S972m 1888 •^ftmfmfnfg'V!^': >:%-^~. ■'*'•' V^V-- Y v'-V^^r"'-'-'''-" '^•': *i?" ^ V 7 A -p 1TI0NAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM DD103t351 M NLM001036514 A MATERIA MEDICA. Containing Provings and Clinical Verifications NOSODES AND MORBIFIC PRODUCTS SAMUEU SWAN, M. D. COLLATED, ARRANGED AND PREPARED FOR PUBLICATION BY E. W. BERRI jRC^QNGBiERAUS OFFICE I (f- fji hv. NEW YOKr?~ PRESS OF PUSEY & CO., 1393 Broadway. 1888. WBK $972 », This first Fascicle of a Materia Medica is placed before the profession as a feeler—if the demand for it shows that it meets a "long felt want," the publication will be con- tinued—if not this will be the first and the last. INTRODUCTION TO PATHOGENESIS OF SACCHARUM LACTIS. By SAMUEL SWAN, M. D.. NEW YORK. (From " The Organon.'' Vol. Ill, Jan., 1880.) There is something ^marvellous in the fact that drugs are made more potent by attenuation; but it is still more wonder-* ful that substances, supposed to be inert in their crude state, should be rendered actively medicinal by the same process. But the degree of effective action is not a fixed fact, inherent in any particular degree of attenuation, but is dependent in its manifestation upon the individual sensi- tiveness of the person proving it, or the patient to whom it has been given. Thus, when homceopathically prescribed, in one case, a few grains of the crude drug will effect a cure; in another it will have no effect, but a low attenuation will cure ; while experience has shown that often, when a lower attenuation is powerless, a much higher will effect a rapid cure. A beautiful illustration of this last fact is recorded in The Organon, vol. ii., pp. 511-12, where it will be seen that a rapid cure was effected by Carbo-veg. 4 M, after the same in low dilution, and^even in the 200th, had been of no avail. Some physicians are waiting till they know all about high potencies before they use them. They think they know all about the 30th or 200th, but all they really know about them is, that they act. If, instead of ventilating their mathematics by a long display of calculations, they were honestly to try a high potency of the truly Homoeopathic remedy in a clearly defined case, they would never write more regarding the how and why. There is scarcely an article of food that to some one has not proved a poison ; and there are poisons that have been and are constantly taken with apparent impunity. As an instance of the former, I will mention the case of poisoning by Sugar recorded in The Organon. vol. ii., p. 444. There are physicians who never prescribe a remedy on one proving; but as all these symptoms were cured with 4 SAC. LAC. Sac.-officinalis 10 M, 5 M. and 41 M. I accepted it as a proving, and have verified the correctness of the symptoms in my practice. The above is commended to the notice of the Boston University Medical School, who made a wonder- ful proving of Sac.-lac. and congratulate them on having so many sensitive provers; and as they had many of the symptoms repeated while proving Carb.-veg. 3 trit., it shows conclusively that these provers were more susceptible to Sac.-lac. than to Carb.-veg. These symptoms, experienced after taking Sac.-lac, are of value, and should be carefully noted. Again, in The Organon, vol. ii., pp. 286-87, is recorded a case of poisoning by Mill:, which was cured with Lac.-vaccinum 10 M, ; and another case is given by Dr. Brooks in the Medical Investigator, vol. ix., p. 512. Call these articles by any other name than Sugar and Milk, and they would be accepted as very respectable poisons. My cases were cured by the same substances, highly attenuated, they becoming by that process so dissimilar in physical properties as not to be identified with the crude article by any known test, except that of the sensitive human organism ; but, by that test, proving their similarity by curing the patients so that they could subsequently use sugar and milk, respectively, with impunity. "Scientific men," says a writer, "cannot admit that a degree of attenuation, beyond that in which can be found a molecure of the original drug, can contain any medicinal power peculiar to the drug from which it is made." But when such an attenuation is given in a case of sickness, having ' symptoms similar to those which inhere to the drug as evi- denced by poisoning, and a cure results, not in one but in many cases, what other inference can be drawn than that the attenuation does contain someivhat of its original source, even though that somewhat connot be discovered by the most delicate physical or chemical tests. But it is said, "Do you not potentize the sugar of milk in diluting a trituration, and will not it therefore modify the action of the drug, if it also possesses medicinal powers ?*' Certainly ; the 30th dilution of the third trituration of Calcarea is a dilution of the Calcarea plus the Sac.-lac.; but it has been proved as a unit, and must be prescribed and considered as a unit, just as we use Opium as a unit, in spite of its multiplex composition. On the other hand, if it SAC. LAC. 5 be asked whether the crude sugar of milk with which a sub- stance is triturated, or which may be employed in dispensing a medicine, will not interfere with the action thereof, if the above statements are accurate, I would say, "Try for your- selves ;" I have used Smith's 30th centesimal triturations, and always found that their action was that of the drug, and not of the sugar of milk, because probably very few would be, like the Boston provers, more sensitive to the latter than the former. In this varying sensitiveness of in- dividuals to different potencies and different drugs lay the entire failure of the Milwaukee Test. The belief or disbelief concerning the action of high potencies affects only the individual. If a physician is a believer in their efficacy, it is only because he has tried them, and can give his own experience for his belief. If another dis- believes, and will not try them for himself, and still de- nounces them and those who use them, he will most surely gravitate to Eclecticism, or possibly retrograde to Allo- pathy. Hahnemann used sugar of milk as the most inert sub- stance he could find*. It was because of this supposed inert- ness, and on account of my belief that there is no substance so inert as not to show medicinal powers when attenuated, that the following proving of Saccharum-lactis was made. Pathogenesis of Saccharum Lactis. (The sign o signifies a merely cured symptom ; * signifies a pathogenetic symptom also verified by a cure. The figures immediately following a symptom denote the authority ; those in round brackets denote the days on which the symptom occurred; those in square brackets the potency ; r signifies right: 1 signifies left.) Authorities. 1. Miss M. Morgan, aet. 21. 2. B. Fincke, M.D. 3. Miss Julia Morgan, 4. E. W. Berridge, M.D. 5. Samuel Swan. M.D. 6. Mis, Camm, M.D. 7. Mrs. Burritt, M.D. 8. E. A. Boardman, M.D. 9. Wm. Eggert, M.D. 10. J. A. Biegler. M.D. 11. Laura Morgan, M.D. The provings by Nos. 1, 6, and 7 were made with the 200 cent. (Fincke), that of No. 3 with the 10 M (Fincke). The other provers took potencies made by Dr. Swan. Miss Morgan commenced her proving »at 9 a.m., May 25th, 1871, just before menses ; she took drop doses of 200 every hour for one or two days. 6 SAC. LAC. The first effect appeared witliin an hour. Previous to the proving she was in perfect health. She had symptoms for two or three years. The omission of several hundred days is due to her discontinuing to take notes; she was so annoyed at the persistence of the symptoms, that she only re- sumed her notes after great persuasion. Dr. Fincke made provings on two ladies; one took two drops of 30th, the other took three drops of 53 M, The symptoms from 30th are here marked 2 A. Two symptoms marked [30J seem to be from another proving. Mind and Disposition. Sensation as if it were only by a great effort that she kept together, and would be much relieved if she could fall to pieces ; she threw herself down for that pur- pose. 1 (19). Loses her way in well-known streets; gets completely bewildered ; walked from Fifth to Tenth Avenue while intending to go to Second Avenue ; wondered how the avenue had got on the wrong side of the city. 1 (37.) Imagines that there is a large hole in her back, just above sacrum ; leans body back, and puts her hand there to fill it up. 1 (39). Imagined that her mother wanted to kill her ; kept con- stantly looking round to see if she was coming up behind her. 1 (49). Imagines all day that some one is behind her. 1 (56). After retiring, imagined that some one was under the bed ; could not rest till she had looked. 1 (71). Felt afraid to go to bed without looking under, over, and in everything. 1 (72). Extremely nervous, jumps from her seat at the least unusual noise. 1 (49). o Intense nervousness, seems as if she would fly out of her skin ; wakes at 3 a.m., and does not sleep again till 7 a.m. ; worries about all sorts of things ; after 1 M slept quietly and soundly till 7 a.m., with en- tire relief from nervousness. 5. 10. She was taken suddenly with fear and trembling of the whole body, as from fright. 2 (1 after 3^ hours). She thought she was young again, and that she wanted something which she feared she could not obtain. Mind and Disposition. sac. lac. Head. 7 Longing and melancholy as if home-sick, with oppressed breathing. 2 (1). Awoke feeling very wretched and miserable, no particu- lar pain. 6 (2). Feeling of grievance and neglect, and as if her old long- forgotten troubles were brought back to her. 2 (1). Her heart aches as if it would burst, yet she cannot weep. 2 (1). The melancholy mood gradually lessens. 2 (3). o The habitual sighing disappeared. 2 (6). In forenoon a condition of melancholy and sadness as previously, but less, followed by burning and pain- fulness in 1. mamma and nipple; this breast was once sore when she suffered from mental symptoms for three months. 2 (3). Great fear of death during paroxysm of pain in heart at night. 7 (7) [1M]. 20. Inclined to be sarcastic and fault-finding. 1. 6 (3). * Cross and fault-finding, could not speak a pleasant word to any one. 8. Hysteria in evening, laughing and crying, jumping up and lying down, but could not stand, fell to right side. 1 (19). After going to bed could not keep from laughing ; this lasted for about half an hour, after which abdomen and feet were very cold. 1 (85). Felt too lazy to reach out hand for water, while very thirsty. 1 (19). Dislike to read or think. 6 (3). Head. Pain about middle of r. lambdoidal suture, through to same point on 1. side. 1 (2). Sharp pain passing from r. temple in front of r. ear to lower part of it. 1 (1,102). Sharp pain in middle of r. side of head. 1 (3). Pain over r. parietal bone. 1 (7). 30. Was awoke at night by severe pain over r: eyebrow, passing from outer to inner end, and leaving it very sore. 1 (8). Pain behind r. ear. 1 (13, 18, 24, 35, 38, 58, 70, 74). Sharp jumping pains behind r. ear. 1 (381.). 8 Head. sac. lac. Pain in r. temple. 1 (14, 18, 21. 40, 99). Pain over r. eye and in front of 1. ear. 1 (13). Pain over r. eye. 1 (14, 22, 25, 28, 29, 30, 37, 44. 45. 55. 61, 08, 70. 84 99. Ill, 129, 200, 300). Pain over r. ear passing up and down. 1 (17.) Pain in r. side of top of head. 1 (17, 316). Pain in r. eyebrow. 1 (I!), 34. 51, 59, 62, 319). Pain front of r. ear. 1 (22). 40. Pain in r. side of head. 1 (22, .2(5, 36, 47, 67). Very sharp pain in r. side of head. 1 (85, 86). Pain under r. ear. 1 (31). Pain all over r. side of forehead. 1 (35, 52). Pain in r. side of head, passing from front to back. 1 (36). Pain in r. temple ; after it had left, a sensation of cold remained. 1 (38). Pain in r. side of forehead, about size of a cent; after it ceased, the spot felt very cold. 1 (56). Pain in r. side of occiput. 1 (58). Pain over r. eye, passing to top of ear. 1 (52). Pain behind r. ear, felt cold. 1 (70). 50. Burning like fire, and a thick feeling in a lengthwise strip of two fingers' breadth extending from r. fron- tal eminence to r. side of vertex, for fifteen min- utes. 2 (1 after 3X hours : returning next day, and ceasing before noon.) Pain from the parting of the hair to r. ear. 1 (17). Sharp pain behind 1. ear. 1 (1, 15, 17, 28, 45, 47, 53, 77). Sharp pain from above outer margin of 1. eyebrow to inner canthus of both eyes. 1 (1). Pain over 1. eyebrow. 1 (8). Extremely sharp pains overl. eye. 1 (353, 361). Pain in 1. side of forehead. 1 (11, 12, 24, 47). Pain in front of 1. ear and over r. eye. 1 (13). Pain passing from 1. ear to 1. temple. 1 (13). 60. Pain in 1. side of head; 1 (17, 18, 22, 27, 48). Pain over 1. eye. 1 (16, 18, 22, 26, 34, 35, 47, 48, 50, 51. 54. (52. 67. 79, 105, 117, 119. 289, 353, 361). Dull aching pain over 1. supraorbital region ; worse ( from bending forward. 6 (1). Pain in 1. temple. 1 (19, 27, 31). Pain in front of 1. ear. 1 (21, 39). SAC LAC. Head. 9 Pain in 1. occiput. 1 (26). Pain over 1. eye, passing from r to 1. 1 (36). Pain in 1. side of head passing from front to back. 1 (39). Pain passing all round 1. ear. 1 (39). Pain under 1. ear. 1 (43). L. side of head felt all drawn up. 1 (56). Pain in 1. eyebrow. 1 (6(5). Pain passing from front of 1. ear deep into brain. 1 (S4). L. temple sore to touch. 1 (74, 75). Sensation as of pressure on frontal bone at inner can- thus of 1. eye; felt very sore. 1 (116). Pain in 1. side of head and 1. ear. 1 (192). Pain over 1. eye all day. 1 (200). Pain in 1. side of head passing down to shoulder. 1 (220). On turning head to 1. side, a pain passing from 1. side of head to r. side of neck, similar to 34th day ; on turning head back again, the pain ceased, and a similar pain came over r. eye : this occurred sev- eral times. 1 (260). Sharp darting pain on 1. side of head from temple to occiput. 6 (1). Pain passing along coronal suture from 1. to r. 1 (6, 19) Pain passing from 1. to r. side of head. 1 (34). Pain passing from above 1. ear round in front to r. temple. 1 (7). Stitch above 1. eye a little back of eyebrow ; cannot move the eye without excruciating pain. 2 (5). Pain in both temples. 1 (42. 3S4). Pain in both eyebrows. 1 ( inch thick, and the same length and width as the base ; anterior edge a dirty yellow: centre more organized, pearly, glistening, white like cartilage; membrane on right side seems more firm and dense, and disappeared later. 51. "Throat very sore, tonsils enlarged, especially 1., very large white patches ; tonsils and pharynx deep purple red ; putrid odor from throat; after the patches were expectorated, they left throat very sore, raw, and bloody. 12. "Right tonsil red and swollen; pain in tonsil gnawing, worse at night ; preventing sleep. 8. 10 p. m, throat feels dry and sore. (Merc.) 3a (1). Slight nausea, and lips, mouth and throat dry and burning; next day the same, and woke in night with a very dry throat, and mouth and lips parched and burning. (Arum tri.) 3a (19). Parched feeling in upper and back part of throat. (Nux mos.) 4 (1). "Throat feels swollen and raw. (Nux). "Diphtheria. 24, 26). Throat sore, with severe headache. (4). Throat sore. 2 (5). 440. Throat sore, dry and hot. (Bell.) 2 (8). Throat slightly sore, la (14, to 16, 18, 19 to 22, 34, 37). Throat has a slight feeling of thickness in it ; cannot call it a sore throat, and it causes no inconvenience. :J9 (3). Throat. LAC CAN. 71 "Pains in limbs, small of back, and head disappear ; throat becomes more painful, but looks better. "Diphtheria. 20 (of prover 64). Soreness of throat directly under each ear, internally. 2 (3). Throat slightly sore all the time ; no particular spot, but all over, la (209 to 216.) ♦Throat very sore, pain extending to chest; dry and sore ; deep red color on either side of throat oppo- site tonsils : these symptoms continued, gradually decreasing till end of proving on 35th day. (Merc.) 'i (H, 12). Throat slightly sore at sides. 2 (2). Throat sore in afternoon and evening on r. side, la (7). Throat very sore on r. side, la (13). 45o. ♦Throat sore on 1. side. (Lach.) le (5). Throat well in morning, but a little sore on r. side in afternoon, la (17.) Throat slightly sore on 1. side for three days ; the fol- lowing day nearly well, quite well next day. la (23). ♦Throat very sore on 1. side ; painful .to external pres- sure both sides, le (12). Throat sore, principally 1. side ; in three more days, still sore, but principally r. side ; in three more days quite well. If (329). "Sore throat on r. side, low down, and extending up to ear ; pain when swallowing ; sensitive to external pressure ; slight coryza. (Lach.) 26 (1). "Pain in throat pushes toward 1. ear. "Diphtheria. 20, 26. "Sore spot in 1. side of throat, only at night, removed by 1 m.; next night the same on r. side of throat; after 1 m. returned no more. 12, 26. Throat feels raw and sore on r. side, with tickling sen- sation in throat, la (8). "Tickling pain in throat when drinking. "Diphtheria. 14. 460. "Throat feels stiff. (Lach.) "Diphtheria. 20,26. Raw sensation in back of throat. (Lach.) la (9). Throat sore on 1. side, with cough caused by irritation in upper part of throat, worse by lying down at night, after eating or drinking, and during and after talking; constant desire to urinate at the Throat. lac can. same time ; soreness commenced with a tickling in throat, which caused constant coughing; came and went with menses. If (58). ♦♦Throat commenced to be sore on 1. side, and by night was so bad that she could scarcely swallow, which caused great pain ; slight increase of saliva; next day throat nearly well in morning ; by night quite well on 1. side, but very sore on i\; which was cov- ered with a greyish-yellow patch ; subsequent day, throat well on r. side, but sore on 1.; about twelve hours well on 1. side but sore on r.; continued about fwelve hours, then ceased, leaving her entirely free; all these throat symptoms ended, as they had begun, with menses. If (31). ***Soreness 0f throat commences with a tickling sen- sation, which causes constant cough ; then a sen- sation of a lump on one side, causing constant de- glutition: this condition entirely ceases, only to commence on the opposite side, and often alter- nates, again returning to its first condition ; these sore throats are very apt to begin and end with menses. If (1873). "Sore throat just before menses for several years ever since diphtheria; r. side of throat now worse, but it sometimes comes on one side, sometimes on the other ; small yellowish white patches of exudation on tonsil of affected side, with great difficulty of swallowing, and sharp pains moving up into ear ; these patches are also present on back of throat and uvula; some are quite yellow and some are white : scraping them off makes them bleed. 26. "Throat has a burnt and drawn feeling as from caustic. "Diphtheria. 24. Throat feels ♦dry, husky, as if scalded by hot fluir 40 (3). Peculiar dryness of fauces and throat : sensation as if parched and swollen. (Lach. Phos.) 5. In morning, smarting and burning in throat; through the day made many and loud complaints about throat. 41 (2). 470. "Pricking sensation in throat, as if full of sticks. (Hep.) 12, 26. Throat. LAC CAN. 73 Pricking and cutting pains shoot through 1. tonsil when swallowing. (Nit.ae) "Diphtheria. 24. "Pricking and cutting pains through tonsils when swal- lowing. "Diphtheria. 26. 29. "Pricking, cutting pains on swallowing. 9. "Pricking and cutting pains on swallowing, shooting up to ears. "Diphtheria. 26. Occasional slight probing pains in 1. lower throat. 44 (11). Feeling of a ♦lump in throat, which goes down when swallowing, but returns ; throat worse r. side ; worse on swallowing saliva: afterwards, throat which had been getting well, suddenly one evening grew rapidly worse, but this time on 1. side. 43 (19). "Sensation of a ball or round body in 1. side of throat, and a feeling that it could be removed with a knife. 27. "Marked sensation of lump in throat on 1. side, when swallowing, and the pain from the act extended to 1. ear. "Diphtheria. 21, 26. "Most pain when swallowing solids, no aversion to cold drink; when swallowing solid food, it seems to pass over a lump, with sore and aching pains extending to and in 1. ear. "Diphtheria. 24. "Sensation as though there was a lump in r. upper part of throat, la (17) Id (2). "Lump on 1. side of pharynx below tonsil, causing an enlargement that filled each arch of palate, nearly to r. side. 12. "Gargling with warm water brought up a little stringy mucous. "Diphtheria. 24. Great dryness of throat, with secretion of thick viscid saliva in throat, so tough and tenacious that it must be wiped away with a handkerchief, since it cannot be expectorated. 40 (5). Great dryness of tonsils in night, preceded during day by large collections of mucous in throat. Dryness and hurting of the throat, peculiar, felt like she did when she had diphtheria last winter. 40 (4). Slight throat irritation on 1. side ; urging to hawk, principally morning. 44 (3). 74 Throat, LAC CAN. "Throat worse by empty swallowing. (Jgnal.) "Diph- theria. 20. "Throat relieved after drinking cold or warm. "Diph- theria. 20. Not much pain on swallowing after third day of illness. "Diphtheria. 9. "Refuses all fruit, berries, oranges, because they make throat smart. "Diphtheria. 19. 490. "Would desist and cry at every attempt to nurse, and reach for water, yet refuse to take it. "Diph- theria. 22. ♦Pain in upper and r. side of pharynx, lc (17). ♦Pain in r. side of throat in region of tonsil; noth- ing abnormal visible. "Acute rheumatism. 14. Tonsils sore and irritated. 2 (9). Tonsils and throat quite sore. 2 (10). ♦Left tonsil feels sore. 2 (1). "Sensation of a lump in r. side of throat, with a feeling that she could take hold of it with her fingers and pull it out; accompanied by a very annoying prick- ing, stitching feeling; constant inclination to swallow saliva, which caused soreness of throat. 27. Passage of particles of food into opening of posterior nares, lodging and remaining for hours apparently just above the free border of soft palate ; uvula elongated and smartly curved with the convexity toward 1. side ; muscular tissue of 1. half of velum pendulum palate was paretic ; at meals his mind was fixed upon hs tihroat, and he watched for the crumbs of food that, despite all his care, would go up instead of down. 30. "Sensation as if throat were closing and she would choke, the sensation is between throat and nose; feels as if something in throat were either enlarged or relaxed; desires to keep mouth open lest she should choke ; sometimes cannot swallow, because there seems to be a kind of muscular contraction in throat. 15. "Almost total inability to swallow, especially liquids; even a teaspoonful of water gave her much suffer- ing. "Diphtheria. 31. Throat LAC CAN. 75 500. "Swallowing almost impossible. "Diphtheria, 24. "Great difficulty in swallowing. "Diphtheria. 12, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 31. "Very difficult deglutition, but little pain. "Diphtheria. 23. "Child refuses to swallow water, and sputters out the medicine, some returning by the nose. Diphtheria. 22. "Could swallow only with great difficulty, though ansesthesia of throat continued as before. Diph- theria. 23. 1 Swallowing very painful. Diphtheria. 20, 23, 12. ♦Constant inclination to swallow, la (5, 7, 13. 18). ♦Constant inclination to swallow, which causes pain extending to r. ear. lc (17). "Constant inclination to swallow, which causes pain extending to both ears. 26. "Constant inclination to swallow, though deglutition is painful. "Diphtheria. 9. 510. Throat sore to external pressure on. r side, le (15). "Throat very sensitive to touch externally. (Lach.) "Diphtheria. 9, 16, 22, 26. "External swelling 1. side, not much soreness on swal- lowing, but whole side very sensitive to touch. "Diphtheria. 23. "Swelling of 1. parotid, with sore throat and loss of appetite. 29. Swelling of r. submaxillary gland with considerable soreness, almost well next day ; on subsequent day swelling .of 1. submaxillary gland with much sore- ness, which was still sore and swollen on following day. la (29). "Glandular (parotid) swelling passes from 1. to r. 20. "Swelling of cervical and submaxillary glands. "Diph- theria^ 9. "Throat worse at one time on r. side, at another on 1. "Diphtheria. 26. "Submaxillary glands swollen. "Diphtheria. 24. "Inflamation and swelling shift from side to side, gen- erally worse on 1. Diphtheria. 9, 26. 520.°Throat sore, cedematous, puffed, tonsils badly swollen. 16. Throat. LAC CAN. olf the parotid glands are first attacked, and the dis ease extends to other glands of neck; throat and sides of neck not tender to external touch. Diph- theria. 13. "Throat sensitive. Parenchymatous metritis. 32. "Deglutition exceedingly difficult and painful. Diph- theria. 12. "Some redness of 1. side of throat, but no sensation of soreness, increased next day ; on subsequent day, redness of throat increased, with a slight sensation of soreness on r. side, la (2). ♦Throat slightly sore on r. side, la (5). ♦Throat feels raw. la (5). ♦Tickling sensation in throat, la (8). Tickling and ♦sense of contriction in upper part of throat, causing ♦constant dry hacking cough, la (9). "Wakes with throat and mouth painfully dry. "Paren- chymatous metritis. 32. In morning, began to feel a sore place, like a sore boil, on 1. tonsil ;• not quite so sore in evening, though the back was more painful; not felt much next night. 62 (4). On waking in morning throat felt as if there were lumps in it like two eggs, and sore ♦all the time, especially ♦when swallowing anything ; ♦cold water seemed to relieve momentarily ; in evening, exam- ination revealed both tonsils ♦much swollen and very red, 1. ♦most ; and distinct ♦patches on 1. ton- sil. 62 (5). Shortly before retiring to bed, throat began'to feel ♦raw and sore; did not sleep well that night; next morn- ing, throat felt ♦full and sore, and a little the worse on r. side; this condition continued two days, when it seemed to ♦continue downwards to chest. 6:5 (7). "On swallowing, acute pain at one time on r. side of throat, and again on 1. side. "Diphtheria. 14. "Throat very dry and sore, much inflamed, worse on r. side ; palate red, uvula elongated; very painful deglutition. 12. "Sore throat, pains in whole body and limbs, severe headache. "Diphtheria. 12. "Throat very sore, worse on 1. side ; large greenish Throat. LAC CAN. 77 ulcers on both tonsils, surrounded by grey-white exudation, the parts not covered are a deep purple red ; swelling externally on both sides ; after exu- dation on tonsils disappeared, a raw bloody surface was left. "Diphtheria. 12. "Membrane would leave throat, and a very severe in- terstitial hemorrhage of bright red blood would ensue ; the hemorrhage would slowly improve, and the membrane appear again in throat ; these had continued to alternate for several days. "Diph- theria. 68. "Throat became bad, deglutition difficult; mucous folli- cles raised or swollen, and covered with a whitish cream-colored mucous. 32. For about two weeks had sore throat all the time, diag- nosed by Dr. B. as diphtheritic. If (Oct., 1873.) 540. "White patches, like eggs of flies) on both tonsils, ex- tending thence to back of throat; tonsils enlarged and deep red; felt she would suffocate at night from full feeling in throat which prevented sleep ; swallowing toast gave some pain, but seemed to clear the throat; drinking anything caused more pain in throat, and she had to gulp it down. 15. "A serious case of quinsy, just ready to discharge, dis- appeared without discharging, in an unusually short time; the guiding symptoms were the trouble changing from one side to the other and back again ; the relief was within a few minutes, and the quinsy has not returned. 73. Throat relieved by eating, la (12). Throat inflamed and painful, la (12). "Ulcers on throat shine like silver gloss, symptoms went from side to side ; croupy symptoms not well marked ; after exudation was cleared off, a deep excavation was left. "Diphtheria. 75. Authority, J. A. Wakeman, M. D. "Throat filled with substance that looked like what Germans call " smear kase." Throat, tongue, roof of mouth, gums and cheeks completely lined with this substance. Mouth and throat filled with loose particles ; it had a horrible odor. "Post-scar- letina diphtheria. 76 (sixth trituration.) Authority, W. B. Stover, M. D. 7S Stomach. LAC CAN. Stomach. Appetite improved. 2 (4). Appetite increased, la (12). Vigorous appetite. 2 (9). Cannot satisfy her hunger, la (14). Very hungry all day, cannot eat enough to satisfy her- self; feels as hungry after eating as before. (Cascar. Calc. Chiui n. Ciua, Lye. SI rout.) la (13). Thought dinner-time (noon) would never come; vora- cious hunger and he sat down to eat; the hunger left him and he could eat nothing. 38 (2). Appetite good; eats until ashamed of herself, and leaves the table with a desire to eat as much more, though she has no hunger till she sees the food, lc (379). 550. The appetite, usually poor, has been greatly increased during the proving. 1. Almost all desire for food has been gone, but now can scarcely get enough to satisfy her ; could eat at least six times a day. le (319). ♦Desire for highly-seasoned dishes, which is very unusual ; has used pepper, mustard and salt freely. le (379). Has had a great repugnance to meat, could not eat a mouthful of it; but now has a great craving for it. le (319). Great disinclination to eat anything; yet as soon as she commences, the dislike passes off and the food tastes good, le (209 to 216). ♦No appetite. 2(11). Diphtheria. 21.16,19,46. "Acute rheumatism. 52. No appetite for meat. 3 (6). No appetite for supper; in two days appetite still grow- ing less, little appetite for breakfast, but feels chiefly in forenoon; in four days completely lost; in seven days re-gaining it; in ten days poor. 44 (3). "No appetite, cannot bear food. "Dyspepsia. 25 "Great difficulty in getting her to take nourishment. "Diphtheria. 19. 560. "Great indisposition to take food or drink. "Tonsillitis. 16. ♦Considerable thirst, la (9). Stomach. LAC CAN. 79 Very thirsty, la (20). Thirst, la'(*>, 30). "Great thirst for large quantities, often. (Nat. Mur.) 12, 26. Great thirst for very cold water in small quantities, which causes teeth to ache, la (19). Wants to drink very cold water all the time, only in very small quantities, la (8). "Thirst frequent for small quantities. (Arson. Act,). 12. "Diphtheria. 12. "Thirst changeable. "Diphtheria. 9. "Aversion to liquids, especially water. "Diphtheria. 31. "Desire for warmish water with a pinch of salt in. Diphtheria. 9. "Thirst. "Acute rheumatism. 52. 5;<>. "Appetite and strength failing: dislike to food, especially fat or greasy. "Parenchymatous metritis. 32. "Entire loss of appetite: obliged to take liquid food. "Parenchymatous metritis. 32 "Craves milk and drinks much of it. "Diphtheria. 12. Eructations of tasteless gas. la (6). Dizzy, nausea, as after rich food, worse after standing, must sit down, feels as if she would fall if she closed her eyes ; seven days the same nausea. 43 (1). Nausea while in bed, worse by motion, lasting all the morning, la (6). Nausea, with ♦headache, on waking: continuing all the morning. 1 (11). Nausea from leaning forwards, la (25). Nausea on first rising. (Lye. Magn. m. Mang. Luis. Rhus. Sah. Trios.) la (14). Considerable nausea, la (12). 5so. Slight nausea, aggravated by moving around, relieved by keeping quiet: during menses. 3a (17). Nausea relieved by eructations of wind, id (1). Stomach out of order: slight nausea on rising at ; p. m. 2 (3). At 10 a. m. slight nausea, lasting only a few minutes. 3 (15). Slight nausea while dressing in morning. 3a (s). At 10 p. m. slight nausea with thirst. 4 (3). so Stomach. lac can. At 5 p. m. while smoking a cigar, great nausea with severe pain in stomach-pit: vomiting seemed immi- nent, but the sensation ceased in 4 or 5 minutes, and did not return. (Tabae). 4(9). (Tagging from sore tonsils. 2 (9). Sick at stomach, vomiting hard : went home to bed. 2 (21). "The almost constant diphtberetic discharges from mouth and nose nearly ceased, and she almost im- mediately had spells of sickness of stomach, and would occasionally vomit pieces of membrane- "Diphtheria. 19. 590. "Nausea at beginning of diphtheria. (3 cases). 3(i. "Great faintness of stomach and nausea. "Parenchyma- tous metritis. 32. At 10-15 a. m., ♦empty, weak feeling in stomach pit : next day the same at ii p. m. (Dig. Jgn. Petrol, Sep.). :5(3). Before dinner, a very week feeling in stomach-pit. 3a <:)• Weak ♦sinking feeling in stomach-pit. on waking in morning, la (s). A growling and disturbed state of stomach. 2 (r undi- gested food, in stomach pit: followed by a stabbing pain in r. lung, just below nipple. (Kalt. bicti.) 4(1). "Stomach tender and bloated: cannot eat or drink any- thing without pain in stomach-pit. "After Diph- theria. 25. "Burning in epigastric region, feeling of a weight and pressure of a stone in stomach. 25. (ioo. "Severe throbbing in region of solar plexus: when it becomes very severe, which it did daily for hours at a time, it would seem to extend or continue up- wardsto bead, when dizziness and lightness of head would supervene, requiring her to lie down at once. otherwise she would fall violently to the floor. 2^. "Gastralgia orcardialgia, worse at menses, so she would drop to the floor, comes and goes suddenlv. 47. Stomach. lac can. Abd. and Hypoch. si "Beating in stomach and bowels. "Parenchymatous metritis. :52. "No appetite or thirst. "Diphtheria. 46. Very hungry: could not eat enough to satisfy herself. la (19). Aversion to anything sweet, la (3. 8). In stomach, feeling as if something were pushing up. 43 (S). "Frequent attacks of severe vomiting, and when not so, always feeling of nausea, and fear to eat. "Sick headache. 15. "Thirst for little at a time, but often, as throat is so dry and hot. "Diphtheria. 12. Sinking, gone sensation in stomach-pit. 20. "Gnawing, hungry feeling, not relieved by eating: every thing she eats, except fish, makes her worse ; the thought of milk makes her sick, since sick head- ache was cured can now eat anything. "Sick head- ache. 77. Authority J. T. Kent. M. D. Abdomen and Hypochondria. 610. Pain in r. side of pelvis: while it lasted there was no pain in 1. side, la (22). Sharp contractive pain just in front of r. anterior superior spine of ilium, lasting all day, sometimes occurring very frequently and then leaving possibly for half an hour: pain of the same character but not exactly like it. in 1. ovarian region, le (3S2). MSevere burning pain in r. hypochondriac and iliac region and corresponding part of back, extending across back to 1. side of abdomen: worse when on the feet or when fatigued, better when lying down. 10. Low down in r. groin, above ramus, three lancinatioiis up toward crest of ilium, waking her from sleep. 71 (3). "Smarting in r. groin: pains seem to be in pelvic bones. uterus, and limbs. "Parenchymatous metritis. 32 Burning in 1. side of pelvis. (Amm. c lira ph. Plat. Ruta. Sep.) la (20). 82 Abd. and Hypoch. lac can. Sensation of extreme heat in 1. side of abdomen and pelvis, not confined to any one spot, but general. la (37). Pain and burning in 1. side of abdomen and pelvis, with weight and dragging on that side : the clothes feel very heavy la (21). Pressure and pain in 1. side of pelvis, la (25). intense sharp pains in 1. side of abdomen with nausea. caused by leaning forwards, la (17). ii2o. Pain in 1. side of abdomen and pelvis all the morning. la (3S). Pulsative boring pain in abdomen, to 1. of umbilicus. for several days. If (Aug. is;3). Rumbling and gurgling in I. lower abdomen, la (b). Keeling of tension in 1. groin: does not want to walk or stand, as it increases the sensation ; relieved by flexing leg on abdomen, la (is). During- afternoon, uneasy pain in 1. groin: returning the following afternoon, and lasting till 10 p. m. 44 (IS). Sharp pain in 1. side of abdomen, in front of ilium : the pressure of clothes was painful: entirely removed by loosening them. 1. Sharp pain in 1. anterior superior spinous process of ilium, during expiration, la (38). Pains and tension in 1. groin, la (19). "Very acute pain in 1. groin, extending up 1. side to crest of ilium: relieved by stool: sometimes the pain is in track of colon. 1. Pain passing from crest of 1. ilium to 1. ovarian region. la (02). 63o. *During evening, slight sensation of pressure in abdo- men and pelvis, from within outwards. 1 (62). ♦Slight pain in 1. side of abdomen and pelvis, lasting only a few minutes, la (62). Abdomen swollen and hard. (Calc c. Saeh. Alb. Sep.). la (16). Abdomen swollen and very hard, la (37). ♦In evening, abdomen very hard and swollen, la (44). Abdomen hard, and sensitive to deep pressure, la (15). Abdomen swollen, and sensitive to deep pressure, which Abd. and Hypoch. lac can. 83 also causes nausea, the nausea passes off when pressure is relieved, la (17). "Abdomen swollen and burning, with bearing-down pains therein. 25. Feeling of uneasiness in umbilical region, an agitation or moving as it were, in the colon about this part. 44 (3). Pain in lower abdomen like a stoppage there, always about 2 a. m. relieved by passage of flatus down- wards. 54 (6. t). 640. Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen, with escape of flatus, la (33). Rumbling in bowels with passing of flatus in morning. soon followed by a copious liquid stool, accom- panied by a peculiar nervous tremor all over body. with slight tingling to ends of ringers: there was no second discharge. 7 (6). Woke at 2.30 a. m.. with intense pain in abdomen, and desire for stool which could hardly be supressed; after repairing to closet, the diarrhoeic stool was voided entire at one effort, and ease immediately secured. 44 (5). Felt as though abdomen and chest were firmly com- pressed all over, as if the skin were contracted, lc (21). Sharp shooting pains in abdomen and pelvis, worse on 1. side, la (13). Severe shooting pains in abdomen and pelvis, passing in all directions, la (33). In evening, pain in upper abdomen as of wind. 4 (2). Colicky pains and wind in bowels, with restlessness during night. (Nat. Nit.) 4 (3) Slight pain in upper abdomen. 4 (4). Abdomen verv sensitive to pressure. (Puis. Snip.) la (13). 650. Abdomen very sensitive to pressure and weight of clothes, entirely relieved by removing them, during very profuse menses. Id (6). Pressure of clothes causes intense pain and distress in abdomen. (Act. Ban. bulb.) Id (7). Abdomen painful from the least weight of hand or arm. si Abd. and Hypoeh. i.ac can. la (38). ♦Pains in abdomen intermittent, la (16) Fine miliary eruption on abdomen, preceded by nausea and pains in abdomen. 72. ♦Pain in pelvis, principally in r. ovarian region. (Apis. Ballad.) la (17). ♦Headache over 1. eye on first waking, and great pain in pelvis, most marked at r. ovary, la (is). Slight pain across bowels. 2 (2). Slight pain across bowels in morning. 2 (6). Pains in abdomen caused by leaning forward, la (12, 14). 6 60. Pains in abdomen relieved by leaning back, la (1<>. ■'>,). Abdomen and pelvis extremely hot. la (15). Burning sensation in pelvis, with pains in all direct- ions. (Camj)h. Nitr. Pho.s. ae Strain.) la (14). Burning sensation in lower part of abdomen and pelvis, passing from side to side, la (13). During afternoon, burning sensation all across pelvis. particularly on 1. side, with considerable pain, la (IS). Constant pains across lower part of abdomen. Id (22). Slight pressure in abdomen from within outwards. ' la (13). Outward pressure in abdomen and pelvis, la (l'.i). Great pressure in abdomen from within outwards, la (20). Pressure in abdomen from within outwards la (37). i)70. ^Pressure from within outwards, as if the contents of of abdomen would be forced outwards literally, just above pelvis, la (14). The contents of abdomen and pelvis seem as though they were coming out just above the pelvis, la (21). Cutting pains in lower part of abdomen, la ('■>]). Abdomen verv hard and feels as if it would burst, la (IS). Sensation while walking as if abdomen would burst. (Lye.) la (17). Abdomen feels as though it would burst, lc (fi). Pain in 1. side of pelvis, la (22). Weight and dragging in 1. side of pelvis, la (22). Abel, and Hypoch. lac can. Rectum and Stool. 85 Pain in 1. side of pelvis, weight and dragging on that side, la (23). Sharp pains in all directions on 1. side of pelvis, worse by pressure, la (6). nso. Pain in lower part of abdomen and pelvis, on 1. side: increased by pressure of arm or hand la (44). Tension of 1. groin relieved by drawing the leg up to body. la (21). Feeling of tension in 1. groin, la (22). Pains in abdomen and pelvis, la (3(i). Pressure of arm or hand increases the abdominal pain. la (37). ' Great distress all over abdomen and pelvis, slight relief by leaning back. lc. (<»). Menstruation at various times was preceded by an acces- sion of flatulence. 1. During evening, slight sensation of pressure in abdo- men and pelvis from within outwards, la (62). Riding in a carriage seems to jar her. and seems to in- crease the abdominal pain, while walking does not influence it in any way. la (13). Clothes feel very heavy, la (13). r>90. Abdomen and pelvis extremely hot. la (15). Slight pain very low down in abdomen, during menses. 3a (15). (see under Head). Rumbling in abdomen, which is slightly distended, lc (2o!i to 216). Rectum and Stool. Frequent and ineffectual urging to stool, with much straining. (Lach. Nux. Su/j>h). But neither con- stipation or diarrhoea, la (5). The frequent desire for stool has been very annoying all through the provings. 1. Frequent and urgent desire for stool: sensation as if the stool could not be evacuated on account of its great size and hardness ; great pressure all across per- ineum: it is possible this was ^retroversion of uterus as no stool followed the attempt. (Bry. Kali.) lc (319). When having a soft passage there is great tenesmus: the rectum does not act as if it had lost power, but *6 Boctum and Sfool. I.Ac CAN". Urna' as if it could not expel foeces because they are soft. and adhere to the parts like clay. (Plat.) le (20'J to 21ti). Tenesmus, but the stool was of ordinary consistency. le (3!i5). "Obstinate constipation : frequent desire with darting pains in rectum, no power to expel: stool large. whitish, rough, scaly, hard. ^Diphtheria. 14. ♦Constipation. 2 (2). "Acute rheumatism. 52. 700. First movement of bowels for four days. 4 (12). Slightly constipated: occasionally natural passages : urgent desire for stool, but passes nothing but wind, or possibly one or two small pieces like sheep- dung: considerable wind in abdomen, with rum- bling but never any pain, lc (209 to 216). Slight diarrhoea. 2 (5). Profuse diarrhoea, with colic- pain: diarrhoea watery. profuse, coming out with great force. 12. "Mucous yellow liquid stools. 25. Diarrhoea coming on prompt!v everv evening at !) p.m. (11). Rowels relaxed, with frequent desire for stool : acute transient pain in bowels. 4 (7). At 5.3o a. m. fruitless attempt at stool, terminating in profuse evacuation, with but very little pain at 6.30 a. m. 4 (3). Since the proving, the bowels act night and morning; previously at night only. 2. Constant pricking sensation at anus, lasting all the morning, la 0i). 710. Great constipation before and after menses : bowels very loose (not diarrhoea) during menses, le (.June, 1X72). Very watery diarrlnea. only in morning, la (33). Diarrhcea. very watery discharge, with much pressure at anus, la (6). Urine. Pain in urethra during urination, and lasting for a short time afterwards, la (12). Urination causes intense pain in urethra, soon passing Torino. LAC CAN. 87 off. la (13). Sensation after urinating, as though the bladder were still full. (Calc. c, Con. Buta). la (30). Very sharp pain in bladder ten minutes after urinating. aggravated bv pressure. (Berb., Cauth,. Nat.mur.) 3 (18). After urination, continued desire to urinate. (Calc Con. Guiae Lain: Rut a.) 3 (18). Emission of a drop or two after urinating. (Lach. Petr.) 1 (30). After urination, a few more drops dribble out: to her great discomfort. If (6). 720. Frequent desire to urinate, which if not immediately attended to. causes pain in region of bladder. (Pids). The pain is a numb, dull sensation; if it is not relieved by urination it spreads over abdomen and 1. side to ends of fingers : never in head ; would frequently wake at night dreaming of the pain, and would have to urinate to relieve it. le (May, 1872). Very frequent desire to urinate, passing a large quan- tity in proportion to the water drunk. If (76). Constant desire to ♦urinate, easily restrained ; frequent urination, quantity variable, light colored, rather v scanty, lc (3). Constant inclination to urinate ; urine profuse, natural color, la (52). °Constant desire to urinate, with intense pain. yUreth- ral chancre. 14. ♦Constant desire to urinate, la (20, 21, 53. 61); 5 after 40M. 18 after 40m. 11 after CM). Parenchymatous metritis. 32. Constant inclination to ♦urinate, the inclination does not abate by urinating, la (65). Constant desire to ♦urinate, urine scanty and frequent. lb (2). ♦Constant desire to urinate, urme scanty, lc (6). ♦Constant inclination to urinate, which was restrained as urination caused intense pain when coming in contact'with vulva, lc (20). 730 Occasionally very frequent urination, sometimes scald- ing the parts as it flows over them, yet not pro- ducing any soreness, le (June. 1872). 88 Urme. LAC CAN. Constant and urgent desire to urinate; urine scanty and very light-colored, lc (10). ♦Constant desire to urinate, passing large quantities frequently ; at night she dreams of urinating, and wakes to find an immediate necessity (Kreos.); a less strong and healthy person would probably have wet the bed. le (209 to 216). Very sharp constant distressing pain in bladder, with frequent uncontrollable urging and tenemus; emp- tying bladder does not help, though it seems as if it would ; this pain lasted fifteen hours, gradually diminishing as it passed away. 40 (3). ♦Urine frequent and profuse. (Merc, Nat.m,) la (30); 3a (1). Frequent urination, quantity variable, light-colored. 1. Urine frequent; profuse, light-colored, la (23, 28). ♦Urine frequent, scanty, high colored, la (8). Urination frequent and scanty, la (18). Urination frequent, scanty, ♦high colored, red sedi- ment, la (22). Constant urination. 6. 740. °Urine high-colored or dark, plentiful, but passed at long intervals. 9. °Urine frequent, especially at night, la (24). °Plentiful discharge of urine, clear or high-colored, at long intervals. "Diphtheria. 9. Urination has been especially troublesome at *night, causing her to wake two or three times every night to urinate. 1. Urine strong and high-colored. 2 (12). °Urine very scanty and dark. "Acute rheumatism. 14. °Urine partially suppressed. "Tonsilitis. 16. °Urine dark, with frequent urination. "Diphtheria. 20. °Urine scanty, infrequent, coffee-colored, no desire to urinate, quantity less than a gill in twenty-four hours, eighty per cent, albumen, with much mucous. "Diphtheria. 14. Urine ♦dark, heavily loaded with thick reddish sedi- ment that adhered in different colored circles to bottom and sides of vessel. 44 (7). 750. °Great difficulty in urinating. "Diphtheria. 19. "Urinating only once in twenty-four hours, and then Urine. lac can. Male Sex. Organs. 89 very copiously, but with some difficulty and slight irritation. "Diphtheria. 19. oNo urine for forty-seven and three-quarter hours, bladder prett}r full, parts fearfully swollen, and ir- ritation on urination very great. "Diphtheria. 19. Woke frequently in night to urinate, and complained of great vesical tenismus. with sharp steady pain that made her weep and complain almost all night. 41 (2). Frequent and very profuse urination; no thirst. Id (14). oUrine bright colored. ^Diphtheria. 12. oSlight difficulty in urinating, but at times very profuse and light-colored. "Parenchymatous metritis. 32. °Desire to urinate often, with difficulty. "Parenchyma- tous metritis. 32. ♦Urine unusually frequent and dark. 62 (5). Constant and urgent inclination to urinate in large quantities, though not at all thirsty ; urine high colored ; next day. the same urgent inclination, but urine was scanty, very turbid, and left a reddish sediment, le (209 to 216). 760. Nocturnal enuresis, a specific. 25. Urine painful and passing in drops. 2s Male Sexual Organs. Sexual desire quite marked. 44 (7). R. spermatic cord, low down, sore to touch. 44 (16). °Buboes and chancres. 12. Chancre on prepuce, 1. side of frenum. granulating rapidly from centre to circumference. 12. At 8 p.m., considerable itching and burning for ten min- utes ; near glans where formerly a chancre had ex- isted, after eight days more, the same at 10 p. m., lasting much longer ; after eleven days the same in forenoon, the part red and feverish ; after twelve days, itching and redness ; and after fifteen days, at 9 p . m., itching, with boring, throbbing pain. 44(2). "Large chancre on dorsum penis, with a fungoid bac- terie mass covering the whole of the corona glandis, which was first of a glossy, shining, white appear- ance, and later covered with a fungus, looking like 90 Male Sex. Organs. lac can. Female Sex. Organs. fully developed aphtlne : the edges of the swollen prepuce were covered with nodosities and itching. 13. °Penis enormously swollen, chancre on glands, no pain; chancre was like a cauliflower excrescence, over half inch in diameter, red. smooth, and glistening. Gave 30th potency. In a week two more small chancres, deep sharp edges, clean, with the same shining appearance. Cm. cured. 14. "Small sore at entrance of urethra ; kept getting worse; prepuce involved for about half inch, and the parts of glans around urethra an open ulcer, exhaling the moot fetid smell, and with most excruciating pain ; hemorrhage at 10 p. m. every evening, and during the day when removing the dressings ; con- stant desire to urinate, with intense pain ; no sleep for a fortnight, red glistening appearance. 14. 770. "Gonorrliceal pains, intermittent, in front, middle, or posterior part of urethra. 14. "When the gonorrhoea is better, catarrh sets in. 14. Female Sexual Organs. Menses scanty : terribly cross and impatient first day; on second day, severe paroxysmal pains in uterine region, causing nausea ; occasional pain in 1. ovar- ian region, passing about half way down thigh, on upper part of it ; all these pains better by bending backwards ; pain and aching in r. lumbar region when leaning forwards (as in sewing) even for a short time; entire relief when bending back, le (371, 372). Menses commence at regular "period, scanty at first, with considerable pain in region of 1. ovary. (Arg., Lach,, Thuj.) Id (5). Menses for last few months (though now normal) have had a very strong ammoniacal smell, and wash out very easily ; at the close the smell was horrible ammonia being the most prominent, and stains a dark olive-green, lc (June, 1872). Menses three days in advance. 3 (51). At 7 a. m., menses commence three days in advance, very free flow, no pain, feels well. 3 (26). Menses commence three days too soon ; flow very scanty and intermittent. Female Sex. Organs. lac can. 91 Menses bright red ; when put into water, the blood forms into long strings, which soon dissolve; pas- sage of several small pieces of thin white trans- parent substance, having a distinctly organized structure, but extremely delicate ; next day flow more profuse, and the blood natural in character ; menses last four days, la (15). Menses seven days too soon ; flow came in gushes, scanty, intermittent, ♦bright red, and ♦stringy, pre- ceded by much flatulence from bowels, la (37). Menses four days too soon, scanty but otherwise normal; la (*J2) 7 so. Menses commenced seven days too soon, very scanty. lc (5). "Menses fourteen days too soon, profuse. 14. Menses every two weeks, accompanied by lassitude, pains in uterine region, and slight headache. If (Aug. 1873). Menses very profuse and gushing. Id (7 to 11). Menses very profuse ; abdomen very sensitive to pres- sure and weight of clothes, entire relief by removing them. Id (6). Menses more profuse, but not as much as is natural; somewhat ♦stringy, la (38). Menses commenced scanty, and accompanied by slight feeling of distress in abdomen, la (210). "Menses too early and too profuse, with bright-red blood. changing soon to dark clots and stringy; preceded by great engorgment of the breasts, with great sensitiveness to touch. 26. Menses commence, flow very slight in amount for three days; next day very profuse, almost like flooding le (15). "Most excellent in Dysmenorrhcea. 16. "Parenchy- matous metritis. 32. 790. "Several cases of membranous dysmenorrhcea. 33. Uterine hemorrhage, when blood is bright-red and stringy. 26. Dysmenorrhcea. pain in 1. groin, with bearing down and nervousness. (Two cases). 36. Discharge of blood from vagina all day, scanty, and bright. Id (22). 92 Female Sex. Organs, lac can. Pressure on vulva causes a slight flow of blood. Id (27 - 9). Every evening after dinner, from Sept. 5th to 11th, when menstruation commenced, there was a slight discharge of blood which could be increased by pressure on the vulva, le (39 to 45). Leucorrhoea only while standing, la (34). Leucorrhoea all the afternoon, la (12). Leucorrhoea at night, none in day. la (28). ♦Leucorrhoea all day, but none at night, even after taking a long walk, la (7). 800. Leucorrhoea during day. la (8). Leucorrhoea at night, la (29). ♦Leucorrhoea lasting all day, but ceasing after 6 p.m., worse when standing or walking, la (5). Leucorrhoea. la (6). ♦Slight leucorrhoea during day. worse when standing or walking, la (20). Slight leucorrhoea. (la 13, 14). ♦Slight watery leucorrhoea. 3 (61); 3a (1). Slight watery leucorrhoea which stains but little. 3 (8). "Leucorrhea, very profuse during day, none at night; discharge whitish and watery; pain in small of back; very irritable. 36. Leucorrhoea continuing many days in succession. 1. 810. Leucorrhoea, worse about menstrual period. 29. Leucorrhoea appeared instead of menses. 55. ♦Severe pain in r. ovarian region, completely relieved by a flow of bright-red blood which lasted for about an hour; and did not return, la (26). 11 (356). ♦In the afternoon, sharp pains in r. ovarian region, not constant but intermittent. (Apis.) la (38). Constant pain in r. ovarian region, lc (5). Constant pain all day in region of r. ovary, lc (6). Constant pain in 1. ovarian region, lc (7). "Sharp pain in r. ovary. 36. Constant pain in 1. ovary. (Arg. Lach.) 1 (6 after 40 m). ♦Pain in 1. ovarian region, la (37). S20. ♦Pain in 1. ovarian region, and all across lower part of abdomen, la (38). "Sharp pains beginning in 1. ovary, and darting like lightning either towards r. ovarian region, or else Female Sex. Organs. lac can. 93 up 1. side and down arm, or sometimes down both thighs; but most generally downl. leg to foot, which is numb; pains act something like labor-pains, and are accompanied by great restlessness of legs and arms, and great aching in lumbar region; on fifth day after premature labor. 26. °Severe pain in entire uterine region, with profuse dis- charge of yellow, brown, and bloody leucorrhoea, two weeks after menses ; intense pain and enlarge- ment of 1. ovary—it could be seen protruding sau- sage-shaped—from which perceptibly was felt flatus passing downwards like small marbles, causing great pain, and discharging externally with a puff. 12. Pain in groins (? ovaries) all day; slight leucorrhoea. 3 (10). °Pain in uterine region, passing down inside of thighs, half-way to knees, and right leg feels numb. 26. ♦Pains in ♦uterine region, all day, having no particular direction except down inner side of thigh half-way to knees, la 15. Pains in uterine region, and particularly in region of 1. ovary, extending down into thigh, uterine pains relieved by leaning back. ♦Pains intermittent, (c Veg. Lac. Lye Thuj.) la (16). Burning sensation in whole uterine region, also the ovaries. (C. veg. Lach. Lye Thuj.) (13, 14). "Inflammatory and congested condition of uterus, with extreme soreness and tenderness, that made every motion, position, and even breath, painful. (Bell). 12. "Rousing up and strengthening of uterus, bringing rap- idly forwards the conditions preceding menses, which had formerly been dilatory and lingering for weeks. 12. S3o. °Sharp lancinating pains like knives (Murex) cutting upwards from os uteri, and as these were being re- lieved, sensation as of needles darting upwards in uterus. 12. Congestion, redness, and extreme tenderness of os uteri, intensely aggravated, (by 75 m). 56. *At sundry times during proving, an escape of flatu8 Female Sex. Origans, lac can. from vagina. (Brom. Lye, Nux. mos.. Mux com., Sang.) 1. Pressure on anterior part of vulva, entire relief by sit- ting; sensation as if everything were coming out at vulva. (Apis. Li/.. Lye, Natr., Se}>., Tarant). Id (7). (After 75 m). "Bearing down as though everything would fall out through vagina, with very frequent desire to urinate, and smarting in urethra. 36. The labia feels very much contracted, as from astrin- gent applications. (Cact., Murex.. Nat. mur). le (20!) to 216). (After c m). °Great irritation about vulva and rectum. Diphtheria. 19. Painless nodosity in upper part of r. labia, as large as a pea. le (256). Pain in 1. side of vulva, neuralgic in nature, short sharp; followed by slight discharge of blood from vagina several hours afterwards, le (34). Very severe darting pains, passing from 1. external labia through uterus to r. ovary, (Bell., Phos.. Thuj.) continuing about two hours, and followed by a profuse discharge of bright-red blood; when the discharge ceased, (which was immediately after putting the feet in cold water), sharp burning pains were felt in r. ovary and r. temple: these pains very soon disappeared, but were followed by pains in 1. ovary and 1. temple; the pains alternated, first r. then 1., lasting about an hour, when she fell asleep. le (8) (after CM.) ♦Itching in 1. side of labia, with rough eruptive condi- tion on 1. side of vagina, with acrid leucorrhoea; ex- coriatng severely. 71 (12.) "Great swelling of 1. labia, and terrible pain while urinating; from gonorrhoea. 26 (after c. m.) Pain in 1. vulva, relieved by a slight discharge of blood la (12) (after c. m.) Slight excoriation and itching of external labia, la (7). ♦Itching of vulva, la (s). Id (11). Intense painful ♦soreness of vulva, extending to anus. coming on very suddenly about noon, and lasting for about two hours; came on again during evening: Female Sex. Organs. lac can. 95 could not ♦walk, ♦stand or ♦sit; relieved by ♦lying on the back and separating ♦the knees as far as possible, lc (20). Strong pulsations in vulva and vagina at various times during the proving ; and at such times, ♦great pain in vulva while sitting. (Alum., Murex). le. Intense itching of labia at night ; feels at times as if caused by something alive in it. (Calad, Tar ant.) le (209 to 216). "Parenchymatous metritis. (2 cases) ; in one, uterus 3 times as large as natural, round as a ball, and the body very hard, cervix obliterated by altered form of body; uterus sensitive. 32. Intense itching and excoriation of external labia. 1 (1--). Frequent desire to urinate, passing only a small quan- tity, causing intense burning and smarting as if there was a canker sore; this passed away before she had an opportunity to examine the parts; sub- sequently an induration appeared on inside of r. thigh, having a flat centre, like a pimple with the head cut off; this speedily increased to a large boil, the indurated part being near 3 inches in diameter, much inflamed, the top purple, and a small disk of pus under outer cuticle ; accompanied by chills, sweat, and general discomfort, while the extreme pain prevented sitting or lying with comfort. If (152). 850. *Eaw and bad-smelling sores between labia and thighs, in the folds of the skin ; worse when walking, would rather keep still all the time ; these sores are covered with a disgusting white exudation, le (209 to 216). Painful pimples on mons veneris. Id (20). Sexual organs extremely excited; very much increased from the slightest touch, as putting the hand on the breast, or from the pressure on the vulva when sitting, or the slight friction caused by walking. (Cinnam., Coff.,Lach,, Mosch., Murex., Plat.) le (3). 0 After-pains very distressing, extending to thighs, rather worse on r. side. 26. "After-pains/very severe, and shooting down into thighs, 26. 96 Female Sex. Organ*, lac can. Mammae. °Several cases of retroverted uterus. 12. °A great remedy for women, especially after miscar- riage. 26. "Menses very stringy and stick}T, cannot get rid of them. 15. "Much pain before and after menses, with severe head- ache and entire prostration for first day or so. "Parenchymatous metritis. 32. "Menses nearly ceased; at menses much pain in r. thigh and uterus, constant desire for stool, very low- spirited. "Parenchymatous metritis, 32. 860. "Constant burning pain in left ovarian region, extend- ing from 1. leg even to foot. "Ovaralgia. 68. "A serious case of uterine hemorrhage which had lasted with varying degree for 6 weeks, and had been treated "regularly'' with no relief; the ovarian pains alternated sides, as did the chronic headache. 200th relieved hemorrhage permanently. 73 (per letter to me). Flow not so profuse, nor so free as usual, but feels lighter and is better than usual at such times; on second day of menses, feet burned and face became hot and flushed, in two hours afterwards becoming cool and of a yellowish color. 3 (2). ♦Urination caused intense pain in vulva, when even the least drop of urine comes in contact with it. la (8). Menses four days too soon, otherwise normal, le (234). ♦Discharge of blood from vagina twelve days after last menses had commenced, no pain, le (246). Mammae. Breasts very sore and sensitive to pressure, for a day or two during menses, le (319). "Breasts very sore and painful, with sharp darting pain in r. ovarian region extending downwards to knee, very painful and must keep leg flexed: First day after miscarriage at sixth month. 26. Pain in upper and outer part of breasts, la (34). 870. ♦Constant pain in breasts, they feel very sore when going up or down stairs, la (36). ♦Breasts seem very full, la (35). ♦Constant pain in nipples, la (35). Mammae. lac can. Larynx and Trachea. 97 ♦Breasts sensitive to deep pressure. (Calc, Merc, Murex.) lc (6). ♦Breasts painful to deep pressure, lc (20). ♦Breasts painful to slight pressure, lc (19). ♦Breasts very painful and sore; feel as if full of very hard lumps, very painful when going up or down stairs. (Bell., Calc, Curb. an. Life, Nitr. ae, Phos.) la (37). ♦Breasts very sore and painful, la (3s). ♦Breasts very painful, but no lumps ; the pains are caused by the least jar ; has to hold the breasts firmly when going up or down stairs; breasts worse towards evening, so that the pressure of her arm, in its natural position, caused considerable pain. la (38). ♦Breasts very sore, sensitive to the least pressure; dull constant, aching pain in them all the evening. (Calc, Murex.) la (74). 880. Sore spot on r. side of r. breast, about the size of a silver dollar; very sensitive to touch, or to the jar caused by going up and down stairs; in three days, a similar sore spot on 1. side of r. breast, la (57). "Soreness and enlargement of breasts. (Bell.,Bry., Calc.) 12. "Loss of milk while nursing, without known cause. 12. "Galactorrhoea. (Many cases). 12. Dries up the milk when nursing. (Puis.) 12. 26. 33. After weaning baby, r. breast full and painful, especi ally hard and painful on inner side; cannot bear her stays to press on it; it would feel very heavy if she had no stays on. 15. "Knots and cakes in breast, after miscarriage. 1 (10m). "Given for an ulcerated throat to a nursing woman, it cured the throat and nearly dried up the milk. 12. "After CM (two doses) rapid decrease in size of breasts and quantity of milk in a lady who wanted to wean her child. 12. Larynx and Trachea. "Loss of voice. 33. 890. Voice perceptibly roughened, as if about to become hoarse. 40 (4). 98 Larynx and Trachea, lac can. Voice sounds changed; is very rough, la (5). 0Voice hoarse; interrupted by weakness and hoarseness. "Diphtheria. 20, 26. Slight ♦hoarseness, with now and then a change of voice, after waking, but soon passing away. 44 (4). °Hoarseness, child cannot cry aloud. 26. "Excessive hoarseness, and tickling, choking sensation, relieved by moving about. 26. "Respiration hoarse, crying was whispered and broken, often no sound at all. "Diphtheria. 22. "Cough and dyspnoea. 23. Frequent inclination to cough, from a tickling sensation in upper anterior part of larynx; worse in the house and while talking, la (7). At 1.30 p. m, ♦tickling sensation in throat causing cough; in afternoon quite hoarse. (Nitr. ac.) 3 (6). 900. Cough from tickling in upper anterior part of larynx, worse ♦when talking and also when lying down, la (10). Cough from tickling sensation, la (11). Cough from tickling in pharynx, la (12). Dry hacking cough, la (13, 14, 17, 19.) Cough from tickling in throat, la (22). "Cough caused by irritation in upper part of throat, worse by laying down at night, also after eating and drinking, and during and after talking; with soreness of 1. side of throat and constant desire to urinate. 20. °Cough on taking a long breath, not when swallowing. 14. "Hard metallic cough. 19. Cough from tickling under middle of sternum, la (37). Cough with pain and oppression of chest; it jars her all over. (Rumex.) la (37). 910. Considerable expectoration of slightly viscid mucous la (3). "Expectoration of profuse, thick, tough, white mucous in masses, with coryza. 14. "Constant cough,accompanying soreness. "Diphtheria. 9. "Constriction in lower part of larynx, like a finger across throat. 26. "Larynx sensitive to pressure. "Diphtheria. 9. Larynx and Trachea. lac can. Menses preceded by a dry. shaking, continuous cough, aggravated by speaking, caused by a dryness in larynx, and causing soreness in abdomen; this cough generally preceded menses and ceased after them; menstruation closed, with the blood, when wet being grass-green, drying dark-green, lb (152 and subsequently). "Voice hoarse and husky. "Diphtheria. 46. °Unable to speak loud; distressed feeling while speak- ing. "Parenchymatous metritis. 32. About 2 p. m.. subsequent to the tightness of chest, very severe dry cough commenced ; next clay, dry hacking cough all day, with occasional severe paroxysms, very fatiguing, with cold hands and perspiration after coughing; in evening, after a hard spell of coughing, raised a little blood-stained mucous, a pinkish stain; no cough during night ; laughing, or ♦talking seems to excite cough, she coughs almost continually while giving these symptoms; the sensation which provokes coughs is a soreness, fulness, and a sensation as if something might give way. and she would have hemorrhage; fears it; this same sensation extends through chest to lower inner angle of 1. scapula; chest feels tired and sore: every cough hurts her half-way down sternum; feels as though the windpipe was peeled inside; the cough and soreness continue obstinate for several days, finally subsiding gradually under Bellad. 200. 63 (9) °Croupy cough. "Diphtheria. 64. 32. 920. "Loss of voice, cannot speak in a whisper. "Pharyn- gitis. 12. °Throat troubles her much if she reads aloud or talks more than usual; it seems almost as though it were stopping up, and she feels very hoarse, but has no soreness; there is a feeling of fulness and a sense of choking. 15. °Marked soreness on touching larnyx. "Diphtheria. 32. "Croupy cough, a dry hoarse bark, penetrating through closed doors all over the house. "Diphtheria. 32. 100 LAC CAN. Chest. "Difficult breathing; during evening had several suffo- cating spells; mother feared she would die before I came. "Diphtheria 25. "Terrible dispncea immediately after sleep, first on 1. side of chest; the dispncea compelled her to be lifted upright with violent exertion to get breath: there was sharp pain in region of heart with each of these attacks: after the medicine, had but one attack of dispncea. and all the pain was referred to r. side of chest. "Acute rheumatism. 14. Lungs feel as though fast to chest, worse while writ- ing. 43. "Breathing hoarse and croupy, and at times an entire stoppage of breath, when it would resume with a violent effort. "Diphtheria. 14. "Breathing often snoring, and only possible through mouth. "Diphtheria. 14. Sighing frequently. 40 (3) "Short breath. "After diphtheria. 25. 930. "Great difficulty in breathing, so he could not lie down flat. 19. "Breathing very labored; could hear him breathe as you came upstairs. 19. "Loud snoring during sleep. (Two cases). 25. "Sensation as if the breath would leave her when lying down and trying to sleep; has to jump up and stir around for an hour or so every night. (Grindelia robusta.) 26. After dinner, oppressed for breath, and has pain in up- per part of lungs, shooting downwards. 3a (7) Woke up just before daylight, feeling almost suffocat- ed; had to go to the open window, la (6) Oppressed for breath all day, only comfortable while in open air. Puis, la (6) Sharp pain under fourth rib on r. side, when taking a deep inspiration, la (13) Pain under fourth rib of r. side, when taking a long breath, la (14) Soreness from r. clavicle down to third or fourth rib, worse on moving, less on 1. side. 43. 940. Clavicles sore to touch. 43. Right clavicle feels as if out of place, worse by moving shoulder. 43. Chest, LAC CAN. 101 Sore spot just to right of mid-sternum, worse from lifting or from pressure. 43. Stabbing pain in r. lung, just below nipple, preceeded by pain in stomach-pit as of a stone or undigested food, at 9.45 p. m. 4 (1) Stitches in r. lung on aline with nipple, aggravated by respiration. 12. Severe pleuritic pain in region of fourth rib of r. side, much increased by prolonged inspirations, le (7). Pain at the right fourth rib, very severe, so as to cause exclamations, le (8) Severe pain in r. side in the deep muscles, worse from the least motion, especially from turning body to 1. side; pain something like pleurisy, yet unlike it, not effected by respiration, yet made worse by tak- ing off the corsets, as it then seemed to allow of greater motion of the parts: this lasted three days. le. (July 1872.) Bruised sensation in r. side of chest when taking a deep inspiration, la. (20) Pain in evening in region of seventh and eighth ribs of r. side, caused by deep inspiration, la (41). 950. During evening pain in region of seventh and eighth ribs during deep inspiration, la. (45, 51) Sharp pain through 1. lung forward. 4 (6) Sharp neuralgic pain under nipple of 1. breast, for one- half hour. 7 (5) Whole 1. chest feels sore and congested, could scarcely draw a long breath. (Calc, Ran, bulb., Staun). If (August, 1873). Trembling sensation through chest and arms. 4 (7) (See Generalities.) Trembling nervousness through chest, with sensation of uneasiness. 4(10.) Pain in chest and throat. 2 (10) Soreness through chest to back. 43 Cramped feeling in chest, wants to stretch up and back. 43 Sore across mid-chest during forced expiration, feels just as if she had been struck. 43. 960. Boring pains in all parts of chest. If (August, 1873.) Sharp pain in r. breast at 4 p. m. 2 (8) 102 Chest. LAC CAN. Sharp pain like a stab in 1. breast at 7 p. m. 2 (8, 9) Chest quite sore in a line across nipples. 2 (10) At noon, pains in upper chest, lasting the rest of day. 44 (5) Raw sensation in chest as if it had been scraped, la (2) Feeling of oppression and tightness behind sternum, with desire to draw a deep breath. 3 (42) Dvspeptic aching pain behind lower end of sternum. 4(15) Fine stinging pain at middle of sternum; very super- ficial, lasting half an hour, but returning during evening, la (1.2) Palpitation of heart, irregular, causing shortness of breath, lc (7). 970. Sharp pain over apex of heart, for five minutes. 7 (1). "Pulse so rapid it could scarcely be counted. "Diph- theria. 16. "Pulse 130. "Tonsillitis. 16. Pulse ♦quick, full and strong, with pain in chest and throat. 2 (10) "Pulse of little volume. "Diphtheria. 17 "Pulse 130, wiry, weak. 19. "Pulse quick and feeble. "Diphtheria. 9 ♦Pulse 100. 41 (3) "Diphtheria. Dyspepsia. 25 "Pulse 120. "Diphtheria. 25, 51, 46, 21. "Pulse 140. "Diphtheria. 19, 23, 25, 12. 980. "Pulse 170. "Diphtheria. 22. "Pulse 130-140. "Diphtheria. 23. "Pulse almost gone. "Diphtheria. 12. "Pulse 117. . "Diphtheria. 48. "Pulse, rapid, quick. "Acute rheumatism. 52. Pulse 90 (with fever and diphtheretic throat) 62 (5) "Heart beats rapidly from slight causes. "Parenchy- matous metritis. 32. °Respiration 21. 'Diphtheria. 48. °Difficult to breath at times. "Parenchymatous metri- tis. 32. "Trembling, jerking, and fluttering through lungs, with numb, prickling sensation all over the body, legs, and arms. 26. (See Legs.) 990. Great difficulty of breathing, with increase of former sensation that throat was closing. 53. (1). Chest. LAC CAN. Back. 103 Sensation as of a hand in upper part of chest, or ♦lower part of neck: this tightness is very bad. afterward cough commenced. 63 (9). Difficult breathing; could not get a full breath. 53a. Oppression at chest: almost a soreness. 53b. Sharp pain in r. side, a little in front; about the fourth rib. like a pleuritic stitch. 1. Sharp pains in r. side, la (38). Oppression and sense of suffocation in chest, similar to that experienced on sixth clay of first proving; re- lieved by a dose of loM. le (546). "Paralytic symptoms strongly marked ; as soon as he went to sleep, would stop breathing, and was only kept alive by keeping him awake; apparently respiration was kept up by voluntary effort. "Diph- theria. 75. Authority: J. A. Wakeman, M. D. Back. Pain in back, just below r. scapula, la (22, 33). Pain in back below r. scapula, la (37, 40, 43). 1000. Sharp neuralgic pain under r. scapula. 7 (2). Lameness and cutting pain under 1. scapula, felt most when turning in bed. 4a (8). Lameness through body from under 1. scapula forwards. felt keenly at'7 a. m. 4a (9). Sharp pain in 1. scapula, for about three minutes. 3 (8), Slight darting pain under 1. scapula. 7 (1). Sharp cutting pain under 1. scapula, shooting forwards through lung. 4a (2). Sharp cutting pain under 1. scapula, shooting forwards through lung, with a similar pain under r. scapula. when lying turned partly towards the r. side and partly on back. 4a (3). At 7.30 a. m.. sharp cutting pain near 1. scapula, as from rheumatism, worse on drawing a long breath; at 11.30 a. m., stitch in 1. breast, xevy marked. 4 (5). Piercing pain under 1. scapula, running through the body. 4a (19). Piercing pain under 1. scapula, running through the body; felt keenly when turning in bed. 4a (28). 1010. Sweat on back while walking, though the day was very cold ; after entering a warm room it chilled her 104 Back. LAC CAN. through : thermometer at zero. (Led. Petrol. Phos. Rhus. Sep.) 1 (Dec. 25). °Sharp incisive pain between scapube, passing tlirough to sternum, with a sense of pressure or constriction of chest, in afternoon. 27. Pain in back from scapulas to sacrum, lc (6). Slight pains in scapulas while sitting. 3 (6). Backache between and just below scapula?, when lean- ing forwards, la (17). Backache nearly all day between scapula1, worse after becoming warm, somewhat relieved by leaning back, la (5). Backache between scapulae, la (6, 8, 15). Pain between scapulas when leaning forwards, la (16). Backache between scapulas and in sacrum, la (20). During evening, pain in back between scapube and in sacrum, la (38). 1020."Aching pains in all the limbs and back. "Diphtheria. 3(5. °Neck stiff. "Rheumatism, neuralgic headache; "Diph- theria. 25. Pain in sacrum, la (13). Pain in sacrum, increased by riding, not by walking. la (14). "Pain in back of neck. "Diphtheria. 9. Aching pain in sacral region in morning, worse by stooping, relieved by leaning back, with a sort of weakness and giving away as if she would fall; this pain extended around* 1. side of pelvis (leaving the back) to inside of thigh, followed by a bloody leu- corrhceal discharge after six hours, which came all at once, leaving labia extremely sensitive. If (152). "Wandering pains in nape with stiffness. "Rheuma- tism. 25. nBackache. 'Diphtheria. 12, 17, 21, 51. "Entire spine sensitive. "Parenchymatous metritis. 32. °Heat, pain, and beating in small of back. "Parenchy- matous metritis. 32. 1030. "Neck aches, making her desire to bend head for- wards. "Parenchymatous metritis. 32. "Wakes with severe pain in lower part of back, and it is often five minutes before she can straighten her- self ; this pain leaves her when she lias been about Back. lac can. Upper Extremities. 105 her work a short time, not returning till next morn- ing. "Nervous throat affection. 15. °Pain in back. "Diphtheria. 17, 21. Pain and stiffness up r. sterno-cleido-mastoideus. 43. In morning, began to feel painful fulness in back, across region of kidneys, much increased towards night; on lying down at night the pain ceased, also pains in calves, but returned soon after beginning to move next morning, continuing all day. 62 (4). Sometimes darting pain in region of r. kidney. 02 (5). °Spine aches from base of brain to coccyx. "Pharyn- gitis. 12. Slight enlargement of already enlarged lymphatics in side of neck. 44 (11). "Intense unbearable pain across super-sacral region, extending to r. natis and down r. sciatic nerve ; the pain was so severe as to prevent sleep or rest ; at sametime diphtheretic sore throat on r. side, with sensation of a lump, could not swallow solid food. 12. Upper Extremities. Painful swelling and hardness, with suppuration, of 1. axillary gland; menses came on at same time. le (195). Sharp pain passing from r. shoulder to second joint of third finger, la (15). 1040. Pains down r. arm and in fingers, which feel cramped; does not seem to have the same power in r. hand. 43. "From draught in evening, sudden violent pains in r. shoulder, so much so that when retiring that night she could not raise arm to finish toilet, as if dis- abled by dislocation. 25. Pain in bend of r. elbow, la (20). Tingling in r. forearm extending from elbow to little finger (Arson., Con., Merc, Puis., Sec.) at 10. a.m.; at 1.45 p. m, the same tingling, and with it the same sensation across r. calf, and a neuralgic pain in r. temple. 4 (2). Right wrist lame and painful, (Ox. ac, Petrol), la (13). Severe pain for all of one day in r. wrist, pain seemed to be deep in centre, le (June, 1872). Steady pain in r. hand as if it had been bruised. 3a (21, 22). 106 Upper Extremities, lac can. Pain in r. hand, passing from thumb to little finger. la (21). Pain in ball of r. thumb, lc- (19). Sharp shooting pains in ball of r. thumb, la (30). 1050. Pain in third finger of r. hand, extending from middle joint to tip. lc (7). Blotches looking like flea-bites on 1. arm and both legs, which itch slightly: blotches had passed away next day. 3 (5). Slight lameness of 1. shoulder. (Lach.) la (9, 10). Severe pain in metacarpo-phalangeal joint of index finger of 1. hand, worse from pressure, also from bending the finger backwards; lasted severely about aAveek, but still continues a little (Nov., 1872). Severe pain of similar character in 1. shoulder joint, felt only during certain movements of arm, especially when rotating it outwards or backwards (Nov. 20th, 1872); still continues (Feb., 1873); the same in both shoulders, with constant desire to urinate (March. 1874). le, If. "Partial paralysis of 1. arm, unable to raise hand to head; on attempting to do so was seized with sharp pains in arm below shoulder. 27. Sharp pain round 1. arm, as of a cutting instrument; felt principally at the vaccination-cicatrix ; passed from thence to 1. elbow and dissappeared. 4 (45 minutes after first dose). At s p. m. sharp pain in upper part of 1. arm, for about two minutes ; then in the wrist. 3 (10). Severe fine pain, lancinating in character, along outer border of 1. biceps, worse when raising arm; this alternated with a similar pain in top of 1. knee, which made it difficult to stand on the foot, and caused her to walk lame; at no time did the pains occur simultaneously; sometimes they would last 5 or 10 minutes in arm, and then all would go to knee, or they would last half an hour in one place and not go to the other; was scarcely free from for two days; never had them before or since. le (217, 2ls). Severe pain in 1. elbow. Id (1). Pain in 1. elbow. Id (2. 3). 1060. "Trembling of 1. hand, as in paralysis agitans. 14. Upper Extremities. lac can. 107 Woke in night feeling very chilly, with ♦sharp pain in 1. hand, and ♦sensation in left arm as if it was asleep ; lasting 15 minutes. 3a (9). Palms and soles burning hot. 40 (3) Palms grew hotter, and finally itched so frightfully that she could do nothing but sit and grind them together ; under their thick cuticle were numerous dark red macula as if an exanthem were about de- veloping, and were only held in check by the horny epithelium. Palms abnormally hot to touch. 40 (5): hands still burn. (8). "Two warts on little finger noticed to be leaving. 14. Painful eruption in axillas, like moist herpes, exceed- ingly painful on washing them, lc (25, 26). Herpetic eruption in both axill?e, with slight brownish scabs, extremely painful when washing them, le (>)■ Herpetic eruption in both axillas, mostly in r. with light brownish scabs, extremely painful when wash- ing them, le (33). Veins in hands look bluer than usual, they are swollen. 43. Itching miliary eruption on both upper arms, con- tinuing some time, le (Oct. 1872) I070. Sensation as if an insect were crawling on shoulders and neck, occasionally on the hands. (Nat., Carb., Nitr., Phos. etc, Secalc, Tabae) le (15 to 80). Crawling sensation on shoulders, commencing just over or back of joint, passing up towards neck and up to edge of dress, as if a large insect were leisurely crawling in an indirect course; the sensa- tion is so well defined that frequent fruitless examinations were made to find the insect, le (June to August 1872). Fingers extremely cold, but not the rest of hand. Cicuta.. Doflora., Rhod., Tarax.) la (6) If (22). Perspiration in axillas, stains the linen bright orange- color, no smell. Dulc, Hep., Nit. ac Rhod., Selen., Sep., Snip., Tellur., Thuja. 1 (Oct. 1872). ♦Very fetid perspiration in axillas, staining the linen brown, lc (16). ♦Fetid perspiration in axillas. lc (17). 108 Upper Extremities, lac can. Loirer Extremities. Biceps very sore at lower part, only felt during motion, not from touch. (Fluor, oc.) la (41). Wrists lame. (Nux.. Kali.. Bula.) la (11. 21, 25. 40). Wrists very lame, especially the r., which has sharp pains passing from thumb to little finger, la (12). Wrists very lame, la (14). 1080. Wrists and knees lame, la (10). Wrists lame and painful, especially r. la (20). Aching in both wrists, especially when lifting anything. le (39 to 44). Pains in all parts of both hands, le (12). Pains in the hands, le (15, 18). Soreness of ends of all the fingers for several days. If (August, 1873). "Pain in one or the other shoulder. "Rheumatism. 25. "Neuralgic pains in shoulders, left then right; then rice rersa. 57. "Shoulders and arms ache. ^Parenchymatous metritis. 32. "Left hand bloats and is numb, with trembling, jerking, and fluttering through lungs ; numb pricking sen- sation all over body, arms and legs. 26. 1090. Feels as if she wanted to fix shoulder so it would not feel strained. 43. "Pain in 1. shoulder extending across to r. L. worse, could scarcely move the arm. Pharyngitis. 12. "Burning of hands and feet at night. "Ovaralgia. <*>s. Lower Extremities. A few days before menses, the inside of both thighs became raw and painful when walking, they then broke* out with large, flat red pimples, no pus in them; the soreness soon left; but the pimples ^re- main, they have no sensation, le (142). During menses, the same pimples on thighs have come out; she worries herself for fear they will prove to be little snakes and twine and twist around each other, le (172). The pimples return, and itch terribly, le (209 to 216). "Partial paralysis of r. leg, from miscarriage; has to use a cane; r. ovary sore by spells, and pain darts down leg, sometimes to foot; leg feels numb and Loirer ExtremHies. lac can. 109 stiff but cannot keep it still any length of time ; feels better by flexing it on abdomen. 2(>. A^aricose veins on outer r. thigh, from hip to knee. Id (3). Severe pain in r. gluteal muscles; seems to catch her when she walks, so that she must bend to the r. and walk lame. 1 (Jan. 187 3). Sharp pain in upper part of r. thigh, during severe coryza. 3 (4). 1100. When walking, sensation of a pea on outer part of r. knee-joint, walks as if lame, le (7). Sensation in right knee-joint as though the leg below were turned outwards: constant inclination to put the hand down and bring it into place again; felt only during evening: there was no displacement. le (I3x to 160). Pain in r. popliteal space, la (13 1-t). Pain passing from r. popliteal space to back part of ankle la (15) Pain in r. popliteal space, relieved by stretching the limb out, and everting the foot, la (20) le (21). Walks lame, la (20). Right leg seems one or two inches too long, la (20). Right leg feels longer than 1. la (21). Sharp lancinating pain in middle front of r. leg. le (545). Fine sharp lancinating pain from middle of r. ankle in front, passing up leg about 8 inches, zigzag, le (293). 1110. Painful stitches in r. big toe when walking, la (10). Pain in r. big toe when walking. (Bry.) la (11). Knees and wrists lame la (10). Rheumatic pains in 1. hip and along sciatic nerve. "Rheumatism. 25. At noon, rheumatic-like pains in upper outer front of 1. thigh. 44 (4). Pain in inner and forepart of 1. knee, la (20, 21). Sensation of numbness in 1. leg with great heat as if burning, but cool to touch; brought on by pressure on popliteal space, as on the edge of a chair ; for two days. Id (23, 24). Sharp lancinating pains in 1. ankle-joint internally, which causes immediate weakness, so that she 110 Loirer Extremities, lac1 can. would fall unless supported: lasts only for an instant. (Nat. Curb.,) If (Feb. 1S73). After sitting awhile, on rising has an aching pain in top of 1. foot, which prevents walking, and makes her fall : relief in a short time, lc (545). For about a week, whenever she rose after sitting awhile, has sharp pain in 1. foot ; passing from outside of heel to top of instep; for the first few steps she would have no control over the foot, and would walk as if lame; it would be felt again after sitting; would rapidly pass off. le (Nov. 1872). 1120. Burning of ball of 1. big toe. la (26). Burning of inner side of 1. big toe. la (27). "Temporary sciatica in 1. thigh ; said I had given him an opiate. 25. Varicose veins on outside of both thighs; still visible on 126th day. (Puis., Psor.,) le (4). Sudden creeping chills in lower limbs, la (12). Slight excoriation of skin between thighs, caused by walking, le (7). Feeling of stiffness through thighs, nearly all day, worse on attempting to move after sitting. 3 (11). Subject to attacks of acute rheumatism, and always had one after quinsy sore-throat. Bruised pain in soles, preventing walking, and a stiffness of ankle, knee, and hip-joints, and an occasional pain moving upwards ; the pain became intense; she was con- fined to bed, and complained of pain in ankle-joints as of a dull plug pushing ; joints were stiff and sore and tender to touch, with but little swelling ; any application of fluid, whether cold or warm- made pain worse; worse from much heat and from least motion; then knees became involved, then hips and 1. side of chest. At first 1. ankle was attacked, then, after some hours suffering r. ankle, with relief to the part first affected; this would last two hours on r. side, and the pain would move back again to the joint first affected, and so the pain would see-saw from one side to the other, with relief in one side at a time; after 24 hours the joint higher up would be attacked, and the same pro- gramme be carried out. 14. "Bruised pains in soles, making it difficult to walk; in Loner Extremities. lac can. Ill 12 days the pains suddenly left the soles, and ap- peared in r. knee-joint, being smarting, lancinating, with light swelling of the joint : he could not move the affected limb, as the least motion increased the pains, as did also touch and the pressure of the bed- clothes. On the following day the 1. knee-joint was affected in the same way. the r. becoming markedly relieved ; but on the ensuing day. the r. was again affected, with relief to the 1. Afterwards the hip joints were attacked alternately with the same symp- toms which had affected the knee-joints ; alternating like these in the pains and swelling, the 1. joints being aggravated one clay with relief of the r. and rice-eersa , also lancinating pains appeared in the 1. side of chest. After 4 clays the wrist-joints were also affected, first the R. with the same symptoms as those of the lower extremities, the symptoms of one side of the body alternating with those of the other. He was not able to move himself in bed, the lancin- ating pains made him cry out continually : there was constipation, sleeplessness, but no fever ; the pains and swelling were aggravated every evening, and especially by night, by movement, the effort to move himself in bed by touch and by the pressure of bed- clothes. 58. 1130. "Articular rheumatism in r. hip and knee-joints, es- pecially the former ; she was seated in an arm-chair, unable to move, complaining of bruised, smarting. lancinating pains in both joints and in lumbar re- gions, with swelling of the effected joints ; the pains aggravated by the slightest motion at night, by touch. and by the pressure of the bed-clothes. Next day the pains and swelling had gone to the 1. hip and knee-joints, leaving the r. almost free : the ensuing day they had almost entirely disappeared from 1. hip and knee-joints and had again attacked the r. hip and knee : there was complaining, moaning and sighing on account of her sufferings', and the termin- ation of her illness. 58. "The remedy }>ar excellence for sciatica ((Jurare, Graph. Graphal, Kafi-bich, Lach,, Iris. Phyt, Plaupn. Tallin:) la. Pains in the knees and wrists, Ruta la. (2.2) 112 Lower Extremities, lac can. In evening, pain in both knees : slight relief by stretch- ing the limbs out straight, la (643). Severe pain in front of both knees. 59. Veins of feet and ankles very much swollen, le (12). Feet swollen and very sore, causing considerable pain while walking. (Enpat, Pals., Bry.) la (7). "Cramps in feet. (Lye, Petrol., Silic, Snip.) 25. "Ecthyma ; a sore breaks out on r. leg, excessive itching causes by-and-by inflamation, then swelling, blis- ters forms and suppuration sets in ; afterwards clear lymph, then discharge of matter ; then scabs and scales will form, turning eventually into a bran-like desquamation ; scars have left discolored skin. Case comes nearest to Neligan's Atlas of Cutan- eous Diseases. Plate 3, fig. 2. 25. Itching on calves, which, on being gently scratched, left a burning sensation ; it extended up thighs, and on to the fleshy part of arms below elbows ; most to- wards evening, and when warm : continued without redness or eruptions 14 days. 7 (15). 1140. Numbness and paralytic feeling in inner side of both knees, extending to both big toes. 60. "Entirely disabled from walking or even standing. "Pa- renchymtous metritis. 32. "Limbs cold to knees. "Diphtheria. 12. "Pain in r. hip and leg while walking, with a trembling of the leg, and slight feeling of uncertainty, parti- cularly on going down stairs. "Parenchymatous metritis. 32. "Almost constant pain in r. hip. Parenchymatous metritis. 32 "Cannot walk any distance: trembling through r. thigh. and feeling as though entire lower portion of body was giving way ; felt as though something were strained across lower part of bowels. "Parenchy- matous metritis. 32. "After exposure to cold night air when drunk ; sharp darting pains, worse by any motion, with swelling in r. knee and r. ankle; next day joints of 1. knee, 1. ankle, 1. hand, extremely painful, the same pain, moderately swollen, slightly red ; ensuing day, 1. ankle and knee better, but r. shoulder and elbow similarly affected : other joints unchanged in ap- pearance. 52. Lower Extremities. lac can. Ferer. 113 Pains in calves, (as well as the region of the kid- neys) ceased on lying down at night, returning next morning soon after beginning to move. 62 (4). llCan only walk with the assistance of a cane. "Hip-joint disease. 65. Limbs very cold all night. 3 (45). 1150. Feet burn on 2nd clay of menses. 3 (2). Fever. Chilly feeling, lasting all day. 3a (10). Internal chilliness, with external warmth. (Am... Ars., Bell., Calc, Cocc, Dig.. Hell.. Jqn., Lach., Nux.. Sep., Sil., Thuja.) 3 (51). At 9.30 p.m., sudden chilly sensation, while the lips parch and burn. (Arsen.) 3 (17) "Severe chills. "Diphtheria. 17. Cold and chilly all day till 4 p. m., when she becomes suddenly very warm, with ♦flushing of 1. side of face, la (5). At 4 p. m.. felt very cold on entering house after being out of doors all day : cold chills ran down back, and hands as cold as ice : at (J. 30 p. m., entire relief after a hearty dinner. 3 (12). ♦Slight rise of temperature. 41 (3). Intense ♦fever on waking in morning, with perspiration. (Eupat. Perf.) 6. "Fever, and bathed in warm perspiration, especially about face, neck and hands. "Diphtheria. 22. 1160 "Intense heat. "Diphtheria. 16. "Moderate fever. "Diphtheria. 9. "Fever. "Diphtheria. 19, 31. "Acute rheumatism. 52. "High fever. "Diphtheria. 12. 21, 25. "Dry hot skin. "Diphtheria. 23. "Fever returning every afternoon. "Diphtheria. 19. "Temperature 102;14. "Diphtheria. 16. "Temperature 102. "Tonsillitis. 16. "Temperature 10314. "Diphtheria. 48. 1170 "Temperature 103. "Acute rheumatism. 52. "Sweat all over. "Diphtheria. 20. "Skin clammy. "Diphtheria. 17. "Exhausting sweats after sleep. 20. 114 Fever. lac CAN. Sloop. "Fever and chills for a few days, and up and down every few hours. 19. "Wakes in night in cold perspiration, with fearful fore- bodings. "Parenchymatous metritis. 32. "Perspired considerably through night, sweat having a rank smell. "Acute rheumatism. 52. "Sleep prevented by being very cold, for one hour after retiring with ♦great nervousness. 3 (.16). Woke in night feeling very chilly, with sharp pain in 1. hand, and sensation in 1. arm as if it was asleep. lasting 15 minutes. 3a (9). *Feels feverish. 62 (5). Sleep. 1180. Very sleepy, could scarcely keep awake, la (3). Very sleepy all day long, could scarcely keep awake. (Sul/>/,.) la (20). Very sleepy all day. la (21). Sleepy during evening, la (6). Very sleepy during evening, la (7. 19, 33, 40, 47, 58). Can hardly keep awake in evening, even when reading something very interesting. (Thuja), la (209 to 216). Goes to sleep in day-time1 if alone ; would like to sleep even when people are around, but will not give up to it. le (209 to 21 i\). Sleep good ; dreams pleasant, about statuary. 3 (4). Sound sleep forepart of night ; after .1 a. m., sleep bro- ken and disturbed ; uneasy fitful dreams till morn- ing, the subject not remembered. 2 (3). "Drowsy. "Diphtheria. 3. 1190. "Great desire to sleep. "Diphtheria. 12. "Cried out and talked in sleep. "Diphtheria. 21. "Sleeplessness from emotional strain, with entire ner- vous debility. 25. ♦Cannot find any comfortable position in bed ; there is no way she can put her hands that they do not bother her : falls asleep at last on her face. 1. When in bed, the arms seem to be in the way somehow, cannot get them into a comfortable position ; on waking, the hands are over the head. Calc, Chin., Coloe, Nux., Plat.. Puis., Rheum., Rnta., Thuja, Ye rat..) le (209 to 216). Sleep. LAC CAN 115 Very restless at ♦night; very difficult to get into a com- fortable position : generally go to sleep lying on back with hands over head, le (June. 1872). Sleep broken and very bad. 2 (10). ♦Sleep disturbed, very wakeful ; limbs very cold all night. (45). Began to be very restless at night, even in sleep ; rest- lessness most marked when attempting to sleep, could not sleep until late at night : rolled and tossed about all night, could not sleep at all on account of uncontrollable feeling of restlessness; had to turn and shift about constantly; utter inability to lie half a minute in one position : the nightly restlessness lasted till Sth day. 40 (3). ♦Very restless all night : could not keep any clothes over her. le (s). 1200 Extremely *restless at night, rolling and tossing about momentarily, sighing deeply. 42 (5). All night ♦very restless, tossing about, moaning and groaning during sleep ; next night, restless with hot hands and feet ; but slept better than on pre- vious night. 41 (2). "Sleepless and crying continually. 26. "Sleeps a great deal in day-time, and sleepless and cry- ing all night long. 2(j. "Very restless, cannot sleep much. "Parenchymatous metritis. 32. "Very little restless sleep at night, bad dreams. "Paren- chymatous metritis. 32. Dreams of the events of the day , but much magnified. (Bry., Calc.,) 1. Dreams confused. 2 (2). Dreams of going to the sea-shore or to the water many nights in succession. 1. Dreams of pleasant interviews with friends. 4 (8). 1210. Sleep at night full of sensuous dreams, with conscious emissions. 44 (4). Sensuous dreams at night, but no emission. 44 (4). Very distressing dreams about cats. Arsen,, Hyos., Mez.. Puis.) la (20). Dreams of a very beautiful vision ; as if the heavens opened and disclosed scenes of indescribable beauty. (Stann.) 1. 116 Sleep. LAC CAN. Continually dreams of eating all night, but does not dream that she is hungry ; dreams in connection of walking a great distance, le (245). Dreams of eating to excess almost every night : yet during the clay not the least desire for food, though it tastes good when eating, le (April & May, 1872). Dreams of seeing nice things to eat. and of having a great desire for them ; yet as soon as she eats, is terribly nauseated. 1 ' Dreams of eating, but everything nauseates her ter- ribly ; it makes her sick to think of it, even when. awake. 1. Dreams of playing ghost, and going around to scare folks. 1. Dreams of going home, and always getting into trouble ; of going to see people, and being disappointed be- cause they were not glad to see her. 1. 1220. Dreams that she is naked in public streets, or other places, and feels terribly about it for awhile, and then consoles herself that, as she has an exquisitely beautiful form it will make no difference. 1. Dreams frequently that she has a child, but that it has no father, and that she is disgraced by it ; she never dreams of its birth, only that it is hers some other way. 1. Dreams of traveling great distances, but generally is in trouble, missing trains, boats, and stages. 1. Dreams of going a journey, and was separated from the party, and had to walk a long distance, and arrived at the station just in ♦time to see the train start off. 1 (Deftor., Lach., Sang.. Sil). Dreams of a terrible pain in 1. side of chest; felt as if her corsets were broken and sticking into her; the agony was intense when taking them off : woke up exhausted. If (Aug., 1S73.) Dreams of vermin, especially bed-bugs, very distress- ing ; there seemed to be multitudes of them. (Anem., Curb.. Mur., Ac, Nux.. Phos.) 1. Dreamed that she was all one mass of sores inside of her. and that small round fat worms (like cheese maggots) were crawling out of the vulva, and going all over her ; she would take them off, yet more would come, and she would feel them crawl out one Sleep. LAC CAN. Skin. 117 after the other, just as plain as if it were really the case : on waking, the sensation continued, with vio- lent itching of vulva, but was afraid to touch it for fear that the sores in the groins had indeed generated worms, le (209). Dreams of a visit from the devil (knew him by the ap- pearance of his body, as seen through a rent in his clothes, which was as a glowing red-hot coal), who urged her to eat and drink divers articles : on her refusal, took her to his anatomical museum, where he had the hands of those who had pledged him, and the hearts of those who had bartered them for wealth, power and fame. (Kali., Nat, C.. Nic- col.) 1. Sleep very much disturbed by dreams : two or three times was witnessing blood-shed: also dreamed that she was lost in some old ruins, and could not find her way out. 39 (2). "Dreamed a large snake was in the bed. "Tonsillitis. 8. 1230. "Sleep restless. "Nervous throat affection. 15. Got to sleep late ; profuse ♦sweat during sleep ; felt feverish all night ; in morning feels better in every way. 62 (4). Dreamed that she had hemorrhage of lungs ; caused by the bad feeling in lungs. 63 (9). "At night lies with 1. leg flexed on thigh, and thigh on pelvis ; very restless all night, feels worse after sleep. "Ovaralgia. (left side) 6S. Dreams frequently that she is ♦urinating, and wakes to find herself on the point of doing so, requiring im- mediate relief. 1. Skin. Every scratch gets sore. 43. "On face, hands, neck and chest, bright scarlet eruption. exactly like scarlatina. "Diphtheria. 51. "Bright scarlet redness on chest and round neck ; next day extending all over body except legs, which were, however, covered that night; on this last and next day (5th and 6th days) when the fever and diphtheria were at their height, the skin in large 118. Skin. lac can. Generalities. patches assumed the dark red color bordering on purple, as seen in malignant cases, while the whole body seemed swollen. "Diphtheria. 21. "Diphtheria with or following scarlatina. 20, 21. "Icthyosis. with bran-like desquamation of skin. 12 (after Sulph. and Psor. had failed). 1240. "Several boils on 1. side. "Sick headaches. 15. "Crusts on skin, under which greyish yellow matter formed and was squeezed out. 32. Generalities ♦No inclination for the least exertion, would like to do nothing but sleep, le (209 to 216). ♦Much lassitude. 2 (1). Totters when walking, ♦tired. 43 (19). "Heaviness, weakness, general languor. "After Diph- theria. 25. "Profound depression of vitality. "Diphtheria. 9. ♦General weakness and prostration very marked. 5. Great exhaustion, with "poisoned" feeling. "Diphthe- ria. 20. "Profound prostration, to the extent of refusing to make the effort to take a dose of medicine. "Diphtheria. 16. 1250. "In the morning so much prostrated that she could not turn in bed ; so tired. "Diphtheria. 51. "Very weak. "Diphtheria. 12. "Prostration turns: every two hours like sinking, in typhoid fever. "Diphtheria. 12. "Unable to leave bed. "Parenchymatous metritis. 32. "Sinking spells every morning, attended with great ner- vousness. "Parenchymatous metritis. 32. "Often feels as if she would lose use of limbs. ^Ner- vous throat affection. 15. "Languid, strength giving out. "Diphtheria. 19. "Much prostrated. "Diphtheria. 16, 21, 23. Felt in fine spirits ; ran for nearly half a mile without fatigue. 4a (16). "When walking, seems to be walking on air ; when ly- ing, does not seem to touch the bed. (Asar., Chin., Coff., Nat, M., JVnx., Op.. Rhus., Spig.. Strain , Thuja.) 22. Generalities. LAC CAN. 119 1260 Very nervous when trying to sleep. (Apis, Phus.) 3 (16). Feeling of great uneasiness during forenoon ; very nervous with trembling sensation through arms and chest. 4 (7) "Rheumatic pains in joints. 28. General feeling of illness all day, but no return of diar- rhoea. 44 (6). Has improved remarkably in flesh, and promises to have her bones fairly cushioned with fat; never showed any tendency to fatten before the proving. 41. Feeling very weak and depressed: went to bed at 8 p.m. from fatigue and indisposition; slept well till 9 a.m. 44. (7.) Felt very unwell. 44(11). "Feels ill. "Diphtheria. 51. Woke late, with tired feeling and inclination to lie longer in bed ; better after dressing ; remainder of day tolerably comfortable. 44 (12). Indisposed all day, appetite poor. 44 (13). 1270. Woke earlier than usual: felt well till 3 p.m., unwell rest of day. 44 (17). ^Restless, going from rocking-chair to lounge, back and forth. ^Diphtheria. 19. l'Very restless, cannot stay indoors, and when out of doors cannot remain long in any place, runs all over town ; feels best when walking in open air. 26' "Restless all over, head, legs, and whole body. "Diph- theria. 20, 26. oGreat restlessness over entire body. "Diphtheria. 9. (•Restlessness. ^Diphtheria. 17, 19, 21. Utter inability to lie half a minute in one position. 40 (3) "Restless day and night. "Parenchymatous metritis. 32. "Numb pricking sensation all over body, arms and legs. 26. "Pricking sensation over body, arms and legs. eDiph- theria, 9. 1280. General aggravation at 5 p.m. "Diphtheria. 9. "Rheumatism of legs and chest symptoms. 14. "Aggravation of symptoms after sleep. (Kali-bich, Lach., Op., Strain., Sulph.) "Diphtheria. 16, 20. The symptoms all through the proving have occurred 120 LAC CAN. Generalities. periodically; ♦worse morning of one day, and afternoon of next. 1 (Aggravation morning of one day, evening of next. "Diphtheria. 9. Feeling as if she had taken cold, but was confident she had not. 5. A langour, a tired sleepy feeling during day; in fact, a longing to lie down ; often this feeling of drowsi- ness is so overcoming that they get up from one lounge only to fall on their face on another ; after- wards, usually increased appetite. 61. "Symptoms better in evening, moderately quiet at night, but worse from about 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. ^Diphtheria. oNeuralgia and acute pains; rheumatism, gout, syphili- tic sciatica, sexual debility. 25. "Chronic rheumatism alternating sides; much re- lieved. 14. 1290. The pains commence on either sides ; they go from one side to the other; one side entirely recovering before the other is attacked. (See various symptoms given above). "The pains are constantly flying from one part to an- other. Puis. 13. "The characteristic is the erratic disposition of the symptoms. 45. "Syphilitic rheumatism, pains shifting; aggravations at 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. "Diphtheria. 14. "Child prefers to sit up in its mother's arms, though weak. "Diphtheria. 22. "Sequelae of diphtheria. "Sequelae of syphilis. "Child partially paralyzed after diphtheria; could not walk; pain all over, with cough, aphonia, loss of appetite, emaciation. 29. "The red, shining, glistening appearance is character- istic in any ulceration. 14. "Enlarged glands after scarlatina. 18. 1300. "Cold durations. 18. Useful in scrofula. 18. "Rachitie. (Allopathic authority.) "Emaciation. 29, 33. "Chiefly affects left side. 50. Generalities. lac can. 121 Dioscorides, Rhasis, Pliny and Sextus recommend it for the removal of the dead foetus. Sammonicus and Sextus praise it in photophobia and otitis. Pliny claims that it cures ulceration of the internal os. It was considered an antidote to deadly poi- sons. (From C. H.) oPains all over as if in bones. "Diphtheria. 12. Pains in limbs. 53 (1). ^Diphtheria. 17, 21. "Pains in all the bones. 1310. eAcute rheumatism. 52. "Many pains coming and going, and appearing now here, now there. "Acute rheumatism. 52. "Follows Lachesis well. 26. Hg. "Several cases cured resembled Lachesis. "Diphtheria. 20. "Follows well when Nitric Ac seems indicated, but fails to act. 14. Concordance. (1) Lach . Lye., Thuja. (2) Kali bich. Merc. Nat. S.. Nit. Ac Bellad. 200. Removed cough and soreness of chest. 63. "After vomiting all day, had a rather severe faint in evening, and has felt weak and out of sorts ever since. "Sick headache. 15. "Pains in limbs as if they had been beaten. "Pharyn- gitis. 12. "Certain forms of colic, or acute pains in certain por- tions of the body, as well as sore throats, when the pain alternates from one side to the other at regu- lar intervals. 69. 1320. "Pains and disorders of all kinds changing from one side to the other ; first observed in diphtheria, if first one then the other tonsil was affected, chang- ing repeatedly. 13. "Since sick headache was cured, has had to procure clothing of larger size. 74. (Authority J. T. Kent, M.D. ERRATA. Page 4. line 25 for molecure, read molecule. 18, top, for Hycoph read Hypoch. 20, S. 352 ; for rotton, read rotten. " " 364 ; for vulvas, read vulva. " 22, '* 405 ; for ovarion, read ovarian. 37, for Trifolia read Trifolium. " 41, No. 40 ; for hypergastric, read hypogastric. " 41; for membraneous, read membranous. li " " " for diphtheretic, read diphtheritic. li 47, S. 30 ; for puis., read Puis. '' 49, S. 70 ; for Strout, read Stront. " S. 74 ; for Ramex read Rumex. " 51, S. 112 ; for Mix read Thuj. - 52. S. 40 ; for Kalib, read Kali b. " 54. S. 103 ; for Thus read Thuj. " 57, S. 230 ; for Nitrogen, Protoxide, read Nitrogen protoxide. •' 60, S. 280 ; for ol. an., read 01. an. "' 74, S. 486 ; for Jgnat, read Ignat. ' • 77, S. 545; for Post Scarletina, read Post Scarlatinal. " 78, S. 547; for Strout. read Stront. '" 79, S. 561 ; for Nat. Mur., read Nat. mur. " 82, S. 632 ; for Sach. Alb., read Sacch. alb. " 83, S. 647; for Nat. Nit., read Nat. nit. •' " S. 651 : for Rau. bulb., read Ran. bulb. " 86, S. 696 ; for foeces, read fasces. " 90. S. 768 ; for glands, read glans. " 93. S. 826 ; for C. veg., read C. veg. "• 94, for labia, read labium. " 97, S. s76 ; for Carb. au.. read Carb. an. " 100, S. 923 ; for dispncea, read dyspnoea. " 107, S. 1070 ; for Nat. Carb.. read Nat. carb. " 110, S. 1117 ; " 111, S. 1131 ; for Graphal. read Gnaphal. " for Plaupn. read Plant, m. •' for Tallur, read Tellur. 1132 ; for Ruta la., read Ruta, 1. a. " 112, S. 1136 ; for Pals., read Puis. " 113, S. 1152 ; for Iqn., read Ign. " " S. 1158 ; for Eupat. Perf, read Eupat. perf. •' 116, S. 1225 ; for Mur. Ac, read Mur. ac. " 117, S. 1227 ; for Nat. C, read Nat. c. " 118, S. 1259 ; for Nat. M., read Nat. m. "-119, S. 12B0 ; for Phus., read Rhus. " 121, S. 1310 ; for Lye, read Lye. " 121, S. 1310 ; for Nat. S., read Nat. s. " 121, S. 1310 ;for Nit. Ac. read Nit. ac. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLH DDlD3b51 M NLM001036514