-----, contraction in : Kali-iod. —,-----, feeling of obstruction at: Sulph. , —,-----, pains and urging at: Ant-ox. —,-----, stitches in, fine : Sulph. —,-----, tearing in : Nux. —,-----, throbbing in region of, when straining to pass water : Dig. — pain in : Ant-t. Calc. —, — contractive, with difficult dis- charge : Dig. , —, — in region of : Phytol. ,-----------, cutting, just behind pubes : Thuja. —, pressure in: Berb. Camph. Hep. Natr-m. , —, — about, painful: Dulc. —, — followed by burning: Sil. —, splashing sensation in region of: Aeon. -, stinging in : Natr-m. —, stitches in : Natr-m. —, tenesmus of : Apis, Colch. Lith. , bowels, pressing and cutting in: China. —, burning: Aloe, Alumina, Camph. Cann-s. Caps. Colch. Dig. Gels. Hep. Lipps. Lye. Mez. Mur-ac. Natr-s. Phos-ac. Sars. Zinc. —, —, as by fire, much worse in evening: Alumina. —t —t followed by a gonorrhoeal dis- charge : Phos-ac. —, —, great, with phimosis : Dig. —, —, intense : Tereb. —, —, in females : Ham. —, coccyx, pain in : Graph. —, colic : Aeon. —, cutting: Calc. Guaiac. Lipps. Sars. Thuja. —, —, as if something acrid came away : Guaiac. During Urination. cutting between labia: Cann-s. —, with discharge of blood : Phos. desire for stool: Alumina. discharge of blood and mucus: Calc. —, mucus : Ant-c. Nux. —, —, offensive : Lach. —, —, viscid, purulent: Nux. —, prostatic fluid : Sil. —, pus from urethra : Arn. —, semen : Gels. faint feeling : Aeon. feeling as if something remained be- hind : Gels. —, as if some thin stool would escape : Aloe. — remote, sick, qualmish : Merc. flow difficult, as if the passage was impeded : Phos. —, — suddenly interrupted, only a few drops of turbid, slimy urine come out, with pains in urethra, followed by aching in groins : Lye. —, genitals, coldness of : Iris. — —} itching in, distressing: Sil. —j — in> worse on scratching : Iris. —, pain in female : Thuja. —, pressing in, unpleasant: Clem. glans, burning in : Armor. Dig. Mez. —, burning-itching in tip of : Thuja. —, cutting in : Armor. —, heat in : Sumbul. —, heaviness, feeling of, in : Phos-ac. —, pain in : Aeon. —t —t burning, extending to the back part: Cann-s. —, —, pinching: Aeon. —, —, shooting: Aeon. —, —, — in small low vesicle on : Thuja. —( —, smarting, from, to back part: Cann-s. —, —, sore: Nitr-ac. —, —, stinging : Thuja. —, pulsation in, distressing, as soon as urine reaches it: Ferr. __; _ sensation at tip of, as if urine was restrained there, but passes freely : Canth. 3 8 URINARY SYMPTOMS. During Urination. —, glans, shooting in, as if urethra was being pierced: Sulph. —, smarting in : Sumbul. , —, sticking in : Sulph. —, stitches in, more violent: Thuja. -, tearing in : Petr. groin, burning and cutting in : Natr-m. , —, spasmodic drawing in left: Agar. hips, pain in : Berb. hypogastrium, dull pain in, morn- ings when in bed, preventing emission of urine to the last drop : Phos. —, pressure in : Natr-m. —, stitches in, above vulva : Nitr-ac. kidneys, pain in : Agn. Berb. , lachrymation, copious, involuntary, worse before 6 p.m. : Clem. lancinations from abdomen to chest: Clem. legs, numbness of, and twitching in, with coldness: Agar. meatus, biting in : Merc-c. , —, burning in : Calc. Cann-s. Canth. Caps. China, Cupr-ars. Dulc. Nitr. Puis. Sulph. , —, —, at night: Agar. Calc. —, —, intense : Cann-i. —, —, slight: Aeon. , —, cutting in : Cupr. Natr-s. , —, dragging sensation as far as, to- ward evening: Sabad. , —, itching in female : Petr. —, pricking in, as of pins : Canth. -, pain, acute in: Zing. —, —, biting in : Borax. -, —, burning: China. —, —, burning-lancinating: Cupr. —, —, burning-smarting going back- wards, posteriorly more shooting: Cann-s. ,—,—, burning-sticking: Cupr. , —, smarting in : Gels. Kob. must press : Led. Thuja. , navel, pinching about: Aeon. , navicular fossa, burning in : Kali-b. Natr-m. Petr. —, pain, abdominal: Bry. During Urination. pain, acute, and tenesmus, with aching in lower back : Clem. —, agonizing, causing him to dance about the room : Petros. —, and soreness, much, in gleet : Cinnab. —, burning: Chimoph. Cupr-ars. Doryph. Petr. __( —, along perineum, and discharge of pus from urethra: Arn. —, —, severe : Nux. —, burning-smarting : Merc. —, cutting : Graph. Merc. Puis. Sars. —, dragging : Arg-n. —, excruciating : Doryph. —, pricking : Chimoph. —, scalding : Cub. —, severe : Eucalyp. —, shooting, smarting: Cann-s. —, stinging : Doryph. —, violent: Calad. —, wanting, with orchitis : Clem. painful: Fluor-ac. penis, pain in : Phos. —, — in whole of, slight: Ferr-iod. —, shooting in, mornings : Sulph. —, sticking in : Natr-m. Sulph. —, stitches in : Petr. Sulph. perineum, clawing or pressing sen- sation in, close to anus : Lye. polypous masses pass with urine: Calc. prepuce, biting in : Calad. —, burning in : Calc. —, inflamed with burning pain : Calc. —, smarting in swollen border of : Calad. pressure, voluptuous, reaching as far as anus : Sulph. prostate, acute stitches in region of: Nitr. —, great pain in : Cop. rectum, flow of blood from : Merc. —, pressure on : Canth. sacrum, pain in : Graph. —, — spasmodic: Phos-ac. scalding: Chimoph. Ferr-iod. Hep. Merc-sulph. URINARY SYMPTOMS. 9 During Urination. —, scapula, sensation behind right, as of something running or flowing: Hep. sensation as if a cold drop of urine was passing: Agar. - as if it was impossible to pass urine: Canth. — as if something remained behind : Gels. — as if urinary passages were too narrow : Bry. — as if urethra was constricted : Dig. —, lack of, in urinary passages : Sars. , smarting: Chimoph. Lye. Merc-c. smarting-burning ceased : Arn. spermatic cords, drawing in : Bell. Canth. Caps. Clem. ----, pain in : Bell. Clem. ----, uneasy feeling in : Apis. stool, after, some drops of mucus come out of urethra with pain in perineum : Phos. — involuntary : Mur-ac. — little and soft: Canth. — thin watery: Mur-ac. — urging to : Aloe. suffered so, that urine was passed only once daily : Benz-ac. tenesmus: Arn. Colch. Rhus. thighs, pain in : Berb. urethra, absence of sensation in: Sars. —, biting in: Canth. Clem. Graph. Lye. Merc. Merc-c. Natr-m. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Phos. Sep. —, —, in morning: Rhus. —, —, violent in forepart of, worse at rest, better walking: Rhus. , —, burning in : Aeon. Agar. Agn. Alumina, Aloe, Ant-c. Ant-t. Ant-ox. Arg-n. Armor. Aur-mur. Bar-c. Bell. Benz-ac. Berb. Bov. Bry. Calad. Calc. Calc-ph. Camph. Cann-i. Cann-s. Canth. Caps. Cedron, Chelid. Clem. Colch. Con. Cop. Cub. Cupr. Dig. Dulc. Gamb. Hep. Ip. Jacea, Kali-b. Kob. Lach. Lye. Merc. Merc-c. Mez. Mur-ac. Natr-c. Natr-m. Natr-s. Nitr. During Urination. Nitr-ac. Nux, Petr. Petros. Phos. Phos-ac. Psor. Puis. Rhus, Rhod. Sabad. Sabin. Sars. Sil. Sulph. Tabac. Tereb. Thuja, Zinc. —, urethra, burning and tingling, from perineum through whole : Petros. —, —, — as if urine was hot: Euphorb. -, — followed by increased gonor- rhoeal discharge : Phos-ac. —, — great, with delay of discharge, afterwards renewed irritation to uri- nate : Phos-ac. —, —, intolerable : Fluor-ac. —, — in bulbous portion of: Kali-b. —, — in female : Lye. —, — in forepart of: Cann-s. Calc. Caps. Kali-b. Merc. Natr-c. Nux, Rhus, Sulph. —, — in glandular portion of, and for long after: Kali-b. —, — in whole length of: Sars. —, — less : Merc-c. —, —, mostly in morning: Anag. —, — near neck: Apis. —, — on pressing to increase the flow : Calad. —, — slight: Arg-m. Cann-i. Cub. —, —, smarting: Nitr-ac. —, —, — in anterior part of: China. —, —, sticking: Camph. China. —, —, violent: Sil. —, —, — in anterior part of: Cann-s. —, — with frequent urging to stool: Nux. —,----voluptuous feeling: Thuja. —, constriction of : Apis. —, —, feeling of: Bry. Dig. —, —,-----with difficult micturi- tion : Dig. —, contraction in, long-lasting: Clem. —, crawling through, from perineum : Petros. —, cutting in : Ant-c. Borax, B^. Calc. Canth. Caps. Chelid. Colch. Con. Cub. Graph. Guaiac. Iris, Merc. Mur-ac. Phos. Phos-ac. Psor. Rhus, Sars. Sil. Sulph. Thuja. —, — as from something biting, pass- ing : Guaiac. 10 URINARY SYMPTOMS. During Urination. —, urethra, cutting, burning : Phos-ac. —, —, drawing in : Con. —, — in anterior part of: Alumina, Rhus. —, — in female: Hep. —, — far back in, during stool : Mur-ac. —, —, violent, in forepart of: Natr-s. —, — with pressure in rectum and urethra: Phos-ac. —, discharge of mucus from, with pain in perineum after stool: Phos. —, drawing in : Con. — feels swollen, with sensation as if last drops remained behind: Arg-n. —, hardness in : Calc-ph. —, heat in : Kali-b. Rhus. — hurts as if raw : Colch. —, inflamed, as in first stage of gon- orrhoea : Armor. —, itching in : Lye. Mez. Natr-m. Nux, Sars. Thuja. —, — in female: Petr. —, pain in: Berb. Colch. Con. Elaps, Lye. Phos. Zing. —, — acute : Hep. —, — as from a sore in : Cinnab. —, — as of a red-hot iron, worse at meatus and membranous portion : Canth. —, —, biting : Canth. —, —, —, constant: Thuja. —, —, — in posterior part of: Camph. —, —, burning: Cann-s. Curare, Ferr. —, —, — behind glans : Eryng. —, —, —, biting from meatus back- wards, posteriorly more sticking : Cann s. -, —, — at root of, posteriorly : Rhus. —, —, — in anterior part of: Nux, Rhus. -, —, —, shooting, in posterior part of: Cann-s. —, —, —, sore: Thuja. —, —, —, violent in forepart of : Cann-s. Phos. -^, —, constricting : Bry. Dig. -, —, cutting: Guaiac. Sulph. During Urination. —, urethra, pain cutting, fearful: Canth. —, —, — in anterior part of : Cann-s. Rhus. —, —, erosive : Nitr-ac. —, fine sticking : Nux. —, great: Con. —, severe throughout: Canth. —, slight in whole of: Ferr iod. —, smarting : Cann-s. Graph. —, — in posterior part' of: Camph. —,sore: Bov. Calc. Cinnab. Daph. Hep. Mez. Nux. —, —, the whole length of: Nitr-ac. —, sticking: Caps. —, stinging : Cann-i. Cann-s. —, tearing : Curare. pressing burning in middle of, as if too narrow, going off while urinat- ing : Dig. —, pressure in : Agn. —, — about: painful: Dulc. —, pricking in : Iris, Tabac. —, rasping in: Lye. Nitr-ac. Phos. Sep. —, scalding in : Benz-ac. Cann-i. Caps. Chimoph. Cub. Sabad. Thuja. —, — in, near neck : Apis. —, scraping in : Sars. —, scratching in : Sars. —, sensation, agreeable along : Gels. —, — as if constricted : Bry. Dig. —, shooting in : Chelid. China, Sulph. —, —, burning in posterior part of: Cann-s. —, —, flying in : Sulph. —, — in, to above pubes : Sulph. —, smarting in: Apis, Cann i. Canth. Caps. Cedron, Cub. Graph. Kob. Merc-c. Natr-c. Natr-m. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Phos. Sabin. Sep. Sil. Thuja. —, —, — in anterior part of : Rhus. — in end of : Kob. — in female, in evening : Lye. — occasional: Kali b. soreness in ; Apis, Calc. Canth. — on touching it: Mez. —, sensation of, in : Ferr-iod. —, slight, in : Ferr. sticking in : Clem. Iris, Natr-c. URINARY SYMPTOMS. 11 During Urination. urethra, stinging in : Caps. —, stitch in : Petr. —, —, small: Graph. —, stitches in : Clem. Graph. —, —, burning, in posterior part of : Cann-s. —, —, extending backwards : Merc-c. —, — in, with smarting pain : Merc-c. , —, —, stinging: Cann-i. Clem. Cupr. Graph. Iris, Merc. Merc-c. Sulph, Thuja. —, tearing in : Natr-c. Nux, Sulph. -, tenderness in: Armor. —, tickling in : Graph. —, urging, painful, along : Agar. , —, warmth in, in gleet: Cub. , urine, contact of, with inflamed pre- puce, causes tearing pains in whole organism: Jac-c. — passes without being felt: Sars. — sharp, burning, corroding the pre- puce : Hep. uterus, pressure on : Con. vagina, sense of warmth in : Cop. vulva, biting in : Natr-m. —, itching in : Thuja. —, smarting in : Natr-m. Thuja. —, soreness in : Natr-m. Thuja. At End of Urination. bladder, cutting in, and discharge of mucus from urethra : Natr-c. —, neck of, cutting in : Petr. blood, dropping of : Hep. Puis. Sars. cutting from posterior portion of urethra, as far as anus : Arg-n. feeling of pressive weight in hy- pogastrium, and pressing down toward genitals : Phos-ac. glans, pain in, smarting : Phos. last drops cause violent burning: Clem. ----passed with pain : Cub. — portion of urine passes with diffi- culty : Arg-n. meatus, burning in : Tellur. —, cutting in : Arn. pain, less, with much urine : Canth. —, severe : Sars. At End of Urination. —, penis, pain in, after checked gonor- rhoea : Coca. —, —, — in root of : Hydras. —, perineum, pain in : Coca. —, severe stricture and drawing up of anus : Cann-s. —, spasmodic closure of sphincter : Cann-s. —, urethra, biting-burning in forepart of: Mez. —f —t biting-cutting in : Merc. —, —, burning in : Cann-s. —, —, cutting in, as from lve : Sulph. —, —, discharge of mucus from : Natr-c. After Urinating. —, abdomen, spasmodic contraction in: Natr-m. —, anus, burning in : Colch. —, back, pain in, relieved : Lye. —, biting-burning aggravated : Arn. —, bladder, aching in, with burning: Fluor-ac. —, —, —, sore : Calc-ph. —, —, burning in : Alumina, Berb. —, —, cutting, in female : Calc-ph. —, —, dragging in : Sulph. _ __ feeling in, as if he had not fin- ished, and a few drops pass involun- tarily : Bry. —, —, fulness in : Merc-c. _ —,-----, sensation of: Calc. Con. Dig. —, —, neck of, aching in: Sep. _ —,-----, contracts, but feels as if more would pass : Bry. —, —,----, pain in : Apis. _ —----, — in, relieved : Ferr-ph. —t —,----, — spasmodic in, extending to thighs : Puis. —, —,----, pressure in : Nux. __; —,----, —, cramp-like in, from with- out inward,-with sharp stitches, worse walking than sitting: Con. —t —,----, stitches in : Guaiac. —( —,----, — violent from, to end of urethra: Dig. —, —,----, — worse walking, better sitting: Con. 12 URINARY SYMPTOMS. After Urinating. —, bladder, pains in, burning : Berb. —, —, heavy : Ganib. —, —, violent, burning, in fundus of: Thuja. —, —, —, —, cutting, extending to fossa navic.: Canth. -, pressing in female, deep in to the left: Calc-ph. —, pressure in: Berb. Camph. Canth. China, Dig. Lith. Natr-m. Sulph. —, — as if too full: Dig. —, — on with burning in evening: Sep. —, —, sharp, or sensitive pain, more on right side of: Lith. —, sensation in, as if one must go again soon: Berb. —,----,----some urine remained: Berb. Calc. Cub. Hep. —, soreness of, followed by frequent micturition : Calc-ph. —, spasm in : Puis. —, stitches in, painful: Bufo. —, tenesmus of : Alumina, Apis, Colch. Cub. —, — of, and rectum : Alumina. bowels, pressing and cutting in: China. burning: Natr-s. Zinc. —, especially worse in evening : Cann-s. —, especially, immediately : Zinc. —, violent: Nitr-ac. —, with aching in bladder : Fluor-ac. coccyx, pain in : Kali-b. contraction, painful, from front backwards : Camph. constriction: Cub. cutting : Con. Cub. Dig. —, ureters, towards kidneys : Apis. depression: Bufo. desire to urinate, frequent, with emission of a few drops : Bov. -------, renewed with burning : Calc. discharge, of blood, after painful micturition : Zinc. - of few drops of blood : Hep. Mez. Zinc, After Urinating. —, discharge, gonorrhoeal: Phos-ac. —, like semen, with burning pain : Puis. —, milky : Natr-m. —, — at noon : Sep. —, milky-white : Lach. —, mucus : Apis, Con. Phos-ac. —, —, viscid, purulent: Nux. —, prostatic fluid: Calc. Curare, Daph. Hep. Natr-c. Sep. Sulph. —, — —, worse from smoking : Daph. —, thick, pus-like, with violent burn ing pain : Nux. —, thin, glutinous : Natr-m. —, urine : Psor. —, — after he thinks lie has finished: Calc. —, — involuntary : Agar. —, —, —, by drops : Bry. Clem. Hep. Lach. Lye. Natr-c. Petr. Selen. Sil. Thuja. —, —, —, when sitting: Sil. —, —, of a few drops : Arg-n. Colch. Graph. Petr. —, —,---------, which burn very much: Brom. —, —, oozing in drops : Zing. dribbling of blood : Thuja. — of long threads of prostatic fluid : Sulph. — of urine : Brom. Cann-i. Graph. Natr-c. Selen. elastic feeling in urinary organs, with subsequent pleasurable sensa- tion : Fluor-ac. erections: Aloe, Lith. — at night: Lith. fossa navic, cutting-biting in : Petros. ----, tickling in : Colch. genitals, sensation of weakness and unexcitability in : Berb. glans, aching in : Puis. —, burning in : Armor. —, — and itching-tearing from, to root of penis : Sars. —, crawling in : Puis. —, creeping in : Puis. URINARY SYMPTOMS. 13 After Urinating. glans, cutting: Armor. itching in tip : Calc. pain from, to root of penis, burn- ing and itching-tearing: Sars. — in, relieved : Ferr-ph. —, on tip as if raw : Nux. —, smarting in : Phos. —, — in, to back part: Cann-s. pressure in: Puis. pulsation in, relieved by pressure of finger or by drinking: Ferr. —, smarting in : Sumbul. groins, aching in: Lye. hypogastrium, cramp-like contrac- tion in: Natr-m. itching: Bell. kidneys, stitches in, painful: Bufo. leucorrhoea, profuse: Sep. male organs, relaxation of: Calc-ph. ----, weakness of : Calc-ph. meatus, biting in : Zinc. —, burning in: Caps. China, Cupr-ars Graph. Puis. —, intense : Cann-i. cutting in: Natr-s. —, violent: Mez. itching in: Clem. pain, aching, creeping in: Puis. —, burning : China. —, pressive-crawling : Puis. —, shooting-smarting in : Mur-ac. painful, as if excoriated : Nux. shooting, fine, in : Caps. soreness of: Borax. sticking in : Clem. sticking-biting in : Mur-ac. stinging-smarting in: Mur-ac. tearing in: Lye. tickling in: Clem. pain, burning: Cupr-ars. — extends into spermatic cords : Lith. — in neck of bladder and in glans, relieved : Ferr-ph. prepuce, itching at: Mez. —, smarting pain, in outer edge of, worse : Bell. pressing: Merc. — as of urine, with a smarting sensa- tion : Con. After Urinating. —, rectum, burning and tenesmus in: Alumina. —, irritation in : Rhus. —, sensation of heat in : Rhus. retention, with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea: Dig. scalding: Chimoph. sensation as if a drop remained: Kali-b. -------------— in fossa navic.: Thuja. — as if more would pass : Colch. — of burning, makes him low-spirited and despondent: Alumina. smarting: Chimoph. smarting-burning, worse: Arn. smarting-urging to urinate : Con. spermatic cords, pain extends into, more on left side : Lith. sticking: Led. straining renewed, with dribbling of urine : Bar-c. tenesmus: Ferr. Mur-ac. testicle, drawing in left: Chelid. —, pain in right, is better: Kob. tired, must lie down mornings ; Phos. urethra, biting in : Clem. Cop. —, —, mornings : Rhus. —, —, violent in forepart of, worse at rest, better walking : Rhus. —, burning in : Alumina, Ant-t. Arg-n. Berb. Bov. Brom. Calc. Calc-ph. Cann-i. Cann-s. Canth. Caps. Clem. Colch. Con. Cop. Dig. Kali-b. Led. Lye. Merc. Natr-c. Natr-m. Natr-s. Puis. Sars. Thuja, Zinc. —, — aggravated : Nitr-ac. —, — ceased : Merc-c. —, —, crawling: Lye. —, — drop runs along : Arg-n. —, — in back part of, with sensation as if a drop had remained behind, with unsuccessful desire to void it: Kali-b. —, —, — in forepart of: Cann-s. Kali-b. Puis. —, —, —, in morning: Con. —, —, —, in whole length of: Iris. 14 URINARY SYMPTOMS. After Urinating. —, urethra, burning, intolerable: Fluor-ac. —, —, itching: Tabac. —, — near neck : Apis. —, —, slight: Kali-b. —, —, straining in : Borax. —, —, tickling in : Hydroph. —, —, tingling, when going to bed in evening: Lye. —, —, with a voluptuous feeling: Thuja. -, —, — constant desire to urinate : Calc. —, contraction in : Bry. —, constriction in, painful, extending to bladder: Lye. —, cutting in: Berb. Calc-ph. Canth Chelid. Dig. Granat. Lye. Natr-m. Sulph. —, —, as from lye : Sulph. —, — in end of : Arg-n. —, — in forepart of : Alumina, Mez. —, discharge of blood from, after painful micturition: Zinc. , — of drops from, when he thinks he has done : Calc. —, —, milky, from : Natr-m. —, —, — moisture from : Sep. —, —, mucus : Con. —, —, —, tenacious : Nitr-ac. —, —, —, thin : Nitr-ac. —, —, thin liquid, causing itching and burning: Natr-m. —, dragging along, to bladder: Lye. —, drawing in : Natr-m. Phos. —, dribbling of fluid, not urine: Phos. —, drops from : Thuja. —, feels as if drops were running down, for quarter of an hour : Thuja. —,-----— last drops remained: Arg-n. —, — swollen : Arg-n. —, heat in : Alumina. —, itching in : Clem. Cop. Lye. Nux, Sars. —, itching-tickling in : Clem. —, jerking in : Lye. —, pain in : Bov. After Urinating. —, urethra, pain, biting in: Borax, Cop. —, —, —, burning : Caps. —, —, —, from dribbling of a few drops, with pain over whole body : Rhod. —, —, —, in anterior part of : Rhus. —, —, —, on touching penis : Merc. —, —, —, violent: Thuja. —, —, cutting, fearful: Canth. —, —, — in anterior part of : Rhus. —, — like a contraction from before backwards: Camph. —, —, raw : Borax. —, —, sharp, pressive, as with a finger-nail: Puis. —, —, smarting, in : Rhus. —, —, stitching, in forepart of: Phos. —, —, stinging : Cann-i. Con. Kali-b. Merc. —, —, tearing, in, from glans to root of penis : Sars. —, scalding in : Cann-i. —, — near neck : Apis. —, sensation in, as if not through : Agar. —, —, disagreeable, in back part of : Agn. —, — of urine remaining in, burning and smarting: Eryng. —, smarting in: Borax, Bufo. Caps. Clem. —, soreness in : Arg-n. —, stinging in : Berb. Con. Kali-b. Merc. —, stitches in : Arn. Berb. Kali-b. Natr-c. Rhod. —, —, fine : Caps. —, —, sharp : Natr-m. —, —, transient in : Kali-b. —, straining in: Mur-ac. —, tingling in : Clem. urging to urinate: Bar-c. Bov. Bry. Calc. Chimoph. Con. Dig. Guaiac. Jacea, Lach. Merc. Natr-c. Sabad. Thuja, Zinc. -------, continuous : Dig. Guaiac. --------» every evening, on lying down : Zinc. URINARY SYMPTOMS. 15 After Urinating. —, urging to urinate, frequent : Mez. Natr-c. Sumbul. —,-------, —, with scanty discharge : Calc. —, — — —, frequently immediately ; Bov. Cop. —,-------, increased, after a few drops have passed, causing patient to walk about in distress, although the mo- tion increases the desire: Dig. —,-------, renewed : Thuja. —, — — —, sudden, peremptory, near glans, or seems to run back when costive: Graph. —,-------, violent, from irritation in inner orifice of urethra, not in blad- der: Sulph. —,-------, —, particularly in morning: Berb. —,------, with emission of a few drops : Guaiac. —,-------,--------------, not when sitting: Bar-c. —, vomiting and diarrhoea: Dig. —, weakness : Bufo. Nux. When not Urinating (between the acts of micturition). —, bladder, neck of, burning in : Aeon. Berb. glans, itching in region of: Arn. —, stitches in, especially when pressed : Thuja. meatus, aching pain in, with shiver- ing : Nux. -, stitches, severe in : Caps. —, —, fine in : Cann-s. ~ —> penetrating, burning in : Thuja. mucus drops from urethra between acts of urination : Nitr-ac. pain, smarting: Cann-s. penis, irritation, in forepart of: Clem. —, tearing in forepart of: Clem. —, tearing through : Con. urethra, burning in : Bry. Cedron, Graph. Merc. Natr-c. Sulph. Thuja. —, —, constant: Canth. When not Urinating. —, urethra, burning, in forepart of: Sulph. —, creeping in : Phos-ac. —, cutting in : Calc-ph. Thuja. —, — extending backwards : Caps. —, — and burning worse, often more on one side: Berb. —, itching in : Bov. —, mucus drops from : Nitr-ac. —, pain in : Cedron. —, —, burning, in forepart of, with constant pressure to urinate : Cann-s. ----, constrictive, extending back- wards : Nux. —, —, cutting, from before back- wards : Caps. —, —, drawing: Puis. —, —, itching, burning, shooting, in anterior part of: Bry. —, —, pulsative: Cop. —, —, smarting : Cann-s. —, —, tearing : Nux. —, —, sore, in forepart of : Zinc. —, pressure in anterior part of, as if to make water: Cann-s. —, pricking as from needles, in fore- part of: Caps. —, sensation in, as if a drop of cold urine passed through : Agar. —,----,----he should urinate all the time : Sulph. —, shooting in: Thuja. —,----, dull, behind glans, especially during movement: Bell. —, — in front of : Phos-ac. —, sticking in : Cauloph. —, stitches in : Phos-ac. Thuja. —, — along : Cann-s. —, — as from needles, in forepart of: Caps. —, —, burning, in forepart of, inside and out: Sulph. —. — from behind, forward : Thuja. —, —, itching, in external portion or forepart of: Euphorb. —, —, violent in : Natr-m. —, tearing and biting in forepart of: Zinc. —, —, twitching in : Thuja. 16 URINARY SYMPTOMS. Urinary Difficulties brought on or in- creased by movement: Berb. Urinary or Genital Derangements, with aggravation from slight fatigue, worse as fatigue increases : Berb. With the Symptoms in the urinary organs, pains in loins and hips : Berb. Urinary Stream. —, arrested, by great burning in ure- thra : Phos-ac. —, —, by violent contractions in region of bladder: Petr. —, bifurcated : Cinch-bol. —, by jerks : Sulph. —, — — with burning in urethra : Thuja. —, by drops (guttathn) : Aeon. Agar. Ananth. Ant-c. Ant-ox Ant-t. Arg-n Arn. Aur-met. Bell. Camph. Cann-s. Canth. Caps. Chimoph. Clem. Colch. Con. Cop. Dig. Dulc. Euphorb. Gamb. Graph. Ham. Hep. Lye. Merc. Merc-c. Mur-ac. Nux, Petr. Phos. Phos-ac. Puis. Rhus, Sabin. Sars. Sil. Sulph. Tereb. Thuja, Zinc. —, — —, as in spasmodic stricture: Clem. —,----, with burning : Sabin. —,----, — great pain : Merc-c. —,----, — stinging in glans, followed by a natural discharge : Euphorb. —,----, without pain : Sars. —, divided: Arg-n. Cann-s. Canth. Petr. Rhus. —, — into several: Anag. —, double : Petr. Rhus. —, dribbling : Agar. Clem. Coca, Dig. Lach. Nux, Sulph. Tabac. Thuja, Zinc. —, —, after checked gonorrhoea : Agar. Coca. —, —, in evening : Zinc. —, —, when sitting, passes freely on standing: Sars. —, —, with penis cold and shrunken : Agar. —, —, — prostate enlarged : Dig. —, feeble : Agar. Bell. Calc-ph. China, Merc. Urinary Stream. —, fine streams spurting sideways from main stream : Calc-ph. —, forcible : Agn. Cic. Sulph. —, forked : Cann-s. Thuja. —, impeded by dull pain in hypogas- trium : Phos. —, intermittent: Agar. Ananth. Cann-i. Clem. Con. Dulc. Gels. Led. Lipps. Phos. Phos-ac. Puis. Sars. Sulph. Thuja, Zinc. —, —, stops every moment, urine refuses to come off, with puffiness : Phos. —, —, then returns with burning at meatus : Gamb. —, —, with burning in anterior part of urethra during the intermissions : Clem. —, in spurts : Cann-s. —, scattering : Lipps. —, slow : Agar. Amm-m. Apis, Arn. Camph. China, Clem. Hep. Mur-ac. Rhus, Thuja, Zinc. —, very slow : Clem. small: Agar. Clem. Graph. Nitr-ac. Sars. Spong. Sulph. Thuja, Zinc. —, curving to left: Cinch-bol. spiral: Alumina. spray-like, in female : Cann-s. spreading : Cann-s. — and divided : Thuja. — asunder : Arg-n. Thuja. split: Thuja. —, or thread-like : Chimoph. stops frequently : Sars. thin: Agar. Camph. Canth. China, Clem. Cub. Graph. Merc. Nitr-ac. Petr. Puis. Sars. Spong. Sulph. Zinc. —, as if caused by stricture : Nitr-ac. —, as if urethra was contracted: Camph. Graph. very thin : Led. Spong. thinner than usual: Cop. Sulph. -------, causing great pain under fourchette, when reaching glans, after gonorrhoea : Cop. twisted : Alumina. —, after checked gonorrhoea : Coca. weak: China, Merc. Natr-m. Thuja. weaker than usual: Sulph. URINARY Strangury. —, : Aeon. Ant-ox. Ant-t. Apis, Arn. Camph. Cann-i. Cann-s. Canth. Caps. Chimoph. China, Clem. Colch. Con. Cop. Curare, Dig. Dulc. Elaps, Euphorb. Graph. Led. Merc. Merc-c. Mur-ac. Nux, Petr. Phos. Phos-ac. Puis. Sabin. Sars. Sil. Sulph. Tereb. Zinc. —, chronic, from standing on a cold pavement: Calc. —, from a cold, or cold drinks : Dulc. —, from stricture following gonorrhoea: Camph. —, lasting all day, with scanty urina- tion : Chelid. —, severe : Sars. —, spasmodic : Nux. —, violent: Canth. —, with bladder, pressure in : Sars. —,----, hemorrhage from : Colch. —,----, tenesmus of : Caps. —,----, — of neck of: Camph. —, — urine, bloody : Nitr. —,----, involuntary dribbling of: Arn. Tenesmus. —, Aeon. Alumina, Ant-c. Arn. Aur-mur. Bell. Calc. Camph. Canth. Caps. Chimoph. Cinch-bol. Clem YMPTOMS. 17 Tenesmus. Colch. Cop. Curare, Euphorb; Ferr. Ferr-iod. Jacea, Lach. Lith. Merc. Merc-c. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Nux, Phos. Psor. Puis. Rhus, Sabad. Sars. Sep. Sil. Tereb. —, and burning, with fever : Eucalyp. —, anxious, of the bladder, at night, with cutting in the abdomen : Graph. —, aggravated at 4 a. m. : Amm-m. Jacea, Kali-iod. —, better when walking in the after- noon : Lith. —, frequent: Ant-c. —, from spasm of neck of bladder : Arn. —, in evening, when walking : Lith. —, of urethra : Nitr-ac. —, on waking : Alumina. —, quick, strong, with painful sensation in middle of urethra : Lith. —, severe, as in gravel of bladder: Sars. —, violent: Canth. —, with cutting in genital organs, and distention of both hips : Borax. —, — discharge of white acrid pus and mucus : Sars. —,----of a few drops of blood-red urine: Rhus. PART II. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Bladder. —, burning in : Aeon. Berb. Canth. Caps. Colch. Lach. Petr. Puis. Rhus, Sabin. Sep. Tereb. —, —, violent: Sep. catarrh of: Dulc. clawing sensation in : Led. Mez. constriction in, painful: Phos-ac. Sars. —, sensation of, in : Alumina, Caps. Phos-ac. Puis. Sars. —, spasmodic: Phos-ac. — of sphincter: Elaps. dragging sensation in, as though distended, not relieved by frequent micturition : Dig. drawing from, to penis : Calad. feeling as of a ball rolling in, or in abdomen on turning over : Lach. fulness, sensation of, in : Calad. hemorrhoids of: Euphorb. inflammation of : Apis, Canth. Dig. neck of, burning in: Aeon. Cop. Nux, Petr. Puis. ---, burning-itching in region of, mornings in bed : Nux. - —, contraction in, spasmodic: Caps. ----, drawing in region of: Alumina. ----, inflammation of: Dig. -----, pain in, and in end of penis, with urgent desire to urinate; must urinate immediately, which decreases the pain; chiefly during day, worse from standing : Ferr-ph. —,----, — smarting from, to meatus : Chimoph. —,----, — with great urging : Berb. —,----, pressure in region of: Alumina. Bladder. —, neck of. pressure on : Thuja. ----, stitches in : Ant-t. Puis. ----, — in, and in anus at same time: Lye. ----, swelling in region of: Puis. pain, aching, burning, contractive or crampy in when full or empty : Berb. —, contractive while urinating with difficult discharge: Dig. —, —, cramp-like from kidneys to- wards : Nitr-ac. —, cutting: Berb. Canth. Caps. Lach. Lye. Tereb. —, —, constrictive : Berb. —, —, from left kidney into : Berb. —, — violent, tensive, deep in left side of bladder, later a sticking obliquely in meatus (female): Berb. —, — in region of, when walking: Thuja. —, drawing : Berb. Rhod. —, —, sticking, on one side or the other, extending from lumbar region along course of ureters into female urethra: Berb. —, —, during night: Calc. —, —, excruciating, from urethra to : Berb. —, —, pinching and sticking, as far as urethra, on tying down : Amm-m. —, —, spasmodic : Berb. —, —, violent, sticking in, extending from kidneys to urethra, with urging to urinate: Berb. —, —, when moving: Berb. —,—, — walking: Aeon. —, —, with urging to urinate : Berb. —, pinching in : Lye. Sep. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 19 Bladder. —, pressure in, or pressive pain : Aeon. Alumina, Ant-t. Arn. Aur-met. Berb. Canth. China, Con. Colch. Dig. Lach. Natr-m. Puis. Rhus, Sars. Sep. Zinc. —, —, and anxiety, if he tries to retain his urine: Sep. —, —, anxious, with sudden desire to urinate: Graph. —, —, constant, in region of: Lach. —, hard : Sulph. , —, sharp : Con. Puis. —, violent: Zinc. —, — in region of : Natr-c. -, with burning and cutting in ab- domen : Lach. —, — sensitiveness of right external canthus to pressure, and to closure of eyelids : Rhus. pulsation in: Canth. — outward, in : Dulc. relaxation of : Mur-ac. sensation as if drops came out of bladder when at rest, which is not the case : Sep. -----— it had lost its expulsive force: Eucalyp. ,-------a ball were rolling in: Lach. soreness of, when touched: Canth. Puis. spasm of: Berb. Canth. Caps. Gels. Phos-ac. Sars. Sep. Tereb. ----with alternate dysuria and en- uresis : Gels. stinging in : Ant-t. Berb. Canth. Lye. Sulph. stitches in: Lye. Sulph. — from kidneys to : Berb. stone in: Calc. Sars. Zinc. suppuration of, and of urethra: Canth. tenesmus in : Caps. Gels. Tereb. tension of: Ant-t. — over: Phos. thickening of: Dulc. tumors of: Calc. weakness in, sensation of, fears he will wet the bed : Alumina. — of: Alumina, Hep. Mur-ac. worm, sensation of, in : Bell. Buboes. —, : Aur-met. Bufo. Hep. —, in left groin : Aur-mur. Zinc. —, indurated, or with fistulous open- ings and hectic ; after mercury: Lach. —, suppurating : Aur-mur. Chancres. See Ulcers of Glans, Pre- puce, etc. —, : Aur-met. Arg-n. Hep. Jac-c. Merc. —, after mercury, especially with ex- uberant granulations : Nitr-ac. —, assume a phagedenic appearance, and secrete a thin ichorous pus: Merc-c. —, indurated, or neglected : Cinnab. —, — on middle of penis : Cinnab. —, mercurialized : Hep. —, on prepuce and scrotum : Aur-mur. —,----, internal surface of : Nitr-ac. —, round, above corona, as large as a pea, surrounded by a red circle : Cinnab. —, secrete an abundance of laudable pus : Aur-mur. —, swollen, red, with hard elevated edges, not sensitive, discharges a thin pus : Cinnab. —, syphilitic, recent cases of: Eucalyp. —, ulcerating deeply : Kali-b. —, with indurated foreskin, after : Lach. —, — pains as from a splinter sticking in : Thuja. Epididymis. —, inflammation of : Aur-met. Berb. —, —, gonorrhoeal: Ham. —, neuralgia of : Berb. —, painful to touch : Rhod. —, sensitiveness of left, to touch, or when walking: Aloe. —, swelling, lumpy : Cann-s. —, —, painful, of left: Nitr. —, —, —, after gonorrhoea : China. —, —, —, to touch : China. —, thickening of: Sulph. Erections. —, : Aloe, Amm-m. Ant-c. Arn. Canth. Cedron, Dig. Euphorb. 20 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Erections. Ferr. Ham. Led. Merc. Natr-m. Natr-s. Nux, Phos-ac. Puis. Sep. Sil. Tabac. absence of, complete : Mur-ac. after urinating : Aloe. all night: Tellur. atrocious : Pip-nig. continuous: Arn. Euphorb. Led. Sabin. —, at night: Sep. deficiency of: Camph. evenings : Cinnab. Phos. excessive : Led. excited too easily : Lye. Nux, Phos. Sabin. exhausting: Aur-mur. feeble: Hep. Lye. frequent: Agar. Agn. Alumina, Amm-m. Apis, Bell. Cann-s. Chelid. China, Natr-c. Phos. Sil. —, at night: Ferr-iod. —,----, with frequent micturition : Rhus. —, during day : Mez. —, followed by stitches in urethra : Cann-s. —, only when sitting, not when walk- ing : Cann-s. —, weak : Mur-ac. —, with burning in prostate, and burning-tearing in left testicle: Phos-ac. —, without voluptuous thoughts : Agn. —, worse at night: Alumina. frightful: Canth. incomplete: Merc. insufficient: Con. Selen. long-lasting: Apis, Nux. ----, at night: Sep. mornings : Aloe, Arn. Brom. Caps. Natr-s. Nux, Petr. Phos. Puis. Thuja. —, long-lasting : Dig. Thuja. —, more frequent: Bond. — only, before rising : Bar-c. —, with pain in urethra : Nitr-ac. night: Alumina, Aur-met. Caps. Euphorb. Fluor-ac. Hep. Merc. Merc-c. Natr-c. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Rhus, Sep. Thuja, Zinc. Erections. —, night, all night: Tellur. —, — and day : Ferr. —, — and morning : Agar. —, —, during sleep : Fluor-ac. —, —, long-continued : Sep. Thuja. —, —, relieved : Lith. —, —, with contraction and sore pain along urethra: Canth. —, —, — desire to urinate: Hep. —, —, — violent pain and burning in urethra, unable to urinate, tenesmus of neck of bladder : Ferr-iod. —, —, without emissions or lascivious dreams : Euphorb. —, painful (chordee) : Arg-n. Aur-met. Bry. Camph. Cann-i. Cann-s. Canth. Caps. Chloral. Colch. Con. Cub. Curare, Hep. Kali-iod. Merc. Natr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux, Phos. Pip-nig. Puis. Sabad. Sep. Tereb. Thuja, Zing. —, after gonorrhoea : Colch. —, at night: Alumina, Caps. Dig. Merc. Thuja. —,----, causing sleeplessness : Thuja. —, caused by swelling of prepuce : Jac-c. —, evenings : Con. —, in morning : Dig. Sabad. —, persistent: Natr-c. Zinc. —, relieved by cold water only: Caps. —, spasmodic, at night: Nitr-ac. —, when riding in carriage or cars : Calc-ph. —, with burning in urethra : Calc-ph. —, — feeling of soreness, and pinch- ing pain in whole penis, extending from the bladder : Hep. —, — gonorrhoea : Arg - n. Canth. Eryng. —, — stitches in, penis : Alumina. —, — weakness: Sabad. —, without desire : Calad. powerful, but short: Sep. prepuce, caused by swelling of: Jac-c. severe : Gels. too short: Calc. Con. Nux. slow : Selen. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 21 Erections. spasmodic, after midnight: Nitr-ac. strong: Graph. Zinc. —, evening in bed : Cinnab —, long-lasting, with pressure in ab- domen : Zinc. —, night and day : Lach. —, too strong : Canth. Fluor-ac. Mez. Phos. Puis. Sabin. unusual, at dinner : Alumen. violent: Agn. Alumina, Arn. Aur- met. Bar-c. Cann-i. Caps. Cinnab. Clem. Graph. Mez. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Phos-ac. Sabin. Sil. Zinc. —, —, all night, in old men : Fluor-ac. , at night, after an emission : Nitr-ac. —, continuous, mornings on waking : Natr-c. —, during dreams : Camph. —, immediately after coition: Graph. —, in an old man: Phos. —, in evening : Cinnab. —, in morning : Dig. Natr-c. —, in sleep: Merc-c. —, long-continued, with stitches in urethra : Clem. —, night and morning : Natr-m. —, on waking mornings: Selen. —, toward morning, with frequent desire to urinate: Rhus. —, with relaxed scrotum: Sil. want of: Agar. Agn. Ant-ox. Con. Graph. Lye. Nitr-ac. Rhod. Sep. Spong. ----, in morning : Graph. weak: Natr-c. Selen. too weak : Agar. Bar-c. Calad. Calc. Hep. Lye. Selen. Sulph. when coughing, followed by pain in urethra: Cann-s. — riding: Cann-i. ----in a carriage: Calc-ph. ----} with impotence : Bar-c. — sitting still: Cann-i. Euphorb. — walking : Cann-i. with gonorrhoea : Canth. — great desire : Ham. — scrotum relaxed : Lye. — stool, urging for : Thuja. Erections. —, with urethra, burning and stitches in: Nitr-ac. —, — — drawing tensive pain in : Cann-s. —, without any voluptuous irritation : Phos-ac. Sabad. —, — desire : Calad. Euphorb. Ham. Graph. Phos-ac. Nitr-ac. —,----, when sitting : Euphorb. Genitals. —, bloated : Calad. —, burning in: Arn. Bov. Calc. Cann-s. Canth. Jac-c. Petr. Puis. Sumbul. —, coldness of: Agn. Aloe, Brom. Calad. Cann-s. Caps. Gels. Iris, Lye. Merc. Sulph. —, —, feeling of, in : Calad. —, —, mornings : Sulph. —, —, with warmth of rest of body : Cann-s. —, crablice on : Sabad. —, crawling in : Berb. —, creeping in : Aeon. —, cutting in, from abdomen, quickly passing: Lye. —, empty feeling in : Hydroph. —, eruption on : Ant-c. Ant-t. Merc. Nitr-ac. Rhus, Sep. Sil. —, — between thighs : Hep. Petr. —, —, biting: Lye. —, —, closing urethra by swelling: Rhus. —, —, elevations : Lye. —, —, frightful: Rhus. —, —, granulated : Cinnab. —, —, herpetic: Dulc. Nitr-ac. Petr. Sars. Sil. —, —, —, between thighs : Natr-m. Petr. _ _; itching: Arn. Bry. Nitr-ac. Petr. Sep. Sil. —, —, miliary : Bry. —} —j moist: Hep. Phos-ac. Rhus, Sil. —, —, on hairy part: Lach. —, —, pimples : Graph. Lach. Sil. —, —, points : Calad. —} —) pustules, small, size of pin's head: Kali-b. —, —, red : Nitr-ac. —, —, specks : Arn. Sil. 22 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Genitals. —, eruption, vesicular: Ant-t. Merc. Nitr-ac. Phos-ac. Rhus. —, excitement of: Aur-met. Graph. Lye. Natr-m. Phos. Sil. Sulph. —, excoriation between thighs and : Merc. —, feeling in, lascivious : Graph. —, flaccidity of : Agar. Calad. Gels. —, — and coldness of, with great lan- guor, and depression of spirits : Gels. —, gangrene of: Canth. —, groaning sensation of, in : Sulph. —, hair falling from : Bell. Natr-c. Natr-m. Phos-ac. Rhus, Sars. Selen. Zinc. —,-------, great: Nitr-ac. Zinc. —, heat in : Dulc. Spong. Sumbul. —, herpes on : Dulc. —, inclination to touch : Bufo. —, inflammation of: Aeon. Calc. Cann-s. Canth. Con. Merc. Mur-ac. Natr-c. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux, Phos-ac. Puis. Rhus, Sep. Spong. Thuja. —, insensibility: Berb. —, irritability of, great: Dig. —, —, voluptuous : Graph. —, irritation of, unusual: Phos. —, itching : Agar. Agn. Benz-ac. Berb. Calc. Canth. Clem. Con. Dulc. Iris, Lye. Merc. Natr-c' Natr-m. Natr-s. Nitr-ac. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sumbul. —, —, and dampness of mons veneris : Sulph. —, — between thighs and : Natr-m. Petr. — in hairy part of, with formation of small pustules : Kali-b. —, morning and evening : Puis. —, smarting, burning, in region of : Natr-c. —, — intolerable, near, with erosive pain after friction: Natr-m. —, voluptuous : Euphorb. large as if puffed : Calad. laxity of: Agn. Calad. numbness of: Bar-c. odor, intolerable: Sars. —, offensive : Cub. Natr-m. Sars. -, salt: Sumbul. Genitals. odor, strong: Curare, Natr-m. pain in: Benz-ac. —, agg. on least motion : Bufo. —, bruised : Arn. —, increased by motion : Berb. —, raw : Benz-ac. —, spasmodic: Graph. —, splitting . Benz-ac. —, terrible : Arg-n. pimples on : Graph. Lach. Sil. —, on mons veneris : Calad. —,-------, painful: Sil. pressure in : Alumina, Benz-ac. — and urging in, as if everything would fall out ; worse sitting bent forwards and walking; better stand- ing and sitting upright: Bell. —, —, outwards, mornings in bed : Nux. —, towards, from lower abdomen : Canth. pricking in, fine : Puis. pustules on : Ant-t. redness between thighs and : Petr. relaxation of: Bell. Calad. Gels. Phos. Psor. Tabac. —, great, and constant sweat of: Ham. resistance of, to a complete emis- sion of semen: Sulph. smarting between thighs and : Hep. soreness between thighs and : Merc. Rhod. — humid on : Hep. spots, brown-red on, peeling off on discharging: Nitr-ac. —, itching, humid : Sil. —, yellow brown, and on abdomen : Kob. stench of: Natr-m. Sars. Sulph. stiffness of: Rhus. stinging in : Berb. stitches in : Borax. —, internal, violent, as if in pubic region, at every step : Bell. —, tearing: Lye. sweat of: Aur-met. Bell. Calad. Cor-r. Merc. Sep. Sulph. Thuja. —, at night: Bell. —, between thighs : Cinnab. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Genitals. —, sweat, cold: Calad. —, —, —, at night: Ham. —, —, constant, and great relaxation of: Ham. —, —, offensive: Aloe, Sulph. —, —, oily : Fluor-ac. —, —, profuse : Sep. Thuja. —, —, pungent smelling : Fluor-ac. —, —, smelling sweet, profuse : Thuja. —, —, sticky : Erig. —, —, when walking : Merc. —, swelling of : Canth. Kali-b. Lye. Merc. Rhus. —, —, dropsical: Dig. Lye. —, —, tympanitic, with much itching : Rhus. —, tension, and unpleasant sensation in, while walking and on the slightest touch of the clothing: Graph. —, tetters on : Dulc. —, throbbing in : Berb. —, tickling of: Alumina. —, tightness of : Rhus. —, tingling, crawling, tickling of: Selen. —, titillation through : Lye. —, ulcers on : Phytol. —, uneasy feeling in: Calc-ph. —, vibration in : Sulph. —, vigor, want of, in, which approached impotence : Ant-ox. —, 'weakness of : Agn. Bell. Berb. Camph. Dig. Elaps, Hep. Hydroph. Mur-ac. Sep. Sulph. —, —, after stool or urination: Calc-ph. —, —, great: Dig. —, —, sensation of, in : Alumina, Apis, Mur-ac. Natr-m. Sulph. —, —,----, and unexcitability in, espe- cially after urinating: Berb. —, —, with pain in perineum when sit- ting: Lye. —, —, — profuse sweat of: Sep. Glans Penis. —, aching in, during and just after stool: Hydras. —, — and prickling in, especially morn- ings and evenings : Caps. —, biting in : Nux, Thuja. Glans Penis. —, blennorrhoea of: Cinnab. —, blister, large, on : Rhus. —, bruised sensation in : Caps. —, burning in: Ant-c. Ant-ox. Ant-t. Berb. Calc. Cann-s. Clem. Doryph. Granat. Hydroph. Jacea, Merc. Nux, Phos-ac. Pip-nig. Sang. —, — about, in evening : Merc. —, after coition : Lye. —, constant; soreness after applying cold water: Cann-s. —, corona, with greenish pus : Hy- droph. —, rasping : Berb. —, soreness : Cann-i. —, tickling : Ant-t. —, tingling : Sumbul. —, violent, in tip of : Calc. —, with frequent urging to urinate: Canth. —, — itching and crawling running, in anus and urethra : China. chafed: Natr-c. coldness of : Berb. Merc. —, icy : Sulph. —, sensation of : Sulph. Zinc. compressed, sensation of being : Alumina. covered with fine red points : Calad. ----thick mucus : Graph. ----white suppurating spots : Thuja. crawling in : Tabac. — at corona: Natr-m. creeping in : Chelid. —, itching, under frenum : Phos-ac. cutting in : Con. Lye. Phos-ac. —, burning, in, with out-pressing pain in both groins : Phos-ac. —, superficial: Cop. drawing in : Lye. Mez. —, titillating, in tip of: Lye. dryness of: Calad. erosions on, red : Thuja. eruption on : Bry. Calad. Cinnab. Lach. Lye. Nitr-ac. Rhus, Sep. —, fine, red : Merc. —, reddish, with itching : Petrol. excoriation on, sore to touch : Zinc. 24 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Glans Penis. —, excrescences on, flesh - colored, bleeding when touched : Nitr-ac. —, —, from, to os sacrum : Aur-mur. —, —, moist: Thuja. —, —, sycotic, on frenum, oozing, espe- cially during new moon : Thuja. —, fulness of : Fluor-ac. —, heat in : Sep. —,----, with pale red, sometimes itch- ing, eruption: Sep. —, heaviness in, especially when uri- nating : Phos-ac. —, induration on, red, almost sore, itch- ing when touched: Sep. —, inflammation of : Arn. Cann-s. Cupr. Iris, Natr-c. Led. Merc. Rhus, Sars. Sumbul, Thuja. —, —, painful: Merc. —, itching of : Alumina, Arn. Bell. Calc. Cann-i. Cann-s. Canth. Caps. Chelid. China, Cinnab. Colch. Con. Dig. Doryph. Hep. Kali-b. Led. Merc. Mez. Natr-c. Natr-m. Natr-s. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Nux, Petr. Phos. Phos-ac. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuja. —, —, and heat of, with soreness of pre- puce: Sep. —, —, at corona : Natr-m. Sil. —, —,----, violent, with profuse secre- tion of pus : Cinnab. —, —, — frenum : Hep. —, —, burning, on posterior part of : Nux. —, —, —, pricking, in evening, allayed by rubbing, but soon returning more severely: Cinnab. —, —, eroding, morning and evening : Nux. —, —, evening in bed : China. —, —, formication on : Merc. —, —, frequent: Nitr-ac. —, —, great, of corona : Natr-m. —, —, mornings : Nux. —, —, — on waking: Kali-b. —, —, not relieved by rubbing : Con. —, —, passing into stitching : Petr. —, —, pricking, fine on : Caps. —, —, — on the side of : Thuja. —, —, shooting, when pressed: Merc. Glans Penis. itching, smarting, on : Nux, Puis. —, sticking, in : Merc. —, stinging, in : Sabin. —, tickling, at end of, compelling rub- bing : Calc. —, —, of anterior part of, like a flea- bite : Bell. —, —, on front of, agreeable, com- pelling scratching : Merc. —, tip of : Ant-c. Cop. Natr-m. —, —r, especially after micturition : Calc. —, —, obliging one to rub the parts : Calc. —, —, violent: Ant-c. —, —, voluptuous, compelling him to rub it: Spong. —, violent in forenoon : Natr-c. —, —, wakes him at night: Aur-mur. —, voluptuous : Aeon. Spong. —, —, compels scratching: Ip. —, with light-yellow discharge from urethra: Alumina. jerking in: Bar-c. margin of, congested in two places: Lach. moisture on: Aur-met. Sumbul, Thuja. — on corona: Natr-m. numbness of: Berb. pain in : Chelid. Thuja. ----, and in neck of bladder, with urgent desire; must urinate immedi- ately, which decreases the pain ; chiefly during day, worse from standing : Ferr-ph. —, beating : Rhod. —, biting: Phos. —, burning : Sabin. —, constrictive, behind : Puis. —, cutting: Calc. Con. Lye. Phos-ac. —,—, drawing: Calc-ph. —, —, in tip of: Calc. —, drawing : Graph. Mez. —, itching, in sulcus behind, with exudation of a disgustingly sweet- smelling matter: Cinnab. , —, jerking : Rhod. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 25 Glans Penis. —, pain, on frenum, as of fine needle- pricks, becoming shooting and tensive on touching it: China. —, —, pinching : Rhod. —, pressing, before urinating: China. —, pricking : Phos-ac. —, sharp : Cauloph. —, slight: Kali-b. —, smarting : Berb. —, sore : Sabin. —, spasmodic, contractive, from rec- tum to, through urethra, and through testicles in the evening : China. —, stinging : Caps. Cauloph. Sabin. —, tearing : Colch. Mez. —, — from, to root of penis: Sars. —, —, shooting, anteriorly in, spread- ing through whole penis to anus, sometimes into flanks : Merc. -, throbbing: Rhod. —, tip of, after urinating: Nux. —, twitching, between prepuce and, when walking: China. —, with paraphimosis : Rhus. patches on, red, resembling erup- tion of scarlet fever : Cinnab. pimples on, chancre-like, itching, suppurating, leaving a red point when dry : Jac-c. —, itching : Nitr-ac. —, red, with itching and burning be- neath margin of glans : Lach. —, soft, painless : Bell. pinching in : Aeon. Brom. pressure in: Caps. Chelid. Jacea, Nitr-ac. pricking in : Aeon. Aur-met. Kali-b. Pip-nig. Thuja. —, fine, on tip of : Phos-ac. —, followed by pricking about navel: Aur-met. —, itching in : Phos-ac. prickling in : Kali-b. Mez. Phos-ac. pruritus of: Canth. —, evenings : Phos. pulsation in : Ham. Rhod. rash on, miliary, itching : Bry. redness of: Calad. Cann-s. Cor-r. Iris, Merc. Natr-m. Sabin. Sars. Glans Penis. redness, bluish : Doryph. Sumbul. —, bright: Sumbul. —, dark : Cann-s. Sabin. Thuja. —, of tip : Natr-m. Sep. —, with fine red points : Calad. scabs on corona : Kali-b. secretion of; balanorrhoea ; gonor- rhoea of glans: Alumen, Alumina, Aur-met. Bry. Calad. Calc. Canth. Cinnab. Cor-r. Dig. Graph. Jac-c. Lach. Lye. Merc. Mez. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux, Phos-ac. Sep. Sumbul, Sulph. Thuja. —, —, and condylomata : Apis. —, — moisture behind glans like gon- orrhoea preputialis: Cann-s. —, or discharge, greenish : Hydroph. —, greenish-yellow : Cor-r. Thuja. —, milky : Sumbul. —, moist at frenum : Phos-ac. —, mucus : Thuja. —,— accumulates behind corona: Natr-c. —, — thick : Graph. —, offensive : Ananth. Cor-r. Thuja. —, of strong odor : Ananth. —, purulent: Calc. Canth. Cub. Merc. Natr-m. —, — and profuse : Cinnab. —, —, with itching, and sour salt smell: Sep. —, —, — — of corona, violent: Cinnab. —, salt-smelling: Sumbul. —, smegma, profuse : Natr-c. Nux. —, —, —, thin : Lipps. —, thick : Ananth. —, thin : Sumbul, Thuja. —, watery : Sumbul. —, whitish curdy, yellow on drying : Sumbul. —, yellow : Sumbul. —, —, behind corona, with dark-red, soft elevations, smarting and itching: Lye. —, —, yellowish-green : Cor-r. Thuja. —, —, yellowish-white : Jac-c. —, —, with tingling oozing vesicles about frenum : Phos-ac. 26 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Glans Penis. —, secretion, with dark-red inflamma- tion of inner surface of prepuce, no swelling, violent itching and soreness in the evening, with tearing and draw- ing in the glans : Mez. —, —, — great burning on urinating : Dig. —, sensation of, as if scraped : Cub. —, painful, thrilling, in left side of, ending in tickling and itching: Benz-ac. —, tickling, itching, between prepuce and : Thuja. sensitive : Bry. Cor-r. Thuja. shrivelled up : Merc. smarting: Berb. Nux. —, itching : Nux. sore, easily becomes : Natr-c. soreness of : Cann-i. Sumbul. spots, brown, painful, on corona: Nitr-ac. —, itching : Arn. Sil. —, red, on: Arn. Cinnab. Lach. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sil. —, —, become covered with scabs: Nitr-ac. —, —, itching : Arn. —, —, on corona : Sil. —, —, scurfy, on corona : Nitr-ac. —, —, small, shining: Cinnab. —, —, smooth, without sensation : Petr. —, reddish-yellow, lentil-shaped: Cinnab. —, bright-red : Bry. Cann-s. —, light-red : Cann-s. , —,----, sensitive, and burning: Bry. —, yellow-brown : Kob. sticking in : Cann-i. stinging in : Berb. Natr-m. —, fine : Phos-ac. stitches in : Aeon. Arn. Berb. Brom. Calc. Chelid. Lye. Phos. Sabin. Thuja. —, burning: Thuja. —, drawing, painful, through, from body of penis : Spong. —, dull, coming up from scrotum: Zinc. -, in frenum : China. Glans Penis. —, stitches, in frenum, region of : Hep. Phos. —, intermitting, sharp, cutting, when standing: Euphorb. —, lancinating : Sumbul, —, —, in tip of, coming and going, when standing : Euphorb. —, prickling, fine : Mez. —, single, especially when pressed : Thuja. —, stinging: Aeon. Berb. Euphorb. Lye. Merc. Mez. Natr-m. Phos-ac. Rhod. Sabin. Sulph. —, —, when pressing on it: Thuja. —, tearing : Cinnab —, — when obliged to urinate : Aur- met. —, tip of : Lye. —, violent: Calc. stitching in: Ham. —, fine, in : Phos-ac. suppuration and itching continual: Sep. — between prepuce and : Jac-c. —,-------, with swelling of anterior part of urethra : Merc. swelling of: Ananth. Cann-s. Cin- nab. Cor-r. Iris, Merc. Natr-c. Rhus, Sulph. Sumbul, Thuja. —, dark-red erysipelatous : Rhus. —, lentil-sized on, near meatus, sur- rounded by a reddish-yellow circle : Cinnab. —, painful: Merc. —, — to touch : Canth. Rhus. —, with paraphimosis : Kali-iod. —, without sensation : Cann-s. tearing in: Colch. Euphorb. Mez. Petr. — in tip of: Zinc. —, with pressure in region of corona : Lye. throbbing about: Nitr-ac. — in : Rhod. tickling in : Ant-t. Cop. Led. — agreeable, followed by a discharge of colorless mucus : Puis. —, of corona : Hydroph. tingling in : Ham. Natr-m. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 27 Glans Penis. —, tingling, at frenum : Phos-ac. —, —, crawling, tickling: Ant-t. Merc. —, traction from, through urethra : Alumina. —, tumor on, soft, painless: Bell. —, —, yellowish, behind corona : Lye. —, twitching in : Bar-c. —, ulcers on : Cor-r. Kali-b. Merc. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sulph. —, —, bleeding, touching them causes a pain that affects the whole body: Merc. —, —, chancre-like, on corona, with prick- ing, stinging pain: Nitr-ac. —, —, deep, suppurating, with puffed edges : Sulph. —,—,—, with elevated, lead-colored, extremely sensitive edges: Nitr-ac. —, —, flat, on corona, look clean, dis- charging a fetid pus : Nitr-ac. —, —, inflamed, with swelling and heavi- ness of testicle: Psor. —, —, round, flat, dirty, on corona, with burning pain, and redness all around: Thuja. —, —, —, with borders like raw flesh, everted, covered with a cheesy de- posit : Merc. —, —, with cheesy bottom : Merc. —, vesicles on : Merc. —, —, exuding, on top of : Rhus. —, —, near frenum, itching when pressed: Phos-ac. —, —, on front, and one side of, eating in and discharging : Merc. —, —, oozing about frenum : Phos-ac. —, —, small, red, on end of, under pre- puce, change to ulcers, secreting a strong-smelling yellowish-white mat- ter, staining the linen : Merc. —, warts, behind : Ant-t. —, — on, red : Thuja. —, —, with ulcers elsewhere : Ant-t. Gleet. —, Agn. Alumen, Armor. Bar-c. Bar-m. Benz-ac. Bov. Canth. Caps. Cinch-bol. Cinnab. Cupr. Doryph. Dulc. Erig. Eryng. Eucalyp. Ferr. Gleet. Ferr-s. Gels. Hep. Hydras. Kob. Lye. Merc. Millef. Mur-ac. Natr-m. Natr-s. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phos-ac. Phytol. Psor. Selen. Sep. Sulph. Tellur. Thuja, Zinc. —, chronic : Agar. Caps. Chimoph. Cop. Sang. —, —, with anasmia : Ferr. discharge after coitus: Cub. ----liquors : Cub. —, agglutinates meatus: Gamb. —, bloody : Euphorb. Mur-ac. —, copious : Cub. Ferr. Hydras. Kali-b. —, —, during stool: Thuja. —, gluey, sticky, at meatus, block- ing up urethra: Graph. —, green : Bry. Kob. —, increased : Bar-c. —, —, mornings : Aur-mur. —, jelly-like : Kali-b. —, milky : Ferr. —, milky white after urinating: Lach. —, mixed with blood : Euphorb. —, muco-purulent: Cop. —, mucus, clear: Natr-m. —, —, painless : Psor. —, painless : Ferr. Hydras. Psor. Sep. —, pale : Cub. —, purulent: Bar-c. Cub. —, slight, with orchitis : Clem. —, slimy : Cub. Ferr. —, staining linen yellow : Fluor ac. Psor. Sep. —,-------at night: Fluor-ac. —, stiffening linen : Cub. —, stringy : Kali-b. —, watery : Mur-ac. —, white : Caps. Cinnab. Ferr. Kob. Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sulph. Thuja, Zinc. —, —, —, mornings : Phos-ac. —, yellow, before urinating : Bar-c. —, — drop mornings : Fluor-ac. in anaemic persons: Calc-ph. — fat lymphatic persons: Calc. which had been suppressed : Calc. with burning : Bry. — debility : Hydras. 28 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Gleet. —, with fossa navic, pain in, when pressed and when beginning to uri- nate : Bar-c. — impotence : Agn. Calad. Kob. ----, and fetid urine : Calad. ----, in those who have frequently had gonorrhoea: Agn. — loss of desire or erection : Agn. — much pain and soreness, during urination : Cinnab. — prepuce, ulceration of : Cinch-bol. — scrotum, swelling of : Brom. — stricture: Petr. — urethra, bleeding from : Chimoph. ----, itching in : Petr. ----, redness at, painful: Gels. — urine, offensive : Benz-ac. ----, —, with sediment: Calad. Gonorrhoea. —, : Agn. Aloe, Amyg. Anag. Ant-c. Arg-n. Bar-m. Bism. Borax, Calc-s. Cann-s. Canth. Caps. Cinnab. Cop. Cub. Dig. Doryph. Erig. Ferr- iod. Fluor-ac. Graph. Led. Merc. Merc-c. Mez. Natr-s. Nitr-ac. Petros. Phytol. Psor. Puis. Rhod. Sabad. Sabin. Tereb. Thuja. —, acute sta^e, great pain, inflamma- tion, fever, and scanty discharge: Gels. after abuse of cubebs or copaiva: Nux. cases of, mild, moderate discharge : Cop. ----, recent, with orchitis and severe nocturnal pains : Con. early stage, no strangury : Cop. followed by impotence : Cub. Kob. Thuja. ----constant desire for stool: Coca. ----copious, slimy, painless dis- charge from urethra: Ferr. ----strangury from stricture : Camph. ,----, testicles, cramp-like, contractive pain in : China. —, —, swelling of, painful, and of spermatic cord, particularly the epi- didymis : China. Gonorrhoea. —, followed by, testicle, swelling of right, hot and painful: Ham. —,----, urine, suppression of, with rest- lessness, pain in hypogastrium, weak rapid pulse and delirium : Camph. —, in females, with cutting between labia during micturition, swelling of vagina, meatus closed with muco-pus, urine voided in a spray : Cann-s. —,----, with discharge profuse, green- ish, with distressing burning in vagina, and sensation of warmth, particularly when urinating: Cop. —,----, with haematuria and strangury : Cop. —, in sycotic constitutions : Apis, Cinnab. —, incubation, last part of, first part of inflammatory stage, little pain, much heat, frequent urination, witli smarting at meatus : Gels. —, indolent from beginning : Arg-m. inflammatory stage : Aeon. Armor. Cann-s. Ferr-ph. Sabin. leucorrhcea, from : Cop. long-standing, much pain and sore- ness during urination : Cinnab. neglected: Armor. old : Amm-m. preputialis: Alumen. subacute : Eucalyp. suppressed : Berb. Canth. Clem. Daph. Puis. Sars. Tussil. — by copaiva, with offensive urine : Benz-ac. ----cold, wet weather : Sars. ----mercury : Sars. —, causing articular rheumatism : Thuja. —, — impotence : Thuja. —, — prostatitis : Thuja. —, — sycosis : Thuja. —, complaints from : Daph. —, followed by buboes : Bar-m. —,----cough : Benz-ac. Selen. —,----orchitis, fever, or rheuma- tism : Gels. —,-------, with swelling of scrotum: Puis. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 29 Gonorrhoea. —, suppressed, followed by rheu- matic and arthritic pain : Daph. —, —,----rheumatism : Con. Gels. Sars. -,----.testicle, affection of right: Brom. Mez. Ocim. Rhod. -,----, —,----left: Arg-m. Clem. -,----, —, hypertrophied : Bar-m. —,----, —, induration of : Agn. —,----, —, pain in : Ant-t. —,----, urine, offensive, dark or highly colored : Benz-ac. -,----vesical catarrh : Benz-ac. —, with cough, dry, constant, with ex- pectoration of green mucus: Benz-ac. , —, — testicles, affections of: Agn. Aur-met. Bell. Canth. Clem. Merc. Natr-c. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Puis. Rhus, Selen. —,----, hard, swollen : Spong. —,----, painful swelling of right, with tension and drawing of sper- matic cord: Chelid. —,----, swelling of left, with intol- erable drawing pain in testicle and cord: Clem. syphilitic : Aur-mur. Cinnab. Eucalyp. with bladder, burning in : Caps. ----, tenesmus of: Tereb. — blisters, small, on meatus, and inner surface of prepuce, forming chancre-like ulcers : Nitr-ac. — burning, violent: Armor. — chancroids : Merc. Nitr-ac. — congestion to the parts, great: Merc-sulph. — erections, painful: Arg-n. Canth. Eryng. — eruption like measles or urticaria, with much itching: Cop. — hemorrhage, alternating with dis- charge : Lith. — lightheadedness: Cann-i. — meatus, constant sticking of: Camph. -----, tingling of, and inflammation around: Cann-i. — micturition, difficult: Armor. — —, frequent, scalding, smarting, Gonorrhoea. sticking pain in urethra, tenesmus, and chordee: Caps. —, 'with pains, terrible : Ars-s-fl. — phimosis : Merc. — sensitiveness, excessive, of parts to contact: Caps. — smarting, violent: Armor. — strangury: Tereb. — syphilis : Cinnab. ----, secondary, with ulcerated bu- boes : Chelid. — ulcerations, white, over scrotum and glans : Thuja. — urethra, bleeding from : Arg n. — urinary irritation, much, no par- ticular difficulty : Cop. — urinary organs, inflammation of : Cop. — warts : Nitr-ac. Thuja. without pain: Cann-i. Gonorrhoeal rheumatism : Con. Cop. Daph. Gels. Sars. Thuja. Hydrocele. —, : Apis, Arn. Calc-ph. Dig. Fluor-ac. Graph. Hydroph. Nux, Psor. Puis. Rhod. Sil. Sulph. —, following gonorrhoeal orchitis with sexual weakness: Phos. —, left side most affected, pulse very slow: Dig. —,----, witli herpetic eruption on scro- tum, in groins, or on lower limbs, preceding or accompanying the dis- ease ; or when arising from suppres- sion of cutaneous disease: Graph. —, like a bladder filled with water : Dig. Meatus. —, agglutination of: Anag. Bov. Calc-ph. Cann-s. Cupr. Cupr-ars. Gamb. Graph. Natr-m. Petros, Tabac. Thuja. —, —, as with gum : Borax. — by mucus : Petros. —, constant: Camph. biting in: Phos. blisters at, small: Nitr-ac. 30 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Meatus. —, blisters at, small, forming chancre- like ulcers : Nitr-ac. burning in : Bry. Cann-s. Chelid. China, Clem. Cupr-ars. Graph. Merc-c. Pip-nig. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sulph. Thuja. —, constant: China. —, —, with feeling of excoriation at seam of prepuce, both especially pain- ful from friction of clothes : China. —, stinging : Zing. —, violent: Berb. closed by discharge of mucus: Cann-s. -------, gluey, sticky: Graph. ----muco-pus in female : Cann-s. congested : Sumbul. cutting in, evenings while sitting: Zinc. dilatation of: Cop. drop sticking at: Tellur. hard to touch : Cann-s. inflammation of: Bov. Cann-s. Canth. Cop. Hep, Tabac. —, feels glued up : Bov. —, with pus between frenum glans: Calc. itching of : Agar. Alumen, Colch. Merc-c. Sulph. —, pleasant: Cann-s. —, stinging, at; seems glued up : Natr-m. —, when touched : Jac-c. moisture of, staining yellow : Phos. — at, mornings : Dig. pain in, aching : Nux. —, burning, lancinating between acts of micturition: Cupr. —, cutting : Zinc. —, smarting, from neck of bladder to : Chimoph. painful: Cann-s. Nux, Rhod. —, from rubbing of clothes : China. pecking in, fine, shooting: Cann-s. pouting of, with swelling : Alumina. pricking at: Nitr-ac. Rhod. prickling in : Agar. Anag. redness of : Cupr-ars. Hep. Sulph. —, dark : Nitr-ac. Thuja. Calc-ph. Sulph. and Meatus. —, redness, painful, in gleet: Gels. —, painless : Gels. —, slight, in gleet: Cub. —, witli tingling and burning at : Cupr-ars. shooting in, violent: Berb. smarting in : Phos. Sep. soreness of, with discharge of pus : Cop. spots at, bright-red : Bry. —, dark-blue, as if skin had gone: Borax. sticking in : Chelid. stitches in : Caps. Led. Zinc. —, fine : Nitr. —, near, burning : Thuja. —, needle-like : Nitr-ac. —, painful, from anus to, or in re- verse direction: Thuja. —, penetrating : Thuja. —, tickling : Led. stitching in : Zinc. swelling of : Cop. Jac-c. Led. Nitr-ac. Phos-ac. Thuja. ----, with pulsative pain throughout penis : Cop. thickened: Sumbul. tickling at: Anag. Cop. —, voluptuous : Led. tingling in : Sep. —, with inflammation around: Cann-i. tug in, acute : Calc. ulcers at, chancre-like, suppurat- ing, with flat edges, no inflammation, but violent lancinations, worse even- ings and nights, preventing sleep, and much aggravated mornings by violent erections : Nitr-ac. —,----, —, formed from small blisters : Nitr-ac. Orchitis. See Testicles, Inflammation of. Paraphimosis. —, : Merc-c. Rhus. —, with pain in glans : Rhus. Penis. —, abscess in : Bov. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 31 Penis. bluish: Sulph. bubbling sensation in, during erec- tion : Graph. burning in: Ananth. Bufo. Cann-i. Canth. Spong. —, at point of, within canal: Berb. —, in navic. fossa : Cub. —, with frequent urination : Cann-i. burrowing in, dull: Calad. coldness of : Agar. Lye. Sulph. constringing sensation in: Arn. dartings in : Natr-m. drawing in : Rhod. , —, afterwards itching, in fossa navic.: Petros. —, and creeping, intensely painful, from abdomen as far as : Zinc. —, from bladder to : Calad. —, in fossa navic.: Petros. —, tearing in root of, preceded by dull sticking in abdomen, near geni- tals : Zinc. —, very acute, in forepart of: Zinc. drop, sensation of, in fossa navic. : Thuja. dwindling of: Ant-ox. eruption on : Phos-ac. Graph. —, herpetic : Graph. excoriated easily : Ananth. Natr-c. —, on dorsum, causing a prolonged itching: Elaps. feels sore and bruised when walk- ing : Cann-s. flaccid : Agn. Ant-ox. Gels. Merc. gangrene of : Amyg. Canth. gone to sleep feeling in: Merc. growths on, like small condylomata: Bell. hard and contracted, along upper part of, bending it upwards : Berb. string along upper part of : Berb. hardness of: Calc-ph. —, unnatural: Hep. heat of: Bell. Canth. Jac-c. Merc. Mez. inflammation of : Cann i. Canth. Cub. Kali-iod. Led. Natr-c. Pip-nig. Sep. Sulph. —, and of inguinal glands : Ananth. Penis. —, inflammation and swelling of, with burning pain : Pip-nig. —, —, pressure and heaviness : Cub. —, with itching: Sep. itching of: Agar. Ant-c. Con. Hep. Natr-s. Spong. Sumbul. —, burning, of: Spong. —, corrosive : Agn. —, creeping, downwards posteriorly, on external skin of : Phos-ac. —, externally : Hep. —, fine : Ante. —, in navic. fossa : Cic. Cub. Petros. —, mostly on glans : Con. —, not relieved by rubbing . Con. —, tingling, of back part of, exter- nally : Phos-ac. —, voluptuous : Agar. jerking in : Lach. Natr-m. —, from groin, toward : Zinc. —, painful: Thuja. —, —, in root of : Zinc. jerks, stitching, in dorsum of: Mez. lancinations in : Elaps. oedematous: Cop. pain in : Jac-c. —, as if excoriated or scalded; when walking, must keep it upright: Cann-s. —, beating, toward tip: Sabad. —, burning : Kali-iod. —, constrictive, at root of, on waking, mornings : Kali-b. —, cramp-like : Graph. —, cutting from left kidney into : Berb. —, — on left side of: Alumen. —, darting : Graph. —, —, violent: Lye. —, drawing : Alumina. —. — toward tip : Sabad. —, intermittent, toward tip : Sabad. —, jerking : Graph. —, pinching : Alumina, Graph. —, —, pressive : Brom. —, pulsative throughout: Cop. —, shooting into, from middle line of abdomen,as along a thread: Alumen. —, smarting: Berb. —, —, burning: Berb. 32 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Penis. pain, sore : Arn. Cann-s. —, sticking, toward tip : Sabad. —, tearing in : Con. Kali-iod. —, —, to root of, from glans : Sars. —, tensive, in, and heaviness in peri- neum, with extremely lascivious thoughts, without erections : Graph. —, twitching : Thuja. painful on hanging down : Sumbul. — as if sore or burnt: Cann-s. painfulness of: Jac-c. patches on, red, resembling erup- tion of scarlet fever: Cinnab. pimples on, red: Bell. ----, —, small, on posterior part of, with heat in them: Phos-ac. prickings in : Elaps. pulsation in : Cop. pustules on : Bov. redness of : Bell. Bufo. Curare, Cann-s. Sars. relaxed : Cann-i. Lye. Mur-ac. retracted: Berb. sensitive, painfull)', when walking, as if shirt were rough and rubbed it: Zinc. shooting in : Calc-ph. shrivelled: Amyg. shrunken : Agar. Aloe, Arg-n. Cann-i. Lye. small: Agn. Aloe, Lye. soreness of : Cupr-ars. —, lancinating, where there had been a chancre, especially when touched : Borax. — of under surface : Cupr-ars. —, with great pain in prostate : Cupr-ars. sores on, resembling chancres : Ananth. spots on : Calc. ' —, which have been rubbed sore, ulcerate and will not heal: Nitr-ac. stinging in : Berb. Sumbul. stitches in : Ananth. Calad. Jacea, Natr-m. Sabin. Sep. Sulph. , —, burning in, to testicles and um- bilicus ; worse sitting, better walk- ing : Thuja. Penis. —, stitches, burning violently, in poste- rior part of, on right side : Mur-ac. —, —, cutting violently, obliquely through, close to abdomen, at night after passing flatus : Lye. —, —, drawing, out through glans : Spong. —, —, in fossa navic.: Cic. —, —, — sides of : Brom. —, —, prickling: Mez. —, —, severe, darting into, from abdo- men : Puis. —, —, stinging : Berb. Jacea, Lye. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Natr-m. Petr. Phos. Puis. Thuja. —, —, when sitting : Lith. —, swelling of: Arn. Bufo. Calc-ph. Cann-s. Canth. Cinnab. Cupr. Curare, Fluor-ac. Graph. Led. Merc-c. Mez. Millef. Natr-c.Phos-ac. Pip-nig. Sabin. Sil. —, —, and of inguinal glands : Ananth. —, —, at least four inches in circumfer- ence, curved in shape of letter S ; the prepuce so cedematous as to hide ori- fice of urethra: Fluor-ac. —, —, dropsical: Fluor-ac. —, —, hard, on dorsum : Sabin. —, —, inflammatory, urethra almost closed: Led. —, —, of lymphatic glands along : Merc. —, —, purple-red : Arn, —, —, slight: Sil. —, —, without sensation : Cann-s. —, tearing in, in jerks, with pain above penis, in right side of abdomen, mov- ing like a wave : Mez. —, — through, between acts of micturi- tion : Con. —, tenderness of left side of : Sumbul. —, tension in : Arn. —, thickening of: Elaps. —, throbbing in : Cop. —, titillation of : Nitr-ac. —, twitching in : Cinnab. Mez. —, —, disagreeable, morning and even- ing, when in bed : Calc. —, —, painful: Aur-met. Calc. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 33 Penis. —, twitching, painful, backwards : Aur-met. —, weakness, sensation of, in: Alumina. Perineum. —, boil on, with drawing in : Ant-c. —, clawing, cutting, in, early in morn- ing : Lye. —, contractive sensation in : Sulph. —, cutting in : Aur-met. Lye. —, drawing, painful, from, into urethra: Kali-b. Mez. —, fulness in : Alumina, Berb. Bry. Nux. —, heaviness, sensation of, in : Cop. Graph. —, — in, and tensive pain in penis, with extremely lascivious thoughts, with- out erections : Graph. —, herpes on : Tellur. —, —, itching and humid on : Petr. —, inflamed, sensation as if : Alumina. —, itching in : Cann-s. —, — of, and of mons veneris : Natr-s. —, —, burning, voluptuous, close to anus, not relieved by scratching : Mur-ac. —, pain in, at end of urination : Coca. —, — and soreness in, with sensation of sitting on a ball: Chimoph. —, —, burning, frequent, especially after an embrace: Sil. —, —, —, with discharge of pus from urethra, after a fall on the perineum : Arn. —, —, cutting, during micturition : Alu- mina. —, — lancinating in, evenings : Amm-m. —, —, shooting in, especially acute on sitting: China. —, —, violent, contractive, for many hours after scanty hard stool: Lye. —, —, —, standing, rising, or sitting : Alumina. —, —, when sitting, with great weakness in genital organs : Lye. —, —, — touching, as from a bruise: Alumina. —, pimple on, painful: Nitr-ac. Perineum. —, pressure in : Alumina. —, —, momentary, on blowing nose : Alumina. —, —, painful: Alumina, Berb. —, —, violent, during erections: Alumina. —, —, with great sensitiveness to touch : Alumina. —, prickings in, single, painful, going off on drawing anus in : Thuja. —, sensation in, as if inflamed : Alumina. —, shooting through : Calc-ph. —, soreness in : Alumina. —, stinging in : Aur-met. Mez. —, stitches in : Alumina. —, —, boring, walking and sitting : Merc. —, —, extending deep into left side of pelvis: Berb. —, —, from right testicle toward anus : Rhod. —, —, sharp, drawing, toward anus : Nitr-ac. —, —, toward rectum when sitting in the evening: Sep. —, sweat on : Con. Hep. —, —, with intolerable itching, worse on friction: Alumina. —, swelling, sensation of, in, as if a ball were pressing against it on sit- ting : Chimoph. —, tearing in : Mez. —, —, and drawing in, extending through whole urethra, with intensely painful tenesmus : Mez. —, —, when walking : Amm-m. —, tenderness of: Cub. —, titillating in : Mez. —, weight in, like a stone : Con. —, —, sensation of, in : Cop. Phimosis. See Prepuce, Swelling of. —, : Calc. Cann-s. Dig. Ham. Jac-c. Merc. Nitr-ac. Rhus, Sabin. Sep. Sulph. Sumbul, Thuja. —, considerable, without much red- ness : Nitr-ac. —, from friction, parts bruised and much swollen : Arn. —, gonorrhoeal: Canth. Merc. 34 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Phimosis. —, syphilitic, prepuce terribly swollen, purplish and ulcerated, with fetid gangrenous odor: Cinnab. —, with constipation : Cann-s. —, — discharge of fetid pus : Sulph. —,----, profuse, fetid, dirty, pus-like : Cinnab. —, — inflammation and swelling, with deep rhagades, burning, and redness of prepuce: Sulph. —, — great burning on urinating : Dig. Prepuce. —, biting in: Merc. Nux, Puis. Thuja. —, —, on urinating: Calad. —, bleeding of : Jac-c. —, blisters, small, on inner surface of: Merc. —, —, —,-------, forming chancre-like ulcers : Nitr-ac. —, blotches red, on inner surface of: Rhus. —, burning in: Berb. Bry. Calc. Cann-s. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux, Puis. Sil. Sulph. Thuja. —, —, after coition : Lye. —, —, — stool: Sil. —, —, — urinating : Calc. —, —, constant, soreness after applying cold water: Cann-s. —, —, eroding, in external parts of : Cann-s. —, —, on inner and upper side of : Puis. —, —, on touching it: Calc. —, —, rasping, in : Berb. —, chafed : Alumina, Calad. Mur-ac. Natr-c. Nux, Sil. —, chancres on : Aur-mur. —, coldness of: Berb. Sulph. Zing. —, —, icy : Sulph. —, —, sensation of : Berb. Sulph. Zinc. —, constriction of : Merc. Nitr-ac. Rhus, Sabin. Sulph. —, contact of urine with, causes tear- ing pains in prepuce, which affect the whole organism : Jac-c. —, covered with bright-red spots : Cann-s. —, cracks in: Merc. Sulph. Prepuce. —, crawling in : Aloe, Merc. Phos-ac. darker-colored than usual: Rhus. dark-red: Rhus. ----, hot and painful: Cann-s. discharge from, yellowish-white: Jac-c. dropsy of : Dig. eruption on : Graph. Nitr-ac. Phos-ac. Sars. Sep. Sil. —, fine, red : Merc. —, vesicular : Graph. excoriation of: Ananth. — border: Cann-s. —, easy : Natr-c. — on inner and lower part of: Cinch-bol. —, superficial: Cop. excrescences on, sycotic, moist : Thuja. —, sycotic, on edge of, itching and burning: Psor. formication of frenum : Merc. growth on inside of, like a condy- loma : Thuja. — under, red, smooth behind glans, with a creeping sensation : Thuja. hangs far over glans, fissured into four or five flaps : Sulph. heat of: Cann-s. herpes on : Dulc. Sars. —, bleeding, brown, dry, humid, or furfuraceous ; painful, red, pale-red, or with a red areola ; round, scaly, and small; suppurating,yellow: Dulc. —, —, with tingling: Phos-ac. —, induration of : Lach. Sulph. —, —, after chancres : Lach. —, —, red, almost sore, on inner side of, itching when touched : Sep. —, inflammation of: Cale. Cann-s. Con. Elaps, Jac-c. Lye. Merc. Natr-c. Nitr- ac. Sulph. Sumbul. —, — and swelling of, with burning pain : Nitr-ac. —, — of inner surface of: Mez. —, — of meatus and frenum, with vel- low pus between frenum and glans: Calc. —, —, painful: Merc. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 35 Prepuce. —, inflammation, slight: Mur-ac. —, —, with burning pain: Merc. —, —,-------, and redness, when uri- nating or when touched : Calc. —, itching of: Aeon. Agar. Aloe, Cann-s. Colch. Con. Euphorb. Jac-c. Lye. Natr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux, Puis. Rhus, Sep. Sil. Sulph. Sumbul, Thuja, Zing. -, after urination : Bell. —, at margin of: Agar. Jac-c. —, biting: Nux. —, burning, on border of: Bry. —, continuous : Sep. —, disagreeable, on right side of, at its anterior border, more internally, pleasant during and after scratching : Cann-s. —, fine, pricking, when sitting and tying, not when walking: Puis. -, not relieved by rubbing: Con. —, of frenum : Hep. Lye. —, on inner and upper side of: Puis. —,----surface of : Lye. —, painful: Cinnab. —, pleasant, on margin of : Cann-s. —, relieved by rubbing, but soon re- turning : Aeon. —, shooting, on frenum : Merc. —, —, on inner surface of: Camph. Rhus. —, smarting, burning, of: Berb. —, —, on inner surface of, especially toward evening: Nux. —, sticking, on inner surface of: Rhus. —, stinging, on inner surface of: Camph. Rhus. —, tickling, sensation between glans and : Thuja. —, titillating, obliging one to rub the parts : Calc. —, under : Sil. —, —, and at frenum, with redness and moisture behind corona : Cann-s. —, —, pricking : Puis. —, voluptuous, compelling one to rub, with discharge of prostatic fluid : Euphorb. —, —, —, on and in, compelling one to scratch : Merc. Prepuce. itching, with cold feeling of : Zing. —, — discharge of prostatic fluid : Con. Euphorb. —, without swelling : Mez. moisture on : Sumbul, Zing. numbness of: Berb. pain in, as if a small bundle of fibres were seized: Jac-c. —, burning, in : Bufo. Calc. Merc. —, corrosive: Calad. —, itching, smarting, on inner and upper part of: Puis. —, on margin, as if chapped, excori- ated, or torn: Mur-ac. —, shooting: Hep. —, smarting on outer edge of: Bell. —, sore : Calad. Cor-r. —, sticking : Hep. —, tearing in left side of, evenings in bed: China. —, twitching, in, and in glans on walking: China. painfulness of : Cor-r. Sabin. —, with difficulty in drawing it back: Sabin. patches on, red, resembling eruption of scarlet fever : Cinnab. pimples, itching, on : Arn. —, —, external, moist: Sil. —, —, humid, with swelling of : Sil. —, with burning-itching on inner side of; rubbing changes it to a flat ulcer, level with skin, yellow, painless, sur- rounded by a little redness : Nitr-ac. —, pricking in : Aeon. Jac-c. — at margin of: Jac-c. prickling in : Jac-c. rawness of: Jac-c. redness of: Calc. Cann-s. Cinnab. Cor-r. Lye. Merc. Rhus, Sil. Sulph. —, bluish : Sumbul. —, bright: Sumbul. —, dark: Cann-s. Mez. —, inflammatory : Merc. —, near corona, as if excoriated, with frequent itching: Sil. —, spotted : Aloe. retracted : Bell. Colch. Natr-m. Nux, Sulph. 36 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Prepuce. —, retracted, in morning : Natr-c. —, with disagreeable sensation in ex- posed glans: Bell. scabs on : Nitr-ac. scraped sensation in: Cub. secretion behind, of a greasy mat- ter : Alumina. —, curdy, white : Sumbul. —, mucus, with itching : Bond. —, odor, offensive : Cor-r. —, —, salt: Sumbul. —, —, strong : Ananth. —, profuse : Bry. Jac-c. —, —, beneath : Lach. —, thick : Sumbul. —, —, between glans and : Ananth. —, violent: Sumbul. —, white : Sumbul. —, yellow : Bry. —, — on drying : Sumbul. —, yellowish-green : Cor-r. —, yellowish-white: Jac-c. sensitiveness of: Bry. Cor-r. —, painful: Merc. —, —, of inner surface : Merc. —, to touch : Cann-s. Sumbul. shooting in external parts of: Cann-s. — on margin of: Bry. skin of, thickened and inflamed : Elaps. smarting of: Benz-ac. Cann-s. Nux, Puis. —. and of frenum : Benz-ac. —, margin and inner surface of : Cann-s. soreness of : Cann-s. Sep. —, inner surface : Alumina, Nitr-ac. —,----, from acrid burning urine : Hep. —, margin : Mur-ac. Nux. —, —, and inside of : Cann-s. spots on . Nitr-ac. Rhus. -, humid, on internal surface : Nitr-ac. —, red, on inner surface of, near fre- num : Rhus. —, bright-red, on inner surface : Bry. Prepuce. —, spots, red, on outside, gritty, ele- vated, turns into ulcer, covered by scab, with itching burning pain : Thuja. —, —, reddish-yellow, lentil-shaped : Cinnab. —, stiff and hard as leather, shining on inner surface, secreting a thin offen- sive ichor: Sulph. —, stitches in : Sep. —, —, lancinating: Sumbul. —, —, painful on inside of : Thuja. —, —, sharp : Nitr-ac. Thuja. —, —, stinging : Merc. Puis. Rhus, Sulph. —, suppuration between glans and: Jac-c. —,---------, with swelling of anterior part of urethra : Merc. —, swelling of (see Phimosis) : Ananth. Apis, Bry. Calad. Cann-s. Caps. Cinnab. Cor-r. Graph. Jacea, Jac-c. Merc. Natr-c. Nitr-ac. Rhus, Sil. Sulph. Sumbul, Thuja. —, —, along margin, sore and painful: Calad. —, —, and frenum : Cann-s. —, —, and redness : Sulph. —, —,----, with painful itching : Cinnab. —, —, considerable, without much red- ness : Nitr-ac. —, —, dropsical: Graph. —, —, great: Thuja. —, —, inflammatory, with dark redness : Cann-s. —, —, cedematous: Fluor-ac. —, —, of frenum : Sabin. —, —, of right and lower side of : Cann-s. —, —, painful: Merc. —, —, red, dark erysipelatous : Rhus. —, —, terrible, purplish and ulcerated, with fetid gangrenous odor : Cinnab. —, —, with burning, smarting, and red- ness; on inside, chaps and rhagades ; on outside, a fine red eruption : Merc. —, —, — itching: Jacea. —, —, — pimples, humid, itching, on : Sil. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 37 Prepuce. —, swelling, with rhagades, deep, on, with burning and redness : Sulph. —, swollen to a large blister : Merc. ------------, without pain : Graph. tearing in left side of, after gonor- rhoea : China. thickened, bluish-red, beyond glans : Sumbul. —, with inflammation : Elaps. tickling in : Aloe, Sumbul. tingling: Sumbul. ulceration of : Sep. Sumbul. — of inner surface, from acrid burn- ing urine: Hep. —, with gleet: Cinch-bol. ulcers on : Arg-n. Cor-r. Hep. Merc. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sulph. Thuja. —, chancre-like, on : Hep. Merc. —, —, on inner surface of, formed from small blisters : Nitr-ac. —, —, —, on internal surface and margin of, with flat edges, no inflammation, but violent lancinations, worse even- ing and night, preventing sleep, much aggravated mornings by violent erec- tions : Nitr-ac. —, —, —, with pricking, stinging pains : Nitr-ac. -, deep, suppurating, with puffed Sulph. —, flat, yellow, like fiat chancres, humid but painless, on inner surface of, on both sides of frenum : Nitr-ac. -, grayish, with shaggy borders, and at the same time in throat : Arg-n. —, healing rapidly : Phos. —, small, covered with pus, later spreading, bowl-shaped, with a tallow- like coating: Arg-n. —, on inside of, depressed, exude matter, painful when touched : Thuja. ---, secreting a fetid ichor, spotting linen like bloody pus : Nitr-ac. vesicles on inner side of, breaking into ulcers which heal of themselves : Merc. —, itching: Calc. Prepuce. —, vesicles, itching, small, bursting soon and forming a scurf : Nitr-ac. —, —, —, painless : Graph. —, warts on, bleeding when touched: Cinnab. —, — on inner surface of: Thuja. Prostate Gland. —, aching in : Thuja. —, burning in : Cop. —, —, with frequent erections : Phos-ac. —, discharge of prostatic fluid. See Urethra, Discharges from. —, disease of, chronic, the gland swol- len, hard as a stone, firmly fixed, much biting-itching, or biting like flea-bites; weight like a stone in peri- neum : Con. —, —, with catarrh of urethra: Ham. —, dryness, sensation of, in : Cop. —, enlarged : Benz-ac. Dig. Puis. —, hypertrophy of : Amm-m. Bar-c. —, —, senile, with marked cardiac symp- toms: Dig. —, induration of : Cop. Thuja. —, —, with no increase of size, or slight augmentation with extreme hardness: Cop. —, inflammation of: Agn. Alumina, Bell. Chimoph. Cop. Cub. Dig. Hep. Lye. Puis. Selen. Thuja, Zinc. —, —, acute, from sitting on a cold wet stone ; pain and dysuria, which in- creased to complete retention, from swelling of prostate : Chimoph. —, —, from checked gonorrhoea : Thuja. —, pain in : Caps. —, —, with soreness of penis : Cupr-ars. —, pressure from, forwards : Sil. —, swelling of: Cann-s. Chimoph. Con. Thuja. —, —, hard as a stone : Con. —, stitches in, stinging, when walking; must stand still: Kali-b. Scrotum. —, beating, sticking, in : Natr-c. —, boils, frequently forming on: Cupr- 38 SYMPTOxMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Scrotum. —, burning of : Cann-s. Euphorb. Sil. Spong. —, —, itching: Spong. chafed: Arn. Petr. Natr-c. Sulph. Zinc. chancres on: Aur-mur. coldness of : Aloe, Caps. Merc. —, mornings on waking : Caps. —, with impotence : Caps. cold feeling in : Berb. color, bluish: Amyg. —, bluish-red : Mur-ac. —, greenish-yellow : Amyg. constringing sensation in : Arn. contraction of : Alumina, Nux. —, and retraction of, with constrict- ing pain in testicles: Berb. —, with contractive feeling in, when standing: Cann-s. —, — cramp-like pain in left testicle: Petr. crawling on: Aeon. Selen. Sil. Thuja. creeping on : Chelid. Sil. dropsy of: Apis. eruption on : Petr. Phos-ac. Rhus. —, dry and scaly : Calad. —, exuding profusely, with swelling of glans and prepuce : Rhus. —, herpetic: Graph. —, humid, between thighs and: Rhus. —, itching and moist: Graph. , —, — violently, worse at night: Calad. erysipelas of: Arn. Canth. Graph. Merc. Natr-m. Puis. Rhus. — extending to anus: Arn. excoriation, moist, between thighs and: Bar-c. —, left side : Sumbul. excrescences on : Aur-mur. formication of : Merc. Phos-ac. —, changing to burning and sore pain after scratching: Phos-ac. fulness of lower part of: Fluor-ac. , hardness of, with intolerable itching, especially toward perineum : Rhus. heat of: Chelid. Jac-c. — left side : Sumbul. herpes on: Tellur. Scrotum. —, herpes, between thighs and: Natr-m. Petr. —, —, humid and itching : Natr-m. Petr. —, induration of: Clem. —, inflammation of : Mur-ac. Natr-m. Phos-ac. —, —, erysipelatous : Phos-ac. Puis. Rhus. —, —, of left side : Sumbul. —, itching of : Alumen, Alumina, Apis, Arg-m. Aur-met. Berb. Calc. Calc-ph. Cann-i. Chelid. Graph. Hep. Hydras. Lye. Natr-c. Natr-m. Natr-s. Nitr-ac. Nux, Petr. Phos-ac. Puis. Rhod. Rhus, Selen. Sil. Spong. Thuja. —, —, and moisture of: Petr. —, between thighs and: Natr-m. —, biting, as from salt on left side of: Ant-c. —, crawling, evenings in bed, compels him to rub it: China. —, in interior of: Graph. —, mornings, in and out of bed : Puis. —, —, and evening: Puis. —, not relieved by scratching: Mur- ac. Natr-c. —, of left side of, evenings : Thuja. —, prickling : Lye. —, pulling, in right half of: Petr. —, relieved by scratching: Alumina. —, shooting, in : China. —, violent: Calc. Nitr-ac. —, in evening, not relieved by scratch- ing : Zinc. —, on right side: Bar-c. —, underneath : Natr-m. —, when rubbed, a burning pain: Thuja. —, with burning after scratching : Natr-s. —, — moisture on : Petr. —, — sore places : Nitr-ac. —, — sweat, soreness, and pimples : Calc-ph. moisture of: Natr-c. Petr. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. —, between thighs and: Bar-c. Hep. Lye. Merc. Natr-c. Petr. Rhod. —, constant: Cupr-ars. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 39 Scrotum. —, needle-pricks in : Thuja. nodules on, hard, brown, suppurat- ing : Nitr-ac. cedematous : Arg-m. Rhus. pain in: Phos. —, clawing, when touched or when walking: Clem. —, cutting, to beyond root of penis : Con. — in right side of, as if indurated: Sil. --------, especially when touched : Zinc. —, pinching, as with forceps, in right side of: Nux. —, —, and burning in left side of: Euphorb. —, pressive, on right side of: Lach. —, sore : Berb. Phos-ac. Zinc. —, tearing : Euphorb. —, worse at night, but only when lying: Sil. pimples on : Calc-ph. —, exuding • Thuja. — of tuberculous appearance: Bufo. —, painless: Arn. —, small, red, on anterior surface of: Phos-ac. —, —, —, sore, on : Zinc. —, —, —, with heat in them : Phos-ac. -, dark-red, itching, changing to whitish superficial ulcers : Thuja. pressure in: Sulph. pricking: Sulph. —, long, itching, on : Phos-ac. pruritus of: Arg-m. pulling, itching, in right half of: Petr. redness of: Agar. Apis, Arn. Chelid. Merc. Petr. Sulph. , —, and humid soreness, of one side of: Petr. —, dark-scarlet, down from, without swelling, streaky at middle of thighs : Rhus. —, of left side : Agar. relaxed : Aloe, Calc. Camph. China, Hep. Natr-m. Sulph. Scrotum. —, relaxed, with pressure in spermatic cords: Sil. —, with scaly spots : Calc. secretion from, of greenish-yellow pus: Sumbul. shivering in: Zinc. shrivelling of : Rhod. Zinc. shrunken, cold, with pressure in tes- ticles : Berb. shuddering in, and in adjoining parts as in goose-flesh: Zinc. soreness of: Calc-ph. Petr. Phos-ac. Sulph. —, between thighs and : Bar-c. Lye. Natr-c. Natr-m. —, humid, and of folds between thighs and: Hep. —, of one side of : Zinc. —, on left side of: Berb. —, sensation of, in, with smarting pain, as if excoriated : Zinc. —, to touch : Apis. —, with oozing of fluid : Calc-ph. spot on, sore : Calc. spots on, humid, itching: Sil. stinging on : Natr-m. stitches in : Arn. Lye. Thuja. —, aching, burning, through, from below upwards: Thuja. —, burning: Ananth. —, itching: Jacea. —, —, long: Phos-ac. — on right side of, with pressure: Mez. —, single : Arn. Phos-ac. —, stinging : Merc. Natr-m. Sulph. Thuja. —, violent: Merc. sweat on: Bar-c. Calc-ph. Cupr. Cupr-ars. Daph. Natr-s. Rhod. Sep. Sil. Thuja. —, constantly moist and damp : Cupr- ars. —, excessive : Calad. Sep. —, on one half of : Thuja. —, profuse : Gels. —, — and cold at night: Ham. —, sweetish-smelling : Thuja. —, warm : Gels. 40 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Scrotum. —, swelling of: Ananth. Arn. Brom. Canth. Chelid. Clem. Graph. Jac-c. Phos-ac. Puis. Rhus, Sep. —, and relaxation of right half of: Clem. -, dropsical: Graph. —, inflammatory : Phos-ac. —, in gleet: Brom. —, left side: Agar. —, painless: Bar-m. Mez. —, —, of left side : Mez. —, right side : Clem. Puis. —, with orchitis after contusion, or checked gonorrhoea: Puis. tearing in left side of: Sulph. —, lancinating, in side of, evenings in bed: Lye. tension in : Arn. Sulph. thick like hog's hide : Rhus. thickened, skin of: Calad. Clem. Rhus. —, and hangs down on right side: Clem. —, with intolerable itching, especially toward perineum: Rhus. throbbing in, stinging : Natr-c. tingling of, through groin: Nitr-ac. , ulcers on, after gonorrhoea : Aur-met. —, flat, secreting a fetid ichor : Aur- mur. —, vesicles, small, flat, moist, painful to touch, next day dry scabs : Chelid. Spermatic Cords. —, aching in : Sars. Sulph. —, beating, in left: Amm-m. Fluor-ac. —, burning in : Berb. —, constringing sensation in: Nux. —, contraction in : Berb. —, —, painful, in right: Alumina. —, dragging in left: Sumbul. —, drawing in : Agn. Aur-mur. Bell. Berb. Calc-s. Clem. Merc. Nitr-ac. Psor. Puis. Tereb. Zinc. —, —, as far as abdomen, after unsatis- fied desire: Nitr. —, —, during urination : Bell. —, —, heavy, pressive, and in testicles, more morning than evening: Natr-c. Spermatic Cords. —, drawing, in jerks : Merc. —, —, left: Fluor-ac. —, —, painful, extending up into abdo- men, with inflammatory swelling of testicle : Nitr-ac. —, —, right: Sabin. —, —, spasmodic, in left: Agar. Tereb. —, —, to, from testicles : Berb. —, —, with boil on perineum, worse standing, less stooping : Ant-c. —, —, — painful swelling of right testi- cle : Chelid. —, fulness in, sensation of : Fluor-ac. —, hardness of : Phos-ac. —, inflammation of : Berb. Nux, Puis. —, —, left: Ham. —, neuralgia of : Berb. —, pain in : Spong. —, —, burning, smarting, with several stitches, now on one side, then on the other: Berb. —, —, contractive : Calc. —, —, right: Alumina. —, cramping : Arg-m. Nux. —, darting, in left: Graph. —, dragging, extending into testicles : Berb. —, drawing : Chelid. Phos. Psor. —, —, extending up or down: Berb. —, —, from below, upwards : Clem. —, —, in left: Ham. Thuja. —, —,----, violent: Clem. —, —, in right: Anag. —, —, intolerable, after checked gon- orrhoea: Clem. —, —, stretching : Phos. —, —, when urinating: Canth. —, in left: Ham. —, jerking : Tussil. —, — in left: Graph. —, lancinating, extending into testi- cles : Berb. —, running down into testicles ; Ham. —, shooting, in left: Sumbul. —, — up: Phytol. —, tearing : Anag. Arg-m. —, — in left: Colch. —,-------, upwards, evenings in bed: Bell. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 41 Spermatic Cords. pain, tensive : Cann-s. Puis. —, —, when standing : Cann-s. pressure in : Berb. Sil. Spong. Sulph. —, right: Brom. —, with relaxed scrotum : Sil. pulsation, tensive, in left: Sum- bul. shrivelled: Caps. soreness of: Phytol. stitches in: Thuja. —, aching, burning, from below up- wards : Thuja. — in left: Alumina, Amm-m. ----right: Bry. —,----, toward anus : Rhod. —, obtuse, darting from testicles up into : Spong. —, stinging : Amm-m. Arn. Berb. Nux, Sulph. Thuja. swelling of : Arn. Phos. Phos-ac. Sars. Spong. — along, into groins, with shooting pain, worse on motion : Clem. —, hard, with pressure : Spong. —, left: Ham. —, —, soft, pulpy, especially in lower portion, several times when walking, with at times, drawing, burning, smarting, or tearing pains; also when sitting with pain extending down into the testicles, especially the epididy- mis : Berb. —, — spermatic vein, after violent exercise, dull aching pain in groin, sometimes extending to back, worse from horseback riding: Ham. —, lumpy : Cann-s. —, painful: Calc. Phos. Spong. —, —, especially the epididymis after gonorrhoea: China. —, —, with stitches up into abdo- men : Arn. —, —, — swelling of testicles : Phos. —, right: Puis. —, with a dragging-down feeling in them: Sars. —, — obtusion of head : Phos-ac. —, — swelling of testicles : Phos-ac. Spermatic Cords. —, swelling, with tenderness to touch: China, Sars. —, —, — tensive pain : Puis. —, tearing in : Bell. Colch. Puis. —, —, with testicles painful to touch : Nitr-ac. —, tender to touch : Sars. —, tension in : Cann-s. Phos-ac. Sulph. —, —, with painful swelling of right testicle: Chelid. —, throbbing in : Amm-m. —, tumors, sensation of, in, with severe pain: Ananth. —, varicosis of veins of : Ham. Stricture. —, : Amm-m. Ant-ox. Apis, Arg-n. Bell. Clem. Dulc. Petr. Puis. —, after cantharides : Apis. —, causing strangury, after gonorrhoea : Camph. —, from cauterization : Arg-n. —, organic : Calc. —, sensation of: Bry. Dig. Graph. —, spasmodic : Cic. Clem. Nux. —, — of urethra : Eucalyp. Gels. —, with burning in penis during seminal discharge in coition : Clem. —, — difficult urination, with cutting, scalding pain, stream split, thread-like, or drops only : Chimoph. —, — flocculent pale urine: Clem. —, — gleet: Petr. —, — sudden arrest of flow, then oozing of snuff-colored slime in a long thread, or a few drops of bloody water: Graph. Testicles. —, aching in : Hydroph. Nux, Sars. Sulph. Thuja. —, —, dull: Ham. —, —, in left: Con. Sumbul. —, —, — right: Bism. —, —, with spasmodic retraction of : Calc. —, atrophy of: Bufo. Chimoph. Kali-iod. Zinc. —, bruised feeling in : Natr-c. 42 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Testicles. —, burning in : Berb. —, left • Bar-c. —, right: Tereb. —, without swelling : Puis. coldness of: Agn. Aloe, Brom. Caps. Merc. — left: Brom. —, sensation of, in: Berb. constringing sensation in: Bufo. Nux, Sulph. contraction, sensation of, in : Alumina, Camph. Nux. crawling in: Agn. Berb. Merc. cutting in: Sep. —, in swollen : Aur-met. —, smarting, in : Calc. —, stinging : Berb. — to, from inguinal region : Calc. darting in left: Lye. dragging, from right groin to right testicle, thence to left testicle, thence to left groin : Hydras. —, in left: Sumbul. —, pressive, when standing: Cann-s. drawing in : Agar. Bell. Berb. Chelid. China, Clem. Graph. Merc. Natr-c. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Phos. Psor. Puis. Rhod. Sep. Tereb. Thuja, Zinc. —, aching, in : Cop. Merc. —, beginning in abdominal ring : Natr-m. -, cutting, in left: Rhus. —, frequent, extending from, up sper- matic cords : Zinc. —, from, to spermatic cords : Berb. —, heavy, pressive, more in morning : Natr-c. —, in left: Calc-s. —,----, later in right: Zinc. —,----, spasmodic: Agar. Tereb. —,----, —, with tensive pain in left groin, aching pain up to abdomen, and painful when touched: Calc. —, in right: Tussil. —, rheumatic : Sep. —, severe : Ham. —, smarting in, as if excoriated : Phos-ac. —, violent: Phos. Testicles. —, drawing, with uneasiness, awkward- ness and sleepiness in the evening: Agar. —, dwindling of : Ant-ox. Caps. enlargement, of right: Arg-n. excoriation, of left: Sumbul. feel as if bruised : Arg-m. feeling of coldness, in afternoon and evening: Merc. — of excoriation in : Phos-ac. fretting sensation in : Phos-ac. gnawing in : Phos-ac. groaning sensation in : Sulph. hanging down {see Relaxed): Bell. Camph. China, Gels. Lye. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sil. Sulph. ----, left: Sumbul. ----, loosely: Puis. Sulph. hardness of (see Induration) : Aeon. Agn. Arn. Bell. Clem. Merc. Nux, Spong. —, great, of retracted : Bell. —, left: Ham. -----, and indescribably painful to touch: Alumina. —, right: Arg-n. —, with relaxed scrotum : Lach. heat in: Nux, Sep.' — left: Ocim. Sumbul. heaviness of : Elaps, Natr-c. Psor. —, drawing, with pressure in, and in spermatic cords, more morning than evening: Natr-c. hypertrophy of: Bufo. —, after suppressed gonorrhoea : Bar-m. induration of: Agn. Aur-met. Calc. Cinnab. Clem. Cop. Merc. Nux, Rhod. Spong. Sulph. after contusion: Con. — gonorrhoea : Agn. Jacea. and swelling of left: Rhod. chronic : Bar-c. left: Brom. Mez. Ocim. Rhod. —, after gonorrhoea : Rhod. —, with gleet: Rhod. right: Clem. Nitr-ac. inflammation of, orchitis : Ananth. Arg-n. Aur-met. Bell. Berb. Clem. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 43 Testicles. Con. Gels. Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux, Phytol. Puis. Spong. Zinc. —, inflammation, after gonorrhoea, with much urethral irritation : Clem. —, —, — checked gonorrhoea : Spong. —, —,-------, with swelling of scrotum: Puis. —, —,----otorrhcea : Zinc. —, —, — mismanaged gonorrhoea : Clem. —, —, and swelling of, with stinging, and spasmodic contraction, extending to spermatic cords; testicles being hard and retracted : Nux. —, —,-------, — swelling of scrotum ; after cold, contusion, or checked gon- orrhoea : Puis. —, —, followed by hydrocele with sexual weakness : Phos. —, —, from a bruise, with drawing and retraction of one or the other testicle; goes from right to left: Zinc. —, —, gonorrhoeal: Ham. —, —, maltreated: Spong. —, —, often with gonorrhoea : Curare. —, —, violent: Aeon. —, —, with contraction, stinging and spasmodic, extending into the cords : Nux. —, —, — discharge, slight, gleety : Clem. —, —, — gonorrhoea : Curare, Gels. —, —,----, and severe nocturnal pains : Con. —, —, — intense soreness and swelling : Ham. —, —, — sensation of tumor forming : Bufo. —, —, — strangury, severe and painful, with enlargement and tenderness of left testicle, and swelling in groin of same side : Clem. —, —, — testicles, screwing, squeezing in, with stitches up into cord; any motion of bed or clothing causes throbbing: Spong. —, itching, in right: Merc. —, motion in, slow, undulating: Sabad. —, neuralgia of : Berb. —, numbness, sensation of, in : Natr-c. —, pain in : Ant-ox. Testicles. pain, aching, in right, aggravated when touched: Bism. —, —, tensive, in right, as from a contusion : Aur-met. —, acute in left when walking: Jac-c. —, after checked gonorrhoea : Ant-t. —, — erections : Con. —, — midnight, until morning: Ham. —, as if pulled or twisted: Bufo. —,----returning to abdomen: Bufo. —,----squeezed : Aeon. —, boring, tensive from right, to mid- dle of penis : Mur-ac. —, bruised : Aeon. Arg-m. Calc-s. Clem. Dig. Hep. Natr-c. Rhod. Spong. —, — in left: Natr-c. —, —, intermittent, in left, toward evening: Sabad. —, burning in left: Nitr-ac. —, constricting in, with contraction and retraction of scrotum : Berb. —, constrictive: Nux. —, contusive : Arg-m. Calc. Natr-c. Rhod. Sabin. Spong. Thuja. —, —, left: Arg-m. Nitr-ac. —, —, right: Dig. —, —, with enlargement and harden- ing of right: Arg-n. —, cramping : Nux, Spong. —, cramp-like, contractive, after gon- orrhoea : China. —, —, in left, with contraction of scrotum : Petr. —, crawling : Rhod. —, crushed: Arg-m. Berb. Calc. —, cutting : Berb. Phos-ac. Sep. Tereb. —, — as from excoriation in, com- mencing at the groins : Calc. —, dragging: Gels. —, drawing: China, Ip. Nitr-ac. Psor. Thuja, Zinc. —, —, extending from groins, day and night: Ham. —, —, from, into spermatic cords, upwards: Clem. —, — in, and in groins: Merc. —, —, left: Con. —, —. right: Anag. Tussil. 44 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Testicles. —, pain, drawing, prickling, while sit- ting and stooping : Zinc. —, —, severe: Ham. —, —, tensive into, from abdomen through cords: Puis. —, dull, severe : Ham. —, excruciating : Ham. —, —, from urethra, in retracted tes- ticles : Berb. —, gnawing: Phos-ac. —, grabbing : Arg-m. — in left: Ham. —, jerking in right in evening: Selen. —, neuralgic, severe, darting from testicles to stomach, worse nights and rainy weather: Ham. , —, —, severe, suddenly shifting to bowels, causing nausea and faintness, profuse cold sweat on scrotum; cap- illary stasis: Ham. •, —, —, wakes him at 3 a. m., preventing further sleep : Ham. —, passing down to, from right lum- bar region : Erig. —, pinching : Spong. —, —, aggravated at least touch : Clem. —, pressive : Calc. Con. Natr-m. —, —, and tensive, as from a contu- sion : Aur-met. —, —, as if contused, worse walking : Thuja. —, —, in both, worse from touch and when walking: Phos-ac. —, —, left: Con. —, —, —, as from contusion : Calc. —, —, right: Calc. —, —, —, aggravated by touch : Bism. —, —, when touched: Aur-met. —, prickling in, mostly when sitting or stooping: Zinc. —, running down spermatic cords into: Ham. —, screwing : Spong. —, severe in right, better after uri- nating : Kob. —, —, shooting, in left: Sumbul. Testicles. —, pain, sore, drawing in, as from some- thing excoriated: Phos-ac. —, —, spasmodic : Spong. —, —, —, tearing, commencing between testicles, then goes into penis, and causes itching in ulcer : Merc. —, —, squeezing : Sil. Spong. —, —, sticking in right: Graph. —, —, strangling : Spong —, —, tearing : Con. Euphorb. Puis. —, —, —, in left, after gonorrhoea : China. —, —, —,----, evenings in bed : China. —, —, turning, in left: Nitr-ac. —, —, twisting : Ip. —, —, violent in, distensive or compres- sive : Sil. —, —, with soreness extending to abdo- men and thighs: Rhod. —, painful: Agn. Arn. Aur-met. Cann-s. Clem. Lith. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Phos-ac. Rhod. Sep. Sil. Spong. Zinc. —, —, left: Alumina, Ham. Jac-c. —, —, right: Alumina. —, —, —, better after urinating: Kob. —, — to touch : Apis, Clem. Rhod. Spong. —,-------, as if bruised, with drawing and stretching in inguinal region, left thigh, and scrotum : Clem. —,-------, right: Zinc. —,-------, with tearing in spermatic cords: Nitr-ac. —, pinching in : Natr-m. —, —, evenings : Con. —, pressing in : Berb. —, —, dragging, in : Lach. —, pressive feeling in, when standing : Cann-s. —, — sensation in, from above down- wards, as if a hernia would protrude : Lach. —, pressure in : Aur-met. Berb. Bism. Calc. Cann-s. Lach. Natr-c. Nitr. Puis. Sabad. Spong. Sulph. —, —, in right: Bism. —, —, increased by touch, or walking : Phos-ac. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 45 Testicles. —, pressure, prickling, and drawing, in left, at times extending up spermatic cords : Zinc. —, redness, dark, of left: Sumbul. relaxed : Hep. Nitr-ac. Sulph. —, left: Puis. —, mornings : Arn. —, much, with scrotum continually sweating: Gels. retracted : Agar. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Canth. Cic. Clem. Nux, Rhod. Thuja, Zinc. —, and hard : Nux. —, left, with swelling of inguinal glands : Thuja. —, right: Alumina, Clem. Puis. —, — or left, with some pain and swelling: Zinc. —, —, sore and painful: Alumina. —, spasmodically ; left painful to touch, with pressure and pain in left groin : Calc. , —, with great stitches in : Bell. sensation, contractive, in : Camph. sensitiveness of left, excessive : Ocim. -------, when stepping on left foot: Colch. —, painful: Clem. shining of: Merc. shootings, with pressure, in left, when at rest: Zinc. shrink and become softer: Hydroph. shrinking of: Hydroph. small: Bare. Gels. -, and retracted, with pulsation be- tween shoulders: Bar-c. something behind left, thick and stony hard: Selen. soreness of : Puis. Zinc. —, sensation of : Clem. —, —, extending to abdomen and thighs : Rhod. —, to touch : Rhod. sticking in: Ip. stinging, cutting, in : Berb. —, in left, fine, painful: Merc. stitches in: Berb. Calc. Nux, Sulph. Thuja. Testicles. —, stitches, from right, toward anus: Rhod. —, — in, formerly indurated: Calc. —, left: Con. —, obtuse, darting from, into sper- matic cords : Spong. —, painful: Bar-m. Bell. —, right: Bry. —, sharp, in : Thuja. —, stinging: Arn. Bell. Berb. Bry. Merc. Nux, Rhod. Sulph. —, —, in left: Merc-c. —, transient, pressing, in left, during rest: Zinc. —, up into cord : Spong. —, when sitting: Bry. straining in : Berb. stretching, painful in, and in abdo- men : Natr-c. —, swelling of: Aeon. Agn. Ananth. Ant-t. Apis, Arg-m. Arn. Aur-met. Aur-mur. Bar-m. Calc-ph. Cant!). China, Clem. Con. Cop. Cub. Dig. Elaps, Graph. Merc. Merc-c. Merc- sulph. Mez. Millef. Natr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux, Phos-ac. Psor. Puis. Rhod. Sil. Spong. Sulph. Zinc. —, —, aching : Spong. —, —, after contusion : Con. —, —, — gonorrhoea : Rhod. —, —, and induration of left, with sore pain, or sensation of soreness: Brom. —, —, dropsical: Dig. Lye. —, —, hard : Agn. Arn. Brom. Merc. Nux, Phos-ac. Sabin. Spong. —, —, —, with pressure : Spong. —, —, —, — shining redness : Merc. —, —, hot: Arn. Puis. —, —, —, and painful, of right, after gonorrhoea : Ham. —, —, inflammatory, with painful draw- ing in spermatic cords extending into abdomen: Nitr-ac. —, —, left: Brom. Ham. Ocim. Phos ac. Rhod. —, —, —, after gonorrhoea : Brom. Rhod. —, —, —, sensitive to touch : Cop. —, —, —, with gleet: Rhod. 46 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Testicles. —, swelling, left, with intolerable, drawing pain in testicle and cord, after gonorrhoea : Clem. —, —, — strangury : Clem. —, oedematous: Arn. Graph. Lye. Nux, Puis. Rhod. Sil. Sulph. —, painful: Arn. Aur-met. Canth. Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux, Spong. Zinc. —, —, after gonorrhoea : China. —, —, of right: Clem. —, —, to touch : China. —, —, when driving : Brom. —, painless : Bar-m. Brom. —, purple-red : Arn. —, right: Apis, Arg-m. Aur-met. Clem. Graph. Puis. —, —, lower part of, with aching pain when touched or rubbed, 6 to 11 p.m. : Aur-met. —, —, painful: Canth. Spong. —, —, — and hot, after gonorrhoea : Ham. —, —, — when touched : Nitr-ac. —, —, with tension and drawing in spermatic cords, after gonorrhoea: Chelid. —, slight: Sil. —, with cutting : Aur-met. —, — swelling and tension of sper- matic cords: Phos-ac. —, — swelling, painful, of spermatic cord : Phos. swollen, is sensitive before flatus is passed, not painful: Merc. tearing in : Euphorb. Puis. —, burning, in left, with frequent erections: Phos-ac. I—, —, in the evening: Con. —, pinching : Sep. —, with tearing in urethra : Natr-c. tender to touch : Clem. Phos-ac. Rhod. Sars. tension in : Aur-met. Nitr. Sulph. —, boring, from right, to middle of penis : Mur-ac. —, painful, in, and in abdomen : Natr-c. throbbing in, from motion of bed or clothing : Spong. Testicles. —, tingling in : Euphorb. Sulph. —, —, fine, from thighs, to: Sabad. —, tugging in, when standing : Cann-s. —, tumors, hard, sensation of, in, with severe pain : Ananth. —, turning about, sensation of, in : Sabad. —, vibration in : Sulph. —, weight of : Elaps. Ulcers. —, chancre-like: Aur-mur. Hep. Merc. Nitr-ac. Thuja. —, deep : Nitr-ac. Sulph. —, —, fistulous, irregular, ragged, edges often raised, lead-colored, bleed easily when touched: Nitr-ac. —, flat, red : Cor-r. —, mercurio-syphilitic : Lach. —, round, unclean, elevated, moist, pain- ful, surrounded by redness : Thuja. —, venereal: Jacea. —, with elevated, lead-colored, sensitive edges : Nitr-ac. Urethra. —, bearing down in : Hydroph. —, biting in : Thuja. —, —, itching, in: Thuja. —, bleeding from : Arg-n. Caps. Cop. Lye. Mez. Sulph. Tereb. —, —, in gleet: Chimoph. —, —, painless : Lye. —, blennorrhcea of: Alumen, Amm-m. Merc. —, bubbling sensation in posterior part of, when sitting: Berb. —, burning in : Alumina, Ananth. Ant-c. Apis, Arg-n. Aur-mur. Bell. Berb. Bov. Bry. Calad. Calc. Camph. Cann-i. Cann-s. Canth. Cedron, China, Chelid. Chimoph. Clem. Colch. Con. Cop. Cupr. Cupr-ars. Curare, Dig. Ip. Kob. Lith. Lye. Merc. Natr-c. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phos. Pip-nig. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Tereb. Thuja. —, —, after erection : Natr-m. —, —, and smarting, as if scalded : Apis. —, —, eroding, at corona : Cann-s. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 47 Urethra. —, burning, evening: Natr-c. —, forepart of: Sep. Sulph. —, fossa navic.: Cub. —, in and on, anteriorly : Sulph. —, — entire, day and night, with restlessness : Ars-s-fl. —, — vesicular seminales, during and after coition: Canth. —, irritating, from rectum to glans : Ant-t. —, tearing, in : Zinc. —, with frequent desire to urinate : Cann-i. —, — painful erection : Calc-ph. —, — pressure, and contraction in vesical region when pressed upon: Berb. catarrh of, with diseases of the prostate: Ham. closed, almost, by inflammatory swelling of penis: Led. — by swelling, with eruption on genitals: Rhus. constriction, and burning in, as if too small: Dig. contraction of : Amm-m. Clem. Cop. Petr. Puis. —, long-lasting: Clem. —, sensation of, in : Clem. Cop. Dig. crawling in : Petros. Phos-ac. Tussil. —, up to sphincter vesica?: Cinch-bol. creeping in: Phos-ac. cutting in: Berb. Calc-ph. Chelid. Colch. Curare, Granat. Lach. Nitr-ac. Sars. Sep. Sulph. Thuja. —, after emission : Natr-m. —, as from a knife, with inclination to put hand there : Bufo. —, in forepart of: Lye. —, sharp, from posterior termination '■■ of, obliquely into abdomen : Lye. J —, —, tearing, in middle of, extend- ing forwards: Zinc. —, sticking, constant, in forepart of : Lach. —, violent, continual: Sep. darting in : Alumina, Chelid. Natr-c. discharge from, acrid : Cop. —, albuminous : Petros. Urethra. —, discharge, alternately with hemor- rhage : Lith. —, —, blood: Ant-c. Ant-t. Arg-n. Arn. Calc. Camph. Cann-s. Canth. Caps. China, Con. Erig. Euphorb. Ferr-ph. Hep. Ip. Lye. Merc. Mez. Millef. Mur-ac. Nux, Phos. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Tereb. Zinc. —, —, —, from bladder, or : Erig. —, —, painless : Lye. —, —, in urine, from a cut, hemor- rhagic diathesis: Tereb. —, —, with burning: China, Graph. Puis. —, —, — constipation : Lye. —, —, — cutting in abdomen and urethra: Ip. —, —, — dyspnoea: Con. —, —, — pains in kidneys and blad- der : Ip. Puis. —, —,-------stomach, and vomit- ing : Ip. —, —, — paralysis of legs: Lye. —, —, — urging to urinate, and vio- lent pains, discharge in drops, or lumps, by the half-pint: Ham. —, —, bloody : Ant-ox. Arg-n. Bell. Cann-s. Canth. Caps. Cop. Curare, Euphorb. Kali-iod. Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac. Mur-ac. Puis. Zinc. —, —, by drops : Canth. —, —, with urethra painful to touch: Caps. —, calculi, small: Lipps. —, changeable, now more, now less : Cupr. —, clear: Cann-s. Cub. Elaps. —, closing meatus : Cann-s. —, constant: Ars-s-fl. —, corrosive : Cop. —, cream-like: Caps. —, dark-reddish : Cub. —, fetid : Sil. Sulph. —, former, reappears : Bond. —, glairy : Cann-i. —, gleety, after coitus : Cub. —, —, — liquors : Cub. —, —, agglutinating meatus : Gamb. —, —, staining linen yellow: Fluor-ac. 48 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Urethra. —, discharge, gluey, sticky, at meatus blocking up urethra : Graph. —, glutinous : Agn. Cub. Kali-iod. Thuja. —, green: Ananth. Bry. Cop. Curare, Kob. Merc. Thuja. —, greenish : Merc. Merc-c. Pip-nig. —, —, thick : Merc. Natr-s. —, gray : Bufo. —, ichorous : Apis. —, increased: Bar-c. —, — mornings : Aur-mur. —, jelly-like : Kali-b. —, less, as inflammation subsides : Caps. —, like gonorrhoea : Ant-ox. Guaiac. —,----, for three days : Cedron. —, milky: Cop. Ferr. Natr-m. Petros. Sep. —, milky-white, after urinating : Lach. Natr-m. — mixed with blood : Euphorb. —, moderate, in mild cases : Cop. —, muco-purulent: Cop. Kali-iod. —,----, with inflammation of penis: Kali-iod. —, —, mucus : Agar. Agn. Ant-c. Ant-ox. Arg-n. Calc. Cann-s. Canth. Chimoph. Clem. Con. Cop. Cub. Dulc. Elaps, Kali-iod. Ferr. Granat. Hep. Lipps. Mez. Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux, Petr. Rhod. Sabin. Sulph. Thuja. —, —, —, after a cold: Ferr. —, —, —, bloody : Canth. Nitr-ac. —, —, —, clear: Brom. Elaps, Natr-m. —, —, —, glutinous : Agar. Thuja. —, —, —, in phthisis : Elaps. —, —, —, painless : Cann-s. Psor. —, —, —, thick yellow, or green, with priapism : Ananth. —, —, —, transparent, with pain : Ham. —, —, —, viscid, glutinous: Agar. —, —, —, watery : Cann-s. —, —, —, —, during motion : Mez. —, —, —, white, glairy, on squeezing glans : Cann-i. —, —, —, with priapism : Cann-s. Urethra. —, discharge, mucus, yellow drop of, before urinating: Tussil. —, —, night, only : Sep. —, —, —, worse at: Merc. Merc-c. —, —, offensive : Pip-nig. —, —, painless : Cann-s. Ferr. Hydras. Merc. Psor. Sep. —, —, pale : Cub. —, —, profuse : Arg-m. Arg-n. Ars s-fl. Bufo. Cann-i. Chimoph. Cop. Cub. Curare, Ferr. Hydras. Kali-b. Thuja. —, —, —, during stool: Thuja. —, —, —, of yellow or gray mucus, with painful weakness and weariness in all the lower part of the body : Bufo. —, —, —, with contusive pain in testi- cles : Arg-m. —, —, prostatic fluid : Agn. Alumina, Apis, Aur-met. Bell. Calc. Cann-s. Canth. Dig. Elaps, Euphorb. Hep. Lye. Natr-c. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phos-ac. Puis. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Tabac. Thuja, Zinc. —, —, —, copious, with lewd fancies : Nitr-ac. —, —, —, —, without any cause : Zinc. —, —, —, emotion, on every change of : Con. —,—,—.erection, without: Arn. Bell. Euphorb. Lye. Natr-m. —» —, —, —, —, with great lewdness : Lye. —, —, —, evenings : Phos-ac. —, —, —, from a relaxed penis : Aur-met. Euphorb. —, —, —, from slightest causes : Eryng. —, —, —, sitting : Selen. —, —, —, sleep, during: Selen. —, —, —, stool, after : Calc. Sulph. —. —, —» —, — difficult: Natr-c. Nitr-ac. —, —, —, — during: Calc. Con. Elaps, Hep. Kali-b. Phos-ac. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sulph. —, —, —, —, — difficult: Agn. Alumina, Con. Hep. Natr-c. Nitr-ac. Phos. Sep. Zinc. —, —, —, —, when pressing at: Agn. Gels. Phos ac. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 49 Urethra. —, discharge, prostatic, stringy, early in morning, after waking : Thuja. —, —, urinating, after: Calc. Curare, Daph. Hep. Natr-c. Sep. Sulph. —, —, —, —, worse from smoking : Daph. —, —, —, before : Psor. —, —, —, during: Hep. Natr-c. Sep. Sulph. —, —, walking: Selen. —, —, when thinking of lewd things, without hi3 fancy or genital organs being excited, and without erection: Natr-m. —, —, —, with diseases of prostate : Chimoph. —, —, —, — itching of prepuce: Con. —, —, —,----------, voluptuous : Eu- phorb. —, —, —, without any cause : Lye. —, —, —, — lascivious thoughts : Con. —, —, purulent : Arg-n. Arn. Bar-c. Cann-s. Canth. Caps. Chelid. Chimoph. Clem. Con. Cop. Cub. Cupr-ars. Ip. Jacea, Led. Lye. Merc. Merc-c. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux, Sabad. Sabin. Sars. Sil. Thuja. —, —, —, with biting pain : Ip. —, pus, a drop of, before urinating: Tussil. —, —, fetid, with phimosis : Sulph. —, —, preceded by itching in urethra : Con. —, —, with swollen and inflamed meatus: Cop. —, pus-like, after lithotomy: Millef. —, scanty : Armor. Lye. —, semen, color and consistence of, with burning pain, especially after urinating: Puis. —, slight: Clem. Lye. —, —, with orchitis : Clem. —, slime, tough, viscid : Agn. —, slimy : Cann-s. Caps. Cub. Dulc. Ferr. Hep. Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sulph. —t —f staining linen yellow : Canth. Cub. Curare, Fluor-ac. Phos. Natr-m. Psor. Sep. Urethra. —, discharge, staining linen yellow, at night: Fluor-ac. —, —, stiffening linen : Cub. —, —, stringy : Kali-b. —} —t suppressed, is re-established : Aur-mur. —, —, thick: Ananth. Arg-n. Bell. Cann-s. Caps. Clem. Cub. Ferr. Hydras. Merc. Merc-c. Natr-s. Nux, Puis. Sil. —, —, —, milky: Cann-s. Caps. Ferr. Nux. —, thin : Apis, Lye. Merc-c. Natr-m. Nux. —, — at first, then thick : Merc-c. _ _ gleety, day and night, with formication over whole body: Cedron. _ _ with burning on urinating, and frequent urging to stool: Nux. —, thinner as inflammation subsides : Caps. —, transparent: Cann-s. —, variable as to quantity : Cupr. —, viscid: Agn. Ant-t. Bov. Dig. Nitr-ac. Nux, Phos. —, watery : Cann-s. Canth. Mez. Merc. Merc-c. Mur-ac. Thuja. —, —, copious : Thuja. —, white : Arg-n. Cann-i. Canth. Caps. Cinnab. Cupr-ars. Ferr. Kob. Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sulph. Thuja, Zinc. —, —, —, mornings : Phos-ac. —, —, whitish : Gels. —, —, yellow : Agar. Agn. Ananth. Ars-s-fl. Bell. Cann-s. Canth. Caps. Cop. Cub. Curare, Fluor-ac. Hydras. Lye. Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Petros. Puis. Sars. Thuja. —, —, at night: Zing. —, —, before urinating : Bar-e. —t — drop, mornings : Fluor-ac. —, —, leaving spots on linen : Natr-m. —, —, light: Alumina. —, —, more at night: Mere. —, — pus, with redness and inflam- mation of glans, and fever in evening, with shivering: Sars. —, —, —, with tension in inguinal glands: Natr-m. 50 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Urethra. —, discharge, yellowish-green : Arg-m. Cinnab. Cub. Curare, Natr-s. Puis. Thuja. —, —, yellowish-white : Cann-i. —, with contusive pain in testicles : Arg-m. —, — itching of glans: Alumina. —, — stinging, burning pain : Apis. drawing in: Colch. Petros. Phos. Puis. Zinc. —, acute, in forepart of : Zinc. — and tearing, in forepart of : Bry. Zinc. —, burning : Granat. —, from perineum into : Kali-b. —, —, to anus : Phos-ac. —, jerking, in posterior part of: Lye. —, painful, intensely : Zinc. —, quick, to and fro, in, as far as bladder, with contractive sensation : Phos. -, shooting in : Merc. drawn up in knots, sensation as if : Cann-s. dryness in, sensation of : Cop. ----,----, in anterior part of, morn- ings : Alumina. feeling in, as if there was a gonor- rhoeal discharge : Cann-i. feels glued up : Bov. — inflamed : Cann-s. formication, jerking, in : Thuja. gurgling in, resembling shooting: Merc. hard : Arg-n. heat in: Aur-mur. ----, sensation of, passes off on lying still: Alumina. hot to touch : Merc. inflammation of: Arg-n. Aur-met. Bov. Cann-s. Canth. Chimoph. Cop. Cub. Granat. Hep. Sabin. Sulph. Tabac. —, — and soreness of, to touch, along whole length : Cann-s. Caps. Sabin. —,----swelling of, with pain along whole penis: Cop. —, —, chronic, of prostatic portion of : Petr. Urethra. —, inflammation, with pain, burning or shooting, and increased gonorrhoea: Arg-n. Cann-s. —, —,----, excruciating : Doryph. —, irritation of, followed by a discharge and ardor urinae : Ham. —, —, burning, from rectum to glans : Ant-t. —, —, painful: Chimoph. —, itching in : Alumina, Arn. Berb. Bov. Canth. Cop. Lye. Merc-c. Mez. Natr-m. Nux, Sep. Sulph. Tabac. Thuja, Zinc. —, — and crawling running in, and in anus, with burning in glans : China. —, excessive, and painful irritation, from end of penis to neck of bladder: Chimoph. * —, followed by a discharge of pus : Con. —, fossa navic.: Cub. Petros. —, in forepart of : Arn. Merc-c. —, middle of: Sulph. —, stinging : Bov. —, — continued, with pain in the evening: Mez. —, voluptuous, of, and between testi- cles : Alumina. —, with gleet: Petr. jerkings in : Natr-c. Petr. Phos. knotty: Arg-n. lancinations in : Alumina; Curare. —, ascending toward hypogastrium, when walking in open air : Alumina. —, dull: Aur-met. metallic sensation about (female) : Alumen. narrowness in, sensation of: Bry. Dig. Graph. node in, hard : Bov. obstruction of, frequent, with thick yellowish-green discharge : Cub. pain, aching, in : Bry. —, acute, while standing, with a bruised feeling in back and loins, in latter part of day : Kob. —, —, as at commencement of a gonor- rhoea: Sulph. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 51 Urethra. —, pain, as from excoriation, especially when feeling of it: Borax. —,-----a sore, when urinating : Cinnab. ,---------, wakes him at night: Cinnab. —,----subcutaneous ulceration : Rhod. —, burning : Kali-iod. Petr. Tereb. Thuja. —, —, evenings : Petr. —, constrictive : Berb. —, contractive : China, Nux. —, — in anterior part of, backwards : Nux. —, cutting : Berb. Canth. Caps. Chelid. Colch. Con. Dig. Ip. Lach. Lye. Merc. Sep. Zinc. —, — backwards : Caps. —, —, from left kidney into : Berb. —, drawing : Puis. —, —, cutting, when walking : Thuja. —, —, short, but violent, in forepart of: Lye. —, especially forenoons : Caps. —, itching, burning, and shooting, in anterior part of: Bry. —, pressive : Canth. Colch. Petros. Puis. —, —, relieved by pressure on glans: Canth. —, prickling, and discharge of some fluid: Mez. —, pulsative : Cop. -, raw: Bell. —, shooting to, from liver or kidneys : Lach. —, smarting : Berb. —, sore, drawing, obliging one to urinate: Cic. —, —, in forepart of : Lach. —, spasmodic and contractive through, from rectum, through glans and through testicles, in the evening: China. —, —, sticking : Caps. —, —, tearing : Ananth. Kali-iod. Thuja. Urethra. pain, twinging, along, from behind forwards, with sensation as though drops were passing out: Selen. —, violent, burning or shooting, with increased gonorrhoea: Arg-n. —, zigzag: Cann-s. painful: Arg-n. — to touch: Caps. Clem. Merc. Nitr-ac. pinching in: Lye. pressure in, constant: Lach. pricking in: Bond. —, itching, in forepart of, backwards: Nux. —, sharp, like needles : Cann-i. —, —,----, in forepart of : Caps. —, to sphincter : Cinch-bol. prickling in : Anag. pricks, painful, at end of: Phos-ac. pulsation in : Canth. Merc. —, from within outwards : Dulc. rawness in : Bell. Phos-ac. —, with occasional stitching: Phos-ac. redness of : Gels. Merc. Thuja. —, painful: Gels. sensation as if a drop of urine were in, or a constant dropping from it: Cedron. -------a drop were running through: Thuja. -------scraped: Cub. -------urethra were in clitoris, with pressing of urine, which could not be retained on account of pressure on the clitoris: Alumen. —,-------urine remained in fossa navic, and could not be forced out any further, in morning : Ferr-iod. —, — in tip of, as if a biting drop were forcing its way out: Selen. —, sensitiveness in, near orifice : Arg-n. —, —, painful, in, especially with erec- tions, also when sitting or standing: China. —, shootings in: Sulph. Thuja. —, —, at corona : Cann-s. —, —, in front of : Phos-ac. —, —, obtuse : Merc. 52 SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. Urethra. —, shootings, tearing, in : Aur-met. —, when walking in the open air: Alumina. smarting in ■ Apis, Berb. Borax, Cop. Granat. Natr-c. Phos. Sep. Tereb. Thuja. —, evening: Natr-c. —, forepart of : Sep. —, with drawing from before back- wards, in morning when walking: Sep. sore to touch: Caps. Clem. Mez. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Thuja. soreness of : Cop. Ferr. —, itching, increased by pressure : Mez. —, sensation of, in: Berb. Caps. Clem. Cop. Lach. Mez. —, slight: Ferr. sores in, resembling chancres : Ananth. sticking in : Bov. Chelid. Lach. Merc. Thuja. stinging in : Ant-t. Apis, Arg-m. Arg-n. Berb. Bov. Bry. Calc. Cann-s. Caps. China, Con. Cupr. Hep. Jacea, Lach. Lye. Merc. Merc-c. Natr-m. Nux, Petr. Sep. Sulph. Thuja. —, —, through : Mez. —, stitches in: Ant-t. Arn. Bell. Berb. Bry. Calad. Cann-s. China, Cic. Clem. Hep. Jacea, Merc-c. Natr-m. Nux, Phos. Phos-ac. Psor. Sulph. Sumbul, Thuja. —, along : Cann-s. —, and in anus : Phos. —, as from needles, in forepart of: Caps. —, burning: Agar. —, dull, behind glans, especially when moving: Bell. —, extending into bladder : Berb. —, fine: Sil. —, forepart of : Merc. Sulph. —, —, fine, continuous : Sil. —, from behind forwards: Thuja. —, — hepatic region to : Lach. —, — kidneys to : Berb. —, — neck of bladder, along penis : Phos. Urethra. —, stitches, in female, from within, on left side: Berb. —, itching, in, between acts of mictu- rition : Natr-m. —, —, tickling, in anterior part of: Cann-s. —, long, from bulbous portion to meatus, when walking : Bell. —, nights, during frequent erections of penis, prevent sleep : Thuja. —, painful, at termination of: Phos-ac. —, severe, in evening : Thuja. —, sharp, cutting : Sars. —, shooting, in back part of : Con. —, tearing, in forepart of : Thuja. —, through : Zinc. —, toward abdomen in evening : Merc. —, twinging, or sensation of strangu- lation, like lightning, from before backwards: Zinc. —, twitching, in posterior part of, when standing: Cann-s. —, violent, between acts of micturi- tion : Natr-m. —, —, extending forwards to meatus: Con. —, —, into, from rectum : Thuja. stitching in: Sep. stricture of. See Stricture. suppuration of, and of bladder: Canth. —, sensation of, in : Rhod. swelling of : Arg-n. Canth. Cop. Led. Granat. Thuja. —, anterior part of, with suppuration between glans and prepuce : Merc. —, feeling of : Arg-n. —, interior, of : Canth. Led. Merc. Nitr-ac. Rhus. tearing in: Colch. Natr-c. Sep. Sulph. —, and in testicles : Natr-c. —, in forepart of : Clem. Sep. —, like a zigzag, in : Cann-s. —, violent: Sep. tension of: Phos. throbbing in : Merc. —, in region of bulb : China. SYMPTOMS OF GENITAL ORGANS. 53 Urethra. —, tickling in : Aur-mur. Ferr. Hydras. —, —, crawling, in, and in rectum : Ferr-iod. —, tingling in: Cupr-ars. Petros. —, titillating in : Bell. Mez. —, tumor, small, in : Lach. —, twitching in : Alumina, Cann-s. Canth. Natr-c. Nux, Phos. Thuja. —, ulcers in: Nitr-ac. —, want of power, sensation of, in : Thuja. —, weakness, feeling of, in : Alumina. Urinary Organs. —, great irritation of : Arg-n. —, inflammation of: Cop. —, with the symptoms in, pains in loins and hips : Berb. Urinary Passages. —, indescribable lameness in : Ant-ox. —, pain in, after feet have become a little wet: Calc. Warts, Condylomata, or Sycotic Excrescences. —, : Alumen, Ant-t. Apis, Aur-met. Aur-mur. Benz-ac. Calc. Cinnab. Lye. Millef. Natr-s. Nitr-ac. Phos-ac. Sabin. Thuja. —, about anus : Aur-met. Aur-mur. Benz-ac. Natr-s. —,----, after abuse of copaiva : Benz-ac. —, and balanorrhcea : Apis. —, bleeding of, great : Thuja. —, burning in : Thuja. —, corona glandis, around : Aur-met. Nitr-ac. —, fig-warts, complicated with chancre : Phos-ac. —, —, smelling like old cheese or her- ring-brine : Calc. —, frenum, on, oozing, especially during new moon: Thuja. Warts, etc. glans, on : Nitr-ac. Phos-ac. Thuja. —, behind : Ant-t. —, from, to sacrum : Aur-mur. —, red : Thuja. —, with ulcers elsewhere : Ant-t. growths on penis, like small con- dylomata : Bell. itching, pricking and tickling, in : Thuja. knotty, wart-like eruption, on the anus, and between abdomen and thighs : Natr-s. lumps, red, raised wart-like all over the body : Natr-s. moist, like cauliflower, hard, rhaga- dic or in thin pellicles : Nitr-ac. —, on prepuce and glans : Thuja. oozing: Nitr-ac. Thuja. pain, burning in : Sabin. —, — when touched : Thuja. —, sore : Sabin. prepuce, on : Aur-mur. Nitr-ac. Sabin. —, edges of, with itching and burn- ing : Psor. —, frenum, and inner surface of, bleeding when touched : Cinnab. —, inner surface of: Cinnab. Thuja. sensitive: Sabin. shooting in, painful: Thuja. small, flesh-colored, on corona, emit- ting a fetid humor and bleeding when touched: Nitr-ac. soreness in : Sabin. Bpongy : Alumen. stitches, severe, in, or in genitals : Thuja. thighs, between: Natr-s. tickling in : Thuja. tongue, on: Aur-mur. with burning and soreness : Sabin. ----------, and heat, when sitting or walking : Phos-ac. — gonorrhoea : Nitr-ac. Thuja. THE END, LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NL.M 0D1011b3 1 1 NLM001011639