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I C NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE 3noiq3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn snidiosw jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3nidio3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn snoiosw jo Aavaan ivnoiivn NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE ■o 3NiDia3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn snidiosw jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3noio3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn snidiqsw jo Aavaan tvnouvn NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE SNiDiasw jo Aavaan tvnouvn snoiosw jo Aavaan tvnouvn snoio3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn snoio3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn Ml THERAPEUTICAL MATERIA MEDICA. CONTAINING THE CHILL SYMPTOMS AND CLINICAL I'SKS OK IAY0 HlNDKEl) AND SIXTEEN REMEDIES, AKKANGLI) I'l'OX A NEW AND AA AILABLE PLAN FOR STUDY AND PRACTICE, By H. C. JESSEX, M. D. CHICAGO. Aitiioi: or: •Kc/.kma: Its Patiioi.oi.y ami 'I'kk.m'mkxt.'* A Prize Kssay. '■Til K PATHOLOGY AM) Tl'.KATMKNT OF 11 KI!K DITAli V Sv I'll 1 LIS. " MKMr.Ki: or: The Clinical Society of Hahnemann Hospital of Chieatro. The Hahnemann Publishing Society of England. IIonokaky Mkmuki: or Instilnlo lloineopalhico Mcxicano. of tlif Knipiic of Mexico. C II I C A (i (> : II A LS E Y 15 ROT TIERS, 1 s 8 ii ONGCS,tRAL-soFncr F£e.-4—1898 /4o 7 9 W6K i I860 rr,-A^ j o f? y t^ $* Entorod, according lo Ar-t of Conl>t<'.«■*. in the year 1SS0. By IT. C. .IHSSEN. M. D.. In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, al Washington. 1). C lJi:i;ss or MiTiti'CKKi! & (iuoss. CHICAGO. PREFACE. The design of this work is to facilitate the accessibility to the treasures in our Materia Mediea. or in other words, to give the chief symptoms and clinical uses of the most important homoeopathic remedies. It is a fact, and every homoeopathic physican has had more orless experience of it, that the student of Materia Mediea. when seeing the multitude of symptoms with which our remedies are loaded, feels confused and almost discouraged, not knowing how to distinguish one remedy from the other. Certainly. the study of our Materia Mediea is difficult; and, therefore, some wav should be sought to make it more easy. This is what has been attempted in the present work. The plan is a new one, and although it may contain imperfections, yet I am happy to know, that ijuite a number of distinguished physicians, after having examined the manuscript, have expressed the most favorable opinion of the work and strongly urged its publication. To accomplish my design. I have endeavored, First: to bring as many remedies as possible before the eves at once: Second: to place such remedies together as are naturally related, and, Third: to give an enumeration of the most important diseases, to which the pathogenetic symptoms of the remedies corres- pond, or of which cases have been reported by different authorities. As. however, all the remedies do not reijuire a similar attention, or. in other words, their symptoms do not need equal space. I have for this and other reasons, divided the remedies into three series. Mv reason for presenting more than one remedy tor eotemporary study is founded upon the didactic experience, that the distinction or discrimination between objects is greatly facilitated, when these objects are placed before the eyes at once, instead of one after the other. Suppose a person had never ^(.'vw a beech, an oak. or a pine tree, but wished to learn how to distinguish them. How long would he have to read and study before being able to do so? But let him see these three trees at once, side bv side, and in a few minutes he will attain his object. It may be said that this is not a parallel! case: but the laws for obtaining knowledge and the rules for study are uniform. whether the subject is botany or .Materia Mediea. When I have placed such remedies together as have a natural relation, I have also acted according to didatic experience, which has proved, that sonic kind of classification or systematizing is always necessary for every real study and consequently also for the study of Materia Mediea. Many attempts have been made to classify our remedies, but scarcely any one has resulted satis- factorily. I have arranged them according to their natural kingdoms and for the object of the work. I think this is the best method. For it is natural, that he who studies the symptoms pro- duced by the honey-bee. should wish to compare them with those produced by some other insects: or the symptoms produced bv one metal or acid, with those produced by other metals or acids. ami. therefore, should desire to see them side by side, that they, by this kind of bird's-eye view, may PRE FA C E. be more easily kept in mind and the study thereby facilitated. The objection may be urged, that by such arrangement remedies may be placed together without having any similarity in symptoms. This is true; but T have not intended such similarity, neither any comparison, except so far as these involuntarily appear to the mind of the observer, when more than one subject at the same time is under observation. 1 have not intended to write a comparative Materia Mediea: but I have attempted to make the treasures in our remedies more readily attainable. The object of all study of medicine, and especially that of Materia Mediea. is to learn how- to cure diseases, and it is unquestionably of assistance in the study of the latter to give the names of such diseases as correspond to the pathogenetic symptoms of the remedies. This method, which has been successfully used by such heroes in our school as B. Ilirschel, CI. Mueller andAltschul, has also been adopted in the present work, and I trust it will entitle it to be called: A Therapeutical Materia .Mediea, But such an enumeration will always be somewhat arbitrary. With some remedies there is hardly reported any case of cure; and with others the number of cures is so great, that it is diffi- cult to make a selection. My method here has been, not to give diseases without corresponding pathogentic symptoms, or without reported cures by well-know authorities: and such names as Hahne- mann. Altschul, Ilirschel, CI. Mueller. Bueckert. Kafka, Baehr, or Teste. Jousset, Petroz, or H. Hughes. Bayes. Dudgeon. Drysdale, or Dunham, Hempel, Hering. It. Ludlam. Burt, T. F. Allen, Iv M. Hale, (luernsey, Hoyne. etc.. are known by every homoeopathic physician. I regret, that the limited space in the scheme did not permit me to give all the names of the authorities I wished, and I add, that when L have given some alloeopathie authorities as Hufeland, Boerhave and even Hippocrates. this has been done to show, that cures by them have been effected according to the law of similarity. With these remarks the work is introduced to the medical profession, and will have to bear its fate whatsoever this may be. I do not expect that it will please all physicians: but I confess frankly, that I do not consider it a recommendation that a book, or, indeed, even a man, should please everybody. But if some students or practictioners may find it of assistance in their labors. and if those distinguished physicians, who have so kindly examined the manuscript and so heartilv recommended the work, should not no>v. when seeing it in print, change their opinion; then I shall feci well repaid for the labor which 1 have bestowed upon it during the last eight years. H. C. JESS EX. Chicago. February 8th, 1880. » INDEX. Acidum aceticum. Acetic acid, Glacial acetic acid.—Chemical prepara- tion.—Aqueous solution..........................___ 160 Acidum benzoiciiiu. Benzoic acid.—Chemical preparation from Gum ben- zoin.—Tincture and Trituration.....___.............. 160 Acidum carbolicum. Carbolic acid. Phenol, Phenyl-alcohol. -Chemical prep- aration.— Alcoholic solu Hon _.......................... 160 Acidum fluorieum. Hydro-fiuoric acid.—Chemical preparation.—Aqueous solution____________................................. 160 Acidum Indroeyaiiicuin. Hydrocyanic acid. Prussic acid.—Chemical preparation. —Alcoholic solution..................._......._...... 161 Acidum miiriaticiiiii. Muriatic acid. Acid hydroehloratum.—Chemical prepa- ration.—Aqneon- solution___......................... 68 Acidum nitriciim. Xitricacid. Chemical preparation.-- Aqueous solution 68 Acidum oxulicum. Oxalic acid.- Chemical preparation. Aqueous solution i Schwabei______ .....___........................... 161 Acidum phosphoiicuin. Phosphoric acid.—Chemical preparation.- Aqueous so- lution (Schwabei............-..........___.........-- <*8 Acidum picricum. Picric acid. Carbazotic acid.-—Chemical preparation. Alcoholic solution_______.......................... I <>1 Acidum salicvlicum. Salicylic acid. -Chemical preparation. 'I'rliunition... 161 Acidum sulpliuricuiii. Sulphuric acid. Chemical preparation. -Aqueous so- lution .......____............. ............... ....... (Jf> Acojiitum nupclliis. Aconite. Monk's hood. Wolf's bane, etc.- In middle Europe, cfe. Tincture of the fresh plant.............. 18 Acsculus liippocastaiiuin. Horse chestnut, etc. -In Asia. Europe, etc. -Tincture and Trituration of I he ripe, fresh nut------- .......- 1 78 Aelliusa cynapiiim. Dog's parsley. Pool's paisley. Harden hemlock, etc. In Europe, etc.--Tincture of the fresh plant------ 178 Agaricus muscarius. Fly agaric, etc.—In Europe. Asia, etc.—Tincture of the fresh fungus...................................... Agnus castus. Chaste tree, etc.—In South Europe, Asia, America,etc. —Tincture of the fresh, ripe fruit..................... Ailanthus glandulosa. Rhus cacodendron, Tree of Heaven, etc.—In East Asia, etc.—Tincture of the fresh flowers, etc................ Allium ccpa. Onion.—Domestic plant.—Tincture of the fresh bulb.. Aloe socotoriua. Aloe soccotrina, A. officinalis, Aloes.—In Africa, Asia (Socotora), etc.—Tincture and Trituration of the gum. Aliimen. Alumen cruduni, Potassic sulphate of alum, Alum.— Chemical preparation.—Aqueous solution and Trit--- Alumina. Argilla pura. Clay, Oxide of aluminium.—Mineral.— In Europe, China. America, etc.—Trituration........ 178 178 Amhra jjrisca. Ambhi maritima. Ambergris, etc.—An animal sub- -tance from some marine animals, found floating on I he Southern seas. -Trituration......--------------- Ammoiiinm carbon icum. Amnionic carbonate. Sal volatile. -Chemical prepara- Iion.— Trituration and Aqueous solution.............. Aiiiinoiiiuin iiiuriaticum. Amnionic chloride, Sal ammoniac—Chemical prepara- tion. Trituration and Aqueous solution______...... Amvl iiitritum. Nitrite of amy].—Chemical preparation.- Alcoholic solution___.. .....___............................. Aiiacardiuin oricntalc. Anacardium officinalis. .Markingnut, etc.—In East In- dia, etc.--Trituration and Tincture_____............ Anliiiioniuin cruduni. Antimonious sulphide. Stibium sulph. nigr.—Chemical preparation.--Trituration............-----........... Aiitiiiioniuin lartaiicum. Antimonii potassio tartras. Tartarus emeticus, Tartar- us stibiatus.—Chemical preparation.—-Trituration and Aqueous solution.................................... 166 179 INDEX. Apis molliflca. Honey bee.—In America. Europe, etc.—Tincture or Trituration of the whole bee. or the poison sac only.. 50 Apocyniiiu caiiiiahinuin. Indian hemp, etc.—In North America.—Tincture of I he fresh root.......____.....-----.................. ' "• '■' Aranea diadema. Cross Spider. Harden or papal-cross spider.—In Amer- ica. Kurope.etc.—Tincture and Trituration of the whole insect.........................................---..... '3« Argentina inctalliciiiii. Argentum foliatuiu. Metallic silver.—An element.—In America, Kurope. etc.-Trituration................... G'4 Argentina nitrieuin. Nitrate of silver, Lunar caustic, etc.- Chemical prep- aration. —Trituration and Aqueous solution........... 6*J Arnica molilalia. f'altha alpina. Leopard's bane. Mountain arnica, etc.— In Central Europe, etc.—-Tincture of the fresh, dried root iSehwabe) or the whole plant.................... IX Arsenicum album. Arsenious acid. While arsenic.—Chemical preparation. —Trituration and Aqueous solution........_......... 36 Arsenicum iodatuin. Arsenious iodide. Iodide of arsenic.—Chemical prepar- ation. -Trituration.................................. 154 Arum trinliylluiii. Bog onion. Indian turnip, etc.—In North Ameriea,etc. -Tincture and Trituration of the root_______........ 184 Asa ftetida. Asafcetida. -A gum-resin from Asia. etc.—Tincture and Trituration......._________...............__________ 18-1 Asaruiu europaeuni. Asarum vulgare. Pole's foot, Hazelwort. — In Europe. Asia. etc.—Tincture of the whole plant............... 1S4 Asterias rubons Asterias astaeus. Star fish, a sea animal.—The live animal cut up finely for Tincture and Trituration...... 1 3B Anruin inctalliciiiii. Aurum foliatum. Metallic gold. -An element..—In America. Australia, etc.—Trituration................ (it Aurmii miiriaticuni. Muriate or chloride of gold.- Chemical preparation.— Trituration and Aqueous solution......._......_____ 154 Baptisia tinctoria. Wild indigo. Yellow broom, etc. —In North America.— Tincture of the bark of the root.................____ 86 Baryta carbon ica. Carbonate of barium......Chemical preparation.-—Trit- uration................................................ 167 Baryta niiiriatica. Chloride of barium.—Chemical preparation.—Tritura- tion and A(|ueons solution.....................______ 167 Belladonna. Atropa Belladonna. Deadly Night Shade. -In Europe, A-ia minor, etc. -Tincture of the fresh whole plant... lit Berberis vulgaris. Barberry. Pipperidge bush.—In Europe. Asia, etc.— Tincture of the bark of the root__________.......... ix \ Bisuiuthuin. liismuthum subnitricum. B. oxidum. Bismuth, etc. Chemical preparation. -Trituration................... 1<1X M Borax. Borax veneta. Acid borate of soda, etc.—Mineral.— In Eiirope.Asla.etc—Trituration aiulAqucous solution. 161 Bovista. Bovista otlicinalis. Crepitus lupi. Pull-ball.—In Ameri- ca. Euro|)e. etc.—Trituration of the fresh spores of the Broiuiuni. Murina. Broin.—An element.—In sea water, as in the Mediterranean Sea. the Dead Sea. etc.—Solutions with alcohol or water------..........--.....-............. 16 ' Bryonia alba. White Bryonia. Wild hops, etc.—In Europe, etc.— Tincture and Trituration of the fresh root........... 1" Bufo rami. JJufo cineieiis. B. vulgaris, liana bufo. Toad, etc.—An amphibia.-In America. Europe, etc.—Trituration of the poison...................................-........ 14 during day; sleeplessness and restlessness at night; insomnia; confused, anxious dreams. In hypochondriasis, hysteria, etc., with great mental depression. Skin very sensitive; burning; for- mication; numbness. Skin dry, shrivelled; yellow or black? unhealthy; dark brown spots over the whole body; vesi- cles, etc. In decubitis, gangrenous ulcers, etc. The muscular tissue throughout the whole body is wasted and con- tracted; pain; debility. Tension in the neck; stitches through the chest; pain in the back; cutting pain in the abdomen. Drawing, pressive pains in the extremities; coldness; trembling; paralysis of the hands and feet. In nervous affections, as trem- bling, spasms, paralysis, etc. STANNU3I. Leading Therapeutics. Acts upon the nervous system in general, but esp. upon the motor nerves, the sexual and the respira- tory organs, etc. In nervous affections, as intercos- tal neuralgia; in diseases of wo- men, haemoptysis, consumption, worms, etc. There is a profound prostration of the whole nervous system (Burt). Comp. Sep., Arg,, Cupr., Zinc, Ipec, Cimicif., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Sullenncss; sadness; crossness; restlessness; anxiety; weakness of memory and intellect. Vertigo; confusion of the head. Sleepiness during the day; sleep- lessness; the sleep is restless and unrefreshing; anxious dreams. In hypochondrasis (Hahnemann). Cutaneous System. Itching, burning and pricking sensation all over the body. Itching eruption over the whole body; pimples; red spots, etc Trunk and Extremities. Nervousness; debility; restless- ness; trembling; spasms; weakness; paralysis. Pain and weakness in the nape of the neck; stitches in the back, esp. in the lumbar region. Cramps in the fingers; weakness and heaviness of the legs; pain in the hips and knees; swelling of the feet. In neuralgia, rheumatism; in in- tercostal neuralgia (Jousset); spas- modic affections, as writing- cramps, etc. ZINCUM. \ Acts upon the nervous system in general, esp. upon the pneumo- gastric nerve, the brain and the skin (Altschul). In diseases of a spasmodic character, esp. at the period of den- tition or puberty; in affections of the lungs, the digestive organs, etc. Zinc, corresponds to a depressed, exhausted and irritable condition of the nervous system. Comp. Caps., Plumb., Plat., Stann., Gels., etc. Depression; very changeable mind; weakness of intellect and mem- ory; stupor. Vertigo with dullness, confusion or stupefaction. Sleepiness during day; sound sleep at night; sleep restless; start- ings; anxious dreams. In brain affections, as sequelae from scarlatina (Elb ), dentition, | menstrual disorders, etc. Itching in the bends of the joints; pain nnder the skin. Rhagades between the fingers; dry and moist eruption represent- ing psoriasis, eczema, herpes, etc. In eczema, herpes, psoriasis, rhagades, etc.; esp. squamous, ob- stinate, chronic eruptions. Rheumatic, neuralgic, tearing pains; trembling and weakness of all the body. Stiffness of the neck; burning in the shoulder blades and along the spine; pain in the sacrum. Weakness, trembling and pain in the extremities; hands cold and blue; legs tired; feet cold. It is as if the blood were stagnated. In spasmodic, neuralgic and rheu- matic affections, esp. if the brain, the respiratory or digestive or- gans are involved. ,">N S E C O N I) SERIES. CUPRUM. FERRUM. PLATINA. Head, Eyos, Ears, Etc. Head: constant motion. Headache: congestive, violent, dull pains: in the temples, vertex, etc.: brain feels paralyzed. Eyes: itching: pressing, burning pains; obscured vision. Ears: pain; dullness of hearing. Face: red. blue; pale, icy cold; expression of great suffering. Nose: obstruction; fluent cory- za; epistaxis. Lips: pale; bluish. In hydrocephalus after exanthc- matic fevers: in meningitis, head- ache, prosopalgia, etc. Great nervous irritation, fol- lowed by relaxation. Weakness; trembling; spasms; convulsions; numbness; paralysis. In chorea, convulsions, epilepsy, eclampsia, paralysis, as in children during dentition, etc. Pulse: hard, rapid; feeble, slow: pain about the heart: palpitation. Chill, severe, long-lasting; cold- ness of the extremities, or icy-cold- ness all over; flushes of heat; burn- ing heat: cold sweat; cyanosis. In affections of the heart, etc.; in the cyanotic stage of cholera, etc. Head: scalp sensitive to cold and touch; heaviness on the top. Headache: congestive, dull,throb- bing pains; in the vertex and tem- ples or semi-lateral. Kves: weak and dim: burning: inflammation; pressivc pains. Ears: ringing; over-sensitiveness to sounds; stitching pains. Nose: bloody, purulent dis- charge; epistaxis. Face: ashy, pale or greenish; fiery red; pains. Lips: pale and dry. In headache and other affections, esp, m anaemic patients. Nervous System. Nervous erethism, with Avcak- ness. Restlessness; debility: tremb- ling; paralysis. In nervous debility, esp. from ana'mia. Circulatory System. Pulse full, hard; throbbing, visi- ble; weak; violent palpitation. Chilliness predominates; chills in the evening; dry heat; profuse, de- bilitating, long-lasting perspira- tion. Respiratory System. Head: burning; crawling; sensa- tion of coldness. Headache: dull, pressing, tearing pains; in the forehead, temples. etc. Eyes: pain in the globe: sensa- tion of coldness. Ears: spasmodic pain: ringing; roaring; rumbling. Nose: spasmodic pains at the root. Face: pale, sunken: red. hot; dull; spasmodic pains. Lips: cold, blue: red rash on the chin. In nervous, menstrual or gastric headache, esp. with hysteria or di- gestive functional disorders. Nervous erethism, with weak- ness. Spasmodic affections of hysteri- cal type. In hysteria and related affections, as chorea, epilepsy, paralysis, etc. Pulse regular; small and weak: anxiety; palpitation. Chilliness predominates; chills in the evening; flushes of heat inter- rupted by chills; sweat only during sleep. Symptoms similar to hysteria; loss of voice; difficult breathing; globus hystericus. Cough: hysterical, dry, spasmod- ic. Spasmodic pain and constriction of the chest. In cough, dyspnoea, asthma, globus hystericus, angina pectoris, etc. Larynx raw, sore; voice feeble; breathing,short, panting; dyspnoea in violent spasmodic attacks. Cough: short, dry, spasmodic, suffocative; worse at night. Shooting pains through the chest; paralysis of the lungs. In spasmodic affections, as in asthma, whooping-cough, croup, dysphagia, spasms of the chest, tuberculosis, etc I Throat feels rough and sore: voice hoarse, weak; breathing dif- | ficult; dyspnoea. Cough: dry, tickling, or with co- pious expectoration: Constriction of the chest; pain; sensation of dryness. In diseases esp. with an;einia; in asthma, hemoptysis, consumption. etc. In anaemia, chlorosis, hectic fe- In hot flushes at the climacteric ver, intermittent fever of quartan period, etc. type, etc. PLUMBUM. Head: great dryness; falling out of the hair. Headache: congestive, burning pains in the brain, with great heavi- ness of the head. Eyes: dimness; the balls feel too large: spasms of the lids. Ears: stitches in the inner parts; hardness of hearing. Nose: erpsipelatous inflamma- tion; sneezing; epistaxis. Face: pale, sallow, yellow, hip- pocratic; bloated, greasy. Lips: peel off; tearing in the jaws; involuntary moving. In headache, amaurosis, etc. Nervous irritation followed by profound prostration. Spasms: convulsions; trembling; pains; weakness; paralysis. In acute spinal paralysis; in progressive muscular atrophy; in "wrist-drop," etc. Pulse small, slow; rapid, weak; rush of blood to heart; palpitation. Chilliness predominates; increas- es toward evening, with coldness of all the limbs and great thirst: heat with thirst; cold sweat. In fevers with or from debility, as hectic, consumptive fever, etc. Constriction of the larynx; heavy and difficult breathing: dyspnaea; asthma. Cough: spasmodic, with purulent or bloody expectoration. Stitches through chest; soreness, pains and burning in the lungs. In spasmodic affections, as asth- j ma, paralysis of the lungs, etc,; in consumption, esp. in the suppura- tive stage. , SECO X I) S ETC IKS. STANMM. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: heaviness: burning in the forehead. Headache: throbbing, jerking pain over the eyes, esp. in the morning; great, heaviness of head. Eyes: without lustre; internal pain; swelling of the lids. Ears: ringing; pain: ulceration. Noze: swelling and redness; dry coryza; over-sensitiveness to smell. Face: pale, sunken; flushes of heat: neuralgic pains. In sympathetic affections, as hys- terical headache; in obstinate pros- opalgia ( Fielitz). with nervous de- bility. Nervous System. Erethism with debility; drawing, pressing pains. Debility; spasms; convulsions; epilepsy; paralysis. In hysteria and hypocondriasis, esp. with helminthiasis; in neural- gia, etc. Circulatory System. Puise frequent and small; pain in the precordial region. Chill with thirst; burning heat; debilitating sweat, with sour offen- sive smell. In fevers with great prostration and profuse sweat; hectic fever is the type; in debilitating night sweats (Hartmann). Respiratory System. Larynx raw; voice hollow; breath- ing short and oppressed; dyspnoea; asthma. Cough: dry,paroxysmal; worse in bed; bloody, purulent sputa. Oppression, constriction, sore- ness and pains of the chest. In aphonia, asthma, consumption of the larynx, bronchi and lungs, esp. with profuse, purulent expec- toration. 3fl ZINCUM. * Head: pain; fullness in the brain as if from effusion. Headache: chronic, sick, neural- j gic pains, esp. in occiput or semi- lateral; pressure on root of nose. Eyes: dim, watery; sight ob- scured; photophobia; inflammation. Ears: cracking sounds; acute, stitching pains; fetid discharge. Nose: dryness; soreness; swell- i ing; loss of smell; coryza. Face: pale or red; burning,prick- ing, stinging pains. Lips and corners of the mouth cracked and ulcerated. In sympathetic affections; in pe- riodical pain of the brain (Schmidt); in paralysis of the brain; in scarla- tina (Elb), etc. Nervous irritation; relaxation; burning pains are most prominent. Twitchings; trembling; spasms; formication; paralysis. In brain affections, spinal irrita- tion, chorea, epilepsy, etc. A pe- culiar restlessness is characteristic Pulse irregular; pain in the car- diac region; palpitation. Chill after dinner, runs dowrn the back; beat, internal or in flushes; profuse, offensive sweat at night, In fevers with great prostration and profuse perspiration at night, as hectic and consumptive fevers. Roughness and weakness of the larynx; breathing difficult; dysp- nffa. Cough: esp. at night; constant and painful; much sputa. Burning, contractive pains in the chest, as if cut to pieces. In dyspnoea, asthma, whooping- cough, pneumonia, consumption, etc, esp. in spasmodic affections of the upper organs. RO SECOND SERIES, * CUPRUM. FERRUM. PLATINA. Digestive System. Mouth and tongue red, dry; frothy saliva; gums copper color, ulcera ted; throat dry, swollen, inflamed, constricted. Appetite lost; great thirst for cokLwater; taste copperish. Stomach: constant eructations; nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea; vio- lent spasmodic pains. Abdomen : colic ; violent spas- modic pains; relief in bending dou- ble; distention; much flatulence. Stool: violent, choleraic; diarrhoea with vomiting; the feces expelled with great force; constipation, In diarrhoea, esp. with vomiting; in cholera; gastritis, enteritis, co- lonics, intussusception of the bow- els (Hoyne). Mouth: dry; buccal cavity pale; tongue white; sensation as a lump in the throat; inflammation, Appetite and thirst very capri- ous; taste like rotten eggs. Stomach: sour or foul eructations; nausea and vomiting after every kind of food. Abdomen: hard, distended; great sensitiveness to touch; colicky pains; pain and swelling of the liver and spleen. Stool: constipation with much in- effectual urging; watery, slimy or bloody diarrhoea; bleeding piles; pain in the anus. In chronic vomiting of young girls; in chronic constipation, dys- i pepsia,haemorrhoids,prolapsus recti (Cooper), etc. Frequent and strongurging; burn- ing during micturition; retention of urine. Urine: scanty, red, dark; reddish sediment. In spasmodic and catarrhal affec- tions; in diabetis, albuminuria, etc. Male: mucous discharge; the penis swollen, the "lands inflamed. Female: menses irregular; pre- ceded by pain and dyspepsia; dys- menorrho'a; spasmodic affections, etc. In spasmodic affections from dis- orders of the menstrual functions; in ailments of pregnancy, parturi- tion, etc Aggr. in the evening; from mo- tion, cold, etc. Amel. during day; in rest; from warmth, elc. Spec: light hair; acute and sud- den attacks. Urinary System. Generative System. Male: excitement with weakness; erections; emissions; impotence. Female: depression; insensibility to sexual congress; menses too late, too long lasting and profuse, with j gaeat debilitv; milky leucorrhoea; soreness of the vagina. In amenorrhoea, metrorrhagia, threatened abortion, chlorosis, etc. j (R. Ludlam rccom. Citr. ferr. and strychn.). Special Remarks. Aggr. after midnight; during rest; from warmth, etc. Amel. during day and before midnight; from cold, etc. Spec.: dark hair; delicate chlor- j otic women, etc. Mouth: coldness; toothache; the tongue feels burnt; throat sore and constricted; the uvulva feels too long, Appetite and thirst variable; taste sweetish, Stomach: empty eructations; con- tinuous nausea; distention ; pres- sure and pains, Abdomen: pressure ; drawing pains; esp. in the umbilical region and through the back; stitches in the rectum. Stool: frequent urging and diffi- cult evacuation of a sticky stool, like soft clay; obstinate constipa- tion. In globus hystericus; gastralgia; enteralgia and esp. costiveness, par- ticularly in women. Male: excitement with weakness; erections in sleep with amorous dreams; emissions. Female: great sexual excitement, with constant pressure on the mons veneris and genitals; menses too early and too long; clotted blood; leucorrhoea;"pruritus vulva. In hyperoesthetic conditions in ! both sexes; in nymphomania, men- orrhaea, leucorrhoea, pruritus vulva, etc. Aggr. during night until morn- ing; from warmth; in bed, etc. Amel. during day until midnight; from cold; after sleep, etc Spec: dark hair; rigid fibres; fe- male sex; hysterical subjects. Irritation of the organs, esp. the neck of the bladder. Urine : copious, clear, alkaline; | hot, bloody, etc. In Bright's disease; hematuria, incontinence of urine, only during day (Hoyne.) • Irritation of the organs; frequent urging. Urine: pale, watery; turbid; red sediment. In affections from hysteria, etc. SECOND SERIES. 61 PLUMBUM. STANNUM. ZINCUM. Digestive System. Mouth and fauces corrugated, can hardly swallow; fetid odor; tongue yellow, burning; teeth loose; throat dry, swollen; much mucus. Appetite voracious, or lost; some thirst; bitter taste. Stomach : eructations; nausea. worse after eating; vomiting of blood; pain, relieved by pressure. Abdomen: burning in the hepat- ic region; cutting pains about the navel; pain as if from an ulcer; empty feeling after eating. Stool: green, curdy, with colic; hard, dry, knotty and insufficient; torpidity of the rectum; much ur- ging, even with soft stool. In worms; in diarrhoea, esp. in consumption; dysentery, gastralgia, dyspepsia, constipation, etc. Mouth: [saliva, ulcers; bleeding of the gums; toothache; tongue dry, covered with vesicles; throat dry, painful, inflamed. Appetite capricious; much thirst; taste sweetish, metallic, bloody. Stomach: eructations; heartburn; nausea, vomiting of blood; burn- I ing, pressing, spasmodic pains. ! Abdomen: pain and swelling of the liver; sensation as if a hernia would take place; pressure and ten- sion; flatulent colic Stool: frequent, small, pitch-like; thin, bloody, involuntary; hard, dry, brittle, insufficient. In cardialgia, chronic vomiting, obstinate constipation, lead colic, diarrhoea, inguinal hernia, etc. Mouth dry, much saliva, ulcers; gums with blue margin, swollen; teeth black; tongue paralyzed ; throat constricted, etc. Bulimia; anorexia: violent thirst: sweetish taste. Stomach : sweetish eructations; nausea, vomiting; violent pains, re- lieved by pressing on the abdomen. Abdomen: cutting, contracting pains, relieved by pressing; violent colic; the abdomen is drawn towards the spine. Stool: dry, hard, knotty, like sheep's dung; obstruction of the bowels; yellow, fetid, bloody diar- rhoea, etc. In obstinate constipation with ex- cessive torpidity of the intestines, esp. the colon; in colic, diarrhoea, dysentery, etc. Degeneration of the kidneys; con- tractive pain; inflammation; spasm of the spincter vesica; paralysis. Urine high colored; albuminuos; fetid; passes in drops; retained. In nephritis, degeneration of the kidneys, strangury, Brigbt's dis- ease, albuminuria, etc Male: excitement; erections; pe- j culiar weakness of the genitals; im- potence; atrophy, etc. Female: amenorrhcea, with colic; j menorrhagia, with sensation of the abdomen being pulled to the back; vaginismus. Miscarriage usually follows lead-poisoning. In amenorrhcea, dysmenorrhcea, ailment at the climacteric period; in threatened abortion, etc Aggr. at night; after eating; in cold; from motion, etc. Amel. during forenoon; in rest: from wrarmth, etc Spec: the ailmentsdevelop'them- selves slowly.; attacks are violent. Urinary System. Stitches in the kidneys; pressure on the bladder; pain in the urethra; frequent urging; pain and burning. Urine profuse,pale; scanty,brown, or like milk. In sympathetic affections. Generative System. | Male: irritation; weakness; night- ly emissions. ' Female: menses too early and profuse; painful; bearing down in the uterine region; white, yellow, slimy leueorrhoca. In disorders and displacements of the uterus and vagina; esp. from nervous debility. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the evening; during rest; from cold, etc. Amel. after midnight and during day; from warmth, etc, Spec: insupportable restlessness of all the limbs. Pain in the kidneys; esp. the left; pressure in the bladder; frequent micturition. Urine pale, yellow; white, flaky sediment, In symptomatic affections, as in- voluntary urination when coughing, sneezing, etc. Male: erethism with weakness; violent erections; emissions; atro- phy of the testicles. Female: strong sexual desire at night; menses too early and profuse; amenorrhcea; dysmenorrhea; pain in the ovaries and uterus; leucor- rhoea; puritus vulva, etc. In diseases, esp. from nervuos debility, as amenorrhcea, dysmen- orrhcea, prolapsus, abortion, etc. Aggr. in the evening; after eat ing; in-doors; in bed, etc Amel. during day; in warmth; out of bed, etc Spec: debilitated, anaemic consti- tutions, etc. Ii-J s E C O N D S E R I E S akuknt. met. ARGENT. NIT. AURUM. Acts esp. upon the articulations; the bones, cartilages, muscles and ligaments; the glands, heart and the nervous system (Huber). In arthritis, rheumatism, osteitis, scrofula, orchitis, paralytic condi- tions, etc., esp, from syphilis. In affections originating from syphilis or Mercury, Arg. met, is a better remedy than Arg. nitr. Comp. Arg. nitr., Aur., Merc, Plat.. Silic, etc. Leading1 Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the gastro-alimen- tary canal, the nervous system and the blood (Hughes). Affects esp. vagus and sympatheticus (Altschul). lias justly been called an anti- choleraicum, anti epilepticum, and a croup remedy ( Altschul ). Esp. suited in conditions charac- terized by defective oxydation of the blood ( Ruddock ). Comp. Arg. nitr., Ars., Merc, Phosp.. Kali, by dr., Acid, nitr., etc. Acts esp. upon the osseous, cu- taneous, glandular and nervous systems; partic. upon the nasal and palatin bones. In ostealgia, osteitis, osteonecro- sis, various syphiloderma, orchitis, hypochondriasis, etc. Esp. adapted to constitutions broken down by the combined in- fluences of syphilis and Mercury. Comp. Aur. mur., Nitr. acid, Merc, Plat.. Arg. met., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Cheerfulness; pleasantness; in- clination to talk; restlessness; de- pression; anxiety. Vertigo, a painful sensation of emptiness of the head. Sleepiness; extremely restless at night; sleep full of frightful, anx- ious dreams. In sympathetic affections, as the mental ailments from syphilis or Mercury. Depression; anxiety; despair; ir- ritability; confusion of mind; weak- ness of memory. Vertigo, preventing all mental exercise. Sleepiness with chilliness; sleep- lessness caused by hallucinations and fantasies; anxious dreams. In sympathetic affections. Restlessness; tremulous agita- tion; anxiety; hypochondriasis; inclination to self-destruction. Vertigo, as if drunk; everything ^moves in a circle. Excessive sleepiness by day; sleeplessness after midnight; sob- bing aloud during sleep; fright- ful dreams. In mental affections with great depression; hysteria, hyponchon- driasis, even to suicide. Cutaneous System. Itching and sticking as from fleas; unrelieved by scratching. Eruptions, esp. of the vesicular form, and exceedingly sensitive to touch. In some kinds of vesicular erup- tions. Itching and burning of the skin; worse when warm in bed. The skin becomes a bluish or even blackish color; hard, and on various parts there is papular and pustular eruption. In discoloring of the skin; in maculae, warts, condylomata, ecze- ma, herpes, psoriasis, etc. Intense itching, with burning heat commencing at soles of feet. Fine papular eruption, esp. in the face; vesicular and pustular eruptions all over; small pimples on the legs. In ec/.ematous, herpetic, squam- ous eruptions, etc., esp. with sy- philitic diathesis. Weakness; numbness and stiff- ness of all the limbs; drawing pain; twitching of muscles. Pain and weakness of the neck and back; chest sore to touch; cut- ting pain in the left side. Tearing in the bones of the arms, hands and fingers; weariness and pains in the lower extremities; swelling of the feet. In neuralgic, rheumatic affec- tions, esp. of syphilitic origin or from the abuse of Mercury. Trunk and Extremities. Lassitude; weakness; trembling; convulsions; paralysis; pain in the bones. Pain in the muscles of the chest and in the small of the back; indu- ration of the cervical glands, Pain, weakness, spasms and pa- ralysis of the extremities; nails blue, hands tremulous; pain in the calves at night; feet swollen. In nervous affections, esp. epi- leptic and paralytic forms, as pro- gressive locomotor ataxia. Pain in all the limbs, esp. in the bones, and at night; with great de- bility. Tension in the neck as if the muscles were too short; swelling of the cervical glands; pain in back. Boring pain, esp. in the long bones, and at night; swelling of the axillary glands; oedema of the feet; itching of the soles. In neuralgic, rheumatic, arthrit- ic affections, osteitis, osteonecro- sis, etc. The nasal bones are esp. influenced. S E C O N I) S E R IE S . 63 MERC. CORK. The action is quite similar to that of Merc, viv., but more violent, and more directly upon the bowels, kid- neys, skin, etc. In gastritis mucosa, dysentery, nephritis, albuminuria: in all kinds of syphilitic affections; in rheuma- tism, phthisis pulmonalis. etc. Merc. corr. is better tolerated in the pregnant state than any of the other mercurial preparations. Comp. the other preparations of Merc, Kali hydr.. Nitr. acid. etc. Great depression; anxiety; weak- ness of intellect; apathy; imbecility; delirium; stupor. Vertigo and confusion; everything moves in a circle. Sleepiness: yawning: somnolence; sleeplessness: restless sleep; sudden startings; vivid, disagreeable.fright- ful dreams. In symptomatic affections, as ty- phus cercbralis, coma, stupor (Trinks); mental depression, etc. Itching and boring pains and sore- ness all over the skin. Skin red, dusky, yelloAvish, pale; eruption of ecchymosed spots, of papules, vesicles and pustules; in- tense effect on the skin, etc. In eczema, psoriasis, impetigo; esp. of syphilitic causation or chron- ic nature. Pains all over: twitching of the muscles; trembling; spasms: debili- ty; paralysis. Pain in head, back and limbs; esp. in the lumbar region; the kid- neys are greatly affected. Arms swollen and covered with vesicles: debility of the extremities; paralysis; rheumatic pains; feet icy cold." In neuralgic, rheumatic and ar- thritic affections, as spasms, paraly- sis, chronic rheumatism, gout, peri- ostitis, ostealgia, etc. MERC. IOD. Leading Therapeutics. The action is quite similar to that of Mere, viv., but more particularly upon the glands, lymphatics, liver, etc. In scrofulosis, diphtheria, skin diseases, esp. with much itching and squamation ; induration of the liver, etc.. esp. with syphilis. Given at once in hard chancre, it prevents secondary symptoms (Her- ing). Comp. the other preparations of j .Merc, Kali hydr.. Nitr. acid, etc. 3Iind, Sensoriuin, Etc. Liveliness: merriness: depression: hallucinations; disposition to de- structivencss: delirium Vertigo and confusion; everything moves in a circle. Sleepiness; sleeplessness until 1 a. m.; restless sleep; hallucinations; much dreaming. In sympathetic affections similar to those of Mercury and Iodine. Cutaneous System. General itching, not relieved by scratching. Papular and pustular eruption here and there. In syphilodcrma, especially the pustular variety; in lupus, scrofula, chancre, etc. Trunk and Extremities. A feeling of bruised pain, shift- ing place, now in the hands, now in the feet. Stitching through the chest; pain and soreness of the spine; swelling ! of the cervical glands. Rheumatic pain in the extremities. shifting place.; weakness of the knee-joints; feet swollen; tearing pain in the soles. In rheumatic, arthritic and neural- gic affections, esp. with syphilis or scrofulosis. (INNABARIS. The action is quite similar to that of Merc, viv., but more particularly upon the respiratory and digestive systems, etc. In tonsillitis, diphtheria, tubercu- losis, affections of the liver, skin diseases, etc., esp. from syphilis. lias cured cases of indolent hard chancre which have not yielded to any other form of Mercury (Bayes). Comp. the other preparations of Merc, Kali hydr., Kali bichr., etc. Depression; melancholy; irritabil- ity, weakness of intellect and mem- ory. Vertigo, with a feeling as if the head were too light. Great sleepiness; sleeplessness and restlessness; much dreaming. In sympathetic affections similar to those of Mercury and Sulphur. Intense itching over the whole body, esp. at night. Skin red, like in rubeola; dry and moist eruptions, esp. of the pustu- lar variety. In syphilodcrma and other kinds of eruptions; esp. the syphilitic erythema, A feeling of lameness all over; pain in the bones. Pain in the nape of the neck; tearing in the back. Stitching pain and numbness in the extremities; pain in the joints and bones of the arms and legs. In rheumatic, neuralgic and ar- I thritic affections; esp. with syphi- ■ lis or tuberculosis. i 64 ARGENT. MET. Head: external pain; the vertex is very tender. Headache: congestive, tearing pains in the brain, pressing out- wards; general dullness. Eyes: itching; lids swollen; pu- rulent discharge; weakness of sight. Ears: itching; pain; acrid dis- charge. Nose: itching; sneezing; coryza; epistaxis. Face: pale, yellow; tearing and pressing pains in the bones. Swelling of the upper lip. In vertigo, headache, amaurosis, ozaena. prosopalgia, etc,, esp. from syphilis. Nervous erethism with debility: the pains come in sudden attacks. Twitching; shocks; weakness; trembling; paralysis. In rheumatic and arthritic affec- tions, etc,; esp. with paralytic con- ditions. Frequent spasmodic twitchings ; of the whole cardiac muscle. Chill spreading from the back; very intensive, causing stupidity; heat, without thirst; sweat easily excited; hectic sweats. In valvular diseases of the heart; in hectic fever, etc. Rawness and soreness in the lar- ynx; breathing difficult and pain- ful. Cough: dry and painful; profuse expectoration. Stitching in the chest; pressive, external pains in the sternum. In hoarseness, laryngitis, cough, asthma, etc., esp. of chronic nature. SECOND SERIES. ARGENT. NITR, Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head feels too large; constant boring, stitching pains in bones. Headache; congestive, boring pains, as if in the brain itself; usually only in one side at once. Eyes: Aveakness of sight; photo- phobia; inflammation. Ears; internal, stitching, tearing pains; ringing; dullness of hearing. Nose: itching; coryza; epistaxis; inflammationr Face: pale, sunken, bluish; neu- ralgic pain in the bones. Lips: dry and very painful. In vertigo, headache, amaurosis and other affections of the eyes; discoloring of the face; ozaena, etc., esp. from syphilis. Nervous System. Nervous erethism with debility; over-sensibility; loss of sensation. Trembling; convulsions; invol- untary motion; lameness; paralysis. In spinal affections, progressive locomotor ataxia, chorea; but esp. in epilipsy it is of great benefit. Circulatory System. Pulse irregular; weak; rapid; op- pression about the heart. Chill running up the back; chilli- ness predominates; hot, dry skin, or profuse sweat; sweat esp. in the morning. In affections with extreme ner- vous prostration, as in hectic fever, syphilis, tuberculosis, etc.; in dis- eases of the heart, etc. Respiratory System. Rawness and soreness in the lar- ynx; breathing difficult and pain- ful. Cough: tormenting in the evening and during night; profuse sputa. Aching, tensive pain in the chest, In hoarseness, laryngitis, cough, asthma, etc. The ailments from sy- philis are esp. benefitted by this remedy. AURUM. Head: boring, cutting pains; sen- sation as if bruised; hair falls out. Headache: congestive, burning, tearing pains; deep in the forehead, in the bones or all over. Eyes: pain; lachrymation; pho- tophobia; inflammation. Ears: roaring; over-sensitiveness to sounds; boring pains. Nose: ulceration; tearing, boring pains in bones; offensive discharge. Face: bloated, pale, cyanotic: boring, tearing pains in the bones. Lips: fine eruption; intense tear- ing pains in the malar bones. In headache, ostealgia, affections of the eyes, ears, necrosis of the - nasal bones, ozaena, etc., esp. from syphilis. Nervous erethism; debility; the pains are boring and tearing. Tremulous agitation; hysterical spasms; nervous debility. In rheumatism, arthritis, etc., esp. from syphilis, Pulse small, accelerated; violent palpitation with great pain. Chilly all over; chilliness predom- inates; cold hands and feet with hot- face; sweat in the morning. In cachectic conditions, esp. in constitutions under the influence of the poison of syphilis and the abuse of Mercury. Larynx tilled with phlegm; im- peded breathing; fits of suffocation. Cough: spasmodic, esp. at night; dry, or with yellow sputa. Shooting pains in the chest. In cough, asthma, inflammation of the throat, etc; but esp. in nasal affections, as ozcena, necrosis of the i nasal bones, etc. SECOND SERIES. 65 MERC. CORK. MERC. IOD. CINNARARIS. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: burning pain in the bones; falling out of the hair. Headache: intense pain in the temples; stitching in the forehead; hemicrania, esp. in the morning. Eyes: pain; photophobia; inflam- mation; obscuration of vision. Ears: stitching pain; inflamma- tion; fetid discharge. Nose: red, inflamed; excessive coryza; epistaxis; fetid discharge. Face: pale, distorted, swollen; tearing, burning pains; spasms. Lips: black; swollen; very pain- ful; vesicular eruption. In rheumatic and arthritic affec- tions: in headache, ophthalmia, otalgia, ozaena, crusta lactea, etc., esp. from syphilitic causation. Head: pain in the bones; itching of the scalp; pustular eruption. Headache: dull, throbbing pains, esp. in the morning; as if a cord were tied around the head. Eyes: pain; lachrymation; in- flammation; obscuration of vision. Ears-, throbbing, burning pains; hardness of hearing. Nose: sneezing; profuse mucous discharge. Face: pale, sickly; external sore- ness; aching pain. Lips: dry and burning. In rheumatic and arthritic affec- tions: headache, ophthalmia, otal- gia, ozaena, prosopalgia, impetigo, etc, esp. from syphilis. Head: pain; fullness; heaviness; congestion; falling out of the hair. Headache: dull, stupefying pains in the morning or all the time; in the forehead, temples, etc. Eyes: pain; weakness of vision; much itching of the lids. Ears: sensation as if something were in the ear; roaring. Nose: profuse mucous discharge; epistaxis. Face: pale; checks flushed; pain in the left side. Lips: dry, sore, ulcerated. In vertigo, headache, amaurosis, prosopalgia, etc., esp. from syphi- lis. Nervous System. Nervous erethism; debility ; vio lent, burning, itching pains. Trembling; spasms; convulsions: prostration; coldness; paralysis. In nervous affections esp. from syphilis or paralytic and spasmodic conditions, etc. Nervous erethism; burning and throbbing pains; debility. AVeariness; debility; rheumatic, neuralgic pains; paralysis. In nervous affections, esp. from syphilis. Nervous irritation; debility; the pains are numb or stitching. Weariness, debility, depression; neuralgic, rheumatic pains. In nervous and rheumatic affec- tions, esp. from syphilis. Circulatory System. Pulse: small, intermitting; pain in precordial region; palpitation. Chilliness; skin cold, clammy: frequent intense chilliness; shud- dering*; shiverings; shakings; pro- fuse perspiration; great heat; intol- erable heat of the skin. In febris lenta, etc., in children ( Hartmann); syphilitic affections, etc.; in brain-typhus (Trinks). Pulse weak and irregular; spas- modic pain in the heart. Occasional, general chilliness; chills with trembling of the body; burning heat in the nape of the neck; profuse sweat on the genital organs. In hectic fevers as in phthisis pulmonalis and laryngitis (Alt- schul); in scarlet fever (Ruddock); etc. Pulse rapid, intermittent; weak; palpitation of the heart. Chilliness all over the body; coldness predominates; flushes of heat, esp. on the abdomen; sweat, esp. on the thighs. In consumptive and other fevers, with debility. Irritation of all the organs; breathing impeded, slow or inter- rupted; voice hoarse and weak, etc. Cough: in paroxysms; dry and painful; abundant sputa. Stitches in the chest; shooting pain; rattling sonorous rales. In angina (Jousset); in tonsillitis, uvulitis, diphtheria, etc., and in all syphilitic affections of the respira- tor} organs. Respiratory System. Irritation; prostration of all the organs; voice weak; breathing hur- ried or slow and difficult. Cough: from tickling in the lar- ynx with slimy sputa. Sharp pain in the chest; tightness and pressure of the lungs. In tonsillitis uvulitis, diphtheria, etc.; in ulcers of the throat, etc., esp. from syphilis. Hoarseness in the morning; clifti culty of breathing. Cough: in the evening; worse when lying down. Pain in the chest, esp. when breathing. In syphilitic tuberculosis (Alt- schul); in affections of the throat. bronchi, etc 66 SECOND SERIES. ARGENT MET. ARGENT NITR. AUR U 31. Mouth: very dry; sticky saliva; toothache; tongue dry, hot; throat raw, sore; submaxillary glands swol- len. Bulimia: anorexia; no thirst; taste metallic or sweetish. Stomach: eructations of bitter acrid fluid; nausea, vomiting; burn- ing and pressive pains. Abdomen: soreness to pressure; distention; contraction; tension; great accumulation of wind; pains in the groins. Stool: frequent urging; diar- rhoea with constant pain; dry stool. like sand. In chronic affections of the throat; in dyspepsia, etc. Digestive System. Mouth: fetid odor; toothache, de- cay of the teeth ; gums bleed; tongue dry, hot, red tip; throat raw, painful, inflamed. Bulimia;poor appetite: great thirst; taste metallic, sweetish. Stomach: belching after every meal; excessive distention by wind; nausea, vomiting; great oppression. Abdomen: pain in the region of the liver ; stitches like electric shocks; fullness; heavinesss: rumb- ling; flatulence: colic;haemorrhoids. Stool: green, fetid, bloody mucus; bright yellow; painful, burning, tenesmus; constipation. In affections of the mouth and throat ; in dyspepsia, gastralgia, colic, diarrhoea, dysentery, worms, etc. Mouth : putrid smell, blisters' gums swollen, bleed easily; teeth loose, toothache; burning at the tip of the tongue; throat sore, painful. Appetite and thirst variable; bit- ter, putrid taste. Stomach : eructations ; nausea, vomiting: burning, pressive pains: sensation of hunger. Abdomen: burning; cutting pains in the left hypochondrium; colicky pain, with frequent discharge of wind: pressure and heaviness. Stool: offensive, painful, nightly diarrhoea, with burning in the rec- tum; constriction; hard, knotty and large stool. In chronic affections of the mouth and throat, esp. from syphilis; in dyspepsia, nightly diarrhoea, etc. Urinary System. Frequent desire to urinate: slight burning pain during micturition. Urine: turbid; sweetish odor; pro- fuse during the night. In diabctis, etc.; Arg. met. has a specific action upon the kidneys. Great irritation of the organs; acute pain about the kidneys; burn- ing pain during micturition. Urine: dark red; contains uric acid. In incontinence of urine; in haem- aturia, diabetis, etc. Burning pain in the urethra; con- stant urging to urinate; retention of urine. Urine: scanty, greenish, clear: ammoniacal; decomposes rapidly. In inflammatory and functional affections, as urethritis, albumin- uria, dropsy, etc. Generative System. Male: depression; emissions; mu- cous discharge: pains in the testes. Female: pain in the ovaries and uterus; purulent, bloody, very offen- sive discharge. In gonorrhoea, orchitis and other venereal affections. Male: depression; emissions: im- potence; the organs relaxed: chan- cre-like ulcers on the prepuce. Female : menses too early and profuse; metrorrhagia; pain in the ovaries and uterus; copious, yellow, corroding leucorrha'a. In venereal diseases; in ovaritis; ulceration of the womb; ailment at the climacteric period, etc, Male: irritation; weakness; erec- tions ; emissions ; swelling of the testes: mucous discbarge, etc. Female: menses too late and scan- ty; constant bloody oozing from the vulva; swelling of the labia majora; bruised pain in the uterus; thick, white leucorrhoea; burning in the vulva. In gonorrhoea, orchitis, indura- tion of the uterus, prolapsus, leu- corrhoea; in hydatids of the ovaries and testes ( Altschul.) Special Remarks. Aggr. in bed; after midnight; in wet weather; after sleep, etc. Amel. in the daytime and even- i ng until midnight, etc. Spec.: thin, tall subjects of irri- table temperament, etc. Aggr. in the morning; from cold; during rest, etc. Amel. in the evening; from mo- tion; in open air, etc, We think of this remedy on see- ing withered dried-np persons, (G). Aggr, in the morning; after sleep; from warmth, etc Amel, during the day and even- ing until midnight; from cold, etc. Spec.: often indicated in old peo- ple; left side, S ECO X I) S E i! I Es. r»; MERC. CORK. MERC.. IOD. CINNABARIS. Digestive System. Mouth: dry, sore, salivation; ie- tid odor; gums swollen, etc.; teeth sordes, pain, etc.; tongue red, swollen, etc.; throat inflamed, etc. Appetite lost; unquenchable thirst; bitter, salty taste. Stomach: itching: nausea, vomit- ing; distention and great soreness; burning, gnawing, intense pains. Abdomen: bloated; very painful: bruised, burning, cutting pains: pain and distention of the colon; burning of the rectum; tenesmus Stool : yellow, green, bilious; painful; mucous and bloody dis- charges, with great pain and tenes mus; constipation, In affections of the whole tract, as in stomacace, gastritis, enteritis, peritonitis, colonitis. hepatitis, etc., esp. in dysentery. 3[outh, tongue and throat dry and inflamed; salivation; teeth loose and too long ; gums bleeding; throat burning, swollen, etc. Appetite: capricious; great thirst: taste putrid, metallic. Stomach: great nausea, vomiting; sensation of emptiness; bruised, burning, cutting pains. Abdomen : hardness ; rumbling: burning at the umbilicus; sharp, stitching pains; faint, sick feeling in the hypogastrium. Stool: thin,yellow, frothy;brown, black, bloody; with great tenesmus and pain: constipation. In diseases of the mouth, buccal cavity, etc.; as in stomacace. etc; diphtheria, diarrhoea, liver affec- tions, etc. Pain in all the organs; tenesmus of bladder; urine retained or passed drop by drop; mucous discharge. Urine copious ; scanty, dark, slimy; brick-dust sediment. In venereal affections as gonor- rhea,etc.; in puerperal albuminuria, etc., Ludlam speaks highly of it. Male: extreme excitement; violent erections: swelling of penis and testes; manifestations of syphilis. Female : inflammation of the vulva; menses too early and pro- fuse; menorrhagia with great pain; pain in the uterus and ovaries; se- vere bearing-down pains; pale, yel- low leucorrhoea, In all kinds of syphilitic affec- tions; in dysmenorrhcea, menorrha- gia, prolapsus uteri, etc.; in album- inuria of pregnancy (Ludlam). Aggr. in the evening; during night; from cold; after sleep, etc Amel. in the morning; from warmth, etc. Spec.: the most violent and de- sti uctive of mercurial preparations. Urinary System. Irritation of the organs; pain in the urethra; increased flow of urine. Urine copious; scanty, dark. In venereal affections, etc. Male: excitement: erections,with- out desire; emissions; symptoms as in syphilis. Female: yellow leucorrhoea. In syphilitic affections; in leucor- rhoea in children (Hering); in vomit- ing of pregnancy. Special Remarks. Aggr. during night; in a warm room; during rest, etc. Amel. during clay; in the open air; from motion, etc. Spec; the action represents that of Mercury and Iodine. Mouth, tongue and throat are dry and inflamed ; salivation ; teeth loose; gums bleeding; throat, con- tractive pains, swelling, etc. Appetite: lost; great thirst; taste bitter, metallic Stomach: acidity; nausea; sensa- tion of emptiness and hunger; sore- ness and pain. Abdomen: distention and heavi- ness; dull, pressive pain in the re- gion of the kidneys; griping pain in the bowels. Stool: soft, or nightly diarrhoea; obstinate constipation; great itch- ing of the anus. In similar affections as the other preparations, but apparently of a more chronic character. Irritation of the organs; pain about the kidneys; increase of urine. Urine: copious; scanty, turbid. In venereal affections, etc.; esp. in gonorrhoea, phimosis, etc. Male: irritation; erections; emis- sions; redness and swelling of the prepuce; red spots on the glans, etc Female: leucorrhoea with burn- ing sensation in the vagina. In syphilitic affections, as gonor- rhoea; condylomata, phimosis, etc.; in chronic leucorrhoea, etc. Aggr. in the morning and fore- noon; in a warm room, etc. Amel. in the afternoon; the open air, etc. Spec: its action represents that of Mercury and Sulphur. Generative System. liS S E 0 O X D S E I{ I E S . ACID. MURIAT. Acts upon the blood, the digest- ive and cutaneous systems; partic. upon the outlets of the alimentary canal. In low toxaemic fevers; in affec- tions of the mouth, throat and anus; in dyspepsia, skin eruptions, etc. A low febrile condition of the blood and a tendency to putresence seems to be the chief feature. Comp. Sulph. acid, Nitr. acid, Amm. carb., Bapt., Rbustox., etc Taciturnity; irritability; anxiety about future; restlessness; stupidi- ty; stupor. Vertigo; a sensation of whirling around in the head. Great desire to sleep all day; while sitting the eyes close from weakness; restless at night; i-estless sleep; anxious dreams. In symptomatic affections, as in low fevers, etc Itching and biting, partial and general; worse in bed. Intense redness of the skin; ery- thema; papular, vesicular and pus- tular eruptions; black spots; blood boils, etc. In malignant scarlatina and small- pox; in eczema, herpes, ulcers, pso- riasis, etc. Debility; lassitude; paralysis, usually semi-lateral; tearing, press- ing, drawing pains. Pressing, drawing pains in the chest and back, esp. in the lumbar region. j Heaviness of the arms; itching of the palms; weakness of the legs, with oedematous swelling and burn- ing of the toes. In sympathetic affections of a neurotic, rheumatic nature. ACID. NITRIC. Leading- Therapeutics. Acts in general upon the blood and lymph, esp. upon the cutaneous and digestive systems. The outlets of the body are partic. affected. In affections wiiere the blood and lymph are esp. involved, as in syph- ilis, etc; in dyspepsia, haemorrha- ges, skin eruptions, etc. Esp. indicated for individuals dis- posed to diarrhoea, and is most ef- I fective after Kali carb. Comp. Kali hydr., Iod., Merc, Acid, mur.. Acid, sulph.. etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. ! Irritability; taciturnity; melan- choly; anxiety; weakness of intel- lect and memory. Vertigo; great, must lie down. Sleepiness during day; sleepless- ness; restless sleep on account of pains, urging to pass water, anxious dreams, etc. In symptomatic affections, as in the depression and dullness of mind following syphilis, etc Cutaneous System. Violent itching all over the body; stitching, pricking, burning pains. Skin yellow or scaly; general tin- healthiness; tendency to ulceration; eruptions similar to tliose in syphi- lis, etc. In eczema, herpes, psoriasis, ul- cers, etc., and in almost every kind of syphilitic eruption. Trunk and Extremities. Exeesssive physical irritability; restlessness; twitching; shocks; las- situde; prostration. Swelling of the glands; spasmodic pain in the chest, between the shoul- ders and in the back. Aching, rheumatic pains; restless- ness, cramps and weakness of the limbs; offensive foot-sweat. In neuralgic, rheumatic and ar- thritic affections; in pjjiins in the bones and periosteum, esp. during night and from syphilis. ACID. PHOSPH. Acts esp. upon the nervous sys- tem and sets up a condition of in- tellectual, moral and physical de- bility without erethism. The curative sphere comprises esp. the diseases of constitutional debility, partic with profuse per- spiration. It is to nervous debility what Ferruni is to anaemia (Dunham ). Comp. Chin., Ferr., Phosph., Ars., Anac. Bry., Nux vom., etc. Depression; disposition to weep; I apathy; weakness of intellect and memory. Vertigo; confusion as if intoxica- ted; cerebral weakness. Sleepiness; drowsiness; restless sleep; frequent awaking; lascivious dreams, with erections and emis- sions. In sympathetic affections, as men- tal debility from sexual abuse; ail- ments from disappointment, etc, Itching of the skin; burning' stinging pains; insensibility. In dry, moist and squamous erup- tions, similar to papules, vesicles, j pustules and squamae; boils, etc. In eczema, herpes, impetigo, boils, etc.; in ailments from sup- pressed scarlatina, etc. Drawing, tearing pains, esp. in the bones; formication; debility; paralysis. Pain in the chest as if beaten; for- mication and pain in the back, esp. in the sacrum; heaviness. Heaviness, weariness, coldness, numbness and swelling of the ex- tremities; burning in the toes and tips of the fingers. In nervous affections, etc., esp. with debility, as paralytic condi- tions, tabes dorsalis, etc SEC ON D S E R I ES. (ill ACID. SULPH. Acts upon the blood and cutane- ous system; esp. upon the genito- urinary, the digestive and respira- tory organs. In low fevers, haemorrhages, skin diseases, dyspepsia, albuminuria, inflammatory affections of the lar- ynx, etc. Has been mainly used in disor- ders of the alimentary canal; esp. in acidity of the stomach. Comp. Mur. acid, Nitric acid, Oxal. acid, etc. Restlessness: irritability: peevish- j ness; anxiety; unconsciousness. Vertigo, with a sensation as if the brain were loose. Sleepiness: frequent yawning af- ter dinner; sleeplessness until mid- night; restless sleep; frequent start- ings; much dreaming. In sympathetic affections. General or partial itching; corro- ding sensation in an ulcer. General unhealthiness of the skin; yellow, livid spots; tendency to gangrene. In pruritus, unhealthiness of the ! skin in general, boils, malignant ulcers, etc Plethora of external parts; great loss of strength; emaciation; trem- ors of all the limbs. Stiffness of the neck; swelling of the cervical glands ; pain in the chest and back. Weakness and weariness of the limbs; heaviness of the arms; spasms of the legs; feet cold and swollen. In sympathetic affections of a rheumatic, neuralgic character. ANTIMON. (RID. Leading' Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the mucous mem- I branes of the alimentary canal and upon the cutaneous system. In catarrhal affections of the whole alimentary tract, esp. with profuse discharge of mucus; in skin diseases, etc. The indication becomes stronger when the skin is cotemporaneously affected. Comp. Ant. tart,, Amm. mur., Kali bichr.. Puis., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression; sadness; anxiety; tac- iturnity; fear; apathy. Vertigo, with congestion and heaviness of the head. Great sleepiness during day; sleep- lessness at night; unrefreshing sleep; quarrelsome dreams. In sympathetic affections. Cutaneous System. Itching of the skin; soreness after scratching. Erythema; papular, vesicular and pustular eruptions; boils, warts, etc. In miliaria, measles, eczema, im- petigo, boils, ulcers, warts, corns, etc. Trunk and Extremities. Twitching of the muscles; tremb- ling of the limbs; glandular swell- ings. Pain in the chest, neck and back, esp. in the lumbar region; swelling of the cervical glands. Drawing pain in the extremities; the soles are very painful when walking. In rheumatism and gout, esp. with gastric complications. ANTIMON. TART. Acts esp. upon the pneumogas- tric nerve and affects partic. the respiratory and digestive organs and the skin. In laryngitis, bronchitis, pneu- monia; in dyspepsia, chronic vom- iting, constipation; in pustular eruption, etc. The indication becomes stronger when the skin is cotemporaneously affected. Comp. Ipec, Lob. infl., Phosph., Hep., Ant, crnd., etc Excitability; gayety; talkative- ness; restlessness; fright; loss of consciousness. Vertigo, with congestion, confu- sion and heaviness of the head. Sleepiness; yawning; great sleep- iness ; restless sleep, with sudden startings and full of anxious dreams. In sympathetic affections, as men- tal weakness (Altschul). Itching of the skin; paleness; coldness; deficient sensibility. Eruption of papules, vesicles and esp. of pustules, representing the pustules in variola, In eczema, herpes, impetigo, etc. In variola it has proved a chief remedy. Weakness and weariness; inclina- tion to stretching; trembling of the whole body. Constriction of the muscles of the neck; paralytic pain in the back, esp. in the lumbar region. Rheumatic pains in the extremi- ties; hands and feet cold and numb; constriction of the hamstrings. In rheumatism, gout, lumbago, etc., esp. with pneumonic complica- tions. ;<) S ECO XI) SERIES, ACID. MURIAT. ACID. NITRIC. ACID. PHOSPH. Head, Eyes, ISars, Etc. Head: burning and pain of the scalp; violent itching. Headache: dull, pressing pains,as if the brain were bruised; in the back of the head, etc. Eyes: itching and smarting; lids swollen; photophobia. Ears: pain; roaring: buzzing; pu- trid discharge. Noze: obstruction; bleeding; ul- cers; fetid discharge. Face: red; pale: cramp-like pain. Lips: dry: cracked; black; lower lip swollen. In sympathetic affections partic- ularly, as in headache, ophthalmia, otalgia, etc.; in low fevers. Nervous erethism; great prostra- tion; relaxation. Restlessness; trembling; spasms; debility; paralysis. In general nervous debility; in symptomatic, paralytic conditions, etc. Pulse slow, weak, thread-like; vi- olent palpitation of the heart, Chilliness predominates; chilli- ness morning and evening; cold ex- tremities; shivering with thirst; heat with thirst; slight general per- spiration . In low and toxa-mic fevers, as typhus, typhoid and scarlatina; in intermittent fever with periosteal pains, etc. Larynx sore, inflamed; breathing short, deep, rattling; dyspnoea; voice hoarse. Cough: short, spasmodic, from tickling in the chest. Burning pain in the chest; pain as if beaten. In throat affections with scarlati- na; in cough, whooping-cough; diphtheria; ulceration of the throat, etc. Head: scalp very sensitive; pain in the bones; falling out of the hair. Headache: throbbing, hammering pains, pressing inwards: in the temples, forehead, etc Eyes; weakness and confusion of sight; photophobia: inflammation. Ears: pulsating pains; hardness of hearing; offensive discharge. Nozc: sneezing; coryza; epistax- is; ulceration; fetid discharge Face: pale; eyes sunken; bloated; pain in the cheeks. Lips: swollen; corners of the mouth ulcerated. In headache, amblyopia, oph- thalmia, otitis, ozaena, osteitis, pe- riostitis, etc., esp. from syphilitic | or scrofulous causation. Nervous System. Nervous irritation; torpidity; pricking, stitching, gnawing pains. Excessive irritability; trembling; spasms; debility; paralysis. In nervous affections from syphi- lis. Circulatory System. Pulse irregular; oppression of the heart; palpitation. Chill in the afternoon and even- ing; continuous chilliness without thirst; flushes of heat; sour, offen- sive sweat, smelling like urine. In intermittent fever (Heiing), in hectic fever and the feverish condition in syphilis. Larynx inflamed and ulcerated; I voice hoarse; breathing short and panting. Cough: dry, severe; with bloody or purulent sputa. Oppression and pain as from an ulcer in the chest. In chronic laryngeal cough with- out expectoration (Bayes); in pneu- monic phthisis (Dyce Brown). Dead: scraping sensation; pain in the bones; falling out of the hair. Headache: dull, heavy, throbbing pains, as if the brain were torn to pieces; pressing forwards. Eyes: burning pains: weakness and confusion of sight. Ears: intolerance of noise; dull- ness of hearing; pains. Nose: swelling; coryza; epistax- is; bloody, offensive discharge. Face: pale, waxy; sad expression; tension of the skin; pains. Lips: pale; pain in the lower jaw. In affections esp. with constitu- tional debility; in school-girls' headache (Hering), amblyopia, prosopalgia, etc. Nervous debility without ere- thism; burning, spasmodic pains. Weakness; weariness; trembling; spasms; formication; paralysis. Phosp. acid, Ferr. and China are the great restorers of debility. Pulse irregular and accelerated; stitches through the heart. Chilliness predominates; chills with shuddering and shivering; heat mostly internal; profuse per- spiration without giving relief. In intermittent and typhoid fe- vers; in hectic conditions, with debility and profuse perspiration. Burning in the larynx; weakness of the organs; can hardly speak; dyspnoea. Cough: violent, spasmodic; pro- fuse, purulent expectoration. . Oppression and weakness of the chest; constrictive pains. In cough, cancrum oris, catarrh of the larynx and bronchia, pneu- monia, phthisis pulmonalis, etc Respiratory System. ACID. SULPH. Head: external pain; the hair be- comes gray and falls out, Headache: dullness; pressive pain, as if the head were too full; in the forehead, temples, etc. Eyes: burning pain; lachryma- tion; inflammation. Ears: buzzing; pain; hardness of hearing. Nose: violent, dry catarrh; pro- fuse watery discharge. Face: sunken; deathly pale; hip- pocratic; neuralgic pains. Swelling of the lower lip; ulcer- ation of the corners of the mouth. In sympathetic affections, esp. gastric headache. SECOND SERIES. ANTIMON CRUD. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: itching and painful spots on the scalp; falling out of the hair. Headache: dull,stupefying pains; in the forehead, temples, etc. Eyes: red, inflamed; agglutina- tion of the lids at night, Ears: drawing pain; ringing; roaring. Nose: obstruction; coryza; ulcer- ation of the nostrils. Face: red, hot; suffering expres- sion; twitching of the muscles. Lips: dry; cracked in the corners. In headache, etc., esp. with di- gestive disorders. ANTIMON. TART. Head: great sensitiveness of the scalp. Headache: pressive, throbbing pains; in the forehead, temples,etc.: as if a string were tied around. Eyes: red, inflamed; agglutina- tion of lids at night; lachrymation. Ears: tearing pain; roaring. Nose: obstruction; coryza; press- ure and tension over the root, Face: pale, sunken; twitching of I he muscles; puffed. Lips: dry; scurvy, itching erup- tion. In headache, etc., esp. with co- temporarneous affections of the res- piratory or digestive systems. Nervous irritation; relaxation; debility; emaciation. Great restlessness: trembling; spasms; epilepsy: prostration. In hiccough ( Schneider ); in for- mication of the skin, etc. Nervous System. Nervous depression; weakness: rheumatic arthritic pains. Twitching of the muscles; start- ings; spasms; debility. In rheumatic, arthritic affections (Altschul). Nervous depression; prostration; rheumatic, burning pains. Trembling of the whole body; prostration and sluggishness. In rheumatic and arthritic affec- tions (Altschul). The pneumo- gastric nerve is esp. affected. Pulse: small and feeble; palpita- tion of the heart. Chill and chilliness during the day; coldness predominates; con- stant shivering; beat, evening, in the bed; profuse sweat. In low fevers, as typhus and ty- phoid fever; in hectic fever; in haemorrhages of black blood from all outlets. Circulatory System. Pulse irregular; palpitation of the heart. Chilliness predominates during day; heat during night and sweat in the morning. In rheumatic and intermittent- fe- ver, esp. with digestive disorders (Allsehul). Pulse: hard, quick; weak, tremb- ling; palpitation of the heart. Chills alternate with heat; short attacks of chills; long lasting beat: profuse, cold, clammy sweat. In rheumatic fever, etc(Altschul); in retarded development or retro- cession of the eruption in zymotic fevers. Pain in the larynx; hoarseness: breathing short and painful. Cough: dry, irritating; mucous or bloody sputa. Pain in the chest; moist rales; haemoptysis. In catarrhal and croupous inflam- mation of the upper organs; in haemoptysis, etc. Respirator} System. Rawness and constriction of the larynx; breathing oppressed; voice feeble. Cough: dry, hacking; esp. severe in the morning. Pressive pain in the chest. In affections of the throat from debility of the mucous membranes or with digestive disorders, etc. Tickling and much tough mucous in the air-passages; voice hoarse, feeble, changed; breathing difficult. Cough: dry. difficult, with frothy or bloody expectoration. ■ Chest seems full of phlegm; op- pression; edema of the lungs. In inflammation of the larynx. trachea, bronchi and lungs it is a very prominent remedy. SECOND SERIES. ACID. MURIAT. Mouth: red, inflamed, blistered; gums swollen; toothache; tongue thick, heavy, lame; throat dry, hot, inflamed. Bulimia; anorexia; great thirst; putrid taste. Stomach: putrid eructations; nau- sea, vomiting; sensation of empti- ness; severe pains. Abdomen: distention; flatulency; spasmodic pain; pressing and ten- sion in the hypochondria; itching of the anus. Stool: thin, watery, involuntary; bloody, mucous, dysenteric; con- stipation; inactivity of the bowels; prolapsus ani. In stomacace, affections of the throat; dyspepsia, diarrhoea, dys- entery; pruritus ani, etc. Weakness of the bladder; cutting pain in the urethra; frequent urg- ing; tardy evacuation. Urine: copious, yellow; scanty, turbid; like milk. In symptomatic affections, as in low fevers. Male: irritation; erections; de- pression; impotence; watery emis- sions; swelling of the prepuce. Female: menses too early and pro- fuse; with colic; great sensitiveness of the parts; pressing-down pains; putrid leucorrhoea. In sexual debility; in menorrha- gia, prolapsus, leucorrhoea, puer- peral fever, (Hering), etc. Aggr. in the morning; from cold; in the open air, etc. Amel. from warmth; when lying down, etc. Spec: black eyes; dark hair; sensitiveness to stormy weather. ACID. NITRIC. Digestive System. Mouth: dry, hot; bloody saliva; putrid, cadaverous smell; tongue white, green, fissured; gums swol- len; toothache; throat inflamed. Appetite lost; unquenchable thirst; bitter, sour taste, Stomach: sour eructations; nau- sea, vomiting; pain in the cardiac orifice and pit; tardy digestion. Abdomen: distention; tenderness; much flatulence; crampy pains; cut- ting; pinching; burning; soreness of the liver and spleen. Stool: thin, offensive ; green, slimy, acrid, bloody; great tenes- mus, with burning in the rectum. In ulceration of the mouth and throat, esp. from syphilis; in dys- pepsia, diarrhoea, dysentery consti- pation, etc. Urinary System. Pain in the kidneys and bladder; frequent urging; tenesmus; burning during micturition. Urine: scanty, dark; offensive; smelling like that of a horse. In venereal affections; in nephritis; cystitis, Bright's disease, albumin- uria, etc. Generative System. Male : excitement; weakness ; symptoms similar to syphilis, as ul- j eers on the glans penis, etc. Female: menses too soon; with great bearing-down pains; fetid, of- fensive discharge; menorrhagia and metrorrhagia ; fetid leucorrhea ; symptoms similar to syphilis. In gonorrhoea and syphilis; in of- fensive lochia; in haemorrhagia after abortion or at the climacteric period. i (Ludlam). Special Remarks. Aggr. after midnight; in a warm room; during sweat, etc. j Amel. in the forenoon; in cold weather; in rest; after sweat, etc Spec: left side; dark hair; nerv- ous temperament, etc. ACID. PHOSPH. Mouth: dry; tenacious mucus; tongue grayish-white, hot ; gums swollen and bleed; toothache; throat dry, hot, inflamed. Appetite lost ; unquenchable thirst; bitter, sour taste. Stomach: sour or bitter eructa- I tions; gastric catarrh; every kind of i food causes pain. I Abdomen: rumbling as from wa ter; meteorism; stitches and pain about the liver; itching, burning haemorrhoids. Stool: watery, painless diarrhea, I not debilitating: gray, involuntary stool, mixed with mucus; itching in j the anus. In diarrhea; in hectic fever or | other conditions of debility; in haemorrhoids (Jousset). Spasmodic constriction of the sphincter vesica, with pain; frequent urgings, retention, etc. Urine: abundant ; like milk ; bloody; decomposes rapidly. In albuminuria, milky urine, etc.; but in diabetis it has Avon its green- est laurels (Hughes). Male: irritation : excitement weakness; emissions; swelling of the testes and cords. Female: excitement; menses too soon and profuse ; amenorrhea ; dysmenorrhea; pain in the ovaries and uterus; discharge of wind;yel- low, corroding leucorrhea. In sexual debility from excess or unnatural use; in ovaritis; metritis. etc.; general debility, etc. Aggr. after midnight: from cold in dry weather, etc. Amel. before midnight ; from warmth; in wet weather; etc. Spec: debility in individuals originally of strong constitution. S E C O N I) S E R I E S ACID. SULHP. ANTIM. CRUD. ANTIM. TART. Disrestive Svstein. Mouth: fauces and pharynx in- flamed; offensive breath; ulcera- tion; tongue red, swollen; teeth black; throat swollen, inflamed. Appetite voracious; lost; great thirst; putrid taste. Stomach: eructations; hiccough; nausea, vomiting; distention; ten- derness; terrible pains. Abdomen: distention; flatulence; rumbling; violent pains; pressure upon the navel: burning in both hypochondria. Stool : watery, very offensive diarrhea; discharge of blood; con- stipation. In stomacace; in dyspepsia, gas- tralgia (Bayes), haemorrhage from the bowels, constipation, etc. Mouth: dryness; much saliva; bleeding of the gums; toothache; tongue thick white fur; throat raw, painful. Appetite variable; great thirst: taste bitter: aggr. after eating. Stomach : eructations ; nausea, vomiting; distention; pain; weak, slow digestion. Abdomen: great distention; flat- ulence; cutting pain; burning in the rectum; haemorrhoids. Stool: watery, acrid, slimy; al- most only mucus; diarrhea alter- nating with constipation; constipa- tion. In gastric catarrh with profuse secretion of mucus; in dyspepsia, diarrhea, constipation, etc. Mouth dry,sore, ulcerated; bleed- ing of the gums; toothache; tongue red, papillae raised; throat red, pain- ful; difficult deglutition. Appetite variable; great thirst; taste bitter; 'imel. after eating. Stomach: eructations; great nau- sea, violent vomiting; throbbing pains; sensation of over-loading. Abdomen: great heaviness and pressure; violent pains around the umbilicus; soreness of the liver; stitching in the rectum. Stool: copious, yellow, brown, thin, offensive diarrhea; constipa- tion, with much ineffective urging. In vomiting of food (Bayes); in diarrhea and constipation; esp. with affections of the respiratory organs. Urinary System. Pains in the kidneys: pressure upon the bladder; constant urging. Urine: copious: scanty, red; al- buminous; brownish sediment. In albuminuria; acute inflamma- tory affections, etc Pressure iu the bladder; frequent urging, with burning pain in the urethra during micturition. Urine: clear yellow; brown; in- voluntary evacuation. Pain in the bladder as from a calculi; burning in the urethra dur- ing and after micturition. Urine: red, dark, turbid; of strong odor; albuminous. In albuminuria, etc. Generative System. Male: irritation; erections; emis- sions; relaxation of the scrotum; pain in the glans penis. Female: menses too early and profuse; too late, with pain in the back; great desire for coition after the menses; milky, burning leucor- rhea, In sympathetic affections, as leu- corrhea, menorrhagia, nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, etc. Male: irritation; erections; emis- sions; biting and itching in the genitals. Female: menses irregular; pres- sure in the uterus as if something would come out; tenderness in the ovarian region; watery leucorrhea, In gastric ailments of pregnancy- etc, Male: irritation; relaxation; itch- ing and tickling of the genitals. Female: menses too early and de- ficient; preceded by pains; watery, bloody leucorrhea. In gastric ailments of pregnancy: in swelling and induration of the cervix (Ludlam). Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning; after din- ner; from cold, etc. Amel. in the open air; after vom- iting; from warmth, etc. Spec: light hair; old people, esp. women. Aggr. at night; from moistening the diseased parts, etc Amel. when sitting down; from warm food or drink, etc. Spec.: left side; periodicity; over-sonsitivewss. elc Aggr. in the evening; from warmth, etc, Amel. during day; from moisten- ing the diseased parts, etc. Spec.: numbness of diseased parts. CALCAREA PHOSPH. The action is quite similar to that of Calc carb.; but it is more partic- ularly spent upon the osseous sys- tem. In conditions where the assimila- tive powers are impaired, as in tu berculosis, scrofula, but esp. in ra- chitis. This is one of the most powerful remedies in giving firmness and strength to the bony skeleton. Comp. Calc carb., Silic Sulph., Phosph. acid., etc. S E C O N D S E R I E S CAR BO ANIMAL. Leading Therapeutics. Affects esp. the blood and lymph: the mucous membranes and the skin; but the nervous system is also strongly influenced. In diseases from dyscrasia, with loss of vitality, imperfect oxydation of the blood and tendency to pu- tresence. The general character is similar to Car. veg.; but the action is deep- er and more penetrating. Comp. Carb. veg.. Ars.. Carl). acid, Merc. corr. Eve. etc. (ARBO VEOETAB. Affects esp. the blood and the lymph; the mucous membranes and the skin; but the nervous system is also strongly influenced. In diseases from dyscrasia, with loss of vitality, imperfect oxyda- tion of the blood and tendency to putresence. ! The general character is depres- sion which is not preceded by ere- thism ( Dunham). Comp. Carb. an., Ars.. Carb. acid. Mcr. sol.. Eve, etc. Irritability; peevishness; anxiety; weakness of intellect and memory. Vertigo, with fullness and press ure of the head. Drowsiness all the day; the sleep is restless and full of dreams. 3Iind, Sensorium, Etc. Irritability; melancholy; apathy; confusion; weakness of intellect and memory. Vertigo, extreme; sensation as if the brain were loose. Sleepiness during the day; sleep- lessness at night; restless, unrefresh- ing sleep; anxious dreams. In sympathetic affections, etc. Irritability: peevishness; indiffer- ence; weakness of intellect and memory. Vertigo, extreme; congestion and heaviness of the head. Sleepiness during the day; sleep- lessness at night; restless, unre- freshing sleep; anxious dreams. In sympathetic affections, etc. Skin: dry. shrivelled, yellow; se- vere itching and burning. Esp. the squamous forms ofVrup- tion, but also those with suppura- tion and unhealthiness of the skin in general. In chronic squamous eruption; eczema, psoriasis; in scrofulous ulcers, etc. Cutaneous System. Skin: hot; violent itching and burning, esp. when warm in bed. Dry. burning rash ; nettlerash: erysipelatous swelling, with burn- ing pain; boils; ulcers: hard swell- ings. In skin affections of a chronic or malignant nature, esp. with pu- trid discharge. Skin: hot; great itching and burn- ing, esp. when warm in bed. Dry or moist rash: nettlerash, with itching and burning pain: ery- sipelatous swelling; boils, ulcers. etc. In skin affections of a chronic or malignant nature, esp. with puru- lent discharge. Trunk and Extremities. Aching pain with weariness in all the body: flabbinessof the muscles; softness of the bones. Soreness and pain in the chest and back; rheumatic stiffness of the neck. Rheumatic pain and weakness of the extremities; cramps in the calves; the 1 limbs "fall asleep": ulcers on the legs. In diseases esp. of the osseous xysteni. as rhachitis. Pott's disease; but also in many other affections. Weaknesss, weariness and bruised pain all over; glands indurated; ve- nous plethora; ulcerations. Glands of the neck indurated and painful; pain in the back. esp. in the sacrum and coccyx. Axillary glands swollen; hands numb: finger-joints stiff; heaviness of the legs; cramps in the calves; pain in the feet, etc. In glandular affections; in malig- nant ulcers, as cancer, etc. Weakness, weariness and bruised pain all over: glands indurated; ve- nous plethora. Glands of the neck swollen and painful; pain in the back, esp. in the sacrum and coccyx. Axillary glands swollen; hands numb; fingers weak: heaviness of the legs; cramp in the calves; pain iu the feet, etc In glandular affections; in malig- nant ulcers, as cancer, etc. CAUSTKUM. Acts esp. upon the cerebro-spinal nervous system, partic. upon the motor nerves, the respiratory and urinary organs. In diseases due to nervous relax- ation and debility, as aphonia, cho- rea, paralysis, urinary affections. etc. Constitutional debility, sonic dia- thesis, or a chronic duration are fur- ther indications. Comp. Sulph., Hep.. Calc carb.. Brom, Nux vom., etc. Depression; hypochondriasis; anx- iety; apathy: weakness of intellect and memory. Vertigo, with weakness of the bead and anxiety. (Treat sleepiness duringday; sleep- lessness at night; sleep very rest- less and full of quarrelsome dreams. In sympathetic affections. Violent itching over the whole body, formication. Red or yellow spots; papular eruption on the face, vesicular on the neck: pustules, boils, etc. In intertrigo in children; eczema, psoriasis, etc.; in unhealthiness of the skin in general. Weakness and trembling; general restlessness; rheumatic spasmodic pains. Oppression of the chest; stiffness and pain in the neck and back, esp. in the lumbar region. Drawing, tearing, rheumatic pains in the arms, hands, legs and feet; j arthritic pain in all the limbs; pa- ralysis. In neuralgic, rheumatic and ar- thritic affections, esp. of paralytic character; in progressive locomotor ataxy, etc. j SECO N D S E R I E S . GRAPHITES. Eeading Therapeutics. The action upon the digestive apparatus and the male and female sexual organs is of great impor- tance (Dunham). In catarrh of the stomach and intestines; in hydrocele, ovarion tu- mors, displacement of the uterus, etc. The disposition to fissures, cracks in the integument seems charac- teristic (Dunham). Comp. Lycop., Alum.. Plumb., Ant, crud.. Puis., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression ; anxiety : irritabil- ity: weakness of memory. Vertigo; dullness; sensation of intoxication. Great sleepiness duringday; rest- less nights; no sleep before mid- night; much dreaming. In sympathetic affections, as ver- tigo from uterine disorders (Charge). Cutaneous System. Violent itching over the whole body; stitching; formication. General unhealthiness of the skin; papular, vesicular and pustu- lar eruptions; a sticky exudation. In ezcema, herpes, impetigo, psoriasis, etc.; in affections of the nails, etc. Trunk and Extremities. Weakness and exhaustion; ema- ciation; trembling and tremulous sensation all over. Pain in the nape of the neck and back with stiffness; numb, aching pain in the sacrum. Drawing pains and heaviness of all the limbs; twitchings of the ex- tremities with edema, esp. of the legs and feet. In myelitis, morbus coxarius (Hoyne); one of our best remedies for in-growing toe-nails (Dunham). HEPAR SULPH. Acts esp. upon the lymphatic- glandular system, the skin and the mucous membranes, partic of the respiratory organs. In affections with suppuration, as abscesses, ulcers, etc.; in coughs, croup, pneumonia, phthisis pul- monalis, etc. Hep. sulph. is one of the best remedies in ailments from the abuse of Mercury. Comp. Sil., Merc, Calc. carb., Sulph., KalCJbichr., etc. Depression;hypochondriasis; anx- iety; irritability; weakness of mem- ory. Vertigo, esp. when shaking the head. Sleepiness during day; restless sleep, with frequent startings and anxious dreams. In sympathetic affections, a s ver- tigo when riding ( Charge). I Itching, crawling and burning on various parts of the body. Skin yellow; unhealthy; every lit- tle wound suppurates; dry and moist eruption, esp. of the pustu- lar variety. In pustules, boils, eczema, her- pes, etc.; in profuse suppuration in general. i Weakness and drawing pain in all the limbs, glandular swelling and suppuration. Cutting, draAving pains in the j small of the back. * Pain in the arms and legs; fingers feel numb: cramps in the calves: coldness of the feet; burning of the toes. In scrofulous diseases; in 1 hen- mat ism, etc, but esp. in cases where to check or to conduct sup- , puration. CALCAREA PHOSPH. Head: dryness; scaliness; erup- tion; coldness; burning on the top. Headache: heavy, pressive pains; in the forehead, temples, etc.; with sensation of coldness in the head. Eyes: pain; photophobia; sensa- tion of coldness. Ears: pain; roaring; difficult hearing; sensation of coldness. Nose: sneezing; epistaxis;coryza; the tip is icy cold. Face: pale, sallow; cold sweat; neuralgic pains. Upper lip swollen ; painful, hard and hot. In headache; diseases of eyes, ears, etc., esp. with rachitis, scrof- ulosis, etc. General malaise; debility; the pains occur most m small spots. AVeakness, languor and pain; trembling of the arms and hands. In nervous debility from other affections. Pulse quick; slow; sluggish cir- culation; palpitation of the heart, Chill with shaking; cold feet; hot face; dry heat in the evening; copi- us night-sweats. In diseases from delayed or de- ranged assimilation, etc., as ra- chitis, scrofulosis, etc. Burning in the larynx; hoarse- ness; the breathing is short and op- pressed. Cough: at first dry, later with profuse purulent expectoration. Soreness and pain in the chest. In sympathetic diseases. S ECO XI) SERIES. CARHO ANIMAL. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: pain in the top as if the skull would split; hair falls out, Headache: heavy, pressing, dull pains in the top, over the eyes, etc.; head as heavy as lead. Eyes: obscuration and weakness of sight; long-sightedness. Ears: pain; ringing; dullness of bearing; ichorous discharge. Nose: epistaxis every morning; tip swollen: pustules inside. Face: pale, greyish; yellow; hip- pocratic; neuralgic pains. Lips: swollen, burning; cracked. In headache and other affections; esp. in cachectic individuals. Nervous System. Extreme nervous debility; the pains are burning, aching. Prostration; loss of vital powers; pain; spasms; collapsus. In sympathetic affections as col- lapsus in cholera, etc. Circulatory System. Pulse accelerated; venous pleth- ora; violent palpitation. Chill in the evening; chilliness predominates; heat; burning, usu- ally without thirst; sour, fetid, de- bilitating sweat. In mal-treated cases of ague; in hectic and adynamic fevers; in cy- anosis in cholera, etc Respiratory System. Rawness and pain in the larynx; hoarseness; voice feeble; breathing panting, rattling, difficult. Cough: very severe; dry. titilla- ting or with green, fetid sputa. Chest: sharp, burning pain; sen- sation of coldness. In chronic affections, esp. from wrant of vital forces or with puru- lent discharge. CAR BO VEOETAB. | Head: pain and pressure; hair falls out. Headache: heavy, pressing, dull pains; head as heavy as lead; ach- [ ing pressure over the eyes. Eyes: obscuration and weakness of sight; short-sightedness. Ears: pain; ringing; dullness of hearing; ichorous otorrhea, Nose: copious and frequent bleed- ing, esp. at night. Face: pale, greyish; cold; neu- ralgic pain. Lips: swollen, brown, cracked. In headache and other affections, esp. in cachectic individuals; in cephalalgia, blepharitis, otitis, ot- orrhea, epistaxis (Hoyne). Extreme nervous debility; the pains are burning, drawing. Prostration; loss of vital powers; pains: spasms; collapsus. In symptomatic affections, as collapsus in cholera, etc.; in cere- brospinal meningitis (Hoyne). Pulse accelerated; venous pleth- ora; violent palpitation. Chill in the night; chilliness pre- dominates: flushes of burning heat, with thirst; debilitating, offensive sweat. In mal treated cases of ague; in hectic and adynamic fevers: in cy- anosis in cholera, etc. RaAvness and dryness of the lar- ynx; hoarseness; breathing short and difficult; voice feeble. Cough: hard, dry; worse after meal; often green, purulent sputa. Congestion and burning pain in the chest. In whooping-cough ( Hoyne ), chronic bronchitis (Bayes), pneu- monia, phthisis pulmonalis, edema j of the lungs, haemoptysis, etc SECOND SERIES 77 ( AUSTICUM. GRAPHITES. HEPAR SULPH. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: tension of the scalp; pain in a small spot on the top. Headache: dull, pressive pains; in the forehead, temples, etc.; sensa- tion of emptiness in the head. Eyes: dimness; pain; photopho- bia; inflammation. Ears: roaring;pain; offensive dis- charge: dullness of hearing. Nose: coryza; epistaxis; pimples on the tip. Face: yellow; sickly; burning, spasmodic pains. Lips: pain and tension in the jaws. In headache, diseases of the eyes and ears, facial neuralgia, etc., esp. when the root is a paralytic con- dition. Head: painful; scurvy spots; the hair becomes dry and falls out, Headache: pressing, tearing, ten- sive pains; in the temples, etc.; esp. in the morning. Eyes: painful; sunken; photo- phobia; inflammation. Ears: pain; rhagades;hardness of hearing; roaring sounds. Nose: swollen; fetid discharge; dry scabs. Face: pale, sullen; much erup- tion; muscular contraction. Lips: swollen; chapped; ulcer- ated. In headache, scrofulous ophthal- mia (Vilas), keratitis, otitis, ozaena, eruptions, dryness of the lips, etc. Head: itching and burning on the scalp; soreness; hair falls out. Headache: boring, lancinating pains, as if a nail were driven into the brain; in the forehead, etc. Eyes: pain; obscuration of sight; photophobia; inflammation. Ears: throbbing sounds; dullness of hearing; offensive discharge. Nose: coryza; epistaxis; pain in the dorsum. Face: yellow; blue rings around the eyes; pains in the bones. Lips: ulceration. In alopecia, headache (Hahne- mann), scrofulous ophthalmia (Jous- set), affections of the ears, nose,etc., esp. with scrofulosis. Nervous System. Nervous debility; prostration; tearing, rheumatic pains. Weakness: trembling; restless- ness; spasms; paralysis. In paralytic affections, etc., esp. in loss of co-ordination of the mus- cles. Nervous depression; sudden loss of strength; emaciation. Weakness and weariness; tremb- ling; spasms and formication. In sympathetic affections. Nervous debility; over-sensitive- ness to touch; fainting. Weakness; trembling; drawing pains; restlessness. In nervous affections, esp. in ail- ments from the abuse of Mercury. Circulatory System. Pulse quick; slow; oppression of the heart; palpitation. Deficiency of animal heat: much internal chilliness; flushes of heat followed by chills; profuse sour sweat, esp. in the morning. In affections of the heart; in symp- tomatic fevers, etc. Pulse full, hard; slow; oppression of the heart; palpitation. Chilliness; chills most in the evening, with cold face and feet; heat at night; sweat in the morn- ing. In symptomatic affections, as in palpitation of the heart from diffi- cult menstruation (Hoyne ). Pulse full, hard, intermitting; stitches in the heart; palpitation. Chilliness predominates; attacks of chills with thirst during day; burning heat with violent thirst; profuse hectic perspiration. In hectic fever, esp. with organic loss from suppuration, as in scro- fulosis, tuberculosis, etc., or from the abuse of Mercury. Weakness and relaxation of the laryngeal muscles; voice weak or lost; breathing oppressed. Cough: dry, tickling, painful; very severe; relieved by cold water. Stitching pain and oppression of the chest, with great anxiety. In cough, whooping-cough, glos- sitis ( Bayes ), paralysis of the glot- tis (Kafka); in aphonia almost a specific. Respiratory System. Tickling and scraping in the larynx; voice hoarse; breathing dif- ficult; dyspnea. Cough: tickling, harrassing; with profuse expectoration. Accumulation of mucus in the chest; pain when coughing. In asthma, cough, whooping- cough, etc. The action is chiefly on the larynx and trachea;hoarseness; roughness; wheezing respiration, etc. Cough: hoarse; as in croup; dry; with purulent expectoration, etc. Weakness, constriction and pain in the chest. In cough, whooping-cough, croup, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. In croup it is one of our chief remedies, CALCAREA PHOSPH. Mouth: sore spots inside; tooth- ache; tongue swollen, numb; throat aching pains. Appetite variable; great thirsl; taste bitter; aggr. after eating. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting: heaviness: pressing pain: distention. Abdomen: pain in the hypochon- driac region; burningpain about the navel; motion as if something were alive. Stool: green, loose, offensive; of- fensive flatus; constipation, with very difficult evacuation: itching in Ihe anus. In conditions from deficient as- similation, as in difficult dentition, rachitis, scrofula, etc. SECO X I) SERIES CAR BO ANIMAL. Digestive' System. CARBO VEGETAB. Mouth and tongue dry, hot, blis- Mouth and tongue dry and hot; tered: teeth loose: gums swollen; blisters; teeth feel loose; gums are throat constricted. swollen; throat feels constricted. Appetite lost; no thirst: bitter taste; aggr. from eating; eructations. Stomach: nausea, vomiting: press- ing, clawing, griping, burning pains; acidity; heaviness: flatulence. Abdomen: excessive flatulence; great distension; intense burning, lancinating pains, as if something were to be squeezed. Stool: hard, lumpy, scanty, with constant urging and difficult evacu- ation; watery, offensive, bloody diarrhea. In scorbutic affections; in dys- pepsia, diarrhea, dysentery, Asiat- ic cholera; in ulcers, cancer, etc. There is excessive flatulence. Appetite lost; no thirst ;salty taste; aggr. from eating; eructations. Stomach: nausea, vomiting; burn- ing, contractive pains; acidity: heav- iness; flatulence. Abdomen: excessive flatulence; great distension; burning, clawing pains, with great heaviness.*. Stool: hard, lumpy, scanty; with constant urging and difficult evacu- ation; watery, bloody, cadaverous diarrhea. In scorbutic affections; in dys- pepsia, diarrhea, dysentery, Asiat- tic cholera ; in ulcers, cancer, etc There is excessive flatulence. Violent pains in the kidneys and bladder; frequent urging; painful micturition. Urine: copious, with sensation of weakness; dark, hot, scanty. Indiabetis, albuminuria, etc. Urinary System. Pressive pain on the bladder: con- stant, ineffective urging. Urine: increased, scanty, bloody. fetid; with severe pain. In degeneration of the kidneys. albuminuria, etc. Pressure of the bladder: frequent ineffectual urging. Urine: increased: scanty, turbid, bloody; with pain. In degeneration of the kidneys. albuminuria, etc Male: erections without desire; penis hard and swollen; pain and swelling of the testes. Female: irritation, with weakness; great desire; menses too early and profuse; Aveakness and pains of the uterus; profuse leucorrhea. like the white of an egg. In disorders of menstruation and pregnancy, esp. if from general debility and morbid irritability. Generative System. Male: depression and weakness: emissions; symptoms as in syphilis. Female; menses too frequent, long and painful; burning pain in the uterus; bloody, fetid, offensive discharge; very offensive ichorous leucorrhea. In cases with fetid discharge, as from ulceration, or in the puerperal state: in malignant chancre, etc Male : depression and weakness; symptoms as in syphilis. Female: menses too frequent, long and painful; burning pain in the uterus; offensive discharge; thick, creamy or thin, ichorous leu- corrhea. In cases with fetid discharge, as from ulceration, or in the puerperal state; in malignant chancre, etc, Aggr. in the evening; from cold; in bed, etc. Amel. in the morning; from warmth; out of bed, etc. Spec: racbetic children; girls at pubertv; old people. Special Remarks. Aggr. after midnight; in bed;from cold, etc. Amel. during day; out of bed; from warmth, etc Depression of vital powers; ven- ous plethora; dyscrasia. Aggr. in the morning; after sleep; in the open air, etc. Amel. in the evening; in the room, etc Depression of vital powers; ven- ous system predominates; dv scrasia. CAUSTICUM. Mouth: sore, full of ulcers: teeth loose; gums swollen; tongue white, paralyzed; throat red, painful, in- flamed. Appetite lost; great thirst for cold drinks; taste bitter. Stomach : eructations ; nausea. vomiting; pressure: pinching, draw- ing pains; spasms. Abdomen: pain; distention; flat- ulence: loud rumbling; colic, re- lieved by bending double; itching of the anus, etc. Stool: hard, knotty, like sheep's dung; frequent ineffectual urging; offensive flatus; diarrhea; haemor- rhoids. In stomacace, glossiti>. constipa- tion (Bayes ). dyspepsia, diarrhea (Hoyne), fissure of the anus (Her- ing), etc. SECOND SEIilES. (JRAPHITES. Digestive System. Mouth: dryness, much saliva; of- fensive smell ; gums swollen ; tongue white, ulcerated; toothache; throat pain, constriction. Appetite voracious; lost; great thirst; bitter, putrid taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; fermentation; flatulence; distention; pain. Abdomen: hard; distended; flat- ulence; griping colic; spasmodic pain: burning in the left hypochon- drium. Stool: diarrhea with great pros- tration; feces dark-colored, very of- fensive, bloody; constipation: itch- ing in the anus. In catarrh of the stomach and in- testines With the 200th Dr. Dur- ham has cured both constipation and diarrhea. HEPAR SULPH. Mouth: dry, offensive smell; aph- thous eruption; teeth loose; gums swollen; tongue ulcerated; stitch- ing and pain in the throat. Appetite capricious; great thirst; bitter, earthy taste. Stomach: hot eructations; nau sea, vomiting; gastric catarrh; dis- tention and burning pain. Abdomen: stitches in the region of the liver; fermentation; disten- tion; rumbling; colic: burning in the rectum; haemorrhoids. Stool: hard and dry; sluggish evacuation; white, slimy, fetid stools with tenesmus and burning in the anus. In constipation with haemorrhoids (Bayes); in dysentery (Altschul); in affections of the mouth, etc. Pain in the bladder; pressure aud constant urging; paralysis; reten- tion or incontinence. Urine: dark brown; turbid and cloudy on standing. In spasmodic and paralytic affec- tions of the bladder; in diabctis (Dunham), etc Urinary System. Burning in the urethra when not urinating; frequent urging; invol- untary evacuation. Urine; very dark-colored; turbid; white sediment. In cystitis, noctural enuresis, etc. Weakness of the bladder; urine tardy or retained; burning during micturition. Urine: dark, hot, bloody, milky, turbid; white sediment. In catarrh of the bladder (Dun- ham ); in enuresis (Hoyne ). Male: irritation; erections; in- crease of smegma on glans; weak- ness; pains in the testes. Female: aversion to coitus; men- ses too early and profuse; with vio- lent pains in the abdomen; amenor- rhea; profuse corroding leucor- rhea. In sexual debility; in amenor- rhea, dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, etc.,esp.with constitutional debility. Generative System. Male: irritation; depression;emis- sions; swelling of the prepuce and testicles. Female: menses delayed; sensa- tion of weakness of the organs; hard swelling of the left ovary; white, slimy leucorrhea; coldness of the vagina; swelling of the pu- denda. In hydrocele, ovaritis, ovarian tumors (Dudgeon), displacement of the uterus, amenorrhea, dysmenor- rhea, etc. Male: irritation; weakness; dis- charge of prostatic fluid; chancre- like ulcers on the prepuce. Female: menses irregular; men- orrhagia of dark blood; burning pains in the uterus; corrosive leu- corrhea, In prostatitis, metritis, leucor- rhea, etc,; venereal ulcers, esp. after the abuse of Mercury. Aggr. in the evening; from cold; in dry weather, etc. Amel. in the morning; from warmth; in damp weather, etc. Spec: right side; dark hair; rigid fibres; paralytic conditions. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning and even- ing; in bed; from warmth, etc Amel. at night; from walking; in the open air, etc, Spec : adapted to women inclined lo obesity and lardy menstruation. Aggr. in the morning; from mo tion; in dry weather; from cold, etc. Amel. in the afternoon; during rest; from warmth; after sweat, etc (beat sensitiveness lo touch, draught of air, etc. 80 SECOND S E RIE S . KALI BROM. KALI CARB. KALI 10B. Leading: Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the circulatory and nervous systems; producing contraction of the bloodvessels and anaesthesia, The use has hitherto been limit- ed to that of an anodyne and anti- spasmodic Reduction of the circulation, de- pression of the vital forces, anaes- thesia, etc., is the picture. Comp. Amyl. nitr., Chloral, Opi- um, Chloroform, Ether, etc. In the alleophatic school it is a standard remedy in affections of the mind, etc Weakness and paralysis of the muscular system; contraction of blood vessels, etc. Pain in the loins; oppression of the chest. Trembling, involuntary motion and pain, weakness and paralysis of the limbs; the hands shake; the gait is unsteady, etc. Acts esp. upon the mucous mem- branes of the respiratory and the genito-urinary organs; the skin, etc In catarrhal and ulcerative dis- eases; in phthisispulm.,pneumonia; in amenorrhea and menorrhagia, etc. Stitching pains with the other symptoms is a great indication for this remedy. Comp. Natr. mur., Kali bichr., Canst. Ant. tart., Sulph., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. In symptomatic affections. Cutaneous System. Trunk and Extremities. Acts esp. upon the blood, the lymphatic and glandular systems, and partic. upon the respiratory and urinary organs. In diseases, esp. with dyscrasia, as syphilis and its sequelae; but also in many other affections. Esp. suitable in broken down constitutions drugged with Mer- cury. Comp. Iod., Merc, Kali bichr., Hep. sulph., Sulph., Phytol., etc. Excitation as if intoxicated; talk- ativeness; hilarity; quarrelsome- ness; depression. Vertigo, as if intoxicated. Sleepiness; sleeplessness; rest- lessness at night; weeping during sleep; horrible dreams. In sympathetic affections, syphi- litic hypochondriasis. Itching, burning spots on the skin. Acne simplex, pustules, etc.; it seems to have a special relation to the sebaceous glands; skin bluish white. Skin dry. hot; burning and itch- ing. Papular, vesicular and pustular eruption on various parts; squamae and vesicles upon the lips, etc In eczema, herpes, impetigo, psoriasis, boils, etc. Skin: dryness: itching; burning; great sensitiveness. Skin red, rough, hide-bound; papular, vesicular and pustular eruption; erysipelatous swelling, etc In eczema, herpes, impetigo, psoriasis, ulcers, etc., esp. from syphilitic origin. Chilliness, jerkings, weariness and stitching pain in the whole body. Stiffness of the back and neck; shooting pain through the chest; the back is as if broken. Stitching, tearing pains in the ex- tremities; weakness with cramps in the fingers; legs heavy, stiff and swollen. In rheumatism, lumbago, para- lytic conditions, dropsy, etc., (Hart- mann). Restlessness; weakness and con- traction of the muscles; tearing, boring pains. Bruised pain in the lumbar re gion; sensation as if being in a vice, or from a fall. Tearing pain in the shoulders. i thighs and knees; gnawing in the ■. o item bones; ulcerative pain in the heels and toes. In rheumatism, neuralgia, lumba- go, spasmodic affections, etc.; esp. from syphilis. Buoyancy; comfort and relief; depression; melancholy; delirium; hallucinations; coma. Vertigo; confusion of the head; stupor. Great sleepiness; somnolence; sleeplessness; insomnia; confused dreams. Despondent; peevish; irritable; absent-minded; confused; great dislike for labor. Vertigo, esp. when hastily turn- ing the head or body. Sleepiness during the day; can- not sleep at night; awakens at 2 to 4 a.m.; horrible dreams. NATRUM CARB. Acts esp. upon the digestive, res- piratory and generative organs, the glandular system and the skin. In dyspepsia, diarrhea, cough, asthma, menorrhagia; dysmenor- rhea, scrofulosis, eczema, etc. In spite of its extensive patho- genesis it has found very little em- ployment (Hughes). Comp. Natr. mur., Kali carb., Lye, Graph., Nux vom., Puis.,etc. Depression; sadness; irritability; j weakness of intellect and memory. i Vertigo; dullness of the head. Sleepiness during the day; awakes early in the morning; anxious, confused dreams. In symptomatic affections. Stitching all over the body. Skin is dry, rough, chapped; erythema; papular, vesicular and pustular eruptions. In eczema, herpes, impetigo, etc. Twitching and contraction of the muscles; debility; rheumatic pains. Swelling of the cervical glands; stiffening of the neck; stitches and formication in the back. Rheumatic, tearing, cutting pains in the extremities; trembling,swell- ing and coldness of hands and feet. In scrofulosis and rachitic affec- tions ( Altschul). S ECOXD S KHIES. NATRUM MUR. Leading- Therapeutics. Through the vegetative nervous system it acts on the blood, the lymphatic vessels and the glandular system ( Burt). In intermittent fever; scrofulous and scorbutic conditions; in chlo- rosis, diseases of the digestive sys- tem, etc. In diseases with some blood dys- crasia it is particularly indi- cated. Comp. Ars., Eupat per. China, Lach., Alum., Lye, etc Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Irritability, depression; melan- choly; weakness of intellect and memory. Vertigo, as if everything went around in a circle. Sleepiness by day; sleeplessness at night; somnambulism; vivid, anxious dreams. In sleeplessness (Hering); in weakness of memory (Gross); in hypochondriasis (Bayes). Cutaneous System. Intense itching of the skin, with great sensitiveness. Skin dry, dirty, withered; un- healthiness in general; all varieties of eruptions, but esp. the vesicular form. In eczema, herpes, acne, urticaria, hang-nails, etc., esp. with function- al diseases, dyscrasia, etc. Trunk and Extremities. Debility; sensation as if the limbs were going to sleep; tingling; spasms; edema and stiffness. Pain in the neck and back; spine over-sensitive; the sacral region feels as if bruised. Pain, trembling and weakness of the extremities; the hands tremble; the feet are emaciated, cold, swol- len, etc. In chronic neuralgia and rheu- matic affections, esp. in cachectic conditions, 81 PETROLEUM. Acts in general upon the blood, esp. upon the digestive and genito- urinary organs, the cutaneous sys- tem, etc In sea-sickness, vomiting of preg- nancy, dyspepsia, diarrhea, dysen- tery, leucorrhea and affections of the skin. This is the only remedy which Dr. Bayes has found of any use in sea-sickness. Comp. Kreos., Ars., Calc. carb., Sil., Hep. sulph., Nux v., Cocc,etc Sadness; despondency; confusion of mind. Vertigo; sensation as if every- thing in the head wrere alive. Sleepiness; sleeplessness; the sleep is restless and full of distressing- dreams. In ailments from vexation or fright (Hering). Skin: burning hot; itching, with chills; stitching pain. Eruptions, esp. of the vesicular variety; rhagades; unhealthy skin; ulcers, etc. Iu eczema, herpes, ulcers, urti- caria, warmth, etc., esp. with some dyscrasia, Twitching and numbness of the limbs; rheumatic stiffness of the joints; trembling; pain. Stiffness of the neck; pain in the back; cannot move; pain all over. Wrists feel as if sprained; burn- ing of the palms and soles; legs swollen and hot; ulcers. In neuralgic, rheumatic, dropsi- cal and ulcerative affections. SECOND SERIES KALI BROM. KALI CARB. KALI 101). Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: confusion and heat of the head. Headache: dull, heavy pains, as in some forms of typhus; in the forehead, etc. Eyes: dull-looking; hollow, fixed; distortion of vision. Ears: roaring; distortion of hear- ing. Nose: thick mucus; yellow scab; loss of smell. Face: pale, ashy, thin; dull, stu- pid expression. Epilepsy from cerebral conges- tion has been cured by this remedy: in the old school it has been used frequently. Head: itching in the bones; tu- mors on the scalp; hair falls out. Headache: stitching, pressive pains in the forehead, temples, or back of the head. Eyes: dimness and confusion of sight; pain; inflammation. Ears: stitching pain; roaring; pus-like discharge. Nose: dry or fluent coryza; burn- ing pain; epistaxis. Face, pale; red, hot, bloated; stinging pain in the bones. Lips: swollen; ulcerated; swel- ling of the sub-maxillary glands. In hyperaemia of the brain; in headache, ophthalmia, otitis, cory- za, facial erysipelas, etc. Head; ulcerative pain; hard tu- mors on the cranium; hair falls out. Headache: heavy, lancinating pains over the left eye and in the left temple; head as in a vice. Eyes: burning pain; lacrymation; photophobia; inflammation. Ears: boring, darting pains; of- fensive discharge. Nose: red, swollen; burning pain; epistaxis; offensive discharge. Face: pale, sallow; swollen; dart- ing, stinging pains in the bones. Lips: swollen, ulcerated; swelling of the sub-maxillary glands. In headache, diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, etc., esp. from syphilis. Nervous System. It paralyses the nerves of the spinal cord (Pletzer). Agreeable sensation; restlessness; weakness; prostration. In large doses it is used as an anodyne and anti-spasmodic Pulse and heart's action reduced. In large doses its primary action is contraction of the blood vessels, and the secondary dilation; decrease of temperature; fever; perspira- tion. Nervous debility; restlessness: stinging pain. Twitching of the muscles; tremb- ling; spasms; paresis. In nervous lumbago in pregnan- cy I(Goullon); in rheumatism, neural- gia, etc. Circulatory System. Pulse irregular; spasmodic pain about the heart; palpitation. Chilly in the morning; frequent shuddering during the day; chilli- ness predominates; external chill, internal heat; night sweats without relief. In valvular diseases of the heart; in symptomatic feverish condi- tions. Nervous debility; restlessness; tearing, boring, darting pains. Twitching of the muscles; rest less moving about; paralysis. In neuralgic, rheumatic, arthritic affections, esp. from syphilis. Pulse accelerated; darting pain in the heart; palpitation. Chilly with thirst 4 to 7 p. m., or all night: chill from the sacrum up- wards, etc.; flushes of heat; profuse sweat; no sweat. In intermittent fever; in feverish conditions, as in syphilis, dropsy. scrofulosis, etc Respiratory System. Cough: dry, fatiguing. Oppression of the chest. Has been used in asthma, angina pectoris, etc Laryngo-bronchical weakness ;the ] Larynx raw, dry; voice weak or voice is weak and hoarse. lost; breathing difficult or wheez- ing. Cough: hard, dry or with profuse purulent expectoration. Pain, pressure and spasms of the chest; worse in the right side. In cough, asthma, diphtheria (Hayes); pleurisy, pneumonia, phthisis pulmonalis (Hahnemann). Rawness, pains and inflamma- tion of the larynx; breathing op- pressed; voice weak and hoarse. Cough: suffocative, dry; later, greenish, purulent sputa. Stitching through the sternum to the back; burning in the lungs. In coryza, ozauia, asthma, laryn- gitis, tonsillitis, diphtheria, bron- chitis, phthisis pulmonalis, etc, SECOND SERIES. So NATRUM CARB. NATRUM MUR. PETROLEUM. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head feels too large; pains at certain hours of the day. Headache: shooting, tearing pains, as if the forehead would burst; in temples, above eyes, etc Eyes: dimness and confusion of sight; pain; inflammation. Ears: stitching pain; hardness of hearing. Nose: red; papular eruption, with coryza; ulceration. Face: pale, bloated; hot, bloated; freckles. Lips: swollen; cracked; blis- tered. In headache from sunlight(Lippe); inflammation of the nose (Onernsey) Head: scalp very sore; much dan- druff; falling out of the hair. Headache: violent, bursting, throbbing pains in the eyes, with pressure outwards, etc. Eyes: sore; lids red, ulcerated; obscuration of sight; inflammation. Ears: buzzing sounds; itching; hardness of hearing; pain, etc, Nose: soreness;swelling; coryza; epistaxis; inflammation, Face: sallow, yellow, pale; great periodical pains. Lips: dry, cracked; rhagades and vesicular eruption. In headache, scrofulous ophthal- mia, amblyopia, coryza, prosopal- gia, esp. from constitutional caus- ation. Head: sore; sensation of coldness; the hair falls out. Headache: pressing, stinging pains in the forehead, occiput, etc.; the head feels as if bruised. Eyes: dimness; aching pain; lids swollen; purulent discharge. Ears: ringing; hardness of hear- ing; pains; purulent discharge. Nose: sneezing; coryza; swelling; purulent discharge. Face: yellow; pale. Lips: dry; ulcers at the corners of the mouth, In alopecia, headache, diseases of the eyes, cars, nose, etc. Nervous System. Irritation; debility; the pains arc rheumatic, tearing or cutting. Great debility; stitching; tremb- ling; spasms. In sympathetic affections. Nervous irritation with debility: the pains are drawing, aching. Weakness ; emaciation ; trem- bling; spasms; chorea; prostration. In spinal irritation (Hoyne); in chorea (Raue), and in symptom- atic affections. Nervous irritation; debility; the pains are esp. burning. Twitching of the limbs; epilep- tic attacks; weakness; fainting. In chronic diseases of the spine ( Neidhard). Circulatory System. Pulse accelerated; pain about the heart; palpitation. Chilliness predominates; constant chilliness with thirst, esp. during day; heat at night; profuse per- spiration. In diseases of the heart (Hoyne ); in hectic fever, etc. Pulse irregular; palpitation and fluttering of the heart, Chilliness predominates; chill in the forenoon, 10 a.m., mostly inter- nal, with cold hands and feet; heat with thirst; sour sweat. In intermittent fever, esp. after abuse of Quinine, or in swampy districts; in typhoid fever, etc. Pulse accelerated; palpitation of heart with pressure and chilliness. Chilliness through the body; chil- liness predominates; flushes of heat; profuse sweat every night. In symptomatic affections; in quotidian intermittent fever, etc. (St ens). Respiratory System, Hoarseness and roughness of the organs; breathing impeded; dysp- nea. Cough: violent, dry, or with salt- ish, purulent, greenish sputa. Tension and oppression, with stitches and soreness of the chest. In cough, asthma, phthisis pul- monalis, etc. Dry catarrh of the larynx and trachea; throat sore; voice hoarse; breathing anxious, oppressed. Cough: dry, tickling, or with yellow or bloody sputa. Soreness and stitching pain in the chest; spasmodic affections. In sore throat,asthina, bronchitis, phthisis pulmonalis, haemoptysis, etc. Dryness and soreness of the larynx; voice hoarse; breathing op- pressed. Cough: dry, tickling; mucous ex- pectoration. Spasmodic constriction of the chest. In catarrhal diseases, angina pec- toris, phthisis pulmonalis, etc, S4 SECOND SERIES. KALI BROM. KALI CARB. KALI IOD. Mouth: dry, offensive smell; much saliva; tongue red, swollen; throat, irritation, edema, insensibility. Appetite increased, lost; much thirst; putrid taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; distention; distress; great pain. Abdomen: much flatulence; vio- lent pain, esp. about the navel; pain following the course of the ascending colon. Stool: increased evacuations; diarrhea; constipation; torpidity of the bowels. Digestive System. Mouth: blistered; fetid odor; toothache; tongue wiiite, swollen; throat swollen, painful. Appetite lost; intense thirst; taste bitter, flat, bad. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; pressing tensive pain, esp. in the pit of the stomach. Abdomen: pain and swelling of the liver; cutting, shooting, stitch- ing all over the abdomen; incarna- ted flatus; piles. Stool; dry, large; much ineffec- tive urging; rectum torpid; light, gray, soft, painless diarrhea; sore- ness of the anus. In gastric derangements, as dys- pepsia, diarrhea, or constipation. Mouth: dry, ulcerated; bloody saliva; gums swollen; teeth de- cayed; tongue ulcerated; throat in- flamed. Appetite increased or lost; ex- treme thirst; taste rancid, metallic. Stomach : eructations ; nausea, vomiting; emptiness; burning and pressure; intense pains. Abdomen: swelling in the hepat- ic region; sudden, painful bloating about the navel; cutting and burn- ing followed by diarrhea. Stool: light, green; yellow and watery; slimy and bloody; obsti- nate constipation followed by diar- rhea. In syphilitic affections of the mouth; in gastric derangement, as diarrhea and dysentery. Sensation of distention of the bladder; frequent urging; increase of urine. Urine: copious, thin, pale; in- crease of uric acid. Urinary System. Pain in the bladder; intense urg- ing day and night; discharge of prostatic fluid. Urine: fiery, diminished; abund- ant; turbid; urea decreased. In affections of the bladder, etc; in strangury, etc. Burning, throbbing pain in the kidneys, bladder and penis; fre- quent urging; mucous discharge. Urine: increased; decrease of urea, increase of ammoniac. In organic and functional renal affections; in Bright's disease, al- buminuria, etc. Male: depression; weakness; im- potence; pain and swelling of the left testicle and cord. In priapism, nymphomania, pru- ritus vulva, etc. Generative System. Male: excitement; erections; emis- sions; pain in the penis and testi- cles. Female: menses too early, scanty, suppressed; with pain, etc.; stitch- ing pain in the uterus; soreness of the vagina; yellow leucorrhea with backache. In amenorrhea (Hahnemann), menorrhagia (Goullon), ailments during puberty and pregnancy, etc Male: irritation; erections; emis- sions; penis inflamed; phimosis; chancre-like ulcers. Female: menses suppressed or irregular; inflammation with great pain in the uterus and ovaries; burning in the cervix; yellow, greenish leucorrhea. In syphilitic affections, as phi- mosis, chancre, etc.; in atrophy of the testes and ovaries, etc. Aggr. in the evening. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning; from mo- tion, cold, etc. Amel. towards evening; during rest; from warmth, etc. Spec.: aged, rather obese persons: lax fibre; dark hair. Aggr. at night; in the cold air; during rest, etc. Amel. in the evening; from warmth and motion, etc. One of our best remedies for ail- ments from Mercury. SECOND SERIES. s.-; NATRUM CARB. NATRUM MUR, PETROLEUM. Digestive System. Mouth: tongue and throat dry,red, inflamed; toothache; much mucus in the throat, Burning in the urethra; frequent urging; involuntary urination. Urine: dark, offensive; as the smell from the urine of a horse. In catarrh of the bladder; in enuresis, etc Male: excitement; priapism; in- flammation of the glans penis and prepuce. Female: menses too early and too long lasting; dysmenorrhea; pressing-down pains; movement in the uterus as from a fetus: thick. yellow, putrid leucorrhea. In menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, disorders of pregnancy, etc. Aggr. in the forenoon; in rest; from cold, etc Amel. before midnight; from mo- tion; from warmth, etc. Spec: over-sensitiveness to pain. Mouth: dry; ulcers; toothache; gums swollen; tongue as if lame; throat inflamed, ulcerated. Urinary System. Tension and heat in the renal re- gion; stitches in the bladder; burn- ing in the urethra; frequent urging. Urine abundant; dark; bloody; sediment like brick dust. In renal affections; in polyuria, haematuria, enuresis, diabetis, vesi- cal blenorrhea, etc. Generative System. S Male : irritability; excitement ; erections; emissions; weakness; mucous discharge Female: menses irregular; too late and scanty; great pressure downwards; uterine spasms; acrid, corroding, Icuoorrhea; itching of the external parts. In amenorrlura, dysmenorrhea, pruritus, prolapsus, menorrhagia, leucorrhea, chronic gonorrhea, etc. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning; periodi- cally; from warmth, etc Amel. at noon; in the fresh cold air, etc. Spec: sensation of numbness in the diseased parts. Mouth: dry, offensive 'smell; toothache; gums swollen; tongue white; throat inflamed. Appetite capricious; great thirst; taste putrid; worse after eating. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; distention; violent pains; weakness of digestion. Abdomen: pinching pain; better from bending double; sensation of coldness; itching and soreness of the anus. Stool: watery, slimy, with great pain; hard, difficult, insufficient; haemorrhoids, with intense itching of the anus. In chronic diarrhea ( Kallmann); in dysentery, constipation, haemor- rhoids, etc.; sea sickness ( Bayes). Burning and contraction of the urethra; frequent micturition; con- stant dripping of urine. Urine scanty, brown, fetid. In chronic urethritis and blenor- rhea; in chronic inflammation of the prostata, etc. Male: excitement; erections; emis- sions; mucous discharge. Female: depression; aversion to coitus; menses too late and scanty; bearing-down pains; soreness and itching; profuse albuminous leucor- rhea. In chronic gonorrhea, amenor- rhea, prolapsus uteri, leucorrhea, offensive lochia, ailments in preg- nancy, etc. Aggr. after midnight; from cold; from motion, etc. Amel. in the afternoon; from warmth; in rest, etc. Spec: right side; light hair; piercing pains inwards. Appetite ravenous; great thirst; taste bitter or metallic. Stomach: constant nausea, vomit- ing; gnawing and pressure; sensi- tiveness to touch. Abdomen: bard, bloated, swollen; flatulence; stitches in the hepat- ic and splenic region; burning in the rectum. Stool: watery, yellow, bloody; sudden urging, tenesmus; consti- pation; frequent ineffectual urging. In dyspepsia (Bayes ), diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, proctitis, etc. ( Hoyne). Great appetite and thirst; taste blunted, bitter. Stomach : eructations ; nausea, vomiting; clawing pain at the pit; great weakness. Abdomen: pinching in the hypo- chrondria, etc; rumbling; flatus; colic; burning in the intestines; stitches in the rectum. Stool: insufficient; frequent in- effectual urging; little hard feces pass and then thin stool like dirty J water. In affections of the mouth and throat; in chronic catarrh of the stomach and intestines, but esp. in obstinate constipation. S<> S 1 •: (! () N D S E R I E S ALOE NOCOT. BAPTISIA. (ACTUS URAND. Leading- Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the digestive and genito-urinary systems; the rectum is particularly affected. In diarrhea, dysentery, amenor- rhea, menorrhagia, but esp. in rec- tal affections, as prolapsus, piles, etc. A sensation of inability to gov- ern the stool is very characteristic for Aloes. Comp. Acsc. hipp., Coll. can., Natr. sulph., Nux v., Sulph., etc. The symptoms of Bapt. present a striking similarity to those in low fevers, esp. the typhoid variety. In diseases of the alimentary ca- nal, esp. wiien the buccal cavity and the intestines are involved. Is probably only indicated in ca- ses with a toxaemic condition. Comp. Gels., Rhus tox., Bry., Arn.. Ars.. Merc, etc Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression; restlessness; anxiety; I Confusion of the head; wander- lassitude alternating with great ! ing of mind; the will seems to have mental activity. Vertigo; everything seems inse- cure and whirls around. Drowsiness ; sleepiness ; cannot fall asleep: anxious dreams. lost its power; delirium; stupor. Vertigo; heaviness and confusion as in typhoid fever. Sleepiness; drowsiness; sleepless- ness; frightful dreams. In symptomatic affections, as in low fevers. Cutaneous System. Itching, crawling and biting sen- sation of the skin. Pimples on the abdomen, etc.; pustules; aedamatous swelling. • Skin burning hot all over ; offen- sive sweat, Livid spots all over the body; eruption like measles or urticaria. Depression; restlessness; anxiety; lassitude alternating with great mental activity. Vertigo; everything seems inse- cure and whirls around. Drowsiness ; sleepiness ; cannot fall asleep: anxious dreams. I Confusion of the head; wander- ing of mind; the will seems to have lost its power; delirium; stupor. Vertigo; heaviness and confusion as in typhoid fever. Sleepiness; drowsiness; sleepless- ness; frightful dreams. In symptomatic affections, as in low fevers. Depression; taciturnity ; hypo- chondria; fear of death; invincible sadness. Vertigo, with congestion of the head. Sleeplessness; restless sleep, with much talking and dreaming. In melancholy, with inclination to taciturnity, etc. Weakness; paralytic drawing in the muscles; coldness, esp. of the feet, Soreness of the chest; stitches through the sacrum; pains in the sacral region. Weakness and weariness of the limbs; great soreness of the soles when walking. In symptomatic affections. Trunk and Extremities. Pain and soreness all over; feel- ing as if bruised; cannot rest in any position. Aching pain in the neck; pain in sacral region as if bruised. Pain and weakness in the limbs; hands tremble; cramps in the calves, etc In symptomatic affections. Acts esp. upon the arterial sys- tem and particularly upon the heart and lungs. It seems beneficial in all over- actions of the heart, from nervous palpitation to acute carditis. (Hughes). The symptoms have great simi- larity to those in acute rheumatism. Comp. Aeon., Naja, Oamph., etc. Troublesome itching on the abdo- | men. Dry, scaly eruption on the arms, Avithout itching. General weakness; formication; edema. Sensation of constriction in the middle of the sternum, similar to acute rheumatism. Formication and weight in the arms; restlessness of the legs; ede- ma of the hands and feet. In rheumatism of the chest, etc SECOND SERIES, CAMPHORA. CANNABIS IND. CANNABIS SAT. Leading- Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the circulatory system, the skin, mucous mem- branes, genito-urinary organs, the brain and spinal nerves (Altschul). In asthenic fevers: in choleric di- arrhea, dysmenorrhea, strangury, sleeplessness, nervous irritability, etc. Camphor is an antidote to the most other medicines, esp. the veg- etable. Comp. Aeon., Verat. alb., Bell., Ars., Canth., Tcreb., etc. It has an intense and powerful action upon the brain; perception, idealization and emotion are equal- ly affected. In affections of the brain; in cat- lepsy, and likely in nymphomania, satyriasis, etc. It should be remembered if we ever come across a case of catalep- sy (Hughes). Comp. Agar., Bell., Camph., Croc, Hyose, Op., Strain., etc. The action is esp. upon the uri- nary and generative organs; the respiratory system, the eyes and the brain. In gonorrhea, cystitis, strangury; in pneumonia, ophthalmia, head- ache, sleeplessness, etc. A peculiar sensation as if water were dropping upon the affected part, is a great indication. Comp. Apis, Canth., Copaiv., Tereb., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Mental excitement; restlessness; inclination to dispute; loss of mem- ory; anxiety; apathy. Vertigo in short attacks; feels light, as if not touching the ground. Sleeplessness alternating with co- ma; restless sleep; anxious, fearful dreams. In sleeplessness from mental ir- ritability and excitement. Excessive exaltation; extremely happy or unhappy; dullness; stu- por; unconsciousness. Vertigo; dullness of the head; heavy pressure on the brain. Excessive sleepiness; great drows- iness; sleeplessness; insomnia; viv- id, voluptuous or anxious dreams. Appears to be strongly indicated in mental disorders, where halluci- nations are prominent. Gayety; extreme excitability; con- fusion of ideas; sadness; anxiety; apathy. Vertigo to falling; rush of blood to the head. Sleepiness during the day; sleep- lessness at night; awakens often; frightful dreams. In sleeplessness with over-activi- ty of mind. Cutaneous System. Skin pale, moist, cold; dryness, burning and itching. Vesicles on the neck and chest; blood blisters; erysipelatous swell- ing, In retarded eruption of measles and scarlatina, etc., (Hering). Itching, esp. of the nose; formi- cation; numbness. Stinging, itching sensation, burn- ing like fire; worse in bed. Dry and moist eruption, as pap- ules, vesicles and pustules. Trunk and Extremities. General weakness, with coldness of the body. Drawing and stiffness of the neck; pain and chilliness in the back. Drawing, spasmocic, rheumatic pains in the limbs; hands and legs tremble, arc cold and powerless. In neuralgic and rheumatic affec- tions, as cramps in the calves, etc. Agreeable sensation in general, followed by relaxation, weakness, weariness, paralysis. Pain across the shoulders and spine; stitches through the chest. Agreeable feeling through the arms, hands and legs; paralysis of the right arm and lower limbs. General weariness; neuralgic pains in all the limbs. Drawing in the neck; pain in the small of the back. Pressure in the shoulders; cold- ness and numbness of the hands; spasmodic pain in the lower limbs. In pains in the limbs, esp. the feet from over-exertion (Altschul). SS SECOND SERIES. ALOE SOCOT. BAPTISIA. CACTUS (iRAND. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: soreness of the scalp; skin on the forehead hidebound. Headache: heavy, dull pains in the forehead, over the nose; the brain feels as if wounded. Eyes: red; inflamed; great pain in the balls. Ears: roaring; dull hearing. Nose: dull pain at the root; sneez- ing as after taking cold. Face: sallow; flushed; dusky; a besotted expression. Mouth: stiffness of the auxiliary joints. In headache and other affections, esp. as concomitants of low fevers. Head: pulsation in uie icmpics as if the skull would burst, Headache: congestive, heavy pains; in the vertex, temples, etc.; better by pressure; worse by light. Eyes: weakness and illusion of sight. Ears: sounds like from running water; hardness of hearing. Nose: epistaxis. Face: blue and cold; cold sweat; neuralgic pains. In congestive headache, esp. with affections of the heart. Nervous System. Head: soreness of the scalp; prcs- J sure;heaviness. Headache: congestive, dull pains; ! in the forehead, occiput, etc.; bet- ter from cold applications. Eyes: dimness; pain in the orbits. Ears: stitching pain; cracking- sounds'. Nose: coryza, with burning pain; sneezing; epistaxis. Face: pale; sunken; flushed. Lips: dry; cracked; scaly. In headache with congestion of the head, but esp. with diarrhea in the morning. General weakness and weariness. Anxious startings; drawing in various parts; prostration. Pulse accelerated; weak, slow, palpitation. Chilliness; shivering when at stool; coldness predominates; cold hands and feet; heat with restless- ness; offensive sweat, Larynx sore; voice husky; breath- ing impeded. Cough: with soreness in the throat; yellow, tenacious sputa, Congestion, weakness and sore- ness of the chest. Nervous debility; indescribable sick feeling all over. Prostration; restlessness; aching and pains in all the limbs. In similar conditions as in low fevers. Circulatory System. Pulse: accelerated; impercepti- ble; pulsation of the heart. Chilliness; chills over the back and lower extremities; heat all over; heat at night; profuse, offen- sive sweat. In low, toxiemic fevers, as gas- tric, bilous, nervous, typhoid, ty- phus fever, etc. It is here an im- portant remedy. Larynx very sore; breathing op- pressed ; voice hoarse or lost. Cough: tickling in the throat; uvula elongated. Tightness of the chest; constric- tion and pain of the lungs. In diseases of a typhoid charac- ter, esp. typhoid pneumonia, etc. Nervous irritation and weakness; general malaise Restlessness; involuntary move- ments; great prostration. In rheumatic and spasmodic af- fections, esp. of the heart. Pulse hard, sudden, lost; con- striction of the heart; palpitation. Chill in regular paroxysms at 11 a.m. and 11 p.m.; great heat; pro- fuse perspiration. In diseases of the heart a princi- pal remedy; in quartan intermit- tent fever. Voice low, hoarse; breathing dif- ficult from constriction of the chest; dyspnea. Cough: spasmodic, with copious mucous expectoration. Constriction, congestion and pricking pain inchest; hemoptysis. In affections, esp. in connection with the heart, sonic nervous dis eases; in asthma, etc. Respiratory System. SECOND SERIES, 89 CAMPHORA. CANNABIS INI). CANNABIS SAT. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: internal congestion; exter- nal heat. Headache: congestive, throbbing pains in the cerebellum, like ham- mering; frontal pressive pain. Eyes: obscuration and illusion of sight; inflammation. Ears: pain; singing; ringing or buzzing; blisters. Nose: coryza. Face: red; bluish and pinched; erysipelatous swelling. Froth or foam before the mouth; lockjaw. In congestive headache (after sunstroke.) Head: sensation as if the top of the head were open. Headache: dull, drawing, throb- bing pains; in the forehead, etc.; violent shocks in the brain. Eyes: sparkling; fixed gaze; dim- ness; pain; photophobia, etc. Ears: acutcness of hearing; bor- ing, ringing sounds; pain. Nose: sneezing; pain at the root. Face: pale; drowsy, stupid look; tension in the muscles. Lips: dry; sensation as if glued together. In affections of the brain; in headache, etc Head: sensation as if cold water were dropping upon the head. Headache: congestive, aching pains; in the frontal region; the forehead feels compressed. Eyes: dimness; alternating con- traction and dilation of the pupils. Ears: ringing and throbbing. Nose: dryness; epistaxis. Face: pale; sunken; left cheek red, right pale. In headache (menstrual, Hughes); eye diseases ( Hahnemann), etc. Nervous System. Nervous debility. Prostration; trembling; spasms; convulsions; insensibility. In some nervous affections, as apoplexy, syncope (Jousset). Nervous excitability followed by relaxation. Agreeable sensation; weakness; spasms; catalepsy; paralysis. In catalepsy (Hughes), and other nervous affections. Nervous excitement; debility. Pain; jerkings; spasms; numb- ness; coldness, etc. Pulse full; not perceptible; tremb- ling palpitation; with anxiety. Chilliness; great sensitiveness to cold air; coldness predominates; heat from every motion; cold, clam- my sweat. In asthenic fevers (Altschul); in Asiatic cholera (cyanosis ). Circulatory System. Pulse: slow, 46; rapid, 160; pain and palpitation of the heart. Loss of animal heat; general chilliness; general heat; profuse sticky sweats. Pulse small, weak; palpitation after every motion. Chill with thirst; shaking; cold- ness predominates; slight heat or burning heat at night, but little sweat. Feeling of coldness in the trachea; voice hoarse, weak; breathing diffi- cult and slow. Cough: dry, severe; from scrap- ing in the throat. Stitches in the chest; sensation of coldness; congestion of the chest. In incipient catarrhal affections, spasms, etc. Respiratory System. Inability to measure the compass and volume of the voice when speaking; dyspnea. Cough: dry, hard; with pain in the chest. Stitching pain in the chest. Larynx swollen; hoarseness; breathing short, difficult, wheezing; dyspnea. Cough: violent, dry; in par- oxysms or with profuse sputa. Oppression and pain in the chest, In inflammatory diseases of the lungs (Hahnemann), esp. from over-exertion. 00 SECOND SERIES. ALOE SOCOT. BAPTISIA. CACTUS GRAND. Digestive Syste m. Mouth: sore; tongue white, yel- low; gums bleed; throat inflamed, Appetite and thirst capricious; taste sour, bitter; worse after eating. Stomach : eructations ; nausea. vomiting; distention; pain, esp. after drinking water. Abdomen: distended, heavy and painful; burning and heaviness about the liver; a peculiar weak- ness of the rectum. Stool: small, retarded; half fluid; light yellow; urgent diarrhea in the morning; bloody; slimy; haemor- rhoids. In morning diarrhea, at 2 to 4 a. m., very urgent (Dunham); in dysentery, lnemorrhoids, pain in the rectum, etc. Irritation of the organs; frequent urging, worse at night. Urine: copious, yellow; scanty, dark; slimy sediment. In incontinence of urine (Dun- ham). Male : excitement; emissions ; heaviness in the pcrinaeum. Female: menses too early and profuse; bloody, slimy leucorrhea; fullness, heaviness and bearing- down pains. In excessive menstruation (Hem- pel), amenorrhea (Altschul); in swelling of the prostatic glands. Aggr. in the morning and even- ing; from sedentary life, etc. Amel. from the application of cold water. Hardly any remedy has so prom- inent urging to stool. Mouth: dry, hot, inflamed; putrid smell; teeth black; tongue dry, red or with pasty fur; throat inflamed; painful; cannot swallow. Appetite lost; constant thirst for cold water; taste putrid. Stomach : eructations, nausea ; sinking at the pit of the stomach; burning; colicky pains. Abdomen: distention; fullness; flatulence; shooting pains; pain in the liver; the inguinal glands swol len. Stool: dark, thin fecal, offensive; bloody mucus or pure blood; fetid, exhausting diarrhea; constipation. In affections of the mouth and throat ; in diarrhea, dysentery, when the stools represent those in typhoid fever. Shooting pain in the left kidney; burning in the urethra while urina- ting. Urine: scanty, dark red, fetid. In symptomatic affections. Generative System. Male: pain in the the groins and testicles. In stomatitis during pregnancy; in fetid lochia, puerperal fever (Hering). Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning; after go- ing to bed, etc. Amel. in the open air. Mouth: offensive breath;constric- tion of the throat and aeosphagus. Loss of appetite; great thirst; slimy, soapy taste, Stomach: sour eructations; nau- sea, vomiting of blood; heaviness; burning pain; spasms. Abdomen: intense beat and pain; sensation as if a cord were tied around it: engorgement of the liver. Stool: morning diarrhea, pre- ceded by great pain; heaviness and pricking in the anus. In morning diarrhea; in spasmod- ic constriction of the throat, etc. Irritation of the organs; con- stant urging; constriction of the neck of the bladder. Urine: profuse, yellow; passes in drops; retained; bloody. In spasms of the neck of the bladder; in hoematuria, etc. Male: irritation; erections; emis- sions; congestion of the organs. Female: menses too soon, with the most horrible pains; pain in the uterus, returning every evening. In dysmenorrhea, in rheumatic, spasmodic affections of both sexes. Aggr. in the morning; towards evening; from motion, etc. Amel. in the open air, etc. Disease of the heart; rheumatic, constrictive, periodical pains. Urinary System. SECOND SERIES, !H (AMPHORA. CANNABIS INI). CANABIS SAT. Digestive System. Mouth and tongue dry; marked sensation of coldness ; cutting toothache; throat hot; drawing pain. Neither appetite nor thirst; taste bitter, altered; worse after eating. Stomach: eructations ; nausea, vomiting; bruised pain; sensation of coldness; heat. Abdomen: coldness followed by heat; great sensitiveness: constric- tive pain; aching pressure in both hypochondria. Stool: loose, brown or black; like rice water; exhausting diarrhea; constipation with torpidity of the rectum. In diarrhea, esp. in summer and autumn; in Asiatic cholera, etc. Irritation; constant urging; reten- tion of urine. Urine scanty; by drops; burning hot: turbid, etc. In suppression of urine. Male: depression; relaxation; ex- citement : contractive pain in the testes. Female : menses increased ; os uteri enlarged and hot; severe pain, like labor-pains; sexual orgasm; discharge of mucus and blood from the vagina. In weak or ceasing labpr-pains (Hering); dysmenorrhea, etc Aggr. in the morning; at night, etc Amel. in the open air, etc. Spec: irritable, weakly constitu- tions; persons with light hair, etc. I Mouth : dry, without thirst ; ^ tongue half paralyzed; throat ;• parched. ? Bulimia; anorexia; thirst; desire for and dread of water. Stomach: pain in the cardiac ori- 1 fice, relieved by pressure. Abdomen: swelling; rumbling of wind; sensation in the anus, as if 1 sitting on a ball. ? Stool: painless, yellow diarrhea; ; constipalion. Urinary System. Intense pain in the kidneys; burn- ing and scalding pains in the ure- thra. Urine: profuse, colorless, thick, dark, scanty. Generative System. Male: great irritation and desire; satyriasis; priapism; relaxation. Female: sexual excitement; nym- phomania; very profuse menstrua- tion; excites desire, but causes ster- ility. It is very likely an important remedy in sexual excitation; is one of our great remedies in gonorrhea (Burt). Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning; from cof- fee, liquors, etc. Amel. from washing in cold wa- ter; in rest, etc. Adapted to diseases of drunk- ards (Burl.) Mouth : dryness ; toothache ; tongue half paralyzed; heat and dryness of the throat, No appetite, no thirst and no taste Stomach: empty eructations; nau- sea, vomiting; spasmodic pains; stitching below the ribs. Abdomen: painful jerkings; dull stitching in the left side; intestines feel as if bruised; pressive pain in the rectum and anus. Stool: sometimes like diarrhea and sometimes hard. In constipation during gonor- rhea (Altschul). Pain and inflammation of the kidneys, bladder and urethra; con- stant urging, burning, etc Urine: white or red, turbid; mu- cous; pus-like, etc. In inflammatory, catarrhal affec- tions, as nephritis, cystitis; urethri- tis, etc. Male: excitement; erections; swel- ling of the penis, prepuce, etc.; pain in the testes. Female: increased desire; menses profuse, with dysuria ; itching, stidling sensation in the vagina. In gonorrhea it is a chief remedy; in phimosis, sexual irritalion, etc.; in menstrual headache (Hughes). Aggr. in the forenoon and night; from warmth; motion, etc, Amel. in the morning, afternoon and evening; from cold, etc Spec.: right side; dark hair; urin- ary diseases. no CAPSICUM. Acts esp. upon the mucous mem- branes of the digestive and genito- urinary organs and the cutaneous system. In gastric affections, as dyspepsia in drunkards; in diphtheria, urina- ry disorders, skin eruptions, etc. This remedy affects the mucous tissues in a very prominent degree ( Guernsey). Comp, Arg. nit., Canth., Crot. tigl., Cina. etc. SECOND SERIES. CHELIDONIUM. Leading Therapeutics. Acts through the spinal nervous system esp. upon the mucous mem- branes of the digestive, urinary and respiratory organs, etc. In affections of the liver and kid- neys; in intermittent fever; in pneu- monia, whooping-cough, asthma, etc. It has a very decided effect upon the liver and kidneys. Comp. Bry., Phosph., Podoph., Collins., Merc, etc. CICUTA VIR. Acts esp. upon the nervous sys- tem and the skin, particularly upon the brain and the spinal cord. In nervous affections, as convul- sions, epilepsy, catalepsy, etc.; in impetigo of the face, etc. We may think of this remedy when we see convulsions which are excessively violent (Guernsey). Comp Laur., Acid, hydr., Ver. alb., Stram., Hyosc, Bell., etc. Depression; melancholy; home- sickness; a peevish, irritable state of mind. Vertigo; staggering as if intoxi- cated. Drowsiness; yawning; sleepiness; sleeplessness from emotions; dream- ing in sleep; anxious dreams. In dipsomania (Ringer), vertigo in morning (Charge); has been rec- ommended in home-sickness. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression; sadness; anxiety; ab- sence of mind; weakness of mem- ory. Vertigo, with pain in the liver and vomiting. Sleepiness and drowsiness during the day; sleeplessness and restless- ness at night; anxious dreams, In melancholy and hypochondria (Altschul). Great anxiety; wTeeping; moaning; mental torpor; stupidity; delirium; unconsciousness. Vertigo, as if everything was moving around. Sleepiness; drowsiness; sleepless- ness; restless sleep; frequent awak- ening; vivid dreams. In mental diseases, as mania and melancholy; in vertigo, to falling (Charge). Cutaneous System. Intense itching and binning of the skin. Erythematous redness with swell- ing; eruption similar to urticaria, papules, vesicles, etc. In vesicular eruptions, urticaria, etc. Skin dry, with intense itching and burning in spots; with pain. Skin yellow or gray; painful erup- tions of various forms. Burning itching over the whole body. Elevated eruption as large as peas on both hands, even on the balls of the fingers: very sensitive to touch. I have cured chronic confluent impetigo of the face with burning pain with it ( Hahnemann ). Weakness; vital forces sunken; staggering' when walking; burning, smarting pains. Tearing, drawing, burning pains in the chest, neck, back, etc.; cer- vical glands swollen. Drawing, tearing pains in the limbs; weakness; staggering when walking; boring pain in the bones, etc. In neuralgic.rheumatic affections, etc Trunk and Extremities. Rheumatic pains; extreme sensi- tiveness to touch; debility; tremb- ling; twitching; spasms. Stiffness and pain in the neck; intense pain in the sacral region. Pain in the shoulders; stiffness in the wrists; tearing in the fingers; drawing pain in the hips, knees and feet, In symptomatic affections. Debility; veins very prominent; spasms of the muscles; frightful convulsions. Pain and spasms of the neck; the back bent backwards like an arch, etc Spasms, stiffness and powerless- ness of the limbs; trembling of the legs; inability to walk, etc. In spasmodic affections, esp. of a violent or tetanic character, as epi- lepsy, opisthotanus, etc. SECOND S E R IE S. m CIMICIFUGA. (IN A. COCCULUS. Leading Therapeutics. Acts through the cerebro-spinal nervous system, esp. upon the mo- tor nerves, the heart, lungs, uterus, and the muscular system. In spasmodic affections, as chor- ea; in rheumatism, diseases of the heart, lungs and uterus. Agitation and pain are the signs of it everywhere (Hughes). Comp. Ign., Bell,, Cauloph., Bry., Puis.. Sec. corn., Cact., etc lias a special action upon the in- testinal canal, but affects also deci- dedly the nervous and the respirato- ry systems. In helminthiasis and the reflex affections; in gastralgia, dyspepsia, whooping-cough, convulsions, etc. Its chief use has been as a ver mifuge. Comp, Spig.,Stann.,Artem.,Ign., Bell., Caps., etc. The voluntary muscular system first and then the sensorium are the primary seats of its action (Dun- ham). In nervous, digestive and gener- ative affections, as in hysteria, cho- rea, dyspepsia, gastralgia, dysmen- orrhea, etc. A sensation of weakness of the af- fected parts is a further indication, esp. in uterine diseases. "** Comp. Cham., Ign., Nux vom., Nux mosh., Sep., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Mental depression; anxiety; mind dull and heavy: indifference. Vertigo, with fullness and aching in the vertex. Sleepiness; drowsiness; sleepless- ness; sleep very restless; unpleas- ant dreams. In ailments from business trouble, disappointments, etc.; in hysteria, etc. Peevish; anxious; disposed to weep; obstinate; fretful; easily of- fended. Vertigo, with blackness before the eyes; relieved by lying down. Extreme sleepiness; sleepless- ness; restless sleep; anxious dreams. In brain affections from worms, in children. Mild, indolent, yielding, anxious; weakness of comprehension and memory. Vertigo; a whirling feeling as from intoxication. Sleepiness; constant yawning; sleeplessness from mental and bod- ily restlessness; frightful dreams. In sympathetic affections; in ver- tigo after eating (Charge). Cutaneous System. Stitching and pricking all over | Itching and tingling sensation in Much itching, esp. in the evening the body. ! various parts. when undressing or in bed. Erythema; papular and pustular Red, itching, papules; transpa- Various kinds of eruptions, as eruption; ulcers. rent rash. J dry,red spots, representing scarla- j tina; or pimples, pustules, etc. In urticaria, eczema, etc., esp. with uterine affections. In urticaria, etc Trunk and Extremities. Great bodily restlessness; aching in all the limbs; uneasiness; great soreness. Pain and stiffness in the neck and back; esp. violent in the sacral region. Pain and soreness of the limbs; the muscles are esp. affected; the hands tremble; the joints are hot and swollen; there is great pain. In rheumatism, neuralgia and similar affections, where the mus- cles esp. are affected. Trembling, with sensation of coldness; drawing, tearing, spas- modic pains. Drawing, tearing pains down the whole spine; bruised pain in the small of the back. Boring, pinching pains in the left arm; paralytic pains in the left thigh. In sympathetic affections. Lassitude of the whole body; in- voluntary motions; spasms; stiff- ness, elc Spasmodic constriction of the spine Pressure; pain in the limbs; involuntary motion; coldness; par- alysis. In some nervous affections of a spasmodic or paralytic character. 04 SECOND SERIES. CAPSICUM. Head: seems too large; tearing pain in the right frontal bone. Headache: throbbing, pressing, esp. frontal pain as if the head would split; worse in rest. Eyes: dimness; illusions; burning pain; redness; lachrymation. Ears: burning, stinging pains; dullness of hearing. Nose: epistaxis; yellow or bloody discharge; heat of the tip. Face: redness and paleness alter- nate; great sensitiveness and pain. Lips: swollen, cracked, smarting; burning pain in the jaw bone. In headache, amaurosis, vertigo in the morning, etc. Debility; lack of reactive force; burning, smarting pains. The vital forces sunken; pain; great prostration. In sympathetic affections. Pulse full, strong; slow; stitches in the heart. Chill; shivering; chilliness pre- dominates; burning beat; heat fol- lowed by chill; copious sweat. In some forms of intermittent fever, esp. with predominating chilliness, Soreness, heat and crawling sen- sation in the larynx; breathing slow, oppressed; offensive odor. Cough: dry, hard; esp. in the evening; rusty sputa. Chest: throbbing, drawing, burn- ing pains; constriction. In inflammatory affections, etc., as tonsillitis, etc; an important remedy in diphtheria. CHELIDONIUM. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: crawling on the scalp; sen- sation of coldness; pain in bones. Headache: heavy, pressing pains in the forehead, temples, etc., esp. with gastric disorders. Eyes: obscuration and confusion of sight; swelling; inflammation. Ears: stitching pain; loud roar- ing. Nose: obstruction; sneezing; co- ryza. Face: yellow, sunken; disturbed features; tearing pains. Lips: dry. In periodical and .gastric head- ache; in diseases of the eyes, pro- sopalgia, etc. Nervous System. Debility; drowsiness; indolence; extreme sensitiveness. Rheumatic, neuralgic pains; pa- ralysis; trembling; spasms. In neuralgic and rheumatic affec- tions. Circulatory System. Pulse full, hard; slow, small; vio- lent palpitation. Chill and shaking; chilliness pre- dominates; hands and feet very cold; internal heat without thirst; sweat during sleep. In intermittent fever,esp.of quar- tan type; in typhus and typhoid fever (Cafe). Respiratory System. Larynx swollen; voice hoarse; breathing short and difficult; dysp- noea. Cough: violent, dry or with pro- fuse expectoration. Oppression and pain in the chest; stitches in the left side. In cough, whooping-cough, asth- ma, pneumonia, etc.; in capillary bronchitis (Jousset). CICUTA MR. Head: spasmodic movements; pustular eruptions. Headache: pressing, aching pains; deep in the head; sensation as if the brain were loose Eyes: burning pain; pupils con- tracted or dilated; photophobia. Ears: over-sensitiveness to sound; dullness of hearing; pain. Nose: sore; yellowT discharge or yellow scurf; sneezing. Face: cold and features distorted; deadly pale. Lips: dry; ulcerated; lockjaw. In headache, concussion of the brain (Miller), amblyopia (Small), etc. Nervous irritation; the medulla oblongata is esp. affected. Spasms; chorea; convulsions; epilepsy; paralysis, etc. In spasmodic affections, as cho- rea, epilepsy, eclampsia, opisthot- onus, etc. Pulse slow, small, weak; the beating of the heart seems stopped. Chill and chilliness with desire for warmth; coldness predominates; slight heat and little sweat. In low and torpid fevers where the brain and spinal cord are esp. affected. Pressure below the larynx; hoarse- ness; slow, difficult respiration. Cough with profuse expectora- tion . Oppression with burning pain in the chest. In spasmodic affections as asth- ma, globus hystericus, angina pec- toris, etc. SECOX D SERIE S. CIMICIFUOA. CINA. COCCULUS. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: waving sensation; it is as if the top would fly off. Headache: congestive, nervous. dull frontal pains; relieved by pres- sure; brain feels as if too large, etc. Dark spots before the eyes; in- tense pain in the balls. Ears: cannot bear to hear the least noise. Nose: great sensitiveness; coryza; sneezing. Face: pale, sunken; wild expres- sion ; neuralgic pain. Lips: cracked; jaws sunken. Head: external pain and pres- sure from above downwards. Headache: dull, stupefying pains in the forehead 01 all over; violent, with general illness. Eyes: optical illusions; pressive pain; twitching of the lids. Ears: spasmodic, external jerk- ings; pain. Nose: itching; violent sneezing; epistaxis. Face: pale, cold; sickly look; pain in the malar bones. Lips: white, bluish; pain in the lower jaw. Head: external pain and pres- sure from above downwards. Headache: dull, stupefying pains in the forehead 01 all over; violent, with general illness. Eyes: optical illusions; pressive pain; twitching of the lids. Ears: spasmodic, external jerk- ings; pain. Nose: itching; violent sneezing; epistaxis. Face: pale, cold; sickly look; pain in the malar bones. Lips: white, bluish; pain in the lower jaw. In headache; in ophthalmia, with worms (Altschul), etc. Nervous System. Irritation of the nervous system; drawing, tearing, jerking pains. Trembling; jerking; spasms; con- vulsions; chorea, etc. In spasmodic affections from worms; in hysteria, etc. Head: external pain and pres- sure from above downwards. Headache: dull, stupefying pains in the forehead 01 all over; violent, with general illness. Eyes: optical illusions; pressive pain; twitching of the lids. Ears: spasmodic, external jerk- ings; pain. Nose: itching; violent sneezing; epistaxis. Face: pale, cold; sickly look; pain in the malar bones. Lips: white, bluish; pain in the lower jaw. In headache; in ophthalmia, with worms (Altschul), etc. Nervous System. Irritation of the nervous system; drawing, tearing, jerking pains. Trembling; jerking; spasms; con- vulsions; chorea, etc. In spasmodic affections from worms; in hysteria, etc. In headache, affections of the eyes, etc.; esp. of rheumatic neu- ralgic origin. Nervous erethism and debility; pricking, sticking, shooting pains. Great • restlessness; trembling; pain; spasms; numbness. In nervous affections, as neural- gia ; esp. simultaneously with uterine affections. Pulse weak, irregular; intermit- tent heart's action; palpitation. Chilliness clown the back; from 11 a.m. to noon; chill; heal fol- lowed by sweat, alternating with dryness of the skin, 5 p.m. In rheumatic fever; in cerebro- spinal fever, etc. Hoarseness; tickling in the throat; breathing short and with frequent sighing. Cough: dry, constant; as from a dry spot in the throat. Severe pain in the chest; breath- ing impeded. In catarrhal cough,pleurodynia; in rheumatism of the muscles of the chest, etc. Circulatory System. In intermittent fever, with deci- ded gastric or catarrhal symptoms, etc. Respiratory System. Catarrhal symptoms; titillation in the trachea and chest; breathing short and difficult. Cough: short, hacking, spasmod- ic; scanty sputa. Burning stitches in the chest; sensation of constriction. In dry, violent cough, whooping- cough, bronchial catarrh, etc. A peculiar dullness in the fore- head, as from external pressure Headache: pressing, beating- pains; esp. in the forenoon; as if eyes were torn out ( Hahnemann). Eyes: protruded; obscured vision; bruised pain. Ears: roaring sounds, as from rushing of water; hard hearing. Nose: bloody, pus-like discharge Face: pale; bine rings around the eyes; cold sweat. Tearing, digging pains in the lower jaw. In headache, affections of the eyes, ears; prosopalgia, etc. Nervous irritation; relaxation; drawing, digging pains. Spasms; chorea; epilepsy; debil- ity; paralysis. In hysteria and other nervous affections; in writing-cramps, etc In certain kinds of insidious ner- vous fevers (Hahnemann); in ty- phus fever (Wurmb), etc. Dryness and tightness of the larynx, as if the throat were con- stricted; breathing impeded. Cough, esp. during night; with sensation of constriction. Tension, oppression and spasms of the chest. In dyspnea, asthma, whooping- cough, etc. Pulse accelerated; small, but hard; great anxiety; palpitation. Chill with shivering and shaking; coldness predominates; burning heat with thirst; sweat, generally cold. Pulse small, somewhat accelera- ted; palpitation of the heart, Chill alternating with heat; con- tinuous chilliness with hot skin; in- ternal chill; flushes of heat; dry heat; general perspiration. !><"' SECOND SERIES. CAPSICUM. CHELIDONIUM. CICUTA MR. Digestive System. Mouth: dryness, vesicles, offen- sive smell; tongue thick, yellow fur; teeth seem too long; throat dry, painful, constricted. No appetite; disgust for food; but little thirst; bitter taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; heart-burn; distention; pressing, gnawing pains. Abdomen: distention, rumbling and gurgling ; colic; spasmodic, drawing pains; stitches and pain in the region of the liver. Stool: thin, pasty, yellow, slimy; hard, like sheep's dung; diarrhea and constipation alternate; itching and crawling in the rectum. In gastralgia, enteralgia, diar- rhea, etc., in liver affections it is an important remedy. Urinary System. Intense pain in the kidneys; pres- sure upon the bladder; burning in the urethra; painful micturition. Urine: profuse, clear ; scanty, dark; red, turbid. In nephritis, etc.; dropsy (Alt- schul) ; Bright's disease (Hol- combe). Mouth: dry; filled with bloody saliva or froth; grinding of the teeth; tongue and muscles of the throat paralyzed. Appetite capricious; thirst, but cannot swallow. Stomach: hiccough; nausea, vom- iting; burning; pressure; swelling; throbbing; sudden shocks. Abdomen: distention ; painfill- ness; colic with convulsions; pro- trusion of the rectum. Stool: thin, frequent, choleraic; burning in the anus. In convulsions from worms; in cholera when the purging ceases and congestion of the brain sets in (Altschul). Stitching in the navicular fossa, profuse flow; retention ; involun- tary discharge. Urine: pale,profuse; dark, scanty. In paralysis of the bladder; in- voluntary urination. Mouth: fetid odor, beat, burning, blisters; tongue dry, hot, blistered; throat painful, swollen, inflamed, etc. Appetite increased; intense thirst; sour, flat, or foul taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; acidity; burning heat; icy-coldness; aching pain. Abdomen: burning pain; cutting; great soreness; extreme distention; burning at the rectum; haemor- rhoids. Stool: thin, greenish; bloody mu- cus; violent tenesmus; burning haemorrhoids. In affections of the mouth; in pyrosis, gastralgia, haemorrhoids (Jousset, Ludlam); dyspepsia in drunkards (Ringer.) Irritation of all the organs, esp. of the neck of the bladder and ure- thra. Urine: scanty; bloody; mucous; frequent urging; pain; tenesmus. In urinary affections, as tenesmus of the bladder, etc. Male: irritation; erections; cold- ness of the scrotum with relax- ation; pain in the testes, etc. In irritation and inflammation of the organs as in urethritis; in vomit- ing of pregnancy, etc. Generative System. Male: irritation; erections; tran- sient pains in the penis, testes and spermatic cords. Female: menses too late, too pro- fuse; burning pain in the vagina, recurring each day at the same hour; slimy leucorrhea. In amenorrhea, menorrhagia (Hoyne), etc. Special Remarks. Male: irritation with weakness; frequent erections; pain; testicles drawn up, etc. Female: menses delayed, with pain and spasms. In spasmodic affections in combi- nation with menstruation, preg- nancy, etc. Aggr. in the morning; from cold and motion, etc. Amel. in the afternoon; from warmth and in rest, etc. Spec.: frequently indicated in old people. Aggr. at night; from cold; out- doors, etc. Amel. during day; from warmth; in-doors, etc. Spec.: light hair; blue eyes; ner: vous temperament. Aggr. in the morning, etc. Amel. in the evening, etc. Spec.: right side; blonde hair; blue eyes; spare subjects. SECOND SERIES. CIM1CIFU0A. CINA. COCCULUS. Digestive System. Mouth: dryness and heat all over; tongue clean, lame; sensation of a dry spot in the throat Appetite variable, no thirst; taste bad, coppery. Stomach : eructations ; nausea, vomiting; pain and emptiness. Abdomen: periodical,sharp pains; better by bending double; great soreness; flatulence; violent rheu- matic pains. Stool: frequent, thin, dark, offen- sive; morning diarrhea; diarrhea alternating with constipation. In affections, esp. of neuralgic or rheumatic origin; in morning diar- rhea of children (Hering), etc. Pressure in the region of the kid- neys; irritation of the bladder; stitches in the urethra. Urine: profuse, pale; scanty, dark; contains uric acid, etc. In nervous affections, etc. Male: pain in the right spermatic cord and testicles. Female: menses profuse, early; dark, coagulated blood; scanty; sharp, violent pains in the internal organs; amenorrhea; dysmenor- rhea; leucorrhea, etc. Cimic isbyR. Ludlam considered a very valuable remedy in dis- eases of women, esp. with neural- gic complications. Aggr. in the morning; from mo- tion, cold, etc. Amel. in the open mild air; by warmth in general, etc. Its action upon the uterus is anal- agous to Sec. cor. but not dangerous. Mouth: dry and rough; grinding the teeth at night; tongue brown- ish, yellow; throat sore, inflamed; inability to swallow. Appetite capricious; some thirst. Stomach: hiccough; nausea, vom- iting; constant pressure; a bor- ing,gnawing sensation as if hungry. Abdomen: hard and distended; a pinching, cramp-like pressure; bor- ing pain above the navel; itching at the anus. Stool: watery, white; hard, black; diarrhea after drinking; itching at the anus. In worms and affections from worms, as gastralgia, enteralgia, spasms, etc. Urinary System. Frequent urging to micturition; incontinence of urine. Urine: profuse; becomes turbid immediately. In nightly enuresis esp, in chil dren with worms, etc. Generative System. Female: haemorrhage from the uterus in a girl of ten years so long as she continued to use Cina(Bergius). Special Remarks. Aggr. at night; from warmth; during rest, etc. Amel. during the day and even- ing; from cold; from motion, etc. Spec: left side; dark hair; com- plaints prcdom. in external parts. Mouth: dry without thirst; yel- lowness of tongue; teeth too long and loose; throat dry, constricted. Appetite and thirst variable; taste bitter or sour. Stomach; eructations; great nau- sea, vomiting; painful sensation of fullness; spasms. Abdomen: feeling of emptiness; spasmodic flatulent colic; pain as from sharp, stones; great rumbling in the bowels. Stool: constipation; stool hard and expelled with difficulty; thin, yellow, painless diarrhea; obstruc- tion of the bowels. In dysphagia, vomiting, sea-sick- ness, dyspepsia, gastralgia, colic, constipation, hernia, etc. Stitching pain in the urethra; con- stant urging;great quantity of urine. Urine: abundant, watery; scanty, red; no sediment. In urinary affections, esp, with hysteria, etc. Male: depression; excitement; emissions; pain in the testicles. Female: menses too soon and too profuse; with spasmodic pain in the abdomen and loins; watery or purulent leucorrhea, In ailment from menstruation or pregnancy, as dysmenorrhea; puerperal convulsions, etc. Aggr. by eating, drinking, bodily or mental exertion; in cold air, etc Amel. in the night; indoors; after sweat, etc. Spec: right side; light hair; com- plaints prcdom. in the internal parts. SECOND SERIES COFFEA CRUD. COLCHICUM. C0L0CYNT1US. Leading Therapeutics. Acts upon the ccrebro-spinal ner- vous system, esp. on the brain, the vascular and genito-urinary sys- tems, etc. This is one of our best remedies for irritability (Guernsey), as over- sensitiveness to pain, sleeplessness, sexual erethism, etc. Especially a remedy for women and children, or for nervousness in general. Comp. Cham., Ign., Amyl. nitr., Strychn., etc General excitement; emotion; in- tellect and memory arc equally af- fected; depression; stupor. Vertigo; confusion, with black- ness before the eyes. Sleepiness; sleeplessness on ac- count of mental and physical ex- citement; long, vivid dreams. In sleeplessness a principal reme- dy; in ailments from extreme emo- tional excitement; vertigo, etc. Itching and burning of the skin; great sensitiveness. Erythema, or eruptions similar to miliaria or measles, etc, Over-sensitiveness; restlessness; twitching of the limbs; pain in the cellular tissue, etc Laming pain in the small of the back. Pains extend from the face down the arms even to the finger-ends; neuralgic pain in the hip-joints; twitching of the limbs. In neuralgia and similar affec- tions, with great nervous excite- ment. The nervous system, the ali- mentary, urinary and respiratory organs are the especial fields for its action (Dunham), In gout, rheumatism, digestive and urinary affections, nervous dis- eases, etc. In large doses it produces loss of muscular power, slow breathing and slow, feeble pulse. Comp. Bry., Cim., Rhus tox., Arn., Verat. alb., etc. Confusion of the head; indispo- sition to exertion; irritability; de- pression. Vertigo; confusion of the head. Great sleepiness during day; can- not sleep tit night for pains; restless sleep; frightful dreams. In vertigo after walking (Charge). Cutaneous System. Skin dry, with itching and ting- ling here and there. Scaly eruption, similar to pityri- asis, with much itching and burn- ing. Seems to be a valuable remedy in squamous eruptions with much itching. Trunk and Extremities. Tearing pains esp. in the joints, muscles and periosteum, usually with coldness and swelling. Tearing, rheumatic pains in the neck and back. Tearing, gouty, rheumatic pains in the limbs, esp. the joints, usually with coldness and aedematous swell- ing. In gout it seems to be our best remedy; in rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. It is a real specilic for gout I Burt). Acts esp. upon the nervous sys- tem, partic upon the nerves of the abdomen, face, eyes and head. Its grand sphere lies among the neurosis; it is in colic and sciatica that its greatest triumphs have been achieved (Hughes). Irritation, inflammation with ag- onizing pain is the primary condi- tion produced by Colocynth. Comp. Bry., Rhus tox., Ars., Bell., Cocc, Plumb., Rheum, etc. Irritability; impatience; disposi- tion to anger; confusion of the head. Vertigo; confusion of the head, the left side especially. Sleepiness; much yawning; sleep- lessness; restlessness; vivid, lasciv- ious dreams. In ailments from anger, etc. Skin: itching, pricking, crawling sensation. Eruptions, both dry aud moist, as papules, vesicles, pustules, boils; desquamation. Seems to have a curative power in prurigo and other affections with intense itching. Great tendency to muscular spasms; the pains are tearing and drawing, without heat. Pain in shoulders, chest and back, esp. in the sacro-lumbar region. Tearing, drawing rheumatic pains in the limbs; tension of the hands; throbbing in the hips; cramps in the calves; aching in the feet. In sciatica it is a chief remedy (Hughes); in neuralgia, rheuma- tism, etc., esp. with acute, violent pains. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. CONIUM MAC. Affects esp. the spinal cord, partic. the motor nerves, causing prostration and paralysis from be- low upwards. In affections, esp. of the nervous, glandular and cutaneous systems, paralysis, atrophy of the testes, cancer, etc. It alters profoundly the glandu- lar substance, cornea, skin, uterus and its appendages (Dunham). Comp. Nux vom., Ign., Kali brom., Iod., Kali hydr., Baryt., etc Depression; loss of apprehension; delirium; stupor. Vertigo, as if intoxicated; stag- gering; falling; stupor. Sleepiness in the day without be- ing able to sleep sleeplessness before midnight; frightful dreams. In weakness of memory; in hypo- chondriasis, esp. in old men, with sexual absistence Burning, creeping, itching, sting- ing; sensation as from flea bites. Dry and moist eruptions, as pap- ules, vesicles and pustules, ulcers, etc; glandular swelling. In miliaria, eczema, herpes, im- petigo, ulcers, gangrene; in cancer, etc. Weakness, trembling and paraly- sis without pain; atrophy of the glands and muscles. Stitches through the small of the back; pain in the chest and shoul- ders. Weakness, trembling and paraly- sis, esp. of the lower extremities; coldness, but usually no pain. In paralytic affections; in glandu- lar and cancerous diseases, etc. SECOND SERTES. CROCUS SAT. Leading Therapeutics. Acts upon the nervous, respira- tory and circulatory systems, etc.; partic upon the generative organs of women. In haemorrhage, from the uterus, lungs and nose; in miscarriage, dys- menorrhea, chorea, hysteria, cough, etc. Always think of this remedy on seeing dark stringy blood (Guern- sey). Comp. Ham., Sabin., Ruta, Arn., Ipec, Bell., Ign., Plat,, etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Gavel y alternating with ill-humor; restlessness; anxiety; weakness of memory. Vertigo with congestion of the head. Sleepiness; drowsiness; yawning; sleep restless and full of vivid, anxious dreams. Cutaneous System. Burning and tingling of the skin; crawling here and there Scarlet redness of the whole body; circumscribed red spots in the face. Trunk and Extremities. Weariness as from severe bodily exertion. Pain and stiffness in the neck and back, esp. in the lumbar re- gion. Cracking in the joints; loss of power in the limbs; pain in the hands, knees, legs and feet. Of) DIGITALIS. Acts upon the circulatory sys- tem in general and esp. upon the heart, the digestive and genito-urin- ary organs, the skin, etc. In diseases of the heart; in affec- tions of the liver, eyes.'urinary or- gans, haemorrhage from the lungs, etc In diseases for which Digitalis may be found useful, the heart will be more or less involved (Burt). Comp. Aeon., Spig., Cact., Hell., Ars., Aesc hip., etc. Dullness of the head; lascivious fantasies day and night; depression; anxiety for the future. Vertigo, with trembling; slow pulse, etc. Great sleepiness, lethargy; un- easy, u-Vi'efreshing sleep; frequent startings, much dreaming. In sympathetic affections; in ver- tigo with slow pulse ( Charge). Itching all over the body; gnaw- ing and intense burning. Skin pale and yellow with black pores; eruption of pimples, etc.; edamatious swelling; desquama- tion, etc. In miliaria; in dropsy of the skin, etc. Great weakness; paralytic feel- ing in all the limbs. Heaviness, weakness and pain in the chest and back. Heaviness and paralytic weak- ness of the extremities; the fingers are numb; the feet are painful and swollen. Jn all kinds of dropsy; in rheu- matic and neuralgic affections, etc, 100 SECOND SERIES. COFFEA CRUD. COLCHICUM. COLCYNTHIS. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: congestion; itching on the scalp; neuralgic pains. Headache: nervous, semi-lateral; as if a nail were driven into the brain; head feels too small. Eyes: increased power of vision; pupils dilated. Ears: over-acuteness of hearing. Nose: over-sensitiveness of smell; sensation of heat. Face: dry, hot; cheeks red; draw- ing pain in the malar bones. In headache, congestion of the bead, etc., esp. from nervous causa- tion. Great nervous excitation; over- acuteness of the nervous system. All senses are rendered more acute; agitation; restlessness, etc. In affections with or from ner- vous excitement; in climacteric hysteria (Ludlam). Pulse accelerated; small, weak; violent, irregular palpitation. Chills running down the back; internal chill, external heat; dry heat at night; slight sweat in the morning. In intermittent fever with great restlessness (Altschul); in affections due to arterial and nervous excite- ment. Rawness of the larynx, with hoarseness; spasms of the glottis; breathing impeded. Cough: dry, short; worse out- doors. Oppression of the chest; attacks of asthma in the morning. In asthma, whooping-cough, etc.; esp. from nervous or arterial ex- citement. Head: tearing, pressing pain in the scalp, esp. in the occiput. Headache: neuralgic, rheumatic pains deep in the cerebellum or in small spots; esp. over the eyes. Eyes: weakness of sight; drawing, tearing pains; inflammation. Ears: roaring; stitching, tearing pains; hardness of hearing. Nose: pain and soreness in the septum. Face: pale; sad expression; risus sardonicus; neuralgia. Tearing and drawing pains in the jaws. In headache, prosopalgia, diseas- es of the eyes, ears, etc., esp. with a gouty or rheumatic diathesis. Nervous System. Nervous irritation; debility; rheu- matic, tearing pains. Restlessness; spasms; convul- sions; great exhaustion; paralysis. In neuralgic, rheumatic, paralytic conditions, as in rheumatism, gout, etc. Circulatory System. Pulse hard, full; quick, weak; violent suffocative palpitation. Chill and shivering running through all the limbs; chilliness predominates; flushes of heat; ex- ternal dry heat; body hot; limbs cold; sweat, In rheumatic, arthritic, intermit- tent and typhus fever; in diseases of the heart; in hydropericardium, etc. Respiratory System. Rawness and tickling in the throat; breathing short, oppressed; voice hoarse and deep. Cough: dry, hacking; with stitch- es in the throat. Stitches in the posterior part of thorax; cutting pain in the chest. In cough, iong lasting coryza, rheumatic affections of the chest, edema of the lungs, etc. Head: smarting, burning pains, as in the roots of the hair. Headache: nervous, drawing, tearing pains, esp. in the left side. Eyes: vision confused; tearing pain in the eyeballs. Ears: roaring and throbbing; cut- ting pain. Nose: beating and digging pains; fluent coryza. Face: dark-red; pale, relaxed; fa- cial pains. Burning and swelling of the low- er lip. In neuralgic and rheumatic dis- eases of the head and its parts, as hemi-crania, prosopalgia, etc. Sensation of weakness or faint feeling; pains are violent, tearing. Pain; weakness; neuralgia; numb- ness; spasms, etc. The grand sphere lies among the neurosis (Hughes). Pulse hard, full, accelerated; small, weak; palpitation. Chill and coldness of the wdiole bodv; chilliness predominates; ex- ternal dry heat; nightly sweat smelling like urine. In enteritis, peritonitis, etc.; puerperal ovaritis (Ludlam). Irritation and constriction of the larynx; breathing short and diffi- cult, Cough: dry, titillating, esp. dur- ing the night, Stitching pain in the chest; op- pression; worse in evening. In neurotic affections, as asthma, whooping-cough, spasms of the chest, etc SECOND SERIES. 101 CONIUM MAC. Head: itching and burning on the scalp; falling out of the hair. Headache: stitching, tearing pains from within outwards; in the fore- head as if the head were too full. Eyes: weakness and confusion of sight; burning pain. Ears: ringing; roaring; painful sensitiveness; stitching pain. Nose: frequent sneezing; epis- taxis; purulent discharge. Face: earthy, yellow; purple, bloated; tearing pain. Lips: covered with black crusts; burning, shooting, stinging pains. In headache, amblyopia, ozena, etc., esp. with scrofulous or can- cerous diathesis. Debility; sudden loss of strength; muscular paralysis without pain. Weakness; trembling; numbness; paralysis from below upwards. In painless, paralytic conditions, as apoplexy, paraplegia, paralysis, etc. Pulse unequal and irregular; violent palpitation of the heart. Chill in the morning and after- noon; internal chill; coldness pre- dominates; great general heat; con- stant perspiration. In hectic fever (Lilienthal); pel- vic peritonitis (Jousset). Irritation of the larynx; sensation of a dry spot; breathing impeded; voice feeble. Cough: in violent paroxysms, esp. , at night. Sharp stitches through the chest; i great soreness to touch. In nightly cough it is a chief rem- edy; in asthma, laryngitis, bron- j chitis, etc CROCUS SAT. Head, Eyes, Ears, Et<\ Head: sensation when walking as if the brain were loose Headache: sudden, broad thrust, in the right temple, extending deep into the brain. Eyes: dimness; obstruction of sight; soreness; pain. Ears: humming; dullness of hear- ing. Nose: violent sneezing; epistaxis. Face: yellowish, earthy color. Lips: dry, cracked. In headache before the menses or at the climacteric period; in spasms of the eyelids, epistaxis, etc., (Altschul). Nervous System. Weariness as from severe physi- cal exertion. Trembling; spasms; twitching of the limbs; prostration. In laughing-cramps, chorea, hys- teria, esp. with uterine affections. Circulatory Systom. Pulse accelerated; palpitation of the heart. Chill in the afternoon; worse to- wards evening, esp. in the back; heat, internal, in flushes or over the whole body; scanty sweat. In hemorrhages from all outlets of the body of dark stringy blood, etc. Respiratory System. Stitches in the air-passages; breathing impeded; dyspnea. Cough: frequent, violent, ex- hausting; profuse expectoration. Heaviness and aching pain or dull stitches in the chest, In haemoptysis, epistaxis, cough, etc DIGITALIS. Head: congestion; burning beat. Headache: heavy,throbbing, pres- sive pains, esp. in the forehead. Eyes: obscuration and confusion of sight; diplobia; lachrymation. Ears: noise like boiling of water; dullness of hearing. Nose: pain across the root; fre- quent sneezing; epistaxis. Face: bluish-red; pale; hippo- cratic; cramp-like, drawing pains. Lips: swollen. In headache, scrofulous ophthal- mia (Jousset); diplobia, photopho- bia (Altschul), etc. Great weakness and sleepiness; lethargy. Prostration; numbness; paralysis. In paralytic affections, esp. when the heart is simultaneously in- volved. Pulse small, irregular; very slow; violent, but slow beating of heart. Chill most internal; chilliness predominates; hands and feet very cold; chill and heat alternating; clammy sweat, esp. at night, In every form and stage of weak- ness of the heart up to.complete di- lation and paralysis (Ruddock). Spasms of the glottis; voice hoarse; breathing slow and asth- matic, esp. in the morning. Cough: hollow, deep; with pro- fuse, purulent or bloody sputa. Rheumatic pain and great weak- ness of the chest; emphysema. In cough, pleuritis, pneumonia, haemoptysis, etc., esp. with serious exudation. 100 SECOND SERIES. COFFEA CRUD. COLCHICUM. (OLOCYNTHIS. Digestive System. Mouth and throat dry, hot, in- flamed; tongue red, numb; tearing pain; toothache. Appetite and taste lost; great thirst. Stomach: eructations; nausea, much vomiting; extreme sensitive- ness; burning heat, or icy coldness. Abdomen: tympanitic distention; colic; pressing, cutting pains; sore- ness in the region of the liver. Stool: scanty and difficult, or frequent, abundant, watery; yellow, bloody diarrhea with tenesmus; constipation. In autumnal dysentery (Dunham); in Asiatic cholera; in gastroenter- itis, etc. Mouth and throat dry, rough; burning, scraping sensation; tooth- ache; tongue white, yellow, rough; throat hot; sensation of a lump. Bulimia; anorexia; offensive taste; diarrhea after the least food. Stomach: eructations; nausea, i vomiting; feeling of emptiness; squeezing, cutting, tearing pains. Abdomen: tympanitic distention; violent colicky, cutting, burning pains, esp. around the navel, caus- ing to bend double. Stool: watery, bloody, slimy, or fecal diarrhoea with great pain in the bowels; weakness of the anus; constipation; piles. The grand sphere of Coloc. is in the digestive organs below the stom- ach (Burt). In colic, diarrhea, dys- entery, neurosis, etc. Mouth: dryness; much saliva; toothache; pain in the throat, Appetite and thirst increased; taste excessively bitter. Stomach: hiccough; eructations; nausea; constant inclination to vomit; excessive irritability. Abdomen: continuous pinching pains; pressure and colic; fermen- tation; sensation as if from over- loading, Stool: watery, painless diarrhea alternates with constipation. In diarrhea from too much care about domestic affairs or during dentition (Hering), Pressure upon the bladder; burn- ing in the forepart of the urethra. Urine: frequent,urging; increased quantity of urine. In sympathetic affections. Male: excitement; erections; re- laxation ; emissions ; impotence; pain in the testicles. Female: extreme excitement ; menses too profuse; menorrhagia; dysmenorrhea; milky leucorrhea; voluptuous itching and sensitiveness of the vulva. In nervous affections, as hysteria, esp. at the climacteric period (Lud- lam); in nymphomania, dysmenor- rhea, after-pains, etc Aggr. after midnight; from ex- cessive cold, etc. Amel, in the evening; until mid- night; from warmth; during rest,etc Spec: dark hair; neurotic dis- eases; nervous temperament. Urinary System. Pain in the kidneys and violent burning in the urethra; frequent urging; tenesmus. Urine: profuse, clear; dark,black, scanty; albuminous. It seems to increas,e the amount of uric acid, hence its usefulness in gout, Generative System. Male: irritation; tearing in the glans penis and left spermatic cord. Female: menses too early; sudden suppression. In rheumatic dysmenorrhea. Special Remarks. Aggr. evening and night; in wet weather; from warmth, etc. Amel. morning and forenoon; in dry weather; from cold, etc. C. Dunham does not think it safe to give it in a well-marked case of cold gout, lower than the loth pot. Sudden violent pressure upon the bladder; frequent urging; burning pain after micturition. Urine: fetid, brown; with very copious sticky sediment, In urinary affections from ner- vous origin; in dysuria, strangury, etc. Male: great desire; erections; nightly emissions; relaxation; im- potence; pains in the testes. Female: menses too early and profuse; with great pain; amenor- rhea; intense boring and drawing pains in the uterus and ovaries; swelling of the labia?, etc. In dysmenorrhea; in metritis, ovaritis, amenorrhea; in puerperal ovaritis (Ludlam). Aggr. in the evening; during rest-, in cold weather, etc. Amel. night and morning; from motion; in warm weather, etc. Spec: choleric patients; neurotic diseases. C0N1UM MAC. Mouth: fetid odor; much saliva; teeth loose; toothache; tongue swol- len, painful, stiff; throat spasmodic constriction. Appetite lost; great thirst; taste bitter. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; pressing,burning.squeez- ing pains; distention. Abdomen : stitching, pinching pains; swelling; great sensitiveness; pain and swelling of the liver; stitches in the anus. Stool: frequent ineffectual urging; insufficient; undigested; painless: involuntary during sleep; painful diarrhea with tenesmus. In spasmodic constriction of the throat; in cardialgia (Hempcl); in obstinate constipation (Altschul), etc. Pressure upon the neck of the bladder; frequent urging; burning in the urethra. Urine: pale; white, turbid; gray with white sediment. In spasmodic and paralytic affec- tions, esp. of the sphincter vesica. Male: irritation; weakness; cmis- j sions; induration and atrophy of I the testes. Female: menses suppressed; pain- ful; the breasts swell at every nisus; induration and atrophy of the ova- ries; leucorrhea, pruritus vulva},etc. In amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, organic affections of the parts; pru- ritus vulva1, locally (Ludlam). Aggr. during night; in wet weath- er; after sleep; from cold, etc. Amel. in the forenoon; in dry weather; from warmth, etc. Spec: right side: light hair; want of bodily irritability. SECOND SERIES. CROCUS SAT. Digestive System. Mouth: dry, scraping sensation; tongue white; papillae prominent; throat raw, as if scraped. Appetite very great; excessive thirst for cold drinks; taste bad. Stomach: eructations; heartburn; nausea; sensation as if something living were jumping about, Abdomen: stitches; fullness; pres- sure; sensation as if something living were jumping about; crawl- ing in the anus. Stool: earlier than usual, though difficult; passage of some blood with the stool. In haemorrhage from the bowels; in constipation in children, etc. Urinary System. Generative System. Male: increased desire; sharp stitching pains from the pubes up- ward. . Female: pressure as if the men- ses would appear; menses too pro- fuse and long; menorrhagia; metror- rhagia on the slightest movement. In haemorrhage of the uterus, esp. after parturition. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning; at new and full moon, etc Amel. in the open air, etc. Hysteria is the principal curative field of saffron (Hempcl). 10:1 DIGITALIS. Mouth: dry, offensive smell,much saliva; toothache; tongue white; throat spasmodic, constricted. Appetite lost; urgent thirst; taste flat, slimy, bitter. Stomach: eructations ; deadly nausea; constant nausea and vom- iting; burning; soreness; bloated. Abdomen: cutting, shooting, tear- ing pains; hardness and soreness in the region of the liver; dropsical swelling. Stool: small, soft, delayed, chalky; copious, ash-colored or light diarrhea; evacuation of thread worms; constipation. In heartburn, gastralgia, dyspep- sia, enteritis, colic, diarrhea, etc. The functions of the kidneys sus- pended; pressure on the bladder; frequent urging; retention. Urine: copious; scanty, thick, blackish; retained. In functional and organic disor- ders of the kidneys; in strangury, retention of urine, etc. Male; irritation; erections; emis- sions; weakness; relaxation; mu- cous discharge. Female: pain before the menses: menorrhagia; leucorrhea, In metrorrhagia, but esp. in sem- inal emissions. "I can testify its great ability in spermatorrhea" (Bahr). Aggr. in the evening; after sleep from cold, etc. Amel. in the forenoon; during rest; from warmth, etc. Spec: left side; light hair; ten- dency to dropsical swelling. 104 SECOND SERIES DROSER A. DULCAMARA. GELSEMIV M. Leading Therapeutics. Acts in general upon the nervous system and especially upon the res- piratory organs. In spasmodic cough, whooping- cough, phthisis pulmonalis, laryn- gitis, myopia; nervous dyspepsia, etc. This medicine is more useful in whooping-cough than any other in our Materia Mediea ( Bayes ). Comp. Ipec, Bell., Nux vom., Acid, nitr., Cupr., Hyosc, etc. Joy fulness; courage; depression; afraid of persecution; restlessness; anxiety; dullness. Vertigo; dullness and confusion of the head. Sleepiness; drowsiness; sleepless- ness; restless sleep with frequent startings and frightful dreams. Pricking, burning and itching. Eruption like measles with sting- ing pain. Bruised, lame feeling in the limbs, with great sensitiveness to touch; gnawing and itching pains. Stitches in the muscles of - the chest; pain and stiffness in the neck and back. The limbs feel as if beaten; spasms of the fingers; stiffness of the an- kles; hands and feet are cold. Seems to induce a kind of con- gestion of the mucous membranes, setting up a condition similar to that after taking cold ( Dunham). In catarrhal affections, as various kinds of fevers, cough, influenza, bronchitis, diarrhea, cystitis, dys- menorrhea, etc. If taken immediately after expo- sure to damp or wet, it will often prevent a cold. Comp. Aeon., Bell., Merc. Puis., Rhus tox., etc, Cutaneous System. Skin hot, dry, as from taking cold; sticking and itching. Eruption similar to nettlerash is very prominent; erythema; papules; vesicles; pustules; warts, etc In urticaria, eczema, berries, im- petigo, warts, etc.; in ailments from retrocession, etc. Trunk and Extremities. Drawing, tearing pain all over the body as from taking cold; paralytic weakness. Neck stiff; back painful; loins lame, as after taking cold; drawing pain in the small of the back. Trembling, stiffness, lassitude- pain and heaviness of the limbs; cramps in the calves; swelling of the legs; burning of the feet. In rheumatic and neuralgic affec- tions, esp. after taking cold, or ag- gravated in cold, damp weather. The most prominent effect is to induce a profound and intense pros- tration of the whole muscular sys- tem (Hale). In affections of the nervous and muscular systems, as in spasms, convulsions, paralysis, headache, dysmenorrhea, etc. Its action seems to come between that of Aeon, and Bell., and it has some similarity to Chloroform. Comp. Con., Agar., Chloroform, Aeon., Op., Bapt., etc. Sudden stinging in the skin over the whole body; burning; itching. Erythema; papular, vesicular and pustular eruptions. Relaxation of the muscular sys- tem, with motor nerves paralysis; weakness and trembling. Pains in the neck, back and chest; a peculiar dull, aching pain in the lumbar region. Dull, aching, neuralgic pains in the limbs, with coldness; weakness, trembling and loss of motion. In paralytic conditionse, sp. from onanism; in neuralgia, rheumatism, etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Restlessness; irritability; mental and moral dejection; confusion; de- lirium. Vertigo; momentary dizziness; stupefaction of the head. Sleepiness; coma; sleeplessness; uneasy, restless sleep; frightful dreams. In sleeplessness ( Neumann). Depression of spirits; anxiety fol- lowing a somewhat cheerful, care- less mood; cataleptic immobility. Vertigo; dizziness of the head and blurred vision. Sleepiness and drowsiness fol- lowed by habitual sleeplessness; nightmare; restless nights and sleep; much dreaming. In hysteria, hypochondriasis, etc., esp. from masturbation; in ail- ments from bad news, etc. HAMAMELIS. Through tho spinal nerves it acts esp. upon the venous system and the generative organs of men and women (Burt). In phlebitis, varicosis and haemor- rhages; in ovaritis, dysmennorrhea, orchitis, gonorrhea etc It seems that the hemorrhages depend upon a morbid condition of the blood vessels. Comp. Arn., Puis., Millef.. Ruta, etc. Irritability; depression; weakness of intellect and memory. Vertigo, as if drunk; swimming sensation in the head. Sleepiness aud drowsiness; no in- clination to sleep; restless sleep; much dreaming. Itching all over; great desire to scratch; formication. Papular eruption all over; vesi- cles; pustules; erythema; erysipela- tous swelling. In varicose veins and ulcers; in erythema, ecchymosed spots, etc. Sensation of weariness in all the limbs; rheumatic pain; great sore- ness all over. Pain in the neck, chest and back, esp. in the lumbar region, as if it would break. Pain, stiffness and weakness of the limbs; varicose veins on the legs; feet go to sleep easily; pain in the toes. In haemorrhages, phlebitis, vari- cosis, ecchymosis, neuralgia, rheu- matism, etc. SECOND SEIilES. HELLEBORUS. Leading Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the cercbro-spinal nervous system, the cellular tissues, the mucous and serous membranes (Dunham); the brain, etc. In various forms of dropsies, esp. from paralysis of the functional powers of the serous membranes and nervous debility. Bluntness of the nerves is a con- stant characteristic of the effects of Helleborus. Comp. Apoc. can., Apis, Canth., Ars., Digit., Sulph., etc Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression; no pleasure in any- thing; weakness of intellect and memory; insanity. Vertigo, in the morning, on rising, in stooping, etc. Sleepiness; yawning; restless, un- easy sleep; confused, anxious dreams. In hypochondriasis; hysteria and mania (Altschul); in menstrual and puerperal mania (Hempel). Cutaneous System. Skin pale, yellow; great itching, not relieved by scratching. Sudden dropsical swelling; des- quamation; hair and nails fall out; moist eruptions. In eczema, herpes, ulcers, etc. It is a principal remedy in anasarca. Trunk and Extremities. Spasms and relaxation of the mus- cles; tca.iing, boring pains, esp. in the bones; dropsical swelling. Stiffness of the neck; the glands swollen; cramp in the spinal mus- cles. Torpor and stiffness of the limbs; heaviness and pain, esp. when mov- ing; numbness and swelling of the legs, etc In all varieties of dropsy, but esp. afler scarlatina, and those due to torpidity of the ganglionic-nervous system. lOo HELONIAS. Acts through the cercbro-spinal nervous system esp. upon the gen- erative organs of women and upon the kidneys. In uterine and renal affections, etc., esp. with constitutional debili- ty, anaemia, torpidity, etc. Dr. Jones thinks that "ameliora- tion while doing something" is a key-note Comp. Sep., Puis., Fcrr., Stan., Cimic, Acid, phosph., etc. Dullness ; gloominess ; restless- ness; despair; in a mental hell (Jones). Vertigo, with a peculiar sensation of fullness in the head. Sleepiness during the day; awa- kening every morning at 5 o'clock. In vertigo with uterine displace- ments. Weariness; drowsiness; debility. Pain in the front of the chest; in the lower part of the back through the uterus. Pain in the right hip joint; numb- ness of the feet when sitting still. In nervous affections. I (Mi DROSERA. Head: smarting, burning pains in the scalp; itching. Headache: pressing, drawing, stitching pains in the forehead, temples, etc. Eyes: pain; confusion of vision; far-sightedness. Ears: dullness of hearing; hum- ming; stitching pain. Nose: sneezing; coryza; epistaxis. Face; livid, sunken; pain. Lips: dry, cracked; tearing pain in the lower maxillary bone In headache; in far-sightedness after syphilis (Altschul). S E C O N I) S E R I E S DULCAMARA. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: a feeling of coldness; hair falls out, Headache: congestive, dull, bor- ing pains in the forehead as from taking cold; great heaviness. Eyes: dimness as from weakness of the nerve; inflammation. Ears: buzzing; humming; pain; swelling of the parotids. Nose: sneezing; coryza as from taking cold; epistaxis. Face: pale, bloated, dropsical; neuralgic pain. Lips: jerking motion; eruption. In headache, diseases of the eyes, cars, etc., esp, after taking cold or after suppressed eruption. GFLSEMIUM. Head: heaviness; a feeling of lightness with vertigo. Headache: dull, congestive, ner- vous pains, commencing in the cer- vical portion of the spinal cord. Eyes: dizziness and obscuration of sight: pupils dilated, etc. Ears: roaring; pain; dullness of hearing. Nose: sneezing; tickling; pain, . Face: red; pale; heavy; besotted expression: numbness; pain. Lips: dry; lid coated with dark mucus; spasms of the jaws. In hypersemia of the brain, head- ache, amaurosis, amblyopia, deaf- ness, coryza, facial neuralgia, lock- jaw; etc. Debility; torpidity; tearing, pres- sing pains. Weakness; numbness; coldness; stiffness; pain. Nervous System. Acts in a wyay as to produce pa- ralysis of the muscular system. Great general uneasiness; convul- sions; prostration; paralysis. In nervous affections esp. from cold or from suppressed eruption, as paralysis of the tongue, etc In large doses it causes paralysis of the muscular system. Irritability; relaxation; tremb- ling; numbness; paralysis. In spasmodic and paralytic affec- tions, as hysteria, epilepsy, chorea, eclampsia, paralysis, etc. Chill all the day, but esp. in the forenoon; coldness predominates; heat after midnight; general perspi- ration. In fevers with great nausea and vomiting (Jahr); in intermittent fe- ver with spasmodic cough (Alt- schul). Circulatory System. Pulse small, hard; collapsed; noc- turnal palpitation. Chilliness and discomfort in all the limbs; chilliness in the back, esp. in the evening; heat, esp. at night; profuse, general, long-last- ing sweat. In simple catarrhal fevers; in rheumatic and intermittent double tertian fever; etc. The type is sy- nochal fever. Pulse accelerated; slow; feeble; irregular beating of the heart. Surface cold and congested; chilliness along the spine; coldness of the extremities; heat in the face or all over the body; profuse. cold sweat. In simple fever; in intermittent and remittent fever (Ludlam); in ty- phus and typhoid fevers (Hale),etc. Respiratory System. Crawling sensation and constric- tion of the larynx, inducing violent cough; worse at night. Cough; violent; in paroxysms; almost to suffocation. Constriction and burning sensa- tion of the chest; very severe In cough and whooping-cough a principal remedy; in clergyman's sore throat; phthisis pulm.(Jousset) etc. Symptoms as from taking cold; voice rough, hoarse; breathing la- bored and oppressed. Cough: hoarse, rough; dry or moist; worse from warmth. Rheumatic, neuralgic pains in the chest; digging, drawing pains. In catarrhal affections; as cough, influenza, pleuratis, pneumonia, etc.; in scarlatina anginosa (Lud- lam). Roughness and paralysis of the organs; breathing slow, heavy, la- bored; voice weak or lost. Cough: hoarse, rough, croupy; from tickling of the fauces. Acute pain in the pectoral mus- cles and within the chest. In spasmodic and paralytic affec- tions of the organs, as in globus hystericus, asthma, aphonia, cough, pain in the chest, etc. SECOND SERIES. Kit HAMAMELIS. Head: feeling as if vermin were crawling.^ Headache:congestive, dull, burst- ing pains; fullness in the forehead; continuous dullness. Eyes: pain; weakness; vessels greatly injected; inflammation. Ears: buzzing; ringing; pain; dullness of hearing. Nose: sneezing; watery, burning discharge; epistaxis. Face: red, sore; muscles stiff; burning in the right cheek; pain. Lips: dry, sore, cracked. In headache; in diseases of the eyes. ears, epistaxis, etc., esp. with venous congestion. Nervous debility; general ma- laise; acute pains. General lassitude and feeling of weariness. Excessive action of the venous system; pulse irregular; palpitation. Chilliness predominates; chilli- ness on going to bed; coldness of the whole body: heat, esp. at night; little perspiration. In the three leading forms of venous disorder, phlebitis, varico- sis and hemorrhage, Ham. is the principal remedy. Epiglottis lengthened and relax- ed; voice hoarse; breathing op- pressed. Cough: dry, or with mucous ex- pectoration. Spasmodic movements of the dia- phragm; lungs pain; haemorrhage. In epistaxis, h;emoptysis,etc; the blood is of a dark color and passes off passively. HELLEBORIS. It<*ad, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: rolls constantly; heat and intense pain; hair falls out, Headache: intense, congestive, pressing, stupefying pain, as if the I head were bruised. Eyes: painful, as if the balls were being pressed out; weakness. Ears: dullness of hearing. Nose; sneezing; loss of smell. Face: red, hot; pale, edematous; distorted; cold; pain. Lip hangs down; constant motion of the jaws as if chewing. In hydrocephalus; in chronic headache with delirium; in amau- rosis, sneezing-cramps; prosopal- gia, etc Nervous System. Nervous debility; nerves as if blunted; pain; formication. Twitchings; automatic motions; convulsions; numbness; weakness. In symptomatic and sympathetic affections. Circulatory System. The pulse is often slower than beating of the heart; palpitation. Chill spreads from the arms, with pain in the joints; burning heat with internal chilliness; cold, clam- my, sticky sweat. In hydropericardium, pleuritis, etc.; in intermittent fever, esp. in quartan type; in typhus, puer- peral fever, etc Respiratory System. Constrict ion and mucus in the larynx, violent sneezing; voice weak; breathing difficult, Cough: dry; worse at night; with dyspnea, etc Tension and constriction of the chest, esp. when coughing. In sneezing-cramps from menstru- al irregularities; in dyspnea, cough, asthma; in spasms of the lungs, hy- drotborax, etc. HELONIAS. Head: fullness and pressure. Headache: congestive, pressing pains; in the forehead, vertex, etc., with a distinct sensation of fullness. Eyes: weakness and obscuration of vision. In headache, amblyopia, etc, with uterine affections, etc. Nervous debility; general ma- laise. Lassitude; drowsiness; prostra- tion. In nervous debility, etc, esp. with uterine affections in women. Pulse small, weak, irregular; pal- pitation of the heart. Chill, seemingly radiating from the solar plexus all over the body; flushes of heat every moment. In anaemic conditions, esp. with renal and uterine affections. A feeling as if respiration were about to cease. Aching pain in front of chest, as if in a vice ( Jones ). In sympathetic affections, as asthma, angina pectoris, etc. 108 DROSERA. Mouth: much saliva; toothache; tongue pain, blisters; throat dry- ness, rawness, etc. No appetite; little thirst; bitter taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; throbbing, contractive pains. Abdomen: swelling; stitching pains; great sensitiveness; pain in the liver. Stool: soft, fluid; white, slimy, offensive; with colic; tenesmus with pain in the back. In dyspeptic conditions with ner- vous complications, as vomiting in the morning (Altschul), etc SECOND SERIES. DULCAMARA. Digestive System^ Mouth: much soapy saliva; tooth- ache; gums spongy: tongue dry. swollen, lame; tonsils swollen; in- ability to swallow. Appetite capricious; great thirst; taste flat, soapy. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; contracton; burning; dis- tention. Abdomen: cutting, griping pains about the navel, esp. before an at- tack of diarrhea; rumbling; disten- tion; burning in the rectum. Stool: whitish, watery, slimy, bloody; with imperative urging and cutting pain; dysenteric stool, as from taking cold. In affections from taking cold, etc., stomacace paralysis of the tongue, gastralgia, diarrhea, dys- entery, etc. GELSEMIUM. Mouth: dry; much saliva; tooth- ache; tongue hot, thick, yellow fur; numb, lame; throat dry. not, pain- ful, etc. Appetite lost; thirst; taste foul, bitter, clammy. Stomach: eructations; nausea; feeling of emptiness and weakness; rumbling; pain; oppression. Abdomen: spasmodic pain in the upper part; rumbling; emission of flatus; tenderness in the iliac re- gion, etc. Stool: ycilowr, fecal; bilious, cream colored, grey or green diar- rhea; constipation; pain in the piles In paralytic affections of the tongue, etc; in gastralgia, dyspep- sia, colic, diarrhea, dysentery, etc. Frecpient urging. Urine: scanty; profuse, Urinary System. Symptoms as in catarrh; pres- sure of the bladder; pain; urging; burning in the urethra, etc. Urine: copious; scant}; fetid; turbid; slimy deposits. In ailments after taking cold, as cystitis, urethritis, etc A sensation as if all the urine were not evacuated; weakness of the sphincter. Urine: copious; frequent emis- sion of clear, limpid urine, In enuresis, dysuria, inconti- nence of urine, albuminuria, etc Male: itching and stitches of the glans. Female: menses too late and too scanty Aggr. at night; from wTarmth; out of bed, etc. Amel. during day; from cold; in bed, etc. Spec: right side; complaints esp. in external parts. Generative System. Male: excitement; heat and itch- ing; impotence; herpes on the gen- itals. Female: menses too late, too short or suppressed; swelling of the mammary glands. In suppression of the menses or lochia after taking cold; in erup- tions of the genitals, induration of the testicles (Carrere ). Special Remarks. Aggr. from evening, until mid- night; in damp weather; during rest. Amel. forenoon and before mid- night; in dry weather; from motion. Spec: left side; dark hair; com- plaints esp. in internal parts. Male: irritation; emissions;relax- ation; impotence; pains in the tes- ticles. Female: irritation; menses sup- pressed; severe labor-like pains in the uterine region; pain in the ovar- ies; white leucorrho'a, with pain. In ailments from sexual abuses; in spermatorrhea, gonorrhea, dys- menorrhea, amenorrhea, spasms during labor, etc Aggr. about noon to 3 p.m., every day at the same hour, etc. Amel. from gentle motion; from cold; after urinating, etc. Spec.: young, nervous persons; esp. women. SECOND SERIES. 1(H) . HAMAMELIS. HELLEBORUS. HELONIAS. Digestive System. Mouth: dry; tongue white; throat sore, painful, with white spots. Appetite: variable; some thirst; taste flat, bitter, putrid. Stomach: eructations: nausea, vomiting ; heaviness ; throbbing ; pain; hamiatemcsis of black blood. Abdomen: burning in the epigas- trium; flatulence; spasmodic pain; pain in the groins. Stool: soft, diarrhetic; natural; hard, dark, slimy feces; haemor- rhage; hemorrhoids. In haemorrhages, haemorrhoids; in dysentery with discharge of much blood; in bloody discharges in ty- phoid fever, etc Frequent urging to urinate; dull pain in the renal region. Urine: increased considerably ; scanty, bloody, greasy deposit. In haematuria. Male: excitement; desire; emis- sions; erections; pain from the cords down the testes. Female: active uterine hemor- rhage; profuse menstrual discharge; dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, leu- corrhea, itching of the vulva. In orchitis, menorrhagia and metrorrhagia, vicarious menstrua- tion, dysmenorrhea, etc.: in ova- ritis (R. Ludlam). Aggr. in the morning and even- ing, etc. Amel. in the afternoon; out- doors; from walking, etc. Spec: persons liable to nervous congestion. Mouth: dryness; constant motion as if chewing; tongue dry, hot, trembling; throat sore. No appetite; seldom thirst; taste bitter. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; burning, pressing pains; fullness; distention. Abdomen: swollen and painful to touch; griping, and pinching pain about the navel; gurgling, as if the bowels were full of water. Stool: loose, watery, involuntary; consisting solely of clear, tenacious, colorless mucus; constipation. In gastralgia, cholera-like diar- rhea, rectal bienorrhea* ascites,esp. after scarlet fever; in scrofulous children, etc. Congestive pain in the kidneys; spasmodic urging to urinate. Urine: scanty, dark, like coffee grounds, bloody, albuminous, etc. In all kinds of dropsies, etc. In anasarca after scarlatina Altschul considers it a real specific remedy. Generative System. Male: sexual depression; relaxa- tion; impotence Female: suppression of the men- ses (Hering); appearance of men- struation after eight hours (Allen). In amenorrhea (Altschul); puer- peral convulsions, uterine dropsy; etc. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the evening and night; from cold, bodily exertion, etc. Amel. during day; from warmth; during rest, etc. There is want of physical irrita- bility. Mouth: tongue and throat dry and sore. Appetite diminished; taste bitter. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; burning, aching spas- modic pains; great irritability. Abdomen: burning in the lower part; motion and rumbling as if diarrhea would come on; colicky pains. Stool: loose, yellow in the morn- ing; lumpy feces in the evening. In atonic dyspeptic conditions, esp. in combination with uterine af- fections. Burning sensation at the kidneys and urethra. Urine: profuse, clear, light-color- ed; albuminous; diabetic. In strangury, diabetis, albumin- uria, etc.; in disease of the kidneys, it is an important remedy. Male: sexual excitement; relaxa- tion; impotence. Female: loss of tone in the or- gans; menses irregular; amenor- rhea; metrorrhagia; dysmenorrhea; bearing-down pains;displacement of the uterus and vagina; leucorrhea; pruritus, etc. In female diseases depending up- on an atonic state of the organs, as in prolapsus, menorrhagia, leucor- rhea, etc. Aggr. in the afternoon. Amel. about morning. Esp. adapted to women with pro- lapsus uteri from debility. Urinary System. 110 HYDRASTIS. Acts through the sympathetic nervous system esp. on the mucous membranes, the cutaneous and the glandular systems. In affections of the mucous mem- branes throughout the body; in skin diseases, glandular swelling, etc. It has a marvelous control over chronic catarrh of the mucous membranes (Hughes). Comp. Puis., Podoph., Kali bichr., Phytol., Con., Sulph.,etc. Irritability; disposition to spite- fulness; forgetfulness. Vertigo; sensation as if intoxi- cated. Sleepiness; sleeplessness; sleep uneasy; very restless; lascivious or frightful dreams. In vertigo from suppression of suppuration (Charge). Irritation of the skin with in- tense burning and itching. Skin yellow; erythema; swelling; eruption similar to variola. In ulcers, rhagades, lupus, excor- iations, variola (Hale), cancer (Bayes), etc. Weariness; shifting pains; physi- cal prostration. Muscles of the neck feel sore; tired aching across the small of the back. The limbs feel tired; shifting pains in the arms and legs; knees weak and aching. In symptomatic affections. SECOND s EUTES. HYOSCYAMUK. Leading Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the cercbro-spinal nervous system, partic upon the brain similar to Bell., but the con- gestion is not so intense. In nervous affections, as spasms, convulsions, hysteria; in low fevers; in mania, stupor, etc. The general sphere of its action is found in spasmodic affections ( Guernsey). Comp. Bell., Strain., Ver. alb., Cupr., Valer., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Constant foolish prattling; shame- less, obscene or raging mania; anxiety; stupor, etc Vertigo, with obscuration of vis- ion; sopor. Extreme sleepiness: falls asleep while answering; coma; sleepless- ness; restless sleep; terrible dreams. In typhomania, nymphomania, puerperal mania, dipsomania, etc Cutaneous System. Skin red, bright. Skin: bright red hue, resembling scarlatina; mostly in the face and neck; vesicles; boils: erysipelatous swelling, etc. In scarlatina, esp. with predom- inating brain-symptoms; in herpes, boils, etc Trunk and Extremities. Spasms; convulsions; paralysis; lancinating pains in the joints, esp. when moving. Pain in the chest, neck and back, as if from an injury; spasms of the muscles. Arms tremble; hands numb and stiff; cramps in the thigh; swelling of the feet; hands and feet cold. In affections of the nervous sys- tem, as in spasms, chorea, paraly- sis, etc; in paralysis of the sphincter muscles, etc, IRIS VERS. Affects the digestive apparatus; no remedy has a more specific ac- tion upon the pancreas (Burt). In sick headache, sour vomiting, dyspepsia, flatulency, diarrhea, low fevers, sexual disorders, etc. Almost all affections are charac- terized by prominent mental de- pression. Comp. Ant, crud., Ars., Colch., Ipce, Merc, Puis., Ver. alb., etc. Depression with irritability, las- situde and dullness of the mental faculties. Vertigo; immediate dizziness, soon passing off. Sleepiness, dullness, dizziness; restless sleep; frightful dreams. Itching of the face etc. Pustular eruption on scalp, etc.; vesicular and papular eruption with intense itching at night. It would seem homepathic to certain pustular eruptions ( Hale ); in eczema, herpes, impetigo, etc. Debility; shifting pains; worse from motion. Pain in the chest; constant pain in the lumbar region. Tensive pain in the right shoul- der; in the hands, fingers, hip- joints, knees, etc In rheumatism of the shoulders: in sciatica, etc. KREOSOTUM. Acts esp. upon the blood and lymph, setting up a condtion of ir- ritation with debility, functional and organic disorders, etc. In gastric, urinary, sexual and cutaneous affections, as vomiting, diarrhea, strangury, leucorrhea, etc. Has a decided power over dys- crasia, esp. the scorbutic diathesis. Comp. Carbol. acid, Petr., Carb. an., Murex, Sep., Puis., etc. Depression; ill-humor; stupid I feeling; thoughts vanishing; weak- ) ness of memory. Vertigo; staggering like from in- toxication; roaring in the head. Sleepiness and drowsiness; sleep- lessness; restless sleep; tossing about; anxious dreams. In vertigo with menstrual disor- ders. Violent itching, esp. toward even- ing and in bed. Skin remarkably pale; papular, vesicular and pustular eruption of various forms and on almost all parts of the body. In eczema, herpes, ulcers, psor- iasis, esp. with scorbutic diathesis; in burns, scalds, urticaria, etc. Pain in all the limbs,as if beaten, j or after a long walk; lassitude; | heaviness. Chest pains as if bruised; glands I of the neck swollen; severe pain in i the small of the back. Bruised, stitching pain in the upper and lower extremities; fing- ers numb; cold-swelling of the feet; burning in the soles. In neuralgic, rheumatic and ar- thritic affections, as sciatica, lum- bago, gout, etc. SEC ON D SERIES. LEDUM PAL. Leading Therapeutics. The sphere of action embraces the sensorium, digestive appar- atus, skin, fibrous and serious tis- sues of the joints, elc. (Dunham). In rheumatic, arthritic and gas- tric all'cctions; in diarrhea, skin eruptions, etc. Has a special action on the small- er joints, and is esp. indicated when coldness predominates. Comp. Rhus tox., Bry., Arn., Puis., Crot, tigl., Ruta, etc Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression; ill-humor; desire to be alone; dissatisfied; always angry; weakness of intellect. Vertigo, as from intoxication; the head falls backward. Sleepiness during the day as from intoxication; sleeplessness at night; nightmare In sympathetic affections. Cutaneous System. Itching of the skin all over, as if an eruption would break out. Bluish spots like petechia; small pimply eruption on the face; pus- tules on various parts. In eczema of rheumatic persons or in drunkards (Hoyne ). Trunk and Extremities. Rheumatic pains, commencing in the lower limbs and ascending; esp. located in the joints. Soreness and pain in the chcsl; pain and stiffness in the back and loins. Rheumatic, arthritic pains in the limbs, esp. in the joints; hands and legs tremble; nodosities; ball of the great-toe painful. In rheumatic and arthritic affec- tions, esp. in the articulations, and aggravated in bed. Ill LILIUM TIUR. The symptoms connected with the female reproductive organs and the consecutive moral conditions are very pronounced ( Payne ), It is obviously indicated for many congestive and even inflammatory conditions of the female organs of generation (Hughes). The most marked effect was pro- duced by the mental and reproduc- tive organs (Allen). j Comp. llelon., Plat., Puis., Sep., Cimic, Cauloph., etc. Depression; can hardly keep from crying; aimless hurry; weak- ness of intellect and memory. Vertigo; feeling as if intoxicated; staggering. Sleepiness, yawning and stretch- ing; sleeplessness; restlessness at night; frightful dreams. In hysteria, hypochondriasis,mel- ancholy, etc., esp. with sexual dis- orders, and partic. in women. Itching on various parts; burn- ! ing. A fine eruption on the forehead, etc, The whole body feels painful and sore, even pressure of the clothes causes paiu. Pain in the neck, back and shoul- ders. Fain in the limbs; anus and hands stiff; fingers as if paralyzed; tremb- ling of the legs; burning in the soles. In neuralgic and rheumatic affec- tions. 112 SECOND SERIES HYDRASTIS. HYOSCYAMUS. IRIS VERS. Head; heaviness; sensation of fullness. Headache: dull, heavy frontal, or sharp, cutting pains in the temples and over the eyes. Eyes: smarting; burning; lachry- ma-tion; conjunctivitis. Ears: roaring; pain; mucous dis- charge. Nose: soreness; watery, acrid dis- charge. Face: pale, yellowish; erysipela- tous swelling. Mouth: vesicles on the lips. In gastric headache; in conjunc- tivitis; nasal catarrh; eruptions, etc. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: heat; congestion; brain feels as if loose Headache: congestive, heavy, dull pains; heat, and violent pulsa- tion in the forehead. Eyes: protrude; looks red and wild; confusion of sight; inflamed. Ears: buzzing; roaring; deafness; tearing, dull pains. Nose: cramp-like pressure at the root; sneezing; bleeding. Face; pale, cold, distorted; risus sardonicus; red; bloated. Mouth: risus sardonicus; lips dry; with painful blisters. In congestion of the brain, apo- plexy, headache, amaurosis, diplo- bia, photophobia, prosopalgia, lock-jaw, etc. Head: feeling of constriction of the scalp. Headache: dull, throbbing, shoot- ing pains in the right side of the forehead; worse from cold, etc. Eyes: burningpain; dimness; red- ness of the conjunctive, etc. Ears: pressing pain outward. Nose: sneezing. Face: flushed, anxious expres- sion; neuralgic pains. Lips: dry, cracked. In gastric and sick headache; in ophthalmia, facial neuralgia, etc. Nervous System. Nervous debility. AVreariness, prostration; restless- ness and excitation. In sympathetic affections. Great nervous irritation; all the nerves are strongly affected. Spasms; convulsions; epilepsy; mania; stupor; paralysis. In spasmodic affections as con- vulsions, epilepsy, chorea, etc.; in paralysis; in mania, etc. General languor and debility; rheumatic pains. Weakness; trembling; coldness; lameness; pains. In neuralgia, rheumatism, etc. Circulatory System. Pulse slow during the chill; pal- pitation. Chill morning and evening; heat in flushes or general burning heat; offensive perspiration of the geni- tals. In gastric, bilious or typhoid forms of fever (Hering), with prom- inent, gastric disorders. Pulse accelerated, hard; small, slow; oppression of the heart, Chill, shivering and coldness over the whole body; burning heat and following profuse sweat all over. In typhoid and typhus fevers, esp. when the brain-symptoms are very prominent with mania or stu- por. Pulse normal, accelerated, feeble; the action of the heart is increased. Chill with sleepiness; heat with coldness of the hands and feet: sweat. Has been recommended in ty- phoid fever (Kitchen). Scraping in the larynx; voice hoarse; breathing oppressed. Cough: short, dry; mucous ex pectoration. Soreness in the chest; burning and stinging pains. In bronchitis of old people; in phthisis (Hering), etc. Respiratory System. Throat dry; spasms when swal- lowing; voice hoarse; breathing rat- tling, oppressed, labored; dyspnea, Cough; dry, hacking; esp. at night or when lying; green sputa. Tight feeling across the chest; stitches in the sides; haemoptysis. In spasmodic nightly cough; in whoophing-cough; in dysphagia, hydrophobia (V); pneumonia, etc. Smarting and burning in the lar- ynx; voice hoarse Cough: short, dry, hacking. Stitches in the chest; pain in the left side. SECOND SERIES. 113 KREOSOTUM. LEDUM PAL. LILIUM TIGR. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: scalp very sensitive; hair falls off. Headache: pressing, throbbing pains in the forehead, with great sleepiness, as after intoxication. Eyes: dimness; itching; burning; lachrymation; inflammation. Ears: roaring; hardness of hear- ing. Nose: offensive smell; coryza; epistaxis; ulcers. Face: earthy, pale; greenish, bloated, cold; pain. Lips: dry, cracked, ulcerated. In headache, diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, etc., esp. with some dyscrasia. Restlessness; debility; loss of sensation. Weariness; prostration; restless- ness of the whole body. In sympathetic affections; in con- ditions of debility with erethism. Pulse weak, quick; hard, slow; anxiety; palpitation. Chill when at rest; shaking, with great bodily restlessness; chill al- ternating with heat; heat in the face; sweat scanty and only in the morning. In intermittent fevers of the quotidian and tertian type ( Zwct- koff); in haemorrhages, etc. Raw and scraping sensation in the larynx; voice rough, hoarse; breathing difficult, anxious. Cough: fatiguing, wheezing; copious, purulent expectoration. Stitching, pressing pains in the chest; anxiousness; heaviness. In spasmodic cough,hemoptysis, consumption of the lungs or bron- chi, chronic hoarseness and catarrh, etc. Head falls backward; crawling on the scalp. Headache: stupefying, pulsating pains; great pressure in the fore- head or over the entire head. Eyes: weakness and obscuration of sight; pupils dilated; pains. Ears: ringing; dullness of hear- ing. Nose: internal burning; soreness to pressure. Face: pale; red. In headache, ophthalmia, deaf- ness, etc., esp. with rheumatism or gout. Nervous System. Debility; rheumatic, arthritic paius. A feeling of numbness and tor- pidity with coldness. In neuralgic, rheumatic and ar- thritic affections, esp. of the joints. Circulatory System. Pulse full and quick; a dull, pain about the heart; palpitation. Want of animal heat; chilliness with thirst; as if cold water run- ning over the back; heat without thirst; putrid night-sweats. In haemoptysis with florid blood; in catarrhal fever; in ailments after the abuse of Colchicum, etc Respiratory System. Tickling and stinging sensation in the larynx; oppressed, quick breathing; dyspnea. Cough: hollow, racking, spas- modic; purulent expectoration. Congestion of the chest; burning and soreness; hemoptysis. In spasmodic cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis of florid blood, pneu- monia, phthisis pulmonalis, etc. Head: fullnss with pressure out- ward . Headache: dull frontal pain; over the left eye; shooting in the right temple; heaviness; fullness. Eyes: full of water; blurred vis- ion; pain; photophobia. Ears: rushing sound. Nose: frequent sneezing. Face: hot and bloated; chilly feeling; pain in the right side. In headache, esp. with sexual disorders in women; in affections of the eyes, facial pain, etc. Nervous irritation; sexual excite- ment; extreme restlessness; Constant hurried feeling; weak- ness; trembling; pain. In nervous affections, as hysteria, esp. with sexual disorders in wo- men. Pulse accelerated; small and weak; violent beating of the heart. Chill with violent palpitation; great heat with pulsating sensation all over; cold sweat. In affections of the heart, as pal- pitation, neuralgic pains, etc Voice much affected (could not sing); breathing oppressed and short. Cough: dry, hacking; much mu- cus in the throat. Chest feels constricted and full of blood. In dyspnea, asthma, globus hys- tericus, etc. 114 SECOND SERIES. HYDRASTIS. HYOSCYAMUS. IRIS VERS. Digestive System. Mouth: thick, tenacious saliva; toothache; tongue dry, white, yel- low, blistered; throat hot; much mucus; ulcers. Appetite capricious, lost; no thirst; taste flat; peppery. Stomach: sour eructations; nau- sea, vomiting; acute severe pain; faintness; weak, sick feeling. Abdomen: torpidity of the liver; burning in the region of the navel; cutting, colicky pain, esp. in the re- gion of the cecum. Stool: light colored, soft, acrid, greenish; lumpy, covered with mu- cus; constipation; hemorrhoids. In obstinate idiopathic constipa- tion, it is a principal remedy; in stom- atitis; diptheria, dyspepsia; liver- affections, etc. Irritation of the kidneys, bladder and urethra. Urine: thick, ropy; mucous sedi- ment; putrid smell. In inflammatory affections; in gonorrhea, cystitis, etc. Male: desire with weakness; mu- cous discharge. Female: sexual excitement; pru- ritus vulvae; ropy, thick, yellow leucorrhea. In chronic gonorrhea; in pruri- tus vulvae; leucorrhea; ulceration of the cervix and vagina. Aggr. morning; in the open air; after eating, etc. Amel. evening; from cold, etc. Spec: left side; old people; some kind of diathesis. Mouth: dryness, saliva, foam, of- fensive odor; gnashing of the teeth; tongue pale dry, paralyzed; spasms of the throat, etc. Bulimia; anorexia; violent thirst, but cannot swallow; dread of water. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; burning heat; inflamma- tion; convulsions; baematemesis. Abdomen: distended as if it would burst; belching, nausea, and vomiting; horrible pains; paralysis of the rectum and anus. Stool: yellow, watery; involun- tary; frequent urging with violent pains; hemorrhoids with profuse bleeding; constipation. In paralysis of the tongue, throat, etc.; in pain and inflammation of the stomach and bowels, etc. Urinary System. Spasmodic contraction of the or- gans; paralysis of the bladder. Urine: scanty, frequent urging; difficult or retained; gray sediment. In paralysis and spasmodic affec- tions of the bladder. Generative System. Male: excitement; erections; weakness; impotence; drawing pain in the testes. Female: excitement; nympho- mania; menses too early and pro- fuse; with labor like pains; sup- pressed; bland, yellow or putrid leucorrhea; pressing-down pains. In sexual excitement, dysmenor- rhea, lucmorrhage, ailment during the puerperal state, etc. Aggr. during night; from cold; out-doors; from bodily exertion,etc Amel. duringday; from warmth; in-doors; after sweat, etc. Spec: light hair; nervous or san- guine temperament, etc. Mouth: dry; profuse saliva; teeth feci too long; tongue dry, feels ^ if scalded; throat, dry, hot, red, swollen. Appetite increased; lost; thirst; aggr. after eating. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; intense burning pain. Abdomen: cutting pain; profuse discharge of flatus; hyper secretion of mucus; burning in the rectum and anus. Stool: thin, watery, bilious; co- pious, green, bloody, slimy; black, offensive, involuntary, etc. In dyspepsia, diarrhea, ct'i-lcra morbus, dysentery, diseases of the liver, pancreas, etc. Pain in the right kidney; stitch- ing in the urethra while urinating. Urine: copious: scanty; thick; frequent urging. Has been recommended in dropsy. Male: irritation; emissions; in- flammation of the glans penis. Female: menses too late and scanty. In spermatorrhea; ailments after gonorrhea; vomiting in pregnancy, etc. Aggr. morning, 3 a.m.; by motion; from cold. Amel. evening; during rest; from warmth, Hyper-secretion along the alimen- tary canal; seldom inflammation. Special Remarks. KREOSOTUM LEDUM PAL. LILIUM TIUR. Digestive System. Mouth: offensive smell; tooth- ache ; decay of teeth; gums inflamed; tongue dry, thick, slimy fur; throat dry, scraping pain, ulcerated. Appetite lost; great thirst; flat, bitter taste Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; tension; painful, hard spots, etc. Abdomen: pain in the liver and spleen ; distention ; meteorism ; painful as if ulcerated. Mouth: offensive smell; toothache; stinging pain in the forepart of the the tongue; throat sore; burning pain. Appetite poor; bitter taste Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; pressure after eating; pain. Abdomen: fullness; pain; esp. in the evening. Stool: watery papescent; dark brown, fetid or bloody; constipa- tion. In scorbutic affections, as spongy gums, decay of teeth, etc,; in diffi- cult dentition; in vomiting in preg- nancy, dyspepsia, etc. Irritation and pain in the organs; frequent urging. Urine: dark brown: colorless, fe- tid; thick sediment. In enuresis; cystistis, etc Male: irritation; erections; emis- sions; impotence; boring; swelling, etc. Female: excitement; intolerable itching in the vagina; menses too profuse and long lasting; menor- rhagia; pressing-down pains swel- ling of the uterus; neck ulcerated; acrid leucorrhea. In orchitis; in pruritus vulvae, prolapsus, menorrhagia, ulcers of the parts, etc.; in vomiting of preg- nancy, etc. Aggr. during night; in the morn- ing; in rest, etc. Amel. during day; from motion, etc, Spec: dark complexion ; lean, delicate persons, esp. women. Stool: thin, watery; mixed with blood and mucus; chiliness during evacuation; constipation. In diarrhea and dysentery, (Odhe- lius). Urinary System. Irritatian and pain in the urethra; swelling of the penis. Urine: irregular flow, scanty; purulent. Generative System. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the evening and during night; from warmth, motion, etc Amel. during day; in rest, etc. Spec: ailments from abuse of alcoholic drinks, etc. Mouth: much saliva. Bulimia, anorexia; much thirst; bloody taste Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; sensation as from a lump; pressure after eating. Abdomen: distention; flatulence; great sensitiveness to pressure; sen- sation of emptiness and weakness. Stool: billious, dark, offensive; preceded by griping pains; diar- rhea in the morning; much urging; tenesmus; burning in the anus. In morning diarrhea, cholera morbus, colic, etc.; esp. with ova- rian or uterine affections. Continuous preseure on the blad- der; constant urging to urinate; burning during micturition. Urine: milky, scanty; increased, dark; hot, like boiled oil. In inflammatory affections, as cystitis, urethritis, etc. Aggr. from 5 p. m. to midnight. Amel. in the morning and until ."i p. m.; in rest, etc. Spec: left side: pain in small spots. Male: excitement;erections; emis- sions; bloody discharge; inflamma- tion of the penis. Female: menses too early and too profuse; with general chilliness; profuse leucorrhea. In inflammatory affections of the male organs; in milk-leg, ailments during pregnancy, as sacral pains, etc. Male: excitement; strong desire; emissions with voluptuous dreams. Female: excitement; strong de- sire; menses regular or too scanty; pain in the ovaries and uterus; in- tense bearing-down pains, as if the pelvic contents would issue through the vagina, etc. In nymphomania,spermatorrhea, etc; in dysmenorrhea, prolapsus uterus, ovaralgia, etc. 116 % SECOND SERIES. LOBELIA INFL. LYCOPODIUM. MEZEREUM. Leading Therapeutics. The nervous system is the forte of this remedy, and the pneumo-gastric nerve is the special field for its ac- tion (Hale). In affections esp. in which the pneumo-gastric nerve is involved; but also in nervous affections in general. Scratching and burning with dry- ness in the throat is a very promi- inent symptom. Comp. Ant, tart,, Ipec, Tabac, Digital., etc. Great distress; sadness; sobbing like a child; raging mania. Vertigo, with nausea. Yawning; stretching; sleepiness, unrefreshing sleep; hallucinations; much anxious dreaming. In hypochondriasis with gastric derangement. Pricking, itching of the skin all over the body. Eruption of small vesicles be- tween the fingers, exactly resemb- ling itch. Has proved an antidote to Rhus tox. (Hale); in papular eruption (Teste). Trembling agitation ; muscular relaxation; great prostration; prick- ing, pressive pains. Weakness and pains in the back, esp. in the lumbar region. Weakness in the limbs; walking is difficult; cramps in the calves; vi- olent pain in the fibula. It seems to be homepathic to some forms of neuralgia. Affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory, digestive and geni to-urinary organs (Dunham). It causes depression without erethism. In affections esp. from debility of the vital forces, as dyspepsia, flat- ulency; chronic catarrh; urinary and sexual disorders, etc. Red sand in the urine and much flatulence are great indications for this remedy. Comp. Bry., Nux vom., Con., Graph., Kreos., Petrol., etc Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression; bodily, mental and moral debility. Vertigo with confusion of the bead, esp. in the morning. Sleepiness; drowsiness during day; wakefulness at night; restless sleep; anxious dreams. A great remedy for overworked brains, with mental dullness (Dun ham); vertigo from care of busi- ness (Charge). Cutaneous System. Skin dry and hot; biting, burning and itching when warm. General unhealthiness; dry and moist eruption, as papules, vesicles and pustules; dark red spots, etc. In eczema, herpes, impetigo, cmsta lactea, intertrigo, ulcers, etc., esp. with torpidity. Trunk and Extremities. General debility; formication ; drawing pains in the limbs, esp. at night and in rest. Cervical glands swollen; burning pain and stiffness in the small of the back, esp. at night. Axillary glands swollen; pain in the right shoulder-joint; arms weak; rheumatic pain in the left hip; knee and feet weak and swollen. In chronic rheumatism and gout; in rachitis, morbus coxarius (Hoyne), etc. Acts upon the muscular, nervous, digestive, genito urinary and os- seous systems, esp. upon the skin. In neuralgia, rheumatism, pain in the bones, etc.; in gastritis, urethri- tis, pruritus, skin eruptions, etc. All the flesh seemed to soften and wraste during the proving (Hart- laub) Comp. Kali hydr., Kali bichr., Merc, Phytol., Aur., etc. Depression; indolence;hypochon- driasis; confusion of mind; weak- ness of memory. Vertigo; dullness; confusion as if from intoxication. Sleepiness, drowsiness from de- bility; sleep restless, disturbed by pains; nightmare. In sympathetic affections. Violent itching and burning, changing place; worse in bed. Skin red; peels oft'; red, itching rash over the whole body; papular, vesicular and esp. pustular erup- tion. In eczema, herpes, impetigo, etc.; in boils, pruritus, erysipelas, etc. Emaciation and loss of strength; tremulous condition as if drunk: flying, stitching pains. Pain and stiffness of the neck; rheumatic pain in the scapular muscles. Pain in the limbs, esp. in the bones and periosteum; the hands, legs and feet "go to sleep;" the pains arc worse at night in bed. In rheumatic, neuralgic arthritic scrofulous affections; in nocturnal pains in the bones, etc. NUX MOSCH. Its centre for action seems to be upon the motor tract of the spinal cord, with a specific action upon the female generative organs (Burt). In nervous affections, as hysteria, general debility; in dyspepsia, sex- ual disorders, spasms in children, etc. Want of bodily irritability and aversion to open air are charac- teristic for this remedy. Comp. Moscb., Puis., Asa feet,, Ambra gr., Val., etc. SECOND SERTES OPIUM. Leading Therapeutics. "I think we may fairly conclude that Opium is throughout its action a direct paralyzcr of the nervous system" (Hughes). In diseases calling for Opium we find torpidity even to paralysis, and drowsiness even to stupor. Torpidity or inactivity stamps the whole system, both mental and physical (Ruddock). Comp. Chlor. hyd., Kali brom., Laur., Gels., Acid, hyd., etc. IE PHYTOLACCA. Phytol. has a special effect upon the throat, the muscular, cutaneous and osseous systems and the glands. In tonsillitis, diphtheria, rheuma- tism, secondary affections from sy- philis, bone-pains, mammitis, or- chitis, etc Phytol. is very useful in fatty degeneration (Bayes). Comp. Mez., Merc, Kali hyd., Rhus tox., Puis., etc. Mind very changeable, at one time serious at snother gay; weak- ness of memory; apathy. Vertigo; staggering as if intoxi- cated. Excessive drowsiness; almost ir- resistible desire to sleep; restless sleep; night-mare; much dreaming. In hysterical affections; in hypo- chondriasis; in vertigo from over- exertion. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Exaltation; vivid imagination; nervousness; irritability; delirium; stupor; coma. Vertigo as if intoxicated; ex- treme congestion of the head. Sleepiness, drowsiness; extreme sleeplessness; insomnia; sleep rest- less, unrefreshing; full of voluptu- ous or horrible dreams. In delirium tremens; in coma; in ailments from excessive joy, fright, etc. Feeling of intoxication; cheer- fulness; loss of personal delicacy; indifference to life. Vertigo, when rising from bed, with danger of falling. Sleepiness; drowsines; frequent gaping at daytime; restless and wakeful at night, In symptomatic affections. Bluish spots on the skin. In complaints from suppressed eruptions (Hering). Cutaneous System. Skin insensible; intolerable itch- ing; biting crawling sensation. Bluish, pale color; eruption simi- lar to urticaria. Severe itching. Skin: shrunken; of a leaden color; slight red; irregular erythematous blotches; vesicular and pustular eruption. In eczema, herpes, boils, ulcers, cancerous ulcers, barber's itch, syphiloderma, etc. Wandering, digging, pressing pains, confined to small spots; mus cular rheumatism. Drawing in the muscles of the neck; pain along the spine, esp. in the sacrum. Weakness and pain in the limbs; hands and feet cold and heavy; pain in the calves, etc In neuralgic and rheumatic affec- tions, esp. with hysteria; in para- lytic conditions, etc Trunk and Extremities. Spasmodic jerkings and numb- ness; trembling; convulsions; para- lysis; insensibility. Tension and constriction of the chest ; back bent spasmodically backward. Twitching and spasmodic move- ments of the limbs; heaviness; weakness; paralysis; swelling and coldness of the feet. In nervous affections or convul- sions in children from fright; in opistothonus, etc Great exhaustion; muscular pare- sis; alternate spasms and relaxa- tion of the muscles. Convulsive motion of the facial and cervical muscles; pain in the spine, esp. in the lumbar region. Pains in the shoulders and arms; finger-joints swollen, hard, shining; cutting, tearing pains in the hips, knees and feet, esp. at night. In neuralgia, rheumatism, para- lytic weakness, etc., esp with nightly aggravation. us LOBELIA INFL. Head: chilliness as if the hair would rise on end. Headache: dull, heavy pains, or in sudden shocks from temple to temple. Eyes: burning, smarting pains; dimness of vision. Ears: aching pain.. Nose: sneezing, bleeding. Face: deadly paleness; tension in the muscles. Mouth: drawing sensation in the jaws. In headache esp. with gastric disorders; in ophthalmia, proso- palgia, etc. SECOND SERIES. LYCOPODIUM. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: cutting pain and soreness of the scalp; eruption; hair falls oft'. Headache: tearing and pressing pains; often semi-lateral,over or be- tween the eyes, etc. Eyes: hot, dim, painful, inflamed; much mucous discharge. Ears: roaring; pain; hardness of hearing; purulent discharge. Nose: external soreness; coryza; acrid discharge; epistaxis. Face: pale, earthy; eyes sunken; edematous swelling. Lips: swollen, ulcerated; submax- illary glands indurated. In headache, ophthalmia (Vilas); hemeralopia (T. F. Allen), otitis, otorrhea, coryza, eruptions, etc MEZEREUM. Head: scaly very sensitive to touch; eruption; hair falls off'. Headache; boring, griping pains; in the temples and sides, extreme sensitiveness to the least contact, Eyes: drynsss; pressing pain; feel too large; annoying twitching. Ears: feel as if too open; hum- ming; difficult hearing, Nose: dryness; sneezing; fluent coryza; soreness; burning. Face: gray, earthy complexion; swollen; burning pains. Lips: the upper swollen, the low- er thick, dry, cracked; ulceration, In headache, ophthalmia (Hahne- mann), otitis, eruptions, prosopal- gia, pain in the bones, etc. Nervous depression; the pneumo- gastric nerve is the starting-point, Trembling; spasms; prostration; the muscles are "as limber as a rag." In muscular rigidity or restless- ness, as paralytic or other nervous affections; in hydrophobia (?). Nervous System. Debility without erethism; the pains are aching and burning. Weakness; pains; formication; twitchings; spasms; paralysis. In nervous affections with general debility or gastric derangement, esp. flatulency. Debility with preceding erethism; great sensitiveness to cold air. Debility; flying, stitching pains; trembling: numbness: paralysis. In nervous affections, neuralgia, rheumatism, bone pains, etc Pulse: frequent, weak; sensation as if the heart would stop beating. Predominating chilliness over the whole body; chills down the back; shivering; heat esp. in the face; profuse perspiration. In intermittent fever, quotidian type; in hectic f'cvei, etc. Circulatory System. Palpitation of the heart; sensa- tion as if circulation would stop. Chill from 4 to 8 p. m., with cold hands and feet; great thirst; flushes of heat all over; general heat; cold, offensive sweat. In intermittent fever (thirst after sweat), in typhoid fever, hydrotho- rax, aneurism (Hughes), etc. Pulse: full, hard; heart's action irregular; palpitation. Chill with thirst; coldness pre- dominates; hands and feet very cold; heat in the internal parts; sweat during sleep. In intermittent fever with pre- dominating chilliness; in function- al heart diseases, etc. Tickling, smarting, constriction of the larynx; hoarseness; extreme- ly difficult breathing; raw voice. Cough: frequent, short, dry, with pain in the stomach. Burning pain and constriction of the chest. In asthma, whooping-cough, croup, bronchitis (Hale); in suffo- cative catarrh (Teste); in pneumon- ic blennorrhea (Brown), etc. Respiratory System. Catarrhal condition; hoarseness; difficult breathing; raw voice, etc Cough: from tickling of the throat; with yellow.purulent sputa. Continuous pressure of the chest; sensation of rawness. In catarrhal affections as coryza, tonsillitis; in diphtheria, whooping- cough, asthma, tuberculosis, etc. Burning and dryness in the tra- chea; voice failing; breathing diffi- cult. Cough: violent, dry, spasmodic; yellow, mucous sputa. Stitches in the right side of the chest; cramp-like contraction. In hoarseness, dyspno'a, asthma, whooping-cough, inflammation of the lungs, etc SECOND S E KIE S . NUX MOSCH. OPIUM. PHYTOLACCA. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: convulsive movement; great sensitiveness to touch. Headache: pressing, pulsating pain, confined to small spots only; esp. in the temples, occiput, etc. Eyes: dryness; pain; weakness; pupils dilated; photophobia. Ears: over sensitiveness; buzzing painfullness of hearing. Nose: too acute smell; sneezing; coryza. Face: red, swollen; foolish ex- pression; pain. Lips: dry, chapped; spasmodic compression of the jaws. In headache, affections of the eyes and ears, esp. with hysteria or menstrual disorders. Head; heaviness; congestion; ap- oplexy. Headache: congestive, heavy; with drowsiness and sleeplessness. Eyes: staring look; pupils dilated; dimness; obscuration of sight. Ears: over-sensitiveness to sound; dullness of hearing. Nose: loss of smell. Face: bloated, dark, red, hot; pale, cold, sunken; twitchings. The lower lip and jaw hang down. In congestion of the head, apo- plexy, congestive headache, sun- stroke, etc. Nervous irritation; relaxation; want of bodily irritability. Restlessness; spasms; convul- sions; weakness; paralysis. In hysteria, bypocondriasis; spasms, esp. in children, etc. j Erethism; torpidity; the brain is 1 esp. affected. Trembling; spasms; numbness; paralysis; insensibility. In apoplexy, convulsions, esp. from fright; in torpidity of the ner- vous system, etc. Nervous debility; pains of a neu ralgic, rheumatic character. Prostration; alternate spasms and relaxion of the muscles. In neuralgic and rheumatic affee tions; in spasms, noctural pains, etc. Pulse small, weak, intermittent: excessive action of the heart, elc. Chilliness and sleepiness predom- inating; feet cold; hands warm; lit- tle perspiration. In various forms of intermittent fevers, esp.with extreme sleepiness (Altschul). Nervous System. Circulatory System. Respiratory System. Head: sensation of soreness deep in the brain. Headache: shooting, heavy, ach- ing pain in the back of the head, etc.; pain as if brain were bruised. Eyes: burning, tingling pains as if from sand; photophobia. Ears: shooting pain, dullness of hearing. Nose: thin, watery, acrid dis- charge ; flow of mucus. Face: very pale; hippocratic; cold sweat on the forehead; pain. Lips everted and firm; ulcerated; lock-jaAV. In rheumatic, nervous and ca- tarrhal headache; in diseases of the eyes, ears, etc; in prosopalgia, pe- riostalgia, ostealgia, etc. Dryness and burning in larynx and trachea; breathing difficult and slow; hoarseness; aphonia. Cough: hacking, dry, tickling; thick, tough sputa. Pain and suffocative sensation in the throat and lungs. In inflammatory affections of the tbroat.with great redness and swell- ing; it is often of great benefit in tonsillitis, diphtheria (Burt), etc. Larynx: dryness and hoarseness; breathing short, as if the chest were too narrow. Cough: dry barking; mucous, dark, bloody, salty sputa. Sensation as if the chest were too narrow; stitching pain. In dyspnea, asthma, spasmodic cough, etc. esp. with hysteria. Constriction and spasms of the larynx; voice feeble; breathing diffi- cult, rattling. Cough: spasmodic, dry, tickling; esp. at night. Tension and obstruction of the chest; burning heat. In dyspnea, asthma, spasmodic nightly cough, etc. Pulse variable; burning pain about the heart; palpitation. Coldness predominates; coldness esp. of the limbs; chilliness towards morning; general heat; profuse per- spiration. In low fevers with prominent brain spmptoms. Pulse small, irregular; pain in the cardiac region. Chilliness esp. in the morning; coldness predominates; limbs cold; bead and face hot; cold sweat, esp. at night. In scarlatina with lardy eruption, or prominent symptoms of the throat, etc. 120 SECOND SERIES. LOBELIA INFL. Mouth: dryness; copious saliva; toothache; burning, dryness and scratching in the throat. Appetite lost; burning, acrid taste Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; sensation of weakness; burning; oppression; pains, Abdomen: distention; tympan- itis; flatulence; cramp-like pain; al- ways worse after eating, Stool: soft, copious, with pains; discharge of blood after stool. In gastric and dyspeptic condi- tions, as cardialgia, acidity of the stomach, pyrosis (Jahr); in chronic vomiting (Jeanes), etc. Aching pain in the urethra; smart- ing during micturition. Urine: increased; diminished; rosy red sediment. Seems to be useful in albuminu- ria. Male: smarting of the prepuce; heaviness of the genitals. Female: "brought on menstrua- tion;" menses too early; with pain in the sacrum. In morning sickness, irregular la- bor-pains, esp. with dyspnea; ri- gidity of the os, etc. Has been re- commended in syphilis. Aggr. in the evening; after sleep and after eating, etc. Amel. towards evening, etc The starting point is the pneumo- gastric nerve. LYCOPODIUM. Digestive System. Mouth: dry; putrid smell; tooth- ache; gums swollen, bleeding, in- flamed. Appetite and thirst capricious; sour or bitter taste. Stomach: eructations of food; nausea, vomiting; impaired diges- tion; gnawing, griping pains. Abdomen: constant sense of sa- tiety; aching pressure; fullness; dis- tention; extreme flatulency. The abdomen is in a ferment (Dunham). Stool: scanty, infrequent and dif- ficult; ineffectual urging; extreme flatulency; tearing, cutting pains; pale, putrid; thin, brown diarrhea. In affections of the mouth and throat; in digestive derangement as dyspepsia, constipation, esp. with extreme flatulency. Urinary System. Great pain in the back before every urination, relieved by urina- ting; pressing on the bladder. Urine: diminished; dark, turbid, etc; dark red sand as deposit. In spasmodic affections; in hem- aturia from gravel; pain in the kid- neys, etc. Generative System. Male: depression; relaxation; im- potence; spermatorrhea. Female: tingling, itching of the vulva; menses too soon and profuse; suppressed; wind discharged from the uterus; bloody, acrid leucor- rhea. In amenorrhea, menorrhagia. dys- menorrhea; pruritus vulva, indu- cing onanism (Hoyne). Special Remarks. Aggr. from 4 to 8 p.m.; during new moon; from warmth, etc. Amel. after midnight and in the forenoon; during moderate motion. Spec: light hair; sensation of numbness predominates. MEZEREUM. Mouth: dry, violent burning all over; much saliva; toothache; gums swollen; tongue inflamed; throat in flamed, etc. Appetite and thirst capricious; taste bitter, pepperish. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; burning and great pain, relieved by eating; inflammation. Abdomen : distended ; hard ; stitches in the right side; flatulence; rumbling; burning pain; itching pain in the anus. Stool: soft, brown, undigested; preceded by fetid flatus; dark brown, hard balls; with much straining. In stomatitis, gastritis, enteritis, etc.; in chronic constipation (Riick- ert), etc. Stitches and pain in the kidneys; pain in the bladder; discharge of watery mucus, or blood, etc. Urine: scanty; flaky; with red sediment. In hematuria (Rlickert), urethri- tis, etc. Male: irritation; violent erections; heat and swelling of the penis, etc. Female: menses too frequent and lasting too long; leucorrhea like the white of an egg; "terrible irri- tation of the vagina" (Copper). In urethritis, gonorrhea; in leu- corrhea, pruritus vulva, etc Aggr. in morning and evening till midnight; from cold, motion, etc. Amel. during day and after mid- night; from warmth; during rest,etc. Spec: light hair; left side; phleg- matic temperament. SECOND SERIES. 121 NUX MOSCHATA. Mouth: great dryness, esp. in the morning; toothache; tongue white, dry; throat constricted. Appetite capricious; no thirst; taste earthy, bitter. Stomach; hiccough; nausea, vom- iting; heat and burning; extreme flatulency. Abdomen: cutting and pinching about the navel; colic after eating; enormous distention; crampy pain in the bowels. Stool: soft, but expelled with dif- ficulty; like chopped eggs; slimy, bloody, putrid; diarrhea alternates with constipation. In paralysis of the esophagus: in dyspepsia,diarrhea,etc.,esp. with hysteria, in pregnancy, etc. Renal colic; tenesmus of the blad- der; pain in the urethra. Urine: scanty; high-colored; re- tained. In spasmodic affections, esp. of J the sphincter vesica. Male: some desire, but weakness; spasmodic pain in the penis. Female: irritation; menses irregu- lar; suppressed; violent dysmenor- rhea, with lameness of the lower j limbs; wind in the uterus; leucor- rhea. In irregular menstruation; in amen- orrhea, dysmenorrhea, etc.; in ail- ments of pregnancy, etc, Aggr. in the forenoon, evening and night; from cold, motion, etc. Amel. in the morning and after- noon; from warmth; during rest.ctc Spec: left side, esp. children and women. OPIUM. Digestive System. Mouth: dryness; frothing; tongue yellow, trembling, paralyzed; throat dry, constricted. Appetite and thirst variable. Stomach: vomiting; heaviness and pressure; inactivity; swelling of the spleen. Abdomen: distended with flatus; anti-peristaltic motion; torpidity with constant urging; crampy, I colicky pains. Stool: constipation; obstruction; torpidity of the bowels; stool hard, round, black balls; involuntary fe- tid, black diarrhea. In obstinate constipation; in her- nia; in cholera infantum, summer diarrhea, dyspepsia in drunkards, etc. Urinary System. Spasms of the neck of the blad- der; involuntary urination; reten- tion. Urine: scanty,dark,brown; brick- dust sediment. In retention of urine it is our best remedy (Dunham); in atony of the bladder in general. Generative System. Male: excitement; erections; emis- sions; impotence. All opium-smok- ers become impotent. Female: menses irregular; too profuse; retained; great labor-like pains in the uterus; mucous dis- charge from vagina. In impotence; in amenorrhea and prolapsus uteri from fright; in violent movement of the fetus. Special Remarks. Aggr. night and morning; from warmth; during rest, etc. Amel. during day and evening: from cold and motion, etc. Spec: light hair; lax muscles; want of bodily irritability. PHYTOLACCA. Mouth: inflamed; much saliva; offensive breath; tongue hot, red; throat dry, hot, intense red, swol- len, inflamed, ulcerated. Appetite lost; great thirst; taste metallic. Stomach: regurgitation of food; nausea, frequent vomiting; acidity; burning pain; spasms. Abdomen: burning and griping pains, esp. in the umbilical region; rheumatic pain in the abdominal muscles; bleeding piles. Stool: thin, dark, brown; of mu- cus and blood; like intestinal scrap- ings; diarrhea early in the morn- ing; constipation. In diphtheria (Burt), mercurial ptyalism, vomiting, morning diar- rhea, constipation of the aged, abdominal rheumatism, etc. Dull pain about the kidneys; pressive pain in the bladder; fre quent urging. Urine- albuminous; excessive; scanty; dark red; much sediment. In neuralgic affections, etc.; in albuminuria, gonorrhea, gleet, etc. Male: pain in the spermatic cords and testes; venereal symptoms. Female: menses too frequent and too copious; mamma? painful; great bearing-down pains; much pain in the right ovary; thick, transpar- ent leucorrhea. In gonorrhea, orchitis, syphilis, etc., in menorrhagia, dysmenor- rhea, ovaritis, etc.; in mammitis (Ludlam), etc Aggr. in the evening and night. during motion; in damp weather. Amel. in the morning and day; ! during rest; in dry, warm weather. Spec : slow development and per- iodicity of the ailments. 122 SECOND si;kies. PODOPHYLLUM. RHODODENDRON. SABINA. Leading Therapeutics. Acts upon the digestive,muscular, circulatory and glandular systems, esp. upon the liver, duodenum and small intestines. In affections of the liver; in diar- rhea, dysentery, etc.; in bilious fever, glandular affections, rheu- matism, etc. Of special benefit in bilious tem- peraments after abuse of Quick- silver. Comp. Merc, Iris ver., Lept., Aloe, Colch., etc It excites pain in the muscular and fibrous tissues, swelling and tenderness of the testes and epididymus ( Hughes ). In rheumatic, arthritic affections; in hydrocele, swelling of the testes, etc. The sufferings arc worse in windy weather, even if the patient be not exposed to it ( Guernsey ). Comp. Rhus tox., Clem, er., Bry., Led. pal., Puis., etc. Acts esp. upon the generative or- gans of women, the urinary, diges- tive and cutaneous systems, the fibrous tissues and the skin. In ovario-uterine irritation; in menorrhagia, dysuria, dysentery, rheumatism, condylomata, etc. The blood in haemorrhages from Sabina is fluid and of a bright red color. Comp. Croc, Ham., Trill, pend., Ruta, Puis., Bell., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc Depression; fear of death; dis- gust of life; delirium. Vertigo, with sensation of full- ness over the eyes. Sleepiness, esp. in the forenoon; heavy sleep; coma; restless sleep: moaning in sleep. In symptomatic affections. Depression; niorosene weakness; apathy. mental Vertigo; sensation of stupefac- tion, esp. in the morning. Great sleepiness during day; sleeplessness after midnight; vivid, lascivious or anxious dreams. Great irritability;sadness; melan- choly. Vertigo; everything turns black. Sleepiness; drowsiness; sleepless ness and restlessness after midnight, with heat and sweat; much dream- ing, esp. towards morning, Cutaneous System. Intolerable itching on the body and arms; no relief by scratching. Vesicular and pustular eruption: eruption of scabs on the legs and arms. In vesicular and pustular erup- tions. Itching, biting and burning on various parts of the body. Papular eruption. Itching, esp. at night, relieved by scratching. Appearance like in jaundice; pap- ular eruptions; black pores in the skin, esp. of the face In figwarts with and burning. jreat itching Trunk and Extremities. Sudden shocks of jerking pain; paralytic weakness. Pain in the nape and back; from the head into neck and shoulders; weakness and pain in the sides. Aching pain in the limbs, worse at night; weakness of the hands; pain in the hips and knees; feet cold. Seems to be curative in myalgia, rheumatism, paralytic weakness; etc Pain all over, worse in rest and windy weather; the pains are tear- ing, rheumatic, flying. Neck stiff; pain through the chest and in the back, esp. in the lumbar region. Drawing pain in the arms, as if the blood ceased to circulate; white swelling of the knee; great pain; swelling of the feet. In rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, whiteswclliiigof the knee, dropsy of the feet, etc. In rheumatism it. is a chief remedy, Lassitude ; heaviness; drawing, tearing pains, esp. at night. Pressing pain in the chest. Arthritic stiffness and swelling in the wrist joints; heaviness of the legs, with coldness; drawing, tear- ing pains, esp. at night. In acute and chronic gout, (Trinks); in rheumatic, neuralgic affections. SANGUINARIA. Acts upon the nervous, respira- tory, genito-urinary systems; the serous and fibrous membranes, the skin, etc In headache, rheumatism, an- gina, whooping-cough, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, climacteric ail- ments, etc. Torpidity of the circulation, cold- ness of the limbs, sensitiveness to open air, are further indications. Comp., Phosph., Lye, Scilla, etc. Irritability; anxiety: moroseness: confusion of mind. Vertigo: violent, with constant nausea, heavy feeling in stomach. Sleepiness; yawning; drowsiness; restless sleep; frightful dreams. In vertigo from cold and in cold weather (Charge ), or with gastric disorders. Increased itching of an old tu- bercular eruption on the skin. Rheumatic, wandering pains, worse in those places least covered with flesh, but not in the joints. Pain in the neck, back and sac- rum; burning in the sternum. Rheumatic, wandering pains in the limbs, worse at night; burning in the palms and soles; worse in bed. In acute rheumatic and artbrictic affections, as articular rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, etc. S E C O N I) S E HIES. SECALE CORN. Leading Therapeutics. Its poisonous action appears un- der two forms, the "gangrenous" andthe "convulsive,''(Hughes); the latter is esp. proved on the uterus. In affections of the uterus, as menorrhagia, miscarriage; labor ail- ments, etc.; in convulsions, paraly- sis, gangrene, etc. The ergot patient is of a passive character, a cachectic appearance, and subject to haemorrhages. Comp., Cimie, Cauloph., Bell., Ars.. Carb. veg., Each., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Great anxiety; excitement; rage; weakness of intellect and memory: mild delirium; stupor. Vertigo, with reeling as if intoxi- cated; stupefaction. Drowsiness; great inclination to sleep; sleeplessness; insomnolence; restless sleep; frightful dreams. In sympathetic affections as in low fevers; in nymphomania, etc. Cutaneous System. Itching; pricking; burning; sen- sation of crawling all over. Skin: soft, flabby; fetid odor; dry, cold; desquamation; discolora- tion; ccchymosed spots; petechia?, etc. In formication, varicose veins, petechia?, malignant ulcers, dry gan- grene, etc. Trunk and Extremities. Lassitude; heaviness; pricking; tingling; trembling; emaciation; formication; spasms; paralysis. Spasmodic pain in the chest; neck stiff and sore; creeping in the back ; pain in the sacrum. Lassitude; trembling; spasms; numbness; formication; paralysis of the limbs; burning pain; gan- grene In spasmodic and paralytic affec- tions, as epilepsy, eclampsia, cramps in the calves during preg- nancy, etc. 123 SPIGELIA. Acts through the spinal nervous system, esp. upon the sensatory nerves and the circulation; the heart is particularly affected. Its curative sphere comprises esp. neuralgic, rheumatic and paralytic affections of the heart, eyes, etc. In helminthiasis it has a long time been considered a chief reme- dy. Comp. Aeon., Bell., Phosph., Cimie, Bry., Cina, etc Unnatural joyfulness; uneasi- ness; restlessness; gloominess; anx- iousness; mental indolence. Vertigo, to falling; very severe and obstinate. Extreme sleepiness during the day; sleeplessness before midnight; very restless sleep; vivid, long dreams, esp. in the morning. In sympathetic affections esp. with diseases of the heart; in verti- go with staggering ( Charge). Itching on various parts of the body; burning, biting sensation. Eruption similar to papules, ur- ticaria, etc. Extreme lassitude, restlessness and over-sensitiveness; stitching, tearing and burning pains. Pain and contraction of the mus- cles of the chest; rheumatic pain in the neck and back. Trembling of the arms; contrac- tion of the flexors of the fingers; lancinating pain in the hips; bruised pain in the knees, feet, etc In neuralgic and rheumatic affec- tions, esp. when the heart is simul- taneously affected. 124 SECOND SERIES PODOPHYLLUM. RHODODENDRON. SARIN A. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: pain in the vertex when rising in the morning. Headache: heavy, dull pains in the forehead; headache alternating with diarrhea; pressing pain. Eyes: violent pain; inflammation; ulceration of the cornea. Nose: soreness and little pustules in the nostrils. Face: pale as a corpse. The under jaw hangs down. In headache with gastric disor- ders; in ophthalmia, hydrocepha- loid in children (Burt). Head: the scalp feels as if bruis- ed; intense pain in the bones, etc. Headache: tearing, drawing pains in the forehead and temples; better from dry, hot applications. Eyes: burning, shooting pains; dimness of vision. Ears: sensation in the ear as from a worm; pain. Nose: epistaxis; soreness of the inner nose; violent sneezing. Face: sensation of coldness; tearing, jerking pains. Lips: dry andburning; vesicles on the inner side of the lower lip. In headache, affections of the eyes and ears, prosopalgia, etc., esp. of rheumatic or gouty nature, and aggr. in stormy weather. Head: tearing, pressing pains in the bones, esp. in the left side. Headache: congestive, rheumatic pains; in the forehead with tension in the eyes; in sudden attacks. Eyes: heat; tensive pain; smart- ing; watery discharge. Ears: tearing, pinching pains deep in the ear; hardness of hearing. Nose: red and painful; dry cory- za; frequent sneezing. Face: flushed; congested; pale; aching, drawing pains. Lips: dry; sticking pain in the lowr jaw. In pains in the bones, headache, prosopalgia, etc. Nervous System. Weakness; sudden shocks of jerking pains. Sensation of great prostration; faintness; nervousness; spasms.etc In symptomatic affections. Weakness; pain; sensation of coldness. Drawing,tearing,rheumatic pains; great weakness after exertion. In rheumatic, arthritic or neural- gic affections, esp. with aggr. in stormy weather. Nervous debility; general ma- laise; drawing, tearing pains. Excessive weariness; heaviness; indolence; pain; numbness. In neuralgic,rheumatic affections, esp. with uterine disorders. Circulatory System. Pulse accelerated; weak, slow; palpitation; globus hystericus. Chilliness preceded by backache; sweat immediately after chill; heat with spells of chill; profuse perspi- ration. In periodical, asthenic, toxa?mic fevers, etc., as in gastric, typhoid fevers, etc. Pulse slow and weak or unchang- ed; palpitation. Chilliness in the morning in bed; chilliness alternating with heat; feet icy cold, esp. in the evening; heat; profuse perspiration In rheumatic and arthritic fevers; in typhus with rheumatic, tearing pain in all the limbs ( Streckcr). Pulse irregular; palpitation of the heart on every motion. Chill and shivering during the day and in the evening; cold- ness predominates; flushes of heat; burning heat; nightly per- spiration. In luemo/rhagcs with bright red blood; in chlorosis (Hering); in rheumatic fever, etc. Respiratory System. Breathing short, oppressed, deep; sensation of suffocation. Cough: dry, loose, spasmodic. Snapping in the right lung, like breaking a thread; pains. In cough, whooping-cough, dysp- nea, etc. Dryness and roughness of the larynx; breathing accelerated and impeded; dyspnea. Cough: dry, fatiguing, from tick- ling in the trachea. Congestion and aching pains in the muscles of the chest. In neuralgic, rheumatic and ar- thritic affections, as in rheumatism or arthritis from taking cold; gon- orrhea, etc CVawling and tickling in the larynx; breathing short, laboring and with stertor. Cough: dry, backing, from tick- ling in the larynx. Pressing, burning, cutting pains in the chest; haemoptysis. In hemoptysis, esp. with bright red blood; in asthma, cough, etc. SECON D SERIES 12.-) SANUUINARIA. SECALE CORN. SPIOELIA. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: soreness in small spots.esp. in the temporal region. Headache: sick, rheumatic, peri- odical; begins in the morning; head feels as if it would burst. Eyes: weakness; dimness; neural- gia; lachrymation; inflammation. Ears: painful sensitiveness to sounds; humming. Nose: sneezing; fluent coryza; heat; soreness; pain. Face: pale, haggard expression; hot; flushed; neuralgic pain. Lips: dry, hot; stiffness of the jaws. In sick, rheumatic or neuralgic headache; in affections of the eyes, nasal polypi, prosopalgia, etc. Head: the hair becomes gray and falls out, Headache: congestive pulsating, excruciating pains all over; burning in the forehead. Eyes: dimness; blindness; stitch- ing pain; paralysis. Ears: humming; roaring; confu- sion or hardness of hearing. Nose: sneezing; epistaxis of bright blood Face: pale, earthy, sunken; hip- pocratic; muscular twitchings; pain. Lips: bluish, deadly pale; lock- jaw; drawn to one side. In alopecia, headache, amaurosis, spasmodic affections, etc. Read: as if intoxicated; every- thing seems to move around. Headache: congestive, nervous pains; as if the head would burst; one-sided, in the brain, etc. Eyes: pain as from sand; double vision; lachrymation; inflammation. Ears: dull, stitching pains; con- gestion; hardness of hearing. Nose: catarrhal symptoms; cory- za; epistaxis, etc. Face: red, flushed; pale, sunken; neuralgic pain. Lips: burning; pain; eruption; swelling of the submaxillary glands. In bydrocephaloid(Trinks); head- ache; paralysis of the eyelids (Hart- mann), deafness, prosopalgia, etc. Nervous System. Debility; rheumatic, wandering pains; paralysis. Lassitude; torpor; languor; not disposed to move or do anything. In neuralgic or rheumatic affec- tions, etc Nervous erethism; debility; for- mication; spasms; paralysis. Spasmodic twitchings; convul- sions; loss of power of motion. In nervous affections, esp. with formication, convulsions or paraly- sis; in eclampsia, epilepsy, etc Nervous irritation; the pains arc sticking, tearing and burning. Restlessness; over-sensiiiveness; numbness of the lower extremities. In rheumatic, neuralgic and par- alytic, affections. The fifth pair of nerves seems esp. affected. Circulatory System. Pulse frequent,irregular; palpita- tion; heart's action irregular. Chill with headache, nausea and pain in the back; flushes of beat; burninghcat; copious, cold perspi ration. Pulse small, very rapid, contract- ed, intermittent; palpitation. Extremely violent chill, followed by burning heat; diminished tem- perature; intense heat of the body; profuse general sweat. Pulse frequent,hard, full; feeble, slow; violent waving palpitation. Chill every morning at the same hour; chilliness predominates; chills alternate with heat; flushes of heat; night-sweat. In hectic fever (Dale); in typhus fever (Tiering). In toxemic fevers; in ha'inorrha- gcs;in spasmodic palpitation of the heart ('Prinks). In affections of the heart it is a principal remedy, as in angina pec- toris, endocarditis, etc. Larynx dry, sore,swollen; breath- ing short, oppressed, sighing; voice hoarse. Cough: dry, wheezing, whistling; offensive, purulent expectoration. Burning pain and spasms in the chest; hemoptysis. In chronic sore throat; in tonsilli- tis, whooping-cough, hemoptysis, tuberculosis, esp. after pneumonia, etc Respiratory System. Burning and constriction of the larynx; voice weak, uninteligible; breathing anxious, difficult. Cough; with loose, often bloody expectoration. Oppression and pain in the chest; can hardly get breath. In spasmodic affections, as dysp- nea, asthma, etc., whooping- eouii'h, etc. Catarrhal symptoms, first dry, then fluent; breathing slow, deep, difficult; dyspnea. Cough: hard, dry; at night; with dyspnea, Constriction of the chest, with anxiety, difficult breathing; pain. In whooping-cough, dyspnea, asthma, neuralgic, lheumatic affec- tions of the chest, etc. 12li S E C ONI) SERIES PODOPHYLLUM. Mouth: fetid odor; much saliva; tongue white, dry; throat sore, swollen, ulcerated; rattling from mucus. Appetite: variable; great thirst; taste bitter, putrid or lost. Stomach: eructations; regurgita- tion of food; nausea, vomiting; sen sation of emptiness. Abdomen: irritability; pain; tor- pidity: excessive swelling; intense sharp, crampy pains about the liver; prolapsus ani; hemorrhoids. Stool: frequent, painless, watery; fetid, green, sour; slimy, bloody; blackish; hard, dry, clayey. In salivation, cankers in the mouth, liver diseases, gall-stones, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, hemorrhoids, etc. Frequent urging to pass water; painful micturition. Urine: scanty, very red. In enuresis, retention, stran- gury during pregnancy, etc. Male: pain in the spermatic cords; inflammation either of the scrotum or eyes, seldom both. Female: pain in the right ovary and uterus; bearing-down pains; sensation of prolapsus uteri; leu- corrhea. In amenorrhea in young girls; in prolapsus uteri; in ovarialgia, etc. Aggr. in the morning, esp. from 2 to 4 a. m.; from cold, etc Amel. in the evening; from ex- ternal warmth, etc. Especially of benefit to bilious subjects. HRODODENDRON. Digestive System. Mouth: dryness, vesicles; tooth- ache, stormy weather; tongue greenish; throat rough, hot, etc. Appetite: little; no thirst; taste sourish, saltish, bitter. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; pressure; constriction; pain. Abdomen: distention ; much rumbling; flatulence; pains about the navel and in the hypochondria. Stool: papescent, yet tardy; un- digested food ; painless, slimy, bloody diarrhea; drawing pain in the rectum. In summerdiarrheaordysentery; in diarrhea from cold; in blind piles, etc. Urinary System. Pain in the region of the bladder; frequent urging. Urine: increased; greenish; offen- sive. Iu rheumatic affections of the or- gans: in gonorrheal rheumatism,etc. Generative System. Male-, depression; emissions; in- tense pains in the testes, esp. in the epididymis. Female: menses too early and pro- fuse; suppressed; pain in the ovar- ies; worse in change of weather. In hydrocele (Hering), gonorrhea] rheumatism (Elwert), orchitis, ova- rialgia, etc., esp.with aggr. in storm. Special Remarks. Aggr. in stormy, cloudy, cold weather; after midnight, etc. Amel. in clear,steady,warm weath- er; before midnight, etc. Spec: want of bodily irritability; inclination for motion. SABINA. Mouth: dryness;offensive breath toothache; gums swollen: tongue white, brownish; throat sensation of swelling. No appetite nor thirst; taste bit- ter, bloody, greasy. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; burning; drawing pains; gurgling, transient stitches, etc. Abdomen: bloated, tympanitic; sensation as if something were alive there; pressure down towards the genitals. Stool: diarrhea, with emission of much flatus; painless liquid; slimy, frequent, bloody, stool; discharge of blood, with pain. In hemorrhage from the bowels: in hemorrhoids; in diarrhea, dys- entery, etc. Irritability of the bladder; vio- lent urging; profuse discharge; re- tention. Urine: increased; diminished; retained; bloody mucous, etc. In cystitis, urethritis, albuminu- ria, etc. Male: violent desire; erections; penis swollen; glans dark red. Female: excitement; great desire; profuse menstruation; menorrhagia; hemorrhage of bright red blood; os tince open: pain in the uterus, etc.; stitching in the vagina, etc. In hemorrhage from the uterus with bright red blood; in dysmenor- rhea; miscarriage, etc. Aggr. in the morning and night; from warmth, etc. Amel. during day; from cold, etc. Ailments of women; arthritic pain, tendency to abortion. SECOND SERIES 12", SANGUINARIA. SPECALE CORN. SPItiELIA. Digestive System. Mouth: offensive odor; gums bleed; tongue sore; toothache; throat sore, swollen, hot, ulcerated. Appetite lost; bulimia; longing for spiced food; great thirst. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting: soreness: burning: gast- ritis; attacks of constriction. Abdomen: flatulent distention; cutting pain; feeling as if hot wa- ter were running from the breast down the abdomen, with diarrhea. Stool: thin, fecal; bright yellow; undigested; watery; urging, but no evacuation; alternate diarrhea and constipation; hemorrhoids. In sore, ulcerated throat, scor- butic affections, colic from torpid- ity of the liver, jaundice, piles, etc. Mouth: increased saliva; bloody foam; spitting of blood; tongue dry, paralyzed; throat dry, burning, con- stricted. Bulimia; anorexia; constant and intense thirst; taste fetid, etc. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; hemateniesis with great weakness; anxiety; burning, etc. Abdomen: intense soreness and burning pain; meteorism; bjrbo- rygmus; spasms; coldness; paraly- sis of the rectum, etc. Stool: thin, dark-gray, offensive; greenish, cadaverous; dysenteric; involuntary; bloody; pure blood; constipation. In affections of the mouth, etc.; in hemateniesis, diarrhea, Asiatic cholera, dysentery, hemorrhage from the bowels, elc. Mouth: dry, pricking pain; fetid odor; toothache; tongue yellow, painful; sensation as of a worm in the throat, Appetite and thirst capricious; taste putrid; tickling the throat. Stomach: eructations: nausea, vomiting; great sensitiveness to touch; dull pressure; stitching pain. Abdomen: cutting, pressing Col- icky pains about the navel; loud rumbling; pressure as from a lump; distention; pain in the groins, etc. Stool: thin, mixed with some tena- cious yellow mucus; ineffectual urging; stool hard, like sheep's dung; difficult evacuation; worms. In toothache, some gastric disor- ders, helminthiasis. Dull, heavy pain across the kid- neys: pain in the bladder. Urine: scanty, high-colored; fre- quent urging; difficult discharge. In neuralgic affections; urethral bleuorrhea, Urinary System. Pain and soreness of the kidneys and bladder; burning in the ure- thra; spasms; paralysis. Urine; pale, watery, dark, bloody; involuntary; retained. In enuresis in old age; in isch- uria from paralysis of the bladder, etc Irritation; frequent urging; burn- ing in the urethra; pressure on the bladder. Urine: copious; without sedi- ment; drips involuntarily, etc. In enuresis; in discharge of pro- static fluid, etc Male: emissions; burning sensa- tion in the glans penis. Female: menses too early; offen- sive, dark blood; suppressed; with semilateral headache; pain and swel- ling of the os uteri; fetid, acrid leu- corrhea. Generative System. Male: violent irritation; erections; even after coition; the testes are drawn up, etc. Female: menses too profuse; sup- pressed ; contractive, expulsing pains in the uterus; profuse hem- orrhage of dark fetid blood; dark offensive leucorrhea, etc. Male: erections without desire; swelling of the glans penis; itching of the scrotum, In ailments at the climacteric i In menorrhagia and metrorrhagia; period (Ludlam), as hot flushes, etc. ' in threatened abortion, puerperal convulsions, offensive lochia, etc. In nightly emissions Avithout in- ternal physical excitement. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the evening until mid- night; in the open air, etc. Amel. during day, etc. Spec.: right side, etc. Aggr. at night, esp. at 3 a.m.; from warmth, etc. Amel. during day; in the fresh air, etc. Spec: irritable, plethoric sub- jects; nervous temperaments. Aggr. from morning to midnight; from motion and cold, etc. Amel. after midnight; during rest; from cold, etc. Spec: left side; light hair; com- plaints in the external parts. 128 STAPHISAORIA. Acts esp. upon the muscular and nervous system, the digestive and genito-urinary organs and the skin. In rheumatic, arthrictic scor- butic, cachectic affections; diar- rhea, spermatorrhea, ovaritis, cc- zema, impetigo, etc. A scorbutic diathesis is a strong indication for this remedy. Comp. Nux vom., Puis., Thuja, Krcosot., Petrol., Colocynth., etc. Joyfulness; seriousness; sadness; anxiety; dullness of mind and memory. Vertigo, as is stupefied; whirling in the forehead. Sleepiness; yawning; can hardly get into the bed before asleep; sleeplessness; frightful dreams. Staphisagria is always indicated for the consequences of chagrin with indignation (Hoyne). Itching, with burning after scratching; tearing pain in an ulcer. Papular and vesicular eruption- the skin is unhealthy; suppurates easily; the vesicular variety is pre- dominating. In eczema, herpes, bulle, pem- phigus, impetigo, unhealthy ulcers, etc. Neuralgic, rheumatic, arthritic pains in various parts of the body; esp. in the bones. Swelling of the cervical glands; pain in the neck and the small of the back. Pain, numbness and swelling of the joints of the fingers; nates ache while sitting; pain and weakness of the legs, etc. In neuralgia, rheumatism, gout, etc. Bayes recommends it in neu- ralgia of the shoulder-joint and arm*. SECOND SERIES STRAMONIUM. Leading Therapeutics. Acts through the ccrebro-spinal nervous system, esp. upon the brain, etc., and nervous system in general, similar to Bell and Ilyos. In convulsions, hallucinations, delirium tremens, ischuria, asthma, scarlatina, etc. The fever is less than in Bella- donna, but there is more convul- sions and hallucinations, etc. Comp. Bell., Hyosc, Agar., Cann. hid., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Noisy delirium with hallucina- tions; raging mania; fright; horror to liquid fluids. Vertigo: raving as if drunk; with redness of the face; congestion, etc. Drowsiness succeeded by coma; snoring in sleep; sleeplessness; rest- less sleep; full of dreams with toss- ing about. In delirium tremens; in mania, melancholy, esp. after a fright; in nymphomania, etc Cutaneous System. Skin hot, dry; itching; burning; crimson color all over. Intensely red rash, resembling the rash of scarlet fever, but having a more shining appearance; vesica- tion; boils. In scarlatina it is preferable to Bell., when the fever is not so high and there is suppression of urine. Trunk aud Extremities. Drawing, laming,spasmodic pains in the muscles; limbs go to sleep: convulsions; paralysis. Pain in the chest, constant aching in the cervical vertebra?; drawing pain in the spine Arms in constant motion; lower limbs quiet; hands and arms trem- ble; spasmodic rigidity and para- lysis of the lower limbs. In spasmodic and paralytic affec- tions, as convulsions, epilepsy, chorea, paralysis, etc.; in morbus coxarius (Jeanes), TEREB1NTHINA. Acts in general upon the nervous, digestive and respiratory systems, and esp. upon the urinary or- gans. In urinary affections; in diar- rhea, typhlitis, hemorrhage, ca- tarrh, rheumatism, etc. It sets up a condition of irritation followed by inflammation, fever, etc. Comp. Canth., Copaiv., Cann., Crot, tigl., Mcz., etc Extreme excitement; anxiety; dullness ofonind; coma. Vertigo: even complete intoxica- tion. Sleepiness: sleeplessness and ex- citement; restless sleep; night-mare; frightful dreams. In symptomatic affections. Skin burning hot; itching and tingling. Erythema; papules; vesiculcs; nettle-rash. In erythema, urticaria, etc.: in tardy outbreak of the eruption in scarlatina, etc. Condition resembling intoxica- tion; stiffness of the whole body; weakness; languor; pain. Burning and tightness across the chest; pain in the neck and back; esp. in the sacral region. Heaviness, weakness and pain in the limbs; trembling of the hands; drawing along the thighs; pain in | the feet. In neuralgic,rheumatic affections, as in sciatica, lumbago, chorea. et( I SECOND SERIES. 129 THUJA OCC. VALERIANA. VERAT. VIR. Leading Therapeutics. Acts in general upon the blood and lymph, and esp. upon the gen- ito-urinary organs, the anus and the skin. In excrescences of the skin and mucous membranes, esp. those of the genitals. It is the chief rem- edy in "sycosis." On account of its power over "growths" it seems to have a special action on the papilla?. Comp. Nitr. acid., Cinnab., Aur., Merc, cor., Copaiv., etc. Acts upon the cercbro-spinal nervous system, the digestive and generative organs; esp. upon the brain and the motor nerves. In nervous affections, as nervous irritability, chorea, convulsions, neuralgia, esp. in women and with hysteria. It has obviously some specific curative relation to the ovaries (Ludlam). Comp. Ambra, Mosch., Asa fet,, Ign., Puis., Sep., etc. The action is esp. upon the pneu mogastric nerve and the spinal filaments of the vasomotor nervous system (Burt). In ercthistic and hyperemic con- ditions of the brain and the cord, as in convulsions, fevers, etc. ()f great importance in toxemic, esp. septicemic fevers, with high temperature Comp. Aeon., Bell., Digit,, Ant, tart., Gels., Ars., China, etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Mental dejection; sadness; fixed ideas: great irritability; inability to think. Vertigo, when rising from sit- ting, when stoopiug, etc Sleepiness; heavy sleep; sleep- lessness; restlessness;restless sleep; anxious dreams. In vertigo when rising, during night, etc. (Charge). Easy comprehension; intellect Quarrelsome and delirious; a predominates over the mind; ecsta- cy; sadness; confusion. Vertigo, Avith a sensation as if flying. Sleepiness; yawning; stretching; quiet sleep; sleeplessness; restless sleep; much dreaming. In hysterical affections; in verti- go with great nervous excitement, etc. (Charge). happy and comical delirium; de- pression, anxiety, stupefaction. Vertigo, with nausea and vomit- ing when rising. Sleeplessness; restless sleep; frightful dreams of drowning, etc.; sleepiness; coma. In insanity from cerebral conges- tion, as in toxemic fevers; in puer- peral mania, etc Cutaneous System. Itching, burning, creeping sensii tion. Eruption of vesicles, pustule squame; bleeding,fungous growths Itching in the axille. Eruption, first red and confluent, afterwards numerous small, hard etc.; nails crippled; skin dirty color. ' pimple; Itching and tingling, now here, now there; cold; burning hot. Skin bathed in cold perspiration; erythema. In condylomata, eczema, herpes, psoriasis, etc., esp, of syphilitic origin. In eruptive fevers, as measles, scarlatina, etc., with excessive high temperature, etc. Trunk and Extremities. Sansation of lightness in the body; rheumatic pain; debility. Stitches in the chest; cervical glands swollen; cramp-like pain in the lumbar region. Stitches in the limbs and joints; joints crack when swollen; fingers numb and cold; tips of the toes red and swollen. In rheumatism with numb feel- ing, worse in warmth; in corns, warts, pain in the bones and peri- osteum. Nervous agitation; tearing, draw- ing pains in the limbs. Stitches in the region of the heart: spinal irritation; pain in the loins, etc. Rheumatic pain in the limbs; darting along the arms; pain in the hip and thigh, intolerable when standing. In hysterical neuralgia (Eudlam); in sciatica (Rauc), elc. Spasms; convulsions; paralysis; flying pains; pains in the joints, esp. about the condyles. Pain in the chest; aching in the back, neck and shoulders; muscles of the back contracted. Lancinating pain in the right hip; cramps in the legs, fingers and toes; the ankle feels as if dislocated. In rheumatism, neuralgia,spasms, convulsions,opisthotonus, etc. Esp. in muscular rheumatism. 130 SECOND SERIES, STAPHISGKIA. STRAMONIUM. TEREBINTHINA. Head: itching on the scalp; scurvy eruption; the hair falls out, Headache: nervous, sharp, burn- ing pains: feeling as if the brain were compressed. Eyes: pain in the balls; lachry- mation ; inflammation. Ears: stitching pain; hardness of hearing. Nose: ulceration of the nostrils; sneezing; coryza. Face: sunken, haggard; swollen; eruption; pain in the bones. Lips: burning pain ; ulcers; pain; swelling of submaxillary glands. In alopecia, headache affections of the eyes, as styes, blepharitis, amblyopia, etc.,in prosopalgia, etc. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: congestion; convulsive movements. Headache: congestive, throbbing pains, as from intoxication; in the forehead,vertex, etc. Eyes: double vision; blindness; pupils dilated; inflammation, etc. Ears: intense pain; hardness of hearing: humming. Nose: obstructed; yellow, offen- sive discharge. Face: red,bloated, hot; wild look; spasms; neuralgia, etc. Lips: purple; dry, sore, cracked: lower jaw hangs doAvn; lock-jaw. In congestion of the brain, apo- plexy, headache, affections of the eyes and ears; lock-jaw, etc. Head: intense pressure; sensation of fullness. Headache: dull, tearing, pres- sing pain;stitching as with a knife; over the left eye, etc. Eyes; sunken, black spots before. Ears: ringing. Nose; coryza; epistaxis. Face: earthy, sunken; neuralgic pain. Lips: scarcely to move. In sympathetic affections. Debility; irritation; rheumatic, arthritic pains. Great weariness and weakness; convulsions; paralysis. In neuralgic and rheumatic affec- tions: in convulsions from mental emotions (Hoyne). Nervous System. Excessive erethism; relaxation; the brain is intensely affected. Spasms; convulsions; paralysis; delirium; rage; stupor, etc. In convulsions, chorea, paralysis, halluciniations, delirium, hydro- phobia, etc. Excitement; debility: pains. Weakness, weariness: rheumatic, neuralgic pains. In rheumatic and neuralgic affec- tions. Pulse frequent, small, trembling; palpitation from the least exertion. Chill at o p. in. running down the back,with heat in the face; coldness predominates; heat with thirst; pro- fuse fetid sweat. In intermittent fever of tertian type; in fevers with scorbutic di- athesis; fetid perspiration, etc. Circulatory System. Pulse full, strong; small, slow; violent palpitation of the heart, Chill runs down the back, with twitchings: coldness of the limbs: violent fever: skin dry. burning hot; cold sweat all over. In eruptive fevers, esp, scarlatina with suppression of the urine; in typhus, typhoid, puerperal fever, etc. Pulse increased, feeble. Chill; rigors followed by fever- ish heat through the whole body: general rise of the animal tempera- ture; copious perspiration. In typhoid fever; typhlitis, etc. (Ludlam). Sensation of constriction of the larynx; voice feeble; breathing im- peded, difficult; dyspnea. Cough: hollow, spasmodic: yel- low, tough, purulent sputa. Soreness and rawness of the chest; esp. when coughing. In whooping cough, tonsillitis, asthma, etc. Respirator} System. Constriction of the larynx, voice higher pitch,indistinct, stammering; breathing short, difficult. Cough: periodical, painless, spas- modic; spitting of blood. Spasms of the pectoral muscles; pain in the chest; spitting of blood. In dyspnea, asthma, constric- tion of the larvnx,whooping-cough, cough in drunkards, pneumonia, etc Larynx dry; prickling in the tra- chea; voice lost; difficult respira- tion; dyspnea. Cough: dry, nervous; as from a foreign substance in the trachea. Spasmodic contraction of the pectoral muscles; burning in chest. In chronic catarrh; in rheumatism of the chest, etc. SECOND SERIES. THUJA OCC. VALERIANA. VERAT. VIR. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: scalp very sore to touch; violent, burning and tearing pains. Headache: tearing, pressing, bor- ing; in the forehead, temples, occi- put; wants bead warmly wrapped. Eye-: pressing, burning pains; acts prominently on the sclerotica. Ears: sensation as if swollen: noise as from boiling water; pain. Nose: dry or fluent coryza; pain- ful scabs in the nostrils. Face: red. hot. bloated: neural- gic pains. Lips: pale, swollen, peeling off'; ulcers on the inside In rheumatic neuralgic pains of the bead; in diseases of the eyes. as amblyopia, conjunctivitis, etc., esp. from syphilis. Nervous debility; pain in various parts of the body. Numbness; debility: tearing pain: jerkings; chorea; paralysis. In neuralgic and rheumatic affec- tions, esp. from syphilis. Pulse full, accelerated; slow and weak; palpitation. Chill in attacks; mostly evenings: after 12 p. m. and in the morning: dry heat: oily, fetid sweat. In intermittent fevers with no thirst during chill, and a condylo- ma! \r- condition. Sensation as of much mucus in the larynx: breathing short, op- pressed, worse at night. Cough with loose green sputa. Stitches through the chest; con- striction; spasms. In asthma, cough, whooping- cough, etc. Head: sensation of greal cold- ness. Headache: pressing, stupefying pains: in the forehead or temples; appearing suddenly, in jerks, elc. Eyes: wild look, confusion of sight: lids inflamed. Ears: ringing: jerking; crampy, drawing pains. Nose: violent sneezing. Face: injected; sudden shocks. as from electricity. Lips: pimples on the upper lip; tensive pain in the jaw. In headache, affections of the eyes; in facial neuralgia, etc., esp. with hysteria. Xevvons System. Nervous erethism ; relaxation; the pains appear suddenly. Jerking; twitching; trembling: spasms; convulsions; paralysis. This is one of our best remedies for hysteria in its many forms: great nervous agitation is the type Circulatory System. Pulse accelerated; slow, small: stitches in the heart; palpitation. Chill of short duration, followed by long last ing heat; copious sweat, which gives relief; heat predomi- nates. In palpitation of the hcarl. hot flushes, chlorosis, sympathetic fe- vers, etc., esp. with sexual affec- tions in women. Respirator} System. Difficulty of breathing; spells of choking. Cough: dry. spasmodic Oppression of the chest: internal stitching pressing outward. In dyspnea, asthma, globus hys- tericus, etc.. esp. with sexual affec- tions in women. Head: cerebral congestion. Headache : congestive, throbbing pains; from the nape of the neck: with intense arterial pulsation. Eyes: dimness; twitching; pupils dilated; paralysis of the lids. Ears: cold, pale; roaring; deaf- ness. Nose: profuse mucous secretion. Face: cold, bluish; cold sweat; flushed; twitching of the muscles. Lips: dry; mouth drawn down at one corner. In cerebral congestion, menin- gitis, congestive headache, in dis- eases of the eyes, cars, facial neu- ralgia, etc. Nervous irritation; relaxion; fly- ing, lancinating pains. Spasms; convulsions; trembling; numbness: paralysis. In neuralgic spasmodic and para- lytic affections; in infantile convul- sions (Ludlam). Pulse accelerated; slow, weak; excessive action of the heart. Chilliness; chills and coldness of the body with moist skin; hands and feet cold; heat; icy coldness followed the heat: profuse sweat; bathed in cold perspiration. In simple and toxemic fevers, as remittent, typhoid, septicemic, py- ;cmic esp. with congestion of the brain. Breathing impeded, difficult, to suffocation: almost loss of speech; aphonia, Cough: dry, hacking, spasmodic: with pain in the chest. Stricture and pain in the chest; congestion; burning pain. In dyspnea, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. 132 STAPHISAGRTA. Mouth: much saliva; ulceration; teeth black; gums spongy, bleed; toothache; tongue hot, white; throat dry, rough, swollen. Appetite unnaturally great; no thirst; taste flat, bitter. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; fullness; pressure; pain; sensation of weakness. Abdomen: sensation of weakness; spasmodic, cutting pains; painful swelling of the inguinal glands; hemorrhoids. Stool: constipation, with much urging; retarded, but soft; hemor- rhoids with enlargement of the prostatic gland. In scorbutic affections; decay of the teeth; gastralgia; enteralgia; diarrhea, dysentery, constipation; etc. SECOND SERIES. STRAMONIUM. Digestive System. Mouth: dry, bloody foam; grind- ing of the teeth; toothache; tongue red, dry, paralyzed; throat burning; constricted. No appetite; violent thirst; ina- bility to swallow, etc Stomach: hiccough; nausea, vom- iting; intense burning pain; vomit- ing of all food; inflammation, etc. Abdomen: bloated, but not pain- ful; violent fermentation; rumbling; horrible pains; hemorrhoids. Stool: suppressed; black, preced- ed by pain; painful diarrhea; evac- uation of coagulated blood. In spasms of the throat, etc.; in diarrhea; in some low fevers; in cholera infantum; painful, bleeding hemorrhoids, etc. TKRERINTHINA Mouth: dry, hot, ulcerated; gums bleed; tongue hot; scraping sensa- tion in the throat. Appetite: capricious; great thirst: no power over deglitation. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; burning; pressure; grip- ing pain. Abdomen: distention; meteorism; colic: griping pain; burning and tingling in the anus; griping pain in the hypogastric region. Stool: violent diarrhea, of mucus and water; hemorrhage; violent burning in the anus and rectum; constipation. In stomatitis, gastritis, enteritis; ulceration of the organs; in diar- rhea, dysentery, tapeworm, etc. In typhlitis (Jousset). Stitching in the kidneys; pressure on the bladder; burning in the ure- thra; frequent urging. Urine:scanty, dark; profuse, wa- tery; discharge of prostatic fluid. In affections of the prostatic gland. Urinary System. Great irritation of the organs; paralysis of sphincter vesica; re- tention; incontinence. Urine: profuse; scanty; sup- pressed; involuntary, etc. In retention and in incontinence of urine from nervous causation. Irritation and inflammation of the whole urinary tract; pain; burning, etc. Urine: dark, black, bloody; con- tains sugar; thick sediment. In nephritis, cystitis, urethritis, stranguary, tenesmus of the blad- der, diabetis, etc. Male: excitement; erections; emis- sions; testicles very painful, swol- len, inflamed, etc. Female: menses irregular, late and profuse; sharp, shooting pain in the ovaries, with great sensitive- ness to touch: painful sensitiveness of the organs. In orchitis,epididymitis; spermat- orrhea, condylomata; in uterine af- fections; amenorrhea, dysmenor- rhea, etc. Male: violent drawing in the left testicle; symptoms of gonorrhea. Female: menses delayed and scanty; bearing-down pains. Generative System. Male: excessive excitement; priap- ism; impotence; swelling of the scrotum, etc. Female: excessive excitement; shamelessness; menses too soon and too profuse; menorrhagia; dysmen- orrhea, with drawing pain in the abdomen and thighs. In satyriasis, nymphomania; dys- In puerperal metritis; gonorrhoea; menorrhea; threatened abortion; chordee, etc. puerperal convulsions; puerperal mania, etc. Aggr. from cold, motion, touch, etc. Amel. from warmth; during rest; in bed, etc Spec: right side; dark hair; in- creased bodily irritability. Special Remarks. Aggr. night and morning: in the open air; from sight of water, etc. Amel. day and evening; in the room; from warmth, elc. Spec: leftside; light hair; want of bodily irritability. Aggr. morning and evening; when lying down, etc. Amel. duringday; when walking, etc Spec: right side: emaciation. THUJA oca Mouth; dry, hot, ulcerated; de- cay of the teeth; tongue swollen; throat raw, dry: painful to swallow; excrescencs. Appetite: capricious; much thirst; desire for cold food and drinks. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting: swelling; pain; sensi- tiveness; induration. Abdomen : swollen ; protrusion here and there; soreness about the navel; swelling of the inguinal glands. Stool: pale, yellow, watery; ex- pelled with great force; constipa- tion from inactivity of the bowels: hemorrhoids. In syphilitic affections of mouth and throat; in morning diarrhoea; hemorrhoids; fissures and condy- lomata of the anus. etc. SECOND SERTES VALERIANA. Digestive System. 133 VERAT. VIR. Mouth: dryness; salivation; tooth- j Mouth: dry or much mucous sal- ache; tongue constricted; throat t iva; tongue yellow, red streak in dry. scraping sensation. Appetite: ravenous; disgust for food; flat, slimy taste. Stomach: heartburn; eructations; nausea, vomiting; pain; pressure; burning; cramps. Abdomen: distended, hard;rumb- ling; dull aching pain; drawing pressure in the inguinal glands. Stool: thin, watery; green.bloody; constant pressing: great pain. In diarrhea, gastralgia, enteral- gia, dyspepsia; colic, elc, esp. with hysteria; helminthiasis, etc. the middle: throat: heat, spasms. Appetite: ravenous; much thirst: taste bitter. Stomach: heartburn; eructations; nausea, vomiting; intense pain in various parts. Abdomen: as if drawn in; spasms; intense burning pain; with great vascular excitement; neuralgic pain in the rectum. Stool: dark,bloody; copious,light; mushy; preceded and followed by cutting pains in the bowels. In globus hystericus; in gastritis, enteritis, spasms of the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, dysentery,etc. Irritation; spasms; incontinence of urine from paralysis of sphincter vesica, Urine: copious; scanty; dark; contains sugar; cloudy sediment. In incontinence of urine; in ure- thritis, gonorrhea, diabetis. etc. Urinary System. Transient stitches; drawing pains j Smarting in the urethra while urin- in the kidneys and bladder. ; ating; slight diuresis. Urine: copious; high-colored; i Urine: increased; diminished; scanty, turbid; copious sediment. ! clear; turbid, dark; thick sediment. In hysterical affections. In sympathetic affections. Generative System. Male: irritation; painful nightly j Male: creeping and drawing in the erections; mucous discharge; moist penis; pain in the testes. excrescencs. etc. Female: great soreness of the va- j Female: menses too late and gina; moist excrescencs; menses j scanty. too short and too early; acute pains in the uterus and ovaries; mucous leucorrhea, etc In venereal affections in both sexes, esp. condylomata; in orchi- tis, dysmenorrhea, ailments of pregnancy, etc. In amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, ailments at the climacteric period, ovarian neuralgia (Ludlam), etc. .Male: pain in both testicles. Female: menses suppressed; men- strual colic. In dysmenorrhea, menstrual col- ic, metritis, ovaritis, etc.; in puer- peral convulsions and septicemia, (Ludlam), etc. Aggr. after midnight; in the morning; during rest, etc. Amel. in the forenoon; before mid- night; from motion, cold, etc. Spec: left side; want of bodily irritability. Special Remarks. Aggr. from evening till midnight; on awakening from sleep, etc. Amel. after midnight; from mo- tion, etc. Spec: left side; hysterical, in- telligent women. Aggr. morning and evening. Amel. bending forward. Spec: plethoric constitutions CONTENTS OF THIRD SERIES. Ambra gr. Castoreum. Aster, ruhr. Murcx pur. Aranea d. Ciinex led. Tarantula. The rid ion. Bufo rami. Crotal. hor. Naja trip. Hydrophoh. Coccus cact. Mephit. put. Psorin. Oleum jcc. Bisuuithum. Cadmium. Kobaltuni. Lithium. Manga n u in. Osmium. Selenum. Tellurium. Aur. mur. Arsen. iod. Cupr. acet. Ferr. iod. Plat. mur. Plumb, acet. Uran. nitr. Zinc, sulph. Acid. acet. Acid. henz. Acid. carb. Acid, fluor. Acid, hydroc, . Acid. oxal. Acid, picric. Acid, salic. Alunien. Alumina. A mm. curb. Amin. mur. Bar. carb. Bar. mur. Borax. Brum. Ainyl. nitr. Choral hydr. Chloroform. Ether. Glonoin. Magn. carb. Magn. mur. Sat-r. sulph. Aescul. hip. Aethusa. Agar. muse. Agn. cast. Ailanth. gl. Allium cepa. Auacardiuni. Apocyn. can. Arum triph. Asa fet. Asar. eur. Berheris. Bovista. Calendula. Caulophyll. Cedron. Cliiniaphila. Clem, erect. Collinsou. Copaiva. Croton tigl. Curare. Cyclamen. Bioscorea. Eupat. perf. Eupat. pnrp. Euphrasia. Hydrocotyl. Hypericum. Jaborandi. Kalinia. Lauroceracus. Leptandra. Mancinella. Millefolium. Oleander. Physostigma. Ranuncl.dml. Rheum. Riiniex crisp. Ruta. Sabadilla. Samb. nigr. Senecio. Senega. Scilla. Scutellaria. Tabacum. Taraxacum. L'pas. Ustilago. Verbascum. Vinca minor. Viola od. Viola trie. Zingiber. l.'lfi THIRD SERIES AMBRA OR. CASTOREUM. ASTER1AS RUB. )IUREX ruiip. Leading- Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the nerv- ous and circulatory sys- tems; partic upon the fe- male sexual organs. In nervous and hyster- ical diseases this is one of our best remedies (Burt). It disturbs sharply but superficially the functions of the nervous system. Comp. Mosch., Cast., Asa fet,, Valcr., etc. Acts though the cerc- bro-spinal nervous system esp. upon the female sex- ual organs. In hysterical and other nervous diseases, and in chronic affections of the throat, etc. In its action it is a close analogue to Moschus. Comp. Mosch., Ambr., Asa fet., Valcr. etc. Acts esp. upon the ner- vous and digestive sys- tems, the female sexual organs, etc. In spasmodic effect-ions; dysmenorrhea, nymph- omania; in constipation, cancer, etc. The ancient physicians considered it a specific in epilepsy. Comp. Aetbus., Cievir., Mosch., Bov., Ign., etc. Acts through the cerc- bro-spinal nervous sys- tem, esp. upon the female sexual organs. In diseases of women, esp. of the uterus; in di- gestive disorders, etc. Esp. adopted to nerv- ous, lively and affection- ate wome n (G u e r n s e y). Comp.Sep., Lach.,Apis, Puis., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression with anxie- ty; weakness of intellect and memory. Vertigo; confusion of the head; stupidity. Sleepiness by day; sleep- lessness before midnight; restless sleep; vexing dreams. In hypochondriasis , sleeplessness, vertigo in old people, etc. Sadness; weeping; mel- ancholy ; discontented with everything. Heaviness of the head. Sleepiness; yawning; restless,Aveary sleep; talk- ing in sleep; frightful dreams; nightmare. In sympathetic affec- tions. Cheerfulness; sensitive- ness; depression; despair; dullness. Vertigo: a disturbed sensation of the brain. Sleepiness; restless sleep and vivid dreams. In nymphomania, hys- terical affections, etc. Great depression; hope- lessness; confusion of mind; loss of memory. Vertigo; confusion of the head. Drowsiness; yawnings; lassitude; restless sleep; troublesome dreams. Cutaneous Sytsein. Itching here and there, esp. of the pudenda. Itching eruptions, esp. of the vesicular form. An old prurigo was cur- ed by it (Crossario). Itching; burning; formi- I Skin hot; itching, creep- cation, ing sensation. Erythematous and bran- j like eruptions on the chest, arms. etc. . In chronic ulceration of a cancerous nature. (Hughes). Trunk and Extremities. 'Weakness, weariness and heaviness; general uneasiness. Pain in the neck, hack and shoulders: burning in the chest. Uneasiness and twitch- ings in the limbs; stinging pains; coldness of bands and feet. In nervous affections. Debility; twitching now here now there; tearing pains. Stiffness of the neck; pain in the shoulders, back and sacrum. Tearing pain in the arms, hands and fingers; weariness and pain in the lower extremities. In neuralgic, rheumatic affections. Diminished of the limbs. Drawing pain.- back and chest. sensibility in the Uneasiness and lassi- tude of the limbs; formi- cation ; dull, drawing pains; esp. in the toes. In nervous affections especially. Debility of the whole muscular system; pains worse during rest. Burning in the chest; pains in the loins. Pains in the fore-arm, hips, knees, legs, etc.: sensation of debility. In lions sympathetic affec THIRD SERIES. 137 ARANEA DIAD. CIMEX LECT. TARANTULA. THERIDION. Leading- Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the ganglionc-nervous sys- tem and upon the blood (Altschul). In headache, hemor- rhages from all outlets of the body; in colic, diar- rhea, etc. Constant chilliness, great thirst and tendency to hemorrhages. Comp. Ver. alb., Puis., Lvc, Lach., Ars., etc Acts esp. upon the nerv- ous and circulatory sys- tems, causing depression and torpidity. In diseases with slug- gish circulation, nervous weakness and marked dullness. Chilliness of the whole body is a prominent symp- tom. Comp. Aranea, Bufo, Puis., Meph., etc. Acts through the cerc- bro-spinal nervous system esp. upon the brain, mot- or nerves, blood, etc. In hysterical affections, chorea; convulsions, etc.; in sexual disorders, some fevers, etc. The symptoms appear mostly periodically. Comp. Therid., Ambra, Asafet., Mosch., Ign.,etc. Acts esp. upon the cerc- bro-spinal nervous sys- tem; the blood and the bones, etc. In nervous debility, hy- steria, fevers, rachitis, necrosis of the bones, etc Extreme sensibility to sounds which seem to penetrate the whole body. Comp. Lach., Crot,, Naja, Tarant., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Confusion of the head; dullness: lassitude Rest less sleep: frequent awakenings; fantastical dreams. Anxiousness;very much vexed; would like to tear everything to pieces. Confusion and dullness of the head. Irresistable sleepiness; yawning; sensation of coldness as if not slept enough. Great nervous excite- ment; hysterical symp- toms; depression; mania. Vertigo; confusion of the head; stupor. Sleepiness ; sleepless- ness ; nervous restless- ness; restless sleep; much dreaming. In nervous excitation; in hysteria, mania, etc. Joyfullness; time seems to pass very rapidly; des- pair; anxiety; stupor. Vertigo, with nausea and stupor. Extreme sleepiness; restless sleep, full of fan- tastical dreams. In hysterical affections. Cutaneous System. Itching; burning; form- ication- Ecchymosed spots ; painless, vesicular and esp. pustular eruptions. In malignant ulcers and unhealthiness of the skin in general. Itching and burning in various parts of the skin. Trunk and Extremities. Lassitude and weariness with dull, burrowing pains in the long bones. Twitching of the mus- cles of the arms; numb- ness of the fingers; pain and weariness of the legs. In nervous affections of spasmodic nature. Great weariness in the limbs, with sleepiness. Scraping sensation be- neath the sternum; pain in back; aching in loins. Pain in right ■ shoulder and right arm; pain in the legs; stretching out causes tensive pains. In neuralgic, rheumat- ic affections, etc. Weakness and pains; restlessness; agitation; spasms; paralysis. Stiffness and soreness of the neck; pain in the back, esp. in the sacrum. Weakness of all the limbs; rheumatic pains; restlessness; formication; paralysis. In spasmodic and para- lytic affections; in neu- ralgia, rheumatism, etc. Weakness; loss of vital forces; trembling, etc Stitches in the chest; pain between the shoul- ders. Pains in the lower arms; pain and coldness of the legs. "In rhachitis,carics and necrosis I chiefly depend upon Therid." (Baruch). ir,s THIRD SERIES. A31BRA GR. CASTOREUM. ASTERIAS RUB. 31UREX PURP. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: congestion, sore- ness; hair falls out. Headache; nervous, hy- sterical; pressing, tearing pains; in forehead, etc. Eyes: dull, pressing pain; lachrymation. Ears: roaring, whist- ling; tearing pain. Nose: dryness; sneez- ing; bleeding. Face: flushes of heat; yellow color. Lips: hot, dry; twitch- ings of the lower lip. In headache, weakness of sight and hearing, esp. with hysteria. Head : sensation of heaviness. Headache: tearing, pres- sing, heavy pains; in the temples, etc. Eyes: burning; agglu- tination of lids at night. Ears: tearing pains; roaring. Nose: violent sneezing; much watery discharge Face: red; pale; pain in the muscles. Lips: twitching of the lower lip; tearing pain. In congestive headache, etc., esp. with disordered sexual functions in wo- men. Head: heat as if sur- I rounded by hot air. Headache: congestive; bruised, throbbing pains; in the forehead, etc. Eyes: blood-shot; hot; painful; photophobia. Ears: lancinating pains; rushing sounds. Nose: sneezing;coryza; epistaxis. Face; red; swollen; ex- pression of stupidity. In weakness of vision (Altschul); in hysterical headache, etc. Head: heaviness;confu- sion. Headache: sharp, trans- ient pains; above the ce- rebellum; right side, etc Ears: buzzing sounds. Face: burnim right cheek. in the Nervous System. Nervous erethism fol- lowed by debility. Twitchings; spasms; convulsions; numbness. In hysterical and other nervous affections this is an important remedy. Prostration; internal restlessness. Twitchings; restlessness; pains; lassitude In hysteria and other nervous affections. Nervous irritation; de- pression; numbness. Twitchings; spasms; convulsions; torpidity. In epilepsy; nympho- mania, etc Nervous depression ; great prostration. Weakness; weariness: lassitude; pain. In symptomatic affec- tions. Circulatory System. Pulse accelerated; slow; violent palpitation. Chill in the forenoon, of single parts of the body, with heat in the face; flushes of heat; pro- fuse sweat. In cachectic conditions; in chlorosis,esp.with hys- teria. Chilliness and ill-humor; chill at 5 p. m.; chilliness predominates; heat with- out thirst; profuse perspi- ration. Strong and frequent palpitation of the heart. Increased general heat during the whole period; shivering with drowsi- ness; heat of the skin; restlessness at night. Palpitation of the heart. Heat of the hands in the evening. Respiratory System. Tickling and itching in the larynx; voice hoarse; breathing difficult. Cough: violent, spas- modic with tickling, etc. Oppression of the chest; burning sensation. In asthma; in dry,spas- modic cough, esp. in old people Rawness and pain in the throat; voice hoarse; breathing difficult. Pain and burning in the chest. In asthma, esp. with hysteria; in bronchitis (Burt). Drawing pain towards the inner part of chest. Voice changed; hoarse- ness; wheezing in the chest; dyspnea. Cough: dry, not fre- quent. Burning pains in the chest. In asthma, etc THIRD SERIES. i:J9 ARANEA I)IAI). CIMEX LECT. TARANTULA. THERIDION. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: dullness: confu- sion. Headache: dull, draw- ing,stitching pains; under the right frontal bone. Head: dullness; confu- sion. Headache: dull, pres- sing, periodical pains in the forehead, etc. Eyes: heat; sensation of trembling. Ears: pain: pressure Nose; coryza; epistaxis. Nose: annoying dry- nes; sneezing", coryza. Face: hot, red. In amblyopia (Alt- j Violent headache, caus- schul); in hysterical head- ed by drinking (Hering). ache, etc. Head: congestion;heav- iness; dullness. Headache: congestive, nervous; as if striking with a hammer, etc Eyes: pain; weakness: redness; inflammation. Ears: buzzing pain; profuse,mucous discharge Nose : sneezing and coryza: profuse bleeding. Face: pale, earthy; ex- pression of terror; pains. Lips: burn as in fever. In affections esp. with nervous combinations, as in hysterical headache, etc. Head: itching of the scalp; skin feels too thick. Headache: violent, throbbing pains in the forehead, over the eyes. Eyes: photophobia, dimness; pressing pain. Ears: over-sensitiveness to sounds; roaring. Nose: violent sneezing; coryza. Face: pale The lower jaw feels im- movable in the morning. In headache, esp. with hysterical or climacteric ailments. Nervous System. Nervous debility; pres- sive, pinching pains. Twitchings; spasms; numbness, etc. Nervous depression. Weariness with inclina- tion to stretch all day. Nervous erethism fol- lowed by debility. Spasms; convulsions; epilepsy; paralysis. In chorea, epilepsy,neu- ralgia, as of the uterus, etc Debility; great and rap- id sinking of vital forces. Over-sensitiveness; de- bility; weakness. In over-sensitiveness or weakness; in hysteria,etc. Circulatory System. Sluggish circulation; tendency to hemorrhage Coldness predominates; fever with pain in the bones. In intermittent fevers with predominating chill- iness and thirst (Altschul). Pulse intermittent; sluggish circulation, Want of animal heat; chilliness over the whole body; chilliness at times followed by dry beat, then some perspiration. Pulse wiry; irregular; oppression of the heart. General chilliness; burn- ing heat in the whole body alternates with icy coldness; debilitating sweat. In toxemic fevers, in intermittent, typhoid fe- vers, etc. Pulse accelerated in the morning; anxiety of heart. Shaking chill; cannot get warm; chill with vio- lent bone-pains; sweats easily. In intermittent fever. Respiratory System. Stitches in Hie larynx. Hemorrhage from the lungs. In hemorrhage from the lungs. Breathing short; deep inspiration. Cough: short, dry, pain- ful, esp. in the morning. Scraping sensation be- neath the sternum. Pains and roughness of the larynx; voice hoarse or lost; breathing difficult. Cough: dry, with pains in the chest, etc. Pains; oppression and constrict ion of the chest. In dyspiuea, aphonia, neuralgia, whooping- cough, etc. Deep sighing, breath- ing. Cough at night. Violent stitches in the upper part of the chest. In neuralgia and rheu- matism of the chest. 140 THIRD SERIES. AMBRA GR, CASTOREUM. ATSERIAS RUB. MUREX PURP. Digestive System. Mouth: heat, pain, of- fensive smell; toothache; tongue hot, blistered ? throat soreness, pain. Appetite lost; no thirst; bitter, sour taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea; constriction; pain; pressure. Abdomen : distention ; flatulence; pain; sensation of coldness; aching in the liver and spleen. Stool: copious, soft; hard; frequent ineffectual urging; bloody; itching in the anus. In ranula (Hering); in vomiting of pregnancy (Altschul); in dyspepsia, hysteria, etc. Mouth: offensive smell; much toothache; tongue hot; throat hot and pain- ful. Appetite poor; violent thirst; bitter taste. Stomach: frequent eruc- tations; nausea; vomiting; cutting, tearing pains. Abdomen: distention ; cutting, tearing pains; pressure in the hepatic re- gion. Stool: w7atery, mucous; bloody; solid; burning in the anus. In toothache, dysenteric diarrhea, etc Mouthdncrease of saliva; swelling and drawing pain in the tongue; throat hot, dry, painful. Appetite capricious; loss of taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea; great heat. Abdomen: swelling; flat- ulency; severe colic; dull, drawing pains; heat in the rectum. Stool: constipation with ineffectual urging; diar- rhea, gushing out vio- lently. Appetite: capricious; violent thirst. Stomach: vomiting; pain; sinking; it seemed gone. Abdomen: tension in the right hypochondrium; pain in the left side; flat- ulent colic. Stool: difficult; very constipated. Urinary System. Pain in the bladder; burning in the urethra ;f re- qucnt micturition Urine: copious; scanty; smells sour, etc. In sympathetic affec- tions, etc. Frequent desire; burn- ing in the urethra during and after micturition. Urine: diminished. Frequent urinate. urging to Urine: viscid. copious; thick, Urine: white sediment. Generative System. Male: excitement; desire; erections; pimples on the penis. Female: excitement; menses too early; menor- rhagia; great pressing- down pains; itching of the pudenda: thick mucous leucorrhea. It is a specific in pre- dominating debility of the sexual sphere (Altschul); in hysteria, etc. Female: menses too soon; with pains in the ab- domen and back; profuse watery leucorrhea. In delayed mentruation; in amenorrhea; in dys- menorrhea, leucorrhea, etc. Male: irritation; quent erections. fre- Female: great sexual ex- citement, esp. in the morn- ing in bed; unusual mois- ture from the vagina; de- lay of menses; pain in the womb. In nyphomania (Alt- schul); in epilepsy at pu- berty (Altschul); in can- cer of the breasts. Female: violent sexual desire; acute pain in the right side of the uterus; menses profuse; greenish, bloody leucorrhea. In nymphomania; uter- ine pain; spongy growths on the os cervix, (Alt- schul). Special Remarks. Aggr. night and morn- ing; from hot drinks, etc. Amel. from walking in the open air, etc. Spec.: lean people; hys- terical subjects, Aggr. in the morning; after eating, etc. Amel. towards evening; in the open air, etc Spec: particularly a remedy for women. Aggr. in the morning, evening and night, etc. Amel. towards noon; in the cold air, etc. In nymphomania it is a principal remedy. Aggr. in the morning; sitting, etc. THIRD SERIES 141 ARANEA DIAD. CIMEX LECT. TARANTULA. THERIDION. Digestive System. Mouth: sensation of coldness; toothache; tongue thickly coated. Great and constant thirst. Abdomen: great heavi- ness; flatulence; griping pain; periodical colic. Stool, thin, fluid, fer- mented; with pain. In flatulent colic, etc. Mouth: teeth seem lon- ger; tongue white, feeling as if scalded; choking and pressure in the throat. No thirst but dryness in the throat. Stomach: eructations; painful hiccough; nausea. Abdomen: pain in the liver; colic, relieved by emission of flatus. Stool: constipation; fe- ces, dry and hard, like a dogs; with hemorrhoidal pains. Mouth: dry; gums bleed; tongue ulcerated; throat sore, swollen, inflamed, constricted. Appetite lost; great thrist; flat, bad taste Stomach: nausea, vom- iting; pains; anguish; muscular contraction. Abdomen: sharp pain in the umbilical region; violent burning in the ab- domen and rectum. Stool: profuse diarrhea; dark, fetid, bloody stool with violent urging; con- stipation. In stomacace, sore throat; in gastric and in- testinal pains; diarrhea in pregnancy, etc. Mouth and tongue feel numb; much mucus; the throat feels as if scalded. Bulimia; great thirst. Stomach: nausea, vom- iting; feeling of sickness; pain. Abdomen: pain in the liver and groins; spas- modic contractions of the rectum and anus. Stool: painless diarrhea; scanty discharge with much urging. Urinary System. Urine: scanty: red sedi- ment. Pains in the kidneys and bladder; difficult mic- turition; incontinence. Urine: hot, thick; much sediment. In nephritis, cystitis; in- continence of urine, etc. Urine: increase of the quantity. Generative System. Female: menses too early and too copious. In menorrhagia and metrorrhagia (Altschul). Female: hot sensation inside the labia. Male: excitement; erec- tions; great sensitiveness, etc. Female: extreme sexual excitement; menses too early and profuse; pains and spasms of the uterus; pruritus vulva'; leucor- rhea, etc. A principal remedy in neurotic affections, esp. of the uterus, etc. Male; erections and emissions; no desire. Female: some excite- ment; menses suppressed. In ailments at puberty and change of life, esp. of hysterical character. Aggr. toward evening and in the night. Amel. in the open air. Spec : persons very sen- sible to damp air. Special Remarks. Agg. in the morning. Spec: right side seems to be esp. affected. Aggr. night and morn- ing. Amel. in the open air; during motion, etc. Spec.: the symptoms ap- pear mostly periodically. Aggr. in the morning; from motion; noise etc 142 T III R I) SERtKS. BUFORANA. CROTALUS HOR. NAJA TRIP. HYDROPHOBIC Leading Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the blood, the nervous, di- gestive, genito - urinary systems, and the skin. In diseases of the ner- vous and genito-urinary systems; in skin affec- tions, etc. Excessive chilliness is a constant symptom. Comp. Aran, diad., Ta- rant. Therid. Ver. alb.etc. Constant feeling as if intoxicated; nervousness; irritability; coma. Vertigo, as if intoxi- cated. Drowsiness; sleepiness; sleeplessness; restless sleep; awakening every moment; much dreaming. In sympathetic affec- tions. Violent itching, heat and burning. Skin yellowish; un- healthy; papular and ve- sicular eruption; swelling; suppuration, etc. In unhealthiness of the skin; in malignant ulcers. etc. Weakness and numb- ness; burning, lancinat- ing pains; spasms. Stiffness, and pain in the neck, back and chest. Trembling of deltoid muscle; pain and weak- ness of the limbs; swell- ing of lower extremities. In neuralgic, rheumatic affections, Acts in general similar to Lachesisby decomposi- tion of the blood and pa- ralysis of the nerves. In malignant blood dis- eases, as septicemia, yel- low fever, etc., in gan- grene, etc. It seems that the blood- poisoning is the most prominent feature. Comp. Each., Naja, Bufo, Ars., Merc,Ver.alb. Excitability; depres- sion ; mental weakness ; delirium; stupor; coma. Vertigo, with stupor; confusion of the head. Great sleepiness; almost comatose; much anxious dreaming. In sympathetic affec- tions. Weakness; pain; swell- ing ; hemorrhages from all outlets of the body. Tensive pain in the neck and back; extravasation of blood in the loins. Swelling of the limbs; great pain ; oozing of blood from under the nails; spasms; paralysis. In sympathetic affec- tions; in malignant ul- cers, gangrene, etc. Acts in general similar lo Lachesisby decomposi- tion of the blood and pa- ralysis of the nerves. In blood diseases with prominent neurotic symp- toms; in heart affections; ovarian neuralgia, etc. It seems that the nerv- ous affections are the most prominent feature. Comp. Lach.,(iot. hor., Ars., Merc, Ign., Cimie Weakness; pain; swell- ing; hemorrhages from various parts of the body. Dull, aching pains in nape of the neck; weak- ness and pain in the back. Swelling of the limbs; aching, paralytic pains: spasms; paralysis. In neuralgic affections; in malignant ulcers, gan- grene, etc. Acts esp. upon the nerv- ous system through poi- soning the blood, etc. In hysterical and simi- lar spasmodic affections, in chlorosis, etc. The nerves of the throat are peculiarly affected with spasms, etc. Comp. Tarant., Therid., Bufo, Lach., etc. Tickling and itching of the skin. Pimples on the fore- head and face Weakness; prostration; dull, aching, heavy pains, esp. in the joints. Pain in the left side; in the chest, loins, back, etc. Aching from the loins down to the feet; numb- ness in the arms; pain in the joints. In nervous affections, etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Cutaneous System. Itching all over; but esp, on the fingers. Yellow color all over, or yellow spots; blisters; pustules ; ecchymoscd spots, etc. In various skin affec- tions, esp. of a malignant character. Creeping, itching and tingling in various parts. Small white blisters on the neck and body; pim- ples; pustules; ulcers; gan- grene. In various skin affec- tions, esp. of a malignant nature. Trunk and Extremities. Excitability ; depres- sion ; mental weakness ; delirium; stupor; coma. Vertigo ; confusion of the head. Drowsiness; yawnings; lassitude ; restless sleep ; vivid dreams. In sympathetic affec- tions; in hysteria, etc. Happy disposition; sad- ness; restlessness : deliri- um; rage; stupor. Vertigo; dullness; dizzi- ness of the bead. Excited; cannot sleep; vivid dreams. THIRD SERIES. 143 COCCUS CACTI. MEPHITIS. PSORINUM. OLEUM JEC. Leading Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the nerv- ous, digestive, genito-ur- inary and respiratory sys- tems (Altschul). In neuralgia, gastrody- nia, nephritis, albumin- uria, menorrhagia, asthma, etc. It seems to have great power over the renal af- fections. Comp. Canth., Apis, Ipce, Mere. etc. Through the cerebro- spinal system it esp. af- fects the motor nerves and generative organs ( Burt). In affections of the nerv- ous and generative sys- tems, esp. of a hysterical type. Constant chilliness is a prominent symptom. Comp. Ambr., Mosch., Puis., Ign., Sep., etc. Acts through the vege- tative-nervous system, esp. upon the blood, res- piratory organs and skin. In cachectic conditions, nervous debility, con- sumption, skin diseases, etc. Its great field is debil- ity, independent of any organic disease ( Bell). Comp. Sulph., Petrol., Krcosot., Ars., Merc,etc. Acts through the vege- I alive-nervous system, esp. upon the alimentary canal, the blood and skin. In cachectic conditions; in diseases with promi- nent emaciation; in scrof- ula, phthisis, rheumatism. "Of all iodic compounds the most important is cod- liver oil" (Hughes). Comp. Iod., Calc.carb., Calc. phos,, Ars., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc Excitement; liveliness; clearness of mind; depres- sion; dullness, etc. Vertigo; confusion of the head. Great sleepiness during the day; sleep uneasy and restless: vivid, affection- ate dreams, etc. Lively, excited mood; fretfulncss: disinclination to work. Vertigo, with nausea and confusion of the head. Sleepy during day; can- not sleep at night; vivid dreams; nightmare. In hysterical affections. Depression; despair; weakness of intellect and memory. Vertigo ; everything turns around, in a circle. Sleepy and chilly dur- during the day; sleepless at night; restless sleep; anxious dreams. Giddiness in the head. Less sleepy than usual; sleeplessness after 3 a.m. Cutaneous System. Itching, stitching and Burning in various parts. Small red spots; bluish spots; pimples, etc. In prurigo it ought to be a standard remedy. Ilchin.iw heat and pain. Intolerable itchiin Pimples on the fore- bead, the lower jaw, back, etc. Skin: dirty, greasy, un- healthy; vesicular and pustular eruptions; small warts. In eczema, herpes, im- petigo, etc., esp. of chron- ic and diathetic nature. Itching with redness of the skin. Skin red; eruption of small red spots; papules and vesicles; a free dis- cbarge from ulcers. In eczema, herpes, im- petigo, scrofulous ulcers, etc. Trunk and Extremities. AVcakncss and tearing in the limbs; tensive pressive pains. Pains in the neck and back; dragging in the sac- ral region. Pain in the shoulders; drawing in the right del- toid muscle; weakness and pain of the legs, etc. In neuralgic affections, rheumatism, elc. Weakness and weari- ness; inclined to stretch; rheumat. wandering pain. Pain in the chest, back, etc., stitches in the spine esp. on moving. Rheumatic pains in the arms; rush of blood to the limbs. In rheumatic, neuralgic affections. Weakness and weari- ness; tearing, rheumatic pains, etc. Neck stiff; swollen, painful; pain in the chest, back and sacrum. The arms arc as if par- alyzed; pain and weak- ness of the knees, legs and feet. In rheumatic and ar- thritic affections (Alt schul). Increase of strength and health; lassitude of the whole system. Stitches in the heart; weakness and pain in the sacral region. Rheumatic pains in the arms and knees; hands dry and parched; soreness of both feet. In rheniatism. ll was in chronic rheumatism that cod-oil won its first laurels (Hughes), 144 THIRD SERIES. BUEO RANA. CROTALUS HOR. NAJA TRIP. HYDROPHOBIC Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: falling out of the hair; complete baldness. Headache: heavy, stu- pefying; one-sided; in the forehead, etc. Eyes: spasmodic pains; ulceration of the lids. Ears: over-sensitive- ness; pains; discharge. Nose: red, swollen; cov- ered with pustules. Face: pale,yellow,gray; protruding eyes. Lips: dry, bleeding; trembling. In alopecia, headache, ophthalmia, otitis, etc. Head: violent itching of the scalp; much dandruff. Headache: throbbing, violent pain; esp. in the forehead; delirium; coma. Eyes: yellow; bloody extravasation; great pain. Ears: pains; discharge of blood. Nose: violent sneezing; epistaxis. Face: yellow, leaden color; pain in the bones. Lips: dry; cramps in the jaws; trembling. In sympathetic affec- tions; in congestive or nervous headache, etc. Head: scalp painful; much scurf; hair falls out. Headache; congestive; dull, heavy pains; above the eyes-, in the vertex. Eyes: staring, fixed; weak; pains; lids puffy. Ears: burning; whiz- zing sound; great noise. Nose: hot, sore; fluent discharge. Face: flushed; pale; green-yellow; dull pains. Lips: dry; black pores; cracked; lock-jaw. In nervous, hysterical headache; in lock-jaw,etc. Head: congestion; hair very dry; scalp sensitive Headache: congestive; pressing, boring pain; in the forehead,temples; etc. Eyes: inflamed; pain- ful; weakness, etc. Ears: rushing of blood; rushing noise. Nose: pain; sneezing; bleeding. Face: pale, yellow; twitching of the muscles. Pain in the jaws; spasms; lock-jaw, etc. In headache, etc., witlu prominent nervous symp- toms; in lock-jaw, etc Nervous System. Nervous erethism; de- bility; burning pains. Hysterical symptoms; spasms, etc.; paralysis. In hysteria, chorea,nerv- ous debility; but esp. in epilepsy. Sudden loss of the vital forces; prostration. Trembling; spasms; de- bility; paralysis. Ought to be of great value in cerebrospinal meningitis (Burt). Sudden loss of vital for- ces; torpor. Restlessness; spasms; paralysis; insensibility. In nervous affections, esp. when the heart is al- so affected. Great erethism, fol- lowed by prostration. Spasms; convulsions; tetanus; paralysis. In spasmodic, nervous affections. Circulatory System. Violent palpitation; de- cided blood-poisoning. Extreme continual sen- sation of coldness; shiv- ering, trembling; heat in the face; cold sweat; sweat at night. In intermittent fever with predominating chil- liness. Pulse: rapid,full; rapid, weak; slow;pain in heart- Surface cold; chilliness; shiverings with nausea; intense coldness; heat with burning pain and swelling; dry,with thirst. In symptomatic fevers, as in septicemia; in yel- low fever, etc. Pulse: quick; irregular; heart is greatly affected. Extreme coldness all over, esp. of the limbs; with stiffness and col- lapse; heat in the head, etc., general perspiration. In many diseases of the heart, both organic and functional. Pain in the heart; the blood itself is poisoned. Respiratory System. Much mucus in the lar- ynx; ulceration; breath- ing difficult and rattling. Cough: dry, with burn- ing in the throat- Burning in the chest; sharp, stitching pains. In inflammatory affec- tions, Bruised pains in the lar- ynx; voice hoarse, lost; difficult respiration. Cough: moderate with bloody expectoration. Oppression and pain of the chest; inflammation. In asthma, hemopty- sis, pneumonia, etc. Constriction and irrita- tion of the larynx; voice hoarse, lost; difficult rcsp. Cough; some cough; spitting of blood. Oppression and pain in the chest. In asthma, pharyngeo- laryngeal inflammation, neuralgia of the chest, etc. Pain and spasms of the larynx; breathing oppress- ed and sighing. Pain and oppression of the chest. THIRD SERIES. 145 COCCUS CACTI. MEPHITIS. PSORINUM. OLEUM JEC. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: congestion crawl- ing; pains in the scalp. Headache: congestive, dull pains; in the temples, forehead, etc Eyes: pain; sensation of a foreign body, etc. Ears: constant pressive pains; dullness of hearing. Nose: redness; cracks; sneezing. Face:red,flushed; crawl- ing sensation Lips: cracked; sore. ' In congestive headache, etc. Nervous irritation; re- laxation; tearing pains. Excitement; drawing ; weakness; weariness. In neuralgia, rheuma- tism, etc. Pulse accelerated; pain in the heart; palpitation. Coldness predominates; chilliness, esp. of the back; constant chilliness with thirst; general heat; profuse sweat. Rawness of the larynx; tickling; voice hoarse; respiration laborious. Cough: tickling, dry; profuse slimy sputa. Heat and pain in the chest. In asthma, whooping- cough, pain in the chest, etc Head: sensation of heaviness; as if too large Headache: heavy, pres- sive pains; in the back of the head, etc. Eyes; weakness; pain; inflammation. Ears: erysipelatous swelling; fetid discharge. Nose: dryness; watery discharge; bleeding. Face: bloated; pale. Nervous Weariness ; debility ; spasms; rheumatic pains. Prostration; sensation as if the limbs were lame. In hysterical and simi- lar affections. Coldness predominates; chilliness, esp. in the evening; warmth, increas- ed, esp. in the morning. Breathing difficult. Cough: spasmodic hol- low; worse at night. Pains in the chest, esp. in the left side. In some forms of asth- ma (Burt); in whooping- cough; in consumption, etc, Head: dryness; itching; heat; pain; dullness. Headache : pressing, lancinating pains; as if from a blow; in forehead. Eyes: weakness; dim- ness; photophobia. Ears: hammering pain; discharge of fetid pus. Nose: catarrhal symp- toms; inflamed septum, Face : pale, yellow, sickly; pain in cheeks. Lips: dry; brown,black; swollen. In headache; scrofulous ophthalmia; facial neu- ralgia, etc. System. Nervous irritation; de- bility; tearing pains. Weakness; nervous- ness; pains; spasms. Its great field is debility independent of any other disease (Bell). t'y System. Pulse weak,feeble; pain in the heart; palpitation. Coldness predominates; chilliness, esp. in the evening; constant sensa- tions of chilliness; heat; debilitating sweat. In fevers with great de- bility and chilliness, esp. with some dyscrasia. Sensation in the throat as if too narrow; breath- ing short, difficult. Cough: dry, titillating; profuse expectoration. Pain in the chest; sharp, burning, pressing. In dry coryza, chronic cough, asthma, phthisis pulmonalis, etc. Head: giddiness. Headache: dull aching pain; in the forehead, on the top,from left to right. Eyes: swelling; heavi- ness; flow of tears. Face: red. In scrofulous affections of the eyes, ears, etc. General lassitude of the whole system. Rush of blood to the heart; palpitation. Coldness of the whole body; chill at 3 a. m.; chill in the evening; cold feet; flushes of heat; heat in palms of hands; sweat. In hectic fevers, esp. in phthisis pulmonalis. Swelling in the thyroid glands; shortness of breath, beating of heart. Cough: hacking, tick- ling, esp. at night; sputa. Pneumonia of both the upper lobes of the lungs. In asthma; in soreness of the chest; in pneumo- nia, phthisis pulmonalis, etc. Circulato: Respiratory System. UG THIRD S ERIES BUEO RANA. CROTALUS HOR. NAJA TRIP. HYDROPHOBIC Digestive System. Mouth: painful; offen- sive smell;blisters; tooth- ache; tongue hot, painful; throat dry, hot, sore. No appetite or thirst; bitter, foul taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; tension and burning pain. Abdomen: distention; flatulence; sensation of coldness; colic; pain in the liver and cpleen. Stool: frequent inef- fective urging, but scan- ty; involuntary diarrhea. In stomacace, scorbutic affections, dyspepsia, di- arrhoea, etc. Pain in the kidneys and bladder; constant urging. Urine: copious; scanty; thick, yellow, etc. In inflammatory affec- tions of the organs. Male: weakness; impo- tence; penis swollen and inflamed. Female: menses too early and profuse; pain in the uterus and ovaries; purulent leucorrhea; itch- ing of the vulva. In menorrhagia, dys- menorrhea, leucorrhea, metritis, ovaritis, etc. Aggr. in the morning and evening, etc. Amel. when lying; at night, etc. Mouth: foul breath; teeth loose; gums bleed- ing; tongue red, sore; throat sore, constricted. Appetite lost; burning thirst; sourish taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; great irritability; burning pains. Abdomen: general swel- ling; pressive, aching pains; flatulence; bleeding from the anus. Stool: diarrhea; invol- untary bloody evacua- tions; hemorrhage; con- stipation. In stomacace, scorbutic affections, hemorrhages, dysenteric, diarrhea, etc. Urinary Hemorrhage from ur- ethra. Urine: scanty; high-col- ored; bloody; blood. In hemorrhage from the urethra. Male: excitement with weakness; pain in glans penis. Female: menses too soon and too long; with intense headache. In metrorrhagia, etc. Aggr. in the morning and night, etc. Amel. from walking in open air, etc. Spec.: right side seems esp, affected. Mouth: dryness, foam; toothache; tongue white; blistered ; gums swollen; throat constricted, dry. Appetite lost; great thirst; horrible bad taste. Stomach: nausea, vom- iting; acidity; pressure; spasmodic pain. Abdomen:swelling; flat- ulency; rumbling; pres- sure; tearing pains; heat and smarting of anus. Stool: loose but scanty; frequent urging; consti- pation. In inflammation of the throat; in nervous dys- pepsia, etc. System. Uneasiness and pressure of the bladder. Urine: thickly loaded with lithates and mucus. Male: great sexual ex- citement; nocturnal emis- sions. Female: violent crampy pain in the left ovary; thin, whitish, leucorrhea. In neuralgia of the ovar- ies (Holcombe); in dys- menorrhea, etc. Mouth: much spitting; toothache; pain in gums and tongue; throat inflam- ed; spasms from fluids. Appetite capricious; ffiirst,but cannot swallow. Stomach: nausea, vom- iting; rumbling; pressive pains. • Abdomen: soreness ; burning; violent pain; soreness ab^ut the region of the liver. Stool: softer than usual; diarrhea in the morning. In sore throat;in spasms of the throat; in morning diarrhea, etc. Pain in the sphincter vesica; burning after mic- turition. Urine: copious, light- colored; brown, turbid. Male: depression; im- potence; pain in the testi- cles. Female: menses too early; pain in the uterus; bearing-down pain; slimy leucorrhea. In sexual weakness; in pain in the uterus, etc. Special Remarks. Remarks. Aggr. in the morning; towards midnight, etc Amel. in the evening; walking in the open air. Spec.: right side seems to be esp. affected. Aggr. in the morning. Amel. in the cold air. Generative System. THIRD SERIES. u: COCCUS CACTI. MEPHITIS. PSORINUM. OLEUM JEC. Digestive System. Mouth: dry, bad odor; salivation; tongue dry; brown; throat red, dry; sore. Appetite increased; lost; great thirst; bitter taste. Stomach: distended; heaviness and pressure; cramp-like pain. Abdomen: distended; very sensitive; much flat- ulence; violent griping pain. Stool: copious, soft; mucous; with much strain- ing; hemorroids; consti- pation. In gastrodynia (Hem- pel); in flatulent colic,etc Mouth: pain in hollow teeth; throat pain, diffi culty in swallowing. Appetite capricious; coppery taste Stomach: eructations; nausea; pressure with colic. Abdomen: pain in the hapatic region; pain as from; colic Stool: diarrhea; infre- quent, but thin stool. In pain in hollow back teeth; in colic with great pressure. Mouth: dry, hot, ulcer- ated; teeth loose: tongue and throat feel as if scalded. Appetite capricious; no thirst; bitter, foul taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; spasms; weakness; pains Abdomen: distended; colicky pains, better from pressure; flatulence; pain in liver and spleen. Stool: dark brown, mu- cous, bloody; very offen- sive; constipation; pain in the anus. In diarrhea (Frost); in constipation (Altschul). Mouth: parched feeling; tongue yellow coating; throat soreness, tickling. Appetite lost; constant thirst. Stomach: nausea, vom- iting; sickness; weakness; heaviness. Abdomen: soreness, heaviness and great pain in the liver, acking pain in the spleen; flatus. Stool: a greater or less increase of the alvine evacuations; constipation. In atonic conditions of the digestive organs; in symptomatic affections. Urinary System. Great pain in the kid- neys; pain and pressure in the bladder, etc. Urine: yellow; red: pain- ful micturition. In nephritis (Grauvogl); in Bright's disease (Hem- pel), etc Frequent urging and micturition, esp. at night. Urine: turbid, with much sediment. Frequent urging; invol- untary evacuation, ren- tention. LTrine: copious; scanty; thick; white sediment. In paralytic or spasmo die conditions of the sphincter vesica. Soreness in the region of the kidneys; discharge of mucus from urethra. Urine: copious, with brickdust sediment. In incontinence of urine (Madden). Generative System. Male: excitement; erec- tions; emissions. Female: menstruation too early and profuse; swelling of the pudenda; discharge of mucus; shooting pains. In menorrhagia, etc Male: warmth of the genitals. Female: soreness with swelling of the labia; burning leucorrhea. Male: sexual depression; impotence; symptoms as in venereal affections. Female: menses too late and too scanty. In ailments of pregnancy and at the climacteric per- iod, etc. Male: discharge of mucus from the urethra every morning, with burning. Female: increase of the menstrual flow; (it acts as an emmenagogue). In amenorrhea, etc, Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning; by motion, etc Amel. towards evening; in warmth, etc Aggr. night and morn- ing; from motion, etc. Amel. washing in ice- cold water very agreeable Aggr. in the evening; from motion, etc. Amel. in the morning; during rest, etc. Spec.: in subjects with some diathesis (psora). Airgr. in the mornini 148 THIRD SERIES. BISMUTHUM. CADMIUM. KOBALTUM. LITHIUM. Leading Therapeutics. Has a special action up- on the spinal marrow, and through it upon the diges- tive tube (Hempel), In gastric disorders,esp. when combined with spas- modic affections. The pneumogastric nerve seems also to be under its special influence. Comp. Acid, hydroc, Arg. met., Ars., Zinc. Depression; dejection; restless peevishness; dis- satisfaction. Vertigo; as if the head were turning in a circle. Great sleepiness in the forenoon; restless sleep at night; voluptuous or anx- ious dreams. In symptomatic affec- tions. Intense itching on legs, worse from scratching. In malignant ulcers; in small-pox and measles (Altschul). Paralytic weakness ; spasms; screwing, boring, tearing pains. Pressure in the neck; pain in the left side of the back. Paralytic weakness of the right arm; esp. in the bones of the wrist; tearing pains in the lower limbs. In neuralgic, spasmodic or rheumatic affections. The action of Cadm. seems to be upon the nerv- ous system, partic. upon the pneumogastric nerve. In affections,esp. of the digestive and respiratory systems. Chilliness and coldness are prominent symptoms. Comp.Ferr. Mere,Puis., Ver. alb., etc. Mind, Sen Fear of solitude; dis- like of work; anxiety; irri- tability. Sleepiness in the fore- noon ; somnolence with many dreams ; night- mare. Itching ; worse in bed, relieved by scratching. Skin blue; red spots; yellow, vesicular erup- tion; erysipelatous swell- ing; boils. In herpes, erysipelas, boils, etc. Trunk and Restlessness; weakness; jactations; cutting pains in the joints. Pain in the neck; in- tense pain in the chest- Tension in the arms; gnawing in the hands; rheumatic pain in lower limbs; heaviness of feet. In neuralgic, rheumatic affections. Kobaltum seems to act primarily upon the cere- bro-spinal nervous sys- tem In diseases of the nerv- ous, digestive and respira- tory systems, etc Its primary effect is a re- markable pleasant sensa- tion to body and mind. Comp. Ars., Nux v., Ipec, etc. Great vivacity and rapid flow of thoughts; dull- ness; depression. Dizziness; dullness. Sleepiness; frequent yawning; wakefullness ; unrefreshing sleep; lewd dreams. Much itching all over when getting warm in bed. Dry and moist erup- tions, as papules, vesicles and pustules. In eczema, boils, etc Extremities. Bruised pain in all the limbs; weakness of all the body. Pain between the shoul- ders; aching pain in the small of the back. Aching in the wrist joints; weakness of the knees; stitches in the legs; trembling; foot-sweat,etc. In sympathetic affec- tions. Acts through the cerebro- spinal nervous system up- on the motor nerves, re- spiratory system, etc. In diseases with great debility ; in neuralgia, spasmodic cough, diar- rhea, gonorrhea, etc The symptoms of the eyes, heart and kidneys are the most significant. Comp. Ars., Merc, Sulph., Puis., etc. Difficulty in remember- ing names ; melancholy; anxiety; hopelessness. Confusion of the head. Very sleepy; can hardly operrthe eyes in the morn- ing; restless dreams. In weakness of the memory. Intense itching on the inside of the thigh, etc In pruritus. Prostration of the whole body,esp. knee-joints and sacrum. Pressure in the chest; sore feeling in the spine; weakness of the sacrum. Paralytic stiffness in all the limbs; pain in the arms, hands, knees and feet. In neuralgic, rheumatic and paralytic affections. Cutaneous System. onum, Etc. THIRD SERIES. 149 MANGANUM. OSMIUM. SELENIUM. TELLURIUM. Leading Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the blood, the osseous, cuta- neous, digestive and ner- • vous systems. In anemic, arthritic and paralytic affections; in gastric disorders, etc. In workingmen engaged with it, it has produced paraphlegia. Comp.Ferr., Mere, Ars., Lycop., etc. Acts esp. upon the nerv- ous system, the respir- atory, digestive and gen- erative organs. In nervous debility, in- flammatory affections of the respiratory organs, dyspepsia, etc. Weakness, weariness and prostration are char- acteristic symptoms. Comp. Ars., Merc,Ver. alb., etc Selen appears to have some influence upon the larynx and the male geni tal organs (Hughes). In laryngeal affections, chronic gonorrhea, weak- ness of the sexual power, etc. But Sci. has also a great action upon the liver and spleen. Comp. Alum.,Bry.,Nux vom., Phosph., Puis., etc. Its action appears most powerful on the spinal cord, the skin and the ears. In spinal irritation; in a number of skin diseases, esp.the herpetic; in otitis, etc. The symptoms on skin belong to the most prom- inent of any remedy. Comp. Ars., Nux vom., Sulph., Puis., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression; ill-humor; peevishness; silence; taci- turnity, etc. The head feels very heavy. Yawning; sleepiness ; restless sleep, with heavy dreams. ^ Morose mood; irritable, at times even angry; weak- ness of intellect, etc. Head feels dull, full and heavy. Overpowering sleepi- ness; restless sleep; con- fused, but not frightful dreams; nightmare. Great dullness ; very forgetful; total unfitness for any kind of work. Vertigo ; great confu- sion of the head. Sleepy in the evening; sleeplessness before mid- night; early awakening; much dreaming. Forgetfulness ; quiet- disposition; rough, angu- lar disposition. Vertigo; violent in the morning; must lay down. Sleepiness ; yawning; restlessness; dreaming; early awakening; night- mare. Seems to have a cura- tive effect in a sleepy, heavy condition (Allen). Cutaneous System. Itching, disappears on scratching. Pimples ; vesicles and pustules, with itching and burning; ulcers, etc. In eczema, herpes, im- petigo, boils, etc. Itching as from crawl- ing insects on shoulders. . Red spots and red pap- ules on the hands; vesi- cles on many places. Biting in all parts of the body; itching. Papular, vesicular and pustular eruptions ; the hair falls off all over the body. In prurigo, alopecia,ec- zema, etc. Severe itching; worse in bed; stinging sensation. The cutaneous symp - toms are very prominent, esp. with itching, papular and vesicular eruptions. This will probably be- come one of the best rem- edies in skin affections. Trunk and I^xtremities. Weakness and trem- bling; tearing, rheumatic pains, esp. in the joints. Pain and swelling of the neck, tearing pain in the spinal cord. Pain in the limbs; rheu- matism shifts from joint to joint; inflammation. In articular rheuma- tism ; in bone-pains; in rachitis, scmftilosis, etc. Great weakness of the whole body; restlessness: fidgety. A peculiar pressing pain in the back; esp. in the sacral region. The limbs feel as heavy as lead, with weariness and heaviness, esp. in the knees; pain in the bones. In arthritic, rheumatic and neuralgic affections. Loss of strength; weak- ness ; great emaciation; falling out of the hair. Stiffness of the neck; paralytic pain in the back. Emaciation of the hands and legs; tearing pains; spasms; great weakness. In symptomatic affec- tions. Restlessness; lassitude and weakness ; pain; pe- culiar odor from the body. Pain in the neck; pain- ful sensitiveness of the upper part of the spine. Pain in the sacrum passing into the thigh down the sciatic nerve; great weakness of joints. In sciatica; in neuralgic and rheumatic affections in general. 150 THIRD SERIES BISMUTHUM. CADMIUM. KOBALTUM. LITHIUM. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: confusion; sensa- tion as if brain were loose. Headache: dull,tearing, cutting pains; in the brain, forehead, etc. Eyes: mucus in both canthi; pressure in balls. Ears: tearing pressure in the external cartilage. Face: earthy colored; rings around the eyes. In nervous headache, esp. with gastric disor- ders. Weakness and exhaust- ion; tearing pains. Restlessness; trembling; spasms; paralysis. In epilepsy, when orig- inating from gastric affec- tions (Altschul). Pulse variable. Flashes of heat through the wiiole body, esp. in the head and over the chest; without chill pre- ceding or following. Painful respiration. Cough: harrassing, at night with expectoration. Pain in the chest with burning and boring. In asthma, convulsions, spasms of the chest, etc. (Altschul). Headache: lancinating, hammering pains, in the temples, vertex, etc. Eyes: pain; heaviness; inflammation, etc. Ears: pain; roaring sounds. Nose; obstructed; numb; ulceration of the nostrils, Face: gray; gloomy ex- pression; crawling feeling. Lips: swollen; spasmod- ic motions. In congestive headache; scrofulous ophthalmia; caries of the nose, etc. Nervous irritation; de- bility. Restlessness ; jacta- tions; weakness of joints. Beating of the heart. Predominating chilli- ness; coldness, even when near the fire, after sleep ing, with heat in the hands, horripilations, etc. Breathing impeded dur- ing sleep; on waking want of air. Cough with loss of con- sciousness; vomiting, etc, Weakness; contraction; rheumatic pains in chest. In asthma, spasmodic cough, neuralgia of the chest, etc Head: great itching of the hairy scalp and beard. Headache: dull,pressive pain in the temples; pain in back of the eyes etc. Eyes: dimness; pain; flickering; lachrymation. Ears: stinging pain; aching; humming. Nose: obstruction; wat- ery discharge; sneezing. Lips: peeling off; bleed- ing. In weakness of sight, headache, etc Weakness; restlessness. Bruised pains in all limbs; aching in bones. General chilliness; chil- ly from 11 to 12 a. m.; fe- ver and sweat from 12 to 2 p. m.; sweat between the toes. Stitching pains in the larynx; breathing imped- ed ; frequent sighing. Cough: short, hacking; bloody expectoration. Deep stitches in the lower part of the chest. In painful respiration; in pneumonia, phthisis, pulmonalis, etc. Head: confusion. Headache: heavy, throb- bing, pressing pains; in the forehead,temples, etc Eyes: weakness and confusion of sight; pain. Ears: pain iu the left ear. Nose: swollen, dry, sore; formation of crusts. Face; pain in the right side. Pain in the right malar bone. In headache, affections of the eyes, facial neural- gia, etc. Weakness; prostration; paralytic stiffness. In paralytic conditions. Pain in the region of the heait; sudden shocks. Cold feet, esp. soles; then heat extending'from the soles over the whole body; copious sweat. Great sensitiveness to inspiration of cold air. Cough: violent,in quick shocks,evcning;no sputa- Pressure in the middle of the chest. In spasmodic cough; in neuralgic pains of the chest. Nervous System. Circulatory System. Respiratory System. THIRD SERIES. 151 MANGANUM. OSMIUM. SELENIUM. TELLURIUM. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Read: cold feeling in a small spot on the vertex. Headache: congestive, rheumatic pressure; bor- ing pains, etc. Eyes: dryness; burning- pain; photophobia. Ears: whizzing sound; stitching, tearing pains. Nose : obstructed ; crampy pain at the root. Face: pale, sunken; twitching of the muscles. Lips: dry,parched; with blisters. In syphilitic headache, in diseases of the eyes, ears, etc. Debility; paralysis of the motor nerves. Weakness; trembling; pain; paralysis. In neuralgic and rheu- matic affections. Pulse veiy irregular; palpitation of the heart. Chill generally in the evening; heat and sweat with thirst; night-sweat. In anemia, chlorosis, diathesis from scrofu- losis, etc. Rawness in the larynx; voice hoarse; breath hot and burning. Cough: dry, incessant; greenish or yellow sputa. Stitching, beating and pain in the chest. In chronic cough (Wei- gel), in chronic sore throat (Hartmann). Read: increased falling out of hair. Headache: principally in the temlpes, with pain in the larynx; hoarseness. Eyes: dimness, weak- ness; burning pain. Ears: pain; ringing in the right ear. Nose : constant dis- charge; sneezing; burning. Face: pain in the mus- cles when chewing. Lips: dull aching in the jaws. Nervous debility; gen- eral sick feeling. Great weakness and weariness; restlessness. Pulse accelerated. Shivering, esp. in the back; fever with difficult respiration; sweat in the axilla, smelling of gar- lick. Much phlegm in the lar- ynx; pain; hoarseness; difficult respiration. Cough: in paroxysms; frequent, severe, etc. Symptoms similar to pneumonia. In bronchitis, cough, pneumonia, etc., it ought to be a principal remedy Head; itching of the scalp, hair falls off. Headache: every after- noon, throbbing, stinging pain; over left eye, etc Eyes: vesicles on the lids. Ears: stopped; increase of ear-wax. Nose: itching; obstruc- tion; fluent coryza. Face: greasy, shining; twitching of the muscles. Lips: cracked. In periodical, violent headache (Altschul). Nervous prostration; emaciation; tearing pains. Sudden loss of strength; extreme weakness, etc. In sympathetic diseas- es. Chill alternating with heat; external., burning heat; profuse perspira- tion. In atrophic and con- sumptive affections. Voice husky; frequent deep breathing. Cough: in the morning, with slimy, bloody sputa. Oppression and stitch- ing pain in the chest. In phthisis pulmonalis. Head: congestion; sen- sation of numbness. Headache: deep, intense, bruised pains; in the brain, forehead, etc. Eyes: heat; redness; pain; purulent discharge. Ears: throbbing pain; thin, acrid discharge. Nose: fluent coryza with hoarseness, lachrymation. Face: flushes of heat; twitching of the muscles. Lips: burning. In some kinds of head- ache; in affections of the eyes, but esp. in some ear diseases with discharge. Nervous debility. Weakness; weariness; pain; restlessness, etc. In neuralgic affections, as sciatica; in spinal irri- tation, etc. Pulse accelerated; pal" pitation of the heart. Chilly with pains; skin hot and dry; general warm sweat with very of- fensive odor. Roughness and tickling in the throat; hoarseness; breathing impeded. Cough; frequent, with pain in the chest. Pain in the middle of the sternum; heavy sensa- tion. Nervous System. Circulatory System. Respiratory System. 152 THIRD SERIES. BISMUTHUM. CADMIUM. KOBALTUM. LITHIUM. Digestive System. Mouth: Aphthe; tooth- ache; tongue white; gums swollen, sore, painful. Appetite lost; no thirst; taste bloody. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; heavi- ness; pressive pains. Abdomen: pinching pressure; rumbling; fre- quent passage of flatus, with urging to stool. Stool : frequent inef- fectual desire. In gastralgia, gastritis, etc.; in dyspepsia, chronic vomiting, etc., esp. with epilepsy. Frequent urging; abun- dant discharge. Urine watery. Male: irritation; noc- turnal emissions; pain in the right testicle. Aggr. in the morning; after eating, etc. Amel. in the evening; from motion, etc. Mouth: salivation; con- striction of the esophagus Thirst at night; food tastes salty. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; violent cutting pains. Abdomen: pressure: lancinating,bruised pains; torpidity. Dr. Petroz recommends it in gastric affections, as gastralgia, gastritis, dys- pepsia, etc. Griping in the region of the kidneys. Aggr. in the morning; after sleep, etc. Amel. while eating. Mouth: pricking, sting- ing in the roof; pain in hollow teeth; tongue white ;throat much mucus. Appetite poor; flat taste. Stomach: eructations; acidity; nausea; pain; pressure. Abdomen: rumbling; feeling of emptiness;pain; sharp pain in the region of the spleen. Stool: profuse, watery, spouting; urgent desire; constant dropping of blood from the anus, etc. In diarrhea, flatulence, etc. Burning in the urethra during micturition; fre- quent desire. Urine: frequent dis- charge of small quantities. Male: irritation; fre- quent nocturnal emis- sions; impotence; pain. Aggr. in the morning; from motion, etc. Amel. in the open air; when lying down, etc Mouth: toothache; sore throat; with pains in the ears. Appetite poor: no thirst. Stomach: nausea; gnaw- ing; fullness in the pit; cannot bear the clothes. Abdomen: swelling; vio- lent pains in the upper part and in the liver; pres- sing outwards. Stool: soft, light, yel- lowy offensive; stinking flatus. In diarrhea from fruit, chocolate; etc. Pain in the urethra and through the spermatic cords; tenesmus. Urine: scanty, dark, acrid; passes with pain. In strangury, etc. Male: irritation; erec- tion after urination, at night; pain; discharge. Female: menses too late and scanty. In gonorrhea (Hering). Aggr. at night; lying down, etc. Amel. going out. Urinary System. Generative System. Special Remarks. MANGANUM. Mouth; dry and sore; toothache: tongue burn- ing pain; throat sore, dry, hot, swollen. Appetite poor; no thirst; taste insipid, bitter. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; heart- burn; pain after eating. Abdomen: distended; pain in the hypochondria and about the navel; pain in the rectum. Stool: yellow, with much flatus; costive: dry knotty feces. In gastric disorders; in dyspepsia,liver affections, etc. THIRD SERIES. ig- OSMIUM. SELENIUM. TELLURIUM. Digestive System. Mouth: sticky and pasty; toothache; tongue much coated, a red stripe in the middle; throat irritated. Appetite lost; taste blunt- ed or metalic. Stomach: incessant eruc- tations; nausea, vomiting; distention. Abdomen: rumbling; gurgling; griping; disten- tion; pressure; pain. Stool; first hard, then soft; frequent urging; de- layed evacuation. In gastric affections as dyspepsia. Mouth: dry; full of mu- cus; toothache; tongue white; throat dry, much mucous; rawness. Appetite capricious; much thirst; bad taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea ;pain; spasms ;great pressure. Abdomen; pain in the right side; rumbling; cut- ting; colicky pains. Stool: pasty,semiflucnt; hard and so compacted that it requires mechani- cal aid; bloody. In obstinate constipa- tion. Mouth: odor of garlic; toothache;throat dry.sore. Appetite and thirst reg- ular and good. Stomach: eructations; slight nausea; feeling of emptiness; soreness, etc. Abdomen: pinching; gnawing, rubbing pains; flatulence; burning in the rectum. Stool: thin; very offen- sive flatus; hard; consti- pation . Urinary System. Pain in the region of the bladder and in the ure- thra; frequent urging. Urine: turbid; violet, earthy sediment. Urine: very albuminous brown; red sediment. In albuminuria. Dribbing of prosta- tic fluid; involuntary pas- sage of urine. Urine: increased; very offensive; greenish. In discharge of prosta- tic fluids. Pain and soreness of the kidneys; burning in the urethra. Urine: increased; high- colored; acid. Male: sexual weakness: pains in the spermatic cords, etc Female: menses too early and too scanty; dis- charge of blood between the periods; pressing in the genitals. In sexual debility (Bre- ra); in syphilis (Grille). Generative System. Male: sexual depression; pain in the spermatic cords and testicles. Male: irritation with weakness; erections; mu cous discharge, etc. Female: menses to late. In ailments of the pro- static gland; in gonor- rhea, sexual weakness, etc. Male: increased desire and power; erections in the night. Female: early. menses too Aggr. in the night and morning, etc. Amel. in the open air. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning and evening. Aggr. in the morning and afternoon, etc. Aggr. towards morning and in the forenoon. Amel. from walking in the open air. Spec.; most symptoms appear in the left side. 154 THIRD SERIES. ARSENIC. IOD. AURUM MUR. CUPRUM ACET. FERRUM IOD. Leading Therapeutics. Notwithstanding the meagre symptomatology it is to see, that Ars. iod. acts similar to Ars. alb. In nervous and inflam- matory affections, as nerv- ous debility, diseases of the alimentary canal, etc. Nervous depression as with Ars. alb. is here a constant feature. Comp. Ars. alb., Kali bichr., Merc,, Iod., etc. Acts similar to Aur. met., esp. upon the osse- ous system, the glands and the skin. In diseases of the bones as osteitis, caries, etc., in glandular and cutane- ous affections. Esp. adapted to consti- tutions broken down by syphilis and mercury. Comp. Aur. met., Arg., Acid, nitr., Merc, etc. Acts similar to Cupr. met., esp. upon the nerv- ous, digestive, respiratory and cutaneous systems. In convulsions, asthma, diarrhea, vomiting, skin affections, etc. The acetate of copper seems to be more violent in action than the metal. Comp. Cupr. met., Ver. alb., Ars., Nux vom., etc. Acts on the blood, the lymphatic and glandular systems, the skin, respir- atory organs, etc. This preparation is a lucky compound in com- plicated cases, as chloros- is or syphilis, etc. It seems to combine the effects of Iron and Io- dine. Comp. Ferr. met., Iod., Chin., Merc, Phosph.,etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Constant yawning ; sleepiness; night restless; slept little. Excessive cheerfulness; great sadness; disgust for life, weak memory. Vertigo; dizziness and whirling before the eyes. Sleepiness in daytime: deep sleep; restless sleep; sleeplessness ; trouble- some dreams, In hypochondriasis, re- ligious mania, tendence to suicide, etc Attacks of mania; de- lirium; crying; howling; unconsciousness. Vertigo, even to falling down. Great sleepiness; coma: sleeplessness ; restless sleep; anxious dreams. In symptomatic affec- tions. Vertigo; confusion and heaviness of the head. Sleepiness in the morn- ing; sleeplessness; night restless; anxious dreams. Cutaneous System. Persistent itching on various parts of the body. Smarting and itching pimples. Eruption of pimples on the lips, above the pubes, etc.; petechia on the legs: boils, etc. In eruptions of various kinds, esp. of syphilitic causation. Itching ; pricking as from nccdles;formication. Skin pale, yellow; erup- tion of a leprous kind. In delay or retrocession of skin eruptions, with spasms. Short lasting cutaneous eruptions, like urticaria eczema and lichen. Trunk and Extremities. Heaviness of the limbs, with weariness of the whole body. Burning and soreness of the back; bruised pain esp. in the neck. Pain in the bones of the arms; itching of the hands; laming pain in the legs; formication. In neuralgic and rheu- matic affections. Spasms and convul- sions; debility; inflamma- tory affections. Stiffness of the neck; burning, pricking pains in the back, esp. in loins. Unusual prostration of the limbs; bruised feel- ing; tearing, drawing and burning pains. In neuralgic rheumatic and arthritic affections, necrosis of the bones, etc. General muscular weak- ness; emaciation; regidity of the body. Spasmodic constriction of the chest; pain in the back, etc. Trembling of the limbs; lame feeling in the arms and lower limbs ; pain; weakness; coldness, etc. In spasmodic, neuralgic, rheumatic affections, etc Great weakness; symp- toms of plethora; bruised, drawing pains. Oppression of the chest; pain in the back and kid- neys; worse in evening. Paralyzed and bruised feeling in all the limbs, esp. in the legs; rheu- matic pain. In rheumatic neuralgic affections, etc, PLATINA MUR. Acts esp.upon the blood. lymphatic and the nerv- ous system (Altschul). Seems to have a most distinct curative power in many syphilitic affcc tions. This remedy ought to be thoroughly proved and studied. Comp. Plat, met., Puis.. Ign., etc. TRIE D S VAl I ]•: S . i- PLl MB. ACET. IRAN. NITR. ZINC. SULPH. Leading Therapeutics. Acts quite similar to Plumb, met. : but the blood decomposition is not so intense In constipation, chronic gonorrhea, convulsions, paresis of the lower ex- tremities, etc. Already Paracelsus used it in spasmodic affections. Comp. Plumb. Arg., Alum., etc. met. Acts esp. upon the urin- ary organs, causing sugar in the urine. In diabetes, esp. origi- nating from assimilative derangement; in gastric ulcers, etc. Phosp. acid excels it when diabetes originates from nervous causation. Comp. Phosph. acid, Acts esp. upon the cere- brospinal nervous sys- tem, the alimentary canal and circulatory system. In spasmodic diseases; in inflammatory affections of digestive tract it ought to be an import, remedy. It appears to have been used but little Comp. Zinc, met., Ars., Acid, sulph., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression : anxiety ; Ill-temper ; ill-humor ; melancholy; mental and j cross andMisagrceable. physical debility; mania- Vertigo, with dullness of the brain. Sleepiness; somnolence; sleeplessness ; horrible dreams. In hypochondria and hysteria. Vertigo; heaviness of the head. Restlessness at night with shivering and heat- Great nervous anxiety and depression; delirium. Vertigo; dizziness. Cutaneous System. Trembling and itching sensation; heat. Skin yellow ; papule- Great sensitiveness to the open air. Skin dry,lax,unhealthy; vesicles, pustules, etc., , vesicular and pustular very similar to syphilis. eruption. In syphilitic skin affec- In skin diseases; both tions it seems to be a great internal and external. remedy. Skin hot- Eruption on various parts, esp. in the mouth, very similar to that in syphilis. Trunk and Extremities. General malaise. Involuntary movement of the muscular fibres of the neck, etc. Spasmodic muscular twitchings ; formication on the thighs. In ostealgia, esp. from syphilis. Debility; loss of sensi- bility emaciation; spasms: paralysis. Trcmblingof the limbs; convulsions ; paralysis ; cramps in the calves. In paresis of the lower limbs. Pain in the lower angle of the left scapula; stiff- ness in the loins. Spasms; trembling; con- vulsions; debility; cannot stand. Burning pain in the chest. Trembling and convul- sion of the limbs; cramps in the arms and legs. 156 THIRD SERIES. ARSENIC. IOD. AURUM MUR. CUPRUM ACET. FERRUM IOD. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: pricking, tickling on the scalp. Headache: violent, lan- cinating, throbbing pains in the frontal region, etc. Eyes; red, inflamed; sunken; photophobia- Ears: roaring; ringing; difficult hearing, Nose: red, swollen; coryza; epistaxis. Face: pale, anxious; collapsed, hippocratic. Lips: swollen; lock-jaw. Head: confusion and heavy feeling. Headache: but more esp. a confused feeling; principally in forehead. Eyes: painful lancina- tions. Ears: roaring; painful lancinations. Nose: all the symptoms of coryza. Face: slight uniform congestion. Headache: dull, heavy, pain; in the forehead, temple, all over the head. Eyes: weakness; burn- ing pain. Nose: dry. Nervous depression. Heaviness; weariness; feeling as if taking cold. In neuralgic, rheumatic affections, etc. Pulse: accelerated; ir- regular. Cough: slight, hacking. Burning and stitching in the back of the head. Headache: throbbing, burning, drawing pains; in the temples, over eyes. Eyes: dryness; burning, itching, tearing; weak. Ears: sensation of ob- struction; dull hearing. Nose: redness; swelling; ulcers; acrid discharge. Face: red; twitchings in the upper jaw. In brain affections, and other affections of the head, esp. of violent, spas- modic character. In headache, etc., esp. of symptomatic causation, as from syphilis, chloro- sis, etc In congestive, neursi gic, rheumatic headach ophthalmia, etc. In rheumatic, syphilitic headache; in affections of the eyes, ears, nose, etc., I esp. from syphilis, Nervous System. Nervous erethism, fol- lowed by debility. Spasms; convulsions; numbness; debility, etc. In neuralgic affections, esp. from syphilis. Nervous erethism; spasms; collapse. Spasms; convulsions; debility; paralysis. In convulsions, chorea, epilepsy, eclampsia, pa- ralysis, etc. Nervous debility; bruis- ed, rheumatic pains. Indolency; sleepiness; weakness; exhaustion. In sympathetic affec- tions. Circulatory System. Oppression; burning and palpitation of heart. Chilliness with goose- flesh; violent fever; sweat increased. In spasmodic affections of the heart- Pulse quick, small; vio- lent palpitation. Coldness, esp. of the extremities; shaking chill; pungent heat of the skin; violent fever; profuse sweat. In affections of the heart, cyanosis in cholera, etc. Pulse accelerated; symptoms of plethora. Coldness predominates: chilliness between 12 and 1, and from 9 to 10 p. m.; heat without perspiration. Respiratory System. Tickling in the air-pas- sages; voice deep; hoarse; difficult respiration. Cough: constant tick- ling; thick, yellow sputa. Great oppression of the chest; can hardly breathe. In aslhma, chronic cough, neuralgia of the chest, etc. Inflammation of the throat; voice feeble, lost; respiration short, difficult- Cough: frequent, dry, violent; much sputa. Spasmodic constriction of the chest; dyspnoea. In spasmodic affections, as asthma, whooping- cough, spasms of the chest, etc. Irritation and much mucus in the larynx; breathing impeded. Cough: short, hacking, profuse expectoration. Oppression of the chest; sharp, stitching pains. In dyspnea, asthma, neuralgia of the chest; in phthisis pulmonalis (Alt- schul). PLATINA MUR, Headache; violent, esp. in the back part of the head. THIRD SERIES. PLUMB. ACET. ,URAN. NITR. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: dryness; falling ont of the hair. Headache: violent, esp. in the fore part of the head. Eyes: pain; weakness; inflammation; amaurosis. | lids swollen Ears: tearing; hardness of hearing. Nose: swelling; inflam- mation; bleeding. Face: pale, sallow, hip- pocratic Lips: spasmodic move- ments of the jaws. In headache, amaurosis, prosopalgia, etc Headache: dull, heavy pains in the forehead, right temple, occiput, etc. Eyes: shooting pains; Nose: itching; scabs in the nostrils. ZINC. SULPH. Headache: burning, acute pain in the head; sensation as from a shock. Eyes: dull, staring; flowing with tears. Face; pale, sunken; fea- tures shrunken. Nervous System, General malaise In rheumatic neuralgia, epilepsy, etc., esp. from syphilis. Nervous erethism, fol- lowed by relaxation. Spasms: convulsions; tremors; paralysis. In spasmodic and para- lytic affections, similar to Phimb. met. General languor; rest- lessness. Great nervous irrita- tion; general weakness. Tremors; convulsions; weakness; paralysis. Circulatory System. Pulse accelerated. Slight shivering with heat and weight in the epigastric region; head- ache, etc Pulse: small, intermit- tent; anxious palpitation. General coldness, esp. towards evening; heat with violent thirst; pro- fuse sweat; cold sweat; In hectic fevers with debilitating, nocturnal perspiration. Restlessness at night, with shivering and heat; sensation as if taking cold. Pulse rapid and very feeble; palpitation. Coldness; shivering; ex- tremities cold; tempera- ture dimished; febrile heat; profuse sweat- Respiratory System. Violent constriction of the larynx; speech and swallowing impeded, Breathing difficult ^op- pression of the chest. Cough: dry, spasmodic; bloody, purulent sputa- Suppuration of the lungs. In cough with bloody expectoration (Trinks), in hemoptysis ^ (Hippocra- tes), etc. Respiration weak and difficult; great dyspnea. Cough: violent, with bloody expectoration. Violent burning pain in the chest. 15* T H1R D s E R 1 E S ARSENIC. IOD. AURUM MUR, CUPRUM ACKT. FERRUM IOD. Digestive System. Mouth : toothache ; throat, much bloody mu- cus. No appetite. Stomach: pain and py- rosis; raising of wind and a greasy fluid. Abdomen : hard and distended with flatus ; sharp, cutting pains; ach- ing, weakness of arms. Stool : great urging; 'small, scanty ; diarrhea; very dark, almost black. In affections probably similar to those in which Ars. alb. is of benefit- Mouth : pain; toothache; redness and swelling of the gums; throat, pain, inflammation. Appetite lost ; some thirst; flat, putrid taste. Stomach : eructations; nausea, vomiting; burn- ing, stitching pains. Abdomen : distention; flatulence; drawing, burn- ing, cutting pains; great tenderness; piles. Stool: thin, watery,fre- quent ; continued calls; burning in the anus; con- stipation. In affections of the mouth, esp. from syphi- lis, etc., in nocturnal diar- rhea, etc. Mouth: dry, painful ; much saliva; gums ulcer- ated; tongue white; throat inflamed. Appetite lost ; great thirst; foul taste Stomach : eructations ; nausea, vomiting: violent pains; cramps. Abdomen : distention; tympanitis; violent, spas- modic pains; rectum in- flamed. Stool: constant diar- rhea ; slimy, brown, bloody ; violent tenes- mus; constipation. In diarrhea with vom- iting; in gastritis, enteri- tis, proctitis, etc. Mouth : dryness; red- ness; tongue thick, yel- lowr fur; throat tickling, scraping sensation. Appetite: poor; some thirst; insipid,bitter taste. Stomach: eructations ; nausea, vomiting; burn- ing sensation. Abdomen : rumbling; emission of flatus; great pain, esp. in the middle; pressure in the rectum. Stool: soft, very thin; light yellow ; constipa- tion. In status gastricus; in diarrhea in hectic fevers, etc. Urinary System. Heat and itching in the urethra; burning during and after micturition. Urine: increased; sc anty; red, thick; contains sand. In urithritis, cystitis, albuminuria, etc Constant urging; invol- untary evacuation; pain; retention of urine. Urine turbid; dark-red, with yellowish sediment- Sensation of crawling and pain in the urethra; frequent urging. Urine : light yellow; darker than usual. Generative System. Male: irritation, erec- tions; pain in the testes and spermatic'cords. Female: menses too early; redness and swell- ing of the labia; biting and itching of the vulva; light-yellow leucorrhea. Male : irritation; fre- quent erections. In hydatids, in ovaries and testes(Altshul); in leu- corrhea, gonorrhea, etc Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning and evening. Amel. from walking. Further proving* will prob. develop more syrnp. Aggr. in the morning: after sleep, etc Amel. during day; in the evening, etc Aggr. morning and even- ing; when lying down,etc Amel. from diarrhetic stools, etc. Aggr. morning and even- ing; from warmth, etc. Amel. in the open, cold air. THIRD SERIES. PLUMB. ACET. URAN. NITR. Digestive System. Mouth: dry, ulcerated; gnashing of teeth; tongue lame, inflamed; throat in- flamed paralyzed. Appetite lost; great thirst. Stomach: nausea, vio- lent vomiting; miserere; gastralgia, etc. Abdomen: distended; violent pains; drawing to- wards the spine; ulcers; liver affections, etc. Stool: obstinate consti- pation; constriction of sphincter ani; diarrhea. Mouth: small painless ulcers; cutting sensation and much mucous in the throat. Appetite lost. Stomach: eructations; excessive flatulency; acid- ity; pain. Abdomen: flatus; bor- borygmus; anal pruritus. Stool: tion. slight constipa- THIRD SERIES. 159 PLUMB. ACET. URAN. NITR. ZINC. SULPH. Digestive System. PLATINA MUR. Mouth: much saliva; contraction and soreness of the fauces; sAvallowing difficult. Disagreable esp. metallic taste. Stomach: heat; weight; nausea; inclination to acidity. Abdomen: heat and weight in the epigastric region; flatus; transient colic. In syphilitic affections of the throat. Male: symptoms simi- lar to venereal affections. In gonorrhea, chancre, bubos, condylomata, sec- ondary and tertiary syph- ilis, etc. Is not dangerous as .Mercury. In obstinate constipa- tion (Hartlaub), periodical vomiting, typhlitis, enter- itis, etc. In gastric ulcers and in those which occur in the duodenum after burns (Drysdale). Sore pains in the vesi- cal region; pain in the urethra;mucous discharge Urine: cont. phosphates, lithates, albumin, etc. In diabetis mell from gastric derangement, or dyspepsia, etc Mouth: dry; tongue swol- len, paralyzed; gums swol- len; throat inflamed. Intolerable thirst; sour taste. Stomach: heartburn; vomiting and diarrhea; severe burning pain. Abdomen: inflamma- tion; pain and great dis- tention; continuous sharp colic. Stool: violent purging with tenesmus; bloody dysenteric evacuations. Symptoms of inflamma- tion of the urethra; slight dysuria. Urine: much increased; mucous discbarge. In urethral blennor- rhea, esp. chronic, etc. Symptoms of inflamma- tion ; degeneration of the kidneys. Urine: scanty; xvitli great pain; retained. In ischuria and dysu- ria (Altschul). Urinary System. Generative System. Male: irritation; desire; j Male: nocturual emis- l erections; inflammation of ! sions. [ the penis and testes, etc. In chronic gonorrhea (Hahnemann); in amenor- rhea, dysmenorrhea, etc. Special Remarks. Aggr. periodical, esp. in the night Amel. from warmth. Restlessness of all the limbs. 160 THIRD SERIES. ACID. ACET. ACID. BENZ. ACID. CARB. ACID. FLUOR. Leading Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the di- gestive, respiratory and nervous systems. In dyspepsia, acidity of the stomach, gastralgia, croup, consumption, etc. Acetic acid is an anti- dote to all anesthetic va- pors (Hering). Comp. Sulph. acid, etc. Acts esp. upon the urin- ary organs, the joints, fibrous tissues and the skin (Burt). In rheumatic, arthritic affections; diseases of the respiratory and urinary organs, etc. Esp. of benefit in dis- eases from syphilitic caus- ation. Comp Nitric and Oxalic acid. Through the cerebro- spinal nervous system it acts directly upon the nervous centres (Burt). In nervous, digestive and cutaneous affections. Its main usage has hitherto been in prac- tice of surgery. Comp. Gels., Carb.veg,, Krcosot., etc. Acts esp. upon the osse- ous and cutaneous sys- tems, the mucous mem- branes, glands, etc. Its main sphere is in diseases of a chronic sup- purative character (Burt). In its action it closely resembles Silica. Comp. Sil. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Great depression; anx- iety; irritability; deliri- um; hydrophobia (Allen). Vertigo, as if from in- toxication. Seeplessness. Depression; inclination to dwell upon unpleasant things; confusion. Vertigo; severe, to fall- ing. Sleepiness; dullness of the head; restless sleep; starting up from sleep; much dreaming. Mind clear and active; delirium similar to intoxi- cation; stupor. Vertigo; confusion of the head; pain in the brain. Sleepiness; drowsiness: sleeplessness ; restless sleep; much dreaming. Depression : anxiety ; the future looks dark; in- difference ; forgetfillness. Vertigo, with confusion and pain of the head. Excessive sleepiness in the day; sleeplessness at night ; restless sleep ; many dreams. In sympathetic affec- tions. Cutaneous System. Skin red with burning sensation. Skin red; pale, waxen; the cuticle peels off; de- bilitating perspiration. In condylomata, warts, corns, etc. Itching; scratching is pleasant, burning after. Eruption of red spots on the fingers. In syphilodermata, her- pes, urticaria, etc. Itching; burning; ting- ling. Vesicular eruption, esp. on the hands. In eczema, pityriasis, etc. psonasef Burning pain on small spots; itching and redness. Squame; pustules; ul- cers. It is capable to in- duce a most suppurative process (Hempel). In squamous and pus- tular eruptions; in pro- fuse suppuration, etc. Trunk and Extremities. Strong convulsions ; trembling from head to foot; prostration, ete Violent pain in the chest. Impaired muscular power of the limbs, with lameness and coldness; swelling of the feet. In emaciation; in para- lytic affections, dropsy, etc Emaciation; weakness; weariness ; rheumatic, tearing pains. Pain in the left side; in the region of the kid- neys; back, etc. Tearing, rheumatic pains in the extremities; gouty concretions of the joints; coldness, etc. The more Benz. acid is used in gout, the more it will be praised (Hering). Spasms, weakness,para- lysis; drawing pains. Stiffness and weakness of the neck; pain in the back and chest. Pain in the extremities. with stiffness and insensi- bility; aching in the shin- bones. May he of use in neu- ralgic and rheumatic affec- tions, Increased ability to movements ; lassitude ; lameness of the body. Stiffness of the nape of the neck; pain in the back, esp. in the sacral region. . Pain in the bones; weak- ness, lameness and pain in the limbs; burning pain in all toes. In rheumatic, arthritic affections; in ulcerations; caries of the bones,tuber- cles, etc. THIRD SERIES. 161 ACID. HYDROC. * ACID. OXAL. ACID. PICRIC. ACID. SALIC. Leading Therapeutics. Acts upon the cerebro- spinal system and directly on the medulla oblongata and the cord. In spasmodic affections, diseases of the heart, etc., esp. of a violent charac- ter. "I have seen less good results from it than I had expected" (Bayes). Comp. Laur., Strych., Curare, Cicut., etc. Its main sphere of ac- tion is on the nervous ccn- Ircs which it paralyzes fr. below upwards (Hughes). In pain in the back, gastric ailments of preg- nancy, angina pectoris, etc. There is always exces- sive lassitude and weak- ness. Comp. Con., Arg. nitr., Ars.. etc. Acts in general as a j nervous depressive reme- | dy; but on the male sexual organs it causes irritation. Is highly recommended in satyriasis, in chordce, etc. The symptoms of the sexual organs arc very prominent. Comp. Phosp. ac, Agn. cast., etc. Through the cerebro- spinal nervous system jil acts on the brain, spinal cord, heart, etc. (Burt ). In rheumatism; in fe- vers; in diabetis, album- inuria, diptheria, etc. (Burt). Its chief use has been in acute rheumatism. Comp. Kali bichr., Kali carb., sulph., Merc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Deprcsssion; gloomi- ness: anxiety: fear; irrita- bility; inability to think. Vertigo, to falling; ex- treme heaviness; stupor. Sleepiness; sleep very heavy and prolonged: sleeplessness. In symptomatic affec- tions; in somnolence. Exhilaration of spirits; diminished powers to con- centrate ideas. * Vertigo; a swimming sensation when lying. Sleepiness during day: sleep restless and full of frightful dreams. It seems to be indicated in seasickness. Depression; desire to be alone; irritability ; great indifference. Vertigo, with nausea on the least motion. Sleepiness ; yawning ; sleeplessness; sleep rest- less; dreaming all night. Transient delirium;very excited mood. Vertigo; dullness of the head. Cutaneous System. Itching: formication. Skin very pale; hyper- emia; erythema. Sensitiveness and itch- ing of the skin. Great dryness; red spots like petechia; eruption similar to roseola. In some forms of rose- ola and petechia. Trunk and Extremities. Spasms; convulsions ; tetanus; paralysis; insen- sibility. Cramps in the back; arms and hands clenched; legs straight and stiff. The limbs at first re- laxed; later cramps and stiffness; they seem blood- less. In convulsions, tetanus, rigidity of the muscles. etc Tremors; numbness; coldness; weariness; par- alytic weakness. Pain in the back; numb- ness and tingling in the lower part of the spine. Pain in the arms, hands and fingers; legs painful, cold and powerless. In spinal neuralgia, spinal meningitis; in par- aphlegia of the lower ex- tremities, etc. Muscular debility;numb- ness of the whole body; soreness; lameness, etc. Intense pain in the neck, chest, and the whole back. Weakness and heavi- ness of the limbs, esp. of the legs; numbness of the hands and feet. In rheumatic, paralytic affections. Muscular irritation and weakness; trembling, twitching, etc. Twitching and ting- ling of the extremities: drawing pains. In acute rheumatism, Ki- rn IK I) SER1 E S ACID. ACET. ACID. BENZ. ACID. CARB. ACID. FLUOR. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: confusion; red patches upon the scalp. Headache: heavy, dull, aching pains; in the fore- bead, temples, etc. Eyes: sunken; sur- rounded by a dark circle. Face: pale, waxen; red; wild expression. Head: cold sweat. Headache: throbbing, rheumatic pains; in the temples and forehead. Eyes: burning and throbbing pains. Ears: roaring sounds; itching. Nose; pain in the bones; sneezing; bleeding. Face: circumscribed redness; burning heat- Trembling of the lips; itching of the chin. In headache after men- j tal emotion; rheumatic, arthritic and syphilitic af- fections. Head: heaviness; itch- ing of the scalp; vesicles. Headache: heavy, con- gestive pains; confusion as if intoxicated. Eyes: confusion of sight; pupils dilated. Ears: roaring", pain. Nose: acuteness of smell; bleeding. Face: pale, livid; cold sweat; flushes; pain. Lips pale; drawing pain in the jaws. In congestive headache, etc. Read: pain in the bones; falling out of the hair. Headache: pressive, per- iodical pains; in the up- per part of the head, etc. Eyes: heavy, pressive pains; inflammation. Ears: intolerable itch- ing in both ears. Nose: obstructed; red, swollen, inflamed. Face: pale; tubercles. Lips: hot, burning pain; numbness of lower jaw. In gastric, nervous or rheumatic headache; in scrofulous ophthalmia, etc, Nervous System, Extreme nervous irrita- tion; diminished sensib'y. Terrible pain; strong convulsions; paralysis. In spasms, convulsions, paralytic conditions, etc. Nervous debility. Emaciation; trembling: extreme weakness. In cachexia from syph- ilis; gonorrheal rheuma- tism, gout, etc. Nervous depression ; coma, Trembling; convulsions: epilepsy; paralysis. In nervous affections of an anesthetic character. Nervous irritation; weak- ness: weariness; lameness. Involuntary move- ments; lassitude ;paraly's. In spasmodic, neural- gic, rheumatic affections. Circulatory System. Pulse accelerated; weak, slow; h emorrh age. Chill; coldness of the skin with flashes of heat; dry, febrile heat; profuse perspiration. In hectic fever, cachec- tic conditions, etc.; in hemorrhages from the bowels, etc. Pulse variable; palpita- tion ; pain of the heart- Coldness of the back, knees, etc.; heat with copious perspiration. In heart-diseases, gon- orrheal rheumatism, etc. Pulse rapid, irregular; scarcely perceptible. Chilliness; surface cold and clammy; heat; pro- fuse, cold perspiration. Pulse small, frequent; pain in the heart. Violent febrile chill to- ward evening; general heat with nausea; sour, offensive sweat. In hectic fever; in vari- cose veins, etc. Respiratory System. Irritation of the larynx; fibrous exudation; hoarse- ness; difficult respiration. Cough: dry or moist; similar to croup. Intense pain in chest; inflammation of lungs. In croup; in pneumonia, consumption, etc. Much mucus in the throat; hoarseness; diffi- cult respiration. Cough: dry, hacking; green expectoration. Cutting sensation in the chest; great pain. In asthma, bronchitis; pneumonia, rhcuinat ism of the chest, etc., esp. as- thenic affections. Irritation and inflam- mation of the larynx,etc.; stertorous respiration. Cough: short, hacking; with tickling in throat. Feeling of narrowness in the chest; dull pain. In inflammatory condi- tions of the organs, as in bronchitis, diphtheria,etc. Larynx dry and sore; great irritation; breathing difficult. Cough: short, frequent; usually dry. Oppression and sore- ness of the chest. In sore throat; in asth- ma; in hvdrothorax, THIRD SERIES. 16>: ACID. HYDROC. ACID. OXAL. ACID. PICRIC. ACID. SALIC. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: congestion; par- alysis of the brain. Headache : congestive heavy pain; as if intoxi- cated; in the forehead,etc. Eyes: sunken, glossy; blindness. Ears: ringing, roaring sounds; deafness. Nose: prickling sensa- tion; bad smell. Face: earthy; bloated; black; wild expression. Lips: pale; bluish; lock- jaw. In apoplexy, sunstroke, congestive headache, etc. Head: sensation as if no blood in the brain. Headache: dull, heavy, pressing pains as from a screw; in vertex,forehead. Eyes: dullness; pain. Eai- ringing, roaring. Nose: swelling; sneez- ing: bleeding. Face: hot, red; sensa- tion of bloatedncss. Lips: puffed; shrivelled; lockjaw. In anemia of the brain; in headache, amblyopia, etc. Head: fullness and heaviness. Headache: dull, heavy, pressing pains; in the forehead, temples, etc. Eyes; yellow color; pain; dimness of sight. Ears: burning pain; buzzing, hissing sounds. Nose: bleeding; filled with mucus; pain. Lips: tingling sensation; pain in maxillary bones. In congestive headache; in conjunctivitis, etc. Head: dullness; conges- tion. Headache: congestive, dull pains; rush of blood to the head. Eyes: impaired vision. Ears: impaired hearing; roaring in ears. Xose: sneezing. Nervous System. Powerful irritation fol- lowed by paralysis. Spasms: convulsions: tetanus; paralysis. In convulsions, tetanus, etc Nervous prostration; spasms; collapse. Tremors; spasms; pros- tration; cramps, etc. Pain in the back is often relieved by Oxalic acid (Peters). Nervous prostration; general lassitude. Weakness; weariness; is obliged to lie down. In symptomatic affec- tions. Nervous irritation fol- lowed by relaxation. Twitching; tremors: drawing, tearing pains. In acute rheumatism. Circulatory System. Pulse rapid, weak; vio- lent palpitation. Chilliness, coldness, shivcrings, rigors; heat; profuse general sweat. In palpitation of the heart < Bayes ) Pulse accelerated, weak; darting pain in the heart- Chilliness, esp. in the back, with shaking; heat from every exertion; cold, debilitating sweat- In affections of the heart, as hypertrophy; in hectic fever, etc. Pulse slowT, accelerated; palpitation. Severe chills with pain between the hips; cold extremities; chilliness pre- dominates; slight heat; profuse sweat- In some kinds of mala- rial fevers. Pulse accelerated, weak; imperceptible. Increased warmth of the skin; sweat, at times more or less profuse. In rheumatic fever, etc. .Respiratory System. Sensation of swelling and constriction of lar- ynx; breathing agitated. Couglr violent, spas- modic; dark sputa. Great oppression and pain of the chest. In asthma ( Bayes ); in whooping-cough (Ilem- ocl), etc. Constriction of the lar- ynx; hoarseness; difficult breathing. Cough: dry, tickling; thick, hard sputa. Dull, heavy pain in the chest. In chronic sore throat; in dry cough; in rhema- tism of the chesl. Breathing very difficult- Cough: dry, as from dust in the throat- Chest feels tight, as if encircled by a band. 164 THIRD SERIES. ACID. ACET. ACID. BENZ. ACID. CARB. ACID. FLUOR. Digestive System. Mouth: foul breath; tongue pale,flabby; throat inflamed. No appetite; violent thirst. Stomach: sour eructa- tions; violent vomiting; burning pain. Abdomen: distention, tympanitis, burning pain; inflammation. Stool: watery diarrhea; with severe pains; bloody discharges. In dyspepsia; acidity of the stomach; gastralgia, enteralgia, scirrhus, hem- orrhage, etc. Mouth: toothache; throat and tongue inflamed; ul- cers. Appetite: capricious; great thirst; bitter taste. Stomach: singultus;nau- sea, vomiting; burning and pressure. Abdomen :severe cutting, tearing pains; obstruction of the liver. Stool: copious, watery; exceedingly offensive; bloody; much ineffectual urging. In inflammation and ul- ceration of the mouth and throat; in diarrhea of children, etc. Mouth: wdiite: swelling, burning pain; much saliva and mucus. Appetite: lost; some thirst; nasty taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea and vomiting; gas- tritis; flatulency, etc Abdomen: bloated; flat- ulence; soreness; burning pain in the lower part. Stool: watery, with con- stant urging; copious; consistent; constipation; torpidity. In stomacace, gastritis, flatulent colic, etc. Mouth: much saliva; rapid decay of teeth, tongue sore, ulcerated; throat heat, constriction. Hunger; loss of appe- tite; some thirst. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; heavy, pressing pains. Abdomen: sensation of emptiness; tension; sore- ness; induration of the liver and spleen. Stool: thin, slimy; much flatulency; great pain; tardy and infrequent. In caries of the teeth, stomacace, gastritis, bil- ious diarrhea, etc. Urinary System. Urine: increased; colored: cloudy. Irritation and inflamma- tion; vesical catarrh, etc. light Urine: high-colored; of very strong odor; bloody. In catarrhal affections, nocturnal enuresis of children, gleet, etc. Frequent micturition; increase of urine; de- crease Urine: normal; dark, al- most black. Frequent urging; burn- ing during and after mic- turition. Urine: profuse; scanty; dark; red sediment- Generative Svstem. Male: painfulness; itch- ing; ticking; pressure; smarting of the prepuce. Female: menses too early; retarded;weakness; prolapsus uteri, etc. Male: relaxation during day; irritation at night; emissions. Female: menses too late but profuse; pain in the region of the left ovary. Male: irritation; erec- tions; sexual desire: draw- ing in the testicles. Female: menses too soon and copious; acrid leucor- rhea. In vomiting of preg- nancy, menorrhagia, etc In gonorrhea, offensive lochia, gastric derange- ment of pregnancy, etc. In chronic gonorrhea; in hydrocele (Hering).etc. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning. Spec.: left side. Aggr. in the morning; from cold, etc. Amel. in the evening; from warmth, etc. Spec.: the urine is ex- ceedingly fetid. Aggr. in the morning; in the open air, etc. Amel. from motion, etc. Aggr: in the morning on rising from bed, etc. Amel. from motion; walking, etc Spec.: complaints of primature old age etc. ACID. HYDROC. THIRD SERIES. ACID. OXAL. ACID. PICRIC. Digestive System. 16;"5 ACID. SALIC. Mouth: dryness, saliva- tion; tongue numb, cold, paralyzed; throat con- stricted. Hunger: aversion to food; thirst; bitter taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; heart- burn; pain. Abdomen: distention; rumbling; pain: pressure in the left side Stool: involuntary evac- uation; constipation. Has been used in the last stage of Asiatic chol- era. Mouth; salivation; gums ulcerated; tongue swollen; throat dry, sore, con- stricted. Appetite: capricious; thirst; sour taste Stomach: heartburn; nausea, violent vomiting; weakness; great pain. Abdomen: fullness; dis- tention; cramps; pain in the hypochondria; burn- ing of small spots. Stool: slimy, bloody, involuntary; great tenes- mus; burning in the rec- tum. In salivation, gastritis, enteritis, dysentery; in syphilitic ulcers of the mouth, etc Mouth: stringy saliva; throat sore; raw and scraping sensation. Appetite:incrcased;lost; great thirst; bitter taste Stomach: eructations; nausea; water brash; op- pression; griping pain. Abdomen: fullness; flat- ulence; rumbling; crawl- ing, stinging pains; sting- ing in the anus. Stool: thin, copious; oily, yellowish; followed by much wind; constipa- tion. Mouth: burning, dry- ness; scraping and burn- ing in the throat; swel- ling of the tonsils. Extremely disgusting taste. Stomach: vomiting; erosion and ulcers. Abdomen: burning in the epigastric region. Urinary System. Discharge of urine in- creased; involuntary: re- tained. Urine: saturated: very copious. In the rentcntion of urine in Asiatic cholera, etc. Pain in the kidneys; burning in the urethra; frequent micturition. Urine: copious; scanty; with chalky sediment. In inflammatory affec- tions. Pain in the bladder; burning in the urethra during micturition. Urine: profuse; scanty: dark yellow. Urine: green tinge: con- tains Salic, acid. Male: increased desire: emissions. Male, irritation; erec- tions; emissions; red points on the glans penis. Female: burning pain in the genital organs. Generative System. Male: terrible erections all night; profuse emis- sions; great sexual desire Female: menses too ear- ly with bruised pain in the abdomen; pain in the left ovary; excessive pruritus at night- Iii gastric ailments dur- ing pregnancy, esp. with salivation. In satyriasis (Hughes). in pruritus vulve, etc. Aggr. in the afternoon and evening. Amel. in the open air; from coffee, etc. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning. Amel. from walking; in the open air, etc. The pains seem to oc- cupy only small spots. Aggr. in the morning: from motion, etc. Amel. in the afternoon: in rest; in the open air. Spec: all pains worst in the left side. 166 THIRD SERIES. ALUMEN. ALUMINA. AMMON. CARB. AMMON. MUK. Leading Therapeutics. Appears to act esp. upon the nervous and muscular systems, the mucous membranes, etc. In rheumatic and neu- ralgic affections; in hem- orrhages, scirrhus of the uterus, etc. Weakness and lassitude are prominent symptoms. Comp. Alumina, Am- nion, carb., Op., etc. Acts esp.upon the nerv- ous, digestive, genito-urin- ary and cutaneous sys- tems. In rheumatic, paralytic conditions; in digestive, urinary and sexual affec- tions, skin diseases, etc. Dryness of the mucous membranes seems to be a characteristic symptom. Com. Alumen, Baryt., Con., Plumb., Nux v.,etc. Acts upon the mucous membranes of the respir- atory organs, the blood and the nerves, etc. In inflammatory affec- tions of the respiratory organs; in scarlatina,head- ache, etc. There can be no doubt of its power over malig- nant scarlatina (Hughes). Comp. Brom., Iod., Phosph., Ailanth. gl..ete; Acts esp. upon the mu- cous membranes, causing a condition similar to ca- tarrh, etc. In catarrhal affections of the respiratory, disges- tive, genito-urinary or- gans, etc. Hypersecretion of the mucous membranes seems to be characteristic Comp. Ammon. carb., Ant. crnd.. Puis. etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression ; sadness ; anxiety ; intellect and senses perfect- Vertigo, when looking downwards. Sleeplessness ; restless sleep: frightful dreams. Great sadness; groaning and moaning: thoughts of suicide: confusion of ideas Vert igo; e very t hing turns around in a circle Sleepiness during day: sleepless at night; restless sleep; anxious dreams. In melancholy with tendency to suicide. Forgetfulness; distrac- tion; depression; anxiety; confusion of the head. Vertigo : everything turns around in a circle. Sleepiness with pain in the eyes; sleeplessness ; restless sleep; vivid, ro- mantic dreams. In sympathetic affec- tions, as in somnolence Irritability ; anxiety ; peevishness: melancholy; taciturnity. Vertigo, with heaviness and confusion of the head. Sleepiness during day: cannot sleep at night: restless sleep : anxious dreams. In sympathetic affec- tions. Cutaneous System. Intolerable itching, esp. when getting warm in bed. Dry and moist eruption, squame, vesicles, pus- tules, ulcers, etc. In eczema- herpes, pso- riasis, etc., with inactivity of the rectum. Violent itching, esp. of the scalp. The upper half of the body is red as in scarla- tina; papular, vesicular and pustular eruptions. In scarlatina, esp. ma- lignant forms; in herpes, etc Itching on various parts of the body, esp. on hips. Erythema, papules, vesicles and pustules; eruptions, similar to mea- sles or small-pox, etc In morbilla, miliaria, variola (Altschul); in her- pes, etc. Trunk and Extremities. Great heat all over; rheumatic pains in the whole body. Pain in neck, between the shoulder-blades and back; back as if broken. Weakness, numbness and pains in the limbs and joints; coldness of the legs; pain in the feet. In rheumatic, arthritic, neuralgic affections. Weariness and heavi- ness; rheumatic, crampy, paralytic pains. Pain in the back as if beaten; drawing and pres- sure in the nape of neck. Pain and involuntary twitchings of the limbs; great heaviness of live lower extremities. In rheumatic, neuralgic affections; in paralysis from spinal diseases. (Hoyne). Marasmus; softening of muscles (Huxham); de- bility; pains. Axillary glands swollen; pains in the neck, chest, back, etc. Weakness, emaciation and pain in the limbs; hands and legs powerless, restless and cold, etc. In chronic rheumatic, arthritic or neuralgic affections; in paralysis of the lower limbs, elc Weariness and prostra- tion ; swelling of the glands; spasmodic pains. Pain and chilliness in the back and neck; swell- ing of the cervical glands. Rheumatic, drawing, tearing pains in the limbs, esp. the legs; numbness of the feet; pain in toes. In rheumatic, paralytic affections. THIRD SERIES, 16? BARYTA CARB. BARYTA MUR. BORAX. BROM. Leading Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the lymphatic and glandular systems, the nerves, sex- ual organs and the skin. In tonsillitis, amygdali- tis, quinsy, scrofulosis, nervous debility, sexual irritation, skin affections. The main interest of it lies in its influence on the tonsils (Hughes). Comp. Apis, Bel!., Zinc, Nux vom., etc. Depression; taciturnity; anxiousness; great forgct- fulness. Vertigo, with confusion of the head. Sleepiness in the day and evening; cannot fall asleep; restless sleep; con- fused dreams. Skin feels "hide bound;" itching and burning. Desquamation ; erup- tion like pimples, vesi- cles and pustules; boils; fatty tumors. In eczema, herpes, im- petigo, ulcers, tumors, scarlatina, etc. Acts esp. upon the lymphatic and glandular systems, nerves, brain, di- gestive, urinary organs. In scrofulosis, nervous affections, indurations of the liver, cystitis, etc. It is a specific for the morbid irritation, causing onanism, etc. Comp. Bar. carb.. Ant. cr., Cicuta, Dig., etc Mind, Sens Great anxiety. Vertigo when looking around. In nymphomania from local irritation, it is a principal remedy. Cutaneous Itching, burning and i biting of the skin. Itch-like eruption ; a kind of scurf; profusely suppurating eruption on the scalp. In scrofulosis florida (Altschul); in cancer, etc. Trunk and Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Cutaneous System. Trunk and Extremities. Heaviness of the whole body; twitching of the muscles; debility. Stiffness of the nape of the neck; swelling of the glands; pain in the back. Tearing in the limbs with chilliness; weakness; stitches in the joints ; fetid foot-sweat. In neuralgic,rheumatic, paralytic affections, esp. in old age. Extreme weariness of the muscles of the limbs; swelling of the glands. Pain in the back. Trembling and twitch- ings of the limbs; hands and feet paralyzed ; cramps in the toes. In all forms of scrofu- losis florida; in tumor al- bus, etc (Altschul). Acts esp. upon the mu- cous membranes of the digestive and urinary or gans and the skin, etc. In stomacace, diarrhea, gonorrhea, leucorrhea, etc. It is best known as a local remedy for thrush. (Hughes.) Comp. Calc carb. ,Silic, Cham., Bry. Cheerfulness; liveliness; irritability ; indifferent- ism; anxiety. Vertigo, with loss of presence of mind. Sleepiness : sleepless- ness ; restless sleep ; awakens at 3 a. m.; las- civious dreams. Violent itching on the back of the fingers, etc. Unhealthiness of the skin; papular, vesicular and pustular eruptions. In eczema, herpes, etc.; unhealthy ulcers,esp.with latent syphilis. Restlessness with gen- eral emaciation; tearing, drawing pains. Stiffness of the neck; drawing pain in the back and chest. Tearing, drawing pains in the arms, hands, legs and feet; burning in fing- ers and toes. In neuralgic, rheumatic pains of the limbs. Its curative sphere is in the buccal, pharyngeal, naseal, laryngeal and tra- cheal mucous membranes. In croup, cough, diph- theria; in scrofulous affec- tions, heart diseases, syphilis, etc. Its chief credit has been gained in its treatment of membraneous croup. (II.) Comp. Iod., Spong., Hep. sulph., Amm. carb. Lively disposition; taci- turnity; apathy; weak- ness;lossandlackof ideas. Vertigo, with nausea and fear of falling. Sleepiness ; yawning ; heavy sleep; light sleep; vivid dreams. Itching as if something lived in the skin. Papular, vesicular and pustular eruptions; boils on the arms. In various eruptions, esp. with syphilitic dia- thesis. Restlessness with a feel- ing of lameness; debility; tearing pains. Tearing pain in the chest; stiffness of the neck; pain in the back. Restlessness and jacta- tion, with weakness and pain in the arms; coldness: pain in bones of the legs. In rheumatic, arthritic, paralytic affections, esp. with syphilis. 168 ALUMEN. Read: congestion. Headache: dull, heavy, pressing pains; in the back or top of the head. Eyes: dimness of sight with vertigo; itching, etc. Ears: hears everything in sleep. Nose: great dryness. Face: animated expres- sion; deadly pale Lips: blue; twitchings. In sympathetic affec- tions. THIRD SERIES. ALUMINA. AMMON. CARB. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: itching of the scalp; hair falls out- Headache: throbbing pain in the forehead, etc. as if encircled with a band. Eyes: confusion of vis- ion; pains; inflammation. Ears: humming; stitch- ing pains. Nose: catarrhal symp- toms; yellow mucus. Face: pale; red; tension of the skin. Blisters on the upper lip. In headache, etc.; esp. in women with sexual disorders. Head: itching of the scalp; pain in the bones. Headache: boring, tear- ing, hammering pains, as if forehead would burst. Eyes: diplobia; amblyo- pia; pain; inflammation. Ears: painful acuteness to sounds. Nose: obstructed; acrid, watery discbarge; pimples Face: pale, wretched appearance; tearing pain. Lips: dry; vesicular or scaly eruption. In headache, affections of the eyes etc., esp. of a catarrhal or neuralgic character. AMMON. MUR. Head: itching of the scalp; heaviness; pressure Headache: heavy, pres- sive pains; as if the head would split; in forehead. Eyes: dimness; burning pain; lacrymation. Ears: itching; pain; hardness of hearing. Nose: itching; sneezing; symptoms as in catarrh. Face: very pale; burn- ing hot. Lips: dry; ulcerated. In headache, affections of the eyes, nose, etc., with catarrhal symptoms. Nervous Svstem, Nervous depression; de- bility; rheumatic pains. Tremors; trembling las- situde; fainting. In sympathetic affec- tions. Nervous irritation fol- lowed by depression. Trembling; involuntary movements; debility. In hysterical affections, over-sensitiveness, para- lytic conditions, etc. Nervous debility; tired and weary all day; pain. Trembling; spasms; pa- ralysis; rheumatic pains. In chronic rheumatism, neuralgia, paraphlegia, etc. (Altschul). Nervous debility; tear- ing, rheumatic pains. Twitchings, jerkings; spasmodic contractions. It has a considerable reputation in neuralgia (Hughes). Circulatory System. Fluttering of the heart; palpitation. Very sensitive to cold; chilliness, and feeling as if cold water were pour- ed down the back; heat; cold sweat. In abdominal typhus with profuse diarrhea (Altschul). Frequent palpitation of the heart- Chilliness of the whole body; the feet are cold as ice; internal chilliness and external heat; heat at night; sweat. Pulse hard, tense, fre- quent; anxiety; palpitat'n. Chill in the evening; shaking; chill alternates with heat; feverish heat; orgasm of blood at night; profuse perspiration. In scarlatina (Hughes), typhoid fever (Ilempel), malignant, intermittent fevers (Altschul), etc. Pulse accelerated; pain in the heart: palpitation. Chill running up the back; chill alternates with heat over the whole body; profuse perspira- tion, esp. after midnight. In intermittent fever with gastric derangement; in night-sweat; in hectic fevers, etc. Respiratory System. Tickling and pain of the larynx; rapid, short breathing: very painful. Cough: from tickling in the larynx, mostly dry. Constrictive pain and soreness of the chest- In dry, tickling cough; pectoral affections, etc. Irritation of the larynx inducing cough; breath- ing impeded. Continual, dry, hack- ing cough, with vomiting. Rattling, sensation of dryness and pain in chest. In cough (Dunham, Wcssclheft); in whoop- ing-cough, catarrh in gen era], etc. Constricted feeling of the larynx; voice hoarse, weak; breathing difficult. Cough: short, dry, titil- lating; worse when lying. Burning and stitching in chest; esp. lower part. In inflammatory affec- tions of the respiratory organs, as bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Burning in the larynx; hoarseness; short, anx- ious respiration. Cough: dry, tickling, often with bloody sputa, Pressure, stitching and pains in the chest. In irritative and inflam- matory conditions of the respiratory ovgans. THIRD SERIES. 169 BARYTA CARB. BARYTA MUR. BORAX. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. BROM. Head: humming like boiling water. Headache: feeling as if the brain were loose; vio- lent, stitching pains. Eyes: red; swollen in the morning; pain. Ears: tearing, boring pains; swelling of glands. Nose: obstinate dry- ness; sneezing; bleeding. Face: puffy; pale; ten- sion of the skin. Upper lip swollen; pain when closing the mouth. In apoplexy, headache, amblyopia, otalgia, etc.; esp. in old people. Headache: heavy pains; can scarcely sit up. Eyes: catarrhal symp- toms: lids paralyzed. Ears: pain; dullness of hearing. Nose: catarrhal symp- toms. Face: pale; spasmodic contraction of muscles. In affections of scrofu- lous or of an inflamma- tory character. Head: great sensitive ness to cold. Headache: pressing, throbbing pains; in the whole head, forehead, etc Eyes: soreness;pressive pain; inflammation. Ears; over-sensitiveness to sounds; suppuration. Nose: catarrhal symp- toms. Face: pale, earthy; tear- ing pain in the bones. Lower lip swollen, in- flamed. In headache, etc., esp. with syphilitic diathesis. Head: scalp very tender, pains in the bones. Headache: congestive, pressing pain in the fore- head, etc. Eyes: confusion of vis- ion; photophobia; pain. Ears: ringing; pain. Nose: coryza; bleeding. Face: pale, hot; blunt pain. Pain in the lower jaw. In sympathetic affec- tions, as from croup, syphilis, scrofula, etc. Excessive irritation of all the nerves; relaxation. Jerkings and startings; trembling and weakness. In paralytic affections, esp. in old age. Nervous irritation; ex- treme prostration. Trembling; convulsions; weakness; paralysis. In paralytic conditions. Nervous System. Nervous debility. Restlessness; trembling; weakness In chorea from amen- orrhea (Altschul). Nervous debility; phys- ical and mental weakness. General trembling; weakness, loss of power. In sympathetic affec- tions. Circulatory System. Orgasm of blood; pulse full and hard; palpitation. Chilliness is predomi- nating; chill alternating with heat; flushes of heat; offensive sweat. In scarlet fever, when the tonsils are esp. affect- ed. Pulse: rapid, full; soft and irregular. Surface cold; ice-cold extremities; dry heat with thirst; sweat. Pulse irregular; squeez- ing pain about the heart. Chilliness is predomi- nating; chill mostly dur- ing sleep; chill and heat alternating; flushes of heat; morning sweat. Pulse much accelerated; violent palpitation. Chill every other day, with shaking, yawning and stretching; internal, burning heat; sweat from the least exercise. In heart-diseases; inter- mittent fever; metror- rhagia (Most). Respiratory System. Swelling of the tonsils; voice imperfect; lost; breathing short, anxious. Cough: spasmodic from tickling in the throat. Chest seems full of phlegm and is sore. In tonsillitis, amygdali- tis, bronchitis, pneumo- nia, asthma, whooping- cough, etc. Voice weak; dyspnea. Cough. Oppression of the chest. Tearing in the larynx; respiration difficult- Cough: dry; hacking; bloody or musty sputa. Tearing and stitches in the chest. In dyspnea, cough, etc. Larynx painful and con- stricted; voice husky, hoarse; gasping for breath Cough: similar to croup or whooping-cough. Weakness, pressure and pain of the chest. In croup, whooping- cough, asthma, laryngitis. bronchitis, pneumonia. diphtheria, etc irn THIRD SERIES. ALUMEN. ALUMINA. AMMON. CARB. AMMON. MUR. Digestive System. Mouth: dryness, with severe burning pain; tongue rough, dry; throat red, painful, dry. Appetite good; lost; intense thirst; bad taste Stomach: eructations; nausea; acute pain; heav- iness; contraction. Abdomen: stitching, burning pains; weakness; scarcely endurable pains in the rectum. Stool: costiveness; scan- ty, dry, hard stool; diar- rhea; coagulated blood; much urging. In hemorrhage from the bowels; in dysentery; in lead-colic (Altschul), in constipation. Mouth: ulcerated; offen- sive smell; toothache; gums swell; tongue white; throat red, inflamed. Appetite voracious; lost; thirst; flat taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea;pressure; soreness; drawing pain. Abdomen: pain; heavi- ness; pressure; flatulent colic; pain in the liver and spleen. Stool: inactivity of the rectum; no urging and no ability to evacution; feces like sheep's dung, etc. In obstinate constipa- tion, esp. in women with menstrual disorders (Lud- lam). Mouth: dry, inflamed; gums bleed; teeth decay; tongue ulcerated, numb; throat sore, swollen, etc. Appetite lost: great thirst; taste sweetish, etc. Stomach: eructations; heartburn; nausea, vomit- ing; pain; pressure, etc. Abdomen: pressure about the navel; pain in the liver and spleen; burn- ing; contraction of anus. Stool: painful, mucous, fecal diarrhea; constipa- tion; stool very hard; pro- truding hemorrhoids. In flatulent colic, diar- rhea and dysentery, burn- ing of the anus, etc. Mouth: toothache; burn- ing vesicles on the tongue; external and internal swel- ling of the throat- No appetite; great thirst; bitter, sourish taste. Stomach: hiccough; eructations; nausea, vom- iting; gnawing pain. Abdomen: griping about the navel; distention; heaviness; pain in the liver and spleen. Stool: green, slimy,thin; hard, crumbling, difficult; painful hemorrhoids. In gastric and intestinal catarrh, indurations of the liver, etc Urinary System. Frequent urging; in- creased secretion of urine. Urine: bluish; brown; muddy, etc. Pain in kidneys and bladder; difficult micturi- tion; retention. Urine: scanty: red sedi- ment. In retention and incon- tinence of urine. Pressure on the bladder, with cutting pain; fre- quent urination. Urine: pale, with scanty sediment- In diabetis, esp. in hys- terical subjects; in noc- turnal enuresis, etc. Pain in the bladder; fre- quent urging and mictur- ition. Urine: profuse; in drops; clayish sediment. In catarrhal affections, as cystitis, etc. Generative System. Male; irritation; erec- tions; emissions; pain in the penis. Female: menses delayed and scanty. Causes in duration and scirrhus of the uterus if continually used (Hufeland). In induration and scir- rhus of the uterus. Male: excessive desire, erections; emissions; tes- ticles swollen. Female: menses too early, too short, and too scanty; sexual debility; acrid profuse leucorrhea; stitching and throbbing in the vagina. In menstrual disorders; in displacement of the uterus, profuse leucor- rhea, etc. Male: irritation; emis- sions; great pain in the testicles. Female: menses too early and profuse: with pain; loo late, etc.; pro- fuse, watery, acrid leucor- rhea; swelling, itching. burning of the pudendum. In menstrual colic, amenorrhea, menorrha- gia, leucorrhea, dysmen orrhea, etc. Male: irritation; erec- tions; pain in the left spermatic cord. Female: menses too early; with abdominal pains; thin, slimy leucor- rhea. In indurations of the ovaries, uterus and pros- tatic gland (Altschul), etc. Special Remarks. Aggr. night and morn- ing; during menses, etc. Amel. when going to bed; when walking, etc. Aggr. duringday; in the room; during rest, etc Amel during night: in the open air; from motion. Spec: mild disposition; spare habit. Aggr. in the afternoon, evening and wet weather Amel: night and fore- noon and dry weather. The right side is more affected than the left. Aggr. in the morning evening and open air. Amel. in the afternoon: bed and indoors. Bloated, fat, lax, torpid individuals (Guernsey). BARYTA CARB. Mouth: dry; vesicles all over; offensive smell; tongue burning hot, numb; tonsils swollen. Appetite: capricious; much thirst; foul taste Stomach: eructations; continued nausea; sore- ness; pressing pain. Abdomen: distended, hard;soreness of thewalls; cutting pain in the hypos- gastric region and liver. Stool: difficult, scanty. hard; irresistable urging; loose; crawling in the rec- tum. In paralysis of the ton- gue, tonsillitis, etc. T III R D S E R I E S. BARYTA MUR. BORAX. Digestive System. 171 BROM. Mouth dry; swelling of salivary glands; saliva- tion; toothache; tongue dry, swallowing difficult. Loss of appetite: very bad taste Stomach: nausea; in- ce.sant retching; vomit- ing: burningpain; cramps. Abdomen: continual pain; violent burning,col- ic, etc, Stool: continual, pro- fuse, painful diarrhea; liquid, greenish, slimy stool. In swelling and indura- tion of iver, pancreas, etc. (Altschul). Mouth; aphthe with beat uid dryness; tongue: aphthe; throat white mucus; palate wrinkled. No appetite; much thirst; taste flat, bitter. Stomach: nausea, vom- iting; pain; burning; pressure. Abdomen: distention: pains as if diarrhea would set in; pain in the liver and spleen. Stool: frequent, soft, yellow; thin, green or brown; cadaverous; con- stipation. In stomacace,ulceration of the throat, diarrhea in children, acidity of the stomach, etc. Mouth: dry; much sali- va ; tongue inflamed; toothache; throat inflam- ed with great pain. Appetite regular; some thirst; offensive taste Stomach: eructations; nausea; offensive vomit- ing; heat; inflammation. Abdomen: tympanitic distention; griping, col- icy pains; pain in the liver. Stool: painless; like scrapings from intestines; yellow, preceded by cut- ting pain; constipation. In syphilitic affections of the mouth. Urinary System. Constant urging to urin- ate; passes much at night. Urine: abundant; scanty; dark brown, Increased urging; pain- ful, constant micturition; involuntary urination. Urine: increased; white sediment. In cystitis, urethritis. paralysis of the sphincter vesica?, etc. Pre .-sure and stitching in the kidneys; burning in the urethra, etc. Urine: hot; peculiar smell, fivquent urging. In gonorrhea; affect ions of the kidneys, etc. Constant desire to urin- ate; pain in the bladder; burning in urethra, etc. Urine:increased;scanty; dark; much mucus. In cystitis, urethritis, etc. Generative System. Male: sexual weakness; excoriation between scro- tum and thighs. Female: menses scanty with pain; leucorrhea. In syphilis (Berjeau); in in impotence, dysmenor- rhea, leucorrhea, etc. Male: irritation; noc- turnal emissions: swelling of the glands. Female: induces mens- truation. Is a specific in satyria- sis and nymphomania (Altschul); in chronic bu- boes, gonorrhea, etc. Male; irritation; erec- tions; emissions; indiffer- ence for coition. Female: menses too ear- ly, too profuse and with pain; leucorrhea like the white of an egg, with sen- sation as if hot water were flowing down. In dysmenorrhea, leu- corrhea; sterility, ail- ments of labor and nurs- i n g. Male: irritation; erec- tions; nocturnal emis- sions; swelling of testicle. Female: menses too ear- ly and too profuse; sup- pressed; pain in the left ovary; dysmenorrhea; loud emission of flatus from the vagina. In amenorrhea; in scir- rhus of the mamme; in syphilis, etc. Special Remarks. Aggr. night and morn- ing; after sleep, cold, etc. Amel: when sitting (Uwn; from warmth, etc. Complaints of external parts predominate, Aggr. night and morn- ing: after sleep, etc. Aggr. in the morning; in warm weather, etc. Amel; in the evening, etc Spec, fear of downward motion (Guernsey), Aggr. evening till mid- night; damp weather, etc. Amel: from motion in the open air. Spec light hair; blue eyes; left side. 17'2 THIRD SERIES. AMYL NITR. CHLORAL. CHLOROFORM. ETHER. Leading Therapeutics. Its influence upon the i system appears to be that of a pure nervous depres- sion (Hughes). In affections from cere- bral excitement, or de- rangement of the func- tions of circulation. In practice its most use has been to alleviate pain and spasms. Comp. Op.,Amyl. nitr., Chlorof., Glon., Gels.,etc. Mind, Sens< Its influence upon the system seems to be that of a pure nervous depres- sion. In practice its use has almost been that of an anodyne and anesthetic. Chloroform is the most powerful anesthetic Comp. Ether, Chloral Glon., Op., Bell., etc. •Hum, Etc. Excitement followed by unconsciousness ; non- sensical prattling. Vertigo ; dizziness ; whirling of the head. Excessive yawning ; great sleepiness; comatose sleep. Excitement followed by unconsciousness ; prat- tling about secret matters. Vertigo ; dizziness ; whirling of the head. All the usual symptoms of the deepest sleep, even stupor and coma. Acts esp. upon the ar- teries throughout the body, causing a rapid, transient dilatation. In morbid conditions in which the blood-vessels are spasmodically con- tracted (Hughes). But also in dilatation of the arteries as in the "flushing" in women. Comp. Glon., Each., Chloral, Chlorof., etc. Anxiety as if something might happen; great for- getfulness. Vertigo; head seems to swim around. The muscles seem re- laxed and heavy; sensa- tion of general weakness. Warmth in the neck. Tired feeling of the limbs; tremulousness of the hands; numbness of the fingers. Feeling as if intoxicated by wine; all the phenome- na of delirium tremens. Vertigo; dull, confused sensation as if intoxicated. Drowsiness; sleepiness; natural, sound sleep. Of all hypnotic drugs this is unquestionably the least harmful. Liter prostration of muscular strength;marked cutaneous anesthesia- Jactitation of the limbs; muscular pains, esp. in the upper, and paralytic pains esp. in lower limbs. In neuralgic, spasmodic or paralytic affections. One of the most used anesthetics. Anesthesia with muscu- lar relaxation ;weariness in the joints. Veins of the neck swol- len ; dull pains in the region of the kidneys. Twitching; trembling; weakness and relaxation of the limbs, esp. the lower ones. Its principal use is as an anesthetic in >urgerv. Its influence upon the system seems to be quite similar to that of chloro- form. In practice its use is quite similar to that of chloroform. Its action is not so in- tense as that of chloro- form; but less dangerous. Comp. Chloroform, Chloral, Op., Glon., etc. Used mostly as an anes- thetic Anesthesia with mus- cular relaxation ; spas- modic rigidity. Pain and coldness of the chest. Convulsive movements of the limbs; trembling; spasmodic rigidity; weak- ness of the legs. Its principal use is as an anaesthetic in surgery. It is less dangerous than Chloroform. Cutaneous System. i Intense irritation and ; Tingling of the limbs; The skin of the face itching of the skin. J crawling, etc. j and chest red then livid. Diffuse intense redness; I Skin pale blue and cold. bright, scarlet eruption; j edematous swelling ; j eruption like urticaria. Seems to be of great use in hyperemic, erysipela- tous affections. Trunk and Extremities. THIRD SERIES. 173 GLONOIN. MAGNESIA CARB. MAGNESIA MUR. NATRUM SI LPH. Leading Therapeutics. Acts principally upon the cerbral blood vessels, medulla obi. and pneumo- gastric nerve (Burt). In congestion of the brain, apoplexy, headache, etc.; in heart diseases, nervous affections, etc With Glon. the brain is irritated because the cir- culation is excited (II). Comp, Amyl., Chloral, Chlorof.. Beli.Acid. hydr Acts upon the digestive, genito-urinary, nervous, glandular and cutaneous systems. In constipation, etc; menstrual disorders, hy- steria, scrofulosis, ecze- ma, crusta lactea, etc. Its chief usage has been in delayed and scanty menstruation (Hughes ). Comp. Magn.mur., Kali carb., Graph., Puis., etc. Acts esp.on the digestive, genito-urinary, nervous, respiratory,glandular and cutaneous systems. In dyspepsia, chronic constipation, female (lis orders, cough, scrofulosis and various skin affect'ns. Hahnemann recomm'ds it in "knotty, hard, diffi- cult, insufficient stools." Comp.Magn. carb., Calc. carb., Sulph., Lye, Sep. Acts esp. upon the cir- culatory, digestive, geni- to-urinary, nervous and cutaneous systems. In affections from irreg- ular blood circulation; in digestive disorders, dys- menorrhea, rheumatism. Grauvogl thinks it one of the most important remedies in hydremia. Comp. Natr. mur.,Magn. carb., Alum., Calc carb. 3iind, Sensorium, Etc. Animated, talkative, jestful; agitated; depress- ed: delirious. Vertigo; intense as in sea-sickness. Sleepy, constant yawn- ing; restless sleep; fre- quent startings; unpleas- ant dreams. In mental disorders, when the brain is much irritated. Taciturnity; talkative- ness; sadness; anxiety; fretfillness; forgetfillness. Vertigo; as if every- thing were turning round. Frequent yawning; sleepiness during the day; cannot fall asleep; rest- less sleep: vivid dreams. Excitement; fantastic il- lusions; sadness; fretf ill- ness; anxiety; taciturnity. Vertigo; a sensation as if intoxicated. Frequent yawning; sleepiness during the day; cannot fall asleep; rest- less sleep; dreams. In hypochondriasis with torpidity of the liver (Lobethal). Irritability; taciturnity; cheerfulness; happiness; depression; apathy. Vertigo; muddled feel- ing in the head. Great sleepiness during day; restlessness at night; restless sleep; much dreaming. Cutaneous System. Itching of the face, back and hands; crawl ing. Rash on the face. Violent itching over the whole body, esp. in bed. Dry and moist erup- tions; papules, vesicles, pustules, with much itch- ing and often burning. In intertrigo, infantum, eczema, herpes, im- petigo, esp. chronic. Itching and formication over the whole body. Dry and moist erup- tions; papules, vesicles, pustules, with itching and burning pain. In similar affections, as Magn. carb. Burning, stitching.itch- ing sensation of the skin. Dry and moist erup- tions, papulesand vesicles. In strophulus ma, herpes, etc. Trunk and Extremities. Debility; restlessness; spasms; convulsions; con- gestion. Stiffness of the nape of the neck; pain down the entire spine. Arms and hands numb, heavy; pain in the fing- ers; debility; pain; cold- ness of the lower limbs. Muscular debility; rheu- matic pains in the limbs; spasmodic affections. Stiffness of the neck; pain in chest and back, esp. in the lumbar region. Rheumatic pains in the limbs, esp. in the shoul- ders and calves; swelling of the fingers and knees. In rheumatic, arthritic affections; in old ulcers on the legs (Kallenbach), of- fensive foot-sweat, etc. Muscular debility; great weakness of the limbs, with paralytic pains. Swelling of the cervical glands; bruised pains,esp. in the small of the back. Great weakness of the limbs; rheumatic pains in the upper and paralytic pains in the lower limbs. In rheumatic paralytic affections. Trembling of the whole body; weakness; weari- ness; sticking pains. Throat and neck swol- len; soreness along the spine. Tingling.trembling and weakness of the extremi- ties; the knees feel very weary; edema of the feet. In rheumatic, paralytic affections; nocturnal tear- ing pains. 174 THIRD SERIES AMYL NITR. CHLORAL. CHLOROFORM. ETHER. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: feeling of intense fullness of the head. Headache: throbbing, congestive pains; heat; tension, etc. Eyes: protruding, star- ing; conjunctivitis. Eais: much throbbing; bursting sensation. Pressure over the root of the nose. Flushing of the face; congestion; paleness. In migraine and other neuralgic affections of the head. Head: great congestion; change in texture of hair. Headache; dull, aching, severe pains; in the fore- head and occiput. Eyes: blood-shot; weak; watery; blindness. Ears: constant tinnitus aurium. Face: red, flushed; pale, hippocratic Mouth: jaws firmly closed. In apoplexy, neuralgic headache, weakness of sight, lock-jawr and other neurotic affections. Head: dizziness; a sen- sation of emptiness. Headache: pressure in various parts of the brain, esp. in the temples. Eyes: pupils dilated; dimness; obscuration. Ears: ringing; roaring. Nose: obstructed; loss of smell. Face: flushed; livid; turgid. Mouth: lock-jaw. In apoplexy, conges- tions, neuralgic headache, etc Head: dizziness; con- gestion. Headache: intense pain and heat; esp. in the fore- head. Eyes; pupils dilated; dimness; obscuration. Ears: hearing impaired; deafness. Face: red, flushed; pale, wild expression. Lips: swollen, bluish. In apoplexy,congestion, headache, etc. Nervous System. Nervous prostration; weakness; relaxation. Lassitude; tremors; prostration; convulsions. In epileptic paroxysms; cramps of the chest, etc. General state one of great depression. Inaptitude for exertion: restlessness; great pain. In spasmodic affections from nervous irritation. Nervous depression; anaeshesia. Anesthesia; muscular resolution. Its principal use is as an anesthetic and anodyne. Nervous depression; anesthesia after erethism. Restlessness; anesthe- sia; muscular relaxation. Its principal use is as an an.'eslhetic and anodyne Circulatory Systen Pulse accelerated; slow; tumultuous heart-action. Increase of temperature; perspiration. In hot "flushings", esp. in women at the climac- taric period; in cramps of the heart, etc. Pulse: rapid; slow weak; violent pulsation. Surface of the body cold; became "stone- cold;" heat all over the body; profuse,cold sweat; peculiar dryness of skin. In nervous affections of the heart and the capilla- ry system, etc. Pulse weak: almost pulseless; heart feeble. Surface of the body cold and clammy; extreme chilliness; heat; copious sweat. Pulse rapid; slow; ex- citement of the heart. Much distressed, with a sensation of coldness; shivering; chattering of the teeth; heat and formi- cation ; sweat. Respiratory System. Feeling of constriction of the throat, extending to the chest; dyspnea- Cough and bronchial irritation. Sensation of constric- tion of the chest; anxiety. In spasmodic affections, as asthma, angina pecto- ris, etc, Redness of the epiglot- tis, etc.; respiration ster- torous; extreme dyspnea. Sensation of weight and constriction of the chest. In spasmodic affections, as asthma, etc. Burning in the larynx voice altered or lost; res- piration slow; stertorous. Moist crepitation over the lungs; pain; pressure Slight bronchial irrita- tion; voice difficult; ster- torous respiration. Cough: violent; much spitting, even bloody. Pulmonary congestion; pain in the chest. THIRD SERIES, 175 GLONOIN. MAGNESIA CARB. MAGNESIA MUR. NATR. SULPH. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: feels too large; brain as if moving. Headache: congestive, violent, throbbing pains; in the forehead, etc. Eyes: confusion and weakness; drawing pains. Ears: ringing; throbbing as if obstructed. Nose: sneezing; fluent coryza; pain at the root. Face: hot, flushed, con- gested; pale; pain. Lower lip swollen; lock- jaw. In apoplexy, sunstroke, headache; affections of the eyes, ears, facial neu- ralgia, lock-jaw, etc. Head: pain on the top; dandruff; hair falls out. Headache: congestive, si itching pains in the fore- head, vertex, etc. Eyes: weakness; photo- phobia: pain; inflamed. Ears: dullness of hear- ing; stitching pains. Nose: red, swollen; sneezing; catarrh. Face: fretf ul expression; pale; severe pain. Lips: dry, hot, sore; pain in the lower jaw. In headache, scrofulous ophthalmia, otalgia,facial neuralgia, etc. Head: pain; fullness on top and all over the head. Headache: congestive, tearing pains; in the tem- ples, forehead, vertex, etc. Eyes: dimness; photo- phobia; inflammation. Ears: dullness of hear- ing; stitching pains. Nose: red, swollen; sneezing; catarrh. Face: sickly appear- ance; pale, yellow; pain. Lips: cracked. Head: the scalp is very sensitive; creeping. Headache: pressing, heavy pains; in the fore- head, ; brain feels loose. Eyes: weakness; photo- phobia; inflammation. Ears: dullness of hear- ing; piercing pains. Nose: sneezing; coryza; obstructed; discharge. Face: pale; tearing, drawing pains. Lips: dry; the skin peels off. In headache, affections of the eyes and ears; in ozena syphilitica, etc. Nervous System. Nervous irritation fol- lowed by depression. Convulsions; epilepsy; numbness; paralysis. In affections of the brain;in epilepsy,tetanus, neuralgia, etc. Nervous depression, with some irritation; pain. Tremors and weakness; epileptic attacks; debility. In hysterical affections, chorea, etc., esp. with ir- regular menstruation. Nervous depression; pains. Great weakness, even to falling down; heaviness In hysterical, uterine and abdominal cramps (Hahnemann). Nervous irritation fol- lowed by prostration. Weakness and weari- ness; spasms, etc. In chorea, tetanus (Her- ing), etc. Circulatory System. Pulse accelerated'slow;, laborious action of heart. Chills alternate with heat; flushes of heat; gen- eral heat; relieving per- spiration. In affections of the heart. Sudden pain in the heart; palpitation. Predominating chilli- ness, chilliness in the evening, all the night and morning shaking; heat in the afternoon; sweat. In symptomatic affec- tions. Pulse accelerated, slow; stitches in the heart- Predominating chilli- ness; chilliness in the evening, with shivering; heat with thirst in the afternoon; sweat; thirst. In symptomatic affec- tions. Pressure in the region of the heart. Predominating chilli- ness in the afternoon and evening; heat; dry, all over the body; profuse sweat with thirst. In diseases depending on irregular circulation; in intermittent and gas- tric fevers (Altschul). Respiratory System. Spasmodic constriction of the larynx; breathing stertorous; dyspnea- Cough : from tickling in the throat. Constriction and op- pression of the chest. In spasmodic affections of the organs; angina pectoris, etc. Pressive pain in the throat; hoarseness; short breath while walking. Cough: with scraping in the throat; sputa. Constriction about the chest; painful stitching. In symptomatic affec- tions, Heat and pain; dryness of the larynx; hoarseness; breathing impeded. Cough; dry; paroxys- mal; gray expectoration. Burning and throbbing in the chest; constriction. In whooping cough (Schrdn); in neuralgic pain in the chest, Tickling in the throat; short,difficult respiration; dyspnea. Cough; tickling, dry; with pain in left side. A pressure on the chest as from a heavy load. In congestion of the lungs; in cough; in rheu- matic and neuralgic affec- tions. 176 THIRD SERIES AMYL NITR. CHLORAL. CHLOROFORM. ETHER, Digestive System. Tickling and choking feeling in the throat. Stomach: nausea; con- striction and pressure, In spasmodic affections, as in dysphagia; gastro- dynia, etc. Mouth: jaws, firmly closed; frothy mucus; tongue white; throat and asophagus paralyzed. Appetite lost; urgent thirst. Stomach: acidity; nau- sea; pain; sinking at the pit; great soreness. Abdomen: severe colic Stool: diarrhea; mucous, light-yellow stool; consti- pation. In neuralgic affections, as gastralgia, enteralgia, etc. Mouth: lockjaw, much saliva, burning; tongue pale; scraping sensation in the throat. Great thirst. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting, burn- ing pain and pressure Abdomen: distention; rumbling; passage of fla- tus; cutting pain. Stool: bloody diarrhea; involuntary evacuation; constipation; torpidity. As an anodyne. Mouth: dry; much frothy saliva; speech diffi- cult or lost; pricking in the throat- Appetite lost; some thirst; bad taste. Stomach: hiccough; nau- sea, vomiting; sickness and distress. As an anodyne. Urinary System. Involuntary evacuation of urine; frequent urging. Urine: copious; amber color. Stitches in the urethra; frequent urging to urin- ate. Urine: increased; scan- ty; suppressed. As an anodyne. Generative System. Of great utility in "flushings" in women, esp. at the climacteric period. Male; copious nightly emissions. In puerperal (Ruddock). Male: depression; relax- ation of the genitals. Often used as an anes- thetic in obstetrical cases. Often used as an anes- thetic in obstetrical cases. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the night and morning. Aggr. from external pressure. Amel. from braudy. THIRD SERIES. 177 GLONOIN. MAGNESIA CARB. MAGNESIA MUR. NATR. SULPH. Digestive System. Mouth: dry, parched; with vesicles; toothache; tongue numb; throat dry and painful. Appetite lost; some thirst: taste sweet, bitter. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; symp- toms of gastric catarrh. Abdomen: pain; cutting under the navel; rum- bling; flatulence; pain in the left hypochondrium. Stool: copious; loose; blackish diarrhea; diar- rhea and vomiting; con- stipation. Mouth: burning and itching; bloody saliva; toothache: stinging pain and much mucus in throat. Appetite poor; great thirst; bitter, sour taste Stomach: sour eructa- tions; nausea, vomiting; constrictive pains. Abdomen ;bloated; heav- iness and pressure; spas- modic colic; pain in the liver. Stool: green, like scum on a frog-pond; costive- ness; stitches in the anus. In toothache, gastric [ ailments, as gastritis; in dyspepsia; in colic, lien- tcria of sucklings, etc. Urinar Mouth: heat and dry- ness; white pimples; sa- liva; mucus; tongue white; toothache; throat swollen. Appetite capricious; some thirst; pasty taste Stomach; throbbing in the pit; eroding pains, re- lieved by eating- Abdomen: tearing; stitching; soreness as from a bruise; distention; colic; pain in the hypochondria- Stool: greenish, liquid, bloody: hard, like sheep's dung;difficult to evacuate; prolapsus. In toothache, anorexia, chronic dyspepsia, sick- ness of pregnancy, obsti- nate constipation, etc. ' System. Generati Male: depression; emis- sions; discharge of pro- static fluid. Female: menses too late and scanty; profuse; too early; glutinous, dark blood; acrid leucorrhea. In delayed or scanty menstruation. Special re System. Male: irritation; erec tions in the morning in bed; emissions; itching. Female:menses profuse too early; scanty, too late; j with great pain in the small of the back; profuse leucorrhea, thick, bloody, or watery. I In delayed and scanty menstruation (Haubold); in leucorrhea, scirrhus of the uterus, etc. Male; irritation; sexual | desire. Female: menses too late; profuse, with pains; regu- lar; scanty; stitching in the vulva and vagina; ve- I sicular eruptions; leucor- | rhea. In dysmenorrhea, amen- orrhea, etc, (Altschul). Much urging; frequent micturition, difficult, drop by drop; involuntary. Urine: pale, yellow; cloudy, with great pain. In incontinence and re- tention of urine, as in enuresis of children. Great burning and cut- ting in the urethra when passing the urine. Urine: more than usual; brick red sediment. Burning heat in the ure- thra during micturition. Urine:abundant; highly albuminous; dark. In albuminuria, etc. Female: retention of menses. In hot flushes and other ailments at the climac- teric period, esp. with affections of the heart. Aggr. in the morning and evening, etc. Amel. at night; in the open air; in rest, etc. Spec: left side; nervous, sanguine temperament. Burning and stinging during micturition; invol- untary evacuation. Urine: increased; pale, watery or green. In incontinence of urine (Midler). Aggr. after midnight; every third week, etc. Amel. in the open air; from motion, etc. Spec: left side predom- inates;often with children. Aggr. during night; from cold; out of bed, etc. Amel. during day; from warmth; in lied. etc. Spec: upper left, lower ! right side Mouth: burning; pain- ful blisters all over; sali- va; tongue hot; toothache; throat inflamed; blisters. Appetite voracious; lost; great thirst; slimy taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea,vomiting; fullness; pressure; burning pain. Abdomen: rumbling; much flatulence; disten- tion; pain; colic; itching of the anus; pain in liver. Stool: scanty, slimy, light red or bloody; half liquid; difficult expulsion; constant urging;diarrhea. In stomacace; in conges- tion of the liver; in obsti- nate constipation; in flatu- lent colic; diarrhea, etc. 1 I Aggr. in the morning, from motion, etc. 1 | Amel. in the afternoon; during rest; from warmth. r Spec : right side 178 THIRD SERIES. AESCULUS H1PF. AETHLSA. AGAR. Ml SC AGNTS (AST. Leading Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the lower part of the spinal cord, particularly upon the anus. In hemorrhoids, pro- lapsus of the anus and rectum, obstinate consti- pation; leucorrhea, etc. Torpidity of the func- tions is a prominent fea- ture Comp. Aloe, Collin., Nux vom., Podoph, etc. Acts esp. upon the cere- brospinal nervous sys- tem, causing spasmodic affections, etc. In convulsions, esp. of children; in low fevers; in ailments from heat in the summer, etc. The brain is usually simultaneously affected. Comp. Cicut. vir., Bell., Hvosc, Strain., etc. Acts upon the cerebro- spinal nervous system and the blood, causing a state of intoxication. In vertigo, headache, apoplexy, digestive and sexual disorders, spasms. etc. In acute diseases, when the cerebrospinal symp- toms predominate (Burt). Comp. Cann. ind.. Op.. Bell., Hvosc, etc. Acts esp. upon the gen- ito-urinary organs, caus- ing debility even to impo- tence, etc. In sexual debility, de- layed menstruation, ag- lactia, hysteria,hypochon- driasis, etc. Esp. indicated inprima- ture old age from sexual intemperance Comp.Bar. carb.,Chin., Camph., Phosph. ae, etc. 3lind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression; irritability; unfitness for any kind of attention. Vertigo: stupefied feel- ing of the head. Drowsiness; sleepiness: unrefreshing sleep. Great anxiety; confu- sion; stupor; unconscious- ness. Vertigo; stupor; sopor. Dead-like sleep; restless sleep with startings in fright; anxious dreams. Excitation; cestacy; ir- ritability; delirium; apa- thy; stupor. Vertigo; a condition as if from intoxication. Great sleepiness; sleep- lessness ; restless sleep: much dreaming. Depression ; anxiety ; weakness of intellect and memory. Vertigo; dullness of the head. Sleepiness ; sleepless- ness ; frequent awaken- ings; anxious dreams. In sleeplessness in drop- sy; in vertigo with confu- sion of ideas (Kafka). In vertigo increased by motion (Hoyne). In vertigo from too In hysteria and hypo- bright light. chondria in abstinent per- sons. Cutaneous System. Itching and formication of the skin. In general pruritus, with torpidity of the bow- els, etc. Itching ; formication ; numbness; coldness. The whole surface is of a bluish color; reddish blue spots; vesicular erup- tion. Violent itching, with burning and swelling. Miliary eruption, with violent itching ; ecchy- mosed spots. Gnawing itching o various parts. Skin, yellowish color. Trunk and Extremities. General lassitude debility. and Constant pain in the neck and back; sensation of lameness. Pains, numbness and stiffness of the extremi- ties; the joints arc stiff and painful. Spasms ; convulsions ; weakness; trembling: pa- ralysis. Sensation in the small of the back, as if being in a vise. Coldness. numbness. swelling and trembling of the extremities. Trembling ; spasms ; heaviness; paralysis;veins swollen; bruised pain. Stillness of the neck; the veins arc swollen; pain in the hack. Aching in the bones of the limbs; the hands trem- ble; the legs arc weak; formication. In rheumatism (Hoyne). Debility; spasms; pains, esp. in the limbs. Pain in the back, esp. at the coccyx. Pain in the joints as if luxated, with swelling ; legs and feet swollen. THIRD SEE IKS U!l AIL AN THUS. ALLIUM CEPA. ANACARDIUM. APOCYN. CAN. Leading Therapeutics. Acts. esp. on the cerc- bro-spinal axis, through it upon the vagus, head, eyes and skin. In malignant scarla- tina; in brain affections, cercbro-spinal meningitis, etc. Depression, torpor and stupor are prominent symptoms. Comp. Bell., Bry.,Rhus tox.. Op., Natr. mur.. etc. The action is esp. on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and some times of the rectum ((J). In catarrhal symptoms of the eyes, the respira- tory organs, etc. A prominent symptom is, increased secretion of the mucous membranes. Comp. Euphr.. Kali bichr.. A nt. cnid., etc. Acts upon the nervous system in general; the brain faculties are esp. influenced. In dementia, loss of memory and mental vigor in old age etc,; in nerv- ous affections in general. The debility is not only from sexual intemper- ance, but from any cause. Comp. Coff., Acid. phosp., Con., ()leand..c1c The groups of symp- toms resemble those of noninflammatory dropsy, etc. (Hale). In almost every form of dropsy; but esp. anasarca; in constipation, renal and sexual disorders, etc. With the dropsy there is always combined con- stipation and dark urine. Comp. Apis, Hell.,Dig., Ars., Sulph., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Confusion of the head; depression; restlessness ; delirium; stupor. Vertigo; staggering; fall- ing. Sleepiness: drowsiness: coma;niuttering delirium; rest less ness: rest less sleep: fearful dreams. In sympathetic affec- tions; in vertigo when rising or stooping. Confusion; depression; anxiety. Vertigo, with pressure and fullness of the head. Sleepiness ; yawning ; restless sleep; fantastical dreams. Depression ; anxiety ; great weakness of mem- ory; mental prostration. Vertigo, with turning black before the eyes. Great sleepiness; sleep- lessness ; restless sleep; vivid dreams. In weakness of intellect and memory; in anxiety before an examina (Bayes) Amorous; mind bewil- dered. Vertigo ; drowsiness ; heaviness; stupor. Desire to sleep without the ability to do so; rest- lessness ; sleeplessness ; much dreaming. Cutaneous System. Skin dry, hot; itching and tingling sensation. Exanthema similar to measles, but without ca- tarrhal symptoms. In malignant forms of scarlatina it has great reputation (W ells). Pricking sensation, like stitches from needles. Erythema ; nettlerash. etc. Burning itching of skin, relieved by scratching. . Eruptions, esp. of the vesicular variety; tuber- cules; urticaria, etc In eczema, pemphigus. urticaria, etc. Skin at first hot and dry; later cold, clammy. General (edema. In dropsy and dropsi- cal swellings. Trunk and Extremities. Dullness; lassitude: stu- por; neuralgic pains. Intense aching between the shoulders; heavy pain in the small of the back. Limbs feel as if asleep; heaviness ; numbness ; staggering ; inability to walk. In spasmodic affections. Weakness and trem- bling of all the body. Pain in the small of the hack. Lameness of the joints; trembling of the hands; weakness of the knees; pain in the toes. In neuralgic, rheumatic pains from taking cold. Tearing and jerking pains, shifting from place to place; weakness. Tearing pain in the neck and about the heart; coldness and pain in back. Axillary glands swollen; tearing and drawing pains in the limbs, esp. in the heels; coldness of the feet. In neuralgia, rheuma- tism and spasmodic affec- tions. Itching ; numbness : trembling; general edema Pain in the small of the back; in the chest, be- tween the scapula?, etc. Rheumatic pain and de- bility of the limbs, esp. the knees; hands and feet cold and swollen. In dropsy and dropsical swellings, esp: "with a sinking feeling at the pit of the stomach" (Hale). 180 THIRD SERIES. AESCULUS HIPP. AETHUSA. AGAR. MUSC. AGNUS CAST. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head; soreness and for- mication of the scalp. Headache: dull, pres- sive pains; in the fore- head, occiput, temples. Eyes: heaviness; burn- ing, stinging pains. Ears: burning pain. Nose: dryness; coryza; burning pain. Face: miserable appear- ance. In hydrocephalus, oph- thalmia (Hale), gastric bilious headache, etc. Head: sensation as if both sides were in a vise. Headache: congestive, throbbing pains; as if the forehead would split- Eyes: staring, protrud- ing; photophobia. Ears: yellow discharge. Face: red, puffed; pale, anxious expression. Chin and lips cold. In headache, mia, etc ophthal- Head: cold; twitching. esp. in the right side. Headache: congestive dull pains; in the fore- bead; as if brain torn. Eyes: weak, dim; black spots before Nose: smell too acute; fetid discharge. Face: puffed; pale; twitching of the muscles. Trembling of the lips. In sunstroke, headache, spasms of the eyelids, catarrh, etc. Head: biting and itch- ing of the scalp. Headache: tea ring, press- ing pains; in the temples, forehead, vertex, etc. Eyes: intense itching; burning pain. Ears: roaring; hardness of hearing. Nose: pains in the dor- sum. Face: erysipelatous swel- ling. ' Tearing pain in the lower jaw. Nervous System. Weakness and weari- ness. Great heaviness of the body; rheumatic pains. Excessive nervous irri- tation; relaxation. Convulsions; epilepsy; tetanus; paralysis. In convulsions, epilep- sy, tetanus, paralysis, etc Mental and physical ir- ritation ; relaxation. Spasms; convulsions: epilepsy; debility. In chorea, epilepsy, etc. Nervous debility; men- tal and physical depres'n. Trembling: heaviness; bruised pain all over, In nervous affections, esp. in old,abstinent men. Circulatory System. Pulse accelerated; great action of heart- Chilliness in the back; heat in the evening; dry, hot skin; profuse perspi- ration. In catarrhal fever (Hale); in hemorrhoids, etc. Pulse: frequent, small, violent beating of heart. Coldness and stiffness. Pulse: very feeble; burn- ing in heart; palpitation. Want of animal heat; great chilliness in the open air; coldness; shiv- ering; slight heat; little sweat. In palpitation of the heart in old people; in ty- phoid fever (Drysdale). Pulse: weak and feeble. Chilliness; shivering; chilly all over: flushes of burning heat; sweat at every exertion. Respiratory System' Dryness and stiffness of the glottis; voice hoarse; breathing short, difficult. Cough: dry, short, etc ; the fauces is constricted. In catarrhal affections; in follicular pharyngitis (Clifton), laryngitis, etc Breathing short and anxious; voice weak or lost- Cough: with stunning pain in the head. Sensation as if the chest were pressed in a band. Oppression and con- striction of the larynx; breathing very difficult. Cough: violent; convul- sive; lumpy expectorat'n. Oppression of the chest; stitches in -the lungs. In cough, Avhooping- cough, asthma, angina p ectoris, etc. Voice weak; breathing oppressed. Cough: esp. when in bed; copious,bloody sputa Sensation of dryness in the chest. Til IRD SERIES. I«l AILANTHUS. Head: sensation as if bruised; congestion. Headache; dull, heavy pains in the forehead, temples, etc. Eyes: pain; pupils wide- ly dilated; photophobia. Nose: dryness; soreness. Face: pale, hot, red; swollen; neuralgic pain. Vesicles on the lips. In headache with great nervousness; in conjunct- ivitis, etc. ALLIUM (EPA. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc VNACARDIIM. Head; sensation of for- mication in the skull. Headache: dull pain; or electric shocks; in the forehead, etc. Eyes: dim; watery; bit- ing pain. Ears: roaring; hard hearing; pain. Nose: sneezing; acrid discharge. Face: swelling; throb- bing pain. In headache, affections of the eyes,nose,etc., esp. if similar to catarrh. Head: violent itching of the scalp; eruption. Headache: dull,pressive pains; in the lemplcs, forehead, etc. Eyes: pressure in the balls; weakness of sight. Ears: roaring; hardness of hearing; pains. Nose: epistaxis. Face: pale; blue rings around the eyes, etc. Lips: itching and burn- ing. In apoplexy; cerebro- spinal meningitis; head- ache; amaurosis; deaf- ness; coryza, etc APOCYN. CAN. Head: heaviness; sensa- tion of fullness. Headache: heavy, dull pains: with drowsiness. Eyes: sensation as from sand; beat; redness. Nostrils and throat fill- ed with thick mucus. Face: bloated, esp.when lying down. In hydrocephalus, oph- thalmia, etc. Nervous System. Nervous debility: irrita- tion. Electric shocks; great weakness. In cerebrospinal men- ingitis; in nervous affec- tions from scarlatina, etc. Weakness and weari- : Nervous debility, both | Nervous irritation; de ness. physical and mental. j bility. Debility; trembling; Weakness of body and : Restlessness; involun- soreness all over. mind; partial paralysis. tary motions; pain. In dementia and debil- ity in general. Circulatory System. Pulse: rapid and small; constriction of the heart. Chill preceded by milia- ry eruption; flushes of heat: hot, dry skin; cold sweat. Has proved of great benefit in malignant scar- latina (Wells). Pulse accelerated; slow, hard. Predominating cold- ness; chill creeping along the back: flying heat, now here, now there; co- pious sweat. In catarrhal fever. Pulse accelerated; beat- ing in the vessels. Chilliness predomi- nates; internal chilliness: shivering over the back; flushes of heat: nocturnal perspiration. In intermittent fever, with predominating cold stage Pulse slow. Dry heat on going to bed. When the skin moistens the dropsy im- proves (Hale) Respiratory System. Voice hoarse, failing; Tickling and pain in Hoarseness; short and Breathing oppressed: oppression of the larynx; the throat; breathing op- oppressed respiration. difficulty in speaking. breathing difficult. pressed. Cough: dry, hacking, Cough: with pain in the with burning in the chest. chest; copious sputa. Oppression of the chest; Stitches and burning in burning pain. the chest. In Avhooping-cough; In catarrhal affections; bronchitis, diphtheria, in recent congestion of whooping-cough, etc. coryza, etc the lungs (Dunham.) Cough: tickling with Cough: dry. short; vvectish, pus-like sputa. loose, rattling; esp. in bed. Oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest. In eorvza. asthma, In hydrothorax a chief remedy; in dyspnea, etc., esp. with some kind of dropsy. 1«'2 AESCULUS HIPP. Mouth: filled with thick yellow phlegm; tongue white or yellow; tonsils dark red, hot; inflamed. Appetite lost; great thirst; metalic taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; burn ing pain; great pressure Abdomen: tenderness; burning pain; rumbling; pain in the liver and spleen. Stool: hard, dry, large or white; mushy; prolap- sus of the anus. In gastralgia, intestinal catarrh, hemorrhoids, congestion of the liver, constipation, etc. Till Hi) SERIES. AETHUSA. AGAR. MUSC. Digestive System. Mouth: inflammation of the whole buccal cavity; tongue black, ulcerated; soft palate red, swollen. Appetite lost; burning I hirst; bitter taste. Stomach: regurgitation; nausea,vomiting; tearing; constrictive pains. Abdomen: burninghcat; coldness and swelling; col- ic, followed by vomiting; pain in the liver, etc. Stool: green, thin, bil- ious, bloody; diarrhea with pain and tenesmus; obstinate constipation. In vomiting of infants (Hoyne): in intestinal ca- tarrh, cholera infantum, etc. Mouth: dry; much sa- liva; toothache; tongue white, tremulous; throat dry, constricted. Appetite and thirst ca- pricious; fetid taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; burning pain. Abdomen: liver en- larged; loud rumbling; flatulence; burning pain. Stool: green as grass; thin, yellow, fecal; slimy, bloody, dysenteric; con- stipation. In pains of the stom- ach and intestines; in dis- eases of the liver and spleen, etc. AGNUS (AST. Mouth: pain in the low- er jaw; toothache;tongue white; boils on the gums; throat hot, painful. No appetite nor thirst; bitter taste. Stomach: swelling after eating; hiccough; nausea, vomiting; pinching pains. Abdomen: pain in the liver; swelling of the spleen; violent pain in the intestines. Stool: much flatus; hard: thin, yellow. Urinary System. Shooting in the orifice of the urethra; frequent urging to urinate. Urine: excessively scan- ty; thick, yellow turbid. In dropsy; in insuffi- cient secretion of urine. Pain in the bladder; fre- quent urging to urinate. Urine: copious, clear; red: white sediment- Pain in the bladder; burning in the urethra; frequent, violent urging. Urine:profuse, colorless; red, dim; milky, etc. In catarrhal affections, as urethritis, etc. Frequent urging; pain after micturition. Urine: copious; turbid. Generative System. Male: transient pains in the penis; soreness of the testicles. Female: leucorrhea, yellow; corrodes the labia. In leucorrhea, uterine congestion, displacement. Female: menstrual blood is watery; itching pain in the parts; eruptions on the genitals. In spasmodic affections in pregnancy and labor. Male: great excitement: desire; erections; emis sions; weakness. Female: irritation; men- ses too soon and too pro- fuse: intolerable itching in the external genitals. In gonorrhea, impo- tence, nymphomania, menorrhagia, etc. Male: depression; relax- ation; excilcment; erec- tions, etc. Female: menses sup- pressed: relaxation; leu- corrhea. etc. In impotence; loss of sexual desire (Holoombe): in chronic gonorrhoea, etc. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning: on motion, etc. Amel. in the afternoon; after moving, etc. Spec: hemorrhoidal tendency. Aggr. towards evening until ;J a.m. Amel. in the forenoon; open air, etc, Aggr. in the morning and afternoon, etc. Amel. in dry weather; from gentle motion, etc. Spec: left side; light hair; obesity. Aggr. in the morning; when walking, etc. Spec. :"old sinners witl impotence and gleet" (II). THIRD SERIES. 183 AILANTHl S. ALLIUM CEPA. ANACARMUM. APOCYN. CAN. Mouth: tongue dry, parched, cracked; throat dry, rough, irritated. Appetite and thirst va- riable; flat taste. Stomach: nausea in the morning, vomiting; every kind of food is vomited. Abdomen : tenderness ; tympanitis; colicky pain. Stool:frequent, watery: expelled with great force; dysenteric. In diarrhea, cholera morbus, etc. Digestive System. Mouth: dry; offensive odor; tongue foul coat; sensation as from a ball in the throat. Appetite capricious; no thirst- Stomach: sour eructa- tions; nausea, vomiting; pressure and pain. Abdomen: pain in the liver and spleen; coldness; colic about the navel; bloatcdness, elc. Stool: much flatulence; very offensive diarrhea; constipation; fissures in the anus. In hemorrhoids (Kim- ball). Mouth: offensive breath; toothache; swelling of the gums; tongue white; throat rough, painful. Bulimia; anorexia; con- stant thirst; bitter taste Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; rumb- ling; distention; pain. Abdomen: constant rumbling; griping, pinch- ing pain, esp. around the navel. Stool: intense urging; inactivity of the rectum; feces very pale; bloody moisture from the rectum. In dyspepsia, gastralgia, enteralgia, constipation, etc. Mouth: dry in the morn- ing; much mucus, esp. in the throat. Great thirst; bitter taste Stomach: intense nau- sea, vomiting; great irri- tability; can bear nothing. Abdomen: fullness; dis- tention; pain and pres- sure; soreness of the liver and spleen. Stool: diarrhea; con- stipation. In ascites; in dyspepsia with much bloating after a meal, etc Urinarv System. Urine: suppressed. Pain in the kidneys; pressure upon the blad- der; frequent urging. Urine: copious; red; painful micturition. Itching of the urethra; constantdesirc to urinate. Urine: turbid; dirty sediment. In symptomatic affec- tions. Weakness of the blad- der; the urine flows with- out force; pain. Urine: profuse; very scanty; thick; turbid. In dropsy of the geni- tals, etc. (Generative System. Male: chancre-like ul- cers on the prepuce Male: excitement; weak- ness; erections; discharge of prostatic fluid. Male: excitement; great desire; weakness; pain in the cords. Female:menses too ear- ly, but not profuse; pain in the uterus. In amenorrhea, delay In sexual weakness; in j Has been used in drop- of menstruation, etc. , leucorrhea; nausea in sy of the genitals; in me pregnancy, etc. trorrhagia, amenorrhea, etc. Special Kcmarks. Aggr. in the warm Aggr. morning, even- j Aggr. during night and room, etc. ! ing, etc. I in the morning. Amel. towards morn- Amel. in the open air, Amel. in the afternoon: jno-. elc during dinner, etc Spec: bilious tempera- Spec : old age (Hering). Spec : nervous hystcr- ; Seems lo require sub- ment. ical females. stantial doses (Hughes). 181 ARUM TRIPH. Acts esp. upon the mu- cous membranes, partic. of lie digestive and res- piratory organs. In affections of the mouth and throat; in spas- modic cough, aphonia, sore throat. It has a faint similarity to its great prototype, Phosphor. Comp; Phosph., Kali bichr., Baryt., etc. THIRD SERIES. ASA F(ETIDA. ASARUM. Leading Therapeutics. Acts upon the nervous system in general and esp. upon the generative or- gans of women, etc. In hysterical affections; gastric disorders; ail- ments of the osseous sys- tem, etc. Hyperesthesia is its chief feature. Comp. Mosch., Valcr., Ign., Cham., etc. Acts upon the mucus membranes in general and esp. upon those of the alimentary canal. In catarrhal affections of the mucus membranes; in nausea, vomiting, di- arrhea, etc. Esp. adapted in ail- ments with prominent chilliness. Comp. Ver. alb., Cupr., Elater., Nux vom., etc BERBERIS. Acts esp. upon the di- gestive and gcnilo-urin- ary organs. Esp. suited when renal and vesical symptoms arc the most prominent (Her- ing). With tendency to gall- stones and gravel, it will be well to think of Berb. Comp. Nux vom., Cupr., Podoph., Merc, etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Irritability; weakness of intellect and memory; delirium. Vertigo, with fullness of the head. Sleepiness during day; sleeplessness at night; nightmare. Hysterical symptoms; fickle and full of fun; irritable; anxious. Vertigo, with great ac- tivity of the brain. Sleepiness; restless sleep; full of dreams. In hysterical affections, etc. General vanishing of thoughts, like when fall- ing asleep. Vertigo; dizziness; dull- ness. Yawning; drowsiness; restless sleep; vexing dreams. Weakness of intellect and memory; anxiety; indifference. Vertigo, to falling. Sleepiness by day; sleep- lessness; restless sleep; anxious dreams. Itching of the whole surface. Eruption like scarla- tina; little, round, hard pimples all over the body; desquamation. Cutaneous System. Burning in the skin of the legs. In etc. abscesses, ulcers, Burning; smarting; cor- rosive itching. Red spots like petechia; papules; pustules; lym- phatic swellings, etc. lu prurigo, eczema, her- pes, jaundice, varicose veins, etc Trunk and Extremities. Nervousness; spasms: weakness; weariness; bruised pains. Stiffness of the neck; pain as if in atlas and deltoid vertebrae. Heaviness of the limbs, esp. of the legs; hands stiff and swollen; cramp in the legs. Weakness and weari- ness; drawing, tearing, stitching pains. Pain in the chest, neck and back; burning along the vertebra;. Pain in the limbs, esp. on the flexor sides; bones and periosteum are partic. affected. In neuralgia, rheum atic pains, esp. in the bones and periosteum and from syphilis, Nervous irritation ; weakness: weariness; sen- sation as if bruised. Pain in the neck, back and chest; paralytic pain in Ihc muscles. Lightness of all the limits; 'iie is not aware of having a body," pains and paralytic weakness. In neuralgic affections. Lame feeling all over; general relaxation; tear- ing, bruised pains. Pain in the neck; tear- ing in the spine; stiffness in the small of the back. Tearing or throbbing pains in the limbs; tension in the bend of the knees; heels pain as if ulcerated. In neuralgic and rheu- matic affections. THIRD SERIES. 183 BOYISTA. CALENDULA. CAULOPHYLLUM. CEDRON. Leading Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the blood, skin, heart and glandular system (Alt- schul). The chief use is in the cutaneous sphere (H.), and in hemorrhages from all outlets of the body. We may think of this remedy when we see a "tettery " person. (G.) Comp. Sulph., Graph., Ars., Sep., etc. Has specific powers of preventing or diminishing suppuration from median ical injuries. In all kinds of mechani- cal injuries, esp. lacerated wounds; used locally and internally. There is hardly any bet- ter remedy in healthy wounds than Calendula. Comp. Arn., Ruta, Hyper., Symph., etc. Acts esp. upon the fe- male generative organs; the muscles and joints, partic. those of the fingers. Uterine ailments; men- orrhagia ; rheumatism, esp. articular and in the small joints. Acts on the uterus simi- lar to Sec, but not so vio- lently. Comp. Sec, Cimicif., Puis., Sabin., Sep., etc. Acts esp. upon the cere" bro spinal nervous sys- tem, and partic. upon the kidneys and bowels. In intermittent, mala- rial fevers. Is applied in Mexico as an antidote for snake-bite. Char, is: a periodicity of the ailments which is often clock-like in regularity. Comp. Chin., Eupat., Gelsem., Natr. mur., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Great weakness of in- tellect and memory; de- pression; irritability. Vertigo; transcient loss of the senses. Sleepiness; great drow- siness ; sleeplessness; restless sleep ; frightful dreams. Irritability ; anxious- ness; drowsiness. Confusion of the head. Very restless at night. Dullness of mind and sensorium. Vertigo; sensation of swimming in the head. Restless at night, esp. after 3 a. m.; complete in- somnia. Depression; inquietude; anguish; dullness of in- tellect and memory. Vertigo, with dimness of sight. Sleepiness; drowsiness; sleeplessness; troublesome dreams; restless sleep. General intense itching; crawling as from insects. Dry and moist erup- tions, as papules, vesicles,- pustules, squame, etc.; with severe itching. In prurigo, eczema, her- pes, impetigo, psoriasis, etc. Cutaneous System. Skin hot, dry. Eruption of vesicles on the lower lip. In traumatic cases. Trunk and Extremities. Sensation as if beaten; aching, tearing, paralytic pains. Stitches in the neck; pain in the back, chest, etc Weakness and pain in the limbs, esp. of the joints; rheumatic lame- ness. In neuralgic, rheumatic affections, with general debility. Restlessness; drawing, pressive pains. Pressive pain between the shoulder-blades and in the chest. Pressive pain in the wrists and ankles; weari- ness of the lower extremi- ties. In mechanical injuries; in cuts, lascerated wounds, etc., it is much preferable to Arnica. Debility and nervous- ness; drawing and flying pains. Pains in the chest and back. Rheumatic, flying, draw- ing pains in the limbs, with spasmodic rigidity, esp. of the smaller joints. In neuralgic affections and rheumatism, esp. of the smaller joints. Weakness; restlessness; malaise; neuralgic pains. Pain in the back and loins; oppression of the chest. Numbness of the arms and legs; rheumatic pains in all the joints;pain seems to be in the cartilages. In sympathetic affc - tions. 186 THIRD SERUE S. ARUM TRIPH. ASA E(ETII)A AS ARUM. BERBERIS. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: coldness; sore- ness of the scalp. Headache: dull, pres- sive pains; in the fore- head, temples, etc Eyes: pain; obscuration of sight; photophobia. Ears: heat; tearing pain. Nose: fluent coryza; nostrils sore. Face: hot- Lips: hot, swollen, chapped, bleeding. In headache, confusion of sight, etc. Head: cold sweat on the forehead. Headache: nervous, hysterical, one-sided pains; worse in evening. Eyes: dry, hot; dim- ness; inflammation. Ears: hardness of hear- ing; offensive discharge Nose: offensive dis- charge; swelling of bones. Face: hot; small tuber- cles. Lips: puffed; drawing pain in the lower maxilla. In headache, affections of the eyes, cars, ozena, ete Head: itching; sensa- tion of coldness. Headache: dull, pres- sive, drawing pains; in the temples, forehead,ete Eyes: dryness: heat; swelling of the lids. Ears: roaring. Nose: sneezing; bleed- ing. Face: hot; burning of the checks. Mouth: pain in the ar- ticulation of lower jaw. In headache, affections of the ears, etc. Nervous System. Head: cold sweat on the forehead. i t Headache: nervous, hysterical, one-sided ; pains; worse in evening. 1 Eyes: dry, hot; dim- ness; inflammation. < Ears: hardness of hear- ing; offensive discharge Nose: offensive dis- charge; swelling of bones, j i Face: hot; small tuber- cles, i i Lips: puffed; drawing pain in the lower maxilla. ' ' In headache, affections of the eves, cars, ozena, \ > etc. " I Nervous Nervous erethism; re- laxation; debility. Great restlessness; spasms; epilepsy; chorea. A principal remedy in all hysterical affections, esp. the epileptic form, Circulator; Circulatory System. Nervous depression; lassitude; debility. Restlessness; spasms; debility, etc. In sympathetic affec- tions. Pulse accelerated. Chills, as after taking cold, running over the body with much yawning, heat 4 to 9 p. m., very in- tense In typhoid forms of fever, with great restless- ness, suppressed urine, etc. (Hering). Mucus in the trachea; voice hoarse, uncertain; asthmatic breathing. Cough: frequent; with itching in the larynx, etc. Oppression of the chest; pain in the lungs. In ailments from over- use of the voice; in asth- ma, cough, laryngitis,elc. Pulse accelerated; pain about the heart. Every day between 3 and 4 p. m. coldness and trembling, with unbear- able pain in head; heat in face; cold, moist skin. In palpitation of the heart, hydrothorax, elc. Spasms of the glottis; voice weak, hoarse :brcath- ing very oppressed. Cough: dry, irritating. spasmodic. Compression, stitches and pain of the chest. Tn spasmodic cough, whooping-cough, asthma, etc.: in ailments from hys- teria, etc. Weakness and weari- ncss;excessivc sensibility. Debility; desire to lie down; tearing pains. In sympathetic affec- tions. Pulse quick and strong. Great want of vital heat : chilliness in the forenoon, after eating. etc.; flashes of heat; sour sweat. In intermittent fevers when the stage between chill and heat is not de- cided. Stitches and constric- tion of Hie larynx; breath- ing short and whistling. Cough: frequent, short; with expectoration. Burning in the chest; pain in the lungs. In cough,dyspnea,pleu- ritis, etc. Head: tensive stitching of the scalp. Headache: dull, pres- sing pain outwards; in the forehead, temples,etc. Eyes: dryness; violent, shooting pains. Ears: beating, tearing pains. Nose: crawling; catarrh- al symptoms. Face: pale, earthy, hol- low; tearing pain. Burning and formica- tion of the lips. In congestive headache, catarrhal ophthalmia, esp. i with hemorrhoids (Koch). Great weakness, like fainting; tearing pains. Lame feeling all over; not inclined to work. Pulse weak and slow; palpitation. Chill with icy cold feet, but without thirst; chill as if in the hones, with warm skin :heat; easy pers- piration. In bilious fever, with diarrhea (Altschul). Hoarseness; pain in the throat: breathing short, oppressed. Cough: short, dry, with stitches in the chest. Tearing, si itching in the chest. In inflammatory affec- tions, esp. with bilious affections. Respiratory System. BOVISTA. Head: violent itching on the scalp; hair falls off. Headache; bruised pain in the brain; as if the head were too large. Eyes: dim; without bis tre: lids inflamed. Ears: dullness of hear- ing; fetid discharge Nose: stopped; scurf in the nostrils. Face: alternating red and pale. Lips: cracked; swollen. In catarrhal affections, as catarrhal headache, epistaxis, swelling of the lips, etc (Altschul). T II1R DsE R ins. CALENDULA. CAULOPHYLLUM. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: confusion. I Head: a sensation as if j swimming. Headache: dull, prcs- Headache: dull, itching sive pain, with sensation j pains; pressure behind of heat; in the occiput. the eyes; attacks in spells. Eves: red; lids swollen; Eyes; lachrymation; pupils dilated. „ pressing pain. Ears: stitching pain. is; Nose: drawing pain. Face: sensation of swe ling; pain. In sympathetic affec- tions. In rheumatic headache CEDRON. The whole head feels swollen and heavy. Headache: dull, heavy pains; in the forehead, occiput or temples. Eyes: red; protruding: smarting pain. Ears: pains; hardness of hearing. Nose: profuse discharge of thin, acrid mucus. Face: red; hot, tearing pains. Lips: very dry. In headache, neuralgia of the face, etc., esp. with intermittent fever. Nervous System. Nervous debility: rheu- matic, paralytic pains. Weakness; weariness; spasms; numbness, etc. In neuralgic, rheumatic affections. Debility with nervous- ness and rheumatic pains. Weakness; weariness; spasms; convulsions, etc. In spasmodic, neuralgic affections, esp. with ute- rine disorders. Nervous debility; neu- ralgic pains. Restlessness; iiervo>;s- ness;weakness;nunibness. In neuralgic affections, esp. from malarial influ- ence Pulse accelerated; vio- lent palpitation. Coldness predominates: chills with pain and shiv- ering; flushes of heat; slight perspiration. In intermittent fevers with predominating chil- liness: in catarrhal affec- tions. Circulatory System. Pulse irregular. Chilliness esp. in the morning, and of the hands and feet; great heat in the forenoon, etc. Has been used in rheu- mat ic and other fevers. Pulse accelerated; pal- pitation, Coldness predominates; chill all over and shiver- ing at 3 a. m.; general heat; profuse perspira- tion. In intermittent, mala- rial fevers with decided periodicity it rivals with China. Respiratory System. Catarrhal affections of the larynx; breathing short and difficult. Cough: from tickling in the chest- Stitching pain and tick- ling in the chest. In catarrhal affections, esp. of the larynx and trachea (Allschul). Voice weak, almost lost; breathing deep and very difficult. In traumatic affections, etc. Loss of voice. Spasmodic, intermittent pain in the chest. In sympathetic affec- tions from uterine dis- turbances, etc. Larynx constricted and sore; voice weak or lost; breathing difficult. Cough: dry, debilitat- ing; mucous sputa. Pressure in the chest, as from a heavy weight. In sympathetic affec- tions. 188 THIRD SERIES. v> ARUM TRIPH. ASA FCETIDA. ASARUM. BERBERIS. Digestive System. Mouth: burning; great soreness; tongue hot. cracked; papille raised; throat hot, constricted. No appetite;little thirst; cannot eat for soreness. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; spasms; pain. Abdomen: rumbling; flatulence; cutting pains; pain in the liver; burning at the anus. Stool; watery, brown, yellow;with painful tenes- mus. Urine: profuse, pale; scanty or suppressed. Male: transient pain in the right testicle. Female: cutting pain in the left ovary. Aggr. in the morning. Amel. in the forenoon, until after dinner, etc Mouth: heat; decrease of saliva;toothache;gums sore; throat hot, painful; globus hystericus. Appetite capricious; no thirst; taste fatty, rancid. Stomach: eructations^ disgust and nausea; dis- tention; pain, etc Abdomen: griping pain; great distention; rumb- ling; flatulence; pain in the liver, spleen, etc Stool: watery, thin, of- fensive diarrhea; consti- pation, obstinate, no fe- I ces, but mucus. In dyspepsia, gastral- gia, colic, diarrhea, etc., esp. with hysterical symp- toms. Male: irritation; stitches in the glans penis; pain in the testicles. Female: excitement; nymphomania; swelling of the parts; labor-like pain in the uterus; menses too soon. In uterine ailments, premature menstruation (Hempel), leucorrhea, agalactia, etc. Aggr. in the morning; after eating, etc. Amel. in the evening, towards 9 p. m., etc Mouth: dry, much mu- cus; tongue hot; pain in the gums; dryness and rawness in the throat. Appetite capricious: bit- ter taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; pres- sure; pinching pains. Abdomen: cutting pains; rumbling and gurgling; colic with vomiting. Stool: preceded by pains; whitish gray; bloody mucus; constipa- tion. In diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, etc.; in condi- tions of hyper-secretion of mucus. Female: menses preced- ed by violent pain in the small of the back. In dysmenorrhea,threat- ened abortion, vaginal fis- tula (Hering), suppressed menses and lochia. Aggr. in the morning; towards evening, etc. Amel. from walking in the open air, etc. Spec: nervous, melan- choly temperament- Mouth dry, offensive odor; gums ulcerated; tongue blistered; throat red, hot, inflamed. Appetite capricious; thirst; bitter taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; pres- sure; pain. Abdomen: distention; rumbling; colic as as from gall-stones; pain in the liver and spleen. Stool: watery, pappy; hard, like sheep's dung; frequent ineffectual urg- ing. In hepatic ailments, as bilious vomiting and diar- rhea, gall-stones, etc.; in hemorrhoids, etc. Burning pain in the kidneys and bladder;burn- ing in the urethra. Urine: clear; red; dark; turbid; slimy sediment. In inflammatory affec- tions as nephritis, cystitis, etc.; in gravel. Male; depression; weak- ness; pain in the genitals. Female: depression; menses scanty; acrid leu- corrhea; vagina very sore. In painful menstrua- tion; in sexual debility, etc., (Altschul). Aggr. in the morning; from motion, etc. Amel. in the evening; in rest, etc. Spec: renal or vesical symptoms. Urinary System. Stitches in the urethra. Urine: scanty, acrid; of very strong smell. Pressure upon the blad- der; constant desire to urinate. Generative System. Special Remarks. THIRD SERIES. 189 BOVISTA. CALENDULA. CAULOPHYLLUM. CEDRON. Digestive System. Mouth: numb; putrid odor; scorbutic gums; tongue numb, painful; throat hot, sore. Appetite lost; great thirst; putrid taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; heavi- ness; coldness. Abdomen: cutting pains around the navel; puffi- ness of single spots; col icky pains. Stool: diarrhea, with cutting pain; much flatus; constipation. In gastric affections, esp. with scrofula (Linne calls it a "vis gastrica"). Mouth: submaxillary glands swollen; pain and tension in the throat. Appetite bitter taste. Stomach: nausea. diminished; hiccough; Abdomen: boring pain in the region of the navel; stitches in the right side of the abdomen. Stool: preceded by grip- ing in the abdomen and accompanied by chill. Mouth: dry, hot; tongue white; pain in the throat,' causing inclination to swallow. Bulimia; anorexia; great thirst. Stomach: gulping, up a sour fluid; nausea, vom- iting; heat; pain. Abdomen: tender, dis- tended; spasmodic con- tractions; flatulent colic. Stool: constipation, or watery, thin, painless stool. Mouth: dry, hot; tongue yellow all over; throat hot, painful, constricted. No appetite or thirst; bitter, nasty taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; full- ness; heaviness; pain, Abdomen: inflated, hard, distended; colic; spasms; pain in the liver. Stool: copious, yellow, loose, with pain and great tenesmus; constipation with much urging. In symptomatic affec- tions. "It ought to be useful in cholera infan- tum" (Hale). Urinary System. Pain in the region of the kidneys; burning in the urethra; frequent urging. Urine: bright red, vio- let sediment. Tearing in the urethra; frequent micturition. Urine: very hot. Urine: copious, pale Pain in the kidneys; burning in the urethra; frequent urging. Urine: abundant; scanty, high colored, almost dark. Generative System. Male: depression; weak- ness; emissions. Female: voluptuous sen- sation; menses too early and profuse; yellow or green acrid leucorrhea. In leucorrhea, etc., from taking cold (Alt- schul). In traumatic and puer- peral cases, esp. locally. Male: transient sharp pain in the glans penis. Female: menses too soon; suppressed with pain and spasms; dymen- orrhea; vagina sore; ul- cerated; profuse, slimy, leucorrhea. In amenorrha^a, dys- menorrhea, uterine dis- placements, tedious or painful labors, etc. Male: excitement; erec- tions in the morning. Female: excitement in the morning, with slimy leucorrhea and swelling of the mamme. In sexual leucorrhea, spasms, etc. debility, menstrua] Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning and evening, etc. Amel. from walking; in the open air, etc. Spec: sensation of en- largement of head (Teste). Aggr. in the morning; towards evening, etc. Amel. when walking about, or lying still, etc. Spec: the external use is predominating. Aggr. in the afternoon, evening and open air. Amel. in room; from emission of flatus, etc. Spec: the female sex. Aggr. in the morning; during night, etc. Amel. after eating, etc. Spec: periodicity is very prominent. 190 THIRD SERIES. CHIMAPHILA. CLEMATIS. COLLINSONIA. COPAIVA. Leading Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the mu- cous membranes of the urinary organs, particu- larly upon the kidneys. In affections,esp. of the kidneys and bladder and their sequele, as dropsy. polyuria, etc. In general it causes mu- cous sediment to disap- pear from the urine (Hale). Comp. Cann., Canth., Cop., Tereb., etc. Acts in general upon the glandular and cutane- ous systems, and partic. the mucous membranes. In glandular affections, rheumatism, arthritis, ve- il era! diseases, etc. Torpidity and cachexia are great indications. Comp. Merc, Puis., Bry., Rhus tox., etc. Affects esp. the whole intestinal canal,but partic. the small intestines and I he rectum (Burt). In torpidity of the bow- els,ete,asin constipation, liver diseases, hemor- rhoids, etc It has also a decided effect upon the female sexual organs. Comp. Aloe,Acschipp., Hydr.. Podoph., etc. Acts esp. upon the geni- to-urinary, digestive an d cutaneous systems,partic. on the urinary organs. In catarrhal affections of the urinary organs; in diarrhea, dysentery, ski ] diseases, etc Comp. Canth., Cann. Jereb., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression; irritability; taciturnity; anxiety; men- tal dullness. Vertigo; confusion and cloudiness of the head. Excessive sleepiness during the day; sleepless- ness at night ; uneasy sleep; much dreaming. Debility; dullness; de- sire to sleep all day. Vertigo; dullness of the head. Excessive sleepiness, Entire unfitness for mental labor ; sadness even to disgust of life. Vertigo; headache and confusion of the head. Sleepiness and drowsi- ness during day; sleep- lessness at night; lascivi- ous dreams. Cutaneous System, In scrofulous ulcera- tions it has made brilliant cures (Burt); in dropsy. Itching and prickling all over; burning in ulcers. Dark red burning mili- ary rash; papular, ve- sicular and pustular erup- tions. In eczema, herpes, but esp. pustular eruptions. Intense itching and burning here and there. Dry and moist eruption, as erythema, urticaria. pustules, etc. In erythema, urticaria, etc., esp. with urinary ailments. Trunk and Extremities. An unusual sensa- tion in the small of the back in region of kidneys. Dropsy has often been cured with this remedy in the hands of the allo- copaths (Burt). Weakness ; weariness'; heaviness and bruised pain all over. Pain in-the small of the back; swelling of the ax- illary glands. Rheumatic pain in the extremities: swelling of the finger joints. In neuralgic, rheumatic and arthritic affections. esp. gonorrheal rheuma- tism, Weakness ; weariness ; desire lo sleep ail day. Rheumatic flying pain in the limbs; tearing pain in both knees. In bruises, sores, wounds, sprains and contusions. (Hale) Muscular weakness ; trembling ; twitchings : pain. Rheumatic pain and stiffness of the neck and back. N umbness. t rembling and pains in the limbs; the knees arc esp.affected. In gonorrhn'al rheuma- tism, etc. THIRD SERIES. 191 CROTON TIGL. CURARE. CYCLAMEN. DIOSCOREA. Leading Therapeutics. Acts in general upon the vascular system and esp. upon the alimentary tract and the skin. In affections of the ali- mentary canal, esp. from irritation; in skin erup- tions, etc. Has an intense power of irritation of the mu- cous membranes and skin. Comp. Elat., Ver. alb.. Canth., Mez.. Arson., etc. Acts esp. upon the mo- tor nervous system, caus- ing paralysis from the perephery towards centre In the semi-paralysis, called nervous debility, its administration has shown the best results(ll). Claude Bernard states that it paralyses also the vaso-motor nerves. Comp. Nux vom., Con., Strychn., Acid, hydr.,etc. Aetsjjupon the nervous system in general, esp. on mucous membranes of the genito-urinary organs. In delayed menstrua- tion, disorders of diges- tion, weakness of sight, etc. Constant chilliness is al- most always a concomi- tant of the ailments. Comp. Puis., Sep., Ambr., Con., etc. Acts upon the nervous system in general, esp. on mucous membranes of the digestive canal. In digestive disorders, etc. It is a medicine for one disease,—that known as "bilious colic" (II). Severe pain about the umbilical region is the most marked symptoms. Comp. Colocynth., Iris ver., Colch.,Bell., Plumb. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression; fear of fu- ture; drowsiness: stupor. Vertigo, with dullness and heaviness of the head. Sleepiness during day; sleepless and restless at night; anxious dreams. In sympathetic affec- tions. Gaycty; foolish merri- ment; sadness; depres- sion; insanity. Vertigo, with pressure upon the temples. Invincible drowsiness and sleepiness; sleepless- ness ; anxious, frightful dreams. In sympathetic affec- tions. Depressed, peevish, ir- ritable condition; weak- ness of intellect, memory. Vertigo, the objects move in a circle. Sleepiness with chilli- ness; sleeplessness; rest- lessness; much dreaming. In hypochondriasis with digestive disorder. Great depression; apa- thy; dullness of the men- tal powers. Vertigo; appearing and j disappearing suddenly. Great sleepiness during day; cannot fall asleep at night; much dreaming. In sympathetic affec- tions. Cutaneous System. Itching: heat; burning; pain. Skin red, swollen; dry and moist eruptions: tlic vesicular varieties arc the most prominent. In eczema, herpes, bul- la?, pemphigus, impetigo, etc., in eczema rubruni. Formication and numb- ness: tickling; itching. Skin red, inflamed, swollen; dry and moist eruptions, esp. of the pus- iular variety. In ecchymoses, phlyc- bene, pemphigus, etc. Itching, worse in lied; numbness; crawling. Dry and moist erup- tions, esp. the papular variety; bright-red spots. like burns. In intertrigo, eczema, erythema, etc., esp. of chronic nature Intense itching and burning on various parts. Intense itching is a very prominent symptom. In pruritus it likely may be a principal reme- Trunk and M\trealities. Weakness and weari- ness: restlessness: emaci- ation; pains; collapse Pain in the neck and back, esp. the lumbar region. Weakness of the limbs; trembling of the hands and feet ; sensation of great heaviness. In neuralgic and rheu- matic affections. emaciation ; the muscles: Exec; dryness debility; pain. The head is turned backwards; large tumors on neck; pain in back. Shocks and disordered movements of the limbs; trembling: pain; swelling; paralysis, etc. Weakness of the whole body; restlessness; draw- ing pains, etc. Pressure in the chest; stiffness of the neck; pain in the back. Weakness and weari- ness of the limbs; the mo- bility impaired; drawing, rheumatic, pains. In sympathetic affec- tions; in neuralgia rhcu- inat ism, paralytic condi- tions, etc General weariness and lassitude ; restlessness ; trembling; dull pains. Stitches through the chest; drawing between the shoulders, etc. Weakness ; weariness and pains of the limbs. esp. of the knees. In neuralgic and rheu- maticaffections with great debility. 192 THIRD SERIES. CHIMAPHILA. CLEMATIS. COLLINSONIA. COPAIVA. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Headache: sympathetic from renal or dropsical affections. Head; crawling^, and itching; eruption. Headache: rheumatic boring, heavy pains, in the forehead, etc Eyes: pain; photopho- bia; inflammation. Ears: burning pain; ringing. Nose: dryness; sneez- ing; bloody discharge. Face: pale, sickly ap- pearance; pain. Lips: burning hot; ve- sicles. In headache, ophthal- mia, otalgia, prosopalgia, etc., esp. from veneral > causation. Head: heaviness; drow- siness. Headache: dull, pres- sive pains;in the forehead, over the eyes, etc. Nose: excessive dry- ness. Face: yellow; neuralgic pain. Pain in the upper ma- lar bone. Head : sensitiveness of scalp; hair falls out. Headache: congestive, heavy pains; in the fore- head, temples, etc. Eyes: red; obscuration of sight. Ears: pain in the night; purulent discharge. Nose: painful; obstruct- ed. Face: pale; bloated; tearing pain in the cheeks. In sympathetic affec- tions. Nervous irritation; de- bility: pain. Rheumatic pains. Nervous System. Nervous debility. | Nervous debility. Twitching of the mus- cles; vibration in body. In neuralgic and rheu- matic affections. Weakness; weariness; desire to sleep all day. Nervous debility; ex- cessive sensibility. Weakness; weariness; hysterical symptoms. In nervous affections similar to hysteria, etc. Circulatory System. Pulse accelerated; stitches in the heart. Chill with shivering, followed by sweat with- out heat: dry heat at night; profuse sweat in the morning. Iu irritable heart (Hale). Palpitation of the heart- Chilliness in the morn- ing; heat in the afternoon; sour sweat at night. Respiratory System. Dryness and burning in the larynx; breathing difficult. Cough: dry: tickling. Aching pain in the chest, esp. in left side. In hemorrhage from the lungs (Hale). Larynx dry; rough; voice hoarse; breathing slow. Cough: from tickling in the larynx; white sputa. Burning pain in the chest. THIRD SERIES, 191 CROTON TIGL. CURARE. CYCLAMEN. DIOSCOREA. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: great sensitive- ness on the scalp. Headache: tearing. pressive pains; in the fore- head, temples, etc. Eyes: dimness; lachry- mation; inflammation. Ears: spasmodic pains, deep in the left ear. Nose: heat; dryness; profuse discharge Face: pale cold, shrunken; formication. Lips: hot, dry, cracked. In sympathetic affec- tions; in rheumatic otalgia (Giinther), prosopalgia, etc. Head: hair falls out; cerebral tuberculosis. Headache: heavy, bor- ing pains, as if boiling in the head, etc. Eyes: weakness; pupils dilated; lids swollen. Ears: deafness; roaring; great pain. Nose: inflamed; extreme swelling; ulcers, etc. Face: pale; greenish: cadaverous; pain. Lips: hot, swollen, in- flamed, ulcerated. In congestion of the brain; in headache; am- blyopia, etc., it seems to be of great use. Head: formication on the scalp; eruption. Headache: stitching, boring pains; in the fore- head, one-sided, etc. Eyes: dimness; diplo- bia, strabismus, etc. Ears: roaring; dullness of hearing; drawing pain. Nose: sneezing; coryza; pain in the bones. Face: pale; red; pain in the cheeks. Itching and numbness of the lips. In migraine with men- strual disorders (Eidherr); in amblyopia, fluent cory za, etc. Head: sensation of numbness. Headache: dull, heavy pain in the forehead, tem- ples, etc. Eyes: weak, sore, pain- ful. Ears: buzzing; ringing; hardness of hearing; pain. Nose: dry; obstructed; bad smell. Face: sharp pain in the left cheek. Lips: hot and sore. In headache of a gastric rheumatic nature; in affec- tions of the eyes, facial neuralgia, etc. Nervous System. Nervous debility; rest- lessness; collapse AVeakness; weariness: trembling; lethargy. In sympathetic affec- tions. It paralyzes the motor nervous system. General debility; ema- ciation; tetanus; paralysis In semi-paralysis, and nervous debility in gener- al, as from diseases, etc. Nervous prostration; relaxation of the body. Weakness; restlessness; great uneasiness. In sympathetic affec- tions. Nervous debility; dis- position to faint. Trembling of the limbs; itching; pain in abdomen, In sympathetic affec- tions, in pruritus, abdomi- nal pains, etc. Circulatory System. The pulse and action of the heart is very weak. Chill with cold, clammy sweat, precceded by drowsiness: heat; profuse sweat. In fevers with promi- nent spinal symptoms; intermittent fever seems to be the type Pulse hard, irregular; violent palpitation. Coldness commencing from the abdomen; shiv- ering; heat esp. in the head, with thirst and hun- ger; cold, bloody sweat- In nervous palpitation of the heart from general debility it seems to be of use. Pulse rapid, weak; vio- lent palpitation, Coldness is very promi- nent; chilliness; great sensitiveness to cold air; heat of the face; noctur- nal perspiration. Pulse and heart's action slow; palpitation. Coldness is a very prominent symptom: chilliness without heat; sweat in the morning. Respiratory System. Laryngeal catarrh; voice hollow, hoarse; breathing short, difficult. Cough: frequent; yel- low, difficult sputa. Pressure and pains, deep within the chest. Larynx dry, swollen; mucus; false membranes; voice thick; dyspnea- Cough : violent,shaking: green or bloody sputa- Burning heat in chest; vomiting of bright blood. In croup, whooping- cough, dyspnea, hemop- tysis, elc, it seems to be a prime remedy. Tickling and pains in the larynx; voice weak; dyspnea- Cough: tickling, violent, esp. at night; much sputa- Pressure and pain in the chest. In asthma florida (Zorn). Irritation of the larynx, inducing coughing; con- striction of the glottis. Cough: severe, tickling, dry; bloody sputa. Pain in the chest, esp. in the right lung. 194 THIRD SERIES. CHIMAPHILA. CLEMATIS. C0LL1NS0NIA. COPAIVA. Digestive System. Appetite increased; great thirst. Stomach: agreeable sen- sation in the stomach; sickness at the stomach. Stool: quent. loose and fre- in hepatic diseases, as cites, etc. Mouth: offensive odor; toothache; decayed' teeth; tongue painful; throat dry and hot- Appetite increased: desire for cold drinks. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; disten- tion; prc*sive pain. Abdomen: distention; flatulence; colic; pain in the liver; swelling of in- guinal glands. Stool: frequent, loose, painless; thin, pasty, co- pious; constipation. Mouth: tongue yellow coating. Bitter taste. Stomach: nausea. Abdomen: cutting pain in the hypogastricum and rectum; urging to stool; emission of flatus. Stool: mushy; preceded by pain and followed by tenesmus; constipation. In obstinate constipa- tion and hemorrhoids; in diarrhea, dysentery, etc. Mouth: drv, much phlegm;toothache; tongue feels as if cold; throat swollen, painful. Appetite capricious; some thirst; bitter taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; pres- sive, burning pains. Abdomen: pain in the liv- er; rumbling and flatu- lence: swelling; cutting pain; bleeding piles. Stool, thin, painful, bloody; morning diar- rhea; constipation; ooz- ing from the anus. In inflammatory affec- tions of the alimentary canal; in dysentery, he- morrhoids, etc. Urinary System. Very frequent urging; increase of urine. Urine: abundant; green- ish: dark. In dropsy. Pain in the kidneys, bladder and urethra; burning during micturit, Urine: frequent, abun- dant; scanty, purulent. In inflammatory affec- tions; in urethral blenor- rhea, gonorrhea, etc. Urine; high colored and scanty. In urinary difficulties (Hale). Burning in the neck of the bladder and urethra; constant painful urging. Urine: scanty, bloody, mucous; strong odor, etc. In cystitis, urethritis, gonorrhea, etc. Generative System. Has been recommended in gonorrhea and syphi- lis Male: excitement; strong desire; pain in the organs: swelling of the testicles. Female: menses too early and profuse; corro- sive leucorrhea. In orchitis, gonorrhea, etc In dysmenorrhea, men- orrhagia, leucorrhea,etc.: in constipation and he- morrhoids of pregnancy. Male: irritation; desire; erections; swelling of the testicles; weakness, etc. Female: irritation; men- ses too soon and profuse; itching of the vulva; spasms of the uterus; pains in the ovaries; leu- corrhea, etc. In gonorrhea, leucor- rhea, pruritus vulve, pain in thcuterus.ovaries, etc Special Remarks. The tincture seems to he the most effective Aggr. after midnight and in the morning. Amel. in the afternoon and evening. Spec.: light hair; cach- exia. Aggr. in the afternoon, evening and open air. Aggr. in the morning, etc. Amel. during a walk, etc. T IT I R D S E It I E S. 10.-, CROTON TIGL. CURARE. CYCLAMEN. DIOSCOREA. Digestive System. Mouth: inflammation of the palate; teeth fall out; tongue inflamed; throat inflamed, ulcerated. Bulimia: anorexia: great thirst; bitter taste Stomach: eructations: nausea, vomiting; strange motions; great pain. • Abdomen: swelling: in flation: strange move- ments; burning pain enor- mous swelling of the liver. Stool: whitish, liquid, choleraic, with cramps in the stomach; yellow, bloody: constipation. In inflammation, etc., of the buccal cavity and alimentary tract it seems to be strongly indicated. Urinary Mouth: red, dry, much walery saliva; toothache; tongue white, red tip; throat hot, swollen, etc. Bulimia; anorexia; great thirst; salty taste Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting: disten- tion; pressive pain. Abdomen: distention; pain; cramps; sticking about the liver: heat in the rectum. Stool: diarrhea; expul- sion like a shot; great te- nesmus; constipation. In digestive disorders, esp. with affections of the I spleen. 1 System. Mouth: inflamed; tongue white;gums swollen; pain in the teeth; inflammation of the throat. Appetite great, lost; in- tense thirst; bitter taste Stomach: heat; pain; sensation of weakness, in- flammation. Abdomen: fullness: dis- tention: intense pain and and burning; gurgling; rumbling; inflammation. Stool: watery, brown, green; mucous: great urg- ing; expelled like a shot; intense tenesmus. In diarrhea, dysentery. gastralgia, enteralgia, colic, cholera inf. and Asiatiea. etc. Burning in the urethra while urinating: frequent urging. Urine increased, pale. frothy; scanty, turbid. In symptomatic affec- tions. Male: irritation; erec- tions; itching of the glans penis and scrotum. Female: menses scanty; itching and swelling of the vulva. In symptomatic affec- tions. Aggr. in the morning; while sitting, etc Amel. during a walk, etc. Heat and pains in the kidneys, bladder and ure- thra; inflammation, etc. Urine: clear, profuse; dark, scanty, bloody, etc. Seems indicated in gon- orrhea, hematuria, c.hor- dee, nephritis, etc Male: excitement; weak- ness; venereal symptoms, like gonorrhea, chancres. Female: excitement; nymphomania;nienscs too soon; pain in the uterus and ovaries; inflamma- tion: ulcers on the os: va- ginismus, leucorrhea. This extensive patho genesis entitles us to be- lieve that it may become a very important remedy, Aggr. morning and even- ing; from motion, etc. Amel. relieved by eat- ing. Pressure upon the blad- der and rectum: frequent urging. Urine: dark red: much sediment. .Male: irritation; erec- tions: soreness of the glans penis and prepuce. Female: menses too early and profuse; black clotted blood and mem- branes; with violent labor- pa ins, etc. Tn membraneous dys- menorrhea; in menor- rhagia, etc. Aggr. in the evening; from walking, etc. Amel. in rest; indoors, etc Spec : light hair, leuoo- pblegmatic temperament. Mouth: dry, hot; tongue white, yellow; tonsils hot, swollen, constricted. Appetite very much in- creased; bitter taste Stomach: eructations; nausea; pain; sensation of emptiness and weakness. Abdomen: severe pains in the umbilical region; swelling; rumbling; beat; pain; hemorrhoids. Stool: thin, yellow, with- out relieving the pain in the bowels; very offensive diarrhea; constipation. In "bilious colic" (Hughes); in diarrhea, gastralgia, enteralgia,con- stipation, etc In renal colic from pas sage of calculi (Hale). Male: irritation; erec- tions; emission; relaxa- tion; loss of desire. In dysmenorrhea, uter- ine colic, after-pains, etc , ! (Hale). Aggr. at night; in the morning; in rest, etc. Amel. in the open air; when moving, etc Generative System. Special Remarks. 196 THIRD SERIES. EUPATOR. PERF. EUPATOR. PURP. EUPHRASIA. HYDROCOTYLE. Leading Therapeutics. Acts in general upon the nervous,digestive and osseous systems; esp. up- on the liver. "Enough is known to rank it beside Bry. in re- gard to its febrile and hepatic symptoms" (D). Its great field of action is in intermittent and bil- ious fevers. Comp. Bry., Rhus tox., Ars., Merc, etc. Acts in general upon the nervous, urinary and muscular systems, esp. up- on the kidneys. "Next to Apoc. can. I consider it a most power- ful remedy in dropsy" (Hale). Has been found of great utility in dropsy and urinary calculi (Burt): Comp. Apoc. can., Can. sat., Apis, Chimapb., etc. Has a special action up- on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory organs, the eyes, etc. In catarrhal affections of the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, etc. The eyes are the special scat of its influence" (Hughes). Comp. Allium, Kali bichr.,Ruta, Puis., etc. Its chief action seems to be upon the skin, the uterus, the nerves of the eyes, ears, etc. Has been recommended in elephanlhiasis greco- rum; in ulceration of the neck of the uterus, etc. The pathogenetic symp- toms hitherto elicited are not striking (Hughes). Comp. Sil., Lye, Dulc. ■ Ars., Merc, etc Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression; moaning from pain; anxiety. Vertigo, with soreness of the head. Sleepiness ; restless sleep. In sympathetic affec- tions. Talkativeness ; illu- sions of sight and hearing; anxiety. Vertigo, with sensation of lightness of the head. Sleepiness; drowsiness; sleeplessness ; restless sleep. In sympathetic affec- tions. Taciturnity; irritability; fretfullness. Vertigo ; heaviness of the head. Sleepiness during day; sleeplessness after mid- night; we>rse after sleep; frightful dreams. Gayety ; loquacity ; gloomy thoughts; misan- throphy; indifferentism. Vertigo and dizziness with torpor. Sleepiness; dreamless, heavy sleep. Eruption similar measles or eczema. to In tardy eruption of exanthemata, esp. mea- sles (Hering). Dropsical swelling In dropsy Cutaneous System. Itching; formication. Pustules on the nose. In affections of the eye in measles. Pricking and intolerable itching on various parts. Erysipelatous redness; spots with scaly edges; papular, miliary and pus- tular eruptions. In elephanthiasis gre- corum; in eczema, lupus, etc. Trunk and Extremities. Pains all over; intense aching in the limbs "as if the bones were broken." Pain in the neck, back and shoulders. Aching in the limbs as if the bones were broken; stiffness of the fingers; cramps in the legs, etc. In neuralgic,rheumatic arthritic pains, apparent- ly located in the bones. Weakness; weariness; pains; dropsical swelling; emaciation. Stiffness of the neck; violent pain in the back, from below upwards. Rheumatic pain in the limbs from below up- wards; weakness ; weari- ness. In neuralgic and rheu- matic affections, etc. Unusual great weari- ness; debility and pains. Cramp-like pain in the back. The arms "go to sleep;" cramps in the calves, esp. when standing. In catarrhal affections. Weakness ; weariness ; bruised feeling in all the muscles. Bruised pain in the re- gion of the kidneys. Irresistible inclination to stretch the limbs; weak- ness; weariness and pains of the limbs. T H I R D S E RI E S. 197 HYPERICUM. JABORANDI. KALMIA. LAUROCERACUS. Leading Therapeutics. Acts in general on the nervous and vascular sys- tems, causing excitement followed by depression. In injuries in parts rich in nerves,partic the fingers and toes, and the matrix of the nails (Frost). "It might prove to be the Arnica of the nervous centres" (Ludlam). Comp. Arn., Calend., Ruta, Symph., etc. Acts esp.upon the nerv- ous, circulatory and cu- taneous systems; the eyes are particularly affected. It will probably become an important remedy in some forms of sweating and ptyalism. Its diaphoretic and si- alagogue properties are very great. Comp. Tpee, Ant. tart., Mere. Bell., Atroph., etc Acts in general upon the nervous system, causing depression of the vital functions, pains, etc. In rheumatic affections, neuralgia of the chest, prosopalgia, heart dis- eases, etc. To the sensation of the patient it seems that the pains are in the hones. Comp. Led. pal., Rhod., Mcz.. Phvtol., etc. Acts upon the cercbro- spinal nervous system in general, esp. upon the brain and motor nerves. In nervous affections, esp. of the muscles, the alimentary, respiratory and circulatory organs. The medulla oblon- gata seems to be the start- ing point. Comp. Acid, hydr., Ci- cut., Oleand., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Mental excitement; de- pression; weakness of in tellect and memory. Vertigo; constant, with confusion of the bead. Sleepiness ; yawning ; restlessness ^sleeplessness; vivid dreams. In mania, melancholy, hallucinations, etc. (Alt- schul). Confusion of mind; dis- inclination to speak. Vertigo, but very light. Great sleepiness: heavy sleep ; restless, uneasy sleep; distressing dreams. Anxiety ; irritability ; dullness of intellect and memory. Vertigo and headache, with pains in the limbs. Sleepiness; drowsiness; restless sleep; unpleasant dreams. A condition similar to intoxication followed by relaxation. Vertigo; confusion as if intoxicated. Yawning ; sleepiness ; coma; sleeplessness; rest- less sleep; much dream- ing. In vertigo with sensa- tion as if everything were turning around. Cutaneous System. Itching; crawling; ting- ling; biting sensation. Skin rough as if full of small knots; pimples, ves- icles, blotches, etc. In traumatic cases; in pruritus, etc. Profuse perspiration. Pricking sensation in the skin. Red, inflamed spots, similar to the beginning of blood-boils; very pain- ful. Itching and crawling sensation as from vermin. Skin dry, rough; papu- lar, vesicular and pustular eruptions. In scirrhous indura- tions and cancer (Osian- der). Trunk and Extremities. Great weakness ; gen- eral nervous and vascular excitement. Tension in the nape of the neck; paralytic pain in the small of the back. Numbness, weakness and trembling of the limbs; pains and tension in the fingers and toes. In wounds. "It stands in the same relation to laceration as Arn. to con- tusion" (Franklin). Weariness; pain; the pains are of a rheumatic tearing character. Tearing in the nape of neck ; violent pain down j the spine, as if broken. Acute rheumatic pains moving from joints to joints with a sensation of paralysis. In rheumatism it rivals with Rhod., Rhus fox., Led., Colch., Bry.. etc. Tremulousness of the whole body; convulsions; paralysis. Pain and stiffness of the neck and back; pa- ralysis of the lungs. The limbs seem para- lyzed and arc numb and cold, but not insensible In spasmodic and para- lytic affections, as chorea, eclampsia, tetanus, pa- ralysis, etc. 198 THIRD s ERIEs. EUPATOR, PERF. EUPATOR. PURP. EUPHRASIA. HYDROCOTYLE. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: heat on the top with pain. Headache: with the sen- sation of soreness inter- nally. Eyes: great aversion to light; soreness; pain. Ears: buzzing. Nose: coryza; pain in the bones. Face: pale; red. In headache, ophthal- mia, etc. Head: itching and sore- ness of the scalp. Headache: nervous, sick; dull, beating pains; worse in cold air. Eyes: staring; lachry- mation. Ears: as if stopped up; reports; cracking sounds. Nose: constant dis- charge of thin fluid. Face: shining appear- ance; hot, red. Lips: blue. In nervous sick head- ache; in catarrh of the eyes, nose, etc. Head: heaviness; exter- nal pain. Headache; violent, beat- ing pains; as if the head were bruised. Eyes: heat; stitching pain; lachrymation, etc. Ears: boring pain. Nose: catarrhal inflam- mation; much discharge. Face: red, hot; stiffness in the left check. Stiffness of the upper lip. In catarrhal affections, esp. of the eyes and nose, as conjunctivitis, oph- thalmia, corvza, etc. Head: painful constric- tion of the skin. Headache: congestive, dull, drawing pains; in the forehead, occiput,etc, Eyes: pricking; injec- tion; dimness. Ears: severe, internal pain; ringing sound. Nose: swelling: coryza, Face: expression a> intoxicated; pain. if Seems to be indicated in some forms of bead- ache, amblyopia, otalgia, etc. Debility; great pain. Cannot bend the body in any position. In neuralgic, rheumatic affections. Debility, restlessness; pain. Weakness; weariness; restlessnes; great pain. In neuralgic and rheu- matic affections. Nervous System. Nervous debility. Nervous debility. Weariness; weakness; Depression; heaviness; apathy ■ general weariness. Circulatory System. Pressure as if the heart was in too small a place. Chilliness in the morn- ing, heat throughout the day, but no perspiration; nocturnal sweat. In intermittent fever of malignant type, with great pain in the bones; in remittent fever, etc. Pulse accelerated: vio- lent palpitation. Predominating chilli- ness; chill begins in the small of the back; period- ical chills; nocturnal sweat. In intermittent fever of malignant or protracted type; in hectic fever, etc. Pain in the heart; pal- pitation. Predominating chilli- ness; constant, internal chilliness; flushes of heat; nocturnal sweat. In catarrhal affections. Pulse strong, full; con- striction of the heart. Coldness of the hands and feet: general chilli- ness: flushes of heat; pro- fuse perspiration. Respiratory System. Larynx raw and sore; hoarseness; breathing dif- ficult- Cough: dry, painful; worse in the evening. Soreness and pains in the chest. In cough from sup- pressed ague; in pain of the chest, etc Larynx rough and sore; hoarseness; breathing difficult; much sighing. Cough: dry, painful; worse in the evening. Grating sensation in the chest at every breath. In cough, pains in the chest, etc.,esp. with other affections. Catarrh; voice hoarse, rough; breathing difficult. Cough : violent, with much mucous sputa. Pressive and stitching pains beneath sternum. In catarrh of the upper organs, as in coryza, hoarseness, cough, influ- enza, etc. Larynx dry. irritated; voice weak; respiration short, difficult. Cough: with mucous expectoration. Shifting pains in the muscles of the chest. THIRD SERIES. 199 HYPERICUM. JABORANDI. KALMIA. LAUROCERASUS. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: formication on the scalp; hair falls out- Headache: dull, heavy, tearing pains; stitches through the brain. Eyes: pain; tension; weariness. Ears: roaring; pain. Nose: dry ness: sneezing. Face: putted; paiu in the checks. Lips: dry; hot. In dull headache with vertigo (Altschul); in traumatic cases to prevent lock-jaw. Head; sensation of emptiness. Headache: dull, throb- bing pains in the fore- head, occiput, etc. Eyes: dim, weak; pu- pils greatly contracted. Face: Hushing; pale- In diseases of the eyes it has already gained rep- utation. Head: neuralgic pains in the forehead. Headache: internal pains with the sensation as if something were loose Eyes: obscuration of sight; weakness; pressure. Ears: stitches. Nose: tearing in the root- Face: red; tearing pain in the bones. Lips: dry, swollen, stiff; pain in the jaw. In facial neuralgia; in headache, affections of the eyes, etc. Head; crawling and itching as from vermin. Headache: stupefying pain in the whole head, with coldness. Eyes: staring, wide open; confusion of vision. Ears: dullness of hear- ing. Nose: violent sneezing; obstruction. Face: pale; puffy; dull expression; pain. Lips: pains in the jaws; lock-jaw. In apoplexy, headache, ophthalmia, obstructed coryza, prosopalgia, lock- jaw, etc Nervous System. Nervous debility, with erethism: tearing pain. Great weakness; gener- al nervous excitement- Is a precious remedy in mechanical injuries of the nerves In its influence it is an tagonistic to Atropin. Nervous and vascular relaxation. Nervous depression; rheumatic, tearing pains. Weariness; lassitude, trembling; paralysis. In neuralgic, rheumatic affections, esp. when the heart is also involved. Nervous irritation; dc- press'n; painless paralysis Spasms; convulsions; chorea; debility; paralysis In chorea, tetanus, epi- lepsy, catalepsy, eclamp- sia, paralysis. Circulatory System. Pulse; rapid, hard; pal- pitation of the heart. Chilliness and shivering over the whole body at 4 p. m.; heat with anxiety; perspiration on slight ex- ertion. .Pulse and heart's action first increased, then slow. Decrease of tempera- ture; chilliness; shivering; heat; very profuse perspi- ration. May become a princi- pal remedy in some fevers esp. of periodical type. Pulse irregular; palpi- tation; pain in the heart. Chilliness; coldness; chills run over the back; general burning heat; cold sweat. In diseases of the heart, as endocarditis, pericar- ditis, etc. (Dunham). Pulse slow; heart's ac- tion irregular; palpitation. Want of animal heal; chilliness all over; heat with thirst; perspiration at night and during meals. In diseases of the heart, as angina pectoris; in in- termittent fever with gas- tric symptoms, etc Respiratory System. Very short breathing; dyspnea. Cough: frequent; dry; hacking; abundant sputa. Stitching pain in the chest, with anxiety. In cough and phthisis pulmonalis (Ilelenius) Pain in the chest, of a stitching character. Tickling in the trachea; breathing difficult- Cough: day and night, with saltish, putrid sputa- Oppression of the chest; stitches in the lower part. In dyspnea, cough; rheumatism of the chest, etc . Rawness in the trachea; voice deep, base, hoarse; rattling breathing. Cough: with a whist- ling sound; violent, dry. Anxiety of the chest; paralysis of the lungs. In whooping-cough, asthma, bronchitis, pneu- monia; hemoptysis; phthisis pulm. (Hoyne). 200 THIRD SERIES. EUPATOR, PERE. EUPATOR. PURP. EUPHRASIA. HYDROCOTYLE. Digestive System. Mouth: pale; tongue white; throat dry. Appetite lost; thirst for cold water; fiat taste Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; heat; beating pain. Abdomen: oppression; soreness in the liver; grip- ing pain. Stool: diarrhea; watery, thin, with tenesmus; con- stipation. In catarrhal affections of the alimentary tract. Mouth: copious saliva; tongue furred, brown in the centre; throat hot, painful, swollen. No appetite; some thirst; bitter taste Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; much wind; griping pain, Abdomen; great hard- ness; rumbling; violent colicky pain; pressure in the rectum. Stool: bilious diarrhea. In bilious diarrhea; in loose stools in ague. Mouth: dry, toothache; tongue thickly coated; gums swollen; throat swollen, painful. Appetite: capricious; much, thirst; flat taste Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; pain; distention. Abdomen: distention; rumbling; griping pain; stitching in the hepatic region; hemorrhoids. Stool: thin, loose; con- stipation. In affections with catar- rhal symptoms. Mouth: hyperemia of the buccal cavity; blisters on the tongue; throat hot, red. Anorexia; bulimia; bit- ter taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea; distention; heat; cramp-like pains. Abdomen ■ borboryg- mus; severe pains; con- tractions; obstruction of the whole hepatic region. Stool; increased evacu- ations, without colic; burning in the anus. Urinary System. Urine: copious: scanty and high -colored. In catarrhal affections, as urethritis, etc. Pain in all the organs: smarting during micturi- tion; frequent urging. Urine: copious; scanty, suppressed; albuminous. In suppression and in- continence of urine; in nephritis, etc. Frequent urging to urin- ate. Urine: copious. Formication in the kid- neys; constriction of the bladder: pain in urethra. Urine: frequent urging; abundant; brown, turbid. Generative System. Male: itching of mons veneris. Female: pain in the left ovary; profuse leucor- rhea; the external geni- tals feel as if wet. Male: pain and stitching in the genitals; pressure above the pubes. Female: menses toolate and short. Male: depression; relax- ation: drawing in the spermatic cords. Female: pain in the ova- ries and uterus: beat in the bottom of the vagina; profuse leucorrhea. In irritation of the mu- cous membranes of the va- gina; in ulceration of the neck of the uterus. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning; noon; open air, etc Amel. in-doors. Spec: right side; old people, etc Aggr. in the mornim Spec.: lefl side Aggr. in bed; in-doors, etc. Amel. out of bed; out- doors, etc. Spec: left side; upper right and lower left side. THIRD SERIES. 201 HYPERICUM. JABORANDI. KALMIA. LAUROCERACUS. Digestive System. Mouth: dry, burning hot; toothache; tongue white, dirty; sensation of a worm in the throat. Appetite great; lost; great thirst; bloody taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; heavi- ness: pain. Abdomen: great disten- tion; flatulence; pressure; griping pain; fullness in the hepatic region. Stool: much urging; loose, bilious, yellow; difficult, with great tenes- mus. In summer diarrhea, cholera morbus, constipa- tion, etc. Mouth: dryness; heat; profuse salivation; throat dry, slightly swollen. Appetite lost; great thirst; bitter taste Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; dull, heavy pains. Abdomen: empty, gone feeling in the bowels. Stool: loose, thin, gush- ing; yellow, papescent; constipation. May be indicated in some forms of diarrhea as summer-diarrhea,chol- era infantum, etc. Mouth: much saliva; toothache; tongue white, dry, painful; throat dry; much mucus. Increased thirst; bitter taste Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; heal: sensation of weakness. Abdomen: pressure; pain; sensation of full- ness ; stitches in the hypo-. chondriac region. Stool: normal, but fol- lowed by burning in the anus; diarrhea; constipa- tion. Mouth: dryness; foam; lock-jaw; toothache; tongue white; cold; throat hot, constricted. Neither appetite nor thirst ;difficult deglutition. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; violent spasmodic pain. Abdomen: hard, dis- tended; moving about; burning; pinching;cramps; pain about the liver. Stool: thin, green, with great tenesmus; involun- tary; constipation; con- striction of the rectum. In hemorrhoids (Wutz- er), dysentery (Foster), intestinal catarrh(Hoyne). Burning in the urethra; frequent urging. Urine: profuse, clear; scanty, turbid. In renal calculi and he- maturia (Ettmuiler). Urinary System. Burning in the urethra; Frequent urging to urin- frequent urging. ate. Urine: increased; di- minished. Urine: increased; yel- low. In Bright's disease (Maey);in dropsy (a popu- lar remedy in Denmark). Bladder paralyzed; re- tention; tardy evacuation. Urine: acrid; corroding; retained; involuntary. In cystitis, etc.; in spas- modic and paralytic affec- tions. Generative System. Male: excitment; tear- ing and tension in the genitals. Female: menses too early and profuse; too late; leucorrhea. In delay of menses; in deficient labor-pains (Pointe). Male: irritation; erec- tions; pain in the right testicles. Female: menses too early; to:, late, insuffi- cient, painful; yellowish leucorrhea. Male: irritation; erec- tions; desire; itching be- neath the prepuce. Female: menses too early and profuse; with great pain. In dysmenorrhea, men- orrhagia and metrorrha- gia, etc. Aggr. in the morning: from motion, etc. Special Remarks. Aggr. of headache about noon almost every day. yv. in the morning and evening, etc. Amel. while lying, etc Aggr. in the morning, afternoon, etc. Amel. in the open air, rest, etc. There is usually ab- sence of pain. C02 THIRD SERIES. LEPTANDRA. MANCINELLA. MILLEFOLIUM. OLEANDER, Leading Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the ah dominal nerves, partic. upon the liver, the colon and rectum. In diseases of the liver and bowels; in jaundice, bilious fever, diarrhea. dysentery, etc. The pains in the in- testines usually occur after stool (Hale). Comp. Podoph., Mere, Iris, vers., Bry., etc. Acts on the nervous sys- tem in general and upon the respiratory, digestive and cutaneous systems. It has not been used much in our school; but it seem to be indicated in a number of diseases. Debility and prostration seem to be the chief fea- tures. Comp. Con., Aethusa, Oleand., Laurocer., etc. Through the cerebro- spinal nervous system it acts esp. upon the vascu- lar and urinary systems. In hemorrhage from all outlets of the body; in urinary and digestive af- fections, etc. It stands at the head of the list of our remedies in hemorrhages (Burt). Comp. Ham., Ipcc, Croc, Sabina, etc. Acts esp. upon the nerv- ous and cutaneous sys- tems, partic upon (he brain faculties. In mental alienation. painless paralysis, skin affections, esp. of the scalp, etc. Its character is painless paralysis of the nervous system (Altschul). Comp. Anac, Coce, Laur., Sabad., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Very gloomy and irri- table all day. Vertigo; dizziness when walking. Restless sleep; general malaise the day after. Cheerfulness; taciturn- ity ; deep compassion : apathy; comatose state Vertigo; confusion in the head. Drowsiness; sleepiness: restless sleep ; anxious dreams. Great irritability; aver- sion to all work; stupe- faction. Vertigo ; stupefaction ; intoxication. Sleepiness ; yawning ; cannot fall asleep at night- In hysteria and hypo- chondria, esp. with spasms; in vertigo, etc. Liveliness; restlessness: anxiety; dullness of men tal powers. Vertigo : fainting on rising; head very heavy. Sleepiness and chilli- ness; restless sleep; vo luptuous dreams. In mental debility from over-study or sexual in- temperance, etc. Skin hot and drv. Burning sensation all over the skin. Skin red; papular, ve- sicular and pustular erup- tions. Cutaneous System. Itching on various parts. Itching pimples. Intense itching in spots or all over the body. Violently itching erup- tion, oozing out a fluid forming scabs. Seems to be indicated in herpes and other vesic- ular eruptions. In eczema, herpes, etc.; in ailments from retro- cessed eruption. Trunk and Extremities. Weariness: weakness. Dull and aching pain in lumbar region. Pain in the right shoul- der and arm; sensation of lameness of the wrists. Spasms ; convulsions ; j General malaise; weak- debility; prostration. ness; weariness; piercing, drawing pains. Painful stiffness of the neck and the small of the back. Lassitude of all the limbs: tension in the joints; indescribable ma- laise Seems to be indicated in paralytic conditions, Stitching pain in the small of the back, etc Malaise in all the limbs, with pain, weakness and weariness. In chronic rheumatic and arthritic affections. (Voigt). Weakness ; trembling : paralysis : usually but- slight pain. Pain in the neck, chest and back with sensation of paralysis. Trembling: weakness: paralysis of the extremi- ties: usually slight pain, etc. In neuralgic and rheu matic affections, as con- vulsions, rheumatism. gout, paralysis, etc THIR I) SEE IE S. 20.*J PHYSOSTIOMA. RANUNCL. BULB. RHEUM. RUMEX. CRISP. Leading Therapeutics. The normal poisonous action is to cause general paralysis, and death from failure of respiration. Its clinical application has hitherto been little and mostly in affections of the eyes and the heart, Giddiness, faintness, powerlessness, sluggish- ness, are chief features. Comp. Curare, Gels., Con., Op., Atropin, etc. Exhileration; foolish- ness; irritability; anxiety: no loss of consciousness. Vertigo, as if intoxi- cated. Continual yawning: great sleepiness; restless sleep; sudden awaken- ings: horrid dreams. In sympathetic affec- tions. Prickingsensation; itch- ing. Debility, weakness and weariness. Pain in the chest, back and neck. esp. in the lum- bar region. Weariness, heaviness and weakness of the limbs; trembling; paraly- sis. In sympathetic affec- tions; in paralytic condi- tions, etc Acts esp.upon the skin, the mucous and serous membranes, the nerves and organs of the chest- In skin eruptions, pleu- risy, pleurodynia, hydro- thorax, vertigo, weakness of memory, etc. The most important symptoms are upon the walls of the chest. Comp, Rhus, tox., Crot. tigb. Mez.. Sahad., etc. Anxiety; fear; fretf ill- ness; dullness of intellect and memory. Vertigo to falling. Drowsiness; sleepiness; restless sleep with pain and heat; voluptuous dreams. In mental weakness and vertigo (Franz). Itching, burning and crawling. Small, deep,transparent, dark-blue, little elevated blisters, forming after- wards a horny scurf. In eczema, herpes, esp. on the hands and fingers. Great heaviness and lassitude of the body ; twitching of muscles. Pain in the left, scapu- la; soreness of the chest; cannot lie on the left side. Rheumatic pain in the arms; drawing pain in the thighs; cracking in the joints. In muscular rheuma- tism; in pleuritis, psoitis. etc Acts esp. upon the ali- mentary canal, part, upon the liver, but also upon the blood and lymph. In diarrhea, dysentery. etc; in jaundice, vomit- ing, cystitis, scrofulous and rachitic affections,etc. A peculiar sour smell is a further indication. Cjnip. Cham., Ipec, Puis., Coloe, Nux vom. Mental excitement; irri- tability; anxiety; dullness: indolence; comatose slate Vertigo; confusion. Yawning : sleepiness ; restless sleep; vivid anx- ious dreams. In restlessness of chil- dren, hypochondria, hys- teria and melancholia. Weakness; heaviness of the body, as after awak- ening from deep sleep. Cutting pain in the lumbar region. Limbs weak and heavy; "fall asleep"; twitching of the arms and legs. In scrofulous and rach- ! itic affections if combined with digestive derange- ment (Richter). Acts esp. upon the rau- cous membranes of the respiratory and digestive " organs. In laryngotracheal cough, digestive derange- ment, pruritus, etc. In acute catarrhal affec- tions of the larynx, tra- chea and bronchi, etc. Comp. Phosph., Bell., Canst., Spong., etc Great irritability and restlessness ; depression ; indifference; dullness. Vertigo, with nausea and fullness of the head. Sleeepiness ; yawning; drowsiness; very restless sleep; unpleasant dreams, Itching; pricking", burn- ing, esp. on the legs. Abundant small red pimples on the legs after scratching. Seems to be of great use in prurigo and eruptions with much itching. General debility and weariness. -Veiling pain in the back; burning in the chest. Arms feel strained; legs ache; pain in the knee- joinls when standing; feet cold, very sensitive. In neuralgic rheumatic affections. 31ind, Sensorium, Etc. Cutaneous System. Trunk and Extremities. 204 THIRD SERIES. LEPTANDRA. MANCINELLA. MILLEFOLIUM. OLEANDER. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Headache: constant, dull, frontal pains; or in the temples, etc. Eyes: smarting and itching. In headache, etc.. esp. with gastric or hepatic affections. Head: itching and ten- sion of the skin of scalp. Headache; heavy, stitching, burning pains; nausea and vomiting. Eyes: burning; cutting pains in the balls. Ears: heat; roaring. Nose: dry, bad smell. Face: red; yellow. Lips: pale; lower lip hangs down. In nervous headache, or with gastric derange- ment, etc. Head: the hair seems to become entangled. Headache: congestive, dull, throbbing pains; in the vertex, etc. Eyes: dimness, fullness, lachrymation. Ears: sensation as ob- structed; drawing pain. Nose: pain at the root; excessive bleeding. Face: hot, congested; tearing in the temples. Pain in the lower jaw. In headache with he- morrhoids (Altschul); in epistaxis, prosopalgia, etc. Head: violent gnawing and itching; desquamat'n. Headache; pressive pain in the forehead, from within outward. Eyes: diplobia; distor- tion; pain. Ears: cramp like draw- ing on the outer ear. Face: hot,flushed; pale, sunken, numb. Lips: burning, hot; numb. In headache, diseases of the eyes; pruritus of the scalp, prosopalgia, etc Nervous System. Debility. Weariness and weak- ness. Some irritation; great debility. Trembling; convulsions; prostration; pain. In paralytic affections it seems to be of use. Irritation; debility; tearing pains. Convulsions; weakness; general malaise. In convulsions during teething, after labor, etc., hysteria, etc. Irritation; debility; the brain is esp. affected. Spasms; convulsions, epilepsy; paralysis. In hysteria, tetanus, epilepsy; in paralysis, chronic neuralgia etc. Circulatory System. Pulse slow and full; pain about the heart. Chilly along the spine and dowm the arms; hot, dry skin. In bilious fever (Hering), jaundice (Burt). There seems to be congestion of the portal circulation. Pulse weak; accelerat- ed; cramps in the heart. Chill with icy cold hands and feet; flushes of heat; burning heat with thirst; cold sweat- Pulse accelerated; ex- cessive palpitation. Sensation of increased heat; fever with rigors; internal and external heat; hot feet and hands. In intermittent fevers, tertian and quartan type (Hofmann). Pulse accelerated; weak; palpitation. Want of animal heat- general coldness with cold sweat; flushes of heat all over; cold sweat- In intermittent fevers, with excessive coldness; in typhus, etc. (Altschul). Respiratory System. Tension in the larynx; nasal voice; whistling,rat- tling breathing. Cough: violent, pain- full ; worse at night- Oppression and rattling in the chest- It may prove useful in dyspnea, cough, whoop- ing-cough, oppression of the chest, etc. Sensation of mucus in the larynx; breathing op- pressed; dyspnea. Cough: with frothy ex- pectoration, etc. Stitching in the chest; soreness; hemoptysis. In hemoptysis, esp. in phthisis; in bronchitis, pneumonia, cough, phthi- sis pulm., etc. Mucus in the trachea; breathing oppressed,deep, stertorous. Cough: violent.shaking; from tickling in larynx. Chest as if too narrow; dull, stitching pain. In dyspnoea, asthma, cough, whooping-cough, etc. THIRD SERIES. 2()."i PHYSOSTIGMA. RANUNCL. BULB. RHEUM. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. RUMEX CRISP. Head: the skin feels contracted. Headache: stupid sen- sation; dull, heavy pains with drowsiness. This and Opium are the drugs that contract pupils Ears; over-sensitive- ness to sound; pain. Nose: intolerable itch- ing: heat; obstruction. Face: red, flushed; pale, sunken; tension; pain. Pain in the ldwer jaw. In diseases of the eyes, it is a most important remedy; in other affec- tions it may be useful. Read: feels as if too larger-congestion. Headache: congestive, pressing pain in the fore- head, vertex, etc Eyes: pressive pain in the balls; lachrymation. Ears: stitching pain. Nose: redness and swelling; soreness. Spasmodic, paralytic sensation of the jaws. In headache~with verti- go and congestion; in oph- thalmia, otalgia, etc Head: crawling in the temporal region; pressure. Headache: dull as after intoxication. Eyes dullness; pain. Ears: throbbing, crack- ling; pain. Nose: crawling sensa- tion on the tip. Face: pale; red; tensive sensation of the skin. In sympathetic affec- tions. Headache: dull, aching, darting pains; in the fore- head, occiput, etc. Eyes: pain as from dry- ness; lids inflamed. Ears: ringing; internal itching, etc. Nose: obstructed; fluent coryza; epistaxis. Face: hot; red. Pains in the lower jaw. In headache, etc., esp. with cough. Nervous prostration; collapse. Weakness; weariness; utter powerlessness. In paralytic and similar affections. Irritation ; rheumatic pains. Twitching; trembling; spasms; debility, etc In neuralgic and rheu- matic affections. Nervous System. debility; Debility. Weakness; discomfort. weariness; Nervous debility; burn- ing, stitching pains. Weakness; weariness; indifference; restlessness. Circulatory System. Pulse accelerated; slow: violent palpitation. Chilliness predomi- nates; great coldness; chills in paroxysms; heat in flushes; esp.of the face; profuse perspiration. In fevers with predomi- nating debility. Pulse full, strong; ac- celerated. Coldness predominates; chilliness after dinner; chilly with heat in the face; heat in the evening; slight perspiration. Pulse accelerated. Chilliness alternating with heat; cold sweat. Pulse accelerated; dull pain about the heart- Chilliness esp. of the back; flushes of heat; sweat during sleep. Respiratory System* Irritation of the bron- chi; labored and sighing respiration; dyspnea. Cough: dry, tickling; much phlegm in lungs. It is as if the lungs could not get air enough. It is a respiratory poi- son, and causes death by paralyzing the nerves of the respiratory muscles, Breathing short and op- pressed; with pain in the left side Stitches in the chest; pain in small spots. In pleuritis, pleuro-dy- nia, whether rheumatic, neuralgic or myalgic (Hughes). Breathing dyspnea. impeded; Cough: dry in the even- ing. ()ppression of the chest. Much mucus in the lar- ynx; voice hoarse, uncer- tain; breathing difficult. Cough; hoarse,barking, like whooping-cough. Burning, stinging pains in the chest. In cough; whooping- cough, etc. In laryngo- tracheal cough, it is a principal remedy. 2()fi LEPTANDRA. Mouth: tongue coated and yellow. Great appetite; relief from food; flat taste Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; great distress and pain. Abdomen: constant dull aching pain in all the bowels, esp. in the hypo- gastric region. Stool: black, profuse, tarry, fetid, undigested; followed by pain; aching pains in the liver. In acute and chronic diarrhea, depending upon irritation, debility or liver affections. THIRD SERIES MANCINELLA. MILLEFOLIUM. OLEANDER. Digestive System. Mouth; inflamed; much saliva; tongue dry, swol- len; great and constant dryness of the throat- Appetite increased; lost; great thirst; bitter taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, black vomiting: burning, stitching pains. Abdomen: pain; intes- tinal colic; violent lanci- nations in various parts. Stool: profuse diarrhea with colic and vomiting; diarrhea alternating with constipation. Seems to be indicated in dyspepsia, gastritis, en- teritis, black vomiting, etc. Mouth: dry; sore; of- fensive smell; tongue coated, swollen; throat sore, painful. Appetite increased: thirst. Stomach: eructations; hiccough; pain; burning; gnawing; Abdomen: flatulent dis- tention; offensive flatus; flatulent colic; burning pain. Stool: thin, papescent, bloody; with much rum- bling and great pain; con- stipation. In dyspepsia, colic ,he morrhoids, hemorrhage dysentery,liver affections, etc. Mouth: swelling, burn- ing, foam; toothache; tongue, white; throat sen- sation of numbness. Appetite capricious; much thirst; flat taste Stomach: eructations; ravenous hunger; nausea, vomiting; pain. Abdomen: rolling; rum- bling; gnawing about the navel; offensive flatus; griping pain; anus hot- Stool: ineffectual urging; fetid flatus; thin, yellow diarrhea; hard stool. In spasms of the stom- ach and flatulent colic; in helminthiasis, etc. Urinary System. Urine: scanty, very red. Irritation and lancina- ting pain in the bladder; burning in the urethra- Urine: copious; scanty; whitish. Constant desire to urin- ate. It causes hematuria. Urine: copious; scanty; dark. In incontinence, hema- turia, calidi,ete,(Welsch). Frequent urging. Urine: scanty; brown; whitish sediment. In ailments, e-~p. with hysteria. Generative System. Male: sexual desire; itching of the scrotum. Female: blood pale. menstrua] Male: depression; swel- ling of the penis and testes. Female: menses sup pressed; excessive flow; metrorrhagia ;leucorrho\i. In menstrual disorders with liver affections, etc. In chronic gonorrhea (Hahnemann); in metror- rhagia, ailments of preg- nancy, etc. Aggr. in the morning: from walking, etc. Diseases: esp. with he patic derangement. Special Remarks. Aggr. during night; in the morning; after eating. Amel. in the open air; when lying down, etc. Aggr. evening and Aggr. morning and even night. ing; in rest, etc. Amel. in the open air when moving, etc. For aged, atonic sub jeels, children, women. THIRD SERIES PHYSOSTIOMA. RANUNCL. BULB. RHEUM. Digestive System. RUMEX CRISP. Mouth: the roof feels as if skin were loose; tongue white, sore; throat sore, filled with mucus. Appetite increased ;lost; great thirst; acrid taste Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; griping pain; heaviness. Abdomen: rumbling; gurgling; drawing, griping pains; esp. in the hypo- gastric region. Stool: thin, copious, yellow; offensive flatus: constipation. Seems to be indicated in some forms of gastral- gia, enteralgia and diar- rhea. Mouth: scraping, burn- ing sensation; saliva; throat painful, inflamed. Appetite and thirst in- creased; flat taste Stomach: hiccough; nau- sea, vomiting; pressure; pain; heaviness. Abdomen: pain in both hypochondria, very sore to touch; burning, stitch- ing; pressure, etc. Stool: more frequent and more liquid; very hard and delayed. Mouth: dry, tenacious mucus; offensive odor; toothache; pain in the throat. Appetite capricious; bitter, sour taste Stomach; eructations; nausea, vomiting; full- ness; contractive pain. Abdomen: pressure in the region of the spleen; cutting in the umbilical region; griping colic Stool: brown, slimy; loose, thin; curdled, sour, offensive; with great urg- ing and pain. In diarrhea, cholera in- fantum, dysentery, colic. helminthiasis, chronic vomiting, etc Mouth: dry; tongnc dry, white, etc.; throat raw, much mucus; pain. Appetite increased;lost; much thirst; bitter taste Stomach: eructations; pyrosis; nausea; heavi- ness; severe pain. Abdomen: pain above the umbilicus; borboryg- mus; flatulence; grip- ing pain; bemorroids. Stool: painless, offen- sive, profuse; brown, black, thin or watery; hard, tough; constipation. In gastric derangement, as pressure, and heavi- ness of the stomach (Jos- lin). Urinary System. Lame, bruised feeling Burning in the kidneys Constant about the kidneys: full- and bladder; frequent urinate. ness of the bladder, etc. urging. Urine: increased, yel- Urine: increased;dimin- Urine: cc low; scanty, dark. ished; light; dark, etc. less. In affections with nerv- Ulcers in the bladder In catarrhal affections, ous debility. (Hering). esp. of the bladder. urging to copious; color- Generative System. Male: irritation; erec- tions; emissions. Female: pain in the uterus; leucorrhea. Male: irritation; fre- quent erections; nocturnal emissions. Female: leucorrhea. Male: depression; sore- ness of the parts. Aggr. in the morning and noon, etc. Amel. in the fresh air; from walking, etc Special Remarks. Aggr. toward evening. ; Aggr. from cold. Spec: suitable for chil- dren during dentition.etc. Aggr. from cold, damp or raw weather. 208 THIRD SERIES. RITA. SABADILLA. SAMBUC. MUR. SENECIO. Leading Therapeutics. Acts esp. on the genito- urinary and digestive sys- tems; the eyes, bones, joints, cartilages, etc. In hemorrhages,threat- ened abortion; ambly- opia ; gastralgia; rheu- matic affections, etc Locally in bruises where Arnica might produce erysipelas. Comp. Croc,Sab.,Ipcc, Euphr., Mcz., etc. Acts upon the nervous system in general, esp. upon the nerves of the respiratory organs. In neurotic affections, gastric derangements, ca- tarrhal and nervous fe- vers, angina, dysphagia. Of the greatest possible use in the so-called hay- fever (Bayes). Comp. Staph., Ver.alb., Ipcc, China, etc. The only facts about its physiological action is that it causes perspiration and asthmatic symptoms. In catarrhal affections, as cough, simple fever, etc.; in asthma, nocturnal perspiration, etc. In profuse perspiration without other affection it ought to be thought of. Comp. Ipcc, Aeon.,. Kali carb., Dulc, etc. Acts esp. upon the urin- ary and sexual organs, the nervous system and mu- cous membranes. In renal dropsy, inflam- mation of the kidneys, uterine affections, etc. Has not been proved upon women, but may be of great use. Comp. Coff.,Sang.,llel., Cham., Puis., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Depression; dissatisfac- tion; irritability; anxious- ness; melancholy. Vertigo, with mental dejection. Sleepiness during day; frequent awakening at night; confused dreams. Cheerfulness ; gloomi- ness; irritability; rage; insanity. Vertigo, as after intoxi- cation. Great sleepiness before chill; restless sleep; fright- ful dreams. Constant frctfulncss ; everything produces a dis- agreeable impression. Vertigo, esp. in the morning on rising. Sleepiness, without ability to sleep ; restless sleep; lascivious dreams. Good spirits; sadness; home-sickness; confusion of mind. Vertigo, coming in sud- den attacks. Sleepiness ; yawning ; chilliness; restless sleep; much vivid dreaming. In hysterical affections after fright. In hysterical affections, deeplessness, etc. Cutaneous System. Itching over whole body, relieved by scratching. Erythema; papular and vesicular eruptions; ery- sipelatous swelling. In pruritus, eczema; in fistulous ulcers (Rum- mel). Burning, creeping sensa- tion; excessive itching. Erythema ; the skin peels off; papular and ve- sicular eruptions. In pruritus of the skin. Itching on various parts. Red spots here and there; profuse perspira- tion. In tardy eruption or re- trocession of exanthe- mata- Trunk and Extremities. Great uneasiness; can- not lay in any position; bruised sensation. Pain, as if beaten lame, in the spine; pressure on the sternum. Constant, but not con- vulsive motions of the limbs; great pain in the joints. In neuralgic, rheumatic affections, esp. willi para- lytic condition, Trembling; convulsions; debility ;paralysis; bruised pain, esp. in the bones. Bruised feeling in the small of the back and spine; spine esp. affected. Paralytic drawing in all the limbs; convulsions of the arms; loss of power in legs; coldness of feet. In neuralgic,rheumatic, arthritic affections, spinal diseases, etc., esp. with paralytic condition. "' Pain, numbness, bloat- edness and swelling of various parts. Pressure under the sternum; pain in the nape of the neck, back, etc. Trembling of the hands; edematous swelling of the feet. In catarrhal and rheu- matic affections. Restlessness ; debility ; trembling; languor. Pain in the back and loins. Pain in the shoulders; weariness of the lower limbs; pain in the thighs. In neuralgic, rheumatic affections. THIRD SERIES son SENEGA. SCILLA. SCUTELLARIA. TABACUM. Leading Therapeutics. Acts esp. upon the mu- cous membranes of the respiratory organs and the eyes, etc. In bronchitis, cough, pneumonia, etc.; in affec- tions of the eyes,; in cys- titis, etc Great burning pain in the chest, and profuse expectoration is usual. Comp. Bry., Hep., Euphr., Puis., etc. Acts in general upon the blood and lymphatic system; esp. upon the glands and the skin. In inflammatory affec- tions of the mucous mem- branes, as bronchitis, ne phritis; in skin diseases. In coughs with exces- sive expectoration and in diabetis insipides (H). Comp. Bry.,Hep.,Puis., Canth., Digit., etc Seems to act upon the cerebro-spinal nervous system; causing irritation and other derangements. "Every year increases my confidence in it as a remedy in many disorders in nervous subjects" (H). In sleeplessness, hys- teria, nervous agitation, etc. In hydrophobia (?). Comp. Cypreped., Ign., Puis., Ambr., Digit., etc. The active principle in tobacco produces the most profound relaxation of the muscular system. In diseases of the heart and nervous system; in nausea, cholera, asthma, etc. Has been used but very little in our school. Comp. Ant. tart., Lob. infl., Digit., etc Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Cheerfulness; childish- ness; irritability; anxiety; melancholy. Vertigo; reeling sensa- tion in the head. Drowsiness; sleepiness; restless sleep, with fre- quent startings and full of dreams. Liveliness; courage ; firmness ; anxiety ; sad- ness; aversion to all work. Vertigo ; cloudy dizzi- ness. Sleepiness ; sleepless- ness; restless sleep; toss- ing about; voluptuous dreams. Confusion; inability to study; inclination to be inactive. Vertigo,slightwith pho- tophobia. Restless sleep; frightful dreams. In sleeplessness, night terrors, hysteria, delirium tremens, etc. Mental and physical de- pression ; semi-paralyzed condition. Vertigo; excessive with great nausea. Sleepiness; drowsiness; restless sleep; sleepless- ness; frightful dreams. In symptomatic affec- tions. Cutaneous System. Itching of the legs;burn- ing after scratching. Papular and vesicular eruptions, with intense itching and burning, esp. in the evening. Burning and itching; painful sensitiveness. Ulceration, scirrhus, cold gangrene (Hughes, Allen); purpura hemor- rhagica, etc. According to these symp- toms it is an important remedy in skin diseases. Violent itching of the whole surface. Skin dry, yellow; un- healthy ; every little wound supperates; ery- thema, papules, etc. Has been used external; ly in unhealthy ulcers,etc. Trunk and Extremities. Weakness and weari- ness ; tearing, drawing pains. Drawing in the cervical glands; pain in the back; pressure in the sacrum. Tensive pain in the joints, esp. in the knee and ankle-joint; weari- ness; weakness. In neuralgic and rheu- matic affections, esp.with marked debility. Weakness of the whole body; spasms; heaviness; pain. Stiffness of the nape of the neck; pain in the left scapula. Trembling, weakness and pain of the extremi- ties, they fall easily asleep and are very weary. In anasarca (Gobel); in paralysis of the lower limbs (Sundclin), etc. Restlessness; desire to move about; spasms; de- bility; twitchings. In hysterical affections; muscular spasms. Excessive relaxation of the muscular system ; coldness; trembling. Pain in the small of the back. Trembling ; spasms ; convulsions ; weakness ; paralysis of the limbs. In paralytic conditions. 210 T HIRED SE IES. RUTA. SABADILLA SAMBUC. NIGR. SENECIO. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: swelling; erysip- elas; itching as fr. vermin. Headache: as if a nail were driven into the head; rhytmical, pressive pains. Eyes: weary pains as if from over-use; burning. Ears: digging pain. Nose: sneezing; pres- sure; itching; bleeding. Face: swelling; pain as from a blow. In headache, prosopal- gia, etc., but esp. in affec- tions of the eyes, as am- blyopia, etc Nervous irritation; de- bility; bruised pain. Restlessness; over-sensi- tiveness; weakness; pain. In rheumatic paralysis (Altschul); in spasms of puberty (Boerhave). Pulse accelerated; very slow; palpitation. Chill in the back or over the whole body; flushes of heat; heat all over; general perspiration. Pain in the larynx as from a bruise; breathing short, oppressed. Cough: with copious mucus, yellow sputa. Gnawing pain inchest; painful spots on sternum. In catarrhal affections; as coryza, cough, etc.; in phthisis after mechanical injuries of the chest Head: burning, crawl- ing and itching on scalp. Headache: pressive, stitching pain; in the fore- head, temples, etc Eyes: pressure in the balls; lachrymation. Ears: stitching; itching; dullness of hearing. Nose: obstruction cory- za; watery discharge Face: hot; flushed as in intoxication. Lips: hot, dry; pain in the jaws. In headache, affections of the eyes, etc.,esp. with other diseases. Irritation; relaxation; great debility. Trembling; spasms; convulsions; paralysis. In hysteria after fright; in nervou* affections from worms, etc. Pulse irregular; great precordial anxiety. Chill predominates.esp. on the extremities with heat of the face: chill in the afternoon; heat in the tveiling; sweat. In intermittent fever, esp. quartan type; in hay- fever (Bayes), in influcn za, etc. Larynx sore; hoarse- ness ; breathing short, heavy, anxious. Cough: dry, hoarse: tenacious, yellow sputa. Pain and oppression of the chest. In hay-fever(Bayesi: in pleurisy, influenza, cory- za. chronic laryngitis. bronchitis, etc. Head: soreness in spots; congestion. Headache: pressive pain from within outwards to all sides. Eyes: catarrhal symp- tom.-. Ears: stitching pains. Nose: catarrhal symp- toms. Face: pale; bluish; hot: numbness; tension. In headache, etc., esp. from catarrhal or rheu- matic causation. Debility; orgasm of blood. Debility; great tenden- cy to start and tremble. Pulse accelerated; slow; orgasm of blood. Chill running over the whole body, with crawl- ing sensation; dry heat without thirst; profuse perspiration. In many fevers, even intermittent,with profuse and debilitating perspira- tion. Hoarseness caused by much tenacious mucus in the larynx. Cough: dry, spasmodic, yellow, sally sputa. Pressuie and pain in the chest. In catarrhal affections, as coryza (Gross), cough, etc.; in whooping-cough, asthma, angina, etc. Head: dizziness. Headache: dull,stupify- ing pain; from within outward, etc. Eyes: pains; flow of tears. Ears: tenderness of the left ear. Nose: abundant secre- tion of mucus. Face: pale, sickly; pain in the left side. Lips: pale; pain in the lower jaw. In headache, etc., esp. with other affections. Nervous irritation; de- bility. Restlessness; trembling; debility; prostration. In sympathetic affec- tions. Has proved useful in hemorrhages from mucus surfaces (Hale); in chloro- sis with dropsy (Small). Hoarseness; breathing impeded. In catarrhal affections. Nervous System. Circulator} System. Respiratory System. SENEGA. Head: dullness with pressure. Headache: dull, aching pains, esp. when in the warm room, etc. Eyes: weakness; aching pain; confusion of sight- Ears: dull pain. Nose: symptoms as in catarrh. Paralytic feeling in the left half of the face. THIRD SER1E S. on SCILLA. SCUTELLARIA. TABACUM. Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head; cloudy dizziness; heaviness. Headache: heavy, pres- sive, drawing pains; stitches in the right side. Eyes: tearing pains; contraction of the pupils. Ears: tearing pain be- hind the left ear. Nose: symptoms as in severe catarrh. Face: red, flushed: pale, sunken. Headache: dull, chiefly confined to the frontal re- gion; hemicrania. Eyes: feel as if pressed outwards. Face: flushed. Head: itching of the scalp; falling out of hair. Headache; heavy, dull pains; with nausea and general malaise. Eyes: dimness,burning; contraction of the lids. Ears: sensation as if the ears were closed. Face: blue; pinched; deadly pale; hot. In diseases of the eyes, esp. of the cornea. In sympathetic affec- tions. In headache, esp. with prominent nervous symp- toms, as hysteria, etc. In sympathetic tions. affec- Nervous System. Bodily and mental de- bility. Weariness; weakness; trembling; faintness. In sympathetic affec tions. Nervous irritation; de- bility; pains. Spasms; convulsions; weakness; weariness, etc. In paralytic conditions. Nervous irritation; de- bility; pain. Restlessness: twitching of the muscles; spasms. In hysterical affections, as hysteria, chorea, ner- vous agitation, etc Irritation; relaxation; prostration. Spasms; tremors; con- vulsions; formication,etc In sympathetic affec- tions. Circulatory System. Pulse hard,quick; weak, slow; pain about heart- Chilliness: heat with bruised feeling in body; profuse perspiration, giv- ing relief. Pube very small; palpi- tation. Chilliness over the en- tire hody: icy cold hands and feet: intense heat: slight perspiration. In inflammatory, symp- tomatic fevers. Pulse variable; pain about the heart; palpit'n. Slight feeling of chilli- ness on getting up. In irregular action of the heart; cardiac irrita- bility, nervous palpita- tion, etc. (Hale). Pulse quick, hard; small, imperceptible. Coldness and shivering of the whole body; hands and feet icy cold; cold, clammy sweat. Respiratory System. Irritation in the larynx; hoarseness; breathing short, oppressed. Cough: dry, with white, slimy sputa- Oppression of the chest; orgasm of blood. In cough (Altschul); chr. bronchitis (Hughes); pneumonia, hydrothorax, paralysis of the lungs,etc. Tickling in the larynx; breathing short, rattling or wheezing. Cough: short, dry,spas- modic; bloody sputa. Oppression across the chest as if too tight. In inflammation of the lungs (Aegidi), in pleuri- sy with dry cough (Hart- laub), etc. Oppression of the chest; dull pain. In angina pectoris. Breathing hurried and anxious; fits of suffoca- tion. Cough; dry, spasmodic. Tightness of the chest; oppression, pain. In whooping-cough, asthma humidum(Frank), hiccough, dyspnea, etc. 212 THIRD SERIES. RITA. SABAD1LLA. SAMBUC. NIG. SENECIO. Digestive System. Mouth: dry; great flow of saliva; gums bleed; tongue red and swollen; pain in the throat. Appetite poor; thirst for cold water; flat taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; heat; griping pain; pressure. Abdomen: distended; rumbling; tension; pain; esp. in the hepatic region; tearing in the rectum. Stool: large, voided with difficulty; soft, with blood; hard as sheep's dung. In dyspepsia, flatulent colic, constipation, etc. (Pauli). Mouth: dry; much sa liva; toothache; tongue sore, yellow; throat dry, sore, constricted. Bulimia; anorexia: great thirst; bitter, sweet taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; cold- ness; burning; spasms. Abdomen: turning and twisting as from a lump; cutting, burning, boring pains. Stool:brown, thin, fer- mented,bloody; tenesmus; burning in the rectum; worms. In dysphagia, helmin- thiasis, esp. tenia; in diarrhea, etc. Mouth: dry; sore; throat dry and painful. Stomach •. hiccough; nau- sea, vomiting; dull pres- sure. Abdomen: rumbling; griping pain, with' emis- sion of flatus; soreness; pressure. Stool: thin, watery, fre- quent; offensive flatus; much urging. In symptomatic affec- tions. Mouth: dryness of the mouth, tongue and throat; teeth very tender. Loss of appetite; thirst for cold water. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; sharp pain in diaphragm. Abdomen: flatulence; rumbling; colic; pain in the hypochondria. Stool: copious diarrhea; thin, watery stool; blood; hard lumps; painful tenes- mus. In catarrhal affections of the alimentary tract, as diarrhea, dysentery, etc., (Hale). Urinary System. Pressive pain in the kidneys and bladder; fre- quent urging to urinate. Urine: copious; dimin- ished; involuntary, etc. In spasmodic constric- tion of the neck of the bladder, etc. Burning in the urethra; frequent urging. Urine: dark, muddy, like clay-water. Itching at the orifice of the urethra; frequent urg- ing; copious discharge. Urine: copious; dark yellow. Tenesmus of the blad- der; smarting pain in the urethra. Crine: abundant;scanty; bloody. • In nephritis, renal dropsy, hematuria, sup- pression of urine. Male: irritation; desire; emissions. Female: irritation; de- sire; in large doses it has caused abortion. Generative System. Male: emissions. Male: irritation; weak- ness; erections; emissions. Female: menses too late ; Female: mense, too and scanty; cutting pain profuse ; menorrhagia : in the ovaries. swelling of the breasts. Male: swelling of the protatic gland; pains in the spermatic cords. In menorrhagia, threat- ened abortion, leucor- rhea, etc In nymphomania from thread worms; in gastric ailments of pregnancy, etc. In menorrhagia, mamrai- tis, etc. In amenorrhea, chloro- sis with dropsy, etc. (Hale). Aggr. when walking; in the morning, etc. Amel. from scratching, etc. Special Remarks. Aggr. morning; every fourth day; from cold. Amel. after rising; in recumbent positions, etc. Spec: light hair; mus- cles lax; children, etc. Aggr. during rest; in the morning, etc, Amel. during motion. Aggr. in the afternoon. THIRD SERIES. 213 SENEGA. SCILLA. SCUTELLARIA. TABACUM. Digestive System. Mouth; dry, offensive smell; boring pain; tongue white, yellow ; throat painful, inflamed. Appetite lost; much thirst; sweetish taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; gnaw- ing pain. Abdomen : rumbling ; cutting pain; boring in the left hypochondrium. Stool: copious; thin, watery ; expelled with force; unfrequent, hard, scanty, delayed, etc. In sympathetic affec- tions; in various forms of diarrhea. Mouth: burning sensa- tion; much saliva; blis- ters on the tongue; irri- tation and pain in throat- Bulimia ; anorexia ; thirst; bitter taste Stomach: eructations; excessive nausea, vomit- ing; wTant of digestion. Abdomen: distended; flatulence; griping, burn- ing pain; itching of the anus. Stool: thin, slimy, of- fensive ; preceded by emis sions of flatus; constipa- tion. In abdominal plethora and obstruction. > Appetite increased. Stool: regular; white. Mouth: much saliva and froth; tongue lame; burn- ing and constriction of the throat- Constant hunger; great thirst; anorexia. Stomach: exactly the same sensation as in sea- sickness with nausea, etc Abdomen: tympanitis; rumbling; violent burning pain; spasms; navel re- tracted. Stool: sudden, papes- cent, yellow, green; with great tenesmus; constipa- tion. In sea-sickness, Asiatic cholera, colic, ileus, stran- gulated hernia; tympani- tis, etc. Urinary System. Burning in the urethra during micturition; fre- quent urging. Urine: copious, clear; scanty, dark. In diuresis (Seidel); in cystitis, etc. Stitching in the orifice of the urethra; much urg- ing. Urine: copious, watery; scanty, reddish, bloody. In general dropsy. Difficulty in passing water as from paralysis of the sphincter vesica. Urine: diminished. Renal colic ; violent pain along the urethra; frequent urging. Urine : copious, pale ; scanty, dark; albuminuria. In renal colic; inconti- nence of urine; diabetis; albuminuria, etc. (A). Generative System. Male: irritation ; erec- tions; pain in the glans penis. Male: stitches in the glans penis; pain in the testes. Female: metrorrhagia. Male: depression, noc- turnal emissions; organs flabby. Female: derangement of catamenia. In morning sickness in pregnancy (Hering); pru- rigo of the pudenda (Alt- schul). Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning and evening, etc. Amel. after perspiration; in the open air, etc Aggr. during night; in the morning, etc. Amel. from motion,etc. Recom. for warts exter- nally. Amel. in the morning; in the open air, etc. Spec.: strong desire to move about. Aggr. in the room; from warmth; in the morning. Amel. in the fresh cold air. Spec.: violent, deadly nausea. 211 THIRD SERIES. TARAXACUM. UPAS. USTILAGO. VEKBASCUM. Leading1 Therapeutics. Acts esp. on abdominal organs, liver and organs of chyliflcation.etc, urin- ary organs,etc (Altschul). In affections of the di- gestive organs, esp. the liver; in skin eruptions, urinary diseases, etc. The tongue is coated with a white skin, which peels off in patches. Comp. Podoph., Merc, Nux vom., Puis., etc Upas (tieute), as arrow- poison, produces tonic spasms, tetanus and death by asphyxia. Seems to be an impor- tant remedy in diseases of the nervous system, the eyes, etc.. Its action is contrary to that of Curare, they are even antidotes. Comp. Curare, Strych., Acid, hydroc, Laur.. etc. Acts esp. upon the gen erative organs, the skin and its appendages, and the spinal-nervous system In affections of the gen- erative organs, esp. in fe- male; in diseases of the skin and nervous system. Is in most symptoms a close analogue to Se- cale cornutum. Comp. Secal. cor.,Cimi- cif., Sabin., etc Acts esp. upon the res- piratory organs, partic. upon the fifth pair of nerves. In facial neuralgia; in cough and catarrhal affec- tions: in dyspepsia, etc. It has a remarkable de- cided action upon the fa- cial nerves. Comp. Bell., Hyosc, Cham., Ign., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Talkativeness; inces- sant prattling:gloominess; indifference; apathy. Vertigo, as if intoxi- cated, to falling. Great sleepiness; nights restless; vivid, unremem bered dreams. In hypochondriasis,etc., from digestive disorders (Sundelin). Liveliness; depression; great moral sensibility; dullness of mental power. Vertigo, as if falling. Almost irresistible drow- siness in the morning; difficulty in falling asleep before 2 a. m.; dreaming. Depression; irritability: dissatisfaction with every- thing. Vertigo; whirling in the head; confusion of sight. Nocturnal restlcssncs-; fever and tossing about; voluptuous, troublesome or horrid dreams. Excitability ; sensual fancies; depression; dis- traction of mind. Vertigo; sudden with heaviness of the head. Frequent stretching and yawning; restless sleep with unpleasant dreams. Cutaneous System. Intense itching on vari- ous parts of the body. Erythematous and pap- ular eruptions; urticaria. In chronic eruptions, as eczema, etc, esp. with violent pruritus. Skin dry. hot; moist on the scalp. The whole scalp be- comes one filthy mass of inflammation ; hair falls out, rubeola, etc. In alopecia with erup- tions of the scalp; in ru- beola, etc. Itching; crawling. Itching papules. Leading- Therapeutics. Exhausted; inclined to rest or lie down; tearing, jerking pains. Twitching and sticking in muscles of the neck; pain in the small of back. Can move the limbs, but they feel as if bruised or powerl'ss; painful to touch or to move. In dropsical affections (Zimmermann), neuralgia and rheumatism after ty- phus (Hering). Painful stiffness of the neck; feeling as if beaten in the spinal column. Inflamed hangnails : great lassitude of upper and lower extremities; spasms; paralysis. In spinal affections it will probably be an im portant remedy. Pain along the spine; esp. in the lumbar region. Frequent rheumatic pains in the arms, fingers and le»'s all day. Weariness. Pain in the chest and back: esp. in the loins. Stretching of the limbs; pain in the joints, weak- ness and weariness with tottering gait. THIRD SERIES. 315 VINCA MINOR. Seems to act in general upon the nervous and vascular systems, esp. up- on the cutaneous system. In skin eruptions; plica Polonica, uterine hemor- rhages: affections of the respiratory organs, etc. It has a peculiar action upon the skin of the scalp. Comp. Merc, Sulph., Hydr. can., Viol, trie,etc. YIOLA ODOR. YIOLA TRICOL. ZINGIBER. Leading- Therapeutics. Seems to act esp. upon the brain, the eyes, sexual, respiratory and nervous systems (Altschul). In hysteria,melancholy, apoplexy, cough, dysp- nea, rheumatism, noc- turnal emissions, etc. Triller thinks he has ob served apoplexy even from smelling the flower. Com. Chelidon., Bry., Cauloph., etc. Acts esp. upon the urin- ary organs and the skin, the alimentary canal and the lymphatic system. In impetigo and crusta lactea; in ailments from retrocession; in asthma, colic, leucorrhea, etc. Indication for this rem edy is that the urine smells like that of a cat. Comp. Graph., Merc, Lye, Val., Mez., Bar., etc. Acts esp. upon the ali- mentary canal, the respir- atory and generative or- gans, the brain, etc. In dyspepsia and atonic conditions of the diges- tive organs; in cough, sexual debility, etc. Functional torpidity seems to be a characteris- tic feature. Comp. Nux vom., Lye, Sulph., Bry., etc. Mind, Sensorium, Etc. Sadness with fear of death; peevishness; quar- relsomeness. Vertigo; whirling; flick- ering before the eyes. Frequent yawning ; sleeplessness and restless- ness at night; lascivious dreams. Increased mental ac- tivity with weakness of memory; irritability, etc. Vertigo ; everything seems to whirl around. Vawning ; stretching ; sleepiness. In hysteria with inclina- tion to weep. Special joyous mood; morose mood; fretfull- ness; dullness of mind. Vertigo; confusion of the whole head. Sleepiness ; restless sleep; frequent awaken- ing; amorous dreams. Mind cheerful, with a pleasant sensation; irri- tability; good memory. Vertigo; sensation as if the head were too large. Sleepiness; weariness; sleepless in the night; un- refreshing sleep ; much dreaming. In hysterical affections, etc. Cutaneous System. Burning and itching of skin; great sensitiveness. Moi>t eruption similar to impetigo on the scalp, nose, etc In crusta lactea, tinea capitis, plica Polonica. In cough after retroces- sion of measles (Teste). Sticking; itching; burn- ing; cramp-like pain. Nettlerash ; eruptions. with intolerable itching and burning, forming hard, thick scabs,etc. In crusta lactea and im- petigo, etc., is it a princi- pal remedy. Itching on the haired parts; heat; stinging. Skin red ; scarlet red pimples. Trunk and Extremities. Weakness and prostra- tion; tremulous feeling in all the vessels. Pain in the chest; stiff- ness of the cervical mus- cles. Tearing pain in the limbs ; inclination to stretch; the fingers and toes are esp. affected. In neuralgic affections it may be indicated. Uclaxation of all the muscles; bruised pain in all the bones. Oppression of the chest; drawing pain in the neck. Trembling of the limbs; pressing pain in the right wrist. [n rheumatism of the carpal and metacarpal joints (Tessier), esp. the null I side. Exhaustion of the whole body. Cramps in the cervical muscles ; pinching be- tween the scapula}. Stitches in the axilke; the thighs feel bruised; stitches in the right tibia: pressure in the soles. Sensation of weariness all over; rheumatic,draw- ing pains. Oppression of the chest; stiffness of the neck; ach- ing in the lumbar region. Great weakness in the joints; heaviness in all the limbs; rheumatic drawing pains. In neuralgic, rheumatic affections, esp. of the cold variety. 216 THIRD SERIES. TARAXACUM. UPAS. USTILAGO. VERBASCUM, Head, Eyes, Ears, Etc. Head: external tearing in the occiput. Headache: stitching pain in the occiput, tem- ples, etc. Eyes: stinging; burning; aversion to light- Ears: drawing pains. Nose: epistaxis. Face; hot and red. Upper lip cracked. In headache, esp. vio- lent, when walking or standing (Sonnenberg). Head: sensation of numbness of the scalp. Headache: dull pains in the brain; pressure in both temples, etc. Eyes: weak in morn- ing; pressure; dryness. Ears: tearing; obstruc- tion. Nose: sneezing; coryza. Face: yellow. In certain kinds of headache; in affections of the eyes, etc Head; eruption of the scalp; falling out of hair. Headache: dull,pressive pain; the forehead. Eyes; confusion of sight; pain; lachrymation. Nose: dryness; dis- charge of thick mucus. Face: pale; yellowish. In alopecia with erup- tion of the scalp; in head- ache, affections of the eyes, etc. Headache: violent,pres- sive pain, as if the tem- ples were pinched. Eyes: dimness; heat. Ears: numbness; tearing pain. Face: sensation of vio- lent pressure on cheeks. Twitching pain in the right side of lower jaw. In facial pain (Bonning- hausen, Hartmann). Debility; pressive, tear- ing, jerking pains. Weakness; weariness; desire to lie down. In sympathetic affec- tions. Nervous irritation; relaxation; paralysis. Spasms of tonic type; tetanus; paralysis. In tonic spasms; para- lytic conditions, etc. Nervous System. Depression; pain. Restlessness; weakness; weariness; tearing pain. In symptomatic affec- tions. The spine is in- volved. Depression; pinching, tearing pains. Restlessness; stretching; indolence; pain. Circulatory System. Pulse accelerated, soft; anxiety about the heart. Chilliness predominates; chilliness all over; chill after food or drink, etc; long-lasting chill; some heat; profuse sweat. In gastric or bilious fe- vers (Sundelin); in inter- mittent fever, quartan type. Pulse accelerated; slow; violent palpitation. Chilliness; passingshiv- erings; flushes of heat; nocturnal sweat. In diseases of the heart of a neurotic type. Sudden flying pain in the heart- General heat at night; skin feels hot and dry- Pulse slow; weak. Shivering esp. on one side of the body; cold hands and feet. Respiratory System. Burning, stitching pain in the chest. In incipient consump- tion. Rawness; hoarseness: aphonia; inability to breathe deeply. Cough: dry, with sore- ness in the larynx, etc. Pain in the chest; op- pression as from a hoop. In asthma, spasmodic cough-.neuralgic and spas- modic pains in the chest. Cough: hacking, pain- ful; slight mucous sputa. Oppression of the chest; dull, aching pains. Hoarseness; breathing difficult. Pain and oppression of the chest- In catarrhal affections (Hartmann); in cough (Gross) etc T II I R D S E R I E S 217 VINCA MINOR. VIOLA ODOR, VIOLA TRICOL. Head, Eyes, l^ars, Etc ZINGIBER. Head: itching; moist eruption; vermin, etc. Headache: pressing, tearing pains; in the occi- put, vertex, etc Eyes: dimness; obscu- ration of sight; pain. Ears: ringing,whistling. Nose: red tip; itching; bleeding. Face: swelling; pain; paleness Lips: dry, swollen. In pustular eruptions on the scalp it is a princi- pal remedy; in headache amblyopia, etc. Head: great heaviness; tension of the scalp. Headache: dull, with cramp in one eye. Eyes: burning pain; dimness; confused sight Ears: transient stitches. Nose: sensation as if beaten. Face: tension; drawing, tearing pains. Tearing pain in the low- er jaw. In congestion of the brain, congestive head- ache, affections of the eves, etc. Head: burning, itching and eruption on the scalp. Headache: pressing pain in the brain, extend- ing outward in forehead. Eyes: biting pain; ob- scuration of sight. Ears: pressure from without inwards. Face: drawing, pressing pain. In eruptions of the head, esp. crusta lactea; in headache, etc. Head: itching on the scalp; head feels too large. Headache: heavy, pres- sing pains; in the fore head, root of the nose,elc. Eyes: smarting; burn- ing; weakness of sight. Ears: humming: very sensitive to noise. Nose: symptoms as in catarrh. Face: hot,Hushed; pale: exhausted; pain. Drawing pain in the lower jaw. In gastric headache, etc. Nervous debility. Great weakness and prostration: trembling. Nervous System. Nervous debility. Nervous debility. Relaxation of all the muscles; trembling. In neuralgic and rheu- matic affections, esp. of the upper limbs (Petroz). Exhaustion of the whole body; cutting pain. In nervous affections, with skin eruptions, esp. from retrocession. Nervous debility. Trembling; spasms;for mication; prostration. In neuralgic affections, esp. with constitutional debility. Circulatory System. Sudden paroxysms of shiverings;heat with full, hard pulse. In hemorrhage from the nose, lungs, bowels and vagina (Altschul). Violent palpitation. Chills; coldness; snivel- ing; night-sweat. Pulse accelerated; anx- iety of the heart: palpit'n. Chilliness through the whole body; intense, gen- eral heat; transient heat; night-sweat. Pulse accelerated; flut- tering of the heart. Chilliness predominates: chills beginning from the lower limbs;heat esp. of the head; profuse per- spiration. In intermittent fever, with torpidity of the bowels. Respiratory System. Tenacious mucus in the trachea; hoarscnss: rapid respiration. Cough: tickling; spas- modic. Pain in the chest, with sticking and dyspnea. In cough, croup, laryn- gitis, etc. Short, difficult breath- ing; expectoration is very difficult. Cough: dry, short, vio- lent: dyspnea; sputa. Frightful oppression of the chest; great heaviness. In dyspnea, spasmodic cough, whooping-cough, ailments . from retroces- sion of measles (Teste). Pain in the chest during inspiration. Pain and pressure in the chest, esp. left side. Larynx sore; hoarse- ness; breathing short- and difficult- Cough: from tickling in the larynx; copious sputa. Oppression and heavy pain in the chest- In asthma,, cough, etc; in affections with profuse expectoration and consti- tutional deitbily. 21S THIRD S E RIES TARAXACUM. UPAS. USTILAGO. VERBASCUM. Digestive System. Mouth; sour saliva; tongue white spots, map- ped: throat, pain when swallowing. Bitter taste Stomach: eructations; nausea: pressure. Abdomen: boring pain; constant pressure in the left side; distention; sud- den motion. Stool: scanty, hard; con- stant urging; difficult evacuation, even of soft stool. In dyspepsia, jaundice, obstruction of the liver and spleen, hemorrhoids, etc. Mouth: burning; dry- ness; much saliva; tongue thick white fur; pain as from a splinter. Loss of appetite; great thirst; bitter taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea; a peculiar sensa- tion of heaviness. Abdomen: pressing- pain in the liver; rum-, bling; pain in the right iliac fossa; pain in rectum. Stool: soft, mushy; fla- tus; constipation. In dysphagia, spasmo- dic affections, etc. Mouth: much saliva; teclb loose;tongue furred; throat sore and dry: much mucus. Appetite good; poor; much thirst: slimy taste Stomach: eructations: constant burning pain. Abdomen: pain, esp. in the right hypochondrium and umbilicus. Stool: natural; slight diarrhea; constipation. Mouth : toothache ; tongue brown. Hunger without appe- tite; great thirst, etc. Stomach : eructations ; hiccough; pressure: emp- tiness. Abdomen; tympanitic distention; rumbling; cut ting; griping pains. Stool: soft, scanty;relax ation of the bowels; con- stipation; hard feces like sheep's dung. In catarrhal diarrhea, dysentery, etc. Urinary System. Frequent desire to urin- ate Urine: copious: scanty: high-colored. In diabetis ( Hahne- mann); in diseases of the kidnevs and bladder (S). Pain in the right kid- Frequent desire to urin- Frequent desire; copious ney; frequent urging to ate. urine. urinate; tardy evacuation. Urine: scanty; dark. Urine- profuse, light: Urine: copious. like brandy. scanty, dark. In paralytic conditions. Generative System. Male: irritation; erec- Male: irritations; no Male: irritation; relax- Male: irritation; noc- tions; emissions; boring desire; violent erections: ation; erections; pain in turnal emissions. pain in glans penis. Female: menses sup- pressed. depression. In sexual debility the testes, etc Female: menses scanty; pains in the ovaries and uterus; severe bearing- down pains: oozing of dark blood, with small coaguhe, etc. In amenorrhea, dys- menorrhea, menorrhagia. displacements of the uter- us, tumors, etc. Special Remarks. Aggr. in the morning, Aggr. in the afternoon etc. and evening. Amel. while walking, Amel. in the evening etc. after supper, etc Spec.: left side. Aggr.from warmth, etc. Amel. from motion, etc VINCA MINOR. Mouth: aphthe. saliva: toothache: throat painful. ulcerated. Great hunger; loss of appetite; flat taste. Stomach: eructations; nausea, vomiting; gastric disturbances. Abdomen: full, tense. but painless; rumbling: offensive flatus: griping pain. Stool: first bard, then soft; much urging: burn- ing in the anus. In hemorrhoids (Alt- schul): in some forms of dyspepsia. THIRD SERIES. VIOLA ODOR. VIOLA TRICOL. Digestive System. Mouth: a sensation in Mouth: much saliva; the hard palates as if tongue wliitc,covered with 21 a ZINGIBER. dried up. Stool: constipation: frc quent urging. mucus; throat sore No appetite Stomach: eructations; nausea; constrictive pain. Abdomen: urging to .stool, with cutting, stitch- ing pain all over or in the umbilical region. Stool: soft; as if chopped; preceded by excessive urging and flatulence. In colic. Mouth: dryness and tickling in the throat. Great thirst. Stomach: eructations; nausea; acidity; impaired digestion. Abdomen: distention: llatulence: drawing pain; burning and itching around the anus. etc. Stool: diarrhea with acidity of the stomach and great thirst; brown mucous stool. In dyspepsia with weak digestion and acidity of the stomach, etc Urinary System. Urine: undiminished: pale, yellow. Frequent urging: tencs mus of the bladder. Urine: abundant:scanty; smells like that of a ca t. This peculiar smell of the urine is a great indi- cation for its use Stinging in the orifice of the urethra; yellow dis- charge during the night. Urine: profuse; scanty; of strong smell. In urethral blenorrhea. gonorrhea, etc. (Alt- schul): esp. with debility. Female: excessive men- struation, with great weakness. Generative System. Male: nocturnal emis Male: irritation; crec- sion. tions; swelling; burning and pain in the penis, etc. Female: leucorrhea. Male: irritation: erec- tions; emissions; itching on the prepuce etc. Female: menses too early and profuse, of dark clotted blood, with gen- eral illness. Passive uterine haemor- rhage in women long past their climacteric(Hughes). In nocturnal emissions. In syphilis, leucorrhea, etc., (Altschul). In menorrhagia,chronic leucorrhea and gonor- rhea, esp. with constitu- tional debility. Amel. from moving; in the open air. etc. Special Remarks. Aggr. from moving the head. Spec.: the right side Aggr. when sitting, etc. Amel. when standing; in the open air, etc. Spec: the right side. Aggr. during menses;in the morning, etc srNi-MUiw jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3NOia3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3NOIQ3W jo Aavaan tvnouvn dNUlUdw du Aavaaii INI,l0r ^ a. r v >/^ w jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3NiDia3w jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3NI3ICT3W JO AHVHflil IVni-iiiwn NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY Ol . v ■,;■) •^-f>'>tif)<.*>voi NLM001341881