WBK W933p 1883 K!'" v NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM DDlD3bbl 2 SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE Section, xo J ZZk (+*+-,\ NLM001036612 Practical Guide HOMOEOPATHY, FOR Family and Private Use, COMPILED FROM THE STANDARD WORKS OF PULTE, LAURIE, HEMPEL, RUDDOCK, BURT, VERDI, AND OTHERS, FOR THE USE OF twenty-ei0\t Son\oeof)ktl\id fjen\edie^. )UIS, MO.: \< -; ST. LOUIS, MO.: %< / " '* LUYTIES HOMCEOPATHIC PHARMACY CO.. -^f' 306 North Fifth Street. -^^»\ X CINCINNATI: A. F. WORTHINGTON & CO. 1883. W933f F.*ln», NO ^ £^£ Copyrighted according to Act of Congress, in the year 18)77. By A. F. WORTHINGTON, M. D. In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. Cincinnati: Western Methodist Boole Concern Pre** PREFACE. HPHIS little volume is simply what its title indicates, a " Practical Guide" in the treatment of the common forms of acute dis- ease. It is not the aim of this work to make physicians of the public, nor is it to be ex- pected that every case of disease can be safely treated by domestic practice, neverthe- less a long list of acute and serious diseases may be treated with greater safety and success by following the directions here given than they are treated by the ordinary drugging physicians. The treatment of such diseases as Diphtheria, Cholera, Small-pox, Acute Inflammations, and all severe and dangerous forms of Fever, etc., etc., should not be at- tempted except in the absence of a reliable Homoeopathic physician, or until the services of such a one can be obtained. For con- venience, it is desirable that a book of this kind should be made to occupy as little space as possible; for this reason, acute diseases or that class requiring prompt treatment only are considered. A chapter, however, has 4 Preface. been devoted to the treatment of "Poison- ing;" also, one to Apparent Death from Drowning, Suffocation, etc., which will be found to be of great practical importance, not only to families but to students and junior practitioners. With respect to the remedies, they have been arranged under the head of each disease in alphabetical order. The diseases have likewise been arranged in alphabetical order in the body of the work, as well as in the contents, and can, therefore, be consulted with the greatest facility. This work is designed for the non-profes- sional masses, and is, therefore, written in such language as to be understood by all. In its preparation, our best authorities in the English and American Homoeopathic literature have been consulted, and from their rich treasury most of the material it contains has been carefully selected. Such symptoms and indications for the uses of the remedies only are given as have withstood the practical test of experience. The necessity for a work of this kind will be more apparent, when we bear in mind that a large portion of the population of the United States are not within reach of Homoeopathic physicians, and, if they make use of the remedies, are obliged to depend upon such knowledge as can be obtained from books desired for domestic use. PART I. INTRODUCTION. LIST OF MEDICINES Prescribed in this Book, -vith their English Names. i. Aconitum napellus. 2. Antimonium tartaric. 3. Apis mellifica. 4. Arnica montana. 5. Arsenicum album. 6. Belladonna. 7. Bryonia alba. 8. Calcarea carbonica. 9. Carbo vegetabilis. 10. Chamomilla. 11. Cinchona or China. 12. Cina. 13. Coffea cruda. 14. Colocynthis. 15. Cuprum. 16. Dulcamara. 17. Hepar. sulph. calcarea. 18. Ignatia amara. 19. Ipecacuanha. 20. Kali bichromicum. 21. Mercurius. 22. Nux vomica. 23. Phosphorus. Monkshood. Tartar e?netic. Poison of honey bee. Leopard's bane. Arsenious acid. Deadly nightshade. White bryony. Carbonate of lime. Vegetable charcoal. Chamomile. Peruvian bark. Worm seed. Raxv coffee. Colocynth apple. Copper. Bitter-sweet. Sulphuret of lime. St. I gnatus bean. Ipecac. Bichromate of potash. Mercury. Nux vomica. Phosphorus. 6 Introduction. 24. Pulsatilla, Meadow anemone. 25- Rhus toxicodendron. Poison oak. 26. Spongia tosta. Burnt sponge. 27. Sulphur. Sulphur. 28. Veratrum alb. White hellebore. EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS. Arnica—Mix two teaspoonfuls of the tincture with a half a tumblerful of water to make a lotion. Uses—Bruises of all kinds. Calendula—Two teaspoonfuls of the tinct- ure with half a tumblerful of water. Use as a lotion. Uses— Cuts or lacerated wounds. 7he Dilution or strength o/*the medicines recommended in this work is the third potency of the vegetable and the sixth of the mineral preparations, except when other- wise directed. ADMINISTRATION OF REMEDIES. Homoeopathic medicines are prepared for use either in the form of liquids, powders or globules. Medicated globules or pellets are gener- ally prescribed in domestic practice, on account of greater convenience, and are also considered to be equally effective in the great majority of cases. For adults we recom- Introduction. 7 mend eight to ten, and for children two to six globules as a dose dry on the tongue, or twenty-five or thirty globules may be dis- solved in half a tumblerful of pure, soft water—a teaspoonful of the solution given as a dose to a child, or two teaspoonfuls to an adult. When liquids are used, five to ten drops may be dissolved in a glass half full of pure, soft water, and a dessert-spoonful given as a dose to an adult, or a teaspoonful to a child. The powders, or triturations as they are called, may either be given in the same man- ner, about five to ten grains dissolved in half a tumbler of pure water, and one or two teaspoonfuls at a dose, or as much as would lie on a silver five-cent piece taken at a dose dry on the tongue. The medicines should not be taken within half an hour before or after a meal. The frequency of repetition of the dose is given with every medicine in the treatment of each disease. As soon however as the symptoms of the disease abate the medicine must be given at longer intervals and then discontinued. Should the symptoms of an existing disease change their character after a medicine has been given, that medicine should no longer be continued, but another substituted more suited to the new symptoms. In some cases Introduction. the symptoms of a disease are either so numerous or so varied that one medicine is not sufficient to cover or complete the anal- ogy of them all. In such cases another remedy may be chosen, which will include the more prominent symptoms. The two medicines should not be mixed, for this would interfere with their respective proper- ties and actions, but dissolved separately and given in alternation; that is, a dose of one medicine then a dose of the other, and so on. Diet.—When taking Homoeopathic reme- dies, the patient must abstain from all other medicines, herb teas, odors, as camphor, cologne, hartshorn, etc., and avoid vinegar, pepper and spices, and as far as possible, coffee and tobacco, all rich and highly sea- soned food, greasy substances, pastry, and food difficult of digestion, such as pork, geese, ducks, lobsters, crabs and clams, sau- sages, cheese, etc. Also, vegetables of a pungent, aromatic nature, or having medical properties, as onions, garlic, asparagus, rad- ishes, horse-radish, celery, parsley, etc. Cof- fee, not always prejudicial to health, will surely antidote the effect of some medicines. It is better, therefore, to abstain from it alto- gether while taking medicine; also, green tea. Black tea, cocoa or chocolate may be used as substitutes. Especially avoid all arti- cles known to disagree. PART II. DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. For the Dose of the Medicines, see page 7. ABSCESS. Symptoms—A collection of purulent matter in a tumor, the result of local inflammation, and which terminates in suppuration. Belladonna—When there is much swell- ing, pain, and inflammation, or of an ery- sipelatous appearance. A dose three times a day. Hepar sulph.—When matter begins to form. A dose three times a day. Mercurius—When the abscess is shining and red, or when it is situated in the vicin- ity of glands. In the commencement often prevents suppuration. A dose three times a day. General Directions—When the abcess is coming to a head, the application of a breadand-milk or slippery-elm poultice will be found serviceable in promoting the sup- purative process. io Diseases and their Treatment. APOPLEXY. Symptoms—Loss of consciousness, speech and motion; face flushed or pale; breathing slow and of a snoring character, and the patient lies in a comatose condition from which he can not be roused. Aconitutn— In premonitory symptoms; violent headache above the eyes, especially when stooping or coughing. Belladonna—If there are signs of conges- tion of the head and chest. A dose every hour. Nux vomica—For persons addicted to in- temperate habits, or if resulting from an overloaded stomach. A dose every hour. General Directions—Remove all tight clothing, raise the head, place the patient in a cool and airy apartment, immerse the feet in hot water, and send immediately for a physician. APPARENT DEATH. Treatment—Apparent death from inhal- ing NOXIOUS GASES. If a person has become insensible from inhaling Carbonic Acid, Carbonic Oxide, Fumes of Burning Charcoal, Chlorine or Sulphureted Hydro- gen Gas, expose him at once to the fresh air. Bathe the face and breast with vinegar and let him inhale the vapor. Give strong coffee to drink; apply cold water to the head and Apparent Death. n warmth to the feet. If necessary, have recourse to Dr. Hall's method of resuscita- tion, as explained under "Apparent Death from Drowning:." If there is congestion to the head, loss of consciousness, give Belladonna. A dose every twenty or thirty minutes. If the patient is excited, talks much and rapidly, give Copfea. Dose as Belladonna. From CHLOROFORM, ETHER, NI- TROUS OXIDE GAS and other ANES- THETICS, place the body in a horizontal position, with head well elevated; open the windows, loosen the clothing, dash cold water on the face, shake the chest vigorously and hold Ammonia to the nostrils. These failing, endeavor to induce artificial respira- tion, as explained under 'Apparent Death from Drowning." After breathing is estab- lished and if the patient complains of chilliness and a sense of intoxication, nausea, etc., with quick pulse, give Nux vomica every half hour till better. From COLD, always place the body in a cold room, and cover it with snow or bathe it in ice-cold water until the limbs become soft and flexible, then place it in a dry bed and rub briskly with flannel, at the same time try to induce artificial respiration by Dr. Hall's method, explained under the head of "Asphyxia from Drowning." As soon as there are signs of returning life, give small injections of coffee, without milk, and if the 12 Diseases and their Treatment. patient can swallow, give him spoonful doses of coffee to drink. From DROWNING, place the body in a horizontal position,yifla77i7nation of the Pleura—Aconitum, Arnica, Bryonia, Rhus tox. Infla7mnation of the Bladder. Inflammation of the Sto7nach—Aconitum, Arsenicum, Nux vomica, Veratrum alb. Infla7n77iation of the Throat—Aconitum, Apis mellifica, Belladonna, Kali bichrom. Infla7mnation of the Tongue—Aconitum, Mercurius. Infla7n77iation of the Tonsils—Aconitum, Apis mellifica, Belladonna, Mercurius. inflammations, acute. Most of the diseases which come under this head require prompt medical assistance; the remedies here mentioned under each particular inflammation are only intended to be used in the absence of a physician or until one can be obtained. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. Recognized by a burning pain in the region of the bladder; the external parts being swollen; hot, tense and painful to the touch; the urine hot and red, and the emission of it is either difficult and painful or impossible; fever. Aconitum—May be given until the fever is somewhat abated. A dose every hour. Cantharis—After the fever is somewhat abated, or may be given in alternation with Aconitum, every one or two hours until relief is obtained. 66 Diseases and their Treatment. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. Recognized by violent stitching pains in the inflamed part, which are permanent; the abdomen is bloated, hot and painful to the touch; quick, small, wiry pulse; obstinate constipation and violent thirst. It is danger- ous, and may be fatal in two or three days. Aconitum and Belladomia alternately, till the violence of the disease abates. A dose every one or two hours. Afterwards Belladon7ia and Mercurius in alternation. A dose every two or three hours. Nux vomica—When the patient is recov- ering if constipation sets in. A dose at bedtime. General Directions—Cloths wrung out of hot water laid on the bowels and covered with flannels. Also, hot water injections greatly assist the cure. INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN. Recognized by violent pain in the head or by a mere pressing dull sensation; fever and signs of sanguineous congestion to the head; distention of the veins of the head and throat, etc.; coma or constant delirium. Aconitmn and Bellado7ina alternately, every two hours, till the fever and other symptoms are somewhat abated, then Bella- donna and Bryo7iia in alternation, every two or three hours. Inflammation of the Ears. 67 General Directions — Shut out all strong light; avoid all noise and especially all conversation within hearing of the patient (the hearing is very acute in this disease); keep the room well aired and comfortably cool temperature, and do not disturb or excite the patient if it can be avoided; do not apply cold water to the head. INFLAMMATION OF THE BRONCHIA OR AIR TUBES. See Bronchitis. INFLAMMATION OF THE EARS. Symptoms—Great pain in the ears, fol- lowed by swelling and redness, both inside and out; sudden pain, sometimes so acute as to cause delirium. Aconitu7n—If there is much fever. A dose every three or four hours. Bellado7ina—Tearing pains in the head, with tendency to delirium. A dose every three or four hours. Pulsatilla is generally the best remedy in this complaint, especially after the inflamma- tory symptoms have been controlled by the former remedies. A dose every three or four hours. General Directions—Diet light; apply heated flannels if the pain is severe; persons 68 Diseases and their Treatment. subject to inflammation of the ears should avoid drafts of air; also, protect the ear from all irritation either by noise or wind. inflammation of the eyes— ophthalmia. Symptoms—Heat, pain and redness of the eyes; intolerance of light, headache and fever. Aconitu77i—At the commencement of the attack if there is deep redness and pain of a pricking, burning or smarting character, and profuse watery discharge. A dose every two hours. Belladonna—When the above symptoms are somewhat subdued and there exists red- ness of the eyes; inability to bear the light; pains round the eyes or in the head. A dose every two hours. Mercurius—In slight cases; when there is not much fever or when Belladonna does not afford relief. A dose every three or four hours. Sulphur—In obstinate cases; scrofulous ophthalmia; itching and burning in the eyes and lids; feeling as if sand were in the eyes. A dose two or three time a day. General Directions —Keep the eye shaded; never apply cold water or other cold application to inflamed eyes. Inflammation of the Gu77is. 69 inflammation of the eye-lids. Symptoms—Redness, swelling and sore- ness of the lids, external and internal. Belladonna—Swelling and redness of the lids, with constant agglutination. A dose every three or four hours. Hepar sulph.—Redness of the lids, with nightly agglutination. A dose every three or four hours. Pulsatilla—Redness of the lids-, secretion of mucus; nightly agglutination. A dose every three or four hours. (See Inflammation of the Eyes.) inflammation of the glands, acute. Often caused by a cold or chill. This is the only form here treated of. Belladonna—When there is bright redness of the part and inflammation. A dose every three or four hours. Mercurius—When the glands are hard, red, hot and painful to the touch. A dose every three or four hours. inflammation of the gums. Sometimes a symptom of derangement of the stomach, from teething or decayed teeth, and frequently from the abuse of mercury. 70 Diseases and their Treatment. Carbo veg.—When it arises from the abuse of mercury. A dose every three to six hours. Mercurius—In most cases (except when arising from its abuse); especially where the gums are spongy, swollen and painful. Dose as for Carbo veg. (See Canker in the Mouth.) inflammation of the kidneys— nephritis. Usually comes on with a chill, accompanied or followed by pain in the back (in the region of the kidneys); tenderness on pressure in these parts; shooting pains often extending to the groin and neck of the bladder; fever; nausea; often vomiting; difficulty of urinating; urine red and hot, sometimes bloody; the pains increased by motion or by lying on the back or side affected. Aconitum—In the early stage; high fever; hot, dry skin and intense thirst; retention of urine, etc. A dose every hour or two. Belladonna—Shooting pains from the kidneys to the bladder; pains which appear and disappear suddenly. A dose every hour or two. Cantharis—Burning heat, with thirst and anxiety; constant desire to urinate, passing but few drops at a time, sometimes mixed with blood. A dose every two or three hours. Inflammation of the Liver. 71 inflammation of the liver. Recognized by a burning and stitching pain, just under the lower ribs of the right side and pit of the stomach, extending to the shoulder and breast bone, and sometimes even to the right foot; the pain and short dry cough, attendant upon this disease, are increased by inspiration, and it is impossible to lie on the right side; this is when the inflam77iation affects the outer side of the liver; or recognized by a deep-seated painful pressure in the region of the liver, accom- panied by yellow color of the eyes and face, sometimes almost complete jaundice; bitter taste, vomiting and high-colored urine, ac- companied with fever; the pains are increased by lying on the left side, but alleviated by lying on the right; this is when the i)iflam- mation affects the inner side or substance of the liver. Aconitum—Violent inflammatory fever, with stitches in the region of the liver; retention of urine, with stitches in the kid- neys; great nervous excitablity; restlessness and anxiety. A dose every two or three hours. Belladonna—If there is restlessness; full- ness or pain in the head; tension in the region of the stomach; tenderness of the whole abdomen; almost constant moaning, with starting and jumping during sleep; can not bear noise or bright light. A dose every two or three hours. 72 Diseases and their Treatment. Bryonia—If there is a feeling of tightness, burning or stinging in the liver, more when pressing it; yellow coated tongue, with bitter bilious vomiting. A dose every two or three hours. Mercurius—Inflammation, with great ten- derness of the liver, and jaundice-like appearance of the skin; bitter taste; green, bilious or frothy stools; bilious vomiting. A dose every two or three hours. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS-- PNEUMONIA. Recognized by stitches or pain in one part of the chest, increased by inspiration and preventing deep breathing; oppression of the chest and a continuous dry cough, which is excited by talking and by every deep breath. The cough is afterwards attended with expectoration of a serous or mucus character; and in the highest degrees of the inflammation, pure blood may be expecto- rated. All the signs of inflammatory feveJ are generally present. Aconitum—Especially in the first stage; high fever; violent thirst and shortness of breath; piercing and stitching pains in the chest, with difficult breathing. May be given in alternation with other remedies. A dose every two or three hours. Inflammation of the Stomach. 73 INFLAMMATION OF THE PLEURA. Recognized by painful stitches in the side when moving or drawing breath, attended with inflammatory symptoms. (See Pleu- risy.) There is also a kind of pleurisy which is not accompanied with inflammatory symp- toms. (See False Pleurisy.) INFLAMMATION OF THE STOMACH-- GASTRITIS. Distinguised by a pain in the stomach, usually with a burning sensation internally and tenderness to pressure; voirfting, espec- ially when any food or drink is taken; a feeling of great prostration; thirst and often cold extremities; ,the tip and edges of the tongue are red and sometimes the whole tongue. Aconitum—In the first stages. Arsenicum—Heat or burning in the stom- ach, with sharp shooting pains; rapid prostration of strength. A dose in alternation with Aconitum every two hours. Nifx vomica—If connected with indigestion from improper food. In alternation with Arsenicum every two hours. General Directions—Observe the rules under Fever. Allow no food or drink while the vomiting lasts. Diseases and their Treatment. INFLAMMATION OF THE THROAT. See Sore Throat. INFLAMMATION OF THE TONGUE. This is not a very common disease bui: requires very prompt attention. The end ot the tongue first becomes red and swollen, and in a few hours the whole tongue becomes so large that it protrudes from the mouth. Aconitum and Mercurius may be given in alternation every two hours. INFLAMMATION OF THE TONSILS. In this disease the tonsils or glands of the throat on one or both sides are inflamed, sore, red and painful; the pain often extends to the ears; it is produced by a cold. (See Quinsy.) INFANTS, DISEASES OF. APHTHE--THRUSH. Symptoms—Small ulcers on the tongue, sometimes extending through the whole in- testinal canal. Arsenicum—If .the mouth is reddish blue and inflamed; fetid smell from the mouth; great restlessness; green, watery diarrhea, with great weakness. A dose every three or four hours. Infants, Diseases of—Asthma. 75 Mercurius—Tongue inflamed and swol- len, ulcerated on the edges; bleeding of the gums, with inclination to ulceration about the teeth; very fetid breath; profuse secretion of saliva in the mouth, etc.; generally the best remedy. A dose every three or four hours. Sulphur—Thick, whitish or brownish aph- theus coating on the tongue; blisters and ulcers in the mouth, with burning and sore- ness; acrid, slimy or greenish diarrhea, excoriating the parts. May be given after or in alternation with Mercurius. A dose every three or four hours. General Directions—Use the greatest cleanliness; wash the mouth frequently with warm water; attend to ventilation; regularity of the bowels; take the child frequently intj the open air when the weather will allow. ASTHMA OF MILLAR--SPASMODIC. Symptoms—Distinguished from croup by coming on suddenly (the child frequently waking up with it), by the transient char- acter of the attack, and by the absence of fever, Chamomilla — Shortness of breathing; hoarseness and cough from rattling of mu- cus; one cheek red and the other pale. A dose every hour till better. *j6 Diseases and their Treatment. Ipecacuanha — Danger of suffocation; bluish face; rattling noise in the bronchial tubes; nausea, etc. A dose every hour. Sambucus—When the attack comes on during sleep; nightly suffocation; paroxysms. A dose every hour. General Directions—Apply cloths wet with water, as hot as can be borne, to the throat. (See Croup.) COLDS. Imprudent exposure and irregularity of clothing are the common causes of colds and coughs. Aconitum—In the commencement, with dry, hot skin and great restlessness; short, dry cough, with constant irritation in the larynx. A dose every two or three hours. Chamo7nilla — Obstruction of the nose, with running of water from the nostrils. A dose every three or four hours. Nux vomica—Dry obstruction of the nos- trils. A dose every three or four hours. COLIC--FLATULENCY. Colic and flatulence are always symptoms of indigestion. Symptoms—The children roll their eyes during sleep, distort their features, though at first do not wake, but continue to sleep uneasily; suddenly they commence to cry, and Infants, Diseases of—Colic. 77 at intervals, to twist their bodies, draw up their legs and kick their feet; the abdomen swells, causing oppression of breathing, rest- lessness and sleeplessness follow; rumbling noise is heard in the bowels, indicating the presence of wind, which gives great pain until it passes off; then an interval of quiet, followed by another sudden attack of pain and crying. Chamomilla—Colic from flatulence, or if a greenish diarrhea is present, or acidity of the stomach, with great restlessness. A dose every hour till better. Colocynthis—Griping pains, causing the child to twist and scream. Dose as for Chamomilla. Nux voi7iica—Colic and flatulency, at- tended with constipation. Dose as for Chamomilla. Pulsatilla—Colic attended with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Dose as for Chamo- milla. General Directions—During a hard fit of colic the child may be given a warm bath and hot application made to the ab- domen. constipation Often affects children from their earliest infancy; it is often hereditary, and is then vyery difficult to correct; it may also be caused 78 Diseases and their Treatment. in the child by errors in the mother; feeding by hand seems also a general cause of consti- pation, in which case the proportion of water in the milk should be increased. Bryonia—Hard, dry stools, especially dur- ing summer time, when caused by derange- ment of the stomach, accompanied with flat- ulency, brown tongue, etc. A dose night and morning. Nux vomica—Constipation brought on by gastric derangement and by debility of the in- testines; flatulency; white coated tongue; loss of appetite; distention of .the bowels, etc. A dose night and morning. Sulphur—Hard, lumpy stools, with straining and pain. A dose night and morning. General Directions—When the child has no movement for forty-eight hours, and the abdomen becomes hard and distended, re- lieve it by an injection of tepid water. Avoid castor oil and all cathartics; be very careful of the diet. coryza—snuffles. Symptoms—An obstruction of the nose; may be caused by a current of air on the child's head unprotected by a good crop of hair; the sweating of some children during sleep, without a cap, often induces the ob- struction; commonly called "snuffles," by physicians "coryza." Infants, Diseases of—Restlessness. 79 Arsenicum—If the nose runs water and even excoriates the nostrils. A dose every three or four hours. Calcarea carb.—When the symptoms be- come chronic. A dose twice a day. Nux vo7nica—Dryness of the nose or with constipation. A dose every three or four hours. Sulphur—Coryza with dry cough, with hoarseness and dryness of the throat; espec- ially in chronic cases. A dose twice a day. crying, restlessness and sleep- lessness. Children often cry or are restless and sleepless without any apparent cause, it may be owing to slight indigestion, a nervous irritability from teething or from some other cause. Belladonna—If the head or gums are hot; or if the child cries for hours without closing the eves, or sleeps for a few minutes, waking up with starts. A dose every hour till better. Cha7no7nil1a—When colic and great rest- lessness are present. A dose at bed-time. Coffca — Sleeplessness from excitement; redness of face. In most cases of sleeplessness this remedy will be sufficient, A dose at bed-time. So Diseases and their Treatment. General Directions—A warm bath will frequently be found soothing. CHOLERA INFANTUM AND SUMMER COMPLAINT. Cholera Infantum is sudden in its invasions; it appears in summer from extreme heat and in autumn from hot days and cool nights; it may also appear as an epidemic. Vomiting is a precursor a7id a co77ipanion of the-intestinal evacuations; the child ejects every thing it takes, and often vomits without taking anything from simple irritability of the stomach; the discharges from the bowels are ordinarily of a colorless and inodorous fluid, although they may become mucous and look like beaten eggs or green. Summer Complaint. There is but little difference between this disease and cholera infantum, except that it is not so sudde7i in its t7tvasiou, and is 77iorc insidious in its course; but cholera infantum, if not quickly checked, will degenerate into su77i77ier C07/1- plaint. Arsenicu77i— Violent vomiting send diarrhea of watery, bilious or slimy, brownish or blackish substances, with severe pains in the abdomen; thirst; restlessness; sudden pros- tration; cold extremities and clammy sweat. A dose every hour till better. Infants, Diseases of—Diarrhea. 81 Cha7no77iilla — Redness and heat of the face, sometimes one cheek red and the other pale; sour vomiting of food or slimy sub- stances; green, watery, corroding stools, with colic; also, mixed, white and yellow mucus, like chopped eggs; colic before and during stool. A dose every hour. Colocynthis—Green vomiting, with violent colic. A dose every hour. Ipecacuanha—Almost constant nausea and vomiting; the child throws up its food and large quantities of green mucus; colic and sick stomach before and during stool; stools grass green, mucous or white fermented. A dose every hour till better; may be given in alternation with Chamomilla. Vcratru77i alb.—Cold sweat on the fore- head; lips dry and dark colored; vomiting excited by the smallest quantities of liquids; stools greenish and watery; violent thirst for large quantities of water. A dose every hour till better. General Directions—Breast milk when the mother is healthy is undoubtedly the best food for the child, when this can not be obtained a suitable substitute must be fur- nished, as cow's milk, gruel or beef tea. DIARRHEA--BOWEL COMPLAINT Is only a condition of the intestines, inducing more evacuations of the bowels than are S2 Diseases and their Treatment. natural ; these evacuations, although com- paratively loose and too numerous, may be natural in the quality of their contents, their color or consistency. Arsenicu77i—If there is weakness, ema- ciation and loss of strength. A dose every three or four hours. Chamomilla — Diarrhea during teething, with pain and wind in the abdomen-, stools green, watery, with colic; also, acidity of the stomach, with great restlessness. A dose every three or four hours. Ipecacuanha—If accompanied with vomit- ing. A dose every three or four hours. Veratru77i alb. — Stools profuse, watery, blackish or greenish; also, with weakness and vomiting of frothy mucus. May be given in alternation with Ipecacuanha or Arsenicum. A dose every three or four hours. EXCORIATION OF THE SKIN. Generally the result of a want of cleanli- ness. Cha77io77iilla—Is generally sufficient to remove the condition. A dose eveiy three or four hours. Rhus tox—Is also a valuable remedy in this condition, and may be given after or in alter- nation with Chamomilla. A dose every three or four hours. Infants, Diseases of-—Milk Crust. 83 General Directions—The child should be washed frequently with warm water, and after being dried thoroughly, with a soft towel, sprinkle rice powder on the parts affected. jaundice May supervene almost immediately after birth, and frequently arises from cold or may be the result of purgatives; the yellowness of the skin will give sufficient evidence. Cha77io7nilla—Jaundice of new born in- fants; yellowness of the face and whites 01 the eyes. A dose every three or four hours. Mercurius—If the child has diarrhea, or its passages are of a clayish-white color; the urine dark and yellow. A dose every three or four hours. General Directions—Cleanliness and warm clothing are both necessary; keep the child moderately warm. MILK CRUST--CRUSTA LACTEA. This is a disease peculiar to children at the breast; it usually occurs during the period of dentition, and may last until the third year; it consists of small, white pustules, in clusters, on a red ground, developing themselves on the face and scalp, and sometimes spreading over the whole body; the pustules burst and 84 Diseases and their Treatment. form yellow scabs, and are attended with considerable irritation; it is not a dangerous disease, but excessively annoying to parent and child. Aconitum—When there is great fever and restlessness. A dose two or three times a day. Rhus tox—Is specific in many cases, and is specially indicated when the itching is very troublesome. A dose two or three times a day. Sulphur—Should be given to complete the cure, or if Rhus has not produced a favora- ble change. A dose night and morning. RASH. Purple or scarlet rash is, in its general symptoms, similar to scarlet fever, except that the general bright efflorescence of the skin is accompanied with a fine rash, which imparts to the skin a sense of granular rough- ness when passing the hand over it. Scarlet fever invariably appears first on the face, next on the body, and lastly on the extremities; purple and scarlet rash, on the contrary, may appear irregularly or locally, or at once over the whole body. Rose rash is the mildest of all eruptive fevers, and is characterized by a simple blush, of a rose color, appearing in oval patches upon different parts of the skin, and some- Infants, Diseases of—Red Gum. 85 times extending over a considerable surface. There is no elevation on the skin and the fever is very slight. In both kinds of rash the treatment may be the same. Aconitum—At the commencement, when there is fever. A dose three times a day. Belladonna—If the head is affected. A dose every three or four hours. Cofea—If there is much restlessness, irri- tability or nervousness. A dose every three or four hours. General Directions—Attention to diet, temperature and cleanliness will conduce much to a cure. RED GUM. Symptoms — An eruption, common to infants at the breasts, of small, red pimples, which make their appearance about the face, neck and arms, frequently very slight, and yielding to simple hygienic treatment, bathing, ventilation, etc. Aconitimi—May be given in most cases where there is much feverish heat and rest- lessness. A dose two or three times a day. Rhus tox—When there is much irritation or burning itching of the skin. A dose two or three times a day. Sulphur—Is often a specific, or may be used occasionally during the use of other medicines. A dose night and morning. 86 Diseases and their Treatment. spasms or convulsions Are caused by irritation of teething, worms, indigestible food, sudden cold, fright or con- stipation, and are characterized by sudden screaming, clenching of the hands, twisting of the feet, jerking movements of the body, flushing of the face, rolling of the eyes and grinding the teeth. The face may turn a purplish hue; the breathing be very labored; the trunk of the body very straight and stiff*. Belladonna—The best remedy at the time of the attack; starting when asleep; rigidity of the limbs; drowsiness, etc. A dose every half hour till better. Cha7no77iilla—When teething, diarrhea or mental emotions are the cause; convulsive jerking of the limbs; redness of one cheek, etc. A dose every two or three hours. Cina—When caused by worms. A dose every two or three hours. Cuprum — Red, bloated face; shrieking before an attack; convulsive movements resembling epilepsy. A dose every two or three hours. Nux vomica—When caused by constipa- tion or indigestible food. A dose every two or three hours. If convulsions or spasms arise from fright or passion. (See Emotions of the Mind.) General Directions—Put the child into a warm bath as soon as possible. Infants, Diseases of—Influenza. 87 TEETHING. The process of teething is often attended with such disturbance of the nervous sys- tem as to require medical attention, and when this disturbance occurs in summer, complications with diarrhea and summer com- plaint are apt to arise and cause the condi- tion of the child to become critical; the local irritation induces such sympathetic functional disturbances as congestion of the brain, spasms, eruptions, sore mouth, diar- rhea, etc. Aconitum— If the child is feverish and the gums are swollen. A dose every two or three hours; may be given in alternation with Belladonna. Belladonna—If the head becomes very hot; the face flushed; eyes sparkling; pupils en- larged. A dose every two or three hours. Coffea—For restlessness, wakefulness and obstinacy. A dose every two or three hours. Calcarea carb—Is serviceable when the teeth are slow in coming. A dose two or three times a day. (See Cough, Diarrhea, Constipation, Sum- mer Complaint.) influenza. Symptoms—These do not differ much from those of a common cold, except in S8 Diseases and their Treat77ient. greater severity, and that the debility is greater and more persistent; there are chilli- ness, frequent sneezing, discharge from the nostrils, pain in the back and limbs, suffusion of the eyes and great depression of strength. Aconitu77i — In a decided inflammatory stage, etc. A dose every three or four hours. Arsenicu77i—Fluid and corrosive discharge from the nose, great debility, etc. A dose every three or four hours. Mercurius—Rheumatic pains in the head, face, ears and teeth; fluent cold in the head; violent shaking cough, etc. A dose every three or four hours. Nux vomica—Cough, with rattling of thick mucus; heaviness of the head, nausea, ver- tigo, etc. A dose every three or four hours. General Directions — The patient should keep entirely in bed or in doors until the severer symptoms have abated, and avoid too early exposure. (See Cold in the Head.) INJURIES. BLACK OR BLOODSHOT EYES. Treatment—Aconitum—A dose every two or three hours. Bathe the eye with a solution ot Arnica, ten drops to half a tumbler of water. Arnica may also be administered internally. A dose every two or three hours. Injuries—Burns, Scalds. 89 bruises, contusions, etc. Bathe the injured part frequently by means of a rag or piece of lint, saturated with a so- lution of Arnica tincture, one part of the tinc- ture to ten of water, and take Arnica internally. A dose every two or three hours. Rhus tox—When the joints or tendons are injured. A dose every three or four hours. BURNS, SCALDS. Severe injuries from burns or scalds, espe- cially of large surfaces,-are very dangerous and often fatal. A most important object is to immediately cover the injured part with some suitable ma- terial that will exclude the air and keep it covered till the pain has left. Calendula tincture — Twenty drops to half a tumbler of water will also be very effica- cious, and cover the part afterwards with a thick layer of soft cotton, so as to exclude the air. Change the dressing as seldom as possible, as the cure of burns depends much on the exclusion of the air from the wounds. Fine flour or finely powdered starch is a con- venient and excellent application, and may be sprinkled or dusted over the burnt surface, and should be repeated when any portion falls off. 90 Diseases and their Treatment. Aconitum — Should be taken if there is much fever. A dose every three or four hours. Hepar sulph.—If suppuration ensues. A dose two or three times a day. CUTS, WOUNDS. Treatment—Cleanse the part thoroughly with sponge and water; as soon as bleeding ceases, generally the case after the applica- tion of cold water, apply a bandage of lint or linen, moisten with a lotion of Calendula, one part of the tincture to ten of water; keep the injured part at rest and diet low. Aconitum—Should be given if the patient is feverish. A dose every three or four hours. Arnica—Severe pain and soreness of the part. Dose as for Aconitum, or may be given in alternation with Aconitum. Belladonna—Pain, throbbing and swelling of the injured part. A dose every three or four hours. Hepar sulph.—When there is tendency to suppuration. A dose every three or four hours. SPRAINS OR STRAINS. Treatment—Apply a bandage moistened with 'a lotion of Arnica, one part of the Itching of the Skin. 91 tincture to ten of water; keep the parts at perfect rest. Arnica and Rhus tox may be given inter- nally. A dose every two to four hours. ITCH--SCABIES OR PSORA. The true itch is a very contagious disease, caused by the burrowing of the itch-mite under the skin; the irritation it causes gives rise to a little pustule, which is soon broken by scratching, and the fluid escapes and dries into a crust; it appears mostly about the wrists between the fingers and around the joints; it never appears on the face. Mercurius iod.—After or in alternation with Sulphur, if that remedy does not cure promptly. A dose three times a day. Sulphur— Is regarded as the specific remedy. A dose three times a day. General Directions—Perfect cleanli- ness, frequent bathing and washing is of great importance; the parts may be rubbed with common soft soap at night, which should be well washed off the next morn- ing, or washing with a weak solution of Carbolic Acid and water is very beneficial. ITCHING OF THE SKIN--PRURIGO Caused by a fine rash or eruption, sometimes nearly imperceptible, upon the skin; it 92 Diseases and their Treatment. differs altogether from the true itch or from nettle-rash. Arsenicum — Itching, with burning, or an eruption of a small drop of watery fluid; in chronic cases. A dose two or three times a day. Mercurius—If the irritation is worse at night and the skin is moist. A dose two or three times a day. Sulphur—Is usually sufficient in ordinary cases. A dose two or three times a day. (See Itch, Hives.) JAUNDICE. Symptoms—Yellow tinge of the skin, vary- ing from light yellow to almost a coppery brown; the whites of the eyes are the first to show this color and the last; the urine is scanty and high-colored, sometimes very dark, and with a thick sediment; headache, sick- ness and sometimes diarrhea; stools clay-col- ored; sometimes itching of the skin; depres- sion of spirits. It may be caused by liver disease, torpidity of the liver, or obstruction to the elimination of bile, so that it again en- ters the circulation. Aconitum—Fever, with acute stitches in the region of the liver; scanty red urine; great fear and anxiety of mind. A dose every three or four hours. Lcucorrhca. 93 Cha7no77iilla—Especially in children; yel- lowness of the face and whites of the eyes; green, watery, corroding stools, with colic; bitter taste, with bilious vomiting. A dose every three or four hours. Cinchona—Persons who have been weak- ened by loss of fluids; yellozv color of the skin; liver swollen, hard and tender; bitter taste in the mouth and throat; aggravation every other day. A dose every three or four hours. Mercurius—Painfulness in the region of the liver; skin very yellow; thickly coated tongue; bad smell from the mouth; nausea and vomiting; generally the best remedy in this disease. A dose every three or four hours; may be given in alternation with any of the other remedies. LEUCORRHEA--WHITES. Results from general weakness more than any other cause, especially in young women; also, from inactivity, late hours, stimulating diet, mental emotions, etc. Calcarea carb.—Usually the best remedy, especially in young women of weakly consti- tution. A dose two or three times a day. Pulsatilla—Burning, thin, acrid leucor- rhea; vertigo when rising from a sitting pos- ture; also when caused by fright or chill at 94 Diseases and their Trcat77ient. the time of the menses. A dose two or three times a day. Sulphur—Burning, painful or corrosive leucorrhea. A dose two or three times a day. General Directions — Attend to the general health, avoid exposure to cold or damp, excitement, warm baths, late hours and extremes of heat or cold. LUMBAGO. Symptoms — Rheumatism affecting the muscles of the back or loins. Bryonia—When the pains are* relieved by warmth; worse during motion. A dose two or three times a day. Nux voi7iica—When the back feels bruised; numbness or lameness of the parts, with dyspeptic symptoms or constipation. A dose two or three times a day. Rhus tox—Pains worse during rest and when first commencing to move; better from continued motion and external warm appli- cations. A dose two or three times a day. (See Rheumatism, Sciatica. MEASLES. Symptoms — It generally begins with symptoms of a cold in the head, sneezing, watering at the eyes, running at the nose, frontal headache, pains in the back and limbs, Menstruation. 9 shivering and sometimes cough; on about the fourth day the eruption appears on the face and neck, and soon after on the whole body; the eruption is in the form of minute rasp- berry colored pimples, which multiply and coalesce into blotches of a more or less cres- cent shape or unevenly circular masses; in four or five days the fever abates and the eruption disappears. Aconitu77i—At the beginning when there is dry, hot skin, full, quick pulse and much thirst. A dose every three or fours. Biyonia—If the eruption is imperfectly developed or suppressed; dry, painful cough; difficult breathing. A dose every three or four hours. Pulsatilla—Is generally regarded as the specific remedy, and should be given as soon as the catarrhal symptoms appear; eyes red, watery and sensitive to the light; loose cough, etc. A dose every three or four hours; or may be given in alternation with any of the other remedies. Sulphur—After the eruption has subsided; especially if any cough or catarrhal symp- toms remain. A dose night and morning. MENSTRUATION, DISORDERS OF. Slight disorders of the monthly period are here alone treated of. Long standing, com- plicated or habitual irregularities should have Diseases and their Treati/ient. competent medical advice. A non-observ- ance of the general principles of hygiene will be found a fruitful source of much of the suffering attendant upon these functions. MENSTRUAL COLIC Is frequently caused by a chill, from damp- ness of the feet, errors in the mode of living and an imprudent use of drugs. Chamo77iilla and Pulsatilla are the best remedies for colic during the monthly period. General Directions — (See Painful Menstruation.) menstruation, too soon. Frequently produced by mental emotions, excesses of various kinds, great bodily exer- tion and over-fatigue. Calcarea carb.—When there is a tendency toward increasing shorter intervals, the flow also increasing in proportion. A dose three times a day. Nux vo7nica—Especially if the flow lasts too long and is profuse; cramps. A dose three times a day. General Directions — A hard bed, plenty of fresh air, salt-water baths, sponging and every thing that can invigorate and strengthen the system should be resorted to. Menstruatio7i. 97 MENSTRUATION, PAINFUL, Arises from cold, deficient exercise, insalu- brity of air, a sudden emotion, etc. ~Cha/7io77iilla—If there are colicky pains, with bearing-down feelings and tenderness of the abdomen. A dose every three or four hours. Nux vomica—If the forcing pains pre- dominate. A dose every three or four hours. Pulsatilla—If occurring in individuals of a mild and timid temperament. A dose every three or four hours. General Directions—A careful diet, frequent walking, muscular exercise, and absence of all violent and unpleasant emo- tions are indispensable requisites to a cure. MENSTRUATION, TOO PROFUSE. The causes of this irregularity are both mental and physical, and are similar to those which are productive of painful or too fre- quent menstruation. Cinchona—If attended with great weak- ness. A dose every three or four hours. Ipecacuanha — If the discharge is very profuse and amounts to flooding. A dose every quarter of an hour to an hour till better. Nux voi7iica—When the discharge is ex- cessive and lasts too long. A dose every three or four hours. 98 Diseases and their Treatment. General Directions — The patient should remain perfectly quiet, and all drinks- snould be given cold. If flooding sets in, medical aid must be procured. menstruation, retarded or suppressed. This condition frequently arises from a sudden emotion, a violent disappointment, a chill or cold (especially arising from wet feet), bad air, fatigue, etc. Aconitmn—When there is headache, dizzi- ness or congestion; especially in robust young women. A dose every two or three hours. Pulsatilla—Is the principal remedy; es- pecially when the suppression is the result of a chill. A dose every two or three hours. General Directions—A warm hip 01- foot bath may be used, and when the acute symptoms are removed, active exercise in the open air should be resorted to, care being taken to clothe the body in a manner suitable to the season, and to avoid thin shoes and getting the feet damp. MUMPS. A painful swelling of the large glands behind the ear, just at the joints of the upper jaw; it attacks children principally, and fre- quently prevails as an epidemic. Nervous Affections. 99 Belladonna—Bright red swelling of the glands; redness of the face and eyes; throb- bing headache, etc. A dose every three or four hours. Mercurius—Is the principal remedy in this disease and is usually sufficient in ordi- nary cases. General Directions — The patient should be kept in a warm room, but not necessarily in bed; warm flannels should be applied to the part; the patient must not be exposed to cold or damp. NERVOUS AFFECTIONS. The. nerves of some persons are naturally weak and delicate, but many bring them- selves into this distressing condition by neglecting the general laws of health, thereby entailing upon themselves the many dis- tressing symptoms consequent upon a weak and excitable condition of the nervous system. Aconitum—Excitability of the organs of sight and hearing; agitation and tossing about; palpitation of the heart; in young girls of plethoric habit and sedentary life, etc, A dose three or four times a day. Belladonna — Great irritability of the senses; immoderate laughter, etc. A dose three or four times a day. ioo Diseases and their Treatment. Cha77iomilla—When there is great irrita- bility of disposition; disconsolate, with tossing about, etc.; tendency to faint, etc. A dose three or four times a day. Cinchona—Great debility, with trembling; excessive sensibility of the nervous system. A dose three or four times a day. Coffca—Extreme sensitiveness to the least pain; excitability, with sleeplessness and restlessness. A dose three or four times a day. Ignatia—Hysterical and nervous debility, or from the effects of grief. A close every three or four hours. Nux vo77iica—Nervous debility and excite- ment; after fatigue in the open air, or "from the effects of wine, tobacco or other stimu- lants. A dose every three or four hours. General Directions—Avoid late hours, crowded assemblies, all kinds of mental excitement, coffee, strong tea, tobacco, and all stimulants. Cold sponge bathing and exercise in the open air will be valuable as tending to improve the general condition of the system. (See Health, Rules of.) NEURALGIA--NERVE PAIN. The locality of this disease varies, and wherever located is very distressing; the side of the head or face is a very common Nightmare. i o i location, but may appear in almost any part of the body. Aconitu77i—Intolerable pains, with fever- ishness; worse at night; flushed face; great sensibility of the nervous system. A dose every two or three hours. Arsenicum — Periodical attacks, chiefly around the eye and in the temples; burning, stinging pains, especially at night. A dose every two or three hours. Belladonna—Pain most violent under the eye; darting pains in the cheek bones, jaws or nose; violent shooting pains in the ball of the eye. A dose every two or three hours; mav be alternated with Aconitum. Cinchona — Periodical attacks; darting, tearing pains, aggravated by the least touch. A dose every two or three hours. (See Toothache, Bad Effects of a Chill.) NIGHTMARE. Symptoms—A sensation of heavy pres- sure on the chest during sleep, which impedes breathing and producing great anxiety, ac- companied with horrid dreams or fancies of monsters, robbers, etc. It may be caused by an overloaded stom- ach, congestion of blood to the abdomen or to the heart when lying on the back. Aconitu77i — Especially in women and children; if attended with feverishness, op- 102 Diseases and their Treatment. pression of the chest, palpitation of the heart, etc. A dose or two before going to bed. Nux voi7iica—After drinking spirituous liquors, eating a full meal in the night, or by sedentary habits. Dose as for Aconitum. Pulsatilla—Especially in females; from rich living, etc.; anxious, sad dreams. Dose as for Aconitum. General Directions—Persons liable to this disease must avoid the above-mentioned exciting causes before the remedies will have much effect. Avoid late suppers; let the diet consist more of vegetables than meat; avoid stimulants. PILES--HEMORRHOIDS Are small tumors or pouches filled with blood at the edge of the bowels or just within it; hence they are outward or inward, or they are bleeding or blind piles. When they are outward, examination reveals the presence of one or more tumors, more or less painful; when within, blood and the above symptoms with the passages, indicate their presence; or the piles may be forced out and appear as a hard, painful mass, which often must be forced back by the hands. Nux vomica—Blind or bleeding piles; in persons who lead a sedentary life, or use much coffee or stimulants; habitual consti- pation. A dose every three or four hours. Pleurisy. 103 Sulphur — Blind or bleeding piles, with stinging, burning and soreness in and about the rectum; protuding at times after stool. A dose every three or four hours; may be taken after or in alternation with Nux vomica. General Directions—Hot water appli- cations or sitting baths are usually very beneficial; avoid highly seasoned or rich food and stimulants of every kind. (See Constipation.) PIMPLES. The common name of a frequent eruption containing matter, occurring chiefly on the face; generally the result of errors in diet. Arnica—Pimples mostly on the face. A dose two or three times a day. Belladomia—Especially when they occur in young people. A dose two or three times a day. Pulsatilla—For pimples arising from over rich food. A dose two or three times a day. Sulphur—Will in most cases be beneficial. May be given after or in alternation with other remedies. A dose night and morning.- General Directions—Avoid rich or greasy food, pork and stimulants of every kind; let the diet be light, wholesome and nutritious. PLEURISY. Symptoms—Inflammation of the mem- brane lining the chest; characterized by fever, 104 Diseases and their Trcat7nent. shooting pain in the chest, dry cough, short- ness, of breathing, and a sharp, catching pain in the side below the ribs, worse on coughing or breathing deeply. Aconitu77i—While the fever, pain and cough are severe; full, bounding pulse; dry, hot skin; piercing and stitching pains in the chest, with a short, dry cough. A dose every two or three hours. Bryonia—Stitching pains in the affected part, aggravated by inspiration or the least motion. A dose every two or three hours; may be given after or in alternation with Aconitum. Phosphorus—Short, difficult respiration; sharp pains on the left side; tightness across the chest, with a dry, shaking cough, etc. (See Inflammation of the Lungs.) PLEURODYNIA--FALSE PLEURISY Is merely rheumatism of the intercostal mus- cles, or the muscles that cover the walls of the chest, or irritation of the nerves that supply these parts. It is distinguished from true pleurisy by the absence of fever, by the stitch occurring mostly during expiration, and as a rule by the absence of cough. Arnica — Shooting or pains as from a bruise; when moving, coughing, etc. A dose every three or four hours. Poiso7is and Poisoning. 105 Bryonia—If the patient is very restless and feverish; tension and pressure on the chest, etc. A dose every three or four hours. General Directions—Warm applica- tions to the side will frequently afford relief. POISONS AND POISONING. Hardly any accident is more common than poisoning, either by intention or by mistake. Often there are symptoms of poisoning when the patient can not or will not say what he has taken, therefore, the importance of some General Directions for the Treatment of Poisoning. 1. Make the patient vomit at once. To do this, give him a teaspoonful of ground mustard in a teacupful of warm water every minute till he throws up, or a tablespoonful of common table salt in the same quantity of warm water, or tickle the inside of his throat with a feather or the finger. 2. After he has vomited well, let him take the antidote for the poison when any one is given in this article. 3. Rest and quiet, a low diet, and the reclining position should be kept for several days. General Antidotes. Coffee—Strong, black coffee against all narcotic poisons, such as opium, and its prepa- 106 Diseases a7id their Treatment. rations, morphine, laudanut7i, paregoric, soothing syrups, etc., nux vomica, strychnine, stramoniu77i, sumach, bitter al77ionds, prussic acid, belladonna, colocynth, valerian, hem- lock, cicuta, antimony, phosphorus, phosphoric acid, drowsiness, intoxication, loss of con- sciousness, delirium. Camphor — Against vegetable poisons, especially the corrosives, as croton oil, etc., and whenever they cause vo77iiting, diarrhea, paleface, coldness of the extremities, loss of consciousness; against venomous insects, as the Spanish fly, the wasp, the bee, the hornet, the centipede, etc.; against all vermifuges, tobacco, bitter almo7ids; all fruits containing prussic acid, acids, salts, metals, phosphorus, i7iushrooms. Liquor Ammonia — Hartshorn—Against all narcotic poisons and the bites of serpents, dogs, etc. Olive Oil—Good against the effects of corrosive acids, but injurious against the bad effects of vowmous insects. Soaps and the White of Eggs—Of soap dissolved, one teacupful every two or three minutes, against metallic poisons, such as arsc7iic, lead, copper, etc.; efficacious against corrosive acids, as nitric, sulphuric, etc.; also against aliun, the corrosive sap of plants, cas~ tor oil, etc. The white of an egg (uncooked), every ten minutes, injurious against alkaline Poiso7is and Poisoning. 107 poisons, as lye, potassa, soda, muriate of a77i7nonia, lime, baryta, etc. Sugar—Efficacious in poisoning by colors, copper, and its preparations, alu77i, etc.; also against corrosive juices. White of eggs or soap suds may be administered after- wards. POISONING BY ARSENIC. Symptoms— Violc7it burning in the stom- ach and bowels; tenderness, retching, vomit- ing; dryness and tightness of the throat; unquenchable thirst; hoarseness; difficulty of speech; diarrhea, with yellowish, green- ish, bloody stool; tencs77ius; burning pain in the bladder, etc. Treatment—Apply stomach-pump if at hand, if not, give Sulphate of Zinc, from 20 to 30 grains in water, to an adult, from 5 to 20, to a child; to induce vomiting, follow up the emetic with Hydrated Peroxide of Iron, diffused through water, or the Carbonate of Iron or Iron Rust in fine powder, every five or ten minutes until relieved. Give the Preparations of Iron, if the patient has not vomited or an emetic is not at hand. Fowler's Solution of Arsenic—For this preparation Lime-water should be given in copious draughts. io8 Diseases and their Treat77icnt. Iodide of Arsenic, Solution of Starch, Corrosive Sublimate and other Preparations of Mercury. Symptoms—Harsh, metallic, astringent taste, burning pain in the stomach, V077iiting and purging of bloody i7iatter; sometimes irritation of the urinary organs or suppression of the urine, burning and tightness of the throat as to prevent speech, etc. Antidotes—Albumen, the white of eggs, milk, wheaten flour beaten up in water. The white of one egg will counteract the effect of four grains of Corrosive Sublimate. PREGNANCY, DISORDERS INCIDENTAL TO. During the state of pregnancy women are subject to certain special ailments, but they generally enjoy an immunity from the severer forms of disease. COLIC. A very frequent trouble, which often sets in during the first months, and is frequently the result of cold or improper diet. Cha77iomilla—Is generally successful in affording relief. A dose every three or four hours. Nux vomica—If Chamomilla is not suffic- ient, or if the bowels are constipated. A dose every three or four hours. (See Colic, page 24.) Pregnancy. 109 CONSTIPATION Should be attended to and remedied, as much harm may arise from too great strain- ing at stool. Bryonia and Nux vomica will generally be found successful in removing this con- dition. A dose two or three times a day. General Directions—A change of diet, more vegetables and fruit, exercise, and a free use of cold water should be resorted to; and should the constipation prove very obsti- nate, an injection of warm water, in which a little castile soap has been dissolved, may be used. DIARRHEA. This condition requires to be carefully guarded against, as having a tendency to bring on miscarriage. Cha7nomilla—Will frequently be found of benefit, especially if there is colic, A dose every four or six hours. Pulsatilla — May follow Chamomilla, if that remedy has not produced the desired effect. A dose every four or six hours. General Directions—The diet should be light, and should be taken in small quan- tities at a time; keep the bowels warm and well covered with flannel. 110 Diseases and their Treati7ient. TOOTHACHE Sometimes lasts from the commencement to the end. of pregnancy, and is frequently the first symptom from the presence of which that state is suspected. Chamo7nilla—If the pain proceeds from a hollow tooth, or is most violent at night. A dose every three or four hours. Nux vo7nica—If the pains are rendered worse by wine, coffee or mental work. A dose every three or four hours. Pulsatilla—If the whole side of the jaw is affected, or the pains shift about. A dose every three or four hours. General Directions—The teeth should not be extracted, as the pain will not be relieved by doing so. varicose veins Result from pressure consequent upon preg- nancy. After delivery, the pressure being removed, the veins regain their natural size, and the swelling disappears. Pulsatilla—Is the specific in this affection. A dose three times a day. Sulphur—May be given after Pulsatilla. A dose night and morning. General Directions — The patient should not stand too long at a time, and all tight garters and the like should be avoided. Quinsy. in An elastic stocking, giving an equal pressure all around the leg, may be used, and should be drawn on in the morning before the veins are distended. VOMITING OR NAUSEA--MORNING SICKNESS. A very common symptom of pregnancy, which generally begins at the commencement and lasts until the third or fourth month. It sometimes, however, continues longer, or recurs periodically during the whole course of pregnancy. Arsenicu77i — Excessive vomiting, with fainting or great weakness. A dose every three or four hours. Ipecacuanha—If the vomiting continues very long and the patient rejects every thing she takes; or if the bowels are relaxed at the same time. A dose every four hours. Nux vo7nica—In a large number of cases the best remedy. A dose every four hours. General Directions—The diet should be carefully regulated, and a change made in the times of eating to those hours when the stomach is less apt to be sick. Cold food will sometimes be retained when warm arti- cles of diet are rejected. Plenty of fresh air and exercise are indispensable during pregnancy. QUINSY. Symptoms—Inflammation of the throat and tonsils; also the symptoms of sore throat 112 Diseases a7id their Treat7nent. in an aggravated form, with pains shooting from the throat to the ear; foul tongue, offen- sive breath, difficulty of swallowing, fever. Aconitum—At the commencement; sore throat, with general feverish symptoms; chills, thirst, headache, etc. A dose every two or three hours. Belladonna—Bright redness of the throat, with heat, dryness and difficulty of swallow- ing; flushed face and headache. A dose every two or three hours; may be given in alternation with either Aconitum or Mer- curius. Mercurius iod.—Shooting pains in the throat; swelling of the glands and tonsils; offensive breath; difficulty of swallowing; flow of saliva; foul taste in the mouth, etc. A dose every two or three hours. (See Sore Throat.) RHEUMATISM Chiefly affects the muscles and fibrous por- tions of the joints, with pain and stiffness, sometimes redness and swelling, with fev- erish symptoms, when the attack is sudden and acute. Aconitum—In acute rheumatism; espec- ially at the commencement, with redness, shining and swelling of the affected parts; hot, dry skin; thirst. A dose every three or four hours. Ringworm. 113 Bryonia — Stiffness and swelling, and faintish redness of the inflamed part; espec- ially in the muscles; worse on movement; headache and bilious symptoms. A dose every three or four hours. Pulsatilla—Pains which shift rapidly from one part to another; worse at night or in the evening in bed. A dose two or three times a day. Rhus tox—Swelling and redness of the affected part; pains worse during rest and when first commencing to move; better from motion or from warm applications. A dose two or three times a day. Sulphur—In chronic cases and for the secondary effects of acute rheumatism. A dose night ar.»d morning. General Directions—Rheumatic pa- tient should always wear flannel, and be very careful of cold or damp, especially when the body is heated or the stomach is out of order; guard against errors in diet as attacks are very likely to follow derange- ment of the digestive organs. (See Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, False Pleurisy.) RINGWORM. A skin affection, which shows itself first as a little round patch of vesicles with a red border; the patch is irritable; as it increases, 114 Diseases and their Treat7nent. the circle widens, leaving the center free, and then we have the patch converted into a ring. Calcarea carb.—In obstinate cases and in persons of a scrofulous habit, etc. A dose two or three times a day. Rhus tox—Burning as if ulcerated; skin hot; crusty eruptions on the face. A dose two or three times a day. Sulphur—When there is a predisposition to the affection. A dose two or three times a day. General Directions—Sulphurous Acid diluted one part to three or four of water, or Carbolic Acid saturated solution, may be applied to the patches with a camel's hair brush or a piece of sponge wet with the solution. SCALD HEAD--TINEA CAPITIS. Symptoms—This is a contagious disease, found chiefly in the heads of children, and is caused by the growth of a vegetable fun- gus; in its early stage it is characterized by the formation of little sulphur colored and capped crusts, these coalesce and form yellow masses of a honeycomb appearance; it is usually very tedious Calcarea carb., Rhus tox, Sulphur. The internal and local treatment is the same as that of ringworm, which see. Scarlet Fever. 115 SCARLATINA--SCARLET FEVER Is usually ushered in with severe headache, pains in the back, shivering fits, and some- times vomiting, together with a hot, dry skin and high pulse; on the second day of such symptoms, if the throat is examined, it will be found to be very red and the tongue cov- ered with a thick, white fur; simultaneous with the sore throat or a few hours after, a rash breaks out, first on the face, neck and arms, next day extends over the body, and the third day it travels over the legs; the face does not show the rash as distinctly as the covered parts of the body; and so always when scarlet fever is epidemic and a patient complains of sore throat examine the chest; the rash consists of innumerable bright red spots, slightly rough to the touch, it disappears on pressure but returns again when the pressure is removed; the rash fades away about the sixth to the ninth day, and then the skin begins to peel off; the disease is highly contagious from first to last. Aconitu77i—In the commencement; in the doubtful stage before the eruption appears; dry, hot skin; restlessness; thirst, etc. A dose every two or three hours. Apis mellifica—Fever of a typhoid char- acter; tongue of a deep red color and covered with blisters; ulcerated throat; dropsical symptoms. A dose eveiy two or three hours. Ii6 Diseases and their Treat7nent. Belladonna—Is the specific in uncomplb cated scarlet fever, and should be given as long as the rash remains visible. A dose every three or four hours; may be given in alternation with any of the other remedies. Mercurius iod.—Ulcers in the mouth, throat and on the tonsils; fetid breath; inflamed, swollen or ulcerated throat of a malignant character. A dose every two or three hours. Sulphur—When the disease is declining and the skin is peeling. A dose night and morning for several days. Belladonna should be used as a prophy- lactic when scarlet fever is in the neigh- borhood; it generally proves a specific in preventing others from taking the disease, and should it not do this it will greatly ameliorate the attack. A dose night and morning. General Directions—The room should be well ventilated, but not cold; diet light. SCIATICA. Symptoms—A neuralgic affection of the sciatic nerve; the pain begins in the neigh- borhood of the hip joint and extends down the back of the leg to the knee, and some- times even to the sole of the foot. It may be caused by cold or disorder of the stomach or bowels. Sea Sickness. 117 Arsenicum—Pains of an intermittent char- acter, relieved by the application of warmth and aggravated by cold; extreme thirst and weakness. A dose every three or four hours. Colocynthis—When the pain seems purely neuralgic, and when there is disorder of the stomach or gout. A dose every three or four hours. Nux vomica—Numbness or lameness of the affected part; worse in the morning; habitual constipation. A dose every three or four hours. Rhus tox—When the pain is increased by rest and warmth; better from continued motion and warm applications. A dose every three or four hours. (See Rheumatism, Indigestion.) SEA SICKNESS. Nausea or vomiting, occasioned by the motion of the vessel; some persons are sub- ject to similar derangement from the motion of a carriage or a swing. Cocculus—Great nausea, with inability to vomit. A dose every hour or two. Nux vomica—May be taken before going on board or when there is bilious derange- ment. A dose every three or four hours. Petroleu77i—Is often a specific in this dis- ease. A dose every hour or two. nS Diseases and their Treatment. General Directions—Be on deck as much as possible; a wet compress bandage around the abdomen is frequently beneficial in severe cases. SHINGLES. An eruption of vesicles or little blisters upon the trunk, extending half-way round more, attended with burning or smarting. Arsenicu77i—If attended with considerable burning, redness and thirst. A dose every three or four hours. Mercurius—Is usually the best remedy in the common form of this disease. A dose every three or four hours. Rhus tox—When the eruption is drying up. A dose every three or four hours. General Directions—Avoid exposure to cold or damp; diet low. sleeplessness. Apart from disease; may arise from an over-loaded stomach, from fatigue of brain or body, from excitement or from an empty stomach. Aconitum—When there is restlessness and a certain amount of fever present. A dose every one or two hours. Arnica—When bodily fatigue or injury has been the cause. Dose as for Aconitum. S77iall-Pox. 119 Coffea—When there is nervous restless- ness, especially from excitement. A dose at bed-time. Nux vo7nica or Pulsatilla—When from over-eating or drinking. A dose at bed-time. (See Health, Rules of.) SMALL-POX--VARIOLA. Symptoms — The precursory symptoms which occur fourteen days after exposure, sometimes sooner, are much like other fevers, chilliness, lassitude, severe pain in the back, aching of the limbs and general soreness; this condition continues two or three days, then the fever sets in with violent headache, sometimes delirium, greater or less prostra- tion, sometimes vomiting or diarrhea; soon after the fever, the eruption makes its appear- ance, little red elevations, at first, on the forehead and face, then on the neck and arms, and so on until it extends over the whole body, which process generally lasts three or four days; in the course of a day or two more, the little red elevations become vesicles, con- taining a little watery fluid, which in the course of two or three days more become pustules, that is, contain matter; they are roundish, flattened at the top, with a pit in the center; about the eighth or ninth day (from the first appearance of the eruption), the pustules burst and begin to dry up, first i2o Diseases and their Treatment. on the face, then on the chest and arms, and so down. Aconitum—At the commencement during the febrile stage. A dose every three or four hours. Antimoniu7n tart.—This remedy has been found to greatly ameliorate the disease, it reduces the fever and the pustules run their course, leaving scarcely a mark in many cases. Mercurius—After the appearance of the pimples; especially if there is swelling of the face; fetid smell from the mouth; ulcerated throat, with profuse flow of saliva. A dose every three or four hours. Sulphur—In the early stage, when there is severe itching, and as an intercurrent remedy when the scabs have formed. A dose two or three times a day. General Directions—Keep the patient in a well ventilated apartment; exclude all light; to relieve the itching, apply glycerine to the pustules, using a camel's hair brush. Varioloid is similar in all respects but is much milder; the treatment is the same as small-pox. SORE THROAT. Symptoms—Redness, heat and dryness 01 the throat, pain and difficulty of swallowing, generally caused by cold or damp. Sore Throat. 121 Aconitum—At the beginning, if there is fever, hot, dry skin, etc. A dose every three or four hours. Arsenicui7i—Putrid or gangrenous sore throat, especially with great weakness. A dose every three or four hours. Belladonna—Dryness and redness of the mouth and throat; deep redness of the ton- sils and palate; red, swollen face, headache, etc. A dose every three or four hours. Mercurius—Violent, shooting pains, some- times extending to the ears; inflammatory redness; foul tongue, etc. A dose every three or four hours. (See Quinsy, Diphtheria.) CLERGYMAN'S SORE THROAT Is the name given to a chronic state of irri- tation of the mucous membrane of the throat and uvula, with hoarseness and feebleness of voice, and is caused by too great a strain.on the vocal powers by public speaking, sing- ing, etc. Belladonna, Hepar sulph., Phosphorus, Spongia are the common remedies in this complaint, and may be given one or more, two or three times a day. General Directions—Frequent bath- ing of the throat and chest with cold water and friction with a coarse towel will be beneficial. * 122 Diseases and their Treatment. SPASMS IN THE STOMACH. Symptoms—An affection of the nerves of the stomach, arising from various causes, mental emotions, indigestible food, etc., and attended with spasmodic and contractive pains in the stomach, or a sensation of con- striction in that organ; frequently accom- panied with nausea or vomiting and even faintness, and may be relieved or increased by taking food. Carbo veg.—Pains increased by pressure; worse after a meal and when lying down. A dose every three or four hours. Colocy7ithis —Windy spasms or spasms mitigated by bringing up wind. A dose every three or four hours. Nux vomica—Contracting, pressing and spasmodic pains; flatulence; nausea; consti- pation; worse after a meal. A dose every three or four hours. General Directions—Endeavor to pro- mote a healthly state of digestion, and during the attack, if severe, take a dose of Ca77iphora every fifteen or twenty minutes. (See Colic, Indigestion.) STIFF NECK Generally arises from a cold or rheumatism. Bryonia—When arising from rheumatism, or when connected with rheumatism in other joints. A dose three times a day. St. Vitus Dance. 123 Dulcamara—If the consequence of expos- ure to damp or wet weather. A dose three times a day. General Directions—Wear a piece of flannel round the neck, and avoid all drafts or exposure to cold. ST. VITUS DANCE--CHOREA. Generally occurs in debilitated children, especially girls, from eight to fifteen years of age. It results frequently from acute rheuma- tism, from general debility, fright, excitement, fatigue, great mental effort, etc. It is char- acterized by incessant movements of the hands, the feet, the face, the tongue, in fact of the whole body; these are irregular and appear beyond the control of the patient. Bellado7i7ia—Tw\tc\\mg in the muscles; the paroxysms preceded by a creeping and feeling of numbness, etc. Cupru77i—Convulsive movements, princi- pally in the limbs; jerking and twitching, continuing into sleep. Ig7iatia—From fright, etc. Also Nux vo7nica, Pulsatilla, Zincum, etc. The remedies should be given every four or six hours. General Directions—No greasy sub- stances, no coffee or tea, nourishing food should be given, cold sponge bathing and out door exercise if the patient can bear it. 124 Diseases and their Treatment. STYE ON THE EYE-LID. Symptoms—A small tumor situated on the eye-lid, attended with severe inflammation and considerable pain and suffering. Apis 77iellifica—Severe pain, inflammation, redness; generally the best remedy. A dose three times a day. Hepar sulph. —When suppuration has commenced, Dose as for Apis mellifica. Pulsatilla—At its earliest appearance. Dose as for Apis mellifica. sun stroke. A common occurrence during the intense heat of American summer. It does not always require exposure to the sun to bring it on, as great heat in the shade may cause it. Aconitu77i— Symptoms of inflammatory fever, etc. Belladonna—Loss of consciousness; vio- lent, stupefying pain in the head; stupor, etc. These remedies may be given in alterna- tion every twenty or thirty minutes till better. General Directions—Give small doses of brandy occasionally, and bathe the head and face with brandy or whisky occasionally, until the patient revives. Do not put cold water or ice upon the head. Tetter. I25 TETTER--HERPES. An eruption of vesicles on the skin, appear- ing in groups or clusters, accompanied with a degree of aching pain in the part (previous to the appearance of the eruption), and fre- quently some constitutional disturbance, such as languor, a degree of restlessness, loss of appetite and febrile symptoms; the duration of the eruption varies from a few days to weeks, and sometimes is so tedious and stub- born as to shake confidence in the physician by its unwelcome delay. Tetter—Medicines Specially Indicated. Bleeding Tetter—Arsenicum, Carbo veg., Mercurius, Rhus tox, Sulphur. Dry Tetter—Dulcamara, Mercurius, Sul- phur, Sepia. Running Tetter—Calcarea Carb., Dulca- mara, Rhus tox, Sulphur. Arscnicu7n—Tetters having a red, un- healthy appearance, with blisters and burn- ing, etc. A dose two or three times a day. Calcarea cai'b.—Tetters which quickly reappear, bran-like, etc. A dose two or three times a day. Mercurius—With burning when touched ; dry, itching, red, scabby, suppurating, etc. A dose two or three times a day. 126 Diseases and their Treatment. Rhus tox—When alternating with pains in the chest, burning, itching, etc. Sulphur—Itching in the evening, burning, spreading, etc. A dose twice a day. (See Ringworm, Scald Head, Shingles, etc.) TOOTHACHE Arises from various causes, as indigestion, rheumatism, debility, hysteria, etc. Toothache— Medicines Specially Indicated\ Toothache from a Cold or Chill—Chamo- milla, Dulcamara or Mercurius. Toothache fro77i a Decayed Tooth—Bella- donna, Mercurius or Nux vomica. Toothache from Indigestion—Nux vomica. Toothache, Nervous — Belladonna, Chamo- milla or Nux vomica. Toothache, Rheumatic—Chamomilla or Mer- curius. Toothache in Children—Chamomilla. Belladonna—Pains which are aggravated in the evening or at night after lying down; also in the open air and from food; heat and redness of the face. A dose every hour or two. Chamomilla—Pains occupying the whole side of the face; swelling and redness of the face; the pain seems almost insupportable, especially at night. Dose every hour or two. Ulcers. 127 Dulcamara—When the toothache arises from a chill, especially if diarrhea is present. Dose every hour or two. Mercurius—Pains in decayed teeth occu- pying the whole jaw, extending to the ears, aggravated by the warmth of the bed, or after taking any thing cold. Dose every one to three hours. Nux vo7nica—Gnawing pains in decayed teeth; worse in the open air; or if arising from a derangement of the digestive organs. Dose every one to three hours. General Directions — Cleaning the teeth and rinsing the mouth with plenty of cold water, twice and even three times a day, is almost imperative as a preservation from toothache. Attention to the general health is also very necessary. ULCERS May arise from burns, bruises, inflammation, varicose veins, generally from a diseased con- dition of the system, requiring careful internal treatment. Arsenicum — Ulcers with burning and shooting pains; discharge of blood or thin matter. A dose two or three times a day. Belladomia—With burning and drawing pains, or having an erysipelatous appearance. A dose every three or four hours. 128 Diseases and their Treatment. Calcarea carb.-—When every injury tends to ulceration. A dose twice a day. Mercurius—Readily bleeding; superficial or secreting a fetid watery and corrosive pus, etc. A dose two or three times a day. Sulphur—With unhealthy skin and ele- vated margins, surrounded by itching pim- ples, or with sharp cutting pains; bleeding readily and secreting a fetid thick or yellow pus. A dose night and morning. General Directions—Calendula lotion is frequently a valuable application. Avoid salves or ointments tending to suppress the condition. URINARY COMPLAINTS. The treatment of these disorders should be left to the medical practitioner, but in the event of sudden emergencies arising, a few hints on those forms of disease most likely to occur are here given. URINATING, DIFFICULTY OR SUPPRESSION OF May result from an abuse of ardent spirits, catching cold, suppressed piles, a fright, a fall or blow, etc. Aconitum—In inflammatory symptoms; often in alternation with some other remedy. m A dose every two or three hours. Urina7-y Co77iplainls. 129 Ca77iphora—Spasm at the neck of the bladder, especially if caused by Cantharides. A dose every fifteen minutes for three or four times. Nux vo77iica—If the difficulty has been brought on by the abuse of spirituous liquors, or from suppressed piles. A dose every hour or two. General Directions—Put the patient into a hip-bath of warm water and apply warm flannels to the region of the bladder. Give warm mucilaginous drinks and send for medical aid. URINE, INCONTINENCE OF, Frequently arising from worms, gastric de- rangement, too great a degree of nervous irritability, mechanical pressure during preg- nancy, etc. Belladonna—Spasmodic incontinence of urine, especially when occuring in nervous individuals, or when it passes off at night. A dose three times a day. Cina—If it arises from worms. A dose three times a day. Mercurius—Incontinence from cold. A dose three times a day. Rhus tox—Utter inability to retain the urine. A dose three times a day. General Directions—When it occurs in children, the quantity of fluid which they 130 Diseases and their Treati/ient. take should be diminished, and they should be roused at regular intervals to accustom them to regular times of emission. Cold sponging of the abdomen daily will be found very efficacious. VEINS, VARICOSE, OF THE LEGS. Symptoms—A swollen and knotted con- dition of the veins of the legs, which fre- quently occasions great pain, and is accom- panied with a sensation of weight and fatigue. Pulsatilla—Will generally be found of benefit. A dose night and morning. General Directions—The diet should be light and nourishing; too much standing should be avoided, and the limb, when not taking exercise, should be kept in a horizon- tal position. An elastic stocking will also be found of great service. VERTIGO—DIZZINESS May arise from indigestion, debility or congestion of the brain. Belladonna—Vertigo arising from con- gestion of blood to the head. A dose two or three times a day. Bryo7iia—Vertigo on stooping or when rising from a recumbent position. A dose two or three times a day. Voice, Loss of. 131 Cinchona—Vertigo arising from debility. A dose two or three times a day. Mercurius—In the morning on rising or in the evening, with nausea, dimness of sight, etc. A dose two or three times a day. Nux vomica—Vertigo in the open air; after a meal; worse on stooping or in the morn- ing. A dose two or three times a day. Pulsatilla—Worse in the evening; re- lieved in the open air. A dose two or three times a day. General Directions—Free use of cold water, both drinking and sponging, and plenty of exercise in the open air are recom- mended as preventions to vertigo. (See Indigestion, Health, Rules of.) VOICE, LOSS OF. Mostly the result of a cold and generally a severe state of hoarseness. Mercurius—When the throat feels rough; worse at night; and when every breath of air aggravates the case. A dose three times a day. Phosphorus—Dryness of the throat and chest; chronic loss of voice, or if connected with a cough. A dose three times a clay. General Directions — A cold-water bandage will frequently afford relief. (See Bronchitis, Cough, Hoarseness.) 132 Diseases and their Treatment. vomiting or nausea May arise from many causes, as inflammation of the brain, stomach or bowels; from indi- gestion, bilious derangement, etc. Arsenictun—Violent vomiting, with colic and diarrhea. A dose every two or three hours. Ipecacuanha—From over-loading the stom- ach or with diarrhea. A dose every hour or two. Nux vo77iica — From weakness of the stomach or bilious vomiting; constipation. A dose every two or three hours. Pulsatilla—When produced from eating rich or greasy food; sour, bitter vomiting; constant nausea after eating; shiverings. A dose every two or three hours. General Directions—While the vom- iting continues take no nourishment, except cold water, barley water or gruel; stimulants to check the vomiting are very injurious. Should the vomiting arise from an over- loaded stomach, it may be well to assist it by copious draughts of warm water. (See Bilious Attacks, Indigestion.) warts. Hard corn-like excrescences, generally appearing on the fingers. Worms. *35 Calcarea Carb., Rhus tox and Sulphur are recommended for dispersing these un- sightly growths. A dose night and morning, General Directions—Warts may be removed by the green leaves of the common bean. Crush the leaves between the fingers and squeeze out the juice upon the warts, two or three times a day, until they dry up and disappear. The cure will generally be complete in less than a week. Another application generally successful is acetic acid or strong vinegar applied to the warts two or three times a day. WATERBRASH. Symptoms—The vomiting of thin, watery, tasteless or bitter fluid; a symptom of indi- gestion. Calcarea carb.—When the watcrbrash is of an acid character, and in chronic cases. A dose night and morning. Carbo veg.—Waterbrash with sour eructa- tions. A dose night and morning. Nux vomica—In most cases complicated with indigestion in general. A dose night and morning. (See Indigestion.) WORMS. Symptoms—Worms that infest the bowels are of two principal kinds—the long, round 134 Diseases and their Treat7ncnt. worms and thread or pin worms. The only certain evidence of their existence is their being passed at stool. The following symp- toms, however, generally indicate their presence: emaciation, paleness of the face, frequent picking of the nose, grinding of the teeth when asleep, peevishness, inordinate and irregular appetite, gnawing sensation of the stomach, abdomen hard and swollen, evacuations irregular, great irritation at the rectum. Cina—Is the chief remedy for both long and thread worms, with the following symp- toms: boring at the nose, dark rings around the eyes, restless sleep, hard and distended abdomen, with frequent colicky pains. A dose two or three times a day. Mercurius—For pin worms, with trouble- some itching of the rectum. Sulphur — May be given in alternation with the other remedies, or after the fever and nervous symptoms are subdued and mitigated. Sa7itonin—Is preferred by many practi- tioners to Cina. The symptoms indicating its use are the same as mentioned under Cina It should be given in the first or sec- ond decimal trituration. A two-grain pow- der at a dose, every night for a week, in alternation with Sulphur in the morning, then discontinued. PART III. MATERIA MEDICA. The Characteristic, Properties and Uses of the Homoeopathic Medicines AS RECOMMENDED IN THIS BOOK. ACONITUM NAPELLUS. Monks Hood. Duration of action from half-an-hour to forty-eight hours or longer. Characteristic Peculiarities—Acute local and general inflammations; fevers of an inflammatory character; congestion, espec- ially of the chest, or from weakness of the heart's action; Neuralgia and Rheumatism, accompanied with stinging pains; or heat and tingling, especially in the extremities; dry heat of the affected parts and sensitive- ness of the parts on contact; pain with thirst and flushed face; affections caused by fright or chagrin; pains aggravated at night and relieved when setting up. 136 Materia Mcdica. In Inflammations and Fevers, and in con- gestions of different organs; acting especially on the circulating system, lowering the fre- quency of the pulse, etc. The symptoms which indicate its use arc: shiverings, fol- lowed by dry, burning heat of skin; flushed face; great thirst; pulse quick and full; headache; restlessness; foul tongue; loss of appetite. May be given in every case where much fever is present, as in Catarrhal, Inflam77ia- tory, Rheu77iatic and Si/nple Fevers, Bron- chitis, Chicken Pox, Feverish Colds, Croup, Erysipelas, l7ifla77tmation of the Ears, I71- flammation of the Eyes, Gout, Measles, Pleurisy, Quinsy, Rheumatism, Scarlatina, S77iall-Pox, Wor7ns; in Astli77ia of Millar, Heat Spots, Milk Crust, Red Gum and Teething of Infants; also in the feverish symptoms attendant on Burns, Scalds, Cuts or Wounds; congestions, especially to the chest, heart and head, particularly in ple- thoric persons; in Suppressed Menses, in plethoric young women, leading a sedentary life; in Neuralgia, with rednesss and heat of the face, great restlessness and irritation; also in Night7nare, attended with feverish symptoms. Chiefly affects the circulatory system. Apis Mellifica. 137 ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM. Tartar Emetic. Duration of action from two hours to two weeks. General Symptoms—Great prostration; weak, languid, prostrated state of the sys- tem; gastric and intestinal disturbance; sore throat, particulary pustular; eruptive diseases; rattling or hollow cough, worse at night, with suffocation; throat full of phlegm; sweat on the forehead; vomiting of food, etc. Pustular and catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes; Catarrhal, Croup, Bronchitis, Pneu77ionia. It is of great value in Small-Pox and Varioloid, and in many cases will cure without the use of any other remedy. Acts chiefly on the respiratory mucous membrane, the skin, the lungs, stomach, etc. APIS MELLIFICA. Poison of the Honey Bee. Duration of action from five to ten days. Acts upon the mucous tissues of the tongue, fauces, throat and neck of the blad- der, eyes and kidneys. Scanty secretion of urine is one of its greatest characteristics; another prominent characteristic is a sensation like the sting of 138 Materia Medica. a bee, accompanied with burning. Styes, particularly on the left eye-lid; red and highly inflamed tonsils; dryness of the mouth and throat, with stinging pain when swal- lowing; Diphtheria, with great debility at the beginning; Scarlatina, with dry nose and throat; Erysipelas, Nettle-rash, and other itching, stinging and burning eruptions; Dropsy, especially after Scarlatina. ARNICA MONTANA. Leopard's Bane. Duration of action from six to ten days. Bad effects from strains, falls, bruises, con- cussions and all mechanical injuries; bleeding fiom the nose, arising from an injury; small Boils and Pi7/tples, surrounded with an in- flamed red border. In Rheumatic affections, as in False Pleurisy or stitch in the side; • effects of bodily fatigue from walking, row- ing, etc. External use—In the form of Lotion, one part of tincture to ten of water, Cerate and Plaster—For Bunio7is, Chilblains, Cor7is, Chapped Hands or Lips, Black Eyes, Bruises, Bur7is, Sprains or Strains, Cuts or Wounds, Bites or Stings of Insects, etc., or in Rheumatis77i. Arsenicum Album. 139 ARSENICUM ALBUM. White Arsenic, Arsenious Acid. Duration of action from thirty to forty days in chronic affections. General Symptoms—Pains in the whole body; rapid sinking of strength; extreme weakness and debility; E7naciation, Maras- 77ius and Consumption; Epileptic Fits, Con- vulsions, Dropsical and Scrofulous affections. Ailments characterized by excessive de- bility and prostration, with oppression of chest and difficult breathing, as in Asthma; with a thin and acrid discharge from nose and nausea, as in Cold in the Head and Influenza; with burning pains in internal parts, great thirst and emaciation, as in vio- lent Diarrhea, violent Vomiting, Vomiting of Preg7iancy and Diarrhea of Infants; also in Ulcerated Sore Throat, with great weakness. In Neuralgia, and in paroxysms of pain, with anxiety, coldness, disposition to lie down and sudden excessive debility. In gastric derangements arising from fruits and acids, and in diarrheas, either painless or attended with burning and violent colic. In Dropsical Swellings, Nettle-rash, burning itching of the Skin, etc. Chiefly affects the alimentary canal, respi- ratory organs and skin. 14° Materia Medica. BELLADONNA. Deadly Nightshade. Duration of action from a day to months. General Symptoms—Spas7ns; Startings and Convulsions of the Limbs; Convulsions; Loss of Consciousness; Violent Screamings; Epilepsy; St. Vitus Dance; Hysteria; Scrofulous Swellings; Ophthalmia, Conges- tion of the Brain; Scarlet Eruptions; Ery- sipelas; Burning and Itching of the Skin. In Inflat7i77iatory, Rhetanatic, and other Fevers, attended with a marked inflammatory action of the brain, delirium, startings, etc. Ailments characterized by congestion of blood to various parts—to the head, as in Congestion to the Head, Hiunmi7ig in the Ears, Dizziness and Bleeding fro77i the Nose—to the head, with headache and sleep- lessness, as in Chickc7i Pox—with sensibility to the least noise, as in Congestive Headache— with hard, dry cough and sore throat, as in Hoopi7ig Cough—and to the head and chest, as in Apoplexy. Inflammations—with dispo- sition to suppurate, as in Abscess and Boils— with great swelling and bright redness of the part, as in Infla7n7nation of the Eye-lids, Swollen Glands, Gmnboil, Mmnps, Quinsy and Sore Throat—with inability to bear the light, pains in the head and redness of the Bryonia Alba. 141 whites of the eyes, as in Inflammation of the Eyes. Inflammatory affections of the nerves, as in Toothache and Faceache. Ailments characterized by red, hot swelling, with thirst, headache and restlessness, as in Ery- sipelas—or with a uniform, smooth, shining, scarlet redness, as in Scarlatina. Ailments caused by colds, as spasmodic Cough, with headache on coughing or with sore throat; Catarrhal Headache; and in Hoarseness and Loss of Voice, attended with inflamma- tion of the throat. Convulsive motions and spasms—spasms of children, or Convulsions of Infants, with drowsiness and dilated pupils. Pinching and drawing pains in the abdomen, especially about the navel, as in Colic—or with paleness of face and constant crying, as in Colic of Infants. Also, Sleep- lessness, when there is drowsiness with inability to sleep, and Sleeplessness of Infants. Affects the brain, the nervous system gen- erally, and the glands. BRYONIA ALBA. White Bryony. Duration of action from four to five days, sometimes for weeks. Ailments characterized by rheumatic and gouty tension, drawing, tearing and stitching, 142 Materia Mcdica. mostly in the limbs, especially when moving, with red, shining swelling of the part, as in Rheumatism, Gout and Limibago; also stiff- ness and stitches in the joints during contact and motion, as in Stiff Neck and Rheumatis7n, and in Rheumatic Headaches, worse during changeable weather. In inflammations, as of the Lungs, Liver and Stomach. Ailments affecting the lungs and the muscles associated with the organs of respiration; dry and vio- lent cough, with shooting pains or stitches in the side or chest, pains in the head and vomiting, as in Bronchitis and Pleurisy; or with difficult expectoration, as in Cough. Bilious and gastric complaints, as in Head- ache, with aching pains in the forehead, con- stipation, nausea or vomiting; in Stomach Cough, when the attack arises after eating or drinking, with vomiting of food; in Indi- gestion and Constipation occurring especially in summer time, or resulting from sedentary habits; and in Diarrhea arising from cold drinks. Also, in Constipation arising from pregnancy. For the effec's of a suppression of eruptions by chills; ailments from sup- pression of measles and scarlet eruptions; and in Coriis, with pressure, burning or stinging, or with sore feeling when touched. Chiefly affects the muscles, fibrous tissues of joints, lungs, respiratory organs and liver. Carbo Vegetabilis. 143 CALCAREA CARBONICA. Carbonate of Lime. Duration of action upwards of fifty days. Ailments connected with scrofulous and rickety constitutions, especially when there is a predominant disposition to fluent coryza, cold and diarrhea; or it is particularly adapted to frail individuals being poorly fed, or also to such as have in their youth a marked dis- position for growing fat and stout. Calcarea is most beneficial in affections resulting from menstrual irregularities, as Muscular Weakness, too frequent Menstrua- tion, Leucorrhea, excessive irritability of the nervous system, etc. Chronic eruptions, Nettle-rash, Freckles, Warts and Corns. Gastric complaints, sour vomiting, heart-burn after any kind of food, vomiting of the ingesta and Watcrbrash. Ailments arising from dentition, as in Slow Teething. More particularly adapted to chronic diseases. Chiefly affects the mucous membranes, the fibrous system, the bones and skin. CARBO VEGETABILIS. Vegetable Charcoal. Duration of action about forty days. Ailments arising from an abuse of mer- cury, as in Offensive Breath, Bleeding of the 144 Materia Medica. Gums and Canker in the Mouth. Ailments arising from derangement of the digestive organs, caused by eating fat meats, pork, etc.; or in Waterbrash, sour eructations, raising of air or bitter eructations; also in Spasm of the Stomach, with burning, aching, contractive pains. Chiefly affects the organs of digestion. CHAMOMILLA. Chamomile. Duration of action from three to four days. Hypochondriac and hysteric affections, hysterical faintings, etc.; also the bad effects of anger or passion. Great irritability and sensitiveness of the whole nervous system, in Nervous Excitement, restlessness, with anxious moaning and tossing about. Gastric and bilious affections, with either vomiting, thirst, loss of appetite, colic or diarrhea (the evacuations like rotten eggs), as in Bilious Attacks, Bilious Diarrhea, Colicky Diar- rhea, Diarrhea of Pregnancy, Acidity and Diarrhea of Infants. Ailments caused bv a chill, Earache, with lancinating pains and dryness of the ears; Swolle7i Face and Face- ache, with hard swelling; face hot and red, or with spasmodic twitchings of the facial muscles; or in Toothache caused by a chill, or occurring during pregnancy. In Rheu- Cina. 14- matic Headache, and in rheumatic, drawing, tearing pains, with laming, numb feeling in the affected part; worse at night. Pains which appear intolerable, aggravated by every motion: in Colic, with restlessness and tossing; in Colic of Infants, when the face is red and diarrhea is present; also in Men- strual Colic. Various ailments of children and new-born infants: in Ast/wia of Millar, with shortness of breathing, agitation, cry- ing and distension of the stomach; in Colds, Excoriation of the Skin, Sleeplessness, and fever during Teething in Infants, with toss- ing and restlessness; also in Convulsions of hifants, with convulsive jerking of the limbs, constant movement of the head and redness of one cheek. Affections of the bronchial tubes, with dry cough and scanty expectoration, as in Cold on the Chest. Aching pains in the pit of the stomach, as from a stone, with great anguish and tossing, as in Spasms of the Stomach. CINA. Worm Seed. Duration of action from eight to fourteen days. General Symptoms — Restlessness at night; feverish condition; uneasiness; com- 146 Materia Medica, plaining and weeping of children; dilatation of the pupils; picking and disposition to bore in the nose; stoppage of the nose; paleness of the face; hollow-eyed or dark streaks beneath the eyes; variable appetite; loss of appetite or voraciousness; vomiting and diar- rhea, involuntary emission of urine. In Wor7n Affections, with sleeplessness, dilated pupils, voracious hunger, picking of the nose, or incontinence of urine. Affects the stomach, intestinal canal and brain. Santonin—Is the alkaloid or active prin- cipal of worm seed, and is preferred by many to Cina. The symptoms requiring its use are the same as those described under Cina. CINCHONA OR CHINA. Peruvian Bark, Duration of action from one to three weeks. General Symptoms — Irritability and sensitiveness of the whole system; languor; heaviness of the limbs; aversion to both mental and physical labor; painful weariness of the limbs; weakness from loss of animal fluids; uneasiness in the affected parts; ema- ciation, particularly in children; l7iter77iittent Fevers; tensive and wandering pains. Coffea Cruda. 147 Ailments characterized by great debility arising from excessive loss of animal fluids, blood and humors, as in Palpitation of the Heart, Dizziness, Indigcstio7i, Fainting, arising from loss of blood in Cuts or Wounds, and in Weakness after severe acute diseases. In Dyspepsia, bilious and gastric affections, when there is impaired Appetite, with great weakness of digestion; Flatulency, bitter taste in mouth, eructations and heart-burn; Flatulent Colic, or with yellow color of the skin, Jaundice; also in yellow, watery mu- cus, or Painless Diarrheas, or diarrheas of undigested matter. Diseases with a periodi- cal type, as in Neuralgia, etc. Chiefly affects the nervous system. COFFEA CRUDA. Raw Coffee. Duration of action from six to ten days. General Symptoms—Excitation of the organs of sense and of the nervous system generally; extreme sensitiveness. Ailments characterized by excessive nerv- ous excitability, as in Nervous Headache, Sleeplessness, SteeplesS7iess of Infants, Me7i- tal Fatigue and Nervous Excitement. Ex- cessive painfulness of the affected part, and great irritability of the body and mind. 148 Materia Medica. COLOCYNTHIS. Bitter Cucumber. Duration of action from twenty to thirty days. Colic and Sciatica, severe colicky pai7is, mostly around the naval; Flatulent Colic, with diarrhea, Infla77i77iation of the Bowels. Affections from anger, with indignation, par- ticularly with vomiting and diarrhea; Dysen- tery, when the disease is located in the small intestine, stools slimy, bloody-like scrapings, sometimes tenesmus, other times not, after stool relief of pain; much distress and dis- tension of abdo77ie)i, with diarrhea, which is aggravated by everything eaten or drank. In Flatulent Colic, and for pains in vari- ous parts of the body, which take on the character of spasm, severe pains in the stomach, followed by violent purging, swell- ing of the stomach from wind, attended with violent pains in the bowels and restlessness of the whole body; frothy, greenish or yellow discharges. . Acts specially on the stomach, bowels, brain and nerves. cuprum metallicum. Metallic Copper. Duration of action from one to two weeks Cuprum acts with promptness in almost every variety of convulsions and convulsive Dulcamara. 149 movements of the muscles and distortion of the limbs. • Derangements of the nervous system, characterized by Cra77ips, Convulsive Move- ?7ients, etc.; Epilepsy, with violent convul- sions, paleness of the face, dizziness and great debility; St. Vitus Dance; in Cholera, with violent cramps in the extremities; nausea, with violent vomiting, with cramps in the stomach and extremities, with violent diarrhea; Hooping Cough, long-continued paroxysms of convulsive coughing, with vomiting of mucus; blue face and lips. Acts specially on the cerebro spinal and nervous system, and the abdominal viscera. DULCAMARA. Bitter Sweet. Duration of action from five to ten days. General Symptoms—Heaviness in the head; chronic, pulmonary catarrh; rheumatic and gouty affections; chronic eruptions. Ailments arising from a cold or chill, as in Loose Cough, Diarrhea, Nettle-rash, Pustu- lar Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Stiff Neck and Toothache. Symptoms occur at night; pains, etc., relieved by motion. Acts chiefly on the skin, mucous mem- branes and glands 150 Materia Medica. HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREA. Sulphuret of Lime. Duration of action from six to eight weeks. Suppuration of inflamed parts, favoring and promoting the suppurative process, as in Abscess, Boils, Stye, Giwi-boil and Felon. In Inflammation of the Eye-lids, with nightly agglutination. Catarrhal affections, with loose cough and rattling of mucus, as in Croup; also in Chronic Hoarseness. Bad effects of Mercury, Dyspepsia, and weakness of digestion in persons who have taken much Mercury. In unhealthy skin, where even slight injuries produce suppuration and ulceration. Chapped skin and cracks of the hands and feet. Aggravation of the symptoms at night; sensitiveness to the air; weariness before rising in the morning. It especially acts upon the glandular sys- tem, skin and mucous membrane of the respiratory organs. ignatia. St. Ignatius Bean. Duration of action from two to nine days. Characteristic Symptoms — Jerking and twitching similar to St. Vitus Dance; Ipecacuanha. 151 twitching of a single muscle; jerking or starting of a limb when going to sleep; tingling in the limbs. Bad effects of fright and silent grief; hys- teric debility, as in Weakness, Hysteria and Fainting; Sadness, great indifference and apathy; taciturnity; Nervous Headache in persons of a highly nervous temperament. The symptoms appear early in the morning and return in the afternoon and evening. Acts specially on the brain and nervous system generally. ipecacuanha. Ipecac. Duration of action from two hours to several days. Violent and long-continued nausea and vomiting. Paroxysms of suffocation, as in Asthma, with feeling of constriction and rattling of mucus in chest; in Asthma of Millar, with bluish face*or in Hooping Cough, with bluish face and accumulation of phlegm on chest. Bilious and gastric com- plaints, with vomiting of food or bilious matters and loathing of food, as in Bilious Headache, Indigestion, Vo77iiting during Pregnancy; also where there is vomiting with diarrhea, as in Diarrhea of Infants. Hemorrhages from various organs, as in 152 Materia Medica. Profuse Menstruation and Vomiting of Blood. It specially acts on the mucous membranes, the respiratory organs and the stomach. KALI BICHROMICUM. Bichromate of Potash. Duration of action from two days to three Aveeks. The portion of the mucous membranes chiefly effected are the mouth, throat, cardiac portion of the stomach, and the whole respira- tory membrane, including the conjunctiva and the uterus. Discharges from the nose, mouth, throat, stomach, vagina, or any of the mucous membranes, of a tough, stringy mucus. Cough with expectoration of tough, stringy mucus, which sticks to the throat, mouth and lips; the cough is choking and croupy; worse in the morning. Chronic Hoarseness, True Mc77ibraneous Croup, Diphtheria. Pseudo membraneous lesions of a diphtheritic ^ature, affecting the respira- tory mucous surfaces, the nares, superior portion of the pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchial tubes. Chronic ulceration and inflammation of the pharynx, especially of a syphilitic origin. Chronic Bronchitis, with tough, stringy expectoration, etc. Especially adapted to fat, light-haired people, and to scrofulous, catarrhal and syphilitic diseases. Mercurius. 153 MERCURIUS. There are various preparations of Mercury used in Homoeopathic practice, but we refer in this manual to two. MERCURIUS VIVUS. Quicksilver. Duration of action from days to weeks and even years. Ailments connected with the mucous mem- branes, the glands and the liver. Catarrhal and inflammatory affections of the respiratory organs and the lungs, as in Cold in the Head, Bro7ichilis, Cough with Hoarse7iess, Cough with Sore Throat, Catarrhal Headache, Hoarseness and Influenza, accompanied by one or other of the following symptoms: dry and shaking cough; perspiration accom- panying the cough; hoarseness or loss of voice; fluent discharge of mucus from the nose; soreness of the nose; fullness and stuffiness of the head; frequent sneezing; headache; sore throat. Inflammatory fevers, with disposition to perspire. Swelling and inflammation of the glands, as in Swollen Face, Swollen Glands and Mumps. In I71- fla77imation of the Liver; also in gastric and bilious complaints, as in Bilious Attacks and Constipatio7i, with sick headache, thickly- 154 Materia Medica. coated tongue and bitter taste in the mouth; or in mucous and Bilious Diarrhea, Colicky Diarrhea and Dysentery, where there is straining, with evacuations of mucus or blood, colic, or with clammy perspiration. In various kinds of ulcers and ulcerations, and in suppurations tending to resolve the matter or to forward the suppurative process, as in Abscess, Gu77iboil and Felo7i; also in affections of the mouth and throat, as in Offensive Breath, Bleeding of the Gums, Thrush, Canker of the Mouth, especially where the gums are diseased and ulcers are present; also in cases where the teeth are loose, the gums are swollen and recede, and there is much salivation (except, of course, when arising from an abuse of Mercury, in which case take Carbo veg.) Ailments arising from a cold or chill, Catarrhal Deaf- ness; and in pains which appear intolerable, especially at night, as in Earache, Faceache and Toothache. Affections of the liver, especially where the skin assumes a dingy- yellow color, as in Jaundice and Jaundice of Infants. Diseases of the skin; itching; nightly itching, aggravated by the warmth of the bed; in vesicular eruptions, as Shingles; and in pustular eruptions, as Small-pox. In worm affections, when there is diarrhea, with straining. Nux Vo77iica. 155 MERCURIUS IODATUS. Protiod of Mercury. Duration of action from days to weeks and even years. Especially affects the lymphatic glandular system; especially the glands of the throat and its mucous membrane. It is the best form of Mercury in diseases of the glands, either acute or chronic; in Sore Throat, with elongation of the uvula, and in Quinsy, with ulcers, flow of saliva, and shooting pains in the throat; in Diphtheria and in syphilitic affections. The specific action of the different prepa- rations of Mercurius is through the glands, skin, liver and mucous membranes. NUX VOMICA. Strychnos Nux Vomica. Dtiration of action from fifteen to twenty-one days. General Symptoms—Complaints pro- duced by cold, chagrin, anger, mental exer- tions; periodical and intermittent diseases or fevers; rheumatic affections; diseases of the stomach, liver and bowels; Paralysis; trembling of drunkards; epilepsy; St. Vitus Dance; faintingfits; great nervous weakness; weakness and rigidity of the limbs; vertigo. Ailments of sanguine, choleric tempera- ments, and persons of hemorrhoidal disposi- 156 Materia Medica. tions. Consequences of and ailments arising from sedentary habits, mental labor, and fatigue, wine, spirits and coffee. Derange- ments of the digestive functions, as in Bilious Attacks, Offensive Breath, Colic, Constipa- tion, Stomach Cough, Cramp in the Legs, Flatulency, Dizziness, Humming in the Ears, Bilious Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Heart-burn, Water- brash, Constipation in Infants, Sea-sickness, Relaxed Sore Throat, with elongation of the uvula, Spas7ns of the Sto77iach, Toothache and Vomiting or Nausea, accompanied by one or other of the following symptoms: headache, especially over the eyes; furred tongue; loss of appetite; bitter taste in the mouth; loathing of food; gripings; spasmodic contractive pains in the stomach; dizziness; flatulency; heart-burn; waterbrash; slight or obstinate constipation, or knotty stools, with much straining; nausea or sour vomit- ing; or in Apoplexy and Nightmare, when caused by an overloaded stomach. In blind and bleeding Piles. Affections of a catarrhal character, as in Asthma, with oppression in the lower part of the chest, difficulty of breathing and short cough; in Cold in the Head, Dry Cough, Catarrhal Headache and Colds in Infants, with obstruction of the nostrils, loss of smell, sneezing and feeling of the head being stuffed. In Co7igestion to the Head, and Congestive, rheumatic and nerv- Phosphorus. 157 ous headaches, with heaviness in the head, tensive aching pain in the forehead, particu- larly over the eyes. Rheumatic affections, as in Lumbago and Sciatica, accompanied with constipation and bilious symptoms. Hysteric and hypochondriac affections. Hysteric debility, as in Weakness and in Indigestion arising from debility. Ailments incidental tov pregnancy, as in Constipatio7i, Toothache and Vo77iit'mg; and in profuse, painful and too frequent Menstruation. Acts specially on the stomach, bowels, liver and cerebro spinal system. PHOSPHORUS. Phosphorus. Duration of action of long time not definitely ascertained. Hysteric weakness, and general, sudden and excessive weakness. In catarrhal affec- tions and ailments affecting the respiratory organs, the throat, wind-pipe and chest; stoppage and troublesome dryness of the nose; hoarseness and roughness of the throat, acute and chronic; Loss of Voice; Dry Cough, with stinging in the throat; pains in the chest; difficulty of breathing and anxious respiration. In Chronic Diarrheas, or in diarrheas of a painless character, especially 158 Materia Medica. in aged persons. In Chilblains on the hands and feet. Acts specially on the bronchia and respiratory organs. PULSATILLA. Meadow Anemone. Duration of action from one to ten days. Ailments principally of females, or of indi- viduals of a mild, sensative temperament, with disposition to cold in the head, and other mucous discharges. Derangement of the digestive functions and disorders from rich food, pork, pastry and fruits, as in Bilious Attacks, Offensive Breath, Colicky Diarrhea, Flatulency, Colic, Dizziness, Humming in the Ears; and in Bilious Headache, Indigestion and Nausea or V0771- iting, accompanied by one or other of the following symptoms: semilateral headache; bitter taste in the mouth; loss of appetite or hunger; coated tongue; eructations; flatu- lency; nausea or vomiting of food; slimy, whitish or bilious diarrhea and shiverings. In Sleeplessness, from too full a meal, and in Nightmare, arising from gastric derange- ment. Catarrhs, with profuse mucous dis- charges, as in Cold i7i the Head, with loss of taste and smell; in Bronchitis and Loose Cough, with rattling of mucus—worse when Pulsatilla. r59 lying down; also in Hoarseness, with loose cough and thick discharge from the nose; and in Hooping Cough, when the ,cough is loose. Gouty and rheumatic pains which suddenly shift to other parts, or which are worse at night when seated; sometimes with swelling of the affected part, as in Gout, Rheu77iatis77i and Sciatica. In Stye on the Eye-lid before the formation of matter; and in Infla77imatio7i of the Eyes and Eye-lids, with redness of the lids, secretion of mucus and nocturnal agglutination; also when there is lachrymation in the open air. In Inflam- mation of the Ears and in Earache, with redness of the ear, humming in the ear, swelling and heat. Nervous affections, as in Nervous Headache and Palpitation of the Heart, in females, when produced by the slightest cause. Affections of the skin, eruptive fevers, especially Measles; Chil- blains, with blue-red swelling, heat and burning throbbing. In Painful or Sup- pressed Menstruation, and in Menstrual Colic; also in Diarrhea, Toothache and Varicose Veins during pregnancy. Acts specially on the stomach, bowels, mucous membranes and nervous system. 160 Materia Medica. RHUS TOXICODENDRON. Poison Oak. Duration of action from one to three weeks. Rheumatic and gouty tension, drawing and tearing in the limbs—worse during rest or when beginning to move—as in Rheuma- tism, Lmnbago and Sciatica. Lameness in all the joints, worse on rising from a seat after having been seated for some time. Stiffness of the limbs on first moving the limb after rest. Laming stiffness in the extremities when first moving a part, as in Cra77ips in the Legs, Erysipelas, Nettle-rash, Scald-head, Ringwor7n, Shingles, Heatspots, Milk Crust, Red Gmn, and other eruptions, especially vesicular, forming scurfs with burning itching; small, burning vesicles, with redness of skin on the whole body. In Incon- tinence of' Ui-i7ie, especially during rest, when the urine passes off involuntarily. Bad effects of a strain, dislocation, concussion and other mechanical injuries, as in Sprains or Strains, Bruises and Bleeding from the Nose. Affections of the tendons, membranes and ligaments. Warts and Corns, with burning and soreness. Acts specially on the tendons, ligaments and skin. Sulphur. 161 SPONGIA TOSTA. Burnt Sponge. Duration of action from four to six weeks. Hoarseness; hoarse, hollow Cough; con- stant cough; Croupy Cough, with difficult breathing; asthmatic condition of the chest; Croup, with hollow, dry, ringing cough; noisy respiration; fits of choking; Goitre. Specially affects the wind-pipe and bi-onchia. SULPHUR. Purified Sulphur. Duration of action from six days to two or three weeks. Affections principally in persons of a lym- phatic constitution, subject to eruptions, enlarged glands, etc.; or else of a bilious constitution, with disposition to hemorrhoids, to hypochondria and melancholy. Chronic diseases in general; chronic disorders of the digestive organs, as in Indigestion, Consti- pation and Heart-burn; chronic Rheumatic affections; chronic*and Periodical Head- aches; also in chronic Cough, with copious expectoration. In Piles and hemorrhoidal affections. Scrofulous complaints, curvature 162 Materia Medica. of bones, affections of the glands, eruptions and skin diseases, Scald-head, Ringwor7n, Irritation of the Skin, Milk Crust, Pimples, Red Gmn, Small-pox; particularly during the suppurative stage, Boils, Warts, Cor/is, Chaps, etc.; also Chilblains of long stand- ing, or with redness, swelling and suppura- tion, or with itching on warmth. Sulphur has long been known as the specific for Itch. Crai7ips in the Legs and contraction of the limbs. In Dysentery, with straining at stool and evacuations of mucus and blood. Blisters in the mouth and in Thrush; also in Worm affections. In Varicose Veins during pregnancy, and in Leucorrhea when the dis- charge is acrid. Ailments of persons with any constitutional taint. Sulphur exerts so great an influence over the whole system that there ai"e but few chronic ailments in which it is not required, as well to commence the treatment as to predispose the system to the action of other medicines, more espec- ially indicated, and often in acute cases to remove effects which do not seem to yield to other remedies, as in the treatment of Mea- sles, Pleurisy, etc. Acts specially on the skin, mucous mem- branes, and to a great extent the whole organism. Veratrum Album. 163 VERATRUM ALBUM. White Hellebore. Duration of action from an hour to six or eight days. In Cramps in the Legs, with cramps and pains which do not bear the warmth of the bed; and in violetit Diarrhea, with severe colic, vomiting and coldness of the body; Cholera symptoms, cold, clammy sweats, pulse slow and almost extinct, great weakness, coldness and shivering; Unque7ichable thirst, especially for cold drinks- Vo7niting, with Diarrhea and great prostration*. The vomiting is renewed by drinking or the least motion. Also watery Diarrhea, rice water evacuations; and Dysuria, with coldness and blueness of the extremities, as in Cholera; and excessive vomiting and black vo77iit, as in Yellow Fever; Asiatic Cholera, with violent vom- iting and purging, rather than extreme prostra tion or collapse; Crai7ips of the Abdomen or Calves, whether or not occurring during Cholera, the muscles being drawn up into knots; third stage of Hooping Cough; Ague, with extreme coldness. Acts specially on the whole intestinal canal and brain. 164 Temperaments, Habits, etc. Temperaments, Habits and Conditions, with the Medicines peculiarly adapted to each. Bilious Te77ipcra77icnts—Aconitum, Arnica, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Mercurius, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla. Children or Infants—Aconitum, Belladonna, Calcarea, Chamomilla, Ipecacuanha, Mer- curius. Debilitated Constitutions—Apis mellifica, Arnica, Arsenicum, Calcarea, Cinchona, Kali bichromicum, Nux vomica, Sulphur. Fe77iales—Aconitum, Belladonna, Chamo- milla, Pulsatilla. Females, Hysterical—Colocynthis, Ignatia, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla. Hypochondriachal Dispositions—Apis mel- lifica, Calcarea, Nux vomica, Sulphur. Nervous Temper-aments—Aconitum, Cham- omilla, Cinchona, Coffea, Colocynthis, Ignatia, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla. Phlegmatic Te7npera7nents—(Quiet, easy,) Pulsatilla. Plethoric Constitutions —Aconitum, Apis mel., Arnica, Belladonna, Kali bich., Nux vomica, Pulsatilla. Sanguine Tc77ipcra77ie7it—Aconitum, Arni- nica, Belladonna, Bryonia, Nux vomica. Scrofulous Habit—Arsenicum, Calcarea, Hepar, Mercurius, Sulphur. INDEX. Together with the Abbreviations of the Medicines most suited to each Complaint and Condition. Tlie DOSE, Page 7. PAGE. Abscess—Bell., Hep., Mcr................... 9 " in the Gums—Bell., Hep., Mer......... 50 Acidity in Infants—Cham.................... 77 Aconitum napellus........................... 135 Anger or Passion, Bad Effects of—Cham....... 41 " Colic from—Cham.......... 41 " Diarrhea from—Cham....... 41 " Dyspepsia from—Chain..... 41 " Headache from—Cham...... 41 " Jaundice from—Cham. ...... 41 " Spasms from—Cham........ 41 Antimonium tartaricum...................... 137 Aphthe—Mer., Sulph....................... 74 Apis mellifica............................... 137 Apoplexy—Aeon., Bell., Nux................. 10 Apparent Death............................. 10 '• " from Anesthetics............. 11 " " Ether.................. 11 " " Chloroform ............ n " " Choking............... 12 " Cold .................. 11 '■'• " Drowning............ 12 166 Index. PAGE. Apparent Death from Gases.................. i° " " " Hanging............... 12 Appetite, Loss of— Cine, Nux., Puis.......... 12 " Voracious—Cine, Cina, Nux........ 13 Arnica montana............................. 138 Arsenic, Poisoning by........................ 107 Arsenicum album............................ *39 Asphyxia .................................. J 5 Asthma—Ars., Ipec, Phos..................13, 20 Asthma of Millar—Cham., Ipec, Samb........ 75 Bad Breath— Carb. v., Mer., Nux., Puis...... 15 Belladonna................................. 14° Biliousness, Bilious Derangement—Bry., Cham., Mer., Nux., Puis......................14, 62 Bilious Colic—Cham., Colo., Nux ............. 24 " Diarrhea—Cham., Mer................ 34 " Headache—Bry., Ipec, Nux., Puis..... 52 " Vomiting—Ipec, Nux., Puis........... 132 Bitter Taste—Cham., Mer., Nux., Puis....... 63 Bladder, Inflammation of the—Aeon., Canth.. . 65 Black Eye—A rn............................ 88 Bleeding of the Gums—Carb. v., Mer......... 51 " " Nose—Aeon.,Am.,Bell., Cinch. 56 Blood, Determination ot, to the Head—Aeon., Bell., Nux.............................. 25 Blood, Vomiting of—Aeon., Am., Ipec........ 56 iBloody Flux—Aeon., Col, Mer., Sulph........ 39 Bloodshot Eve—Am........................ 8S Boils—Bell.,"Hcp., Sulph..................... 15 Bowels, Confined—Bry., Mer., Nux., Sulph. . . 26 " Inflammation of the—Aeon., Bell., Mer. Nux................................... 66 Brain, Inflammation of the—Aeon., Bell., Bry., 66 Breath, Offensive—Carb. v., Mer., Nux., Puis. . 15 " Shortness of—Aeon., Ars., Ipec........ 13 Breathing, Difficulty of—Ars., Ipec, Nux...... 13 Index. 167 PAGE. Bronchitis—Aeon., Ant. tart., Bry., Phos....... 16 Bruises—Am., Rhus......................... 89 Bryonia alba................................ 141 Bunions—A rn.............................. 17 Burns—Aeon., Calen., Hep................... 89 Calcarea carbonica.......................... 143 Calendula officinalis.......................... 90 Canker in the Mouth—Carb. v., Mer......... 70 Carbuncle—Apis, Ars., Bell.................. 15 Carbo vegetabilis............................ 143 Catarrh.................................... 30 " Chronic—Kali bich., Sulph........... 30 Catarrhal Fever—Aeon., Mer., Nux........30, 135 " Headache—Bell., Mer., Nux....... 52 Cerebro Spinal Meningitis—Aeon., Ars., Bell., Bry................................... 48 Chafing of the Skin—Chain., Rhus............ 84 Chamomilla................................ 144 Chest, Stitching or Shooting Pains in—Aeon., Bry., Sulph ............................ 104 Chicken Pox—Aeon., Bell., Rhus.............. 17 Chilblains—/*//^., Puis., Sulph............... 18 Children, Ailments of........................ 74 Chill or Cold, Bad Effects of a...............18, 20 Cholera, Asiatic—Ars., Camph. Carb, v., Cupr., Sulph., Vcrat........................... 20 Cholera Infantum and Summer Complaint— Ars., Camph., Colo., Vcrat............... 80 Cholera Morbus—Ars., Colo., Cupr., Ipec..... 23 Chronic Diseases.......................•..... 161 Cina....................................... 14.S Cinchona .................................. .146 Coated Tongue—Mer., Nux., Puis............ 63 CofFea cruda............ ................... 147 Coffee, Abuse of—Nux...................... 61 Cold or Chill, Effects of...................... 29 i68 Index. PAGE. Cold on the Chest—Bry., Cham., Mer., Puis. . 29 Cold in the Head—Ars., Mer., Nux., Puis .... 30 Colds of Infants—Aeon., Cham., Nux......... 76 Colic....................................... 24 " from Anger or Passion—Cham.......... 41 " Bilious—Cham., Colo., Nux............. 24 " from a Chill—Cham., Cine, Nux........ 24 " with Diarrhea—Chain., Mer., Puis...... 33 " Flatulent—Cham., Cine, Nux., Puis .... 24 " Menstrual—Cham., Puis............... 96 " during Pregnancy—Cham., Nux......... 108 '• Spasmodic—Bell., Colo., Nux........... 24 " of Infants—Bell., Bry., Cham., Nux .... 76 Colocynthis ................................ 148 Congestion to the Head—Aeon., Bell, Nux. ... 2^ Congestive Headache—Aeon., Bell., Bry., Nux. $2 Constipation—Bry., Mer., Nux., Sulph........ 26 of Infants—Bry., Nux......... 77 during Pregnancy—Bry., Nux . . 109 Contusions—Am., Puis., Rhus................ 90 Convulsions from Fright—Aeon............... 41 of Infants—Bell., Cham., Cina. . .41, 86 Corns—Am., Bry., Calc, Rhus., Sulph....... 26 Coryza—Ars., Calc, Nux., Puis............. 78 Costiveness—Bry., Mer., Nux., Sulph........ 26 Coughs and Colds.......................... 27 Cough, Dry—Bell., Bry., jYux., Plios......... 28 " Loose—Kali bich.,Puls., Sulph........ 28 " with Hoarseness—Carb. v., Kali bich., Mer., Phos......................28, 29 " with Sore Throat—Bell., Mer.........- 28 " Stomach—Bry., Nux................. 2S " Hooping—Bell.,Cupr., Bros., Ipec, Puis 58 Cramp in the Legs—Nux., Rhus., Verat....... 31 " " Stomach—Carb. v., Colo., Nux. . .- 129 Croup—Aeon., Hep., Kali bich., Spong........ ^ Spasmodic—Cham., Ipec, Samb........ 7- Index. 169 PAGE Crustea Lactea—Aeon., Rhus., Sulph.......... 83 Crying of Infants—Bell., Cham., Coff......... 79 Cuprum.................................... I4" Cuts—Am., Calen.......................... 90 Deafness, Catarrhal—Ma\................... 32 Debility—Cine, Ign., Nux................... 99 " Nervous—Ign., Nux................. 99 Delirium Tremens—Bell., Nux., Opium........ 32 Dentition .................................. 87 Diarrhea................................... 33 '" Acute—Ars., Camph., Verat........ 33 " from Anger—Cham................ 41 " Bilious—Cham., Mer............... 34 " from a Chill—Bry., Cine, Dulc, Verat 33 " with Colic— Cham., Colo., Mer., Puis. 35 " from Fright—Aeon., Apis.,Ign., Verat 34 " from Grief— Colo., Ign.............. 33 " Painless—Ars., Apis., Cine, Phos ... 34 " during Pregnancy—Cham., Puis..... 109 " Violent, with Vomiting—Ars., Vcrat. 34, 35 " in Infants—Ars., Cham., Ipec, Verat. 81 Diet....................................... 8 Difficulty of Breathing—A is.. Ipec, Nux...... 13 " Swallowing—Bell., Mer.......... 120 " Urinating—Camph., Nux......... 128 Discharge from the Ears—Mer., Puis......... 40 « ' " Nose—Ars., Mer., Puis., Sulph................. 3° Dinhtheria—Aeon., Apis., Bell, Kali b., Mer. iod 33 Dizziness—Bell, Cinch., Mer., Nux., Puis..... 130 Dulcamara................................. J49 Dysentery—Aeon., Ars., Colo., Ipec, Mer..... 39 Dyspepsia from Anger—Cham................ 61 " (chronic indigestion) — Hep., Nux., Sulph.......................... 63 170 Index. PAGE. Earache—Cham., Mere, Puis................ 40 Ears, Discharge from the—Merc, Puis......... 40 " Humming in the—Bell., Nux., Puis...... 40 " Inflammation of the—Aeon., Bell., Puis. . 64, 67 Emotions of the Mind........................ 41 Eruptions, Suppressed—Bry.................. 141 Eruptive Fevers............................. 45 Erysipelas—Aeon., Apis., Bell., Rhus.......... 42 Excitement, Nervous—Cham., Coff............ 100 Excoriation of Infants—Cham................ 82 External Injuries............................ 88 Eye, Black or Bloodshot—A m...............88, 89 " Inflammation of—Aeon., Bell., Merc, Sulph 6S Eyes, Watery—Sulph........................ 69 Eyelids, Agglutination of the—Puis.......... 69 " Inflammation of the—Bell., Hep., Puis. 69 " Sty on the—Hep., Puis., Apis........ 124 Face-ache—Aeon., Apis., Ars., Bell., Cine..... 100 Face, Swollen—Bell, Cham., Cinch., Merc. . . . 100 Fainting (from debilitating losses)—Ammonia Camph............................ 43 " from Fright—Aeon., Camph.......... 43 " Hysterical—Cham., Camph., Ign..... 59 False Pleurisy—Am., Bry..................... 104 Fatigue (Corporeal)—Am., Aeon.............. 43 " (Mental)—Coff., Nux................ 44 Felon—Hep., Merc.......................... 49 Fevers...................................44 to 48 Fever and Ague—Ars., Bry., Cine, Ipec, Nux., Puis.............................. 46 Fever, Acute—Aeon., Bell, Bry., Rhus........ 44 " Catarrhal—Aeon., Merc, Nux......... 4^ " Gastric—Aeon., Bell................... 45 " Inflammatory—Aeon., Bell............. 45 " Intermittent—Aeon., Ars., Cine, Ipec, Nux., Puis........................ 46 Index. 171 PAGE. Fever, Rheumatic—Aeon., Bell.............121 45 " Remittent—Ars., Bry., Cine........... 46 " Spotted—Aeon., Ars., Bell., Bry....... 48 " Scarlet—Aeon., Apis., Bell., Merc. iod... 115 " Simple—Aeon........................ 44 " Typhoid—Aeon., Bell., Bry., Rhus...... 45 " Typhus—Aeon., Bell., Bry., Rhus...... 45 Food, Suffering from Coffee—Nux............ 61 " " " Fat Meats—Carb. v., Puis 62 " " " Fruits—Ars., Puis....... 61 " " " Pastry—Puis............ 61 " " " Pork— Carb. v., Puis..... 61 " " " Wines and Spirits—Nux.. 61 " Vomiting of—Ars., Ipec, Nux., Puis. . . 32 Frequent Menstruation—Calc, Nux........... 196 Fright, Bad Effects of—Aeon., Ign............. 41 " Convulsions from—Aeon............... 41 " Diarrhea from—Aeon., Ign., Opi., Verat 34 " Fainting from—Aeon................41 43 Palpitation from—Aeon................ 41 Gastric Fever—Aeon., Bell................... 45 Gathered Finger—Hep., Merc................. 49 Giddiness—Bell., Cine, Nux., Puis........... 130 Glands, Inflammation of the—Bell., Merc. .... 69 " Swollen—Bell., Merc................. 69 Gout—Bry., Puis., Aeon., Am., Nux.......... 50 Grief, Bad Effects of—Ign.................... 41 " Diarrhea from—Calc, Ign.............. 33 " Headache from—Ign................... 53 Gripes (Colic)............................... 24 Gums, Red—Aeon., Rhus., Sulph............. 85 Gum-boil—Bell., Hep., Merc................. 51 Gums, Abscess in the—Bell., Hep., Merc...... 51 " Bleeding of the—Carb. v., Merc........ 51 ' Inflammation of the—Carb. v., Merc. . . . 69 " Scurvy of the Carb. v................. 143 172 Index. PAGE. Gums, Ulceration of- the—Carb v. Merc....... 127 Hemorrhoids—Nux., Sulph................... 102 Head, Cold in the—Aeon., Merc, Nux., Puis. . . 20 " Congestion in the—Aeon., Bell, Nux. ... 25 Headache................................... 52 from Anger—Cham................ 53 " Bilious—Bry., Ipec, Nux., Puis..... 52 Catarrhal—Bell, Merc, Nux....... 52 Congestive—Aeon., Bell., Bry., Nux. 52 from Grief—Ign................... 53 Nervous—Coff., Ign., Nux., Puis.... 52 Periodical—Ars., Cine, Puis., Sulph 52 Rheumatic—Aeon., Bry., Cham..... 52 Sick—Bry., Ipec, Nux., Puis....... 52 Health, Rules of............................. ca Hearing, loss of—(Catarrhal)—Aeon., Merc. ... 32 Heart, Palpitation of the—Cine, ATux., Puis. . . 54 Heart-burn—Nux., Sulph.................... 62 Heat Spots—Aeon., Rhus..................... 84 Hemorrhage................................. r r from the Lungs—Am., Cinc,,Phos 56 " from the Nose—Am., Cine, Phos. 56 from the Stomach — Aeon., Am., Ipec................................ 56 Hepar Sulphuris Calcarea.................... 1150 Hiccough—Nux............................. 60 Hives—Apis, Ars., Calc, Dulc, Rhus......... 57 Hoarseness—Aeon., Bell, Carb. v., Dulc, Hep., Phos............................. 1-7 Hooping Cough—Bell, Cuprum, Dros., Ipec, Verat............................ r8 Humming in the Ears—Bell, Nux., Puis.....\ 40 Hysterical Fainting—Cham., Ign.............. 59 Hysterics—Ign., Puis........................ rg Ignatia amara............................... T r0 Incontinence of Urine—Bell, Cina, Mer., Rhus. 129 Index. *73 PAGE. Indigestion—Bry., Nux., Hep., Puis., Sulph., 60 \nfants, Diseases of........................... 74 " Acidity of—Cham.................... 77 " Asthma of—Cham., Ipec, Samb....... 75 " Colds of—Aeon., Cham., Nux......... 76 " Colic of—Cham., Colo., Nux., Puis. ... 76 " Constipation- of—Bry., Nux., Sulph. . . 77 " Crying of—Bell, Cham............... 86 " Diarrhea of—Ars., Cham., Ipec........ 81 " Excoriation of—Cham................ 84 " Heat Spots of—Aeon., Rhus........... 84 " Jaundice of—Mere, Cham............ 83 " Milk Crust of— Aeon., Rhus., Sulph___ 83 " Rash of—Aeon., Rhus................. 84 " Red Gum of—Aeon., Rhus., Sulph..... 85 " Restlessness of—Bell, Cham., Coff..... 79 " Sleeplessness of—Bell, Coff........... 79 " Snuffles of— Ars., Calc, Sulph., Nux. . 78 " Spasms of—Bell, Cham., Cina., Cupr.. 86 " Teething, Fever with—Aeon., Bell..... 87 Teething, Slow— Calc, Coff........... 87 " Thrush—Ars., Merc, Sulph.......... 74 " Toothache— Cham................... 87 Inflammations, Acute......................... °5 Inflammation of the Bladder—Aeon., Canth. ... 64 " " Bowels—Aeon.,Bell,Mer 64, 66 " " Brain—Aeon., Apis., Bell, Bry., Merc..........64, 66 " " Bronchia—Acon.,Ant.tart., Bry.,Cham.,Mer.,Puis. 64, 16 " " Ears—Aeon., Bell, Puis. .. 64 " " Eyes—Aeon., Bell, Merc, Puis., Sulph.......... 64 « " Eyelids—Bell, Hep., Puis. 64 " " Glands—Bell, Merc...... 64 " " Gums—Carb. v., Merc... . 64 " " Kidneys—Bell, Canth.... 64 174 Index. PAGE. Inflammation of the Liver—Aeon., Bry., Merc. 64 " " L,ungs-Acon.,Ant.tart.,Bell, Bry., Cine, Nux., Phos. . 64 " " Pleura—Aeon., Bry., Phos., Sulph.................. 64 " " Stomach—Aeon., Ars.,Bry., Nux., Verat............ 65 " " Throat—Aeon., Apis., Bell, Kali b., Merc........... 65 " " Tonsils-^lcow., Bell,Merc. 74,111 " " Tongue—Aeon., Merc...... 74 Influenza—Ars., Merc,, Nux................. 87 Injuries, External............................ 88 " Mechanical—Am................... 89 Injuries, Burns, or Scalds—Aeon., Calend., Hep., 89 " Stings, or Bites of Insects—Am....... 90 " Cuts, Wounds—Am., Bell, Calend., Hep............................ 90 Ipecacuanha................................. 151 Irritation, or Itching of the Skin—Aeon., Hep. . 91 Itch—Merc, Sulph.......................... 91 Jaundice—Aeon., Cham., Cine, Merc. . . . :..... 92 " From Anger—Cham................. 41 " of Infants—Cham., Merc............ 83 Kidneys, Inflammation of the — Aeon., Bell, Canth...........................64, 70 Legs, Cramp in the—Nux., Rhus., Verat...... 31 Leucorrhea—Calc, Puis., Sulph.............. 93 Liver, Inflammation ot—Aeon., Bry., Merc. . . .64, 71 Loose Teeth—Merc.......................... 153 Loss of Appetite—Cine, Nux., Puis.......... 12 Loss of Hearing (Catarrhal)—Merc........... 32 Loss of Smell (Catarrhal)— Nux., Puis....... 30 Loss of Taste..............................14, 63 Loss of Voice—Bell, Merc, Phos............ 131 Index. 175 PAGE. Kali bichromicum............................ 152 Lumbago—Bry., Nux., Rhus................. 94 Lungs, Inflammation of the—Aeon., Ant. tart., Bry., Phos.......................64, 72 Measles—Aeon., Bry., Puis., Sulph........... 94 Meningitis—Aeon., Ars., Bell, Bry........... 48 Menstrual Colic—Cham., Puis................ 96 Menstruation, Disorders of.................... 95 " too Frequent—Calc, Nux....... 96 " Painful— Cham., Nux., Puis..... 97 " too Profuse—Cine, Ipec, Nux. .. 97 " Retarded or Suppressed — Aeon Puis........................ 98 Mercurius iodatus............................ 155 Mercurius vivus.............................. 153 Mercury, Abuse of—Carb. v., Hep.........143, 150 Milk Crust—Aeon., Rhus., Sulph...!.......... 83 Mind, Emotions of the...........■:'........... 41 Morning Sickness—Ars., Ipec, Nux., Sulph. .. 111 Mouth, Canker of the—Carb v., Merc, Sulph. . 75 " Saliva (accumulation of) in the—Merc... 153 " Sore—Ars., Merc, Sulph............. 74 " Ulcers in the—Merc.................. 74 Mumps—Bell, Merc......................... 9S Nausea—Ars., Ipec, Nux., Puis............. 132 Neck, Stiff— Bry., Dulc...................... 122 Nervous Affections—Aeon., Bell, Cinch., Coff., Ign., Nux........................ 99 Nervous Excitement—Cham., Coff............. 100 " Headache— Coff., Ign., Nux., Puis--- 52 " Toothache—Bell, Cham., Nux........ 126 Nettle-rash—Apis., Ars., Calc, Dulc, Rhus. .. 57 Neuralgia—Aeon., Apis., Ars., Bell, Cine..... 100 Nightmare—Aeon., Nux., Puis................ 101 176 Index. PAGE. Nose, Bleeding from the—Aeon., Am., Cinch.. 56 " Discharge from the—Ars., Mere, Puis., Sulph................ .............. 28 " Soreness of the—Merc, Sulph........... 28 " Stoppage of the—Nux., Phos............ 29 Nux vomica................................. 155 Offensive Breath—Carb. v., Merc, Nux., Puis.. 15 Ophthalmia—Aeon., Bell, Cham., Cinch., Coff., Ign., Nux.............................. 99 Oppressed Respiration—Ars., Ipec, Nux...... 13 Overheating, Bad Effects of—Aeon............. 43 Painful Menstruation—Cham., Nux., Puis..... 97 Painless Diarrhea—Ars., Cine, Phos.......... 34 Palpitation from Fright—Aeon................ 41 " of the Heart—Aeon., Cine, Puis..... 54 Passion, Bad Effects of—Cham................ 41 Periodical Headache—Ars., Cine, Puis., Sulph 52 Phosphorus.................................. 157 Piles—Nux., Sulph.......................... 102 Pimples—Am., Bell, Puis., Sulph............ 103 Pleura, Inflammation of the................... 64 Pleurisy—Aeon., Bry., Sulph................. 104 Pleurodynia—Arn., Bry..................... 104 Pox, Chicken—Aeon., Bell, Rhus............ 17 '■ Small—Acoii., A?it. tart., Merc, Sulph... . 119 Poisons and Poisoning....................... 105 Poisoning by Arsenic. ....................... 106 " " Acids.......................... 106 " " Aconite......................... 106 " " Alkalies........................ 106 " " Belladonna...................... 106 " " Cantharides..................... 106 " " Corrosive Sublimate............. 106 " '' Gases........................... 106 " " Laudanum...................... 106 " " Lead........................... 106 Index. 177 PAGE. Poisoning by Morphine....................... 106 " " Opium.......................... 106 " " Phosphorus..................... 106 " " Prussic Acid.................... 106 " " Paregoric....................... 106 " " Soothing Syrup................. 106 " " Stramonium..................... 106 Pregnancy, Disorders of...................... 10S " Colic of—Cham., Nux............. 10S " Constipation—Bry., Nux.......... 109 " Diarrhea— Cham., Puis............ 109 " Toothache—Cham., Nux., Puis..... no " Varicose Veins—Puis., Sulph...... no " Vomiting—Ars., Ipec, Nux........ in Profuse Menstruation—Cine, Ipec, Nux....... 97 Pulsatilla.................................... 158 Purple Rash—Aeon., Bell, Coff............... S4 Quinsy—Aeon., Bell, Merc.................. 1 n Rash, Infant—Aeon., Rhus................... S4 " Nettle—Apis., Ars., Calc, Dulc, Rhus. . 57 " Purple—Aeon., Bell, Coff............... 84 " Rose—Aeon., Bell, Coff................ 84 " Scarlet—Aeon., Bell, Coff.............. 84 Red Gum—A con., Rhus., Sulph............... S5 Restlessness of Infants—Bell, Cham., Coff..... 79 Respiration, Anxious—Ars., Ipec, Phos....... 13 " Oppressed—Ars., Ipec, Nux........13 Retarded Menstruation—Aeon., Puis........... 98 Retching (effort to vomit)—Ipec, Nux., Puis. . . 132 Rheumatic Fever—Aeon., Bell, Bry........45, 112 " Headache—Cham., Bry............ 52 " Toothache—Cham., Merc.......... 126 Rheumatism—Aeon., Bry., Puis., Rhus., Sulph. 112 Rhus toxicodendron.......................... l6° Ringworm—Calc, Rhus., Sulph.............. 113 Rose Rash—Aeon., Bell, Sulph .............. 84 178 Index. PAGE. Rules of Health............................. 54 Saliva (accumulation of) in the Mouth—Merc.. 154 Scald-head—Calc, Rhus., Sulph.............. 114 Scalds—Aeon., Am., Calend................. 89 Scarlatina—Aeon., Apis., Bell, Mere, Sulph.. 115 Scarlet Fever—Aeon., Apis., Bell, Merc, Sulph. 115 Scarlet Rash—Aeon., Bell, Coff.............. 84 Sciatica—Ars., Colo., Nux., Rhus............. 116 Sea Sickness—Coccu., Nux., Petrol........... 117 Sedentary Habits, Effects of—Bry., Nux.. . .141, 155 Shingles—Ars., Merc, Rhus.,................ 118 Sick Headache—Ipec, Nux., Puis...........52, 62 Sickness, Morning—Ars., Ipec, Nux.......... 111 Skin, Excoriation of—Cham.................. 82 " Itching or Irritation of—.Merc, Sulph... . 103 Sleeplessness—Aeon., Am., Coff., Puis........ 118 " of Infants—Bell, Coff........... 79 Small-pox—Aeon., Ant. tart., Merc, Sulph. . . . 119 Smell, Loss of (catarrhal)—Nux., Puis........ 30 Sneezing—Merc, Nux....................153, 155 Sore Mouth—Merc, Sulph................... 74 " Throat—Aeon., Ars., Bell, Merc......... 120 " " Clergyman's—Bell, Hep., Phos... 121 " " Relaxed—Merc,, Nux............ 120 Soreness of the Nose—Merc, Sulph........... 2S Spasmodic Colic—Bell, Nux................. 24 Croup—Cham., Ipec, Samb........ 75 Spasms from Anger—Cham.................. 41 " and Convulsions...................... 86 " of Infants—Bell, Cham., Cina., Cupr. 86 " in the Stomach—Carb. v., Colo., Nux.. . 122 Spongia tosta................................ 161 Spots, Heat—Aeon., Rhus..,.................. 84 Sprains—Am., Rhus......................... 90 Stiff Neck—Bry., Dulc....................... 122 Stomach, Acidity in Infants—Cham........... 81 Index. 179 PAGE. Stomach, Cramp in the—Carb. v., Nux........ 34 " Cough—Bry., Nux................. 28 " Inflammation of the—Aeon., Brv.... 65 " Spasms in the—Carb. v., Colo., Nux.. 122 Stoppage of the Nose—ATux.. Phos........... 30 Strains—Am., Rhus......................... 90 Stye on the Eyelid—Apis., Hep., Puis......... 124 St. Vitus Dance—Bell., Cupr., Ign........... 123 Suffocation, Paroxysms of—Ars., Ipec, Nux. ..13, 75 Sulphur..................................... 161 Sunstroke—Aeon., Am., Bell................. 124 Suppressed Eruptions—Bry.................. 141 " Menstruation—Aeon., Puis........ 98 Suppression of the Urine—Aeon., Camph., Nux. 128 Suppuration—Hep., Merc.................127, 154 Swallowing, Difficulty of—Bell, Merc......... 120 Swollen face—Bell, Cham.. Cine, Merc....... 100 " Glands—Bell, Merc___'. .........69, 121 Swoon, (see Fainting)—Camph., Ign........... 43 Taste, Bitter—Cham., Merc, Ntix., Puis...... 63 " Loss of—Puis......................... 63 Teeth, Loose—Merc......................... 153 Teething, Ailments during.................... 87 " Fever during—Aeon., Cham......... 87 Slow— Calc......................... 87 Tetter—Ars., Calc, Merc, Rhus., Sulph....... 125 Throat, Clergyman's—Bell, Hep., Phos., Spong. 121 " Sore—Aeon., Ars., Bell, Merc........ 120 " Relaxed—Bell. Merc, Nux........... 120 " Ulcerated—Ars., Bell,Merc.......... in Thrush—Ars., Merc, Sulph.................. 74 Tongue, Coated—Merc, Nux., Puis............ 63 " Inflammation of—Aeon., Merc......... 74 Tonsils, Inflammation of—Aeon., Apis., Bell, Merc...........................74, m Toothache.................................. 126 " during Pregnancy—Cham.,Nux., Puis, no (So Index. PAGE. Toothache, from Cold or Ch\\\-Cham.,Dulc,Mcr. 126 " from decayed Teeth—Bell,Merc,Nux. 126 " from Indigestion—Nux.............. 126 " Nervous—Bell, Cham., Nux........ 126 " Rheumatic—Cham., Merc........... 126 " in Children—Cham................. 126 Typhus Fever—Aeon., Bell................... 45 Ulcers—Ars., Bell, Calc, Merc, Sulph....... i?7 " in Mouth—Merc. . .................... in Ulcerated Gums—Merc...................... 51 " Throat—Ars., Bell, Merc........... in Ulcerations—Hep.f Merc..................127, 162 Urinary Complaints.......................... 128 Urine, Incontinence of—Bell., Cina.,Merc,Rhus. 129 " Suppression of, or Difficulty—Aeon., Nux., Camph..............".............. 128 Uvula, Relaxed—Mere, Nux................. 120 Variola—Aeon., Ant. tart., Mere, Sulph...... 119 Varicose Veins—Puis., Sulph................ 130 " " during Pregnancy—Puis., Sulph. no Veratrum album............................. 163 Vertigo—Bell, Cine, Merc, Nux., Puis...... 130 Voice, Loss of—Merc, Phos.................. 131 Vomiting—Ars., Ipec, Nux., Puis............ 132 " Bilious—Ipec, Nux., Puis............ 132 " of Blood—Aeon., Am., Ipe>. ........ 51 " during Pregnancy—Ars., Ipec, Nux.. in " violent, with Colic—Ars............. 132 Voracious Appetite—Cine, Cina., ATux........ 13 Warts—Calc, Rhus., Sulph.................. 132 Waterbrash—Calc, Carb. v., Nux............. 133 Watery Eye—Sulph......................___ 64 Whites—Calc, Puis., Sulph.................. 93 Whitlow—Hep. Merc........................ 49 Wind—Cine, Nux., Puis..................... 50 Wines and Spirits, abuse of—Nux............. 155 Worms—Cina., Mere, Sant., Sulph........... 133 Wounds—Am., Calend...................... 90 /tC( J+^yL^- {•# ffC' -v ■&*-*' a^w NLM001036612