NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Gift of The National Center for Homeopathy ■3 Js * .^ < -V f ^> f ■<« $wx \m§\ -"/mu ^mm -1) Venereal and Urinary DISEASES —BY— TEMPLE S. HOYNE, A. M., M. D., Clinical Professor of Skin and Venereal Diseases in Hering Medical College and Hospital of Chicago. SECOND EDITION. Revised and Enlarged. HALSEY BROTHERS, CiIIOA.S-0, DETROIT AND B-U-:F,:F'.A-X_0. JOHN MORRIS COMPANY, PR1NTER8, CHICAGO. 1894. \ Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1883, by T. S. Hoyne, A. M„ M. D., In the office of the Librarian of Congress. Copyright, 1893. PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. At the urgent request of members of the College classes of 1881 and '82, and 1882 and '83, I have consented to the publication of the following pages, which were prepared for my lectures on venereal diseases. As the time devoted to this branch of study in the Col- lege curriculum is necessarily short, the lectures were arranged with the idea of presenting the whole subject in as brief a manner as possible; hence, long discussions on many disputed points are en- tirely omitted. The student and practitioner will, I hope, find that while I have condensed as much as possible all that is said on the subject, that I have not thereby failed to give a clear exposition of the different affections mentioned. It may be proper to state that I still hold the opinion that there is but one kind of syphilitic virus, producing in the one case a hard chancre, and in the other a soft chancre, and that both these eores may be followed by secondary symptoms. At the request of my publishers, who claim that a slight resume of the remedies suitable for urinary disorders is greatly needed, I have added the last few pages. T. S. Hoyne. 1634 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Preface to Second Edition. The first edition of Venereal and Urinary Diseases has been out of print for a number of years, and it is only after repeated demands from students and physicians that I have carefully revised the volume and furnished the publishers with the sheets. Many changes and additions have been made in the text, a chapter upon gleet inserted, and the symptoms of the various affections of the kidney added. It is hoped that the profession will accord the present edition as favorable a reception as the former. T. S. Hoyne. 1833 Indiana Avenue, Chicago. Venereal Diseases. VENEREAL DISEASES. Venereal disease is a term U6ed to denote affections arising primarily from sexual intercourse. The word venereal comes from the Latin word veneris, meaning that which relates to pleasure. In a more restricted Bense, however, the word is considered synonymous with syphilis or syphilitic. Some writers have proposed that those diseases should be called venereal which are produced by excesses in venery, and that the term syphilitic should be applied to those which are the result of impure connection. The custom is to include under the head of venereal all affections arising from sexual intercourse, hence the terms venereal and syphilitic are generally used as synonyms. The venereal diseases are two, viz.: gonorrhoea and syphilis. The etymology of syphilis is unknown. It may be derived from djuS, a hog, and q>i\so, I love, or from duv, with,and .........................73,97,119 Rheumatism, gonorrhoeal........................................ 73 " syphilitic........................................... 34 Roseola......................................................... 39 Rupia........................................................36, 51 Sarcocele........................................................ 57 Scaly eruption................................................... 35 " " treatment of..............................>..... 40 Seminal emissions............................................... 101 Skin symptoms........... ...................................... 34 Soft chancre..................................................... 20 Spermatic cord, syphilis of....................................... 57 Spermatorrhoea.................................................. 101 Spinal cord, syphilis of........................................... 46 Spleen, syphilis of............................................... 56 Stomach, " " ............................................... 47 Stone............................................................ 120 Stream, the...................................................... 125 Strangury....................................................... 122 Stricture.....................................................74, 97 Suppression of urine............................................. 123 Swelled testicle............................................57, 72, 94 Symptoms of hereditary syphilis.................................. 63 Synovitis........................................................ 56 Syphilis, definition of............................................ 13 " etymology of............................................ 13 " contagiousness ......................................... 13 " origin of................................................ 14 " progress of............*.................................. 14 " way to study............................................ 14 " stages of................................................ 15 " period of incubation..................................13, 17 "■ primary................................................ 19 " secondary.............................................. 33 " " contagiousness of............................. 34 " " symptoms of.................................. 34 " tertiary................................................. 45 " " predisposing causes............................. 45 " stages defined........................................... 15 " never arises spontaneously............................... 15 " nature of poison of...................................... 16 " due to spores............................................ 16 " persons affected by...................................... 17 • INDEX. 133 PAGE. Syphilis, reason for exemption of Jews............................ 17 " inoculation of........................................... 17 " methods of communication.............................. 17 " tends to exhaust itself................................... 60 " in pregnant women...................................... 61 Syphilitic fever.................................................. 34 " poison, kinds of........................................ 21 Teeth in syphilis......................................'........47, 64 Testis, inflammation of........................................72, 94 Testicle, syphilis of.............................................. 57 The stream...................................................... 125 Throat, ulcers of................................................. 43 Tertiary syphilis................................................. 45 " " predisposing causes.............................. 45 " " diagnosis........................................ 46 " " prognosis........................................ 46 " " of mouth........................................ 47 " " of throat......................................... 47 " " of tongue........................................ 47 Transmission of syphilis.......................................... 62 Tubercles....................................................... 52 " treatment of........................................... 53 Tubercular syphilis..............................................- 38 Ureter, syphilis of............................................... 57 Urging to urinate................................................ 124 Ulcers of skin................................................... 51 Urinary organs, syphilis of....................................... 56 Urine, retention of.............................................97,119 " suppression of............................................ 123 Vagina, contraction of............................................ 76 Vaginitis......................................................... 76 Varicocele....................................................... 97 Vegetations.....................................................38,97 Venereal, definition of............................................ 13 Vesicular eruptions.............................................. 36 " " treatment..................................... 40 Virus, syphilitic................................................. 16 " " can be destroyed by acids.......................... 16 " " action of.......................................... 18 Vulvitis........................................................ 76 Warts, venereal.................................................. 37 White swelling, syphilitic........................................ 56 ^' fe^€"n " '* ^r^?i: ^y^ "MT:*U >^,%''^- 11 SS^S^-'^fe/2^': <5i%' ^-^?*y ■*>■- i y^2jL&; ; ■~::$|£S'3fijS*'--^-^C 4 ^^^p^^^^^px^^f •-* woS^-i**^fyr # X ^/vv..^* r"? ^ -¥ 53fJ^vV? ^#;%^»#N# ™<*yy- r^^^,.- -^: :n^ -jm \ rf.^*£^cr/■-i,Ny,y-^ i ■. \ /:fr\y--?ser'V.x; ■-••