■Tr^Kft NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM DDlD3S7fi M I" i. ^':.v U.S. NATIONAL ^ LIBRARY 111 ^F Ha MEDICINE NLM001035784 �599991 A REGIONAL^COMPARATIVE MATERIA MEDICA BY JOHN GILMORE J^ALCOLM, M. D. OSCAR BURNHAM MOSS, M. D. CHICAGO MALCOLM & MOSS, PUBLISHERS 1895 r C \ Copyright 1895, by Drs. Malcolm & Moss, Chicago, 111. **<,! Typography by Charles H. Kerr & Company, Chicago. PREFACE. Since the Materia Medica is the grand key to successful results in the Homoeopathic School, its construction is a matter of the great- est importance; and in presenting to the Profession a work on this subject embracing new principles of arrangement, the authors ap- preciate the necessity of accompanying the same with a few words of explanation. It is well known that in proving drugs, Hahnemann early sepa- rated their physiological manifestations into groups, designated by rubrics corresponding to the regions or organs affected; and the ad- vantages of this arrangement have seemed so great that nearly all our authors have adopted it with unimportant modifications. Per- haps no other method would be complete in a work designed for a college text-book, and for use whenever it is desirable to study consecutively the entire range of action of a single drug. But when the nature and clinical range of drugs are known, we believe that the physician can better avail himself of their symp- tomatology when arranged in such a manner that all the remedies bearing upon any given part or function of the body can be promptly compared. The Regional and Comparative Materia Medica meets this de- mand by grouping in chapters all the remedies pertaining to the chief regions, organs and functions of the body. Thus, in diseases of the "Mind," of the "Eyes," or of the "Stomach," we have only to turn to the chapters devoted to these subjects to find, un- der remedies alphabetically arranged, all of the best approved in- dications pertaining to them which have been laid down by the masters of our healing art. Instead of being obliged to turn from one chapter to another through two or three hundred remedies as in the old arrangement, to study the rubrics under which the symp- toms of a given case may fall, we have all those symptoms ar- ranged in their appropriate regional chapter, where comparisons can be rapidly and accurately made. Even in the most complicated case, a few regions thus rapidly examined will suffice in discover- ing the indicated remedy, while in many cases it will be found at once by studying a single region. Following the method outlined, we have arranged our work in forty-two chapters, the same general plan being adopted in each. Symptoms which have long been recognized as "characteristics" or "key-notes" are designated by a star(*),and the most prominent "special symptom-." are indicated by a degree (°). In the symptomatology of each chapter either sign, when placed, continues in force until canceled by the opposite sign, which in turn remains in force until canceled in like manner. preface We do not assume authority to dogmatize as to the comparative value of symptoms designated by stars and degrees; but we are assured that many will appreciate the labors by which these distinc- tions have been preserved, while they who estimate them of small importance will find the work no less faithfully transcribed on -ac- count of their presence. Finally, to further assist in comparing all the different reme- dies, and in finding the exact similimum of any given case, a rep- ertory of topics and symptoms is added to each chapter, constitut- ing an index to that chapter, and being practically a concordance of the Materia Medica. Almost every leading subject and symptcm pertaining to any chapter can be found in the repertory of that chapter, and following each, in alphabetical order, are the names ot the remedies having it. By turning to the symptomatology, the symptoms thus traced can be speedily found under those remedies. it will be observed that in the repertory of each chapter, all the remedies that are not starred have the force of the degree. \ By our method, the symptoms are not separated into small and meaningless fragments,but they can be examined in their entirety. Furthermore, the necessity for repetition and corresponding extension of the work is obviated, while we secure in one volume a perfect Concordance as well as Regional and Comparative Materia Medica. At the end of the volume is placed an index to the repertories, which shows at a glance all the chapters referring to the various diseases and symptoms covered by the symptomatology. It is an- other important aid in finding in the most direct manner exactly what is wanted, thus again illustrating the grand object of this work. Moreover, we venture to hope that the brief definitions of numerous technical terms in the Index to Repertories will be of suffi- cient help to the student to justify the space we have devoted to them. The numerals that occur in the text of a few chapters are used to condense the work. They indicate that further information on the same subject can be found under the same remedy in the chapter which each numeral designates. In the performance of our task we have availed ourselves of the most approved sources of information. Our authorities, in respect to matter, have been the great masters from Hahnemann to Hering and Allen, not excluding the latest faithful exponent of the Homoeo- pathic Materia Medica. We have aimed to present a faithful re- port in every line; and, strengthened by fraternal criticism and continual research, we pledge ourselves to supply to our utmost, m future editions, the deficiencies of the present work. ru- tv/t u o M. & M. Chicago, March, 1895. LIST OF REMEDIES. Abbreviations. i abies c. 2 abies n. 3 abrot. 4 absinth. 5 acet. a. 6 aeon. 7 actaea spic. S aescul. 9 aethus. io agar. n agn. 12 ail. 13 aletris 14 aloe 15 alum. 16 ambr. 17 am. c. ib am. m. 19 amyl 20 anac. 21 august. 22 ant. c. 23 ant. t. 24 apis 25 apoc. 26 apomor. 27 aral. 28 aran. 29 arg. m. 30 arg. n. 31 arn. 32 ars. 33 arum 34 asaf. 35 asar. 36 asclep. c. Names. abies canadensis abies nigra abrotanum absinthium acetic acid aconitum napellus actasa spicata aesculus hippocastanum aethusa cynapium agaricus muscarius agnus castus ailantus (thus) aletris farinosa aloe socotrina alumina ambra grisea ammonium carbonicum ammonium muriaticum amyl nitrite anacardium occidentale angustura antimonium crudum antimonium tartaratum apis mellifica apocynum cannabinum apomorphia aralia racemosa aranea diadema argentum metallicum argentum nitricum arnica montana arsenicum album arum triplnllum asafcetida asarum europasum asclepias cornuti Pronunciation. a'be-eez kan-a-den'sis a'be-eez ni'grah ab-rot'a-num ab-sinth'e-um as-e'tik as'id ak-o-ni'tum nah-pel'us ak-te'ah spi kat'ah es'ku-lus hip-o-kas'ta- num e thu'sah sin-ap'e-um ag-ar'ik-us mus-ka're-us ag'nus kas'tus a-ian'tus (thus) al'et-ris far-in-o'sah al'o sok-o-trin'ah al-u'min-ah am'brah gris'e-ah am o'ne-um car-bon'ik- um am-o'ne-um mu-re-at'ik- um am'il ni'trite an-ak-ar'de-um oks-e- den'tal-e ang-gus-tu'rah an-te-mo'ne-um kru'dum an-te-mo'ne-um tar-tar'- a-tum a'pis mel-lif'e-kah ap-os'in-um kan-ab'in- nni ap-o-mor'fe-ah ar-a'le-ah ras-e-mo'sah ar-a'ne-ah di-a-dem'ah ar jen'tum met-al'ik-um ar-jen'tum ni'trik-um ar'nik-ah mon-tan'ah ar-sen'ik-um al'bum a'rum tri-fil'um as-a-fet'id-ah as'ar-um u-ro-pe'um as-kle'pe-as kor-nu'ti LI.VI' OF REMEDIES Abbreviations. 37 asclep. t. 38 aspar. 39 aster. 40 aur. 41 bad. 42 bapt. 43 baryt. 44 bell. 45 benz. a. 4b berb. aq. 47 berb. 48 bism. 49 borax 50 bovist. 51 brom. 52 bry. 53 bufo 54 cact. 55 calad. 56 calc. c. 57 calc. f. 58 calc. m. 59 calc. phos. 60 calc. s. 61 cam ph. 62 cann. i. 63 cann. s 64 canth. 65 caps. 66 carbol. a. 67 carb. ani. 68 carb. veg. 69 card. m. 70 caul. 71 caust. 72 cepa 73 cham. 74 chel. 75 chim. 76 chin. ars. 77 chin. sulf. 78 cic. 79 cimex 80 cimi. N.lines. asclepias tuberosa asparagus asterias rubens aurum metallicum badiaga baptisia tinctoria baryta carbonica belladonna benzoic acid berberis aquifolium berberis vulgaris bismuthum borax bovista bromium bryonia alba bufo cactus grandiflorus caladium calcarea carbonica calcarea fluorica calcarea muriatica calcarea phosphorica calcarea sulfurica camphora cannabis indica cannabis sativa cantharis capsicum annuum carbolic acid carbo animalis carbo vegetabilis carduus marianus caulophyllum t h a 1 i c troides causticum cepa (allium) chamomilla chelidonium majus chimaphilla umbellata chininum arsenicosum chininum sulfuricum cicuta virosa cimex lectularius cimicifuga racemosa Pronunciation. as-kle'pe-.as tu-ber-o'sah as-par'ag-as as-te're-as ru'benz avv'rum nit-t-al'ik-um bah-de-ah'gah bap-tis'e-ah tink-to're-ah bar-i'tah kar-bon'ik-ah bel-ah-don'ah ben-zo'ik as'id ber'ber-is ak-we-fo'ie-um ber'ber-is vul-gar'is biz'muth-um bo'rax bo-vis'tah bro'me-um bri-o'ne-ah al'bah bu'fo kak'tus gran-de-flo'rus kal-a'de-um kal-ka're-ah kar-bon'ik-ah kal-ka're-ah rlu-cr'ik-ah kal-ka're-ah mu-re-at'ik- ah kal-ka're-ah fos-for'ik-ah kal-ka're-ah sul-fu'rik-ah kam-for'ah kan'ab-is in'dik-ah kan'ab-is sa-ti'vah kan'thar-is kap'sik-um an'nu-um kar-bol'ik as'id kar'bo an-im-al'is kar'bo vej-et ab'e-lis kar'du-us ma-re-an'us kaw-lo-fil'iim thal-ik- troid'es kaws'tik-um se'pah (al'e-um) kam-o-mil'ah kel-id-o'ne-um ma'jus ki-maf'il-ah um-bel-lat'- ah kin'i-num ar-sen-ik-o'- sum kin'i-num sul-fu'rik-um sik-u'tah vi-ro'sah si'meks lek-tu-la'ri-us sim-is-e-fu'gah ras-e-mo'- sah LIST OF HEMEDIES 7 Abbreviations. Names. 81 cina cina S2 cinch. cinchona 8^ cinnam. cinnamomum *4 cist. cistus canadensis 85 clem. clematis erecta 86 coca coca «7 cocc. cocculus 88 cocc. c. coccus cacti 89 coff. coffea cruda 90 colch. colchicum autumnale 9i collin. collinsonia canadensis 9^ coloc. colocynthis 93 con. conium maculatum 94 corral. corralium rubrum 95 croc. sat. crocus sativus 96 crot. h. crotalus horridus 97 crot. t. croton tiglium 98 cupr. cuprum metallicum 99 eye. cyclamen r >o dig. digitalis 101 dios. dioscorta villosa 102 doli. dolichos 103 dros. drosera rotundifolia 104 dulc. dulcamara i°5 elat. elaterium 106 equis. equisetum hiemah 107 erig. erigeron canadensis 108 eryng. eryngium aquaticum 109 eup. perf. eupatorium perfoliatum 110 eup. purp. 111 eupliorb. 112 euphr. r 13 ferr. 114 ferr. phos. 115 fluor. a. 116 gamb. 117 gels. 118 glon. 119 graph. 120 grat. 121 guaiac. eupatorium purpureum euphorbia corollata euphrasia ferrum metallicum ferrurn phosphoricum fluoric acid gambogia gelsemiuin sempervirens glonoinum graphites gratiola guaiacum Pronunciation. si'nah sin-ko'nah sin-am-o'mum sis'tus kan-a-den'sis klem'at-is e-rek'tah ko'kah kok'u-lus kok'us kak'ti kof-e'ah kru'dah kol'chik-um aw-tum'- nal-e kol-in-so'ne-ah kan-a- den'sis kol-o-sin'this ko'ne-um {or ko-ni'um) mak-u-la'tum kor-al'e-um ru'brum kro'kus sa-ti'vus kro'tal-us hor'id-us kro'ton tig'le-um ku'prum met-al'ik-um sik'ia-men dij-it-a'lis di-os-ko're-ah vil-o'sah dol'e-kos dros'er-ah ro-tun-de»fo'- le-ah dul-kani-a'rah el-at-e're-um ek-wis-e'tum hi'e-mah er-ij'er-on kan-a-den'sis e-rin'je-um a-kwat'ik-um u-pat-o're-um per-fo-le- a'tum u-pat-o're-um pur-pur- e'uni u-for'be-ah kor-ol-at'ah u-fra'ze-ah fer'um met-arik-um fer'um fos-for'ik-um flu-or'ik as'id gam-bo'je-ah jel-se'me-um sem-per- vi'ren/. glo-no'in-um graf'it-eez gra-ti'o-lah gwi'ak-um 8 LIST OF REMEDIES Abbreviations. Names. Pronunciation. 122 ham. hamamelis virginica ham-am-e'lisver-jin'ik-ah 123 hell. helleborus hel-eb'br-us 124 helon. helorias dioica hel-o'ne-as di-oi'kah 125 hep. s. hepar sulphuris he'par sul-fu'ris 126 hydr. hydrastis canadensis hi-dras'tis kan-a-den'sis 127 hydroc. hydrocotyle hi-dro-kot'il-e 128 hydro, p. hydrogen peroxid hi'dro-jen per-oks'id 129 hyos. hyoscyamus niger hi-o-si'am-us ni'ger 130 hyper. hypericum perforatum hi-per'ik-um per-fo-ra'- t turn 131 ign. ignatia amara ig-na'she-ah am-a'rah 132 iod. iodium {or iodum) i-o'de-um {or i-o'dumj 133 ipec. ipecacuanha ip e-kak-u-an'ah 134 iris iris versicolor i'ris ver'se-kul-er 135 kali bi. kali bichromicum ka'li {or kal'e) bi-kro'- mik-um 136 kali br. kali bromatum ka'li {or kal'e) bro-ma'- tum 137 kali c. kali carbonicum ka'li (or kal'e) kar-bon'- ik-um 138 kali chlor. kali chloratum ka'li {or kal'e )klo-ra'tum 139 kali i. kali iodatum ka'li {or kal'e)i-o-dat'um 140 kali n. kali nitricum ka'li(#r kal'e) ni'trik-um 141 kali per. kali permanganas ka'li (or kal'e)per-man'- gan-as 142 kali phos. kali phosphoricum ka'li {or kal'e) fos-for'- ik-um kali sulphuricum ka'li {or kal'e) sul-fu'- rik-um kalmia latifolia kal'me-ah lat-e-fo'le-ah kobaltum ko-bawl'tum kreosotum kre-o-so'tum lac caninum lak ka-ni'num lachesis lak'e-sis lachnantes (thes) lactic acid lactuca virosa lak-tu'kah vi-ro'sah lauro-cerasus law'ro-ser'as-us ledum palustre le'dum pal-us'ter leptandra virginica lep-tan'drah ver-jin'ik-ah ilium tignnum lil'le-um ti'grin-um ithium carbonicum lith'e-um kar-bon'ik-um obeha ccerulea lo-be'le-ah se-ru'le-ah obeha inflata lo-be'le-ah in-fla'tah lycopodium clavatum H-ko-po'de-um klaw-vat'- urn lycopus virginicus li'ko-pus ver-jin'e-kus magnesia carbonica mag-ne'se-ah kar-bon'ik- ah 143 kali s. 144 ::arn., gels., *hyper., plumb., rhus, ♦stram., ver. v. Movements of head—agar., ant. t, apis, can. i., eup. perf., hell., hyos., pod., stram. Pains—aethus., ail., arn., canth., cimi., cupr., gels., ♦graph., hyos., ♦ign., ipec, kali i., kali phos., kreos., lach. , lye, mag. m., mere, mez., phyt, ♦stram., ♦thuj. Aches—acet. a., ♦aeon., aethus., ♦agar., agn., ail., ♦aloe, alum., am. c, ♦anae, ♦ant. e, ant. t,^apis, aloe., ♦aran., arg. m., arg.n., ♦arn.,♦ars., asaf.,♦bell.,brom., ♦bry., cact., calc. e,calc ph., can. i., canth., ♦caps., ♦carbol. a., ♦carb. v., caul., cepa, cham., ♦chin, s., cic, cimi., ♦cinch., ♦cocc, coff., cupr., *cyc, ferr., ♦glon., graph., guaiac, ham., hep. s., hyos.,♦hyper., ign., iod., ipec, iris, kali c, kali i., kali phos.,kali s., kreos., ♦lach.,lib, ♦lye, mag. phos., mere, mere b. i.,merc cor., ♦mez., mill., nat. c, ♦nat. m.,*nit. a., *nux. m., *nux. v., opium, petrol., ♦phos., phos. a., phyt., platj plumb., pod., psor., ♦puis., rhus, ruta, ♦sang., senega, sepia, ♦sib, spig., stann., sticta, stram., ♦sub, tabac, thuj., valer., ver. a., ver. v., verbas., ♦zinc Acute—puis. Beating—aeon., am. e, 'amyl., ars., chin. s., eup. purp.,♦hyper., kreos., lach., mere b. i., *nux v., plumb., sepia, sil. Boring—am. e, ♦arg. n., eye, dulc, eup. purp., hep. s., nux.v., sepia, spig., thuj. Bruised—ars., cinch., ♦gels, ign., ipec, nux v., petrol., phyt.) ♦puis. Burning—♦aeon., ail., alum., apis, arn., dulc, hell., hyper., laeh.j mere, nux v. phos., rhus, ver. a. Bursting—am. e, ♦amyl., aster., bry., cact, calc. e, ♦caps., ♦cinch., graph., ham., lach., mag. m.,merc, nat. c,^nat. m., nux v., puis., sang., sepia, spig., sul. Catarrhal—aeon., berb., cepa, cinch., caps., ferr., hell., kali ct sticta. 104 CHAPTER III. — INNER HEAD Pains continued. Causes,from various—acet.a., ♦ant. c, ant. t, brom., cact., calec, canth., cinch., dulc, ign., iris, kali e, lach., ♦nat. m., *nux v., petrol., phos. a., puis., ♦zinc Chronic—apis, chin. s., kreos., ver. a. Crampy—aeon., phos., plat., zinc. Cutting—arg. m., arg. n. Darting—aescul., ail., caps., eye, kali i., pod., ♦sepia, sticta, ♦valer. Digging—arg. n., dulc Distressing—aethus, eup. perf. Drawing—•♦agar., ambr., ant. e,ant. t, apis, arg. m.,arn., ♦bry., calc. ph., can. i., carb. v., cham., graph., kreos., ruta, valer. Dull—aescul., ♦agar., agn., ail., *aloe, ambr., ♦anae, ant. c., apis, arg.m., berb., ♦bry., can. i., ♦carbol. a., ♦carb. v., cepa, ♦cimi., eup. purp.,ferr.,gels., ham., hyper., iris, lib, mere b. i.,mez., mill., nat. m., petrol., ♦phos., ♦puis., ♦senega, spig., stann., ♦sticta, stram. Excruciating—mag. phos. Griping—mag. c Hammering—*ars., camph., eup. purp.,ferr., guaiac, ham , nit.a., psor., *sul. Hemicrania—arg. n., ferr. phos., glon., graph., kali c, mill., sepia, zinc Intermittent—♦chin. s., cupr., ferr., mag. phos. Jerking—♦bell., kreos., nat. m., stann., ♦sub, valer. Lancinating—aster., graph., hep. s., ipec, kalii., sang. Megrim—guaiac, sil. Menstrual—-ferr.,. graph., nat. m. Nail, as from—agar., ♦arn., coff., ferr. phos., ♦hep. s., ♦ign., nat. m., nux v., ruta, ♦thuj. Nervous—*anac, kali phos., spig. Neuralgic—aescul.,apis,♦chin, s., ferr. phos., guaiac, mag. phos., plat., ♦stann., ver. a. Paroxysmal—lib, nat. m., ♦sang., sepia, spig. Periodical—cupr., eup. pert, ferr., iris, kreos., mag. m.,nux v., phyt., sang., sib, spig., sul. Piercing—agar., kreos., nit. a., valer. Pressive—aeon., aescul., aethus., agar., agn , ♦aloe, alum, ambr., am. c, am. m.,*anac, ant. c,ant.t, arg. m., arg.n,, arn., ♦ars.,♦asaf., aster., ♦bell., berb., brom., ♦bry., *cact, calc e, caps., carb. v., cham., *chel., chin, s., cic, cocc, dulc, eup. perf., graph., ham., hell., ♦hep.s., hyos., ign., iod., kali e, kreos.,lach., lib, lye,mag. e, mere b. i., nat. e, ♦nat.m., nit. a., ♦nuxm., ♦nux v., ♦petrol., phyt, plat., pod., psor., ♦puis,, ruta, selen., ♦sepia, ♦sib, ♦spig., stann., *sticta, ♦sub, ♦valer., verbas., zinc Pricking—ant. c Pulsating—aeon., aethus., am. c, amb., ant. c, ♦bell., ♦bry., cact., eup. pert, ferr., hyos., hyper., laur., mag. c, mere, nat c, nat m., nux m.,petrol., phos., puis., ruta, sepia, spig., strain.,♦sub CHAPTER III.—INNER HEAD IO5 Pains continued. Rheumatic—caub, guaiac, kali s., mag. phos., nat. m., sang., stram. School girls—calc. ph., kali phos.,nat. m., phos. a. Screwing—arg. n., cocc, kali i., lye, mill., ♦plat. Semi-lateral—hep. s., ipec, nux v., puis., zinc Shifting — aescul., asaf., ♦bell., mag. phos., pod. Shooting—aeon., arn.,♦bell., cimi., eup. perf., heh., hyos., iris, mag. phos., nat. c., phyt., sepia. Sick headache—eup. perf., eup. purp., iris., kali chlor., nat. m., nat. s., phos., phyt., ♦robin., sang., sticta, sub, tabac. Soreness—ars., chel., ♦cimi., eup. perf., gels., ♦glon.,ign., nuxv., phyt., puis., zinc. Spasmodic—mag. phos. Splitting—aethus., am. m. Squeezing—mag. m. Stabbing—♦bell. Sticking—♦valer. Stinging—apis, cham., graph., ipec, mag. phos., petrol.,phos., puis., sepia, valer., zinc. Stitches—aethus., aloe, alum., am. e, am. m., anae, ant. t., arg. m., arn., asaf., berb., bry., calc c, can. i., cinch., eye, eup. purp., graph., guaiac, ♦hyper., laur., lye, mag. m., mere, mere cor., nat. e, nit. a., ruta, spig., verbas. Stunning—nux v., pod. Stupefying—ant. c, calc. c, ♦cocc, hell., laur., nat. e, petrol., psor., puis., ruta, sub, verbas. Tearing—agar., agn., ambr., am.c, am. m., anae, ant.t, arg.m., arn., bell., berb., bry., carb. v., chin, s., graph., ♦hyper., kreos., lach., lye, mag. m., mere, nat. c, nat. m., nux m., ♦sib, ♦spig., ♦sub, ♦valer., zinc. Tensive—amyl,apis, berb., chel., mere, nat. e, nit. a., ♦nux v., ♦plat., ♦sub Throbbing—alum., amyl, anae, ant. t., apis, arg. n., ars., astor., ♦bell., bry., calc c, canth., can. i., caps., ♦cham., ♦chin.s., ♦cimi., *cinch., eup. pert, ♦glon., graph., ign., iod., ipec, iris, kali c, kreos., lach., ♦lye, mere, mill., nat. m., nit. a., nux m., phos., ♦puis., rhus, sang., sib, stann., sub, ver. v. Tingling—apis, cupr., hyos., sul. Ulcerative—nux v., puis. Violent—aeon., aethus., agar., anae, ant. c, apis, ♦bell., cham., chel., chin, s., cupr., ♦eye, graph., guaiac, mere cor., ♦mez., mill., nat. m., nux v., ♦sib, ver. a. Paralysis—♦apis, ♦arn., ♦phos., plumb. Parts. Arachnoid—♦apis. Arteries—aeon., aster., ♦bell., cinch., gels., ♦glon., ign., mill., nux m., ver. v. Back of head—ail., cic, eup. pert, kali c, lach., nat. m., nuxv. io6 CHAPTER III.— INNER HEAD Parts continued. Bones—♦agar.,ant. t, arg.m., arg.n, asaf., ♦bry., ipec, ♦phos.a., thuj. Brain—absinth., ♦aeon., aethus., agar., alum., ambr., am. c, am. m., apis, arg. m., arg. n., arn., ars., aster., ♦bell., bry., cact., calc. e, ♦can. i., canth., cham., chin, s., cic, cimi., ♦cinch., cupr., dulc, ♦gels., ♦glon., guaiac, hell., ♦hep. s., hyos., ♦hyper., ign., kali phos., kreos., laur., mere, nux m., ♦nux v., ♦phos., phyt, plat., plumb., puis., rhus, ruta, sang., ♦sub, ver. a., verbas. Calvarium—can. i. Cerebellum— camph., dulc, petrol., phos., plumb., sepia, spig., stann. Cerebrum—hyos., zinc. Ears, behind—ambr., am.e, apis, camph., sang. Fontanel les—♦sub Forehead—♦aeon., aescul., aethus., agar., agn., ail., ♦aloe, alum., ambr., am. c, am. m., anae, ant. c, ant. t, apis, apoc, arg. m., arg. n., arn., ars., ♦asaf., ♦bell., berb., brom.,♦bry., calce, can. i., ♦carbol. a., cham., chel., chin, s., cocc, dulc,gels.,*glon., graph., guaiac, ham., hep. s., hyos., ipec, iris, kali e, kreos., laur., lye, mag. c, mag. m., mere, mere cor., nat. c, ♦nat. m., *nux v., petrol., phos., phyt, ♦plat., pod., psor., ♦puis., rhus, ruta, sang., selen., sepia, sib, ♦spig., stann., ♦sticta, stram., ♦sub, thuj., valer., verbas., zinc. Frontal—♦agar., alum., arg. n., ars., asaf., caps., cepa, chin, s., cic, cimi., eye, ign., kali e, lach., lib, mere b. i., mill., nat e, petrol., ♦sul. Frontal eminences—ambr., ♦arg. n., bell., cepa, nat. e,nuxm., petrol., spig., ♦thuj. Frontal sinuses —carbol. a. Glabella—ign. Mastoid process—♦plat. Medulla oblongata—gels., ♦phos. Meninges—apis, arn., hyos. Nape—calc. e, cocc, ipec, nux m., ♦sib, ver. v. Nerves—arg. m., lach. Occiput—aescul., aethus., ail., aloe, ambr., am. m., anae, *apis, arg. m., arg. n., *belb, berb., ♦bry., calc. c, calc ph., canth.\ ♦carb. v., cham., *cheb, ♦cimi., cinch., cocc, ♦glon., ♦graph., hell., ign., ipec, lach., lib, mere, nat. e, nat. m., nux v., ♦petrol., phos., pod., rhus, sang., senega, ♦sepia, ♦sib, sub, zinc. Orbits—apis, berb., chel., cimi., puis., ♦sepia, ♦valer. Periosteum—♦phos. a. Root of nose—aeon., :f:agar., am. m., ars., hep. s., iod., kalic, ♦lach., nat. m., ♦sticta, zinc. Side, left—aescul., agar., ambr., am. c, ♦anae, ant. c, ant. t, apis, arg. m., arg. n., ♦arn., brom., ♦bry., calc. e, carb. v.,cham., chel., cimi., eup. purp., ferr., guaiac, hyos., iod., kali i., kreos., lib, mere, nat. c, nat. m., nit. a., nux m., phos., phyt., ♦sepia, spig., stann., ♦thuj., verbas., zinc. Side, one—calc. c, ♦chain., coff., ferr., phos., graph., guaiac. ♦hep. s., kali c, lach., phyt., sepia, ♦sib, stann., valer. CHAPTER III.--INNER HEAD 107 Parts continued. Side, right—aescul., agar., ail., ambr., am. m., ant. t, arg. n., ars., berb., bry., cact., can. i.,*cheb, cimi., eup. perf., eup. purp., graph., hep. s., iris, lach., lye, mere b. i., mill., nux m-> *sang., ♦spig., ♦thuj., zinc. Sinciput—♦aloe, mere b. i., senega, zinc. Skull, cranium—cact., ♦caps., cimi., ♦cinch., ferr., nux v., ♦phos. a. Supra, orbital ridge—♦aloe, nat. m. Sutures—apoc, arg. n. Temples—aeon., aescul., agn., ail., aloe, ambr., am. c, am m., amyl, anae, ant. e, ant. t, apis, arg. m., arg. n., ♦arn., asaf., aster., ♦bell., berb., ♦bry., cact., calc. e, can. i., caps., carb. v., cham., chin. s., cimi., cinch., eye, ferr., phos., ♦glon., graph., ham., hep. s., kali c, kali i., lach., lib, lye, mag. m., mere, mere cor., mez., nit. a., phos., ♦plat, pod., puis., ruta, ♦spig., stann., sticta, ♦sub, thuj., ♦verbas. Top of head—aeon., ambr., bry., calc. c, can. i., carb. v., cham., cimi., eup. perf., ferr., iod., lach., mere, phyt., ♦sub, zinc Vertex—aloe, ambr., am. c., am. m., amyl., ♦anae, arg. n.,^cact, calc. ph., cham., chin. s., cimi., cupr., gels., ♦glon., graph., ♦hyper., lach., lye, mag. m., mere b. i., mill., nat. c, nux v., phos.,sang., ♦sib, spig., stram., ♦sub, thuj. Zygoma—ant. t., ♦bry., ♦plat Rush of blood—aster., *bell., ♦calc c, camph., carb. v., cimi., rhus, ♦sang., ♦sub Sensations—aeon., aethus., agar., am. m., amyl, apis, arg. m., arg. n., asaf., ♦aster., bell., camph., can. i., carbol. a., ♦carb. v., cham., cimi., cinch., cocc, dulc, ♦glon., ham., hell., hep. s., hyos., hyper., ign., kali i. kali phos., lach., laur., lib, lye, mere b. i., mez., mill., nux m., nux v., petrol., plat., plumb., psor., sepia, stram., ver. a., ♦verbas. Band, tape,or hoop around—ant. t, carbol. a., chel., cocc, iod., mere, mere b. i., ♦nit. a., ♦plat., spig. Board on—dulc, rhus. Brain beats in waves—cimi., ♦cinch., ♦glon., hyos. Coldness—arn., bell., berb., calc. c, chel., laur., phos., ♦plat, sil. Constriction—-anae, carb. v., ♦graph., ♦plat, ♦stann. Contraction—agn., am. m., am.,laur., plumb., sepia. Ebullitions—♦aeon. Emptiness—sul. Formication—phos., ♦plat., rhus. Fullness—♦aeon., ♦amyl, apis, aster., ferr., gels., ♦glon., ham., mere, mill., ♦sub, ver. v. Heat—aescul., aloe, alum., ♦amyl, anae, am., ♦aster., berb., bry., calc. c, camph., cham., eup. perf., ferr., hell., hyos., hyper., ipec, kali e, lach., laur., mag. e, mere, nux v., phos., plumb., pod., ♦sang., stram. Xo8 CHAPTER III. —INNER HEAD Sensations continued. Heaviness—aeon., ail., am. m., apis, apoc, am., ♦ars., berb., brom., bry., ♦cact., camph., canth., ♦carbol. a., carb. v., ♦chel., cic, ♦cinch., dulc, ferr., *gels., hell., hyos., hyper., kali i., kreos., lib, mere cor.,♦nat m., ♦nux v., ♦petrol., ♦phos., phos. a., phyt., plumb., senega, ♦sepia, sib, *sticta, ♦sub Hollow—arg. m., cupr. Humming—kali c., nux v., puis. Large—berb., ♦cimi., dulc, gels., ♦glon., mere, nit. a. Lightness—stram. Loose—am. c., cic, hyos., laur., nux m., rhus. Numb—♦graph., petrol., phos., ♦plat., sul. Plug-—anae, asaf., *hep. s. Shock, electric—aster., ♦can. i., cepa, *glon., nat. m. Swashing—asaf., bell., hep. s., hyos. Tight—carbol. a., sul. Weight—aloe, arn., ♦bell., ♦cact., kali phos., lach., phos., ♦sub Sensitiveness—aeon., ♦bell., ♦carb. v., cinch., ferr., kali phos., mag. m., ♦mez., nit. a. Sunstroke—aeon., ♦glon., nat. c, stram,, ver.v. Sweating—♦apis, *arn., mere, ver. a. CHAPTER IV.-OUTER HEAD. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Abrotanum. -Could not hold head up. Scalp sore, itching. Distended veins on head. Acetic acid. -Red patches on scalp; crusts between the hair. Hair bristles. Aconitum "Sensation in vertex as if pulled by the hair. Sen- sation of crackling, as from bending tinsel, in temples, forehead and nose; worse toward evening, from motion; better from sitting. Formication of the scalp, relieved by heat. Cold sweat on the fore- head. Ailantus. °Beating in the occipital arteries. Tender, bruised sensation, over the fronto-parietal sutures. Aloe. °Sensitiveness of the scalp in spots. Dryness of the hair. Alumina. -Itching of scalp, with dry, white scales. Humid scurf worse about the temples, bleeding when scratched; worse in the evening or at new and full moon. Scalp feels numb. Pressure on forehead, as from a tight hat Pain as if the hair were pulled, with nausea. Falling off and excessive dryness of the hair; scalp sore when the hair is touched. Ambra. Falling off of the hair. On the right side of the head, a spot where the hair, when touched, pains, as if sore. Ammonium carb. "Drawing pain in periosteum of forehead; wakens from sleep in morning; passes off after rising. Severe itch- ing of the scalp, especially on the occiput. Sensation as if hair would stand on end, with crawling and cold feeling on head, after coming into room from open air. Scalp, even the hair, painful to touch. Ammonium mur. cItching of the scalp. Itching pimples on right side of occiput. Anacardium. -Violent itching of the scalp. Itching on the forehead. Many lentil-sized boils on the scalp, with sore pain when touched or scratched. 109 IJO CHAPTER IV.—OUTER HEAD Antimonium crud. "Small spot on left parietal bone, painful to touch. Lentil-sized, flat tubercles, here and there on the scalp, painful to pressure, crawling sensation around them. ♦Apis. ♦Head feels swollen; integuments feel swollen and stiff. Boring (backward) the head in the pillow. Hair falls out in spots. Puffiness of scalp, forehead and around the eyes—erysipelatous in- flammation of scalp and face. Copious sweat of the head, of musk- like odor. Argentum met -Tenderness on top of head, painful to touch. Pressing, tearing pain in skull, principally in the temporal bones, renewed every day at noon, worse by pressure and touch, better in open air. Aching of external parts of head. ♦Argentum nit. +Head feels much enlarged. -Almost constant boring and cutting in bones of forehead, vertex, temples and face. Itching, creeping, crawling, as from vermin; roots of hair feel as if pulled upwards; she had to scratch all the time. Herpetic eruption on the occiput. Burning in the scalp, which feels as if drawn tight; cold feeling in eyes. Arnica. °Sensation as if integuments of forehead were spasmod- ically contracted. Cold sensation at a small spot on forehead. Unbearable feeling as from ice on top of head; after breakfast. Burning or hot spots on top of head. ♦Arsenicum. ^Can scarcely bear the hair to be touched, scalp is so sensitive. Chronic eruptions with pustules and vesicles filled with pus. Erysipelatous burning and swelling of the head, with great weakness and coldness; worse at night Falling out of the hair. Great sensitiveness of head to open air; wraps up head warmly. Asafcetida. GCold sweat on the forehead. Asarum. cItching, beginning with fine stitches below the left temple. Sensation of coldness at a small spot on the left side of head, above the ear. Tension of the scalp; the hair feels painful. Aurum met. cSkull bones painful, as if broken; worse lying down. Exostoses on the head; boring pains; worse from touch. Falling out of hair. Baptisia. cTop of head feels as if it would fly off. Great tight- ness of the skin on forehead. Scalp feels sore. Baryta carb. °Feeling of tension, as if the skin was too tight; forehead and temples. Right side of head feels burning hot, but CHAPTER IV.--OUTER HEAD II I is cold. Baldness, especially on crown. Scalp sensitive on the side on which he is lying; worse from scratching. Head sensitive to cold. Crusta lactea, dry scurf, or moist crusts, itching burning; causes the hair to fall out. Cervical glands, hard, swollen. ♦Belladonna. ♦Head so sensitive externally that the least contact, even pressure of the hair, gives pain. °Crampy pain hi frontal eminence, extending to zygoma and lower jaw. Benzoic acid. °Cold sweat on the head. Berberis. Tension of the scalp and skin of face, as if swollen. Corrosive itching or stitching of the scalp, changing place from scratching. Borax. "Hot head of infants, with heat of mouth and palms. Hair becomes entangled at the tips, and sticks together, cannot be separated; if these bunches are cut off they form again. Sensitive to external heat, to cold and change of weather. Bovista -Violent itching of the scalp, especially when getting warm; scratches forehead until sore, not relieved by scratching. Scalp tender to touch. Falling off of the hair. Bromium. -Pains in the bones of the head, fore and back part; towards evening in damp weather. Crawling beneath the skin of the occiput. Scalp, tender, covered with an eruption, with dirty looking and offensive smelling discharge. Bryonia. cIn the morning the head seems very greasy, with cool head. Scalp very tender to touch; cannot bear even a soft brush. Dandruff rough and uneven. Caladium. °Left half of head feels as if asleep. Pimples on the scalp, behind the ear, sensitive to touch. Calcarea carb. GLarge open fontanelles; head large. Whitish- yellow scales of dandruff; scalp sensitive; hair dry; falls out on sides of head; head feels cool. Pimples on the forehead. Thick scabs, bleeding when picked, itching slightly. Thick scabs with yellow pus; spreading to the face. Icy coldness on the head. Burning on top of head. Scratches the head impatiently on awaking, or being aroused from sleep. *Calcarea phos. cSkull soft and thin; crackling noise like paper when pressed, mostly in the occiput. ♦Delayed closure or re- opening of fontanelles. "Grawlings over the top of head, as if ice were lying over the occiput. Head hot; smarting of roots of the hair. Itching, black scurfs; poor crop of hair, or losing the hair. 112 CHAPTER IV.—OUTER HEAD Ulcers on the top of the head. Cannot hold the head up; moves it from place to place; totters. Camphora. -Spasmodic motions of head. Premature gray hair. Cannabis sat. "Sensation as if drops of cold water were falling on the head. Crawling in the scalp. Cantharis. Hair falls out, when combing. Carbo veg. *Head painfully sensitive to pressure, especially of the hat; worse from taking cold and from getting warm in bed. Scalp painful to touch. °Hair falls out, worse on back of head; scalp itches in evening, when warm in bed. Chamomilla. °Head sweats during sleep. Cina. GChild leans its head sideways all the time. Turning the head from one side to the other. Cinchona. "Burning in forehead, with hot sweat on it. Scalp sensitive to touch; roots of hair hurt when hair is moved. Scalp feels as if the hair is grasped roughly by the hand. Profuse sweat on head, especially when walking in open air. Clematis. cEruption on occiput, extending down the neck; moist, sore, with crawling and stinging itching; often drying up in scales; itching worse when getting warm in bed; onl)' slight and but temporary relief by scratching. Cocculus cConvulsive trembling of the head, from weakness of the muscles of the neck; worse in the open air, and after sleeping; from coffee and tobacco; better in warm room. Colchicum. GTearing in the scalp, at small spots, particularly on the occiput. When raised, the head falls back; mouth opens wide. Difficulty in moving the head. Porrigo favosa; oozing acrid ichor. Colocynthis. °Roots of the hair painful. Smarting, burning on the scalp, left side. ♦Cuprum. ♦Children cannot hold the head up, in brain affections. Tossing about of the head. Cyclamen. °Tearing, pressing pain externally. Fine, sharp, formicating stinging on scalp, changing place when scratching: worse evenings, at rest; better walking about. Papulous eruption on scalp. Head feels bound. Drosera. °Smarting, burning in the scalp. Sore feeling in skin of right temple. Itching, gnawing on fore part of scalp, relieved by rubbing. Corrosive itching on the scalp. CHAPTER IV.--OUTER HEAD "3 Dulcamara. °Sensation of chilliness in cerebellum, and over the back; feeling as if the hair stood on end recurs every evening. Ringworm of scalp; glands about the throat, swolien. Thick crusts on scalp, causing hair to fall out. Eupatorium perf. °Right parietal protuberance sore. Head drawn spasmodically backwards. Spotted fever. Eupatorium purp. °Soreness of scalp. Sweat on head, profuse about forehead. Ferrum. "Scalp and hair sore; drawing in chest. Pressure on top of head when cold air touched it. Slight itching in scalp and cold feet. Fluoric acid. °Sensation of numbness in the forehead. Pain along the sutures. Caries of temporal bone. Must comb the hair frequently, it mats so at the end. Falling out of the hair, new hair dry and breaks off. Gelsemium. Neuralgic headache, beginning in upper cervical spine; or vertebra-prominens sensitive; pains extend over head, causing a bursting pain in forehead and eyeballs; worse at 10 a. m. , when lying, with nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, cold feet. Sensa tion as of band around head, above ears; scalp sore. Glonoinum. °Consequences of cutting the hair. Rigidity of oc- cipito-frontalis muscle. Head feels too large. ^Graphites. cScalp feels bruised. Sensation as if the skin of forehead were drawn into folds. Coldness of the scalp. Burning on vertex in a small spot. Sweat on the head when walking in open air. Itching on the scalp. ♦Eczema capitis, of the entire scalp, forming massive, dirty crusts, which mat the hair together. Bald places on the head, perfectly smooth and shining. Circumscribed, bald spot on front of head, covered with herpes. Porrigo decalvans. Hair falls out, even on sides of head. Guaiacum. "External headache, with sensation as if the blood vessels were overfilled; extends to face and neck—neuralgia. Per- spiration, principally on head and forehead (when walking in the open air). Tearing pains in skull. Helleborus. "Rolls head night and day, moaning. Throws head back and from side to side. Hair falls off with pricking on scalp, worse on the occiput; face and body oedematous. Partial sweat on the scalp. Humid scurf. Heparsulph.—°Burning, itching on scalp, from forehead to oc- n4 CHAPTER IV.--OUTER HEAD ciput Sensitiveness of the scalp to touch,with burning and itching in the morning after rising, after abuse of mercury. Disposed to take cold from uncovering the head. Humid eruptions feeling sore; of fetid odor, itching violently on rising in the morning, burning and feeling sore on scratching. Boils on the head and neck, very sore on contact. Nodosities on the head, sore to touch, relieved by covering the head warmly, and from sweat. Falling off of the hair, with very sore, painful pimples, and large bald spots on the scalp. Head bent backward, with swelling below the larynx; violent pul- sation of the carotids, rattling breathing. Hydrastis. GEczema on margin of hair in front; worse coming from the cold into warm room; oozes after washing. Hyoscyamus. "Catches cold in head, especially from dry, cold air. Rolling the head. Head sinks on one or other side. Hypericum. °Sensation in forehead as if touched by an icy, cold hand, in afternoon, after which a spasmodic contraction is felt in right eye. Head hot, carotids throbbing. Hair moist, rest of body burning hot. Pressure in left temple after breakfast. Frac- tured skull; bone splintered. Ignatia. °Trembling and shaking of the head. Head bent back- ward during spasms. Ipecacuanha. °Open fontanelles; occiput and neck sore. Iris. "Shooting in the temples, mostly the right, with constric- tive feeling of the scalp. Kali carb. °Afler being heated,liable to cold from a draft, caus- ing headache, toothache and backache. Painful tumors on scalp, like blood boils; worse from pressure and motion, less from heat, itching, as if in the bones. Hair dry,brittle, falling off mostly from temples, eyebrows and beard; scalp itches and burns morning and evening; oozes if scratched. Kali iod. °Violent headache, hard lumps on the cranium. Scalp feels as if ulcerated, when scratching it. Falling out of hair— syphilis. Kali nit. °Hot spots on the head. Headache on top of head, as if hairs were pulled. Scalp sensitive to touch. Constrictive pains on head, face and eyes, all concentrating at the root or tip oi the nose. Kali sulf. °Dandruff, yellow scabs on scalp. Kalmia. ""Neuralgia each afternoon, becoming worse at night; CHAPTER IV.—OUTER HEAD U5 pain from back of neck up over scalp to top of head and temples, also affecting face, mostly on right side. Parts tender to touch; pain shooting; sometimes in spots; better cold; worse heat. Kreosotum. "Eruptions on the forehead, as with drunkards. Fall- ing off of the hair. Sensibility of the scalp to touch, and when the hair is combed. ♦Lachesis. ♦Tumors which perforate the skull. °Purplish swell- ing, delirious talk, when closing the eyes—erysipelas. Hair falls off, worse during pregnancy; averse to sun's rays. Lachnantes. Draws skin of forehead upward; worse left side. Sensation as if hair was standing on end; worse on the occiput. Scalp very painful even to touch. Red pimples on the forehead* become larger and suppurate. Ledum °The least covering to the head is intolerable. Lycopodium. °Eruption beginning on the back of the head; rrusts thick, easily bleeding, oozing a fetid moisture; worse after scratching and from warmth. Pityriasis in spots on the scalp. Hair falls off after abdominal diseases; after parturition, with burn- ing, scalding, itching of the scalp, especially on getting warm from exercise during the day Hair becomes gray early. Magnesia carb. -Pain on top of the head, as if the hair were pulled. Dandruff on the scalp, itching during wet and rainy weather. Falling off of the hair. *Mercurius. :!:The scalp is painful to touch; worse when scratch- ing, which is followed by bleeding; eruption pustular, fetid, with yellow crusts; erysipelatous; worse on the forehead; hair falls out mostly on sides of temples. GHydrocephalus; body bathed in sweat. Sutures open, large head; precocious mental development; dirty color of face; sour night-sweat. Exostoses on the hairy scalp, with feeling of soreness when touched; worse at night, in bed. Lacer- ating, tearing,stinging in the bones of the skull. Fetid, sour smell- ing, oily sweat on the head; on the forehead it is icy cold, with burning in the skin; worse at night, in bed, and after rising. Great chilliness, with contractive tearing pain in the scalp extending from forehead to neck. *Mercurius prot. iod. Pain in bones of head, chiefly occipital. Small pustules on the head. Mezereum. ♦Head covered with a thick, leathery crust, under which pus collects and mats the hair. °Elevated, white, chalk-like u6 CHAPTER IV.--OUTER HEAD scabs, with ichor beneath; breeding vermin. Burning, biting, itch- ing on scalp, worse on vertex; scratching changes locality, but in- creases the itching; sore boils follow, worse at night and when lying down. Cranial bones pain, are swollen and sensitive to cold or contact; worse from motion and in the evening; caries; itching, burning of the scalp. Scalp numb, with drawing pain, generally only on one side; worse from cold, contact, and in the evening. Scalp covered with scurf; hair comes out in handfuls; scalp and face itch violently, worse when warm; white scales; desquamation; pityriasis. *Natrum mur. °Cold sensation on vertex, scalp sensitive; spasm of eyelids. Hair falls out if touched; mostly on forepart of head, temples and beard; scalp very sensitive; face shining as if greasy. Liability to take cold in the head. Scalp feels constricted; worse talking and in the open air; better sitting or lying. Scabs on the head and in the axillae; eczema, raw; oozing a corroding fluid, de- stroying the hair. ♦Impetigo, worse on boundaries of hairy scalp, especially about nape of neck. °(Dandruff, white scales on scalp, with excess of watery secretion from the mouth, nose or eyes. —Schussler.) ♦Nitric acid. °Pain in skull, with sensation as if constricted by a tape; worse evening and night; better from cold air and while riding in a carriage. Head very sensitive even to pressure of the hat; worse in the evening and on part lain on. Head feels hot. Inflammatory swelling on scalp, suppurating or becoming carious; worse from external pressure, or when lying thereon. Red pimples, some brownish, on anterior border of hair and on temples. Humid, stinging eruption on vertex and temples, down also to whiskers; bleeding easily when scratched, and feeling very sore when lain on. Single, burning, moist sores on scalp—syphilis. ♦Hair falls off, with humid eruptions, paining as from splinters; or, when touched; nervous headaches, debility and emaciation. Nux mos. °Temples sensitive to touch and from lying on them; worse wet, cold weather; better from warmth. Head drops forward while sitting. Convulsive movements of head from before backward so that talking and swallowing are almost impossible. Worse from shaking the head. Nux vom. cScalp sensitive to touch, or to the wind; better from being warmly covered. Liable to take cold in the head, mostly CHAPTER IV.—OUTER HEAD 117 from dry wind, or from a draft. Fetid sweat of one half of the head and face which is cold, with anxiety and dread of uncovering the head; sweat relieves pain. "Oleander. ♦Violent gnawing itching on the scalp as from ver- min; better when first scratching; smarting and soreness as if raw. Desquamation of the epidermis of the scalp. Humid, scaly, biting, itching eruption, especially on back part of head. Paris. Scalp sensitive to touch; sore pain at small spots on the forehead. Petroleum. Sensation as of a cold breeze blowing on head. Scalp ver}r sore to the touch, followed by numbness; worse morn- ings; and on becoming heated. Moist eczema, acute and chronic; worse on the occiput. Falling off of the hair. Phosphorus. "Scaly, bald spots on the head. Head affected: from taking cold; from remaining in hot rooms; after having the hair cut. Tension in face and skin of forehead frequently only one side; worse from change of temperature and while eating; better after eating; with anxiety. Dandruff copious, falls out in clouds; roots of hair get gray and hair comes out in bunches; scratching makes itching worse, or burning and itching relieved at time but worse after scratching. ♦Phosphoric acid. Periosteal pains compel motion. Bones ache; feel as if scraped; better in motion; when lying the pain shifts to the side on which he lies. *Hair: turns gray early; or flaxen and very greasy; falls off, especially after grief and sorrow. Itching of the scalp. Phytolacca. Tinea capitis; worse washing it when he is warm. Plumbum. Great dryness of the hair; it falls off even in the beard. Podophyllum. Sweat of head, during sleep, flesh cold—denti- tion. Psorinum. Hair: dry, lustreless; tangles easily. Viscid sweat about head. Whole head burns. Pustules, boils on head, mostly scalp, which looks dirty and emits an offensive odor. Moist, sup- purating, fetid eruption; also dry eruption Averse to having head uncovered; wears a fur cap even in hottest weather. Pulsatilla. -Rheumatic headache, v/orse on one side and from 5 to 10 p. m., crazing pains into the face and teeth. Tingling, biting, itching on scalp, mostly on temples, and behind the ears, n8 CHAPTER IV.—OUTER HEAD followed by swelling and eruptions; sore pain; worse evenings when undressing; also, from getting warm in bed. Tumors on scalp, suppurating and affecting the skull, worse lying on well side. Fetid, often cold sweat, at times on one side of head and face; great anx- iety and stupor; worse night and toward morning; better after walk- ing and rising. Disposition to take cold on head, worse when it gets wet; head sweaty. Rheum. Sweat on hairy scalp. Rhododendron. GThe scalp feels sore and as if bruised. Vio- lent drawing and tearing in bones, and periosteum of cranial bones; worse when at rest; in the morning; during a thunder storm and during wet, cold, stormy weather; better from wrapping the head up warmly; from dry heat and from exercise. Biting, itching on scalp, especially in evening. Rhus tox. °Erysipelas of scalp, left to right, forming vesicles. Eruption suppurating, moist, forming thick crusts, offensive, itch- ing; worse at night; hair is eaten off; extends to shoulders. Scalp sensitive, worse on side not lain on; when growing warm in bed; from touch and combing the hair back Ruta. cLarge, painful swelling on scalp, as if originating in periosteum, sore to touch and preceded by rending pains. Head externally painful as if bruised or beaten. Erysipelas of scalp,aris- ing from wounds. Humid scabs on head. Periosteum from temples to occiput, pains as if bruised. Corrosive itching on scalp. Sambucus. The head is bent backward. Erysipelas over whole left side of head, ear much swollen, confined to bed and could not move. Scurfs on head with intolerable itching. Skull feels as if stretched. Sanguinaria. "Soreness in spots, especially temporal region. Distention of veins in temples; feel sore when touched. Sarsaparilla. -Sensitiveness of scalp; falling off of the hair. Mer- curio-sypbilitic affections of the head. Secale. Hair falls out. Twisting of head to and fro. Selenium. Hair falls out when combing; also of eyebrows, whiskers and genitals; tingling itching on scalp in evening, oozing afier scratching; tension and sensation of contraction of scalp. *Sepia. ♦Great falling out of the hair. Involuntary jerking of head backward and forward, especially forenoons when sitting. Fontanelles remain open, with jerking of head, pale, bloated face, CHAPTER IV.—OUTER HEAD ng stomacace, green diarrhoeic stools. Sensation of coldness on ver- tex, worse when moving head and stooping; better when at rest and in open air. Disposition to take cold from dry, cold wind, or getting head wet. Sweat on head, smelling sour, with faintish weakness in evening before sleep or in morning. Violent itching like from insects, on occiput or behind ears. Eruption on vertex and back part of head, dry, offensive, stinging, itching and tingling, with cracks; feeling sore When scratching. Sensitiveness of roots of hair, worse in evening, to contact, to cold north winds, when lying on painless side, burning after scratching. *Silicia. "Open fontanelles; head too large and rest of body ema- ciated, with pale face, abdomen swollen, hot. Cephalaematoma neonatorum. .Tearing in scalp, worse from pressure and at night. Lumps rise on the head, hair falls out, ♦scalp sensitive to touch, even to the hat; tearing pains. Profuse head sweat; body dry; likes wrapping up; csweatsour; face pale; emaciated; large abdomen; weak ankles. Patches of eruption on scalp, exfoliating, thin, dry,furfura- ceous scales. Eruption on back of head, moist or dry, offensive scabby, burning, itching,discharging pus. ♦Itching pustules on scalp, and neck very sensitive; °better wrapping up warm. Phagedenic ulcer on forehead; painful, and discharging offensive pus. Spigelia. GShaking in brain, worse when moving head or step- ing hard. Tension of the scalp. Scalp feels sore to touch. Head feels as if too large. ♦Spongia. ♦Favus. °Yellow, scabby eruption. Head bent back- ward; neck stiff. Violent itching on scalp. Sensation as if hair were standing on end, on vertex. Staphisagria. °Humid, fetid, itching eruption on sides of head, and behind ears; scratching changes the place of itching, but in- creases the oozing. Painful sensitiveness of scalp, skin peels off with itching and smarting, worse in evening,and from getting warm. Hair falls off, most from occiput and around the ears, with humid, fetid eruption, or dandruff on the scalp. Pressing, stinging and tearing pains in bones and in periosteum of cranium; swelling and suppuration of bones (caries), with putrid smelling sweat, day and night; worse from motion and contact. Burning, stinging on head, mostly on left temple; worse from heat of bed, at 2 p. m., and when lying on it. Stramonium. °Jerks head up from pillow. Boring head into 120 CHAPTER IV.—OUTER HEAD pillow. Moves head; thrusts it in all directions; in spasms, mostly to the right. Supports head with hands while bending or rising; after sunstroke. ♦Sulphur. ♦Scalp, especially the vertex, painfully sensitive to touch. Profuse falling out of hair. Violent itching of the scalp. Painful, inflamed itching pimples on scalp and forehead. Humid, offensive eruption, with thick pus. Yellow crusts, itching, bleed- ing and burning. Fontanelles close too late. Severe itching on forehead, also on scalp. "Contractive pain as from a band around cranium, with sensation as if flesh was loose,followed by inflamma- tion, swelling and caries of bones; worse in wet, cold weather, and when at rest; better from motion. ♦Hair dry, falling off, scalp sore to touch, itching violently in the evening when getting warm in bed. Dandruff. Sulphuric acid. °Hair turns gray, falls out; eruption on scalp, very sore; worse in open air. Thuja. °Scalp sensitive to touch or pressure of pillow; better if rubbed; violent, burning, tearing, stitching pains; worse in warm bed. Eruption moist, corroding on occiput and temples; worse from touch, better from rubbing. White, scaly dandruff; hair dry and falling out Sweat smelling like honey, mostly on uncovered parts. Wants head and face warmly wrapped. Veratrum alb. ' Head burning hot; limbs alternately hot and cold. Scalp very sensitive with headache. Like a piece of ice on head, or sensation of warmth and coldness at the same time on scalp, the hair being sensitive. Plica polonica. Cold sweat on forehead with many complaints. Compelled to rub forehead, with a kind of insensibility—typhoid. Viola tri. "Scurfs on head, unbearable burning, most at night. Tinea capitis, with frequent involuntary urination. Burning stitches in scalp, especially on forehead and temples. Impetigo of the hairy scalp, and face. Crusta lactea, with violent cough and excessive oppression; in children recently weaned. Thick incrustations; pour- ing out a large quantity of thick vellow fluid, which agglutinates the hair. Zincum. Sensation of soreness of vertex, as from soreness or ulceration; worse in evening in bed, and after eating: better after scratching. Hair falls out on vertex, causing complete baldness, with sensation of soreness of scalp. CHAPTER IV.--OUTER HEAD 121 REPERTORY. Cold, disposition to take—hep. s.,hyos., kali c, nat. m., nuxv., phos., puis., sepia. Exostosis—aur., mere Hydrocephalus—mere Large head—calc. e, mere, sib, spig. Movements of—abrot., ♦apis, calc. phos., camph., cina, cocc, colch., ♦cupr., eup. perf., hell., hyos., ign., nux v., secale, sepia, stram., tarax. Nodosities—hep s., kali c, kali i., mere Pains—am. c, anae, arg. m., asar., aur., baryt., brom., calc. c, clem., coloc, eye, dros., fluor. a., gels., guaiac, hell., iris, kalin., kalm., lach., mag. c, mere, mere p. i., mez., nit. a., olean., phos. a., puis., rhod., ruta, sepia, sib, staph., thuj. Aching—arg. n., kali i., kali n., nit. a., puis., ver. a. Boring—arg. n., aur. Burning—arg. n., arn., ars., baryt., calc. c, cinch., coloc,dros., graph., hep. s., kali e, lye, mere, mez., nit. a., psor., sib, staph., sub. thuj., viola t. Bursting—gels. Cutting—arg. n. Neuralgic—gels., guaiac, kalm. Pressing—arg. m., eye, ferr., staph. Sore—abrot., alum, ambr., anae, bapt, bovist., clem., dros., eup. perf., eup. purp., ferr., gels., hep. s., ipec, mere, nit. a., ♦olean., paris., petrol., puis., rhod., sang., sepia, spig., sub,sul.a., zinc. Stitches—asar., berb., thuj., viola t. Tearing—arg. m., colch., eye, guaiac, mere, rhod., sib, staph., thuj. Parts. Arteries—ail., guaiac, hep. s., hyos., hyper. Bones.—ant. c, arg. m., arg. n., aur., brom., fluor. a., gels., hyper., kali c, kali i., mere, mere p. i., mez., phos. a., rhod., staph., ♦sub Cerebellum—dulc. Fontanelles—calc. c, calc. phos., ipec, sepia, sib, ♦sub Forehead—aeon., alum, am. c, anae, apis, arg. n., arn., ars., bapt., baryt., bovist., brom., calc. c, cinch., eup. purp., fluor. a., gels., graph., guaiac, hep. s., hyper., kreos., lachn., mere, paris, phos., sib, ♦sub, ver. a., viola t. Glands —baryt., dulc. Hair—acet. a., alum., ambr., arg. n., ♦ars., asar., ♦bell., borax, calc. phos., cinch.,coloc, ferr., fluor. a., glon., ♦graph., hell.,hep.s., hydras., hyper., kali c, kreos., mag. e, mere,♦mez., ♦nat. m., nit.a., phos., psor., rheum, rhus, ♦sepia, ♦sub, ver. a., viola t, zinc. Baldness—baryt., ♦graph., hep. s., phos., zinc. Cutting—bell., glon., phos. 122 CHAPTER IV.--OUTER HEAD Parts continued. Dry—aloe, alum., calc.c, fluor. a., kali c,plumb., psor., ♦sub, thuj. Falling out—alum., ambr., apis, ars., aur., baryt, bovist., calc.c, calc. phos., canth., carb.v., dulc, fluor. a., *graph., hell., hep. s., kali c,kali i.,kreos., lach., lye, mag.e, mere,mez., nat. m.,^nit a., petrol., phos., phos. a., plumb., psor., sars.,secale, selen., ♦sepia, sil , staph., ♦sub, sul. a., thuj., ver. a., zinc. Gray early—camph., lye, phos., phos. a., sul. a. Greasy—bry., phos. a. Plica polonica, Entangled—borax, flucr. a., graph, mez., psor., ver. a., viola t. Pulled feeling—aeon., alum., arg. n., cinch., kali n., mag. c Standing-on-end feeling— am. c, dulc, lachn., spong. Muscles—cocc, glon. Occiput—ail., am. c, am. m., arg. n., brom., calc. phos., clem., colch., glon., hell., hep. s., ipec, lachn., mere p. i., petrol., ruta, sepia, staph., thuj. Periosteum—am. e, phos. a., rhod., ruta, staph. Scalp—aeon., aloe, alum., apis, ♦ars., asar., bapt., baryt., berb., bovist., brom., bry., can. i., carb. v., colch., coloc, eye, dros., dulc, eup. perf., ferr., ♦graph., hell., hep. s., iris, kali c, kalm., lachn., lye, mag. e, ♦mere, ♦mez., nat. m., nit.a., nux v., ♦olean., paris, petrol., phos. a., psor., puis., rheum, rhod., rhus, ruta, selen., sib, spig., spong., staph., ♦sub, thuj., ver. a., viola t, zinc. Boils—anae, hep. s., kali e, mez., psor. Crusts—acet. a., baryt., dulc, :|:graph., lye, mere, ♦mez., rhus, ♦sub, viola t. Crusta lactea—baryt. c., viola t. Dandruff—bry., calc. e, kali s., mag. e, nat. m., phos., staph., sub, thuj. Desquamation—♦olean., sib, staph. Eczema—*graph., hydras., nat. m., petrol. Eruptions—arg. n., ars., brom., clem., eye, hep. s., kreos., lye, mere, nit. a., ♦olean., psor., puis., rhus, sepia, sib, spong.,staph., sub, sul. a., thuj. Favus—colch., ♦spong. Herpes—arg. n., graph. Impetigo—♦nat m., viola t. Erysipelas—apis, *ars., lach., mere, nit. a., rhus, ruta, samb., sib, ♦sub Painful to touch--abrot., ail., aloe, alum., ambr., am. c, anae, ant. c., arg. m., ars., asar., aur., bapt., baryt, bell., bovist.,brom., bry., calad., calc. e, carb. v., cinch., coloc, ferr., gels., hep. s., kali n., kalm., kreos., lachn., mere,mez., nat. m., nit. a., nux m., nux v., paris, petrol., ruta, sang., sepia, sib, spig., staph., sub, sul. a., thuj.,ver. a., zinc. Papules—eye Patches—acet. a. Pimples—am. m., calad., calc. c, hep. s., lachn., nit. a., ♦sub CHAPTER IV.—OUTER HEAD 123 Scalp continued. Pityriasis—lye, mez. Porrigo—colch., graph. Pustules—♦ars., lachn., mere, mere p. i., mez., psor., sil. Ringworm—dulc. Scabs—calc c, mez., nat. m., ruta, sib, spong. Scales—alum., calc. e, clem., kali i., mez., nat m., ♦olean., phos., sib, thuj. Scurfs—alum., baryt., calc c, calc phos., hell., mez., samb., viola t. Sweat—aeon., apis, asaf.. benz. a., cham., cinch., eup. purp., gels., graph., guaiac, hell., hep. s., mere, nux v., ♦opium pod., psor., puis., rheum, sepia, ♦sib, staph., thuj., ♦ver. a. Tinea capitis—phyt., viola t. Tubercles—ant. c. Tumors—kali c, kali i., ♦lach., puis., sil. See "Nodosities." Ulcers—calc. phos., sil. Vesicles—♦ars., rhus. Skull—arg. m., aur., calc. phos., guaiac, hep. s., kali i., *lach., mere, mez., nit. a., puis., rhod., samb., staph., sul. Sutures—ail., fluor. a., mere Temples—aeon., alum., arg. m., arg. n., arn., asar., baryt., eye, fluor. a., hyper., iris, kali c, kalm., mere, nat m., nit. a., nuxm., puis., ruta, sang., staph., thuj., viola t. Top of—bapt., arn., calc. c, calc. phos., ferr., kali n., kalm. Veins—abot, guaiac, sang. Vertex—arg. n., graph., mag. c, mez., nat. m., nit a., sepia, spong., ♦sub, zinc. Posture—cina, colch., ♦cupr., eup. perf., hep. s., hyos., ign., samb., spong., staph., stram. Sensations—aeon., ail., alum., ♦apis, arn., bapt., baryt., can. s., eye, gels., graph., guaiac, hep. s., iris, kali i., nat. m., nit. a., petrol., phos. a., samb., selen., spig., spong., ♦sub, ver. a., viola t, zinc. Band, sense of—gels., nit. a.,♦sub Bruised sense—ail., graph., rhod., ruta. Cold—am. c, arn., ars., asar., baryt, bry., calc. c, graph., hyper., mere, nat. m., nux v., petrol., sepia, ver. a. Crackling—aeon., calc. c Crawling—am. c, ant. c, arg. n., brom., calc. phos., can. s., clem. Enlarged—♦arg. n., glon., mere, sib, spig. Formication—aeon., eye Heat—borax, calc. ph., hyper., kali n., nit. a., ver. a. Itching—abrot., alum., am. c, am. m., anae, arg. n., asar., baryt., berb., bovist., calc. c, calc phos., carb. v., clem., dros., ferr., graph., hep. s., kali c, lye, mag. e, mez., ♦olean., phos., phos. a., puis., rhod., rhus, ruta, sabad., sars., selen., sepia, sib, spig., spong., staph., ♦sul. 124 CHAPTER IV. - OUTER HEAD Numb—alum., arg. n., calad., fluor. a., mez., petrol., ver. a. Tension—asar., baryt., berb., phos., selen., spig. Sensitive—aib, aloe, alum., ambr., am. c, anae, ant. c,arg.m., ♦ars., asar., bapt., baryt., ♦bell., borax, bovist., brom., bry., calad., calc. c, *carb.v., cinch., gels., hep.s., kali n.,kalm., kreos.,♦mere, mez., nat. m., nit. a., nux m., nux v., paris, rhus, ruta, sars., sepia, sib, spig., staph., ♦sub, thuj., ver. a. Swelling—apis, ars., berb., lach., nit. a., ruta, staph. Up, could not hold—abrot., calc. phos., colch., cupr., nux m., stram. CHAPTER V.-EYES. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Blue rings around eyes; eyes looking dull—chlo- rosis. Inflamed eyes. Acetic acid. -Conjunctiva inflamed,accompanied by sour stomacn. Flow of tears. ♦Aconitum. ♦Violent, acute inflammation in the early stages. cAversion to light, particularly sunlight; light dazzles the eyes. Optical illusions in dark colors or black. Flickerings make him anxious; fears he might touch people passing by. Eyes protruding, staring—apoplexy, asthma. Eyes distorted—tetanus. Pupils con- tracted, then dilated. Eyes red, inflamed, vessels deep-red, burn- ing, pressing, shooting pains, especially on moving the balls; no discharge; conjunctivitis from exposure to cold, dry winds. Vio- lent pains, intense congestion; ophthalmia from suppressed gonorrhoea. Upper half of the eyeball sore when moved. Profuse lachrymation with intense pain. Conjunctivitis from cinders, or other foreign bodies. Lids hard, red, swollen, feel tense; hot, dry, burning and sensitive to the air; cold water relieves the dry heat. /Esculus. -Weight in the eyes; they feel heavy and dull; balls feel sore and hot. Painful aching over left eye. Flickering before the eyes. /Ethusa. -Objects seem much larger than natural. Eyes brilliant, protruding, dilated pupils. Chronic photophobia; scrofulous oph- thalmia; swelling of the meibomian glands; edges of lids inflamed; adhere at night; must be washed open in the morning. Agaricus. cDim sight; things look obscured, as from turbid water; muscae volitantes; vibrating spectra; with vertigo. Reads with difficulty; type seems to move—diplopia. Flickering before the eyes while writing. Black spots before left eye. Pupils dilated. Viscid, yellow humor, gluing the lids; gum in canthi. Burning in canthi; inner angles itch, burn and are red; worse from touch. Frequent, slight twitching in lids. Twitching in eyeballs; while reading, frequent twitching and pressing in left eyeball. Spasms with 125 126 CHAPTER V.— EYES aching in left eyeball—myopia. Clonic spasms; lids open and close in quick succession. Swelling of tear gland. *Ailantus. ♦Eyes suffused and congested; startled look when roused; pupils dilated and sluggish, photophobia. "Intolerance from light; tears from bright light,and from the open air. Burning, smarting and aching in the eyes. Rough feeling in the left eye, as from dust. Conjunctiva inflamed, towards the outer canthus. Pus-like discharge, agglutinating the lids in the morning. Dark- blue circles around the eyes. ♦Aloe. Compelled to make the eyes small, with pain in fore- head; heaviness of eyes and nausea. Yellow rings moving before the eye. Unsteady, anxious look. Dimness before the eyes while writing. Pain deep in orbits, as if in muscles; worse on right side. ♦Alumina. *Eyes inflamed, itching at inner canthus, agglutin- ation at night, and lachrymation by day, yellow halo around can- dle. Eyelids thickened, dry, burning. -White stars before the eyes, with vertigo. Dim-sightedness, like looking through a fog. Objects appear yellow. Burning and pressure in the eyes. Spas- modic closure of the lids at night, and burning in the eyes in morning and evening. Inclination to stare. Strabismus of either eye. Sensation of coldness in the eyes, in the open air. Ammonium carb. °Double vision. Aversion to light with burn- ing in eyes. Optical illusions, particularly in white or bright col- ors. Large,black spot floats before the eyes after sewing. Cataract of right eye. Pressure on lids that he cannot open them, even though internally awake. Smarting of eyes and itching on margin of lids. Stye on the right upper eyelid, with tension. Inflam- mation of the eyes; vision obscured. Eyes bloodshot with lachry- mation. Ammonium mur. ^Sensation in left eye as if a body arose which impeded sight. Yellow spots before the eyes. Flying spots and points before the eyes. Burning in eyes and lachrymation, at night. Mist before eyes, worse in bright light out-doors; better in room. Eyelids gum together in morning, with burning in canthi, after washing. ♦Amyl nit. ♦Protruding, staring eyes. Conjunctiva injected. GVeins in disc enlarged,varicose and tortuous; arteries normal. ♦Anacardium. ♦Dull pressure as from a plug in upper border of right orbit. Vision indistinct. cGreat sensitiveness to light Halo CHAPTER V.--EVES 127 around light. Flickering before the eyes. Optical illusions in dark colors. Short-sightedness. Pupils first contracted, later dilated. Pressure on eyeballs from before backward. ♦Antimonium crud. ♦Redness and inflammation of eyelids. Sore- ness of outer canthi. Chronic blephar-ophthalmia of children. °Eyes red, inflamed, with itching, and night agglutination. Eyes worse from glare of the snow. Redness of the left eye, with aver- sion to light. Gum in the canthi in forenoon. ♦Antimonium tart. ♦Dim,swimming eyes—diarrhoea. Ophthalmia rheumatica or arthritica. "Flickering before the eyes. Sees only as through a thick veil. Vanishing of sight. Inflammation of con- junctiva with much lachrymation. Eyeballs pain as if bruised. Inclination to press lids together. *Apis. ♦Squinting, trembling: of eyeballs, worse at night. Burn- ing, stinging, shooting pains. Conjunctiva injected; full of dark vessels, chemosis. Cornea thick, having dark, smoky spots; gray- ish, smoky, opaque. Ulcers on cornea, cicatrices; staphyloma corneae. Scalding tears, with great sensitiveness to light. Lids dark red, everted,swollen, excoriation of edges; granulated; swollen and very sensitive; oedematous with bag-like swelling under the eyes; feel stiff. Eyelids much swollen, red and oedematous. Roll ing the eyes. Severe darting, lancinating pains in the eyes. Argentum met. °Sight vanishes. Amaurosis of left eye, with contracted pupils, insensible to light. Violent itching of lids, and in the corners of the eyes—blepharitis. Lids greatly swollen. Pus- tules along edges of lids. Lids raw, sore, red, smarting. Abundant purulent discharge. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Cornea opaque; ulceration of the cornea in new- born infants; profuse purulent discharge from the lids. Ciliary blepharitis from being over a fire; better from cold air and cold ap- plications—ectropion. Conjunctiva of balls and lids intensely con- gested; bright red granulations on lids; lids swollen, thick pus discharges. Intolerance of light. Grey spots and serpent-like bod- ies move before the vision. Canthi red as blood, the carunculae swollen, standing out like a lump of red flesh. Clusters of intensely red vessels extend from inner canthus to cornea. °Far-sighted. Letters become blurred, run together. Photophobia, eyes filled with mucus. Vanishing of sight, must constantly wipe away the mucus. Lids crusty, swollen, thick, with pannus. OZdema of lids 128 CHAPTER V.-- EYES and sensation of fullness, dryness and heat, especially on moving the balls, which are sensitive to touch; chemosis; non-excoriating lachrymation. Conjunctiva towards inner canthus is red and swollen, like pterygium. ♦Arnica. ♦Traumatic ulceration, with much haemorrhage into the anterior chamber. Retinal haemorrhage; expedites absorption of clots. Inflammation of eyes, with suggillations after mechan- ical injuries. "Flickering before the eyes, worse when reading or writing. Dilated pupils; sensitiveness to light. Diplopia after injuring the eye. Loss of sight after a violent blow. Margin of upper lids painful when lids are moved, as if they were dry and slightly sore. OZdema of dry, hot, inflamed lids, with much sub- junctival suggillation. Congestion to the eyes; balls bloodshot. Severe ciliary neuralgia; head hot, body cool. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Sensitive to light; photophobia. Everything appears green. Sees as through a white gauze. Eyes sunken or pro- truding. Pain in right eyeball, particularly during motion. Vio- lent burning in eyes. Conjunctiva looks like a piece of raw beef. Eyelids oedematous and spasmodically closed. Edges of lids pain- ful during motion, as if dry and rubbing on the balls. Burning in margins of eyelids. Ophthalmia of children; skin rough and dry and dirty looking; photophobia and profuse lachrymation. Cor- rosive tears, making the cheeks and eyelids sore. Inflammation of eyes and lids, with severe burning pain. cSnow dazzles the eyes and makes them water. Flickering before the eyes. Weakness of sight; dim sight. Pupils contracted or dilated. Yellowness of the sclerotica. Pulsative throbbing in the eyes; at every pulsation a stitch. Feeling of sand in eyes. Trembling of upper eyelids with lachrymation. Agglutination of lids. Extreme redness of inner surface of lids with uneasy sensation rather than pain. ♦Arum tri. ♦Quivering of upper lids. "Aversion to light. Up- per eyelids heavy with headache. Obscured sight, as from a veil. Tension in lower lids as if swollen. Swelling of the edges of lies. Water in the eyes all day, most at the outer canthi. ♦Asafcetida. ♦Nocturnal, throbbing pains in and around the eye and head—syphilitic iritis. Extensive, superficial ulceration of the cornea, with burning, sticking and pressing pains from with- in outwards; rest and pressure relieve. Mist before the eyes. Sen- sation of dryness in the eyes. CHAPTER V. — EYES 129 ♦Aurum met. ♦Tension in the eyes, sees things double or mixed up. Objects, as if divided horizontally; can only see lower half; upper half .as if covered with a dark body. °Fiery sparks before the eyes; optical illusions in bright colors. Opacity of the cornea — after keratitis. Eyeballs protrude. Red sclerotica, burning, stitching, drawing and itching at the inner canthus. Photophobia, profuse scalding tears on opening the eyes; eyes very sensitive to touch. Pressive pain in the orbit from above downward, from with- in out. Bones around the eyes feel bruised. Ulceration of the cornea in the course of pannus; pains from without inwards; worse from pressure. Little blisters turning into crusts on the edges of lids with some trichiasis. Eyelids red, suppurating; stinging, prick- ing, itching; agglutination in-the morning; cilia fall out. Baptisia. cCannot bear light, eyes burn, but do not water— chronic ophthalmia. Eyeballs feel sore; sore and lame on moving them. Vessels congested, eyes look red, inflamed. ♦Belladonna. *Eyes protruding,sparkling; pupils dilated; staring look. Eyes red, swollen, distorted, Eyes dry, feel stiff, hot and burning. Great intolerance of light and lachrymation. Dilated, immovable pupils. Bright sparks and flashes of light before the eyes. Halo around the light, partly colored, red predominating; at times light seems broken into rays. GPhotophobia worse from artificial light. Far-sightedness. Objects appear double and seem to revolve and run backwards; inverted. Vision obscure as from a white vapor. Feeling of sand in eyes. Lachrymation. Spasmodic motion of eyes. Eyeballs red and prominent. Conjunctiva covered with red vessels, shooting pains, eyes water. Yellowness of sclero- tica. Swelling and suppurative inflammation of left caruncula lach- rymalis. Ophthalmia; suddenly appearing; worse right eye; intense photophobia. Heaviness of lids. Lids feel sore, congested and swollen. Borax. ^Obscuration of left eye, evenings. Flickering before eyes in morning when writing, so that he does not see distinctly. Inflammation of left eye at inner canthus, with nightly agglutina- tion. Inflammation of right eye at external canthus, with irregularity of the lashes; nightly agglutination. The lashes turn inward toward the eye and inflame it, especially at outer canthus, where the margins of the lids are very sore. ♦Bryonia. ♦Very sensitive pressing pain, coming and going, in 130 CHAPTER V.—EYES left eyeball, especially violent on moving the ball, with feeling as as if the eye became smaller, and was retracted within the orbit. Severe burning and lachrymation of right eye. Puffiness of right upper lids. Frequent lachrymation. Calcarea carb. °Far-sightedness. Sensitiveness to light; photo- phobia. Like a shadow before the eyes, obscuring one side of the object; pupils much dilated. Dancing wavelets before the eyes, which are very annoying. Ophthalmia from taking cold; en- trance of a foreign body; in the new-born; scrofulous. Opacity of cornea, maculae, ulcers and fungus haematodes. Sensation of coldness, heat and severe burning of eyes. Swelling and redness of eyelids, with nightly agglutination; during the day full of gum, with heat, smarting pain and lachrymation. Suppurating fistula ldchrymalis. Calcarea phos. °(Inflammation of eyes, dry, during dentition. Spasmodic affections of lids. —Schussler.) Calcarea sulf. °(Abscess of cornea, deep-seated. Inflammation of eyes, with discharge of yellow matter. Hypopyon, to absorb the effusion of pus.—Schussler.) Calcarea fluor. c(Opacities, spots on cornea.—Schussler.) Camphora. cChronic inflammation of the eyes. Eyes worse in the sunlight. Conjunctiva injected, pupils dilated, lachrymation in open air; lids stiff, sore or tense; quivering of upper lid. Pupils contracted, immovable. Objects are seen too bright, at the same time black spots are seen. Sparks and fiery wheels alternating with mistiness. Letters run together while reading. ♦Cannabis ind. ♦Fixed gaze. Injection of vessels of conjunctiva of both eyes. Letters run together when reading. °Visual clair- voyance. Sensitiveness of right eye to light. Twinkling, trembling and glimmering before the eyes *Causticum. inflammation with burning and stinging; dryness and photophobia. Pressure as from sand in eyes. Inclination to close the eyes; lids seem heavy, even paralysis of upper lids. Pho- tophobia the whole day, constantly obliging to wink. Flickering or sparks before the eyes. Sight obscured: as from a gauze before the eyes; as from a mist; momentarily on blowing the nose. Per- pendicular half-sight in cataract. Constant inclination to touch and rub the eye, which seems to relieve a pressure in it. Old warts on eyebrows, lids or nose. Itching of the eye, especially of the lids. CHAPTER V.—EYES 131 *Cepa. ♦Excessive, non-excoriating lachrymation,left eye worse, with redness of the eyeball. °Sensitive to light; worse evenings. Profuse, bland lachrymation. Smarting of inner surface of upper lids. Eyes watery, capillaries congested; with coryza. Shooting pain in the right lachrymal duct. Eyes red, itch and are sensitive to touch, worse left. Chamomilla. Flickering before the eyes on lying down. Eyes swollen in the morning; agglutinated with purulent mucus. Inflam- mation of the eyes, caused by exposure to cold, damp atmosphere, or if worse by every cold change of weather; discharge of blood from eyes. Yellow conjunctiva. Violent pressure in the orbital region; sensation in the eyeball as if it were tightly compressed from all sides, with momentary obstruction of vision. *Chelidonium. ♦Whites of eyes dirty-yellow. "Dazzling spot before the eyes,lachrymation when looking at it. Misty appearance before the eyes. Objects appear double. Contractility of pupils diminished. Opacity of the cornea. Aching in the eyeballs; worse moving the eyes. Conjunctiva swollen, dark-red, as far as the cor- nea. Lids swollen, red, could open them-but little. Agglutination of lids in the morning. Neuralgia of eyebrows and temples. Press- ing pain over left eye, which seems to press down upper lid. *Chininum sulf. ♦Severe orbital neuralgia, occurring daily. °Disk and retina very anaemic; disk looks dry. Dim vision as from a net or fog. Pupils dilated. Eyes very sensitive to light; lachrymation in the full glare of light. Bright light and sparks before the eye. Neu- ralgic twitches in supra and infra-orbital nerves; generally periodic. Conjunctiva injected; lids red and swollen; pupils contracted; lachry- mation; extreme photophobia and tearing in orbit. ♦Cicuta. ♦Pupils dilated and insensible. Eyes sensitive to light. Letters go up and down or disappear; or colors of rainbow around them. Objects appear double and black. Blue margin around the eyes; eyes sunken. Cinchona. -Nocturnal blindness. Scintillations or black motes before eyes. Amblyopia in drunkards; after masturbation, tendency of blood to the head. Letters pale, surrounded by white borders. Dilated, not ver}7 sensitive pupils. Pressure,as from sand in eyes; photophobia; eyes hot, red; or dim and as if filled with smoke. Cistus. -Scrofulous ophthalmia of long standing; feeling as if something were passing around in the eyes, with stitches. Spasmodic, 132 CHAPTER V.—EYES piercing pain in the middle of the upper rim of the right orbit, with headache on that side. Clematis. Inflammation of iris. Burning and inflammation of inner canthus. Pustular conjunctivitis, with agglutination of lids in the morning. Complaints from bright sunlight. Colchicum. Inflammation of the eyes; dim-sightedness; watering of the eyes; white spot on the cornea. Soft cataract. Drawing, dig- ging pain deep in the orbit, like in sclerotitis. *Conium. ^Weakness of vision. Weakness and dazzling of the eyes together with giddiness and debility, especially of arms and legs on walking Staggering as if drunken. °Short-sighted. Ob- jects look red, rainbow-colored; striped, confused spots. Sluggish adaptation of the eye to varied range of vision. Aversion to light without inflammation of the eyes. Cataract from contusion. Pupils dilated. Ulcers on the cornea, right to left. Burning of the eyes. Could scarcely raise the eyelids; they seemed pressed down by a heavy weight; disposed to fall asleep. Burning in inner surface of the lids. Smarting pain in the inner canthus, with lachrymation. ♦Crotalus hor. ♦Yellow color of the eyes, calso of the whole body. Blue rings about the eyes. Blood exudes from the eye. Burn- ing in the eyes. Pressure and oppression above the eyes. Croton tig. Opacity of the cornea. Copious lachrymation, kera- titis pustulosa, with much eruption on the lids and face, with ex- cessive photophobia. Conjunctivitis pustulosa, eyes feel hot and burning, especially at night; face red and burning; feverish. Cuprum met. "Eyes dim, lusterless; sunken with blue rings around. Great itching of the eyes toward evening. Eyeballs red, move like a pendulum from side to side. Quick rotation of the balls, with lids closed. ♦Cyclamen. ♦Dimness of vision and spots before the eyes, es- pecially on waking. Flickering before the eyes as of various col- ors, glittering needles, fiery specks and sparks. Dimness of vision, °as of smoke or fog before the eyes. Now yellow and again green before the eyes. Sight, as if looking through a dark green glass; like mist before the eyes. Halo around the light. Diplopia. Stra- bismus. Dilated pupils. Heat in the eyes. Digitalis. °Diplopia. Objects appear either green or yellow. Chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva. Yellowish redness of the CHAPTER V. — EYES 133 conjunctiva palpebrarum. Inflammation of meibomian glands. Lachrymation, worse from bright light or cold air. Agglutination of the lids in the morning. Dolichos. Eyes yellow—jaundice. Dulcamara. Aching in eyes when reading; sight dim; scintilla- tions: worse at rest. Threatened amaurosis in scrofulous children. Dim sight; sees as through a gauze. Ophthalmia; scrofulous, from every exposure to cold. Paralysis of upper lids. ^Eupatorium perf. Great aversion to light. ♦Painful soreness of eyeballs. Redness of margins of lids, with glutinous secretion from meibomian glands. Intense pain darting through the eyes, as from needles; eyes not inflamed. Sclerotica yellow. ^Euphrasia. ♦Frequent burning, biting in the eyes; biting water runs from them. Redness, burning, swelling of the margins of the lids. Frequent inclination to blink. Feeling as though the cornea were covered with much mucus; it obscures his vision, and obliges him to frequently close and press the lids together. Pho- tophobia: in day and sunlight; worse in the evening; must remain in a darkened room; even to spasm of the lids; with swollen, ag- glutinated lids; thick, yellow discharge between the lids. Pupils much contracted. Stitching, pressure and burning in eyes. Sensa- tion of sand in the eyes. Spots, vesicles and ulcers on the cornea. Opacity of the cornea. Sensation of a hair over the eyes that must be wiped away. Catarrhal ophthalmia, with lachrymation and con- siderable mucus discharge, injection of conjunctiva; phlyctenular near the cornea, at the same time coryza and pain in the forehead. Capillaries of conjunctiva enlarged. Chemosis, acrid tears and coryza. Profuse flow of tears with great sensitiveness to light. Violent itching of the lids, with catarrhal ophthalmia. Rheumatic inflammation of the eyes almost blinding him. Inflammation and ulceration of the margins of the lids. Inflammation and swelling of the meibomian glands. Ferric phos. "(Abscess on cornea, heat, pain, redness, first stage. Inflammation of eyes with acute pain, without secretion of mucus or pus; with burning sensation. Retinitis, first stage.— Schussler.) Fluoric acid. Sensation of a cold wind blowing under the eye- lids, even in a warm room; must bind the eyes with a cloth. Sen- sation of sand in the eyes, or as if a fresh wind was blowing on 134 CHAPTER V.--EYES them. Increased lachrymation. Itching of the canthus. Fistula lachrymalis. ♦Gelsemium. ♦Drooping of the eyelids; they are heavy, can hardly open them, or keep them open. Dimness of sight and ver- tigo. Smoky appearance before the eyes with pain above them. GPupils dilated. Amaurosis of congestive origin; after apoplexy. Sees double when inclining the head toward the shoulder. Con- fused vision, eyes look heavy. Astigmatism. Eyeballs oscillate laterally when using them. Eyelids heavy. Eyes close when look- ing steadily. Eyes feel sore in the evening,sensitive to light, with lachrymation, feel full and congested. Glonoinum. °Flashes of lightning, sparks, before eyes. Objects dance with every pulsation. Dim sight, with vertigo, fainting, black spots before the eyes. Pupils contracted—sunstroke. Pupils di- lated; eyes upturned, sunstroke; eyes rolled outwards and up; con- vulsions. Eyes injected, red, protruding, wild, staring, sunken. Photophobia. Sees everything half light, half dark. Letters appear smaller. Drawing, pressing, achifig, bursting pain; soreness, quiv- ering, twitching. ♦Graphites. ♦Dry mucus in lashes. Inflamed margins of lids, also external canthi; Ginverted; also from wild hairs. Intolerance of light; with redness of the white of the eyes. Photophobia. Short- sightedness. Letters appear double when writing; run together when reading. Sees fiery zig-zags around the outside of the field of vision in the evening with the eyes open. Flickering before the eyes. Sees as through a mist. Burning pain in and around the eyes. Ulcer on the cornea, with a few small vessels running into it, with moist, fissured, eczematous eruptions. Pustules on the cornea and conjunctiva, with much lachrymation. Pustule on the cornea, of reddish appearance, with white halo around it; the corners of the lids raw and bleed easily. Arthritic ophthalmia, with contraction and irregularity of the pupils. Lachrymation in the air; also chronic. Thin, acrid discharge from eyes. Pus like discharge from eyes. Heaviness of eyelids; cannot open them. (Edema of the lids. Agglutination of the lids mornings. Lids red and margins covered with scurfs. Left lower lid hangs down. Inverted lids (margins); wild hairs. Styes on lower lids v/ith drawing pain. Wens on the lids. On both eyes hordeola and chalazae in all stages. Cold- ness over the eyes. CHAPTER V.—EYES 135 ♦Guaiacum. ♦Sensation of swelling and protrusion of the eyes; the lids seem too short to cover them. °Dilated pupils. Swelling of the eyes. Hard pimples around the eyes. Hamamelis. "Eyes feel weak, but less inflamed; painful weak- ness of the eyes. Feeling as if both eyes would be forced out of the head, better by pressing them with the fingers, but worse for a few moments afterwards. Sore pain in the eyes; eyes painful under slight pressure. Swelling of eyeballs and lids, with bloodshot ap- pearance of the right eye. Eyes inflamed; vessels greatly injected; caused by a foreign substance, as melted sugar; intense soreness. Helleborus. cPhotophobia without inflammation. Insensible to light—hydrocephalus. Pupils contracted; dilated; alternately cantracted and dilated. Nictalopia. Eyeballs turned upward, S]uinting. Vacant look, pupils dilated, eyes wide open. Eyeballs red, glassy. Eyes sunken, blue edges. Loses hair from the eye- brows. Hepar Sulph. °Shunning the light. Eyes ache from bright day- light, when moving them. Objects appear red. Light becomes dim when reading. Ulcers on the cornea. Pressure in the eyes as from sand. Eyes are protruded—croup. Pressing pain in the eyeballs, feel bruised when touched. Stitches in the eyes. Inflammation of the eyes and lids; sore to the touch; lachrymation Little pim- ples surround the inflamed eyes. Hydrastis. °Eyes smart, burn. Profuse lachrymation. Opacity of the cornea; scrofulous ophthalmia, with or without ulceration; thick mucus discharge. *Hyoscyamus. ♦Pupils dilated and insensible. Illusions of vis- ion; objects look red as fire, or too large; °objects appear smaller. Far-sighted, clear-sighted; pupils dilated. Amblyopia; epilepsy. Double sight. Night-blindness. Constant staring at surrounding objects, self-forgetfulness. Eyes protrude. Eyes red, sparkling, staring; rolling about in orbits; squinting. Pupils altered, dilated or contracted; slow respiration. Eyes open; distorted. Quivering in the eyes. Spasmodic closing of eyelids; cannot open eyelids— spinal meningitis. Rending pains in angles of eyes, disappearing when touched. Ignatia. °Cannot bear the glare of light. Sunlight causes head- ache. Flickering zig-zags before the eyes. Dim-sighted. Sensa- tion of sand in the eyes. Acrid tears in the eyes during the day. Nightly agglutination of lids. 136 CHAPTER V.—EYES Iodium. GOptical illusions in bright colors. Obscuration of sight. Like a veil before the eyes. Protrusion of the balls. Smart- ing in eyes. Constant tearing pain around right eye, passing back- wards from inner canthus to articulation of jaw. Trembling of the lids. Dilation of the pupils, with constant motion of the balls. White of eye dirty yellow. OZdematous swelling of lids. Ipecacuanha. Worse from light, especially of candle. Blue and red halo around the light Obscuration of sight, eyes inflamed, red. Dilated pupils. Red circle around the cornea. Sclerotica yellow. Severe shooting pains through the eyeballs. Twitching of eyelids. Kali bichrom. cSight dim, confused; before headache; with vertigo; with yellow sight. Photophobia only by daylight; when opening the lids they twitch. On opening the eyes lachrymation and burning. Heat and redness in the eyes with desire to rub them. Indolent ulcers of the cornea; pale ring around the cornea. Sequelae of iritis; pains pricking, stinging, wandering; mostly the left eye. Conjunctiva red, traversed by large vessels, or chemosis, with small spots here and there, like ecchymosis. White of the eye dirty yellow, puffy, and covered with yellow-brown points. Brown spots on the cornea. Lids agglutinated in the morning; yellow matter in the canthi. CEdema of the lids; great desire to rub them. Heaviness of upper lids on waking; requires an effort to open them. Lids red, itching, tender; tarsi seem rough, causing a sensation as from sand in the eyes; granular lids. ♦Kali carb. ♦Swelling between eyebrows and lids like a sac -While reading or looking at a bright light—muscae volitantes; sharp stitches; fog before the eyes. Bright sparks, blue or green spots before the eyes. Inclination to stare. Eyes weak: after coi- tion; after measles; after abortion. Lachrymation, shunning light; pain deep in eyes. Corners of eyes ulcerate. Lids red, swollen, tarsi worse. Eyes sunken. Sensation of coldness in the eyes. Kali chlor. "(Sore eyelids, specks of matter; yellow mattery crusts, chief remedy. Superficial flat ulcer arising from a vesicle. Opaque spots on eye [leucoma]. Vesicle or blister on eye. Squint- ing occasionally, as if caused by irritation of thread worms. —Schussler.) Kali iod. - Iritis syphilitica after abuse of mercury. Irido-chor- oiditis, especially syphilitic. Pustules on the cornea; no photo- CHAPTER V. — EYES 137 phobia, pain or redness. Chemosis. Burning in the eyes; they se- crete a purulent mucus. Oedema of the lids, with lachrymation. Kali nit. °Transitory blindness. Rainbow colors around light; colored wheels before the eyes. Burning in eyes, lachrymation and aversion to light, especially in the morning; after washing in cold water. Kali sulf. "(Discharge from eyes, yellow, slimy or sticky watery matter; thin yellow crusts on lids.—Schussler.) *Kalmia. ♦Sensation of stiffness around the eyes and eyelids. -Everything is black before the eyes when he looks downward; with nausea and eructations of wind, in the morning. Dull, weak eyes. Stitches in the eyes. Itching in the eyes, and when rubbing them they sting. Kreosotum. °Dim-sighted; as if looking through a gauze; as if something was floating before the eyes, obliging to wipe them con- stantly. Staring, dull, lifeless and stupid look. Itching and smart- ing sensation in eyes, on edges of lids. Suggillation on the con- junctiva of right eye. Heat in the eyes with ulceration. Burning heat in eyes, with tears, aggravated by bright light. Discharge of hot,acrid,smarting tears. Slight inflammation of meibomian glands. Eyes sunken with blue rings around them. Eyes protruding. Chronic swelling of eyelids and their margins. Agglutination of lids ♦Lachesis. ♦Amblyopia with lung or heart affections. Dimness of vision, black flickering before the eyes. Over-sensitive to light. Feels when the throat is pressed as if the eyes were forced out. Whites of eyes yellow. Redness of the eyes. Ulcers on the cor- nea. Severe pain in and above the eyes. Lachnantes. Yellow spots before the eyes. Bright sparkling eyes with delirium. Pressing as from dust in the eyes, with secre- tion of white mucus. Twitching of upper eyelids,worse on closing them tightly. Sight obscured. Ledum. -Photophobia, with severe pain on attempting to open lids. Pupils dilated. Ecchymosis of the conjunctiva. Nightly ag- glutination of eyes, with inflammation or pain. Burning on bor- der of lids, and feeling of sand in eyes. Lachrymation; the tears are arid, and make the lower lids and cheeks sore. ♦Lilium tig. ♦Hypermetropia and presbyopia. Blurred vision: after seminal emissions, with prolapsed uterus. Muscae volitantes. Eyes full of water; face flushed and hot, pricking in skin of fore- i38 CHAPTER V.--EYES head. Eyes painful, sensitive to light. Intense pain in eyes,extend- ing back into head; dim sight. Sharp pains over eyes. ♦Lithium carb. ♦Vision uncertain; entire vanishing of right half of objects; if two short words occur in succession, that on the right hand was invisible. cBlack motes before eyes; sensitive eyes after using them by candle light Sunlight blinds him. Eyes painful as if sore; pain as from grains of sand; feel dry and pain after reading. Throbbing and drawing deep in right eye and around it. Stitches in right eye. ♦Lycopodium. ♦Inflammation of the eyes, with itching in canthi; redness and swelling of lids; distressing pain as if they were dry, with nightly agglutination. Styes on lids; more toward inner canthi. Ulceration and redness of lids, with acrid lachrymation. Photophobia; evening light blinds very much; can see nothing on table. °Sparks before the eyes in the dark. Night-blindness, with black spots before the eyes. Sees only the left half of an object distinctly. Arrested cataract, with chronic dyspepsia. Eyes hot, dim, wide open, fixed and insensible to light. Obscuration of sight, as from feathers before the eyes. Conjunctiva, like a piece of raw flesh; copious discharge of pus; lids puffed out by the pus. Much mucus in the eyes with smarting pain. Magnesia carb. -Black motes before the eyes. Lenticular cat- aract. Obscuration of the cornea. Swelling of the eyeballs. Dry- ness of the eyes, or profuse lachrymation. Inflammation of the eyes, with redness, burning, stinging and obscuration of sight; or, dim-sightedness. Agglutination of lids in the morning, with pres- sure in eyes. Magnesia mur. When looking into the light, lachrymation and burning of the eyes. Yellow color of the sclerotica. Eyes inflamed, with violent burning and redness of the sclerotica. Tinea ciliaris, pimples on the face coming and going, worse after supper and in a warm room; also in women before menses. Magnesium phos. c(Spasmodic squinting in children. Chroma- topsia, spasmodic vision of sparks, or of rainbow colors. Diplopia, or double sight. Sparks before eyes. Spasmodic affection of lids. — Schussler.) Mephitis. "Inability to read fine print. Letters become blurred, he is unable to discern them, they run together. Weakness of sight,generally with headache and pain in the eyes. Pain in eyes: CHAPTER V.—EYES 139 when turning them in certain directions; as from a foreign body; as from over-exertion. Stitches in eye as from needles. Inflammation of eyes and lids, especially right side. Redness of the conjunctiva. Heat and burning of the eyes. ♦Mercurius. ♦Lids spasmodically closed; red, inflamed; swollen; agglutinated in the morning. Eyes forcibly drawn together on at- tempting to look at anything; cannot see distinctly. Fog before the eyes; also black points, flies, etc. Intolerance of light, and firelight. GVanishing of sight for a few moments. Much worse from heat and glare of fire. Lachrymation profuse, burning, excoriating; discharges muco-purulent, thin, acrid; burning, tearing, sticking pains in and around eyes; worse at night; pimples on cheeks. Ul- cers of the cornea, vascular and surrounded by grayish opacity; pus between the corneal layers, onyx. Iritis, syphilitic; pains around the eye, on forehead and temples; worse from touch at night; throbbing, shooting pains in the eye. • Hypopyon. Lids erysipela- tous; sensitive to cold, heat, and to touch; raw, excoriated; burn- ing as from fiery points. Ciliary blepharitis, caused by working over fires or forges. Mercurius cor. -Objects appear smaller, or double vision. Pupils contracted and insensible. Excessive photophobia and acrid lachry- mation. Phlyctenular, deep ulcers on the cornea; discharges ichorous, acrid, making the surrounding parts sore; pimples around the eyes like small boils. Iritis, especially if syphilitic, pains se- vere, worse at night. Retinitis albuminurica. Hypopyon,occurring in abscess of the cornea, or iritis. Ophthalmia neonatorum, with acrid discharges, caused by syphilitic leucorrhoea. Posterior syn echiae; causes them to soften. Lids oedematous or erysipelatous; red, excoriated; edges swollen, burning, smarting; edges covered with thick crusts or pustules; spasmodically closed. Mercurius prot. iod. Generally excessive photophobia. Black motes before the eyes; opacities of the vitreous. Throbbing,aching, nightly pains. Keratitis, with ulceration commencing on the corneal margin. Blepharitis of syphilitic origin. *Mezereum. ♦Eyeshot, inflamed; conjunctiva injected, dirty red; pressive pain; and sensation of dryness. °Staring at one spot; vacant look. Inclination to wink. Dryness of theeyes,with pressure in them; they feel too large. Annoying twitching of the muscles of the upper lids. Lachrymation with smarting in the eyes. Ciliary neuralgia, especially after operations on the eye. 140 CHAPTER V.— EVES Millefolium. Like a mist before eyes, not near the eyes, but at a distance. Eyes brilliant. Inward piercing, pressing in the eyes to root of nose and sides of forehead. Sensation of too much blood in eyes. Spots on eyes. Fistula lachrymalis; lachrymation and discharge from eyes. Natrum carb. -Black spots before the eyes when writing. Sen- sation of features before the eyes. Dim eyes, has to wipe them constantly. Cannot read small print. Ulcers on cornea. Dermoid swellings of conjunctiva. Inflammation of eyelids,with photophobia Heaviness of the upper eyelids. ♦Natrum mur. *Morbus Basedowii, palpitation, short-breathed on least exertion. Stricture of lachrymal duct,fistula and blenorrhoea of lachrymal sac. Objects become confused; letters and stitches run together. Eyes give out on using them. Inflammation, redness and lachrymation of eyes. Pressure in the eyes on looking intently at anything. Sensation of sand in the eyes mornings. Affections of the eyes maltreated with lunar caustic. Fiery zig-zag appear- ance around all objects. Double vision, or sees only half of an ob- ject. Asthenopia, particularly muscular: drawing, stiff sensation in muscles of eyes when moving them; aching in eyes when look- ing intently, often caused by general muscular weakness, or spinal irritation. Amblyopia and amaurosis; pupils contracted, depend- ent on menstrual disorders in the chlorotic Blepharitis, ulcers on cornea when there is smarting, burning; acrid, excoriating tears; photophobia marked, with spasmodic closure of lids. Ciliary neu- ralgia, pain above (right) eye, coming on and going off with the sun. Sharp pain over right eye on looking down, with throbbing headache; worse in evening. Discharge of clear mucus from eyes, or flow of tears with obstruction of tear duct; lachrymation; sensi- tiveness to light; flow of tears, causing scalded skin or eruption of small vesicles. Natrum phos. °(Discharge of yellow, creamy matter from eyes; inflammation; conjunctivitis; the lids glued together in mornings. Squinting occasionally, as if occasioned by internal irritation from worms, with sour risings.—Schussler.^ Natrum sulf. °Sight dim, eyes weak, watering. Sensitiveness of eyes to light, v/ith headache: Large blister-like granulations, with burning tears. Burning in right eye, burning lachrymation, dim sight; worse near the fire; also morning and evening; burning CHAPTER V.--EYES H1 of edges of lids. Lids heavy, as if leaden, pressing in eyes while reading in evening. Edges of lids itch mornings. *Nitric acid. ♦Double vision of horizontal objects. Obscuration of sight while reading; short-sighted. Black spots before the eyes. Very sensitive to light. Pupils dilated and dim. Eyes inflamed after syphilis or abuse of mercury. Iritis, which continually re- lapses, also old cases spoiled by mercury. Pressure and stinging in the eyes. Spots on the cornea. Staphyloma, as a preventive. Eyes dim and sunken. Region of eyes painful, sore to touch. Her- petic pannus. Eyelids swollen, hard, livid. Paralysis of upper lids. Fistula lachrymalis. Flow of irritating tears after injuring the eye. Dermoid swellings of the eyes. ♦Nux mos. ♦Sensation of dryness in the eyes. Can move eye- lids only with difficulty. Objects appear too large, °or too dis- tant, too small; or vanish; red. Motes before eyes. Blindness, then fainting. Momentary blindness; grasps the head, it feels so strangely. Staring. Pupils dilated and immovable or contracted, with sensation of fullness in eyes. Eyes dry, she could hardly shut them; green-blue rings around them. Pterygium Lids heavy, stiff. *Nux vom. ♦Photophobia, much worse in morning; margins of lids and canthi itch and burn, as if rubbed sore, especially in the morning. Smarting, dry sensation in the inner canthi in the morn- ing in bed. "Sight blurred by over-heating. Vision impaired by dissipation. Atrophy of the optic nerve. Hyperaesthesia of the retina; pains to the top of the head; sleepless; awakes irritable in the morning. Exudation of blood from the eyes. Ecchymosis. Eyeballs (lower part) yellow. Lids burn and itch, especially their margins; worse mornings. Blepharo-spasmus. Paresis of the ocular muscles; worse from stimulants or tobacco. ♦OZnanthe croc. ♦Pupils dilated; °eyes turned upward and in- ward. ♦Opium. ♦Pupils contracted. Cholera infantum. "Pupils dilated and insensible to light. Obscuration of sight. Amblyopia. Sen- sation as if the eyes were too large for the orbits. Eyes glassy, protruded,immovable. Staring look. Red, half-closed eyes; dilated, immovable pupils, eyes burning, hot and dry. Swelling of the lower lids. The lids hang down as if paralyzed. *Paris quad. ♦Eyes feel as if projecting, with a sensation as if 142 CHAPTER V.—EYES a thread were tightly drawn through the eyeballs and backward into the middle of the brain; very painful; sight weak. Feel too large or swollen, and the orbits too small. Petroleum. °Cannot open the eyes mornings; sight misty. Ach- ing in the eyes; worse in the evening and from light. Ciliary blepharitis, from conjunctivitis granulosa, or from smallpox, with sticking and smarting in inner canthus. Pannus in scrofulous pa- tients; discharge from the eye,white; cheeks rough. Pains at root of the nose; lids swollen, purulent discharge from eyes and nose. Iritis, with dull pulsating in the occpiut—syphilis. Fistula lach- rymalis, of recent origin. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Distant objects appear to be covered by smoke or mist; sees better in morning; in twilight, or by shading the eyes with the hand. Green halo around the candle. Black, float- ing points; sparks, spots and flickering before the eyes. Glau- coma. Fungus oculi. '-Letters look red when reading. After reading dull pain in eyes; black spots pass before the eyes; worse when looking at bright objects and in lamp-light; better in twi- light. Contracted pupils. Momentary blindness as from fainting. Amblyopia from loss of fluids; also in Morbus Brightii. Paroxysms of nyctalopia; or of a sensation as if things were covered with a gray veil. Green halo around the candle. Aching in eyes, forehead and orbits. Small burning spots on the eyeballs. Phosphoric acid. °Aversion to sunlight. Sees colors, as of the rainbow. Blindness, with frequent desire to wink. Torpid amau- rosis, caused by debilitating losses. Eyes look glassy, lusterless, also with staring. Pressing in eyes, as if eyeballs were too large. Burning of eyelids and corners of eyes, especially in evening by candle-light. Yellow spots in white of eye. Coldness of inner surface of eyelids. ♦Physostigma. ♦The muscularis internus seems not to do its work rightly and the axis of the eyes differs in each; eyes feel weak, with lachrymation. Contraction of the pupils. "Vision abnormally acute; double; dim and indistinct. Eyes inflamed, first right, then left; sclerotic red, dry and swollen; eyeballs pain and smart; lids sore. Sight blurred, hazy, or misty; film over eyes; objects mixed, after which dull pain over the eyes and between the eyes. Muscae volitantes, both black and white. Lids heavy, can- not bear to raise them; twitching of the lids. CHAPTER V.—EYES I43 Phytolacca. Photophobia. Pupils contracted, tetanus. Dim- ness of vision. Burning, smarting, tingling sensation in eyes; itch- ing aggravated by gaslight; abundant flow of tears—catarrhal oph- thalmia. Feeling of sand in eyes, with soreness and burning. Sharp pain goes through ball of eye on reading or writing. Red- dish-blue swelling of the eyelids, worse on the left side and in the morning. Motions of one eye independent of the other. Circum- orbital pains in syphilitic ophthalmia. ♦Platina. ♦Objects appear smaller than they really are. °Scin- tillations before the eyes; headache. Sensation of coldness in the eyes. Spasmodic trembling and twitching of eyelids. Plumbum. -Cloudiness before the eyes, inducing one to rest them. Ophthalmia, lachrymation, photophobia, redness of the whole ball. Yellowness of whites of eyes. Pupils contracted. Hypo- pyon after iritis; nightly tearing pains in eye and forehead. Eye- ball feels too large. Lids spasmodically contracted. Paralysis of upper lids. Podophyllum. "Ulceration of cornea. Conjunctiva, hyeraemic; smarting, aching, heaviness (from grinding root). Scrofulous ophthalmia; worse in morning. Psorinum. Fiery sparks before eyes. Objects seem to trem- ble for a few moments, get dark. Aversion to light. Eyes feel tired in evening. Photophobia when walking in open air. Right eye inflamed, pressure as from a foreign body when lids closed. Ciliary blepharitis right to left; worse morning and during day; chronic cases. Blepharitis, photophobia, child cannot open its eyes, lies on its face. *Pulsatilla. ♦Pustular conjunctivitis, with profuse, thick, yellow, bland discharge. Burning and itching in the eyes provokes rub- bing and scratching. Inflammation of the eyes and margins of lids, with lachrymation and nightly agglutination. Subject to styes, especially on upper lids. Itching, biting and burning of lids and canthi in the evening. Profuse lachrymation in the wind or open air. Dimness of vision, like a fog or veil before the eyes. Dark before the eyes in the morning on rising, and on going into a warm room. "Over-sensitiveness to light. Flashing of fire,as if slapped in the face. Amblyopia; from suppression of any bloody discharge; from metastasis of gout or rheumatism; from gastric derangements; with heart disease; with co-existing, diminished hearing. Stitches, j^ CHAPTER V.—EYES especially from light and in sunshine. Ophthalmia, with amenor- rhea. Lids swollen, itch, burn, not excoriated, better from rub- ing. Granular lids dry, or with excessive bland secretion; better in open air, but not in wind. Stinging, tearing pains, worse in evening; rheumatic ophthalmia. Fistula lachrymalis, discharging pus when pressed. Ophthalmia neonatorum; profuse, yellow, pur- ulent discharge, gluing the lids. Gonorrhoea! ophthalmia; discharge suddenly suppressed. Ranunculus bulb. Hemeralopia, with heat, biting and pres- sure in eyes; lids and conjunctiva slightly red, with lachrymation; pus in the canthi. Pressure in eyeballs. Smarting and sore feeling in eye or canthus. Rheum. °Granulated upper lids, convulsive twitching of eye- lids. Pulsation in eyes. Pupils dilated with pressing headache; later contracted with inward restlessness. *Rus tox. ♦Inflammation of the eyes and lids, with redness, swelling and nightly agglutination. Swelling of the whole eye and surrounding parts. Heaviness and stiffness of lids as if paralyzed. cGreat photophobia; profuse, acrid lachrymation in morning, in open air; the cheek under the eye is dotted with red pimples; lids spasmodically closed. Iritis: in rheumatic or gouty subjects, sup- purative, or where the ciliary body and choroid are involved, espec- ially if of traumatic origin. Pustules and superficial ulcers on cornea, with great photophobia; conjunctiva, quite red even to chemosis. Sac-like swelling of the conjunctiva,with yellow,purulent discharge. Lids much swollen and inflamed. Eyelids oedematous or erysipe- latous, with scattered, watery vesicles; meibomian glands enlarged; cilia fall out. Ptosis, also, paralysis of muscles of eyeball, from getting wet; in rheumatic patients. *Ruta. ♦Eyes burn, ache, feel strained; sight blurred; from fine sewing, or reading too much, or otherwise over-straining them; worse on using eyes in evening. Itching of inner canthus on lower lids, smarting after rubbing, eyes become full pf water. Green halo around light in evening. Spots on the cornea. Eyes water in open air, not indoors. Spasms of lower lids, afterwards lachry- mation. Sanguinaria. °Catarrhal ophthalmia; granular lids. Ophthalmia followed by ulceration of cornea. Yellowness of sclerotica, with icterus. Neuralgia in and over right eye. Pupils dilated. Dim- CHAPTER V.--EYES H5 ness of eyes with sensation as if hairs were in them. Diminished power of vision. Copious lachrymation; followed by burning and dryness; tears hot, with coryza. ♦Secale. ♦Eyes sunken and surrounded by blue margins. Eyes look fixed, wild, staring. °Photophobia. Obscuration of sight. Double or triple vision. Blue and fiery spots flying before the eyes. Pain in eyes with feeling as if they were spasmodically ro- tated. Cataracta senilis. Pupils generally dilated. Suppressed secretion of tears. Paralysis of upper eyelids from coal gas. Im- movable state of eyelids after facial erysipelas. ♦Senega. ♦While walking toward the setting sun, seemed to see another, smaller sun beneath the first, assuming a somewhat oval shape on looking down, disappearing on bending the head back- ward, and on closing the eyes. Double vision relieved by bending the head backwards. °Cilia hang full of hard mucus; smarting of the conjuntiva as if soap were in the eyes; mornings; blepharitis; sometimes lids stick so after sleep that they must be soaked before they can be separated. ♦Sepia. ♦Lachrymation, morning and evening. Soreness, rough- ness and burning in the eyes from walking in the cold wind, ag- gravated by gas-light and from reading. Pressure as from sand in eyes, aggravated by rubbing. °Dullness of sight; also when writ- ing; sees only one half of the object clearly, the other half is ob- scured. Many black spots before eyes. Green halo around candle- light. Great sensitiveness of eyes to light of day. Yellow color of whites of eyes. Burning in eyes in morning. Inflammation of eyes, with redness of white, stitching and pressure in eyes. Red- ness of eyelids with styes on them. Nightly agglutination of eyes, or dry scurf on the eyelids on waking. Pustules on cornea, also fungus haematodes. Painful heaviness of upper lids on awaking. ♦Silicia. ♦Amblyopia from abuse of stimulants, nervous, sen- sitive persons. Swelling of the right lachrymal gland and sac; skin inflamed. Corneal fistula. cLong-lasting photophobia; daylight dazzles eyes. Letters run together, appear pale. Dim vision after suppressed foot-sweat Occasional lightning-like flashes in eyes, and a feeling as if something obscured the vision; nervous sensation in head. Black spots before the eyes; a persistent speck before right eye. Momentary loss of sight, with uterine affections, preg- nancy, etc. Cataract; also after suppressed foot-sweat, or preceding 146 CHAPTER V.—EYES ringworms. Day blindness, with sudden appearance of furuncles. Ulceration of cornea; sloughing ulcer. Pustular keratitis after psoriasis. Opaque cornea after smallpox. Spots and cicatrices on cornea. Eye inflamed from traumatic causes; abscesses. Hypopyon. Fistula lachrymalis; bone affected. Swelling of right lachrymal sac; skin over it inflamed; glistening, throbbing pain; tears hot; worse evening. Blepharitis, with agglutination mornings. *Spigelia. ♦Eyes hurt on motion, as if too large for their orbits. Intense, pressive pain in eyeballs, especially on turning them. JFeels as if feathers were on the lashes; worse wiping them. Far- sighted. Photophobia; over-sensitive retina. Asthenopia (accom- modative), slight retinitis; neuralgia; or with anaemia of the optic nerve from excessive tea-drinking. Dilated pupils. Eyeballs feel too large. Superciliary ridge pains; worse from any change in weather. Bluish ring around the cornea; iris discolored. Rheumatic ophthalmia; profuse lachrymation,with or without pain,ptosis. Stra- bismus,with worms. Lids inflamed and ulcerated. Chronic twitching of lids; great inclination to wink. *Staphisagria. ♦Syphilitic iritis, with bursting pain in eyeball, temple and side of face. Arthritic ophthalmia, pains extend to teeth; eyes burn on least exertion, as if very dry, yet lachrymation is constant. Blepharitis, margins of lids dry, with hardened styes or tarsal tumors. Anchylops, leaving a small, hard tumor. Steat- oma on conjunctiva palpebrarum. Polypi of conjunctiva. Itching of the margins of the lids. JOn looking at the sun, hot water runs out of left eye, scalding cheek and making eye smart. Styes, nodos- ities, chalazae on lids, eyelids, one after the other, sometimes ul- cerating. Stramonium. "Hemeralopia. Illusions in colors, often dark, less often blue and red. Double vision, obliquely. Vision cloudy, as through a veil. Total blindness—typhus. Pupils dilated, some- times immovable and insensible to light. Eyes: wide open, staring; brilliant, wild and red; protrude; vacillate, vessels injected; con- torted; rolling; squinting; half open, in sleep; inflamed. Light dazzles; shuns light; convulsions from bright light or brilliant ob- jects. ♦Sulphur. ♦Retinitis caused by over-use of eyes, congestion of the optic nerve. Obscuration of sight, like a gauze before the eyes. Cataract. Painful inflammation of eye from presence of a foreign CHAPTER V. — EVES M7 body. Inflammation of eyes or lids, with swelling, redness of con junctiva and much itching, burning and smarting. Dryness of the eyes in the room; lachrymation in the open air. Burning on rub- bing, dry sensation beneath the lids, as if sand were in them. Ag- glutination of the lids at night. Shooting pains in the eyes, and cutting stitches, as from a knife,especially in right eye. Great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light of the sun. Dimness of vision as of a veil before the eyes. Dark points and spots floating before the eyes. Flickering before the eyes. °Photophobia, with stitches, worse in sultry weather. Shunning light during the sweat. Halo around gas or lamplight. Shortsightedness. Pustular inflam- mation of cornea or conjunctiva, with marked lachrymation. Super- ficial or deep ulcers on cornea; intense redness of eyes; great pho- tophobia. Lids drawn together spasmodically, in morning. Sulphuric acid. °In chronic inflammation of eyes, more fre- quently useful in beginning, later sulphur. Deep blue circle around right eye. Tellurium. °Herpes conjunctiva bulbi; veins enlarged, running horizontally towards the cornea, ending in little blisters near edge of cornea; worse from crying. Deposit of a chalky looking, white mass in anterior surface of lens. Pterygium. Purulent discharge. Eczema impetiginoides in lids. Left upper lid worse; lachrymation, itching and pressure; scrofulous ophthalmia. ♦Thuja occ. ♦Iritis, with condylomata in the iris; much heat above and around the eye. Chronic conjunctivitis; worse whenever his night's rest is disturbed. Dry, bran-like tinea ciliaris; lashes imperfect and irregular. -Inflammatory softening of inner surface of lids. Granular lids, when granules are large, wart-like. Am- blyopia, blurred sight, better from rubbing, aching back in the head. Flames of light, mostly yellow; looking into light of day, sees spots like bottles of water moving. ♦Veratrum alb. ♦Excessive dryness of lids. °Black motes or specks before eyes, with diplopia; photophobia on rising from bed or chair. Hemeralopia. Eyes: turned upward, showing only whites; distorted, protruding; fixed, watery, sunken, lusterless; full of tears; lids livid, blue edges. Pupils contracted; dilated, with weak sight, fails to recognize those near, or does so but slowly. Tearing pains in eyes, depriving one of sleep; worse in cold,damp weather—rheu- matic ophthalmia. Lids heavy, can scarcely lift them; trembling. IaS CHAP I ER V. — EYES Profuse lachrymations and cutting pains, with feeling of dryness and heat. *Veratrum vir. ♦Dimness of vision with dilated pupils. ' Green circles around the candle, which turn red. Switching contortion ,of eyes, rolling of balls; paralysis of lids. *Zincum met. inflammation and redness of conjunctiva; worse in inner canthus; pains worse evening and night, as from sand, with frequent lachrymation. Much burning in the eyes and lids in the morning and evening, with feeling of dryness and pressure in them. Itching and stitching pain in inner angles of eyes, with cloudiness of sight. Agglutination of lids at night, with pressing sore feeling. Sensitive to light, brain affected. Amaurosis; dur- ing severe headache, passing away with the headache; with con- tracted pupils. Eyes dim, watery—brain affections. Sees luminous bodies—after operations. Iritis (syphilitic), worse at night, with hot, scalding tears. Conjunctivitis, pains worse at night; inflam- mation more in inner canthus. Pterygium. Upper lids heavy, as if paralyzed. Granular lids after ophthalmia neonatorum. REPERTORY. Abscesses—see "Hypopyon." Accommodation—con., spig. Anchylops—♦staph. Bloodshot—am. c, arn., ham. Brilliant—aethus., mill., stram. Cataract—see "Lens." Color, red—aeon., agar., ant. c, aur., ♦bell., ♦cepa, chel., cinch., dig., ♦euphr., ferr. phos., glon., graph., hell., hyos., ipec, kalibi., lach., mag. c, mag. m., meph., mez., ♦nat. m., opium, physos., plumb., ranunc, rhus, sepia, stram., sub, zinc. Yellow—ars.,bell., cham., ♦chel., ♦crot. h., dig., doli., eup.perf., iod., ipec, kalibi., lach., mag. m., nux v., plumb., sang., sepia. Congested—aeon., ♦aib, arg. n., am., bell., cepa., gels., ♦sub Conjunctivitis—see "Inflammation" and "Conjunctiva." Discharge—aeon., agar., aib, arg. m., ♦arg. n., calc. s., crot. h., euphr., ferr. phos., graph., hydras., kali i., kali s., lachn., lye, mere, mere cor., mill., nat. m., nat. phos., petrol., ♦puis., rhus, tell. Distorted--aeon., ♦bell., hyos., ver. a. Dullness—abrot., aescul., kalm., kreos. Fistula lachrymalis— see "Lachrymal Gland" under "Parts." Fungus haematodes, cancer—calc. e, sepia. Fungus oculi—♦phos. Gaze—♦can. i., con. Glaucoma—see "Vision," Dim and Glaucoma. CHAPTER V.--EYES 149 Haemorrhage—♦am., cham., crot. h., graph., nux v. Hypopyon, abscess of eyes—calc. s. ,ferr. phos., mere, mere cor., plumb., sil. Inflammation, ophthalmia—♦abrot., aeon., ♦alum., am. c, ant. c, ant. t, ♦arn., ♦ars., bapt, bell., borax, calc. e, calc.phos., calc. s., ♦caust, cham., clem., colch., ferr. phos., ham., hep. s., ipec. kreos., led., lye, mag. c, mag. m., mez., nat. c, ♦nat. m., nat. phos., nit. a., physos., plumb., psor., ♦puis., ♦rhus, sepia, sib, stram., ♦sub, thuj., zinc. Acute—*acon. Arthritic—-♦ant. t, graph., rhus, ♦staph. Catarrhal—calc. c., cham., euphr., phyt., sang. Chronic—ant. c. bapt., camph., cist., dig., psor., sub a., thuj. Gonorrhoeal—aeon., puis. Neonatorum—arg. n., ars., calc. c., mere ,cor., puis., zinc Rheumatic—ant. t, euphr., puis., rhus, spig., ver. a. Scrofulous—aethus., calc. e, cist., dulc, hydras., petrol., pod., tell. Syphilitic—asaf., kali i., mere, mere cor., mere p. i., nit. a., petrol., phyt., staph., zinc Injected—amyl, apis, camph., can. i., chin, s., euphr., glon., ham., mez., stram. Injuries—aeon., nit. a., rhus, sil. Iritis—see "Iris," under "Parts." Lachrymation, shedding tears—acet. a., aib, ♦alum., am. e, am. m., ant. t, arg. n., ars., aur., ♦bell., bry., calc. c, calc.phos., calc. s., camph., *cepa, chel., chin, s., colch., con., crot. t, dig., euphr., fluor. a., gels., graph., hep. s., hydras., kali bi., kali c, kali i., kali n., kreos., led., lib, mag. c, mag. m., mere, mez., nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., physos., phyt., plumb., puis., ranunc, ruta, sang., ♦sepia, spig., ♦staph., ♦sub, tell., ver. a., ♦zinc Acrid—euphr., graph., ign., kreos., led.,lye, mere cor., nat. m., rhus. Bland—cepa. Corrosive—♦ars. Excoriating—apis, mere, mere cor., nat. m. Profuse—aeon., arg. n., ars., cepa, crot. t, euphr., hep. s., mag. c, mere, phyt., puis., seneg., spig., ver. a. Scalding—apis, aur., kreos., mere, nat. m., nat. s., sang., sib, staph., zinc. Light, Effects of—aeon., am. c, anae, ant. c, ♦apis, arg. m., arg. n., arn., ♦ars., arum, bapt., bell., calc. c, camph., can. i., cepa, chin, s., cic, clem., con., dig., eup. perf., euphr., gels., graph., hell., hep. s., ign., ipec, kali c, kali n., kreos., lach., lib, lith., lye, ♦mere, nat. s., nit. a., opium, phos., phos. a., phyt., psor., puis., sepia, sib, staph., stram., ♦sub, zinc. Look—aib, aloe, ♦bell., glon., hell., kreos., mez., phos. a., ♦secale, stram. 15° CHAPTER V.—EYES Lusterless—crot. t, phos. a., ver. a. Movements of eyes—apis, bell., cupr., gels., glon., hell., hyos., iod., phyt., secale, stram., ver. a., ver. v. Pains—aeon., aescul., aloe, ♦anae, ant. t, apis, arg. n., arn., ars., ♦asaf., aur., bapt., camph., chin. s., cist., colch., eup. perf., ♦euphr., ferr. phos., glon., graph., ham., hep. s., hyos., iod., kali bi., kali c, lach., led., lib, lith., ♦lye, meph., mere, mere cor., mill., nat. m., nux v., ♦paris, petrol., ♦phos., phyt, puis., secale, spig., ♦staph., sub, ver. a., zinc. Aching—aescul., agar., aib, dulc, glon., hep. s., mere p. i., nat. m., petrol., phos., pod., ♦ruta, thuj. Burning—aeon., agar., aib, alum., am. c, am. m., ♦apis, ♦ars., ♦asaf., aur., bapt., ♦bell., bry., calc. c, ♦caust, clem., con., crot.h., crot. t, ♦euphr., ferr. phos., graph.,hydras., kali bi., kali i., kali n., kreos., led., mag. c, mar. v., meph., mere, mere cor., nat. m.. nux v., opium, phos., phyt., ♦puis., ♦ruta, sang., ♦sepia, staph., ♦sub, ♦zinc Neuralgic—arn., chel., ♦chin, s., mez., nat. m., sang. Pressive—aeon., alum., am. c, ♦anae, ♦asaf., aur., bry., ♦caust., cham., chel., crot. h., euphr. glon., hep. s., lachn., mag. e, mez., mill., ♦nat m., nat. s., nit. a., phos. a., psor., ranunc, ♦sepia, ♦spig., tell., ♦zinc. Pulsating—ars., petrol., rheum. Raw—arg. m., graph., mere Shooting—aeon., ♦apis, bell., cepa, ipec, mere, sub Smarting — aib, am. c, arg. m., calc. c, cepa, con., hj'dras., iod., kreos., lye, mere cor., mez.,nat. m., ♦nux v.,petrol., physos., phyt., pod., ranunc, ruta, senega, staph., ♦sub Sore—aeon., aescul., ant. c., arg. m., arn., ars., bapt, bell., camph , ♦eup. pert, gels., glon., ham., hep. s., kali chlor., led., lith., mere cor., nux v., physos., phyt., ranunc, ♦sepia, ♦zinc Stinging—♦apis, aur., ♦caust, kali bi., kalm., mag. c, nit. a., puis. Stitches—ars., aur., cist., euphr., hep. s., kali c, kalm., lith., meph., puis., sepia, ♦sub, ♦zinc Throbbing—ars., ♦asaf., lith., mere, mere p. i., sil. Violent—aeon., bry. Parts Anterior chamber—♦arn. Arteries—amyl. Balls, globes—aeon., aescul., agar., anae, ant t, ♦apis, arg. n., ♦ars., aur., bapt, bell., bry., ♦cepa, cham.. cheb, cupr., ♦eup. pert, gels., ham., hell., hep. s., iod., ipec, mag. c, nux v., ♦paris, phos., phos. a., physos., phyt, plumb., rhus, ♦spig., staph., ver. v. See "Orbits." Bones—aur., sil. Brows—caust., cheb, hell., ♦kali e CHAPTER V.—EYES 151 Parts continued. Canthi, corners—agar., aib, ♦alum., am. m., ♦ant e, arg. m., arg. n., arum, aur., borax, clem., con., flucr. a., ♦graph., hyos., iod., kali bi., kali c, ♦lye, nux v., petrol., phos. a., ♦puis.,ranunc, ruta, ♦zinc Caruncula, a little tumor in inner angle of eye—arg. n., bell. Choroid, the dark membrane which lines the sclerotic internally —kali i.. rhus. Ciliary body,a ring of the choroid surrounding the crystalline be- Lind the iris—arn., mag. m., mere, mez., nat. m., petrol., psor., rhus. Conjunctiva, mucous membrane of eye—♦amyl, ♦apis, arg. n., ars., bell., camph., can. i., cham., cheb, chin. s., euphr., graph., kali bi., kreos., led., lye, meph., mez., nat. c, petrol., pod., ranunc, rhus, senega, ♦staph., sub, tell., ♦zinc Conjunctivitis, inflammation—acet. a., aeon., aib, ant t, ♦ars., clem., crot. t, dig., lye, nat. phos., petrol., ♦puis., ♦sub, ♦thuj., zinc. Cornea—♦apis, arg. n., asaf., cheb,colch.,♦euphr., graph.,ipec, kali bi., mag. e, mere, mere cor., nit. a., sepia, ♦sib, spig., sub, tell. Abscess of—see "Hypopyon." Chemosis, a ring projecting around cornea—♦apis, arg. n.,euphr., kali bi., kali i., rhus. Keratitis, inflammation—aur., crot. t, mere p. i., ruta, sib Onyx, pus in corneal layers—mere Opacities, leucoma, pannus—apis, arg. n., aur., calc. c, calc. fl., cheb, colch., crot. t, euphr., hydras., kali bi., kali chlor., mere, nit. a., petrol., sil. Phlyctenula, a small transparent tumor—euphr., mere, cor. Pterygium, a wing-like vascularity of cornea—arg. n., nux m., tell., zinc. Pustules—kali i., rhus, sepia, sub Ring around—ipec, kali i., spig. Spots—kali bi., kali chb, mill., nit. a., nux v., phos., ruta. Staphyloma, tumor of cornea—apis, nit. a. Ulcers—apis, arg. n., asaf., aur., calc. c, con., euphr., graph., hep. s., kali bi., kali chb, lach., mere, mere cor., mere p. i., nat. c, nat. m., pod., rhus, sang., sib, sul. Disk—amyl, chin. s. Iris—♦asaf., clem., kali bi., kali i., mere, mere cor., nit. a., petrol., plumb., rhus, spig., ♦staph., ♦thuj., zinc. Lachrymal gland, fistulae— agar., calc. e, cepa, fluor. a., mill., nat. m., nit. a., petrol., puis., sil. Lashes, cilia—♦arg. n., aur., borax, fluor. a., ♦graph., mag. m., mere, nit a., petrol., psor., rhus, spig., ♦thuj. Lens, crystalline—am. c, caust., mag. e, tell. Cataract, opacity of lens—am. c, caust., colch., con., lye, mag.e, secale, sib, sul. 152 CHAPTER V.—EYES Lids—apis, arg. n., ars., arum, aur., bry., calc. e, caust., cepa, cheb, fluor. a., gels., kali e, lachn., secale, tell., thuj. Agglutination—aethus., agar., aib, alum., am. m., ant c, ars., aur., borax, calc. e, cham., cheb, clem., dig., euphr., graph., ign., kali bi., kreos., led., lye, mag. c, mere, nat. phos., puis., rhus, senega, sepia, sib, sub, zinc. Blisters—aur., nux v. Burning—aeon., ♦alum., ♦ars., con., ♦nux v., phos. a., ♦puis., ♦sub, zinc. Chalazae, tumors of lids—graph., staph. Crusty—arg. n., aur., graph., kali chb, kali s., mere cor., sepia. Drooping—gels. Dry—aeon., ♦alum., arg. n., arn., ars., ♦ver. v. Ectropion, eversion—apis., arg. n., graph. Erysipelas—mere, mere cor., rhus. Granular, trachoma—apis, ♦arg. n., kali bi., nat. s., petrol.,puis., rheum, sang., thuj., zinc. Heavy—arum, bell., ♦caust., con., gels., graph., kali bi., nat. s., nux m., physos., rhus, sepia, ver. a., zinc. Inclination to close—aloe, ant. t, ♦caust., ♦euphr., gels. Inflammation, blepharitis—♦ant. e, arg. m., arg. n., arn., ars., euphr., ♦graph., hep. s., meph., ♦mere, mere p. i., nat. c, ♦nat.m., petrol., psor., ♦rhus, senega, sepia, ♦staph., ♦sub Itching—am. c., arg. m., caust, euphr., kali bi., puis., staph., sul. Margins—aethus., am. c, apis, ♦arn., ars., arum, aur., borax, cic, eup. perf., ♦euphr., ♦graph., kreos., led., mere cor., nat. s., ♦nux v., ♦puis., ♦staph. Meibomian glands—aethus., dig., eup. perf., euphr., kreos., rhus. Nodosities—staph. Gidematous—♦apis, arg. n., arn., ♦ars., graph., iod., kali bi., kali i., mere cor., rhus. Paralysis—caust., dulc, ♦nit. a., nux v., opium, plumb., ♦rhus, secale, ver. v., zinc. Ptosis, falling down of upper lids—rhus, spig. Pustules—arg. m., graph., kali chb, lye, mere cor., rhus,sepia., See "Styes." Red—aeon., ♦ant. c, apis, arg. m., ars., aur., calc c, cheb, chin, s., eup. perf., graph., kali bi.,kali c, ♦lye, ♦mere, mere cor., ranunc, ♦rhus, sepia, ♦sub Spasmodic closure—agar., alum., ♦ars., calc. phos., cheb,♦euphr., hyos., mag. phos., ♦mere,mere cor., nat. m., nux v., plumb., rhus, sul. Styes, hordeola—am. c, aur., graph., ♦lye, ♦puis., sepia, sib, ♦staph. Swollen—aeon., apis, ♦arg. n., ars., cheb, chin, s., euphr.,ham., iod., kali c., kreos., lye, mere, nat. m., nit. a., opium, paris, petrol., phyt, puis., ♦rhus, ♦sub Tarsi, cartilages—kali bi., kali c Thickened—♦alum., arg. n. Trembling—ars., arum, camph., glon., iod., plat., ver. a. CHAPTER V.--EYES 153 Trichiasis, inversion of lashes—aur., borax, glon. See "Lashes." Tumors—♦staph. Twitching —agar., ipec, kali bi., lachn., mez., physos., plat., rheum, spig. Ulcers—♦lye, spig., staph. Wens—graph. Winking—caust., ♦euphr., mez., phos. a., spig. Muscles—aloe, mez., nat. m., nux v., ♦physos., rhus. Nerves—chin, s., nux v., spig., ♦sub Orbits—aloe, ♦anae, aur., bry., cham., ♦chin, s., cist., colch., opium, paris, phos., phyt., ♦spig. See "Balls." Pupils, contracted—aeon., anae, arg. m., ars., calc. c, camph., cheb, chin, s., euphr., glon., graph., hell., hyos., mere cor., nat.m., nux m., ♦opium, phos., ♦physos., phyt., plumb., rheum, ver. a., zinc. Dilated—aeon., aethus., agar., ♦aib, anae, arn., ars., ♦bell., camph., chin, s., ♦cic, cinch., con., eye, gels., glon., guaiac, hell., ♦hyos., iod., ipec, led., nit. a., nux m., ♦oenan., opium, rheum, sang., secale, spig., stram., ver. a., ♦ver. v. Immovable—♦bell., camph., nux m., opium, stram. Insensible—arg. m., ♦cic, cinch., ♦hyos., mere cor., opium, stram. Sluggish—♦ail. Retina, the membrane lining the interior of eyeball—♦arn.,chin.s., ferr. phos., mere cor., nux v., spig., ♦sub Sclerotica, white of eye—ars., aur., bell., ♦cheb, colch., eup.perf., graph., iod., ipec, kali bi., lach., mag. m., phos. a., physos.,plumb., sang., sepia. Veins—amyl, tell. Vessels—aeon., amyl, apis, arg. n., bapt., belb, can. i., cepa, chin, s., euphr., graph., ham., kali bi., stram., tell. Vitreous humor—see "Glaucoma," under "Vision." Rings—♦abrot, aib, crot. h., cupr., ipec, kali bi., kreos.,nux m., secale, spig., sul. a. Photophobia—see under "Vision." Protruding—aeon., aethus., ♦amyl, ars., aur., belb, glon., ♦guaiac, hep. s., hyos., iod., kreos., opium, ♦paris, stram., ver. a. Quivering—glon., stram. Sensations—am. m., anae, apis, arg. n., ars., bry., calc. c, cinch., cist., euphr., fluor. a., gels., guaiac, ham., hyos., lach., mez., mill., nat. c, nat. m., opium, ♦paris, psor., sang., secale, senega, spig. Cold—alum., calc. e, graph., kali e, phos. a., plat. Dry—arg. n., ♦ars., asaf., ♦belb, ♦caust., lith., ♦lye, mag. e, ♦mez., ♦nux m., ♦nux v., opium, physos., puis., sang., ♦staph., ♦sub, thuj., ver. a., ♦zinc Dust—aib, lach. 154 CHAPTER V.—EYES Sensations continued. Heat, hot—aescul., arg. n., arn., ♦belb, calc. c, cinch., crot. h., eye, ferr. phos., kali bi., kreos., lye, meph., mez., opium, ranunc, thuj., ver. a. Heavy— aescul., ♦aloe, belb, con., nat. c, pod., ♦rhus. Itching-♦alum., ant. c, aur., caust., cepa, cupr., euphr., fluor. a., kalm., kreos., lye, nat. s., nux v., phyt, ♦puis., ruta, sub, teib, ♦zinc. Large—opium, paris, phos. a., plumb., ♦spig. Sand—ars., belb, ♦caust., cinch., euphr., fluor. a., hep. s., ign., kali bi., led., lith., ♦nat. m., phyt, ♦sepia, ♦sub, ♦zinc Smoke—cinch., eye, ♦gels., phos. Stiffness—• apis, *belb, camph., ♦kalm., nat. m., nux m., rhus. Weight—aescul., con. Sensitive—aeon., anae, apis, arg. n., arn., ♦ars., aur., bry., calc. c, can. i., cepa, chin, s., cic, euphr., gels., lach., mere, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., puis., sepia, sub, zinc. Staring—aeon., alum., ♦amyl, bell., can. i., glon., hyos., kalic, kreos., mez., nux m., opium, phos. a., ♦secale, stram. Strabismus, squinting- alum., ♦apis, eye, hell., hyos., kali chlor., mag. phos., nat. phos., spig., stram. Sunken—♦ars., cic, cupr., glon., hell., kali c, kreos., nit. a., ♦secale, ver. a. Swollen—♦belb, cham., cheb, euphr., ♦guaiac, kali c, mag. c, nat. m., nit. a., paris, physos., rhus, sul. Syphilis—asaf., kali i., mere, mere cor., mere p. i., nit. a., petrol., phyt., ♦staph., zinc. Vision. Acute—physos. Amblyopia, obscure—agar., am. e, aur., belb, borax, calc. e, caust., cham., cinch., ♦euphr., hyos., iod., ipec, ♦lach., lachn., lye, mag. c, nat. m., ♦nit a., opium, phos., puis., secale, sepia,♦sib, ♦sub, thuj. Asthenopia, weak sight—ars., ♦con., meph., nat. m., paris, spig., ver. a. Astigmatism, irregular refraction—gels. Blindness, amaurosis—arg. m., am., chain., cinch., dulc, gels., kali n., lith., lye, nat. m.,phos., phos. a., puis., sib, stram., zinc. Blurred—gels., kali bi., lib, meph., nat. in., nux v., physos., ruta, thuj. Clairvoyance—can. i. Colors seen—aeon., am. c, anae, ♦ars., aur., ♦belb, camph., cic, con., eye, dig., hep. s., hyos., iod., kali bi., kali e, kali n., kalm., lach., nit. a., nux m., phos., phos. a., puis., secale, sib, stram., thuj., ver. v., zinc. Dim—agar., aloe, alum., ♦ant. t, ars., chin, s., cinch., colch., cupr., ♦eye, dulc, ♦gels., glon., hep. s., ign., kali bi., kreos., lach., lib, lye, mag. c, meph., nat. c, nat. s., nit. a., physos., phyt., ♦puis., sang., sepia, sil., ♦sub, ver. v., zinc CHAPTER V.—EYES 155 Vision continued. Diplopia, double—agar., am. c, am., ♦aur., belb, cheb, cic, eye, dig., gels., graph., hyos., mag. phos., nat. m., nit. a., physos., secale, ♦senega, stram., ver. v. Far-sighted—arg. n., bell., calc. c, hyos., lib, spig. ■Hashes of light—♦belb, glon., puis., sil. Flickering—aeon., aescul., agar., anae, ant. t, am., ars., borax, caust., cham., ♦eye, graph., ign., ♦lach., phos., ♦sub Fog—see "Mist." Glaucoma, opacity of vitreous humor—mere p. i., phos. See "Opacities," under "Cornea." Glimmering—can. i. Halo—♦alum., anae, ♦belb, cic, eye, graph., ipec, kali n., nat. m., phos., ruta, sepia, sub, ver v. Hemeralopia, night blindness—hyos., lye, ranunc, stram., ver. a. Hemiopia, sees only half of object—♦aur., glon., ♦lith., mere cor., nat. m., sepia. Hypermetropia—lil. Illusions of sight—aeon., am. c, anae, aur., ♦belb, calc.c, glon., hyos., iod., strain. Indistinct—amyl, ♦anae, borax, ♦mere, physos. Intolerance of light—aib, ♦arg. n., bapt., ♦belb, graph., ♦mere. See "Light" and "Photophobia." Letters run together—arg. n., camph., ♦can. i., cic, cinch.,glon., graph., meph., ♦nat. m., phos., sil. Light, sparks, zigzag, etc.—belb, calc. c, chin, s., graph., nat. m. Mist—alum., am. m., asaf., camph., caust., cheb, chin. s., eye, gels., graph., kali e, ♦mere, mill., petrol., phos., physos., plumb., ♦puis., stram., ♦zinc. Motes, muscae volitantes—agar., cinch., lib, lith., lye, physos., mag. c, mere p. i., nit. a., nux m., ver. a. Myopia, short-sightedness —agar., anae, con., graph., nit.a.,sul, Nyctalopia, day blindness—ant. c, phos., sil. Objects seen—aethus., agar., alum., aur., belb, camph., cheb, cic, con., dig., glon., hep. s., hyos., mere cor., nat. m., ♦nux m., ♦plat., psor. Obscure sight—see "Amblyopia." Photophobia, fear of light—aethus., aib, anae, arg. m., arg. n., ars., aur., bapt., belb, calc. c, caust, chin, s., cinch., crot. t, euphr., glon., graph., hell., kali bi., led., lye, mere cor., mere p.i., nat c, nat. m., nux v., phyt., plumb., psor., rhus, secale, sib, spig., ver. a. See "Light" and "Intolerance of Light" Points before eyes—am. m., kali bi., mere, phos., sul. Presbyopia, far-sighted, which see—lil. Scintillations before eyes—dulc, plat. Sparks—alum., aur., ♦belb, camph., caust., chin, s., cic, glon., kali c, lye, mag. phos., phos., psor. Spectra—agar., aloe, cinch., mag. phos. Spots—agar., alum., am. c, am. m., ♦apis, *arg. n., camph., 156 CHAPTER V.-—EYES Vision continued. cheb, colch., con., ♦eye, glon., kali bi., lye, mil., nat. e, nit. a., phos., phos. a., ruta, secale, sepia, sib, ♦sub, thuj. Vanishing of sight—ant. t, arg. m., arg. n., arn., lith., mere, nux m. Veil or gauze—ant. t, ♦ars., arum, caust., chin, s., dulc, iod., kreos., phos., plumb., ♦puis., stram., ♦sub Trembling—♦apis, ars. Twitching—glon., ipec, lachn., ver. v. Ulceration—arn., calc. c, hydras., kreos. Warts—caust, thuj. Weakness—ham., kali c, kali n., nat. s., physos. Wipe, desire to—arg. n., caust, euphr., kreos., nat. c. CHAPTER VI.-EARS. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Absinthium. ♦Running at the ears— after headache. ♦Aconitum. ♦Extreme sensitiveness to noises. °Roaring in the ears. Tearing in the left ear. External ear hot, swollen, red, painr fully sensitive. Music unbearable, goes through every limb; makes her sad .Ethusa. ^Yellow discharge from the right ear, with stitching pains. ♦Agaricus. ♦Redness, burning and itching of the ears, as if they had been frozen. Ailantus. cPain in the ear when swallowing. Itching around the left ear at night; gets red when scratched. Alumina. cHumming; roaring; whistling; sound as of large bells. Redness and heat of one ear, evenings. Sensation as if some- thing lay before the ear; on blowing the nose it is felt; on swal- lowing it is removed. Stitching in ears, evening and night. Ambra. °Roaring and whistling in ears, in the afternoon. Lis- tening to music brings on congestion to head, and aggravates cough. Ammonium carb. °Hard hearing; ear itches and discharges pus. Humming before the ears. Itching above ears, spreads over the whole body. Painful sensitiveness of the dull ear to loud noise. Ammonium mur. °Humming and roaring in right ear. Hard hearing with discharge. Itching in both ears; not relieved by scratching, with discharge of fluid ear-wax. Stitches in the ears, also with boring or burning, mostly when walking in open air. ♦Amyl nit. ♦Much throbbing in ears. Antimonium crud. °Ringing before the ears; roaring in the ears. A kind of deafness of right ear, as if a leaflet was lying before the tympanum; boring with the finger does not relieve it. Drawing pain through the right ear, and into the eustachian tube, after dinner. Redness, burning and swelling of the left ear. Otorrhcea. 157 i58 CHAPTER VI.—EARS ♦Apis. ♦Redness and swelling of both ears. Hardness of hear- ing. Stinging pain in left malar bone. Argentum nit. cDull hearing; complete deafness in typhus. Ringing in ears; whizzing and feeling of obstruction, with hard hearing in the left ear. Stitches from right into left ear, with con- gestion to the head. Fullness and ringing in the ears—meningitis. ♦Arnica. ♦Hard hearing, -from concussions. Noises in the ear caused by rush of blood to the head; with great sensitiveness to sound. Bruised pain in ears, stitches in and behind the ears; with great sensitiveness to loud sounds; ears very dry. Discharge of blood from the ear. Arsenicum. cUnusual sensitiveness to sound. Ringing in the ears. Roaring in the ears with each paroxysm of pain. Hardness of hearing; cannot hear the human voice. Stitching, tearing from left meatus auditorium outwards, more in the evening. Yellow discharge from the right ear, with dryness of the nose; hearing is not weakened. Discharges of cadaverous odor, profuse, ichorous. Arum tri. °Burning in the right ear, tearing in the left ear. Asafcetida. °Hardness of hearing, with thin, purulent discharge of offensive odor. Aurum met. GRoaring in the ears. Over-sensitiveness to noises. Annoying dryness of the ears and nose, with difficult hearing. Caries of the mastoid process; obstinate otorrhoea. Burning, pricking, itching; boring pain behind left ear. Baryta carb. GDifficult hearing. Buzzing and jingling before the ears. Roaring in the right ear like the sea,at each inspiration. Cracking in the ears when sneezing or swallowing fast. Itching in ears. Tearing with boring and drawing in bones in front of right ear. Thick crust on and behind the ears. Small, flat tuber- cles behind the ears. Eruption on lobe of the ear. ♦Belladonna. ♦Intolerance of noise; hearing sensitive; tearing at the internal and external ear, in a downward direction. ^Extreme sensibility of hearing. Deafness as if skin were drawn over the ears. Roaring, ringing or noises in the ears. Shooting in internal ear with hardness of hearing. Berberis. cBeating and fluttering noise in the ear. Stopped- up feeling in the ear, with pressure. Tearing and stitching in the ears, through the membrana tympani, as if a nail were thrust through, or like from the sting of an insect. Pimples; nodosities, CHAPTER VI.—EARS 159 size of hempseed, on the auricle, painful to touch. Tumor behind the ear; size of a hazel nut. ♦Boric acid. ♦Otorrhcea, use locally in fine powder. Borax ven. Discharge of pus from both ears. Inflamed and hot swelling of both ears. Very sensitive to the slightest noise, as rumpling of paper or fall of the door-latch. Difficult hearing, more in left ear. Ringing, piping,crackling,drumming or roaring in ears, more in left. Bovista. GDischarge of fetid pus from ears. Thick, oozing scurfs on ears. Hearing indistinct. Bromium. -Ringing in right ear. Roaring in ears. Stitches in ears. Discharge from ears. Bryonia alb. intolerance of noise. Chirping in the ear as from locusts. Ringing, roaring, humming in ears. Swelling, redness, painful sensitiveness and heat of external right ear; at times pierc- ing stitches deep into the ear, accompanied by swelling and pain- fulness of right parotid gland Calcarea carb. Hardness of hearing, also after intermittents suppressed by quinine. Singing and roaring or crackling in ears. Cracking in ears when chewing. Pulsating in ears. Inflammation and swelling in outer and inner ears. Purulent, offensive discharge from ears. Polypus of the ears. Swelling in front of left ear, pain- ful to touch. Calcarea phos. -Difficult hearing. Singing and other noises, mostly in right ear. Cold feeling or coldness of the ears. Excor- iating discharge from the ears. Calcarea sulf. °(Deafness when connected with the discharge of matter from ear; or discharge of matter and blood.— Schussler.) Camphora. cSinging, ringing and buzzing in the ears. Pain in left ear from a dark red pimple, which suppurated in thirty six hours. Ear-lobe hot and red. Yellow blisters around the ear, with erysipelas of the face. ♦Cannabis ind. ♦Throbbing and fullness in both ears. Ring- ing and buzzing in ears. ^Hearing very acute. Noises in ear like boiling water. Periodical singing in ears during his dreamy spells, ceasing when he came to himself. Aching in both ears. Cantharis. °Ringing, humming and roaring in ears; a hot ex- halation passes, at intervals, and frequently from ears. Tearing in right ear and right mastoid process. l6o CHAPTER VI.—EARS ♦Capsicum. ♦Painful swelling behind the ears, very tender to touch. Caries of the mastoid process. Dull hearing after pre- vious burning and stinging in ears. Catarrhal deafness. Aching in one or both ears when coughing. Tympanum perforated, and cavity filled with thick, yellow pus. Tearing pain behind left ear. Ears very hot. Carbo ani. Does not know from what direction sounds come. Ringing in ears when blowing nose. Ichorous otorrhcea. Perios- teum behind the ear swollen. Carbo veg. GRinging in ears; buzzing. Something heavy seems to lie before the ears; they seemed stopped, hearing not diminished. Deafness after acute exanthema; after abuse of mercury; ears to° dry. Offensive otorrhcea. Deficient or badly smelling cerumen. ♦Causticum. ♦Words and steps re-echo in ears. c Roaring or buzzing in ears. Sounds echo in ears; hears with difficulty. Stitches in right ear, paroxysmal, and in rapid succession. Feeling of ob- struction in ears, with offensive, purulent discharge. Herpes on the ear-lobe. Chamomilla. °Roaring in the ears, as from rushing water. Stitches in the ear, especially when stooping. Occasional tearing in left ear. Pressing earache in spells, with tearing pain, extort- ing cries. ♦Chininum sulf. ^Ringing and roaring in the ears; also with deafness. Buzzing in the ears. Cicuta. cOver-sensitiveness of hearing. Hardness of hearing in old people. Ears very hot, at other times very cold. Burning, suppurating eruption on and around the ears. Cina. °Dull stitches below the mastoid process. Cramp-like jerking in the external ear, like earache. ♦Cinchona. ♦Fine ringing in ears, debility. Hardness of hear- ing; humming in ears. Stitches in the left ear. Tearing pains in ears, worse from the least touch, ears red; stitches with ringing. Cistus. GWatery, bad smelling pus discharged from the ears, inner swelling of ears. Tetters on and around the ears, extending into the external meatus. Swelling beginning at ear, and extending half way up cheek. Coffea. °Hearing more acute; music has a shrill sound. Aver- sion to noise, it hurts him. Crackling noise in the head (one side) synchronous with the pulse; particularly morning, and in the open air; better in-doors. CHAPTER VI. — EARS l6l Colchicum. ^Hearing generally acute; roaring in the ears; they feel stopped up. Earache with stitches in the ears. Tingling in the ears, as after being frosted. Discharge from ears, with tearing in them—after measles. Conium. cRinging; humming and roaring in ears. Painful sen- sitiveness of hearing, noise startles. Accumulation of ear-wax, looking like decayed paper, mixed with pus or mucus; or blood- red. Stitches in the ear. Tumors and boils behind the ears. Dulcamara. °Buzzing in ears. Dull pains, humming in ears, obtuse hearing. Earache; nausea; buzzing; worse at night and when still. Ferric phos. °(Deafness from inflammatory action, or suppura- tion, when there is pain, tension, throbbing or heat. Earache, in- flammatory from cold, with burning or throbbing pains. Tinnitus aurium from excessive flow of blood to head.—Schussler.) Ferrum met. ^Ringing in right ear. Over-sensitiveness to sounds. Stitches in ears mornings. Ulcerative pain in outer ear. Gelsemium. GSudden, transient loss of hearing; rushing and roaring in ears. Catarrhal deafness, with pain from throat into the middle ear. Glonoinum. °Deafness, ears as if stopped up; deafness, followed by blurred vision. Ringing in ears, audible pulse. Throbbing, piercing from within outward, in right ear. Throbbing above ears; from occiput to ears. Sensation of fullness in and around ears. Ears red. ♦Graphites. ♦Both tympana covered with a white coating, but not perforated. Moist and sore places behind the ears, °spread over cheeks and neck. . Music makes her weep. Reverberations in the ear, even his own words and every step. Hissing; ringing; rushing; roaring; cracking or clucking sounds in the ears. Sounds of rolling thunder before the ears. Snapping in ear after every eructation, as if air penetrated the eustachian tube. Loss of hear- ing, with dryness of the ears. Acute pressure in the ears, like otalgia. Distended capillaries on membrane of right drum. Lin- ing membrane of meatus red and excoriated. Thin, watery, offen- sive discharge from both ears. Gluey, sticky discharge at external meatus. Pus runs out of the ear. Bad odor from the ear. Cop- per colored nodes on the ears. Swelling of both ears, with moist eruption behind the ears. Eczema impetiginoides; began as a l62 CHAPTER VI.—EARS moisture behind the left ear, thence spread over the cheeks and neck. Behind the ears fissures; scabs. Guaiacum. °Painful dragging and tearing in left ear. Violent otalgia, with tearing in left ear. Spasmodic earache. Hamamelis. "Deafness in right ear, passes off by noon. Bleeding at the right ear, also nosebleed, which clears her head, relieving her. Buzzing, ringing in ears. Hepar sulph. ^Whizzing, throbbing in the ears, with hardness of hearing. Cracking in the ear when blowing the nose. Darting pain in the ears. Increase of ear-wax. Discharge of fetid pus from the ears. Itching of outer ear. Scurf on and behind the ears. Hydrastis. -Roaring in the ears, like from machinery. Otorrhcea, thick, mucous discharge. Hyoscyamus. Buzzing, singing, rushing in ears. Deafness. Hard hearing as if stupefied,especially after apoplexy. Hypericum. GSensitiveness of hearing; during catamenia. Shoot- ing through ear. Ignatia. Intolerance of noise; headache from noise. Sound be- fore the ear, as from a strong wind. Hard hearing, except for speech. Tugging pains in the ears. Itching in the ears. Iodium. -^Sensitiveness to noise. Hearing first sensitive, then dull. Buzzing in the ears. Adhesions in middle ear. Ipecacuanha. 'Cannot endure the least noise. Ears cold dur- ing the febrile heat. Kali bichrom. -Stitches in left ear and left parotid gland, with headache. Violent stitches in left ear, extending into roof of mouth, side of head and neck; glands swollen, neck painful to touch. Thick, yellow, fetid discharge from both ears, after scarlatina. Pulsating pains in the ears at night; also stinging, external meatus swollen and inflamed. Itching of the (right) ear-lobe, waking him. Kali carb. °Roaring, whizzing, cracking noises. Headache and noises in the ear after a cold drink. Hearing impaired. Stitches from within outward, also with drawing behind the ears. Otitis. Right ear hot, left pale and cold. Discharge of liquid cerumen or pus. Inflamed, swollen and hard. Kali chlor. (Earache, with gray or white furred tongue; with swelling of glands; with swelling of throat or cracking noises in ears when swallowing.—Schussler.) Kali sulf. (Deafness from swelling of the tympanic cavity, or CHAPTER VI.--EARS 163 watery, mattery discharge from the ear, or if the tongue has a yel- low, slimy coating; throat with catarrh causing swelling of eustachian tubes and inner ear. Secretion of thin, yellow, sticky fluid after inflammations.—Schussler.) ♦Kali nit. ♦Ulceration of ear-ring hole. °Deafness from paralysis of auditory nerve; tingling in ears. Stitches in ears, worse at night, and when lying on affected side. ♦Tension behind the ears. Kalmia. °Stitches in and behind the right ear; in neck and thighs at night. Sound like blowing a horn. Kreosotum. °Hard hearing; roaring in head. Stitches in ears. Heat, burning, swelling and redness of left outer ear, proceeding from a pimple in the concha, with stiffness and pain in left side of neck, shoulder and arm. Itching in the ears. Humid tetters on the ears; with swelling of cervical glands and livid gray com- plexion. ♦Lachesis. ♦Pain in ears, with sore throat. Tearing extending from the zygoma into the ear. °Sensitiveness to sounds; rushing and thundering in the ears. Hardness of hearing with want of wax; dryness in the ears; numbness about the ear and (left) cheek. Ear- wax too hard, pale and insufficient. Lachnantes. °Almost complete deafness, during acute disease. Singing in right ear when walking in open air. Tearing in the ears. Crawling in right ear while eating. Itching in left ear and soreness in right. Ledum. -Ringing, or roaring in ears, as from wind. Hardness of hearing; right ear, as if obstructed by cotton; after cutting the hair; after chilling the head. Lithium. °Earache, left side from the throat. Pain behind left ear, in the bone, extending toward the neck. Lobelia inf. °Sudden shutting up of the right ear as if stopped by a plug, at 2 p. m., only relieved while boring with his finger in the ear. Lycopodium. cOver-sensitiveness of hearing. Roaring, humming and whizzing in the ears; hardness of hearing. Otorrhcea purulent, ichorous; after scarlatina; with impaired hearing. Sensation as if hot blood rushed into the ears. Polypus of the ears. Humid, suppurating scurfs on and behind the ears. Magnesia carb. Whizzing, fluttering and buzzing in the ears with hardness of hearing. Dullness of hearing. Inflammation of ears with external redness and sensation of great soreness. 164 CHAPTER VI.—EARS Magnesia mur. ^Hardness of hearing and deafness, as if some- thing were lying before the ear. Pulsation in ears. Itching of old herpes behind the ears. Manganum. ^Whizzing and rushing in the ears. Cracking sound in the right ear when walking. Dull hearing; relieved by blowing the nose; worse during cold and rainy weather. Fullness of the ears, with difficult hearing and cracking when blowing the nose or swallowing. Sudden stitch,pain in the deaf ear. Drawing cramp in the muscles of the region of the left mastoid process so that he had to incline his head to the right side. Marum verum. -Hissing sound when passing hand over ear, when talking or forcibly inspiring through the nose. Fine ringing in right ear, when blowing nose; squeaking, as if air was forced through mucus. Otalgia, with lancinating pain. Dry herpes, with white scales, on and behind the ears. Mephitis. °Fetid discharge fiom ears. Erysipelas of the ear, with itching, heat, redness and blisters ♦Mercurius. ♦Inflammation of internal and external ears, with stinging, tearing pains, bloody, offensive, purulent, or green dis- charge. °Hardness of hearing; sounds vibrate in the ears; obstruc- tion momentarily better after swallowing or blowing the nose; ex- ternal meatus moist. Boils in the external canal; also, fungus growths. Constant cold sensation in the ears. Mercurius biniod. cHearing dull; better evenings; ears close for a few moments at a time; coryza. Earache in right ear. Itching in ears. Ear-wax increased. Mercurius cor. cInflammation, with stitches in ear. Discharge of fetid pus from the ears. ♦Mezereum. ♦Sensation as though air were distending the right external meatus;°afterwards the left. Chronic, diffuse otitis. Itch- ing behind the ears; scratching causes small elevations; when scratched off the spots feel sore. Feels as if too open and as if air were pouring into them; or as if the tympanum were exposed to the cold air, with a desire to bore with the finger into the ear. Muriatic acid. °Hardness of hearing; loud, cracking sounds during the night; no cerumen; dryness, peeling off in scales; worse right ear. Distant sounds cause headache; sound of voice un- bearable. Want of feeling in the internal meatus. Tingling, hum- ming, whizzing in the ears. Beating or knocking in the ears. Otalgia, CHAPTER VI. — EARS 165 with pressing pain. Tingling, creeping, cold pain, running from ears up to top of head, sharp boring in temporal regions. Dark ear-wax with buzzing. Natrum carb. Sensitive to noise. Hard hearing, as if the ears were closed up. Otalgia, with sharp, piercing stitches in ears. Natrum mur. Buzzing, humming or ringing in the ears. Hard- ness of hearing. Painful cracking in the ear when masticating. Pulsation and beating, or stitches in the ears. Itching behind the ears. ^Deafness from swelling of the tympanic cavity, with watery condition of the tongue, or watery secretions.—Schussler.) Natrum phos. "-(The outer part of the ear is sore, with slight, thin, cream-like scabbing, and the deposit on tongue looks as if raw, brown sugar had been eaten; one ear red, hot and frequently itchy,accompanied by gastric derangement and acidity.—Schussler.) Natrum sulf. °(Otalgia, in 6th trit.—Dr. E. Teitz.) Nitric acid. One's speech echoes in the ears. Beating, hum- ming in the ears. Cracking in the ears when masticating. Hard- ness of hearing from induration and swelling of tonsils; after abuse of mercury. Eustachian tubes obstructed. Terribly offensive, pur- ulent otorrhcea. Throbbing in the ears. Auditory canal nearly closed. Caries of the mastoid process. Nux mos. Hearing over-sensitive; buzzing in ears. Ears as if stopped up. Tearing in ears, stitches in left ear, worse moving jaw. *Nux vora. ♦Itching in ears, cand through the eustachian tube. Strong reverberations of sound in the ears. Tearing, stitching pains in the ears, extending to forehead and temples; worse mornings, evening in bed and on entering a warm room. On swallowing, pushing out pain in the ear. Oleander. Herpes and ulcers on and around the ears. Cramp- like drawing on the auricles. Opium. -Acuteness of hearing; clocks striking and cocks crow- ing at a great distance keep her awake. Congestion to ears, haem- atorrhoea. Peroxide of hydrogen. Use locally in otorrhcea; fill the ear with it. Petroleum. -Sounds as of bells ringing. Hardness of hearing in old people. Dryness and disagreeable sensation of dryness in the ears. Eustachian tubes affected, causing whizzing, roaring, cracking, with hardness of hearing. Polypus; wax increased, thick i66 CHAPTER VI.—EARS or thin. Discharge of blood and pus from the ear. Humid sore- ness behind the ears. Phosphorus. Difficult hearing, especially the human voice, also after typhus. Hardness of hearing with cold extremities. Sounds reverberate in the ears, especially music. Shooting through ears, especially at night; ear discharges. Congestion to ears with throb- bing. Noises in ears, roaring, rush of blood. Polypi in the ears. ♦Phosphoric acid. *Roaring in the ears with difficult hearing. -Intolerance of noise, especially of music. Nervous deafness after typhoid disease. Dull hearing; stupefaction; especially to distant sounds. Every sound re-echoes loudly in the ears. Shrill sound in ears on blowing nose. Otalgia; stitches in ears and drawing pains in cheeks and teeth; aggravated only from music. Phytolacca. -Shooting pains through both ears when swallow- ing, right side worse. Eustachian tubes feel obstructed. Platinum. cRinging, rolling and rumbling sound in ears. Otal- gia with cramp pain, often with rumbling in ears. Sensation of coldness in ears, with sensation of numbness extending to cheeks and lips. Plumbum. Stitches and tearing in ears. Hardness of hearing; often sudden deafness. ♦Psorinum. ♦External ears raw, red, oozing; scabs form; sore pain behind ears. Otorrhcea very offensive,purulent (watery, stink- ing diarrhoea). GHumming or buzzing in left ear; afterward sing- ing; hard hearing. Discharge of reddish ear-wax. Severe pain in ears; ears swollen; thought pain would drive him crazy. Pustules on and behind concha. Scabby eczema behind ears came out, curing the child's old dry deafness. Herpes to temples,over ears to cheeks; at times throws off innumerable scabs; at others shows painful rhagades, with yellow discharge, forming scurfs; fetid humor; itch- ing intolerable. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Violent pain in ear, as from something forced out- ward. Hardness of hearing as if ears were stopped. Sensation as if the ear were stopped, with roaring in it, like a loud, distant noise. Deafness as if ears were stopped; after suppressed mea- sles; with otorrhcea; from cold after cutting hair; with hard, black cerumen. Can hear better on the cars. Severe pain in ears, con- tinuing through night, with paroxysms of increased severity, but causing little concern during day; bland, nearly inoffensive dis- CHAPTER VI.—EARS 167 charge of mucus and pus. Roaring in ears, better out-doors; also humming or tingling. Phlyctenular (to prevent ulceration). Otal- gia, with darting, tearing pains, and pulsating at night. External ear and meatus red and swollen. Scabs on the tragus. Rhus tox. Hardness of hearing, especially the human voice. Otalgia with pulsation in the ear at night. Bloody pus from the ears. Sanguinaria. "Painful sensitiveness to sudden sounds; right ear worse. Beating, humming, with congestion of blood. Burning Of the ears; cheeks red. Earache with headache, singing in ears and vertigo. Beating under the ears, at regular intervals, often only a couple of strokes. ♦Secale. ♦Hard hearing after cholera. °Undue sensitiveness of hearing, so that even the slightest sound re-echoed in her head and made her shudder. Confused hearing. Singing in ears and difficult hearing. Humming and roaring in ears, with occasional deafness. Selenium. -Ear stopped. More hardened cerumen in deaf ears. Sepia. cOver-sensitiveness to noise, particularly music. Hum- ming in ears followed by loss of hearing. Stitches in ears. Dis- charge of thin matter from ear. Much itching in affected ear. Tetters on lobe of ear, behind ears and in nape of neck. Silicia. Over-sensitiveness to noises. Ringing and roaring in the ears Stoppage of the ears, which open at times with a loud report. Difficult hearing, especially the human voice, and during full moon. Otalgia, with stitches from in out. Otitis interna. Itching in the eustachian tube; chronic coryza. Itching in both ears. Increased secretion of thin cerumen. Otorrhcea: offensive, watery, curdy, with soreness of inner nose and crusts on upper lip; after abuse of mercury; with caries. Caries of mastoid pro- cess. Scabs behind ears. (Dullness of hearing, with swelling and catarrh of the eustachian tubes, and of the cavity of the drum of ear. Inflammatory swelling of external meatus.—Schussler.) Spigelia. °Hearing over-sensitive in neuralgia and headache. Periodical deafness; ears feel as if stuffed. Otalgia, with pressing pain as from a plug. Spongia. °Hardness of hearing. Congestion of blood to ears; burning. Suppuration of external ear. Staphisagria. GHardness of hearing,with swelling of tonsils, es- pecially after abuse of mercury. Stitches in the ears. its CHAPTER VI.--EARS Stramonium. Very sensitive to noises; least noise startles him. Hardness of hearing. Sensation of wind rushing out of ear. Otal- gia, left side, violent pains remitting somewhat at night, better when covering head warmly ♦Sulphur. ♦Stitches in left ear. Ringing and roaring in the ears. Hardness of hearing, preceded by over-sensitiveness of hearing. Purulent, offensive otorrhuea, worse left ear. Catarrhal discharge every eighth day. Ears very red with children. -Humming and hissing in ears. Wabbling as if water was in ears. Stinging in left ear. Sulphuric acid. °Hardness of hearing; feeling as of leaf lying before ear. Buzzing in right ear—neuralgia. Tabacum. °Otalgia, locally, smoke. Nervous deafness. Sensa- tion as if ears were closed. Ears burning hot and red. ♦Tellurium. ♦Itching and swelling with painful throbbing in external meatus; in three or four days, discharge of a watery fluid, smelling like fish pickle, which causes vesicles wherever it touches; ear is blistered, as if oedematous; hearing impaired. Dull, throb- bing pain day and night; thin, watery, excoriating discharge. Vesi- cular eruption on membrana tympani, then suppurating and per foration. Membrana tympani permanently injured, and hearing greatly diminished. Sensation: as if something closed up in ear; as if air whistled through left eustachian tube; when snuffing or belching, air passes through it. ♦Thuja occ ♦Watery, purulent otorrhcea, smelling like putrid meat. -Inner ear feels swollen, with increased hardness of hearing. Noise in ears as from boiling water. Stitches from neck into ear. Ustilago. Constant dull pain in left ear, caused b'y extension from inflamed tonsil. Veratrum alb. °Deaf as if ears were stopped, one or both. Veratrum vir. -Deafness from moving quickly, with faintness. Roaring in ears; congestion; nausea, vomiting. Ears cold, pale. Viola odor. Aversion to music, especially the violin; worse from music. Stitches in and around ears. Zincum -Cracking and detonation in ears. Frequent acute stitches in right ear near tympanum. Earache, fetid pus. REPERTORY. Color—♦aeon., ♦agar., aib, ant. e, ♦apis, bry., camph., cinch., glon., graph., kreos., mag. c, meph., nat. phos., ♦psor., puis, ♦sub, tabac, ver. CHAPTER VI.--EARS i6g Congestion—ferr. phos., opium, phos., sang., spong., ver. v. Dry—arn., aur., carb. v., graph., lach., mur. a., petrol., psor. Eruptions—baryt., berb., bovist., camph., caust., cic, cist., graph., kreos., lye, mag. m., mar. v., meph., mere, mez., mur.a., olean., petrol., psor., puis., sepia, ♦tell. Hearing— ars., lye, secale, tell. Acute—can. i., coff., colch., opium. Deafness—ant. c, arg. n., bell., calc. s., caps., carb. v., chin.s., ferr. phos., gels., glon., ham., hyos., kali c, kali n., kali s.,lachn., mag. m., mang., nat. m., phos. a., plumb., psor., puis., secale, spig., tabac, ver. a., ver. v. Difficult—aur., baryt., borax, calc. phos., caust., mang., phos., *phos. a., secale, sil. Dullness—arg. n., caps., iod., kali c, mag. c, mang., mereb.i., phos. a., sib, tell. Hardness of—am. c, am. m., apis, arg. n., ♦am., ars., asaf., belb, calc. e, cic, cinch., hep. s., hyos., ign., kreos., lach., led., lye, mag. c, mag. m., mere, mur. a., nat. c., nat. m., nit. a., petrol., phos., plumb., psor., ♦puis., rhus, ♦secale, spong., staph., stram., ♦sub, sul. a., thuj. Indistinct—bovist., carb. ani., dulc, lye, ♦tell. Loss of—gels., graph., sepia. Music, effects of—aeon., ambr., coff., graph., phos., phos. a., secale, sepia, ver. v., viola o. Noise intolerable—aeon. am. e, aur., ♦belb, berb., borax, bry., coff., con., ign., iod., ipec, lach., mur. a., nat. c, phos. a., sang., sepia, stram. Sensitiveness of—♦aeon., am. e, arn., ars., arum, ♦belb, borax, bry., cic., con., ferr., hyper., iod., lach., lye, nat. c, nat.m.,sang., secale, sepia, sib, spig., stram., ♦sub Inflammation, otitis—borax, calc. c, ferr. phos., kali bi.,kali e, kali s., mag. e, mar. v., meph., mere cor., mez., mur. a., nat. s., sil. Nodosities—berb., graph. Otorrhcea, discharge—♦absinth., am. c, am. m., ant. e, arum, ♦boric a., brom., calc. s., colch., graph., hydras., kali s., lye, ♦mere cor., ♦psor., puis., sib, sub, tell., zinc. Bland—puis. Bloody—arn., con., ham., ♦mere, opium, petrol., rhus. Catarrhal—♦sub Excoriating—calc. phos., graph., tell. Fetid—bovist., hep. s., kali bi., meph., mere cor., psor., thuj., zinc. Ichorous—ars., carb. ani., lye Offensive—ars., asaf., bovist., calc. c, carb. v., caust., cist, graph., ♦mere, nit. a., ♦psor., sib, ♦sub, ♦tell., ♦thuj. Purulent—am. c, asaf., borax, bovist., calc. c, caps., caust., cist, con., ferr. phos., graph., hep. s., kali c, kali s., lye,♦mere, mere cor., nat. phos., nit. a., petrol., ♦psor., puis., rhus, sepia, ♦sub, ♦thuj., zinc. 170 CHAPTER VI.--EARS Thick—caps., hydras., kali bi. Thin—asaf., graph., kali s., nat. phos., sepia, tell. Watery—cist., graph., kali s., nat. m., psor., sib, ♦tell., ♦thuj. Yellow—aethus., ars., caps., kalibi., kali s., psor. Pains, otalgia—aeon., ail., aur., berb., camph., caps., cinch., colch., ferr., ferr. phos., gels., graph., guaiac, ign., kali n.,^lach., lith., mar. v., mur. a., nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nux v., phos. a., plat., psor., ♦puis., rhus, selen., sib, spig., staph., stram., tabac, ♦tell., ustib Aching—can. i., caps., cham., cina, colch., dulc, ferr. phos., guaiac, kali chlor., lith., mere b. i., mere cor., sang., zinc. Boring—am. m., aur., baryt., mur. a. Bruised—arn. Burning—♦agar., am.e, ant. c., arum, aur., caps., cic, ferr.phos., kreos., sang., spong., tabac. Cramp-like—cina, mang., olean. Drawing—ant. c, baryt., guaiac, kali c, mang., olean., phos. a. Piercing—bry., glon., nat. c Pressing—berb., cham., graph., mur. a., spig. Pulsating—calc. c., kali c., mag. m., nat. m., puis., rhus. Sensitive to touch—aeon., am. c., calc. c, caps. Sharp—mur. a., nat. c. Shooting—belb, hyper., phos., phyt. Sore—lach., mag. c., mez., nat. phos., psor. Stinging—apis, berb., caps., kali bi., ♦mere, psor., sul. Stitches—aethus., alum., am. m., arg. n., arn., ars., berb.,brom., bry., caust, cham., cina, cinch., colch., con., ferr., kali bi.,kali e, kali ri., kalm., kreos., mang., mere cor., nat. e, nat. m., nux m., nux'v..,'phos. a., plumb., sepia, sib, staph., ♦sub, thuj., viola o.j zinc. Tearing—aeon., ars., arum, baryt., ♦belb, berb., canth., caps., cham., cinch., colch., guaiac, lach., lachn., ♦mere, nux m., nux v., plumb., puis. Throbbing, beating, pulsating—♦amyl, ♦can. i., ferr. phos.,glon., hep. s., mag. m., nat. m., nit. a., phos., puis., rhus, sang., ♦tell. Parts. 5;;.. Auricles—berb., olean. Behind ears-—arn., aur., baryt., berb., camph., ♦caps., carb. an., con., ♦graph., hep. s., kali c., kali n., kalm., lye, mag. m., mar.v., mez., nat. m., petrol., ♦psor., sepia, sil. Bones—apis, aur., baryt., lith., sil. Concha—kreos., psor. Eustachian tubes—ant. c, graph., kali s., nit. a., nux v., petrol., phyt., sib, tell. ; External ear—aeon., belb, bry., calc. e, cina, ferr., graph., hep. s., kreos., mag. c, ♦mere, mez., nat. phos., ♦psor., puis., spong. Internal ear—♦belb, calc. c, kali s., ♦mere, mur. a., sib, thuj. Lobes—baryt., camph., caust., kali bi., ♦kali n., sepia. CHAPTER VI.--EARS 171 Parts continued. Mastoid process—aur., canth., caps., cina, mang., nit. a., sib Meatus auditorius— ars., cist, ferr., graph., kali bi., mere,♦mez., mur. a., nit. a., puis., sib, ♦tell. Middle ear—gels., iod. Nerves—kali n. Periosteum—carb. ani. Side, Left—aeon., aib, ant. e, arg. n., arum, aur., borax, calc.c, camph., caps., cham., cinch., guaiac, kali bi., kreos., lach.,lachn., lith., mez., nux m., psor., stram., ♦sub, tell., ustib Right—aethus., am. m., ant. c, ars., arum, baryt., brom., bry., calc. phos., canth., caust., ferr., glon., ham., kali bi., kali c,kalm., lachn., led., lob., mang., mere b. i., mez., mur. a., phyt, sang., zinc. Tragus—puis. Tympanum, membrana—ant. c, berb., caps., ♦graph., kali s., mez., nat. m., sib, tell., zinc. Polypi—calc. c, lye, petrol., phos. Sensations—alum., ant. c, arg. n., aur., baryt., berb., borax, bry., canth., carb. v., caust., graph., hep. s., ign., kali c, kalm., lach., lye, mag. c, mag. m., mang., mar. v., ♦mez., mur. a., nit. a., plat, puis., sib, stram., sub, sul. a., tell., thuj., zinc. Beating—berb., mur. a., nat. e, nit. a., sang. Buzzing—baryt., camph., ♦can. i., carb. v., caust., ♦chin, s., dulc, ham., hyos., iod., mag. e, mur. a., nat. m., nux m., psor., sul. a. Cold—calc. phos., cic, ipec, kali c, mere, mur. a., phyt, ver. v. Cracking—baryt., borax, calc. c, coff., graph., hep. s., kali c, kali chlor., mang., mur. a., nat. m., nit. a., petrol., zinc. Crawling, creeping—lach., mur. a. Fullness —arg. n., ♦can. i., glon., mang. Heat, hot—aeon., alum., borax, bry., camph., canth., caps.,cic, ferr. phos., kali c, kreos., meph., nat. phos., tabac. Hissing—graph., mar. v., sul. Humming—alum., am. c, am. m., bry., canth., cinch., con., dulc, lye, mur. a., nat. m., nit. a., psor., puis., sang., secale, sepia, sul. Itching—♦agar., aib, am. c, am. m., aur., baryt, hep. s., ign., kali bi., kreos., lach., mag. m., meph., mere b. i., mez., nat. m., nat. phos., ♦nux v., psor., sepia, sib, ♦tell. Noises—aeon., arn., belb, bry., calc. phos., can. i., ferr. phos., graph., kalm., mang., mar. v., petrol., phos., phos. a., plat,puis., sib, thuj. Numb sense—lach., plat. Reverberations—♦caust., graph., mere, nit. a., nux v., phos., phos. a., secale. Ringing—ant. e, arg. n., ars., belb, borax, brom., bry., camph., ♦can. i., canth., carb. v., ♦chin, s., ♦cinch., con., ferr., glon., 172 CHAPTER VI.--EARS graph., ham., led., mar. v., nat. m., petrol., plat., sang., sib, ♦sul. Roaring—aeon., alum., ambr., am. m., ant. c, ars., aur., baryt., belb, borax, brom., bry., calc. c., canth., cham., ♦chin. s., colch. con., gels., graph., hydras., kalic, kreos., led., lye, petrol., phos.,' ♦phos. a., ♦puis., secale, sib, ♦sub, ver. v. Rushing—cham., gels., graph., hyos., lach., lye, mang., strain., tell. Singing—calc. e, calc. phos., camph., can. i., hyos., lachn., sang., secale. Stopped or obstructed feeling—berb., carb. v., caust.. colch., glon., led., lob., mere, mere b. i., nat. e, nit. a., nux m., phyt., ♦puis., selen., sib, spig., tabac, tell., ver. a. Tingling—kali n. Tinnitus aurium—ferr. phos. Whistling—alum., ambr., tell. Whizzing—arg. n., hep. s., kali c, lye, mag. e, mang., mur.a., petrol. Swollen—aeon., ant. c, apis, borax, bry., calc. e, ♦caps., cist., graph., kali b., kali e, kreos., psor., puis., sib, ♦tell., thuj. Wax, cerumen—am. m., carb. v., con., hep. s., kali e, lach. mere b. i., mur. a., petrol., psor., puis., selen., sil. CHAPTER VIL-NOSE. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Nosebleed with boys. °Inner nose dry. Acetic acid. ^Nosebleed. Liable to frequent catarrhal attacks. ♦Aconitum. ♦Sense of smell very acute, Especially for unpleas^ ant odors. Nosebleed, bright-red. Coryza: violent, sneezing,fever, thirst, restlessness; dry or fluent, caused by dry, cold air or wind. Coryza, with headache, roaring in the ears, fever, sleeplessness; especially if coryza has been suppressed by exposure; better in the open air, worse when talking. /Esculus. -Dryess of the posterior nares and throat—coryza. Fluent coryza, dull,frontal headache, thin, watery discharge; burn- ing, rawness; sensitive to inhaled air. Stinging and tearing in the posterior nares and soft palate. Agaricus. -Smell sensitive; vinegar unbearable. Frequent sneez- ing. Nosebleed when blowing nose early in the morning. Pro- fuse, fetid discharge from the nose. Mucous membrane very sen- sitive. Frequent dropping of clear water from nose without coryza. ♦Ailantus. ♦Copious, thin, ichorous, bloody discharge, without fetor. -Doss of smell. Coryza with rawness inside and about the nostrils; the whole nose and upper lip become covered v/ith very thick grayish scabs. Fluent nasal catarrh, without sneezing. Dry- ness of the nose, secretion suppressed. Itching and uneasy feeling around nose. ♦Alumina. ♦Redness of the nose. Point of nose cracked. °Sense of smell weak. Disposition to colds in head. Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing,free from one nostril, the other obstructed; lachry- mation. Chronic nasal catarrh, with scurfy, sore nostrils, and discharge of thick yellow mucus. Discharge of dry, hard, yellow- green mucus from nose; nose swollen, red and sore to touch, worse evenings. Violent pain at root of nose. Copious, yellow, sour- smelling mucus, with sore nostrils. Septum narium swollen, red and painful to touch. 173 I74 CHAPTER VII.—NOSE ♦Ammonium carb. ♦Nosebleed: when washing face in morning; after dinner. Stoppage mostly at night; must breathe through the mouth, with long lasting coryza. When stooping,blood rushes to tip of nose. Bloody mucus blown from nose frequently. Burning water runs from nose. ♦Ammonium mur. ♦Watery, acrid coryza, corroding the lip. -Loss of smell with coryza. Sore internally at the edge of nostrils. Ulcerative pain in left nostril, with sensitiveness to touch. Exter- nal swelling of left nostril, with discharge of bloody crusts. Bleed- ing from left nostril, preceded by itching. Constant itching in nose, with irritation to blow it, and sensation as of a large, rough body up the nose, with obstruction. Coryza, with stoppage of nose; hoarseness and burning in larnyx. Frequent sneezing. ♦Antimonium crud. ♦Sore, cracked, or crusty nostrils. JStop- page in nose. Nosebleed: evenings; after headache, with giddi- ness, with rush of blood to head. Coryza; fluent or dry. Nose painful when breathing, as from inhalation of cold air or of acrid vapors. ♦Apis. ♦Nose swollen, red and cedematous. :Thick, white, fetid mucous discharge, mixed with blood. ♦Argentum met. ♦Violent fluent coryza with frequent sneezing mornings. °Tickling, crawling sensation in nose, followed by nose- bleed. When blowing the nose, violent bleeding. Argentum nit. °Sense of smell blunted. Smell of pus before the nose; small ulcers in the nares. Discharge of whitish pus, with clots of blood. Coryza, with stupefying headache over the eyes, has to lie down; sneezing, chilliness, lachrymation, sickly look. Violent itching of the nose. ♦Arnica. ♦Nosebleed: preceded by tingling; copious after every exertion; from mechanical causes; after washing the face. Violent sneezing after overlifting the day before. °Bruised pain in nose. End of nose cold. Swelling of nose. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Cannot bear the smell or sight of food. Watery discharge causes burning and smarting at nostrils,as if sore. Knotty swelling of the nose. Discharge of burning, ichorous fluid from the nose, excoriating the nostrils and upper lip. Nose obstructed; must breathe through the mouth. Nostrils sore and chapped. Offensive smell before the nose. Smell of pitch and sulphur al- ternately, before the nose. Dryness of the nasal cavity. Discharge of CHAPTER VII.—NOSE 175 burning mucus from the right nostril. Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing; with hoarseness and frequent sleeplessness; with swollen nose; alternating with stoppage. Distressing stoppage at the bridge of the nose. Nosebleed after a fit of passion or vomiting. ♦Arum triph. ♦Acrid, ichorous discharge, excoriating inside, alae and upper lip. Corrosive, yellow, nasal discharge in diphtheria; nostrils raw. Nose stopped up; worse left side, must breathe through the mouth; worse mornings — scarlatina. Nostrils sore, chapped, worse left. Drink passes up through the nose. Constant picking at the nose. -Coryza, fluid, acrid. Nose moist, but ob- structed; discharge in the morning streaked with blood; during the day, yellow thick mucus. Sneezing and sleepy; worse at night. ♦Asafcetida. ♦Offensive discharge from the nose. Stench from the nose. -Unpainful tension over nasal bones, with numbness. Swelling and inflammation affecting bones, with feeling as if nose would burst. ♦Aurum met. ♦Ulcerated,agglutinated and painful nostrils; can- not breathe through the nose; crusts in the nose. Burning, itching, stitching and smarting; feeling of soreness in the nose, especially when touched. °Complaints caused by strong odors. Sensitive smell; everything smells too strong. Putrid smell when blowing nose. Want of smell. Nose feels obstructed,as in dry coryza, yet air passes through freely. Ozaena,excessively fetid discharge; severe frontal headache. Coryza, thick discharge, like white of egg; fre- quent sneezing. Caries of nasal bones; right nasal bone and ad- joining parts of upper jaw painful to touch. Boring in left side of nasal bone toward the maxilla. Mucous discharge from posterior nares in the morning. Tip of nose bright red. Nose red and swollen. Baryta carb. Coryza, nose and upper lip swollen;, children with large abdomen. Frequent nosebleed. Sneezing causing concus- sive pain in the brain. Tormenting dryness in nose; secretion of thick, yellow mucus. Formation of scabs in the posterior nares and behind the base of the uvula. Scurfs under the nose. ♦Belladonna. ♦Great sensitiveness of smell; -faintest odor, es- pecially of tobacco and soot, unbearable. Frequent sneezing. Dry- ness of nose, with dull frontal headache. Fluent coryza,from one nos- tril only. Coryza, with offensive smell in nose, as of herring pickle, especially when blowing the nose. Discharge of mucus, mixed 176 CHAPTER VII. — NOSE with blood from the nose. Suppressed catarrh; maddening head- ache. Nostrils and corners of lips ulcerated, with pain or itching. Sudden redness of tip of nose, with burning sensation. Nosebleed: with congestion to the head: in children at night. Berberis. Titillation, irritation to sneeze. Drops of blood from the left nostril. Dryness of the nose. Obstinate catarrh of left nostril, with secretion, first of yellow water, later, purulent, white, yellow or green mucus; empyieumatic smell and taste, particularly in morning. Borax. Bleeding from the nose, morning. Sneezing causes se- vere stitch in right side of chest. Fluent coryza with much crawling in the nose. Discharge of much greenish, thick mucus from the nose. Dry crusts in the nose, re-form if removed. Boil in the fore part of the left nostril, toward the tip, with sore pain and swelling of tip of nose. Red and shining nose, with throbbing and tensive sensation. ♦Bromium. ♦Fluent coryza with sneezing, long continued and obstinate corrosive soreness under the nose and in margins of nos- trils. °Coryza, with sneezing. Nosebleed with relief of chest and eye symptoms. ♦Bryonia. ♦Nosebleed, especially in morning when rising. GFrequent sneezing. Fluent coryza, watery or greenish. Catarrh, extending to the frontal sinuses or into chest. Swelling of tip of nose, with twitching pain in it, and on touch feeling as if it would ulcerate. Calcarea carb. ^Impaired smell. Very offensive smell in the nose, as from dung, or rotten eggs. Severe fluent coryza,with headache. Frequent sneezing without coryza, or with dry coryza. Dryness of the nose, or stopped by fetid, yellow pus. Catarrhal symptoms attended with great hunger, a sort of metastasis from the nose to the abdomen, as when coryza ceases colic sets in. Sore, ulcerated nostrils. Bleeding of nose in the morning. At night the nose is dry and obstructed, while by day it is moist and free. Ozaena. Nasal polypi. Swelling of the nose, also at the root. Calc. fluor. °(Ozaena, affection of nose.—Schussler.) Calcarea phos. GSneezing and soreness on the edge of the alae; fluent coryza, forenoon. Nosebleed; afternoons. Coryza; fluent in a cold room; stopped in warm air and out-doors. Point of nose icy cold. Nose swollen; nostrils sore. Large pedunculated CHAPTER VII.—NOSE 177 nasal polypi. (Ozaena, with scrofulous symptoms. Catarrhs of anaemic persons.—Schussler.) Camphora. -Fluent coryza, with headache, on sudden change of weather. Cantharis. Nosebleed early in the morning. Erysipelatous inflammation of the dorsum of the nose, spreading to both cheeks, but more to the right; followed by desquamation. Secretion of much tenacious mucus from the nose, without sneezing; hoarseness and painful hawking of tough mucus from chest; nightly, dry cut- ting stitches along trachea externally. Mucus collects in posterior nares, difficult to dislodge. Capsicum. cInfluenza with violent sneezing, and discharge of thin mucus, sometimes with burning. Nosebleed in the morning in bed. Bloody mucus discharge from the nose, when coughing. Collection of thick mucus in the nose and throat. Tingling titilla- tion in the nose. Tip of nose very hot. ♦Carbo ani. ♦Nosebleed: every morning, preceded by vertigo, °or confusion in head. Dry coryza,cannot breathe through nose in morning on waking, and for some time after. Coryza, scraping in throat, worse evening, night, and when swallowing. Fluent coryza, with loss of smell, yawning and sneezing. Tip of nose red, pain- ful to touch; skin feels tight, is chapped; little boils inside. Hard, bluish tumor on end of nose. Carbo veg. cNose pointed;hippocratic face. Frequent and easy epistaxis; worse at night or in forenoon, followed by pain over the chest. Nosebleed: several times daily for weeks; face pale before and after every attack; after straining at stool; small, intermittent pulse; after debauch; in old or debilitated people. Frequent sneez- ing with constant and violent crawling and tickling in the nose. Fruitless irritation to sneeze, with crawling in left nostril. Severe coryza, with hoarseness and rawness of the chest. Dry coryza. Causticum. °Frequent sneezing. Fluent coryza, with pain in chest and limbs. Dry coryza, with stoppage of nose. Blowing of blood from nose mornings. Profuse nosebleed. Pimples on tip of the nose. Itching of tip and alae. Old warts on the nose. ♦Cepa. ♦Copious, watery discharge from the nose and watering of the eyes. Constant sneezing, with profuse, acrid coryza, when coming into a warm room. °Spring coryza, tingling and itching in right nostril. Every year in August, morning coryza, with vio- 178 CHAPTER VII.— NOSE lent sneezing; very sensitive to odor of flowers and skin of peaches (lasting two or three weeks). Fluent coryza, headache, lachryma- tion, cough, thirst, want of appetite, trembling of hands, feverish, worse evenings and in-doors; better in open air. Profuse watery, acrid, nasal discharge, with bland lachrymation. Ichorous oozing out of nose—second stage scarlatina. Polypus of nose, epistaxis. Chamomilla. ^-Extremely sensitive to all odors. Irritation to sneeze, with crawling dry heat and stopped-up sensation; feeling as if coryza would appear. Coryza, fluent, watery, viscid. Nose- bleed, relieving the confusion of the head. Cicuta. -Nose very sensitive to touch, slight touch causes it to bleed. Yellow discharge from nose. Yellow scurfs on nose. Fre- quent sneezing without coryza. ♦Cina. ♦Boring in the nose,with the finger. °Sneezing with the whooping cough. Violent sneezing with stitches in temples. Bleed- ing of nose. Stoppage of the nose in the evening. Itching of the nose. Child rubs the nose on the pillow, on the shoulders of the nurse, or with the hands. Cinchona. -Smell too acute. Dry coryza,toothache,lachrymation; much sneezing. Nosebleed, anaemia; ringing in the ears; face pale, fainting. Habitual nosebleed, especially morning on rising. Cistus. °Cold feeling in the nose. Frequent and violent sneez- ing, mostly evening and morning, chronic nasal catarrh. Leftside inflamed and swollen. Tip of nose painful. Eczema of the nose. Coffea. °Acute, sensitive smell. Nosebleed; with heaviness of head and ill-humor; during strain at stool. Colchicum. ,Smell morbidly acute; the odor of meat broth causes nausea, and that of fresh eggs nearly fainting. Sore pain in the septum. Nosebleed. Sneezing, also with crawling sensation in the nose. Long lasting coryza; discharge thin, tenacious. Nostrils dry and black. Conium. ° Acute sense of smell. Purulent discharge from the nose; also, hardened crusts. Epistaxis. Frequent sneezing. ♦Crocus. ♦Epistaxis of very tenacious, thick, black blood, with cold sweat in large drops, on the forehead. -Violent sneezing. Dulcamara. "Nosebleed, hot, clear blood; pressure above nose; worse after getting wet. Coryza dry; better during motion; worse during rest; renewed by the slightest exposure. Severe coryza, skin hot, dry; limbs cold, stiff, numb and painful; general,offensive sweat. Nasal catarrh dry, in a dry atmosphere. CHAPTER VII. — NOSE 179 Eupatorium perf. °Coryza, with aching in every bone. Influenza, with weak pulse, prostration, bones sore, especially with inebriates and old people. ♦Euphrasia. ♦Profuse, bland, fluent coryza, with scalding tears and aversion to light; worse evening and during the night, while lying down. Sneezing with coryza. Small red spots, like pimples, on upper right side of nose; twinging,starting pain in the nose. Pain from right to left over the bridge of the nose; left half of face and forehead and left eye inflamed; earache. Flat cancer on right side of nose. Ferric phos. G(Bleeding of nose, especially of children. Cold in head first stage; disturbed circulation.—Schussler.) Ferrum met. °Bloody puruloid-greenish, whey-like, slimy, acrid discharge; cold in head. Dropping of fluid from posterior nares or frontal sinuses; headache. Nose continually filled with clotted blood, especially with coryza. Epistaxis; in anaemic patients subject to ebullitions. Scabs out of nose, or coughed up every few weeks. Gelsemium. -Violent morning paroxysms of sneezing; tingling in nose. Watery, excoriating discharge; a feeling from throat up into left nostril, like a stream of scalding water; right nostril stopped up; nasal voice. Coryza in spring and summer weather. Edges of nostrils red, sore. Fullness at root of nose; pains extending to neck and clavicles. ♦Graphites. ♦Sense of smell too acute; cannot tolerate the smell of flowers. Nose sore and painful internally. cSmell from the nose like from burned hair. Loss of smell; with dryness of nose; with coryza. Nosebleed: in the evening, the afternoon preceding rush of blood to the head and heat of the face; at night; in the morning; with running coryza. Bloody mucus discharge from nose. Frequent discharge of thick, yellowish, fetid mucus from the nose. Purulent, fetid secretion. Dryness of the nose. Sneezing on open- ing the eyes, either with dryness of nose or running coryza. Stoppage of the nose, with secretion of tough, badly smelling mucus. Coryza on getting cold. Excoriation of nose. Mucus often forms hard masses or crusts in coryza. Dry scabs in the nose, with sore, cracked and ulcerated nostrils. Swelling of the nose. Red nose with black pores. ♦Hamam'elis. ♦Epistaxis, flow passive,non-coagulable. Epistaxis, with feeling of tightness of the bridge of the nose and crowding a8o CHAPTER VII. — NOSE pressure in forehead between the eyes. The nosebleed clears her head and affords great relief. Profuse epitaxis,flow passive, venous, idiopathic, or vicarious. -Over-sensitive smell. Bad smell from the nose. Sneezing spells, watery, excoriating, burning discharge. Nose feels stopped up. Helleborus. Smell diminished. Nostrils look as if smoked, sooty. Nose pointed; nostrils dirty, dry. Frequently rubs the nose. Sneezing. Hepar sulph. "-Sense of smell acute. Nosebleed after singing. Coryza, with inflammatory swelling of the nose, painful, like from a boil; also with cough. Sore pain on the dorsum of nose, when touching it. Itching in the nose. ♦Hydrastis. ♦Coryza, water)-, excoriating, burning in the nose, more the right nostril; discharge scanty in the room, profuse out of door; rawness in throat and chest. Ozaena, cwith bloody, pur- ulent discharge. Tickling like a hair, in the right nostril. Sneez- ing with fullness over the eyes, dull, frontal headache, pain in the right breast and down the arms. The air feels cold in the nose. Secretion more from the posterior nares, thick, tenacious. Nose- bleed left nostril, with burning rawness, followed by itching. Sore- ness of the cartilaginous septum,bleeding when touched, inner edge of right aia sore and thickened. Illicium ani. °Acute catarrh. Watery discharge from the nostrils. Warm, smarting sensation in the nose, succeeded by sneezing. Sharp stitches in tip of nose. Iodium. °Sensation as if the alae were spread wide open and nose dry; loss of smell; in the evening, sneezing. Dry coryza, be- coming fluent in open air. Chronic fetid discharge from nose; nose painful and swollen. Ipecacuanha. °Loss of smell; catarrh, with nausea, epistaxis; stoppage of nose. Nosebleed; blood bright. ♦Kali bichrom. ♦Ulceration of the septum narium. Purulent inflammation of the whole mucous membrane. Formation of hard plugs in the nostrils. Great dryness of the nose with a feeling of pressure in the nasal bones. Pressure, or pressive pain at root of nose. 'Loss of smell. Fetid smell from nose. Thick, dark red blood from the nose; irregular, small, contracted pulse. Ropy, tough discharge, often also from the posterior nares, offensive or not. Discharge of tough, green masses; or hard plugs. Coryza CHAPTER VII.—NOSE 181 fluent, excoriating nose and lip; nostrils sensitive, ulcerated; round ulcers or scabs on the septum. Spot in the right lachrymal bone is swollen and throbbing; profuse secretion from nostrils. Coryza, with pressure and tightness at root of nose; worse evenings and in the open air; in the morning obstruction or bleeding from the right nostril. Sneezing in the morning; on going into the ope-.i air. Tickling as from a hair, high up in left nostril. Kali carb. Dull smell, especially from catarrh. Fluent coryza, excessive sneezing, pain in back, headache and lassitude. Obstruc- tion of nose, making breathing through nostrils impossible; goes off when walking in open air, but returns in the room; itching in the nose; fetid, yellow-green discharge from one nostril. Dry coryza, with loss of voice, hoarseness; mucus in the throat, sensation of a lump in the throat. Burning in the nose; sore, crusty nostrils; bloody,red nostrils,every morning; external nose red,swollen; sting- ing pains. Nosebleed when washing the face, every morning at 9 o'clock. Kali chlor. (-Catarrh,phlegm white, not transparent.—Schussler.) ♦ Kali iod. ♦Accumulation of tenacious mucus in nostrils. Dis- charge from nose of greenish, black or yellowish matter; of foul, sickening smell; of decomposed greenish red blood. Sensation of fullness and tightness at root of nose. Throbbing and burning pains in nasal and frontal bones,with swelling. -Violent epistaxis after mercury. From least cold, violent, acrid coryza; bloated eye- lids, singing in the ears, red face, white tongue, violent thirst; al- ternate heat and chilliness; headache, dark, hot urine; abuse of mercury. Nose red, swollen; discharge acrid, watery, tightness at the root of nose—syphilis. Kali nit. -Loss of smell,with coryza; husky voice; mucus passes through posterior nares into fauces. Mucous polypus. Nosebleed; tip of nose inflamed, sore; blood acrid, like vinegar. Bones of nose sore to touch; nose swollen internally, with scurfs. Kali phos. (Bleeding of nose and disposition thereto, from weak- ness. —Schussler.) Kreosotum. Offensive smell before the nose, with loss of ap- petite; stinking in the morning when awaking. Nosebleed, with heaviness and throbbing in forehead. Thin, bright-red blood from both nostrils. Catarrh, fluent or dry, with much sneezing. Chronic catarrh with old people. Epithelial cancer on right aia nasi. Lupus 182 CHAPTER VII.—NOSE on the nose, left side. Frequent sneezing with dry, nasal catarrh. Lachesis. -Nosebleed dark; with amenorrhea; typhus,etc..blow- ing of blood, mostly in the morning. Coryza, preceded by head- ache, discharge watery with red nostrils, herpes on the lips. Re- lieves paroxysms of sneezing in hay asthma. Nasal mucous mem- brane swollen; sneezing. Nose red externally; nose filled with scabs; discharge of pus and blood; mercurio-syphilis; also in drunkards. Lithium carb. -Swollen, red, worse right side; internally sore and dry; shining crusts form. Nose obstructed above, worse in morning and forenoon. Mucous discharge in evening. Dropping from nose in open air. ♦Lycopodium. ♦Violent catarrh with swelling of the nose and acrid discharge. Nose stopped up; cannot breathe through it, with excessive dryness. The ichorous discharge from nose begins in right nostril—scarlatina, diphtheria. Over-sensitiveness of smell. Nose stopped up, especially at the root; breathes with open mouth and protruding tongue—diphtheria. Snuffles, child starts out of sleep, rubbing its nose. Catarrh of nose and frontal sinuses; dis- charge yellow and thick, frontal headache, yellow complexion. Scurf in nose. Fan-like motion of alae nasi. Magnesia carb. ^-Bleeding from nose in the morning, more from right side. Vesicular eruption in the nose with pressing pain. Dry coryza and obstruction of the nose, waking one at night. Magnesia mur. °Coryza with dullness of the head, and loss of smell and taste; discharge of yellow, fetid mucus. Discharge of acrid,corrosive water from the nose; nose obstructed at night. Red- ness and swelling of the nose or of the alae. Sore pain and burning in the nostrils. Scurfs in the nostrils, painful to touch; ulcerated nostrils. ♦Marum verum. ♦Nasal polypus. Sensation as if nostrils were stopped; blowing nose or sneezing does not remove the obstruction. °Tingling in the nose,frequent sneezing,followed by coryza. Large, irregular pieces discharge from the nose; foul breath—ozaena. ♦Mercurius. ♦Nosebleed, when coughing and during sleep,* blood hangs in dark, coagulated strings. Coryza: fluent, corro- sive, with much sneezing; nostrils bleeding, scurfy; nose red, swollen, shining; worse from damp weather; at night; from either cold or warm air; not relieved by sweat. Greenish, fetid pus from the nose; nasal bones swollen and painful to touch. CHAPTER VII.—NOSE l83 Mercurius biniod. GCoryza and dull hearing, better getting warm by walking. Right side of nose hot, swollen with coryza. Much sneezing with running from the nose. Whitish-yellow,or bloody dis- charge; affection of posterior nares with raw sensation; nasal bones diseased; turbinated bones swollen. Hawks mucus from posterior nares. Crusty eruption on wings of nose. ♦Mercurius cor ♦Fluent coryza, Gloss of smell; rawness and smarting in the nostrils. Swelling and redness of the nose. Ozaena, discharge from the nose like glue, drying up of the posterior nares, perforation of the septum. Nose stopped up and at the same time discharges. Mezereum. Ineffectual irritation to sneeze. Sneezing, with coryza; with sore pain in the chest. The sense of smell diminished, with dryness of the nose. Twitching (visible) on the root of the nose. Fluent coryza, soreness and scabs in the nose; soreness and burning of the upper lip. Constant excoriation of the nose. ♦Millefolium. ♦Nosebleed; -also in congestions to the head and chest; excessive. Piercing pain from eyes to root of nose. Muriatic acid. cLong lasting nosebleed. Nosebleed, whoop- ing-cough. Coryza thin, acrid, making parts sore. Coryza, with thick, yellow discharge. Discharge of thin pus from nose, excoriat- ing the parts. Pimples; freckles. ♦Natrum carb. ♦Much nasal mucus passes through the mouth. GLoss of smell and taste, with coryza. Coryza fluent; violent sneez- ing; worse at night, when nose is obstructed; worse from least draft of air, or any change of clothing; worse on alternate days; better after sweat. Thick yellow or green discharge; nose stopped at night. Hard,fetid clots from one nostril. Nostrils ulcerated, high up. Humid,herpetic eruptions and ulcers on nose,around mouth,and on lips. Peeling off of dorsum and tip of nose, painful when touched. Red nose with white pimples on it. Natrum mur. GLoss of smell and taste, especially with catarrh. Nosebleed when stooping, or when coughing at night. Liable to catch cold; coryza fluent, alternately with stoppage of the nose; posterior nares dry,with hawking in the morning; spasms of sneez- ing each morning, or ineffectual attempts. In catarrh when the secretion is clear mucus. Nose sore, interior wings swollen; scabs in nose. Left-sided inflammation and swelling of nose, painful to touch. Nose on one side feels numb. (Catarrhs,chronic, of blood- 184 CHAPTER VII.--NOSE less patients, the mucus has sometimes a salty taste. Coryza,cold in the head, with watery, clear, slimy or starchy discharge.— Schussler.) Natrum sulf. Nosebleed during measles; stops and returns often. Nose stopped up. Sneezing and fluent coryza. Ozaena syphilitica beginning with ulcers. Itching of wings of nose, inducing rubbing. (Cold, catarrh, when there are greenish secretions.—Schussler.) ♦Nitric acid. ♦Violent coryza with soreness and bleeding of the nose. Stitches as from a splinter in the nose on touch. Tip of nose red; nostrils ulcerated and sore. Disagreeable smell on inhal- ing air. Nosebleed mornings; black, clotted; also when weeping; blood acrid. Sneezing during sleep. Nose obstructed, with dry coryza, or with dropping of water; wings of nose swollen, burning. Fetid, yellow, nasal discharge. Ozaena with ulcers. Corroding nasal discharge. Condylomata on nose. Large, soft protuberances on alae, covered with crusts—syphilis. Dirty, bloody mucus from posterior nares. Green crusts from the nose every morning. Nux mos. -Over-sensitiveness of smell. Nosebleed; blood usually dark, black. Sneezing,nose internally dry,stopped up,must breathe with mouth open. Catarrh worse in cold, damp weather. ♦Nux vom. ♦Profuse discharge of acrid mucus from the obstructed nostrils. Coryza, fluent in the morning, fluent during the day and stopped at night; in the morning and after dinner, with scraping and crawling in the nose and throat, with frequent sneezing, es- pecially in the morning in bed, with headache, heat in the face and chilliness. -Over sensitiveness to strong odors, even fainting. Smell before the nose like old cheese or brimstone. Snuffles, espec- ially in the new-born. Nosebleed in the morning from suppressed haemorrhoidal flow. Internal nose inflamed. Paris quad. ^Discharge of red or greenish mucus on blowing the nose. Stuffed condition and fullness at the root of the nose- constant hawking of tenacious, white tasteless mucus. Petroleum. -Slight epistaxis, relieving the headache. Dry feel- ing in nose, frequent sneezing; adherent phlegm blown out in small lumps; thick phlegm in posterior nares; worse mornings. Swelling of the nose, with pain at its root; purulent discharge. Fluent coryza, with hoarseness. *Phosphorus. ♦Nose swollen and painful to touch. Internal nose swollen, dry and stopped up; ulcerated scabs on margin of CHAPTER VII.--NOSE l85 nostrils. Frequent blowing of blood from the nose. Polypi nasi when they bleed easily. Profuse nosebleed. Coryza: fluent, dull- ness of head, sleepiness, especially during the day and after meals; alternate fluent and dry with frequent sneezing; dry,forming crusts, adhering firmly; profuse discharge flowing down into fauces; neck swollen; eyes staring, consequent on the resulting stagnation of blood; scarlatina. Profuse discharge of green or yellow mucus from the nose, without coryza. Severe haemorrhage from nose in diphtheria, following detachment of the membrane from the nose. Sneezing causes pain in the throat. Sensation of fullness in nose,especially high up in left nostril, with loose mucus. Chronic inflammation of the nasal membrane, with suppressed or over- sensitive smell. Nose swollen, red, shining, and inner nose very dry. Wing-like motion of alae nasi. Freckles on nose. Phosphoric acid. -Fetid smell from the nose. Sense of smell too acute. Discharge of bloody mucus from nose. Nosebleed, in ty- phus, giving no relief. Swelling on dorsum of nose, with red spots; scurfs. Phytolacca. °Thin,watery discharge from nostrils,increasing till the nose becomes stuffed. Flow of mucus from one nostril, while the other is stopped; both stopped up while riding. Acrid discharge, excoriating—scarlatina. Plumbum. Erysipelatous inflammation of nose; vesicles on al3e. Fetid odor before nose. Much tough mucus in nose, which can only be discharged through posterior nares. Cold nose. Psorinum. °Loss of smell. Smell of blood. Nose sensitive when inhaling air. Boring, stinging in right nostril, followed by excessive sneezing. Burning, followed by thin nasal discharge which relieves. Tough mucus in nose; feels like a plug there; it nauseates him; better when stooping. Catarrh with cough and ex- pectoration of yellow-green mucus. Septum inflamed, large pustules. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Coryza fluid or dry: frequent sneezing; loss of smell and taste; nostrils sore; wings raw; later, yellow-green dis- charge; worse indoors;chilliness; pale face; head confused; frontal headache. Stoppage of nose, in evening, and in warm room; in morning yellow, opaque, offensive mucous discharge. Bad smell, as of old catarrh in nose; objective stench from nose. -Nosebleed with suppressed menses; with dry coryza; in anaemia, blood coagu- 186 CHAPTER VII.—NOSE lated. Green, fetid nasal discharge, with diminished taste and smell; chronic, thick, yellow, bland discharge. Ranunculus bulb. -Redness and inflammatory swelling of the nose, with tension. Scabs in nostrils. Rhus tox. -Loss of smell. Epistaxis of coagulated blood; worse at night and when stooping; at stool or from exertion; also in typhus, with some relief. Spasmodic sneezing. Discharge from the nose; of thick, yellow mucus; of green, offensive pus; of yellow ichor; with swollen cervical glands. Fever blisters and crusts under nose. Tip of nose red and sensitive; nose sore internally. Puffiness of nose. Rumex. Epistaxis, violent sneezing and painful irritation of nostrils. Nose obstructed; dry sensation even in posterior nares. Fluent coryza, with sneezing; worse evening and night. Yellow mucus discharge through posterior nares. Sanguinaria. -Loss of smell. Nasal polypi. Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing; worse right side. Ulcerative ozaena, with epistaxis. Rose cold and subsequent asthma; sick and faint from odor of flowers. ♦Secale. ♦Bleeding of nose; "-blood dark, runs continuously,with great prostration, small thread-like pulse, in old people or drunk- ards; of young women. Sneezing. Nose stopped up, yet watery discharge running from it. Selenium. ^Itching in nose and on borders of wings. Incli- nation to bore fingers into nose. Yellow, thick, jelly-like mucus in nose. Discharge of dark blood from nose. Phlegm in choanae. Coryza ending in diarrhoea. Complete obstruction of nose, chronic. Sepia. *~Great sensitiveness to odors. Loss of smell, or fetid smell before the nose. Epistaxis, also during pregnancy and with haemorrhoids. Dry coryza, especially in the left nostril. Fluent coryza with sneezing, early morning. Swollen inflamed nose; nos- trils sore, ulcerated and scabby. Blowing of large lumps of yel- low-green crusts with blood from the nose. Painful eruption on tip of nose. Silicia. Loss of smell. Much sneezing with acrid coryza. Dryness and stoppage,after checked foot-sweat. Nosebleed. Coryza, long lasting, oft returning. Nose stuffed up, or alternately dry and fluent; obstructed mornings, fluent during the day. With every fresh cold stoppage and acrid discharge; makes inner nose sore and CHAPTER VII.--NOSE 187 bloody. Gnawing and ulcers high up in nose with great sensitive- ness to contact. Nose inwardly dry, excoriated, covered with crusts. Swelling of nasal mucous membrane; chronic coryza. In- tolerable itching of tip of nose. Cold nose. Spigelia. Violent nosebleed, also with endocarditis. Coryza fluent; with dry heat, no thirst; eyes watery, headache with hoarseness and anxiety about the heart. Copious,offensive mucus, flows through posterior nares, causing choking at night. Tickling and itching in nose. Herpetic eruption on nose. Spongia. Nosebleed, especially when blowing it. Nose stopped up—whooping cough. Fluent coryza, hoarseness; crampy cough; after dry. cold winds. Nasal mucus viscous, grows thick. Mem- branous croup. Nose pinched, cold. Squilla. cChild sneezes during cough; eyes water; rubs eyes and nose—measles. Acrid, corrosive, fluent coryza mornings. Humid eruptions under nose, with stinging, itching. Stannum. cOver-sensitive smell. Stuffed feeling and heaviness, high up in nostrils. Dry coryza on one side, with hoarseness,swell- ing and redness of the nostrils. Staphisagria. -Scratching in choanae. Ulceration of nostrils, with scabs deep in nose. Violent, coryza; one nostril is stuffed up, with much sneezing and lachrymation; with nasal voice. ♦Sticta. ♦Constant need to blow nose, but no discharge results. Feeling of fullness and heavy pressure at root of nose. °Tingling in right side of nose; loss of smell; dry coryza. Excessive and painful dryness of mucous membrane; secretions dry rapidly, form- ing scabs difficult to dislodge—influenza. ♦Sulphur. ♦Freckles and black pores on nose. Violent, fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing; offensive odor of nasal mucus, as of old catarrh. Itching and burning of nostrils,as if sore. °Bloody discharge when blowing the nose. Profuse catarrhal discharge of burning water. Fluent, burning coryza out-door's; nose stopped up in-doors. Chronic stoppage, also of one nostril. Dry ulcers or scabs in nose. Swelling and inflammation of nose; red nose. Suphuric acid. GNosebleed; oozing of dark,thin blood; evenings; worse from smelling coffee; of old people. Coryza, alternately dry and fluent, with loss of smell and taste, hunger, sore eyes and ten- sion in forehead. ♦Tellurium. ♦Fluent coryza, lachrymation,and hoarseness, when 168 CHAPTER VII. -NOSH walking in the open air, also short cough and pressure under sternum. ♦Theridion. ♦Chronic catarrh; discharge offensive smelling,thick yellow, or yellowish-green. ^Sneezing; watery discharge, worse evening. Thuja occ -Smell in nose, as of fish-brine. Coryza, fluent out- doors,dry in the room. Blows out much thick, green mucus, mixed with blood and pus; later brown scabs; nose sore; red eruption on the alae, often moist. Painful scabs in nostrils. Trillium. °Profuse epistaxis, passive. Varatrum alb. Smell before the nose as from manure or from smoke. Nose grows more pointed, seems longer; face cold, icy cold; mouth cold. Epistaxis: right-sided, only at night in sleep; face deathly pale, body cold, intermittent. Boring in the nose. Nose inside feels too dry. Zincum met. Nose dry; brain affected. Coryza with hoarseness and burning in chest. Nose feels sore internally. Swelling of one side of nose, with loss of smell. Zingiber. Sneezing and ineffectual attempts. Watery coryza, right side,then left, more in open air. Dryness and obstruction in posterior nares, with discharge of thick mucus. Ozaena. REPERTORY. Blisters on—rhus. Blowing, constant need of—sticta. Boring or rubbing nose—♦cina, hell., lye, nat. s., selen.,squill., ver. a. Cancer—euphr., kreos. Catarrh—acet. a., aib, bell., kali chlor., berb., bry., calc. c, calc. phos., dulc, ferr. phos., ipec, kali c, kreos., lye, nat m., nat. s., nux m., psor., puis., sul. Acute—illicium ani. Chronic—alum., cist., iod., kreos., nat. m., puis., selen., sib, sub, ♦therid. Cold—ars., caps., eup. perf., ferr. phos., graph., kali i.,nat.m., nat. s., nux m., sang., sib, sticta. Color of nose, red—♦alum., apis, aur., belb, borax, carb. an., gels., graph., kali c, kali i., lach., lith., mag. m., mere, mere cor., nat. e, nit. a., phos.,.phos. a., ranunc, rhus, stann., sul. Condylomata—nit. a. chapter vii.—nose i8g Coryza, discharge—aeon., aescul., aib, ♦am. c, am. m., arg. n., baryt, belb, brom., calcc, carb. ani., carb. v., cepa, colch.,dulc, eup. perf., ferr., gels., graph., hep. s., ♦hydras., kali bi., kali n., lach., mag. m., mar. v., ♦mere, mere b. i , mere cor., mez., mur. a., nat. e, nat. m., nit. a., nux v., selen., sib, staph., zinc. Acrid—♦am.m.,♦arum, ♦cepa, ferr., kali i., kalin., *lyc, mag.m., mur. a., nit. a., ♦nux v., phyt., sib, squill. Black—croc, kali i., nit. a., nux m. Bland—♦euphr., puis. Bloody—♦aib, am. c., am. m., apis, arg. m., arg. n., arum, belb, caps., caust., croc, ferr., graph., hydras., kali bi., kalic, ♦kali i., kali n., kreos., lach.,mere,mere b.i., nat. c, nit. a., paris, phos., phos. a., sepia, selen., sib, sul., thuj. Burning—am. c, ars., ham., hydras., sul. Clear —nat. m. Copious—♦aib, alum., ♦cepa, spig., thuj. Corroding—am. m., ♦arum, ♦brom., mag. m., ♦mere,, nit. a., squill. Dry—aeon., alum., ant. c, aur., calc. c, carb. an., carb. v., caust., cinch., colch., dulc, iod., kali c, kreos., mag. c, nit. a., phos., ♦puis., sepia, sib, spig., stann., sticta, sul. a., thuj. Excoriating—♦ars.,♦arum, gels., graph., ham., hydras., kali bi., mez., mur. a., phyt., sil. Fetid—agar., apis, aur., calc. c, graph., iod., kali c, mag. m., mere, nat. c, nit. a., puis. Fluent—aeon., aescul., aib, alum., ant. c, ♦arg. m., ars., arum, belb, borax, brom., bry., calc. c, calc. ph., camph., carb. an., caust, cepa, cham., ♦euphr., iod., ign., kali bi., kali c, kreos., ♦mere, ♦mere cor., mez., nat. e, nat. m., nat. s.,*nux v., petrol., phos., ♦puis., rumex, sang., sepia, sib, spig., spong., squill., ♦sub, sub a., ♦tell., thuj. Glue-like—mere cor. Green—alum., berb.. borax, bry., ferr., kali bi., kali e, ♦kali i., kreos., mere, nat. c., nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., paris, phos., psor., ♦puis., rhus, sepia, ♦therid., thuj. Hard—alum., kali bi. Ichorous—♦aib, ♦ars., ♦arum, cepa, ♦lye, rhus. Jelly-like—selen. Mucus, phlegm—alum., ant. c, apis, ars., aur., baryt., berb., borax, canth., caps., graph.,kali chlor., kali i., kali n.,lith., mag.m., mere b. i., ♦nat. c, nat. m., nit. a., nux v., paris, petrol., phos., phos. a., phyt, plumb., psor., ♦puis., rhus, rumex, selen., spig., thuj., zing. Offensive—arg. n., asaf., belb, graph., kali bi., ♦kali i., ♦puis., rhus, spig., ♦sub, ♦therid. Opaque—puis. Profuse—agar., ♦cepa, ♦euphr., hydras.,kali bi., ♦nux v., phos., sul. Purulent—arg. n., berb., calc. c, con., ferr., graph., hydras., ♦kali bi., lach., mere, mur. a., petrol., rhus, thuj. Ropy—kali bi. i go CHAPTER VII.—NOSE Coryza continued. Slimy—ferr., nat. m. Sour-smelling—alum. Starchy—nat. m. Suppressed—aeon., aib, bell. Tasteless—paris. Tenacious—canth., colch., croc, graph., hydras., ♦kali i., paris, spong. Thick—alum., apis, arum, baryt, borax, caps., croc, graph., hydras., lye, mur. a., nat. e', petrol., puis., rhus, selen., spong., ♦therid., thuj. Thin—aescul., ♦aib, caps., colch., mur. a., phyt., plumb. Tough—graph., kali bi., plumb., psor. Violent—aeon., ♦arg. m., kali i., ♦lye, ♦nit. a., staph., ♦sub Viscid—cham., spong. Watery—aescul., agar., am. c, ♦am. m., ♦ars., berb., bry., ♦cepa, cham., gels., graph., ham., hydras., ill. a., kali i., lach., mag. m., nat. m., nit. a., phyt, secale, sub, therid., zinc. White—apis, arg. n., aur., berb., kali chlor., mere b. i., paris. Yellow—alum., ♦arum, baryt., berb., calc. e, cic, graph., kalic, ♦kali i., lye, mag. m., mere b. i., mur. a., nat. c, nit. a., phos., psor., ♦puis., rhus, rumex, selen., sepia, ♦therid. Dryness—abrot., aescul., aib, ars., baryt., belb, berb., calc. c, colch., graph., hell., iod., kali bi., lith., lye, mez., nat. m., nuxm., petrol., phos., rumex, sib, sticta, ver. a., zinc, zing. Eczema—cist. Epistaxis, nosebleed—♦abrot., acet. a., agar., ♦am. c, am. m., ant. c, arg.m., arg. n., ♦arn.,ars., baryt., bell., berb., borax, brom., ♦bry., calc. c, calc. phos., canth., caps., ♦carb. an., carb. v., caust., cham., cic, cina, .cinch., coff., colch., con., ♦croc, dulc, ferr., ferr. phos., graph., ♦ham., hep. s., hydras., ipec, kali bi., kali e, kali i., kali n., kali phos., kreos., lach., mag. c, ♦mere, ♦mill., mur. a., nat. m., nat. s., ♦nit. a., nux m., nux v., petrol., phos., phos. a., puis., rhus, rumex, sang., ♦secale, sepia, sib, spig., spong., sul. a., trill., ver. a. Bright red—aeon., ipec, kreos. Dark—kali bi., lach., mere, nux m., secale, selen., sul. a. Venous, vicarious—♦ham. Erysipelas—canth., plumb. Eruptions—cist., eupr., lach.,mag. c, mere b. i., mur. a., nat. e, plumb., psor., rhus, sepia, spig., squill., sub, thuj. Freckles—mur. a., phos., ^sul Herpes—lach., nat. c, spig. Inflammation—asaf., canth., cist., hep. s., ♦kali bi., kali n. nat. m., nux v., phos., plumb., psor., ranunc, sepia, sub Influenza—caps., eup. pert, sticta. See "Cold." Lupus—kreos. Odor, objective—♦asaf., graph., ham., kali bi., ♦kali i., mar. v. CHAPTER VII.—NOSE IQI nux v., phos. a., plumb., psor., ♦puis., sepia, ♦sub, thuj., ver. a. GEdematous—♦apis. Ozaena—aur., calc. c., calc fl., calc. phos., hydras., mar. v., mere cor., nat. s., nit. a., sang., zinc. Pains—alum , ant. c, aur., belb, bry., cist., euphr., graph., hep.s., iod., rumex, sepia, sib, sticta, thuj. Boring—aur., psor., ver. a. Bruised—arn. Burning—aescul., am. c, ♦ars., aur., belb, caps., ham., hydras., kali c, ♦kali i., mag. m., nit. a., psor., ♦sub Gnawing—sil. Pressing—♦kali bi., mag. c, sticta. Raw—aescul., aib, ♦arum, hydras., mere b.i., mere cor., ♦puis. Smarting—♦ars., aur., ill. a., mere cor. Sore—alum., am. m., ♦ant. c, ♦ars., ♦arum, aur., borax^ ♦brom., calc c, calc. phos., colch., gels., ♦graph., hep. s., hydras., kali c, kali n., lith., mag. m., mez., mur. a., nat. m., ♦nit. a., ♦puis., sepia, sib, ♦sub, thuj.,zinc. Stinging—aescul., kali c., psor., squill. Stitches—aur., ill. a., ♦nit. a. Tearing—aescul. Tender to touch—alum., am. m., ♦aur., bry., carb. an., hep. s., kali i., mag. m., ♦mere, nat. c, nat. m., ♦nit. a., ♦phos., sil. Throbbing—borax, kali bi., kali i., kreos. Tingling—♦arn., caps., cepa, gels., mar. v., psor., sticta. Ulcerative—am. m., bry. Parts. Bones—asaf., aur., eup. perf., ♦kali bi., kali i., kali n., mere, mere b. i. Bridge—ars., euphr., ♦ham. Choanae, infundibulum—selen., staph. Dorsum—canth., hep. s., nit. a., phos. a. Frontal sinuses—ferr., lye Nostrils—aib, alum., am. m., ♦ars., aur., belb, berb., carb. v., cepa, graph., hell., ♦kali i., lach., ant. c, ♦nux v., sepia, stann., sul. Agglutinated—aur. Bloody—kali c., mere Boils in—borax, carb. an. Chapped or cracked—alum., ♦ant. c, ♦ars., ♦arum., carb. an., graPh- Crusty—am.m., ♦ant c, aur., borax, con., graph., kali c, lith., mere b. i., nit. a., phos., rhus, sepia, sil. Margins—am. m., brom., calc. phos., gels., phos. Obstructions—alum., am.m., ars., aur., calc. c, kali bi., kali c, lith., mag. c, mag. m., ♦mar. v., nat. c, ♦nit a., ♦nux v., rumex, selen., sib, zing. 192 CHAPTER VII.—NOSE Nostrils continued. Plugs—♦kali bi., psor., sepia. Raw—arum, mere cor. Scabs in—aib, baryt, ferr., graph., kali bi., lach., mez., nat.m., ranunc, sepia, staph., sticta, sub, thuj. Scurfs in—alum., baryt., cic, kali n., lye, mag. m., mere, phos. a. Stopped or stuffed—♦am. c, am. m., ant. c, ars., ♦arum.,calcc, calc. phos., carb. an., caust., cham., cina, gels., graph., ham., ipec, ♦lye, mar. v., mere cor., nat. e, nat. m., nat. s., nux m., ♦nux v., paris, phos., phyt., ♦puis., secale, sib, spong., stann., staph., sub, thuj. Ulcers in—arg. n., ♦aur., belb, calc. c, graph., ♦kali bi.,mag.m., nat. e, nat. s., nit. a., phos., sang., sepia, sib, staph., sub Posterior nares—aescul., aur., baryt, canth., ferr., hydras., kali bi.,'kali n., mere b. i., mere cor., nat. m., nit. a., petrol., phos., plumb., rumex, spig., zinc. Root of—alum., calc. e, gels., ♦kali bi., ♦kali i.,lye,mez.,mill., nat. c, paris, petrol., sticta. Schneiderian or mucous membrane—agar., ♦kali bi., lach.,phos., sib, sticta. Septum—alum., colch., hydras., ♦kali bi., mere cor., psor. Side, Left—am. m., ♦arum., berb., carb. v., cist, hydras., kali bi., kreos., nat. m., phos., sepia. Right—ars., cepa, hydras., kali bi., kreos., lith., ♦lye, mag. e, mere b. i., sang., sticta., ver. a., zing. Tip of—♦alum., am. c, arn., aur., belb, borax, bry., calc. phos., caps., carb. an., caust., cist., ill. a., kali n., nat. e, nit. a., rhus, sepia, sil. Wings, alae—♦arum, calc. phos., caust., hydras., iod., kreos., lye, mag. m., mere b. i., nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., phos., plumb., ♦puis., selen., thuj. Picks—♦arum, selen. Pimples—caust., euphr., mur. a., nat. e Polypi—calc. c,calc phos., cepa, kali n., ♦mar. v., phos., sang. Pointed—carb. v., hell., spong., ver. a. Puffiness-—rhus. Pustules—psor. Scurfs—cic, phos. a. Snuffles—lye, nux v. Sensations—aib, am. m.,asaf., cham., gels., ham., hydras., iod., psor., stann. Cold—arn., calc. phos., cist., hydras., plumb., sib, spong. Crawling—arg. m., borax, carb. v., cham., colch., ham., nu> v. Fullness—gels., ♦kali i., paris, phos., sticta. Heat—caps., cham., ill. a., mere b. i., spig. Heaviness—kreos., stann., sticta. Itching—aib, am. m., arg. m., aur., belb, caust, cepa, cina, CHAPTER VII.--NOSE 193 hep. s., hydras., kali c, kali s , selen., sib, spig., squill., ♦sub Numbness-—asaf., nat. m. Tension—asaf., borax, ranunc. Tickling—arg. m., berb., caps., carb. v., hydras., kali bi., spig. Sensitiveness—aescul., agar., alum., am. m., aur., bry., carb. an., cic, hep. s., hydras., kali bi., kali n., mag. m., mere, nat. c, nat. m., nit. a., phos., psor., rhus, sil. Smell—♦ars., aur., belb, berb., calc. ph., nux v., sang., thuj. Acute—♦aeon., cinch., coff., colch., can.,♦graph., hep. s., phcs.a., ver. a. Blood—psor. Loss of—aib, am. m., carb. an., graph., iod., ipec, kali bi., kali n., mag. m., mere cor., nat. c, nat. m., psor., ♦puis., rhus, sang., sepia, sib, sticta, sul. a., zinc. Offensive—arg.n., ars., aur., belb, calc. c, ham., kali i., kreos., nit. a., ♦puis., sepia, ver. a. Putrid—aur., calc. c. Sensitive—agar., aur., ♦belb, cepa, cham., coff., graph., ham., lye, nux m., nux v., phos., sepia, stann. Want of—aur., phos. Weak or diminished—alum., arg. n., hell., kalic, mez., puis. Shiny—mere, phos. Sneezing—agar., alum., am. m., ♦arg. m., arg. n., ♦arn., ars., arum, aur., baryt, belb, berb., borax, brom., bry., calc. c, calc.ph., caps., carb. an., carb. v., caust., ♦cepa, cham., cic, cina, cinch., cist., colch., con., croc, euphr., gels., graph., ham., hell., hydras, ill. a., iod., kali b. i., kali c, kreos., lach., mar. v., ♦mere, mere b. i., mez., nat. e, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., nux m.,*nux v., petrol., phos., psor., ♦plus., rhus, rumex, sang., secale, sepia, sib, spong., squill., staph., ♦sub, therid., zing. Ineffectual irritation to—cham., mez., nat. m., zing. Syphilis—kali i., lach., nat. s., nit. a. Swelling—alum., am. m., ♦apis, arn., ♦ars., asaf., aur., baryt., borax, bry., calcc, calc. phos., cist., graph., hep. s., iod., kali bi., kali c, kali i., kali n., lith., ♦lye, mag. m., ♦mere, mere b. i., mere cor., nat. m., nit. a., petrol., ♦phos., ranunc, sepia, sib, stann., sub, zinc. Tumors—carb an. Twitching—bry. Warts—caust. CHAPTER VIII.-FACE. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Face wrinkled, as if old—marasmus. Comedones with emaciation. °Face feels cold. Absinthium. °Foolish look. Makes grimaces in epilepsy. Rush of blood to face. ♦Acetic acid. ♦Left cheek very red with the fever—croup. °Anx- ious,wild expression of countenance. Pale, waxed, emaciated. ♦Aconitum. ♦Sensation of face growing large. Neuralgia of the trigeminus,left side face red and hot, restlessness, anguish, rolling about, screaming. °Anxious expression. Face: red and pale alter- nately; one cheek red, the other pale, livid,lips black; bloated, un- equally red. General heat and redness of the face, following cold- ness and sunken look of the same. On rising the red face turns deathly pale. Sensation as if muscles were firmly but not spas- modically contracted, numbness, heavy feeling of the whole face. ♦Actaea spicata. ♦Pains as of rheumatism in the face. ♦^Ethusa. ♦A drawn condition, beginning at the alae nasi, and extending to the angle of the mouth, giving the face an expression of great anxiety and pain. °Face puffed, spotted red; pale. ♦Agaricus. ♦Twitching of the facial muscles °Tearing in face and jaw bones. Puffy, pale blue under eyes, nose and lips blue. Redness, with itching burning, as from freezing. Agnus cast. °Corrosive itching on the cheeks. Erysipelas on the left cheek, spreading from nose over face and head. Ailantus. -Heat and redness of the face; mahogany color. Chronic speckled, spotted face; a kind of acne. Irregular red spots of capillary congestion, like with drunkards. Itching of the leftside of face; puffed, erysipelatous face. Countenance indicating distress- great prostration. Alumina. °Gloomy, pale, or alternately red and pale. Itching of various parts of the face. Tension of the skin of the face as though white of egg had dried on it. Bloated places like bulbous excrescences. Blood-boils on face and nose. 1!M CHAPTER VIII.—FACE 195 Ambra. cFlushes of heat in face. Tearing in upper part of face, particularly near right alae nasi. Pimples and itching in the ■whiskers. Painful swelling of cheeks and upper jaw, with throb- bing in gums. Jaundiced color of face. Ammonium carb. °Heat in face: with red cheeks; during mental exertion; during and after dinner. Redness of left cheek. Pale, bloated face. Hard swelling pf the cheek, also of the parotid and cervical glands. Pustulous eruption on forehead, cheeks, chin. Small boils and indurations, emitting water and blood, on the cheeks, at the corner of the mouth, and on chin. Freckles. ♦Amyl nit. ♦Flushing of the face; face scarlet, afterward paler than usual. Flushing of the face followed by turgidity of the facial veins. Great heat and redness of the face, with sensation as though the blood would start through skin. Anacardium. °Pale, wan looking; blue rings around the eyes. White, scaly herpes on right cheek, near the upper lip. ♦Antimonium crud. ♦Suppurating and long lasting eruption on cheeks. -Yellow crusted eruption on left cheek, painful to touch and easily detached. Eruption like nettle rash. Pimples,pustules, and boils on the face. Heat and itching on cheeks. Twitches of facial muscles. Face red; sad expression, pale. ♦Antimonium tart. ♦Face: pale, sunken; pale, puffed, with coma, bluish. Tearing pain in the whole side of face, even head and neck of that side—crheumatic toothache. Burning heat of face. Cold sweat on face. Warm sweat on forehead and head, from efforts to vomit. Convulsive twitches in almost every muscle of the face. ♦Apis. ♦Erysipelas of the face. OZdematous swelling of the face; waxy pale. Expression-: happy, pleasant; of terror; apathetic; features distorted,face dark and much swollen; sunken.pale, sickly. Face: pale, sallow; dark red; red and hot, with burning and pierc- ing, more right side. Burning cheeks with cold feet. Stinging pain in malar bone. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Face sunken, pale, bluish; leaden colored; old looking, ashen; yellow, dirty looking; °circumscribed red cheeks. Left side swollen, with great heat and burning; lips much swollen. During an attack of prosopalgia, sour taste. Infra-orbital neuralgia, left side. ♦Arnica. +Red swelling of the right cheek, with throbbing and 196 CHAPTER VIII. — PACE pinching pain; swollen lips, and great heat in the head with cold body. °Pale, sunken; yellow; red, swollen. Redness and burning of one cheek. Dry heat in the face towards evening, without thirst;, nose cold. ♦Arsenicum. ♦OZdematous swelling of the face. Burning,stinging pains, as from red-hot needles. Cancerous ulcers on the face; scalding; burning pain. -Expression anxious, but not wild; dis- tressed; of suffering; of mental agony; surly; wild; hippocratic; sunken. Appearance very pale; yellow, waxy; gray; earthy; livid bluish; flushed; red and swollen. Twitching of facial muscles. Tearing in left half of face. Pimples and vesicles with acrid dis- charge; itching, burning; worse at night, in cold air; better in warmth. Arum tri. °Heat in face afternoons with coryza. Swollen, bloated face—scarlatina. ♦Asterias. ♦Redness of the face. Aurum met. °Bloated, glossy, worse from mental exertion; cyanotic. Drawing, tearing in the left side of face. Swelling of one cheek with drawing and tearing in upper and lower jaws; teeth feel too long. Inflammation of bones of face; caries of cheek bones; tearing, boring, burning stitches in the zygoma. Violent tearing in the malar bone. Fine eruption on lips, face and forehead. ♦Baptisia. ♦Face flushed, dusky, hot; dark red, with a besotted expression. °Burning, prickling of left side of face and head. Cheeks burn. Face and whole head feel numb. Muscles of jaw rigid. Baryta carb. °Face pale, puffed. Sensation as if face were swollen. Sensation as from a cobweb over the face,temples, forehead, scalp. Rough, dry place on right cheek. ♦Belladonna. ♦Face glowing, red and hot; swollen and hot. Convulsive movements of the muscles of face and mouth. '-Red and hot, or pale and cold; mottled red; swollen and hot. Sen- sation of burning heat in whole face, without redness of cheeks or with marked thirst,body warm, feet cold. Scraping, itching of fore- head. Neuralgic pains, commencing under left orbit and running back to the ear. Violent shooting in right maxillary joint, extend- ing to the ear, when chewing. Cutting, tearing pain, mostly right side. Shooting from side of face up to temple, into the ear and down to the nape of neck; worse from touch and motion; hard pressure sometimes relieves. CHAPTER VIII.--FACE 197 Benzoic acid. GCoppery spots on face. Face red with little blisters. . Burning heat of the face, or of one side. Circumscribed redness. Tension in one side of the face. Numb feeling in the face. Symptoms relieved by external heat, by pressure or friction. Cold sweat on face. Berberis aqui folia. c Roughness of skin of face. Pimples, pustules, scabs, acne on the face, especially in women with men- strual disorders. Borax. Anxious face during downward motion. Sickly, pale, earthy color of face. Swelling, heat and redness in the face, with tearing pain in the malar bone. Sensation on right side of face, by the mouth, as if cobwebs lay there. Bromium. °Face pale or red,or alternately so; bluish tinge turn- ing purplish, with the cough in croup. Grayish earthy complex- ion. Heat in cheeks, first in right, later in left. Sensation of spider web on face. ♦Bryonia. ♦Hot, red, soft puffiness of the face. Nodosities and indurations of the face. GFace bluish-red with difficult inspira- tion. Pinching pressure in articular cavity of right jaw,more violent on motion. Twitching, tearing in right malar bone up to right temple, externally, sore to touch. Cactus grand. -Face blue, cold sweat, face flushed. Prosopalgia right-sided, chronic; worse from slightest exertion, tolerable only when lying still in bed; brought on by wine, music, strong light or missing dinner at the usual hour. Caladium. -Heat in the face. Sensation of a spider's web stick- ing here and there. Flies are attracted to the head and face. Calcarea carb. Face pale, bloated, blue rings around the eyes; yellow; pale, thin; old, wrinkled, with retarded dentition. Face feels as if it were swollen. Rending pains in facial bones. Itching and eruption in face and in whiskers. Moist, scurfy eruption on cheeks and forehead, with burning pain. Calcarea phos. °(Faceache [neuralgic, rheumatic], commences, or is worse,at night. Freckles are generally lessened by it.— Schussler.) Calcarea sulf. c (Swelling of cheek if suppuration threatens.— Schussler.) Camphora. -Face red,with warmth of body; bluish and pinched, deathly pale, with crawling?: pal-, distorted and sunken; pale and jq8 CHAPTER VIII.--FACE haggard; pale and livid; cold. Wild, staring, unconscious look. Cold sweat on face, with vomiting. Erysipelatous red cheeks and ear lobes. ♦Cannabis ind. ♦Drowsy and stupid look. Wearied, exhausted appearance. Pale face. Tense feeling in the facial muscles. Skin of face, especially of forehead and chin, feels as if drawn tight. Capsicum. -Cheeks red, not hot, changing with paleness. Pain in the face, worse from touch, and in the evening—faceache. Eruption on face and forehead with corrosive itching. Carbo ani. Face has a cachectic appearance; looks earthy. Heat in face and head in afternoon. Erysipelas of face. Copper-colored eruption. Acne; young scrofulous persons. Shooting and stitches in malar bone, especially left, running towards the ear. ♦Carbo veg. ♦Face: very pale; grayish-yellow; greenish; hip- pocratic Cold sweat on face. Face cold, tongue cold; contracted. Cheeks red and covered with cold sweat. Tearing in left cheek. Jerking,tearing in right upper maxilla. Facial and maxillary bones sore. Caulophyllum. G"Moth spots" on forehead with, leucorrhcea. Causticum. °Face yellow; sickly looking. Neuralgia; right side; worse at night; chilly, no thirst; scanty menses. Pimples on left cheek, with severe itching. Paralysis of one side of face. ♦Chamomilla. ♦Redness of one cheek, -the other pale; pale, sunken, distorted by pain; yellow; bloated. Burning in face. Left cheek swollen. Neuralgia of the face; the pain causes hot sweat about the head and extorts screams. ♦Chelidonium. ♦Yellow color of the face, especially of the fore- head, nose, cheeks and whites of eyes. Cheeks dark, reddish-yel- low. cExpression: anxious, disturbed; sickly. Right cheek bones feel as if swollen. Violent tearing in maxillary antrum. Flushes of heat in face. Cicuta. Face deathly pale and cold: red: bluish, puffed up. Distortions of the face, either horrible or ridiculous. Convulsions of the facial muscles. Dark-red pimples on the face and hands, come with burning pain, coalesce. Burning, suppurating, confluent eruptions of the face. Herpes on the face. Cimicifuga. Wild, fearful expression. Pale face; eyes large and sunken; surrounded by dark rings. Forehead feels cold; deathly pale. Neuralgia affecting malar bone, pain goes off at night, re- CHAPTER VIII. —FACE 199 appears next day. Frequent flushes of heat; wants to be in the open air. ♦Cina. ♦Pale face, with sickly look about the eyes; pale and cold. White and bluish about the mouth. uDark rings around the eyes. Pain as if both malar bones were pressed together, with pinchers; worse from external pressure. Cinchona. Face hot when entering a room from open air. Veins of face distended. Face red, during fever; hollow, or livid, with atrophy; pale blue around the eyes; earthy; gray, yellow, or black: hippocratic Neuralgia, periodical attacks; pains excessive; skin sensitive to least touch; part feels weak; face alternately red and pale; pains from left to right; mostly infra-orbital and maxillary branches. Cistus. Flushes of heat in the face. Vesicular erysipelas. Heat and burning in bones. Sharp, shooting, intolerable itching, and thick crusts, with burning in the right zygoma. Colchicum. ^Doleful, sad expression; sunken; risus sardonicus; cadaverous looking; pale; yellow spotted; cheeks red and hot; cov- ered with sweat. OZdematous swelling of the face. Pain and swelling from a decayed tooth; tongue furred. Tearing and tensive pains in the facial muscles, moving from one location to another. Drawing in the bones of face or nose; sensation as if they were being rent asunder. Tingling in the skin of the face, as after be- ing frosted. Colocynthis. -Face dark red;or pale, with relaxed muscles and sunken eyes. Tensive, tearing pain, with heat and swelling, especially of left side,worse from touch or motion,better in perfect rest, and from external application of warmth. Left-sided tearing or burning,stinging pain,extending to the ear and head. Constric- tion and pressing in the left malar bone,extending into the left eye. Transient stitches in the upper jaw, recurring frequently. Tearing in cheeks. Conium. °Earthy, yellow; pale; purply bloated. Stinging, tear- ing faceache, at night. Moist and spreading herpes, on the face. Crocus. -Yellowish, earthy color of face. Cuprum met. "Expression: sad, depressed; of suffering; of pros- tration. Face very red, eyelids closed and balls constantly rotating; blue; pale; grayish, dirty; sunken features, pinched; icy cold. Cyclamen. °Pale face. Pimples soon filling with whitish-yel- low lymph and then shriveling. Drawing together of forehead. 200 CHAPTER VIII. — FACE Digitalis. Face bluish-red; pale; of death-like appearance. Dulcamara. Complexion pale, watery or milky. Face pale, with circumscribed red cheeks. Faceache and asthma, after disap- pearance of tetters in the face. Humid eruptions on cheeks. Face bloated—dropsy. Thick, brown-yellow crusts on face, forehead and chin,crusta lactea. ♦Ephorbium. ♦Erysipelatous, inflamed swelling of the cheek with vesicles large as peas, filled with yellow liquid. Euphrasia. cRedness and heat of the face. Rash in the face, itching in the warmth, becoming red and burning when moistened. Stiffness of the left cheek when talking or chewing, with sensation of heat and stitches therein. ♦Ferrum met. ♦Fiery redness of the face; veins large; conges- tion to head. cFace ashy pale or greenish; it becomes bright-red, with pain and other symptoms. Blue rings around eyes, which are dull, lusterless. Face pale with red spots. Face feels as if swollen and bloated. Yellow spots on face. Face pale, collapsed, or ex- pressionless, stiff and stupid; pneumonia. Neuralgia after cold wash- ing and over-heating. Ferric phos. -(Cheek swollen, pain, congestion,throbbing heat, first remedy. Faceache with flushing heat, worse moving. Flushed face, headache, fullness in head; recurring headaches,and sensation of coldness at nape of neck. Tic-douloureux, congestive or inflam- matory; the pain is beating, stitching, burning; soreness and intol- erable pressing.— Schussler. j Fluoric acid. cPale face. Heat in face, wants to wash it in cold water. Tubercles in skin of forehead and face, suppurating— syphilis infantum. Gelsemium. Expression heavy, dull, drowsy. Face red, yellow, jaundiced; pale, sickly look. Muscles of face, especially around the mouth, seem contracted, making speech difficult. Orbital neu- ralgia in distinct paroxysms, with contractions and twitchings of the muscles on the affected side. Glonoinum. Flushed, hot, especially about the eyes and fore- head, with headache; livid, purple; alternately flushed and pale; pale during heat, in sun-stroke, congestion to brain, etc Sweat on the face. Faceache, muscles twitch, even unconsciousness; breath- ing stertorous; faceache worse in heat of bed. Masseter muscles affected. Sudden neuralgic pains from decayed tooth, concentrat- ing in temple; head heavy, but cannot lay it on the pillow. CHAPTER VIII.—FACE 20 I ♦Graphites. ♦Constant sensation of a cobweb on the face. Itch- ing pimples on the face, moist after scratching. Moist eczema in the face, especially on the chin and around the mouth. °Pale; pale and haggard; pale and bloated; chlorotic; flushed. Erysipelas: of both sides of face, with burning, stinging pain; of the cheeks, preceded by alternating chills and heat; of left cheek; after mal- application of iodium; of face from smell of wood; commencing on right side and going to left. Rhagades on the cheek, running like radii to the corners of the mouth; an infiltrated spot on the cheek is covered with dry scales. Scabs on face, skin dry; constipated, large stools. Freckles. Hair of whiskers or beard falls out. Helleborus. -Face red,hot, or pale; pale,oedematous,distorted; pale, sunken, icy cold; livid with cold sweat. Forehead and face wrinkled. Stupid expressions. Left-sided neuralgia; parts so ten- der cannot chew. Hepar sulph. °Yellow color of face,with blue rings around the eyes. Heat and redness of the face. Erysipelatous swelling of the cheeks in the morning. Bones of face painful to touch. Boils very painful to touch. Eruptions scurfy, and very painful to touch. Hydrastis. GExpression weary, dull, skin pale, or yellow-white. Erysipelatous eruption, following flushes of heat. Hyoscyamus. °Face flushed dark-red, bloated; cold and pale; distorted, stupid expression; muscles twitch; makes grimaces; blu- ish, mouth wide open; approaching cerebral paralysis, in typhus. ♦Hypericum. ♦Face hot, bloated—meningitis. °Expression of suffering. Cheeks red, erysipelatous redness. Dull faceache, ach- ing in brows; afternoon; evening; worse at night, disturbing sleep. Headache, extending into zygoma or cheek. Red eruption on both cheeks, chin and nose; sometimes dry,with thin crusts; some- times fiery red; oozing yellow drops. Ignatia. -Convulsive twitchings of muscles of face. Alternate redness and paleness of face. Redness and heat of one cheek and ear. Face clay:colored and sunken,with blue rings around the eyes. Iodium. "Face pale, yellow,or soon changing to brown; sallow, distressed, pale,alternating with red. Convulsive twitchings of the facial muscles. Coldness of the face in very fleshy children. Ipecacuanha. 'Face pale, bloated; livid; yellow; deathly pale, eyes sunken, and with blue margins. Convulsive muscular twitch- ings. Rash. 202 CHAPTER VIII. — FACE Iris. Neuralgia, involving supra and infra-orbital, superior maxillary and inferior dental nerves; begins after breakfast every morning, with a stupid stunning headache, copious urine; disposi- tion to stool; burning at the anus. Sunken eyes, with blueness around them. Kali bichrom. -Face pale, yellowish; red, in blotches. Bones of face sensitive, painful as if bruised. Shooting pain in left upper maxillary bone towards ear. Kali chlor. °(Cheek swollen. Faceache with swelling of gums or cheek. Pimples pn face, neck, etc., caused by disturbed action of follicular glands. — Schussler.) Kali carb. cRed and hot; one cheek hot, the other cold; purple, bloated; dark-red during cough, otherwise pale; also sickly; sal- low; gray, yellow. Face bloated in the morning. Stinging in the cheeks; tearing stitches from a molar into the forehead, eyes and temples. Freckles. Kali iod. ^-Swelling of face and tongue,especially after mercury. Darting and stinging in the face—coryza. Kali sulf. °(Faceache, aggravated in warm room, better in cool, open air.—Schussler.) Kalmia. ^Face red, with throbbing headache. Anxious ex- pression of countenance—rheumatism of heart. Flushing of the face, with vertigo—neuralgia. Prosopalgia, right-sided; pains rending, agonizing, stupefying or threatening delirium. Face at night itches. Roughness of cheeks during every summer. Kreosotum. -Sick, suffering expression. Old look of children. Complexion earthy, pale, green, with swelling of cervical glands; pale; bloated; coppery appearance. Face cold, of pale, blue tinge, especially on temples and around nose and mouth. Flushes of heat, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Face hot cheeks red, feet cold Acne in the face. Lachesis. °Flushes of heat in drunkards. Expression of pain with sopor. Features distorted. Livid, gray complexion, with abdominal complaints or ague. Face pale, with fainting; dizzy with headache. Yellow complexion, with vermilion redness of the cheeks. Red face as in apoplexy; bloated red face,with headache- pains in the limbs, stomach, etc. Erysipelas of the face with burning and itching, worse after siesta; with hammering headache. Neuralgia, left side, orbital; rising of heat to the face before and weak feeling in the abdomen after the attack. CHAPTER VIII.—FACE 203 Lachnantes. °Yellow face. Circumscribed red face, 1 to 8 a. m., violent delirium, eyes brilliant—pneumonia. Redness of face. Face swollen with redness and blueness under the eyes. Pale,sickly countenance; face and lips light blue, eyes dull, feel thick and cold. Tearing in temples down into cheeks. Tearing, pressing in left cheek toward eyes. Sensation as if something were crawling on the face. Laurocerasus. °Sunken face, with livid, gray-yellow complexion; blue, with gasping; bloated; idiotic expression of face—chorea. Twitching and convulsions of the facial muscles. Titillation in the face, as if flies and spiders were crawling over the skin. Eruption around the mouth. Ledum. GPimples and blood-boils on the forehead. Face alter- nately pale and red; bloated. Scaly, dry herpes in the face, burn- ing in the open air. Glandular swelling under the chin. Tetter- like, crusty eruption around nose and mouth, with itching, smart- ing and burning. Lobelia inf. -Neuralgia of left side of face and temples, with retarded menses. Flushes of heat, or heat of the face. Sweat on the face, with nausea. Chilly feeling in left cheek, near ear, ex- tending to lower jaw. Cyanosis—emphysema. ♦Lycopodium. ♦Yellowish-gray color of face. GSilly expression. Copper-colored eruptions on forehead. Face pale, with circum- scribed red cheeks; yellow with deep furrows; blue circles around the eyes, blue lips. Flushes of heat in face. Spasmodic twitching of the facial muscles. GZdema of the face. Eruption on the face, humid, suppurating. Freckles. Magnesia carb. cFace pale, earthy; alternately red and pale. Tension on the face as if the white of an egg had dried on it. Nightly tearing, digging and boring in malar bone, insufferable during rest,and driving one from place to place. Swelling of the malar bone with pulsating pain. Hard nodosities,bloatedness and swelling of the face. Magnesia mur. °Pale yellow complexion. Severe cramp pains in the bones of the face. Eruptions on the face and forehead. Magnesium phos. °(Neuralgic or rheumatic faceache, stinging, shooting like lightning, darting about; and remittent.—Schussler.) ♦Manganum. ♦Suffering expression; face pale and sunken. -Twitching stitches from the lower jaw to the temples, when laughing. 234 CHAPTER VIII. — FACE ♦Mercurius. ♦Pale, yellow: earthy; puffy, red and hot cheeks; pale and sunken. Yellow, dirty scurf, with fetid discharge, itching and bleeding when scratched. Tearing in the face; lacerating pains; salivation; from cold or caries of the teeth. Swelling of one (right) side of face, with heat and toothache. Pimples with bluish-red areola; no itching. Mercurius cor. °Swelling and turning up of the upper lip: dark- red, swollen lip. Face and cheeks swollen, hard, red, bloated. Paleness of the distorted face. Gidematous swelling of the face. Yellow color of face. ♦Mezereum. ♦Inflammatory redness of the face, \v ith fat, moist eruption. Child scratches the face continually, which becomes covered with blood; itching worse at night; tears off scabs, leaving raw spots, on which fat pustules form. -Gray, earthy complexion. Face swollen, burning pains, confluent vesicles; nares closed; ery- sipelas bulbosum. The ichor from scratched face excoriates other parts. Neuralgic pains come quickly, and leave the parts numb; worse from warmth. Prosopalgia, left-sided, from over eye to eyeball, cheek, teeth, neck and shoulder: lachrymation; conjunctiva injected, parts sensitive to touch. Facial muscles drawn tense. Frequent troublesome muscular twitchings of the right cheek. Millefolium. -Sensation of heat, as if blood was rising to the head. Tearing in face to temples, from right lower jaw to ear, then teeth; contortions of face. Muriatic acid. cHeat in face, glowing red cheeks, when walk- ing in open air; no thirst. Sudden red face,with coma—scarlatina. Red pimples on forehead, cheeks and around mouth, whole face red; every summer. Scabs on face, forehead, temples. Pimples; freckles. Myrica cer. °Yellow color of face; jaundice. Fullness, with heat and throbbing, especially after being out in open air. ♦Naja. ♦Pale,thin, haggard, greenish-yellow color; livid. Neu- ralgic pains in face, sometimes shooting to eye and temple. Natrum carb. °Pale face with blue rings around eyes; swollen eyelids. Burning heat and redness of face,cheeks swollen. Bloated face. Yellow blotches on forehead and upper lip. Freckles. ♦Natrum mur. ♦Redness of the left cheek. °Face yellow, pale, livid, swollen. Heat in face. Prosopalgia recurring periodically, especially after checked ague; face sallow; great thirst. Cheek CHAPTER VIII.--FACE 205 bones pain as if bruised, when chewing. One cheek (left) red (afternoon and night). Skin of face shining, as if greasy. Itching and eruption of face (crusta lactea). Ulcer on the left cheek. Whiskers fall off. (Faceache, with constipation; tongue showing a clear mucous slime, and little frotln bubbles on its edge; with vomiting of clear phlegm or water. — Schussler.) Nitric acid. °Pale, eyes sunken. Dark-yellow about eyes,with red cheeks. Swelling of the cheeks. Bloated around the eyes on waking early. Rash over the face and forehead, small pimples. Suppurating pustules, with broad, red circumferences forming crusts—syphilis. Comedones. Freckles. Nux mos. -Burning, constricting, stinging over right eye; face red, swollen; lips and jaw compressed; speech difficult. Foolish, childish expression. Looks thin; suffering expression; blue around eyes; deadly pale; worse in damp air. Eyes dull, heavy looking; distressed look. Spots, freckles. Nux vom. Face yellow, florid, with a yellow ground; pale.dis- tressed; yellow around mouth, eyes and nose. Tearing in the infra- orbital branch of the trigeminus; clear water from the eye and nos- trils of the affected side; face numb; after abuse of coffee, liquors or quinine. Swelling of one cheek with faceache and pain in cheek bone. Pimples on the face from dissipation. Twitching of the muscles in the evening on lying down. ♦OZnanthe croc. ♦Rapid, convulsive twitching of the muscles of the face. Face livid and turgid; pale and cold; ghastly; anxious. Oleander. °Pale, sunken in the morning,with blue rings around the eyes. Alternate paleness and dark redness of face. ♦Opium. ♦Face bloated, dark-red, and hot; flushed; pale; earthy. The face of a suckling three or four weeks old was like that of an old man; °sunken countenance and eyes, with red spots on cheeks; bluish (purple); swollen face. Muscles of face relaxed, lower lip hangs down. Trembling, twitching and spasmodic move- ments of facial muscles. Corners of mouth twitch; distortion of the mouth. Veins of face distended. Petroleum. -Yellow complexion. Phosphorus. °Face pale, ashy, sickly,' yellow; livid; bloated, lips blue, hippocratic Circumscribed red spots on cheeks. Puffi- ness under the eyes. Eyes sunken, with blue rings around them. Twitching, tearing, darting and tension in cheek bones and jaw, with threatening caries. 2o6 CHAPTER VIII.— FACE Phosphoric acid. cSkin of face feels tense,as if white of egg had dried on it. Hippocratic face, lips and tongue very pale. Erup- tion on the face; yellow-brown crusts. Burning of skin of cheeks. Pimples on forehead and body of onanists. Hairs of the beard fall out, especially after grief and sorrow. Sensation of coldness on one side of the face. Phytolacca. Very pale,hippocratic; looking blue and suffering; yellowish. Cold sweat on forehead. Blotches on face; worse in afternoon, after washing and eating. Swelling around left ear and side of face, like erysipelas; thence over scalp; very painful. ♦Platinum. ♦Sensation of coldness, tingling and numbness in one (right) side of face. Cramp pain. Numb feeling and boring in malar bones, especially the left. Pale, sunken, red and burn- ing hot, with violent thirst; worse towards evening. ♦Plumbum. ♦Sallow, pale complexion, like a corpse; pale, yel- lowish; bloated. Swelling of one side of the face. The skin of the face is greasy, shining. Painless peeling off of lips. Podophyllum. GHot, cheeks flushed—infantile diarrhoea. Psorinum. Pale, yellow, sickly; broad, blue rings around eyes. Burning heat and redness of face. Pimples on forehead. Cheek bones pain as if ulcerated. Ulcers in face. Scabby face; especially cheeks from ears; lips and eyelids swollen, sore about the eyes. Red, small pimples on face, especially on nose, chin and middle of cheeks. Pulsatilla. °Red every evening; alternately red and pale; paie or yellowish with sunken eyes; puffed, blue, red; cheeks and nose puffed. Flushes in face. Facial neuralgia, nervous excitation, worse from chewing, talking, or from hot or cold things in mouth. Facial erysipelas, with stinging, pricking pain, skin peels off. Skin of face painfully sensitive. Rheum. GPale, one cheek red, the other pale. Muscles of fore- head are drawn together and wrinkled. Tension of skin of face. Cold sweat on face, most around nose and mouth. Rhododendron. -Chilliness over the face. Violent tearing, jerking faceache; worse in the wind and from changes of the weather; better while eating and from warmth. ♦Rhus tox. ♦Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of face, with much burning,smarting and tingling; also vesicular erysipelas of the face. °Face dark-red, covered with yellow vesicles, burning, CHAPTER VI11.--FACE 207 itching and tiagling. Burning, drawing, tearing in face; teeth feel too long; restlessness. Milk-crust, acne rosacea. Impetigo on face and forehead. Face fiery-red, pale, sunken, nose pointed, blue around the eyes. Ruta. -Erysipelas and swelling on forehead. Pain, as if bruised, in periosteum of facial bones. Sabadilla. °Swelling of face with spotted eruption. Face feels hot as after wine. Sabina. °Flushes of heat in face; chilliness all over, and cold- ness of hands and feet. Pale face, eyes lusterless with blue rings around them. Pimples on cheeks and forehead. Sambucus. °Pale, bluish, or red; pale, collapsed; covered with cold sweat; appearance much older and yellow; bloated, dark-blue; red spotted. Burning heat and redness of face. Burning heat of face with icy cold feet. On awaking face breaks out in a profuse sweat, which gradually extends over body. Tension and numbness, as from swelling of cheeks. Sanguinaria. GDistention of veins of face, with excessive red- ness, a feeling of stiffness, and veins sore to touch. Circumscribed redness of one or both cheeks. Red cheeks, with burning in ears. Cheeks and hands livid —typhoid pneumonia. Paleness of face with disposition to vomit. Neuralgia in upper jaw, extending to nose, eye, ear, neck and side of head; shooting, burning pains; must kneel down and hold head tightly to the floor. Sarsaparilla. °Eruption like milk-crust. Itching eruption on forehead,with burning; becoming humid on scratching. Pimples of various sizes on face. Heat of face; sweat on forehead, in evening in bed. ♦Secale. ♦Pale, sunken,hippocratic, anxious expression. °Face: pinched, pale, earthy looking; dark-red and swollen; contracted and discolored, with sunken eyes, blue rings around them. Wan, fear- ful countenance. Tingling in face. Muscular twitchings, usually commence in face and then spread all over body, sometimes increas- ing to dancing and jumping. Spasmodic distortion of mouth and lips. Forehead hot. Selenium. °Greasy,shining skin of face. Twitching of muscles of face. Great emaciation of face and hands. ♦Sepia. ♦Face pale,yellow-red, flushed; yellow saddle across the nose and upper part of cheeks; also yellow spots on the face. °Small 208 CHAPTER VIII.—FACE red pimples on forehead; red forehead. Face pale, yellow. Yellow- ness around mouth. Tetters around mouth, with itching of face. Swelling of under lip. Inflammation and swelling of one side of face, from the root of a decayed tooth. Intermittent prosopalgia, with congestion of eyes and head,jerking pains,like electric shocks. Silicia. Face pale.cachectic; earthy; yellow; distorted. Pains worse after being a short time in bed. Skin of face cracks. Acne on forehead and backs of hands. Induration of cellular tissue of face; also following parulis. Lupus; serrated ulcers, with grayish purulent surfaces, corroding, threatening to perforate the cheek. Blood-boils on cheeks. -(Faceache, with concurrent appearance of small nodules, lumps the size of a pea, appearing on scalp.— Schussler.) ♦Spigelia. ♦Prosopalgia, mostly left-sided,with tearing, shooting, burning pain, especially in cheek bones, lower jaw, above the eyebrows,and in the eyeball; periodical; from morning until sunset; worse at noon and from motion or noise; cwith lachrymation, cil- iary neuralgia, palpitation; cheek dark-red. Face bloated,distorted; worse morning on awaking; pale, sickly; yellow around the eyes; red; sweaty. Spongia. Pale, with sunken eyes; red, with anxious expression. Heat on one side of face, renewed when thinking of it. Swelling of cheeks. Itching and stinging of cheeks. Cold sweat on face. Cramp-like pain from left articulation of jaw to cheek; evenings while eating, or when walking in open air. Stannum. ^Flushes of heat in the face from any movement; better in open air; one cheek hot and red. Face pale, sunken eyes; mind dull. Prosopalgia; pains increase and decrease gradually; after suppressed chills by quinine. Staphisagria. °Countenance sunken, nose peaked; eyes sunken with blue margins around them. Inflammation of bones of face. Brown and blue color of face when getting angry. Eruption dry, itching, painful, skin rough. ♦Stramonium. ♦Thinks face elongated in hysteria. One-sided erysipelas, with meningitis; spasmodic symptoms alternately with paralytic. Prosopalgia nervosa; pains maddening; spasmodic starts and shocks through body; throws arms upward; skin of forehead wrinkled. Face hot, red and bloated; eyes wild; expression of ter- ror. °Pain in cheek near left ear, as if sawing the bone; muscles CHAPTER V111. — FACE 209 in oscillating motion. Face red, bloated, hot; red, eyes wild, hot and red,with cold hands and feet; circumscribed redness of cheeks; pale. ♦Sulphur. ♦Paleness of face and expression of great suffering. Heat and burning in the face; with dark-red face or circumscribed red cheeks. Black comedones on face, especially on forehead, nose, upper lip and chin. Face pale, eyes sunken, and with blue mar- gins; spotted, red, freckled. Erysipelas, beginning at right ear and spreading over the face. Swelling of the cheek, with pricking pain. Sulphuric acid. Crusta lactea, with stringy, yellow stools. Face deadly pale; feels as if white of an egg had dried on it. Dry, shriveled spots in face, with haemorrhoids. Pain commencing at 9 p. m. in ramus of lower jaw and temple of right side; better from warmth and from lying on affected side. Comes gradually and leaves suddenly. ♦Tabacum. ♦Death-like paleness of the face, with sick stomach. Face pale,collapsed, covered with cold sweat. °Face blue, pinched. Glowing heat in face, with redness frequently only on one side. Taraxacum. °Face hot and red. Pimples on cheeks, alae nasi and corners of mouth. Tellurium. Sudden flushes of redness of the face. Twitching and distortion of facial muscles, worse when talking. Ringworm. Thuja.oce Red and hot, netted with veins; circumscribed, burning red cheeks; bloated, dropsical, erysipelatous. Skin hot and red, peels off when washed. Eruption leaves livid spots. Face- ache from left malar to ear, teeth, nose and head, painful spots burn like fire, and are sensitive to the sun; also, after checked eruptions. Skin of face greasy. Valeriana. -Cheeks red and hot, especially in open air. White blisters with elevated red base, on cheeks and upper lip, painful to touch. Fierce pains through left side of face, darting into teeth and ear; muscles twitch; hysterical neuralgia. Facial pains appear- ing suddenly and in jerks. Spasmodic twitching and drawing in cheek bones. ♦Veratrum alb. ♦Face pale, cold, sunken, hippocratic; nose pointed; face bluish; cold perspiration on face, especially on the forehead. °Restless, wild look; pale,distorted face. Blue or green circles around eyes. Face collapsed,pale,bluish;nose more pointed; 2IO CHAPTER VIII.--FACE of leaden hue; red in bed, becomes pale on rising; alternately pale and red. Neuralgia, drawing, tearing pains, with bluish pale face, sunken eyes, prostration. Tearing in cheeks, temples and eyes, with heat and redness,driving to madness; worse in damp weather; right side; especially in anaemic persons. Spasms of muscles when masticating. Lockjaw. Risus sardonicus. ♦Veratrum vir. ♦Face flushed; pale, cold, bluish, covered with cold perspiration. °Nose pinched, cold, blue; paleness of lips and around alae nasi. Convulsive twitchings of facial muscles. Cere- bral congestion. ♦Verbascum. ♦Violent, stupefying pressure and tensive pains in left malar and cheek bones, aggravated on pressure, and in the open air, or in a draft of air. Viola tri. -Heat of side of face not lain on. Induration of the skin of face. Milk-crust, burning, itching, especially at night, with discharge of viscid, yellow pus. Impetiginous exanthema on forehead. Tension in the integuments of the face and forehead. Acne rosacea on chin. Zincum met. °Pale, alternately with redness; brain affections; earthy with wandering expression; waxy,white or yellow in typhus. Burning, jerking, stitching in infra-orbital nerve, with bluish eye- lids; worse from least touch and in evening. Scirrhus on right cheek, size of walnut. Cold sweat on forehead. Zingiber. °Face red and hot. Exhausted look,blue under eyes, before menses. REPERTORY. Complexion. Ashen—♦arg. n., ferr., phos. Black—aeon., cinch. Blue—agar., ♦ant t, arg. n., ars., brom., bry., cact, camph., cic, ♦cina, cinch., cupr., dig., ferr., hyos., kreos., lachn., laur., mere, opium, phos., phyt., puis., rhus, samb., staph., tabac, ver. a., ver. v., zinc. Brown—iod., phos. a., staph. Clay—ign. Coppery—benz. a., carb. an., kreos., lye Cyanotic—aur., lob. Dark-red—apis, ♦bapt, ♦cheb, coloc, hyos., kali e, mere cor., nit. a., olean., ♦opium, rhus, secale, spig., sub Dusky—bapt. CHAPTER VIII.—FACE 211 Earthy—ars., borax, brom., carb. an., cinch., con., croc, kreos., mag. c, mere, mez., opium, secale, sib, zinc. Florid—nux v. Glowing—♦belb, mur. a., tabac. Grayish—ars., brom., carb. v., cinch., cupr., kali e, lach., laur., lye, mez., myr. Green—carb. v., ferr., kalm., kreos., naja. Jaundiced—ambr., gels., myr. Leaden—arg. n., ver. a. Livid—aeon., ars., camph., cinch., glon., graph., hell., ipec, lach., laur., naja, nat. m., ♦cenan., phos., sang., thuj. Mahogany—ail. Milky—dulc. Mottled—bell. Pale—acet. a., aeon., aethus., agar., alum., am. m., alum.,anae, ♦ant. t., ♦apis, arg. n., arn., ars., baryt., ♦bell., borax, brom., calc. c, camph., can. i., caps., ♦carb. v., ♦cham., cic, cimi.,♦cina, cinch., colch., coloc, con., cupr., eye, dig., dulc, ferr., fluor. a., gels., glon., graph., hell., hydras., hyos., ign., iod.,ipec., kali bi., kali c., kreos., lach., lachn., led., lye, mag. e, mag. m., mang., mere, mere cor., naja, nat. c, nat. m., nit. a., nux. m., nux v., cenan., olean., ♦opium, phos., phos. a., phyt., plat., ♦plumb., psor., puis., rheum, rhus, sabina, samb., sang., ♦secale, ♦sepia, sib, spig., spong., stann., stram., ♦sub, sul. a., tabac, ver. a., ver. v., zinc. Pale and red alternating—aeon., alum., brom., caps., cinch., glon., ign., iod., led., mag. e, olean., puis., ver. a., zinc. Purplish—brom., con., glon., kali c, opium. Red—absinth., ♦acet. a.,♦aeon., aethus., agar., aib, alum.,am.c, amyl, ant. e, arg. n., arn., ars., ♦aster., bapt., belb, benz. a., borax, brom., ♦bry., camph., caps., carb. v., cham., cheb, cic, cinch., colch., con., dig., dulc, euphr., ;:ferr., gels., hell., hep s., hyos., hyper., ign., iod., kali bi., kali e, kalm., kreos., lach., lachn., led., mag. c., mere, mere cor., ♦mez., mur. a., nat. e, nat. m., nit. a., *nux m., plat., psor., puis., rheum, rhus, samb., sang., sepia, spig., spong., stann., stram.,sub, tabac, tarax.,tell., thuj., valer., ver. a., zinc, zing. Scarlet—amyl nit. Turgid—♦aenanthe croc. Wax-like—acet. a., apis, ars., zinc White—cina, hydras., zinc. Yellow—♦arg. n.,arn., ars., calc.c, carb.v., caust, cham.,♦cheb, cinch., colch., con., croc, ferr., gels., hell., hep. s., hydras., iod., ipec, kali bi., kali e, lach., lachn., laur., ♦lye, mag. m., mere, mere cor., myr., naja, nat. m., nit. a., nux v., petrol., phos., phos. a., phyt., plumb., psor., puis., rhus, samb., ♦sepia, sib, spig., zinc. Congestion—aib, caps., ferr., glon., sepia, spig.', ver. v. Convulsions—♦belb, cic, ign., iod., ipec, laur., mill., ♦cenan., opium, ♦stram., ver. v. 212 CHAPTER VIII.--FACE Eruptions—♦ant. c, aur., baryt., calc. c, caps., carb. an., cic, hyper., laur., lye, mag. m., ♦mez., nat. m., phos., sabad., sars., staph., thuj. Acne—aib, berb. aq., carb. an., kreos., rhus, sib, viola tr. Blisters—benz. a., valer. Blotches—kali bi., nat. c, phyt. Boils—alum., am. c, ant. c, hep. s., led., sil. Cancer—ars., sib, zinc. Comedones—abrot., nit. a., sul. Confluent—cic, mez. Crusts—ant. c, cist., dulc, hyper., led., nit. a., phos. a. Crusta lactea—dulc, nat. m., rhus, sars., sul. a., viola, tr. Eczema—graph. Erysipelas - agn., aib, ♦apis, camph., carb. an., ♦euphor., graph., hep. s., hydras., hyper., lach., mez., phyt., puis., ♦rhus, ruta, ♦stram., sub, thuj. Excrescences— alum. Freckles—am. c, calc. ph., graph., kali c, lye, mur. a., nat.e, nit. a., nux m., sul. Herpes—anae, cic, con., led., tell. Impetigo—rhus, viola tr. Lupus —sil. Moist—calc. e, con., dulc, ♦graph., hyper., lye, ♦mez., sars. Pimples—ambr., ant. c, ars., berb. aq., caust.,cic, eye,♦graph, kali chlor., kali i., led., mere, mur. a., nit. a., nux v., phos. a., psor., sabin., sars., sepia, tarax. Pustules—am. c, ant. c, berb. aq., mez., nit. a. Rash—euphr., ipec, nit. a. Rhagades—graph., sil. Ringworm—tell. See "Herpes." Scabs—♦ars., berb. aq., graph., ♦mez., mur. a., psor. Scales—graph., led. Scurfs—calc. e, hep. s., mere Spots, specks—aethus., aib, benz. a., caul., colch., ferr., graph., ♦mez., nux m., opium, sabad., samb., sepia, sub, sul. a., thuj. Suppurations—cic, fluor. a., lye, nit. a., sib, viola tr. Syphilis—fluor. a., nit. a. Tetters—dulc, led., sepia. Tubercles—fluor. a. Ulcers—♦ars., nat. m., psor., sil. Urticaria—ant. c. Vesicles—ars., cist., ♦euphorb., mez., rhus. Expression—aethus., aib, chel. Agony—ars. Anxiety, anxious—acet. a., aeon., ♦aethus., ars., borax, cheb, kalm., cenan., ♦secale, spong. Apathetic—apis. Besotted—bapt. Bloated—aeon., alum., am. c, arum., aur., calc.c, cham., con., dulc, ferr., graph., hyos., ♦hyper., ipec, kali c, kreos., lach., CHAPTER VIII.--FACE 213 Expression continued. laur., led., mag. c, mere cor., nat. e, nit. a., ♦opium, phos., plumb., samb., spig., stram., thuj. Cachectic—carb. an., sil. Cadaverous—colch. See "Death-like." Chlorotic—graph., sil. Collapsed—ferr., samb., ♦tabac, ver. a. Death-like —aeon., camph., cic, cina, dig., ipec , nat. m., plumb., sul. a., ♦tabac Dirty—♦arg. n., cupr., mere Distorted—apis, cham., cic, hell., hyos., lach.,mere cor., mill., opium, secale, sib, spig., tell., ver. a. Distressed—aib, ars., iod., nux m., nux v. Doleful—colch. Drowsy—can. i., gels. Dull—gels., hydras., hyper., lachn. Emaciated—abrot., acet. a., selen. Exhausted—can. i., zinc. Fearful—cimi., secale. Flushed—ambr., ♦amyl, ars., bapt., cact., cheb, cimi., cist., ferr. phos., glon., graph.,hydras., hyos., kalm., kreos., lach., lob., lye, ♦opium, pod., puis., sabin., ♦sepia, stann., tell., ♦ver. v. Foolish, silly—absinth., lib, nux m. Ghastly—cenanthe croc Gloomy—alum., aur. Grimaces—absinth., hyos. Greasy—nat. m., plumb., selen., thuj. Haggard—camph., graph., naja. Happy—apis. Hippocratic—ars., carb. v., cinch., phos., phos. a., phyt.,♦secale, ver. a. Hollow—cinch. Idiotic—laur. jaundiced—gels. (Edematous—apis, ars., colch., hell., lye, mere cor. Old—♦abrot, ♦arg. n., calc. e, kreos., ♦opium, samb. Pinched—camph., cupr., secale, tabac. Pleasant—apis. Puffy—aethus., agar., aib, ♦ant t, baryt., ♦bry., cic, mere, phos., puis. Risus sardonicus—colch., ver. a. Sad—ant. e, colch., cupr. Sallow—apis, iod., kali c, nat. m., ♦plumb. Shiny, glossy—aur., nat. m., plumb., selen. Sickly—apis, borax, caust., cheb, *cina, gels., kali e, kreos., lach., phos., psor., spig. Silly—see "Foolish." Stupid—can. i., ferr., hell., hyos. Suffering—ars., cupr., hyper., kreos., ♦mang., nux m., phyt., sul. Sunken—aeon., ♦ant. t, apis, arg. n., arn., ars., caust., cham., 214 CHAPTER VIII. — FACE Expression continued. cimi., coloc, cupr., hell., ign., ipec, iris, laur., ♦mang., mere, nit. a., olean., opium, phos., plat, puis., rhus, ♦secale, spong., stann., staph, sub, ver. a. Surly—ars. Swollen—aib, ambr., am. c, ♦apis, arg. n., arn., ♦ars., arum, aur., baryt, ♦belb, borax, calc. e, cham., cheb, colch., coloc, ♦euphor., ferr., ferr. phos., hep. s., kali i., lachn., led., mag. c, mere, mere cor., mez., nat. e, nat. m., nit. a., nux m., nux v., opium, phyt, plumb., psor., •♦rhus, ruta, sabad., sabin., samb., secale, sepia, spong., sul. Terror—apis, ♦stram. Thin—calc. c, naja, nux m. Wan—amyl, secale. Wandering— zinc. Waxy—acet. a., apis, zinc. Weary—can. i., hydras. Wild—acet. a., ars., camph., cina, stram., ver. a. Indurations—am. c, bry., sib, viola tr. Inflammations—aur., ♦euphorb., ferr. phos., ♦mez., ♦rhus, sepia, staph. Nodosities—♦bry., mag. c, sil. Pains—aethus., ambr., ant c, can. i., cham., cimi., cina, cinch., colch., ferr. phos., kalm., lach., mez., nux v., phyt., sib, stann., stram., sul. a., valer. Aching—calc.phos., caps., con., dulc, ferr. phos., glon., hyper., kali chlor., kali s., lach., mag. phos., nat. m., nux v., rhod., sib, thuj. Beating—ferr. phos. Boring—aur., mag. c, plat. Bruised—kali bi., oat m., ruta. Burning—agar., ant. t, apis, arg. n., arn., ♦ars., aur., bapt, bell., benz. a., calc. e, cham., cic, cist., coloc, euphr., ferr.phos., graph., lach., led., mez., nat. c, nux m., phos. a., plat., psor.! rhus, samb., sang., sars., ♦spig., ♦sub, thuj., viola tr., zinc Constrictive—coloc. Corrosive - caps. Cramp-like—mag. c, plat., spong. Cutting—bell. Darting—kali i., mag. phos., phos., valer. Digging—mag. c Drawing—aur., can. i., colch., rhus, valer., ver. a. Jerking—carb. v., rhod., sepia, valer.,zinc Neuralgic-aeon., arg. n., bell., caust, calc. phos., cham.,cimi., cinch., ferr., gels., glon., hell., iris., kalm., lach., lob., mag.phos. mez., naja, puis., sang., spig., valer., ver. a. Piercing—apis. Pinching—arn., bry. Pressing—bry., cina, coloc, ferr. phos., lach., *verbas. CHAPTER VIII.—FACE 215 Pains continued. Pricking—bapt, puis., sul. Prosopalgia—arg. n., arn., cact, kalm., mez., nat. m., sepia, ♦spig., stann, ♦stram. Pulsating—mag. c Raw — mez. Remittent, intermittent—mag. phos., nat. m., sepia. Rheumatic—act. s., calc. phos., mag. phos. Sharp—cist. Shooting—belb,carb. an., cist., kali bi., mag. phos., naja, sang., spig. Smarting—led., rhus. Sore—bry., cocc, ferr. phos. Singing—apis, ars., coloc, con., graph., kali e, kali i., mag. phos., nat. m., puis., spong. Stitches—aur., calad., carb. an., coloc, euphr.,ferr.phos.,kali c, mang., zinc. Tearing—agar., ambr., ♦ant. t., ars., aur., belb, borax, bry., calc. c, carb. v., cheb, colch., coloc, con., kali c, lachn., mag.e, mere, mill., nux v., phos., rhod., rhus, ♦spig., ver. a. Tension—alum., baryt., benz. a.,can. i., colch., coloc, mag. e, mez., phos., phos. a., rheum, samb., ♦verbas., viola tr. Throbbing —ambr., arn., ferr. phos., kalm., myr. Tic douloureux—ferr. phos. Tingling—colch., ♦plat., rhus, secale. Ulcerated—psor. Paralysis—caust., hyos., stram. Parts Alae nasi; wings—♦aethus., ambr., tarax., ver. v. Antrum—chel. Bones —apis, aur., bapt, borax, calc c, carb. v., cist., colch., hep. s., kali bi., mag. m., ruta, spig., staph., stram., verbas. Jaws—agar., ambr., aur., bapt., belb, bry., carb. v., cheb,cinch., coloc, iris, kali bi., lob., mang., mill., nux m., phos., sang., spig., spong., sul. a., ver. a. Malar, cheek—apis, aur., borax, bry., carb. an., cheb, cimi., cina, coloc, mag. c, nat. m., nux v., phos., plat., psor., sib, ♦spig., thuj., valer., verbas. Zygoma—aur., cist., hyper. Brows—hyper., spig. Capillaries—ail. Cheeks—♦acet a., aeon., agn., ambr., am. c, anae, ♦ant. e, apis, arg. n., arn., aur., bapt, baryt., belb, borax, brom., calc. c, calc. s., camph., caps., carb. v., caust., ♦cham., ♦cheb, colch., coloc, dulc, ♦euphorb., ferr. phos., graph., hep. s., hyper., ign., kali c, kali chlor., kalm., kreos., lach., lachn , lob., lye, mere, mere cor., mez., mur. a., nat. c, ♦nat m., nit. a., nux v., 2l6 CHAPTER VIII. — FACE Parts continued. opium., phos., phos. a., pod., psor., puis., rheum, sabin., sang., ♦sepia, sil., ♦spig., spong., stann., stram., sub,tarax., thuj.,valer., ver. a., verbas., zinc. Circumscribed red—arg. n., benz. a., dulc, kreos., lach., lachn., lye, phos., sang., stram., sub, thuj. Chin—am. e, can. i., dulc, graph., hyper., led., psor., sub, viola tr. Eyes, orbits—belb, cimi., cina., coloc , glon., kali c, lach., nuxv., zinc. Eyes, rings around—agar., anae, calc. e, cimi., cina, cinch., ferr., hep. s., ign., ipec, iris, lye, nat. e, nat. m., olean., phos., rhus, sabin., secale, spig., staph., sub, ver. a., zing. Forehead—ant. c, ant. t, aur., baryt., belb, calc. c, can. i., caps., caul., ♦cheb, cimi , eye, dulc, fluor. a., glon., hell., kali c, led., lye, mag. m., mur. a., nat. e, nit. a., phos. a., phyt., psor., rheum rhus, ruta, sabin., sars., secale, sepia, sib, stram., sub, ♦ver. a., viola tr., zinc. Glands—am. e, kreos., led. Lips—aeon., anae, arg. n., arn., aur., lach., lye, mere cor., nat.c, nux m., opium, phos. a., plumb., psor., secale, sub, valer., ver. a. Mouth, at corners or around—aethus., am. c, cina, gels.,♦graph., kreos., laur., led., mur. a., nux v., opium, rheum, sepia, tarax. Muscles—aeon., agar., ante, ant. t., ars., bapt., ♦belb, can.i., cic, colch., coloc, gels., glon., hyos., ign., iod., ipec, laur., lye, mez., nux v., ♦cenan., opium, rheum, selen., stram., tell., valer., ver. a., ver. v. Nerves—aeon., cinch., iris, nux, v.,puis., stram., zinc. Periosteum —ruta. Side, Left—♦acet. a., aeon., agn., aib, am. c,ant c, arg. n., ars., aur., bapt, bell., carb. an., carb. v., caust., cham., coloc, euphr., graph., hell., kali bi., lach., lachn., lob., mez., ♦nat. m., ♦plat., ♦spig., stram., thuj., valer. Right—anae, apis, arn., belb, brom., bry., cact, carb.v.,caust., cheb, cist, kalm.. mere, mez., mill.,'♦plat., sul. a., ver. a., zinc. Skin—alum., amyl, berb. aq., can. i., cinch., colch., fluor. a., graph., laur., nat. m., phos. a., plumb., puis., rheum, selen., sib, staph., stram., thuj., viola tr. Temples—baryt., belb, bry., glon., kali c, kreos., lachn., lob., mang., mill., mur. a., naja, sul. a., ver. a. Veins—amyl, cinch., ferr., opium, sang., thuj. Whiskers or beard—ambr., calc. e, graph., nat. m., phos. Roughness—berb. aq., kalm., staph. Sensations—♦aeon., amyl, baryt., calc. c, can. i., cheb, colch., ferr., mill., phos. a., sang., ♦stram. Cold—abrot., aeon., belb, camph., carb. v., cic, cimi., ♦cina cupr., ferr. phos., hyos., iod., kali c, kreos., cenan., phos. a., ♦plat., rhod., ver. a., ver. v. CHAPTER VIII.--FACE 217 Constricting—nux m. Crawling—camph., lachn., laur. Fullness—myr. Heat, hot—♦aeon., aib, ambr., am. c, amyl, ant. c, ant. t, apis, arg. n., ♦arn., aur., bapt., ♦belb, benz. a., borax, brom., ♦bry., calad., carb. an., cheb, cimi., cinch., cist., colch., coloc, euphr., fluor. a., glon., hell., hep. s., hydras., ♦hyper., ign., kali e,kali i., kreos., lach., lob., lye, mere, mill., mur.a., myr., nat. e, nat.m., ♦opium, plat, pod., psor., sabad., sabin., samb., sars., secale, spong., stann., stram., ♦sub, tabac, tarax., viola tr., zinc. Heavy—aeon., glon.. nux m. Itching—agar., agn., alum., ambr., ant. e, ars., belb, calc. c, caps., caust,cist., euphr, ♦graph., kalm., lach., led, mere, ♦mez., nat m., rhus, sars., sepia, spong., staph., viola tr. Large—♦aeon. Numb—aeon., bapt., benz. a., mez., nux v., ♦plat, samb. Stiffness—sang. Titillation—laur. Web or net—baryt., borax, brom., calad., ♦graph. White of egg—alum., mag. c, phos. a., sub a. Sensitiveness—ant. c, belb,bry.,caps.,cinch., coloc,hell., hep.s., kali bi., mez., puis., sang., thuj., valer., zinc. Sweat—ant. t., benz. a., cact., camph., carb. v., cham., colch., glon., graph., hell., lob., phyt., rheum, samb., sars., spig., spong., ♦tabac, ♦ver. a., ver. v., zinc. Twitching—♦agar., ant. c, ant. t, ars., bry., gels., glon., hyos., ign., iod., ipec, laur.,lye, mang., mez., nux v., ♦cenan., opium, phos., secale, selen., stram., tell., valer., ver. a, ver. v. Wrinkled—abrot., calc. e, hell., lye, rheum, stram. CHAPTER IX.-LOWER FACE. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Absinthium. Jaws firmly fixed. Foams at the mouth in epilepsy. Acetic acid. Lips become a deep purple tint. In upper part of joint of left jaw, aching; increases on pressure and with motion. Aconitum. °Lips dry, black, peeling off; complaints of upper lip. Burning, tingling,numbness of the lips. Swelling of the lower jaw, with aching in the face. Stitching thrusts in the lower jaw. Mouth drawn to one side—convulsions. ^Ethusa. °Chin and corners of the mouth feel cold. Agaricus. GTrembling and vibration of lips and muscles of lower jaw; convulsive shaking of lower jaw. Pricking in the chin, as from needles. Ailantus. °Small but deep ragged ulcer, near the angle of the mouth; lips cracked. Inflamed vesicles on the lower lip; chin bright-red. Aloe. Lips redder than usual; dry, cracked; moist, sore on the borders; white, scaly. ♦Alumina. ♦Involuntary, spasmodic twitching of the lower jaw —haemorrhages of the bowels. °Tensive pain in articulation of jaw, when chewing, or opening the mouth. Upper lip covered with little blisters. Ambra. °Lips hot. Lips numb and dry in the morning on awaking. Ammonium carb. ^ Herpetic eruption around the mouth. Itch- ing eruption on lips. Upper lip pains, as if cracked. Lower lip cracked in the middle, bleeding and burning. Painful burning blister on inside of lower lip. Blueness of the lips. ♦Ammonium mur. ♦Watery, acrid coryza, corroding the lips. °Lips burn like fire. Corners of mouth ulcerated. Dry, shriveled, cracked lips, must moisten them with the tongue continually. Pimples, blisters on upper lip. Anacardium. cRough, scaly skin around the mouth with crawl- 21« CHAPTER IX.--LOWER FACE 219 ing, itching. Burning dryness of outer border of lips, almost like from pepper. Antimonium crud. °Lips dry; cracks in corners of mouth. Burn- ing, stinging on the chin, as from a hot spark. Small, honey- colored granules on chin, with sore feeling when touched. Antimonium tart. Lips dry, scurfy. Itching vesicles on lips. Burning as from hot coals on right side of the chin. Apis. °Lips oedematous. Raging, violent pain in the lips, ex- tending to gums and head, finally to the whole body. Roughness and tension in lips, especially the upper. Upper lip swollen, hot and red. Lower lip chapped. Burning in the lips,on the chin. Argentum met. °Swelling of upper lip, close under nose. Argentum nit. °Hard, pale blotches under vermilion border of upper lip, sore to touch. Lips trembled when he spoke; lips and finger nails blue. Arnica. cLips burn, swollen, cracked. Lower lip trembles. Bruised pain in right articulation of jaw, from motion, early in morning. Lower jaw hangs down. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Sore lips and ulcers in the mouth. Eruption on lips. °Contractive quivering or jerking on one side of upper lip, especially when falling asleep. Bites the tumbler when drinking. Severe pains along right inferior maxillary nerve. ♦Arum tri. ♦Lips thick, burning, swollen, cracked and bleeding. Lips as if scalded mornings. Picks the lips until they bleed; cor- ners of mouth sore, cracked and bleeding—scarlatina, typhus. °Lips, nose and face chapped, as after exposure to cold wind. Asafoetida. °Lips puffed up, lower lip and left angle most Drawing pains; caries of lower maxilla, with salivation. Baptisia. °Pain in articulation of lower jaw—typhus. Baryta carb. GSwelling of the upper lip, with burning pain. Pain in the articulation when closing the jaw. ♦Belladonna. ♦Great swelling and tension of the upper lip. °Raw feeling of corners of mouth. Pustules at borders of lips, with smarting pains. Lips, especially the upper one, cracked in the middle; dry and parched. Sensation as if the lower jaw was drawn backwards. Berberis. ^Lips bluish on the inside. Formication in upper lip, around mouth and chin. Burning in lips. Dryness of lips with scaling and formation of thin, brown scurfs on edges. 220 CHAPTER IX.—LOWER FACE Borax. cRed, inflamed swelling as large as a pea on lower lip, with burning soreness when touched. Crawling,like insects on lips. Bromium. GBoring pain going to the right,or on right side of lower jaw. Shooting pain on vermilion border of upper lip; after- wards yellow spots, which open and discharge a yellow fluid. Bryonia. '"Upper lip and nose swollen, red and hot. Crack in lower lip. Lips parched and cracked; he wishes frequently to moisten them. Lips swollen, rough. Constant motion of mouth as if chewing—in brain affections of children. Caladium. °Lying with mouth half open,coma, in typhus. Calcarea carb. Eruption on the lips and mouth. Swelling of the upper lip, in morning. Cracked lips; corners ulcerated. Calcarea phos. Swollen upper lip; painful, hard and burning. Camphora. cLockJaw, with coldness and pale surface (and brownish-looking eruption, during repercussion, in scarlatina). Froth or foam at the mouth. Cannabis ind. Dryness of mouth and lips. Lips feel as if glued together. ♦Cantharis. GDry lips, without thirst. ♦Lockjaw, with grinding of the teeth. Capsicum. cLips swollen, cracked, smarting. Carbo ani. cLips swollen, burning. Vesicles or cracks on lips. Carbo veg. cQuivering of the upper lip. Swelling of upper lip and cheeks,with jerking pain. Brown, or blackish-looking cracked lips. ♦Causticum. ♦Sensation of tension and pain in jaw, could only with difficulty open the mouth, and could not eat well, because a tooth seemed too long. °Arthritic pains in lower jaw. Chamomilla. cLips crack and peel. Rhagades in the middle of lower lip. Chelidonium. -Dryness of the lips. Cicuta. Lockjaw, teeth press firmly together. Yellow scurfs on the left corner of mouth, discharging yellow, corrosive fluid; may extend over the lip, chin and cheek. Cancer of upper lip. *Cina. *White and bluish about the mouth. Cinchona. °Lips: burning; swollen; dry, hard,cracked,blackish; blackish and shriveled. Cistus can. Caries of lower jaw, with suppurating glands in the neck. Open, bleeding cancer on lower lip. Lupus exedens on mouth and nose. CHAPTER IX.-- LOWER FACE 221 Clematis. "Burning, cutting through the lower lip. Cancer on the lip. Vesicular eruption on the lip. Suppurative pimples on the chin. Cocculus. -Pustule below the right angle of mouth,with tensive pain when touched. Colchicum. "Cracked lips Thick, brownish coating on lips, teeth and tongue. ♦Conium. ♦Cancer of the lips from pressure of the pipe. °Lips and teeth covered with black crusts. Lips burning; dry; shooting in lips. Blisters, or eruption on the lips. Croton tig. -Lips dry and parched—cholera infantum. Cuprum met. -Mouth firmly closed. Lips blue. Froth from the mouth. Cyclamen. :Itching on lower jaw. Sensation of numbness of upper lip as of an induration. Dry lips, without thirst. Drosera. -Stitching, tearing pain in left inferior maxilla, like in the periosteum. Lower lip cracked in the middle. Dryness of the lips and little sense of taste Burning in tne skin at right angle of mouth. Dulcamara. "-Twitching of the lips when in the cold air. Mouth distorted; drawn to one side. Eupatorium purp. Lips blue—intermittents. Euphrasia. Stiffness of the upper lip, as if made of wood. Ferrum met. Lips pale, dry. Gelsemium. -Lips dry. coated with black mucus. Glonoinum. Jaws clenched in sun-stroke. Lower lip feels swollen. Chin feels elongated. Graphites. GPainful nodules on lower jaw. Upper lip twitching; stinging; swollen; painful pimples. Corners of mouth ulcerated. Heaviness in lower lip. Formication in the lips during the menses. Lips chapped. Guaiacum. °Dull ache in left side of jaw. Hamamelis. GLips dry, sore, cracked. Helleborus. °Constant chewing motion. Corner of mouth sore; steady flow of saliva; upper lip cracked; lips dry, cracked. White blisters on swollen lips. Lower jaw hangs down. ♦Hepar sulph. ^Great swelling of the upper lip, painful to touch. -Ttching around the mouth. Boils on lips and chin, very painful to touch. Sore and smarting pimple on vermilion border 222 CHAPTER IX —LOWER FACE of upper lip. Middle of lower lip cracked. Eruption, with sen- sation of heat in corners of the mouth. Ulcer at corner of mouth. Itching pimples on chin. Hydrastis. °Aphthas on the lips; tongue swollen. Hyoscyamus. "Lockjaw; fully conscious. Foam at mouth. Lips dry. Hypericum. -Eruption around the mouth and on right ear. Yellow-greenish scabs, with cracking and moisture. Lips dry, feel hot. Ignatia. cTwitching of corners of mouth. Spasmodic closing of the jaws. Lips dry, cracked, bleeding. Ulceration of one of the corners of the mouth. Inside of lower lip painful, as if sore. Ipecacuanha. -Red skin around the mouth. Lips blue, during chill. Kali bichrom. GDigging in the rami of lower jaw. Lower lip swelled and chapped. Ulcerations, with indurated edges and smarting on the mucous surface of the lips. Kali carb. °Upper lip swollen; bleeding rhagades. Lips peel, are chapped. Kalmia. cLips swollen, dry and stiff (mornings). Cracked lips, with dry skin. Stinging in jaw bones. Kreosotum. °Peeling off and cracking of cuticle of upper lip. Wants to moisten the lips frequently, without being thirsty. Tumor, size of a pea, on lower lip, with acrid, watery ichor, making sur- rounding parts sore. Lachesis. °Lower jaw hangs down—coma. Lips dry, cracked, bleeding. Lower lip swollen. Laurocerasus. °Lockjaw. Lycopodium. °Lower jaw hangs down, especially during sleep, or with stupor in exhausting fever. Eruption around the mouth; corners of mouth sore. Swelling of the lower lip. Large ulcer on the vermilion border of the lower lip. Magnesia carb. °Herpetic eruption around the mouth (lower part). Hard, little nodosities in both corners of mouth. Magnesia mur. "Large vesicles on the margin of vermilion bor- der of lower lip, itching, afterwards burning. Mancinella. °Large number of small vesicles on chin. Manganum. °Eruption and ulcers at corners of mouth. Dry, parched lips, with shriveled skin, without thirst CHAPTER IX.--LOWER FACE 223 Marum ver. °Deep furrow on either side of under lip, with elevated edges. ♦Mercurius. ♦Corners of mouth ulcerated and painfully sore. °Lips: dry, cracked, ulcerated; black; burning pimples. Lockjaw from glandular swellings, with stinging pains. Caries of the jaw. ♦Mercurius biniod. ♦Lips slimy and sticky on waking. °Pain in jaws and temples. Eczema rubrum on chin. ♦Mercurius cor. ♦Lips black; excessively swollen and tender; °dry and cracked. Stiffness of jaw, soreness. Mezereum. cHoney-like scabs about the mouth. Neuralgia of infra-maxillaris. Chin covered with elevated white scabs. Muriatic acid. cLower jaw hangs down. Pimples around the mouth form a scurf. Burning lips. Bloated lower lip; feels heavy, burns. Pain below left half of lower lip, from 4 p. m. till mid- night. Naja. GLips dry, parched and cracked; hot and sore, jaws firmly clenched. Natrum carb. cLips swollen and tettery; burning rhagades on lower lip. Natrum mur. °Lips dry, cracked, with rhagades, or bleeding scabs; humid sores in the commissures; upper lip swollen. Blisters like pearls about the mouth, especially in intermittent fever. Lips tingle, feel numb. Eruption and ulcers on chin. Natrum sulf. °Burning pain in corner of mouth at night; lips burn like pepper. Upper lip dry; skin peels off. Vesicles on lips. Pimple on chin, burns when touched. Nitric acid. GSwollen lips. Under lip dry, cracked. Margin of mouth covered with sores and blisters. Corners of mouth ulcerated. Nux mos. GLips chapped. ♦Nux vom. ♦Tetanic contraction of the jaws; trismus. °Pain- ful peeling off of the lips; after excesses; crusts on lips. Lower jaw hangs down. Gmanthe croc. Trismus; jaws rigidly closed. Oleander. "Numbness of upper lip. Foaming at mouth. Opium. GLower lip and jaw hang down. Foaming at mouth. Oxalic acid. -Drawing pain, with rigidity, near the angle of lower jaw, first and longest in left, then in right side. Paris quad. GViolent itching, biting and burning on the edges of the lower jaw, frequently with red, small (miliary),easily bleed- 224. CHAPTER IX. — LOWER FACE ing eruption. Tetters around the mouth. Vesicles on the surface of the lower lip. Petroleum. Easily dislocated jaw, in morning in bed, with much pain. External swelling on left lower jaw, painful to touch, on stooping. Scurfs around mouth. Phosphorus. -Lips dry, with sooty coating. Necrosis of lower jaw, rarely of the upper. Tough, viscous expectoration, hangs on lips and tongue in typhoid conditions. Nose, lips,mouth and throat dry; no relief from water. ♦Phytolacca. ♦Chin drawn closely to sternum by convulsive action of muscles of face and neck—tetanus. Lips everted and firm—tetanus. °Upper lip excoriated. Ulcers on lips. Platinum. GPurple, net-like appearance on chin. Plumbum. °Lockjaw. Tearing in jaws, relieved by rubbing them. Psorinum. GUpper lip swollen. Lips dry, brown, black; ulcers on lips. Lips painful, swollen. Soreness of jaw,right side,around the ear, could not open his mouth, even wide enough to admit his finger. Corners of mouth ulcerated; sycotic condylomata. Pulsatilla. °Gnawing, smarting around the mouth. Lower lip swollen and cracked in the middle. Rhododendron. °Lips dry, burning. Vesicles on inner side of lower lip, sore when eating. Rhus tox. cStiffness of jaws. Cracking in articulation of jaw when moving it; jaw easily dislocated. Corners of mouth ulcer- ated; fever blisters around mouth; exanthema on chin. Ruta. °Lips dry and sticky. Sabadilla. cCan hardly open mouth from pain in joints and mus- cles, with sore throat. Lips hot, burn as if scalded. Dry lips. Sanguinaria. GLips feel dry. Swelling of lips toward evening. Under lip burns, is swollen hard and blistered; blisters dry up and form crusts, which drop off. Stiffness in articulation of jaws. Cancer of lower lip from use of pipe (apply the green leaf). Sarsaparilla. GStiffness and tension of muscles and articulation of jaw. Herpes on upper lip. Secale. °Lockjaw. Lips deathly pale. Silicia. cJaws spasmodically closed. Pains more in jaw bones than teeth; jaw swollen; toothache. Caries of lower jaw; necrosis. Dry and parched feeling of lips. Scabby eruption on lips, which CHAP1TR- IX.--LOWER PACE 225 smart. Cancer of lower lip; ulcer grayish, sperficial,excruciatingly painful. Sycosis menti. Spigelia. -Lips dry, pale, cracked. Neuralgia radiating to nose, face, temples and neck. Spongia. "Eruption on lips. Squilla. Lips twitch and are covered with yellow crusts, black and cracked. Staphisagria. cLips full of ulcers and scurfs, with burning pains. Easv dislocation of jaw. Sticta. -Darting pains in lower jaw. Stramonium. °Moves lips back and forward. Lips: red; with yellow streaked vermilion border, as in malignant fevers; dry; or sore and cracked. Lockjaw after convulsions. Mouth spasmod- ically closed. Lower jaw hangs down. Sulphur. -Painful eruptions around the chin. Herpes at the corners of mouth. Bright redness of lips, particularly with children. Swelling of lips, especially upper. Lips dry, rough and cracked. Burning, twitching or trembling of lips. Sulphuric acid. -Shooting, stinging pain in red scar on lower jaw. Lips peel off. Thuja occ. Lips pale, swollen, peeling off. White, flat ulcers on inside of lips, and in corners of mouth. Valeriana. Lips incrusted. Veratrum alb. Lips: bluish or hanging down; rubbing mouth and nose, dry, black, parched. Black around mouth and nostrils— typhoid. Veratrum vir. Mouth drawn down at one corner. Lips dry; mouth dry, or thick mucus in mouth. Viola tri. -Pustular eruption on whole upper lip and chin; a thick, yellow, friable, semi-transparent incrustation; acne rosacea on the chin. Zinc. Lips and corners of mouth cracked, v/ith yellowish ul- ceration. Thick, viscid humor on the lips. REPERTORY. Color—acet. a., aeon., aloe, camph., carb. v., cina, psor., sil. Black—aeon., carh, v., cinch., con., gels., ♦mere, mere cor., psor., squill., ver. a. Blue—am. e, arg. n., berb., ♦cina, cupr., eup. purp., ipec, ver. a. 22G CHAPTER IX.—LOWER FACE Color continued. Pale—ferr., secale, spig., thuj. Purple—acet. a., plat. Red—apis, borax, bry.,ipec, stram., sul. White—♦cina. Convulsions—aeon., agar., ♦phyt, stram. Ernptions—apis, calc. c, camph., con., hep. s., hyper., lye, mang., nat. m., paris, spong., sul. Acne rosacea—viola tr. Aphthae—hydras. Blisters—alum., am. c, am. m., con., hell., nat. m., nit. a., rhus, sang. Blotches—arg. n. Boils--hep. s. Cancer—cic, cist, clem., ♦con., sang., sil. Chapped—apis, arum, graph., kali bi., kali c, nux m. Condylomata—psor. Cracks—aib, aloe, am. c, am. m., ant c, arn., arum, bell., bry., calc. c, caps., carb. an., carb. v., cham., cinch., colch., dros., ham., hell., hep. s., hyper., ign., kalm., kreos., lach., mar. v., mere, mere cor., naja, nat. m., nit. a., puis., spig., squill., stram., sub, zinc. Crusts—con., mere, nux v., sang., squill., valer., viola tr. Eczema—carb. an., mere b. i. Granules—ant. c Herpes—am. c, mag. c, sars., sul. Lupus—cist. Nodosities—mag. c Pimples—am. c, clem., graph., hep. s., mere, mur., a., nat. s. Pustules—bell., cocc, viola tr. Rhagades—cham., kali c, nat. c, nat. m. Scabs—hyper., mez., nat. m., sil. Scaly—aloe, anae, berb. Scurfs—ant. t., berb., cic, mur. a.,petrol., staph. Sycosis—psor., sil. Tetters—nat. c, paris. Tumors—kreos. Ulcers—aib, am. m., arn., ♦ars., calc. e, graph, hep. s., ign., kali i., lye, mang., mere, nat. m., nit. a., phyt., psor., rhus, sib, staph., thuj., zinc. Vesicles—aib, alum., ant. t, carb. an., clem., mag. m.,mancin., nat. s., paris, rhod. Indurations—eye Pains—am. c, apis, ars., bapt, calc. phos., caust., graph., ign., kali bi., mere, mere b. i., mur. a., nux v., paris, petrol. sib, spig., sticta, sul. Aching—acet. a., aeon.,guaiac. Arthritic—caust. CHAPTER IX.—LOWER FACE 227 Pains continued. Boring—brom. Bruised—arn. Burning—aeon., am. e, am. m., anae, ant. e, ant. t, apis, arn., ♦arum, baryt, berb., borax, calc. phos., carb. an., cinch., clem.,con., dros., glon., ign., mag.m., mere, mur. a., naja, nat.c, nat. s., paris, petrol., psor., puis., rhod., sabad., sang., staph., sul. Cutting—clem. Drawing—asaf., oxal. a. Jerking—agar., ars., carb. v. Neuralgic—mez., spig. Pricking—agar. Raw—bell. Shooting—brom., con., sul. a. Smarting-—belb, caps., hep. s., kali bi., puis., sil. Sore—ant. e, arg. n., ars., aur., borax, ham., hell., hep. s., ign., kreos., lye, mere, mere cor., naja, nat. m., nit.a., psor., rhod., rhus, stram. Stinging—ant. c, graph., kalm., mere, sul. a. Stitching—aeon., dros. Tearing—dros., plumb. Tensive—alum., apis, belb, caust., cocc, sars. Tingling—aeon., nat. m. Parts Chin—aethus., agar., aib, ant. c, ant. t, apis, berb., cic, clem., glon., hep. s, mancin., mere b. i., mez., nat. m., nat.-s., phyt., rhus, sib, sub, viola tr. Glands—cist, mere Jaws—absinth., acet. a., aeon., ars., baryt., brom., caust., cist., eye, glon., guaiac, kali bi., kalm., mere, mere b. i., mere cor., mez., nux v., oxal. a., petrol., phos., psor., rhus, sang., sib, staph., sul. a. Caries—asaf., cist., mere, sib Chewing, motion of—bry., hell. Lockjaw—camph., ♦canth., cic, cupr., glon., hyos., ign., laur., mere, nit. a., nux v., oxal. a., oenan., plumb., secale, sib, stram. Lower jaw—agar., alum., arn., ars., arum, brom., caust., dros., graph., hell., kali bi., lach., lye, mere, mur. a., nux v., opium, paris,petrol., stram., sul. Necrosis—phos., sil. Joints—acet. a., alum., arn., bapt., baryt., rhus, sabad., sang., sars. Lips—acet. a., aeon., agar., aib, aloe, ambr., am. c, ♦am. m., anae, ant. t., apis, arg. n., arn., :Nars., ♦arum, asaf., belb, berb., bry., calc. c, can. i., canth., caps., carb. an., cheb, cic, cist., clem., colch., con., cupr., dulc, eup. purp., ferr., ham., hell., hep. s.. hydras., hyos., kali bi., kali c, kreos., lach., mere, 22!S CHAPTER IX. — LOWER FACE Lips continued. ♦mere b. i., mur. a.,naja, nat. e, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., nux m., nux v., opium, phos., phyt.. ruta. sabad., sang., sars., sib, spig., spong., squill., staph., stram., sub, thuj., ver. a., viola tr., zinc. Bleeding —am. e, arn., ♦arum, ign., kali e, lach., nat. m.,paris. Dry—aeon, aloe, ambr., am. m., anae, ant. e, ant. t, belb, berb., can. i., canth., cheb, cinch., con., crot. t, eye, dros., ferr., gels., ham., hell., hyos., hyper., ign., kalm., lach., mang., mere, nitre, cor., naja, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., phos., psor., rhod., ruta, sabad., sang., sib, spig., sticta, stram., sub, ver. a., ver. v. Hard—calc. phos., cinch., mag. e, sang. Hot—ambr., apis, bry., hep. s., hyper., naja, sabad. Lower lips—aeon., ail., am.c, apis,arn., asaf., borax, brom., bry., chain., cist., clem., eye, dros., glon., hep. s., ign., kalibi., kreos., lach., lye, mag. m., mur. a., naja, nat. e, nit. a., opium, paris, phos., puis., rhod., sang., sib, sticta. Oedematous—apis, arum. Paralysis—aeon., dulc, ver v. Parched— belb, bry., crot. t, mang., naja, sib, ver. a. Peeling—aeon., cham., kali c, kreos., nat. s., nux v., sul. a., thuj. Picks lips—♦arum. Quivering, trembling—agar., arg. n., arn., ars., carb. v., sul. Rigidity, stiff—kalm., cenan., oxal. a. Rough—anae, apis, bry., sul. Upper lip—aeon., alum., am. c, am. m., apis, arg. m., arg. n., ars., baryt., bell., brom., bry., calc. c, calc. phos., carb. v, cic, eye, euphr., graph., hell., hep. s., kali e, kreos., mar. v., nat.m., nat. s., olean., phyt., psor., sars., sul. Vermilion border—aloe, anae, arg. n., belb, brom., hep. s., lye, mag. m., stram. Mouth, around—absinth., aeon., anae, brom., calc e, camph., can. i., caust., cic, cina, cist., cupr., dulc, hep. s., hyos.,hyper., ipec, lye, mag. c, mez., mur. a., nat. m., nit. a., olean., opium, paris, petrol., psor., puis., rhus, sabad., ver. a., ver. v. Corners—aethus., aib, am. m., ant. c, arum, belb, calc. c, cocc, dros., graph., hell., ign., lye, mag. c, mang., mere, mere b. i., nat. s., nit. a., psor., rhus, sub, thuj., ver. v., zinc. Muscles—agar., berb., ♦phyt, sabad., sars. Nerves—ars., mez. Nodosities—mag. e Sensations—belb, can. i., ♦caust., euphr., glon. Cold—aethus., camph. Crawling, formication—anae, berb., borax, graph. Heaviness—graph., mur. a. Itching—am. e, anae, ant. t, eye, hep. s., mag. m., paris. Numbness —aeon., ambr., eye, nat. m., olean. Scalded—arn., ♦arum, sabad. Sensitive—ant. e, arg. n., borax, can. i., cocc, hep. s., ♦mere cor., nat. s., petrol. CHAPTER IX.--LOWER FACE 22g Sensations continued. Shriveled—am. m., cinch., mang. Swelling—aeon., apis, arg. m., arn., ars., ♦arum, baryt., ♦belb, borax,bry.,calc. c,calc phos.,caps.,carb. an., carb. v., cinch., glon., graph., hell., ♦hep. s., kali bi., kali e, kalm., lach., lye, ♦mere cor., mur. a., nat. c., nat. m., nit. a., petrol., psor., puis., sang., sib, sub, thuj. Trismus—♦nux v., cenanthe. Twitching—♦alum., dulc, graph., ign., squill., sul. CHAPTER X.-TEETH AND GUMS. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Abrotanum. ^Drawing, tearing in carious teeth. Aconitum. -Toothache from cold; from dry, cold winds, with throbbing on one side, redness of the cheek, congestion to head, great restlessness; left side. Grinding teeth. Teeth sensitive to cold air; toothache in sound teeth. yEthusa. Stinging or tearing in gums. Agaricus. "-Tearing in lower molars,worse from cold air. Swell- ing and bleeding of gums. Shooting from right lower teeth up to right side of head. Agnus cast. Teeth painful when touched by warm food or drink. Throbbing, tearing toothache in left eye-tooth, small boil near the tooth, very painful to touch; in attacks. ♦Ailantus. ♦Teeth covered with a Drown slime or sordes. °Tearing in left upper or lower teeth, face and head; worse on ly- ing down, must walk about; better from pressure and towards morning. Aloe. °Sensitiveness in a hollow molar; worse when eating; later a pustule appears on the gum near diseased tooth. Alumina. ^Toothache; teeth feel loose and elongated; worse from chewing; in open air; evening. Drawing toothache extending to other parts, as down the larynx, neck, and shoulders. Teeth cov- ered with sordes. Swelling of gums; the)' bleed and ulcerate. Ambra. -Drawing pains, now in one tooth and again in another. increased by warmth, momentarily removed by cold. Not aggra- vated by chewing,and passes off after a meal; at the same time the inner portion of the gums was swollen. Bleeding of the gums. Ammonium carb. Teeth feel too long, too dull. Violent tooth- ache evenings, on going to bed. Stitching pain in molars, when biting,can use incisors only. Drawing toothache during catamenia; better from eating; worse from warm fluids. Sensation of an ulcer at root of tooth. Teeth fall out. Gums very sensitive; bleed easily. CHAPTER X.--TEETH AND GUMS 231 Ammonium mur. Pain in a decayed root, ceases when pressed upon with the finger. Stitching pain in upper incisors. Swelling of gums of lower left side, with stitches up to left temple. Anacardium. Tearing in teeth. Toothache on taking some- thing warm in the mouth. Toothache in one lower incisor, worse by contact with tongue and in open air. Teeth of lower jaw seem most affected. Swelling of the gums. Bleeding of the gums upon slight rubbing. ♦Antimonium crud. ♦Toothache in hollow tooth,pain sometimes penetrates into the head; worse at night; after eating and from cold water; touching the tooth with the tongue causes pain as if nerve was torn; better walking in open air. -Stitches in tooth when drawing air into mouth. Jerking or gnawing pain in hollow teeth. Gums detach from teeth and bleed easily. Antimonium tart. Violent toothache in the morning. Rheumatic toothache of intermittent type. Gums bleed; during dentition, catarrhal hyperaemia. ♦Apis. ♦Gums sacculated, look watery; child awakens with screams; red spots here and there on the skin—dentition, jump- ing pain in left upper mo'ars. Sudden,involuntary biting the teeth together. Gums bleed easily. Violent pain in gums. Swelling and redness of gums and cheek, with sore pain and stinging in the teeth. ♦Aranea. ♦Sudden, violent pains in all the teeth at night, im- mediately after lying down. Argentum nit. °Teeth sensitive to cold water, black. Gums tender and bleed easily; but neither painful nor swollen. ♦Arnica. ♦Toothache after operation, plugging, etc. Gums sore, swollen—teething children. Beating and tingling in gums, tooth- ache. °Excruciating pains, cutting, tearing in teeth of right upper jaw, radiating to ear; worse from external warmth or from inhaling fresh air. Tooth feels as if forced out of its socket; throbbing toothache. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Toothache relieved by heat of stove. Swollen, bleeding gums, painful to touch. °Grinding of the teeth while asleep. Teeth seem longer, become loose and are sensitive to pres- sure and to cold water. Pain in some of the teeth as if loose and would fall out; pain not ir creased by chewing. Jerking toothache extending to the temple, 1 Sieved or removed by sitting up in bed. 232 CHAPTER X. — TE.ETH AND GUMS Aurum met. "Toothache caused by drawing air into the mouth. Gums swollen, dark-red, sore when touched,or when eating; bleed easily. Baptisia. Teeth*and gums sore; by pressing with the finger large quantities of blood ooze out. Sordes on teeth and lips. Baryta carb. °After eating some, feels too weak to chew any more. Toothache in decayed tooth before the menses or from cold. Drawing, jerking„throbbing toothache; right teeth feel tense. Burn- ing stitches in a hollow tooth, when touched by warm food. Gums are swollen, pale-red, with a dark-red border. Toothache, worse thinking about it; disappears when the mind is diverted. Belladonna. cDull drawing in upper row, right side, all night. Toothache some minutes after eating, not during; increases gradually to a high degree and gradually diminishes. Teeth feel "on edge." Extremely painful swelling of gums on right side. Bleeding of gums. Borax. °Dull griping in hollow tooth in wet weather. Inflamed, large swelling on the outer side of the gums, which pain severely (gum-boil), with dull pain in a hollow tooth; swelling of the cheek and whole left side of face, as far as below the eye, where there is formed a watery blister. ♦Bryonia. ♦Toothache relieved by cold water; aggravated by taking anything warm in the mouth; aggravated when lying on the painless side; goes away when lying on the painful side. Tear- ing, stitching toothache,while eating, extending to muscles of neck, aggravated by warmth. Jerking toothache, when smoking. Calcarea carb. cToothache: after drinking cold liquids, or ex- cited by draft or cold; drawing, shooting or boring; during and after menstruation; during pregnancy; worse from warm or cold drinks. Teeth particularly sensitive to cold air. Offensive smell from teeth. Gums painfully tender, swollen, bleeding. Difficult dentition. Fistula dentalis on lower jaw. Calc. fluor. °(Enamel of teeth deficient. —Schussler. ) Calcarea phos. °Retarded dentition, with cold tumors and emaciation. Hollow teeth sensitive to air. Pain in the canines. Teeth sensitive to chewing. (Gums painful in teething children. Teeth decay rapidly. Toothache worse at night, or with hot or cold .fluids. Teeth appear too late. The chief remedy in teething. — Schussler.) CHAPTER X.--TEETH AND GUMS 233 Camj">hora. Teeth seem too long; cutting toothache, which seems to originate in the swelling of a submaxillary gland. Cannabis ind. Gritting and grinding of teeth while sleeping. ♦Cantharis. ♦Lockjaw with grinding of the teeth. °Painful red spot,size of a pin's head,over the carious root of an upper incisor; discharges pus from a small opening in the center, when pressed. Capsicum. -Gums: hot, burning, swollen, sensitive, spongy, retracted from the teeth. Pain in teeth, which seem elongated, but not much worse from biting on them. Carbo ani. -Teeth loose, sensitive on chewing. Gums red, swollen, painful, bleeding. Gum-b.oils. ♦Carbo veg. ♦Gums painfully sensitive when chewing. °Drawing and tearing pain in molars. Tearing in teeth, from hot, cold, or salt food; worse when touched with tongue. Teeth decay rapidly. Gums bleed, also when sucking them; pain as if sore; recede from (lower) incisors; gum-boils. Caulophyllum. 3Teeth all feel sore, elongated. Causticum. °Painful looseness and elongation of the teeth. Teeth painful when chewing. Pain in and around teeth, and drawing in cold air. Stitching and tearing toothache. Swelling of the gums. Tedious suppuration of the gums—fistula lachrymalis. Cepa. :Toothache with coryza, getting better when catarrh is worse, and worse when catarrh ceases. Chamomilla. °Toothache: stitching; digging; gnawing; from cold; after eating; in the room; getting warm in bed; after warm drink; during menses; most left side and lower teeth; worse at night. Teeth feel too long. Gums red and tender; during dentition. Cicuta. cGrinding of the teeth. Cimicifuga. °Toothache in neuralgic and rheumatic patients. Cina. -Grinds the teeth at night. ♦Cinchona. ♦Toothache while infant nurses. 'Toothache,veins in forehead and hands distended; throbbing pain. Toothache worse from least contact, moving body, tea, open air, or current of air; better from pressing teeth together. Toothache during sweat. Swelling of the gums; mouth dry. Cistus. ^Twitching, stitching toothache in an upper decayed molar. Scorbutic gums, swollen gums, separating from the teeth; easily bleeding, putrid, disgusting. Clematis. -Toothache: stitching and drawing, worse at night, 234 CHAPTER X.—TEETH AND GUMS better for short time from cold water; better when drawing in the air, better in open air; worse from warmth of bed, relieved by cold water; crumb of bread starts aching; worse from smoking tobacco; from syphilitic affections when mercurialized. Decayed teeth feel too long; contact extremely painful; free flow of saliva. Gums of left lower molars pain, as if sore; worse while eating. Coffea. -Toothache: stinging; jerking; intermittent aching; with restlessness, anguish and weeping mood, especially at night and after a meal; aggravated from hot or warm drink; from chewing, at night; ameliorated from holding ice, or ice-cold water in the mouth. Colchicum. cGrinding of the teeth. Teeth very sensitive when pressing them together. Teeth feel too long. Toothache worse from cold; after warm things. Tearing in the jaws and gums. Dolichos. -Soreness and tenderness of gums, in teething children. Gums swollen; neuralgic pains in them, worse at night. Dulcamara. Toothache from cold, especially with diarrhoea; confusion in head; profuse salivation; teeth feel blunt, or as if asleep. Scurvy; from cold. Receding, spongy gums; ptyalism. ♦Euphorbium. ♦Toothache as if screwed in, in a hollow tooth, with jerking in it, as if it would be torn out. Ferric phos. °(Teething, with feverishness. Toothache with hot cheek, inflamed gum at root of tooth; worse with hot, better with cold liquids. — Schussler.) Fluoric acid. -Sensation of warmth; heaviness in teeth; rough- ness in teeth. Mouth and teeth coated with mucus in the morn- ing. Toothache worse from cold drink, or improved until the water becomes warm in the mouth. Violent pains at the root of right eye-tooth, with frequent discharge of pus. Great sensitiveness to pressure on the gum over the right eye-tooth. Gelsemiuin. °Toothache from a cold, or purely nervous; pains from temple to temple. Dentition: child frantic, awakens with sudden screams; face deep red; fontanelle pulsates too strongly: pain about ear. ♦Glonoinum. ♦Pulsating, throbbing pains, teeth feel elongated; decayed. "Stabbing in gums, worse from hot applications, better from cold. Graphites. Pressing pain in the teeth; worse from touch or biting. Drawing pain in the molars while walking in the wind. Tearing pain,worse from warmth; renewed by going to bed. Sting- CHAPTER X.--TEETH AND GUMS 235 ing toothache after cold drink. Toothache worse at night. Painful soreness on inner side of gums. Swelling of the gums and dryness of the mouth. ♦Hamamelis. ♦Gums sore, painful, swollen, bleed easily; pas- sive; dark fluid; after extraction of teeth. '-Sharp, lancinating along the molar teeth,extending to malar borte,also in temporal re- gion. Toothache,can scarcely sleep, yet not decayed. Pains worse in warm room. Helleborus. -Grinds teeth. Toothache during chill. Hepar sulph. Gums and mouth very painful to touch, bleed easily. Toothache worse in warm room; when biting teeth together. Looseness of teeth. Hollow teeth, feel too long and painful. Hyoscyamus. cCloses the teeth tightly. Toothache driving to despair, tearing, throbbing, extending to the cheeks and along lower jaw. Tearing in teeth, as if blood was forced into them; flushes of heat, congestion to head; worse from cold air, morning. Teeth feel loose when chewing; also too long. Intense pain in gums after extraction of teeth. Sordes on teeth and in the mouth. Grating teeth. Ignatia. cJaws feel as if crushed. Boring pain in front teeth. Soreness in all the teeth. Toothache worse after drinking coffee; after smoking tobacco; after dinner; in the evening; after lying down; or in the morning, on awaking. Difficult dentition with con vulsions. Iodium. -Toothache; gums swollen and bleeding. Little blisters form on the gums. Gums puffed, red, inflamed, painful to touch, and bleed easily. Ipecacuanha. Child thrusts its fist into its mouth; screams; face pale; dentition. Pain in hollow tooth when biting on it. ♦Kali carb. *Toothache only when eating; throbbing; worse when touched by anything warm. "Toothache, tearing,lancinating, with pains in facial bones. Teeth are loose. Bad smell from teeth. Stitches in teeth; cheeks swollen, with stinging pain. Kali chlor. °(Toothache with swelling of gums. Gum-boils; swelling before matter forms. —Schussler.) Kali iod. -Feeling as of a worm crawling at the roots of the teeth. Gums swollen; decayed teeth; gum-boils. Teeth feel elongated. Kali nit. cToothache, 3 a. m., worse from cold things; feels as 236 CHAPTER X. -TEETH AND (.CMS if air was rushing in and out of decayed teeth. Gums red, swollen, bleed easily. Kali phos. c(Bleeding of the gums and predisposition thereto. Toothache of highly nervous girls.—Schussler.) Kalmia. °Teeth tender with neuralgia of face and head. Press- ing pain in molars, late in the evening. Kreosotum. -Drawing toothache,extending to temples and ears. Bad odor from decayed teeth. Toothache,extending to temples and to the left side of face; drawing, extending to inner ear and tem- ples. Teeth wedge-shaped. Very painful dentition; teeth begin to decay as soon as they appear. Gums, bluish-red; inflamed on upper left side. Swelling of the gum over a tooth which was not quite through causes convulsions. Gums bleed readily, scorbutic,spongy and ulcerated. Bleeding gums and nose, blood dark, quickly coagulating. Lachesis. ♦Toothache,tearing, jerking,sticking, often extend- ing through jaw to ear; periodical; after walking; after eating; from warm and cold drinks. ♦Lycopodium. ♦Teeth excessively painful to touch; front teeth loose,or as if too long, drawing, cramp-like pain, relieved by warm drinks. Teeth yellow. Toothache, with swelling of cheek, relieved by the heat of the bed and warm applications. Gums bleed vio- lently when touched. Gum-boils. Fistula dentalis. Magnesia carb. Beating and stinging in the teeth after eating. Toothache: while riding in a carriage, worse in the cold; at night, compelling one to rise and walk about, .the pain is insupportable while at rest, during pregnane.}'; mostly burning, tearing, drawing, or great ulcerative pain,with twitching in the fingers and feet. Teeth feel too long. Ailments from cutting the wisdom teeth. Looseness of teeth, with swelling of the gums. Slow eruption of the teeth. Burning vesicles on. the gums, on the inside of cheeks, tongue, lips and palate; they bleed from the least contact. Magnesia mur. -Toothache almost insupportable if the food touches the teeth. Sensation as if the upper cuspidati were elongated. Painful swelling and easy bleeding of the gums. Slow dentition, with distended abdomen and constipation. Magnesium phos. ( Teething, convulsions,cramps, without fever; toothache, if hot liquids ease the pain; neuralgic, rheumatic, very intense; shooting.—Schussler.). CHAPTER X. —TEETH AND GUMS 237 Manganum acet. Smarting toothache, made insupportable when anything cold touches the tooth. Violent toothache suddenly going from one place to another up in ears. "Mercurius. ♦Teeth feel loose, fall out, become black, carious. Pulsating, jerking toothache, extending into ear and head; worse at night and from warmth of bed. Gums painful to touch, swollen, spongy, receeiing from teeth; edges whitish; bleeding, fetid odor from mouth. -Toothache from caries and when the dentine is in- flamed; gum-boils return in damp weather, or evening air; pain tearing, lacerating, shooting into face and ears, worse from warmth of bed, from cold or warm things; better from rubbing the cheek. Mercurius biniod. Gums swollen, toothache, glands swollen; boil in the mouth, sleepless; alternating melancholy and cheerful; in periodic spells. Mercurius cor. -Looseness of teethj t}iey pain and fall out. Gums swell; covered with false membrane; gangrenous. Mercurius prot. iod. °Molar teeth feel too long; worse bringing them together. Grinding and drawing pains in teeth; wants to press them together. Stiffness of the jaws. ♦Mezereum. ♦The teeth feel dull and elongated. -The teeth decay suddenly,on the side above the gums. The tartar on teeth becomes rough. Toothache worse at night; when touched with the tongue; better with mouth open and from drawing in air. Boring and stinging toothache which extends to malar bones and temples; chilliness. Millefolium. Rheumatic toothache, with diseased gums. Gum- boil. Muriatic acid. 'Toothache(pulsating) from cold drinks; also with earache. Tingling toothache, better from warm applications. Gums swollen, bleeding, ulcerating. Teeth rise from their sockets. Natrum carb. -Digging, boring toothache, especially during or after eating sweetmeats or fruit. Great sensitiveness of the lower teeth. Nightly pressing toothache, with swelling of lower lips and of gums. Toothache lessened by smoking. ♦Natrum mur. ♦Fistula dentalis. °Sensitive to air or touch; molars pain when chewing. Pain, drawing, tearing from teeth to ears and throat, after eating, and at night; cheek swollen. Decayed teeth feel loose burn, sting and pulsate. Gums sensitive to warm and cold things; swollen, bleeding easily; are putrid. Epulis. 238 CHAPTER X,—TEETH AND GUMS (Teething with much dribbling and flow of saliva. Toothache with involuntary flow of tears. — Schussler.) Natrum sulf. -Throbbing toothache with great restlessness; worse from warm, but intolerable to hot drink. Toothache les- sened by cool air. Gums burn like fire. Nitric acid. -Pulsating stinging in teeth, evening in bed and all night, after abuse of mercury. Teeth feel elongated. Teeth become yellow or loose. Pain in hollow teeth. Gums white, swollen, bleeding. Nux mos. °Pain in front teeth, during pregnancy; stinging, tearing; worse during cold, damp weather, from washing; from touch or sucking teeth; better from warmth. Gums bleed; scurvy. Nux vom. °Toothache, with swollen face; worse from reading or thinking; tearing is worse from cold, or cold things; better from warm drinks; worse from coffee or wine. Stinging in decayed teeth; burning, stinging in a row of teeth. Gum-boils which seem about to burst. Gums white, putrid, bleeding. Oleander. °Toothache only when masticating. Drawing in the molar teeth at night, when lying down, with anxiety, nausea and frequent micturition. Bluish-white gums. Oxalic acid. °Pain in decayed molar. Gums bleed, are painful in spots. Small ulcers on gums. Petroleum. cSensation of coldness in teeth. Toothache from contact with fresh, open air, at night, and with swelling of cheek. Numbness of teeth; they pain when biting on them. Swelling of the gums, with stinging, burning pains when biting on them. Fistula dentalis. Phosphorus. Toothache: from washing clothes; from having the hands in warm or cold water. Pricking and stinging in de- cayed teeth. Gums stand off from the teeth and bleed easily. Phosphoric acid. °Bleeding, swollen gums; tearing pains in teeth, worse when warm in bed, and from heat or cold; burning in front teeth during the night. Teeth become yellow and feel dull. Hollow teeth ache only when food gets into them. Phytolacca. -Disposition to bite the teeth together. Difficult dentition. ♦Plumbum. "Grinding of teeth. Teeth become black. Yellow mucus on teeth. Teeth hollow, decayed, crumbling off, and smell- ing offensively. Gums swollen, ♦show a lead-colored line; cpainful, with hard tubercles. CHAPTER X.—TEETH AND GUMS 239 Podophyllum. -Great desire to press gums together; jaws clenched; grind teeth at night; difficult dentition. Psorinum. -Stitching in teeth from one side to other, radiating to head, with burning in right cheek, which is swollen. Teeth feel loose, fears they may fall out; worse from touch. Ulcers on gums. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Sharp, shooting pains in teeth, or drawing, jerk- ing, as if nerve were put on the stretch,and then let loose. Tooth- ache worse: evening and night; in warmth of bed; from taking anything warm in the mouth; cwhen eating; when picking teeth. Looseness of painful teeth. Left side of face sensitive. Sting- ing in decayed teeth. Throbbing, digging in hollow teeth, with drawing, extending to the eye; also with otalgia. Toothache worse in spring; in warm room; when eating, but not from chewing; when sitting; from cold water; also, during pregnancy; better walk- ing about in open air. Rheum. cDifficult dentition of children. Toothache, with cold sensation in teeth. ♦Rhododendron. ♦Toothache, drawing, tearing, pains worse in stormy weather, or before storm. Toothache better from warm than from cold; °pains leave completely during and for an hour or two after eating. Toothache with earache. Neuralgia of inferior and superior dental nerves; teeth loose; snags come away; gums swollen; pains worse from change of weather; better from warmth. Rhus tox. °Teeth painful with stinging at root of nose, extend- ing to malar bones. Teeth feel too long and too loose, feel as if asleep. Jumping, shooting, as if teeth were being torn out, or slow pricking, throbbing or tearing, extending into jaws and tem- ples; face sore; worse at night, from cold, from vexation, better from external heat; crusty caries. Sabina. -Drawing toothache, caused by masticating. Throbbing toothache at night, as if the tooth would burst; worse from heat of bed. Swelling of gums around broken tooth. Sanguinaria. -Toothache from picking the teeth, or in hollow teeth when touched by food. Spongy, bleeding and fungoid condi- tion of gums. Secale. cLooseness of the teeth. Grinding of teeth. Bleeding from gums. Sepia. cToothache: drawing in upper molars; in a hollow tooth extending to ear; throbbing; stitching. Early decay of the teeth. 240 CHAPTER X.—TEETH AND GUMS Teeth feel dull. Swelling of gums, dark-red, painful, bleeding from slightest touch. Gums painful, as if burned. ♦Silicia. ♦Gums painfully sensitive on taking cold water into the mouth. Difficult dentition; gums sensitive, blistered; fre- quently grasping at gums. All her teeth feel long and loose. Carious teeth; pains worse at night and on inhaling cold air. Throbbing toothache, swelling of periosteum. Stinging toothache, preventing sleep. Gums very sore, inflamed; gum-boils. Discharge of offensive matter from openings near root of teeth or from gums. Erysipelatous swelling on gums and roof of mouth after teeth were extracted. Spigelia. -Toothache: throbbing in decayed teeth, pressing out- ward, teeth feel cold, better from eating; worse after eating; from cold water, and at night driving out of bed. Staphisagria. ^ Teeth black, crumbling, carious. Toothache dur- ing menses. Gnawing, tearing in decayed teeth; shooting into ear, throbbing in temples; worse from cold drinks and touch, but not from biting on them. Fistula dentalis. Gums white, swollen, ul- cerating, spongy, bleed when touched. Stramonium. ; Grinding teeth. Sordes on teeth. ♦Sulphur. ♦Drawing, throbbing or boring toothache; °in the open air, or in slightest draft of air; from cold water; in the even- ing and night. Great sensitiveness of teeth. Teeth feel too long. Tearing toothache in left side. Pulsating and boring in teeth, worse from heat. Painful feeling of looseness of teeth. Swelling of gums with beating pain in them. Bleeding of gums. Sulphuric acid. °Toothache, worse-in evening in bed, aggra- vated by cold; better from heat. Dull toothache, concentrating in right eye-tooth; hurts when eating and on pressure. Pain increases slowly, ceases suddenly. Destruction of teeth—diabetes mellitus. Tabacum— Drawing, rending toothache. Terebinthina. °Scorbutic affections, with haematuria. Thuja oce Decay at roots (as in sycosis),the crowns remaining sound; crumble, turn yellow. Toothache from tea. Gums swollen, inflamed, dark-red in streaks. Trillium. °Bleeding from cavity after extraction of tooth. Veratrum alb. °Violent toothache, throbbing; face swollen, cold sweat on forehead. Toothache, drives to madn?ss; nervous, excita- ble persons. Teeth heavy, as if filled with lead. Grinding teeth. CHAPTER X.—TEETH AND GUMS 24l Veratrum vir. °Dentition; cerebral congestion, excited pulse; convulsions. Zincum. "Herpes (yellowish) in mouth from sea-bathing. Draw- ing, or smarting and stinging in roots of (upper) front teeth and in hard palate. Gums painful when eating; ulcerated, white, bleed- ing easily. Teeth feel long and loose; with swelling of submaxillary glands. Grits the teeth. REPERTORY. Pains—agn., am. m., ♦ant. c, ♦aran., arn., ars., belb, borax, calc. phos., caps., caust., fluor. a., gels., hep. s., kalm., mag. e, mere cor., mere p. i., mur. a., nat. c, nit. a., nux m., petrol., puis., rhus, sepia, sib, sul. Aching—aeon., agn., alum , am.e, anae, ♦ant. c., ant. t..♦arn., ♦ars., aur., baryt., bell., ♦bry., calc. c, calc. phos., caust., cepa, cham., cimi., ♦cinch., cist., clem., coff., colch., dulc, ♦euphorb., ferr. phos., fluor. a., gels., graph., ham., hell., hep. s., hyos., ign., iod., ♦kali c, kali n., kali phos., kreos., lach., lye, mag. e, mag. m., mag.phos.,mang., mere, mere b. i., mez., mill., mur.a., nat.c, nat.m.,nat. s., nux v., olean., petrol., phos., puis., rheum, rhod., sabin., sang., sepia, sib, spig., staph., ♦sub, sul. a., tabac, thuj. Boring—calc. c, ign., mez., nat. c, sul. Burning—baryt., mag. c, nat. m., nux v., phos. a., sepia. Cramps—lye, mag. phos. Cutting—arn., camph. Digging—cham., nat. c, puis. Drawing—abrot., alum., ambr., am. c, baryt., belb, calc. c.', carb. v., clem., graph., kreos., lye, mag. c., mere p. i., nat. m., olean., ♦puis., ♦rhod., sabin., sepia, sub, tabac , zinc. Dull—belb, borax, sul. a. Gnawing—ant. c, cham., staph. Grinding—mere p. i. Griping—borax. Intermittent—ant. t, coff., lach. Jerking—ant. t, ars., baryt., bry., coff., euphorb., lach., *merc, ♦puis. Jumping—apis, rhus. Lancinating—ham., kalic. Menstrual —am. c, cham., staph. Neuralgic—doli., cimi., mag. phos., rhod. Pregnancy—calc. c, mag. c, nux m., puis. Pressing—graph., kalm., nat. c, spig. Pricking—phos., rhus. Pulsating—glon., ♦mere, mur. a., nat. m., nit. a., sul. Rheumatic-—ant. t, cimi., mag. phos., mill. Sensations—am. e, arn., fluor. a., hyos., ign., kali., mag. m., mez., petrol., rheum, rhus, sabin., spig., ver. a. 242 CHAPTER X.—TEETH AND GUMS Pains continued. Sensitive—aeon., agn., aloe, ant. c,arg. n., ars., baryt, calc. c, calc. phos., carb. an., carb. v., cinch., clem., colch., graph.,kalm., lye, mag. m, mang., mez., nat. c, nat. m., nux m., petrol., sub, psor., sang., sil. Sharp—ham., puis. Shooting—agar., calc. e, mag. phos., mere, puis., rhus. Smarting—mag. m, zinc Sore—apis, bapt., caul., clem., doli., ign. Stinging—apis, coff., graph., mag. e, mez., nat. m., nit. a., nux m., nux v., phos., puis., rhus, sib, zinc. Stitching—am. c, am. m., ant c, baryt., bry., caust., cham., cist., clem., kali c, lach., psor., sepia. Tearing—abrot., agar., agn.,aib, anae, arn., bry., carb.v., caust., colch., graph.,hyos., kali c, lach., mag. c, mere, nat. m., nux m., nux v , phos. a., ♦rhod., rhus, staph., sub, tabac. Throbbing—aeon., agn., arn., baryt., cinch., ♦glon.,hyos., kali e, nat. s., puis., rhus, sabin., sepia, sib, spig., ♦sub, ver. a. Violent—am. c, ant. t., ♦aran., mang., ver. a. Smell from—calc. e, cist., kali c, kreos., ♦mere, nat. m., nux v., plumb. Sordes—♦aib, alum., bapt., hyos., plumb., stram. Yellow—lye, nit. a., phos. a., plumb., thuj. Parts. Gums—mill., sil. Bleeding—agar., alum, ambr., am. e, anae, ant. c. ant. t, apis, ♦ars.,aur., bapt.,belb, calc. c, carb. an., carb. v., cist., ♦ham., hep. s, iod.,kali n., kali phos.,kreos.,lye, mag. c,mag. m.,*merc, mere cor., mur. a., nat. m., nit. a., *nux m., nux v., oxal. a., phos., phos. a., sang., secale, sepia, staph., sub, trill., zinc Blisters—borax, iod., mag. c, sil. Blue—kreos., olean., plumb. Boils—agn., borax, carb. an., carb. v., kali chlor., kali i., lye, mere b. i., mill., nux v., sil. Burning—caps., nat. s. Epulis, tumor of gums—nat. m. Gangrene—mere cor. Fistulae—calc. c, caust., fluor. a., lye, ♦nat. m., petrol., sib, staph. Fungoid—sang. Hot—caps. Inflamed—borax, ferr. phos., iod., kreos., sib, thuj. Painful—aethus., apis, ♦arn., belb,calc. c, calc. phos., carb. an., ♦carb. v., colch., glon., graph., ham.,hep. s., hyos., iod.,mag. m., ♦mere, oxal. a., plumb., sepia', ♦sib, sub, zinc. Pustules—aloe, canth. Putrid—cist., nux v. Receding—nat. c, caps., carb. v.,cist, dulc, ♦mere, phos. Red—apis, aur., baryt, carb. an., cham., iod., kali n., kreos., sepia, thuj. CHAPTER X.--TEETH AND GUMS 243 Glims continued. Sacculated—♦apis. Sensitive—am. c, arg. n, aur., calc. e, caps., ♦carb. v., cham., doli., fluor. a., hep. s., iod., kalm., mere, nat. m., puis., sib, staph. Scorbutic, scurvy—cist., dulc, kreos., nux m., terebin. Sore—arn., aur., bapt, carb. v., doli., ham., sil. Spongy—caps., dulc, kreos., ♦mere, sang., staph. Stinging—aethus., petrol. Suppuration—caust., fluor. a., sil. Swollen—agar., alum., ambr., am. m, anae, apis, ♦arn., ♦ars., aur., baryt, belb, borax, calc. c, caps., carb. an., caust., cinch., cist., doli., graph., ham., iod., kali chlor., kali i., kali n., kreos., mag. e, mag. m., ♦mere, mere b. i., mere cor., mur. a., nat. e, nat. m., nit. a., petrol., phos. a., ♦plumb., rhod., sabin., sepia, sib, staph., sub, thuj., ver. a. Syphilitic—clem. Tearing—aethus., colch. Tubercles—plumb. Ulcerated—alum., kreos., mag. e, mur. a., oxal. a.,psor., staph., zinc. Vesicles—mag. c. White—♦mere, nit. a., nux v., olean., plumb., staph., zinc. Periosteum—sil. Teeth—mur. a, nat. c. Biting, involuntary—apis, phyt., ♦pod. Black —arg. n., ♦mere, plumb., staph. Carious—abrot., canth., ♦mere, rhus, sib, staph. Convulsions with teething—ign., kali phos., kreos., ver. a. Decayed—am. m., baryt.,calc. phos., carb. v., cist., clem., glon., ham., kali i., kali n., kreos., mez., nat. m., nux v., oxal. a., phos., plumb., puis., sepia, spig., staph., sul. a., thuj. Dentition—ant. t., apis, arn., calc. e, calc. phos., cham., doli., ferr. phos., gels., ign., ipec, kreos., mag. c, mag. m., nat. m., nat. phos., phyt., pod., rheum, sib, ver. v. Dull—am. c, dulc, ♦mez., phos. a., sepia. Elongated—alum., am. c, ars., camph., caps., caul., caust., cham., clem., colch., glon., hep. s., hyos., kali i., lye, mag. e, mag. m., mere p. i., mez., nit. a., rhus, sib, sub, zinc. Enamel—calc. fh, calc. phos., mere Fall out—am. c, ars., ♦mere, mere cor., psor. Glands of mouth—mere, zinc. Grinding, grating—aeon., ars., can. i., canth., cic, cina, colch., hell., hyos., plumb., pod., secale, stram., ver. a., zinc. Hollow—aloe, ant. c, baryt., borax, calc. ph., euphorb., hep. s. ipec, nit. a., phos. a., plumb., puis., sang., sepia. Incisors—am. e, am. m., anae, canth., carb. v. Inflamed—mere 244 CHAPTER X.--TEETH AND GUMS Teeth continued. Loose—alum., ars., carb. an., caust., hep. s., hyos., kali c, lye, mag. c, mere, mere cor., nat. m., nit. a., psor., puis., rhus, secale, sib, sub, zinc. Molars—agar., am. c, apis, carb. v., cist., graph., ham., kalm., mere p. i., nat. m., olean., oxal. a., sepia. Retarded dentition—calc. phos., mag. c, mag. m. Sound—aeon., caust., ham., thuj. CHAPTER XL-TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Slimy taste—gastralgia. °Acid taste. Absinthium. -Bites his tongue in epilepsy; tongue thick, pro- truding; can scarcely talk. Tongue trembling; seems paralyzed. Acetic acid. JPain across root, impedes speech and moving jaw; scarcely able to talk. Glands under tongue and under lower jaw swollen; sore to touch. Aconitum. -Taste bitter, except water; putrid; sweetish; like rotten eggs, flat, nauseous, compels hawking of tough mucus. Trem- bling, and temporary stammering. Tongue feels as if swollen, burning, prickling, tingling. Numbness of mouth and tongue. Tongue coated white, or yellow-white. /Esculus. °Taste sweet; bitter, afterward sweetish; metallic, oily or coppery with salivation. Cannot control the tongue so as to form words rightly. Tongue coated white or yellow; feels scalded. Tip of the tongue sore, as if ulcerated. .Ethusa. -Aphthae in mouth and throat; salivation. Feeling as if the tongue were too long. Taste bitter; like cheese; like on- ions; sweetish in the morning. Speech impeded, slow. ♦Agaricus. ♦Tongue dry. °Left side of tongue numb. Tongue coated white mornings; sore, smarting,burning in tip, as from pep- per. Tremulous propulsion of tongue. Inarticulate speech— chorea. Agnus cast. °Taste metallic; coppery; bitter. Tongue coated white. ♦Ailantus. :f:Tongue dry, parched, cracked; °thickly covered with a whitish coat; brown in the middle; moist, coated white; tip and edges livid. Taste insipid; flat, feverish—bronchial catarrh. Water tastes brackish and flat. Aloe. -Taste bitter, sour, like ink or iron; metallic. Tongue: coated yellowish-white; stiff; dry, red. Severe, fine stitches from behind forward,in the under part of tongue when moving it. Yel- low ulcers on tongue. 24."> 246 CHAPTER XI.—TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH Alumina. -Taste sweetish or fatty, almost lost. Tingling, itch- ing on the tongue; must scratch it. ♦Ambra. ♦Ranula. °Bitter taste in mouth in morning on awak- ing. Sour taste after drinking milk. Folds pain as if sore under the tongue, like small growths. Ammonium carb. °Taste sweetish; of blood; offensive; bitter; of food, sourish or metallic. Painful vesicles on the tongue. Talk- ing difficult at times, like from weakness of the parts, also from pain. Ammonium mur. °Blister on tip of tongue, with burning pain. ♦Anacardium. ♦Flat, offensive taste in the mouth, and of food. cHeaviness of tongue and sensation as if swollen; impedes speech. Speech firmer and surer in afternoon than forenoon. Tongue is white and rough like a grater. Bitter taste in mouth after smoking tobacco. Everything tastes like herring-brine. ♦Antimonium crud. ♦Tongue coated thick, white; cmilky-white, yellow. Taste bitter, or lessened, or of food. Much saltish saliva in mouth. Sore feeling and redness on borders of tongue. ♦Antimonium tart. ♦Tongue red, in streaks; very red, and dry in center; covered with thick, white, pasty coat; coated very thinly white, with reddened papillae, red edges; dry in the middle. °Taste flat; salty; sour; bitter; as from rotten eggs. Food seems tasteless; tobacco has no taste. Apis. cTongue red at tip, swollen, looks dry, glossy; cracked, sore, ulcerated, or covered with vesicles; coated white; glossitis. Dryness of tongue; fiery rt;dness of buccal cavity; with painful tenderness. Rawness, burning and painful stinging blisters along the edge of the tongue. Bitter taste. . Inability to talk or put the tongue out. Apocynum. -Taste bitter, sub-acrid in fauces. Argentum met. °Sore, burning blisters on the tongue; tongue dry. Speech impeded by much viscid saliva in mouth. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Tip of tongue red, painful; papillae erect, prominent. cTongue dry, hard as a chip, and black, like the teeth. Red streak down middle of tongue. Tongue coated white. Taste sweetish; bitter; sour; metallic; astringent; ink)'; lost. Cannot talk; spasm of the muscles of tongue and throat. Arnica. -Taste putrid; of rotten eggs; bitter. Coated white; dry, with a brown streak down the middle; dry, or coated yellow— CHAPTER XI.—TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH 247 typhus. Biting sensation on the tongue, with soreness, burning and stinging in the back part of the throat. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Tongue: dry and morbidly red, with papillae considerably raised at the tip; lead-colored. Edge of tongue red, takes imprint of teeth. Gangrene of tongue; spots on tongue burning like fire. Violent burning on tongue. Swelling about root of tongue, externally and internally. °Coating, sides furred, with red streak down the middle, and redness of tip; thickly furred; edges red; whitish; yellowish-white, as if painted white; brown. Taste woody, dry, unpleasant; sweetish in throat; sour, metallic; bitter, putrid. Food tastes too salty; not salty enough; insipid; sour. Beer tastes flat Loss of power of speech. Arum tri. cTongue cracked, burning, painful; sore, red, papil- lae elevated—scarlatina. Root of tongue and palate feel raw. Asafcetida. cGreasy taste in the mouth and of the phlegm hawked up. Aurum met. °Aphthae on tongue and mouth. Ulcers on tongue. Bitter taste; putrid taste, as of spoiled game, between meals. Loss of taste, with complete immovability of the tongue, which is hard as leather. ♦Baptisia. ♦Tongue cracked, sore ulcerated. Mouth and tongue very dry in fevers. °Tongue feels swollen, thick, makes talking difficult. Tongue yellow along the center; at first white with red papilla? here and there, followed by a yellow brown coating in the center, edges being red, shining; dry, brown down center. Taste flat, bitter. Baryta carb. cParalysis of the tongue; loss of speech. Hard- ness on the middle of the tongue, burning when touched; burning sense of excoriation at the tip; fissure on the left border, feeling excoriated. Vesicles on the middle, tip and under the tongue. ♦Belladonna. ♦Tongue and palate dark-red and dry. Dryness of mouth,tongue and throat; interferes with speech and deglutition. -Tongue inflamed and much swollen; papillae of deep-red color; tip and edges of light-red. Feeling in tip of tongue as if a vesicle was on it, with burning pain when touched. Feeling of coldness and dryness of forepart of tongue. Tongue, white center with red edges; or two white stripes; covered with white, clammy fur, which can be pulled off in strings; dry and furred; covered with much te- nacious yellowish-white mucus. Taste salty; sour; bitter; pappy; 248 CHAPTER XI.—TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH offensive; putrid when eating or drinking. Bread tastes sour. Stam- mering speech. Paralytic weakness of organs of speech. Benzoic acid. -Extensive ulceration of the tongue, with deeply chapped, fungoid surfaces. Tongue coated with white mucus; morning. Tast bitter, of blood. Berberis -Tongue smarts when touched. Slimy, furred tongue. Painful, white blisters on tip of tongue. Taste bitter, sometimes sour, of blood. Bismuthum. °Tongue red, coated white, evenings. Taste sweet- ish, sour or metallic; on the back part of tongue. ♦Borax ♦Aphthae on the tongue, in the mouth, inside of cheeks, with great heat and dryness of the mouth. Red blisters on the tongue, as if the surface were eroded; they pain from every motion of tongue, or if anything moist or salt touches them. Taste flat and insipid; bitter: food and even saliva taste bitter. Food has no taste. Bovista. cCutting pain in the tongue, like with a knife, before asthma. Taste putrid, bitter. Stammering, stuttering speech. ♦Bromium. ♦Voice hoarse; cannot speak clearly. °Dry sensation on tongue. Burning on the under surface of the tongue. Stinging in tip of tongue. Taste sweetish; salty; bitter; sour; acrid. Water tastes salty, in the morning, fasting. ♦Bryonia. :KGreat dryness of the mouth, lips and tongue; tip of tongue moist. Tongue thickly coated white. Tongue rough, cracked, and often of a dark-brown color. Small blisters on tip of tongue. Taste flat, insipid; sweetish; bitter; offensive, bitter; has no taste for food; when not eating mouth is bitter. v Calcarea carb. °Tongue coated white. Dryness of tongue at night, and morning on awaking. Ranula. Burning pain at tip of tongue, as from soreness; worse from warm drink. Soreness of tongue, either on tip, sides or dorsum; can scarcely talk or eat. Taste sour; bitter; offensive. Difficult, indistinct speech. Calcarea phos. cTongue swollen, numb, stiff, with pimples on it Tip of tongue sore; burning; little blisters on it. Bitter taste: in the morning, with headache; particularly of wheat bread. Dis- gusting taste, on awaking, worse when hawking. Camphora. Tongue cold. Taste acute; beef broth tastes too strong. Food tastes bitter, meat more so than bread. Speech feeble, broken, hoarse. CHAPTER XI.— TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH 249 Cannabis ind. -Every article of food is extremely palatable. Metallic taste. Stammering and stuttering. Cannabis sat. "Loss of taste. Difficult speech, at times stutter- ing. Cantharis. -Tongue: thickly furred, red at the edges; swollen and thickly coated; at base, in part excoriated, in part covered with blisters. Trembling of the tongue. Taste bitter, of pitch; lost. Gold tooth-plate tastes coppery. Speech weak and tim- erous. Capsicum. cSmall, burning blisters on tongue, painful to touch. Tongue and inside of lips full and flat, sensitive, spreading ulcers, with a lardaceous center. Taste insipid; sour; flat; watery; foul, like putrid water. When coughing the air from the lungs causes a strange, offensive taste in the mouth. Carbo ani. °Buming on tip of tongue, and rawness in mouth. Burning blisters on tip and edges of tongue. Knotty indurations in tongue. Taste: bitter, especially morning; sour. Carbo veg. cGlossitis when tongue becomes indurated. Tongue heavy with difficult speech. Tongue white, coated with yellow- brown mucus; lead-colored; blue, sticky; moist; dry, parched, fissured. Tip of tongue raw and dry; heat in mouth. Tongue turns black. Bitterness on palate, tongue dry. Bitter taste before and after eating. Salty taste. Caulophyllum. °Tongue coated white. ♦Causticum. ♦The laryngeal muscles refuse their service; can- not speak a loud word. "Distortion of the tongue and mouth when talking. Painful vesicle on tip of tongue. Tongue coated white on both sides, red in the middle. Taste greasy; putrid; bitter; as from disordered stomach. Speechlessness from paralysis of the organs of speech. Stuttering, difficult, indistinct speech. Chamomilla. °Tongue coated white; yellowish; or white at sides, red in the middle; red, cracked; coated white, with islands on it. Burning on tongue. Taste bitter; sour, like rancid fat; putrid. ♦Chelidonium. ♦Bitter taste when not eating or drinking. Tongue slimy, coated white or gray; coated thickly yellow; with red margin, showing imprints of teeth. Taste bitter; insipid; puffy. Cicuta. "Swelling of the tongue; white, painful, burning ulcers 250 CHAPTER XI.--TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH on edges of tongue; painful to touch. Speech difficult; when talk- ing he feels a jerk in the head from before backwards, as if he had to swallow the word, as in hiccough. Cimex lee -Tongue feels as if scalded; coated whitish. Cimicifuga. ^-Tongue clean but pointed and trembling; swollen, coated light-brown, more in the middle. Taste disagreeable, cop- pery. Cannot speak a syllable, though she makes the effort. Cina. -Tongue coated brownish-yellow; whitish. ♦Cinchona. -Tongue white, or yellow; thick, dirty coating. Tongue white mornings; child restless all night; no appetite for breakfast. Tongue black or raw, as if burnt. Burning as from pepper on tip of tongue, followed by ptyalism. ♦Taste too acute; putrid, morning; bitter in back part of throat; flat, insipid, watery. Food tastes bitter or too salty. Cocculus. GYellow coated, with aversion to food. Taste bitter; putrid; sour; offensive; metallic; like sulphur. Food tastes as though salted too little. Tobacco tastes bitter. ♦Coccus cacti. cTaste metallic; bitter: sweetish; sour. Fatigue of the vocal organs, even after speaking without exertion, the voice becoming rough and hoarse. ♦Metallic taste with accu- mulation of water in the mouth. Coffea. cTaste more acute, sweetish. Colchicum. °Tongue bright red, heavy, stiff and numb; projected with difficulty. Tastelessness of food. Loss of speech during typhus. Colocynthis. °Tongue coated white, or yellow; rough. Burning on tip of tongue. Scalded sensation of tongue. Taste bitter of food and drink; less frequently offensive or metallic. Conium. °Tongue swollen, painful, stiff. Taste bitter. Speech difficult. Crocus. °Tongue coated white, papillae elevated; better after breakfast. ♦Crotalus hor. ♦Swelling and inflammation of tongue. Cuprum met. °Tongue red, dry and rough; papillae enlarged, coated white, yellowish or brown. Chronic glossitis. Taste sweet- ish, or sweetish-metallic; coppery. Cyclamen. °Tip of tongue red, with small, burning blisters thereon, impeding speech and chewing; saliva increased. Tongue coated yellowish-white. Fine stitches on tongue. Taste flat; CHAPTER XI. -TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH 251 offensive; putrid, fatty. Food tastes flat, or almost tasteless; salty. Digitalis. Tongue coated white. Taste flat, slimy, sweetish, with constant ptyalism. Drosera. -Small, round, painless swelling in middle of tongue. Fine prickings on dorsum of tongue. Stitches, smarting pain in right side of tip of tongue. Whitish ulcer on tip of tongue. Food seems tasteless. Bread tastes bitter. Taste bitter in throat after eating; putrid. Dulcamara. -Itching; crawling on tip of tongue. Mouth and tongue dry. Dry, swollen tongue. Tongue and jaws become lame, if cold air or water chills him. Tongue paralyzed from cold. Bitter taste. Inarticulate speech from a swollen tongue, but talks incessantly. Eupatorium perf. -Tongue covered with white fur, or yellow coated. Taste bitter. Eupatorium purp. °Tongue numb; pricking, stinging pain. Tongue furred brown along the center; bitter, puffy taste, with the chill. Ferrum met. °Unbearable taste of blood. Taste like rotten eggs. Bad taste; mouth dry; tongue coated white. Ferric phos. c(Inflammation of tongue, dark-red with much swelling; or with red line along the center.—Schussler.) Fluoric acid. -Tongue always more or less tender, feeling of rigidity in it, with restricted mobility. Tongue painful when talk- ing. Tongue vivid red at tip and edges, coated yellow in the center: whitish and dry. Tongue deeply and widely fissured in all directions, with a large, deep, phagedenic looking ulcer in the cen- ter. Acrid, foul taste from roots of teeth. ♦Gelsemium. "Numbness of the tongue; feels so thick he can hardly speak; partial j>aralysis. -Tongue: yellowish white; breath fetid; coated thick, brown; nearly clean; margin red; center white. Tongue and glottis partially paralyzed; speech thick, as if drunk, from congestion of base of brain. Can hardly put the tongue out, it trembles so; red, raw, painful, inflamed in the middle. Taste foul, with blood-colored saliva; bitter; clammy* feverish during sweat. Glonoinum. -Tongue milk-white, without coating, violent head- ache; or, light coating; cannot eat; weak; typhoid; feels swol- len, raw; numb, as if burnt; pricking, stinging. Taste bitter, with 252 I'HAP'IFR XI.- TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH nausea; aromatic; sweet; warm; leaves fatty taste. Difficulty of conversing, from diminished power of the tongue, and confusion of ideas. ♦Graphites. ♦Burning blisters on the lower side and tip of tongue. White, painful ulcer on lower surface of tongue. Tongue sensitive. Tongue coated white. Taste: sour; salty; bitter, like rotten eggs. Hamamelis. °Scalding sensation on tongue. Blisters on the sides of the tongue; canker spots near the tip. Metallic taste; tongue coated white. Helleborus. Tongue: dry, white mornings; dry and red in ty- phus; slightly protruded and oscillating; trembling; numb, in- sensible; swollen; full of vesicles; pimple on tip. Taste bitter. -Helonias. cTongue white—diabetes. Bitter, disagreeable taste, every morning, 5 a. m., on awaking; tongue and fauces dry. Hepar sulph. Tip of tongue dry, painful, and feels sore. Taste putrid, metallic, bitter. Hasty speech. Hydrastis. °Tongue swollen, shows marks of teeth; coated white, or with a yellow stripe. Tongue as if burnt or scalded, later a vesicle forms on tip. Taste flat, peppery. Hyoscyamus. cTongue: red or brown, dry, cracked, hard; looks like burnt leather; clean, parched; white. Paralysis of tongue. Putrid taste. Very talkative,or loss of speech. Speech embarrassed. Tongue protruded with difficulty, can hardly draw it in. ♦Hypericum. ♦Tongue coated white or yellow; great thirst—men- ingitis. :Taste, insipid, of blood. Ignatia. cWhen talking or chewing, bites the cheek or tongue. Taste sour, also of saliva; flat, like chalk. Food has no taste. Iodium. -Tongue dry, brown and dry: thickly coated. Taste salty, sourish, sweetish, on tip of tongue. Ipecacuanha. °Tongue clean: yellow or white; grows pale. Taste bitter, sweetish, bloody; like rancid oil, when swallowing. Disinclined to talk; tongue dry. ♦Iris. ♦Tongue feels as if scalded; greasy feeling on arising in morning. Loss of taste; flat taste. ♦Kali bichrom. ♦Tongue smooth, red, cracked; °dry and red; coated thick, whitish yellow; ulcerated. Deep ulcer on tongue. Tongue broad, or with scalloped edges. Sensation of a hair on the back j^art of tongue and velum. Taste coppery; sweetish; sour; bitter in the morning. CHAPTER XI.— TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH 253 Kali carb. Tongue swollen, covered with vesicles; the tip burns as if raw, fraenum sore. Tongue white, bad taste. Taste bitter* flat Kali chloride. °(A11 ailments which have as a principal symp- tom a white or gray coating at the back part of tongue; exudation of a white or gray mucus, lining tonsils, etc. — Schussler.) Kali phos. -(Tongue coated like brownish liquid mustard.— Schussler. ) Kali suit. -(^Yellow, slimy deposit on tongue, sticky, thin, de- cidedly yellow discharges or secretions of watery matter; some- times edges of tongue are white.—Schussler.) Kali iod. Burning of the tip of tongue; vesicles on tip of tongue. Rancid taste in mouth, after eating or drinking. Bitter- ness in mouth and throat, going off after breakfast Kali nit. cTongue burns at its tip, as if cut; burning pimples. Tongue coated with white mucus. Repugnant taste all day. Sour taste in throat, morning on rising. Kalmia. cTongue sore, leftside, hurts when talking in the even- ing. Stitches in tongue. Tongue white, dry. Bitter taste, with nausea, less after eating. Kreosotum. Tongue dry, with mucous coating. Bitter or flat taste. Everything eaten tastes bitter. ♦Lachesis. ♦Puts the trembling tongue out with great difficulty —diphtheria. Tongue: trembles when protruded; or catches be- hind the teeth; swollen, coated white; papillae enlarged; dry, red, cracked at the tip; red tip and brown center; mapped, dry, black and stiff. Blisters mostly about tip. Sour taste; everything turns sour. Difficult speech, tongue heavy; cannot open the mouth wide: Laurocerasus. GTongue dry, rough; dry and white; cold; or numb as if burnt. Left side of tongue stiff and swollen, with loss of speech. Leptandria. °Tongue yellow, or black down the center. Lilium tig. -Taste of blood; congestion to chest. ♦Lyeopodium. ♦Tongue is darted out and oscillates to and fro —angina, tonsilitis. Tongue distended, giving patient a silly ex- pression—angina, diphtheria. °Convulsions of tongue. Tongue: heavy, trembling; stiff, with indistinct speech, and dryness, morn- ings; red, dry; becomes black and cracked; painful and swollen in places; tubercles. ♦Vesicles on the tip of tongue, feeling scalded 254 CHAPTER XI. — TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH and raw. Ulcers on and under the tongue. Taste sour, bitter, fatty. Magnesia carb. -Taste bitter, sour. Frequent, sudden, stam mering speech. Magnesia mur. "Tongue feels burnt; mouth feels scalded. Rhagades in the tongue,with violent burning. Tongue coated white early in the morning; or, tip and edges clean. Taste absent; bitter; sour at night. Magnesium phos. °(Spasmodic stammering, to remove spasmodic action of muscles; begins speech with clenched teeth.—Schussler.) Manganum acet. "Burning vesicles on the left side of tongue. Nodosities on the tongue; warts. Oily taste in mouth. Marum ver. °Mouldy taste after hawking mucus. Smarting as from pepper.at root of tongue. Mephitis. cCoppery taste in mouth. ♦Mercurius. ♦Tongue red and swollen; ulcerated; black; with red edges; swollen; coated white; moist, with intense thirst; swol- len; flabby; showing impress of teeth on margins; movements diffi- cult; speech difficult; stammering. -Tongue dry, hard, coated black; red and dry; red, with dark spots and burning; moist and covered with mucus; thickly coated, dirty yellow, with foul breath; swollen, flabby, inflamed; indurated or suppurating, with pricking pains. Ranula. Taste: bitter; ♦sweetish; saltish; metallic; °putrid or slimy. Loss of taste. Speech quick, stuttering. Com- plete loss of speech. Mercurius biniod. °Tongue dry; wants to wet the mouth. Scalded feeling on tongue (one hour after breakfast), small blisters on point. Tongue furred with grippe. Aphthae on tongue. Taste slimy on awaking; bitter, metallic. ♦Mercurius cor. "Lips and tongue whitish and contracted. Tongue coated with thick, white mucus, or dry and red; papillae elevated strawberry-like; coated white, swollen, and stiff. ♦Swelling of the tongue, with ptyalism; salty or very bitter taste. Mercurius prot iod. cTongue coated; thick, yellow at the base; bright yellow at the back part; tip and edges red*. Muriatic acid. °Tongue heavy as lead, hinders in talking; feels lame, sore. Tongue dwindles. Tongue sore, bluish; contains deep ulcers, with black bases and vesicles. Everything tastes sweet. Taste acrid and putrid, like rotten eggs,with ptyalism. CHAP1ER XI.—TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH 255 Myrica cer. :Thick, yellowish, dark, dry and crusty coating on tongue, rendering it almost immovable. Foul, bad taste; cannot eat because of it; bitter; nauseous taste. Naja. -Tongue coated, thick; yellow; white; dry; no thirst. Taste insipid, bitter, sour, metallic. Loss of speech. Natrum carb. Dry tongue and dislike to talk. Stuttering on account of heaviness of the tongue. Burning about tip of tongue as if it were cracked. Bitter or metallic taste in the mouth. ♦Natrum mur. ♦Sensation of a hair on tongue. JComplains much of dryness of tongue,which is not very dry. Tongue heavy, difficult speech; children slow in learning to talk. Mapped tongue; looks like ringworm on the sides. Herpes on the tongue from sea bathing. Burning at tip of tongue. One side of tongue numb and stiff. Ranula. ♦Taste bitter, or entire loss of taste; °saltish with dry tongue and anorexia; putrid or sour,while fasting; water tastes putrid. (Tongue appears clear, slimy, or with bubbles of frothy saliva on its edges. — Schussler.) Natrum phos. °(The coating on the back of tongue golden yel- low, creamy, moist, not slimy. On rising in the morning, the back part of tongue has a moist, yellow look, with a gold-like tinge, as if raw brown sugar had been partaken of.—Schussler.) Natrum sulf. -Blisters with burning pain on tip of tongue. Tongue red. Taste unpleasant; slimy and tongue coated with mucus. No taste, mornings; mouth feels rough, numb. (Diseases characterized by a dirty greenish-gray, or greenish-brown coating of tongue. — Schussler.) ♦Nitric acid. ♦Blisters and ulcers on the tongue; and on mar- gins, with burning pain when touched. GDeep, irregular-shaped ulcers on edge of tongue—syphilis. Ulceration of tongue, with tough, ropy mucus. Tongue white, with sore spots. Tongue sen- sitive, even mild food causes smarting; white, dry, mornings; coated green with ptyalism; dry, fissured. Taste bitter, after eating; sour, with burning in the throat. ♦Nux mos. ♦Dryness of the mouth, tongue and lips, but with- out thirst. -Tongue: paralyzed; child, though old enough, cannot talk, as if it were difficult to move the tongue; dry, feels as if gone to sleep,or leather covered; no thirst; dry at night, or on awaking; coated white, or yellowish, dotted with red papillae. Taste earthy; chalky; bitter, as after salted food. 2c(j CHAPTER XI.—TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH ♦Nux vom. °Tongue heavily coated or yellow; black and dark- red; cracked on edges; heavy,with difficult speech. ♦Taste bitter, sour, putrid in the morning; must rinse the mouth. Oleander. °Tongue rough, dirty-white, with elevated papillae; coated white, with dryness of the mouth. Food has an insipid taste. Loss of speech. Opium. --"Paralysis of the tongue and difficult articulation. Tongue quivering, coated dirty-yellow; unctious. Black tongue. Ulcers in mouth and on tongue. Oxalic acid. Tongue swollen, sensitive, red, dry, burning. Tongue swollen, with thick, white coating; coated white, with nau- sea, thirst and loss of taste. Sour taste. Paris quad. "Great dryness of tongue on awaking; tongue feels too large. Tongue white, with roughness; no thirst; bitter or les- sened taste. Petroleum. GTongue coated white in center, with dark streak along the edges. Taste slimy, pappy, bitter, putrid, sour. Phosphorus. °Tongue dry,immovable,covered with black crusts; cracked, parched or glossy; dry, coated white, with stinging in the tip; coated yellowish; coated only in the middle. Taste bitter, slimy, sour after drinking milk. ♦Phosphoric acid. ♦Bites side of tongue involuntarily; also at night. "-Red streak in the middle of tongue. Tongue and lips pale in typhus. Clammy mucus in the mouth and on tongue. Burning in tongue; tongue swollen. Smarting in mouth when masticating. Tongue smarts only at night. ♦Phytolacca. ♦Tongue fiery red at tip; -coated yellow and dry; thickly coated at back part; hot, rough, tender, and smarting at the tip; also small ulcers, like those caused by mercury; thick, protruding. Burnt feeling on back part of tongue. ♦Great pain at root of tongue when swallowing. -Metallic taste. Platinum. °Sensation as if tongue were scalded. Sweet taste on tip of tongue. Plumbum. °Tongue dry, brown, cracked; coated yellow or green; inflamed, swollen; heavy, paralyzed; hurts as if bitten. Taste sweetish. Podophyllum. °Tongue furred white, with foul taste; white, moist; shows imprints of teeth; dry, yellow. Everything tastes sour. Total loss of taste; could not tell sweet from sour; sleepless, restless. CHAPTER XI. — 'TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH 257 Psorinum. °Tongue dry; tip dry, feels scalded; coated white; yellow; thickly covered with whitish-yellow slime. Loss of taste with coryza. Taste bitter, goes off when eating or drinking; foul, much mucus in mouth; less in fresh air. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Tongue dry, covered with tenacious mucus. °Coated thick, white or yellow; sensation in middle as if burnt, insensible even when moist; at night and in morning; parched, dry, no thirst; feels too broad, too large. ♦Taste of putrid meat in morning, with inclination to vomit; slimy, foul, clammy,insipid; bitter, especially after eating ; bad taste in the mouth in the morning. Food, es- pecially bread, tastes bitter, or taste of, food diminished. °Edges of tongue feel sore, as if scalded. Ranunculus seel. °Tongue exfoliated in spots, which are raw; mouth inflamed. Both sides of tongue denuded, like islands, the remaining parts thickly coated—diphtheria. Rheum. cTongue numb, insensible. Taste sour, insipid, or nau- seous; bitter only of food, even of sweet things. Rhododendron. GSmarting vesicles under tongue. Taste lost. ♦Rhus tox. ♦Tongue red, dry and cracked; covered with brown mucus. Sore sensation of tongue, with red tip. °Tongue has a triangular red tip; white often on one side; yellowish; takes the imprint of teeth. Taste putrid mornings and after eating; metal- lic; food, especially bread, tastes bitter. Rumex. cDry tongue and mouth; tongue feels as if burnt. Tongue coated white, yellowish-brown, or reddish-brown. Bitter taste (morning). Sudden change of voice at different times, or at same time on each day; or, with the cough. Sabadilla. °Tongue sore, coated thick, yellow; whice in center; moist, during fever; feels sore as if full of blisters. Cannot pro- trude tongue, with sore throat. Pain in tongue and down throat; deglutition difficult. Taste bitter; sweet; lost. Sabina. cBitter taste of food, of milk and coffee. Sanguinaria. -White coated tongue with slimy, flat taste. Tip of tongue burns as if scalded. Tongue sore; pains like a boil. Red tongue, feels as in contact with something hot. Loss of taste, with a burnt feeling on tongue. Sweet articles taste bitter, followed by burning in fauces. Sarsaparilla. °Tongue coated white. Mercurial aphthae on tongue and roof of mouth. Taste of food bitter. Taste bitter in the morning ; sweetish. 258 CHAPTER XI.—TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH Secale. Tongue thickly coated with yellowish-white, dry,tena- cious substance; discolored brown or blackish; deathly pale. Slight, but unpleasant warmth on tongue, during the day. Spasm of tongue, projecting it from the mouth, forcing it between teeth, and rendering speech indistinct. Feeble, stuttering, indistinct speech, as if the tongue was paralyzed. Sepia. °Tongue painful, as if sore. Vesicles on tongue. Tongue coated white. Taste bitter; saltish, putrid or offensive. Food tastes too salty. ♦Silicia. ♦Sensation of a hair lying on fore part of tongue. °Tongue coated with brownish mucus. One-sided swelling of tongue. Ulcer on right border of tongue, eating into it and dis- charging pus—carcinoma. Taste of blood, morning; of soap-suds; bitter morning, with thick mucus in throat; of rotten eggs. Loss of taste and appetite. (Induration of tongue. — Schussler.) Spigelia. °Tongue coated yellow; burning with blisters; cracked. Taste like putrid water. Stammering; with abdominal ailments. Spongia. °Tongue brown, dry. Mouth and tongue full of ves- icles, with burning and stinging pain. Taste bitter only in the throat; sweetish in the mouth. Difficulty of speech. Squilla. °Food tastes bitter, especially bread; or sweetish, es- pecially soup and meat. Stannum. -Tongue red, with yellow, mucous coating. Taste sour, sweet, offensive; everything bitter but water. Difficult, weak speech, occasioned by weakness. Staphisagria. -Taste flat; of food, bitter. ♦Stramonium. °Tongue whitish, with fine red dots; point red- der than usual; dry, red; dry and parched; pale red, in constant motion ; swollen, coated dry; yellow in center, dry; swollen, hangs out of mouth. Taste bitter, all food tastes like straw to her. ♦Stammering or entirely speechless; -distorts face; makes great efforts to speak; mouth drawn, now to right, again to left. Speech- less; sometimes with spasmodic laughter at night; weeping during day. ♦Voice hoarse and croaking; high, fine,squeaking; .indistinct. ♦Sulphur. °Tongue white, with red tip and borders, mostly in acute diseases; white or yellow brown or dry; furred in morning, but wears off during day (chronic cases). Taste sour, ♦pasty, bitter, sweetish; metallic, foul, when awaking in morning. Sulphuric acid. Tongue dry. Loss of taste. Talking difficult, as from want of elasticity of parts. CHAPTER XI.—TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH 259 Tabacum. cCannot speak—angina pectoris. ♦Taraxacum. ♦Tongue coated white, cleans off in patches, leav- ing dark, red, tender, very sensitive spots; mapped tongue. White spots on the tongue amongst the red. °Taste: bitter before eating; sour, saltish, especially of butter and meat Terebinthina. °Tongue smooth, glossy, as if deprived of papillae —typhoid. Theridion. Salty taste; or, mouth feels furred, benumbed. ♦Thuja oce ♦Tongue swollen and sore; tip of tongue painfully sore to the touch. °Tongue swollen, worse right side. Bites the tongue frequently. Ranuba bluish, surrounded by varicose veins. Taste sweet; of putrid eggs, morning; food seems not salt enough; of bread, as if dry and bitter. Veratrum alb. -Tongue cold, withered; swollen, dry, cracked, and too red; white with red tip and edges; coated yellowish-brown; back part black. Taste bitter, as from peppermint; flat, or sweet- ish; putrid. Speech lisping, stammering; or as if tongue was too heavy—typhoid. ♦Veratrum vir. ♦Tongue yellow, with red streak down the mid- dle; feels scalded. Viola tri. -Taste bitter, tongue coated with white mucus. Zincum met. -Tongue dry, don't want to talk, coated at root and dry (bsain diseases); swollen on left side, hindering talking; covered with vesicles. Taste sweetish, metallic, like spoiled cheese, bloody, bitter in fauces. Zingiber. -Taste of food remains, especially that of bread. Slimy, bad taste in morning. REPERTORY. Aphthae—aethus., aur., ♦borax, mere b. i., sars. Bites—absinth., ign., ♦phos. a., thuj. Blisters—am m., apis, arg. m., berb., borax, bry., calc. ph., canth., caps., carb. an , eye, graph., ham., lach. lachn., mereb.i., nat. s., nit. a., sabad., spig. Canker—ham. Carcinoma—sil. Chapped—benz. a. See "Cracked." Clean or clear—cimi., gels., hyos., ipec, mag. m., nat. m., tarax. Coated—aib, bapt., canth., glon., mere, mere p. i., nat. s., nux v., phyt., sib, stram., zinc. Clammy—lach., phos. a. 260 CHAPTER XI. — TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH Color Black—arg. n., carb. v., cinch., lach., lept., lye, mere, mur. a., nux v., opium, phos., secale, ver. a. Bluish—carb. v., mur. a., thuj. Brown—aib. arn., ars., bapt., bry., carb. v., cimi., cina, cupr., eup. purp., gels., hyos., iod., kali phos., lach., nat. s., plumb., rhus, rumex, secale, sib, spong., sub, ver. a. Creamy—nat. phos. Dark—bry., ferr. phos., mere, myr. e, nux v., petrol., tarax. Dirty—canth., mere, nat. s., olean., opium. Golden yellow—nat. phos. Gray—cheb, kali chlor., nat. s. Green—nat. s., nit. a., plumb. I Lead—-ars., carb. v. Livid—ail. Milk-white—ant. e, glon. Pale—ipec, phos. a., secale, stram. Red—aloe, ant. c, ♦ant t, apis, arg. n., ♦ars., arum, bapt., ♦belb, bism., borax, canth., caust, cham., cheb, colch., cupr.,eye, ferr. phos., fluor. a., gels., hell., hyos., kali bi., lye, ♦mere, mere p. i., nat. s., nux v., oxal. a., phos. a., ♦phyt., rhus, rumex, sang., stann., stram., sub, ♦tarax., ver. a., ♦ver. v. Streaked—♦ant t, arg. n., arn., ars., belb, ferr. phos., hydras., petrol., phos. a., ♦ver. v. White—aeon., aescul., aethus., agn., aib, aloe, anae, ♦ant. c, ♦ant. t, apis, arg. n., am., ars., bapt., belb, benz. a., bism.,♦bry., calc. e, carb. v., caul., caust., cham., cheb, cic, cimex, cina, cinch., coloc, croc, cupr., eye, dig., eup. perf., ferr., fluor. a., gels., glon., graph., ham.,hell., helon., hydras., hyos., hyper.,ipec, kali bi., kali c, kali chlor., kali n., kali s., kalm., lach., laur., mag. m., ♦mere, mere cor., .naja, nit. a., nux m., olean., oxal.a., paris, petrol., phos, pod., psor., puis., rhus, rumex, sabad., sang., sars., secale, sepia, stram., sub, ♦tarax., ver. a., viola tr. Yellow—aeon., aescul., aloe, ant. c., arn., ars., bapt., belb, carb. v., cham., cheb, cina, cinch., cocc, coloc, cupr., eye, eup. perf., fluor. a., gels., hydras., ♦hyper., ipec, kali bi., kalis., lept., mere, mere p. i., myr. c, naja, nat. phos., nux m., nuxv., opium, phos., phyt., plumb., pod., psor., puis., rhus, rumex,sabad., secale, spig., stann., stram., sub, ver. a., ver. v. Convulsions of—arg. n., lye, secale. Cracked—♦aib, apis, arum, ♦bapt., benz. a., bry., cham., hyos., ♦kali bi., lach., lye, mag. m., nat. e,nuxv., phos., plumb.,♦rhus, spig., ver. a. Crusts on—myr. c, phos. Denuded—ranunc. s. Distortion of—caust. Dry—♦agar., ♦aib, aloe, ♦ant. t, apis, arg. m., arg. n., arn., ♦ars., ♦bapt., ♦belb, ♦borax, brom., ♦bry., calc. c, carb. v., cupr., dulc, ferr., fluor. a., hell., helon., hyos., iod., ipec, kali bi.,kalm., kreos., lach., laur., lye, mere, mere b. i., mere cor., myr. c, CHAPTER XI.--TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH 26l naja, nat. c, nat. m., nit. a., ♦nux m., olean., oxal. a., paris,phos., phyt., plumb., pod., psor., puis., ♦rhus, rumex, secale, spong., stram., sub, sub a., ver. a., zinc. Dwindles—mur. a. Excoriation—baryt, borax, canth. Fissures—baryt., carb. v., fluor. a., nit. a. Flabby—♦mere Fungoid—benz. a. Furred—ars., belb, berb., canth., eup. perf., eup. purp.,mercb.i., mur. a., pod., sub, therid. Gangrene—ars. Glossy—apis, phos., terebin. Hard—arg. n., aur.. baryt., hyos., mere Herpes—nat. m. Immovable—aur.,mur. a., nat. m., phos. Indented, imprint of teeth—♦ars., cheb, hydras., kali bi.,^merc, pod., rhus. Induration—carb. an., carb. v., mere, sib Inflammation, glossitis—apis, belb, carb. v., ♦crot h., cupr., ferr. phos., gels., mere, plumb., ranunc. s. Insensible—hell., puis., rheum. Islands on—cham, ranunc. s. Mapped—lach., nat. m., tarax. Moist—aib, bry., carb. v., mere, nat. phos., pod., puis., sabad. Nodosities—dros., mang. Odor—gels., mere Oscillating—hell., ♦lye Pains —am. e, apis, arg. n., arum, berb., borax, cic, con., fluor. a., gels., graph., hep. s., lye, phyt, plumb., sang., sepia. Burning—aeon., agar., am. m., apis, arg. m., arn., ars., arum., baryt., belb, brom., calc. c, calc. ph., carb. an., cham., cic.,cinch., coloc, graph., kali i., kali n., mag. m., mang., mere, nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., oxal. a., phos. a., sang., spig., spong. Lame—dulc, mur. a. Pricking—aeon., dros., eup. purp., glon., mere Raw—apis, arum, carb. an., carb. v., cinch., gels., glon., kali c, lye, ranunc. s. Smarting—agar., berb., dros., mar. v., nit. a., phos. a., phyt., rhod. Sore—aescul., agar., ambr., ant. e, apis, arg. m., am., arum, aur., calc. c, hep. s., kalm., mur. a., nit. a., puis., rhus, sabad., sang., sepia, thuj. Stinging—apis, arn., brom., eup. purp., glon., phos., spong. Stitches—aloe, eye, dros., kalm. Tingling—aeon., alum. Ulcerative—aescul. Paralysis—absinth., aescul., baryt., belb, caust., dulc, ♦gels., hyos., myr. c, nux m., opium, plumb., secale. Parched—absinth., ♦aib, carb. v., hyos., phos., puis., stram. 262 CHAPTER XI.— TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH Parts Buccal cavity—apis, ♦borax, ign. Dorsum—calc. e, dros. Fraenum—kali e Glottis—gels. Margins, border, sides, edges—aib, ♦ant. c, ant. t, apis, ♦ars., baryt., belb, calc. c, canth., carb. an., cham., cheb, cic, fluor.a., gels., ham., kali bi., mag. m., ♦mere, mere p. i., nat. m., nat s., ♦nit. a., nux v., petrol., puis., sib, sub, ver. a. Middle of—♦ant. t, arg. n.,arn., ars., bapt., baryt., caps.,caust., chem., cimi., dros., fluor. a., gels., lept., phos., sabad., stram., ♦ver. v. Muscles of—arg. n., caust., mag. phos. Palate—arum, belb, carb. v. Papillae—♦ant t, ♦arg. n., ♦ars., arum, bapt.,belb, croc, cupr., lach., mere cor , nux m., olean., terebin. Root of—acet. a., ♦ars., arum, canth., mar. v., mere p. i.,^phyt, zinc. Tip of—aescul., agar., ail., am. m., apis, ♦arg. n., ♦ars., baryt., belb, berb., brom., bry., calc. e, calc.ph., carb. an., caust., cinch., coloc, eye, dros., dulc, ferr.. fluor. a., ♦graph., ham., hell.,hep.s., hydras., iod., kali c, kali i., kali n., lach., lye, mag. m., mang., mere p. i., nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., phos., phyt., plat, psor., ♦rhus, sang., stram., sub, ♦thuj., ver. a. Tongue, various troubles—apis, cham., cocc, gels., hyos., ign., lach., lye,mere,phos. a., ranunc , rhus, stram., thuj. Under tongue—baryt., brom., ♦graph., lye, rhod. Pimples on—calc. ph., hell., kali n. Protrusion—absinth., agar., colch., hell., hyos., ♦lach., ♦lye, phyt, sabad., secale. Ranula—♦ambr., calc. c, mere, nat. m., thuj. Rough—anae, bry., coloc, cupr., laur., nat. s., olean., paris, phyt. Sensations—bell., cic, sang., secale. Burnt—cinch., glon., hydras., laur., mag. m., phyt, puis.,rumex, sang. Cold—bell., camph., laur., ver. a. Crawling on—dulc. Hair on—kali bi., *nat. m., ♦sil. Heavy—anae, carb. v., colch., lach., lye, mur. a., nat.c, nat.m., nux v., plumb , ver. a. Hot, heat—borax, phyt., secale. Itching—alum., dulc. Large—paris, puis. Long—aethus. Numb—aeon., agar., calc. ph., colch., eup. purp., gels., glon., hell., laur., nat. m., nit. a., nux m., rheum, therid. Scalded—aescul., cimex, coloc, ham.,hydras., ♦iris., lye,mag.m., mere b. i., phyt., psor., puis. CHAPTER XI.—TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH 263 Sensitive—acet. a., apis, baryt., belb, berb., borax, caps., cic, fluor. a., glon., graph., ♦nit a., oxal. a., phyt, ♦tarax., ♦thuj. Shining—bapt. Slimy—berb., kali s., mere, nat. m., psor. Smooth—♦kali bi., terebin. Spasm of—secale. Speech; see "Voice" and "Larynx," ch. 25—mag. phos., myr. e, nat.m.,nux m., rumex, stram., sul. a. Broken—camph. Difficult—am. c, bapt., belb, calc. e, can. s., carb. v., caust., cic, con., gels., glon., lach., ♦mere, mur. a., nat. m., nux v., opium, spong., stann., sul. a. Disinclined to—ipec, nat. c, zinc. Feeble—camph., secale. Hasty—hep. s. Hoarse—brom., camph., cocc. e, ♦stram. Impeded—acet. a., aethus., anae, arg. m., cic, mur. a., zinc. Inarticulate—agar., dulc, opium. Indistinct—calc. e, caust., lye, secale, ♦stram. Lisping—ver. a. Loss of power of—ars., baryt., colch., glon., hyos., laur., mere, naja, olean. Quick—mere Slow-aethus., nat. m. Speechlessness—caust., ♦stram. Squeaking—stram. Stammering—aeon., belb, bovist., can. i., mag. c, mag. phos., ♦mere, spig., ♦stram., ver. a. Stuttering—bovist., can. i., can. s., caust, mere, nat. e, secale. Talkative—hyos. Talk, cannot—absinth., acet a., aescul., apis, arg. n., ♦brom., calc. c, ♦caust., cimi.,♦gels., nux m., stram., tabac. Thick—gels. Timorous—canth. Trembling—absinth., aeon., agar. Weak—am. c, belb, canth., cocc. e, stann. Spots, patches—♦ars., ham., mere, nit. a., ranunc. s., ♦tarax. Sticky—carb. v. > Stiff—aloe, calc. phos., colch., con., fluor. a., lach., laur., lye, mere cor., nat. m. Suppurating—mere - 1 Swollen—aeon., anae, apis, ♦ars., baryt, belb, calc. c,calc.ph., canth., cic, cimi., con., ♦crot h., dros., dulc, ferr. phos., glon., hell., hyras., kali e, lach., laur., lye, ♦mere, mere cor., oxal. a., phos. a., plumb., sib, stram., thuj., ver. a., zinc. Taste—aib, camph., cocc. Acid—abrot. Acrid—apoc, brom., fluor. a., mur. a. 264 CHAPTER XI.—TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH Taste continued. Acute—camph., cinch., coff. Aromatic—glon. Astringent—arg. n. Bad—ferr., kali c, myr. e, ♦puis., zinc. Bitter—aeon., aescul., aethus., agn., aloe, ambr., am. e, anae, ant. c, ant. t, apis, apoc, arg. n., arn., ars., aur., bapt, belb, benz. a., berb., borax, bovist., brom., bry., calc. c, calc. ph., camph., canth., carb. an., carb. v., caust., cham., ♦cheb, ♦cinch., cocc, cocc. e, coloc, con., dros., dulc, eup. perf., eup. purp., gels., glon., graph., hell., helon., hep. s., ipec. kali bi., kali c, kali i., kalm., kreos., lye, mag. c, mag. m., mere, mere b. i., ♦mere cor., myr. c, naja, nat. c, ♦nat. m., nit. a., nuxm., nuxv., paris, petrol., phos., psor., ♦puis., rheum, rhus, rumex, sabad., sabin., sang., sars., sepia, sib, spong., squill., stann., staph., stram., sub, tarax., thuja, ver. a., viola tr., zinc. Bloody—am. c, benz. a., berb., ferr., hyper., ipec, lib, sib, zjnc Brackish—ail. Clammy—gels., phos. a., ♦puis. Coppery—aescul., agn., canth., cimi., cupr., kali bi., meph. Diminished—ant. e, paris, puis. Chalky—nat. m. Disagreeable—cimi., hell. Disgusting—calc. ph. Earthy—nux m. Fatty—alum., cic, glon., lye Flat—aeon., aib, ♦anae, ant. t., ars., bapt., borax, bry., caps., ♦cinch., eye, dig., hydras., ign., iris, kali c, kreos., sang., staph., vera. a. Food, of—am. e, anae, ant. e, zing. Foul—caps., fluor. a., gels., myr. c, pod., psor., ♦puis., sub Greasy—asaf., caust., iris. Insipid—aib, ars., borax., bry., caps., cheb, ♦cinch., hyper., naja, olean., ♦puis., rheum. Like various things—aeon., aethus., aloe, anae, ant. t, arg. n., arn., aur., caps., cham., cocc, ferr., graph., ign., ipec, mur. a., sib, stram., thuja, ver. a., zinc. Lost—arg. n., aur., can. s., canth., iris, mere, ♦nat m., oxal.a., pod., psor., rhod., sabad., sang., sib, sul. a. Metallic—aescul., agn., aloe, am. e, arg. n., ars., bism., can. i., ♦cocc, ♦cocc c, coloc, cupr., ♦ham., hep. s., ♦mere, mere b. i., naja, nat. c, phyt., rhus, sub, zinc Mouldy—Mar. v. Nauseous—aeon., myr. c, rheum. Offensive—am. c, ♦anae, belb, bry., calc. e, caps., cocc,coloc, eye, sepia, stann. Oily—aescul., ipec, mang., opium. Pappy—belb, chel., eup. purp., petrol. Pasty—♦sub Peppery—hydras. CHAPTER XI.—TONGUE, TASTE, SPEECH 265 Taste continued. Pitch-like—canth. Putrid—aeon., arn., ars., aur., belb, bovist., caps., caust,cham., cinch., cocc, eye, dros., hep. s., hyos., mere, mur. a., nat. m., ♦nux v., petrol., ♦puis., rhus, sepia, spig., thuj., ver. a. Rancid—kali i. Repugnant—kali n. Salty_ant. e, ant. t, ars., belb, brom., carb. v., cinch., coff., ♦eye, graph., iod., mere, mere cor., nat. m., sepia, tarax, therid., thuj. Slimy—♦abrot, cheb, dig., mere, mere b. 1., nat. s., petrol., phos., ♦puis., sang., zinc. Sour—abrot, aloe, ambr., ant. c, ant. t, arg. n., ars., bell., berb., bism., brom., calc. e, caps., carb. v., cham., cocc, cocc c, graph., ♦ign., iod., kali bi., kali n., lach., lye, mag. e, mag. m., naja, nat m., nit. a., ♦nux v., oxal. a., petrol., phos., pod.,rheum, stann., sub, tarax. Sweet—aeon., aescul., aethus., alum., am. c, arg. n., ars.,bism., brom., bry., coff., ♦cocc c, cupr., dig., glon., iod., ipec, kali bi., ♦mere, mur. a., plat., plumb., sabad., sars., spong., squill.,stann., sub, thuj., ver. a., zinc. Tasteless—ant. t, borax, bry., colch., eye, dros., ign., mere, nat. m., nat. s., pod. Unpleasant—ars., nat. s. Wanting—alum., ant. t, arg. n., aur., mag. m., psor., sabad., sang., sib, sul. a. Watery—caps., cinch., nat. s. Woody —ars. Thick—absinth., aib, ant. c, ant. t, ars., bry., canth., cinch., gels., iod., kali bi., mere, mere cor., mere p. i., naja, nux v., oxal. a., phyt., psor., puis., ranunc. s., sabin., secale, sil. Thin—ant. t., nat. s. Tough, tenacious—arg. m., belb, nit. a., phos. a., puis., secale. Trembling, quivering—absinth., agar., canth., cimi., gels., hell., ♦lach., lye, opium. Tubercles in—lye Ulcers—aescul., aloe, apis, aur., ♦bapt., benz. a., caps., eye, dros., fluor. a., graph., kali bi., lye, ♦mere, mur. a., ♦nit a., opium, phyt., sil. Vesicles—am. c, apis, baryt., belb, caust, hell., hydras.,kali c, kali i., lye, mang., mur. a., rhod., sepia, spong., zinc. Warts—mang. Withered—ver. a CHAPTER XII.-MOUTH AND GLANDS. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Acetic acid. cFoul breath. Glands under tongue and on lower jaw swollen; sore to touch. Aconitum. cDryness of mouth, tongue and lips. Accumulation of water in the mouth—ascarides. Orifices of the salivary ducts sore, as if corroded. Saliva generally diminished. /Esculus. Thick, yellow phlegm in the mouth. Salivation, oily taste, teetn as if covered with oil. Agaricus. -Smell from mouth offensive, like that after eating horse-radish. Ahantus. °Parotid gland tender and enlarged—scarlatina. Aloe. °Inflamed, sore spots in mouth, on the tongue, inside of cheeks. Sickening smell from the mouth. Increase of saliva. Alumina. cMusty, bad odor from mouth. Small ulcers in mouth. Saliva increased, although mouth may feel dry. Sensation of sore- ness in mouth. Ambra. -Fetor of the mouth, worse mornings—pertussis. Blis- ters in the mouth pain as if burnt. Smarting and cracked, painful condition of mouth. Ammonium carb. °Redness and inflammation of inner mouth and gullet, pain as if raw. Sensation as if mouth were swollen. Great dryness of mouth and throat. Much saliva must be ejected. Hard swelling of the right parotid gland. Anacardium. Fetid odor from the mouth without his perceiving it. Painful vesicles in mouth. Antimonium crud. °Dryness of the mouth. Ptyalism, saltish tasting saliva. Antimonium tart. °Mouth so sore can scarcely swallow, morn- ing, after rising. Small, circular patches like small-pox pustules, in and upon the mouth and tongue. Apis. °Dryness of mouth and fauces. Scalding in mouth and throat. Fetid breath. Viscid, tough, frothy saliva. 26G CHAPTER XII. — MOUTH AND GLANDS 267 ♦Argentum met. ♦Fetid breath—scirrhus uteri. °Dryness of the mouth. Argentum nit. ^ Fetor from mouth mornings. Ptyalism. Inner mouth covered with a whitish-gray coat. ♦Arnica. ♦Putrid smell from mouth —typhus. °Dry, with much thirst. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Dryness of mouth, with violent thirst. Aphthae in mouth; they become livid or bluish. Burning in mouth, pharynx, and oesophagus. °Much saliva; must spit often. Saliva decreased. Painful blisters in mouth and tongue. ♦Arum tri. ♦Excessive salivation; saliva acrid. The mouth burns, and is so sore that they refuse to drink and cry when any-^ thing is offered. Buccal cavity raw and sore, bleeding. Swelling of submaxillary glands, worse left GScarlatina. Putrid odor from mouth. Left parotid gland sore to touch. Aurum met. °Copious saliva; saliva sweetish. Inside of mouth blistered. Odor from the mouth, smells like old cheese. Offen- sive odor: girls at puberty. Painful swelling of submaxillary glands. ♦Baptisia. °Fetid odor; also after mercury. Putrid ulceration of buccal cavity with salivation; well developed ulcers. Cancrum oris, copious saliva; gums loose, flabby, dark-red or purple, fetid. ♦Mouth and tongue very dry, fevers. °Stomatitis materna; breath fetid; feeble state. Saliva rather abundant, somewhat viscid, tast- ing flat. ♦Baryta carb. The buccal cavity feels numb. Dryness of the mouth early after rising. Whole mouth filled with vesicles, espec- ially inside of cheeks. Saliva runs out of the mouth while asleep, at daybreak. Intolerable stench from the mouth, unnoticed by himself. ♦Right parotid hard, swollen and painful to touch, after scarlatina. Indurated, painful swelling of submaxillary glands. ♦Belladonna. -Saliva thickened, tenacious, white, clings to the tongue like glue. ♦Dryness of mouth, with thirst. Mouth feels hot. Salivation succeeding the dryness of mouth. Slimy mouth in morning, when awaking, with pressing headache. Swelling of the right parotid gland,with erysipelatous redness and violent shooting pains. Berberis. -Offensive,metallic odor from mouth. Mouth and fauces dry and sticky, especially in morning, relieved after eating. ♦Borax. ♦Aphthae in the mouth; on inner surface of cheek, 268 CHAPTER XII.— MOUTH ANI) GLANDS bleeding easily,with great heat and dryness of mouth. The mucous membrane of fore part of palate is shriveled, as if burnt, pains es- pecially when chewing. Mouth very hot. Bromium. Burning sensation in mouth,oesophagus and stomach. Mouth dry and parched. Aphtha', with affection of the eyes. Painless swelling of left submaxillary gland. Suppuration of left parotid; edges of the opening smooth; discharge watery and excor- iating; swelling remaining hard and unyielding—after scarlatina. ♦Bryonia. ♦Frequent drinking of cold water relieves the bitter taste and inclination to vomit. Collection of much soapy, frothy saliva ♦Mouth and lips very dry, only momentarily relieved by drinking. Dryness in mouth without thirst, or with thirst for large quantities of water. Offensive smell from mouth, with hawk- ing of offensive, tough mucus, sometimes in round, cheesy lumps, the size of a pea. Cactus grand. Fetid breath in morning. Caladium. Burning in mouth and fauces. ♦Calcarea carb. ♦Painful swelling of submaxillary glands. °Swelling of sublingual glands. Mouth slimy; blisters on the inner surface of cheek and tongue. Canker sores, especially during teeth- ing. Painful inflammatory swelling of the parotids. Calcarea phos. Sore spot inside of the right cheek. Aching, sore pain in region of parotid gland. ♦Cannabis ind. ♦Dryness of the mouth and lips. White, thick, frothy and sticky saliva. Cantharis. Mucous membrane red and covered with small blis- ters; sore, burning and smarting. Dryness in mouth extending into posterior nares. Burning pain in mouth, throat and stomach. Salivation, copious, tasteless, disgusting, sweet. Capsicum. -Fetid odor, unbearable, carrion-like. Saliva,viscid, offensive, copious. Salivation during chill. Burning blisters in mouth, painful to touch. Carbo ani. Blisters, burning. Mouth and tongue dry. Fre- quent biting of inside of cheek. Parotid gland swollen,lancinating pains. Carbo veg. Mouth and breath cold. Increase of saliva. Mouth hot, tongue almost immovable, saliva bloody; edges of gums vel- low, indented; gums loose, receding, ulcerated. Haemorrhage from nose and mouth. Parotitis, swelling grows hard. CHAPTER XII.--MOUTH AND GLANDS 26y Caulophyllum. Sensation of dryness in the mouth; heat'; aphthae. Causticum. -Dryness of mouth and tongue. Much phlegm in mouth and throat. Sore, painful spot on hard palate. Swelling inside of cheek; bites it when chewing. Cepa. -Dryness of mouth, root of tongue, soft palate and throat. Bad odor from mouth and throat. Chamomilla. -Fetid smell from the mouth after dinner. Heat in the mouth, pharynx and oesophagus to stomach. Collection of saliva of metallic, sweetish taste. Sore throat with swelling of parotid gland. Chelidonium. Bitter water collects in mouth. Dryness of mouth. Bad odor from mouth. Cicuta. Foam in and about mouth. Cimicifuga. : Breath offensive. Mouth and tongue feel hot and dry. Cina. -Much frothy saliva, with rattling phlegm on chest. Cinchona. -Salivation day and night, years after mercury, great weakness, especially of stomach. Submaxillary glands swollen, painful during swallowing. Cistus can. Inhaled air feels cool. Swelling of parotids. Clematis. Breath offensive to others. Cocculus. -Dryness of the mouth, at night, without thirst. Sensation of dryness in mouth, with frothy saliva and violent thirst. ♦Coccus cacti. ♦Great sensitiveness of the mouth and fauces, so that rinsing the mouth caused cough and vomiting of thick masses of mucus. The arches of the palate very irritable; loud speaking or brushing of teeth causes cough and vomiting. °Burning in mouth and throat. Rawness of mouth and throat. Colchicum. °Profuse flow of saliva, with dryness of the throat. Inflammation of mucous membrane of mouth and throat. Heat in mouth with thirst. Conium. Submaxillary glands swollen and hard. Cuprum. -Frothy saliva with cough. Dry mouth, in brain affec- tions. Inflammation of salivary glands with or without fistula. Dulcamara. °Saliva tenacious,soap-like; gums spongy Increased flow of saliva. Mouth dry, without thirst. Stomacace; rheumatic; also after abuse of mercury, with ptyalism and swollen cervical glands. 270 CHAPTER XII.—MOUTH AND GLANDS Eupatorium perf. Paleness of mucous membrane of mouth. Breath smells mouldy, sourish. Ferrum met. "Mouth dry in morning. Paleness of buccal cavity. Glonoinum. cSaliva increased, slimy. Frothy about mouth— convulsions. Sensation of soreness and swelling on roof of mouth, with pulsation. Graphites. Rotten odor from the mouth and gums. Acid, foul odor. Breath smells like urine. Saliva increased, much spitting. Dryness of mouth in morning. Swelling of submaxillary glands, painful to touch. Guaiacum. °Inflammation of mouth. Helleborus. Mouth dry, also palate, with cutting, scraping in palate on moving the mouth to swallow. Mouth, gums and tongue full of flat, yellow ulcers; on red, swollen bases; carrion-like odor; salivation, aphthae. Helonias. cSalivation of pregnant women and teething children. Mouth gets sore; stomatitis materna. Hepar sulph. °Ulcers on gums and in mouth, base resembling lard. ♦Hydrastis. °Excessive secretion of thick, tenacious mucus. ♦Stomatitis after mercury or chlorate of potash; nursing women or weakly children; peppery taste; tongue as if burned, or raw, with dark-red appearance and raised papillae. Hyoscyamus. °Salivation. Saliva saltish; bloody. Cadaverous smell from the mouth; worse morning and evening. Ignatia. Accumulation of much saliva in mouth. Inner mouth inflamed and sore. Putrid odor from mouth. Pain in submaxillary glands, when moving neck. *Iodium. cMcuth filled with mucus on awaking in the morning, with putrid taste, not relieved by washing mouth with water. ♦Ptyalism; also after mercury. Aphthae in mouth. Ulcers in mouth; gums red and swollen, receding from teeth, bleeding slightly and with small, ash-colored, painful ulcers; profuse,fetid ptyalism. Thick, brown, croup-like exudation in mouth and fauces. ♦Iris. ♦Mouth and tongue feel as though they had been scalded. -Burning in mouth and fauces, as if on fire. Ulcers on the mucous lining of cheeks. ♦Salivation after diphtheria, with swelling of the parotids. GSaliva tastes greasy, slimy. ♦Kali bichrom. ♦Dryness of the mouth and lips, relieved by CHAPTER XII.--MOUTH AND GLANDS 271 drinking cold water. °Saliva increased, bitter, viscid, frothy; tast- ing salty. Parotids swollen; pains from ears into the glands. Kali carb. °Bad, alkaline smell from mouth, smell like old cheese. Mouth feels dry, with increased saliva. Vesicles painful, burning all over the inner mouth. Parotids, especially the right, inflamed, swollen, hard. Hard swelling of submaxillary glands. Kali chlol:. c (Aphthae, thrush of little children, or nursing mothers, without great flow of saliva. Mumps; the chief remedy when fever is absent. Stomatitis materna. — Schussler.) Kali iod. :Irregular ulcers, looking as if coated with milk. Vis- cid, saltish saliva during pregnancy. Burning of the tip of the tongue; vesicles on tip of tongue. Kalmia. :Tingling in salivary glands, immediately after eating, with sense of fermentation in the oesophagus, and copious saliva- tion. Sublingual salivary glands inflamed. Kali nit. °Fetid odor from mouth. Mouth slimy. Kali phos. -Stomatitis, with fetid, offensive breath. Kreosotum. ^Putrid odor from the mouth. Lachesis. -Bad odor from mouth. Saliva abundant, tenacious. Sore mouth in the last stages of phthisis. Sensation on roof of mouth, as if the mucous membrane were peeling off. ♦Laurocerasus. ♦Foam at mouth—epilepsy. °Dryness of mouth. Lobelia inf. -Flow of clammy saliva in the mouth (with nausea). Lycopodium. -Mouth and tongue dry, without thirst; mouth dry and bitter in the morning. Putrid smell from mouth, espec- ially in morning when awaking. Saliva dries on palate and lips, becomes tough. Saliva tastes saltish. Submaxillary glands swollen. Magnesia carb. °Dryness of mouth, especially at night and in morning. Bloody saliva. Magnesia mur. ^Sensation of roughness on inner side of upper lip when touching it with the tongue. Dryness of the mouth and throat without thirst. Accumulation of water in the mouth. Magnesium phos. °(Convulsive twitching of corners of mouth.— Schussler.) Mancinella. -Unendurable burning and pricking in the mouth, not relieved by cold water. Whole mouth and tongue covered with small vesicles. Increased flow of saliva. Offensive, yellow saliva. Offensive smell from mouth. Blister, size of a hazel-nut, on the palate. Manganum acet. -Swelling of the left parotid, with a reddish 272 CHAPTER XII.—MOUTH AND GLANDS hue in typhus. Smell from the mouth as of clay or earth (early in the morning, after rising). ♦Mercurius. ♦Aphthae in the mouth. Inflammation and super- ficial ucleration of the mucous membranes of mouth. Profuse sali- vation; saliva fetid or tastes coppery. Mouth inflamed, with burn- ing, aphthous ulcers; copious, fetid, ropy salivation; scorbutic gums; large blisters in the mouth. Much slime collects in mouth. Ulceration of salivary glands. Mumps on right side; pale swell- ing. Mercurius biniod. Profuse saliva, mouth full; teeth of lower jaw ache; metallic taste. Soreness of middle of inside of left cheek. Swelling of parotid and neighboring glands. ♦Mercurius cor. ♦Ptyalism; salty or very bitter taste; -saliva bloody, yellowish, tough, acrid. Sensation as if the mouth was scalded. Taste in the mouth metallic or salty. Mouth dry, with unquenchable thirst. Exudations on the mucous membranes, ex- tending to the tonsils. Ulcers (phagedenic) in mouth, throat or on gums, with fetid breath. Painful burning in mouth, extending to stomach. Discharge of albuminous mucus from the mouth. Buccal cavity an d lips covered with aphthae; on the lips they are surrounded by vesicles which burn. ♦Mezereum. ♦Violent burning in tongue and mouth, extending to stomach. cSaliva almost always increased. Breath smells like rotten cheese. Millefolium. "Stomacace, ulcerated gums. Putrid sore mouth. Thirst, mouth dry. Muriatic acid. cStomacace of nursing children; patch on right side of tongue, large and irregular, but very deep; fetid breath. Foul breath—scarlatina. Mouth as if glued up with insipid mucus; much saliva. Salivary glands tender and swollen. Myrica. cAdhesive coating over buccal membrane; dry, scaly crusts on roof of mouth that water scarcely moistens or dissolves. Mouth dry; thirst; water relieves only partially, for a while. Naja. cGreat dryness of mouth. Foaming at mouth. Natrum carb. °Saliva generally increased. Flat ulcers and blis- ters inside of mouth, burning and painful when touched. Slight redness of mucous membrane of mouth and fauces, with rawness and scraping; desire to hawk and hem; mucus collects at night, and is hawked up in morning. Dry mouth and throat, with incli- nation to drink. CHAPTER XII.--MOUTH AND GLANDS 273 ♦Natrum mur. ♦Vesicles and ulcers in mouth and on tongue, smarting and burning when touched by food. cMouth, lips and especially the tongue dry. Blood-blisters on inside of upper lip. Sore places in mouth very sensitive, even to liquids. Saliva bloody; salivation. Submaxillary glands swollen. (Aphthae, thrush, with flow of saliva. Mumps, with much salivation. Salivation whether existing alone, or accompanying any other disease. Any kind of ailments when salivary glands secrete too much saliva.—Schussler.) Natrum sulf. cBlisters on palate; sensitive, can hardly eat; better from cold things. Much saliva after meals. Burning in mouth, as from pepper; mouth dry, thirst, gums red. ♦Nitric acid. ♦Ulcerated spots on inner surface of cheeks, with sticking pains as from a splinter. Foul odor from mouth. Profuse flow of saliva. cCadaverous smell from mouth. Saliva fetid, acrid, makes lips sore. Saliva bloody. Tumor in the mouth, with a streak down the neck. Painful swelling of submaxillary glands. ♦Nux mos. ♦Dryness of the mouth, tongue and lips, without thirst. Water from mouth before menses. Bad smell from mouth; white tongue. Aphthae of children. ♦Nux vom. ♦Dryness of the mouth, without much thirst, but with much accumulation of saliva in the fauces. °Roof of mouth, throat and gums inflamed and swollen. Small aphthous ulcers in the mouth, with putrid smell; bloody saliva runs out at night; gums scorbutic; coagulated blood is spit out; voice altered, as if speaking with a mouthful. Submaxillary glands swollen, with stinging on swallowing. Opium. -Mouth dry. Ptyalism; spitting of blood. Saliva lessened. Paris. Dryness of mouth in morning. Tart saliva. Petroleum. -Fetid smell from mouth. Saliva offensive smell- ing. Great dryness of mouth and throat in morning, with much thirst. Ulcers on the inner cheek, painful when closing the teeth. Swelling of submaxillary glands. Phosphorus. -Aphthous patches on roof of mouth and tongue. Soreness of mouth, easily bleeding. Saliva increased, tasting salt- ish or sweetish. Parotitis when suppuration sets in. Phosphoric acid. &Dryness of mouth and throat; gray-whitish coating of tongue.Tenacious mucus in mouth and fauces. Cancrum oris following measles, in syphilitic children. 274 CHAPTER XII.— MOUTH AND GLANDS Phytolacca. Profuse saliva, sometimes yellowish, often thick, ropy, tenacious; mercurial ptyalism, with inflamed gums and teeth. Small ulcers on inside of right cheek, very painful; he cannot chew on that side. Sensation of dryness in the mouth, with cough. Parotid and submaxillary glands swollen. Platinum. GRhagades in the gums. Sensation of coldness, es- pecially in the mouth. Plumbum. Accumulation of sweetish saliva in mouth. Froth in mouth. Dryness of mouth. Aphthae, dirty-looking ulcers, and purple blotches in mouth and on tip of tongue. Podophyllum. -Offensive odor from mouth. Copious salivation. Mouth and tongue dry, on awaking. Psorinum. -Mouth dry, burning. Tickling, burning; mouth inflamed, sore, worse from warm food; not annoyed by cold food. Blisters inside lower lips; burning,painful. Submaxillary and lin- gual glands swollen,sore to touch; at same time suppurating pustules on same place. ♦Pulsatilla. -Mouth dry in morning, without thirst. ♦Putrid smell from the mouth, especially in the morning. °Flow of sweet- ish saliva. Constant spitting of frothy, cotton-like mucus. ♦Bet- ter in open air, from uncovering. Rheum. Salivation with colic or diarrhoea. ♦Rhus tox. ^Mouth dry, with much thirst. Saliva bloody, runs out of the mouth during sleep. Putrid breath. Much tough mucus in mouth and throat. ♦Parotid and submaxillary glands hard and swollen. GParotitis, left side; especially suppurating, during scarlatina. Sabadilla. °Cannot bear anything hot in mouth. Anything cold in mouth pains, during sore throat. Mouth dry; throat sore. Saliva seemingly hot during pyrosis; copious; nausea,vomiting and vom- iturition; sweetish, collects in mouth; jelly-like. Sabina. °Offensive breath. White saliva, becoming frothy when talking. Dryness of mouth and oesophagus, without thirst. Sanguinaria. °Fetid breath, clammy mouth, sticky teeth. Sore on gums and roof of mouth. Secale. cBloody, or yellowish-green foam at mouth. Increased secretion of saliva. Much acid fluid in mouth. Spitting of blood. Sepia. Offensive smell from mouth. Profuse flow of saliva. Stitches in parotid glands,which swell, with tensive pains on turn- ing the head. Swelling of submaxillary glands. CHAPTER XII.—MOUTH AND GLANDS 275 Silicia. °Saliva runs out. Suppuration of salivary glands. Stom- acace; mouth gangrenous, with perforating ulcers of palate. Hard swelling of parotid; suppuration, especially if slow, painless. Pain- ful or painless swelling of submaxillary glands. Offensive odor from mouth. Spigelia. Breath fetid. Mouth dry, on awaking mornings, with stinging. Mouth feels dry and pricks as from pins, yet filled with tenacious and nauseous saliva. White or yellow mucus in mouth and throat. Spongia. °Mouth raw. Mouth burning, dry—croup. Saliva diminished, or with whooping-cough increased. Swelling of sub- maxillary glands, with tension. Stannum. °Fetid smell from mouth. Staphisagria. -Painful excrescence on inside of cheek. Stom- acace, mouth and tongue full of blisters. Constant accumulation of water in the mouth. Painfulness of submaxillary glands, with or without swelling. ♦Stramonium. ♦Dribbling and glairy saliva from mouth. °Mouth and throat so dry they glisten; thirst. Saliva increased; drivel- ing. ♦More saliva with chills and fever. °Viscid slime in mouth. Whole inner mouth as if raw. ♦Sulphur. ♦Great dryness of the mouth, tongue and palate with much thirst. Accumulation of saliva in mouth; °bloody or salty. Ptyalism from abuse of mercury, or during a fever. Saliva profuse with nauseous taste, all her troubles seem to be caused by this nauseous saliva. Bad smell from mouth,mostly after eating. Blisters in mouth. Thrush. Sulphuric acid. -Sensation of dryness. Much saliva. Aphthous mouth and gums; yellowish and painful. ♦Tabacum. ♦Profuse salivation. Accumulation of white, tena- cious mucus in mouth and throat which must be frequently expecto- rated. -Frothing from mouth. Taraxacum. °Sour water accumulates in mouth. Accumulation of saliva in mouth, with sensation as if larynx was pressed shut. Tellurium. "Breath has a garlic-like odor. ♦Thuja occ ♦Aphthae; ulcers in mouth. °Mouth feels as if burnt. ♦Veratrum alb. *Dryness of the mouth and palate. Much flow of saliva from the mouth, like water-brash. °Froth at the mouth, 2/6 CHAPTER XII. —MOUTH AND GLANDS spasms. Mouth dry; saliva lessened. Burning in the mouth and throat. ♦Veratrum vir. ♦Mouth and lips dry; °thick mucus in mouth. Copious secretion of saliva. Viola odor. °Aphthae of infants. Zincum met. ^Increased flow of saliva, with crawling in inner surface of cheek. Zingiber. °Mouth and posterior nares dry, the latter stopped up. Breath smells foul to herself, as from a disordered stomach. REPERTORY. Aphthae—ars., ♦borax, brom., caul., hell., iod., kali chlor.,♦mere, mere cor., nat. m., nux m., nux v., phos., plumb., sul. a., ♦thuj., viola od. Bites cheek—carb. an., caust. Blisters—ambr., ars., aur., calc c, canth., caps., carb. an., mancin., mere, nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., psor., staph., sub Blotches—plumb. Breath—acet. a., apis, arg. n., bapt., cact., carb.v., cimi., clem., eup. perf., graph., led., mere cor., mez., mur. a., rhus, sabin., sang., spig., tell., zinc. Cancrum oris, canker—bapt, calc. c, phos. a. Dry—aeon., alum., am. e, ant. e, apis, arg. m., ♦bapt., baryt., berb., ♦borax, brom., bry., ♦can. i., canth., carb. an., caul.,caust., cepa, chel., cimi., cupr., ferr., graph., hell., kalibi., kali c,laur., mag. c, mill., naja, nat. m., opium, paris, phos. a., phyt.,plumb., pod., psor., sabad., sabin., spig., spong., stram., sul. a., ♦ver. a., ♦ver. v., zing. Dry, with thirst—♦arn., ♦ars., ♦belb, bry., mere cor., mill., myr. c, nat. c, nat. s., petrol., rhus, stram., ♦sub Dry, without thirst—♦bry., cocc, dulc, lye, mag. m., ♦nux m., nux v., puis., sabin. Exudations, coats—arg. n., iod., mere cor., myr. c, phos. a. Foams, froths—cic, cina., cupr., glon., kali bi., ♦laur., naja, plumb., sabin., secale, tabac, ver. a. Gangrene—sil. Haemorrhage—ant. t, borax, carb. v., opium, phos., secale. Induration—baryt., brom., carb. v., con., kali c, mere, rhus, sib Inflammation—aloe, am. c, calc. c, colch., cupr., guaiac,ign., kali c, ♦mere, nux v., phos.,phyt, psor., rhus. See "Stomatitis." Mucus, phlegm —aescul, caust., cina, ♦cocc c, hydras., iod., mere cor., mur. a., nat. c, phos. a., puis., rhus, spig., ♦tabac, ver. v. Mumps—kali chlor., mere, nat. m., phos., rhus. CHAPTER XII. — MOUTH AND GLANDS 277 Odor—aloe, alum., ambr., berb., caps., kali c, mang., mez., ♦nit. a., tell. Acid —graph. Bad—alum., cepa., cheb, kali c, lach., nux m., sul. Cadaverous—-hyos., nit. a. Carrion-like—caps., hell. Cheese—aur., kali c., mez. Fetid—ambr., anae, apis, ♦arg. m., arg. n., bapt., caps., cham., kali n., mere, mur. a., petrol., sang., stann. Foul—acet. a., graph., nit. a. Offensive—agar., aur., berb., bry., cimi., clem., mancin., pod., sepia, sil. Putrid—♦arn.. arum., bapt., kreos., lye, mill., nux v., ♦puis. Rotten—graph., mez. Stench—aur., baryt. Pains—ambr., anae, apis, aur., baryt., borax, brom., calc. e, caust., cinch., kali bi., kali c, kalm., mancin., nat e, ♦nit. a., nux v., petrol., phyt., psor., ♦puis., sabad., sepia, sib, staph., sul. a. Burning—♦ars., ♦arum, brom., calad., canth., caps., carb. an., :occ c., iris, kali c, kali i., mancin., mere, mere cor., mez., Dat c, ♦nat. m., nat. s., psor., spong., ver. a. Cutting—hell. Lancinating—carb. an. Pricking — mancin., spig. Raw—am. c, ♦arum., cocc. c, hydras., nat. e, spong., stram. Scraping—hell., nat. e Shooting—bell. Smarting—ambr., canth., nat. m. Sore — acet. a., aeon., aloe, alum., ant. t, arum, calc. phos., canth., cham., glon., hell., ign., lach., mere b. i., mez., mill., nat. m., nit. a., petrol., phyt, staph., zinc. Stinging—nux v., spig. Stitches—nit a., sepia. Parts. Buccal cavity, inner surface of cheek—aloe, ♦arum, bapt., baryt., ♦borax, calc. c, calc. ph., carb. an., caust, ferr., iris, mere b. i., mere cor., myr. c, nit. a., petrol., phyt., staph., zinc. Corners of—mag. phos. Fauces—apis, berb., calad., ♦cocc c, iod., iris, nat. c, nux v., phos. a. Glands—acet. a., mere b. i. Parotid—aib, am. e, arum, ♦baryt., brom., calc. c, calc. ph., carb. an., carb. v., cham., cist., iris, kali bi., kali c, kali chlor., mang., mere, mere b. i., nat. m., phos., phyt., ♦rhus, sepia, sib, Salivary—aeon., cupr., kalm., mere, mur. a., nat. m., sil. Sublingual—calc c, kalm., psor. Submaxillary—♦arum, aur., ♦baryt., brom., ♦calc c, cinch.,con , graph., ign., kali c, lye, nat. m., nit. a., nux v., petrol., phyt., psor., ♦rhus, sepia, sib, spong., staoh- 278 CHAPTER XII. — MOUTH AND GLANDS Gums—bapt., carb. v., dulc, graph., hell., hep. s., iod., mere, mere cor., mill., nat. s., nux v., phyt, plat., sang., sub a. Mucous membranes—borax, canth., colch., eup. perf., ferr.,ign., kali c, lach., mere, mere cor., myr. e, nat. c. Oesophagus—ars., brom., cham., kalm., sabin. Papillae—hydras. Palate—borax, caust., cepa, cocc. c, hell., lye, mancin.. nat.s., sib, sub, ver. a. Pharynx—ars., cham. Posterior nares—canth., zing. Roof of—glon., lach., myr. c, nux v., phos., sang. Side, Left—♦arum, mang., rhus. Right—♦baryt., mere Tongue—aloe, ars., cepa, hell., kali i., plumb., sul. Patches—ant. t., mur. a., phos. Pustules —ant. t, psor. Redness—ant. c, bapt., belb, canth., hell., hydras., nat. e Rhagades— plat. Saliva—am. c, ars., baryt.. ign., lob., lye, mere, nat. m., nux v., paris, phos., sabad., sib, spig., spong., ♦stram., ♦sub, tarax. Acid—secale, ver. a. Acrid—♦arum, ♦mere, nit. a. Bitter—kali bi., ♦mere cor. Bloody—carb. v., hyos., mag. c, ♦mere cor., nat m., nit. a., ♦nux v., rhus, ♦sul. Copious—♦arum, aur., bapt., canth., caps., fluor. a., lach.,mur.a., nat. s., pod., sabad., ver. v. Diminished—aeon., ars., opium, spong., ♦ver. a. Disgusting—canth. Driveling—stram. Fetid —iod., mere, nit. a. Frothy—apis, bry., ♦can. i., cina, cocc, cupr., kali bi., puis., abin., tabac, ♦ver. a. Greasy— iris. Increased—aloe, alum., carb. v., dulc, glon., graph., kali bi., kali e, mancin., mez., nat e, phos., secale, spong., stram., zinc. Metallic —cham. Much—ign., mur. a., rhus, secale, sul. a., ver. a. Offensive—caps., petrol. Profuse—colch., mere, mere b. i., nit. a., phyt., sepia, sul. Putrid—iod. Ropy—mere, phos. a. Saltish— ant. c, hyos., kali bi., kali i., lye, mere cor., phos., sub Slimy—glon., iris, kali bi. Soap-like—bry., dulc. Stickv—belb, berb., ♦can. i., lob. Sweetish— aur., canth., hydras., phos., plumb., puis., sabad. CHAPTER XII. —MOUTH AND GLANDS 279 Saliva continued. Tasteless—canth. Tenacious—belb, dulc, lach., phos., phos. a., phyt., spig., tabac. Thick—aescul., belb, ♦can. i., hydras., iod., phyt, ver. v. Tough—apis, lye, ♦mere cor., rhus. Viscid—apis, caps., kali bi., kali i., stram. White—belb, ♦can. i., sabin., spig., tabac. Yellow—phyt., secale, spig., sub a. Salivation, ptyalism—aescul., ant. e, arg. n., ♦arum, bapt,bell., canth., caps., cinch., dulc, hell., helon.. hyos., iod., ♦ins.,♦mere, mere cor., nat m., opium, phyt, pod., rheum, secale, sub,♦tabac. Sensations—baryt, cist., lach., mag. m. Burnt—ambr., borax, hydras., thuj. Cold—carb. v., plat. Heat or hot—belb, borax, carb. v., caul., cham., cimi., colch. Scalding—apis, ♦iris., mere cor. Sensitiveness—acet. a., aib, arum, baryt., cocc. e, graph.,mur.a., nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., psor. Slimy—♦belb, calc c, glon., iris, kali n., mere, stram. Spits—ars., graph., nux v., opium, puis., secale, ♦tabac. Stomacace—dulc, mill., mur. a., sil., staph. Stomatitis—bapt., helon., hydras., kali chlor., kali phos. Suppuration—sil. Swollen—acet. a., am. c, arum, belb, ♦baryt., ♦calc c.,carb.an., cham.. cinch., con., dulc, glon., graph., hell., iod., kali bi., kali e, mere, mur. a., nat. m., nit. a., nux v., phyt., petrol.,psor., rhus, sepia, sib, spong., staph. Syphilis—phos. a. Taste—aescul., ant. c, mere b. i., mere cor. Thrush—kali chlor., nat. m., sul. Twitching—mag. phos. Ulcers—alum., bapt., carb. v., hell., hep. s., iod., iris, kali i., ♦mere, mere cor., mill., nat. e, ♦nat. m., ♦nit. a., nuxv., petrol., phyt., plumb., sib, thuj. Vesicles—anae, baryt., kali e, kali i., mancin., mere cor., ♦nat. m. Water in—aeon., cheb, mag. m., nat. m., secale, staph., tarax., ♦ver. a. CHAPTER XIII.-THROAT. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Absinthium. °Scalded feeling in throat. ♦Acetic acid. ♦Children swallow with some difficulty, even a tea- spoonful of water, in croup. -Inflamed, sore throat, ulcerated. In- dications of a white film low down in fauces. Aconitum. -Redness of soft palate and uvula. Feeling of dry- ness, as if something had stuck in throat. Stinging in throat; fauces dark-red, burning. Burning and numbness in throat; throat almost insensible. Pricking, burning in throat and along the eu- stachian tube, compelling to swallow. Almost entire inability to swallow, with hoarseness. Stinging pains in throat when swallow- ing; feels as if the food remained in region of heart ^Esculus hip. -Hawks up ropy mucus of a sweetish taste. Dry, burning and constriction in fauces. Tonsils dark and congested, swollen; worse the left; inclination to swallow, with dull, aching pain, burning like fire. Frequent neuralgic pains in the fauces. ♦Ailantus. ♦Throat livid, almost purple; swollen; tonsils prom- inent and studded with many deep, angry-looking ulcers oozing a scanty, fetid discharge; external neck swollen and sensitive—scar- latina. Fauces and tonsils inflamed, with spots of incipient ul- ceration. Throat tender and sore on swallowing, or on admitting air. Hawking of mucus, constant effort to raise hard lumps of whitish matter. Throat much swollen, dark-red, almost purple— scarlatina. Thyroid gland tender, enlarged. ♦Alumina. ♦Great dryness, which induces frequent clearing of throat in evening. Pressure in throat, as from a plug, with sore- ness and dryness. Tightness from pharynx down to stomach, as if food could not pass. Feeling of a splinter in throat. Copious, thick, tenacious mucus in throat, evening and morning. Thick mucus dropping from posterior nares. Ulcers in fauces spongy; secreting a yellowish-brown, badly smelling pus, with boring pains from fauces to right temple and head. Throat red and inflamed. 280 CHAPTER XIII.--THROAT 28l Ambra. -Tearing pain in palate,extending to left ear. Dryness of the throat in the morning. Sore throat after exposure to a draft of air; stitching from the throat into the right ear, and pains par- ticularly from motion of the tongue. Accumulation of grayish phlegm in the throat; difficult to hawk up, with rawness. Ammonium carb. Pain in throat as if the right tonsil was swol- len when swallowing. Enlarged tonsils, bluish, much offensive mucus there. Sensation as if something had lodged in the throat, imped- ing deglutition. Burning pain in throat. Putrid sore throat. Ten- dency to gangrenous ulceration of tonsils. Diphtheria; nose stopped up; child starts from sleep; cannot get its breath. Ammonium mur. -Sore throat with viscid phlegm, so tough that it cannot be hawked up; stitches in the throat when swallowing. ♦Amyl nit. ♦Choking feeling in throat on each side of the trachea along the carotids. The collar seemed too tight, with desire to loosen it. Antimonium crud. -Must draw quantities of thick, yellowish mucus from posterior nares into the throat and expectorate it. ♦Antimonium tart ♦Much mucus in throat with short breathing. ^Sensation of soreness on posterior part of palate when not swal- lowing. Swallowing painful or impossible. ♦Apis. ♦Tonsils swollen, bright-red, stinging when swallowing. Deep ulcers on tonsils or palate; erysipelatous and cedematoiis appearance around ulcers. °G3dema of glottis. Mucous membrane covered with dirty, grayish deposit. Tenacious mucus in throat. Throat swollen, inside and outside; hoarse; breathing and swal- lowing difficult. Small blisters filled with clear lymph in clusters on back part of throat. ♦Argentum met. ♦Viscid, gray, jelly-like mucus in the pharynx, easily hawked up early in the morning. Throat feels raw and sore, during expiration, swallowing or coughing. Anaesthesia of the fauces—diphtheria. Tension of fauces on right side, felt only when gaping—aphonia. Region of submaxillary glands swollen; the neck stiff; swallowing difficult as from internal swelling, has to force every mouthful down the cesoj:>hagus. Painful tension in the fau- ces, as from internal swelling, v/hen yawning. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Thick, tenacious mucus in the throat, obliging him to hawk. Rawness, soreness and scraping in the throat. Sen- sation as if a splinter were lodged in the throat, when swallowing, 282 CHAPTER XIII.—THROAT breathing or moving the neck. Uvula and fauces dark-red. cWart- like excrescences feel like pointed bodies when swallowing. Swal- lowing difficult. Burning and dryness in fauces and pharynx. Par- oxysms of cramp in the oesophagus. Arnica. -Stinging in back part of throat between acts of deglu- tition. Chronic pains in fauces and larynx; worse for a long time after an animated talk. Arsenicum. v Dryness, soreness, scraping and burning in fauces and throat. Swallowing very difficult and painful. Paralytic con- dition of pharynx and oesophagus. Burning when swallowing; food goes down to region of larynx, when it is ejected again. Diphtheritic membrane is dry looking and wrinkled. ♦Arum triph. ♦Throat and tongue very sore; burning pains, putrid ulcers in throat. Refuses food and drink on account of sore- ness of throat. cConstriction in the throat with sneezing. Sore- ness, burning and pains in palate, worse when eating or drinking. ♦Asafcetida. ♦Sensation of a ball rising in throat, obliging fre- quent swallowing to keep it down, and causing at times difficult breathing. Sensation of the oesophagus as if the peristaltic motions were from below upwards; globus hystericus. -Burning followed by soreness in the fauces. Dryness and burning in the oesophagus. Darting stitches from the chest upward towards the oesophagus. Aurum met. f Red and swollen tonsils. Boring in the hard pal- ate; caries of roof,palate and nose. Stinging soreness in throat only during deglutition. Difficult raising of phlegm. Dull, pressive pain, with or without swallowing, in submaxillary gland. ♦Baptisia. ♦Fauces dark red; dark, putrid ulcers; tonsils and parotids swollen; unusual absence of pain. -Constricted feeling, causing frequent efforts at deglutition; throat sore, feels contracted. Tickling in throat provoking cough; uvula elongated. Can swallow liquids only; the least solid food gags. Mucus abundant and viscid; can neither swallow it nor bring it up. OEsophagus feels constricted from above down to the stomach; can only swallow water. ♦Baryta carb. ♦Smarting in the throat when swallowing, though most on empty swallowing; throat sore to touch. Liability to tonsilitis every slight cold, or suppressed foot-sweat Tonsils tend to suppurate, especially the right; palate swollen; dark brown urine; sleeplessness. Chronic induration of the tonsils; sensation of a plug in the throat; worse swallowing liquids. Sensation in CHAPTER XIII.--THROAT 283 the oesophagus, as of a morsel of food lodged there. On swallow- ing, sensation as if the food passed over a sore spot. GEsophageal spasm, in old people. ♦Belladonna. ♦Sore throat; fauces and pharynx deep-red; soft palate and tonsils swollen; swallowing painful, particularly fluids; speech thick; feels like a lump in the throat, which induces hawk- ing; throat swollen outside and sensitive to touch. Great dryness of fauces and throat. During deglutition feeling in the throat as if it were too narrow, or drawn together, as if nothing would pass properly. -Dryness of roof of the mouth, fauces and throat. Con- stant urging and desire to swallow; seemed as if he would choke if he did not. Throat feels raw and sore; looks very red and shining. Tonsilitis, worse on right side; parts bright-red, worse swallowing liquids. Rapidly forming aphthous ulcers on tonsils; intense con- gestion; throbbing of the carotids. Cervical glands inflame sud- denly. Benzoic acid. -Angina faucium and tonsillaris, with characteris- tic high-colored and strong urine. Mouth and throat symptoms relieved by eating. Heat in the oesophagus,as from acid eructations. Borax. -Throat pale, wrinkled; child cries frequently, when nursing. Roughness and burning in throat. Tough, whitish mucus in the throat, which is loosened only after great exertion. Bromium. ^Elongation of the uvula. Scraping in throat. Swell- ing of mucous membranes of fauces and pharynx. Tonsils swollen, inflamed; constant pain in throat, swallowing difficult, fluids worse than solids —after measles. Right side of the fauces dark-red and dry; swallowing painful. Bryonia. -Drvness of throat; dry and raw, on empty swallowing. Stitches in throat when swallowing. Back of the throat seems swollen. Tough mucus in the fauces, loosened by hawking. Caladium. Dryness and burning in throat. Fauces and pharynx dry, not the mouth. Hawking phlegm and vomiting, after smoking. Calcarea carb. inflammatory swelling of the palate and uvula or tonsils, with sensation of contraction of throat when swallowing. Pain in the throat extending to the ears. Spasmodic contraction of the oesophagus. Calc. flour. °(Uvula relaxed.—Schussler.) Calcarea mur. Recommended locally and internally in diphtheria. Calcarea phos. °Sore aching in the throat, worse when swallow- 2S4 CHAPTER XIII.—THROAT ing. Sore throat with tickling cough in the evening, worse after going to bed. Chronic swelling of tonsils. (Clergyman's sore throat. —Schussler.) Calcarea sulf. °(Throat sore; suppuration threatens. Throat ulcerated, when yellow matter forms, last or suppurating stage. Tonsilitis, last stage, when matter threatens or has formed on ton- sils. Quinsy, if ulcers form, with yellow heads.—Schussler.) ♦Cannabis ind. ♦The throat is parched, accompanied by intense thirst for cold water. ♦Cantharis. ♦Burning sensation in throat; feels on fire.°Throat inflamed and covered with plastic lymph. Throat swollen. Sting- ing dryness in pharynx. Burning soreness of the throat, which is inflamed. Aphthous ulcers on the back part of the fauces, covered with a whitish adherent crust; a similar one on right tonsil. Swal- lowing of liquids very difficult. Capsicum. Uvula elongated; feels as if pressing on something hard. Small, flat, burning ulcers in mouth and fauces. Constric- tion of the throat, with burning; whitish deposit. Left tonsil in- flamed; right, painful. Throat inflamed, dark-red, burning, press- ing. Soreness, smarting, burning and biting in throat. Carbolic acid. Sore throat, worse on right side. Hawking of clear, white mucus. Carbo veg. Scraping, rawness, burning in the throat. Slough- ing of some parts of swollen fauces; fetid ichor. Pain in posterior nares and fauces as if sore from swallowing, coughing or blowing the nose. Swelling and inflammation of uvula, with stitches in the throat. ♦Causticum. ♦Mucus collects in the throat; cannot be raised by hawking; is obliged to swallow it. Dryness in throat posteriorly. Hawking of mucus with pain in pit of throat. Rawness in throat with sensation like heartburn. Must swallow continually; feels as if the throat were too narrow. Swelling like goitre on the throat. Cepa. Sensation as of a ball in the throat. Tough mucus in the fauces and throat. Numb feeling in the posterior wall of pharynx. Chamomilla. °Sore throat and swelling of parotid gland. Spas- modic constriction of the pharynx. Chininum ars. °Malignant angina during scarlatina, with pale- ness of skin, quick exhaustion and rapid destruction of mucous membranes of fauces. Diphtheria; great fetor oris; submaxillary CHAPTER XIII.--THROAT 26 < glands swollen and painful; nose completely stopped up with a purulent, bloody substance; corners of nose excoriated; tongue coated thick and brown; both tonsils covered with a gray exuda- tion, which on disappearing leaves a bloody ulcer, with uneven edges; lower half ot inula gangrenous, upper Halt covered with exu- dation; posterior wall of fauces completely covered with exudation; swallowing of liquids very difficult; great prostration; sleeplessness; pulse small, very frequent. Cistus. -Fauces inflamed and very dry, without feeling dry, with much hawking of thick, tasteless, tough mucus. Must swallow saliva to relieve the unbearable dryness, especially at night. Dry- ness in throat, better after eating. Inhaling cold air causes pain in the throat; warm air does not. A feeling as if sand were in the throat. ♦Coccus cacti. ♦Throat symptoms worse from warmth,especially in bed. cDryness and burning in throat and fauces. Rawness and scraping in throat. Constant tickling in throat. Difficult degluti- tion. Coffea. :Steady pain from side of palate into oesophagus; con- stant desire to swallow, from sensation of a plug in throat. Uvula too long, swollen. Sore throat; worse from cool air. Colchicum. -Tickling in the throat as if coryza were setting in, inducing cough and clearing the throat. Much greenish and thin mucus in the throat, comes sometimes involuntarily intothe mouth. Inflammation and redness of the palate and fauces. Tonsils inflamed and swollen, here and there spots covered with pus, swallowing difficult. Conium. Pressure in the oesophagus,as if a round body (globus hystericus) were ascending from the stomach. Crotalus hor. Throat dry with thirst. Great difficulty in swal- lowing anything solid. Cuprum met -Palate red, fauces inflamed. Tonsils inflamed. Dull, piercing pain in left tonsil, increased by external touch. Gur- gling noise of the drink passing down the oesophagus. Dulcamara. °Tonsilitis from every cold change. Much mucus in fauces. Pressure as if uvula were too long. Ferrum phos. °(Diphtheria, at the commencement of disease to lessen fever. Irritation of throat and redness. Quinsy, first stage. Throat ulcerated, congestions, heat, fever, pain and throbbing. Uvula relaxed, surrounding parts inflamed.—Schussler.) 286 CHAPTER XIII.- -THROAT Fluoric acid. Red blotches,size of half pea, over the palate and sides of cheeks, bleeding easily. Soft palate and uvula intensely red and much tumefied, breath fetid, voice nasal, articulation in- distinct. Accumulation of mucus in fauces disturbs sleep. Throat peculiarly sensitive to cold, slightest pressure resulting in inflam- mation, with increase of pain and impeded deglutition. Excessive pain when swallowing. Gelsemiuin. -Fauces dry, burning, irritated, sore. Throat feels as if filled up; tonsils inflamed, swollen, mostly in or beginning in the right side. Swallowing causes shooting into the ear. Dys- phagia; paralysis of the organs of deglutition. Diphtheria; local tingling of the parts during the fever; incipient paralysis, impaired vision. Painful sensation of a lump in oesophagus. Burning in the oesophagus to the stomach. Graphites. -Palate feels sore and fauces somewhat reddened. Violent catarrh of the fauces, with sensation as if tough food had to pass over a lump in the throat. Constant cramp in the throat, causing him to retch as if the food would not go down. Nightly pain in the throat like a plug. Ulcerative pain in the throat. Roughness and rawness in the throat. Hawking of phlegm. Throat seems full of gurgling mucus. Hamamelis. : Severe stinging in uvula, as if it would break when he coughs. Dryness of the lips and fauces. Must drink large quantities of water to assist deglutition. Sore throat, worse on right side; right tonsil more swollen, reddened and veins enlarged, vari- cose. Sore throat in those predisposed to fullness of the veins; worse in warm, moist air. ♦Hepar sulph. ♦Sudden stitches in the throat extending to the ear, worse on swallowing. Sensation as of a fish bone or splinter sticking in the throat. -Sensation of a plug in the throat. Dry- ness of the throat. Scraping sore throat, impeding speech but not swallowing. Swelling of the tonsils and glands of the neck. Hawk- ing of mucus. Scraping in throat when swallowing. Hydrastis. cHawking of yellow, tenacious mucus from posterior nares and fauces; rawness of fauces; ulcers in the throat; after mer cury. Cancerous ulcers on left side of throat inside. ♦Hyoscyamus. ♦Constriction in the throat with inability to swallow, especially fluids. Elongated palate. Throat and mouth dry, parched and red, inability to swallow. Spasmodic contraction CH A PIER XIII. — TH ROAT 287 of oesophagus after injury; solid and warm food swallowed best; fluids cause spasm; hiccough, nausea, stiff neck. An attempt to swallow renews spasms. Hypericum. Expansion of throat and abdomen. Sensation of a worm moving in the throat. With hemming, some bright, red blood comes up. ♦Ignatia. "Stitches in the throat only between acts of swallow- ing. Sensation of a lump in the throat when not swallowing. -Stitches in the soft palate, extending to the ear. Inflamed, indu- rated, swollen tonsils, with small ulcers. Choking sensation from the stomach up into the throat; throat worse when not swallowing, and when swallowing liquids; better when swallowing food. Iodium. Swelling and elongation of the uvuia. Inflammation of the throat, with burning pain. Sensation of constriction in the larynx, with impeded deglutition. Ulcers in the throat with swell- ing of the glands of the neck. Inflammation and ulceration of the oesophagus. ♦Kali bichrom. ♦OZdematous uvula. Hawking of much thick, tenacious mucus in the morning. Soft palate, slighty reddened; uvula relaxed, with sensation of a plug in the throat, not relieved by swallowing. Deep excavated sore, with reddish areola, and con- taining a yellow tenacious matter, at the root of the uvula; fauces and palate erythematous, bright, or dark-red, or coppery. Sharp, shooting pains in the left tonsil, extending toward the ear, relieved by swallowing; suppuration of tonsils. Ulcers in the fauces; also in the pharynx, discharging cheesy lumps, of offensive smell. Pos- terior wall of pharynx is dark-red, glossy, puffed, showing ramifi- cations of pale-red vessels; on the left of the middle a small crack, exuding blood. Redness of sound places in mucous membrane of mouth and fauces; tough, stringy nasal discharge; putrid odor; ul- cers in the mouth—diphtheria. Throat pains more when putting tongue out. Burning in pharynx extending to stomach, solids cause pain when swallowed and leave a sensation of something remaining there. Kali brom. Anaesthesia of mouth, throat and pharynx; chronic alcoholism. ♦Kali carb. ♦Sticking pain in the pharynx as if there was a fish- bone in it. -on becoming cold. ♦Difficult swallowing; cthe food de- scends the oesophagus very slowly with gagging and vomiting 288 CHAPTER XIII.--THROAT Crawling in the throat, causing hemming and coughing, and a feel- ing of tightly adhering phlegm. Tenacious mucus in the fauces and posterior of pharynx, mornings; difficult to hawk up. Sen- sation of a lump. Stinging when swallowing; frequent desire to swallow saliva, but cannot, causing a choking. Pain in back when swallowing. When swallowing, the food remains half way, with gagging and vomiting; stricture of oesophagus. Kali chlor. c(Diphtheria; the chief remedy; use also a gargle, 3rd trit, 5 grains to tumbler of water. Pharyngitis, with swelling of throat, gray or whitish exudation, spots or pustules, second remedy. Sore throat, ulcerated, with patches of white or grayish color, with tongue as at 11. Tonsilitis, quinsy, chronic; or acute, with much swelling. Uvula, relaxed when throat or tonsils are swollen. —Schussler.) Kali iod. Uvula swollen and elongated; mucous membrane as if oedematous. Goitre (sensitive to contact). Submaxillary glands swollen, suppurating. Kali nit. °Burning in throat,cutting pains with impeded deglu- tition. Hawking of sweetish, tough mucus from the throat. Raw- ness and scraping in throat. Sore throat; uvula and tonsils red. Kali phos. c(Diphtheria, after effects of weakness of sight, or paralysis of any part, in the well marked gangrenous condition.— Schussler.) Kali permanganate. °Used locally and internally in diphtheria. Kalmia. GThroat feels swollen. Sensation of a ball rising in the throat. Sensation of dryness in throat, with difficult deglutition and thirst. Great dryness of throat with aching pains, the dryness causing frequent cough. Chronic syphilitic sore throat. Pressure in the throat; stitches in the eyes,and nausea. Kreosotum. -Small, round, bluish-red spots (petechias) in the throat. Scratching sensation in throat. Lac caninum. ♦Diphtheria and diphtheritic croup. Membranous croup. Soreness of throat commences with a tickling sensation, which causes constant cough, then a sensation of a lump on one side. °Especially shining and red appearance of throat—syphilis. Sore throat beginning on left tonsil; swollen and ulcerated; throat feels swollen and raw; pricking and cutting pains shoot through tonsils, when swallowing; submaxillary glands swollen, sore and aching; pain in left ear. Diphtheritic membrane white, like china. CHAPTER XIII.—THROAT 289 Mucous membrane of throat glistening as if varnished. Membranes leave one side and go to the other repeatedly. Desire for warm drinks,which may return through nose—post-diphtheritic paralysis. ♦Lachesis. ♦Pain and soreness beginning on left side of throat —tonsilitis, diphtheria. Aggravation by hot drinks; liquids pain more than solids while swallowing—tonsilitis,diphtheria. Excessive sensitiveness of the throat to external pressure—tonsilitis, diphthe- ria. Hawking of mucus with rawness in the throat. Dryness in the throat without thirst. Throat seems swollen as if two large lumps came together, on empty swallowing, better from swallowing food. Feeling of a crumb of bread left sticking in the throat. Tonsilitis worse on left side, choking when swallowing; or, when swallowing, pains from throat toear,neck sensitive to touch. °Uvula elongated; fauces purplish and swollen, or ulcerated. Feeling of a lump in throat; suffocative sensation; on swallowing the lump de- scends, but returns at once. Diphtheritic patches in the throat, spreading from left to right; fetid breath; worse after sleep; great debility, feeble pulse; clammy sweat; headache and faintness. Ul- cers in throat worse in wet weather; after mercury; from syphilis; ulcers extend up into posterior nares; throat so dry he awakens choking; soft palate full of cicatrices, with greenish-yellow ulcers between; pain shooting; fetid breath. Lachnantes. cSore throat, with short cough. Sensation of swelling in pharynx, with stiffness of neck, and head drawn to one side; diphtheria. Dryness of throat; afterwards soreness. ♦Laurocerasus. ♦Spasmodic deglutition—chorea. °Impeded deglutition. Spasmodic contraction in the throat and oesophagus. The drink he takes rolls audibly through the oesophagus and in- testines. Ledum. GMalignant sore throat. Great heat in throat when moving in the open air. Sensation of a lump in throat; when swal- lowing the pain is stinging. Lithium carb. '-Solid lumps' from choanae and fauces; worse morning and forenoon. Sore throat, pain into ear; in the evening, right side. Lobelia. "Burning in throat; dryness of fauces, spitting at inter- vals. Tough mucus in fauces, causing frequent hawking. Dryness and pricking in throat, not diminished by drinking. Sensation of a lump in pit of throat impeding deglutition. 290 CHAPTER XIII.— THROAT ♦Lycopodium. ♦Pain and soreness begin on the right side of throat—angina, diphtheria. Swelling and suppuration of tonsils go- ing from right to left. Feeling of a ball rising from below into throat. Feeling of constriction in throat; nothing can be swal- lowed; food and drink regurgitate through the nose. °Chronic en- enlargement of the tonsils. Fauces brownish-red; diphtheritic patches spreading from right tonsil to left; or descending from the nose; worse from cold drinks and after sleep. Hawking of bloody mucus, or of hard, greenish-yellow phlegm; feeling of a hard body in the oesophagus. Pharynx feels contracted; nothing can be swallowed. Magnesia carb. °Soft, fetid tubercles of the color of pease, are hawked up. Frequent rising of mucus in the throat (morning), with roughness and dryness of fauces. Magnesia mur. -Rising of a ball from the stomach to the throat, relieved by eructation. Continual rising of white froth in the mouth. Difficult hawking of thick, tough (or blood-mixed) mucus. Dry- ness and roughness of throat, with hoarse voice. Magnesium phos. "(Spasm of throat in attempting to swallow liquids.—Schussler.) Mancinella. °Great elongation of the uvula. Great dryness of the throat. Choking sensation rising in the throat when speaking. Angina following scarlet fever. Yellowish-white ulcers on the ton sils, with violent burning pain. Tonsils swollen. Great swelling and suppuration of the tonsils,with danger of suffocation; whistling breathing. Periodical thrusts (as if electric) in the upper part of throat. ♦Mercurius. ♦Painful dryness of the throat, with mouth full of saliva; pressure on swallowing. Suppuration of the tonsils, with sharp, sticking pain in fauces when swallowing. °Uvula swollen and elongated. Erysipelatous inflammation of the throat. Angina with stinging pains, worse from empty swallowing, at night and in the cold air. Tonsils dark-red, studded with ulcers; stinging pains in fauces, quinsy^ only after pus has formed; to hasten maturing. Syphilitic ulcers in the throat and mouth. Glands swollen. Mercurius biniod. °Much phlegm in throat and nose; hawks it out. Sensation of a lump in throat, with disposition to hawk it put; hawked up a hard, greenish lump. Painful swelling of tonsils and submaxillary glands. Diphtheritic patches and superficial ulcers in throat. On awaking, throat sore; feels scalded; worse CHAPTER XML—THROAT 2gi during empty swallowing. Tonsils suppurating. Velum long,seem- ingly causing the cough; left tonsil inflamed. ♦Mercurius cor. ♦Throat intensely inflamed and swollen, pre- venting swallowing and threatening suffocation. Violent burning pain in' throat and oesophagus, aggravated by slightest external pressure. Uvula swollen, elongated, dark-red. -Tonsils swollen and covered with ulcers. External throat and glands of throat enormously swollen. Drinks frequently, regurgitates through the nose. Mercurius cyanuret. °Highly praised in the Ireatment of diph- theria, in connection with scarlatina, or scarlatinal sore throat. ♦Mercurius prot. iod. "Posterior wall of pharynx dotted with patches of mucus +and small spots which look ulcerated. °Easily detached patches on the inflamed pharynx and fauces, worse on the right tonsil; salivary glands much swollen; fetid discharge. Much tenacious mucus in the throat; hawking causes gagging. Sensation of a lump in the throat. ♦Mezereum. ♦Burning in the throat, pharynx and oesophagus. Dryness, heat,scraping and rawness in the fauces. Sensation as if the posterior part of the throat were full of mucus, the same after hawking. Millefolium. °Uvula relaxed; also tonsils; asthenic catarrh. Rough feeling in the throat. Dull, piercing pains right then left sided. Ulceration of the throat; pain in left side of throat when swallowing. Muriatic acid. °Rawness and smarting of fauces; burning. Dry throat, with burning in the chest. Dark, bluish-red fauces, in scarlet fever. Fauces covered with a grayish-white, diphtheritic- like deposit. ♦Natrum carb. ♦Violent hawking up of thick mucus, which con- stantly collects again. "Accumulation of mucus in the throat and posterior nares. Throat and oesophagus feel rough, scraped and dry. Natrum mur. "Feels very dry, yet he constantly hawks trans- parent mucus. Sensation of a splinter sticking in the throat. Feel- ing of a plug in throat with chronic sore throat. Uvula elongated; muscles so weak food goes down the wrong way; also in post-diph- theritic paralysis. Only fluids can be swallowed. Solids reach a certain point and then they are violently ejected. (Diphtheria, if 2g2 CHAPTER XIII. — THROAT face be puffy and pale, with flow of watery fluid, and dryness of tongue; drowsiness, or watery stools. Throat enlargement, cystic, goitrous; inflammation of mucous lining, with transparent, frothy mucus covering tonsils.—Schussler.) Natrum phos. "(Diseases where throat is implicated; tonsils coated yellow or gold-colored tinge. Throat sore, with a raw feel- ing.— Schussler.) Natrum sulf. "Palate burns as if skin were broken; during men- ses. Blisters on the palate; better from cold things. Dryness of throat; no thirst. Tonsils and uvula inflamed and swollen; ulcers on tonsils. Mucus in throat at night; hawks salt mucus in the morning. ♦Nitric acid. ♦Pricking as from a splinter in the throat, worse when swallowing. Diphtheritic membrane on tonsils and fauces, extending to mouth, lips and nose; terrible fetor, intermittent pulse; swollen parotids. Swallowing very difficult, as from constriction of the pharynx. cTonsils red, swollen, uneven, with small ulcers thereon. Palate, tongue, inside of gums sore, with stinging pain and ulceration of corners of mouth. Stitches in throat, dry coryza, hoarseness. Dry throat, heat, gums sore. Nux mos. "Difficult swallowing from paralysis of the muscles of deglutition. Sore throat, hoarseness, scratching, dryness. Pain along eustachian tube, as from a foreign body lodged there; before a shower. ♦Nux vom. ♦Throat raw, sore, rough, as if scraped, "principally when swallowing and when inhaling cold air. Pain as if the phar- ynx was constricted, or as if a plug was sticking in the throat dur ing empty swallowing. Stitches in the ear when swallowing; small, fetid ulcers in the throat. Throat worse while eating, and still worse afterwards. Paris quad. "Tense, almost painless swelling in the roof of the mouth—scarlatina. Sore throat, as if a ball were lodged in it. Burning, stinging and scraping in throat. Petroleum. "When swallowing the food enters into the posterior nares. Throat feels swollen and raw. Stinging from throat into ear when swallowing. Hawking of a tough,disagreeable phlegm in the mornings. Phosphorus. Swelling of right tonsil; mucus in throat removed with difficulty; is quite cold as it comes into mouth; mucus white, CHAPTER XIII.— THROAT 293 nearly transparent, in lumps. Tonsils and uvula much swollen; uvula elongated, with dry and burning sensation. Muscular angina, with fatty degeneration. Rawness and scraping in pharynx, worse toward evening; hawking in morning. Dryness of the throat day and night; it fairly glistens. Sensation of cotton in the throat. Burning in oesophagus. Spasmodic constrictive of the oesophagus. ♦Phytolacca. ::Throat sore; fauces congested and of a dark-red color; dryness of the throat; tonsils swollen. Difficult swallowing; with every attempt excruciating,shooting pains through both ears. "Throat sore, worse right side; fauces dark, bluish-red; worse swallowing saliva; feels as if a red-hot ball was lodged in fauces, cannot bear touch of clothing about neck. Uvula large, transparent. Tonsils large, bluish, ulcerated; throat feels as after choke-pears; drv, rough, burning, smarting fauces. Like a plug in throat, worse left side. Dirty, wash-leather pseudo-membrane; mucus hawked with difficulty from posterior nares; hangs down in strings; severe pains in head, neck and back; great prostration, faint on rising— diphtheria. Cannot drink hot fluids; choking; ulcers on tonsils— syphilis. Pharynx dry, rough, feels like a cavern. ♦Plumbum. ♦Constriction of the throat when trying to swallow, -with great urging to do so. Sensation of plug in the throat. Globus hystericus. Tonsils inflamed, covered with small painful abscesses. Diphtheria with tendency to sloughing. Tough mucus in fauces and posterior nares. Angina granulosa, going from left to right. Fluids can be swallowed, but solids come back into mouth; burning in oesophagus and stomach some hours after eating; stricture from spasm. Podophyllum. Sore throat, right to left; left side sore, worse when swallowing liquids in the morning. Soreness of throat ex- tends to ears. Rattling of mucus in throat. Goitre. Pharynx dry, deglutition painful. Psorinum. -Tough mucus in throat, hawking. Throat burns; feels scalded. Like a plug or lump in throat, impeding hawking of mucus. Pain when swallowing saliva. Difficult swallowing, throat feels swollen. Ulcers on right side, with deep-seated pains and burning in fauces. Tonsilitis; submaxillary glands swollen; fetid otorrhcea. Pulsatilla. -Veins distended; throat inflamed, bluish-red. Throat dry, worse mornings, with tough mucus in throat, especially night 294 CHAPTER XIII.—THROAT and morning. Sore throat with sense of dysphagia; she feels as though she would be choked. Worse swallowing saliva, and after food. Rhus tox. "Sore, feels stiff, after straining the throat. Tonsil (right) covered with yellow membrane. Sticking or stinging pain in tonsils; worse when beginning to swallow. Feeling of swelling with bruised pain; erysipelatous inflammation; parotids swollen; cellulitis of the neck; drowsiness. Difficult swallowing of solids as from contraction. Oesophagitis, especially after corrosive sub- stances. Rumex. -Excoriated feeling in throat, with secretion of mucus in upper part of throat. Sensation of a lump in throat,not relieved by hawking or swallowing; it descends on deglutition, but imme- diately returns. Aching in pharynx, with collection of tough mucus in fauces. ♦Sabadilla. ♦In an epidemic of sore throat all cases which com- menced on the left and extended to the right side. "Sensation of a skin hanging loosely in throat; must swallow over it. Much tough phlegm in throat; must hawk. Hawks bright-red blood from posterior nares. Stitch in throat only when swallowing; tonsils swollen and inflamed, nearly suppurating; left to right. Tonsilitis after coryza; suppuration; right tonsil remains somewhat swollen and indurated. Dryness of fauces. Cannot swallow saliva on account of pain; must spit it out. Sanguinaria. °Buming, especially after eating sweet things. Roof of mouth and uvula sore and burning. Ulcerated sore throat. Throat feels swollen to suffocation, with pain when swallowing, and aphonia. Tonsilitis, promotes suppuration. Heat in threat, better inspiring cold air; throat so dry it seems as though it would crack. Pearly coating on palate and fauces—diphtheritis. Silicia. -Tough slime in the fauces. Tonsils swollen; each effort to swallow distorts the face. Tonsilitis when the suppurating gland will not heal. Pricking in throat as from a pin, causing cough. Throat feels as if filled up,as if he could not swallow; frequent cough, bringing up white, frothy, saltish mucus; worse toward evening. Swallowing difficult as from paralysis. Food gets easily into the choanae. Spigelia. }Sensation of a worm rising in throat. Tingling in oesophagus. CHAPTER XIII.—THROAT 295 ♦Spongia. ♦Thyroid gland swollen even with the chin; at night suffocating spells, barking with stinging in throat and soreness in abdomen. Thyroid gland swollen and hard, with suffocative attacks at night; stitching pains. Relief of throat symptoms, when lying on back. Sore throat, worse after eating sweet things. Penetrat- ing tickling in throat toward ear. Burning and stinging in throat; rawness and scratching. Stannum. Accumulation of thick, viscid, grayish, bloody mu- cus in throat; efforts to expel it excite vomiting. Sticta. -Soft palate feels like dried leather, causing painful deglutition. ♦Stramonium. ♦Difficult deglutition from spasmodic constriction in the throat. Great dryness of the throat. "Difficult swallowing, with stinging, pressing pains in submaxillary glands. Averse to fluids; shrinks from the proffered cup. Averse to water, even sight of it causes spasm; constriction of throat, froth, spitting, hydro- phobia. Feeling as of boiling water rising in the throat. Spasm of oesophagus; worse trying to swallow. ♦Sulphur. ♦Scraping in throat; hawking and clearing the throat; stitches in throat when swallowing "Sensation of a lump in throat. Dryness of throat. Painful contraction of throat when swallowing. Burning up in throat with sour eructations. Sensation of a hair in throat. Sore throat, great burning and dryness, first right then left side. Elongation of palate; swelling of palate and tonsils. Sulphuric acid. cThick, yellow membrane on fauces, tonsils, teeth, lips; sticks like glue, impeding deglutition; voice thick; parotids swollen hard; sopor; stench from mouth. Roughness in throat. Lancinating pain in throat. Stinging in throat and chest at same time. Constricted feeling in throat. Syphilinum. "Chronic enlarged tonsils, from hereditary syphilis. Tabacum. "Dry, can hardly swallow; burning in throat and mouth Violent constriction of throat—angina pectoris. Much vis- cid phlegm in throat. Thuja. "Feels raw, dry as if from a plug, or as if constricted when swallowing. Much mucus in throat, hawked up with diffi- culty. Swallowing painful, especially saliva. Mucous tubercles in fauces. The food he drinks passes audibly down into stomach. Ustilago. "Dryness of fauces with difficult deglutition,with burn- ing distress in stomach. Tonsils congested, inflamed, left one 296 CHAPTER XIII.—THROAT very large, dark-colored, with dull pain worse from swallowing. Feeling as of a lump behind larynx, producing constant desire to swallow. Sharp,lancinating pain in right tonsil. Burning in oesoph- agus at cardiac orifice. ♦Veratrum alb. ♦Scraping or roughness in throat °Dryness in throat which cannot be removed by drinking. Sensation of dust in the throat. Sensation of constriction of throat. Chronic catarrh of oesophagus. Veratrum vir. Sensation of a ball rising into oesophagus. Spasm of oesophagus with or without rising of frothy, bloody mucus. Burn- ing in fauces and oesophagus, with constant inclination to swallow. Dryness and heat in throat, with severe hiccough. Zincum met. -Herpetic-like eruption on tonsils, soft palate and ro.ot of tongue; whitish, somewhat elevated ulcerated spots in mouth —sequel to gonorrhoea. Pain in posterior part of hard palate, and in velum palati, especially when yawning. Dryness of throat, even- ing; mucus collects from posterior nares, more between acts of empty deglutition, or after eating. Cramp-like, strangling pain, externally in muscles when swallowing. REPERTORY. Anaesthesia—aeon., ♦arg. m., kali br. Aphthae—belb, canth. Blisters—apis, nat. s. Cancer— hydras. Caries— aur. Color—aeon., aescul., ♦aib, alum., am. e, ♦apis, ♦arg. n., aur., ♦bapt., baryt., ♦belb, borax, brom., caps., colch., cupr., ferr.phos., fluor. a., graph., ham., hyos., kali bi., kali n., lac. c, lach., lye, ♦mere, mere cor., mur. a., nit. a., phos., ♦phyt., puis., ustib Congestion—aescul., belb, ferr. phos., phyt, ustib Croup—acet. a., ♦lac c Crusts—canth. Deposits, exudations—acet. a., apis, ars., canth., caps.,chin.ars., colch., kali chlor., lac c, lach., mere b. i., mere p. i., mur. a., nit. a., phyt, rhus, sang., sub a. Diphtheria—am. c, arg. m., calc. chlor., chin, ars., ferr. phos., gels., kali bi., kali chlor., kali perm., kali phos., ♦lac c., ♦lach., lachn., ♦lye, mere b. i., mere cyan., mere p i., mur. a., nat.m., ♦nit. a., phyt, plumb., sang., sul. a. Dryness—aeon., aescul., ♦alum., ambr., arg. n., ars., asaf.,♦belb, brom., bry., calad., ♦can. i., canth., caust., cist., cocc. c, crot. h., gels., ham., hep. s., hyos., kalm., lach., lachn., lob., mag. c, mag. m., mancin., mere, mez., mur. a., nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., CHAPTER XII1.--THROAT 297 nit. a., nux m., phos., phyt., puis., sabad., sang., ♦stram., sub, tabac, thuj., ustib, ver. a., ver. v., zinc Erysipelas—apis, mere, rhus. Excrescences—arg. n. Gangrene—am. c, chin, ars., kali phos. Globus hystericus—♦asaf., con., kalm., lye, mag. m., plumb., ver. a. Goitre—aib, caust., kali i., nat. m., pod., spong. • Hawking—aescul., aib, ♦alum., ambr., am. c, ♦arg. m., ♦arg. n., belb, bry., calad., carbol. a., ♦caust., cist., graph., hep. s., hydras., ♦kali bi., kali c, kali n., ♦lach., lob., lye, mag. m., mere b. i., mere p. i., mez., ♦nat e, nat. m., nat. s., petrol., phos., phyt, psor., rumex, sabad., ♦sub thuj. Indurations—baryt., ign., sabad., spong., sul. a. Inflammation—acet. a., aib, alum., belb, brom., calc. e, cales., canth., caps., carb. v., cist., colch., cupr., dulc, ferr. phos., fluor.a., gels., ign., iod., mere, mere b. i., ♦mere cor., mere p. i.,nat.m., nat. s., plumb., psor., puis., rhus, sabad., sang., sib, ustib Insensible—aeon. Mucus or Phlegm—aescul., aib, alum., ant. t, aur., bapt.,borax, ♦caust., cepa, colch., dulc, fluor. a., graph., hep. s., kali c,♦lach., lith., lye, mag. c, mag. m., mere b. i., mez., nat. e, nat. s., petrol., phos., phyt., pod., plumb., psor., rumex, thuj., zinc. Bloody—chin, ars., mag. m., sabad., stann., ver. v. Clear, transparent—carbol. a., nat. m., phos. Copious—alum., ant. c, ♦ant. t., bapt., ♦kali bi., sabad., tabac, thuj. Frothy—mag. m., nat. m., sib, stram., ver. v. Gray—ambr., ^arg. m., chin., ars., kali chlor., mur. a., stann. Green—colch., lye, mere b. i. Hard - lye, mere b. i. Jelly-like—♦arg. m. Lumpy—aib, lith., phos. Offensive—alum., am. c, mag. c Ropy, stringy—aescul., phyt. Salty—nat. s., sil. Slimy—sil. Sweetish—kali n. Tasteless—aescul., cist. Tenacious—alum., apis, ♦arg. n., hydras., ♦kali bi., kali c, mere p. i. Thick—alum., ant. c, ♦arg. n., cist., ♦kali bi., mag. m., ♦nat c, stann. Thin—colch. Tough—am. m., borax, bry., cepa. cist., kali n., lob., mag. m., petrol., plumb., psor., puis., rumex, sabad., sil. Viscid—am. m., ♦arg. m., bapt., stann., tabac. White—aib, borax, carbol. a., kali chlor., phos., sil. Yellow—alum., ant. c, hydras., kali bi., lye 298 CHAPTER XIII.--THROAT Odor—♦aib, am. c, arum, bapt., carb. v., chin, s., fluor. a., kali bi., lach., mere p. i., nit. a., nux v., psor., sul. a. CEdematous—apis, ♦kali bi., kali c Pains—am. c, ant. c, arn., ars., arum, bapt., belb, brom., calc. e, caps., carb. v., caust, chin, ars., cist., coff., ferr. phos., fluor. a., gels., graph., kali bi., lach., lye, mere b. i., nux v., phyt., psor., sul. Aching—aescul., calc. ph., kalm., lac. c, rumex. Angina—benz. a., chin, ars.,lye, mancin., mere, phos.,plumb., tabac Biting—cepa. Boring—alum., aur. Bruised—rhus. Burning—aeon., aescul., am. e, arg. n., ars., ♦arum, asaf., borax, calad., ♦canth., caps., carb. v., cocc. c,gels., iod., kali bi., kali n., lob., mancin., ♦mere cor., mere p. i., ♦mez., mur. a., nat. s., paris, phos., phyt., plumb., psor., sang., spong., sub, tabac, ustib, ver. v. Cramp-like—arg. n., graph., zinc. Cutting—kali n., lac. c Dull —aescul., aur., cupr., mill., ustib Lancinating—sul. a., ustib Neuralgic—aescul. Piercing— cupr., mill. Pressure—alum., aur., caps., con., dulc, kalm., mere, stram. Pricking—aeon., lac. c, lob., ♦nit. a., sil. Raw— ambr., ♦arg. m., ^arg. n., belb, brom., bry., carb. v., caust., cocc c, graph., hydras., kali n., ♦lach., ♦mez., mur. a., nat. phos., ♦nux v., petrol., phos., spong., thuj. Scraping—♦arg. n., ars., brom., carb. v., cocc. c, hep. s., kalin , ♦mez., nat. c, ♦nux v., paris, phos., spong., ♦sub, ♦ver. a. Sharp—kali bi., mere, ustib Smarting—♦baryt., caps., mur. a., phyt. Shooting—gels., kali bi., lac. c, lach., ♦phyt Sore—acet. a., aib, alum., ambr., am. c, am.m., ant. t, ♦arg. m., ♦arg. n., ars., ♦arum, asaf., aur., bapt., baryt, ♦belb, calcph., calc. sub, canth., caps., carbol. a., carb. v., cham., coff., gels., graph., ham., kali bi., kali chlor., kalin., kalm., ♦lac c, ♦lach., led., lith.,♦lye, mere b. i.,merc cyan., nat. m., nat. phos.,nit. a., nux m, ♦nux v., paris, ♦phyt, pod., puis., rhus, ♦sabad., sang., spong., sul. Sticking—ambr., kali c, mere, rhus. Stinging—aeon., ♦apis, arn., aur., canth., ham., kali c, led., mere, nit. a., paris, petrol., rhus, ♦spong., stram., sul. a. Stitches—ambr., am. m., asaf., bry., carb. v., ♦hep. s., ♦ign., nit. a., sabad., ♦spong., ♦sub Tearing—ambr. Tension—♦arg. m. Throbbing—belb, ferr. phos. Tingling—gels., spig. Paralysis—ars., gels., kali phos., lac c, nat. m., nux m., sil. CHAPTER XIII.—THROAT 299 Parts Carotids—♦amyl, bell. Eustachian tubes—aeon., nux m. Fauces—acet. a., aeon., aescul., aib, alum., ♦arg. m., ♦arg. n., arn., ars., asaf., ♦bapt., ♦belb, benz. a., brom., bry., calad., canth., caps., carb. v., cepa, chin, ars., cist., cocc. c, colch., cupr., dulc, fluor. a., gels., graph., ham., hydras., kali bi., kali c, lach., lith., lob., lye, mag. c.,*rnerc, mere p. i.,♦mez.,mur. a., ♦nita., ♦phyt., plumb., psor,^rumex,sabad.,sang., sib, sul. a., thuj., ustib, ver.v. Glands—mere, mere cor. Cervical—belb, hep. s., iod. Parotid—♦bapt., cham., nit. a., rhus, sul. a. Salivary—mere p. i. Submaxillary—arg. m., aur., chin, ars., kali i., lac. c, mere b. i., psor., stram. Thyroid—aib, kali i., nat. m., ♦spong. Glottis—apis. Larynx—arn., ars., iod., ustib Muscles—nat. m., nux m., phos., zinc. Mucous membranes—apis, brom., chin, ars., kali bi., kali i., lac c, nat. m., phyt. OZsophagus—arg. m., arg. n., ars., ♦asaf., bapt., baryt., benz. a., calc. c, coff., con., cupr., gels., hyos., iod., ♦kali c, laur., lye, ♦mere cor., mez., nat.c, phos., plumb., rhus., spig., stram., ustib, ver. a.,ver. v. Palate—aeon., ambr., ant. t, ♦apis, arum, aur., baryt., ♦belb, calc. e, coff., colch., cupr., fluor. a., graph., hyos., ign., kali bi., lach., nat. s., nit. a., sang., sticta., sub, zinc. Pharynx—alum., ♦arg. m., arg. n., ars., ♦belb, brom., calad., canth., cepa, cham., kali bi., kali br., ♦kalic, kali chlor., lye, ♦mere p. i.,^mez., ♦nit. a., nux v., phos., phyt, pod., rumex. Posterior nares—alum., ant. c, carb. v., hyos., lach., nat. c, petrol., phyt., plumb., sabad., zinc. Roof of mouth—aur., belb, paris, sang. Side, Left—aescul., caps., hydras., kali bi., lac. c, ♦lach., mere b. i., mill., plumb., sub, ustib Right—arg. m., barvt, belb, brom., carbol. a., gels., ham., lith., ♦lye, mere p. i., phos., phyt, plumb., psor., pod., rhus, ♦sabad., sul. Tonsils—aescul., ♦aib, am. e, ♦apis, aur., ♦bapt., baryt., belb, benz. a., brom., bry., calc. e, calc. ph., calc. s., canth., caps., chin, ars., colch., cupr., dulc, gels., ham., hep.s., ign., kali bi., kali chlor., kali n.,lac. e, ♦lach.,♦lye, mancin..♦mere, mere b.i., mere cor., mere p.i., mill., nat. m., nat. phos., nat. s., ♦nit. a.r phos., ♦phyt, plumb., psor., rhus, sabad., sang., sib, sub, sul. a., syphib, ustib, zinc. Uvula—aeon., ♦arg. n., bapt., brom., calc. e, calc. fl., caps., carb. v., chin, ars., coff., dulc, ferr. phos., fluor. a., ham., iod., 3"° CHAPTER XIII.--THROAT Parts continued. ♦kali bi., kali chlor., kali i., kali n., lach., mancin., mere, ♦mere cor., mill., nat. m., nat. s., phos., phyt, sang. Veins—puis. Velum—mere b. i., zinc. Patches—kali chlor., lye, mere b. i., mere p. i. Quinsy—calc. s., ferr. phos., kali chlor., mere Sarlatina—aib, ferr. phos. kali chlor., mancin., mere, cyan., mur. a., paris. Sensations—aeon., alum., am. c, ♦amyl, arg. n.. asaf., baryt., ♦belb, canth., caps., caust., cist., gels., graph., hyper., kali bi., kali c, kreos., lach., lye, mez., phos., phyt., rumex, sabad., sib, spig., sticta., stram. Ball—asaf., cepa, con., kalm., ♦lye, mag. m., paris, phyt., ver. v. Bone—♦hep. s., ♦kali c Choking—♦amyl., belb, ign., kali e, ♦lach., mancin., phyt., puis. Constriction — aescul., arum., bapt, ♦belb, caps., caust., cham., ♦hyos., iod., ♦lye,♦nit. a., nux v., ♦plumb., ♦stram., sul. a., tabac, thuj., ver. a. Contraction—bapt, calc. c, hyos., laur., lye, rhus, stram., sub Crawling—kali e Crumb of bread—♦lach. Dust—ver. a. Excoriated—rumex. Hair—sul. Heat—belb, ferr. phos., led., mez., nit. a., sang., ver. v. Irritated—ferr. phos., gels. Lump—♦belb, gels., graph., ♦ign., kalic, ♦lac e, ♦lach., led., lob., lye, mere b. i., mere p. i., psor., rumex, sub, ustib Numb—aeon., cepa. Plug—alum., baryt., coff., graph., hep. s., kali bi., nux m., nuxv., phyt., plumb., psor., thuj. Rough—borax, graph., mag. e, mag. m., mill., nat. c, ♦nux v., phyt., sul. a., ♦ver. a. Scalded—absinth., mere b. i., psor. Scratching—spong. Splinter—alum., ♦arg. n., ♦hep. s., nat. m.,*nit. a., sil. Tickling—bapt., calc ph., cocc. e, colch., lac. c, spong. Tightness—alum. Sensitiveness—♦aib, ♦amyl, baryt, ♦belb, cupr., fluor. a., kali i., ♦lach., phyt. Sloughing—carb. v., plumb. Spasms—baryt., calc c, cham., hyos., kali chlor., laur., mag. phos., ♦mere cor., nat. m., phos., plumb., stram., ver. v. Spots—kreos., mere p. i., zinc. Suppuration—calc. s., kali i., lye, mancin., mere, mere b. i., sabad., sang., sib CHAPTER XIII.--THROAT 3OI Swallow, deglutition —aib, am. e, am.m., ant.t., ♦apis, ♦arg. n., arn., ars., asaf., aur., bapt., baryt., belb, bry., calc. c, ale ph., carb.v., caust., cist., ham., ♦hep. s., ♦ign., ♦lach., led., ♦mere, ♦nit. a., mill., nux v., petrol., plat, ♦plumb., rhus, rumex, sabad., stram. Difficult, dysphagia—♦acet. a., apis, arg. m., arg. n., ars., brom., cocc. c, colch., crot. h., gels., kali c, kalm., ♦lach., laur., ♦merecor., ♦nit. a., mix m., phyt, psor.,puis., rhus, sib, ♦stram., tabac, ustib Empty—♦baryt, bry., ♦lach., mere, mere b. i., nux v., phyt, psor., puis., sabad., thuj., zinc. Gurgling noise of food passing down oesophagus—cupr.,laur.,thuj. Impeded—am. c., fluor. a., iod., kali n., laur., lob., ♦mere cor., sul. a. Inability—aeon., ♦hyos., ♦lye, sib, tabac. Inclination or desire to—aescul., belb, coff., kali c, plumb., ustib, ver. v. Liquids worse—baryt., ♦belb, brom., canth., chin, ars., ♦hyos., ♦ign., ♦lach., mag. phos., pod., stram. Obliged to—aeon., ♦asaf., ♦caust. Painful—am. m., ant t, ♦arg. m., ars., ♦baryt., ♦belb, brom., bry., calc. c, fluor. a., gels., hep. s., kali c, lach., led., ♦mere, nux v., petrol, ♦phyt., pod., psor., rhus, sabad., sang., sticta, ♦sub, thuj., ustib, zinc. Regurgitation through nose—♦lye, mere cor. Saliva worse—phyt., psor., puis., rhus, thuj. Solids worse—bapt., crot h., kali bi., nat. m., plumb., rhus. Swollen—aescul., ♦aib,am. e, ♦apis, arg. m., aur., ♦bapt, baryt, ♦belb, brom., bry., calc. c, canth., carb. v., caust., chin.ars., coff., colch., fluor. a., gels., ham., hep. s., ign., iod., kali chlor.,kali i., kalm., ♦lach., lachn., lye,mancin., mere, mere b. i.,^merc. cor., mill.,nat m, nat.s., nit. a., paris,petrol., phos., ♦phyt,psor., rhus, sabad., sang., sib, ♦spong., sul. Syphilis-kalm., lac. e, lach., mere, phyt., syphib Tubercles—mag. c, thuj. Ulcers—acet. a., ♦aib, alum., ant. c, ♦apis, ♦arum, ♦bapt., belb, canth., calc. s., caps., chin, ars., ferr. phos., hydras., ign., iod., kali bi., kali chlor , lach., mancin., mere, mere b. i., mere cor., ♦mere p. i., mill., nat. s., nit. a., nux v., phyt., plumb., psor., sang., zinc. Wart-like excrescences—arg. n., sang., zinc. Wrinkled—ars., borax. CHAPTER XIV.-APPETITE AND THIRST. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abies can. ♦Gnawing, hungry, faint feeling at the epigastrium. Craving for meat, pickles, and other coarse food. ♦Abies nig. ♦Total loss of appetite in the morning, but great craving for food at noon and night. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Ravenous appetite, all the while emaciating. Gnawing hunger. -Craves bread boiled in milk. ♦Acetic acid. ♦No thirst with fever—croup. Great thirst- dropsy. ♦Aconitum. -Hunger and thirst excessive, but eats slowly. ♦Burn- ing, unquenchable thirst -Desire for wine or brandy; beer; bitter drinks. Loss of appetite or loathing of food, qualmishness. JEthusa.. "Burning thirst. Desire for wine, or aggravation from its use. Agaricus. °Much hunger, but no appetite early in the morning. Burning thirst—typhus. Agnus cast. "Lessened appetite; thirstlessness. Ailantus. "Appetite capricious; poor, yet eats as usual. Hun- ger and sense of emptiness during chill. Thirst for cold drinks. Aloe. "Aversion to meat. Longing for juicy articles; fruits, especially apples. Thirst, with dryness of mouth; awakens at night. Alumina. "Longing for fruit and vegetables; potatoes disagree. Aversion to meat, to beer. Thirst all day. Appetite for starch, chalk; clean, white rags; charcoal, cloves, acids, coffee or tea grounds, dry rice and other indigestible things. Ambra. "Thirstlessness. Ammonium carb. -Continual thirst; no appetite. Appetite only for bread and cold food; for sweets. Great hunger and appetite, yet a small quantity satiates. Anacardium. "Constant thirst; yet drinking takes the breath, must stop frequently during a draught. Thirst during heat. At times violent hunger; at other times no appetite. 302 CHARTER XIV.—APPETITE AND THIRST 3°3 Antimonium crud. "Desire for acids and pickles. Long-lasting loss of appetite, with disgust for all food. Hunger early on wak- ing, without appetite; eating does not relieve it, at the same time sense of emptiness in pit of stomach, and want of animal heat. Intense thirst, with dryness of lips, more at night, or thirstlessness. ♦Antimonium tart. Extraordinary appetite for apples and thirst for cold water. Desire for acids. Much thirst; drinks little and often, ♦or absence of thirst. "Appetite diminished. No desire for his tobacco. ♦Apis. No appetite, nor desire for food. Insatiable thirst; drinks often but little at a time—catarrh of chest, diarrhoea, diph- theria and some dropsies. Thirstless—cerebro-spinal meningitis, ovarian dropsy, ascites and pregnancy. ♦No thirst with the heat; -mouth dry. Craves milk,which relieves. Appetite for sour things. Child nurses by day, refuses at night—after vaccination. ♦Apocynum can. ♦Great thirst, but water disagrees, causing pain, or is immediately thrown off—dropsy. ♦Argentum met. ♦Excessive appetite even after a full meal. "De- sire for wine. At times loss of appetite, with aversion to smoking. Aversion to all food, even when thinking of it. Want of thirst, even during hot stage of fever. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Irresistible desire for sugar. Loss of appetite; much thirst, or no thirst. "Desire for strong cheese. Arnica. "Longing for vinegar or sour things; for alcoholic drinks. Appetite lessened. Repugnance to food. Aversion to meat, broth, milk, smoking tobacco. Thirst for cold water, with- out fever. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Drinks often and little at a time, or may drink much and often. Frequent, unquenchable thirst. Great thirst, but water molests the stomach—dropsy. "Appetite increased. Desire for sour things; brandy, coffee, milk, lard. Loss of appetite with increased thirst Aversion to food, to butter. Thirst and dryness of the mouth, with peculiar thick, white saliva. Excessive thirst; drinking does not refresh. ♦Arum tri. ♦No appetite, does not want to play; loses flesh; headache; scanty urine. "Desire to drink a little at a time. ♦Asarum. ♦Unconquerable desire for alcohol. "Loathing of food without any gastric derangement. Aurum met. "Hunger, immoderate; relishes his meal, but ap- 3°4 CHAPTER XIV. —APPETITE AND THIRST petite not appeased. Immoderate appetite and thirst with qualm- ishness in the stomach. Appetite for milk, wine, coffee. Aversion to meat. Baptisia. Constant desire for water; nausea, want of appetite. Baryta carb. -Hungry, but cannot eat, or feels as though she needed food, but did not want it. Thirst with dryness of mouth, not relieved by drink. Belladonna. "Thirst, drinks water, wants lemonade. Great thirst in the evening and with watery taste; all drinks are loathsome. Violent thirst at noon. Desire for lemons (which prove beneficial). Repugnance to beer, acids, coffee, camphor. Bromium. "Desire for acids, which aggravate the symptoms and cause diarrhoea. Aversion to the customary tobacco smoking; it causes nausea and vertigo. Aversion to drinking cold water. ♦Bryonia. ♦Excessive thirst; desire for large quantities of water. "Too great appetite. Desire for things immediately which when offered are refused. Great desire for oysters and sweets. No ap- petite for milk, but if he takes it the appetite returns and he be- gins to relish it. Loss of appetite. Great thirst with longing for wine. Desire for coffee. ♦Calcarea carb. ♦Ravenous hunger in the morning. "Great de- sire for eggs; desire for wine, salt or sweet things. Loss of appe- tite; but when he began to eat he relished it. Will not eat meat. Aversion to smoking tobacco. Great thirst. Calcarea phos. "Hunger at 4 p. m. Infants want to nurse all the time. Much thirst with dry mouth and tongue, during the after part of the day. Camphora. "Neither appetite nor thirst. Drink pleases, yet has no thirst Burning thirst, drinks large quantities without relief. ♦Cannabis ind. ♦Ravenous hunger. The throat is parched, ac- companied with intense thirst for cold water. "Desire for and dread of cold water. Cantharis., "Aversion to all kinds of nourishment, particularly in the evening. Immediately on the cessation of the pains, patient feels hungry. Great thirst with burning pain in throat and stom- ach. Thirst with aversion to all fluids. Disgust for everything. Capsicum. °Appetite increased,alternating with disgust for food. Thirst as the chill comes on. Intense thirst, abdominal uneasiness, but no tenderness on pressure. Desire for coffee, but it nauseates. CHAPTER XIV.--APPETITE AND THIRST 3"5 Carbo ani. "Ravenous hunger. No appetite; aversion to fatty food. Carbo veg. "Want of appetite; eats only dinner. Longing for coffee; acids; for sweet and salt things. Aversion to meat and fat things; to milk, which causes flatulence. Caulophyllum. "Canine hunger with white coated tongue. Great thirst. Causticum. "Desire for beer. Thirst for cold drinks. Thirst with aversion to drink. Aversion to sweet things. Sits down to the table with some appetite, but can scarcely eat a morsel. Cepa. "Canine hunger or may have loss of appetite. Chamomilla. "Thirst for cold water and desire for acid drinks. Likes to hold cold water in mouth a long time when drinking. Aversion to beer, coffee and warm drinks. Want of appetite. Chelidonium. "Desire for milk, which agrees. Fond of vinegar, or sour wine. Dislike to cheese; to meat. Loss of appetite, with disgust and nausea. Cicuta. "Great longing for charcoal. Thirst with inability to swallow. Cimicifuga. "No thirst, slight feeling of hunger in stomach; rumbling in abdomen. Appetite variable. No appetite for dinner; wants to drink cold water; little at a time suffices. Cina. "Desires many and different things. Desire for bread. Great hunger soon after eating. Thirst. ♦Cinchona. *Xo desire for eating or drinking. "Longing for spirits; sweets; sour, cooling things; roasted coffee. Children dainty, desire for various things without knowing what. Wants highly sea- soned food. Canine hunger; worse at night. Voracious appetite —atrophy. Violent thirst for cold water; drinks little and often. Loathing of food as if he had overeaten. Aversion to bread; to beer; to butter; to meat; to fat things; to warm food. Loss of ap- petite in foggy weather. Loss of appetite, nausea, desire to vomit. Aversion to all food, even when thinking of it; dread of labor; drowsy by day; yellow eyes. Cistus. "Desire for acid food; for acid fruits; but pain and diarrhoea follow their use. Clematis. "Long lasting satiety; can eat and with relish, yet immediately feels it is too much. ♦Cocculus. ♦Extreme aversion to food. "Hunger without appe- 3°6 CHAPTER XIV. --APPETITE AND THIRST tite. Thirst and aversion to drink. Thirstless. Disgust for beer; for acids. Longing for cold drink, especially beer. Aversion to sour things. Coffea. "Increased hunger with hurried eating. Thirst at night wakens him. Thirst during sweat. Aversion to coffee. ♦Colchicum. ♦Great thirst, but no appetite. Aversion to food; loathing the sight and still more the smell of it. v Conium. "Craving coffee, salt or sour things. Loss of appetite. Thirst. Crocus. "Excessive thirst for cold drinks. Crotalus hor. "Unquenchable, burning thirst. Cuprum met. "Loss of appetite; great thirst for cooling drink. Cyclamen. "Little hunger or appetite. No desire for breakfast or supper. Entire loss of appetite. After eating but little,aversion to food, with nausea in throat. Aversion to bread with butter. Thirst during the night, intermittent. Thirstlessness. ♦Digitalis. ♦Extreme thirst. "No appetite, tongue clean, stom- ach empty. '*' Drosera. "Aversion to pork. Dulcamara. "Hunger without appetite. Hunger after the fever. Great thirst for cold drinks. ♦Eupatorium perf. ♦Thirst for cold water. "Longs for ice-cream. Distaste for food. Canine hunger, with or before ague, or after quinine. Loss of appetite. Eupatorium purp. "Thirst during chill and heat,or before chill. Wants lemohade or cold drinks during chill. Thirst with dropsy. No appetite. ♦Ferrum met. ♦Anorexia; extreme dislike of all food. Appetite good and bad alternately; with diarrhoea. Loathing sour things. Aversion to meat, which disagrees; beer; hot things. Appetite for bread. Appetite lessened or natural. Thirstless, or unquenchable thirst. Fluoric acid. "Hunger predominates. Thirst, craves refreshing drinks. Desire for wine. Aversion to coffee. ' Gelsemiurn. "Little appetite or thirst, but can take food or drink. Glonoinum. Increased desire to smoke. Wants cold water also from dry, parched feeling. Loss of appetite; sun-stroke, etc. Graphites. "Appetite good; excessive hunger or no appetite with much thirst, or with fullness of abdomen. Desire for drink without thirst. Aversion to meat, fish, cooked food, salt. CHAPTER XIV.--APPETITE AND THIRST 307 Guaiacum. Violent hunger afternoon and evening. Much thirst. Aversion to milk. No appetite. Aversion to all food, could nat eat anything. Desire for apples, which relieve gastric symptoms. Hamamelis. "No appetite for breakfast. Considerable thirst, relieved by small quantities of water. Appetite good. Very thirsty afternoon, evening; throat dry. Aversion to water; makes him sick to think of it. Hellebcrus. Hunger: child nurses greedily; with disgust for food. Greedily swallows the cold water; bites the spoon, but re- mains unconscious—hydrocephalus. Thirst, with disgust for drink; but no appetite. Helonias. "Loss of appetite, eructations, fullness, cramp, and painful congestion of stomach. Appetite poor, food tasteless; "bilious;" sleepy during the day. ♦Hepar sulph. ♦Great desire for vinegar and sour, pungent things. "Unusual hunger in the forenoon. Much thirst; aversion to fat. Hyoscyamus. "Hungry gnawing. Thirst, drinks but little at a time. Dread of water. Hypericum. "Desire for warm drinks—meningitis. Great thirst, white tongue; in morning after heat and delirium. Desire for wine; for pickles. Appetite increased morning and evening. ♦Ignatia. ♦Aversion to tobacco; "to warm food and milk; to spirituous liquors. Hunger and nausea at same time. Feeling of hunger in evening, prevents sleep. Desire for various things, but when offered the appetite fails. Appetite for sour things; bread, particularly rye bread. ♦Iodium. ♦Ravenous hunger; "cannot be satisfied. Hunger, suffering from it, must eat every few hours; gets anxious and wor- ried if he does not eat. Eats freely, yet loses flesh all the time. Alternate canine hunger and want of appetite. Much thirst. Ipecacuanha. -Desire for dainties. Aversion to all food, no appetite; earthy taste; stomach feels relaxed; nausea. Thirst. Thirstlessness. Iris. °Loss of taste and appetite. ♦Kali bichrom. *Complete loss of appetite. "Thirst increased, foul tongue; languor. Longing for beer; for acid drinks. Dislike to meat. 1 308 CHAPTER XIV.—APPETITE AND THIRST Kali carb. "Desire for acids; for sugar. Aversion to rye bread. No appetite; disgust for food. Intense thirst. Kali iod. "Food tasteless. Excessive thirst day and night. Kali nit. "Appetite strongest evenings. Violent thirst, but no appetite. Want of appetite, with increased hunger. Kreosotum. "Greedy drinking and vomiting. Great thirst. Keen appetite, especially for meat. Aversion to meat, vomits after it. Loss of appetite. Lachesis. "Appetite gone. Thirst insatiable, with disgust for drink. Desire for oysters; for wine and spirits; for coffee, which agrees. Lachnantes. "Much thirst. Aversion to meat. Laurocerasus. "Disgust for food, during pregnancy. Violent thirst, with dry mouth. Entire loss of appetite,with clean tongue. Lilium tig. "Loss of appetite. Aversion to bread, to coffee. Craving for meat. Voracious hunger, seemingry along the spine, and up to occiput, not appeased by eating. Thirst, drinks often and much. Thirst recurring before severe symptoms. Lobelia inf. "Loss of appetite, with acrid, burning taste in mouth. No appetite for dinner. ♦Lycopodium. "Desire for sweets; oysters which disagree. Aver- sion to coffee, tobacco smoke; boiled, warm food; bread; meat. ♦Canine hunger; the more he eats, the more he wants, headache, if he does not eat. Hunger, but a small quantity of food fills him up; constant feeling of satiety. "Want: of thirst or thirst with dis- gust for drink. ♦Magnesia carb. "Desire for fruit and acid things; ♦for meat; "aversion to green food. Violent thirst for water, especially in the evening and at night. Magnesia mur. "Hunger, but knows not for what; followed by nausea. Appetite for sweets. Violent thirst (3 a. m. ) Loss of appetite. Mancinella. "Thirst for cold water,but is prevented from drink- ing by the choking sensation rising from stomach. Manganum acet. "Aversion to food from a feeling of satiety. Thirstlessness. Marum ver. "Unusual hunger; prevents falling asleep. Mephitis. "Wants every dish very much salted. ♦Mercurius. ♦Extremely violent thirst; "burning, especially for CHAPTER XIV.--APPETITE AND THIRST 309 beer and cold drinks. Desire for milk; for sweets, but they dis- agree; for beer; for liquid food. Aversion to meat; to wine and brandy; to coffee, to greasy food. Canine hunger, even after eat- ing. Excessive hunger, but relishes nothing. Loss of appetite. Mercurius biniod. -Desire to drink, but small quantities. In- clination to have the food more salted. Mercurius cor. No appetite. Mercurius prot. iod. -Appetite variable; disgust at seeing food. Excessive thirst; occasionally for acid drinks. Mezereum Canine hunger, noon and evening. Wants ham fat; coffee; wine. Appetite poor. Muriatic acid. -Excessive hunger and thirst. Aversion to meat. Morbid longing for alcoholic drinks. Thirst. Mvrica cer. "Loss of appetite; loathing of food. Hunger, yet full feeling, as after a hasty meal. Naja. -Loss of appetite. Craving for stimulants, which aggra- vate the sufferings. Natrum ars. Drinks often but little at a time; very thirsty, made worse by drinking. Natrum carb. -Incessant thirst; great desire for cold water a few hours after dinner. Increased and ravenous hunger in fore- noon, from sensation of emptiness in stomach. Aversion to milk and diarrhoea from it. ♦Natrum mur. ^Violent, unquenchable thirst; wworse evenings. Excessive hunger; canine hunger, especially for supper, with weak body and depressed mind. Longs for salt or bitter things; wants oysters; fish; milk. Loss of appetite. Aversion to bread, of which she was once fond; to coffee. Natrum phos. -(Loss of appetite; indigestion, with tongue as in 11.—Schussler.) Natrum sulf. -Loss of appetite and great thirst. Disgust for bread,of which she formerly was fond. Great desire for ice or ice- cold water. Thirst in evening. Nitric acid. -Longing for fat; herring; chalk; lime; earth. Aversion to meat and bread. Loss of appetite. Thirst violent in morning—tuberculosis. Suppuration of lungs. Nux mos. Appetite and hunger increased; bulimia. Loss of appetite. Thirstlessness. ♦Nux vom. ♦Hunger with aversion to food, especially ' bread, 3io CHAPTER XIV.—APPETITE AND THIRST water, coffee, tobacco. "Ravenous hunger after drinking beer. Longing for brandy, beer, fat food or chalk. ♦Oleander. ♦Ravenous hunger, with trembling of hands, and hasty eating without appetite. ♦Opium. ♦Violent thirst, aversion to food, or canine hunger without appetite. Desire for spirituous liquors; costive. No thirst Oxalic acid. -Appetite increased; wanting, with loss of taste. Thirst, with vertigo, loss of appetite; nausea, colic. Petroleum. "Hunger immediately after stool. Ravenous hunger. Aversion to meat and fat, as well as all warm, cooked food. Loss of appetite. Drinks all the time; passes water often. Violent thirst for beer. Phosphorus. -Wants to eat, but as soon as food is offered, does not want it. Hunger, must eat during the chill, before he can get up; at night, feels faint. Wants cold food and drink, ice-cream, etc. Thirst, longs for something refreshing. Aversion to sweets or to meat Want of appetite from fullness in throat. Loss of appetite, alternating with bulimia; burning, cutting, pressing in stomach, nausea and vomiting. Phosphoric acid. "Loss of appetite; the little food taken comes up with acid eructations. Unquenchable thirst. Inclination for warm food. Longs for something refreshing and juicy; bread is too dry. Desire for beer and milk. Averse to coffee, wine, beer, or spirituous liquors. Sour food causes bitter eructations or flat- ulency, canine hunger. ♦Physostigma. "No appetite; disgust for food, tobacco and coffee, ♦and especially for cold drinks. Phytolacca. "Great thirst Hunger soon after eating. Loss of appetite. ♦Platinum. ♦Ravenous appetite, and greedy,hasty eating, "with contemptuous mood. Loss of appetite on account of depressed mood. Thirstlessness, or thirst during heat. ♦Plumbum. ♦Loss of appetite, "but violent thirst. Great hunger. Podophyllum. "Appetite variable, at times voracious. Great thirst for large quantities of cold water. Satiety from small quan- tity of food, followed by nausea and vomiting. Moderate thirst during fever. Psorinum. Great appetite after a walk. Must eat bread in CHAPTER XIV. — APPETITE AND THIRST 3" middle of night, so hungry. No appetite after typhus. No appe- tite, but great thirst. Loathing of pork. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Thirstlessness with all complaints. "Hunger, but knows not for what; eats greedily, followed by vomiting. Appetite for strong alcoholic drinks; beer, sour, refreshing things; herring. Aversion to fat food, pork, meat, bread, milk. Thirst rare; when thirsty drinks often but little at a time; it provokes inclination to vomit. ♦Rheum. ♦Desire for various things, but cannot eat them, they become repulsive. Rhododendron. "Easily satisfied with a small quantity of food; feels uncomfortable afterwards. Thirst is generally wanting. ♦Rhus tox. ♦Great thirst for cold water or cold milk, from dryness of mouth and throat. "Hunger without appetite. No ap- petite, or wants only dainties. Desire for oysters; sweets ; beer. Aversion to spirituous liquors; to meat. Unquenchable thirst, wants cold drinks; worse at night from dryness of mouth. Sabadilla. "Disgust for all food; for meat; for sour things; for coffee. No relish for food until she takes the first morsel, when she makes a good meal—pregnancy. Canine appetite, especially for sweets, farinaceous food, alternating with disgust for meat, wine and sour things. No thirst, with moist tongue. Desire for hot drinks—angina. Great thirst—angina. Sabina. "Constant desire for acids and roasted coffee. Sanguinaria "Craving for he knows not what, with loss of appe- tite; wants piquant things. Sugar tastes bitter and causes burn- ing. Craves food. Sarsaparilla. "Want of appetite, the thought of food disgusts him. Want of thirst. ♦Secale. ♦Ravenous hunger. Violent, unquenchable thirst. "Hun ger as from fasting. Disgust for food, especially for meat and fatty things. Thirst during all stages of fever. Desire for sour things; lemonade. Selenium. "Want of appetite in morning, with white-coated tongue. Aversion to food much salted. Great longing for ardent spirits. Hungry during the night. Sepia. "Canine hunger, or no appetite; nothing tastes good. Aversion to food, particularly meat. Desire for vinegar, also for wine. Thirstlessness; or much thirst in morning. JI2 CHAPTER XIV.--APPETITE AND THIRST ♦Silicia. ♦Excessive thirst; "want of appetite. Canine hunger with nervous, irritable persons. Wants only small quantities of preserves. Aversion to warm, cooked food; desires only cold things, disgust for meat. Spigelia. "Ravenous hunger, with nausea and thirst. Loss of appetite, with violent thirst. Desire for alcoholic drinks. Spongia. "Insatiable appetite and thirst. Squilla. "Insatiable appetite. Desire for acids. Thirst for cold water, but the dyspnoea allows her to take but a sip at a time. Stannum. "Hunger except in evening; cannot eat enough. Ap- petite irregular with hypochondriasis. Aversion to beer; it tastes flat or bitter. Staphisagria. "Extreme hunger, even when stomach is full of food. Appetite for bread and.milk. Longing only for thin, fluid food (soup). Great desire for wine, brandy, or tobacco. Want of thirst. ♦Stramonium. ♦Violent thirst, especially for acid drinks. "Ap- petite either increased or decreased. Troublesome thirst even with much saliva. Thirstless sometimes with cold or hot stage, with sweat; averse to water, especially during fever. ♦Sulphur. ♦Excessive, ravenous hunger; must eat frequently. Complete loss of appetite. Great craving for food, especially with little children. Drinks much, eats little. Violent thirst for beer; longing for brandy. Desire for sweets, yet suffers from eating sweet things. Milk disagrees, causing sour taste and sour eructations. Aversion to meat. Sulphuric acid. Desire for fresh fruit; for brandy. Loss of appetite and great debility. Tabacum. -Great thirst—cholera infantum. Constant hunger, nausea if stomach is not satisfied. Theridion. Desire for wine, brandy,or tobacco. Appetite for acidulated drinks. Constant desire for food or drink,but he knows not for what. Much thirst. Thuja occ Craving alternates with want of appetite. Thirst, especially at night; longs for cold food and drink. Ustilago. "Loss of appetite followed by canine hunger. Valeriana. -Voracious hunger, with nausea. ♦Veratrum alb. ♦Violent hunger; craves fruit; juicy, acid things, or cold or salt things. Excessive thirst, especially for cold water. CHAPTER XIV.—APPETITE AND THIRST 3J3 Appetite voracious, after typhoid. Hunger and appetite be- tween paroxysms of vomiting. Much thirst, drinks frequently, but only a little at a time. Thirst for the coldest drinks; wants every- thing cold; often during pregnancy. Aversion to warm things. Ap- petite diminished, mouth as if lined with mucus; flat or sweetish taste. Zincum met. Aversion to meat, fish, and sweet things; to cooked or warm things. Thirst, with heat in palms. Insatiable hunger, but no appetite for breakfast, with hurried deglutition. Zingiber. "Much thirst, mouth dry, also with heat in head. No desire to smoke. REPERTORY. Appetite—aib, am. e, ant. t, arg. m., aur., caps., caust., cimi., cocc, eye, dulc, ferr., gels., graph., ham., hell., hep. s., ign., sod., kali n., kreos., mez., psor., puis., rhus, sepia, spong., squill., tann., sub, tabac, ver. a. Anorexia—ferr. Bulimia—nux v., phos. Canine—caul., cepa, cinch., eup. pert, iod., ♦lye, mere, mez., nat. m., opium, phos. a., sabad., sepia, sib, ustib Capricious—ail. Excessive—♦arg. m., graph., mere, mur. a., nat. m., ♦sub Gnawing—♦abies c, abrot, hyos. Great—bry., calc. c, cina, eye, psor. Hunger—abies e, abrot, aeon., agar., aib, am. c, ant. c, aur., baryt, calc. ph., canth., cimi., cocc, dulc, fluor. a., hell.,hep. s., hyos., ign., iod., kali n., lye, mar. v., mur. a., myr. c, petrol., phyt., plumb., psor., rhus, secale, selen., stann., staph., ver. a., zinc. Increased—ars., cupr., coff., hyper., kali bi., kali n., nat. e, nat. m., nux m., oxal. a., stram. Infants—calc. phos., cinch., hell., sul. Lessened, diminished—agn., ant. t, am., ferr., stram., sub, ver. a. Loss of or no—abies. n.. aeon., am. e, anae, ant. c, apis, arg. m., ♦arg. n., ars., ♦arum, bapt., baryt, bry., calc. c, camph., carb. an., carb. v., cepa, cham., cheb, cimi., ♦cinch., cocc, colch., con., cupr., eye, dig., dulc, eup. pert, eup. purp., glon., graph., guaiac, ham., hell., helon., ign., iod., ipec, iris, ♦kali bi., kali c, kali n., kreos., lach., laur., lib, lob., mag. m., mere cor., myr. c, naja, nat. m., nat. phos., nat. s., nit. a., nuxm., ♦olean., opium, oxal., petrol., phos., phos. a., physos., phyt,plat., ♦plumb., pod., psor., rhus, sang., sars., selen., sepia, sib, spig., ♦sub, sul. a., thuj., ustib, ver. a., zinc. Poor—aib, hell., mez. Qualmishness—aeon , aur. 1 314 CHAPTER XIV.—APPETITE AND THIRST Ravenous—♦abrot., ♦calc. c, ♦can. i., carb. an., nux v., ♦olean., petrol., plat., ♦secale, spig., ♦sub Satiated with little food—am. c, clem., ♦lye, rhod. Sense of emptiness—aib, ant. c . Variable—cimi., ferr., iod., mere p. i., pod. Violent—anae, guaiac, kali n., ♦yer. a. Voracious—cinch., lib, pod., valer., ver. a. Thirst—acet. a., aloe, alum., am. c, ant. t, ♦apoc, arn., ♦ars., aur., bapt., baryt., belb, canth., caps., caust., cham., cic, cina, cocc, coff., con., cupr., eye, dulc,♦eup. perf., eup. purp., fluor.a., gels., ham., hell., hyos., ipec, kreos., lib, lye, mancin., mur. a., nat. ars., nat. e, nat. s., oxal. a., phos., plat., pod., puis., ♦rhus, sabad., secale, spig., spong., stram., tabac, therid., thuj., zinc. Burning—♦aeon., aethus., agar., camph., crot. h., mere Constant, continual—am. c., anae, bapt., petrol. Drinks often and little at a time—ant. t., apis, ♦ars., arum, cimi., cinch., ham., hyos., mere b. i., nat. ars., puis., squill., ver. a. Drinks large quantities—♦ars., ♦bry., camph., lib, pod. Excessive—aeon., ars., ♦bry., crot t, kali i., mere b. i., ♦sib, ver. a. Extreme—dig., mere Great—acet. a., ♦apoc, ars., belb, canth., caul., colch., cupr., hyper., kreos., nat. s., phyt, psor., ♦rhus. Increased—ars., kali bi. Insatiable—apis, lach., spong. Intense—ant. c, ♦can. i., caps., kali c. Much—ant. t, ♦arg. n., calc ph., ♦ars., graph., guaiac, hep.s., iod., lachn., sepia, sub, therid., ver. a., zinc. Thirstlessness—♦acet a., agn., ambr., ant. c, ♦ant t, ♦apis, arg. m., ♦arg. n., camph., cimi., ♦cinch., cocc, eye, ferr., graph., ipec, lye, mez., nat. s., nux m., opium, plat., ♦puis., rhod., sabad., sars., sepia, staph. Unquenchable—♦aeon., ♦ars., crot. h., ferr., ♦nat. m., phos. a., rhus, ♦secale. Violent—belb, cinch., kali n., laur., mag. c, mag. m., ♦mere, ♦nat.m., nit. a.,♦opium, petrol., plumb., ♦secale, spig., ♦stram., sul. Water disagrees—♦apoc, ♦ars. Desires, craves, longs for, wants—bry., eye Acids—alum., ant. c, ant t, brom., carb. v., cham., cist., kali bi., kali c, mag. c, mere p. i., sabin., squill., stram., therid., ver. a. Alcoholic or spirituous liquors—arn., ♦asar., cinch., ign., lach., mur. a., naja, opium, phos. a., puis., selen., spig. Apples—aloe, ant. t, guaiac. Beer—aeon., caust., cocc, kali bi.,merc, nux v., petrol., phos.a., puis., rhus, sub iod., nat. e, mang., pod., CHAPTER XIV.—APPETITE AND THIRST 315. Desires continued. Bitter things—aeon., nat. m. Brandy—aeon., ars., nux v., staph., sub, sul. a., therid. Bread—abrot., am. m., cina., ferr., ign., staph. Chalk—alum., nit. a., nux v. Charcoal—alum., cic. Cheese—arg. n. Cloves—alum. Coffee—alum., ars., aur., belb, bry., caps., carb. v., cinch., coff., con., lach., mez., sabin. Cold drinks—caust., croc, cupr., dulc, eup. purp., mere, phos., ♦physos., rhus, thuj., ver. a. Cold food—am. c, phos., thuj. Cold things—rhus, sib, ver. a. Cold water—ant. t, arn., ♦can. i., caust., cham., cimi., cinch., cocc, cupr., dulc, ♦eup. pert, eup. purp., glon., hell., mancin., mere, nat. e, nat. s., phos., phos. a., ♦rhus, squill., ♦ver. a. Cooling things—cinch., cupr. Coarse food—*abies c Dainties-—-ipec, rhus. Eggs—calc. c Farinaceous food—sabad. Fats—mez., nit. a., nux v. Fish—nat. m. Food—abies n., apis, sang., sub, therid. Fruits—aloe, alum., cist., mag. c., sul. a, ver. a. Herring—nit. a., puis. Hot drinks—sabad. Ice or ice-cream—eup. pert, nat. s., phos. Indigestible things—alum. Juicy things—aloe, phos. a., ver. a. Lard-—ars. Lemonade -belb, tup. j)urp., secale. Liquid food—canth., mere, staph. Liiii;' - nit. a. Main' tilings—cina. Meat—abies e, kreos., lib, ♦mag. c Milk—abrot., apis, ars., aur., bry., cheb, mere, nat.m., phos.a., ♦rhus, staph. Oysters—bry., lach., lye, nat. m., rhus. Pickles—♦abies c, ant c, hyper. Piquant things—sang. Potatoes—alum. Pungent things—♦hep. s. Refreshing things or drinks—fluor. a., kalm., phos., phos. a., puis. Rags—alum. Rice, dry—alum. Salt—calc e, carb. v., con., meph., mere b. i., nat. m., ver. a. Seasoned food—cinch. Soup—staph. 3io CHAPTER XIV.'—APPETITE AND THIRST Desires continued. Sour things—apis, arn., ars., cheb, cinch., con , ♦hep. s., ign., puis., secale. Starch—alum. Sugar—♦arg. n., kali c Sweets—am. c, bry., calc. c, carb. v,. cinch., lye, mag. m., mere, rhus, sabad., sul. Tea grounds—alum. Tobacco—ant. t, glon., staph., therid. Vegetables—alum. Vinegar—arn., cheb, ♦hep. s., sepia. Warm food or drink—hyper., phos. a., sabad. What, knows not—cina, cinch., ign., mag. m., puis., ♦rheum, sang., therid. Wine—aeon., aethus., arg. m., aur.,bry., calc. e, cheb, fluor. a., hyper., lach., mez., sepia, staph., therid. Aversions, repugnance, loathing, disgust. Acids—belb, cocc, kali bi. Alcoholic or spirituous liquors—ign., phos. a., rhus, selen. Beer—alum., belb, cham., cinch., cocc, ferr., phos. a., stann. Brandy—mere Bread—-cinch., eye, kali e, lib, lith., nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., ♦nux v., phos. a., puis. Broth—arn. Butter—ars., cinch., eye Camphor—belb, camph. Cheese—chel. Coffee—belb, cham., fluor. a., lib, lye, mere, nat. m., *nux v., phos. a., physos., sabad. Cold drinks, cold water—♦physos. Cooked food—graph., petrol., sib, zinc Drink—caust., cocc, hell., lye Everything—canth., cinch., ferr., guaiac, ipec. Fatty food—carb. an., carb. v., cinch., hep. s., mere, petrol., _puls., secale. Fish—graph., zinc. Food—aeon., ant. c, arg. m., arn., ars., asar., caps., cheb, cinch., ♦cocc, ♦colch., eye, eup. perf., ♦ferr., hell., ipec, kali bi., kali c, laur., mang., mere p. i., myr. c, nat. s., nux m., ♦nux v., opium, physos., sabad., sars., secale, sepia. Fluids—canth. Green food—mag. c Meat—aloe, alum , arn. aur., calc. c, carb. v., cheb, cinch., ferr., graph., kali bi., kreos., lachn., lye, mere, mur. a., nit. a., petrol., phos., puis., rhus, sabad., secale, sepia, sib, sub, zinc. Milk—am., bry., carb. v., guaiac, ign., nat. c.,puls. Nourishment—canth. Pork—dros.,psor., puis. Salt things—graph.,selen. Sour things—cocc,ferr., sabad. CHAPTER XIV.— APPETITE AND THIRST 3r7 Sweet things—caust., phos., zinc Tobacco—arg. m., arn., brom., calc. c, ♦ign., lye, ♦nux v., physos., zinc. Warm or hot food —cinch., ferr., ign., lye, petrol., sib, ver. a., zinc. Warm drinks—cham., ver. a., zinc. Water—brom., ham., hell., hyos., lach., ♦nux.v., physos.,stram. Wine—mere, physos., sabad. CHAPTER XV.-EATING AND DRINKING. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Absinthium. "Food lies heavy; as if not much would be assim- ilated. ♦Acetic acid. ♦No thirst with fever—croup. Great thirst— dropsy. Aconitum. "Better from cold drinks; anxiety relieved. Drinking ice-water causes cough. Gastric catarrh, especially from drinking when overheated. After eating, violent pain in stomach, with warmth and tenderness; hiccough; nausea (after meat broths), after wine, blood spitting, congestions. Smoking aggravates palpitation; stupefies. ^Esculus. "Stomach feels full, as if walls were thick, after eat- ing. yEthusa. "While eating, sudden heaviness in forehead. After eating, pain below navel, lienteric stool, dry cough. Agaricus. "Better for an hour after eating, while he is so ex- hausted; but great sleepiness remains. After meat, heartburn. Agnus cast "Abdomen distended after meals. Ailantus. "Food taken was speedily vomited. ♦Aloe. ♦Has to hurry to the closet immediately after eating or drinking. "Hungry during the diarrhoea. Hungry after the morn- ing stool. Sour food does not agree. Beer relieves the pains in the anus; drinking vinegar, the colic Water causes pains in stom- ach. ♦Alumina. ♦Worse from eating potatoes. -Worse from tobacco smoke. All irritating things, like salt, wine, pepper, vinegar, etc., immediately start cough. Throat sore after using onions in food. Easily drunken from the weakest spirituous drinks. Mucus in throat tasting sweet after dinner. Ambra. "Aggravation from warm drinks, especially from warm milk. Better after eating: 37. ♦Anacardium. ♦Symptoms disappear after dinner; begin anew 318 CHATTER XV. — EATING AND DRINKING 3IQ- after two hours. Worse after eating; head, stomach and bowel symptoms. ♦Antimonium crud. ♦After bad, sour wine, vomiting—gastric catarrh. Bread and pastry particularly occasion nausea and cutting colic. ^Laziness and desire to lie down after eating. After nurs- ing, diarrhoea. Nursing children throw up a little sour milk, as soon as they take the breast or bottle. Worse from pork; from acids —diarrhoea, whooping-cough. Antimonium tart. "Food relieves somewhat the pressure in the abdomen. Apis. "Continued swallowing relieves soreness and cough. Vom- its the food as soon as taken, followed by retching. After eating, heaviness at stomach; diarrhceic discharge renewed. Apocynum. "Distention about stomach and hypochondria after a moderate meal. Argentum nit. Eating, or a swallow of wine relieves the head; coffee aggravates. Sour things lessen nausea. Warm fluids re- lieve, cold aggravate the pains in stomach. After drinking, dys- pnoea. Nausea after each meal, mostly after dinner or after supper. Fluids "go right through him:" 20. Arnica. After eating distress in epigastrium (after a blow). ♦Arsenicum. +Bad effects from inordinate use of spirituous liquors —delirium tremens, vomiting, diarrhoea, haemorrhages. ♦Gastro-in- testinal symptoms worse after ice; ice-cream; ice-water; vinegar; sour beer; tobacco (chewing). Alcoholic drinks; bad sausages; cheese; fruits. Baryta carb. Sudden nausea while eating. Pressure like a stone in stomach after eating bread; repletion after a little food. Heav- iness of stomach; nausea, goes off after breakfast. Soreness in stomach, as if food passed over sore places. Belladonna "Wine aggravates dyspnoea. After eating putrid taste in mouth. After drinking beer internal heat. Berberis. '-'Before dinner chilliness. After eating solids, belching for hours, and soreness continuing the whole night. Bismuthum. Water is vomited as soon as it reaches the stom- ach. Pressure, like a load in stomach, after eating. Bromium. "After eating oysters, diarrhoea; after acids, diarrhoea. Nausea and pain in stomach, better after eating. Bryonia. "Eats little and often. Frequent drinking of cold water relieved the bitter taste and inclination to vomit. 320 CHAPTER XV.—EATING AND DRINKING Cactus. Weight and distress in stomach after eating. After dinner pulsation (in cceliac axis) behind stomach. Calcarea carb. After milk nausea and sour eructations; water- brash. After meals, heat or flatulency, with nausea, pain in stom- ach and abdomen. Calcarea phos. -At every attempt to eat, bellyache. After drink- ing cold water, cutting in belly. Eating ice-cream in evening causes colic. Juicy fruit or cider causes diarrhoea. Cannabis ind. "While eating his stomach felt swollen and his chest oppressed, as if he would suffocate; was forced to loosen his clothes. Cantharis. -After drinking coffee, sensation of fullness. Drink- ing, even small quantities of water, increases the pain in bladder. Capsicum. -Better while eating; worse after. Food tastes sour. Vegetables cause flatulence. After eating, burning in stomach. Water causes purging; shuddering; tenesmus; thin stool; chills. Red face immediately after dinner, and the patient must go to stool, during or after which there is burning at anus. Carbo ani. -Eating causes fatigue,distress and burning in stom- ach; inflation; long-lasting nausea, after meat. Eating relieves rawness in throat. After dinner: 3. After eating: 13, 26, 29, 37. Carbo veg. After eating; acidity in mouth; plainest food dis- agrees; heaviness, fullness (more after supper), sleepiness; nausea, vomiting; feels as if the abdomen would burst; worse after de- bauch; from rich living. After milk, sour eructations. Dreads to eat because of pains; burning in epigastrium and deep in ab- domen. Gastric symptoms from vine; coffee; too much milk; excessive use of butter, from fats in general; fish, especially if tainted; from ice-water or different waters; from flatulent vegeta- bles. Bad effects from abuse of salt or salt meats. Hot, cold or salt food: 10. Eating or drinking: 27. Causticum. "Fresh meat causes nausea; smoked meat agrees. Bread causes pressure in stomach. Coffee seems to aggravate all symptoms. Cepa. 'Bad effects from eating spoiled fish. Chamomilla. "After eating and drinking, heat and sweat of face. After eating abdomen puffed up. Chelidonium. "All complaints lessen after dinner. Cicuta. "Immediately after commencing to eat, feels satisfied. Immediately after eating,bellyache and sleepiness. CHAPTER XV.—EATING AND DRINKING 321 Cinchona. "Worse drinking wine and other liquors. Worse after breakfast. Sour eructations after milk. Gastric symptoms from eating fish; excessive use of tea; sour wine; new beer; impure water; fruit. Warm drinks impede digestion. Cistus. "Eating and drinking relieve dry throat; pain in sin- ciput less. After eating, pain in stomach; after fruit or coffee, diarrhoea. Clematis. "After eating, weakness in all the limbs, with pulsa- tion in the arteries. Cocculus. "All symptoms and affections, particularly of the head, increased by eating or drinking. Coffee aggravates headache. Coffea. "Eats and drinks hastily. Bad effects from wine or liquor drinking. After eating: 10. Hot or warm drink: 10. Ice, or ice-Cold water: To. Colocynthis. "After the least food or drink, copious diarrhoea. Potatoes cause bellyache. Coffee relieves colic. Conium. "Sour rising from stomach, after eating. Cold eating: 10. After eating: 17. Cold drink: 10. After drinking: 29. After taking small quantity of milk, sudden distention of abdomen. Cuprum met. °A swallow of cold water relieves cough or vom- iting. Milk brings on water-brash. Cyclamen. "After eating, sleepiness; hiccough; rumbling in bowels. Digitalis. "Eating: 27. Drinking cold things: 27. Drosera. "After dinner burning feeling. After eating: n, 16. Warm drinks: 10. Drinking: 16, 27, 37. Dulcamara. "Cold drinks: 16. Eupatorium perf. "After drinking cold water, shuddering; vom- iting bile. After eating, violent distressing pains; no ease until all is vomited. Euphrasia. "Eating: 27. Tobacco smoke: 27. Ferrum. "Worse from meat; sour fruit. Solid food seems dry and insipid while masticating. All food tastes bitter. After eggs, vomiting. After fat food bitter eructations. Wine agrees if not acid. After eating, heat in stomach, nausea. After least food or drink, especially after meat, spasmodic pressure at stomach. Cold water: 20. Fluoric acid. "Warm drinks: 20. Cold drinks: 10. Eating: 19. Complaints worse from sweet things. 322 CHAPTER XV.--EATING AND DRINKING Gambogia. -After eating: 17, 19. Gelsemium. "Wine aggravates, especially the headache and eye symptoms. Thirst absent or slight. Glonoinum. uWine aggravates all symptoms. Alcoholic stim- ulants cause delirium, congestions, stupor, etc. Graphites. "-Worse when hungry. Must eat: 17, 26. After eating: 17, 19, 40. Dinner: 37; boiled meat: 17. After drinking: 40. Drinking warm milk: 17. Cold drink: 10, 17. Guaiacum. After eating without appetite she gets sick. Hamamelis. After eating, nausea, must keep quiet; eructations; hiccough. Pork nauseates. Hepar sulph. Heaviness and pressure in stomach, after mod- erate eating. Eating: 17, 20. Eating or drinking anything cold: 27. Drinking: 27. Cold water: 20, 25. Hydrastis. -Indigestion from atony of stomach. Bread or veg- etables cause acidity, weakness, indigestion. Hyoscyamus. "After eating: 3, 36. Great thirst: 21. Hypericum. -Tasteless. Belching, when drinking water. Smok- ing tobacco does not taste well. After breakfast, headache, eruc- tations, gastric symptoms, pressure in stomach toward the back; pains in limbs. After supper,flatulence and diarrhoea. After eating: 17. Ignatia. "Drinking coffee: 10, 21. When eating: 11, 13, 30. After eating: 10, 36, 30. After eating and drinking: 16. Warm drinks: 27. Hasty drinking: 36. Smoking: 10, 16. Iodium. "Fasting causes pain in chest. Eating: 16, 17; heavy food: 16. Drinking milk: 20. Ipecacuanha. "Aggravation from indigestible substances, lemon- peel, raisins, cake, etc., even spasms therefrom; from fruit, salads, pastry, pork, fats, etc. After any cold drink (also from ice-cream), colic, nausea, vomit. Drinking: 40. Iris. Headache after breakfast; aching in stomach before break- fast and after a cold drink. Milk sours and is vomited. Kali bichrom. "Food lies like a load; sensation after a full meal, as if digestion was suspended. Pressure and heaviness in stomach, immediately after eating. Secondary bad effects from malt liquors especially from lager beer. Kali carb. -During eating, sleepy. After eating, burning from stomach to throat; colic renewed; abdomen distended; stomach re- CHAPTER XV.—-EATING AND DRINKING 323 plete, especially after soup or coffee; sour eructations; nausea, faintness. When hungry, feels anxious, nervous, tingling; also cough and palpitation, better after breakfast. Drinking: 26, 27; cold water: 39. Eating warm food: 27. Kali nit. Vegetables, fruit, pastry, cold food or drink, and farinaceous food, cause diarrhoea. Hot drinks: 10. Cold things: 13, 14. Eating: 16. Before meals: 17. After meals: 3,12. Kalmia. "After eating,feels better every way. After eating: 11, 12. Drinking wine: 16. Pains relieved by food—neuralgia. Kreosotum. Water after it is swallowed tastes bitter. Worse from eating cold food. Better from warm diet. Dares not remain fast- ing. Great desire for spirituous drinks, with weakening leucorrhcea. Stomach aches from acid food. Lachesis. :After eating, gnawing in stomach better, but returns in a few hours—cancer of stomach. After eating, vertigo, languor; gagging and suffocating; dyspnoea; stomach puffed; eructations; flushes of heat. After acids, symptoms worse. Worse from alco- holic drinks (except the snake bite). Warm drink: 10, 13. After drinking: 13, 16. Lachnantes. -Drinking coffee, pain in all the teeth. After eating, teeth pain. Frontal headache better after supper. Ledum. "After eating hurriedly, contracting pain in breast bone; pressure in stomach after small quantity of food; feels dull. Lithium carb. -After fruit, diarrhoea. Lobelia inf. After breakfast pressing outward,in both temples; itching in left canthus. ♦Lycopodium. ♦Aggravation from cold drinks (except water in some cases)—angina, diphtheria. -After eating sudden repletion; irresistible drowsiness; pressure and tension in liver, especially after satisfying one's appetite. Constant spitting of food; palpitation of heart. Eating or drinking: 16, 27. Eating: 29. Drinking: 2. Warm drink: 13. Cold drink: 16. Magnesia carb. °When eating: 16. After eating: 10. Eating warm food: 1. Mancinella. "Can only take liquid food, on account of soreness of mouth. From drinking water, aggravation of the bloatedness and painfulness of region of stomach. Cold water: 12. Drinking water: 19. Manganum acet. While eating, pressing in stomach and ab- 324 CHAPTER XV.— EATING AND DRINKING domen, more from cold food, especially in weakly females. After eating, cramp pain in jaws; pain in rectum after dinner. Marum ver. "After nursing, jerking hiccough and empty belch- ing. After drinking, cutting colic. After eating: 40. Mercurius. "Worse from spirituous liquors; coffee; cold drinks. After eating and drinking: 3. Mercurius biniod. "Heartburn after dinner. Mezereum. "Beer tastes bitter and causes vomiting. Generally worse from wine. After meals: 2. Eating: 17; or drinking 27. Muriatic acid. "Hiccough (before and after dinner). Better after drinking. After eating,worse; diarrhoea. Cold drinks: 10. Natrum carb. "Bad effects from a cold drink when overheated. After milk, diarrhoea. Cold drink: 18. Drink: 12. Milk: 20. Eating: 19, 20. After eating, hypochondriacal; weak digestion; pressure in stomach; eructations. Natrum mur. "Better on an empty stomach; worse after break- fast; feverish. While eating, sweat on face. After eating, empty eructations; nausea, acidity in mouth, sleepiness, heartburn, pal- pitation; epigastric pressure and heat radiating upward to chest. Bad effects from acid food, bread, fat and wine. Natrum sulf. "Vegetables, fruit, pastry, cold food, or drink, or farinaceous food causes diarrhoea. Hot drinks: 10. Cold things: 13, 14. Eating: 16. Before meals: 17. After meals: 3, 12. Nitric acid. "During and after eating, sweat. After eating, fullness in stomach, debility from least exertion, heat, palpitation; heavy weight in stomach. Fat food causes nausea and acidity. Milk disagrees. Nux mos. "After eating: 3, 19, 23, 26, 27. After drinking: 19, 20, 27. After drinking wine: 3, 21, 29. After drinking boiled milk: 20. After drinking beer: 21. Nux vom. "Milk sours on stomach. Bad effects of coffee; alco- holic drinks; debauchery. After eating, sour taste; pressure in stomach an hour or two after a meal, with hypochondriacal mood; pyrosis; tightness about the waist; must loosen clothing; confused, cannot use the mind. Two or three hours after a meal, epigastrium bloated, with pressure as from a stone in stomach. After eating: 2, 3, 16, 17, 19, 26, 27, 29. Warm food or drinks: 10, 17, 27. Cold food or drinks: 10, 16, Oleander. "Violent, empty eructations while eating. After coffee: 21. CHAPTER XV. —EATING AND DRINKING 325 Opium. After wine: I, 26. When drinking: 27. Oxalic acid. Sugar aggravates pains in stomach; and wine the headache. Drinking coffee: 20. Paris. "Hunger very soon after a meal. After eating, hiccough. Petroleum. cAfter eating, giddiness; heat in face; cutting in abdomen; gastralgia better. Phosphorus. "Bad effects from excessive use of salt. After eating, sleepy; belches much even after a little food. After eating: 2, 4, 7. 17, 26. Eating or drinking: 16, 17, 27. Drinking: 19; cold water: 17. Phytolacca. -After eating: 8. Hot drinks: 13. After lemon- ade: 20. Platinum. -Worse on an empty stomach. After meals: 17. Podophyllum. After eating, regurgitation of food, sour, hot, sour belching, diarrhoea. Vomits food one hour after eating; crav ing appetite afterward; depression of spirits. After acid fruit and milk, diarrhoea. While eating: 18. Psorinum. After eating: 2, 3. While eating: 11. Warm food: 12. Cold food: 12. Drinking: 11. Pulsatilla. -While eating: 10. After eating: 13, 16, 19, 26, 29, 37. Hot or cold food: 8, 10. Cold fruit: 16. After drinking: 16. Rheum. -After eating prunes, colic. After a meal, loose stool. Colic, which is worse standing. Rhododendron. While eating: 8, 9. After eating: 10, 19, 20; fruit: 20. Drinking wine, 2, 3. After drinking (especially cold water): 16, 17. Rhus tox. -After eating: 11, 16, 17, 19, 26, 37. Drinking: 40; ice-water: 16, 17; beer: 3, 29, 36. Coffee: 29; alcohol: 29. Rumex. After meals, flatulency; heaviness in stomach or epigas- trium; aching in left breast; pressure and distention in stomach. Ruta. After eating, sudden nausea, pinching in stomach after bread and butter; eructations and itching of skin after meat; re- plete as soon as he eats. Intoxicating drinks: 3. Sambucus. "Worse after eating fruit. Sanguinaria. cSweet things aggravate, produce burning. Soon after eating feels empty; difficult breathing, nausea, water-brash, lassitude almost to fainting, cold sweat until 12 P. M., after a little food. While eating: 27. Sarsaparilla. -Burning in stomach after eating bread. After 326 CHAPTER XV.—EATING AND DRINKING and while eating, bitter eructations; feels as if he had eaten noth- ing; diarrhoea. After eating: 1, 20. After eating bread: 15. Cold drinks: 10. Selenium. "After eating, violent beating all over body; worse in abdomen; must lie down. Salt food aggravates. After eating: 2. From lemonade, tea, wine: 3. Sepia. "During and immediately after eating the pains are re- newed or aggravated. After eating, eructations; empty or bitter tasting. After drinking milk: 20. From acids: 27. Silicia. -Small quantities of wine cause ebullitions and thirst. Spigelia. -Better during and generally after eating. Worse be- fore breakfast: 16. Spongia. -While eating: 8, Sweet things: 13, 27. Cold drinks: 27. Warm food or drink: 27. Staphisagria. "- After eating: 14, 19, 20; meat: 27. After drinks: 19, 20. Cold drinks: 10. Sulphur. -After eating but little, feels fullness in stomach. After eating: 2, 3, 16, 17; and drinking: 19. After eating sweet things: 14, 19. Sulphuric acid. -Water causes a coldness of stomach if not mixed with alcoholic liquor. Ailments from drinking brandy (symp- toms are palliated by drinking wine). After eating, pain in stom- ach and rising of food by the mouthful. After warm food: 40. Coffee (odor of): 7, 27. Cold water: 27. Alcoholic drinks: 29. Wine: 40. Tabacum. -Sensitive to the smell of wine; fumes all but intox- icate her, Thuja occ "While eating: 16. After breakfast: 20. Drink- ing: 17; cold water: 28. Eating or drinking cold things: 27. Tea: 10'. Coffee: 20. Fat food: 20. Onions: 20. Valeriana. -Worse on an empty stomach; better after breakfast. After dinner: 19. W7hen eating: 37. Veratrum alb. "After dinner: 1. Eating: 19. Warm food: 18. Fruit: 20. Eating and drinking cold things: 27. Drinking: 13, 14, 16, 37. Alcoholic drinks: 1, 2. Opium eating: 1, 2. Tobacco: 20. Zincum. -Worse from sugar (heartburn); wine (nearly all symptoms;) milk sour (eructations). After eating: 3, 4, 16, 18, 19. 26, 31, 37. CHAPTER XV.—EATING AND DRINKING 327 Zingiber. After bread, headache, pressure in stomach. Com- plaints from eating melons. REPERTORY. Drinking—aeon., ♦aloe, arg. m., canth., caps., cham., cist, cocc, coloc, con., dros., graph., hep. s., ign., ipec, kali c, kreos., lach., lye, mancin., mar. v., mere, mill., mur. a., nux m., phos., psor., puis., rhod., rhus, sepia, staph., sub, thuj., ver. a. Acids, from, after—brom., kreos., lach., sepia. Alcoholic liquors—alum., ♦ars., cinch., coff., glon., kreos., mere, nux v., rhus, ruta, sul. a., ver. a. Beer—aloe, ars., baryt., cinch., kali bi., mill., nux m., rhus. Cider—calc. ph. Coffee—arg. m., canth., carb.v., caust., cist., cocc, coloc, ign.> kali c, lach., mere, nux v., olean., oxal. a., rhus, sul. a., thuj. Drinks—coff., ferr., staph. Cold—aeon., arg. m., con., dig., dulc, fluor. a., graph., hep. s., ipec, iris, kali n., ♦lye, mur. a., nat. m., nat. s., nux v., sars., sib, spong. Hot—coff., kali n., phyt., puis. Warm—ambr., arg. m., cinch., coff., dros., fluor. a., ign., lach., l>c, nux v. Ice-water—aeon., ♦ars., carb. v., coff., rhus. Lemonade—pod., selen. Milk—ambr., ant. c, calc. c, carb., cinch., con., cupr., graph,, iod., iris, nat. c, nit. a., nux m., nux v., pod., zinc. Tea—cinch., selen., thuj. Vinegar—aloe, alum., ♦ars. Water—aloe, arg. m., bism., bry., calc. ph., canth., carb. v., cinch., hyper.,mancin., sul. a. Cold—cupr., eup. pert, ferr., hep. s., kali e, mancin., phos., rhod., staph., sub a. Wine—alum., ant. c, belb, carb. v., cinch., coff., ferr., gels., glon., kalm., mill., nat. m., nux m., opium., oxal. a., rhod.,. selen., sib, sul. a., tabac, thuj., zinc Eating, after,from- aeon., aescul., agar., aloe, alum., ambr., anae, ant. e, apis, arg. m., arn., baryt, belb, benz.a., bism., brom., cact., caps.,carb.an., carb.v., cham.,cic, cist.,clem., cocc, coff., con.,eye, dros., euphr., eup. perf., ferr., fluor.a., gamb., graph., guaiac, ham., hep.s.,hyos., hyper., ign., iod ,kali bi., kalic, kali n.,kalm., lach., lachn., led., lye, mag. e, mang., mar. v., mere, mill., mur. a., nat.c , nat.m., nat. s., nit. a., nux m., nux v., oxal. a., petrol., phos., phyt., plat.,pod., psor., puis., rhod., rhus, ruta, sang., sars., selen., sepia, staph., sub, sub a., thuj., ver. a., zinc. Acids—abrot., aib, ant. t, apis, baryt., caps., carb. v., coloc, ferr., iod., kalic, led., puis., sang., spong. 328 CHAPTER XV.--EATING AND DRINKING Eating continued. Bread—♦ant. c., baryt, caust., hydras., nat. m., ruta, sars., zing. Breakfast—baryt, cinch., hyper., iris, kali c, lob., nat. m.,thuj., valer. Butter—carb. v., ruta. Cold things—carb.v., con., hep.s., kali n., kreos., mang., nat.s., psor., thuj., ver. a. Debauches—carb. v., nux v. Dinner—♦anae, arg. m., cact, caps.,carb. an.,cheb, dros.,graph., mang., mere b. i., mur. a., ver. a. Eggs—ferr. Farinaceous—kali n., nat. s. Fats—carb. v., ferr., nat. m., nit. a., thuj. Fish—carb. v., cepa, cinch. Food-abrot, aib, ant. t., apis, baryt., caps., carb. v, coloc, ferr., iod., kali c, led., puis., sang., spong. Fruit—ars., calc. ph., cinch., cist., ferr., ipec, kali n., lith., nat. s., puis., rhod., samb., ver. a. Hot food—carb. v., nat. s. Ice—♦ars., coff. Ice-cream—♦ars., calc. ph., ipec. Meals—agnus c, apoc, arg. m., calc, kali bi., kali n., mill., nat. s., nux v., rheum, rumex. Meat—agar.,carb. v., caust., ferr., graph., oxal., ruta, staph. Melons—zing. Onions—alum., thuj. Opium—ver. a. Oysters—brom. Pastry—ant c, ipec, kali n., nat. s. Pepper—alum. Pork—ant. c, ham., ipec. Potatoes—♦alum., coloc. Prunes— rheum. Rich living—carb. v., ipec. Salads—ipec Salt—alum., carb. v., phos., selen. Sausages—♦ars., ipec. Solids—benz. a., ferr., mancin. Soup—kali c. Sour things—aloe, arg. m. Sugar—oxal. a., zinc. Supper—arg. m., carb. v., hyper., lachn. Sweet things—fluor. a., sang., spong., sul. Tobacco—alum., ♦ars., ipec, euphr., hyper., ign., ver. a. Vegetables—caps., carb. v., hydras., kali n., nat. s. Warm food—kali c, kreos., mag. c, nux v., spong., sul. a.f ver. a. Drinking, during, when, while—carb. v., opium. CHAPTER XV.—EATING AND DRINKING 329 Eating, during, when, while—baryt., calc. ph., can. 1., caps., carb. v., ign., kali c, kali n., mag. c, mang., nat. m., nit. a., olean., pod., psor., puis., rhod., sang., sars., sepia, spong., thuj., valer. CHAPTER XVI.-NAUSEA AND VOMITING. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Absinthium. -'Belching; nausea and vomiting in morning. Nausea apparently in region of gall-bladder. Acetic acid. -Hot eructations, heat in stomach. Nausea and sweat; retching or anxiety. Vomiting after every meal. Aconitum. Hiccough. Nausea, with seat worms; vomiting of lumbrici and of mucus. Nausea in oesophagus or stomach, rarely in the throat. Vomiting of bile; of green masses; with bitter taste; of blood, of bloody mucus, of what has been drunk, followed by thirst. Vomiting, with anxiety, heat, thirst, profuse sweat and increased micturition. /Esculus. -Eructations: sour, greasy, bitter; taste of food; empty; thick mucus. Violent retching and vomiting; burning in stomach. ♦^Ethusa. ♦Intolerance of milk; it is forcibly ejected almost as soon as swallowed; then weakness causes drowsiness; in nursing children. Violent vomiting of curdled milk and cheesy matter. "Violent, sudden vomiting of frothy white substances; of yellow fluids. Vomiting of greenish phlegm. Regurgitation of food an hour or so after eating. Agaricus. "Eructations tasting of rotten eggs, or of apples; empty. Nausea, vomiting. Ailantus. "Sudden, violent vomiting when sitting up. Vom- iting, with stupor. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and spasmodic abdominal pains. Aloe. ^Eructations; bitter; acrid; sour. Rising of flatulence to- ward the throat, with sensation as if vomiting were coming on. Nausea, with frontal headache; with empty feeling in stomach; with pain at umbilicus. Vomiting of blood. Alumina. "Eructations sour; bitter, after potatoes; worse even- ings. Heartburn. Nausea, with chilliness, pale face, desire to lie down, faintness; better after breakfast. Mucous vomit. Ambra. "Eructations, either empty, sour, or bitter. Heartburn, 330 CHAPTER Xv'l.—NAUSEA AND VOMITING 331 with abortive eructations; when walking in the open air; from drinking milk. Every evening sensation as of spoiled stomach and acrid risings up to larynx. Nausea after breakfast. Ammonium carb. -Hiccough, morning after chill. Eructations empty, imperfect; taste of the food; sour. Heartburn. Nausea and vomiting of all that has been eaten ; afterwards sour taste in mouth. Ammonium mur. -Hiccough, with stitches in the chest. Eruc- tations empty ; bitter or tasting of food. Nausea, with water-brash, after eating, with shudderings. Regurgitation of food; of bitter, sour water. Anacardium. Hiccough. Eructations; empty; frequently fluid, causing choking, with spasmodic pain in stomach. Heartburn after eating soup. Burning, rising from stomach to throat. Nausea in morning, with empty feeling in stomach. Nausea, with retch- ing, returning soon after drinking cold water, with vomiting of the water, accompanied by pain, as if the oesophagus were distended by a large ball. Vomiting of ingesta, which gives relief,after cough. ♦Antimonium crud. ♦Belching, with taste of what has been eaten. Vomiting of mucus and bile. Loathing, nausea and desire to vomit. Vomiting of mucus and bile, slimy, of drink only, re- newed by food or drink; persistent; tongue white, no thirst—ma- rasmus of children, gastric catarrh. "Violent vomiting and diar- rhoea. Hiccough after tobacco smoke. Burning at pit of stomach like heartburn, with good appetite. Nausea after drinking a glass of wine ; form overloading stomach. ♦Antimonium tart. ♦Nausea, causing anxiety, "with slight pres- sure in pit of stomach, followed by headache in forehead; inces sant, with vomiting the whole night. ♦Vomiting with great effort; intense and long lasting; till he becomes faint; followed by lan- guor, drowsiness, and loathing, "with headache and trembling in hands. Qualmishness in stomach after dinner. Violent hiccough. Eructations empty, acid, bitter, salty; nauseous fluid; taste of the food taken. ♦Vomiting is followed with great languor, drowsiness, loathing,desire for cooling things—diarrhoea. "Vomiting,in any posi- tion except lying on right side. Vomit green, tough, watery mucus, then pasty food, then fluid mixed with bile. Retching; then vom- iting, followed by great prostration. Apis. "Bitter, or acrid belching; heartburn up into throat; 33^ CHAPTER XVI.--NAUSEA AND VOMITING water-brash. Nausea, with inclination to vomit. Vomiting of bile, or mucus, with red specks; of ingesta and slime; and diarrhoea. Apocynum. Nausea after sleep. Violent vomiting, with pros- tration and drowsiness, cold skin. Distressing vomiting at inter- vals— menorrhagia. Apomorphia. Said to cure inveterate nausea of pregnancy. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Belching after every meal; stomach as if it would burst with wind; belching difficult, finally air rushes out with great violence. Tasteless or sour eructations. Deathly nausea with headache, not abating after vomiting. The vomited substances tinge the bedding black. Awakens at midnight, with oppression at stomach as from a heavy lump inducing vomiting; in the morning throws up a glairy mucus, which can be drawn into strings; during the afternoon desire to vomit, tremulous weakness. ♦Arnica. ♦Eructations bitter,and like rotttn eggs, in the morn- ing; empty. Belching after coughing. Hiccough—meningitis. Nausea; empty vomiturition; burning, scratching in throat: general relaxation during forenoon. Vomiting of dark-red coagula, mouth bitter; general soreness. Vomits the least food; retching at night. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Hiccough at the hour the fever ought to have come. Violent incessant vomiting; excited by eating or drink- ing. Violent vomiting of food and gastric fluids. Vomiting im- mediately after eating or drinking. Frequent vomiting, with ap- prehension of death. "Frequent hiccough. Abortive eructations. Qualmishness n a. m. and 3 p. m. Long lasting nausea, with faintness,tremor; heat all over and shuddering. Fruitless retching. Vomit bitter, green-yellow liquid; ingesta; brown, turbid matter; streaked with blood; blood black ♦Asafoetida. ♦Eructations, smelling like garlic; tasting rancid, sharp or putrid. Flatus passing upwards, none down. Hiccough- like contractions of diaphragm. Baptisia. Pressure in stomach, belching of large quantities of wind. Nausea with eructations, followed by painful vomiting. Baryta carb. :Sudden nausea while eating. Pressure like a stone in stomach after eating bread; repletion after a little food. Heaviness of the stomach, nausea, goes off after breakfast. Sore- ness of the stomach, as if food passed over sore places. Belladonna. "Violent hiccough. Hiccoughing, eructations- spasm composed partly of eructations, and partly of hiccough. Half CHAPTER XVI. — NAUSEA AND VOMITING 333 suppressed, incomplete eructations. Nausea in stomach. Ineffec- tual efforts to vomit about midnight, with cold sweat. Vomiting of mucus; of bile and mucus; of undigested food; water; can keep nothing down; is pale and weak. Benzoic acid. "Loathing sickness of stomach, pain and discom- fort; with gagging. Vomiting of salty, or bitter substance. Berberis. "Hiccoughing. Frequent eructations alternating with yawning. Bitter eructations. Heartburn. Nausea before break- fast, after dinner. ♦Bismuthum. ♦Frequent empty eructations and feeling of dis- comfort in stomach. "Eructations, fetid, cadaverous. Nausea at stomach after eating or nursing. Vomiting of bile without effort. Vomiting, convulsive gagging and inexpressible pain in the stom- ach; after operation on abdomen. Vomiting only at intervals of days when food has filled the stomach; then vomits enormous quan- tities, lasting all day; all fluids. Borax. -Hiccough after eating (also of infants). Nausea in morning; immediately after waking, with inclination to vomit; after drinking water, mucous and bitter vomiting. Vomiting of food and mucus. Bromium. "Hiccough and nausea. Eructations empty; taste- less; tasting like foul eggs; with vomiting of mucus. Nausea and retching, better after eating. Bryonia. "Hiccough after eating,and on every shock caused by it pressure in forehead, as if the brain shook from behind for- wards. Eructations after eating; sourish; bitter. Heartburn from wine, evenings. Nausea on assuming an erect position. Nausea increased, or brought on by slightest motion. Must lie quiet. Nau- sea and vomiting in morning when waking. Vomiting of solid food, not of drink; of food immediately after eating; of bitter, musty or putrid liquid, which leaves a similar taste in mouth. Cactus. "Nausea in morning; continues all day. Acrid, sour fluid rising into throat and mouth, making food taste acid. Vom- iting of blood. ♦Calcarea carb. ♦Sour vomiting, "especially during dentition. Eructations tasting of the food eaten; bitter; sour; of tasteless fluid; of food; burning. Burning extending to throat—heartburn. Nausea mornings, with qualmishness and shuddering, toward even- ing, during dentition. Vomiting sour; of bitter slime; of what 334 CHAPTER XVI.—NAUSEA AND VOMITING has been eaten; black; bloody. Vomiting of milk in thick curds__ dentition. Calcarae fluor. "(Vomiting of undigested food.—Schussler.) Calcarea phos. "Sour belching and gulping up. After belching burning in epigastrium. Nausea, rising from pit of stomach when moving; better at rest; followed by headache and lassitude. Nausea from smoking, after coffee. Vomiturition from hawking phlegm. Vomiting, with trembling of hands. Children vomit often and easily. Camphora. -Belching and gulping up contents of stomach. Vomit bilious, of some blood; mostly sour. Chronic vomiting, in morning, of sour mucus. Watery, slimy vomit—summer com- plaint. Coldness after vomiting. Absence of nausea and vomit; body icy cold—cholera. Cantharis. ^Eructations of sour, frothy mucus, tinged bright- red. Nausea and vomiting. Vomiting of the water drunk, also of blood; greenish, offensive; of bile and ingesta; of frothy mucus tinged bright-red. Vomiting, with violent retching and severe colic. Capsicum. "Belching, with stitch in side. Eructations like the fumes of capsicum. Heartburn. Water-brash. Nausea and vom- iting, with headache. Nervous, spasmodic vomiting. Vomit phlegm, with chill. Vomiting in malignant fevers. Carbo ani. cEructations tasting of food long eaten. Heartburn. Saltish water runs from mouth, retching, vomiting, hiccough, cold feet—cancer of stomach. ♦Carbo veg. ♦Violent, almost constant eructations, "sour, rancid or empty, also when preceded by pinching in abdomen. Pyrosis, great flow of water—catarrh. Nausea in morning, with qualmish- ness in stomach. Vomiting of blood; of food in evening; of sour bilious, bloody masses. Caulophyllum. "Empty eructations. Frequent gulping up of sour, bitter fluid, with vertigo. Spasmodic vomiting, cardialgia excessive nausea, spasms of the stomach attending uterine irrita- tion. Causticum. Eructations frequent, empty; tasting of the food- of food; burning. Nausea during and after meals. Sour vomiting followed by sour eructations. Vomiting of blood at night Cepa. Sour eructations. Belching, with rumbling in and puffing up of abdomen. Nausea when rising. CHAPTER XVI.—NAUSEA AND VOMITING 335 Chamomilla. -Eructations sour; constant, empty. Fruitless efforts to vomit. Nausea and inclination to vomit, and bitter vom- iting. Inclination to vomit with diarrhoea, and fever, during the night. Vomiting of bile; of what has been drunk; slimy matter, sour. Severe vomiting with griping. Chelidonium. Hiccough. Bilious eructations. Short breath and anxiety, relieved by belching. Nausea with heat in stomach; causes great bodily heat. Heartburn. Cicuta. "Violent hiccough and crying. Nausea in morning, and when eating. Vomiting of bile; of blood; on stooping, during preg- nancy; alternating with tonic spasms in the pectoral muscles, and distortion of eyes. Cina. -Hiccough during sleep. Vomiting of mucus. Cinchona. "Heartburn after milk. Belching, sour rising. Eruc- tations taste of the food; or are bitter. Vomit sour, blackish, bloody; worse at night. Frequent vomiting. Clematis. Nausea, with weakness in legs; from smoking to- bacco. ♦Cocculus. ♦Unusual nausea and inclination to vomit while riding in a wagon, "or from getting cold. Frequent, empty eruc- tations. Nausea which is felt in head. Nausea and inclination to vomit in the morning; can scarcely rise on account of faintness. Disposition to vomit with profuse flow of saliva, on getting a chill or taking a cold. Disposition to vomit in connection with head- ache and pain in bowels, as if bruised. Vomit sour; bitter, of bad odor. Coffea. °Hiccough, eructations. Constant inclination to vomit, felt in throat. Colchicum. -Nausea, eructations and copious vomiting of mu- cus and bile. Frequent, copious eructations of tasteless gas. Nau- sea, with great restlessness, and on assuming the upright posture, a qualmishness in stomach, and inclination to vomit. Violent retching followed by copious and forcible vomiting of food and then of bile. Colocynthis. "Nausea rising from stomach. Vomiting of bitter tasting, yellow fluid. Conium. "Eructations offensive; frequent, empty; with heart- burn. Vomiting violent, of black masses, like coffee-grounds,clear, sour water; of chocolate-colored masses, sour and acrid. 336 CHAPTER XVI. — NAUSEA AND VOMITING Cuprum met. "Hiccough precedes vomiting; begins attack of asthma. Constant eructations. Nausea and vomiting after taking cold. Nausea, vomiting and cramps during catamenia. Frequent nausea and fearful vomiting, catamenia omitting. Nausea, vom- iting and torpid stool, with brain affections. Vomiting in gushes of whey-like fluid; frothy mucus; bilious, bloody. Cyclamen. ^Violent hiccough. Eructations; tasting sour; of food. Nausea and fullness in chest, with unusual hunger. Nausea after eating or drinking; except from lemonade. Nausea after fat food. Vomiting of watery mucus; of food; of greenish fluid. Digitalis. "Nausea, as if she would die. Constant nausea and gagging,with clean tongue covered with white slime. Inclination to vomit. Persistent nausea and vomiting; nausea even after vomit- ing. Vomiting in the morning; of food; of bile. Drosera. "Frequent hiccough. Eructations tasting bitter or sour. Nausea after fatty food; worse after midnight till morning. Vomiting of bile in morning; of mucus or food when coughing; after drinking; especially at night or before dinner. Worse after vomiting. Dulcamara. "Nausea, loss of appetite; cholerine. Great chil- liness during the vomiting. Vomiting early in the morning of tena- cious mucus. Vomiting of greenish, yellow, slimy substances, together with the liquid drank; after cold drinks. ♦Eupatorium perf. ♦Retching and vomiting of bile, "with trem- bling and pain in stomach, and weakness even to fainting. ♦Vom- iting preceded by thirst. "Sick stomach night before ague parox- ysm. Vomiting as the chill passes off; or between chill and fever; of bile at the close of hot stage; of bile with trembling and great nausea, causing great prostration; preceded by thirst. Eupatorium purp. "Vomiting, with the sick headache. Great nausea, but no vomit with the chill. Nausea, vomiting with the fever. ♦Ferrum met. "Eructations sour; foul; burning, relieving burn- ing in stomach. Nausea with headache; with nightly diarrhoea; with vertigo. ♦Vomiting at midnight or morning after breakfast; "as soon as food is taken. Ferric phos. "(Vomiting of undigested food, acid taste; of blood, bright-red, with tendency to form a gelatinous mass.__ Schussler.) CHAPTER XVI.—NAUSEA AND VOMITING 337 Fluoric acid. "Nausea with general heat; eructations and las- situde. Bilious vomiting after slight errors in diet; with increased alvine discharges, preceded by tormina. Gambogia. "Frequent violent empty eructations. Nausea pro- ceeding from stomach, when walking in open air. Nausea, incli- nation to vomit, accumulation of saliva in mouth. Frightful vom- iting and purging, with fainting. Gelsemium. "Eructations sour. Nausea, giddiness, headache. Glonoinum. "Nausea, with the congestions, retching during Sunstroke, and faint feeling causing sweat, which relieves. Vom- ting, spasmodic, in hydrocephalus; in sunstroke. ♦Graphites. ♦Frequent eructations, "tasting of the ingesta, re- lieves the pressure in the stomach. Hiccough after either one or all meals. Rancid heartburn after dinner. Qualmishness morn- ings and several hours after dinner. Nausea and vertigo; and sweat, with anxiety; like faintness, prevents sleep; with spasm in throat; with eructations, with headache; with inclination to vomit; and sour vomiting; in the morning; after eating. ♦Gratiola. "Nausea and vomiting. ♦Vomiting of bilious matter; of yellow, bitter, sour water, without exertion. Guaiacum. "Frequent empty eructations. Nausea from sensa- tion of phlegm in throat. Every morning vomits a mass of watery phlegm with great exertion. Hamamelis. "Eructations after a meal, taste of the food. Nau- sea, eructations and violent hiccough, after pork, followed by burn- ing in stomach and oesophagus; later, cramp pains in stomach and chest. Nausea, vertigo; must lie still to prevent vomiting. Nau- sea, headache in frontal bone on awakening. Nausea, and inclination to vomit, after a meal. Haematemesis of black blood; tremulous, weak, cold, quick pulse; profuse sweat. Helleborus. Nausea, cannot take food though hungry. Vom- iting of greenish-black substances, with colic Hepar sulph. "Eructations, frequent, odorless and tasteless. Constant sensation of water rising in the oesophagus, as if she had eaten sour things. Heartburn. Frequent, but momentary attack of nausea. Attacks of nausea with coldness and paleness. Inclina- tion to vomit with flow of saliva from mouth. Vomiting every morning. Hydrastis. "Eructations of sour fluid. Vomits all she eats, ex- cept milk and water—cancer. 33« CHAPTER XVI.—NAUSEA AND VOMITING Hyoscyamus. -Hiccough with spasms and rumbling in abdomen. Eructations empty, incomplete, bitter. Nausea with vertigo and vomiting. Retching and vomiting, with colic, extorting cries. Vomiting of food and drink; of blood, with convulsions; of bloody mucus, with dark-red blood. Hypericum. "Eructations tasteless, bitter; preventing sleep at night. Nausea, weakness every morning. Nausea, abdomen dis- tended, cracking pains in bowels, awaking in night. Ignatia. "Hiccough after eating and drinking; from smoking. Belching, with pressure in the cardia. Regurgitation of the ingesta. Gulping up of a bitter fluid. Nausea, without vomiting. Vomit bitter; of food. Iodium. "Hiccough. Heartburn after heavy food. Empty eructations from morning till evening. Sour eructations with burn- ing therefrom. Qualmishness, nausea, with spasmodic pain in stomach. Violent vomiting renewed by eating. Vomiting of bile, with violent colic; of milk. ♦Ipecacuanha. ♦Distressing nausea and inclination to vomit with almost all complaints. Nausea as from the stomach. -Empty belching; copious saliva. Hiccough with nausea. Nausea and retching from smoking; primary effects of tobacco. Vomiting of ingesta; of bile; copiously of jelly-like mucus; of blood, or of pitch- like substances; of a dark colored liquid; with or without blood; of sour fluid; always with nausea. Vomiting with thirst, sweat, bad breath, with diarrhoea, colic, distended abdomen; after vomit sleepy. Vomiting worse from stooping. Iris. Eructations tasteless, or of sour food. Nausea and vom- iting of sour fluid. Vomiting of food, an hour after eating; of bile with great heat and sweat. ♦Kali bichrom. ♦Vomiting, "sweetish vomit; of a thin, pinkish, glairy fluid;sour; undigested food; bile. Fetid eructations. Eructa- tions of air, relieving an uneasiness of stomach like from pent up wind at the great curvature. Nausea, feeling of heat over body, with giddiness, rush of blood to head; worse on moving about, in morning, at sight of food, after meals, and after stool; excited by drinking and smoking; better by eating and in open air. Giddiness followed by vomiting of an acid, white mucus fluid, with pressure and burning in stomach; also, in ulcer of stomach. Vomiting of blood,with cold sweat on hands,face hot; of yellow,purulent mucus. CHAPTER XVI.--NAUSEA AND VOMITING 339 ♦Kali carb. "Eructations sour; nausea. Sick during a walk, no vomiting, feels as if she must lie down and die—pregnancy. ♦Nausea and loathing; from emotions, with anxiety and faintness. "Retching, vomiting of ingesta and slime; sour. Kali chlor. "(Vomiting of blood, dark, clotted; hawking of thick white or yellowish-white phlegm, 39.—Schussler.) Kali iod. -Hiccough. Gulping up of large quantities of air. Kali nit. cGulping up bitter water, relieving nausea. Nausea, cold sensation from throat to stomach; choking sensation; faint- ness; bruised headache; burning eyes; especially at night. Vomit, mucus with blood. Kalmia. "Nausea, everything becomes black before the eyes, with pressure in throat, incarcerated flatulence, oppression of breath- ing and rheumatic pains in limbs. Wine relieves the vomiting. Eructations of wind—angina pectoris. Gastralgia. Kreosotum. "Belching and hiccough, especially when sitting up, or being carried. Belching sour, empty, after dinner, with throw- ing up of frothy saliva, and with scraping roughness in throat. Nausea during pregnancy. Vomiting: of undigested food two or three hours after eating; with dimness of vision; of everything eaten. Lachesis. "Eructations v/hich relieve. Everything sour; heart- burn. Nausea after drinking. Nausea in attacks, weakness, dysp- noea, palpitation, cold sweat. Vomiting of food; of bile; of mucus; with copious saliva. Lachnantes. "Hiccough in bed. Rising of sweetish water, with nausea. Sudden qualmishness in stomach. Squamish about navel when walking in open air. ♦Laurocerasus. ♦Vomiting of food—cough. "Hiccough. Nausea in stomach and vomiting of the ingesta. Eructations tasting like bitter almonds or prussic acid—pregnancy. Leptandria. "Nausea with deathly faintness on rising. Vom- iting of bile, yellow tongue,shooting pains about liver; black stools. Lilium tig. Nausea constant, with sensation of a lump in stom- ach, moving at every deglutition; when thinking of coffee; with morning diarrhoea; with pressure in vagina and pain on top of sacrum. ♦Lobelia. ♦Nausea in morning, disappears after a swallow of water. "Hiccough, with profuse flow of saliva in the evening, fob 34° CHAPTER XVI. —NAUSEA AND VOMITING lowed by drowsiness. Frequent empty eructations, with flow of water into the mouth. Frequent gulping up of a burning, sour fluid. Acidity in stomach with contractive feeling in pit of stom- ach. Incessant violent nausea. Nausea, with profuse perspiration and copious vomiting. Heartburn, and running of water from the mouth. Vomiting with cold perspiration of face. Nausea and vom- iting during pregnancy, with profuse running of water from the mouth; morning sickness Nausea disappearing very suddenly. Nausea in last stages of phthisis pulmonalis. Nausea, worse at night and after sleeping; relieved by a little food or drink. ♦Lycopodium. ♦Eructations acrid, incomplete and burning. Hiccough. "Sour eructations. Frequent belching without relief. Heartburn, water-brash. Hiccough. Nausea in pharynx and stomach; mornings fasting; in the room,passing off in open air; in the morning when riding in a carriage; after cold, not after warm drinks (in chills). Vomits food and bile; coagulated blood; sour substances; dark, greenish masses after eating or drinking. Magnesia carb. "Eructations sour; sour taste and sour vomit- ing. Much loathing without desire to vomit. Nausea and vertigo while eating, followed by retching and vomiting of a bitter, salt water. Magnesia mur. "Regurgitation while walking. Eructations tast- ing like onions; relieve. Nausea and faintness, succeeded by cold- ness and weakness in stomach; frequent, with accumulation of water in mouth, in morning after rising. Eructations, water-brash; stom- ach and liver sensitive. Mercurius. "Acrid, bitter, putrid or rancid eructations, worse at night. Regurgitation or vomiting of food; bitter vomit. Nau- sea, with sweet taste in throat, vertigo, heat, and headache. Mercurius biniod. "Loud and bitter belching. Nausea and sore throat. Nausea and sinking at stomach, or in the epigastrium, with a general sick feeling. Nausea while passing a diarrhoeic stool. ♦Mercurius cor. "Vomiting of albuminous matter; of tough or stringy mucus; ♦of green,bitter substances; of bile; "of blood; like coffee-grounds, with coagulated blood; of pus. Muriatic acid. "Eructations bitter, putrid. Vomiting with belch- ing, coughing; involuntary swallowing; gulping up of contents of stomach into oesophagus, sometimes going down again. CHAPTER XVI. —NAUSEA AND VOMITING 341 Natrum carb. -Frequent empty or sour eructations. Continuous qualmishness and nausea. Vomiting of bile; bitter. Natrum mur. "Acid eructations and malaise, after eating. Water- brash; heartburn, with palpitation. Nausea in morning. Vom- iting first of food, later of bile; oppression of stomach. (Vomiting of transparent, tough, stringy mucus; of watery fluids [not acid]. —Schussler.) Natrum phos. "(All diseases in which there are symptoms of acidity; sour risings; vomiting sour; of curdled milk by children; water-brash, with acidity.—Schussler.) Natrum sulf. "Hiccough in evening, after eating bread and but- ter. Constant rising of sour water. Nausea, vomiting first a sour then a bitter fluid Vomiting, with colic, bilious. Nitric acid. -Much nausea, cannot take food; vomits occasionally. Nausea, with heat in stomach, extending to throat. Nausea better from moving about or carriage-riding. Bitter and sour vom- iting with much eructation. Nux mos. "Hiccough. Nausea and water-brash; with inclina- tion to sleep: while riding in a carriage; during pregnancy. Vom- iting spasmodic; during pregnancy; from irritation of pessaries; and acid stomach; flatulence. ♦Nux vom. ♦Bitter, sour eructations. Nausea in morning; after eating; from tobacco, with faintness. Vomiting of sour mucus; of food and drink; of blood; of bile. ♦Retching as if to vomit; while hawking mucus from fauces. -Hiccough from overeating, or from cold drinks. Heartburn; water-brash, worse before breakfast; also with drunkards; nausea early in the morning; with fainting; after eating, from tobacco. Vomiting food, drink; bile; black substances; slime; sour mucus; blood, after haemorrhoidal flow. Oleander. -Vomiting of food and bitter, greenish water. After vomiting, ravenous hunger and thirst. Opium. -Unsuccessful vomiting of drunkards. Vomiting first of food, then of fecal smelling susbtance; hiccough; great thirst, cold limbs, distorted face; ileus; incarcerated hernia. Vomit green, bloody or bitter, with violent colic and convulsions, of feces. Oxalic acid. "Heartburn, worse evening. Eructations empty or sour; also sudden hiccough, with eructations. Nausea, thirst, colic, after diarrhoea. ♦Petroleum. ♦Incessant nausea and qualmishness in morning, 342 CHAPTER XVI.—NAUSEA AND VOMITING with accumulation of water in mouth; -irom motion of carriage or boat. Sour or bitter eructations. Nausea and vomiting of bitter green substances,worse from riding in a carriage, during pregnancy, and in morning. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Regurgitation of food, with nausea; also in mouth- fuls. Vomiting of food; "of blood, mingled with bile and mucus; of black substance. Eructations frequent; empty; spasmodic; sour. Sour, offensive fluid ejected in large quantity, looking like water, ink and coffee-grounds; after food or even a swallow of water. As soon as water becomes warm in stomach, it is thrown up. Food scarcely swallowed, comes up again; spasms of oesophagus at car- diac end. Constant nausea. Phytolacca. "Nausea, eructations of flatus and sour fluid. Vio- lent vomiting every few minutes. Violent vomiting of clotted blood and slime, with retching, intense pain and desire for death to re- lieve; purging and vomiting. Vomiting in diphtheria. ♦Piumbum. ♦Incessant vomiting of food, "of fecal matter, of brownish or black substances. Eructations empty, sweetish. Gulp- ing up of sweetish water. Podophyllum. "Eructations smelling like rotten eggs; hot, sour. Regurgitation of food. Gagging—infantile diarrhoea. Nausea and vomiting with fullness in head. Vomiting of milk in infants, with protrusion of anus; of food with putrid taste and odor; of thick bile and blood, with congestion of pelvic viscera, during pregnancy. Psorinum. "Eructations, tasting like rotten eggs ; sour, rancid. Nausea, with pain in small of back, morning; all day, with vom- iting. Vomiturition, followed by vomiting, first of blood, then of sour, slimy fluid. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Eructations after tasting and smelling of food; bitter; bilious; rancid; sour; tastes like putrid meat. Nausea; water- brash; disagreeable risings, especially after eating and drinking. Vomiting of bilious matter; of food eaten long before, or after each meal. "Hiccough after cold fruit, after drinking. Nausea with colic, ceasing after vomiting. Vomiting of blood, from a cold on stomach, or suppressed menses, of bilious matter; sour, green; chronic, after eating; caused by fruits, fats, pastry, ices; with pale face and chilliness. Rhododendron. Gulping of rancid or bitter fluid. Nausea, water-brash, pressure at stomach, better by belching. Vomits after fluids, especially cold water, after cold drinks. CHAPTER XVI.—NAUSEA AND VOMITING 343 Rhus tox. "Eructations with nausea; with tingling in stomach; worse when rising from lying. Nausea after ice water, or after eating, with sudden vomiting; with inordinate appetite and inclina- tion to vomit; worse at night and after eating. ♦Robinia. ♦Nausea followed by vomiting of an intensely sour fluid, -setting the teeth on edge. Constant eructations of a very sour fluid Sabadilla. Eructations in intermittents; rancid; sour. Pyrosis, heat up into throat; copious salivation; saliva seemingly as hot as the body, but it is not. Nausea with chilliness, regurgitation of bitter mucus leaving fatty taste. Vomiting of bile; with whooping cough; of lumbrici; or frequent nausea and vomiturition, with feel- ing of a foreign body in oesophagus. Sabina. "Heartburn and sour eructations, especially when sit- ting crooked, which position also aggravates the other symptoms. Paroxysms of nausea and qualmishness when she is in a crowd. Frequent, empty retchings. Vomiting of bile, of undigested food, eaten the day previous. Sanguinaria. "Eructations; disposition to vomit ; pale face. Nausea, intense, in paroxysms; worse when stooping with flow of saliva; followed by nettle-rash, heartburn, eructations, with head- ache and chills, followed by vomiting and sometimes diarrhoea. Vomiting; craves food to quiet the nausea; of bitter water; of sour, acrid fluids; of worms; preceded by anxiety; with headache and burning in stomach; head better afterward. Secale. -Eructations with disagreeable taste; sour; tasteless, but with subjective, disagreeable, empyreumatic odor. Nausea, in- clination to vomit; painful retchings. Vomiting of food; of yellow- ish green,frothy mass; first of contents of stomach,then only mucus; of mucus mixed with lumbrici; of decomposed matter. Haemate- mesis; patient lies still; great weakess, but no pain; abdomen soft. ♦Sepia. ♦Nausea mornings, passing off after eating something; "after a meal, from smell of food, with weakness,vertigo, and dark- ness before the eyes. Eructations frequent, with efforts to vomit; bitter; sour, taste like rotten eggs. Heartburn, extending from stomach to throat. Nausea after eating, also in morning, fasting; from smell of food; when riding in a carriage. Vomiting of bile" and food in morning; of milky fluid; during pregnancy. Silicia. "Eructations; sour; tasting of food; loud, uncontrollable. 344 ■CHAPTER XVI. — NAUSEA AND VOMITING Nausea with violent palpitation of heart; after every exercise which raises bodily temperature; after eating a little. Vomiting of tena- cious mucus, hiccough. Vomits whenever he drinks; ingesta; at night. Morning vomiting, with nausea, much exhaustion. Intense heartburn; sensation of a load in epigastrium. Water-brash, with chilliness. Spigelia. -Nausea before breakfast, with sensation of a worm rising in throat; better after eating; sickly pale face—worms. Vom- its food, with sour rising like vinegar. Stannum. Eructations bitter, after eating. Nausea after eating, followed by vomiting of bile; or, undigested food. Vomiting of blood, of bile and mucus on awaking in the morning; of water when smelling cooking. Haematemesis, worse when lying; better from pressure on stomach; slight touch causes a feeling of subcutaneous ulceration. Staphisagria. -Belching makes a scratching in throat; irritable larynx, and then is followed by cough. Bitter eructations after sour food. Water-brash. •Stramonium. "Hiccough; restless night, screaming in sleep. Nausea, flow of very salty saliva, but cannot vomit. Vomiting dark-green, mixed with food; in evening; vomits bile. ♦Sulphur. ♦Sour or empty eructations, especially after meals, or in morning. Nausea and qualmishness; morning; "before meals; during stool. Hiccough. Eructations generally empty, or tasting of food; sour; after eating; as soon as he presses on stomach. Re- gurgitations; sour; of food and drink. Vomiting of food, especially early in the morning, and in evening; first watery, then of food; sour; of blood. Nausea in morning; after each meal. Sulphuric acid. "Belching after cough. Chronic heartburn, sour eructations. Nausea with chilliness. Sour vomit, first water, then food. Vomiting of drunkards. Raising of mucus so sour that it sets teeth on edge. ♦Tabacum. ♦Qualmishness, nausea and vomiting; worse on mo- tion. Deathly nausea with vertigo, in paroxysms; body covered with cold sweat; seasickness. "Nausea and vomiting on least motion—cholera infantum. Nausea and cold sweat remaining (after ver. a. and secale), checked stools—cholera. Vomiting:nausea as soon as he begins to move, during pregnancy, deathly nausea; of water; of sour fluid, with mucus. Seasickness, deathly nausea; CHAPTER XVI.--NAUSEA AND VOMITING 345 pallor; coldness; worse from least bodily movement; better on deck, in fresh, cold air. Theridion. "Nausea on rising in morning; from sounds; like sea- sickness; from sparkling before eyes; on motion; from talking; from fast riding in a carriage. Thuja occ. "Eructations rancid, or acid; of air, while eating. Vomiting of mucus or of greasy substances. Trillium. "Haematemesis. Valeriana. -Eructations like putrid eggs, morning, in waking. Heartburn, gulping of a rancid fluid which does not rise into the mouth. Nausea, with sensation as from a string hanging down throat, with ptyalism. Nauseated, faint; lips white; body icy-cold. ♦Veratrum alb. ♦Violent vomiting, with continued nausea; with great exhaustion and desire to lie down. Vomiting violent, forci- ble, excessive,of food; of green mucus; of slimy, acid liquid; when ever he moves or drinks, with cold sweat. "Bitter eructations. Hic- cough after hot drinks. Nausea, with sensation of fainting, gen- erally with violent thirst. Vomiting of thin, blackish, or yellowish substance; of bile and blood, black; of food and drink, or drink only, of food, or acid, bitter, foamy, white or yellowish-green mu- cus whenever he moves or drinks; with vertigo, pale face, clean tongue, good appetite, hiccough, fainting. Painful retraction of abdomen during vomiting. Veratrum vir. "Heartburn, with bitter, sour rising. Vomit- ing long continuing of glairy mucus; after food; of blood; cf bile. Vomiting with inflammatory or cerebral diseases. Smallest quantity of food or drink is immediately rejected. Zincum met. "Sweetish rising into throat, with sweet taste in mouth or taste of blood. Eructations with pressure in middle of spine. Heartburn; swollen feet and varicose veins during preg- nancy. Subdued nausea with universal tremulous feeling. Nausea in stomach, with retching and vomiting of bitter mucus; renewed by least motion. As soon as first spoonful reaches stomach, up it comes. Vomiting of blood, or of sanguineous mucus, with effort. Zingiber. "Belching and diarrhoea. Vomits slime; old drunk- ards. 346 CHAPTER XVI.—NAUSEA AND VOMITING REPERTORY. Eructations—♦asaf., bapt., belb, berb.,bry., caps., coff., colch., fluor. a., graph., ham., lach., mag. m., nit. a., oxal. a., *puls., rhus, sabad., sang., secale, sepia, zinc. Acid—ant. t, lob., nat. m., nat. phos., nux m. Acrid—aloe, ambr., apis, cact., lach., mere, thuj. Belching—absinth., ♦ant. c, apis, arg. n., arn., bapt, calc. ph., camph., caps., cepa, cheb, cinch., ign., ipec, kreos., lye, mere b. i., mur. a., rhod., staph., sub a., zing. Bilious—cheb, puis. Bitter—aescul., aloe, alum., ambr., am. m., ant. t., apis, ♦arn., berb., bry., calc. e, caul., cinch., dros., hyos., hyper., ign., kali n., laur., mere, mere b. i., mur. a., ♦nux v., petrol., ♦puis., rhod., sabad., stann., ver. a., ver. v. Burning—lye Cadaverous—bism. Constant—carb. v., cham., cupr., dig., robin. Empty, air, wind—aescul., agar., aloe, ambr., am. c, am. m., anae, ant. t, ♦arg. n., am., ♦asaf., ♦bism., brom., carb. v., caul., caust., chain., cocc, bapt., colch., con., gamb., graph., guaiac, hyos., iod., ipec, kali bi., kali i., kalm., kreos., lob., nat. c, oxal. a., phos., phyt., plumb., sabin., ♦sub, thuj. Fluid—anae, ant. t, calc. c, caul., hydras., ign., lob., phyt, rhod., rob , valer. Food—aescul , am. c, am. m., ♦ant. c, ant. t, calc. c, camph., carb. an., caust., cinch., eye, graph., ham., ign., iris, phos., pod., sib, sul. Frequent -anae, berb., ♦bism., caust., caul., cocc, colch., con., gamb., ♦graph., guaiac, hep. s., lob., lye, nat. c, phos., sabin., sepia. Greasy—a-scub Gulping-calc. ph., camph., caul., ign., kali i., kali n., lob., mur. a., plumb., rhod., valer. Hot—acet. a., pod. Incomplete, imperfect—ambr., am c, ars., belb, brom., hyos., ♦lye Like—agar., ♦arn., ♦asaf., brom., caps., mag. e, pod., psor., valer. Loud—mere b. i., sil. Mucous—aescul., canth., sul. a. Offensive or not—bism., con., ferr., hep. s., kali bi., phos., pod., ♦puis., secale. Putrid—asaf., mere, mur. a.f ♦puis. Pyrosis —carb. an., carb. v., lob., sabad. Rancid—asaf., carb. v., graph., mere, psor., puis., rhod., sabad., thuj., valer. Red—canth. Regurgitation—aethus., am.m., ign., mag. m., mere, phos., pod., sabad., sul. CHAPTER XVI.—NAUSEA AND VOMITING 347 Eructations continued. Risings—aloe, ambr., cact., cina, hep. s., lachn., nat. s., ♦puis., spig., sul. a., ver. v., zinc Salty—ant. t. Sharp—♦asaf. Sour—aescul., aloe, alum., am. c, am. m., arg. n., bry., cact., calc. c, calc. ph., canth., carb. v., caul., caust., cepa, cham., cinch., eye, dros., ferr., gels., hydras., iod., iris, kali c, kreos., lach., lob., lye, mag. c, nat. e, nat. phos., nat. s., ^nux v., oxal. a., petrol., phos., phyt., pod., psor., puis., rob., sabad., sabin., secale, sib, sub, sul. a., ver. v. Sweetish—plumb., zinc Taste—arg. n.,. brom., calc. c, colch., hep. s., hyper., iris, mag. m., secale. Thick—aescul. Uncontrollable—sil. Violent—♦arg. n., ♦carb. v., gamb. Water—am. m. Heartburn—alum., ambr., am. c, anae, ant. e, apis, berb., bry., calc. c, caps., carb. an., cheb, cinch., con., graph., hep. s., iod., lach., lob., lye, nat. m., nux v., oxal. a., sabin.,sang., sepia, sib, sul. a., valer., ver. v., zinc. Hiccough—aeon., am. c, am. m., anae, ant c, ant. t, arn., ♦ars., asaf., belb, berb., borax, brom., bry., carb. an., cheb, cic, cina, coff.,cupr., eye, dros., graph., ham., hyos., ign., iod., ipec, kali i., kreos.,-lachn., laur., lob., ♦lye, nat. s., nux m., nux v., opium, oxal. a., puis., sib, stram., sub, ver. a., ver. v. Loathing—♦ant c, ant t., benz. a., ♦kali c, mag. e Nausea—absinth., acet. a., aeon., agar., aib, aloe, alum., ambr., am. c, am. m., anae, ♦ant. c., ♦ant. t, apis, apoc, am., bapt., baryt, belb, benz. a., berb., bism., borax, brom., bry., cact., calc.c, calc.ph., canth., caps., carb.v., caul., caust., cepa, cham., cheb,cic., clem., ♦cocc, colch., coloc, cupr., eye, dig., dros., dulc, eup.perf., eup.purp., ferr., fluor. a., gamb., gels., glon., graph., grat, guaiac, ham., hell., hep. s, hyos., hyper., ign., iod., ♦ipec, iris, kali bi-» ♦kali e, kali n., kalm.,kreos., lach.,lachn., lept., ♦lob., lye, mag.e, mag. m., mere, mere b.i., nat. e, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., nux.m., nux v., oxal. a., *petrob, ♦phos., phyt., pod., psor., puis., rhod., rhus, ♦rob., sabad., sabin., sang., secale, sepia, sib, spig., stann., stram., ♦sub, sul. a., ♦tabac, therid., valer., ver. a., zinc Constant—♦carb. v., dig., lib, phos. Continued—cact., nat. c, ver. a. Death-like—arg. n., dig., lept., ♦tabac Gagging—benz. a., bism., dig., pod. Incessant—ant. t, lob., ♦petrol. Long-lasting—ars., dig. Pregnancy—apomorphia, kreos., laur., lob., nux m., petrol., pod., tabac, zinc. Qualmishness—ant. t, ars., calc. c, carb. v., colch., graph., iod., lach., nat c, petrol., sabin., sub, tabac. 34« CHAPTER XVI.—NAUSEA AND VOMITING Nausea continued. Seasickness—cocc, lye, nux m., petrol., sepia, tabac, therid. Violent—♦arg. n., ♦carb. v. Where felt—absinth., aeon., ♦belb, bism., calc ph., cocc, coff., coloc, gamb., ♦ipec, lachn., laur., lye, mere, zinc. Retching—acet. a., aescul., anae, ant. t, arn., ars., brom., canth., carb. an., cham., colch., ♦eup. perf., glon., hyos., ipec, kali c, mag. c, *nux v., opium, phyt., sabin., secale, sepia, zinc Sensations—absinth., aeon., aloe, anae, arg. n., bism., bry., calc ph., camph., caust., guaiac, hep. s.,kali c, lib, sabad., sib, spig., stann., valer., ver. a. Vomiting—absinth., acet. a., aeon., aescul., aethus., agar., aib, am. c, ♦ant. t., apoc, a?g. n., ♦ars., bapt., bism., bry., calc. ph., canth., caps., carb. an., caul., cham., cupr., dulc, eup. pert, eup. purp , ♦ferr., gamb., ♦grat., hydras., hyos., ipec, ♦kali bi., kalm., ♦laur., lob., mere cor., mur. a., nat. s., nit. a., nux m., olean., opium,petrol., phyt., pod., psor., puis., rhod., ♦rob.,sabad., sang., sepia, sib, stram., sul. a., ♦tabac, ver. v., zinc. Acid—cact., ferr. phos., kali bi., ♦ver. a. Acrid—cact, con., sang. Albuminous matter—mere cor. Bile—aeon., ♦ant. c, ant. t, apis, belb, bism., camph., canth., carb.v., cham., cic, colch., cupr., dig., dros., ♦eup. perf, fluor. a., ♦grat., ham., iod., ipec, iris, ♦kali bi., lach., lept., lye, ♦mere cor., nat. e, nat. m., nat. s., nux v., phos., pod., -puis., sabad., sabin., sepia, stann., stram., ver. a., ver. v. Bitter—aeon., arn., ars., benz. a., borax, bry., calc. e, cham., cocc, coloc, ♦grat., ign., laur., mag. c, mere, ♦mere cor., nat. e, nat. s., nit. a., olean., opium, petrol., sang., sepia, ver. a., zinc. Black—arg. n., ars., calc. c., cinch., con., hell., nux v., phos., plumb., ver. a. Blood, haematemesis—aeon., aloe, arn., ars., cact., calc. c, camph., canth., carb. v., caust., cic, cupr., eye, ferr. phos., ham., hyos., ipec, kali bi., kali chlor., kali n., lye, mere cor., nux v., opium, phos., phyt., pod., psor., puis., secale, stann., sub, trill., ver. a., ver. v., zinc. Carriage, when riding in—♦cocc, nux m., petrol., sepia, therid. Cheesy matter—♦aethus. Chronic—camph., puis. Dark colored—ipec, lye, stram. Decomposed matter—secale. Dentition, during—calc. c. Drink—aeon., ♦ante, cham., hyos., *nux v., sib, ver. a. Ejected—♦aethus., phos. Excessive—♦ver. a. Fecal—opium, plumb. Fluid or liquid—aethus., ant. t, ♦ars., bism., bry., cact, coloc, cupr., eye, dulc, ipec, iris, kali bi., nat. s., phos., psor., ♦rob., sang., sepia, tabac, ♦ver.a. CHAPTER XVI.--NAUSEA AND VOMITING 349 Vomiting" continued. Food, ingesta—am. e, anae, ant. t, apis, arn., ♦ars., belb,borax, bry., calc. c, calc. fluor., canth., carb. v., colch., eye, dig., dros., ferr. phos., ham., hydras., hyos., ign., ipec, iris, kali bi., kali c, kreos., lach., ♦laur., lye, mere, nat. m., ♦nux v., olean., opium, ♦phos., ♦plumb., pod., ♦puis., sabin., secale, sepia, sib, spig., stram., sub, sul. a., ♦ver. a., ver. v. Forcible—♦aethus., ant. t, colch., guaiac, ♦ver. a., zinc. Frequent—♦ars., cinch. Frothy or foamy—aethus., canth., cupr., secale, ver. a. Gelatinous—ferr., phos. Glairy fluid—kali bi., ver. v. Green—aeon., aethus., ant. t, ars., canth., eye, dulc, hell., lye, mere cor., olean., opium, petrol., puis., secale, stram., ver. a. Immediately—aethus., ♦ars., bry., ferr., phos., ver. a., ver. v., zinc. Incessant—ars., plumb. Inclination or desire to—♦ant. c, apis, arg. n., borax., cham., ♦cocc, coff., colch., dig., gamb., graph., ham., hep. s., ♦ipec, rhus, sang., secale. Like—con., cupr., ipec, mere cor., phos., sepia. Long-lasting—♦ant. t, bism., ver. v. Mi^k—♦aethus., calc. c, iod., nat. phos., pod., sepia. Morning—dig., dros., dulc, ferr., graph., hep. s., lob., nux v., petrol., sib, sub Mucus, phlegm—aeon., aethus., alum., ♦ant. e, ant. t, apis, arg. n., belb, borax, brom., camph., canth., caps., cina, colch., cupr., eye, dros., dulc, guaiac, hyos., ipec, kali bi., kali n., lach., mere cor., nat. m., ♦nux v., phos., secale, sib, stann., sul. a., tabac, thuj., ♦ver. a., ver. v., zinc. Musty—bry. Offensive—bry., canth., cocc, opium, phos., pod. Persistent—♦ant. e, dig. Pinkish—kali bi. Pregnancy—eye, lob., nux m., petrol., pod., sepia, tabac. Pus—kali bi., mere cor. Red—♦arn., canth., ferr. phos., hyos. Salty—benz. a., carb. an., mag. c. Slimy—♦ant e, apis., calc. c, camph., cham., dulc, kali e, nux v., phyt, psor., ♦ver. a., zinc Sour—♦calc c, camph., carb. v., caust., cham., cinch., cocc, con., graph., ♦grat, ipec, iris, kalibi., kali c, lye, mag. c, nat. phos., nat. s., nit. a., ♦nux v., phos., psor., puis., ♦rob., sang., sepia, sub, sub a., tabac. Spasmodic—caps., caul., glon., hyos., iod., nux m., phos. Sudden—ail. Sweetish—iris, plumb. Thick—pod. • Thin—kali bi., ver. a. Tough, stringy, tenacious—ant. t., arg. n., dulc, mere cor., nat. m., sil. 350 CHAPTER XVI.—NAUSEA AND VOMITING Vomiting* continued. Transparent—nat. m. Turbid—ars. Undigested—belb, calc. fluor., ferr. phos., kali bi., kreos., sabin., stann. Violent—aescul., ♦aethus., aib, ant. c, apoc, ♦ars., con., iod., ipec, phyt, ♦ver. a. Water—am. m., anae, ant. t, belb, camph., canth., carb. an., cham., con., eye, ♦grat., guaiac, kali n., lach., mag. c, nat. m., nat.s., olean., phos., plumb., sang., stann., sub, sul. a., tabac. White—aethus., kali bi., ver. a. Worms—aeon., sabad., sang., secale, spig. Yellow—aethus., ars., coloc, dulc, ♦grat., kalibi., secale, ver. a. Water-brash—am. m., apis, caps., lye, mag. m., nat. m., nat. phos., nux v., ♦puis., rhod., sib, staph. CHAPTER XVII.-STOMACH. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abies nig. ♦Sensation of an undigested, hard-boiled egg in the stomach. ♦Abrotanum. ♦As if stomach were hanging or swimming in water, with coldness—gastralgia. Pains cutting, gnawing, burning, worse at night—gastralgia. "Burning as from acidity. Absinthium. "Stomach feels cold and oppressed. Acetic acid. Contents of stomach feel as if in a ferment; vio- lent burning pain in stomach and in chest, followed by coldness of the skin and cold sweat on forehead. Aconitum. -Pressure in pit of stomach, as from a weight. Burn- ing from stomach up through oesophagus to mouth. Sudden excru- ciating pain, with gagging, retching, vomiting of blood, gasping, cold sweat on forehead; congestion of mucous lining of stomach — stage of desquamation in scarlet fever. Region of stomach sensi- tive to touch. ;Esculus. "Pressure as from a stone in pit of stomach. Gnawing and emptiness in stomach in early morning. Fluttering faintness in stomach, burning, great distress. Periodical tightness in the scrobiculum, with labored breathing. yEthusa. "Painful contractions of stomach, so severe as to pre- vent vomiting. Tearing, rending pains in pit of stomach, extend- ing to oesophagus. Agaricus. "Cardialgia, lasting three hours after a meal, burning, changing into a dull pressure, like from a foreign body, with nau- sea. Heavy sensation in stomach. Agnus cast. "Pinching in scrobiculum when sitting bent over. Ailantus. "Peculiar feeling of emptiness in stomach; pain. Aloe. "Pain in scrobiculum on making a false step. Fullness in stomach followed by distention in epigastrium. Alumina. "Constriction and twisting in stomach, extending up the oesophagus to throat. Stitches in pit of stomach, extending upwards to chest. ::.->l 352 CHAPTER XVII. — STOMACH Ambra. "Pressure and burning under the scrobiculum; belching removes it. Pressure in stomach and hypochondria. Ammonium carb. "Stomach feels full, trembling. Empty feel- ing in stomach. Pressure in stomach after eating, or at night the clothes feel oppressive. Heat in stomach spreading through bowels. Pain in stomach with tendency to water-brash. Ammonium mur. "Empty or hungry feeling in stomach. Sen- sation as from fasting, yet fullness in stomach, worse after break- fast. Rooting and rolling in stomach, in morning, passes off after breakfast. Gnawing in stomach as if worms were in it. Burning and stitching in scrobiculum, from thence drawing to right axilla and in upper arm. ♦Antimonium crud. ♦Stomach weak, easily disturbed digestion. Gastric catarrh,white tongue; nausea and vomiting; cough; bowels loose or stools in lumps. Caused by overeating, sour wine, hot weather, bathing; during measles; metastasis of gout or rheuma- tism. "Painful sense of fullness in stomach,which is sore to pres- sure. Cramp-like pains in stomach. Burning, spasmodic pain at pit of stomach, driving to despair; is resolved to drown himself. Antimonium tart. "Sensation as if stomach had been overloaded; eructations frequent, like foul eggs; sleep, restless. Violent pains at the epigastrium,which was tense. Cramps in stomach. Beating and throbbing, particularly in pit of stomach, or abdomen, with great concern about the future. Apis. "Burning heat in stomach. Pit of stomach sensitive; burning as from acidity; irritability of stomach; fullness; pressure aggravates pains. Great soreness in pit of stomach when touched. ♦Apocynum can. ♦Stomach so irritable, not even a draught of water can be retained—dropsy. "Sinking at stomach on awaking. Argentum met. "Burning in stomach, ascending to chest. Anx- iety'and pressure in pit of stomach. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Painful swelling of pit of stomach, with great anxiety. After ice-cream, gastralgia, pain radiating in all directions; worse after food. Gastrodynia. "Small spot behind the zyphoid and navel, sensitive to slightest pressure; pain radiates in all direc- tions; increases and decreases gradually. Regularly towards mid- night attacks of pain, preceded by vomiting of slimy and bilious fluid. Constant drawing and gnawing, increasing daily to violent attacks, ending in vomiting of clear, saltish water. Trembling CHAPTER XVII.—STOMACH 353 weakness in pit of stomach. Fullness of stomach; painful swelling at pit, with great anxiety—flatulent dyspepsia. Stinging, ulcera- tive pain in left side stomach, worse from touch and deep inspira- tion. ♦Arnica. ♦Haematemesis from injuries; sore all over. "Pinch- ing, spasmodic griping in stomach. Pressive, cutting pains in epigastrium; nausea and retching. Stomach feels full, with nausea and anxiety. Stomach distended with wind; pressure on praecordia; oppression of chest. Heaviness in stomach. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Pressure in region of stomach. Intense heat and burning in stomach and pit of stomach. Great anxiety about epi- gastric region. "Weight in the stomach as from a stone. Stomach tender to pressure. Violent tearing, boring pain and cramp in stomach and intestines. Pain in stomach relieved by sweet milk. Epigastrium distended and hard. Epigastric and umbilical regions tender to touch. Pain in pit of stomach, arresting breathing. Asafoetida. "Pulsations in pit of stomach, n a. m., cause faint feeling. Sensation of fullness in stomach. Empty, gone feeling in epigastrium. Pressing, cutting, stitching pain, in spells, not regular. Aurum met. "Burning sensation at stomach, with hot risings. Pressure to the left of scrobiculum, below cartilages of upper false ribs; worse during expiration. Baptisia. "Sinking, gone feeling at stomach; fainting; tongue brown in morning. Constant burning distress in epigastrium; se- vere colicky pains in the umbilical region, and especially in the hypogastric region; rumbling in bowels. Cramp in stomach.even. ing. Belladonna. "Haematemesis; ringing in ears, red cheeks; feel- ing of fullness and warmth of stomach. Painful pressure in pit of stomach only when walking,compels him to walk slowly. Burning in stomach. Shooting pain in stomach. Spasms in stomach like cramp. Gnawing, pressing, crampy, drawing and wrenching pains in stomach, compels patient to lean backwards, worse after drinking. Distention of epigastrium with tensive pain in stomach. Painless throbbing and beating in pit of stomach. Feeling of emptiness in stomach. Hard pressure in stomach after eating. Sensitive to touch. Bismuthum. °Pressure as from a load in one spot. Crampy, 354 CHAPTER XVII. — STOMACH spasmodic pains in stomach; burning alternating with pressure; pressure in spine, must bend backwards. Intense malaise in stom- ach, with burning; red or white tongue with restlessness, prostra- tion; after blood-letting. Bovista. "Pressure and fullness in pit of stomach; tension in temples; mental anguish. Sensation as if a lump of ice lay in stomach, with pain. ♦Bryonia. ♦Pressure in stomach after eating as from a stone; makes him fretful. Epigastric region painful to touch and pres- sure. "Distention of stomach and eructations of wind. Stomach distended, with vomiting after eating. Feeling of emptiness of stomach with distention of whole abdomen. Painfulness of stom- ach after eating oysters and chicken salad in evening: pain exces- sive when in motion, perfect relief from quiet or from eructations of wind, or passing wind per anum. Cutting as with knives in epigastric region. Soreness in pit of stomach when coughing. Stitching pains in region of stomach; worse from motion, especially from a misstep. Cactus. "Constrictive feeling in scrobiculus cordis, extending to the hypochondria, impeding breathing. Burning; pulsating in stomach. Caladium. "Fluttering as from a bird in stomach. Causes nau- sea. Fine jerking stitches in pit of stomach, which is drawn in- ward with each stitch, worse sitting; causes weakness and nausea. Burning in stomach, not relieved by drink. Cutting as with glass in pit of stomach and in left flank; preventing sleep after mid- night. Throbbing and heaviness in pit of stomach after walking. ♦Calcarea carb. ♦Pit of stomach swollen, like a saucer turned bottom up. -Pressing in stomach as if a load or stone were in it, after moderate supper; worse from motion; better lying quiet on back. Some forms of gastralgia, with great anguish, with sensa- tion of fixed weight in stomach. Cutting pain in epigastrium. Burning in stomach, extending up into throat. Calcarea phos. *-Indescribable uneasiness in region of stomach. Sharp cutting, or cramp-like pain, in stomach, with headache. Pressure in stomach, less during rest. Stomach feels expanded. Burning in stomach and rising of water into mouth. Empty, sink- ing sensation in epigastrium. Stomach symptoms worse by taking even smallest quantity of food. CHAPTER XVII.— STOMACH 355 Camphora. Sensation of heat in stomach. Coldness in stom- ach. Anguish and burning in oesophagus and stomach. Pain as if beaten, or overstretched, in pit of stomach, with fullness of abdo- men; sensitive to touch. ♦Cannabis ind. ♦Pain in cardiac orifice, relieved by pressure. Cantharis. "Acute pain in region of stomach and bladder, with such exquisite sensibility that the slightest pressure produces con- vulsions. Violent burning pain in stomach. Patient tosses about as if in despair, with pains in stomach. Stomach feels as if it were screwed together. Burning in region of pylorus. Sensation of fullness extending to chest and abdomen, after taking coffee. Capsicum. "Accumulation of mucus and acids in stomach. Stomach icy-cold; afterward sensation of trembling or burning in stomach, with occasional pungent eructations. Deranged stomach with fever. Sensitiveness and aching in region of stomach and duodenum after colic. Carbo ani. "Spasmodic cramps. Like a load or weight in stom- ach on waking, mornings. Sore feeling in pit of stomach. Press- ing, clawing, griping, burning in stomach. Faint, gone feeling, also from suckling the chiLd; eating does not relieve it. Fullness, cold feeling in stomach, after slight meal; better laying hand on stomach. ♦Carbo veg. ♦Contractive cramp, extending into chest, with dis- tention of abdomen. "Aching in pit of stomach. Burning in stomach, spreading down to small of back and up to shoulders. Tense, full feeling; flatulence. Haematemesis; body icy-cold; breath cool; pulse thready, intermittent; fainting, hypocratic face. Pain in stomach from nursing, or other loss of fluids. Caulophyllum. -Heat in stomach; fullness. Distress in stomach and bowels, with drawing in right hypochondrium. Dyspepsia with spasmodic symptoms. Causticum. "Pain in stomach in morning, increased by every quick movement; must lie down. Cramp in stomach. Pressure in pit of stomach. Pinching clawing in pit of stomach, on deep breathing. Cepa. "Pressure in stomach. Pain in region of pylorus. Stom- ach feels empty, weak. Chamomilla. "Pressive pain in stomach and beneath the short ribs, which impedes breathing, especially after drinking coffee. 35" CHAPTER XVII.—STOMACH Pressing and cutting in the epigastrium, with anxiety. Severe painful pressure in epigastrium makes her toss about in despair. Stinging pain in pit of stomach. Chelidonium. "Pressure with distention of strmach. Constric- tion, tension and sensitiveness in pit of stomach and right hypo- chondrium. Feeling of anguish in pit of stomach. Gnawing, grind- ing pain ; better while eating. Cicuta. "Sudden shock deep in pit of stomach, causes opistho- tonos. Burning pressure of stomach and abdomen. Swelling and throbbing in pit of stomach. Heat in stomach. Cimicifuga. "Sharp pains across hypogastrium. Sinking or goneness in epigastrium. Cina. "Constant pressure in stomach at night, causing restless- ness. Gnawing sensation in stomach, as from hunger. Cinchona. "Haematemesis, great loss of blood, pale, cold hands and feet. Stomach very sensitive to touch. Gastralgia after deple- tion; acidity; bloating after food or drink. Satiety relieved by motion. Stomach feels sore as if ulcerated; cannot bear slight touch. Slow digestion; food remains long in stomach, especially if eaten too late in day. Fullness in stomach and bowels; flatu- lence; belching does not relieve. Cold feeling in stomach; constant agitated feeling, yet can eat,but feels worse afterward. Heavy pres- sure in stomach, after small quantity of food. Pulsation in pit of stomach. Cistus. "Cold feeling in stomach before and after eating. ♦Colchicum. ♦Violent burning in epigastrium. "Epigastrium extremely sensitive to touch or pressure. Stomach icy-cold, with colic. Colic aggravated by eating; after flatulent food; with great distention of belly; better when bending double. ♦Colocynthis. ♦Violent cutting, tearing pains, which from differ- ent parts of chest and abdomen, concentrate in pit of stomach, better from hard pressure and bending double; brought on by vex- ation and indignation. "Feeling of emptiness in stomach. Burn- ing pain in stomach. Feeling of fullness in epigastric region. Griping in epigastrium after each meal, worse toward evening. Cramp in stomach at night, relieved by belching. Pit of stomach very sensitive to touch. Conium. "Sense of fullness and repletion in stomach. Violent pains in stomach, always two or three hours after eating, but also CHAPTER XVII.—STOMACH 357 night; somewhat better in the knee-elbow position. Swelling in region of pylorus. Pressing, burning, squeezing pain, extending from pit of stomach into back and shoulders. Pressure and raw, sore feeling at pit of stomach. ♦Crocus. "Distention of stomach and abdomen. Sensation of fermentation in stomach. ♦Sensation as of something living jump- ing about in pit of stomach. Croton tig. Sensation of emptiness in stomach. Sinking in stomach with sensation of weakness. ♦Cuprum met. ♦Violent pressure at stomach, with contractive pains at intervals. -Deathly feelirg, with pain behind ensiform cartilage. Pressure at stomach; also with nausea. Sensation as of a round ball going to and fro under ribs, with different sounds, worse from fluid food ; better from tight clothing or bandage round abdomen and when lying quiet. Burning in epigastric region, which is sore to touch. Sensation as of something bitter in stom- ach. Sensation as of clothing lying too hard on pit of stomach. ♦Digitalis. "Burning in stomach extending up the oesophagus. ♦Weakness, sinking at stomach, feels as if he were dying. "Sore- ness and bloatedness of pit of stomach. Drosera. "Contractive tension at pit of stomach, as if everything would be drawn inwards, especially during deep inhalation. Dulcamara. "Retraction and burning in epigastrium. Eupatorium perf. "Distressing pain in scrobiculum during chill and heat. Ferrum met. Heat and burning in stomach, with momentary, cramp-like pain in splenic region. Heavy pressure in pit of stom- ach. Palpitation in stomach and through to oesophagus,as if a nerve were quivering, with an occasional suffocative feeling, as if a valve rose in the throat. Occasional uneasiness at splenic end of stom- ach. Ferric phos. "(Dyspepsia, with flushed, hot face and quick pulse; indigestion with beating or throbbing pain, heat and redness of face; tongue clean. Gastritis with much pain, swelling, tender- ness of pit of stomach, with vomiting of food. Indigestion from relaxed condition of the muscular fibers of stomach and blood ves- sels of stomach. Stomacace, from cold or chill, in children; in- flammatory, pressure aggravates pain.—Schussler.) Gambogia. "Empty feeling in stomach and abdomen. Gnawing 358 CHAPTER XVII.— STOMACH in stomach. Constant sore pain in stomach. Ulcerative pain in stomach, passing off after eating. Acute stitches in stomach. Gelsemium. -Cramp in stomach, better riding and sitting erect. Feeling of emptiness and weakness in stomach and bowels. Rum- bling and dull pain in epigastrium, relieved by passage of flatus. Oppression and fullness of stomach,worse from pressure of clothing. Glonoinum. "Pain in stomach; distress in epigastrium; sun- stroke. Stomach and head feel as if he had been out in hot sun. Gnawing in epigastrium. Faint feeling at pit of stomach'; also with throbbing there. Pain in pit of stomach, as if sore, when touched; worse when stooping. ♦Graphites. ♦Constrictive, griping pain in stomach; ^flatulence. Periodical gastralgia, with vomiting of the food immediately after eating. Chronic catarrh of stomach, with frequent eructations. Chronic gastritis with thirst, especially after abuse of alcoholic drinks. Fullness in stomach and abdomen. Sensation of lump in stomach, with constant beating as of two hammers. Hamamelis. -Haematemesis; blood black; sensation of trembling in stomach or fullness and gurgling in abdomen; feverish by spells ; weak, cold, quick pulse, profuse sweat. Heaviness at back of stomach; pain back of stomach along spinal column. Violent throb- bing in stomach. Cramp in stomach after eating. Helleborus. "Intense burning into oesophagus. Fullness and distention of pit of stomach. Pit of stomach sunken. Pressing in region of stomach. Stomach painful when coughing or walking. Hepar sulph. "Stomach frequently and easily disordered. Pres- sure in stomach after moderate eating. Swelling and pressure in region of stomach. Distention of pit of stomach, has to loosen clothing. Burning in stomach. Hydrastis. "Faint, sinking, gone feeling at stomach; and palpi- tation of heart, preceded by dull, aching pains. Stomach actually sunken, weak, faint—marasmus. Acute, distressing, cutting pains. Chronic, gastric catarrh. Carcinoma, with emaciation, goneness. Hyoscyamus. Pit of stomach tender to touch. Cramps in stonv ach, with loud shrieks, vomiting, convulsions; cramps better after vomiting. Burning and inflammation of stomach. Haematemesis, pit of stomach sensitive; dull aching about liver ; abdomen bloated. ♦Ignatia. ♦Sensation of emptiness of stomach. Sensation of weakness and sinking in pit of stomach. "Spasmodic pains in CHAPTER XVII.--STOMACH 359 stomach. Gnawing, cutting pain in stomach. Heaviness and pres- sure in pit of stomach. Bloated stomach. Anxious feeling in praecordia. Fullness and pressure in epigastrium. Iodium. -Spasmodic pains in stomach renewed by eating. Pul- sation in pit of stomach. Tenderness in epigastrium. Ipecacuanha. -Violent distress in pit of stomach. Indescribable sick feeling in stomach. Gastric catarrh from indigestible food, or ice-cold things. Stomach feels relaxed, as if hanging down. At- tacks of clutching pains. Beating in stomach. Dyspepsia every day, or every other day, at same hour. Iris. "Great burning distress in epigastrium; can hardly endure it. Colicky pains every few minutes, in the epigastrium. Shocks of pain in the umbilical region up to epigastrium; nausea, strain- ing and belching of wind. Inflammation, burning distress in pan- creas, sweetish vomit. Kali bichrom. "Swelling of the stomach (evening), with fullness and pressure; cannot bear tight clothing. Awakens with a start; heat in pit of stomach and spitting of blood; 2 p. m. Gastric symptoms supersede the rheumatic. Feeling of coldness in stom- ach and bowels. ♦Kali carb. ♦Constant feeling as if stomach were full of water. "Stitches in pit of stomach; anxiety. Pressing,tensive pain, awak- ens at 2 a. m. Pit of stomach swollen, tense, sensitive to touch. Deep in the scrobiculum a large lump, sensitive to touch. Pain in the great cul-de-sac, radiating to chest, to back and extremities. Pain in back and legs after eating. Kali chlor. "(Dyspepsia, with white or grayish coated tongue; pain or heavy feeling in right side over the liver, especially if fatty food disagrees, or the eyes look large and projecting. Gastritis, if caused from taking too hot drinks; this remedy at once; also with tongue as at n. Indigestion, if caused by rich or fatty food, or with sick feeling after fat. Any derangement of stomach with tongue as at 11.—Schussler.) Kali iod. "Phlegmasia of stomach (and intestines). Burning in pit of stomach. Kali nit. "Cold feeling; or burning in stomach; inflammation. Sharp, stitching pains, so severe he was scarcely able to breathe. ■ Spasms of stomach with flatulent colic. Pressure and gnawing in scrobiculum. Faint-like weakness in scrobiculum. 360 CHAPTER XVII. —STOMACH Kali phos. "(Gastritis if it comes too late under treatment; asth- matic conditions.—Schussler). Kali sulf. "Chronic catarrh of stomach, when there is a yellow, slimy coated tongue. Cold in head with a decidedly yellow, slimy discharge. Indigestion with sensation of pressure as of a load and fullness at pit of stomach. Kalmia. Pressure in pit of stomach, like a marble; worse when sitting in a stooping position, better when sitting erect, with sen- sation as if something would be pressed off below pit of stomach. Crampy pain with eructation of wind, palpitation—gastralgia. Pit of stomach sore to touch. Kreosotum. "Tension over stomach and scrobiculum; tight cloth- ing is intolerable. Painful hard spot, at or to the left of stomach. Lachesis. "Pit of stomach painful to touch. Dyspepsia, worse as soon as he eats; costive, weak digestion, especially after mercury. Gnawing pressure; relieved after eating, but returning as soon as stomach is empty. Lachnantes. "Full feeling in stomach. Rolling of wind in stomach. Beating in pit of stomach, as from a pulse, as if a ham- mer was beating on an ulcerated spot. Laurocerasus. "Violent pain in stomach, with loss of speech. Burning or coldness in stomach or abdomen. Contractive feeling in region of stomach and cutting pain in abdomen. Leptandria. "Weak sensation at pit of stomach. Great distress in stomach and small intestines, with immediate desire for food. Burning, aching; in stomach and liver, worse from drinking water. Lilium tig. "Fullness, disturbed feeling; upward pressure after eating. Stomach distended, with frequent eructation and escape of flatus per anum. Hollow, empty sensation in stomach and bowels. Lithium carb. "Gnawing in stomach. Fullness in pit of stom- ach, cannot endure slightest pressure of clothes. Lobelia inf. "Heat or burning in stomach. Sensation in stom- ach; of weight, as of a lump; as from undigested food. Feeling of weakness of stomach, or in pit of stomach, extending through whole chest and down to umbilicus. Bruised soreness from pit of stom- ach through to back, after cramp in stomach. Sensation of oppres- sion at epigastrium, as if the stomach was too full; worse on pres- sure. CHAPTER XVII.—STOMACH 361 ♦Lycopodium. ♦Pressure and heaviness in stomach, as if dis- tended; in evening after eating a little. '-Pressure in scrobiculum. Sensation of twisting, crawling and emptiness in stomach, with yawning. Fullness in stomach and bowels; pit of stomach, sensi- tive to contact or tight clothing. Gnawing, griping in region of stomach. Perforating ulcer; worse sitting bent,better walking about and when warm in bed. Magnesia carb. "Constrictive pain in stomach. Ulcerative pain in stomach, with great sensitiveness to pressure. Magnesia mur. "Throbbing in pit of stomach. Eroding pains in stomach, going off after eating and coming on again at the end of digestion. Magnesium phos. "(Gnawing pains in bowels and stomach, with flatulent distention, slight, short belching of gas, giving no relief. Pains at pit of stomach, nipping, griping pains, as above; spasms, cramp in stomach, with clean tongue, crampy pain, as if a band were tightly laced, or drawn round body.—Schussler.) Mancinella. "Pain in region of stomach. Bloatedness and pain- fulness in region of stomach, with nervous fever. Sensation as of flames rising from stomach. Sensation as if stomach drew together in a lump, and then suddenly opened again. Swelling in pit of stomach. Manganum acet. "Burning in stomach extending to chest, some- times with great restlessness. Pressing soreness in epigastrium. Mercurius. "Pressure in stomach; it hangs down heavily, even after light, easily digested food. Stomach burns, is swollen and sensitive to touch; hard and tense. Weak digestion, with contin- uous hunger. The stomach feels replete and constricted. Mercurius cor. ♦Distention and soreness of pit of stomach, not permitting the least touch, even of clothing. "Burning, gnawing, darting pains in stomach. Mezereum. "Burning and uneasiness in stomach, relieved by eating. Millefolium. "Painful gnawing and digging in stomach as from hunger. Pain in stomach, as if empty, mornings after waking. Sen- sation of fullness in stomach. Cramp in stomach, with sensation as of a liquid moving from stomach to intestines, toward anus. Great pain in pit of stomach, from suppressed variolous pustules; pain after confluent variola. 362 CHAPTER XVI1.--STOMACH Muriatic acid. "Empty sensation in stomach extending through whole abdomen, but no hunger; weak feeling in stomach from 10 A. M. till evening. Natrum carb. "Gnawing and pressure in stomach, better from eating. Pit of stomach sensitive to touch and from talking. Natrum mur. "Pit of stomach feels bruised when pressed, with swelling. Clawing in pit of stomach. Cramp better from tighten- ing clothes. Great weakness in stomach by spells. Red spots on pit of stomach. Natrum phos. "(Gastric derangements with predominating symptoms of acidity; also heartburn. Indigestion with acidity and characteristic tongue. Ulcers, ulceration of stomach.—Schussler.) Natrum sulf. Squeamishness in stomach before meals. Boring in stomach as if it would be perforated; or burning, pinching in the morning after rising; better after breakfast. Beating pain in in stomach, with slight nausea. Full feeling in stomach and not in chest, difficult breathing evening in bed. (Gastric derangement with bitter taste in mouth.—Schussler.) Nitric acid. Stitches in pit of stomach. Pain in cardiac orifice on swallowing food. Nux mos. -Heat and burning in stomach. Fullness in stomach, impeding breathing. Weak digestion, especially in the aged. Irri- tation of stomach from overtaxed mental powers. Can only digest highly seasoned food. Cramps in stomach. ♦Nux vom. ♦Tension and fullness in epigastrium. Pressure in stomach an hour or two after a meal, with dullness of head and hypochondriacal mood. Bloatedness and pressure as from a stone in stomach, especially after eating. Scraped sensation in pit of stomach. -Region of stomach sensitive to pressure. Indigestion after abuse of drugs; business anxiety; sedentary habits; long watch- ing or debauchery, after too high living. Burning in stomach at the pylorus. Clawing, cramping pain in stomach, with pressure and tension between scapulae; pains extend to chest or down the back to anus, with urging to stool. Gastralgia worse from food, better from hot drinks, worse in the morning before breakfast. Oleander. "Pulsation in pit of stomach, as if the beats of the heart were felt through the whole thorax. Emptiness in pit of stomach, even after eating; from nursing. Sinking in pit of stom- ach suddenly, with nausea and vomiting; wants brandy, which re- lieves. CHAPTER XVII.—STOMACH 363 Opium. "Heaviness and pressure in stomach. Inactivity of the digestive organs. Oxalic acid. -Empty feeling compelling one to eat. Burning pain in stomach and throat. Awakens at night with violent, pres- sive pain, like a heavy weight coming and going at intervals; flat- ulent discharge relieves. Stomach sensitive; slightest touch causes excruciating pain. Paris quad. -Heaviness in stomach as from a stone; relieved by eructation. Weak, slow digestion. Petroleum. -Pain in pit of stomach, as if something were tear- ing off. Sensation of fullness and swelling of pit of stomach, with soreness when touched. Violent pain in stomach,extending up into chest, with sweat and nausea. Gastralgia, with pressing, drawing pains,better from eating. Sensation of emptiness and weakness in stomach. Weakness of digestion. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Pressure as from a hard substance above pit of. stomach. "Severe pressure in stomach after eating, with vomiting of food. Oppression and burning in stomach; loss of appetite, in- extinguishable thirst; worse after eating or drinking. Cardialgia* with gnawing; worse from motion. Cramps in stomach radiating to liver. Fullness and painfulness in stomach; sometimes a gur- gling and stitching in pit of stomach. Haemorrhage from stomach, better from drinking cold water. Goneness in region of stomach. Gastritis with heartburn, ending in unconquerable scratching in throat. Phosphoric acid. "Sensation as if stomach were being balanced up and down. Pressing in stomach as from a heavy load. Phytolacca. °Bruised and sore feeling in pit of stomach. Heat in stomach. Pain in pit of stomach as from a heavy blow or con- cussion there, followed by cramps in abdomen, and coolness. ♦Platinum. ♦Fermentation in epigastric region. "Pressure in stomach, especially after meals. Sensation of constriction in pit of stomach and in abdomen. Burning in pit of stomach, extending into abdomen. Jactitation of muscles in region of stomach. ♦Podophyllum. ♦Hollow sensation in epigastrium. "Stitches in epigastrium from coughing. Stomach contracts violently during retching. Dyspepsia after abuse of calomel; tongue shows teeth prints; conjunctiva yellow; aching behind eyes; clayey stools. Gas- tric catarrh. 364 CHAPTER XVII.—STOMACH ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Stomach disordered from fat food, pastry, fruit, or ice-cream. Pain in stomach an hour after eating. Gnawing distress in stomach,as from hunger. Scraping sensation in stomach and oesophagus, like a heartburn. "Pain in stomach during an inspiration; also on pressure. Weight, as from a stone early in morning on waking. Pressure in pit of stomach after every meal, vomiting of food. Stitching pains, worse from walking or making misstep. Crampy pains before breakfast or after meals. Gnawing distress when stomach is empty; pressure and pinching after eating. Stomach bloated, hard; flatulency. Perceptible pulsation in pit of stomach. Resorcin. "Is said to have cured numerous cases of ulceration of stomach, given in doses of grs. v. in water. Stops the pains at once. Rhus tox. Stinging or pulsation in pit of stomach. Fullness or heaviness as from a stone, in stomach after eating. Pain in stomach and nausea after ice-water. Pressure in pit of stomach, as if swollen, or as if drawn together. Rumex. Shooting from pit of stomach to chest, sharp in left chest, slight nausea; dull aching in forehead. Aching and shoot- ing in pit of stomach, and above it, on each side of sternum. Sen- sation of fullness and pressure in pit of stomach up into throat. Ruta. "Burning and gnawing in stomach. Dyspepsia from lift- ing heavy weights, with eructations and headache; cannot eat meat, it causes eructations and pruritus. Sabadilla. "Coldness in stomach. Empty feeling in stomach. Spasm of stomach, with short breath and dry cough. Trouble- some, pressing bloatedness of stomach, with loss of appetite. Beat- ing in left side of gastric region toward back. Burning in oesoph- agus and stomach, vomiting, cutting in abdomen, and loose stool. Corroding, burning pain in stomach, on walking. Sabina. "Stitches in pit of stomach, extending to back. Fre- quent burning in pit of stomach, with drawing, twisting and gur- gling in bowels; bearing down toward sexual organs. Sanguinaria. "Soreness and pressure in epigastrium, aggravated by eating. Burning in stomach with headache. Gastritis with burning, vomiting, headache. Jerking in stomach, as from some- thing alive. Goneness with sick headache. Sudden attacks of constriction in pit of stomach, as if suffocating. CHAPTER XvHl.--STOMACH 365 Secale. "Anxiety and pressure in pit of stomach, with great sensitiveness to touch. Severe anxiety and burning at pit of stom- ach. Pain in pit of stomach. Violent pressure in stomach as from a heavy weight. Warmth, and feeling of repletion. Burn- ing in stomach. Painful constriction of epigastrium. ♦Sepia. ♦Painful sensation of emptiness in stomach and abdo- men. "Sensitiveness of pit of stomach to touch. Pressure in stom- ach as from a stone; after eating. Pain in stomach after simplest kind of food. Cramp in stomach. Stitches or burning in stomach. Beating in stomach, Twisting in stomach and rising in throat, tongue becomes stiff, speechless, afterward the body may become rigid. Hardness in pyloric region. Silicia. "Burning or throbbing in pit of stomach. Sensitiveness of pit of stomach to pressure. Pressure after eating too much. Induration of pylorus. Anguish in pit of stomach; attack of mel- ancholy. Cutting feeling, or at other times weight, crampy sensa- tion, tightness at pit of stomach. Spigelia. "Pit of stomach sensitive to touch. Pressure in stom- ach as from a hard lump. Spongia. -Ulcerative feeling in pit of stomach; must lie on back. Drawing as if growing together in pit of stomach as far as throat, when it seems to press the trachea so she can hardly breathe. Cannot tolerate tight clothing about stomach. Stitches in region of stomach. Stomach feels flaccid, and as if standing open. Stannum. "Haematemesis, worse when lying, better from pres- sure on stomach; slight touch causes a feeling of subcutaneous ulceration. Cardialgia, pains gradually come and go, extend to navel and are better from hard pressure; sickly expression. Sink- ing, gone feeling in epigastrium. Staphisagria. "Sensation as if stomach were hanging down, re- laxed. ♦Stramonium. ♦Diaphragmitis, delirium, burning along dia- phragm; short breath, spasms; struggles against water offered. "Drawing in back part of stomach. Inflammation, burning; anxiety. Intense pain; vomits nearly all food. Cardialgia, eructations, vom- iting all food; emaciation. Epigastrium tense, hard, painful. ♦Sulphur. ♦Feeling of fullness in stomach after eating but little. Pressure and heaviness in stomach, also after eating. "Sensitive- ness to touch in region of stomach. Marked weakness about n a. m. Empty, gone or faint feeling. Burning in stomach. 366 CHAPTER XVI1. — STOMACH Sulphuric acid. -Coldness and relaxed feeling in stomach. Dyspepsia. ♦Tabacum. ♦Sinking at pit of stomach; -sensation of relaxation. Spasmodic pressure in pyloric region. Writhing in pit of stomach —cardialgia. Sticking in pit of stomach through to back. Terebinthina. "Dull pain im epigastrium. Pressure as if he had swallowed a bullet, which had lodged in pit of stomach. ♦Thuja occ ♦Indurations in stomach. Pit of stomach swollen, sensitive. The fluid he drinks falls audibly into stomach, 13. Trillium. -Heat and burning in stomach, rising up into oesoph- agus. Sinking in stomach, with haemorrhages. Uranium nit. "Said to cure ulceration of stomach. Ustilago. "Goneness in epigastrium; climaxis. Faint feeling a number of times in epigastrium, with pains in region of liver and bowels. Burning distress in sternum and stomach, with fine neu- ralgic pains. Repeated, fine, sharp cutting pains in epigastrium. Veratrum alb. "Anguish in pit of stomach. Pains coming grad- ually, first in epigastrium, thence radiating upward and to both sides, reaching to back between lowest points of scapulae; becomes agonizing, then graduaiy subsides; shakes with cold—gastrodynia. Gastric catarrh, great weakness, cold, sudden sinking. Haemat- emesis, with slow pulse, coldness, fainting fits, cold sweat; nausea when moving or rising Chronic weakness of stomach from damp- ness of climate and want of fresh air; from abuse of quinine. Veratrum vir. "Sharp, flying pains in epigastrium and umbilical region passing to pubes. Excruciating pains, covering a space size of hand in lower part of stomach. Intense drawing, twisting pain in stomach, as if it was drawn tightly against spine, causing pain in dorsal region. Pains culminate every five minutes in severe vomiting. Zincum met. "Spasm of stomach and hypochondria, and a con- striction in oesophagus, with dyspnoea and increased heat of the body; worse during inspiration. Burning in pit of stomach when pressing thereon; in evening. Burning in pit of stomach before breakfast, extending into oesophagus. Haematemesis. Sensation of a worm creeping up from pit of stomach into throat, causing cough. Zingiber. "Weak digestion; stomach heavy like a stone; fidg- ety; cramps in soles; hoarseness. CHAPTER XVII.— STOMACH 367 REPERTORY. Bloated—calc. ph., cinch., dig., ign., mancin., *nux v., puis., sabad. Carcinoma—hydras. Catarrh—♦ant. c, graph., hydras., ipec, kali s., pod., stram., ver. a. Congestion—aeon. Diaphragmitis—stram. Digestion, indigestion—♦ant. c, cinch., coloc, ferr. phos., kali chlor., kali s., lach., mag. m., mere, nat. phos., nux. m., nux v., opium, paris, petrol., zinc. Disordered—♦ant. c, caps., hep. s., kali chlor., lib, nat. s., ♦puis. Distention—aloe, arn., ars., belb, bry., calc. ph., cheb, croc, hell., hep. s., lib, ♦lye, mag. ph., ♦mere cor. Dyspepsia—am., caul., ferr. phos., ipec, kali chlor., lach.,pod., ruta, sul. a. Flatulence—arg. n., gels., graph., kali n., lib, mag. phos., oxal. a., puis. Gastritis, inflammation—ferr. phos., graph., hyos., iris, kali chlor., kali n., kali phos., phos., sang., stram. Haematemesis—am., belb, carb. v., cinch., ham., hyos., phos., stann., trill., ver. a., zinc. Indurations—ars., kreos., mere, phos., puis., sepia, sib, spig., stram., ♦thuj. Irritation—apis, ♦apoc, nux m. Pains, gastralgia, cardialgia, gastrodynia—♦abrot, aethus., agar., aib, aloe, am. c, ant. c., arg. n., ars., belb, bovist., bry., cact., calc. e, ♦can. i., canth., carb. v., caust., cepa, cinch., eup. perf., gamb., glon., graph., ham., hell., kali c, kali chlor., kalm., kreos., lach., mag. m., mag. phos., mancin., mill., nux v., petrel., phos., ♦puis., secale, sepia, stann.,stram., tabac, terebin., ver. a., ver. v.. Aching—caps., carb. v., ferr. phos., hydras., hyos., lept., nat. m., rumex. Acute—canth., gamb., hydras. Beating—ant. t, belb, camph., ferr. phos., graph., ipec, lach., nat. s., sabad., sepia. Boring—ars., nat. s. Bruised—lob., nat. c, phyt. . Burning—♦abrot., acet. a., aeon., aescul., agar., ambr., am. m., ant. c, apis, arg. m., ♦ars., aur., bapt., belb, bism., cact., calad., calc e, calc phos., camph., canth., caps., carb. an., carb. v., cic, ♦colch., coloc, con., cupr., dig., dulc, ferr., hell., hep. s., hyos., iris, kali i., kali n., laur., lept., lob., mang., mere, mere cor.,mez., nat. s., nux m., nux v., oxal. a., phos., plat., ruta, sabad., sabin., sang., secale, sepia, sib, stram., sub, trill., ustib, zinc Cardialgia—agar., phos., stann., stram., tabac. Clawing—carb. an., caust., nat. m., nux v. Clutching—ipec. 368 CHAPTER XVII.—STOMACH Pains continued. Colicky—bapt, colch., iris, kali n. Corroding—sabad. Cramps—ante, antt, ars., bapt, belb, bism., calc ph., carb. an., ♦carb. v., caust., coloc, ferr., gels., ham., hyos. kalm., lob., ♦mag. phos., mill., nat. m.7 nux m., nux v., phos., phyt., puis., sepia, sil. Cutting—abrot., arn., asaf., bry., calad., calc. c, calc ph., cham., ♦coloc, hydras., ign., laur., sabad., sib, ustib Darting—mere cor. Digging—mill. Distress—aescul., bapt., caul., eup. perf., glon., hydras., ipec, iris, lept., ♦puis., ustib Drawing—arg.n., belb,caul., petrol., sabin., rhus, spong., stram., ver. v. Dull—gels., hydras., hyos.,rumex, terebin. Eroding, excoriating, corroding—aeon., mag. m., sabad. Excruciating — aeon., oxal. a., ver. v. Gastralgia, gastrodynia—♦abrot., +arg. n., cinch., graph., kalm., nux v., petrol., ver. a. Gnawing—♦abrot., aescul., am. m., arg. n., belb, cheb, cina, gamb., glon., ign., kali n., lach., lith., lye, mag. phos., mere cor., mill., nat. e, phos., ♦puis., ruta. Grinding—chel. Griping—arn., carb. an., coloc, ♦graph., lye, mag. phos. Jerking—calad., plat, sang. Neuralgic—ustib Oppressive—absinth., am. c, gels., lob., phos. Pinching—agn., arn., caust., nat. s., puis. Pressure—aeon., aescul., agar., ambr., am. c, ant. e, arn., ♦ars., asaf., aur., belb, bism., bovist., ♦bry., calc. c, calc. ph., carb. an.,caust, cepa., cham., cheb, cic, cina, cinch., con., ♦cupr., ferr., hell., hep. s., ign., kali bi., kali c, kali n., kali s., kalm., lach., lib, ♦lye, mang., mere, nat. c, *nux v., opium, oxal. a., petrol., ♦phos., phos. a., plat, puis., rhus, rumex, sabad., sang., secale, sepia, sib, spig., ♦sub, tabac, terebin. Rawness—con. Rending—aethus. Sharp—calc. ph., cimi., kali n., rumex, ustib, ver. v. Shooting—belb, rumex. Sore—ant. c, apis., ♦arn., bry., carb. an., cinch., con., cupr., dig., gamb., glon., kalm., lob., mang., ♦mere cor., petrol., phyt., sang. Spasmodic—ant. c, arn., belb, bism., carb. an., caul., ign., iod., kali n., ♦mag. phos., sabad., tabac, zinc. Squeezing—con. Sticking—kali n., tabac. Stinging—arg. n., cham., rhus. Stitches—alum., am. m., asaf., bry., calad., gamb., kali c, nit. a., phos., pod., puis., sabin., sepia, spong. Sudden—aeon., cic. CHAPTER XVII.— STOMACH 3^9 Pains continued, Tearing—aethus., ars., ♦coloc, petrol. Tensive—belb, carb. v., cheb, dros., kali c, kreos., mere, ♦nux v., sabin., stram. Throbbing—ant. t, belb, calad., cic, ferr. phos., glon., ham., mag. m., sil. Twisting—alum., lye, sabin., sepia, ver. v. Ulcerative—arg. n., cinch., gamb., mag. c, spong., stann. Violent—acet. a., ant. t, arg. n., ars., canth., colch., coloc, con., cupr., ham., ipec, laur., oxal. a., secale, petrol. Wrenching—bell. Writhing—tabac. Parts. Blood vessels—ferr. phos. Cardiac orifice—♦can. i., nit. a. Diaphragm—stram. Duodenum—caps. Ensiform cartilage—cupr. Epigastrium—aloe, ant. t, arn., ♦ars., asaf., bapt, bell., ♦bry., calc. c, calc. ph., cham., cimi., ♦colch., coloc, cupr., dulc, gels., glon., ign., iod., iris, lob., mang., ♦nux v., ♦plat, ♦pod., sang., secale, stann., stram., terebin., ustib, ver. a., ver. v. Hypochondria—ambr., cact., caul., cheb, kali chlor., zinc Hypogastrium—bapt., cimi. Intestines, bowels—bapt., cinch., gels., lib, lye, lept., mag. phos., mill., sabin., ustib Mucous membrane of—aeon. Oesophagus—aeon., aethus., alum., camph., dig., ferr., hell., ♦puis., sabad., trill., zinc Pancreas—iris. Pit of—aeon., aescul.,aethus., alum., ant c, ant. t, apis, arg. m., ♦arg. n., ♦ars., asaf., belb, bovist, bry., calad., ♦calc e, camph., carb. ah., carb. v., caust., cham., cheb, cic, cinch., ♦coloc, con., ♦croc, cupr., dros., ferr., ferr. phos., glon., hell., hep. s., hyos., ♦ign., iod., ipec, kali bi., kali c, kali i., kali s., kalm., lach., lachn., lept, lob., lye, mag. m., mag. phos., mancin., ♦mere cor., mill., nat. c, nat. m., nit. a., ♦nux v., olean., petrol., ♦phos., phyt, plat., puis., rhus, rumex, sabin., sang., secale, sib, spig., spong., ♦tabac, terebin., thuj., ver. a., zinc. Praecordia—arn., ign. Pylorus—canth., cepa, con., nux v., sepia, sib, tabac. Scrobiculum—aescul., agn., aloe, ambr., am. m., aur., cact., eup. pert, kali e, kali n., kreos., lye Spleen—ferr. Sternum—rumex. Umbilicus—ars., bapt., iris., lob., ver. v. Phlegmasia—kali i. Pulsations—asaf., cact., cinch., ferr., iod., olean., puis., rhus. Rumbling, gurgling—gels., lach., phos., sabin. 3?o CHAPTER XVII.—STOMACH Sensations—♦abies n., ♦abrot., am. m., ant. t, bovist., calad., calc. ph., canth., ♦croc, cupr., ♦dig., dros., ferr., glon., graph., ipec, ♦kalic, kalm., lachn., lob., lye, mag. phos., mancin., mere, mill., nat. s., petrol., phos., phos. a., phyt., plat., puis., rhus, sang., spong., staph., terebin., ver. v., zinc. Acidity, as from—abrot., apis, caps., cinch., kali phos. Cold—♦abrot., absinth., camph., caps., carb. an., carb. v., cinch., cist, colch., kali bi., kali n., laur., phyt, sabad., sul. a., ver. a. Constrictive—alum., cact, cheb, ♦graph., mag. c, mere, plat., sang., secale, zinc Contractive—aethus., ♦carb. v., ♦cupr., dros., ♦graph., laur., pod. Crawling—lye Empty—aescul., aib, am. c, am. m., asaf., belb, bry., calc. ph., cepa, coloc, crot. t., gamb., gels., ♦ign., lib, lye, mill., mur. a., olean., oxal. a., petrol., sabad., ♦sepia, sul. Faint—aescul., asaf., bapt, carb. an., carb. v., glon., hydras., kali n., sub, ustib, ver. a. Fermented—acet. a., croc, ♦plat. Fluttering—aescul., calad. Fullness, repletion—aloe, am. c, am. m., ant. c, apis, arg. n., am., asaf., belb, bovist., canth., carb. an., carb. v., caul., cinch., coloc, con., gels., graph., ham., hell., ign., kalibi., kali s., lachn., lib, lith., lob., lye, mere , mill., nat. s., ♦nux m., nux v., petrol., phos., rhus, rumex, secale, ♦sub Gone feeling—asaf., bapt., carb.an., cimi., hydras., phos., sang., stann., sub, ustib Heat, warmth—am. c, apis, ♦ars., belb, camph., caul., cic, ferr., kali bi., lob., nux m., phyt., secale, trill., zinc. Heavy—agar., arn., calad., cinch., ferr., ham., ign., kali chlor., ♦lye, mere, opium, oxal. a., paris, phos. a., phyt, rhus, secale, ♦sub, zing. Hollow—lib, ♦pod. Load—calc. c, carb. an., kali s., phos. a. Lump—graph., kali c, lob., mancin. Malaise—bism. Relaxed—ipec, spong., staph., sul. a., tabac. Scraped—♦nux v., ♦puis. Shock—cic, iris. Sinking—apoc, bapt., calc. ph., cimi., crot. t, ♦dig., hydras., ♦ign., olean., stann., ♦tabac, trill., ver. a. Squeamishness—nat. s. Stone—♦abies n., aescul., ars., ♦bry., calc. c., ♦nux v., paris, ♦phos., puis., rhus, sepia, terebin., zing. Tightness—aescul., sil. Trembling—am. c, arg. n., caps., ham. Uneasy—calc. ph., ferr., mez. Weight—aeon., ars., calc. c, carb. an., cepa, kali s., lob., oxal. a., puis., secale, sil. Sensitiveness-—aeon., ant. c, apis, arg. n., ars., belb, bry., CHAPTER XVII.—STOMACH 371 camph., canth., caps., cheb, cinch., colch., coloc, cupr., ferr. phos., gels., glon., hyos., iod., kali c, kalm., kreos., lach., lith., lye, mag. c, mere, ♦mere cor., nat. c, nat. m., nux v., oxal. a., petrol., secale, sepia, sib, spig., spong., sub, thuj. Sunken, retraction—dulc, hydras. Sweat—acet. a., aeon., ham., petrol., ver. a. Swelling—♦arg.n.,♦calc.c, cic, con., ferr. phos., nep.s., kali bi., kali c, mancin., mer., nat. m., petrol., rhus, thuj. Ulceration—arg. n., lach., lye, nat. phos., resorcin., spong., stann., uran. nit. Weakness—♦ant. c, arg. n., cepa, crot. t, ♦dig., gels., hydras., ♦ign., kali n., lept., lob., mur. a., nat. m., nux m., paris, petrol. sub, ver. a. CHAPTER XVIII.-HYPOCHONDRIA. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Absinthium. "Liver feels as if swollen. Pain in spleen, feels as if swollen. Aconitum. "Anxious feeling in praecordia. Pressure or constric- tion in region of liver, with oppression of breathing. Tension and heaviness in hypochondria. Stitches in region of liver, taking the breath. Stitches and heat in diaphragm. /Esculus. "Constant severe aching, from pit of stomach to right lobe of liver. Tenderness in right hypochondrium. Stitches fol- lowing headache. Pinching pain in right hypochondrium, with colic; pain through to back on inspiring. Pain in region of spleen. Congestion of liver and portal system. /Ethusa. "Lancinating in right hypochondiium, in afternoon. Painful pressing, burning stitches in left hypochondrium. Shoot- ing in left hypochondrium, often and long continued. Soreness and painfulness in both hypochondria. Agaricus. "Liver enlarged, congested. Sharp stitches as from needles in region of liver; dull stitches during breathing. Stitches under short ribs, left side. Agnus cast. "Soreness in region of spleen. Swelling and in- duration of spleen—intermittent Aching in region of liver, worse from touch. Ailantus. "Oppression like a stricture below hypochondria, very debilitating sensation; with nausea. Tenderness over hepatic region. Aloe. "Painfulness in hypochondria, with chilliness and diarrhoea; painful weakness of legs. Stitches from spleen into chest, or drawing into loins. Hepatic region burning; uneasiness, heat, pressure and tension; dull pain, worse on standing, bends forward. Stitches from liver into chest,obstructing respiration. Alumina. "Liver pains as if bruised, ^when stooping; stitches when rising again. Tearing from liver to hip. Shooting pain in region of spleen. CHAPTER XVIII.—HYPOCHONDRIA 373 Ambra. "Pressing pain in small spot in upper right side of ab- domen, though not tender to touch. Tearing pain in region of spleen. Ammonium carb. "Pressure or sore feeling in right hypochon- drium. Stitches in left hypochondrium. Splenic affections. Ammonium mur. "Intermittent pains in both hypochondria. Stitching and burning in right hypochondrium, afternoons, when walking. Splenic stitches, while sitting, 27. Antimonium tart. ^Region of liver sensitive to touch. Icterus with pneumonia, especially of right lung. ♦Apis. ♦Pain in hypochondriac regions, extending upwards. "Violent burning pain under short ribs on both sides. Sensation of soreness under the ribs. Obliged to bend forward from a pain- ful, contractive feeling in hypochondria. Argentum nit. "Region of liver sensitive to pressure; periodical attacks of pain about navel and liver, with nausea, retching and vomiting of tough phlegm. Tension as from a band around hy- pochondria. Spasms of diaphragm. Arnica. "Stitches in region of liver, painful when turning in bed. Pressure in region of liver, below heart, day and night. Stitches in splenic region, with soreness on pressure. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Induration and enlargement of spleen and liver. "Painful bloatedness in right hypochondrium, with burning pain. Pain in region of liver, increased on pressure. Stitches in right hypochondrium, extending to region of stomach, ending as violent pressure over whole abdomen. Drawing, stitching pain under left hypochondrium. Tensive, pressive pain in spleen. Arum tri. "Pain in liver, front, then back. Pain under short ribs. Asafoetida. "Heat in spleen and belly. Violent pressure in scro- biculum, towards belly, liver, while sitting. Stitches as if in dia- phragm, right side Aurum met. "Burning heat and cutting in right hypochondrium. Painful accumulation of gas below left ribs, causing stitching pains. Pressure in hypochondrium, as from flatulence, worse after food or drink or motion. Baptisia. "Pain in liver from lateral ligament to gall-bladder; can scarcely walk. Must stir about, yet motion is painful; pain over gall-bladder. Baryta carb. QAching at a small spot in right hypochondrium, when drawing a deep breath, or from pressure. 374 CHAPTER XVIII.— HYPOCHONDRIA Belladonna. "Region of liver painful to touch. Acute pain in region of liver; worse lying on right side; pains go to shoulder and neck; can tolerate no pressure or jar; pit of stomach bloated. Colic from gall-stones; indurated liver; jaundice. Benzoic acid -In region of liver constant fine stitching, mid- way in upper portion thereof, not increased by pressure. Obstruc- tion of liver. Berberis vul. Pressure, also stitching in region of liver. Colic from gall-stones. Drawing, tearing in left hypochondrium, with sensation during inspiration, as if something were torn loose. Cramp-like contraction in region of spleen. Borax. "Pressure in left hypochondrium. Cutting in left hypo- chondrium, on walking rapidly, as if a sharp, hard, movable piece was there, with sensation in abdomen, as if only hard pieces were in it, and these were in motion. Pressure in right hypochondrium. Cutting in right hypochondrium, extending downwards across bowels, followed by diarrhoea; evacuation sudden. Bromium. -Stitches in hypochondria, also from right to left. Byronia. "Tensive pain below false ribs in right hypochondrium, especially sensitive on deep inspiration. Transient stitches in right hypochondrium, with painful sensitiveness of this region to hard pressure or deep inspiration. Burning or stitching pain in region of liver. Cactus. "Engorgement of liver; acute or chronic, from heart disease. Feeling as of a cord tied tightly around lower part of chest, marking out the attachments of the diaphragm. Sharp pain shooting through diaphragm and up into chest Caladium. "Stitching pressure and dull pressing jerks in region of spleen. ♦Calcarea carb. ♦Tight clothes about the hypochondria are unendurable. "Feeling as if laced below the hypochondria, with trembling and throbbing in the epigastric region. Tightness in both hypochondria. Pressure in hepatic region with every step when walking,stitches in hepatic region during and after stooping. Relieves pain attending the passage of biliary calculi. Calcarea phos. "Throbbing in right hypochondrium lessened after belching or passing wind. Stitches or shooting in region of liver, when taking a deep breath. Hardness, soreness and pres- sure in right side. Pressure and soreness in left side. Stitching CHAPTER XVIII.—-HYPOCHONDRIA 375 in left side while breathing. (Gall-stones, to prevent the for- mation of new ones.—Schussler.) Camphora. "Aching in the anterior part of liver. Constrictive pain below short ribs, extending to lumbar vertebrae. Aching pressure in both hypochondria. : Cantharis. Incarcerated flatus under short ribs. Capsicum. "Catching pain in region of liver, or in lower pofJ- tion of right lung, with each cough. Spleen sensitive, swollen; especially after quinine. Carbo veg. "Hypochondria painful to touch; clothing op- presses him, is unendurable. Tension or stitches in region of liver. Jaundice after too much rich food; from abuse of mercury. Press- ing, pinching in region of spleen, quick, lightning-like stitches; abdomen bloated. Carduus m. "Enlargement of liver and spleen, especially if the enlargement be transverse; also if accompanied by pains and vom- iting; or where there is a sternal patch on the skin of a brown color. Causticum.- Stitches in region of liver. Cepa. "Pressure in region of liver, with creeping chills along the back; coldness. Contracting sensation in spleen, with stitches while lying. Chamomilla. "Stitching pains in hypochondria. Stitches in region of liver, with frequent chilliness, after vexation. ♦Chelidonium. ♦Pain in hepatic region; "shooting towards the back. Stitches in region of liver. Pressive pains in region of liver. Left hypochondrium sensitive to pressure. Enlargement of liver,with constipation and jaundice, and where the enlargement is perpendicular; or where there is enlargement of right lung. Chininum ars. "Left hypochondriac region enlarged; also abdo- men bloated in intermittent fever. ♦Chininum sulf. ♦Painful enlargement of spleen after intermit- tent; "also with dropsy. Dull pain in region of spleen, disappear1 ing on pressure; also stitches in spleen. Cinchona. "Pain in hepatic region as from subcutaneous ulcer- ation; worse from touch. Swollen, hard liver, colic from gall- stones. Gastro-duodenal catarrh, after loss of fluids or severe ill- ness. Enlarged spleen. Aching, stitching pains in spleen when walking slowly; pains extend in direction of long axis of spleen. 376 CHAPTER XVIII. — HYPOCHONDRIA Clematis. "Bruised pain in hepatic region when touched or bending. Cocculus. "Pain as if beaten in hypochondria. Pressive pains in hepatic region, increased by coughing and bending over. Stitches in hepatic region. ♦Coccus cact. ♦Pains in left hypochondrium,as from incarcerated flatulence; pains extend to left side of back and lumbar vertebrae. Burning, drawing in region of spleen. Colchicum. -Pain in right hypochondrium, like from incar- cerated flatus. Anxious feeling in praecordia. Colocynthis. "Transient stitches in hepatic region. Conium. "Stitches in hepatic region. Painful tearing in he- patic region. Hard swelling of liver. Cuprum met. ^Drawing pain on left hypochondrium to hip. Cyclamen. "Stitches in region of liver. Ball-like distention in bowels on right side below liver. Digitalis. "Soreness and hardness in region of liver. Drosera. "Hypochondria painful to touch, and when coughing. Must support the hypochondria with hands when coughing. Eupatorium perf. "Soreness in region of liver. Tight clothing is oppressive. Ferrum met. "Tightness in right hypochondrium. Pain in small of back and liver, all day. Fullness in region of liver. Spleen large after intermittents. Shooting pain in left hypochondrium. Cramp-like sensation in splenic region. Fluoric acid. "Sensitive to pressure in right hypochondrium. Pressing pain in region of spleen and left arm. Gelsemium. "Passive congestion of liver, with vertigo,dim sight and fullness of head. Graphites. "Stitches in right hypochondrium. Hardness in region of liver. Stitches in left hypochondrium. Burning in left hypochondrium internally, worse when lying on it. Cannot bear tight clothing around hypochondria. Cutting, bearing-down pains in hypochondria and hips. Guaiacum. "Constrictive sensation in epigastric region, with anguish and difficult breathing. Helonias. "Pain in left side, as if in spleen, which feels as if distended, causing a dull ache. Hepar sulph. "Stitches in region of liver; in region of spleen, when walking. CHAPTER XVIII. —HYPOCHONDRIA 377 Hydrastis. "Torpor of liver, with pale, scanty stools. Liver atrophied—marasmus. Jaundice, with catarrh of stomach and abdomen. Gall-stone colic; give ten drops of tincture every half hour till relieved. Hyoscyamus. "Stitches or dull pain in region of liver. Hypericum. "Sticking or dragging in right hypochondrium. Ignatia. "Swelling and induration of spleen. Iodium. "Region of liver sore to pressure. Swelling of spleen after intermittent fever. Ipecacuanha. -Pain in left hypochondrium. Diaphragm as if pressed between two millstones. Iris. "Cutting in region of liver. Pain in right hypochondriac region; worse from motion. Pain above crest of ilium, right side, then left. Kali bichrom. "Dull pain or stitches in right hypochondrium. Clay-colored stools; metallic taste; confusion in head. Stitches in region of spleen; worse from motion or pressure. Kali carb. "Stitches in region of liver, with tension across ab- domen. Swelling of liver; abscess. Icterus. Kali chlor. "(Jaundice if disease has been caused by a chill, resulting in a catarrh of duodenum; stools light colored. Sluggish action of liver, sometimes pain in right side; light yellow color of evacuations, denoting want of bile; also constipation and tongue as at n.—Schussler.) Kalmia. "Pains in region of liver. Kreosotum. "Stitches in region of liver. Bruised pain in region of liver, with sensation of fullness; must loosen the clothes. Con- striction of hypochondria; cannot tolerate tight clothing. Pressure in region of spleen, painful on pressure. Feeling of fullness, as if he had eaten too much. Lachesis. "Acute pain in liver, extending toward stomach. Liver complaints at climaxis; after ague; pain as if something had lodged in right side, with stinging. Cannot bear any pressure about hypochondria. Contractive feeling in region of liver. Ulcerative pain about liver; inflammation and abscess. Laurocerasus. Sticking pains in liver, with pressure. Region of liver distended; pain as from subcutaneous ulceration, or as if an abscess would burst. Indurated liver; atrophic, nutmeg liver. Leptandria. "Dull aching in liver, worse near gall-bladder. 378 CHAPTER XVIII.—HYPOCHONDRIA Burning distress in back part of liver and in spine. Jaundice with clay-colored stools. Lithium carb. "Pressure in hepatic region. Violent pain in hepatic region between ilium and ribs. Sticking pain in left hypochondrium. Lobelia inf. "Fullness and pressure in hypochondria after eat- ing. Pinching in abdomen, near edge of liver. ♦Lycopodium. ♦Sore pressive pain in region of liver, on breath- ing; aggravated by touch. "Tension in region of liver. Nutmeg liver, atrophic form. Hepatitis, chronic forms; abscesses; fan-like motion of alae nasi; one hot, one cold foot. Violent gall-stone colic. Tension in hypochondria as from a hoop. Tension as from a cord marking the diaphragmatic attachments; cannot stretch or stand upright. Rumbling of wind in the splenic flexure of colon. Magnesia carb. v Hardness and stitches in hepatic region. Magnesia mur. "Pressing pain in liver, when walking and touching it; worse when lying on right side; liver hard and en- larged. Mancinella. LPain in left hypochondrium. Rumbling in left side when bending to the right. Mercurius. 'Region of liver sensitive; cannot lie on right side; swollen, hard from induration of liver; stinging, stitching or press- ing pains. Jaundice with rush of blood to head; bad taste; tongue moist and furred, yellow; soreness in hepatic region, from gall- stones; with duodenal catarrh; in the new-born. Mercurius biniod. Aching and full feeling in right hypochon- drium. Sudden cutting pain in region of liver. Heavy, painful, full feeling of liver, pancreas and spleen. Mercurius cor. "Stitches as if in middle of liver. Mercurius prot. iod. "Stitches in region of liver, better from pressure with hand. Millefolium. "Pain in region of liver, at beginning of cartilage of twelfth rib ; also below. Piercing in right lower ribs. Muriatic acid. Pressing and tension in hypochondria. Natrum carb. "Stitches in left hypochondrium, worse after drink- ing very cold water. Stitches in hepatic and splenic regions (chronic hepatic inflammation). Natrum mur. "Dull, heavy aching and distention about liver, after eating, lessening as digestion advances. Stitches in liver,ten- CHAPTER XVIII.—HYPOCHONDRIA 379 sion; liver inflamed, swollen; skin yellow, earthy. Stitches and pressure in region of spleen; spleen swollen. (Jaundice, with any of the symptoms present peculiar to this group of ailments.— Schussler.) Natrum sulf. "Cannot bear clothing tight about waist. Stitches in region of liver and sensitiveness, when walking in open air. Region of liver sensitive to touch, stepping, deep breathing or, sudden jar; aching, piercing pains. Must lie on back; pain when twisting either wav. Pain in hypochondriac region or above on last ribs; also with cough and purulent sputum. Stitches in left hypochondrium while walking in open air. (Diseases marked by excessive secretion of bile and derangement of liver. Jaundice, arising from vexation, with bilious evacuation and tongue as at n. Irritable liver, bilious attack, too much bile, if after excessive study, or mental work.—Schussler.) Nitric acid. "Chronic derangement of liver; icterus. Liver enor- mously enlarged; clay-colored stools. Spleen large after yellow fever. Nux mos. "Spasmodic pain from right to left hypochondrium, then in a circle in lower part of abdomen, followed by diarrhoea. "Liver grown" in children. Enlarged liver; bloody stools; weight about liver; pressure as from a sharp body or stones; swollen feel- ing. Diaphragm hurts with inhalation. Diaphragmitis, oppres- sion of chest, like a pressing load, dry cough, loss of breath, from getting wet Enlarged spleen; loose bowels. Stitches in spleen; must bend double. Nux vom. "Stitches in region of liver; worse from contact or motion. Throbbing as from hepatic abscess. Liver swollen, in- durated, sensitive, with pressure and stinging; cannot bear tight clothing; caused by high living, abdominal plethora, debauchery. Jaundice, aversion to food, fainting turns; gall-stones. Opium. "Swelling of spleen. Oxalic acid. "Stitches in liver, relieved by a deep breath. Con- tinuous pain in left hypochondrium, as if bruised; stitches. Phosphorus. "Jaundice with pneumonia or brain disease; during pregnancy; from nervous excitement. Acute, yellow atrophy of liver, malignant jaundice. Diffuse hepatitis; liver hard, large, with subsequent atrophy. Phosphoric acid. "Heaviness, stitches, burning of one spot in 38o CHAPTER XVIII.—HYPOCHONDRIA region of liver in passage of gall-stones; jaundice in scrofulous chil- dren, and from grief. Phytolacca. "In right hypochondrium a sore spot, not larger than a dollar, extremely sensitive to touch. Podophyllum. "Fullness in right hypochondrium, with flatu- lence, pain and soreness. Stitches worse while eating. Excessive secretion of bile; great irritability of liver. Torpidity of liver; jaundice. Twisting pain in right hypochondrium, with sensation of heat there. Chronic hepatitis; jaundice; constantly rubbing and stroking hypochondria with both hands. Jaundice with gall- stones; pain from region of stomach to region of gall-bladder, with excessive nausea. Jaundice with hyperaemia of liver; fullness, soreness and pain; alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Psorinum. "Chronic hepatitis. Dull,heavy pain in region of liver; worse from pressure or lying on right side, walking, coughing, laughing, or taking a long breath. Stinging, sharp pain in region of liver and spleen. Stitches in spleen, better when standing; worse when moving, and continuing if again at rest. Pulsatilla. "Darting, tensive pains in hepatic region. Sticking in region of liver, also, particularly when walking. Feeling of lassitude in hypochondria. ♦Ranunculus bulb. ♦Pain and soreness in hypochondria, as if bruised. Stitches in hepatic region, arresting breathing, with stitches and pressure on top of right shoulder. "Pulsations in left hypo- chondrium. Ranunculus seel. Spleen swollen after intermittent fever and abuse of quinine. Dull pressure about liver, worse from a long breath. Stitches in liver, spleen and kidneys. Rhododendron. Periodical crampy pains under short ribs. Pressing and drawing, with feeling of repletion in stomach and op- pression of breathing. Pains as from flatulence, worse in left hypo- chondrium. Stitches in spleen from walking fast; tension when stooping. Rumex. Pain in hypochondria, from coughing, rapid walk- ing, or deep inspiration. Ruta. "Gnawing, pressing pain in region of liver. Painful swelling of spleen. Sanguinaria. Heat streaming from breast toward liver. Liver torpid; skin yellow; colic. Violent stitches in region of spleen. CHAPTER XVIII.--HYPOCHONDRIA 3*1 Pain in left hypochondrium, worse when coughing, better from pressure, and when lying on left side. Secale. "Enlargement of liver. Acute pain in hepatic region. Inflammation and gangrenous liver. Burning in spleen. Selenium. "Searching pain in region of liver, worse in taking a long breath, with sensitiveness to external pressure, followed by a red, itching rash in region of liver. Stitches in spleen when walking. Sepia. "Stitches in region of liver; also when riding, in left hypochondrium. Silicia. "Beating soreness in liver; worse on motion, when walking and when lying on right side. Throbbing ulcerative pain in region of liver, worse from touch or walking. Hardness, disten- tion of liver: abscess of liver. Spigelia. "Stitches in region of diaphragm, left side, arresting breathing. Heavy pressure in praecordial region, causing constric- tion and anxiety; with cutting and griping in bowels, as from wind. Stannum. "Occasionally through day, great epigastric weakness and hunger, but cannot eat. Burning in hepatic region; stinging. Boring stitches in left hypochondrium. Hysteric spasms in- region of diaphragm. Sticta. "Dull pain in right hypochondrium—catarrh. Full feel- ing in left hypochondrium. Sulphur. "Stitches, or pressing pain in region of liver. Swell- ing and hardness of liver. Stitches in spleen, worse when taking a deep inspiration, and when walking. Stitches in left side of ab- domen, when coughing. Sulphuric acid. "Spleen enlarged, hard and painful; hurts when coughing. Tabacum. "Pressure, heaviness or stitches in liver. Taraxacum. "Liver enlarged, indurated. Pain in region of spleen ■—ague. Terebinthina. "Burning in right hypochondrium. ♦Theridion. ♦Abscess of liver; relieves vertigo and nausea. "Violent, burning pain in hepatic region, worse from touch; retch- ing, bilious vomit. Thuja occ "Stitches in hypochondria,now right, then left. Valeriana. "Sudden warm rising from epigastrium, with difficult breathing—hysteria. 382 CHAPTER XVIII. —HYPOCHONDRIA Veratrum alb. Hyperaemia of liver, with gastric catarrh; putrid taste, disgust for food, great pressure in hepatic region, alternating with vomiting and diarrhoea. Spleen swollen—intermittents. Spasms of diaphragm during prevailing south winds, in persons with cold hands, great oppression and anxiety of chest Diaphragmitis and peritonitis, vomiting, coldness. Zincum met. JCramp-pains in region of liver, with dyspnoea and hypochondriasis after eating. Liver enlarged, hard and sore to touch; feet swollen; vomits bloody phlegm. Sitches in spleen, worse from pressure. Zingiber. "Heavy pain in right hypochondrium, toward the back, worse from deep breathing. Stitches in spleen, stinging. REPERTORY. Bloated—ars. Catarrh—cinch., hydras., kali chlor., mere, sticta., ver. a. Clothes cannot be endured tight—♦calc c, carb. v., eup. perf., graph., kreos., lach., nat. s., nux v. Diaphragmitis—nux v., ver. a. Distention—laur., nat. m., sil. Pains—aescul., aethus., aloe, ♦apis, ars., arum, aur., bapt, calc.c, carb. v., card, m., ♦cheb, ♦chin, s., cinch., ♦cocc c, colch., ferr., fluor. a., helon., ipec, iris, kalm., lach., lith., mancin., mill., nat. s., oxal. a., pod., ♦ranunc, rumex, sang., secale, selen., sul. a., tarax. Aching—aescul., agn., baryt, camph., cinch., helon., lept, mere b. i., nat. m., nat. s. Acute—belb, cact., lach. Bearing-down—graph. Beaten—cocc, sil. Boring— stann. Bruised—alum., clem., kreos., oxal. a., ♦ranunc Burning—aethus., aloe, am. m., apis, ars., aur., bry., *coce e, graph., lept., phos. a,, secale, stann., tarax., therid. Catching—caps. Chronic—cact. Cramp-like—berb., ferr., rhod., zinc. Cutting—borax, graph., iris, mere b. i, spig. Darting—puis. Distress—lept. Dragging — hyper. Drawing—ars., berb., ♦cocc c, cupr., rhod. Dull—aloe, calad., chin, s., hell., hyos., kali bi., lept., nat. m.,' psor., ranunc s., sticta. Gnawing—ruta. Intermittent—am. m., arg. n., rhod. CHAPTER XVIII.--HYPOCHONDRIA 383 Pains continued. Jerks—calad. Lancinating—aethus. Oppressive—aib, nux m. Piercing—mill., nat. s. Pinching—aescul., lob. Pressure—aeon., aethus., aloe, ambr., am. c, arn., ars., asaf., aur., berb., borax, calad., calc.c, calc. ph., camph., carb. v., cepa, cheb, cocc, kreos., laur., lith., lob., ♦lye, mag. m., mere, nat. m., nux in., nux v., ♦ranunc b., ranunc. s., rhod., ruta, spig., sub, tabac, thuj., ver. a. Pulsations—ranunc. b. Sharp —cact, psor. Shooting—aethus., alum., cact., calc. ph., cheb, ferr. Sore—aethus., agn., am. c, apis, arn., calc ph., dig., eup. perf., iod., ♦lye, mere, phyt., pod., ♦ranunc b., sib, zinc Spasmodic—nux m. Sticking—hyper., laur., lith., puis. Stinging—lach., mere, nux v., psor., stann., zing. Stitches—aeon., aescul., aethus., agar., aloe, alum., am. c, am. m., arn., ars., asaf., aur., benz. a., berb., brom., bry., calad., calc c, calc. ph., carb. v., caust., cepa, cham., cheb, chin, s., cinch., cocc, coloc, con., eye, graph., hep. s., hyos., kali bi., kali e, kreos., mag. c, mere, mere cor., mere p. 1., nat. e,nat.m., nat.s., nuxm., nux v., oxal.a., phos. a., pod,psor., ♦ranunc b., ranunc s., sang., selen., sepia, spig., stann., sub, tabac, zing. Tearing—alum., ambr., berb., con. Tensive—aeon., aloe, arg. n., ars., bry., carb. v., kali c, lye, nat. m., puis., rhod. Throbbing—calc. c, calc.ph., nux v., sib Twisting—pod. Ulcerative—cinch.,lach., laur., sil. Parts. Diaphragm—aeon., agar., arg. n., asaf., cact, ipec, lye, nat.m., spig., stann., ver. a. Duodenum—cinch., kali chlor., mere Epigastrium—calc.c, guaiac, stann., valer. Liver—absinth., aeon., aescul., agar., alum., ant. t, arg. n., am., ♦ars., arum, asaf., bapt, belb, benz. a., berb., bry., calc.c, calc ph., camph., caps., carb. v., card, m., cepa, cham., ♦cheb, cinch., clem., cocc, coloc, con., eye, dig., eup. perf., ferr., hep. s., hydras., hyos., iris, kali chlor., kalm., kreos., lach., laur., lept., lith., lob., ♦lye, mag. c, mag. m., mere, mere b. i., mere cor., mere p. i., nat. e, nat m., nat. s., nit. a., nux v., pod., psor., puis., ♦ranunc b., ruta, selen., sepia, sib, stann., sub, tabac, tarax., ♦therid., ver. a., zinc. Abscess—kali e, lach., laur., lye, nux v., sib, ♦therid. Atrophy—hydras., laur., lye, phos. 3»4 CHAPTER XVIII.—HYPOCHONDRIA Liver continued. Congestion—aescul., agar., cact., gels., pod., ver. a. Derangement—nat. s., nit. a. Enlarged—agar., ♦ars., card, m., cheb, chin, ars., mag! m., nit. a., nux m., phos., secale, sib, tarax., ver. a., zinc. Gall bladder—bapt., lept Gall-stones —belb, berb., calc. c, calc. ph., cinch., hydras., lye, mere, nux m., nux v.j phos. a., pod. Gangrene—secale. Hard, indurated—♦ars., belb, calc. c, cinch., con., dig., graph., laur., mag. c, mag. m., mere, nux v., phos., sib, sub, tarax., ver. a., zinc. Inflammation, hepatitis—lach., lye, nat.c, nat. m., phos., pod., psor., secale. Jaundice, icterus—ant. t, belb, carb. v., cheb, hydras., kali e, kali chlor., lept., mere, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., nux v., phos., phos. a., pod., sang. Nutmeg—laur., lye Obstruction—benz a. Swollen—absinth., cinch., con., kali c, mere, nat. m., nux m., nux v., sib, sul. Torpor—hydras., kali chlor., pod., sang. Pancrea—mere b. i. Praecordia—aeon., colch., spig. Ribs—agar., apis, arum., bry., camph., canth., lith., mill., nat. s. ,rhod. Scrobiculum—asaf. Side, Left—aethus.,agar., am.c, ars.,aur., berb., borax, calc.ph., cheb, chin, ars., ♦cocc c, cupr., ferr., graph., ipec, lith., mancin., nat. s., ranunc.b., rhod., sang., sepia, spig., stann., sticta. Right—aescul., aethus., ambr., am. c, am. m., ars., asaf., aur., baryt., borax, bry., calc. ph., colch., fluor. a., graph., hyper., iris, kali bi., kali chlor., lach., mere b. i., phyt., pod., sticta, terebin., zing. Spleen—aescul., agn., aloe, alum., ambr., am. m., arn., ♦ars., asaf., berb., calad., caps., carb. v., ♦chin. s., cinch., ♦cocc, ferr., fluor a., helon., hep. s., ign., kali bi., kreos., mere b. i., nat. e, nat. m., psor., rhod., ruta, sang., secale, selen., sub, sul. a., tarax.,zing. Enlargement—♦ars., ♦chin, s., cinch., ferr., nit. a., nux m., sul. a. Indurated—arn., ♦ars., ign., sul. a. Swollen—absinth., agn., caps., ign., iod., nat. m., opium, ranunc s., ruta, ver. a. Umbilicus—arg. n., carb. v. Sensations—berb., borax, cact., calc. e, cepa, helon., ipec, lach., lye, puis. Cold—cepa. CHAPTER XVIII.--HYPOCHONDRIA 3«5 Sensations continued. Constrictive—aeon., camph., guaiac, kreos., spig. Contractive—apis, berb., cepa, lach. Fullness—ferr., kreos., lob., mere b. i., pod., rhod., sticta. Heat—aeon., aloe, asaf., pod., sang., valer. Heavy—aeon., mere b. i., nat. m., phos. a., psor., spig., tabac, zing. Tightness—calc. c, ferr. Weight—nux m. Sensitiveness—aescul., agn., aib, arg. n., ars., baryt, belb, bry., caps., carb. v., cheb, cinch., clem., dros., fluor. a., iod., kreos., ♦lye, mere, nat. s., nux v., phyt., selen., sib, therid., zinc. Spasms—arg. n., stann., ver. a. CHAPTER XIX.—ABDOMEN. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Distended abdomen—haemorrhoidal colic, chlo- rosis, marasmus. Hard lumps in different parts of abdomen— marasmus. "Weak, sinking in bowels. Absinthium. "Bloated around waist in abdomen. Bloated with flatus. *Acetic acid. ♦Ascites. "Bellyache with rumbling in bowels, diarrhoea and violent delirium. ♦Aconitum. ♦Abdomen swollen, burning hot, and sensitive to touch Meteorism, vomiting, inability to urinate. Burning and cutting in intestines, -worse from pressure or lying on right side. Colic forces him double, yet relieved in no position; inflamma- tory, after a cold. Umbilical region hard, swollen—seat worms. Cutting extending in a circle, from spine to abdomen. Incarcerated hernia, with bilious vomiting. jEsculus. "Burning distress, soreness and aching at navel. Abdomen tender to touch; sense of fullness and throbbing in it. Rumbling in bowels, with cutting about navel. Cutting in right inguinal region. Flatulent, or flying pains in bowels. /Ethusa. "Coldness of abdomen and lower limbs, with aching of bowels, relieved by warm, wet applications. Bluish black swell- ing of abdomen. Colic, followed by vomiting, vertigo and weak- ness. *Agaricus. ♦Passing of much inodorous flatus; distention. Loud rumbling in bowels. Agnus cast. "Rumbling in abdomen during sleep. Abdomen sensitive to pressure. Incarcerated flatus. Feels as if entrails were sinking down; constantly inclined to support bowels with hands. Violent contracting bellyache, coming suddenly in morning with bearing down—suppressed menses. Ailantus. "Weak, burning, uneasy feeling in bowels, as of ap- proaching diarrhoea. Tympanitis; slight rumbling in bowels. ♦Aloe. ♦Heaviness in hypogastrium; in rectum; dragging down in abdomen. A feeling of weakness in abdomen as if diarrhoea :J80 CHAPTER XIX.—ABDOMEN 3«7 would result. "Pulsation in region of navel. Distention of abdo- men, especially the epigastrium, with flatus moving about; worse after meals; during menstruation; on motion, Gurgling of flatus in descending colon; worse after eating. Abdomen painful, especially about navel; twisting, griping about navel; must sit bent forward; urging to stool,with passage of only flatus. The abdominal muscles pain when rising from a recumbent posture, or when touched, when standing erect, or when pressing to stool. ♦Alumina. "Flatulent colic; ♦painter's colic. "Colic in morning. Abdomen seems to hang down heavily like a load, when walking afternoons. Reaching too high strains the abdominal muscles. Pains worse sitting bent. Pressing in both groins, toward genital organs, evenings. Stitching, pressing pain in region of abdominal ring, like from hernia. ♦Ambra. ♦Sensation of coldness in abdomen. "Distention of abdomen; accumulation of much flatus, which subsides without be- ing passed. Coldness of one side of abdomen. Colic, sometimes followed by diarrhoea. Ammonium carb. "Large elastic swelling in left groin, even- ings; bruised pain therein; cannot lie on left side; on awaking both swelling and pain gone. Stitches through abdomen. Colic and pain between scapulae. Cutting pain with retraction of abdominal walls. Pressure about navel like from a button. Ammonium mur. "Bellyache, griping pains about navel. Heav- iness in lower abdomen, like from a load, with anxiety as if the abdomen would burst; ceases after sleep. Distention of abdomen. Stitches in abdomen above left hip. Pain from right side of pubes, hip and small of back, cutting and stitches from both os pubes to small of back, with urging to urinate evenings. ♦Anacardium. ♦Pain around the navel, as if a blunt plug were squeezed into the intestines. Continual rumbling in the abdomen, especially in umbilical region. Pinching and griping in abdomen. Antimonium crud. "Abdomen very much distended. Incarcer- ated flatus, costive. Rumbling in abdomen. Pinching and sen- sation as if diarrhoea would come on. Sensation of emptiness in intestines, going off after a meal. Colic with loss of appetite, hard stool, red urine. Hard gland in left groin, painful to pressure. Cutting in bowels, with watery diarrhoea. Antimonium tart. "Abdomen feels as if stuffed full of stones, 388 CHAPTER XIX.—ABDOMEN though he ha? eaten nothing and it does not feel hard. Pressure and aching in hypogastrium, with cold shivers. Violent colic, as if bowels would be cut to pieces. Cutting around umbilicus. Vio- lent soreness in right groin. Shifting of flatulence with rumbling in bowels and diarrhoea. ♦Apis. ♦Feeling as if intestines were bruised—dysentery,ascites. Peritonitis with exudation; often with metritis; urine scanty, dark. Walls of abdomen tense; sensitiveness of ileo-ccecal region—typhus. "Fullness and enlargement of abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen. Sickly feeling in abdomen inclines him to sit quiet. Violent cutting pains in abdomen. Soreness of bowels and abdominal walls, felt when pressing upon them or sneezing. Aching, pressive pain in hypo- gastrium, with bearing down in uterus. Burning, stinging in bowels. ♦Apocynum. ♦Ascites; abdomen distended and painful, Argentum met. "Tympanitic puffing of right side of abdomen. Sore to hard pressure; slowly lessened after wind passes. Loud croaking in abdomen, with hunger. Wind colic Distention of hypogastrium, which was exceedingly sensitive to contact. Contrac- tion and tension of abdominal muscles; has to walk bent forward. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Flatulence. "Fullness and heaviness of abdo- men, with anxiety, impeded respiration; after supper. Rumbling, gurgling, wind cannot pass. Tension in abdomen. Cannot bear to be touched. Constriction in bowels as if tightly tied with a band. Bearing down in hypogastrium. Haemorrhoidal colic morn- ings, during cold, misty weather. ♦Arnica. ♦Offensive flatus; smelling like rotten eggs. "Hard swelling of right side of abdomen, with severe pain when touched. Sharp pain from side to side through abdomen. Colic with stran- gury. Pains around the navel when moving. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Abdomen distended and painful. Violent, burn- ing pains, with intolerable anguish; has no rest anywhere; rolls about on floor, despairs of life. Swelling of inguinal glands. "Rumbling in bowels. Cutting pains in abdomen. Pains about navel aggravated by lying on back. Groins: contractive pain in left; as if sprained in right,when stooping; digging, burning like a boil; stitches. Aurum met. "Colic, frequent discharge of wind. Spasmodic contraction of abdomen, with great anguish, inclined to suicide. Heaviness in abdomen, with icy coldness of hands and feet. Ascites from disturbances of abdominal organs. CHAPTER XIX.—ABDOMEN 389, Baptisia. -Distress; dull pain in umbilical region. Distention of abdomen; fullness; flatulence, rumbling, feels as if vomiting would relieve; musty stools. Sharp, shooting pains in bowels. Dull, aching distress in bowels. Right iliac region sensitive. Abdominal muscles sore on pressure. Glands of left groin swol- len; painful on walking. *Baryta carb. ♦Abdomen distended, hard. "Cutting in hypo- gastric region at night. Distention and fullness above pubes, as if parts would burst, when lying on back. Tension and sensitive- ness of abdominal muscles. ♦Belladonna. ♦Painfully distended abdomen, very sensitive to touch. Violent cutting pressure in abdomen, now here, now there. Tenderness of abdomen, is aggravated by least jar of bed, or chair on which she sits; obliged on walking to step witn great care for fear of a jar. During the pain, the transverse colon protrudes like a pad all the way across the abdomen. Clawing around navel, better from pressure. Abdomen distended, hot. Loud rumbling and pinching in belly. Colic, as if a spot in abdomen were seized with the nails, a griping, clutching, clawing. Great pain in right ileo-ccecal region; cannot bear the slightest touch, not even the bed cover. Tenderness even to slight pressure, especially over ovarian region. Berberis. "Colic-like pains, especially about navel. Pressure and tension in groins, as if a hernia would develop; especially when walking and standing. Itching or pressure in region of in- guinal glands, with pain from touch as if they would swell. Stitch- ing, tearing or burning in the skin of abdomen, mostly about the navel. Rumbling in bowels. Borax. Flatulent distention after every meal. Pain in abdo- men as if diarrhoea would set in. Pinching in abdomen with diar- rhoea. Stitching and pressing pain in groin. Belly soft, flabby, sunken. Bromium. "Tympanitic distention of abdomen, and passage of much wind. Griping and colicky pains. ^Bryonia. ♦Passage of offensive flatus. "Griping pains about -navel. Rumbling and gurgling in bowels. Sudden painful cuttings in intestines, with a feeling as though one were digging him with the fingers, compelling him to bend double, relieved by profuse, pasty evacuations. Great sensitiveness of abdomen. Pain in abdc- 39° CHAPTER XIX. —ABDOMEN men, flying upwards. Stitches and other pains in abdomen, which hinder respiration. Cactus. "Insupportable heat in abdomen, as though something burned him internally. Wandering pains in umbilical region, which cease and recur periodically. ♦Calcarea carb. ♦Abdomen hard and very much distended. Swell- ing and painfulness of inguinal glands. -Frequent severe cramp in intestinal canal, especially in the evening and night, with cold- ness of thighs. Sensation of pressure, or pressing from above downward, or from before backward in abdomen. Mesenteric glands swollen and hard in children. Obstructed flatulence. Writh- ing, twisting pain in abdomen, about umbilical region. Flatulence and gurgling in right side of abdomen. Calcarea phos. "Empty, sinking sensation around navel, or in the whole belly. Motion in belly, like something alive. Cutting, pinching, sharp colic, followed by diarrhoea. Burning in region of navel; in whole abdomen, rising up into chest or into throat. Ach- ing soreness and pain around navel, lessens after passing fetid flatus. Oozing of bloody fluid from navel of infants. Aching sore- ness,cutting, drawing in left groin, later in right. Abdominal wall tingling, numb; quivering or aching. Camphora. -Coldness in upper and lower abdomen, followed by burning heat therein. Cantharis. ^-Abdomen swollen and tympanitic above; yields a dull sound below. Great distention and tenderness of the belly. Cutting in abdomen as from knives, with burning. Violent burning pain through the whole intestinal tract, with painful sensitiveness to touch. Cutting, stitching or burning in groins. Abdominal symptoms are apt to be in sympathy or consonance with those in distant parts. Hard tumefaction from above symphysis pubes, with burning pains in loins. Capsicum. "Colic around umbilicus with mucous stools, some- times streaked with blood; every stool is followed by thirst, and every drink by shuddering; must go to stool immediately after drinking, passing nothing but mucus. Burning pains in belly. Cutting in bowels as from wind before stool. Sore pains in abdo- men and loins. Hard pushing or sticking sensation in a small spot in left iliac region. Abdomen distended; suffocative arrest of breathing, or painful pressure in lower part of back. CHAPTER XIX.—ABDOMEN 391 Carbo ani. "Abdomen greatly distended; much annoyed with flatus. Painful sensation in right lower abdomen, as if something would be squeezed through. Soreness in abdomen from coughing. Hard buboes, begin to suppurate; or, maltreated cases with callous edges, ichorous, offensive discharge. *Carbo veg. ♦Colic from flatulence; abdomen full to bursting; worse from least food, better from passing flatus. Abdomen greatly distended; better from passing wind up or down. "Burning, lancin- ating in epigastrium, and deep in abdomen; worse from eating; with anguish, flatulency, diarrhoea. Abdomen feels as if hanging heavily; walks bent. Meteorism, with loud rumbling; fetid or odorless flatus. Caulophyllum. -Distention of abdomen with tenderness. Rum- bling in bowels. Spasmodic and flatulent colic. Spasmodic action of the muscular tissues of intestines from irritation of the motor nerves, or from rheumatism. Causticum. "Pains in abdomen, must bend double; worse after least nourishment, or from tightening the clothes. Colic in morn- ing; pain radiates to back and chest. Stitches in right side of ab- domen. Flatulency, loud rumbling and rolling in bowels. Tumid abdomen in children. Cepa. "Colic pain in region of navel, worse sitting; better walking. Violent pain in hypogastrium to the left, with urging to urinate; burning micturition. Annoying pains over the middle of groin. Pressure in left inguinal ring. ♦Chamomilla. ♦Pain in abdomen from side to side just above the navel, corresponding to transverse colon; commencing in the right and going over to left. "Feeling of griping and chilliness inside of abdomen, passing downwards into legs as far as knees. Wind colic, abdomen distended like a drum; wind passes in small quantities without relief, relieved by applying warm cloths. Ab- domen tympanitic and sensitive to touch. Constricting pain in abdomen and back; she kicks, grates her teeth, and screams. Drag- ging toward the abdominal rings, as if the parts were too weak and hernia would appear. ♦Chelidonium. ♦Pain across the umbilicus, as if the abdomen were constricted by a string. "Colic, with nausea, and retraction of navel. Abdomen distended; feels full and uncomfortable. Rum- bling, gurgling, pinching and cutting in bowels. Spasmodic draw- ing pains in both inguinal regions. 392 CHAPTER XIX.—ABDOMEN Cicuta. Colic, with convulsions, also vomiting. Distention and painfulness of abdomen. Chronic, painful hernia. Cimicifuga. "Periodical colicky pains, better bending double and after stool. Flatulence, causing sensation of fullness. Severe pains in bowels, small of back and down limbs. Excruciating pain in bowels, much rumbling and wind. Sharp pain across hypo- gastrium. Abdominal muscles sore. Cina. "Pinching, or cramp-like pressure, transversely across the epigastric region, after a meal. Boring pain about navel, passes off when pressing thereon. Painful twisting about navel. Abdo- men hard and distended. ♦Cinchona. ♦Abdomen tympanitic. Fermentation in abdomen from eating fruit. "Pressing,aching below navel. Flatulence from excessive tea drinking. Colic better bending double. Colic worse at night and after eating. Colic at a certain hour each afternoon— infant's colic. Abdomen distended, wants to belch. Abdomen as if packed, not relieved by belching. Tympanitic abdomen; pressure as from a hard body; or spasmodic, constrictive pains, from in- carcerated flatulence; worse at night or after depletion; also in typhus, worse mornings. Strangulated hernia; gut black; after op- eration. Cistus. -Cool feeling in whole abdomen. Flatulence and bruised pain in hypochondria; evening and night. ♦Clematis. ♦Swelling and induration of inguinal glands, with jerking pains. "Lancinating pains from abdomen to chest, aggra- vated by breathing, also during micturition. Increased sensitive- ness of both inguinal regions. ♦Cocculus. ♦Great distention of abdomen. Constrictive pinch- ing in epigastrium, taking away the breath. Spasmodic, flatulent colic about midnight; passing flatus without relief; aggravated when coughing. Painful inclination to an inguinal hernia, "Emp- tiness and sensation of hollowness in abdomen. Sensation in ab- domen as if sharp stones rubbed together on every movement. Great rumbling in bowels. Coffea. "Colic as if the stomach had been overloaded, as if the abdomen would burst; cannot suffer clothes to be tight on the abdomen; exceedingly painful,driving to desperation. Continuous pinching in the iliac region. Pressure in abdomen as from incar- cerated flatulence. CHAPTER XIX.--ABDOMEN 393 Colchicum. -Flatulent distention of abdomen, with less frequent and less copious stools. Pressing, tearing, cutting or stitching pains in abdomen. Tympanitis. Colic aggravated by eating; after flatulent food; with great distention of abdomen, until diarrhoea sets in; better from bending double. *Colocynthis. ♦Cramp-like pain in both sides of abdomen; worse after pressure or leaning with abdomen against a table. Collection of fat in abdomen ever since her first confinement. Colic so dis- tressing that they soek relief by pressing the corner of table or head of bed post against the abdomen. Abdomen distended and painful. Terrible contractive twisting, griping, cutting pains, mostly about the umbilicus; has to bend double, being worse in every other posture; great restlessness and loud screaming on changing position; worse at intervals of five or ten minutes; dis- charge of stool or flatus affords temporary relief. Feeling in ab- domen as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones. Isolated deep stitches, sometimes in left, at other times in right flank, apparently connected with the ovaries. °Pain in groin, like from hernia, and on pressure sensation as if a hernia were reced- ing. Conium. "Swelling of abdomen. Stitches extending from ab- domen to right side of chest. Pinching pain in abdomen as if diarrhoea would set in. Colic from incarcerated flatus. Cutting in abdomen before the emission of flatus. Very sensitive across abdomen. Aching pain in hypogastric region. Frequent stitches in anus. Crocus sat. "Sensation in abdomen as if something living were jumping about, with nausea and faintness. Stitches in abdomen arresting respiration, with uterine inflammation. ♦Croton tig. ♦Swashing in intestines, as from water. "Abdomen full and distended with griping pains about navel. Unpleasant sensation of emptiness and hunger; rumbling in abdomen. Gur- gling in intestines as though only water were in them, mostly on left side. Griping about umbilicus. Colic better from hot milk. ♦Cuprum met. ♦Abdomen tense, hot and tender to touch. Spas- modic movements of abdominal muscles. Violent intermittent colic; cutting, drawing pains. "Cramps in abdomen. Violent cutting, colicky, drawing pains in abdomen; abdomen drawn in; colic not increased by pressure. Violent spasms in abdomen and upper and 394 CHAPTER XIX. --ABDOMEN lower limbs, with penetrating and distressing screams. Intussus- ception of bowels, with singultus, violent colic, stercoraceous vom- iting and great agony. Big abdomen of children. Inguinal glands swollen. Cyclamen. "Full feeling in abdomen. Distention of abdomen. Intestines painful to touch. Stitches in umbilical region. Stitches or pinching in abdomen. Cramp-like pains. Running and crawl- ing in bowels as of something alive. In left inguinal canal, stitches, itching. ♦Dioscorea. ♦Constant distress in the umbilical and hypogastric regions, with severe cutting, colic-like pains every few minutes in stomach and small intestines. Griping, cramping pains in the umbilical region. Rumbling in bowels and passing large quantities of flatulence. "Pains in the inguinal regions extending to testicles. Bowels sore and tender to pressure. Drosera. "Bellyache after sour food. Stitches in right side of abdomen, while sitting. Stitch from left loin into penis. ^Dulcamara. ♦Colic, as from taking cold. Colic as if diarrhoea would occur. "Cutting about navel. Dropsy of abdomen. Swell- ing of inguinal glands from a cold. Eupatorium perf. "Violent colicky pains in upper abdomen; with headache and other pains. Abdomen full and tympanitic. Eupatorium purp. Rumbling in bowels Lower abdomen swollen and hot. Colic all over abdomen after voiding urine. Ferrum met. "Abdomen hard, distended, but not with flatulence. Rumbling with pain in small of back and kidney, and slight urethral soreness when urinating. Flatulent colic at night, with violent rumbling. Bowels feel sore when touched, as if bruised, or weakened by cathartics. Ferrum phos. (Peritonitis. — Schussler.) Fluoric acid. "Sensation of emptiness in region of navel, with desire to take a deep breath; better from bandaging or eating. Great tension and dropsical swelling of abdomen. Gambogia. "Pinching in abdomen immediately after eating. Frequent severe pinching in entire abdomen without urging; or with diarrhoea and burning in anus, with relief of pain. Rumbling and rolling in bowels. Inflation and tension of abdomen, with pinch- ing in umbilical region. Gelsemium. "Acute catarrhal enteritis, during damp weather CHAPTER XIX. — ABDOMEN 395 warm or cold. Gnawing pain in transverse colon. Wandering, pinching wind colic, less when sitting erect; more beginning to move, less during continual-motion. Periodical colic, with yellow diarrhoea; evening. Griping in lower abdomen,relieved bypassing copious, bilious stools. Tenderness in right iliac region during typhus. Rumbling in abdomen with discharge of wind up and down. Sensation of soreness in abdominal walls. Glonoinum. "Rumbling in bowels, belching, passing offensive flatus. Cutting, mostly below navel (wakens one in morning). ♦Graphites. ♦Great distention of abdomen, hardness. Full abdomen as from incarcerated flatus. "Cramp in lower abdomen. Pain in abdomen in left side when lying on right and vice versa. Burning pains radiating through abdomen in gastralgia, Accumulation of serum in abdominal cavity. OZdema of external abdomen. Itching of abdomen. Large blisters on raised base from navel to spine. Herpetic eruption in groins. Glandular swelling in groins. ♦Guaiacum. ♦Inguinal hernia. "Great accumulation of wind in whole abdomen. Pinching in abdomen from accumulatedflatulence, receding towards rectum until emitted. Twitches in abdominal muscles. Hamamelis. "Cramps in stomach and transverse colon two hours after a hearty dinner. Flatulence. Burning in epigastrium and umbilicus. Helleborus. "Griping, pinching about navel, followed by gelat- inous stools. Gurgling as if bowels were full of water. Abdomen swollen, distended; painful to touch. Ascites,especially after scarlet fever; in scrofulous children. Excessive colic, weakness, features sunken, face cold, pale, covered with clammy sweat; pulse thready; thin diarrhoea. Helonias. "Motion and rumbling in abdomen, as if diarrhoea would come on; cramps in stomach. Colic pains in hypogastric region, off and on all day. Burning in lower third of abdomen. ♦Hepar sulph. ♦Abdomen distended and tense. "Contractive pain in abdomen. Fermentation above navel, with eructation of hot air. Colic with dry, rough cough. Rumbling in abdomen. Swell- ing and suppuration of inguinal glands. Hydrastis. "Burning in region of navel with "goneness," faint- ness in epigastrium. Loud rumbling and dull aching in hypo- 396 CHAPTER XIX.—ABDOMEN gastrium and small of back; worse moving. Cutting, colicky pains with heat and faintness, with constipation; better after passing flatus. Cutting in hypogastrium, extending to testicles; fainlness after stool. Sharp pain in ccecal region. Sharp pain in region of spleen, with dull pain and burning in stomach and bowels. Dull dragging in groins; cutting pains extending into testicles- Pains in groin, as if he had strained himself,clothing uncomfortable. ♦Hyoscyamus. ♦Cutting low down in abdomen. Colic as if abdomen would burst; presses the fist into sides; cutting, vomiting, belching, screaming, hiccough. Abdomen distended, sore to touch, tympanitic. Umbilicus open, urine oozing through it. Enteritis or peritonitis, with typhoid symptoms. Abdominal muscles sore. Roseola on abdomen. Hypericum. -Tympanitic distention of abdomen, relieved by stool. Cutting in region of navel. Pinching pains, diarrhoea, with catamenia. Ignatia. "Periodical abdominal spasms. Drawing and pinching in umbilical region. Colic pains, first griping, then stitching in; one or the other side of abdomen. Flatulent colic. Iodium. "Swelling and distention of abdomen. Incarcerated flatus in left side of abdomen. Violent throbbing of abdominal aorta. Swelling of inguinal glands. Ipecacuanha. "Griping as from a hand, each finger seemingly pressing sharply into intestines; better during rest; much worse by motion. With every movement cutting, almost constantly running from left to right. Flatulent colic with frequent loose stools. Cutting about the umbilicus. Inguinal hernia, readily- reducible. Iris. "Colicky pains intermittent, about navel before each spell of vomiting. Kali bichrom. "Tympanitis; abdomen feels bloated, followed by eructations. Stitches through abdomen extending to spinal column. Cutting as from knives soon after eating. Colic alternating with cutting at navel, during the night. ♦Kali carb. ♦Fullness, heat and great distention in abdomen? immediately after eating a little. "Epigastrium swollen, hard, sensitive; pulsations therein; pains in hepatic and umbilical region, also on both sides of inferior parts of stomach, down into bladder and testes. Cutting, shooting, darting, stitching all over abdo- CHAPTER XIX. —ABDOMEN 397 men. Tension across abdomen; heaviness, inactivity, coldness. Incarcerated flatus with colic. Kali chlor. "(Peritonitis, second remedy; this,with ferr. phos., generally cures.—Schussler.) Kali iod. "Sudden, painful bloating of abdomen, or about navel, followed by diarrhoea. Cutting and burning around umbilicus. Kali nit. "Violent colic, right side most; worse after veal; incarcerated flatulence; evening. Stitching pains in abdomen; lower limbs cold; affected parts feel numb, as if made of wood — peritonitis. Complaints in abdomen, worse from holding breath. Kalmia. "Sudden pains in paroxysms, across abdomen above umbilicus from lower border of liver downward toward the left, then ceasing in right side; worse from motion, better when sitting up; abdominal neuralgia. Incarcerated flatus with nausea. Kreosotum. -Ulcerative pain in abdomen. Pain in region of umbilicus. Abdomen distended and tense, like a drum, without being hard or painful. Abdomen not distended, but hard. Burn- ing in bowels. Labor-like pains in abdomen, with drawing in upper abdomen extending to small of back, and pressing toward the lumbar vertebrae, with flushes of heat in face, palpitation of heart, frequent pulse and inneffectual urging to urinate; finally small quantities of hot urine are passed; after the paroxysm, chill and discharge of milky leucorrhoea. Sore pain in abdomen during deep inhalation. Painful sensation of coldness in abdomen. Lachesis. "Painful distention and flatulence; can bear no pres- sure. Burning like fire in hypogastric and lumbar regions. Cutting in right side of abdomen. Causing fainting attacks. Swelling in coecal region; must lie on back with limbs drawn up—typhlitis. Abdomen hot, sensitive; painfully stiff from loins down the thighs; pus formed—peritonitis. Lachnantes. "Cutting in upper part of abdomen from left to right. Twirling and twisting in upper part of abdomen, two inches above navel. Fermentation and rumbling. Much flatulence in abdomen during pneumonia nervosa. Sensation of heat through ab- domen, feels as if the bowels would move; an evacuation relieves head. Laurocerasus "Pinching about the umbilicus. Colicky pains in afternoon, and tearing pains in vertex at night. Sensation like the falling of a heavy lump from just above umbilicus to small of 398 CHAPTER XIX.—ABDOMEN back, produced by talking or overexertion, also with spasmodic pains in cardiac region. Ledum. -Sensation of fullness in upper part of abdomen. Colic every evening. Pain as if diarrhoea would set in, from umbilicus to anus, with loss of appetite and cold feet. Pain in loins after sitting. Ascites. Leptandria. -Rumbling and distress in whole bowels, especially in hypogastrium, with black stools. Constant, dull aching in umbilical region. Sharp, distressing pains between navel and hypogastrium. ♦Lilium tig. ♦Sensation as if diarrhoea would come on, also passing off by urinating. '-Dragging down of whole abdominal contents, extending to organs of chest. Must support abdomen- Bloated abdomen after a meal, continuing after a diarrhoeic dis- charge. Abdomen distended, with moving of flatulence, better from passing of wind up or down. Abdomen sensitive to pressure or jar. Abdominal walls sore, previous to stool. Abdomen distended and sore after menses. Weak, tremulous feeling extending to anus. Skin of abdomen feels stretched and stiff. Lithium carb. "Feels swollen as if distended with wind. Vio- lent pain across upper part of abdomen. Pain in left abdominal ring, like a pressing from within outward. Lobelia inf. "Pain in abdomen worse after eating. Rumbling in bowels, and passing of flatus downward. Sudden, sharp pain in left side of abdomen. Abdomen distended, with shortness of breath. Tympanitis. *Lycopodium. ♦Sensation of something heavy lying on left side of abdomen. Excessive fullness and distention of abdomen from flatulence. Much flatus accumulates here and there in abdomen, in hypochondria, in back, in region of ribs and chest, causing tension and bubbling, relieved by empty eructations. Tension and pain in abdomen from incarcerated flatulence. "Sensation of some- thing moving up and down in stomach and bowels. Spasmodic contraction in abdomen. Spasmodic pains in right side of abdo- men, extending into bladder, with frequent urging to urinate. When turning on right side a hard body seems to roll from navel to that side—ascites. Peritonitis with hepatitis and diaphragmitis. Ascites from liver affections, after abuse of alcohol. Abdomen distended; feet cold; indurations. Great fermentation in abdomen; CHAPTER XIX.--ABDOMEN 399 rumbling; croaking; rattling; also with colic and discharge of much flatus. Brown spots on abdomen. Hernia (right side). Renal colic in right ureter to bladder; red sand in urine. Skin of abdo- men is painfully sensitive. ♦Magnesia carb. *Griping, cutting and rumbling in the whole abdomen, followed by thin green stools, without tenesmus. "Press- ing, spasmodic, contractive colicky pains; relieved by green stools. Colic followed by leucorrhcea. Great heaviness in the bloated ab- domen. Magnesia mur. "Tearing stitches in loins; tearing in abdomen. Tingling stitches in abdominal muscles. Colic in evening,extend- ing to thighs, followed by fluor albus; hysteria. Abdomen tense, sore as if bruised, sensitive to touch. Magnesium phos. "(Flatulent colic of children, with drawn up legs; forcing patient to bend double; pain eased by friction,warmth and eructations; in umbilical region; remittent, gripes, crampy pain.—Schussler. ) Mancinella. "Pains in abdomen through the bowels after drink- ing water. Intestinal colic, with fainting, with constipation and diarrhoea in alternation. Manganum acet. "Warm contraction extending from middle of abdomen to chest, with nausea. Cutting in region of navel when taking a long inspiration. When walking, sensation as if bowels were loose and shaking about. Abdomen distended, bloated. *Mercurius. ♦Abdomen distended and painful. Inguinal glands swollen or suppurating. "Tense, hard, swollen or sensitive; full- ness and tenderness across epigastrium and hypochondria. Colic from cold, from evening air, from worms. Enteritis, lancinating pains; bloody, slimy stools, sweat, with relief. Hard, painful, hot swelling in ileo-ccecal region—typhlitis. Peritonitis with purulent exudation, especially with typhlitis. On walking bowels shake as if loose. Mercurius biniod. "Distended abdomen about navel, with pain at that part on pressure. Colic followed by stool. Uneasy sore feel- ing all over bowels. ♦Mercurius cor. ♦Bruised pain in abdomen, especially in coecal region and over transverse colon. "Bloated abdomen, very pain- ful to least touch. Cutting below navel. Pain and distention in colon, especially transverse portion. 4oo CHAPTER XIX. —ABDOMEN Mercurius prot. iod. "Hardness of abdomen as from flatulence. Burning in umbilicus as from a hot coal. Faint, sick feeling in hypogastrium before stool. Indolent bubo. Millefolium. "Wind colic in the hysterical or hypochondriacal; colic during menstruation. Incarcerated hernia. Ascites. ♦Muriatic acid. ♦Hernia. "Cramps in abdomen. Fullness and distention of abdomen, from small quantities of food. Natrum carb. "Colic, with constriction around stomach; or, contraction of navel and hardness of integuments of abdomen. Hard, bloated, swollen abdomen. Accumulation of flatus; loud rumbling; swellings here and there, as from incarcerated wind. Flatus changing place and causing pain. Natrum mur. "Abdomen swollen, rumbling and incarceration of flatus. Colic with nausea, relieved by emission of flatus. Burn- ing in intestines. Natrum phos. "(Colic of children with symptoms of acidity, such as green, sour smelling stools.—Schussler.) Natrum sulf. "Pain of a dead,heavy character going through from abdomen to back Burning in abdomen, bruised pain in bowels; griping, relieved by kneading the abdomen. Abdominal flatulency, rolling and rumbling, incarcerated on right side; collects at night, causing great pain. Feeling of fullness. Piercing pain in right flank, with nausea. Pain in right flank, as if distended. (Bilious colic with bitter taste in mouth, and tongue as at n. Bilious de- rangement if too much bile is secreted, with or without tongue as at n. Heat in lower bowel, with green discharges.—Schussler). Nitric acid. "Incarcerated flatulence in upper part of abdomen; worse morning and evening. Abdomen distended with flatulence, very tender. Gurgling in left side of abdomen; cold feet; fetor oris. Pain in abdomen when walking; must bend over; pain settles in ileo-ccecal region; dull, sore, tender. Inguinal hernia, also chil- dren. Burning over whole abdomen, 2 to 3 p. m. Stinging sore- ness when touched. Swelling and suppuration of inguinal glands. Inflamed buboes. Nux mos. "Weight in upper part of abdomen; lower part tense. Cutting, pinching in epigastrium and navel. Abdomen enormously distended. Sore navel,even ulcerated. Umbilical hernia. Cutting, pinching about navel, better from pressure; flatulency, diarrhoea. Crampy, forcing down pains in bowels and anus. CHAPTER XIX.—ABDOMETv 401 ♦Nux vom. ♦Flatulent distention of abdomen after eating. Sen- sation of weakness in inguinal ring, as if a hernia would occur, or pain as if a hernia would become incarcerated. "Pressure under the short ribs, as from incarcerated flatulence; worse mornings and after meals. Colic from indigestion, with water-brash; worse after coffee, brandy or overeating. Flatulent colic with pressure upward, causing dyspnoea; and downward, causing urging to stool and urination. Periodical colic before breakfast or after meals. Colic from suppressed haemorrhoidal flow. Hernia. Tension and fullness in loins, abdomen and renal region; haematuria; abdominal plethora. Oleander. "Stitches and gnawing about navel. Rolling and rumbling in the intestines, with emission of a great quantity of fetid flatus. ♦Opium. ♦Violent griping and cutting in abdomen. Pressive pain in the abdomen, as if the intestines would be cut to pieces. "Distended with flatus; anti-peristaltic motion, belching and vom- iting; bowels seem absolutely closed, but with constant urging to stool and urine; anxiety, flying heat internally, stupefaction. Crampy intestinal motions; rolling up as of a hard body in right hypochondrium—ileus. Colic from lead. Hard, bloated,tympanitic abdomen. Laxness of abdominal organs. Incarcerated umbilical and inguinal hernia. Nephralgia. Petroleum. -Awakes toward morning, with pinching colic, better from bending double. Cold feeling in abdomen. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Sensation of great weakness and emptiness in abdomen; must lie down. Incarcerated flatus; loud rumbling in abdomen; emission of much flatus. "Very sensitive abdomen, painful to touch; rolling and rumbling in abdomen; during and after drinking. Painful feeling of weakness across the whole ab- domen; worse in hypogastric region, after a short walk. Shooting in abdomen, with empty feeling. Sensation of coldness in abdo- men. Abdomen flaccid with chronic loose bowels. Tympanitis, mostly about coecum and transverse colon. ♦Phosphoric acid. ♦Meteoristic distention of abdomen, "rum- bling and gurgling; noise as from water. Phytolacca. "Griping and cramps in abdomen. Burning, grip- ing pains in umbilical region. Rheumatism extending to abdom- inal muscles. Bearing down pains. 402 CHAPTER XIX.—ABDOMEN *Platinum. ♦Pressing and bearing down in abdomen, extending to pelvis. "Painter's colic; pain in umbilical region, extending through into back; patient screams and tries to relieve the pain by turning into all possible positions. *Plumbum met. ♦Violent colic; abdomen retracted to the spine, as if drawn in by a string. Excruciating pains in umbilical region shoot to other portions of abdomen and body, somewhat relieved by pressure. "Cutting, contractive pains, with restless tossing; better from rubbing or hard pressure. Constriction of intestines; navel violently retracted. Abdomen hard as a stone; knots in recti muscles; anxious, with cold sweat and deathly faintness. Large, hard swelling in ileo-ccecal region, painful to touch and motion — typhlitis. Inflammation and gangrene of bowels. Incarcerated hernia. Intussusception with colic and fecal vomiting. Podophyllum. "Pain in bowels at daybreak, better from ex- ternal warmth and bending forward while lying on side; worse lying on back. Frequent but transient abdominal pains, during the day, better from pressure. Rumbling in ascending colon. Sharp pain in right groin, preventing motion, later months of pregnancy. Psorinum. -"Colicky pains, better passing fetid flatus. Pa!in in abdomen while riding. Abdomen distended. Painful bearing down, with painful burning micturition. Stinging, sharp pains in inguinal glands. Pain through right groin when walking. Inguinal hernia. *Pulsatilla. ♦Flatulent colic, loud rumbling and gurgling; flatus moves about in abdomen, especially in evening. Pressure in abdo- men and small of back, as from a stone; limbs go to sleep while sitting; ineffectual desire to stool. Drawing, tearing or forcing down pains in abdomen, like labor pains. "Colic from cold, with diarrhoea; from ices, fruits, pastry, from getting feet wet. Pain in lower chest and abdomen, obliging her to bend forward. Abdomen and stomach distended; she must unlace. Cutting and dragging in hypogastric region, round to loins, making her faint. Painful sensitiveness of abdomen to touch. Lumps in both groins, hard and painful. Rhododendron. "Distention in upper part of abdomen, with dyspnoea, evening and morning. Much rumbling in abdomen with eructations and discharge of fetid flatus. Colic at navel, or feel- ing of repletion after eating. CHAPTER XIX.—ABDOMEN 4"3 Rhus tox. "Soreness, as if beaten in hypochondria, and still more in abdomen; worse in side lain on, when turning, when be- ginning to move. Abdomen bloated, especially after eating. En- teritis or peritonitis, with typhoid symptoms. Colic, he must walk bent; worse at night; also after getting wet. Typhlitis. Sensa- tion as if something were torn off in abdomen Visible contrac- tions of abdomen above navel. Rumex. "Griping near navel, partly relieved by a discharge of offensive flatus; flatulent colic soon after a meal. Sensation of hardness or fullness in abdomen, with rumbling. Ruta. "Gnawing pain about navel. Colic in children from worms. Colic, with burning or gnawing pains. Sabadilla. "Turning and twisting through whole abdomen, as from a lump. Spasmodic contraction of abdominal muscles, left side, with burning pains; he bends over to left side. Sensation as if a ball of thread was moving and turning rapidly through abdo- men. Cutting in bowels, as with knives. Burning, boring, whirl- ing in region of navel. Bloated abdomen. Sensation as though abdomen was sunken in. Rumbling in abdomen, as if empty. Sabina. "Tympanitis; bloatedness of abdomen; rumbling in the evening in a warm room. Labor-like pains in abdomen down to groins. Soreness of abdominal muscles. Pressing down toward genitals. Slight sensation of motion in abdomen, as if something were alive. Sambucus. "Colic pain, with discharge of much flatulence, from taking cold. Painful pressure in abdomen, with nausea when lean- ing against a hard edge. Great soreness in abdomen. Sanguinaria. -Flatulent distention of abdomen, in evening, with escape of flatus from vagina (os uteri being dilated). In- durations in abdomen. Cutting bellyache from right to left iliac fossa, thence to rectum. Soreness in abdomen aggravated by eat- ing. Colic, with torpor of liver. Feeling as from hot water pour- ing in from breast into abdomen, followed by diarrhoea. Sarsaparilla. "Rumbling, with sensation of emptiness in abdo- men. Burning or cold feeling in abdomen. External abdomen very sensitive to touch. Secale. "Distention of abdomen. Flatulence, with rumbling. Painful sensitiveness and rumbling with continued nausea and confusion of head. Pain in lower abdomen preventing an upright 404 CHAPTER XIX.--ABDOMEN posture, even forcing him to lie doubled up in bed. Continued bearing down in lower abdomen. Burning in abdomen. Cold feel- ing in abdomen and back. Strong pulsation in umbilical region. Lumps and welts in abdomen; in affections of uterus. ♦Sepia. ♦Pressure and heaviness in abdomen. "Colic with great distention and sensitiveness of abdomen, recurring toward evening. Rumbling in abdomen, especially after eating. Abdomen puffed up. Pot-belliedness of mothers. Brown spots on abdomen. ♦Silicia. ♦Abdomen distended, hard and tense. Emission of very offensive flatus. "Pressure, clothing across abdomen feels too tight, after eating. Colicky pains in lower abdomen, with straining and increased pain during stool. Colic from worms; with constipation or difficult stool; with 3'ellow hands, blue nails; with reddish, bloody stools. Abdominal pains relieved by warmth. Flatulence, much rumbling. Distended, hard, hot abdomen, especially in children. Inguinal glahds inflamed. Inguinal hernia. Spigelia. "Cutting colic at navel. Pressure in umbilical region, as from a hard lump. Spongia. "Rumbling in abdomen, worse evenings and mornings. Violent action of abdominal muscles during inspiration. Viscera drawn up against diaphragm. Swelling and inflammation of (left) inguinal gland. Squilla. "Cutting pain in abdomen as from flatulence. Painful sensitiveness of abdomen and region of bladder. Stannum met. "Empty feeling after eating. Cutting about navel, with bitter eructations, hunger and diarrhoea; better from hard pressure. Hernia, better from pressure on abdomen. Abdomen sore as from subcutaneous ulceration. Staphisagria. "Swollen abdomen (in children), with much colic. Colic after lithotomy, with urging to stool, or with urging to urinate and squeamishness, worse after food or drink. A feeling of weakness in abdomen, as if it would drop, wants to hold it up. Spasmodic cutting in abdomen, after eating and drinking. Painful swelling of inguinal glands. Sticta. "Rumbling in abdomen as if full of yeast, with severe pains from sternum to spine. Stramonium. "Heat and anxiety in abdomen. Wind in abdomen wakens her; screams, thinking herself full of creeping things. Ab- domen hard, tense; tympanitic; distended but not hard. Colic CHAPTER XIX.--ABDOMEN 4°5 with rumbling, violent, coming on suddenly, in evening, with faint sensation and cold shivers, ♦Sulphur. *Griping pains about navel, relieved by emission of flatus. Distention of abdomen. Rumbling and gurgling in abdo- men. Fullness and tension in abdomen, as from incarcerated flat- ulence. Pressure downward in abdomen, toward anus. Painful sensitiveness of abdomen to touch, "as if internally raw and sore. Intestines feel as if strung in knots, worse from bending forward. Rolling and rumbling in bowels as if empty. Incarcerated flatu- lence in left side of abdomen, with heaviness, fullness and consti- pation. Colic after eating or drinking,obliging one to bend double, worse from sweet things. Painful swelling of inguinal glands. Big abdomen and emaciated limbs, with children. ♦Sulphuric acid. ^Weak feeling in abdomen, as if the menses would appear. ♦Labor-like pains in abdomen, extending to hips and back. Colic, with sensation as if hernia would protrude. Violent protrusion of an inguinal hernia. Tabacum. Gurgling in abdomen. Shifting of flatulence. Ab- domen tympanitic, costive. Violent burning, must shriek, horrible pains. Spasms of bowels. Violent contractions of abdominal muscles; navel retracted. Strangulated hernia; nausea, deathly faintness, cold; cold sweat; vomiting; sudden cerebral hyperaemia. Taraxacum. "Motions in abdomen, as if bubbles were forming and bursting. Abdomen puffed—jaundice. Stitching pains, espec ially in sides. *Terebinthina. ♦Excessive distention of abdomen; meteorism, colic, constipation. Worms; with foul breath, choking sensation, dry, hacking cough; burning and tingling in anus, with sensation as if ascarides were crawling about; sometimes with spasms. Theridion. -Pain in groins after coitus; in groin on motion. *Thuja occ ♦Abdomen enlarged and puffed; protrudes here and there as from the arm of a fetus; movements and sensation as if something were alive, without pains. "While sitting stitching in abdomen, as from needles. Upper part of abdomen drawn in. Flatulence, as if an animal were crying in abdomen. Ileus; spas- modic stricture, as if something alive were pushing out. Soreness of navel. Painful swelling of inguinal glands. Valeriana. "Abdomen distended, hard. Colic, hysterical, espec- ially evenings in bed; after dinner; from haemorrhoids; from worms. 406 CHAPTER XIX.--ABDOMEN ♦Veratrum alb. ♦Colic, cutting, griping, and twisting, espec- ially about navel; better after stool; as if intestines were twisted in a knot; flatulent; cold sweat. After cold; after abuse of qui- nine; from fruits and vegetables. Abdomen swollen and sensitive; no flatus either way; cold sweat, with burning pain, twisting, cut- ting, with nausea and vomiting, worse from food; better after wind passes. Peritonitis, with vomiting and diarrhoea, skin cold; features sunken, pulse small, weak; restless, anxious. Great sink- ing and empty feeling. Intussusception of bowels; great anguish; rushes about bent double, pressing abdomen. Cold feeling in ab- domen. Abdomen distended, very sensitive; colic Incarcerated hernia, not inflamed; anti-peristaltic action. Cold sweat. Protru- sion of inguinal hernia, during cough. ♦Veratrum vir. ♦Pain and soreness across abdomen, just above pelvis. "Abdomen as if drawn in, following cramp in stomach. Pains at right of umbilicus, passing down to groin. Enteritis, with high fever, great vascular excitement, vomiting; dark, bloody stools. Zincum met. "Pressure and tension in abdomen. Flatulent colic, worse from wine, toward evening, or during night, and at rest; loud rumbling and rolling; retraction of abdomen; hot, moist, fetid flatus, passing off without relief; lead colic. Violent bearing down in abdomen, after a difficult, scanty stool; relieved by pass- ing flatus. Inguinal hernia. Zingiber. Contracting colic passes through abdomen while standing; soon after, desire for stool. Sore pain in a small place right side of abdomen. Flatulency; costive; gout. Sharp pain in left iliac region. REPERTORY. Ascites,dropsy—acet.a., ♦apis,♦apoc, aur., dulc, fluor. a., graph., hell., led., lye, mill. Bloated —absinth., cupr., kali bi., kali i., lib, mag. c, mang., mere cor., nat. c, opium, rhus, sabad., sabin., sepia, sub Bubbling—lye Buboes—carb. an., mere p. i., nit. a. Croaking—arg. m., lye, thuj. Distention—♦abrot., agar., aloe, ambr., am. m., ant. c, apoc, arg. m., ♦ars., bapt., ♦baryt., ♦belb, borax, brom., ♦calc c, canth., caps., carb. an., carb.v., caul., cham., cheb,cic, cina, cinch.,cocc, coff., colch., ♦coloc, crot. t, eye, ferr., fluor. a., gamb., ♦graph., hell., ♦hep. s., hyos., hyper., iod., ♦kalic, kreos., lach.,lib, lith., lob., ♦lye, mancin., mang., ♦mere, merc.b. i., mere cor., mur.a., CHAPTER XIX.--ABDOMEN 407 nat. s., nit. a., nux m., ♦nux v., opium, ♦phos. a., psor., puis., rhod., sang., secale, sepia, ♦sib, stram., ♦sub, ♦terebin., valer., ver a. Enlarged—apis, cupr., sepia, sub, thuj. Eruptions—graph., hyos., lye, sepia. Fat—coloc. Fermentation—♦cinch., hep. s., lachn., lye, sticta. Flabby, flaccid —borax, phos. Flatulence—absinth, aescul., ♦agar., aloe, ambr., ant. t, ♦arg. n., aur., bapt., borax, brom., calc. c, carb. an., carb. v., caul., caust, cham., cimi., cinch., cist., cocc, colch., coloc, ♦dios., ferr., gels., guaiac, ham., hydras., ign., ipec, lach., lachn., lib, lith., lob., ♦lye, mag. phos., mere p. i., nat. c, nat. s., nit. a., nuxm., ♦nuxv., opium, ♦phos., puis., samb., sang., secale, sib, squill., stram., ♦sub, tabac, thuj., ♦ver. a., zinc, zing. Fetid—calc ph., carb. v., olean., psor., rhod.,zinc Incarcerated—agn., ant. c, cinch., coff., con., ♦graph., iod., kali c, kali n., kalm., ♦lye, nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nit.a, nux v., opium, ♦phos., ♦sub Inodorous—agar., carb. v. Offensive—♦arn., *bry., glon., rumex, ♦sib Gangrene—plumb. Gurgling—aloe, arg. n., bry., calc. c, cheb, crot. t, hell., nit. a., phos. a., ♦puis., ♦sub, tabac Hard, indurated—abrot., aeon., ant. c, arn., ♦baryt., ♦calc c, canth., cina, ♦clem., ferr., ♦graph., kali c, kreos., lye, ♦mere, mere p. i., nat. e, opium, plumb., puis., rumex, sang., ♦sib, stram., valer. Hernia—aeon., alum., berb., cham., cic, cinch., ♦cocc, coloc, ♦guaiac, ipec, lye, mill., ♦mur. a., nit. a., nux m., ♦nux v., opium, plumb., psor., sib, stann., sul. a., tabac, ver. a., zinc Inflammation, enteritis, peritonitis—aeon., plumb., rhus, spong., ver. a., ver. v. Intussusception—cupr., plumb., ver. a. Lumps—♦abrot, puis., sabad., secale, spig. Meteorism—♦aeon., carb. v., ♦phos. a., terebin. Gidema—graph. Pains—aescul., aloe, alum., am. c, anae, apoc, arn., *ars., bapt , ♦belb, berb., borax, bry., cact., ♦calc c, calc. ph., canth., caust., cepa, ♦cham., ♦cheb, cic, cimi., cocc, coff., ♦coloc, dios., graph., kali i., kalm., kreos., lach., lept., lith., lob., ♦lye, mag. phos., mancin., ♦mere, mere cor., nat. c, nat. s., nit. a., phos., phyt., plumb., pod., psor., puis., samb., secale, sib, squill.,staph., sticta, ♦sub, tabac, thuj., ver. v. Aching—acet. a., aescul., aethus., agn., am. m., ant. t, apis, bapt, calc. ph., cinch., con., dros., hydras., lept., sang. Beaten—rhus. Boring—cina. Bruised—am. e, ♦apis, cist, ferr., mag. m., ♦mere cor., nat. s. 4o8 CHAPTER XIX. --ABDOMEN Pains continued. Burning—♦aeon., aescul., aib, ant. t, apis, ♦ars., berb., cact, calc. ph., camph., canth., caps., carb. v., cepa, graph., ham., helon., hydras., kali i., kreos., lach., mere p. i., nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., phyt., ruta, sabad., sars., secale, tabac, ver. a. Clawing, clutching—bell. Colic—abrot., aeon., aethus., alum., ambr., am. e, ant. c, arn., aur., belb, berb., brom., calc. ph., caps., carb. v., caul., caust, cepa, cham., cheb, cic, cimi., cinch., cocc, coff., colch., ♦coloc, con., crot. t, ♦cupr., ♦dios., dulc, eup. perf., eup. purp., ferr., hell., helon., hep. s., hydras., hyos., ign., ipec, iris, kali bi., kali c, kali n., laur., led., lye, mag. c, mag. m., mag. phos., mancin., mere, mere b. i., mill., nat. c, nat. m., nux v., petrol., plumb., psor., puis., rhod., rhus, ruta, samb., sang., sepia, sib, spig., staph., stram., sub, sul. a., terebin., valer., ver. a., zinc. Bending forward or doubling up—aeon., aloe, arg. m., bry., caust., cimi., cinch., ♦coloc, mag. ph., nit a., nux m., petrol., puis., rhus, secale, sub, ver. a. Bursting—am. m., baryt., ♦carb. v., coff., hyos. Cold, from—♦dulc., mere, puis., samb.. ver. a. Flatulent—aescul., alum., arg. m., ♦carb. v., caul., cham., ♦cocc, con., ferr., gels., ign., ipec, mag. phos., mill., nux v., ♦puis., rumex, zinc Haemorrhoidal—abrot., arg. n., nux v., valer. Painter's,lead—♦alum., opium, plat., zinc. Violent—ant. t, ♦cupr., eup. pert, kali n., lith., ♦plumb., stram. Constrictive—arg. n., cham., ♦cheb,cinch.,♦cocc, nat. e, plumb. Contractive—arg. m., ars., ♦coloc, hep. s., mang., nat. c, plumb., rhus, sabad., tabac, zing. Cramps—calc.c., cina, ♦coloc, cupr., eye, ♦dios., graph., ham., helon., mag. ph., mur. a., nux m., opium, phyt. Cutting—♦aeon., aescul., am. c, am. m., ant. c, ant. t., apis, ars.,baryt., ♦belb,bry., calc. ph., canth., caps., cheb, colch.,♦coloc, con., cupr., eye, ♦dios., dulc, glon., hydras., ♦hyos., hyper., ipec,kali bi., kali c, kali i., lach., lachn., ♦mag. c, mang., mere cor., nux m., ♦opium, plumb., puis., sabad., sang., spig., squill., stann., staph., ♦ver. a. Darting—kali c Distress—aescul., bapt., ♦dios., lept. Dragging—♦aloe, cham., lib, puis. Drawing—calc ph., cheb, cupr., ign., kreos., *puls. Dull—bapt., hydras., nit. a. Gnawing—gels., lept., olean., ruta. Griping—aloe, am. m., anae, belb, brom., bry., cham., ♦coloc, crot. t, ♦dios., gels., hell., ign., ipec, ♦mag. c, mag. phos., nat. s., ♦opium, phyt., rumex, ♦sub, ver. a. Ileus—opium, thuj. Jerking—clem. Labor-like, bearing down—apis, arg. n., kreos., phyt , ♦plat , psor., ♦puis., sabin., secale, sul. a., zinc. CHAPTER XIX.—ABDOMEN 409 PaillS continued. Lancinating—carb. v., clem., mere Nephralgic—opium. Neuralgic—kalm. Piercing—jiat. s. Pinching—anae, ant. c, belb, borax, calc. ph., canth., cheb, cina, ♦cocc, coff., con., eye, gamb., gels., guaiac, hell., hyper., ign., lsaur., nux m., petrol. Pressive—alum., am. c, ant. t, apis, ♦belb, berb., borax, calc. c, caps., cina, cinch., coff., colch., lith., mag. c, nuxv., ♦opium, ♦plat., ♦puis., sabin., samb., ♦sepia, sib, spig., ♦sul, zinc. Pulsation—aloe, kali c, secale. Raw—sul. Remittent, periodic—cact., cimi., cinch , ♦cupr., gels., ign., iris, mag. phos., nux v. Rheumatic—phyt. Sharp—arn., bapt., calc. ph., cimi., hydras., lept, lob., pod., psor., zinc. Shooting—bapt, kali c, phos:, ♦plumb., psor. Sore—aescul., ant. t, apis, arg. m., bapt., calc ph., caps., carb. an., cimi., dios., ferr., gels., hyos., kreos., lib, mag. m., mere b. i., nit. a., nux m., rhus, sabin., samb., sang., stann., sub, thuj., ver. v., zing. Spasmodic—aur., caul., cheb, cinch., ♦cocc, ♦cupr., ign., laur., lye, mag. c, sabad., staph., tabac, terebin., thuj. Stinging—apis, nit. a., psor. Sprained—ars. Stitches—alum., am.c, am. m., ars., berb., borax, bry., canth., caust.,colch., ♦coloc, con., croc, eye, dros.,ign., kali bi., kali c, kali n., mag. m., olean., tarax., thuj. Tearing—berb., colch., mag. m., ♦puis. Tension—♦apis, arg. m., arg. n., baryt., berb., ♦cupr., fluor. a., gamb., ♦hep. s., kali c, kreos., ♦lye, mag. m., mere, nit. a., nux m., nux v., ♦sib,stram., ♦sub, zinc Throbbing—aescul., iod. Tingling—calc. ph., mag. m. Twisting—aloe, calc. c, cina, ♦coloc, lachn., sabad., ver.a. Ulcerative—kreos., stann. Wandering—aescul., cact., gels. Writhing—calc c. Parts. Aorta—iod. Coecum—♦apis, belb, hydras., lach., mere, ♦mere cor., nit. a., phos., plumb. Colon—aloe, belb, cham.,, gels., ham., ♦mere cor., phos., pod. Diaphragm—lye, spong. Epigastrium —aloe, carb. v., cina, ♦cocc, colch., ham., hydras., kali c, mere, nux m. Flank —nat. s. 410 CHAPTER XIX.— ABDOMEN Parts continued. Glands—ant. c, bapt Inguinal—♦ars., berb., ♦calc e, ♦clem., cupr., dulc, hep. s., iod., ♦mere, nit. a., psor., sib, spong., staph., sub, thuj. Mesenteric—calc. c Groins—alum., am. c, ant. c, ant.t, ars., bapt, berb., borax, calc. ph., canth., carb. an., cepa, coloc, graph., hydras., pod., psor., puis., sabin., therid. Hypochondria—cist., ♦lye, mere, opium, rhus. Hypogastrium—♦aloe, ant. t, apis, arg. m., arg. n., baryt., cepa, cimi., cist, con., ♦dios., helon., hydras., lach., lept, mere p.i., phos., puis., squill. Iliac region—♦apis, bapt, belb, caps., coff., gels., mere, nit. a., plumb., sang. Inguinal region—aescul., ars., cheb, clem., ♦cocc, dios., guaiac, *nux v., opium, psor., sib, sul. a., zinc. Intestines, bowels—abrot., acet. a., ♦aeon., aescul., aethus., agar., agn., aib, ♦anae, ant. c, apis, arg. n., bapt., berb., bry., calc. c, canth.,caps.,caul., caust,cepa, cheb, cimi., cocc, ♦coloc, ♦crot t, cupr., eye, ♦dios., ferr., gan:b., gels., glon., hell., hydras., hyos., ipec, kreos., lachn., lept., lob., lye, mancin., mang., mere, nat.m., nat. s., nux m., ♦opium, phos., plumb., pod., rhus, sabad., therid., ♦ver. a., ver. v. Inflammation, enteritis—aeon., gels., hyos., mere, plumb., rhus, ver. v. Loins—canth., caps., dros., lach., led., mag. m., nux v., puis. Muscles—aloe, alum., arg. m., bapt.,baryt, caul., cimi., ♦cupr., guaiac, hyos., mag. m., phyt., plumb., sabad., sabin., spong., tabac Ovarian region—belb, ♦coloc Pelvis—♦plat., ♦ver. v. Peritoneum —apis, ferr. phos., hyos., kali chlor., kali n., lach., lye, mere, rhus, ver. a. Pubes--am. en., baryt., canth. Rectum—♦aib, sang. Ribs—*lyc, nux v. Rings—alum., cepa, cham., lith., ♦nux v. Side, Left—ant. c, ars., calc. ph., cepa, crot. t, eye, iod., lith., lob., lye, nit. a., sabad., sub, zing. Right—aescul., ant. t, arg. m., arn., ars., bapt., belb, calc. c, carb. an., caust, dros., gels., kali n., lach., ♦lye, nat. s., psor., zing. Skin —berb., graph., hyos., lib, lye, nat. c, sepia. Umbilicus, navel—aeon., aescul., aloe, am. e, am. m., anae, ant. t, arn., ars., belb, herb., bry., cact., calc. c, calc. ph., caps., cepa, ♦cham, ♦cheb, cina, cinch., coloc, crot. t, eye, ♦dios., dale, fluor. a., gamb., glon., graph., ham., hell., hep. s., hydras., hyos., hyper., ign., iris, kali bi., kali c, kali i., kalm., kreos., lachn., laur., led., lept., mag. phos., mang., mere b. i., mere cor., nat. c, nux m., olean., opium, phyt., plat., ♦plumb., rhod., CHAPTER XIX.--ABDOMEN 4II Parts continued. rhus, rumex, ruta, sabad., secale, spig.,stann., ♦sub, tabac, thuj., ver. a. Walls—am. c, ♦apis, calc. ph., gels., graph., lib, nat. c, sars Peritonitis—apis. Plethora—nux v. Puffed up—arg. m., sepia, tarax., thuj. Retraction—am. c, ♦plumb., tabac, thuj., ver. v., zinc. Rumbling—acet. a., aescul., agar., agn., aib, anae, ant. c, ant. t, apis, arg. n., ars., bapt., berb., bry., caul., cheb, cimi., cocc, crot. t., dios., eup. purp., ferr., gels., glon., helon., hep. s., hydras., ipec, lachn., lept., lob., lye, ♦mag. c, nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., olean., phos. a., pod., ♦puis., rhod., rumex, sabad., sabin., sars., secale, sepia, sib, spong., sticta, stram., ♦sub, zinc. Rumbling and rolling—caust , gamb., nat. s., olean., phos.,sub, zinc. Rumbling, loud—agar., belb, carb. v., caust., hydras., nat c, phos., puis., zinc. Sensations—agn., alum., am. m., anae, ant. t, apis, arg. n., bapt., baryt., belb, berb., bry., calc. ph., canth., caps., carb. an., carb. v., cheb, cinch., cocc, coff., ♦coloc, croc, eye, hell., hyos., kali n., laur., lib, ♦lye, mang., mere, phos. a., plumb., rhus, sabad., sabin., sang., sib, ♦sub, sul. a., tarax., terebin., ♦thuj. Coldness—aethus., ♦ambr., camph., cist., kali c, kreos., petrol., phos. a., sars., secale, tabac, ver. a. Diarrhoea, sense of—aib, ♦aloe, ant. c, borax, con., *dulc, helon., lachn., led., 3|clil_ Dragging down—aloe. Emptiness—ant. e, calc. ph., cocc, crot t, fluor. a., ♦phos., sabad., sars., stann., ver. a. Fullness—aescul., apis, arg. n., bapt, baryt., ♦carb. v., cheb, cimi., crot. t, eye, eup. perf., ♦graph., ♦kali e, led., ♦lye, mere, mur. a., nat. s., nux v., rhod., rumex, sul. Goneness—hydras. Heat, hot—♦aeon., belb, cact., camph., ♦cupr., eup. purp., hydras., ♦kali c, lach., lachn., mang., mere, nat. s., sib, stram. Heaviness—♦aloe, alum., am. m., arg. n., aur., kali e, ♦lye, mag. e, nat. s., nux m., ♦sepia, sul. Hollowness— cocc. Itching—berb., eye, graph. Numb—calc. ph., kali n. Plug, sense of—♦anae Quivering—calc. ph. Sinking—abrot., agn., aloe, calc. ph., ver. a. Swashing—♦crot. t., mere b. i. Weakness—abrot., aethus., aib, ♦aloe, cham., ferr., hell., lib, ♦nux v., phos., staph., ♦sub a. Weight—nux m. .I2 CHAPTER XIX.—ABDOMEN Sensitiveness—♦aeon., agn., ant. c, ♦apis, arg. m., arg. n., bapt., baryt., ♦hell., berb., bry., canth., cham., clem., con., kalic, lach., lib, lye, mag. m., mere, phos., puis., sars., secale, sepia, squill., ♦sub, ver. a. Sunken—borax, cupr., sabad. Supports with hand—guaiac, hyos., lye, staph. Suppuration—hep. s., mere, nit. a. Swollen—♦aeon., aethus., am. c, arn., ♦ars., berb., ♦calc. c, canth., ♦clem., con., cupr., dulc, eup. purp., fluor. a., gamb., graph., hell., hep. s., iod., kali c, lach., lith., ♦mere, nat c, nat m., nit. a., plumb., staph., sub, thuj., ver. a. Tenderness—aescul., aloe, ant. e, am., ♦belb, camph., caul., ♦cupr., eye, dios., ferr., gels., hell., hyos., lach., mere, mere b. i., mere cor., nit. a., phos., plumb., puis. Trembling—calc. ph , lil. Tumid—canth., caust. Tympanitic—aib, arg. m., brom., can., cham., ♦cinch., colch., eup. pert, hyos., hyper., kali bi., lob., opium, phos., sabin., stram., tabac. Typhlitis—lach., mere, plumb., rhus. Ulcers—nux m. Worms—aeon., mere, ruta, sib, terebin., thuj; CHAPTER XX.-STOOL AND ANUS. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abies nig. ♦Constipation. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Food passes undigested—marasmus. After sud- denly checked diarrhoea—rheumatism. Alternate diarr-hcea and con- stipation—marasmus. Constipation—gastralgia. Protruding piles, with burning, from touch or when pressing. Absinthium. "Constipation and haemorrhoids. Worms. ♦Acetic acid. *Diarrhcea, with swelling of legs and feet— phthisis. Diarrhoea in the later stages of abdominal phthisis. "Cos- tiveness, with tympanitis and stupor. Profuse haemorrhoidal bleed- ing. Haemorrhage from bowels—after checked metrorrhagia. ♦Aconitum. ♦Stools watery, white, with red urine; like chopped herbs, in summer complaint, "black, fetid, bloody, and slimy; scanty, loose, frequent, with tenesmus; small, brown, painful, at last bloody—dysentery. Bilious diarrhoea of infants with colic. Diarrhoea from getting wet; slimy, bloody stools, violent pains in bowels; tenesmus also between discharges. Urging slimy stools, intolerable nightly tingling; itching at anus—seat worms. Dys- entery, or inflammatory diarrhoea, during hot days and cold nights. Cutting, griping, followed by frequent urging to stool, after anger or fright. Alternate slimy stools and constipation—icterus. Con- stipation; clay-colored stools. Bleeding piles, inflamed; stinging and pressure in anus. ♦^Esculus. ♦Dryness, heat and constriction of rectum, rectum feels as if *full of small sticks; knife-like pain in anus. Soreness, burning, itching, and fullness in anus. Haemorrhoids like ground nuts, purple; painful sensation of burning; generally blind; aching and lameness or shooting in back. Stools hard, dry, and passed with difficulty. "Passing fetid flatus. Prolapsus ani after stool; dull backache. Stool large, dry, hard and knotty; difficult, dark, mushy, light brown; first part hard, black, last natural, but white as milk. 413 414 CHAPTER XX.--STOOL AND ANUS iEthusa. Diarrhoea; stool bright-yellow, then green and slimy, later greenish-gray; green, thin, bilious or bloody mucus; stool un- digested; greenish mucus with bile; much pain and tenesmus. Agaricus "Stools grass-green, bilious; thin, yellow, fecal, slimy; puffy, with cutting in abdomen, and much wind; bloody, dysen- teric. Diarrhoea mostly in morning, after rising and eating, with much rumbling; crampy colic and passing wind. Passing much inodorous flatus. Agnus cast. "Diarrhoea of children; chronic diarrhoea of adults. Corrosive itching of perineum; pruritus podicis. Deep rhagades or fissure of anus. Ascarides. Great accumulation of wind; flatus smells like urine, remaining long on clothes. *Ailantus. ♦Stool thin, watery, offensive, passing involuntary with the urine. Tapeworm. "-Dysentery, frequent painful stool, little fecal matter, much bloody mucus; very little fever. Frequent watery stools, expelled with great force. ♦Aloe. ♦Urgency, as with diarrhoea, only hot flatus passes, with great relief; it soon returns with sensation of a plug wedged be- tween symphysis pubis and coccygis. Feces escape almost with- out being noticed. Lumpy, watery stools. Haemorrhoids protrude like a bunch of grapes,with constant bearing down in rectum. Itch- ing and burning in anus; preventing sleep. Weakness or loss of power of sphincter ani. Sensation of heat and burning in rectum. Constant urging to stool during day; wakens at night; arises at 6 a. m. Urgency to stool with passage of urine. After stool sen- sation of more in rectum. Involuntary stool with escape of flatus. Has to hurry to closet immediately after eating or drinking. Stool passes without exertion; seems so heavy that it falls out of intes- tines. Feces and urine escape together. Weakness and prostration at stool. "Stool small, brownish, slimy, half fluid; yellow, puffy; bloody; jelly-like mucus, and feces with much sputtering flatus. Diarrhoea in hot, damp weather; evening, night and morning; from vinegar; from cold, damp room; when walking or standing. ♦Alumina. ♦Inactivity of rectum, even the soft stool requires great straining. No desire for, and no ability to pass stool, until there is a large accumulation. Stool hard and knotty; like sheep's dung, with cutting in anus, followed by blood. Diarrhoea, with urging in rectum; when she urinates. Constipation of sucklings. Itching and burning of anus; fistula ani. Perineum; pressure when blowing nose; sweats and is tender to touch. CHAPTER XX.--STOOL AND ANUS 4^5 ♦Ambra. "Frequent, ineffectual desire for stool; this makes her very anxious; +at this time the presence of other persons becomes unbearable. "Large flow of blood with stool. Itching in anus; stitches. Ammonium carb. "Painful diarrhoea. Costiveness on account of hardness of stool. Discharge of blood before and after stool. Protrusion of haemorrhoids after stool, with long-lasting pains, can- not walk. Haemorrhoids protrude independent of stool. Burning at anus prevents sleep at night. Itching at anus. ♦Ammonium mur. ♦Constipation, stool hard and crumbling, re- quiring great effort to expel. "Stitching or tearing pain in perineum when walking. Green, slimy diarrhoea, stools in morning. Diar- rhoea, with soreness of anus, sore pustule near it. Haemorrhoids, sore and smarting; after suppressed leucorrhcea. ♦Anacardium. ♦Great and urgent desire for stool, but with the effort the desire passes away, without an evacuation; the rectum seems powerless, with sensation as if plugged up. "Inactivity of rectum, even soft stool passes with difficulty. Stool very pale color. Itching at anus. ♦Antimonium crud. ♦Diarrhoea worse from vinegar and other acids; sour wine; overheating; after cold bath; night and early morning. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation, with old people. Diarrhoea of old people. Difficult, hard stool, feces too large; cos- tive with incarcerated flatus. Mucus piles, pricking, burning; con- tinuous mucous discharge, staining yellow; sometimes ichor oozes out. "Stool watery, with vomiting; watery, profuse; ♦watery with little hard lumps, or containing undigested food; mucus, morning. . "Acrid diarrhoea. Stool white, dry, irregular. Hard lumps of curd. Antimonium tart. "Stool yellowish-brown; thin, bilious, mucus; liquid, greenish, with heat at anus; slimy, appears like yeast; of cadaverous smell. Desire for stool ineffectual, though the bowels seem full and pressing. ♦Apis. ♦Sensation of rawness in anus with diarrhoea. Stools occur with every motion of body, as if anus were constantly open. Haemorrhage from bowels with burning pains, excoriation of anus, constant tenesmus—prolapsus ani. Diarrhoea watery; yellow, with griping; watery and foul smelling; watery, copious,black, greenish- yellow mucus, worse mornings; slimy mucus and blood; frequent, 416 CHAPTER XX. — STOOL AND ANUS bloody, painless; olive-green, slimy, profuse, full of bright-red lumps; thin, yellow, with extreme weakness. "Throbbing in rectum; with sensation in anus as if stuffed full; tenesmus. ♦Aranea diad. ♦Thin, fluid stool, with pain in abdomen. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Child is very fond of sugar,but diarrhoea results from eating it. Diarrhoea as soon as he drinks. Masses of epithe hum connected by muco-lymph, looking red or green and shreddy, with severe bearing down in hypogastrium; advanced dysentery, with suspected ulceration. Stool greenish, very fetid mucus, with noisy flatus at night; green mucus with retching and vomiting of mucus; scanty and watery,with flatulent colic at night; like spinach in flakes. "Looseness after exalted imagination. Stool and urine passed involuntarily. Croupous inflammation of rectum; thin, un- shapely strips pass in masses, with burning, constriction and sore pain in left side of abdomen. Taenia or thread-worms; the latter especially, with much itching at anus. ♦Arnica. ♦Dysentery, with ischuria, or tenesmus of neck of bladder, with fruitless urging. Flatus smelling like rotten eggs. Involuntary stool at night when asleep. Diarrhoea resembling brown yeast. "Stool: undigested food; purulent; bloody, slimy mucus, with urging, and violent bellyache; dark, bloody mucus, with sore, bruised feeling in abdomen; brown, fermented (like yeast;) averse to food; foul breath; very offensive, papescent, at times involun- tary; frequent, small, mucous. Obstinate constipation after a blow on epigastrium. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Diarrhoea after chilling the stomach by taking cold substances. Diarrhoea worse after midnight, also in morning after rising. Burning in anus. Haemorrhages from bowels, dark, offensive—typhus. Evacuations excoriate anus. Stool black; acrid; "slimy and green mucus; dark,bloody, watery and painless; bloody water; dark-colored; offensive; of pieces of mucus, with tenesmus and cutting pain in anus. Stool small with tenesmus, first dark- green feces, afterwards dark green mucus; black mucus, with per- sistent vomiting; black, acrid, and putrid; yellow, with tenesmus and burning pain; like dirty water; of blood and water. Purging with extreme coldness of extremities. Anus red and sore. Con- stipation with pain in bowels. Haemorrhoids with stinging pain when walking or sitting, not when at stool, with burning pain re- lieved by heat. CHAPTER XX. — STOOL AND ANUS 417 Asafoetida. "Watery stool of disgusting odor; discharge profuse and greenish. Very offensive diarrhoea, with colic; discharge of fetid flatus. Obstinate constipation, with abdominal and haemor- rhoidal cramps. , Only slime passes, no feces. ♦Asclepias tub. ♦Soft, fetid stool, preceded by rumbling in bowels. Fetid flatulence. "Stool dysenteric, like white of egg; yellow, green, clammy, smelling like rotten eggs. Aurum met. "Fetid flatus. Stool offensive, painful ; grayish, ashy. Nightly diarrhoea, with burning in rectum. Hard, knotty or large stool; constipation worse during menses. Piles with rectal catarrh; costive, external piles bleed during stool. Baptisia. "Stool dark, thin, fecal, offensive; soft, papescent, with large quantities of mucus; of pure blood, or bloody mucus. Fetid, exhausting diarrhoea, causing excoriations. Offensive diar- rhoea night and day; child can swallow nothing but milk. Dark, brown, mucous and bloody stools; brown tongue—typhus. Con- stipation; haemorrhoids in afternoon. Dysentery, rigors, pains in limbs and small of back; stool small, all blood, not very dark, but thick; tenesmus; great prostration; brown tongue,low fever; in autumn, or in hot weather ♦Belladonna. ♦Stool containing lumps like chalk; green mucus; "slimy and bloody. Pressing in rectum toward anus. Voluptuous tickling in lower part of rectum and anus. Involuntary evacuation; paralysis of sphincter ani. Bleeding piles, back pains as if break- ing. Spasmodic constriction of sphincter ani. Mucous membrane of anus seems swollen and pressed out. Violent itching, at same time constrictive sensation in anus. ♦Benzoic acid. ♦Diarrhoea in children; profuse, watery, light- colored, offensive, exhausting stool with characteristic urine. "Putrid, bloody stool. Stool of strong pungent smell, like that of urine. ♦Berberis. ♦Violent burning pain in anus, as if parts around it were sore. "Watery evacuations. Large, pappy, free stools, mostly with tenesmus before and after. Hard stool, like sheep's dung, passed only after much straining. Haemorrhoids, with itch- ing and burning, particularly after stool, which frequently is hard and covered with blood. Soreness in anus, with burning; pain when touched, and great sensitiveness when sitting. Fistula in ano, with itching there; short cough and chest complaints. Herpes around anus. 418 CHAPTER XX.— STOOL AND ANUS Bismuthum. -Stool papescent, foul; watery, cadaverous smell- ing. Summer complaint; violent vomiting with watery diarrhoea. ♦Borax. ♦Soft, light-yellow, mucous stool, with weakness and exhaustion. Slimy, with faintness and weariness; green or brown, diarrhoeic; painless, at first frothy, thin and brown, later, cadav- erous smelling, containing bits of yellow feces; colorless or slimy; green, preceded by crying in infants. Bovista. Disposition to diarrhoea; frequent attacks, each evacuation being followed by tenesmus. Diarrhoea before and during menses. *Bryonia. ♦Stool followed by burning in anus. Stool offensive, pasty, or bilious and acrid. Obstinate constipation, stool large, hard, and dry, as if burnt, with great effort; -burning, worse in warm weather. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Stinking flatulence. Aching haemorrhoids. Calcarea carb. "Stool frequent, first hard, then pasty, then liquid; undigested; offensive; like bad eggs; white; sour. Crawl- ing in rectum, like from worms. Constipation, stool large and hard. Stools look like lumps of chalk, in children during denti- tion. Haemorrhoids, protruding, painful when walking; better when sitting, cause pain during stool; bleed profusely. Great irri- tability of anus. Ascarides; itching commencing towards bed-time, and proving very troublesome for hours. Burning in rectum; in anus. Calcarea fluor. "(Haemorrhoids. Bleeding piles.—Schussler.) Calcarea phos. "Stitching in rectum toward anus, or shooting in anus. Offensive flatus. Diarrhoea during dentition, with much flatus. Stool green and loose, sometimes slimy with children; soft, passed with difficulty, accompanying the headache of school- girls. Pus discharged with stools, which are extremely offensive. Fistula in ano, alternating with chest symptoms. (Chronic haemor- rhoids in anaemic, weakly patients. Predisposition to intestinal worms.—Schussler.) Calcarea sulf. (Diarrhoea, mattery, bloody-mattery. Dysentery, mattery, bloody stools.—Schussler.) Camphora. "Rice-water stool—summer complaint. After taking cold, cutting pain with a loose discharge of dark-brown feces, like coffee grounds. Diarrhoea, great prostration; cold, yet will not be covered. Diarrhoea with colicky pains, with chilliness and sensi- CHAPTER XX— STOOL AND ANUS 419 tiveness to cold air. Absence of discharges; body icy cold—cholera. Constipation from inactivity of rectum. Urging to stool and in- sufficient discharge. *Cantharis. *Stool: blood and mucus, slimy ,bloody, white or blood-streaked mucus, like scrapings from intestines; pure blood. Dysentery or diarrhoea, with dysuria. Feces red, slimy. Vio- lent burning in anus after diarrhoea. Pain in perineum, seemingly arising from neck to bladder. Desire for stool while urinating. Passage of white, tough mucus with stool, like scrapings from in- testines, with streaks of blood. Constipation with retention of urine, or with frequent urination, attended with cutting, burning pains in anus, causing patient to cry out* ♦Capsicum. ♦Tenesmus, burning pain in anus. Stool mucus, frequent mucus,mingled with blood, causing tenesmus; after drink- ing. After every stool thirst; after every drink shivering, "Diar- rhoea with smarting, stinging, or burning pains. Haemorrhoids: burning, swollen, itching, throbbing, with sore feeling in anus; bleeding or blind; with mucous discharge. Suppressed haemorrhoidal flow, causing melancholy. After a drink must go to stool, but was costive; only a little mucus passed. Carbolic acid. -Cholera infantum, with putrid discharges like foul eggs. Carbo ani. "Severe burning pain in rectum in evening. Anus sore; viscid moisture oozing from perineum. Stitches in rectum and anus. Stool hard, lumpy, scanty. Unsuccessful desire for stool, passes only offensive flatus; pain in back and feeling across abdomen as if there was no expulsive power. Blood passes during stool. Piles burn and sting, worse walking. ♦Carbo veg. *Much offensive flatus. "Acrid, corrosive moisture from rectum. Crawling in rectum—ascarides. Stool burning, light- colored, fetid, watery, bloody, with tenesmus, covered with fila- mentous, yellow mucus, last part bloody; putrid, cadaverous smell- ing, involuntary; dysenteric, terribly offensive; thin, pale mucus; in fragments, tough, scanty, with urging and tingling in rectum, and pressure on bladder and uterus. Even soft stool passed with difficulty. Cholera asiatica, stage of collapse. Haemorrhoids pro- trude; blue; suppurating and offensive; with burning; after de- bauchery; cause dysuria. ♦Causticum. ♦Haemorrhoids large, hard, stinging, burning; pain- 420 CHAPTER XX. — STOOL AND ANUS ful when touched; walking unendurable. -Pressure, itching and sticking in rectum. Frequent passage of offensive flatus. Stool tough and shining; first hard and in pieces, the last soft; knotty, like sheep's dung. Frequent ineffectual efforts to stool, with much pain, anxiety and redness of face. Stool passes better standing. Pulsations in perineum. Fissure of anus; pains worse when walk- ing. Itching in anus. Large painful pustule near anus, discharg- ing pus, blood and serum. Haemorrhoids impeding stool, swollen, itching, stitching, moist; stinging, burning; painful when touched, when walking, or when thinking of them. Cepa. "Very offensive flatus. Constipation following intermit- tents treated by quinine. Rhagades at anus. ♦Chamomilla. ♦Stool white, slimy, with colic; painless, green, watery; hot, smelling like rotten eggs; green, watery, corroding, with colic, thirst, bitter taste, and bitter eructations. "Stool preceded by cutting, constricting bellyache, worse in epigastric region; mu- cus, with colic and vomiting; bilious with burning in anus, like chopped eggs, smelling sour. Griping, with ineffectual desire for stool. Bowels relaxed after colic; stool first white, then putty-like. Haemorrhoids, blind, painful, bleeding, burnirg. Ulcerating fis- sures at anus. ♦Chelidonium. ♦Stool thin, pasty, bright-yellow; "light-gray, slimy; mucus; constipated; like sheep's dung. Diarrhoea and con- stipation alternately. Crawling and itching in rectum. Frequent discharge of flatus. Cicuta. "Cholera when purging ceases, and congestion to brain and chest, turning the eyes, difficult breathing, and other symp- toms set in. Frequent liquid stool. Itching in rectum, with burn- ing pain after rubbing. ♦Cimicifuga. ♦Frequent, thin, dark, offensive stool—"spotted fever. Morning diarrhoea of children. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Pains go from limbs to bowels, producing diarrhoea and partial retention of urine. Cina. "Diarrhoea after drinking; stool watery, white. Stool rather hard and black. Itching at anus. ♦Cinchona. "Diarrhoea painless, debilitating; from eating fruit; ♦undigested feces; "black; yellow; thin, watery; involuntary; pain- less,with a feeling of debility; frothy, diarrhoeic; with fermentation of bowels; after sour beer; painless, black; thin, large, with pas- CHAPTER XX. --STOOL AND ANUS 421 sage of wind mornings; offensive, white,papescent, at night; yellow, watery, involuntary, cadaverous-smelling, chocolate-colored. Diar- rhaea comes on gradually, more and more watery; pale, pinkish, with rapid emaciation. Constipation; large accumulation; stool difficult, even if soft after long purging. Mucous discharge from rectum. Bleeding piles, burning and itching. Tingling in anus. Cistus. Chronic diarrhoea. Discharge of much flatus. Diar- rhoea from coffee, acid fruits, diarrhoea with goiter. Thin, grayish- yellow, hot stools; squirting out; irresistible urging; worse after part of night until noon. *Colchicum. ♦Violent tenesmus. Discharges contain large quan- tities of small, white, shreddy particles. "Stool bilious, thin, mixed with membranous pieces; slimy and bloody; frequently orange- yellow; slimy, with bright-yellow flakes; copious yellow coating; ""transparent, gelatinous; very membranous mucus, relieving the colic; "very fetid. Very offensive flatus in evening. Spasm of sphincter during or independent of discharge, with a shuddering over back. Collinsonia. "Constipation, stool light-colored and lumpy, with hard straining followed by dull pains in anus and hypogastrium. Diarrhoea, mucous and bloody discharges, or thin, yellow matter, or watery with violent tenesmus and sharp, cutting pains in bowels. Haemorrhoids, either blind or bleeding; sense of weight in rectum; itching, feeling as of sticks or sand; caused by congestive inertia of lower bowel; also for obstinate cases. ♦Colocynthis. "Stool copious, fecal, with great discharge of wind, bloody; ♦fluid after eating; "with much flatulence and pain in ab- domen; thin, frothy, saffron-yellow,of musty odor. Chronic, watery diarrhoea mornings, with pain in sides of abdomen. Dysentery-like diarrhoea renewed each time by the least food or drink. Bloody diarrhoea, with violent pain in bowels extending down into thighs. Frequent urging to stool with sensation as if anus and rectum were weakened by long continued diarrhoea. Constipation, stools hard. Painfully swollen haemorrhoids, in rectum and at anus. *Conium. ♦Tremulous weakness after every stool. "Frequent ineffectual urging to stool, or small quantity passed each time. Stool undigested, painless; involuntary during sleep; painful, diar- rhoeic; hard, with tenesmus. Burning in rectum during stool. Fre- quent stitches in anus. 422 CHAPTER XX.—-STOOL AND ANUS Crocus. -Stools contain dark, stringy blood. Sensitive, dull, long stitch near left side of anus, from time to time. Crawling in anus, as from thread-worms. Intolerable writhing in anus. ♦Croton tig. ♦Evacuation sudden, "and with much flatus. ♦Upon pressure at the umbilicus a painful sensation is felt, down to anus, where there is constant pressure outward. Constant urging to stool, followed by a sudden, pasty, offensive evacuation, of a dirty-green color, which is forcibly shot out of rectum. "Stool very thin, like yellowish water, forcibly evacuated. Diarrhoea, worse after drink- ing; while nursing; while eating; during summer. Dragging in anus, as if diarrhoea would easily ensue. Burning in' anus. Pain in anus, as if a plug were forcing outwards. Painless, watery diar- rhoea. Cuprum met. "Alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Diarrhoea profuse, squirting out; with much wind passing. Stool grey with flocculent matter in cholera; also masses of whey-like fluid. Sum- mer complaints of children, with brain affections. Thread-worms. Round worms. Digitalis. "Stool, violent diarrhoea, ash-colored or very light; delayed, chalky. Stool in evening, passing great quantities of thread-worms. Dioscorea. "Itching in rectum. Haemorrhoidal tumors as large as red cherries, with pain and distress in anus. Diarrhoea early in morning, driving out of bed. Very profuse, thin, yellow stool in morning. Stool slimy; dark-colored; bilious; very offensive; light, mushy. Loose stools with much straining. ♦Dolichos. ♦White stool—jaundice. Constipation during teeth- ing and pregnancy. ♦Dulcamara. ♦Yellow, watery diarrhoea, cutting colic before every evacuation, as after taking cold. '-Stool whitish, watery, with flocculi; slimy, watery, yellow-green; worse at night, in wet weather; changeable, white, yellow or green; watery; sour smell- ing; nausea with the desire to evacuate. Diarrhoea from cold; or change from warm to cold, especially cold, damp weather; in morn- ing, profuse, thin stools; of rheumatic origin; during dentition. Dysentery, from cold, damp weather; increased flow of saliva; burning, itching of rectum, heat of skin, thirst. ♦Elaterium. ♦Copious liquid stools; watery, frothy, or of an olive-green color. CHAPTER XX.--STOOL AND ANUS 423 Erigeron. "Stool small, streaked with blood; tormina; burning in bowels and rectum; hard lumps of feces mixed with the dis- charges. Haemorrhoids bleeding; with hard, lumpy stools; burning in margin of anus; it feels as if torn. ♦Euphorbia cor. ♦Vomiting of ricewater-like fluid, followed by copious, watery evacuations, the diarrhoea and vomiting alter nating at short intervals, with painful spasms of intestines, great anxiety and death-like sense of faintness and exhaustion—sporadic cholera, cholera infantum. Euphorbium off. "Profuse diarrhoea and vomiting. Stool pro- fuse, diarrhoeic, dysenteric, fermented and thin, like water, pasty, yellowish, clayey. Constipation. Euphrasia. "Old, flat condylomata at anus, with severe burning, worse at night. *Ferrum met. "Frequent diarrhoea; ♦stools watery, with or without tenesmus, and preceded or not by pain; ; but always with much flatulence, and worse after food or drink. "Prolapsus recti with children. Diarrhoea, with undigested food; painless and invob untary during a meal. Stool watery, with burning at anus; slimy, with discharge of ascarides; stools with blood and mucus. Itching at anus at night from ascarides. Piles, copious bleeding or ichorous oozing; tearing pains, with itching and gnawing. Ferric phos. "(Constipation, with heat in lower bowels. Diar- rhoea from relaxed state of villi or absorbents of intestines; stools, undigested food. Flatulence, bringing back the taste of food. In- flamed, bleeding haemorrhoids, the chief remedy; use also locally; blood bright-red; tendency to form a thickened soft mass. Thread- worms. Dysentery, first stage.—Schussler.) Fluoric acid. "Frequent passage of flatus and belchings, with constriction of anus. Very loose, bright-yellow stool with a quan- tity of mucus, preceded by considerable griping. Stool pappy, yellowish-brown, fetid, with tenesmus and prolapsus ani. Itching in and around anus. Varicose veins. *Gambogia. ♦Yellow and green diarrhoeic stools, mixed with mucus, preceded by excessive cutting around umbilicus. "Stool watery, slimy, undigested, without smell; with pain in ileo-ccecal region, which is sensitive to touch; during stool,bearing down and colicky pains; prolapsus ani and cold sweat on limbs; copious, watery, yellow, or like curdled milk, of offensive, sickening smell, 424 CHAPTER XX.--STOOL AND ANUS expelled forcibly; dark-green mucus, offensive and corrosive, dis- charged with a single, somewhat prolonged effort, great relief after stool as though an irritating substance was removed from bowels; profuse,watery, with colic and tenesmus; bloody, dysenteric. Hard, insufficient stool, with strong urging, pressing and protrusion of rectum. Gelsemium. Stool yellow, fecal, bilious; cream-colored; clay- colored; color of green tea. Diarrhaea in nervous persons, subjected to nervous chills, after sudden emotions, as grief, fright, bad news, the anticipation of any unusual ordeal. ^'Graphites. *Tapeworm. Fissura ani, severe, sharp,, cutting pain during stool, followed by constriction and aching for several hours; worse at night. Stool very thin, like a round worm, dark- colored, half digested, of an intolerable odor; much white mucus with stool; lumpy, united by mucus threads; hard, with much urging, and sticking in anus. Itching in anus; stitching,smarting, sore pain in anus on wiping it. "Excessive discharge of flatus. Constipation; large, knotty feces; chronic, with hardness in region of liver; with dryness of mucous membrane of rectum,and fissure of anus. Large haemorrhoidal tumors. Haemorrhoids with pain on sitting down, or on taking a wide step, as if split with a knife; also violent itching and very sore to touch. *Gratiola. ♦Diarrhoea, consisting only of yellow, greenish water, followed by burning in anus. Diarrhoea,consisting of green,frothy water, forcibly evacuated; without any pain; also yellow, watery feces; "thin, fluid, bright-yellow feces,followed by chilliness; thin, watery feces, with soreness in anus. Great rectal and anal irrita- tion, with passage of fetid mucus. Constriction of and itching at anus. Guaiacum. Diarrhoea, commencing in morning; skin dry, chilly. Cholera infantum, emaciation; face like that of an old person. Con- stipation, stool hard, crumbling; very offensive. *Hamamelis. ♦Large quantities of tar-like blood—typhoid. "Stool costive,hard, coated with mucus. Dysentery when the amount of blood is unusually large; dark, small clots, or patches through the mucus. Piles, bleeding profusely; with burning soreness, full- ness and weight; back as if it would break; urging to stool. Itch- ing at anus. ♦Helleborus. i:Stool consisting solely of clear, tenacious, color- CHAPTER XX. — STOOL AND ANUS 425 less mucus. "Stool loose, watery; of white mucus, jelly-like, with tenesmus; involuntary. Feeling as if intestines had no power to evacuate feces, during soft stool. Blenorrhoea of rectum, with spasms of bladder. Helonias. "Stool loose, yellow in morning; lumps of feces in evening. ♦Hepar sulph. ♦Feces not hard, but expelled with great difficulty. Stool sour-smelling, greenish; clay-colored. -Constipation, stool hard and dry, especially with eruption in bends of elbows, or in the popliteal space. Diarrhoeic stools, white and fetid, child has a sour smell; sour smelling and whitish; clay-colored; green, slimy, of sour smell; with tenesmus. Diarrhoea worse during the day; after eat- ing and after drinking cold water. Dysenteric stool; difficult evacu- ation of soft stool, or of bloody mucus with tenesmus. Burning in rectum. Protrusion of haemorrhoids. Haemorrhage from rectum with soft stool. Sweat on perineum. ♦Hydrastis. ♦Constipation, with haemorrhoids; "even light haem- orrhoidal flow exhausts. Fetid flatus. Stool light colored, soft, acrid; greenish. Stool lumpy, covered with mucus, constipation. Fistula ani. ♦Hyoscyamus. ♦Involuntary stool at night, while urinating. -Paralysis of rectum or sphincter ani. Frequent urging with small discharges. Stools small size. Diarrhoea of lying-in women. Yel- low, watery stool; involuntary during sleep; old men. Haemorrhoids, bleeding profusely. Constipation, with epilepsy. Hypericum. "Loose, bilious, yellow stools evening and morn- ing. Cholera morbus, slimy stools. Summer diarrhoea with erup- tion of skin. Diarrhoea driving out of bed in morning. Constipa- tion; violent tenesmus, with discharge of a hard little ball; wakens with distended abdomen, relieved by stool. Rectum feels dry, morning. ♦Ignatia. ♦Prolapsus of rectum from moderate exertion at stool. Contractive sore pain in rectum, as from blind piles; for one or two hours after stool. Sharp, pressive pain in rectum. Stitches from anus deep into rectum. Constrictive, sore pain in anus after stool. Fruitless efforts and urging to stool. "Itching at anus from seat worms. Diarrhoea painless with rumbling of wind; worse at night and from fright, with great timidity; with smarting in rectum. Iodium. "Stool of watery, foaming, whitish mucus, always in 426 CHAPTER XX.—STOOL AND ANUS morning; copious, papescent; dysenteric,mucous,without feces.Con- stipation alternating with diarrhoea. Constipation, with ineffectual urging, better after drinking milk. Stool hard, knotty, dark-colored. ♦Ipecacuanha. ♦Frequent stool of greenish mucus. "Diarrhoea, with pain, causing unceasing screaming and tossing about. Stool yellow, painless, as if fermented, green as grass, with nausea and colic; green mucus; covered with red, bloody mucus; pitch-like, or like frothy molasses; slim)', bloody, offensive, followed by tenesmus. Atumnal diarrhoea; much griping about navel. Beginning of cholera infantum, nausea, vomiting colic, diarrhoea; especially in fat, pale children. Itching at the anus. *Iris. *Great burning in anus as if on fire after stool. "Stool thin, watery, tinged with bile; copious, in a continuous stream; green, undigested; mushy, pappy, with fetid flatus; bloody mucus, with great straining; burning in rectum and anus after stool; black,with fever, hot sweat, white tongue; yellow,watery, corrosive. *Kali bichrom. ♦Dysentery; stool consisting of brown, frothy water, or bloody, with painful pressure, urging and tenesmus. Dysentery, brownish, frothy water, or frequent, bloody evacuations, gnawing about navel, tenesmus; tongue smooth, red, cracked. Periodical dysentery every year, early part of summer. Diarrhoea or dysentery after rheumatism. Constipation, with painful retrac- tion of anus. Periodical constipation. Sensation of a plug in anus. Soreness at anus. Kali brom. "Discharges watery; cholera infantum, especially with cerebral irritation and collapse. Flatulent colic in children and hysterical women. Kali carb. "Unsuccessful desire for stool; rectum feels too weak to expel it. Stool dry, too large in size; rectum inactive. Feels distressed an hour or two before a passage. Stool light-gray; fre- quent, soft, pale. Painless diarrhoea, with rumbling in abdomen and burning at. anus afterwards—chronic diarrhoea of dyspeptics. Diarrhoea only by day. Varices protrude during micturition; blood, then white mucus escapes. Inflammation, soreness and tingling, as from ascarides, in the varices. Kali chlor. "(Constipation, light-colored stools, through lack of bile from sluggish liver; also when fat and pastry disagree. Tongue as in 11. Diarrhoea, if after fat food or pastry, pale-yellow, ocher or clay-colored. In typhoid fever, stools pale-yellow, ocher. CHAPTER XX. — STOOL AND ANUS 427 White or slimy stools; tongue as in n. Haemorrhoids, bleeding; dark, thick blood. Worms, ascarides, cause itching at anus.— Schussler.) Kali nit. -Stool watery, thin, fecal; bloody, soft, with colic. Diarrhoea from eating veal. Stool hard, like sheep's dung, with tenesmus. Kali phos. (Cholera, first stage, diarrhoea when stools have the appearance of rice-water. Diarrhoea, foul, depressing and exhausting the nerves. Dysentery, when stools consist of blood only; patient delirious,abdomen swollen; stools have a putrid odor; very offensive.—Schussler.) Kali sulf. (Diarrhoea, yellow, slimy or watery, mattery stools. Haemorrhoids with characteristic tongue.—Schussler.) Kreosotum. -Stool watery or papescent, dark-brown, putrid evacuations, containing undigested food, grayish or white, chopped, very fetid, greenish; watery; cadaverous-smelling. Ineffectual, pain- ful urging to stool. Constipation, stool hard and expelled only after much pressing. Constriction in case of uterine cancer. ♦Lachesis. ♦Beating in anus as with little hammers. "Thin, offensive stool. Stool watery, light-yellow, fecal; dark, chocolate- colored, cadaverous-smelling; of decomposed blood, looking like charred straw; mixed blood and slime; worse at night, after acids, during warm weather. Painful straining, with discharge of croupous exudate. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Costive, ineffectual urging; anus feels closed. Stools offensive, even if formed. Tor- menting urging, but not to stool. Rectum prolapsed and tumefied. Piles protruding or strangulated, or with stitches upward with each cough or sneeze; worse at climaxis, or with drunkards. Itching at anus; worse after sleep. Laurocerasus. "Diarrhoeic stool; with tenesmus; of green, liquid mucus, with suffocative spells about heart, forcing her to lie down; involuntary. Constipation, stool hard, firm and passed only with much straining. Ineffectual urging to stool, with emission of flatus only. ♦Leptandria. ♦Profuse, black, tar-like, very fetid stools. "Stool black, tarry, bilious, undigested, followed by great distress in liver; mushy, with weak feeling in bowels; greenish, muddy, spouting out like water; worse morning as soon as he moves; from meat or veg- etables. After stool griping, but no straining. 428 CHAPTER XX.—STOOL AND ANUS *Lilium tig. ^Pressure in rectum with almost constant desire to go to stool. Morning diarrhoea, stool loose,bilious; dark, offensive, very urgent; can't wait a moment. Stool preceded by griping pains or great urging, with pressure on rectum; followed by smarting, burning of rectum. Tenesmus and great desire for stool, but every effort resulted in only voiding a little urine. Haemorrhoids, after delivery; sore to touch, itching; bearing down at stool as if all would protrude through vagina. Lobelia. Stool soft, but passed with great exertion; green, soft; frequent, loose during day, with great obtuseness of mind. Discharge of black blood after stool. Bleeding piles; copious haem- orrhage. *Lycopodium. *Rectum contracted and protrudes during hard stool. Varices protrude; very painful to touch. Constipation, stools dry and hard, first part lumpy; second soft; feeling as if much remained unpassed. Stool pale, putrid; thin, brown; mixed v/ith hard lumps; thin yellow, or reddish-yellow, fluid. Constipa- tion, stool hard; ineffectual urging from a contraction of sphincter ani; after stool feeling as if much remained unpassed, or great dis- tress in rectum; much flatulence. Stitches in rectum. Itching erup- tion at anus, painful to touch. ♦Magnesia carb. ♦Stool green and frothy, like scum of a frog pond, or, "with white, floating lumps, like tallow; sour, frothy. Lienteria of sucklings, the milk passes undigested. Costive; fre- quent, ineffectual urging, with small stools, or only flatus; stitches in anus. Ascarides and lumbrici. - ♦Magnesia mur. ♦Hard, difficult, slow and insufficient evacua- tions. Stool knotty, like sheep's dung; "or, crumbling at verge of anus. Chronic recurrence of diarrhoea. Much pressure at stool, passage scanty or only flatus. Diarrhoea of mucus and blood. Feces covered with mucus and blood. Manganum acet. -Passes much flatus. Stools yellow, granular, with tenesmus and constriction of anus. Costive,stool seldom, dry, knotty, difficult. Magnesium phos. "(Choleraic cramps. Dysentery with crampy pain, eased by bending double, by warmth or friction. — Schussler.) Marum ver. "Diarrhoea, with crying and emaciation of children. Ascarides, with creeping and itching, and nightly restlessness; worse from warmth of bed. CHAPTER XX.—STOOL AND ANUS 429 ♦Mercurius.' "Ineffectual urging to stool every moment, with tenesmus in rectum. Stool green, or green mucus; -bloody,mucous and bloody; slimy; brownish; whitish-gray, acrid and burning, fecal matter. Discharge of ascarides and lumbrici. Stool undi- gested, pitch-like,tenacious; yellow,dark-green, mucous and bloody; sour,excoriating the anus; clay-colored and offensive; slimy, bloody, preceded by anxiety, trembling, faintness, colic; tenesmus; after stool tenesmus, a "cannot get done" feeling, followed by chilliness, Blood before, during, and after, even a hard stool. Constipation, stool tenacious or crumbling; discharge only with violent straining; constant, ineffectual urging, worse at night. Prolapsus ani after stool, also if rectum is black and bleeding. Large bleeding varices, which suppurate, haemorrhage after micturition. Mercurius biniod. "Stool copious, yellow-brown, somewhat watery and coated with mucus, and slightly bloody; preceded by griping and colicky pains; urging and slight tenesmus remained afterwards. Inveterate piles. ♦Mercurius cor. ♦Very distressing, persistent tenesmus and cut- ting colicky pains; after stool burning and tenesmus of rectum and bladder; stool frequent, nothing but mucus tinged with blood. "Stool yellow, green, bilious, followed by slime and blood; with tenesmus and insupportable cutting, colicky pains; after stool burn- ing and tenesmus of rectum and bladder; worse in fall; worse after midnight. Painful, bloody discharges, with vomiting. Constipa- tion. Mezereum. "Stool, soft, brown, sour, fermented; contains glis- tening bodies; undigested; worse in evening; also from suppressed eruption. During stool prolapsus recti, anus becomes painful and constricted about the fallen rectum. Stool dark-brown, hard balls; much, but painless straining. Many discharges of fetid flatus, more before stool. Millefolium. -Bloody dysentery, tenesmus; during epidemics of dysentery. Bloody flux, after much exertion. Violent colic, bloody diarrhoea during pregnancy. Chronic blenorrhcea from atony of mucous membranes; great pain. Haemorrhoids; profuse flow of blood. Ascarides, offensive flatus. Muriatic acid. "Stool difficult as from inactivity of bowels; too thin, but round; thin,watery, involuntary, while urinating. Dysen- tery, blood and slime separated. Diarrhoea, with much wind, worse 43° CHAPTER XX.- — STOOL AND ANUS morning and evening,with intolerable anal itching, not relieved by scratching; smarting and burning in anus. Piles, suddenly, in children protruding, reddish-blue; burning, too sore to bear the least touch. Prolapsus of ani while urinating. ♦Natrum carb. ♦Hurried urging; thin stool, forcibly spurting from him. Stool spotted with blood. Yellow stool soft or watery, with violent,sudden urging and tenesmus; watery, yellow, discharge with a gush; worse from milk or after eating, and from taking cold; spotted with blood. Frequent ineffectual urging to stool, alternate with liquid stool; weak digestion. Burning and cutting in anus and rectum, during and after stool; sexual excitement; costive. Tapeworm with stool, itching, creeping in anus. Passes much sour smelling or fetid flatus; feces escape. ♦Natrum mur. ♦Constipation with sense of contraction of anus; difficult expulsion of hard, dry and crumbling stool, Assuring anus so that it bleeds, and pains as if sore. Diarrhoea chronic, watery, with fever, dry mouth, thirst; also if worse as soon as he moves about; much fetid flatus; tendency to hang-nails; green, bloody, watery or brownish; mostly during the day. Involuntary stool. Alternate constipation and papescent stool. Constipation from inactivity of rectum. Haemorrhoids, with stinging pains; moisture oozes from anus. Herpetic eruption about anus. Painless watery diarrhoea. (Constipation, chronic; the concurrent symptoms must decide the choice. Morbid secretions of mucous membranes; frothy saliva, etc. Diarrhoea, with transparent, glassy, slimy stools. Looseness of bowels with watery stools; avoid the excessive use of salt. — Schussler.) Natrum phos. "(Diarrhoea, caused by excess of acidity; stools sour smelling. Flatulence with sour risings. Worms, with charac- teristic tongue and acidity.—Schussler.) Natrum sulf. "Stool scanty, slimy, light-red, or bloody, forcibly and suddenly expelled; half liquid, often painless, occasionally in- voluntary while passing flatus or urine; or, during sleep; yellow fluid soon after rising in morning, in a gush; watery, with much flatus; flatulent colic; wind incarcerated,right side. Diarrhoea,worse in wet weather; in morning; after farinaceous food; also in cold evening air. Difficult expulsion of soft stool. Knotty, wart-like eruption on the anus and between thighs; sycosis. (Dark, bilious stools of green bile.—Schussler.) CHAPTER XX.—STOOL AND ANUS 43I ♦Nitric acid. ♦Burning sensation in rectum and anus. Sticking in rectum and spasmodic constriction in anus, during stool; fissures. Pain as if rectum would be torn asunder during stool. Painful constipation; stool evacuated in hard masses. "Desire for stool, but little passes; feels as if it stayed in rectum and could not be ex- pelled. Burning in rectum toward perineum, with ineffectual urging; straining without stool; diphtheritic dysentery. Sero-croup- ous discharge, with much straining. Stool bloody, with tenesmus; of mucus; putrid, mucous, undigested; loose, much flatulence; rum- bling; of yellow-white fluid; loose mornings, green, slimy, acrid diarrhoea. Haemorrhage bright-red, not clotted; faint, from least motion; ulcers in ileo-ccecal region. Piles old, pendulous, ceased bleeding, but pain when touched; worse in warm weather; slimy, fissured; bleed after every stool. Fissures in rectum; tearing, spasmodic symptoms during stool. Moisture about anus. ♦Nuphar lut. ♦Painless morning diarrhoea. "Smarting and burn- ing in anus after stool. Stitches as from needles in rectum. Yel- low diarrhoea in morning. Xux mos. -Stool soft, but expelled with difficulty, rectum in- active; like chopped eggs, undigested; loss of appetite, sleepy; bil- ious, slimy; putrid, bloody; thin, yellow, copious, offensive. Stool worse at night, exhausting, associated with sleepiness, fainting; worse from cold, damp weather; summer heat; from cold drinks; during dentition; during pregnancy with sluggish flow of ideas; from boiled milk. Worms; cutting bellyache, sleepiness. Alternate hard and soft stool. Haemorrhoids protrude. ♦Nux vom. ♦Blind haemorrhoids, with sticking, beating and press- ing pain in rectum and anus; after stool, after meals, and after ex- erting the mind. Constipation, with frequent and ineffectual desire for stool, and sensation of constriction in rectum; after stool sen- sation as if more remaind, but could not be evacuated. Discharge of bright-red blood with feces, with sensation of constriction and contraction in rectum. Diarrhoea, especially in morning, of dark color. "Stool small, slimy, bloody, with urging, ceasing after stool; mucous or watery, from indigestion or cold; like pitch,with blood. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Constipation, with rush of blood to head; obstructed portal circulation; frequent, ineffectual urging. Haemorrhoids, blind or flowing; abdominal plethora; con- gestion to head; worse from high living or sedentary habits. 4_,2 CHAPTER XX. —STOOL AND ANUS ♦CEnothera. ♦Cholera infantum and summer diarrhoea of chil- dren. ♦Oleander. ♦Passes food undigested in morning, which he has eaten the day before. "Ineffectual urging to stool. Stool thin, yellow, undigested, involuntary when emitting flatus. First diar- rhoea, then hard, difficult stool; during pregnancy. Stool and urine involuntary. Diarrhoea, with intestinal ulcers—tuberculosis. Burn- ing at anus, before and after stool. ♦Opium. ♦Constipation from inactivity of bowels; from spasmodic retention in small intestines. Stool composed of hard, round,black balls. Cholera infantum with stupor, snoring, convulsions. Asiatic cholera, typhoid symptoms, or after too much camphor. Constipa- tion of corpulent, good-humored women and children. Retention of stool from ileus, "or paresis of intestines. Stool watery, black, fetid; frothy, with burning in anus and intestines; involuntary, offensive, thin; involuntary after fright Oxalic acid. "Constant involuntary stool. Stool of mucus and blood. Diarrhoea, as soon as one drinks coffee. Lying down causes return of diarrhoea. Pressing and straining in rectum; tenesmus. Petroleum. "Stool slimy, preceded by colic; chronic diarrhoea; worse during day; of bloody mucus; often profuse; yellowish, wa- tery; weak feeling in bowels and rectum. Diarrhoea only during day. Diarrhoea from cabbage, sourcrout; after riding in a carriage. Stool insufficient, difficult, hard, in lumps, Piles and fissures of anus; great itching; scurf on borders of anus. Excrescences on and in anus; moist, irregular. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Diarrhoea, stool involuntary; gray or whitish- gray; bloody; green; watery, with flakes of mucus and clots of blood; watery, with whitish-yellow and cheesy masses; copious, like water from a hydrant. Painless, debilitating diarrhoea; not debilitating, worse mornings. Chronic, painless diarrhoea of un- digested food. Constipation, feces slender, long, dry, tough and hard, like a dog's; voided with difficulty. "Frequent diarrhoea dur- ing cholera time. Bleeding haemorrhoids. Ulceration of rectum, with discharge of pus and blood,tenesmus. Stool profuse; copious, light-colored; greenish; bloody; bloody, with small,white particles, like opaque frog's spawn; painless,blood-streaked; like flesh-colored water. ♦Phosphoric acid. ♦Diarrhoea not debilitating, tough, of long CHAPTER XX. — STOOL AND ANUS 433 continuance. Involuntary stool, with emission of flatus. Stool thin, whitish gray, "yellowish and very offensive. Diarrhoea does not debilitate; from acids; in young persons who grow too rapidly. Stool involuntary,liquid,gray; yellow,mixed with mucus; undigested; greenish-white, painless; escapes with flatus. Haemorrhoids bleed^ ing, with intolerable pain in sitting; with cramps of upper arm, forearm and wrist. Physostigma. Stool copious, soft, thin;, watery; yellowish; bilious, brovvn, black, like tar, lumpy, dark and offensive. Con- stipation. Phytolacca. "Stool thin, dark-brown, of mucus and blood, like intestinal scrapings; tenesmus; of bile. Diarrhoea early in morning, after lemonade. Constipation of the aged, or of those with weak heart. Bleeding piles. Fissured rectum. ♦Platinum. "Constipation, after lead poisoning, or while travel- ing; frequent urging,scanty stool,♦with sensation of great weakness. "Stool adheres to rectum and anus, like soft clay. Itching,tingling and tenesmus at anus, especialy in evening. Plumbum. "Stool fetid, yellow and fecal; watery, with vomiting and violent colic; bloody masses. Constipation, stools hard,lumpy, like sheep's dung, with urging and terrible pain, from constriction or spasm of anus. Light-colored stool—jaundice. Fissures of anus. Anus feels as if drawn upward. ♦Podophyllum. ♦Faintness with sensation of emptiness in abdo- men after stool. Diarrhoea early in the morning; stool green, sour, with much flatulence. Stool frequent, painless, watery, gushing, fetid, yellow liquid; with mealy sediment; green, sour, watery, yellow, undigested feces; mixed with mucus, offensive; streaked with blood,and tenesmus; black only in morning; ♦preceded by griping and colic, with heat and pain in anus, "clay-colored, chalk- like; greenish-yellow, slimy, bloody, gelatinous, mixed with feces; tenesmus and prolapsus ani; muco-gelatinous. Diarrhoea while being washed; after eating; dirty water, soaking napkin through. Diarrhoea, with great sinking at epigastrium, as if everything would drop through pelvis. Piles, with prolapsus ani and long standing diarrhoea; worse mornings; or constipation. Psorinum. "Stool fluid,fetid, smells like rotten eggs or carrion; worse at night; of green mucus mixed with blood; frequent, liquid. Chronic diarrhoea. Costive, pain in small of back; blood from 434 CHAPTER XX.-- STOOL AND ANUS rectum. Burning haemorrhoidal tumors. Soreness in rectum and anus when riding. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Painful, protruding, blind piles, with stitches, smarting, soreness and itching. Stool watery at night, like bile, preceded by rumbling; slimy, soft, mixed with mucus, or only mucus; frequent, bloody mucus, without colic; not exhausting; "watery, only or usually at night, sometimes unconsciously evacu- ated; greenish-yellow, slimy, very changeable; offensive, corrosive; of white and bloody mucus. Dysenteric stool of clear yellow, red or green slime; pain in back; straining; tenesmus from anus up along sacrum. Dysentery during cholera times. Obstinate consti- pation, nauseous, bad taste in morning. Costive, stool hard and large, after suppressed intermittent fever by quinine. ♦Rheum. ♦Thin, pasty, sour smelling stools, with straining be- fore, and colicky, constrictive cutting in the abdomen after, and shivering during stool. "Stool brown and slimy; loose, thin, curdled, sour, fermented, turning green, reddening the anus. Worse even- ing and night; fever in morning; worse from any motion, standing; after eating; during teething; in lying-in; from change of weather; during summer. Diarrhoea during inflammatory rheumatism. Chronic diarrhoea, sour, frothy; with moist tongue, thirst, loss of appetite. Dysentery after bloody stools have ceased, tenesmus, with brown, mushy-like, slimy,sour stools. Rhododendron. -Stool papescent, yet tardy, requiring much urging. Diarrhoea painless, undigested; after meals; after fruit; from wet, cold weather; in morning, with much flatus, or with pains in limbs. Dysentery in summer, renewed before a thunder-storm. Pulsation in anus. Rhus tox. "Stools watery, mucus and bloody, with nausea, tear- ing down thighs, and much tenesmus; frothy; white; painless and undigested; like the washing of meat; yellowish-brown, bloody, cadaverous-smelling and involuntary at night (typhoid). Nightly diarrhoea with violent pain in abdomen, relieved after stool or while lying prone. Haemorrhoids sore, blind, protruding after stool, with pressing in rectum as if everything would come out. Fissure of anus, with periodical, profuse, bleeding piles. ♦Rumex. ♦Morning diarrhoea, brown and watery, "preceded by urging and pain in abdomen. Stool painless, offensive, profuse; brown or black, thin or watery: preceded by pain in abdomen; be- CHAPTER XX. — STOOL AND ANUS 435 fore stool. Sudden urging; driving him out of bed in morning. Feces hard, tough, brown; costive. Itching at anus, with discharge of offensive flatus. Ruta. "Stool soft, discharged with difficulty, from inactivity of rectum; rectum protrudes immediately on attempting a passage; lumpy, slimy; or bloody with much flatus; empty eructations, dis- tended abdomen; feces often escape when bending over. Frequent unsuccessful urging, with prolapsus ani. Constipation alternating with mucus, frothy stool. Tearing stitches in rectum when sitting. Sabadilla. Violent urging to stool, with croaking as from frogs; sits a long while, then passes immense quantity of flatulence; this is followed by an enormous evacuation; after that burning in ab- domen, stool mixed with blood. Diarrhoea of brown, fermented stool, swimming on water; liquid, mixed with blood and slime. Burning in rectum after stool. Crawling, itching in anus, ascari- des. Lumbrici; taenia; worm fever. Sabina. "Stools of blood and mucus; diarrhoeic, with much flatulence; frequent urging, finally a liquid portion is discharged, followed by a hard portion. Haemorrhoids with discharge of bright- red blood, causing pain in back from sacrum to pubes. Sanguinaria. -Stools thin,fecal, bright-yellow, undigested, watery. Escape of much flatus upward and downward; also, with diarrhoea. It relieves cough. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Haemor- rhoids. ♦Secale. ♦Cholera Asiatica, with collapse, face sunken, distorted, particularly the mouth; crawling sensation as from ants. "Diarrhoea, frequent,brown,slimy discharges; dark-colored,very offensive; ♦thin; olive-green, "involuntary; very exhausting. Paralysis of rectum. Bleeding from bowels. Colliquative diarrhoea. Cholerine, with more retching than vomiting. Sepia. "Diarrhoea, jelly-like stool, with colic and tenesmus; of green mucus; sour-smelling; debilitating; worse after drinking milk. Stool insufficient, retarded, like sheep's dung. Sense of weight in anus, not relieved by evacuation. Discharge of blood with stool. Heat, burning and swelling of anus. Oozing of moisture from rec- tum. Soreness between buttocks. ♦Silicia. ♦Cutting and stinging in rectum. Moisture in anus. Burning in anus, especially after a dry, hard stool. Constant, but ineffectual desire for stool. Diarrhoeic stool, horribly offensive. 436 CHAPTER XX.—STOOL AND ANUS Constipation, stool scanty, composed of hard lumps, light-colored; expulsion difficult, as from inactivity of rectum; when partly ex- pelled it slips back again. Painful haemorrhoids protrude during stool; become incarcerated; suppuration. ♦Stool pap-like,offensive; contain undigested food, with great exhaustion, but painless; watery, weakening; liquid, slimy,frothy, mucous or bloody. Fistula in ano; also with chest symptoms. Spigelia. "Stools, of mucus with tenesmus; large lumps of mucus without feces; of feces with masses of worms; hard, like sheep's dung and enveloped in mucus. Itching and tickling in anus and rectum—ascarides. Fetid flatus. Stannum. "Stools green, curdy, with much colic, with bitter eructations; hard, dry, knotty or insufficient, with renewed desire afterwards. Rectum inactive, much urging even with soft stool. Worms, colic Sickly face. Staphisagria. "Flatus hot; smelling like rotten eggs. Stool retarded but soft; escapes with flatus; costive, with much urging. After the least food or drink, griping and dysenteric stool. Haem- orrhoids with enlarged prostate; intense pain in back and through whole pelvis. ♦Stramonium. ♦Suppression of both stool and urine. "Cholera infantum, foul smelling stool, strabismus, awakens, with fright; pale face. Stool black, preceded by writhing in bowels, and de- lirium; smelling like carrion, blackish, painless, diarrhceic Con- stipation, with convulsions, cardialgia alternating with diarrhoea; haemorrhoids, painful, bleeding. Coagulated blood from anus. ♦Sulphur. ♦Burning and pressure in rectum during stool; burn- ing in anus after stool. Violent stitches and crawling in rectum, especially in evening. Violent itching in rectum and anus. Fre- quent ineffectual urging to stool. Moist, blind or bleeding haemor- rhoids. Diarrhoea some hours after midnight, or driving out of bed early in morning. Dysenteric stools, with colic, straining and violent tenesmus, especially at night Stools watery; frothy, green or bloody mucus; puffy, greenish-yellow; fetid, slimy; excoriating; involuntary. Constipation, stools hard, as if burnt,scanty, difficult and insufficient. "Alternate constipation and diarrhoea. Haemor- rhoids blind, or flowing dark blood,with violent bearing down pains from small of back towards anus. ♦Sulphuric acid. ♦Soft stool, followed by sensation of emptiness CHAPTER XX.--STOOL AND ANUS 437 in abdomen. Stool as if chopped, saffron-yellow, stringy and slimy in children. "Chronic soft stool. Diarrhoea with great debility. Stool soft, pasty, yellowish-white, partly solid, partly liquid, with much thin mucus and streaks of blood; very offensive; cholera in- fantum. Tabacum. "Sudden papescent, yellow-green, or greenish, slimy stools; tenesmus; shifting flatus. Costive. Body cold, abdomen hot; not satisfied until clothing is all off abdomen—cholera infan- tum. Stool yellow, sometimes green slime; vomiting, debility, cold sweat—cholera infantum. Cholera, body cold, face distorted, spasms; vomiting, or no stool or vomit—collapse. Terebinthina. "Intestinal catarrh and diarrhoea, with nephritis. Haemorrhages from bowels with ulceration; epithelial degeneration. Stool of mucus and water, worse mornings. Violent burning in rectum and anus after stool. ♦Thuja oce ♦Diarrhoea daily in morning; after breakfast; at times painless; at times with colic. Stool bright-yellow; watery; expelled forcibly, with much noisy flatus; gurgling like water from a bung-hole. "Stool in hard balls; obstinate costipation from in- activity or intussusception. Haemorrhoids during stool; pains are so great she has to desist, burning violently while walking; anus fissured; sensitive to touch, often with warts. Condylomata about anus. ♦Veratrum alb. ♦Diarrhoea violent, painful, copious, with pro- fuse perspiration. Constipation, stool hard and too large size. "Intestinal catarrh, coming on suddenly, at night, in summer; vom- iting and purging. Stool watery, greenish, mixed with flakes; gush- ing, profuse, rice-water discharges, with tonic cramps, commenc- ing in hands and feet and spreading all over. Asiatic cholera; watery, inodorous; watery, gushing, flaky; thin, papescent, mucus; green, gushing, involuntary. Cholera morbus, worse at night, cold sweat on forehead, vomiting and purging at same time; after fruits. Constipation,chronic; stool large and hard; or first part large, latter part smaller; stool in round, black balls. Chronic, with children; as from inactivity of rectum. Haemorrhoids, with disease of lungs or pleura. ♦Zincum met. "Obstinate constipation, ♦stool small, hard, dry. -Crumbling, insufficient; expelled with much pressure. Burning and itching in anus. Crawling in anus, as from worms. Diarrhoea involuntary, with stupor—typhus. 43§ CHAPTER XX.—STOOL AND ANUS Zingiber. "Diarrhoea from impure water; from water containing coal oil; of brown mucus; worse mornings; worse from deranged stomach; from cold, damp weather. Haemorrhoids hot and painful. Burning, redness, itching at anus, and higher up back. REPERTORY. Acrid—ant. c, ars., ♦bry., carb. v., hydras., mere, nit. a. Alternate conditions—♦abrot., aeon., ♦ant. c, bry., cheb, cimi., cupr,, euphorb. cor., iod., lach., nat. c, nat. m., nux m., nux v., ruta, sang., sul. Balls—hyper., mez., mill., ♦opium, thuj., ver. a. Bilious—aeon., aethus., agar., ant. c, ant. t, ♦bry., cham., colch., dios., gels., hyper., iris, lept., lib, mere cor., nat. s., nux m., physos., phyt., ♦puis. Blood—♦alum., am. c, ♦apis, ♦ars., bapt., ♦canth., carb. an., croc, ferr., ♦ham., kali c, lach., lob., mag. m., mere, ♦mere cor., mur. a., nat. m., nit. a., ♦nux v., oxal. a., petrol., phos., phyt., *pod., psor., sabad., sabin., secale, sepia, stram., sul. a., terebin. Bloody—aeon., aethus., agar., aib, aloe, alum., ambr., ♦apis, arn., ars., bapt., belb, benz. a., berb., calc. s., canth., ♦caps., carb. v., colch., collin., coloc, erig., gamb., hep. s., ipec, iris, kali bi., kalin., lach., mere, mere b. i., ♦mere cor., mill., ♦nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., nux m., nux v., phos., plumb., pod., psor., ♦puis., rhus, ruta, sib, sub, sul. a. Burnt, as if—♦bry., ♦sub Catarrh-—terebin., ver. a. Chalky—belb, calc. c, dig. Changeable—dulc. Cholera—camph., carb. v., cic, cupr., euphorb. cor., hyper., kali phos., mag. phos., ♦opium, phos., puis., ♦secale, tabac, ver. a. Cholera infantum, summer complaint—♦aeon., camph., carbol. a., cupr., eupho'rb. cor., guaiac, ipec, kali br., ♦Oenothera, ♦opium, stram., sul. a., tabac. Chopped—♦aeon., cham., kreos., nux m., ♦sub a. Colic, with—aeon., agar.,♦arg. n., asaf., camph., cham., ♦dulc, gamb., ipec, kali n., ♦mere cor., mill., nat. s., petrol., plumb., ♦pod., ♦rheum, sepia, stann., ♦sub, thuj. Color—cinch., kali chlor., lach. Ash—aur., dig. Black—aeon., aescul., ♦apis, ars., cina, cinch., iris, ♦lept., ♦opium, physos., pod., rumex, stram., ver. a. Brown—aeon., aescul., aloe, ant. t, arn., bapt., borax, camph., cinch., fluor. a., ♦kali bi., kreos., lye, mere, mere b. i., mez., nat. m., physos., phyt., rheum, rhus, ♦rumex, sabad., secale, zing. Clay—aeon., euphorb., gels., ♦hep. s., kali chlor., mere, pod. Clear—♦hell. Colorless—borax, ♦hell. CHAPTER XX. — STOOL AND ANUS 439 Color continued. Cream—gels. Dark—aescul., arn., ♦ars., bapt., camph., ♦cimi., dios., gamb., ♦graph., ham., iod., kreos., lach., lib, mere, mez., nat. s., ♦nux v., physos., phyt., secale. Dirty—crot. t., pod. Gray—aethus., aur., cheb, cist., cupr., kali c, kreos., mere, ♦phos., ♦phos. a. Green—aethus., agar., am. m., ant. t, ♦apis, ♦arg. n., ars., asaf., ascl. t, ♦belb, borax, calc. ph., ♦cham., ♦crot. t., dulc, ♦elat, ♦gamb., gels., ♦grat., hep. s., hydras., ♦ipec, iris, kreos., laur., lept.. lob., ♦mag. c, ♦mere, mere cor., nat. m., nat. s., nit a., phos., phos. a., ♦pod., psor., puis., rheum, ♦secale, sepia, stram., ♦sub, tabac, ver. a. Light—♦benz. a., ♦borax, carb. v., cheb, collin., dig., dios., hydras., kali c, kali chlor., lach., nat. s., phos., plumb., ♦sil. Pale—anae, carb. v., cinch., kali c, kali chlor., lye Pinkish—cinch. Red—♦apis, ♦arg. n., canth., lye, nat. c, puis. White—aeon., aescul., ant. c, calc. c, canth., cham., cina, cinch., ♦colch., ♦doli., dulc, graph., hell., hep. s., iod., kali c, kali chlor., kreos., mag.e, mere, nit. a., ♦phos., ♦phos. a., puis., rhus, sul. a. Yellow—aethus., agar., aloe, ant. c, ant. t, ♦apis, ars., ascl. t, ♦borax, carb. v., ♦cheb, cinch., cist., colch., collin., coloc, crot.t, dios., ♦dulc, euphorb., fluor. a., ♦gamb., gels., ♦grat., helon., hyos., hyper., ipec, iris, kali chlor., kali s., kreos., lach., lye, mang., mere, mere b. i., mere cor., nat. c, nat. s., nit. a., nuphor. b, nux m., olean., petrol., ♦phos., phos. a., physos., plumb., ♦pod., puis., rhus, sang., ♦sub, ♦sub a., tabac, ♦thuj. Constipation, costiveness—♦abies. n., ♦abrot., absinth .,acet. a., aeon., ♦alum., am. c, ♦am. m., ♦ant. c, ant. t, ars., aur., bapt., calc. c, camph., canth., caps., cepa,, cheb, cinch., collin., coloc, ♦doli., euphorb., ferr. phos., graph., guaiac, ham., hep.s., ♦hydras., hyos., hyper., iod., kali bi., kali chlor., kreos., lach., laur.,lye, mag. e, mang., mere, mere cor., nat. c, ♦nat. m., ♦nit. a., ♦nux v., ♦opium, ♦phos., physos., phyt., plat., plumb., pod., psor., rumex, ruta, ♦sib, staph., ♦stram., ♦sub, tabac, ♦ver. a. Chronic—graph., nat. m., ♦ver. a. Dentition—♦doli. Infants—alum. Obstinate—arn., asaf., ♦bry., puis., thuj., zinc. Copious—♦apis, coloc, ♦elat., ♦euphorb. cor., gamb., iod., iris, mere b. i., nux m., phos., physos., ♦ver. a. Corroding —carb., cham., gamb., iris, puis. Croupous discharge—arg. n., lach., nit. a. Crumbling—♦am. m., guaiac, mag. m., mere, *nat. m., zinc. Curd—ant. c, rheum, stann. Desire for—♦anae, canth., dulc, lib, nit. a. Desire, none—alum. 440 CHAPTER XX. — STOOL AND ANUS Diarrhoea—♦abrot., ♦acet. a., aeon., aethus., agar., ♦aloe, alum., am. e, am. m., ♦ant. c, ♦apis, ♦arg. n., ♦arn., ♦ars., aur., bism., borax, bovist., calc. c., calc. ph., calc. s., camph., canth., caps., cheb, cina, cinch., cist., collin., con., crot. t, cupr., dig., dios., ♦dulc, euphorb. cor., euphorb. off., ferr., ferr. phos., ♦gamb., gels., ♦grat., guaiac, hep. s., hyos., hyper., ign., ipec, kali bi., kali c, kali n., kali phos., kali s., laur., mag. m., mar. v., mur. a., nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., ♦nux v., ♦cenoth., olean., oxal. a., petrol., ♦phos., ♦phos. a., phyt., ♦pod., puis., rheum, rhus, sabad., sabin., sang., ♦secale, sepia, ♦sib, stram., ♦sub, sul. a., terebin., ♦thuj., ♦ver. a., zinc, zing. Children's—aeon., agn., bapt., ♦benz. a., borax, calc. e, calc ph., cimi., Cupr., dulc, mang., mar. v., nux m., ♦cenoth., rheum, ♦sul. a., ver. a. Chronic—agn., cist, coloc, kali c., mag. m., mang., mill., nat.m., petrol., phos., phos. a.,pod., psor., rheum, sul. a., ver.a. Dehilitating, not—♦phos., ♦phos. a., ♦puis. Dentition —calc. e, calc. ph., dulc, nux m. Morning—agar., aloe, am. m., anae, ant. c, ♦ars., cimi., dios., dulc, guaiac, hyper., iod., lib, nat. s., nit. a., ♦nuph. 1., nux v., phos., phyt., ♦pod., rhod., ♦rumex, ♦sub, ♦thuj., zing. Old people's—♦ant. c, hyos. Difficult—♦aescul., ♦am.m., anae, ♦ant c, berb., ♦bry., calc. ph., carb. v., cinch., ♦hep. s., kreos., laur., lob., ♦mag. m., mang., mur. a., nat. m., nat. s., ♦nuxm., olean., petrol., ♦phos., ruta, sib, ♦sub, zinc. Dry—♦aescul., ant. e, ♦bry., hep. s., hyper., kalic, lye, mang., nat. m., ♦phos., ♦sib, stann., ♦zinc Dysentery—aeon., agar., aib, ♦arg. n., ♦am, ascl. t., bapt., calc.s., canth., carb. v., coloc, dulc, euphorb., ferr. phos., gamb., ham., hep. s., iod., kali bi., kali phos., mag. phos., mill., mur. a., nit. a., puis., rheum, rhod., staph., ♦sub Excoriating—♦apis, ars., bapt., mere, sul. Exhausting, debilitating—bapt., ♦benz. a., borax, cinch., ♦euphorb. c, kali phos, nux m., phos., secale, sepia, sib, sul. a., / tabac Fecal—agar., aib, aloe, bapt., borax,coloc., eriger., gels., kali n., lach., mere, plumb., sang. Fermented—cinch., euphorb., ipec, mez., rheum, sabad. Flakes—arg. n. Flatulence—aescul., agar., agn., ♦aloe, ♦ant c, ♦arg. n., ♦arn., asaf., ascl.t, aur., bry., calc.ph., carb. an., ♦carb. v., caust., cepa, cheb, cinch.> cist, colch., coloc, ♦crot. t, cupr., ferr., ♦ferr. phos., fluor.a.,graph., hydras., iris, kali br., laur., lye, mag.e, mag. m., mang., mez., mill., mur a., nat. m., nat. phos, nat. s., nit. a., nux m., olean.. phos. a., pod., rhus, rumex, ruta, sabad., sabin. sang., spig., staph., tabac, ♦thuj. Flocculent—cupr., dulc. Fluid—aloe, ♦aran., ♦coloc., cupr., grat, lye, nat. s., nit. s., psor. CHAPTER XX. — STOOL AND ANUS 441 Forcible—aib, cist., ♦crot. t, gamb., ♦grat., +nat. e, nat. s.j *thuj. Frequent—aeon., aib, ♦apis, arn., calc. c, caps., caust., cic, ♦cimi., ferr., ♦ipec, kali bi., kali c, lob., *merc cor., nat. c, nux v., phos., plat., ♦pod., psor., ♦puis., secale, sul. Frothy, foaming—borax, cinch , coloc, ♦elat., ♦grat., iod., ipec, kali bi., mag. c, nat. m., opium, rheum, rhus, ruta, sib, sul. Gelatinous—♦colch., pod. Glassy—nat. m. Granular—mang. Gushing—nat. c, nat. s., ♦pod., ♦thuj , ver. a. Hard—♦aescul., ♦alum., am.c, ♦am. m., ant. c, aur., berb., ♦bry., calc c, carb. an., caust., cina, coloc, con., eriger., gamb., graph., guaiac, ham., hep. s., hyper., iod., kali n., kreos., laur., ♦lye, ♦mag. m.. mere, mez., ♦nat. m., ♦nit. a., nux m., olean., ♦opium, petrol., ♦phos., plumb., puis., rumex, sabin., ♦sib, spig., stann., ♦sub, thuj.,♦ver. a., ♦zinc Haste—♦aloe, lib, nat. c. Hot—*cham., cist. Ineffectual efforts or desire for—ambr.,anae, ant. t, arn., carb. an., caust, cham., con., ♦ign., iod., kali c, kreos., lach., laur., lib, lye, mag. c, ♦mere, nat. c, nit. a., ♦nux v., olean., ruta, ♦sib, ♦sub Insufficient—camph., gamb., ♦mag. m., petrol., sepia, stann., *sub, zinc. Involuntary—♦aib, ♦aloe, arg. n., ♦arn., belb, carb. v., cinch., con., ferr., hell., ♦hyos., laur., mur.a., nat. m., nat.s, olean., opium, oxal. a., ♦phos., ♦phos. a., puis., rhus, secale, sub, ver. a., zinc Knotty—aescul., ♦alum., aur., caust., graph., iod., ♦mag. m., mang., stan. Large—aescul., ♦ant c., aur., berb., ♦bry., calc. c, cinch., graph., ham., kali c, nat. c., puis., sabad., ♦ver. a. Lienteria, undigested—♦abrot., aethus., ♦ant. c, arn., ♦calc c, ♦cinch., con., ferr., ferr. phos., gamb., ♦graph., iris, kreos., lept., mag. c, mere, mez., nit. a., nux m., ♦olean., phos., phos. a., ♦pod., rhod., rhus, sang., sil. Like various things—♦aeon.,♦aescul.agar., ♦aloe,ant. t., ♦arg. n.,♦arn., ars., ascl. t, ♦belb, benz. a., calc c,camph.,cath.,carbol.a.,♦cham., cinch., coloc, crot. t.,cupr., dios., euphorb.c, euphorb. b., gamb., ♦graph., ♦ham., hell., ipec, kali phos., lach., ♦lept.,♦mag.c, mere, nux m., nux v. ♦phos., phyt., physos., plat., pod., psor., ♦puis., rheum., rhus , sepia, sib, staph., ♦thuj. Like sheep's dung—♦alum., berb., caust., cheb,kali n., ♦mag.m., plumb., sepia, spig. Liquid—ant. t, calc. c, cic, ♦elat., laur., nat. c, nat. s., phos. a., ♦pod., psor., sabad., sabin., sib, sul. a. Loose—aeon., arg. n., calc. ph., camph., dios., fluor. a., hell., hyper., lib, lob., nat. m., nit. a., rheum. Lumpy—♦aloe, ♦ant. c, ♦apis, belb, calc. e, carb. an., collin., 442 CHAPTER XX.— STOOL AND ANUS ♦graph., helon., hydras., ♦lye, mag. c, petrol., ♦phos., physos., plumb., ruta, ♦sib, spig. Membranous—♦colch. Mucous—aethus., aib, aloe, ♦ant c, ant. t, ♦apis, ♦arg. n., arn., ars., bapt., ♦belb, ♦borax, ♦canth., ♦caps., carb. v., cham., cheb, cinch , ♦colch., collin., ferr., fluor. a., ♦gamb., ♦graph., grat., ham., ♦hell., hep. s., hydras., iod., ♦ipec,iris, kali c, laur., mag.m., ♦mere, mere b. i., ♦mere cor., nit. a., nux v., oxal. a., petrol., phos , phos. a., phyt., ♦pod., psor., ♦puis., rhod., rhus, ruta, sabin., sepia, sib, spig., sub, sul. a., terebin., ver. a., zing. Mushy—aescul., dios., iris, lept., rheum. Pappy, papescent—agar., aloe, arn., bapt, berb., bism., cinch., fluor. a., iris, kreos., nat. m., rhod., sil. Pasty—♦bry., calc. c, ♦cheb, ♦crot. t, euphorb., ♦rheum, sul. a. Profuse—ant. c, ♦apis, asaf., ♦benz. a., cupr., dios., dulc, euphorb., gamb., ♦lept., petrol., phos., rumex, ver. a. Prostration, with—♦aloe, bapt.,camph. Pus, purulent—arn., calc. ph., calc. s., kali s., phos. Rice-water—camph., ♦euphorb. c, kali ph., ver. a. Scanty—aeon., ♦arg.n., carb. an., carb. v., con., mag.m., nat. s., plat., ♦sib, ♦sub • Shining—caust. Shreddy—♦arg. n., ♦colch. Slimy—aeon., aethus., agar., aloe, am. m., ant. t, ♦apis, am., ars., asaf., belb, borax, calc. ph., canth., cham.. cheb, colch., dios., dulc, ferr., gamb., hep. s., hyper., ipec, kali chlor.,kali s., lach., mere, mere cor., mur. a., nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., nux m., nux v., petrol., pod., ♦puis., rheum, ruta, sabad., secale, sib,♦sub, ♦sul. a., tabac. Slow, tardy—mag. m., rhod., sepia, staph. Small—aeon., aloe, arn.,ars., bapt., con., eriger., hyos., mag. c, mur. a., nux v., psor., ♦zinc Smell-asaf., benz. a., calc c, coloc, gamb., ♦graph., psor., stram., ver. a. Cadaverous— ant.t.,bism.,borax,carb. v., cinch., kreos.,lach.,rhus. Fetid—aeon., ♦arg. n., ♦ascl. t, bapt., carb. v., ♦colch., fluor. a., grat., hep.s., iris, kreos., ♦lept., opium, plumb., ♦pod., psor.,♦sub Foul—♦apis, bism., kali phos., stram. Musty—coloc. No smell—gamb., ver. a. Offensive—♦aib, ♦arn., ♦ars., asaf., ascl.t, aur., bapt, ♦benz. a., ♦bry., calc. c, calc. ph., carb. v., ♦cimi., cinch., ♦crot t, dios., gamb., guaiac, ipec, kali phos., lach., lib, mere, nux m., opium, phos. a., physos., ♦pod., puis., rumex, secale, ♦sib, sul. a. Pungent—benz. a. Putrid—ars., benz. a., carbol. a., carb. v., kali phos., kreos., lye, nit. a., nux m. Rotten eggs—♦arn., ascl. t, calc. e, carbol. a., ♦cham., psor. Sour—calc. c, cham., dulc, hep. s., mag. c, mere, mez., nat. c, nat. phos., ♦pod., ♦rheum, sepia. CHAPTER XX.—STOOL AND ANUS 443 Soft—♦alum., anae, ♦ascl. t, bapt., ♦borax, calc. ph., carb. v., caust., cinch., hell., ♦hep. s., hydras., kali c, kali n., lob., ♦lye, mez., nat. c, nat. s., nux m., physos., ♦puis., ruta, stann., staph., ♦sul. a. Spouting out like water—lept., phos. Squirting—cist., ♦crot. t, cupr., lept., ♦nat. c Stingy—arg. n., ♦sub a. Sudden—♦crot. t, nat. s., tabac, ver. a. Suppression —♦stram. Tarry—♦ham., ♦lept Tenacious—♦hell., mere. Tenesmus, straining—aeon., aethus., ♦alum., ♦apis, ars., bapt., berb., bovist., ♦caps., carb. v., ♦colch., collin., con., crott, dios., euphorb., ♦ferr., fluor. a., gamb., hell., hep. s., hyper., ipec, iris, kali bi. kali n., lach.,laur.. lib, mag. m., mang., ♦mere, mere b. i., ♦mere cor., mez., mill., nat. c, nit. a., oxal. a., phos., phyt., plat., ♦pod., puis., ♦rheum, rhus, sepia, spig., ♦sub, tabac. Thin—aethus., agar., ♦aib, ant. t, ♦apis, ♦aran., bapt., borax, calc. c, carb. v., ♦cheb, ♦cimi., cinch., cist., colch., collin., coloc, crot. t, dios., dulc, euphorb., ♦graph., grat., iris., kalic, kali n., lach., lye, mur. a., ♦nat. c, nux m., olean., opium, phos. a., physos., phyt., ♦rheum, rumex, sang., ♦secale, sul. a., ver. a. Threads of mucus in—graph. Tough—canth., carb. v., caust., ♦phos., rumex. Transparent—colch., nat. m. Urging, with—aeon.,♦aloe., alum., ♦anae,♦arn., camph., carb. v., cist., coloc, con., crot. t, gamb., graph., ham., hyos., ♦ign., iod., kali bi., kreos., lach., laur., ♦lib, lye, mag. c, ♦mere, mereb. i., ♦nat. c, nit.a., ♦nux v., olean., plat., plumb., rhod., rumex, ruta, sabad., sabin., stann., staph., ♦sub Watery—aeon., ♦aib, ♦aloe, ♦ant. c, ♦apis, ♦arg. n., ars., asaf., ♦benz. a., berb., bism., carb. v., ♦cham., cina, cinch., collin., coloc, crot. t, ♦dulc, ♦elat., ♦euhorb. c, ♦ferr., gamb., ♦grat., hell., hyos., iod., iris, ♦kali bi., kali br., kali n., kali s., kreos., lach., mere b. i., mur. a., nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nux v., opium, petrol., phos., physos., plumb., ♦pod., ♦puis., rhus,♦rumex, sang., sib, sub, terebin., ♦thuj., ver. a. Weakness—♦aloe, ♦apis, borax, coloc, ♦con., lept., petrol., ♦plat., sil. Pains—♦aescul., aethus., ♦arn., ars., calc. c, caust., cimi., coloc, crott., dios., ♦euphorb. c, ferr., gamb., graph., ipec, kalibi., lach., lye, mere cor., mill., ♦nit a., phos. a., plumb., ♦pod., psor., ♦puis., rhus, rumex, ♦sib, staph., stram., thuj., ver. a., zing. Aching—♦aescul., arn., bry., cham., ♦graph., nux m. Bearing down—♦aloe, ♦arg. n., gamb., lib, sul. Beating—♦lach., ♦nux v. Bruised—arn. 444 CHAPTER XX. — STOOL AND ANUS PaillS continued. Burning—♦abrot., ♦aescul., *aloe, alum., am. c, ♦ant. c, ♦apis, arg. n., ♦ars., aur., ♦berb., ♦bry., calc. c, canth., ♦caps., carb. an., carb. v., caust, cham., cheb, cinch., con., crot. t, dulc, eriger., eupr., ferr., graph., ham., hep. s.,^iris, kali c, lib, mere, ♦mere cor., mur. a., nat. c, ♦nit. a., nuph. b, olean.,psor., sabad., sepia, ♦sib, ♦sub, terebin., thuj. Colic, with—agar.,♦arg. n., asaf., camph., cham., colch., ♦dulc, gamb., ipec, kali br., kali n., mere, mere b. i., ♦mere cor., mill., nat. s., petrol., crot. t, *pod., ♦rheum, sepia, stann., sub, ♦thuj. Cramps—agar., asaf., mag. phos., ver. a. Cutting —aeon., aescul., agar., *alum., camph., canth., cham., collin., ♦dulc, ♦gamb., ♦graph., ♦mere cor., nat. c, nux m., ♦rheum, >::sib Distress—dios., kali c, lept., ♦lye, mere cor. Dull—collin., croc. Gnawing—ferr., kali bi. Griping—aeon., ♦apis, cham., fluor. a., ipec, lept., lib, mere b. i., *pod., staph. Ileus—opium. Painful —aethus., aib, am. c, aur., calc. c, cham., con., kali bi., kreos., ♦ver. a. Painless—♦apis, ars., borax, cham., cinch., con., crot. t, ferr., ♦grat., ign., kali c., nat. m., nat. s., ♦nuph. 1., phos., ♦pod., rhod., rhus, rumex, sib, stram., ♦thuj. Pressure—aeon., alum., ant. t, belb, caust., ♦crot. t, ♦ign., kali bi., ^^Ii 1., ♦nux v., oxal. a., rhus. Pricking—♦ant c Pulsations—caust., rhod. Rawness—♦apis. Rheumatic—dulc. Sharp—collin., ♦graph., ♦ign. Shooting—♦aescul., calc. ph. Smarting—am. m., caps., ♦graph., ign., lib, mur. a., nuph. b, ♦puis. Soreness—aescul.,am. m., arg. n., am., ars., ♦berb., caps.,♦graph., grat., ham., ♦ign., kali bi., kali c, mur. a., nat. m., psor., ♦puis., rhus, sepia. Spasmodic—belb, colch., ♦euphorb. c, ♦nit. a., plumb. Sticking—♦graph., ♦nit. a., ♦nux v. Stinging—ars., caps., carb. an., caust., nat. m., ♦sib Stitches—ambr., am. m., calc ph., carb. an., caust., con., croc, ♦graph., ♦ign., lach., lye, mag. c, nuph. b, ♦puis., rhus, ♦sul. Tearing—am. m., ferr., nit. a., rhus, ruta. Throbbing—apis, caps. Tingling—aeon., carb. v., cinch., kali c, plat. Tormina—eriger. Writhing—croc, stram. CHAPTER XX.—STOOL AND ANUS 445 Parts. Abdomen—agar.,♦aran., arg. n., arn., asaf., coloc, ♦pod., rhus, rumex. Anus—aeon., ♦aescul., ♦aloe, ♦alum., ambr., am.c, am.m., anae, ant. t, ♦apis, arg. n., ars., belb, ♦berb., ♦bry., calc. c, calc ph., canth., caps., carb. an., caust., cepa, cham.,cina, cinch., collin., coloc, con., croc, ♦crot. t., dios., eriger., euphr., ferr., fluor. a., ♦graph., grat, ham., ♦ign., ipec, iris, ♦kalibi., kalic, kali chlor., lach., mag. e, mag. m., mang., mill., mur. a., nat. e, ♦nat. m., nat. s., ♦nit.a ., nuph. b, ♦nux v., olean., opium, petrol., plait., plumb., ♦pod., psor., puis., rheum, rhod., sabad., ♦secale, sepia, spig., stram., ♦sub, terebin., thuj., zinc, zing. Condylomata—euphr., thuj. Eruption—apis, berb., lye, nat. m., nat. s., petrol., thuj. Fissures—agn., caust., cham., ♦graph.,♦nat. m., ♦nit a., petrol., phyt., plumb., rhus, thuj. Fistula—alum., berb., calc. ph., hydras., sil. Haemorrhoids—♦abrot.,absinth., acet. a., ♦aescul., am. m., ♦ant. e, ars., asaf., aur., bapt., berb., bry., calc. e, calc. fh, calc. ph., caps., carb. an., carb. v., caust, collin., coloc, dios., graph., ♦hydras,, kali c.kali s., lib,mere b. i., mill., mur. a., nat.m., nit.a., nux v., petrol., phos. a., pod., psor., rhus, sabin., sang., ♦sib, staph., stram., thuj., yer. a., zing. Bleeding—acet. a., aeon., aur., belb, calc. c, caps., cham., cinch., collin., coloc, eriger., ferr., ferr. phos., ham., hydras., hyos., kali chlor., lob., mere, mill., nit. a., nuxv., phos., phos. a., phyt., rhus, sabin., stram., ♦sub Blind—♦aescul., caps., cham., collin., ♦ign., *nux v., ♦puis., rhus, sub Color—♦aescul., ars., carb. v., mere, mur. a., rheum, zing. Large—caust., dios., graph. Inflamed—aeon., ferr. phos., kali c. Like various things—♦aescul., aloe, dios. Protruding—♦abrot, ♦aloe, am. e, calc. e, carb. v., hep. s., kali c, lach., ♦lye, mur. a., nit. a., nux m., psor., ♦puis., rhus, ♦sib Sensitive—caust., lib, ♦lye, mur. a., nit. a., thuj. Strangulated—lach. Suppurating—carb. v., mere, sib Swollen—caps., caust., coloc, sepia. Irritability—calc e, grat. Moisture—carb. an., carb. v., caust., nat. m., nit. a., sepia, sib, ♦sul. Prolapsus—aescul., ♦apis, ferr., fluor. a., gamb., ign., mere, mur. a., pod., ruta. Rhagades—agn., cepa. Sycosis—nat. s. Ulcers—arg. n., cham., nit. a., olean., phos., terebin. Varices—kali e, lye, mere Warts—thuj. 446 CHAPTER XX.--STOOL AND ANUS Bowels, intestines—♦aloe, ant. t, ars., ♦ascl. t, cinch., collin., ♦euphorb. c, eriger., ferr. phos., gamb., lept., mill., ♦opium, petrol., stram, terebin., thuj. Haemorrhages—acet. a., ♦apis, ♦ars., bapt., hep. s., lob., nit. a., opium, petrol., secale, terebin. Ulceration—♦arg. n., nit. a., olean., phos,. terebin. Coccyx —aloe. Epigastrium —pod. Hypogastrium—♦arg. n., collin. Ileo-ccecal region—gamb., nit. a. Mucous membrane—belb, graph., mill., nat. m. Perineum -agn., alum., am. m., canth., carb. an., caust., hep. s., nit. a. Pubes—♦aloe, sabin. Rectum—♦aescul., ♦aloe, ♦alum., ♦anae, arg. n., aur., belb, calc. c, calc.ph., carb.an., carb.v., caust, cheb, cic, cinch.,coloc, con., crot. t., dios., dulc, eriger., ferr., gamb., grat, hell., hep. s., hyos., hyper., ♦ign., kali c, ♦lib, ♦lye, ♦mere, ♦mere cor., mez., nat. c, nat. m., ♦nit. a., nuph. b,nux m., ♦nux v., oxal: a., petrol., phos., phyt., plat, psor., rhus, ruta, sabad., secale, sepia, ♦sib, spig., ♦sub, terebin. Blenorrhcea—hell., mill. Dryness—aescul. Inactivity—♦alum., anae, camph., hell., kali e, mur. a., nat.m., nux m., ♦opium, ruta, ♦sib, stann., thuj., ver. a. Inflammation—arg. n. Paralysis, paresis—aloe, belb, hyos., opium, secale. Prolapsus—♦apis, arg. n., ferr., fluor. a., gamb., ♦ign., lach., lye, mere, mere cor., mur. a., pod. ruta. Sphincter ani—♦aloe, belb, colch., hyos., lye Umbilicus—crot. t, ♦gamb., ipec, kali bi. Villi, or absorbents of intestines—ferr. phos. Sensations—♦aescul, ♦aloe, ambr., ant. t, ♦apis,carb. an.,collin., ♦crot. t, eriger., graph., iris, ♦lach., lib, lye, ♦nit. a., ♦nux v., plumb., ♦pod., rhus, sib, ♦sub a. Constriction—♦aescul., arg. n., belb, cham., fluor. a., /graph., grat, ♦ign., kreos., mang., mill., nat. m., ♦nit. a., ♦nux v.,plumb., ♦rheum. Contraction—♦ign., ♦lye, ♦nat. m., ♦nux v. Crawling—calc c, carb. v., cheb, croc, mar. v., nat. c, sabad., ♦secale, ♦sub, zinc. Emptiness—♦pod., ♦sub a. Faintness—borax, ♦euphorb. c, mere, nit. a., nux m., ♦pod. Fullness—aescul., apis, ham. Hot, heat—♦aescul., ♦aloe, cham., ant. t, cist., ferr. phos.,♦pod., sepia, zing. Itching—aeon., aescul., agn., ♦aloe, alum., ambr., am. c, anae, arg. n., belb, berb., calc. c, caps., caust., cheb, cina, cinch.,collin., dios., dulc, ferr., fluor. a., *graph., grat, ham., ign., ipec, kali CHAPTER XX.—STOOL AND ANUS 447 chlor., lach., lib, lye, mar. v., mur. a., nat. e, petrol., plat,♦puis., rumex, sabad., spig., ♦sub, zinc, zing. Plug—*aloe, ♦anae, crot. t, kali bi. Tickling—belb, spig. Weight—collin., ham., sepia. Sensitiveness—♦abrot, berb., camph., caust, croc, gamb., graph., lib, lye, mur. a., nit. a., thuj. Sweat—alum., hep. s., iris, ♦ver. a. Worms—absinth., aeon., agn., ♦aib, arg. n., calc. c, calc ph., carb. v., croc, cupr., dig., ferr., ferr. phos., ♦graph., ign., kali c, kali chlor., mag. c, mang., mar. v., mere, mill., nat. c, nat.phos., nux m., sabad., spig., stann., zinc. CHAPTER XXI.-URINARY ORGANS. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Absinthium. °Urine deep orange, of a strong smell, like horse- urine. Constant desire to urinate. ♦Aconitum. ♦Painful, anxious urging to urinate. Mictu- rition painful, difficult, drop by drop; urine scanty, fiery, scalding hot, red or dark-colored. cSensitiveness of renal region; shooting pains. Brown, burning urine, with brick-colored sediment. Re- tention or suppression of urine, with pressure in the bladder or stitches in the region of the kidneys; retention from cold, especially in children, with much crying and restlessness. Haematuria with haemorrhoids of anus or bladder; burning distress in the urethra. Agaricus. °Weakness of sphincter vesicae, with dribbling. Viscid, gelatinous mucus from the urethra. Urine profuse, colorless, clear, lemon-colored. ♦Alumina. ♦Urine voided while straining at stool, or cannot pass urine without such straining. "-Tenesmus vesicae. Ambra. °The urine is turbid even while being emitted, depos- iting a brown sediment, the urine above being clear and yellow. Sour-smelling urine—whooping cough. Urinates three times as much as the drink taken, especially in morning, followed by a dull pain in region of kidneys. Ammonium carb. "Involuntary micturition during sleep, towards morning. Whitish sediment. Ammonium mur. °Profuse and frequent discharge of urine at night. Deep-yellow urine, with light, cloudy sediment. Apis. °Urine scanty, high-colored, red, bloody, hot and scanty ; scanty and fetid; scanty, reddish-brown; after standing turbid; scanty, milky; albuminous; dark, with sediment like coffee-grounds; containing uriniferous tubules and epithelium. Difficult micturi- tion of children. Incontinence, with great irritation of the parts. Frequent attacks of pain along the ureters. Frequent desire, with passage of only a few drops. 448 CHAPTER XXL- URINARY ORGANS 449 Argentum met Turbid, sweetish, profuse at night—diabetes. Urine profuse at night, pale, fetid. ♦Argentum nit. * Urine passed unconsciously and uninterrupt- edly. Incontinence of urine at night; also by day. Urging to uri- nate; urine passes less easily and freely. °Urinedark; no albumen; deposits red crystals of uric acid. Acute pain about the kidneys, extending down the ureters to bladder, worse from the slightest touch or motion, even deep inspiration. Ulcerative pain in mid- dle of urethra, as from a splinter. ♦Arnica. ♦Bladder affections, after mechanical injuries. Tenes- mus from spasm of neck of bladder. Has to wait a long time for urine to- pass. Involuntary micturition at night during sleep. Constant urging while urine passes involuntarily in drops. Reten- tion of urine from exertion. Ischuria with dysentery. Bloody urine; haematuria from mechanical causes. °Piercing pains, as from knives plunged into the kidneys; chilly, inclined to vomit. Infants scream from pain in bladder. ♦Arsenicum. °Haematuria; ♦albuminaria. Uraemia, anguish with thoughts of murder, especially in drunkards. Burning in the urethra during micturition. Involuntary micturition. Urine scanty,passed with difficulty; burning during emission. °Retention of urine as if the bladder were paralyzed. Urine dark-brown,dark-yellow, turbid, sediment of red sand mixed with pus and blood. ♦Arum triph. ♦Urine scanty or suppressed—scarlatina, dis- charge of much pale urine. Asafoetida. °Urine brown and of a pungent smell. Spasms of bladder during and after urination. Asclepias corn. cArdor urinae. Increased flow of urine. Pale- colored urine, with light specific gravity. Increase of solid matters in urine. Asparagus. °Cutting pain in the urethra. Frequent urging with increased secretion. Frequent urination with fine stitches in the orifice of the urethra. Urine has a strong, offensive odor. Urine, straw-coloied, turbid, containing a white, flocky sediment; reddish sediment. Urine scanty, loaded with phosphates and the urates of ammonia, in renal dropsy. Gravel passes in small quantities with the urine. Aurum met. °Turbid urine, like buttermilk; much sediment of mucus. 45° CHAPTER XXI.—URINARY ORGANS ♦Belladonna. ♦Retention of urine, which passes only drop by drop. °Spasmodic, crampy straining along the ureter during the passage of calculus. Urine bright-yellow and clear; frequent, copi- ous, pale and watery; first clear, becomes turbid on standing; blood- red. Involuntary micturition. Vesical region very sensitive to pres- sure or jar. Wets the bed ; restless, starts in sleep. ♦Benzoic acid. ♦Urine highly colored; urinous odor exceedingly strong; offensive, pungent smell. -Nephritic colic; urine deep-red, of a strong odor. Irritability of the bladder, with muco-purulent discharges,enlarged prostate; with concretions of urate of ammonia; calculus. Dysuria senilis; gravel; irritable bladder. Enuresis nocturna of children. Soreness, or hot burning pains in left kidney. A granular kind of mucus mixed with phosphates in the sediment. ♦Berberis. ♦Sticking, digging, tearing or pulsative pain in re- gion of one or other kidney. Burning pain in bladder. Violent sticking, cutting pains, from the kidneys into the bladder and urethra. Urine pale-yellow, with slight transparent, gelatinous sed- iment, with no deposit; or turbid, flocculent, clay-like, copious, mucous sediment, mixed with white or whitish-gray, and later a reddish, mealy sediment. -Cutting and burning in urethra. Burn- ing and soreness in region of kidneys. Stitches from the kidneys to the bladder and urethra. ♦Borax. ♦Hot urine in infants. °The infant urinates every ten or twelve minutes and frequently cries and screams before the passage. ♦Bryonia. ♦Urine dark, almost brown; scanty and dark; like beer; deposits a white or pinkish sediment. Cactus. °Haematuria; urination prevented by clots. Calcarea phos. °(Albuminuria. Bright's disease of kidneys. Enuresis nocturna, from general weakness. Gravel; gritty deposit in urine. Stone in bladder—to check its formation. — Schussler). ♦Cannabis ind. ♦Burning, scalding or stinging pain in the urethra, before, during and after urination. Profuse,colorless urine. The urine dribbles out after the stream ceases. -Sharp stitches in both kidneys. Burning in kidneys. Urging to urinate, but cannot pass a drop. Has to wait some time before the urine flows. *Cannabis sat. ♦Burning, smarting in the urethra from the mea- tus backward posteriorly. Stitching while urinating. The urethra CHAPTER XXI.—URINARY ORGANS 451 feels inflamed and sore to touch along its whole length; during erection tensive pain. Burning while urinating, but especially just after. Strangury, in typhus fever. Soreness and inflammation of kidneys and' bladder. Long standing dysuria. ♦Cantharis. ♦Violent pains in the bladder, with frequent urg- ing; intolerable tenesmus. Tenesmus of the bladder. Violent burning, cutting pains in neck of bladder, extending to navicular fossa of urethra. Violent burning, cutting pains in urethra, be- fore, during, and after urinating, Urine scalds him; passes drop by drop. Urging to urinate with burning sensation in the urethra. °Urine red,as if mixed with blood; dark-colored, ♦bloody; °turbid, scanty; at night cloudy, like mealy water, with white sediment. Retention of urine causing pain. Fruitless efforts to urinate. Dull, pressing pain in region of kidneys. Capsicum. °Discharge from urethra purulent, bloody; urethra painful to touch; discharge cream-like. Strangury, with tenesmus of bladder. Burning urine. Carbo veg. °Red sediment in urine. Urine dark-red, as if mixed with blood. Wetting bed at night. Bright's disease from the abuse of alcohol. Blenorrhcea vesicae of old people. Urine reddish, turbid as if mixed with blood, with red sediment; bloody, with varices of anus and bladder; copious, light-yellow, diabetic, milky. ♦Causticum. ♦Involuntary passage of urine at night when asleep: when coughing, sneezing or blowing the nose. Urinates so easily is not sensible of the stream. °Paralysis of the bladder from long retention of urine. Retention of urine with frequent and urgent desire; occasionally a few drops or small quantities may dribble away. Urine dark-brown, turbid, and cloudy on standing. Burning in urethra. Chamomilla. -Dragging toward ureters like labor-pains,with fre- quent urging to urinate. Burning in neck of bladder when urinating. ♦Chelidonium. ♦Urine dark-yellow; turbid on passing; dark, brownish-red; stains diaper dark-yellow. °Spasmodic pain in right kidney, and liver, worse from 4 to 9 p. m. Violent pain in direc- tion of ureters, preceding the passage of turbid urine. Cicuta. °Involuntary emission of urine, with old men. Paraly- sis of bladder with great anxiety about it. Cinchona. =Frequent micturition; urine dark, turbid, scanty; brick-red sediment. 45- CHAPTER XXI.—URINARY ORGANS Clematis. Urinary deposit pus-like. Involuntary flow, hydrops, after micturition. Colchicum. °Pain in region of kidneys. Scanty discharge of dark, turbid urine, with tenesmus and burning. Dark, bloody urine, almost like ink, with strangury. Whitish sediment in the urine. ♦Colocynthis. ♦Frequent urging to urinate with scanty emission. °Sudden violent pressure upon the bladder, which was full; passed off suddenly on the emission of flatus. Urine like brown beer, be- coming turbid as soon as cold, depositing copious sediment. Thick, fetid, viscid, jelly-like urine. ♦Conium. ♦The flow of urine suddenly stops, and continues again after a short interruption. cPale, white, turbid urine, with gray or white sediment. Digitalis. cFruitless efforts to urinate. Urine scanty, thick, turbid, blackish. Brick-dust sediment in urine. Dulcamara. GBright's disease from exposure to cold and damp- ness. Retention of urine; strangury from a cold, or from cold drinks. Urine passed involuntarily ; paralysis of bladder. Urine scanty, fetid, turbid, on standing oily, containing a tough, jelly- like, white or red mucus with blood; milky, fetid or muco-purulent. ♦Equisetum. ♦Pain in bladder as if distended. Pain and ten- derness in region of bladder. Constant desire to urinate. Urine high-colored and scanty. °Dull pain in region of right kidney, with urgent desire to urinate. Excessive burning in the urethra while urinating. Sharp, cutting pain in the urethra. Urine de- posits a mucous sediment. Erigeron. °Dysuria of teething children; frequent desire, crying when urinating; urine profuse, of very strong odor; external parts (female) inflamed or irritated, with considerable mucous discharge. Eupatorium perf. °Dark-brown, scanty, depositing a whitish, clay- like sediment; profuse, pale, with gout. Inflammation of meatus urinarius, in women. Eupatorium purp. incontinence of urine, especially in children. Deep, dull pain in kidneys, also cutting pains; chronic nephritis. Violent dysuria after a jolting ride during pregnancy, from dis- placed uterus. Frequent efforts, with passage of but a few drops of urine. Urine very copious; scanty, albuminous; scanty but fre- quent. Soreness and pain in the bladder; deep, aching uneasiness; catarrh. CHAPTER XXL—URINARY ORGANS 453 Ferric phos. M Bright's disease, with fever. Cystitis with heat, pain, fever. Incontinence of urine, if from weakness of sphincter muscles. Ischuria of recent date; heat, little children. Polyuria sim- plex, excessive secretion of urine.—Schussler.) ♦Gelsemiuin. ♦Copious discharge of clear, limpid urine, reliev- ing the headache, incontinence from paralysis of the sphincter; in nervous children. Alternate dysuria and enuresis, spasm of the bladder. Albuminuria. Glonoinum. °Abundant, highly albuminous urine; must rise often at night to pass it; high-colored, burning while passing, with redsediment and reddish-yellow slime. ♦Graphites. ♦The urine becomes turbid and deposits a white, cor reddish sediment c Frequent urination at night. Urine smells sour. Stitches or smarting in the urethra when urinating. Hamamelis. °Haematuria; passive congestion of the kidneys; dull pain in renal region. Irritation of urethra, followed by a dis- charge, and ardor urinae. Urine clear, copious. Scanty, high-col- ored urine. ♦Helleborus. ♦Frequent urging, with scanty discharge. °Urine scanty, dark, with floating dark specks, like coffee grounds; albu- minous, scanty; profuse, passed in large quantities. Suppressed urinary secretion with dropsy. Passes blood and slime, with burn- ing and stinging. After great pressure he passes, with much pain, a few drops of blood. Bladder over-distended; retention of urine from atony of muscular coats. Helonias. °Urine profuse, clear, light-colored; albuminous; dia- betic. Involuntary discharge of urine after the bladder seems to be emptied. Burning, scalding when urinating; desire frequent and urging, strangury. ♦Hepar sulph. ♦Weakness of the bladder; enuresis. Micturition impeded; has to wait a while before urine passes; cannot empty the bladder thoroughly; urine drops down vertically without force. Dark-red and hot; bloody; sharp, burning, corroding the prepuce. Inflammation and redness of the orifice of the urethra. Hvdrastis. °Urine smells decomposed. Catarrh of bladder, with thick, ropy mucous sediment in the urine. Hyoscyamus. °Paralysis of the bladder; micturition frequent, scanty, difficult, involuntary; has no will to urinate. Retention of urine. 454 CHAPTER XXI.—URINARY ORGANS ♦Ignatia. ♦Frequent discharge of much watery urine. °Sudden, irresistible desire to urinate. Pressure to urinate from drinking coffee. Ipecacuanha. °Haematuria with cutting in abdomen and urethra; from suppressed itch. Urine scanty, dark-red,turbid, with red sed- iment. Kali bichrom. cScanty, high-colored urine, with copious, whitish sediment, and pain in the back. Frequent discharge of watery urine, of strong smell, awaking him at night. Kali brom. °Diabetes; urine loaded with sugar; profuse, with abundance of phosphates. Dribbling of urine at beginning of stoob Incontinence of urine. ♦Kali carb. ♦Frequent urination, especially at night, with much pressure, and scanty emission. °Stitches in the region of the kidneys. Burning in the urethra during and after micturition. Urine flows slowly, with soreness and burning. Kali chlor. °(Bright's disease; chief remedy. Diabetes mel- litus, when stomach and liver derangements are present; tongue as in n; pancreatic derangement; lack of bile in stools; pain in kidneys. — Schussler.) Kali iod. °Bright's disease, with gout, or mercurio-syphilis; granulated kidney. Urine increased with unquenchable thirst. Kali nit. cBright's disease with pain in small of back,bruised, crampy or burning; diminished urine. Frequent urination and dis- charge of much pale urine, with reddish clouds. Mucous sediment; salts increased. Specific gravity 1030—1040. Dysuria, frequent desire, with burning; only a few drops at first; after irritating medicines; gonorrhoeal extension. Kali phos. °(Paralysis of sphincter muscles of bladder, causing inability of retaining the urine, generally of old people. Bright's disease of the kidneys,—for the depressed condition of nerves,—show- ing itself in sleeplessness, irritability and weary feeling. Cystitis in asthenic conditions, with prostration. Diabetes, to establish the normal function of the medulla oblongata and pneumogastric nerve; nervous weakness; sugar in urine; breath peculiar hay-like odor; deranged kidneys, thirst and emaciation; often with voracious hunger from liver disease. Incontinence of urine from paralysis of sphincter.—Schussler.) Kalmia. °Albuminuria; also with pains in lower limbs. CHAPTER XXI.--URINARY ORGANS 455 Kobaltum. 'Albuminuria. Frequent discharge of small quantity of urine. Scanty urine, with greasy pellicle, yellow, flocculent or red sediment, and strong, pungent smell. Kreosotum. °Urine offensive, colorless; reddish sediment. Wets the bed at night, wakes with urging, but cannot retain the urine. Lachesis. Urine almost black; frequent, foam),dark. Discharge of offensive mucus during micturition. Catarrh of the bladder. Stitches from kidneys through ureters. Feeling as of a ball rolling in the bladder or abdomen when turning over. Lactic acid. DFrequent desire to urinate large quantities. Uri- nates frequently, day and night; the attempt to retain it causes pain. Laurocerasus. Suppressed urine, in cholera. Retention of urine as from paralysis of the bladder, or urine is voided slowly. Invol- untary urination. The urine deposits a thick, reddish, or mahogany- colored sediment, with floating, jelly-like flocks. Lilium. ^Frequent urination during the day, with smarting in the urethra. Continuous pressure on the bladder. Constant desire to urinate, with scanty discharge; burning and smarting in urethra afterward. Urine milky, scanty, increased and dark; hot, like boiling oil. Lithium carb. °Pain extending into spermatic cord after urinat- ing. Tenesmus of bladder while and after urinating. On rising to urinate, a pressing in region of heart, which did not cease until after urinating. Urine scanty,dark, acrid; pain when passed; emis sion difficult, with dark, reddish-brown deposit; turbid with mucous deposit; profuse, with uric acid deposit. ♦Lycopodium. ♦Red, sandy sediment in urine. °Severe back- ache relieved by passing urine. Turbid, milky urine, with an offen- sive, purulent sediment; dull pressing in region of bladder and ab- domen; disposition to calculi. Cystitis; incontinence; no urine secreted. Haematuria from gravel or chronic catarrh. Before pass- ing water, child screams with pain; red sand on diaper. Urging to urinate; must wait long before it will pass. Lycopus. °Urine scanty, thick and muddy, with oedema of the feet. Urine contains excess of mucus, with epithelial cells and oxalate of lime, sp. gr. 1012 to 1020. Diabetes mellitus. ♦Magnesia mur. ♦Urine can be passed only by bearing down with the abdominal muscles; °passed only by drops, always some seeming to remain behind. Numbness in the urethra. 456 CHAPTER XXI. —URINARY ORGANS Magnesium phos. °( Spasmodic stricture of bladder. Retention of urine, inability to pass water from spasmodic constriction after use of catheter; a sensation as if the muscles did not contract. Gravel, windy pain. — Schussler.) ♦Mercurius. ♦Burning in the urethra. Frequent desire to uri- nate, with scanty discharge. uRegion of bladder sore to touch; urine passes in a thin stream or in drops, and containing blood and pus. Involuntary passage of urine. Urging to urinate, with co- pious flow; desire sudden; irresistible. Urine dark-red and turbid; sour and pungent; mixed with blood, white flakes and pus; flesh- like lumps of mucus. Haematuria, with violent and frequent urging to urinate. Mercurius biniod. ^Increased flow of urine. Frequent desire to urinate; she cannot hold her water for a moment. Ulcers in bladder. ♦Mercurius cor. ♦Tenesmus of the bladder; urine suppressed. Frequent urination; passed in drops, with much pain. cUrine scanty, bloody, albuminous, containing filaments, flocks, or dark flesh-like pieces of mucus. Albumen in the urine after diphtheria and in Bright's disease. Mezereum. °Haematuria, preceded by crampy pain in the blad- der. Urine becomes flaky and hot with red sediment. Sticking in the kidney and pain as if torn. Millefolium. °Pain in region of left kidney, then bloody urine. Involuntary micturition. Urine bloody; blood forms a cake in the vessel. Catarrh of bladder from atony. Stone in the bladder, with retention of urine. Pus-like discharge after lithotomy. Muriatic acid. °Frequent and profuse (or scanty) urination. Slow emission of urine; must wait a long time before urine will pass; has to press so that anus protrudes. Urine involuntary. Myrica. °Urine beer-colored, with yellowish froth, pinkish- brown sediment; scant)'. Natrum carb. cFrequent urging, with scanty or profuse discharge. Urine involuntary at night. Urine dark-)'ellow, fetid, sour, or like horse-urine; deposits a mucous sediment. Burning in urethra during and after micturition. Natrum mur. Frequent desire to urinate,with copious flow of light, watery urine. c;Discharge of mucus from the urethra, dur- ing and after micturition. Cutting and burning in the urethra after CHAPTER XXI.--URINARY ORGANS 457 urination. Polyuria, thirst for large quantities of water. Has to wait long for urine to pass, especially if others are near him. Urine dark, like coffee. Hematuria. Urine passed involuntarily when walking, coughing or laughing. (Polyuria in diabetes mellitus, if the symptoms correspond. Bright's disease of kidneys, with symp- toms as given in 20.— Schussler.) Natrum phos. (Diabetes mellitus if symptoms of acidity pre- dominate, or if there is ulceration of mucous membrane of tongue. —Schussler.) Natrum sulf. c(Diabetes, the chief remedy. — Schussler.) ♦Nitric acid. ♦Needle-like stitches in the orifice of the urethra. GUrine cold when it passes; scanty, dark-brown, smelling strong, like horse-urine; turbid; looks like sediment in a cider barrel. Haematuria; urging after, and shuddering along the spine; during urination, blood flows actively. Incontinence of urine. Discharge of bloody mucus and pus from the urethra. Nuphar lut. °Urine deposits a copious reddish sand, which adheres to vessel. ♦Nux vom. ♦Painful, ineffectual urging to urinate. Urine passes in drops, with burning and tearing in the urethra and neck of the bladder. °Renal colic, especially in right kidney, extending to genitals and right leg; worse lying on right side, better on back. Haematuria from suppressed haemorrhoidal flow, or menses. Spas- modic urethral stricture. Paralysis of the bladder; urine dribbles. Urine pale; later thick, whitish, purulent, reddish, with brick-dust sediment. ♦Opium ♦Retention of urine from paralysis of the fundus of bladder; -from spasm of sphincter; from nursing after passion of nurse. Involuntary micturition. Urine scanty, dark, brown, cloudy. Osmium GUrine albuminous, strong-scented, dark-brown and scanty; deposits bright-red sediment. Bright's disease. Pareira brava °Chronic inflammation of the bladder. Constant urging to urinate; violent pain in glans penis; straining; pain extorts screams; must get down on all fours to urinate; urine con- tains much viscid, thick, white mucus, or deposits a red sand, Urine has a strong ammoniacal odor. Petroleum. ^Constant dribbling of urine after micturition. Fre- ■» quent micturition, with scanty, brown, fetid urine. Involuntary micturition at night in bed. Chronic blenorrhcea. Chronic inflam- 45# CHAPTER XXI.--URINAR\ ORGANS mation of the prostatic portion of urethra, with frequent emissions and imperfect erections; chronic urethritis, accompanying stricture. ♦Petroselinum. ♦Drawing and sticking in navicular fossa,chang- ing to cutting, biting after urination. -Frequent desire to urinate, caused by crawling stitch behind the navicular fossa. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Haematuria from debility after sexual excesses; blood deficient in fibrin. Glycosuria with phthisis. Albumen and exudation cells in the urine; Eright's disease. Urine profuse, pale, watery; frequent and scanty; turbid, whitish, like curdled milk, with brick-dust sediment and variegated film on surface. Phosphoric acid. ^Urine looks like milk mixed with jelly-like, bloody piece1-; decomposes rapidly; passed in large quantities at night, clear like water. Diabetes of nervous origin. Involuntary urination. Phytolacca. °Chalk-like sediment in urine. Uric acid and al- bumen in urine. ♦Plumbum. ♦Difficult micturition; urine passed only in drops; ineffectual urging; strangury; urine dark-colored and scanty; albuminous. ^ Bright's disease; contracted kidney. Diabetes. Ne- crotic cystitis from decomposed urea. Urine passed in drops; stran- gury: will not pass, as from atony of the bladder; dribbles, is high colored and fetid. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Involuntary micturition at night in bed, especially in little girls while coughing or passing flatus. Frequent urina- tion; profuse flow. °Tenesmus and stinging in neck of the blad- der. Ischuria with redness and heat in region of the bladder. Haematuria with burning at orifice of urethra and constriction in region of navel. Burning in urethra. At end of urination dropping of blood. ♦Rhododendron. ♦Frequent urging to urinate, with drawing in region of bladeler. Pain in urethra as from subcutaneous ulceration. ^Increased secretion of very offensive urine. Greenish urine. Rhus tox. ^Tearing in region of kidneys, oedema, after exposure to wet. Urine hot, white, muddy; pale, with white sediment; dark, becoming turbid. Tenesmus vesicae; discharges a few drops of blood-red urine. Urine voided slowly, spine affected; from getting wet. Urine involuntary a*t night, and while at rest. ♦Sabina. ♦Vesical irritability, depending on gouty diathesis. < Diminished discharge of red urine, with strangury. Retention CHAPTER XXI. — URINARY ORGANS 459 of urine; discharged by drops, with burning. Urine bloody and albuminous. Sarsaparilla. Tenderness and distention over region of bladder. Passes gravel or small calculi; blood with last of urine. Tenes- mus of bladder, with discharge of white, acrid pus and mucus. Sand in urine or on the diaper; child screams before and on pass- ing it. Secale. Retention of urine. Ischuria paralytica; enuresis in old age. Urine pale, watery; blood)- in old people. Urinary de- posit like white cheese. Discharge of thick, black blood from bladder—kidney affections. ♦Sepia. ♦Urging to urinate from pressure on the bladder. Fre- quent micturition, even at night. Urine turbid, clay-colored, with reddish sediment; -thick, slimy, very offensive, depositing a yel- lowish, pasty sediment; becomes turbid and offensive, with white sediment. Involuntary discharge of urine at night, especially dur- ing first sleep. Mucous discharge,periodical, not at each micturi- tion; sometimes pieces of coagulated mucus clog up the urethra. Feeling as of great distention of bladder. Silicia. -Suppuration of the kidneys; abscesses. Profuse uri- nation relieves headache. Involuntary micturition at night; also in children with worms, and in chorea. ♦Sulphur. ♦Frequent and sudden desire to urinate, especially at night, with copious discharge. Burning in the urethra, also while urinating. Itching in the urethra. Urine turbid, °reddish, offensive, excoriating. Retention of urine. Nocturnal enuresis. Urine fetid with greasy looking pellicle on it. Redness and in- flammation of the urethra. Painful desire with discharge of bloody urine, requiring great effort. Tabacum. °Renal colic; violent pains along ureters; cold sweat, deathly nausea. ♦Terebinthina. ♦Violent burning, drawing pains in region of the kidneys; urine scanty and bloody. °Affections of kidneys, worse from living in damp dwellings. Urine black, with coffee-ground sediment; great emaciation and weakness; clear, watery, profuse; incontinence at night; scanty, turbid, dark, epithelial sediment; albuminous; bloody, the blood thoroughly mixed with the urine; containing sugar. Sensitiveness of hypogastrium, tenesmus of bladder; strangury, burning in region of kidneys; urine deposits a slimy, thick,muddy sediment. Urine smells of violets. 460 CHAPTER XXL—URINARY ORGANS Thuja occ °Bladder feels as if paralyzed; has no power to expel urine. Involuntary urination at night or when coughing. Continued urging; passes a few drops of blood. Urine too frequent and too copious; contains sugar,foams; dark-red in the morning; deposits a brown mucus with dark, cloudy sediment, in rheumatism. Uranium nit. °Diabetes originating in dyspepsia, or assimilative derangement. Great emaciation, debility and tendency to ascites and general dropsy. Zincum. Violent pressure of urine on bladder; sits with legs crossed, and though bladder feels as if full, none passes. Invol- untary urination, while walking, sneezing and coughing. Zingiber. Dull aching; hot sensation in left kidney; in both kidneys, with frequent desire to urinate. Complete retention of urine after typhus. While urinating, pain in the orifice of the urethra. Urine thick, turbid; dark brown; of strong smell. REPERTORY. Micturition, urination. Ardor urinae—ascl. cor., ham. Desire to—absinth., apis, caust., ♦equis., eriger., helon., ign., kali n.. lact. a., lib, ♦mag. c, nat. m., petros., ♦sub, zinc. Diabetes — See "Diabetic," under "Urine." Difficult, dysuria—♦aeon., ♦alum., apis, ♦ars., benz. a., can. s., eriger., eup. purp., gels., hyos., kali n., lith., ♦mag. m., ♦plumb., sub, thuj., zinc. Dribbles—agar., ♦can. i., caust.,kali br., nux v., petrol , plumb. Drops—apis, ♦arn., caust., clem., eup. purp., kali n., mag. m., mere, ♦mere cor., ♦nux v., plumb., rhus, sabin. Drop by drop—♦aeon., ♦belb, ♦canth., plumb., rhus. Easily passed—♦caust Enuresis, wetting the bed—benz. a., calc. phos., gels., hep, s., secale, sul. Force, lack of—♦hep. s. Frequent—am. m., aspar., belb, borax, can. i., caust., cham., cinch., ♦coloc, eup. purp., glon., graph., hyos., ♦ign., kali bi., ♦kali c, kali n., kobalt.,lach., lact. a., lib, mere, mere p. i., mere cor., mur. a., nat. c, nat. m., petrol., phos., ♦puis., ♦rhod., ♦sepia, ♦sul , thuj., zing. Fruitless efforts—canth., dig. Impeded—♦hep. s. Incontinence—apis, ♦arg.n., belb, carb.v., eup.purp., ferr. phos., gels., kali br., kali phos., kreos., lye, nit. a., terebin. Interrupted, intermits—♦con. Involuntary—am. c, ♦arn., ♦ars., belb, ♦caust., cic, clem., dulc, helon., hyos., kali phos., kreos., laur., mere, mill., mur. a., nat. e, nat. m., opium, petrol., phos. a., ♦puis., rhus, sepia, sib, thuj., zinc. CHAPTER XXI.—URINARY ORGANS 461 Micturition continued. Irritation of parts—apis, benz. a., ham , kali phos., rhus, ♦sabin. Ischuria—♦am., ferr. phos., puis., secale. Retention—aeon., ♦arn., ars.,♦belb,canth., caust.,dig.,dulc,hell., hyos., laur., mag. phos., mill..♦opium,sabin.,secale, sub,zinc,zing. Slowly—kali e, laur., mur. a., rhus. Strangury—♦can. s., caps., colch., dulc, helon., mag. phos., plumb., sabin., terebin. Sudden desire, can't wait—ign., mere, mere b. i., ♦sub Suppression—aeon., ♦arum, hell., laur., lye, mere cor. Tenesmus—♦alum., ♦arn., belb, ♦canth., caps., colch., lith., ♦mere cor., par. bi., puis., rhus, sars., terebin. Thin stream—mere Unconsciously and uninterruptedly—♦arg. n. Urging—♦aeon., alum., ♦arg. n., ♦arn., aspar., can. i., ♦canth., caust., cham., ♦coloc, ♦equis., eup. purp., ♦hell., helon., kali c, kreos., lye, mere, nat. c, nit. a., ♦nuxv., par. b., plumb., ♦rhod., ♦sepia, sub, thuj. Wait, must—♦arn., can.i., ♦hep.s., lye, mur. a., nat. m. Pains—♦aeon., apis, am., canth., colch., ♦equis., eup. purp., ferr. phos., kali bi., kali chlor., kali n., lact. a., lith., lye, mag. phos., ♦mere cor., mez., mill., ♦nux v., par. b., ♦rhod., sub, tabac. Aching—eup. purp., zing. Ardor urinae—ascl. cor., ham. Biting—petros. Burning—aeon., ♦ars., benz.a., ♦berb., ♦can. i., ♦can. s., ♦canth., caust., cham., equis., glon., hell., helon., hep. s., kali c,kali n., lib. ♦mere, nat. c, nat. m., ♦nux.v., puis., sabin., ♦sub,♦terebin. Colic—benz. a., nux v., tabac., terebin. Crampy—belb, kali n., mez. Cutting—aspar., ♦berb., ♦canth., equis., eup.purp., ipec, nat.m., ♦petros. Digging—♦berb. Dragging—♦petros., ♦rhod., ♦terebin. Dull—ambr., canth., equis., eup. purp., ham., lye, zing. Pressure—aeon., canth., coloc, lib, lith., lye, ♦sepia, zinc. Pulsative—♦berb. Scalding—♦aeon., ♦can. i., ♦canth., helon. Sharp—can. i., equis., hep. s. Shooting—aeon. Smarting—♦can. s., graph., lil. Sore—benz. a., berb., ♦can. s., eup. purp., kali c, mere Spasmodic—belb, cheb Sticking—♦berb., mez., ♦petros. Stinging—♦can. i., hell., puis. Stitches—aeon., aspar., berb., can. i., ♦can. s., graph., kali c, lach., ♦nit. a., petros. Tearing—♦berb., ♦nux v., rhus. Tensive—♦can. s. Ulcerative—arg. n., ♦rhod. Violent—♦berb., ♦canth., cheb, coloc, ♦terebin. 462 CHATTER XXI.—URINARY ORGANS Parts. Bladder, vesica—alum., arg. n., ♦arn., ars., belb, benz. a., ♦herb., ♦canth., caps., carb. v., coloc, ♦equis., eup! purp., hell., helon., ♦hep. s , lib, lith., mag. phos., mere, mere b. i., ♦mere cor., mez., mill., par. b., plumb., puis., ♦rhod., rhus, ♦sabin., sars., ♦sepia, terebin., zinc. Blenorrhcea - carb. v., petrol. Catarrh—eup. purp., hydras., lach., lye, mill. Cystitis, inflammation—can.s., kali chlor., kali phos., lye,par.b., plumb. Distended feeling—♦equis., hell., sars., sepia. Empty, hard to—♦hep. s. Neck of bladder—♦arn., "'canth., cham., ferr. phos., ♦nux v., puis., secale, sepia. Paralysis of—ars., caust., cic, dulc, gels^, hyos., kali phos., laur., nux v., ♦opium, secale, thuj. Spasms—asaf., gels., mag. phos. Sphincters of—agar., ferr. phos., gels., kali phos., mag. phos., Opium. Tender—asaf., ♦equis., mere, sars., terebin. Weakness of—♦hep. s. Kidneys—aeon., ambr., arg. n., arn., aspar., benz. a., ♦berb., can. i., canth., cheb, colch., equis., eup. purp., ham., kali chlor., kali i., kali phos., lach., mez., mill., nuxv., plumb., rhus, ♦sabin., secale, sib, squill., tabac, ♦terebin., zinc, zing. Bright's disease—calc phos., carb. v., dulc, ferr. phos., kali chlor., kali i., kali n., kali phos., mere cor., nat. m., osm., phos., plumb. Nephritis, inflammation—can. s., eup. purp. Suppuration—sib Penis—par. b. Prepuce—hep. s. Prostate gland—benz. a., kali i., petrol. Spermatic cords —lith. Ureters—apis, arg. n., belb, cham., cheb, lach., tabac. Urethra—aeon., arg. n., ars., aspar., ♦berb., ♦can. i., ♦can. s., ♦canth., caps., caust., equis., graph., ham., ipec, kali c, lib, mag. m., mere, ♦nux v., petrol., puis., ♦rhod., sepia, ♦sub Discharge from—agar., benz.a., caps., eriger., ham., kali chlor., nat. m., nit. a., nux v., petrol., sepia. Inflammation of—♦can. s., eup.perf., petrol., sul. Itching—♦sub Meatus—aspar., ♦can. s., eup. perf., hep. s., ♦nit. a., puis., zing. Navicular fossa—♦canth., ♦petros. Sensations—lach., mag. m., mag. phos., sepia, ♦sub Hot—♦aeon., apis, ♦borax, ferr. phos., hep. s., lib, mez., rhus. Sensitiveness—aeon., arg. n., belb, ♦can. s., caps., ♦equis., mere, sars., terebin. CHAPTER XXL--URINARY ORGANS 463 Urine. Acid—lith. Acrid—lith., sars. Albuminous—apis, ♦ars., calc. phos.,, eup. purp., gels., glon., hell., helon., kalm., kobalt, ♦mere cor., osm., phos., phyt., ♦plumb., sabin., terebin. Bloody, haematuria—aeon., apis, ♦arn., ♦ars., cact., ♦canth., carb. v., colch., dulc, ham., hell., hep. s., ipec, lye, mere, mere cor., mez., mill., nat. m., nit. a., nuxv., petros., ♦phos., phos. a., puis., sabin., secale, sepia, sub, ♦terebin., thuj. Cloudy—canth., caust., kali n., opium, thuj. Color—myr. c Beer-colored—bry., myr. c Black—colch., dig., lach., terebin. Brown—aeon., apis, ars., asaf., ♦bry., caust., ♦cheb, coloc, eup. perf., lith., myr. e, nit. a., opium, osm., petrol., zinc. Clay-colored—♦sepia. Clear—agar., ambr., belb, ♦gels., ham., helon., phos. a., terebin. Colorless—agar., ♦can. i., kreos. Dark—♦aeon., apis, arg. n., ars., ♦bry., canth., carb. v., caust, ♦cheb, cinch., colch., eup. pert, hell., hep. s., ipec, lach., lib, lith., mere, nat. e, nat. m., nit. a., opium, osm., ♦plumb., rhus, terebin., thuj., zing. Green—rhod. High—apis, ♦benz. a., ♦equis., glon., ham., kali bi., plumb. Lemon —agar. Light—carb. v., helon., ♦nat. m. Orange—absinth. Pale—arg. m., arum., ascl. c, belb, ♦berb., con., eup. pert, kali n., nux v., phos., rhus, secale. Red—♦aeon., apis, belb, benz. a., camph., carb. v., ♦cheb, dulc, hep. s., ipec, kali n., kreos., lith., mere, nux v., rhus, sabin., sub, terebin. Straw—aspar. White—con., dulc, nux v., phos., rhus. Yellow—ambr., am. m., ars., belb, ♦berb., carb. v., ♦cheb, nat. c. Diabetic, sugar in—arg. m., carb. v., helon., kalibr., kali chlor.', kali phos., lycopus, nat. m., nat. phos., nat. s., phos., phos. a., plumb., terebin., thuj., uran. nit. Excoriating—sul. Fiery—aeon. Flakes, white—mere, mez. Flocculent—kobalt., laur. Foaming, frothy—lach., myr. e, thuj. Glutinous—agar. Glycosuria—phos. Like various things—absinth., aur., berb., bry., canth., caps., colch., coloc, dulc, eup. perf.,laur., lib, mere, mere cor., nat. c, nat. m., nit. a., phos., phos. a., phyt., secale. 464 CHAPTER XXI.—URINARY ORGANS Urine continued. Limpid—♦gels. Milky—apis, aur., carb. v., lib, lye, phos., phos. a. Muddy—lycopus, rhus, terebin. Odor- par. b. Decomposed—hydras., phos.'a., plumb. Fetid—apis, arg. n., coloc, dulc, nat. e, petrol., plumb., sul. Horse urine, like—absinth., nat. e, nit. a. Offensive—aspar., ♦benz. a., kreos., lach., rhod., sepia, sul. Pungent—aspar., ♦benz. a., kobalt., mere Sour—ambr., graph., mere, nat. c. Strong—absinth., aspar., ♦benz. a., eriger., kali bi., kobalt, nit. a., osm., par. b., zing. Urinous—♦benz. a. Violets—terebin. Quantity. Abundant—glon. Diminished—kali n., sabin. Copious —belb, ♦berb., carb. v., eup. purp., ♦gels., ham., mere, nat. m., ♦sub, thuj. Increased—ascl. c, kali i., lib, mere b. i., rhod. Large—hell., lact. a., phos. a. More than is drank—ambr. Much—arum., ♦ign., kali n. Polyuria, excessive, diabetes insipidus—ferr. phos., nat. m., squill. Profuse—agar., am. m., arg. m., ♦can. i., eriger., eup. perf., hell., helon., kali br., lith., mur. a., nat. c, phos., ♦puis., sib, terebin. Scanty—♦aeon., apis, ♦ars., ♦arum., aspar., bry., canth., cinch., colch., ♦coloc, dig., dulc, ♦equis., ham., ♦hell., hyos., ipec, kali bi., kali c, kalm., kobalt., lib, lith., lycopus, ♦mere, mere cor., mur. a., myr. e, nat. c, nit. a., opium, osm., petrol.,phos., ♦plumb., ♦terebin. Purulent—mere, nux v., sil. Pellicle on—kalm., kobalt., phos., rhus. Sediment in urine—secale. Blood—ars., dulc. Brick-dust—aeon., cinch, dig ., nuxv., phos. Calculi—belb, benz. a., calc. phos., lye, mill., sars. Chalk-like—phyt. Clay-like—♦berb., eup. perf., sepia. Cloudy—am. m., thuj. Coffee-grounds—apis., hell., terebin. Color. Brown—♦ambr., lith., myr. c, thuj. Dark—aeon., apis, lith., mere cor., thuj. Gray—♦berb., con., laur. CHAPTER XXI.—URINARY ORGANS 4^5 Sediment continued Light—am. m. Pinkish—bry., myr. c Red—arg. n., ars., aspar., belb, ♦berb., carb. v., cinch., glon., graph., ipec, kobalt., kreos., laur.. lith., ♦lye, mez., nuph. b, nux v., osm., par. b., phos., ♦sepia, sul. Transparent—♦berb. White—am. c, aspar., ♦berb., bry., canth., colch., con., dulc, eup. pert, ♦graph., kalibi., rhus, sars., secale, sepia. Yellow—glon., kobalt., myr. c, sepia. Copious—♦berb., coloc, kali bi., nuph. 1. Epithelial—apis, lycopus, terebin. Fetid—dulc Flocculent—aspar., ♦berb., kobalt., mere cor. Gelatinous—berb. Granular—benz. a. Gravel—aspar., benz. a., calc. phos., lye, mag. phos., sars. Mealy—♦berb., canth. Mucous—aur., benz. a., ♦berb., dulc, equis., eriger., hydras., kali n., lach., lith., lycopus, mere, mere cor., nat. e, par. b., petrol., sars., sepia, thuj. Offensive—lye Oily—dulc, lib, sul. Oxalates—lycopus. Pasty—sepia. Phosphates—aspar., benz. a., kali br. Purulent—ars., clem., dulc, lye, mere, mill., nux v., sars. Ropy—hydras. Sand—ars., ♦lye, nuph. b, par. b., sars. Slimy—sepia, terebin. Solid matters, salts—ascl. cor., kali n. Thick—hydras., laur., lycopus, nux v., par. b., sepia, terebin. Tough, viscid—dulc, par. b. Urates—arg. n , aspar., benz. a., lith., phyt. Slimy—gels., hell., sepia, terebin. Specific gravity—ascl. c., kali n., lycopus. Thick—coloc, dig., kali chlor., lycopus., nux v., zing. Tubules, uriniferous—apis. Turbid —ambr., apis, arg. m., ars., aspar., aur., belb, *berb., canth., carb. v., caust., ♦cheb, cinch., colch., coloc, con., dig., dulc, ♦graph., ipec, lith., lye, mere, nit. a., phos., rhus, ♦sepia, ♦sul... terebin., zing. Uraemia—♦ars. Viscid—aeon., coloc. Watery—belb, ♦ign., kali bi., *nat. m., phos., phos. a., secale, terebin. CHAPTER XXII.-MALE ORGANS. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Hydrocele of children, especially after scarla- tina. Acetic acid. "-Very weakening nightly emission. Aconitum. -Sexual desire increased; fits of lasciviousness. In- creased desire in the evening, with heat and sweat. Sexual desire increased,with relaxed parts ; tingling in parts. Bruised pain in testicles. Testicles feel swollen and hard; children reach with their hands to the genitals, in cystitis. ♦Agaricus. ♦Complaints after sexual debauches. Great desire for coition, the penis being relaxed. Voluptuous itching of the genitals. After coitus great debility; profuse night sweats; burn- ing, itching of the skin; tension and pressure under the ribs. Sper- matorrhoea, with pains and weakness in the thighs. ♦Agnus cast. ♦Sexual desire lessened, almost lost. Penis so re- laxed that voluptuous fancies excite no erections. Testes cold, swollen, hard; penis small, flaccid. Impotence with gleet, especially with those who have frequently had gonorrhoea. Yellow urethral discharge. Gleet with want of sexual desire or erections. "-Emis- sion of prostatic fluid when straining at stool. Ailantus. "-Chancre-like sore on the prepuce. Aloe. °Sexual desire increased; seminal emissions; strong desire afterward. Testicles cold, penis small; scrotum relaxed, epididy- mis sensitive, especially to touch or while walking. Itching of the prepuce. Alumina. -Excessive sexual desire. Involuntary emissions, fol- lowed by all his old symptoms. Left testicle hard and ver)- pain- ful. Tickling on the genitals and thighs. Ammonium carb. °Forcing pain in testicles and seminal cords; sensitiveness of testicles to touch, aggravated by erections. Tes- ticles and scrotum relaxed, necessitating a supporter. Erections without sexual desire, mornings. Violent sexual desire, almost Kit; CHAPTER XXIL— MALE ORGANS 46'/ without erections. Seminal emissions almost every night. Itch- ing of the genitals. ♦Apis. ♦Dropsy of the scrotum; hydrocele. -Frequent and long lasting erections. Swelling of testicles, more the right; violent itching and redness of scrotum, sore to touch ♦Argentum met. ♦Constant pain* in the testicles; ^clothing in- creases the pain on walking. Seminal emissions almost every night, without erection, with atrophy of penis; after onanism. Yellowish-green gonorrhoea, of an indolent character from the beginning. Very profuse gonorrhoea, with contusive pain in testicle. Grayish ulcers with shaggy borders, on the prepuce, at the same time in throat. Scrotum and feet oedematous, in diabetes mellitus. Argentum nit. -Impotence; erections, but they fail when coition is attempted. Want of desire, organs shriveled. Coition painful; urethra as if put on the stretch, or sensitive at its orifice. Ulcers on the prepuce small, covered with pus; later spreading, bowl- shaped, with tallow-like coating. Contusive pain,with enlargement, and hardening of right testicle. ♦Arnica. ♦Penis and testicles swollen, purple-red; after injuries. Hydrocele caused by a bruise. °Spermatic cords painfully swollen; stitches in the abdomen. Phymosis from friction; parts bruised and much swollen. Erysipelas of scrotum,extending to the anus. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Scrotum oedematous. °Emission during diarrhoeic stool. Glans blue-red, swollen and cracked. Excessively painful inflammation and swelling of the genitals, increased almost to gan- grene. ♦Aurum met. ♦Right testicle swollen; cpressing pains when touching or rubbing, as from contusion. Testes indurated. Dis- charge of prostatic fluid from a relaxed penis; settled melancholy, with suicidal mania. Ulcers on the scrotum, cutting and stinging in perineum. Inguinal glands suppurate. *Baptisia. ♦Orchitis; cannot sleep because he feels as if his body was scattered about in the bed. Bromium. Increased sexual desire. Nightly emissions. Hard, painless swelling of the left testicle, painful when driving. Cold- ness of left testicle. Bufo. -Impotence. Epilepsy from fright. Caladium. °Sexual desire with relaxed penis, or painful erection without desire. Impotence with mental depression. Glans very 468 CHAPTER XXII. —MALE ORGANS red, covered with fine red points; dry, with desire to rub it. Pre- puce much swollen at the margin, sore and painful. Swelling of scrotum. Calcarea fluor. °(Induration of testicles. Varicosis. —Schussler.) Calcarea phos. -Erections while riding in a carriage, without sexual desire. Shooting through the perineum into the penis. Swelling of the testicles. Itching of the scrotum, with sweating, soreness and pimples. Scrotum sore, oozing a fluid. (Gonorrhoea, with anaemia. In hydrocele, if natrum mur fails.—Schussler.) Calcarea sulf. c(Bubo, to control suppuration. Gonorrhoea, in suppurating stage.—Schussler.) Camphora. °Want of sexual desire, with weakness of the parts; want of erections; testicles relaxed; impotence. Gonorrhoea with constant sticking together of the meatus. Chordee. ♦Cannabis ind. +A glairy mucus may be squeezed from the urethra. Sexual desire excessively increased. °Erections while riding, walking,and also while sitting still; not caused by amorous thoughts; violent; painful. Penis relaxed and shrunken. Un- easiness, with burning sensation in the penis and urethra, accom- panied by frequent calls to urinate. Itching of the glans penis. Cannabis sat. °Increased sexual desire. Impotence from sexual abuse. Frequent erections followed by stitches in the urethra. Penis swollen without marked erections. Penis painful as if sore or burnt,when walking. Burning, stinging of penis. Piercing pains in penis. Great swelling of the prepuce, approaching phymosis. Dark redness of glans and prepuce. Light-red, lentil-sized spots on the glans. ♦Cantharis. ♦Painful priapism. °Painful swelling of glans. Strong and persistent erections, painless and without voluptuous sensation. Bloody semen. Painful gonorrhoea with chordee. Draw- ing pain in spermatic cord while urinating. Testicles drawn up. Sexual desire increased, disturbing sleep. Capsicum. -Impotence; scrotum cold, shriveled. Painful erec- tions at night; cream-like discharge from the urethra; burning when urinating; at other times cutting, stinging in the urethra. Gonor- rhoea. Prepuce swollen. Testicles dwindle; spermatic cord shriv- eled. Crampy pains in testicles after emissions. ♦Carbo ani. ♦Syphilis; buboes. -Seminal emissions; parts feel weak; exhausted mentally and physically. CHAPTER XXII.—MALE ORGANS 469 Carbo veg. cOnanism during sleep. Seminal discharge too soon during coitus, followed by roaring in the head. Prostatic discharge while straining at stool. Swelling of testicles from metastasis of mumps. Cinchona. °Sexual desire; lascivious fancies. Impotence with lascivious fancies. Nocturnal emissions frequent and debilitating. Consequences of excessive or long continued seminal losses; onan- ism. Painful swelling of spermatic cord and testicle, especially the epididymis; tearing in left testicle and left side of prepuce; cramp-like, contractive pain in the testicles evenings—after gonor- rhoea. Contractive pain in urethra. ♦Clematis. ♦Swelling of right half of scrotum; testicles relaxed, hanging down. Painful, inflamed and swollen testicles. Right spermatic cord sensitive; testicles drawn up. °Sexual desire weak. Burning in penis during seminal discharge in coitus. Induration of the testicles. Collinsonia. Varicocele with haemorrhoids. ♦Conium. ♦Sexual desire without erections. Emission even while frolicking with a woman. -Discharge of prostatic fluid on every change of emotion; without voluptuous thoughts, with itching of the prepuce. Bad effects from suppressed sexual desire or from excessive indulgence. Swelling of the testes. Croton tig. °Frequent corrosive itching of the glans and scro- tum. Scrotum shriveled, itching severely, disturbing sleep; better from scratching, which, however, caused a voluptuous sensation. Corrosive itching pain of the scrotum; worse while walking; red- ness of the parts. Vesicular eruption on scrotum and penis. Digitalis. -Nightly emissions with great weakness of the geni- tals. Balanitis; phymosis, with great burning on urinating; dropsy of the prepuce. Testicles swollen. Hydrocele. ♦Dioscorea. ♦Emission of semen during sleep. °Constant excite- ment of the genital organs, with frequent erections. Genitals cold and relaxed. Strong smelling perspiration on scrotum and pubes. Diminished sexual desire. ♦Dulcamara. ♦Impotence; herpes on genitals—herpes praeputialis. ♦Eryngium. °Sexual desire suppressed, then excited, with lewd dreams ♦and pollutions; discharge of prostatic fluid from slight causes. Ferrum met. °Nocturnal emissions; impotence; increased de- sire. Gleet copious, painless, milky. 470 CHAPTER XXII. —MALE ORGANS Ferric phos. °(Bubo, with fever.—Schussler.) Fluoric acid. Increased sexual desire of old men, with violent erections at night. Gleety discharge at night, staining the linen yellow. Yellow drop on the linen in the morning. Dropsical swell- ing of penis. Hydrocele. Oily, pungent-smelling sweat on the genitals. Gelsemium. -Sexual organs irritable, weak; involuntary emis- sions without erections; spermatorrhoea. Emission of semen dur- ing stool. Genitals cold, relaxed; dragging pains in testicles. Sup pressed gonorrhoea, followed by rheumatism or orchitis. Profuse warm sweat on scrotum. ♦Graphites. ♦Itching and moist eruption on scrotum. Uncon- trollable sexual excitement; violent erections. Impotence, with dislike for coition. Want of proper sensation during coition. Drop- sical swelling of prepuce and scrotum. Nocturnal emissions with flaccid penis. Hydrocele (left side) with herpetic eruption on scro- tum. ♦Hamamelis. ♦Pain running down the spermatic cords into the testes: intense soreness and swelling. Varicocele; -emissions at night without being aware of it; headache, depression of mind. Erections; great desire for coition. Severe neuralgic pains in tes- ticles, suddenly shifting to bowels, causing nausea and faintness; profuse cold sweat on scrotum: capillary stasis. ♦Hepar sulph. ♦Excoriation and humid soreness on genitals and in folds between scrotum and thighs. -Sexual desire increased; erections feeble. Discharge of prostatic fluid after micturition and during hard stool, also independent of either. Itching of the penis and of the frenum. Chancre-like ulcers on the prepuce. Mer- curialized chancres. Secondary syphilis. Hydrastis. 'Debility after spermatorrhoea. Gonorrhoea, second stage; thick, yellow discharge. Gleet, debility; copious, painless discharge. Dragging in right groin to testicle, thence to left tes- ticle, thence to left groin. Hyoscyamus. JSexual desire excessive: lascivious; exposes his person. Impotence. Ignatia. ""Sexual desire weak. Erection during stool. Contrac- tion of the penis; it becomes quite small. Soreness and ulcerative pain combined with itching at the margin of the prepuce. Itching around genitals and on penis in evening after lying down; passes off after scratching. CHAPTER XXII.—MALE ORGANS 471 Iodium. °Swelling and induration of the testicles, and prostate gland. Painless swelling of the testicles, with offensive sweat. Bearing down or twisting in the spermatic cord. Kali bichrom. ° Absence of sexual desire. Chancres ulcerating deeply. Stitches in prostate when walking; must stand still; pros- tatic fluid escapes at stool. Gleet with jelly-like or stringy discharge. Kali chlor. °(Chancre; the principal remedy throughout, 3rd trit.; use also locally in lotion. Gonorrhoea; the principal remedy. Orchitis; the primary remedy, if from suppressed gonorrhoea. Bubo; for swelling, if suppurative.—Schussler.) Kali iod. -Excessive swelling and inflammation of the penis. Sexual desire diminished, testes atrophied. Lachesis. °Sexual excitement. Onanism with epilepsy. Buboes indurated, with fistulous openings, and hectic, after mercury. Indu- rated foreskin after chancres. Lithium carb. -Erection after urination at night. Gonorrhoea with alternate haemorrhage and discharge. Burning in urethra. Pain in testes, and when sitting stitches in penis. Mercurius. °Lascivious excitement, with painful nightly erec- tions. Pollutions; sperm mixed with blood; chilliness; sallow face; constipation. Ulcers with cheesy base on the glans; chancroids. Children scratch and pull at the genitals at night. Testicles swollen, hard, shining. Sweat on the genitals; soreness between scrotum and thighs. Glans and prepuce inflamed; phymosis. Mercurius biniod. °Hard, red swelling in front of prepuce, and painless hard chancre in the center. Sarcocele of left testicle; syph- ilis. Bubo, discharging for years; indolent chancres. Mercurius cor. -Gonorrhoea, at first thin, afterwards thick, greenish, worse at night, burning, smarting on urination. Penis and testes enormously swollen. Chancres assuming a phagedenic appearance, and secreting a thin, ichorous pus. Mercurius prot. iod. GCopious seminal emission,preceded by lewd dreams. Hard chancre. (Given at once, it prevents secondary symptoms.) Mezereum. °Violent erections and increased sexual desire. Tes- ticles swollen. Painless swelling of scrotum. Heat and swelling of the penis. Discharge of watery mucus, stinging and titillating through the whole urethra and perineum. Urethra sore to touch in gonorrhoea. 472 CHAPTER XXII.--MALE ORGANS Natrum carb. °Increased sexual desire. Incomplete coition. Emissions without erections. Glans penis easily becomes sore. Soreness between scrotum and thighs. Prostatorrhcea after urinating and after difficult stool. Natrum mur. °Phymosis. Excessive irritability of the sexual instinct, but with physical weakness. Violent itching on and under the scrotum. Gleet-like discharge of clear mucus. After sexual excesses, paralysis. Shortly after coitus, pollution. Itching and crawling sensation at the corona glandis. (Gonorrhoea with symptoms as in 12. Orchitis, after suppression of gonorrhoea, or after suppression of mumps with symptoms as in 12—Schussler.) Natrum sulf. cDesire excited in evening; also morning with erections. Gonorrhoea; sycosis. Itching of genitals. (Preputial oedema. Scrotal oedema. — Schussler.) ♦Nitric acid. ♦Superficial ulcers, like chancres on the glans and prepuce, looking clean but exuding an offensive moisture. Sycotic excrescences on the glans, bleeding when touched Vesicles on the prepuce becoming covered with small, dry scabs. Sharp stitches in the prepuce. Ulcers deep, fistulous, irregular, ragged; edges often raised; lead-colored; bleed easily when touched, in syphilis. Secondary syphilis. Phymosis. Chancre after mercury, especially with exuberant granulations. Condylomata. -Falling of the hair from the genitals. Hard, brown nodules on scrotum, suppurating. Gonorrhoea with chancres or warts. Nux vomica. °Easily excited desire,painful erections, especially in the morning. During coition penis becomes relaxed. Emissions during sleep, especially after onanism or from too high living. Bad effects of sexual excesses. Orchitis with stinging and spasmodic contraction extending into the cords, the testicles being hard and contracted. Increase of smegma. Gonorrhoea after the abuse of copaiva and cubebs; discharge thin, with burning on urinating, and frequent urging to stool. ♦Origanum. ♦Increased sexual desire: lascivious ideas and dreams. Petroleum. -Sexual desire decreased in the morning. Gonor- rhoea, chronic cases, with urethral itching. Itching and humid herpes on the scrotum; between scrotum and thighs; on the peri- neum. ♦Petroselinum. ♦Drawing and sticking in navicular fossa,chang- ing to cutting, biting after urinating. °For troubles arising from CHAPTER XXII.—MALE ORGANS 473 sexual irritation and onanism,especially in girls. Leucorrhcea, with sexual irritation. Discharge of milky fluid from the urethra. Yel- low discharge from urethra. Orifice of the urethra agglutinated. Burning in navicular fossa while urinating. Creeping and crawling throughout the whole length of urethra. Profuse emission toward morning. Priapism without curvature of the penis. Sub-acute gonorrhoea; gleet. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Sexual excitement, frequent erections and emis- sions, or irresistible desire for coitus. °Lascivious, strips himself, sexual mania. Impotence after excessive excitement and onanism. Hydrocele after gonorrhoeal orchitis, with sexual weakness; also after seminal losses. ♦Phosphoric acid. ♦Frequent and debilitating emissions. Herpes of the prepuce, with tingling. Sycotic excrescences, chronic, with heat, burning and soreness when sitting or walking. Fig-warts com- plicated with chancre. °Erections without sexual desire, morning when standing. During coition sudden relaxation of penis, pre- venting emission. Weakness after coition, also after pollutions. Emissions: frequent and debilitating,causing hypochondriasis; from weakness of the parts, with onanism and very little sexual excite- ment; during stool. Onanism when the patient is distressed by the culpability of his indulgence. Swelling of the testes, with swelling and tension of the spermatic cords; testes tender to touch; gnawing pain or excoriated feeling in testes. Inflammatory swelling of scrotum. Hair of sexual parts falls off. Phytolacca. -Gonorrhoea and gleet. Orchitis; secondary syph- ilis. Syphilis, chancres, ulcerated throat, ulcers on the genitals. Psorinum. -Impotence; want of emission during coition. Aver- sion to coition. Drawing in testicles and cords. Male parts flabby, torpid. Inflamed ulcers on glans, with swelling and heaviness of testicles. Prostatic fluid discharging before urinating. Sycotic ex- crescences on edges of prepuce, with itching and burning. Pain- less, chronic blenorrhcea; stains linen yellow. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Drawing, tensive pains from abdomen through spermatic cords and testicles. Swelling of the testicles with sore- ness and tearing pains. Swelling of the right side of scrotum. °Desire too strong, almost priapism. Long lasting morning erec- tions. Emissions after onanism. Sexual excesses resulting in headache; backache; limbs heavy. Burning of testicles without 474 CHAPTER XXII. —MALE ORGANS swelling. Orchitis, with swelling of scrotum; from cold, contu- sion or checked gonorrhoea. Spermatic cord inflamed by a badly fitting truss. Hydrocele. Prostate enlarged; feces flat; small in size. Gonorrhoea, with thick, yellow, or yellowish-green dis- charge. Itching, burning on inner and upper side of prepuce. ♦Rhododendron. ♦Testicles drawn up, swollen and painful. Tes- ticles,especially epididymis, intensely painful to touch. Contusive pain in testicles, with alternate drawing. Induration and swelling of testicles, especially left, with violent drawing pains, extending to abdomen and thighs. Hydrocele. °Desire weak; aversion to coi- tion. Emission at night with amorous dream, later, long contin- ued erection. Itching and sweat of scrotum. Rhus tox. cErections at night; or, with desire to urinate. Swelling of glans and prepuce, dark, red, erysipelatous. Scrotum becomes thick and hard, with intolerable itching. OEdema of scro- tum. Humid eruption on genitals and between scrotum and thigh. Sabadilla. °Pollutions followed by loss of power in the extremi- ties. Lascivious dreams and emissions,with relaxed penis; afterward painful erections and extraordinary lassitude. Sabina. k Hard swelling on penis. Sycotic excrescences, with burning soreness. Inflammatory gonorrhoea with discharge of pus. Sanguinaria. -Seminal emissions. Gleet; old cases. Sarsaparilla. c Seminal emissions; lascivious dreams, with back- ache, prostration, vertigo. The least excitement causes an emis- sion, even without sexual feeling. Bloody pollutions. Spermatic cords swollen. Sexual excitement makes them ache and sensitive. Offensive odor about the genitals. Herpes on prepuce. Gonor- rhoea checked by cold, wet weather, or by mercury, followed by rheumatism. Selenium. °Erections slow, insufficient; semen emitted too soon and with long continued thrill; weak, ill-humored after coi- tion, weakness in loins. Semen thin, without normal odor. Lewd thoughts but physically impotent. Prostatic fluid oozes while sit- ting, during sleep, when walking, and at stool. Itching on scro- tum. Sepia. °Increased sexual desire, with weakness of the genitals; profuse sweat, especially on the scrotum; itching around the geni- tals. Emissions, also after onanism. After emission, burning in fore part of urethra; languid and drowsy, sensitive to damp air. CHAPTER XXII. — MALE ORGANS 475 During coition insufficient erection and but little thrill. After coition, great weakness in the knees. Silicia. °Painful erections before rising in the morning. After coition, sensation on right side of head as if paralyzed; soreness of limbs. Thick, fetid pus from urethra, in gonorrhoea. Slight swelling of penis and testicles. Squeezing pain in testicles. Itch- ing, humid spots on genitals,mostly on scrotum; sweat on scrotum. Hydrocele; scrofulous children. ♦Spongia. *Pressive, painful swelling of the testicles. Pinch- ing, bruised, squeezing pain in testicles. Spermatic cord swollen and painful. 3Heat in genitals. Staphisagria Effects of onanism, face sunken, abashed look; nocturnal emissions; backache; weak legs; organs relaxed. Seminal emissions followed by great prostration, dyspnoea. Atrophy of the testicles. Testicles inflamed with burning, stinging, pressing, and drawing. Shooting drawing in the cord. Right testicle feels as if compressed. Soft, humid excrescences on and behind the corona glandis. ♦Stramonium. ♦Onanism causing epilepsy. °Exalted sexual pas- sion. Child constantly has its hand on the genitals, with spasms. ♦Sulphur. cColdness of penis; ♦sexual powers much weakened. Impotence. Increased sexual powers. Itching in the glans penis. °Involuntary discharge of semen, with burning in the urethra. Deep, suppurating ulcer on glans and prepuce, with puffed edges. Phy- mosis with fetid pus. Testicles relaxed, hanging down. Offensive sweat around genitals. Soreness and moisture of scrotum. Sulphuric acid. cErections. Orchitis, right side. Terebinthina. °Gonorrhcea with strangury, tenesmus of bladder, smarting in the urethra, chordee. ♦Thuja occ ♦Sycotic, moist excrescences on the prepuce and glans. °Chancres with pains as from a splinter sticking. Gonorrhoea: scalding when urinating, urethra swollen; urinal stream forked; discharge yellow, green, watery; often with warts and red erosion on the glans. Checked gonorrhoea, causing articular rheumatism, prostatitis, sycosis, and impotence. Nightly painful erections,caus- ing sleeplessness. Left testis drawn up. Sweetish smelling sweat on the scrotum. Chronic inflammation and enlargement of pros- tate gland. Viola tri. °Involuntary seminal discharges with lewd dreams. 476 CHAPTER XXI1. —MALE ORGANS Suppression of gonorrhoea. Venerial ulcers. Swelling of the pre- puce with itching. Stitches in penis or pressing in glans; burning of glans. Itching stitches in the scrotun.. Induration of the tes- ticle after gonorrhoea. Zincum met. Long lasting and violent erection. Drawing in the testicles extending up to the spermatic cords. Orchitis from a bruise, with drawing and retraction of one or the other testicle; ^Ocs from right to left; after checked otorrhcea. Atrophy of testes. Spermatorrhoea; emissions without dreams; face pale, sunken; blue rings around eyes. Hair falls off genitals. Removes buboes, syph- ilitic or otherwise, from left inguinal region. Easily excited; the emission, during coition is too soon, or difficult and almost impos- sible. REPERTORY. Balanitis—dig. Buboes—carb. an., ferr. phos., kali chlor., lach., mere b. i., zinc. Chancres —agn., hep. s., kali bi., kali chlor., lach., mere b. i., mere cor., mere p. i., ♦nit. a., ♦phos. a., phyt., ♦thuj. Chancroids—mere Coition—agar., arg. n., carb. v., clem., graph., ham., nat. c, nat. m., nux v., ♦phos., ♦phos. a., psor., rhod., selen., sepia, sib, zinc. Condylomata—♦nit. a. Debility—agar., hydras., phos. a. Dreams-mere. p. i., *origan., rhod., sabad., sars., viola tr., zinc. Emissions—acet. a., agn., aloe, alum., am. c, arg. m., ars., brom., caps., carb. an., carb. v., cinch., clem., ♦con., dig., ♦dios., ♦eryng., ferr., gels., graph., ham., ign., mere, mere p. i., nat c.[ nat. m., nux v., petros., phos., ♦phos. a., psor., puis:, rhod., sabad., sang., sars., selen., sepia, staph., sub, viola tr., zinc. Eruptions—crot. t, ♦dulc, ♦graph... ♦hep. s., nit. a., petrol., *phos. a., rhus, sars., sil. Excrescences —nit. a., phos. a., psor., sabin., staph., thuj. Excoriations—♦hep. s. Impotence—♦agn., arg. n., bufo, calad., camph., can. s., caps., cinch.,♦dulc, ferr., graph., hyos., phos., psor., selen., ♦sub, ♦thuj. Lascivious—aeon., cinch., eryng., hyos., mere, ♦origan., phos., sabad., sars., selen., viola tr. CEdema—arg. m., ars. Onanism, self abuse—arg. m., can. s., carb. v., cinch., lach., nux v., petros., phos., phos. a., puis., sepia, staph., stram. CHAPTER XXII.—MALE ORGANS 477 PaillS—alum., am. c, ♦arg. m., arg. n., arn., ars., calad., can. i., can. s., ♦canth., caps., cinch., ♦clem., ♦ham., lith., ♦rhod., sib, ♦spong., ♦thuj. Biting—♦petros. Bruised—aeon., ♦spong. Burning—agar., can. i., can. s., caps., clem., dig., lith., mere cor., nux v., petros., ♦phos. a., psor., puis., sabin., sepia, staph., sub, viola tr. Contractive—cinch., ign., nux v. Contusive—arg. m., arg. n., puis., *rhod. Cramps—caps., cinch. Cutting—aur., caps., ♦petros. Dragging—gels., hydras. Drawing—canth., ♦petros., psor., ♦puis., ♦rhod., staph., zinc Gnawing—phos. a. Neuralgic—ham. Piercing—can. s. Pressing—aur., ♦spong., staph., viola tr. Shooting—calc. ph., staph. Smarting—mere cor., terebin. Sore—apis, calad., calc. ph., can. s., ham., ♦hep. s., ign., mere, mez., nat. c, *phos. a., ♦puis., sabin., sul. Squeezing—sib, ♦spong. Sticking—♦petros., ♦thuj. Stinging—aur., can. s., caps., mez., nux v., staph. Stitches—can. s., kali bi., lith., nit. a., viola tr. Tearing—cinch., ♦puis. Throbbing—ferr. phos. Tingling—aeon., ♦phos. a. Ulcerative—hydras. Parts—aeon., arn., camph., carb. an., crot. t, dios., gels., phos. a., psor., staph. Bladder, vesica—aeon., terebin. Genitals—aeon., agar., alum., am. c, arg. n., ars., dig., dios., ♦dulc, gels., ♦hep. s., ign., mere, nat. s., nit. a., phyt, rhus, sars., sepia, sib, spong., sub, zinc Glands, inguinal—aur., zinc. Groins—hydras. Hair—phos. a., zinc. Penis—♦agn., arg. m., ♦arn., calc ph., can. i., can. s., crot. t, hep. s., ign., kali i., lith., viola tr. Atrophy—arg. m., can. i., ign. Chordee—camph., canth., terebin. Coldness—dios., ♦sub Corona glandis—nat. m., staph. Erections—♦agn., am. c, apis, arg. m., *arg. n., calad., calc ph., camph., can.i., can. s., canth., cap£., ♦con., dios., fluor. a., gels., graph., ham., hep. s., ign., lith., mere, mez., nat. c, nat. s., nux v., ♦phos., phos. a., puis., rhod., rhus, sabad., selen., sepia, sib, sul. a., thuj., zinc 478 CHAPTER XXII. — MALE ORGANS Penis continued. Flaccid—♦agn., graph., psor. Fraenum—hep. s. Glans—ars., calad., can. i., can. s., canth., crot. t, mere, nat. c, ♦nit. a., psor., rhus, ♦sub, ♦thuj., viola tr. Inflammation—kali i., mere, mez. Phymosis—arn.,can. s., dig., mere, nat m.,+nit a., sub Prepuce—agn., aloe, arg. m., arg. n., calad., can. s., caps., cinch., ♦con., dig., dulc, graph., hep. s., ign., lach., mere, mere b. i., nat. s., *nit. a., ♦phos. a., psor., puis., rhus, sars., sub, ♦thuj., viola tr. Priapism—♦canth., petros., puis. Relaxed—aeon., agar., ♦agn., aur., calad, can. i., dios., gels., nux v., phos. a., sabad., staph. Small—♦agn., aloe, ign. Smegma—nux v. Swollen—arn., ars., can. s., caps., fluor. a., graph., kali i., mere b. i., mere cor., mez., nat. s., rhus, sabin., sil. Perineum—aur., calc ph., mez., petrol. Prostate gland—iod., kali bi., puis., ♦thuj. Prostatic fluid—agn., aur., carb. v., con., ♦eryng., hep. s., kali bi.,nat. c, psor., selen. Pubes—dios. Scrotum—aloe, am. c, ♦apis, arg. m., ♦arn., ♦ars., aur., calad., calc. ph., caps., ♦clem., crot. t, dios., gels., graph., ham., ♦hep. s., mere, mez., nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., petrol., phos. a., ♦puis., rhod., rhus, selen., sepia, sib, sub, thuj., viola tr. Hydrocele—♦abrot., ♦apis, ♦arn., calc. ph., dig., fluor. a., graph., phos., puis., ♦rhod., sil. Relaxed—aloe, am. c Spermatic cords—am. c, arn., canth., caps., cinch., ♦clem., ♦ham., iod., nux v., phos.a., psor., ♦puis., sars., ♦spong., staph., zinc. Varicocele —calc. fh, collin., ♦ham. Testicles—aeon., am. c, apis, ♦arg. m., ♦arn., ♦aur., brom., calc. ph., can. s., caps., cinch., gels., ♦ham., hydras., iod., lith., mere, mere b. i., phos. a., psor., ♦puis., ♦rhod., rhus, sib, ♦spong., staph., zinc Atrophy, or dwindling of—caps., kali i., nux v., staph., zinc. Cold—♦agn., aloe, brom. Drawn up—canth., clem., rhod., thuj. Epididymis—aloe, cinch., ♦rhod. Indurated, hard—aeon., ♦agn., alum., arg. n., aur., brom., calc. fh, clem., iod., mere, nux v., ♦rhod., viola tr. Inflammation, orchitis—arn., ♦bapt, ♦clem., gels., kali chlor., mere, nat. m., nux v., phos., phyt, puis., staph., sub a., zinc. Relaxed—♦agn., am. c, camph., ♦clem., sul. Swollen—aeon., ♦agn., apis, arg. n.,am., ♦aur., brom., caleph., carb v., cinch , clem , con , dig., iod , mere , mere cor., mez., phos. a., psor., ♦puis., ♦rhod., sib, ♦spong. CHAPTER XXII. —MALE ORGANS 479 Urethra—can.s., caps., cinch., lith., mez., petrol., petros., sepia, sib, sub, terebin., ♦thuj. Discharge—♦agn., ♦can. i., caps., hydras., kali bi., lith., mez., nux v., petros., psor., puis., sabin.. sib, sub, ♦thuj. Gleet--♦agn , ferr, fluor. a., hydras, kali bi., nat. m,, petros, phyt., sang Gonorrhoea ♦agn , arg m., calc ph , calc. s., camph., canth, caps , cinch., gels., hydras., kali chlor., lith., mere cor., mez., nat. m., nat. s.. nit. a., nuxv., petrol., petros., phos., phyt., psor., puis., sabin.. sars., sib, terebin., ♦thuj., viola tr. Navicular fossa—♦petros. Orifice of urethra—agn., camph., petros. Semen—aloe, canth., mere mere p. i.,phos. sars., selen. Sensations—arg. n., can i., can. s., graph., mez., sib, staph. Crawling—nat. m., petros. Heat— ferr. phos., mez., ♦phos. a., spong. Itching—agar., aloe, am.c,apis, calc. ph., can. i., con., crot. t, ♦graph., hep. s., ign., nat. m., nat. s., petrol., psor., puis., rhod., rhus, selen., sepia, ♦sub, viola tr. Sensitive—aloe, am. c, apis,arg. n.,aur., ♦clem.,nit. a.phos. a., ♦rhod., sars. Sexual desire or excitement—agar., calad., cinch., con., ♦eryng., graph., lach., nat. s., nux v., ♦phos., sars., stram., zing. Debauches, bad effects from—♦agar., can. s., nat. m., nux v., phos., puis- Excessive—alum., am. c, ♦can. i., graph., ham., hyos., ♦phos., puis., staph. Increased—aeon., aloe, brom., can. s., canth., ferr., fluor. a., hep. s., mez., nat. c, ♦origan., sepia, ♦sub Irritability—gels., nat m., petros. Lessened—♦agn., clem., dios., ign., kali i., petrol., rhod., ♦sub Strong—aloe, puis. Want of—♦agn., am. c, arg. n., calad., calc. ph., camph., con., ♦eryng., kali bi., phos a.,♦rhod. Red—apis, ♦arn., ars., calad., can. s., crot. t., rhus, ♦thuj. Spermatorrhoea—agar., gels., hydras., zinc. Sweat—aeon., agar., calc. ph., dios., fluor. a., gels., ham., iod., mere, rhod., sepia, sib, sub, thuj. Swelling—ars., calad., ham. Sycosis—nat. s., ♦nit. a., ♦phos. a., psor., sabin., ♦thuj. Syphilis—♦carb. an., hep. s., ♦mere, mere b. i., mere cor., mere p. i., ♦nit. a., phyt., zinc Thrill—selen., sepia. Ulcers—arg. m., arg. n., aur., hep. s., iris, mere, ♦nit. a., phyt., psor., sub, viola tr. Voluptuousness—agar., ♦agn., canth., con., crot. t. - Warts—nit. a., ♦phos. a., ♦thuj. Weakness—acet. a., agar., camph., carb. an., dig., nat. m., phos., phes. a, sabad., sars., selen., sepia, staph. CHAPTER XXIII.-FEMALE ORGANS. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Abrotanum. ^Darting in left ovary. Dysmenorrhcea or suppressed menses. Twitches in both ovaries. ♦Absinthium. ♦Chlorosis. °Darting pain in right ovary. Pains in uterus. Promotes menses. ♦Aconitum. ♦Menses suppressed from fright, vexation, cold; especially in plethoric women. Active uterine haemorrhage; much excitability; giddy; cannot sit up; fear of death. Vagina dry, hot and sensitive. Ovaritis from suddenly checked menstrual flow; °also,with painful urging to urinate, and high fever. Prolapsus uteri occurring suddenly, with inflammation, bitter vomit, cold sweat, or dry, hot skin. Metritis: sharp, shooting pains, abdomen exceed- ingly tender. Menses, generally too late, diminished but too pro- tracted; plethoric females who lead a sedentary life; tendency of blood to head and chest; profuse, with nosebleed. Leucorrhoea copious, tenacious, yellow. Labor-like piessing in uterus; has to bend double, but relieved in no position. Dysmenorrhcea. ^Esculus. "Leucorrhoea dark, yellow, thick and sticky; worse after menses; worse walking; corrodes labia; aching in sacrum to knees. ♦Agaricus. ♦Bearing down pains almost intolerable. cProlapsus uteri after cessation of menses. Itching and irritation of parts, with strong desire for coition. Menses too profuse, with tearing, pressing pains in back and abdomen. ♦Agnus cast ^A transparent leucorrhoeal discharge passes im- perceptibly from the very relaxed parts. "Suppressed menses with drawing pain in abdomen. Leucorrhoea not copious, but spotting her linen yellow. Hysteria with maniacal lasciviousness. Aletris. °Premature and profuse menses with labor-like pains. (The china of uterine organs.) ♦Alumina. ♦Profuse, transparent, acrid leucorrhoea running down to the feet, during day. °Menses: too early, short, scanty and of 480 CHAPTER XXIII.--FEMALE ORGANS 481 pale blood; too early,preceded by headache; delayed; finally appear, being pale and scanty. Leucorrhoea acrid, corrosive; acrid,profuse, relieved by cold washing; transparent; profuse during day. Painful throbbing in left side of vagina. Stitches in left side of vulva, ex- tending up to chest. ♦Ambra. ♦Violent itching of pudendum; has to rub the parts. Discharge of blood between the periods at every little incident, as after every hard stool, or after a walk a little longer than usual. "Stitches in ovarian region when drawing in abdomen or when pressing upon it. During menses the left leg becomes blue from distended varices, with pressive pain in leg. Thick, mucous leucorrhoea, increased from day to day; or leucorrhoea at night, of bluish-white mucus; preceding each discharge a stitch in vagina. Soreness and itching with swelling of labia. ♦Ammonium carb. ♦Cholera-like symptoms at beginning of cat- amenia. °Menses premature, abundant, preceded by griping colic and want of appetite; too late, scanty and short; blackish, in clots, and passing off with pain in abdomen ; acrid, makes thighs sore; very slightly colored. Leucorrhoea watery, burning, from uterus; acrid, profuse,from vagina. Violent tearing in abdomen and vagina. Swelling, itching and burning of pudendum. Antimonium crud. -^Tenderness over ovarian region after menses have been checked by taking a bath. Pressure in uterus as if some- thing would come out. Menses commence at an early period, are profuse, then cease; subsequently chlorosis. Before menses, tooth- ache with boring in temples. Discharge of acrid water from vagina, which caused smarting down the thighs. Leucorrhoea watery and containing lumps. ♦Apis. ♦Dropsy of ovary (right), or of uterus. Burning or sting- ing pains in region of uterus or ovary. Enlargement of right ovary, with pain in left pectoral region and cough. °Sharp, cutting, lan- cinating pains in ovarian region,extending down thighs; worse right side; numb in side and limb—ovaritis. Ovarian tumor. Feeling of weight, heaviness in ovarian region. Great tenderness of region of uterus with bearing down pain; leucorrhoea, and painful urina- tion. Heat and fullness of uterine region. Menorrhagia with heav- iness in abdomen, faintness, uneasiness, restlessness, yawning; may have red spots on body, stinging like bee-stings. Suppressed men- ses, with congested or inflamed ovaries. Amenorrhoea. Dysmorrhoea 482 CHAPTER XXIII.--FEMALE ORGANS with scanty discharge of slimy blood. GZdema of labia. Leucorrhoea profuse, green, acrid. Apocynum. °Amenorrhcea in young girls; abdomen and legs bloated. ♦Aranea dia. ♦Menses eight days too-early, too strong and too copious. ♦Argentum met. ♦Pains in left ovary and loins. Prolapsus uteri; pain in left ovary; pain in small of back,extending to the front and downwards. ^Purulent, ichorous, sometimes bloody matter flows from uterine ulcers, filling the room with an unbearable stench. Neck of uterus looks spongy, deeply corroded. Metrorrhagia, large lumps, with violent pains, increased with every motion. Haem- orrhages at the approach of climaxis. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Coition painful, followed by bleeding from vag- ina. Prolapsus with ulceration of os, or cervix uteri. Metror- rhagia with nervous erethism at change of life; also in young wid- ows and those who have borne no children; returns in attacks; region of ovary painful, with pains radiating to sacrum and thighs. Leucorrhoea copious, yellow, corroding. Bleeding ulcers, the haemorrhages being of short duration. Menses too early, profuse, long lasting; with headache, cutting in small of back and groin; at night tormenting pressure in praecordia; internal trembling in epigas- trium; irregular, too soon or too late, copious, or too scanty, but always with thick, coagulated blood. ♦Arnica. ♦Prolapsus caused by concussion. -Metrorrhagia after coition. Menses generally too soon; nausea at epigastrium. Ulcers of uterus, with tendency to bleed. Labia painfully swollen. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Leucorrhoea profuse, yellowish, thick and corrod- ing. Burning or tensive pain in ovary. Pressive, stitching pains in region of right ovary. Drawing, stitching pain from region of ovary into thigh, which feels numb and lame; worse from motion, bending or sitting bent. Tncreased sexual desire, with involuntary discharge of mucus. Menses too early and too profuse; exhausting menorrhagia. Haemorrhage, with lancinating, burning pains. Sud- den, profuse discharge of dark blood. Painful menstruation. Amenor- rhoea. Scanty, pale menses. Thin, whitish, offensive discharge instead of menses. Burning, throbbing, lancinating pain in region of uterus. Asafcetida. ^Excited sexual desire. Menses too frequent, too CHAPTER XXIII. —FEMALE ORGANS 4§3 scanty and last but a short time. Lancinating pains in region -of uterus, with cutting and bearing down, worse when riding in car- riage. Ulcer of uterus, sensitive and painful. Leucorrhoea profuse, greenish, thin and offensive. Swelling and inflammation of genitals. Aurum met. -Uterus prolapsed and indurated; bruised pain, with shooting or drawing; heaviness in abdomen; after lifting a heavy load; worse at time of menses. Menses too late, scanty; preceded by swelling of axillary glands, accompanied by colic; pro- lapse of rectum. Amenorrhoea with prolapsus uteri and melan- choly. Constant oozing from vulva. Thick, white leucorrhoea, burning, smarting of vulva, labia majora red, swollen. ♦Belladonna. ♦Great pressing downwards in genitals as if con- tents of abdomen would protrude through vulva. Menses too early and too profuse; bright-red blood; or thick, decomposed, dark-red blood. °Right ovary much enlarged; stitching, throbbing pains; pains come suddenly and go suddenly. Clutching or clawing pains, or transient stitches in region of uterus; parts sensitive, cannot bear least jar. Profuse discharge of hot, bright-red blood; some- times dark, clotted and of bad smell. Flow of blood between periods. Painful menstruation. Amenorrhoea. Leucorrhoea of white mucus with colic. Great heat and dryness of vagina. ♦Berberis. ♦Sensation of burning and soreness of vagina; pain- ful to touch. ^Suppressed sexual desire, with long delayed thrill, and frequently cutting and stitching in the parts during coition. Menses too slight, of watery blood, or gray mucus; too short, scanty, of black drops or filthy slime. Acrid leucorrhoea, very prostrating. ♦Borax. ♦Leucorrhoea like the white of egg, with sensation of warm water flowing down. °Menses too early and too profuse and attended with colic and nausea. Leucorrhoea a few days before and a few days after menses. *Bovista. ♦Diarrhoea frequently before and during menses. °Voluptuous sensation in genitals. Menses every two weeks, much dark and clotted blood; too late; only at night, or only in morning. Leucorrhoea like white of egg, a few days before or after menses; while walking; yellow-green, acrid, corrosive, leaving green spots on clothes, thick, slimy, tough. Painful bearing down in vulva and weight in small of back, after midnight. Burning in genitals. Bromium. °Dull, constant pain in left ovary. Hard swelling in region of ovary. Menses too early and too profuse ; bright-red 484 CHAPTER XXIII.--FEMALE ORCANS blood; passive flow with much exhaustion; membranous shreds may pass off. Suppression of menses. Scirrhus mammae. Loud emis- sion of flatus from vagina. Vagina painful as if sore. Bryonia. Stitching pain in ovaries on deep inspiration. Severe pain in region of right ovary, like from a sore spot, causing an ir- ritation and dragging; the pain extends down thighs while at rest; worse from touch. Haemorrhage of dark-red blood, with pain in small of back. Menses too early, too profuse; blood dark; sup pressed, with frequent bleeding of nose. Membranous dysmenor- rhcea. Hard, black pustule on a swollen portion of left labium. Dropsy of uterus; the swelling increases during day, and dimin- ishes at night. Caladium. cPruritus vaginae, during pregnancy; induces onanism. ♦Calcarea carb. ♦Menses too early, too profuse; lasts too long. Leucorrhoea like milk, °with itching and burning. Metror- rhagia and leucorrhoea, during the climacteric Membranous dys- menorrhcea. Suppressed menses with full habit; after working in water. Swelling and painfulness of -breasts before menses. Sting- ing in os uteri. Aching in vagina. Burning and soreness in gen- itals. Violent itching and soreness of vulva. Inflammation and swelling of genitals. Uterus easily displaced by over-exertion. Stinging, burning tubercles on margin of labia. Much sweat about labia. Calcarea fluor. "(Displacement of uterus. Dragging pains in re- gion of uterus, and in thighs. Prolapsus uteri, or bearing down of uterus. Menses excessive, with bearing down pains.—Schussler.) Calcarea phos. "Voluptuous feeling, as if the female parts were filled up with blood; she feels the pulse in all the parts, with in- creased sexual desire. Menses too early; blood bright, with girls; too late, blood dark, or first bright, then dark, with women. Leu- corrhoea like the white of egg day and night. (Chlorosis of young females. Leucorrhoea,as a constitutional remedy or tonic.—Schuss- ler.) Camphora. "Menses increased. Dropsy of uterus, with red,some- times greenish urine, deposits a thick sediment, urine passed slowly, bladder being nearly paralyzed, body cold. Cannabis sat. "Increased sexual desire, particularly in sterile women. Too profuse menses, with dysuria. CHAPTER XXIII.—FEMALE ORGANS 4»5 ♦Cantharis ♦Inflammation of ovaries with cutting or burning. Stitches in ovarian region, arresting breathing. Violent pinching pains with bearing down towards genitals; great burning pain. Swelling of neck of uterus. Haemorrhage of uterus with great irritation of neck of bladder. Menses too early, too profuse; blood black or scant)'; breasts painful. Amenorrhoea, with fullness and pain in head. Violent itching in vagina, swelling and irrita- tion of vulva. Pruritus with strong sexual desire. ♦Carbo ani. ♦Burning in thighs; labor-like pains in pelvis and sacrum : slimy,bloody discharge; very weak- cancer uteri. "Indu- ration of neck of uterus; burning. Menorrhagia from chronic in- duration of uterus; also in delicate women, with glandular affections. Menses too early, too long, not profuse. Leucorrhoea stains linen yellow, offensive; burning, biting; more when walking or standing; causes weak feeling in stomach. ♦Carbo veg. -Menses too early and too profuse; blood too thick ♦and of a strong odor. Menorrhagia, burning across sacrum, pas- sive flow. Leucorrhoea thin in morning on arising, not through day; milky, excoriating; thick, yellow. Vaginal fistula, burning pains. Erectile tumors, blue, hard, pricking. Varices of vulva, itching of vulva and anus, causing dysuria. Red, sore places on pudendum, aphthae; also, during leucorrhoea. ♦Caulophyllum. ♦Sensation as if the uterus were congested, with fullness and tension in hypogastric region. Spasmodic pains in uterus, and various portions of hypogastric region. "Menses too soon. Amenorrhoea; spasms, cramps, or great atony. Painful menses, the flow being normal in quantity. Spasmodic dysmenor- rhcea; spasmodic, intermitting pains in bladder, stomach, broad ligaments (groins), even chest and limbs; congestion and irritabil- ity of uterus; scanty flow. Menstrual colic; uterus retroverted. Irritable vagina; spasmodic, intense pains. Aphthous vaginitis and spasmodic pains in uterus. Leucorrhoea profuse,mucous,often in little girls; moth-spots on forehead. Causticum. Aversion to coitus. Menses too early and too pro- fuse, and after ceasing, a little is passed from time to time for days; smells badly and excites itching of vulva, only during day, with violent pains in abdomen and discharge of large clots; scanty, with prosopalgia. Leucorrhoea profuse, flows like menses, and has same odor; only at night, or worse then; with scanty menses. Soreness 486 CHAPTER XXIII. — FEMALE ORGANS in vulva and between the legs. Smarting, like from salt, in puden- dum, after urinating. ♦Chamomilla. ♦Drawing from sacral region forward; griping and pinching in uterus, followed by discharge of large clots of blood. Profuse discharge of clctted blood, with severe labor-like pains in uterus; "tearing pains in legs. Menses too early; too profuse; offensive. Membranous dysmenorrhcea. Yellow, smarting leucor- rhoea. Burning in vagina, as if excoriated. ♦Chelidonium. ♦Menses too late, too profuse and of too long duration; pain under right scapula. Burning in vagina recurring each day at precisely the same hour. Cicuta. -Menses delayed. Spasmodic state, if menses do not appear. Tearing and drawing in the os coccygis, during menses. ♦Cimicifuga. ♦Menses delayed or suppressed, irregular. Hys terical or epileptic spasms at time of menses. Rheumatic dys- menorrhcea. During pregnancy, nausea; false labor-like pains; sharp pains across abdomen; sleeplessness. Ovarian pains shoot up to side. Spasms of broad ligaments. Severe pain in lower part of abdomen, worse by motion. Bearing down in region of uterus and small of back; limbs feel heavy, torpid. Great tenderness on pressure over region of uterus. Menses profuse, early, dark, blood coagulated; sharp pains across abdomen, has to double up; labor- like pains; debility between periods; scanty flow between menses; suppressed by mental emotions, by cold, by fever. Cinchona. Ovaritis from sexual excess, or haemorrhage; parts very sensitive to slightest touch. Dropsy of ovaries,of uterus. Con- gestion of uterus; fullness, pressing and heaviness, worse when walking. Menses too early, profuse, black clots, with spasm in chest and abdomen; painful. Metrorrhagia, blood dark, fainting, convulsions. Discharge of bloody serum alternating with pus. Leucorrhoea instead of menses, with itching; with spasmodic con- tractions of uterus, painful bearing down toward vulva and anus; menses increased. Painful induration in vagina. ♦Cinnamomurn. ♦Haemorrhage of uterus, very profuse and of a brigh't-red color. Cistus. -Menses do not appear, after erysipelas. Clematis. ^-Menses too early. Softened scirrhus, with corrosive leucorrhoea and lancinating pains. ♦Cocculus. ♦Menses too early, with cramps in the abdomen CHAPTER XXIII. — FEMALE ORGANS 487 and colicky pains; when rising upon the feet it gushes out in a stream. Scanty discharge of black blood. During men- struation she is so weak she can hardly stand. Leucorrhoea in place of menses. Leucorrhoea like serum mixed with a purulent, ichorous liquid. Dysmenorrhcea followed by haemorrhoids. Pain- ful pressure in uterus, with cramps in chest, nausea and fainting. Coffea. -Menses too profuse and of too long duration; profuse, with coldness and stiffness of body, only during the evening. Me- trorrhagia, large black lumps, worse from every motion, with vio- lent pain in groins,and fear of death. Leucorrhoea like mucus, or milk), more while urinating. Voluptuous itching in vulva, but parts too sensitive to rub or scratch. Colocynthis. ^-Cramp-like pain in region of left ovary, as though parts were squeezed in a vise. Intense boring or tensive pain in ovaries, causing her to draw up double, with great restlessness. Sup- pression of menses caused by chagrin. Dysmenorrhcea, cramping pains, must bend double, sometimes worse after eating or drinking. Swelling of labia, with digging pain and heat in vagina. Metritis from indignation; colicky pains bend her double, cutting as from knives, in bowels; great distress, distention of abdomen; feeling as if intestines were being squeezed between stones. Very painful cancer. ♦Conium. ♦Indurations of uterus, of ovaries, of breasts. Lan- cinating pains. Soreness and swelling of breasts precede menses. -Stinging in neck of uterus. Induration and prolapsus at same time. At every menstrual effort the breasts become sore and pain- ful. Dysmenorrhcea with shooting pain in left chest. Menses sup- pressed, too late and scanty. Leucorrhoea: thick,milky, with con- tractive labor-like colic coming from both sides; of white, acrid mucus, causing burning. Indurations of vulva from injuries. Severe stitches in vulva. Violent itching of vulva. Large pimple on mons veneris, painful to touch. ♦Crocus sat. ♦Metrorrhagia of dark, viscid, stringy blood, in black clots, from slightest motion. 'Sensation as if menses would appear, with colic and pressing towards genitals. Uterine flow during new or full moon. Menses profuse and last too long, but come at proper time. Croton tig "Intense itching of genitals, relieved by very gentle scratching. 488 CHAPTER XXI11.— FEMALE ORGANS Cuprum met JMenses not appearing after suppression of foot- sweat. Before menses spasmodic dyspnoea. Before or during menses,or after suppression, violent unbearable cramps in abdomen, extending up into chest. ♦Cyclamen. ♦Menses too early and too profuse. Menstrual blood black, clotted, and membranous. "Menses profuse and frequent. Menorrhagia with stupefaction of head, and vision obscured, as from a fog. Flow less when moving about, worse in evening when sitting. Menses suppressed or scanty and painful; dread of fresh air. After menses, swelling of mammae, with secretion like milk. Drosera. Delay of first menses. Menses too late, too scanty. Blood dark. Leucorrhoea, with labor-like pain. Dulcamara. Menses suppressed by cold. Rash before menses. Menses too late, too short; blood watery, thin. Mammae engorged, hard; amenorrhoea. Erigeron. "Metrorrhagia, with violent irritation of rectum and bladder; after abortion, with diarrhoea and dysuria; with prolapsus uteri. Very profuse flow of bright-red blood; every movement of the patient increases the flow; pallor and weakness. Leucorrhoea profuse, with spasmodic pains, and irritation of bladder and rectum. Eupatorium purp. -Quick, jerking pain in left ovary. Heavy pressure above left ovary. Numbness worse in groins. Leucor- rhoea abundant. External genitals feel as if wet. Euphrasia. "Amenorrhoea, with inflammation of eyes and ulcer on right side of bridge of nose. Menses painful, lasting only one hour, time regular. Menses late, scanty and of short duration. Condylomata, with stitches and itching, especially when walking. Ferrum met. Desire lessened, sterility. During coitus,insensi- ble; painfulness of vagina. Dropsy of uterus; face flushed red. Sticking, shooting pains in uterus. Passive flow, dark, grumous; menorrhagia. Swelling and indurations of vagina. Vagina too dry. Prolapsus of vagina. Menses too late, long lasting and pro- fuse; flow watery, or in lumps; preceded by labor-like pains; varices in legs worse; uterus displaced. Hysterical symptoms after menses. Leucorrhoea, mild, milky, or itching, sharp, with soreness. Much itching of vulva, delicate women, with red face. Ferric phos. "(Menstruation excessive, congestion, blood bright- red. Inflammation of uterus, first stage, fever, pain. Vaginismus. —Schussler.) CHAPTER XXIIL—FEMALE ORGANS 48g ♦Gelsemium. ♦Severe, sharp, labor-like pains in region of uterus, extending to back and hips. Threatened abortion from sudden, depressing emotions. Uterus, as if squeezed by a hand—anteflexion. Ovarian irritation, with the characteristic headache. Menses sup- pressed, with congestion to head; sharp, darting, twitching pains in head; convulsions, every evening. Dysmenorrhcea preceded by sick headache, vomiting; congestion to head; deep-red face; bearing down in abdomen. Leucorrhoea white with aching across lower part of back; heavy fullness in region of uterus. Amen- orrhoea. Glonoinum. -Instead of menses, congestion to head; face pale; worse in warm room; better when walking in cold air; diarrhoea; fainting. At climaxis: flushes of heat, pressure in head, nausea, loss of senses, vertigo, swelling of feet. ♦Graphites. ♦Leucorrhceal discharge, occurs in gushes day or night. Profuse leucorrhoea of very thin white mucus, with weak- ness in back. Menses too late, too scanty, too pale. Itching on pudendum before menstruation. "Great aversion to coitus. Men- ses too scanty and too pale; too late, with violent colic; blood sometimes dark. During menses, heat in abdomen, urging, "press- ing like labor pains; hoarseness, lassitude and weakness. Copious leucorrhoea before and after menses. Profuse leucorrhoea, per- fectly white, especially on rising from bed in morning; weakness of back when walking or sitting. Vesicles or excoriations in vagina. Vagina cold. OZdema of pudendum. Excoriations in perineum, vulva,and between thighs. Guaiacum. "Subacute and chronic ovaritis, especially in rheu- matic women. ♦Hamamelis. ♦Active haemorrhage of uterus, blood bright-red. Metrorrhagia; passive flow; anaemia; venous blood. "Dysmenorrhcea with severe pains through the lumbar and hypogastric regions, and down the legs; fullness of brain and bowels, with severe pain in whole head, causing stupor, deep sleep; varicose veins. Amenor- rhoea, vicarious bleeding from nose and stomach; costive; varices of legs. Leucorrhoea, great tenderness of vagina: flow bloody. Vag- inismus, intense soreness; prurigo of vulva. Ovaritis after a blow; diffused, agonizing soreness over whole abdomen; menses irregular; worse at time of menses; retention of urine. Helleborus. "Suppression of menses; amenorrhoea from disap- pointed love. Dropsy of uterus. 49° CHAPTER XX1I1. — FEMALE ORGANS Helonias. "Loss of sexual desire and power, with or without sterility. Profound melancholy, deep undefined depression, with a sensation of soreness and weight in uterus; consciousness of the uterus. Dragging weakness in sacral region, with prolapsus; also at climaxis, with marked debility; profound mental gloom. Prolapsus uteri and ulceration of cervix; discharge constant, dark, bad smellingjflooding on lifting a weight,and on least exertion; face sallow,having an expression of suffering ; great irritation of vagina; pain in small of back. Prolapsus uteri, ieucorrhcea, the os pro- trudes externally. Uterus low down, fundus tilted forwards; the finger passes with difficulty between the os and rectum. Menses too frequent and profuse, in women who are feeble from loss of blood. Flow passive; dark, coagulated,offensive. Amenorrhoea, aris- ing from, or accompanied by disordered digestive apparatus and anaemia. Scanty menstrual flow, with heaviness, languor, drowsi- ness and albuminous urine. Great haemorrhage of uterus all through the proving; pain in back through to uterus. Profuse flooding; with serous leucorrhoea and great pain in uterus and ovaries; cli- maxis. Leucorrhoea with atony and anaemia. Labia and pudendum hot, red, swollen, burning and itching terribly; every morning the epidermis falls off in thin, transparent scales. Mucous surface of labia red, swollen, covered with a curdy deposit, like aphthae. Hepar sulph. °Congestion of blood to uterus. Menorrhagia in women with chapped skin and rhagades of hands and feet. Metri- tis with burning and throbbing pains. Ulcers of uterus, with bloody suppuration, smelling like old cheese; edge of ulcer sensitive; fre- quently a pulsating sensation in ulcers. Much itching, or little pimples around ulcers. Leucorrhoea with smarting of vulva. ♦Hydrastis. ♦Leucorrhoea tenacious, ropy, thick, yellow. Ulcer- ation of os,cervix and vagina; leucorrhoea; debility;prolapsus uteri. Pruritus vulvae, with profuse leucorrhoea; sexual excitement. Hyoscyamus. -Lascivious, uncovers sexual parts. Cramps of uterus, with pulling in loins and small of back; irritable uterus. Metritis, typhoid state. Continuous bright-red flow,with spasmodic jerkings, great vascular excitement. Metrorrhagia. Pale flew with convulsions. Menses preceded by hysterical or epileptic spasms, laughing loud, uninterruptedly; profuse sweat and nausea. During menses, convulsive trembling of hands and feet; headache, profuse sweat; lock-jaw; enuresis. i CHAPTER XXIII.—FEMALE ORGANS 49I Hypericum. "Leucorrhoea with delayed menses,palpitation, pres- sure in small of back, and heaviness in lower bowels. Leucorrhoea in a child, milky, but corroding. Ignatia. "Menses too soon; scanty, or profuse. Menstrual blood black, of putrid odor, in clots. Metrorrhagia from chamomile tea. Cramping pains in uterus, with lancinations, worse from touching parts. Violent labor-like pain, followed by purulent, corrosive leucorrhoea. Iodium. -Menses sometimes too early, at others too late; pre- mature, violent and copious. Haemorrhage of uterus, renewed after every stool. Metrorrhagia, with acute pain in mammae; or, mam- mae dwindle away and become flabby. Induration and swelling of uterus and ovaries. Dropsical affections of ovaries, with pressing down toward genitals. Dull, pressing, wedge-like pains from right ovary toward uterus. Leucorrhoea acrid, corroding the limbs; worse at time of menses. Bluish-red nodosities, size of a hazel nut, in the skin of both mammae; dry, black points at tips. Ipecacuanha. "Prolapsus and haemorrhage at the menstrual period. Menses too early and profuse. Kali bichrom. "Flushes of heat in face—climaxis. Menses too soon, with vertigo, headache, nausea and feverishness; obstinate suppression of urine, or red urine. Prolapsus uteri; seemingly from hot weather. Leucorrhoea yellow, ropy; pain and weakness across small of back, and dull, heavy pains in hypogastrium. Sore ness and rawness in vagina. Swelling of genitals. Kali brom. "Painful flushing and congestion toheadduringclimaxis. ♦Kali carb. ♦During menses, cutting in abdomen; aching in small of back; itching nettle rash. "Sore pain in vagina during coition. Menses too early, scanty, of a pungent odor, acrid, cov- ering thighs with an eruption. Difficult first menses. Menses suppressed, with anasarca or ascites. Yellow leucorrhoea, back- ache; labor-like pains; itching, burning in pudendum. Kali chlor. "(Menses delayed or suppressed, checked; or too early, last too long ; excessive, dark, clotted, or tough, black like tar, or at times too frequent. Ulceration of os and cervix uteri, with the characteristic discharge of thick, white or yellowish,mild, alkaline secretions [granular or follicular] from mucous mem- branes. Congestion of uterus; hypertrophy, second stage. Leucor- rhoea, discharge of milky white mucus, thick, sometimes yellowish, mild, non-irritating.—Schussler.) 492 CHAPTER XXIII.— FEMALE ORGANS Kali iod. Menses suppressed. Leucorrhoea watery, acrid, cor- rosive, with biting in pudendum. Discharge of mucus from vagina; atrophy of mammae. Kali phos. "(Amenorrhoea; retention or delay of menses, with depression of spirits, lassitude and nervous debility; or premature and profuse in nervous subjects. Hysteria in females; nervous at- tacks, from sudden or intense emotion or from smothering passion, in fhe highly nervous and excitable; feeling of a ball rising in throat. Menstrual colic, in lachrymose, over-sensitive, irritable females; or menses may be too late or too scanty, or too profuse with heavy odor, dark-red or blackish-red,thin and not coagulating. — Schussler.) Kali sulph. (Leucorrhoea; discharge of decidedly yellow,slimy, or watery, mattery secretions. Menses too late, too scanty, with feeling of weight and fullness in abdomen.—Schussler.) ♦Kreosotum. ♦Leucorrhoea of yellow color,staining linen yellow, with great weakness. White leucorrhoea having the odor of green corn. Burning between the labiar on urinating. Soreness be- tween the labiae; also between thighs and labiae, with burn- ing, biting pains. Violent itching of labia, also of vagina; obliged to rub parts; external genitals swollen,hot,hard and sore. Soreness and smarting between the labiae and upon the vulva. JDuring coition violent pain preceded by anxiety and trembling; burning in parts, followed next day by discharge of dark blood. Hard lump on neck of uterus, with ulcerative pain during coition. Scirrhus of vagina, painful to slight touch. Orifice of uterus wide open, almost everted, its inner surface like cauliflower. Ulcerative pain in neck of uterus Fundus of uterus swollen and sensitive to pressure. Metrorrhagia: dark and offensive,with fainting; pulseless; offensive smelling, in large clots. Menses too early and too profuse, and too protracted, succeeded by acrid smelling, bloody ichor; flow in- termits at times, almost ceases, then starts up again. ♦Lachesis. ♦Hot flushes, metrorrhagia, and other troubles dur- ing climacteric period. :Sexual desire; nymphomania. Swelling, induration, neuralgia, suppuration, of left ovary. Region of uterus feels swollen, will not bear contact, even of clothing; bearing down pains. Uterine and ovarian pains, relieved by a flow of blood. Pain like a knife thrust into abdomen. Uterus feels as if os were open. Menses scanty,feeble,but regular; blood,lumpy, black, or acrid. Before menses desire for open air; vertigo, nose- CHAPTER XXIII.—FEMALE ORGANS 493 bleed; labor-like pains, worse in left ovarian region; all better when flow begins. Leucorrhoea copious, smarting, stiffening linen; stain- ing it greenish. Redness and swelling of external parts, with dis- charge of mucus. ♦Lilium tig. ♦Bearing down, with sensation of heavy weight and pressure in region of uterus, as if the whole contents would press out through the vagina, relieved by pressure of the hand against the vulva. Sharp pains in region of ovaries. "Sexual desire increased; obscene. Bearing down in uterus, pains in left ovary and left mamma. Ovaries burning, stinging, cutting, grasping in ova- ry (left); pains extend across hypogastrium to groin, down leg; sensitive to pressure. Ovaries swollen very large. Menses scanty, flow only when moving about; dark, thick, smelling like the lochia; followed by profuse, bright-yellow leucorrhoea, excoriating perineum. Severe neuralgic pains in uterus, could not bear even weight of bed clothes, or slightest jar; anteversion. Bloated feel- ing in region of uterus; pelvic organs feel swollen; aching appar- ently around, not in, uterus. Intermittent labor-like pains in lower part of back, with thin, acrid, excoriating leucorrhoea, leaving a brown stain; worse afternoons. Voluptuous itching in vagina, with feeling of fullness of parts; stinging in region of left ovary. Lycopodium. "Nymphomania. Cutting across hypogastrium, right to left. Ovaries diseased right to left. Ovarian tumors, or dropsy. Physometra; wind discharged from vagina. Dropsy of uterus. Menses profuse, protracted; flow partly black, clotted, partly bright-red, or partly serum; with labor-like pains, followed by swooning. Menses suppressed; also from fright. Delay of first menses. Leucorrhoea in starts; milky; blood-red, worse before full moon; corroding. Vagina dry. Burning in vagina during and after coition. Varices of genitals. Erectile tumors. Polypi. Dry, pediculated, painless condylomata. Inflammation of the external genitals. ♦Magnesia carb. ♦Menstrual flow more profuse during the night than during the day. "Menses: late, scanty; flow acrid,dark, pitch- like, preceded by labor-like pains, cutting in abdomen, sore throat; profuse and too early. Leucorrhoea acrid, white mucus, preceded by colic. Magnesia mur. "Bearing down in region of ovaries. Diseases of uterus,complicated with hysterical complaints. Spasms of uterus 494 CHAPTER XXIII. —FEMALE ORGANS extending to thighs. Suppressed menses. Menses black, clotted, profuse, and early or late. Scirrhus indurations of os uteri. Leucor- rhoea immediately after eyery stool, or after spasms of uterus, fol- lowed by metrorrhagia. Magnesium phos. "(Ovarian neuralgia, if the pain is shooting and darting like lightning. Menstrual colic, the chief remedy in ordinary cases—Schussler.) ♦Manganum. ♦Menses too early and too scanty. ^Discharge of blood between periods,and pressing in genitals. ♦Mercurius. ♦Leucorrhoea always worse at night; greenish, pur- ulent, containing lumps; discharge smarting, corroding, itching, burning after scratching. -Menses too profuse; with either sterility or easy conception; with anxiety and colic. Amenorrhoea with con- gestions and ebullitions. Deep,sore pain in pelvis; dragging in loins, abdomen weak as if it had to be held up; prolapsus of uterus and vagina; feels better after coitus. On the os uteri excrescences,bleed- ing; deep ulcers with ragged edges. Inflammation of vagina and still more of externa] genitals, with rawness, smarting and excoriated spots. Itching of genitals, worse from contact of urine. ♦Mercurius cor. ♦Painful glandular swellings about nipple. -In- tense inflammation of vulva. Menses too early, too profuse. Leu- corrhoea, pale-yellow, smelling sweetish. Mercurius prot. iod. "Yellow leucorrhoea,especially with children. Mezereum. "Menses too soon, profuse and protracted; scanty, with leucorrhoea and prosopalgia. Ulcer of uterus with smarting, burning, or prickling sensation; discharge albuminous, sometimes tinged with blood. Leucorrhoea like the white of egg; corroding. Millefolium. "Menses suppressed, with pain in stomach; epilepsy; cough, with bloody sputum; excessive flow,lasts too long; also with colic pains. Haemorrhages of uterus after great exertion. Leucor- rhoea of children, from atony of mucous membrane of vagina. Muriatic acid. Pressing on genitals, as if menses would ap- pear. Menses too early and profuse; dejection of spirits; silent, as if she would die; colic; sore piles. Ulcers on genitals with pu- trid discharge, much sensitiveness and general weakness. Cannot bear least touch even of the sheet on genitals. Leucorrhoea with backache; anus sore from piles. Natrum carb. 'Pressure in hypogastrium as if everything would come out; also with indurated cervix and ill-shaped os. Menses CHAPTER XX11I.--FEMALE ORGANS 495 too early and protracted, preceded by drawing in nape of neck, headache and distended abdomen in morning, relieved by diarrhoea. Nervous; cannot bear music; worse in thunder-storm. Leucorrhoea thick, yellow, putrid, ceasing after urinating. Natrum mur. "Aversion to coitus, which is painful from dry- ness of vagina. Sterility, with too early and too profuse menstrua- tion. Cramps of uterus, with burning and cutting in groins. Every morning, pressing and pushing toward genitals; must sit down to prevent prolapsus. Prolapsus uteri with aching in lumbar region, better lying on back; also, with cutting in urethra after micturition. Menses too late and scanty or too early and too profuse. Dysmen- orrhcea with convulsions (salt sitz-baths). First menses delayed; amenorrhoea. Leucorrhoea, acrid, greenish; in morning transpar- ent, after colicky pains; causes itching; with yellow complexion. Itching of the external parts, with falling of the hair. (Leucor- rhoea watery, smarting or clear starch-like, after or between the periods. Chronic conditions like chlorosis, with symptoms as in 12. — Schussler.) Xatrum sulf. "External genitals inflamed, swollen and covered with vesicles the size of lentils, filled with purulent matter. Scanty menses; knotty stools. Menses too late,blood acrid, making thighs sore; lumps of coagulated blood; flows freely when walking. Be- fore menses nosebleed. Nitric acid. "After coitus mucous lining of genitals itches vo- luptuously; excrescences on uterus. Pressing down in hypogastrium and small of back, as though everything would protrude; pain down thighs; abdomen feels swollen. Haemorrhage of uterus from over- exertion of body. Menses early, irregular, scanty, and like muddy water; early and profuse; aching from thighs; urine offensive. Pro- fuse, brown, offensive discharge between the regular menstruations —cancer uteri. Leucorrhoea of ropy mucus; of green mucus; flesh- colored; acrid, brown, offensive. Stitches up vagina, or from with- out inward, when walking in open air. Itching, swelling and burn- ing of vulva and vagina. Excrescences on cervix uteri. Nux mos. "Sterility. Spasmodic, labor-like pains. Flatulent distention of uterus. Uterus displaced; mouth and throat dry; sleepy, faint; abdomen enormously distended after a meal; pressure in back outward. Sensation of a lump in lower abdomen. Prolapsus of uterus and vagina; sterility, leucorrhoea. Menses: irregular in 496 CHAPTER XXIU. —FEMALE ORGANS time and quantity; flow generally dark, thick; bearing down in ab- domen, with drawing in limbs; unconquerable drowsiness; profuse, with fainting. Mouth dry; hysterical laughing, worse in open air; scanty or suppressed, from fright. Leucorrhoea in place of menses; awakens with dry tongue. ♦Nux vom. ♦Menses too early and too profuse; flow dark. Dur- ing menses, nausea in morning, with chilliness and attacks of faint- ness. Pressure toward the genitals, especially in morning. "Crampy stitches in pelvis; soreness across pubes. Congestion of blood to uterus. Contractive spasms of uterus, colic with discharge of coagula. Prolapsus uteri, from straining or lifting; bearing down toward sacrum, with ineffectual urging to stool. Burning, heav- iness, sticking in uterus. Metrorrhagia, especially at climaxis, or from high living. Hardness and swelling in os tincae. Over-sen- sitiveness to nervous impressions; faints easily. Leucorrhoea fetid, staining yellow. Tingling and itching of vulva, causing onanism. Opium. °Menses profuse, violent colic, forcing her to bend over, urging to stool. Amenorrhoea from fright; irresistible drow- siness ; eclampsia.- Prolapsus uteri from fright. Fetid discharge from uterus—after metritis. Softness of uterus. ♦Origanum. ♦Increased sexual desire, lascivious ideas and dreams. "Onanism, especially in girls. Petroleum. "Aversion to coition. Menses too late and scanty; early and profuse; menstrual blood causes itching. Before menses, throbbing in head; during menses, singing and roaring in ears; lassitude. Prolapsus uteri in patients reduced by chronic diarrhoea, occurring during the day. Leucorrhoea like albumen, profuse every day, or with nightly lascivious dreams. Soreness and moisture of genitals, with violent itching. *Phosphorus. ♦Menses too early and too scanty, "or too profuse, pale, with colic, nausea, and diarrhoea. Nymphomania. Steril- ity from excessive voluptuousness, or with late and profuse menses. Metritis after frequent pregnancies; pyaemia and phlebitis; fair, graceful women. Frequent and profuse metrorrhagia, pouring out freely and then ceasing for a short time—cancer uteri. Pain in region of left ovary and down inner side of thigh. Menses early, profuse, long lasting, or early, scanty and pale; weeps before menses; during menses, pains in small of back; palpitation. Amen- orrhoea, with blood-spitting; bleeding from anus; or haematuria. CHAPTER XXIII.—FEMALE ORGANS 497 Menses suppressed, with milk in breasts. Stitches upward from vagina into pelvis. Dull tearing in labia, during or after walking in open air. Leucorrhoea instead of menses; with chlorosis; watery, slimy, or acrid, causing blisters. ♦Phosphoric acid. ♦Pain in liver during menstruation. Meteor- istic distention of uterus. "Ovaritis and metritis, from debilitating influence; amenorrhoea. Menses too early and too long. Leucor- rhoea yellow, mostly after menses, with itching. Ulcer of uterus with copious, putrid, bloody discharge; itching or corroding pain, or no pain. ♦Platinum. ♦Nymphomania, especially in lying-in women, with voluptuous tingling, extending from genitals into abdomen. Painful sensitiveness and constant pressure in mons veneris and genital organs, with internal chill and external coldness, except face. Menses too early and too profuse,lasting too long; flow dark "and clotted, with much bearing down and drawing pains in abdo- men. Induration of uterus, ulceration, with co-existing irritation of ovaries. Ovaries inflamed, with burning pains in paroxysms; stitches in forehead. Frequent sensation as if menses would ap- pear. Metrorrhagia, the body feels as if growing large; genitals very sensitive. Leucorrhoea like white of egg, only by day after urina- tion, and after rising from seat. Pruritus vulvae; voluptuous tin- gling with anxiety and palpitation of heart. Very painfully sensi- tive during coitus. ♦Plumbum. ♦Vaginismus. "Cessation of menses on invasion of colic; may reappear after paroxysm, or not again till next period. Menorrhagia, with sensation of a string, from abdomen back. Cli- macteric period; dark clots alternating with fluid blood, or bloody serum, with a sensation of fullness in pelvis and slight bearing down pains in small of back. ♦Podophyllum. ♦Pain in region of ovaries, especially the right. Pain in uterus. "Numb aching in region of left ovary, heat down thigh; third month of pregnancy. Ovarian tumor. Sensation as if genitals would come out during stool. Prolapsus uteri, after over- lifting or straining; after parturition; with pain in sacrum; rum- bling in ascending colon; prolapsus ani; or,constipation. Suppressed menses in young females, with bearing down in hypogastric and sacral regions, with pain from motion, better lying down. Leucor- rhoea, of thick, transparent mucus; constipation, bearing down in genitals, Swelling of labia during pregnancy. 49« CHAPTER XXIII. — FEMALE ORGANS Psorinum. -Pinching in pubic region. Left ovary indurated after a violent knock, followed by itching eruption on body and face. Knotty lumps above right groin, even a bandage hurts. Amenor- rhoea in psoric subjects, when tetter is covered by thick scurfs; with phthisis. Dysmenorrhcea near climaxis. Leucorrhoea, large lumps, unbearable in odor; violent pains in sacrum and loins. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦During menses, and with troubles of uterus, heavy, pressive pain in abdomen and small of back, as from a stone; limbs tend to go to sleep; ineffectual urging to stool. Drawing, pressive pain extending towards uterus, with nausea in morning. Menses suppressed after getting feet wet. Constrictive pain in left side of uterus, like labor pains, obliging her to bend double. Menses too late, scanty and of short duration; suppressed,or flow intermittent; flow thick and black; more during day while walking about. First menses delayed. Leucorrhoea thick, like cream or milk, with swollen vulva; painless, acrid, thin, burning. Pain in uterus with amenorrhoea. Tensive, cutting pain in uterus, which is very sensitive to touch, and during coitus. Prolapsus uteri, with pressure in abdomen and small of back. Metrorrhagia: blood changeable, stops and flows, profuse at times, at others intermittent, mixed with clots; at climaxis; in chlorosis, after abuse of quinine and iron. Crampy constriction of vagina, indurations, fistula, polypus. ♦Rhododendron. ♦Serous cysts of vagina. -Menses too profuse and too early, with fever and headache. Suppressed menstruation. Pain in ovaries; worse in change of weather. Rhus tox. -Menses too early, profuse and protracted; flow light- colored, acrid, causing biting pain in vulva. Amenorrhoea; from getting wet; with milk in breasts. Metrorrhagia, blood clotted, with labor-like pains. Soreness in vagina hindering coition. Ex- ternal genitals inflamed, erysipelatous. Bearing down; when stand- ing or walking, back "aches; better lying on something hard; pro- lapsus from over-exertion or straining. Sabadilla. -Nymphomania from ascarides. Cutting pains as from knives in ovaries. Menses: too late, with painful bearing down a few days previous; decrease, flow by fits and starts and ir- regularly, sometimes stronger, at others weaker. ♦Sabina. ♦Menses too profuse, too early and last too long. Haemorrhage from uterus: in paroxysms; worse from motion; CHAPTER XXIII.--FEMALE ORGANS 499 blood dark and clotted; from loss of tone in uterus; after abortion or parturition, with pain from back to pubes. "Almost insatiable desire for coition. Metritis with haemorrhages. Leucorrhoea from suppressed menses; recur every two weeks; thick, yellow, fetid, with itching of pudendum. Stitches from below upward, deep in vagina. Condylomata, with sore, burning pains. Cysts at vulva, sensitive, or with tearing pains during rest. Sanguinaria. Climacteric disorders, especially flushes of heat and leucorrhoea. Menses at right time, offensive smelling, bright- red flow; clots like lumps of flssh; later, blood darker, and less offensive, scanty; headache, from occiput to frontal region, head as if bursting; face red and hot. Os uteri ulcerated; fetid, corrosive leucorrhoea. Polypi of uterus. Flatus from uterus. ♦Secale. ♦Haemorrhage of uterus, worse from slightest motion; discharge black, fluid and very fetid. "Pains in uterus of an expul- sive character. Suppressed lochia, followed by inflammation of uterus. Menses too profuse and lasting too long, with tearing and cutting colic, cold extremities, cold sweat, great weakness and small pulse, or with violent spasms. Menstrual blood thin and black; black, lumpy, or brown fluid, and of disgusting smell. Atonic haemorrhage during critical age. Ulcer of uterus as if burnt, discharges putrid, bloody fluid. Burning pains in greatly distended uterus, which felt hard and was painful to touch. Leucorrhoea brownish and offensive; like cream; from weakness and venous con- gestion. Ulcers on outer genitals discolored and rapidly spreading. ♦Sepia. ♦Pain in uterus and sensation of bearing down in all the pelvic organs, with strong pressure as though the contents would issue through the vulva; must cross her limbs to prevent protrusion of parts,with oppressed breathing. Great dryness of vulva and vag- ina; painful to touch. Prolapsus uteri. Leucorrhoea yellow, like milk, excoriating, like pus, or badly smelling fluids; before the menses. "Stitches, or shooting, lancinating pains mostly in neck of uterus, go up to umbilicus, pit of stomach. Prolapsus of uterus; of vagina; with constipation. Induration of neck of uterus. Dropsy of uterus. Tenderness of genitals to touch. Coition painful to women. Menses too early and too profuse,too late and too scanty; suppressed. Mania from menstruation. Metrorrhagia at climaxis; or during pregnancy, especially fifth and seventh months. Amenor- rhoea at age of puberty or later. Redness, swelling and itching eruption on inner labia. 5oo CHAPTER XXIII. --FEMALE ORGANS Silicia. "Increased desire with spinal affections. Nymphomania, with plethora. Nausea during coition. Menses too early and scanty; too late and too profuse; irregular, every two or three months. Menstrual flow strong, smelling pungent. Amenorrhoea, with suppressed foot-sweat, pain in abdomen. Metrorrhagia; offen- sive foot-sweat; icy-cold body; painful haemorrhoids. Leucorrhcea profuse, acrid, corroding; milky, preceded by cutting around the navel. Prolapsus from myelitis. Pressing down feeling in vagina; parts tender to touch. Serous cysts of vagina. Itching of gen- itals. Stannum. "Menses too early and too profuse; preceded by mel- ancholy; pain in malar bones, which continues during menses. Bearing down in region of uterus;prolapsus uteri. Displacement of vagina; worse during stool; feels so weak she must drop down suddenly, but can get up quite readily. Leucorrhoea, with great debility, of yellow, white or transparent mucus. Staphisagria. "Very sharp, shooting pains in ovaries, which are exquisitely sensitive to pressure. Menses irregular, late and pro- fuse; sometimes wanting; first of pale blood, then of dark and clotted; occasionally spasmodic uterine contractions. Granular vegetations of vagina. Painful sensitiveness of sexual organs, es- pecially when sitting. Spasmodic pains in vagina and vulva. Stinging, itching of vagina. Stramonium. "Metrorrhagia, loquacity, singing, praying; some- times passing large coagula. Nymphomania, lewd talking, sings obscene songs; has smell of semen. Excessive menstrual flow; draw- ing in thighs, abdomen and upper limbs. Menstrual flow very watery. During menses, loquacity, strong smell of semen. After menses,sobbing, whining. Dysmenorrhcea. ♦Sulphur. "Menses too early, ♦too profuse, but of too short dura- tion; too late, suppressed. During menses headache, nosebleed; pressure in pit of stomach; before menses headache; weak, faint spells. "Bearing down in pelvis toward genitals. Sterility, with too early and too profuse menstruation. Leucorrhcea of yellow mucus, corroding, preceded by pains in abdomen. Burning in vagina. Is scarcely able to keep still. Sore feeling in vagina dur- ing coition. Troublesome itching of vulva, with pimples all around. Labor-like pain over the symphysis. Weak feeling in genitals. Sulphuric acid. "Menses too early and too profuse. Distressing CHAPTER XXI1I. — FEMALE ORGANS 501 nightmare before menses. In climaxis, spitting of blood; costive. Leucorrhcea acrid or burning; milky, or transparent; of sanguineous mucus, with sensation as ii menses would appear. Prolapsus of vagina, parts look greenish and smell bad. Theridion. ^Hysteria during puberty, at climaxis. ♦Thuja occ ♦Cauliflower excrescences, bleeding easily; offen- sive. Left ovary inflamed; worse at each menstrual nisus; dis- tressing pain, burning when walking or riding; must lie down. Condylomata, moist, suppurating, stinging and bleeding. Erec- tile tumors with burning. -Coition prevented by extreme sensi- tiveness of vagina. Menses too short and too early, preceded by profuse sweat. Erosions at os uteri, like aphthae. Mucous leu- corrhoea. Pains in vulva and perineum. Cramp in vulva or peri- neum when rising from a seat. Erysipelas of vulva. *Trillium. ♦Haemorrhage from uterus. Metrorrhagia at climac- teric; "pale, faint flow returns every two weeks. Displaced uterus, with consequent menorrhagia; flow profuse. Gushing of bright-red blood from uterus at least movement; later, blood pale from anaemia. Menses often come on from over-exertion, too long a ride, etc.; profuse flow. Leucorrhoea bloody with great prostration; yellow, creamy, profuse, between menses. Urtica urens. Pruritus vulvae. Ustilago. "Constant aching, referred to mouth of uterus. Dis- placed uterus with menorrhagia; cervix tumefied; bleeds when touched. For days oozing of dark blood, with small coagula; uterus enlarged; cervix tumefied or dilated. Menses scanty with irritation of ovaries. Bearing down, as if everything would come through. Burning and distress in ovaries. Acute pain, worse in left ovary, with swelling, pains intermittent; shoot rapidly down legs. Menses profuse, frequent, containing coagula. Climaxis, vertigo, metror- rhagia. Veratrum alb. Nymphomania of lying-in women; also before menses. Metritis with fits of vomiting, delirium, anxiety; vomit- ing and diarrhoea; body hot, limbs cold. Menses too early, too profuse, suppressed, with despair of salvation, or with blood-spit- ting. Amenorrhoea, with nervous headache, leaden face, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Dysmenorrhcea with prolapsus; vomiting, diarrhoea, exhaustion. Strangulated, prolapsed vagina with cold sweat, exhausting vomiting and diarrhoea. 502 CHAPTER XXIII. — FEMALE ORGANS Veratrum vir. "Menstrual colic, preceded by great congestion, and troublesome strangury; plethoric women. Suppressed menses, with cerebral congestion; plethora. Viburnum op. -Leucorrhcea, thin, yellow-white, or colorless, except with the stool- when it is thick, white, blood-streaked. Menses scanty, thin, light colored, with lightness of head; faint when trying to sit up. Congested feeling in pelvic organs as if menses would appear. Xanthoxylum. Pains in ovaries, extending down the genito- crural nerves. Dreadful distress and pain; headache; menses too early and too profuse; pains down the anterior of thighs; neuralgic dysmenorrhcea. Zincum met. "Irresistible sexual desire at night; also for onan- ism. Boring pain in region of left ovary, better from pressure, but entirely relieved only during the menstrual flow. Amenorrhoea, with alternately red and pale face. Dysmenorrhcea when during menses, limbs feel heavy, with violent drawing about knees, sud- den oppression of stomach. Menses too early and too profuse; lumps of coagulated blood pass away, mostly when walking; flow most profuse at night. Ulceration of uterus, discharge of blood acrid, but ulcers are rather destitute of feeling. Leucorrhcea, of bloody mucus after menses, causing itching of vulva; of thick mucus be- fore and after menses. Cutting colic succeeded by leucorrhcea. Pruritus vulvae causes masturbation. Varicose veins of external genitals, with fidgety feet. Zingiber. -Menses too early and profuse, dark, clotted; irrita- ble; exhausted look before; drawing pain in sacrum. REPERTORY. Abortion—eriger., gels., ♦sabin. Atony—caul , mill., ♦sabin., secale. Chlorosis—♦absinth., ante, calc. ph., nat. m., phos., puis. Climacteric—arg. m., ♦arg. n., calc. c, glon., helon., kali bi., kali br., ♦lach., nux v., plumb., puis., sang., secale, sepia, sul. a., therid., ♦trill.,ustib Coition—agar., ♦arg. n., arn., berb., caust., ferr., graph., kali c, kreos., lye, mere, nat. m., nit.a., petrol., plat, puis., rhus, sabin., sepia, sib, sub, thuj. Condylomata—euphr., lye, sabin., ♦thuj. Excrescences—mere, nit. a., ♦thuj. Flushes of heat—glon., kali bi., kali br., ♦lach., sang. CHAPTER XXIII.--FEMALE ORGANS 5°3 Haemorrhages—arg. m., ♦arg. n., ars., bry., canth., cinch., ♦cinnam., croc, helon., iod., ipec, mill., nit. a., ♦sabin., ♦secale, ♦trill. Active—aeon., ♦ham. Black or venous—cocc, coff., ham., secale. Clotted—arg. m., belb, ♦croc, hell., kreos., plumb., puis., rhus, ♦sabin., stram., ustib Dark—ars., belb, bry., cinch., ♦croc, ferr., helon., kreos., plumb., ♦sabin., ustib Metrorrhagia—absinth., ♦ambr., arg. m., ♦arg. n., am., ars., brom., bry., calc. c, canth., cinch., coff., ♦croc, eriger., ham., hyos., ign., iod., kreos., lach., mag. m., mang., nux v., phos., plat., puis., rhus, sepia, sib, stram., ♦trill., ustib Odor—belb, helon., kreos., secale, ^thuj. Passive--brom., ferr., ♦ham., helon. Profuse —♦cinnam., eriger., helon., phos. Red-bell., calc. ph., ♦cinnam., eriger., ferr. phos., ♦ham., hyos. Stringy, viscid—♦cro Hysteria—agn., ♦cimi., ferr., hyos., kali phos., mag. m., nuxm., therid. Inflammation—asaf., calc. c Lasciviousness—agn., hyos., origan., petrol. Leucorrhcea—♦agn., ambr.,apis, borax, bovist.,calc.ph., carb.an., carb. v., cinch., cocc, coff., dros., eup. purp., ♦graph., ham., helon., hep. s., hydras., hyper., kali s., mag. m., ♦mere, mez., mill., mur. a., nux m., petrol., phos., pod., psor., sabin., sang., stann. Acrid—♦alum., am. c, ant. c, apis, berb., bovist., con., iod., kali i., kreos., lib, mag. c, nat. m., nit. a., phos., ♦puis., sib, sul. a. Albuminous—borax, mez., petrol., plat. Bloody—arg. m., ♦carb. an., lye, phos. a., secale, sul. a., trill., zinc. Burning—am. c, calc c, carb. an., ♦mere, ♦puis., sul. a. Color, bluish—ambr. Brown—lib, nit. a., secale. Dark- aescul. Flesh-colored—nit. a. Gray - berb. Green—apis., asaf., bovist., lach., ♦mere, nat.m., nit. a. Transparent—*agn., ♦alum., nat. m., pod., stann., sul. a. White—ambr., ars., aur., belb, con., gels., ♦graph., kali chlor., ♦kreos., mag. c, stann., viburn. Yellow—aeon., aescul., agn., arg. n., ♦ars., bovist., carb. an., carb. v., cham., ♦hydras., kali bi., kali c, kali chlor., kali s., ♦kreos., lib, mere cor., mere. p. i., nat. c, nux v., phos. a., sabin., ♦sepia, stann., sub, trill., viburn. Copious—aeon., agn., arg. n., eup. purp., graph., lach., phos. a. Corrosive—aescul., alum., arg. n., ♦ars., bovist., cist., hyper., 5©4 CHAPTER XXIII. — FEMALE ORGANS Leucorrhoea continued. ign., iod., kali i., lye, ♦mere, mez., phos. a., sang., sib, sul. Excoriating—am. c, carb. v., cham., ferr., lib, mere, ♦sepia. Exhausting—berb., carb. an., trill., ver. a. Ichorous—arg. m., cocc, kreos. Like various things—♦borax, bovist., ♦calc c, calc. ph., caust., cocc, coff., mez., nat. m., petrol., plat., puis., secale, ♦sepia, trill. Lumpy—ant. c, ♦mere, psor. Mild—ferr., kali chlor. Milky—♦calc c, carb. v., coff., con., ferr., hyper., kali chlor., lye, ♦puis., ♦sepia, ♦sib, sub a. Mucous—ambr., ars., belb, caul., coff., con., ♦graph., kali chlor., kali i., mag. c, nit. a., pod., stann., sub, sub a., thuj., zinc Odor—arg. m., ars., asaf., carb.an, caust., kali c, ♦kreos., mere cor., mur. a., nat. c, nit. a., nux v., opium, phos. a., psor., sabin., sang., secale, sepia. Profuse- ♦alum., am.c, apis., ♦ars., asaf., caul., caust, ♦cham., ♦cinnam., eriger., ♦graph., hydras., lib, nit. a., petrol., sib, trill. Purulent—arg. m., cinch., cocc, ign., kali s., ♦mere, sepia. Ropy—♦hydras., kali bi., nit. a. Slimy—bovist., ♦carb. an., kali s., phos. Smarting—cham., hep. s., lach., ♦mere, nat. m. Starchy—nat. m. Sticky, tenacious, tough—aeon., aescul., bovist., ♦hydras. Thick—aescul., ambr., ♦ars., aur., bovist, carb.v., con., ♦hydras., kali chlor., nat. c, pod., ♦puis., sabin., viburn., zinc. Thin—ars., asaf., carb. v., ♦graph., lib, ♦puis., viburn. Watery—am. c, ant. c, cinch., cocc, kali i., kali s., nat. m., phos. Lochia—secale. Mania— sepia. Menses, catamenia—absinth., ambr., ♦am. c, ♦bovist., caust, cinch., cist, cupr., dros., dulc, glon., ham., ♦mag. c, ♦phos. a., plat., ♦plumb., puis., sang. Acrid—am. c, kali c, kreos., lach., mag. c, nat. s., rhus, zinc. Amenorrhoea—apis, apoc, ars., aur., belb, canth., caul., dulc, euphr., gels., ham., hell., helon., kali phos., mere, nat. m.,opium, phos., phos. a., psor., puis., rhus, sepia, sib, ver. a., zinc. Color, black—am. c, berb., canth., cocc, ♦croc, ♦eye, ign., kali chlor., kali phos., lach., lye, mag. m., puis., ♦secale. Bright-red—♦belb, brom., calc. ph., ferr. phos., lye, sang., trill. Dark—♦belb, bovist., bry., calc. ph., cimi., cinch., dros., ferr., graph., kali chlor., kali phos., lib, mag. c, nux m., ♦nux v., ♦plat., sang., staph., zing. Light-colored—rhus, viburn. Pale—alum., am. c, ars., ♦graph., hyos., mere cor., phos., staph., trill. Red—belb, brom., eriger., puis. CHAPTER XX11I. — FEMALE ORGANS S°5 Menses continued. Clotted, coagulated, lumpy—am. c, arg. n., belb, bovist.,caust., ♦cham., cimi., cinch., coff., ♦croc, ♦eye, ferr., ign., kali chlor., lach., lye, mag. m., nat. s., nux v., plat., plumb., rhus, sabin., sang., secale, staph., stram., ustib, zinc, zing. Copious, abundant—am. c, ♦aran., arg. n., camph., ferr. phos., iod. Decomposed blood—♦bell. Delayed—alum., cic, ♦cimi., dros., hyper., kali chlor., kali phos., lye, nat. m., ♦puis. Dysmenorrhcea—abrot, aeon., apis, ars., belb, bry., calc. e, caul., ♦cimi., cocc,coloc, con., gels., ham., kali c, nat.m., psor., stram., ver. a., xanthox., zinc Early, soon, premature—alum., arg. n., arn., bovist., ♦calc c, calc. ph., carb. an., caul., cimi., clem., ♦cocc, ign., iod., ipec, kali bi., kali c, kali chlor., kali phos., mag. m., ♦mang., nat. c, nit. a., ♦phos., phos. a., sib, thuj. Early and profuse—alet, am. c, ant. c, aran., ars., ♦belb, borax, brom., bry., canth., carb. v., caust., cham., ♦eye, kali phos., mag. c, mere cor., mur. a., nat. m., nit.a., nuxv., petrol., phos., rhod., sepia, stann., sub, sul. a., ver. a., xanthox., zinc, zing. Early, profuse and long-lasting—arg. n., calc. c, kreos., mez., phos., plat., rhus, ♦sabin. Excessive—aspar., calc. fl., mur. a., stram. Exhausting—ars., brom., ♦carb. an., cocc, graph. Frequent — asaf., eye, helon., kali chlor., ustib Hot—bell. Increased—camph., cinch. Intermittent—kreos., puis. Irregular—arg. n., ♦cimi., ham., nit. a., nux m., sabad., sib, staph. Late—aeon., am. c, arg. n., aur., bovist, calc. ph., ♦cheb, con., dros., dulc, euphr., ferr., ♦graph., iod., kali phos., kali s., mag. c, mag. m., nat. m., nat. s., petrol., ♦puis., sabad., sepia, sib, staph., ♦sub Lessened, diminished—aeon., sabad. Like various things—kali chlor., mag. e, nit. a., sang. Long duration—aeon., carb. an., ♦cheb, coff., croc, ferr., kali chlor., lye, mill., nat. e, phos. a., secale. Membranous—brom., bry., calc e, cham., eye Menorrhagia—apis, ars., carb. an., carb. v., ♦eye, ferr., hep. s., ipec, plumb., trill., ustib Odor—arg. m., belb, ♦carb. v., caust., cham., ign., kali c, kali phos., kreos., lib, sang., ♦secale. Passive—brom., ferr. Profuse—aeon., agar., alum., ant. c, belb, can. s., canth., ♦cham., ♦cheb, cimi., cinnam., coff., croc, eye, eriger., ferr., helon., ign., ipec, kali phos., lye, ♦mag. c, mag. m., mere, mill., nux m., opium, phos., puis., secale, sib, staph., stram., ♦sub, trill., ustib 506 CHAPTER XXIII. --FEMALE ORGANS Menses continued. Scanty—alum., am. c, apis, arg. n., ars., asaf., aur., berb., canth., caul., caust., cimi., cocc, con., eye, dros., euphr., ♦graph., helon., ign., kali c, kali phos., kali s., lach., lib, mag.e, ♦mang., mez., nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., nux m., petrol., ♦phos., ♦puis., sang., sepia, sib, ustib, viburn. Short duration—alum., am. e, asaf.,berb., dros., euphr , ♦puis., ♦sub, thuj. Slimy—berb., carb. an. Suppressed—abrot., ♦aeon., agn., apis, brom., bry., calc. c, ♦cimi., coloc, con., cupr., eye, dulc, gels., hell., kali e, kali chlor., kali i., lye, mag. m., mill., nux m., phos., pod., ♦puis., rhod., sabin., sepia, staph., sub, vere. a., ver. v. 'Ihick—arg. n., ♦belb, carb. v., kali chlor., lib, nux m., puis., viburn. Thin—dulc, kali phos., secale, viburn. Vicarious—bry., ham., nat. s , phos., sul. a., ver. a. Watery—berb., dulc, ferr., lye, plumb., stram. Nymphomania—lach., lye, phos., ♦plat., sabad., sib, stram., ver. a: Onanism—calad., nux v., ♦origan., zinc. Pains—arg. m., arg. n., arn., ars., asaf., brom., bry., calc. e, canth., caul., caust., cimi., cinch., cocc, coloc, con., eye, eup. purp., euphr., iod., lach., mere cor., mez., nat. m., nit. a., ♦phos. a., ♦pod., psor., puis., rhod., sabad., sabin., ♦sepia, sib, sub, ♦thuj., xanthox. Aching—aescul., calc. c, gels., ♦kali c, kreos., lib, nat. m., nit. a., phos., plat., pod., sib, ustib Acute—iod., ustib Bearing-down—♦agar., apis, asaf., belb, bovist., calc. fl., canth., carb. an., cimi., cinch., gels., ♦Jach, ^^li 1 -, mag. m., nat. m., nit. a. nux ni., nux v., plat, plumb., pod., rhus, sabad., ♦sepia, stann., sub, ustib Biting—carb. an., kali i., ♦kreos., rhus. Boring—ant. c., coloc, zinc. Bruised—aur. Burning—am. c, ♦apis, ♦ars., aur., ♦berb., bovist., calc. e, ♦canth., ♦carb. an., carb. v., cham., cheb, con., helon., hep. s., kali c, ♦kreos., lib, lye, ♦mere, mez., nat. m., nit. a., nux v., plat, ♦puis., ♦sabin., secale, sub, ♦thuj., ustib Clutching, clawing—bell. Colic—am. c, aur., belb, borax.,caul., ♦cocc, coloc,con., croc, graph., kali phos., mag. c, mag. phos., mere, milb, mur. a., nat. m., nux v., opium, phos., plumb., secale, ver. v., zinc. Constrictive—♦puis. Contractive—con., nux v., staph. Cramps—caul., ♦cocc, coloc, cupr., hyos., ign., nat. m., nux v., ♦puis., thuj. Cutting—apis, asaf., berb., ♦canth., coloc, ♦kali, c, lib, lye, mag. c, nat m., puis., sabad., secale, sib, zinc. CHAPTER XXIII. —FEMALE ORGANS 5°7 Pains continued. Darting—abrot., absinth., gels., mag. phos. Dragging—bry., calc.fh, coloc, helon., mere Drawing—agn , ♦ars., aur., ♦cham., cic, plat., ♦puis., stram., zing. Dull—brom., iod., kali bi., phos. Griping—am. c, ♦cham. Intermittent—cheb, lib, ustib Jerking —eup. purp., hyos. Labor-like—aeon., alet, ♦carb. an., ♦cham.,cimi.,con.,dros., ferr., ♦gels., graph., ign., kalic, lach., lib,lye,mag. e, nux m., ♦puis., rhus, secale, sub Lancinating—apis, ars., asaf., cist., ♦con., ign., sepia. Neuralgic—lach., lib, mag. phos., xanthox. Pinching—canth., *cham., psor. Pressing—aeon., agar., ambr., ant. c,arg.n., ♦ars., ♦belb, cinch., cocc, coloc, eup. purp., graph., hyper.,iod., ♦lib, mang., mur. a., nat. c, nat. m., nit. a., nux m , ♦nux v., ♦plat., ♦puis., ♦sepia, sib, ♦sub Pricking — carb. v., mez. Rawness—kali bi., mere Rheumatic—♦cimi. Sensitive — asaf , belb, ♦berb., cinch., coff., con., hep. s., kali phos., kreos., lib, mur. a., nux v., ♦plat., puis., sabin., secale, ♦sepia, staph., thuj. Sharp—aeon., apis, cimi., ferr., ♦gels., *lil., staph. Shooting—aeon., aur., cimi., con., ferr., mag. phos., sepia, staph., ustib Smarting—aur., caust., ♦kreos., lach., mere, mez. Sore—ambr., ♦berb., brom., bry., calc. c, caust., ♦con., ferr., ham., helon., kali bi., kali e, ♦kreos., mere, mur. a., nux v., petrol., rhus, sabin., sul. Spasmodic—♦caul., cic, cinch., eriger., hyos., nat. m., nux v., staph. Squeezing—coloc, gels. Sticking.—ferr., nux v. Stinging—♦apis, calc. e, con., lib, staph., ♦thuj. Stitching—alum., ambr., ♦ars., belb, berb., bry., canth., con., euphr., nit. a., nux v., phos., plat., sabin., sepia. Tearing—agar., am. c, cham., cic, phos., sabin., secale. Tender—aeon., apis, ant. c, ♦berb., bry., cimi., con., kreos., lach., lib, mur. a., puis., secale, sepia, sil. Tensive—♦ars., ♦caul., coloc, puis. Throbbing—alum., ars., belb, hep. s., petrol. Tingling—nux v., plat. Ulcerative—kreos. Violent—arg. m., caust, coff. Parts—agar., ♦agn., ambr., belb, berb., calc ph., cinch., coloc, ign., ♦kreos., lach., sepia, sib, staph., sul. a. Coccyx—cic. Epigastrium —arg. n., arn. 5o8 CHAPTER XXIIL —FEMALE ORGANS Parts continued. Genitals—asaf., ♦belb, bovist., calc. c, canth., croc, crot. t, eup. purp., iod., kali bi., ♦kreos., lach., mang., mere, mur. a., nat. m., nat s., nit. a., ♦nux v., petrol., ♦plat, pod., rhus, secale, sepia, sib, sub, zinc. Groins—arg. n., eup. purp., lib, nat. m., psor. Hypogastrium—♦caul., kali bi., lib, lye, nat. e, nit. a., pod. Labia—aescul., ambr., apis, arn., aur., bry., calc. e, coloc, helon., ♦kreos., pod., sepia. Ligaments—cimi. Loins—♦arg. m., hyos., mere, psor. Mammae—dulc, iod., ♦mere cor. Atrophy, dwindling—iod., kali i. Cancer— brom. Indurations—♦con., dulc Nodosities—iod. Pains—calc. c, canth., con., iod., lil. Swollen—calc e, ♦con., eye, ♦mere cor. Mons veneris—con., ♦plat. Nipples—arg. n., calc. c, caust., cham., mere cor.,psor., sepia, sil. Ovaries—abrot, ambr., ant. c,♦apis,♦arg. m., ♦arg. n., ♦ars., bry., canth., cimi., gels., helon., iod., lach., ♦lib, mag. m., mag. phos., plat., ♦pod., rhod., sabad., stann., staph., ustib Left—abrot., ♦arg. m., brom., coloc, eup. purp., lach., lib, lye, phos., pod., psor., ♦thuj., ustib, zinc Right—absinth., ♦apis, ♦ars., belb, bry., iod., lye, ♦pod. Dropsy—♦apis, cinch., iod., lye Enlargement—♦apis, belb, brom., iod., lach., lil. Induration—brom., ♦con., iod., lach., psor. Inflammation, ovaritis—♦aeon., apis, ♦canth., cinch., guaiac, ham., lach,, phos a , plat., ♦thuj. Pains—abrot., absinth., ambr., ant. e, ♦apis., ♦arg. m., ♦arg. n.., ♦ars., belb, brom., bry., cinch., coloc, eup. purp., helon., lach., lib, mag. phos., ♦pod., rhod., sabad., ustib, xanthox., zinc. Tumors—apis, lib, pod. Pelvis—♦carb an., lib, mere, nux v., phos., plumb., ♦sepia, sul. Perineum —graph., lib, thuj. Pubes—nux v., psor., ♦sabin., sul. Pudendum—ambr., am., carb. v., caust., ♦graph., helon , kali c, kali i., ♦kreos., sabin., sil. Sacrum—aescul., ^arg. n., ♦carb. an., carb. v., ♦cham., helon., nux v., pod., psor., zing. Uterus—absinth.,acet. a.,am. c, ant. c,♦apis,arg.m., ars.,asaf., belb, calc. e, canth., ♦caul., ♦cham., cimi., cinch., cinnam., cocc, ferr., ♦gels., ham., helon., hyos., ign., iod., lach., *\i\., mag. m., nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., nux m., nux v., opium, ♦phos. a., ♦pod., ♦puis., ♦sabin., sang., secale, stann., staph., ♦trill. CHAPTER XXIII. — FEMALE ORGANS 5°9 Parts—Uterus continued. Cancer—carb. an., cist, coloc, kreos , mag. m., nit. a., phos. Cervix—arg. m., ^arg. n., canth.,carb. an., con., helon., ♦hydras., kali chlor., kreos., nat. c, nit. a., sepia, ustib Congestion—♦caul., ♦hydras., cinch., hep. s., kali chlor., mere, nux v., viburn. Displacement—calc. c, calc. fh, caul., ferr., gels., helon., lib, nux m., trill., ustib Distended, enlarged, bloated—lib, phos. a., secale, ustib Dropsy—♦apis, bry., camph., cinch., ferr., hell., lye, sepia. Fundus—kreos. Induration—aur., carb. an., ♦con., iod., ♦kreos., mag. m., nat. e, nux v., plat., puis., secale, sepia. Inflammation, metritis—aeon., coloc, ferr. phos., hep. s., hyos., opium, phos., phos. a., sabin., secale, ver. a. Os—♦arg.n., calc. e, helon., ♦hydras., kali chlor., kreos., lach., mag. m., mere, nat. e, nux v., sang., thuj., ustib Pains —absinth., aeon., ant. e, ♦apis, ars., asaf., aur., calc c, calc. fh, ♦caul., ♦cham., cimi., cinch., cocc, helon., hyos., ign., lach., lib, nat. m., ♦pod., ♦puis., sil. Prolapsus—aeon., agar., ♦arg. m., ♦arg. n., ♦am., aur., calc. fh, con., eriger., helon., hydras.,ipec, kalibi., mere, nat.m., nuxm., nux v., opium, petrol., pod., puis., rhus, ♦sepia, sib, stann., ver.a. Sensations—agar., caul., helon., lil. Spasms—♦cimi., mag. m., nux v., secale. Swelling—iod., lach. Ulcerations—arg. m., ♦arg. n., arn., asaf., helon., hep. s., ♦hy- dras., kali chlor.,mere, mez., mur.a., phos. a., plat, sang., secale, zinc. Vagina—alum., ambr., nat. c, ♦berb., brom., canth., carb. v., caul., cham., ferr., graph., helon., kali bi., kali i., ♦kreos., *lib, mere, mill., nit. a., nux m., phos., puis., ♦rhod., rhus, sabin., ♦sepia, sib, stann., staph., sub, sul. a., thuj., ver. a. Dryness—♦aeon., belb, ferr., lye, nat. m., sepia. Fistula—puis. Hot—♦aeon., belb, coloc. Induration—cinch., ferr., puis. Inflammation, vaginitis—caul., mere Prolapsus—mere, nux m., sepia, sul. a. Physometra, wind from—lye, nux m., phos. a., sang. Scirrhus — kreos. Sensitive—♦aeon., berb., ham., thuj. Ulcerations— ♦hydras. Vaginismus—ferr. phos., ham., ♦plumb. Vulva—alum., aur., ♦belb, bovist., calc. e, canth., carb. v., caust., cinch., con., ferr., graph., ham., hep. s., hydras., ♦kreos., lach., ♦lib, lye, mere, mere cor., nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., nux v., plat., ♦puis., sabin., secale, sepia, staph., sub, thuj., urtica u., ver. a., zinc. 5io CH\PTER XXIII.—FEMALE ORGANS Parts —Vulva continued. Aphthae—carb. v., helon., nat. s., thuj. Polypi—lye, puis., sang. Pruritus, itching—canth., carb. v., caust., coff., con., ham. hep. s., nit. a., plat, sub, urtica u., zinc. Sensations—ant. c, ♦borax, coloc, con., eup. purp., lach., lib, nux m., plat., plumb., pod., puis., secale, ♦sepia, stann., sul. a. Coldness—coff., graph., plat. Faintness—apis, kreos., ♦nux v., stram.,trill. Fullness—apis, ♦caul., cimi., gels., kali s., lib, plum., viburn. Heat-—apis, belb, caul., graph., helon., ♦kreos., lach., sang. Heaviness—apis, aur., cimi., gels., hyper., kalibi., *lib, nux v., ♦puis. Irritation—agar., bry., canth., caul., gels., helon., hyos., kali phos., plat, zing. Itching, pruritus—agar., ♦ambr., am. c., calc c, canth., caust., cinch., coff., con., crot. t, euphr., ferr., ♦graph., ham., hep. s., hydras., ♦kali c., ♦kreos., ♦mere, nat. m., nit. a., nux v., petrol., phos. a., plat., psor., sabin., sepia, sib, staph., sub, urtica u., zinc. Numb—apis, *ars., eup. purp., pod., ♦puis. Weight—apis, helon., kali s., *lil. Sexual desire—asaf., hydras., lach. Increase—ars., asaf., calc. phos., can. s., lib, ♦origan., sil. Lessened—berb., ferr. Loss of—berb., helon. Strong—agar., canth., sabin.,zinc Sterility—can. s., ferr., helon., mere, nat. m., nux m., phos., sul. Sweat—aeon., calc, c., secale, thuj., ver. a. Swelling—ambr., am. e, arn., asaf., aur., brom., calc. c., canth., coloc, con., eye, kali bi., ♦kreos., lach., lib, nat. s., nit. a., nux v., pod., ♦puis., sepia, ustib Tumors—carb. v., kreos., lye, ♦thuj. Varices—ambr., carb. v., ferr., ham., lye, zinc. Voluptuousness—bovist., calc. ph., coff., lib, nit. a., phos., plat. Weakness—♦carb. an., cocc, ♦graph., helon., kali bi., ♦kreos., mur. a., secale, stann., sul. CHAPTER XXIV.-PREGNANCY AND PAR- TURITION. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Blood and moisture oozing from navel of infants. Acetic acid. "During pregnancy, sour belching and vomiting, with profuse water-brash and salivation day and night. Haemor- rhages after parturition—vaginal injections of vinegar. Breasts greatly and painfully disterided with milk, threatening mammary abscess. Milk impoverished, bluish, transparent, of strong, sour taste and odor, deficient in caseine and butter. Sucklings droop, lose flesh; marasmus. Acqnitum. -During pregnancy,restless; fear of death,predicts the time she will die. Impending abortion from fright, with vexation; circulation excited, rapid breathing. Violent labor-pains follow in rapid succession; parts dry, tender, undilatable; contractions in- sufficient. After-pains too violent, and too protracted. Milk fever, with delirium; mammae hot. Child-bed fever, lochia suppressed, mammae lax, empty; skin hot, dry; pulse hard, frequent and con- tracted; eyes wild, staring, glittering; tongue dry; abdomen in- flated, sensitive. Return of lochia, when women commence going about after confinement. New-born children: asphyxia, apoplectic symptoms, hot,purplish, breathless, pulseless; icterus; ophthalmia; retained urine. vEsculus. -Sacro-iliac symphysis gives out while walking; must sit down; still better lying—haemorrhoids. JEthusa. cLabor-pains too weak, irregular. Agaricus. °Nipples itch, burn, look red. ♦Agnus cast. ♦Milk scanty or disappears. GSterility. Aloe. °Lameness which seems to arise from a sense of weight and pressure in pelvis, during pregnancy. Alumina. °Gastric and abdominal symptoms during pregnancy. Amyl nit. °Nausea of pregnancy—inhalations. nil C!2 CHAPTER XXIV. — PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION Anacardium. Nausea during pregnancy; worse before and after, better while eating. Antimonium crud. -During pregnancy, gastro-intestinal and haemorrhoidal affections. ♦Antimonium'tart. ♦Child at birth, pale, breathless, gasping, although cord still pulsates—asphyxia neonatorum. cGastric de- rangements—vomiting of mucus; belching; disgust for food; sali- vation. ♦Apis. ♦Abortion during the early months. Erysipelas of mammae. Stinging, burning in scirrhus tumors of mammae, or of open cancers. ^Mammae: burning, stinging, swelling, hardness, suppuration. Ulceration of navel in new-born. ♦Argentum nit. ♦During pregnancy, stomach as if it would burst with wind; head feels expanded. cDisposed to abortion. Nipples sore from nursing. Puerperal convulsions ; spasms preceded by a sensation of general expansion, mostly of face and head. Some- times just after an attack she lies quiet, but before another she be- comes very restless. Marasmus of suckling infants. ♦Arnica. ♦Threatened abortion from falls, shocks, etc; nervous; excited; feels bruised. Soreness of parts after labor. Sore nip- ples. Mastitis from bruises; erysipelatous inflammation. Asphyxia neonatorum. °Labor-pains violent, yet they do but little good; weak, or ceasing; wants to change position often; feels bruised. After-pains violent; return while nursing. Constant dribbling of urine after labor. Haemorrhages bright-red or mixed with clots; head hot, body cold. Arsenicum. cBurning pain in mammae; relief from motion. Arum tri. °Lumps deep in left mamma, with aching pains. Convulsions during dentition, right side lame; quivering of left upper eyelid. Asafcetida. °Mammae turgid, with milk, like in the ninth month; without being pregnant. Deficiency of milk,with over-sen- sitiveness. Asarum. °Threatened abortion from excessive sensibility of nerves. Aurum met. °Suppressed milk. Palpitation following metror- rhagia after a mole or, in child-bed,after over-exertion. Labor-pains make her desperate; she would like to jump from the window or dash herself down; often with congestion to head and chest; palpi- tation. CHAPTER XXIV.— PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION 513 ♦Baptisia. ♦Puerperal fever with typhoid symptoms. °Threatened abortion—typhoid. Stomatitis materna. Lochia acrid, fetid; great prostration. Belladonna. °Lochia offensive, feeling hot to the parts. Labor- pains deficient; cease, have only periodical, slight pressure on sa- crum; amniotic fluid gone, yet os still spasmodically contracted. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Appears as if stunned; semi-conscious with loss of speech; convulsive movements in limbs and muscles of face; paralysis of right side of tongue, foam at mouth; renewal of fits at every pain. Retained placenta, with profuse flow of hot blood, which speedily coagulates. Benzoic acid. LGastric derangements when ascending a height. Retention of urine—infants. Borax. cLabor-pains accompanied by violent and frequent eruc- tations. Milk is too thick and tastes bad; often curdles soon after it has been drawn. Constrictive pains in left mamma when child nurses the right nipple. Griping and sometimes stitches in left mamma, and when child has nursed she is obliged to compress the breast with the hand because it aches on account of being empty. Bromium. :Hard, uneven tumor in right mamma firmly ad- herent to its surroundings, with lancinating pains, worse at night. Bryonia. cAfter-pains excited by least motion, even taking a deep inspiration. Lochia too profuse, with burning pain in region of womb. Suppression of lochia, with sensation as if head would burst. Drawing or lancinating pains from hip to foot; worse from touch or motion. Mammae feel heavy; pale, but hard and painful. Flow of milk suppressed. Scanty secretion of milk. Tensive, burning and tearing pain in mammae. Infant's sore mouth; child does not like to take hold of breast, but after mouth becomes moistened it nurses well. Cactus. GInflammation of mammae. Sensation of fullness in chest; over-sensitive to cold air. Calcarea carb. °Abortion. Sterility when menses are too early and copious. During pregnancy, great fatigue from walking, from feeling of lameness in pelvis. Alopecia, particularly of lying-in women. Lochia lasts too long, or has a milky appearance. Mam- mae distended, but milk scanty. Swelling of mammae, sore to touch. .Ulcer on nipple, sore to touch. Moles and varicose protu- berances on heads of infants. Muscular weakness of infants. 514 CHAPTER XXIV.--PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION Calcarea fluor. (After-pains, if too weak and contractions too fee- ble. Flooding, to tone up contractive powers of uterus. Knots or hard kernels in mammae.—Schussler.) Calcarea phos. °Weariness in all the limbs during pregnancy. Child refuses mother's breast; milk tastes saltish. Milk acid, watery, thin, neutral. Mammae sore to touch. Pains and burning in mammae. Nipples aching, sore. Calcarea sulf. °(Mastitis, third remedy to prevent suppuration; or if discharging, to shorten process. — Schussler.) Camphora. °Labor-pains weak or ceasing; will not be covered, restless; skin cold. Suppuration of mammae, fine stinging of nip- ples. New-born children: hard places in skin of abdomen and thighs,quickly increasing and getting harder, sometimes with deep redness, spreading over nearly whole abdomen and thighs; violent fever, with startings and tetanic spasms, with bending backward. Cannabis sat. 'Threatened abortion in gonorrhceic patients, or occurring from too frequent sexual intercourse. Cantharis. '-Vomiting,with violent retching and severe colic and burning at pylorus. Promotes fecundity, expels moles, dead foe- tuses and placenta. Retained placenta or membranes, usually with painful urination. Puerperal convulsions. Capsicum. -During pregnancy heartburn; vomiting; mucous diar- rhoea; haemorrhoids; burning at anus. ♦Carbo ani. ♦Tumor hard, uneven, skin loose; burning pains; dirty,blue-red spots; pains drawing toward axilla; night-sweat, low spirited—scirrhus mammae. cNausea, worse at night. Lochia long-lasting, thin, offensive, excoriating; numb limbs. Mammae: darting pains of nursing women arrest breathing; worse from pres- sure; hard, painful spots, swollen, inflamed, erysipelatous, during confinement. Carbo veg. °Labor-pains weak, or ceasing, with great debility; especially after violent disease or great loss of fluids. Debility from nursing. Lumps in mammae, with induration of axillary glands. Brown, foul smelling lochia. Caulophyllum. Threatened abortion; spasmodic, bearing down pains; vascular excitement; tremulous weakness; pains severe in back and loins, but uterine contractions feeble; slight flow. Habitual abortion from uterine debility. Tormenting, useless pains in the beginning of labor. Labor-pains short, irregular, spasmodic; pa- CHAPTER XXIV.--PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION 5 J 5 tient very weak; no progress being made. Spasmodic rigidity of os, delaying labor; pains like needles in cervix. Passive haemor- rhage, after abortion or confinement. Protracted lochia oozes pas- sively from uterine vessels; great atony. Suppressed lochia. After- pains spasmodic across lower abdomen and extending into groins, especially after exhausting, lengthy labor. Causticum. -Spasmodic labor-pains. Milk almost disappeared in consequence of over-fatigue, night watching and anxiety. Nip- ples sore, cracked, surrounded with herpes. Cepa. In child-bed, panaritia on several fingers, with red streaks up the arm ; pains driving to despair. Chamomilla. -Threatened abortion, with discharge of dark blood. Labor-pains spasmodic and distressing; tearing pains down legs. Rigidity of os; scarcely able to endure the pains. Hour- glass contraction; irritable; thirsty; desire for fresh air, restless. Puerperal convulsions after anger; or has one cheek red and the other pale. After-pains very distressing. Suppression of lochia, followed by diarrhoea, colic and toothache. Mammae hard and tender to touch, with drawing pains. Nipples inflamed and very tender. In- fant's breasts tender to touch. Chelidonium. Longing for unusual articles of food. Milk di- minished. Cicuta. -Eclampsia during child-bed. ♦Cimicifuga. ♦Complaints in pregnancy; nausea, °false labor- pains; sharp pains across abdomen; sleeplessness. Labor-pains severe, tedious or spasmodic, with fainting fits or cramps. Cardiac neuralgia in parturition. Convulsions in labor from nervous excite- ment. Shivers, in first stage of labor. After-pains worse in groins; over-sensitiveness; nausea and vomiting. Lochia: suppressed by cold, emotions; watery, mixed with small clots. Infra-mammary pains, worse left side. Burning in mammae. Cinchona. GNymphomania of lying-in women. Abortion; ab- domen distended, belching does not relieve. Labor-pains cease from haemorrhage; cannot have the hands touched. Uterine haem- orrhage: ringing in ears, fainting, cold, loss of sight; discharge of dark clots; uterine spasms; twitches, jerks; wants to be fanned. Lochia lasts too long; drawing about ovaries, or discharge fetid or cheesy, purulent. Asphyxia of infant after great loss of blood. by mother. 2S CHAPTER XXV.—VOICE AND LARYNX 529 ♦Antimonium crud. ♦Loss of voice from getting over-heated; better after rest. Feeble voice. °Violent spasms in larynx and pharynx, as if throat were filled with a plug which becomes alter- nately thicker and thinner, with a sense of soreness. ♦Antimonium tart. ♦Rattling of mucus when coughing or breath- ing. Much rattling of mucus in trachea; cannot get it up. Rat- tling, originating in upper bronchia, can be heard at a great dis- tance—bronchial catarrh. Catarrhal croup, croup of adults. Bron- chiectasis and senile catarrh. cVoice weak and changed in evening. Hoarseness in morning, worse on talking. ♦Apis. ♦Qidema of glottis. cWeak feeling in larynx. Hoarse- ness mornings, dryness and burning in larynx. Speaking is pain- ful; feels as if it wearied the pharynx, in which there is drawing pain. ♦Argentum met. ♦Rawness and soreness in upper part of larynx, when coughing, not when swallowing. Hoarseness, especially of professional singers, speakers, etc. Over the bifurcation of trachea, a raw spot; hoarseness, worse when using voice. °Cannot speak a loud word, constant tickling in throat provoking cough. A gray, gelatinous phlegm is easily raised from trachea. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Chronic laryngitis of singers; raising the voice causes cough. °Rawness, soreness, high up in trachea, when coughing. Internal soreness of larynx and pit of throat; worse morning. Hoarse voice. Phlegm in larynx, causing rattling, whistling breathing until removed in small lumps by cough. Arnica. Voice deep, or low, muttering. Hoarseness from over- use of voice, also early in morning. Raw, scraped sensation along trachea and bronchia. ♦Arsenicum alb. ♦Symptoms simulating membranous croup,caused by checked or non-appearing eruptions,especially hives or urticaria. °Voice trembling, unequal, now strong and again weak; hoarse, rough, hollow; loss of voice. Sudden catarrh threatening suffo- cation at night. ♦Arum tri. ♦Voice hoarse, from over-use in speaking and sing- ing. Clerygman's sore throat. °Voice uncertain, uncontrollable, changing continually. Mucus in trachea when coughing. Loss of voice after exposure to northwest wind; when singing. Must hawk in morning; hoarseness more before talking,better afterwards. Constant pain in larynx. „0 CHAPTER XXV.—VOICE AND LARYNX Asafoetida. Voice weak, hoarse. Spasm of glottis, alternat- ing with contraction of fingers and toes. Aurum. °Voice nasal, husky, as if he had a cold. Phlegm deep in larynx, not easily hawked up. Baptisia. °Very sore to touch, swallowing or speaking Hoarse- ness. Aphonia. Swelling of epiglottis, mornings. Increased se- cretion from bronchial tubes and fauces,with expectoration of mucus. Baryta carb. uVoice imperfect, aphonia; from tough mucus in fauces and lips; old people. Feeling as if inhaling smoke or pitch. ♦Belladonna. ♦Voice husky and hoarse, and a dry cough from dryness of larynx. Sensation as if larynx were inflamed, swollen and constricted. Voice weakened even to complete aphonia. Speaking is very difficult to him; speaks in a piping tone. Berberis. -Hoarseness, with pain and inflammation cf the tonsils. Tearing in throat upward, particularly left side, with stiff- ness. Bovista. -Hoarseness in morning. Roughness in throat morn- ings, with catarrhal speech. Scratching sensation in larynx, with viscid phlegm. ♦Bromium. ♦Voice hoarse, cannot speak clearly; loss of voice. Cold sensation in larynx, with cold feeling when inspiring. Irrita- tion and rawness in larynx, provoking cough in evening. -Sensa- tion of smoothness and emptiness at a small spot in larynx. Larynx painful to touch. Constriction in larynx. Contracted sensa- tion internally in trachea, or feeling as if pit of throat were pressed against trachea. Bryonia. ^Voice rough and hoarse. Tickling in larynx. Tough mucus in trachea, loosened only after frequent hawking. Cactus. Voice low, hoarse; constriction of chest. ♦Calcarea carb. ♦Painless hoarseness mornings. Whistling in larynx after lying down evenings. Roughness and rawness in larynx. Calcarea phos. ^Hoarseness and cough day and night. Must hawk or hem to clear voice. Burning at back of tongue, followed by burning in larynx. Camphora. -Voice hoarse, husky, hollow,weak, uncertain. Cut- ting, cold sensation deep in trachea causes slight cough. Cantha,ris. ^Voice hoarse, feeble. Burning in larynx. Larynx sensitive to touch. Irritation in larynx, causing short paroxysms of coughing, with hurried and difficult breathing; sometimes with CHAPTER XXV. —VOICE ANI) LARYNX 531 pain in abdomen, or with bloody expectoration. Burning or biting about larynx, with contraction or constriction almost to suffocation. Profuse catarrh of air passages, the mucus being tenacious, with painful hawking and nightly lancinating and dryness in trachea. Capsicum. cTingling, tickling in larynx. Hoarseness; nose stopped up: throat feels rough. Carbo ani. -Rawness and hoarseness, morning after rising. Hoarseness worse evenings. Loss of voice during night. ♦Carbo veg. *Great roughness in larynx, with deep, rough voice, which failed if he exerted it. -Hoarseness and rawness; worse evenings; aphonia mornings; in damp, cool weather; chronic; worse from damp, evening air; warm, wet weather, and from talking. Ul- cerative pain or scraping and titillation in larynx. Unusual feeling of dryness in trachea, not relieved by hawking. Caulophyllum. -Loss of voice, reflex from uterine disturbance. ♦Causticum. ♦The laryngeal muscles refuse their service. Can- not speak a loud word. Great hoarseness, worse mornings, and evenings, with scraping in throat; could not speak aloud for sev- eral days. ♦Cepa. ♦Catarrhal inflammation of larynx. Pain as if larynx would be torn when coughing. °Catarrhal hoarseness. Tickling in throat with aching in larynx. Chamomilla. 'Sensation of rawness and irritation in larynx. Hoarseness on account of tough mucus in larynx, which can be removed only by strong hawking. Catarrhal hoarseness of trachea, with dryness of eyelids. Cimicifuga. -Hoarseness, worse in evening; very sensitive to cold air. Tickling in throat with violent cough. Cinchona. 'Hoarse voice; rough, deep, from adhering mucus. Sore sensation in larynx and trachea. Influenza, with debility, loss of appetite; heat without thirst. Cistus. °Inhaled air feels cool in larynx and trachea. Chronic itching in larynx and trachea. Pain in trachea. Cocculus. "Tightness in larynx. Talking aggravates all symp- toms, particularly in head. ♦Coccus cacti. *Fatigue of vocal organs, even after speaking without exertion, the voice becoming rough and hoarse; respiration somewhat laborious. Violent tickling in larynx, waking at night, causes cough, with expectoration of much tenacious mucus. 532 CHAPTER XXV.—VOICE AND LARYNX Sensation of a crumb sticking behind larynx, obliging him to swal- low constantly. Coffea. °Spasmus glottidis; starts from sleep with short inhal- ation, gasping, with wheezing, cold sweat, blue face; worse when put into bath. Larynx, as if covered with dry mucus. Rawness in larynx with hoarseness, in the morning on waking. Colchicum. °Voice hoarse, or deeper than usual. ♦Conium. ^Dry spot in larynx, with crawling and almost con- stant irritation, inducing dry cough. °Hoarseness. Cuprum met. °Hoarseness as soon as he breathes dry, cold air. Talking is difficult, voice powerless. Contraction of larynx, with cough. Digitalis. ^Choking when trying to swallow—spasm of glottis. Hoarseness early in morning. Drosera. °Voice hoarse, deep, requires exertion to speak; husky, hollow, toneless. Epiglottis in constant motion to and fro. Con- striction of larynx, when talking. Sensation like from a feather, exciting cough. Chest and throat symptoms worse from talking or singing. The sick involuntarily support the larynx on swallow- ing or coughing. Dulcamara. °Rough, hoarse voice, catarrh. Hoarse after mea- sles. Influenza. Trachea full of mucus. Eupatorium perf. Hoarse; throat dry, sore; can hardly talk; worse mornings when he gets up. Eupatorium purp. Hoarseness, with rough voice. Euphrasia. cCatarrhal hoarseness. Ferrum. -Voice hoarse, almost extinct. Roughness of throat, hoarseness. Ferric phos. °(Bronchial irritation, with heat or burning sore- ness. Chronic bronchitis; at time of fresh aggravation, inflam- matory stage, and after exudation takes place. Croup, if it com- mences with violent fever. Hoarseness painful; of singers or speak- ers, if from over-exertion of voice. Irritation of trachea,with burn- ing in throat.—Schussler.) Fluoric acid. cWeak voice. Dryness in larynx and trachea. Itching in larynx, causing hawking and swallowing. Soreness and increased irritability in larynx, with impeded respiration and wheez- ing. Gelsemium. °Hoarse in paroxysms, with dry,rough throat; raw- CHAPTER XXV.--VOICE AND LARYNX 533 ness of chest; catarrh. Paralysis of glottis. Hawking bloody water. Graphites. -Voice not clear in singing; hoarseness in evening. Chronic hoarseness. Laryngeal region sensitive to touch. Sore- ness and roughness of larynx, and tickling cough. Guaiacum. ^Violent, spasmodic,inflammatory affection of larynx, with such palpitation of heart that they could not get out of bed, nor call for help; felt as if suffocating. Hamamelis. °Hoarse on arising; awoke hoarse. Helleborus. Voice weak, with hydrocephalus. Hepar sulph. . Hoarseness, roughness in throat. Sensitiveness of larynx to cold air. Wheezing of larynx and painfulness of a small spot in larynx. Croup: with deep, rough, barking cough, hoarseness or aphonia, with slight suffocative spasms; some rattling of mucus; after dry^ cold winds; with swelling below larynx, and great sensitiveness to cold air or water; cough worse before mid- night or toward morning. Hyoscyamus. °Voice husky, as from mucus. Constriction of larynx. Hysterical aphonia. Hypericum. Hoarseness, irritation and roughness in larynx, upper part of pharynx and nares, in a foggy atmosphere. Ignatia. °Voice low, trembling, hoarse, from cold. Sensation of soreness in larynx. Constrictive sensation in trachea and larynx. ♦Iodium. ♦Hoarseness lasls all day; ctough phlegm in small quantities,with constant hemming and hawking. Tightness and con- striction about larynx, with soreness and hoarseness. Membranous croup, with wheezing and sawing inspiration, dry, barking cough; especially in children with dark eyes and hair; child grasps the throat with the hand. Ipecacuanha. Voice hollow. Laryngismus stridulus. Rattling in bronchia, when drawing a long breath. Foreign substances in trachea; suffocative attacks. ♦Kali bichrom. ♦Rough, hoarse voice. °Hawks copious, thick, blue mucus, in morning. Early formative stage of croup, worse 2 to 3 a. m. ; the tough mucus strangles him Membranous croup; diphtheritic croup; invading larynx, trachea, and even bronchia; voice hoarse, uncertain; cough hoarse, metallic ; deglutition painful. Tonsils red, swollen; covered with false membrane difficult to de- tach; with expectoration of tough, stringy mucus; coughs up casts of elastic, fibrinous nature; loud mucous rales; wheezing,rattling 534 CHAPTER XXV.--VOICE AND LARYNX in sleep; insidious approach; fat, chubby, light-haired children. Kali carb. Aphonia with violent sneezing. Irritated, dry, "."•arched feeling. Kali chlor. ^(Bronchitis, second stage, with thick phlegm. Croup, (.he principal remedy for the membranous exudation. Hoarseness, loss of voice from cold. Wheezing, rale or rattling sound of air passing through thick mucus in bronchi; difficult to cough up, hard cough.—Schussler.) ♦Kali iod. ♦Raw pain in larynx, as from granulations. Nasal, catarrhal voice. Hoarseness, with pain in chest; cough, oppression of breathing and pain in both eyes. Awakens with choking, can scarcely breathe; choking spells; oedema of larynx. Rough feeling in trachea, compelling hawking. Kali nit. -Tightness in larynx during respiration. Aphonia. Hoarseness, roughness and scraping in larynx: yellow phlegm. Tension and cutting in larynx, impeding deglutition. Kali phos. -(Croup if treatment is delayed till last stage; ex- treme weakness; pale or livid. Hoarseness with exhausted feeling, from over-exertion of voice and with nervous depression; also re- cent paralysis of vocal cords. — Schussler.) Kalmia lat -Pressure,as if someone squeezed throat with thumb and finger. Noise as from spasm in glottis, when breathing. Hoarse with coryza. Kreosotum. -Irritation and roughness in throat; also with hoarse- ness, ceasing in morning after sneezing. Rough, hoarse speech. Perichondritis of larynx,septic form;with softening and degenera- tion affecting the mucous membrane of larynx,and particularly that of oesophagus. ♦Lachesis. ♦Larynx sensitive to touch ; hoarseness, rawness, scraping and dryness of larynx. -Impending croup (during diph- theria), awakens suffocating, grasps the throat; fears he is dying. Larynx externally sensitive to least touch, which causes suffocation; feeling of lump in throat. Croup when the patient is worse after sleep; or seemingly sleeps into the croupy spell. Suddenly some- thing runs from neck to larynx,stopping the breathing; it awakens him at night—spasmus glottidis. Laurocerasus. "'Laryngismus stridulus; heart affected. Spas- modic constriction of trachea. Irritation in larynx, with increased secretion of mucus; hoarseness. CHAPTER XXV.—VOICE AND LARYNX 535 Lobelia. °Oppression is felt in pit of throat—spasmodic asthma. Sensation of fullness in trachea, as if arising from chest, causing a few short coughs, followed by warmth in forehead. Peculiar sensation, between tickling and acrid feeling, in larynx; short coughs; feeling of narrowness. Lycopodium. -Hoarseness; feeble, husky voice; dryness in tra- chea. Hoarseness remaining after croup; loose cough by day; suffo- cating spells at night. Magnesia mur. -Hoarseness, with roughness and dryness in throat, in morning after rising. Tingling in larynx. Magnesium phos. ^(Laryngismus stridulus; cramp, or spasm of larynx, crowing respiration. Spasm of glottis, causing contraction of trachea; a struggle for breath and a feeling of suffocation, some- times with stiffness of limbs. — Schussler.) Manganum acet. ^Hoarseness with coryza; with tickling cough and rough speech, in early morning or in open evening air. Voice not clear, as from phlegm; worse mornings. Marum ver. -Dryness, causing hawking; hissing sound when in- haling. Mercurius. °Hoarse, rough voice; burning rawness in larynx, fluent coryza and sore throat. Mercurius biniod. cLoss of voice, hoarseness. Mercurius cor. Hoarseness or aphonia, burning and stinging in trachea: tightness across chest. Larynx and epiglottis pain when swallowing food; pain worse when depressing tongue, cutting in throat as from a knife. Mercurius prot. iod. Complete loss of voice. Hoarse and husky shortlv after getting a little wet in an evening shower. Patches of inflammation, livid, purple; thin, offensive discharge. Swelling of bronchial glands,sub-acute processes arising from influences of cold, or atmospheric variations. Mezereum. -Voice failing or interrupted. Burning and dryness in trachea, with hoarseness. Muriatic acid. ^Hoarseness with sore feeling in chest; in whooping cough. Natrum carb. ^Hoarseness; with roughness of chest, coryza, chilliness, and irritating, painful cough. Natrum mur. °Voice weak, exhausted by talking. Hoarseness, throat sore, dryness in larynx. Accumulation of mucus in larynx 536 CHAP1LR XXV.— VOICE AND LARYNX (in morning). (Influenza, with watery, frothy expectoration, run- ning at nose, great sleepiness. — Schussler.) Natrum sulf. Hoarseness, with fluor albus. Nitric acid. -Hoarseness, with coryza; from long talking; scratching and stinging in throat. Large, broad condylomata in throat. Nux mos. Voice uncertain, bleating. Hoarseness, worse walk- ing against the wind. Feeling of dryness in larynx. Phthisis laryngea. ♦Nux vom. ♦Hoarseness, with roughness and irritation in the throat, provoking cough. Spasmodic constriction of larynx, after midnight; suffocating spells. ♦Opium. ♦Laryngismus stridulus. Hoarseness with dry mouth and throat, and white tongue. Feeble voice, and requires a strong effort to talk loud. Oxalic acid. °Hoarseness and sensation of mucus in larynx, when talking. Paris quad. Hoarseness, voice feeble, continuous hawking of mucus and burning in larynx. -Periodical painless hoarseness. Petroleum. -^Dryness and irritable sensation in larynx. Bron- chial catarrh. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Hoarseness and roughness of voice. Roughness in larynx and trachea, with frequent, hacking cough and hawking. °Aphonia: from prolonged loud talking; catarrhal or nervous; larynx sensitive to touch. Cannot talk on account of pain in larynx. Larynx feels as if lined with fur. Laryngeal croup, aphonia; rapid sinking; cold sweat; dropped jaw; sunken face; rattling breathing; also with tendency to frequent relapses. Phosphoric acid. -Hoarseness and roughness in throat, hinder- ing speech. Burning in throat and chest. Tenacious mucus in mouth and fauces; causes hawking. Phytolacca. Hoarseness and aphonia. Dryness of larynx and trachea, worse toward evening. Burning in larynx and trachea, with sensation of contraction of glottis; labored breathing. Spasm of glottis; eyes distorted, one eye moves independently of the other; thumbs clenched, toes flexed. Platina. cLoss of voice. Psorinum. -Hoarse when talking; phlegm sticks in larynx. Tickling in throat as if narrowing; must cough to relieve it. Talk- ing very fatiguing. CHAPTER XXV.—VOICE AND LARYNX 537 ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Violent tickling and irritation in larynx, bringing tears into the eyes, and causing dry cough. °Hoarseness and rough- ness of throat; cannot speak aloud. Aphonia nervosa returns at every emotion; last cervical vertebra feels sore, burning. Constric- tion in throat; feels something there preventing speech; cannot eat weeps. Rhus tox. -Hoarse from over-straining voice. Hoarseness and roughness in larynx, with oughness in chest. Hot air arises from trachea. Cold sensation in larynx when breathing. Rumex. Tenacious mucus in throat or larynx, constant desire to hawk. Hoarseness, worse evenings; voice uncertain. Raw sensation in larynx when coughing. Ruta. -Sensation in larynx as from a bruise. Sabadilla. °When pressing on larynx, throat feels sore. Hoarse- ness. Sambucus. ♦Voice hollow, hoarse, with much tough mucus in larynx. Patient awoke at night with agonizing fits; spasms of epi- glottis; with agony and fear of suffocation; springing up in bed and struggling for breath. Sanguinaria. °Chronic dryness in throat; sensation of swelling in larynx, and expectoration of thick mucus. Aphonia, with swelling in throat. Dryness in throat, with soreness, swelling and redness. Secale. °Voice hollow, with difficult breathing, feeble and in- audible. Thickening of mucous membrane of the air passages. Selenium. GVoice husky when beginning to sing, or from talking long; hawks transparent lumps every morning, sometimes bloody. Sepia. °Hoarseness with tickling in larynx and bronchia, with coryza and dry cough from titillation in throat. Sensation of dry- ness in larynx. Roughness and soreness in larynx and throat. Silicia. °Hoarseness and roughness in larynx. Husky voice, worse mornings; chronic coryza. Fibrous, painless swelling on larynx, connected with thyroid cartilage. ♦Spongia. ♦Laryngismus stridulus. Inflammation of larynx, trachea and bronchi. °Hoarseness, cough, coryza. Hoarse, voice cracked or faint, choking sensation; whistling inspiration. Voice gives out when singing or talking. Feeling of plug in larynx. Larynx sensitive to touch, and when turning neck. Talking hurts larynx. Attacks of mucous rattling in trachea; strangling at times. 53« CHAPTER XXV. — VOICE AND LARYNX Feeling of stoppage in trachea. Starts from sleep suddenly, with contraction in larynx. ♦Stannum. ♦Hoarseness and roughness in larynx, with weakness in chest. Great accumulation of mucus in trachea, easily detached by a slight cough. (JVoice deep, hoarse,hollow; higher, after hawk- ing up mucus. Roughness and hoarseness, the latter momentarily better by coughing. Laryngeal phthisis, with constant, short, irri- tating, hacking cough and aphonia; empty feeling in chest. Staphisagria. ^Sensation of constriction and pressure in throat- pit, after anger, aggravated when swallowing. Rawness in larynx from talking. Feeble voice from weakness of vocal organs, after anger. Hoarseness, with much tenacious mucus in larynx and chest. ♦Stramonium. ♦Voice hoarse and croaking; high; fine or squeak- ing; indistinct; screeching. JConstriction of larynx and thoracic muscles. ♦Sulphur. ♦Voice rough and hoarse, especially mornings; aphonia. ■-Talking fatigues and excites pains; shooting pains through left chest to back. Catarrh; with fluent coryza, chilliness, rawness of chest, and cough. Sulphuric acid. -Hoarseness, with dryness and roughness in throat and larynx. Larynx painful; feels inelastic, causing diffi- culty in talking. Thuja occ. cSensation as of a skin in larynx. Veratrum alb. Spasmus glottidis. Paroxysms of constriction of larynx, suffocative fits, with protruded eyes. Debility great; catarrhal symptoms slight; influenza during cholera seasons. Hol- low, hoarse voice. Viola odor. °Hoarseness followed by coryza. Zingiber. ^Hoarseness. Smarting below larynx, followed by cough, with mucous rattling. REPERTORY. Catarrh—ant t, ars., bovist, dulc, euphr., gels., kali i., sub, ver. a. Cough—♦aeon., alum., ambr.,anae, ♦ant. t, ♦arg. m., ♦arg. n., *belh, ♦brom., calc. ph., camph., canth., cimi., ♦cocc c, ♦con., cupr., dros., graph., hep. s., icd., kali bi., kali chlor., kali i., lob., lye, mang., mur. a., nat. c, ♦nux v., ♦phos., psor., ♦puis., rumex, sepia, spong., ♦stann., sub, zing. CHAPTER XXV. - VOICE AND LARYNX 539 Expectoration—am. m., arg.m., arg. n., bapt, canth., ♦cocc c, kali bi., kali chlor., nat. m., sang. Hawking—am.m., arum, aur., bry., calc ph., canth., carb. v., cham., fluor. a., gels., iod., kali bi., kali i., mar. v., paris, ♦phos., phos. a., rumex, selen., stann. Influenza—cinch., dulc, nat. m., ver. a. PaillS—arum, berb., brcm., carb. v., cepa, cist, hep. s., kali n., mere cor., mur. a., phos., spong., sul. a. Aching—cepa. Burning—am. m., apis, calc. ph., canth., ferr. phos., mere, mere cor., mez., paris, phos., phos. a., phyt., puis. Cutting—canth., kali n., mere. cor. Rawness—alum., ♦arg.m., arg. n., arn., ♦brom., calc.c, carb.an., carb. v., cham., coff., gtls., ♦kali i., lach., mere,rumex., staph., sul. Sensitive—aeon., brom., canth., cimi., graph., hep. s., ♦lach., phos., spong. Soreness—ambr., ant. c, ♦arg. m., arg. n., ♦arum, bapt., cinch., eup. pert, ferr. phos., fluor. a., graph., ign., iod., mere, mur. a., nat. m., puis., rhus, sabad., sang., sepia. Stinging—mere cor., nit. a. Tingling—caps., mag. m. Parts. Air passages—canth., secale. Bronchi—aib, ♦ant.t., arn., bapt, ferr. phos., iod., ipec, kali bi., kali chlor., kali i., mere p. i., petrol., sepia, ♦spong. Epiglottis —bapt., dros., mere cor., samb. Fauces—bapt., baryt., phos. a. Glottis—apis, asaf., coff., dig., gels., kalm., lach., mag. phos., phyt, ver. a. Larynx—aeon., caust., cinch., coff., con., kali phos., kreos., nat. m., stann. Catarrh—*ant t, ars., bovist., canth., ♦cepa, cham., dulc, euphr., gels., petrol., phos., sib, sub, ver. a., viola o. Choking—aib, dig., kali i., spong. Cramps—mag. phos. Croup—♦acet. a., ♦aeon., aib, ♦ant t, ♦ars., ferr. phos., hep. s., iod., kali bi., kali chlor., kali phos., lach., lye, phos. Diphtheria—kali bi., lach. Exudation—acet. a., ferr. phos., kali bi., kali chlor., mere p. i. Inflammation, laryngitis—aeon., ♦arg. n., ♦belb, berb., ♦cepa, ferr. phos., guaiac, kreos., mere p. i., ♦spong. Laryngismus stridulus—ipec, laur., mag.phos., ♦opium, ♦spong. Mucus in—alum., ambr., am m., ♦ant t, arg. m., arg. n., arum., asaf., aur., baryt., bovist, bry., canth., cham., cinch., cocce, coff., dulc, hep.s., hyos., iod., kali bi., kali chlor., kalin., laur., mang., nat. m., oxal. a., paris, phos. a., rumex, samb., ♦sang., spong., ♦stann., staph., zing. 54° CHAPTER XXV.—VOICE AND LARYNX Parts—Larynx continued. Mucous membrane of—acet. a., kali bi., kreos., secale. OZdema of—♦apis, kali i. Phthisis —nux m., stann. Rattling— ♦ant t, arg. n., hep. s., ipec, kali bi., kali chlor., lye, phos., spong, zing. Pharynx —ant. e, apis, hyper. Throat—ambr., am. c, am. m., ant. e, arg. m., arg. n., ♦arum, berb., bovist, ♦brom., caps., caust., cepa, dros., eup. pert, ferr., ferr. phos , gels., hep. s., iod., kali n., kreos., lach., lob,, lye, mag. m., mere, mere cor., nat. m., nit. a., ♦nux v., opium, phos. a., psor., puis., rumex, sabad., sang., sepia, staph., sul. a. Tonsils—berb., kali bi. Trachea—acet. a., aeon., ambr., ♦ant. t, ♦arg. m., arg. n., arn., arum, ♦brom , bry., camph., canth., carb. v., cham., cinch., cist., dulc, ferr. ph., fluor. a , ign., ipec, kali bi., kali i , laur., lob., lye, mag. phos., mere cor., ♦phos., phyt., rhus, ♦spong., ♦stann. Uvula—am. m. Vocal cords—cocc. c, kali phos. Sensations—alum., ambr., am. c, ant. c, apis, baryt., belb, bovis., ♦brom., caps., cist., ♦cocc c, ♦con., dros., kali c, kali n., kalm., lach., lob., mere cor., oxal. a., phos., phyt., puis., rhus, rumex, ruta, sang., sepia, ♦spong., stann., sul. a., thuj. Constrictive—♦belb, brom., cact, canth., dros., hyos., ign., iod., laur., nux ♦v., puis., staph., stram., ver. a. Contractive—brom., canth., con., cupr , mag.phos., phyt., spong. Dryness—aeon., am.c, apis, ♦belb, canth., carb. v., ♦con., eup. purp., fluor. a., gels., kali c, lach., lye, mag. m., mar. v., mez., nat. m., nit. a., nux m., opium, petrol., phyt., sang.,sepia, sul. a. Irritation—acet. a., alum., ambr., am., ♦brom., canth., carb. v., ♦caust., cham., ♦con., ferr. phos., fluor. a., hyper., kali c, kali n., kreos., lach., laur., nat. c, ♦nux v., ♦puis. Itching—ambr., cist., fluor. a. Roughness—bovist., calc. c, carb. an., ♦carb. v., gels., graph., hep. s., hyper., kali i., kali n., kreos., mag. m., nat. e, ♦nux v., ♦phos., phos. a., puis., rhus, sepia, sib, ♦stann., sul. a. Scratching—bovist., nit. a. Tickling—alum., ambr., arg. m., bry., cupr., cepa, cimi., *cocc, graph., lob., mang., ♦puis., sepia. Tightness—cocc, iod.,- kalin. Titillation—caps., carb. v., cist., sepia. Spasms—aeon., ant. c, asaf., coff., dig., guaiac, hep. s., kalm., lach , laur., mag. phos., phyt., samb., ver. a. Swollen—bapt., ♦belb, hep. s., kali bi., sang., sil. Wheezing—♦aeon., alum., coff., fluor. a., hep. s., iod., kali hi., kali chlor. Whistling—arg. n., calc. e, spong. CHAPTER XXV.--VOICE AND LARYNX 54' Voice—arum, baryt, belb, cupr., graph., mang., mez., psor., secale, spong., stram., sul. See "Speech," chap. n. Aphonia—alum., bapt., baryt., belb, carb. v., caust., hep s., hyos., kali c, kali n., mere cor., phos., phyt, puis., sang., stann., ♦sul. leating—nux m. Catarrhal—'kali i. Changed—ant. t, arum. Cracked—spong. Croaking—aeon., ♦stram. Deep—anae, arn., ♦carb. v., cinch., colch., dros., stann. Faint—spong. Failing—aib, carb. v., mez., spong. Feeble—ant. e, canth., lye, opium, paris, secale, staph. High—stann., ♦stram. Hparse—acet. a., aeon., aib, alum., ambr., am. e, am. m., anae, ant. t, apis, ♦arg. m., arg. n., arn., ars., ♦arum, asaf., bapt., ♦belb, berb., bovist, ♦brom., bry., cact., ♦calc.c, calc.ph., camph., canth., caps., carb. an., carb. v., caust., cepa, cham., cimi., cinch., ♦cocc. c, coff., colch., con., cupr., dig., dros., dulc, eup. perf., eup. purp., euphr., ferr., ferr. phos., gels., graph., ham., hep. s., hyper., ign., ♦iod., ♦kali bi., kali chlor., kali i., kali n., kali phos., kalm., kreos., lach., laur., lye, mag. m., mang., mere,mere b. i., mere cor., mere p. i., mez., mur. a., nat. e, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., nux m., nux v., opium, oxal. a , paris, ♦phos , phos. a., phyt, psor., puis., rhus, rumex, sabad., samb., sang., sepia, sib, ♦spong., stann., staph., ♦stram., ♦sub, sul a., ver. a., viola o., zing. Hollow—ars., camph., dros., ipec, samb., secale, stann., ver.a. Husky—alum., aur., ♦belb, camph., caust, dros., hyos., lye, mere p. i., selen., sil. Loss of—aib, ♦ant c, arn., ars., arum, ♦brom., carb. an., caul., ♦caust, ferr., kali chlor., mere b. i., mere p. i., plat. Low—ars., cact, ign. Nasal—alum., aur., kali i. Rough—ambr., ars., bovist, bry., calc. e, ♦carb. v., cinch., ♦cocc. c, dulc, eup. purp., ferr., ♦kali bi., kreos., mang., mere, ♦phos., stann., ♦sub Screeching— stram. Speech—belb, bovist., brom., ♦caust, dros., eup. perf., kreos., mang., opium, phos., plat., puis., sul. Squeaking—♦stram. Straining—aeon. Strong—ars. Toneless— dros. Trembling—ars., ign. Uncertain —aur., camph., kali bi., nux m., rumex. Weak—ant. t, ars., asaf., belb, camph., cupr., fluor. a., hell., nat. m., staph. CHAPTER XXVI.-RESPIRATION. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Impeded breathing. Acetic acid. -Difficult breathing from laryngeal obstructions. Hissing, rattling in throat. Hurried and laborious breathing. ♦Aconitum. ♦Agony; sits straight up, can hardly breathe; pulse like a thread; vomituritio; sweat with anxiety; swelling under short ribs —after scarlet fever. -^Respiration labored, anxious, or quick and superficial; short, when sleeping, or raising one's self; deep, slow sighing. Breath hot; hot feeling in lungs. Asthma, from active hyperaemia of lungs and brain; face red, eyes staring; after emotions. Can talk but little at a time; loud, strong,noisy breath- ing, with open mouth. Asthma after suppression of an acute rash; feeling of a band around chest; muscles of chest rigid; occasional vomiting; urine scanty, dark ; after the paroxysm, the sputa is yel- low or blood-streaked. Oppression of chest when moving fast or ascending—heart disease. iEsculus. °Respiration rapid, labored, with pain in right lung. Agaricus. "-Oppression and constriction of larynx; he fears suffocation. Frequent, deep inspiration. Difficulty in breathing, as if the chest were too full; he must breathe more deeply. ♦Ailantus. ♦Breathing hurried, irregular, heavy; dry, hacking cough—scarlatina. -Equable oppression as though the chest were stopped, as if air cells stuck together. Asthmatic oppression of large bronchi; wheezing. Shortness of breath, with dyspnoea. Aloe. Whistling in throat as if something had fallen into tra- chea. Difficult respiration. Respiration impeded by stitches through left side of chest. Alumina. cRattling, asthmatic breathing, worse coughing. Op- pression, worse when sitting stooped; better straightening up, or walking in open air. Talking or singing makes him cough. Breath- ing arrested by copious, thick, tenacious, salty mucus. 542 CHAPTER XXVI. - RESPIRATION 543 Ambra. -Tightness of chest; cannot take a deep breath or yawn fully. Oppression felt in chest and between scapulae. Feeling of pressure in chest, worse during exhalation. Asthma of old people and children. ♦Ammonium carb. ♦Emphysema. °Great difficulty of breathing on going up even a few steps, less in open air. Dares not come into a warm room, in which he becomes deathly pale, and can do noth- ing but sit quiet. Difficult breathing, causing short cough. Short- ness of breathing, and palpitation after every exertion. ♦Amyl nit. ♦The feeling of constriction in throat extends to chest, producing dyspnoea and asthmatic feeling in larynx and trachea, with desire to eructate. Antimonium crud. -Short, heavy breathing; dyspnoea. Deep, sighing breathing, as from fullness of chest, afternoon and after eating. Oppression coming from stomach. Constriction almost to suffocation. ♦Antimonium tart. ♦Dyspnoea; must be supported in sitting pos- ture. Suffocated and oppressed about 3 a. m., must sit up to get air. Child breathless and pale when born. Respiration with great rattling of mucus. Shortness of breath from suppressed expectora- tion. Oppression of breathing relieved by expectoration. °Great difficulty in expiration. Breathing rapid, short, heavy, anxious. Apis. °Breathing hurried and difficult, with fever and headache; sliort, quick; difficult, worse bending forward or backward; worse lying on left side. Great feeling of suffocation; cannot bear any- thing about throat Oppression worse ascending; worse in warm room. ♦Apocynum. ♦Hydrothorax. Sense of oppression about epigas- trium and chest; °difficulty in getting breath enough to speak,after a light meal. Irresistible disposition to sigh. Argentum met. -When reading aloud in evening he has to hem and hawk. Stitches between sixth and seventh ribs when inhaling. With every deep breath, cutting on both sides, on last ribs. Want of breath, also in diabetes. *Argentum nit. ♦Upper abdominal walls are drawn in during inspiration; expand during expiration; the effort to breathe deeply takes away the breath at once—paralysis of diaphragm. °Many people in the room seem to take his breath. Spasms of respiratory muscles,in cholera; great constriction and stitches in epigastrium; 544 CHAPTER XXVI. — RESPIRATION cannot talk; drinking suffocates; even a handkerchief before the nose impedes breathing. ♦Arnica. ♦Asthma with inclination to move about; sleepless be- fore midnight; looks as if dying; with fatty heart. cBreath fetid, short, panting. Children when angry lose their breath altogether. Dyspnoea, htad hot, face red, body cool. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Breathing asthmatic; must incline chest forward; must spring out of bed at night —asthma. Dyspnoea,increased after coughing, with sensation of constriction of chest or stomach. Loss of breath i n.n^diately on lying down,in the evening, with whistling and constriction of trachea. Oppression increased by stormy weather and heavy air; walking quickly; ascending; warm and tight cloth- ing; but especially by changes from warm to cold. Wheezing res- piration, with cough and frothy expectoration. Great dyspnoea,face cyanotic and covered with cold sweat; great anxiety—emphysema. °Whistling expiration. Respiration short and anxious. Air pas- sages seem constricted; cannot breathe fully. Difficult breathing, with much anxiety. Arum tri. wAsthmatic breathing with chronic catarrh. Asafoetida. °Spasmodic tightness of chest, as if the lungs could not be fully expanded. Constriction of chest extending to throat; hurried breathing. ♦Asclepias tub. ♦Breathing painful,especially at base of left lung. cOppression and difficulty of breathing, in paroxysms like asthma. Aurum met. °Asthma from congestion to chest; great oppression at night and when walking in open air; suffocative fits, with spas- modic constriction of chest; face bluish-red; palpitation; falls down unconscious. Morning: asthma; face cyanotic; light-haired persons; worse after mercury; in wet weather and warm air. Baptisia. °Oppression of breathing, 6 p. m., with cough; right lung sore, sneezing. Awoke with great difficulty of breathing; lungs felt tight, compressed; could not get a full breath; must open window and get his face to the fresh air; burning heat of skin, dry tongue, accelerated pulse. Baryta carb. Suffocative catarrh of old people, with impending paralysis of lungs. Short breath from fullness in chest, when as- cending a height; stitches in chest when inspiring. Belladonna. °Short, hurried,anxious breathing. Breathing heavy and stertorous. Difficult respiration. Asthmatic paroxysms in CHAPTER XXVI. — RESPIRATION 545 afternoon and evening, with sensation of dust in lungs. Asthma in hot, damp weather; worse after sleep. Quick, short, irregular breathing; alternates with slow, gentle, almost imperceptible breath- ing, in a child. Benzoic acid. 'Difficult breathing on awaking. Asthma with inflammatory rheumatic complaints. Mucous oppression of lungs. Borax. °Respiration difficult. Obliged every few minutes to take a quick, deep breath; which is ever)' time followed by a stitch in right side of chest, with a subdued pain, sigh, and slow exhala- tion. Shortness of breathing, after ascending stairs, so that he cannot speak a word; later, when he speaks, has stitch in right side of chest. Bovista. cSpasmodic laughing and crying, with asthma; face dark-red. Oppression of chest; desire to loosen the clothes. Bromium. °Gasping for breath, with wheezing and rattling in larynx, and spasmodic closure of glottis. Deep, forcible inspira- tion is necessary from time to time. Difficulty of breathing, can- not inspire deep enough. Sensation as if the air passages were full of smoke. Asthma of sailors as soon as they go ashore. Diffi- cult breathing, must sit up in bed at night. Emphysema; rattling of mucus without choking. Bryonia. cRespiration impeded, quick and deep without mo- tion of the ribs, better in cold air and from drinking cold water. Frequent desire to take a full inspiration, which, however, cannot be done in consequence of a feeling as if chest would not expand. ♦Cactus grand. ♦Difficulty of breathing; continued oppression and uneasiness, as if chest were constricted with an iron band. °Oppression of breathing on going up-stairs. Caladium. cAsthma, great oppression; could scarcely get his breath; feels as if mucus would cause suffocation, but without anxiety; attacks after eating or after siesta, when the rash on the forearms disappears in alternation with rash on chest. ♦Calcarea carb. ♦Shortness of breath on going up the slightest ascent. °Frequent need to breathe deeply. Asthma early in the morning; muscles not rigid; sensation of dust in throat and lungs. Calcarea phos. cInvoluntary sighing. Breathing more frequent, short and difficult. Child gets a suffocative attack when lifted up from cradle. Camphora. °Quiet, deep and slow breathing; difficult and slow; ft 546 CHAPTER XXVI.—REST1RATION anxious. Suffocative oppression. Asthma worse from bodily exer- tion. Hot breath, with acute eruptions. Cold breath; also after cold feeling in chest. Cannabis ind. '°It requires great effort to take a deep inspiration. Oppression of chest, with deep, labored breathing, worse when as- cending. Feels as if suffocated; has to be fanned. Cannabis sat. -Oppression of breathing, from tensive, pressive pains in middle of sternum, which was also sore to touch; sleep- iness. Dyspnoea and extreme agitation; must sit most of time. Wheezing and mucous rales. Cantharis. When breathing deeply and when speaking, she feels as if she dare not exert herself on account of extraordinary dryness, or weakness, of the respiratory organs; speech therefore weak and timorous. *Capsicum. ♦The cough expels an offensive breath from the lungs. °Seems as if she could not get the air deep enough into lungs; feels obliged to take a deep inspiration; it seems as if it would relieve all symptoms. Deep breathing almost like a sigh. Respiration slow. Painful sensation as if the chest were pressed upon, causing great oppression; worse on motion. Asthma, with red face, or alternately red and pale; eructations; chest feels dis- tended; wheezing inspiration; breathing worse when moving about, ascending or walking; with stiff back. Sibilant rales mostly left side posteriorly, during inspiration; spongy sound in expiration; constant dyspnoea ; oppression at bifurcation of bronchi better from successful cough. Carbo veg. -Breath cold. Breathing short,with cold hands and feet. Desire to be fanned; must have more air. Difficult breath- ing, fullness of chest, and palpitation on slightest motion. Asthma of old people; weakness,trembling; looks as if dying; full of wind, but cannot raise it; better in cold air; worse in morning. Loud rattling breathing; cough ceases; oedema pulmonis impending. Great dyspnoea; great anxiety, but not restless; cough in violent spells; watery, profuse expectoration—emphysema. Causticum. °Arrest of breathing when talking or walking rap- idly; must suddenly catch after breath. Shortness of breath. Chamomilla. -Oppressed as if the chest were not wide enough. Breathing short, with rattling. Threatened suffocation from re- percussion of eruption— measles. Asthmatic attack, seemingly pro- CHAPTER XXVI.— RESPIRATION 547 duced by an accumulation of flatus; better from bending head back- ward; in cold air, and from drinking cold water; worse in dry weather and from warm diet. Chelidonium. cShort and quick breathing; with oppression which is relieved by a few deep inspirations, with anxiety as if he must choke. Cicuta. -Oppression, can scarcely breathe; this may arise from tonic spasm of muscles. ♦Cina. ♦Short, interrupted breathing. °Inhalation broken in two. Oppression of chest; the sternum seems to lie close, and breathing becomes oppressed. Cinchona. -Asthma; looks as if dying; worse in autumn, in wet weather, or after depletion. Cannot breathe with head low. Wheez- ing, whistling inspiration, crowing, rattling, oppressed and pain- ful. Oppression of chest, in evening, lying down. Nightly suffo- cative fits; spasmodic cough. Suffocative catarrh and paralysis of lungs of old people. Rattling in chest, loud sounds through nose. Inspiration slow, difficult; expiration quick, blowing; short— oedema glottidis. Oppression of chest, as from fullness of stomach, also from continued talking. Breath cold. Cistus. -Asthmatic in evening; after lying down and at night, loud wheezing; sensation as if trachea had not space enough. Clematis. :Respiration impeded when ascending a hill, or walk- ing over an uneven road. Cocculus. Obstruction of breath at the throat-pit, as if the throat were constricted. ♦Coccus cacti. ♦Difficult breathing. Coffea. -Oppression of chest; short inspiration; chest heaves visibly. Asthmatic attacks mornings, wants to move continually. Colchicum. -Breathing accelerated and audible; slow; irregular; asthmatic Oppression of chest. Colocynthis. -Asthmatic attacks at night, with slow, difficult breathing, which provokes cough. Oppression of chest, worse evenings and before midnight. Conium. °Asthmatic paroxysms come on in wet weather; face bluish-red. Crocus. Offensive, sickly odor of breath. ♦Croton tig. ♦Feels as though he could not expand the lungs. ♦Cuprum met. ♦Cough, with interrupted, almost suppressed 54« CHAPTER XXVI. — RESPIRATION respiration. Breathing: whistling, quick, rattling; short, panting; seems to be interrupted in the throat. Dyspnoea; short, super- ficial, quick respirations, aggravated by coughing, laughing, bend- ing upper part of body backwards, walking quickly, or inhaling acrid vapors. Violent asthmatic attacks come on suddenly, last- ing from one to three hours, and cease suddenly. Beginning par- alysis of lungs, indicated by sudden difficulty of breathing, followed by great prostration. Cyclamen. °Oppression of chest, with impeded breathing. Breathing accelerated. ♦Digitalis. ♦Respiration irregular, difficult; performed by fre- quent, deep sighs. ^Respiration slow, asthmatic; paroxysms early in morning, especially in cold weather. Painful asthma, worse when walking. Drosera. °Oppression; with every word he speaks the throat contracts; not so when walking. Difficult breathing, worse after midnight Sensation as if something in chest prevented exhalation when talking or coughing. Dulcamara. -Labored respiration. Asthma,with face-ache after disappearance of tetter from face. Asthma humidum; dyspnoea; loose, rattling cough; copious sputa; worse during wet weather. Oppression of chest from mucus. Eupatorium perf. -'Difficult breathing attended with perspiration, anxious countenance, sleepiness. Great oppression of chest; a full breath hurts; rattling on chest. Dyspnoea, with hard, dry cough. Must lie with head and shoulders high. Eupatorium purp. Difficult breathing. Grating sensation in chest at every deep inspiration. ♦Ferrum met. ♦Difficult breathing,and oppression of chest as if some one pressed with hand upon it. °Breath hot. Dyspnoea in- creases slowly—pneumonia. Difficult inspiration, as from heaviness of chest. Breathing: dry, loud, anxious; sometimes in childrenj rattling. Oppression from stasis of blood; chest scarcely moves in breathing; nostrils dilated during expiration. Asthma worse after 12 p. m.; must sit up; better walking slowly about and talk- ing; better uncovering chest; after itch. Suffocative fits; evening in bed, with warmth of neck and trunk; limbs cold. Breathing fails at end of coughing fit. Ferric phos. -(Breathing short, oppressed and hurried, at the CHAPTER XXVI.--RESPIRATION 549 beginning or during the course of any ailment, accompanied by heat and feverishness.—Schussler.) Gelsemium. °Slow breathing and slow pulse; heavy, labored; congestion to chest. Long crowing inspiration, sudden, forcible expiration; spasm of glottis. Glonoinum. -Breathing: heavy, labored, stertorous ; oppressed, from feeling of weight; accelerated; must often breathe deeply; sighing. Graphites. cRespiration has dry sound. Constriction of chest as if about to suffocate, when falling asleep. Suffocative attacks waken from sleep, generally after midnight; has to jump out of bed, take hold of something; must eat something. Guaiacum. -Sudden stuffed feeling in praecordia, like an arrest of breathing; often attacks her suddenly even at night in sleep, causing dry cough frequently repeated until expectoration appears. Helleborus. Sighing breathing. Chest constricted, gasps for breath, with open mouth; propped up in bed —hydrothorax. Breath- ing difficult, with anxiety, worse every evening; must sit up. ♦Hepar sulph. ♦Dyspnoea; °weakness of larynx and chest; can- not speak aloud. Rattling, anxious, wheezing ; frequent, deep breaths, like after running; anxious, short, wheezing, threatening to suffocate; must bend the head back and sit up. Hyoscyamus. Loss of breath, as from rapid running. Mucous rales during stupor or furious delirium. Rattling breathing. Op- pression of chest, with internal stinging, worse during inspiration. Hypericum. -Spasmodic asthmatic attacks, with changes of weather from clear to damp, or before storms; after lesion of spinal cord, by fall, years before. ♦Ignatia. ♦Desire to take a deep breath. Frequent sighing. Impeded inspiration like from a weight on chest. Oppressed breathing alternating with convulsions. Oppression of chest at night, worse after midnight. Loses breath when running. Ulicium anisatum. '-Old asthmatics. Iodium. °Shortness of breath, palpitation and feeling of weak- ness on going up-stairs. ^Ipecacuanha. ♦Dyspnoea, attended with wheezing and great weight and anxiety about the praecordia. Rattling noises in the air- passages during respiration. °Breathing: sighing, quick, anxious. Breath:fetid,with vomiting and sweating;short,as from inhaling dust. 55O CHAPTER XXVI. — RESPIRATION Difficult expiration. Violent constriction of throat and chest; peculiar panting sound; gasps for air at the open window; face pale; worse from least motion; threatened suffocation—asthma. Loss of breath, with cough. During a catarrh, threatened suffo- cation, especially if it is suddenly suppressed. Kali bichrom. Wheezing,panting on awaking; then cough,which forces him to sit up, bent forward. Slight dyspnea, as if tne mu- cous membrane of the bronchi were thickened,on rising in the morn- ing. Tightness at the bifurcation of the bronchi. Sensation of choking on lying down. Kali carb. -Difficult, wheezing breathing. Dyspnoea; worse from drinking, and from motion; cannot walk fast; arrest of breathing, awaking him at night. Breathing labored after paroxysms of cough. Asthma; must lean forward with head on table; worse in the morn- ing. Dyspnoea, with violent and irregular beating of heart. Feels as if there were no air in chest. Kali chlor. -(Asthma; for the mucus, if white and hard to cough up; tongue as in n; see 25.— Schussler.) Kali iod. No air enters lungs, epigastrium sunken; face livid; laryngeal obstruction. ♦Kali nit. ♦Cannot drink for want of breath; has to take drinks in little sips. Little children take hold of the cup or glass with both hands, and take greedily one sip after another. -Paroxysms of difficult and rapid breathing, evening and night, less in morning; oppressed breathing, on ascending stairs. Asthma, cannot lie in horizontal position. Terrible attacks of asthma, with violent gasp- ing and suffocation. Abdominal respiration. Kali phos. °{Breath offensive,fetid; tongue coated like brownish, liquid mustard. In asthma, in often repeated, large doses. This is the chief remedy for the depressed condition of the nervous system, and breathing. Hay-asthma, for the depressed, asthmatic breathing. Shortness of breath on going up-stairs —Schussler.) ♦Kalmia. ♦Dyspnoea and pain—angina pectoris. °Difficult and oppressed breathing; the throat feels swollen; nausea—rheumatism. Oppressed,and short of breath, which obliges him to breathe quickly, involuntarily. Kreosotum. -Shortness of breach, with sensation of heaviness in chest, and frequent desire to take a deep breath; chest feels bruised as if beaten. Difficult breathing, with anxiety. Oppression of chest. CHAPTER XXVI.- -RESPIRATION 551 Lachesis. -Asthma: worse from covering mouth or nose, or touching throat; or moving arms; on awaking; after eating or talk- ing; better sitting bent forward. Chest feels constricted. In the morning when sitting up quickly, the breathing becomes slow, difficult, whistling. Chest stuffed; short cough, with scanty, diffi- cult expectoration. Asthma during scabies, if the itching ceases. Laurocerasus. ^Breathing: slow, feeble, moaning or rattling- slow, feeble,almost imperceptible; panting,very difficult. Dyspnoea with sensation as if lungs would not be sufficiently expanded, or as if pressed against the spine. Spasmodic oppression of chest. Gasp- ing for breath; suffocative spells; he clutches at his heart; palpi- tation. Ledum. -Spasmodic, double inspiration, with sobbin» as after crying hard. Oppressed, quick breathing; oppressed, painful breathing. Suffocative arrest of breathing, and opisthotonos, pre- vious to coughing. Oppressive constriction of chest, worse from motion and walking. Lilium tig. -Breathing oppressed, with oppression in lower part of chest; worse 4 a. m. Short, oppressed breathing; sighing; frequent desire to take a long breath. Feeling of compression and weight. Chest feels too full of blood; slight relief from sighing. Lithium. LOn inspiring, the air feels cold, even into lungs. Con- striction of chest when walking in open air after breakfast,then ex- pectoration of much mucus, by hawking, as if from middle of sternum. ♦Lobelia. ♦Extremely difficult breathing, caused by constriction of chest. l Sensation of a foreign body in throat, impeding breath- ing and swallowing. Dyspnoea and asthma, with sensation of a lump in pit of throat, immediately above sternum. Contraction of chest, with deep inhalations. Want of breath; hysterical. Impossibility of deep inspiration. Short inhalation and long, deep exhalation. Inclination to sigh, or get a very deep breath; deep inspiration relieves the pressive pain in epigastrium. Asthma worse from exer- tion, with disordered stomach; especially a feeling of weakness in pit of stomach; asthmatic attack often preceded by prickling all over, even to fingers and toes. *Lycopodium. ♦Dyspnoea, as if chest were constricted by cramp. cBreathing short, in children, worse during sleep and from every exertion. Oppression of breathing, worse walking in open air, with 552 CHAPTER XXVI.— RESP1RA11UN weakness. Dyspnoea, worse when lying on back. Whizzing breathing in day time, with sensation of too much mucus in chest; loud rattling. Manganum. -Breathing hot and burning, with disagreeable heat in chest. Pain in second left rib, from talking. Pains in head, ears, arms, stomach, worse from breathing, talking or laughing. Marum ver. -Stitches in right chest when inhaling; catarrhal asthma, especially in the aged. Mephitis. -Asthma, as from inhaling vapors of sulphur; in sleep; of drunkards. Inhalation difficult; exhalation almost impos- sible; or barking. ' Mercurius. Short of breath on ascending or walking. Asthma from fumes of arsenic; better from tobacco smoke and in cold air. Dyspnoea; sensation of spasmodic contraction when coughing or sneezing. Mezereum. ^Dyspnoea, as if from adhesions or contraction of lungs. On stooping chest feels too tight. Desire to take a long breath. Muriatic acid. -Breathing deep; groaning; moaning; deep sigh- ing. Breathing seems to come from stomach. Short breath, with rattling after drinking, talking, coughing. Dyspnoea and constric- tion of chest—whooping cough. Natrum mur. ;Breathing anxious, oppressed; short on walking fast, better in open air and when exercising arms. Attacks of suffo- cation. Breath hot. (Asthma, with profuse, frothy mucus. Hay- fever, for the watery discharge from the eyes and nose; should be sniffed up also.—Schussler.) ♦Natrum sulf. ♦Asthma with young people from a general bron- chial catarrh; afterwards, with every change to damp weather. °Short breath when walking, gradually relieved by rest. Great dyspnoea; desire to take deep breath during damp, cloudy weather. After sunset, oppressed feeling in chest, and feeling of a ball in throat, with tendency to cry; like hysteria. Nitric acid. ^Awakens often all stopped up with mucus; must expectorate before he can breathe easily. Loses her breath and speech she is so weak—uterine displacement. Intermittent breath- ing. Short breath, panting during work. Nux mos. ^Breath short after eating; sudden loss of breath. Dyspnoea, with feeling of weight in chest. Chest as if too narrow, after cold washing. Constrictive feeling in muscles of chest. CHAPTER XXVI. — RESPIRATION 553 Nux vom. °Spasms of chest from vapors of copper or arsenic. Asthma, with fullness in stomach, better after belching; oppression mornings or after t-ating; spasmodic constriction of lower part of chest, worse from cold air or exercise. Short, slow, stridulous breathing. Oleander. ^Oppressed breathing when lying; also as if the chest were too narrow, with long,deep breathing. Stertorous breathing. Opium. °Short inspiration; long, slow expiration, epigastrium drawn in; fine rales, constant cough, sopor, face bluish; great an- guish and dread of suffocation ; looks as if dying; slightly better from cold air and'bending forward; worse from smoking or wine. Difficult intermitting breathing, as from paralysis of lungs. Rat- tling breathing, or deep, snoring breathing, with wide open mouth; stertorous breathing. Suffocative attacks during sleep, like night- mare—diphtheria. Oxalic acid. -Difficult breathing, with constrictive pain in larynx and wheezing; oppression more toward right side—angina pectoris. Jerking inspiration, and sudden, forced expiration, as though he made a sudden effort to relieve intense pain by expelling the air from lungs —angina pectoris. Paroxysms of short, hurried breathing, with intervals of ease. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Respiration short, labored, anxious, panting, with tightness and oppression of chest. Loud mucous rales dur- ing respiration, especially in lower lobes. °Asthma, with fear of suffocation. Oppression and anxiety in chest, worse evening and morning. Stridulous inspiration in evening on falling asleep; nightly suffocative spells, as if lungs were paralyzed. Spasmodic constriction of chest. Noisy, panting breathing. Difficult inspi- ration; chest feels full and heavy, with tension. Short breath after each cough; oppression and palpitation from a short walk; worse after eating. Fullness in chest, as after eating too much. Phos- phoric acid. Dyspnoea as from weakness of chest, caused by odors; by talking. Oppression of chest,with contraction; with anx- iety; when beginning to walk; at night. ♦Physostigma. ♦Labored, sighing respiration; yawning. Phytolacca. -Respiration difficult, oppressed; loud mucous rales. Constant moaning and gasping for air—diphtheria. Faint, with sighing, slow breathing. Plumbum. -Want of breath; oppression from motion, short 554 CH\PTER XXVI.—RESPIRATION of breath on going upstairs. Heavy, difficult breathing. Spas- modic dyspnoea. Podophyllum. °Inclined to breathe deeply; sighing. Shortness of breath. Sensation of suffocation on first lying down at night. Psorinum. Short of breath. Chest expands with difficulty. Cannot get breath. Anxious dyspnoea, with palpitation. Dyspnoea worse sitting up to write, better lying down; worse the nearer the arms are brought to the body. Asthmatic attacks with hydrothorax. Stitches from behind forward, in chest and back, when breathing. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Shortness of breath, anxiety, and palpitation when lying on left side. 'Asthma: especially of children after suppres- sion of rash; in hysteria,or with suppressed menses; in the evening, especially after a meal. Dyspnoea: with vertigo, and weakness in head, when lying on back; at night, in bed, as if throat or chest were constricted; or as if fumes of sulphur had been inhaled; morn- ings, low down in chest. Oppression of chest on walking fast, ascending an eminence or exercising. ♦Ranunculus bulb. ♦Short and oppressed breathing, with burn- ing and fine stitching pains in chest, and inclination to draw a long breath, with much weeping. Rhus tox. Oppression, as if the breath was stopped at pit of stomach; worse after a meal; anxious, as if not able to draw a long breath. Rumex. Frequent feeling as if she could not get another breath. Suffocating feeling even down to epigastrium, as if tough phlegm must work up, with cough ; despair even to suicidal feeling; pros- trate, tearful after attack. Sambucus. Breathing anxious, loud, quick, wheezing, crow- ing. Oppression of chest, with pressure in stomach, and nausea. Nightly suffocative attacks, with great restlessness; shedding of tears and throwing about of arms. Suffocative attacks after mid- night. Child suddenly awakens nearly suffocated, sits up in bed, turns blue, gasps for breath, which it finally gets; spell passes off, it lies down again, aroused sooner or later in same manner. Sanguinaria. Short,accelerated, constrained breathing; extreme dyspnoea; cheeks and hands livid; compressible pulse—typhoid pneumonia. Asthma, especially after the "rose-cold;" worse from odors. Painful sighing respiration. Inclination to take deep in- spiration, which increases constriction of chest, and causes tearing pains in chest; worse right side. CHAPTER XXVI.—RESPIRATION 555 Sarsaparilla. -Shortness of breath; he must loosen the neck-cloth and vest. Stoppage of breath, as if by spasm, with constriction of throat. ♦Secale. ♦Anxious, labored inspiration. Constant sighing; hiccough. Sepia. -Oppression of chest and shortness of breath when walking. Severe oppression of chest toward evening. After emo- tions of mind, loses breath and gets palpitation. Silicia. -Shortness of breath and panting from walking fast, or from manual labor. Arrest of breathing when lying on back; when stooping; when running, also after running; when coughing. Op- pression of chest, she cannot take a long breath. Asthma when lying down; spasmodic cough; spasm of larynx; pulsations in chest; often with profuse, purulent sputa. Spigelia. -Short of breath; worse when talking, with red cheeks and lips. Dyspnoea and suffocating attacks when moving in hed, or raising arms; must lie on right side, or with head high—heart- disease. ♦Spongia. ♦Dyspnoea and great weakness in chest, so that she could hardly talk after slight exercise. Sensation as if he had to breathe through a dry sponge. -Asthma: from taking cold, cannot lie down; sibilant bronchi; after menses. Awakens with suffocative sensation. Wheezing, anxious, worse during inspiration, with vio- lent laboring of abdominal muscles; whistling rales between coughs-whooping cough. Croup. Dyspnoea: severe on lying down; exhaustion, worse in chest after every exertion; sudden weakness, tottering while walking, blood seems to rush into chest as if it would burst; with frothy,white sputa,and much retching an hour after; slight coughing brings up gray, lumpy mucus, relieved by bending body forward. ♦Squilla. ♦Dyspnoea, with stitches in chest during inspiration: moaning with open mouth; wheezing; rattling, with pleurisy; must sit up; short, from least exertion. °So out of breath, cannot drink; child seizes the cup eagerly, but can drink only in sips. Stannum. °Attacks of asthma,preceded by symptoms of ordinary cold, 4 or 5 a. m. ; attacks increase and decrease gradually. Dis- position to take a deep breath, causing a feeling of lightness. Evening dyspnoea; must loosen clothing. Crowing, snorting res- piration. Oppressed breathing from every movement, when lying down and in evening. 556 CHAPTER XXVI.--RESPIRATION Staphisagria. Dyspnoea with constriction, also after seminal emissions. Stramonium. -Rattling breathing toward 12 p. m. in whooping cough, in chill and sweat. Frequent respiration, breath oppressed. Breathing short, difficult, anxious, during heat or sweat. Spasms of muscles of chest; single parts twitch; spasmodic motions of arms; sometimes chest fixed, breathes only with diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Inspiration slow, expiration quick. ♦Sulphur. ♦Dyspnoea, oppression and anxiety, on bending arms backwards. Nightly suffocative fits; wants doors and windows open. Difficult breathing with visible beating of heart Rattling in chest, worse after expectoration. Tabacum. Paroxysms of suffocation. Dyspnoea; costiveness. Hurried, anxious, irregular respiration. Asphyxia. Sticking under sternum, with inability to take a deep breath. Terebinthina. Difficult respiration,as from congestion of lungs. Asthma, worse from motion. Thuja occ. Short breath, from mucus in trachea, from full- ness and constriction in hypochondria and upper abdomen. Asthma, worse at night, with red face; coughing spells, or sensation of ad- hesion of lungs. Valeriana. Choking in throat pit; on point of falling asleep, she awakens as if suffocating. Inspirations grow less deep and more rapid, until they cease; then she catches her breath by a sob- bing effort, so on in spells—asthma. ♦Veratrum alb. ♦Difficult respiration, with tightness and con- striction of chest. °Dyspncea. Oppression. Contractive spasm of chest. Asthma in damp, cold weather; in early morning; better throwing head back; inclination for motion; cold sweat of upper part of body. Veratrum vir. Breathing: labored, must sit up; cold sweat on face; decreases respiration; pneumonia. Oppression of chest. Viola odorata. Difficult breathing, with painful exhalation; anxiety, palpitation of heart —hysteria. Dyspnoea with occasional cough; worse in day-time than at night—pregnancy. Shoitness of breathing and violent dyspnoea, as if a stone were lying on chest. Soft, noiseless breathing. Zincum met. °Asthma: evening after eating, from flatus; with increase of dyspnoea, when expectoration stops; decreasing when it recommences. CHAPTER XXVI.—RESPIRATION 557 Zingiber. °Humid asthma, loosens the phlegm. Painful res- piration; more difficult at night, must sit up in bed; worse two or three hours every morning—asthma. REPERTORY. Breath—arg. n., arn., bapt, brom., calad., caust., mur. a., psor., rhus, rumex, squill. Cold—camph., carb. v., caust., cinch., lith., nat m. Fetid, offensive—arn., con., ♦caps., croc, ipec, kali phos., mang. Hot—aeon., camph., ferr., mang., nat. m. Breathing—aeon., nit. a. Abdominal—kali n., stram. Accelerated—colch., eye, glon. Asphyxia—♦ant t, tabac. Anxious—aeon., ant. t, ars., belb, camph., ferr., hell., hep. s., ipec, nat.m., ♦phos., psor., samb., ♦secale, ♦spong., stram., tabac Arrest of—alum., ♦arg. n., caust., guaiac, kali c, led., psor., rhus, sars., sil. Asthmatic—aeon., aib, alum., ambr., ♦amyl, ♦arn., ♦ars., arum, ascl. t., aur., belb, benz. a., bovist., brom., calad., calc. c, camph., caps., carb.v., cham., cinch., cist., coff., colch.,coloc, con., cupr., dig., dulc, ferr., hyper., ill. an., ipec, kali c, kali chlor., kali n., kali phos., lach., lob., mar. v., meph., mere, nat. m., ♦nat s., nux v., phos., psor., puis., sang., sib, spong., stann., terebin., thuj., valer., ver. a., zinc, zing. Audible— colch. Barking— meph. Blowing—cinch. Crowing —cinch., gels., mag. phos., samb., stann. Deep—aeon., agar., ambr., ant. c, arg. m., arg. n., brom., bry., camph., can. i., canth., caps., dig., eup. purp., mur. a., samb., hep. s., lob., olean , opium. Deep, inclined to take—agar., borax, brom., bry., calc. e, caps., cheb, glon., ♦ign., kreos., lib, mez., nat. s., pod., ranunc, rhus, sang., sib, stann., tabac. Difficult, dyspnoea—acet. a., ♦aeon., agar., aib, aloe, am. c, ♦amyl, ant. c, ♦ant. t, apis, apoc, ♦arn., ♦ars., ascl. t, bapt., belb, benz.a , borax, brom., ♦cact., calc.ph., camph., can.s., caps., carb. v., cic, cinch., ♦cocc e, coloc, cupr., dig., dros., dulc, eup. perf., eup. purp., ♦ferr., hell., ♦hep. s., ♦ipec, kali bi., kali c, kali n., ♦kalm., kreos., lach., laur., ♦lob., ♦lye, mag. phos., mere , mez., mur. a., nat. s., nux m., opium, oxal. a., phos., phos. a., phyt.,plumb., psor., puis., rumex, sang., ♦spong., ♦squill., stann., staph., stram., ♦sub, tabac, terebin., ♦ver. a., viola o., zinc, zing. Emphysema—am. c, ars., brom., carb. v. Expiration, exhalation—ambr., ant.t, arg. n., ars., borax, caps., 558 CHAPTER XXVI.—RESPIRATION Breathing continued. cinch., dros., ferr., gels., ipec, lob., meph., opium, oxal. a., stram., viola o. Feeble—laur. Forcible—gels. Frequent—agar., calc. phos., dig., hep. s., stram. Gasps for—brom., hell., ipec, kali n., laur., phyt., samb. Gentle—bell. Groaning—mur. a. Heavy—aib, ant. e, ant. t, belb, gels., glon., plumb. Hissing— acet. a. Hurried —acet. a., ♦aib, apis, asaf., belb, ferr. phos., oxal. a., tabac. Impeded—♦abrot, aloe, arg.n., brom., bry., clem., eye, ign., lob. Imperceptible—belb, laur. Inspiration, inhalation—agar., arg. m., ♦arg. n., baryt., brom., bry., can.i., caps., cheb, cina, cinch., coff., eup.purp., ferr., gels., hyos., ign., led., lith., lob., mar. v., meph., opium, oxal. a., phos., puis., sang., ♦secale, spong., ♦squill., stram., valer. Intermittent—nat. a., opium. Interrupted—♦cina, ♦cupr. Irregular—♦aib, belb, colch., ♦dig., tabac. Labored—acet. a., aeon., aescul., can. i., dulc, gels., glon., kali c., ♦phos., ♦physos., ♦secale, sars., ver. v. Long—gels., lob., olean., opium. Loss of—arn., ♦ars., hyos., ign., ipec, nit. a., nux m., sepia, squill. Loud—aeon., carb. v., cinch., colch., ferr., lye, phos., phyt., samb., spong. Moaning—laur., mur. a., phyt, squill. Noisy—aeon., phos. Obstructed—acet. a., cocc. Oppressed—aeon., agar., aib, alum., ambr., ant. c.,*ant. t, apis, ♦apoc, ♦ars., ascl. t, aur., bapt., benz. a., bovist., ♦cact, calad., camph., can. i., can. s., caps., cham., cheb, cic, cina, cinch., coff., colch., coloc, eye, dros., dulc, eup. perf., ferr., ♦ferr. phos., glon., hyos., ign., kali c, kali n., kalm., kreos., laur., led., lib, lye, nat. m., nat. s., nux v., olean., oxal. a., *phos., phos. a., phyt., plumb., puis., ♦ranunc, rhus, samb., sepia, sib, stann., stram., ♦sub, ver. a., ver. v. Painful—aescul., aloe, arg. m., arg. n., ♦ascl. t, borax, can. s., caps., cinch.,, dig., eup. perf., ♦kalm., led., mang., mar. v., psor., ♦ranunc, sang., ♦squill., tabac, viola o., zing. Panting—arg., cupr., ipec, kali bi., laur., nit. a., ♦phos., sil. Quick—aeon., apis, belb, borax,bry., cham., chel., cinch., cupr., ipec, kalm., led., samb., stram. Rales, mucous—hyos.,phos., phyt. Rapid—aescul., ant. t, kali n., valer. Rattling — acet. a., alum., ♦ant. t, brom , carb. v., cham., cinch., cupr., dulc, eup. perf , ferr., hep. s., hyos., ♦ipec, laur., lye, mur. a., opium, phos., phyt., spong., squill., stram., sul. CHAPTER XXVI. — RESPIRATION 559 Breathing continued. Short—aeon., aib, am. c, ant. c, ♦ant. t, apis, arn., ars., baryt, belb, borax, ♦calc.c, calcph., carb.v., caust, cham., cheb, ♦cina, cinch., coff., cupr.„ ferr. phos., hep. s., iod., ipec, kali phos., kalm., kreos., lib, lob., ♦lye, mere, mez., nat.m., nat. s., nit. a., nux m., nux v., opium, oxal. a., ♦phos., plumb., pod., psor., ♦puis., ♦ranunc, sang., sars., sepia, sib, spig., squill., stram., thuj., viola o. Sighing--aeon., ant. c, apoc, borax, calc. ph., caps., ♦dig., glon., hell., ♦ign., ipec, lib, lob., mur. a., ♦physos., phyt, pod., sang., ♦secale. Slow—aeon., belb, camph., caps., cinch., colch., coloc, dig., gels., lach., laur., nux v., opium, phyt., stram. Snoring—opium. Snorting—stann. Spasmodic—arum, aur., hyper., nux v., phos., plumb. Stertorous—belb, glon., olean., opium. Stridulous—nux v., phos. Suffocative—agar., ant. c, ♦ant. t., apis, arg. n., aur., baryt., calad., calc. ph., camph., can. i., cham., cinch., ferr., graph., hep. s., ipec, kali n., laur., led., mag. phos., nat. m., opium, phos., pod., rumex, samb., spong., sub, tabac, valer. Superficial—aeon., cupr. Suppressed —cupr. Tightness—ant. t, ambr., asaf., bapt, kali bi., con., ♦ver. a. Want of—♦ant t, arg. m., arg. n., arn., ♦kali n., lob., mez., plumb., squill. Wheezing—aib, ars , brom., can. s., caps., cinch., cist., hep. s., *ipec, kali bi., kali c, lye, oxal. a., samb., spong., squill. Whistling—aloe, ♦ars., cinch.,cupr., lach., spong. Whooping cough—mur. a., spong., stram. Catarrh—arum, baryt., cinch., ipec, mar. v., ♦nat. s. Hydrothorax—♦apoc, hell., psor. Parts. Air-passages—aib, ars., brom., ♦ipec Bronchi—aib, caps., kali bi., ♦nat. s. Chest —aeon., agar., aib, aloe, ambr, amyl, ant. c, apoc, ♦ars., asaf., aur., baryt, borax, bovist, bry.,♦cact, calad., camph., can. i., caps., carb. v., cham., cina, cinch., colch., coloc, eye, dros., eup. perf., eup. purp., ferr., gels., graph., hell., hep. s., hyos., ign., ipec, kali c, kalm., kreos., lach., laur., led., lib, lith., lob., ♦lye, mang., mar. v., mez., mur. a., nat. s., nux m.,nux v., olean., oxal. a., ♦phos., phos. a., psor., puis., ♦ranunc, samb., sang., sepia, sib, spong., stram., sub, ver. a., ver. v. Diaphragm—arg. n., stram. Epigastrium—♦apoc, arg. n., kali i., lob., opium, rumex. Glottis—brom., cinch., gels., mag. phos. Larynx—acet. a., agar., ♦amyl, brom., hep. s., kali c, oxal.a., sil. 560 CHAP1ER XXVI.--RESPIRATION Parts continued. Lungs—aeon., aescul., asaf., ♦ascl. t, bapt., baryt., belb, benz. a., calc. c, ♦caps., carb. v., cinch , ♦crot. t, cupr., ferr., kali i., mez., opium, oxal. a., phos., sang., terebin., thuj.,ver. v. Muscles of chest—aeon., arg. n.,calc c, cic, nux m., spong., stram. Praecordia -guaiac , ipec. Throat-acet. a., aloe, amyl, apis, asaf., calc. c, cocc, cupr., dros., ipec, kalm., lach., loD., nat. s., puis., sars., valer. Sternum—can. s, cina., lith. Trachea-aloe, ♦amyl, ♦ars., cist., thuj. Sensations-aeon.,agar., aib, aloe, ambr., ♦apoc, ascl. t, bapt., baryt, belb, brom., bry., ♦cact., calc. e, camph., caps., carb. v., cham., cist, ♦crot. t., dros., eup. purp., ♦ferr., glon., graph., guaiac, ign., iod., ♦ipec, kali bi., kali c, kalm., kreos, lach., laur., lib, lob., lye meph., mere, mur. a., nat.s., nuxm., olean., ♦phos., phos. a., pod., rhus, rumex, ♦spong., stann., thuj., ♦ver.a., viola o. Constriction—agar., ♦amyl, ant. e, arg. n., ♦ars., asaf., aur., ♦cact., cocc, graph., hell., ipec, lach., led., lith., lob., ♦lye, mur. a., nux m., nux v., oxal. a., phos., puis., sang., sars., staph., thuj., ♦ver. a. Sits straight up—♦aeon., alum., ♦ant t, brom., can. s., ferr., hell., hep. s., squill., ver. v., zing. Sits stooped—alum., ♦ars., kali bi., kali c, lach., mez., opium, sib, spong. Spasms—arg. n., asaf., aur., bovist., brom., cic, cinch., gels., hyper., laur., led., mag. phos., nux v., phos., plumb., sars., sib, stram., ver. a. Weakness—canth., carb. v., lob., nit. a., phos, a., ♦spong. CHAPTER XXVII.-COUGH AND EXPECTORATION. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Absinthium. °Cough with liver complaint. Acetic acid. °Cough: croup-like sound; a hollow sound with each inhalation. ♦Aconitum. ♦Cough dry, hoarse, loud, spasmodic, rough; croaking; awakening with danger of suffocation; dry,hard and ring- ing. Child grasps its throat every time it coughs. Cough dry and painful; short, dry, hacking,excited by tickling in larynx; expecto- ration absent, or bloody, thick, white mucus. °Cough worse after taking cold; drinking cold water; from tobacco-smoke; lying on either side; evening, night, more after midnight. Lying on back partially relieves dry cough with nervous excitability, ♦Agaricus. ♦Sudden, convulsive cough, worse forenoons. °Vio- lent cough in isolated attacks, ending in repeated sneezing. Con- vulsive, hacking cough, with oppressive sweat. Violent, spasmodic cough at night. Expectoration of small, transparent lumps, almost without cough, relieving lungs. Ailantus. cCough: dry, hacking, constant; with oppression, burning and pains in chest; tight and wheezing,with scanty expec- toration; pains through left lung; continual, deep, bronchial, with- out pain; worse from exercise. Violent fits of coughing, before retiring and on rising. Coughs continually until she raises freely, then better. Cough, with breathing somewhat oppressed; muco- purulent expectoration; free in morning, sticky and scanty during day. Expectoration: at tirries mixed with blood, at times blood alone; bitter,yellow; more mornings. ♦Alumina. ♦Continued, dry, hacking cough: with vomiting and arrest of breathing; uwith frequent sneezing from sensation as of loose skin hanging in throat; from elongated uvula; from talking or singing; short; causes pains in right temple and top of head, some- times also difficult breathing, soon after walking in morning; every 561 562 CHAPTER XXVII. — COUGH AND EXPECTORATION morning a long attack of dry cough, ending in difficult raising of a little white mucus,with tearing pain and involuntary emission of urine; in old or withered looking people. ♦Ambra. ♦Violent, spasmodic cough, with frequent eructations and hoarseness. cLifting a heavy weight aggravates cough. Par- oxysms of cough, coming from deep in chest, excited by violent tickling in throat; evening without, morning with expectoration, generally of grayish-white, and seldom of yellow, mucus, of salty or sour taste. Ammonium carb. -Cough at night, about midnight; violent, about 3 or 4 a. m.; dry, particularly at night, like from "feather- down" in throat; short, asthmatic, from irritation in larynx, with painful sensation of spasmodic contraction of chest Cough with asthma, evening in bed, each time with stitch in scrobiculus. Ammonium mur. Cough: dry,from tickling in throat night and day; dry in morning, with stitches in chest or left hypochondrium; becomes loose in afternoon; loose at night, with stitches in left hypochondrium, lying on back, worse when turning on side; wors- before eating or drinking cold things. Expectoration of blood, following an itching in throat. Anacardium. -Cough excited by talking, tickling in trachea. Cough after eating, with vomiting of food; with pain in occiput. Expectoration of sweetish, flat tasting mucus; tenacious, grayish- yellow; purulent. ♦Antimonium curd. °Cough after rising in morning, in attacks; as if arising from abdomen; ♦the first attack is always most severe, the subsequent ones weaker and weaker, until the last resembles only a hacking—whooping-cough. Stomach cough. JCough in the hot sun; oncoming into warm room from cold air; whooping-cough after measles. Looking into fire increases cough. Cough shakes the whole body, with copious involuntary escape of urine. ♦Antimonium tart. ♦Coughing and gaping consecutively, particu- larly children,with crying or dozing,and twitching in face. Cough, if children get angry, also after eating, child vomits food and mucus. Short cough with a shrill sound—bronchial catarrh. Cough compels patient to sit up, is moist and rattling, but no expectoration. Cough grows less frequent; patient shows signs of carbonized blood. :Catarrh provokes cough,though she had no power to cough. Gasp- ing for air before every attack of cough. Cough with copious, CHAPTER XXVII. — COUGH AND EXPECTORATION 5bj frothy expectoration, or without expectoration. Irritating cough, with pus-like expectoration. Bloody, slimy expectoration after haemoptysis. Apis. -Irritation in suprasternal fossa,inducing cough. Severe cough,especially after lying and sleeping. Cough: croupy,with ring- ing sound; dry, with gagging,and soreness of upper part of chest; with painful concussion of head. Expectoration seldom; sweetish or tasteless. Apocynum. Cough: loose, rattling, with oppression of chest; short, dry; evening or night. Scanty expectoration of white mucus. ♦Argentum met. ♦Laughing produces mucus in larynx, and ex- cites cough. Rawness and soreness in upper part of larynx when coughing,not when swallowing. Attacks of rattling cough by day, not at night, nor in open air, with easy expectoration of white, thick mucus, like boiled starch. °Cough dry, caused by irritation in bronchi, with a sore pain. Expectoration almost constant, day and evening. Stitches in the air passages from below upward, with mucus in the chest. Argentum nit cCough evenings; tobacco smoke becomes almost intolerable. Irritating cough,tormenting evening and night. Suffo- cative cough at noon. Paroxysms of cough: brought on by phlegm in larynx, irritation under sternum, by passion, laughing,stooping, smoking, ascending stairs. Expectoration purulent, mixed with light blood. Catarrh at first dry, later loose, with rattling cough, profuse sweat, sickly look, hollow eyes,restless sleep; expectoration yellow. Belching,or straining to vomit,during the attack of cough. ♦Arnica. ♦Whooping-cough; the child cries before paroxysm. Cough causes bloodshot eyes, nosebleed; expectoration of foaming blood or clots; sometimes in evening, of putrid tasting mucus, which must be swallowed. Cough : in children, produced by weeping and lamenting; constant and dry; shaking whole frame; causes bruised feeling in ribs; from tickling in trachea. Constant, insupportable tickling in trachea every morning after rising. Paroxysms of cough at night during sleep,not awaking. Expectoration: offensive, green, purulent; blood-streaked; when loosened must be swallowed; day and evening. ^Arsenicum. ♦Cough excited by smoky sensation, or as by va- pors of sulphur in larynx, or by constant titillation in larynx. Cough with bloody sputum. Haemoptysis; after loss of blood, burn- 564 CHAPTER XXVII. -COUGH AND EXPECTORATION ing heat all over, especially with pain between scapula; in drunk- ards,or from suppressed menses. °Cough:when going into cold,open air; especially after drinking; evenings,directly after lying down; has to sit up; afterwards contractive pain in epigastric region, causing cough to continue; weakness. Night cough, must sit up as soon as cough commences. Deep, dry, unceasing cough. Expectoration; frothy saliva; thick, yellow; green, bitter, salty mucus, streaked with blood. Arum tri. °Head and breast obstructed, full of mucus, without spitting. Frequent coughing, with much mucus and much spitting. Burning pain in lungs when coughing. Tickling cough from mucus in trachea; at night after lying down inability to sleep; hoarseness. Asafoetida. °Irritation inducing dry cough. Cough on gaping. Whooping-cough, even of sucklings, sounding like croup; rattling breathing, anxious and restless, chest and abdomen hot, urine pale. Hoarse, ringing, short cough, excited by tickling in trachea, with asthmatic feeling therein; spasmodic contraction of thorax, and accumulation of stringy mucus. ♦Asclepias tub. ♦Dry cough with constriction of throat, causing pain in forehead and abdomen; dry, hacking cough. Aurum met. °Cough, with tough, yellow sputa, on awaking in morning. Cough from want of breath at night. Dry, spasmodic, nervous cough, peculiar to women; periodically, every night from sunset to sunrise. ♦Badiaga. ♦Occasional severe paroxysm of spasmodic cough: ejecting viscid mucus from the bronchial tubes; at times coming forcibly out of mouth; caused by tickling ijj larynx. Baptisia. °Tickling in throat, provoking cough. Baryta carb. °Chronic cough in scrofulous children, with swollen glands and enlarged tonsils; worse after slightest cold. Cough in presence of strangers. Spasmodic cough, excited by tick ling and roughness in throat and epigastrium; worse: evening until midnight; lying on left side; active motion, ascending or stooping; in cold air; from thinking of it; eating. Nightly cough, chest full of phlegm. ♦Belladonna. ♦Short, dry cough, from tickling in larynx. Dry, spasmodic, or hollow, hoarse cough, worse at night. Barking cough awaking after midnight, with pain in larynx and threatened suffocation. -Dry cough: from dryness of larynx; from tickling, U1APTER XXVII. -COt(.ll AND EXPECTORA 1 ION 565 itching in back part of top of larynx,evening after lying down; from sensation of foreign body in larynx. Attack of coughing as if one had inhaled dust; wakens at night; mucous expectoration. Sen- sation of something in pit of stomach, exciting cough. Cough with bloody mucous expectoration in morning; bloody taste in mouth. Night cough, wakens from sleep. Attacks of cough, end- ing with sneezing. Pressing pain in nape of neck when coughing. Child begins to cry before cough comes on. Benzoic acid. Dry, constant, hacking cough, after suppressed gonorrhoea. Cough followed by expectoration of green mucus. ♦Borax. ♦Hacking and violent cough, with slight expectoration of bloody taste and smell. Sticking in chest with every cough and deep inspiration. Musty expectoration, with pain through chest to back. Cough with expectoration of white mucus streaked with blood. Dry, cachectic cough in morning or evening when lying down. ♦Bromium. ♦Cough with sudden paroxysms of suffocation on swallowing; respiration very short; obliged to catch for breath. Irritation and rawness in larynx, provoking cough in evening. °Whooping-cough, with croupous hoarseness. Cough night and day, sounds loose, but no expectoration; aggravation from ex- ercise and on entering a warm room. Much rattling in larynx when coughing. ♦Bryonia. ♦Coming into a warm room from cold air excites cough. Dry C3ugh,as if coming from stomach,with sticking pains under sternum. Hacking, dry cough, from upper part of trachea. Sensation as if head and chest would fly to pieces on coughing. Cough with constant crawling upward in throat, followed by ex- pectoration of mucus. Cough compels patient to spring up in bed involuntarily and immediately. Nausea excites cough and cough excites vomiting. Expectoration of mucus streaked with blood. ^Cactus. ♦Much rattling of mucus. Spasmodic cough, with copious mucous expectoration. Cough, with thick, yellow sputa, like boiled starch. Caladium. /-Cough sudden and involuntary, caused by an irrita- tion high up in throat; it is half cough, half moan. Cough weak, toneless, panting, preventing sleep at night. ♦Calcarea carb. ♦Cough: tickling as from a feather in the throat; at night; °dry, especially at night; first dry,afterwards with profuse 566 CHAPTER XXV1I. — COUGH AND EXPECTORATION salty expectoration, with pain as if something had been torn loose from larynx; in morning, with yellowish expectoration. ♦Expec- toration of mucus, with a sweetish taste, ^of blood, with a rough, sore sensation in chest; of a putrid odor. Cough caused by sensa- tion of plug, which moved up and down in throat. Cough: excited by inspiration, playing on piano, eating. Calcarea fluor. ""(Cough with whitish expectoration of tenacious mucus. — Schussler.) Calcarea phos. -Tubercular cough with soreness and-dryness in throat. Cough with yellow expectoration; more in morning; with fever, dryness and thirst; from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. ; during difficult dentition. With cough, stitches in chest, heat on lower part of chest and arms. (Whooping cough in weakly constitutions.— Schussler.) Calcarea sulf. -(Expectoration of purulent, bloody matter.— Schussler.) Camphora. &Dry cough in forenoon. Violent dry cough, with hoarseness, after measles. Every inhalation starts cough. ♦Cannabis ind. ♦Rough cough,with irritation immediately under sternum. QHard, dry cough. Cannabis sat. c'Hacking cough arises from pit of throat, with a cool, salty fluid, deep in throat, posteriorly. Cough with green, viscid expectoration. ♦Capsicum. :|'With every explosive cough, and at no other time, expulsion of pungent, fetid air. Stitches in suffering parts with cough. Cries after coughing. Dry. hard, evening cough,with pain in distant parts. Nervous, spasmodic cough. Cough in sudden paroxysms, convulses whole body. Sputum dirty-brown, not rusty. Cough:worse evening, night; when lying, until fairly settled; after sharp winds; dry cold weather; any draft, warm or cold; after warm drinks. Carbo ani. Cough from tickling in right side of chest, or lying on right side; sputum green. Severe, dry cough shakes the abdo- men as if it would fall out, must support the bowels; loose rales, until something is coughed up; mornings, on rising, and nearly all day. Carbo veg. Cough: spasmodic, hollow, in short, hard spells; caused by a feeling as of vapor of sulphur; worse evening, or be- fore midnight; attimesdry, painful; at others with purulent, slimy, CHAPTER XXVII.—COUGH AND EXPECTORATION 567 offensive sputa; with copious sputa night and morning, and vomiting after other symptoms of whooping cough are gone; with painful stitches through head; worse going from warm to cold places; mo- tion; walking in open air; after lying down; evening in bed; eating or drinking, especially cold food or drink; talking. Sputa yellow- green or purulent; brown; bloody; or less often tenacious, whit- ish mucus; or watery; of sourish taste,or unpleasant odor. Causticum. °Cough: violent, hollow, at times dry, with pain in right chest; night and morning, with tightly adhering mucus in chest, soreness in chest; tickling in paroxysms, with sore sensation in a streak down along trachea, where every cough pains; hacking from rawness and tickling in throat; from exhaling; cold air; drafts of air; always from speaking. Cough,with pain in hip, and involun- tary passage of drops of urine; dry, remaining after whooping- cough. Cough relieved by a swallow of cold water. ♦Cepa. ' ♦Hacking cough, from inhaling cold air. Violent ca- tarrhal laryngitis; the hoarse cough seemed to split and tear the larynx. °Constant inclination to hack. Chamomilla. ^Hoarseness and rattling cough from mucus in trachea, especially during winter. Cough caused by irritation low down in air-passages, during night. Paroxysm of coughing about midnight, with which something seems to rise in throat, as if she would suffocate. Constant irritation beneath the upper part of sternum, inducing cough. Cough particularly at night, with tough, slimy expectoration, tasting bitter. Cough with expectoration during day. Expectoration bloody, dark, coagulated. Chelidonium. -Cough violent, somewhat spasmodic; dry, in paroxysms; racking, as in consumption, with much expectoration from lungs, also with pain behind sternum, especially at night; mornings, with copious mucous expectoration. Cicuta. -Cough, with expectoration. Cina. Short, hacking cough at night. Hacking cough followed immediately by an effort to swallow something. Violent, period- ically recurring paroxysms of whooping-cough, excited by sensation as if down were in throat,or by adherent mucus in larynx. Gagging cough, morning after rising. Hoarse, gagging cough in evening. Rattling cough in spells. Expectoration whitish, slimy, rarely somewhat bloody, almost tasteless, detached with difficulty. Cinchona. °Cough with pain in larynx and sternum; with pain 568 CHAPTER XXVII.--COUGH AND EXPECTORATION througnout whole cavity of chest. Cough, causing cutting in lower abdomen; expectoration difficult, black. Cough,with granular spu- ta during day or evening, none night or morning. Dry, spas- modic, or suffocative night cough, as from vapor of sulphur, with bilious vomiting. Cough first hollow,dry and painful; later bloody expectoration. Sputa slimy, whitish. Cou.*h worse: lying with head low, or on left side; moving; deep breathing, talking,laughing, eat- ing, drinking; evening or after 12 p. m. ; lightly touching larynx; least draft; loss of fluids, after being awakened; from laughing. ♦Coccus cacti. ♦Paroxysms of tickling cough, ending with ex- pectoration of mucus. Cough caused by brushing teeth or rinsing mouth with water. Cough with expectoration of large quantities of viscid, albuminous mucus. Short paroxysms of cough, followed by easy expectoration of globules of mucus. Colchicum. -Slight cough, with coryza. Frequent, short, dry cough, from tickling in larynx. Night cough, with involuntary spurting out of urine. ♦Conium. ♦Violent, spasmodic, dry cough, chiefly when first lying down during day or night; or excited by itching and tin- gling in chest and throat, or by a dry spot in larynx. Expecto- ration during day; difficult, bloody, purulent, sometimes hardened; expectoration of putrid taste and smell. Cough loose,with inability to expectorate, must swallow what is raised; spasmodic, dry; worse evenings and night, very fatiguing. Corallium rub. JOn deep inspiration, stnsation as if ice-cold air were streaming through the air passages, with some provocation to cough, and much difficult hawking of bronchial mucus in morn- ing; difficult, oppressed respiration; convulsive, spasmodic cough, occurring in paroxysms; whooping-cough. Crocus. °Violent attack of exhausting, dry cough, relieved by laying hand on pit of stomach. Cough, with spitting of blood. ♦Cuprum met. ♦Long-continued paroxysms of convulsive cough- ing, with vomiting of mucus; blue face and lips. Cough, with interrupted, almost suppressed respiration. JCough dry, suffo- cative, worse nights; evening dry; morning slight expectoration of phlegm, with dark blood of putrid .taste .and smell; unin- terrupted, cannot speak a word, discharge of mucus from nose; after sea wind; worse inhaling cold air; taking a deep breath; laughing; after eating solid food; when bending backwards; CHAPTER XXVII. — COUGH AND EXPECTORATION 5^9 better by drinking cold water; with whooping, children get stiff, breathing ceases, spasmodic twitchings; after awhile consciousness returns, they vomit, and recover but slowly. Cyclamen. -Suffocative cough, caused by scraping and dryness in trachea. Digitalis. -Hollow, deep, spasmodic cough, excited by rough- ness and scratching in roof of mouth, and in trachea; morning without, evening with, scanty, yellow, jelly-like mucus; expecto- ration difficult. Cough worse about midnight, and toward morning; from getting heated; from eating; from drinking cold fluids; talk- ing, or walking in open air. Expectoration of sweetish taste; sometimes with a little dark blood. ♦Dolichos. ♦Cough on lying down at night. ♦Drosera. ♦The paroxysms of cough follow each other so vio- lently that he is scarcely able to get his breath. Rough, irritable, dry sensation; deep in fauces,and in soft palate; causing a hacking cough, with a yellow, mucous expectoration, and hoarseness, the voice having a deep bass sound; also oppression of chest, as if air were withheld, on talking and coughing, so that the breath could not be expired. °Whooping-cough, in periodically returning paroxysms, in such frequent successions that he can hardly get his breath; with ringing sound; with drawing in of abdomen. During cough,efforts to vomit; vomiting of water, mucus and food; stitches in muscles of chest, or bleeding at nose and mouth. Cough aggra- vated by warmth; drinking; tobacco smoke; laughing; singing; weeping; after lying down; after midnight, or in morning. Ex- pectoration yellow, bitter, or offensive, also bloody or pus-like. Dulcamara. °Dry, hoarse, rough cough, or loose with copious expectoration of mucus; dull hearing; catarrhal fever. Chronic, mucous cough after measles. Panting cough, like whooping-cough, worse with each deep inspiration. Expectoration of pure blood. Cough worse when lying down; from warmth of room, or from deep inspiration; better in open air. Whooping-cough, excited by ex- cessive secretion of mucus in larynx and trachea. Erigeron. °Bloody expectoration, incipient phthisis. Eupatorium perf. °Hectic cough, from suppressed intermittent fever. Loose cough during apyrexia; also, at night, after measles. Rough, irritating cough ; chest sore, must support it with hands; flushed face, tearful eyes. 57O CHAPTER XXVII.—COUGH AND EXPECTORATION Eupatorium purp. °Hacking cough in evening. Cough with soreness and heat in bronchi. Dry, hacking cough in spells, before the attack of ague. ♦Euphrasia. ♦Profuse expectoration of mucus by voluntary hawk- ing. -'Cough: on rising in morning, continuing until lying down again; can scarcely get breath; tickling in trachea, worse from to- bacco smoke; better when eating; from mucous or watery vomiting; came on after haemorrhoids had disappeared; with severe coryza, eyes affected; difficult expectoration during day; interruption of breath; no cough at night; from the smoke of wood. Ferrum met. cCough: spasmodic, from tickling in trachea; at night must sit up to raise sputum; spasmodic; after eating, with vomiting of food; after drinking, with stitches in chest and sore- ness. Sputa: copious, putrid,purulent, greenish or frothy, worse in morning; scanty, thin, frothy, with streaks of blood. Dry, tickling cough, with blood-spitting. Cough, worse from abuse of tea, quinine, brandy, tobacco-smoke, loss of fluids. Haemoptysis morning and night; blood bright, coagulated, scanty, during slight coughs, with interscapular pain; heavy breathing, must sit up; better walking slowly about, notwithstanding weakness obliges lying down; palpitation. Haemoptysis: of onanists; consumptives; from severe exertion: after loss of fluids; from suppressed menses. Ferric phos. (Cough, acute, painful,short,tickling,at commence- ment, from irritation of trachea; hard, dry, painful, spasmodic, with soreness. Croup,if it commences with violent fever. Whoop- ing-cough, with vomiting of food.—Schussler. ) Fluoric acid. ^Short, frequent cough, mostly dry, occasionally some whitish, frothy,mucous expectoration. Gelsemium. JCough, from tickling or roughness of fauces; hoarse,, with rawness and soreness of chest; coryza, bronchial catarrh. Croupy cough, measles. Graphites. -Cough: caused by deep inspiration; with strangling, red face, watery eyes, straining all over; loose, from tickling deep in chest; at night. Expectoration salty; day and evening. Guaiacum. °Cough: tight, dry, with burning fever; hot face. Cough with copious spitting of phlegm, and later of stinking pus; coughing up blood. Hamamelis. °Tickling cough, taste of blood on awaking, Dry cough, severe stinging in uvula, as if it would break. Ex- pectoration thick, yellowish, or greenish-gray; tasting putrid. CHAPTER XXVII.—COUGH AND EXPECTORATION 571 Helleborus. JDry cough, worse at night, with gagging; dry while smoking tobacco. Tension in region of left short ribs, dur- ing cough. ♦Hepar sulph. ♦Cough: caused by being uncovered, or by any portion of the body becoming cold; by eating or drinking anything cold, tightness of breath; tickling in throat; cold air; crying; talk- ing. Cough croupish, hoarse, dry; loose and choking, with bloody expectoration; excites vomiting, whooping, croupish sound; pain in larynx, choking from mucus in larynx, worse in morning. After coughing, sneezing, crying. Hydrastis. -Dry, harsh cough, from tickling in larynx. ♦Hyoscyamus. ♦Dry, spasmodic cough at night, worse on lying down; has to sit up, when it disappears; worse at night, also after eating, drinking, talking, or singing; velum palati usually elongated. Expectoration of salty mucus, or bright-red blood, mixed with coagula. During cough, spasms of larynx; painful epigastrium and hypochondria. ♦Hypericum. ♦Spells of short, barking cough—meningitis. -Hacking cough,from an irritation in throat,much increased by heat and by cold air. Dry cough and prostration in morning. Whoop- ing-cough, worse from 6 to 10 p. m. Nervous system much affected. ♦Ignatia. ♦The longer the cough the more the irritability and cough increase. °Dry, spasmodic cough. Hollow,spasmodic cough, caused in the evening by a sensation like fumes from sulphur, or from dust in pit of throat; in morning from tickling above pit of stomach. Cough every time he stands still during a walk. Cough after warm drink. Sleepy after each coughing spell. Expectoration in evening; easy in morning, difficult in evening; tasting and smelling like old catarrh. ♦Ipecacuanha. ♦Cough causing inclination to vomit, without nausea. Suffocating cough, whereby child becomes quite stiff, and blue in face. Whooping-cough, with nosebleed; bleeding from mouth, vomiting; loses breath, turns pale or blue, and becomes rigid. -Cough: rough, shaking, dry, from titillation in upper part of laryrix, with every breath; with inclination to vomit; with spit- ting of blood from least effort; constant, no phlegm yields, though chest seems full; strangling, so much mucus seems accumulated in bronchi; croupy at night; fat children. Expectoration mornings of light-red blood, mixed with mucus, or of ropy mucus often vom- ited up. 5/2 CHAPTER XXVII.—COUGH AND EXPEC I OKA 1 ION ♦Kali bichrom. ♦Wheezing with retching and expectoration of tough mucus, looking like a bubble in the fauces, and can be drawn in strings down to the feet. Cough excited by tickling in larynx; or at the bronchial bifurcation; by oppression at epigastrium, or accumulation of mucus in larynx. Cough with pain from mid-sternum through to back; severe stitching, or weight and soreness in chest. Cough, worse undressing, morning on awaking, after eating, deep inspiration; better after getting warm in bed. ♦Kali carb. ♦Cough worse from 3 to 4 a. m. -Cough day and night, dry and teasing; brought on by eating (warm food), drink- ing; motion; sitting erect; lying on side; or exposure to cold. Better after breakfast. Cough with expectoration of masses of blood and pus. Whooping-cough, worse 3 a. m. ; gagging and vomiting ; inflammation of lungs; swelling between upper lids and eyebrows. Cough: paroxysmal,from tickling in throat,larynx or bronchi, with dislodgment of tenacious mucus, or pus, which must be swallowed; spasmodic,with gagging,or vomiting of ingesta or sour phlegm; tor- menting, gets nothing up, sometimes feels as if a tough membrane were moved about, but would not loosen. Kali chlor. -(Cough in consumption, with thick white sputa or white-coated tongue; loud,noisy,stomach cough, with grayish-white tongue, thick, white or yellowish-white phlegm, with persist- ent hoarseness. Expectoration of white, opaque, slimy mucus. Whooping-cough, tongue as in n; thick white expectoration. See 28. — Schussler.) ♦Kali iod. ♦Suffocative cough; larynx swollen. Cough dry; hawking; later copious green sputum. ^Phthisis pituitosa, with purulent sputum, exhausting night sweats and loose stools. CEdema pulmonum,with pneumonia, or secondary to Bright's disease; sputum like soapsuds, green. Kali sulf. G(Whooping cough; for decidedly yellow,slimy expecto- ration. Catarrhs, colds, etc.—Schussler.) Kalmia. cCough caused by irritation in throat. Expectoration easy, smooth and gray; tasting putrid and saltish. Frequent cough caused by dryness in throat. Kreosotum. °Cough: whistling, dry; evening in bed; caused by tickling below larynx, or as if in upper bronchi, with dyspnoea; dry, spasmodic, in morning, causing retching, with escape of urine; CHARIER XXVII.--COUGH AND EXPECTORATION 573 easily detached white expectoration; irritation, with profuse, thick, yellow, or white mucus. Expectoration after every coughing spell,copious and purulent. Periodical blood-spitting,with greenish- yellow, pus-like sputa. Expectoration of black, coagulated blood. Frequent blood-spitting, severe pains in chest, afternoon fever and morning sweat. Fatiguing cough with old people; copious sputa, thick, yellow, or white. ♦Lachesis. ♦Spitting large quantities of ropy mucus—diphtheria. Cough: worse after sleep, caused by pressure on larynx; dry and hacking, caused by touching throat; °from tickling in throat; from ulcers in throat; from contact with open air. Gagging, persistent cough, from tickling in throat, under sternum, or in stomach; or during the day; from change of temperature; after alcoholic drinks. Has to cough hard and long before he can raise. Expectoration scanty, difficult, watery, saltish, must be swallowed again. Cough with slimy, bloody sputum. Lachnantes. -Cough dry,as from the larynx; sputa blood-streaked —pneumonia. Cough worse in bed, also from sleeping. ♦Lactuca vir. ♦Incessant, spasmodic cough, which threatens to burst the chest; Galways caused by a peculiar tickling in fauces, which in turn seems to be produced by a sensation of suffocation in throat. Dry cough in short paroxysms, with shaking of chest and occiput. Laurocerasus. °Cough: short; titillating: dyspnoea,from heart dis- ease, as stenosis of valves; cannot lie down; whizzing, with sen- sation as if the mucous membrane were too dry; worse towards evening, from motion, stooping, eating and drinking, or warmth; with copious, jelly-like sputa, dotted with bloody points. Whoop- ing-cough, dry, whistling, no sputa; impending paralysis of lungs. Ledum. -Cough: hollow, racking, spasmodic, from tickling in larynx; before cough he loses his breath; after cough, dizziness, staggering; double.sobbing inspiration. Expectoration after 12 p. m. and in morning, of fetid, purulent, or bright-red, foaming blood. Lobelia. °Cough: with vomiturition, and pain in stomach; short, dry ; only a single one, from feeling of narrowness of chest. Whooping-cough, violent, racking; apparently from deep in chest, in paroxysms of long continuance, followed by expectoration of ropy mucus, adhering to pharynx. Cough with sneezing, gaping, and fluent eructations—bronchitis. 574 CHAPTER XXVII. — COUGH AND EXPECTORATION ♦Lycopodium. ♦Cough dry, day and night, with painfulness in region of stomach; in evening, before going to sleep, from tickling in larynx, as from a feather; as from sulphur fumes in larynx. Ex- pectoration thick, yellow, purulent; grayish-yellow, or dirty; fetid pus or mucus streaked with blood; green in morning; tasting salt. Cough worse, from 4 to 8 p. m., on alternate days, from exertion, stretching the arms out, stooping and lying down, when lying on (left) side; horn eating and drinking cold things; in the wind or in warm room. Magnesia carb. -Cough spasmodic, at night; from tickling in larynx; sputum, mornings and during day, yellow, thin or tough mucus, or dark blood, tasting saltish. Magnesia mur. -Cough dry, evening and night, with burning and soreness in chest. Spasmodic cough, at night, with tickling in throat Bloody expectoration brought on by sea-bathing. Magnesium phos. °(Spasmodic cough, coming in fits, or paroxysms. Whooping-cough, beginning like a common cold; afterward the cough becomes convulsive, nervous and ends in a whoop. Spasmodic cough at night, with difficulty of lying down.— Schussler.) ♦Manganum acet. ♦Deep cough without expectoration, ceasing on lying down. Cough causes darting in parietal bones; dry,in- cessant, from irritation mid-sternum; better lying down. Dry cough from loud reading, with painful dryness, roughness and constriction in larynx. Sputum of greenish or yellow lumps, easily raised in morning; or difficult, of tough mucus. Reddish phlegm. Bloody expectoration. Mephitis. Cough: after drinking, talking or loud reading; spas- modic, hollow or deep, with rawness, hoarseness and pain through chest, with suffocative feeling when inhaling; cannot exhale; vomits all food some hours after eating; convulsions; worse at night and after lying down; in morning it is loose, with some expectoration. Mercurius.. -Violent, racking cough: worse at night, as if head and chest would burst; sometimes with vomiturition; in two parox- ysms, from tickling in larynx and upper part of chest; only at night, or only by day, with acrid, yellowish mucus, at times mixed with coagulated blood, and tasting putrid or saltish; with shortness of breath and salivation; not allowing him. to utter an audible word; worse at night, in night air, when lying on either side. Bloody sputum in tuberculosis. CHAPTER XXVIL— COUGH AND EXPECTORATION 575 Mercurius bin iod. -Cough from elongated uvula; with sore throat; with a little loose, whitish, slimy sputum. Grippe, with fever. headache, giddiness; furred tongue; sweat in bed. Profuse, yellow sputa. Mercurius prot. iod. JLoose, rattling cough; bronchi loaded with mucus; sputum copious and yellow. Mezereum. °Cough spasmodic, caused by irritation from larynx to chest, sputa in morning of yellow, viscid mucus, tasting saltish, or like an old catarrh—whooping-cough. Cough worse: evening until 12 p. M., or day and night, with tension over thorax; when eating or drinking anything hot, must cough till food is vomited; from beer. Millefolium. °Cough with frequent spitting of bright blood; oppression of chest, palpitation; in phthisis; in suppressed haem- orrhoids; suppressed menses. Repeated bronchorrhcea; especially in phthisis, or after a fall. Blenorrhcea of lungs. Muriatic acid. °Cough rough, with rattling in chest, followed by cramp in stomach; short breath, with heat in face. Whooping- cough; after the attacks, audible rumbling, gurgling down chest. Whooping-cough: excited by tickling in chest; in afternoon and evening without, in morning with, a slight dislodgment of a yel- low or watery mucus of a fatty taste, which must be swallowed; sometimes with expectoration of dark blood. Natrum carb. -Cough violent, dry, worse when entering a warm room. Short cough, with rattling in chest. Cough, with salty, purulent, greenish sputa. ♦Natrum mur. ♦Cough in morning; in evening after lying down in bed; from empty swallowing; from tickling in throat; with bursting pain in forehead; °with shortness of breath; with vomit- ing of food; with tearing pain in spermatic cords; involuntary urination; stitches in liver. Cough worse from rapid motion; deep inspiration; lying in bed; becoming warm in bed; empty swallow- ing; drinking; sour food. Catarrh, with clear, transparent mucus. Cough, with sputum of bloody mucus. Dry cough, with rattling on chest. (Chronic cough, in consumption, with excess of watery secretions. Whooping-cough, if the mucus is frothy, clear and Stringy. Relaxed uvula, if there is much saliva.—Schussler.) Natrum sulf. °Cough: frequent, with some sputum, stitch in left side of chest, short breath if coughing while standing; dry, with 576 CHAPTER XXVII.—COUGH AM) EXPFCTOPATION soreness in chest; rough feeling in throat particularly at night; had to sit up and hold chest with both hands; loose, from tickling in throat; morning, with purulent sputum, and pain about last ribs, left side. ♦Nitric acid. ^Empyema, with considerable muco-purulent sputum. Cough dry, barking, from tickling in larynx and pit of stomach, worse at night, also in day when lying down. Sputa of blood, mixed with clots during day. Cough dry, expectoration is raised with difficulty; in morning,followed by greenish-white casts, as if from air cells—secondary syphilis. Expectoration yellow, acrid, bitter, sour, offensive. Nux mos. °Cough dry, with sudden loss of breath; barking, hacking during pregnancy; excited by irritation in throat; tic- kling in upper part of trachea; caused by getting warm in bed, standing in water, bathing, getting overheated, or living in cold, dark places; loose after eating, dry after drinking Expectoration bloody,dark, slimy,saltish; must swallow the loosened phlegm. ♦Nux vom. ♦Dry, fatiguing cough from midnight till daybreak, in evening, after lying down, or very early in morning. Violent cough before rising in morning, with expectoration of clotted blood, and soreness in chest. -Cough worse from mental effort, ascending, cold, exertion, on awakening, from tobacco, drinking, eating, from beer; better from warm drinks. Whooping-cough, worse mornings, with vomiturition, splitting headache; the child holds its head,face blue, bleeding from eyes, nose and mouth. Expectoration yellow, gray, cold mucus, sour or sweetish, or bright-red blood. Oleander. °Violent shaking cough from tickling in larynx. ♦Opium. ♦Cough, with dyspnoea and blue face. Cough, with profuse sweat on whole body. °Cough dry, tickling, paroxysmal; worse at night, with gaping, drowsiness, yet cannot sleep; or with spasm of lungs and blue face, when drinking; with difficult sputa, followed by gaping; sputa frothy, containing blood and mucus. Oxalic acid. °Cough from tickling in larynx while walking in open air; larynx feels swollen. Dry cough on taking violent exer- cise. Mucus hawked up, thick, yellow-white, with a central black lump, size of a pea. Paris quad. °Cough, as from vapors of sulphur in trachea, or viscid phlegm in larynx. Expectoration of viscid, greenish mucus. Constant gagging and hawking on account of viscid, green mucus in larynx and trachea. CHAPTER XXVTI.--COUGH AND EXPECTORATION 577 Petroleum. "-Cough dry, at night coming deep from chest, caused by tickling in throat; with stitches under sternum. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Cough dry, tickling, with tightness across chest; hollow, spasmodic, loose, without expectoration, with soreness of chest; with trembling of whoie body, dry on reading aloud, from tickling in throat, with violent oppression of chest, and difficult respiration; causing pain in abdomen, worse before a thunder- storm; from strong odors. Cough with stitches over one eye, split- ting headache, burning dryness in throat,hoarseness,aphonia, sore- ness and roughness in larynx, worse evening and night. Cough worse from change from warm to cold air; from laughing, loud talking, change of weather, eating or drinking, lying on left side or back. While coughing, involuntary stool. Expectoration diffi- cult, frothy, bloody, rust-colored; tenacious mucus; mucus streaked with blood, purulent, white and tough; cold mucus, tasting salty or sweet, mostly in morning. ♦Phosphoric acid. ♦Dry cough, caused by tickling low down in chest; °worse evening after lying down. Spasmodic, tickling cough, as from down in larynx, supra-sternal fossa and whole chest as far as epigastrium; evening without, morning with, expectoration of dark blood, of tenacious, whitish mucus of sourish, herby taste. Phytolacca. °Cough; hacking, dry, with hawking, excited by tickling in larynx, or dryness in pharynx, worse at night, as soon as he lies down. Sputa thick, tough. Platinum. ^-Hysterical, dry cough, from stifling beneath upper fourth of sternum. Plumbum. GCough, with expectoration of blood, or of pus after haemorrhage from lungs; dry, spasmodic, worse lying on back and after getting out of bed mornings. Copious, muco-serous or puru- lent expectoration. Podophyllum. Cough with remittent fever; dry; loose; whoop- ing, with constipation and loss of appetite. Psorinum. °Cough dry, hacking, from titillation in trachea; dry, with weakness, heaviness or soreness in chest; evenings, pains in throat and chest, caused by speaking, better from quiet; with green, mucous sputa; worse mornings on awaking and evenings on lying down; coughs a long time before expectoration. Chronic blenorrhcea of lungs, threatening phthisis. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Violent tickling and irritation in larynx, bringing 57^ CHUTER XXVII.—COUGH AND EXPECTOR.V1 ION tears to eyes and causing dry cough. Dry cough at night, in even- ing, after lying down; disappears on sitting up in bed, returns on lying down; causes dryness of throat, prevents sleep; with nausea and vomiting. ^Cough from irritation in pit of stomach, shattering, spasmodic, often in paroxysms of two coughs each; excited by itch- ing, scratching and dry feeling, as from vapors of sulphur in trachea and chest; dry at night, going off when sitting up in bed. Expecto- ration difficult, yellow mucus, bitter; black, clotted blood, or green- ish, purulent; menses suppressed. Rhododendron. cCough dry, exhausting, morning and evening, with oppression of chest and rough throat, with escape of urine. ♦Rhus tox. ♦Short, dry cough, from tickling in bronchi, worse evening and before midnight. -Influenza; air passages seem to be stopped up; dry, hard, tickling cough, worse each evening until 12 p. m. ; stiffness in back and limbs. Cough dry, teasing, caused by tickling in bronchi; uncovering even a hand: with tearing pain in chest, stitches, profuse sweat, and pain in stomach; worse evening and before 12 p. m. ; or morning soon after awaking, from talking, lying or sitting still. Sputa: acrid pus; grayish-green, cold mucus, of putrid smeJl, pale, clotted or brown blood. ♦Rumex. ♦Dry, incessant, fatiguing cough, caused by tickling in throat-pit, aggravated by pressure, talking and especially by in- spiring cold air, and in evening after lying down. GHoarse, bark- ing cough, in attacks every night at 11 p. m.; and at 2 and 5 a. m. (children). Cough with pain behind mid-sternum. Soreness in larynx and behind sternum; rawness under clavicles; stitches in left lung. Cough worse from changing rooms, evening after lying down; touching or pressing trachea or throat-pit; from slightest in halation of cool air, he covers his head with bed clothes, to make air warmer. Hawking, with burning soreness in larynx; later in left bronchus, renewed by strong exhalation and irritation. Ruta. Cough with copious expectoration of yellow mucus, with weak feeling in chest after it. Sabadilla. °Cough dry, from scratching or roughness, especially in children, with lachrymation; during chill, also during apyrexia. Hoarse cough,with haemoptysis. Cough worse from cold, becoming cold, as soon as he lies down; violent spells recur at same hours, or at new and full moon. Expectoration of tenacious, yellow mucus, pf a repulsive, sweet taste; else of bright-red blood, especially when lying down; influenza. CHAPTER XXVII.--COUGH AND EXPECTORATION 579 Sambucus. -Cough: hollow, dry, at night; deep and dry before chill, with regular inhalations, but sighing exhalations; suffocative, hollow,deep,whooping,caused by spasm of chest, and expectoration of small quantities of tough mucus, only during day; suffocative when crying—children; worse about midnight; during rest; lying in bed, or with head low; from dry, cold air. Sputa very yellow, as if colored by bile; taste saltish. ♦Sanguinaria. ♦Dry, hacking cough, caused by tickling in throat- pit; with dryness of throat, crawling sensation, extending down behind the sternum. -Wheezing, whistling cough, metallic sound- ing; stridulous breathing; croup. Cough dry, caused by tickling in throat-pit; tickling in stomach. Dry cough, awaking him and not ceasing until he sits up in bed and passes flatus, upward and down- ward. Whooping-cough,constricted, spasmodic action across throat beneath jaws; cough worse at night, with diarrhoea. Haemoptysis during phthisis pulmonalis. Sputa: thick mucus; rust-colored; offensive, purulent. Secale. cCough: hard,hoarse,with but little expectoration. Con- cussive cough. Spitting of blood, with or without cough. Selenium. °Cough in morning, straining chest, with expectora- tion of mucus and blood. ♦Senega. *Dry cough, with oppression of chest and roughness in throat; short, hacking cough from mucus, or from irritation or tickling in larynx; worse in open air, and from walking fast. ♦Sepia. ♦Dry, hacking cough, especially in evening, on lying down at night, from tickling in larynx; much rattling of mucus in chest. Short, dry cough, as if proceeding from stomach, with pain in stomach. -Paroxysms of dry cough resembling whooping-cough excited by tickling in chest, from larynx to stomach; day time with- out, morning with expectoration of yellow, green or gray pus, or of milk-white, tenacious mucus, generally of saltish taste. Cough and coryza, with sneezing,commencing every morning before getting out of bed; lasts till 9 a. m. Irritation inducing cough,sudden and violent; can scarcely inhale at all. Cough worse when at rest; when lying on left side; from acids. Coughs phlegm loose, but cannot get it up. Expectoration profuse, purulent, offensive, green, tast- ing salty only in morning. ♦Silicia. ♦Expectoration: thick, yellow, lumpy, purulent, tena- cious mucus; profuse, greenish, fetid, only during day; of viscid, 580 CHAPTER XXVII.—C0UGK AND EXPECTORATION milky, acrid mucus; at times pale, frothy blood; often tastes greasy. °Cough: dry, with hoarseness; with soreness in chest; excited by tickling in throat-pit; hollow, spasmodic; loose day and night; with profuse expectoration; vomiting of tenacious mucus in morning; with purulent sputa; awakens him at night; worse from motion; scanty mucous expectoration. Spigelia. cCough at night, with catarrh; dry, hard; with worm affections; with dyspnoea, which is worse when bending forward. ♦Spongia. ♦Incessant cough from low down in chest, where there is a sore pain. Cough dry, barking, hollow, croupy, or wheezing and asthmatic. Dry cough day and night, with burning in chest. Cough worse from lying with head low; from too warm room; dry, cold winds; better after eating and drinking. Chronic cqugh, violent attacks; brought up small, hard tubercles. Profuse sputa of mucus, cannot lie down—pneumonia in stage of resolution. °Cough worse from sweets, cold drinks, smoking tobacco, lying with head low, room too warm, dry, cold winds, every excitement. Sputa scanty, tenacious,yellow, indurated, slightly sour tasting; loosened mornings, but must be swallowed again. ♦Squilla. ♦Cough violent, with stitches in side, caused by tic- kling beneath thyroid cartilage,with expectoration of mucus; short and dry from inspiration. °Cough: dry,night and morning; short, rattling, disturbing sleep; spasmodic, from mucus in trachea, or creeping sensation in chest. Cough with headache; dyspnoea; spirting of urine; stitches in chest or pain in abdomen; caused by cold drinks; during measles; after eating; from every exertion. Sputa white, or reddish mucus; sweetish or empyreumatic, or offensive odor. The loose, morning cough is more fatiguing than the dry, evening cough. ♦Stannum. ♦Great accumulation of mucus in trachea, easily de- tached by a slight cough. Irritating cough, with profuse, greenish expectoration,of an offensive,sweetish taste, worse in evening before lying down, producing soreness in trachea and chest Dry cough in evening, in bed, till midnight,with scanty expectoration. Short cough from weakness of chest, having a hoarse, weak sound. °Ex- pectoration yellow, foul-tasting; thick mucus and blood; greenish, profuse, taste putrid, sweet or salty. Sputa like white of egg. Cough caused by talking, singing, laughing, lying on (right) side, and from drinking anything warm. CHAPTER XXVII.—COUGH AND EXPEC1 ORATION 581 Staphisagria. °Cough spasmodic, hollow, with expectoration of yellow, tough, purulent mucus at night; only during day; after vex- ation or indignation: worse after eating meat. Sputa loosened at night and generally swallowed. Sticta. °Cough dry, worse evening and night; can neither sleep nor lie down; dry. noisy; spasmodic stage of whooping-cough, severe,dry; racking; caused by tickling in right side of trachea,below larynx; splitting frontal headache; incessant wearing or racking in consumptives: croupy. ♦Stramonium. ♦Cough of drunkards. Whooping-cough, barking, croup-like, with suffocative contraction of chest, violent beating of heart, rattling, anxiety, congestion, blood-spitting; convulsions. °Periodical, painless, spasmodic cough; shrill, screeching tone; worse mornings, from touching throat, from walking in wind; in vaulted rooms; after debauch; after fright; from looking at bright objects; from drinking water. ♦Sulphur. ♦Dry cough in evening in bed, on waking from sleep at night. Cough caused by rawness in larynx. °Cough: dry, chok- ing; short, dry, with stitches in chest, or under left scapula; dry, with hoarseness; dryness in throat and watery coryza; with much rattling of mucus inchest; loose,with soreness and pressure in chest. Expectoration of thick mucus; rattling in trachea, hoarseness; ex- pectoration of greenish lumps of sweetish taste. Expectoration of bloody pus. When coughing,headache, as if bruised or torn; some- times vomiting; pain in abdomen. Spasmodic whooping-cough, two paroxysms in quick succession. In the paroxysms the succus- sions follow each other rapidly. Cough excited by tickling in larynx, as if caused by down, evening and night without, morning and day with, expectoration of dark blood, or of yellow, greenish, purulent or milk-white, watery mucus; usually sourish, sometimes putrid, flat or saltish taste, or like the offensive discharge of an old catarrh. Sulphuric acid. Cough: dry, two short hacks; soreness between scapulae; tiredness from irritation in chest, with expectoration in morning, of dark blood, or of thin, yellow, blood streaked mucus, tasting sour; after cough, belching; in the open air; worse from walking, riding, cold weather, and odor of coffee. Cough and haemoptysis, after typhus. Tabacum. °Dry cough. Whooping-cough; violent straining and 582 CHAPTER XXVII.--COUGH AND EXPECTORATION vomiting; stitches in pit of stomach, inability to breathe deeply; hiccough, as if he would suffocate, after coughing. Terebinthina. °Bronchial catarrh, with raising of much phlegm. Dry cough, no expectoration, or blood-streaked sputa. Thuja occ. cCough evenings, after lying down, sputum is loose and easier when he turns from left to right side; only during day, or in morning; after rising; as soon as he eats or drinks anything cold. Sputa green, tasting like old cheese. Trillium. cTroublesome, copious,purulent sputa; hectic; haemop- tysis. ♦Veratrum alb. ♦Deep, hollow cough, occurring in shocks. °Dry, tickling cough: after walking in sharp, cold air; dry, spas- modic, rattling,but nothing loosens; deep,hollow,ringing,whooping, excited by tickling in lowest branches of bronchi; expectoration of yellow, tough, tenacious mucus, of bitter, saltish, sour, or putrid taste; spasmodic; cyanosis, cold sweat; blood-spitting; after great exertion; loud barking in hysteria; worse morning and late evening until 12 p. m. ; going into warm room; getting warm in bed; change of weather; eating and drinking cold things, especially water; cry- ing (children); vexation. Convulsive stage of whooping-cough. Epidemic whooping-cough, worse spring or autumn. Veratrum vir. -Cough short, dry, hacking; loose, rattling, worse going from warm to cold. Viola od. °Cough by day, chiefly in long-lasting spells; dry, short, violent, with much dyspnoea. Whooping-cough in nervous, thin little girls. Sputum, profuse, clear, ropy, jelly-like. ♦Zincum met. -Dry,spasmodic cough,with bloody expectoration, in children who put their hands to genitals; ♦before and during menses; °worse from eating sweets; with varicose veins on legs; with shooting in scrobiculus, leaving when sputum is raised. Sputa yellow, purulent; blood-streaked, tenacious; sweetish, putrid or metallic tasting; pure blood, morning and during day. Zingiber. -Cough dry, hacking, from tickling in larynx, or left side of throat, from smarting or scratching, with pain in lungs, difficult breathing, morning sputum, which is copious. REPERTORY. Catarrh—♦ant. t, arg. n., ♦cepa, colch., dulc, gels., ign., kali chlor., kali s., mez., nat. m., sepia, sub, terebin. CHAPTER XXVII.—COUGH AND EXPECTORATION 58.3 Cough, various kinds—absinth., am. c, ant. c, arg. n., arn., aur., baryt, brom., ♦bry., calad., ♦caps., caust., cic, cocc. e, colch.,cor. r., ♦cupr., ♦doli., dros., euphr., graph., hep. s., ♦ign., kali c., lach., lact. v., lob., ♦mang., meph., mere b. i., mill., ♦nat. m., ♦opium, paris, plumb., pod., selen.,seneg., sul. a., thuj., viola o. Acute—ferr. phos. Asthmatic—am. c, asaf., ♦spong. Barking—♦belb, ♦hyper., nit. a., nux m., rumex,♦spong.,^str^rn., ver. a. Bronchial—aib, ♦ant. t. (See under "Bronchi.") Cachectic—borax. Causes of—aeon., alum., ambr., am. e, am. m., anae, ant c, apis, ♦arg. m., arg. n., ♦arn., ♦ars., asaf., aur., bapt., baryt, belb, brom., ♦bry., calad., calc. e, camph., caps., carb. v., ♦cepa, cham., ♦cinch., ♦cocc c, con., cupr., dig., doli., dros., dulc, eup. perf., ferr., graph., ♦hep. s., hydras., ign., kali bi., kali c, kalm.,kreos., ♦lach., lye, mag. m., mang., mere b. i., nat. m., nuxm., ♦nux v.., petrol., ♦phos. a., psor., rhus, rumex, sabad., stann., ♦sub, sul. a'. Children's—♦ant. t, arn., asaf., baryt , belb, calc. ph., cupr., i ipec, rumex, sabad., samb., stann., ver. a., zinc. Choking—hep. s., sul. Chronic—baryt., dulc, nat. m., ♦spong. : Constant, continual—aib, ♦alum., arn., ars., benz. a., cham., ipec Convulsive, concussive—♦agar., caps., cor. r., mag. phos.,secale, ♦stram., ver. a. Croaking—aeon. Croupy—acet. a., apis, asaf., brom., ferr. phos., gels , hep. s., ipec, sang., ♦spong., sticta., ♦stram. Deep—aib, ambr., ars., dig., mang., meph., petrol., samb.,, ♦ver. a. Drunkards—♦ars., lach., stram. Dry—♦aeon., aib, ♦alum., am. c, am. m., apis, apoc, arg. m., arn., ars., asaf., ♦ascl. t, aur., ♦belb, benz.a.,borax,♦bry., calc c, camph., cimi., caps., carb. an., carb. v., caust., cheb,cinch., coff., colch., ♦con., croc, cupr., dulc, eup. purp., ferr., ferr. phos.,, fluor. a., guaiac, ham., hell., hep. s., hydras., ♦hyos., hyper., ign., ipec, kali c, kali i., kreos., ♦lach., lachn., lact. v., laur., lobeb, ♦lye, mag. m., mang., nat. e, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., nux m., nux v., opium, oxal. a., petrol., ♦phos.,^ phos. a., phyt., plat., plumb., pod., psor., ♦puis., rhod., ♦rhus, ♦rumex, sabad., samb., ♦sang., seneg., ♦sepia, sib, ♦speng., squill., ♦stann., sticta., ♦sub, sub a., tabac, terebin., ver. a., ver. v., viola o., ♦zinc, zing. Exhausting, fatiguing—con., croc, kreos., ♦nux v., rhod.,, ♦rumex, squill. Frequent—ant. t, arum, colch., fluor. a., kalm., nat. s. Gagging —apis, cina, hell., kali c, lach., paris. Hacking—aeon., agar., aib, ♦alum., ant. e, ♦ascb t, benz. a., borax, bry., can. s., caust., ♦cepa, cina, coff., ♦dros., eup. purp., hyper., ♦lajch., nux m., phyt, psor., ♦sang., seneg., ♦sepia, sul. a., ver. v., zing. 584 CHAPTER XXV1I.--COUCH AND EXPECTORATION Cough continued. Hard—aeon., can. i., caps., carb. v., ferr. phos., hydras., rhus, secale. Harsh —hydras. Hectic—eup. perf., trill. Hoarse—♦aeon ,ambr., arum., asaf., ♦belb, brom., camph., ♦cepa, cham., cina, ♦dros., dulc, gels., hep. s., kali chlor., meph., phos., rumex, sabad., secale, sib, ♦stann., sul. Hollow—acet. a., belb, carb. v., caust., cinch., dig., ign., led., meph., phos., samb., sib, ♦spong., staph., ♦ver. a. Hysterical—plat., ver. a. Incessant—♦lact v., mang., ♦rumex, ♦spong., sticta. Irritating—ant. t, apis, arg. m., arg. n., asaf., borax, ♦brom., calad., calc. c, ♦can. i., cham., coff., eye, ♦dros., eup. perf., ferr. phos., hyper., ♦ign., kalm., kreos.,mang., mez., ♦puis.,seneg., sepia., stann.,sul. a. Loose—am. m., apoc, brom., carb. an., con., dulc, eup. perf., graph., hep. s., meph., mere b. i., mere p. i., nat. s., nux m., phos., pod., sepia, sib, spong., squill., staph., sub, thuj., ver. v. Loud—♦aeon., kali chlor., ver. a. Measles, cough in—ant. c., camph., coff., dulc, eup. perf., gels., squill., sticta. Metallic—sang. Moist sounding—♦ant. t. Nervous—aur., caps., mag. phos. Painful—See "With pains." Painless—aib, stram. Panting—calad., dulc. Paroxysmal—ambr., arg. n., arn., ♦bad., ♦brom., caps., caust. cham., cheb, cina, ♦cocc, cor. r., ♦dros., kali c, lact. v., lob., mag. phos., mere, opium, puis., sepia, sil. Periodical—aur., cina, dros., stram. Persistent—lach. Racking—cheb, led., lob., mere, sticta. Rattling—♦ant. t, apoc, arg. m., arg. n., asaf., brom., ♦cact., cham., cina, mere p. i., mur. a., nat. c, nat. m., sepia, squill., *stram., sub, ver. a., ver. v. Ringing—-aeon., apis, asaf., dros., ver. a. Rough—aeon., baryt., ♦can. i., ♦dros., dulc, eup. perf., gels., ipec, mur. a., phos, sabad. Severe—apis, bad., carb. an., sticta. Shaking—ipec, lact. v.,olean. Short—aeon., alum, am., c, ♦ant t, apoc, asaf., ♦belb,carb.v., cina, ♦cocc e, coff., colch., fluor. a., ♦hyper., lact. v., laur., lob., mag. phos., nat. c, ♦rhus, seneg., ♦sepia, squill., ♦stann., sub, ver. v., viola o. Shrill—♦ant. t, stram. Slight—colch., ferr., ♦stann. Spasmodic—aeon., agar., ♦ambr., asaf., aur., ♦bad., baryt., ♦belb, cact., ♦caps., carb. v., cheb, cinch., coff., ♦con., cor. r., CHAPTER XXVT1.—COUGH AND EXPECTORATION 585 Cough continued. dig., ferr., ferr. phos., ♦hyos., ign., kali c, kreos., ♦lact. v., led., mag. c, mag. m., mag. phos., meph.,mez., phos.,phos. a.,plumb., puis., sang.,sib, squill., staph., sticta, stram., sub, ver. a., zinc. Stomach—ant. e, bry., kali chlor., lach., ♦lye, nit. a., puis., sang., ♦sepia. Sudden—agar., calad., caps., sepia. Suffocative—aeon., arg. n., belb, ♦brom., cham., cinch., cupr., eye, ♦ipec, kali i., lact. v., meph., samb., ♦stram., tabac. (See "With breathing affected.") Tearing—kali c, rhus. Tickling—aeon., ambr., am. m., anae, arn., arum, asaf., ♦bad., bapt, baryt, ♦belb, calc. e, carb. an., caust., ♦cocc c, colch., euphr., ferr.,ferr. phos., gels., graph., ham., hep.s., hydras., ign., kali bi., kali c, lach., lact. v., led., ♦lye,mag. c, mag. m., mere, mur. a., nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., olean., opium, oxal. a., ♦phos., ♦phos. a., phyt., ♦puis., ♦rhus, ♦rumex, sabad., ♦sang., seneg., sepia, sib, squill., sticta, ver. a., zing. Tight—aib, guaiac, phos. Titillating—♦ars., ipec, laur., psor. Tubercular—calc. ph., cheb, erig., ferr., kali chlor., kali i., mere, mill., nat. m., psor., sang., spong., sticta. Violent—agar., aib, ♦ambr., am. c., borax., camph., caust., ♦cepa, cheb, cina, ♦con., croc, ♦dros., lob., mere, nat. c.,*nuxv., olean., sepia, ♦spong., ♦squill., sticta, viola o. Wheezing—aib, ♦kali bi., sang., ♦spong. Whistling—kreos., laur., sang. Whooping—ant. c, ♦am., asaf., brom,calc, ph., carb. v., caust.. cina, cor. r., cupr., dros., dulc, ferr. phos., hep. s., hyper., ♦ipec, kali c, kali chlor., kali s., laur., lob., mag. phos., mez., mur. a., nat. m., nux v., pod., samb., sang., sepia, sticta, ♦stram., sub, tabac, ver. a., viola o. Cough with: Breathing affected—aib, ♦alum., am. c, ant. t., asaf., aur., ♦belb, ♦brom., cham., ♦cupr., ♦dros., euphr., ferr., hep. s., ♦ipec, kali b., kreos., lact. v., laur., led., meph., mere, mur. a., nat. m., nat. s., nux m., ♦opium, ♦phos., plat , samb., ♦squill., ♦stann., tabac, viola o., zing. Coryza—colch., euphr., gels., sepia, sul. Eructations—♦ambr., lob. Gaping—♦ant. t, asaf., lob., opium. Grippe, influenza—carb. an., mere b. i., rhus., sabad. Hawking—cor. r., euphr., kali i., oxal. a., paris, phyt., rumex. Liver complaint—abrot., nat. m. Menses suppressed—ant. c, ♦ars., ferr., mill., puis., ♦zinc. Pains—aeon., aib, alum., am. c.j am. m., anae, apis, +arg. m., arum, ♦belb, benz. a., ♦borax, brom., bry., calc. e, calc. ph., caps., carb. v., ♦caust., cinch., eup. perf., eup. purp., ferr., ferr. phos.,gels., kali bi., kreos., lye, mag. e, mang., meph., nat. m., nat. s., ♦nux v., petrol., ♦phos. rhus, rumex, secale, ♦spong., squill., ♦stann., sub, tabac , zing. 586 CHAPTER XXVII.—COUGH AND EXPECTORATION Cough with, continued. Sensations—alum., am. e, am. m., ♦ars., aur.,baryt, belb, bry., calc. e, carb. v., caust., cina, cinch., doli., ♦dros., ign., kali e, kreos., laur., lob., lye, mill., nuxm., paris, puis., ruta, ♦sang., squill. Sneezing—alum., belb, hep. s., lob., sepia. Sweats—agar., arg.n., kali i., kreos., mere b. i., ♦opium, rhus., ver. a. Urine, emission of—alum., caust., colch., kreos., nat. m., rhob, squill. Vomiting—♦alum., anae, ♦ant. t, arg. n., bry., carb. v., cinch., cupr., dros., euphr., ferr., hep. s., ♦ipec, kali c, lob., meph., mere, mez., nat. m., nux v., puis., sib, sub, tabac. Expectoration—aib, ambr., arg. m., cham., cheb, cic, led., meph., nat s,, spong. Absent—aeon., ♦ant. t, apis, brom., ipec, kali c, mang., phos., secale, terebin. Acrid—mere, nit. a., rhus, sil. Albuminous—♦cocc c Bitter—aib, ars., cham., dros., nit. a., puis., ver. a. Bloody—aeon., aib, am. m., ant. t, arg. n., ♦arn., ♦ars., belb, borax, bry., calc. c, calc. s., carb. v., cina, cinch., con., croc, cupr., dig., dros., dulc, erig., ferr., guaiac, ham., hep.s., hyos., ipec, kali c , kreos., lach., lachn., laur., led., lye, mag. e, mag. m., mang., mere, mill., mur. a., nit. a., nux m., ♦nux v., opium, ♦phos., phos. a., plumb., psor., puis., rhus, sabad., secale, selen , sib, stann., ♦stram,, sub, sul. a., terebin., ver. a., zinc. Color. Black—cinch., oxal. a., puis. Brown—caps., carb. v., rhus. Clear—nat. m., viola o. Dark — nux m. Gray—ambr., anae, ham., kalm., lye, nux v., rhus, sepia. Green—arn., ars., benz. a., can. s., carb. an., carb. v., ferr., ham., ♦kali i., kreos., lye, mang., nat. c, nit. a., paris, psor., puis., rhus, sepia,♦stann., sib, thuj. Pale—rhus, sil. Red—led., mang., mill., nux v., sang., squill. Rusty—caps., phos.,sang. Transparent—agar., nat. m. White—aeon., alum., ambr., apoc, ♦arg. m., borax, calc. fluor., carb. v., cina, cinch., fluor. a., kali chlor., kreos., mere b. i., nit. a., oxal. a., phos , phos. a., sepia, sib, squill. Yellow—aib,ambr.,anae, arg. n., ars., aur., cact., calc. e, calc. ph., carb. v., dig., ♦dros., ham., kali chlor., kali s., kreos., lye, mag. c, mang., mere, mere b. i., mere p. i., mez., mur. a., nit. a., nux v., oxal. a., ♦puis., ruta, sabad., samb., sepia, ♦sib, spong., stann., staph., sub a., ver. a., zinc. Copious—ant. t, cact., carb. v., cheb, cocc c, dulc, ferr., guaiac, kali i., kreos., lach., laur., mere p. i., plumb., ruta, seneg., trill., zinc. • CHAPTER XXVII.— COUGH AND EXPECTORATION 587 Expectoration—Color continued. Difficult—alum., cinch., con., cor. r., dig., - euphr., ign., lach., man 4 , nit. a., opium, phos., psor., ♦puis. Dirty—caps., lye Easy—♦arg. m., ♦cocc c, kalm., kreos., mang.,♦stann. Frothy—ant. t, ars., ferr., fluor. a., nat. m., opium, phos., sib Granular—cinch. Haemoptysis—ant. t, ♦ars., ferr., plumb., sabad., sang., sul. a., trill. (See "Bloody") Hard—con., spong. Like various things—am. c, ♦arg. m., cact, dig., dros., kali i., laur., mez., stann., viola o. Lumpy—agar., cocc. c, mang., oxal. a., ♦sib, ♦spong., sul. Mucus, phlegm—aib, alum., ambr., anae, apoc, ♦arg. m., ♦arn., ars., arum, asaf., aur., ♦bad., belb, benz. a., borax, bry., ♦cact., ♦calc. c, calc. fluor.,carb. v., caust., cham., cheb, ♦cocc e, dig., ♦dros., dulc, ♦euphr., fluor. a., guaiac, hyos., ♦ipec, ♦kali bi., kali c, kali i., lach., lob., lye, mag.e, mang., mere, mere p. i., mez., mur. a., nat. m.v ♦nit. a., nux m., nux v., opium, oxal. a., paris, ♦phos., phos. a., plumb., puis., rhus, sabad., samb., sang., selen., seneg., ♦sepia, sib, ♦spong., ♦squill., stann., staph., sub, sul. a., terebin., ver. a. Odor, smell—arn., borax, caps., carb. v., con., cupr., dros., guaiac, ign., led., lye, nit. a., rhus, sang., sepia, sib, squill., ♦stann. Profuse—calc. c, euphr., kreos., mere b. i., sepia, sib, ♦spong., ♦stann., viola o. Purulent—aib, anae, ant. t, arg. n., am., calc. s., carb. v., con., dros., ferr., guaiac, kali c, kali i., kreos., led., lye, nat. c, nat. s., ♦nit. a., phos., plumb., puis., rhus, sang., sepia, ♦sib, staph., sub, trill., zinc. Putrid—♦arn., calc. e, con., cupr., ferr., ham., kalm., mere, rhus, stann., ver. a., zinc. Ropy—ipec, ♦lach., lob., viola o. Salty—ambr., ars., calc. e, can. s., graph., hyos., kalm., lach., lye , mag. c, mere, mez., nat. c, nux m., phos., samb., sepia, stann., ver. a. Scanty—aib, apoc, dig., ferr., lach., sib, spong., ♦stann. Slimy—ant. t, carb. v., cham., cina, cinch., kali chlor., kali s., lach., mere b. i., nux m. Sour--ambr., carb. v., nit. a., nux v., phos. a., spong., sul. a., ver. a. Sticky—ail. Stringy—asaf., ♦kali bi., nat. m. Sweetish —anae, apis, ♦calc c, dig., nux v., phos., sabad., squill., ♦stann., sub, zinc. Taste—♦arn., belb, ♦borax, calc. c, carb. v., con., cupr., ham., ign., kalm., led., mez., mur.a., phos. a., sabad., sib, stann.. thuj., zinc. Tasteless —apis, cina. 5SX CHAPTER XXVIL —COUGH AND EXPECTORATION Expectoration continued. Tenacious—anae, calc. fluor., carb. v., kali e, ♦phos., phos. a., sabad., sepia, sib, spong., ver. a., zinc. Thick—aeon., ♦arg. m., ars., cact, ham., kali chlor., kreos., lye, oxal. a., phyt, ruta, sang., ♦sib, sul. Thin—ferr., mag. c, sul. a. Tough—aur., cham., ♦kali bi., mag. c, mang., phos., phyt, samb., staph., ver. a. Viscid—♦bad., can. s., ♦cocc c, ♦kali bi., mez., pans, sil. Watery—carb. v., lach., mur. a., nat. m. Parts Air passages—cham., cor. r., rhus. Bronchial tubes—aib, *ant. t, arg. m., ♦bad., cor. r., eup. purp., gels., ipec, kali bi., kali c, kreos., lob., mere p. 1., mill., ♦rhus, rumex, terebin., ver. a. Chest, thorax—aib, ambr., am. c, apis, apoc, asaf., baryt, ♦borax, calc c, calc ph., carb. an., caust, cineh., con., ♦dros., eup. pert, ferr., gels., graph., ipec, kali bi., kreos., ♦lact v., lob., mag. m., meph., mere, mercp.i., mez., milb, mur. a., nat.c, nat. m., nat. s., ♦nit. a., ♦nux v., petrol., ♦phos., ♦phos. a., psor., puis., rhod., rhus, ruta, samb., selen., seneg., sepia, sib, ♦spong., ♦squill., ♦stann., ♦stram., sub, sul. a. Clavicles, —rumex. Epigastrium—ars., baryt., hyos., kali bi., phos. a. Fauces—♦dros., gels. lact. v. Larynx-aeon., am. c, +arg. m., arg. n., ♦ars., ♦bad., ♦belb, ♦brom., calc e, ♦cepa, cina, cinch., colch., con., dulc, hep. s., hydras., hyos., ipec, kali bi., kali c, kali i.,kreos., ♦lach., lachn., led., ♦lye, mag. e, mang., mere, mez., nit. a., olean., oxal. a., paris, phos. phos. a., phyt., ♦puis., rumex, seneg., sepia, sticta, ♦sub, zing. Lungs—agar., aib, arum, cheb, ferr. phos., kali e, kali i., lachn., laur., mill., opium, plumb., psor., rumex, spong., zing. Palate—♦dros. Pharynx—lob., phyt. Ribs—hell., nat. s. Scrobiculus—am. c, zinc. Sternum —arg. n., bry., ♦can. i., cham., cheb, cinch., kali bi., lach., mang., petrol., plat., rumex, ♦sang. Supra-sternal fossa—apis, phos. a. Throat—aeon., alum., ambr., am. e, am. m., ♦ascl. t, bapt, baryt., bry., calad., calc e, calc. ph., can. s., cham., cina, con., hep. s., hyper., ign., kali e, kalm.,^ lach., lact. v., mag. m., mere b. i., nat. m., nat. s., nux m., petrol., ♦phos., psor., ♦puis., rhod., ♦rumex, ♦sang., seneg., sib, squill., stram., sub, zing. Thyroid cartilage—squill. Trachea—anae, arn., arum, asaf., bry., ♦caust., cham., eye, CHAPTER XXVII. —COUGH AND EXPECTORATION 589 Parts continued. dig., dulc, euphr., ferr., ferr. phos., nux m., paris, psor., puis., rumex, ♦squill., ♦stann., sticta, sul. Uvula—alum., ham., mere b. i., nat. m. Velum palati—hyos. Sensations—♦ars., belb, ♦brom., bry., calc.c, camph., ♦caust, cina, cor. r., ♦dros., igri., kreos., lact. v., ♦lye, nat. s., oxal. a., phos. a., psor., puis., rhus, ♦sang., squill., ♦stann. Weakness—ars., ferr., psor., ruta, stann. CHAPTER XXVIII.-INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. '"•■;.'■ SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Pressing sensation remains in affected side, im- peding free breathing —pleurisy. Cold air causes raw feeling. ♦Aconitum. ♦Haemoptysis, the blood comes up with an easy hawking, hemming or slight cough; anxiety, palpitation, quick pulse, stitches in chest from excitement, wine, or exposure to dry, cold air. Stitches in chest with cough, cannot lie on right side, only on back; dry, hacking cough—pleurisy. -Lancinating through chest, with dry heat, difficult breathing, often violent chill. Pres- sure, weight and burning under sternum. Agaricus. °Jerking stitches through right lung. Oppression of chest in region of diaphragm, with drawing pains. Tension in lower part of chest, during motion and when sitting, taking away his breath. Ailantus. °Excessive soreness and tenderness of lungs; feeling as if air cells were stuck together; tired feeling in lungs. Stitching and aching in chest under clavicle. Burning in right, aching in left lung. Sensation of fullness and smothering before expectora- tion. Aloe. cCongestion to chest; dry cough; bloody expectoration. Front of chest feels sore on deep inspiration. Weakness of chest. Alumina. cViolent, oppressive pain in chest, worse at night. Chest feels constricted, worse from sitting bent or stooped: better on straightening up or walking. Congestion of blood to chest and head, with redness of face and one ear; caused by suppressed haem- orrhoidal flux. Shooting stitches right to left in afternoon; worse on going down stairs. Talking increases soreness of chest, lifting aggravates or produces soreness in left chest. Riding in a carriage gives pain in chest. Ambra. °Sensation of pressure deep in right chest, also in left chest, or in upper part of chest. Sensation of rawness in chest. Itching in chest and thyroid gland. ,i!)0 CHAPTER XXYI1I.--INNER CHEST AND RUNGS 59I Ammonium carb. Burning in chest. Stitches in right chest when stooping; when walking; when rising up in bed. Stitches in left chest, prevent lying on left side. Lower part of chest most affected. Ammonium mur. Pressure and stitches inchest, as if a morsel of food had lodged there. Painful tension below right breast. Bruised pain in lower right chest. Burning in small spots of chest. Beating, like a pulse, at a small spot in left chest, only when standing, mornings. Anacardium. Dull pressure, as from a plug in right side of chest. Sharp stitches in praecordial region, extending thence to small of back. ♦Antimonium crud. ♦Pain in chest, with heat. Burning and sticking in chest. Stitches in chest. Oppression and pressive pains in chest, more right. ♦Antimonium tart. ♦Much rattling of mucus in chest. Chest seems full of phlegm, without ability to expectorate it. Gidema of lungs. Broncho-pneumonia. °Anxious, with oppression of chest, and rising of warmth from the heart. So warm about the heart that she must let the arms sink down, with general weakness. Full feeling of chest. Constriction of chest. ♦Apis. ♦Hydrothorax—after pleurisy. Burning, stinging pains throughout the entire front of chest. ^Sensation of soreness as if bruised or beaten. Dull, aching pain in left side of chest, near middle of sternum, with sensation of fullness in chest, and short breath. Stitches in left side of chest. ♦Apocynum. ♦Sense of oppression about epigastrium and chest. ♦Aranea dia. ♦Haemorrhage from lungs. ♦Argentum met. ♦Great weakness in chest; worse left side. °Stitches in right side of chest, from within outwards; he can neither inhale nor exhale without feeling it. Argentum nit. °Stitching pain in region of fifth rib, left side, with frequent blood-spitting. Bursting pain after going up-stairs; has to press with both hands. Aching, tensive pain in chest in various places. ♦Arnica. ♦Haemorrhage, after mechanical injuries; slight spitting of black, thick, viscid blood, or bright-red, frothy blood, mixed with mucus and coagula. Pleurisy after mechanical injuries; must continually change position, bed feels so hard. Pneumo-thorax, 5g2 CHAPTER XXV1II. — INNER CHEST AND LUNGS from external injuries. Burning or rawness in chest. Chest sore when coughing, sputum blood-streaked; cannot raise the loosened mucus. Pressive pain in (right) chest at small spot, not increased by motion, touch or inspiration. Stitches in (left) chest, worse from dry cough, from motion or external pressure. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Constriction of chest, with great anxiety and restlessness, evenings; when going up-hill. Catarrh on chest, great suffocation; child tosses about in agony. Gangrene of lungs, with green, ichorous sputum. °Tightness of chest, as if bound with a hoop. Stitches in upper right chest. Stitches in left chest only during inspiration. Stitching pain in sternum from below, when coughing. Chilliness in chest evenings. Burning in chest. Arum tri. °Lungs feel sore. Soreness in left lung, and upper arm, with pressing in forehead. Stitches in right lung and under the scapula. ♦Asafoetida. ♦Spasmodic tightness of chest, as if the lungs could not be fully expanded. ^Pressure and burning under sternum,often with cough. Compression of chest,as from a heavy weight. Pressing stitches in chest. Burning in chest runs through both arms, and through lower limbs down into toes. Single, violent stitches from within outwards, at short intervals, renewed when chest is touched. Asarum. °Stitches in right or both lungs during inhalation. Sharp pressure in region of last ribs. Pain around both lungs, as if constricted by a thin wire. ♦Asclepias tub. ♦Breathing painful,especially at base of left lung. Sharp pains shooting from left nipple downward, with stiffness of left side of neck. Sharp, cutting pain behind the sternum, aggra- vated by drawing a long breath, or moving arm. Spaces between ribs,close to sternum,are sensitive to pressure,and the pain, which is acute,quick and darting,shoots over to the right side. Pain in chest relieved by bending forward. Acute pleuritic pain in right side, with dry, hacking cough, and scanty mucous expectoration. °Pain in chest low down on diaphragm. ♦Asterias rub. ♦Drawing pain toward inner portion of chest, from before backward; under left breast, pain extends over whole inner portion of arm to end of little finger. °Fullness and pain in chest, with anxiety. Aurum met. °Shooting pains in chest, after palpitation. Dull Stitches in both sides of chest, with heat in chest and dyspnoea; CHAPTER XXVIII.— INNER CHEST AND LUNGS 593 increased by inspiration. Persistent, dry catarrh on chest, early in morning, on waking; with great difficulty he raises a little phlegm, and this only after rising from bed. Baptisia. °Tightness of chest; constriction. Pain in right lung; less in left, with soreness. Baryta carb. -Sensation of soreness in chest, when coughing. Belladonna. "Noise and rattling in bronchial tubes. Pressive pain in chest, with shortness of breath, and at same time between shoulders, when walking or sitting. Pressure in right chest; causes anxiety. Constriction across chest, as if pressed inwards from both sides. Burning in right chest. Stitches in apex of right lung. Benzoic acid. °Pneumonia, asthenic forms, great weakness, difficult breathing increasing every hour. Stitches in chest, espe- cially on breathing deeply;evening. Pain about third rib,right side, midway between sternum and side; increased by breathing. Pain in left side about sixth rib, increased by deep inspiration and bending to either side. Berberis. °Stitches in and around clavicle, also pulsation and burning. Pressure behind left nipple. Rawness and soreness in chest as if from catarrh. Stitches in chest; increased by deep inspiration, with short, dry cough. Tearing in chest, particularly left side. Cutting contraction in chest to abdomen, compels one to bend over. ♦Bismuthum. ♦Crampy,pressive pain through chest in region of diaphragm,when walking. GBoring and burning in chest; backache. ♦Borax. ♦Sticking in chest, with every cough and deep inspi- ration. -Tightness in chest. Stitches in chest when yawning, coughing or breathing deeply. Stitches in right side of chest in region of nipple, with every paroxysm of cough. Bromium. °Affections begin in bronchi and ascend to larynx. Sensation of weakness and exhaustion in chest. Pressure in upper part of chest. Sharp stitches in right side of chest, especially when walking rapidly. Cutting pains running upwards—phthisis. Right lung most affected. Paralytic, drawing pain through left chest, towards scapula and into left arm. Hepatization of lower lobes, in pneumonia. ♦Bryonia. ♦Intense sticking pains, or stitches in chest; cannot bear to move or draw a deep breath. Constriction of chest; felt the need of breathing deeply, which caused pain in chest. Stitch 594 CHAPTER XXVIIL —INNER CHEST AND LUNGS in upper part of chest, through shoulders, on inspiring. Chest very sensitive, with stitches in left side on inspiration. Sensation of heaviness beneath sternum, extending toward right shoulder, impeding respiration; deep inspiration was difficult; oppression of right side of chest, with very fine,extremely severe stitches in right axillary gland. Stitches in sternum on coughing; was obliged to hold chest with hand. Sharp pain in infra-mammary region; worse during inspiration. Stitching pain in region of diaphragm, worse from motion or coughing. Sharp stitching pain in chest, below right nipple, extending outward, only on expiration. Short but violent stitches in right side of chest, so that he must hold the breath and can not cry out. Tearing stitches in left side of chest extend from behind forward, better during rest, worse during motion and on deep inspiration. ♦Cactus. ♦Congestion to chest, which prevents lying down; pal- pitation. Sensation of great constriction in middle of sternum, as if the parts were compressed by iron pinchers, with oppression of breathing. Much rattling of mucus. ^Haemoptysis with marked arterial excitement; convulsive cough. Bronchitis with palpitation of heart. Continual rattling of mucus; oppressed breathing; can- not lie in a horizontal position; attacks of anxiety and suffocation. Feeling of constriction in chest, impeding speech. ♦Calcarea carb. ♦Chest painfully sensitive to touch, and on in- spiration. Sore pain in chest on inspiration. -Oppression of chest, as if too full. Stitches in left side of chest, on inspiration. Stitches in chest and sides of chest, when moving; from deep in- spiration and from lying on affected side. Sore pains in chest, worse during inspiration. Much mucus in chest. Abscesses form- ing in lungs. Calcarea phos. °Aching in chest, with soreness to touch. Sharp pain about sixth rib, right side; later on left, about fourth and fifth ribs, coming and going; takes the breath; worse with deep breath during day. Contraction of chest and difficulty of breathing, even- ing till 10 p. m. ; better lying down, worse getting up. (Consump- tion, tc lessen emaciation.—Schussler.) Calcarea sulf. (Consumption. Empyema, pus forming in cavity of lung or pleura.—Schussler.) Camphora. °Mucus in air passages. Influenza,when during the stage of invasion the patient feels cold and chilly; body and mind CHAPTER XXVIII. INNER CHEST AND LUNGS 595 seem in a depressed condition. Stitches from shoulders into chest, in left side of chest when walking. Sensation of coldness extends from pit of stomach over whole sternum. Congestion of chest. Cantharis. -Stitches in chest, more on right side, or first left then right; in lower right chest, extending toward the middle of sternum and axilla. Burning in chest Exudation within pleura. Capsicum. -Pain in chest and back; heat. Throbbing pain in chest. Drawing in one or both sides of chest up to neck. Carbo ani. -Sensation of coldness in chest. Burning in (right) side of chest. Pneumonia, right lung,suppuration beginning; green sputum. Pleurisy, lingering; skin livid, emaciation, hectic; or typhoid symptoms. Sharp burning sitches in chest. ♦Carbo veg. ♦Sensation of weakness and fatigue in chest. Burning in chest, as from glowing coals; rawness, soreness. Con- gestion of chest and head. Burning under sternum; rattling of large bubbles: dyspnoea; cold knees in bed. Bronchial catarrh; hoarse, mucous rales; chest and ribs feel as if bruised. Oppressive tear- ing in left chest. Pressive pain in upper right chest through to scapula. Haemoptysis, burning in chest, paroxysms of violent cough, hoarse; face pale; skin cold; slow,intermittent pulse; wants to be fanned. ♦Caulophyllum. ♦Spasmodic affections of chest and larynx. Spasmodic, inermittent pains in chest, with amenorrhoea. Causticum. ^Soreness in chest. Tightness of chest, must fre- quently take a deep breath. Stitches in chest, below arms, ex- tending to pit of stomach, with anxiety. Rattling in chest. Cepa. °Chest laden with mucus. Pains here and there through chest. Stitches with burning in middle of left side of chest, when taking deep breath. Chamomilla. -Constriction in upper part of chest. Chest pain- ful when coughing. Stitches shoot from abdomen into middle of chest, as from flatulence. Sudden stitches and darts through chest, extorting screams; dyspnoea, taking away voice and threatening suffocation. •♦Chelidonium. ♦Stitches beneath right ribs. °Stitches in left chest on inspiring. Pains in chest and back. Oppression of chest, clothing seemed too tight. Spasmodic pressure behind middle of sternum awoke him at night; extending into bronchi, with sensa- tion of constriction in them. Stitches in chest; worse right side. Deep-seated pain in whole right side of chest. 596 CHAPTER XXVIII.—INNER CHEST AND LUNGS Cicuta. "Great heat in chest. Cold sensation in chest. Cimicifuga. "Severe pain in left chest, below fifth or sixth rib. Pain in right side of chest; must lie quietly on back, and press with hand; breath short; slight cough. Cina. °Stitches in left side. Burning stitches in chest. Cinchona. °Loud, coarse rales, great debility, anaemia; oedema of legs. Pneumonia after haemorrhages, bleeding, or with bilious symptoms, or incipient gangrene. Pressure in chest as from rush of blood, violent palpitation; bloody sputum; sudden prostration. Stitches in right chest up to axilla, prevents bending forward and breathing; stitches in left chest; stitches under sternum; worse dur- ing deep breathing and sudden movements. Phthisis of drunkards; suppuration of lungs. Cannot bear percussion or even auscultation, chest so sensitive. Haemoptysis, with subsequent suppuration of lungs; stitches in chest, worse from slight touch. Cistus. °Feeling of rawness from chest to throat. Fullness in chest. Clematis. "Oppression of chest. Aching in chest Left side of chest seems most affected. Stitching pains in chest. Cocculus. "Contractive tension of right side of chest, taking the breath. Cramps in chest, also hysteria. Audible rumbling in left side of chest, as if from emptiness, especially noticeable when walking. ♦Coccus cact. ♦Rawness in air passages, causing cough. "Op- pression and soreness in chest. Stitches and sticking pains in sides of chest. Colchicum. "Dull stitches in posterior part of chest during ex- piration. Violent cutting pain in chest, interrupting breathing. Stinging in region of heart, with oppression. Spitting blood after injuries. Colocynthis. °Stitching pains in right or left side of chest. Conium. "Sharp thrusts directly through chest, from sternum to spine, while sitting. Violent stitches in right chest about nipple, on every inspiration; while walking; worse from hard pressure with hand. Crocus. "Heaviness in chest, must frequently take a deep breath. Dull stitches in left chest. Croton tig. "Feels as if he could not expand lungs. Feeling of fullness in both sides of chest, with burning stitches in left side, and toward both scapulae. CHAI'IER XXVI1I.—INNER CHEST AND LUNGS 597 Cuprum met. "Shooting pains in sides of chest, must cry out. Cyclamen. "Pressure in middle of sternum. Stitches in left side of chest, later in right. Tearing stitches, with oppression and shortness of breath, during motion and rest. Stitches about the apex of heart. Digitalis. °Peculiar, seemingly rheumatic pains, and catarrhal affections of lungs, with serous exudation. Passive congestion of lungs, depending on a weakened, dilated heart. Great weakness in chest, can't bear to talk. Emphysema in complication with heart disease; feels better while lying perfectly quiet, in horizontal posi- tion. Drosera. cConstriction of chest and hypochondria. Severe stitches in chest, when sneezing or coughing; must press on chest with hands for relief. Burning sensation in center of chest. Violent, oppressive, stitching pain across chest, passing off during motion. ♦Dulcamara. ♦Rheumatic pleuritis and pleuro-pneumonia, with tough, difficult, discolored sputa. Hydro-thorax; worse in wet weather. -Bronchitis: offensive smelling night-sweats. Tubercu- losis in scrofulous subjects; also worse in changes from warm to cold; sputa tough,green; cough moderate; stitches here and there in chest: diarrhoea. Phthisis mucosa. Mucus on chest, must cough long before raising it; suffocative catarrh. Haemoptysis bright- red; tickling in larynx; worse at rest; caused by a cold, or pro- tracted, loose cough. Pain in left chest as if lungs moved in waves. Eupatorium perf. °Soreness in chest; worse from inspiration. Pain and soreness behind sternum: heart feels as if in too small a place. Oppression in middle of sternum; feels as if something was pressing against his heart; palpitation. Pain through right nipple when breathing. Deep-seated pain in left side and right shoulder. Ferrum met. rShooting, stinging in chest. Feeling of dryness in chest. Slight heaviness in upper part of lungs, making breath- ing rather difficult; sore feeling below clavicle and left nipple; cannot take a long breath. Slight, dull, heavy pain across upper part of chest, rendering breathing uneasy. Sticking and bruised sensation in chest. Constricting spasm of chest. Flying pains in chest; blood-spitting; persons who flush easily and get epistaxis, dyspnoea, palpitation. Ferric phos. °(Inflammation of lungs, first stage, until free 598 CHAPTER XXVIII.—INNER CHEST AND LUNGS perspiration is established. Congestion of lungs, with debility and oppression. Pleurisy, fever, pain, stitch in side, catch in breath, and short cough. Pleurc-penumonia, the chief remedy at first stage. — Schussler.) Fluoric acid. -Upper part of chest seems most affected. Hydro- thorax. Gambogia. "Pressure in middle of chest. Pain in chest as if it were all raw. Gelsemium. Congestive pneumonia, with suffering under the scapulae, caused by checked sweat. Short paroxysms of pain in superior part of right lung, on taking a deep breath; pulse slow, full. Glonoinum. "Chest feels as if laced. Sinking feeling in head and chest, as from working in hot room. Congestions alternately to chest and head. Numb sensation moving upwards in chest, and down left arm. Graphites. -Cramps in chest. Pains in chest. Pain in middle of chest, with cough, irritation, rawness and soreness. Stitching pains in chest. Guaiacum. -Pleuritic stitches; left side, worse from breathing deeply, especially in phthisis pulmonalis. Intense pain in upper part of chest, from motion of head; expectoration of fetid pus. ♦Hamamelis. ♦Haemoptysis, tickling cough, with taste of blood or of sulphur; dull, frontal headache; tightness of chest; cannot lie down, because of difficult breathing, from congestion; fullness in head, mind calm. -Stitches in the lower part of lungs. Sensation of constriction across chest, increased by a long or deep breath. Hepar sulph. Sensation'of drops of hot water, in left chest. Soreness in chest. Weakness of chest; cannot talk from weak- ness. Spasmodic constriction of chest, after talking. Tenacious mucus in chest. Hydrastis. -Rawness, soreness and burning in chest. Bron- chitis of old, exhausted persons; thick, yellow, tenacious, stringy sputa. Phthisis; to relieve goneness in stomach, emaciation, loss of appetite. Hyoscyamus. -Tight feeling across chest, as from over-exertion, running. Spasms of chest, arrest of breathing, must lean forward. Exhausted from long talking; body, and especially chest, weak; green sputum; weak pulse. Stitches in left side of chest Haem- CHARIER XXVIII.--INNER CHEST AND LUNGS 599 optysis, bright-red, with spasms, also in drunkards. Pneumonia; cerebral symptoms, delirium, sopor; dry, fatiguing night cough, or rattling in chest. Hypericum. -Anxiety in chest, in forenoon, with short breath, dizziness and bitter belching. Stinging in left chest, worse when moving. Cutting in upper right chest, then in lower left. Ignatia. Stitches in chest, from flatulent colic. Spasmodic constriction of chest. Iodium. Sensation of weakness in chest. Sharp, quick, pierc- ing pains. Tendency to bronchial and pulmonary congestion and haemorrhage. Ipecacuanha. Infantile pneumonia; respiration rapid, difficult; surface blue; face pale. Rattling of large bubbles; fever, but face rather pale; coughing and gagging. Haemorrhage from lungs; worse from least exertion; frequent hacking, with expectoration of blood- streaked mucus. ' Fine'rattling noises in chest,spasmodic cough; nausea—oedema pulmonum. Iris. "Pain in left side of chest as if ribs were pressing against lungs. Kali bichrom. Pain from back to sternum; or, from mid-sternum darting to between shoulders. ♦Kali carb. ♦Cutting pain in chest in evening, after lying down. Stitches in chest on inspiration. "Spasms of chest. Chest feels weak, faint, from walking fast. Pain through lower third of right chest to back. Pressure in middle of chest, with gulping of watery phlegm; stricture of oesophagus. Pressure, heaviness, anxious feel- ing. Pain as if lower lobe of right lung were adhering to ribs. Phthisis; acts on lower part of right lung; faint spells; sputum con- tains pus-globules, blood and albumen. Pneumonia, with stitches through right chest; hepatic inflammation; right lung hepatized; worse when lying on right side. Infantile pneumonia, much rat- tling in both sides during resolution. Pleurisy; stitches in left chest, with violent palpitation, dry cough; worse 3 a. m. Kali chlor. °(Cold in chest, with thick white or yellowish ex- pectoration; tongue as in 11; stuffy in head; white,non-transparent, or yellowish discharge. Cough in consumption, with thick, white sputa; tongue as in 11 ;loud,noisy stomach-cough ;prctruded appear- ance of eyes; itching at anus; croupy, hard, very persistent hoarseness. Lung disease; if expectoration is whitish, thick, or 600 CHAPTER XXVIII.--INNER CHEST AND LUNGS yellowish, white and slimy. Tongue with white fur at back. In- flammation of lungs: second remedy. Pleurisy second remedy, will complete the cure; second stage, for plastic exudations.—Schussler. ) Kali iod. -Stitches through sternum to back, or deep in chest, while walking. Phthisis pituitosa, with purulent sputum; exhaust- ing night-sweats and loose stools. Pneumonia, in the beginning when disease localizes itself; also with hepatization so extensive as to cause cerebral congestion and serous exudation; face red, pupils large; urine suppressed; one side as if paralyzed. CEdema pulmo- num, with pneumonia, or secondary to Bright's disease; sputum like soapsuds; green. Kali sulf. (Bronchitis, if the mucus is distinctly yellow and slimy, thin, or watery matter, and profuse. Inflammation of lungs with characteristic expectoration.—Schussler.) Kalmia. ^Pain in chest, as from a sprain. Shooting through chest above heart into shoulder-blades, with pain in left arm. Kreosotum. ."Stitches in left chest, just over heart; across chest, during morning till noon; first in left, then in right chest, inter- rupting breathing; also under scapula. Pain in chest, better from pressure. Anxious feeling of heaviness in chest. Lachesis. Oppressive pain in chest, as if full of wind, better from eructations. Pain in chest, as from soreness. Burning in chest. Stitches in left chest, with dyspnoea. Pneumonia, hepatiza- tion, mostly of left lung; great dyspnoea on awaking. Dropsy of chest; awakens with suffocating spells; liver swollen; scanty,dark urine; palpitation—after scarlatina. Lachnantes. "Stitches like knives in quick succession, in right side of chest below mammae, while at rest, and when moving, in afternoon. Severe pain in chest with cough, delirium, circum- scribed red cheeks; fever worse, i to 2 a. m.—typhoid pneumonia. Stitches left side of chest. Full feeling in chest, must inhale deeply. Laurocerasus. Spasm of chest. Threatening paralysis of lungs. Veins of hands distended. Pleurisy of drunkards; pulse soft, but quick. Ledum. -Congestion of chest, with haemoptysis. Burning sore ness in chesty soreness under sternum. Stitches in chest. Sup- puration of lungs. Haemoptysis alternating with rheumatism. ♦Lilium tig. ♦Sharp and quick pain in left side of chest, with CHAPTER XXVI1I.—INNER CHEST AND LUNGS 6oi fluttering of heart. "Full feeling of chest, with distended abdo- men. Constricted sensation in left side of chest,extending to right, with sharp pains running up to throat, clavicle, left axilla and scapula; better from changing position. Lithium carb. °Pressure in middle of chest, from within out- ward, both sides. Lobelia inf. Pressure on chest; left chest above nipple. Spas- modic contraction of diaphragm. Pain in lower chest; mostly left side. Burning feeling in chest, passing upward. Pain in chest, with the breathing, while sitting after dinner; disappears while moving about. Lycopodium. -Continuous pressure in chest; raw feeling inter- nally. Catarrh on chest of infants; rattling on chest, which seems full of mucus. Pneumonia, with raising of mouthfuls of mucus at a time, of a light rust color, stringy and easily separated. Neg- lected pneumonia, especially with continuing hepatization and purulent sputum. Typhoid pneumonia. Stitches in left chest, also during inspiration. Paralysis of lungs. Hydrothorax. Magnesia carb. "Oppression of chest, with sensation of constric- tion. Sensation of soreness in chest, or in region of heart. Magnesia mur. "Sudden heaviness on chest, with oppression of breathing at dinner. Tension and constriction of chest. Con- gestion of blood to chest from bathing in sea. Magnesium phos. °(Angina pectoris, breast-pang, for the neu- ralgic spasms; give remedy in hot water. Constriction of chest and throat, with dry, spasmodic, tickling cough.—Schussler.) Manganum acet. "Stitches in chest and sternum, running up and down. Beating in chest Warm contraction, extending from middle of abdomen to chest, with nausea. Bruised pain in upper chest, when stooping; better by raising head. Mephitis. °Pains in chest (lower left rib) when touching it; more when coughing and sneezing. ♦Mercurius. ♦Stitches' in chest, right side, extending through to back, on sneezing and coughing. "Burning in chest extending to throat. Acts on lower part of right lung; stitches through to back. Rush of blood to chest. Stitches in chest through to right scapula; pneumonia, with bilious symptoms. Sensation of dryness in chest. Suppuration of lungs after haemorrhages, or after pneu- monia. 602 CHAPTER XX\ III. —-INNER CHEST AND LUNGS Mercurius biniod. GAwoke from a transient feeling of great sore- ness in whole breast. Constriction across chest. Catching pain under right breast, oppressing the breathing. ♦Mercurius cor. ♦Stitches shoot through chest (right side). Haemoptysis. Mezereum. Stitches in right side of chest, worse drawing a long breath. Cramp-like contraction over both chest and back. Millefolium. "Oppression of chest, frequent blood-spitting; pierc- ing pains, stinging, bruised feeling; worse under left shoulder- blade—phthisis pulmonalis. Muriatic acid. ^Stitches in chest and at heart, when taking a long breath and on violent motion; burning stitches. Tension and pain on sternum. Bursting pain in chest; pain as if beaten. Natrum carb. "Stitches in chest. Burning soreness in right chest; loose cough but no sputum; coldness between scapulae. Natrum mur.°Sensation and pain in chest,as from tension.Stitches in chest and sides; shortness of breath, especially during a long inspiration. Pain like a cutting cramp through left chest to scapula. ( OSdema of lungs, acute; serous, frothy secretions. Pleurisy when during and after its course serous effusion has taken place. Inflam- mation of lungs if there is much loose, rattling phlegm, clear and frothy,coughed up with difficulty,and when it has not been absorbed by the use of kali chlor. Bronchitis, acute inflammation of the trachea,with frothy and clear, starchy phlegm; loose and rattling, sometimes coughed up with difficulty; chronic, bronchial catarrh, with above symptoms. — Schussler.) Natrum sulf. "Stitching pain running up from abdomen to left side of chest. Pneumonia; inexpressible agony; slowly coagulating blood. Piercing pain in left chest. Nitric acid. -Uneasiness in chest. Congestion to chest, with anxiety, heat and palpitation. Cramp-like pains in chest. Stitches in chest, right side. Chest sore when coughing or breathing. Soreness at lower end of sternum. Pain suddenly abates, yet pulse becomes smaller and quicker—pneumonia. Pleurisy of old or cachectic people. Lungs attacked,rattling breathing, loose cough; sputum brown, bloody; pulse irregular—typhus. Threatened par- alysis of lungs —typhus. Nux mos. Weight and pressure on chest; worse on falling asleep at night, or waking from a siesta. Stitches in chest, tightness, CHAPTER XXVIII.— INNER CHEST AND LUNGS 603 spitting of blood. Full feeling in upper part of chest, preventing a deep breath. Nux vom. ♦Roughness, rawness and irritation in chest. Pres- sure in chest, as from a heavy load. Sensation of something torn loose in chest. Congestion to chest, with heat and burning. Haem- optysis from anger; suppressed haemorrhoidal flow; debauchery; especially in drunkards. Oleander. Dull stitches in left chest, continuing during inha- lation and exhalation. Sensation of emptiness and coldness in chest. Opium. Tension and constriction of chest. Heat in chest. Blood thick, frothy, mixed with mucus; great oppression; burning about heart, tremor, feeble voice; anxious sleep, with starts; legs cold, chest hot: especially for drunkards. Oxalic acid. -Sudden lancinating in left lung, depriving him of breath. Rheumatic pains in left lun^, better lying down. When breathing, stitches in chest and above hip. Dull, heavy, sore pain in chest. Pain in middle of chest, through to back. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Broncho-pulmonary catarrh, with dilatation or fatty degeneration of heart. Pneumonia, dryness of air passages; excoriated feeling in upper chest; great weight on chest or tight- ness; chest sore, bruised; well-developed, co-existing bronchitis; hepatization,especially of lower half of right lung. Latter part of the period of deposit, and early part of absorption. Congestion of chest, with anxiety and oppression. Heaviness in chest as if a weight were lying on it. Tuberculosis in the tall, slender,or rapidly growing; repeated haemoptysis; great debility; frequent attacks of bronchitis. Tubercles, with hectic fever. -Stitches in left chest, better lying on right side. Burning, piercing soreness and tension in chest. Congestion to chest; anxiety; worse from any emotion; cramp between scapulae. Capillary bronchitis; pulmonary oedema. Pleuritis; late stage; heart dilated; purulent infiltration. Threat- ened paralysis of lungs, prostration, viscid sweat; small pulse, face sunken, rattling in trachea. ♦Phosphoric acid. +Pain in chest as from weakness. "Burning in whole chest, with pressure. Weak feeling in chest, from talk- ing, coughing, or sitting too long; relieved by walking. Spasm in chest and diaphragm, sudden and unexpected, must sit bent. Loud rattling and whistling in chest, with but little cough. Phytolacca. °Pains and suffocative feeling in throat and lungs. 604 CHAPTER XXVIII.—INNER CHEST AND LUNGS Aching pains in chest and side, with cough. Pain through mid- sternum, with cough. Platinum. "Cramp-pain in left chest, gradually increasing and decreasing in intensity. Plumbum. "Stitches in chest and sides. Suppuration of lungs. Circumscribed pulmonary mortification; also cheesy pneumonia. Copious muco-serous or purulent expectoration. Podophyllum. ^Catarrh of chest during dentition. Psorinum. "Phthisis pulmonalis. Burning, pressing in chest. Pain in chest; great anxiety by spells. Hydrothorax. P'eeling, especially under sternum, as of ulceration of chest. Chest symp- toms better when lying down. Sharp pain, right side, opposite tenth rib. Pains in right side, worse from motion, laughing, cough- ing; with sweat. Pulsatilla. "Phthisis florida, suppurative stage; chlorotic girls. Soreness in chest, under clavicles. Pain in chest, as if ulcerated. Stitches in chest only when lying, particularly at night. Sticking in chest, worse from deep breathing, or coughing. Paroxysms of burning in chest. Obstinate bronchial catarrh. Congestion to chest and heart at night, with anxious dreams. Ranunculus bulb. Stitches inchest; increased by moving,stoop- ing or inspiration. Chest feels sore and bruised; worse from con- tact and motion. Small, sore spot, as from subcutaneous ulceration — after pneumonia. Adhesions of lungs —after inflammation. Rhododendron. Shooting through left chest to back, and right side. Rhus tox. Stitches in chest,worse when at rest, and while sneez- ing and breathing; also when sitting crooked. Tingling in chest, with tension in intercostal muscles; worse at rest. Pneumonia with typhoid symptoms, often from reabsorption of pus, also with tear- ing cough and restlessness; quiet makes pain and dyspnoea worse. Haemoptysis from over-exertion, blowing wind instruments; blood bright; pain in lower part of chest; renewed from least men- tal excitement. Rumex. "Aching over anterior portion of both lungs. Burning, sticking, or burning-stinging pain in left chest, near heart; worse from deep breathing and lying down in bed at night—rheumatism. Burning, shooting pain in right chest. Sharp pain near left axilla. Soreness behind stomach when breathing. CHAPTER XXV11I.—INNER CHEST AND LUNGS 605 Ruta. -Gnawing pain in chest Phthisis after mechanical in- juries of chest Sabadilla. °Pain and oppression of chest during apyrexia. Stitches in side of chest, especially when inspiring or coughing. Pleuritis, great paralytic debility. Complains of coldness with hot flushes intervening—pleuritis. Sanguinaria. cSharp piercing, midway between sternum and right nipple. Pain in right chest to shoulder; can with diffi- culty place hand on top of head. Stitches on lower part of left breast to shoulder. Cramps in chest. Burning in chest, also stitching; he lies on back; sputum is tough, rust-colored and diffi- cult; pulse quick and small; face and limbs cold, or hands and feet burning hot, and cheeks circumscribed red and burning, worse in afternoon; extreme dyspnoea—pneumonia. Breath and sputa smell bad, even to patient; belches before and after cough; after cough,heat, then gaping; circumscribed red cheeks; diarrhoea; night sweats; pain in legs. Sarsaparilla. -Stitches from back through to chest, with every motion. Secale. -Cramp in chest. Spasmodic shocks from right half of chest into right arm and right leg. Pains over nearly all the front of chest, worse from coughing and motion. ♦Sepia. ♦Oppression of chest morning and evening. "Sensation of emptiness in chest. Great pressure on chest, more left side. Stitch in leftside of chest and scapula when breathing or coughing. Sensation of soreness in middle of chest. Chest symptoms relieved by pressing on chest with hand. Silicia. -Lungs feel sore. Stitches in chest and sides through to back. Excruciating, deep-seated pains in chest. Pain under sternum. Inflammation of lungs resulting in suppuration. Dropsy of chest, also in stone-cutters. Empyema after pleurisy. Con- gestion to chest, body chilly. Spigelia. "Constriction in chest, with anxiety and difficult breath- ing. Stitches in chest, worse from least movement, or when breathing. Sensation of tearing in chest. Trembling feeling, worse from any movement. Can lie only on right side, with head high— hydrothorax. ♦Spongia. ♦Tuberculosis beginning in apex of (left) lung. Burning, sore pain in chest and bronchi, with rawness in throat 606 CHAPTER XXVIII. — INNER CHEST AND LUNGS when coughing. "Congestion in chest from least movement or over- exertion; dyspnoea, nausea, faintish weakness. Burning soreness, rawness and heaviness in chest. Constrictive, spasmodic pain through chest and larynx. Stitches in both sides of chest. ♦Squilla. ♦Stitches in chest, especially when inhaling and cough- ing; in sides of chest—pleurisy. -Pains in chest are worse in morn- ing. Especially suitable in pneumonia and pleurisy, after blood- letting. Heaviness on chest, congestion of blood to chest. ♦Stannum.^ Sensation of great weakness and emptiness of chest. Sensation of great soreness in chest. -Tension across upper part of chest, with emptiness in lower. Chest so weak he cannot talk; empty feeling in chest. Haemoptysis with tendency to copious ex- pectoration. Phthisis mucosa, with the characteristic cough, weak- ness and sputa; profuse sweats. Stitches in left side of chest, when breathing or lying on that side. Great sore feeling in chest. Staphisagria. "Soreness and rawness in chest, especially when coughing. Sticta. "Oppression of chest and feeling of a hard mass there; hard,racking cough, excited by inspiration. Stramonium. "Pain in breast, cough and other peri-pneu- monic symptoms, during recovery from meningitis. ♦Sulphur. ♦Exudation after pneumonia. Weakness of chest, when talking. Stitches in chest, extending to back or left scap- ula; worse from breathing, from motion and when lying on back. Congestion of blood to chest. Feeling of a lump of ice in right chest. Stitches through chest extending into left scapula, worse lying on back and during least motion. Pain in chest, from over-lifting, or after inflammation of lungs. Burning in chest, rising to face. Pain as if chest would fly to pieces, when coughing or drawing deep breath. Sulphuric acid. °Stitches in chest about heart. Sensation of great weakness in chest. Burning in left side of chest up to throat. Shooting, stinging, now in scapula, again in arm-pit or in chest. Profuse haemorrhage from lungs; tuberculosis. Ulcerations in differ- ent parts of lungs. Tabacum. "Tightness across upper part of chest, with angina pectoris. Taraxacum. "Stitches in chest. Boring, digging in chest. Twitching in right intercostal muscles. CHAPTER XXVIII.— INNER CHEST AND LUNGS 607 Terebinthina. -Haemorrhage from lungs. Unbearable burning and tightness across chest, with great dryness of mucous mem- branes, or profuse expectoration. ♦Theridion. ♦Phthisis florida, in beginning. "Violent stitches high up in chest, beneath left shoulder,through into throat. Thuja occ. -Spasm of lungs from drinking cold water. Stitches in chest from drinking anything cold. Tuberculinum. "Said to cure many cases of tuberculosis; given in high potency. Urtica urens. -Haemoptysis,from violent exertion of lungs. Ustilago. "Sharp tearing in left side,from top of chest down to sixth or seventh rib, aggravated by breathing. ♦Valeriana. ^Frequent jerks and stitches in chest, with sensa- tion of something pressing out; worse in lower part of chest. Veratrum alb. "Constant rattling of mucus, but cannot expec- torate; sticky sweat about head; weak, frequent, irregular pulse; bronchitis of the aged. Capillary bronchitis. Acute bronchial catarrh in the emphysematous. Rattling in lungs, fear of suffo- cation; frothy, serous sputa; blue face; oedema of lungs. Stitches in sides of chest. Veratrum vir. "Congestion of chest with rapid respiration, nausea, vomiting; dull burning in region of heart. Pneumonia, pulse hard, strong, quick; or, engorgement of lungs, with faint feeling in stomach; nausea, slow or intermittent pulse. Viola od. -Oppression of chest, as from a weight, awakening her at night—hysteria. Zincum met. "Pain in chest, as if cut to pieces, with constrict- ive sensation. Burning in chest. Coldness in chest. Stitches in left chest,and in heart, at every beat. Sensation of emptiness be- hind sternum. Zingiber. Stitches through chest, pains in chest, pleuritic. Sting- ing pains after motion, also stinging, pressing in region of heart. REPERTORY. Catarrh—♦ars., aur., berb., carb. v., dig., dulc, lye, nat. m., ♦phos., pod., puis., ver. a. Congestion—aloe, alum., ♦cact., camph., carb. v., cinch., dig., ferr. phos., gels., glon., ♦ham., iod., kali i., led., mag. m., mere, nit a., nux v., ♦phos., puis., sib, spong., squill., sub, ver. a. Cough—♦aeon., aloe, ♦ascl. t, berb., ♦borax, bry., cact, carb. v., 608 CHAPTER XXVIII.— INNER CHEST AND LUNGS cham., cimi., ♦cocc. c, dulc, ferr. phos.,graph..♦ham.,hyos.,ipec, kali c, kali chlor., mag. phos., nit. a., phyt, rhus, sabad., sang., ♦squill., stann., sticta., stram. Blood-spitting, haemorrhages, haemoptysis -♦aeon., ♦aran., arg.n., ♦arn., arum, cact, carb. v., cinch., colch., dulc, ferr., ♦ham., hyos., ign., iod., ipec, laur., led., mere, mere cor., mill., nit. a., nux m., nux v., ♦phos., stann., sul. a., terebin., urtica u. Empyema—canth., sil. Expectoration—aloe, ♦ant. t., arn., ♦ars., ♦ascl. t, carb. an., cinch., dros., ♦dulc, guaiac, hydras., hyos., ipec, kali chlor., kali i., kali s., lye, nat. c, nat. m., nit. a., opium, sang., stann., terebin., ver. a. Hydrothorax—apis, dulc, fluor. a., lach., lye, nat. m., psor., sib, spig., sul. Influenza—camph. Inspiration—aloe, ars., asar., borax, bry., calc. c, cheb, con., eup. perf., ♦kali c, lye, nat. m., ranunc, sabad., squill., staph. Mucus—♦ant. t., ♦cact., calc. e, camph., carb. v., cepa, dulc, hep. s.,ipee, kali i., lye, nat. m., sib, ver. a. Pains —alum., ♦ant. c, asar., ♦ascl. t, aster., bapt., benz. a., bry., ♦calc. c, caps., cepa, cham., cheb, cimi., dig., eup. pert, ferr., gamb., gels., graph., guaiac, iris, kali bi.', kali e, kalm., kreos., lach.,laur., lob., meph.,mere b. i., mill., mur. a.,nat. m., oxal. a., ♦phos., phos. a., phyt., psor., puis., rhus, rumex, sabad., sang., secale, sib, squill., stram., sub, zinc, zing. Aching—aib, apis, arg. n., calc. ph., led., phyt., rumex. Acute—♦ascl. t. Angina pectoris, chest pain—mag. phos., tabac. Beaten—apis, mill. Boring—bism., tarax. Bruised—am. m., apis, carb. v., ferr., mang., mill., phos., ranunc. Burning—aeon., aib, am. c, am. m., ant. t, ♦apis, am., ars., asaf., belb, berb., bism., canth., carb. an., ♦carb. v., cepa, cina, crot. t, dros., hydras., lach., led., lob., mang., mere. mur. a., nat. c, nux v., opium, phos., phos. a., psor.,puis., rumex, sang., ♦spong., sub, sul. a., terebin., ver. v., zinc. Bursting—arg. n., mur. a. Constrictive—alum., ant. t, ♦ars., asar., bapt., belb, bry., ♦cact., cham., cheb, dros., ferr., ham., hep. s., ign., lib, lob., mag. c, mag. m , mag. phos., mere b. i., opium, spig., spong., zinc. Contractive—berb., calc. ph., cocc, mang., mez. Cramping—♦bism., cocc, graph., mez., nat. m., nit. a., phos. plat., sang., secale. Cutting—♦ascl. t, berb., borax, colch., hyper., ♦kalic, nat. m. Darting —♦ascl. t, cham., kali bi. Drawing —agar., ♦aster., brom., caps. Dull—apis, colch., croc, ferr., olean., oxal. a. Flying—ferr. Gnawi ng—ruta. Intermitting—caul. CHAPTER XXVIII.—INNER CHEST AND LUNGS 609 Pains continued. Irritating—graph., ♦nux v. Jerking —agar., valer. Lancinating—aeon., oxal. a. Neuralgic—mag. phos. Oppressive—agar., alum., ant. c, ant. t, ♦apoc, asaf., bry., calc. c, carb. v., cheb, clem., cocc. e, colch., eye, dros.', eup' pert, ferr. phos., lach., mag. e, mill., opium, ♦phos., sabad.\ ♦sepia, sticta, viola o. Piercing—iod., mill., nat. s., phos., sang. Pleuritic—abrot., ♦ascl. t, guaiac, kali c, zinc. Pressive—♦abrot., aeon., ambr., am. m., anae, ant. c, arn., asaf., asar., belb, berb., ♦bism , brom., carb. v., cheb, cinch.' eye, gamb., kali c, lith., lob., lye, nux m., nux v.,phos. a.,psor.| sepia, ♦valer.,zing. Quick—♦ascl. t, iod., *lil. Raw—abrot, ambr., arn., berb., ♦carb. v., cist., ♦cocc e gamb., graph., hydras., lye, ♦nux v., spong.,staph. Rheumatic—dig., ♦dulc, led., oxal. a., rumex. Sensitive—aib, ascl. t., bry., ♦calc e, calc. ph., cinch. Sharp—♦ascl. t, brom., bry., calc. ph., carb. an., con., iod., ♦lib, psor., rumex, sang., ustib Shooting—alum., ♦ascl. t, aur., cham., cupr., ferr., kalm. ♦mere cor., rhod., rumex, sul. a. Sore—aib, aloe, alum., apis, am., arum, bapt., baryt., berb., calc c, ♦calc ph., ♦carb. v., caust., cocc c, eup. perf., ferr., graph., hep. s., hydras., lach., led., mag. c, mere b. i., nat. e, nit. a., oxal. a., ♦phos., puis., ranunc, rumex, sepia, sib, ♦spong., stann., staph. Spasmodic—asaf., ♦caul., cheb, ferr., hep. s., hyos., ign., ipec, kali c, laur., lob., mag. phos., phos. a., secale, spong., thuj. Sticking—ant. c, ♦borax, ♦bry., cocc. e, ferr., puis., rumex. Stinging—♦apis, colch., ferr., hyper., mill., rumex, sul. a., zing. Stitches—♦aeon., agar., aib, alum., am. e, am. m., anae, ant. e, apis, arg. m., arg n., arn., ars., arum, asaf., asar., aur., belb, benz. a., berb., borax, brom., ♦bry., calc. c, camph., canth., carb. an., caust., cepa, cham., ♦cheb, cina, cinch., clem., cocc, colch., coloc, con., croc, crot. t, eye, dros., dulc, ferr. phos., graph., guaiac, ham., hyos., ign., ♦kali c, kali i., kreos., lach., lachn., led., lye, mang., mere, mere cor., mez., mur. a., nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., nux m., olean., oxal. a., phos., plumb., puis., ranunc, rhus, sabad., sang., sars., sepia, sib, spig., spong., ♦squill., stann., ♦sub, sul. a., tarax., therid.,thuj., ♦valer., ver. a., zinc, zing. Tearing—berb., carb. v., eye, spig., ustib Tenderness—aib, arn., cinch. Tension—agar., am. m., arg. n., cocc, mag. m., mur. a., nat. m., opium, phos., rhus, stann. Throbbing—cupr. Tingling—rhus. Ulcerative—psor., puis., ranunc. 6lO CHAPTER XXV1II.--INNER CHEST AND LUNGS Parts. Air cells and capillaries—aib, phos., ver. a. Axilla—bry., canth., cinch., lib, rumex, sul. Bronchi, air passages—♦ant. t, belb, brom., cact., camph., carb. v., cheb, ♦cocc c, dulc, hydras., iod., kali s., nat. m., ♦phos., puis., ♦spong , ver. a. Clavicles—aib, berb., ferr., lib, puis. Diaphragm—agar., ♦ascl. t, ♦bism., bry., lob., phos. a. Larynx—♦caul., dulc, spong. Lungs—agar., aib, ant. t, ♦aran., ♦ars., arum, asar., ♦asaf., ascl. t, bapt, belb, brom., calc. c, carb. an., cinch., crot. t, dig., dulc, ferr., ferr. phos., gels., guaiac, ham., iod., ipec,iris, kali c. kali chlor., kali i., lach., laur., lye, mere, mill., nit. a., oxal. a., ♦phos., phyt., plumb., psor., ranunc, rumex. sib. ♦spong., thuj., urtica u., ver. v. Abscesses of—calc. c, sul. a. Emphysema—dig., sib, ver. a. Gangrene—ars., cinch. Haemoptysis —See "Blood-spitting." Hepatization—brom. kali c, kali i., lach., lye, ♦phos., ver. v. Qidema—♦ant. t, cinch., ipec, kali i., nat. m., prios., ver. a. Paralysis—brom., laur., lye, nit. a., phos., sil. Phthisis—brom., calc. ph., calc. s., cinch , dulc, guaiac, hydras., kali c, kali i., mill., psor., puis., ruta, stann., ♦therid. Pleuro-pneumonia—ferr. phos. Pneumonia, inflammation—♦ant. t, benz. a., brom., carb. an., cinch, ♦dulc, ferr. phos., gels., hyos., ipec, kali e, kali chlor., kali, i., kali s., lach., lachn., lye, mere, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., ♦phos., plumb., ranunc, rhus, sang., sib, squill., stram., ♦sub, ver. v. Rales—carb. v., caust., cinch. Suppuration—carb. an., cinch., kali i., led., lye, mere, phos., plumb., puis., sib, sul. a. Tuberculosis—calc. s., dulc, ♦phos., ♦spong., sub a., tubercu- linum. Mammae and nipples—ascl. t., bry., con., eup. perf., ferr., lach., lob., sang. Muscles—ascl. t, rhus, tarax. Pleurae—abrot, aeon., apis, ♦arn., ascl. t., calc s., canth., carb. an., ♦dulc, ferr. phos., kali c, kali chlor., laur., nat. m., nit. a., phos., sabad., squill. Ribs—arg. n., asar., ascl. t, benz. a.,calc ph., carb. v.,♦cheb, cimi., iris, kali c, meph., psor., ustib Scapulae—arum, brom., carb. v., crot. t., gels., kalm., kreos., lib, mere, mill., nat. e, nat. m., phos., sepia, ♦sub, sul. a. Side,Left—aib, alum., ambr., am. c, am. m., apis, *arg. m., arg. n., arn., ars., arum, ♦ascl. t, aster., aur., bapt., benz. a., berb., bism., brom., calc. c,cale ph.,camph.,carb. v., cepa, cheb, cimi., cina, cinch., clem., cocc, croc, crot. t, eye, dulc, eup. CHAPTER XXVIII. — INNER CHEST AND LUNGS bn pert, ferr., guaiac, hep. s., hyos., hyper., iris, kali c, kreos., lach., lachn., ♦lib, lob., lye, meph., nat. m., nat. s., olean., oxal. a., phos., plat, rhod., rumex, sang., sepia, ♦spong., stann., sub, sul. a., ustib, zinc. Right—aeon., agar., aib, ambr., am. c, am. m., anae, ant. e, arg. m , arn., ars., arum, asar., ♦ascl. t, aur., bapt., belb, benz. a., borax, brom., bry., calc ph., canth., carb. an., carb. v., cheb, cimi., cinch., cocc, con., gels., hyper., kali c, kreos., lach., lachn., lib, ♦mere, ♦mere cor., mez., nat. c, nit.a., ♦phos., psor., rumex, sang., secale, sub, tarax. Sternum—aeon., apis,ars., asaf., ♦ascl. t, benz. a., bry., ♦cact., camph., canth., carb. v., cheb, cinch., con., eye, eup. perf., gamb., kali bi., kali i., led., mang., mur. a., nit. a., phyt., psor., sang., sib, zinc. Thyroid gland—ambr. Trachea—nat. m., phos. Pleurisy—abrot., aeon., ♦apis, ♦am., calc. s., canth., carb. an., dig., *dulc, ferr. phos., guaiac, kali c, kali chlor., laur., nat. m., nit. a., phos., sabad., sib, squill. Pneumo-thorax—♦arn. Rattling—♦ant. t, belb, ♦cact., camph., carb. v., caust., hyos., ipec, kali e, lye, nit. a., phos., phes. a., ver. a. Sensations—aib, am. m., anae, ars., ♦asaf., asar., ♦bry., cact., ♦carb. v., crot. t, dulc, eup. perf., ferr., glon., hep. s., iris, lach., lachn., mere, nit. a.,nat. m., nux v., ♦phos., psor.,ranunc., sepia, spig., staph., sticta, sub, valer. Cold—camph., carb. an., cic, kali chlor., nat. c, olean., sub, zinc. Dryness—ferr., mere, ♦phos., terebin. Empty—cocc, olean., sepia, ♦stann., zinc. Exhausted—brom., ♦carb. v., hyos. Full—aib, ant. t, apis, aster., calc. c, cist., crot. t., ham., lach., lachn., lib, lye, nux m. Heat—aeon., ♦ant. e, ant t, aur., caps., cic, nit. a., nux v., opium. Heavy—bry., croc, ferr., kali e, kreos., mag. m., nuxv., oxal. a., ♦phos., spong., squill. Itching—ambr. Numb—glon. Plug—anae Rough—*nux v. Tight—ars., ♦asaf., bapt., borax, caust., ♦ham., hyos., nux m., ♦phos., tabac, terebin. Weak—aloe, ant. t, ♦arg. m., benz. a., brom., ♦carb. v., cinch., dig., hep. s., iod., kali c, ♦phos. a., spong., ♦stann., ♦sub, sul. a. Weight—aeon., asaf., nux m., ♦phos., viola o. Sweats—dulc, gels., kali i., phos., psor., sang., stann., ver. a. CHAPTER XXIX.-HEART AND PULSE. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Pain across chest, sharp and severe in region of heart—rheumatism. Pulse weak and small—chlorosis. Ebulli- tions with general heat, and distended veins on forehead and hands. "Metastasis of rheumatism to heart. Absinthium. -Tremor cf the heart, felt toward the back. Heart thumps, can be heard in scapular region. ♦Aconitum. ♦Palpitation, with great anxiety and restlessness, difficult breathing,confusion in head;flushing heat in face; pressive pain in cardiac region. Feeling of fullness; pulse hard and strong; contracted stitches in heart; constriction of the chest; in pericar ditis. Pulse strong, full, hard in fever; small, intermitting, irreg- ular in asthma; quick, hard, small in peritonitis; contracted, full, powerful, over one hundred per minute, seems quicker than beat of heart; imperceptible,like a thread,with anxiety. -Oppression about the heart; burning, flushes along the back. Anxiety about the prae- cordia; heart beats quicker and stronger; fear of death. Palpita- tion, with a feeling as if boiling water were poured into the chest. Fainting and tingling. During three beats the apex strikes only once. Uncomplicated heart disease, especially with numbness in the left arm; tingling in fingers and fainting. ^Esculus hip. cFunctional disturbance of the heart from haemorrhoidal complaints. Darting in region of heart, with full- ness and palpitation. Agaricus. cBuming, shooting pains in region of heart, extend- ing to left shoulder-blade, caused by deep inspiration, and much worse from coughing, sneezing, hiccough. Pulse feeble, scarcely perceptible; becomes slower; small, irregular. Ailantus. cDull pain and contracted feeling in region of base of heart,and through center of left lung. Pulse: rapid and small; weak, sometimes scarcely perceptible; very frequent and irregular —scarlatina. 6l> CHAPTER XXIX. -HEART AND PULSE 613 Aloe. Strong beat of the heart occasionally; pain through left scapula. Pulse: accelerated; weak, suppressed after vomiting; slow in afternoon. Alumina. Awakens with palpitation. Palpitation irregular, large and small beats intermixed. Pulse unchanged, or full and accelerated. Ammonium carb. °Audible palpitation, with attacks of great anxiety, as if dying; cold sweat; involuntary flow of tears; unable to speak; loud, difficult breathing, and trembling of hands—angina pectoris. Pulse hard, tense, frequent. ♦Amyl nit. ♦Great praecordial anxiety; the beating of the heart and carotids, in some persons, very marked. Great cardiac oppres- sion and tumultuous heart action. Aching pain and constriction around the heart. °Pulse variable, irregular, jerking. The sphyg- megraphic pulse-curve ends abruptly in a very sudden downfall. Angina pectoris,with great agony. ♦Antimonium tart. ♦Great praecordial anxiety, with vomiting of mucus and bile. Pulse rapid, weak, trembling; "hard and quick in old people. ♦Apis. Sudden attack of acute pain just below the heart, soon tending diagonally toward the right chest. Blowing sound with the diastole. Pulse accelerated, full and strong; feeble, scarcely perceptible at wrist; at times intermittent and imperceptible; wiry and frequent; hard, small and quick. Argentum met. Frequent, spasmodic, though painless twitch- ing of the whole cardiac muscle, especially when lying on the back; fears apoplexy. Beats sometimes omitted. Palpitation aggravated by sudden muscular exertion. Full feeling in region of heart. Pulse often unchanged; more frequent in evening, in bed; slow in the morning. Argentum nit. Palpitation of the heart, with nausea; asthma violent, from the slightest mental emotion or sudden muscular ex- ertion. Heart's action irregular, intermittent, with an unpleasant sensation of fullness; exertion causes strong beating, worse when noticing it. Constant, anxious feeling in region of heart; burning feeling. Pains about the heart, can hardly breathe; choking. ♦Arnica. ♦Strain of the heart from violent running. Fatty de- generation of heart. "Stitches in cardiac region. Region of base of heart feels as if bruised. Palpitation after almost any exertion; 614 CHAPTER XXIX. — HEART AND PULSE goes off by rest. Pain from liver through left chest and down left arm; veins on hand swollen, purplish; sudden pain, as if heart were squeezed, or, as if it got a shock. Pulse accelerated, full, hard; sometimes seems quicker than beat of heart; intermittent,feeble, hurried, irregular; feeble, fluttering. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Violent palpitation of heart, especially at night, visible and audible, with anguish, cannot lie on back; increased by going up-stairs. Angina pectoris; sudden tightness above the heart; agonizing precordial pain; pains into the neck and occiput; anxiety, oppression; breathing difficult, fainting spells; least motion makes him lose his breath; is bent forward or with head thrown back; worse at night, especially i to 5 a m. Hydro-pericardium, with great irritability, anguish and restlessness; especially in uraemia. Pulse accelerated, quick and small; quick and weak; rapid and weak; small, very frequent and irregular; sometimes impercep- tible, thread-like. Asafcetida. "Nervous palpitation, with small pulse, from over- exertion,or suppression of discharges,in women. Pulse unchanged, unequal,generally very much accelerated, but small. Pressure in region of heart as if the heart were too full and expanded; pulse small. ♦Asparagus. ♦Palpitation of the heart, with oppression of the chest. "Irregular action of the heart. Pulse slightly accelerated; feeble. Aurum met. Violent palpitation of the heart, with anxiety and tremulous tearfulness. Pulse small, but accelerated. Weak pulse; cardiac asthma; mental depression; great debility. Strong beating of the heart, with anxiety and congestion to the head, after metrorrhagia. When riding or walking, palpitation compels him to stop. Palpitation with irregular, intermittent pulse; short breathing. Pain in region of heart extends down left arm to fingers. Pains wander from joint to joint, and finally become fixed in the heart; must sit upright; feels as if heart ceased and then suddenly gave one hard thump. Badiaga. -Severe vibrating; tremulous palpitation of the heart, while sitting or lying, especially upon any sudden elating thought, or emotion of mind. Baptisia. "Compass and frequency of the heart's pulsations seem increased; they seem to fill the chest Pulse at first acceler- ated, afterwards slow and faint. CHAPTER XXIX.—HEART AND PULSE 6l5 ♦Belladonna. ♦Violent palpitation of the heart, reverberating through the head. Pulse much increased in force and frequency; hard and tense; large, full and slow; at times small and soft. Throbbing of the carotid and temporal arteries. °Pressure in the cardiac region, which arrests the breathing and causes a sense of anxiety. Gurgling at the heart, a kind of palpitation when going up-stairs. Benzoic acid. °Pains change place incessantly, but are most constant about the heart. Gout affecting the heart. Pulse acceler- ated; full; slower and weaker; intermittent. Sense of weakness in praecordia. Bovista. "Palpitation of heart, with tremor of hands. Visible palpitation after going upstairs; as if the heart were working in water; after over-exertion. Pulse accelerated. Bryonia. "Oppression in the region of the heart. Stitching pain in region of the heart. Cramp in region of the heart, aggra- vated by walking, raising one's self or using the slightest exertion, even raising the arm. Heart beats violently and rapidly. Pulse full, hard, rapid and tense; at times intermittent, with strong rush of blood. ♦Cactus grand. ♦Sensation of constriction of the heart, as if an iron hand prevented its normal movements. Palpitation of the heart, day and night; worse when walking,and at night,when lying on left side. Acute and chronic affections of heart. "Piercing pains impeding movements of the body; oppression; cannot lie on the left side; blue face; pulse quick, throbbing, tense and hard. Dull, heavy pain, worse from pressure; suffocating respiration; face blue; oedema, especially of the left hand,and legs to the knees; feet icy cold; pulse intermittent. Pains in the apex of the heart, shooting down left arm to the ends of the fingers; feeble pulse; dyspnoea. Endo-cardial murmurs; excessive impulse; increased praecordial dullness; enlarged right ventricle. Palpitation with vertigo, loss of consciousness, dyspnoea; worse walking, at night, lying on left side, at the approach of the menses, and from any exertion. Palpitation of long standing, caused by an unfortunate love affair. Irregularity of the heart's action, at times frequent, at others slow; great irritation of the cardiac nerves; enlarged left ventricle. Caladium. °Pulse hard and bounding, in intermittents; very fre- quent, hardly to be felt, in typhus. 6i6 CHAPTER XXIX.--HEART AND PULSE Calcarea carb. ^Palpitation of the heart. Palpitation, with anxiety; also at night or after meals. Tremulous pulsation of heart, worse after eating; at night, with anguish. Pulse full and accel- erated, often tremulous. Much beating in blood-vessels. Calcarea phos. Palpitation with anxiety, followed by trem- bling weakness, particularly of the calves. Feels the beating of the pulse, not frequent but quick; while sitting; feels it in the nape of the neck and left chest. ♦Camphora. ♦Great praecordial anxiety and distress. -Palpi- tation, with sudden oppression of breathing, with cold face, limbs and body; with pale face and cold body; after eating; after waking, with twitches. Praecordial distress,when loudly spoken to; sensa- tion of severe coldness and irresistible sleepiness. Pulse full; weak; not perceptible. Diminished flow of blood to parts remote from the heart. ♦Cannabis ind. ♦Sensation as if drops were falling from the heart Pulse very slow (as low as 40); rapid (as high as 160). °Palpitation of heart, awaking from sleep. Pressing pain in the heart, with dyspnoea the whole night. Piercing pain in the heart. Stitches in the heart, accompanied by great oppression,the latter relieved by deep breathing. Cannabis sat. °Violent beating of the heart, on moving the body and on stooping, with warm sensation about the heart. Pulse very weak, slow, frequently almost imperceptible. Cantharis. -Palpitation of the heart. Pericarditis, with effu- sion; pulse feeble, irregular; tendency to syncope. Anxiety about the heart. Drawing pain in region of the heart. Stitch in heart, followed by crawling sensation. Pulse: very variable, usually hard, full and frequent, at times intermittent; frequent and small; slow, feeble and scarcely perceptible. Capsicum. :;Pulse irregular, often intermitting; slow, intermit- ting; full, strong, frequent, usually in the evening. Carbo ani. Palpitation after eating; when singing in church; morning on awaking, must lie still, with eyes closed. Pulse accel- erated, especially in evening; beating in blood-vessels. Carbo veg. Palpitation excessive for days; after eating; when sitting. Blood stagnates in capillaries, cyanosis; cold face and limbs; cold sweat, complete torpor; impending paralysis of heart. Pulse thread-like; weak and small; intermittent. CHAPTER XXIX. — HEART AND PULSE 617 Causticum. "Stitches about the heart. Palpitation of the heart. Oppression at the heart, with lowness of spirits. Pulse excited toward evening, with rush of blood. Cepa. °Pulse more frequent and full; or, slow and hard. Chamomilla. "Palpitation and faintness. Pulse small, but tense and accelerated; frequently very unequal, and then for a time weak. Chelidonium. -Very irregular palpitation of the heart. Violent palpitation, with tightness of the chest. Pulse: slow, small and quick; full and hard, though but slightly accelerated, toward evening. ♦Chininum ars. ♦Angina pectoris,with dropsical symptoms, venous hyperaemia, cyanosis. Pulse small, very frequent (200); irregular. Trembling of heart; palpitation, noticed on leaning against back; sensation as if heart had stopped; beats not perceptible; action ir- regular. Violent,neuralgic pain in left mammary region, as though torn with red-hot pinchers; intercostal neuralgia. Chininum sulf. "Praecordial anxiety; palpitation, heart feeble; general prostration. Pulse full and large; weak; trembling; scarcely perceptible. Cicuta vir. "Trembling palpitation of the heart; feels as if the heart stopped beating, sometimes with faint feeling. Cimicifuga. "Pains from the region of the heart all over the chest, and down the left arm; palpitation; unconsciousness; cerebral congestion: dyspnoea; face livid; cold sweat on the hands; numbness of the body; the left arm numb and as if bound to the side. Heart's action ceases suddenly; impending suffocation. Pulse weak, irregular, eighty per minute; feeble in the morning,with trembling and weakness. Cina. lvPulse small but hard and accelerated. Cinchona. °Palpitation with rush of blood to face and head; redness of face, with cold hands; after loss of fluids. Pulse frequent, small, hard: more quiet after meals; feeble, rapid, unequal, inter- mitting. Clematis. -Sharp stitches in region of heart, from within out- ward. Pulse: unchanged; excited, with throbbing of the veins. Cocculus. "Pulse small and spasmodic, often imperceptible, seldom hard, somewhat accelerated. Palpitation of the heart from quick motion, and mental excitement, with dizziness and faintness. ♦Coccus cact. ♦Irregular beating and palpitation of the heart, with anxiety after eating. °Pressive pain in praecordial region. Pulse accelerated. 6l8 CHAPTER XXIX.--HEART AND PULSE Coffea. °Palpitation of heart, violent, irregular, with trembling of limbs. Pulse more frequent but less vigorous, even small and weak. Colchicum. cViolent palpitation, with anxiety. Heart disease following acute rheumatism. Hydro-pericardium. Pulse accelerated and hard, or full and slow; low and feeble; quick and thready. Collinsonia. "Irritation of the cardiac nerves; cardiac hyperaes- thesia. Functional disturbances; rapid pulse; fullness and oppres- sion of the chest; difficult breathing and faintness. Colocynthis. °Stitches in the cardiac region. Strong throbbing in all the blood vessels. Pulse generally full, hard and accelerated; less frequently small and weak. Conium. ^Palpitation; beats intermit. Violent palpitation after drinking. Pulse unequal in strength and sometimes irregular in rhythm; insufficiency of the mitral valves. Crotalus hor. Pulse rapid and weak; scarcely perceptible. Pal- pitation as if the heart tumbled about. Cuprum. " Anxious feeling about the heart. Stitches below the heart. Boring pain in region of heart. Palpitation of heart. Pulse very changeable; thready, tense; small, hard, and moderately frequent. Cyclamen. Buzzing in region of heart. Sensation as of some- thing alive running in the heart. Stitches about the apex of heart. Palpitation. Pulse, double beat; very rapid; scarcely perceptible. ♦Digitalis. *Sudden sensation as though the heart stood still, with great anxiety: heart's action feeble: beats more frequent and intermittent, sometimes irregular. Thready, slow, intermittent pulse ; irregular, small. Extremely slow pulse. "Violent, but not very rapid beating of heart. Inflammation of the pericardium, with copious, serous exudation. Dulcamara. Palpitation at night. Pulse small, hard and tense, especially at night; collapsed. Ferrum met. ' Consecutive heart disease; chlorosis. Hard, strong beating of the heart; pseudo-plethora. Palpitation; better walking slowly; also in onanists; after loss of fluids, with blood-spitting. Throbbing in all blood vessels; soft, bellows sound at apex. Pulse full, hard; increased by exertion. Ferric phos. "(Dilatation of heart and blood vessels: chief rem- edy. Palpitation of heart.—Schussler.) CHAPTER XXIX.—HEART AND PULSE 619 ♦Gelseniium. ♦Feeling as if the heart would stop beating if she did net move about. A peculiar action of the heart, as though it attempted its beat which it failed fully to accomplish, the pulse intermitting each time; worse lying, especially on the left side. Nervous chill, yet skin is warm; wants to be held,that she may not shake so —heart disease. Heart's action feeble, slow, depressed; hands and feet cold. Pulse frequent, soft, weak; almost impercep- tible; slow and full. Glonoinum. -Laborious action of the heart; oppression; frequent pulse. Pressure in the heart as if it were being contracted. Sharp pains in the heart. Fullness in the heart. Anxiety in praecordia; weakness. Heart's action easily excited; violent palpitation; throbbing carotids; pulsating headache; worse stooping. Purring noise in region of heart when lying; pulse intermittent; must have head high; worse when lying on left side; better on right. Pulse: accelerated; rises and falls alternately; increased during headache, motion, walking; quick, small, irregular, with violent action of heart, low, feeble; in sunstroke. Graphites. "Region of heart: constriction; pressure; stitches. Sensation like an electric shock, from heart toward front of neck. Strong pulsation of the blood in the whole body, but especially about the heart, increased by every motion. Palpitation of the heart, with anxiety; nosebleed. Pulse full and hard, somewhat accelerated in the morning, slow during the day and evening. Hamamelis. cPalpitation. Pricking pain in region of heart and superficial veins of both arms. Helleborus. -Pulse often seems slower than beating of heart, frequent, soft, intermittent; in hydrocephalus; small, wiry in hydro- thorax, almost imperceptible. Hepar sulph. "Palpitation of the heart, with fine stitches in heart and left half of the chest. Pulse hard, full, accelerated; at times intermitting. Hyoscyamus. "Pulse accelerated, full, hard and strong; rapid, intermitting; slow and small: weak and irregular; small, weak, scarcely perceptible. Carotids beat violently. Hypericum. "Hard beating of the heart. Pulse quick and hard; frequent. Ignatia. -Palpitation of the heart at night, and in the morning in bed. Pulse generally hard, full and frequent, with throbbing in the blood-vessels; less frequently, small and slow; variable. 620 CHAPTER XXIX.— HEART AND PULSE ♦Iodium ♦Violent palpitation; worse from the least exertion. cSensation as if the heart were squeezed together. Constant,heavy, oppressive pain in region of heart. Pulse large, hard and accel- erated, with rush of blood and beating of blood-vessels; rapid but weak and thread-like; accelerated by every slight exertion. Ipecacuanha. Pulse large and soft; accelerated but weak. Kali bichrom. Cold sensation about the heart; tightness of the chest; dyspnoea. Pricking pain in region of heart. Palpitation, dyspnoea, accelerated pulse, awakens suddenly with a start, 2 a. m. Pulse: irregular,small, contracted, with nosebleed; accelerated. Kali carb. -Crampy pains as if heart were hanging by bands; burning. Palpitation in spells, taking his breath. Pulsations intermit; heart's aciion irregular; tumultuous or weak. Stitches about the heart and through to scapula. Systolic murmur; stitching pains; second sound thick, loud,from pulmonary stagnation -endo- carditis. Insufficiency of mitral valves. Pulse rapid mornings, less so evenings; unequal; irregular; intermitting; slow but weak. Kali chlor. "(Palpitation from excessive flow of blood to heart; in hypertrophic conditions. Pericarditis; this remedy, after Ferric Phos, may complete the cure.— Schussler.) Kali iod. Palpitation worse walking. Darting pains in the heart, when walking; after abuse of mercury, after repeated endo- carditis. Pulse accelerated, frequent. Kali nit. Palpitation on rising or moving about quickly, with heat of the face and oppression of chest. Congestion to chest. Palpitation audible, with dyspnoea; worse lying on the back or right side. Pulse generally full, hard, accelerated; slow, morning; fre- quent, afternoon and evening. ♦Kalmia lat. ♦Palpitation of the heart, with anxiety and op- pressed breathing. Hypertrophy and valvular insufficiency or thick- ening,after rheumatism. Attacks of angina pectoris,in fatty degen- eration of the heart. Palpitation in gastralgia. Slow, small pulse, in hypertrophy of heart. Pulse slow and feeble in angina pectoris. Remarkable slowness of pulse, 48 per minute, in neuralgia. Pulse only slightly accelerated, and in many instances slow— acute rheumatism. Quickened but weak pulse — rheumatism of heart. cWandering rheumatic pains in region of heart; shooting pains above heart in region of scapula. When articular rheumatism has been treated externally, and cardiac symptoms ensue. CHAPTER XXIX.—HEART AND PUL: E 621 Severe pain in cardiac region, with slow, small pulse, in hyper- trophy, with dilation and aortic obstruction. When the pains suddenly leave the limbs and go to the heart. Paroxysms of anguish about the heart, dyspnoea, febrile excitement; rheumatic endo-car- ditis, with consequent hypertrophy and valvuar disease. Palpita- tion, dyspnoea,and pain in the limbs; stitch in lower part of chest; right-sided prosopalgia. Palpitation up into throat, after going to bed; trembling all over; worse lying on left side; better lying on the back; anxiety. Pulse slow, weak; arms feel weak; pulse scarcely perceptible; limbs cold. Pressure like a marble from epigastrium toward the heart, with a strong, quick heartbeat. Every beat has a strumming sound, as if the heart would burst, along sternum to throat. The third or fourth beat is harder and followed by an intermission. Kreosotum. "Anxiety in region of heart. Stitches over the heart; in the heart. Pulsation of all the arteries, when at rest. Pulse small, weak and quick; soft, quick and trembling; small and hard; slow. ♦Lachesis. ♦Cramp-like pain in the praecordial region, causing palpitation, with anxiety. Restless, trembling; anxiety about the heart; hasty speech; suffocation on lying down; weight on the chest; heart feels constricted—rheumatism of the heart. Cyan- osis neonatorum. -Palpitation: can bear no pressure on throat or chest; must sit up or lie on the right side; numbness of the left arm, fainting, anxiety. Pericarditis, dropsy, diphtheritic patches in the throat, after scarlatina. Pulse small, weak and accelerated; unequal; intermittent; alternately full and small. Lachnantes. °Stitches in heart, with anxiety. Feels hot in chest and around heart. Boiling and bubbling in chest and cardiac region. While lying, feels beating of heart in his head. Trembling of heart, with great debility. Pulse no, small, thin, hard—pneu- monia. Laurocerasus. "Heart's action irregular, pulse slow. Stitches in region of heart. Beating, fluttering sensation in region of heart ; gasps for breath; sometimes has slight, dry cough. Palpitation of the heart. Cold, moist skin; convulsions of muscles of face; pulse scarcely perceptible. Apoplexy. Pulse extremely irregular; at times small and slow, often imperceptible; at others somewhat accelerated; seldom full and hard. Cyanosis neonatorum. b22 CHAPTER XXIX.—HEART AND PULSE Ledum. Pushing, or pressure inward, at left edge of sternum; palpitation. Pulse full and quick. Leptandria. -Soreness in the cardiac region. Pulse slow and full. ♦Lilium tig. ♦Sharp and quick pain in left side of chest, with fluttering of the heart. Dull pressive pain in region of heart. "Heart feels as if squeezed in a vice. Heart feels as if grasped, with pain and heaviness in left mamma to scapula. Heart as if violently grasped, then suddenly released, and so on alternately. Constrictive pain about heart, extending through to scapula. Heav- iness in region of heart. Palpitation, worse from lying on either side. Fluttering, general faint feeling; hurried and forced feeling about the apex; better sitting still. Fluttering awakens her at night, with cold hands and feet, covered with cold sweat, with sharp, quick pain in left chest. Conscious pulsations over whole body, and out-pressing in hands and arms, as if blood would burst through the vessels. ♦Lithium carb. ♦Valvular deficiencies; worse from mental agi- tation, which causes a fluttering and trembling of the heart. -Vio- lent pain in region of heart, as she bent over the bed; morning after rising. Sudden shocks in cardiac region. Rheumatic sore- ness in cardiac region. Pains in heart before and at the time of urinating; also before and at time of menses. Lobelia inf. "Slight, deep-seated pain in region of heart. Sen- sation of weakness and pressure in epigastrium, rising to heart. Sawing sound about heart, with violent pains, diarrhoea and vomit- ing. Momentary sensation as if heart would stand still; deep in, above heart, a pain. Pulse frequent but small, weak in evening; slower than usual. Lycopodium. "Hydro-pericardium. Trembling,palpitation; pul- sating tearing in region of heart. Pulse unaltered; accelerated only after eating, or in the evening. Sensation as if the circulation stood still; or ebullitions of blood. Lycopus. Constricting pain and tenderness around the heart. Rheumatoid, aching pains, and acute, darting pains in region of heart. First sound of heart displaced by a blowing sound of mitral regurgitation. Beats of heart more distinct on right side of sternum. Cardiac oppression and distress. Cardiac pulsation scarcely perceptible to touch. Cardiac depression with intermittent CHAPTER XXIX. — HEART AND PULSE 623 pulse and faintness; also on quickly ascending. Heart sounds in- distinct; systolic running into diastolic. On awaking, labored car- diac action, with frequent intermissions. Feeble, quick, irregular action of the heart. Action tumultuous and forcible; could be heard several feet from the bed; eyes protruding (case of exophthalmus). Pulse quick, intermittent; feeble, irregular, intermittent; quickened at each expiration; scarcely perceptible; extremely variable; irreg- ular in rhythm; extremely compressible. Magnesia mur. -Stitches in the heart, arresting the breath. Pal- pitation of the heart while sitting, going off on motion. Pulse accelerated, with ebullitions while sitting. Magnesium phos. "Angina pectoris. Manganum. "Palpitation of heart, strong, irregular, trembling, without abnormal sounds. Sudden shocks at the heart and in left side of chest from above downward. Pulse very uneven and irreg- ular, sometimes rapid, sometimes slow, but constantly soft and weak. Mercurius. Weakness at the heart, as if life were ebbing away; awakens with trembling at the heart, and agitation as if frightened. Palpitation, with fear; worse at night. Pulse full and accelerated, with erethism; frequent at night, slower by day; when slow it is weak and trembling; imperceptible, with warmth of the body. ♦Mercurius cor. ♦Pulse small, intermittent, irregular, weak, sometimes trembling. Palpitation of the heart in sleep. Pain in praecordial region. Mercurius prot. iod. "Sharp pains at the heart. Sudden,spasmodic actions of the heart. Pulse weak, irregular and labored. Mezereum."Pulse full, hard, accelerated evenings; at times inter- mittent; frequent mornings, slow evenings. Millefolium. "Excessive palpitation and bloody sputum. Ebulli- tions from coughing up blood. Pulse accelerated and contracted. ♦Muriatic acid. ♦Pulse rapid and very feeble. "Palpitation of the heart, felt in the face. Stitches in heart. Pulse slow and weak, sometimes intermitting; slow during day, more frequent at night. Natrum carb. "Painful cracking in region of heart. Violent, anxious palpitation of heart when ascending, and at night when lying on left side. Pulse excited at night, with ebullitions. ♦Natrum mur. ♦Intermission in the beating of the heart and pulse. "The heart's pulsations shake the body. Palpitation, anx- 624 CHAPTER XXIX. — HEART ANO PULSE ious, with morning headache; when moving or exerting one's self; when lying on the left side; on going to sleep and on awaking. Fluttering of heart with a weak, faint feeling; worse lying down. Irregular intermission of beating of heart and pulse; worse lying on left side. Pulse at times full and slow, at others weak and rapid; intermits every third beat. Nitric acid. -Palpitation and anguish on going up-stairs. Pulse irregular; one beat normal, followed by two small, rapid beats; fourth beat intermits; alternate, hard, rapid and small beajs. Nux mos. "Violent action of heart. Palpitation, fainting fol- lowed by sleep; hysteric, with weak, small pulse, and changing irregularity in heart's beat. Feels as if her head would burst and her heart be squeezed off. Trembling, fluttering of heart, as from fright. Pulse small, weak, with murmur in carotids; frequent trembling ; accelerated after wine; intermits, the intervals so long that they excite fear of death. Nux vom. "Heart feels tired, palpitation on lying down; fre- quent belching. Palpitation with rush of blood; from mental emotions; from protracted study; after eating; especially after spices or coffee. Pulse hard, full, accelerated; small, rapid; intermits every four or five beats. Oleander. "Dull, drawing pain over the heart, worse when stoop- ing. Palpitation, with weakness and empty feeling of chest, and at the same time fullness in pit of stomach. Anxious palpitation; chest feels expanded. Pulse: quick,skin hot; changeable, irregular; weak and slow mornings, full and rapid evenings. ♦Opium. ♦Pulse full, and slow, with snoring; "slow and soft; small and weak; irregular; quick, hard, with anxious breathing, irregular and unequal; imperceptible; face purple; in cyanosis neonatorum. Burning about the heart. Pulsating arteries and swollen veins of the neck. Oxalic acid."Pain in the heart; soreness, stitches,from behind for- ward or from above downward. Sharp darting in heart and left lung, extending down to epigastrium—angina pectoris. Immediately after lying down in bed at night, palpitation for half an hour. Heartburn intermits when thinking of it. Pulse increased in fre- quency, almost imperceptible, with deathly coldness, clammy sweat, livid nails. Petroleum. °Cold feeling about the heart. Fainting, with ebul- CHAPTER XXIX.—HEART AND PULSE 625 e litions, heat, pressing on the heart, and palpitation. Pulse acceler- ated by every motion ; slow during rest. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Violent palpitation, with anxiety, evenings and mornings in bed; while lying on left side. "Disease of the right sixl heart, with consequent venous stagnation. Palpitation from every emotion, with rush of blood to the chest, especially in the rapidly growing youth. Great pressure on the middle of the sternum; or- thopnoea; dyspnoea, with inability to exert himself; palpitation. Dilatation of the heart, following endo-carditis, or fatty degenera- tion. Pulse accelerated, full and hard; sometimes double; small, weak and frequent. Blowing sounds of the heart. Phosphoric acid. Stitches through the heart. Palpitation, in children and young persons who grow too fast; after grief; after self-abuse. Pulse irregular, sometimes intermitting one or two beats; generally small, weak or frequent, at times full and strong. Phytolacca. -Shocks of pain in cardiac region; angina pectoris, pain goes into right arm. Heart's action weak, with constipation. Awakens with lameness near the heart; worse during inspiration; cannot get to sleep again. Pulse small, irregular, with great ex- citement in chest, especially in cardiac region; full, but soft. Platinum. Great anxiety and palpitation; endo-carditis or peri- carditis. Pulse regular, but small and weak, sometimes tremulous. Plumbum. Rush of blood to heart during a rapid walk; anguish, cold sweat; stitches during inspiration; hypertrophy. Pulse vari- able,generally small and slow, contracted; at times hard and slow, at others small and accelerated; sinks even to 40. Podophyllum. Palpitation, with a clucking sensation rising up to throat, obstructing respiration. Palpitation from mental emo- tion or exertion, with rumbling in ascending colon; heavy sleep, fatigue on awaking in morning, drowsy all forenoon. Sensation in chest as if heart were ascending to throat. Psorinum. -Pericarditis, psoric origin; better lying quiet. Rheumatic carditis; effusion, cannot lie down. Pulse weak, feeble. Pulsatilla. "Beating through chest interrupts sleep; old maids. Catching pain in cardiac region; better for a time from pressure of hand. Burning in region of heart. Heaviness, pressure or sen- sation of fullness every evening. Palpitation in violent paroxysms, often with anguish and obscuration of sight; trembling of limbs; from chagrin,fright or joy; with amenorrhoea,chlorosis; strong,with 626 CHAPTER XXIX.--HEART AND PULSE suppressed pulse; after dinner. Pulse accelerated; small and weak; frequent evenings, with distended blood-vessels; slower in morn- ing; often scarcely perceptible. Rheum. Pulse generally unchanged, only a little accelerated, especially in evening. Rhododendron. "Boring pain in region of heart. Heart beats stronger. Pulse slow and weak; or unchanged. Rhus tox. "Uncomplicated hypertrophy, from violent exercise. Organic disease of heart, with sticking pains and soreness; numb- ness and lameness of left arm. Chest and heart feel weak after a walk; trembling sensation of the heart. Palpitation violent when sitting still. Pulse accelerated, weak, faint and soft, trembling or imperceptible; sometimes seems quicker than the heart-beats; irregular; affected by beer, coffee or alcohol. Rumex crisp. -Heart feels as if it suddenly stopped beating, followed by a heavy throbbing through the chest. Burning in region of heart. Dull pain in region of heart: stinging; worse when lying down, and breath ing deeply. Aching in heart, with throbbing of carotids and through the body, shaking the bed; dyspnoea; worse when lying, had to sit up; face red, puffed, worse about the eyes, which were red, lusterless. Pulse accelerated, especially when going up stairs. Sabina. Palpitation at every motion, especially when ascend- ing. Pulse unequal; generally quick, strong and hard. Violent throbbing of arteries in whole body. Sambucus. Occasional omission of heart-beat Pulse generally very frequent and small; sometimes slow and full; sometimes inter- mitting. Sanguinaria. -Painful stitches or pressing pain in region of heart. Palpitation before vomiting, with great weakness. Irregu- larity of heart's action, and pulse, with coldness and insensibility. Weak feeling of heart. Pulse hard, frequent; small and quick; irregular with great weakness. Sarsaparilla. Palpitation of heart, without fear; usually during the day. Ebullition of blood and protruding veins. Pulse accel- erated in the evening, slow in the morning. ♦Secale cor. ♦Pulse small, very rapid, contracted, frequently intermittent; cfluttering, slow, suppressed; often unchanged, even during violent attacks; small, empty, weak, thread-like in haemor- CHAPTER XXIX. — HEART AND PULSE 627 rhages. Palpitation oftener at night,with contracted and frequently intermitting pulse. Sepia. -Palpitation of heart after mental emotions. Interruption of the beating of the heart, more after dinner; alarmed, quivering motion. Wakes up with violent beating of the heart. Palpitation, with anxiety about things which happened years ago. Congestion of blood to chest, with violent palpitation of heart. An occasion- al hard thump of the heart. Silicia. -Palpitation of heart while sitting, so that he had to hold on to something. Violent,hammering palpitation, after every quick, or violent motion. Pulse small, hard, rapid; frequently irregular, and then slow. ♦Spigelia. ♦Palpitation: violent,visible and audible,when bending forward, on sitting down after rising from bed in the morning; from deep inspiration, or holding the breath, with anxious oppression of the chest. "Stitches about heart, sometimes synchronous with pulse; with anxiety and oppression; often with commencing valvular disease, endo-carditis, etc. Purring feeling over heart; wave-like motion, not synchronous with the pulse. Palpitation: violent,worse bending forward; high fever; stitching pains; when he sits down, after rising in the morning; from deep inspiration or holding the breath; from worms; from least motion. Systolic blowing at apex. Pulse irregular, strong but slow, trembling. ♦Spongia. ♦Angina pectoris; contracting pain in chest," heat, suffocation, faintness and anxious sweat. Aneurism of aorta; dry, paroxysmal cough; worse lying down. Palpitation violent, with pain, gasping respiration; suddenly awakened after midnight, with suffocation, great alarm, anxiety—valvular insufficiency. Rheu- matic endo-carditis, loud blowing with each heart-beat. "Attacks of oppression and cardiac pain; worse lying with head low. Sting- ing, pressing pains in praecordial region. Pulse frequent, hard, full, or feeble. Staphisagria. ^Palpitation from the least motion; from mental exertion; from music; after siesta. Trembling beating of the heart. Pulse frequent and small; often trembling. Stramonium. 'Palpitation. Beating of heart so increased by motions, he cannot speak for hours; trembling, twitching, as in chorea; murmurs, instead of regular sounds; consequence of fright. Pulse full, strong; frequent, hard; irregular; small and spasmodic; 62S CHAPTER XXIX.--HEART AND PULSE slow, in typhus; sometimes trembling, or imperceptible; sometimes double and very quick, with quiet respiration. ♦Sulphur. ♦Palpitation of heart, with anxiety; at night; in bed; when ascending. Pulse full, hard, and accelerated; at times intermittent. Sensation as if heart were enlarged. Palpitation of heart; worse when going up-stairs, or when climbing a hill. Sulphuric acid. -Palpitation of heart, with or without fear or anxiety. Shooting pain through the heart. Pulse small, feeble, accelerated; affected by alcoholic drinks. Tabacum. "Palpitation in attacks at night, tight across chest, with angina pectoris. Oppression at heart; pulse feeble, irregular __cholera. Violent beating of heart and carotids. Sudden praecor dial anguish. Violent palpitation, lying on left side; goes off when turning to right. Pulse quick, full, large; imperceptible, small, intermittent; exceedingly slow. Tellurium. -Dull pain in region of heart, when lying on left side; better when lying on back. Palpitation of heart, with throb- bing through whole body, and full pulse, followed by sweat. Theridion. -Anxiety about heart; sharp pains radiate to arm and left shoulder— climaxis. Pulse slow, with vertigo. Thuja occ. -Palpitation periodical, in rest or motion; from as- cending; anxious when awaking mornings; audible, with violent congestion to the chest. Violent pulsations in evening. Pulse full, accelerated, evening; slow and weak, morning. ♦Veratrum alb. ♦Palpitation, with anxiety and rapid, audible respiration. JStrong palpitation of the heart with chorea. Violent, visible, anxious palpitation, with fainting. Tumultuous, irregular contractions of heart, forerunners of paralysis. Intermittent action of heart in feeble persons,with some obstruction of hepatic circula- tion. Palpitation in the anaemic; agony of death, legs cold; difficult breathing, better at rest, or lying down. Pulse frequent, small, hard; slow, soft, intermittent; sometimes seems slower than beats of heart. Veratrum vir. -In cardiac region, burning, prickling, or dull aching. Beating of heart loud,strong, with great arterial excitement; low and feeble; fluttering. Faintness and blindness, when rising from lying; from sudden motions; better lying quiet. Pulse sud- denly increases and gradually decreases below normal; slow, soft, weak, irregular, intermittent. CHAPTER XXIX. — HEART AND PULSE 629 Zincum. "Severe pain in cardiac region, some swelling and great tenderness. Feels as if a cap were over the heart; spine affected. Irregular, spasmodic action of the heart; occasionally one violent thump. Violent pulsations in blood-vessels, during heat. Pulse: irregular, or small and frequent evenings, slow morn- ings; increased by wine; scarcely perceptible. REPERTORY. Aneurism—♦spong. Anxiety—♦aeon., am. c, ♦amyl, ♦ant t, ♦ars., aur., belb, calc. c, calc. ph., ♦camph., chin, s., ♦cocc c, colch., cupr., ♦dig., glon., ♦kalm., ♦lach., nat. m., phos., spig., ♦spong., ♦sub, therid., ♦ver. a. Beating of heart—absinth.,♦amyl, arg. n., aur.,bapt., carb. an., puis., tabac. Audible—absinth., am. c, ♦ars., kali n., lycopus, ♦spig., thuj. Ceasing, seemingly—aur., cimi., ♦dig., ♦gels. Depressed—gels. Excited easily—glon., phyt., ver. v. Feeble—chin. s., ♦dig., gels. Fluttering—laur., ♦lib, lith., nat. m., nux m. Forcible—lycopus, nat.m., ver. a. Frequent—bapt., cact, ♦dig., samb. Hard —ferr. Imperceptible—chin, ars., lycopus. Increased — bapt. Intermittent—con., ♦dig., kali c, lycopus, ♦nat m., nux m., oxal. a., samb., sepia, ver. a. Irregular—alum.,cact., cann. i.,chin. ars., ♦cocc c, coff., ♦dig., kali c, laur., lycopus, mang., nat. m., nux m.,sang.,sepia, ver. a., zinc Labored—glon., lycopus. Loud—absinth., am. c, kali c, ver. v. Palpitation—♦aeon., aescul., am. e, arn., ♦ars., ♦asaf., ♦aspar., aur., bad.,bapt., ♦belb, bovist., ♦cact, calc. e, calc ph., camph., can. i., canth., carb. v., chin, ars., chin, s., cimi., cinch., cocc, ♦cocc. c'coff., colch., con., crot. t, cupr., eye, ferr., ferr. phos., glon., ♦iod., kali c,kali chlor.,kali i.,kali n.,^kalm., ♦lach., lib, mang., .mere, mere cor., mur. a., nat. m., nux m., nux v., ♦phos , phos. a., puis., rhus, sang., secale, ♦spig., ♦spong., ♦sub, tabac, *ver. a. Rapid—bry., dig. Slow—cact., gels. Spasmodic—mere p. i., zinc. Strong—aloe, ferr., mang., puis.,rhod., ver. v. Tumultuous—♦amyl, kali c, ver. a. Violent—♦ars., aur., ♦belb, bry., coff., colch., con., dig.,glon., ♦iod., nux m., phos., puis., rhus, ♦spig., ♦spong., tabac, ver. a. 630 CHAPTER XXIX.—HEART AND PULSE Beating" continued. Visible—♦ars., bovist, ♦spig., ver. a. Weak—kali e, phyt, sang. Carditis—dig., psor. Chlorosis—abrot., ferr., puis. Cyanosis—carb. v., ♦chin, ars., ♦lach., opium. Dilatation—ferr. phos., kalm., phos. Diseases of—♦cact, colch., ferr., ferr. phos., gels., kalm.,phos., rhus. Endo-carditis—kali c, kali i., kalm., phos., spig., ♦spong. Fatty degeneration —♦arn., ♦kalm., phos. Function diseases— a:scub, collin. Gout—benz. a. Hydro-pericardium—♦ars., colch., dig. Hyperaesthesia—collin. Hypertrophy—kali chlor., ♦kalm., plumb., rhus. Murmurs—apis, cact., cimi., eye, ferr., glon., kali c, lycopus, nux m., phos., spig., ♦spong. Pains—♦abrot., arn., benz. a., cact., lib, lith., nux m., mere cor., phyt., spong., zinc. Aching—amyl., lycopus, rumex, ver. v. Acute—apis, lycopus. Angina pectoris—am. c, amyl, ♦ars., ♦chin, ars., chin, s., ♦kalm., mag. phos.,oxal. a., phyt., ♦spong., tabac. Boring —cupr. Bruised—arn. Burning— aeon.,agar.,arg. n.,kali c,opium,puis., rumex, ver. v. Catching— puis. Constricted—♦aeon., ♦amyl, cact, ♦lach., lib, lycopus. Contracted—♦aeon., aib, glon., ♦spong. Cramp—bry., kali e, ♦lach. Darting—aescul., kali i., lycopus oxal. a. Dull—aib, cact, ♦lib, ver. v. Lame- phyt., rhus. Neuralgic—chin, s., kalm. Oppressive—aeon., ♦amyl, ars., ♦aspar., bry., cact., can. i., collin., iod., kali n., lycopus, spig., spong., tabac. Piercing—can. i. Pressive- aeon., asaf., belb, can. i., cocc. e, glon., graph., led., lob., petrol., ♦lib, phos., puis., sang., spong. Pricking—cact., ham , kali bi., ver. v. Rheumatic—abrot., ♦kalm., lith., lye, psor., ♦spong. Sharp-abrot., glon.. lib, mere p. i., oxal. a., therid. Shifting—benz. a., kalm. Shooting—agar., cact., kalm. Soreness—lith., lept., oxal. a., rhus. Squeezed—arn., lib, nux m. Sticking—rhus. Stinging—rumex, spong. Stitches—♦aeon., arn., bry., can. i., coloc, cupr., eye, kali e, kalm., mur. a., phos. a., plumb., sang., spig. CHAPTER XXIX.—HEART AND PULSE 631 Pains continued. Strain—♦arn. Tender—lye, zinc. Tingling—aeon. Paralysis—carb. v., ver. a. Parts Arteries—amyl, ♦belb, calc. c, coloc, ferr. phos., glon., hyos., iod., kalm., lib, nux m., opium, ♦spong., ver. v., zinc. Blood—calc. c, camph., carb. v., cinch., coloc, ferr., iod., kali chlor., lib, nux v., phos., plumb., puis., zinc. Carotids—amyl, ♦belb, glon., hyos., nux m., tabac. Chest—abrot, aeon., apis, arn., aspar., bapt., cimi., coloc, kali n., kalm., lach., lib, mang., phos., phyt., puis., rhus, spig., spong., tabac. Nerves—cact., collin. Pericardium—aeon., ars., canth., colch., dig., kali chlor., lach., psor. Praecordia—aeon., ♦amyl, ♦ant. t, ♦ars., benz. a., cact, ♦camph., chin, s., cocc. e', glon., ♦lach., mere cor., spong., tabac. Scapulae—absinth., agar., kali e, kalm., lil. Sternum— phos. Valves—con., kali c., ♦kalm., ♦lith., lycopus, spig., spong. Veins—♦abrot., arn., ♦chin, ars., opium, phos., puis., zinc. Ventricles—cact. Organic disease—aeon., cact., rhus, spig. Pericarditis—aeon., canth., kali chlor. Pulse, accelerated—apis, arn., ars., asaf., aspar., aur., bapt., benz. a., bovist., calc. c, cocc. e, colch., coloc, glon., hyos., iod., kali i., kali n., ♦kalm., lach., mere, nux m., nux v., phos., plumb., puis., rhus, ♦sub Changeable -cupr. Compressible—lycopus. Contracted—♦aeon., plumb., ♦secale. Double—eye, phos., stram. Empty—secale. Feeble—agar., apis, arn., aspar., cact., canth., chin, s., cimi., cinch., colch., gels., glon., kalm., lycopus, ♦mur. a., psor., spong., tabac, ver. a., ver. v. Fluttering—arn., secale, ver. v. Forcible—♦bell. Frequent—aib, am. c, apis, ars.,bapt., ♦belb, cact., calc. ph., ♦chin, ars., chin, s., cinch., coff., cupr., gels., hell., kali i, kali n., mere, mur. a., phos., phos. a., puis., sang., spong., ver. a.,zinc. Full—♦aeon., apis, arn., benz. a., bry., calc. c, camph., chin, s., colch., coloc, ferr., gels., hyos., kali n., lach., mere, nat. m., nux v., ♦opium, phos., phos. a., phyt., spong., sub, tabac. Hard—♦aeon., am. c, ant. t,♦apis,arn., bry., cact.,cinch., cocc, colch., coloc, cupr., hyos., iod., kali n., nux v., phos., plumb., sang., spong., sub, ver. a. 632 CHAPTER XXIX.— HEART AND PULSE Pulse continued. Hurried—arn. Imperceptible—aeon., agar., aib, apis, ars., camph., chin, ars., chin. s., cocc, crot. h., eye,gels., hell., hyos., kalm., lycopus, mere, opium, puis., rhus, tabac, zinc. Intermitting—aeon., apis, arn., benz. a., bry., cact., carb. v., cinch., ♦dig., gels., glon., hell., hyos., kali c, lach., lycopus, ♦mere, cor., mur. a., ♦nat m , nux v., phos. a., ♦secale, sub, tabac, ver. a., ver. v. Irregular—aeon., agar., aib, amyl, am., ♦ars., aspar., cact, canth., ♦chin, ars., cimi., con., ♦dig., glon., hyos., kali c, lye, mang., mere cor., nat. m., nux m., opium, phos. a., phyt., rhus, sang., spig., tabac, ver. v., zinc. Jerking—amyl. Large—chin, s., iod., tabac. Powerful—♦aeon. Quick—aeon., ant. t, ♦apis, arn., ♦ars., cact., calc. ph., colch., glon., lycopus, rhus, sang., tabac, ver. a. Rapid—aib, ♦ant. t., ars., bry., cinch., collin., crot. h., eye, hyos., iod., kali e, mang., mur. a., nat. m., nux v., ♦secale. Slow—agar., bapt, benz. a., cact, ♦can. i., colch., ♦dig., gels., hell., hyos., kali c, kali n., ♦kalm., mang., mere, mur. a., nat. m., ♦opium, plumb.,puis., secale, spig., tabac, therid., ver. a.,ver. v., zinc. Small—♦abrot., aeon.,agar., aib, ♦apis, ars., asaf., aur., carb. v., ♦chin, ars., cinch., cocc, coff., coloc, cupr., ♦dig., glon., hell., hyos., ♦kalm., lach., mere cor., nux m., nux v., opium, phos., phos. a., phyt., plum., puis., sang., ♦secale., tabac, ver. a., zinc. Soft—gels., hell., kali n., mang., opium, phyt., rhus, ver. a., ver. v. Spasmodic—cocc. Strong—♦aeon., apis, hyos., phos. a., puis., spig. Suppressed—puis., secale. Tense—am. e, bry., cact., cupr. Thready— aeon., ars., carb. v., colch., cupr., ♦dig., iod., secale. Throbbing—cact., coloc, ferr. Trembling —♦ant t, aur., calc. c, calc. ph., chin, ars., chin, s., cimi., ♦lach., lith., lycopus, mang., mere, mere cor., nux m., puis., rhus, spig. Unchanged—asaf., secale. Variable—amyl, lycopus, plumb. Weak—♦abrot., aib, ♦ant t, ♦ars., aur., benz a., camph., carb. v., chin, s., cimi., coff., coloc, crot. h., gels., hyos., iod., kali c, kalm., lach., lib, mang., mere, mere cor., mur. a., nat. m., nux m., nuv. v., opium,phos., phos. a., psor.,puis.,rhus, sang., secale, ver. v. Wiry —apis, hell. Sensations—aeon., am., bovist., ♦cact., camph., ♦can. i., chin. ars., cupr., eye, ♦dig., ♦gels., glon., iod., lib, lith., kali e, lach., nux m., spig., sub, zinc. CHAPTER XXIX.--HEART AND PULSE 633 Sensation continued. Cold—camph., sang. Faint—aeon., ♦ars., canth., cocc, coloc, lach., lib, nat m., nux m., rhus, ♦spong., ver. a., ver. v. Fullness—♦aeon., aescul., collin., glon., puis. Gurgling—bell. Heat—abrot., cinch., kali n., spong. Heavy—cact, lib, puis. Numb—aeon., cimi., lach., rhus. Shocks—arn., lith., mang., phyt. Stopped—chin. ars. Tight—♦ars., tabac Tired—nux v. Sweat—am. e, carb. v., cimi., lib, plumb., ♦spong. Trembling, tremor—absinth., ant. c, aur.,bad.,bovist, calc e, calc. ph., chin.ars., cimi., coff., crot. t, kalm., ♦lach.,♦lith. lye, lycopus,mang., mere, nux m., puis., rhus, staph., stram. Twitching—arg. m. Weakness—benz. a., calc. ph., glon., sang. CHAPTER XXX.-OUTER CHEST. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Abrotanum. -'Drawing in muscles, worse from motion. Angus cast "Pressure in region of sternum, worse when breath- ing deeply. Ambra. -Burning on chest. Ammonium carb. "-Right mamma painful to touch. Small pimple on sternum; when touched it feels as if a splinter were therein. Red rash on chest. Ammonium mur. °Burning, itching, red spots on left chest; pale under pressure. Anacardium. °Itching on chest. Antimonium crud. "Severe, continual itching on chest the whole day Antimonium tart. "Crawling as of insects above left mamma. ♦Apis. ♦Chest feels as if beaten or bruised ♦Argentum met. ♦Boil near last rib. "Cutting, left side, in cartilages of false ribs. Chest feels sore to touch. Argentum nit. "Violent pain in muscles of chest. ♦Arnica. ♦Articulations and cartilaginous connections of chest feel as if beaten, when moving, breathing, or coughing. "Violent stitches in middle of left chest. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Stitches and pressing in sternum. wYellow spots on chest. Asarum. °Burning sensation, right chest, more external than internal. Belladonna. "Corroding, gnawing pain, beneath cartilages of last ribs, right side. Benzoic acid. "Pressure of clothing on chest is annoying. Berberis. "Stitching, pulsating, pressing or. tensive pains in muscles of chest. Corrosive feeling in skin. Pimples on chest and scapulae. Bismuthum. °Fine stitches in center of sternum, but not affected by breathing. cm CHAPTER XXX.—OUTER CHEST 635 Borax. LStitches between ribs of right side; cannot lie on that side on account of pain; with sensitive drawing and obstruction of breathing; has to catch for breath; if during sleep he lies on pain- ful side, the pains awake him immediately. Bromium. -Pressure below left clavicle. Tearing in left clavicle. Stitching pain from mamma to axilla, cannot bear pressure. Bryonia. -Painful spot, as from a bruise, on the second rib of right side, extending to sternum. Cactus. -Sensation of constriction in middle of sternum as if compressed by iron pinchers, with difficult breathing, worse from motion. Rheumatism of muscles of chest. Caladium. -Rash on chest. Calcarea carb. "Chest painfully sensitive to touch, and on in- spiration. Itching on chest. Mammary glands pain as if suppur rating, especially when touched. Calcarea phos. "Tearing, pressing, and shooting in sternum. Sore pain on sternum. Clavicle sore; first left, then right. Ulcer over sternum or clavicle. Camphora. :Fine rash on outer throat and chest. Cantharis. "Stitches in sternum. Burning in chest. Capsicum. "Pains in sternum, with sweat while walking. Carbo veg. "Brown-yellow blotches on chest. Causticum. Sensation as if clothing were too tight. Painful compression of chest from both sides toward sternum, with oppres- sion of breathing and weak voice. Stitches in sternum from deep breathing or lifting. Cicuta. "Sensation of soreness in lower end of sternum. Cistus. "Chest hurts when touched. Pressure on chest. Small, painful pimples, which bleed easily and heal slowly, across shoul- ders and on breast. Colchicum. "Stinging and tearing in muscles of chest. Conium. "The clothes lie like a weight on shoulders and chest Cyclamen. cPressure in middle of sternum. Contractive sensa- tion of chest. Sensation as if air streamed from nipples. Mammae swollen; tension and stitches therein; hard and painful; discharge of milky fluid. Drosera. "Stitches in muscles of chest, when breathing or coughing. Ferrum met. "Drawing in chest, and around heart; scalp sore. Fluoric acid. cScaly eruption on chest and arms. 636 CHAPTER XXX.—OUTER CHEST Gambogia. Repeated, extremely painful stitches in sternum. Weight on chest, causing sleeplessness. Gelsemium. "Periodical pains in pectoral muscles. Glonoinum. "Sweat on chest. Graphites. -Stinging in fleshy part of chest. Pimples on chest. Hamamelis. Dull, aching pain constantly in muscles of left chest, worse using arms, afternoon and evening. Helonias. Chest sensitive to air. Aching, as if front of chest had been compressed in a vise. Hyoscyamus. "Muscles sore. Roseola on chest. Hypericum. Stitches under mammae. Stinging,burning pain on one edge of left pectoral muscle. Dull pressure, right chest, from seventh rib down, after breakfast. Kali bichrom. Dull pain in right side, over a circumscribed spot, worse on inspiration. ♦Kalmia. ♦Pleurodynia in winter season. Kreosotum. "Chest pains as if bruised, particularly the sternum, and especially on pressure or inspiration; also extending to clav- icles and cervical muscles. Pain as if sternum or whole chest were pressed in. Laurocerasus. Pain in every part of chest, on moving it. Burning on chest, on taking an inspiration. Ledum. Eruption, like varicella, on chest and upper arms, with desquamation. Red spots and rash with smarting itching on chest. Pain on and in sternum, or below it. The chest hurts when touched. Lobelia inf. Repeated quivering in muscles of left ribs, toward spine. Pressure on lower portion of sternum, left side. Tension in left chest, from nipple to arm-pit. Pain behind the sternum. Lycopodium. Brownish-yellow spots on chest. Mercurius biniod. Sticking in muscles of ribs, left side, after walking out during thawing weather. Natrum carb. -Chilliness in one (left) side of chest. Natrum sulf. Swelling of ribs, near sternum. Spasmodic mo- tion of muscles, worse left side. Sycotic exanthema every spring. Oleander. :Dull, lasting stitch in sternum. Petroleum. -Herpes on chest. Phosphorus. :Yellow spots on chest. Phytolacca. Rheumatism of lower intercostal, from exposure to cold and dampness. CHAPTER XXX.'- OUTER CHEST 637 Pulsatilla. cChest pains as if sprained. Ranunculus bulb. -Chest feels sore, bruised; worse from touch, motion or turning the body (many cases of pleurodynia). Ranunculus seel. "Chest feels as if bruised, with sensation of weakness therein. Stitches in chest and intercostal muscles. Ex- • ternal chest and sternum are painfully sensitive to touch. Rhododendron. "Chest sensitive to touch. Ruta. "On sternum,a painful spot; also painful to pressure. Sabadilla. "Red spots on chest. Sambucus. "Pressure under sternum, with a counter pressure from spine toward sternum. Compression of chest violent, trem- bling from pain. Sanguinaria. cBurning in sternum. Severe soreness under right nipple, worse from touch. Sarsaparilla. "Sternum feels bruised. Sepia. -Brown spots on chest. Silicia. °Painless throbbing in sternum. Tightness across chest, after suppressed foot-sweat. Eruption like varicella,covering breast, itching violently. Spigelia. "Painful contractions of muscles. Shooting under left clavicle, or on a line with heart. Sticta. °Pulsation along right side of sternum to abdomen. ♦Stramonium. ♦Red rash on chest—typhus. Sulphur. ^Shooting in sternum. Sulphuric acid. "Sternum sore as if beaten. Thuja occ. "Skin on clavicle blue. REPERTORY. Eruptions—am. c, arg. m., carb. v., fluor. a., hyos.,led.,nat. s., petrol., sil. Pimples—am. c, berb., cist, graph. Rash —calad., camph., led., ♦stram. Spots —am. m., ars., bry., carb. v., kali bi., led., lye, phos., ruta, sabad., sepia. Pains—am. c, arg. n., belb, bry., calc. e, caps., caust., cist., clem., gamb., gels., ham., laur., led., mere b. i., puis., ruta, samb., sib, spig. Aching —ham., helon., stram. Beaten—♦apis, ♦arn., sul. a. Bruised—♦apis, bry., kreos., ranunc. b., ranunc. s., sars. Burning—ambr., am. m., asar., canth., hyper., laur., sang. Corroding—belb, benz. a. Drawing—abrot., ferr. 638 CHAPTER XXX.—OUTER CHEST Pains continued. Dull—ham., kali bi., cist. Gnawing—belb Pleurodynia—♦arn., ♦kalm., ranunc. b. Pressure—agn., ♦ars., berb., brom., calc. ph., cic, cist, eye, hyper., kreos., lob., samb. Pulsating —berb., sticta. Rheumatic—cact., phyt. Sensitive—am. e, arg. m., benz. a.,borax, brom., calc. c, cist, helon., led., ranunc. s., rhod., sang. Shooting —calc. ph., spig., sul. Sore —arg. m., calc. ph., cic, hyos., ranunc. b., sang., sul. a. Stinging—colch., graph., hyper. Stitches -arn.,♦ars., herb., bism., borax, brom,, canth., caust, eye, dros., gamb , hyper., olean., ranunc. s. Tearing—brom., calc. ph., colch. Tensive—berb., eye, lob. Throbbing—sil. Parts. Axilla—brom., lob. Clavicle—brom., calc. ph., kreos., spig., thuj. Mammae—am. c, ant. t, brom., calc. e, eye, hyper., kreos., lob., mere b. i., nat. s., ranunc. s., sang., spig. Muscles—abrot., arg. n., berb., cact., colch., dros., gels., ham., hyos., hyper., kreos., lob., mere b. i., nat. s., ranunc. s., spig. Ribs—♦arg. m., belb, borax, bry., hyper., lob., mere b. i., nat. s. Side, Left—am. m., arn., brom., ham., lob., mere b. i., nat. e, nat. s. Right—am. c, asar., belb, borax, bry., hyper., kali bi., sang., sticta. Skin— berb., thuj. Sternum—agn., am. c, ♦ars., bism., bry., cact., calc. ph., canth., caust., cic, eye, gamb., kreos., led., lob., nat. s., olean., ranunc. s., ruta, samb., sang., sars., sib, sticta, sub, sul. a. Sensations—am. e, ant. t, apis, cact., caust., eye, helon., kreos., nat. c, ranunc. s., sil. Itching—am. m., anae, ant. c, calc. e, led., sil. Weight—con., gamb. Sweat—caps., glon., sil. CHAPTER XXXI.-BACK AND NECK. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Pains in sacrum—haemorrhoidal colic. "Back weak, with ovarian pains. ♦Aconitum. ♦Tearing in nape of neck. "Painful stiff neck, worse moving the neck; pains down the neck to the right shoulder. Bruised pain between the shoulders. Stiffness of the back. Crawl- ing in spine as from beetles; formication. Numbness of small of back, extending into lower limbs. Cutting pain in circles from spine to abdomen. Spasms from inflammatory affections of the spine. Drawing, tearing pain in scapulae. Pain in small of back, especially at last lumbar vertebra, as if beaten. ♦yEsculus hip. ♦Constant backache affecting the sacrum and hips, very much aggravated by walking, and stooping forward. Back gives out when walking. "Lameness and weariness in back of neck. Aching between the shoulders. Pains in right scapula and chest; worse inhaling. ♦Agaricus. +Pain in lumbar region and sacrum; a sort of crick in the back; extends along to the nape of the neck. Painfulness along the spinal cord when stooping. Violent shooting, burning pains, deep in the spine. Aching along the spine and limbs. Spinal column sensitive to touch. ^Twitching in the cervical muscles. Stiffness in nape of neck. Pain in back as after continued stoop- ing. Every motion, every turn of the body causes pain in spine. ♦Ailantus. ♦Neck tender and very much swollen. "Itching around her neck. Thickened, swollen feeling of the muscles of neck. Constant aching between the shoulders. Glands of the neck sore, with pain under the left scapula. Aloe. "Lumbago alternating with headache. Stitches through the sacrum to loins. Pressure and heaviness in the sacral region while sitting; better from motion. ♦Ammonium mur. ♦Severe pains in lumbo-sacral region. "Stiff neck, with pain from nape to between the shoulders, when turn- (W) 640 CHAPTER XXXI. — BACK ANI) NECK ing. Tearing pains in sides of neck, alternating with tearing in the cheek. Bruised and sprained pain between the scapulae. Stitches in the left scapula. Coldness in the back and between the shoul- ders, not relieved by feather or wool covering; followed by itching. ♦Antimonium tart. ♦Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region; the slightest effort to move causes retching, and cold, clammy sweat. "Does not like anything to touch him; inclination to unbutton the collar of his shirt. Cramp in the muscles of the neck. Pain in the back as from fatigue, especially after eating and while sitting. Sharp stitches in the region of the kidneys on moving the arms. Apocynum can. "Slight soreness in region of kidneys when bringing muscles into action. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Indurated glands on the neck, with suspicion of former syphilis. °Acute pains in the dorsal region after a fall. Pain in small of the back, relieved when standing or walking, but severe when rising from a seat. Pain in back and lower ribs dur- ing pregnancy. Weakness in the sacro-iliac symphysis, as if bones were loose. Sense of weight in lower part of sacrum and os coccygis,better standing; worse sitting and with stool. Arnica. °Weakness of cervical muscles; they do not support the head steadily. Great sensibility of cervical vertebra to pressure. Violent spinal pain as from rising suddenly after long stooping. Right scapula and small of the back painful, as if beaten. Bruised pain at inner portion of right scapula. Sacrum pains as if beaten. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Loss of strength in small of back. "Nape of neck stiff, as if bruised or sprained. Neuralgic pains on left side of neck. Drawing pains between scapulae; from small of back to the shoul- ders; necessitate lying down.Stiffness of the spinal column,beginning in the region of the os coccygis. Bruised pain in small of back. Arum triph. "Stiffness of the neck, with intolerable pressing headache. Pain in the atlas and dental vertebra. Glands of throat and neck swollen. Aurum met. cSwollen cervical glands. Tension in neck as if muscles were too short, even at rest, mostly when stooping. Spinal disease, with gressus gallinaceus. Pain in small of back as from fatigue. Tendons of lumbar muscles so painfully stiff that the thigh cannot be raised; thigh feels paralyzed. ♦Baryta carb. ♦Swelling of the glands of the neck and occiput. "Stiffness in the nape of neck. Tension in the neck and scapula?; CHAPTER XXXI.—BACK AND NECK 64? pain in the loins,in cold air. Stinging pains in the neck. Chronic torticollis. Pain in small of the back; worse in the evening; he can neither rise nor bend backwards. ♦Belladonna. ♦Pain in small of the back, as if it would break. °Pressive pain externally in neck when bending the head back- ward, and when touching the part. Swelling of the glands in nape of neck, with cloudiness of head. Pressive pain under left scap- ula, more toward the outer side. Drawing pressure between the right scapula and spinal column. Shooting and gnawing pain in the spinal column. Stabbing as if with a knife, from without in wards, in the vertebrae. Drawing, burning and throbbing pain in the spine. Soreness of last dorsal and first lumbar vertebra. Back aches as if broken. Cramp-like sensation in left lumbar region. Curvature of the lumbar vertebrae. Bearing down on to sacrum, ♦Berberis. ♦Bruised pain with stiffness and lameness in small of back; rises from a seat with difficulty. Backache worse while sitting or lying. Painful tension and pressure with sensation of numbness, puffiness, warmth, stiffness and lameness, extending at times into the lower limbs. "Pain as if bruised or swollen, from right scapula to shoulder-joint Tearing in and between the scap- ulae. Tearing in the spine. Constant pulsating stitches in sacrum. Bryonia. "Pain in nape of neck, as after taking cold. Painful stiffness of muscles of right side of neck, on moving the head. Dull stitches between the scapulae, extending from behind forward, in the afternoon while lying. Pain in the small of the back, which makes walking or turning difficult; as if bruised when lying on it. Caladium. "Rheumatic pain between the shoulders; can hardly turn in bed. Sacral region and back feel bruised, morning when rising. Calcarea carb. °Hard swelling of the cervical glands. Painless swelling of the glands in the neck at the margin of the hair. Stiff neck, with pain extending down into the shoulders on moving it. Thick, strumous tumefaction of the thyroid gland. Swelling and incurvation of vertebrae of the neck and back. Drawing pain be- tween the scapulae. Pain between or in the region of the scapulae, particularly worse by riding, sneezing, gaping, coughing, or other jarring. Pain in the sacral region, back and neck,after over- lifting, with feeling as if wrenched. Calcarea fluor. °(Backache, simulating spinal irritation; weak 642 CHAPTER XXXI.—BACK AND NECK back, with dragging pains downward. Pain in lower part of back,with sensation of fullness and burning.—Schussler.) ♦Calcarea phos. ♦Rheumatic pain and stiffness of the neck, with dullness of the head, from slight draft of air. Cramp-like pain in neck,first one side then the other side. Pains and aches between, and mostly below, the scapulae. Violent pain in region of the kid- neys, from lifting a weight or from blowing the nose. Backache and uterine pains. Curvature of spine to the left, lumbar vertebrae bent forward. Violent stitch at a spot between left ilium and sacrum, from the slightest motion. Soreness in the sacro-iliac symphysis. ^Lumbago. Spinal weakness —Schussler. j Camphora. Pain in fifth, sixth and seventh cervical vertebra;; worse from moving the head, better from pressing the hand thereon. Painful drawing and stiffness on the side of neck when walking in open air. Drawing stitches through and between the shoulder- blades, extending into the chest when moving the arms. Cold feel- ing, or chilliness in the back. ♦Cannabis ind. ♦Pain across the shoulders and spine, must stoop, cannot walk erect. Cantharis Burning, boring, stitching or lancinating pains in the back, either between the scapulae, or in the small of the back; sometimes the skin over these parts burns as if a fly-blister were there. Stiffness in the neck, with tensive pain on stooping. Draw- ing, tearing or lancinating pain in the neck; sometimes with burn- ing of the skin over the parts. Tearing in the back, especially mornings. Pain in the loins, kidneys and abl 11121, with such pain on urinating that he could not pass a single drop without moaning or screaming. Pain in the loins with incessant desire to urinate. Lancinating and tearing in the os coccygis, causing him to start. Capsicum. "Glands of neck painful, swollen. Jerking, tearing pain in the right cervical glands. Drawing, tearing pain in and beside the spine. Excruciating, tearing pains in the back, extort- ing cries, causing him to double up, during the chill. Pain in sacrum and small of back, with haemorrhoids, dysentery. Carbo ani. Glands of the neck indurated, swollen, painful. Pressing, drawing and stiffness in the lumbar region, as if broken. Sharp drawing across small of back,sensitive to ever)' step. Coccyx feels bruised; burning when touched; pain as if from subcutaneous ulceration; worse sitting or lying. CHAPTER XXXI. — BACK AND NECK 643 Carbo veg. Cervical glands swollen and painful,especially those near the nape of the neck. Tearing in cervical muscles. Drawing in nape of neck up into head, with nausea and rush of water from the mouth. Rheumatic drawing pain in back,worse when stooping. Stiffness of back. Severe pain in small of back; she was unable to sit; then sensation as of a plug in back, had to put a pillow under it. Pinching, pressive pain near lowest portion of spine. Pressive, sore pain beneath the coccyx. Caulophyllum. -Rheumatic stiffness in the nape of neck. Severe drawing pain in the sterno-cleido-mastoid,drawing the head to the left. Dull pain in lumbar region. Causticum. -Stiffness of the neck, could not move the head. Stiffness and pain in neck and throat, with pain in occiput; pain- ful stiffness of back, especially when rising from chair. Stitches in the back and in left lumbar region. Pressing, cramp-like pain in small of back, in region of kidneys. Dull, drawing pain in re- gion of os coccygis. Bruised pain in the os coccygis. ♦Chelidonium. ♦Stiffness of the neck. Pain in or beneath the right shoulder-blade. Constant pain under inferior angle of right scapula: may extend into chest or stomach. "Stiffness beneath the right scapula. Pain as though the lower lumbar vertebrae would separate, when bending forward. Pain in right side of back, with heaviness of occiput and pressure toward the left ear. ♦Chininum sulf. ♦Sensitiveness of last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae to pressure;also of dorsal vertebrae. Third dorsal painful to touch, with oppression of the chest; spinal irritation. Period- ical pains in the back, returning about midnight, and extending into head. Cicuta. Pain in the nape of neck, spasmodic drawing of the head backward, with tremor of the hand. Tension in the muscles of. the neck. Tonic spasm of the cervical muscles. Tearing, jerking in the os coccygis. ♦Cimicifuga. ♦Sensitiveness of the spine,especially in the cervical and upper dorsal regions; soreness of all the muscles—spotted fever. Head and neck retracted—spotted fever. Rheumatic pain in the muscles of the neck and back; a feeling of stiffness and retraction. "Cramp in the muscles of the neck, on moving the head. Stiff neck from cold air, pain from moving even the hands. Pain under lefc scapula. Severe pain in the back, down the thighs and through 644 CHAPTER XXXI.—BACK AND NECK the hips, with heavy pressing down. Violent aching in small of back. Cina. Drawing,tearing pain down along the whole spine. Tear- ing, ierking pain in middle of spine. Fatiguing pain in loins, as if he had stood a long time. Cinchona. °Pressure as from a stone between scapulae. Pain in small of the back at night, lying on it. Insupportable pain in small of back,like a cramp, worse from least movement. Laming drawing, tearing in back and thighs. Cistus. "Scrofulous swelling and suppuration of the throat. Scrofulous ulcers on the back. Burning, bruised pain in the os coccygis; prevents sitting; worse from touch. Goitre size of hen's egg; frequent diarrhoea. ♦Cocculus. ♦Weakness of the cervical muscles; unable to sup- port the head. Painful stiffness of the neck when moving it. Disabling drawing in small of the back. Colchicum. Stitching and tension between the scapulae. Rheu- matic pains in neck and back. Sudden tearing and shooting pains in loins. Spot 0^1 sacrum feels sore, as if ulcerated; very sensitive to touch. Colocynthis. °Feeling of stiffness in the muscles of the nape of neck when moving the head. Drawing, in the nape of the neck. Violent tensive drawing in left cervical muscles; worse on motion. Pressure on left side of nape of neck; worse on turning. Drawing pain internally in region of right scapula, as if the nerves and vessels were made tense. Painful lassitude in small of back and lower extremities, in the evening. Pain in small of back. Cuprum met. "Glands of the neck indurated. Paralysis of muscles of back up to neck; also of limbs;lower limbs oedematous, but retain their sensibility. Cyclamen. "Stiffness of neck, with laming pain. Drawing, rheu- matic pain in left side of neck. Twinges up the back, relieved by drawing the shoulders backward, aggravated by the reverse. Deep, penetrating, dull stitches in region of right kidney, worse during inhalation. Drosera. "Neck stiff and painful on motion. Pain between the scapulae, drawing to the small of back. Stitching, tearing from the spine to the anterior spinous process of left ilium, when sitting. Back pains as if bruised, in the morning. CHAPTER XXXI.--BACK AND NECK ^45 ^Dulcamara. ♦Pain in small of back, as after stooping a long time. Neck stiff: back painful; loins lame, after taking cold. Spinal meningitis during scarlatina or measles, eruption does not develop. Myelitis after taking cold during menstruation. Hyper- aemia of the spinal cord. Drawing pain from small of back down the thighs, during rest; stitches when moving, relieved by pres- sure. Coldness in small of back. Sacrum feels cold. ♦Eupatorium perf. ♦Aching pain in the back, as from a bruise. Intense aching in back and limbs. Pain in back of neck and be- tween the shoulders. Aching soreness in the back. Eupatorium purp. "Violent cutting in the back. Neuralgic pains from below upwards, mostly left side of back and hip. Labor-like pains in back. Ferric phos. (Backache,pains in loins,rheumatism.—Schussler.) Ferrum met Neck sore, as if bruised, stiff. Neck and shoul- der painful when lying on right side. Constant pains along back, worse in those parts she had to lie on. Lumbago all night; goes off on rising. Pain in region of kidneys, with desire to make water. Gelsemium. Pains in spine to head and shoulders. Contract- ive sensation in the right side of the nape of neck. Pains in the neck, myalgicmostly in the upper part of the sterno-cleido muscles,back of the parotid glands. Congestion of the spine; prostration, lan- guor: muscles feel bruised and will not obey the will. Locomotor ataxia. Paraplegia. Dull aching in the lumbar and sacral region; cannot walk; muscles will not obey. Glonoinum. Nape of neck stiff, with headache. Sharp cutting across scapulae. Hot sensation down the back; burning between scapulae. Pain down entire spine; after constriction in chest; shiverings downward. Old contusions. Graphites. "Pain in nape of neck. Stiffness of back of neck; also, with headache. Eruption on nape of neck,dry,peeling in fine, mealy scales, without itching. Swollen glands on side of neck,not painful. Contracting pains in the back. Weakness of back and loins on walking. Sacral pains, with sensation of crawling and stitching. Small of back aches as if bruised or broken. Numb pain from the sacrum down the legs. Pain in the os coccygis while urinating. Helleborus. -Neck rigid,in spotted fever. Cervical muscles stiff. Cervical glands swollen. Cramp in spinal muscles—hydrocephalus. 646 CHAPTER XXXI.—HACK AND NECK Severe pain down the neck, in left side of face and in the teeth. Helonias. - Burning and heat in the dorsal region, mostly be- tween the lower half of the scapula'. Burning and tired aching feeling in lumbar and sacral regions. Hepar sulph. Violent pulsation of the carotids. Drawing be- tween scapube. Sensation as if bruised in small of back and thighs. Stitches and rheumatic pains in the back. Hyoscyamus. Spinal meningitis, with convulsions; jerks of muscles; after injury. ♦Hypericum. ♦After a fall, slightest motion of arms or neck extorts cries; cervical vertebra' very sensitive to touch. Conse- quences of spinal concussion. Cutting between scapulae. Lies on the back, jerking head backwards. Stinging on edge of right scapula, near spine; morning. Stitches in the small of the back. Aching pain and sensation of lameness in the small of back. Vio- lent pains and inability to walk or stoop, after a fall on the coccyx. Throbbing in carotids. Ignatia. "Stiffness of the nape of neck. Painless glandular swellings of neck Pain in the sacrum, also when lying on the back, mornings. Spinal disease, with gressus gallinaceus. Iodium. ^Goitre with marked hardness. Swelling and indura- tion of the cervical glands. Spinal complaints with gressus vaccinus. Ipecacuanha. Swelling and suppuration in the throat-pit Cramp between the scapulae during motion. Shooting pains from right kidney down thigh to knee. Kali bichroni. Stiffness of the nape of neck on bending head. Sharp, shooting pains, first in the left then in the right renal re- gion, extending down the thighs; worse on motion. Aching in the back and down the left side into the hip. Pain in the os coccygis, worse from walking or touch, and on rising after long sitting. Kali carb. Back of neck stiff; shooting pains through the chest; uvula elongated. Neck feels large, clothing tight; congestion. Swelling of cervical glands. Backache: while walking she feels as if she must give up and lie down. Sharp, stitching pains awake him at 3 a. m., he must get up and walk about; lumbago. Back aches as if broken. Gnawing in the os coccygis. Kali chlor. °( Glands of neck swollen;use also locally in lotion.— Schussler.) Kali iod. °Small of back feels as if in a vise; also with darting CHAPTER XXXI.--BACK AND NECK 647 pains, in meningitis; after abuse of mercury. Bruised pain in lum- bar region,worse sitting bent; stitches—Bright's disease. Pain in the os coccygis as from a fall. Kali nit. -Painful throbbing in one of the cervical vertebrae. Pain as if from a blow in small of back, on awaking; cannot turn. Cramp-pain in small of back. Small of back feels bruised. Pres- sure and burning in back, relieved by motion. ♦Kalmia lat. ♦Shooting, stabbing pain from the heart through to the left scapula, causing violent beating of the heart—rheumatic affection of the heart. Pain proceeded from the neck, which was tender to the touch—neuralgia. °Violent pain in the upper three dorsal vertebra', extending through the scapulas. Sensation of lameness in the back, evening in bed. Constant pain in spine, sometimes worse in lumbar region, with great heat and burning. Muscles of neck sore to touch and on moving them. Kreosotum. cGlands of neck swollen. Pain in back at night; worse when lying. Pain as if small of back would break; worse during rest, better from n:otion. Pain in small of back and in sacral region like labor pains, urging to urinate, with ineffectual desire for stool. Spasmodic drawing from behind forward, also into the genitals, or down.into thighs. Continuous burning in small of back. Lachesis. Stiff neck, moves jaw with great difficulty; tearing from nape of neck up either side to top of head. Pain in small of back, with constipation. Pain in the os coccygis, when sitting down, feeling as if sitting on something sharp. Lachnantes. Pain and stiffness in neck, going over whole head and down to the nose, then as if pinching nostrils together. When turning neck or bending head backward,pain in nape of neck as if from dislocation. Stiff neck,head drawn to one side—diphtheria, scarlatina. Sensation as if a piece of ice were lying on the back, between the shoulders, followed by a chill, with goose flesh all over. Burning in region of left kidney, deep, extending toward right side. Burning in spine four inches above small of back. Burning in os sacrum, 4 p. m. Laurocerasus. Painful stiffness in left side of neck, nape of neck and small of back. Pressure in nape of neck, particularly in open air, compelling him to bend the head forward. Severe pain in sacral region, extending to pubes. 648 CHAPTER XXX1.--BACK AND NECK Lilium tig. Dull pain in nape of neck, with feeling of con- striction. Pain in back and left scapula, seemingly from left mamma. Pain in dorsal \ertebrae as if the back w,ould break. Cold feelii g in back. Dull, heavy pain and great weakness in small of back. Dull pains in lower back and sacrum. Sensation of pulling upward from tip of coccyx. ♦Lobelia ccer. ♦Pain or aching in posterior part of spleen. Lobelia inf. ( Swelling and pain on left side of neck. Rheu- matic pain between the scapulae. Dull pressure between the scapulae. Pain under right scapula, worse when bending for- ward. At noon a burning pain in back, as if in posterior wall of stomach. Extreme tenderness over sacrum; can not bear slightest touch; cries out if any attempt is made to touch the part; sits up in bed, leaning forward. ♦Lycopodium. ♦Burning as from glowing coals between the scapulae. "One side of the neck stiff and swollen. Large clusters of red pimples around the neck, with violent itching. Cervical glands swollen. Pain and stiffness in the small of the back at night. Stitches in small of the back, epecially when rising from stooping. Pain in the small of the back extending into the thighs. Pain in the sacral region, worse rising from a seat. Magnesia mur. Swelling of cervical glands. Pain as from bruises, above and in small of back and both hips, with sensitive- ness of the parts to touch; also during menses. Contractive, spas- modic pain in small of the back. Stitches, tearing and burning in small of back. Magnesium phos. "(Neuralgic pains in back, very acute, dart- ing, boring, shifting about,and remittent. Pains in nape of neck, very sharp, shooting, boring, shifting, remittent.— Schussler.) ♦Mercurius. ♦Sticking in small of back on breathing. °Rheu- matic stiffness and swelling of the neck. Goitre -becomes softened. Glands inflamed, swollen, with pressing pains and stitches. Bruised sensation of the scapulae, back and small of the back. Stinging pains in small of the back, with sensation of weakness. Violent pains in spine, worse from motion —meningitis. Pain in the sacrum as after lying on a hard couch. Tearing in coccyx; better from pressing hand against abdomen. Mercurius biniod. "Swollen glands on neck, with toothache, scarlatina, etc. Spine sore or painful. .CHAPTER XXXI. — PACK AND NECK O49 Mercurius cor. -Gland of neck hard and swollen. Pains in head, back and limbs; kidneys affected. Mezereum. Pain from stiffness of nape of neck and external cervical muscles. Rheumatic pains in scapular muscles; they feel tense and swollen, pre venting motion. Muriatic acid. Pressing in back as from a sprain, or as if he had stooped long. Pressing, drawing, tired pain in lumbar region. Os coccyx painful. Natrum carb. Cervical glands swollen; also goitre, with pain- ful stiffness of the neck. Cracking in cervical vertebrae when moving the head. Stitches in small of back when sitting. Tin- gling formication in back. Natrum mur. Stitches in neck and "back part of head. Painful stiffness of neck. Throat and neck emaciate rapidly, especially during summer complaint. Cervical glands sore when coughing; scabs in the axilla. Spine oversensitive; tension and drawing; pains better lying on something hard; weak, nervous; fluttering of the heart. In small of the back, pain as if bruised, as if lame; stitches, cutting, pulsating. Feeling in the sacral region as if beaten. Natrum sulf. Throat and neck swollen, knotty lumps, distress- ing pressure on trachea. Soreness up and down spine and neck. Piercing as from knives between scapulae,while sitting in the even- ing; also in middle of sacrum. Bruised pain in small cf back. Violent suppurative pain in small of back at night, so that she can lie only on her right side; better in morning after getting up. Itching on back when undressing. Pain in sacrum, cannot lie on either side. Nitric acid. -Swelling of cervical and axillary glands. Stitches in and between the scapula:; neck stiff. Pain in back and small of back; from cold. Neuralgic pains up the back, particularly left side. Nux mos. Drawing in muscles of neck, from draft of damp air. Pains now in back, now in sacrum, knees very tired: worse during rest; lumbago. Pains along the spine. Backache while riding in a carriage. Pain in small of back and weakness of legs, as from a blow. Small of back and knees feel weak. Tabes dor- salis. Nux vom. Neck stiff,with heaviness; from cold. Tension, burn- 650 CHAPTER XXXI.—BACK AND NECK ing, pressing as from a stone between scapulae. Burning or tear- ing in back. Sudden stitches in back when turning, with dull pain while sitting. Backache, must sit up to turn over in bed. Pains in small of back,as if bruised or broken; worse 3 to 4 a. m. Spine affected by sexual excesses. Opium. "Back bent backward spasmodically. Oxalic acid. -Pain under point of scapula between the shoul- ders, extending to loins. Stitches from chest to scapulae. Back numb, weak—angina pectoris. Acute pain in the back, gradually extending down the thighs, with great torture; seeks relief in change of posture. Numbness, pricking, causing a cold sensation; back feels too weak to support the body. Paralysis from inflammation of the spinal cord, limbs stiff; praoxysms of dyspnoea. ♦Paris quad. ♦Nape of neck weary, as if a great weight were ly- ing on it. Neck feels stiff and swollen on turning it. Dull pain in nape of neck; increasing at times in acuteness, with numbness, heat and weight; better from rest and in the open air; worse from exertion. Stitches between the scapulae. Petroleum. Stiff neck, it cracks when moved. Herpes on the neck. Furuncles. Pain in spine, and pain all over body, with sciatica. Pain in back which does not allow him to move. Greaf uneasiness and stiffness in small of back and coccyx in the evening. Pain in the coccyx while sitting. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Sensitiveness of spinous processes of dorsal vertebrae to pressure. Burning pain between the scapulae. "Back pains as if broken, impeding all motion. Pain in small of back, when rising from stooping. Burning in a small spot in small of back, better from rubbing. Softening of the spine. Progressive locomotor ataxia. Pain in coccyx as if ulcerated, hindering mo- tion, followed by painful stiff neck—rachitis. Pains in sacrum after confinement. Phosphoric acid. Formication in the back. Gnawing on the scapulae. Heaviness in lumbar region, increases to pain in legs— tabes dorsalis. Burning pain in a spot in small of back. Burning in lower half of body, from small of back to pit of stomach down ward; extremities are cold to touch. Phytolacca. "Convulsive action of muscles of face and neck—tet- anus. Glands on right side of neck hard. Stiff neck, tonsils swollen. Rheumatism in lumbar muscles. Aching pain in lumbar CHAPTER XXXI. —HACK AND NECK 651 region, da)' and night, with sore throat. Pain streaking up and down the spine. Aching in sacrum. ♦Platinum. ♦Numbness in sacrum- and coccyx, while sitting. Nape of neck weak; the head inclines forward. Cramp in poste- rior muscles of neck; tensive, numb feeling close to occiput, as if tendons were contracted. Pains in back and small of back, as if biuised or broken,worse from pressure or bending backward. Press- ing from small of back upon the pelvic organs. Pain in small of back going to the groins and down the limbs. Podophyllum. Nape of neck stiff, with soreness of muscles of neck and shoulders. Pain between shoulders, in the morning. Pain under right scapula. Flushes up the back,with stool. Pain in lumbar region, withered sensation ; worse at night and from motion. Pain in loins, worse when walking on uneven ground, or from a misstep. Backache after washing, with prolapsus uteri. Psorinum. -Painful stiffness of neck, soreness and tearing on bending backward. Glands of neck swollen; pains thence to head. Tearing and stitches between scapulae. Severe backache,as if bruised; cannot straighten out. Pain in small of the back, like weakness. Small of back pains, worse from motion. ♦Pulsatilla. :::Pain in small of back, as from long stooping, or from a sprain; on motion; after sitting. Labor-like pains in small of back, as if constricted by a tight band. Swelling of cervical glands. Interscapular pain, worse by inspiration. Curvature of upper part of spine. Sensation as if cold water were- poured down back. Stitches in small of back. Rhododendron. "Bruised pain in small of back, worse at rest and in rainy weather. Stiff neck, gums and teeth sore, pains fly about everywhere. Shooting from back to pit of stomach. Pain from small of back into arms. ♦Rhus tox. ♦Stiffness and aching; bruised pains in small of back, when sitting still or when lying; better from motion or when lying on something hard. Stiff neck, with painful tension when moving. Pain in shoulders and back, with stiffness as from a sprain. Curvature of the dorsal vertebrae. Spinal membranes in- flamed,even myelitis; from getting wet or sleeping on damp ground. Lumbago. ♦Ruta. ♦Pain as if beaten; lameness in the spine. JPain in a spot the size of palm of hand, below right scapula; worse in even- 652 CHAPTER XXXI. — BACK AND NECK ing after exertion, deep inspiration, on moving right arm; better from pressure. Pain»in back or coccyx as if bruised. Weakness in lumbar region; prolapsus recti. Stitches in small of back when sitting, or walking; better from pressure or when lying down. Sabadilla. Spine affected; after pollutions, excessive weakness shows itself in legs Bruised feeling in small of back and spine; also in sacral region. ♦Sabina. ♦Drawing pains and dragging in small of back, extend- ing into the pubic region. Sanguinaria. Pain in nape of neck. Dull pain along the inner edge of left scapula, worse from breathing. Rheumatic pains in neck, shoulders and arms, worse at night. Pain in sacrum, from lifting. Lumbago, from lifting: or, myalgia of great muscles of back. Soreness down muscles of back; pains shift about; feels pain more when drawing long breath. Sarsaparilla. Neck emaciated; marasmus of children. Cervical glands indurated; abuse of mercury. Stitches in back, from the least motion. Pain down a part of spine across hips, and down thighs; difficult urination. Secale. Tenderness of lower cervical and upper dorsal,spinous processes, with stiffness of neck. Gentle, creeping sensation in back, as if air were gently blowing through it. Tingling in back extending to fingers and toes. Pains in sacrum,with bearing down, as if parts would be forced out, worse when moving. Crick in the back. Spinal disease with gressus vaccinus. *Sepia. ♦Pain in the back and small of back particularly, with stiffness, improved by walking. Weakness and pain in small of back, when walking; generally from disease of uterus. When stooping, sudden pain in small of back, as if struck by a hammer, relieved by pressing back against something hard. Belching re- lieves pain in back. ♦Silicia ♦Stiffness of the nape of the neck, with headache. Coccyx painful,as after a long carriage ride. Stinging in os coccygis, painful to pressure. "Cervical glands and parotids swollen, indu- rated. Stiff back after sitting. Rheumatism of lower cervical ver- tebrae. Violent tearing between scapulae. Spinal irritation; par- alytic symptoms; cold feet; constipation. Spinal curvature to right, painful to touch and motion. Spina bifida. Psoas abscess. Spas- modic pain in small of back,does not allow him to rise. Lame feel- CHAPTER XXXI. — BACK AND NECK 653 ing in region of sacrum. Coccyx painful after riding; coccygodynia. Staphisagria. -Painful swelling of the glands of the throat, neck and axilla. Pain in small of back as after overlifting; worse at rest, at night and in morning, and when rising from a seat. Violent stitches upward in back. Suppurating swelling in psoas muscles. Rheumatic drawing,pressure and tension in neck, with stiffness. ♦Sulphur. ♦Violent bruised pain in small of back, and in the coccyx, especially when stooping or rising from a seat; stitches in the scapulae, back and small of back. Curvature of spine; vertebrae softened. "Sensation as if the vertebrae were gliding one over the other, when turning in bed. Cracking in cervical verte- brae, especially on bending backward. Stiffness in neck and back. Pain in small of back, after heavy lifting and taking cold at the same time. Sulphuric acid. "Stiffness in the back on rising in the morning. Blood-boils on back. Large suppurating swellings on right side of neck. Tabacum. -Neuralgic pains up into neck, with angina pectoris. Pains between shoulders—angina pectoris. Tellurium. "Painful sensitiveness of spine, from last cervical to fifth dorsal vertebra; sensitive to pressure and touch. Pain in sacrum. ♦Thuja occ ♦Spine curved; stands bent forward; pot-bellied."Cer- vical glands swollen. Skin on neck brown and greasy. Burning from small of back to between scapulae. Pulsating in back. Cramp-like pain in lumbar region after long standing; when at- tempting to walk, feels as if he would fall. Trillium. "Pain in the back,with uterine haemorrhages. ♦Valeriana. ♦Intense pain in the left lumbar region above the hip,as if he had strained the part much; worse when standing, and especially when sitting, than when walking. "Spine irritated in the beginning of typhoid fever. Pain in the loins, as from over- lifting. Bubbling pressure above anus in coccygeal region. Veratrum alb. "Neck so weak child can scarcely keep it erect, especially in whooping-cough. Tingling in fingers causing anxiety and painful jerks of limbs. During exercise, rheumatic pain be- tween scapulae, from nape of neck to small of back; worse going to stool. Bruised feeling in sacral region. 654 CHAPTER XXXI. — BACK AND NECK Veratrum vir. -Aching in back of neck and shoulders. Muscles of back contracted, drawing head backward. Opisthotonos; arter- ial excitement; hands and feet cold; shocks in limbs; congestion of brain and spine; loss of consciousness. Heat and redness down spine; back of head hot—spotted fever. ♦Zincum. ♦Nape of neck feels weary, from writing or any ex- ertion. '-Stiffness and tension of neck. Burning along whole spine; worse sitting. Pain in small of back, when sitting, or when in act of sitting down; diminishes by continuous walking. Pain in last dorsal vertebra. REPERTORY. Abscesses—sib, staph. Concussion— ♦hyper. Curvature—belb, calc e, calc ph., opium, puis., rhus, sib, ♦sub, ♦thuj., ver. v. Emaciated—nat. m., sars. Eruptions—graph., lye, petrol. Furuncles—petrol., sul. a. Goitre—cist., iod., mere, nat. c. Gressus gallinaceus,hen-like walk—aur., ign. Gressus vaccinus, cow-like walk—iod., sil. Inflammation—aeon., mere, rhus. Locomotor ataxia—gels., phos. Pains—♦abrot., aeon., ♦agar., aib, ♦am. m., ♦ant t., arg. n., arn., aur., ♦belb, bry., calc. c, calc ph., camph., can. i., caps., carb. an., carb. v., ♦cheb, chin, s., cimi., coloc, ♦dulc, ferr., gels., glon., graph., hell., ♦hyper., kalm., ♦lachn., ♦lob. c, lye, mere b. i., nat. m., nat. s., nux m., oxal. a., petrol., plat, psor., puis., sang., secale, sepia, valer. Aching—♦aescul., ♦agar., ♦aib, belb, ♦berb., calc. ph., calc f., cimi., *eup. perf., gels., graph., helon., hyper., kali bi., kali c, ♦lob. c, nux m., nux v., pod., psor., ♦rhus, ver. v. Acute—arg. n., mag. phos., oxal. a., paris. Angina pectoris—oxal. a., tabac. Beaten, as if—arn., nat. m., ♦ruta. Boring—canth., mag. phos. Broken—♦belb, carb. an., graph., kali c, lib, nux v., phos., plat. Bruised--aeon., am. m., arn.. ars., ♦berb., bry., calad., carb. an., cist., *eup. pert, ferr., gels., graph., hep. s., kali i., mag. m.,mere,nat. m.,nat. s.,nux v.,plat.,psor.,rhod.,♦rhus,ruta,sabad., ♦sub, ver. a. Burning—♦agar., belb, calc. f., canth., carb. an., cist., glon., helon., kalm., lachn., ♦lye, mag. m,, nux v., ♦phos,, thuj., zinc. Constricted—glon., lib, puis., sil. Contracted—gels., graph., mag. m., ver. v. CHAPTER XXXI. — BACK AND NECtf 655 Pains continued. Cramps—ant. t, belb, calc. ph., cimi., cinch., hell., ipec, plat., thuj. Crick—♦agar., secale Cutting—aeon., eup. purp., glon., hyper., nat. m. Darting—kali i., mag. phos. Dislocated, as if—lachn. Distressing—nat. s. Dragging—ars., calc. f., ♦sabin. Drawing—ars., belb, calc. c, camph., canth., caps., carb. an., carb. v., caul., cinch., cocc, coloc.j dulc, hep. s., mur. a., nat. m., nux m., :;sabin., staph. Dull—bry., caul., gels., lib, nux v., paris, sang. Excruciating—caps. Gnawing —belb, kali c. Jerking—caps., cic, hyos., ver. a. Labor-like—belb, eup. purp., ♦puis., secale. Lame—aescul., ♦herb., cinch., dulc, hyper., kalm., nat.- m., ♦ruta, sil. Lancinating—canth. Lumbago—aloe, am. m., calc. phos., ferr., hyper., kali c,nuxm., rhus, sang. Neuralgic—ars., eup. purp., kalm., mag. phos., nit. a., tabac. Periodical—chin. s. Piercing—nat. s. Pinching—carb. v. Pressing—aloe, ars., belb, berb., carb. an., carb. v., cheb, cimi., cinch., coloc, mere, mur. a., nat. c, nat. s., nuxv., plat, staph., valer. Pricking—oxal. a. Pulsating—berb., hep. s., nat. m., thuj. Remittent—mag. phos. Rheumatic—calad., ♦calc rh., carb. v., caul., *cimi., colch., ferr. phos., hep. s., hyper., iod., kalm., mere, mez., sang., sib, staph., ver. a. Sciatica—petrol. Sensitive—♦agar., ♦aib, ant. t, arn., belb, carb. an., chin, s., *cimi., colch., ♦hyper., kali bi., ♦kalm., mag. m., nat. m., ♦phos., secale, ♦sib, tell. Sharp—ant. t, carb. an., glon., kali bi., kali c, mag. phos, Shifting—mag. phos., sang. Shooting—♦agar., belb, colch., ipec, kali bi., ♦kali c, kalm., mag. phos., rhod. Sore—aib, apoc, belb, calc. ph., carb. v., ♦cimi., colch., eup. perf., ferr., kalm., mere b. i., nat. m., nat. s., pod., psor., sang. Spasmodic—cic, mag. m., opium, sil. Sprained—am. m., ars., mur. a., ♦puis., rhus, valer. Stabbing—belb, ♦kalm. Sticking—♦mere 656 CHAPTER XXXI.— BACK AND NECK Stinging—baryt., hyper , mere, ♦sil. Stitches—aloe, am. m., ant. c, berb., bry., calc. ph., camph., canth., colch., dulc, graph., hep. s., hyper., kali c, kali i., lye, mag. m., mere, nat. c, nat. m., nit. a., nux v., oxal. a., paris, psor., puis., ruta., sars., staph., sul. Tearing—♦aeon., am. m., berb., canth., caps., carb. v., cic, cinch., colch., mag. in., mere, nux v., psor., sib Tension—aur., baryt, berb., canth., cic, colch., coloc, mez., nat. m., nux v., plat., rhus, staph., zinc. Throbbing—bell. Tingling—nat. c, secale, ver. a. Torticollis, wry neck—baryt., nat. c, secale. Ulcerative—carb. an., colch., phos. Wrenched—calc. c. Paralysis—aur., cupr., gels., oxal. a., sib Parts. Arteries —hep. s., ver. v. Axilla —nat. m., nit. a., staph. Back—abrot, aeon., am. m., ant. c, arg. n., calad., calc. c, camph., canth , caps., carb. v., cheb, chin, s., ♦cimi., cinch.,cist, colch., cupr., dulc, ♦eup. pert, eup. purp., ferr., glon., graph., hep. s., hyper., ign., kali bi., kalm., lib, mag. phos., mere, mere cor., mur. a., nat. c, nit. a., nux m., nuxv., opium, oxal.a., petrol., phos., plat, puis., rhod., rhus, ruta, sang., sars., secale, ♦sepia, sib, staph., sub, sul. a., thuj., trill. Bones—arg. n. Carotids—hep. s., hyper. Chest—aescul., cheb, oxal a. Coccyx—arg. n., ars., canth., carb. an., carb. v., cic, cist., graph., hyper., kali bi., kali c, kali i., lib, mere, mur. a., petrol., phos., ♦plat., plumb., ruta, ♦sib, ♦sub, valer. Dorsal—arg. n., belb, chin, s., ♦cimi., helon., kalm., lib,♦phos., rhus, secale, tell., zinc. Glands—aib, ♦arg. n., arum, aur., ♦baryt., calc. e, caps., carb. an., carb. v., cist., cupr., gels., graph., hell., ign., iod., kali c, kali chlor., lye, mag. m., mere, mere b. i., mere cor., nat e, nat. m., nit. a., psor., puis., sars., sib, staph., thuj. Groins—plat. Hips—♦aescul., cimi., eup. purp., kali bi., mag. m., sars.,valer. * Ilium—calc. ph. Joints—berb. Kidneys—ant. t, apoc, calc. ph., canth., ferr., ipec, kali bi., kali i., lach., mere cor. Loins—aloe, baryt., canth., colch., dulc, glon., mag. phos., oxal. a., pod., valer. Lumbar—♦agar., ♦am. m., *ant. t, aur.. belb, calc. phos., carb. an., caul., cheb, ferr., gels., helon., kali i., kalm., mur. a., pod., ruta, thuj. valer. CHAPTER XXXI.--BACK AND NECK 657 Parts continued. Muscles—agar., aib, ant. t, apoc, arn., aur., bry., carb. v., camph., caul., cic, ♦cimi., cocc, coloc, cupr., gels., hell., hyos., kalm., mez., nux m., plat, pod., sang., sib, staph., ver. v. Neck, cervix—aeon., aescul., ♦agar., ♦aib, am. m., ♦arg. n., arn., ars., arum, aur., ♦baryt., belb, bry., calc. c, ♦calc ph., camph., canth., caps., carb. an., carb. v., ♦cheb, chin, s., cic, ♦cimi., ♦cocc, colch., coloc, cupr., dulc, eup. pert, ferr., gels., graph., hell., ♦hyper., ign., kali e, ♦kalm., ♦lachn., lye, mere, nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., nux m., nux v., paris, petrol., phos.,plat., pod., psor., puis., rhod., rhus, sang., sars., secale, sib, staph., sub, sul. a., tabac, tell., thuj., ver. a., ver. v., zinc Nape—♦aeon., ♦agar., am. m., ars., baryt., belb, bry., carb. v., caul., cic, coloc, eup. pert, gels., glon., graph., ign., kali bi., kali c, ♦lach., lib, mag. phos., mez., ♦paris, plat., pod., sang., ♦sib, ver. a., zinc. Occiput—♦baryt., cheb, plat. Pubes—♦sabin. Sacrum—♦abrot., ♦aescul.,♦agar., aloe, ♦am. m., ♦ant. t.,arg. n., arn., belb, berb., calad., calc. c, calc. ph., caps., colch., dulc, gels., graph., helon., ign., lachn., lib, lye, mere, nat. m., nat.s., nux m., ♦plat., sang., secale, sib, tell., ver. a. Sacro-iliac symphysis- arg. n., calc ph. Scapulae, shoulder-blades—aescub, aib,am. m.,arn., baryt., belb, berb.,calc. c,calc ph., camph., ♦cheb, cimi., coloc, glon., helon., ♦hyper., ♦kalm., lach., lib, ♦lye, mere, mez., nit. a., oxal. a., pod., ruta, sang., sub, ver. a., zinc. Scapulae, between—am. m., ars., berb., calc. c, calc. ph.,camph., canth., cinch., colch., glon., helon., hep. s., hyper., ipec, ♦lye, nat. s., nit. a., nux v., paris, ♦phos., psor., puis., sib, thuj., ver. a., zinc. Shoulders- aeon., ars,, berb., calc. e, ♦can. i., ferr., gels.,pod., rhus, sang., ver. a. Shoulders, between—aeon., aescub, aib, am. m., calad., eup. pert, lachn., oxal. a., pod., tabac, ver. v. Side, Left—aib, am. m., ars., calc. ph., caul., cimi., coloc, eup. purp., kali bi., ♦kalm , lil , nit. a , valer. Right—aescub, arn., caps., ♦chel , coloc, ferr., gels,, hyper., pod., sib, sub a. Skin—canth., graph,, lye, petrol., sul. a., thuj. Small of back—aeon., arg. n., am., ♦ars., aur., baryt., ♦belb, ♦berb., bry , canth., caps., carb. v., ♦cimi., cinch., cocc, coloc, ♦dulc, graph., hep. s., hyper., kali i., lachn., lib, lye, mag. m., ♦mere, nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., nux m., nux v., petrol., phos., plat., psor., ♦puis., rhod., ♦rhus, ruta, sabad., ♦sabin., ♦sepia, sib, staph., ♦sub, thuj., ver. a., zinc. Spine—aeon., ♦agar., arn., aur., belb, berb., calc. f., calc.phos., ♦cann. i.,caps.,carb. an., carb. v., chin, s., ♦cimi., dulc, gels., glon., hell., hyos., ♦hyper., ign., iod., kalm., lachn., mere, mere b. i., nat. m., nat. s., nux m., nux v., petrol., phos., puis., 658 CHAPTER XXXI.— BACK AND NECK rhus, ♦ruta, sabad., sars., secale, sib, *sub, tell., ♦thuj., valer., ver. v., zinc. Spinal column—♦agar., ars., bell. Spinal cord—♦agar., dulc, oxal. a., rhus. Thighs—aur., cimi., cinch., dulc, hep. s., ipec, kali bi., lye, oxal. a., sars. Thyroid gland—calc. c Uvula—kali c. Vertebrae—arn.,arum,belb,calc. e,calc ph.,camph.,chel.,chin.s., ♦hyper., kalm., lib, nat. e, ♦phos., rhus, secale, sib, ♦sub, teib, zinc. Vessels—hep. s. Rachitis—phos. Rigid—hell. Sensations—calc c, calc f., carb. v., cinch., glon . kali c, kali i., lachn., lib, nat. m., phos., pod., puis., secale, sepia, sul. Cold—am. m., ant. t, camph., dulc, lachn., lib, oxal. a., puis. Crawling—aeon., graph. Creeping—secale, sil Fatigue—ant. t, aur. Formication—aeon., nat. c Heat—berb., kalm., paris, ver. v. Heaviness—aloe, cheb, cimi., lib, nux v. Itching—aib, am. m., nat. s. Languor—gels. Lassitude—coloc. Numbness—aeon., ♦berb., graph., oxal. a., paris, ♦plat Stiffness—aeon., agar., am. m., ars.. arum, aur., baryt., ♦berb., calc. c, ♦calc. ph., camph., canth., carb. v., caul., ♦cheb, ♦cimi., cocc, coloc, dulc, ferr., glon., graph., hell., ign., kali bi.,kali c, kali n., ♦lachn., lye, mere, mez., nat. c, nat. m., nit. a., nuxv., oxal. a., paris, petrol., phos., pod., psor., rhod., ♦rhus, secale, ♦sepia, ♦sib, staph., sub, sul. a., zinc. Tired -helon., mur. a., nux m., ♦sepia. Weight—arg. n., ♦paris. Scrofulous—cist. Spasms—aeon., cic. Spina bifida—sil. Suppuration—cist,ipec, nat. s., staph., sul. a. Sweat—♦ant. t. Swollen—♦aib, arum, aur., ♦baryt., belb, berb., calc c, caps., carb. an., carb. v., cist., cocc, graph., hell., ign., iod., ipec, kali c, kali chlor., lye, mag. m., mere, mere b. i., mere cor., mez., nat. c, nat. s., nit. a., paris, psor., puis., sib, staph.,sul.a., thuj. Syphilis—♦arg. n. Tabes dorsalis—nux m. Ulcers—cist. CHAPTER XXXI.—BACK AND NECK 659 Weakness—abrot., arg. n , am., ♦ars., calc. f., calc. ph., ♦cocc, graph., lib, mere, nux m., oxal. a., plat, psor., ruta, sabad., ♦sepia, ver. a. Weariness—aescub, ♦paris, zinc. CHAPTER XXXII.-EXTREMITIES. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Inability to move—rheumatism. ^Soreness and lameness, worse mornings. Gout in wrists and ankles. Absinthium. -Limbs thrown about in epilepsy. Pain in limbs; they swell. Aconitum. -Bruised, heavy feeling. Numbness, icy coldness and insensibility of hands and feet. Hot hands and cold feet. Rheumatic inflammation of the joints; worse evening and night; intense, bright-red, shining swelling of the parts; sensitive to the least contact. Lameness and numb feeling in affected parts; pain intolerable. ♦Actaea spic ♦Swelling of the joints after slight fatigue. Rheu- matism of the small joints. ♦Agaricus. ♦Paralysis of upper and lower limbs. -Frequent jumping of muscles. Feels as if her limbs did not belong to her. After repeated and severe epistaxis, great soreness and bruised feeling of joints and limbs. Limbs cold, blue. Ailantus. Feeling of uneasiness and aching restlessness. Heav- iness of the limbs. Limbs feel numb, tingle. Aloe. Lameness,weariness in the limbs; weakness in the joints; often with abdominal disturbances. Pains of short duration; as if bruised or dislocated; left forearm, right scapula and left rib. Pricking, dull twitching, drawing pains in the joints, fingers, knees and elbows. Alumina.°Arms and legs feel heavy. Frequent stretching of limbs when sitting. Trembling of the limbs. Ambra. "Tearing or rheumatic pains in parts of all the limbs. Uncommon twitching in all the limbs, and coldness of the body at night. Uneasiness like crawling,with anxiety only by day. Weari- ness and painful soreness of all the limbs. Ammonium carb. Pain in limbs at night, with gnawing pain in small of back. Inclination to stretch the limbs. ♦Amyl nit. ♦Tired feeling of limbs. 000 CHAPTER XXXII. — EXTREMITIES 66l Anacardium. Tired feeling in the limbs. Repeated tearing in paroxysms, through upper and lower limbs at the same time. Antimonium crud.-Convulsions and trembling of the limbs. Las- itude; tremulous fatigue and heaviness of all the limbs, with trem- bling of hands when writing; subsequent dischaige of much offensive flatus; abdomen distended after dinner. Rheumatic or gouty pains Antimonium tart. Weakness; insensibility and coldness; heav- iness. Constant inclination to stretch. Rheumatic and bruised sensation in limbs on and shortly before rising. Apis. Trembling of hands and feet. Limbs numb and cold. Argentum met. Numbness in limbs; tingling. All the limbs feel stiff. Loss of power; after walking; unusual fatigue. Heav- iness. Joints of hands and feet feel sore; drawing in the joints. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Lassitude, weariness of forearms and legs. Trembling—paralysis. Rheumatic tendency in right arm and thigh — asthma. During the day tormented with formication of arms and legs. Chorea-like convulsions of limbs; legs drawn up; arms jerked outward and upward. ♦Arnica. ♦Limbs ache as if beaten. "Heaviness. Paralytic pain in all joints during motion,as if bruised. Limbs as if bruised, at rest or in motion; painful concussion from jolting of carriage or stepping firmly. Tearing with soreness, numbness, swelling, or tingling. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Excessive weakness and exhaustion of limbs, obliging him to lie down. Twitching; trembling; violent starting when falling asleep; numbness; lassitude; weariness. Violent tear- ing in the upper and lower limbs: cannot rest on the affected side; pain least felt when moving the affected parts. Asarum. -Lightness of all the limbs; he does not perceive that he has a body. Occasional darting and tearing pains in limbs. Aurum met. "Limbs tingle, numb; insensible on awaking; more lying than moving. Paralytic drawing in the limbs in the morning when awaking; also on getting cold. Has to seize hold of the left arm during attacks of palpitation. Swelling of peri- osteum of forearms and thighs. Pain as from bruises in head and limbs, early in bed; mostly at rest; passes off after rising. Baptisia. -Aching in limbs. Drawing in arms and legs. Belladonna. "Loss of coordination of the muscles of both up^.r 662 CHAPTER XXXII.--EXTREMITIES and lower limbs; very like the heaviness and helplessness of move- ment observed in first stage of progressive paralysis of the insane. Benzoic acid. ^Gouty concretions. Nodes on the joints of upper and lower limbs, cracking on motion. Tearing, fine stitches in various parts of the limbs. Syphilitic rheumatism. Bismuthum. Screwing,boring, tearing pressure in the bones of hands and feet. Bovista. Great weakness of the joints. Sensation as if beaten; lame, aching; tearing; tension; stitches. ♦Bryonia. ♦Weariness and heaviness in all the limbs; weak- ness; stiffness. Joints red, swollen, stiff, with sticking pains from slightest motion. -Weakness of the limbs obliges him to sit Caladium. Limbs weak, cannot get out of bed. Feels as if beaten in all the joints, heaviness in all the limbs, mornings. Calcarea carb. -Weakness and weariness in all the limbs. Para- lytic, bruised pain in the long bones,and in the joints of the limbs; also in the small of the back; on motion. Calcarea phos. "Feeling of lameness of the flexors; sudden ach- ing of the extensors. Extensors more affected than flexors. Ach- ing of limbs with weariness. Pains in all the joints; most left side; later and less the right. Pains flying about in all parts of the nates and limbs,after getting wet in the rain. Rheumatism in the cold season, better in the warm. Rheumatism after every cold. Camphora. -Coldness of the limbs. Drawing in the fingers, then in the toes. Rheumatism returns repeatedly, attacking part after part, even internal organs. ♦Cannabis ind. ♦Paralysis of lower limbs and right arm. Cantharis. Weakness and trembling of the limbs. Violent pains of various kinds in the upper and lower extremities, first of one leg, then of the other. Tearing in limbs, relieved by rubbing. Carbo veg. -Limits feel bruised; numb; also prickle when lying on them. Drawing pain in limbs. Burning in limbs; in hands and soles, during menses. Rheumatic pains, with flatulence. Caulophyllum. Rheumatism of the small joints. Constant flying pains in arms and legs; remain only a few minutes in any one place. Drawing pains in joints of arms and legs, hands and feet. Causticum. Arthritic pains in all the limbs. Weakness and trembling of all the limbs. Paralytic weakness of the limbs. In- tolerable uneasiness of the limbs in the evening. CHAPTER XXXII. —EXTREMITIES 663 Chamomilla. "Pain in the periosteum, with paralytic weakness. Drawing and tearing pains in the limbs, worse at night. Joints sore, as if bruised and tired out: no power in the hands and feet Cracking in the joints, especially in the lower limbs, with pains in them as if bruised. Aching in all the limbs, with lassitude. Limbs feel heavy. Chelidonium. -Limbs feel heavy, stiff and lame; feel paralyzed; cold. Rheumatism; the least touch anywhere is exceedingly pain- ful; sweat without relief. ♦Cicuta. ♦Spasmodic distortion of the limbs. "Trembling in all the limbs. Weakness in arms and legs. Complete powerlessness of limbs after sudden jerks. Painful feeling of stiffness in the muscles of the lower limbs. Trembling of the left leg. His legs refused to carry him, and he staggered. When walking, she does not step properly on the soles of the feet,they tilt inwards—gressus vaccinus. ♦Cimicifuga. ♦Excessive muscular soreness. Rheumatism affect- ing the belly of the muscles. -Cramping, stitching pains. Aching in the limbs. Uneasy feeling in limbs,causing restlessness. Trem- bling of the limbs, is scarcely able to walk. ♦Cina. ♦Twitching of the limbs. "Jerking and distortion of the limbs. Cinchona. "Darting, tearing, worse from contact, especiallv in hands and feet. Pains in all the limbs, as if clothing were too tight, after a walk in the open air. Pains in limbs, increasing gradually, worse from slight touch. Parts around swollen joints very sensitive to least touch:worse at night;parts feel weak. Heavi- ness in limbs, especially in thighs. Limbs pain, especially joints, as if bruised; worse in rest, better moving. ♦Cocculus. ♦Feet and hands prickle alternately. "Involuntary motions of right arm and right leg, cease during sleep. Here and there in the limbs laming drawing, as if in the bones, contin- uous or in attacks. Cracking and creaking in the joints. Painful stiffness of the joints. Colchicum. "Tearing pain in muscles and joints. Numbness and prickling in hands and feet. Pains in shoulder and hip-joints, and in all the bones,with difficulty of moving the head and tongue. Colocynthis. "Rheumatic tearing or drawing pains in all the limbs. 664 CHAPTER XXXII. — EXTREMITIES Conium. -Trembling. Difficulty in using the limbs; unable to work; all the joints pain as if beaten. Lameness without pain. Cuprum met. Cramps in limbs. Weariness of limbs, contrac- tion of the joints. Limbs cyanotic. Cyclamen. Limbs feel as if their mobility were impaired. Drosera. -Limbs feel as if beaten and outwardly pain- ful. All the limbs feel lame. Gnawing and stitching pain in the bones of the limbs, especially severe at the joints, less painful during motion than during rest. Painful stitching pressure in the muscles of upper and lower limbs, in ever}' position. Dulcamara. Cold limbs. Rheumatism after acute eruptions, or when chronic forms alternate with diarrhoea. Pains in the joints on exposure to cold. Rheumatism after exposure to wet; parts as if beaten; severe pains when remaining in one position; subside only when he moves about. ♦Eupatorium perf ♦Intense soreness and aching of limbs, as if bruised or beaten,or as if bones were broken. Pains all over; left ankle, hip, shoulder; pains come instantly and leave as quickly. Eupatorium purp. Rheumatic pains move, always from below upward. Pain in arm and legs before chill. Ferrum met. "Nightly tearing in arms and legs. Swelling of hands; also of feet and ankles. Gelsemium. "Limbs cold, with oppressed breathing; cold hands and feet. Deep seated, dull aching in the limbs and joints gen erally; induced by cold and attended by loss of motion. Neuralgic pains in the limbs, as a sequel to scarlatina. Graphites. Drawing pains in limbs. Tearing in the feet and hands; in all the limbs. Jerking of the hands and feet. Heavi- ness in limbs. Limbs prickle. Hands and feet either hot or cold. Guaiacum. "Tearing and stinging in limbs. Pains after abuse of mercury. Arthritic lancinations, followed by contraction of limbs. Tearing, pricking pains in the muscles of the extremities, with heat of the parts. The limbs prickle. Stinging pains in the limbs; worse from least motion. Hamamelis. -Tired feeling in arms and legs. Rheumatism, with great soreness of the muscles. Helleborus. Piercing in limbs, with uterine dropsy. Hepar sulph. <■ Drawing pains in the limbs, especially in the CHAPTER XXXII.—EXTREMITIES 065 morning, when awaking. Weakness in the limbs; they feel bruised. Hydrastis. "Limbs tired, ache, with coryza. Shifting pains in right arm and leg, then left leg. Hyoscyamus. "Trembling of arms and hands. Lancinating pains in almost all joints, especially on motion. Cold hands and feet. Hypericum. °Crawling in hands and feet, as if they were numb. Feeling of weakness and trembling of all the limbs. Sensation of lameness of the left arm and right foot. Cannot walk; spine affected. ♦Ignatia. ♦Single jerks of limbs on falling asleep. "Tingling in the limbs. Pain as if sprained or dislocated, in shoulder, hip and knee joints. Iodium. "Subsultus tendinum of hands and feet. Chronic arthritic affections, with violent nightly pains in the joints; no swelling. Ipecacuanha. °Pain in back and limbs. Cold hands and feet. Iris. ' Shifting pains in right hip, both knees (worse right) and in right foot especially, and first joint of great toe. Kali bichrom. "Shooting, pricking pains, worse in the morning. Stiff all over; could hardly move in the morning. Periodical, wandering pains. Kali carb. "Jerks in limbs, especially when the feet are touched. Limbs tired, cold. Puffiness; hands and feet cyanotic. Kali iod. "Tearing, darting pains; periosteum attacked; jerks or contractions of the tendons; emaciation; worse at night, lying on suffering part; from mercurialization or syphilis; rheumatism; gout. Kali nit. "Trembling, lameness and paralytic feeling in limbs. Rheumatic pains, stitching pains at night. Parts feel as if made of wood. Paralysis of limbs; debility of limbs. Kalmia. "The rheumatism often attacks the heart, and generally goes from the upper to the lower parts. The rheumatic pains are mostly in the upper arms, and lower parts of the legs, and are worse when going to sleep. Joints hot, red and swollen. Kreosotum. "Pain in all the limbs, as if beaten; as after a long walk. Skin on the extremities dry and rough. Lassitude of all the limbs. Heaviness in all the limbs, with tired sleepiness. Lachesis. "Erysipelas of the legs or arms; surface bluish, 666 CHAPTER XXXII.--EXTREMITIES glossy swelling, impending gangrene. Bluish swelling of the joints after sprains. Dark, bluish swelling of the cellular tissue, on hands, arms, legs; very sensitive, impending gangrene. Nightly burning in palms and soles. Limbs stiff and curved, after mercuri- alization. Lachnantes. -Tearing pains. Burning of palms of hands and soles of feet. Laurocerasus. Ends of fingers and toes enlarged, knob-like. Stinging and tearing in limbs. Painless paralysis of limbs. ♦Ledum. ♦Painful hard nodes, and calcareous concretions of joints. "Rheumatism begins in the lower limbs and ascends. Heat of hands and feet evenings. Long-lasting warm sweat of the hands and feet. Lilium tig. -Burning in palms and soles. Limbs cold,clammy, more when excited or nervous. Whole body feels bruised and sore, even pressure of clothing is painful; hands and feet as if pounded; soles sore, worse when stepping. Lobelia. -Shooting pain through the whole body, down into tips of fingers and toes. Lycopodium. -Drawing,tearing in limbs at night, and on alter- nate days; worse at night; muscles and joints rigid, painful, with numbness; finger joints inflamed; also with arthritic nodes; swelling of the dorsa of the feet; rheumatism; worse in wet weather; better from warmth. Fissures on hands; also on heels. Magnesia carb. "Rheumatic pains in limbs. Magnesia mur. "Much weakness in the limbs; uterus displaced. Paralytic drawing and tearing in the limbs. Manganum. Rheumatism shifts from joint to joint; generally crosswise; red, shining swellings; worse from touch or motion, and at night; drawing as from shortening of tendons. Marum verum. Rheumatic pains, mostly in bones and joints, worse evenings; better moving. Limbs numb, with tingling when sitting. *Mercurius. ♦Trembling of all the limbs, especially of the hands and feet. Weakness and weariness of all the limbs; unusual heavi- t ness. Cold hands and feet. "Arms and thighs sore to touch, can hardly move them. Twitching of arms and legs. Rheumatic and arthritic pains, tearing, stinging; worse at night in the warm bed, with profuse sweat, which gives no relief; oedema of the affected CHAPTER XXXI1. —EXTREMITIES 667 parts, especially of the feet and ankles; joints swollen, pale, or slightly red. Mercurius biniod. "Rheumatic pains, now here, now there, mostly muscular; alternately in arms and hands,legs and feet; vio- lent pain like otalgia, in left ear. Mercurius cor. -Coldness in extremities; they look purple, with small, spasmodic, frequent pulse. Paralysis of the upper and lower extremities. Millefolium. -Right tendo achillis pains as after a blow or sprain. First left, then right foot, tingles or becomes numb, dis- appearing on walking. Feet are hot. Muriatic acid. "Tearing pains in limbs during rest; better from motion. All the joints feel as if bruised. Pressive drawing in upper arms and knees. Natrum mur. "Weakness of the arms, heaviness; also of the knees and feet. Numb or prickling sensation in the limbs. Tin- gling in limbs, especially on tips of fingers and toes. Cramps in the arms, hands and calves. Limbs feel weak as if bruised; worse in the morning after rising. Swelling of the right hand, also of the feet. Cracking of joints on moving them; stiffness; arthritic swellings. Nux mos. 'Wandering, digging, pressing pains, confined to small spots; lasting but a short time; disappearing but soon re- turning. Muscular rheumatism, from protracted exposure to cold and damp: fugitive, drawing pains; worse in repose, from cold, damp air and wet clothes; better from warmth. Nux vom. "Sick feeling through all the limbs. Bruised pains in limbs; in joints; worse during motion and at night. Rheuma- tism attacking mostly the muscles of the trunk and the large joints; pale,tensive swellings; numbness or twitching; worse from the least jar or from cold. Fingers and toes red,with burning and itching as if frozen. ♦Opium. ♦Coldness of the extremities. "Convulsive movements of the limbs. Spasmodic jerkings and numbness of limbs. Trem- bling of the limbs after fright. Petroleum. "The limbs numb, prickle and become stiff. Rheu- matic stiffness of the joints with cracking when moved. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Weakness in all the limbs as if paralyzed; trem- bling from every exertion. "Hands and feet numb, clumsy; ankles 668 CHAPTER XXXII.--EXTREMITIES feel swollen and as if the skin were tense. Limbs tremble from exertion; also icy coldness of limbs. When walking he makes missteps from weakness. Swelling of hands and feet, with sting- ing pains. Phosphoric acid. °Drawing, twitching and tearing in limbs. Smarting at night in bones of limbs. Limbs feel weak from loss of fluids, with no other pain than burning. Formication in limbs. Feeling as if periosteum were being scraped with a knife, after in- juries. Interstitial distension of the bones; mercurial, syphilitic or scrofulous. Arthritic pains brought on by least cold, with irri- table cough; swallowing excites the pains; fear of touching the parts. Cold hands and warm feet. Boils in axillae, on the shoul- ders and nates. ♦Platinum. ♦Tension in the limbs, especially the thighs, as if wrapped tightly. Cramp-like pains; numbness in limbs and joints. Spasmodic jerking and drawing pains in limbs and joints. Ulcers on fingers and toes. ♦Plumbum. ♦Violent pains in the limbs, especially in muscular parts of thighs; worse evening and night; and are relieved by rubbing. Paralytic weakness in extremities, especially on right side; hands and feet cold; total want of sweat. Psorinum. "Arthritis; rheumatism, especially chronic forms. Tearing in left knee and left axilla. Hands and feet tremble. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Drawing and tearing pains in limbs, shifting rap- idly from place to place; worse at night and from warmth; better from uncovering. Redness and swelling of joints, with stinging pains. Rheumatism caused by getting wet, especially the feet; from protracted wet weather. Ranunculus seel. "Gout in fingers and toes. Rheum. "Numbness or tingling of limbs from lying on them, particularly the lower, in putting one over the other. ♦Rhododendron. ♦Drawing and tearing in the periosteum, mostly in forearms and legs; in small spots; worse at night; at rest; from change of weather. "Erratic, tearing pains in limbs. Sensation in joints as if sprained, with swelling and redness, with arthritic nodosities. Heavy, weak feeling and formication in back and limbs; worse at night and in rough weather. ♦Rhus tox. ♦Limbs swell; stiffness and paralyzed sensations in joints, from sprains, overlifting, or overstretching. Lameness, CHAPTER XXXII.—EXTREMITIES 669 stiffness and pain on first moving, after rest, or on getting up in the morning, relieved by constant motion. Rheumatic tension, drawing, tearing in limbs, during rest. °Phlegmonous erysipelas of limbs. Rheumatic pains in limbs; also with numbness and tingling; joints weak, or stiff; or red, shining swelling of joints, with stitches when touched; worse on beginning to move; after 12 p. m., and in wet,damp weather or places; better from continued motion. Tearing pains in limbs during rest. Ruta. °Rheumatism of right wrist and both feet; instep puffed, swollen; sour sweat. Sabadilla. "Paralytic drawing through ail the limbs. Sabina. -Drawing, tearing in extremities, especially at night. Sambucus. -Hands and feet bloated and blue. Sanguinaria. "Burning of hands and feet,worse at night. Rheu- matic pains, worse in those places least covered with flesh, but not in joints; on touching the painful part, pain vanishes and appears in some other part. Rheumatism in all joints, with swelling and spasmodic pains. Sarsaparilla. -Limbs immovable, as if paralyzed. Trembling of hands and feet. Hands and feet peculiarly weary. Rheumatism; bones pain, after mercury or checked gonorrhoea; pains worse at night, in damp weather, or after taking cold, in the water. ♦Secale. ♦Limbs become cold, pale and wrinkled, as after be- ing a long time in hot water. Numbness, insensibility and cold- ness of the limbs, especially tips of fingers and toes. "Lassitude, heaviness and trembling of the limbs. Limbs cold, covered with cold sweat. Cramps in hands and toes. Painful jerkings in limbs at night. Paraplegia. Sepia. "Stiffness of joints. Arthritic pains in joints. Jerking and twitching of head and limbs,during the day. Numbness, tin- gling of lin bs, after manual labor. Weakness of joints, especially the knees. Patient fears the joints cannot bear the exertion of lifting. ♦Silicia. Weakness of limbs; can scarcely walk. Twitching of limbs day and night. Limbs tingle, become numb, sore and lame; evenings. Stinging in limbs at night. Limbs cold; tran- sient, local sweat of feet and armpits. Sweat on hands and feet, after fever. Spigelia. "Stinging or stitching in joints. Hard nodosities on hands and toes. 670 CHAPTER XXXII. — EXTREMITIES Spongia. Stiffness in limbs. Trembling in all the limbs. Squilla. Tearing, with restlessness in upper and lower extrem- ities. Convulsive twitchings and motions of limbs, worse in morn- ing and evening, and during motion. Soreness in flexures of joints. Stannum. -Paralytic heaviness of limbs; worse using the arm or walking, particularly on descending. Insupportable restless- ness of all the limbs. ♦Staphisagria. Tn the morning in bed, weary without sleepi- ness; ♦limbs sore as if bruised,and as if there were no strength in them. Sticta. Darting pains in arms, fingers, joints, thighs and toes. Swelling stiffness of hands and feet Heat and circumscribed redness of joints; inflammatory rheumatism. ♦Stramonium. ♦Trembling of the limbs. Twitching of the ten- dons. Constant restless movements of limbs and whole boely. Arms agitated, lower limbs quiet. Drawing, laming, somewhat spasmodic pains in muscles. Fingers and heels numb,later some- times painful; rheumatic headaches. Limbs tingle, are numb. Cold hands and feet. ♦Sulphur.. ♦Bruised feeling, and drawing, tearing pains in limbs. -Chilblains thick and red, with cracks on joints. Corns, with aching and stinging pains. Limbs numb. Tearing in limbs, muscles and joints, from above downward. Weakness, cracking, swelling of joints. Gouty or rheumatic complaints, with or without swelling. Pains in limbs; worse when covered with feathery covering. Tabacum. Coldness, and trembling of limbs. Cramp, tearing in limbs. Taraxacum. -Can move limbs,but they feel as if bound or pow- erless. Limbs painful to touch and to improper position. Terebinthina. Intense pains along the larger nerves. ♦Thuja ccc ♦Nails crippled, brittle or soft. "Stitches in limbs and joints. Joints crack when limb is stretched. Rheumatism with numb feeling, worse in warmth, from moving at night, after 12 p. M., better from cold and after sweating. ♦Valeriana. ♦Painful drawing in the upper and lower extrem- ities when sitting quietly; relieved by walking. "Rheumatic pains in limbs, rarely in joints; worse during rest, after previous exertion; better from movement. Arms and legs move normally, but when at rest jerk and twitch—hysteria. CHAPTER XXXII.— EXTREMITIES 671 ♦Veratri:m alb. ♦Nails blue, from coldness. Icy coldness of hands and ieet. -Painful paralytic weakness in upper and lower limbs. Limbs numb, -also when lying down. Pain in limbs worse during cold, wet weather; worse in warmth of bed; better when walking up and down. Veratrum vir. Rheumatism,especially in left shoulder, hip and knee; high fever; scanty, red urine. Flying pains; pains in joints; shuddering; rheumatism. Cramps in legs, fingers and toes. Pains, especially about the condyles. ♦Zincum. ♦Stiffness of the joints, with sharp, lancinating pains above the joints, always transverse, never lengthwise of the limbs. "Rheumatism, tearing, lameness and trembling; or crampy pains, or twisting in affected limbs, and frequent jerking of the whole body during sleep;worse from being overheated and from exertion. Great weakness of limbs, especially of lumbar region and flexures of knees, when walking in open air. Sudden sensation of weakness in limbs, with canine hunger. Zingiber.- Dull,heavy feeling; also with dizziness. Joints weak; back lame. REPERTORY. Boils—phos. a. Chilblains—sul. Color of parts—agar., ♦bry., cupr., kali c, kalm., lach., mang., mere, mere cor., nux v., puis., rhus, sabin.,♦secale, sub, ♦ver. a. Concretions—benz. a., led. Contractions—guaiac, kali i. Coordination—bell. Corns—sul. Distortion—♦cic, cina. Erysipelas—lach., rhus. Exhaustion—♦ars. Fissures—lye Gangrene— lach. Gout—abrot., benz. a., kali i., ranunc. s., sub Inflammation—aeon., lye Jerking—agar., arg. n., cic, cina, ♦ign., kali c, kali i., opium, plat., secale, sepia, valer., zinc. Moving involuntary, or difficult—♦abrot, absinth., arg. n., cocc, colch., cic, dulc, gels., kali i., mere, sars., tarax. Nodes—benz. a., ♦led., lye, rhod., spig. CEdema—mere. 672 CHAPTER XXXII.— EXTREMITIES Pains—absinth., aeon., ambr., calc. ph., canth., cham., cinch., dros., dulc,eup. perf.,iod., ipec, kreos., ♦led., lye, ♦plumb., rhus, secale, valer. Aching—arn., bapt., bovist., calc ph., cham., cimi., eup. pert, gels., hydras., sul. Arthritic—caust., guaiac, iod., lye, mere, nat. m., phos. a., psor., rhod., sepia. Beaten—♦arn ,bovist, con.,dros., dulc, ♦eup. perf , kreos. Broken—eup. perf. Bruised—aeon., agar., ant. t,arn., aur.,calc. c, carb. v.,cham., cinch , ♦eup. perf., hep. s., lib, mur. a., nat. m., nux v., ♦staph., ♦sul. Burning —carb. v., lach., lachn., lib, nuxv., phos. a. Cramps —cimi., cupr., nat. m., plat., secale, tabac, ver. v., zinc. Darting—asar., cinch., kali i. Drawing—arg. m., aur., bapt, camph., carb. v., ♦caul., cham., cocc, coloc, graph., hep. s., lye, mag. m., mang., mur. a., nux m., phos., plat, ♦puis., rhod., ♦rhus, ♦sub, valer. Dull - gels. Intolerable—aeon. Lame—abrot., aeon., bovist., calc. ph., cheb, cocc, con., dros., hyper., kali n., rhus, sib, zinc. Lancinating—guaiac, hyos., zinc. Neuralgic—gels. Periodical—kali bi. Piercing—hell. Pressing—dros., mur. a., nat. m. Pricking—carb. v.,cocc,colch.,graph., guaiac, kali bi.,nat. m., petrol. Rheumatic—abrot., aeon., ♦act s., ambr., ant. t, arg. n., benz. a., calc. ph., camph., carb. v., ♦caul., cheb, ♦cimi., coloc, dulc, eup. purp., ham., kali i., kali n., kalm., led., lye, mag. c, mang., mar. v., mere,mere b. i., nux m., nux v., petrol., psor., ♦puis., ♦rhus, sang., sars., sub, thuj., valer., ver. v., zinc. Sensitive—aeon., cheb, cinch., lach.,mang.,mere,phos. a., rhus, tarax. Sharp—zinc. Shifting, flying, wandering—calc. ph., ♦caul., eup. purp., hydras., iris, kali bi., mang., mere b. i., nux m., ♦puis., ver. v. Shooting—kali bi., lob. Smarting—phos. a. Sore—abrot., agar., ambr., arg. m., arn., cham., cimi., eup. perf., ham., lib, mere, ♦sib, ♦staph. Sprains—ign., lac, rhod., ♦rhus. Sticking—♦bry. Stinging—guaiac, laur., mere, phos. a., puis., sib, spig., sul. Stitches—benz. a., bovist., cimi., dros., kali n., rhus, spig., thuj. Tearing—ambr., am., ars., asar., benz. a., bovist., cham., cinch., colch., coloc, ferr., graph., guaiac, kali i., lachn., laur., lye, mag. m., mere, mur. a., phos. a., psor., ♦puis., rhod., ♦rhus, ♦sub, tabac, zinc. CHAPTER XXXII.—EXTREMITIES 673 Pains continued Tension—bovist., ♦plat., ♦rhus. Tingling—aib,arg. m.,arn.,aur.,ign.,mar. v., mill.,nat. m.,rhus , sepia., sib, stram. Paralysis—abrot, aeon., ♦agar.,arg. n.,arn., aur., belb, calc. c, ♦can. i., caust., chain., cheb, kali n., laur., mag. m., mere cor., ♦phos., plumb., ♦rhus, sars., stann., ver. a. Paraplegia— secale. Parts—aeon., ambr., ars., cinch., guaiac, kali i., kali n., kalm., mere, sang. Ankles—abrot, eup. pert, ferr., mere phos. Arms—♦arg. n., aur., bapt.,♦can. i.,♦caul.,cic,cocc,eup. purp., ferr., ham., hydras., hyos., hyper., kalm., lach. mere, mere b. i., mur. a.,nat. m., rhod., stann., valer. Axilla—phos. a., psor., sil. Bones—aur., calc c, cocc, colch., dros., ♦eup. pert,mar. v., phos. a., sars. Calves—nat. m. Feet—aeon., arg. m., ♦caul., cham., cinch.,♦cocc, colch., ferr., gels., graph., hyos., hyper., iod., ipec, iris, kali c, led., lib, lye, ♦mere, mere b. i., nat. m., phos., phos. a., plumb., psor., puis., samb., sang., sars., sib, ver. a. Fingers—camph., laur , lob., lye,nat. m., nux v., plat., ♦secale, ver. v. Hands—aeon., arg. m., carb. v., ♦caul., cham., cinch., ♦cocc, colch., ferr., gels., graph., hyos., hyper., iod., ipec,lach.,lachn., led., lib, lye, ♦mere, mere b. i.,nat. m., phos., phos. a.,plumb., psor., samb., sang., sars., secale, sib, spig., ♦ver. a. Heels —lye Hips—colch ,eup. pert, ign., iris, phos. a., ver. v. Joints —aeon., ♦act. s., agar., arg. m., arn., benz. a., bovist., ♦bry., calc. c , calc. ph., ♦caul., cham., cinch., cocc,colch.,con., cupr., dros., dulc, gels., hyos., ign., iod., iris, kalm., lach., led., lye , mang., mar. v., mere, mur. a., nat. m., nux v., petrol., plat, puis., rhod., ♦rhus, sang., sepia, spig., sub, thuj., valer., ver. v., zinc Knees—ign., iris, mur. a., nat. m., psor., sepia, ver. v., zinc. Legs—♦arg. n., bapt., canth., ♦caul., cic, cocc, eup. purp., ferr., ham., hydras., kalm., lach., mere, mere b. i., rhod., ver. v. Lower limbs—aeon., ♦agar., ars., belb, benz. a., ♦can. i., canth., dros., led., mere cor., valer., ver. a. Muscles—agar., belb, ♦cimi., calc ph., colch., dros., guaiac, ham., lye, mere b. i., nat. m., nux v., ♦plumb., sul. Nails—♦thuj., ♦ver. a. Nates—phos. a. Palms —lach., lachn., lil. Periosteum—aur., cham., kali i.,phos. a., rhod. Shoulders—colch., eup. perf., ign., phos. a., ver. v. Skin—dulc, kreos., lach., phos. a., rhus. Soles—canth., carb. v., lach., lachn., lil. 674 CHAPTER XXXII.— EXTREMITIES Parts continued. Tendons—kali i., mang., ♦stram. Thighs—arg. n., aur., cinch., mere, ♦plat., ♦plumb. Toes—camph., iris, aur., lob., lye, nat. m., nux v., plat, ♦secale, spig., ver. v. Upper limbs—aeon., ♦agar., ars., belb, benz. a., can. i., canth., cham., cic, dros., mere cor., valer., ver. a. Wrists—abrot. Power—arg. m., belb, cham., cic, con., eye, staph., tarax. Restlessness—cimi., stann., ♦stram. Sensations—agar., asar., bovist, eye, hyper., kali n., nux v., phos. a., plat., secale. Clammy—lil. Cold—aeon., agar., ambr., ant. t, camph., cheb, dulc, gels., graph., hyos., ipec, kali c, lib, ♦mere, mere cor., ♦opium, phos , phos. a., plumb., ♦secale, sib, tabac, ♦ver a., ♦ver. v. Crawling—ambr., hyper. Formication—arg. n., phos. a., rhod. Heavy—aeon., ant. t, arg. m., am., belb, ♦bry., cham., cheb, cinch., graph., kreos., mere, nat. m., rhod., secale, stann. Hot—aeon., graph., kalm., led., phos. a. Insensibility—aeon., ant. t, aur., ♦secale. Light feeling —asar. Lassitude—♦arg. n., ars., cham., kreos., secale. Numbness—aeon., arg. m., arn., ars., aur., carb. v., ♦cocc, colch., graph., guaiac., hyper., lye, mang., nat.m., nuxv., opium, petrol., phos., plat, rheum, rhus, ♦secale, sepia, sib, sub, ver. a., thuj. Stiffness—arg. m., arg. n., ♦bry., cheb, cocc, kali bi., lach., nat. m., petrol., ♦rhus, sepia, zinc. Tired—♦amyl, cham., ham., hydras., kali e, kreos. Uneasy—ambr., caust, cimi. Scrofulous—phos. a. Spasmodic—♦cic, opium, plat., sang. Starting—arg. n., graph. Stretching—ant. t., ♦rhus. Sweat—cheb, led., mere, plumb., secale, sib, thuj. Swelling—absinth., aeon., ♦act s., am., aur., ♦bry., cinch., ferr., iod., kali c, kalm., lach., lye, mang., mere, nat.m., nuxv., phos., puis., rhod., ♦rhus, samb., sang., sul. Syphilis—benz. a., kali i., phos. a. Trembling—♦arg.n., ♦ars., canth., caust.,cic, cimi., con., hyos., hyper., kali n., mere, opium, ♦phos., psor., sars., secale, ♦stram., tabac, zinc. Twitching—agar., ambr., ars., ♦cina, iod., mere, nuxv., opium, phos. a., sepia, sib, ♦stram., valer. Ulcers—canth., plat. Weakness—ant. t., ♦ars., benz. a., ♦bry., calc. e, canth., caust, cham., cic, cinch., hep. s., hyper., mag. m., ♦mere, nat. m., CHAPTER XXXll.—EXTREMITIES 675 ♦phos., phos. a., plumb., rhod., rhus, sepia, ♦sib, sub, ver. a., zinc. Weariness—ambr., +arg. n., ♦ars., *bry., calc. c, calc. ph., cupr., ♦mere, sars., staph. CHAPTER XXXIII.-UPPER LIMBS. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Abies c. GHands cold, shrunken; skin cold and clammy. Abrotanum. "Aching from shoulder-joints to elbows. Aching in fingers, first right, then left side. Prickling and coldness of finger tips. Numb sensation in fingers. Distended veins. ♦Aconitum. ♦Numbness of the left arm; can scarcely move the hand; tingling of the fingers. Arms hang down powerless, as it paralyzed by blows. Tearing pain in the shoulder-joint. Formi cation in arms, hands and fingers. Shooting pains, tearing,erratic; in arms, forearms, wrists and finger joints. Paralysis of the wrists. Creeping in the fingers while writing. Red pimples on the back of the hands, stinging, itching. Hands icy cold; cold, sweaty palms. ♦Actaea spic ♦Pain as from paralytic weakness of the hands. ^Esculus. -Left arm and hand much warmer, feel heavy and swollen. Right arm feels paralyzed; cannot raise it. Prickling, swollen feeling of hands, after washing them. Nails blue. iEthusa. -Numbness of the arms; aching about the scapulae, ex- tending to the arms. Sensation as if the arms had become much shorter. ♦Agaricus. ♦Tremor of the hands. Burning itching on both hands as if frozen; parts hot, swollen, red. Stiffness in fingers, from gout. °Violent laming pain in left hand and arm, after pal- pitation commences. Drawing pain from left upper arm to fore- arm; drawing in muscles of left forearm and down over the elbow. Burning, itching pimples on the arms. Right hand unsteady while writing; arm feels paralyzed from much writing. Agnus cast. cHard pressure in right axilla and upper arm, worse from touch and motion. Swelling of finger-joints; tearing pains; arthritic nodes. Ailantus. °Large water blisters on the end of the thumb, with smaller ones near the fingernails. Tingling in fingers and left arm, on awaking. I II \ PI I R XXXI11. — CPPER LI MRS 677 Alumina. cPain as from a sprain, in shoulder-joints, especially on raising the arm. Sense of tightness in the arm as from cold. Burning on the arms and fingers, and in the left elbow, as from a glowing iron. Arms feel heavy as if paralyzed; numb. Rhagades, worse in winter and from washing. Nails brittle or thick. Panaritium, with brittle nails; lancinating pains and tendency to ulceration of the finger tips. Ambra. -Tearing in the left shoulder-joint. Arms numb during the day, when at rest as well as during the night; numb- ness of left arm; tingling in thumb. Weakness of the fingers at night. Long-lasting icy coldness of the hands. Drawing in the fingers and thumb. Itching in the palms of hands. Tearing, lanci- nating or itching in tips of fingers and thumb. ♦Ammonium carb. ♦Inflammation of finger ends; whitlow. -Axillary glands painful and swollen. Tearing, also bruised pain in shoulder. Weight and lameness in right arm; has no power in it; must let it hang; hand swollen. Cramp in right arm, drawing it backward. Cracking of elbow-joint when moved. Boring pain in the olecranon depression. Itching eruption on the inside of the right fcrearm. Pain in wrist, in back of hands, in fingers and thumbs. Trembling of hands. Cracking of skin of hands. Peel- ing of v-kin from the palms. Hands look blue and veins distended, after washing in cold water. Ammonium mur. Swelling of the axillary glands. Rheumatic pain first in right, then in left shoulder-joint. Tearing in left arm, as if in the tendons, to the fingers; ceases during violent motion. Right forearm heavy and numb. Tearing in left wrist, and swelling of back of hand. Stitches and painful beating under nail of left thumb. ♦Amyl nit. ; Tremulousness of hands. Anacardium. Dull stitches in left scapula, return slowly and radiate on all sides. Loft arm numb; also the fingers. Sensation of weakness in the arms, with trembling. Feeling of intense drj ness of the hands. Hands, even the palms, covered with warts. Numbness of the fingers. ♦Antimonium crud. ♦Arthritic pains in fingers. Crushed finger nails grow with splits, and like warts, and with horny spots. Crack- ing in elbow-joint when moving it. Drawing pain in arms, in' fingers and their joints. Finger nails do not grow so rapidly as formerly, and the skin beneath the nail is painfully sensitive. 678 CHAPTER XXXIII.— LITER LIM1:> ♦Antimonium tart. ♦Trembling of the hands. Tearing and stitching pains. Pain as from dislocation in the right shoulder. Hands cold and moist. Finger tips appear dead, dry and hard; without sensation. ♦Apis. ♦Gidema of the hands. Panaritium, with burning, sting- ing and throbbing pains; very sensitive to touch, especially in ony- chias, after abuse of sulphur. °Violent rheumatism in the right, later in the left shoulder. Lame feeling in the scapulae. Pressure under the scapulae, painful when moving. Drawing pains in the arms. Sensation of numbness in fingers, especially the tips about the roots of the nails. Argentum met. Upper arms feel powerless, as after severe labor. Tearing in bones of the arms, especially of hands and fin- gers. A short, paralytic drawing on the outside of upper arm; on pressure it pains as if beaten; same in wrist-joint. Argentum nit. Paralytic drawing of right arm. Heaviness of the left arm. Spasmodic contraction of the adductors of the fingers; can hardly separate them, fingers half clenched. Hands tremble; cannot write. Nails blue. The third and fourth fingers of the left hand insensible. Numbness of finger tips. Arnica. Violent twitching pain from the left shoulder joint to the middle finger. Tingling in the arms. Arms feel weary as if bruised. Sensation as if the joints of the arms and wrists were sprained. Tearing in the tips of the third and fourth fingers of the left hand. Cramps in fingers of left hand. Acute bruised pain in the balls of the thumbs. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Ulcers in finger tips,with burning pains. °Tear- ing, jerking pain in right shoulder-joint and shoulder. Pain in the arm of the side on which dne rests at night. Drawing, jerking and tearing from tips of the fingers into the shoulder. Hands and lower half of the forearm dark and livid. Small reddish spot on left elbow-joint, soon forming a blister, becoming in a few hours as large as a hazel-nut, and turning black; similar blisters appear on right elbow, and next day on left leg. Trembling of hands Tingling in fingers. Arum triph. Hands stiff and swollen. Asafcetida. -Tearing stitches in upper arm and forearm, down to tips of fingers. Twitching of the muscles of the arms. Asarum. -Violent stitch in both shoulders during motion or rest. CHAPTER XXXIII.— UPPER LIMPS 679 Contractive, tensive pain in the deltoid muscle, when laying the hand on the table, and while it lies there. Drawing, laming pain in left wrist. Sudden drawing, burning pain from the wrist through the thumb and index finger. Aurum met, °Boring in left shoulder. Inflammatory swelling of axillary glands. Difficult movement of arms; they feel fatigued; forearms feel heavy. Severe bone-pains in right elbow. Boring in right forearm. Cramp-like tearing in bones of both wrists. Palms itch—herpes of palms. Baptisia. '-Pain in left shoulder extending down the arm. Feels sore and stiff about the shoulders and chest. Numbness of left hand and forearm, with prickling, worse from movement; sharp, darting pains through fingers. Hands feel large; tremulous. Baryta carb. Pains in arms, with hard, swollen axillary glands. Pain in deltoiel muscle when raising the arm. When lying on the arm it becomes numb. Tension in small places of arms. Fingers numb, prickle. Panaritium, with nightly throbbing and ulceration, from a splinter. ♦Belladonna. ♦Shooting pressure on top of left shoulder. Draw- ing pain in inner side of left upper arm.. Weakness of whole left arm. Paralytic drawing pressure in upper extremities. Paralytic tearing in the middle joints of the right index finger. Painful drawing in posterior joint of left middle finger, as if in periosteum. -Stitching pressure on top of left shoulder. Heaviness and para- lytic feeling in upper arms. Violent stabbing as with a blunt knife below the head of the humerus, from within out Tearing pain in humerus. Bruised pain in upper arm. Numbness and prickling in the hands. Benzoic acid. Tearing pains, apparently in the bones. Fingers swollen; tearing and fine, stitching pains in various parts of the limbs. Red spots on the fingers. Cold hands, with bead symp- toms. Berberis. Gurgling feeling in the muscles of right upper arm. Itching, smarting and burning in axilla. Lymphatic swelling of the flexors of the arm, with petechia-like spots and burning. Heav- iness and lameness of arms. Dingy, red,marble spots, with bruised pain. Tearing in the joints of fingers. Bismuthum. cParalytic weariness and weakness in right arm. Laming,tearing pressure in right forearm, more toward outer side; 68o CHAP1ER XXXIII.--UPPER LIMBS passes off by motion and touch. Tearing in metacarpal bones of the first and second fingers of the right hand, bine tearing in finger tips of right hand, particularly under the nails. Borax. -Drawing and tearing pain in and between the shoulders, so that he cannot stoop. Tearing anel breaking sensation in right wrist. Burning heat and redness of the fingers during slight cold, as if frost-bitten. Throbbing pain in tip of thumb day and night, frequently waking from sleep, at night. ♦Bovista. ♦Unusually deep impression on finger from using blunt instruments, as scissors or knife. Stitching, boring or tearing pains. Heaviness and powerlessness in arms and hands; drops even light things from the hands. Joints o; arms and haneis feel disabled and wrenched. Itching on the arms. Moist tetter on back of hand. Whitlow on fingers. Bromium. Icy cold forearms, or only cold hands. Intense rest- lessness and jactitation of arms. Left arm feels paralyzed. Weak- ness of arms. Bryonia. GPainful tension and pressure in the right shoulder when at rest. Painful pressure at top of right shoulder, worse upon touch; on deep breathing it becomes a dull stitching, which extends downward and outward to shoulder-joint. Swelling of right elbow-joint, with stitches. Tearing pain in inner surface of forearm, on a line from the elbow to the wrist. Pain in wrist as if wrenched or sprained, on every motion. Rather hot,pale swell- ing in last joint of little finger, with sticking in it on moving the finger, or on pressing it. Stitching pain in fingers when writing. Cactus. Formication and weight in the arms. GZdema of the hands, mostly of the left. Caladium. Pain in the shoulder, with headache. Arms numb on awaking in the morning. Prickling in palms,as from pins and needles, lasting until sleep; has to rub them vigorously toward evening Rash on forearm. Calcarea carb. cStitches in the left shoulder-joint. The arms feel bruised on moving them, or taking hold of them. The arm feels numb, if he lies upon it, with pains. Cramp in the whole of either arm. Weakness, with sense of paralysis of left arm. Trembling of the hands. Finger-joints much swollen. Fingers as if dead: numbness of bands. Felons, hang-nails. Large, painful boil on the first phalanx of the fourth finger. CHAPTER XXXI11. — UPPER LIAIP.S 68 I Calcarea fluor. °(Gouty enlargements of finger-joints. Ganglion, round swelling, or encysted tumors, such as appear on the back of wrist from strain of the elastic fibers. Whitlow; use also locally.— Schussler.) Calcarea phos. Hard, bluish lumps under the arms; oozing and scabbing; after checked itch. Shooting from clavicles to wrist; worse from change of weather Rheumatic pain in upper arm near shoulder-joint; cannot lift the arm. Lameness of the arms; formi- cation. Aching in the bones of the arm; particularly of the thumb. Pain as if ulcerateel around the nails. Calcarea sulf. ^(Panaritium; for last stage, when matter forms; use also locally on lint. — Schussler.) Camphora. -Convulsive rotation of the arms. Arms stiff, power- less. Painful pressure in right elbow joint, extends to the hand when leaning on it. Hands tremble, cold, bluish. Fingers stiff, open, distorted; thumb drawn back at nearly right angles with its metacarpus. ♦Cannabis ind. ♦Agreeable thrilling through the arms and hands. Cannabis sat. Rending pressure of the shoulder, in attacks. Coldness and cold feeling of the hands. Formication and numb feeling of the hands. Formication and numb feeling in tips of fingers. Sudden lameness of the hand; trembling of the hand when attempting to clasp anything. Carbo ani. -Axillary glands indurated. Arms painful to touch. Hands and fingers easily become numb and prickle. Wrists pain as if sprained. Gouty stiffness of finger-joints. Carbo veg. Burning on right shoulder. Drawing of the arm on which he is lying at night. Bruised pain in both elbow-joints. Arms weary when writing. Hands burn,or are icy cold; tipof fingers covered with cold sweat. Paralytic weakness of fingers when seiz- ing anything. ♦Caulophyllum. ♦Severe pain in wrists and joints of fingers. &Rheumatism of wrists and finger-joints, with swelling; cutting in joints when closing hands; pains shift to nape of neck, with spasmodic rigidity; panting; oppression of the chest; high fever; delirium; nervous excitement. Causticum. -Paralytic feeling in the right hand. Contraction and induration of the tendons of the fingers. Drawing pains in the finger-joints. Trembling of the hands. Warts on the tips of the fingers. Itching on the arms. 682 CHAPTER XXXIII.--UPPER LIMBS Cepa. v Pain in right scapula when lying in bed. All the joints feel lame. Trembling of right hand. Onychia; pain extends up the whole arm. Suppuration after a prick with a needle, under the thumb nail; a red streak up to the elbow. Chamomilla. wPain in the arms; cannot bear the slightest mo- tion. Stiffness of the arm, tendency to formication when grasping with the hand. Finger-joints red and swollen. Chelidonium. Pain in right shoulder. Stiffness in the wrist. Tearing in tips of fingers. ♦Cicuta. ♦Frequent, involuntary jerking and twitching in arms and fingers. Complete powerlessness of the limbs after spasmodic jerks. Numbness of the fingers. Veins of the hands enlarged. Cina. -Boring, pinching pain in the left upper arm. Single, small, jerking stitches, now in the right, again in the left hand. Cinchona. -Aching in the scapulae and limbs; worse from least pressure; restless, wants to change position. Spasmodic stretch- ing of the arms, with clenched fingers. Hands tremble when writ- ing. Veins of hands distended. Swelling of the back of left hand. One hand icy-cold, the other warm. Nails blue. Cistus. Violent pain in left shoulder and chest; feels as if eruc- tation would relieve it. Tips of fingers sensitive to cold air. Tetter on hands; blisters, oozing after scratching, with hot swell- ing. Panaritium. Hard, thickened places on hands of workmen, with deep, oblique cracks. Clematis. °Swelling of the axillary glands. Pressing or draw- ing in the muscles of the arms and hands. Rheumatic pains in the hands. Arthritic nodes on the finger-joints. ♦Cocculus. ♦Hanels numb, prickling; alternately hot and cold. Stitches in the shoulder-joint, anel muscles of upper arm, during rest. Stitches in right upper arm. ♦Colchicum. ♦Paralytic pain in arms, so violent that he cannot hold the slightest thing firmly. Rheumatic pains in the clavicle, shoulders, arms, back and neck, preventing motions of the head; in elbow-joint, forearm, wrist, and ligaments of finger-joints. Laming pain in arms which makes it impossible to hold the light- est thing. OZdematous swelling of hanels. Colocvnthis. Swelling and suppuration of the axillary glands. Rheumatic pains through the arm. Pain in palms, as if the muscles were contracteeb Tensive pain in left thumb, impeding motion. CHAPTER XXXI11. — UPPER LIMBS 683 Violent drawing pain in the right thumb, as if in the tendons, be- ginning in the ball and passing off at the end. Conium. Shoulders feel bruised and sore. Crackling in the wrist joint. Yellow nails. Itching on the dorsum of the finger. Crocus sat. Pain on moving the arm, as if the head of the humerus were loose and would be easily dislocated. Chilblains on hands and fingers. Cuprum met. Anchylosis of the shoulder-joint. Numbness and lameness of arms. Twitching in the hands and fingers. Stitching, lending or drawing pains. Stiffened anel inflamed hands and fingers. In the bend of the elbow, tetter, with yellow scabs, itching vio- lently, particularly in the evening. Little vesicles on tips of fingers, oozing watery fluid. Cvclamen. -Laming and hard pressure in right arm as if in the periosteum and deep-seated muscles, extending to fingers, imped- ing writing. Bruised pain in the elbow joint, outside; worse from motion of arm and touch. Feels as if she must let fall that which is in the hands. Red blisters, preceded by severe itching on third and fourth fingers, left hand. Distention of the veins on dorsum of the hand. Tearing, terminating in a stitch, over the scapulae, with laming pain in the arms. Itching on the shoulder and in the axilla. Tearing pain in elbow and wrist-joints. Cramp like, slow contraction of right thumb and index finger. The tips approach each other and can be extended only by force. Fine prickling be- tween the fingers, ceasing after scratching. Digitalis. -Heaviness or paralytic weakness of left arm. The fingers become numb frequently and easily. Drosera. -Quivering in right shoulder when at rest. Inclina- tion of the fingers to contract spasmodically, with rigidity when grasping anything. Coldness of the hands. Dulcamara. °Herpes on arms and hands. Exostosis on the arm, from suppressed itch. Warts on hands. Sweat on palms. ♦Eupatorium perf. ♦Wrists pain as if broken or dislocated. Stiffness of arms and fingers during the chill. Heat in hands, sometimes with sweat. Ferrum met -Shoulders sore to touch, painful, also arm. Pinch- ing in right deltoid. Boring in right shoulder and from biceps to elbow; worse from motion; better from heat; worse from weight of bed clothes. Right arm lame. Irresistible desire to bend arm, 684 CHAPTER XXXIII. — UPPER LIMBS with intense pain; drives out of bed at 2 a. m. ; better walking about slowly. Arms nearly rigid. When writing, the hand trem- bles; does better when writing rapidly. Hands cold, stiff, numb; palms hot. Fingers stiff, numb, contracted. Fluoric acid. Pain in right shoulder-joint Rheumatic pains in left arm, from shoulder to elbow,with lameness. Weakness and numbness of the hands. Constant redness of the hands, especially the palms. Burning in the hands. Panaritium. Nails grow more rapidly. Gelsemium. -Deep-seated muscular pains in both arms. Palms hot, dry. Coldness of wrists and hands. Arms weak, numb. Glonoinum. Arms nervous, uneasy; heavy,as if circulation were checked; numbness, heaviness following throbbing; numbness, weariness in the left arm. Weakness of wrist after headache. Rheumatic pains in fingers of left hand. Feels pulse in fingers. ♦Graphites. ♦Skin of hands hard and cracked in places. The finger nails become thick. Rheumatic or burning pains, especially in left shoulder. Arms feel numb. Herpes circinnatus, harei to the touch and looking wrinkled, itching intensely in bend of elbow. Cramp in the hand. Horny callosities on the hands. Gouty swell- ing of the fingers. • Raw, moist places between the fingers. Fin- der nails black and rough; matrix inflamed,with soreness,throbbing and numbness; no suppuration. Guaiacum. Rheumatic pains in left arm, from shoulder or from elbow to wrist. Sharp stitches in the top of right shoulder. Stitches in the right thumb. Pains, first in knuckles, then in whole hand. Hands hot. Hamamelis.' Bruised feeling in upper arm and shoulder, worse from motion. Stiffness in arms and shoulders. Tenderness of the right biceps, increased by pressure. Stiffness of elbow-joint. Rheumatic pain, constant aching in the left arm. Lancinating in the left wrist-joint. Violent pain in back of right hand to shoul- der-joint. Hands chapped. Soreness around thumb nail; pus dis- charges after a slight knock. Helleborus. °Arms moving continually, automatically, except when asleep. Thumb drawn into the palm. Boring, sticking in the wrist and finger-joints. Ulceration around the nails. Humid, painless vesicles between the fingers. Hepar sulph. -Suppuration of the axillary glands. Offensive CHAPTER XXXIII. — UPPER LIMBS 685 sweat in the axilla1. Encysted tumor at the point of the elbow Itching in the palms. Itching, rough, dry, scaling skin of the hands. Fingers as if dead. Tingling in tips of fingers. Panaritium. Hydrastis. -Pain from head to shoulders, with aching in both, more the left. Rheumatic pains in elbow, forearms, right shoul- der, and first finger of left hand. Hyoscyamus. Arms tremble, especially in the evening and after exercise. Painful numbness of hands. Rigor of hands. Fingers look and feel too thick. Hypericum. -Fl)ing pains, right shoulder. Cutting under left scapula. Stitches on top of the shoulder at every inspiration Ten- sion in the arms and hands. Pressure at the insertion of right deltoid. Numbness of left arm; better from rubbing. Severe pain running down the left median nerve. Cutting on fleshy ends of fingers. Ignatia. Quivering jerks in deltoid muscle. Pains in joints of arms when bending them backwards, as from over-exertion, or as if bruised. Numb feeling of the arms at night, in bed, with a sensation as if something living were running in the arm. Iodium. -Weariness of the arms, as if paralyzed, in the morn- ing in bed. Painful weakness in the extensors. Pains in the left elbow. Coldness of the hands and feet. Prickling of fingers. Ipecacuanha. -Coldness of one hand, while the other is hot. Iris. °Pains shift about rapidly in phalanges and metacarpal bones. Kali bichrom. Rheumatic pains in both shoulders, worse at night. Burning pain in the middle of the forearm, extending to wrist. Rheumatic pains in elbow and wrist-joints; stinging in the left elbow. Rheumatic pains in finger-joints. Great weakness of the hands. Bones of the hands as if bruised, when pressed; ulcers on the fingers,with caries. Kali carb. °Pain as from blows, under the right shoulder, when moving or touching it. Axillary glands swollen or painful. Hands and arms covered with purplish spots. Weakness, with cramps in hands and fingers; paresis. Palms itch; vesicles form. Weakness in arms, mornings; arms feel numb, cold, prickling when lying on them. Kali chlor. °(Chapped hands or lips; also apply lotion of same. --Shussler.) 686 CHAPTER XXXIII. — UPPER L1MRS Kali nit. -Rheumatism of shoulder, worse at night; hands and fingers feel as if swollen. Rheumatic paralysis. Numbness and tin- gling of hands. Finger joints stiff, tense. ♦Kalmia. ♦Pressure in left arm. Pain from the neck down the right arm to the fourth finger—neuralgia. Pain in the right shoulder. Rheumatic pains in the arms. Erysipelatous eruption on the hands, and extending further. Pain in the left wrist, causing the hand to feel paralyzed. Weakness in the arms, slow pulse. ♦Kreosotum. ♦Pain in left thumb, as if sprained. -Cracking of the skin of the hands. Fingers become white and insensible, especially in the morning after rising. Slightly elevated blotches on left arm. Stitches in arms, from the shoulder-joint through to the fingers, which feel numb,without power or feeling. Lachesis. °Left shoulder and arm weak and lame, worse when lying on the arm. Axillary glands swollen. Garlic-like smell of the sweat in the axillae. Tingling prickling in the left hand Trem- bling of the hands in drunkards. Rheumatic swelling of index finger and wrist; worse after sleep. Panaritium; bluish swelling; even necrosis; with fistulous openings, or erysipelas; stinging, pricking pains. Numbness of the finger tips (mornings). Lachnantes. Tearing in upper part of arm, beginning at elbow- joint, where it pains most, and extending into the shoulder. Tear- ing in elbow-joints,at times upward and then downward. Tearing in knuckles of middle fingers of right hand. Left index finger drawn crooked Laurocerasus. Pressure on right shoulder or in right shoulder- joint. Pains as from lameness, also stitches, in the right shoul- der. Stitch in both elbows. Pain, as if sprained, in the right wrist-joint Distension of the veins of the hands. Rough, scaly skin between the fingers, with burning when touched by water. ♦Ledum. ♦Periosteum of phalanges painful on pressure. -Severe stitch'in the shoulder when raising the arm. Painful throbbing in the right shoulder. Rheumatic pain in the joints of the arms. Tremor of hands when seizing anything and when moving hands. Itching rash on the wrist-joint Gouty nodosities on the hands and finger-joints; drawing pain from hands upward. Perspiration in the palms of the hands. Panaritium, from external injuries. Lilium,tig. -Stiffness or prickling of the fingers almost like paralysis; difficult to guide the pencil. Prickling in fingers and CHAPTER XXX1U.-— UPPER LIMBS 687 hands; sensation of an electric current, first in fingers of left, then in right hand. Arms and hands stiff and hot, as if parched. Lithium carb. -Pain near point of right pectoralis major, or mar- gin of right shoulder. Burning stitch in ball of left thumb. Itch- ing, throbbing, sensitive pains in all the fingers, worse in second and third of left hand, as if in the bones; it extends from hands to ends of fingers, only during repose; better on pressure, when grasping and during motion Pain through the second finger of left hand. Soreness at margin of nail, with redness and j~>ain. Lobelia. Sweating of the palms of hands; backs of the hands are drv and cold; tips of fingers feel very cold, while walking out in the coldest winter weather, but remaining the same indoors. Lycopodium. -Axillary glands swollen; fetid sweat in the axillae. Rheumatic tension in the right shoulder-joint. Pain in the bones of the arms at night. Weakness of the arms when at work. Pana- ritium, with gastric affections. Magnesia carb. "Spreading blisters on the hands and fingers, with stinging. Red, inflammatory swelling of the fingers. Heat of the fingers, in fever. Magnesia mur. Rheumatic pain in the shoulder-joint, extend- ing down the arm to the hands; worse from motion. Tearing pains in shoulders, arms, wrists and hands. Prickling of the arms when awaking in the morning. Mancinella. Painful stiffness of the finger-joints. Hands as if too thick, numb and heavy. Clumsiness of the hands. Hands icy cold. Manganum. Pain as from a sprain in shoulder-joint. Rheu- matic pains extending from shoulders to fingers. Tensive pain in the joints of the arms and wrists. Rhagades in the bends of the fingers. Chronic swelling and suppuration of the fourth finger. Mephites. °Rheumatic pain in arms, relieved on motion. Rest- lessness in left arm, with insensibility. Trembling of arm when leaning on it. Painful twitching of the left hand. Mercurius. °Red and hot arthritic swelling from the elbow to the wrist. Dorsa of the hands raw, denuded; cracks on the joints; burning, stinging pains. Moist, itch-like eruption on the hands, with nightly itching; bleeding rhagades. Nails drop off. Mercurius biniod. °Rheumatic pains in shoulder-joint. Axillary glands suppurate. Dull, aching, strained sensation in the middle 688 CHAPTER XXXIII. — UPPER LIMBS of os humeri, as if about to break. Rheumatic pains,soreness and stiffness in left arm; worse by motion. Palm of left hand cracked, horny, several oozing rhagades. Mercurius cor. '-Arm up to the shoulder much swollen, red and covered with vesicles. Rheumatic pains in left shoulder and scap- ula. The eleltoid muscle feels relaxed. Mezereum. -Pain in shoulder-joint as if it would be torn asunder. Sore feeling in the right axilla. Right hand cold, left warm, or both cold. Trembling of right hand. Hands prickle, become numb. Millefolium. Fine, piercing pain in left scapula, in breathing, when standing. Frequent numbness and prickling of left arm. Hot hands. Muriatic acid. Scabby eruption on back of hands and fingers. Numbness, coldness and deadness of fingers at night. Swelling and burning of tips of fingers. Itching of palms. Natrum carb. °Rheumatic pain of shoulders, arms and elbows, with weakness of arms. Trembling of hands,morning. Swelling of hands, afternoon. Warts painful to touch. Tetter on dorsal surface of hands; skin dry and chapped. ♦Natrum mur. "'Skin of the hands, especially about the nails, dry,cracked; hang-nails. -Warts in palms of hands. Sweaty hands. Involuntary movements of hands. Trembling of hands when writ- ing. The finger-joints move with difficulty. (Blistering festers on fingers containing watery, bloody fluid, often caused by arsenical wall paper. — Schussler.) Natrum sulf. °Swelling and suppuration of axillary glands. Piercing in left axilla, on humerus, back of hand, palm of right hand, fingers, under the nails. Tingling in arms and hands; they feel as if paralyzed. Furuncles on right arm. Hands tremble on awaking, later when writing. Panaritium, especially if pain is better outdoors; patient pale, sickly; weary and dull head, worse mornings; caused.by living in damp regions; within damp walls. Nitric acid. °Rheumatic pains mostly in forearms and fingers. Numbness, trembling, and tingling of right forearm. Swelling of finger-joints, stinging pains. Hands prickle in the morning. Numerous large warts on back of hand. Herpes between fingers. White spots on nails. Nux mos. °Felt as if all the blood had rushed to her hands; CHAPTER XXXIII.—UPPER LIMBS 689 as if a string were about the arms. Hands feel cold as if frozen, with tingling under nails on entering a warm room. Nux vom. Shoulders pain as if bruised. Drawing pain from shoulder to fingers. Paralytic heaviness in shoulders, with weak arms. Paresis of arms, with shocks as if the blood would start from the vessels: wors.-e at night, or early in the morning. Arms prickle, feel numb, and still. Wins in the hands enlarged. Hands cold and sweat}', with cold nose. Oleander. Hands tremble when writing. Fingers stiff and swollen, with burning pains. Veins on hands swollen. Itch-like eruption on inside of wrist, and between fingers. Opium. Twitching and spasmodic movement of the hands and arms, as in drunkards. Paralysis of arms. Veins of hands dis- tended. Osmium. °Red spots on dorsum of hand; copious exanthemata on forearm, hands and cheeks. Red, brown papules, with des- quamation, on arms. Oxalic acid. "Numbness of shoulders to tips of fingers. Sharp, lancinating pains in arms—angina pectoris. Right wrist pains as if sprained; wants to stretch it; cannot hold anything. Hands feel heavy, cold, as if dead; fingers and nails livid; fingers twitching. Arthritic pains in fingers, which are flexed. ♦Petroleum. ♦Tips of fingers rough, cracked, fissured, with sticking, cutting pains. °Fetid sweat in axilla. Salt rheum on arms and hands, red, raw, burning; moist, or covered with thick crusts. Deep,bloody rhagades on hands; thick crusts; worse during winter. Brown or yellow spots on arms. Burning in palms of hands. ♦Phosphorus. *Arms and hands become numb, tingle. '"Swell- ing of axillary glands. Tearing in left shoulder; worse at night. Arms weak; can hardly move them; they tremble. Emaciation of hands, tremor of hands. Finger-tips feel numb and insensible. Veins on hands are distended. Burning palms; or clammy sweat on head and palms. ♦Phosphoric acid. ♦Wens on the hand, between metacarpal bones. °Burning as from red-hot coals, in different parts of arm and on shoulder. Stiffness and cramp in joints. Hands tremble when writing. Phytolacca. °Both scapulae ache continually. Shooting pain in 690 CHAPTER XXXIII.—UPPER LIMB.-. right shoulder-joint,with stiffness and inability to raise the arm; aching and tenderness across the top of right trapezius. Finger- joints swollen, hard, shining. Platinum. °Weak, relaxed feeling in both arms, as after holding a heavy weight, better from motion of arms Sore burning at the elbow, as if it had been scraped. Podophyllum. °Rheumatism in left forearm anel fingers. Pains from head into neck and shoulders, fingers numb. Weakness of wrists, soreness to touch. ♦Plumbum. ♦Wrists drop. Trembling of the hands. Con- vulsive motion of arms and hands, with pain in joints. Weakness anel painful lameness of arms. Wens on the hands. Psorinum. Arms as if paralyzed, and lame from shoulders to hands. Eruption on bends of elbows and around wrists. Copper- colored, red blisters on backs of hands. Pustules on hands, near finger ends, suppurating. Itching between fingers; vesicles. Sweaty palms, especially at night. Small warts, size of pin's head on left hand. Pulsatilla. Sensation of numbness and heaviness in the arms, as if beaten. Drawing, tearing pains in shoulder-joints, and in arms, hands and fingers. Swelling and wrenching pain in elbow- joints. Veins in forearms and hands swollen. Hard, painful, throbbing glandular swelling in right axilla. Heaviness in arms, from shoulders to fingers. Numb feeling. Arms feel as if broken and dislocated; worse on pressure and from movement. Elbow swollen, after a contusion. Ranunculus bulb. ^Spasmodic, rheumatic pains in arms. Stitches in arms and hands. Blister-like eruption on palms of hands. Ranunculus seel. Stitching, boring and gnawing in arms, es- pecially violent in fingers. Itching between fingers, evenings. Swelling of fingers, mornings. Rheum. Darting pains in arms. Twitching in arms, hands and fingers. Bubbling sensation in elbow-joints. Veins of hand dis- tended. Cold sweat on palms of hands. Rhododendron. Drawing pain in arms, worse in wet weather. Sensation as if blood ceased to circulate in arms; hands feel warm ♦Rhus tox. ♦Crawling, prickling sensations in palms, surfaces and tips of fingers. Tearing and burning in shoulder, arm lame, worse in cold,wet weather, in bed and at rest. Axillary "-lands sup- CHAPTER XXXIII.—UPPER LIMBS 69I purating. Hot swelling of hands in evening. Rhagades on back of h'and. Warts on hands. Swelling of fingers. Hangnails. Rumex crisp. Pains in shoulder down to elbow; arms feel- strained. Hands cold, when coughing. Ruta. Pain in left elbow-joint, as from a blow; arm weak. Wrists as if sprained, stiff; worse in wet, cold weather. Hands numb, and tingle after exercise. Flat, smooth warts on inside of hand. Contraction of fingers. Sabadilla. Sweat in axilla. Convulsions of arms. Trembling of arms and hands. Stitches in muscles of arms. Red spots and stripes on arms and hands. When writing, trembling of hand; old people. Thick, fissured nails. Sabina. cArthritic stiffness and swelling of wrist-joint, with tear- ing and stinging, made almost insupportable when the hand hangs down. Sambucus. -Paralytic heaviness in elbow-joint; trembling of hands when writing. Stitches in wrist. Dark-blue bloatedness of forearms and hands. Sanguinaria. cItching in axilla before catamenia. Rheumatic pain in right arm and shoulder; worse at night; on turning in bed; cannot raise the arm. Burning in palms; redness of hands, and severe burning. Ulceration of the roots of nails on both hands. Panaritium, first right, then left fingers. Sarsaparilla. -Stitches in legs, especially from motion. Weak- ness in thighs and knees. Red spots on calves. Icy coldness of feet before going to bed. Burning in tips of toes, which are sen- sitive to pressure. Rheumatic pains at night, in the feet. Secale. -Spasmodic jerks of the hand, with flexion of hand at wrist, or of forearm. Numbness and insensibility of hands. Burn- ing of hands. Coldness and numbness of right hand, with tin- gling in the third and fourth fingers. Loss of muscular power and sensibility in hand. Fingers convulsively drawn in toward palm, clasping thumb. Painful swelling of fingers. Gangrene of fingers. Selenium. cTearing in hands at night,with crackling in wrists. Emaciation of hands. Itching in palms. Vesicles on and between fingers. Dry, scaly eruptions, with itching palms; syphilitic erup- tions. ♦Sepia. ♦Itching eruptions in bends of elbows. °Humid tetter in armpit. Lameness and numbness of arms and fingers. Draw- 692 CHAPTER XXXIII.— UPPER LIMBS ing in arms down to fingers. Herpes on elbow (scaling off). Cold hands even in warm room, and from hands chill through the whole body. Skin on palms peels off. Itch and scabs on hands; soldier's itch. Panaritium, with violent beating and stitching pains. Painless ulcer on tip of finger, or in joints. ♦Silicia. ♦Prickling of the hands at ' night. Tearing, drawing, sticking pains and numbness in fingers, as if suppurating, or as if a panaritium would form. Offensive axillary sweat. Shaking of left arm, before epilepsy. Arms feel numb when resting on them. Wens on tendons of extensors of fingers. Paralysis of hands; also in leprosy. Enchondroma, right hand. Moist tetters on hands. Profuse sweat on hands. Bone felons; deep-seated pains; worse from warm bed; burning, stinging, aching on superficial parts. Onychia; ulceration about nails; hangnails. Contraction of flexor tendons; very painful when moving fingers. Finger-tips burn. Nails yellow, crippled, brittle; blue, in fever. Spigelia. °Trembling of arms. Stitches in bends of elbows and joints of hands and fingers. Contraction of flexors of fingers. Spongia ^Twitching of muscles of left shoulder. Heaviness and trembling of forearms and hands. Large vesicles on forearm. Swelling of hands and stiffness of fingers. Numbness of ends of fingers. Stannum. °Jerking in muscles of arm when resting it; fingers jerk when holding the pen. Weakness and heaviness of arms, especially the right; worse from motion. Swelling of the hands, evenings. Painful hangnails. ♦Staphisagria ♦Osteitis of phalanges of fingers. Arthritic no- dosities of the fingers. cHerpes, with scabs on the elbows; on hands. Numbness of tips of fingers. ♦Stramonium. ♦Panaritium; pains intolerable, drive to despair; relieves pain of suppuration. cRaises arms above head, clasps hands, makes graceful, gyratory motions. Hands and arms trem- ble. Carphologia. ♦Sulphur. ♦Rheumatic, drawing, tearing pains in shoulders (left), arms and fingers. Very disgusting, offensive sweat in the axillae. Great burning in the palms of the hands. Skin of the hands hard, dry and cracked. Hangnails. -Sweat in axillae, smelling like garlic. Rhagades on hands, especially between fingers, on fin- ger joints and on palms. Thick, red chilblains on fingers. Numb- ness of fingers in morning. Cold hands and feet. CHAPTER XXX11I.—UPPER LIMBS 693 Sulphuric acid. Stitches in shoulder-joints on raising the arms; and in finger-joints. Tension in elbow-joint. Chilblains on hands. Red swelling on back of hanel, not painful. Blue spots on arms. After erysipelas, inflamed swelling of fourth finger. Tabacum. Left arm exhausted, painful. Cramps in arms and hanels. Hands teel lame, colel; then burning, with bloated finger tips. Hands icy cold: bod\- warm. Trembling of the hands. Cramps in single fingers, especially while washing; early morning. Thuja occ. Herpes on the elbow. Finger-tips erysipelatous, with tingling: numb and colel as if dead. Nails crippled, brittle or soft. Hangnails. ♦Valeriana. ♦A very painful drawing, mixed with stitches, from left shoulder down to fingers; change of position did not relieve, but it disappeared when walking. Rheumatic pains in scapulae. Darting along arms, shoulders and face; hysterical neuralgia. Veratrum alb. Neuralgia in brachial plexus, as if beaten or bruised. Arms feel cold when raising them; feel as if too full,and swollen. Paralytic and bruised pain in arms. Hands icy cold, blue. Zincum. -Lameness and deadness of hands; they look bluish. Weakness, numbness and tremor of hands, when writing. Cracked and dry skin of hands, even in mild weather. Chilblains itch. Zingiber. Heavy, lame feeling in upper arms; numbness, worse in forearm. Rheumatic, drawing pains in back of hands. Heat of palms and face. REPERTORY. Anchylosis—cupr. Callosities—cist., graph. Carphologia—stram. Chilblains—sub, zinc. Color of parts—♦agar., am. e, arg. n., ars., berb., borax, bry., calc ph., camph., cepa, cham., cinch., eye, fluor. a., graph., kali c, kreos., lach., mag. c, mere, mere cor., nat. s., osm., oxal.a., petrol., phyt., psor., sabad., samb., sang., sib, sub, ver. a., zinc. Convulsions —camph., plumb., sabad., secale. Desquamation—am. c, sepia. Distortion of limbs—camph. Dryness—anae, gels., hep. s., lib, lob., nat c, nat. s., ♦sub, zinc 69-; CHAPTER XXXIII. —UPPER LIMBS Eruptions—aeon., am. c, osm., psor., selen., sepia. Blisters -aib, ars., cist., eye, mag. c, nat m., psor., ranunc Blotches—kreos. Boils—calc c, nat. s. Crusts—petrol. Erysipelas—kalm., lach., thuj. Herpes—aur., dulc, graph., nit. a., sepia, staph., thuj. Horny spots—>;:ant. c, cist, graph., mere b. i. Itch-like—mere, olean., sepia. Papules—osmium. Petechia—berb. Pimples—aeon., agar. Pustules—psor. Rash—led. Rhagades, cracks—alum., am. e, cist., graph., kali chlor., kreos., mere, mere b. i., nat. c, ♦nat m., ♦petrol , rhus, ♦sub, zinc. Salt rheum—petrol. Scabs—cupr., mur. a., sepia, staph. Scales—selen., sepia. Spots—ars., berb., kali c, nit. a., osm., petrol., sabad. Syphilitic—selen. Tetters—bovist., cist., cupr., nat. c, sepia, sil. Vesicles—cupr., hell., kali e, mere cor., psor., selen., spong. Felon —See panaritium. Ganglion—calc. f. Gangrene — secale. ,Gout—♦agar., calc. f., carb. an., graph., led. Inflammation—am. e, aur., cupr., graph., mag. e Injuries—baryt, led. Insensibility—arg. n., kreos., phos., secale. Jerks, jactitation—brom., ♦cic, cina, ign., secale. Movements—♦aeon., camph., hell., nat. m., opium, phyt, plumb., sib, stram. Nodosities, lumps—agn., calc. ph., led., ♦staph. Q£dema—♦apis, ♦bovist., cact., colch. Onychia—See panaritium. PtlillS—baryt., calc. c, ♦caul., cepa, cham., chel., cist., coloc, ferr., fluor. a., gels., ign., kali c, kalm., lye, mez., ruta, sib, ♦stram., zinc. Aching—abrot, aethus., calc.ph., cinch., mere b. i., phyt., sil. Acute— arn. Angina pectoris—oxal. a. Arthritic—agn., ♦ant. e, mere, oxal. a., ♦staph. Beaten, as if—arg, m., kali e, puis., ver. a. Beating—am. m., sepia. Boring—am. c, aur., bovist, cina, ferr., hell. Broken, as if—♦eup. perf. Bruised—am. c, arn., belb, berb., calc c, carb. v., eye, ign., kali bi., nux v., ver. a. CHAPTER XXXIII.—UPPER LIMBS 695 Pains continued Burning—♦agar., alum., ♦apis, ♦ars., berb., borax, carb. v., fluor. a., graph., kali bi., mere, mur. a., olean., petrol., phos., phos. a., rhus, sang., secale, sib, :;sul. Cramping—am. e, arn., aur., calc. e, graph., kali c, phos. a. Cutting—caul., ♦petrol. Darting—bapt, valer. Dislocated, as if—ant. t, ♦eup. perf. Drawing—agar., ambr., ant. c. apis, arg. m., arg. n., ars., belb, borax, carb. v., caust, clem., cupr., led., nux v., puis., sepia, ♦sib, ♦sub, valer. Dull—anae, brv., mere b. i. Intolerable—♦stram. Lame—♦agar., am. e, apis, berb.,bism., calc ph., can. s., cepa, colch., cupr., eye, ferr., fluor. a., lach., plumb., psor. rhus, sepia, zinc Lancinating—alum., ambr., oxal. a. Neuralgic—kalm., valer., ver. a. Piercing—nat. s. Pinching—aescub, cina, ferr. Pressure—agn., apis, ♦belb, bism., bry., camph., can. s., clem., eye, ♦kalm. Prickling—abrot., aescub, bapt., baryt., belb, lach., lib, ♦rhus. Raw—graph., mere, petrol. Rending—can. s., cupr. Rheumatic—am. m., apis, calc. ph., caul., clem., colch., coloc, fluor. a., glon., graph., guaiac, kali i., kali n., kalm., lach., led., lye, mere b. i., mere cor., nat. c, nit. a., ranunc, sang., ♦sub, valer. Sensitive— ant. c, ♦apis, bry., carb. an., cham., cinch., cist., eye, ferr., kali c, led., nat. c, phyt. Sharp—bapt, oxal. a. Shifting—caul., iris. Shooting—aeon., ♦belb, calc. ph., phyt. Smarting—berb. Sore—bapt., ferr., graph., mere b. i., mez. Spasmodic—arg. n., caul., cic, cinch., opium, ranunc, secale. Sprained, as if—alum., arn., bry., carb. an., ♦kreos., mere b.i., oxal. a., ruta. Stabbing—bell. Sticking—bry., hell., ♦petrol., ♦sib Stinging—aeon., ♦apis, kali bi., lach., mag. c, mere, nit. a., sil. Stitches—am. m., anae, ant. t, asaf., belb, bovist, bry., calc.c, cina, cocc, cupr., kreos., led., ranunc, sabad., samb., sepia, valer. Tearing—aeon., agn., ambr., am. c, am. m., ant. t, arg. m., am., ars., asaf., aur., ♦belb, berb., bism., borax, bovist., bry., cheb, phos., puis., rhus, selen., ♦sib, ♦sub Tension—baryt, bry., coloc, lye 6.) 6 CHAPTER XXXIII.--UPPER LIMBS Pains continued. Throbbing—apis, baryt, borax, glon., graph., led. Tingling—aeon., aib, ambr., arn., ars., hep. s., kali n., lach, nat. s., nit. a., samb., secale, thuj. Ulcerative —baryt., calc. ph. Violent— agar. Wrenching—bovist, bry., puis. Panaritium, whitlow, onychia—alum.,♦am. c,*apis, baryt,bism., bovist., calc. e, calc. s., cepa, cist., fluor. a., hep. s., lach., led , lye, nat. s., sang., sepia, ♦sib, *stram. Paralysis—♦aeon., ♦act. s, aescub, agar., alum., arg. m.,arg. n., ♦belb, bism., brom., calc. c, carb. v.. caust., ♦colch., dig., iod., kali n., kalm., lib, nat. s., nux v., opium, ♦plumb., psor., samb., sib, ver. a. Paresis —kali c, nux v. Parts. Arms (fore)—aeon., agar., am. e, am. m., ars., asaf., aur.,bapt., bism., brom., bry., calc ph., carb. an., colch., kali bi., nit. a., osm., puis., samb., secale, spong. Arms (upper)—agar., agn., arg. m., asaf., ♦belb, berb., calc.ph., cina, cocc. Axilla—agn., am. c, am. m., aur., baryt., berb., calc. ph., carb. an., clem., cocc, coloc, hep. s., kali c., lach., lye,mere b i., mez., nat. s., oxal. a., phos., rhus, sabad , sang., sepia, sib, sul. Bones —am. c, arg. m., aur., belb, bism , calc. ph., camph , colch., dulc, iris, kali bi., lach., led., lye, mere b. i., nat. s , ♦phos. a., sib, ♦staph. Elbows—abrot., agar., alum., am. c, ant. c, ars., aur.,«bry., camph., carb. v , cepa, colch., cupr., eye, ferr., fluor. a., graph , guaiac, hep. s., iod., kali bi., lob., mere, nat. c, psor., puis., ruta, samb., ♦sepia, staph., thuj. Fingers—abrot , ♦aeon., ::agar., agn., aib, alum., ambr..♦am.c, am m., anae, ♦ant c, ant. t, apis, arg. m , arg. n., arn., ♦ars., asaf., bapt., baryt., ♦belb, herb., bism., borax, bovist, bry., calc. c, calc. f., camph., can. s., carb. an., carb. v., ♦caul.,caust., cham., cheb, ♦cic, cinch., cist., colch., cupr., eye, dig.,eup.perf., ferr., glon., graph., hell., hep. s., kali bi., kali c, kali n.,^kalm.,' kreos., lach., led., lib, lob., mag. c, mur. a., nat m., nat. s., nit. a., nux v., olean., oxal. a.,♦petrol., phos., phyt., puis., ♦rhus, ruta, sang., secale, selen., sepia, ♦sib, spong., ♦staph., ♦sub, thuj.\ valer. Glands—am. e, am. m., aur., baryt, carb. an , clem , colch., hep. s., kali c, lach., lye, mere b. i., nat. s., phos , rhus. Hands—abies. e, aeon., ♦act s., aescul , ♦agar., ambr., am. e, ♦amyl, anae, ♦ant. t, ♦apis, arg. m., arg. n., ars., arum, bapt, baryt., belb, bovist., brom., cact., calc. c, camph.,♦can. i., can.s., carb. an., carb. v., caul., caust., cina. cinch., cist., clem., ♦cocc, colch., cupr., eye, dulc, fluor. a., gels., glon., :!:graph., iod., kali bi., kali c, kali chlor., kali n., kalm., kreos , lach., led., lib, CHAPTER XXXII1.—UPPER LIMBS 697 Parts continued. lob., mag. c, mere, mez., nat. e, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a.,nux v., olean., opium, osm., oxal. a., petrol., ♦phos., ♦phos. a., plumb., psor., puis., ranunc, rhus, ruta, sabad., samb., secale, selen., sepia, ♦sib, spong., staph., strain., ♦sub, ver. a., zinc. Joints—aeon., agn., am. e, ant. e, arg. m., arn., ars., ♦bell., berb., bovist., bry., calc. c, calc. f., camph., carb. an., carb. v., ♦caul., caust, capa, cham., colch., eye, fluor. a., belb, ign., kali bi., led., mere, ♦nat m., nit. a., phos. a., phyt, plumb., puis., ruta, samb., sepia, sul. Ligaments —colch. Muscles —agar.. arg. n., asaf., baryt., berb.,clem., cocc, coloc, eye, ferr., gels , ign., iod., mere cor., phyt., sabad., secale, sib, spong. Nails —aescub. aib, alum., am. m., ♦ant e, apis, arg. n., calc.c , calc. ph., cepa, cinch., fluor. a., ♦graph., hell., mere, mur. a , ♦nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., oxal. a., rhus, sabad., sang., sib, ♦sul , thuj. Palms—aeon., ambr., am. c, anae, aur., coloc, dulc, ferr., fluor. a., gels., hell., hep. s., kali c, led., lob., mere. b.i.,mur.a., nat. m., nat. s., petrol., phos., psor., ranunc, ♦rhus, sang.,secale, selen., sepia, ♦sub Periosteum—♦belb, eye, ♦led. Scapulae—aethus., anae, apis, cepa, cinch., mere cor., mez., phyt., valer. Shoulders—am. c, apis, ars., aur , bapt, ♦belb, borax, brv., can. s., carb. v., cheb, cist., cocc, colch., ferr., fluor. a., graph., guaiac, kali c, kali n., kalm., lach., led., mere, cor., mez.,nat.c, nux v., oxal. a., phos., phos. a., psor., puis., rhus, sang., spong.. ♦sub, valer. Shoulder-joints—abrot., aeon., alum., ambr., am. m., ant. t, arn., ars., bry., calc. c, calc ph., cocc, cupr., fluor. a., kreos.. lye, mere b. i., mez., phyt, puis. Side, Left—♦aeon., aescub, agar., aib, alum., ambr., am. m., anae, arg. n., arn., aur., bapt, ♦belb, brom., cact., calc. c, cina, cinch., cist, coloc , eye, dig., fluor. a., glon., graph., guaiac, iod., kali bi., ♦kalm., ♦kreos., lach., lib, mere b. i., mere cor., mez., nat. s., phos , psor., ruta, sil , spong., ♦sub, valer. Right—aescub, agar., agn , am. c, am. m., ant. t, arg. n., ars., aur., ♦belb, berb., bism., bry., camph., carb. v., caust., cepa, cheb, cocc, eye, ferr., flour, a., kali c, ♦kalm., led., lib, lye.'. mez., nat. s., nit. a., oxal. a., phyt, sang., secale, sib Skin—am. c, anae, ♦graph., hep. s., kreos., ♦nat. m., sepia; ♦sub, zinc. Tendons—am. m., caust., sil. Thumbs—aib, ambr., am. c, am. m., arn., borax, calc. ph., camph., cepa, coloc, hell., kreos., secale. Veins—abrot., am. c, cic, cinch., eye, nux v., olean., opium, phos., puis. 698 CHAPTER XXXIII. — UPPER LIMBS Wrists—aeon., am. c, am. m., arg. m., arn., aur., borax, bry., calc. f., calc. ph., carb. an., carb. v., ♦caul., cheb, coloc, ♦eup. pert, gels., glon., guaiac, hell., kalibi., kalm., lach., led., mere, olean., oxal. a., ♦plumb., psor., ruta, samb., secale, selen. Power—♦aeon., am. c, arg. m., bovist, camph., cic, eye, kreos., secale. Sensations—aethus., alum., ant. t, berb., borax, calc. c, can. i., cist., eye, hep. s., ign., lib, mere b. i., nux v., oxal. a., thuj. Cold—abies. c, aeon., ambr., ant. t, brom., camph., can. s., carb. v., cinch., ♦cocc, ferr., gels., iod., ipec, lob., mez.,mur.a., nux v., oxal. a., secale, sepia, sub, thuj. Crawling—♦rhus. Creeping—aeon. Formication—aeon., cact., calc. ph., can. s., cham. Heavy—aescub, alum., am.m., arg. n., aur., belb, berb., bovist., eye, dig., glon., nux v., oxal. a., puis., samb., spong. Hot, warm—aescub, ♦agar., borax, bry., cinch., ♦cocc,eup.perf., ferr., gels., ipec, lib, mag. c, mere, mez., rhus. Itching—aeon., ♦agar., ambr., am. c, aur., berb., bovist,caust., cupr., eye, graph., hep. s., kali c, led., mere, mur. a., psor., sang., selen., ♦sepia. Large —bapt. Numb—abrot.,♦aeon., aethus., alum., ambr., am. m., anae, apis, arg. n., bapt; baryt., belb,calc. c, can. s., carb. an., cic, ♦cocc, cupr., dig., ferr., fluor. a., gels., glon., graph., ign., iod., kali n., kreos., lach., mez., mur. a., nit. a.,nux v., oxal. a., ♦phos., puis., ruta, secale, sepia, ♦sib, spong., staph., sub, thuj., zinc. Stiffness— ♦agar., arum, bapt., camph., caul., chem., cheb,cupr., eup. pert, ferr., lib, mere b. i., nux v., olean., phos. a., ph T., ruta, spong. Thrilling—♦can. i. Weight—am. c, cact. Stretching—cinch., oxal. a. Suppuration—cepa, coloc, graph., hep. s., mere b. i., nat. s., psor., rhus, ♦sib, ♦strain. Sweat—aeon., ant t, carb. v., dulc, eup. perf., hep. s., lach,, led., lob., lye, nat. m., nux v., petrol., phos., psor., sabad., sib, ♦sul. Swelling—aescub, ♦agar., agn., am. c, am. m., arum, aur., baryt, berb., bry., calc. c, calc. f., caul., cham., cinch., cist., clem., colch., coloc, graph., kali c, kali n., lach., lye, mag. c, mere, mere cor., mur. a., nat. c, nat. s., nit. a., olean., phos., phyt., puis., rhus, samb., secale, spong., ver. a., zinc. Trembling—♦agar., am, c, ♦amyl, anae, ♦ant. t. arg. n., ars., bapt., calc. c, camph., can. s., caust., cepa, cinch., ferr., lach., led., mez., nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., olean., phos., phos.a., plumb., sabad., samb., spong., stram., zinc Tumors—calc. f., hep. s. Twitching—arn., asaf., ♦cic, cupr., opium, oxal. a., spong. Ulcers—alum., ♦ars., hell., kali bi., sang., sepia, sil. CHAPTER XXXIII. — UPPER LIMBS 699 Warts—anae, ♦ant e, caust., dulc, nat. c, nat. m., nit. a., psor., rhus, ruta. Weakness—♦act. s., ambr., anae, ♦belb, bism., brom., calc c, carb. v., dig., fluor. a., gels., glon., iod., kali bi., kali e, kalm., lach., lye, nat. c, nux v., phos., plumb., ruta, zinc. Weariness—arn., bism., carb. v., glon., iod., nat s. Wens—♦phos. a., plumb., sil. Whitlow—see "Panaritium." CHAPTER XXXIV. LOWER LIMBS. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Legs emaciated—marasmus. Stitching and tearing itching in old foot sores. Drawing in ankle-joint. Dead, cold feet. ♦Absinthium. ♦Horses kick with hind legs towards the belly— ascarides. Acetic acid. GEdematous swelling, with diarrhoea. Weak and weary. Lessened sensibility. ♦Aconitum. ♦Legs almost powerless; after sitting, numbness. Coldness of the feet, particularly the toes. -Drawing and tearing in the hip-joint on moving. Shooting, tearing pains in legs, knees, ankles,toes. Cramps in the calves. Legs and feet feel numb, tin- gling commencing in the feet and spreading upward. Sensation as if drops of cold water trickled down the front of the thighs. Numbness in the gouty limbs. Hot; prickling in the toes; toes become numb and tingle while walking. /Ethusa. Boring and shooting in the lower limbs, with great weariness. Lancinating and drawing from left hip into the thigh. Laming ache in middle of right thigh, while sitting; better when moving. Lancinating from right heel into the sole. Crawling in the feet. ♦Agaricus. ♦Twitching of the gluteal muscles. Heaviness of the legs; languor. Pains in legs, especially in region of right hip- joint, as from fatigue. Drawing, pressive pains in legs, espec- ially in the ankles. Toes itch and burn; are red and swollen, as if frost-bitten. Cramp in soles at night. Agnus cast. Heaviness of right foot, as from a weight. Lan- cinating pain in the right hip joint, worse during motion, some- what better at rest. Legs much fatigued and swollen toward even- ing. Cold knees. Ankles swollen after a sprain. Tearing, rend- ing in feet and toes, worse on walking. Feet easily turn outward when walking on a stone pavement. TOO CHAPTER XXXIV.—LOWER LIMBS 701 ^Alumina. ♦Great heaviness of the lower limbs; can scarcely drag them;when walking in the evening,staggers and has to sit down. Great weariness of the legs while sitting. -Prickling, numb- ness of nates when sitting. Itching and redness of the toes. Numb- ness of the heel when stepping. Ambra. cTearing pain, first in left, then in right hip-joint. Heaviness in legs. Numb, prickling sensation in both legs; has no firm step. Cramp in the legs and in the calves, every night. Cold feet. Gouty pain in ball of great toes. Ammonium carb. -Restlessness in the legs. Great weakness and languor of the lower limbs. Soreness between the limbs of children. Limbs frequently prickle or tingle when sitting or standing. Cramp in the legs. Cold feet, particularly when going to bed. Ball of great toe painful. Trembling of feet. The great toe becomes red, swollen and painful, particularly in bed,evenings. ♦Ammonium mur. ♦Tearing pain in the front part of thighs when sitting. -Languor and weakness in lower limbs. Pain in left hip, as if tendons were too short; must limp when walking; when sitting, gnawing pain in the bone. Stitches in knee-joint in the evening when sitting. Feet feel numb. Cold feet, evening in bed. Stitches in toes,coming slowly and going slowly. ♦Anacardium. ♦Cramp in the calves when walking, or rising from a seat; better lying down. GDull pressure like a plug in the left gluteal muscles. Knees feel paralyzed, with stiffness and great lassitude; is scarcely able to walk. Painful drawing in the tibia. Cramp-like pressure in the calves externally. Burning in the soles of feet while sitting. Coldness of the feet in the morning. ♦Antimonium crud. ♦Large horny places on the soles, close to the toes. Great sensitiveness of soles when walking. Legs become numb when sitting quietly. Painful drawing in hip-joints. Draw- ing pain in knees, in lower part of tibia, in left heel, and tearing through right great toe—gout. Corns on soles and toes. Antimonium tart. Numbness and coldness in legs. Rheumatic pains about the hips, thighs and calves. Feet become numb imme- diately after sitting down. Weariness in feet. Cold feet. ♦Apis. ♦Sensation in the toes and whole foot, as if too large; swollen and stiff. Legs and feet waxy, pale, swollen; oedematous. cSore pain about left hip-joint; later, weakness, unsteadiness, trembling in the joint. Violent pain in left knee, more outside and to the front. Burning in toes, with redness; feet cold. 702 CHAPTER XXXIV.--LOWER LIMBS Apocynum. Hard aching in both knees. GZdema of feet and ankles. Argentum met. "Stitches in hip when walking. Knee pains as if bruised when sitting. Calves feel as if too short on going down stairs. When stepping, feet feel sore as if ulcerated. Feet oedema- tous, swollen. Tearing in feet, at times the soles, dorsa, heels or toes, in tarsal or metatarsal bones. Argentum nit. Debility and weakness the whole afternoon; with sick feeling and dread of work. Limbs, especially his knees, start up at night, awakening him. Calves weary as after a long journey. Pains in calves torment him all night. CEdema of the feet. ♦Arnica. ♦Hygroma patellae. Drawing, pressive pains in left hip joint, thigh being extended, when sitting. Formication, lame feeling; must often change position, bed or chair seems so hard; after exertion, long marches, etc. Pain in the thighs from walking as from a blow. Knee-joints suddenly bend when standing; feet numb, insensible. Want of power in ankles,and feeling of a heavy weight in each instep. Hot, erysipelatous inflammation and pain- fulness of foot. Feet feel tired or inflamed after a walk. Arthritic pains in foot, worse toward evening; fears passers may strike it; big toe-joint red, feels sprained. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Uneasiness in lower limbs; cannot lie still at night, has to change position of feet constantly, or walk about to get relief. Pain as if beaten in knee-joint. Itching tetters in the bends of the knees. Weakness or weariness of the feet; numb- ness. Ulcers on soles of feet and toes. Sore pain in ball of toes, while walking, as if chafed. -Pain back of the great trochanter, extending down the thigh posteriorly, then toward the knee, ante- riorly, embracing the patella,down the tibia to the ankle: pain re- lieved somewhat by flexion of the knee. Swelling and pain of knees. Coldness, especially of knees and feet. Cramp in calves. Swelling ot feet; oedematous. Sensation as if the lower limbs would break down on going up-stairs. Gressus gallinaceus. Arum tri. Cramp in the right leg on waking in the morning. Stinging,prickling or bruised pain in the soles of the feet. Asafoetida. Psoitis, if suppuration seems impending. Caries of the tibia. Swelling around the ankle, cannot use the foot. Swell- ing and caries of the bones of the foot. Pain as if a splinter of bone were sticking in the right fibula, just above the outer malleolus— CHAPTER \XXIV.--LOWER LIMBS 703 after a sprain. Sticking sensation on the ball of the great toe when putting the foot to the ground. Asarum. °Dull pressure in the right hip. Drawing, tensive pain in head of left femur. Severe pain in hip-joint and in the middle of thigh when stepping; the foot feels as if paralyzed, he cannot step properly upon it. Severe, rheumatic, tearing stitches in the knees during motion and rest. Drawing in the ham-strings,evenings, when lying in bed. Bruised feeling in the left tibia. Stitches in sole of foot. Aurum met. All the blood seemed to rush from her head into the lower limbs; they felt paralyzed; she had to sit down. Totter- ing of the knees; stiffness, paralytic feeling; they pain as if firmly bandaged when sitting. Swelling of legs and feet when getting up in the morning; better after walking. Toes red. Itching on soles. Baptisia. -bower limbs weak, vacillating when walking. Sore- ness in anterior portion of thighs, worse after sitting a while. Drawing in the hips and calves. Cramp in calves whenever he moves them. Left foot numb, prickling. Baryta carb. ^Has to drag the legs when going up-stairs, on account of a lameness in middle of the thighs. Severe itching on the thighs. Tremor of the feet while standing, must hold on to something to steady himself. Soles of feet bruised, at night, keep- ing one awake: better after rising and walking. Aching, lymphatic swelling on the ball of the great toe. Fetid foot-sweat The hard skin on the sole is painful when walking. ♦Belladonna. ^Cutting stitches in the outer muscles of right thigh, just above the knee, only when sitting. Pain in thighs and legs, as if beaten and as if carious; fine shooting and gnawing along the bones, with violent tearing in the joints; pain gradually rises from the tarsal joints to the hips, necessitating, while sitting, constant motion and shifting of the feet; milder when walking. Tearing pressure in the middle of inside of leg, uninfluenced by motion or contact. Cramp pain in the gluteal muscles, with ten- sion on bending the body forward. Tremulous heaviness of legs. Pain in the metatarsal bones, as if dislocated. Pain as if bruised in the heel when treading thereon. Phlegmasia alba dolens; cannot bear to be touched. Benzoic acid. °Pain in left hip, knee and toes; thence in mus- 704 CHAPTER XXXIV.— LOWER LIMBS cles of calf and then in the knee; after it has left these parts it ap- pears in the right thigh and ankle. Pain in the right knee, then the left. Crackling or sense of dryness in knee-joints. Tearing and stitches,especially in the metatarsal joints of the right great toe.Pain in right, later in left tendo achillis. During the night, gout com- mences in the right great toe. Gout going from left to right. Cold feet; cold sweat. Berberis. Pain in thighs, worse from change of weather, mostly before heavy wind. Varices from groins down the thighs. Tension in bend of knee, as if the tendons were too short. Cramp in the calf of leg Tearing pain in tibia. Heels pain as if ulcerated, when standing. Tearing in the balls of feet, painful to step there- on. Stitches in ball of great toe; in joints of the toes. Wasting of lower limbs. Twitching, as from something alive. Bismuthum. Tearing pain below the external malleolus of right foot, terminating at the tendo achillis. Tearing in the toes; in the heels, more the left. Borax. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the left leg and foot after violent dancing, with tearing, tension and burn- ing in it; increased burning pain when touched; on pressure the redness disappears for a moment. Pain in the heel as if sore from walking. Stitches in sole. Burning heat and redness in the toes during slight cold, as if frost-bitten. Bovista. JLimbs become numb, and tingle; cannot stand on them. Stitching pains in the knee. CEdematous swelling of (right) foot, even years after a sprain. Muscles of the caives feel too short, cramp in the morning. Violent stitching in outer malleolus of Tight foot, with painfulness of the inner. ♦Bryonia. ♦Tensive, painful stiffness of the knee. Hot swelling of the feet; of instep, with bruised pain on stretching out the feet. °Legs so weak they will scarcely hold him. Great painfulness of right thigh; surface of thigh to knee. Knees totter and knock together when walking. Pain in right knee, so that in evening he could scarcely waik, and was obliged to keep the leg very quiet; inner side of knee very painful to touch. Feet are tense and swol- len in the evening. Pain in feet as if sprained. Stabbing pain in hips. Pinching tearing in right calf. Bruised pain on outer side of left calf, on moving and turning the foot, as also from touch; during rest a numb sensation in same place. When walking a prick CHAPTER XXXIV.—LOWER LIMBS 705 ling sensation is felt in the soles of the feet, which interferes with walking. Cactus grand. -Restlessness of legs; cannot keep them still. GMema of legs, shining skin; dents remain a long time. Caladium. Furuncle on buttock, pained severely when sitting. Left knee: throbbing pain when lying, evenings; cracks when step- ping, and impedes walking. Sticking and stitching in corns on fifth toe of left foot. ♦Calcarea carb. ♦Feet feel cold and damp; sweating of feet, and limbs to knees.-Painful weariness of the lower limbs,especially of the thighs and feet. Itching of the thighs. Sciatic pains, caused by working in water. Swelling of the knees. Whitish swelling of the leg and foot, with sensation of coldness. Large, red and pain- ful spots on legs, like erysipelas bullosum. Numbness or prick- ling of legs in the evening when sitting. Cramp in the calves at night, about 3 a. m. ; also in hollow of the knee when stretch- ing out the leg; in the sole (left); in the toes. Burning in the soles. Bunions. Feet feel cold and damp. Foot-sweat makes the feet sore. Calcarea fluor. (Hip-joint disease,when the bone is implicated. - Schussler.) Calcarea phos. Nates feel numb; stinging in small spots; itch- ing; burning; sore spots; oozing scurfs. Lower limbs prickle, tingle,feel restless; anxious; has to move them. Pain in the bones, particularly in the tibia. Ulcers on the malleolus dexter; edges callous; ichor putrid. Fistulous ulcer on ankle. Legs tired, weak, restless, crawling, tingling. (Chronic housemaid's knee, with anaemia. Hip-joint disease,when there is ulceration of bone. Bow- legged children.— Schussler.) Calcarea sulf. (Ulcers of lower limbs, if thick, yellow matter forms.- Schussler.) Camphora. Crackling, creaking in the hip, knee and ankle- joints. Knees give way, tremble. Cramp in the calves. Drawing, bruised pain in the right thigh, and on inner side near, and be- low, the patella. Drawing, crampy pain on the dorsum of the feet, especially on moving them. ♦Cannabis ind. ♦Entire paralysis of the lower limbs; agreeable thrilling from the knees down, with a sensation as if a bird's claws were clasping the knees. °On attempting to walk he experienced 706 CHAPTER XXXIV.--LOWER LIMBS intensely violent pains, as if he trod on a number of spikes, which penetrated the soles and ran upwards through the limbs to the hip; worse in right limb, and accompanied by drawing pains in the calves. Shooting pains in the joints of the toes of the left foot, worse in great toe. Cantharis. ^Tearing from the right, later left hip-bone, down to the knees. Violent pains in the knees. Knees totter when ascend- ing steps. Numbness of lower limbs, first of one leg, then of the other. Pain in the soles, as from an ulcer; could not step. ♦Capsicum. ♦Caries of right hip; left leg atrophied and painful. °Shooting, tearing from the hip to the knee and foot, especially when coughing. Pains of various kinds extend from above down- ward. Tensive pain in knee. Cold sweat on upper part of legs. Feet cold. Carbo ani. Stitches in left hip when sitting. Sweat at night, only on thighs. Painful tension in the calves,when walking. Foot turns outward when walking, as from a weak ankle. Painful con- traction of tendo-achillis. Pain in heels. Frost-bites; inflamed, burning. Corns, painful to touch. Carbo veg. Heaviness in the lower limbs. Hip disease, third stage; black, ichorous, offensive discharge; great weakness. Ulcer on leg burns at night; discharge offensive; skin around mottled, purple. Left lower leg feels paralyzed. Toes red, swollen, sting- ing, as if frosted. Cramp in soles, evening after lying elown. Tip of toes ulcerated. Caulophyllum. Rheumatism, especially of the smaller joints. Constant flying pains in the arms and legs, remain only a few minutes in one place. Severe, drawing pains in the joints of the arms and legs. Causticum. cSoreness between the thighs, high up. Aching in the hip-joint, as if dislocated. Cramp in the calf, mornings in bed. Unsteady walking and easy falling, of little children. Cramp in feet. Ball of great toe: crawling, burning; severe pressive pain; burning stitches. Phagedenic blisters and ulcers on the heel. Crawling in both soles as from something alive. Itching on the dorsum of feet. Cepa. -Weakness of the hips. Nettle-rash on the thighs. Pain above the knees. Lameness in the knees. Sore and raw spots on the feet, from friction. Pain in great toes. CHAPTER XXXIV.—LOWER LIMBS 707 Chamomilla. Violent drawing, tearing pains, from the left is- chium to the os calcis and sole of the foot,with cramp-like tension of the muscles. Tearing pains from the abdomen down the legs. Cramp in the calves. Redness and swelling around the malleoli. Heaviness and lassitude of the legs. Burning of the soles at night; puts the feet out of bed. Chelidonium. -Rheumatism, worse in the lower limbs, especially in the right tarso-tibial articulation; worse from walking. Stiffness of ankles. Limbs feel heavy, stiff and lame; feel paralyzed; cold. Rheumatism, the least touch anywhere is exceedingly pain- ful, sweat without relief. Chininum sulf. cSciatic neuralgia on right side. Cicuta. cPainful feeling of stiffness in the muscles of the lower limbs. His legs refused to carry him and he staggered. When walking she does not step properly on the soles of the feet; they tilt inward. Gressus vaccinus. ♦Cinchona. ♦Sensation as if garters were too tight and leg would become stiff and go to sleep. Legs feel as after great fatigue from a long journey. -Hip disease,with profuse suppuration. Pain in the right knee, up to thigh, or down the leg; pains worse from contact than from motion. Uneasiness in legs; must move them or draw them up. Hot swelling of right knee; painful to slight touch. Knees weak, especially when walking. Rheumatic pains in metatarsal bones, and phalanges, worse from motion and contact. Swelling of the feet; hot, arthritic. Cistus can. Hard swelling around mcrcurio-syphilitic ulcers on legs. Piercing pain in the right great toe; evening. Cold feet. Swelling of the leg; ulcer thereon; skin copper-colored. Clematis. Scaly herpes on the thighs. Burrowing, boring or pressive pains on the tibiae. Rheumatic pains in lower limbs. Violent itching of the toes evenings after lying down; sweat be- tween the toes. ♦Cocculus. ♦Knees give way; totters while walking. Soles of feet numb while walking. Pain as if beaten in the thighs. Inflammatory swelling of knee, with transitory, stinging pains. Crackling in the knees when moving. Paralytic feeling in lower limbs. Lower limbs nearly paralyzed. Hot, itching swelling of the feet; cold feet. CEdema of the feet, with paraiysis of lower limbs, after a cold. 708 CHAPTER XXXIV. — LOWER LIMBS Coffea. Sciatic or crural neuralgia, in attacks; rending, shoot- ing, increased by walking; relieved by pressure, worse afternoon and night; restless and sleepless at night. Colchicum. ^Flying pains in the hips. Knees strike together; can hardly walk. CEdematous swelling and coldness of legs and feet. Tingling in toes, as after being frosted. Colocynthis. cCrampy pain in the affected hip, as though the parts were screwed in a vise; lies upon the affected side, with knee drawn up. Drawing, twitching, with dull throbbing in region of left hip and in right loin. Shooting pain like lightning down the whole limb. Pain in right thigh only when walking, as if the psoas magnus were too short. Drawing pain in right thigh down to knee. Left foot becomes numb, prickles. Conium. Sensation of weakness in the right thigh, even to trembling, when walking. Pain in the knee as from fatigue. Crack- ling of the knee joint. He takes cold on slight exposure of the feet Red spots on the calves of legs, turning yellow or green, as if from contusion, preventing movement Crocus sat. Violent crackling of the hip or knee-joint, when stooping. Knees give way. Chilblains on toes. Burning and tingling of the feet. Aching, of the soles from standing. Cuprum met. Paralysis of lower limbs, from psoas abscess. Twitching in lower limbs, drawing them backwards. Great weak- nes of the legs, the knees give way. Spasm and cramps in the calves. Burning in the soles. Suppressed foot sweat. Icy coldness of the feet. Cyclamen. Rheumatic drawing in left gluteus maximus near the spine, while sitting; ceases when standing. Cramp-like pain in right thigh above the popliteal space. Drawing pain in flexors of leg, seeming to start from hollow of knee and draw to tip of toes. Itching on right calf, with swelling of blood-vessels. Pain in the bottom of foot, as if sprained; more at the heel. Burning, sore pain in the heels, when walking in open air; also when standing or sitting. After walking, toes feel dead. Drosera. Pressing pain in posterior muscles of thigh, worse from pressure and stooping; could not lie upon it at night; passes off after rising. Laming pain in right hip-joint and thigh, with pain in the ankle as if sprained; when walking, must limp. Tearing pain in right ankle, as if sprained, only when walking. Stiffness of the ankles. Feet feel chilly, covered with cold sweat. CHAPTER XXXIV.--LOWER LIMBS 709 Dulcamara. °Herpetic eruption on knee. Exostosis on upper part of right tibia, with bluish red spots; suppurating lumps. Swelling of the calf of leg; scrofula. Gout in the great toe, first left, then right. Tingling in the feet. Erysipelas of feet; skin peels off; itching. Eupatorium perf. -Severe pains like cramps waken out of sleep; followed by cold sweat. Flagging of muscles of left thigh, as if falling off the bone. Sharp,burning pain infect; could not keep her shoes on. Gouty swelling of left great toe; ankles feel dropsical. Lameness in right hip and lower extremity, when walking. Throb- bing in right foot. Stinging as from pins in feet; beginning of chill. Heat in soles of feet in the morning. Pain in heel, as if stabbed. Ferrum met. Violent pain in the hip-joint, worse evening until 12 p. m. ; must get out of bed and walk about; can hardly put the foot to the ground, but pain lessens while walking. Varicose veins inside of right thigh, then left. Numbness of thighs. Neu- ralgia, throbbing at night; worse at rest; better moving. Legs feel weak. Calves weak, as if bruised. Cramps in calves, worse at rest, especially at night. Toes contracted. Cramps in soles of feet. Heels pain. Feet cold, numb, stiff. Soles of feet feel hot. Ferric phos. -(Disease of hip-joint, from inflammation of soft parts; throbbing and heat. —Schussler.) Fluoric acid. Acute stitches in right hip-bone. Lameness in left hip. Pain in right knee-joint. Left leg becomes numb easily. Oedematous swelling up to the abdomen. Top of foot oedematous. Burning stitches in the soles. Soreness between the toes. Sore- ness of all the corns. ♦Gelsemiuin. ♦Fatigue of the lower limbs after slight exercise. Deep-seated muscular pains in the legs,relieved by motion. Shoot- ing pains in paroxysms. Heaviness, weight, loss of voluntary motion; muscles will not obey the will; calves feel bruiseel; pain at night. Feeling when walking of a partial luxation of the patella. Coldness of the extremities, especially of the feet, as if in cold water, with anguish and pain in the legs. Drawing, contracting, crampy pains in the legs, from thighs into toes; worse on motion or walking. Glonoinum. °Knees give way,thighs weak during headache; left thigh numb. Limbs relaxed, motionless, in sunstroke. Rheuma- 710 CHAPTER XXXIV.--LOWER LIMBS tism of left knee, deep twinging, prickling; worse from motion; better from straightening limb. Coulel not rise, on account of weakness in limbs; headache worse when covered. Cold feet, with nausea, palpitation. ♦Graphites. ♦Excoriation between the legs; between the toes. Smarting soreness between the nates. °Tetters in the hollow of the knees. Numbness and stiffness of the thighs. Restlessness in the legs. Heaviness of the legs. Great oedema of the limbs, chiefly the lower, which are very large, with profuse, constant, watery exudation from the skin below the knees; epidermis exfoli- ated. Ulcers on lower limbs, with acrid pus; dryness of skin and constipation. Callous ulcers of the feet. Gouty tearing in the toes. Ulcers, or spreading blisters on the toes. Thick and crip- pled toe-nails. Guaiacum. Gouty inflammation and abscess at the knee, after a fall, with violent pain and loss of sleep. Tearing, drawing lancinations in leg, from right tarsus to knee. Exhaustion in the lower limbs. Spongoid state of tibia. Right leg swollen and con- tracted, stiff, immovable, drawn close up to the thigh. Hamamelis. °Sore pain in right femur; muscles of thighs sore, as if bruised. Soreness in femoral vessels to middle of thigh. Weakness of the knees,afternoon. Forcible feeling in the varices; veins sensitive; dilated. Helleborus. ^Prickling in the left hip. Hip and knee-joints stiff. Boring, stinging in knee and joints of feet. Legs drawn up with every attempt to change her position -hydrocephalus. Legs oedematous. Humid, painless vesicles between toes. Helonias. Severe pains in the right hip-joint, worse during motion. Numbness in feet, going off by motion, only felt when sitting still. Hepar sulph. JLeft hip pains as if sprained, when walking in the open air. Buttock and posterior thighs painful, when sitting. Bruised pains in muscles of anterior thighs. Swelling of the knee. Cramps in the calves, soles and toes. Swelling of the feet around the ankles, with difficult breathing. Prickling in both heels. Tin gling in the toes. Burning, stinging pains in toes. Cracked skin of feet. Coldness of feet. Hydrastis. Pain in the right hip to knee, while walking; can- not stand or bear one's weight. Outer part of left knee aches CHAPTER XXXIV. — LOWER LIMBS 711 while sitting, worse when walking. Legs feel weak, knees weak, aching. Aching in sole of left foot; no relief from change of posi- tion. Atonic ulcers on the legs. Hyoscyamus. -Cramps in anterior part of thigh. Swelling of the feet. Toes spasmodically contracted when walking or going upstairs. Hypericum. Weakening drawing over the front of legs; shoot- ing pains as if in the periosteum. Left leg numb,cold,while sitting. Articular rheumatism (knees), with great effusion around the joint; with muddy urine, looking like the settlings of beer. Severe pains in knees, sharp, could hardly touch them. Sensation as if the left foot were strained or dislocated; tingling when lying in bed. Ex- cruciating pain in bunions (external application). Ignatia. - Lancinating,cutting pains in the hip-joint. Sciatica, intermitting, chronic; better in summer, worse in winter; beating as though it would burst the hip-joint, accompanied by chilliness, with thirst; flushes of heat, particularly in the face, without thirst. Knees are involuntarily drawn upwards when walking; gressus galli- naceus. Convulsive jerking of the limbs. Crackling of the knees. Heat of the knees with coldness of the nose. Heaviness of the feet. Bruised or stinging sensation in the soles of the feet. Iodium. -Hot,bright-red swelling of the knee,with inflammation, prickling and burning, aggravated by touch or pressure. Violent, itching nettle-rash, particularly around the knee; on outer side of left knee especially. Gidematous swelling of the feet. Acrid, corro- sive sweat of the feet. Painful corns. Ipecacuanha. -Sensation in the femur, as if dislocated, on sit- ting down. Cramps in thighs at night. Convulsive twitchings of legs and feet. Itching of the calves. Ulcer with black base, on the foot. Iris. Sciatica, sudden shooting, causing lameness; worse from moderate, better from violent motion. Kali bichrom. -Rheumatic pains in hip-joints and knees, on walking or moving. Pain in the course of the left sciatic nerve, from behind the great trochanter to the calf. Pain in the tendons of the muscles of the calf, as if stretched, causing lameness. Pain in right hip, extending to knee. Ulcers on the previously inflamed feet. Soreness in heels when walking. Kali carb. cCrampy tearing in hip-joint and knee; bruised pain 712 CHAPTER XXXIV.--MlWI'R LIMBS when moving; coxalgia. Nightly rheumatic pains. Burning and stinging in the legs. Profuse, fetid foot-sweat Feet heavy, stiff. Swelling and redness of the soles; chilblains. Swelling of feet to ankles; feet cold. Stitches in the painful and sensitive corns. Kali chlor. ^-(Bunion; use also locally. Chilblains on hands or feet or any part; use also locally. Diseases of hip joint, second stage, when swelling commences or is present. In-growing toe- nails. Schussler.) Kali iod. -Gnawing in hip-bones; darting in left hip at every step, forcing him to limp. Tearing in right thigh to knee awakens him at night; worse lying on affected side or back sciatica. Knee doughy, spongy,no fluctuation; skin red in spots and hot; gnawing, boring or tearing; worse at night, must often change position; white swelling. Pain as if bruised in the left instep. Ulcerative pain in heels and toes. Kali nit. °Rheumatic pains. Legs feel weak, paralytic, after a short walk. Numbness, tingling of feet. Toes contracted. Kalmia lat ^Tearing pain from hip down the legs to feet. Stitches externally on knees; in the feet—soles and toes. Sensation of weakness in calves of legs. The feet feel sprained. Kreosotum. Pain in the left hip-joint, as if it were luxated, with sensation as if the leg were too long when standing. Tingling and trembling sensation in lower limbs. Pain as from an ulcer in the whole leg. Boring pain in the hip-joints alternating with numbness and loss of sensation in the whole thigh. Sensation as if the knee-joint would suddenly give way. Alternate swelling of the knee joints and wrists, with sensation of numbness and rigidity of the limbs. Qulematous,white swelling of both feet. Ulcerative pain in soles; burning, itching in soles. Cold swelling of the feet. Lachesis. -Contraction of the, psoas muscle after abscess. Sciatica, left side; pain as from a hot iron; worse after sleep. Uneasiness in the lower limbs. Contraction of the ham-strings, after popliteal abscess. Stinging, tearing in the knees, with swell- ing. Aching pain in the shin bones. Flat ulcers on legs, with thin, offensive discharge, and bluish areola. Caries of the tibia. Lacerating, jefking, rheumatic pains in the legs, as soon as he falls asleep. Swelling of the feet; worse after walking--during pregnancv. Tingling of the toes. Rhagades of the toes. Gan- grenous ulcers on the legs and toes. CHATTER XXXIV.--LOWER LIMBS 713 Lachnantes. cSmall pimples around left gluteus, discharging a watery fluid when abraded. Tearing in left knee, when walking. Tearing in right tibia, and from knees to ankles. Cramps in calves of legs when lying in bed. Tearing in right great toe, awaking him from sleep. Cramj^s in feet eluring the night. Burning in the feet. ♦Laurocerasus.♦Cold,clammy feet,and limbs,to the knees — chorea. Pain in the left hip-joint as if sprained. The feet become numb when crossing the legs or sitting. Ulcerative pain in lower part of the iieels. Stiffness of the feet, after rising from a seat. ♦Ledum. ♦Pain in the ankles as from a sprain or false step, worse on motion. Ball of great toe swollen, soft, and painful on stepping. -Pressure in the right hip-joint, worse from motion. Rheumatic pains, going from below upward; joints pale, swollen, tense, hot, with stinging, drawing pains; worse from warmth of bed and weight of bed covering, from motion, and in the evening before 12 p.m. Gout, worse in the feet; gouty nodosities on the joints: fine tearing in the toes. Swelling of the feet up to the knees. Pain in soles of the feet,as if bruised, when walking. Intense itching of the top of feet and of the ankles, worse after scratch ing; much worse from warmth of bed. Lilium tig. °Pain in right hip,extending down the thigh. Bor- ing, soreness, stitches, or drawing pain in right hip-joint. Grasp- ing pains or heavy, aching pains in knees. Dull, heavy pains from knees to toes, moving suddenly from place to place. Burning be- ginning in soles and palms, thence over body; worse in bed; con- stant desire to find a cool place. Legs ache; cannot keep them still. Lithium carb. -Itching, burning pain in a small spot on right hip, then on thigh, and fifth toe; all on external aspect of limb; also, internally on left thigh and knee. Occasional rheumatic pains. Knees weak, with pain; worse going up-stairs. Feet, ankles, metatarsus, toes, especially at border of foot and sole, as if gouty. Ankle joints painful when walking. Lobelia °Inflammatory rheumatism in the right knee, swelling and extreme pain. Painful stiffness in knees,as after a long march. ♦Lycopodium. *Cold, sweaty feet. "Rheumatic tension in left hip. Coxalgia, with violent jerking of the limbs; knee swollen and stiff; swollen, with sweating; white swelling. Pain as from con- 714. CHAPTER XXXIV. — LOWER LIMBb traction in the calves when walking; cramp in the toes. Oozing of water from sore places in oedematous legs; ascites. Old ulcers on legs, with nightly tearing, burning and itching. Varicose veins on the legs. CEdema of the feet Swelling of the soles; they pain when walking. Profuse, fetid foot-sweat, with burning of the soles. One foot hot, the other cold, or cold,sweaty feet. Stitches in the great toe of the right foot, evening. Magnesia carb. Restlessness in the legs. Drawing pains in the legs and feet. Itching of the buttocks, with red spots after scratching. Painful swelling in the bend of the knee. Knees painful when walking, the feet, when lying in bed. Cramp in the calves at night. Burning spot on the tibia. Magnesia mur. -Sensation of great fatigue in the legs, even while sitting. Heaviness in the legs. Twitching, tearing in the hips. Restlessness and tense feeling in thighs, must move legs for relief. Pressing pain in the knees. Cramps in the calves at night. Burning in the soles, evenings. Feet sweat. Magnesium phos. °(Cramps of legs,or indeed any part of body; if there is decided numbness,give also calc. phos.—Schussler. ) Manganum. Tension, drawing stitches in the thigh. Twitching of the muscles of the legs, from the least exertion. Trembling and unsteadiness of the knees. Tearing in the knees. Tension and stiffness of the legs. Inflammation and swelling of the ankle, with stitches ascending to the lower leg. Burning in the soles of the feet. Rawness between the toes. Excruciating pains in left great toe,worse at night and from touch; must change his position. Rheumatism in feet; cannot bear weight on heel. Marum verum. ♦In-growing toe nails with ulceration,especially right great toe; better moving. Mephites. °Rush of blood to the legs at night. Rheumatic pains from hips to feet; arthritic in the heel. Legs restless as if be- coming insensible; knees feel bruised. Spasmodic pain in left foot. Stitches in the feet. Pain in great toe as if being pinched off.Corns, with pain and burning. Mercurius. cTearing in hip-joint and knee; worse at night; or, with pulsating pain, beginning suppuration. The child's legs are clammy and cold, worse at night. Ulcers on legs,which bleed easily and become putrid, spongy and bluish. Cold sweat on the feet CHXPIER XXXIV.--LOWER LIMBS 715 Mercurius biniod. -Aching pain from hips to ankles, as though she had walked many miles, felt more in the bones. Weakness of knee joints. Pains from calves up to the sacrum. Insupportable pain and aching in legs toward evening, better on moving. Vio- lent tearing in soles; feet swollen, sore to touch, worse around ankles; from working in damp room. Mercurius prot. iod. Weariness in the legs, tingling. Dull, boring pains in legs, worse at night. Heavy, laming pains in calves, with pain in left knee-joint. Lame feeling in the feet. Mezereum. ^Pain in the periosteum of the long bones,especially the tibiae; worse at night in bed, and then the least touch is intol- erable: worse in damp weather-syphilis. Twitching pain from hip-joint to the knee. The legs and feet prickle. Stitches in the toes of the right foot. Millefolium. -Right tendo-achillis pains as after a blow or sprain. First left,then right foot becomes numb; disappearing on walking. Hot feet. Muriatic acid. --Wavering gait, from weakness of the thighs. CEdematous swelling of the lower limbs, with shooting pain. Lower limbs darker colored. Putrid ulcers on lower extremities, with burning around them. Cold feet. Blue feet— scarlatina. Chil- blains (the acid in rum applied externally). Swelling, redness and burning of tips of toes. Natrum carb. -Tearing and bruised pains in right hip—dysmen- orrhea. Heaviness of legs and feet, with tension in them when sitting or walking. Tension in bend of knee; the muscles are shortened. Cramp of the calves. Blotches,as in lepra, on the legs. The lower legs are swollen, inflamed red, and covered with ulcers. Cutting pain and cramp in feet. Swelling of the feet and soles of the feet,with stinging in them when walking or stepping on them. Easy dislocation and spraining of ankle: the ankle is so weak that it gives way; foot bends under when stepping on it. Black, ulcer- ated pustules on the heel. Ulcer on the heel arising from spread- ing blisters. Smarting and soreness between the toes. Blisters on the ends of the toes, as if scalded. Boring, drawing and sting- ing in the corns. Cold feet. Natrum mur. °Pain in hip as if sprained, with stitches. Twitching of muscles of thighs. Pain as if the knees and ankles were sprained. Tension in calves. Restlessness of legs; must move 71 6 CHAPTER XXX1V.--LOWER LIMBS them constantly. Great heaviness of the legs and feet. Herpes in the benel of the knee. Legs feel as if paralyzed, especially the ankles. Veins of the feet distended. Feet emaciated. Great toe red, with tearing and stinging on walking or standing. Burning of the feet, or great coldness. Suppressed sweat of the feet. Stitching pains in the corns. (Housemaid's knee, for enlargement of bursae —-chief remedy. Chronic swelling of knee, particularly scrofula. — Schussler.) Natrum silf. Piercing pain in left hip, belly and small of back, only during rest. Pain in right hip-joint worse from stooping, ris- ing from a seat,or moving in bed. Left hip-joint pains as after lying in a bad position; difficult to sit down or get up; awakes him at night: can bear any one position only a short time. Stabbing in left hip, after a fall. Ulcers on outer part of thigh. Legs hot, burn to knees, evening and next morning. Piercing in soles, in heels. Itching on or between the toes, after undressing. (Edema of feet. ♦Nitric acid. ♦Tearing in lower extremities, especially at night. Offensive, profuse perspiration on feet, causing soreness, with sticking pains as if he were walking on pins. Chilblains on the toes. Hip as if sprained, with limping. Pain across both but- tocks. Rheumatic pains in legs and feet. Soreness along the perios- teum of the tibia. Pain in patella,impeding walking; stiffness and stitches in knees. Violent cramp in calf, at night and when walk- ing after sitting. Itching of shins, bleeding when scratched; small scab forms. Nux mos. Legs tired, as after a long journey, must move legs from place to place. Right knee pains, as if wrenched or sprained, on moving and especially on going up-stairs. Heaviness and cold- ness in legs. Feeling in calves, as of a blow. Cramps in feet, internal burning. Boring in great toe, after lying down—gout. Pain now in back, now in sacrum; knees very tired,worse during rest; lumbago. Pain in small of back and weakness of legs as from a blow. Small of back and knees feel weak. Nux vom. Darting pain from toes into hip, or from trochanter to flexure of knee; worse at stool, from motion, or lifting, and at night Numbness and deadness of the legs. Paralysis of the lower limbs; from over-exertion, getting wet, sexual excess, or after apoplexy; limbs cold, bluish, emaciated. Sensation of paralysis; CHAPTER XXXIV.—LOWER LIMBS 717 feeling as of a painful stripe down the inside of the thigh. Knee- joint feels dry,with crackling when moved. Arthritic inflammation of the knee, also with nodosities. Bright-red swelling of the leg, with black,painful spots. Cramps in calves at night,also in soles; must stretch the foot. When walking: legs tremble; unsteady gait; drags the feet. Oleander. °Itch-like eruption between nates. Weakness of the lower limbs, with sensation of numbness in the soles when walk- ing. Knees tremble when standing. Feet constantly cold. Opium. cTwitching and spasmodic movements of legs. Weak- ness,numbness and paralysis of the legs. Heaviness and swelling of the feet. Feels as if her lower limbs were severed from her body and belonged to some one else. Petroleum. Legs swollen from knee to ankle, purplish, oozing; or covered with scales or scabs, which are easily detached, itching and burning like fire. Spreading, sloughing ulceration of the leg. Herpes on knees and ankles. Ulcers on toes, originating in blis- ters. Hot swelling of.the soles, with burning. Heel painfully swollen and reel; chilblains. Feet swollen, cold. Feet tender and bathed in a foul moisture. Phosphorus. c Rheumatic stiffness of the knees; pains from knees to feet. Swelling of the tibia. Pains in the soles of the feet, as if bruised. Nightly tearing in feet during pregnancy. Feet swollen in the evening. Feet icy cold. Twitching of the feet. Phosphoric acid. °Heaviness and paralytic sensation in the hip- joint; worse commencing to walk after sitting; better after walk- ing a little. Burning in posterior muscles of thigh when standing, better when walking; in soles at night. Ulcers on lower leg. Pains in tibia at night. Blisters on balls of toes; feet swollen and sweaty. Beating, swelling and burning in joint of great toe. Phytolacca. cPains shooting from sacrum down outside of both hips. Sharp, cutting pains in hip,drawing; leg drawn up; cannot touch the floor; hip disease on right side,after mercury; or in syph- ilitic children. Rheumatism of left knee; ham-strings feel short- ened. Pains from hip down to knee; heavy, dragging, neuralgic pains; all worse on outer part of thigh. Nightly pains in perios- teum of tibia. Chronic rheumatism of left hip. Ulcers and nodes on legs. Feet puffed; soles burn; severe pains through ankles and feet, also on dorsa of feet. 7i8 CHAPTER XXXIV.— LOWER LIMBS Platinum. -Weakness of thighs and knees,as if beaten.Pain as from a severe blow, in left knee. Tremulous restlessness in legs, with numb and torpid feeling when sitting; worse evenings. Numb and tired feeling in feet, only while sitting. ♦Plumbum. ♦Sharp, neuralgic pain in lower limbs, mostly from hips to knees, occurring in paroxysms. Violent pains in limbs, especially in muscular parts of thighs; worse evening and night ^Drawing,pressive pains in sciatic nerve down to knee,with difficult walking and great exhaustion afterward; tubercular diathesis, with dry, hacking cough. Cramps in the calves. Swelling of the feet. Fetid foot-sweat Podophyllum. -Sharply defined ache in sacro-ischiatic foramen, with tenderness on pressure. Pain and weakness in left hip,like rheumatism from cold; worse going up-stairs. Cramp in calves, thighs a nd feet, with painless, watery stools. Knee joints snap, during motion. Joints weak,especially knee. Leg heavy and stiff, as after a long walk. Aching of limb; worse at night. Feet cold. Feet sweat,evening. Psorinum. ^Pain in hip-joints, as if dislocated, worse when walking, with weak arms. Pain in legs, especially in tibia and soles, as from over-exertion in walking; legs restless, better on ris- ing. Sciatic pains; tension down to knee when walking. Oozing blisters on legs from small pustules, increasing in size,with tearing pains. Dry herpes in bend of knees. Chronic gonitis. Ulcers on lower legs, with intolerable itching over the whole body. Feet prickle. Heat and itching of the soles. Eruption on instep, soon becoming thick, dirty, scaly; suppurating; painful and itching at times, keeping him awake. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Hip-joint painful as if dislocated. Drawing, ten- sive pains in thighs and legs, with great restlessness, sleeplessness and chilliness. Painless swelling of the knee. Knee swollen, with tearing, drawing pains. Varices on legs. Burning pain in heels, toward evening. Pain as from festering in muscles of buttocks, legs and soles. Jerking pain in hip-joint, extending to the knee. Drawing, heaviness and weariness, in legs. Legs hot, swollen, with tensive, burning pains. Knees inflamed, swollen,with shoot- ing pains. Soft, white, shining swelling of knees. Jerking, lac- erating through left leg and foot, which becomes numb and (edematous; sensitive to touch; better from changing position. CHAPTER XXXIV. — LOWER LIMBS 719 Aching in calves,which are swollen. Feet red, inflamed, swollen; also the soles. Swelling of top of foot. Chilblains inflamed, bluish, itching. Rheum. -Twitching of muscles on thighs. Sensation of fatigue in thigh. Stiffness in bend of knees, with pain on motion. Bub- bling sensation from bend of knee to heel. Rhododendron. °Heavy, weak feeling and formication in back and limbs; worse at rest and in rough weather. Sensation in joints as if sprained, with swelling and redness; arthritic nodosities. Drawing, tearing in periosteum, worse at night; in wet, stormy weather; and at rest; better from motion; mostly in forearms and lower legs. Erratic, tearing pains in limbs. ♦Rhus tox. ♦Great weakness and paralytic heaviness of the legs and feet; is scarcely able to walk. Great weariness in legs while sitting, disappearing on walking. Aching pains in legs; must change position everv moment. Tension and pain in hip and knee joints, when sitting, when rising from a seat,or after over-exercise. cCoxalgia; involuntary limping; pains felt mostly in the knee and worse from over-exertion; pain worse at night. Spasmodic twitch-. ing of the limbs when stepping out. Sciatica, right side, dull, aching pain, worse at night, in cold or damp weather; relieved by rubbing, heat,and when warmed by exercise; numbness and formi- cation. Paroxysmal pains in the legs from getting wet, especially when warm and sweaty. Cramps in legs and feet; must walk about. Ulcers on legs, discharging profusely; on dropsical legs, discharg- ing serum. Swollen about ankles, after too long sitting; feet swell in evening. Intolerable itching of legs and feet at night; old rash. ♦Tingling pain in shafts of tibiae at night when feet are covered,with constant necessity to move the legs, preventing sleep. Sprained pain in feet in morning on rising. Drawing like paralysis in feet, when sitting. Rumex. °Stitching in back of right hip; limping walk. Legs ache. Stitch-like pain in knee-joint, when standing. Legs covered with small, red pimples. Feet cold, sensitive. Stinging in corns. Ruta. °Hip bones feel bruised. Anterior aspect of thighs feel bruised; painful to touch. Shooting from back down outside of left thigh, on first moving or rising; ham-strings feel shortened-- sciatica. Ham-strings feel shortened and weak; knees give way 720 ('MAPPER XXXIV.—LOWER LIMBS going up or elown stairs. Ankles pain after a sprain or dislocation. Pain in bones of feet; cannot step heavily thereon. Sabadilla. -Rheumatic pains in hips; severe stitching, worse during rest, better from motion. Loss of power in legs. Boring, tearing in thighs. Stitches in muscles of thighs. Severe burning and inflammation of tibia. Feet swell, are painful on walking, feel every pebble. Heaviness of feet. Thick, inflamed; crippled toe- nails. Horizontal fissures between and under toes. Cold feet. ♦Sabina. ' ♦Middle of anterior surface of thighs feels bruised and painful. Heaviness of legs, with painfulness of thighs when walk- ing Stinging pains in hip-joints in morning and when breathing. Sensation of coldness in whole (right) leg. Ulcers on tibia with lardaceous base. Swelling, redness and stitches in great toe—gout. Sambucus. wSharp, deep stitches in tibia. CEdematous swelling of feet, extending to legs. Icy cold feet, with warmth of body; hot face. Sanguinaria. Rheumatic pain in left hip, also inside of right thigh. Pain in thigh as if bruised, alternating with burning and pressure in bieast. Pain through hips extending down right limb. Wandering pains; worse at night Knees are stiff. Sharp pain in right ankle and joint of great toe. Burning of soles of feet, worse in bed. Cold feet afternoon. Sarsaparilla. Stitches in legs, especially from motion. Weak- ness in thighs and knees. Red spots on calves. Icy coldness of feet before going to bed. Burning in tips of toes, which are sen- sitive to pressure. Rheumatic pains at night, in the feet. Secale. °Hammering, tearing pain in both thighs, increased by motion. Legs heavy and tired. Tingling in legs. Shuffling gait, as if the feet were dragged along. Rheumatic pains in joints. Cramp in calves. Burning in feet. Swelling of feet with black spots. Toes drawn up toward dorsum of foot. Tingling in toes. Gangrene of toes. Selenium. °Cracking in the knee joint on bending it. Flat ulcers on lower legs. Emaciation of legs. Itching around the ankle in the evening; blisters on toes. Cramps in calves and soles. Legs feel weak,with fear of paralysis; after typhus Sepia. °Coxagra, with lancinating stitches; must get out of bed for relief; pains worse from rising, but better from slow walking. Lower limbs tingle when walking. Icy coldness of lower CHAPTER XXXIV.--LOWER LIMBS 721 limbs. Swelling of limbs and feet, worse when sitting or standing, better when walking. Swelling of knee, soft, painless. Crackling in knee joint. Sensation as of a mouse running, in lower limbs. Coldness in legs and feet, especially in evening in bed; when the feet get warm, the hands get cold. Burning or heat of the feet at night. Feet swollen, with sensation of prickling. Profuse sweat of feet, or sweat of unbearable odor, causing soreness of toes. Tension in tendo-achillis, also swelling of the tendon. Ulcer on heel. ♦Silicia. ♦Tearing, stitching pains in the hips and thighs. In- tolerable, carrion-like odor of the feet, without sweat, every even- ing. Offensive foot-sweat, with rawness between the toes. Icy- cold legs and feet. °Suppuration and caries of the hip-joint Trembling of legs with extreme nervousness. Sensation of loss of power in legs. Gonocace, pains stinging, lancinating; swell- ing, doughy; fistulous openings, with hard edges, discharging green- ish-yellow pus. Cramps in the calves; in the soles. Cold legs and feet, after suppressed foot-sweat. Feet give way under her when walking. In-growing toe nails; offensive discharge. Itching of soles, driving to despair. (Hip-joint disease; to control sup- puration. Ulcers of lower limbs, when deep-seated, and periosteum is affected.—Schussler.) Spongia.Thighs spasmodically drawn forward or backward.Thighs numb, cold, with fever. Feeling of lameness from right knee to hip. Stiffness of legs. Heat in feet; veins distended. Staphisagria. °Nates ache while sitting, pain extends to small of back, sacrum and hip-joint. Pulsating in hip-joint as from be- ginning suppuration. Legs painfully weak, especially the knees. Stitches in the knees and knee-joint. Crural neuralgia, stinging, stitching pains during movement. On putting foot to the ground, prickling in balls of feet,as if toes would be drawn down. ♦Stramonium. ♦Inside of right thigh red, swollen. °Coxalgia; left side; also for violent pains when abscesses form. Spasmodic rigidity of lower limbs. Paralysis of lower limbs, loss of speech; staring. Constant trembling of feet. ♦Sulphur. ♦Stiffness of the knee and ankle-joint. Tension in flexure of knee as if contracted, on stepping. Sticking in the knee and tibia. Cramps in the calves of the legs and soles of the feet, principally at night. Burning in the soles; wants them uncovered. 722 CHAPTER XXXIV.--LOWER LIMBS Corns, with aching and stinging pains. °Heaviness of the limbs when walking. Swelling of knees, white or red. Dropsy of the knee-joints. Soles cold and sweating. Sulphuric acid. °Knees painfully weak. Ankles weak; cannot walk. Feet cold, swollen. Distension of veins of feet. Stitching in corns. Red, itching spots on tibia. Blood-red, very painful scar on tibia. Tabacum. cLegs from knees down icy cold. Cannot walk, with angina pectoris. Formication of left leg,from knee to toes, licinor and disabling weakness of the feet. Tellurium. °Pain in sacrum, passing into right thigh down the sciatic nerve; worse when pressing at stool, coughing, laughing, also when lying on affected side— sciatica. Theridion. Itching and nodes, on nates. Feet swell. Thuja occ Hip-joint feels relaxed; when walking, legs feel as if made of wood. Hip aches,leg becomes elongated. Tips of toes red and swollen. Fetid sweat on toes. Suppressed foot-sweat. Nets of veins as if marbled, on soles of feet Valeriana. Pain in hip and thigh, intolerable when standing, as if thigh would break- sciatica. Acute, crampy, tearing pain in posterior muscles, especially those of calf, better in morning and when rubbing affected part; worse toward evening and when quiet. Drawing in tarsal joint when sitting. Stinging pain in heels when sitting. ♦Veratrum alb. ♦Difficult walking; first right, then left hip-joint feels paralytic. Shocks in right hip. Electric jerks in iimbs; worse in bed; must sit up and let legs hang out of bed; must walk about; rheumatism. Pains in feet, especially the knees, as if heavy stones were tied to the parts; must move about for relief. Limbs stiff in forenoon and while standing; rheumatism,alternately hot and cold; head hot; cold. Cramps in calves. Sudden swelling of the feet. Feet icy-cold. Veratrum vir. Pain in either great trochanter,when lying on it. Lancinating pain in right rjip. Right ankle feels as if dislocated, can scarcely walk; later left. Viola odor. CEdematous swelling of lower limbs, with stitching pains. ♦Zincum. ♦Varices on the legs, with fidgety feet. Burning pains in the tibia. Itching in thighs and hollow of knee. °Formi- CHAPTER XXXIV.--LOWER LIMBS 723 cation in calves. Sensation of stagnation in blood of legs. Inflam- mation of tendo-achillis, erysipelatous, worse from touching heel to ground and from wine. Feet are sweaty, and sore between the toes; fetid. Paralysis of feet,from suppressed foot sweat,by getting wet, worse from wine. Chilblains, worse from scratching or any friction. Coldness of feet at night. REPERTORY. Abscesses—cupr., guaiac, lach., stram! Bow-legs - calc ph. Bunions—calc c., hyper., kali chlor. Caries—asaf., ♦belb, ♦caps., lach., sil. Chilblains—kali c, kali, chlor., mur.a., ♦nit. a., petrol., puis., zinc. Color—agar., alum., ant. c, ♦apis, arn., aur., borax, cact., carb. v., cham., cist., dulc, iod., kali c, kali i., kreos., lach., led., lye, mere, mur. a., nit. a., nux v., petrol., puis., sabin., ♦stram., sub, sul. a., thuj. Convulsions—ign., ipec. Corns—ant. e, fluor. a., iod., meph., nat, c, nat. m., ♦sub, sul. a. Desquamation—dulc, graph. Dropsical—eup. pert, rhus, sul. Emaciation — ♦abrot, berb., ♦caps., nat. m., nux v., selen. Eruptions—psor. Blisters—caust., graph., nat. c, petrol., phos. a., psor., selen. Blotches—nat. c Herpes—dulc, nat. m., petrol., psor. Horny places—♦ant. c Pustules--nat. c, psor. Rash—iod., rhus. Rhagades— lach., sabad. Scurfs—calc. ph., petrol. Spots—calc c, calc. ph., dulc, kali i., nux v., secale, sul. a. Tetters—♦ars., graph. Vesicles—calc. ph., hell. Erysipelas—arn., borax, calc. c, dulc, zinc. Excoriations—♦graph. Exhaustion—guaiac, plumb. Fistulae—calc. ph., sil. Gait—mur. a., nux v., secale. Gangrene — lach., secale. Gonitis, inflammation of knee—psor. Gonocace, sore knee—sil. Gout—aeon., ambr., ant. c, benz. a., dul.c, eup. perf., graph., guaiac, led., sabin. Gressus gallinaceus, hen-like walk—ars., ign. 724 CHAPTER XXXIV.--LOWER 1IMKS Gressus vaccinus, cow-like walk—cic. Inflammation—ars., asaf., borax, cocc, ferr. phos., guaiac, iod., kali bi., lob., mang., nat c, nux v., psor., puis., sabad., zinc. Jerking—ign., lach., lye, puis., ver. a. Nodosities—dulc, led., nux v., phyt CEdema—acet. a., ♦apis, apoc, arg. m., arg. n., ars., bovist, cact, cocc, colch., fluor. a., graph., hell., iod., kreos., lye, mur. a., nat. s., puis., samb. Pains—agar., am. e, arg. n., arn., ars., asaf., benz. a., bry., calc. c, can. i., ♦caps., cic, eup. perf., ferr., gels., hep. s., hydras., hyper., lob., mang., meph., mez., nit. a., nux m., phos., phyt., plat, psor.,ruta, sabin , sang., tell., valer., ver. a. Aching—apoc, baryt., caust., hydras., lach., lib, pod., puis., ♦rhus, selen., staph., ♦sub, thuj. Acute—fluor. a., valer. Arthritic—arn., cinch., hyper., meph., nux v. Beaten, as if—♦ars., ♦bell, ♦cocc, plat. Beating—phos. a. Boring—hell., kali i., kreos., lib, nat. c, sabad. Bruised—arg. m., baryt., belb, ♦bry., ferr., gels., ham., hep. s., ign., kali c, kali i., led., meph., nat. c, phos., ruta, ♦sabin., sang., stram. Burning—agar., anae, apis, borax, calc. c, calc ph., carb. v., caust, cham., cupr., eup. pert, fluor. a., hep. s., iod., kali c, kreos., lib, lye, mang., meph., mur. a., nat. m., nat. s., pjtrob, phos. a., phyt., ♦puis., sabaeb, sang., secale, sepia, ♦sub, ♦zinc Contracting—lach., lye Coxalgia—kali c, lye , rhus, sepia, stram. Cramps—aeon., agar., ambr., am. c, ♦anae, ars., bapt., belb, berb., calc. c, camph., carb. v., caust, cham., coloc, cupr., eup. pert,ferr., hep. s., ipec, kali c, lye, ♦mag. phos., nat. c, nit. a., nux v., plumb., pod., rhus, secale, selen., sib, ♦sub, valer., ver. a. Cutting—♦belb, ign., nat. c, phyt. Darting—kali i., nux v. Dislocated, as if—belb. caust, gels., hyper., ipec, kreos., psor., ♦puis. Drawing—abrot., aeon., agar., anae, ant. c.arn., bapt., can. i., cham., coloc, guaiac, hyper., led., lib, mang., nat. e, phyt., plumb., ♦puis., secale, valer. Dull—anae, coloc, lib, rhus. Flying,wandering — colch.,lil., sang. Gnawing—am. m., ♦belb, kali i., ver. a. Grasping—lil. Hammering—secale. Lacerating—lach., puis. Lame—arn., baryt., fluor. a., iris, kali bi., kali i. Lancinating—guaiac , ign., rhus, sepia, sil. Neuralgic—chin, s., coff., ferr., phyt., ♦plumb., staph. Paroxysmal—♦plumb., rhus. CHAPTER XXX1V.--LOWER LIMBS 7^5 Pains continued. Piercing—cist., nat. s. Pressive—agar., anae, arn., ♦belb, caust., led., plumb., pod., sang. Prickling—aeon., bapt, hell., hep. s., iod., staph. Pulsating—mere, staph. Raw—mang.. ♦sib Rending—coff. Rheumatic—ant. t, cheb, cinch., hyper., ign., kali bi., kali c, kali n., lach., led.Job., lye, mang., meph., nit. a., phos., phyt. pod., sabad.. sang., secale, ver. a. Sciatic—calc c, chin, s., coff., iris, kali bi., kali i., lach., plumb., psor., rhus. ruta, tell. Sensitive —: ant c, arn., belb, berb., bism., bry., cinch., ham., hyper., iod., mang., mez., petrol., pod., puis., ruta. Sharp—eup. pert, hyper., phyt, ♦plumb., samb., sang. Shooting— aeon., ♦bell., can. i., caps., coff., coloc., gels., hyper., iris, mur. a., phyt., puis., ruta. Smarting — ♦graph., nat. c Soreness—abrot, am. c, apis, arg. m., ♦ars., bapt., borax, calc. e, calc ph., caust., fluor. a., ♦graph., ham., kali bi., lib, lye, nat. c, ♦nit. a., zinc Spasmodic —cupr., meph., opium, rhus, stram. Sprained —arn., asaf., bovist.. bry., hep. s., hyper., laur., ♦led., milb, nat c, nat. m., nit. a., ruta. Stabbing—nat. s. Sticking—asaf.. ♦nit. a . ♦sub Stinging—calc. ph.. carb. v., cocc, hell., hep. s., ign., kali c, lach., led., nat. c, nat. m., sabin., sib, staph., ♦sub, valer. Stitches—abrot., am. m., arg. m., ♦belb, benz. a., berb., borax, bovist, caust., fluor. a., lib,lye, mang., meph., mez., nat. m., ♦nit. a., sabad., sabin., samb., sepia, ♦sib, staph., sub, sul. a. Tearing —abrot.. aeon., ambr., am. m., ant. e, arg. n., ♦bell, benz. a., berb.,borax, caps., cham., graph., guaiac, kalic, kali i., lach., led., lye, mang., mere, nat. c, nat. m., ♦nit. a., phos., psor., puis., sabad., secale, ♦sib, valer. Tension—belb, berb., borax, ♦bry., caps., cham., led., lye, mang., nat. e, nat. m., ♦plat., psor., ♦puis., ♦rhus, sepia, ♦sub Throbbing—coloc., ferr., ferr. phos, Tingling—aeon., calc. ph., colch , dulc,hep. s., hyper., kali n., kreos.. lach., secale. Ulceration—arg. m., berb., kali i., kreos., laur. Violent—apis, belb, cham., ferr., ♦plum., stram. Paralysis—anae, aur., ♦can i., carb. v., cocc, cupr., gels., kali n., nat. m., nux v., opium, phos. a., ♦rhus, selen., stram., ver. a., zinc Parts —coloc, ferr. phos., kali chlor. Ankles—abrot., aeon., agar., apoc, arn., ars , asaf., benz. a., calc ph., camph., cheb, eup. perf., hep. s., kali c, ♦led., mang., 726 CHAPTER XXXIV. — LOWER LIMBS Parts continued. nat. c, nat. m., petrol., phyt., rhus, ruta, sang., selen., ♦sub, sub a. Blood—aur., meph., zinc. Bones-am. m., arg. n., asaf., ♦belb, bry., calc. f., calc ph., cham., cinch., dulc,eup. pert, fluor. a., ham., ipec, kali i., lach., mez., ruta. Calves—aeon., ambr., ♦anae, ant. t, arg. m., arg. n.,ars.,bapt., benz. a., berb., calc. c, camph.,can. i., caust., cham., cupr.,dulc, ferr., gels., hep. s., ipec, kali bi., lye, nat c, nat. m., nit. a., nux v., plumb.,pod., puis., secale, selen., sib, *sub, valer., ver. a., zinc. Feet—abrot, ♦aeon., ambr., am. m., anae, ant. t, ♦apis, apoc, arg m., arg. n.,arn., ♦ars., asaf., aur., baryt., ♦belb, berb., borax, bovist., ♦bry., ♦calc e, caps., caust., chain., cic, cinch., cocc, colch., coloc, dulc, eup. pert, ferr., fluor. a., gels., graph., hell., hep. s., hydras., hyper., ign., iod., ipec, kalibi., kali e, kali chlor., kali n., kreos., lach., ♦laur., led., lye, mang., meph., mere, mez., milb, mur. a., nat. c, nat. 111., nat. s., ♦nit a., nux v., petrol., phos., phos. a., phyt., plat., *plumb., pod., psor., puis., ♦rhus, ruta, sabad., samb., sang., secale, sepia,♦sib,staph., stram., sub, sup a., thuj., ver a., zinc. Groins—berb. Ham-strings—lach., phyt., ruta. Heels—alum , ant. e, arg. m., belb, berb., borax.,caust., ferr., hep. s., kali b., kali i., laur.,mang., meph.,nat. c, nat. s.,petrol., ♦puis., sepia, valer. Hips—aeon., agar., ambr., am. m., ant. c, ant. t, apis, arg. n., arn., bapt., ♦belb, benz. a., calc. h, calc. ph., camph., can. i., ♦caps., carb. v., caust., cinch., colch., coloc, ferr., ferr. phos., fluor. a., belb, hep. s., hydras , ign., kali bi., kali c, kali chlor., kali i., kreos., laur., led., lib, lye, meph., mere, mez., nat. cM nat. ru., nat. s.,nit. a., nux v., phos. a., phyt., ♦plumb., pod., psor., ♦puis., ♦rhus, ruta, sabad., sabin., sang., ♦sib,staph., thuj., valer., ver. a. Instep—arn., ♦bry., kali i., psor. Ischium — cham., ign , pod , valer. Joint—abrot., aeon., agar., ambr., am. m., ant. c, apis,arn., ♦ars., ♦belb, benz. a., berb., calc. f., calc. ph., camph., can. i., caps.,cheb, cinch., cocc, colch., fluor. a., graph., guaiac,hep. s., hydras., hyper., ign., iod.,kali hi., kali c , kali chlor., kreos., laur., led., lib, lye, mang., meph , mere , mez., nat. e,nat. m.,nat. s., nux v., phos. a., phyt., plat., pod., psor., ♦puis., ♦rhus, ruta, sabad., sang., secale, selen., sepia, sib, staph, ♦sul, thuj., valer., ver. a. Knees—aeon., am. m., anae, ant. c, apoc, arg. m., arg. n., arn., ♦ars., aur., belb, benz. a., bovist., ♦bry., cab c, calc. ph., *can. i., caps., cinch., ♦cocc, colch., coloc, cupr., dulc, fluor. a., graph.,guaiac,ham., belb, hep. s., hydras., hyper., ign., iod., kali bi., kali c, kali i., kreos., lach., ♦laur., led., lib, lob., CHAPTER XXXIV.—LOWER LIMBS 727 Parts continued. lye, mang., meph., mere, mez., nat. c, nat. m., nat s., nit. a., nux m., nux v., petrol., phos., phyt., plat, ♦plumb., pod., psor., ♦puis., ♦rhus, ruta, sabad , sang., selen., sepia, staph., ♦sub, sub a., ver. a. Legs —abrot., '♦absinth., ♦aeon., agar., :i;alum., ambr., am. c, ant. c, ant. t, ♦apis, aur., baryt., ♦belb, berb., bism., bry., cact., calc c, ♦caps., carb. v., cham., cic, ♦cinch., cist., cole, cupr., dulc,ferr., fluor. a., gels., ♦graph., guaiac, hell., hydras., hyper., ipec , kali c, kali n., kreos., lach., lib, lye, mag. phos.,mang., meph., mere,mez., nat. c, nat. m.,nat. s.,nit. a.,nux m., nux v., opium, petrol., phyt., plat., psor., ♦puis., ♦rhus, sabad., samb., secale. selen., sepia,♦sib, staph., ♦sub, thuj.,♦zinc Loins—coloc. Malleoli—asaf., calc ph., cham. Muscles—♦agar., anae, asaf., ♦belb, benz. a., cham., cic, coloc, cup: , eup. pert'., gels., ham., hep. s., kali bi., lach., mang., nat. c, nat. m., phos. a., ♦plumb., puis., sabaeb, sub, valer. Nails—graph., kali chlor , ♦mar. v., sabad., sib Nates, buttocks—alum., calc. ph., ♦graph., hep. s.,nit. a., puis., staph. Patella—♦arn., ars., gels., nit. a., nux v., psor. Periosteum—hyper., mez., nit. a., phyt., sil. Popliteal space—♦ars , berb., calc. c, graph., lach., nat. e, nat. m., nux v.,psor.,♦sub, ♦zinc Sciatic nerve—calc. c, kali bi., phos. a., therid. Side,Left-— ambr., am. m., anae, ant. e, apis, arn., bapt., benz. a., borax, calc c, can. i., ♦caps., carb. v.,cham., coloc, dulc, eup. pert, ferr.,fluor. a., hell., hep. s., hydras., hyper., iod., kali b., kali i., kreos.,lach.,laur.,lye, mang.,meph., mez., nat. s., phyt, plat, pod., puis., sang., stram., ver. a. Right—ambr., ant. c, ♦belb, benz. a., bovist., bry., calc. ph., can. i., ♦caps., chin, s., cinch., cist., coloc, dulc, ferr., fluor. a., guaiac, ham., hydras., kali bi., led., lib, lob., lye, ♦mar. v., mez , mill., nat. c, nat. s., phyt., rhus, sabin., sang., ♦stram., therid., ver. a. Skin—cact., carb. v., cist, dulc, graph., hep. s. Soles—agar., anae,♦ant e, arg. m.,^ars., aur., baryt, borax, calc e, can. i., carb. v., caust., cham., cic, ♦cocc, cupr., ferr., fluor. a., hep. s., hydras., ign., kali c, kreos., led., lib, lye, mang., nat. c, nat. s., nux v., petrol., phos., phos. a., phyt, psor., puis., sang., selen., sib, ♦sub, thuj. Tarsals—arg. m.,♦belb,benz. a.,cheb, guaiac,valer. Tendons—am. m , benz. a., berb., kali hi., lach., mill., phyt, ruta, sepia, zinc. Thighs—aeon., am. m., ant. t, arn., ars., bapt., baryt., ♦belb, benz. a., berb., bry., calc. c, caust., cinch., cist., cocc, coloc, eup. pert, ferr., graph., guaiac, ham., hep. s., ipec, kah i., kreos., lib. mang., mur. a., nat. m., nat. s., nux v., phos. a., phyt., ♦plat, ♦plumb., pod., ♦puis., ruta, sabad., ♦sabin., sang., secale, ♦sib, ♦stram., tell., valer., ♦zinc 728 CHAPTER XXX1V. — LOWER LIMBS Parts continued. Tibia—anae, ant. c, ars., asaf., berb., calc. ph., cheb, dulc, guaiac , lach., mez., nit. a., phos., phos. a., phyt., psor., sabad., sabin., samb., ♦sub, sul. a., ♦zinc Toes—aeon., agar., alum., am. m., ♦ant c, ♦apis, arg. m., ♦ars., aur., benz. a., berb., borax, calc. c, can. i.,carb. v.,colch., ferr., fluor. a., graph., hell., hep. s , kali chlor., kali i., kali n., lach., led., lib, lye, mang., ♦mar. v., meph., mez., mur. a., nat. e, nat. s., ♦nit a., nux v., petrol., phos. a., sabad., secale. sepia, ♦sib, staph., thuj.,zinc. Toes, great—ambr., am. c, ant. c, arn., asaf., baryt., benz a., berb., can. i., caust., cist, dulc, eup. perf.. graph., ♦led., lye, mang., ♦mar. v.,meph., nat. m., phos. a., sabin., sang. Trochanters—ars., kali hi., nux v. Veins— ferr., ham., lye, nat. m., sul. a., thuj. Phlegmasia alba dolens. white swelling—belb, calc. c., iod., lye, puis., rhus, sub Powerless—*acon ,• alum., arn., sabad., sil. Psoitis—asaf. Restless —am. e, arn., ♦ars., cact., calc. ph., cinch., coff., graph ,kali. i.,mang., meph.,nat. m., plat, psor., ♦puis. Rigid—kreos., stram. Scrofula—dulc, nat. m. Sensations—aeon., apis, am., ars., aur., benz. a.,berb., ♦can. i., caust., ♦cinch., coloc, gels., ign., ipec, kreos., nux. v., ♦plat, sepia, sub, thuj., ver. a., zinc. Clammy—♦laur., mere Cold—abrot., *acon., ambr., ant c, am. m., anae, ant. t, apis, ars., benz. a., ♦calc c, caps., cist., cocc, colch., cupr., eup. pert, ferr.,gels., hep. s., hyper., kali e, kreos., ♦laur., lye, mere, mur. a., nat. e, nat. m., nux v., petrol, phos., pod., sabad., sabin., samb., sang., sepia, ♦sib, sub, sub a.,ver. a.,zinc. Crawling—calc. ph., caust. Deadness—abrot, nux v. Fatigue —agar., ♦cinch., ♦gels. Formication—arn., rhus, zinc. Heavy—agar., ♦alum., ambr., arn., belb, carb. v., cham., gels., graph., ign., kali e, lib, nat. c, nat. m., phos a., phyt., pod., puis., ♦rhus, sabad., sabin., secale, sib,sul. Hot—aeon., arn., borax, ♦bry., cinch., cocc, ferr., ferr. phos., ign., iod.,kali i., lach., led., lye, mill., nat. s., petrol., psor., pubs., sepia, ver. a. Itching—abrot, agar., alum.,♦ars., aur.,baryt.,calc e,calc ph., caust., cocc, dulc, iod., ipec, kreos., led., lye, nat. s., nit. a., petrol., psor., puis., rhus, sib, sul. a., ♦zinc. Languor —agar., am. c, am. m. Large—♦apis. Lassitude—anae, cham. Numb—♦aeon., alum., ambr., am. c, am. m., ant. c, ant. t, am., ars., bapt., bovist., calc. e, calc. ph., cinch., cocc, coloc.\ CHAPTER XXX1V.—LOWER LIMBS 729 - Sensations continued. ferr., fluor. a., graph., hyper., kali n., kreos., laur., mez. mill., nux. v., opium, plat., psor., rhus, sepia. Stiff—anae,♦apis, aur., ♦bry., cheb, cic, ♦cinch., ferr., graph., guaiac, hell., kali. e,laur., lob., lye, mang., nit. a.,phos., pod., sang., ♦sub. ver. a. Thrilling—♦can. i. Tired—arn., calc. ph., nux m., plat., secale. Uneasy —♦ars., cinch., lach. Weight—arn., gels. Sensibility — acet. a., arn., ham., kreos , meph. Suppuration — asaf., cinch., dulc, mere, psor., sib, staph. Syphilis—cist., mez , phyt. Sweat—baryt., benz. a., ♦calc. c, caps., cupr., eup. perf.,iod., kali c , ♦lye . mere, nat. m., ♦nit. a., petrol., phos. a., plumb., pod., sepia, secale, ♦sib, sub, thuj., zinc Swelling —acet. a., agar., am. c. ♦apis, arg. m.,ars., asaf., aur., baryt, borax, bovist., ♦bry., calc. e, carb.v., cham., cinch., cist., cocc, colch., dulc, eup. perf..fluor. a.,guaiac,hep. s.,iod.,kali c, kali chlor., kali i., kreos., lach., ♦led., lye, mag. c, nat. e, nat. m., nux v.,petrol., phos., phos. a.,phyt., plumb., ♦puis., rhus, sabad., sabin., samb.,secale,sepia, sil.,*stram., sub, sul. a., thuj., ver.. a. Trembling—am. c, apis., aur., bapt.. baryt.,belb, bry.,camph., cocc, mang.. mur. a., nux v., plat.,sib. stram. Twitching—♦agar., arg. n.,berb., coloc, cupr.,ipec,mang.,mez., nat. m., opium, phos., rhus. Ulcers- abrot., *ars , calc. ph., calc. s., carb. v., cinch., cist., graph, ♦hydras., ipec, kali bi., kreos., lach.. lye, ♦mar. v., mere, mur. a., nat. c, nat. s.,petrol., phos. a., phyt., psor., rhus, sabin., selen.. sepia, sil. * Unsteadiness—apis, baryt, caust., mang., nux v. Urticaria—iod. Varices—berb., ham., ♦puis.,♦zinc Varicosis—ferr., lye Walk—alum., ambr., am. m., ♦anae, ♦ant. e, apis, arg. m., arn., ♦ars., bapt.. borax, bry., can. i., caust.,cic,♦cocc .,colch., mur. a.,mix v.,♦rhus,secale, sib,sul a.,ver a. Weak—acet. a., am. c, am. m., apis., arg. n.,*:ars., bapt., bry., calc. ph.,carb.v., cinch., cupr., ferr., ham.,hydras., hyper.,kali e, kali n., mur. a.,nat. c, nux. m., opium, plat., pod., ♦rhus, ruta, selen., staph., sul. a. Weary—acet a., calc. c, ♦alum.,arg.n.,♦ars., calc. c,pod., puis., ♦rhus. CHAPTER XXXV.-NERVES. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Lame and sore -- rheumatism. Weak and pros- trated after influenza. Weak, sickly feeling: when excited, trem- bling. ♦Absinthium. ♦Paralysis of internal organs. -Trembling before epileptic attack; loss of consciousness, falls, with the attack; weak afterward. Excited, opisthotonos, grinding teeth; followed by stupor. Aconitum. -Great irritation of the nervous system. Convul- sions of children, teething; heat, startings, twitches of single mus- cles; child gnaws at its fists, frets, cries; costive, or dark, watery stools. Trembling.palpitation; muscles feel bruised. Numbness, tingling; left side lame; paralysis of the limbs. Jtfks of left leg and arm; grineling teeth; comatose, restless, moaning. Lassitude, bruised feeling, and restlessness of the body. /Esculus hip. -Flying, neuralgic pains. Lameness and paralytic feeling. Feels faint, weak; weariness, faintness at the stomach. yEthusa. Epilepti-form spasms, with clenched thumbs, red face, eyes turned downward; dilated, staring, immovable pupils, foam at the mouth, teeth set, pulse small, hard, accelerated. Spasms,with stupor or delirium. Great weakness; children cannot stand; cannot hold up head. ♦Agaricus. ♦Violent muscular twitchings. Involuntary move- ments while awake, ceasing while asleep. -Debilitv after coitus. Tremor of whole body. Paralysis of lower limbs,with slight spasms of arms. Spasmodic motions,from simple involuntary motions and jerks of single muscles, to a dancing of the whole bodv. Twitchings of eyelids and eyeballs: trembling of legs and hands, debility; sore- ness of spine,worse at approach of thunder-storm. Coma, follow- ing the febrile excitement of dentition: eyes half open, showing the white; breathing not hurried, but often a deep inspiration, fol- lowed by a sigh and slight convulsive twitchings of extremities. 7.10 CHAPTER XXXV.—NERVES 731 Cramps in the hands and feet; body convulsed, as if a galvanic battery were applied to the spine. Agnus cast. °Spasmoeiical complaints of hypochondriacal men. Great weakness as from violent anguish, with depression of spirits; with agalactia. Feels bruised all over. Ailantus. Great debility, easily exhausted; electric thrill start- ing from the brain to the extremities. Jerking cramps of the limbs during sleep. Low, adynamic forms of disease, sudden and ex- treme prostration, torpor,vomiting,pulse small and rapid, purplish skin. Aloe. cParalytic drawing in the muscles. General weakness, weariness and extreme prostration. ♦Alumina. *Exceedingly faint and tired; must sit down. °Much fatigueel by talking. Involuntary movements of single parts. Spasms, with attacks of laughing and weeping. Paralysis from spinal disease. Rheumatic and traumatic paralysis in gouty per- sons. Ambra. -Spasms and twitches in the muscular parts. Great lassitude. Weakness of the whole body ; of the knees, as if they would give way; of the feet, with loss of sensation; in the stomach, so that she must lie down. Ammonium carb. -Debility: must lie down; soreness of the whole body. Ammonium mur. -Ebullitions, with anxiety and weakness as if paralyzed. Sudden prostration after dinner, when walking in the open air. Great weakness, mornings. Amyl nit. ♦General, relaxed, weak feeling in the whole body. Anacardium. -Paralysis of single parts. Trembling from every motion; from going up-stairs. Antimonium crud. GDisposition to start, even at slight noises. Twitching of muscles, of many parts of the body. Great lassitude. Convulsions with the vomiting. ♦Antimonium tart. ♦Trembling: of whole body; internal; of .head, and paralytic trembling of hands on every motion. Great restlessness—bronchial catarrh. Great weakness and lassitude. Great prostration and sluggishness of the body. Faintness. Alter- nation of unsteadiness and syncope. ♦Apis ♦General feeling of lassitude, with trembling. c Trembling, nervous restlessness. Tired, as if bruised in every limb, and espe- 732 CHAPTER XXXV.—NERVES cially in the back, as from exertion; worse on rising after sitting. Great prostration. Left side motionless; now and then moves the right arm; convulsions, trembling and jerking of the limbs. Apocynum. ^General restlessness, with debility. Involuntary motions of one arm and leg- hydrocephalus. Argentum met. "Painless twitching around right shoulder and right thigh; of right thumb, abducting it while writing. Spas- modic, painful twitching of muscles on temple, forehead,and throat near thyroid cartilage. Convulsive shocks of whole body, after previous vertigo; mostly when dropping off to sleep, preventing sleep. Paralytic weakness on motion; bruised feeling. Lame, weakness with all pains. Epileptic attacks, followed by delirious rage, jumping about, striking those near. Weary, forced to lie down and sleep. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Tremulous weakness, accompanied with gen- eral debility. Convulsions preceded by great restlessness. Period- ical trembling of the body. Voluntary motion impossible; left side indescribably weak. Paraplegia from debilitating causes. -- Epi- lepsv from fright, during menstruation; at night; pupils always dilated for a day or two before. Chorea, with tearing in legs. Creeping and jerking in various parts, more in paralyzed parts. So weak, must lie down; then becomes apathetic, with yawning, cold shuddering. Walks and stands unsteadily, after hard mental labor, especially when he thinks himself unobserved. ♦Arnica. ♦Great sinking of strength. Weary, bruised, sore, great weakness; must lie down, yet bed feels too hard. Twitch- ing of the muscles. Whole body,especially skin and joints, excess- ively painful and sensitive. Tired feeling, as after hard work, or as if beaten. Lassitude and sluggishness of the whole body; scarcely able to stand. Paralysis, generally painful; left side (after apoplexy); partial, from concussion of the spine. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Frequent fainting. After great exertions; climb- ing mountains, etc. Very rapid sinking of strength. Great rest- lessness and anxiety. Great weakness and prostration, scarcely able to walk. Faint, anxious and weak, early in morning. -Start- ing when falling asleep. Hysterical spasms followed by exhaustion. Convulsions, with opisthotonos; foam at the mouth. Child lies as if dead; pale,but warm,breathless for some time. Epileptic con- vulsions. Tetanic spasms. Exhaustion from the slightest exer- tion. CH A P'TE R XXXV.--N E RV ES 733 Arum tri. GLassitude and low spirits. Right side lame during dentition. Very nervous. Great weakness or exhaustion. Spasms of arms and hands; thumbs drawn in. Asafoetida. °Hysteria, with much trouble about the throat or oesophagus. Twitching and jerking of the muscles. Chorea. Clum- siness of the body. ♦Asarum. ♦Excessive sensibility of all the nerves; when mereiy thinking (and this he must do continually) that some one might with the finger tip or nail scratch even lightly on linen or similar material, a most disagreeable sensation thrills through him, arrest- ing momentarily all his thoughts and actions. °Fxtreme lassitude and faintness; constant yawning. General weary feeling. So weak and nauseated toward evening, that when he rises to a sitting posture he feels as if he would instantly sink down and die; he must lie in bed. Aurum met. cIn the morning completely exhausted, as if he had not slept at all. Tremulous agitation, as in joyish hope. Hys- terical spasms, alternate laughter and crying. When thinking of a motion he makes small motions without knowing it; when speak- ing he smiles involuntarily. Sensation of internal emptiness and weakness of the whole body Great nervous weakness. ♦Baptisia. ♦Restless, uneasy, could confine himself to nothing; wanted to be moving from place to place, evening. °General weak feeling, but worse in lower limbs. Great languor; wants to lie down. Paralysis of whole left side; left hand and arm numb, pow- erless. Slides down in bed; feels as if sinking away. Indescribable sick feeling all over. Baryta carb. °Nervousness,excessive irritation of all the nerves. Jerking and starting in daytime. Prostration, cannot stand, the knees give way. Weariness, constant inclination to lie down. Heaviness of the whole body. General paralysis of old people; loss of memory, childishness, trembling of the limbs; after apo- plexy; in old age. Great weakness, can hardly sit up in bed; if attempted the pulse immediately becomes quick and somewhat hard, after a while imperceptible. ♦Belladonna. ♦Over-excitability of all the senses. Epileptic con- vulsions -Trembling in all the limbs. Weakness and tottering gait. Paralytic weakness of all the muscles, especially of the feet. Great restlessness, with sudden startings. Muscles of face, jaw 734 CHAPTER XXXV.—NERVES and limbs agitated by convulsive twitchings. Spasm of one side and paralysis of the other. Spasmodic motions of body, generally back- ward. Throws body forward and backward, while lying, like con- stant change from emprosthotonos to opisthotonos. Convulsions commence in arm epilepsy. Clenched the teeth together with such force that they could net be opened. Stiffness of whole body. Tetanus: while working in hot sun he became unconscious, jaws fixed, head hot, feet cold. Berberis. Great weakness,like fainting. Lame feeling all over, with warm feeling in lower part of back and sacrum. General re- laxation, not inclined to do anything. Borax. -Weakness, especially in abdomen and limbs. Trem- bling in the whole body,especially in hands,with nausea,and weak- ness of knees. Bovista. "Great weakness of the joints. Sensation as if beaten; lame, aching; tearing, tension; stitches. ♦Bryonia. ♦Great weakness and exhaustion; worse from walking. Sitting up in bed causes nausea and fainting. cVery tired and prostrated, shunning all motion. Spasm developed through re- percussion of measles. Cactus. General weakness, prostration, great depression, sleep- less. Fainting. Caladium. Lies unconscious, with single jerks sometimes affecting whole body. ♦Calcarea carb. ♦Great weariness; not able to walk. Great exhaustion in the morning; unable to go up-stairs, or becomes much exhausted from it. °Twitching of the muscles. Trembling of the body. Talking produces a feeling of weakness, compelling the patient to desist. Children cannot walk; they have no disposition to do so,and will not put their feet down. Chorea: sometimes only one-sided, involuntary motions; sometimes falling down; from fright, onanism or worms. Epilepsy: before the attack, sense of something running in the arm, or from pit of stomach down through abdomen into feet. Causes: fright: protracted intermittent; sup- pression of chronic eruptions; worse during solstice and full moon. Calcarea phos. cWeakness, with other symptoms. Languor,with diarrhoea; with catarrh; during pregnancy. Weariness when going up-stairs; wants to sit down. Children do not learn to walk, or lose the ability. Trembling of the arms and hands. Convulsive CHAPTER XXXV.—MRVES 735 starts, when the child lies on its back, cease when lying on the side. (Convulsions,from teething, without fever,—after mag. phos. Fits during development, in childhood, youth; also in old age; in the strumous, and scrofulous. —Schussler.) Camphora. ^Attacks of malaise. Trembling of inner parts. Great prostration. Easily startleei when awake, and then feels throbbing or palpitation. Spasms of children, with sopor; from suppressed eruptions. Eclampsia, with anaemia, coldness. Tetanic spasms of arms, hands,feet and lower jaw; body stiff,with light opisthotonos, from suppressed scarlatina. Epileptic spasms. Want of bodily irritability: insensibility to touch. ♦Cannabis ind. 'Completely exhausted after a short walk. °Felt so weak that he could scarcely speak, and soon fell into a deep sleep. Cantharis. :Weakness, prostration, faintness. Convulsions, with dysuria and hydrophobic symptoms; bright light, drinking, sound of falling water, touching the larynx or painful parts, cause or renew the spasms. Capsicum. -Lack of reactive force, especially with fat people. Vital forces sunken—paralysis, gangrene, meteorism, typhus. Weak, exhausted. Great desire to lie down and sleep; does not want to exert himself in the least. Staggering when walking. Carbo ani. GWeak, want of energy; head confused; prostration. Ea'sily sprained from lifting even small weights. Carbo veg. °Vital forces nearly exhausted; cold surface, espe- cially below knees to feet; lies as if dead; breath cool; pulse inter mittent, thready; cold sweat on limbs. Want of nervous sensibil- ity; insusceptibility to medicines. Weary after a short walk. Faint-like weakness in attacks. Worse from loss of fluids. Uneasy feeling in the legs, in the evening in bed; had to stretch them often. Caulophyllum. -Chorea at puberty. Hysterical or epileptiform spasms at puberty, from menstrual irregularities, especially in rheumatic females. Paraplegia, with retroversion and congestion of the uterus after childbirth; partial loss of sensation, emaciation, anaemia, general debility. ♦Causticum. ♦At night cannot get a quiet position or lie still a minute. °Weakness and trembling. Faint-like sinking of strength. Restlessness of the body. Epileptic attacks during the time of 736 CHAP IE R XXXV.—NERVES puberty, also worse during new moon. Convulsions,with screams, gnashing of the teeth, violent movements of the limbs, and feverish heat and coldness of hands and feet. Chorea,even at night; right side of face and tongue may be paralyzed. ♦Chamomilla. ♦Excessive sensitiveness to pain. -Child makes itself stiff and bends backwards, kicks with the feet when carried, screams immoelerately and throws everything off. Convulsions of children; legs move up and down; grasping and reaching with the hands; mouth drawn from side to side; eyes staring. Twitching in the eyelids, eyeballs, lips and facial muscles. Pain in limbs, with weakness, and slow, dragging gait. General prostration, faintness Chelidonium. °Great debility and lassitude after eating. Trem- bling and twitching of the limbs. Weariness, indolence, indis- posed to work. Tonic spasms in flexors of fingers and toes. ♦Chininum ars. ♦Great prostration. -Epileptiform spasms: pre- ceded by a rushing like lightning through the brain and down right side of neck and arm,which are distorted and wrenched so as to crack audibly; the facial muscles are convulsively drawn; sight and speech cease; consciousness leaves and he falls to the ground; attack followed by cold sweat,loud eructations, and a feeling of utter prostration. *Chininum sulf. ♦Intermittent neuralgia in various parts. Symptoms return periodically,on alternate days,or antepone. Feels weak and nervous; a little exercise gives him palpitation. De- bility caused by considerable loss of fluids, particularly after weak- ening loss of blood. ^-Restlessness; excessive sensibility to touch and noise. Weakness, trembling, faintness, hunger. Great sen- sitiveness to external influences. Great weariness, heaviness and disinclination to work. Twitchings or chronic spasms in limbs. Tetanic convulsions, with loss of consciousness. *Cicuta. ♦Convulsions, with loss of consciousness, frightful distortion of the limbs and whole body. Convulsions, with opis- thotonos. Epileptic attacks, with swelling of the stomach,as from violent spasms of the diaphragm; hiccough, screaming, redness of the face, trismus, loss of consciousness, and distortion of limbs. 0Suddenly becomes stiff and immovable. Tonic spasms renewed by the slightest touch, from opening the door, or from loud talk- ing. Sudden rigidity, with jerks; afterwards great relaxation and CHAPTER XXXV.--NERVES 737 weakness ; during worm affections. General prostration. Spasms of all the muscles. *Cimicifuga. ♦Nervous shuddering; tremor all over the body. Weakness, trembling and spasmodic action of muscles. Alternate tonic and clonic spasms. Epileptic and hysterical convulsions. Trembling of the legs; twitching of the flexors. Great debility be- tween the menstrual periods. Irregular motion of the limbs,worse left; legs unsteady. Epilepsy, periodical convulsions, with uterine diseases. Hysterical spasms. ♦Cina. ♦Twitching of the limbs. Convulsions; child becomes suddenly stiff; there is a gurgling noise, from the throat to the abdomen, like the sound of water pouring from a bottle. °Trem- bling of the body, with shivering sensation, while yawning. Child complains of being always tired. Jerking and distortion of limbs. Spasms of children with throwing the arms from side to side. Epilepsy, with rigidity and full consciousness. Chorea: the dis- tortions often commence with a shriek, extend to the tongue, oesophagus and larynx, and continue even through the night. ♦Cinchona. ♦Great debility and sensitiveness of the nervous sys- tem; special senses too acute; very sensitive to pain; to drafts of air. Excessive sensibility of all the nerves, with a morbid sen- sation of general weakness. Body sore all over; joints, bones and periosteum feel as if sprained. cConvulsions: rush of blood to head; throbbing carotids, from great loss of blood. Epileptic spasms far apart; deathly pallor. Paralysis from loss of fluids; after arsenical poisoning;onanism. Numbness of parts on which he lies. Twitching of the limbs. Cistus can. GInvoluntary drawing and trembling feeling in the muscular parts of hands and lower extremities, with pain in" the wrists, fingers and knee-joints. Trembling, with the fever. Clematis. -Great debility. Twitching of the muscles. Vibra- tory sensation through the whole body, after lying down. ♦Coca. ♦Great physical vigor and endurance in spite of slight nourishment and little sleep. 'Nervous excitement, followed by weakness, tremulousness and exhaustion. Great lightness while climbing a mountain,without any respiratory trouble. *Cocculus ♦Attacks of paralytic weakness, with pain in back. °Great lassitude of the whole body; it is an exertion to stand firmly. Feels too weak to talk loud. Hysterical complaints with sadness. Paralysis of face, tongue or pharynx; paraplegia. 73& CHAPTER XXXV. —NERVES Coffea. -Physical excitement through mental exaltation. Great nervous agitation and restlessness. Convulsions of teething chil- dren, with grinding of teeth and coldness of limbs; after over-ex- citement. Fainting from sudden emotions. ♦Colchicum. ♦Great exhaustion and weakness, as after exertion. cSudden sinking of strength. Extreme prostration. Paralytic feel- ing with the pains. Paralysis after sudden suppression of sweat, particularly foot-sweat, by getting wet. Colocynthis. Great tendency of the muscles of all parts of the body to become painfully cramped. Sensation of weakness, of faint feeling. Conium. ^Trembling of all the limbs. Sudden ioss of strength while walking, inclined to sit down. Muscular paralysis, without spasms. Exhausted, faint, and as if paralyzed, after a short walk. Sick and faint early in the morning, in bed. Fainting fits. Crocus. Excessive prostration anel weariness in the evening, as from severe physical exertion, accompanied by great sleepiness, with feeling as if the eyelids were swollen; literary occupation relieves. Jerking in the muscles. Spasmodic contraction of single sets of muscles. Jumping, dancing, laughing, whistling; wants to kiss everybody. ♦Crotalus hor. ^'Easily tired by slight exertion. -General loss of power;, the muscles refuse their service. Tremulous weakness all over, as if some evil were apprehended. Paralysis. ♦Cuprum met. ::ENSAl'ION;S over him. Sensation as if drops of cold water were falling: on the head; from anus, from heart. Cantharis. -Raw and sore pain in whole body, internally and externally. Every part over-sensitive, accompanied by excessive weakness. Burning, stitching and tearing pains predominate. Capsicum. cViolent pains at various places; now here, now there; neuralgia of children. Superficial drawing pains in different parts of body. Buming,smarting sensations. Sensation as if parts would become numb. Carbo veg. c Pains fly all over body—neuralgia. Drawing and tearing pains in various parts of body. Cepa. °Aching through body. Neuralgic pains: like long threads; in the face; head; neck and elsewhere; worse evenings. Chamomilla. -The paralytic sensations are always accompanied by drawing, tearing pain; and the drawing or tearing pains rarely occur without the paralytic or numb sensation in the part. Cicuta. °Bruised sensation in many parts. Cimex. -Sensation as if he would creep into his own bod)', he crouches together as much as he can, with pain in thighs. Cimicifuga. °Prickling all over, like electric shocks here and there. Sharp, lancinating pain in various parts, associated with ovarian or uterine irritation. General bruised feeling as if sore. Whole body, especially the arms, feel numb. Cina. Dull twinges: sometimes like a pinching, at others like a pressure or blow, or jerk, or again like an itching, at various places, but especially at posterior portion of crest of ilium, on hip; the places are painful on pressure, as if sore or bruised. ♦Cinchona. ♦Body sore all over. -Pains in every joint; bones and periosteum feel as if sprained. Pains, with lameness or weak- ness of affected parts. Single parts feel pithy, numb. Colchicum. Shuddering and creeping, in isolated parts, as from taking cold from change of weather. Tearing, ten- sive pains over small parts at a time, quickly changing location. Colocynthis. cRheumatism, with all sorts of pains, with formi- cation and numbness. *Crocus. ♦Sensation of something living, and jumping in va- rious parts of the body. Dolichos. -Neuralgic pains following herpes zoster. Dulcamara. °Pains in many parts as from cold. Bruised feel- ing. CHXPTER XXXVII1. — PAINS AND SENSATIONS 821 Eupatorium perf. -Sensation of numbness, as if the flesh were falling from the bones. Pains in back, head, chest, etc.; the more general and severe, the better it is adapted. Euphrasia. -Crawling like a fly in one or the other limb, from below upward in a straight line; afterwards numbness of the part. Ferric phos. -(Pain of any kind, if accompanied by flushed face, burning or diffused heat; soreness in every part of body, es- pecially the joints. Throbbing pulsations in any part of body, with or without pain. Neuralgia: congestive or inflammatory; from cold; with pain, as if a nail were being driven in; blinding pain, one-sided; head, temples, over eye, or in jaw-bone.—Schussler.) Fluoric acid. -Violent,jerking, burning pains, confined to small spots. ♦Glonoinum. ♦Painless throbbing in whole body. Graphites. -Great sensitiveness of internal parts. Cramp like sensation of various parts. Numbness in various parts. Hamamelis. Prickling,stinging: in veins, muscles,skin. Bruised soreness. Helleborus. Prickling, tearing, pressing pains, running across affected parts. Hepar sulph. Painful sore feeling on the side on which he lies, at night; must change position often. Hyoscyamus. -Sensation of prickling all over, as if blood burned in veins. Want of sensation. Hypericum. '-Flesh sore all over, as if bruised. Ignatia. Over-sensitive to pain. Pressing pain from within out, as from a hard, pointed bod)'. Tension in internal parts. Pain in small circumscribed spots. Kali bichrom. Pain in small spots which can be covered with point of finger. Pains attack first one part, then re-appear in an- other. Heavy feeling in many parts. ♦Kali carb. ♦Sticking, stitching pain. Feeling of emptiness in whole body, as if it were hollow. Kali chlor. -(Rheumatic, gouty pains, if aggravated by move- ment; tongue as in 11; or if there is swelling of the parts. If pains are felt only during motion, or are increased by it. Follows well after ferr. phos.—Schussler.) Kali nit. ^Sensation, as if parts, or whole body, were of wood. Formication in hands and feet; afterward on tongue. Constrictive feeling in many parts. 822 CHAPTER XXXVIII. — PAINS AND SENSATIONS Kali phos. °(Neuralgic pains, better on gentle exercise, worse on rising. Disposition to feel bodily pains too acutely. — Schussler.) Kali sulf. -(Pains in back and nape of neck, or in limbs, if peri- odically worse in evening, or in warm room, and elecidedly better in cool open air—rheumatism. Schussler.; ♦Kalmia. ♦Sometimes atteneled with numbness, anel usually succeeded by numbness of part affected— neuralgia. Pain attendee! with much stiffness in right arm—neuralgia. Pain of a sticking, tearing, press- ing character, or shooting in a downward direction. Kreosotum. -Loss of sensation. Lachesis. Neuralgic pains change locality, with palpitation. Tearing, prickling, pulsating pain. Lachnantes. -Twitching of muscles here and there. Tearing pain. Tingling. Burning in various parts. Laurocerasus Painlessness with ailments. Ledum. Numbness and formication of limbs. Lilium tig. Pain in small spots. Shifting pain. Pressing out, as if blood would burst through vessels.. Throbbing as if in all the blood-vessels. Magnesia carb. °Neuralgic pains: shooting like lightning: worse on left side; worse in a draft, from change of temperature; from touch; must get out of bed and walk the floor. Magnesia mur. General sensation of soreness, with great sensi- tiveness to noise. Magnesium phos. c(Spasmodic pains and affections of various kinds. -Schussler.) Mancinella. -Unnatural lightness, as if flying in air. Stitches in various parts of body. Manganum acet. Burning over whole body in evening when rising from bed. Unbearable pains in bones and periosteum, like a digging; worse at night; also digging in joints. Mephitis. Thrilling through body; anxiety. Feels as if threads had been drawn through head and trunk. Wandering pains, with pressure to urinate. Muriatic acid. °Loss of bodily irritability. Tearing and stitches through whole body. Natrum mur. ^(Neuralgic pains periodically appearing, with flow of tears. Rheumatic, gouty pains, if other symptoms, as in 12,correspond. Chronic rheumatism of the joints.—Schussler.) CHAPTER XXXVUI. —PAINS AND SENSATIONS 823 Natrum phos. -(Pains various; if the tongue, tonsils or palate have a golden-tinged deposit, like half-dried cream, or if honey- colored. — Schussler.) Natrum sulf. -Sore across bowels, sides and back. ♦Nitric acid. ♦Frequent drawing pain in nearly all parts of body, suddenly appearing and disappearing. Stitches and stick- ing pain, as from splinters, especially on touch, in all parts of body. Gnawing here and there as from ulcers forming. ♦Nux vom. ♦Violent, contractive, painful sensation through whole body. Paralysis, with numbness and coldness of the paralyzed parts, caused by apoplexy, alcohol, sexual excesses, etc. ♦Opium. ♦Bed feels so hot she cannot lie on it. Oxalic acid. -Pain in small longitudinal spots. Jerking pains like short stitches, confined to small spots, lasting only a few sec- onds. Paris quad. -Stitches in all the limbs. Contractive pressure in joints. Heaviness in all the limbs. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Painful heaviness in whole body. °Numbness of whole body, accompanied by prickling sensations. Pains tear- ing, drawing, tensive, excited by slightest chill; body feels bruised, with sensation of coldness. Phytolacca. cPains flying like electric shocks. Jerking,shooting, lancinating pains. ♦Platinum. ♦Painful numbness here and there. °Tremulous sen- sations through the whole body. Dull, pushing pains, as from a plug. ♦Plumbum. ♦Arthralgic and neuralgic pains in trunk and limbs. °Sensation of constriction, with pains and spasms in internal or- gans. Tearing, sharp pains, with cramps. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Feeling of discomfort over whole body in morn- ing after rising, disappearing on moving about. °Tension in inner parts or in joints. Sensation of subcutaneous ulceration. Tin- gling in parts lain on. Pulsations through whole body. Ranunculus seel. °Feels sore all over. Smarting, itching, gnaw ing or boring in various parts, now here, again there, especially toward evening. ♦Ruta. ♦All parts of body on which he lies are painful, as if bruised. Sabadilla. Flying stitches over body at different places. Burn- g2 . CHAPTER XXXVIII. — PAINS AND SENSATIONS ing, crawling here and there. Whirling sensations in various parts. Sensation of a tape or string around various parts. Sambucus. Feeling of great soreness, as if beaten all over; headache. Sanguinaria. Heat flying from head to stomach. Sensation as if hot water were poured from breast into abdomen. An uncomfor- table prickling sensation of warmth spreading over whole body. Siow, shooting pain, with long continued thrills. Secale. Formication under skin. Burning in all parts of body, as if sparks were falling on them. Sepia. cSensation of a ball in inner parts. Tingling in outer parts. Excessive sensitiveness to pain. ♦Silicia. ♦Painful, bruised feeling over whole body. Whole side of body on which he lies is painful, as if ulcerating, with chilli- ness on uncovering; thirst, and flushes of heat to head. Sensitive to cold air; takes cold easily. °Feels as if she were divided into halves and that the left side did not belong to her. Suscep- tible to nervous stimuli, to magnetism; exhaustion from suppura- tion. Wandering pain; sudden pain passing quickly over body. Prickling,tingling in various parts. Spongia. -The whole body feels heavy. Stramonium. Painful sensation as if joints were loose, with anguish therefrom. Arms and legs feel as if separated from body. Sulphur. Sensation as of a hoop or band around parts. Urtica urens. °Stinging, burning sensation, in any part. ♦Valeriana. ♦Drawing in many places, now here,now there, like transient jerks. Viola odor. °Tension in outer parts. Transient burning in va- rious places. REPERTORY. Pains of various kinds—am. e, ♦anae, arn., asaf., aur., ♦belb, caps., carb. v., cham., cina, dulc, ferr. phos., fluor. a., ign., kali bi., lib, mag. phos., mang., nat. phos.,♦nit. a., nux v., oxal. a., phos., phyt, plat., ♦plumb., puis., ranunc. s., ruta, sib, valer. • Aching—abrot., cepa. Biting—agar. Boring—aur., ranunc. s. Bruised —agn., am. m., am., cic, cimi., cina, dulc, ham., hyper., phos., ♦ruta, ♦sil. Burning—abrot, acet a., ♦aeon., agar., :|capis, arg. in., ars., CHAPTER XXXVIII.— PAINS AND SENSATIONS 825 Pains continued. asaf canth., caps., ferr. phos., fluor. a., lachn., mang., sabad., secale, urt. u., viola o. Cramp-like—agar., camph., graph., plumb. Drawing-abrot, am.c, anae, arn., bry., caps., carb. v.,cham. nat s., nit. a., phos., ♦valer. Gnawing—abrot.. nit. a., ranunc. s. Gouty—kali chlor., nat. m. Insufferable—aeon., arn. Lameness—cinch. Lancinating—arg m.. cimi., phyt. Neuralgic-calc. ph., caps., carb. v., cepa, doli., ferr. phos., kali phos.. kalm., lach., mag. c, nat .m., ♦plumb. Painlessness—apis, *glon., laur. Piercing—agar., asaf. Pressing —abrot., ♦anae, asaf., cina, helb, ign., kalm., lil pans "' Prickling-abrot, agar., aib, cimi., ham., helb, hyos., lach phos., sang., sil. Pulsating—ferr. phos., lach., puis. Rawness—abrot, arg. m., can. s. Rheumatic—arg. m., bry., calc. ph., coloc, kali chlor.,kali s nat. m. Sensitive—acet. a., aeon., ♦asar., aur., bry., canth., cina, graph ign., mag. m., ♦nit. a., sepia, ♦sil. ' Shifting—arn., caps., carb. v., cimi., colch., kali bi., lach., lil., meph., phyt., ranunc. s., sabad., sang., sib, ♦valer. Shooting—kalm., mag. c, phyt, sang. Smarting—caps., ranunc. s. Soreness—abrot, aib, apis, arg. m., arg. n., can. s., cimi., cina, *cinch., ferr. phos., ham., hep. s., ign., mag. m., nat m. ranunc s., samb. Spasmodic—mag. phos. Sprained—am. c, arg. m., arn., berb.,cinch. Sticking—abrot., ♦kali c, kalm., ♦nit. a. Stinging—abrot, ♦aeon., ♦apis, arg. m., ham., urt. ur. Stitches —calad., can. s., canth., ♦kali c, mancin., mur. a., nit. a., oxal. a. paris, sabad. Tearing—abrot, am. c, arn., canth., carb. v., cham., colch., helb, kalm., lach., lachn., mur. a., phos., plumb. Tension—am. c, apis, baryt., bry., colch., ign., phos., puis., viola o. Throbbing—apis, ferr. phos., ♦glon., lil. Tingling—aeon., aib, arn., lach., puis., sepia, sil. Transient—bry., ♦valer., viola o. Sensations of various kinds— aethus., agar., alum., arg. n., ars., arum, asar., baryt, berb., cact., calc. c, calc. ph., can. i., can. s.^ caps., cepa, cimex, cimi , cinch., colch., ♦croc,eup. pert, hyos.,' kah n., kali s., kalm., lib, mancin., ♦opium, plat, ♦puis., sabad., sang., secale, srpia, sib, stram., sul. 826 CHAPTER XXXVIII. --PAINS AND SENSATIONS Sensations continued. Band or hoop—aethus.. ♦anae, sabad., sul. Cold—abrot., aeon., ♦belb, dulc, nux v., phos. Constriction—alum., kali n., plumb. Contraction—♦nux v., paris. Crawling — agar , colch., euphr., sabad. Deaeiness—abrot., arn. Dryness—abrot., camph. Emptiness—kali c Formication—agar., coloc, kali n., led., secale. Fullness—aib, anae Heaviness—anae, asaf., berb., bism., calc. c, kali bi., paris, ♦phos., spong. Irritability—aib, mur. a Itching—abrot., agar., apis, cina, ranunc. s. Large—alum., bapt. Numb—aeon., apis, arg.n., arn., asaf.,caps,, cham., cimi.,cinch., coloc , eup. purp., euphr., graph., ♦kalm., led., nuxv, phos, ♦plat Paralytic- cham., nux v. Plug- ♦anae, ign., plat. Splinter—arg. n., asaf., ♦nit. a. Swelling^aethus., baryt, berb. Swimming—abrot. Want of—arg. n., hyos., kreos. CHAPTER XXXIX.—TISSUES. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Gout in wrists anel ankles; after suppressed gastralgia. Inflammatory rheumatism before swelling. Chlorosis. Marasmus of children. Joints stiff, with prickling. Contraction of limbs from cramps or colic. Emaciation. ♦Absinthium. ♦Paralysis of inner organs. -Hyperaemia of brain, meeiulla, spine. Ecchymosis in stomach, and in endocardium and pericardium. Acetic acid. -Haemorrhage from nose, lungs, stomach, bowels, uterus. Wasting away, great emaciation. General anasarca and dropsical affections of abdomen and legs, with great thirst. Aconitum. -Increased action of serous membranes, reddening their capillary vessels. Arterial system dominant; has but little effect on changed blood corpuscles; of no use in typhoid states. Congestions,with the mind symptoms. Glands painful,hot, swollen. Burning through all the mucous membranes. ^Esculus. Fullness, as from too much blood; heart, head, skin. Sore feeling of muscles, morning on awaking and on motion. Dry- ness of mucous membranes; they also swell. ^Ethusa. Ecchymosis, black and blue spots all over. Agaricus. Makes the blood thin. Veins swollen, with cool skin. Muscles feel bruised from touch; better from walking. Pains in long bones, as if bruised, after motion. Joints feel as if dislocated. Obesity. Agnus cast. -"Inflammatory, rheumatic swelling of the joints. Gouty nodosities. Aloe. °Congestion to head and chest, but especially to portal system. Mucous membranes; especially causes the production of mucus in jelly-like lumps, or "cakes." Acts mainly on the rectal mucous lining. Alumina. ^Emaciation; spare habit, and old people. Ambra. °Tearing in muscles and joints, often on one side. Soft- ening of brain. Emaciation. 828 CHAPTER XXXIX. — TISSUES Ammonium carb. Haemorrhage from nose, gums and bowels. Muscles soft and flabby, emaciation—scurvy. Tendency to gan- grenous degeneration of parts—inflammation of vulva. Anacardium. Cramp-like pains in muscles. Contraction of joints. Complaints of external parts. Emaciation. ♦Antimonium crud. ♦Mucous membranes genera^y affected. -Haemorrhages dark. Dropsical swellings of whole body. Swell- ing, pain and redness of glanels. External parts turn black; dry gangrene. Obesity of the young. ♦Antimonium tart. ♦Mucous membranes: catarrhal inflammation; conjunctivities; gastritis; enteritis) laryngitis; tracheitis; bronchitis, extending even into the air-cells;' cystitis. Pustular eruption: on con- junctiva; face; mouth and fauces; oesophagus, stomach, jejunum; genitals. ♦Apis. ♦Serous membranes inflamed; effusions; synovitis. Affec- tions of circulatory apparatus and contents; dropsies,phlebitis,vari- cose veins, ecchymosed spots, gangrene, unhealthy suppuration. Periosteum inflamed. Mucous membranes inflamed and catarrhal. Glands enlarged, inflamed. Muscles stiff, tender on pressure, somewhat swollen; rigid; rheumatic inflammation. Indurations: scirrhus or open cancer. ♦Apooynum. ♦Excretions diminished, especially urine and sweat. Acute inflammatory dropsy. Dropsy: with great thirst,but water causes pain, or is vomited; after typhus,scarlatina, cirrhosis but mostly uncomplicated with organic disease. Dropsy aft r abuse of quinine. ♦Argentum met. ♦Acts on cartilages and joints. Tenderness. pressure or tearing in bones, especially long bones. ^Drawing pains in maxillary and parotid glands. Joints feel weak, sore; especially in lower limbs when descending. Arthritic,bruised pains in joints; boring. Emaciation. ♦Argentum nit. *(Edema of legs; ascites; affections of liver. Bone affections. Septic forms of scarlet fever. -Emaciation most marked in legs; withered look. Muscles rigid. ♦Arnica. ♦Contusions and concussions. Inflammation of skin and cellular tissue, tender on pressure. Prevents suppuration. Burrowing pus, not painful. Myalgia, particularly after over-exer- tion. Septic states; tendency to typhoid forms of disease. Gout and rheumatism. - Bleeding of internal and external parts. Muscles ri^id. CHAPTER XXXIX.—-TISSUES 829 Emaciation. Hvperinosis contra-indicates its use. Dropsy of in- ternal parts. Bones (periosteum) ache. ♦Arsenicum. ♦Post-scarlatinal dropsy; waxy skin—Bright's disease. °Great emaciation, clay-colored face, blue margins around eyes, great weakness of all limbs; want of disposition to do anything, and constant inclination to rest. Muscles lax. Gen- eral dropsy, or only of thoracic, or abdominal cavity. Asafoetida. °Glands hard, swollen, hot and throbbing, with shooting, jerking pains. Neuralgia of the stump, after amputation of the thigh. Ostitis; caries; bluish redness and swelling of parts; ulcers with bluish edges, hard, painful to the slightest touch; thin, very offensive pus. Soft enlargement of bones, also curvature. Body" bloated. Aurum met. JViolent ebullitions; plethora. Cancerous ulcers. External parts become black. Dropsy. Exostosis of skull and other bones. Boring in bones; caries, especially after mercury; pains drive to elespair. Corpulency; fat about heart. Glands painfully swollen; scrofula; ruddy complexion. Baptisia. "Prostration with disposition of the fluids to decom- pose. Stiffness of all the joints as though strained; rheumatic pains and soreness all over body. Discharges and exhalations fetid. Ulceration of mucous membranes, especially of mouth; also with tendency to putrescence. Baryta carb. -Tension,shortening of muscles. Dwarfish ; defec- tive mental and physical growth. Atrophy, great weakness; face red and abdomen bloated; glands swollen. Steatoma. Sarcoma, with burning. Glands indurated; swollen. Glandular sequelae of scarlatina. Fatty tumors. Encysted tumors. Tearing and tension in the long bones; boring in the bones. Fistulous ulcers in glands, mostly glands of neck; feeling of tension. Belladonna. cActs on circular fibers of blood-vessels; on sphinc- ters, as in spasm of os uteri. Inflammation of serous and mucous membranes. Pains along the periosteum. Red, shining swelling of joints. Phlegmonous inflammation. Engorgement of glands; acute swelling. Berberis. cIn muscles: tension, shooting, tearing, pulsating, gurgling; sensation as of something alive. Scraping upon bones. Cold feeling in bones. Varicose veins in man)' places. Arthritic and rheumatic affections, particularly with urinary, haemorrhoidal and menstrual troubles. 83o CHAPTER XXXIX.--TISSUES Bismuth. Has been given in cancer of stomach. Borax. -Parts usually red turn white. General emaciation. Bromium. Swelling and induration of glands. Enlargement of thyroid, in persons of light hair, blue eyes and fair skin. Bryonia. Dropsical swellings which greatly increase as the day progresses,and disappear during the night. In acute abscess,it pro- motes re-absorption of pus. Large abscess at pit of stomach,after a blow. Stitches in joints, on motion and on touch. Cactus grand. cOrganic disease of heart. Dropsical affections. Caladium. °Loss of fluids. Dryness, inflammation of mucous membranes. Dropsical swellings. Calcarea carb. Atrophy of muscles. Crackling or crepitation in joints. Cancer of breast, very sensitive and painful to touch. Calcarea fluor. ^All ailments which can be traced to relaxed conditions of any of the elastic fibers,including dilatation of blood- vessels, arterial and venous blood-tumors, incised tumors and piles, and those also which arise from a disturbed balance of the molecules, forming the enamel of teeth and of bony surface. Aneu- rism at an early stage may be kept in check with this remeely and ferr. phos. Arthritis, gout, with hard swellings and deposits. Bruises on the surface of the bone, with lumps, thickening under the periosteum. Dilatation of blood-vessels; chief remedy to re- store the contractility of elastic fibers; also dilatation of heart. Ex- udations on bcny surfaces, hard, rugged, pointed elevations. Gout, with hard, knotty deposits. Growths: small, hard lumps seated on cheek-bone, or other bony surfaces, if arising from an injury or a bruise; use also locally. Suppuration, where substance of bony surface is implicated. Swellings, hard; having their seat in fascia, capsular ligaments and tendons. Hard swellings on jaw-bone. Tumors: hard, such as are niet with in the female breast; or vascular,with dilated blood-vessels; chief remedy. Ulcer- ations of bone. Varicose ulceration of veins, as a lotion on lint. Varicose veins, the chief remedy.—Schussler.) Calcarea phos. Pains along the sutures or at symphyses. Non- union of fractured bones. Curvature of spine to the left; lumbar vertebrae bend forward. Condyles swollen on forearms and lower limbs. Abscess near the lumbar vertebrae. Spina bifida. Large, pedunculated nasal polypi. Incipient tabes mesenterica, with much diarrhoea, fetid, sometimes lienterie Rachitis; fontanelles CHAPTER XXXIX.--TISSUES 83I wide open; diarrhoea, emaciation. Rheumatic pains in all joints. Soreness of tendons when flexing or extending limbs. Flabby, shrunken.emaciated children. (All ailments that are obstinate,and do not yield to their own remedy. It is particularly indicated in grow- ing young people,and in old people. In anaemia; rickets; broken bones, to hasten union. Bones soft, weakly. Deficient develop- ment of young people; stunted growth. Delicacy in growing girls and boys; delicate, pale appearance when breeding second teeth; delicate infants. Emaciation,without apparent ailments. Chronic enlargement of glands. Gout, worse at night, and with changes of weather. Rheumatism, worse at night, or chronic, and with cold, numb feeling. Suppuration or ulceration of bone—Schussler.) Calcarea sulf. °(A11 ailments which are connected with swelling of soft parts,and threaten to suppurate,or are discharging pus and blood. Abscess; will shorten the suppurative process, and bring forward the pus if it has to come. Bruises, if neglected and threaten to suppurate. Dropsy, post-scarlatinal, if matter forms. Exudations;oozing of matter on skin,or on serous surfaces. Threat- ening suppuration of lymphatic glands, or after suppuration takes place. Suppuration of joints. Suppurations having their seat around the connective tissue; not the connective channels, such as liga- ments and fascia. Syphilis, chronic, third stage. Ulceration of glands,if matter is suspected, oris present; use also on lint, locally. Suppurating wounds, if very thick, yellow matter forms. — Schuss- ler.) Camphora. Soft parts drawn in. Cyanosis. External parts turn black. Internal congestions. Cramps in inner and outer parts. Crackling of joints. Stenosis,after inflammations. Dropsy of ex- ternal parts; less of internal. Glands inflamed. Capsicum. -Relaxed fiber; obesity. Glandular swelling. Joints crack; stiff; painful on beginning to move; pain as if paralyzed. Carbo ani. cVenous plethora. Stinging in scars. Benign condi- tions change into ichorous suppuration. Glands indurated,swollen, inflamed, with lancinating, cutting or burning—scirrhus. Joints weak, easily sprained. Gummata. Carbo veg. -Sepsis; sunken features, sallow complexion, hectic, typhoid symptoms. Blood stagnates in capillaries, causing blue- ness, coldness, ecchymosis. Anaemia,after summer complaint; fee- ble, pallid, white skin. Atrophy; body cold, lies as if dead, yet 832 CHAPTER XXXIX.—TISSUES conscious. Gangrene: humid, senile. . Lymphatic glands swollen, indurated or suppurating: burning pains. Chlorosis, with itch- like rash and fluor-albus; scorbutic gums; so weak can scarcely stand. Causticnm. Rheumatic and arthritic inflammations, with con- traction of flexors and stiffness of joints. Emaciation of feet. Haemorrhages of very dark blood. Painful varices, ulcers, or warts. Net-like appearance of the capillaries. Cepa. Inflammations and increased secretions of the mucous membranes. Joints ache. Senile gangrene, in any stage (externally as a salve). Chamomilla. °Muscular or articular rheumatism, with great nervous excitability. Cinchona. -Haemorrhages from mouth, nose or bowels; wants sour things. Glands swollen, hot, painful. Chlorosis, dropsy, poor digestion; after exhausting diseases or discharges. Red, in- flammatory swellings. Wounds become black, gangrenous. Mus- cles lax. Emaciation, especially of hands and feet; atrophy of children. Humid gangrene; parts turn black. Anasarca, ascites in aged; also in liver and spleen diseases; drunkards. Caries, with profuse sweat. Cistus. °Glands swollen, inflamed, indurated, or ulcerated. Scrofula. Old ulcers. Caries of the lower jaw. Pains in all the joints; drawing, tearing,worse in evening. Clematis. °Skin and muscles lax. Hot, painful swelling of glands. Cocculus. GEmaciation. Anaemic states. Gouty pains or crackling in joints. Paralysis of inner parts. Paralytic pain,tear- ing; soreness; digging; or as if beaten in the bones. Glands burn- ing; pressure from without inward; hot swelling: cold: stinging. Colchicum. 'Acts markedly on periosteum; synovial mem- branes of joints, especially small joints; that part of nervous sys- tem which presides over function of voluntary motion. Stands in close relation to fibrous tissues; redness, swelling, heat, etc., not tending to suppuration,easily and quickly changing location. Painful flexion of joints. Emaciation. QEdema. Anasarca. Dropsy of cavities and internal organs, especially hydro-pericardium; hydro- thorax; ascites; hydro-metra. Conium. °Swelling of the glands, with tingling and stitches; after contusions and bruises. CHAPTER XXXIX.—TISSUES 833 Cuprum met. °Pain in bones as if they would break. Promotes suppuration in swellings. Inflammation of the cellular tissues. Caries. Cyclamen. °Pressing, drawing or tearing pains in parts where bones lie near the surface; worse when walking than while at rest. Digitalis. -Piercing pains in joints. Distended veins on the eyes, ears, lips and tongue. Flabby, oedematous swelling all over. Dulcamara. ^Haemorrhages: blood watery, or bright-red. Skin inactive; mucous surface over-active, especially from eruptions suppressed by cold. Cold swelling of glands, also inflammation and induration of cervical and inguinal glands; tensive pain. Anasarca after fever and ague, scarlatina, rheumatic fever. Dropsy after suppressed sweat, by damp, cold air. Scrofula. Exostosis. Ema- ciation. Eupatorium purp. Emaciation, accompanying chronic inflam- mation of bladder. Euphrasia. cSwelling of cervical glands. Emaciation. Ferrum met. cRed parts become white. Haemorrhages; blood light or lumpy; coagulates easily. Blood-vessels distended, espe- cially those of head,face,feet.Varices. Pseudo-plethora;congestions, etc., yet anaemic; the face is earthy, flushing easily. Erethistic chlorosis, worse during cold weather. Dropsy after loss of fluids, abuse of cinchona, intermittent fever; anasarca. Glands swollen, with rending, tearing pains. Bones disposed to soften or bend; fractures unite slowly. Crackling in joints. Sudden emaciation; muscles lax; limbs cold; weak digestion. Ferric phos. (Abscess; the first remedy to reduce fever, heat, pain,and congestion to parts. Anaemia; poverty of blood, want of red blood. Aneurism,from excessive action of heart. Articular rheu- matism. Blows or falls. Bruises; the first remedy. Cuts; the chief remedy; use also locally. Dropsy, from loss of blood or fluids after calc. phos. Fracturesjto restore injuries to soft parts. Haemor- rhage; blood bright-red. Hyperaemia; blood accumulated in blood- vessels of any part-stasis. All irritations, congestions and inflam- mations, caused by excess of blood to any of the parts. All kinds of injuries; to prevent pain, congestion, swelling or fever. Irri- tation of mucous membranes, with redness.heat or dryness. Ostitis or periostitis, with painful and inflamed surrounding soft parts. *34 CHAPTER XXXIX.--TISSUES Rheumatic fever: first stage; acute articular, very painful, worse from motion; the first remedy; muscular, acute or subacute; worse on moving. Ulceration of glands, with throbbing pain, congestion and soreness. Wounds; also locally.—Schussler.) Fluoric acid. °Diseases of bones, particularly of long bones. Liver enlarged and indurated. Varicose veins of legs. N;ovus,flat Gelsemiuin. ^Congestions, arterial or venous, with sluggish cir- culation. Haemorrhages; blood in drops, crimson. Affects more the nerves of motion; causes muscular prostration, through the nerves. Catarrh of mucous membranes; watery mucus, never purulent dis- charges. Glonoinum. Congestions;blood tends upward;vessels pulsate;veins (jugular, temporal) enlarged; seeming plethora; rapid deviations in distribution of blood. Graphites. ^Burning pain in an old cicatrix. Emaciation of suffering parts. Swelling and induration of glands. CEdematous complaints. Guaiacum. All excretions have an unbearable stench. Rheumatic swelling of joints. Aching in bones,with swelling—syphilis. Great emaciation. Contraction of limbs. Pain in all joints, even on chest. Caries, and spongy affection of bones; right tibia and tarsal bones spongy; cannot bear the slightest touch. Contrac- tions, with pain from slightest motions. Pressing pain in bones. Hamamelis. °Varicose veins and ulcers, with stinging or prick- ling. Venous congestions; haemorrhages,passive. Phlebitis; prick- ling pains. Helleborus. Red parts become white; anaemia. Loss of flesh; aphthae. Dropsy of brain, chest, or abdomen; sudden swellings; anasarca; after scarlatina, nephritis, intermittents, etc. Concomi- tants: debility, fever, pain in limbs, diarrhoea, suppressed urine. Stinging, boring in periosteum; worse in cool air. Helonias. °Anaemia; atony from prolonged haemorrhage. Dropsy from albuminuria, general debility, uterine atony, or after uterine haemorrhage. Hepar sulph. 'Caries; glands inflame, swell and suppurate. Rheumatic swelling, with heat, redness and sensation as if sprained. Hard, burning nodosities. Hydrastis. Mucous membranes: secretions increased, tena- cious,ropy; erosions. Muscles greatly weakened; atony. Marasmus, CHAPTER XXX1X. —TISSUES 835 scrofula Cancer cachexia. Cancer: hard, adherent, skin mottled, puckered; cutting like knives, in mammae. Hyoscyamus. "Fullness of veins; full pulse. Haemorrhages usu- ally light red. Obesity. Skin and muscles lax. Hypericum. °Injury to parts rich in sentient nerves, especially fingers, toes, matrices of nails. Lacerations; when intolerable pains show nerves are seriously involved. Local congestions; nerv- ous erethism, with or without haemorrhage; great nervous depres- sion following wounds. Always modifies and sometimes arrests ulceration and sloughing. Next to the nervous tissues, the joints are affected; all articulations feel bruised. Iodium. :Swelling and induration of glands. Nightly bone- pains. Arthritic affections of joints. Emaciation. Ipecacuanha. Haemorrhages, bright-red. Plethora; fat children. Pains as if all the bones were being torn to pieces, with vomiting and pains in bowels. Dropsy in internal parts. Skin and muscles lax. Chlorosis; menses scanty; skin and mucous surface pale, anaemic. Iris. Excites the secretion of the glands; salivary, pancreatic, intestinal, etc. Acts powerfully on gastro-intestinal mucous mem- brane. Kali bichrom. cBones feel bruised; caries. Crackling in all the joints from the least motion. Rheumatic pains in nearly all joints. Diphtheritic formations in nose, mouth, fauces, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and even uterus and vagina. Plastic exudations; ropy, stringy mucus. Emaciation; anaemia. Kali carb. °Anaemia, with great debility; skin watery, milk- white. Obesity. Disposition to phlebitis. Atony of muscular tissue. Paresis. Dropsy of old people. Kali chlor. G(Diseases marked by exudations, swellings, torpor of liver, or by the casting off of effete albuminoid substances, as seen in the white coating of tongue, or whitish secretions and ex- pectorations. All ailments which have as a principal symptom a white or gray coating or fur on back of tongue; exudation of a white or gray substance on the mucous lining, tonsils, etc., swell- ings caused by interstitial, plastic exudations. Expectorations or discharges from any mucous membrane are a thick,white or yel- lowish white, slimy mucus. Abscess,second stage,or when swelling takes place. Adhesions, consequent on inflammations; fibrinous 836 CHAPTER XXXIX.—TISSUES exudations arising from excessive blood pressure on walls of blood- vessels. Acute articular rheumatism, for the swelling; tongue as in n. Bleeding; when the blood is dark,clotted,tough. Bruises, or congestions; second stage, for swelling. Discharge of thick, white, or yellowish, slimy mucus from nose, ears,eyes or any pas- sage covered with a mucous membrane. Dropsy: arising from heart, liver or kidney disease, when other symptoms correspond; ' from obstruction of bile ducts, and enlargement of liver; from weakness of heart, or with palpitation; or if fluid drawn off is whitish,or if white mucus is in sediment of urine. Embolus; for that condition of blood which favors the formation of fibrinous clots, causing plugs. Exudations;after inflammation with effusion of lymph, causing swelling of the parts. Glandular swellings, chief remedy. Inflammations: in second stage, for exudations; for skin, with sub- cutaneous swelling, second stage; of soft palate, catarrhal, with white spots or patches; injuries from falls, blows, etc., second rem- edy. Lameness: of rheumatic origin, with shiny, red swellings; chronic,caused by rheumatism of joints. Scrofulous enlargement of glands; enlarged abdomen, with occasional diarrhoea, especially in the young. Scurvy; hard infiltrations. Syphilis; chronic stage. All ulcerations, when there is swelling, or a dirty white surface and similar discharge. Ulcers, with hard swelling.—Schussler.) Kali iod. °Purpura haemorrhagica. Scrofula. Emaciation and loss of appetite. Distends all tissues by interstitial infiltration; oedema; enlarged glands; tophi; exostoses; swelling of the bones, etc Dropsy from pressure of swollen glands. Secondary syphilis: especially after abuse of mercury, or complicated with scrofula; buboes; chancres, with hard edges; thin, corrosive or curdy pus; deep-eating ulcers. Roseola. Rupia. Rheumatism: pains in bones; necrosis; exostoses; all worse at night. Glands: swollen, goiter, bronchial, submaxillary, ulcerating, atrophied. Kali nit. ^Haemorrhages of bright-red blood. Inflammation of stomach and intestines. Sudden swelling of body, neck, thighs. Kali phos. c(Atrophy; wasting disease, when putrid smelling stools set in. Anaemia; poverty of blood, from continuous influ- ences, depressing the mind or nerves. Cerebral anaemia, causing nervousness. Loss of blood, dark, blackish, thin, not coagulating. Gangrenous conditions,mortification in first stage. Rickets, atrophy, with putrid evacuations. Rheumatism; acute or chronic, with CHAPTER XXX1X. —TISSUES «37 pains disappearing or moving about, severe in morning, after rest, and on first rising from a sitting position. Septic bleedings, blood putrid. Suppurations; dirty, foul, ichorous matter, with very offensive oelor. — Schussler.) Kali sulf. (Inflammations, with yellow, slimy secretions, or excessive serous secictions.—Schussler.) ♦Kalmia. ♦Joints hot, red, swollen—acute rheumatism. GAcute rheumatism going from joint to joint; violent fever; pains intense; ankles most painful and swollen; worse from least motion. Kreosotum. Haemorrhages; small wounds bleed much. Haem- orrhages and fetid stools—typhus. Excoriation of mucous surface. Rheumatic pains in joints, also stitches, mostly of hip and knee- numbness, loss of sensation. Rapid emaciation. Lachesis. "Blood dark, non-coagulable; small wounds bleed much. Affected parts bluish. Gangrene. Ulcers: sensitive to touch; ichorous, offensive discharge; many small pimples around them; areola purple; better from warmth. Dropsy,from liver and spleen diseases,after scarlatina; urine black; legs oedematous,first left, then right. Cellulitis, with burning and blue color of skin. Ledum. -Emaciation of suffering parts. CEdematous swellings of whole body. Lithium. Bones, joints, muscles; whole body sore, as if beaten. Arthritis. ♦Lycopodium. ♦Bones inflamed, mostly the ends; nocturnal bone-pains. Softening of bones—caries. Emaciation and debility from loss of fluids: upper parts wasted; lower limbs swollen—ascites. Glandular swellings. Magnesia mur. Swelling of glands. Manganum acet. ♦All the bones, particularly in lower limbs, sensitive to touch-typhus. Inflammation of bones, with nightly, insupportable, digging pains. Inflammation of joints.with digging pains at night. Inflammatory swellings and suppuration. Mercurius. cBlood coagulates easily. Throbbing or prickling, stinging in veins. Erysipelatous inflammation,especiallyabout joints. Excessive emaciation. CEdema of face, hands and feet, with anaemia. Ascites,from organic lesion of liver. Anasarca,after scarla- tina. Glandular swellings, with or without suppuration. Bone dis- eases, worse at night. Suppuration, especially if too profuse. Mercurius cor. °Buboes. Swelling of glands. Necrosis of upper 838 CHAPTER XXXIX. —TISSUES jaw. Drawing in periosteum, with heat in head; inflammation of periosteum. General anasarca; face reel anel swollen—Bright's disease. Mercurius prot. iod. Glands swollen, indurated. Mezereum. ^Emaciation of face,or of diseased parts. Joints feel bruised, watery,as if they woukl give way. Bones: inflamed,swollen, especially shafts of cylindrical bones; caries; after abuse of mercury. Soreness and burning in bones of thorax. Bones feel distended. ♦Millefolium. ^Haemorrhages. 'Congestions. Painful varices during pregnancy. Mucus discharge from atony. Natrum carb. -'Emaciation with pale face, dilated pupils, dark urine. Swelling and induration of glands. Natrum mur. * Varices. Emaciation, even while living well. (Discharges from any of the mucous membranes, with co-existing want of activity in some other portion of the mucous lining. Adynamic conelitions, with drowsiness, watery vomiting, etc Dropsy, after scarlet fever, with other characteristic symptoms. Serous effusions, if other symptoms correspond. Chronic inflam- mation of salivary glands; also chronic swelling of lymphatic glands. Haemorrhage; blooel pale-red, thin, water)', not coagulating. Sun- stroke, which consists in a less fluid condition of the blood, espe- cially at nape of neck. Secretions, ehscharges: clear, watery, or like boiled starch; watery, not sticky.—Schussler.) Natrum phos. ^(Secretions: discharges of a creamy consistency, and acid; yellow like- honey, causing soreness of skin.—Schussler.) Natrum sulf. Crackling of joints; knees stiff; pain in bones; sycosis. (All ailments where there is an accumulation of water in the areolar tissue, causing watery secretions on the skin, or green- ish exudations from the mucous membranes, liver and tongue as in n and 18. Dropsy from liver disease, when the effused liquid is of a green color: also post-scarlatinal drops)-.—Schussler.) Nitric acid. Haemorrhages profuse, bright or dark. Putrid decomposition. Emaciation. Crackling in joints. Glands inflamed, swollen, suppurating. Caries. Nux mos. Bleeding from inner parts. Dryness of inner parts. Want of blood, anamiia. Marasmus of little children. Dropsy of inner parts. Nux vom. °Atrophy of infants; no appetite, or ravenous hunger; desire to eat, with frequent vomiting; constipation; sallow skin; face bloated. CHAPTER XXXIX.--TISSUES 839 Opium. -Plethora. Cyanosis. Suppurations painless, also ulcers. Burning, or sensation of coldness in veins. Jerks; only the flexors active. Increased excitability and action in voluntary muscles, with diminution of them in involuntary muscles. Dropsical swelling of whole bod)'. Petroleum. c Haemorrhages, blood light-red. Swelling and in- duration of glands; also after contusions. Increased secretion of mucous membranes. Emaciation: with diarrhoea by day, none at night: children. Phosphorus. -Ebullitions and congestions. Fatty degeneration of liver, heart, kidneys, etc; anaemia. Chlorosis, with too rapid growth. Haemorrhages from internal organs. Small wounds bleed much. Fungus haematodes. Sprains, joints dislocated. Glands enlarged, especially after contusions. Dropsy of face, hands and feet. Swelling of bones; necrosis (lower jaw). Exostoses: espe- cially of skull: tearing, boring pains; worse at night. Hip-joint diseased; oozing a watery pus. Phosphoric acid. ^Haemorrhages, blood dark. Painless swell- ing of glands. Interstitial inflammation of bones; scrofulous, syph- ilitic or mercurial. Bone diseases. Periosteal inflammation, with burning, gnawing, tearing pains. Pains smarting, with caries,not so with necrosis. Emaciation, also of single parts. External parts i ecome black. Phytolacca. Loss of fat; animals. It hastens suppuration. Pus watery, fetid, ichorous. Rheumatism and gout; pains shift; joints swollen, red; periosteum affected, especially in mercurialization, and in syphilis; pains in long bones or attachments of muscles; worse in damp weather, at night. Glands inflamed, swollen. Bones inflamed, swollen. Plumbum acet. Emaciation. Dropsical swellings. Podophyllum. -Fullness of superficial veins. Softness of flesh, with debility; children. Relaxes the sphincter muscles, Psorinum. -Body always has a filthy smell, even after a bath. Thinner than usual, pale, exhausted. Deeply penetrating,ichorous ulcers. Caries. Dropsy. Pulsatilla. Haemorrhages; blood dark, easily coagulating. Vari- cose veins; inflamed. Circulation weak, sluggish, with paleness and constant chilliness; anaemia. Inflammations of internal parts, with disposition to suppurate. Affections of mucous surfaces; dis- 84o CHAPTER XXXIX.—TISSUES charges thence are usually bland, yellowish,green, thick. Emacia- tion, especially of suffering parts. Chlorosis, especially after large doses of iron. Glands swollen, painful, hot. Scraping or tingling in periosteum: jerking, boring in bones. Anasarca. Rheum. Acute rheumatism: going from joint to joint, right shoulder,in hip; left hip to right. Lameness in hips and knees,after sprains and dislocations. Anasarca. Rhus tox. Acts on fibrous tissue. Cellulitis. Dropsy, with turbid urine. Glands swollen and hot, painful; indurated; suppu- rating. Pain as if flesh were torn loose from bones, or as if the bones were being scraped. Inflammation and swelling of long bones. Ruta. -Bruised feeling all over as from a fall or blow, worse in limbs and joints. Bruises and other mechanical injuries; of bones and periosteum; sprains; periostitis; erysipelas. Drops). Sabadilla. -Boring, cutting in bones. Sabina. -Drawing pains through long bones. Red, shining swelling of affected parts. Arthritic complaints; tearing, stinging in joints after they become swollen; worse in heated room; better in open air or cool room. Arthritic nodes. Chlorosis. Throbbing in all blood-vessels. Sambucus. -GEdema, anasarca. Sanguinaria. Languid circulation, limbs cold, skin pallid; sen- sitive to atmospheric changes. Veins distended, feel sore. Surging of blood. Red or gray hepatization of lungs. Polypi, nasal and uterine. Carbuncles. Warts. Fungous excrescences. Sarsaparilla. ScrofuJous diseases. Great emaciation, skin be- comes shriveled, or lies in folds. ♦Secale. ♦Lymphatic tumors. Collapse from choleroid disease. dissolution of blood corpuscles, blood thin, passive haemorrhages. Neuralgia caused by pressure on branch of a nerve, by a distended vein. Thrombosis of abdominal vessels. Tumefaction of glands. Rapid emaciation of paralyzed parts. Ulcers worse from external warmth. Gangrene: from anaemia; external injuries, application of leeches or mustard; better from cold, worse from heat; dry, of old people. Selenium. ^Great emaciation, especially of face, thighs and hands. Sepia. cBad effects from loss Qf fluids Painiess swelHng of CHAPTER XXXIX.—TISSUES 84I lymphatic glands. Erysipelas, generally pustulous. Arthritic affec- tions of joints. Crippled nails. ♦Silicia. ♦Dropsy. Emaciation. Rachitis. Cancer. Fistulous openings, discharge offensive; parts around hard, swollen, bluish- red. -Fungi,easily bleeding. Discharges and excretions offensive; pus. stools, sweat of feet, etc. Ha morrhages from nose, stomach, bowels, or lungs. Swelling, inflammation, also suppuration of glands. Inflammation, swelling, ulceration and necrosis of bones. Fibrous parts of joints, especially of the knee, inflamed. Children while growing suffer with violent pains, swelling of limbs and congestion. Cellular inflammation; boils, abscesses, etc. ; stage of suppuration: tarely recovery; subsequent induration. Malignant and gangrenous inflammations. -(All ailments and suppurations which are connected with the periosteum, or those affecting the connective tissue-sheaths covering nerve-fibers; also all suppurations which are generally deep-seated, and the pus thick and yellow, but parts usually affected supply very little pus: also indurated conditions in which swellings, as of ac- cumulated matter, undergo a process of hardening. Suppuration of glands. Gouty deposits in large joints of fingers; chalk-stones are reduced by it. Secretions mattery or bloody-mattery. Whit- low; to control the formation of pus. Wounds when discharging thick, yellow matter. Syphilis; chronic, with suppurations, or in- durations.— Schussler.) Spigelia. GDropsy of internal parts. Painful glandular swell- ings. Rheumatism attacking heart. Spongia. -Ebullitions, distended veins. Swelling and inflam- mation of glands. Dropsy in cavities of body. Staphisagria. Stiffness and sensation of fatigue in all the joints on motion. Painful swelling of glands. Swelling and suppuration of bones and of periosteum. Arthritic nodosities on joints. ♦Stramonium.♦Plethora,especially of young persons. Emaciated; cries day and night; cough. Anasarca, after scarlatina. -'Mitigates the severe pains of tumors,abscesses. *Sulphur. ♦Glandular swellings, indurated or suppurating. Scrof- ulous and rickety complaints. Emaciation of children: face has a verv old look. Dry, flabby skin. Sulphuric acid. ".Scars become blood-red or blue, and painful Painful sensitiveness of glands. Veins (of feet) distended. Weak 842 CHAPTER XXXIX.--TISSUES and exhausted from some deep-seated dyscrasia. Haemorrhages of black blood from all the outlets of bod). Tabacum. °Emaciation, especially of back and cheeks. Taraxacum. °Neuralgia and rheumatism after typhus. Terebinthina. Dryness, burning of mucous membrane of air passages. Dropsy, with kidney affections. Emaciation. ♦Theridion. ♦Scrofula, when other remedies fail; rachitis, caries, necrosis, to reach the root of the evil and destroy cause. Thuja occ. ^-Emaciation and deadness of affected parts. Sycosis. Induration; later softening. CEdema about joints. Flesh feels as if beaten off the bones. Trillium. -Haemorrhages, usually bright-red, profuse. Crowd- ing sensation in the veins, like a tightening up of the parts; worse in those of legs and ankles. Valeriana. Red parts become white. Veratrum alb. Skin and muscles lax. Anaemia of skin. Pyaemia. Anasarca: vomiting, purging, great prostration. Veratrum vir. Congestions, especially of base of brain, chest, spine, stomach. Dropsy with fever—after scarlatina. Zincum met. Especially in the anaemic; brain exhausted; not able to develop exanthemata. Dropsy, with uneasiness in renal region. REPERTORY. Abscesses—bry., calc. ph., calc. s., ferr. phos., kali chlor., sib, stram. Adhesions—kali chlor. Albuminuria—helon. Anaemia—calc. ph., carb. v., cocc, ferr., ferr. phos., helb, helon., ipec, kai bi., kali c, kali phos., mere, nux m., phos., puis., secale, ver. a., zinc. Anasarca—acet. a., cinch., colch., dulc, ferr., helb, mere, mere cor., nat. s., puis., rheum, samb., ♦stram., ver. a. Aneurism—calc. f., ferr. phos. Arthritis—arg. m., berb., calcf., caust., helb, iod., lith., sabin., sepia, staph. Ascites—♦arg. n., cinch., colch., lye, mere Atony—helon., kali c, mill. Atrophy—baryt., calc. e, carb. v., cinch., kali i., kali phos., nux v. Bloated—asaf., baryt, nux v. Bright's disease—ars., mere cor. CHAPTER XXXIX.—TISSUES 843 Bruises—calc t, calc. s., con., ferr. phos., kali chlor.,ruta. Buboes—kali i., mere cor. Cancer—apis, aur., bism., calc c, kali phos., ♦sib Carbuncles— sang. Caries-asaf., aur., cinch , cist, cupr., guaiac, hep. s., kali bi ♦lye, mez., nit. a., phos. a., psor., ♦therid. Catarrh —♦ant. t, apis, gels. Chancres—kali i. Chlorosis-*abrot., carb. v., cinch., ferr., ipec, phos , puis sabin. > r •) Concussions —♦arn. Congestions—aeon., aloe, camph., ferr.,ferr. phos., gels., glon ham., hyper., kali chlor., mill., phos., sib, ver. v. Connective tissue—sil. Contusions—♦arn., con., petrol., phos. Corpulency—aur. Curvature, spinal—asaf., calc ph. Cuts—ferr. phos. Cyanosis — camph. Diphtheritic deposits—kali bi. Discharges—bapt, cinch., gels., kali bi., kali chlor., kali s. lach., nat. m., puis., ♦sib Dropsy —acet. a., ant. c, apis, ♦apoc, arn., ♦ars., aur., bry., cact, calad., calc. s., camph., cinch., colch., dulc, ferr., ferr. phos., helb, helon., ipec, kali c, kali chlor., kali i.,lach.,nat m., nat. s., nux m., opium, phos., plumb., psor., rhus, ruta, ♦sib, spig., spong., terebin., ver. v., zinc. Ecchymosis—absinth., aethus., apis, carb. v. Effusions — ♦apis. Elastic fiber —calc. f. Emaciation—abrot, acet. a., alum., ambr., am. e, anae, arg. m., arg. n., arn., ars., borax, calc. ph., caust., cinch., cocc, colch., dulc, eup. purp., euphr., ferr., graph., guaiac, helb, iod., kali bi., kali i., kreos., led., lye, mere, mez., nat. c, nat. m., nit. a., petrol., phos. a., plumb., psor., puis., sars., secale, selen., ♦sib, ♦stram., ♦sub, tabac, terebin., thuj. Erosions—hydras. Eruptions—ant. t, dulc. Excoriations—kreos. Excretions—♦apoc, guaiac, sil. Exhalations—bapt. Exostosis—aur., calc. f., dulc, kali i., phos. Exudations, plastic—calcf., calc s., kali bi., kali chlor., nat. s. Fascia—sil. Fat, loss of—phyt. Fungus haematodes—phos., sang., sil. Gangrene—am. e, ant. e, apis, carb. v., cepa, cinch., kali phos., lach., secale, sil. Goiter—kali i. Gout—♦abrot., agn., ♦arn., calc. f., calc. ph., cocc, phyt., sil. Gummata—carb. v. 844 CHAPTER XXX1X.--TISSUES Haemorrhages—acet. a., am. c, ant.c, arn., caust., cinch., dulc, ferr., ferr. phos., gels., ham., helon., hyos., hyper., ipec, kali chlor., kali i., kali n., kreos., ♦mill., nat. m., nit. a., nux m., petrol., phos., phos. a., puis., secale, sib, sul. a., trill. Hydrometra— colch. Hydro-thorax—colch. Hyperaemia—absinth., ferr. phos. Hyperinosis,excess of fibrine in blood—arn. Indurations-apis, baryt., brom., calc. f., carb. v., cist., dulc, fluor. a., graph., hep.s., iod., mero.p.i., nat.c, petrol., rhus, ♦sib, ♦sub, thuj. Infiltration—kali e, kali chlor. Inflammation—♦abrot, agn., am. c, ♦ant. t, ♦apis, ♦apoc, ♦arn., belb, calad., camph., carb. an., caust., cepa, cinch., cist., cupr., dulc, eup. purp., ferr. phos., hep. s., kali chlor., kali s , kali n., ♦lye, mang., mere, mere cor., mez., nit. a., phos. a., phyt., puis., rhus, ruta, sepia, sib, spong. Injuries—calc. t, ferr. phos., hyper., kali chlor., ruta, secale. Lumps— calc. t Lupus, a corroding disease like cancer—calc. phos. Lymph kali chlor. Marasmus--♦abrot., nux m. Naevus, a natural mark or blemish—fluor. a. • Necrosis — kali i., mere cor., phos., phos. a., sib, ♦therid. Nodosities—agn , calc. h, hep. s., sabin., staph. Obesity—agar., ant. e, caps., hyos., kali c. CEdema—♦arg. n., colch., dig., graph., kali i., lach., led., mere, samb., thuj. Pains—abrot , agar., ant. c, asaf., aur., belb, berb., calc. ph., caps., canth., carb. v., cist., clem., cocc, con., cupr., dig., ferr., guaiac, ham., helb, ipec, kali i., kalm., lith., ♦lye, mere, phos. a., phyt , puis., rheum, rhus, sib, stram., sub, sul. a. Aches —arn., cepa, guaiac. Beaten, as if— cocc, lith. Boring—arg. m., aur., helb, phos., puis., sabad. Burning—aeon., baryt, carb. an., carb. v., cocc, graph., hep. s., lach., mez., opium, phos. a., terebin. Cramps—abrot., anae , camph. Cutting —carb. an., sabad. Digging—cocc, lith. Drawing—arg. m., cist., cupr., mere cor., sabin. Jerking—asaf., opium, puis. Neuralgic—asaf., secale, tarax. Pressive—♦arg. m., cocc, cupr., guaiac. Prickling—ham., mere Sensitive—♦arn., calc. c, guaiac, lach., ♦mang., sul. a. Shooting—asaf., berb. Soreness—aescub, arg. m., bapt, calc ph., cocc, ferr. phos., lith., mez., sang. Stinging—carb. an., cocc, ham., helb, mere, sabin. CHAPTER XXXIX.--TISSUES Hi Pains continued. Stitches—bry., con., kreos. Strained, sprained—bapt., carb.an., hep. s., phos., rheum, ruta Tearing—ambr., ♦arg. m., berb., cist, cocc, cupr., ferr., phos., phos. a., sabin. Tender—apiSi ♦arg.m., ♦am., asaf., bry., calc. e, guaiac, lach., ♦mang., sang., sul. a. Tension—baryt., berb., dulc. Throbbing—asaf., ferr. phos.,mere, sabin. Tingling—con., puis. Panaritium—calc. f., calc. s. Paralysis—♦absinth., caps., cocc, kali e, secale. Parts. Abdomen—acet. a., ars., baryt, ♦hell. Ankles—abrot., kalm., trill. Areolar tissue— nat. s. Bladder—♦ant. t, eup. purp. Blood—-aescub, agar., carb. v., caust, dulc, ferr., ferr. phos., glon., kali chlor., kali n.,kali phos., lach., mere, nat. m., phos. a., puis., sang., secale, sul. a., trill., ver. a. Blood corpuscles—aeon., secale. Blood-vessels- belb, calc t, ferr., ferr. phos., glon., sabin. Bones—agar., ♦arg. m., ♦arg. n., arn., asaf., aur., berb , calc. t, calc. ph., cist, cocc, cupr., eye, ferr., ferr. ph., fluor. a., guaiac, iod, ipec, kali bi., kali i., lith., ♦lye, ♦mang., mere, mez., nat. c, nat. s., phos., phos. a., phyt., puis., rhus, ruta, sabad., sabin., sib, staph. Brain—absinth., ambr., helb, ver. v., zinc. Bronchi—♦ant t, kali bi., kali i. Capillaries—aeon., carb. v., caust. Cartilages—♦arg. m. Cellular tissue—am., cupr., lach., rhus, sil. Chest, thorax—aloe, ars.. colch., guaiac, helb, mez., ver. v. Connective tissue—calc. s., sib Endo-cardium—absinth. Face—ant. t, ars., baryt., mere, mez., phos., selen.,sul. Fascia—calc. f., calc. s. Fiber—calc. f., caps., colch., rhus, sil. Fluids—calad . ferr., ferr. phos., kali chlor., lye, sepia. Glands — aeon . ant. c, apis., arg. m., asaf., aur., baryt, belb, brom., calc ph., calc. s., camph., caps., carb. an., carb. v., cinch., cist,clem., cocc,con., dulc, euphr., ferr., ferr. phos., graph., hep. s., iod., iris, kali chlor., kali i., lye, mag. m., mere, mere cor., mere p. i., nat c., nat. m., nit. a., petrol., phos., phos. a., phyt., puis., rhus, secale, sepia, sib, spig., spong., staph., ♦sub, sul. a. Heart—aescub, aur., cact, calc. f., ferr. phos., kali chlor., phos., spig. 846 CHAPTER XXXIX.—TISSUES '.Parts continued. Intestines—acet. a., am. c, ant. t, ♦cinch., ipec, iris, kali n., sil. Joints—abrot., agar., agn., ambr., anae, ♦arg. m., bapt., bell., bry., calc. c, calc ph., calc s., camph., caps., carb. an., caust., cepa, cist, cocc, colch., dig., ferr., guaiac, hyper., iod., kali bi., kali chlor.,♦kalm., kreos., lith., mang., mere, mez., nat s., nit. a., phos., phyt, rheum, ruta, sabin.,sepia, sib, staph., thuj. Kidneys—helb, kali chlor., phos., terebin., zinc. Legs—arg. n., calc. ph., fluor. a., lach., mang., trill. Ligaments—calc. f., calc. s., sil. Liver—♦arg. m, cinch., fluor. a., kali chlor., lach., mere,phos. Lungs—acet. a., sang., sil. Maxilla—arg. m., cist, mere cor., phos. Membranes, mucous—aeon., aescub, aloe, ♦ant c.,*ant. t., apis, bapt, belb, calad., cepa, dulc, ferr. phos., gels., hydras., ipec, iris, kali chlor., kreos., mill., nat. m., petrol., puis., terebin. Membranes, serous—aeon., ♦apis, belb, calc. s., colch., kali s., nat. m. Mouth—♦ant. t., bapt., cinch., kali bi. Muscles—aescub, agar., ambr., am. e, anae, apis, arg. n., ♦am., ars., baryt., berb., calad., calc. c, caust, cham., cinch., clem., ferr., ferr. phos., gels., hyos., ipec, kali c, lith., opium, phyt., pod., ver. a. Nerves—cham., gels., hyper., kali phos., secale, sil. Nose—acet. a., am. e, calc. ph., cinch., kali bi., sang., sil. Parts, external—ambr., anae, ant. c , arn., aur., camph., phos. a. Parts, internal—♦absinth., arn., camph., cocc, colch., ipec, nux m., phos., puis. Parts, soft—calc. n., ferr. phos. Parts, suffering—graph., lach., led., mez., phos.a.,puis., sabin., thuj. Pericardium—absinth , colch. Periosteum—apis, arn., belb, calc. f., colch., ferr. phos., helb, mere cor., phos. a., phyt., puis., ruta, sib, staph. Portal system—aloe. Skin—aescub, agar., ♦ant. t, ♦arn., ♦ars., carb. v., clem., dulc, hyos., ipec, kali e, kali i., lach., nux v., sang., sars., sub, ver. a., zinc. Sphincters—bell. Spine—absinth., calc. ph., ver. a. Spleen—cinch., lach. Stomach—absinth., acet a., ♦ant. t, bism., bry., kali n., sil, ver. a. Sutures—calc ph. Symphysis—calc. ph. Tendons—calc. f., calc. ph., sil. Thighs—asaf., kali n., selen. Trachea—♦ant. t, kali bi. Uterus—acet a., belb, colch., kali bi., sang. CHAPTER XXXIX.—TISSUES 847 Parts continued. Veins—agar., apis, berb., calc. f., carb. an., dig., fluor. a., gels., glon., ham., hyos., kali c, mere, opium, pod., puis., sang., secale, spong.,sul. a., trill. Vertebrae— calc. ph. Plethora—aur., carb. an., ferr., glon., ipec, opium, ♦stram. Polypi—calc. ph., sang. Prostration—bapt., gels., ver. a. Proud flesh—kali chlor. Pus—♦arn., asaf., bry., calc. s., gels., kali i., nat. phos., phos., phyt., sil, ver. a. Pustules—♦ant. t, sepia, sil. Putrescence—bapt., nit. a. Rachitis—calc. ph., kali ph.; ♦sib, sub,♦therid. Rheumatism—♦abrot., agn., apis, ♦arn., bapt, berb., calc. ph., caust., cham., dulc. ferr. phos., guaiac, hep. s., kali bi., kali chlor., kali i., kali phos., ♦kalm., kreos., phyt., rheum, spig., tarax. Sarcoma—baryt. Scarlatina—♦apoc, +arg. n., ars., dulc, ferr. phos., helb, lach., mere, nat. m., nat. s., ♦stram., ver. v. Scars—carb. an., graph., sul. a. Scirrhus—apis, ♦apoc, carb. an. Scrofula—aur., calc. ph., cist., dulc, kali chlor., kali i., phos., phos. a., sars., sub, ♦therid. Scurvy—am. c., kali chlor. Secretions—aloe, cepa, hydras., iris, kali chlor., kali s., nat. m., nat. phos., nat. s., petrol., sil. Sensations—berb., mez., rhus, thuj., trill. Cold—agar., berb., carb. v., cocc, ferr., opium, sang. Contractions—anae, caust,, guaiac. Numb—kreos. Stiff—abrot, apis, bapt., caps., caust., nat. s., staph. Sepsis—♦arg. n., ♦ars., carb. v., kali chlor. Steatoma—baryt. Stenosis—camph. Sunstroke—nat. m. Suppurations—apis, ♦am., calc. f., calc s., carb. an., carb. v., colch., cupr., hep. s., kali phos., mang., mere, nit. a., opium, phyt., puis., rhus, sib, staph., ♦sub Swellings—♦abrot., aescub, agar., agn., ant. e, apis, asaf.,aur., baryt, belb, brom., bry., calad., calc. f., calc. ph., calc.s., caps., carb. an., carb. v., cinch., cist., clem, cocc, colch., con., cupr., dig., dulc, euphr., graph., guaiac , helb, hep. s., iod., kali chlor., kali i., kali n., ♦kalm., led., lye, mag. m., mang., mere, mere cor., mere p. i., mez., nat c, nit a., opium, petrol., phos., phos. a., phyt., plumb., puis., rhus, sabin., sepia, *sih, spig., spong., staph., ♦sub 848 CHAPTER XXXIX. --TISSUES Sycosis—nat. s., thuj Syphilis—calc s., guaiac, kali chlor., kali i., phos. a., phyt, sil. Tabes mesenterica—calc. ph. Tumors—calc. f , ♦secale, stram. Typhoid —aeon., ♦arn , carb. v. Typhus—♦apoc, carb. v., kreos., mang., tabac. Ulcers—asaf., aur., bapt., calc. t, calc. ph., calc. s., caust., cist, ferr. phos., ham., hyper., kali chlor., kali i., lach., opium, psor., secale, sil. Varices—caust., ferr., mill., nat. m. Varicosis—apis, berb., calc. f., fluor. a., ham., puis. Warts —caust., sang. Weakness—arg. m., ars., baryt., carb. an., carb. v., sul. a. Wounds—calc. s., carb. v., cinch., ferr. phos., hyper., kreos., lach., phos., sil. CHAPTER XL.-SKIN. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. ♦Abrotanum. ♦Skin flabby,hangs loose—marasmus. Furunculrs; after hepar sulph. Absinthium. Jaundiced. ♦Acetic acid. ♦Skin pale and waxen—dropsy. ^Diseased cuticle, separates in flakes. Broad, flat condylomata, dry or moist. Naevi, warts, corns. ♦Aconitum. ♦Red, shining, hot swelling; violent pain. Rash of children, miliary, also in measles and scarlet fever. ^-Rash like measles, pain in the joints; dry, barking cough; cannot bear "light; hot, dry skin. Scarlet rash, with high fever. Spots like flea- bites; itching,unchanged by scratching. Erysipelas, smooth skin; violent fever. Erythema, from the sun's rays; papular erythema. Yellow skin, jaundice. Dryness and burning of the skin. ^Ethusa. ^Eruption,itching when exposed to heat. Liability to excoriation of the thighs when walking. Red spots on the skin. Little water-blisters,itching in bed. Tetters bleed easily. Reddish- blue spots on trunk and left leg. Agaricus. ^Burning,itching, redness and swelling, as from frost- bites. Miliary eruptions close and white, with intolerable burn- ing, itching. Itching stitches in various parts. ♦Ailantus. ♦Eruption of miliary rash in patches, with efflores- cence between-the points of rash, of a dark, almost livid color; chiefly on forehead and face. Malignant scarlatina. cSkin cold and dry, almost livid color; after pressing with the finger the color re- turns very slowly. Itching around left ear, back, face and neck at night; felt as if she would go crazy. Large maculae and bullae, filled with a claret-colored serum. Petechiae. Alumina. ""Intolerable itching of the whole body, epecially when getting warm in bed; scratches until the skin bleeds, which is then painful. Eruption humid, scabby, sore, gnawing. Ulcerated sur- face, secretes yellow-brown pus, smelling bad. Blood-boils. Rhagades. Bulbous excrescences. 849 85o CHAPTER XL.--SKIN ♦Ammonium carb. ♦Malignant scarlatina: with somnolence; starting from sleep; dark-red, or putrid sore throat; sticky saliva- tion; parotitis; external throat swollen; stertorous breathing; in- voluntary stools, with excessive vomiting; body red with miliary rash, or faintly developed eruption; threatened paralysis oi brain. Violent itching; after scratching burning blisters appear. Itching lessened by scratching. Upper half of body as red as scarlet. Ery- sipelas of old people, when cerebral symptoms are eleveloped; while the eruption is still out, debility and soreness of the whole body; tendency to gangrenous elestruction. Desquamation; receding scar- let fever. ♦Ammonium mur. ♦Itching on various parts of body, generally evenings before going to bed; better afterward. 'Fine rash over the whole body. Rash, like measles. Smallpox; more on trunk and upper limbs. Anacardium. White herpetic spots. Burning and stinging herpes. Eruptions, itching excessively. Blisters discharging a yellow trans- parent liquid, hardening to a crust in the open air. Warts even on palms of hands. ♦Antimonium crud. ♦Eruption like measles. Horny excrescences. Smooth warts. Eruption like boils and blisters. Pustules like varicella. Itching of skin, feels sore when scratched. Pimples and vesicles as from stings of insects, especially on face and joints of extremities. Deep, spongy ulcers. Eruption with thick, hard scabs; often honey-yellow. Bed-sores. ♦Antimonium tart. ♦Thick eruption, like pocks, often pustular, as large as a pea. Pustular eruption leaves bluish-red marks on face, also similar eruption on genitals and thighs, painful. Erup- tion fails to appear and convulsions set in; varicella. Red, itch- ing rash over the body. Vesicular eruption over the body. Itch- ing pustules which soon dry up. Itching in the skin. ♦Apis. ♦Scarlatina. Erysipelas, with bruised, sore pain and much swelling. Urticaria, like bee stings, or stings from other insects, with intolerable itching at night. Carbuncles with burn- ing, stinging pains. Stinging, burning, prickling, smarting, or itching of the skin; sensitiveness to the slightest touch. Skin very hot and red. Red spots on abdomen and other parts; burning, sting- ing. Intensely deep-red rash. Eruption like measles. Small pus- tules, with burning, smarting, stinging; forming dry, scaly lami- CHAPTER XL.—SKIN 851 nated,brownish scabs. Body covered with large white wheels, deep, scarlet interspaces. White miliary eruption of chest and abdomen. Skin pale, waxy, almost transparent, dark blue, almost black. Argentum met ^Itching unchanged by scratching. Sore exan- themata; cannot bear to have them touched, even the motion of the skin is almost unbearable. Stinging, as from fleas here and there. ♦Argentum nit. ♦Bluish-black eruption—scarlet fever. Erysip- elatous bed sores: left shoulder,sacrum,or both hips; center covered with dry, bloody incrustations; black, hard on sacrum—typhus. Pustulous ecthyma. Wart-shaped excrescences on the skin. Skin from a bluish-gray, violet, or bronze color, to red-black; skin brown, tense, hard. Itching, smarting, mostly of thighs and axillae,when warm at night. ♦Arnica. ♦Many small painful boils, one after another; extremely sore. °Hot, red, oedematous. Hot, hard, shining swelling, from insect sting. Petechias, ecchymosis. Red spots first on limbs,then upon the trunk. Bed sores, especially sacral region and hips. Erysipelatous inflammation, left hand dark blue. Phlegmonous erysipelas. Erythema nodosum. Varicose ulcers; torpiel, dirty, bluish bottom; no pus,but watery, fetid secretion; half transparent crusts, like thick glue; fetid. Painful ulcers. Corns (locally). ♦Arsenicum. ♦Pimples burning violently, causing almost unen- durable anguish. Eruption delays or suddenly pales, becomes livid, or intermixed with petechias; malignant sore throat; dropsy; or eruption well out, but with disproportionate weakness, mild de- lirium, vomiting,etc—scarlatina. Variola, asthenic cases; pustules sink, areolae grow livid; also in haemorrhagic and septic forms. Black vesicles,causing burning pain. Cancers,with burning pain. Burning, itching, painful after scratching. Bran-like, dry, scaly eruption. Carbuncles. Skin very white and pasty looking, later yellow, scaly. Skin dry and scaly. Blue spots on skin. Herpetic eruption,itching and burning. Eruption resembling red petechias, from the size of a flea bite to that of a lentil. Ulcer with high edges; discharges black,coagulated blood. Ulcer on leg: covered with gray crust, and surroundeel with an inflamed border; burning and painful. Painful sensitiveness of old ulcers. Purulent, fetid secretions from eruptions. Gangrenous aspect of sores. Itch-like eruption in bend of knees. 85 2. CHAPTER XL.—SKIN ♦Arum tri. ♦Exanthema like scarlet rash, with itching; skin peels off afterwards. Itching in scarlatina. Desquamation a second or third time in large flakes—scarlatina. Little round, red, hard pimples all over the body, legs, arms and face. ♦Asafcetida. ♦Ulcers with high, hard edges, sensitive to touch, easily bleeding; pus profuse,greenish, thin, offensive, even ichor- ous. ^Shooting pain around the ulcer. Ulcers grow black. Old scars break open and turn black. Aurum met. -Violent itching, first in the soles of the feet and then over the whole body,from evening till midnight. Fine papular eruption on the face. Deep ulcers affecting the bones, after abuse of mercury. Small and large blotches; stinging, burning, feeling like hard knots; of a dirty yellow color; less indoors than in open air. Baptisia. Burning all over the skin, worse in the face. Livid spots on the body and limbs; not elevated; of irregular shape. Erup- tion like measles or urticaria. Eruption thick on palatine arch, tonsils and uvula; breath fetid; salivation; prostration- variola. ♦Ear) ta carb. ♦Fatty tumors about the neck. Pimples on the feet suppurate and spread like ulcers. Ringworms. Skin humid, sore, warts. A small wound as from a splinter throbs and ulcer- ates. Itching, prickling, burning, here .and there, not relieved by scratching or rubbing. Scratching causes prickling pimples. ♦Belladonna. ♦Redness of the whole body, with quick pulse. Smooth, scarlet redness of the surface of the whole boely. Pus- tules break out in the cheek and nose which rapidly fill with pus, and become covered with a crust. Painful sensitiveness of the skin to contact. Eruption resembling measles. Heat over whole- body, with bluish redness of the whole surface. Skin imparts a burning sensation to the examining hand Intense erysipelatous fever, accompanied with inflamed swellings, passing even into gangrene. Pustules on nape of neck, arms and back. Red, scaly eruption on lower part of body as far as the abdomen. Skin scarlet and smooth. Urticaria during menstruation. Jaundice: after abuse of peruvian bark or mercury; in complication with stones in gall bladder Benzoic acid. °Itching on various parts, yielding rather an agreeable sensation on being scratched, but leaving a burning Slightly elevated, round, wart-like spots about the anus, varying CHAPTER XL.—SKIN 853 from a half to one and a half inches in diameter, with smarting soreness; urine strong-scented and high-colored; after using copaiva. Syphilitic spots anel marks. Berberis aquifob Eczema on different parts of body. Scaly skin diseases. Pimples of face and neck. Roughness of the skin of face. Psoriasis. Berberis vulg. Burning, smarting, stitching, or corrosive itch- ing which provokes scratching,though it soon returns at the same or some other place. Red marble-spots: with corrosive or bruised pain; like petechia?, with itching and burning. Swollen varices, pimples,usually isolated, sometimes in groups. Lymphatic swell- ing. Jaundice, with pale,tough feces,or with profuse, acrid, watery diarrhoea. Old yellow spots around the navel, peeling off. Red pustules,with burning, itching and stitching; sensitive to pressure, changing into brown .spots. Bismuthum. Ulcers gangrenous, bluish; or dried, parchment- like. Corrosive itching on side of tibia, and on back of the feet near the joints; worse from scratching; must scratch till it bleeds. Borax. -Sensation of a cobweb lying upon skin of face or hands. Unhealthiness of the skin; slight injuries suppurate. Se- vere itching on the back of the finger-joints; must scratch them violently. Red, papulous eruption on the cheeks and around the chin. Herpetic eruption on the nates. Old wounds and ulcers are inclined to re-open and suppurate. Ulcer in left axilla. Bovista. Urticaria covering nearly the whole body, some blotches nearly two inches in diameter; causeel by tar. Rash, pim- ples, with burning itching. Warts anel corns with shooting pains. Itching on getting warm, continues after scratching. Red, scabby eruption on thighs and benels of knees appears with hot weather and with full moon. Moist or dry herpes. Tetter on back of hanel; after bright-reel pimples; rough, darkened, moist spots. Bromium. Tickling, itching, prickling, and stitches in the skin at various places. Pimples and pustules. Boils on the arms and in the face. ♦Bryonia. ♦Red, round, hot spot on the cheek, over the malar bone. Yellow skin of the whole body. Rash peculiar to lying- in women and their infants. Red, elevated, rash-like eruption over the whole body. Nettle-rash or other eruptions characterized by sensation of prickling, particularly when the parts are touched. 854 CHAPTER XL.—SKIN Slow development of rash in eruptive fevers; or, sudden receding of rash, with difficult respiration, or inflammatory affections of chest. . Erysipelas,when confined to the joints. When scarlatinal eruption delays, or suelelenly receeles: elropsy, pleuritis or menin- gitis. Caladium. -Suelden, violent, corrosive burning, often on small spots, as cheeks, nose, toes, etc Rash: on chest, alternating with asthma; on the forearm. Calcarea carb. Skin dry and shriveled,yellow. Nettle-rash which always elisappears in cool air. White nettle rash of children, itch- ing intolerably. Elevated red stripes on the tibia, with severe- itching and burning after rubbing. Scurf) pimples on border of free edge of lower lip. Unhealthy, ulcerated skin; even small wounds suppurate. Moist eruptions behind the right ear. Ring- worms. Itching over various parts of body. Man)' very small warts appear here and there. Warts; rhagades on hands and fingers of persons who work in lime or water. Calcarea fluor. (Eczema;in alternation with kali chlor. Psori- asis, scaly skin affections, more frequently occurring in middle- ageel persons, of weak constitution. — Schussler. ) Calcarea phos. Dry skin; moist on hands. Skin dark-brown or yellow. Itching and burning as from nettles. Scalding herpes on the lower leg. Furuncles; ulcers. Scars following amputation ulcerate. Tubercles of skin. (Cancer,in scrofulous constitutions. Eczema,with anaemia. Lupus;if a partial manifestation of scrofula. Skin affections in anaemic persons.—Schussler.) Calcarea sulf. (Skin affections with greenish,brownish or yellow- ish scabs. Suppuration of skin after inflammation. Sores,if pus discharges; unhealthy, with bad odor. Ulcers; open, suppurating sores which may result from abrasions, pimples, wounds, burns, scalds or bruises. Boils; as third remedy to control suppuration. Burns and scalds, when suppurating: as second remedy. Carbun- cles; to control the formation of pus. Crusta lactea;if there is pus. Pimples, pustules, scabs anel other skin affections, especially of children, if there is pus—Schussler) Camphora. JDryness of skin, not a trace of sweat. Blood-blis- ters. Erysipelas. Gangrene. Hard spots. Sequelae of measles. Sudden sinking away of variola pustules. Measle eruption delays; tetanic rigors; skin cold, bluish; dysuria. Scarlatina, with cold CHAPTER XL.—SKIN 855 blue, hippocratic face; rattling in throat, with hot breath, sweat on forehead; child will not be covered. Cantharis. Erythema from exposure to the rays of the sun. Burning, itching pains. Erysipelatous inflammation of the skin, forming blisters. Ulcerative pain when touched. Gangrenous ulcers, with itching and tearing pains. Pemphigus. Itching as from iioe, changing place. Tearing pain in ulcers. Burns, before blisters form. Capsicum. ^Itching, worse from scratching. Burning in the skin. Herpetic-like eruption on forehead or face, itching, burn- ing. Stinging, biting or burning itching, worse on scalp, face and chest. Skin bloated,flabby. 'Carbolic acid. ♦Vesicular eruption all over the body which itches excessively, better from rubbing, but leaving a burning pain. °Itch- ing of the skin on various parts of the bod)'. Carbo ani. Erysipelatous swellings, with burning pain. Itch- ing over the whole body, evening in bed. Carbo veg. Nettle-rash. Dry rash, like itch. Fine, moist rash, with burning in spots where there is no eruption. Folds of skin become raw and ulcerated. Ulcers: varicose, scorbutic,livid, easily bleeding, fetid. Decubitus in typhus, from decomposition of the blood. Aneurisms; bright-red,round, flat, bleeding violently from least wound. Single, scattered red spots on the neck. Itch- ing and soreness in the axillae. Causticum. intertrigo during teething. Excessively itching, moist tetter on the neck. Eruption of pimples on the tip of nose. Itching: all over the body, at various parts, especially on the tip and wings of nose, face, scrotum, back, arms, palms, dorsum of feet. Injuries of the skin which had healed, become sore again. Chamomilla. Skin unhealthy, every injury suppurates. Exan- thema difficult to heal. Red rash on the cheeks. Skin inclined to inflammation. Burning and smarting pain in the ulcer at night, with crawling and painful over sensitiveness to touch. Itching pimples covereei with scurfs, and ulcerating around the ulcer. Severe itching of the sweating parts. Skin yellow, jaundiced. Chelidonium. °Skin yellow, yellowish-gray. Red and painful pimples and pustules on various parts. Itching of the skin. Old, putrid, spreading ulcers. ♦Cicuta. ♦Elevated eruptions as large as peas on the face, on 856 CHAPTER XL. — SKIN both hands, even on the balls of the fingers, with burning pain when touched; later they became fluent. Burning,suppurating erup- tions, with yellow scurfs. Cimicifuga. Eruption of white pustules over the face and neck, sometimes large, red, papular. Prickling, itching heat of the whole surface. ^Cinchona. ♦Yellow color of the skin; jaundice. Skin dry, flaccid, yellow; whole body sensitive, even palms of hands. Ulcers ichorous, sensitive: ichor has a putrid smell. Ulcers flat, shallow, copious discharge. Smallpox, pustules black. Cistus. Ttching all over the body, without eruption. Herpetic eruption on various parts. Scrofula; extremely sensitive to cold air. Mercurio-syphilitic ulcers, surrounded by hard swelling; on the lower limbs. Clematis. ^Eruption: looks inflamed during the increasing,and dry during the decreasing moon; moist eczema, itching severely; worse from washing in cold water; from warmth of bed, from wet poultices. Dark, burning, miliary eruption, with violent itching. Eruption on neck and occiput. Scaly tetter with thick crusts. Coffea. Dryness of the skin, but not in febrile diseases. Ex- cessive sensitiveness of the skin. Measles, with over-excitability and weeping. Scarlet rash, with overwhelming pains and lament- ing mood. Conium. Erratic itching on all parts of the body. Tetters humid, burning, corroding, crusty. Blackish ulcers, with bloody, fetid, ichorous discharges, especially after contusions. Petechias in old persons. Urticaria from violent bodily exercise. Itching on the dorsum of the finger. Croton tig. Red, moist spot, exuding an offensive moisture, on the left thigh opposite the scrotum: it is painfully sore to touch and on walking; troublesome smarting when walking. Itch- ing and painful burning, with redness of the skin, formation of vesicles and pustules; desiccation of the pustules: desquamation and falling of the pustules. Itching pustules. In any skin disease characterized by intense itching, especially if very sensitive to friction. A very slight scratch or rub always itching. Vesicles on the skin, with a yellow, plastic exudation that burns like fire. Cuprum. Skin inelastic, dough-like. Intense itching without CHAPTER XL.—SKIN 857 eruption. Eruption of measles develops, and cough is ameliorated. Repercussion of eruption, with convulsions, vomiting or gagging; pale face and twitching of limbs. Tetters: spreading, oozing; in bend of elbow. Old ulcers. Dolichos. Violent itching all over body, without any visible eruption—constipation during pregnancy. Dry, tettery eruption on arms and limbs, resembling zona. Jaundice, with itching of the skin. ♦Dulcamara. ''Nettle-rash over the whole bod)', with much itching: after scratching it burns; increases in warmth, better in cold. Skin hot,dry. Tetter oozing a watery fluid,which bleeds after scratching. Thick, brown herpes, red border. Red spots, as from flea-bites. Eruption of itching pustules, ceasing to itch after scabbing over; sensitive to touch; worse washing. Suppressed itch. Painful ulcers; discharge scanty. Small furuncles on places formerly injured by contusion. Warts fleshy, or large, smooth; on dorsa of hands and on face. Retrocession of eruptions, from exposure to damp, cold air. Skin callous. Eupatorium perf. Eruptions develop tardily; especially mea- sles. Spotted fever; head drawn backwards; limbs ache; feel sore. Ringworms. ♦Euphorbium. ♦Erysipelatous inflammation; large vesicles, filled with yellow serum. Violent phlegmonous inflammation. Pustules; eczema; gangrene; corrosive burning,itching of the skin. Ferrum met Dry skin in pneumonia. Skin pale, yellow, sal- low, dirty, withered, flabby. Yellow-brown spots sore to touch. Scarlatina, during desquamation. Skin peels off on shoulders and left hand. Warts on fingers and backs of hands. Ulcers pale, oedematous. Ferric phos. °(Boils or carbuncles at commencement, with heat, pain, congestion and throbbing. Sores, festers, gatherings, first stage. Inflammation of skin. Measles in all stages, and the symptoms of inflammatory affections of chest, eyes and ears. Pimples; for the heat, redness and congestion of skin. Skin affections in first or inflammatory stage. Ulcers, with fever, heat and redness.—Schussler.) Fluoric acid. Burning pains on small spots of the skin. Dry cutaneous eruptions. Squamous eruptions on the body. Elevated red blotches. Erosions, mucous tubercles. Naevus on right tern- 858 CHAPTER XL.--SKIN pie. Ulcers: painful, worse from warmth, better from cold, with copious discharge. Old cicatrices become red around the edges, covered or surrounded by itching vesicles, or they itch violently. Gelsemium. In retrocedent measles, with livid spots, dullness of brain, or abdominal or thoracic congestion; fever heat with drowsiness. Papular eruption like measles,especially on the face. Skin hot, dry; gastric and nervous fevers. Erythema, especially on face and neck. ♦Graphites. ♦Skin diseases, erysipelas, ulcers. Itching blotches from which oozes a corrosive, watery, stick) fluid, in many parts of the body. Excoriation of skin, especially in children. Old scars from ulcers. Itching over various parts of body. Violent itching and burning, with eruptions. Eczema, with profuse, serous exu- dations, in blondes inclined to obesity. Skin is not inclined to heal, ulcerates readily. Old ulcers,with fetid pus, proud flesh, itching, stinging. Skin dry, inclined to crack. Guaiacum. Scratching improves. Itching, tetter-like eruptions. Appears to promote breaking of abscesses. Helleborus. *- Itching unchanged by scratching. Skin pale,yellow. Li\iel spots on skin. Painless ulcers. Skin peels off; hair and nails fall out ♦Hepar sulph. ♦Unhealthy, suppurating skin; even slight in- juries suppurate. Ulcers: very sensitive to contact; easily bleeding: burning or stinging ulcers, smelling like old cheese; little pimples surrounding the principal ulceration. °Yel- Icwness of the skin. Burning itching on the body, with white vesicles after scratching. Humid soreness on genitals, scrotum and folds between the scrotum and thigh. Eruptions very sensi- tive, sore to the touch. Miliary rash in circles. Itching rash in bends of knees and elbows. Nettle-rash. Dry, pimply eruptions. Eczema spreading by means of new pimples, appearing just be- yond the old parts. Stinging, burning of edges of ulcers. Pro- motes suppuration. Hydrastis. -Erysipelatoid rash on the face, neck, palms, joints of fingers and wrist, with maddening, burning heat; later skin ex- foliates; pain worse at night. Variola; itching, tingling of the eruption;face swollen; throat raw; pustules dark; great prostration. In psoriasis, as a cerate. Hydrocotyle. Erysipelatous redness. Three spots almost com- CHAPTER LX.--SKIN 859 . pletely circular, with slightly raised, scaly edges. Yellowish spots on both legs. Papular eruption on the face. Pustules on the chest. Prickling on different parts Intolerable itching in several places. Lupus exedens; use it internally anel externally. Hyoscyamus. Skin often pale, with delirium; body hot. Hot, dry, brittle skin; want of sensation. Brown or gangrenous spots. Skin red, or with red rash. Varicella; vesicles in crops; sleep- less; nervous; dry cough, must sit up. Large pustules, clustering from hips to knees. Ulcers, painful, bleeding; bruised feeling on moving the part. Scarlatina, with marked mental symptoms. Hypericum. Great itching when undressing, most in sacral region. Skin rough, as if full of small knots. Pimples on fore- head, throat,back, hips. Tetters beginning with sore places, and forming hard, yellow crusts, with violent itching. Smarting erup tion like nettle-rash, on the hands. Ignatia. cGreat sensitiveness of the skin to a draft of air. Itching better from gentle scratching; when getting heated in the open air. Skin chafed, sore. Ulcers painless; discharge scanty. Iodium. Rough, dry skin. Dirty yellow, clammy, moist skin. Scars itch, break open,or pimples break out on them. Nodosities. Ipecacuanha. Miliaria rubra, with dyspnoea, colic, nausea. Miliary rash on forehead, temples, cheeks. Skin itches; he scratches until he vomits. Rash (of the lying-in). Eruptions suppressed, or tardily appearing, with oppression of the chest; vomiting and tickling cough. Erysipelas; the redness leaves too soon, with re- newed vomiting. Iris. Pustular eruption on scalp, face, around mouth. Irreg- ular patches on knees, elbows and body, with shining scales; the edges slightly raised Herpes zoster on right side of body. Fine eruption, showing black points after scratching, great itching at night. Kali bichrom. l Burning, stinging in the skin. Skin hot, dry and red. Violent itching of the whole surface; then small pustules form, mostly on arms and legs; scabs smart, pain and burn; worse in hot, better in cold weather. Heat and itching of the skin at night, when warm in bed, followed by reddish, hard knots, from size of a pin's head to that of a split pea; center depressed, with a dark scurf; surrounded hy an inflamed base. Dry eruption like measles. Small pustules over body, like smallpox; they disappear *6o CHAPTER XL. —SKIN without bursting; mostly on face and arms. Brown spots like freckles, on the throat. Blisters full of serum on sole of right foot. Small pustules on the roots of the nails, spreading over hands to wrists; arm red, axillary glands suppurate; small pustules on the hands secrete a watery fluid when broken; if not touched, fluid thickens into a yellow, tough mass. Blocd-boil on right thigh; right side of spine,near last rib; painful on least motion. Ulcers dry, oval; edges overhanging, bright-red areola; base hard, corrod- ing; becoming deeper; cicatrix remains depressed. Scabs on fin- gers, corona glandis; deep,stinging cicatrices on the hands. Kali brom. -Acne of face, shoulders and chest,in young, fleshy people of gross habits. Large, indolent, painful pustules; boils. Pustular ulcerations and small boils. Kali carb. Yellow, scaly spots over abdomen, or around the nipples. Burning, itching herpes; moist after scratching. Ulcers bleed at night. Skin dry,itches; better from scratching. Erysipe- las. Herpetic spots on the face. Kali chlor. Violent itching of the whole body. Numerous small, red papules. (Blisters arising from burns; use also lccally. Boils; to blight the swelling before matter forms; use also locally. Condylomata; internally and externally. Crusta lactea; chief reme- dy, or with calc. s. Eczema, skin diseases arising from vaccina- tion, or from deranged or suppressed uterine functions; tongue as in n. Skin affections, with oozing from inflamed skin, especially if exudation is whitish, opaque. Skin affections of vesicular form, or discharges of white secretions. Eruptions, pustules, pimples, discharging white, mattery substance. Erysipelas, vesicular; the chief remedy. Erythema, if there be swelling, with tongue as in n. Excoriations,especially if inclineel to scab. Inflammation of skin, with subcutaneous swelling, second stage. Lupus, principal remedy. Measles, hoarse cough, glandular swellings, second rem- edy. Scabs; greenish brown or white, forming on pustules. Scab:-: white, floury, proceed from blisters; on scalp, white, without any increased watery secretions. Shingles, with tongue as in n. Smallpox; principal remedy; controls the formation of pustules. Sores or ulcers with whitish or dark gray, tenacious crusts. Syco- sis; eruption on bearded part of face,primary remedy. —Schussler.) Kali iod °Itching herpes on face. Papulae worse on face, shoulders and back; dry throat. Pustulous eruption often umbili- CHAPTER LX.—SKIN 86l cated and leaving scars. Small boils on face, head, nock, back and chest, leaving scars. Kali nit. °Prickling like needles,then burning; worse in face. Burning vesicles,filled with yellow serum; on scratching,they burst. Small pustules. Small, scurfy spots on the head (scalp) itching. Kali phos. °(Cancer; encephaloid, medullary, soft, chiefly occur- ring in the young. Eczema, if nervous irritation and over-sensi- tiveness accompany it.—Schussler.) Kali sulf. °(Dryness of skin, with scaling. All ailments accom- panied with desquamation, or with itching pimples arising singly on skin,caused by the sudden retrocession of eruptions. Eczema, when the characteristic abnormal conditions are present; discharge yellow, sticky, or watery matter; or after suddenly suppressed eruptions. Epithelioma near a mucous lining. Rash of measles when eruption recedes and skin is dry and harsh. Sores on skin with yellow sticky secretions. Smallpox, to promote the formation of healthy skin and falling off of crusts. Nettle-rash, caused by in- digestion.—Schussler.) Kalmia. ^ Prickling sensation in the skin, with moderate sweat. Dry skin. Erysipelatous, inflamed eruption on the hand, with oppressed breathing. Eruption like itch. Red, inflamed places here and there, exceedingly painful, as if furuncles would form. Kreosotum. -Itching toward evening so violent as to drive one almost wild. Wheels like urticaria. Large,greasy looking, pock- shaped pustules,over whole body. Eruption: dry as well as moist on almost all parts of the body; especially on the backs of hands and feet; in the palms, in the ears, in the politeal region, and on the knuckles of hands; with much itching. ♦Lachesis. ♦Sore spots become fungoid, dark-red, brownish. -Itching of the whole body, burning; yellow or purplish blisters; scabies. Miliary eruption; rash appears slowly or turns livid or black;comatose. Bullae dark,from bloody serum within. Carbuncles with purple surroundings, and many small boils around them. Ma- lignant pustule. Scars redden, hurt, break open and bleed. Bed- sores with black edges. Blue-black swellings. Gangrenous blisters and ulcers. Purple spots. Erysipelas, when the swelling assumes a purplish hue, and the patient begins to talk deliriously as soon as he shuts his eyes. Flat exanthema which do not fill up. Super- ficial ulcers, foul at the bottom; blackish-blue appearance. 862 CHAPTER LX. — SKIN Lactic acid. Red spots or blotches on various parts of the body, particularly the thighs and lower extremities. Itching and burning, aggravated by cold. ♦Ledum. ♦Eruptions which burn and sting like bites or stings of insects. Purple, bluish spots over the body, like petechias. Dry, violently itching herpes, burning in the open air. Blood- boils. Dry skin, want of perspiration. Scurfs on dry, small nodules, often renewed. Punctureel wounds. Stings of insects, especially of mosquitoes. Lithium carb. ^Itching and burning. Skin rough as a grater, harsh, dry; barber's itch. Ringworm; dry, itching. Rough rash over body—secondary syphilis. Milk crust. *Lycopodium. ♦Urticaria, chronic cases. Vascular tumors. Naevus maternus. cSkin dry and hot, especially that of the hands. Biting, itching when becoming warm through the day. Dry red blotches here and there. Flesh in ridges as if struck with a stick. Eruption humid,suppurating; full of deep rhagades; breeding lice; itching violently; intertrigo, raw places readily bleeding. Blood- boils. Boils which do not mature but remain blue. Ulcers: bleed and burn when dressed; tearing and itching at night, burning when touched; fistulous, with hard, red, shining, everted edges, and in- flammatory swelling of the affected parts; bleeding easily. Intertrigo; raw places. Magnesia carb. ^Itching and great dryness of skin; itching less- ened by scratching. Large, stinging nodosities under the skin. Painful, small, red herpes; they scale off afterward. Spreading blister. Small blood-boils with headache and yellow tongue. Manganum. -Rhagades in bend of joint, with soreness. Itching in hollow of knee anel shin, worse sweating. Itching on palms, with red spots; lips sore. Burning in small, red spots, on chest, arms, hands and feet, accompan ied with rheumatism. Inflammatory swelling and suppuration. Itching herpes. ♦Mercurius. ♦Ulcers bleeding readily; base lardaceous; margins everted, like raw meat. l Skin chafed, sore. Skin dirty, yellow. rough and dry; jaundice. Itching all over, worse at night, when warm in bed. Scabies, if some of the vesicles become pustular. Herpes surrounded by a border of large scales. Herpetic spots and suppurating pustules, sometimes running together; forming dry and scaly spots, or crusts,with acrid discharge. Ulcers superficial, CHAPTER LX. —SKIN 863 flat, readily bleeding; base lardaceous; worse from heat of bed and hot or cold applications. Boils after pus has formed. Primary and secondary syphilis; round, coppery,red spots shining through the skin. Zona; like a girdle from the back around the abdomen; much itching and tendency to suppurate. Variola; in stage of ma- turation, with dysenteric symptoms. Mercurius biniod. Small fissures and cracks. Hard papules here and there. Hunterian chancre (given at once, it prevents sec- ondary symptoms). Pustules; inflamed base, sore to touch, itch- ing slightly, scab over, but pus oozes. Syphilitic ulcers. Lupus. Mercurius cor. °Burning and redness of the skin, with the for- mation of small vesicles. Gray color of the nails. Severe and stubborn cases of eczema of the sweating parts of the body, ex- posed to the fumes of the poison. Condylomata. Rash of second- ary syphilis. Ulcers which perforate or become phagedenic Mercurius prot iod. -Milk crust,in children of a syphilitic taint. Hard papulae over the body. Itching, prickling all over, worse at night. Bright-red, fine eruption on chest and abdomen. ♦Mezereum. ♦Ulcers: areola sensitive, easily bleeding; sensi- tive, painful at night; thick, whitish-yellow scabs, under which thick yellow pus collects; burning, itching vesicles around the ulcers. Roughness and scaling here and there; skin of hands rough and dead. Violent itching, worse in bed, from touch; burn- ing and change of place after scratching. Ulcerative eruption on finger-joints, itching most at night. Brownish miliary rash on chest, arms and thighs. Vesicles form brownish scab. Pruritus senilis; intolerable itching. Scabs thick, lamellated, like rupia, bloody secretion beneath; worse on parts devoid of fat. Neuralgia and burning after zona. Vesicular erysipelas. Scurf like fish scales on back, chest, thighs and scalp. Usual liver spots on the chest and arms become dark, and desquamate. Suppurations after inflammation. Millefolium. Painless varices of pregnant women. Fistulous ulcers. Cancerous ulcers. Ulceration of internal organs. Count- less vesicles, size of a pea, offensive secretion. Stomachic pains from suppressed smallpox. Muriatic acid. Painful, putrid ulcers (lower legs), with burn- ing at their circumference. Eruption of pimples,forming scurfs on forehead, outer ear, lips, hand, or back of fingers, itching when 864 CHAPTER LX. — SKIN getting warm in bed. Blood-boils, prickling when touched Ulcers painful, deep, putrid; covered with a scurf. Black pocks Scar- latina: redness intense and rapidly spreading; eruption scanty, in- terspersed with petechiae; skin purplish. Myrica cer. -Yellow,jaundiced appearance; itching as from flea- bites. Naja -Creeping, itching and tingling sensation in the skin. Skin swelled, mettled and of a dark purple, livid color. Large pimples on inflamed base. Small,white blisters en inflamed base, with much itching. Gangrene. Natrum ars. cSquamous eruption; scabs thin, white, and when removed leave skin slightly reddened; if scales remain they cause itching; worse when warm from exercise. Natrum carb. ^Ulcers with inflammatory redness of the affected parts. Herpes with yellow rings, or suppurating. Formication under the skin. Itching, as from fleas, over the whole body. Skin dry, rough and chapped. Natrum mur. °Itching and prickling in the skin. Large, red blotches, itching violently. Nettle-rash after violent exercise. Stinging rash over the whole body. Tetter in bends of joints, oozing an acrid fluid; crusts with deep cracks. Skin dirty look- ing; withered; chlorosis. Blood boils. (Eczema; white, scaly; also apply locally. Eruptions of small vesicles or blisters, with colorless, watery fluid, forming into scales or crusts, which fall off and readily form again. Herpetic eruptions, occurring alone or during the course of a disease. Herpes and inflammation of the skin, accompanied by small blebs, blisters or watery vesicles. Herpes zoster, as second remedy. Intertrigo, with watery symp- toms. Measles, if there is an excessive secretion of tears or saliva. Nettle-rash,with watery symptoms. Pemphigus; blisters starting upon burning spots, with clear watery contents. Rupia; blisters, not pustular eruption. Smallpox ; also stings of insects, if symp- toms correspond.—Schussler.) Natrum phos. °(Sweat acid, very sour smelling. Scabs, if golden yellow, like honey. Sore patches on skin, red, with tongue as in 11; or with yellow, creamy discharge.—Schussler.) Natrum sulf. cEczema moist and oozing profusely; secretion more watery than viscid. Itching while undressing. Blisters here and there. Jaundice. Sycosis. Leukaemia. Wart-like, raised, CHAPTER XL.--SKIN 865 red lumps all over the body. Between scrotum and right thigh small scabs, itching relieved by scratching; also on forehead, scalp, neck, chest; sycosis. (Intertrigo of bilious children. Erysipelas, smooth, red, shiny, coming out in blotches and with swelling of the skin. Secretions, with or without vesicles, which are waters' and not sticky, with irritable liver. CEdematous inflammation of skin.— Schussler. ) Nitric acid. vSkin dry. Skin dark, dirty; brown-red spots. Burning,hot skin; fine miliary rash—scarlatina. Itching nettle-rash in open air. Blood-boils. Carbuncles. Rhagades, deep, bleed- ing. Frost-bites, itching, inflamed from slight degree of cold; skin cracked. Ulcers bleed when touched; stinging pains feeling as of a splinter; edges irregular; exuberant granulations; after mer- cury,or in secondary syphilis. Condylomata; moist, like cauliflower, or on thin peelicels. Black pores. Brown-red spots and dark freck- les on the skin. Nux nips. cSensitive to cold, damp air. Skin cold, dry, not disposed to sweat. Chilblains every winter. Ulceration of the skin; painful, with hysterical patients. Blue spots on skin. Ir- regular, red, scaling patches on face and neck,during congestions; at time of menses. Complaints from suppressed eruptions. Nux vom. cBurning itching all over; worse in the evening; itching with icterus. Urticaria with gastric derangements. Ecchy- mosis, blue. Boils, especially if several small ones unite. Ab- scesses, often disperses them. Oleander. cViolent itching eruption, bleeding, a fluid oozing out, forming scabs. Opium. -Dryness of the skin, without fever. Very troublesome itching all over: fine prickling, rarely sensitive to touch. Redness and itching of the skin. Blue spots on the skin. Paleness of the skin. Osmium. °Red spots on dorsum of hands. Copious exanthem- ata on forearm, hands and cheeks. Red-brown papules, with des- quamation on arms. Small pointed vesicles, surrounded by red areola. Itching as from crawling of insects. Petroleum. GItching herpes,followed by ulcers. Chronic eczema; parts seem excoriated. Itching, sore, moist surfaces, or deep cracks. Brown or yellow spots on the skin. Welts and blisters, with raw feeling. Unhealthy skin; small wounds ulcerate and spread. UI- 866 CHAPTER XL.—SKIN cers, with stinging pain and proud flesh; often deep ulcers with raised edges. Phosphorus. Burning in skin or burning and stinging; restless, change of position. Blood boils. Polypi bleeding readily. Open cancers bleeding easily. Vesicles around joints. Brownish spots here and there. Red spots; petechias. Dry, scaly or pustulous eruptions; psoriasis on knees and elbows. Scarlatina, with sud- denly repelled rash; chest affected; typhoid symptoms, restless, yet apathetic. Variola, with blood in the pustules; haemorrhagic dia- thesis. Fistulous ulcers; erysipelatous: pus thin, ichorous; hectic. ♦Phosphoric acid. ♦Herpes, dry or humid, squamous. Variola. In typhoid state: eruptions do not fill with pus but degenerate into large blisters, which bursting leave surface excoriated; watery diarrhoea; with subsultus tendinum; fear of death. Itching be- tween fingers or in folds of joints,or on hands. Exanthemata; sup- pressed by cold, cause brain symptoms, hardness of hearing or dropsy. Warts, indented, pedunculated. Condylomata, with bone pains; complicated with chancre. Ulcers: like carbuncles on skin; with a coppery circumference; with smarting pain; flat and itching. Parts get black. Chilblains, with sycotic excrescences. Erysip- elatous inflammations. Corns with stinging and burning. Phytolacca. Skin cool, shriveled, dry, lead-colored. Barber's itch; the tincture, locally. Ringworm. Boils, especially near ulcers. Black looking, tettery,suppurative eruption. Ulcers, with an appearance as if punched out; lardaceous bottom; syphilitic ulcerations. Cancerous ulcers (also on breasts). Erythematous blotches, irregular, slightly raised; pale-red, ending in dark-red, or purple spots. Rash. Red spots; in syphilitic persons. Scar latina: with angina, acrid coryza; delirium; non-appearing erup- tion. ♦Plumbum. ♦Dry, yellow,or bluish skin. Sensitive to the open air. Dark-brown spots on skin. Decubitus. Burning in ulcers; small wounds become easily inflamed and suppurate. Gangrene. Podophyllum. Sallow skin; jaundice; also in children. Skin moist, with preternatural warmth. Scabs on skin. Rawness and itching about genitals; also pustules (from grinding the root). Psorinum. Body itches intolerably; worse in bed and from warmth; scratches until it bleeds. Skin dirty, greasy looking, with yellow blotches here and there. Fine red eruption, forming small, CHAPTER XL.—SKIN 867 white scales. Whole surface scaly, dirty looking, tawny; at times itching; desires scratching, which gives temporary relief. Copper- colored pustules, no itching. Itch; boils after itch. Crusty erup- tions all over. After suppressed itch: urticaria in attacks, after every exertion; tuberculosis; single pustules often appear. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦Burning, biting, itching here and there; worse from warmth of bed in evenings and before midnight;from scratch- ing; from becoming heated during a walk. Urticaria, with diarrhoea; itching worse at night; from pastry or pork; from delayed menses. Moles or freckles on young girls. Erysipelas: bluish, spreaeis rapidly; especially about buttocks and thighs; smooth skin. Intertrigo; chafing after abuse of chamomile tea. Rhagades. Chaps. Bleeding tumors. Measles:even with typhoid symptoms;catarrh prom- inent; eruption tardy; earache; ophthalmia; short dry cough, with pain in chest; or,rattling loose cough,which is prone to remain as a sequel. Ulcers: bleed easily, with burning, stinging or itching around them, with hard or red areola; better from cold. Wounds suppurate; pus thick, bland, too profuse. ♦Ranunculus bulb. ♦Dark-blue vesicles; small, transparent; in groups, with burning and itching, and forming hard, horny scurfs. Horn-like excrescences. Vesicular eruptions as from burns. Shingles and intercostal neuralgia. Flat, burning, stinging ulcers, with ichorous discharge. Pemphigus. Chilblains (locally). Ranunculus seel. cVesicular eruptions, with acrid, thin,, yel- lowish discharge. Rheum. Child smells sourish, even if washed or bathed every day. Rhododendron. Burning and tearing, with erysipelas. ♦Rhus tox. Wesicular and pustular eruptions, with burning and itching. Eczema; surface raw, excoriated; thick crusts, oozing and offensive. Erysipelatous swelling and inflammation; vesicular, phlegmonous. -Intolerable itching of the skin; red, measly rash all over. Itching all over, worse on hairy parts; after scratching, burning. Urticaria from getting wet during rheumatism, with chills and fever: worse in cold air. Eruption; herpetic, with in- cessant itching, burning and tingling, alternates with pains in chest and dysenteric stools. Pemphigus, each bulla with a red areola. Erysipelas. Erysipelatous inflammation; zona. Hardness of the skin, with thickening. Carbuncles; bluish, gangrenous. Variola; *6> CHAPTER XL. — SKIN eruption sinks and turns livid;typhoid symptoms. Scarlatina milia- ria; rash dark, fever high, with drowsiness and restlessness. Chil- blains. Rumex.. cItching in various parts, worse on lower limbs, while undressing. Stinging-itching or prickling-itching of skin. Vesic- ular eruption, itching when uncovered and exposed to cool air. Ruta. °Itching of skin after eating meat. Jaundice from liver complaints. Ulcers and scabs on scalp, with copious discharge. Skin becomes easily chafed, from walking and riding; also, in children. Fistulous ulcers on lower legs. Sabina. ^Black pores in skin, especially in face. Fig-warts, with intolerable itching and burning; exuberant granulations. Sanguinaria. cHeat and dryness of skin. Itching and nettle- rash before the nausea. Old, indolent ulcers: with callous borders and ichorous eiischarge; dirt)' granulations; dry, sharp-cut edges. Icterus, during prevailing intermittent fever. Prickling sensation of warmth, spreading over body. Eruption on face of young wom- en, with menstrual troubles, especially deficiency. Sarsaparilla. °Rash as soon as he goes from warm into coie; air. Dry, red pimples, only itching when exposed to heat. Rhagades, deep, burning. Base of the eruption is much inflamed; child cries much and is very uneasy; crusts become detached in open air, and the skin adjoining chapped. Herpetic ulcers: in a circular form, forming no crusts; red, granulated bases, white borders; skin ap- pears as after the application of a warm compress; serous, reddish secretions. Ulcers after the abuse of mercury. Shriveled skin. "'Secale. ♦Sensation of something creeping under the skin. JCold and dry; dingy, wrinkled, dry and insensible; desquamation. Petechias and miliary eruptions. Variola; pustules of abnormal appearance, either filled with bloody serum, or dry up too soon. Varicose ulcers and enlargeel veins, in old people. Ecchymosis; gangrenous blisters. Formication all over body. Selenium. °Red rash in region of liver. Frequent tingling on small spots of the skin,with great inclination to scratch; spots re- main humid. Itch checked by mercury or sulphur. Flat ulcers. Sepia. 3Itching in face, on arms, hands, back, hips, feet, abdo- men and genitals. Itching often changes to burning wdien scratch- ing. Soreness of the skin: humiel places on bends of knees. Brown or claret-colored, tetter-like spots. Humid tetter with itching and CHATTER XL. — SKIN 869 burning. Ringworms, boils, pustules, pemphigus. Ulcers: pain- less, on joints or tips of fingers or toes; itching,stinging and burn- ing. Exanthema in general, (specially when they are disposed to crack. Skin yellow, like jaundice. Chapping of the skin; or cracks may extend deep into the tissues, and this is aggravated by wash- ing. Pemphigus, ringworms, boils, blood-boils. ♦Silicia. ♦Small wounds heal with difficulty and suppurate pro- fusely. Painful, pustular eruptions, at last forming suppurating ulcers. Disposition to boils; on various parts. Ulcers with sticking, stinging, burning pains; '-offensive, with ichor and proud flesh. Skin wax-like in tuberculosis and caries. Yellow, earthy skin; sometimes covered with pityriasis. Itching exanthema; small pustules filled with lymph, drying quickly. Eruption burns only by day—acne. Eczematous, impetiginous or herpetic eruptions. Rhagades around eyelids, lips, etc. Rose-colored blotches. Small blisters. Pemphigus. Zona. Erysipelas,with suppuration; deep- seated, phlegmonous erysipelas. Abscesses; speedily point, but secretion of pus is too scanty. Malignant pustule. Ulcers: from suppuration of membranous parts; phagedenic; extend in depth; after abuse of mercury; edges hard, high, spongy. Carbuncles. Large, fleshy warts, suppurating. Variola; suppuration exhausts the patient, and dessication delays; bone diseases as sequelae. Convulsions after vaccination. (Boils; little lumps not maturat- ing, blind. Injuries; neglected cases, if suppurating. Sweat of feet, when excessive and of bad odor. Skin affections, dry eruptions. Suppurations having their seat in the cell substance of the connec- tive tissue. All deep-seated suppurations, including those of ten- dons, ligaments, and bone.- Schussler.) ♦Spongia. ♦Herpes. -Sensitive to touch. Red, itching blotches on skin. ♦Staphisagria. Herpes, dry, with scabs on joints; chronic,with nightly twitching; ♦burn after scratching. Ulcers in scurvy. Fig- warts; dry, pedunculated; after abuse of mercury. ♦Stramonium. ♦Intense, scarlet-red rash over the whole body. Burns. Entire face swollen, muttering delirium; smallpox before vesicles form. -Whole skin and conjunctivae red, like crimson. Skin hot and dry. Worse when eruptions are suppressed or do not come out well. Restless, skin itching; rash coppery-red, skin dry, hot. Measles, before eruption, with convulsions, frightful visions 870 CHAPTER LX. -SKIN of rats and mice; seem frightened; try to hide; spasm of oesopha- gus; body hot, face red, puffed. ♦Sulphur. ♦Voluptuous itching and tingling, with burning and soreness after scratching. Vesicular and herpetic eruptions, with much itching and burning. Itching worse from warmth of bed. Slight cuts and injuries inflame anel suppurate. Bright redness of whole body in scarlatina. Freckles; yellow, brown, flat spots. Skin rough, scaly, scabby. Herpes, scabby and scurf)'. Sore feel- ing of the skin,with no disposition for exertion. Soreness in folds of skin. Ecchymosis from a slight bruise. Rhagades after washing. Furuncles, particularly on nates. Erysipelas with throbbing and stinging. Dropsical swelling of external parts. Ulcers: with raised, swollen edges, bleeding easily, surrounded with pimples; with tear- ing, stinging pains, and discharging fetid pus. Black pores; come- dones. Sulphuric acid. -Scars turn blood-reel and are painful. Blue spots like ecchymosis. Red, itching blotches on the skin. Yellow skin, livid spots. Gangrenous tendency after a bruise. Chilblains on hands. Blue spots on arms. Tabacum. cSkin cold; in cholera; livid, with angina pectoris. Red spots in face and on right shoulder, burning when touched. Itching, with red or yellow spots on chest and shoulders. Taraxacum. Pimply sycotic skin. Stinging in skin. ♦Tellurium. ♦Ringworms: covering the whole body; more dis- tinct on lower limbs; on single parts. ♦Thuja occ ♦Wart-shaped excrescences, here and there, es- pecially on hands and genitals. Sycotic affections. Skin looks dirty; brown here and there; brown white spots. Pemphigus, painful. - Hair thin, grows slowly, splits. Zona. Epithelioma. Eruptions only on covered parts, burn violently after scratching. Bleeding fungus growths. White, scaly, dry. mealy herpes. Naevus. Condylomata; warts seed)', pedunculated; moist,mucous tubercles. Ulcers flat, with a bluish-white bottom. Blood-boils on back. Smallpox; stage of maturation. Bad effects of vaccination; emaci- ation; sleeplessness; diarrhoea; restlessness; trembling. Urtica urens. °Nettle-rash; itching and burning of skin, as if scorched; raised, reel blotches; fine stinging points; pale, requires constant rubbing. Burns involving only the skin; intense burning, itching. Consequences of suppressed urticaria. CHAPTER LX.—SKIN 87I Veratrum alb. '-Wrinkled skin;skin remains in folds after pres- sure. Skin blue, purple, cold. Rash over body, or on face and hands. Dry eruptions, like itch. Desquamation of indurated or thickened portions of the skin. Erysipelas. Measles: tardy and pale; skin often livid; hemorrhages, but no relief; drowsy; weak; cold; thready pulse; also for spasmodic cough with vomiturition. Scarlatina: in hot, summer weather; eruption bluish; pulse feeble; burning heat of limbs alternating with coldness. Veratrum vir. -Itching of different parts, better from rubbing. Tingling and prickling in skin. Skin cold,clammy, bluish, insen- sible, shriveled. Eruptions, with intense fever. Measles during febrile stage, especially if pulmonary congestion is impending. Convulsions before eruption. Scarlatina, with intense arterial ex- citement. Rheumatism; carditis; elropsy as sequelae. Smallpox, intense fever, restlessness, excessive pain. Viola tri. -Cutting or stinging in the skin. Eruption: burning, dry stinging; violent itching, worse at night; crusty; scurfy. Squa- mous spots on the skin. Pustulous and ichorous exanthema on the feet. Dry scabs over the body, exude yellow water when scratched. Large boils all over the body. Ichorous ulcers, with violent itch- ing. Burrowing ulcers. Consequences of suppressed eruptions. Skin difficult to heal. Zincum met. ^Itching in bends of joints. Pains seemingly be- tween skin and flesh. Rhagades mostly between fingers, bad, even in mild weather. Sudden itching here and there, especially in evening in bed, goes off by contact. Dry herpes over whole bodyl Neuralgia following herpes zoster. REPERTORY. Abrasions—calc. s. Abscesses - guaiac, nux v., sil. Acne—kali br., sil. Aneurisms—carb. v. Areola—♦ars., kali bi., ♦mez., osm., puis., rhus. Bed-sores—arg. n., arn., lach. Bites—♦led., myr. c Blebs—nat. m. Blisters—aethus., am. e, anae, ant. c, camph., canth., kali bi., kali chlor., lach., mag. c, naja, nat. m., nat s., petrol., ♦phos. a., secale, sib Blotches—aur., bovist, fluor. a,, ♦graph., lact. a., lye, nat. m., nat. s., phyt., psor., sib, spong., sul. a., urt u. 872 CHAPTER LX.— SKIN Boils, furuncles—♦abrot, alum., ant c, ♦am., brom., calc. ph., calc.s., dulc,ferr.phos., kali bi., kali br., kali chlor.,kali i.,kalm., lach., led., lye, mag. e, mere, mur. a., nat. m., nit. a., nux v., phos., phyt., psor., sepia, ♦sib, sub, thuj., viola tr. Bran-like scales—♦ars. Brittle—hyos. Bruises—calc. s., sub a. Bullae—aib, lach., rhus. Burns—calc. s., canth., kali chlor., ranunc, ♦stram.,urt u. Callous—dulc. Cancers—♦ars., calc. ph., kali phos., kali s., mill., phos., phyt, thuj. Carbuncles—♦apis, ars., ferr. phos., lach., nit. a., phos. a., rhus, sil. Chafed—ign., mere, puis., ruta. Chancers—benz. a., mere b. i., phos. a. Chapped—nat. e, puis., sars., sepia. Chilblains—nux m., phos. a., ranunc, rhus, sul. a. Chlorotic—nat. m. Cicatrices—asaf., calc ph., fluor. a., graph., iod., kali bi., kali i., lach., sul. a. Clammy—iod., ver. v. Color—aib, apis, arg. n., calc. s., mere, naja, nat. m., nat phos., phyt., psor., nit. a., sepia, sib, thuj. Black—apis, ♦arg. n., ♦ars , cinch., lach., phos. a., phyt. Bluish—apis, ♦ant t, ♦arg. n., arn., ars., belb, bism.," camph., lach., led., lye, nux m., nux v., opium, phyt., ♦plumb., puis., *ranunc, rhus, sul. a., thuj., ver. a., ver. v. Brownish- apis, arg. n., calc ph., calc. s., dulc, ferr., hyos., kah chlor., ♦lach., mez., nit. a., osm., petrol., phos., plumb., sepia, sub, thuj. Dark—♦aib, calc. c, clem., kali chlor., ♦lach., nit. a., phyt., plumb., ♦ranunc, rhus. Gray—arg. n., cheb, mere cor. Lead-colored—phyt. Livid—♦aib, ♦ars., bapt, carb.v., gels., helb, lach., naja, rhus, sul. a., tabac, ver. a. Pale—♦acet a, apis, ♦ars., ferr, helb, hyos., opium, phyt, urt. u., ver. a. Purple—lach., led., mur. a., naja, phyt., ver. a. Red—♦aeon., agar., ♦am. c, ♦ant t, ♦apis, arn., ♦belb, berb., bism., borax,♦bry., calc e, carb. v., cheb, cimi., crot. t, dulc, ferr. phos., fluor. a., hydroc, hyos., ipec, kali bi., kali chlor.' kalm., ♦lach., lact. a., lye, mag. c, mang., mere, mere cor., mere p. i., mur. a., nat. ars., nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nit a.^ mix m., opium, osm., phos., phyt., psor., rhus, sars., selen.,spongi ♦stram., sub, sul. a., tabac. White—anae, apis, ars., calc. c, cimi., hep. s., kali chlor., '''mez., naja, nat. ars., nat. m., psor., sars., thuj. Yellow—aeon., anae, ant. e, ant. t, ars., aur.. herb., bry., CHAPTER XL.—SKIN 873 Color continued. calc. c, calc. ph., calc. s., cham., cheb, cic, ♦cinch., crot. t., ferr., helb, hep. s., hydroc, hyper., iod., kali bi., kali e, kali n., lach., mere, ♦mez., myr. c, nat. c, nat. phos., petrol., ♦plumb., psor., sepia, sib, sub, sul. a., tabac. Comedones, diseased sweat glands, black pores—sul. Condylomata—acet. a., kali chlor., mere cor., nit. a., phos. a., sul. a., thuj. Contusions—arn.. dulc. Corns—acet. a., arn., bovist., phos. a. Cracked—graph., mere b. i., nat. m., nit. a., petrol., sepia. Crusta lactea, milk crust—calc. s., kali chor., lith. Crusts—anae, ♦arg. n., arn , ars., ♦belb, clem., con., hyper., kali chlor., kali s., mere, nat. m., psor., ;,:rhus, sars., viola tr. Cuts or bruises—kali chlor., ♦sub Desquamation, peeling—am. c , ♦arum, berb.,crot. t., ferr.,helb, hydras , kali s., mez., osm., secale, ver. a. Dirty-ferr., iod., mere, nat. m., nit. a., psor., sib, thuj. Dry—aeon., aib, apis, ars., bry., cact., calc. c, calc. ph., camph., carb. v., cinch., clem., coff., doli., dulc,ferr., fluor. a., gels., graph., hep. s., hyos., iod., kali bi., kali c, kali s., kalm., kreos., led., lith., lye, mag. e, mere, nat. c, nit. a., nux m., opium, phos., ♦phos. a.,phyt, ♦plumb., sabin., sars., secale, sib, staph., stram., thuj., viola tr., zinc. Ecchymosis—am., nux v., secale, sub, sul. a. Ecthyma—arg. n. Eczema—berb. aq., calc f., calc. ph., clem., euphorb., graph., hep. s., kali chlor., kali phos., kali s., mere, mere cor., nat. m., nat. s., petrol., ♦rhus, sil. Efflorescence—ail. Epithelioma, a variety of cancer—kali s., thuj. Erosions—fluor. a. Eruptions—aethus., agar., ♦aib, alum., am. e, anae, ♦ant c, ♦ant. t, apis, ♦arg. n., ♦ars., aur., bapt., belb, borax, bry., calc. c, caps., *carbob a., carb. an., caust., *cic, cimi., cist., clem., doli., dulc, fluor. a., graph., guaiac, hep. s., hydras., hydroc, hyper., kali bi., kali chlor.,kalm., ♦led., lye, mere p. i., mez., mur.a., nat. e, nat. m., olean., ♦phos. a., phyt., psor., ranunc, rhus, sang., sars., secale, sib, ♦sub, thuj., ver. a., ver. v. Eruptions fail to appear, or disappear too soon—♦ant. t, ♦ars., bry., camph., dulc, eup. pert, gels., ipec, kali chlcr., kali s., lach., mur. a., nat. m., phos., phos. a., phyt., psor., puis., sib, stram., ver. a., viola t. Erysipelas—aeon., am. c, ♦apis, ♦arg. n., arn., belb, bry., camph., canth., carb. an., carb. v., ♦euphorb., ferr. phos., ♦graph., hydras., hydroc,ipec,kali c, kali chlor.,kalm., lach.,mez., nat. s., phos., phos. a., puis., rhod., ♦rhus, sib, sub, ver. a. Erythema—aeon., arn., canth., gels., kali chlor., phyt. Exanthemata—arg. m., ♦arum, cham., lach., osm., phos. a., phyt, sepia, sib, viola t. 874 CHAPTER LX. —SKIN Excoriations —aethus, ♦graph., kali chlor., petrol., ♦phos. a., rhus. Excrescences—alum., ♦ant. c, arg. n., phos. a., ranunc, thuj. Festers—ferr. phos., kali chlor. Fissures—mere b. i. Fistulas—lye, mill., phos., ruta. Flabby—♦abrot., caps., ferr. Flaccid—cinch. Flakes—acet. a., arum. Freckles—kali bi., nit. a., puis., sul. Frost-bites—agar., nit. a. Fungus—♦lach., thuj. Gangrene—am. c, ars., belb, bism., camph., canth., euphorb., hyos., lach., naja, plumb , rhus, secale, sub a. Granulations— nit. a., sabin., sang., sars. Greasy looking—psor. Hard—♦arg. n., arn., asaf., camph., cist., hyper., kali bi., lye, mere b. i., mere p. i., ♦ranunc, rhus. Heat-—belb, cimi.,ferr. phos., hydras., kali bi., sang. Herpes—anae, ars., borax, bovist, cact.,calc. ph., caps., cist., dulc, kali e, kali i., led., mag. e, mang., mere, nat. c, nat m., petrol., ♦phos. a., rhus, sars., ♦sib, ♦spong., staph., ♦sub, thuj., zinc. Horny—♦ant. c, ♦ranunc Hot—♦aeon., ♦apis, arn., ♦bry., dulc, gels., hyos., ipec, lye, nit. a., stram. Humid eruptions—alum., baryt., bovist, con., hep. s., lye, ♦phos. a., selen., sepia. Impetigo—sil. Inflammation—arn., belb, calc s., canth., cham., clem., ♦euphorb., ferr. phos., kali bi., kali chlor., kalm., lye, mang., mere b. i., mez., naja, nat. c, nat. m., nat. s., nit. a., phos. a., plumb, ♦rhus, sars., ♦sub Injuries—borax, caust., cham., dulc, ♦hep. s., sib, ♦sub Insensible—ver. v. Intertrigo, chafing—caust.,ign., kali chlor., lye, nat. m.,nat s., mere, puis. Itch, psora, scabies—ars., carb. v., dulc, kalm., lach., lith., mere, phyt, psor., selen., ver. a. Jaundice, icterus—aeon., belb, berb., cham., ♦cinch., doli., mere, myr. c, nat. s., nux v., pod., ruta, sang., sepia. Knots—aur., hyper., kali bi. Leukaemia—nat. s. Lice—canth., lye Lumps—nat. s.,sib Lupus—calc. ph.,hydroc, kali chlor.,mere bi. Maculae—see "Spots." Marks—ant. t.,benz. a. Maturate—hep. s., mere, thuj. Measles—♦aeon., ♦am. m., ♦ant. c, apis, bapt., belb, camph., coff., eup. perf., ferr. phos., gels., kali bi., kali chlor., kali s., nat. m., puis., rhus, stram., ver. a., ver. v. CHAPTER LX. — SKIN 875 Miliary—♦aeon., agar., ♦aib,♦am. e, apis, clem., hep. s., ipec, lach., mez., nit. a., secale. Moist —calc. e, calc. ph., carb. v., caust., clem., crot. t, iod., kali c, kali chlor., kreos., nat. s., nit. a., petrol., pod., thuj. Mules —puis. Mottled —naja. Naevi—acet. a., fluor. a., ♦lye, thuj. Nodes —arn., aur., calc s., iod., led., mag. c GEelematous— am., ferr., nat. s. Pains—:acon.. alum., ♦ant. t, arn., ars., belb, cheb, crot. t, ferr. phos., fluor. a., hyos., kali bi., kali br., kalm., mag. e, ♦mez., mill., mur. a., ♦sib, ver. v., zinc. Biting—caps., lye, ♦puis. Bruised—♦apis, berb. Burning- aeon., agar., am. c, anae, ♦apis, ♦ars., aur., bapt., baryt., belb, benz. a., berb., bovist., calc. c, calc. ph., canth., caps., ♦carbol. a., carb. an., carb. v., cham., ♦cic, clem., con., crot. t, dulc, euphorb., fluor. a., graph.,♦hep. s.,hydras.,kali bi., kali e, kali n., lach.,lact. a.., ♦led.,lith., lye, mang., mere cor., ♦mez., mur. a., nit. a., nux v.. phos., phos. a., plumb., ♦puis., ♦ranunc, rhod., ♦rhus, sabin., sars., sepia, ♦sib, staph., ♦sub, tabac, thuj., urt. u.. viola t. Corrosive—berb., bism., con., euphorb., graph., kali bi. Cutting—viola t. Gnawing—alum. Neuralgic—mez., ranunc, zinc. Pricking, prickling—apis, baryt, brom., bry., cimi., hydras., hydroc, kali m, kalm., mere p. i., mur. a., nat. m., opium, rumex, sang., ver. v. Raw—carb. v., lye, petrol., pod., ♦rhus. Sensitive—apis, arg. m., ars., ♦asaf., belb, cham., ♦cic, cinch., cist., coff., crot. t, dulc. ferr.. ♦hep. s., ign., kali phos., mere b. i., *mez., mur. a., nux m., opium, plumb., spong. Shooting—asaf., bovist. Smarting—♦apis, arg. n., benz. a.,berb., cham., crot. t,hyper., kali, bi., phos. a. Sore—alum., am. e, ant. c, ♦apis. arg. m., arg. n., ♦arn.,♦ars., baryt, benz. a., calc. s., carb. v., caust., crot. t, eup. perf., hep. s, hyper., ign. ♦lach., mang., mere, mere b. i., petrol., sepia, ♦sub Sticking—♦sil. Stinging—anae, ♦apis.arg. m.,aur.,caps., graph^hep. s.,kali bi., ♦led.,mag. c, nat. m., nit. a., petrol.,phos.,phos. a.,puis.,ranunc., rumex, sepia, ♦sib, sub, tarax., urt. u., viola t Stitches—agar., berb., brom. Tearing canth., lye, rhod., sul. Throbbing—baryt, ferr. phos., sul. Tingling—helb, naja, rhus, selen., ♦sub, ver. v. Ulcerative —canth. 876 CHAPTER XL. — SKIN Papules —aeon., aur., borax, cimi , gels., hydroc, kali chlor., kali i., mere b. 1., mere p. i., osm. Patches—♦aib, nat. phos., nux m. Pemphigus—canth., nat. in., ranunc, rhus, sepia, sib, thuj. Petechias —aib, arn., ♦ars., berb., con., led., mur. a., phos., secale. Phagedena—mere cor., sil. Phlegmonous —arn., euphorb., ♦rhus, sil. Pimples-ant c, ♦ars., arum, baryt, berb. aq., berb., bovist, brom., calc c, calc. s., caust., cham., cheb, ferr. phos., ♦hep. s.. hyper., iod., kali chlor., kali s.,mur. a., naja., sars., sub, tarax. Pityriasis—sil. Pocks—♦ant. t, kreos., mur. a. Polypi - phos. Pores- nit. a., sabin., sul. Proud flesh—graph., petrol., sil. Pruritus —mez. Psoriasis - berb. aq., calc. t, hydras., phos. Purpura hasmorrhagica—phos. Pustules —ant. e, ♦ant. t, apis, arg. n., ♦ars., ♦belb, brom., calc. s , camph., cheb, cimi., cinch., crot. t, dulc, euphorb., hydras., hydroc, hyos., kali bi., kalibr., kali chlor., kali i., kali n., kreos., lach., mere, mere b. i., phos., pod., psor., ♦rhus, secale, sepia, ♦sib, viola t. Rash—♦aeon., ♦aib, ♦am. e, am. m., ant. t, apis, ♦arum, bovist, bry., carb. v., cham., coff., hep. s., hydras., hyos., ipec , lach., lith., mere cor., mez., nat. m., nit. a., phos., phyt., rhus. sars , selen., ♦stram., ver. a. Raw—lye, mere Rhagades—alum., calc. c, lye, mang., nit. a., puis., sars., sib, sub, zinc Ringworms, herpes circinnatus—baryt., calc. c., eup pert, lith., phyt., sepia, ♦tell. Rough—berb. aq., bovist., hyper., iod., lith., mere, mez., nat. c, sul. Rubbing—calc. c, carbol. a., crot. t., urt. u., ver. v. Rupia—mez , nat. m. Sallow— ferr., pod. Scabs—alum., apis, bovist., calc. s., dulc, kali bi., kali chlor., mere b. i., ♦mez., nat. ars., nat. phos., nat. s., olean., pod., ruta, staph., sub, viola t. Scalds— calc. s. Scaly—ant c, apis, ♦ars.,belb,berb. aq., cact., calef.,calc ph., clem., hydroc, kali c, kali chlor., kali s., mag. c, mere, mez., nat. ars., nat. m., nux m., phos., psor., sub, thuj. Scarlatina, scarlet fever—♦aeon., ♦aib, ♦am. c, ♦apis, arg. n., *ars., ♦arum, *belh, bry., camph., coff., ferr., hyos., mur. a., nit. a., phos., phyt., rhus. ♦stram., sub, ver. a., ver. v. Scorbutic—carb. v., kali chlor. Scurfs — calc. c, cham., cic, kali bi., kali n., led., mez., mur. a., ♦ranunc, sub, viola t. CHAPTER XL.—SKIN 877 Scratching—aeon., alum., am. c, ant. c, arg. m., ♦ars., baryt, belb, benz. a., berb., borax, bovist., crot. t, dulc, guaiac, helb, hep. s., ipec, kali c, kali n., mez., psor., rhus, selen., sepia, staph., ♦sub, thuj., viola t. Better from—am. c, benz. a., carbol. a., guaiac, ign., kali c, mag. c, nat. m., psor., ver. v. Unchanged from—aeon., arg. m., baryt., helb Worse from—bism., caps., mere, puis. Scrofula—calc. ph., cist. Scurvy—staph. Secretions—alum.,anae, arn., ars., asaf., calc. s., cinch., con., crot. t., dulc, ♦euphorb., fluor. a., ♦graph., ign., kali bi., kali chlor., kali s., mere, mill., nat. m., nat. s., olean., ranunc, Trhus, ruta, sang., sars., sib, sub, viola t. Sensations—belb, borax, brom., hyos., nit. a. Cold—aib, camph., nuxm., phyt., secale, tabac,ver. a., ver. v. Creeping — naj., ♦secale. Crawling—berb., ferr. phos., cham., osm. Dead —mez. Formication—nat c, secale. Itching—aeon., ♦aethus., agar., aib, alum., am. c, ♦am. m., anae, ant. c, ant. t, ♦apis, arg. m., arg. n., ♦ars., ♦arum, aur., baryt., benz. a., berb., bism., borax, bovist., brom., bry., calc. e, calc. ph , canth., caps., ♦carbol. a., carb. an., carb. v., caust., cham., cheb, cimi., cist., clem., con., crot. t, doli., dulc, euphorb., fluor.a., ♦graph., guiac, helb, hep. s., hydras., hydroc, hyper., iod., ipec, kali bi., kali c, kali chlor., kali i., kali n., kali s., kreos., lach., lact. a., led., lith., lye, mag. e, mang., mere, mere b. i., mere p. i., ♦mez., mur. a., myr. c, naja, nat. ars., nat. e, nat. m., nat s., nit. a., nuxv., olean., opium, osm., petrol., phos. a., pod., psor., ♦puis., ♦ranunc, ♦rhus, rumex, ruta, sabin., sang., sars., sepia, sib, spong.,stram., ♦sub, sul. a., tabac, urt. u., ver. v., viola t, zinc Shining—♦aeon., arn., lye, mere, nat. s. Shriveled—calc. c , phyt, sars.. ver. v. Smooth -aeon., ♦belb, puis. Sores —♦arg. n., kali chlor., arn., ars., calc. s., ferr. phos., hep. s., hyper., ign., kali chlor., kali s., lach., nat. phos. Spots, maculae —aeon., aethus., aib, anae, apis, arn., ars.,bapt., benz. a., berb., bovist,♦bry., camph.,carb. v., crot. t, dulc, eup. pert, ferr., fluor. a., gels., helb, hydroc, hyos., kali bi., kali e, kali n., ♦lach., lact. a., led., mang., mere, mez., nat. m., nit. a., nux m., opium, osm., petrol., phos., phyt, plumb., selen., sepia, sub, sub a., tabac, thuj., viola t. Spots like flea-bites—aeon., arg. m., ars., dulc, myr. c, nat. e Squamae—fluor. a., nat. ars., ♦phos. a., viola t. Stings—ant. c, ♦apis, arn., led., nat. m. Stripes—calc. c, lye Suppurations—borax, calc. c, calc. s., cham., cic, ferr. phos., 878 CHAPTER XL.—SKIN ♦hep. s., kali bi., lye, mang., mere, mez., nat. e, phyt.,plumb., puis., ♦sib, ♦sub Sycosis—kali chlor., nat. s., phos. a., tarax., ♦thuj. Syphilis—benz. a., calc. s., cist, kali chior., lith., mere, mere b. i., mere cor., mere p. i., nit. a., phyt. Sweat—camph., cham., kalm., led., mere cor., nat. phos., nux m., sil. Swellings—♦aeon., agar., ♦apis, arn., belb, berb., carb. an., cist., kali chlor., lach., lye, mang., naja, nat. s., ♦rhus, ♦stram., sul. Tetters—aethus.,bovist.,caust, clem., con., doli., dulc, guaiac, hyper., nat. m., phyt, sepia. Transparent—apis, ranunc Tuberculosis—calc. ph., fluor. a., psor., sib, thuj. Tumors—♦baryt., ♦lye, puis. Ulcers—alum., ant. c, arn., ars., asaf., aur., baryt, bism., borax, calc. c, calc. ph., calc. s., canth., carb. v., cham., cheb, cinch., cist., con., dulc, ferr., ferr. phos., fluor. a., ♦graph., helb, ♦hep. s., hyos., ign., kali bi., kali br., kali c, kali chlor., lach., lye, ♦mere, mere b. i., mere cor., ♦mez., mill., mur. a., nat. c, nit. a., nux m., petrol., phos., phos. a., phyt, plumb., puis., ranunc, ruta, sang., sars., secale, selen., sepia, ♦sib, staph., sub, thuj., viola t Unhealthy—borax, calc. c, calc. s., cham., graph., ♦hep. s., petrol., viola t. Urticaria, nettle rash, hives—♦apis, bapt., belb, bovist., bry., calc c, carb. v., con., ♦dulc, hep. s., hyper., kali s., kreos., ♦lye, nat. m., nit.a., nux v., psor., puis., rhus, sang.,'urt u. Vaccination—kali chlor., sib, thuj. Varicella—ant. c, ♦ant. t, hyos. Varices—berb., mill. Varicose—arn., carb. v., secale. Variola, smallpox—am. m., ant. e, ♦ant. t, ♦ars., bapt, cinch., hydras., kali bi., kali chlor., kali s., mere, mill., nat. m., phos., ♦phos. a., rhus, secale, sib, ♦stram., thuj., ver. v. Vesicles—ant. c, ant. t, ars., ♦carbol. a.,' carb. an., crot. t, euphorb., fluor a., hep. s., hyos., kali chlor., kali n., mere, mere cor., ♦mez., mill., nat. m., nat. s., osm., phos., ♦ranunc, ♦rhus, rumex, ♦stram., ♦sub Warts—acet. a., anae, ant. c, arg. n., baryt., benz. a.,bovist., calc. c, dulc, ferr., nat. s., phos. a., sabin., sib, staph., ♦thuj. Waxen—♦acet. a., apis, sil. Welts—lye, petrol. Wheels—apis, kreos. Withered—ferr., nat. m. Wounds—baryt., borax, calc. c, calc. s., carb. v., ferr. phos., led., petrol., plumb., puis., ♦sib, ♦sub, sul. a. Wrinkled—secale, ver. a. Zoster, shingles, zona—doli., kali chlor., mere, mez., nat. m., rhus, ranunc, sib, thuj., zinc. CHAPTER XLI.-AGGRAVATIONS. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Aconitum. °In evening and night; when lying on the (left) side or on the back; after getting in bed; when rising; in warm room; from tobacco smoke. When lying on painful side; from fright, anger, chagrin, vexation. .Esculus. In morning and from motion; walking; breathing deeply; after eating; from swallowing. /Ethusa. -Mornings; at night; after meals; on rising from seat; from nursing; from deep inhalation. Agaricus. ^In mornings; after eating; after excessive sexual indulgence; at night; in cold air; from mental application; from sun's rays; during repose; before a thunder-storm. Ailantus. -Generally worse mornings. Aloe. ^Frorn heat; during hot, damp weather; in the morning; afternoon; evening; open air; from motion; while standing; after eating. Alumina. Tn morning, on awaking; evening; during day (leucorrhoea); winter; new and full moon; on alternate days; from motion; taking cold food; potatoes; soup. Ambra. In morning; at night; from warm drinks; in warm room; from reading or talking aloud; from lying down; from music. Ammonium carb. Morning, evening, and night; during and after eating; from ascending; from stooping; in open air; in bed, stormy weather; at rest. Anacardium. °In morning,and evening till midnight; from ris- ing up. Angustura. °In morning; while sitting. ♦Antimonium crud. °Morning, evening and night; after eating; ♦from wine; after bathing; from motion; from heat of sun; from touch. Antimonium tart. After eating or drinking; after lying down; from motion; at night; from warmth; in damp, cold weather. s?<» 880 CHAPTER XLI.—AGGRAVATIONS Apis. In morning: aching; diarrhoea; mucus in mouth; hoarse- ness; sleepiness. Afternoon: intermittent. Night: headache; pain in eye and chest. From exercise; warmth. ♦Argentum met. ♦Symptoms are renewed at noon; Jfrom being touched; from lying on back ♦Argentum nit. ♦At night; -in morning; from warmth; from cold food; from walking or riding; after eating. Arnica. In morning; at rest; lying down; from wine. ♦Arsenicum. ♦At night, especially after midnight (i to 3 a. m. ); from cold in general; cold air; cold food (ice cream;; cold drinks; cold washing; after eating and drinking; from lying with head low. Arum tri. Generally in morning; from lying down; from north- west wind. Asafcetida. °Most symptoms while sitting. Aurum met. -In morning; on getting cold; while reposing; from contradiction; grief; disappointed love. Baryta carb. -In morning; while sitting; when thinking of symptoms; from moistening or washing the part; when lying on painful side. Belladonna. ♦After 3 p. m., and again after midnight. The least jar of bed or chair in which she sits. -On moving; from touch; from draft of air; from sudden changes; from warm to cold weather; from heat of sun; while drinking. Bromium. GIn the evening till midnight; left side most affected. Bryonia.cMornings and evenings; from motion; from heat; from warm food; while sitting; while lying, especially on painless side; before a thunder-storm; while coughing. Caladium. °Most symptoms worse indoors. Calcarea carb. cMorning, evening, or after midnight; from cold and cold air; on ascending a height; during and after coition; from walking; from milk; near or during full moon; after eating; from exertion. Calcarea phos. °Momings; evenings; from motion; artificial light; from cold; after eating; from juicy fruit; from change of weather; or from getting wet in rain. Camphora. °At night; in the dark: from motion; from cold or cold air. Cannabis ind. Mornings; nights; from coffee; while eating; from liquor and tobacco CHAPTER XLI.—AGGRAVATIONS 881 ♦Capsicum. *After drinking; °morning on waking; evening after eating; from cold; on beginning to exercise. Carbo ani. °Mostly in morning and evening; from cold; from open air. Carbo veg. -Morning, evening and night; debility worse at noon; in warm,damp weather; changes of weather; from over-lifting. Caulophyllum. °In open air. ♦Causticum. ♦Generally morning and evening; -in open air. Cepa. -Prominently in evening and in warm room. Chamomilla. °In morning; at night; from anger; from cold; from lying down; during sweat; during sleep. Chelidonium. °Mornings; afternoons; ailments renewed on change of weather. Chininum ars. °At night; after midnight; every day or every other day; from damp, cold weather. Cimicifuga. cIn morning; at night; from motion; during menses. Cina. At night; when looking fixedly at an object; from ex- ternal pressure. Cinchona. cFrom slightest touch; from drafts of air; in morn- ing; at night; after eating or drinking; from milk; from walking; from motion; every other day; from loss of fluids. Cistus. -In morning; in evening; at night; from fruit; from mental excitement. Cocculus. -All the symptoms and pains.especially in the head, are aggravated by drinking; eating; sleeping; walking; riding in a carriage; smoking; exertion; and by cold air. Coccus cacti. cMost symptoms worse mornings,and from warmth, especially warmth of bed. Colchicum. cAt night; from mental exertion; from rising up in bed; from motion; in autumn. Colocynthis. °In evening; at rest; from motion; after eating and drinking; from anger. Conium. °At night; during rest; while sitting; while eating; and while lying down. Crocus. cIn morning. Cuprum met. By contact; from vomiting. Dioscorea. cIn evening, after lying down; at night; from doub- ling up. Dulcamara. At night; when at rest; from cold air; in wet weather; from cold change of weather. S.^2 CHAPTER XLI.—AGGRAVATIONS Euphrasia. In morning; while in bed; indoors; in evening. Ferrum met. °At night; in morning; after eating and drinking; while at rest, especially while sitting still; from noise; from con- versation; from heat; from motion. Fluoric acid. °In morning; at rest; on rising; when standing; when sitting. Gambogia. °In evening or night. Most symptoms come on while sitting, and go off during motion in open air. Gelsemium. °From walking; from warmth of bed; from smok- ing; from wine; after midnight; in damp weather; from change of weather. Glonoinum. GFrom motion; from wine; from shaking or jarring the parts; from heat of sun. Graphites. At night; in morning; from becoming cold; dur- ing, and after menses; from suppressed menses; on beginning to walk. Guaiacum. -From motion; while sitting; in morning after ris- ing or in .evening before lying down. Hepar sulph. °At night; in morning; from cold air; from touch- ing the parts; during sleep; when swallowing. Hyoscyamus. -In evening; after eating and drinking; in hot room; during menses. Ignatia. °In morning immediately after waking; in evening after lying down; after dinner; from slight touch; from tobacco, coffee, alcohol. Iodium. °At night; in afternoon; by walking or riding; from pressure; from warmth; from rising in bed. Ipecacuanha. °After lying down; morning and evening; from warm, moist wind; south wind. Iris. °In evening and at night; from rest; also from motion; better from continued motion. Kali bichrom. cIn morning; after eating; from cold. Kali brom. In evening. ♦Kali carb. ♦In morning about 2 or 3 o'clock; °at rest; from cold, and from becoming cold. Kali iod. ♦At night; in cold air; at rest; better from motion. Kali nit cWarmth of stove; during wet, cold weather; cold things; while perspiring; in open air; during full moon; after eat- ing veal; from camphor. CHAPTER XLI.—AGGRAVATIONS 883 Kali sulf. °A11 ailments worse in evening,or in warm room; bet- ter in the cool open air. Kreosotum. -In morning; at night; in open air; from growing cold; cold weather; cold bathing; cold food; from rest. ♦Lachesis. ♦After sleep; cin morning; in evening; after eating; from acids or alcoholic drinks; from sun's rays; in open air; from extremes of temperature. Ledum. °From heat, especially heat of bed; from motion; at night; from wine. Lilium tig. cAt night; from loss of self-control. Lobelia. From cold, especially cold washing. ♦Lycopodium. ♦All symptoms worse from 4 to 8 p. m. ; °on lying down; while sitting; after eating; from moistening the parts; on beginning to move. Magnesia carb. -At night; while at rest; while sitting; in cold weather. Magnesia mur. Most symptoms appear while sitting, are re- lieved by motion, by exercise, and in the open air. ♦Manganum. ♦At night; Trom changes of weather,which some- times also ameliorate; symptoms coming on indoors are better in open air, and vice versa. ♦Mercurius. ♦In the evening; at night from heat of bed; during perspiration; in wet weather; in cold,evening air; in fall, with warm days, and damp, cold nights; during exercise; from lying ,on right side. Mercurius cor. Tn evening and at night; from acids; in open air; from fat food; from motion. ♦Mercurius prot. iod. ^In the evening and at night; -from pas- sive motion; from rest. Mezereum. In evening; at night; from contact; by motion; in damp weather. ♦Natrum carb. -During a thunder-storm; in forenoon; after slightest exertion; after meals; while sitting; from talking. Natrum mur. -While lying down, especially in morning, or evening; at 10 a. m. ; after exertion; in heat of sun; heat in general. Natrum sulf. -From dampness; damp change of weather. Nitric acid. cIn evening and at night; in morningj from change of temperature or weather; on waking; while walking; on rising from a seat; from touch. 88.| CHAPTER XLI.—AGGRAVATIONS Nux mos. From cold, damp weather; from washing or getting wet; from riding in a carriage; after eating or drinking; from spir- ituous liquors. ♦Nux vom. ♦From mental exertion; in morning; after eating, especially after dinner; from motion; from slight touch; in open air; in dry weather. QEnanthe croc. °A11 symptoms worse from water. Opium. -From heat; from brandy, wine; while perspiring; dur- ing and after sleep. Oxalic acid. °A11 symptoms and pains reappear when thinking about them ; from sugar, coffee, wine. Petroleum. °Before and during a thunder-storm; from riding in a carriage, or ship; in open air. ♦Phosphorus. ♦Before midnight; during a thunder-storm; when lying on back, or on left side. Phosphoric acid. cAt rest; at night; from uncovering; from warm food. Physostigma. -Mostly in morning; from exercise; from mental activity. Phytolacca. °Pains always worse at night. Platinum. -In evening; in room; at rest. Plumbum. -At night; while lying in bed; from drinking. Podophyllum. °In morning; 2 to 4 p. m. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦In evening; °every other evening; at night: from warmth of bed; while lying down,especially on left side; in warm room; after eating,especially fat food,pork, ice-cream,fruit, pastry. Ranunculus bulb.°From changes of temperature; mornings; even- ings; touch; motion; change of position; from alcoholic drinks. Rheum. °From uncovering; from cold. ♦Rhododendron. *In morning; while at rest; before thunder- storm; in cold, damp weather. Rhus tox. ♦While at rest; after midnight; before storms; on rising from a seat or bed; on beginning to move; from getting wet; in wet weather; from north-easterly winds. ♦Rumex. ♦In evening; on lying down; from cool air; in raw, cold weather. Ruta. °During rest; while sitting; in cold, wet weather. Sambucus. °While at rest. Sanguinaria. °Morning and evening; from light, noise, and motion. CHAPTER XL1. - AGGRAVATIONS 885 ♦Secale. ♦From warmth; during menses. Selenium. Pains and most symptoms worse after sleep; from draft of air. Sepia. -Morning and evening; after eating; while sitting; after sexual excesses. ♦Silicia. ♦During new moon; from motion; -at night; in morn- ing; from uncovering head. Spigelia. -From motion; noise; inspiration; touch; turning the eyes. Spongia. -At night; lying with head low; in the room; when ascending. Stannum. -From motion; from talking; when descending. Staphisagria. At night and in morning; from loss of fluids; sexual excesses; onanism; from touch. Stillingia. -Afternoons; from damp air; from motion. Stramonium. When alone; in the dark; from being touched; from looking at glistening objects; when attempting to swallow, especially liquids. ^Sulphur. ♦During rest; -in evening, or after midnight; from warmth of bed; when standing; from touch; from washing or bathing; in open air. Sulphuric acid. In open air; after dinner; in cold, wet weather. Taraxacum. -Almost all the symptoms appear while sitting, and disappear when walking. Thuja occ. In morning and forenoon; after 3 p. m. ; during rest; from heat of bed; from spirituous liquors; from tobacco. Ustilago. -From motion. ♦Valeriana.^ While sitting or standing; °in morning; in evening. Veratrum alb. After drinking: before and during stool; on rising. Veratrum vir. °On rising; on walking; in evening; from motion. Viburnum op. Evening and night; in warm room; left side most affected. ♦Zincum met. ♦Most symptoms appear after dinner, and toward evening. From wine; °nux vom.; during rest; while sitting; from heat: during menses. REPERTORY. Acids, from—lach., mere. cor. Afternoon, during—aloe, apis, ♦belb, cheb, iod., still. 886 CHAPTER XLI. —AGGRAVATIONS Air, from cold—agar., ars., calc. e, camph., cocc, dulc, hep. s., kali i., rumex. Air, in cold evening—mere Air, from damp—still. Air, from draft of—belb, cinch., selen. Air, from open—aloe, am. c, carb. an., caul., ♦caust, kali n., kreos., lach., mere cor., ♦nux v., petrol., sub, sul. a. Alcoholic drinks—can. i., ign., lach., nux v., ranunc, thuj. Alone, when —stram. Alternate days—alum. Anger, from —aeon., alum., cham., coloc. Ascending, from—am. c, calc. c, spong. Autumn, during—colch., mere Awaking, on—alum., caps., ign., nit. a. Bathing, from—♦ant. e, kreos., sul. Bed, after getting into—aeon. Bed, from warmth of—cocc. c, led., mere, puis, sub, thuj. Bed, from rising up in—colch., iod., rhus. Bed, while in—euphr., plumb. Brandy, from opium. Breathing eleeply—aescub, aethus. Camphor, from — kali n. Changes, from sudden—bell. Chagrin, from—aeon. Coffee, from—can. i , ♦ign., oxal. a. Coition, during and after—calc. c. Cold, from—ars., calc. c, calc ph., camph., caps., carb. an., cham., kali bi., kali c, lob., rheum. Cold, on getting—aur., graph., kali c, kreos. Cold things, from taking—kali n. Cold applications—aloe. Contact, by- cupr., mez. Contradiction, from—ver. v. Conversation, from —ferr. Dampness, from—nat. s. Dark, in—camph., stram. Day, during —alum. Day, every—chin. ars. Day, every other—alum., chin, ars., cinch. Descending, when—stann. Dinner, after -ign., ♦nux v., sub a., ♦zinc. Doors, in—calad., euphr., mang. Doubling up, from—dios. Drinking, after—ant. t, ars., ♦caps., cinch., coloc, ferr., hyos., nux m., oenanth., ver. a. Drinking, from—cocc, plumb. Drinking, while—bell. Drinks, alcoholic—lach., ranunc. Drinks, from cold—ars. Drinks, from warm—ambr. CHAPTER XLI.—AGGRAVATIONS 887 Eating, after—aescub, agar., aloe, am. c, ant. c, ant. t, arg. n., ars., bry., calc. e, calc. ph., caps., cinch., coloc, ferr., hyos., kali bi., lach., lye, nux m., ♦nux v., puis., sepia. Eating—during—am. e, can. i., con. Eating, from—cocc. Eating veal, after—kali n. Evening, during—aeon., aloe, alum., am. c, anae, ant.. e, brom., bry., calc. c., calc. ph., caps., carb. an., carb. v., ♦caust, cepa, cist., coloc, dios., euphr., gamb., guaiac, hyos., ign., ipec, iris, kali br., kali s., lach., lye, ♦mere, mere cor., mere p. i., mez., nat. in., nit. a., plat., ♦puis., ranunc, rumex, sang., sepia, sub, valer., viburn., ♦zinc Evening, every other—puis. Excitement, from mental—cist. Exercise, after—agar., nat. c, nat. m. Exercise, from beginning to —caps. Exertion, from—apis. calc. c, cocc, mere, nat. m. Exertion, from mental—agar., colch., ♦nux v. Fall, with warm days and damp, cold nights—mere Fluids, from loss of—cinch., staph. Food, from cold—alum., arg. n., ars., kali n., kreos. Food, from fat—mere cor., puis. Food, from warm- bry., phos. a. Forenoon, during—nat. c, thuj. Four to eight p. m.—♦lye Fright, from—aeon. Fruit, from eating—calc. ph., cist, puis. Grief—aur. Heat, from—bry., ferr., led., nat. m., opium, zinc. Heat of bed, from—led., ♦mere, ♦sub Ice-cream, from eating—ars., puis. Inspiration, from—aethus., spig. Jar, from—♦belb, glon. Lifting, from over—carb. v. Light, from—sang. Light, from artificial—calc. ph. Looking at glistening objects, from—stram. Looking fixedly at anything, from—cina. Loss of fluids, from—cinch., staph. Love, from disappointed—aur. Lying, while—bry. Lying down, after—ant t. dios., ign., ipec Lying down, before—guaiac. Lying down, from—ambr., am., aur., cham., con., dios., lye, nat. m., puis., rumex. Lying on back, from—aeon., arg. m , phos. Lying in bed, during—plumb. Lying on side—aeon. Lying, with head low, from- ars., spong. Lying on left side, when—aeon., ♦phos., puis. Lying on right side, when—aeon., mere 888 CHAPTER XLI. — AGGRAVATIONS Lying on painful side, when—baryt., aeon. Lying on painless side—bry. Meals, after—octhus , ant. c Menses, after—graph. Menses, during - cimi.. graph., hyos., secale, zinc Menses, from suppressed— graph. Mental application—agar., ♦nux v. Midnight, after—♦ars., ♦belb, calc e, chin, ars., gels., rhus, sul. Midnight, before—♦phos. Midnight, to—anae, brom. Milk, from taking—calc. c, cinch. Moistening parts, from—baryt, lye Moon, during full—alum., calc. c, kali n. Moon, during new—alum., ♦sil. Morning—aescub, aethus., agar., aib, aloe, alum., ambr., am. c, anae, angast, ant. c, apis, arg. n., arn., arum, aur., baryt, bell , bry., calc c, calc. ph., can. i., caps., carb. an., carb. v, ♦caust, cham., cheb, cimi., cinch., cist., cocc. c, croc, euphr., ferr., fluor. a., graph., guaiac,hep. s., ign., ipec, kali i., ♦kali c, kreos., lach., nat. m., nit. a., nux v., pod., ranunc, rhod., sang., sepia, sib, staph., thuj., valer. Motion, from—aescub, aloe, alum., ant. c, ant. t, belb, bry., calc. ph., camph., cimi., cinch.,colch., coloc, ferr., glon., guaiac, iris, led., mere cor., mez., ♦nux v., ranunc, sang., ♦sib, spig., stann., still., ustib,ver. v. Motion, from passive—mere p. i. Move, on beginning to—lye, rhus. Music—ambr. Night, at —aeon., aethus., agar., ambr., am. c, ant. c, ant. t, apis, ♦arg. n., ♦ars., cham., can. i., carb. v., cham., chin, ars., cimi., cina, cinch., cist., colch., con., dios., dulc, ferr., gamb., graph., hep. s., iod., iris, ♦kali i., kali n., kreos., led., lib, ♦mang., ♦mere, mere cor., ♦mere p. i., mez., mill., nit. a., phos. a., phyt , plumb., puis., sib, spong., staph., viburn. Nights, damp, cold—mere Noise, from—ferr., sang., spig. Noon, at—♦arg. m., carb. v. Nursing, from—asthus. Nux v., from—zinc. Onanism, from—staph. Pastry, from eating—puis. Perspiration, during—cham., kali n., mere, opium. Pork, from eating fat—puis. Position, from change of—ranunc. Potatoes, from eating—♦alum. Pressure, from external—cina, iod. Repose, during—agar., aur. Reading aloud, from—ambr. Rest, from—am. c, am., coloc, con., dulc, ferr., fluor. a., CHAPTER XLI.--AGGRAVATIONS 889 iris, kali c, kali i., kreos., mere p.i., phos., plat, ♦rhod., rhus, ruta, samb., ♦sub, thuj., zinc. Riding, from —arg. n., cocc, iod. Riding in a carriage, from-cocc, nux m.,petrol. Rising, after—guaiac. Rising, when—aeon., fluor. a., ver. a., ver. v. Rising from bed, when—colch., iod., rhus. Rising from seat, when—aethus., nit. a., rhus. Rising up, from—anae, rhus. Rising up in bed, when—colch. Room, in—plat., spong. Room, when in warm—aeon., ambr., cepa, hyos., kali s., puis., viburn. Sailing in ship, when—petrol. Seat, on rising from—nit. a., rhus. Self-control, from loss of—lil. Sexual indulgence, from excessive—agar., sepia, staph. Shaking or jarring the parts—belb, glon. Side, left—brom., viburn. Sitting, while—angust, asaf., baryt., bry., con., fluor. a., gamb., guaiac, lye, mag. m., nat. c, ruta, sepia, tarax., ♦valer., zinc. Sitting stiil, when—ferr. Sleep, after—♦lach., opium, selen. Sleep, during—cham., hep. s., opium. Sleep, from—cocc. Soup, from taking—alum. Standing, from—alum., fluor. a., sub, ♦valer. Stool, before and during—ver. a. Stooping, from—am. c Storms, before—♦rhod., rhus. Storms, during—♦ant. c Sugar, from eating—oxal. a. Sun, from heat of—ant. t , belb, glon., nat m. Sun's rays, from—agar., lach. Swallowing, from—aescub, hep. s., stram. Swallow liquids, from attempting to—stram. Talking aloud, from—ambr. Temperature, from change of—nit. a., ranunc. Thinking of symptoms, when—baryt, oxal. a. Thunder storms, before—agar., bry., petrol., ♦rhod. Thunder storms, during—♦nat. c, petrol., ♦phos. Time of day—♦ars., ♦belb, ♦kali c, kali i., ♦lye, nat. m., pod., tarax. Tobacco, from smoking—aeon., can. i., cocc, gels., ♦ign., thuj. Touch, from—ant. c, arg. m., belb, cinch., cupr., ign., mez., nit. a., ♦nux v., ranunc, spig., staph., stram., sul. Touching the parts, from—hep. s. Turning the eyes, when—spig. Uncovering, from—phos. a., rheum. Uncovering the head—sil. Veal, after eating—kali n. 8oo CHAPTER XLI. —AGGRAVATION.^ Vexation, from—aeon. Vomiting, from—cupr. Walk, on beginning to—graph. Walking, when—nit. a., ver. v. Walking, from—aescub, arg. n., calc. c, cinch., gels., ign., iod., nit. a. Warmth of bed, from—gels., puis., ♦sub, thuj. Warmth, from—ant. t, apis, arg. n., cocc, iod., ♦secale. Warmth of stove, from—kali n. Washing, from—baryt, lob., nux m., sul. Washing in cold water, from—ars., kreos., lob. Weather, from bad, stormy—am. e Weather, from change of—calc. phos., carb. v., cheb, gels., mang., nat. s., nit. a. Weather, from damp—mez., nat. s. Weather, from cold—aloe, kreos. Weather, from cold, damp—ant. t. chin, ars., kali n., nux m., ♦rhod., ruta, still., sul. a. Weather, from dry—♦nux v. Weather, from hot, damp—carb. v. Weather, from cool change—belb, dulc. Weather, from raw, cold—rumex. Weather, from wet—dulc, gels., mere, mez., nat. s., rhus. Wet, from getting—calc. ph., nux m., rhus. Winds, from northeast—rhus. Winds, from northwest—aeon., arum. Winds, from south—ipec. Winds, from warm, moist—ipec Wine, from drinking—♦ant. c, arn., gels., glon., led., opium, oxal. a., ♦zinc Winter, during—alum. CHAPTER XLII.-AMELIORATIONS. SYMPTOMATOLOGY. Aconitum. -In open air; when sitting still (rheumatism) ; from wine; generall)' better when at rest, but during night in bed pains are insupportable. /Ethusa. In open air; after sleep; from bending backward; from motion. Agaricus. -Symptoms generally better from motion; walking. Aloe. cFrom cold applications; during cold weather; from dis- charge of flatus. Alumina. °In open air; from cold washing; while eating warm food. Ambra. °After eating; from cold air; from cold food and drinks. Ammonium carb. °Warm, dry weather; indoors; from pressure. Anacardium. °After midnight; during day; from lying down; from rubbing. Angustura. -'At night; when walking. Antimonium crud. °During rest; in open air. Antimonium tart. °From eructations; by expectorations; from sitting upright and in open, cold air. ♦Apis. ♦Pressure relieves headache. °Cold water: pain,swelling and burning. Argentum nit GFrom fresh air; from eructations. Arnica. °ln evening and at night; from contact and motion. ♦Arsenicum. ♦From warmth in general; °from lying with head high; from motion. Arum tri. °On rising. Asafoetida. °In open air; from motion. Aurum met. °From motion; while walking; on getting warm. Baryta carb. -When walking in open air. Belladonna. cWhen wrapped up well in a warm room. Bromium. GFrom motion; walking; riding on horseback. Sill 892 CHAPTER XLII.— AMELIORATIONS Bryonia. 'In cold weather; in cool room; from cold food; while sitting; while lying, especially on painful side. Caladium. ^In open air and from motion. ♦Calcarea phos. ♦After lying down. Camphora. In open air. Pains disappear when thinking of them. Cannabis ind. cFrom fresh air; from cold water; from rest. Capsicum. -In warmth,and from continued motion. Caulophyllum. -In the room. Cepa. In open air. Chamomilla. °After sweating; on rising; from motion. Chelidonium. -Evenings. Cimicifuga. -From rest; in open air: after eating. Coca. -In open air and after dinner. Colchicum. During repose and in open air. ♦Colocynthis. From bending double; from hard pressure; from coffee; ♦from discharge of flatus. Conium. cFrom motion, especially from walking. Crocus. cIn open air. Cuprum met. From drinking cold water. Dioscorea. -When moving in open air; motion; riding or walk- ing; standing erect. Dulcamara. After rising from seat; from motion; from warmth in general,and dry weather. Euphrasia. °After getting out of bed; outdoors; from eating. Ferrum met. °From slight exercise; from solitude. Fluoric acid. cFrom motion; while walking. Glonoinum. At night, in open air. Graphites. -From eructations; from walking in open air. Hepar sulph. From warmth; from wrapping up warmly. Hyoscyamus. -By stooping; from smoking; from coffee. Ignatia. -When lying on back or on painful side, or from change of position; from hard pressure. Iodium. cFrom cold in general; after sleep; after eating. Iris. From continued motion. Kali bichrom. °From heat; toward evening. Kah carb. -During the day while moving about; from warmth; in the warm air. Kali nit. During warm weather; after perspiring. CHAPTER XLII.—AMELIORATIONS 893 Kreosotum. -From warmth; from motion. Lilium tig. -During day; from fresh air; from keeping busy; in warm room. Lobelia inf. -Toward evening. Lycopodium. c After 8 p. m.; from continued motion; from cold; from warm food and drink. Magnesia carb. °From motion. Mercurius. cDuring day; during rest Mercurius cor. °After breakfast; while at rest. Mercurius prot iod.-During day; in open air,from active motion. Mezereum. cWhen walking in open air (sensitive to cold air); wrapping up head; in dark room. Millefolium. -During the day. Natrum carb. -On motion; from pressure; from rubbing. Natrum mur. -In open air; while fasting; after dinner; from sitting up. Natrum sulf. In open air; after dinner; from motion; at night. Nitric acid. -While riding in a carriage. Nux mos. -In the room; from warm air. Oxalic acid. -In open air. Phosphoric acid. cFrom motion; from warmth. Physostigma. -In open air; while lying down; closing the eyes; from quiet; in warm room; from inhaling camphor. Phytolacca. While lying down (most symptoms). Platinum. -From motion; in open air. Plumbum. -From rubbing. ♦Pulsatilla. ♦In open air; in a cool place; when lying upon the back. Rheum. -From wrapping up; from warmth. Rhus tox. From continuous motion; from moving affected parts; in warm, dry weather. Ruta. -By motion. Sabadilla. -When lying down (most symptoms). Sambucus. °From motion; on sitting up in bed. Sanguinaria. When lying quiet; in dark room; after vomiting. Secale. -In colel air and from getting cold; from sweat. Sepia. °In the open air. Silicia. °From wrapping head; from warmth; in the room. Spongia. cWhen descending; after eating and drinking, espe- cially the cough; when resting in horizontal position. 894 CHAPTER XLII. —AMELIORATIONS Stannum. From walking; when lying on back. Stramonium. In the house; from light and company; from cold water. ♦Sulphur. ♦During motion; on walking. Thuja occ. In the open air; from warmth. Ustilago. During rest. ♦Valeriana. ♦From walking. Veratrum alb. While sitting and lying. Viburnum op. In open air; while moving about. Zincum met. -From camphor; in open air; while eating. REPERTORY. Air, from cold--ambr., ant. t, secale. Air, from fresh—arg. n., can. i., lil. Air, from open—aeon., aethus., alum., ant. c., ant. t., asaf., baryt, calad., camph., cepa, cimi., coca, colch., croc, dios., glon., graph., mere p. i., mez., nat. m., nat. s., oxal. a., physos., plat, puis., sepia, thuj., viburn., zinc. Air, from open, cold—ant. t. Air, when moving in open—dios. Air, when walking in—mez. Air, in warm—kali e, nux m. Applications, from cold—aloe. Back, from lying on—ign., ♦puis. Bed, after getting out of—-aeon., euphr. Bending backward, from—asthus. Bending double, from—♦coloc Breakfast, after—mere cor. Busy, from keeping—lil. Camphor, from—physos., zinc. Coffee, from—coloc. hyos. Cold, from getting—secale. Cold, from—camph., iod., lye, secale. Cold applications, from—aloe. Cold water, from drinking—apis, can. i., cupr., stram. Company, from—stram. Contact, from—arn. Cool place, from being in—♦puis. Dark, in-—camph. Day, during—anae, kali c, lib, mere, mere p. i., mill. Day, when moving about during—kali c. Descending, when—spong. Dinner, after—coca, nat. m., nat. s. Drinks, from cold—ambr., cupr. Drinks, from warm—lye Drinking, after—spong. . Double, from bending—♦coloc CHAPTER XLI1.--AMELIORATIONS 895 Eating, from—alum., euphr., zinc. Eating, after—ambr., cimi., iod., spong. Eight P. m., after—lye Eructations, from—ant. t, arg. n., graph. Evening, during—arn., chel. Evening, toward—kali bi., lob. Exercise, from slight—ferr. Expectoration, by—ant. t Eyes, while closing them—physos. Fasting, while—nat. m. Flatus, from discharge of—aloe, coloc. Food, from warm—alum., lye Food, from cold—ambr., bry. Heat, from—kali bi. House, in—stram. Indoors, from being—am. c. Light, from—stram. Lying down, after—calc. ph. Lying, when—anae , bry., ♦calc ph., physos., phyt, sabad., sang., ver. a. Lying on back, when—ign., :i:puls., stann. , Lying with head high, from—ars. Lying on painful side, when—bry., ign. Lying quiet, when—sang. Midnight, after—anae Motion, during—♦sub,viburn. Motion, from—aethus , agar., arn., ars., asaf., aur., brom., calad., camph., cham., con., dios., dulc, fluor. a., kali c, kreos., mag. c., nat. c", nat. s., nit. a., phos. a., plat., ruta, samb. Motion, from continued—caps., lye, rhus. Motion, from active—mere p. i. Moving affected parts, when—rhus. Night, at—aeon., angust., arn., camph., glon., nat. s. Outdoors, from being—euphr. Position, from change of—ign. Pressure relieves headache—♦apis. Pressure, from—ant. c, nat. c. Pressure, from hard—coloc,ign. Quiet, from—physos., sang. Repose, from—colch. Rest, when at—aeon., ant. c, can. i., cimi., mere, mere cor., spong., ustib Riding, from—dios. Riding on horseback, from—brom. Riding in carriage, from—nit. a. Riding, when--arum., cham. Rising from a seat, after—dulc. Room, when in—bry., nux m., sil. Room, when wrapped up well in warm—bell., lib, physos. Room, when in dark—mez., sang. Rubbing, from—anae, nat. c, plumb. 8g6 CHAPTER Xl.II.—AMELIORATIONS Sitting, while—bry , ver. a. Sitting up, while—nat. m., ver. a. Sitting up in bed, when—samb. Sitting upright, when—ant. t. Sitting still, when—aeon. Sleep, after—asthus., iod. Smoking, from—hyos. Solitude, from—ferr. Standing erect, from—dios. Stooping, when—hyos. Sweating, after—cham., kali n., secale. Tobacco, from smoking—hyos. Vomiting, after —sang. Walking, when—agar., angust., aur., baryt, brom., coloc,dios., fluor. a., graph., stann., ♦sub, ♦valer. Walking in open air, when—baryt., graph., mez. Warm, on getting—aur. Warmth in general, from—♦ars., dulc. Warmth, from—caps., dulc, hep. s., kali c, kreos., phos. a., rheum, sib, thuj. Washing, from cold—alum. Water, from cold —apis, can. i., cupr., stram. Weather, during cold-^aloe, bry. Weather, during dry—dulc. Weather, during warm—kali n. Wine, from drinking—aeon. Wrapped up well in warm room—bell. Wrapped up warmly, from being—hep. s., rheum. Wrapping up head, from—mez., sil. INDEX TO REPERTORIES. (Numbers occurring below refer to chapters.) Abortion—23, 24. Abrasions—39. Abscesses—5, 18, 24, 28, 31, 34, 39, 40. Acrid—20, 21. Adhesions—39 Agony—1, 8. Albuminuria, albumen in urine—21, 24, 27,39. Alopecia, baldness—4. Amaurosis, blindness—5. Amblyopia, weak sight—5. Amenorrhoea, menses absent—23. Anaemia, bloodlessness—39. Anaesthesia, loss of sense of touch—13, 35. Anasarca, dropsy—39. Anchylops, incipient lachrymal fistula—5. Anchylosis, stiff joint—33. Aneurism, tumor of artery—29, 39, 40. Apathetic, want of passion or emotion—1, 8. Aphonia, loss of voice—25. Aphthae, thrush — 1, 9, 12, 13, 23. Apoplexy, congestion of brain, or rupture of its blood-vessels, with sudden loss of sensation and motion—2, 3, 35. Appetite, desire for food—14, 39. Apyrexia, intermission of fever—37. Ardor urinae, scalding urine—21. Arthritis, inflammation of joints—5, 39. Ascites, abdominal dropsy—19, 39. Asphyxia, interrupted respiration—24, 26. Asthenopia, weak sight—5. Astigmatism, irregular refraction—5. Asthma, difficult breathing—26, 27. Atony, defect of muscular power—23, 29, Atrophy, emaciation—3, 18, 22, 23, 24, 39. Aura epileptica, a tingling sensation before an epileptic fit—35. Aversions—1, 14, 37. Balanitis, inflammation of glans penis—22. Barking—26, 27. Bedsores—40. Biliousness, see "Liver"—16, 18, 20. Bites—1, 10, 11, 12, 40. Blenorrhcea, flow of mucus—20, 21. Bloated—17, 18, 19, 32, 39. 897 898 INDEX TO REPERTORIES Bloody—20, 21. Breath—12, 26. Bright's disease, granular degeneration of kidneys—21, 39. Bronchiectasis, dilatation of bronchial tubes—39. Bruises—39, 40. Buboes,lymphatic swellings—19, 22, 39. Bulimia, voracious appetite—14. Bunion, disease of joint of great toe—34. Cachexia, a bad habit of body—8. Cadaverous, death-like—8, 27. Callosities, hard places on skin— 33. Cancer, a malignant disease—7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17. 23, 24, 39. Cancrum oris, fetid ulcers in mouth—11, 12. Cardialgia, pain in stomach—17. Carditis, inflammation of heart—29. Caries, ulceration of bone—10, 13, 34, 39. Carphologia, picking at bedclothes—1. Catalepsy, a spasmodic disease—35. Cataract, opacity of lens—5. Catarrh, mucous flow—3, 5, 6, 7, 17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 39. Cephalaematoma, a bloody tumor—39. Cerumen, ear wax—6. Chalazae, tumor of eyelids—5. Chancres, syphilitic ulcers—22, 39, 40. Chancroids, non-infecting venereal ulcer—22, Chemosis, disease of cornea—5. Children's diseases—1, 20, 24, 27. Chilblains, inflammation of skin from cold—34. Chlorosis, green sickness—8, 23, 29, 39, 40. Choking—25, 27. Cholera—20, 35. Cholera infantum, summer complaint—20. Chordee, painful downward curvature of penis—22. Chorea, convulsive motion of limbs—35. Chronic troubles—3, 5, 7, 16, 20, 27. Cicatrices, scars—39, 40. Climacteric, change of life—23. Coitus, coition—22, 23. Cold, disposition to take—4, 7. Colic—17, 19, 20. Collapse—1, 8. Color—8, 9, 10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 34. Comatose, torpor, dead sleep—1, 35, 36. Concussions, injuries from falls, blows, etc.—31, 3y. Condylomata, wart like excrescences —7, 9, 20, 22, 23, 40. Confusion—1, 3, 23. Congestion—2, 3, 5, 6, 8,13, 17, 18, 23, 28, 37, 39. Consciousness—1, 2, 35. Contusions, bruises—39, 40. Convulsions, spasms—8, 9, 10, 11, 24, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35. INDEX TO REPERTORIES Corns—32, 34, 40. Corpulence, obesity, fat—39. Coryza, nasal catarrh—7. Cough, tussis—25, 27, 28. Cough, whooping; pertussis—26, 27. Coxalgia, pain in hip-joint—34. Cramps—17, 25, 35. Cries—1, 35. Croup, inflammation of larynx and trachea—13, 20, 25. Curvature, spinal—31, 39. Cuts—37, 39, 40. Cyanosis, blue disease—8, 29, 39. Cystitis, inflammation of bladder—21. Death, see "Suicide." Debility, weakness—20, 22, 32, 35. Deglutition, act of swallowing—13. Delirium, raving, wandering talk—1, 36, 37. Delirium tremens, mania a potu—t. Dengue, a variety of fever with pains—37. Dentition, teething—10, 20. Desires—1, 14, 22, 23, 27. Desquamation, exfoliation—4, 34. Diabetes, sugar in urine—21. Diarrhoea, frequent liquid stools—20. Diaphragmitis, inflammation of diaphragm—17, 18. Diphtheria, acute, gangrenous pharingitis, croup—13, 25, Distention—17, 18, 19. Distortion—5, 8, 11, 33, 35. Dreams- -22, 36. Dropsy—19, 23, 34, 39. Drowsy—8, 36, 37. Drunkards—2, 27. Dryness—4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 20, 25, 27, 33, 40. Dullness—1, 2, 5, 8. Dysentery, bloody or mucous discharges from bowels,with pain—20. Ecchymosis, a soft, blue swelling from a bruise—39, 40. Eclampsia, a convulsive disease—24, 35. Ectropion, eversion of lids—5. Effusion, secretion of fluids from vessels—39. Emaciation, loss of flesh—8, 31, 32, 34, 35, 39. Emissions—22, 36. Emphysema, wind dropsy—26, 27, 28. Emprosthotonos, clonic spasms forward—35. Endocarditis, inflammation of heart—29. Energy—1, 35- Epilepsy, falling sickness—35. Epithelioma, cancroid disease—40. Epulis, tumor of gums—10. Eructations, belchings—16, 17. goo INDEX TO REPERTORIES Excited—i, 35. Excoriations—23. Exhaustion—8, 2$, 32, 34, 35. Exostosis, bony tumor—39, 40. Expectoration- 25, 27, 28. Expression—8. Exudations--12, 13, 25, 39. Faint, syncope—2, 19, 25, 35. Fat 19. Fatigue-35. Fearful -• 1, 8. Felon, see panaritium—33. Fetid odor 7, 19. Fetus, the unborn child —24. Fever- 24 27, 39. Fissure, a deep depression—11, 20, 32, 40. Fistula, a sinuous ulcer, having an external opening—5, 10, 20, 23, 34> 4°- Flatulence, wind or gas - 17, 19, 20. Flickering before eyes—2, 5. Flushes of heat - 8, 22, 23, 37. Foods —15. Foolish—1, 8. Fungus, a spongy morbid growth or granulation—5, 10, 40. Fungus haematodes, bloody tumor-5, 39. Gait, manner of walking—34, 35. Galactorrhcea, excessive flow of milk—24. Gallstones—18. Ganglion, enlargement on a nerve—33. Gangrene, first stage of mortification—10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 28, 32, 33. 34> 39. 4°- Gastritis, inflammation of stomach—17. Ghosts—1. Glaucoma, a greenish or gray opacity—5. Gleet, sequela of gonorrhoea—22. Goiter, tumor of neck—13, 31, 39. Gone feeling—35. Gonocace, sore knee—34. Gonitis, inflammation of knee—34. Gonorrhoea, inflammation of urethra—5, 22. Gout, podagra, arthritis—3, 29, 32, 33, 34, 38,39. Granular lids, trachoma—5. Gressus gallinaceus, hen-like walk—34, 35. Gressus vaccinus, cow-like walk—32, 34. Grinding of teeth—1, 10, 35. Grippe, influenza—7, 25, 27,28. Gurgling—19. Gums—10, 12. Gummata, a soft tumor—39, Haematemesis, vomiting of blood—17. INDEX TO REPERTORIES 901 Haematuria, blood in urine—21. Haemoptysis, spitting of blood—27, 28. Haemorrhage, flow of blood—5, 7, 12, 20, 23, 24, 38, 39. Haemorrhoids, piles, bloody tumors—19, 20, 23, 24. Hallucinations—1, 36. Hawking —13, 25, 37. Heaviness—2, 36. Hectic, habitual cough—27. Hemeralopia, day sight, night blindness—5. Hemicrania, megrim, migraine, one-sided headache—3. Hemiopia, one half of object seen-—3, 5. Hemiplegia, one-sided paralysis—35. Hepatization, lung hardened like liver—28. Hernia, rupture—19. Hiccough, hiccup, singultus—16. Hippocratic, a peculiar expression often seen just before death—8. Hoarse —11, 25, 27. Hydrocele, dropsy of scrotum—22. Hydrocephalus, dropsy of brain—1, 3, 4. Hydrometra, dropsy of womb—39. Hydropericar dium, dropsy of heart—29. Hydrophobia, rabies—1. Hydrothorax, dropsy of chest—26, 28, 39. Hyperaemia, excess of blood—3, 39. Hyperaesthesia, excess of feeling—29, 35. Hyperinosis, excess of fibrine in blood—39. Hypermetropia, hyperopia, imperfect refraction of lens—5. Hypopyon, abscess of cornea—5. Hysteria, nervous paroxysm—1, 13, 23, 27, 35. Ichorous, acrid—7, 23. Imbecile, mentally weak—1. Impotent, incapable of procreating—22. Incontinence, inability to retain natural evacuations—21. Induration, hardness—8, 9, n, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 39. Inflammation—3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40. Influenza, grippe—25. Injuries—5, 33, 35, 39, 40. Insensibility—1, 2, 11, 32, 33, 35, 40. Insomnia, want of sleep—36. Inspiration—26, 28. Itch, scabies—40. Intermittent, paroxysmal—23, 29, 37. Intussusception, reception of one part within another—19. Iritis, inflammation of iris—5. Irritability—1, 17, 20, 21, 27, 35. Ischuria, retention of urine —21. Involuntary—20, 21. Jactitation, restlessness—33, 35. Jaundice, yellow color—8, 18, 40. 902 INDEX TO REPERTORIES Jerking—32, 34, 35, 36. Keratitis, inflammation of cornea—5. Kiss—1. Languor, listlessness, with faintness—32, 35, 36. Laryngismus stridulus,crowing inspiration—25. Lasciviousness, lustfulness—1, 22, 23, 36. Laughing—1, 36. Lethargy, marked drowsiness—35, 36. Leucorrhcea, mucous discharge from vagina—23. Leukaemia, leuchaemia, white-blooded—40. Lienteria, undigested food in stools—20 Lochia, discharge after parturition—23,24. Lock-jaw, tetanus—9, 35. Locomotor ataxia, staggering gait—31, 35. Loquacious, talkative—1. Lumps —19, 24, 39, 40. Lupus, a malignant ulcer of face—7, 8, 9, 39, 40. Lying-in women—24, 26. Maculae, spots—40. Malaise, feeling of illness—35. Mania, madness —1, 23, 24. Marasmus, loss of flesh—24, 39. Mastitis, inflammation of breasts—24. Measles, rubeola, an eruptive fever of children—27, 40. Megrim, migraine, one-sided headache—3. Meningitis, inflammation of membranes of brain—3. Menorrhagia, monthly flow—23. Menses, catamenia—23, 39. Meteorism, abdomen elistended by gas—19. Metritis, inflammation of womb—24. Metrorrhagia, haemorrhage from womb—23, 24. Micturition, urination—21. Miliary fever, fever with miliary rash—40. Moaning—1, 16, 26, 35, 36. Moles, tlehy tumor found in uterus—24, 40. Movement of head—3, 4. Movements, involuntary—35. Mucus or phlegm—12, 13, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28, 29, 39. Mumps, parotitis—12. Myelitis, inflammation of spinal cord or its membranes__31. Myopia, near-sightedness—5. Naevus, mother-spots—39, 40. Nausea—16, 24. Necrosis,death of bone—39. Nephritis, inflammation of kidneys —21, 31. Nervous—27, 33, 35, 36. Nightmare, incubus—36. Nodosities-4, 5, 6, 8, 9, n, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40. Nyctalopia, day blindness—5. INDEX TO REPERTORIES 0O3 Nymphomania,lascivious madness in females—23, 24. Obesity, corpulence, fat—39. Obscuration of sight—2, 5. Odor—11, 12, 19, 21, 23. CEdema, dropsical swelling—5, 7, 8, 13, 19, 22, 25, 28, 32, 33, 34- 39, 4°- Onanism—22, 23. Onychia, whitlow, panaritium—33, 39. Opacities—5. Ophthalmia, inflammation of eyes—5. Oposthotonos, clonic spasms backward—35. Orchitis, inflammation of testicles—22. Otitis, inflammation of ear—6, 39. Otorrhcea, discharge from ear—6. Ozaena, fetid ulcer of nose—7. Pains—2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2S, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 4°- Aches—3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 3°, 31, 32> 33, 34- 38. 39- Acute— 3, 17, 18, 23, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34. After-pains—24. Angina—13, 28, 29, 31, 33. Angina pectoris, breast pain—28, 29,31. Arthritic, joint pains—9, 32, 33, 34. Bearing down —18, 20, 23, 24. Beating—3, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 38, 39. Biting—13, 21, 22, 23, 38, 40. Boring—3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 23, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34- 38, 39- Broken—31, 33. Bruised—3, 4. 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 28, 29. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34> 35, 38, 39, 4°- Burning—3, 4. 5> 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 4°- Bursting—3, 4, 28. Cardialgia —17. Catarrhal —3. Catching-18, 29. Chronic—3, 18. Clutching—17, 19, 23. Colicky—17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24. Constrictive—8, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 28, 29, 31. Contractive—17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 31, 34. Contusive—22. Corrosive—8, 17, 30, 40. Coxalgia—34. Crampy—3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 2}, 24, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39- Crick—31. 9°4 INDEX TO REPERTORIES Cutting—3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 33, 34- 39, 4°- Darting—3, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. Digging—3, 8, 10, 17, 21, 32, 39. Dislocated, as if—31, 33, 34. Distress—17, 18, 19, 20, 31. Dragging—18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 31. Drawing—3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39- Dull—3, 6, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. Eroding—17. Expulsive—34. Excruciating—3, 17, 31, 35. Flying, shifting, wandering—34. Gastralgia, pain in stomach, gastrodynia—17. Gnawing—7, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 38, 40. Grasping—34. Grinding—10, 17. Griping- 3, 10, 17, 19, 20, 23. Hammering—3, 34. Hemicrania—3. Ileus, iliac passion—19, 20. Intermittent—3, 10, 18, 23, 28, 39. Irregular labor-pains—24. Jerking—3, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 23, 28, 31, 33, 39. Jumping—10. Kink—31. Labor-pains—19, 23, 24, 31. Lacerating—31, 34. Lameness—11, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38. Lancinating—3, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 23, 24, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38. Lumbago—31. Megrim, migraine—3. Menstrual—3, 10. Nail, as from—3. Nervous—3. Nephralgia—19. Neuralgic—3,4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 17, 19, 22, 23, 2S. 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 4°- One-sided—3. Oppressive—17, 18, 28, 29. Painlessness—38. Paroxysmal—3, 34. Periodical—3, 31, 32. Piercing—3, 6, 8, 13, 18, 19, 22, 24, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, H. 35, 38. Pinching-8, 17, 18, 19, 23, 31, 33. Pleuritic—28. Pleurodynia—30. Pregnancy, during—10. Pressive—3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. 22, 23, 28 29, 3°, 3i, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39- INDEX TO REPERTORIES 905 Prickling, pricking—3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 23, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 4°- Prosopalgia—8. Pulsating—3, 5 6, 8, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 30, 31, 34, 38. Quick—28. Raw—5, 7, 8,9, n, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 28, 33, 34,38,40. Remittent—8, 19, 31. Rending—17, 33, 34. Rheumatic—3, 5, 8, 10, 19, 20, 23,28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 4°- Sciatic—31, 34. Screwing—3. Scraping—12, 13, 25, 28. Semilateral—3. Sensitive—6, 10, 23, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38. 39, 40. Sharp—6, 8, 10, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34. Shifting,flying—3, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38. Shooting—3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 3°, 3i, 32, 33, 34- 35- 38, 39, 4°- Sick headache—3. Smarting—5, 7, 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 32> 33, 34, 35, 38, 4°- Soxe—3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40. Spasmodic—3, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 28. 31, 33, 34, 38. Splitting—3. Sprained—19, 29, 31, 32. 33, 34, 35, 38, 39. Squeezing—3, 17, 21, 23, 29. Stabbing—3, 31, 33, 34. Sticking—3, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 31, 32. 33, 34, 38, 40. Stinging—3, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28,29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 4°- Stitches—3, 4, 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20,21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 3c, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40. Stunning—3, 22. Tearing—3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40. Tender—4, 7, 23, 28, 29, 39. Tenesmus—20, 21. Tensive—3, 7, 8, 9, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39- Throbbing—3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 4°- Tic-douloureux, migraine—8. Tingling—3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 4°- Tormina—20, Torticollis—31. Transient—38. Twisting—17, 18, 19. 906 INDEX TO REPERTORIES Ulcerative—3, 7, 8, 11,13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28, 31, 33, 34, 4°- Violent—3, 5, 10, 17, 19, 21, 23, 33, 34- Wandering, shifting—19. Wrenching—17, 31, 33- Writhing -17, 19, 20. Panaritium, onychia, felon—33, 39. Paralysis, palsy, paresis—3, 5, n, 13, 20, 21, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39- ' Paraplegia, palsy of lower half of body—0, 31, 32, 35. Parts—23, 24, 32, 34, 35- Abdomen—19, 20, 39. Air passages—25, 26, 27, 28. Alae nasi—8. Ankles—32, 34, 39- Anterior chamber—5. Anus—20. Aorta—19, 29. Arachnoid—3. Areolar tissue—39. Arms—32, 33. Arteries—3, 4, 5, *9, 29, 31, 39. Auricles—6. Axillae—28, 30, 31, 32, 33. Back—31. Bladder—21, 22, 39. Blood—29, 34, 39- Blood-vessels—17, 39. Bone-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39- Bowels, intestines—20. Jrachial plexus—33. Brain—3, 39- Bridge of nose—7. Bronchi- -25, 26, 27, 28, 39. Brows—5, 8. Buccal cavity—n, 12. Caecum—19, 20. Calvarium—3. Calves of legs—32, 34. Canthi—5. Capillaries—8, 28, 39. Cardiac orifice—17. Carotids—13, 19, 29, 31. Cartilages—39. Carunculae—5. Cell substance—40. Cellular tissue—39. Cerebellum—3, 4. INPEX TO REPERTORIES Cerebrum—3. Cervix—31. Cervix uteri—23, 24. Cheeks—8. Chest—26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 39. Chin—8, 9. Choanas—7. Choroid—5. Cilia, eyelashes—5. Ciliary bod)'—5. Clavicles—27 28, 30, 33, Coccyx—20, 23, 31. Colon—19. Concha—6. Conjunctiva—5. Connective tissue—39. Cornea—5. Corona glandis—22. Diaphragm—18, 19, 26, 28. Disk—5. Dorsal region of back—31. Dorsum of nose—7. Duodenum—17, 18. Ears—3, 6, 39. Ears, behind—3, 6. Elastic fiber—39. Elbows—33. Enamel of teeth—10. Endo-cardium—39. Ensiform cartilage—17. Epididymis—22. Epigastrium—17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27. Epiglottis—25. Eustachian tubes—6, 13. External ears—6. External parts—39. Eyeballs—5. Eyelids—5. Eyes, orbits, globes—5, 8, 39. Eyes, rings around—8. Face—8, 39. Fascia—39. Fat—19. Fauces—12, 13, 25, 27, 39. Feet—32, 34. Fiber—39. Fibulae—34. Fingers—32, 33. Fluids—39. Fontanelles—3, 4, 39. Forehead—3, 4, 8. DOS INDEX TO REPEPTOR1ES Fraenum of tongue—n. Fraenum of prepuce—22. Frontal region—3. Frontal sinuses—3, 7. Fundus uteri—23. Gall bladder—18. Genitals—22, 23, 39. Glabella—3. Glands—4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 31, 33, 39- Glottis—11, 13, 25, 26. Groins—19, 22, 23, 31, 34. Gums—10, 12, 39. Hair—4, 22. Ham-strings—34; see "Tendons." Hands—32, 33. Head—3, 4, 39- Heart—29, 39. Heels—32, 34. Hips—31, 32, 34. Hypochondria—17, 18, 19, 27. Hypogastrium—17, 19, 20, 23. Ileo-caecal region—20. Iliac region—19. Ilium—24, 31. Inguinal glands—19. Instep—34. Intercostal spaces—28. Internal ear—6. Internal parts—35, 39. Intestines—17, 19, 20, 39. Iris—5. Ischium—34. Jaws, maxillae—8, 9. Joints-9, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39. Kidneys—21, 31, 39. Knees—32, 34. Labia—23. . Lachrymal gland—5. Larynx—13, 25, 26, 27, 28, 39. Legs—32, 34, 39. Lens, crystalline—5. Ligaments —23, 33, 39. Lips—8, 9. Liver—18, 27, 39. Lobes of ear—6. Loins—19, 23, 31, 34. Lumbar region—31. Lungs—26, 27, 28, 39. Lymphatics—39, 40. Malleoli—34. Mammae—23, 24, 28, 30. INDEX TO REPERTORIES 909 Margins .of eyelids —5, 7. Margins of tongue—11. Mastoid process—3, 6. Maxillae—39. Meatus auditorius—6. Meatus urinarius—21, 22. Medulla oblongata—3. Meibomian glands—5. Membranes—7, 12, 13, 17, 20, 24, 39. Meninges—3. Middle ear—6. Middle of tongue—n. Mons veneris—23. Mouth—9, 12, 39. Mouth, around—8, 9. Mouth, corners of—8, 9, 12. Mucous membranes—12, 13, 17, 20. Muscles—4f 5, 8, 9, 11, 19, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39. Nails—32, 33, 34. Nape of neck—3, 31. Nates—32, 34. Navicular fossa—21, 22. Neck—31. Nerves—3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 29, 33, 34, 35, 39. Nipples—23, 24, 28. Nose—7, 39. Nostrils—7. Occiput—3, 4, 31. CEsophagus—12, 13, 17, 39. Orbits—3, 5. Os uteri—23, 24. Ovaries—19, 23. Palate—11, 12, 13, 27. Palms—32, 33. Pancreas—17, 18. Papillae—n, 12. Parotid gland—12, 13. Patella—34. Pelvis—19, 23, 24. Penis— 21, 22. Pericardium, membrane surrounding heart—29, 39. Perineum—20, 22, 23. Periosteum,membrane covering bone—3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 23, 32, 33, 34, 39- Peritoneum, membrane lining abdominal cavity—19. Pharynx—12, 13, 25, 27. Pit of stomach—17; see "Stomach." Placenta, after-birth—24. Pleura, membrane lining lungs and thoracic cavity—28. Popliteal space,flexure of knee—34. Portal system—39. Posterior nares—7, 12, 13. 910 INDEX TO REPERTORIES Praecordia—17, 18, 26, 29. Prepuce—21, 22. Prostate gland—21, 22. Pubes —19, 20, 22, 23, 31, 39. Pudendum—23. Pupils—5. Pylorus—17. Rectum—19, 20, 39. Retinae—5. Ribs—18, 19, 27, 28, 30. Rings, inguinal—19. Riof of mouth—12, 13. Roof of nose—3, 7. Root of tongue —11. Root of nose—7. Sacrum—23, 24, 31. Sacro-iliac symphysis—24. 31. Salivary glands—12. Scalp—4. Scapulae—27, 28, 29, 31, 33. Schneiderian membrane—7. Sciatic nerve—34. Sclerotica—5. Scrobiculus, pit of stomach—17, 18, 27. Scrotum—22. Septum narium—7. Serous membranes—39. Shoulders—31, 32, 33. Side—3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 18, 19, 23, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35. Sinciput, fore part of head to coronal suture—3. Skin—8, 19, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40. Skull—3, 4. Small of back—31. Soft parts—34, 39. Soles of feet—32, 34. Spermatic cords—21, 22. Sphincters —20, 21, 39. Spine—31, 39. Spinal cord—31. Spleen—17, 18, 39. Sternum—17, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Stomach—17, 27, 39. Submaxillary glands—12, 13. Suffering parts—39. Supra-orbital ridge—3. Supra-sternal fossa—27. Sutures—34, 39. Tarsi—5. Tarsal bones—34. Teeth—10. INDEX TO REPERTORIES Temples—3, 4, 8. Temporal arteries—29. Tendons—31, 32, 33, 34, 39. Testicles—22. Thighs—31, 32 34. 39. Throat—13, 25, 2b, 27. Thumbs—33. Thyroid gland—13, 27, 28, 31. Tibia—34. Tip of nose—7. Tip of tongue—11. Toes- 32, 34. Toe, great—34. Tongue— 11, 12, 39. Tonsils—13, 25, 39. Top of head-—3, 4. Trachea—25, 26, 27, 28, 39. Tragus of ear—6. Trochanter- 34. Tympanum — b. Umbilicus—17, 18, 19, 20, 24. Ureters—21. Urethra—21, 22. Uterus—23, 24, 39. Uterus, cervix of—23, 31. Uvula —13, 25, 27, 31. Vagina—23, 39. Valves of heart 29. Veins—4, 5, 8, 13, 29, 33, 34, 39. Velum palati—13, 27. Ventricles—29. Vertex—3, 4. Vertebrae—31, 39. Vessels—5, 31, 39. Villi—20. Vitreous humor—5. Vocal cords—25. Vulva—23, 29. Walls of abdomen—19. Whiskers—8. Wings of nose—7, 8. Wrists—32, 33. Zygoma—3, 8. Parturition, child-birth—24. Pericarditis, inflammation around heart—29. Periodical—27, 37. Periostitis, inflammation of periosteum—19, 39. Peritonitis, inflammation of peritoneum—19. Phlegmasia, inflammation with fever—17. Phlegmasia alba dolens, milkleg—24, 34. 912 INDEX TO REPERTORIES Phlyctenular, vesicles of conjunctiva—5. Phthisis, tuberculosis, consumption—25, 28. Phymosis, too narrow prepuce—22. Physometra, windy swelling of uterus—23. Picking at flocks, carphologia—1, 33, 37. Plethora, fullness, repletion—19, 39. Pleurisy, inflammation of pleura—28. Plica polonica, matting of hair—4. Pneumonia, inflammation of lungs—28. Pneumo-thorax, air in chest—8. Polypi,, small tumors—6, 7, 23, 39, 40. Polyuria, diabetes insipidus—21. Posture—4, 26, 36. Powerless—32, 33, 34, 35 Presbyopia, far-sighted—5. Priapism, continual erections of penis—22. Prolapsus—20, 23. Prostration — 24, 35, 39. • Pseudo-membranes—25. Pterygium, vascularity of internal canthus of eye—5. Ptyalism, salivation—12. Pulsations—17. Pulse—29, 37. Pus, matter—39. Putrescence, state of rottenness—39. Pyrosis, water-brash—16. Qualmish, sick at stomach —16. Quinsy, inflammation of tonsils—13. Quivering—9, 35. Rachitis, rickets—31, 39. Ranula, tumor under tongue—11. Rattling—25, 26, 28. Regurgitations—16. Restlessness—1, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37. Retching, vomiturition, fruitless efforts to vomit—16. Rheumatism—5, 37, 39. Rigid—34, 35. Risings—16. Rumbling—17, 19. Rush of blood—3. Sad^-i, 8. Salivation, ptyalism—12. Sarcoma, a fleshy tumor—39. Scarlatina, scarlet fever—1, 13, 39, 40. Sciatica, rheumatism of sciatic nerve—35. Scirrhus, cancerous tumor—23, 24, 43, 39. Sclerosis, hard—35. Scrofula—5, 31, 32, 34, 39, 40. Scorbutic, scurvy—10, 39, 40. Screaming—36. Seasickness—16. INDEX TO REPERTORIES 913 Sedentary habits—1, 17. Secretions—39, 40. Sensations--1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, IO, IIf I2, 13, 16,17,18 10 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 3i, 32, 33, 34 3 ' g; 39, 40. Ball in throat—13. Band—3, 4, 38. Beating—6. Board, on head—3. Bone, in throat—13. Brain beats in waves—3. Burnt—11, 12. Buzzing in ears—2, 6. Choking —13. Clammy—32, 34, 40. Cold—3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 17, 18, 19, 23, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 3N 39, 4°- Constriction—3, 8, 13, 17, 18, 20, 26, 35, 38. Contraction—3, 13, 17, 18, 20, 35, 38, 39. Crackling—4,6. Crawling—4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 17, 20, 22, 31,32, 33, 34, 38, 40. Creeping—4, 31, 33, 35, 40. Crumb in throat—13. Deadness—34, 38, 40. Diarrhoea, sense of—19. Distended—21. Dragging—19. Dryness—5, 28, 33, 38. Dust—5, 13, 17. Ebullitions—3, 38. Empty—2, 3, 13, 17, 19, 2°, 28, 35, 38. Enlarged—4. Excoriating—13. Exhausted — 28. Faint—2, 17, 20, 23, 29. Falling, sense of—2, 19. Fatigue—28, 31, 34. Fermented—17, J9- Flickering before eyes—2, 5. Fluttering in stomach 17. Formication, creeping—3, 4, 9, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 4°- Fullness—3, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 28, 29, 38 Fuzzy—32. Gone feeling—17, 19. Gurgling—29. Hair, sense of one on tongue or in throat—11, 13. Heat, hot—3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 23, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 4°- 0 « nn Heaviness—2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 28, 29, 3o, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 40. Hissing—6. 914 INDEX TO REPERTORIES Hollow—3, 17, 19. Humming—3, 6. Irritability—13, 23, 25, 38. Itching—4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 38, 4°- Languor—31, 34. Large—3, 5, 8, 11, 33, 34, 38. Lassitude—31, 32, 34. Lightness—2, 3, 32. Load—17. Loose—3. Lump—13, 17. Noises in ears—6. Numb—3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 19, 23, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39- Plug, as if—3, 13, 19, 20, 28, 34, 38. Relaxed—17. Reverberations—6. Rigid—11. Ringing—6. Roaring—6. Rough—13, 25, 28. Rushing—6. Scalded—9, 11, 12, 13. Scraped—17. Scratching—13, 25. Shocks—3, 17, 29. Sick feeling—35. Singing—6. Sinking—17, 19, 35. Smoke in eyes—5. Splinter—13, 34, 38, 40. Squeamishness—17. Stiffness—5, 8, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39. Stone in stomach—17. . Stopped up feeling—6, 29. Swashing—3, 19. Swelling—17, 38. Swimming—2, 38. Tension—4, 7. Thrilling—33, 34. Tickling—7, 13, 20, 25, 27. Tight—3, 13, 17, jg, 25, 27, 28, 29. Tinnitus aurium—6. Tired—29, 31, 32, 34. Titillation -8, 27. Tongue long—n. Tongue pointed—n. Trembling—17. Uneasy—17, 32, 34. Want of sensation—38. INDEX TO REPERTORIES 915 Warmth—31. Weakness—19, 28. Web or net on face—8. Weight—3, 5, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34. Whistling—6. White of egg on face—8. Whizzing—6. Senses—1, 35. Sensibilty—24, 34, 35. Sensitiveness —1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 35, 37. Sepsis—39. Sexual desire—22, 23. Shivers—24, 37. Shock—^^. Shrieks—36. Shuddering—1, 35, 37. Sings -1. Skin 31, 40. Abrasions—40. Acne—8, 9, 10, 40. Blebs—40. Blisters—7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,33, 34, 4°- Blotches—8, 9, 12, 33, 34, 40. Boils—4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 32, 33, 40. Bran-like scales—40. Bullae—40. Bunions—34. Burns—40. Callosities—33, 40. Cancer —7, 8, 9, 40. Carbuncles—39, 40. Carcinoma—11. Chafed—9, 40. Chapped—7, 9, 40. Chilblains—32, 33, 34, 40 Cicatrices— 40. Clammy—40. Color—40. Comedones--8, 40. , Cracks—9, 40. Crusts—4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 33, 4°- Crusta lactea—4, 8, 40. Dandruff—4, 40. Desquamation—4, 33, 34, 40. Ecthyma -40. Eczema—4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 40. Efflorescence—40. Eruptions—4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 20, 22, 30, 31, 33, 34, 39, 4°- 916 INDEX TO REPERTORIES Erysipelas—4, 5, 7, 8 13, 24, 32, 33, 34, 40 Erythema—40. Exanthema—33, 40. Excoriations 11, 22, 34, 39, 40. Excrescences —8, 13, 22. 23, 40. Favus, scabs like honeycomb—4 Flakes—40. Flea-bites—40. Freckles—7, 8, 40. Frost-bites—40. Furuncles, boils—40. Granulations—9, 40. Herpes—4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 23, 34, 40. Horny spots—33, 34, 40. Impetigo, humid, running tetter—4, 8, 40. Inflammation—4, 10, 40. Intertrigo, chafing—40. Itch, scabies—40. Lice—40. Lupus, noli me tangere—8. Maculae, spots—40. Marks—40. Miliary—40. Moist or humid skin diseases—8, 40. Nodules—40. Papules—4, 33, 40. Patches—4, 13, 40. Pemphigus, bladder fever—40. Petechia, spot like flea-bite—33, 40. Phagedena, a spreading, obstinate ulcer—40. Phlegmon, inflammation of areolar tissue—40. Pimples—4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 30, 33, 40. Pityriasis, dandruff—4, 40. Pocks—40. Pores—40. Porrigo, moist scall—4. Proud flesh—40. Pruritus, itching—23, 40. Psoriasis, a scaly skin disease—40. Purpura hasmorrhagica,spots from extravasation of blood Pustules—4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 33, 34, 39, 40. Rash—8, 30, 33, 34, 40. Rhagades, cracks—8, 9, 11, 12, 20, 33, 34, 40. Ringworm, herpes circinnatus—4, 8, 40. Rough—8, 40. Rupia—40. Salt rheum—33. Scabs—4, 7, 8, 9, 33, 40. Scalds—40. Scales-4, 8, 9, 33, 40. Scars, cicatrices—39, 40. INDEX TO REPERTORIES Scorbutic, scurvy—10. Scratching—-40. Scurfs—4, 7, 8, 9, 34, 40. Scurvy —10, 40. Sores—40. Spots—5, 8, 11, 13, 30, 33, 34, 40. Squama\ scales—40. Stings—40. Tetters —8, 9, 33. 34, 40. Tinea capitis, porrigo—4. Tubercles—4, 8. 40. Tumors—4. 9. 40. Urticaria, nettle-rash—8, 34, 40. Vaccination, diseases from—40. Vesicles—4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 33, 34, 40. Warts—5. 7, ", 20, 22, 33, 39, 40. Welts—40. Wheels—40. Zoster, zona, shingles—40. Smell— 7, 20. Sneezing—7. Snoring—36. Snuffles—7. Somnambulism, walking in sleep—36. Somnolence—36, 37. Sopor, deep sleep—1, 35, 36. Sordes, filth—10. Spasms—n, 13, 18. 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 35. Speech, speaks—1, 11, 25. Spermatorrhoea—22. Squinting, strabismus—5. Staggering—2, 35. Staphyloma, tumor and opacity of the cornea—5. Startings—32, 35, 36. Steatoma, fatty tumor—39. Stenosis, a contracted condition of a viscus or vessel—39. Sterility, barrenness—23, 24. Stomacace, sore mouth—12. Stomatitis, inflammation of mouth- 12, 24 Stranguria, painful urination—21. Strabismus, squinting—5. Strength—35, 36. Stretching—32, 33, 35, 36, 37- Stupid—1, 8, 36. Stupor, insensibility—35, 36. Stye, hordeolum—5. , Subsultus tendinum, convulsive twitching of tendons—35. Suicide—1. Sunstroke—3, 39. Suppuration—8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 2I> 24> 28> 3l> 33, 34. gi8 INDEX TO REPERTORIES Sweats, perspiration—3, 4, 8, 17, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40. Swelling—4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, l8, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 40- Sycosis, darkish-red tubercles—9, 20, 22, 39, 40. Syncope, faint—35. Syphilis—4, 5, 7. 8, 10, 12, 13, 22, 31, 32, 34, 39, 4°- Tabes mesenterica, abdominal tuberculosis—31, 39- Talkative, loquacious—1, n, 14. Tears, see "Weeping." Temperature—37. Tender to touch--18, 19, 21. Tenesmus, straining—20, 21. Terror—1, 8. Tetanus, trismus, lock-jaw—35. Thirst—14, 37. Thrill—22, 35. Thrush, aphthae—12. Tinnitus aurium,ringing in ears—6. Tired—35. Tophus, calcareous deposit in joints—39. Torpor, insensibility—18, 35. Tossing about—1, 36. * Tottering gait—2, 35. Trachoma, granular lids—5. Trembling—1, 3, 5, 9, n, 19, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37. Trichiasis, eyelashes turn inward—5. Trismus, tetanus—9, 35. Tuberculosis, consumption—8, 10, n, 13, 27, 28, 31, 40. Tumors—7, 23, 24, 33, 39, 40. Twitching—5, 8, 9, 12, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36. Tympanitic, drum-like distention of abdomen—19. Typhlitis, appendicitis—19. Typhoid—39. Typhus—39. Ulcers—4, 5, 7, 8, 9, ro, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34>. 39, 4"- Unconsciousness—1, 2, 21, 35. Uneasy—1, 17, 32, 34, 35, 36. Unsteady—34, 35. Uraemia, urea in blood—21. Urticaria, nettle-rash—8, 34, 40. Vaccination, diseases from—40. Vaginismus, spasmodic closure of vagina__23. Varices,an uneven and permanent dilatation of of a vein—20,23,24, 34, 39, 40. ' *' *» Varicella, chicken-pox—40. Varicosis, disease of veins—34, 39, 40. Variola, smallpox—40. 2726 1 INDEX TO REPERTORIES gig Voluptuousness —22. 23, 36. Vomiting—16, 24, 27. Vomiturition, fruitless efforts to vomit, retching—16. Water-brash, pyrosis—16. Weak—1, 2, 7, 11, 17, 19, *v, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33- 34, 35, 39- Wear)—1, 2, 31. 32, 33, 34, 35, 36. Weeping, tears—1, 36. Wen, encysted tumor—5, 33. Wheezing—25, 26, 27. Whining—1. 36- Whistling—25. 26. 27. Whitlow, panaritium—33. Whooping-cough, pertussis—26, 27. Worms—16, 19, 20. Wounds—39, 40. Wrinkled—8, 13, 40. Yawning, gaping—27, 35, 36, 37. ,M,f v1, A;,,. ,-,:.v ,•„ ■••v-:^vn^^yovS am.; " NLM001035784