.THE H0M(E0PATHIST'S POCKET REFERENCE. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN. COMPILED AND ARRANGED WITH CONSIDERABLE ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS, £j T 1R "Pj dr. jbtffr vdtmmt PUBXlBKEl) M TIME" AU1 HUH. No. 104 Chesnut Street. ' 1838. Entered according to the " Act of Congress," in the year 1838, by Dr. Jno. Tanner, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PREFACE. The author of this little work presents it with much diffidence to the notice of the profession and the Public. From the experience he has had in the science of 'Homoeopathy, he has discovered that a pocket manual containing a description of the symptoms incident to the common diseases of the human system, with a classification of their appropriate remedies, would constitute a very important assistant to the practitioner, and could not fail to be regarded as a highly useful addition to the library of the Homoeopathist. It is solely with this view that he has undertaken the compilation of the following pages. Should his work, small as it, is, and imperfect as it must under all the circumstances necessarily be, find favour with those for whose especial use and benefit it was intended, and moreover have a tendency much to be desired, to be found servicable in promoting the alleviation of disease, the Author will be more then repaid for the anxiety, labour and pains he has experienced in its compilation and arrangement. He is fully aware that this work contains some irregu- PREFACE. larities both of matter and style; notwithstanding his most studious efforts to make it as perfect as was possible. He offers in extenuation the labour attendant upon a condensation of the important subjects about which it professes to treat, and the many and great difficulties incident to a correct translation and abbreviation of the language from which it is taken. It is possible that this book may fall into the hands of those who, though ignorant of the Science of Homoeopathy, might have the assurance to undertake its practice, the propriety therefore, of abbreviating the names of the medicines that are referred to in it will at once be obvious. Upon reference to the Repertory it will be observed that the names of diseases are alphabetically arranged, and their peculiar symptoms and appropriate remedies affixed. JNO. TANNER. No copies of this work are genuine but those which are stamped on the title page with the Authors seal. ERRATA. Page 25, line 11th from the bottom, for Sickness read Thickness. Page 26, line 2d from the bottom, for Seccor read Secal. cor. " 27 do. 10 do. do. do. for S. read s. in stib. Sf sol. " 29 " 4th do. do. top, for Plosph read Phosph. •« 31 " 2d do. do. top, for affliction read affection. " 31, lines 15 & 16 do. top, for Am. Garb, read Am. carb. " 31, line 17 from do. top, for Calc. Carb. read Calc. carb. Page 32, line 3d from the bottom, for rhus. read Rhus. " 35, line 8 do. do. top, for Arns. read Am. " 35,linesll & 12 do. top, for Escaping of b. read Escaping. Page 35, line 17 from the top, place the comma after Hood, and and not after first. Page 36, line 11 from the top, for prolapsis read prolapsus. THE ONLY HOMOEOPATHIC PHARMACY IN THE UNITED STATES. DOCTOR J. TANNER, JVb. 104 Chesnut Street, 6 doors above Third Street, Philadelphia, Informs the Homaopathic Physicians and the friends of Homyopathia, that he has for sale all the principal MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS; also, pure Spirits of Wine, distilled in glass retorts; refined Saccharum Lactis, in quarter, half and one pound bottles; Phials, Corks, Pellets, Sfc. Sfc. Sfc. Dr. T. prepares Physicians' and Family Medicine Chests, containing from ten to two hundred and fifty phials; also, single phials of Medicine, and Packages of Powders for immediate use, with directions. At home for consultation every day, from 7 till 10 A. M., and from 3 till 7 P. M. January 15th, 1838. P. S. All orders, by post or otherwise, attended to without delay. Persons calling when the Doctor is not at home, will please leave their directions on the slate. IN THE TREATMENT OF THE SICK AC CORDING TO HAHNEMANN'S METHOD. The patient is allowed : Beef and Mutton, baked, roasted or boiled; fresh or smoked Tongue ; raw, lean Ham. Venison and wild Fowl. Turkey, Dunghill Fowls and Pigeons. Fresh Fish having scales. Butter which is not rancid, fresh Cheese, the different preparations of Milk, raw or soft boiled, eggs, or eggs in soups (except in cases of Diarrhoea), Meat Soups, Broths and Jellies. All kinds of Bread and Biscuit (except Soda Biscuit and other bread made with the addition of unusual substances). Puddings, Dumplings or Noodles of Wheat, Indian, Rice and Oat-meal, not too heavy, fat, nor spiced. Cakes composed of Meal, Eggs, Butter in small quantity and Sugar. Food prepared of Arrow-root, Tapioca, Sago, Salep, Oat-meal and the like. Irish Potatoes, sweet Potatoes, Turnips, Car- 2 TREATMENT OF THE SICK. rots, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Spinage, and green Peas or Beans, (except in Colic and Diarrhoea), Rice, Hominy, Pearl-Barley, Groats, dried Peas or Beans. Roasted or boiled, fresh or dried Fruit, as Prunes, dried Currants, fresh ripe sweet Apples, Peaches, Strawberries, Raspberries, Gooseberries, and other sweet berries and Grapes (except in Colic and Diarrhoea). Water, pure, or sweetened with sugar, Currant Jelly, Raspberry or Strawberry Syrup, Toast water. ' Milk which is several hours old, or boiled milk, fresh Whey, Egg tea. Decoctions of Barley, Malt, Oat-meal, Rice, dried Fruit. Cocoa boiled with Milk or water, pure plain Chocolate, weak black tea. Salt moderately used, Sugar. Every article of food which disagrees with the patient, though perfectly wholesome for others, should by him be avoided. Allowed in small quantities and occasionally, unless stricken out by the Physician: Salted meat, not too old, and soaked in fresh water previous to boiling, boiled ham, salt Fish, and the like. Veal of half grown calves, lean Pork, wild Ducks, Rabbits, hard boiled Eggs. Buckwheat Cakes, Pastry. TREATMENT OF THE SICK. 3 Acid fruits, Cider and Cider Vinegar. Asparagus, fresh and preserved Pears, Cherries, Melons, boiled Indian Corn. Lemonade, Buttermilk (except in nervous diseases) in very small quantities. In rel ition to all articles to which the patient is so accustomed that it is difficult for him to abstain from their use, as well as with respect to many influences which he cannot avoid, he must confer particularly with his physician. Forbidden. Old smoked salted meat and salted Fish, old rancid Butter and Cheese, Lard, fat Pork, Geese, Ducks, .Turtles and Terrapins, Fi&h not having scales, as Catlisn, Eels, Lobsters, Crabs, Clams, and soups prepared from these articles of Food. —All blood and food prepared with blood, and much animal fat. All kinds of Sausages, particularly such as are smoked.—The flesh of all young animals.—All soups highly seasoned and sauces; drawn Butter, Pepperpot, Beef tea, (except it be boiled with the flesh for half an hour.) All kinds of Cakes or Pastry prepared with much Fat or Aromatics, Honey.—All kinds of coloured sugar work prepared by the confectioner, red sugar, sugared almonds or peach-kernels. Nuts of all kinds. (All kinds of coloured toys, if the colours be not fixed, are to be withheld from Children.) Tomatoes, Celery, Horse-Radish, Garlick, Parsley, A3 4 TREATMENT OF THE SICK. Red or Cayenne Pepper, Mustard, Saffron, Nutmeg, Vanilla, Laurel leaves, Bitter Almonds, Cloves, Coriander, Fennel, Anise.—Coffee, green Tea, spiced Chocolate. All kinds of spirituous liquors, Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, Gin, Spirits, etc. Liquors or Cordials and other drinks, cold or warm, which are prepared with spirituous liquors or spices, as strong Grog or Punch, Negus, Slings and the like. (To some Parties, for example Workers in Metals, Grog largely diluted with water, may be allowed.) All artificial and natural Mineral Waters, Mead, Spruce-beer, Soda-Beer, Porter, Ale. Wine-Vinegar, Beer-Vinegar, adulterated Vinegar and diluted Mineral Acids, —The use of Tobacco. When either by accident or forgetfulness a patient has taken one of these forbidden articles, his physician ought to be promptly informed of it, in order that the proper measures may be taken to arrest injurious disturbances. Strictly Forbidden are all Medicines not prescribed by the physician and all domestic remedies so called, whether internally or externally employed, and for whatever purpose intended: viz. all kinds of pills, syrups, electuaries, lozenges, oils, distilled waters, as mint water, cinnamon, water, etc. essences so called, as the essence of pepper mint; TREATMENT OF THE SICK. 5 all kinds of teas prepared of herbs or roots, as balm, chamomile, mint, sassafras, elm, etc. Irritating substances applied to the skin, as garlic, onions, mustard, yeast, Spanish-flies, oil of turpentine, and all kinds of plasters, salves, ointments or embrocations, even of spirits oil, or fat (except by special permission), are likewise forbidden—together with all kinds of laxative injections prepared with salt, oil, or other additions. (Injections of luke-warm water, and in some cases water moderately cold, are allowed, though without any addition.) Blood-letting by the lancet, by leeches, or cups, or dry cupping, are prohibited. All perfumery, particularly musk and substances smelling of musk, flowers or plants used for their smell, hartshorn, camphor, Cologne-water, eau de Luce, aromatic waters or pomatum, scented soaps and the like, and the use of every kind of paint or cosmetic, must be avoided. All kinds of tooth-powders, even that of charcoal, and brushes which have ever been used with such tooth-powders, must be dispensed with. (Perfectly clean and moderately firm brushes and pure water are sufficient for cleaning the teeth.) The practice of wearing about the person next the skin coral, amber, metallic substances and the like, is forbidden, and metals used in the mouth for plugging the teeth, or forming a part of the fixtures for artificial teeth, often have injurious effects, and as much as possible should be avoided. The cure is disturbed by hot baths or those pre- a 3 6 TREATMENT OF THE SICK. pared with her'»% sulphur and other additions. Be careful in using matches, not to inhale the vapour of the burning sulphur. —Keep the feet dry and warm. The patient when practicable should use moderate excercise in the open air for an hour every day. The room used by the patient, and especially his lodging room, should be daily well ventilated, particularly in the morning and at noon. Woollen or medicated hareskins-clothing worn next the skin is injurious; linen, cotton, or leather only should be used. In all diseases of internal parts, the use of stays or corsets impedes the cure, or renders it difficult. The practice of rocking in rocking-chairs hinders the cure of all diseases of the abdomen, particularly in females. An active life promotes, while a passive or sedentary life hinders the cure. Labour which exercises the body must be daily used, as far as the strength will conveniently permit. All fatigue must be avoided. Much reading, particularly of novels and romances, and other productions which have a tendency to excite or inflame the mind, is injurious. The visiting of Theatres is seldom allowed for the patient, and card playing not at all. Converse injurious to the mind, sensual excitement, and all secret sins of thought, undermine the health and impede the cure. 7 TREATMENT OF THE SICK. Avarice, envy, the pursuit of pleasure, long continued grief, anxiety, vexation, or the stings of conscience, produce and sustain diseases. In such cases the disease can only be cured when the cause of the mental affection is to be ascribed to the morbid state of the body. Homoeopathic medicines should be kept in a place not exposed to moisture or heat and perfectly free from odours. The powders should be taken precisely at the prescribed time, and especially a medicine which is designed for the morning should not be taken in the evening, and conversely. Medicines in the morning should be taken fasting, immediately on rising from bed and rinsing the mouth, and medicines for evening on going to bed. After taking the medicine the patient should remain for half an hour free from mental or bodily exertion, and without eating or drinking, smoking, snuffing, or chewing tobacco. If the word * dry' be written upon a powder, it is to be taken in its dry state immediately into the mouth, and the patient, as before directed, is to refrain from drinking for some time afterwards; but if a powder be not so marked, it may be dissolved and taken in a clean tea-spoonful of pure water, or dry. A vial for smelling should not be opened at unseasonable times, and only when used. On this occasion the open mouth of the vial is to be held to one nostril, and the air contained therein inhaled once. The more sensible and irritable the patient, the more lightly and gently must the pro- 8 TREATMENT OF THE SICK. cess of smelling be performed. In the case of a chi'd r one hand is to be held over his mouth, and at the same time the mouth of the open vial to his nostrils, or the operation may be more readily effected whilst the child is asleep.—The smelling should not be performed too strongly nor be too often repeated— the directions of the physician in these respects should he closely observed. When a paper containing a powder to be employed by smelling is to be med, it should be opened, and used as already directed for vials. If the patient be directed to take the powder ' in water,' he must use two perfectly clean glass tumblers which have recent y contained nothing strong nor acrid; one of the tumblers is to be half tilled with pure rain or river water, to which the powder is to be added and duly mixed, by pouring the ingredients five or six times from the one tumble* into the other. A table-spoonful of the mixture for adults, or a tea-spoonful for children is to be taken at the time prescribed, or as often as the patient shall be worse. The glasses and spoon should not afterwards be used for other medicines or for other purposes, until they shall have been well washed and exposed to a strong heat for half an hour. EXTRACTS FHOM THE HOMOEOPATHIC ORG-ANON OF HAraEMAO. aconite. Pages 16 & 17 The most violent pleuritic fever is cured by the above medicine, within twenty-four hours, avoiding the vegetable acids. Inflammatory acute fever. Stitch in the side. AGARICUS MUSCARIUS. p. 46 Convulsions accompanied with tremour. In a species of epilepsy. ARBUTUS UVA URSI. p. 47 Where the urinary discharge is purulent. ANISEED, OIL OF p. 47 It allays pains of the stomach, flatulent colic caused by purgatives. 10 EXTRACTS FROM THE ORG ANON. ARNICA MONTANA. p. 54 The effects of a blow, fall, or contusion; feel pains in the side, &c, and consequently the malady itself, occasioned by such contusion. arsenic p. 65 Cancer in the face. Angina pectoris. Dyspnoea approaching even to suffocation. Strong oppression of the chest. BELLADONNA. p. 17 & 54 Inflammatory irritation. Hydrophobia. Different kinds of madness and melancholy. Amaurosis, with coloured spots before the eyes. Sore throat. CANTHARIDES. p. 62, 3 Retention of urine, with ineffectual efforts to urinate. Painful ischury. Recent inflammatory gonorrhoea. Inflammation of the urethra. CINCHONA. p. 52 Exhaustion, indigestion, and loss of appetite resulting from acute fevers. Fainting. Bleeding. 11 EXTRACTS FROM THE ORGANON. clematis. p. 49 General chronic eruptions. colchicum. p. 47 A species of dropsy. A small quantity of urine of a dark red colour. Asthma. cuprum. p. 66 Convulsions. Chorea. Epilepsy. DICTAMNUS. p. 48 Leucorrhoea of long standing. DULCAMARA. p. 50 The most violent diseases emanating from colds. Convulsions attended with delirium. Herpetic eruptions. EUPHRASIA. p. 89 Inflammation of the eyes. jalap. p. 48 Gripes, restlessness, and screaming in young children. mercury. p. 20, 68, 72 Firmly rooted syphilis. Swelling of the tongue and pharynx. 12 EXTRACTS FROM THE ORGANOID Angina, with purpura. Melancholy, with secretion of saliva. Malignant quinsy. Ulcerous inflammation of the mouth, with aphtha and fcetor of breath. Caries from in juries of the bones. Ulcers in the throat (not venereal.) MILLEFOIL. p. 47 •* Haemorrhages. Excessive haemorrhoidal flux. Hsemoptysis. Uterine haemorrhage. Epistaxis. MOSCHUS. p. 61 Spasmodic constriction of the chest, without cough. nitric acid, p. 64 Salivation and ulceration of the mouth from the use of mercury. NUX MOSCHATA. p. 49 Hysterical fainting fits. opium. p. 58, 72 Complaints in the head. A case resembling the agonies of death, in a fever attended with coma, where the patient de- EXTRACTS FROM THE ORGANOlf. 13 orived of speech, lay extended, the eyes open, the limbs stilf, the pulse and intermittent. Lethargic fevers. Obstinate case of nervous disease, symptoms were, insensibility, numbness of the arms, legs, and belly. Obstinate constipation. Iliac passion. parsley (juice.) p. 72 In dysury, so frequent among children. In ordinary cases of gonorrhoea. PLUMBUM. p. 67 Obstinate constipation. Iliac passion. Obstinate hypochondriasis. potash. p. 64 Tetanus. PULSATILLA. p. 14 Sudden affections in the stomach, with frequent nauseous eructations, depression of mind, cold feet, hands, &c. RHEUM. p. 72 Diarrhoea. ROSE WATER. p. 49 Opthalmic diseases. EXTRACTS FROM THE ORGANON. RHUS. p. 50 Paralysis of the lower extremities, attended with weakness of the intellectual organs. Various kinds of Herpes. sabina. p. 72 Uterine haemorrhage. SAXIFRAGE. " Mucous angina. sambucus. p. 51 Pains in the face. A species of dropsy. (Edematous swelling. SCILLA MARATIMA. p. 31 Pleurisy. Inflammation of the lungs. senna. p. 48, 76 A kind of colic. Insomnolency. Flatulency and agitation of the blood. I SOLANUM. t&fi.A 1 P« 51 Swelling of the entire body. ST ANNUM. p. 67 A [species of phthisis, hectic fever, chronic catarrh, and mucous asthma. Pains in the stomach. 15 EXTRACTS FROM THE ORGANON. STRAMONIUM. p. 52, 76 Demonomania, and other convulsions. Involuntary movement of the limbs. Weak memory. Melancholy alternating with madness. Chorae. Mental derangement. SULPHURIC ACID. p. 15 Gastric complaints. sulphur. p. 64 Dysentery. Haemorrhoidal diseases, attended with tenesmus. Haemorrhoidal colics. tabacum. p. 46 Vertigo, nausea and anxiety. TEA. p. 58 Anxiety. Palpitation of the heart. VERATRUM. p. 45 Cholera morbus. wine. p. 57 Pure inflammatory fevers. Inflammation of the brain. Feverish delirium. THE MEDICINES Composing the Materia Medica Homceopathica are viz: Acet.um, Vinegar. Aconitum. Wolf's bane. Actaea, The elder tree. JRthusa. Allium cepa. Onion-Garlic. Agnus castus, The chaste tree. Alcohol, Spirits of wine. Alkekengi, Wintercherry. Alon spicata, The aloe plant. Alumina, Pure clay. Amanita, Bug agaric. A mbra, Ambergris. Ammoniae carbonas, Carbonate of Ammonia. Ammonia; murias, Muriate ot Ammonia. Anacardium, The Malacca bean. Angustura, Angustura bark. Antimonii sulphuretum, Antimony. Antimonii (& potassae) tartras. Tarter emetic. Aquilegia vulgaris, Common columbine. Aranea diadema, The birch-tree spider. Argpntum, Silver. Arnica montana, Leopard's bane. Arsenicum album, Arsenic. Artemisia judaica, or Cina, Wormseed. Arum maculatum, Common wakerobin. Asafoetida, A stinking gum. Asarum europ. Asarabacca. 17 MATERIA MEDICA HOMCEOPATHICA. Atriplex olida, Stinking orach, or goosefoot. Aurum foliatum, Gold leaf. Aurum muriaticum, Muriate of gold. Badiaga, A Russian alga, (a water plant.) Baryta? carbonas, Carbonate of barytes. Barytas murias, Muriate of barytes. Belladonna, Deadly nightshade. Berberis vulgaris, Common barberry. Bismuthi subnitras, Subnitrate of bismuth. Borax veneta. Bovista, Puff-ball. Bromum. Brucea antidysenterica, Angustura bark. Brilliant, Diamond. Bryonia alba, White biyony. Caladium seguinum, Calcis carbonas, Carbonate of lime. Calcis phosphas, Phosphate of lime. Calcis sulphuretum, Sulphur et of lim». Camphor. Cannabis sativa, The hemp plant. Cantharides, Spanish fly. Capsicum annum, Cayenne pepper. Carbo animalis, Animal charcoal. Carbo vegetabilis, Vegetable charcoal. Carbo chart, Charcoal from paper. Castoreum, Castor. Causticum, Lunar caustic. Chamomilla, Chamomile. Chelidonium majus, Great celandine. Chenopodium olidum, The rtinking orach. Chiococca racemosa, Cicuta virosa, Water hemlock. Cinchona, or china, Peruvian bark. Cinamomum, Cinnamon. Cinnabaris, Vermillion. Citricum acidum, Citric acid. 18 MATERIA MBDICA HOMOEOPATHIC A. Clematis erecta, The upright virgin's bower. Coccinella, Cock chaffer. Cocculus suberosus, Indian cockels. Coffee arabica, Coffee. Coffea tosta, Burnt coffee. Colchicum autumnale, Common meadow saffron. Colocynthis c. Bitter cucumber. Conium maculatum, Hemlock. Copaiba, Balsam capaivsa. Corallia rubra, Red coral. Crocus sativus o, Saffron. Cubeba piper, Cubebs. Cuprum metallicum, Copper. Curcas, The cassada plant. Cyclamen e, Sow-bread. Daphne indica, Dolichos pruriens, Cow-itch. Dictamus albus, Lastard dittany. Digitalis, Fox , Borax. Soda? carbon as, or Natrum carbonicum, Carbonate of soda. Soda Nitras, or Natrum nitricum. Sodae sulphas, or Natrum sulphuricum, Glauber salts. Sodii chloretum, or Natrum muriaticum, Common culinary salt. Solanum mammosum, Night shade. Solanum nigrum, The garden night shade. Spigelia anthelmia, Indian pink. Spongia marina tosta, Burnt sponge. Stannum, Tin. Staphisagria, Staveacre Stramonium, r i hom apple. Strontiana? carbonas. Succinum, Amber. Pulphur, Brimstone. Sulphuricum acidum, .sulphuric acid. b3 22 MATERIA MBDICA HOMGHOPATIIICA. Tabacum, Tobacco. Tanacetum vulgare, Common tansy. Taraxacum, Dandelion. Tartaricum acidum, Tartaric acid. Terebinthince oleum, Oil of turpentine. Thea caesarea, Imperial tea. Theridion. Thuya occidentalis, The tree of life, (the juice.) Tiglii oleum, Croton tigliurn, Croton oil. Tongo, dipterix odorata. Toxicodendron, The poison oak—sumach. Urea. Uya ursi, Bear's berry. Vaccinin. Valerian. Veratrum album, White hellebore. Verbascum thapsus, Yellow mullein. Vinca minor, The less periwinkle. Vinum, Wine. Viola oderata, Sweet violet. Viola tricolor, Heart's ease. Vitrum solub., Solution ot glass. Zincum, Zinc. Zingiber, Ginger. 23 MATERIA MEUICA HOMOEOPATHIC*. NAMES Of Medicine*, Articles, and Words, lesa used than fhe preceding. Alcohol. Amygdala, Almond. Armoracia, Horse radish. Oleum, Oil. Rad, Root. Carbo ligni, Charcoal. Aqua distillatse, Distilled water. Acacia gummi, Gum arabic. Maranta, Arrow root. Magnes artificialis, Magnet. Magnes polus arcticus, North pole, Magnet ot the Magnus polus australis, Magnet of the south pole. Saccharum, Sugar. Saccharum lactis, Sugar of milk. Globus saccharum, Pellets of sugar. Gold cream, A preparatien u? ed on inflamed suppurations from the poison of rhus toxicodendron, burns, &c, made by rectifying mutton suet, and adding, whilst hot, rose water. Ppiritus nitri dulcis, Sweet spirits of nitre. Sinapis alba, Mustard (the seed.) Ahkica Wash- In using the above wash, I generally put 6 or 8 drops in a tumbler about one-third full of water, and bathe the affected parts twice or oftener during the day. This wash should never be used when the skin is broken, or the wound open. In applying arsenic or silicia to an open wound, I prefer using the globules of the 30th dilution, by dropping one or two into the wound. b3 REPERTORY OF CONTAINED IN THE HOMOEOPATHIST'S POCKET REFERENCE. ABDOMEN. Hard, bloated, in children, - - Silic. Bloated ... Caust. JVatr. mur. Bloated by wind, - Graph. Accumulation of wind in the - - Natr. Burning in the - Lycopo. Sickness, hardness of the - - Calc. Thickness in mothers - Sepia. Extended, - Carbo. veg. Hardness of the .... Graph. Knorring and rumbling in the, by motion of the body, Silic. Loud knorring in the - - Natr. mur. Empty sensation in the ... Sep. Heaviness in the ... Graph. Inactivity and coldness in the - Kali. carb. Hardening in the - Lycop. 26 REPERTORY. Old painful hardening of the right side of the Mur. magn. Fullness after eating - Silic. Fullness early when awaking - - Con. Vomiturition, after breakfast - - Phosph. Sore feeling when walking on the pavement, in the .... Con. Emptiness in the ... Petrol. Inflammation of the Abdomen, in a lying-in woman, Bella. Bry.'Nux. v. Canth. (Sub inflammatory kind) after ineffectual application of Bellad. ... Hyosc. In a lying-in woman, with remaining placenta, Aeon. Bell. Bry. Diseases of the Abdomen, - Anacard. Bellad. With violent burning, and tearing asunder pains of the entrails, - Euphorb. Long continued abdominal disease, (diarrhoea, cutting pains in the belly and limbs,) cured by Petrol. Phosph. and Calc. Sub inflammatory state, - - Bellad. ABORTION. To prevent, - Nux v. Prevention by frequent doses of Sabina. With metrorrhagia - Ipec. Sab. Ferr. (2 doses) .... Cham. Results of - - - Bella. Bryon. To cause ... Sabina, Seccor. Calc. Nux v. Zinc, Sepia. 27 REPERTORY. AFFECTION. Exalted nervous, in lying-in women, where, notwithstanding the necessity of sleep, no rest is to be had, - Coffea. Great nervous ... Calc. Lycop. From speaking - - - Calc. Sulph. AFFLICTION. (See Disposition of Mind.) After Pains, with a sensation as if one should go to stool, - Nux v. Too vehement, Coffea c, farther, Cham. Puis, (and, after the experience of Dr. Franz, almost as a specific, Arnica.) AGITATION OF THE BLOOD. (See Blood.) AMAUROSIS. Phosph., Caust., Natr. mur., Silic, Sulph. Incipient, Spigel. Tart. Stib. Merc. Sol. and Euphra. China, Bellad. Periodical ... Valer. ANGINA. (See Throat, Croup, fyc.) ANCLE. Ulcerous pain in the ancle from walking or touching, t Natr. mur. Swelling of the ... Lycop. Itching ulcer on the - - Silic. Stitches in the a , when walking Silic. 28 REPERTORY. ANGER. Sudden fit of, in persons of violent temper, Nux v. From just indignation - - Staph. Should mental alienation follow - Platina. In small children, with loss of breath, or falling into fits ... - Cham- In small children, when they weep and cry much (with cough) ... Bry- In small children when they cry continually, Bellad. Hepar. ANUS. Congestion of blood therein - Sepia- Bleeding from the anus (bleeding piles) Amm. c. Knots of blood in the - Nat. mur. Kali c. Itching of the - - Kali c. Flow of slime from the, always open Phosp. Pains in the a., after eating and stool, Lycop. ANXIETY, SADNESS, &c. Natr. Phosp. Natr. mur. Petrol. At night in bed - - Sepia. With uneasiness and flying heat - Sepia. When sick with fear of death Nitric acid. At night, driving one from bed, Graph, Ars. Before going to stool - - - Kali c. Great - ... Caust. Great in the evening - - Ambra. With dolefulness and inclination to weep, obstinacy, sensibility, fear of being alone, Lycop. 29 REPERTORY. Pensiveness, Affliction.—Cannab. Canth. Plumb. Secal. cor. Coloc. Hyosc. Ipec.—Ars. Bell. Carbo. v. Cham. CofF. Phosp. Verat. Agony, Carbo. v. Graph. Sepia. Plosph. Arn. Sulph. Nocturnal, with great melancholic uneasiness, exciting suicide, - - Puis. Ignat. Ars. With trembling and sweat, when in pain, Natr. APPETITE. Immoderate, midday and evening, Natr. mur. Too strong, Sulph. (longing for something refreshing, Phosph.) Loss of - - Calc. Natr. mur. Loss of, early - - Ammon. Loss of, after the first morsel - Lycop. Petrol. Loss of, for bread - - Natr. mur. APOPLEXY. Ipecac. Arn. Hyosc. Bryon. Cam ph. Nux v. Bell. Stram. Merc. In an old man (3 doses) - Baryta acet. After misuse of Coffee (with inguinal hernia) Nux and Arn. (Sanguina,) as preservative in many cases, - Aeon. From congestion of the blood, Arn. Bell. CofF. Ipec. Merc. Nux. Nervous, - Arn. Bellad. Coffea. Hyosc. Stram. And epileptic fits alternating, - Hyosc. Apoplectic lameness, - - Anacard. ARMS. Commencement of lameness in the fore arm, the 30 REPERTORY. hand involuntarily lets fall any thing it has hold of, Silic. Lamed weakness of the - Natr. mur. Warts on the - - Silic. Numbness of the upper arms, - Kalic. Numbness occasioned by lifting - Lycopo. Numbness occasioned by lying on the table or lying on the arm, ... Silic. Numbness and pain in the arm upon which one lies, - Silic. Numbness of the a. early on awaking, Mur. mag. Numbness of the arms, breast and legs, Graph. Numbness of the arms and legs, particularly after hard work, ... Sep. Loss of strengh in the - - Lycop. Lameness and trembling of the arms from little work, - - - - - Silic. Weakness of the - ' - - Sep. Sudden weakness, like lameness - Calc. Pain in the bones of the, (at night,) - Lycop. Nocturnal spasmodic cramps in the - Lycop. Nocturnal drawing and tearing in the Calc. Tearing in the - - Lycop. Silic. Tearing stitches in the arms and shoulder blades, Phosph. Straining in the ... Sepia. Drawing pain in the - Lycop. Silic. ARTHROCACE, - Colocynth. ARTHRITIS. (See Gout) 31 REPERTORY. ASTHMA. Connected with an affliction of the abdominal organs, ... Baryt. acet. Bryon. and Nux v. (alternating) Spasmodic, - Valer. Colch. Plumb, acet. Do. with too great a distention of the belly from wind, - - 01. ani. aeth. Kali c. In scrophulous children, - - Ambra. With accumulation of slime, - - Bryon. In hypochondriacs, with a feeling as if the clothes were too tight, contracting the breast and abdomen, similar to haemorrhoidal congestion, - - - - - Nux v. Euphorb. Zinc. Connected with hydrothorax, Am.Carb. Carb. v. Am. Carb. Graph. Nitric acid, - Sep. Phos. Nocturnal, ... - Calc. Carb. With suffocating anxiety in the evening after laying down, ... Ars. With short breath, ... Natr. Early, Kali c. From manual labour, - - Natr. mur. With whistling and snoring on the breast, with visible heart-beat'ng, - Antimon. Tart. Stib. Anacard. Phosph. Asthma Millari, - Ipec. late, Arsen. Samb. (when Ipec. does not give immediate relief give Opium.) Asthmatic Pains, .... Puis. ATROPHIA—MARASMUS. Bellad. Ars. China. Nux v. Puis, and China. 3t repertory. Or hectic state, with short exhausting cough in children, - Merc. subl. With the glands of the throat swollen, dry itching of the scalp, (tinea capitis,) Baryt. Marasmus. In an old man of 90 years - - Cicuta. Weakness of the body and mind in old men, Baryt. acet. Con. Opium. In a boy with paleness, great weakness, frequent fluid stools, continual perspiration, particu> lariy at night, China, (3 doses Ferruin between.) Debility, with other complaints from too long suckling, .... China. (See Cachexie.) AVERSION. To warm food .... Silic. Ijo black bread .... Lycopo. To meat (nausea) Nitric acid. Petrol. Carbo. v. To the open air - - - Petrol. To work, - Phosph. Graph. Nitr. acid, Conium. To eating, the food will not go down - Sepia. To meat and milk ... Sepia. BACK. Itching eruption on the - - Sepia, Susceptible of cold - Sepia, Tearing and cramp in the - - Sepia, Tearing in the back and trunk, excruciating, Silic. rhus, Stitches in the back - - - Silic. Stiffness of the - - - Sepia. REPERTORY. 33 Stiffness,painful, particularly on rising after sitting, Caust. Pains in the ... Rhus. Nitr. acid. Sweat on the ... Lycop. Sepia. Pain in the back and marrow, mostly at night, Calc. Lycop. Drawing pains in the Carbo. v. Kali c. Sulph. Straining, spraining, pains in the back, Calc. Stitches in the back, to the stomach under the left ribs by fits - - - - Con. Small of the Back. Stitches in it, after stooping - - Lycop. Pains in the Baryt. Nitric acid, Kalic. Sulph. Spasmodic drawing in the, as well without as by touching, with inability to stand erect, forcing one to lie down, .... Silic. From falling (pains therein) - - Kali c. Sharp cutting pains in the - Natr. mur. Sharp pains extending to the hips, Natr. mur. Extending pains - Natr. mur. Pains therein, with inability to stand, Petrol. Drawing pains from the small of the back towards the midst, ... Kali c. Stiffness therein, compelling one to stoop, Bryon. Periodical pains returning every 3d day, increased by motion, - - - Nux v. BALDNESS, - Lycop. BASHFUL—SHY. Before men and in society - Natrum. About business ... - Sepia. 34 REPERTORY. BELLY. Bloatedness of the - Natrum. Do. of the belly and stomach at t! **. same time, .... Lycopo. Bloated very much, with ccstiveness, Mur. mag. Weak, in children ... Caustic. Pressure of the upper belly - - Caust. Swelling of the - Natr. mur. Pinching in the - Lycop. Growling in the ... Phosph. Growling and rumbling after eating - Sepia. Rumbling in the - Nitr. acid. Phosph. Con. Clucking in the ... Lycopo. Stitching in the left side, when walking, Sulph. Stitching by touching - - Nitr. acid. Stubbing in the leftside of the - Natr. mur. Under belly. Ulcerous pain in the under belly - Nitr. acid. Feeling of hardness as from something fixed therein, - Sep. Tearing in the, with much pressing tostool, Pho. Cutting in the same without diarrhoea Silic. Oppressing contraction - - Conium. Bellyache—Stom ach ache. Pressing, pinching, without diarrhoea - Calc. Pressing, stitching, without diarrhoea - Calc. With diarrhoea Silic. Early, in bed .... Phosph. After drinking .... Sulph. (See Stomach, fyc.) 3«j> REPERTORY. BILIOUS FEVER, AND BILIOUS NERVOUS FEVER. (See Fevers.) BLADDER. Gravel in the ... - Sarsap. Polypus of the - - Calc. Lycop. & Sulp. Inflammation of the Bladder, - Canthar. BLACK VOMIT. (Melaena.) Arns. Ars. Nux v. Bell. Stram. at last antipsorics. Spirits sulph. and Petrol. BLOOD. Escaping of b. from the auus (bleeding piles), Amnion, c. Escaping of b. when going to stool - Phosph. Extravasation of b. in the eye - Clemat. Blood blisters ----- Ars. Vomiting blood - Hyosc. Vomiting blood at first, with great excitement of the arterial system, first, Aeon, then Nux v.— after a relapse from overfilling the stomach, Puis. Flow of blood (haemorrhage) from the uterus after delivery, with very dark coloured blood, Crocus; when the blood is lighter In colour (light red) and flows with pain similar to childbed, Sabina ; also, according to circumstances, Bell. Nux v. Ipec. Flow of blood (haemorrhage) from the uterus with convulsive movements of the limbs, Hyos. 36 REPERTORY. (Loss of blood) from the uterus when suckling, Sil. Flow of blood from the uterus after abortion, clots of bluck blood, with morbid excitement of the sexual organs, - - Platina. Flow of blood from the uterus, with continual pressing towards the sexual organs, as if the bowels would fall out, - Bell, and Platina. From the uterus, - Bryon. and China, Ferr. Rathania. Calc. Cham. From the uterus, with continual pressing forward, as if a prolapsis of the womb or vagina would arise, with violent pains in the back, Bell, and Platina. Flow of blood (as a by-action) from too strong a dose of mercury as antidote, - Arnica. To urine blood, - - Calc. To urine b. after preceding gleet, - Cantharis. Merc. sol. and Puis. To urine blood, with burning when urinating, Mezer. Coughing up blood, Aeon. Arn. Puis. Nux v. Chin. Coughing up blood, discharge of warm blood from the mouth, then coughing with light red expectoration, - - Millefoil. China. Coughing up blood, chronic (haemorrhage), Rhus. Ledum. Spitting blood (haemoptysis), Aeon, then Puis. Blood sponge (soft cancer), - Phosph. Bloody diarrhoea, (see dysenteric diarrhosa), Puis. ISile (or felons), - - Lycop. 87 REPERTORY. BLEEDING. From the eyes of little children, Cha. Bell. Nux v. Of ulcers with stench - Carbo. v. At the nose during rest at night - Rhus. Do. do. do. of tough thick, dark, blood, Crocus. Lycop. Nitr. acid, Phosp. Silic. Sulph. At the nose, from suppressed menses, Bryon. From the nose, lungs and stomach, in a feeble, meagre, irritable person, Cham, and Crocus. Mosch. At the nose ... Aeon. Agitation of blood - - Petrol. Do. do. do. with heart beating, Sepia. Do. do. do. towards the heart Sulph Do. do." do. from drinking little wine, Silic. BLUE DISEASE. (Cyanopathy.) Digital, given in large and often repeated doses. BODY. (Cachexia) bad habit of body, Puis. & Bell. Nux and China. Ars. and Bell. Cupr. (swelling of the whole body, a kind of dropsy, Solan, nigrum.) (A kind of marasmus) in an old man, Cicuta. Weakness of body and mind in old men, Baryt. acet. Con. Op. Dullness and Heaviness of the body, Natr. mur. Jnactio ly and Heaviness of the body after rising from bed in the morning, Sepia. Natr. mur. c 38 REPERTORY. Deficiency of Warmth in the body, Lycop. Sep. BILES.—ULCER.—SORE. Biles on the under part of the leg, Magn. Arn Bell. Nux and Arn. Biles on the forehead and other parts, Ledum. Without pain, soft biles on the head (Atheroma,) Calc. Arn. Easily bleeding stinking ulcers on the shin, with burning pain and sleeplessness, with restlessness of the body, - - Carb. veg. Stench from ulcers, - - Silicea. Proud flesh in ulcers, - - Petrol. On the joints of the fingers and toes, Sepia. On the shin, - - - Calc. On the upper part of the leg and ancle an itching ulcer, - - - - Silic. On the under leg an ulcer, with sickly complexion, - - - - Silic. On the under leg with nocturnal tearing, itching, and burning, ... Lycop. Small filthy ulcers on the whole body (except the face), after taking cold, burning, smarting, alleviation of the pains by warmth, leanness, Arsen. With bloody stinking suppuration, with high borders and bleeding, - - Arsen. Gangrenous ulcer on the great toe, burning particularly at night, with racking, - Arsen. With penetrating putrid secretion of matter, or with bad watery matter, - Arsen. Asa. 39 REPERTORY. Old ulcers, ... Cupr. Ill corrosive ... Mezer. Ulcers long continuing on the feet, - Silic. Ulcers in the throat, tonsils, &c. from the misuse of mercury, Bellad. Ars. Cham. China. On the throat, fistulous ulcers, with hard edges, (see Carbuncle), - - Silic. On the shin bone, medley disagreeable colours before the opening of the abscess, not permitting the slightest touch, when the Ulcer opens there is discharged an ill smelling filthy ichor, affection of the periostium and even of the bones, ... Silicea. On the shin, with inflammatory swelling and redness, the Ulcers itching and stinging, Natr. Fistulous, ... Calc. On the finger, - - Silic. Sulph. On the back ol the hand, fistulous, Sul. Sil. Cal. On the feet, - - Silic. Bella. After the misuse of mercury, - Silic. Fistulous ulcers, close to the lowest ribs, Sulph. Antim. c. In the ears, ... Silic. Upon the left cheek, bloody filthy water discharged, with discoloured ground (bottom) and with raised edges, - - Bellad. On the right under leg, three moist (watery) Ulers, smarting when moving, Aeon. Bell. Calc. With stubbingsuppuration, and therein stitching, throbbing, pressing asunder, and urging pains, Bellad. c2 40 REPERTORY. Inveterate, around which a clear red swelling is formed, caused by catching cold, with tearing pain therein, - - Nux v. Tetter like ulcers on the skin of the joint (ancle) of the foot, secreting much filthy water, Graph. BONES. (Caries.) Rottenness of the same, - - - Asa. Asa. Silic. Calc. Mezer. Sulph. Nitric acid. Caries on the middle finger, - - Silic. On the thighs, and driving up of the Radius, Sep. Nitric acid. Inflammation of the Bones, Puis. Mezer. Sabin. Calc. Silic. Lycop. Swelling of the Bones. Particularly, the bones of the face, - Staphis. (Raised swelling of the bones,) - Dulc. Staph. Sulph. Rhus. Calc. Lycopo. Puis. Mezer. Sabina. and Silicea. Almost to breaking, - Asa. Silic. Mezer. Sulph. then again Asa. Silic. and Sulph. (II.) Of the whole Tarsus (instep) of the right foot, commencing with violent pains, threatening to burst, - - (2 doses) Merc, solub. Disease of the Bones, - Asa. (Ruta) Mezer. Venerial and mercurial, Aur. Baryt. Phos. acid. Pain in the Bones. In the upper jaw bones, - Aurum. Of the arm, with hindered motion, great uneasiness, compelling one to change his position of- 41 REPERTORY. ten, pain like dislocation in the limbs, Merc, sol. China. Ferr. Cocul. Puis. Bell, and Ledum. BRAIN. Affection of the brain in consequence of suppressed Measles, backward boring with the head on the pillow, perspiration of the head, twitching, backward drawing of the head towards the vertebrae, Bellad. (Increased vomiting of slime with sleeplessness, was cured by Cham.) With inflammatory affection of the breast, Aeon. Bryon. Aeon. Bellad. and (Aeon, repeatedly.) Inflammation of the Brain, - Bellad.. and Bryon. Bellad. 2 doses, between which - Cham. Nervous, Bryon. Hyosc. (Arn.) Bell. Bryon. Cupr. Membranes of the brain. Rheumatic inflammatory complaints, first, Aeon, then Bellad. Phosph. acid. Rhus. Merc. Hyosc. with great sopor, Opium; in more natural sleep, with twitching of the limbs, groaning, restless motions, absence of mind after awaking, with fixed look, desperate mien, with inclination to fly, great and fearful cry, clinging to things within reach, attended with strong fever heat, redness of the face, &c. Stram. With but little complaints of headache, lying still without answering, apparently senseless, without being unconscious, Spi. nitric aether. Dropsy of the brain. Acute Aeon, and Bell, alternating with Merc, solub. and Rhus. Acute - Aconit. Bellad. and Opium. c3 42 REPERTORY. BREAST. {Mamma.) Erysipelatous inflammation of the b. with pricking tearing pains, and stoppage of milk, (also the same state after weaning children,) Bellad. Inflammatory state before the commencement of suppuration, Bryon. (X°), a plaster of elder syrup, in eminent or already begun suppuration, ... Phosph. Destructive (virulent) abscess of the b. Phosph. Hardness in the b. - Merc. Hardness (obdurateness) of the glands of the b. in new born children, - Cham. Inflammation (Phlegmone) of the b. with ulcers containing stinking matter, callous borders, swelling of the breast bone, and cessation of menses, - Silic. Diseased breasts from taking cold, or emotions while suckling children, hard knots remaining, Cham. Ulcerous, with partial obdurateness and phthysical symptoms, - - Silic. Knots in the breast, - - Carbo. ani. Knots in the breast, small, moveable and painful, Bellad. Knots in the breasts, with bursted nipples, which are covered with yellow coloured scales, from under which oozes a sharp moisture, - Sulph. Graph. Lycop. Stitches in the b. - Natr. mur. Soreness of the nipples, Sulph. Graph. Calc. Lycopo. Sepia. 43 REPERTORY. BREAST. (Pectus.) Narrowness of the, - Natr. mur. Oppression at the, - Graph. Carbo. v. Oppression at the breast after eating too much food, with a feeling of (a load) heaviness, Sulph. Burning in the, - - Calc. Burning in (or near) the, - Sulph. Burning in (or near) the b. as heart-burn, cardialgia, waterbrash, (Pyrosis,) - Lycop. Fixed pressure under the left ribs, Silic. Lycop. Pressing with cough and sneezing, - Silic. Pressing in the breast-bone, - Sulph. Itching of the breast, - - Phosph. Beating of the breast-bone - Silic. Wheezing in the breast, - Kali carb. Phlegm on the b. with cough, - Natr. mur. Phlegm on the b. with night cough, Baryta. Pain in the b. from moving, - Sepia. Pain under the left b. when lying upon, Phosph. Pain in the sides when breathing and coughing, Sepia. Stitches in the sides of the, when moving, Calc. Stitching in the left side, - Sepia. Silic. Stitching in the b.and through to the back, Sil. Stiching in the b. when coughing, Natr. mur. Stitch in the b. bone, - - Conium. Stitch (chronic) in the side, - Phosph. Stitch in the breast from study, - Sepia. Stich under the ribs, - Carb. veg. 44 REPERTORY. Tightening (straining) pain in the breast, Natr. mur. Agitation of the breast - Sepia. Catarrhal complaints of the breast, - Verbas. Chronic complaint of the breast, Zinc. Ranunc. Pains (like sores) in the breast, Sep. Carb. veg. INFLAMMATION OF THE BREAST. Pneumonia Pleurdis.) Aconite as the first remedy always, sometimes in often repeated doses, as in the 40 cases which are mentioned in the Archives, Vol. 8, 2d part, p. 165, where Aconite repeated every 24 hours, in 2 or 3 days erased the disease, sometimes conforming to circumstances, Bryon. with or without Sulph. Bryon. alone, or subsequently applying Nux v. Arnica. With inclination to go over to the nervous state after evacuations of blood, and (haemorrhagia pulmonum) bleeding of the lungs, China, repeatedly (2 doses.) Treated very successfully by Dr. Weber, with Aeon, and Bryon. Pleurisy, Arnica. Scilla. With painful lameness of the hip joints, Scilla. Sulph. and Calc. Where in the first stage there is already much expectoration of slime, after Aconit. Scilla. with nervous symptoms, Bellad., often afterwards, - - Hyosc. or Stram. 45 REPERTORY. (Complicated) with burning pains in the small of the back, asthmatic tits, paiticularly at night, with burning eruption (blisters) on the mouth - Aeon. Ars. Spirit sulph. Pneumonia. With vehement headache, vomiting bellyache, diarrhoea, and delirium at night, after applying, without effect, Aconit. Spirit sulph. then Aconit. and Bryon. Complicated, with pauses (catching the breath) during respiration, uneasiness and anxiety, scarcely perceptible moving of-the breast, bellyache, with ineffectual efforts to stool, crawling out of (ascarides) worms, bluish lips, dry burning !>kin, small hard intermitting trembling pulse, constipation.—The fits of stitches were always preceded by perspiration, and instantly ensuing burning heat and foregoing redness of the face, Aeon. (Bryon. and Nux without effect), Opi. with the best effect. Aconit.—after two days, the cough and stitches in the side having continued, - Cannabis. With symptoms which announce an affection of the diaphragm, viz. eructation with stitches, hiccoughing, &c, Phosph. acid in repeated doses. With short, anxious, oppressive breath, alternately shivering (cold) and heat in the last stage, - - - Camph. Rheumatic —the pleura being more affected than the lungs, where it is at the commencement 46 REPERTORY. more latent (hidden), or where the prevalent inflammatory state has subsided, by means of Aconit. and Bryon.—where the complaints are increased, not by breathing, but more by moving and rest, and where walking in the open air alleviates, - Senega. Nervous, - - Aconit. Bell, and Cry. Nervous, - Rhus. Nervous, with an inflammatory affection of the liver, and symptoms of jaundice, Nux, Bell. and Hyosc. Cramp in the Breast, - Colch. Mosch. Laurooe. In the muscles of the b. with twitching in other parts, .... Stram. With asthma, throbbing of the heart and pressing in the stomach, after suppressed menstruation, - Puis. Vehement, hysterical, - - Cupr. Phlegm on the Breast, - - - Baryta. Dropsy on the Breast, Op. Bryon. China. Helleb. Colchicum. Carbo. veg. Ammon. mur. BREATH. Short, - - Ammon. c. Natr. Short, in walking, - - Carb. v. Natr. Short, by running, panting, Silic. Natr. m. Short, from little work, - Silic. Natr. m. Short, in children, - - Lycop. Difficult, - - Sulph. Natr. Phosph. Difficult, with whistling in the breast, Kali c. Loss of breath from stooping, Calc. Silic. 47 REPERTORY. Loss of breath from running and coughing, Silic. Loss of breath, by lying on the back, Silic. BRONCHITIS, Nux v. Sam. (See Catarrhal Fever.) CACHEXIA. • Puis. Nux v. Bellad. and China, - Coccul. In a child, with swelling of the glands of the throat, thick belly, vomiting of the food, greenish diarrhoea twice a day for 3 days, containing also undigested food, Bellad. and Ars. Caused by premature birth, Puis, and 3 dos. Chi. (See Atrophia.) CANCER. Of the breast, arising from a thrust, Conium internally and externally, and Cham, intermediate. Of the lip (cancer labiorum), - Bellad. Of the lips, Nux and Con. (the latter also externally.) Conium, one drop of the 1st Dil. and externally washing the cancer with the strong extract. Cancer of the Womb. (Cancer uteri.) Diminution of the boring, burning and stitching pain by - - - Ars. and Bell. Cancer of the Stomach, alleviating medicine, Nux v. Soft cancer in the eye, - Bellad. often repeated. Uteri incipens, attended with prolapsis—apply, externally, a sponge, with a weak infusion of Bellad., then, during a fortnight, every 48 48 REPERTORY. hours, Bellad. (20 Dil.),and then, for 4 weeks, every fourth day, - - Ar«en. CARBUNCLE. (Furuncle, Abscess gangrenous.) Arnica., a drop of the tinct. in 1 oz. of water ; if applied for a quarter of an hour, they will disappear. On the perinaeum and adjacent parts, Antim. c. Silic. CARIES. (See Bones.) CATARACTA. Puis. Cannab. Opium, Euphra. CATALEPSY, Aeon. Stram. CATARRHAL AFFECTIONS. General, with acute and constant pain in the head, thirst, loss of appetite, hot skin, distress, weakness, &e. - - - Aeon. CATARRHAL FEVER, AND CATARRHAL GASTRIC FEVER. (See Fevers.) CHEST. Pain in the c. deep seated, - Puis. Alarming affections of the c. - Silic. (See Breast.) CHILD BEARING. Retarded by deficiency of pains, Puis.—in immoderately violent pains, - Coffea. Mez. REPERTORY. 49 CHILDBED FEVER. (See Fevers.) CHILDREN. Asthma in scrofulous children, - Ambr. Short breath in c. - - Lycop. Inflamynation of the eyes in newborn c. (with Apthae), - Cham, and Merc. sol. Inflammation of the eyes in infants, first, Aeon. then Sulph. and Calc. Croup—first, Aeon., after C hours Spong., and, if necessary, after 36 hours, - Calc. sulp. Or Aeon. Hepar. Mosch. Phosph. Spong. Bellad. Croup, cured only by, Calc. sulph. (Sambuc?) Croup in the last stage, •• Mosch. Chronic Eruption on the face of c. (like blossoms,) crusty pimples, Rhus. Ignat. Sulph. Hepar. Weak belly in c. - - Caust. Weakness of mind in c. (silliness), - Hyosc. Bleeding from the eyes of little c. Cham. Bell. Nux. Vomiting cough after hooping cough, the child vomits slime in coughing, day and night, and a kind of matter with insupportable smell, (the meals eaten are not Nux. Hardness of the glands of the breast in new born c. - - - Cham. Cachexia, in a c. • (See Cachexia.) Obstinacy, ... Lycop. Teething fever, Bellad. Nux. Teething complaints, Phosph. Calc. Sep. (smell X°) Nux, Cham. Bellad 50 REPERTORY. Diarrhoea in a child, with'muchpain, Jalap. (I 00 °) Diarrhoea in scrofulous c. - Calc. acet. Diarrhoea, chronic, from acrimony, Magn. c. Diarrhoea in teething, or when the teeth are breaking through the gums, greenish, watery, without pain, with much weakness, Cham. Epilepsy, a kind of, in c. - - Platina. Vomiting, sour, in babies, often with acrid diarrhoea, ... Calc. acet. Vomiting in c. after every drink, with twitching and other symptoms, announcing irritation of the brain, Ipec. of the 1st Dil. half a drop every 4 hours. » Vomiting in a child, by which worms are thrown up, .... China. Vomiting of food in c. - - Puis. Vomiting after sucking, with rejection of milk, Silic. Suffocation, danger of, in in c. Cham. Falling (lightly) with uncertainty in walking in c. Caust. Jaundice, particularly in newborn c. Cham.—in case of preceding misuse of Cham. China, Merc. Sulph. Cough in a c. when cutting teeth, - Cham. Cough, with fits of suffocation, stitching, most violent at night, in the evenings, after eating and drinking, whereby the child gasps for breath without success, with vomiting of food, Bryon. 51 REPERTORY. Hooping Cough, in the catarrhal stage, Nux. Cina. Droser; farther, Ipec. Bellad. Sulph. Mosch. Op. Arn. Ars. Bry. China. Hyosc. Con. Laurocer. - - Cupr. Wind colic in c. - - Bellad. Cham. EMACIATION. (See Atrophia,) Measles, with inflammatory complaints of the throat, &c. ... Bellad. Measles, Aconit. (See, Measles,) Ulcers in the mouth, with putrid taste and smell, Nux. also Bellad. Ars. Mumps, Aeon. Bellad. Merc. sol. and subl. K Hepar. Rhus. Bryon. Ign.Puls. Cocc. Capsic. Nux. Ars. Sulph. Nitric ac. Scarlatina, ... Bellad. Scarlet rash, - Aeon. Puis. Merc. Restless at night, crying and tossing about, Rheum. Screaming of little babies, without other symptoms, Bellad. (to smell), from too great excitation, sleeplessness, with inclination to sleep, Coffea. Screaming, with uneasy 1 turning of the body, Jalap. Sen. Cham. Cold in the head in c. Nux. Fright, terror, - (Coffea.) Op. Fright, terror connected with anger, Aeon. Cramp, backward bending, (Opisthotonos,) in c. arising from sudden fright after falling, Ignat. Belly, hard bloated in c. - Silic. Soreness between the thighs in c. Cham. —in pre- 52 REPERTORY. ceding misuse ol Cham.—Ignat. Puis. Sulph. or Graph, given to the mother. Worms, discharge of small worms, with itching and pricking in the anus of c. Ignat. Worm Fever, with bellyache and convulsions in c. - - - Cicuta. Sabad. (See Worms.) Convulsions, - - - Ipec. Fearfulness in the evening, Acon.*morning, Bell. Itch, a kind of dry, not infectious, with itching and crying at night, - - Verat. CHILBLAINS, Nitr. ac. Petrol. Phosph. (See Freezing. ) CHILLINESS - Silic. Sulph. Continual and want of natural warmth, Nat. m. Deficiency of warmth in the body, Lyc. Sep. ' CHOLERA. Verat, Verat. China. Ipec. Ars. (Camph. Sf Verat.) CHOLERA ASIATICA. First, Ipec. some hours after Verat.—If the disease does not commence with vomiting, diarrhoea, &c, but immediately with sinking, prostration of strength, fainting, becoming cold, cramp of the calves, &c, give instantly Verat.—if speedy relief is not had give Camp, spirit, after Hahnemann's method (one drop REPERTORY. 53 every 3 or 5 minutes on sugar, or in water), besides this rubbing and fumigating with camphor—if instead of the tonic convulsions, convulsive motions and twitchings beginning in the fingers and toes are manifest, then give Cupr. (X) repeated (twice in an hour) —if besides the above vomiting, diarrhoea, griping in the stomach, heaviness of the abdomen, &c. presents, Arsen. and Phosph. with these icewater a little at first. (Medicines to be used yet are, Carbo. veg. Acid hydroc. and Bismuth, sometimes Cham, sulph.) Remaining diarrhoea, with rumbling in the bowels, Phosph. (X°) —also, a glyster of ice-cold water, about the full of a coffee cup at a time, every 3, 5 or 7 hours. (Note. —In the remaining Febr. nervosa versatilis, Rhus. (VIII°) to be given twice or thiice, and then repeated as soon as throwing about in the bed recommences. In other kinds of nervous fevers also, Bryon. (X 11 ) ; as a preservative, according to S. Hahnemann, Cupr. (X"), every week a dose early, fasting and without drinking soon after taking, yet not before the cholera is quite near.—Conforming to Dr. Rummel, a very small of Cupr. and Verat. every 4 days alternating.) CHOLERINE. The first stage of epidemic cholera. —(Blustering and rumbling in the belly, proceeding from the direction of the uuder ribs, immediately after which comes diarrhoea, at first sterkorous, then watery white slime (with white and greenish 54 REPERTORY. spots), general warmth of the skin, even sweat, full pulse, warm tongue, deficiency of cramps, &c.—Phosph. I s 5 sometimes repeated after 18 or 24 hours, also a glyster, as mentioned in Cholera Asiatica, and for drink as cold water as possible, one, two, three teaspoonsful, as often as the vehement thirst requires. (Note. —Too frequent drinking of ice-cold water is dangerous, as has been proved by later experience.) With bad colour of the face, dizziness in the forehead, tongue gluey and tough, so much so that the fingers stick thereto, (characteristic), diarrhoea becoming greenish white, slimy, waterv, and with retention of urine, Phosph. acid (I). CHOREE ST. VIT1I. (See Dance St. Vitii.) CINCHONA, bad effects of, Arn. Ipec. Ferrum. Merc. Verat. CLAP. (See Gonorrhoea.) CLAUDICATIO, (spontance,) - Bellad. Luxatio fermoris spontance, Arn. Bryon. Nitr. ac. Calc. Silic. Petrol. Phosph. and Graphit. Coloc. COFFEE DRINKING. In want of sleep, heart beating, great irritability of the nerves, severe cramp in the stomach, Nux. 55 REPERTORY. In severe headache, as if the head was riven asunder, - -~ - Ign. or Nux. A severe headache on one side, - Nux. Other complaints, Cham. Cocc. Ignat. Nux, &c. COLDS, &c. Coldness, then heat in the face with cold feet, Petrol. Coldness, often internal, - Natr. mur. Coldness, continual, in the left side, - Natr. Cold in the head in children, - - Nux. Cold in the head, Baryta, continual, Calc, Cold in the head, daily, on becoming cold, Grap. Cold in the head and cough, - - Lycop. Cold in the head (every third day) from small draft of air, - Natr. Petrol. Sepia. Cold in the head, with stoppage, Ammon. Calc. Phosph. Silic. Natr. mur. Lycop. Sepia. Mag. Cold in the head (flowing) catarrh retarded, Sabad. Calc. Lycop. Cold in the head (flowing), catarrh, with subdued chronical stoppage, - - Silic. Liability to take cold, Calc. Natr. Nitr. acid, Sepia. Baryta. Lycop. Carbo. v. Natr. mur. Liability to take cold when having the feet bare, Silic. (Note. —In order to prevent, the skin being susceptible to cold, and to prevent the parts from freezing, bathe with Spirits of Camphor.) COLD WATER. Disorders from drinking, Op. Carbo. v. Bryon. Ars. Op. and Bellad. D 56 REPERTORY. COLIC. From taking cold, (in 10 cases,) . Coloc. Several kinds, - Nux. Wi;h vun;i ing of food, - - Coloc. Like labour pains, - - Kali c. Coccul. Violent, .... Sviina. Wind Colic, ... Cocc. Dt-eply seated in the abdomen, and is mostly incre ised b\ lung down, - - Phosph. Spasmodic Colic (Miserere), Opium, many doses, Plumb, acet COMA, . Tart. stib. Tart. emet. COMPLEXION. Pale, Zinc.—pale sickly, Sulph.—yellow, Sepia. Kali c.—dirty, Phosph. COMPLAINTS. Of the throat. (See Throat.) Hypochondriac complaints. (See Hypochondria.) Stomach complaints. (See Stomach.) Urine. (See Urine.) Worm. (See Worms.) Pregnancy. (See Pregnancy.) Menstrual. (See Menses ) CI ildren, of. (See Children.) CONVULSIONS. Bell. Cham. Ipec. flyosc. Cina. Stram. Ver. Nux. In consequence of ulcers on the fingers, Cocc. Twitching in both arms without pain, in pregnant women, - - Bryon. 57 REPERTORY. vVith a kind of aurea epileptica, Ignat. Camph. Cupr. acet. In a (it like epilepsy, - - Arsen. Without consciousness, with fitsof starting, spasmodic breathing, deathlike coldness of the face and body, weak pulse and agonizing state,. Opium. CONSTIPATION. Ammon. c. Calc. Kalic. Silic. Op. Bryon. Nux, &c. Inveterate, lasting 8 days or longer, Nux. and Verat. With cramp in the underbelly, &c. 19 days without stool, - Plumb, ac. IVth. | gr. With costiveness and hardening in the region of the liver, ... Graph.- Every third day, - Kali c. Natr. mur. Lasting several days, - Lycopo. Silic. With frustrated pressing to stool, - Con. Lasting several days, with hard knotty stool, often frustrated pressing to stool, Sulph. (II.), particularly when it requires to be repeated, Many days, particularly after pollution, Thuj. Of pregnant women, - Lyc. Nux. Sep. Chronic, Bryon. Canst. Graph. Mgs. arc. Natr. Nux. Op. Plumb. Sulph. Thuj. (See CoJlveness And Stool.) CONGESTION. Towards different organs, in the climacteric years, during pregnancy, with persons who i> 2 58 REPERTORY. lead a sedentary life, by the immoderate use of spirituous liquors, - - Nux. Lymphatic, - . • Bellad. Towards the head, - Ranunc. b. Merc. Towards the stomach and abdomen, Merc. Of the head, - - Bryon. Lymphatic congestion, - Bellad. Collections of lymph, - - Antim. c. CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS. Pulmonary consumption, commencing after overheating and subsequently taking cold, Arn. Commencing (in a youth 17 years old,) after pneumonia, - - Hyosc. China. Commencing after preceding typhus inflammation of the chest, Aeon, rlyosc; Rhus. Lycop. With typhus fever first, Rh> s, afcer removing the fever, Lycop. (tosmell,) Aeon. Nux, and Lycop. Caused by frequent discharge of blood, China. In a phthisical person in consequence of taking cold frequently, - Dulc. and Bryon. Florid, suddenly arising, Ferr. acet. and Puis. Florid, with continual cough and very copious gelatinous bloody (pointed) expectoration, Laurcer. Slimy, in a girl 19 years of age, cough several months previous, spitting pieces the size of a dollar of a yellowish, offensive smelling, fastidious tasting matter, when walking in the room, deficiency of breath, with great feeling 59 REPERTORY. of suffocation', Slannum, after three weeks. Arsen.; after 12 diys again Stann. Slimy, {Phthisis pituitosa), Stann. then China. and Bellad. Tuberculous, - - Calc. Phosph. Tuberculous, commencing Merc. sol. (as intermediate medicine.) - - Nux. Purulent, Stann. Kali c. (as intermediate,) Dulc. Calc. Carbo. v. Kali c Lycop. Nitr. Nitr. ac. Phosph. Sep. Silic. Sulph. Consumption of the Windpipe, (commencing), Bellad. Hepar. Droser. and Spong. Tine, acris. Droser., commencing, Carbo. v. Caust. Phosph. Calc. Kali c. Stann. Sulph. Nitr. &c. (as intermediate medicines,) - - Nux, Senega. CORNEA. Spots on the c. Bella. Con. Cannab. Hepar. Aur. Ars. Ulcers in the c. (with fungus hsematodes), Bella. Calc. Lycopo. Sep. Silic. and repeatedly, Calc. CORNS. Painful smarting, Lvcop. Calc. Caust. Natr. mur. Sulph. Stitch in the same, - - Silic. On the sole of the foot, - Antim. c. Nux. d 3 60 REPERTORY. COSTIVENESS. Inveterate when Nux. has been applied without effect, - - - Verat. Calc. Lycop. With much unsuccessful urging - Silic. And difficult discharge of stool, - Kalic. With constipation, retarded stool, - Silic. (See Constipation and lStool.) t COUGH. Dry, (Ammon. Graph. Kali c.) - Calc. Dry, day and night, - - Graph. Dry chronic, after measles, - Droser. Dry cramp cough, - - Conium. Dry early (morning) cough, lasting for years, Lycop. Natr. m. Tickling (itching) c. - Phosph. When walking and breathing deeply, Natr. m. Racking, forcing c. in the upper part of the throat, ... Sulph With headache, as if the forehead would split, Natr. m. Short chronic, - - Natr. m. Vehement morning c. with shaking of the whole body, choking, Waterbrflsh, spitting of white, yellowish slime, without taste or smell, Puis. Morning and evening, with saltish expectoration, Sepia. Only in the morning on awaking, - Hepar. I: Veterate evening c. Iodium. In the evening in bed, - Calc. Petr. REPERTORY. 61 Dry cramp-cough at night, - Hyosc. At night, - Baryt. Graph. Kali c. Pelr. Dry suffocating, ... Silic. Dry, in sleep, - - Calc. su ph. Drv, with stitches in the upper part of the throat, Phosph. Evenings and nights, most violent, - Capsic. After drinking, ... Lycop. Always after eating and drinking, dry, crampish, Bryon. And spitting, ... Lycopo. With spitting of blood. (See Covghivgup Blood.) With pus like spitting, - Silic. Kali c. With free expectoration, - - Kali c. With spitting of slime, - - Silic. With rawness and hoarseness on the breast, , Phosph. In children, when teething, - Cham. Short, - Cau»t. In scrofulous persons, - - Con. With cramp in the breast, - Kali c. W T ith vehement hoarseness (Nux seldom) Puis. Mang. acet. Sulph. Merc. Moist, after long-continued colds, Sep. Tart. stib. Dry, mornings, after walking, - Bryon. With tits of suffocation, - - Ipec. And inveterate cold in the head, - Digit. Different kinds of dry cough, produced by a tickling or scratching sensation in the windpipe (trachea), or with a kind of cramp therein, irritated vomiting, painfulness as if beaten, in the abdomen, &c. - - Nux. 62 REPERTORY. Particularly early, with (chronic) honrsenoss, when sneezing, ill putrid smell fr<>m the. throat, ("ale. In several (single) fits, at night, fice red, loss of breath for some moments, Vomi'ing of slime, Hy 'So. With vomiting of slime and ill-sld persons, - China. Chronic with periodical obstruction, with which old per&ons often sutler, - Antim. c. In women whilst in child-bed, with a kind of driving colic and anxiety, (Mca.)Rheu. (111 00 .) With dysenteric urgings mostly at night, Sulph. Puis. Nocturnal, with night blindness, - Verat. Autumnal, ... Ars. Watery, with drawing pains in the thighs, proceeding from the small of the back, Nux. Without pain, almost unnoticed, and discharged involuntarily, - - Hyosc. In papescent and watery evacuations, Rheum. (X") and Antimon. c. (X°.) Bloody, - - - Dulc. Puis. Note. —Diarrhoetic complaints of children, (see Children.) (See Dysentery.) DIABETES. Scilla. Ledum. Tarax. (See Urine.) DISEASE. Of the bones. (Ses Caries.) 66 REPERTORY. Mercurial, manifesting itself in gangrenous affections of the inside of the mouth and throat, Bellad. and Ars. Combined with Syphilis, Nitr. ac. Carbo. (several doses,) Staph. Hepar. Manifest in inflammation of the nose, ulcerous nostrils, and nightly pains in the head, Aurum. DISGUST, DISLIKE, DISTASTE. For fat food, Natr% m., for flesh, - Silic. DIPLOPIA. (Double Vision.) With cramps or rheumatism of the muscles, and pain in the orbit, - Bella. DIZZINESS. (Giddiness, Vert go.) Early, - Carbo. anj. Op. (2c'.) Aeon. With bilious slimy vomiting, Con. Bella. Lycop. Petrol. Puis. Silic. Sulph. , DREAMS. At night, Natr. many d. Con. lively, Petrol. Anxious, - Calc. Lycop. Silic. Sep. Dreadful and anxious, with weeping, Graph.Lyc. Revelling in fantasies at night, Sulph. Calc. Heavy, then remaining awake several hours, Natr. m. DRINKING. For complaints caused by drinking, Arn. Ars. China. Cocc. Con. Natr. m. Nux, Rhus. Sit. Verat. REPERTORY. 67 Chills (cold.) from, - Ars Caps, China. Nux. Verat. Cough from, - Aeon. Ars. Hep. Lycop. Shuddering after d. with goo»eskin, Verat. DROPSY. Of the skin generally, Helleh. Ars. Dulc. Apocynum. (The fresh root must Le used.) With pains in all the limbs, with dread of moving, - Ledum. Bryon. Ars. Of the belly, - - Soian. nig. Of the belly commencing, Colchi. Kali c. Resulting from a tonic spasmodic state of the urinal organs, - - Cui.th. Of the breast. (Sec Breast.) Brain. (See Brain.) Skin. (See Skin.) Scrotum. (See Scrotum.) DRUNKENNESS. (Intoxication.) Bad effects from being drunk on wine, (the day previous,) - Carbo. v. Agar. Cocc. Con. Graph. Led. Nux. Op. Puis. Secal. Further directions may he fouud in Dr. Hering's " Lome sic Physician." DRY SCAD. (See Tetter—Ringucrm.) DYSENTERY. With vomiting, violent stomachache, bloody stool, and bunting in the anus, - Ais. 68 REPERTORY. Sporadic, or epidemic autumnal, Merc. sub. and sol. Aloe, Coloc. Nux, Merc. sol. and Sulph. Colch. Catarrhal, rheumatic, Aeon. China. Puis. Cham. Rhus. Bilious inflammatory, Aeon, (often), then Nux or Merc. sub. Slimy, Puis. Merc. sub. Dulc. Colch. Sulph. ac. (IX) and Sulph. Putrid, at the commencement, in eminent inflammability, Aeon., if then the local affection of the bowels proceeds, Nux, Ars. Sulph. ac. China, (perhaps also Phosph. and Phosph. ac.) Chronic, - - Sulph. Nitric ac. Petrol. Dysenteric Diarrhoea, - - Sulph. Autumnal, in persons who suffer from piles, Sulph. Autumnal, - Calc. sulph. Merc. sub. Epidemic gastric, - - Colchi. Staph. EAR. Running from the, - - Carbo. ani. Eruption upon or behind the earlap, Baryta. Excrescence in the, - - Merc. sol. Scurf behind the, . - Graph. Rushing in the, Calc. Caust. Nitric ac. Sulph. Growling and humming, - Natr. m. Growling, humming and crackling, Sulph. Flow of matter out of the, - Sulph. Flow of pus from the, with soreness of the concha Merc. sol. 69 REPERTORY. Suppurating and itching in the, with difficult hearing, - - Ammon c. Clang, (continual sounding) in the, - Silic Tingling in the, - - Lycop. Throbbing and knocking, - Phosph. Hackling when swallowing, - Calc. Clucking behind the, - Baryta Sounding before the, - - Calc. Silic. Knocking in the, - - Nitric ac. Pulsating in the, - - Magn. m. Rustling or whistling in the. Natr. m. Carbo. v. Sulph. Singing and tingling, - - Graph. Humming before the, - - Calc. Iod. Humming in the, - Graph. Carb. ani. Humming and rushing before the, Ph. Petrol. Sep. Humming and tingling in the, - Con. Dryness of the inner, Graph. Petrol. Carbo. v. Obstruction in the, - - Nitric ac. Obstruction in the, finishing with a clap, Silic. Sensation of something in the, fullness, &c. Petr. Gland under the ear, (Parotis), swelling, hardening, Con. Bellad. Earwax, accumulation of, - Con. Earache, boring, : • Silic. Stitching, •• - Silic. Kali c. Tearing, in the left ear, - Zinc. Tearing and stitching in and about the ear, Con. Tearing stitches deep in the right ear, Zinc. Stitches in the ear, when in the open air, Con. Kali c. Natr. (Note. —Almost as a specific, - - Zinc.) 70 REPERTORY. Inflammation of the ear, (Otitis), Puis. Bella, and Merc. sol. With nervous symptoms, - Puis. ECLAMPSIE, - Platin. EPILEPSY. Hyosc. Ign. Bell. Cham. Calc. Lycop. Cam. Valer. After vehement anger, - - Ignat. After sudden fright, - - Hyosc. Of drunkards, Nux, Silic. Sep. Sulph. Graph. Carbo. v. Cupr. Raniinc. ERECTIONS. Deficient, - Lyc. Magn. Caust. Kali c. Deficient, early, - - Graph. Feeble, ... Lycop. Too strong in the evening, - Phosph. insufficient, of short duration, - - Con. Painful, at night, - Merc. Strong, in bed at night, - Cinnab. Strong, lasting some time, - - Canth. And pollution at night, - - Aur. Many, particularly at night, - - Staph, Many, painful, (and pollution), - Nnx. ERUCTATION, After eating, - Graph. Kali c. Sep. Bitter, - - - Calc. Carb. v. Fat, sour, - - « - Lycop. REPERTORY. 71 Loud, - - - Petrol. Phosph. Convulsive, sour, - Phosph. Kali c. Natr. m. With taste, after eating, - - Silic. Empty, .... Ca-bo. v. Empty, after eating, - - Natr. rn. Of food, - - - Sulph. Carb. v. Taste like fat, after eating, - Carb. v. Interrupted, with pain, - - Carbo. ani. Nauseous, after eating fat or milk, - Natr. m. With bad smell, when asleep at night, Sulph. ERUPTION. Of vesicles, blisters, - - Dulc. Rhus. Blossoms and nettlerash, - Hep. Calc. sulp. Blossoms on the chin, forehead, and throat, Hep. Calc. sulp. Blood-blisters on the body, with burning under the skin, and uneasiness at night, - - Ars. (Malignant) changing to ulcers with burning, Ars. Blood blisters, - - Bella. Ars. Chronic, purples, (miliary fever,) Sarsap. Staph. Chronic, (Lepra,) Alum, Ars. Carb. v. etani. Caust. Graph. Natr. Petr. Phosph. Sepia. Silic. Sulph. (ArchiveslX. 3. 101. 126.) Chronic, - Rhus. Bryon. and Baryt. acet. Chronic, from suppressed itch, - - Sep. Purulent, on the face, running together, - Cicut. Like tetter, alternating, with pain in the breast and diarrhcetic stools, ... Rhus. Swellings, scald head, - - Baryt. acet. Swellings, commonly following cowpox, Sul. Hep. Swellings, and nettlerash, alter violent exercise, Nat. m. (Note. —The other eruptions will be found under their proper heads, as Tetter, &c.) 72 RTBPERTORT. Miliary Eruption, as preservative, every other night, Aeon. 6th Dil. (See Skin.) Nettlerash, itching after scratching, burning, befbre the eruption a sensation of needle sticking over the whole body, - - - Dulc. From violent exercise, overheating, &c. Con. Nat.m. With burning itching, - Rhus. ERYSIPELAS. (St. Anthony's Fire.) On the face, - - Bella. Rhus. Euphorb. With blisters and swelling, Rhus, and Euphorb. On the foot, with Feb. nervosa stupida, Nux. On the foot, with red swelling, burning pain, and b!ue-red spot, - - - Puis!, On the face, caused by toothache, with hardness of the cheek, blue-coloured swelling and gnawing, pains in the bones of the face, - Cham. In the head, with deafness, &c. . Phosph. EXCITEMENT. Too great, with illusions, - - Valer. EXPECTORATION. (Spitting.) Of matter, (from the breast,) - Kali c. Yellow with stench, (from the breast,) Calc. Saltish, purulent, (from the breast,) Natr. Saltish, with cough early in the evening, Sep. With difficulty, (from the breast,) - Sep. EYE. Biting in the, - - Silic. Dizziness of the sight from reading, Silic. REPERTORY. 73 Blood oozing from the, - Clem. Burning and pinching in the e. from reading bycandlelight, - - Calc. Seeing double and squinting, - Hyosc. Pressure on the e. and falling of the lid r Zinc. Pressing in the e. - Calc. Lycop. Nitri. ac. Pressing with nocturnal closing by suppuration, (ulceration.) - - Carbo. v. Pressing with tears and stinging, - Graph. Pressing pains over the e. - Natr. m Darkness like a grey covering before the e. Silic. Dark webs waving before the e. - Caust. Dark points and coloured stripes before the e. Con. Growing dark before the e. by reading and after eating, - - Calc. Darkness before the e. by candlelight, Phosph. Darkness like mist, etc. - Bellad. Fits of sudden blindness for some moments, Silic. Dimness like feathers, - Calc. Lyc. Natr. Flashes (like fire,) before the e. - Silic. Waving spots before the e. - Kali c. (black spots) - Magn. Phosph. Sep. Silic. Black points flying before the e. Nitri ac. Sparkling, then growing black, Graph. Lyc. Caust. Ammon. c. Like gauze before the, Petr. Sep. Natr. mur. Sulph. Itching in the, - - Calc. 5 74 REPERTORY. Itching under the e. wit,h biting, burning after rubbing, - - Con. Shortsightedness, - Phosph. Con. Longsightedness, cannot read without convex Specs, - Calc. Petrol. Natr. m. Sulph. Shunning light (daylight.) - Graph. Shunning light, (candlelight.) Lyc. Silic. Con. Kali. c. Shunning light, - Ign. Con. Nux. Cold feeling in the e. in the open air., Con. Dimness of sight, (like Leucoma.) - Phosp. Night blindness, Bella. Puis. Verat. Dig. Hyosc. Stram. Merc. Sol. Spec in the e. obstruction of sight, Nitric ac. Redness with pain in the angles, - Silic. Redness without pain after Rheumatic ophthalmy, - - - Nux. Pain from overstraining the e. - Carb. v. Chapping of the e. * Natr. m. Iod. Lyc. Weakness at night, the letters run together, Silic. Bella. Ruta. Suppurating, - - Nitric ac. Black points and streaks of light before the e. Natr. m. Black (glare) before the e. - Phosph. Growing dark when stooping, Graph. Natr. m. Stinging in the e. - Calc. Nitric ac. Stinging in the e. by candlelight, - Lycop. Stinging, cannot read fine writing, • Natr. Day blindness,%vhen all appears like a grey evening Phosp 75 REPERTORY. Tears, watering continually, - Euphra. Tears, watering, - Kali c. Natr. m. Silic. Tears in the open air, - - * Calc. Lyc. Tears at night, the eyes closed by ulceration, Phosph. Dimness, - Phosph. like feathers Natr. m. Sudden obscuration of sight at the commencement of a tearing and stinging headache. Natr. m. Longsightedness, (as in old persons) Presbyophia, Lyc. Silic. Droser. Hyosc Running together of letters when reading, Graph* Cementing of the e. by suppuration, Calc. Lyc* The same at night, Sep. Silic. Natr. m. Caust. The same early, - - Kali c. Inflammation of the eyes. Swelling and redness of the e. burning with redness and inflammation of the eyelids, dreading sunlight, Sulph (II.) Unable to open the e. from adhesion, inflamed with burning stinging pain, aggravated in the open air, sensation of a cutting substance under the lid, (Shunning light.) - - Merc. sol. (II) Vehement pressure in the e. by every exertion, with blood running under (the whites of) both eyes, without swelling or bursting, red lids, swollen, and glued together with slime, - Nux. Slight, with oedematose swelling, (tumour) cementing at night, - - Rhus. (X) External, (Taraxis chemosis,) • Nux. Rheumatic, with inflammation of the cornea, (Cornitis,) Sulph. Spigel. from dimness of the cornea (which remained,) Ephra. another (yet more painful) extravasation of blood in the albagenia, Nux. E 2 76 REPERTORY. With spots on the cornea, with vehement headache, increasing the dimness, - Euphra. With ulcers on the cornea, shunning light, pressing pains surrounding the cavity of the c. Sulph. Increasing by fine work in the evening at 11 o'clock China. With vehement burning pains - Arsenic. Arthritic, (gouty,) with a raging pressing headache, burning biting pains in the e. congestion of blood to the head, efflux of acid moisture from both eyes - - Coloc. Arthritic Tinct. Crocus, - 3 doses dropped into the eyes after some hours, Bellad. and then (Bella.) Nux. Spigel. Euphra. Calc. Phosph. and Silic. Chronic with very painful affections ot the eyelids, which itch vehemently, the nose cemented by pus. - - - Euphor. Chronic from latent psora, (besides the medicines used in scrofulous inflammation of the eyes, Sulph. ac. before Sulph. which is here indicated. Scrofulous, Merc. Euphra. Dig. Dulc. Bellad. Ign. Nux. Hep. Cannab. Scrofulous with obscuration of the cornea, Magn. c. Scrofulous, Bella, as an intermediate medicine of the antipsorics (of which Calc. and Caust. are the principal), and in an inflammatory state of the conjunctiva, if photophobia thereby assisting, is more the effect of exalted irritability of the nerves of the eye, - - - . Con. In consequence of contusions, Am. against the following flood of tears, - - Euphra. From an external injury in the inflammatory state, 77 REPERTORY. Aeon, further if psora is displayed, Sulph. in scrofulous diathesis, - - Calc. In consequence of a splinter getting into the eye, (after it has been removed,) - Calc. Sulph. After suppressed syphilitic complaints Nitric ac. With milkscab, crusta lactea, - Merc sol. A peculiar kind, (Silic. Natr. m.) Clemat (Puis.) Heat in the e. with pressing like sand, - Phos. With cementing at night and tears by day, Lyc. Cramp in the eye, - - Aeon. & Bella. Nervous affection of the eye, - - Senega. Angles of the eye, sore and biting pain in the same, with pressing and painfulness of the eyeball, Ran. EYELID. Tetter on the eyelid - Bryon* aud Sulph. Lameness of the eyelids, - Nitric ac. Cutting in the upper eyelid, - - Calc. Chapping and burning of the - Calc. Heaviness and falling down of the upper,Sep.Verat. Opened with difficulty, - - Phosph. Unable to open the lids at night, - Sep Closing in the evening, - - Natr. m. •Closing with spasmodic cramp, Hyosc. Cham. Drawing together early, - - Sulp. Sensibility of the eyelids, with redness after every change of the atmosphere, - Nux. v. Easily inflamed, - - Staph. ¦Cramp in the eyelids, - Crocus. Edge of the eyelid, dry eruption thereon, - Dulc. Inflammation and Blenori'hcea, - (Sulph, Val.) Ulceration of the, - - Spigel. Knots in the same, in an inflamed state, cementing the mai hemic glands, - Staph. « 3 78 REPERTORY. FACE. Blossoms on the - - Nitr ac. Swelling and drawing of the - • Lyc. Bloatedness, - - Kali c. Frequent fits of heat in the, - Lyc. Flying heat in the, - Graph. Kali c. Eruption with itching on the - Calc. Lyc. Sweat on the when eating, - Natr. m. Faceache, face and toothache, - Natr. (See Prosopalgia.) FALLING. Falling often, suddenly when standing or walking with consciousness. - - Magn. FAINTING. In hysterical persons, P. - Mosch. At night, evenings, after dinner, or in the open air, from congestion of the breast and head in pregnant women, - - - Nux. v. China, when lying on the side, - Silic. FAINTNESS. (Weakness.) Natr. m, early, - - Nitric ac. After dinner, - - - Nitric ac. Of the whole body, particularly in the legs, with sudden relaxation when walking, Con. Calc. Trembling, - - Sepia. Causirfg one to fall down, - Natr. FATIGUE. Great, from moderate walking in the open air, Calc. In summer, - Coffea. Verat. China. 79 REPERTORY. FATNESS. Great (and becoming large,) in young persons, y Calc. FEAR. Of being alone, - - Lyc. Of ghosts, apparitions, &c, - Carbo v. With faintheartedness, timidity, - Phos. FEARFULNESS. Early - - Graph. (Caust.) Nervous anxiety, - - Kali c» Calc. Phos. Sep. Con. Natr. m. Sulph. Body hot, feet cold, - - Puis. FEET. In the evening a feeling like mortification, Calc. Burning in the, - - Graph. Sep. Numbness (falling asleep,) in the evening, Silic. Swelling of the feet and legs, Sep. Silic. Natr. Caust. Cold, (cold sweat), Lyc. Silic. Natr. Sep. Nitr. ac. Caust. Con. Sulph. Cold at night in bed, - Graph. Kali c. Senselessness of the feet and arms, - Lyc. Cramp in the* - - Lyc. Jerks in the feet day and night before sleeping, Phos. Cutting pain in the feet and hands, - Natr. Easily taking cold in the f. - Con. Twitching of the feet when sleeping in daytime, Sep. 80 REPERTORY JOINTS OF THE FEET. Stiffness of the - - Kali c. Sulph. Stubbing and inflexibility of the, - Sep. Easily sprained and dislocated, - Natr. ULCERS ON THE FEET. Slowly increasing after freezing, - Silic. SWELLING OF THE FET- Bryon. Nux. Ledum. Ars. Ferr. Erysipelatous, - Rhus, and Sulph. (II.) STINKING FEET. Silic. Feet Sweat. Suppressed and cold, - Silic. FEET, SOLES OF THE. Lassitude and burning after little walking, Lyc. When slightly scratching on a small part of the s. a ticklish voluptuous sensation, so violent as to make one furious, - Silic Inflammation of the feet, - - Rhus. (V. Arnica inwardly, afterwards Tinct. Arn. IV. or V. gtt. in one oz. water, to bathe with, this is of great service when caused by mechanical injuries. FELON, WHITLCE. (Panaritium.) Sulph. (2) Rhus. Puis. Silic. Magnes. pol, arc. On the Fingers, - Caust. Con. Hep. Mags. aus. Merc. Sep. On the Toes, Caust. Sep. Silic. 81 REPERTORY. FEVERS. In the afternoon, chills and heat, Nitric ac. Evening intermittent, - - Petrol. With sighing, which is almost always an indication of miliary fever, - Ipec. Evening, - Arn. Evening, cold, with heat, with thirst, diarrhoea and gripes after one another, - Rhus. Evenings with heat in the head, cold feet, burning in the eyes and nose, with pains as if beaten, great thirst, nocturnal heat and sleeplessness, - - Rhus. Gastric, Bilious, J\ervous, Catarrhal, Hectic, Intermitting, and Childbed, - Nux. INFLAMMATORY FEVERS. Aconit, one or more doses, according to the degree of inflammation, Bella. Bryon. Nux. Acute, .... Aeon. INTERMITTENT FEVERS. Always in the evening when lying down with heavy chills, and prodigious cold sweats lasting until morning, - Antim c. Lasting 3 days with acid vomiting after the chill, bloating of the hands and face, Lyc. Attended with vomiturition, - Dros. With thirst during the chills only, Ign. Carbo v. Where after the paroxysm there is vomiting once oroftener, - - - Cina. 82 REPERTORY. Where there is vehement thirst before the chill with much, drinking, though during the fever there is also thirst, but with moderate drinking - - . Am. Where there is no thirst during chill or fever, and where there arises after the paroxysm vehement pressing headache in the forehead, or if some other symptoms joins with the above and vice versa, if a fever joins with the latter, - - - Arsen. With evening chills without the following heat, Staph. With chills and without heat, Verat. Sabad. Where there is but slight chills, (or none), but violent heat with thirst and great dizziness, Valer. With little chills and much dry heat, Bella. Op. Where there is besides the external and internal heat, much shivering at the same time, Cham. With paroxysms at night, - Rhus. With little thirst and gastric complts, Antim. !c. Without thirst when shivering, (cold), but thirst between chills and heat, after the heat or during the sweat, and not in the perfect fever heat, - China. With chilliness in the abdomen, - Trefal. With inactivity of the bowels, or with immoderate irritability of the prima vice, and in the typhus of 3 days, Nux. Cocc. Ign. Bella. Verat. 83 REPERTORY. Apoplectica, - - - Nux. Several kinds of intermittents have been cured by, China. - Natr. m. Some others by, Sulph. Amm. m. (X°.) Calc. In a relapse after suppression by Chin, sulph. Rhus. TEETHING FEVER. Bella. Nux. TYPHUS FEVER. Aeon. Nux. Rhus. Puis. Contagious typhus, Bryon. Hyosc. Nux. Rhus. Puis. FEBRIS BILIOSA. Bilious fever. Bryon. Cham. Nux. Cocc. Puis. Ign. Merc sol. CATARRHAL FEVER. Nux. In other kinds of, Cham. Puis. Ign. Bella. Dulc. Spigel. Magn. acet, Con. CATARRHAL GASTRIC FEVER. Nux. FEBRIS CATARRHALIS LENTA. Nux. Rhus. Ars. GASTRIC FEVER. Bryon. Nux. Verat. Scilla. Antim. After vexation - - China. 84 REPERTORY. FEBRIS GASTRICO-VENOSA. Digit. FEBRIS HELODES. (Sweat Fever) China Samb. FEBRIS LACTEA. (Milk Fever.) Aconit. Bryon. Coff. Cham. Op. Ign. FEBRIS LENTA, Nux. Bella. Cocc. Helleb. FEBR1S NERVOSA. (Nervous Fever.) Bella. Bryon. Rhus. China, and Arn. China and Puis. With inflammatory state of the brain, benumbing coma vigil, and cramp in the jaws, Aeon. Nux. Bell. Op. and Sulph. With continual sleep and slight delirium, fixed look when accosted, much thirst with internal heat, yet the patient always requires to be kept covered when sleeping, various motions of the mouth, bilious vomitings and at night bilious stools, - - Puis. With predominant complaints of the breast, (an image of Febris hectica and Phthisis pituiosa,) after China. - Rhus, and Arn. Hyosc. After fainting and state like lameness, wild deliria, visions, fear, precipitation, (talks about black men and attempts to escape, J\ux. Bella. 85 REPERTORY. In typhus state, - - Merc. (Typhus) gastrica, Sulph. Rhus. China, and Bryon. Stupida. - Phosph. ac. Nux. Op. Hyosc. Bella. Zinc, Mur. ac. Spc. FEBRIS NERVOSA BILIOSA. Nux. Cocc. FEBRIS RHEUMATICA. (Rheumatic fever.) With inflammatory affection of the organs of the breast, - - • Aeon. Gastrica, of an inflammatory character, Bryon. Cham. FEBRIS PUERPERALIS. (child-bed fever.) Nux. Cham. Bellad. Rhus. Puis. Coff. Hyosc. In a predominant in itablestate, where very little anger increases the symptoms, and where the lochia is already white, but suddenly becomes bloody, mostly coagulated. • Rhus. MILIARY FEVER. Epidemic, Aeon. 2 doses (or more,) and Coffea. Epidemic, as preservative, Aeon, one drop of the 6th Dil. taken every 48 hours. The whole body covered with a scarlet redness, with blisters like gravel, of rough touch, with benumbing headache and pain in the throat, Bellad. 86 REPERTORY. SCARLET FEVER. (See Scarlatina.) FIG WARTS, (Veneral warts.) Thuja. Nitric ac. FINGERS. Numbness and pricking therein, - Natr. m. Pricking in the, - - Silic. Cramp in the, - - Lycop. Frequent lameness of the, - Calc. Stitching from the fingers to the elbows, Caust. Stiff" from gout knots, - - Lycop* Senselessness and deadness of the, Calc. Numbness of the fingers and finger joints, Phos. Benumbed by work, - Lycop. Finger joints, ulcers on the same, - Sep. Gouty stiffness on the, - Petrol. Carb. an Bursting or drawing of the, - Lyc. Red, swollen, and gouty drawing of the, Lyc. FISTULA. On the cheek, • - Calc. Lycop. On the left side under the short ribs, Sulph. Antim. c. FLATULENCE. Without pain, - - Carboy. Difficult of removal, - Lycop. Kali c. Continual, - Kali c 87 REPERTORY. Accumulation and immoderate discharge of wind, - Graph. Nitric ac. Natr. Great pain from, - - - Phos. Complaints from - Carbo v. Arising and moving, (or production and changing,) .... Sep. Kali c. Calc. Phosp. Silic. Sulph. Carbo, an. Graph. Con. Iodium. FOOD. Sour food causing complaints, - Natr. m. FRECKLES. Lycop. Natr FRENZY. (Madness.) (See Disturbance of Mind.) FREEZING. Freezing of the fingers and toes with light red swelling, - Nux. Bell. Ign. Sulph. In soft and phlegmatic temperaments, - Puis. (Frozen limbs,) inflamed, itching, caused by slight cold, - Nitric ac. Petrol. Phosph. FRETFULNESS, PEEVISHNESS. Graph. Lyc. Nitric ac. Phosph. Silic.Con.Natr.m. Kali c. Before the menses, - - Natr. m. 88 REPERTORY. FRIGHT. When connected with anger, - Aeon. (Op.) From sudden noise &c, - Op. then Aeon. and Op. Causing fainting, trembling, - Coffea. (Ign) FUNGUS ILEMATODES. Phosph. FUNGUS CORNER, Calc. Lyc. Sep. Silic. (and again Calc.) FUNGUS MEDULLARIS. In the eye, - (many doses,) Bella. Nux. GAPING. Often, Silic. with sleeplessness, Lyc. Puis. GENITALS, (of women.) Excitation of the nerves of the, with itching and pain, - Dulc. Immoderate excitation of the g. - Natr. m. Weakness of the same, itching, - Sep. Itching of the female privy parts - Silic. Pressing on the same, - - Sulph. GIDDINESS. (See Dizziness.) GLANS PENIS. Spots on the g. smooth, red, and rather moist, Carbo. v. 89 REPERTORY. Gonorrhoea of the g. Nux. GLANDS. Of the neck, swollen as hard as stone, Baryt. Bella. Cham. Dulc. Of the under jaw swollen, - Silic. Of the under jaw often swelling, Natr. m. Of the under jaw, and of the ears, - Merc. Of the shoulder, swollen, - Calc. Sulph. GLANDULAR ORGANS. (Swelling, hardness,) Bell. Spong. Con. Bryon. Silic. Calc. Nitri. ac. Lycop. Gland under the ear, (Parotis.) See Ear. Glands of the throat. (See Throat.) GONORRHOEA. And pains in the joints, - Stram. Cannabis, the same every 2 days of the pure Tinct. Arising from impure connection, Thuja. Mez. Natr. m. With redness and swelling of the prepuce. Cinnab. With venereal warts - Nitr. ac. Thuja. And gleet with venereal warts, Thuja. Nitri. ac. Lyc. With gleet, Puis, particularly at night, Merc. Commencing (early,) Thuja. Petros. Cannab. Canth. Cap. Merc. In the inflammatory state, - Cannab. 90 REPERTORY. Suppressed, - - Puis. Chronical, (secondary,) Sulph. Petros. Canth. GOUT. Most violent after becoming warm in bed at night, lasting until midnight, Ledum. Similar complaints from secondary Syphilis, Merc. Chronic with small discharge of urine, Sarsap. Gouty complaints, - Guaiac. Sabin. With violent stitches and tearing, worse at night forcing the diseased into motion, Ferr. Gout knots on the hand and finger joints, Calc. Graph, Ledum. Staph. Gout in the Head. (See Head.) Gout in the Knees. (-See Knee.) Gout in the Joints. (See Joints.) GRAVEL. (Stones.) In the urethra, - - Nux. Sarsap In the kidneys. (See Kidneys.) GRIEF. (See Disposition of Mind.) GRIPING IN THE BOWELS. In discharging wind, Con. Lyc. Nitri. ac. Petrol. Silic. After motion, - - - Sep. In the upper belly, - - Calc. Lyc." Daily, - Natr. m. GROINS. Swelling in the, - - Nitri. ac. 91 REPERTORY. Rupture of the, painful, Silic. (See Hernia.) GUMS. Fistula in the, - - Caust. Natr. m. Swelling of the, ... Calc. Sep. Swelling with beating pains, - Sulph. Bleeding of the, - - Sep. Carb. v. Soreness of the, - - - Sep. Tedious suppuration of the g. in one spot, Caust. HAEMORRHOIDS. (Piles.) Blind Piles, - Nux. Graph. Sulph. Silic. Bleeding, - - - Ammon. Of the bladder, - Nux. Antim. c. HEMORRHOIDAL COMPLAINTS. (Nux —particularly in suppressed,) Valer. At the same time bleeding at the nose, Carb. v. In which a small but continual secretion of whitish yellow slime is discharged from the anus, ... Antim. c. With pains in the back when sitting, frequent perspiration by motion, particularly at night, great fatigue, (to fainting) after walking, pain in the urethra before and after urinating, Rhus. Sulph. HANDS. Deadness of the hand in grasping, Calc. Burning in the palm of the, - Sep. Swelling of the hands, - • Calc* F 92 REPERTORY. Dryness of the, - - - Lycop\ Heat in the, ... Carb. v. Tearing in the, ... Petrol. And fingers cracked (chapped) and full of blood in winter, - - - Petrol. Feeling of fulness, in grasping, - Caust. Numbness of the, - - Lyc. Trembling of the, - - Phosph. Trembling of the hand when writing, Kali. c. Inflammation of the back of the hand with throbbing pain, - - Mag. pol. arct. Perspiration of the hand, - Con. HAIR. Falling out in lying-in women, Sulph. Natr. m. Lyc.—when a profuse lochia precedes, Calc. Falling out, (See Head.) HARDENING Of the glandular organs (tongue, testicles, &c.,) Aur. Iod. Sil. Of the os uteri (with metrorrhagia) from atony of the uterus, - China. Bryon. HEAD. Affected by working, - - - Lyc. Numbness as if a board was before it, Calc. Petrol. (Difficult thinking—Sulph.) Congestion towards the head, Lyc. Phos. Congestion, when stooping, - Sep. Kali. c. 93 REPERTORY. Dizziness, - - Kalu c. Natr. m. Gloominess, like intoxication, in the evening,— gloomy dullness, - - Silic, Numbness, with inability to study, Sepia. Ice coldness in the right side, - Calc. Stooping the head when walking, Sulph. Heat in the, ... Lyc. Silic. Itching upon the head, nose and ears, Sep. Whistling in the, ... Kali, c, Humming, crawling and raking in the, Sulph. Buzzing in the head, ... Graph. Easily taking cold in the external parts, Kali. c. Gout in the head, - - Coloc. Sep. Nux. Eruption on the head. (Scarlet)-*- Nerium oleand, Bella, Baryt, Zinc, Calc. Lyc. Sulph. Silic. Graph. Petrol. Itching moist scurf, protuberances like knots on the, .... Silic Scurf on the hairy part of the head, Natr. m. Blossom like and dry tetter, with itching on the hairy part of the head, also clefts in the skin, .... Aurum. With ulcers on the cornea, Calc. sulph. HAIR OF THE HEAD. Falling out, Petrol. Phosp. Sep. Silic. Kali. c. Graph. Falling out with exceedingly troublesome itching of the scalp, Antim. c. Staph. Falling out in suckling women, Natr. m. Dryness of the hair, - - Kali. c. f 2 94 REPERTORY. HEAVINESS OF THE HEAD. Particularly in the back part tying the eyelids, Natr. m. Carb. v. PERSPIRATION OF THE HEAD. In the evening, - - Calc. Silic. When walking in the open air, - Graph. HEADACHE. Fits of, forcing one to cry, boring, accompanied with vomiting, commonly called head gout, Sep, Great fulness, as if the head was swollen, Ran. With numbness of the head, Phosp. Painfulness of the (external) back part of the head when lying, - - Nitri. ac. After having the haircut, Bell. Puis or. Ledum. With boring stitching and contraction of the neck, - - . . _ Puis. With a crushed feeling, - - Puis. With boring in the forehead as if the head would burst asunder, - - Cafe. With, or caused by, congestion, with swelling of the blood-vessels, - - Bellad. In the forehead above the eyes, - Baryta. Pressing in the back part of the head, Kali. c. With pressing straining, - - Lyc. With pressing stitching, - - Petrol. With dull, gloomy, benumbed pressing in the brain, .... Caust, REPERTORY. 95 On one side, tearing and stitching in the eyes, and in the bones of the face, - Silic. From overheating, - - Carb. v. From writing, - - - Kali. c. Early, - Phosph. When awaking, - - - Natr. m. Before rising, Calc. Phos. Lyc. Petrol. Sep. Nitri. ac. Graph. On rising and continuing until midday, Baryt. Calc. Lyc. Petrol. Phos. Sep. Silic. Natr. Zinc. From the neck to the crown of the head, preventing night sleep, - - Silic. On one side, ... Cicuta. With hammering, - - Natr. m. Hammering after walking in the open air, forcing one to lie down, - - Calc. Hysterical, - - - Ign. Valer. Hysterical, bursting and rushing in the head, proceeding from the Uterine system, Aurum. Throbbing, ... Nitri ac. Do. in the back part of the head, Petrol. Sep. Do. and clucking, - - Sulph. Rushing in the head with heat in the cheeks, Calc. From reading and writing, - - Calc. At night, external tearing and boring, Lyc. Nervous, on one side, Nux. Bella. Mag. pol. aust. Knocking in the midst of the brain, Calc. Silic* 3 96 REPERTORY Tearing, external, on the fore part of the head at certain hours during the day, Natr. Tearing, with heat in the forehead daily in the forenoon, ... Silic. Tearing, by fits, often forcing one to lie down, Con. Do. stitching, forcing to lie down, Natr. m. Do. and stitching in the sides, this kind generally arises after dinner. In the back part of the head, more pressing and drawing; the first more the cause of other complaints, i. e. secondary, and the second the primary, i. e. without other complaints—attended with pains in the limbs and lameness, Zinc. Tearing in the forehead, here and there, every afternoon, ... Lyc. Tearing, by fits, above the forehead, temples, eyes and nose, towards a single tooth, Lyc. Beating, .... Natr. m. In the sun, ... Natr. Stitches externally in the side of the head, Phos. Do. in the temples, - * - Natr. m. Do. in the top of the head, - Con. Do. in the temples and straining stitches in the top, - - - - Caust. Daily, - - - - Magn. m. Do. from midday till evening, with heaviness of the forehead as if the brain would burst through, ... Silic. From injury by lifting, - - Calc. 97 REPERTORY.. As if the head would burst and fly into pieces, Silic. Natr. m. With drawing and throbbing, Silic. Natr. ra. COLD IN THE HEAD. (See Colds.) HEARING. Too great sensibility of the same, excitation of the nerves, by music, sound, &c. Lyc. Natr. Sep. Loss of Hearing, Cham. Spigel. Phos. ac. Difficult Hearing, Silic. Iod. Lyc. Nitri. ac. Magn. Natr. Phos. Petrol. Sep. Kali. c. Bella. Silic. & Petrol.—Puis. & Bella. After having the hair cut, - Ledum. Difficult hearing, (See Ear.) Graph. HEART. Stitches in the heart, - - Caust. Inflammation of the, Bryon. Spigel. Cannab. Pit of the Heart. Swelling with pain in the back, Calc. Pressing in it, ascending from thence towards the throat and head, - - Calc. Griping in the, Natr. m. after eating, Silic. Swollen, and on touching, pain like soreness, Natr. m. Pressing in it at night, - - Calc. Throbbing in it. - - Sep. Painful when touching, Natr. Phos. Silic. When pressing on it, painful, - Natr, m. 98 REPERTORY. Pain when walking, - - Sep. Digging in it, - - Phos. Sulph. Palpitation of the Heart. Caust. Kali. c. When digesting, ... Lyc. When sitting, ... Phosph. Anxious, - Natr. Natr. m. And blood, - Sep. Suffering at the heart, (Chronic.) Several doses Aconit, and two doses Aurum, Chronic, repeated doses of Aconit and Puis. HEARTBURN. With vomiturition, - Sulph. Calc. After eating, - - Natr. m. From fat food, - Puis. HEAT, And anxiety at night, - - Calc. After eating, - - Phos. Calc. Flying, - . Phos. Over the body, - Lyc. Fits of flying heat when sitting, or walking in the open air, - Sep. Early, in bed, - Kali. c. HEAVINESS & INACTIVITY, Of the body, on rising in the morning, Natr. m. Sep HEEL. Burning, stitching pain with swelling, increased by walking, - - . Nux. v. Stitches in the heel, when treading, Nitri, ac. 99 REPERTORY ' HEMERALOPIA. (See Night-Blindness.) HERNIA. Nux. Cocculus, and Nux. Incarcerata, newly arising, - Nux. Inguinalis in children, (in 2 cases) Aurum. Inguinalis in a child, (2 doses) Cocculus. Inguinalis, with weakness of the arm arising from dislocation, Rhus. Nux. Staph. Asarum. Inguinalis, inclination and forerunner of, Mag. pol. arc. Inguinalis, painful, - - Silic. HICCOUGH. In pregnant women, - - Nux. Vomiturition and vomiting, - Bryon. HIPS. Pressing and squeezing over the hips, also drawing pains in the same, - Con. Hip Joints, painful lameness of the, Sulph. Pain in the hip like contraction, - Natr. m. In consequence of a contraction, Rhus. Chronic, (2 doses) - - Rhus. With hectic fever Sulph. Phos. & Silic. With urinary complaints, - Canth. lschias nervosa, - Bella. Bryon. Merc. HOARSENESS. Bryon. Ars. Puis. Phos. Calc. Petr. Sep. Silic. Natr. m. Sulph. 100 REPERTORY. Chronic, - - - Dros. Early, continual, - - Carb. v. In a girl before the commencement of the Menses, - - Bryon. Ars. Puis. Early after awaking, increased when the temperature is moist and cool, Carb. v. In the evening, - - Carb. v. Loss of the voice with more symptoms of disease, - Phos. Remaining after taking cold (or without) Mang. acet. After Measles with cough and great faintness. Bry. Bell. HOOPING-COUGH. (See Children.) HUNGER. Immoderate, - Carb. v. Great avidity, gluttony, - Sep. Greediness, Petrol. Iod. Lyc. Kali. c. Con. Greediness, with fulness and satiety after eating a small quantity, - Natr. m. Sulph. Greediness, - - - Verat. Silic. With qualmishness early in the morning, longing for some luxury, - - Phos. After eating, - - - Phos. HYDROCELE, - Digital. Puis. In scrofulous persons, - Silic. HYDROPHOBIA, Bella. Hyosc. Stram. Con. HYPOCHONDRIUM, Boring in the, - , - Sep. Straining in the, as if bound by a hoop, Lyc. 101 REPERTORY. HYPOCHONDRIAC REGIONS. Pains in the same, in pregnant women. Puis. (Aeon & Puis.) HYPOCHONDRIASIS. With Cinchona sickness, (m. d.) Verat. & Ipec. Nux. Helleb. After Onanism, - - China. Staph. In unmarried men. - - Con. With unconsciousness for some Hypocondriac Humour. - - Natr. Hypocondriac paroxysms. - - Con. Hypocondriac complaints. Cramp in the bowels. - - Staun. HYSTERICS. In paroxysms. . - Con. Nux. Libidinous. Platina, Bella, Hyosc, Thuja, &c And Hypocondriasis. Plumb, acet. Ign. Aurum. Viola oderat. - - Puis. Hysterical fainting fits. - Nux. Mosch. ILEUS. (Plumb, acet.) IMAGINATION. Morbid, fear of instant death after delivery. Aeon IMPOTENCE. (Nux. Agnus, cast.) Aversion to connection, lasting foryears. Lyc. 102 REPERTORY. And deficiency of erections. Con. Tinct. camph. Mur. ac. & China. Where erection of the Penis was present, but where the Penis at the highest point of connection, became limber, without effecting the discharge of semen. Mag. pol. aus. INDURATIO ORIFICII UTERI. (See Hardening.) INCUBUS. While falling asleep. - Ammon. c. Nightmare. Aeon. Bella. Bry. Con. Ign. Nitr. Sulph, INCLINATION, to sweets,—Lyc. Great, for sugar. - - Kali. c. INCONTINENTIA URINAE. (See Urine.) INFLAMED SWELLINGS.—Silic. INFLAMMATION. Of the Abdomen, Bladder, Brain, Breast, Ear, Eye, Kidneys, Liver, Lymphatic vessels, Nose, Ratina, Spleen, Stomach, Testicles, Throat, Tongue, Windpipe, Womb. (See each under their proper head.) INFLUENZA. Obstinate. - Ars. Caust. Dulc. Merc, As Specific. - - Sabadilla, Nux, Camph. Senega. (Puis.) 103 REPERTORY. INTOXICATION. Acet. Ammon. in water. Drunkenness, in stepping out of bed. Graph. Do. from using Tobacco. Alum. General, Agar. Cocc. Con. Graph. Cor. Ledum. Nux. Op. Puis. Sec. cor. INJURIES. Sprains, Overstraining, Dislocation. Arn.Rhus. Slight sprains. Natr. Natr. m. Rhus. Sep. Spraining pains. Amm. Arn. Bryon. Carb. v. Caust. Natr. m. Rhus. Sulph. Zinc. From lifting, slight. Graph. Natr. Sep. Silic. Rhus. Natr. m. Kali c. Carb. ani. Slight, by which the neck becomes thick and stiff, with headache. - - Calc. ISCHURIA. (See Urine.) Aurum, ITCH. Spirit sulph. Tinct. acris. Containing a yellowish water, intolerable voluptuous itching, most vehement in the evening, after scratching, smarting soreness. Sulph.(IL) One dose every five days. Eruption like itch, consisting of itching bursting blossoms, after scratching burning like fire. Merc. acet. Sepia, (after Sulph HI, in the dose of the 1-4 gr. and Spirit Sulph, being unable to withdraw the eruption.) 104 REPERTORY. In children (see children) ITCHING. —Magn. In the evenings before going to bed—and in the day by becoming heated. - I^yc. General, - Graph. Magn. Merc. Sulph. JAUNDICE. Merc. Digital. Aeon. & China. Bell. Puis. China and Nux. Cham particularly in new-born children—in a case of preceding misuse of Cham. China Merc, and Sulph. Of pregnant women. - - Natr. m. Magn. mur. Natr. Calc. Lyc. Sep. Nitri. ac. JAW. Swelling of the bones of the under jaw. Silic. Nocturnal drawing and stitching in the under jaw. ... - Silic. Cramp in the jawbone. (See Cramp.) JOINTS. Cracking and stiffness of the - Petrol. Nocturnal stitches in all the - Silic. Inflexibility and stubbing of the hand, knee and feet joints, - Sulph; Disease of the Joints, - Baryta. Coloc. Swelling of the Joints, painful (Rheumatic). Mang. ac. Led, Gout in the Joints, act-te, Bryon. Puis. China. Sulph, 105 REPERTORY. Joints of the Hip, Knee and Foot, (see Hip, Knee and Foot.) KIDNEYS. Inflammation of the, - - Bella. Gravel in the, - - - Lycopo. Stone in the, - Sarsap. KNEE. Weakness of the knees and calf, Natr. m. Fatigued, ... Con. Tearing in the, - - Lycop. Stiffness of the, - - Lycop. Tetter on the, - - Petrol. Lycop. Knee Joint, Numbness (rigidity) and disjointedness of the, - - - Sep. Painful shortening of the tendons, Natr. m. Spongy excresence on the, - Antim, c. Also a wax plaster of the same. Gout in the Knees. With formation of gout-knots, with feeling of lameness, and slight fits every three or four days,similar to intermittent fever, costiveness, &c. - Nux. Weakness of the Knees, Natr m. Nitri ac. Sulp. Pit of the Knee. Tetter in the same, Natr. m. Painful shortening of the tendons in the, Natr. m. Swelling of the Knees, Puis. Calc. Lyc. Sulph. Silic, 106 REPERTORY Of bluish red color, not permitting the slightest touch, with violent, tearing, stitching pain, Silica. LABOR PAINS. Too weak. Puis (X) smelling is preferable. Spurious, - - Bella Bryon. At first strong and vigorous, then suddenly ceasing, replaced by trembling of the whole body, violent jerks—ensuing, benumbing sleep, snoring with the mouth open, not awaking on being shook with force, - - Opi. LAMENESS. (Paralysis, Palsy.) Of the left arm with a sensation of racking and pushing therein, as if the blood would burst through the veins, - - Nux. Numbness of one leg, with gastric complaints, Nux. Of the right foot, which is cold and insensible with gastric complaints, - - Nux. Of the right arm and leg, - - Cocc. General, with numbness of the legs, which lie stiff in the bed, feeling as if they did not belong to the body—many doses, alternately, of Bryon and Rhus. Of the hands and legs, the body has no support, insensibility and coldness of the limbs, Oleand, Cocc. China. Aur. Of one side of the head down to the foot, Nux. and Cocc. (two doses) Rhus. Nux. Puis. Cocc. 107 REPERTORY. Of one side, with affection of the head, (apoplexy,) Hyosc. Cocc. and two doses Rhus. Of one side alleviated by (Stannum.) Of the limbs, alleviated, Plumb, acet. Of the bladder, - - Cicuta. Of the lungs, - - Antim. c. Without pain, - - Oleand. Of the mind, thoughtlessness, weakness of memory, - Anacard. Weakness of the muscles, - Colch. Complaints of lameness, - - August. Of the upper and under extremities, the affected parts appearing heavy (like lead,) and benumbed, coldness of the shin bones and feet, as if dead, ... Nux. LARYNCHITIS. (Inflammation of the Larynx,) Samb. Sf Bella. LASSITUDE. (Weariness,) on awaking, Lyc. LEANNESS, - - - Natr. m. LEGS. Burning pain in the same, - - Kali. c. Coldness of the legs and feet, - Sep. Cramp in the legs, - - Calc. Itching, shivering in the shin bones, Kali. c. Lameness of the, - - Sep. Stiffness of the, - - Calc. Soreness between the, - - Graph. Drawing pain in the, - - Natr. m. Drawing and straining in the, - Silic. 108 REPERTORY. Nocturnal tearing, drawing in the, Kali. c. Lyc. Heaviness of the, - - Sulph. Calc. LEPRA, Sep. Silic Sulph. Complaints of Leprosy, Alum. Ars. Carb. an. et. veg. Caust. Graph. Natr. Petrol. Phos. Sep. Silic. Sulph. LEUCORRHOEA. (Whites.) Jlmm. Graph. Kali. c. Lyc. Natr. m. Nitri.'ac. Caust. Carb. an. et. veg. Sulph. Cale. Discharge of whites after preceding, cutting in the abdomen—burning, itching. Lyc. Burning, itching, like milk, before the menses. Calc. Like milk, with cutting pains, - Silic. Flowing when urinating, - Silic* Yellowish, watery, - - Sep. Like the washings of flesh, mixed with pustulous humour, - - Cocc. Chronical—with exhausted strength, Stram. After preceding cachectic state, China. Nux. Of long standing, - - Dictam. With suppressed menstruation, - Sabin. LIENTERY. (See Diarrhoea.) The food is evacuated without being digested, and this often at night, China, Olea, Phos (X 000 ) 3d, in 48 hours. LIFTING. (See Injuries.) 109 REPERTORY. LIMBS. Lameness of the limbs in the evening as if beaten to pieces, - Silic. Numbness of the, Petr. Calc. Carb. v. Sulph. Silic. Kali c. Lyc. Frozen, inflamed, itching, by slight cold,Nitri. ac Faintness, fatigue when walking, Lyc. Tearing in the arms and legs, Calc. Nitri. ac. Pain like dislocation, or injury from lifting, Car b. v. Restless and throbbing in all the 1. Sep. Crushed feeling in the 1. after rising early, Carb. v. Pressing, drawing in the 1., Natr. m. Drawing in the 1., * Graph. Lyc. Easy trembling and twitching of single limbs by day, - Carb. v. Pain in the Limbs—long lasting in the hollow of the bones and joints of the upper arms, in lying upon the arm the pain is alleviated, Ign. After taking cold, stitching, pressing pains in the arms, worse at night and when lying still, - Dulc. Early, after waking, with violent crushed feeling, pain from the shoulder joint to the wrist, unable to bear covering, when getting up the pain is alleviated, and ceases entirely on moving about, - - Verat. Tearing, throbbing pain as if all the right shoulder was ulcerated, with twitching in the mus- G 110 REPERTORY. cles of the arms when hanging down and warm, increased at night in bed, Thuja. Drawing, tearing in the ischion (seat bone) and in the bones down to the soles of the feet, worse when sitting, and insupportable at night, ... Cham. Drawing, stitching pain from the knee to the stomach, worse when in motion and by touching, with lameness and stiff feeling, Nux. Like boring from the hips to the toes, most violent in the evenings lasting all night,—alleviated by lying the legs at rest, without being able to keep them so longer than a few moment —the pains increased by every motion, thereby the skin becomes senseless (without feeling,) - - Bry. Merc. sol. Stitches from the buttocks to the external angle of the feet increased by every motion, with general perspiration, . Bryon. Tearing pains in all the limbs, very violent before mid-day, and by motion, - Bryon. Intolerable racking in the forefingers, arising when quiet, after which the top joint becomes dead; then violent throbbing pains through the whole arm, with continual awakening from sleep during the night, disappearing on moving the arms—2 doses Rhus, between which Byron. Tearing, stitching pains in the upper leg and arm, from evening till morning, worse on 111 REPERTORY. moving in the bed, rather alleviated by pressing and warmth—when the pains commence the muscles of the upper leg become hard like bones; pain in the knee as if broken on attempting to walk, - - Puis. With a feeling as if the flesh was beaten loose— or as if the bones were scraped with a piece of glass, - - - Rhus. Tearing pain in the extremities and in the back, often cramp in the left calf, pains alleviated sometimes when at rest, and again on moving, worse in the evening and at night, with continual chilliness, faintness, &c. Ars. Very violent in the under extremities, Antim. c. Very painful inflammation of the muscles of the elbow joint, - - Antim. c. LIPS. Deadness of the ugper lip, - Natr. m. Bursting, - - - Carb. v. Blood blisters on the inside of the upper lip, painful when touching, - Natr. m. Ulcers on the inside of the - Graph. Do. on the outside of the, - Nitri. ac. Do. on the outside of the under L Silic. Swelling of the upper lip, - Natr. m. Lymphatic, inflammatory swelling of the upper lip, .... Bella. Soreness of the upper lip, - Natr. m. Dry, skinned lips, - - - Con. 112 REPERTORY. Knots in the upper lips—2 doses.—Bella. Cancer in the Lip.— (See Cancer.) LIVER. Pressing in it, Kali. c. Wrenching pain in it, when stooping, Kali. c. Bloating of the Liver, - Antim. c. Inflammation of the Liver — Aeon 6f Bryon — Merc, sol. Bella. Puis. Cham.— Nux. Sf Merc. sol. Chronic. —Natr. Magn. m. Lyc. —Sulph. Aeon Sf Merc. sol. (a colic coming on after subduing the inflammation was cured by,) Ignat. SUFFERING AT THE LIVER. With fulness and pulsation in the veins, Asa. With stitches on the right side of the chest, Ran. Liver Spots, with pressing and cutting in the region of the liver, - - Carb. an. Pain in the liver, pressing when walking and touching; most violent when lying on the right side, - - Magn. m. After eating to excess, - - Lyc. LOCK-JAW. {Trismus.) Bella. Cicuta. —Arn. and Ipec. every three hours.) - - - Sec. c. LOCHIA. Suppressed. - Puis. (X.) Do. with nymphomania, Verat. Plat. 113 REPERTORY. Do. by sudden fright, - Opium. Flowing in too great quantity, Croc. Bry. Calc. Morbid, changed to thin, ill smelling, Bella. LORDOSIS, - Bella. LOINS. Stitching therein when sitting and lying, Silic. LOOSENESS, continual, &c. Calc. LUMBAGO, Rhus (X one gttj.) LUNGS. Suppuration of the lungs— Ledum (2 doses) as intermediate Cham, and Opium, Kali c. Lameness of the Lungs, - Antim. c. Inflammation of the lungs, (See Breast—Consumption of the Lungs.) LYING without sensation, Opium. LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. Suffering therein, (suppuration stopping,) Bell. Merc. Spong. Too slow absorbant activity, - Bella. Immoderately excited absorption, Cicuta. Antim. c. Lymphatic congestion. See Congestion. Inflammation oj the Lymphatic vessels, Bella. Swelling of the Lymphatic vessels, with burning pain, Carb. v. Suppurating, (Ruckert, L, 293.) Silic. 114 REPERTORY. MADNESS. (See Frenzy.) MANIA, - - Stram. Melancholica, Nux. Stram. Verat. Hyosc. Bella. Anxiety, seeing apparitions, mistaking and noncomprehension of persons and things, trembling, biting about, seeing double, must be watched and tied, or held, Bella. The remaining fear, with all kinds of grimaces, alternating with a comatose and forgetful state, deep breathing with strong perspiration, (was cured by) - Opium. The sick believes he is not at his home, and is always desirous of going away, mistakes, or does not know his friends, anxiety, ferocity, inclination to sleep, but cannot, Opium. Yearly—in one or two fits, - , Verat. Tn a lying-in woman, often attacked by epileptic fits; most violent madness, (fury,) misdemeanor towards those she loves, spitting at them, tearing the clothes, crying aloud, singing, whistling, laughing, weeping, kissing the hands of others, &c. Aeon. Bella. Hyosc. Nux repeating the dose three times, Verat By large and repeated doses of, Bella. MANIA-E-POTU. (See Delirium tremens.) MARASMUS. (See Atrophia.) 115 REPERTORY. MEASLES. With vehement fever, great heat, uneasiness and anxiety, - Aeon. With attending complaints, catarrhal and of the eyes, - - - - Puis. With violent thirst, inflammatory complaints of the throat, cough, sleeplessness, Bellad. With immoderate sensibility, weeping, crying^ With dry cough remaining, Nux (Bryon.) In 36 cases of an epidemic, - Aeon. In one case 3 doses Aeon and 1 dose Nux. (Puis, as a preventative, in very small doses repeated every four or six days, also alternating (agreeable to the character of the epidemic fever) with Aeon, in which case Aeon is given first.) Aeon. CofF. Puis. With catarrh and sore throat, - Carb. v. After measles, cough, and hoarseness, Drc-s. MELiENA. (See Black Vomit.) MELANCHOLIA. Caust, (Nux. Archives III., 3. 53.) Nux. Stram. Verat. Hyosc. Bella. With fear and absence of mind, not disposed to talk, mutters to himself, - Platin. Still, - - Helleb. n. 116 REPERTORY. After Suppressed miliary eruption, anxiety, day and night without rest, driving from the house, fearing to be alone, driving to commit suicide, Nux. Bella, Ignat. Ars. With Jlmenorrhoea, fear of men, distrust, fleeing from home, fear of being poisoned or sold, believes herself bewitched, (at intervals.) Puis. Verat. Hyosc. Religious, - - Verat. Aurum. Disposition, alternating with mirth, Tart. stib. Nux. Aurum. Ars. MEMBRANES. Suffering in the mouth, Stomach, Intestines, Chest, Urinal and Sexual organs Mezer. Euphorb, Membranes of the Brain (See Brain.) MENSES. Tou early and much too weak, - - Nux. Returning too soon, preceded by drawing pains in the back of the neck, - - Nux. with Spasmodic Pain - - Cocc. Returning much too early, Sulph Carb. v. Kali c. Phos. Calc. Much too late and in too small quantity. Natr. m. Too late, - Graph. Magn, Delaying, - - - - Caust. Suppressed during several months, Sep. Sep & Con, Do. a long time by sudden fright, - Lyc. In too small quantity and of too short duration Amm. e. 117 REPERTORY. Too little and too pale, - - Graph. Much too weak - - Silic. Con- Lasting too long and in too great quantity, Lyc Lasting much too long. - - Natr. m. Pains before the, - - Nux. Peevish before the, - - Natr. m. Headache before the, - - Sulph. Do. before, during and after, - Natr, m. Melancholy before the, - - Natr. m. Sadness before, ('and when coming on) Natr. m. With itching eruption and soreness between the thighs Kali c. with pains in the chest, cramp in the abdomen, weakness, Graph. Pressing downwards and drawing pains in the thighs, - - Com During the m. cutting in the abdomen, and griping (squeezing) in the small of the back, Calc During the, fermentation in the abdomen, Phos* Pains during the m. - - - Natr- After the m. a state of inconsolableness and fear, Nux. A kind of menstrual colic, some hours after the commencement of the flow, violent pressing of the abdomen towards the rectum like stool, alleviated by lying quietly, with commencement of the flow chilliness and fatigue, Puis. Nux. Commencement delayed, with sudden cramps oppression and anxiety, cramps in the abdomen with weakness like lameness or disturbance, and sudden ceasing of the flow attended with pressure on the breast as from a heavy weight, cramp in the breast, sighing, groan- 118 REPERTORY. ing, knocking on the (crown) top of the head, sometimes beating in the temples, griping bellyaches, fits of qualmishness, to fainting, with convulsive motions of the limbs, Coccul. Complaints during menstruation, too early (every three weeks) with fits of diarrhoea, qualmishness and chilliness—often general chilliness, ice coldness of the top of the head, hands, feet and nose, (2. doses) Verat. Complaints during menstruation, continual flow of blood without sensation painful hardening of the abdomen, leucorrhcea before the menses—before the regular flow, violent spasmodic contraction of the uterus and pressing down towards the sexual organs and anus, China & Nux. alternating. Complaints during menstruation, very sparing menses, attended with bellyache, drawing in all the limbs and faintness. Graph. Complaints during menstruation-*- suppression of the present flow, Puis. Puis. - Clemat. Retention of Urine, with redness and heat in the region of the bladder, - - Puis. Canth. Urinating, too often, Calc. with urging, Lyc. At night, Sep. Graph. day and night, Kali. c. Painful, - - Nitri. ac. Caust. Bloody, with burning, - - Mezer. Puis. Bloody, after preceding gleet, - - Canth. The discharge suddenly stops when U. and does not flow again for sometime, - Caust. Con. Involuntary tickling of Urine, - - Petrol. Urging to Urinate, with burning, - Phos. Often anxious, day and night, - Carb. v. Pressing on the bladder as if the U. would be instantly discharged, - - - Con. Tenesmus, and a kind of lameness of the bladder, Mag. pol. aus. In pregnant women, - - Puis. Particularly at night, small discharge, at last bloody drops, - Cannab- 155 REPERTORY. UTERUS. (See Menses, &c.) VAGINA. Stitches, extending to the womb, - Phos. Swelling on one side, with burning, stitching pains, Nux. (See Prolapsus.) VARICES. Lyc. Puis, as intermediate, - Mag. pol. aust. In pregnant women, - - ' Lyc. VEINS. Swelling of v. out of the anus with burning pains, Calc. In the rectum and anus, - - Phos. Sep. With pain in the anus, - Graph Carb. v. Swollen Veins, - Lyc. VEXATION. Recent consequences of, Aeon, sometime after, Puis. Ign. Bryon. Nux. With indignation, from a just cause, - Staph. In connection with sudden fright, - Aeon. Vehement, Cham., with quickly excited anger, Nux. Inclined to, with ill humor and sadness, Con. Bad effects of, - - Sep. Natr. m. VOMITING. Of warm food immediately after eating, Puis. Chronic, produced by the immoderate use of wine, attended with cough and spitting of blood, stiffness of the toes and inclination to suicide, Puis. Bry. $ Puis. 156 REPERTORY. Chronic, of food, with other complaints, Ars. Of food, - - - Natr. m. After every meal, water coming into the mouth and long lasting cardialgia, Silic. After drinking, - - Silic. With vomiturition at night, Puis, and Nux. With cutting pains in the stomach, violent headache, the patient cries out, Hyosc. Which is stopt by drinking cold water, Cupr. Chronic, connected with gout, Tart. emet. Ars. Painful, with a kind of diarrhoea, Ars. With vomiturition and hiccough attended with vehement orgasmus, red hot face, cold profuse sweat and costiveness, Bella. 4* Bry. Of pregnant women, Ipec. Nux. Aeon. Of drunkards, (yomitus potatorum) Nux. In a scrofulous person, all food is thrown up with corrosive acrid humour, attended with several other gastric and nervous symptoms, Sulph. Vomiturition, Petrol., anxious, Natr. m. Vomiting and Diarrhcea, Phos. (X°) then Verat. Cham. Tart. stib. Puis. Rheum. (China) (See Cholera.) WARTS. Which deform the skin, Calc. Natr. Rhus. Nitri. ac. Sulph. Excrescence on the tongue, mouth and lips like warts, - Thuja. 157 REPERTORY. On the arm, - - - Silic. WENS. Ammon. Silic. WHITES. (See Leucorrhcea.) WINDPIPE. (See Consumption and Cramp.) WORMS. Discharged by the mouth, after using Rhus and Hyosc. Of ascarides, Mar. ver. (Cina. Abscinth, Anac.) Nux. (Valer.) Nux. and Puis. With evening chills, colics, vomiting, restless sleep, &c. ... Cina. Worm Complaints, mostly in the morning, Spig. WORM FEVER. In children with bellyache and convulsions, Cicut. Sabad. In scrofulous persons, - - Silic. WRIST. Stiffness, as from gout, - - Lyc. Pain with lameness, - - Kali. c. Pain in the, from long since dislocation, Amm. Stitches in the wrist on moving, Sep. Nightly stitching in the w. and up the arm, Silic. Stitch therein, - - - Natr. m. Stiffness and disjointedness, - Sep. 158 REPERTORY. Gout knots on the w. - - Calc. YELLOW SICKNESS. [See Jaundice.] ZONA. Shingles. Graph X s 3 doses, Arsen. Puis. Rhus. Sulph.